IB8AOTfe> Jo If u JOHN NORTH OF FARMINGTON CONNECTICUT AND HIS DESCENDANTS WITH A SHORT ACCOUNT OF OTHER EARLY NORTH FAMILIES BY DEXTER NORTH WASHINGTON, D. C. 1921 PREFACE To the descendants of John North, Greeting : The history of this branch of the North family was begun over seventy-five years ago by the Rev. William S. Porter of Farmington, a young minister who undertook genealogical research while awaiting a call. It was the most complete gen- ealogy of the North family up to that time. The original manuscript is in the possession of Mr. William F. North of Austin, Texas. Unfortunately, however, the dates in this record fail to give the day and month of events. To the late Mr. Julius Gay of Farmington, who compiled from original sources the vita records of many old families in that vicinity, are due many of the exact dates given in the early generations in this volume. His manuscript, based apparently on the Porter record, and with marginal references for every date, is in the possession of the Connecticut Historical Society at Hartford. In 1893 Mr. John Hollister North of New Haven, undertook the completion of the Porter record, and after much painstaking research, succeeded in completing many of the lines to that date, besides adding much biographical matter. The present compiler became interested in the subject and kindly being given access to the records mentioned above, determined to complete and publish them. It is therefore with pleasure that he acknowledges the sources from which he ob- tained much information in the compilation of the records herein presented. Throughout the book much new material has been added, gleaned from local histories, biographies, records, original archives of Connecticut, and by correspondence with all known present descendants in America. Unless otherwise indi- cated, the authorities for military records in the French and Indian Wars, the Revolution and the War of 1812 are from "Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society," and "Connecticut Men in the Revolution, War of 1812 and War with Mexico." IV Stiles' "History of Ancient Wethersfield, Conn.," published in 1904, contains a genealogy of some of the descendants of John North of Farmington; Andrews' "Memorial and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn.," published in 1867, and Camp's "History of New Britain, Conn.," published in 1889, both contain genealogies of the New Britain branch. Hibbard's "His- tory of Goshen, Conn.," published in 1897, contains a genealogy of the Goshen branch, and F. A. North's "Account of the Dia- mond Wedding Anniversary of Deacon Frederick and Harriet North," published in 1890, contains a genealogy of the Torring- ton branch. These are the only publications of importance previously brought out dealing with the descendants of John North. The abbreviations for born, married, died, buried, baptized, etc., will be readily understood. The names of places, unless otherwise designated or understood, are all in Connecticut. From most of the descendants of John North the utmost courtesy has been received. It is to be regretted that in some instances, it was impossible to obtain any information. Owing to indifference or lack of knowledge, certain members of the family failed to reply to repeated queries. For valuable aid and information concerning the various branches of the family, the compiler is particularly indebted to Mr. Francis S. North and Mr. Arthur T. North of Chicago; Mr. Ralph H. North and Mrs. Francis A. North of Philadelphia; Mr. Charles H. North of Cleveland; Mr. James S. North of New Britain; Mr. William F. North of Austin, Texas; Mr. Edward North of Houston, Texas; Mr. Charles J. North of Buffalo; Mr. Ceylon H. North of Minneapolis; Mr. John W. North and Mr. Nelson L. North of Brooklyn; Miss Temple North of Patriot, Ind.; Mr. Levi North of Antwerp, N. Y.; Mrs. Harriet North of Chazy, N. Y.; Mr. Rufus North of Vacaville, Calif.; Mr. Charles H. Aspinwall of Berlin, Conn.; Mrs. Mary North Fuller of Garland, Utah; Dr. Jane North Frear of Pal- myra, N. Y.; Mrs. Daisy Nave of Rising Sun, Ind., Mrs. Farrest Abbott of North Manchester, Ind., Mrs. Asa Wilson of Niles, O., and others. DEXTER NORTH. 2852 Ontario Road, Washington, D. C. September, 1921. INTRODUCTION Concerning the antecedents of John North, original proprietor of Farmington, Conn., of whose descendants this book is a record, nothing is known previous to his arrival in this country, save that he sailed from London in 1635. This would indicate that he came either from the south of England, the eastern counties, or from London or its vicinity, for there were frequent sailings to America from the western ports of Plymouth, Hull and Bristol, thus rendering unlikely, if he came from the vicin- ity of those cities, what was in those days a slow and tedious journey across England, to embark from London. The ship in which he came to America was owned and fitted out by Sir Richard Saltonstall, one of the original patentees of Connecticut. His son Richard was one of John North's fel- low-passengers. The Saltonstalls came from the parish of Halifax in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. It is not unlikely that many of the passengers in Sir Richard's ship came from that vicinity, where North families are recorded during the the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the records of the parish of Rotherhain in the West Riding of Yorkshire, is entered the marriage of a John North and Elizabeth Robinson, Dec. 6, 1614. We give this date as being of interest because John North of Farmington was born in 1615, and hence might be the for- mer's son. But this is a mere surmise based on the information given above, and on the fact that Richard Saltonstall and John North both settled at Ipswich, Mass., after their arrival in this country, and that John North of Farmington married Hannah Bird, whose ancestors are said to have come from Yorkshire where several generations of Birds are recorded in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Some future historian may have time to further examine the parish records of Yorkshire, and thereby throw light on what remains an unsolved mystery. The tradition persists in certain branches of the family in this country that John North was descended from the ancestors of the distinguished family of Guilford Norths who were prom- VI inent and influential in English history, but evidence is lacking to substantiate this connection. They were intellectual and cul- tured even at an early date; many became well known scholars and genuine book-lovers; others entered the active fields of politics or law and became famous. They were always genial and popular, loving ease and luxury, shrewd enough generally to be on the winning side; and although always Tories and Royal- ists, they escaped serious trouble throughout changes and revolutions. The two most distinguished members of the family were Francis, Baron Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal under Charles II and James II; and Frederic, Lord North, Prime Min- ister under George III during the American Revolution. Both of these famous men have been severely criticized and harshly censured. Their lives may be found in the encyclopedias. In the English family there is a tradition that the first North entered England with William the Conqueror and married his daughter. Some members of this family have an ancestral tree showing this origin. The first ancestor of the Guilford Norths mentioned in the peerage 1 books is Robert North, who was living in 1470, in the reign of Henry V. His grandson Edward, born in 1496, was the first Baron North of Kirtling, County Cambridge, in 1553-4. A branch of this family comprises the Norths of County Nottingham. Correspondence with present members of the North family in England who have compiled the family records, fails to reveal any who came to America previous to 1700, save one, Roger, who sailed with Sir Walter Raleigh on his fatal last voyage to Guiana in 1617, and who was unmarried. London genealogists have failed to tell us anything about John North's parentage or place of birth. Although a common an- cestry with the Guilford Norths cannot be proved, such a rela- tionship is not unlikely, in view of the fact that the name North is not common in England. That John North's parents were not poor, as poverty was reckoned in those days, may be assumed from his being "no subsedy man." His fellow-passenger, Richard Saltonstall, was said to be related by marriage to the Norths of Kirtling. Whether there is any significance in this and the fact that they both first settled in Ipswich, Mass., owing perhaps to family ties, or whether these were merely coincidences, remains to be determined. 1 Collins' "Peerage"; Burke's "Peerage and Extinct Baronets." Vll There were other John Norths among the forefathers of the numerous North progeny of the present day, of whom two landed in America about the same time as John North of Farmington. One of these went to Virginia in the ship Primrose July 27, 1635, 1 aged 22. The second sailed in the Assurance to Virginia in 1635-7, 1 aged 24. They were probably the ancestors of the Norths in the South, concerning whose progenitors little is known. There was a Thomas North in the "list of men living" in Queen City, Va., Feb. 16, 1623. This is probably a list of the survivors of the terrible experiences of the early colony. A family tradition is that John North of Farmington had a brother, Thomas, 2 who settled in New Haven, and had three children, Thomas, John and Bashua, born there 1650-7. He died and his widow, Mary (Price) North, married again. About 1670, leaving her second husband behind, she returned to Lon- don with her two sons, furnished with documents from the colonial authorities to enable her to inherit property there. The daughter Bashua married and remained in this country. There was a Richard 3 North, who was one of the original set- tlers of Salisbury, Mass., in 1640, later removing to Salem. His wife's name was Ursula, and they had three daughters: Mary, who married in 1669 Thomas Jones; Sarah Oldum; and Susanna, who married George Martyn. Though both Thomas North of New Haven and Richard North of Salisbury, Mass., lived within short distances of John North of Farmington while in the latter place and at Ipswich, fifteen miles from Salisbury, no evidence has been found to show that there was any relationship between these three. In a new and strange country where family ties would rather be strength- ened than weakened, there would probably have been left some documentary or other evidence of intercourse between them. A branch of Norths, whose posterity is among the most nu- merous of the present day families, is descended from a North, supposed by some to bear the Christian name Thomas, who was born about 1649, came to America about 1670 and settled at Providence Plantations. His descendants claim descent from the Guilford Norths. He had several children, of whom the old- 1 Hotten, "Original Lists of Immigrants." * N. E. H. and G. R.; II, 160; XII, 309. Ibid.; VII, 87. vm est son, Thomas, Jr., went to New Town, Long Island. The latter's oldest son Jeremiah came of age in 1731. Soon after that, Thomas, Jr., heard that his grandfather's estate in London was without heir. He prepared to go over and take possession of the property, but was taken sick and died. Jeremiah was then the heir, but for some reason would not go himself, and sent his brother Robert. But in consequence of ignorance of the forms of English law, he failed to obtain the property. This is the story told by the granddaughter of Thomas North, Jr. It corresponds with the facts and dates of history. In 1734, Wil- liam, Lord North, died without heirs, and the titles and estates passed to Francis, Lord Guilford, son of his first cousin. The exact lineage of Thomas, Sr., is not clear, but it is supposed that he was descended from a younger brother of William, Lord North. From Jeremiah's brother Benjamin are descended Dr. Frank Mason North, the noted Methodist clergyman, and many Norths in and around New York City. From Robert North are descended the Norths of Walton, N. Y. In 1677, Edward 1 North, a mariner, was living in Boston with his wife Sarah Bateman. Their daughter Hannah married Nathaniel Eells. They also had two other children, Sarah and Paul, twins, born Aug. 14, 1677. Edward North died before 1689, in which year his widow married Samuel Eells of Hingham, Mass. There was a Stephen 2 North of Boston, son of Stephen, also of Boston, who returned to England about 1724, in which year his will was probated. He had an uncle Francis in England^ which fact would indicate that his arrival in America was not many years previous to this time. It is probably one of these Stephen Norths whose name appears among the list of Boston tavern keepers in 1714. About this time there was a Daniel 3 North at Barnstable^ Mass., who was born about 1696. He had a wife Hannah, whom he married about 1715, and children: Daniel, born 1716; Mary, born 1718; James, born 1720; John, born 1722-3; Hannah, born 1725; and Winifred, born 1727. Further descendants are untraced. 1 Boston Record Commissioners Reports, IX, 142; "History of Hing- ham, Mass.," II, 210. N. E. H. and G. R.; XXX, 108; LXII, 92. 3 Ibid., II, 66. IX The next Norths of whose migration we have any record were cousins, Caleb and John North, grandsons of John North who was said to have gone to Ireland about 1650 in the Cromwellian wars, and had lands granted by the Crown in West Meath and County of Kings. His descendants claim an acknowledged kin- ship with the ancestors of the Guilford Norths, and the right to carry the coat of arms of the North family in America. Caleb was the son of Roger North. He married Jane, daugh- ter of Eckerly, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and had eight children: Roger, Caleb, Joseph, Ann, Elizabeth, Catharine, Joshua and Sarah. With most of his children he landed at Philadelphia, July 29, 1729, and in 1734 bought sixty-nine acres of land from the Penn family at Gilbert Manor, Pa. Most of the present Norths of Pennsylvania are descended from this branch, as are also many throughout Ohio, Indiana and the mid- dle west. Col. Caleb North, of Revolutionary fame, was the son of Roger North. Another line 1 went into Virginia and during the Civil War made fine records on the Confederate side. John, cousin of Caleb, was the son of John and Hannah (Watson) North, and grandson of John North, who settled in Ireland. He was born in County West Meath, Ireland, about 1682, and came to America in 1730, landing at Portsmouth, N. H. In 1731 he bought land at Pemaquid, Me., where he settled. He was the ancestor of the Augusta, Me., branch of Norths. His only surviving son John was a surveyor of lands, a captain in the French and Indian Wars, and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Lincoln Co., Me. His children were Joseph, who married Elizabeth Pittson and was a member of the Maine Provincial Congress, 1774-5; Mary, who married Dr. John McKeckie; and William, who married Mary, daughter of Hon. James Duane of New York, and was General Steuben's aide during the Revolution, later several times member of the New York Legislature, and at one time speaker of the Assembly. For a more complete genealogy of this branch of Norths, see the "History of Augusta, Me.," by James W. North, which pre- sents many facts supporting the claim to connection with the English Norths. Another family that is probably descended from John North of Farmington, is that of Thomas North who, according to the Federal Census of 1790, was head of a family in Granville, "The Keyes, Cruzen, and North Families," by M. F. Stipes, James- port, Mo., 1914. Washington Co., N. Y., of three males over 16 years, one under 16, and two females. He was the father of Capt. Thomas North, Jr. (1768-1852) of that town, who was a captain in the militia in 1796, and whose three sons, Justus, Nathan and Selah, were the ancestors of the Norths of Elbridge and Marcellus, N. Y. Thomas North, Sr., was either brother or cousin to John North who was head of a family in Balston Spa, N. Y., in 1790, of one male over 16 years, one under 16 and two females, and who also removed to Elbridge, N. Y. He had one son, Daniel Hoyt North. The compiler is inclined to believe that Thomas North, Sr., was the son of Capt. Thomas North (No. 19) who removed from Sharon, Conn., to Dutchess Co., N. Y., about 1753. The census of 1790 records no Norths in that county, and records in Gran- ville, Washington Co., besides Thomas North, Salmon North, cousin of Capt. Thomas North (No. 19). A study of the dates shows no inconsistency in tracing a line from Capt. Thomas North of Sharon to Capt. Thomas North of Granville. There was an Edward North, a merchant in Charlestown, S. C., in the time of the Revolution, who was imprisoned in one of the British prison ships. His ancestors came from Bermuda, where they had first settled after leaving England. He had a descendant, Edward W., who was a noted physician in his day. He died in 1842-3. His two sons, Edward and Richard, were also physicians, and left children whose homes are in South Carolina and Georgia. Another son, James Heyward North, was an officer in the United States Navy. The first Federal Census of 1790 shows that at that time there were ninety-two families named North, with a membership of 585, or 6.4 members to a family. These ninety- two families were located, one in Maine, three in Vermont, three in Massa- chusetts, thirty-three in Connecticut, eighteen in New York, sixteen in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, seven in Virginia (partial enumeration), three in North Carolina and six in South Carolina. Of these families two in Massachusetts, four in New York and all those in Vermont and Connecticut can be identified as being descended from John North of Farmington, which in- dicates that his posterity at that time formed the largest single branch of Norths. Of the Norths in Connecticut, three families of the Torrington branch are recorded under the name Noth (perhaps an error on XI the part of the enumerator) . Eleven families lived in Farming- ton, and the same number in Berlin; eight lived in Litchfield, which then included Torrington, and two in Cornwall. The descendants of John North are now numbered by the thousands, and are scattered from Maine to California. When the tide of emigration began to move westward after the Revo- lution, and well into the nineteenth century, many Norths left their homes in Connecticut and were among the early settlers of numerous towns in Vermont, New York, Ohio, Indiana, Ken- tucky, Illinois, Michigan and later in Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Utah and California. Northfield, Minn., and Riverside, Calif., were both founded by John Wesley North. Among their numbers were farmers, lawyers, doctors, minis- ters, manufacturers, men of affairs, teachers, college presidents and soldiers in the Colonial Wars and in six American Wars. FIRST GENERATION 1. JOHN NORTH sailed from London at the age of 20 in the Susan and Ellen and landed at Boston April 16, 1635. Among his fellow voyagers were many of the founders of the sturdy New England families so intimately connected with the development of the colonies and the United States. The ships lists were often headed with the words: "The men have taken the oath of allegiance and supremacie," or they swear "that they are no Subsedy men." This is explained by the fact that King James issued a proclamation that no person take passage in any ship to America (being subsidy men or their value) with- out license from his Majesty's Commissioners for the plantations, nor any under the degree of subsidy men, without a certificate that they have taken the oath of allegiance and supremacy, and a testimony from the ministers of the parish of their con- formity to the orders and discipline of the Church of England. The list 1 of the Susan and Ellen was thus made out : In the Susan and Ellen Edward Payne M r . for New England Theis pties hereinunder expressed have brought Certificate from the Minister and Justices of their Conformitie and that they are no Subsedy Men. Husbandman John Procter . . 40 Edward Lumus 24 Martha Procter 28 Husb: Richard Saltonstall 23 John Procter 3 Merriall Saltonstall 22 Marie Procter 1 Merriall Salstontall 9 Mo. Alice Street 28 Thos: Wells 30 Husb : Walter Thornton 36 Peter Coop [Cooper] 28 Joanna Thornton 44 Wm. Lambart 26 John North 20 Samuel Podd 25 Mary Pynder 53 Jeremy Belcher 22 Francis Pynder 20 Marie Clifford 25 Marie Pynder 17 Jane Coe 30 Joanna Pynder 14 Marie Riddlesden 17 Anna Pynder 20 Jo: Pellam 20 Katherin Pynder 10 Matthew Hitchcock 25 Jo: Pynder 8 Elizabeth Nicholls 25 Richard Skofield, 22 Tomazin Carpenter 35 1 Hotten, "Original Lists of Emigrants." Edward Weeden 22 Anna Fowle 25 George Wilby 16 Edmond Gorden 18 Richard Hawkins 15 Tho: Sydlie 22 Tho: Parker 30 Margaret Leach 22 Symon Burd 20 Marie Smith 21 Jo Mansfield 34 Elizabeth Swayne 16 Clement Cole 30 Grace Bewlie 30 Jo: Jones 20 Ann Wells 20 Wm Burrow 19 Dyonis Taylor 48 Phillip Atwood 13 Hanna Smith 30 Wm. Snowe 18 Jo: Backley 15 Wm. Battrick 18 Gov. John Winthrop in his "History of New England," under date of April 16, 1635, says: "A bark of forty tons arrived, set forth with twenty servants, by Sir Richard Saltonstall, to go plant at Connecticut." Perhaps reports of trouble with the Indians in Connecticut deterred the party from proceeding thither, and under the guid- ance of Richard Saltonstall, son of Sir Richard Saltonstall, some turned their steps towards Ipswich, 1 Mass., which was founded in 1634. On the list of proprietors there in 1637 appear the names of both Richard Saltonstall and "John Northe." The next year there is entered in the town records the following transaction: Granted to John North in the year 1637, three acres of Land, lying near the Reedy marsh, bounded by a planting lott of William English on the Northwest, and having three acres of the lyke ground formerly granted to Isaac Perkins, on the south east, to enjoy the sayd Land, his heirs and assigns forever. Entered 7th month, 1638 into the Town book folio 15. Memorand, that whereas John North was lately possessed of three acres of planting ground, lying near the Reedy marsh, having a plant lott of William English on the Northwest, and three acres of the lyke planting ground formerly granted to Isaac Perkins now in possession of John Warner on the South east, now the said John North hath for a certain sum of money to him in hand payde sould unto f orenamed John Warener all the sayd three acres of Land together with all his interest and claim unto the sayd Land with all the fencing timber and all the other apurtenances to the sayd Lands, and the sayd John Warener, to enjoy the sayd Land, to him, his heirs and assigns forever. Entered by their joynt order, the 13th of December, 1638. Dope's "Pioneers of Massachusetts." On July 7, 1646, John North sold a house and lot on the south side of the river to Robert Kinsman. Perhaps this was prepara- tory to his removal to Connecticut, for at that time there began a considerable migration westward from the settlements around Boston. One of these was the church party of the Rev. Thomas Hooker, which made its way through the wilderness in 1635-6 and founded the town of Hartford. Of this colony Farmington was the first offshoot, and was settled in 1640. This territory now includes the following towns: Southington, which was the first to be detached as a separate township in 1779; nearly the whole of New Britain and Berlin, 1785; Bristol, 1785; Burling- ton, 1806; Avon, 1830; Plainville, 1869; and parts of Wolcott, Harwinton and Bloomfield, formerly Wintonbury Parish. After his sale of land in Ipswich we have no further record of John North until 1652, when his name appears in the Hartford County court records. He had evidently kept in mind the original objective of the Susan and Ellen's party to settle in Connecticut. There is no record that he ever lived in Hartford city, as did most of the early settlers of Farmington. Under entry of January, 1653, in the Farmington land rec- ords (Vol. II, pp. 12) are described several pieces of land belong- ing to John North. One piece of eight acres in the Little Meadow was bought of Nicholas Marson. In that month John North bought of John Steele, original owner, a house and lot of three- quarters of an acre, situated on the east side of the north end of the main street, now occupied by two houses, one recently owned by Sarah Shield, the other by Dorothy Palmer. In the same year he had a daughter baptized there. Trumbull's "Memorial History of Hartford County" gives a map of Farm- ington showing the location of John North's lot and those of his sons, John and Samuel. These three were among the eighty- four men between whom the unoccupied lands of the ancient town were divided in 1672. All those included in this list were known as original proprietors of the town. John North and his wife were members of the Farmington Church, which she joined in 1656. He was made freeman of Connecticut, May 21, 1657. John North's name appears as witness on the will of Elizabeth, widow of William Smith, dated "Nouvember 15th, 1676." In the year 1684 he had, according to the original act of division, an estate of 157. There is a mystery surrounding John North's marriage. Did he marry twice? There is no authentic record. He was married before leaving Ipswich, for his first child was born there in 1641. But the vital records of that town contain no births or marriages of any Norths or Birds. Most records state that his wife was Hannah, daughter of Thomas Bird. In the distribu- tion of the latter 's estate, August-September, 1662, portions were set to Mary Northe and to Hannah Scott, again mentioned March 3, 1663, as good wife Northe and Hannah Scott. From this statement is probably drawn the conclusion in the "Goodwin and Morgan Ancestral Lines," by F. F. Starr, that Mary Bird was John North's second wife, and that Hannah was probably the first wife of Edmund Scott. Savage does not give the name of Edmund Scott's first wife and says his second wife was Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Upson. John North's oldest daughter was named Mary. None bore the name Hannah, but both names occur among his granddaughters. No satisfactory explanation being obtainable from this meagre information, it perhaps strengthens the reliability of the various old family records, which state that Hannah Bird was John North's wife. It is interesting to conjecture when and where the Norths and the Birds came in contact with each other. From Mr. Starr's book we learn that the first record of Thomas Bird in America was in 1639, when he bought land in that part of Boston later set apart as Braintree, and that by May, 1644, he was in Hartford, and shortly afterward removed to Farmington, where he bought land. But the present compiler believes that the Thomas Bird who was granted in April, 1639, a house and lot in Ipswich, and six acres of planting land in "Reedy marsh," according to the Ipswich town records, was this same Thomas Bird, and that he probably went to Braintree later in the same year. His stay in Ipswich therefore probably covers the period when the two families were in contact. But there is always the interesting possibility that the families may have known each other in England, as previously suggested by the fact that early in the seventeenth century there were families of Norths and Birds in Yorkshire, whence both may have come. John North died early in 1691-2, aged 76 years. Though he is supposed to have been buried in Farmington, his grave cannot be found. His will 1 was taken Feb. 12, 1692, by John 1 Early Connecticut Probate Records, Manwaring: Vol. I, pp. 126 Thompson, Sr., and John Orton. The Hartford Co. Court, sit- ting March 3, 1691-2, ordered distribution as follows: Admns. to Thomas North. This Court distributeth the Estate as f olloweth : s. p. To Thomas North 69 16 00 " Joseph North 24 18 00 " MarySearles 27 18 00 " Sarah Woodruff & children 31 08 00 Ensign Thomas Hart and Mr. Thos. Bull to Dist. to legatees. The above sum total of 154, small according to modern standards, was no insignificant fortune in early days. It ap- pears that Thomas and Joseph were unable to agree over the division of the father's property, as shown by the following: This present writing witnesseth an agreement between Thomas North and Joseph North, both of Farmington, upon some difference yt was between us, the aforesaid Thomas and Joseph North, respecting the division of our honored Father John North desc'd Estate, as it was distributed at the honored court held at Hartford the first Thursday of this present March. That we may enjoy what by the Holy Providence of God is left us in peace and quietness and love and a blessing there- with, and for our better satisfaction, we do agree as f olloweth: Thomas relinquisheth his right to a dubbel portion out of his father's estate, and as to the personal property we doe hereby agree that Thomas North shall have themm all except Mary part and portion, and a great kettel of three pounds and ten shillings worth, which we doe agree ye Joseph North shall have that, and also ye great porridg pot. Signed, sealed and acknowledged at Hartford, May 13, 1692, before mee JOHN ALLYN, Ass't. THOMAS NORTH. JOSEPH NORTH. Witness: THOMAS BULL, JONATHON SMITH. Mr. John Hollister North has in his possession the original copy of the receipt of John North's daughter Mary and son-in- law John Searles for their portion of the father's estate: Now all people to whom this present wrighting may come thee twentey f ouerth day of march in the yer of our lord one thousand six hundred nintey two that I John Searles and Maray Searles of North- ampton in the countey of Springfeld and the coloney of the Mate- chusets in new england doe her by acknowledg that wee have Reseved of the estate of our honoured father John North of Farmington deseased 6 wee say wee have Reseved the full and all our wholl proprtion dead or dus bee long to us from our Honnored father John North deseased according to the acts and settlement of the Honnor countey court of Hartford march the 3 (1692) and all so wee do further owne and ack- nowlig that wee have also reseved our full and wholl and all our pro- portion of that estat that doth be long to us as leagetes to the estat of the above saved father John North deseased according to the court acte we say we have reseved all the above saied leagecis of our Loveing Brothers Thomas North and Joseph North administrators to the estat of our Honnored father John North deseased and we do her by fully freely and absolutly for ever acquit and discharge the sayed Thomas North and Joseph North as administrators to the above sayed estat of our Honnored father John North deseased from all chalenges claimes Rightes or titles to said estate or anay part thare of as Leagetes in wit- teness whare of I John Searls have signed Sealed and delivered this wrighting with my owne hand in the day and yer above said. Children of John North: 2. i. JOHN, b. probably at Ipswich, Mass., Nov., 1641; d. at Wethersfield, Aug. 6, 1682. 3. ii. SAMUEL, b. probably at Ipswich, Mass., 1643; d. at Farming- ton, Dec. 14, 1682. iii. MARY, b. probably at Ipswich, Mass., 1643 (twin). See "Conn. Probate Records," Vol. II, pp. 341. Other records say she was b. 1645. She d. Nov. 5, 1726; m. Mar. 10 or 30, 1675, widower JOHN SEARLES, son of John and Sarah (Bald- win) Searles. He was b. May 30, 1726, and d. Oct. 3, 1718. They removed to Northampton, Mass. Children: (1) James, b. Feb. 1, 1681. (2) Sarah, b. Feb. 28, 1684. (3) Nathaniel, b. May 3, 1686. (4) Lydia, b. Aug. 22, 1688. 4. iv. JAMES, b. 1647; d. at Northampton, Mass., July 25, 1689. 5. v. THOMAS, b. 1649; d. 1712. vi. SARAH, b. 1653; bapt. at Farmington, Dec. 18, 1653; d. about Jan., 1691-2; m. widower MATTHEW WOODRUFF, JR., brother of Hannah Woodruff who m. Capt. Richard Seymour and whose son m. Hannah North, daughter of Thomas North (8). He was b. 1646, and d. before Nov. 18, 1690. Her estate was inven- toried Feb. 2, 1691-2, in the same month as that of her father and in less than two months after that of her husband. Children: (1) Nathaniel, b. 1687. Removed to Litchfield, where his descendants lived. (2) Joseph, bapt. May 19, 1689; heir to his uncle Joseph North. vii. NATHANIEL, b. and bapt. at Farmington, June 29, 1656-7. He was a soldier in King Philip's War and had a soldier's grant. Probably d. without heirs and is not mentioned in his father's will. He may, however, be the father of the Capt. Nathaniel North, b. May, 1686-7, who m. 1709 THANKFUL WRIGHT, and d. Nov. 13, 1758, and of Joseph North who was bapt. May 18, 1689, m. Oct. 24, 1717, ESTHER BROWN, and d. Jan. 23, 1737. (" History of Weathersfield.") viii. LYDIA, b. and bapt. at Farmington, [May 9, 1658; probably d. unm. ix. JOSEPH, bapt. at Farmington, Mar. 18, 1659; d. about Jan., 1730-1; m. before Jan. 3, 1686-7, MARTHA PORTER, b. 1666, d. July 11, 1749. She was the daughter of John and Sarah (Hart) Porter. Joseph North had his father's house in Farm- ington, and having no children, made his nephew Joseph Woodruff, his heir. His wife m. (2) 1732, John, son of Dr. Daniel Porter. His estate was inventoried Jan. 30, 1730-1, and in his will he speaks most tenderly of his wife: April 24, 1724. I, Joseph North Sen., of the Town of Farmington, do make this my last will and testament. It having pleased God, in His holy, wise, providence, to deny me heirs of my own body, I have already by deed settled the greatest part of my freehold estate upon my neare kinsman, Joseph Woodruff. It is my special care now in this my will, that my wife, who, through her great pains, prudence, and industry, hath been a great builder of my house, may be comfortably carried through this world. Therefore, I do give unto Martha, my wife, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all my estate, both real and personal. More particularly do I give to my wife 2 parcels of land, both of them lying and being within the bounds of the Township of Farmington, viz., one parcell of land lying near a place called Purgatory, containing about 7 acres, be the same more or less, adjoining northerly on land of Samuel Cowles; also one parcel of land lying on the contrary side of the highway, against Smith Gridley's house, containing 6 acres be the same more or less, bounded as followeth: east with land formerly Joseph Smith's, west with the land of Thomas North, north with a highway, and south with the land belonging to the heirs of Capt. Judd. Also, I give unto my wife, to be at her own dis- pose forever, all my personal estate of all sorts without excep- tion, which I now have or shall be mine at my decease. Also, I do give unto my wife, during the term of her natural life, the use and profit of my land in the Common Field neare the Round Hill; also that part of my house, barn, and home lott whereof I made a reserve in the deed of conveyance I made to my aforesd kinsman Joseph Woodruff. And further, if I, the sd. Joseph North, through necessity should in my life time make dispose of any particular thing or things willed to my 8 wife as above entered (which my purpose is to avoid as much and as well as I can), that then my will is that her right to the remainder should be no ways altered or weakened thereby. And I hereby make Martha my wife only and sole executrix. Witness: JOHN HOOKER, Sen. JOSEPH NORTH. ABIGAIL HOOKER, Sen. SARAH HOOKER. Joseph North was imbued with the spirit of '76 as evidenced by the following proceedings of the General Assembly Court, Hartford, May 10, 1705: "At this Court, the King's attorney, Joseph Migate, entered complaint against Joseph North for unwittingly concealing such soldier as had deserted the King's garrison at Albanie. This Court voted the said North not guiltie in law of the matter of fact charged upon him." In later proceedings of the same court: "This Court grants full power to Joseph North of the town of Farmington, admin- istrator to the estate of Sampson, negro, to sell the land of said Sampson for the payment of his just debts, and the remainder or overplus of what the land is sold for to be returned to the selectmen of Farmington by them to be disposed for the ben- efit of the widow and children." SECOND GENERATION 2. DR. JOHN 2 NORTH (Jo/m 1 ), oldest son of John and Hannah (Bird) North, was born, probably at Ipswich, Mass., in November, 1641, his father having settled there, and sold land in 1646. He was married by Capt. Samuel Welles, April 15, 1671, to SUSANNA FRANCIS, born Nov. 1, 1651, daughter of Robert Francis of Wethersfield. They removed to that town, Newington parish, where he died Aug. 6, 1682, aged 41. With his father and brother Samuel, he was one of the original eighty-four proprietors among whom the unoccupied lands of Farmington were divided in 1672. In the list of inhabitants of Wethersfield who petitioned in May, 1682, to settle in what is now Windham Co., Conn., appears the name of John North. He was said to have been a natural doctor and to have prac- tised medicine in Farmington and New London, where he gave his opinion concerning the sudden death of a captain whose ship was anchored in the harbor, "that it was caused by unseason- able bathing after immoderate drinking." Miss F. M. Caulkins in "The Family Repository and Horti- cultural Cabinet," New London, August, 1861, says of him: "Our regular physician, Dr. John North, professor of physic, appears in the plantation during the ministration of Dr. Bulkley. How long he continued here is uncertain, but we venture to sug- gest that he found the location too healthful, and the few people that composed the plantation too robust for his business, and soon removed elsewhere. Little else is known of this our first Dr. North, but that he died in Wethersfield, Conn., in 1682." Children: i. JOHN, b. Aug. 16, 1672. According to the Porter record he m. ABIGAIL ; in 1734 resided in Worthington, and in 1738 removed to New Fairfield. According to Mr. Julius Gay, he m. before 1720, ELIZABETH, daughter of Jonathan Smith; she d. Jan. 24, 1732-3, and he d. after Jan. 16, 1732-3. No record of any descendants has been found, ii. MARY, b. Oct. 18, 1674; m. JOHN, son of Thomas Marshall of Hartford. He was b. Feb., 1671-3. She was probably the 10 Mary (who with her brother John?) was kept at the house of Sergt. John Stillman in 1693, during the prevalence of small- pox in the home of Robert Francis. ("History of Wethers- field.") iii. SUSANNAH, b. April 15, 1676; d. April 23, 1764; m. Jan. 18, 1694, SERGT. BENJAMIN JUDD, JR., son of Benjamin and Mary (Lewis) Judd, of Great Swamp Parish, now included in New Britain, and grandson of the immigrant Thomas Judd. Children: (1) Benjamin, b. Mar. 2, 1697; m. 1727, Sarah Hollister. (2) Susannah, b. Aug. 12, 1699; m. 1756, David Bronson. (3) Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1702; m. 1723, Joseph Beckley. (4) Abigail, b. Sept. 5, 1703; m. 1746, George Kilborne. (5) Keziah, b. Sept. 14, 1705; m. 1729, Amos Judd. (6) Bathsheba, b. Aug. 20, 1707; m. 1728, David Sage. (7) Joanna, b. Sept. 16, 1709; m. 1731, Samuel Hubbard. (8) Catharine, b. Sept. 26, 1711. (9) Uriah, b. Dec. 28, 1713; m., 1st, in 1744, Mabel Bidwell; 2nd, hi 1747, Mercy Sey- mour. (10) James, b. 1717; m. 1749, Hannah Andrus. (11) Nathan, b. Aug. 24, 1719; m. 1743, Thankful Wright. (12) Hezekiah, b. June 19, 1722; d. young. iv. SARAH, b. Sept. 20, 1678; d. before 1742. 3. SAMUEL 2 NORTH (John 1 ), second son of John and Hannah (Bird) North, was born in 1643, probably at Ipswich, Mass., since his father did not sell land there until 1646. He died at Farmington, Dec. 14, 1682, aged 39. He married Jan. 3, 1666, HANNAH, daughter of John 1 and Elizabeth Norton, born at Branford in 1649. They lived in Farmington on the north side of the Hartford road, a little east of Edward Norton's farm buildings. He, with his father and brother John, were among the eighty-four proprietors between whom the unoccupied lands of Farmington were divided in 1672. After his death his widow married (2) in 1685 John Rew [?]. Children, b. at Farmington: 6. i. JOHN, b. 1669; d. April, 1745. ii. SAMUEL, b. 1671; d. 1707. He was a merchant and d. in Boston, probably leaving no children, as his property was 1 John Norton, third son of Richard and Ellen (Rowley) Norton of London, was one of the first settlers of Branford, and removed in 1659 to Farmington, where he was one of the original proprietors in the divi- sion of the lands. His ancestry has been traced back to Alfred the Great, Henry I of France, the brother of William the Conqueror, and Rollo, Duke of Normandy. He married Elizabeth Clarke. 11 divided among his brothers and sisters. His will is dated Nov. 11, 1706. The last will and testament of Samuel North of Farmington, in the County of Hartford, in the Colony of Connecticut, in New England, husbandman, at present residing in Boston, being under bodily illness and infirmities, but through mercy of sound disposing mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following : Imprimus : I give unto my nephew Josiah North, son of my brother John North, my house and barn, with the moiety or half part of all the lands adjoining and pertaining thereunto, containing about 102 acres, situated in Farmington. I give unto my nephew Daniel North, son of my brother Thomas North, the other moiety or part of my land aforesd. And it is my will that my aforenamed brothers have and enjoy the profits of my sd. land unto each of their sons respectively until they attain the age of 21 years. I give unto my brother Thomas North, my 9 acres of land lying near Clatter Valley in Farmington, which I purchased of Thomas North; also my husbandry tools. I give unto my sister Hannah Northaway one cow and a yoke of oxen. I appoint my two brothers John North and Thomas North, to be the executors of this my last will, and I do hereby revoke and disannul all wills by me heretofore made In witness Annoque Quinto As a codicil to my foregoing will, and to be accepted and taken as part and parcel thereof, I do give unto my brother Thomas North, 3 acres and ^ of land at a place called Nod, a parcel of land lying at the hop garden, a tract of land in the southwest division and 40 acres in the north division near the Pinnacle, all which sd. lands are in Farmington. SAMUEL NORTH. Witness: JOHN CUTLAR, JOHN PERKINS, EZEKIAL LEWIS. 7. iii. THOMAS, b. 1673; d. April 5, 1755. iv. HANNAH, b. 1677; d. at Northington, now Avon, May 25, 1752; m. Mar. 29, 1705, GEORGE NORTHAWAY of Northington. Children: (1) Hannah, b. Oct. 12, 1706. (2) John, b. Dec. 2, 1707. (3) Mary, b. Jan. 10, 1711; m. 1736, Daniel North (16). (4) Samuel, b. Aug. 17, 1715. (5) Sarah, b. April 24, 1720. (6) Josiah, b. Aug. 31, 1724. 4. JAMES 2 NORTH (John 1 ), third son of John the settler, was born in 1647, and died at Northampton, Mass., July 25, 12 1689. He was a soldier in the Indian Wars and had a soldier's lot granted to him. He married Nov. 20, 1677, SARAH EDWARDS, born Nov. 21, 1654, daughter of Alexander and Sarah (Baldwin) Edwards of Northampton, Mass., whither he removed in 1677, and where he was made freeman Feb. 8, 1678. Children: i. SARAH, b. 1679; m. April 13, 1703, ISRAEL RUST of Northamp- ton, Mass., son of Israel and Rebecca (Clark) Rust. He was b. July 15, 1679, and d. Nov. 27, 1759. ii. MARY, b. Sept. 1, 1687; d. Feb. 17, 1748; m. Oct. 8, 1714, EBENEZER EDWARDS of Northampton, Mass., son of Benjamin and Thankful (Sheldon) Edwards. He was b. Nov. 18, 1682. 5. THOMAS 2 NORTH (John 1 ), fourth son of John and Hannah (Bird) North, was born in 1649, and died at Northing- ton, now Avon, in 1712, aged 63. He married in 1669, HAN- NAH, daughter of Thomas 1 and Rebecca (Olmstead) Newell. She was born in 1656, baptized April 14, 1658, and died Nov. 4, 1757. If her dates are correctly given she was married at the age of 13, was the mother of two sons at 17, and lived to be 101. She and her husband were both members of the church. After his marriage and the birth of two sons, Thomas North enlisted under Captain Henchman in King Philip's War. He was stationed with Connecticut troops in the vicinity of Boston in 1675, and was with the garrison at Hadley, Mass., in the summer of 1676. ("Soldiers in King Philip's War.") He was made freeman there Feb. 8, 1678, and received a grant of land for his military services in or near Northington, now Avon, where he and Joseph Woodford were pioneer settlers. There he lived on the east side of the river near the old Marshall's tavern, "under the mountain" and north of the Hartford and Albany turnpike. He was a magistrate of the colony of Connecticut. The General Assembly and Court of Election sitting at Hart- ford acted as follows: April 6, 1713 : ' 'This Court appointed Hannah North of Farmington, guardian to her 2 daughters, Lydia and Sarah, both minors, above 14 1 Thomas Newell was from Hertfordshire, England. He was an early settler of Hartford, and an original settler of Farmington in 1640. He died Sept. 13, 1689. See "Newell Genealogy." Rebecca Olmstead was a niece of James Olmstead, with whom she came from England in the Lion. 13 years, and also allow the said Hannah North to be guardian to her son Ebenezer North, 14 years of age. Joseph North, a minor, chose Thomas North to be his guardian. Recog. 100." April 6, 1713-4: Inventory 39-12-07 taken by Samuel Newell and Joseph North. "Thomas North, Adms., exhibits now an account of his Admns. Order to dist. the estate. s. d. To Jane North widow relict 9 12 03 To Thomas North, eldest son [broken page] To Nathaniel, Joseph, Ebenezer, Hannah, Mary, Re- bekah, Lydia and Sarah North, to each of them .... 2 02 08 and appoint John Stanly, Samuel Newell and Joseph North of Farm- ington, dist." May 13, 1714: "Upon the petition of Hannah North and Thomas North, administrators of the estate of Thomas North of Farmington, deceased: This Assembly empowers the said administrators to make and execute a deed of 3 acres of land to the heirs of Joseph Bird, deceased, pursuant to a bargain between the said Thomas North, deceased, and him, the said Joseph Bird, deceased." Children : i. JOHN, b. - ; d. Feb. 2, 1709-10; m. Mar. 19, 1707-8, JANE STKBBINS of Wethersfield, who m. (2) Oct. 12, 1710-1, Thomas Shepard of Hartford. The General Assembly and Court of Election held at Hartford, Jan. 2, 1709-10, acted as follows: "This Court grants letters of administration on the estate of John North late of Farmington, dec. who died intestate, jointly to Jane North of Farmington, widow and relict, of sd. dec., and Thomas North, brother of the dec., provided they shall give bond, etc." 8. ii. THOMAS, b. 1673; d. Mar. 2, 1724-5. iii. HANNAH, b. ; m. May 10, 1706, SAMUEL, son of Capt. Richard and Hannah (Woodruff) Seymour of Great Swamp Village. They were members of the original church in Ken- sington. Children: (1) Hannah, b. Mar. 26, 1706-7; m. Allen Goodrich, the village blacksmith of Great Swamp Village. (2) Mary, b. Nov. 13, 1708. (3) Eliakim, m., 1st, Susanna Judd; 2nd, Mary Hooker. (4) Rebecca, b. June 25, 1711; m. Nov. 21, 1734, Elisha Goodrich. (5) Mercy, b. Sept. 11, 1715; m. Feb. 14, 1747, Uriah Judd; and removed to Lenox, Mass. 9. iv. NATHANIEL, b. 1688; d. April 5, 1777. v. MARY, b. ; m. 1709, WILLIAM, son of James and Abi- gail (Bissell) Eno of Simsbury. He was a lieutenant in the trainband. Children: (1) William, b. 1710. (2) Samuel (3) 14 Mary. (4) Hannah. (5) Abigail, b. 1740; m. 1760, Martin North (29). (6) Deborah, m. Jonah Westover. (7) Anna. (8) Susannah. 10. vi. JOSEPH, b. 1693; bapt. Dec. 31, 1693; d. Mar. 20, 1781. vii. REBECCA, b. 1693 (twin); bapt. Dec. 31, 1693; m. Jan. 27, 1713, JOSEPH PHELPS, JR., of Turkey Hill. Children: (1) Hannah, b. May 28, 1714; d. June 3, 1714. (2) Joseph, b. Oct. 18, 1716; d. May 14, 1775; m. 1740, Deborah Harris. (3) Hannah, b. June 7, 1718; m. Abel Forward. (4) Elijah, b. May 11, 1720; m. Esther Kent. (5) Ezekial, b. Mar. 8, 1723; m. 1744, Elizabeth Gillette. (6) Rebecca, b. Jan. 22, 1724; m. Joel Harmon. (7) Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1726; m. Moses Holcomb. (8) Lydia, b. Sept. 10, 1728; m. Jacob Gillette. (9) Abel, b. May 22, 1730; m. Mary Eno. (10) Hezekia, b. 1732; m. Hannah Hayden. (11) Kezia, b. 1732; m. James Harmon. viii. LYDIA, bapt. Mar., 1696; d. Aug. 8, 1736; m. Dec. 6, 1714, SAMUEL HUMPHREY of Simsbury. Children: (1) Lydia, b. Nov. 7, 1715; m. Capt. Daniel Wilcox. (2) Elizabeth, b. Sept. 17, 1717; m. Oct. 27, 1735, Joseph Wilcox. (3) Ezekial, b. Aug. 28, 1719; m. Elizabeth Pettibone. (4) Tryphena, b. Jan. 29, 1722; d. 1752; m. June 11, 1739, Dr. Samuel Barber. (5) Mary, m. April 10, 1746; Sergt. Ezra Wilcox. (6) David, b. June 5, 1726. (7) Phebe, m. Mattison. (8) Isaac, d. Aug. 3, 1732. ix. SARAH, b. 1696 (twin); unm. Was a minor over 14 in 1713 when her father's estate was settled. 11. x. EBENEZER, b. 1703; d. Aug. 5, 1789. THIRD GENERATION 6. JOHN 3 NORTH (Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Samuel and Hannah (Norton) North, was born at Farmington in 1669, and died there in April, 1745. He married four times: (1) May 16, 1692, MARY, daughter of John and Anna (Norton) Warner, who died Mar. 1, 1694-5; (2) Sept. 25, 1700, MARY, daughter of John and Mary (Watson) Seymour of Hartford, who died Mar. 2, 1732-3; (3) ELIZABETH - , who died 1733; (4) Mar. 20, 1734, ABIGAIL (PHELPS) JUDD, widow of Sergt. Samuel Judd. John North was a church member and by trade a weaver. He lived in Farmington, where his five acre lot with house bordered north on Ebenezer Steele, east on Thomas North and west on Matthew Woodruff. The house thereon stood a little east of the farm house of the late John T. Norton, the land having belonged to his father, Samuel North, as early as 1666. He was probably the John North who participated in 1694 in the second allotment of lands, in Wethersfield, western division. At the Court of Probate held for the County of Hartford, April 8, 1701 (Hartford Prob. Records, Vol. VII, pp. 11) : "The Court do appoint John North guardian to his two (2) daughters, viz. Ann and Mary which he had by Mary Warner he giving bond." Vol. VII, pp. 73 " Hannah North, daughter of Samuel North, under the guardianship of John North." His will is dated April 6, 1737: I, John North of Farmington, do make this my last will and testa- ment: I give to Abigail North, my wife, the use of part of my housing and lands and also the use of f part of my moveable estate, so long as she bears my name. And my eldest son Jonathon North and my youngest son Samuel North, having already rec'd their portions or is otherwise secured to them, therefore I give them nothing by this will. I give to my daughter Anna Coleman, and to the children of my daugh- ter Mary Wilcox dec'd. 70 to Anna aforesd., and 70 to the children of Mary aforesd., with what Anna and Mary has already rec'd from their grandfather's estate in Middletown to be recorded and accumu- lated as part of and towards the 70. I give to the children of my daughter Ruth Cowles 70 with what my daughter Ruth has already rec'd. I give to my daughter Unice Hawley 70 with what she hath 16 already rec'd. I give to my son Josiah North my homestead whereon I now dwell, both housing and lands; also 20 acres of land in the 2nd allotment in the division butting on Hartford and Windsor bounds; also about 7 acres of land in the great meadow, with all the rest of my estate, both real and personal, I give to him and his heirs forever. I appoint my son Josiah North executor. JOHN NORTH. Witness: JOSEPH HAWLEY, JOHN NEWELL, ABELL HAWLEY. Children, b. at Farmington : i. HANNAH, b. 1693; m. (1) June 28, 1716, THOMAS WILCOX, b. July 5, 1687, d. Jan. 20 or 21, 1726, son of Israel and Sarah (Savage) Wilcox; (2) Feb. 2, 1728, RICHARD COLEMAN. Children by first husband: (1) Martha, b. April 21, 1720; m. Andrew Warner. (2) Thomas, b. Oct. 5, 1720 [?]. (3) Jonathan, b. Jan. 24, 1722-3; m., 1st, Dinah Orvis; 2nd, Rachel Lewis. (4) Hannah, b. Dec. 3, 1724. ii. MARY, b. 1695; d. July 6, 1734; m. Dec. 16, 1717, ISRAEL WILCOX, JR., b. Jan. 16, 1680, d. July 6, 1731, brother of Thomas, above. Child: Israel, m. Sarah Rogers. iii. JOHN, b. ; d. 1733; unm. Lived in Worthington. His will is dated Jan. 1, 1732. I, John North, Jr. of the Parish of Kensington, in the Town- ship of Middletown, do make this my last will and testament. I give the \ of my land which my father gave me in Farming- ton, called the south lott (the north side of sd. lott) to my honoured father John North. And also I give to my said father all my moveable estate of what name, kinds or nature so ever. I give to my mother Elizabeth North all the rest of the lands which were given me by my father as aforesd. And I appoint my honoured father John North and my honoured mother Elizabeth North executors, requireing them to pay all my just debts. JOHN NORTH, JR. Witness : SAMUEL HUBBARD, HEZEKIAH HOOKER, ISAAC LEE. iv. MARGARET, b. 1701 ; m. before 1737, PRIOR. v. RUTH, b. 1702; m. 1729, ISAAC COWLES, a wealthy farmer of Southington. Descendants in male line extinct. IS. vi. JONATHON, b. April 8, 1704. 14. vii. JOSIAH, b. 1705; d. 1777. 15. viii. SAMUEL, b. 1708; d. 1796. ix. EUNICE, b. Dec. 17, 1710; m. HAWLEY. Lived in Simsbury. 17 7. THOMAS 3 NORTH (Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Samuel and Hannah (Norton) North, was born in Farmington in 1673 and died there April 5, 1755. He married Dec. 4, 1699, HANNAH, daughter of Joseph 1 and Rebecca (Newell) Woodford. She died Nov. 4, 1757. He joined the church in 1708, and lived in Farmington, on the south side of the Hartford road, and probably built the house where his grandson Seth North lived. The house stood next east of that of Samuel North, and next west of that of Joseph Bird. He inherited lands in Farmington from his brother Samuel. Children, b. at Farmington : 16. i. DANIEL, b. Mar. 20, 1702; d. Mar. 23, 1784. ii. HEZEKIA, b. May 11, 1704; d. Dec. 23, 1759; m. Jan. 21, 1735, ELIZABETH, daughter of John Porter and granddaughter of Dr. Daniel Porter. No children. His property was be- queathed to his nephew Timothy Woodruff whom he brought, up. Buried in the old graveyard at Farmington. She m. (2) Mar. 23, 1761, widower Stephen Sedgwick. iii. SUSANNA, b. May 3, 1706; d. Dec. 11, 1766; m. June 10, 1728, MATTHEW WOODRUFF, JR., of East Farms. Child: Timothy. Perhaps others. iv. THANKFUL, b. July 1, 1708; bapt. Aug. 15, 1710; d. Oct. 6, 1772; m. Oct. 10, 1734, JAMES HART of Avon, a mill owner. Children: (1) Elnathan, b. Sept. 10, 1735; d. Aug. 26, 1831; m. Ruth Judd. (2) Lucy, b. Oct. 5, 1740; d. Nov. 30, 1820. (3) Hannah, b. Sept. 9, 1741; m. Oct. 3, 1765, Obadiah Andrews. (4) Sarah, b. July 15, 1743; m. Oct. 6. 1766, Ebenezer Merrills. (5) Eunice, b. Aug. 9, 1746; m. Oct. 3, 1765, Eli North (38). v. HANNAH, b. July 27, 1711; d. April 19, 1760; m. May 3, 1738, SAMUEL, son of Samuel and Hannah (Lathrop) Sampson of Northington, b. April 13, 1709. 1 Joseph Woodford, Sr., was born in Hartford in 1666, and was perhaps the son of Thomas Woodford who was born in Lincolnshire, England, and who was a member of Rev. Thomas Hooker's church party which founded Hartford. He removed with Thomas North (son of the first John North), to Northington, then called Nod, which they first settled. The Norths and the Woodfords were very intimate and several inter- marriages occurred. In a deed of conveyance to his daughter Hannah, Joseph Woodford, Sr., mentions "my well beloved daughter, now ye wife of Thomas North." Rebecca Newell was the daughter of Thomas Newell (see footnote, p. 12). 18 17. vi. TIMOTHY, b. Sept. 21, 1714; d. July 31, 1788. vii. ABIGAIL, b. April 6, 1716; d. Sept. 23, 1749; m. July 18, 1744, THOMAS, son of Stephen and Abigail (Porter) Andrews. Children: (1) Mary, b. Oct. 6, 1744. (2) Noah, b. Jan. 29, 1746-7; d. 1780. (3) Son, b. and d. 1749. viii. SARAH, b. June 26, 1717; d. Dec. 9, 1798; m. Nov. 15, 1739, widower ABRAHAM WOODRUFF of East Farms, son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Baldwin) Andrews Woodruff. He was b. Feb. 13, 1710-11 and d. Dec. 7. 1768. No children. 8. THOMAS 3 NORTH (Thomas*, John 1 ), second son of Thomas and Hannah (Newell) North, was born at Farmington in 1673, and died at Christian Lane, now Berlin, Mar. 2, 1724-5. He married (1) Dec. 1, 1698, MARTHA ROYS (spelled also Ryce, Rice, Royce), daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Lathrop) Roys. 1 She was born June 1, 1679. After her death he married her cousin MARY ROYS, who married June 10, 1730, widower Matthew Woodruff, and died at Northington, April 23, 1763, nearly one hundred years old. Thomas North was a pioneer settler in that part of Berlin known as Christian Lane, where he owned much land, possibly a part of the grant made to his father. His name appears among those who petitioned the General Assembly at Hartford, Oct. 16, 1705, to settle in Great Swamp, now Berlin, and to have a meeting house there. He was one of the seven pillars of the original Congregational Church of Kensington, which was formed in 1712. The other six were William Burnham, pastor, Stephen Lee, Dr. Anthony Judd, Samuel Seymour, Thomas Hart and Caleb Cowles. Thomas North was a man of wealth and influence. Attempts to find his dwelling place have failed. Records give it as Ken- sington and Farmington, but we know that he lived near the Seymour Stockade in Christian Lane just back of the residence of the late Mr. John Goodrich of Berlin. It was built of sixteen foot palisades, sharpened to points and stuck in the ground, 1 Isaac Roys was the son of Robert Roys, who was known to have been of Boston as early as 1631-2, removing to New London before 1637. He was one of the first planters of Wallingford in 1761. Elizabeth Lathrop was the daughter of Samuel Lathrop who came from England to Scituate, Mass., in 1734. He was the son of Rev. John Lathrop, who was imprisoned for his religious beliefs, and re- leased on condition that he go to America. 19 and affording protection against the Indians. Around this stockade clustered many families, including the Harts, the Standleys (Stanley), the Nortons, Cowles, Porters, Gridleys, Newells and others less closely connected with the Norths. Thomas North and Thomas Hart were a committee to whom Rev. William Burnham deeded land Jan. 7, 1716-7, for a bury- ing place in Christian Lane "To be theirs and their heirs forever, for the above said use." This graveyard, fallen into a condition of sore neglect, was restored in 1909 by the Emma Hart Willard Chapter of the D. A. R. By deed of Jan. 24, 1709, Thomas North conveyed to William Burnham two parcels of land, one of 18 acres, the other of 22 acres, described as being in Great Swamp. By deed of Feb. 1, 1709, he sold land in Beach Swamp, Great Swamp, to Samuel Seamore, who married his sister Hannah North. Children: i. MARTHA, b. June 30, 1700; m. Aug. 6, 1719, DANIEL, son of Nathaniel and Comfort (Deming) Beckley, and grandson of Sergt. Richard Beckley, the first settler in Berlin. Children : (1) Martha, b. Oct. 27, 1720; m. Aug. 4, 1742, John Savage. (2) Daniel, b. Nov. 29, 1724; m. Ruth Hart. (3) Lais, b. Nov. 17, 1730; m. Pete Galpin. 18. ii. ISAAC, b. Sept. 27, 1703; d. Dec. 20, 1788. 19. iii. THOMAS, b. Oct. 27, 1705. 20. iv. JAMES, b. April 17, 1709; d. 1758. v. SARAH, b. Feb. 24, 1711; d. Jan. 3, 1777; m. May 17, 1727-8, JOSEPH WOODFORD, JR., of Northington, b. Aug. 22, 1705, and was a church member, vi. SAMUEL, b. July 28, 1715; d. April 11, 1725. vii. JOSEPH, b. 1720; d. 1737; m. HANNAH . No children. viii. HANNAH, b. Sept. 17, 1722; d. Feb. 23, 1811; m. 1739, TIMO- THY NORTH (17). 9. NATHANIEL 3 NORTH (Thomas*, John*-), third son of Thomas and Hannah (Newell) North, was born at Northington, now Avon, the northeast part, in 1688, and died there April 5, 1777, aged 89. He married June 10, 1708, MARGARET, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Bliss) Holcomb of Simsbury. She died May 27, 1777, aged 90. He joined the church in 1752, and lived on his father's place in Northington. Children: 21. i. NATHANIEL, b. April 14, 1709; d. 1754. 22. ii. JOHN, b. at Farmington, Mar. 13, 1711; d. Oct. 22, 1785. 20 iii. MARGARET, b. Jan. 2, 1714; d. June 17, 1803; m. May 29, 1735, JOSEPH WOODRUFF of Kensington, son of John and Elizabeth (Thomson) Woodruff. He was b. Mar. 5, 1708-9. She was a woman of superior intellect. Children: (1) Mar- garet, b. April 11, 1736; m., 1st, Jonathon Whaples; 2nd, Elijah Porter of Farmington. (2) Dorcas, b. April 8, 1739; m. Cornelius Dunham. (3) Sarah, b. 1744; m. Nov. 3, 1775, Asahel Goodrich. (4) Joseph, Jr., b. Sept. 4, 1753; m., 1st, 1771, Rhoda Hollister; 2nd, widow Abigail (Smith) Hooker; 3rd, widow Prudence (Spellman) Wright. iv. MARY, b. Mar. 18, 1717; d. Feb. 21, 1775; m. Dec. 23, 1743, LADWICK HOTCHKISS of New Britain, son of Josiah and Abigail (Parker) Hotchkiss. He was b. Jan. 18, 1722, and d. Mar. 7, 1803. Children: (1) Lemuel, b. Nov. 8, 1741; m. Mar. 26, 1764, Penelope Mather. (2) Molly, b. July 21, 1747; m. Dec. 17, 1769, John Stedman. (3) Ladwick, b. May 25, 1752; m. May 17, 1773, Martha Lee. (4) Josiah, b. Nov. 7, 1757; d. April 14, 1832; m., 1st, Feb. 22, 1781, Mary Root; 2nd, widow Esther Carrington. 23. v. DAVID, b. Aug. 4, 1721; d. 1791. vi. LYDIA, b. 1724. vii. HANNAH, b. May 14, 1727; d. Mar. 11, 1816; m. June 30, 1743, ELEAZER, son of David and Hannah (Gaylord) Orvis. He was b. Nov. 11, 1719, and d. Feb. 1805. 24. viii. JOSEPH, b. April 2, 1730; d. at Lake George, N. Y., in 1775, while serving in the Revolutionary Army. 10. JOSEPH 3 NORTH (Thomas 2 , John 1 }, fourth son of Thomas and Hannah (Newell) North, was born at Northington, now Avon, in 1692, and died at Goshen Mar. 20, 1781. He married July 18, 1734, MRS. MARTHA (DENNY) SMITH, who died at Goshen Aug. 24, 1798. He removed from Farmington to Goshen in the spring of 1744. His first purchase in that town was made May 8, 1744, of Samuel Towner. It comprised 60 acres on the west side of East Street, about 35 rods south of where the Hartford turnpike comes in from the east. It became the home lot of his family and de- scendants, his first house thereon being of logs. Children, b. at Farmington, except the youngest, b. at Goshen: 25. i. JOSEPH, b. July 1, 1736; d. Aug. 7, 1806. ii. EMSHA, b. 1738; d. of sickness in the army during the French and Indian War. iii. MARTHA, b. Aug. 4, 1740; m. Aug. 5, 1761, JEREMIAH, son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Gaylord) Howe of Canaan. 21 iv. REBECCA, b. April 24, 1743; d. Oct. 8, 1825; m. Sept. 16, 1762, ELISHA, son of Elihu and Judith (Howe) Yale of Canaan, b. Aug. 29, 1742; d. April 1, 1825. 26. v. EZEKIAL, b. Aug. 12, 1747; d. Sept. 13, 1832. 11. EBENEZER 3 NORTH (Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Thomas and Hannah (Newell) North, was born at Northing- ton, now Avon, in 1703, and died at Torrington, Aug. 5, 1789, aged 86. He married Dec. 10, 1730, SIBYL, daughter of Capt. Thomas and Mary (Goodrich) Curtis. Ebenezer North was one of the petitioners to the General Assembly at Hartford, May 10, 1739, for permission to erect a new meetinghouse in Kensington parish. He removed from Great Swamp (now Berlin) or Kensington to Torrington in the spring of 1741 with his family. With Zebulon Curtis he bought two farms south of the old Matthew Grant place in Torrington, where he settled, later selling part of his land to Curtis. His wife died at Winchester Nov. 17, 1794, aged 91. Ebenezer North was the progenitor of the Torrington branch of Norths. Children: 27. i. ASHBEL, b. Oct. 3, 1731; d. July 9, 1800. 28. ii. NOAH, b. Jan. 10, 1733; d. April 5, 1808. 29. iii. MARTIN, b. Dec. 13, 1734; d. 1806. iv. SIBYL, b. Sept. 4, 1736; m. SAMUEL COWLES of Norfolk. v. LUCY, b. at Torrington, May 1, 1739; m. Feb. 25, 1766, AMASA COWLES of Norfolk, vi. ASAHEL, b. at Torrington, May 13, 1743; d. 1803; unm. Served in the Revolutionary War, Oct. 25-Dec. 24, 1776, in Capt. Seymour's Company, Maj. Sheldon's Regiment, Light Horse Connecticut Militia. 30. vii. EBENEZER, b. at Torrington, June 27, 1746; d. Dec. 13, 1832. viii. ACHSAH, b. Aug. 14, 1748; m. Dec. 12, 1780, JOHN VIDETTE (Viditto, Videtto). Children: Jasper, m. Rebecca Williams. Laura. ix. SARAH, b. at Torrington, Dec. 1, 1752; m. LEBBEUS HOLMES of Goshen. FOURTH GENERATION 13. JONATHON 4 NORTH (John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of John and Mary (Seymour) North, was born at Farm- ington, April 8, 1704, and married Aug. 28, 1730, MARY WOL- COTT, born Aug. 20, 1709, daughter of Lieut. Charles and Eliza- beth (Hawley) Wolcott of Windsor, whither he removed, and where his five oldest children were born. He removed to Canaan about 1738, where his youngest son was born. Children: i. ELIZABETH, b. July 6, 1732. ii. MABY, b. April 1, 1734. 31. iii. JOHN, b. May 14, 1736; d. 1803. iv. CHARLES, b. May 14, 1736; (twin). v. SARAH, b. April 27, 1738; m. June 24, 1761, JONATHON MILLER (?) 32. vi. ASA, b. Sept. 10, 1745; d. Aug. 21, 1801. 14. JOSIAH 4 NORTH (John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of John and Mary (Seymour) North, was born at Farmington in 1705, and died there in 1777. He married in 1726, TEM- PERANCE BALDWIN of Milford. She died in 1789. They were both members of the church. He lived near his father in Farmington, and had half of his uncle Samuel's farm, which the latter bequeathed to him, together with the house and barn. Children: i. SIBYL, b. 1727; m. 1750, JAMES GRIDLEY, whose descendants lived in Cornwall and Clinton, N. Y. ii. SARAH, b. 1729; d. unm. iii. OLIVER, b. 1732; d. 1737. iv. JANE, b. 1735; d. 1738. v. MARY, b. April 21, 1736; m. NORTON. Child: Sophia. vi. JOSIAH, b. 1738; d. May 6, 1784. No children. vii. MERCY, m. April 21, 1766, ELISHA, son of Hezekia and Mercy (Harris) Scott and lived at the south end of Farmington Street. 23 15. SAMUEL 4 NORTH (John 5 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of John and Mary (Seymour) North, was born at Farming- ton in 1708 and died there in 1796, aged 88. He married in 1737 Lois, daughter of Dea. Samuel Porter. She was born in July, 1712, and died Dec. 15, 1796. They and their children were all church members, and lived at Eastern Farms, Farmington. Either Samuel North or his son Samuel became involved in contempt of court proceedings in 1774-8 for refusing to deliver to William Pitkin an unrecorded deed for certain land in Farmington, after the court had ordered him to do so. The court 1 fined Samuel North 20 ai;d costs, rendered the deed null and void, and ordered the petitioners to deliver to Samuel North certain monies which the latter had refused to accept for the deed. Children, b. at Farmington: i. SAMUEL, b. 1738; d. 1738. 33. ii. SAMUEL, 2d, b. July 17, 1740; d. Aug. 11, 1806. 34. iii. REUBEN, b. May 23, 1743; d. Nov. 19, 1822. iv. Lois, b. and d. Feb. 8, 1745. 35. v. JOHN, b. Oct. 5, 1748; d. Aug. 7, 1840. vi. SUSANNAH, b. Nov. 10, 1750; d. Oct., 1829; m. GABRIEL CURTISS. vii. Lois, 2d, b. 1752; d. Mar. 26, 1814; m. (1) 1770, SAMUEL SCOTT; (2) TIMOTHY WOODRUFF of East Farms. viii. SOLOMON, b. 1754; m. . No children. ix. AARON, b. 1756; d. Jan. 21, 1776, in the Revolutionary Army at Woodbury; unm. 16. DANIEL 4 NORTH (Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Thomas and Hannah (Woodford) North, was born at Farmington, Mar. 20, 1702, and died there Mar. 23, 1784. He married (1) Feb. 18, 1736, his cousin MARY, daughter of George and Hannah (North) Northaway, and granddaughter of Samuel North (3). She was born Jan. 10, 1711, and died Aug. 8, 1748. He married (2) Mar. 15, 1750, LYDIA (PORTER) LEE, widow of John Lee, and daughter of William and Mary (Smith) Porter. She was born July 4, 1716, and died Sept. 10, 1837. Daniel North lived at Eastern Farms, Farmington, where he inherited half of his uncle Samuel's farm. He is buried in the old grave- yard at Farmington, with his wife Mary Lee, his son Daniel, and the latter's wife Mary Larcum. ^'Colonial Records of Connecticut," Trumbull, Vol. XIV, p. 286; Vol. XV, p. 58. 24 Children, by first wife, b. at Farmington: i. MARY, b. Aug. 20, 1737; d. Sept. 10, 1737. ii. MARY, b. Sept. 11, ; d. Oct. 25, . iii. RUTH, b. May 4, ; d. in infancy. iv. GEORGE, b. Mar. 11, 1742; d. in infancy. v. ABIGAIL, b. July, 1744; m. (1), Oct. 8, 1767, SIMON CLARK, who d. Sept. 14, 1776, aged 33; (2), CHAPMAN. Children by first husband : (1) Abigail. (2) Sarah. 1(3) Jesse. ()LydiaN. 36. vi. DANIEL, b. Sept., 1746; d. Oct. 7, 1824. By second wife: vii. NOAH, b. Jan. 2, 1751; d. Mar. 1, 1751. viii. ELYDIA, b. Mar. 4, 1752; d. hi infancy, ix. NOAH, 2nd, b. Mar. 23, 1754; d. July 16, 1769. x. LYDIA b. Mar. 23, 1754 (twin); d. before 1784. xi. HANNAH, b. Oct. 10, 1758; d. Feb. 13, 1809; m. Nov. 20, 1783, widower AMOS SHEPARD, JR. 17. TIMOTHY 4 NORTH (Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, third son of Thomas and Hannah (Woodford) North, was born at Farmington, Sept. 21, 1714, and died there July 31, 1788. He married Jan. 25, 1739, his cousin HANNAH, daughter of Thomas North (8) . His six sons served in the Revolutionary War, and three of them, Thomas, Lot and Abijah, were pioneeers in the settling of Ohio and Kentucky after the war. Timothy North's house was "burned to ashes," and the Con- necticut Colonial Assembly sitting at Hartford Oct. 13, 1763, recompensed him for certain bills lost therein: " Upon the memorial of Timothy North of Farmington, shew- ing to this Assembly that on the 21st day of April last his house was burned to ashes and also about nineteen shillings in bills emitted by this colony was burnt at the same time; praying that the same might be paid him out of the public treasury, etc., as per memorial on file: "Resolved, by this Assembly, that the sum of nineteen shillings be paid to the said Timothy North out of the public treasury; and that the Treasurer is hereby empowered to pay the same. " Children, b. at Farmington : 37. i. ASA, b. Nov. 3, 1739; d. July 9, 1829. 38. ii. ELI, b. May 11, 1743; d. May 15, 1813. iii. EUNICE, b. Jan. 10, 1746; d. Mar. 29, 1759. 39. iv. THOMAS, b. Aug. 29, 1748; d. Nov. 1, 1830. 40. v. SETH, b. April 6, 1752; d. May 15, 1822. 25 41. vi. LOT, b. Jan. 20, 1756; d. Oct. 8, 1825. 42. vii. ABIJAH, b. Feb. 8; 1759; d. Mar. 23, 1850. viii. RHODA, b. Dec. 23, 1760; d. Jan. 28, 1763. ix. ABI, b. Jan. 13, 1763; d. 1791; m. THOMAS PERRY. 18. DEA. ISAAC 4 NORTH (Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Thomas and Martha (Roys) North, was born at Berlin, Sept. 27, 1703, and was baptized by Rev. Samuel Good- rich (the father of "Peter Parley"), who preached solid doctrinal sermons under an antique sounding board. He died in Berlin, Dec. 20, 1788, aged 86 years. In 1728 he married MARY, daugh- ter of Joseph and Lydia (Smith) Woodford, with which family the Norths were very intimate. She was born Mar. 2, 1708, and died Aug. 25, 1798, aged 90 years. Dea. Isaac North was the first enrolled member and the first deacon of the Second Congregational Church of Berlin, organ- ized Feb. 9, 1775. He lived in a house still occupied and in good condition, situated one mile north of Berlin village, and later known as the Abijah North place. The highway was later changed from the front to the rear of the house so that the back door now faces the street. Dea. Isaac North and his wife are both buried in the Beckley Cemetery, where their gravestones may be seen. Children, b. at Berlin: 43. i. ISAAC, b. Aug. 4, 1729; d. Nov. 17, 1804. ii. MARY, b. Aug. 27, 1732; m. at Berlin, April 24, 1760, THOMAS GILBERT, b. Oct. 4, 1738, son of Moses Gilbert. She became a church member in 1758. 44. iii. JEDEDIAH, b. Jan. 16, 1734; d. Dec. 16, 1816. iv. LYDIA, b. Dec. 16, 1736; d. Oct. 1, 1741. 45. v. SAMUEL, b. Sept. 19, 1742; d. July 19, 1814, vi. SETH, b. May 4, 1744; d. in infancy. vii. RUTH, b. 1747; d. in infancy. 46. viii. SETH, 2nd, b. 1749; d. Feb. 29, 1820. 19. CAPT. THOMAS 4 NORTH (Thomas 5 , Thomas*, John*), second son of Thomas and Martha (Roys) North, was born at Berlin Oct. 27, 1705. He married ELIZABETH . In 1743 he removed from Wethersfield to Sharon, where he lived for about ten years, and was one of the first proprietors of the iron works situated in the Hollow. He lived on the twenty- sixth home lot known as the Capt. Patchen place, later owned by 26 Mr. Chase. The Connecticut Colonial Assembly elected him ensign and later captain of the train band for the town of Sharon, by which last title he was afterwards known. He was also selectman of Sharon for several years. In 1753 he went into the western wilderness in Dutchess Co., N. Y., settling in the Little Nine Partners grant, now included in the towns of Pine Plains and Milan, and where were born his three young- est sons. Children : i. ELIZABETH, b. at Wethersfield, July 4, 1731; m. July 2, 1752, ELKANAH FULLER. ii. RUTH, b. at Wethersfield, Nov. 6, 1741. iii. THOMAS, b. at Sharon, Feb. 3, 1745-6. Perhaps the Thomas North recorded in the Federal Census of 1790 as head of a family in Granville, Washington Co., N. Y. 47. iv. DANIEL, b. about 1740-50. v. BENJAMIN, removed to Otsego Co. ,N.Y. 48. vi. SAMUEL, b. Sept. 20, 1751; d. July 7, 1820. 20. JAMES NORTH 4 (Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Thomas and Martha (Roys) North, was born at Christian Lane, now Berlin, April 17, 1709, and died at Canaan in 1758. He married SARAH SEYMOUR, who was born Dec. 2, 1712, and died Aug. 20, 1781. He was the progenitor of the New Britain branch of Norths, famous for their manufacturing enterprises. James North lived on the borders of Wethersfield, then re- moved to Canaan where he died. EXTRACTS FROM COLONIAL RECORDS OF CONNECTICUT "Upon the memorial of Sarah North of Canaan, administrix of the estate of James North, late of said Canaan, deceased, shewing to this assembly that the debts due from said deceased surmount his moveable estate the sum of seventy one pounds ten shillings and four pence one farthing lawful money; praying this assembly to improve the memo- rialist, or some other meet person, to sell so much of the real estate of said deceased as shall be sufficient to pay said sum and the incident charges etc. Resolved by this Assembly, that the memorialist have power and she is hereby empowered, to sell so much of the real estate of said deceased as shall be sufficient to pay said sum together with the incident charges arising thereon; taking the direction of the court of probate for the district of Sharon therein." The above act was passed "at a General Assembly of the Governor and company of his Majesty's English Colony of Connecticut in New 27 England in America, holden in Hartford in said Colony, on the second Thursday of May (being the eleventh day of said month) and con- tinued by several adjournments until the eighth day of June following, Annoque Donimi 1758." General Assembly holden at Hartford, May 14, to June 10, 1761, the following act was passed: "Upon the memorial of Judah Hart and Susan Hart, administra- tors of the estate of James North, late of Canaan, deceased, represent- ing to this Assembly that the debts due from the estate of said deceased which was allowed by the court of probates for the district of Sharon surmount the whole moveable estate, and so much of the real estate of said deceased as hath already been sold by order of the General Assem- bly the sum of 31, 5 s. 85 d. lawful money; praying that Capt. Thomas North of Sharon might be empowered to sell so much of real estate as to pay said sum within the incident charge of sale, taking the direction of the Court of probate in said district, as per the memorial appears: Resolved by this Assembly, that the said Thomas North have liberty, and liberty and authority is hereby granted unto him, to sell so much of said estate as shall be sufficient to pay said 31 5 *. 8j d. with the incident charge of such sale; taking the direction of the court of pro- bates in said district therein." Children : i. THOMAS. During the French and Indian Wars, at the alarm for Fort William Henry in August, 1757, rode horses from Canaan for Capt. Uriah Stevens of that town. In 1760 he served with the rank of sergeant, from April 6 to Sept. 4 in Capt. John Sumner's Company, Gen. Lyman's Regiment, which participated in the capture of Montreal under General Amherst. In 1761 served from April 10 to Sept. 1 under Capt. Joseph Canfield of New Milford. Was drowned later during the wars, at the age of 19. 49. ii. ASHKR, b. 1741; d. Feb. 29, 1816. iii. LYDIA, b. 1746; d. April 18, 1814; unm. 50. iv. JAMES, b. Jan. 14, 1748; d. May 14, 1833. v. SARAH, b. Feb. 22, 1749; d. Sept. 15, 1822; m. Sept. 27, 1770, JUDAH HART, JR. Children: (1) Sarah, m. Asahel Hart. (2) Salmon, m. 1st, Sarah Goodrich; 2nd, Rosetta North. (3) Judah, m. Abigail Bel den. (4) Anna,ro.. Tru- man Woodruff. (5) Roxana, m. 1st Albert Merriman; 2nd, James Beecher. (6) Lydia, m. Samuel Porter. (7) Eliphaz, m. Eliza Armstrong. (8) Henry. (9) Amzi. vi. MERCY, b. 1753; d. Aug. 6, 1819; m. 1782, SAMUEL BASS, who d. Nov. 29, 1802, aged 50. Joined church 1778. 21. NATHANIEL 4 NORTH (Nathaniel 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Nathaniel and Margaret (Holcomb) North, was born at Northington, now Avon, April 14, 1709, and died in 1754, aged 45, at Wethersfield, where he lived. He married May 12, 1731, THANKFUL ROOT, born at Newington, July 15, 1717, daughter of Joseph Root. No record of any grandchildren has been found. Children: i. JONATHON, b. June 10, 1738. ii. ELNATHAN, b. June 10, 1738 (twin). Was a soldier in the French and Indian Wars, serving in five different campaigns. He enlisted April 11, 1755, under Capt. John Patterson, 5th Company, 1st Regiment, Connecticut Militia, and was discharged Oct. 24. In the campaign of 1756 he enlisted Mar. 27, {again under Capt. Patterson, for service in the alarm of Fort William Henry and parts adjacent, and was discharged Oct. 24. In the campaign of 1757, also in service at Fort William Henry, he was for two weeks and four days under Capt. Lee of Farmington. On May 31, 1758, he enlisted in Capt. Eliphalet Whittelsey's Company, for the Canadian campaign, and was discharged Nov. 15, 1758. The following year he served from April 22 to Dec. 1 in Capt. King's Company, in the campaign of 1761. iii. NATHANIEL, b. Feb. 6, 1740; d. Sept. 7, 1762. Was also a soldier in the French and Indian Wars, serving in 1761 in the company under Lieut.-Col. Smedley of Fairfield; Mar. 11, 1762, enlisted for the Havanna campaign in Capt. John Patterson's Company and died at Havanna, Sept. 7, 1762. iv. AMOS, b. Oct. 30, 1742. v. THANKFUL, b. Aug. 26, 1744; m. 1766 EZEKIAL LEWIS. 22. LIEUT. JOHN 4 NORTH (Nathaniel 3 , Thomas*, John*), second son of Nathaniel and Margaret (Holcomb) North, was born at Farmington, May 13, 1711, and died at Goshen Oct. 22, 1785. He married Feb. 21, 1739, ESTHER STANLEY who was fifth in line from John Stanley, Sr., who died on the passage from England in 1634. She died Nov. 19, 1770, aged 72. They removed in 1745 to Goshen. He served in the French and Indian Wars, and Oct. 31, 1760, the Colonial Assembly appointed him "lieutenant of the east company or train band in Goshen." He engaged in business, speculated largely in lands, and finally meeting with misfortune, died poor. He and his wife are buried in the Goshen West Side Cemetery, where the tombstone still stands, erected by their grandson 29 Theodore North, with the inscription: "In memory of John North who died Oct. 22, 1785, aged 72 years." Four of his sons served in the Revolution. Children: i. ESTHER, b. at Farmington, Mar. 17, 1739; m. Nov. 11, 1758, ISAAC HUMPHREY of Goshen, son of Samuel and Hannah (Phelps) Humphrey. Children: (1) Samuel, b. Aug. 31, 1759; m., 1st, Mary Humphrey; 2nd, Priscilla Warren; 3rd, Roxy Culver; 4th, Sarah Hubbard. (2) Isaac, b. June 26, 1761; m. Hannah Brown of Canaan. (3) Abraham, b. Mar. 12, 1763; m. Huldah Baldwin. (4) Ethan, b. April 24, 1765. (5) Esther, b. April 24, 1765; d. 1806; m. Jesse Tirrell. (6) Rosanna, b. Sept. 14, 1767; m. 1794 Henry Lee. (7) Eunice, b. April 28, 1769; d. May 6, 1786; m. Joseph Bailey. (8) Jona- than, b. Mar. 21, 1771; d. April 10, 1835; m. 1792 Rachel Dowd. (9) Roswell, b. June 22, 1774; d. 1836; m. Ruth Gillet. (10) Elizabeth, b. April 7, 1776; also m. Henry Lee. (11) Electa, b. July 18, 1778; m. Heman Chapin. (12) William, b. June 5, 1783; d. Oct. 9, 1788. (13) Guy, b. July 29, 1786; m. his cousin Sarah, daughter of Simeon North (55), and in 1831 removed to Somerset, N. Y., where he d. Sept. 30, 1862. ii. ABIJAH, b. at Farmington, Oct. 2, 1741; d. Nov. 29, 1741. 51. iii. ABIJAH, 2nd, b. at Farmington, Oct. 19, 1743; d. May 3, 1785. iv. SARAH, b. Sept. 30, 1745; d. Aug. 6, 1832; m. Sept. 30, 1774, DAVID SMITH of Litchfield, b. 1752, and known as "Quaker Smith." 52. v. JOHN, b. at Goshen, Jan. 4, 1748; d. July 10, 1799. vi. ELIZABETH, b. at Goshen, Jan. 1, 1750; d. Nov. 19, 1770. 53. vii. SETH, b. at Goshen, Oct. 2, 1752. 54. viii. STEPHEN, b. April 26, 1754. ix. GAD, b. at Goshen, Oct. 10, 1756; d. at New Britain, Sept. 9, 1807, aged 51. He served in the Revolutionary War, 3rd Regiment, Connecticut Line, Feb. 28-Dec. 31, 1778, under Col. Samuel Willys. This command assisted in part in re- pelling the enemy at Danbury, April, 1778. 55. x. SIMEON, b. at Goshen, Feb. 28, 1758. 23. DAVID 4 NORTH (Nathaniel*, Thomas*, John 1 ), third son of Nathaniel and Margaret (Holcomb) North, was born at Farmington Aug. 4, 1721, and died in 1791. He married SARAH FULLER, who died in 1804, aged 76. They lived in Simsbury and Northington. David North served in the Revolutionary War, Brig.-Gen. Wolcott's Brigade, Col. Belden's Regiment, Capt. Wells' Company, April 10-May 22, 1777. Children: i. SARAH, b. 1752; d. 1774. ii. ACHSAH, b. 1755; m. at Avon, Nov. 16, 1776, JAMES NORTH- AWAY of Goshen. iii. MARGARET, b. 1757; m. at Avon, Mar. 9, 1780, WILLIAM McKiNLEY of Goshen. iv. CANDACE, b. 1759; d. Nov. 21, 1811; m. at Avon, Jan. 17, 1797, CAPT. DUDLEY WOODFORD of Avon, v. JOSEPH, b. 1761; d. 1761. vi. LUCINDA, b. 1762; d. 1788; m. Mar. 13, 1783, OLIVER LEWIS. vii. CORINNA, b. 1764; d. 1765. viii. CORINNA, 2nd, b. 1766; m. at Avon, Sept. 18, 1787, GEDOR WOODRUFF. ix. SON, b. 1769; d. in infancy. x. DAUGHTER, b. 1769; d. in infancy, xi. SON, b. 1770; d. in infancy. 24. JOSEPH 4 NORTH (Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), young- est son of Nathaniel and Margaret (Holcomb) North, was born at Farmington, April 2, 1730, and died at Lake George, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1775, while serving in the Revolutionary Army as fifer in Capt. Joel Clark's Company, Col. Jedediah Huntington's Regiment, Continental Army, in which he enlisted July 8, 1775. He married at Avon June 9, 1754, SARAH, daughter of Josiah Woodruff. Child: 56. i. ISAIAH, b. Nov. 13, 1754; d. Sept. 25, 1821. 25. DR. JOSEPH 4 NORTH (Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Joseph and Martha (Denny) North, was born at Northington, now Avon, July 1, 1736, and died at Goshen, Aug. 7, 1806. He married LUCY COLE who died at Cornwall, Jan., 1829, aged 82, daughter of William Cole. "Dr. North came with his father to Goshen when be was eight years old. It is related of him that when he was a young man, he used to spend some time with Dr. Joel Soper, reading his books, and although the teacher was but poorly taught (as were most of the medical men of those days) the young man acquired some knowledge of medicine and surgery. In surgery and especially in the setting of broken and dislocated bones he became eminently skillful. His medical and surgical practice was very considerable for many years. He was long remem- bered as a valuable citizen and as a man useful in his day; and 31 although some of his children and grandchildren have gone far beyond him in medical and surgical knowledge, it should be re- membered that his opportunities were far less than theirs." ("History of Goshen.") Children, b. at Goshen: 57. i. JOSEPH, b. May 14, 1769; d. Sept. 22, 1848. 58. ii. ELISHA, b. Jan. 8, 1771; d. Dec. 29, 1843. iii. ETHEL (son), b. 1774; d. in Kentucky, Aug. 17, 1797. Physi- cian. 59. iv. REUBEN, b. 1776; d. Feb. 4, 1853. v. ESTHER, b. 1778; d. Aug. 25, 1831; unm. vi. LUCY, b. Dec. 28, 1779; d. 1843; m. Jan. 22, 1811, SAMUEL D. STREET of Goshen. Children: (1) Lamont, b. June 1, 1812; m. Jan. 19, 1840, Diana Thomson. (2) Lyman, b. 1816; d. 1818. (3) Lagrand, b. and d. 1818. (4) Lucy C., b. May 14, 1820. vii. MARTHA, b. Sept. 1782; d. in Goshen, Dec. 30, 1821; m. Dec. 20, 1809, Norman Wadhams of Goshen, who m. (2) in 1822; Philena Hungerford. Children: (1) Burr, b. Sept. 23, 1810; m. Nancy Freeman. (2) James, b. Feb. 4, 1815; m., 1st, Sarah L. Oviatt; 2nd, Mrs. Fidelia (Curtiss) Platt. (3) Catharine, b. May 9, 1816; m. Abner C. Hard. (4) Lyman S., b. Mar. 20, 1818; d. about 1878; unm. viii. MARY b. April, 1784; d. April 30, 1842; m. ISAAC NEWLIN of Fishkill, N. Y. Children: (1) Sarah. (2) Edward. (3) Howard. ix. DANIEL, b. June 1, 1787; d. 1868; m. LUCY (NORTON) ROOD, widow of Walter H. Rood, and daughter of Davis and Lois (Ferguson) Norton, Sangerfield, N. Y. No children. 26. EZEKIAL 4 NORTH (Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , Jo/m 1 ), young- est son of Joseph and Martha (Denny) North, was born at Northington, Aug. 22, 1747, and died at Goshen, Sept. 13, 1832, aged 85. He married Mar. 4, 1773, ABIGAIL, daughter of Stephen Goodwin. She was born Aug. 8, 1752, and died at Goshen, April 11, 1814, aged 62. They lived on East Main Street, Goshen. Ezekial North served in Capt. Seymour's Company, Maj. Sheldon's Regiment of Light Horse Connecticut Militia during the Revolution, Nov. 1-Dec. 29, 1776, accompanying Wash- ington on his retreat through Delaware. Children: i. OLIVE, b. Nov. 11, 1773; d. at Goshen, Dec. 2, 1773. ii. EZEKIAL, b. Feb. 20, 1775; d. at Waterloo, N. Y., Feb. 20, 32 1806. He was unm., and for many years a physician at Junius, N. Y., where he is buried, iii. OLIVE B., b. Feb. 27, 1777; d. June 1, 1861; m. JESSE BEACH of Goshen. Child: Horatio North, b. 1818; m. Mary Lucus. iv. MABLE, b. Jan. 28, 1779; d. at Goshen, Mar. 8, 1814; unm. 60. v. ISRAEL, b. Feb. 17, 1781; d. Nov 4, 1843. vi. ABIGAIL, b. Jan. 7, 1783; d. at Great Barrington, Mass., Feb. 5, 1868. Buried at Stockbridge, Mass, vii. NATHANIEL, b. Jan. 28, 1785; d. at Goshen, April 7, 1822; unm. 61. viii. JONATHON, b. April 4, 1787; d. July 10, 1864. ix. NANCY, b. May 1, 1790; d. Sept. 1, 1822; unm. 62. x. DARIUS, b. Jan. 1, 1793; d. Dec. 30, 1843. 27. ASHBEL 4 NORTH (Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Ebenezer and Sibyl (Curtis) North, was born, probably at Kensington, Oct. 3, 1731, and died at Torrington, July 9, 1800. He removed to Torrington with his father when a boy, and married Jan. 26, 1757, RUTH, daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah (Pomeroy) Lyman. She died Feb. 7, 1812, aged 77. Ashbel North was a farmer on what is known as the Phineas North place in Torrington, and was an enterprising man. Children : i. ROXALANY, b. Nov. 24, 1759; d. of smallpox, in 1777, 1 month after her marriage to Dr. Elkanah Hodges. 63. ii. PHINEAS, b. July 19, 1762. iii. LEMUEL, b. Dec. 14, 1767; d. Mar. 3, 1787. 28. DEA. NOAH 4 NORTH (Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Ebenezer and Sibyl (Curtis) North, was born at Kensington, Jan. 10, 1733, and died Mar. 4, 1818. He married (1) Mar. 25, 1756, JEMIMA, daughter of Abraham Loomis, who died Dec. 27, 1767; (2) April 29, 1771, ELIZABETH HUMPHREY who died Aug. 5, 1822. Noah North went with his father from Kensington to Tor- rington, when he was less than 10 years old. In the latter town he became an important and influential citizen. In religion he was a puritan of the strict and thorough kind. In going to the barn one Sunday afternoon, his grandson Cyrus, accompanying him, slid across a little piece of ice. The old gentleman obtained a whip, and proceeded to use it on him severely, and the boy was heard at some distance crying and saying: "I won't do it again, I won't do it again." To which the old gentleman was heard to reply: "I don't mean you shall." This was done as a religious duty rather than a matter of passion or want of love for the child. Noah North represented Torrington in the legislature for several years, was selectman of the town, and deacon of the church. Children, b. at Torrington: i. NOAH, b. June 12, 1757; d. April 28, 1780. 64. ii. JUNTOS (Junia), b. Sept. 24, 1760; d. Nov. 14, 1828. 65. iii. REMEMBRANCE, b. Oct. 13, 1762; d. Aug. 10, 1802. iv. JEMIMA, b. April 7, 1766; d. Dec. 10, 1818; m. ELIHU BARBER. v. MARY, b. Dec. 19, 1767; d. Sept., 1827; m. HEZEKIA WEST, a Baptist minister. They removed to Pennsylvania. 29. MARTIN 4 NORTH (Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Ebenezer and Sibyl (Curtis) North, was born at Ber- lin, Kensington parish, Dec. 13, 1734, and died in 1806. He married (1) April 2, 1760, ABIGAIL, daughter of William and Mary (North) Eno, and granddaughter of Thomas North (5) ; (2) June 27, 1782, MRS. MARY COE, by whom he had two children. Martin North, with his sons Martin and Rufus, came from Danbury to Winchester where they built a house. In the French and Indian Wars, he served from June 9 to Dec. 1, 1756, under Capt. Benjamin Allen of Windsor. In the campaign of 1757 he served fifteen days in a Torrington company organized at the alarm of Fort William Henry in August. During the Revolution he served from July 7 to August 3, 1776, in Capt. Judson's Company, Maj. Skinner's Regiment, Light Horse Connecticut Militia, at New York. Children, by first wife: 66. i. MARTIN, b. June 10, 1761; d. Mar. 23, 1816. ii. ABIGAIL, b. Mar. 3, 1764; d. June 2, 1795. iii. LUCINDA, b. June 6, 1767; d. 1845. 67. iv. RUFUS, b. Dec. 24, 1769; d. June 20, 1841. By second wife: v. NOAH, b. May 25, 1783; d. June 13, 1783. 68. vi. NOAH, 2d, b. July 22. 1785; d. Sept. 28, 1824. 30. EBENEZER 4 NORTH (Ebenezer 3 , Thomas*, John*), youngest son of Ebenezer and Sibyl (Curtis) North, was born at Torrington, June 27, 1746, and died there Dec. 13, 1832. He married Feb. 16, 1769, Jerusha Cowles of Norfolk, born Jan. 6, 1750-1, daughter of Samuel Cowles. 34 Children, b. at Torrington : i. PRUDENCE, b. Nov. 16, 1770; m. JONATHON SAXTON, JR., of Enfield, Mass., and had six children, including (1) Jeriisha, b. 1800. (2) Norman, b. 1807. (3) Ebenezer, b. 1811. (4) Me- lissa, b. 1814. 69. ii. ENOS, b. Nov. 17, 1773. FIFTH GENERATION 31. JOHN 5 NORTH (Jonathan*, John*, Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Jonathon and Mary (Wolcott) North, was born at Windsor, May 14, 1736, and died in 1803, probably at Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., where he had removed after living his early life at Canaan. He married at Norfolk, Nov. 17, 1763, AMY RUSSELL of East Haven, During the French and Indian Wars he enlisted from Canaan, June 12, 1759, in Capt. Tarball Whitney's Company, Col. David Wooster's Regiment. In 1760 he served from April 6 to Dec. 4 under Capt. Samuel Elmer of Sharon. Children: i. OLIVER, went West, unm. ii. CHARLES, m. and removed to Canada. Two sons, Eden and Oliver, were living in Watertown, N. Y., in 1843. 70. iii. JOHN, b. at Canaan, Feb. 29, 1780; d. Mar. 20, 1848. iv. AMY, m. DAILEY, of Sand Lake, N. Y. v. SALLY, m. ALLEN, of Canada. 32. ASA 5 NORTH (Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Jonathon and Mary (Wolcott) North, was born at Canaan, Sept. 10, 1745, and died there Aug. 21, 1801. He married at Canaan, Feb. 11, 1773, SUSANNA, daughter of Nathan Newell. She died July 19, 1813. Asa North lived for a number of years in Canaan, and then removed to Sheffield, Mass., where he was a farmer and kept a country store. The Federal Census of 1790 records him as head of a family in that town. During the Revolution he served from April 6 to May 19, 1777, in Capt. Shepard's Company, Col. Belden's Regiment, Gen. Wolcott's Brigade, Connecticut Militia, at Peekskill, N. Y. In 1794 he returned to Canaan and bought a farm of 130 acres with such good judgment that he paid for it with the lumber he cut from it. He also had an interest in an iron furnace. He and his wife were ardent Methodists, and fre- quent meetings were held at their house. 36 Children : i. OLIVE, b. 1773; d. Feb. 10, 1810; m. at Sheffield, Mass., Nov. 16, 1789, WILLIAM COWLES. Four children. 71. ii. DABIUS, b. Aug. 18, 1775; d. Jan. 21, 1847. 72. iii. SAMUEL, b. May 2, 1778; d. Aug. 28, 1863. iv. LUCY LA VESTA, b. 1782; d. about 1855; m. JOSEPH MILES of Farmington, HI. Children: (1) Freeman, b. 1804-5. (2) Milo N., b. 1808; d. 1903. 73. v. ASAHEL, b. 1786; d. Oct. 9, 1839. 74. vi. MILO LINUS, b. May 7, 1789; d. Feb. 22, 1856. vii. EUNICE, m. OZIAS PRESTON. viii. ABIBAM, b. 1791; d. at Albany, N. Y., July 26, 1867, where he m. HARRIS. He was a Methodist divine and lived in Albany. Of the two sons whom he was known to have, one was probably Asa D. who married at Norfolk, Jan. 9, 1820, Clarissa D. Barden. Probably it was Abiram's daughter Elizabeth who was b. at Canaan, Mar. 17, 1812, and d. at Albany, N. Y., July 21, 1865, and m. in 1832, Horatio N. Northrup, and had Edward, b. July 4, 1834, Frances J., b. 1836, and Howard N., b. Nov. 15, 1846. ("Northrup Gene- alogy.") ix. SON, b. and d. April 19, 1796. 33. SAMUEL 5 NORTH (Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest surviving son of Samuel and Lois (Porter) North, was born at Farmington, July 17, 1740, and died there Aug. 11, 1806, aged 66. He married Nov. 29, 1770, LUCY DEMING, born Dec. 5, 1747, daughter of Eliakim and Lucy (Gridley) Deming. She joined the church in 1775. Samuel North was a farmer at East Farms, near Farmington, where all his children were born. He is buried in the old grave- yard at Southington, with his brother Reuben, the latter's wife Julia, and his two sons Linus and Marcus. His wife spent her last seven years with her son Nathan at Boonville, N. Y. Children: i. ANNA, b. Sept. 4, 1771; d. Sept. 21, 1830; m. Mar. 2, 1795, GAD LANGDON of Windsor, Vt., son of Ebenezer and Katherine (Green) Langdon. Child: Albert. ii. CLARISSA, b. May 27, 1773; d. May 9, 1809; unm. 75. iii. LINUS, b. Dec. 6, 1774; d. Aug. 17, 1828. iv. MARCUS, b. Sept. 18, 1776; d. at Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1801; unm. He was a printer by trade. 76. v. NATHAN, b. Sept. 3, 1778; d. Feb. 17, 1857. vi. SARAH, b. Jan. 7, 1781; d. Oct. 13, 1809; m. THOMAS H. WADSWORTH of Farmington. Children: (1) Marcus N., b. 37 1806; d. 1842; m. 1842, Julia Burt. (2) Lucy, b. 1807; m. William Moulton. (3) - . 77. vii. ASAHEL, b. Sept. 3, 1782; d. Mar. 19, 1846. viii. LUCY, b. Jan. 12, 1785; d. Jan. 31, 1817; m. GEN. DANIEL BOWEN of Windsor, Vt. Children: (l)EMen,d.!831. ($)Cutten. ix. SYLVIA, b. Jan. 2, 1787; d. at Ascutneyville, Vt., Sept. 8, 1868; also m. GEN. DANIEL BOWEN of Windsor, Vt. No children. x. SAMUEL, b. Feb. 6, 1790; d. at Southington, Oct. 13, 1862; m. April 23, 1822, JEMIMA GRIDLEY of Southington. No children. Lived in the south part of Farmington. 34. REUBEN 5 NORTH (Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Samuel and Lois (Porter) North, was born at Farmington, May 23, 1743, and died there, Nov. 19, 1822. He married Dec. 1, 1776, JULIANNA, daughter of Daniel Curtis. She died Dec. 13, 1797, aged 50. They lived at East Farms, Farmington. Children, b. at Farmington: i. LUCRETIA, b. 1778; d. 1823; unm. Buried hi Farmington. ii. EBEN C., b. 1781; d. at New Haven, 1824; m. ; no children. He was a tallow chandler, iii. FANNY, m. 1814, STEPHEN ROWE. iv. DOLLY, m. 1812, BROWNELL, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Brownell) Bulkeley. They removed to Coventry, Chenango Co., N. Y. Children: George, Francis. v. JULIA, m. 1812, SOLOMON C. WOODRUFF of Catskill, N. Y. 35. JOHN 5 NORTH (Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Samuel and Lois (Porter) North, was born at Farmington, Oct. 5, 1748, and died there Aug. 7, 1840. He married at West Hartford, Jan. 19, 1775, RHODA MERRILL, who died in 1819, aged 69. He was a blacksmith, and lived at the north end of Farmington street. Children, b. at Farmington: i. SUSAN, b. June 6, 1775; d. May 26, 1863; m. Nov. 7, 1802, POMEROY STRONG of Farmington, son of Col. John and Mercy (Pomeroy) Strong, b. April 9, 1777, d. Sept. 13, 1861. 78. ii. AARON, b. 1777. 79. iii. JOHN ADNA, b. 1779; d. April 4, 1865. iv. LUCINDA, d. aged 9 months. 80. v. ADNA, b. 1785; d. Jan. 1, 1822. vi. LUCINDA, b. April 7, 1787; m. (1) SOLOMON CURTISS. Child: Cornelia. She m. (2) JOHN STRONG of Charlotte, Vt. Child: John. vii. NANCY, b. 1789; d. 1809. 38 36. DANIEL 5 NORTH (Daniel 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Daniel and Mary (Northaway) North, was born at Farmington, in Sept., 1746, and died there Oct. 7, 1824, in which year he joined the church. He married (1) in 1771 , ANNA, daughter of Nathan Judd of New Britain; (2) MARY LARCUM, who joined the church in 1808 and died Mar. 2 of the same year, aged 56; (3) July 12, 1810, MRS. JEMIMA POTTER of Avery, who died Mar. 23, 1823, aged 70. Daniel North lived at Eastern Farms, Farmington. Children, by first wife, b. at Farmington: 81. i. NOAH, b. 1772; d. about 1850. ii. IBA, b. 1774; d. in infancy. iii. LYDIA, b. 1776; m. ROGER CLARK of Wethersfield. 82. iv. IRA, b. 1778. v. POLLY, b. 1780; m. HARMON, of Westfield, N. Y. vi. RHODA, b. 1783; m. 1809, GAD WRIGHT. > TWINS, b. 1786; d. in infancy. ix. OZEM, b. 1787; d. 1788. x. ANNA, b. 1790; m. 1818, MARTIN STEDMAN. 37. ASA 5 NORTH (Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel*, John?), old- est son of Timothy and Hannah (North) North, was born at Farmington, Nov. 3, 1739, and died at Avon July 9, 1829. He married (1) Mar. 8, 1770, MARGARET LUSK of New Britain, who died Dec. 16, 1802, aged 56; (2) in 1804, RHODA HUMPHREY, who died in 1831, aged 92. He joined the church with his first wife in 1774. Their residence was on Lovely Street, Avon. Asa North served in the French and Indian Wars, April 18 to Dec. 1, 1761, in Capt. King's Company of the Connecticut Militia. In the Revolution he served in Capt. Seymour's Com- pany, Maj. Sheldon's Regiment, Light Horse Connecticut Militia, Oct. 25, to Dec. 24, 1776. This command accompanied in whole or in part, Gen. Washington on his retreat through New Jersey in December, 1776. Children, by first wife, b. at Farmington : i. RHODA, b. Mar. 4, 1771; d. at Candor, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1850; m. at Avon, April 8, 1793, EBENEZER SANFORD, b. Wethers- field, June 1, 1771; d. Milan, Mich., Oct. 8, 1838. They removed to Owego, N. Y., in 1808. Ten children, ii. TIMOTHY, b. Dec. 22, 1773; d. 1775. 83. iii. ASA, b. 1775. iv. ISABEL, b. Feb. 22, 1780; d. Oct. 1, 1854; m. at Avon, Nov. 26, 39 1798, DAVID H., son of David and Susannah (Hart) Gleason, b. Sept. 8, 1776, d. May 6, 1850. They lived on her father's place, later removing to Sherman, N. Y. Children: (1) Hiram, b. Sept. 17, 1800. (2) Nancy, b. Oct. 20, 1803. (3) Asahel, b. May 12, 1806. v. NANCY, b. April, 1785; d. Feb. 27, 1866; m. Nov. 21, 1803, CHAUNCEY WOODFORD, son of Bissell and Delight (Thomson) Woodford, b. Oct. 14, 1782. They removed in 1805 to Can- dor, N. Y., where they were among the first settlers of the town. 38. ELI 5 NORTH (Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, second son of Timothy and Hannah (North) North, was born at Farmington May 11, 1743, and died at Avon May 15, 1813, aged 70. He married at Avon, Oct. 3, 1765, his cousin EUNICE, daughter of James and Thankful (North) Hart. She was born Aug. 9, 1746, and died Aug. 4, 1824. They joined the church in 1777, and lived on Lovely Street, Avon. He was a soldier in the Revolution (unofficial record) . Children : i. EUNICE, b. June 24, 1767; d.FApril 27, 1833; m. Jan. 28, 1790, DANIEL COWLES, SRD. 84. ii. ELIJAH, b. 1768; d. May 29, 1808. iii. IRENA, m. 1801, SAMUEL GRIDLEY, of Collinsville, Conn., and Spencer, N. Y. iv. TIMOTHY, m. (1) Jan. 10, 1802; POLLY LARKUM; (2) June 28, 1829, ANNA DAY. No children. Resided in Candor, N. Y. 85. v. JAMES, b. 1781; d. April 22, 1833. vi. ROXY, m. 1812, SAMUEL TEEL. vii. CYNTHIA, b. 1786; m. AMRI GARRETT, Candor, N. Y. viii. SOPHRONIA, b. 1788; m. WILLIAM MONROE. 39. THOMAS 5 NORTH (Timothy 4 , ThomaJ, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Timothy and Hannah (North) North, was born at Farmington, Aug. 29, 1748, and died in Switzerland Co., Ind., Nov. 1, 1830. He married (1) Jan. 14, 1781, SIBYL, daughter of James Gridley. She was born Sept. 25, 1762, and died Jan. 31, 1810. He married (2) Nov. 17, 1810, MRS. BATH- SHEBA DENTON. Thomas North left Farmington early in life and settled in New York State, living in New Cornwall, and West Point, Orange Co. About 1800 he removed with his family to Switzer- land Co., Ind., where he was later joined by his brother Lot. 40 The farm on which they lived, died and were buried, near Rising Sun, Ind., remained in the family until 1913. During the Revolution Thomas North served in the 1st Com- pany, 2nd Regiment, Gen. Spencer's (Connecticut) Continental Army, May 12, to Dec. 13, 1775. This command was at Boston in 1775. Some detachments were in the Battle of Bunker Hill, and others went the same year with Arnold on his expedition through the wilderness to Quebec. Children, by first wife: i. DELIA SOPHIA, b. June 20, 1784; m. Nov. 15, 1815, ALFRED SCUDDER. Children: (1) Sibyl. (2) Susan. 86. ii. THOMAS, b. Mar. 15, 1787. 87. iii. ROYAL FLINT, b. Feb. 24, 1790; d. May 11, 1860. iv. OLIVER GRIDLEY, b. at West Point, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1794; d. July 5, 1814; unm. 88. v. GEORGE WASHINGTON, b. at West Point, N. Y., April 21, 1797; d. July 13, 1873. 40. SETH 5 NORTH (Timothy 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Timothy and Hannah (North) North, was born at Farmington, April 6, 1752, and died there May 15, 1822. He married ABIGAIL, daughter of Stephen and Abigail (Gridley) Hart. She was born Mar. 18, 1751, and died Aug. 2, 1813. He lived on his father's place in Farmington and was a soldier in the Revolution, enlisting Feb. 6, 1776. ("War Dep't Records.") He did not have the habit which all good Christians possessed in those days of attending church, and he was fa- miliarly known by the good people of Farmington as "Sinner North." Child: 89. i. GUY, b. at Farmington, 1779; d. Aug. 1815. 41. LOT 5 NORTH (Timothy*, Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Timothy and Hannah (North) North, was born at Farmington, Jan. 20, 1756, and died at North's Landing, Ind., Oct. 8, 1825. He married Dec. 7, 1780, SILENCE HORSFORD, who was born Feb. 11, 1762, and died Aug. 14, 1835, at North's Landing. Lot North was a drummer boy in the Revolution (family record). In 1799 he removed to Whitestown, N. Y., then to Kentucky, and finally settled about 1808-9 in Switzerland Co., Ind., near his brother Thomas, and engaged in farming. 41 Children, first nine probably born at Farmington: 90. i. SYDNEY, b. Jan. 12, 1782; d. Feb. 4, 1845. ii. ALMIKA, b. Mar. 18, 1784; d. Oct. 1, 1852; m. April 1, 1806, BEVERLY MILLER. Children: (1) James, b. 1807. (2) Polly, b. 1808. (3) Benjamin, b. 1810. (4) Lot, b. 1812. (5) Joseph b. 1814. (6) Thomas, b. 1816. (7) Edmund, b. 1820. 91. iii. ABIJAH, b. Dec. 25, 1787; d. Feb. 26, 1859. iv. RUFUS, b. Sept. 5, 1789; m. Feb. 16, 1815, CATHERINE BURNS. Children: (1) Royal Flint, b. Oct. 14, 1816; d. Dec. 30, 1817. (2) Garrett, b. Dec. 30, 1817. v. ABI, b. May 21, 1791; m. Jan. 25, 1813, WILLIAM MARSH. Children: (1) Eliza Ann, b. 1813. (2) Fielding, b. 1815. (3) Clarinda Ann, b. 1817. (4) Willis, b. 1819. (5) Letitia Ann, b. 1822. (6) William T., b. 1824. (7) Abijah N., b. 1825. (8) George W. 92. vi. ASAHEL, b. Nov. 3, 1792; d. Mar. 1, 1875. 93. vii. LEVI, b. Mar. 11, 1793; d. Aug. 20, 1845. viii. OLIVE, b. Oct. 18, 1794; d. July 20, 1795. ix. HULDAH, b. June 20, 1796; d. Oct. 20, 1830; unm. x. NANCY, b. Jan .5, 1800; m. Jan. 16, 1817, THOMAS BENNETT. Children: (1) Reed, b. 1818. (2) Oliver H. P., b. 1819. (3) Abijah N., b. 1820. (4) Asahel, b. 1823. (5) Almira M., b. 1825. 42. ABIJAH 5 NORTH ( Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ) , sixth and youngest son of Timothy and Hannah (North) North, was born at Farmington, Feb. 8, 1759, and died in Gallatin Co., Ky., Mar. 23, 1850. He married in Fayette, afterwards Bour- bon Co., Ky., July 20, 1786, SALLY MARSH. Abijah North was a soldier in the Revolution. His service record as supplied by the Bureau of Pensions is : Enlisted May, 1776, for 5 months Conn., under Capt. Hooker. May, 1777, for 1 month Conn., under Capt. Hooker. June, 1778, for 3 months under Capt. Bray and Col. Enos. Sept., 1778 to Oct. 1781 in Springfield, Mass., under Capt. Faxton and Col. Mason. Service under Capt. Bray seems to be confused with that of his cousin Abijah North (49). Abijah North was in the battles of Ticonderoga and Crown Point under Col. Ethan Allen, enlisting in 1775, according to the New York state record. An interesting account of his pioneer life is contained in his reply to Rev. William S. Porter's request for information regard- 42 ing his family. The original letter is in the possession of the Connecticut Historical Society at Hartford. WARSAW, GALLATIN Co., KENTUCKY. October, 1844. Dear Sir: The Postmaster of Warsaw handed me your letter dated August the 29, 1844, requesting the lineage of the Norths in this country. In the year 1784 I took passage on board a small coaster at New York and went ashore at Beaufort, North Carolina, where I spent the summer. In the autumn of that year I joined a company of hunters and passed through a wilderness of 200 miles to Kentucky. Resided there till the 20th of July, 1786. I then married and settled myself in Bourbon County where I resided till October. I then went on an expedition against the Shawnees on the head waters of the Big Miami where we burned and destroyed 16 of their towns. On the 10th of May, 1791, I moved to what is now Harrison County where I resided till June, 1825. I then moved my family to Gallatin County to a tract of 1,200 acres which I had purchased there, and on which I now reside in good health. My wife is also in good health in the 78th year of her age. In 1799 Brother Lot moved to Kentucky and afterwards to Switzer- land County, State of Indiana. I had two sons, Henry who now lives on my farm, and Thomas who went to Louisiana and died there in 1825 leaving two sons, John and Thomas. My son Henry has three sons, Joseph, Theodore and Constantine, and four daughters. Brother Lot's eldest son Sydney moved to the western part of Indiana. His son Abi- jah has been a representative in the Indiana Legislature and is now a wealthy merchant hi Rising Sun. His other sons, Asel and Levi, are wealthy. Brother Thomas died in Switzerland County, Indiana, where his sons, Royal and George now reside and are good farmers. You will excuse my bad writing. I have almost lost the use of my With respect, I am yours, ABIJAH NORTH. Abijah North became a slave-owner, but he liberated the six- teen slaves which he acquired. Children, b. in Gallatin Co.: 94. i. HENRY T., b. April 27, 1787; d. July 9, 1865. ii. THOMAS, b. ; d. in Louisiana, 1825; m. POLLY DAVIS. Children: John, Thomas. iii. ELIZABETH, b. April 21, ; m. June 29, 1820, JAMES GRID- LEY. Children: (1) Emily, b. 1821; m. V. Brashiers. (2) Oliver D., b. 1823. (3) Eliza C., b. 1825; m. Nat Cromwell. (4) William Henry, m. . (5) Abijah N., m. Deliliah Craig. iv. POLLY, m. JOSEPH BLACKBURN. 43 43. LIEUT. ISAAC 5 NORTH, JR. (Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Dea. Isaac and Mary (Woodford) North, was born at Berlin, Aug. 4, 1729, and died there Nov. 17, 1804. He married Jan. 18, 1753, HEPZIBAH, daughter of Hezekia and Martha (Beckley) Hart of Berlin, and a descendant of Stephen Hart, original proprietor of Hartford. She was born April 16, 1732, and died Nov. 3, 1817. He married (2) ELIZABETH - [?]. Isaac North, Jr., lived in a large brown house in Berlin, long since gone to decay, that stood on the opposite side of the road from that of his father. In 1786, for the consideration of 22, he deeded six acres of land to his son Abel. This land lies on the north side of the road coming toward the village from Chris- tian Lane, and the house thereon standing, long known as the Pollard place, was built by Abel North. The Connecticut Colonial Assembly, Oct. 13, 1763, appointed Isaac North, Jr., "to be Ensign of the eighteenth company or train band in the 6th Regiment in this Colony." He was also a soldier in the Revolution, with the rank of second lieutenant in Capt. Wells' Company, Brig. -Gen. Wolcott's Brigade, Connecti- cut Militia, April 10-22, 1777. The Federal Census of 1790 records Isaac North, Jr., as head of a family in Berlin. Children, b. at Berlin : i. SELAH, b. Oct. 22, 1753; d. at Wethersfield, Sept. 6, 1786-7; m. MARY . No children. Marched from Wethers- field for the relief of Boston in the Lexington alarm, 1775, and served six days. In 1778 he was sergeant of Capt. Wright's Company, Col. Enos' Regiment, Connecticut Militia, on the Hudson River. 95. ii. JOSEPH, b. April 16, 1756; d. Sept. 18, 1819. iii. HEPZIBAH, b. Nov. 10, 1757; d. Feb. 25, 1819; m. ISAAC POR- TER, b. 1755, son of Aaron Porter and a descendant of John Porter, original proprietor of Windsor. 96. iv. ABEL, b. April 8, 1761; d. May 22, 1839. v. LYDIA, b. May 31, 1764; m. DAVID DEMING. 97. vi. SALMON, b. Oct. 25, 1767; d. May 25, 1817. 98. vii. ISAAC, b. 1771; d. Sept. 13, 1823. 44. JEDEDIAH 5 NORTH (Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Dea. Isaac and Mary (Woodford) North, was born at Berlin, Jan. 16, 1734, and died there Dec. 16, 1816. He married (1) at Berlin, Jan. 27, 1757, SARAH WILCOX, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (White) Wilcox. She was born 44 in 1739 and died Oct. 5, 1775. He married (2) Feb. 20, 1777, ABIGAIL ANDREWS of Worthington. After her husband's death she joined her children in Meredith, N. Y., where she died. He is buried in the Beckley cemetery beside his first wife. Jedediah North was a very religious man. He was remem- bered by his grandchildren for his strict observance of the Sab- bath Day. On Sundays, when they went according to their custom, to his house to spend the noon hour between church services, they always found him seated at a table with his Bible before him. Once he appeared at his back door and caught them in the act of picking up pears under a tree; he called out: " Children, there are plenty of pears in the house that you can have, but you must not pick them up from the ground on Sun- day." He joined the Kensington Church in 1758 and was a charter member of the Second Congregational Church in Berlin, founded in 1775, of which his father was the first deacon. His house, on the east side of the way at the north end of Berlin village, has been moved back from the street and is now used as a barn. He bought land of Josiah Burnham in 1786. Recorded as of Berlin in the first Census of 1790. He had 'eleven children and over eighty grandchildren. Children, by first wife, b. at Berlin: i. ASA, b. July 17, 1758; removed to Bennington, Vt., where he is recorded in the Federal Census of 1790. He m. MABEL SAGE. Children: (1) A son, d. in infancy. (2) Mindwell, m. Cornwall. 99. ii. LEVI, b. April 16, 1760; d. Oct. 2, 1846. 100. iii. DAVID, b. April 23, 1762; d. Feb., 1831. 101. iv. SIMEON, b. July 13, 1765; d. Aug. 25, 1852. 102. v. STEPHEN, b. Jan. 26, 1767; d. Jan. 11, 1842. vi. SABAH, b. Aug. 31, 1769; d. June 21, 1822, m. 1787, REV. JACOB SPALDING, and lived in Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y. Chil- dren: (1) Linus, b. Sept. 19, 1788. (2) Jacob, b. Mar. 3, 1790. (3) Sophia, b. Nov. 14, 1791; d. Feb. 27, 1881; m. Levi Woodruff. (4) Mabel, b. Dec. 18, 1793; d. April 19, 1885; m. Moses Hinman. (5) Aspha, b. Jan. 24, 1796; d. June 19, 1803. (6) Patience, b. May 24, 1798; d. June 22, 1863; m. Stephen North (218). (7) Simeon, b. Feb. 23, 1800; d. June 19, 1807. (8) Sarah, b. Jan. 10, 1802; d. Feb. 9, 1870; m. Seth Taft. (9) Daniel, b. Feb. 25, 1804. (10) Jedediah, b. Jan. 19, 1806. (11) Lucy, b. Sept. 18, 1808; d. July 3, 1868; m. Lewis Cook. (12) Emily, b. and d. 1811. (13) Emily North, b. Feb. 20, 1812; d. Nov. 3, 1813. 45 vii. OLIVE, b. Aug. 26, 1772; d. 1849; m. ELISHA, son of Peter Cheney of Berlin. Removed about 1835 to Lima, O., and later to Roscoe, 111. Mr. Cheney was a famous clock maker. He d. July 2, 1847. Children: (1) Clarissa, b. Feb. 5, 1794; m. Dea. Joseph Savage. (2) Olcott, b. May 27, 1795. (3) Polly, b. Dec. 11, 1796; m. 1826, Richard Cowles. (4) Har- riet, b. Dec. 23, 1798; d. May 2, 1889; m. 1819, John North (201). (5) Orry, b. Feb. 5, 1804; m. Walter W. Warner. (6) Olive, b. Feb. 5, 1804; d. 1895; m. Norris Wilcox. (7) Benjamin, b. Aug. 11, 1808; m., 1st, Adelia Blinn; 2nd, Re- becca G. Noggle. viii. PATIENCE, b. Oct. 1, 1775; m. Nov. 4, 1798, SILAS, son of David Beckley of New Haven. Children: (1) Emma, b. July, 1799; m. May 7, 1821, Horace Porter. (2) Silas, b. April 21, 1802; m., 1st, Elizabeth Lyie; 2nd, Amelia Potter. By second wife: 103. ix. NOAH, b. April 25, 1778. x. LYDIA, b. May 29, 1780; d. Mar. 28, 1857; m. (1) Sept. 17, 1800, JOEL HART, b. June 14, 1779, d. Oct. 16, 1811, son of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart of New Britain; (2) RILEY. Removed to Meredith, N. Y. Children by 1st husband: (1) Stephen, b. April 12, 1801; m. July, 1831, Eliza Buck. (2) Seth, b. Nov. 13, 1804 ; m., 1st, Vesta Curtis; 2nd, Mary Wilson. (3) Lydia, b. July 9, 1806; m. June 12, 1828, Carlisle Olmstead. (4) Mary, b. Nov. 9, 1808; m. Oct. 8, 1827, Salmon Baldwin. xi. HANNAH, b. June 11, 1782; m. Oct. 4, 1801, JOSIAH D. WELLS, Wethersfield and Meredith, N. Y. He d. Sept. 3, 1831, aged 51. Large family of children. 45. SAMUEL 5 NORTH (Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Dea. Isaac and Mary (Woodford) North, was born at Berlin, Sept. 19, 1742, and died there July 19, 1814. He mar- ried at Avon June 28, 1764, Lois WOODFORD, daughter of Sergt. Joseph and Sarah (North) Woodford, died Sept. 15, 1783, aged41. He lived in Berlin near his father, and is recorded as of that town in the Federal Census of 1790. He was a charter member of the Second Congregational Church founded in 1775. He was probably the Corp. Samuel North who enlisted in Lieut. Porter's Company, 6th Regiment, Connecticut Militia, during the Revolution. Children, b. at Berlin: i. RHODA, b. April 6, 1765; d. Feb. 1, 1766. ii. CAROLINE, b. Sept. 9, 1767; d. Jan. 17, 1768. iii. SAMUEL, b. April 3, 1769; d. in the West. 46 iv. Lois, b. Jan. 28, 1771; d. at Falmouth, Me., July 20, 1786. v. RHODA, b. Oct. 3, 1773; m. SAMUEL DAVIS. vi. CAROLINE, b. June 18, 1775; m. 1801, her cousin, DAVID NORTH (100) and removed to Meredith, N. Y. vii. CHLOE, b. Oct. 9, 1778; m. April 14, 1805, WILLIAM SPALDING of Meredith, N. Y. 104. viii. ELIJAH, b. Dec. 12, 1781 . ix. ELISHA. Removed to Falmouth, Me. with his brother; m. Nov. 8, 1807, ABIGAIL STEVENS. In the old burying ground at Westbrook, Me., is a stone marked "Abigail North, died Jan. 30, 1825, aged 34 years, wife of Elisha." 46. SETH 5 NORTH (Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) fourth son of Dea. Isaac and Mary (Woodford) North, was born at Berlin May 4, 1749, and died there Feb. 29, 1820. He married at Avon Nov. 26, 1772, EUNICE, born in 1750, died Sept. 18, 1819, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (North) Woodford. Seth North lived in Berlin near his father, and is recorded as of that town in the Federal Census of 1790. He was a charter member of the Second Congregational Church organized in 1775. He and his wife are buried in the Beckley cemetery. Children, b. at Berlin: i. EUNICE, b. Oct. 25, 1773; d. at Wethersfield, Jan. 19, 1826; m. 1793, DAVID WOODRUFF of Farmington and Enfield, b. May 26, 1770, d. June 10, 1839. Children: (1) Hiram, b. April 13, 1796; d. 1872. (2) David, b. Sept. 10, 1800; d. 1882; m. Emeline S. Allen. (3) Almeria, b. Dec. 26, 1802; d. 1871; m. William Harrison. (4) Eunice, b. 1804; d. 1865; m. Ben- jamin Green. (5) Mary, b. 1806; d. 1875; m. John W. Park- hurst. (6) Julia, b. Feb. 14, 1808; d. 1892; m. Dana Read. (7) Lucretia, b. 1812; d. 1891; m. 1851, Henry B. Wilcox. 105. ii. SILAS, b. Dec. 14, 1774; d. Dec. 28, 1839. 106. iii. SETH, b. April 3, 1777. iv. ROSETTA, b. Sept. 15, 1778; d. Oct. 6, 1862; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1802, ELISHA WILLIAMS, who d. Mar. 9, 1809, aged 36; (2) June 2, 1817, widower SALMON, son of Judah and Sarah (North) Hart, b. May 20, 1775, d. Sept. 18, 1857. v. SARAH, b. 1782; d. June 10, 1822; m. 1810, her cousin, ISAAC NORTH (98). vi. ALMIRA, b. 1784; unm. vii. ESTHER, b. 1786; d. Mar. 7, 1860; m. RUSSELL CLARK, who d. Feb. 28, 1856. Three children. 107. viii. ABIJAH, b. 1792; d. Sept. 30, 1864. 47. DANIEL 5 NORTH (Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) was born about 1750, probably at Little Nine Partners, 47 Dutchess Co., N. Y., where in April, 1775, he was one of the signers of a protest circulated against the British Government. He married KATRINE HAWVER and removed to Ulster Co., N. Y., with his brother Samuel, and was probably the Daniel North who enlisted in the Revolution from that county as given in the state records. The Federal Census of 1790 records him as head of a family in Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y., of three males over sixteen years, two under sixteen and two females. Children : 108. i. JOHN DANIEL, b. about 1772. ii. ROBERT. iii. DEBORAH. iv. CATHERINE, m. JOHN, son of Jonathan andJLucy Abbey. 48. SAMUEL 5 NORTH (Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ) was born Sept. 20, 1751, probably at Little Nine Part- ners, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where his father had removed from Sharon, Conn. He married ELIZABETH AVERT, born April 19, 1752, died Dec. 18, 1828, and lived in his native village until some time before the outbreak of the Revolution, by which time he had removed to Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y., where he bought and cleared a large farm, and from where he enlisted in the war. ("N. Y. State Records.") In the Federal Census of 1790 he is recorded as head of a family in Marbletown. He died there July 7, 1820. Children, first three b. in Dutchess Co., remainder in Ulster Co., N.Y. : i. POLLY, Nov. 20, 1772; m. YERPENNING. 109. ii. JOHN S., b. Feb. 13, 1775; d. April 10, 1855. iii. KATY, b. Feb. 23, 1778 (?); d. 1816. 110. iv. BENJAMIN, b. Mar. 1, 1779; d. Oct. 20, 1848. v. WILLIAM, b. Nov. 9, 1782. 111. vi. DANIEL, b. Jan. 13, 1785; d. July 20, 1851. vii. RACHEL, b. Oct. 23, 1786; m. SAMUEL HURD. 111! viii. SAMUEL, JR., b. Sept. 9, 1788; d. Mar. 5, 1841. ix. SALLY, b. 1790-2. x. ROBERT, b. 1790-2. 49. ASHER 5 NORTH (James 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of James and Sarah (Seymour) North, was born probably near Wethersfield in 1741, and died at New Britain Feb. 29, 1816. He married April 29, 1773, BETSEY FOSTER, and they joined the church the same year. They lived west of 48 Clark's Hill, near New Britain. Mr. North was of short stature and said to be eccentric. During the French and Indian Wars he served in the campaign of 1761 in Capt. John Patterson's (Farmington) Company. Children, b. at New Britain: i. SAMUEL. Went South. No family. ii. THOMAS, bapt. June 8, 1788. Was a mariner with headquar- ters in New York. Children: (1) James. (2) Mary Ann, and perhaps others. iii. ASHER, JR., bapt. June 8, 1788. Lived in New York City. Family untraced. iv. BETSEY, bapt. June 8, 1788; m. (1) SAMUEL CARTER; (2) AMOS PARMELEE. v. EDWARD. Mariner, d. at sea. vi. MARY, b. Jan. 6, 1785; m. (1) July 10, 1804, ELISHA STONE; (2) DAVID BUEL of Litchfield. No children, vii. SALLY, b. July 29, 1787; m. Oct. 1, 1809, IRA, son of Solomon Buel, Jr., of Litchfield, a Revolutionary soldier. Children : (1) Maria C. b. 1810; m. William Tuttle. (2) Louisa, b. 1813; m. Clark Newcomb. (3) Julia A., b. 1816; m. Lewis Downy. (4) Sarah, b. 1818; m. Henry Merrill. (5) James H., b. 1820. (6) Elizabeth, b. 1822. (7) John M., d. young. (8) Myron. viii. JAMES, d. at Harwinton, Aug. 8, 1822. ix. SALOME, m. AUGUSTUS BUEL of Litchfield. 50. CAPT. JAMES 5 NORTH (James*, Thomas*, Thomas 2 , John 1 }, third son of James and Sarah (Seymour) North, was born Jan. 18, 1748, and died at New Britain, May 14, 1833. He married (1) Sept. 29, 1774, RHODA, daughter of Anthony and Mary (Burnham) Judd. She was born Jan. 9, 1754, and died Mar. 15, 1824. He married (2) Feb. 26, 1828, ABI, widow of Capt. Justus Francis, and daughter of Dea. Timothy Stanley. She died Oct. 3, 1852. James North lost his father when he was ten years old, and then went to New Britain to learn the trade of blacksmith from John Richards of Stanley Quarter, and had his shop at first on the site of his grandson, Henry North's house in New Britain opposite the Episcopal Church, then moved it opposite his own house, the same in which his son Henry lived and died. He was a man of enterprise and influence, and did much to build up New Britain. He was in public offices, captain in the militia, magis- trate and representative in the legislature. He was appointed treasurer and clerk of the school and ecclesiastical society. Having a sound body, a good trade and a handsome property by 49 his wife, he began his career in life with fair prospects, which by great diligence and economy, proved a success. ("History of New Britain.") Children, by first wife, b. at New Britain: i. RHODA, b. Jan. 10, 1776; d. before 1841; m. MATTHEW CLARK. Children: (1) James S., b. Nov. 3, 1794; d. Feb. 7, 1820; m. Oct. 9, 1817, Amanda Howe. (2) George, b. Aug. 1, 1796; d. young. (3) Lucy, b. Mar. 6, 1799; d. young. (4) Abi, b. Feb. 5, 1801; d. Jan. 18, 1840; unm. (5) Dan, m. Sept. 4, 1827, Mary Whittlesey. (6) George, b. Aug. 18, 1807; d. young. 112. ii. JAMES, b. Dec. 19, 1777; d. Sept. 29, 1825. 113. iii. SETH JUDD, b. Aug. 13, 1779; d. Mar. 10, 1851. 114. iv. ALVIN, b. Sept. 4, 1781; d. Sept. 1, 1865. v. HENRY, b. Nov. 3, 1783; d. in infancy. vi. ABI, b. Nov. 21, 1784; d. 1868; m. Oct. 10, 1802, AMON, son of Lot and Rhoda (Wadsworth) Stanley of New Britain. Chil- dren: (1) Julia, b. Dec. 24, 1803. (2) Thomas, b. Sept. 22, 1805. (3) Henry, m. June 10, 1820, Eliza Stanley North, daughter of Seth Judd North (113). (4) James, b. Oct. 22, 1809; d. in infancy. (5) James, 2nd, b. Mar. 31, 1812. (6) Augustus. vii. NANCY, b. Jan. 11, 1787; d. June 18, 1818; m. Oct. 11, 1807, CYRUS, son of Joseph Booth. 115. viii. HENRY, 2ND, b. Sept. 24, 1789; d. Feb., 1853. ix. ORPHA, b. Aug. 12, 1793; d. Jan. 12, 1848; m. Mar. 12, 1812, DR. SAMUEL HART of New Britain, son of Elijah and Anne (Andrews) Hart. Children : (1) Anna, b. Sept. 9, 1813 ; d. July 23, 1819. (2) Samuel B., b. Sept. 23, 1818; d. Oct. 10, 1823. (3) Lucinda, b. Aug. 30, 1820; m. 1842, William H. Smith. (4) Samuel Waldo, b. May 22, 1825; m., 1st, Oct. 22, 1851, his niece, Cordelia M. Smith; 2nd, 1864, Margaret C. Smyth. (5) Louisa, b. Oct. 5, 1828; m. Dec. 1, 1846, Rev. Jared B. Flagg. 116. x. WILLIAM BURNHAM, b. Dec. 6, 1797; d. 1838. 51. ABIJAH 5 NORTH (John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas* , John 1 ), second son of Lieut. John and Esther (Stanley) North, was born at Farmington, Oct. 19, 1743, and died at Bridport, Vt., May 3, 1785. He married at Goshen, Sept. 6, 1764, TRIPHENIA GRANT, who was born at Goshen Jan. 16, 1737, and died at Shoreham, Vt., Mar. 17, 1783, the first woman settler of the town to die. " Abijah North came to Shoreham from Farmington, Conn., in 1774; went on to fifty acres of land given him by one of the proprietors; 5 50 cleared a piece of land that summer; planted apple seeds for an orchard; built a log house and returned to Connecticut in the fall of that year. The war having broken out that year, he did not come on with his fam- ily as expected, but remained till after the peace, when he returned with his wife and six children to his former residence. He lived on that place for two years, and then went to Bridport, where he died May 3, 1785." From "History of the Town of Shoreham, Vt.," by Rev. J. F. Goodhue, 1861. During the Revolution Abijah North enlisted in 1778 in Capt> Bray's Company, Col. Roger Enos' Regiment of Connecticut State Troops, and from Oct. 1, 1778, to 1781-2 in Col. Flower's Regiment, Capt. Parton's Company of Artillery Artificers. Service under Capt. Bray is also credited to Abijah North (42), his cousin. Children : i. SELINDA, b. June 28, 1765. ii. ASINTHA (Cynthia), b. April 30, 1768; d. at Champlain, N. Y., June 19, 1823; m. LIBERTY NEWTON, son of Marshall Newton of Shrewsbury, Mass., who was a soldier in the Revolution. Father and son were pioneers of Shoreham, Vt., and the latter was the builder of the first iron furnace in the Champlain Valley. Children: (1) Hannah. (2) Mar- shall. (3) Triphenia. (4) Daniel. (5) Salome. (6) Liberty. (7) Abijah. (8) Theda. 117. iii. ABIJAH, b. Feb. 26, 1772; d. April 9, 1853. 118. iv. NATHANIEL, b. 1774; d. July 23, 1837. 119. v. LEMUEL, b. Mar. 21, 1779; d. Sept. 15, 1847. vi. ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 27, 1781; d. at Champlain, N. Y., Mar. 5, 1861; m. DANIEL MOORE of Champlain. Children: (1) Marie, m. Melancthon Burdick. (2) Daniel. 52. JOHN 5 NORTH (John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas*, John 1 )' third son of Lieut. John and Esther (Stanley) North, was born at Goshen, Jan. 4, 1748, and died at Shoreham, Vt., July 10, 1799. He married RUTH CARR, who after his death married in 1799, Stephen Barnum. John North was a member of Arnold's expedition to Quebec in 1775. Shortly before the death of his brother Abijah, he settled on the latter's farm at Shoreham, his brothers Seth and Simeon coming to the town at the same time. Children: i. JOHN, probably d. young, ii. RUTH, b. April, 1797; d. at Shoreham, Oct. 28, 1872. 51 53. SETH 6 NORTH (John 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Lieut. John and Esther (Stanley) North, was born at Goshen, Oct. 2, 1752, and died at Shoreham, Vt., according to the history of that town, where he had fifty acres of land given to him by one of the original proprietors. The Porter record says he died "at his son Theodore's in Elmira, N. Y." He went to Shoreham with his brothers John and Simeon shortly before 1785. He married - WOLCOTT, who died Dec. 27, 1822. From the "History of the Town of Shoreham," we learn that his wife " took the homesickness " on the day of her arrival, and returned to Connecticut on the next day, notwithstanding all efforts to persuade her to remain. Seth North was a soldier in the Revolution, serving in Col. Wolcott's detachment of militia, in 1777, marching with the latter and 300 volunteers from Connecticut to Saratoga, N.Y., to aid Gen. Gates. Children : i. BETSEY, b. Dec. 12, 1774; m. SAMUEL BILLINGS. No children. 120. ii. THEODOBE, b. Mar. 2, 1780; d. 1842. 54. STEPHEN 5 NORTH (John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Lieut. John and Esther (Stanley) North, was born at Goshen, April 26, 1754. He married CHARITY RICHARDS, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Brown) Richards of Goshen, born Jan. 3, 1757. He served in the Revolutionary Army at Ticonderoga, N. Y., in Capt. Watson's company, Col. Burrell's Battalion, Connecti- cut Militia, having volunteered with forty-four others for the relief of the Continental Army, Dec. 23, 1776. Child: i. AMOS, b. at Goshen, Sept. 1, 1780. 55. SIMEON 5 NORTH (John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), seventh and youngest son of Lieut. John and Esther (Stanley) North, was born at Goshen, Feb. 28, 1758. He married LANDRUS. He was a soldier in the Revolution, enlisting from Cornwall in Capt. Griswold's Company, Col. Enos' Battalion, Connecticut Militia. He went from Goshen to Shoreham, Vt., about 1785, with his brothers John and Seth. He lived in Ti- conderoga, N. Y., for a while, then returned to Shoreham where he lived for several years before removing to Orwell, Vt., where 52 he died. In 1790, according to the first Federal Census, he was living in Shoreham. Children: i. ESTHER, m. T. C. GIBBS, Orwell, Vt. ii. GAD, m. . Removed to western N. Y., where he d. iii. MOSES, d. in Michigan; m. (1) RUTH SEELET; (2) PHOEBE HUMPHREY. iv. SARAH, b. at Crown Point, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1799; d. at Somer- set, Niagara Co., N. Y.; m. GUY HUMPHREY, son of Isaac and Esther (North) Humphrey, and grandson of John North (22). v. BETSEY, b. at Crown Point, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1799 (twin) ; d. at Orwell, Vt., 1888; m. at Shoreham, Vt., Feb. 24, 1824, ELEA- ZER ABBEY, son of Gideon and Sybil (Campbell) Abbey. He was b. at Middlebury, Vt., April 24, 1800, and d. at Orwell, Vt., Sept. 4 or 7, 1872. Children: (1) Alvin North, b. Feb. 9, 1825; d. Sept. 13, 1862; m. July 4, 1850, Esther Humphrey. (2) Edwin, b. Oct. 26, 1826; d. Oct. 25, 1906; m. Sept. 4, 1853, Abigail Heald. (3) Gideon, b. Jan. 12, 1829; d. Aug. 28, 1904; m. Jan. 15, 1856, Helen B. Skinner. (4) Byron S., b. June 25, 1838; d. Aug. 28, 1904 ; m. Feb. 9, 1864, Thankful L.Moffit. vi. ALVINA, d. young, vii. LA VINA, d. young. 56. DEA. ISAIAH 5 NORTH (Joseph*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Joseph and Sarah (Woodruff) North, was born at Northington, now Avon, Nov. 13, 1754, and died there between July 4 and Sept. 25, 1821. He married at Avon, Feb. 6, 1777, ANNA, daughter of Capt. Isaac and Sarah (Porter) Bid- well of Farmington. She was born April 4, 1758, and died Nov. 9, 1817. He was deacon of the church in Northington for many years. Children, b. at Northington : i. SARAH, b. 1778 ; m. at Avon, April 20, 1795, GILES FORD. Re- moved to Ohio. ii. ANNA, b. June 25, 1780; m. Oct. 9, 1803, widower PETER B. GLEASON of Hartford, son of David and Abigail (Alford) Gleason. Children: (1) Peter B. (2) Henry. (3) Mary Ann. (4) John N. iii. JOSEPH, b. Mar. 19, 1782; d. April 7, 1782. 121. iv. JOSEPH, 2ND, b. June 8, 1783; d. Oct. 2, 1847. v. PANTHA, b. Aug. 7, 1785, m. JOHN BEECHER. Son, d. in infancy. vi. EDNA, b. July 16, 1787; d. July 20, 1870; m. May 23, 1816, ISAAC OSBORN, who d. Sept. 30, 1853, aged 93. 53 vii. PERCY, b. June 26, 1790; d. Nov. 28, 1790. viii. DAVID, b. May 13, 1794; d. Aug. 10, 1794. 57. DR. JOSEPH 5 NORTH (Joseph*, Joseph*, Thomas*, John*}, oldest son of Joseph and Lucy (Cowles) North, was born at Goshen, May 14, 1769, died at Torrington, Sept. 22, 1848, and was buried at Cornwall. He married ABIGAIL LOOMIS of Torrington, and was a physician in Cornwall. In the War of 1812 he served under Capt. Jared Strickland, Sept. 10-Nov. 1, 1813. Children, b. at Cornwall : i. MARILLA, d. aged 4. ii. ETHEL (son), b. 1800; d. at Hastings/Minn., 1873; m. in 1825, LYDIA MILLARD of Cornwall. Child: Mary Elizabeth, b. Bristol, 1827; m. 1855, M. H. Claflin. 122. iii. JOHN HART, b. 1802; d. Feb. 9, 1868. 123. iv. BURRITT BEACH, b. Nov. 24, 1804; d. July 12, 1876. v. MARY, b. 1806; d. Dec. 23, 1877; m. CHESTER M. BIRGE, Litchfield, Conn., and Manlius, N. Y. Children: (I) Harriet, b. 1833. (2) Emogene Albert. 124. vi. JOSEPH, b. May 24, 1809; d. Oct. 28, 1877. 125. vii. LOOMIS, b. Mar. 22, 1811; d. Sept. 16, 1856. 58. DR. ELISHA 5 NORTH (Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), son of Joseph and Lucy (Cowles) North, was born at Goshen, Jan. 8, 1771, and died at New London, Dec. 29, 1843. He married Dec. 22, 1797, HANNAH BEACH, daughter of Anthony Beach of Goshen. She was born Dec. 14, 1775, and died Nov. 11, 1862, and was sixth in line from Thomas Beach, whose name appears on the Milford records in 1648. Dr. North was the son of a physician and had derived from nature or acquired by early cultivation such an aptitude for the healing art and the various manipulations of surgery, that before he had attained the age of manhood, he was regarded as a reli- able physician and a successful operator. He subsequently enlarged the sphere of his medical knowledge by study with Dr. Lemuel Hopkins of Hartford, and attendance on the lectures of Dr. Rush in Philadelphia. For the space of twenty years he was a practising physician in Litchfield County, Conn., the place of his birth, and was instru- mental in producing various sanitary reforms in the medical practice of his society. He was particularly prominent in the 54 struggle that preceded the introduction of vaccination into the state, contributing largely by the success of his operations to its extension and popularity. He also published a valuable work on the spotted fever or sinking typhus, demonstrating that it required a different treatment from what was adopted in ordi- nary fevers. He removed to New London in 1812, and soon became noted as an oculist, performing many delicate operations on the eye with complete success. He also practiced in other cases of sur- gery as well as of medicine and was highly valued as a consulting physician in novel and doubtful types of disease. Dr. North had some striking peculiarities. He was fond of certain recondite studies. To these he devoted his leisure mo- ments and attributed to them an exaggerated importance, ex- pending all the stores of his logic and research upon subjects which most people regarded as visionary and of no practical bearing. Some of his elaborate speculations on these favorite subjects, phrenological and metaphysical, he published, and how- ever unsound their basis may be, they bear witness to his philo- sophical genius and wide range of information. To this sketch of Dr. North, we add a few sentences descrip- tive of his character and habits from an obituary tribute by one to whom he was both near and dear : "His mind, ever active, dwelt in a remarkable manner in an unworldly sphere of thought and reflection. He lived the life which we attribute to an ancient philosopher; indifferent to a great extent to his dress and manners and his worldly interests, and often apparently unconscious of the presence of his fellow beings, unless his attention was directly called to them. As might be conjectured from this account, his moral views were uncommonly pure and high, and it was impossible to suspect him of craft or duplicity. His manners had the simplicity and modesty of those of a child." (Miss F. M. Caulkins, in "The Family Repository and Horticultural Cabinet," January, 1862. New London, Conn.) Dr. Elisha North published, besides many fugitive essays, "A Treatise on a Malignant Epidemic Commonly Called Spotted Fever" (New York, 1811); "Outlines of the Science of Life," (1829); and "Uncle Toby's Pilgrim's Progress in Phrenology" (New London, 1836). See also "Life and Writings of Dr. Elisha North," by his grandson, Dr. H. Carrington Bolton. (Pri- vately printed.) 55 During the War of 1812 Dr. North served as a surgeon in the Connecticut Militia, Sept. 10-Nov. 1, 1813. Mrs. H. Carring- ton Bolton, his grandson's widow, of Washington, D. C., pos- sesses a handsome oil portrait of Dr. North. Children: i. MARIA S., b. at Goshen, July 30, 1800; d. 1877, aged 77; m. in 1819, PROF. ELISHA MITCHELL, son of Abner and Phebe (Elliott) Mitchell. Prof. Mitchell lost his life while exploring on Mt. Mitchell, N. C., which was named after him. They lived at Chapel Hill, N. C. Children: (1) Mary P., b. Dec. 19, 1822. (2) Ellen, b. April 23, 1824. (3) Margaret E., b. Nov. 21, 1825. (4) Mathers Henry, b. 1828; d. 1829. (5) Eliza Ann, b. April 26, 1833. (6) Henry Elliot, d. in infancy. (7) Charles A., b. Oct. 7, 1837; d. July 19, 1866. ii. ELIZA, b. at Goshen, Mar. 4, 1803; d. April 6, 1871; unm.; schoolteacher. 126. iii. ERASMUS DARWIN, b. at Goshen, Sept. 4, 1806; d. June 17, 1857. iv. WILLIAM HEBERDEEN, b. at Goshen, Sept. 1, 1808; d. at New York City, Oct. 6, 1857. He was a prominent wholesale dry goods merchant in New Orleans, La. 127. v. HARVEY, b. at Goshen, Aug. 26, 1810; d. May 26, 1881. vi. ELLEN PHOEBE, b. at New London, Oct. 14, 1812; d. Oct. 15, 1843; m. June 11, 1830, widower JOHN C. COIT of New Lon- don. Children : (1) William, b. April 7, 1833. (2) Henry W. t b. May 6, 1836; d. Mar., 1862. (3) Julius, b. July, 1837; d. 1880. (4) George, b. Oct., 1838; d. May 13, 1863. (5) Mottle D., b. 1840. (6) Julia C., b. Sept. 10, 1843; m. J. C. Silliman. (7) Elisha, b. Dec. 4, 1841; d. in infancy. vii. JAMES EDWARD, b. at New London, Feb. 26, 1815; d. Sept. 27, 1854, in the shipwreck of the steamer Arctic, off the coast of New Foundland. He could have saved himself but refused to leave the vessel so long as women and children remained on board. He lived in New Orleans, where he was a large jobber in boots and shoes. He and his brother William willed handsome competences to their mother, brothers, sisters and nephews. Mr. North was unmarried. viii. ANNA HINMAN, b. at New London, Dec. 25, 1817; d. Jan. 16, 1887; m. Oct. 7, 1841, DR. JACKSON BOLTON, whose only child, the late Dr. H. Carrington Bolton of Columbia Uni- versity, wrote the "Life and Writings of Dr. Elisha North," and "The Bolton Family in America," which contains an account of his branch of the Norths. He was b. in 1843. 59. REUBEN 6 NORTH (Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John'), third son of Joseph and Lucy (Cowles) North, was born in May, 56 1776, and died Feb. 4, 1853. He married (1) LUCY TOWSLEY, who died in 1808, aged 27; (2) AMANDA AUSTIN of Wallingford. He was a farmer. Children, by first wife: i. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, b. Oct. 13, 1801; d. 1862; m. ANNA ELLEN NORTH. Child: Ann. 128. ii. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, b. 1802-3; d. July 4, 1841. iii. LUCY C., b. Oct. 15, 1805; d. at Torrington, Jan., 1874; unm. 129. iv. REUBEN, b. Goshen, Nov. 2, 1807; d. Oct. 20, 1880. By second wife: v. CAROLINE, b. 1811; d. Sept., 1878, unm. vi. LOUISA A., b. Jan., 1813; d. Mar., 1880; m. at Litchfield, Oct. 11, 1835, SAMUEL TAYLOR of Bristol, vii. LUCRETIA, b. 1815; d. at Bristol 1837; unm. viii. MARY M., b. Dec. 4, 1816; m. May 14, 1836, DANIEL B. CAPRON of New York, b. Nov. 12, 1813. 130. ix. ORRIN A., b. 1818; d. Dec. 14, 1881. x. ETHEL (son), b. Dec. 15, 1821; m. (1) MABEL STRICKLAND; (2) SARAH BEACH. xi. HARRIET, b. Dec., 1822; d. Mar., 1847; m. SAMUEL THOMPSON, New York. xii. CORNELIA, b. Dec., 1824; m. ABIRAM ATWOOD. xiii. AD ALINE, b. 1826; d. 1839. 60. ISRAEL 5 NORTH (Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John*) second son of Ezekial and Abigail (Goodwin) North, was born at Goshen, Feb. 17, 1781, and died at East Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N. Y., Nov. 4, 1843. He married in 1802, CHARLOTTE DOWD, daughter of John Dowd. They resided in a house which he built on the south side of Pond Hill, Goshen, until 1821, when they removed to East Bloomfield, N. Y. The parents and all the children except Nancy, who died young, were professors of religion. Children, first six b. at Goshen, last two at E. Bloomfield: 131. i. EDWIN A., b. July 17, 1803; d. April 20, 1873. 132. ii. GOODWIN, b. June 4, 1805; d. June 17, 1856. iii. NELSON H., b. Sept. 12, 1811; m. Aug. 22, 1836, EMILY C. BENEDICT of Litchfield. He resided in E. Bloomfield, New York City and Canandaigua, N. Y., and Jersey City, N. J. Mrs. North d. at Canandaigua Aug. 3, 1885, aged 71. He was living at Syracuse, N. Y., in 1893. No children. iv. ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 25, 1816; d. at E. Bloomfield, Aug. 22, 1827. 133. v. DARIUS ROBINSON, b. Aug. 14, 1818; d. Dec. 16, 1910. 57 vi. JOHN D., b. Feb. 2, 1821; m. (1) at Buffalo, N. Y., July 4, 1853, HENRIETTA CLAFUN, who was b. in 1833 at Mendon, N. Y., and d. in Wisconsin; (2) ELIZBATH MULFOED of New York City, who d. in 1882. Mr. North removed with his par- ents to E. Bloomfield, N. Y., and later lived at Hastings, Minn., and Denver, Colo., where he was (1893) a manufac- turer. No children. vii. NANCY JANE, b. May 11, 1824; d. Aug. 6, 1827. viii. ELIZABETH JANE, b. Aug. 10, 1829; m. CHARLES HIGBY of Syracuse, N. Y. 61. JONATHON 5 NORTH (Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John J ), third son of Ezekial and Abigail (Goodwin) North, was born at Goshen, April 4, 1787, and died at Jewett, Greene Co., N. Y., July 10, 1864. He married Nov. 2, 1812, RACHEL, daughter of Elder and Rachel (Griswold) Bissell of Litchfield. She was born Sept. 18, 1793. Jonathon North lived on his father's place in Goshen until he removed to Lexington, N. Y. Children: 134. i. JOHN HARVEY, b. Jan. 26, 1816. ii. Lucius, b. Feb. 12, 1817, m. ROXA, daughter of Elisha Bailey of Jewett, N. Y., where he lived and d. No children, iii. DAVID, b. April 4, 1819; d. at New Orleans, La., Dec. 10, 1881. No children. iv. FREDERICK, b. at Windham, Greene Co., N. Y., Aug. 15, 1821. v. JULIA ELIZA, b. Mar. 17, 1823; m. HENRY PECK, Malad City, Idaho. vi. SARAH ANN, b. Oct. 8, 1826; d. at Goshen, Aug. 6, 1833. vii. EMELINE, b. Feb. 8, 1832; m. HENRY B. BROWN. Resided at Matteawan, N. Y. viii. MARY JANE, b. June 20, 1837; m. ADDISON RUMICON. 62. DARIUS 5 NORTH (Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Ezekial and Abigail (Goodwin) North, was born at Goshen, Jan. 1, 1793, and died at Louisville, Ky., Dec. 30, 1843. He married at Somers, July 9, 1828, OLIVIA M. WOOD, b. at Somers, July 28, 1805. He lived in Indiana, later moving to Kentucky, and was a merchant and broker. Children: i. ROMEO EZEKIAL, b. at Assumption, La., Mar. 31, 1830; d. 1880. Graduated from Yale College in 1849 and received M.A. degree from Yale in 1852. ii. ANGELO WOOD, b. at Watertown, Conn., Dec. 21, 1831; d. July 2, 1853. Graduated from Yale College in 1852. 58 iii. MAKTINO, b. at Mt. Vernon, Ind., Nov. 9, 1836; d. at Louis- ville, Ky., Dec. 6, 1853. iv. JULIETTE, d. 1 month old. v. JULIETTE, 2ND, b. Dec. 24, 1839; d. Aug. 1840. vi. ADRIAN DARIUS, b. Sept. 20, 1842; d. at Memphis, Tenn., in 1883. Adrian North graduated from Yale College. He became a professional gambler. His appearance and per- sonal qualities were such that he made many friendships among orderly people. From his boyhood he had a passion for gambling. The most trivial incidents were made the occasion of a wager with his associates. He was heir to $150,- 000, but made use of it only in gambling. He was sufficiently skilled in cards and dice to hold his own with the most prac- ticed gamblers. For ten years he traveled through the west, making Louisville his headquarters. His death was brought about by an extraordinary run of good luck in Memphis. In celebrating the event with boon companions he prolonged his debauch until he was too weak to recover. Among the pall bearers at his funeral in Louisville, were "a recognized leader in society," and "a gambler of the lowest kind." His property was divided between three lady relatives in Goshen, named Beach; the descendants of Mrs. Jesse Beach; and the descendants of her brothers Israel and Jonathon North. 63. PHINEAS 5 NORTH (Ashbel*, Ebenezer*, Thomas* John 1 ), oldest son of Ashbel and Ruth (Lyman) North, was born at Torrington, July 19, 1762. He married Dec. 3, 1787, CHLOE SKINNER. Mr. North served in the Revolutionary War, Col. Sheldon's 17th Regiment, Connecticut Militia, in 1780. He was made freeman of Connecticut in 1790. He engaged in farming in Tor- rington on the farm which still bears his name, and was a famous clock maker, making by hand brass clocks with high cases which would run nine or ten days, and keep the day of the month. One owned by F. D. Fyler of Winsted bears the date 1794. Children : 135. i. LEMUEL, b. Sept. 23, 1790; d. April 9, 1832. ii. ROXALANY, b. Dec. 27, 1796; d. 1835; m. May 1819, JOSEPH HUMPHREY of Norfolk, iii. PARMELIA, b. Mar. 2, 1801; d. Mar. 31, 1831; m. Sept. 20, 1820, MARTIN WEBSTER of Torrington. 136. iv. PHINEAS, b. Feb. 9, 1803; d. May 7, 1867. 137. v. ALFRED, b. Sept. 17, 1807; d. 1872. 59 64. JUNIUS 5 NORTH (Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , Jo/m 1 ), second son of Noah and Elizabeth (Humphrey) North, was born at Torrington, Sept. 24, 1760, and died there Nov. 14, 1828. He married (1) Jan. 25, 1785, SABRINA FYLER; (2) in January, 1807, MRS. SALLY COVEY. Junius North settled in Torrington on the north and south road east of his father's, and where his son Frederick lived after him. Recorded as of that town in the Federal Census of 1790. He kept a tavern for several years. He was an active and stirring man, and was called by all "Uncle Junia." Children, by first wife, b. at Torrington: i. ROXALANY, b. Nov. 2, 1785; d. May 6, 1881; m. Mar. 25 1810, DANIEL MURRAY, who d. Aug. 27, 1870. Removed to Winchester. Children: (1) Philomena, b. 1811; m. Robert Wilkes. (2) Fred, b. 1813; m. Anna Call. (3) Flora, b. 1815; m. Samuel Starks. (4) Jennett, b. 1818; m., 1st, George Phelps; 2nd, Robert Gear. (5) Lucretia, b. 1820; m. Augustus Smith. (6) Sabra, b. 1823; m. Bradley Wheeler. (7) Prudence, b. 1827; m., 1st, L. Curtis; 2nd, R. J. Crissey. ii. TRIPHENA, b. Mar. 14, 1787; d. April 10, 1867; unm. iii. ARIEL, b. Aug. 13, 1788; d. Sept. 22, 1818; unm. Freeman of Connecticut, 1815. iv. RUBY, b. July 28, 1790; d. May 16, 1875; m. (1) Nov. 27, 1821, ORRIN LOOMIS; (2) MOSES DRAKE. 138. v. WILLARD, b. June 5, 1792; d. Nov. 20, 1880. vi. SABRINA, b. Aug. 15, 1794; d. May 22, 1875; unm. 139. vii. JUNIUS, b. April 30, 1796; d. Dec. 30, 1885. viii. LURA, b. Oct. 7, 1798; d. at Litchfield, 1835; m. Mar. 19, 1822, MIDIAN GRISWOLD of Litchfield. Child: Midian N.,\>. Oct. 5, 1823; m. Oct. 30, 1850, Elizabeth Burr. 140. ix. LORRAIN, b. July 21, 1800; d. Aug. 12, 1881. 141. x. FREDERICK, b. Aug. 12, 1803; d. Feb. 3, 1894. xi. PHILOMENA, b. Aug. 12, 1803; d. April 30, 1804. 65. REMEMBRANCE 6 NORTH (Noah\ Ebenezer*, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Noah and Elizabeth (Hum- phrey) North, was born at Torrington, Oct. 13, 1762, and died there Aug. 10, 1802. He married Sept. 21, 1786, ELIZABETH LEE, who was born in 1760 and died in 1818. He resided in Torrington, where he is recorded in the Federal Census of 1790, and was made freeman of Connecticut in 1794. Children, b. at Torrington: 142. i. NOAH, b. Sept. 4, 1787; d. Oct. 19, 1827. 60 ii. LUCY, b. May 21, 1789; d. 1864; m. JUSTUS NEWELL of Nel- son, Portage Co., Ohio. Children: Henry, Clarissa, Lyman. iii. PBUDENCE, b. Mar. 28, 1791; d. N. Bloomfield, Trumbull Co., Ohio; m. AMMI MURRAY. Three daughters. iv. MARY, b. June 14, 1793; m. CORREL CROCKER of Winchester. v. ELIZABETH, b. April 20, 1795; d. at Sheffield, Mass., Mar. 19, 1861; m. Oct. 1, 1822, CORRELL COWLES of Norfolk. 143. vi. CYRUS, b. May 6, 1797. 144. vii. WILLIAM, b. Oct. 1, 1799; d. Oct. 10, 1889. 66. MARTIN 5 NORTH (Martin*, Ebenezer*, Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Martin and Abigail (Eno) North, was born June 10, 1761, and died Mar. 23, 1816. He married Sept. 24, 1781, MARY FAY. They lived for some time in Winchester, and in 1805 removed to Colebrook. Children : i. ABIGAIL, b. Jan. 13, 1783; d. Oct. 5, 1783. ii. MARY, b. Aug. 16, 1785. iii. SYLVESTER ENO, b. Dec. 6, 1792. 67. RUFUS 5 NORTH (Martin*, Ebenezer*, Thomas*, John 1 ), second son of Martin and Abigail (Eno) North, was born Dec. 24, 1769, and died June 20, 1841. He married Aug. 27, 1789, ESTHER ROBARDS. Children, b. at Torrington: i. EBEN, b. Mar. 2, 1790; d. at Alexander, N. Y., April 29, 1816, whither he removed in 1816. He m. (1) ETTA BETTS, who d. 1841; (2) MRS. ELIZABETH ANDEBSON. Two daughters. 145. ii. JOEL, b. June 10, 1795; d. Jan. 3, 1855. iii. LESTER, b. July 24, 1797; d. Feb. 27, 1881; m. Feb. 22, 1824, LUCY HART, b. Jan. 1, 1799, daughter of Titus and Lucy (Johnson) Hart. He took up farming as a vocation, and removed to Alexander, Genesee Co., N.Y. Children: Rufus, Esther, Louisa. 146. iv. MARTIN, b. Nov. 5, 1804; d. June 2, 1865. 68. NOAH 5 NORTH (Martin*, Ebenezer*, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Martin North by his second wife Mary Coe, was born July 22, 1785, and died at Alexander, Genesee Co., N. Y., Sept. 28, 1824. He married Dec. 26, 1804, OLIVE, daughter of Reuben and Olive (Gaylord) Hungerford of Colebrook. She died Mar. 11, 1849. They removed in 1808 to Alexander, N. Y., where he was a 61 prominent man in the town and engaged in many cases of public trust. He was a drum major in the War of 1812. ("History of Genesee County.") Children : i. THETIS, b. Feb. 6, 1806; d. Dec. 29, 1870; m. 1825, DAVID NAY. Children: (1) Olive W. (2) George. (3) De Witt. (4) Noah. (5) Helen M. (6) Agard. (7) Olive. ii. LATTNCELOT, b. May 29, 1807; d. in Michigan, 1865. Child: Olive, in. NOAH, JB., b. at Alexander, N. Y., June 27, 1809; d. June 15, 1880. Children: (1) Mary, d. 1876. (2) Volney, d. 1874. iv. ALSEMEDA, b. Mar. 10, 1811; d. June 26, 1833; m. HUGH WALLACE. 147. v. JAMES AGARD, b. Jan. 4, 1813; d. Nov. 9, 1893. vi. OLIVE, b. April 9, 1814; d. Aug. 13, 1835. vii. AUBELIA, b. Mar. 13, 1816 ;d. 1896 ; m. ASHEL HARLOW WELLS. No children. viii. ZAXIE (Achsa?), b. Nov. 14, 1817; d. Feb. 17, 1891; m. (1) EDWARD HILLS; (2) WILLIAM GERE, by whom she had Olive, b. June 12, 1848; d. May 12, 1882, and m. Joseph Greene. 69. CAPT. ENOS 5 NORTH (Ebenezer*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas* John 1 ), only son of Ebenezer and Jerusha (Cowles) North, was born Nov. 17, 1773. He married SABINA PINNEY and removed to Colebrook. He was a captain, probably in the militia. Children: i. PINNEY, b. 1798. ii. LYMAN, b. 1800; m. . Children: (1) Harriet. (2) Olivia, m. John Marshall of Torrington. (3) Amy. iii. MARY, b. July 5, 1803; m. ROLZMAN MERRILL. iv. MERCY, b. Dec. 28, 1808; m. MARTIN NORTH (146). SIXTH GENERATION 70. JOHN 6 NORTH (John 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel*, John 1 ), third son of John and Amy (Russell) North, was born at Canaan, Feb. 29, 1780, and died at Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Mar. 20, 1848. He married Jan. 11, 1802, HANNAH HAWKINS. He was a minister and lived for many years at Treble, Cortland Co., N. Y. Children: i. MINERVA, b. Sept. 20, 1803; m. Jan. 12, 1819, CYREMIS FITCH of Sand Lake, N. Y. ii. MART, b. July 4, 1805; d. Dec. 4, 1825; unm. iii. SARAH, b. May 1, 1808; d. July 15, 1873; unm. iv. ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 16, 1810; d. Jan. 15, 1887; m. July 26, 1836, CHARLES W. HARRIS. v. CLARISSA, b. Dec. 4, 1811; d. Aug. 23, 1873; unm. 148. vi. JOHN WESLEY, b. at Sand Lake, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1815; d. Feb. 22, 1890. 71. DARIUS 6 NORTH (Asa 5 , Jonathon 1 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Asa and Susanna (Newell) North, was born at Canaan, Aug. 18, 1775, and died at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1847. He married at Lowville, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1800, JOANNA HULBERT, who was born at Oxford, Mass., Oct. 7, 1778, and died at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1848. Mr. North removed to Mt. Vernon, Ohio, in 1834, with most of his family. A handsome oil portrait of him is in the possession of his grand- son, Mr. Arthur T. North of Chicago. Children: i. LOVINA, b. at Champion, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1801; d. at Knox- ville, la., Jan. 22, 1874; m. at Turin, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1825, TRUMAN F. STONE of Turin. Children: (1) Lucy Ann, b. 1826; d. 1827. (2) William M., b. 1827; m. 1858, Carrie M. Matthews. (3) Mary J., b. 1830; d. 1834. (4) Philip, b. 1832. (5) Morgan D., b. 1834. (6) Freeman, b. 1837. (7) Mallon, b. 1841. (8) Annie L., b. 1844; m. 1864, O. B. Ayres. 149. ii. THOMAS ASA, b. at Martinsburg, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1803; d. Sept. 4, 1875. 63 150. iii. ALBEKT, b. at Martinsburg, N. Y., June 20, 1805; d. Nov. 22, 1891. iv. SILAS, b. at Martinsburg, Feb. 11, 1807; drowned July 11, 1808. 151. v. SILAS, 2ND, b. at Martinsburg, June 29, 1809; d. Oct. 14, 1844. vi. MILO LEE, b. at Martinsburg, April 24, 1811; d. at Pulaski, N. Y., July 11, 1844; m. June 5, 1839, SARAH E. LANE. Child: Lydia, d. about 1859; m. in Wisconsin, Brooks. No children. 152. vii. MORGAN, b. at Martinsburg, April 13, 1814; d. Dec. 15, 1885. 153. viii. SHERMAN HINSDILL, b. Jan. 20, 1816; d. Mar. 13, 1898. ix. HARVEY, b. at Turin, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1819; d. at Kewanee, 111., June 25, 1873; m. (1) at Dover, 111., July, 1852, CAROLINE M. WICKS, who d. at Geneseo, 111., Feb. 27, 1857; (2) June 29, 1858, MRS. NARCISSA BOOTON, who d. at Clinton, la., April 22, 1871. Mr. North was a jeweller and lived at Prince- ton, Geneseo and Sheffield, 111., Cameron, Mo., Clinton, la., and Kewanee, HI., where he d. at his brother Levi's home. No children. x. JOHN MILTON, b. at Turin, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1819; d. Dec. 14, 1819. 154. xi. LEVI, b. at Turin N. Y., Mar. 12, 1821; d. June 10, 1901. 72. SAMUEL 6 NORTH (Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , SamueP, John 1 ), third son of Asa and Susanna (Newell) North, was born at Canaan, May 2, 1778, and died at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Aug. 28, 1863. He married MARY ARNOLD, who died July 16, 1844, aged 66. Mr. North was a farmer and lived with his father in Canaan, Conn., and Sheffield, Mass., until the latter's death in 1800, when he traded his inheritance of land for wild lands in Braceville, Ohio, whither he removed in 1810 and lived until his death. He cleared a farm half a mile east of the center of Braceville, which remained in the North family until a few years ago, and on which still stands the house which he built. He and his wife, five children and several grandchildren are buried in the family lot at Braceville. Children, born at Braceville, Ohio: 155. i. MILES, b. 1801; d. April 12, 1889. 156. ii. ASA, b. Mar. 18, 1810; d. Sept. 19, 1893. iii. CLARISSA b. Mar. 18, 1810, (twin); d. Sept. 24, 1853; m. JOHN ROBERTS, and lived in Windham, Portage Co., Ohio. He d. Mar. 14, 1850, aged 57. A daughter Henrietta, b. Aug. 17, 1830, m. Chester Stowe and d. Dec. 19, 1896. 64 iv. LUCY, m. MOSES HUDSON of Newton Falls, Ohio. Children: (1) Luranna, m. Price. (2) Warren. (3) A Daughter. v. DAUGHTER, m. HAMLIN, and removed to southern Illinois. vi. DAUGHTER, m. JUDSON HALL of Charleston, Ohio. vii. MARTHA MARIA, b. June, 1818; d. at Braceville, Sept. 18, 1841 ;unm. 73. ASAHEL 6 NORTH (Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 John 1 ), fourth son of Asa and Susanna (Newell) North, was born at Albany, N. Y., in 1786, and died there Oct. 9, 1839, aged 53. He married PHEBE GIBSON, and lived in Albany. Children: i. GIBSON, d. at Philadelphia, Pa., 1869-70. He was married but had no children and was a partner with John Edgar Thompson in an iron foundry, 1860-4. ii. ASA, d. 1858, while on a trip to St. Paul, Minn, iii. DAUGHTER. iv. DAUGHTER. v. DAUGHTER. vi. CHILD. vii. CHILD. 74. DR. MILO 6 LINUS NORTH (Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 Samuel*, John 1 ), youngest son of Asa and Susanna (Newell) North, was born at Sheffield, Mass., May 7, 1789, and married Oct. 5, 1820, JULIA, daughter of Rev. Daniel Smith of Stam- ford, and granddaughter of Rev. Cotton Mather Smith. He removed to Canaan, when a boy, with his father in 1794, and began teaching school in 1809. He entered Yale College as a sophomore in 1811, and graduated in 1813. He continued teaching and studying medicine until August, 1817, when he began practising in Sharon, then in Hartford until 1838, and in Saratoga, N. Y., until his death there Feb. 22, 1856. He was an eminent authority on the mineral waters of Sar- atoga Springs, on which he wrote several technical and popu- lar articles and pamphlets which may be found at the New York Public Library. Some of his letters to his uncle, the ex-governor of Connecticut, are contained in the "Correspond- ence and Miscellanies of the Hon. John Cotton Smith, L.L.D.," by Rev. Wm. W. Andrews. Harper & Bros., New York, 1847. Children : 157. i. THOMAS MATHER, b. Aug. 14, 1825. 65 ii. EDWAHD PAYSON, b. July 16, 1835; d. ; m. Feb. 1, 1860, KATHERINE WESTCOTT. He was a civil engineer and lived in New York City. No children. 75. LINUS 6 NORTH (Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Samuel and Lucy (Deming) North, was born at East Farms, near Farmington, Dec. 6, 1774, and died there Aug. 17, 1828. He married Feb. 23, 1802, DOLLY WOOD- RUFF, born 1774, died Oct. 17, 1830, daughter of Lot and Martha (Hart) Woodruff. She joined the church in 1799. Linus North lived on his father's place at East Farms. Children, b. at East Farms, Farmington: i. MARCUS, b. Feb. 26, 1804; d. at Farmington, July 21, 1828; unm. ii. JANE, b. July 10, 1808; d. at Oxford, Ohio, July 10, 1888; m. (1) DR. GEORGE H. LEWIS of Oxford, Ohio; (2) His brother, ROMEO LEWIS. Children d. young. iii. CLARISSA, b. Aug. 15, 1811; d. at Hinsdale, 111., Nov. 29, 1896; m. June 23, 1833, REV. JOHN B. PRESTON, of Ripley, N. Y. Children: (1) Marcus, b. 1835; d. 1904; m. Rebecca Tenney. (2) Leu-is 0., b. 1837; d. in the Union Army, 1865. (3) Edward D., b. 1840; d. 1897; m. Ellen Bronson. (4) Anna M., b. 1842; m. E. Carlos Kelsey. (5) Deming H., b. 1845; m. Ella C. Mendsen. iv. ANNA, b. July 30, 1814; d. at Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb., 1894; m. Oct. 15, 1840, GUERNSEY Y., son of Alanson Roots of Rut- land, Vt. They lived at Oxford, and later Cincinnati, Ohio. Children: (1) North G., b. 1842; d. 1843. (2) Gertrude J., b. 1843; d. 1844. (3) Clara, b. 1845; m. Henry A. Howard. (4) Anna L., b. 1845; d. 1849. (5) Edward N., b. 1847; d. 1849. (6) Jane N., b. 1852; m. Edwin P. Piper. (7) Susan N., b. 1855; m. Harry P. Piper. v. LOT WOODRUFF, b. Feb. 9, 1819; d. Mar. 11, 1819. vi. LUCY D., b. Mar. 3, 1823; d. at Oxford, Ohio, Mar. 5, 1888; m. REV. JOHN BISHOP. Children: (1) Deming R., b. 1855; m. Aurelia Castle. (2) Frances L., b. 1864. (3) North R., b. 1868; m. Nellie Ream, vii. SUSAN, b. Mar. 12, 1825; d. at Connersville, Ohio, Mar. 24, 1850; m. HENRY C. MOORE. Child: Philip N., b. 1849; m. Mary E. Perry. 76. DR. NATHAN 6 NORTH (Samuel 5 , Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Samuel and Lucy (Deming) North, was born at East Farms, Farmington, Sept. 3, 1778, and died 6 66 at Boonville, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1857. He married Aug. 4, 1805, NANCY BULKELEY, who was born Oct. 1, 1781, and died at Boonville, N. Y., 1860. She was the daughter of Prescott and Lois (Williams) Bulkeley of Wethersfield. For many years Dr. North was a prominent physician at Exeter, N. H. He later removed to Boonville, N. Y. Children : 158. i. ALFRED, b. Mar. 10, 1807; d. Mar. 3, 1869. ii. HENRY, b. 1811; d. Oct., 1814. iii. CHARLES, b. 1813; d. Oct., 1814. iv. THERESA ORNE BULKELEY, b. July 22, 1815; m. Feb., 1843, EZRA STERLING ELY. Child: Nathan North, b. 1844; d. Feb., 1861. Resided at Cheektowaga, N. Y. v. LAURA BULKELEY, b. Jan. 15, 1818; d. at Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1883, unm. vi. LYDIA BULKELEY, b. Jan. 20, 1820; d. Sept., 1829. vii. ANNA LANGDON, b. July 30, 1823; d. at Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1905; unm. Resided at Cheektowaga, N. Y. 77. ASAHEL 6 NORTH (Samuel 5 , Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel*, John 1 ), fourth son of Samuel and Lucy (Deming) North, was born at East Farms, Farmington, Sept. 3, 1772, and died near White Hall, 111., Mar. 19, 1846. He married near Windsor, Vt., Aug. 26, 1819, PRUDENCE SWALLOW, who was born near Windsor, Vt., Sept. 10, 1799, and died near White Hall, 111., July 2, 1874. She was the daughter of Nahum and Deidamia (Woods) Swallow. In August, 1819, soon after their marriage, Asahel and Pru- dence North loaded their belongings into a two horse wagon, left the old Swallow homestead at the foot of Ascutney Moun- tain near Windsor, Vt., and started for the \Vest. It was a long, wearisome journey jolting over the corduroy roads of Indiana and other rough places, but they finally landed in Madison Co., 111., where they spent the winter of 1819 and the summer of 1820. In the spring of 1821 they located in Greene Co., where the appearance of the country and the mixture of timber and prairie suited them. They had bought a log house there, but just before they arrived, it went up in smoke, leaving them homeless. The house was rebuilt and is still occupied by his grandson Marcus North. Mr. North became a man of consid- erable means for those days. 67 Children, b. near White Hall, 111.: i. HENRY, b. Mar. 15, 1820; d. Sept. 23, 1821. ii. LUCY, b. Mar. 12, 1822; d. near White Hall, 111., Mar. 14, 1901; m. near White Hall, Mar. 12, 1840, EDGAR, son of David and Lydia (Twitchell) Griswold. Children: (1) Perry D., b. April 14, 1841; m. July 24, 1864, Olive B. Stone; d. May 24, 1916. (2) Seth North, b. Jan. 16, 1843; m. Dec. 11, 1871, Ettie Whiteside. (3) Chester S., b. Dec. 22, 1844; d. Oct. 8, 1845. (4) Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 17, 1847; d. May 9, 1919; m. Dec. 13, 1870, Edward S. Boulton. (5) Sylvia J., b. Jan. 19, 1850; d. April 18, 1890; m. Feb. 7, 1884, George Whitteaker. (6) Martha A., b. Sept. 10, 1852; d. Sept. 25 : 1853. (7) Damon A., b. Oct. 31, 1855; m. July 11, 1875, Etna Baldwin. (8) Lydia, b. May 7, 1858; d. Sept. 1, 1858. (9) Caroline, b. Oct. 16, 1859; m. Feb. 14, 1884, Thomas M. Meek. (10) George A., b. Aug. 16, 1863; d. Aug. 23, 1866. (11) Edward A., b. June 26, 1866; d. April 18, 1910; m. April 30, 1901, Fannie E. Lorton. 159. iii. MARCUS, b. Dec. 7, 1824; d. Nov. 29, 1854. iv. SYLVIA, b. Dec. 9, 1826; d. near Fidelity, 111., Mar. 6, 1880; m. near White Hall, 111., Mar. 10, 1846, ISAAC, son of John and Mary (Fay) McCollister. Children: (1) Mary, b. Aug. 21, 1847. (2) Augusta, b. Sept. 10, 1848; m. Oct. 30, 1873, John D. Wilson. (3) Lucy, b. Aug. 5, 1850; d. Sept. 30, 1850. (4) William Henry, b. Aug. 22, 1851 ;d. Nov. 10, 1853. (5) Edgar, b. Aug. 8, 1854; d. Aug. 4, 1855. (6) and (7) Twins, b. and d. 1856. (8) Charles H., b. Sept. 3, 1857; d. Jan. 29, 1858. (9) Edward, b. Sept. 30, 1859. (10) Lizzie, b. May 9, 1862; m. May 15, 1889, Andrew D. Piggott. (11) Albert S., b. Nov. 25, 1864; d. July 24, 1915; m. Sept. 27, 1893, Fannie B. Frost. (12) Ira I., b. Mar. 31, 1867; d. Feb. 17, 1873. (13) Ida S., b. Mar. 31, 1867, (twin); m. Feb. 24, 1892, William K. Dodge, v. LINUS, b. Jan. 25, 1829; d. Jan. 14, 1843. vi. SAMUEL, b. Dec. 29, 1830; d. Oct. 5, 1851; unm. vii. GEORGE, b. Nov. 11, 1832; d. Sept. 2, 1845. 160. viii. JOHN, b. Mar. 6, 1835; d. July 14, 1897. ix. MARY, b. Mar. 14, 1837; m. near White Hall, 111., Jan. 28, 1861, DANIEL, son of Isaac and Ruth (Wilcox) Stewart. Children: (1) Arthur D., b. May 24, 1863. (2) Mary D., b. Oct. 1, 1864; d. June 28, 1916; m. Aug. 25, 1891, Prof. Frederick E. Turneaure. (3) Clinton, b. Mar. 8, 1868; m. Dec. 26, 1893, Dora L. Starkweather. x. LEWIS, b. July 1, 1839; d. Mar. 1, 1848. xi. PETER, b. June 18, 1841; d. Sept. 10, 1847. xii. JANE, b. May 11, 1843; d. Mar. 17, 1848. 68 78. AARON 6 NORTH (John 5 , Samuel*, John*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John and Rhoda (Merrill) North, was born at Farmington in 1777, and died at Windsor, Vt. He married ABIGAIL, daughter of William Hart. She died in 1844. Mr. North removed to West Windsor, Vt., perhaps with his cousin Asahel (77). His tombstone, and those of some of his family may be seen in the cemetery at Sheddsville, a village in West Windsor. Children: 161. i. EDWARD D., b. at Farmington, Sept. 4, 1799; d. May 18, 1871. ii. JOHN HART, became a merchant in Mississippi. 162. iii. CHARLES, b. at West Windsor, Vt. iv. GEORGE, m. MARIA WINN. Child: Frances Augusta. 79. JOHN 6 ADNA NORTH (John 5 , Samuel' 1 , John 3 , Sam- uel 2 , John 1 ), second son of John and Rhoda (Merrill) North, was born at Farmington in 1779, and died April 4, 1865, probably at New Haven, where he is buried. He married Aug. 25, 1817, SUSANNA, daughter of Isaiah Rowe. While a young man he worked as a blacksmith with his father, then removed in 1810-15 to Augusta, Ga., where he had a general store under the name of North and Rowe. Mr. North and his wife were passengers on the first steamer which came up the Savannah River to Augusta. He traded with the Indians in northern Georgia, and rode about in a high wheeled gig. He later removed to New York City and New Haven, where he put his sons through Yale College, and where he had a country residence. He was a Presbyterian elder in New York City. Children: i. JANE ANTOINETTE, b. 1818; d. July 28, 1884; m. Oct. 6, 1847, THOMAS F. RICHARDS. Children: (1) Annie North, b. Feb. 14, 1851; d. 1862. (2) James Tracy, b. Jan. 30, 1855. (3) Laura North, b. Oct. 18, 1859; d. Jan. 14, 1917; unm. ii. JAMES HARPER, b. 1820; d. 1821. 163. iii. JAMES HARPER, 2ND, b. in New York City, June 24, 1823; d. Mar. 7, 1907. 164. iv. HENRY MARTYN, b. 1826; d. 1865. v. JOHN STRONG, b. and d. 1828. 165. vi. JOHN ADNA, b. 1830; d. 1914. vii. PHILIP STRONG, b. 1834; d. Aug. 16, 1845. 69 80. ADNA 6 NORTH (John 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of John and Rhoda (Merrill) North, was born at Farmington, in 1785, and died there, Jan. 1, 1822, aged 37. He married LUKA CASE, who after his death married Mark Lewis. Mr. North was a blacksmith and lived on his father's place at the north end of Farmington St., Farmington. Children, b. at Farmington: i. NANCY, b. Oct. 5, 1813; d. at Burlington, Conn., May 11, 1880; m. CROMWELL BARNES of Burlington, b. Oct. 27, 1811; d. Feb. 24, 1875, son of Amzi and Sophronia (Mills) Barnes. A daughter, Maria L., b. Aug. 14, 1846; m. Joseph Ailing; d. May 3, 1908. ii. MERRILL, deranged, iii. LUCINDA, d. at Bristol, Feb. 18, 1861; m. Julius Yale, who d. Dec. 12, 1879, aged 72. iv. RHODA, b. 1819; d. Sept. 14, 1829. 81. NOAH 6 NORTH (Daniel 5 , Daniel*, Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Daniel and Anna (Judd) North, was born at Farmington in 1772, and died at Antwerp, Jefferson Co., N. Y., about 1850. He married RACHEL CHAPMAN who died about 1852. When a young man Daniel North joined the growing stream of Connecticut pioneers who were pushing westward, and found his way to Le Ray, Jefferson Co., N. Y. About 1845 he removed to the town of Antwerp in the same county. He had previous to this several children who died young. The others were all born in Connecticut, probably Farmington, save the daughters who were born in Le Ray, N. Y. Of these only an imperfect record is obtainable. He is well re- membered by his grandson Levi North who took care of him during his fatal illness. Children: i. DANIEL, d. at Le Ray, N. Y.; m. . Children: (1) Gilson, d. in the West. (2) Lucy, d. at Le Ray. ii. ALVA. Joined the Mormons, and in 1846 went to Utah. 166. iii. LYMAN, b. July 15, 1812. 167. iv. IRA. v. MANDY, d. at Harrisville, Lewis Co., N. Y. vi. LEWIS. 82. IRA 6 NORTH (Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas?, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Daniel and Anna (Judd) North, was born at East Farms, Farmington in 1778. He married (1) in 1800, 70 VIANA MONRO, who died in 1810, aged 34; (2) POLLY WILCOX. He removed to Redfield and Henderson, N. Y., where he was living in 1843. Children: 168. i. OMBI MONRO, b. Feb. 25, 1802; d. Mar. 3, 1873. ii. MARY, b. 1803; d. at Brighton, Mich., 1863; m. 1824, JESSE FERGUSON. iii. DAVID, went West. 169. iv. ALBERT WILLIAM, b. 1806; d. 1841. v. CELESTIA, m. H. GRISWOLD of Redfield, N. Y. vi. CHILD, b. 1810; d. in infancy. 83. DEA. ASA 6 NORTH (Asa 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of Asa and Margaret (Lusk) North, was born at Avon in 1775, and was baptized there May 5, 1776. He mar- ried in 1798 his cousin, LAURA LUSK, and they joined the church the same year. They removed to Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y., where he became a noted schoolmaster, and was a deacon in the church. Children: i. EMILY LUSK, b. 1800; m. ADIN Ross. ii. CAROLINE M., b. Nov. 23, 1815; m. Jan. 5, 1837, RICHARD TALMADGE, and removed to Chicago, 111. Children: (1) Asa N., b. Feb. 1, 1839; d. Dec., 1855. (2) Emily, b. Jan. 11, 1840; m. Dec. 8, 1861, Hiram Jones. (3) lola M., b. May 5, 1844. (4) Eleanora, b. July 6, 1846; m. May, 1869, Edward Huntington. (5) Herbert, b. Nov. 25, 1854. 84. ELIJAH 6 NORTH (Eli 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 ' John 1 ), oldest son of Eli and Eunice (Hart) North, was born at Avon in 1768, and died there May 29, 1808. He married in 1791, MERCY HORSFORD, who died June 8, 1813, aged 45. They lived on Lovely St., Avon, and were both members of the church. He was a pious, devoted man, but under mental derangement, committed suicide. Children, b. at Avon: i. REUBEN, b. 1791; d. Sept. 13, 1798. ii. AMON, b. 1793; d. Sept. 15, 1798. iii. ALMIRA, b. 1796; d. at Unionville, May 29, 1862; m. Sept. 15, 1819, JESSE SANFORD, and lived on her father's place. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. 71 iv. NAOMI, b. 1798; bapt. Sept. 15, 1799; m. WILLIAM PECK of Salisbury, v. REUBEN, 2ND; b. 1800; d. Oct. 13, 1802. 170. vi. ELIJAH, b. 1804; d. 1838. 171. vii. TRUMAN, b. 1805. 85. JAMES 6 NORTH (Eli 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Eli and Eunice (Hart) North, was born at Avon in 1781, and died there April 22, 1833. He married in 1799, LUCINA, daughter of Obadiah Andrews, and they joined the church the same year. They lived on Lovely St., Avon. After her husband's death Mrs. North went to live with her children at Candor, N. Y., where she died April 2, 1843. Children : i. PLUMA, b. 1806; d. April 1, 1809. 172. ii. GEORGE, b. Aug. 7, 1808; d. Sept. 22, 1876. iii. SALLY MARIA, b. Jan. 30, 1811; d. July 23, 1895; m. 1830, ROLAND WEATHERBY of Avon, iv. EUNICE, b. 1813; d. 188- ; m. HENRY MONROE of Candor* N. Y. 173. v. JAMES ELY, b. 1815; d. 1896. vi. NANCY, b. 1817; d. April 26, 1826. vii. LUCY, b. 1825; d. at Juneau, Wis.; m. JOSEPH NEVINS of Candor, N. Y. 86. THOMAS 6 NORTH (Thomas 6 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Thomas and Sibyl (Gridley) North, was born Mar. 15, 1787. He married HANNAH OSTE- HAUS and was a farmer in Switzerland Co., Ind. Child: i. SIBYL 87. ROYAL 6 FLINT NORTH ( Thomas 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Thomas and Sibyl (Gridley) North, was born Feb. 24, 1790, and died May 11, 1860, in Switzerland Co., Ind. He married Aug. 22, 1819, SALLY DEN- TON, who was born Nov. 15, 1803, and died Feb. 26, 1857. He engaged in farming in Switzerland Co., Ind., whither he removed from New York State with his father about 1800. Children, b. in Switzerland Co., Ind.: i. THOMAS PAYNE, b. Nov. 26, 1820; d. at North's Landing, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1872; unm. 72 ii. HANNAH MARY, b. April 27, 1822; d. Jan. 26, 1904. 174. iii. JOHN DENTON, b. Jan. 17, 1824. iv. GEORGE LAFAYETTE, b. Mar. 28, 1826; d. June 29, 1859; unm. v. ROYAL FLINT, b. Nov. 17, 1827; d. Mar. 3, 1830. vi. MARIA LOUISA, b. Oct. 28, 1832. vii. ROYAL FLINT, 2ND; b. Oct. 25, 1834; d. Nov. 3, 1864; unm. 175.viii. JAMES MUNROE, b. Aug. 18, 1836. ix. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, b. Jan. 25, 1839; soldier in the Civil War, Company C, 83rd Regiment, Indiana Volunteers; unm., resides near Rising Sun, Ind. 176. x. ERNEST CLARENCE, b. July 6, 1841. xi. ALBERT GALLATIN, b. Oct. 26, 1844; d. Sept. 22, 1876; unm. 88. GEORGE 6 WASHINGTON NORTH (Thomas 5 , Tim- othy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel*, John 1 ), youngest son of Thomas and Sibyl (Gridley) North, was born April 21, 1797, and died July 13, 1873. He married (1) Oct. 13, 1818, FRANCES BAILEY, who died Sept. 13, 1827; (2) Dec. 27, 1827, SABRA B. SAMPSON, who died Oct. 14, 1883. He was a farmer in Switzerland Co., Ind., whither he removed from New York State with his father about 1800. Children, b. in Switzerland Co., Ind., by first wife: i. THOMAS JEFFERSON, b. Aug. 16, 1820; d. June 28, 1851; m. LA VINA JONES. Children: Fanny, Ava. ii. NATHANIEL BAILEY, d. young. iii. GEORGE WASHINGTON, b. May 4, 1825; d. Nov. 29, 1902; m. at Oroville, Calif., Nov. 4, 1886, HANNAH ANN HAMBLJN. No children. Removed to California in 1850 and became a miner. By second wife: 177/ iv. ROYAL FLINT, b. Sept. 6, 1830; d. Aug. 20, 1899. v. FANNIE, d. young. vi. LUCY AMANDA, b. Oct. 4, 1832; d. at Vicksburg, Miss., Mar. 12, 1901 ; m. Oct. 4, 1859, WILLIAM H. TAYLOR. Child: Lizzie Agnes, b. Feb. 10, 1865; m. William T. Rehse. vii. EUNICE HOPKINSON, b. Aug. 13, 1834; m. Sept. 20, 1854, ELEAZER COLE. Children: (1) Sabra Elizabeth, b. July 12, 1855; d. Oct. 1, 1858. (2) Emma Ida, b. Oct. 29, 1857; m. Sept. 17, 1879, F. W. Hathaway. (3) Ella May, b. Oct. 29, 1857; m. June 12, 1878, Jesse Robbins. (4) Lucy Amelia, b. Jan. 2, 1861; d. May 6, 1920; m. April 3, 1889, J. R. McConnell. (5) Sarah Frances, b. Jan. 12, 1867; m. Mar. 19, 1890, Selor Douglas, viii. DELIA SOPHIA, d. young. 178. ix. WALTER VINTON, b. Dec. 16, 1846; d. Sept. 4, 1878. 73 89. GUY 6 NORTH (Seth 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , SamueF, John 1 }, only son of Seth and Abigail (Hart) North, was born at Farmington in 1779. He married CATHARINE PROVOST, who after his death removed to Batavia, and later Elba, N. Y., with her children, and died at the latter place in 1823. Unfortu- nate circumstances at home compelled Guy North at a youth- ful age to seek his own fortunes. He went to New York where he achieved success as a merchant. In the course of his business he often went to sea on his own ship, and was thought to have perished in a storm in August, 1815. Children: 179. i. CZAR PETER, b. Sept. 10, 1803; d. 1848. ii. SON, b. 1804; d. Nov. 14, 1804. iii. LOT, b. 1807. iv. CHILD, b. 1808; d. Aug. 3, 1813. v. LDCINDA, b. 1810. vi. FRANKLIN, b. 1813. vii. MARY, b. 1815. 90. SYDNEY 6 NORTH (Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Lot and Silence (Horsford) North, was born probably at Farmington, Jan. 12, 1782, and died at Effingham, 111., Feb. 4, 1845. He married Jan. 26, 1809, MARY HAWTHORNE, who was born in 1792, and died at Monroe, 111., April, 1854. Sydney North was a farmer near Rising Sun, Ohio Co., Ind., where he came with his father from Connecticut. About 1814 he removed to western Indiana and later to White Co., 111. Children: i. HULDAH, b. Jan. 9, 1810; d. 1856; m. ALFRED McCAN. ii. POLLY, b. April 10, 1812; m. HYRUM BARNETT. 180. iii. JOHN, b. Nov. 9, 1815; d. Jan. 13, 1892. 181. iv. LEVI, b. July 17, 1817; d. Feb. 24, 1894. v. ROBERT, b. 1820; d. Feb. 23, 1856; unm. vi. EDWARD WOODWARD, b. 1822; d. May 23, 1857; unm. vii. ALMIRA, b. 1824; d. July 7, 1854; m. MARSHALL LINCOLN. viii. LIEUTICIA, b. 1826; d. May 24, 1894; m. DANIEL REWELL. ix. NANCY, b. 1828; m. JESSE SLATER. 91. ABIJAH 6 NORTH (Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Lot and Silence (Horsford) North, was born at Farmington, Dec. 25, 1787, and died near Rising Sun, 74 Ind., Feb. 26, 1859. He married Aug. 10, 1810, MARGARET WILSON. Abijah North moved west with his father in 1799, stopping a short time at Cincinnati, Ohio, then settled in Kentucky opposite North Bend, Ohio, until 1814, when he bought land in the lower end of Dearborn, now Ohio Co., Ind., on the Ohio River, three miles below Rising Sun. This land he cleared and successfully farmed. The settlement which grew there became known as North's Landing. He was instrumental in having Ohio Co. formed out of the southern part of Dearborn Co., for which purpose he was elected to the Indiana Legislature. He held many town and county offices, was an officer in the militia, and a prosperous merchant. Children : 182. i. JAMES, b. Mar. 23, 1811; d. Aug. 4, 1890. 183. ii. LOT, b. Sept. 25, 1813; d. Jan. 27, 1875. 184. iii. WILSON, b. Jan. 8, 1816; d. Jan. 26, 1853. iv. HULDAH, b. Nov. 25, 1820; m. THEODORE HUMPHREY. Chil- dren: (1) Margaret Ann, m. Rosman White. (2) Melinda, m. George K. Douglas. (3) Mary Alice, m. Salem Bradford. (4) Abijah, m. Mary Scranton. (5) James, m. Lily Mottier. (6) Lily, m. Charles Simpson. (7) William S., m. Mary Manford. v. LEVI, b. Feb. 6, 1825; d. July 9, 1826. 92. ASAHEL 6 NORTH (Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Lot and Silence (Horsford) North, was born Nov. 3, 1792, probably at Farmington, and died Mar. 1, 1875. He married Mar. 21, 1816, ELIZABETH BURNS. Moved west with his father and became a prosperous farmer near Rising Sun, Ind. Children: i. POLLY, b. Sept. 17, 1825; d. 1849; m. DAVID SHOEMAKER. Children: Asahel, Ellen. ii. SILENCE, m. PERDILLAS McNuTT. Child: Frances. iii. HARRIET AUGUST, b. 1830; d. July 23, 1898. 93. LEVI 6 NORTH (Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Lot and Silence (Horsford) North, was born probably at Farmington, Mar. 11, 1793, and died Aug. 20, 1845. He married Feb. 11, 1819, RACHEL ROOD, who was born Dec. 10, 1796, and died Aug. 16, 1843. 75 Mr. North was a farmer at North's Landing, near Rising Sun, Ind., where he also owned a store and a steam mill. Children, b. at North's Landing, Ind. : i. LUCINDA, b. Nov. 2, 1819; d. Feb. 22, 1900; m. 1835, WILLIAM H. POWELL. Children: (1) Rosanna, m. Stephen Searcy. (2) Sarah. (3) John, m. Emma McNutt. (4) George, m. Cynthia Lostutter. (5) Mary Ellen, m. Wilson Lostutter. (6) Marcus L., m. Mary Dibble. (7) Joseph, m. Rachel Grace, ii. ABIJAH, b. Mar. 10, 1821; d. Aug. 4, 1843; killed by accident in his father's steam mill; unm. iii. SALLY L., b. Dec. 21, 1822; d. Mar. 29, 1905; m. Oct. 9, 1845, JOSEPH T. NORTH (191). iv. SUSANNAH, b. Nov. 1, 1825; d. Aug. 15, 1826. 185. v. RUFUS, b. Dec. 4, 1827; d. July 11, 1893. 186. vi. BENJAMIN F., b. Feb. 7, 1830; d. Jan. 15, 1877. 187. vii. HENRY, b. Nov. 21, 1832; d. July 2, 1903. 188. viii. NATHAN H., b. May 27, 1835; d. July 22, 1895. 189. ix. LEVI, b. July 29, 1837; d. April 1, 1906. 94. CAPT. HENRY 6 T. NORTH (Abijah 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Abijah and Sally (Marsh) North, was born April 27, 1787, and died near Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky., July 9, 1865. He married (1) Dec. 12, 1809, POLLY CUMMINGS, who died 1810, and by whom he had one son; (2) Dec. 8, 1815, at St. Francisville, La., MARIAH HOLMES, who was born Feb. 19, 1799, and died July 14, 1878. Her father was a noted physician, and a descendant of Pocahontas. Henry North was a captain in the War of 1812 and fought under General Andrew Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. The rest of his life he engaged in farming on his father's farm in Gallatin Co., Ky. Children: 190. i. FOUNTAIN, b. Nov. 11, 1810; d. Nov. 14, 1887. ii. MARY B., b. Oct. 23, 1817; d. Sept. 30, 1823. 191. iii. JOSEPH T., b. at New Orleans, La., Nov. 20, 1819; d. Mar. 2, 1895. iv. ROBERTA B., b. Harrison Co., Ky., Nov. 30, 1821; m. BARNEY JOHNSON. Children: (1) Fountain. (2) Lizzie. (3) William. (4) Eugene. (5) Sallie. (6) Charles. 192. v. HENRY BALLARD, b. at Warsaw, Ky., Oct. 30, 8?5; d. Jan. 17, 1911. 76 vi. ANN, b. Jan. 13, 1828; m. BENJAMIN ELLIOT. Children: (1) Benjamin. (2) Joseph. (3) Mamie, m. Ford. (4) William. (5) Imogene, m. Omer Thomas. (6) Rose. (7) James R. (8) Edwin. 193. vii. THEODORE, b. June 4, 1830; d. Feb. 3, 1902. 194. viii. CONSTANTINE, b. July 4, 1833; d. 1876. ix. MAKY, b. July 15, 1837; d. Aug. 31, 1865. x. SUSAN, b. May 26, 1842; m. Feb. 29, 1865, ASHTON CRAIG. Resides (1919) Ghent, Ky. Children: (1) Thomas, b. 1865; m. Eva Satchwill. (2) William H., b. 1867; m. Olla Arre- mith. (3) Mary, b. 1869. (4) Walton, b. 1871. (5) Lil- lian J., b. 1874; m. John Gardt. (6) Sally, b. 1876; m. Nat Gardt. (7) Edwin S., b. 1879; d. 1918; m. Margaret Lillard. (8) Roberta, b. 1882; m. Spencer Lillard. 95. JOSEPH 6 NORTH (Isaac, 5 Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, second son of Lieut. Isaac and Hepzibah (Hart) North, was born at Berlin, April 16, 1756, and died Sept. 18, 1819, aged 63. He married June 2, 1777, RHODA BLINN, who was born Jan. 7, 1756, and died June 5, 1818. They lived in Worthing- ton and are buried in the Beckley Cemetery. Children, b. at Worthington: 195. i. JAMES, b. Oct. 9, 1777; d. Feb. 18, 1836. ii. RHODA, b. July 20, 1779; d. May 3, 1835; m. Sept. 3, 1801, LEMUEL, son of Elisha and Hepzibah Wilcox. Child : Adelia, m. Roswell Snow. iii. EBASTUS, b. Sept. 7, 1781; d. Sept. 6, 1787. 196. iv. ALLEN, b. Dec. 14, 1783; d. May 10, 1860. 197. v. CHAUNCEY, b. Mar. 18, 1786. vi. MAKY, b. Sept. 15, 1788; d. - - 13, 1819; m. May 7, 1815, NATHANIEL SHAW. vii. SALLY, b. Feb. 2, 1791; d. July 16, 1818. viii. ERASTUS, 2ND, b. Feb. 12, 1793; d. Jan. 18, 1845; m. ABIGAIL BROWN. Resided in Longmeadows, Mass., and had two or three children. 198. ix. JOSEPH, b. July 14, 1795; d. April 3, 1862. x. HARRIET, b. Jan. 3, 1799; m. Feb. 2, 1820, DANIEL RICE. 96. ABEL 6 NORTH (Isacu*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, third son of Lieut. Isaac and Hepzibah (Hart) North, was born at Berlin, April 8, 1761, and died there May 22, 1839, aged 78. He married in 1788, SARAH, daughter of John and Hannah (Wilcox) Wilcox. She was born Feb. 7, 1760, and died Oct. 28, 1842. They lived in Berlin. 77 Children, b. at Berlin: i. HANNAH, b. July 19, 1789; d. Feb. 26, 1870; m. DAVID HOWELL, Hadlyme. ii. HEPZIBAH, b. Feb. 7, 1791; d. Feb. 7, 1791. 199. iii. LYMAN, b. Jan. 3, 1793; d. Dec. 21, 1860. 200. iv. ORRIN, b. Dec. 20, 1794; d. Dec. 8, 1877. 201. v. JOHN, b. Dec. 25, 1796; d. Aug. 8, 1872. 97. SALMON 6 NORTH (Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Lieut. Isaac and Hepzibah (Hart) North, was born at Berlin, Oct. 25, 1767, and died at Wethersfield, May 25, 1817, aged 51. He married in 1789, JERUSHA LEEDS of Stamford. He lived in Griswoldville and Wethersfield, Conn. Although he would have been only fourteen years old at the time, he is probably the Salmon North who enlisted in Massa- chusetts, under Capt. John Bacon, Col. Caleb Hyde's Regi- ment, Gen. Rosseter's Brigade, Oct. 20 to 28, 1781, and in the same Brigade under Capt. Joseph Raymond, Oct. 29 to Nov. 6, 1781. ("Massachusetts Men in the Revolution.") Children: i. HARRIET, b. Oct. 25, 1789; m. NORTON HOLLISTER of Amenia, N. Y. Child: George, b. 1828; d. 1861; m. Adeline Benham. 202. ii. SELAH, b. July 7, 1790; d. Mar. 20, 1851. iii. MARY, b. June 1, 1792; d. April 17, 1869; m. 1833, ABIJAH (107), son of Seth North. 203. iv. WILLIAM B., b. July 13, 1794; d. Jan. 3, 1872. v. JERUSHA, drowned in infancy. vi. JERUSHA, 2ND, b. Sept. 14, 1796; d. 1870; m. BOND, of Weth- ersfield, and Griswoldville. vii. ISAAC, b. Jan. 24, 1801. Perhaps he who d. May 15, 1815. ("Kensington Church Records.") viii. LAURA, b. Dec. 26, 1802; m. JOHN GRISWOLD, Wethersfield. 204. ix. SALMON, b. at Griswoldville, Mar. 24, 1804; d. 1878. x. CAROLINE, b. Dec. 1, 1808; m. LEWIS, of Torrington. 98. ISAAC 6 NORTH (Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Lieut. Isaac and Hepzibah (Hart) North, was born at Berlin in 1771, and died Sept. 13, 1823. He married at Kensington, Dec. 31, 1810, his cousin, SARAH, daughter of Seth North (46). She died June 10, 1822. The family is buried in the Beckley Cemetery at Berlin. 78 Children: i. GEORGE, b. 1811; d. June 12, 1823. ii. MARY, b. 1813; d. May 29, 1823. iii. CLARISSA, b. 1816; d. June 20, 1821. 99. LEVI 6 NORTH (Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Jedediah and Sarah (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, April 16, 1760, and died there Oct. 2, 1846. He married April 20, 1786, RACHEL, daughter of Jedediah and Barbara (Wilcox) White. She was born Oct. 24, 1762, and died Jan. 31, 1839, and was a descendant of the first child born after the landing of the Mayflower in 1620. They are buried in the East Berlin Cemetery with five of their children. Levi North lived in Berlin near his father, being recorded as of that town in the Federal Census of 1790. He made scythes by hand and sold them to the neighboring farmers. In 1817 he was assessed $100, as shown by a list of twenty Berlin men engaged in business. This was to raise money after the War of 1812. At the age of 16 he was a soldier in the Revolution, serving in Capt. Eells' Company, 3rd Battalion, Gen. Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops, June-Dec. 25, 1776. The musket which he carried is now in the possession of his great- grandson Charles H. North of Cleveland, Ohio. Children: i. PATTY, b. Dec. 7, 1787; d. 1878; m. 1833, CHESTER BROWNSON of Salisbury, N. Y. He d. May 18, 1857. 205. ii. JEDEDIAH, b. June 22, 1789; d. Jan. 30, 1855. iii. LUCY, b. Oct. 22, 1790; m. 1822, REV. THOS. W. DUNCAN, of Jasper, Steuben Co., N. Y., and later of Roxbury, N. H. iv. SARAH, b. Sept. 30, 1792; d. May 5, 1858; unm. v. BEULAH, b. Sept. 8, 1794; d. Jan. 19, 1864; unm. vi. RACHEL, b. Mar. 26, 1796; d. Jan. 3, 1887; unm. 206. vii. EDMUND, b. Oct. 10, 1797; d. Oct. 10, 1874. viii. MARILLA, b. April 14, 1799; d. July 7, 1872; unm. ix. OLIVE, b. Oct. 15, 1800; m. (1) 1819, THOS. H. SKINNER of Haddam, who d. Dec., 1826; (2) JACOB CHAPMAN of Lyndon, Vt. 207. x. NORRIS, b. July 29, 1802. xi. JULIA, b. Mar. 5, 1804; d. Nov. 26, 1830; m. Nov., 1830, TITUS PENFIELD of Berlin, and had one son and one daughter. 208. xii. LEVI, b. Aug. 18, 1807; d. May 9, 1885. 79 100. DAVID 6 NORTH (Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas?, Thomas*, John 1 ), third son of Jedediah and Sarah (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, April 23, 1762, and died in February, 1831. He married (1) at Berlin, Dec. 13, 1781, SALOME, daughter of Josiah Wilcox, a revolutionary soldier. She was born April 22, 1762, and died Mar. 15, 1807; (2) in 1801, his cousin, Caroline North, daughter of Samuel North (45). She was born June 18, 1775. In 1790 he was living, according to the first Federal Census of 1790, in Ludlow, Hampshire Co., Mass. He removed about 1794 to Meredith, Delaware Co., N. Y., with his family. There he cleared the land and built a house. He later returned to Connecticut. Children: i. LUCY, b. at Berlin, Dec. 19, 1782; m. Dec. 26, 1800, ISAAC WILCOX of Worthington, Conn., and Stow, Ohio. No children, ii. ANNA, b. at Berlin, Feb. 28, 1785; m. at Middletown, May 27, 1806, DANIEL JOHNSON. 209. iii. LEMUEL, b. at Berlin, May 6, 1786; d. 1845. iv. SARAH, b. June 21, 1788; d. 1802. v. ABIGAIL, b. at Ludlow, Mass., Aug. 25, 1790; d. Feb. 25, 1870; m. July 4, 1815, WILLIAM BOARDMAN of Wethersfield, son of Levi and Elizabeth (Warner) Boardman. He was b. Aug. 15, 1792, and d. April 14, 1869. Farmer in Sheffield, Mass. 210. vi. DAVID, b. May 9, 1792. vii. DANIEL, b. Mar. 11, 1794. Resided at Meredith, N. Y. viii. POLLY, b. Mar. 10, 1796. ix. JEMIMA, b. Feb. 14, 1798; num. x. ORRIN, b. July 24, 1800. xi. LYDIA, b. Jan. 15, 1805. xii. ORPHA, b. Oct. 19, 1806. 101. COL. SIMEON 6 NORTH (Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Jedediah and Sarah (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, July 13, 1765, and died at Middle- town, Aug. 25, 1852. He married (1) at Cromwell, in 1786, LUCY, daughter of Jonathon and Elizabeth (Ranney) Savage. She was born May 19, 1766, and died Feb. 24, 1811. He married (2) Mar. 2, 1812, LYDIA, daughter of Rev. Enoch Huntington, whose house in Middletown he occupied. She was born Feb. 28, 1771, and died Sept. 7, 1840. 80 Col. Simeon North was the first official pistol maker of the United States. The old flintlocks bearing the legend "S. North, Berlin (or Middletown), Conn.," are highly prized by collectors of firearms, and it is rarely that one can be picked up in antique shops. Beginning first with the manufacture of scythes for the neigh- boring farmers, he soon began the manufacture of pistols, receiving his first contract from the United States Government in 1808. During the War of 1812 and up to the time of his death, he completed many other contracts for the government. His first factory was on Spruce Brook, at Berlin, but the water power being insufficient for his growing business, he built an additional factory in 1812 at Middletown, the water power of which is now used by the Rock Fall Woolen Co., and the old factory building as their storehouse. The factory and dam at Berlin were carried away by a flood in 1856, and all that remains is a portion of the dam which is used as a bridge. Col. North was the first to introduce the principle of inter- changeable parts in the manufacture of firearms, and to use machinery in their manufacture. At the close of the War of 1812, he was commissioned by the state of Connecticut to make two pairs of gold mounted pistols to be presented as a testimonial to Capt. Isaac Hull of the Frigate Constitution, and Commodore McDonough, who cap- tured on Lake Champlain the English squadron under Commo- dore Downie. These pistols are now on exhibition in the office of the Secretary of the Navy at Washington. They are kept in a glass case and cared for as priceless relics. It is the boast of the custodian that nowhere in the world can there be found finer specimens of the armorer's art. Two traditions survive Simeon North, which throw a great light on his personal character. One has it that no man ever worked for him who did not love him. The other was that he would never employ a man who was intemperate in his habits or immoral in any way. While Simeon North had not the advantage of college training, he had a well disciplined mind, was well informed, and kept up with the world's affairs by reading the New York papers, which he used to lend to his neighbors. 81 Unlike most of his ancestors he was not a member of the village Congregational Church, but he was a regular attendant and essentially a religious man and a generous supporter of the church; he brought up a family of sons and daughters who learned from him the principles of personal honor, the dignity of conscientious labor, the need for square dealing with every one, and the necessity for self-reliance. At the moment when Col. North was ready to pursue a more leisurely life and enjoy some of the fruits of his labor, the failure of a business house whose notes he had endorsed, compelled him to make a temporary assignment. His endorsement had been procured by misrepresentation on the part of the makers of the notes, and his counsel advised him that he could not be held for their payment. Against their advice, he said that his name was on the back of these notes, and that if he lived long enough he would pay them. By placing a mortgage of $68,000 upon his property, he was able to continue his business without interruption. For twenty- two years he carried that burden so shamefully imposed upon him, and in 1848, at the age of eighty- three he paid off the last penny. His dwelling house on High St., Middletown, which was later the home of Parson Huntington, has been removed, and the site is now occupied by the residence of the President of Wes- leyan University. When Simeon North was sixteen years old, he shouldered his gun and marched to Saybrook to enlist in the War of the Revo- lution, but when he reached his destination negotiations for peace were pending and he was not mustered into the service. He was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Connecticut Sixth Regiment 1811-13 and was always known afterward by this title. See " Simeon North First Official Pistol Maker of the United States, A Memoir." By S. N. D. North, LL.D., and Ralph H. North. Concord, N. H., The Rumford Press, 1913. Children, by first wife, b. at Berlin: 211. i. REUBEN, b. Dec. 11, 1786; d. April 4, 1853. 212. ii. JAMES, b. Sept. 16, 1788; d. Feb. 11, 1869. 213. iii. ALVIN, b. Mar. 2, 1790; d. Aug. 31, 1845. 214. iv. SELAH, b. Nov. 24, 1791; d. Aug. 13, 1850. v. ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 5, 1796; d. Mar. 25, 1831; unm. 7 82 vi. LUCETTA, b. April 4, 1799; d. at Middletown, Jan. 22, 1863; unm. 215. vii. SIMEON, b. Sept. 7, 1802; d. Feb. 9, 1884. viii. NANCY, b. Jan. 18, 1804; d. at Berlin, Oct. 5, 1806. By second wife, b. at Middletown: ix. LYDIA HUNTINGTON, b. Mar. 26, 1814; d. at South Norwalk, April 1, 1896; m. Mar. 2, 1836, REV. D. M. SEWARD who was pastor of the First Congregational Church of New Britain from 1836 to 1842. He d. in 1901. Children: (1) Frederick Dwight, deceased. (2) Leila H., m. Rev. William H. Gleason. (3) Harriet, deceased. (4) William F., librarian of the Binghamton, N. Y., Public Library. 102. STEPHEN 6 NORTH (Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 5 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Jedediah and Sarah (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, Jan. 26, 1767, and died at Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y., Jan. 11, 1842. He married (1) Jan. 7, 1788, SUSANNA, daughter of Elisha Savage, a Revolutionary soldier. She was born April 14, 1765, and died Nov. 11, 1833. He mar- ried (2) in 1834, MATILDA CHENEY. Stephen North removed from Connecticut to Fly Creek, N. Y., where he was a farmer, mechanic, merchant and elder in the Presbyterian Church. He left his children no legacy but a religious education. Children, b. at Fly Creek: 216. i. ALBERT, b. July 18, 1789; d. Dec. 18, 1849. ii. EMILY, b. 1791; d. 1817; m. Feb., 1811, WILLIAM HIGBY. Two children. 217. iii. LINUS, b. Nov. 2, 1794; d. Jan. 24, 1846. iv. ALMIRA, b. 1795; d. 1878; m. (1) 1813, BENJAMIN TODD; (2) 1819, REV. J. R. ST. JOHN; (3) 1829, DANIEL CARR; (4) ROGERS. v. MERCY, b. Jan., 1798; d. Jan. 14, 1872, aged 74; m. Sept. 14, 1826, DBA. HART of Seymour, who d. Aug. 18, 1868. 218. vi. STEPHEN, b. Nov. 7, 1799; d. Oct. 18, 1842. vii. HEPZIBAH, b. Nov. 4, 1802; m. DBA. HORACE GALPIN. Chil- dren: William, Judson. viii. SUSAN, b. May 13, 1804; d. Aug. 16, 1850; m. Sept. 28, 1825, JOSEPH WILLIAM LAWRENCE, b. Jan. 27, 1803, son of Joseph William and Sybil (Heath) Lawrence of Quincy, Mich. Children: (1) Henry North, b. Oct. 9, 1826; d. Jan. 20, 1919; m. Jan. 17, 1854, Mary L. Lathrop. (2) Helen, b. July 15, 1828; d. April 11, 1893. (3) Mary Wells, b. July 11, 1830; d. April 16, 1909; m. Israel R. Hall. (4) Charles Edward, b. Mar. 3, 1832; d. Aug. 14, 1910; m. May 30, 1855, Mary H. 83 Welch. (5) Susan North, b. April 7, 1834; d. Nov. 7, 1861; m. Dec. 13, 1855, Thomas Ellis. (6) Sophia, b. Mar. 9, 1836; d. Nov. 14, 1865; m. Dec. 13, 1855, Ira Dufur. (7) Cornelia, b. Mar. 20, 1839. (8) Albert William, b. April 26, 1841; d. April 27, 1857. (9) Sarah North, b. Jan. 7, 1843; d. May 3, 1909; m. Mar. 31, 1863, George W. Jeffers. (10) Harriet Newell, b. Sept. 17, 1846; m. Sept. 1, 1869, Horton J. Drake. 219. ix. ORRIN O., b. July, 1807; d. Oct. 7, 1880. By second wife: x. ANN H., b. 1835; d. 1835. xi. SARAH, b. 1836; m. (1) HARRY LYMAN; (2) JAMES PARSONS. xii. MARY, b. 1836 (twin) ; m. AUGUSTUS PARSONS. 103. NOAH 6 NORTH (Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas 2 , John 1 }, youngest son of Jedediah and Sarah (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, April 25, 1778. He married BEULAH BLAKE of Middletown, and removed to Windsor, Vt., and later to Geneseo, N. Y., where he died. Children : 220. i. HENRY P., b. 1800; d. May 1, 1886. 221. ii. WILLIAM, b. Sept. 22, 1801; d. Dec. 11, 1881. iii. GEORGE B., b. 1804; d. April 12, 1860; m. of Hebron. Removed from Angelica, N. Y., to Wisconsin, iv. ALBERT, b. 1807; d. Feb. 10, 1828. v. OLIVE, b. 1809; d. Feb. 26, 185,7; m. HOWE of Geneseo, N.Y. vi. LAURA, b. 1817; m. SILAS VANDERMARK of Waterloo, N. Y. vii. CHARLES A., b. 1819; d. April 6, 1892, at Fort Preble, while in the U. S. Army. 104. ELIJAH 6 NORTH (Samuel 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas*, Thomas*, John 1 ), son of Samuel and Lois (Woodford) North, was born at Worthington, Dec. 12, 1781. He married May 2, 1805, his cousin MARTHA WOODFORD, and removed to Falmouth, Me. He was a man of enterprise. Children: i. MARIA, b. Jan. 12, 1806; m. Mar. 30, 1828, JOSHUA S. KNIGHT. ii. Lois, b. Sept. 14, 1807; d. Oct. 1, 1882. iii. SOPHIA, b. Mar. 9, 1808; d. Jan. 1, 1874. iv. RHODA, b. April 14, 1811; d. Jan. 3, 1879. v. SILAS, b. Nov. 13, 1813; d. on the way to Maine, vi. SILAS, 2ND, b. July 14, 1815. Living in Maine (1894). 84 vii. EMILY, b. May 24, 1817. 222. viii. ORIN BECKLEY, b. Feb. 8, 1819; d. Sept. 7, 1883. ix. ABIGAIL S., b. Oct., 1820; d. Nov. 13, 1844. 105. SILAS 6 NORTH (Set, Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Seth and Eunice (Woodford) North, was born at Berlin, Dec. 14, 1774, and died Dec. 28, 1839. He married (1) Sept. 23, 1817, LYDIA DEMING; (2) in 1825, LUCY DEMING, who died Oct. 27, 1841, aged 57. They were the daughters of Israel and Hepzibah (Webster) Deming. Silas North worked or traded in the South. Child by second wife: i. JANE, b. 1828. 106. SETH 6 NORTH (Seth 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Seth and Eunice (Woodford) North, was born at Berlin, April 3, 1777. He married (1) ELIZABETH PICKETT, who died in 1810; (2) in 1819, MARY SMITH. He lived near the borders of Wethersfield, and was a tinman. For a while he worked in the South. In 1815 he was working for Reuben North in the pistol factory at Berlin. Children: i. EUNICE E., b. 1820; d. 1821. ii. JAMES, b. 1821. iii. ALBERT, b. 1822. iv. ESTHER, b. 1823. v. MARTHA, b. 1826. vi. MARY, b. 1832. 107. ABIJAH 6 NORTH (Seth 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Seth and Eunice (Woodford) North, was born at Berlin, in 1792, and died Sept. 30, 1864. He married (1) Jan. 14, 1824, HEPZIBAH DEMING, daughter of Israel and Hepzibah (Webster) Deming, who died in Virginia, Nov. 9, 1831, aged 31; (2) Nov. 24, 1833, MARY NORTH, daughter of Salmon North (97). She died at Berlin April 17, 1869, aged 77, and is buried in the Beckley Cemetery beside her husband. In 1815 he was working in his cousin Reuben's pistol factory, according to the latter's account book. Children: i. ISRAEL DEMING, b. 1824; m. AUREUA , who d. Oct. 5, 1875, aged 45. He had three daughters, ii. FRANKLIN WOODFORD, b. 1826; d. Sept. 11, 1855. iii. ELIZABETH SMITH, b. 1830; m. ALDEN CLARK of Meriden. 85 108. JOHN 6 DANIEL NORTH (Daniel 5 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), son of Daniel and Katrine (Hawver) North, was born about 1772, probably in the Little Nine Partners grant, Dutchess Co., N. Y., removing with his father to Ulster Co., N. Y., when a small child. He married about 1792, KATRINE EKERT, of Dutch parentage. Children: 223. i. DANIEL, b. Nov. 20, 1794; d. 1889. ii. DEBORAH. 224. iii. GEORGE ADAM, b. June 5, 1799. iv. BETSEY. v. CATHERINE. vi. ANDREW. vii. BENJAMIN. viii. CHARLES. ix. CLARA MARIA. x. ROBERT, removed about 1832, to Wales, Erie Co., N. Y. xi. JOHN. xii. HIRAM. 109. CAPT. JOHN 6 S. NORTH (Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), son of Samuel and Betsey (A very) North, was born in the Little Nine Partners grant, Dutchess Co., N. Y., in February, 1775, removing to Ulster Co., N. Y., with his father when a child. He married MARY HILL of Fishkill, N. Y. She died at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., Sept. 2, 1856, aged 77. March 12, 1810, he was appointed ensign in the Ulster Co. Militia under Lieut. -Col. Westbrook. His commission was dated April 27, 1810. March 2, 1814, he was promoted to lieutenant, and Mar. 22, 1816, to captain of the 131st Infantry. He died at Olive, April 10, 1855. Children: 225. i. URIAH, b. 1801; d. 1889. 226. ii. SAMUEL, b. 1806; d. 1885. 227. iii. ALBERT, b. Feb. 14, 1814; d. 1882. iv. GORDON, b. 1817; d. 1904; m. MARY CRAIG. Children: John, dec.; George and Craig, reside in Kans.; Augusta, m. Davis. v. ABEL, b. 1824; d. 1896; m. Julia Ann Keator. Children, all dec.; Walter, who has a son Abel residing at Tongore, N. Y.; George; Matilda. vi. MARY, m. HENRY K. KROM. vii. ANNA, m. DR. BERNARD MCCLELLAN. viii. JUDY, unm. ix. BETSEY, m. SIMON KROM of Ulster Co. 86 110. BENJAMIN 6 NORTH (Samuel 5 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Samuel and Elizabeth (A very) North, was born probably at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., March, 1, 1779. He married HANNAH, born Aug. 13, 1778, died April 12, 1865, daughter of Jeremiah Mosier. He lived at Olive, which was formed into a separate township from Marble town, April 15, 1823. In 1811 his property was assessed at $264. During the War of 1812 he served in Capt. Louis Bevier's Company (TJ. S. Bureau of Pensions) . He removed to Lodi, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, about 1840, where he died Oct. 20, 1848. Children : 228. i. LEWIS, b. Nov. 14, 1804; d. May 22, 1882. 229. ii. ZACHABIAH MOSIER, b. Oct. 11, 1806; d. Nov. 16, 1881. iii. GEORGE, b. July 4, 1808; m. SARAH STEBBINS; no children, iv. JAMES, b. April 21, 1810; d. at sea; m. . No children. 230. v. DANIEL B., b. June 28, 1812; d. Nov. 7, 1850. vi. SARAH, m. FERGUSON. Children: Carrie, Granville. vii. ELIZA, b. Dec. 23, 1814; d. at Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 6, 1906; m. 1840, J. CLEMENT SMITH. Children: Florence, Herbert, Marian, Irving, Channing. 231. viii. WILLIAM CASE, b. April 6, 1816; d. March 9, 1900. ix. CATHERINE, b. May 19, 1819; d. Oct. 4, 1884; m. (1) 1842, JOHN M. WATKINS, no children; (2) 1850, CHARLES TRACEY WILMOT, b. June 13, 1816, d. July, 1883. Children: (1) AUa E., b. Sept. 22, 1852. (2) Charles C., b. Aug. 30, 1854; m. 1875, Grace H. Russell. (3) Carrie L, b. Nov. 4, 1858; m. 1885, Avon Stacy Hall. 111. DANIEL 6 NORTH (Samuel 5 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Samuel and Elizabeth (A very) North, was born Jan. 13, 1785, and married at Middletown, N. Y., ELIZABETH, daughter of Zepheniah and Sarah (Wright) Townsend. During the War of 1812 he was a private in Capt. Vantine's and Bogert's Companies (U. S. Bureau of Pensions). He lived for a while in Tyre, Cayuga Co., N. Y., then removed to Saline, Mich., where he died July 20, 1851. Children: i. ELIZA, b. 1809; d. Sept. 23, 1885; m. CHAMBERLAIN of Flat Rock, Mich. Children: (1) George T., b. Aug. 3, 1833; d. Sept. 3, 1861. (2) Jane, b. Mar. 14, 1838; m. Sept. 25, 1853, IraKibbee. (3) Mary E., m. Humes. ii. CATHERINE, b. Jan. 5, 1812; m. Sept. 12, 1838, PELETIAH CASE. Children: (1) Daniel H., b. 1840; d. during the Civil War, at Baton Rouge, La., June 9, 1862. He was a private in Com- 87 pany F, 6th Michigan Infantry. (2) Elizabeth G., b. 1841 ; d. July 31, 1867; m. Josiah Hall. (3) Mary E., b. 1844; d. July 10, 1865. (4) Anna Deborah, m. O. D. Orvis. 232. iii. TOWNSEND, b. in Ulster Co., N. Y., Sept. 24, 1814; d. June 12, 1889. iv. SARAH ANN, b. June 27, 1817; d. July 25, 1880; m. June, 1840, HENRY DECOE. Children: (1) EmmaJ., m. States. (2) Town- send, m. -- . (3) Eber, m. Audinette. (4) Rosaltha, m. Machelrow. (5) William. v. DEBORAH, b. 1820; d. Oct. 5, 1862; unm. vi. SAMUEL, b. Sept. 25, 1823; d. at Vassar, Mich., Dec. 11, 1860; m. HANNAH A. GLEASON. No children. 233. vii. MATTHEW D., b. Mar. 5, 1826. viii. ANGELINE, b. Dec. 17, 1828; d. Jan. 13, 1898; m., as second wife, July 15, 1859, JOHN HAYWOOD, who d. 1907. Children: (1) John Aubrey, b. Oct. 31, 1860; d. in infancy. (2) Mil- lard, b. Aug. 21, 1861. (3) Victor, b. Sept. 12, 1863; m. - . (4) William, b. Sept. 12, 1863 (twin); d. 1879. (5) Lena, b. April 5, 1866; m. Edwards. ix. MARTHA JANE, b. at Flat Rock, Mich., 1834; d. 1847. SAMUEL 6 NORTH, JR. (Samuel 5 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Samuel and Elizabeth (A very) North, was born at Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y., Sept. 9, 1788, the first child born in the town. He married at Esopus, Ulster Co., N. Y., in 1809, MARIA MASTEN, who was born May 4, 1793, and died Mar. 6, 1863. In 1811 his property was assessed at $65. He removed to Seneca Co., N. Y., and in 1834 to Michigan, settling on a farm in the "Union District" near Saline, where he died Mar. 5, 1841. He was familiarly known as "Father North," and he preached regularly in schoolhouses and churches. He ob- tained some reputation as a family doctor, publishing in 1837, a large book on "Home Remedies" and care of the sick. Children: 233^. i. JOHN DEPUY, b. Aug. 22, 1811; d. Sept. 15, 1870. 234. ii. WILLIAM, b. Sept. 10, 1814; d. Aug. 17, 1846. iii. CATHERINE, b. Feb. 8, 1817; d. Jan. 5, 1885; m. Sept. 27, 1837, DAVID FITCH MOORE. Children: (1) Cynthia Maria, b. 1838; d. 1900; m. July 4, 1861, George Cook Amsden. (2) Sarah Emma, b. 1839; d. 1909; m. Dec. 2, 1858, Lewis H. Bush. (3) William J., b. 1843; d. 1917; m. Dec. 22, 1861, Eleanor Carr. (4) Louella Jennie, b. 1854; m. Oct. 17, 1905, Thomas J. Keech. 88 iv. BENJAMIN, b. Sept. 3, 1819; d. Oct. 2, 1897; m. Nov. 5, 1845, JOSEPHINE MANSFIELD. Child: Lucian. v. CHESTER ROBERTS, b. Jan. 13, 1822; d. Feb. 7, 1845. vi. MARY ANN, b. Dec. 24, 1827; d. Sept. 10, 1828. vii. ELIZA ANN, b. Oct. 19, 1830; d. Dec. 11, 1894; m. 1857, FLOYD PALMER. Children: (1) Alice May, b. 1859. (2) Arthur E., b. 1861; m. Amelia J. Porter. (3) Helen 0., b. 1864, d. 1895. (4) Wiltse C., b. 1868; d. 1886. (5) Jennie Irene,b. 1877. 112. JAMES 6 NORTH (James 5 , James\ Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of James and Rhoda (Judd) North, was born at New Britain, Dec. 19, 1777, and died there Sept. 29, 1825. He was one of the three New Britain boys sent by his father to Stockbridge, Mass., to learn the brass business of John Barton. After his apprenticeship he returned to New Britain, and started the manufacture of sleigh bells, the first made in that town. He later removed to Cherry Valley, N. Y., and was one of the principal men in building up the place. But he lost all, and in 1818 returned to New Britain, a poor man. He was converted in 1821, resumed business again and became an active Christian. He was unselfish, liberal and generous (if possible) to a fault, and unsuspecting, his trade, his skill and his property became the prey of the scheming and avaricious. But the consolations of the Gospel made up for the loss of all things else, and he died leaving no enemy behind him. ("History of New Britain.") In 1799 he married RHODA BELDEN, who died July 20, 1827, aged 44. Children: i. MARCIA, b. Aug. 27, 1801; d. June 6, 1841; m. Aug. 7, 1825, WILLIAM H. SMITH of New Britain. ii. MARIA, b. Sept. 10, 1803; d. at New Britain, Mar. 6, 1815. iii. WILLIAM, b. Sept. 23, 1805; d. at Cherry Valley, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1806. iv. NANCY, b. Nov. 22, 1806; d. Dec. 21, 1838; m. Dec. 28, 1823, PHILIP LEE. v. WILLIAM, b. Mar. 13, 1809. Supposed to have been lost at sea. Last heard from in New Orleans, 1840. vi. MARY, b. Aug. 21, 1811; m. May 23, 1834, SAMUEL RAYMOND of Bethlehem; d. 1865-6. Removed to Cleveland, where he was a merchant. Children: (1) Henry North, d. 1911. (2) Samuel A., m. Emma Stone. (3) Mary North, d. young, vii. HENRY, b. Oct. 19, 1813. He spent many years in Monte- video, South America, where he accumulated an estate. He returned to New Britain and became a manufacturer and 89 farmer. In the fall of 1882 he disappeared at Yuma, Ariz.; unm. viii. MABIA, b. June 14, 1816; d. Aug. 11, 1884; m. May 18, 1836, CORNELIUS B. ERWIN, of New Britain. 235. ix. AUGUSTUS W., b. Mar. 18, 1819; d. Oct. 31, 1878. x. ADAUNE, b. May 26, 1823; d. July, 1847, 11 days after her marriage to ROBERT R. KIMBALL of Eutaw, Ala. 113. MAJ. SETH 6 JUDD NORTH (James 5 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of James and Rhoda (Judd) North, was born at New Britain, Aug. 13, 1779, and died there Mar. 10, 1851. He married Sept. 27, 1801, ELIZABETH, daughter of Gad and Mary (Judd) Stanley. She was born 1780, and died Aug. 28, 1862. His brother Alvin married Anna Stanley, and the families of North and Stanley were associated in many business enterprises. There have been several other marriages between different branches of the two families. Seth Judd North became a large manufacturer of brass in New Britain, and was very successful in business, being one of the founders of the North and Judd Mfg. Co., manufacturers of saddlery hardware. He was called the father of New Britain and in 1845 was said to be the richest man in the town. That meant then forty or fifty thousand dollars. When the "gold fever" broke out in 1849, he fitted out half a dozen men and paid their expenses to California. His wealth and talent gave him extensive influence in public matters. He was the projector of the movement which resulted in the organization of the South Congregational Church in 1842, deprecated at the time, but since proved beneficial by the rapid growth of the town of New Britain. He was a major in the militia and held the title ever after. ("History of New Britain.") Children, b. at New Britain: i. CHARLOTTE, b. April 5, 1804; d. Dec., 1880; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1824, JOHN STANLEY, who d. 1839; (2) July 29, 1844, Rev. SAMUEL ROCKWELL. Children by first husband: (1) Frances Louisa, b. 1824; d. 1826. (2) Oliver, b. Mar. 24, 1827; m. Aug. 29, 1850, Cordelia U. Peck. (3) Walter, b. Dec. 29, 1828; d. Feb. 15, 1850. (4) Jane, b. June 1, 1831. (5) Emily, b. Dec. 25, 1834. (6) Edward, b. Jan. 21, 1837; d. July 19, 1843. ii. ELIZA STANLEY, b. Nov. 27, 1807; d. April 18, 1837; m. June 10, 1829, JOHN STANLEY, who d. 1884, son of Henry and Eliza (North) Stanley and grandson of James North (50). Chil- dren: Walter Henry, Theodore A. 90 iii. WALTER JUDD, b. Aug. 3, 1810; d. Aug. 28, 1828. 236. iv. FREDERICK HENRY, b. Aug. 10, 1824; d. . 114. ALVIN 6 NORTH (James 5 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, third son of James and Rhoda (Judd) North, was born at New Britain, Sept. 4, 1781, and died Sept. 1, 1865. He mar- ried (1) July 15, 1804, ANNA, daughter of Gad Stanley. She died June 26, 1815, and he married (2) May 1, 1816, CLARISSA, daughter of Oliver and Sarah (Rodgers) Burnham. She died Mar. 31, 1871, aged 83. Alvin North learned the trade of cabinet-maker in Hartford, of John I. Wells. He located on the corner of East Main and Stanley Streets in a house built by Anthony Judd, but which in 1830 gave place to a new one. He was an extensive manufac- turer of various kinds of hardware, and was so active in old age as to make, after he was 79 years old, a well-made and hand- somely finished bureau for his wife, and one for each of his children. He was honest in his dealings, successful in his busi- ness, and liberal in his public benefactions. In December, 1812, he and Seth J. North and Hezekiah C. Whipple began what was called the "plating business," on Alvin North's corner in New Britain. He invented the first machine to make hooks and eyes, and was the first to manu- facture these and kindred articles. Silver plated copper wire was drawn and made into hooks and rings for men's over- coats, hooks and eyes for women's use, curb chains for bridles, etc. This business has never been abandoned, terminating at last in plated saddlery hardware, manufactured by O. B. North and Co., and H. Butler and Sons, and hooks and eyes by North, Stanley and Co. ("History of New Britain.") Children, b. at New Britain, by first wife : i. ORRIN STANLEY, b. July 3, 1805; d. Feb. 8, 1874; m. Feb. 3, 1831, SARAH CLARK, who d. Aug. 28, 1890. No children, ii. HARRIET A., b. Mar. 5, 1807; d. Mar. 4, 1809. iii. HENRIETTA, b. Aug. 16, 1809; d. Oct. 5, 1810. iv. BETSEY, b. 1813; d. in infancy. By second wife: 237. v. OLIVER BURNHAM, b. Mar. 13, 1817; d. Oct. 23, 1893. vi. HARRIET A., b. Sept. 28, 1818; d. at Minneapolis, Minn., July 18, 1911; m. July 17, 1839, ROGER H. MILLS of New Hartford. He d. at Beloit, Wis., Nov. 11, 1880. Children: Roger H., John H., Clara B. 91 vii. SARAH ROGERS, b. Aug. 23, 1820; m. Aug. 19, 1847, SAMUEL BRACE, who d. at New Haven, May 31, 1883. Children: Samuel N., Henry M. 238. viii. HUBERT FRANKLIN, b. Nov. 13, 1822; d. Oct. 27, 1863. ix. MART CORDELIA, b. July 1, 1825; d. Nov. 13, 1879; m. Sept. 1, 1852, REV. JOSEPH, son of Rev. Ralph Emerson, and pro- fessor of Greek at Beloit College. Children: Ralph C., Charles A. x. HENRIETTA CLARISSA (CLARA H.), b. Sept. 16, 1829; d. June 2, 1870; m. July 18, 1855, JOSIAH SHEPARD of New Orleans, La., and Toronto, Canada. He d. 1880 at Beloit, Wis. Children: (1) William North. (2) Anna North, m. Noah C. Rogers. 115. HENRY 6 NORTH (James*, James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), fifth son of James and Rhoda (Judd) North, was born at New Britain, Sept. 24, 1789, and died there in Feb., 1853. He married (1) Dec. 26, 1810, SARAH COSLETT, who died Sept. 11, 1814, aged 23; (2) in 1821, LAURETTA, daughter of William and Nancy Smith. She died Feb. 26, 1885. Mr. North inherited his father's homestead in New Britain, where he was at first a wagon maker by trade, but later became an extensive manu- facturer and a man of considerable wealth. He was liberal in all his benefactions and died without an enemy. Children, b. at New Britain, by first wife: i. SARAH, b. Dec. 24, 1811; m. Nov. 11, 1829, SELAH HART, JR. Resided in Philadelphia. Children: (1) Caroline E., b. Jan. 21, 1832; m. July 14, 1852, S. B. Pratt. (2) Julia Maria, b. May 15, 1834; d. July 1, 1853. (3) Katherine Harriet, b. June 3, 1840; m. Dec. 2, 1864, William R. Buck, ii. S. AUGUSTA, b. Feb. 1, 1814; d. May 5, 1814. By second wife: iii. SON, b. and d. Mar. 18, 1822. iv. HENRIETTA, b. July 10, 1823; d. Dec. 19, 1829. v. WALDO S., b. Nov. 25, 1826; d. April 14, 1827. vi. JULIA ANN, b. Aug. 11, 1828; m. June 11, 1851, THOMAS S. HALL. Resided in New Britain, vii. AUGUSTA MARIA, b. Jan. 15, 1831; d. Oct., 1912; m. Oct. 26, 1852, HENRY C. BOWERS. viii. MARY ELIZABETH b. Oct. 9, 1833; d. 1877; m. Aug. 28, 1850, FREDERICK HENRY NORTH (236), son of Seth North (113). ix. WALTER HENRY, b. Mar. 12, 1836; d. Jan. 10, 1837. x. ELLEN LOUISA, b. Jan. 21, 1838; d. Dec. 10, 1839. xi. GEORGIANA L., b. July 19, 1840; d. June 6, 1846. xii. CORDELIA B., b. Mar. 11, 1843; d. Sept., 1881. 92 116. WILLIAM 6 BURNHAM NORTH (James 5 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) , sixth and youngest son of James and Rhoda (Judd) North, was born at New Britain, Dec. 6, 1797, and died there in 1838. He married Aug. 16, 1824, SARAH, daughter of John and Catharine (Hamn) Burgess. Mr. North learned the jeweler's trade from Oakes of Hartford, and was the first to establish this business permanently and sucessfully in New Britain, where he lived and died. He was a man of pure mind and high morals. Children, b. at New Britain : i. GEORGIANA MARIA, b. June 4, 1825; m. Dec. 27, 1854, REV. LEVI W. HART, son of Chester and Elva (Wells) Hart of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: (1) Louisa W., b. 1865. (2) William N., b. 1869. (3) Alice B., b. 1870. ii. LOUISA BURNHAM, b. Dec. 15, 1826; m. June 4, 1855, ALEXAN- DER M., son of Dr. Josiah and Mary (Peck) Ward of New Britain. Children: (1) Frederic M., b. 1856. (2) Mary Louisa, b. 1857. iii. CAROLINE AUGUSTA, b. July 20, 1828; d. Oct. 4, 1852. 117. HON. ABIJAH 6 NORTH (Abijah 5 , John\ Nathaniel, Thomas*, John 1 }, son of Abijah and Triphenia (Grant) North, was born at Farmington, Feb. 26, 1772, and died at Champlain, N. Y., April 9, 1853. He married (1) THEDA CULVER, who lived one year; (2) April 3, 1812, at Hubbardton, Vt., PAMELIA CHURCHILL, who was born Oct. 2, 1791, and died May 12, 1853. The following is contributed by Mrs. Edward A. Chittenden (Aehsa A. North), of St. Albans, Vt., 1893: "Hon. Abijah North was born at Shoreham, Vt., in 1772. He was the eldest of three sons, Abijah, Lemuel and Nathaniel. He received a common school education, but by reading and reflection acquired a good practical education. He taught school a few terms in Vermont before his marriage. He was reared a farmer, which honorable business he followed through life. He commenced life poor, but by his indomitable energy, combined with economy, he became in time one of the influential men and farmers of Clinton County. He worked upon the farm by the month and year until 1799, when he came to Champlain, and purchased the farm now owned by the family, and where A. B. Stetson now resides. He returned to Vermont and spent the following winter, and in 1800 returned with his brother Lemuel. These brothers worked together until they 93 had purchased 720 acres of the finest farming land in Champlain, besides having accumulated a good property in Chazy. " Abijah was a successful farmer, and was known far and near as a fine breeder of horses and cattle. He was a Jeffersonian Democrat, a leader of his party in his town, held various town offices, such as magistrate, supervisor, and loan commissioner, and in 1838 and 1839 represented his constituents in the legis- lature. "Hon. Abijah North lived respected and died regretted by his neighbors. He was a man of unsullied character, of deep and earnest convictions. He was a kind husband, a good citizen, and an affectionate father. He died April 9, 1853. Mrs. North died May 12, 1853." Children, b. at Champlain, N. Y. : 239. i. RUSSELL CHURCHILL, b. Jan. 23, 1814; d. Jan. 2, 1868. 240. ii. LEMUEL, b. May 13, 1816; d. July 21, 1890. iii. MARY ANN, b. Jan. 3, 1818; d. Nov. 15, 1860; m. 1844, WILLIAM H. YALE. They lived in Champlain, N. Y. Child: Pamelia, drowned, aged 3. iv. PAMELIA, b. Sept. 27, 1821; d. May 12, 1902; m. Jan. 12, 1843, AARON S. THURBER of Rouses Pt., N. Y., who d. Oct. 19, 1869. No children. v. SOPHIA A., b. Sept. 16, 1824; d. July 12, 1890; m. Feb. 24, 1857, AUGUSTUS B. STETSON. They lived in Champlain, N. Y. Children: (1) Edith, b. Nov. 15, 1857; m. Dr. S. D. Merrill. (2) Robert, b. Aug. 16, 1863; m. 1897, Phebe Bosworth. vi. EZEKIAL ABIJAH, b. Mar. 10, 1831 ; d. April 25, 1870. Lived at Champlain, N. Y., on the old farm where his father first settled, and died after a long and prosperous life. 118. COL. NATHANIEL 6 NORTH (Abijah 5 , John*, Na- thaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Abijah and Triphenia (Grant), was born probably at Shoreham, Vt., in 1774, and mar- ried (1) SALLY, daughter of Thomas Bateman of Shoreham, where she died; (2) PERSIS NEEDHAM, who died at Independence, la., about 1870. Nathaniel North was commissioned Cornet of the Troop of Cavalry, 3rd Regiment, 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, May 24, 1803. At the time of the Plattsburg alarm, during the War of 1812, he was engaged with his neighbors in making a log coal pit on his farm at Shoreham, when the news of the threatened invasion was communicated to him by his son Marvin, then a lad 94 of fourteen. During the war he was promoted to colonel. He lived in Shoreham where the parsonage of the Congregational Society now stands, and built the present parsonage in 1818. In 1831 he removed to Ticonderoga where he died July 23, 1837. Children, by first wife: 241. i. MARVIN, b. at Shoreham, June 13, 1800; d. Jan. 12, 1883. ii. LEOBA, b. 1802; d. Mar. 6, 1814. iii. LAURA, b. 1802 (twin); d. Nov. 8, 1878; unm. iv. NELSON, b. at Shoreham, 1805; d. Jan. 8, 1818. By second wife: 242. v. NICANOR NEEDHAM, b. at Shoreham, Sept. 5, 1811; d. June 9, 1879. vi. JOHN, b. at Shoreham, 1812; d. Dec. 26, 1813. vii. SARAH B., b. at Shoreham, 1815; d. Dec. 12, 1856; unm. viii. EUNICE, b. at Shoreham, 1819; d. Aug. 2, 1846. ix. DELIA M., b. at Shoreham, 1821; d. Aug. 25, 1856. 543. x. NELSON, 2ND, b. at Shoreham, Mar. 4, 1824; d. Dec. 19, 1901. xi. MARY ANN, b. probably at Ticonderoga; d. 1874; m. CHARLES MILLER of Ticonderoga. Child: Marion. xii. LUCY N., b. at Shoreham, June 2, 1827; d. at Hartford, Wis., Jan. 1, 1898; m. Dec. 10, 1846, CHARLES D. BROWN. Resided in Hartford, Wis. Children living in 1898: Nelson, Eureka, Utah; Mrs. John Russell, Omro, Wis.; Leon and Allen, Palouse, Wash.; Mrs. H. M. Griswold, Horicon, Wis.; Leonidas, Hart- ford, Wis.; Laura, Hartford, Wis. 119. CAPT. LEMUEL 6 NORTH (Abijah 5 , John*, Nathan- iel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Abijah and Triphenia (Grant) North, was born at Farmington, Mar. 21, 1779, and died at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., Sept. 15, 1847. He married in 1800 POLLY JONES, who was born July 3, 1771, and died at Chazy Mar. 27, 1848. She was the daughter of Noah and Deborah (Holbrook) Jones of Shoreham, Vt. Lemuel North removed from Shoreham, Vt., to Chazy, N. Y., in 1800. He and his elder brother Abijah, Jr., who had come the year before, purchased 720 acres of the finest farming land in the town of Champlain, N. Y., besides their property in Chazy, where they also owned all of the water power rights. Lemuel took up his residence on the Chazy portion of their lands, and was one of the early settlers there. During the War of 1812 he was captain of a company of cavalry. Both he and his brother were Jeffersonian Democrats. 95 Children : 244. i. JOHN, b. at Champlain, Nov. 18, 1802; d. Feb. 17, 1876. ii. LUCY, b. Aug. 20, 1804; d. Feb. 8, 1885; m. 1844, DEAN DELANCE of Whitehall, N. Y. No children, iii. SOPHIA, b. Nov. 29, 1806; d. Nov. 8, 1824; unm. iv. POLLY MARIA, b. Feb. 8, 1814; d. Mar. 13, 1850; m. DR. SOLOMON N. FISKE of Chazy. No children, v. ALEXANDER ABU AH, b. Jan. 13, 1817; d. Nov. 3, 1889; m. 1843, MARY E. LUTHER, granddaughter of Col. Septa Fillmore. No children. 120. HON. THEODORE 6 NORTH (Seth 5 , John*, Nathaniel*, Thomas*, John 1 }, only son of Seth and (Wolcott) North, was born at Goshen, Mar. 2, 1780. He graduated from Williams College in 1806 and practised law for many years in his native town, where he was highly esteemed, both as a lawyer and a great man. He represented Goshen in the legislature from 1813 to 1817, and was a member of the convention to form the state constitution in 1818. In 1823 he removed to Elmira, N. Y., where he died in 1842. He married in 1814, CLARINDA, daughter of David Thomson of Goshen. She was born at Goshen, Mar. 22, 1792, and died at Elmira, April 19, 1843. Children : i. ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 1, 1815; m. AMASA N. BADGER. ii. WILLIAM, b. Nov., 1816; m. 1843, JULIETTE M., daughter of Eben M. Thomson of New Haven, iii. CHILD, d. in infancy, iv. THEODORE, b. Nov. 4, 1825; d. at Elmira, Sept. 23, 1859; m. (1) Nov. 6, 1850, SUE A. BRADLEY, who d. May 19, 1852; (2) HER SISTER. He was a lawyer and county judge of Chemung Co. No children. v. MARY, b. Mar. 16, 1826; m. Sept. 4, 1845, GEORGE OLMSTEAD of New Haven. Child: Anna Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1854. vi. WOOLCOTT, b. and d. at Elmira, N. Y. vii. HENRY, b. Sept. 7, 1827; d. in Wisconsin, Aug. 13, 1846. viii. DAVID THOMSON. ix. JAMES DUNN. 121. JOSEPH 6 NORTH (Isaiah 5 , Joseph*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 } , second son of Dea. Isaiah and Sarah (Woodruff) North, was born at Worthington, June 8, 1783, and died Oct. 2, 1847. He married Sept. 3, 1801, REBEKAH, daughter of David and Lucy (Marshall) Humphrey of Goshen, and they lived on the old North place in Avon. 96 Children: 245. i. ISAIAH M., b. 1802; d. July 20, 1863. ii. PERCY, b. Mar. 8, 1804; m. 1828, GEORGE, son of Daniel and Rhoda (Eno) Phelps of Harwinton. Children: George, Catherine, a Daughter. iii. SARAH EMILY, b. Oct. 18, 1806; m. 1828, GEORGE MERRILL. iv. SON, b. Jan. 21, 1809; d. same day. v. LUCY ANN, b. Feb. 1, 1810; m. 1838, HORATIO M. FORD. vi. DAUGHTER, b. Feb. 1, 1810 (twin) ; d. in infancy. v *' } TWINS, b. 1815; d. 1815. vm. J ix. EDNA A., b. 1817; m. CHAUNCEY FORD. 246. x. JOSEPH B., b Dec. 31, 1824; d. Sept. 3, 1896. 122. JOHN 6 HART NORTH (Joseph 5 , Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Dr. Joseph and Abigail (Loomis) North, was born at Cornwall in 1802, and died Feb. 9, 1868. He married May 3, 1826, ESTHER GAYLOBD of Torringford (Torrington), who died Dec. 30, 1889, aged 85. Children: i. ESTHER MARIA, b. June 4, 1829; d. at Torringford, Mar. 23, 1846. ii. JANE ANN, b. Mar. 11, 1832; m. 1853, ELIAS MOORE of Mau- mee, Ohio. iii. SARAH GAYLORD, b. Oct. 3, 1835; d. at New Haven, Dec. 2, 1869. 247. iv. JOHN LOOMIS, b. Feb. 9, 1838. 123. DR. BURRITT 6 BEACH NORTH (Joseph 5 , Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Dr. Joseph and Abigail (Loomis) North, was born at Cornwall, Nov. 24, 1804, and died there July 12, 1876. He married MARIA PIERCE of Cornwall. "Dr. Burritt Beach North was the son of Dr. Joseph North who was for many years a practising physician and surgeon in Cornwall and surrounding country. Dr. North quite early in manhood decided to follow the profession of his father and he immediately devoted his mind and the whole force of his earnest nature to the study of medicine. He studied with his father, also Dr. Delamater, and graduated Feb. 29, 1829, from the Medical and Surgical College of Fairfield, N. Y. He returned to his native place and began the practice of medicine where he continued with deserved success, until his death, with the exception of two years which he spent in New Britain. His 97 life was one of highest honor, purest morality and unflinching integrity, though he never committed himself to any of the prevailing religious beliefs. His greatest pleasure was in the study and practice of his profession, the dignity of which he ever maintained by strict adherence to its ethics, and devotion to all things which tend to an elevation worthy of its impor- tance." (Proceedings of the State Medical Society of Connecticut, 1877.) Children, b. at Cornwall: i. GEORGE P., b. April 13, 1833; residence (1919) Thomaston; unm. ii. WILLIAM BURRITT, b. June 25, 1835; d. Mar. 18, 1866; m. ANNA MILLS of Washington, D. C. Graduated from Yale Medical School in 1863. Served in the Civil War as surgeon in the 2nd Connecticut Volunteers, and d. of disease contracted in the line of duty. No children. iii. PASCAL P., b. Mar. 7, 1837; d. June 25, 1864; m. JULIA PIERCE. Served in the Civil War, 19th Regiment, Connecticut Volun- teer Infantry (afterward in 2nd Connecticut Heavy Artillery) and d. in or near Alexandria, Va., of disease contracted in the line of duty. No children, iv. ALICE M., b. Aug. 22, 1845; m. WILLIAM COOK, of Goshen, where she resides (1919). v. ROLAND J., b. Mar. 17, 1847; d. at Cornwall, Mar. 6, 1875. 124. JOSEPH 6 NORTH (Joseph 5 , Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Dr. Joseph and Abigail (Loomis) North, was born at Cornwall, May 24, 1809, and died at the home of his son John in Torrington, Oct. 28, 1877, and was buried in Corn- wall. He married Sept. 21, 1841, MARY ELIZABETH, daughter of Robert and Alma (Spicer) Miner. She was born in 1809 and died in 1900. Not having a robust constitution he devoted himself to farming on the homestead at Cornwall. He was captain of the local militia company. Children, b. at Cornwall: i. MARY ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 1, 1842; m. Oct. 22, 1867, LTJCIAN N. WHITING. No children. 248. ii. JOSEPH HOWARD, b. Jan. 15, 1846. iii. FRANCES EMILY, b. Feb. 22, 1848; d. June 23, 1864. iv. FREDERICK SMITH, b. Mar. 16, 1850; d. Oct. 16, 1862. v. GEORGE ROLLO, b. Dec. 29, 1855; m. June 12, 1892, ANNA BOOTH BOLTON. No children. 8 vi. ANNA B., b. Jan. 8, 1857; d. 1858. 249. vii. WILLIAM RICHARD, b. Feb. 8, 1858. viii. MINNIE MYRTLE, b. Nov. 30, 1860; d. ; m. Oct. 22, 1879, EUGENE ALLYN of Goshen, and removed to Omaha, Neb., where their children live. Children: Mary, Ephraim, Minnie, Frances, Clarence, Howard, Robert, Lucretia, Anna. ix. ELLA, b. May 15, 1863; dec. 125. DR. LOOMIS 6 NORTH (Joseph 5 , Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), youngest son of Dr. Joseph and Abigail (Loomis) North, was born at Cornwall, Mar. 22, 1811, and died at Bethlehem, Sept. 15, 1856. He married (1) BETSEY BIRD of Bethlehem, who died Dec. 27, 1849; (2) May 17, 1852, ANNA E. RICH of Bristol. Dr. North was a physician and practised in Bethlehem and adjoining towns. He was from the first eminently successful and his prospects were of the brightest. But his zeal led him to go beyond his strength and he died of overwork at the early age of 45. Children, by first wife: i. EDWARD NEWLJN, b. June 4, 1842; d. at Collinwood, Minn., Sept. 26, 1875; unm. During the Civil War served in the army and navy of the Federal Government. He was in some of the severest battles and was badly wounded by a fragment of shell in one of the battles on the Carolina coast, ii. HUBERT L., b. Oct. 6, 1845; d. June 11, 1849. By second wife: iii. JENNIE RICH, b. Jan. 30, 1856. Graduated in 1877 at Bates College. Class valedictorian; m. at Bristol, May 1, 1895, E. Y. TURNER. No children. Resides at Bristol. 126. DR. ERASMUS 6 DARWIN NORTH (Elisha*, Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Dr. Elisha and Hannah (Beach) North, was born at Goshen, Sept. 4, 1806, and died at Westfield, Mass., June 17, 1857. He married in 1836 PHEBE SAWAHTHELL, who died Nov. 19, 1841, aged 26. Most of Dr. North's active life was spent in New Haven, where he was well known and appreciated by many friends. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1826. Soon after he came to New Haven, and while studying the medi- cal profession there he was diligently engaged in teaching. In 1831 he was appointed Instructor of Elocution in Yale College, 99 the duties of which office he discharged with marked ability until his resignation in 1854. After that time he devoted him- self to scientific and literary studies, and resided chiefly at Westfield. Dr. North was a man of unusual mental endowments, well disciplined by thorough culture. He read much and thought much, and investigated a wide range of subjects with no ordi- nary penetration and force. His treatise on Practical Speaking is a work full of important instruction and will be long valued. Children : i. ELLEN ELIZA, b. Sept. 20, 1837; m. June 3, 1861, CARL BANCK of Dresden, Germany. ii. JOHN HARVEY, b. July 22, 1839; d. at Farmington, Jan., 1914; m. Mar. 27, 1861, at Genoa, Italy, MARY FERRIS GUION, who d. Sept. 28, 1863, at Bellagio, Lake Como, Italy. No children. iii. MARY ATHALIE, b. April 12, 1841; d. at New Haven, May 1, 1842. 127. HARVEY 6 NORTH (Elisha 5 , Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, third son of Dr. Elisha and Hannah (Beach) North, was born at Goshen, Aug. 26, 1810, and died at Menard- ville, Tex., May 26, 1881. Buried at New London. He mar- ried June 8, 1841, ATHALIE ADAM, who was born at New Orleans, La., April 29, 1824, and died at Chicago, 111., Jan. 21, 1904. "Mr. Harvey North settled in Texas some ten years ago, and since then has devoted much energy and money to the improve- ment of real estate here. He was once, we believe, a prominent merchant of New Orleans, where he accumulated much of the means which he has lavishly distributed in erecting buildings here. His son is a member of the firm of Hancock, West and North, lawyers, of this city." The Statesman, Austin, Tex., May 29, 1881. Mr. North was a successful wholesale dry goods merchant for many years in New Orleans, being associated with his brother William. He assisted his brother James in establishing himself in business in that city. Retiring early from business, he spent much of his time in Europe, his children being educated in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. He, his wife and daughter Ellen Athalie, are buried in the North family lot in the New London Cemetery. 100 Children: i. ADAM, d. in infancy. 250. ii. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, b. May 5, 1846. iii. GEORGE LAMARTINE, b. at Paris, France, June 27, 1850; m. at Menardville, Tex., Aug. 28, 1878, MARIE VERITE, who was born at Roye, Department de la Somme, France, July 22, 1840. They reside (1919) at Menardville, Tex. No children. iv. HENRY F., b. at Paris, France, June 22, 1851; d. at sea, 1851. v. ATHAHE ELLEN, b. July 8, 1853; d. in New York City, July 9, 1877; unm. 251. vi. JAMES DAYTON, b. May 8, 1856. vii. CHARLES HARVEY, b. at St. Germaine-en-Laye, France, June 14, 1863; m. April 10, 1913, AMELIA HOYT, b. Sheffield, Pa., Mar. 12, 1873. No children. They reside (1919) at San Diego, Calif., where Mr. North is engaged in bee raising. 128. ALEXANDER 6 HAMILTON NORTH (Reuben 6 , Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Reuben and Lucy (Towsley) North, was born in 1802-3. He was killed at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 4, 1841, by the bursting of a cannon. He married Nov. 3, 1830, JANE M. LINTON, who died Aug. 31, 1867. Children: i. SON, d. hi infancy. ii. SON, d. in infancy, iii. SON, d. in infancy. iv. SON, d. in infancy. v. LUCY R., b. July 22, 1836; m. 1853, ALBERT K. HILDRETH. vi. HARRIET. 129. REUBEN 6 NORTH (Reuben 5 , Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Reuben and Lucy (Towsley) North, was born at Goshen, Nov. 2, 1807, and died at Pough- keepsie, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1880. He married (1) Oct. 22, 1837, HELEN M. WOOD, born May 31, 1822; (2) - . Mr. North left Goshen for New York State about 1823, settling at Poughkeepsie about 1833. In 1836 he went into the Poughkeepsie National Bank (then the Poughkeepsie Bank) as teller, and was made cashier in 1844, holding this position until April, 1880, when he resigned on account of failing health. Children, all by first wife: i. REBECCA CARMAN, b. Sept. 5, 1842; m. June 14, 1865, JOSEPH G. FROST, b. Feb. 6, 1839. Children: (1) Helen North, b. Jan. 101 15, 1869; m. Oct. 9, 1895, John Kelsey Sague. (2) Robert Parish, b. Aug. 29, 1870; d. young. (3) Mina Louise, b. Jan. 8, 1873; m. Frederick J. Mann. (4) Raymond, b. May 3, 1876; d. unm. (5) Allen, b. July 17, 1878; m. Martha Allen Wyant. (6) Marion, b. May 16, 1882; m. Samuel P. Allen. (7) Loomis North, b. Feb. 21, 1884; d. ; m. No children. ii. SARAH FOWKES, b. Jan. 7, 1844; m. Nov. 26, 1862, WALTER S. MORGAN of Poughkeepsie. Children: (1) . (2) Fred. (3) Isabel, m. Dr. Ewing Taylor. iii. MARY HELEN, b. Mar. 9, 1846; m. April 12, 1874, ISAAC NEW- UN of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: (1) Helen, m. William Morgan. (2) Gertrude, m. William Robinson. (3) Russell. (4) Edna. iv. JOHN WOOD, b. Jan. 21, 1848; d. Jan. 25, 1888; unm. v. LUCY MAGEE, b. Feb. 17, 1851; d. Jan. 9, 1853. vi. WILLIAM HENRY, b. Dec. 28, 1857; d. Feb. 20, 1858. 130. ORRIN 6 A. NORTH (Reuben 5 , Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Reuben North, by his second wife Amanda Austin, was born in 1818, and died at New Britain, Dec. 14, 1881. He married (1) Sept. 23, 1844, MARTHA E. CAPRON, who died May 8, 1863; (2) Jan. 1, 1866, SARAH A. NOBLE, who died in 1892. Children, by first wife, b. at New Britain: 252. i. EDWARD M., b. Aug. 5, 1850. ii. MORTIMER C., b. Sept. 29, 1855; unm. Resides (1919) at New Britain, and is with the Russell and Erwin Co. of that city, iii. ORRIN C., b. Feb. 22, 1863; d. April 17, 1866. 131. EDWIN 6 A. NORTH (Israel 5 , Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Israel and Charlotte (Dowd) North, was born at Goshen, July 17, 1803, and died at East Bloomfield, N. Y., April 20, 1873. He married Oct. 9, 1827, LYDIA M. COOLEY of Canandaigua, N. Y., born Oct. 30, 1806, died Jan. 29, 1866. Mr. North removed with his parents from Goshen to East Bloomfield, N. Y., when he was sixteen years old. Children, b. at East Bloomfield, N. Y.: 253. i. JAMES BYRAM, b. July 24, 1828; d. Dec. 27, 1891. ii. ELISHA DOWD, b. 1830; d. at E. Bloomfield, Feb. 17, 1898; m. Dec. 1, 1859, CYNTHIA, daughter of Noah and Cynthia (Arm- strong) Treat, b. April 30, 1837. Child: Amelia, b. at 102 E. Bloomfield, Mar. 12, 1861; m. Nov. 12, 1884, Edgar Burt. Resides at Holcomb, N. Y. 254. Hi. LYMAN C., b. 1832. iv. HORATIO N., b. 1834. Removed to Nashville, Term., where he m. Mar. 28, 1860, ELIZABETH WOODRUFF. He was a machinist. One daughter, m. Livingstone. v. ELLEN M., b. 1838; d. April 9, 1840. 132. GOODWIN 6 NORTH (Israel 5 , Ezekial\ Joseph*, Thomas*, John 1 }, second son of Israel and Charlotte (Dowd) North, was born at Goshen June 4, 1805, and died at East Bloomfield, N. Y., June 17, 1856, whither he had removed with his parents in 1821, and lived most of his life. He married (1) Jan. 22, 1829, JULIA, daughter of Simeon and Elizabeth (Dem- ing) Deming. She was born Aug. 31, 1805, and died Mar. 14, 1830. He married (2) in 1834, JANE AUGUSTA FLAGLER, who died in 1849, and was a sister of Henry Flagler of the Standard Oil Co.; (3) Feb. 3, 1851, REBECCA BELT, born in England in 1811. Children, by first wife: i. EMELJNE, b. 1829. By second wife: ii. MARY ELIZABETH, b. May 13, 1836; m. 1874, WILLIAM BEARDSLEY. No children. Residence, Rochester, N. Y. iii. EDWARD FLAGLER, b. 1837; d. in infancy, iv. CHARLES DELOS, d. in infancy. v. FRANCES AUGUSTA, b. Dec. 8, 1846; d. Oct. 29, 1870; m. 1868, GEORGE BECKWITH. No children. 255. vi. CHARLES HENRY, b. April 3, 1849. By third wife : vii. ALICE BELT, b. Feb. 11, 1852; m. 1874, CHARLES ROLLINS SIMMONS. Residence, 3 Amherst St., Rochester, N. Y. Child : Ruby Jane. 133. DARIUS 6 ROBINSON NORTH (Israel 5 , Ezekial 4 , Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Israel and Charlotte (Dowd) North, was born at Goshen, Aug. 14, 1818, and died Dec. 16, 1910. He married Sept. 4, 1839, ORRA CHATFIELD daughter of Josiah and Lydia (Ingraham) Chatfield of Canan- daigua, N. Y. He lived for a time in East Bloomfield, N. Y., and later began the manufacture of grape boxes at Canandaigua, where he became a prominent business man and an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Children, b. at E. Bloomfield, N. Y.: i. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 21, 1845; m. at E. Bloom- field, Nov. 5, 1868, PHILIP VANDENBURGH. Residence, 164 Palmer Ave., Detroit, Mich. Children: (1) Ora Helen, b. July 27, 1872. (2) Mabel Lottie, b. Aug. 30, 1876; d. Aug. 14, 1881. ii. LYDIA MUNCIL, b. Sept. 15, 1846; m. at E. Bloomfield, Nov. 5, 1867, DAVID WILLYS. Residence, Canandaigua, N. Y. Children: (1) Emily Gertrude, b. Feb. 1, 1872. (2) John North, b. Oct. 25, 1873; president of the Willys-Overland Co., Toledo, O. (3) Mary Augusta, b. June 9, 1878. 134. JOHN 6 HARVEY NORTH (Jonathan*, EzekiaV, Joseph 3 , Thomas*, John 1 }, oldest son of Jonathon and Rachel (Bissell) North, was born Jan. 26, 1816, at Goshen. He re- moved with his father to Lexington, N. Y., and married Jan. 13, 1839, MINERVA GOSLEE of Jewett, Green Co., N. Y. She was born Oct. 30, 1819. He later removed to Great Barrington Mass., and was living in 1893 at Ashley Falls, Mass. Child: i. JULIA, b. Aug. 25, 1840; d. May 6, 1885; m. Dec. 27, 1857; HENRY PECK, who d. May 22, 1879, aged 52. They left six children, who lived at Suffield, Mass., three of whom in 1893 were married. 135. LEMUEL 6 NORTH (Phineas 5 , Ashbel*, Ebenezer*, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Phineas and Chloe (Skinner) North, was born at Torrington, Sept. 23, 1790, and died at Wadsworth, Ohio, April 9, 1832. He married SYLVIA MILLS. Made freeman of Connecticut in 1812. "Lemuel North came to Wadsworth in 1818. He was a man of superior education and talent. Was an early and able teacher, was several times elected Justice of the Peace and held other offices of trust in the town and county." (From the "Wads- worth Memorial.") Children, b. at Wadsworth : i. ROCSE, m. THOMAS NESMITH. ii. JULIA, m. CHARLES COE. iii. PHINEAS. Lived in Hudson, Wis. 256. iv. LEMUEL, b. Oct. 31, 1831; d. Sept. 25, 1895. 136. PHINEAS 6 NORTH (Phineas 5 , Ashbel*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Phineas and Chloe (Skinner) 104 North, was born Feb. 9, 1803, and died May 7, 1867. He mar- ried Oct. 10, 1832, LOUISA WETMORE. He lived on his father's homestead in Torrington until his death; he was an energetic farmer and business man, and built a house in Wolcottville, which he was about to move into, when he was taken ill and died. His widow was occupying this house in 1893. He was made freeman of Connecticut in 1824. Children: i. HELEN, b. Sept. 1, 1833; d. June 13, 1866; m. Sept. 1, 1856, JAMES W. HOLMES of Waterbury. 257. ii. ALFRED, b. at Torrington, Oct. 5, 1836; d. Nov. 17, 1893. 137. ALFRED 6 NORTH (Phineas 5 , Ashbel*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ) , youngest son of Phineas and Chloe (Skinner) North, was born Sept. 17, 1807, and died 1872. He married JEANNIE BARHAM, of Barhamsville, S. C., a descendant of the noted English naval family of Barhams. She died June, 1893, in New York. Alfred North was a wholesale dry goods mer- chant in New York, and a member of the firm of Alfred North and Co. Children: i. FRANCES SKINNER, b. 1854; d. 1882, in New York; unm. ii. ALFRED BARHAM, b. 1856; d. 1880. For several years he was agent in Italy for the Krupps of Essen, Germany. 258. iii. FRANKLIN HAVEN, b. Mar. 10, 1857. iv. JEANNIE BARHAM, b. 1859; m. CHARLES R. HENDERSON, formerly President of the U. S. Mortgage Co. Children: (1) Charles. (2) Beatrix, m. Thayer Robb. (3) Janet. (4) Natalie, m. Swann. 138. WILLARD 6 NORTH (Junius 5 , Noah\ Ebenezer 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), second son of Junius and Sabrina (Fyler) North, was born at Torrington, June 5, 1792, and died Nov. 20, 1880. He married Nov., 1821, LUCINA PELTON, who was born 1796, and died April 18, 1880. He was made freeman of Con- necticut in 1815. Children: i. ARIEL, b. Mar. 19, 1824; d. Jan. 24, 1848; freeman of Connecti- cut, 1845. ii. LAURA, b. Feb. 15, 1832; d. Jan. 25, 1874; m. DR. J. W. GAM- WELL, Torrington. 105 139. JUNIUS 6 NORTH (Junius 5 , Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Junius and Sabrina (Fyler) North, was born at Torrington, April 30, 1796, and died Dec. 30, 1885. He married (1) April 27, 1824, LAVINIA MERRIAM, who died 1854; (2) MRS. MARY KNAPP. Removed to Twinsburgh, Ohio. Children: 1. MARY SABRA, b. April 18, 1825; m. Sept. 1, 1856, NATHAN IEL REED, of Twinsburgh, Ohio. Children: (1) Henry J.> b. July 20, 1857; m. Mar. 20, 1887, Lizzie Forbes. (2) Eliza L. P., b. May 17, 1859. (3) Julia A., b. Aug. 18, 1865; d. Jan. 24, 1868. ii. JUNIUS M., b. Mar. 13, 1827, removed to the Rocky Mountains and California. Had two or three children, iii. RUBY LAVINIA, b. July 7, 1829; m. June 11, 1853, JEPHTHA WILLIAMS. iv. ELIZA ANN, b. Aug. 17, 1832; d. Dec. 28, 1853. v. AMELIA MARIA, b. July 23, 1834; d. Oct. 18, 1853. vi. ORLIN LOOMIS, b. June 21, 1836; d. Jan. 12, 1854. vii. ORSON WHEDON, b. June 21, 1836, (twin); d. Oct. 20, 1853. 140. LORRAIN 6 NORTH (Junius 5 , Noah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Junius and Sabrina (Fyler) North, was born at Torrington, July 21, 1800, and died Aug. 12, 1881. He married May 4, 1833, HARRIET FORD, who was born Jan. 21, 1813, and died Aug. 26, 1883. He was made freeman of Connecticut in 1822. Children : i. MARY JANE, b. Feb. 8, 1836; d. Oct. 27, 1880; m. Nov. 12, 1867, NATHAN TIBBALS of Torrington. ii. ELLEN C., b. Aug. 3, 1843; d. Jan. 21, 1871; m. Mar. 31, 1868, LEWIS S. BARNES, who d. at Torrington, Aug. 2, 1869. iii. HENRIETTA F., b. Nov. 14, 1854. Became a missionary to China. 141. DEA. FREDERICK 6 NORTH (Junius 5 , Noah*, Eben- ezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Junius and Sabrina (Fyler) North, was born at Torrington, Aug. 12, 1803, and died there Feb. 3, 1894. He married June 14, 1830, HARRIET HOYT, daughter of Ira 1 and Anna (Plumb) Hoyt. She was born 1 Ira Hoyt was the son of Nathaniel Hoyt, a Revolutionary soldier, and Anne (White) Hoyt. Anne White was the daughter of Israel White, who was a descendant of Peregrine White, who was born on board the Mayflower just before they landed. 106 at Warren, Mar. 30, 1810, and died Sept. 15, 1895. Through rigid economy, unremitting toil and frugality, these parents have reared a family of eleven, in honesty and industry, paid for the old farm, and assisted each in obtaining a good education. Mr. North lived all his life at the old North homestead in Torrington, which with its well kept brown paint, sloping roof and big chimney, brings back vividly the old colonial times. The location is beautiful, having a fine view of a long chain of hills. He received a common school education, worked with his father and brothers on the farm, taught school for two years and in 1840 was elected deacon of the Newfield (Torrington) Baptist Church, holding the position until his death. He never aspired to politics, declining a nomination to the legislature. Until 1856 he was a Democrat, when he became a Republican. On June 14, 1880, Dea. Frederick and Harriet North cele- brated their golden wedding anniversary, the children and grandchildren, numbering thirty, meeting at the old homestead. In 1890 was celebrated the sixtieth anniversary, termed the Diamond Wedding Day. For an account of this see "The Diamond Wedding Anniversary of Deacon Frederick and Har- riet North," by F. A. North. Nearly every year since, it has been the custom of his children and grandchildren to hold reunions at their various homes. Children, b. at Torrington: i. CHARLOTTE JANE, b. May 13, 1831; m. Mar. 12, 1856, JOSEPH DEMING, son of Daniel and Phebe (Holmes) Deming. They reside in Winsted. Children: (1) Dwight North, b. Nov. 25, 1857; d. 1876. (2) Lillian B., b. Nov. 12, 1859. (3) Hattie H., b. July 27, 1861; d. 1861. (4) Phebe H., b. Aug. 25, 1869; m. June 4, 1895, Arthur Obed Smith. (5) Ruth A.,b. Nov. 16, 1872. ii. ADAUNE PLUMB, b. Aug. 29, 1833; d. May 28, 1848. iii. CATHERINE PALMS, b. Aug. 29, 1833 (twin); m. RALPH H. MOORE, son of Seba and Sarah (Church) Moore. He d. April, 1900. Children: (1) Adaline North, b. Dec. 28, 1853. (2) Charles C., b. Mar. 26, 1859; m. Lottie DeForest. (3) Ralph H., b. July 21, 1872; m. Nov. 29, 1894, Bessie Bushnell. 259. iv. CORRELFYLER, b. June 29, 1835; d. at Winsted, Feb. 28, 1911. 260. v. JUNTOS DAVIS, b. June 17, 1839. vi. ROXIE AMELIA, b. April 23, 1842; d. May 28, 1882; m. Dec. 31, 1865, ALBERT C. NORTON, son of Charles R. Norton of Goshen. No children. Their adopted son, John T. Norton, m. May 23, 1895, Charlotte Smith North. 107 vii. IRENE HARRIET, b. Oct. 14, 1843; d. May 22, 1905; m. Mar. 3, 1866, JOHN A. MOORE, son of D. C. Y. and Thankful (Roberts) Moore. They resided in Colebrooke. Children: (1) Almira R., b. Aug. 16, 1867. (2) D. C. Y. Rujo, b. July 24, 1869; m. May 29, 1896, Ida Quilter. (3) Frederick North, b. Nov. 1, 1871; m. Jan. 1, 1895, Susie Elizabeth Bull. (4) Harriet T., b. Aug. 25, 1875. (5) Cicero J., b. Dec. 14, 1878; m. June 17, 1908, Lillian Tarr. He is a dentist and resides in Bristol. (6) Irene M., b. May 1, 1881. (7) Ira W. t b. June 14, 1883; m. Oct. 20, 1905, Ira Lena Remington. Residence, Glastonbury. viii. ANNIE MARGIANA, b. Mar. 27, 1845; m. Oct. 22, 1870, GIBSON CLARK, son of Lyman and Elizabeth (Gibson) Clark. They reside in Washington, Conn. Children: (1) Frederick North, b. Oct. 22, 1871 ; m. July 31, 1900, May Grace Hurlbut. Son, Gibson. (2) Russell Frisbie, b. Oct. 22, 1879; m., 1st, 1902, Gertrude L. Chapin; 2nd, 1908, Mrs. Ruah (Fenn) Atwood. ix. FREDERICK ALONZO, b. April 10, 1846; d. in Pisco, Peru, S. A., July 4, 1906; unm. His life was spent teaching and lecturing. For a number of years he was superintendent of schools at Toms River, N. J., but for the last four or five years of his life he was in New York City devoting his time to giving lectures, many of them before the University of New York. He had traveled extensively in foreign countries and had made the trip around the world three times for the collection of material for his lectures, and was on one of these journeys at the time of his death. He was held in high esteem at the University of New York, and had secured the following degrees from that college : Master of Arts, Doctor of Pedagogy in 1902, Doctor of Philosophy in 1903 and Bachelor of Science in 1904. 261. x. LYMAN HOYT, b. Feb. 4, 1849. xi. RUBIE OLIVIA, b. May 30, 1851; m. Sept. 10, 1878, CYRUS PETER WEAVER, son of Brice Whig and Emily (Sterling) Weaver. Children: (1) Waldo North, b. Feb. 13, 1881; m. July 12, 1904, Clara G. Palmer. (2) Ella B., b. Sept. 18, 1889. 142. NOAH 6 NORTH (Remembrance 5 , Noah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Remembrance and Elizabeth (Lee) North, was born at Torrington, Sept. 4, 1787, and died at Braceville, Ohio, Oct. 19, 1827, whither he had removed and married RUBY ROBERTS, who died Feb. 26, 1846, aged 61. They are buried in the Braceville Cemetery. Children : i. MARIA, b. Sept. 24, 1815; d. Mar. 29, 1884; m. (1) 1834, ALVIN JUDSON; (2) GEORGE HALE; (3) STREETOR. 108 ii. LORINDA, b. Aug. 19, 1821; d. Nov. 10, 1887; m. June 26, 1843, GEORGE DAVIS, who d. May 14, 1882, aged 64. Child: Bell Davis, m. Karns. Residence, Phalanx Station, Ohio. 143. CYRUS 6 NORTH (Remembrance 5 , Noah\ Ebenezer*, Thomas 2 , John 1 }, second son of Remembrance and Elizabeth (Lee) North, was born at Torrington, May 6, 1797. He married twice, and was perhaps the Cyrus North of Stockbridge, Mass., who married April 4, 1821, BETSEY, daughter of Aaron Root. Cyrus North was made freeman of Connecticut in 1820. Shortly thereafter he removed to Ohio and was one of the first settlers of Nelson, where he married, and after the early death of his wife removed to New York State and was lost trace of. He was known to have married again. Child: i. WILLIAM, d. young. 144. WILLIAM 6 NORTH (Remembrance*, Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Remembrance and Elizabeth (Lee) North, was born at Torrington, Oct. 1, 1799, and died at Braceville, Ohio, Oct. 10, 1889. He married Jan. 31, 1821, CYNTHIA, daughter of Aaron Merrill of New Hartford. She was born July 27, 1796, and died Dec. 8, 1879. William North removed to Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, in 1820, being one of the early settlers there. By trade he was a carpenter, bridge builder and general mechanic. Children: i. LAURA, b. Sept. 14, 1822; m. Dec. 24, 1846, SAMUEL A. HOWE. Children: (1) Lorena, m. Henry Richman. (2) Helen. (3) William. (4) Frank. (5) Henry, m. twice. (6) Cynthia, d. young. 262. ii. ARIEL M., b. Sept. 3, 1824; d. May 3, 1901. 263. iii. CYRUS LUMAN, b. Jan. 28, 1828; d. Oct. 7, 1901. iv. ROXA, b. Sept. 4, 1836; d. Mar. 31, 1916; m. Sept. 22, 1858, ERASTUS E., son of Edmond H. Oviatt of Braceville, Ohio. Children: (1) Herbert Leslie, b. May 23, 1862; m. Rose Munger. (2) Hattie F., b. May 1, 1869; unm. 145. JOEL 6 NORTH (Rufus 5 , Martin*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Rufus and Esther (Robards) North, was born at Torrington, June 10, 1795, and died Jan. 3, 1855. He married at Norfolk, July 30, 1823, HARRIET TAYLOR. 109 Children: i. ESTHER, b. Dec. 6, 1826. ii. EMILY, b. Dec. 6, 1826. iii. HARRIET, b. Jan. 12, 1830; m. Sept. 25, 1858, HIRAM A. SMITH. Children: (1) Howard A., b. Aug. 25, 1859. (2) Gertrude C., b. Dec. 28, 1861. (3) Lester N., b. July 27, 1864. (4) Julian H., b. Nov. 16, 1867. (5) Josephine H., b. 1871. iv. LESTER, b. July 24, 1832. v. JOEL, b. Aug. 27, 1834. vi. EBENEZER, b. Oct. 1, 1840. 146. MARTIN 6 NORTH (Rufus 5 , Martin*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, youngest son of Rufus and Esther (Robards) North, was born at Torrington Nov. 5, 1804, and died June 2, 1865. He married Feb., 1828, MERCY, daughter of Enos North (69) . After Mr. North's death his wife went to live with her son Henry at Casey, Guthrie Co., la. Children: 264. i. HENRY, b. Sept. 3, 1830; d. Jan. 14, 1901. 265. ii. HORACE, b. Oct. 10, 1833. iii. MARY. iv. HELEN, b. Nov. 11, 1850; d. April 4, 1858. 147. JAMES 6 AGARD NORTH (Noah 6 , Martin*, Ebene- zer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, third son of Noah and Olive (Hungerford) North, was born at Alexander, Genesee Co., N. Y., Jan. 4, 1813, and died Nov. 9, 1893. He married June 6, 1847, REBECCA, daughter of Elias and Rebecca (Shaw) Safford. She was born June 6, 1822, and died July 13, 1884. Children, b. at Alexander: i. OUVE, b. Sept. 11, 1849; m. Nov. 5, 1879, EDWARD H. PUTNAM. Resides at Attica, N. Y. No children. 266. ii. SAFFORD ELISHA, b. Jan. 27, 1852; d. May 23, 1915. iii. JAMES AGARD, JR., b. July 13, 1856; d. July 19, 1918; m. EUNICE GUILD by whom he had one child, Frank, who m. Lillian Radley and has no children. He resides near Batavia, N. Y. SEVENTH GENERATION 148. JUDGE JOHN 7 WESLEY NORTH (John 6 , John 5 , Jonathon*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Rev. John and Hannah (Hawkins) North, was born at Sand Lake, Rensse- laer Co., N. Y., Jan. 4, 1815, and died at Fresno, Calif., Feb. 22, 1890. He married (1) Sept. 22, 1845, EMMA BACON, who died in 1847; (2) Aug. 28, 1848, ANN H. LOOMIS. "For the past ten years Judge North has not practised his profession, having given it up in 1880. He was a Republican in politics and was connected with that party from its inception. He never belonged to any fraternal society and was not a church member, having imbued agnostic views early in his career. "He graduated from Wesleyan University in Middletown in August, 1841. During his college life he became a zealous worker in the anti- slavery cause and for two years lectured under the auspices of the Connecticut State Anti-Slavery Society. After leaving college he studied law in New York and Syracuse and was admitted to the bar in 1845. In 1849, his health failing, a change of climate became nec- essary and he moved to Minnesota, living the first year of his residence in that territory on Hennepin Island in the Mississippi River, and seeing during that time the building of the first house on the site of the pres- ent prosperous city of Minneapolis. "In the fall of 1850 he was elected a member of the second legislature of the territory of Minnesota and introduced the bill chartering the University of Minnesota. He was largely instrumental in settling the thriving town of Faribault, and founded the thriving town of North- field, so-called, hi his honor. "In 1857 he was a member of the constitutional convention that framed the constitution of the new state of Minnesota. In 1860 he was chairman of the Minnesota delegation in the Chicago convention and was a member of the committee that waited upon Abraham Lin- coln to notify him of his nomination for the presidency. In 1861 he was appointed surveyor-general of the territory of Nevada, and sub- sequently judge of the Territorial District Supreme Court of Nevada. In the fall of 1865 he returned to the East locating at Knoxville, Tenn., where he labored assiduously for the improvement and development of that state. "In March, 1870, he conceived the idea of establishing a colony of eastern people in southern California. How well he succeeded all Ill who have visited or lived in Riverside can testify. This thriving city was the result of his scheme. Having seen the child of his fancy out- grow his fondest hopes, in 1879 he removed to San Francisco, and the following year connected himself with the Washington colony in Fresno County, which section he did much to settle. "His long life was filled with good deeds, and he left behind him that priceless legacy, a name without reproach. In character he was re- markably free from guile or pretense of any sort. Full of a courage that shrank from nothing in the redressing of another's wrong, or the establishment of a principle, he was always found upon the side of the oppressed. Generous to a fault, he was always in the lead when private loss or public improvement stood in need of pecuniary aid, and his integrity and high moral standard made him a model man." (San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 23, 1890.) Children: i. EMMA BACON, b. at St. Anthony, now Minneapolis, Mar. 3, 1852; m. Sept. 16, 1880, EDWARD C. MESSER, b. 1842, d. Feb. 9, 1919. Mrs. Bacon resides (1919) at Menominee, Wis. Children: (1) Mary Burt, b. 1881. (2) Margaret Loomis, b. 1883; d. 1885. 267. ii. GEORGE LOOMIS, b. at St. Anthony, now Minneapolis, Sept. 6, 1853; d. Jan. 26, 1899. 268. iii. JOHN GREENLEAF, b. at St. Anthony, now Minneapolis, Sept. 16, 1855; d. June 10, 1910. iv. CHARLES LEWIS, b. at Northfield, Minn., May 31, 1858; unm. Residence (1919), Fresno, Cain*. 269. v. EDWARD, b. at Northfield, Minn., July 11, 1860. vi. MARY ANNE, b. at Santa Clara, Calif., April 4, 1865; m. Jan. 1, 1888, JONATHON C. SHEPARD, who d. 1912. Residence (1919), 1647 W. 39th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Children: Anne, Grace, Harold, Arthur. 149. THOMAS 7 ASA NORTH (Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Darius and Joanna (Hul- bert) North, was born at Martinsburg, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1803, and died at Princeton, 111., Sept. 4, 1875. He married at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Dec. 7, 1847, CYNTHIA MINERVA COLE, who was born in Michigan in 1826 and died at Jacksonville, 111., Mar. 30, 1894. Mr. North was a cooper by trade. Children, b. at Princeton, HI. : 270. i. WILLIAM JEREMIAH, b. Oct. 22, 1852; d. at St. Paul, Minn.. Mar. 8, 1902. ii. IDA MAY, b. Mar. 2, 1858; d. at Wethersfield, 111., April 6, 1904; m. at Kewanee, 111., Oct. 11, 1880, PATRICK H. BURNS. 112 150. ALBERT 7 NORTH (Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, second son of Darius and Joanna (Hulbert) North, was born at Martinsburg, N. Y., June 20, 1805, and died at Oakland, Calif., Nov. 22, 1891. He married Dec. 13, 1832, SEVIAH BABBITT. Children: 271. i. GEORGE JAY, b. Dec. 18, 1836; d. Feb. 2, 1870. ii. EMMA E., b. May 1, 1848; m. June 11, 1878, C. H. BAYLEY, a photographer, and lived at Oakland, Calif., where he d. Aug. 25, 1899. Children: Frank, Annie, Harry, Emma. iii. ANNE, d. 1887; m. (1) WILLARD SMITH; (2) S. G. WILLARD. No children. 151. SILAS 7 NORTH (Darius 6 , Asa 6 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, fourth son of Darius and Joanna (Hulbert) North, was born at Martinsburg, N. Y., June 29, 1809, and died at Gregg, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1844. He married Jan. 1, 1835, LAURA SLOCUM, who was born at Martinsburg, July 30, 1806, and mar- ried after her husband's death (2) James W. Stone. She died near Correctionville, la., Feb. 16, 1896. Child: i. JOHN LEVI, b. June, 1836; m. 1865, MARY WARRINER, and removed to Morrison, Whiteside Co., HI., then to Boone, la., where he lived seven years, then to Sac Co., la., where he lived another seven years. While there his health failed, and selling his farm, he removed to Odebolt, la., where he lived six years. There his health gained so that he bought 280 acres of land three miles from Correctionville, la., where he lived the remainder of his life, and engaged in fruit raising. Children: (1) Laura, b. 1869; m. . (2) Clara L., b. 1875. 152. MORGAN 7 NORTH (Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, sixth son of Darius and Joanna (Hulbert) North, was born at Martinsburg, N. Y., April 13, 1814, and died at Princeton, 111., Dec. 15, 1885. He married (1) at Boonville, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1839, MARY GRACE KEYES, who was born Feb. 29, 1816, and died at Princeton, 111., Sept. 5, 1881; (2) in June, 1883, MRS. ALMIRA VINCENT. Mr. North was a wagon-maker by trade. Children, by first wife, b. at Boonville, N. Y.: 272. i. WAYNE L., b. Sept. 25, 1841; d. June 6, 1905. 113 ii. AGNES HELEN, b. July 25, 1843; d. at Alton, la., Mar. 18, 1871 ; m. at Princeton, 111., Feb. 3, 1869, ALBERT KNOX. Child: Elizabeth, b. 1870; d. at Kansas City, Mo., 1919. 273. iii. MEETON, b. June 4, 1852. iv. CHARLES M., b. May 25, 1857; d. at Sterling, Kans., Dec. 7, 1892; m. at Cedar Rapids, la., Nov. 3, 1881, HENRIETTA ATKINSON. No children. Mr. North was in business in New York and removed to Kansas for his health. 153. SHERMAN 7 HINSDILL NORTH (Darius 6 , Asa\ Jonathan 4 , John 5 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, seventh son of Darius and Joanna (Hulbert) North, was born probably at Martinsburg or Turin, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1816, and died at Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 13, 1898. He married Aug. 30, 1847, SARAH A. MCELROY, who died at Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1877. Children : 274. i. MILES R., b. at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Aug., 1853; d. Aug. 3, 1914 ii. SAMUEL LEWIS, b. Mar. 8, 1856; d. Feb. 17, 1861. 154. LEV! 7 NORTH (Darius 6 , Asa\ Jonathan*, John 3 . Samuel 2 , John 1 ), tenth and youngest son of Darius and Joanna (Hulbert) North, was born at Turin, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1821, and died at Kewanee, 111., June 10, 1901. He married (1) at Chester- ville, Ohio, Sept. 18, 1848, LAURA JOHNSON, who was born at Shoreham, Vt., June 18, 1818 and died at Princeton, 111., Oct. 18, 1852; (2) at Dixon, 111., Mar. 9, 1853, CHARLOTTE STRONG, who was born at Chesterville, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1827, and died at Chicago, 111., Feb. 18, 1916. Mr. North removed to Mt. Vernon, Ohio, with his father in 1834. He remained there until 1847 when he removed to Illi- nois, going by stage from Columbus to Cincinnati, by the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to St. Louis and by the Mississippi and Illinois rivers to Peoria, 111. He was licensed to practice law in Ohio and took an active interest in politics, favoring the Free Soil party. At Peoria, he was licensed to practice law in Illinois and settled at Princeton, from where he later removed to Kewanee, 111., where he lived the remainder of his life. He always took an active interest in political matters, was an ardent Abolitionist and aided in the formation of the Republican party. He served in the state legislature, wrote the first law book on Probate Practice that was published in the West, and was active in the practice of his profession until his death. He had great talent and ability as a draftsman, portrait painter and musician. 9 114 Children: i. MARIA, b. at Princeton, HI., Aug. 5, 1850; d. at Wethersfield, HI., Nov. 6, 1889; m. Mar. 11, 1869, DUNCAN MUKCHISON, who d. Mar. 11, 1905. Children: (1) Laura C., b. 1870. (2) Mary C., b. Jan. 20, 1872; m. 1904, Dan. C. Royer. (3) Ross N., b. July 11, 1874; m. 1898, Rose Vail. (4) Nannie S., b. April 8, 1876; m. 1917, H. S. Reynolds. (5) Duncan G., b. Jan. 27, 1880; m. 1906, Maude Havird. (6) Roy, b. Aug. 27, 1882; m. 1909, Guertha A. Townley. (7) Hettie M., b. July 21, 1884; m. 1917, Robert M. Isham. ii. MILO, b. at Princeton, HI., Oct. 21, 1856; d. at Kewanee, HI., Oct. 9, 1880 ;unm. iii. FOSTER, b. at Kewanee, Nov. 5, 1861; m. Jan. 1, 1901, LAURA WILDEN. No children. Resides (1919) 2825 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Graduate of the University of Illinois, 1885, in natural history. 275. iv. ARTHUR TAPPAN, b. at Kewanee, Oct. 15, 1864. v. CHARLES KELSEY, b. at Kewanee, May 8, 1866; m. in New York, Oct. 5, 1891, JESSIE MCCLELLAND. No children. Flute player with the Boston Festival Orchestra, 1893-8; Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1898-1903; Boston Opera Orchestra, 1909-17; flute soloist with Madam Nellie Melba, 1895, 1903, 1904; now with Detroit Symphony Orchestra; flute teacher. Resides in Detroit, Mich. 155. MILES 7 NORTH (Samuel 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Samuel and Mary (Arnold) North, was born at Canaan, in 1801. When a small boy he went with his father to Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, where he married Jan. 1, 1827, SARAH FORD, and lived on his father's farm one-half mile east of Braceville Center, where he died April 12, 1889. Children, b. at Braceville: i. ISAAC, b. Jan. 3, 1829; d. Sept. 8, 1889; m. 1852, BETSEY Cox. Child: Lem, b. 1861; d. Feb. 6, 1913; unm. 276. ii. HARTWELL, b. April 26, 1833; d. 1901. iii. MARY JANE, b. May 23, 1835; m. JOHN CONSER and had one son, who d. young, iv. LORETTA, b. April 2, 1837; d. Jan. 24, 1901; m. 1855, CHARLES MASON, who was b. Nov. 7, 1831, and d. Jan. 3, 1912. No children, v. LUNA, b. Jan. 6, 1839; m. about 1858, SAMUEL HUDSON. Children: (1) Wittiam, m. Villie Mann. (2) Frank, m. twice. (3) Mernie, m. J. J. Foley. (4) Addie, m. George Hcerman. 115 156. ASA 7 NORTH (Samuel 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Samuel and Mary (Arnold) North, was born at Canaan, Mar. 18, 1810, and when only six months old went with his father to Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, where he died Sept. 19, 1893. He married Jan. 1, 1833, MERCY ANN SELBY, who was born at Paris, Ohio, May 13, 1814, and died at Braceville, Aug. 14, 1890. Children: i. ALONZO, b. 1834; d. Mar. 22, 1851. 277. ii. WILLIAM S., b. Oct. 8, 1838; d. Nov. 22, 1902. 277|. ii. LEVI R., b. July 8, 1840; d. Sept. 24, 1862. 157. THOMAS 7 MATHER NORTH (Milo 6 L., Asa*, Jonathon*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Dr. Milo Linus and Julia (Smith) North, was born Aug. 14, 1825. He married April 16, 1849, MARY WAYLAND. He graduated at Williams College in 1847 and received the honorary degree of M.A. from Yale in 1886. He was an able lawyer in New York City for many years. Children: i. MAKY, b. Aug. 22, 1851; m. FREDERIC A. DANA. ii. HAROLD, b. Mar. 11, 1857. 158. ALFRED 7 NORTH (Nathan 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Dr. Nathan and Nancy (Bulkeley) North, was born at Exeter, N. H., Mar. 10, 1807, and died at Chilton, Wis., Mar. 3, 1869. He married (1) June 7, 1835, MINERVA BRYAN of Fairfield, N. Y., who died and is buried in Burma; (2) Jan. 15, 1851, her sister, MARTHA BRYAN. In 1835 he went to Singapore as a missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., returning to the United States in 1847. Children, by first wife: i. EDWIN BARNES, b. at Singapore, Jan. 29, 1837; d. at Port Hudson, La., 1864. Came to America in 1845. Graduated at Marietta College in 1863. ii. MARTHA BRYAN, b. at Singapore, Jan. 5, 1839; d. at Portland, Ore., 1887. Came to America in 1845. Returned to Pekin as a missionary in 1870. iii. ANNA CATHERINE, b. at Singapore, Dec. 3, 1840; m. Nov., 1870, ALVAN D. WILDER of Sacramento, Calif. Resided at South Vallejo, Calif. Children: Edwin M., Frank. 278. iv. THOMAS HASTINGS, b. at Singapore, Jan. 22, 1843. 116 By second wife : v. ORLANDO BRYAN, b. at Trenton, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1852; d. 1883. Resided at Springfield, 111. 279. vi. WILLIAM WHITESIDE, b. at Pittsford, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1857; d. at Honolulu, H. I., 1915. 159. MARCUS 7 NORTH (Asahel 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Asahel and Prudence (Swal- low) North, was born near White Hall, 111., Dec. 7, 1824, and died there Nov. 29, 1854. He married near Rhoade's Point (now Medora), Macoupin Co., 111., May 2, 1850, ELIZABETH, daughter of Charles and Elethea (Britell) Wales, and a direct descendant of Elder Brewster of the Mayflower (Brewster Gen- ealogy, II, 742). She was born at Ferrisburg, Vt., Feb. 7, 1832, and died near White Hall, Mar. 1, 1910. Children, b. near White Hall, 111.: 280. i. EDWARD, b. July 21, 1851. ii. LUCY, b. Mar. 14, 1853; m. near White Hall, Oct. 7, 1874, CHARLES I. McCoLLiSTER, son of Sanders and Temperance (Ballon) McCollister. Residence, White Hall. Children: (1) Edith Abigail, b. Aug. 10, 1875. (2) Chester Ward, b. April 7, 1878. (3) Son, b. and d. 1879. (4) Marcus Sanders, b. June 2, 1887. (5) Florence Mabel, b. Jan. 3, 1889. (6) Frank North, b. Nov. 27, 1896. 281. iii. MARCUS, JR., b. Nov. 1, 1854. 160. JOHN 7 NORTH (Asahel 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), sixth son of Asahel and Prudence (Swallow) North, was born near White Hall, 111., Mar. 6, 1835, and died there July 14, 1895. He married (1) near White Hall, Sept. 10, 1871, SOPHRONIA, daughter of Henry and Mary (McCollister) Floyd. She was born near White Hall, Aug. 21, 1846, and died there July 16, 1879. He married (2) near Greenfield, 111., Sept. 2, 1884, LORA, daughter of Julius and Emily (Robley) Twitchell. She was born near Greenfield, June 18, 1853, and died at Columbus, Kans., Dec. 12, 1891. Children, b. near White Hall, by first wife: i. DAUGHTER, b. June 16, 1872; d. Sept. 25, 1872. By second wife: 282. ii. GEORGE, b. Mar. 2, 1886. 161. EDWARD 7 D. NORTH (Aaron 6 , John 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Aaron and Abigail (Hart) 117 North, was born at Windsor, Vt., Sept. 4, 1799. He married twice. His first wife's name is not known. His second wife was LUCIA, daughter of Michael and Esther (Newell) Lincoln, born April 4, 1805. They were married in 1830. Children, by second wife, b. at Windsor, Vt. : i. MARY JANE, b. Oct. 30, 1831 ; d. Jan. 27, 1873. ii. HELEN MARIA, b. Aug. 13, 1833; d. Mar., 1904. iii. SON, b. Mar. 9, 1837; d. Mar. 22, 1837. 283. iv. EDWARD MARTIN, b. Dec. 26, 1838; d. Jan. 20, 1899. v. ARTHUR, b. May 17, 1841; d. Sept. 18, 1849. vi. EMMA ALMIRA, b. Feb. 7, 1844; d. . 162. CHARLES 7 NORTH (Aaron 6 , John 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Aaron and Abigail (Hart) North, was born at West Windsor, Vt. He married (1) LYDIA KEN- DALL; (2) . He lived in the South. By his second wife he had a large family of children of which no trace has been obtained. Children by first wife : 284. i. CHARLES HAMILTON, b. at Thomaston, Ga., April 8, 1832; d. July 4, 1901. ii. JAMES, b. at West Windsor, Vt.; m. of Kalamazoo, Mich.; orange grower in Florida. Children: (1) John. (2) Lena, m. Thompson. 163. DR. JAMES 7 HARPER NORTH (John 6 A., John 5 , Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of John Adna and Susanna (Rowe) North, was born June 24, 1823, and died at Clifton Springs, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1907. He graduated at Yale College in 1843, and received his M.D. degree at Pennsylvania Med- ical College in 1857. He married at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1859, ZELIS HARRIS SEAGRAVE, who was born at Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 19, 1833. She is living (1919) with her daughter Helen, at Rosebank, Staten Island, N. Y. Children: i. HELEN SEAGRAVE, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1861; unm. ii. ANTOINETTE RICHARDS, b. at Clifton Springs, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1863; m. at Bristol, R. I., Nov. 15, 1893, WILLIAM RUSSELL BOGERT. Residence, Staten Island, N. Y. Children: (1) Helen North, b. June 15, 1895. (2) William Russell, b. June 4, 1899. 285. iii. JAMES HARPER, b. New York City, July 22, 1864. 118 164. HENRY 7 MARTYN NORTH (John 6 A., John 5 , Sam- uel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of John Adna and Susanna (Rowe) North, was born in 1826, and died at Macon, Ga., in 1865. He married MARTHA ANN SCOTT, and was a merchant in New York City. He was a graduate of Yale College. Children: i. L. CABBIE, b. 1850; d. 1890; unm. ii. SABAH ANTOINETTE, b. 1852; m. G. A. KEITH. iii. HENBY M., b. 1854; unm. iv. ANNA, b. 1856; d. Jan. 30, 1896; m. W. A. CBUTCHFIELD. v. MABY AUGUSTA, b. 1857; m. N. R. WINSHIP of Macon, Ga. vi. MATTIE, b. 1859; m. F. W. BAMPTON. Lived in New York City, vii. JENNIE L., b. 1862; d. aged 10 days. 165. JOHN 7 ADNA NORTH, JR. (John 6 A., John 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of John Adna and Susanna (Rowe) North, was born in 1830, and died at Augusta, Ga., in 1914. He married in 1857, JESSIE MARY MCKENZIE, who was born at Augusta in 1832 and died in 1902. Mr. North was a graduate of Yale College, and was in business at Augusta. Children, b. at Augusta : i. JOHN McKENZiE, b. 1859; d. 1870. ii. ANNABELLA CBAIG, b. 1861 ; d. 1873. iii. LAUBANA ROWE, b. 1863; m. CECIL COCHBANE, of English birth. No children. 286. iv. HENBY MABTYN, b. 1864. 287. v. PHILIP STBONG, b. 1866. 288. vi. EBNEST MOBELAND, b. 1868. vii. MABY CBAIG, b. 1870; unm. viii. FBANK MABION NOBTH, b. 1873; unm. In the cotton busi- ness, and resides (1919) at Augusta. 166. LYMAN 7 NORTH (Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ) was born at Farmington, July 15, 1812, and died at Antwerp, Jefferson Co., N. Y., to which town he had removed with his father from Leray, in the same county. He was a farmer. Children, five oldest born at Leray, the others at Antwerp, Jefferson Co., N.Y.: 289. i. LEVI, b. at Leray, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1837. ii. LYNAB, b. at Leray, N. Y., May 8, 1839; d. at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; m. SUSAN PIKE. No children. 119 iii. MARTIN, b. Aug. 30, 1841 ; d. at Antwerp, N. Y. ; unm. Was a soldier in the Civil War. iv. CAROLINE, b. Sept. 16, 1843; d. at Harrisville, Lewis Co., N. Y.; m. at Antwerp, N. Y., WILHAM DORWAY. v. MARY, b. Feb. 15, 1845; d. at Fort Scott, Kans.; m. at Ant- werp, N. Y., ISAAC SPRAGUE. vi. AMELIA, b. Mar. 5, 1848; d. in Massachusetts; m. at Antwerp, N. Y., GEORGE REED. vii. AUHRILLA, b. Aug. 9, 1851 ; m. at Wilna, N. Y., JOHN VARLEY, a soldier, viii. ANDREW, b. May 7, 1853; m. CAROLINE PELKEY. Resides (1919) at North Wilna, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Child: Bell, m. Jerome Peirce. ix. MELVIN, b. Dec. 29, 1855; m. at Sterlingville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., FLORENCE PARKER. Resides (1919) at Watertown, N. Y. ; machinist. No children. x. MARIAH, b. April 9, 1858; d. at Wilna, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; m. at Wilna, HAROLD MYERS. 290. xi. LORENZO, b. April 21, 1860. 167. IRA 7 NORTH (Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ) was born at Farmington and moved to Jefferson Co., N. Y., with his father, when a small boy. He removed later to Diana, Lewis Co., N. Y., and died at Harrisville, that county. He married LYDA WOODARD. Children: 291. i. SYLVESTER, d. at Harrisville, N. Y. ; m. JANE LEWIS. 292. ii. ALBERT, b. at Diana, N Y., 1838; d. Nov. 15, 1889. 293. iii. NOAH, b. at Diana, N. Y., May 18, 1840; d. April 22, 1898. iv. NORMAN, d. in the West; m. . v. LYDA, d. in the West; m. LAMPHER. vi. RACHEL, d. at Harrisville, N. Y. ; m. . vii. MILLY, d. at Harrisville, N. Y. ; m. WILLARD VANDRESSON. viii. MAUNDA, d. at Pitkin, Lewis Co., N. Y. ; m. GEORGE WILCOX. ix. LTJCINDA, d. young. x. ROSE, d. in infancy. 168. OMRF MONRO NORTH (Ira 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel*, Thomas 3 , SamueP, John 1 ), oldest son of Ira and Viana (Monro) North, was born at Farmington, Feb. 25, 1802. He married (1) in 1823, EMMA WOODRUFF, who died in 1826, aged 24; (2) Feb. 9, 1829, CYBELIA, daughter of George and Almira (Gilbert) Norton of Farmington. She died Mar. 23, 1873. They both joined the church the year of their marriage. He inherited 120 property from his grandfather Daniel in East Farms, Farming- ton, where he lived, and was the sixth generation of Norths to occupy the land. Children: i. SON, by first wife, d. in infancy. ii. Lucius JAMES, b. Nov. 28, 1829; d. April 11, 1882; m. (1) at Farmington, Oct. 5, 1853, LOUISA MARIE, daughter of Benjamin P. and Louisa (Parker) Parsons. She was b. Oct. 14, 1834, and d. April 11, 1882. He m. (2) July 10, 1873, ELIZABETH TRACY ADAMS, b. Aug. 17, 1836. No children. He joined the church in 1843, and lived with his father, but later removed to New Britain. 294. iii. JOHN CALVIN, b. at Farmington, Oct. 10, 1831. iv. ALBERT WILLIAM, b. 1841; d. in infancy. 169. ALBERT 7 WILLIAM NORTH (Ira 6 , Daniel 5 , Dan- iel*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Ira and Viana (Monro) North, was born at Farmington, in 1806, and died at Redfield, N. Y., in 1841. He married in 1834, JEANETTE, daugh- ter of Sylvester Woodruff of Farmington. She died in 1862. They removed to Redfield, Otsego Co., N. Y. Children: 295. i. EDWIN WOODRUFF, b. May 12, 1835; d. 1893. 296. ii. ALBERT WILLIAM, b. Sept. 1, 1839; d. Aug. 18, 1909. 170. ELIJAH 7 NORTH (Elijah 6 , Eli\ Timothy*, Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Elijah and Mercy (Horsford) North, was born at Avon, in 1804, and married Jan. 8, 1828, MARY R., daughter of Capt. Francis and Harriet (Robbins) Stillman of Wethersfield. She was born Dec. 8, 1806, and died Sept., 1855. Elijah North was a devoted Christian and a highly useful man. He resided in Alton, 111. His death occurred in a great steamboat explosion at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1838. Children: i. FRANCIS. ii. CHARLES. iii. HARRIET STILLMAN, d. Feb. 7, 1857. 171. TRUMAN 7 NORTH (Elijah 6 , Elv>, Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Elijah and Mercy (Horsford) North, was born at Avon in 1805. He married McCLARE of Vicksburg, Miss., whose father kept a public house, and 121 with whom he resided. The house was frequented by gamblers. The place was seized and they were hung, including Truman, by the lynch law. Child: i. EDWARD, took his grandfather's name, McClare. 172. GEORGE 7 NORTH (James 6 , Eli 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of James and Lucina (Andrews) North, was born at Avon, Aug. 7, 1808, and died Sept. 22, 1876. He married (1) Mar. 29, 1831, LAURA BURR of West Hartford, who was born Oct. 14, 1801, and died April 30, 1870, daughter of Amos and Eunice (Shepard) Burr. They lived in West Hartford where he was a shoemaker. After her death he married (2) MARIA or MARION , who died Oct. 8, 1876. Children: i. ELLA, b. at Wethersfield, 1849; m. June, 1872, Lucius B. POND, who was b. at Burlington, 1843. ii. FRANCES M.; m. LEWIS. 173. JAMES 7 ELY NORTH (James 6 , Eli 5 , Timothy*, Thomas?, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of James and Lucina (Andrews) North, was born at Avon in 1815, and died in Brook- lyn, N. Y., in 1896. He married Jan. 18, 1838, at Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y., ALMIRA SMITH, who died Dec. 4, 1890. Mr. North lived in Candor, where he was a manufacturer of washing machines. Children : i. TRUMAN S., b. at Candor, April 13, 1839; m. Jan. 18, 1877, ANNA WEEKS of Owego, N. Y. No children. Resides (1919) at Candor. ii. MINNIE C., b. at Candor, Feb. 2, 1848; m. at Owego, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1870, STEPHEN R. PARMELEE of Candor. 174. JOHN 7 DENTON NORTH (Royal 6 F., Thomas 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Royal Flint and Sally (Denton) North, was born near Rising Sun, Ind., Jan. 17, 1824. He married Nov. 3, 1856, SARAH STEVENS. He was a farmer in Switzerland Co., Ind. Children : i. MARY ALICE, b. Dec. 26, 1857; d. April 1, 1880; m. Jan. 19, 1875, ALBERT Ross WALKER. Child: Marvin. 122 ii. GEORGE WASHINGTON, b. Sept. 15, 1859; unm. Employed by Canadian Pacific R. R. and resides at Strathmore, Alberta, Canada. iii. SARAH DENTON, b. Feb. 12, 1860; m. Sept. 5, 1885, HEZEKIA BENNET SEYMOUR. Resided at Strathmore, Alberta, Canada, until 1920, when they removed to Englewood, Calif. Adopted daughter: Esther Alia. 297. iv. CHARLES CLARENCE, b. Dec. 25, 1862. 298. v. OLIVER MORTON, b. May 17, 1865. vi. WILLIAM SHERMAN, b. Feb. 13, 1867; d. Feb. 20, 1870. 299. vii. JOHN DENTON, b. April 20, 1869. viii. ROBERTA ESTELLA, Feb. 20, 1872; d. Feb. 12, 1875. 175. JAMES 7 MUNROE NORTH (Royal 6 F., Thomas 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, fifth son of Royal Flint and Sally (Denton) North, was born near Rising Sun, Ind., Aug. 18, 1836, where he still lives. He married Nov. 30, 1876, CAROLINE R. POWELL. He engaged in farming and was a soldier in the Civil War, Company C, 83rd Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. Children, b. near Rising Sun, Ind. : i. DAISY BELLE, b. Sept. 13, 1877; m. Sept. 16, 1903, WILLIAM IRA NAVE. Resides (1919) near Rising Sun, Ind. Child: Katherine Grace, b. and d. Oct. 9, 1908. ii. ALBERT SCOTT, b. Jan. 26, 1879; d. Nov. 8, 1883. iii. GRACE DENTON, b. Oct. 28, 1880; m. Dec. 29, 1909, NATHAN NORTH BONWELL. Resides (1919) near Rising Sun, Ind. Children: (1) Dorothy Evelyn, b. 1910. (2) Mary Elizabeth, b. 1912. 176. LIEUT. ERNEST 7 CLARENCE NORTH (Royal 6 F., Thomas 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), seventh son of Royal Flint and Sally (Denton) North, was born near Rising Sun, Ind., July 6, 1841. He married Jan. 1, 1868, TOBITHA ELIZABETH NORTH, daughter of James North (182). He was a first lieutenant in the Civil War, Company C, 83rd Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. Residence (1919), Moline, HI. Children : i. NELLIE AUGUSTA, b. Dec. 28, 1868; unm. Residence (1919), Rising Sun, Ind. ii. HOWARD J., b. May 24, 1870; m. Nov. 12, 1907, CORA E. JOHNSON, who d. July 18, 1917. No children. Mr. North is a dealer in lumber and builders' supplies at Rising Sun, Ind. 123 177. ROYAL 7 FLINT NORTH (George 6 W., Thomas 5 * Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of George Washington and Sabra B. (Sampson) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., Sept. 6, 1830, and died there Aug. 20, 1899. He married Oct. 15, 1861, SUSAN MCCARTY, born Aug. 29, 1839, died May 30, 1879. Farmer. Children, b. at Vicksburg, Miss. : i. EMMA FRANCIS, b. Sept. 27, 1862; d. Oct. 28, 1862. 300. ii. ROYAL EARLY, b. Sept. 20, 1869. iii. GEORGE MCCARTY, b. Sept. 27, 1873; d. Sept. 14, 1878. 178. WALTER 7 VINTON NORTH (George 6 W., Thomas*, Timothy 4 , Thomas?, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of George Washington and Sabra (Sampson) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., Dec. 16, 1846, and died at Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 4, 1878. He married ALICE DOUGLAS of Switzer- land Co., Ind. Children, b. in the South: i. MARY ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 24, 1874; m. Dec. 26, 1904, ALONZO ELKINS. Residence, Kokomo, Ind. Child : Armand. ii. WALTER DOUGLAS, b. Mar. 9, 1876; m. MARY POSTON. No children. Residence, Patriot, Ind. Bus driver. 301. iii. VINTON MCCARTY, b. Feb. 14, 1878. 179. CZAR 7 PETER NORTH (Guy 6 , Seth 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Guy and Catharine (Pro- vost) North, was born at Farmington, Oct. 10, 1803, and died in 1848. He was drummer boy in the War of 1812 (unofficial record) . After his father's death, the family emigrated to the Holland Land Purchase in western New York, where he as the eldest child secured a farm in the woods, and after raising his wheat, carted it sixty miles to Rochester to sell for 25 cents per bushel, and yet lived and thrived and cared for his mother and brothers and sisters. He married EPELINE HOLMES. Children: i. NANCY ABIGAIL. 302. ii. NORMAN GUY, b. at Elba, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1828. 303. iii. NELSON LUTHER, b. at Elba, N. Y., April 20, 1830. 304. iv. EDWIN DELois, b. Mar. 1, 1834. v. MALCOLM A., resided in Portland, Ore. 124 180. JOHN 7 NORTH (Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Sydney and Mary (Hawthorne) North, was born at White Pine, Effingham Co., 111., Nov. 9, 1815, and died at Leaf Green, Mo., Jan. 13, 1892. He married Dec. 7, 1837, NARCISSA LYLIS, who was born at White Pine, Mar. 16, 1823. Their grandchildren have not been traced. Children: i. MARY JANE, b. Jan. 6, 1839; d. July 4, 1866; m. May 28, 1858, JOHN M. SAISS. ii. ABBIMINTA A., b. Mar. 29, 1841. iii. SYDNEY JAMES, b. Mar. 2, 1844; m. May 4, 1882, ELLEN McNEFF. iv. LUCINDA A., b. Sept. 3, 1846; m. Sept. 10, 1868, JOHN LOWERY. v. ROBERT WESLEY, b. Mar. 14, 1849; m. Oct. 10, 1878, MIN- NIE A. FLUTE. vi. MARGARET E., b. Jan. 14, 1851; m. Oct. 10, 1878, CHARLES STIEMAIN. vii. JOHN RILEY, b. Feb. 27, 1854; m. Sept. 28, 1882, JANE A. ROPES. viii. LOUISA NARCISSA, b. Sept. 5, 1857; m. April 3, 1879, THOMAS WHITE. ix. HENRY WILLIAM, b. May 23, 1865; m. Dec. 23, 1886, CORA J. NEWMAN. 181. LEVF NORTH (Sydney 6 , Lot\ Timothy*, Thomas', Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Sydney and Mary (Hawthorne) North, was born near Carmi, White Co., 111., July 17, 1817, and died Feb. 24, 1894. He married Nov. 16, 1837, ABBIMINTA HOWABD, who was born near Troy, Madison Co., 111., Feb. 25, 1819. Mr. North in early life learned the trade of wheelwright, and afterwards carpentering. His later years were spent on a farm. Children: 305. i. CHARLES ADDISON, b. near Freemington, Effingham Co., HI., Nov. 14, 1838; d. Jan. 31, 1906. 306. ii. HYRUM BENNETT, b. Dec. 16, 1840; d. May 28, 1915. iii. ALMIRA, b. Nov. 3, 1843; d. June 3, 1916; m. Dec. 31, 1862, EPHRAIM H. WILLIAMS, who d. May 21, 1919. Children: (1) Henry Benjamin, b. Jan. 12, 1864; m. Mercy Hodgeson. (2) Ephraim Oscar, b. Dec. 12, 1865; m. Rose Hurst. (3) Almira Eva, b. July 24, 1868; m. John Fairholm. (4) Lucy L., b. Aug. 2, 1870; d. young. (5) Emily L., b. Aug. 15, 1872; m. George Miller. (6) Leonard R., b. Oct. 6, 1874; d. young. 125 (7) Blanche, b. Nov. 27, 1877; m. Frank Miller. (8) Laurence L., b. Nov. 10, 188-; m. Eleanor Miller. 307. iv. LEVI HOWARD, b. Nov. 6, 1846; d. July 1, 1878. v. ARRIMINTA, b. at Harris Grove, Harrison Co., la., Oct. 1, 1849; m. Mar. 30, 1867, AMOS B. FULLER, b. Sept. 28, 1846; d. Aug. 18, 1879. Children: (1) Amos A., b. June 3, 1868. (2) Elias L., b. Mar. 8, 1870; d. Jan. 27, 1879. (3) Orin A., b. Jan. 22, 1872; d. July 8, 1901. (4) Luburn E., b. Mar. 14, 1874; d. June 23, 1876. (5) Nellie V., b. Nov. 2, 1876; d. April 30, 1902. 308. vi. MERARI, b. Jan. 14, 1852. vii. MARY JANE, b. at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, May 7, 1854; m. Mar. 25, 1872, ASAHEL L. FULLER, b. at Des Moines, la., July 3, 1852. Residence, Garland, Utah. Children: (1) Esther Arriminta, b. June 10, 1874; d. April 7, 1918. (2) Asahel Franklin, b. Feb. 24, 1877; d. June 1, 1878. (3) May Sophina, b. May 17, 1879; m. Nov. 27, 1918, Joseph J. Lar- kin. (4) Amos Levi, b. Oct. 21, 1882; m. Agnes Brockbank. (5) Luther Carlos, b. Dec. 27, 1886; m. Feb. 26, 1913, Florence Jane Roe. viii. MELINDA H., b. at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Mar. 16, 1857; m. Nov. 14, 1877, WILLIAM J. BUTTERWORTH. Resi- dence, Salt Lake City, Utah. Children: (1) William Levi, b. Oct. 5, 1878; m. Sept. 18, 1901, Eliza E. Howick. (2) Annie Naoni, Aug. 8, 1880; m. June 12, 1901, Hans C. M. Christ- ensen. (3) John Addison, b. Oct. 15, 1882. (4) Elizabeth N., b. and d. Sept. 21, 1885. (5) Melinda North, b. Feb. 9, 1888; m. Oct. 16, 1907, Lawrence R. Pike. (6) Mary Arriminta, b. Mar. 7, 1892; m. June 27, 1917, Leonard R. Bailey. (7) Effie Geneva, b. Dec. 25, 1895. ix. MARGERY ANN, b. at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, July 28, 1859; m. at Salt Lake City, Sept. 27, 1883, JOHN NELSON PRICE, b. at Mill Creek, Feb. 7, 1859. Residence, Oakley, Idaho. Children: (1) John Nelson, b. Nov. 7, 1884; d. Aug. 31, 1885. (2) Royal Levi, b. Aug. 12, 1886; m. June 11, 1913, Julia B. Home. (3) Howard Pratt, b. May 28, 1889; m. Oct. 2, 1912, Gladys R. Clark. (4) Rulon Horatio, b. Mar. 31, 1892; d. Jan. 27, 1904. (5) Ivan Quintin, b. Dec. 24, 1893; d. Jan. 30, 1895. (6) Annie, b. and d. Sept. 9, 1896. (7) Rudger North, b. April 26, 1899. (8) Zelma Margery, b. July 29, 1901. 182. JAMES 7 NORTH (Abijah*, Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Abijah and Margaret (Wilson) North, was born Mar. 23, 1811, and died Aug. 4, 1890. He married Nov. 8, 1838, ELIZABETH POWELL, and was a farmer. 126 Children: i. HULDAH AUGUSTA, b. June 10, 1840; m. ALEXANDER WIL- LIAMS. Children: (1) James N., b. 1860; m. Mary Emerson. (2) Oliver, b. 1862; d. 1887. (3) Stella Elizabeth, b. May 6, 1864. ii. TOBITHA ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 27, 1846; m. Jan. 1, 1868, ERNEST C. NORTH (176). 183. LOT 7 NORTH (Abijah 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Abijah and Margaret (Wilson) North, was born at Rising Sun, Ohio Co., Ind., Sept. 25, 1813, and died Jan. 27, 1875. He married (1) Sept. 12, 1839, RHODA A. EMERSON who was born June 3, 1822, and died Feb. 14, 1851; (2) June 22, 1852, SARAH ANN HOUGH, who was born Sept. 27, 1820, and died at Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 27, 1873. Mr. North spent the greater part of his life in the merchandise busi- ness in Rising Sun and Patriot, Ind., and Memphis, Tenn. Children, by first wife: i. ELEANOR ANN, b. Aug. 17, 1840; d. Dec. 20, 1843. ii. HARRIET ELIZABETH, b. June 18, 1842; m. at Patriot, Ind., Mar. 31, 1861, SAMUEL WADE. Residence (1919), Madison, Ind. Children: (1) Rhoda, b. Dec. 31, 1861; d. Feb. 1903; m, Stanley Tull. (2) Martha, b. Feb. 18, 1863. (3) Mamie, b. Dec. 28, 1864. (4) Lottie E., b. Oct. 5, 1868. (5) Wittiam N., b. April 7, 1871. 309. iii. EDWIN EMERSON, b. May 17, 1846; d. Jan. 21, 1917. 310. iv. WILLIAM FOSTER, b. July 25, 1848; d. Jan. 17, 1902. By second wife: v. LUELLA, b. Mar. 7, 1855; d. July 26, 1856. vi. CHARLES HENRY, b. Jan. 7, 1858; d. Sept. 2, 1858. 311. vii. ALBERT LOT, b. Oct. 28, 1860. 184. WILSON 7 NORTH (Abijah 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , SamueP, John 1 ), third son of Abijah and Margaret (Wilson) North, was born Jan. 8, 1815, and died Jan. 26, 1853. He mar- ried (1) April 4, 1839, ELEANOR STEELE, who was born April 30, 1822, and died Mar. 21, 1840; (2) Aug. 25, 1842, MELINDA MARBLE, who was born April 26, 1823, and died June 14, 1911. Children, by first wife: i. IRA, b. Feb. 19, 1840; d. May 1, 1914. Children: (1) Henry, who is a stock buyer at Cochran, Ind., and has five children. (2) Pinckney, who is a carpenter and unm. (3) John, who has two children. 127 By second wife: 312. ii. PINCKNEY ALLISON, b. May 18, 1843; d. Dec. 22, 1885. 313. iii. JAMES MADISON, b. Jan. 7, 1845. iv. ELMA, b. May 17, 1847; m. July 9, 1865, JOHN KELLY. Chil- dren: (1) John. (2) Henry, m. Kate Douglas. (3) Louisa, m. Otto Robinson. (4) Ira. (5) Corine, m. William Webb. (6) James S., b. 1879. (7) Eugenia. (8) Benjamin Harrison. 185. RUFUS 7 NORTH (Levi 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas*, Samuel?, John 1 ), second son of Levi and Rachel (Rood) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., Dec. 4, 1827, and died at Con Con Valley, Calif., July 11, 1893. He married June 26, 1851, AVARILLA JONES, who was born July 25, 1834, and died at San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 8, 1904. Rufus North removed to Kirksville, Adair Co., Mo., in 1855, with his brother Henry. When the Civil War broke out he went to California, while Henry returned to Indiana. Children: i. FANNY BELL, b. at Kirksville, Mo., Nov. 6, 1853; d. July 11, 1855. ii. NATHAN ERNEST, b. at Kirksville, Dec. 7, 1855; d. April 2, 1856. 314. iii. EDWIN BYRON, b. at Kirksville, June 10, 1857. iv. STEPHEN EVERETT, b. at Kirksville, Aug. 10, 1860; d. Aug. 27, 1860. 315. v. DAVIS BEAUREGARD, b. at Kirksville, Aug. 27, 1861. vi. FRANKLIN AMERICA, b. at Petaluma, Calif., Feb. 20, 1868; m. (1) Feb. 14, 1897, DELIA BARTLEY, who was among the missing in the San Francisco earthquake, April, 1906; (2) June 12, 1909, PEARL AVERY. No children. vii. WILLIAM GRANGER, b. in California, May 11, 1870; d. at Dead- wood, Calif., Aug. 25, 1884. viii. AVA LENA, b. in California, April 29, 1875; m. at Everett, Wash., Oct. 6, 1902, FRANCIS MARION McPnERsoN, b. Nye Co., Nev., Jan. 3, 1873. Residence (1919) Chico, Butte Co., Calif. Children: (1) Marion Alvin, b. July 11, 1903. (2) Earl Francis, b. July 19, 1905. 186. CAPT. BENJAMIN 7 F. NORTH (Levi 6 , Lot*, Tim- othy*, Thomas?, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Levi and Rachel (Rood) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., Feb. 7, 1830, and died Jan. 15, 1877. He married May 19, 1852, TAMER HARRIS. During the Civil War he was captain of Company C, 83rd Regiment Indiana Volunteers, in which 128 his cousins James M., William H., and Ernest C. North also served. Child: i. GRACE GERTRUDE, b. Mar. 24, 1856; d. 1879. 187. HENRY 7 NORTH (Levi 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Levi and Rachel (Rood) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., Nov. 21, 1832, and died there July 2, 1903. In 1855 he and his brother Rufus moved to Kirksville, Adair Co., Mo., where he married JANE MclNTOSH. When the Civil War broke out they returned to North's Landing, where Mrs. North now lives. Mr. North is buried in the North cemetery at North's Landing. Children, two oldest b. at Kirksville, Mo., the others at North's Landing : i. ZORA, b. Aug. 12, 1858; m JOHNSON FULLEN. Children: (1) Fleta, m. Robert Miller. (2) Paid North. ii. JANET A., b. Nov. 29, 1860; d. Nov. 29, 1860. 316. iii. EARLY BENJAMIN, b. July 18, 1862. iv. GLADYS, b. May 25, 1865; d. Dec. 4, 1878. v. EVELYN E., m. RAYNOR. vi. WILLIE, b. and d. June 9, 1869. vii. ADELIA I. (DEDA); unm. Resides (1919) at Rising Sun, Ind. 317. viii. CLYDE O., b. May 13, 1873. 318. ix. C. HAYES, b. Sept. 4, 1876. 188. NATHAN 7 H. NORTH (Levi 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Levi and Rachel (Rood) North, was born at North's Landing, near Rising Sun, Ind., May 27, 1835, and died there July 2, 1895. He married Nov. 9, 1859, AMERICA J. SEARCY, who was born Aug. 1, 1837. Children: 319. i. IRA LEVI, b. Dec. 31, 1860. 320. ii. BENJAMIN GRANT, b. Aug. 10, 1863. iii. FANNIE MARY, b. Oct. 15, 1865; m. Feb. 15, 1899, JOHN O. HAMILTON. Resides (1919) at Rising Sun, Ind. No children, iv. MOSES TAYLOR, b. Oct. 8, 1867; unm. Resides (1919) at Marshall, Okla. 189. LEVI 7 NORTH (Levi 6 , Lot*, Timothy 4 , Thomas*, SamueP, John 1 ), youngest son of Levi and Rachel (Rood) North, was born at North's Landing, near Rising Sun, Ind., July 29, 1837, and died April 1, 1906. He married Sept. 15, 1859, 129 LUCINDA JACK, who was born April 27, 1839, and died Mar. 9, 1896. Children: i. MARY LUCINDA, b. May 27, 1862; m. DAVIS ROTHGEB. Chil- dren: Pauline, Donald, Leland. ii. NATHAN W., b. Dec. 5, 1864; d. Dec. 14, 1874. iii. SAMUEL C., b. May 10, 1867; unm. iv. ABIJAH LEVI, b. Mar. 21, 1870; unm. v. OLIVER E., b. June 20, 1872; d. Oct. 21, 1873. vi. PERCY, b. May 20, 1877; m. Oct. 19, 1910, SALLIE DUDGEON. Residence, Patriot, Ind. Farmer. No children. 190. FOUNTAIN 7 NORTH (Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Henry T. North, by his first wife, Polly Cummings, was born at Cynthiana, Ky., Nov. 11, 1810, and died at Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 14, 1887. He married (1) FRANK of Louisville, Ky.; (2) SARAH PETER- SON of Williamsburg, Ohio, born at Trenton, N. J., 1824, died Kansas City, Mo., April, 1910. He lived at Warsaw and Louis- ville, Ky., Jeffersonville, Ind., and Kansas City, Mo. Children, by first wife: i. EDWIN, m. LOUISE TERRY of Frankfort, Ky. No children. By second wife: 321. ii. JOHN HENRY, b. at Louisville, Ky., July 21, 1845. 322. iii. FOUNTAIN, JR., b. at Louisville, Ky., May 26, 1847. 323. iv. JAMES SMALL, b. at Louisville, Ky., Feb. 7, 1851. v. MARY ELLEN, b. at Louisville, Ky., Sept. 1, 1853; m. GEORGE ROSWELL. Children : Lee, James, Graham, California, Helen. vi. SALLIE MARYETTA, b. at Jeffersonville, Ind., April 11, 1856; m. S. T. BOVARD, and resides at 1908 Virginia Street, Berke- ley, Calif. Children: (1) Helen Chaff ee. (2) Leila Glenn. (3) John Freeman. (4) Paul Fountain. vii. WILLIAM, b. Oct. 8, 1859; d. 1865. 191. JOSEPH 7 T. NORTH (Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timo- thy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son by his first wife of Capt. Henry T. and Mariah (Holmes) North, was born at New Orleans, La., Nov. 20, 1819, and died Mar. 2, 1895, near War- saw, Gallatin Co., Ky., where he was a farmer. He married Oct. 9, 1845, SALLY, daughter of Levi North (93). They were both members of the Methodist church. 10 130 Children, b. near Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky.: 324. i. BENJAMIN HENRY, b. Aug. 24, 1846. ii. JOSEPH LEVI, b. Oct. 12, 1848; d. at Patriot, Ind., Oct. 18, 1871 ;unm. 325. iii. RODNEY KING, b. Dec. 20, 1850; d. Aug. 5, 1920. iv. LENA JANE, b. Sept. 22, 1853; d. at Patriot, Ind., June 28, 1920. v. PERSIFER WORTH, b. Sept. 13, 1855; m. Feb. 5, 1882, LAURA KEENY. No children. Resides (1919) at Rising Sun, Ind. vi. CONSTANTINE ARTHUR, b. Nov. 27, 1857; d. Sept. 13, 1881; unm. vii. FLORA TEMPLE, b. Mar. 24, 1860. Trained nurse. Member of John Paul Chapter, D. A. R., Madison, Ind. Member of Christian church. Resides (1919) at Patriot, Ind. 192. COL. HENRY 7 BALLARD NORTH (Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Capt. Henry T. and Mariah (Holmes) North, was born near Warsaw, Ky., Oct. 30, 1825, and died at Hume, Mo., Jan. 17, 1911. He married in Franklin Co., Ky., Sept. 28, 1848, ELIZABETH, daughter of Tunstel Rogers. She was born in Virginia, July 12, 1829, and died at Hume, Mo., Oct. 11, 1890. Col. North was of the third successive generation of soldiers in American wars. His grandfather fought in the Revolution, his father in the War of 1812, and he fought throughout the Mexican War, attaining the rank of colonel. About 1875 he moved with his family to Hume, Mo. Children, b. at Brooks, Bullitt Co., Ky. : i. JOHN HENRY, b. Nov. 1, 1849; d. at Brooks, Ky., Sept. 16, 1852. ii. ROSALIE, b. Feb. 18, 1851; d. at Hume, Mo., Jan. 11, 1908; unm. iii. ROBERTA J., b. April 25, 1853; d. at Hume, Mo., April 6, 1889; m. at Louisville, Ky., Nov. 22, 1877, JAMES EDWIN TERRY, b. at Frankfort, Ky., son of Joseph and Minerva (Stephenson) Terry. Children: (1) El&ise, b. Oct. 8, 1878. (2) Nvrma Leslie, b. April 10, 1880; m. Sept. 28, 1907, John Burchard Terry. iv. BETTIE, b. Aug. 29, 1856; m. in Bullitt Co., Ky., Dec. 8, 1880, Durham, and resides (1920) at Waveland, Ind. Children: (1) Roscoe C., b. May 4, 1887. (2) Henry, b. May 5, 1891. 326. v. CONSTANTINE THADDEUS, b. Jan. 21, 1858. vi. HENRY BALLARD, JR., b. May 23, 1860; d. at Hume, Mo., Aug. 17, 1886. 131 vii. Cms CLAY, b. Oct. 22, 1862; d. at Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 3, 1917. 327. viii. WALTER B., b. Sept. 22, 1864; d. Nov. 20, 1897. ix. MARY, b. Dec. 15, 1866; d. at Brooks, Ky., Dec. 3, 1867. x. EDWIN E., b. April 23, 1870. 328. xi. LEWIS ROGERS, b. April 19, 1873. 193. THEODORE 7 NORTH (Henry 6 T., Abijah*, Timo- thy*, Thomas 3 , SamueP, John 1 ), fourth son of Capt. Henry T. North, by his second wife Mariah Holmes, was born near War- saw, Gallatin Co., Ky., June 4, 1830, and died there Feb. 3, 1902. He married Sept. 28, 1858, ELIZA B., daughter of John I. and Elizabeth Scott. She was born in Carroll Co., Ky., Mar. 25, 1835, and died May 29, 1916. Mr. North was a farmer in Gal- latin and Carroll Cos., Ky. Children: 329. i. WILLIAM WALLACE, b. in Gallatin Co., Oct. 9, 1859. ii. SUE, b. in Gallatin Co., Feb. 18, 1862; m. Jan. 7, 1895, M. H. LILLARD, son of Capt. Joe Lillard, b. Mar. 12, 1851; d. at Austin, Tex., Sept. 16, 1916. iii. JOHN HENRY, b. in Carroll Co., Aug. 2, 1864; d. Sept. 20, 1865. iv. IDA, b. in Carroll Co., Aug. 22, 1866; d. Sept. 20, 1892. v. MARY, b. in Carroll Co., Oct. 17, 1868; m. Feb. 9, 1893, JESSE B., son of Jesse Lindsay, b. July 12, 1870. Residence, Louis- ville, Ky. Children: (1) Jesse Hotion, b. June 14, 1894; d. June 20, 1894. (2) Marian G., b. July 8, 1896. (3) Theodore North, b. May 14, 1899. (4) Jesse Scott, b. Aug. 18, 1901. (5) Eugene T., b. July 2, 1907. vi. ELIZABETH, b. in Carroll Co., Jan. 29, 1872; m. Sept. 26, 1894, T. M. CRUTCHER, son of J. M. Crutcher, b. Oct. 31, 1870. Child: Irene, b. Aug. 6, 1895; m. Sept. 29, 1919, T. C. Carroll. 330. vii. THEODORE, JR., b. Nov. 6, 1874. viii. FRANK G., b. in Carroll Co., Sept. 21, 1877. 194. CONSTANTLNE 7 NORTH (Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Capt. Henry T. North, by his second wife Mariah Holmes, was born in Gallatin Co., Ky., July 4, 1833, and died in 1876. He married MARY ALLEN. Shortly before his death Mr. North was sheriff of Kern Co., Calif., where he resided. Children: i. BIRDIE, d. in infancy, ii. MARIE, d. in infancy. 132 iii. CONSTANTINE, JR., b. 1871; d. 1898, during the enlistment for the Spanish-American War. His name is among those en- graved on a memorial monument in Los Angeles, Cain*. iv. HAZEL, b. 1876; m. ALBERT SHULER. Resides (1920) at Los Angeles, Calif. Child: Narma, b. 1901. 195. JAMES 7 NORTH (Joseph 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Joseph and Rhoda (Blinn) North, was born at Worthington, Oct. 9, 1777, and died Feb. 18, 1836. He married May 9, 1809, ABIGAIL MORSE, who was born at Dover, Mass., Mar. 17, 1785, and died Jan. 1, 1869. James North lived in Berlin. Children: i. JAMES CHAUNCEY, b. Aug., 1813; d. Jan. 1, 1858; m. MARY SAGE, who d. June 10, 1844, aged 19. ii. ERASTUS A., b. Jan. 11, 1818; d. Aug. 22, 1821. 331. iii. ERASTUS A., 2ND, b. Nov. 2, 1824; d. Mar. 5, 1897. 196. ALLEN 7 NORTH (Joseph 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) , third son of Joseph and Rhoda (Blinn) North, was born at Worthington, Dec. 14, 1783, and died May 10, 1860. He married Jan. 2, 1813, CHARITY B. SAGE. They resided in Worthington and Sharon. Children: i. B. SAGE. ii. ALSON, d. young. 332. iii. ALSON, 2ND, b. at Sharon, 1815; d. Dec. 23, 1868. 333. iv. PHILIP, b. Jan. 15, 1820; d. April 15, 1912. 197. CHAUNCEY 7 NORTH (Joseph 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Joseph and Rhoda (Blinn) North, was born at Worthington, Mar. 18, 1786, and married May 9, 1810, ABIGAIL GRISWOLD. They lived in Broadalden, Montgomery Co., N. Y. Children: i. FLORILA, m. . ii. ANGELINE, m. . iii. FANNY, m. . 198. JOSEPH 7 NORTH (Joseph 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Joseph and Rhoda (Blinn) North, was born at Worthington, July 14, 1795, and died April 133 3, 1862. He married Feb. 14, 1819, MARINDA, daughter of Samuel and Eunice (Eddy) Andrews of Glastonbury. They lived in Berlin. In the War of 1812 he served in the Connecticut Militia, Aug. 18-Oct. 24, 1814. Children: i. MARY, m. . ii. HENRY. 199. LYMAN 7 NORTH (Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Abel and Sarah (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, Jan. 3, 1793, and died in Champaign Co., Ohio, Dec. 21, 1860. He married at Kensington, May 31, 1815, LUCY COWLES, daughter of Ozias and Sarah (Belden) Cowles of Kensington, where she was born April 27, 1796. They removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1815, to Jamestown, Greene Co., Ohio, in 1817, and in 1818 to Urbana, Champaign Co., where they finally settled. Mr. North was a cabinet, clock, and coffin maker. Children: i. SALLY WILCOX, b. Mar. 5, 1816; d. July 28, 1904; m. May 29, 1834, ROBERT LEE GILMORE MEANS. 334. ii. JOHN, b. Dec. 17, 1817; d. Sept. 26, 1872. iii. LUCY ANN, b. Jan. 26, 1820; m. May 18, 1843, WILLIAM E. AYLESWORTH. Children: (1) Charles Henry, b. Aug. 25, 1846; m. Nov. 14, 1869, Jane E. Ruth. (2) Martha Jane, b. Aug. 25, 1846; d. Mar. 3, 1904; unm. (3) Orrin North, b. Nov. 8, 1849; d. Oct. 3, 1918; unm. (4) Fannie, b. Sept. 11, 1857; m. Mar. 6, 1877, Alexander Stewart, iv. WILLIAM, b. Oct. 21, 1821. v. HIRAM, b. Sept. 2, 1823; d. Sept. 9, 1850; unm. vi. LOUISA, b. Aug. 2, 1825; d. Aug. 8, 1835. 335. vii. ORRIN, b. Oct. 22, 1827; d. Aug. 18, 1916. viii. CHARLES, b. Feb. 17, 1830; d. Aug. 17, 1835. 336. ix. ABEL, b. July 26, 1832; d. Nov. 18, 1893. x. HARRIET, b. Aug. 26, 1834; d. Oct. 17, 1834. xi. MARY JANE, b. Jan. 10, 1836; m. ABRAHAM BRENNAMAN. Children: (1), (2), (3), d. in infancy. (4) Frank H., b. May 22, 1858. (5) Frances, m. Stanton. (6) Lulu, b. May 2, 1864; m. Robinson. (7) Albert, b. June 29, 1866. (8) Carey, b. Dec. 4, 1871. (9) Jessie, b. June 4, 1875; m. Jordan. 337. xii. EDWARD BATES, b. Jan. 10, 1838; d. Nov. 21, 1918. 200. ORRIN 7 NORTH (Abel 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Abel and Sarah (Wilcox) North, 134 was born at Berlin, Dec. 20, 1794, and died Dec. 8, 1877. He married MARTHA KENTON. Removed to Ohio. Child: i. WILLIAM M., b. 1831; m. WEALTHY WEED, and had a family of thirteen children, among whom is John Albert North, a dealer hi plumbers' supplies at Xenia, Ohio, and who has a family of children. 201. JOHN 7 NORTH (Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas', Thomas*, John 1 }, youngest son of Abel and Sarah (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, Dec. 25, 1796, and died there Aug. 8, 1872. He married Oct. 13, 1819, HARRIET, daughter of Elisha and Olive (North) Cheney, and granddaughter of Jedediah North (44). She was born at Berlin, Dec. 23, 1798, and died there May 2, 1889. John North was a tiller of the soil. He lived his life in Berlin, an honest, industrious citizen thereof. That he was faithful in the discharge of the duties that came to his lot is evidenced in many facts in the possession of his descendants. In his earlier years he belonged to the State Militia and rose successively from the ranks to the office of corporal in 1821, to that of cornet in 1828 and first lieutenant in 1830 of the 4th Regiment of Cavalry in the Connecticut State Militia. He was a conscientious member of the Second Congregational Church of Berlin. This is the same church of which his great grand- father, Isaac North, was the first enrolled member in 1775. Children, b. at Berlin: 338. i. ORRIN LYMAN, b. Aug. 16, 1820; d. Aug. 26, 1894. ii. EUSHA CHENEY, b. Jan. 29, 1822; d. April 25, 1844; unm. 339. iii. ISAAC, b. Sept. 10, 1823; d. July 11, 1913. 340. iv. JOHN, b. Feb. 8, 1825; d. Dec. 21, 1868. v. HABRIET MARIA, b. Nov. 18, 1826; d. June 14, 1910; unm. vi. OLIVE CHENEY, b. Sept. 14, 1828; d. Feb. 24, 1903; m. April 4, 1851, SAMUEL ANDREWS, son of Rodney and Lois (Teal) Andrews. They lived in Berlin. Children: (1) Hattie Es- telle, b. April 15, 1853; d. 1855. (2) Katie Louise, b. April 22, 1856; m. June 5, 1878, George B. Jones. (3) Mary Eliza- beth, b. Sept. 22, 1860; m. Sept. 11, 1878, William J. Siebert. (4) Emma Augusta, b. Aug. 27, 1864. vii. SARAH ANN, b. Sept. 12, 1830; d. Oct. 10, 1906; m. Mar. 28, 1854, FRANCIS PUTNAM BILL. Children: (1) Bertha M., b. Feb. 22, 1856; d. Oct., 1868. (2) Edwin, b. Sept., 1858. (3) Frank, b. Jan., 1866. (4) Fred Roswell, b. 1863; m. June, 135 1890, Minnie Warner. (5) Dwight Howard, b. July 4, 1867; d. Feb. 26, 1874. (6) Edith Howard, b. July 10, 1871. viii. ELIZABETH JANE, b. Nov. 13, 1832; d. Sept. 28, 1912; m. (1) Oct. 3, 1854, HENRY JOSIAH EDWARDS, son of Alfred and Orpha (North) Edwards, and grandson of Lemuel North (209). He was b. Aug. 27, 1832, and d. Sept. 28, 1912. Children: (1) Mary Rhoda Cuyler, b. July 11, 1856; d. July 15, 1857. (2) Augusta, b. June 25, 1858; d. Jan. 1, 1859. (3) Madison North, b. Jan. 7, 1860; d. Nov. 19, 1868. (4) Henry Josiah, b. Jan. 25, 1862; d. Nov. 5, 1868. (5) Julia Orpha, b. April 24, 1864; m. May 6, 1886, Charles Henry Aspinwall. ix. LOUISA, b. May 31, 1836; d. Sept. 14, 1839. x. WILLIAM HENRY, b. Sept. 18, 1838; d. Sept. 16, 1839. 202. SELAH 7 NORTH (Salmon 6 , Isaac*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Salmon and Jerusha (Leeds) North, was born July 7, 1790, and died Mar. 20, 1851. He married Jan. 7, 1813, ANNA WHIFFLE. He resided in Leeds- ville, near Amenia, N. Y., and was a woolen dyer. Children: i. EUZA, b. Dec. 5, 1814; m. Dec. 26, 1849, A. R. McCoRD. Lived with her brother Salmon. No children. 341. ii. GIDEON LEEDS, b. Oct. 15, 1820; d. 1890. iii. SARAH, b. at Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1824; unm. Resided at Brooklyn, N. Y. iv. SALMON WHIPPLE, b. Nov. 12, 1830; d. at Lawrence, Mass., 1905; m. (1) May 13, 1862, MARY TRUE of Lowell, Mass.; (2) ; lived in Lawrence; he was an expert woolen dyer with the Lawrence Woolen Mills, and a Scottish Rite Mason. 203. WILLIAM 7 B. NORTH (Salmon 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Salmon and Jerusha (Leeds) North, was born July 13, 1794, and died Jan. 3, 1872. He married Aug. 30, 1817, LAURA HYDE. He was for many years a woolen dyer with the Middlesex Mills, Lowell, Mass., where he became one of the most promi- nent citizens, and was known as "Father North." He was a 33rd degree Mason and Knight Templar, prominent in St. Paul's M. E. Church, and held offices in the city government. Children, b. at Torrington: i. CAROLINE LAURA, b. June 20, 1819; d. at Springfield, Mass., Aug. 29, 1899; m. Sept. 13, 1843, REV. WILLIAM RICE of Springfield, who d. Aug. 17, 1897. Children: (1) William 136 North, b. Nov. 21, 1845; m. April 12, 1870, Elizabeth W. Crow- ell; Professor at Wesleyan University, Middletown. (2) Edward Hyde, b. Oct. 27, 1847; d. May 9, 1895; m. Aug. 12, 1878, Emma Isabelle Adams. (3) Charles Francis, b. April 14, 1851; m. Aug. 25, 1875, Miriam O. Jacobs. (4) Caroline Laura, b. Oct. 4, 1856; m. Dec. 25, 1883, Morris B. Crawford. ii. WILLIAM LEEDS, b. Nov. 3, 1821; d. at Lowell, Mass., June 5, 1882, where he was a member of Adams and North, furniture dealers. He m. JEANETTE McKiNNON. Child: Laura, b. 1852; d. 1870; unm. iii. FREDERIC THORP, b. June 23, 1828; d. Sept., 1883; m. MARY ALFORD who d. at Lowell, about 1884. No children. He was a woolen dyer, a Knight Templar, prominent in the M. E. Church and in civic affairs. 204. SALMON 7 NORTH (Salmon 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas*, Thomas*, John 1 ), fourth son of Salmon and Jerusha (Leeds) North, was born at Griswoldville, Mar. 24, 1804, and died at Broad Brook in 1878. He married MARY WORCESTER of the famous Worcester family of Windsor, Vt., and a lineal descend- ant of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania. Salmon North was a prominent woolen dyer and lived at Burlington, Vt., Lowell, Mass., and for many years at Broad Brook, Conn. In 1868 he represented Ellington in the Connecti- cut General Assembly. Children: i. DAUGHTER, d. in infancy, ii. DAUGHTER, d. in infancy, iii. HENRY, b. 1843; d. 1847. iv. CHARLES, b. 1846; d. 1848. v. FRANK, d. 1850, in infancy. 342. vi. EDWIN WORCESTER, b. at Broad Brook, June 26, 1850. vii. SALMON LEEDS, b. at Broad Brook, 1852; unm. Was em- ployed by the woolen mills at Broad Brook. 343.viii. FREDERIC DELANO, b. at Broad Brook, 1858. 205. JEDEDIAH 7 NORTH (Levi*, Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Levi and Rachel (White) North, was born at Worthington, June 22, 1789, and died Jan. 30, 1855. He married Mar. 10, 1813, BETSEY BULKELEY of Rocky Hill, who died Mar. 29, 1867. He was one of the found- ers of the J. and E. North Mfg. Co. in Berlin, makers of tinmen's tools. He lived near his father in Berlin. In 1817, as shown by a list of twenty Berlin men engaged in business, he was 137 assessed $100, being mentioned as a bookbinder. This tax was to raise money after the War of 1812. Children, b. at Berlin: i. CLAHISSA AMELIA, b. May 19, 1814; d. 1843; m. Oct. 22, 1833, HEZEKIAH C. BRIDGHAM of Norwich, b. Sept. 30, 1811; d. 1906. Children: (1) Jane Eliza, b. Oct. 26, 1835; m. George H. Murphy. (2) Emily North, m. Henry Adams. (3) Clara North, b. July 16, 1843; m. May 16, 1865, William Murphy, ii. EMILY, b. Oct. 23, 1816; d. 1841; m. Aug. 30, 1840, REV. SAMUEL C. CHURCHILL of Ohio. Child: Samuel C., d. in infancy. iii. BETSEY JANE, b. June 9, 1821; d. 1844; unm. iv. ADAIINE, b. Oct. 8, 1824; d. Feb. 15, 1844; unm. v. AUGUSTA ANN, b. Sept. 16, 1830; m. Aug. 31, 1854, REV. W. W. DOWD of Berlin. No children, vi. FIDELIA MARIA, b. June 5, 1833; m. WILLIAM S. BOOTH of New Britain. Children: (1) Mary, m. Edward Peck. (2) Walter, unm. (3) William, d. in infancy. (4) Alice, unm. 344. vii. FREDERICK MARIUS, b. June 5, 1833; d. May 16, 1914. viii. CAROLINE SOPHIA, b. Mar. 6, 1836; d. Sept. 28, 1912; m. EDWARD M. GRISWOLD of Plainville. Children: (1) Edward North, b. June 4, 1866; m. Minnie Gunther. (2) Wittiam B., b. Oct. 10, 1870; m. Annie Wright. Both reside in Hartford. 206. EDMUND 7 NORTH (Levi*, Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Levi and Rachel (White) North, was born at Worthington, Oct. 10, 1797, and died Oct. 10, 1874. He married (1) April 7, 1825, CLARISSA BOARDMAN, daughter of Nathaniel and Mercy (Savage) Board- man. She died Dec. 4, 1826, and he married (2) July 7, 1828, MARIA M. WILCOX of Middletown. She died Mar. 30, 1847, aged 46, and he married (3) May 7, 1851, MRS. ALMIRA (KEL- SEY) WILCOX of Berlin. She died Feb. 13, 1874, aged 68. Edmund North lived near his father in Worthington and was a partner with his brother Jedediah in the J. and E. North Mfg. Co., which they founded. Children, by first wife: i. CLARISSA B., b. 1826; d. Mar. 29, 1844. By second wife: ii. HARRIET M., b. 1830; graduated at Mt. Holyoke College; m. at Berlin, Oct. 6, 1852, REV. CHARLES F. DOWD of Sara- 138 toga, N. Y. Children: (1) Wyllys E., b. Feb. 18, 1855. (2) Dr. Charles F., b. Mar. 29, 1858. (3) Miriam Wilcox, b. Dec. 6, 1860. (4) Arthur D., b. June 30, 1864. (5) Bertha N., b. May 23, 1865; m. Col. James W. Lester. (6) Franklin. iii. SARAH M., b. 1833. Graduate of Mt. Holyoke College; m. J. HAMILTON WHITNEY, Morris, 111. iv. JUUA S., b. 1835. Graduate of Mt. Holyoke College; m. ORRIN MILDRTJM, Riceville, Mitchell Co., la. v. LUCY, b. 1838; d. June 17, 1847. vi. HELEN W., b. 1840. vii. WALTER E., b. 1843; d. June 22, 1844. viii. GEORGE M., was in railroad service at Cleveland, Ohio. 207. NORRIS 7 NORTH (Levi 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Levi and Rachel (White) North, was born at Worthington, July 29, 1802. He married (1) in 1826, MERCY ALGER of Hartwick, N. Y.; (2) - . Removed when a young man to Elmira, N. Y., where he was living in 1890 with his daughter Olive, then over 50 years old. No descendants living (1921). Children: i. MARY, d. young, ii. NORRIS, d. young, iii. WILLIAM, d. young, iv. WILLIAM, 2ND. v. OLIVE, unm.; living with her father in Elmira, N. Y., 1890. vi. NORRIS. vii. CHILD. 208. LEVI 7 NORTH (Levi 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas* ', John 1 ), youngest son of Levi and Rachel (White) North, was born at Worthington, Aug. 18, 1807, and died at East Berlin, May 9, 1885. He married May 19, 1833, ANN TAYLOR of Wethersfield, born Oct. 16, 1808, died Oct. 4, 1885. Levi North lived near his father in Berlin. He and his wife are buried in East Berlin with all their children except Mary. Children : 345. i. NORRIS C., b. Feb. 9, 1834; d. April 3, 1875. ii. SON, b. 1835; d. in infancy, iii. WILLIAM A., b. 1836; killed in the Union Army, Sept. 17, 1862, at the Battle of Antietam. iv. EDWIN C., b. 1841; killed by accident, Nov. 16, 1842. v. MARY OLIVE, b. 1843; d. 1909; m. THOMAS A. BUNCE of Ber- lin. Children: William, Charles. 139 209. LEMUEL 7 NORTH (David* Jedediah,* Isaac,* Thomas, 3 Thomas, 2 John 1 ), oldest son of David and Salome (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, May 6, 1786, and died there Aug. 25, 1845. He married April 12, 1807, REBEKAH, daughter of John and Hannah (Dewey) Goodrich. She was born June 26, 1783, and died July 5, 1857. Lemuel North went, when a boy, with his father to Meredith, N. Y., about 1794. He became a tinsmith, and later returned to Berlin, where he showed in his small business the same energy and industry which other Norths have brought to great concerns. Children, b. at Berlin: i. REVILLO D.,b. Aug. 15, 1808; d. Dec. 5, 1811. ii. ORPHA WILCOX, b. June 23, 1810; d. Oct. 14, 1906; m. Feb. 28, 1830, ALFRED EDWARDS, son of Josiah and Rhoda (Bulke- ley) Edwards. He was b. Sept. 10, 1809, and d. June 29, 1889. Children: (1) Augusta Laura, b. Feb. 12, 1831; m., 1st, April 28, 1856, Peter Marsh; 2nd, Nov. 8, 1876, Calvin Russell. (2) Henry Josiah, b. Aug. 27, 1832; d. May 20, 1866; m. Oct. 3, 1854, Elizabeth J. North, daughter of John North (201). (3) Alfred Revillo, b. Feb. 9, 1835; m. April 28, 1856, Frances Stevens. (4) Mary Rhoda, b. April 29, 1840; d. Sept. 6, 1841. (5) Orpha Fidelia, b. June 6, 1842; d. Aug. 18, 1844. (6) Frances Elizabeth, b. June 22, 1847; m. Nov. 8, 1878, George R. Hoppen. in. LAURA, b. July 30, 1813; d. April 5, 1827. iv. HANNAH R., b. Sept. 26, 1816; d. at Clinton, la., May 5, 1894; m. Nov. 14, 1852, EDWIN HTJBBARD, son of Harvey and Jennie (Galpin) Hubbard. He was b. July 29, 1811, and d. April 13, 1891. Compiled a genealogy of the North family. 346. v. LEMUEL CURTIS, b. May 6, 1820. 347. vi. JOHN GOODRICH, b. Feb. 22, 1823; d. Mar. 12, 1892. 210. DAVID 7 NORTH (David, 6 Jedediah, 5 Isaac,* Thomas, 3 Thomas, 2 John 1 ) second son of David and Salome (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, May 9, 1792. He married April 6, 1814, SARAH, daughter of Moses Benton of Hartford. She was born Feb. 18, 1794, and died at Schoharie, N. Y., May 31, 1878. David North went when a boy with his father to Meredith, N. Y., then settled in Catskill, N. Y., and later returned to Connecticut. Child: i. AMELIA BENTON, b. at Berlin, May 4, 1815; m. at Delhi, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1833, STEPHEN B. KEELER, who was b. at Kortright, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1812, and d. at Hot Springs, Ark., 140 Mar. 3, 1864, where they had removed and where he was postmaster four years. During the Civil War he was driven out by the rebels and d. of exposure. Possibly other children. 211. REUBEN 7 NORTH (Simeon, 6 Jedediah, 5 Isaac,* Thomas, 3 Thomas, 2 John 1 ), oldest son of Col. Simeon and Lucy (Savage) North, was born at Berlin, Dec. 11, 1786, and died there April 4, 1853, aged 67. He married (1) Jan. 19, 1811, LYNDA, daughter of Josiah and Huldah (Savage) Wilcox of Berlin, and a descendant of Daniel Wilcox, pioneer settler of East Berlin, who owned a tract of land along the Mattabesett River a mile square from which he gave to each of his children a large farm. Lynda Wilcox was born Oct. 31, 1786, and died Mar. 18, 1816. Reuben North married (2) May, 1817, her sister HULDAH, who was born Oct. 11, 1789, and died Sept. 11, 1865. For many years Reuben North continued his father's business at Spruce Brook, of making guns, pistols and bayonets. The factory and dam were carried off by a freshet soon after the win- ter of 1856. An old account book for the year 1815 gives the names of Abijah, David and John North as workers in the Berlin factory. Although quiet and retiring in disposition he was active in early temperance movements and in school and church affairs. In 1826 he had paid for his farm and become very prosperous, when a friend for whom he had given his name for security for a large amount, failed in business. Compelled to face the obliga- tion, he covered his property with mortgages, and from that time on, with broken health, it was a struggle to pay interest money and make both ends meet. But he "did the best he could for his boys." Edward and Josiah were educated at Hamilton College, and the others had what advantages were offered by the district schools and the Worthington Academy. The old North homestead, previously occupied by Col. Simeon North, still stands on the south side of the road, next east of the Spruce Brook Bridge. Children, b. at Berlin, by first wife: 348. i. ALFRED, b. Oct. 3, 1811 ; d. Jan. 14, 1894. 349. ii. SAMUEL, b. Mar. 11, 1814; d. April 30, 1878. iii. LYNDA WILCOX, b. and d. Mar. 17, 1816. By second wife: iv. REUBEN, b. Mar. 13, 1818; d. Nov. 22, 1844; unm. 141 350. v. EDWARD, b. Mar. 9, 1820; d. Sept. 30, 1903. vi. SIMEON, b. Feb. 10, 1822; d. 1842; unm. 351. vii. FREDERICK, b. Mar. 14, 1824; d. Sept. 17, 1897. 352.viii. JOSIAH WILCOX, b. Feb. 10, 1827; d. Dec. 13, 1882. 212. JAMES 7 NORTH (Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Col. Simeon and Lucy (Savage) North, was born at Berlin, Sept. 16, 1788, and died at Middle- town, Feb. 11, 1869, aged 77. He married at Berlin Oct. 24, 1810, MARY, daughter of Richard and Rebecca (Savage) Doud. She died in 1866, aged 74. At first they made their home with his father in Berlin, but when the latter removed to Middletown, James went also and purchased a house on Staddle Hill. He aided his father in the manufacture of pistols for the United States Government. His family is the largest recorded in this book. Children : 353. i. HENRY SAVAGE, b. Oct. 11, 1811; d. June 6, 1886. ii. SON, b. Nov. 3, 1812; d. Nov. 15, 1812. iii. LUCY ANN, b. Oct. 18, 1813; d. 1904; m. May 30, 1838, REV. JAMES L. WRIGHT. They resided in Oberlin, Ohio. Chil- dren: (1) James North, b. Mar. 10, 1839. (2) Joseph Henry, b. Oct. 26, 1841; d. 1862. (3) Edward Lockwood, b. Mar. 19, 1847. (4) Harriet Newell, b. Oct. 24, 1851. 354. iv. JAMES DOUD, b. April 17, 1815. v. MARY, b. Sept. 9, 1816; d. Feb. 14, 1899; unm. 355. vi. NORMAN C., b. April 26, 1818. vii. HARRIET HULBERT, b. Nov. 21, 1819; d. Feb. 7, 1903; m. Aug. 14, 1844, JOHN D. SOUTHMAYD. Lived in Springfield, Mass. Child: Frederic G., b. 1845; m. Jennie Nutting, viii. SUSAN SMITH, b. Sept. 10, 1821; d. April 2, 1914; m. April 13, 1847, OSMER HALE of Glastonbury. Children: (1) Elizabeth S., b. 1848; d. 1851. (2) Reuben North, b. 1852; d. 1853. (3) Edward W., b. 1854; m. Catharine Holway. (4) Emma S., b. 1856. (5) Mary. (6) James. 356. [ix. SETH DOUD, b. April 9, 1823. x. ELIZABETH, b. Mar. 5, 1825; d. June 10, 1914; m. in 1845, WILLIAM S. WRIGHT of Glastonbury, brother of James Wright above. xi. RICHARD, b. Feb. 8, 1827; d. Dec. 22, 1829. xii. FRANCES SARAH, b. Mar. 1, 1829; m. Sept. 10, 1850, HENRY M. WRIGHT of Glastonbury. Children: (1) Mary North, b. Aug. 17, 1854. (2) William Henry, b. Aug. 28, 1860. (3) Sounders, d. young. (4) Sarah Lockwood, b. Aug. 17, 1862; m. Oliver R. Morgan. 142 xiii. RICHARD, 2ND, b. Dec. 7, 1830; unm. Lived at Glastonbury where he d. Mar. 28, 1907. xiv. LUTHER SAVAGE, b. April 24, 1833. Lived at Farmington, 111.; d. 1897; m. and had family. xv. FRANKLIN SMITH, b. Mar. 24, 1835; d. at Detroit, Mich., Dec. 12, 1919; m. (1) May 10, 1857, JANE HAMLIN, b. at South- ington, Nov. 22, 1831 ; d. Aug. 4, 1865. (2) NAOMI B. HARRIS, b. at Smithfield, R. I., Sept. 25, 1835. (3) LIZZIE JOHNSON, by whom he had children, including Seth J., of Detroit, Mich. Mr. North was engaged for a number of years in a paper mill and sash and blind factory at Pittsford, Vt. 213. ALVIN 7 NORTH (Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Col. Simeon and Lucy (Savage) North, was born at Berlin Mar. 2, 1790, and died at Hartford Aug. 31, 1845, aged 55. He married POLLY GOODRICH. Worked for his brother Reuben at the pistol factory in Berlin during 1813, and perhaps other years. He had great mechanical genius. Children, b. at Berlin: 357. i. RALPH, b. April 13, 1814; d. at Natchez, Miss., 1883. 358. ii. WILLIS, b. Dec. 8, 1815 ; d. at Hartford, June 14, 1855. 359. iii. WALTER, b. Nov. 5, 1817; d. at Springfield, Mass., 1880. iv. JANE, b. ; d. at Quincy, 111., 1864; m., 1st, in 1843, WILLIAM SHAW and resided at Natchez, Miss.; 2nd, JOHN McKAY; 3rd LUTHER S. WEBSTER of Berlin. Children: (1) Jennie, b. 1848; d. Aug. 25, 1873 ; m. Monroe Dudley. (2) John W., b. July 29, 1853; d. April 26, 1917. (3) Simeon, b. Mar. 24, 1855; d. Nov. 5, 1913; m. May 1, 1883, Fannie Webster. 360. v. HORACE, b. Sept. 5, 1821; d. Aug. 28, 1874. vi. MARY ANN, m. COOK of Middletown. vii. ALVIN. viii. DWIGHT, b. 1838; d. at Natchez, Miss., Sept. 10, 1855. 214. SELAH 7 NORTH (Simeon 6 , Jedediah*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Col. Simeon and Lucy (Savage) North, was born at Berlin Nov. 24, 1791, and died at Stow, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1850, when he was struck by lightning while standing in his doorway. He married (1) AMNA, daughter of Ashbel and Sarah (Warren) Newell of Southington, born Nov. 18, 1793, and died July 28, 1830; (2) in 1831, MRS. SARAH DURAND. When a young man Selah North worked for his brother Reuben 143 in the gun factory at Berlin, and later removed to Stow, Ohio- He was said to resemble President Simeon North of Hamilton College more than any of his brothers. Children, by first wife: i. NANCY, b. Oct. 21, 1814; m. Oct. 11, 1835, HENRY PLUM. Resided in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Children: (1) Mary Eliza- beth, b. Aug. 12, 1836; m. in 1857, Henry W. Fogell. (2) Henry Wilbur, b. Aug. 12, 1838; m., 1st, Louisa Holcombe; 2nd, Carrie Howdon. (3) Charles Milton, b. Oct. 11, 1840; d. Nov. 26, 1840. (4) Lucy Amna, b. May 26, 1842. (5) William Rattle, b. Mar. 24, 1845; m. in 1867, Nettie Williams. (6) Julia Amna, b. Jan. 7, 1847; m. in 1869, Ralph Lodge of Cleveland, Ohio. (7) Sarah Amna, b. April 7, 1849. (8) Ella Lilian, b. Nov. 25, 1850; m. in 1871, George Warfield. (9) Rosanna, b. Aug. 14, 1855. (10) Carrie Amelia, b. Dec. 11, 1859; d. July 15, 1874. ii. JULIA ANN, b. May 2, 1816; m. SYLVESTER GAYLORD. Children: (1) William, b. Feb. 8, 1842; m. Olive Clarissa Castle. (2) Julia. (3) Charlotte. (4) Charles. iii. EGBERT, b. Aug. 28, 1818; d. 1840; unm. 361. iv. GEORGE, b. Dec. 6, 1819; resided at Munroe Falls, Ohio. 362. v. JOHN, b. April 7, 1821. vi. PHILIP, b. Mar. 31, 1823; d. Feb. 14, 1854; m. (1) April 10, 1850, JOANNA WOODRUFF; (2) JULIA BURR. vii. CHARLES, b. Aug. 29, 1825; m. . One child, d. young. viii. SARAH, b. June 11, 1827; m. FRANK SEATON. No children. ix. NEWELL, b. Nov. 29, 1829; d. about 1859; unm. By second wife: x. CHARLOTTE, d. aged 18. xi. BESSIE E.,m. JAMES DEPEYSTER. Two children, d. in infancy. (3) George. (4) Bertha, m. Howard Brinkerhoff. Resides at Plainfield, 111. xii. ELLEN, m. . No living children. xiii. SELAH, d. in infancy. 363. xiv. SELAH PERKINS, b. at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Aug. 21, 1842. 215. DR. SIMEON 7 NORTH (Simeon*, Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) fifth and youngest son of Col. Simeon North, and Lucy Savage, was born at Berlin, September 7, 1802. Dr. North was graduated from Yale College in 1825, with the valedictory oration. It was his good fortune to earn this dis- tinction when the leading men in the faculty in Yale College were President Day, the elder Professor Silliman, Professors Olmstead, Goodrich and Kingsley, and Tutor Theodore D. Woolsey, who was then at the outset of his almost unparalleled 144 career as a college officer. In 1825-6 Dr. North attended the Yale Divinity School, in 1827 he was appointed to a tutorship in Yale College, and in 1829 was elected to the chair of ancient languages at Hamilton College. His ten years of service as a professor were followed by his election to the presidency in 1839 as the successor of Dr. Joseph Penney. His presidency covers eighteen years of the most prosperous history of the college, which passed through very great changes during this time. He came at the period of its greatest depression and saw it ad- vance from that point to its position as one of the leading small colleges of the country. New professorships and departments of instruction were added. Material improvements in new build- ings and in the grounds were carried out. For this and for the establishment of professorships and scholarships, funds were secured. The whole culture of the college became broader, and more complete. In all his plans for improvement, Dr. North heartily co-op- erated with the trustees, faculty and friends of the college. It was one of his rules that every college officer should be supreme in his own department, so long as he made no trespass on other co-ordinate departments. In dealing with students, he was unwearied in vigilance, patience, courtesy and paternal kindness. He was never known to lose his self-control. His unfailing faith, hope and charity formed a triple cord that bound to his own heart the hearts of his pupils. Dr. North resigned the presidency in 1857, but continued as a member of the Board of Trustees of the college. His connec- tion with the college as professor, president and trustee, covers the long period of fifty-five years. In 1840 he was elected a trustee of Auburn Theological Sem- inary, and held that office for nine years. He received the de- gree of LL.D. from Western Reserve College in 1842, and that of S.T.D. from Wesleyan University in 1849. April 21, 1833 Dr. North married Francis Harriet Hubbard, daughter of Dr. Thomas Hubbard, then Professor of Surgery in Yale College. She died January 21, 1881 . Child: i. THOMAS HUBBARD, b. 1842; d. 1851. On February 9, 1884, Dr. North died at his home in Clinton, N. Y. Thomas W. Seward, Hamilton 1833, in his half-century 145 letter to the alumni, says of Dr. North: "Of Simeon North professor of languages, I may say with perfect sincerity and per- fect propriety, and without a shade of invidiousness, that of all the members of the faculty, he was the one beloved." (From "A Memorial of President North," Utica, Ellis H.Roberts, 1884.) 216. ALBERT 7 NORTH (Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Stephen and Susan (Savage) North, was born at Fly Creek, Otsego, Co., N. Y., July 18, 1789, and died there Dec. 18, 1849. He married at Fly Creek, Feb. 28, 1811, IRENA TAYLOR, who died June 21, 1870. Mr. North was a farmer, mechanic, merchant, and an elder in the Presbyterian Church at Fly Creek. He educated at his own expense two heathen youths who bore his name; one a Cherokee and the other a Hindu from Ceylon, a member of the mission church. See "New York Evangelist," Jan. 16, 1845. Children, b. at Fly Creek: 364. i. CEYLON, b. Dec. 9, 1811 ; d. Sept. 6, 1879. ii. CEYLINA, b. Aug. 18, 1813; d. June 19, 1845; m. Aug. 31, 1835, RUFUS C. SWIFT. They resided at Palatine Bridge, N. Y. Children: (1) Charles. (2) Henrietta, m. Augustus Frey. iii. EMILY, b. April 24, 1817; d. June 21, 1878; m. Oct. 23, 1834, CHENEY AMES of Oswego, N. Y. Children: (1) Helen, m. George Hastings. (2) Albert, killed in the Civil War. (3) Coman Cheney, m. Nellie Strong. (4:)]Arabela Ceylina, m. Jerome Lacy Mudge. (5) . iv. SON, b. and d. May 5, 1821. v. DAUGHTER, b. and d. May 5, 1821. vi. ALBERT, b. Feb. 5, 1823; d. at Calumetsville, Wis., April 18, 1892; unm. He left an estate without will, which fell to his eight living nephews and nieces. For a number of years he was a merchant at Schuyler's Lake, N. Y. vii. SUSAN, b. Dec. 19, 1825; d. Nov., 1879; m. Sept. 16, 1844, WILLIAM C. HARP, a merchant of Hoboken, N. J. Children: Albert, Susie. viii. EDWIN, b. Mar. 31, 1829; d. Mar. 4, 1830. 217. REV. LINUS 7 NORTH (Stephen 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Stephen and Susan (Savage) North, was born at Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y., Nov. 2, 1794, and died at Palmyra, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1846. He married at Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1819, JUSTA MARIA FITCH, who was born Mar. 31, 1800, and died at Ann Arbor, Mich., June 3, 1883. 11 146 Rev. Linus North studied for the ministry at the Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y., and was ordained, but his health failed him, and he lost his voice to such an extent that he was unable to preach. He then studied medicine at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., with the intention of becoming a foreign missionary. But he was not able to carry out his plans, as his health steadily failed, ending in his death. His home was at Palmyra, N. Y., where all his children were born. Children: 365. i. JOHN ELLIOTT, b. Dec. 17, 1820; d. at Lockport, N. Y., Oct- 28, 1887. 366. ii. HENBY MARTIN, b. April 22, 1823; d. at Palmyra, Sept. 23, 1888. iii. HARRIET STEWART, b. May 11, 1825; d. at Lockport, N. Y., July 4, 1869; m. Dec. 28, 1841, DR. DANIEL MORSE, a physician of Lockport, and son of Harvey Morse. Children : Anna, Mary. iv. LINUS, b. July 13, 1827; d. at Palmyra, April 15, 1828. v. CHARLES, b. Mar. 30, 1829; d. at Palmyra, June 25, 1831. vi. MARIA ELIZA, b. Sept. 8, 1831; m. Feb. 27, 1857, R. H. ANDERSON. Resides (1919) at 34 Blaine Ave., Detroit, Mich. Children: Wells, Julia. vii. GEORGE WHITFIELD, b. Sept. 4, 1833; d. at Kizer, S. C. ; m. at Ann Arbor, Mich., June 18, 1857, HELOUISE BUCHEZ, of French descent. No children. He was a dentist at Ann Arbor, Mich. 367. viii. LA RUE PERRINE, b. Feb. 14, 1836; d. at Marshfield, Mo. ix. SARAH FITCH, b. April 17, 1839; d. at Ann Arbor, Mich., May 28, 1897; m. at Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 14, 1863, WIL- LARD B. SMITH. Child: Emily Louise, m. July 22, 1890, Boutwell. 218. STEPHEN 7 NORTH (Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas*, John 1 ), third son of Stephen and Susan (Savage) North, was born at Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y., Nov. 7, 1799, and died in Michigan, Oct. 18, 1842. He married Jan. 13, 1823, PATIENCE SPALDING, who was born May 24, 1798, and died June 22, 1863. She was the daughter of Rev. Jacob and Sarah (North) Spalding, and granddaughter of Jede- diah North (44). Mr. North was a tin and iron merchant at Jones ville, Mich., and an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Children: 368. i. CARLTON, b. Oct. 9, 1826; d. July 5, 1917. ii. LUCY LOUISE, b. Feb. 12, 1829; d. Mar. 11, 1829. 147 iii. MARY SOPHBONIA, b. Feb. 8, 1830; m. July 2, 1850, BYRON HAMMOND. They resided at Whiteside, Mich. iv. LINUS, b. May 15, 1836; m. SOPHIE E. RUSSELL, b. in Maine, Dec. 7, 1836. Child: Sarah, b. Brunswick, Ga., May 21, 1875. 219. ORRIN 7 O. NORTH (Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Stephen and Susan (Savage) North, was born at Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y., in July, 1807, and died Oct. 7, 1880. He married (1) Sept. 1, 1831, MINERVA WOOD, who was born at Granville, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1810, and died at Hillside, Mich., Oct. 17, 1882. He married (2) MATILDA CHENEY. Mr. North was a merchant at Lockport, N. Y., and Cincinnati, Ohio. Children: i. SON, d. hi infancy, ii. DAUGHTER, d. in infancy. 220. HENRY 7 P. NORTH (Noah 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Noah and Beulah (Blake) North, was born in 1800, and died May 1, 1886. He married RACHEL COSART of Morristown, N. J., and was an en- terprising tin and sheet iron manufacturer in Geneseo, N. Y. There is an old deed in the town clerk's office at Windsor, Vt., dated Oct. 24, 1823, Windsor Record for Deeds, Vol. 13, pp. 199 and 200, which tells of the transfer of a piece of land (about 1 acre) from Noah North to Henry P. North. Children: i. MARIETTA, b. June 27, 1820; d. July 1, 1836. ii. HENRY C., b. Dec. 15, 1823; m. MRS. ANNA WHEELER of . Alabama, and was living (1894) in Washington, D. C. iii. ALBERT COSART, b. June 10, 1826; d. Sept. 12, 1829. iv. ALBERT M., b. Dec. 12, 1831; m. MARY YOUNG, daughter of ex-Gov. John and Ellen (Harris) Young. Child : Etten Harris, b. 1859; unm. Residence, Geneseo, N. Y. v. FREDERICK, b. June 10, 1834; d. Mar. 11, 1838. vi. FRANK, b. July 10, 1837; d. at Washington, D. C., Aug. 2, 1863. He was a paymaster in the U. S. Army with the rank of major. vii. ELIZABETH, b. June 7, 1842. Lived at Geneseo, N. Y., in 1894. 221. WILLIAM 7 NORTH (Noah 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Noah and Beulah 148 (Blake) North, was born Sept. 22, 1801, and died Dec. 11, 1881. He married in 1824, CAROLINE HUDSON, who was born Dec. 10, 1803, died Feb. 17, 1876. He was a smith in Middle- town. Children : i. WILLIAM E., b. April 14, 1825; m. June 18, 1846, ELLEN TKYON, who d. Feb. 20, 1850, aged 28. He became blind, and lived with his brother Chauncey, near Middletown. 369. ii. NELSON, b. Feb. 4, 1827; d. July 3, 1873. iii. ELIZA, b. May 4, 1830; d. Sept. 2, 1843. iv. ELLEN, b. May 4, 1830 (twin); d. Aug. 19, 1830. 370. v. ALBERT H., b. Jan. 16, 1832. vi. JULIA H., b. Feb. 6, 1834; m. Dec. 15, 1851, ELI B. TRYON. vii. CAROLINE E., b. May 16, 1836; m. Nov. 21, 1856, ANDREW GLADWIN, who d. April 27, 1861, after which she lived with her brother Chauncey. 371.viii. CHAUNCEY B., b. Sept. 28, 1839. 222. ORIN 7 BECKLEY NORTH (Elijah 6 , Samuel 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Elijah and Martha (Woodford) North, was born in Maine, Feb. 8, 1819, and died at Boston, Mass., Sept. 7, 1883. He married at Bowdoinham, Me., June 7, 1840, EUNICE SNOW, who was born there Mar. 19, 1817, and died April 2, 1878. Children: i. MARTHA JANE, b. Oct. 14, 1841; m. June 17, 1872, JOSHUA V. SMITH. Child : Thomas. 372. ii. JOHN HENRY, b. at Bowdoinham, Me., April 2, 1843; d. May 9, 1908. iii. ALICE, b. Feb. 28, 1846; d. Dec. 11, 1846. iv. FREDERIC ORIN, b. July 5, 1852; m. Oct. 15, 1876, GRACE GORDON TENNEY. No children. Resided in Boston, where he was a member of the Board of Health of that city, v. FRANK ALLEN, b. July 5, 1852; d. July 16, 1863. 223. DANIEL 7 NORTH (John 6 D., Daniel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John Daniel and Katrine (Eckert) North, was born Nov. 20, 1794. He removed to Guilford, N. Y., about 1819, where he died in the fall of 1889. He married in February, 1813, REBECCA GIVINS. Children: i. JOHN DANIEL, b. Aug. 14, 1814; left home when 16 years old, and was never heard from again. 149 ii. SAMUEL GIVINS, b. Dec. 27, 1817; d. 1865, of disease contracted in the line of duty, in the Union Army, iii. GEORGE ADAM, b. Jan. 27, 1819; d. June 2, 1840, struck by lightning; unm. iv. DANIEL PLENA, b. Feb. 23, 1822; d. Jan. 22, 1825. v. MARGARET PAULINA, b. Feb. 14, 1825; d. Jan. 10, 1902. 373. vi. CHARLES CLEVELAND, b. Oct. 14, 1828; d. Feb. 22, 1902. vii. JULIANN, b. Dec. 22, 1830; d. 1910. viii. CATHERINE MARIA, b. May 14, 1834; d. June, 1856. 224. GEORGE 7 ADAM NORTH (John* D., Daniel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), son of John Daniel and Katrine (Eckert) North, was born June 5, 1799. He married (1) MIRIAM, daughter of Abram Hill, born Mar. 6, 1798; (2) SARAH ANN WOODHEISER, born April 6, 1808. Children, by first wife: i. ABRAHAM H., b. Nov. 13, 1818. 374. ii. ERASTUS B., b. Dec. 13, 1820. iii. ANDREW H., b. June 12, 1823. iv. JOHN, b. June 18, 1826. By second wife: v. MARIAN, b. Mar. 14, 1831. vi. CATHERINE, b. Jan. 8, 1833. vii. ISAAC, b. Dec. 2, 1834. viii. ROBERT, b. Mar. 9, 1837. ix. RACHAEL, b. Feb. 26, 1830. x. REBECCA, b. Mar. 26, 1841. 375. xi. CHARLES M., b. Dec. 24, 1843. 225. URIAH 7 NORTH (John 6 S., Samuel*, Thomas*, Thomas 5 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John S. and Mary (Hill) North, was born in 1801 in that part of Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y., later set apart as Olive, where he resided and died in 1889. He married (1) LYDIA SCHUTT; (2) CHARLOTTE, daughter of Peter Winchell. He was for a time a school commissioner at Olive. Children, b. at Olive, by first wife: i. STEPHEN. ii. URSULA, d. 1917; m. Sept. 13, 1857, JOHN BURROUGHS, the eminent naturalist, b. at Roxbury, N. Y., April 3, 1837, son of Chauncey A. and Amy (Kelly) Burroughs. His stories and poems of nature are well known and have appeared in maga- zines since he was twenty-three years old. He d. Mar. 29, 1921. Child: Julian. 150 iii. JOHN. iv. JAMES. v. JOSIAH. vi. ALBERT. vii. AMANDA, b. 1838; resides at Cohoes, N. Y.; unm. By second wife: viii. PETER. ix. JOHN, 2nd. x. SUSAN. xi. CATHERINE. xii. ANNETTE. 226. SAMUEL 7 NORTH (John 6 S., Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas*, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of John S. and Mary (Hill) North, was born at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., in 1806, and died there in 1889. He married HANNAH, daughter of Josiah and Mary (Winchell) Hollister, born at Olive, June 10, 1809, and died there Mar. 21, 1843. He was a farmer at Olive, and had a truck- ing business in New York. Children: i. MART. ii. ANN. iii. SARAH E., b. at Hurley, Ulster Co.; m. EGBERT R. MATTHEWS. Children: (1) Delancy N., b. Nov. 29, 1849; m., 1st, Oct. 11, 1870, Sarah M. Dart; 2nd, 1900, Carrie S. Smith. (2) Olivia M., b. Aug. 7, 1854; m. Dec. 21, 1871, James H. North (377). (3) Watson. (4) William. (5) Samuel. (6) Mary. (7) Everett. (8) Cora. (9) Ward. (10) Fred. (11) Dart. iv. MINERVA. 227. ALBERT 7 NORTH (John 6 S., Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas*, Thomas*, John 1 ), third son of John S. and Mary (Hill) North, was born at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., Feb. 14, 1814, and died there in 1882. He married MARIA, daughter of Isaac De La Montanye of Olive. She died in 1880, aged 65. He was a farmer and held in high esteem by the community. From 1827 to 1830 he was town supervisor. Children: i. CLARK, b. Dec. 10, 1837. Resides at Phoenicia, N. Y.; unm. 376. ii. ISAAC M., b. Aug. 2, 1839; d. 1915. iii. MARY, b. Feb. 14, 1841; m. DAVID WOODWORTH and resides at Chattanooga, Tenn. Child: Clement North, cashier, St. Elmo Bank, Chattanooga. 151 377. iv. JAMES H., b. May 4, 1843; d. Dec. 1, 1885. v. ALMIRA, b. Feb. 11, 1845; d. May 7, 1851. vi. NATHAN, b. Aug. 13, 1847; m. Mary Fuller. M. E. minister at Rochester, N. Y. Children: Paul, Clark, Aha. 228. LEWIS 7 NORTH (Benjamin*, Samuel 5 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), son of Benjamin and Hannah (Mosier) North, was born at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., Nov. 14, 1804. He married ELIZA TERBUSH, who was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Nov. 14, 1811, and died in Kansas City, Mo., June 22, 1897. Mr. North died at Lodi, Mich., May 22, 1882, and is buried there with his wife. Children, three oldest b. at Kingston, N. Y. : i. MARY C ATHERINE, d. at Polo, 111.; m. DANIEL BAKER. Child: Laura, d. unm. ii. ALMIRA P., m. HARLOW HOWE. Children : Herbert H., Gilbert. iii. GEORGE MOSIER, d. in Colorado; m. Mar. 21, 1855, ACHSAH ANN, daughter of Chauncey and Achsa (Huxford) Goodrich, b. Aug. 9, 1829. No children. 378. iv. JOHN DUBOIS, b. 1837. v. HANNAH ELIZABETH, b. at Groveland, Oakland Co., Mich., Aug. 22, 1840; m. at Lodi, Mich., April 8, 1872, ALEXANDER C. GIBSON. Residence, 3906 Zens Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Child: Florence May, b. Oct. 22, 1873; m. 1896, Oscar H. Krayer. vi. CHARLES TERBUSH, b. at Oakland, Mich., 1843; d. at Pontiac, Mich., Nov. 29, 1898; unm. 229. ZACHARIAH 7 MOSIER NORTH (Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), son of Benja- min and Hannah (Mosier) North, was born in that part of Marbletown later set apart as Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., Oct. 11, 1806, and died Nov. 16, 1881. He married Oct. 7, 1830, LUCY ABBEY, daughter of John and Catherine (North) Abbey, and granddaughter of Daniel North (47). She was born Dec. 3, 1811, and died at Rondout, N. Y., April 2, 1888. She was a direct descendant of John Knox, the Scotch reformer, and a sister of the poet, Henry Abbey. Children : i. WALTER C., b. Oct. 13, 1831; d. at Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1891; m. Jan. 12, 1854, HARRIET ENGLISH. Child: Frank, b. 1855. ii. ALONZO, b. July 20, 1833; d. June 20, 1834. 152 iii. EDGAR, b. Feb. 27, 1835; d. July 5, 1863. During the Civil War he served in the U. S. Navy, iv. MARGARET MARY, b. Oct. 2, 1837; d. Oct. 27, 1838. v. CAROLINE AUGUSTA, b. Oct. 2, 1837 (twin); d. Oct. 31, 1838. vi. MARY AUGUSTA, b. Aug. 2, 1839; d. 1906; m. Sept. 5, 1861, EGBERT MARTIN VARY. A daughter: Lucy North, m. Howard Chipp. vii. GEORGE, b. Dec. 16, 1841; d. June 9, 1877, from wounds re- ceived during the battle of Bull Run, Va. He was a first lieutenant in the Union Army; m. Oct. 12, 1864, MARY E. SAMSON. 379.viii. DAVID ABBEY, b. Nov. 15, 1843; d. June 27, 1895. 380. ix. MAURICE DE CAMP CRAWFORD, b. Mar. 29, 1846. x. FREDERICK, b. June 16, 1855; d. July 2, 1860. 230. DANIEL 7 B. NORTH (Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) , son of Benjamin and Hannah (Hosier) North, was born June 28, 1812, and married at Kingston, N. Y., HONOR LUCINDA WEBSTER. She was born Feb. 10, 1817. Daniel North removed to Michigan, and lived in Kingston, Lodi, Free- dom and Groveland. He died Nov. 7, 1850, and is buried at Groveland. Children : i. HELEN ANN, b. at Kingston, April 9, 1836; m. GEORGE SMALLEY. Resided in Freedom, Mich, ii. ORANGE W., b. at Groveland, Mich., Jan. 12, 1838; d. Nov. 18, 1846. iii. LEILA CATHERINE, b. at Lodi, Mich., Dec. 8, 1841; m. MYRON ROWE of Sharonville, Mich, iv. GRANVILLE FERGISON, b. at Lodi, Mich., April 15, 1844; m. FRANCES CADY of Grass Lake, Mich. During the Civil War he enlisted, Jan. 24, 1865, in the 20th N. Y. Regiment, and perished Mar. 31, 1865, in the burning of the steamer Lyon. v. ARTHUR EVERITT, b. at Lodi, Mich., April 19, 1846; m. June 2, 1868, MARGARET WOODRUFF. vi. JAMES MERRITT, b. at Freedom, Mich., Aug. 10, 1849; m. (1) Nov. 5, 1866, NETTIE COOK; (2) in 1868, MARY JANE SMITH. 231. WILLIAM 7 CASE NORTH (Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), son of Benjamin and Hannah (Mosier) North, was born at Kingston, N. Y., April 6, 1816, and died at Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 9, 1900. He mar- ried (1) about 1841, LEILA ALLEN, who died in 1842; (2) at Oberlin, Ohio, June 28, 1849, ANNA J. MAHAN, born at Orange- ville, Genesee Co., N. Y., Feb. 23, 1829, eldest daughter of 153 Rev. Asa Mahan (the first president of Oberlin College) and Mary Dix. She died at Cleveland, Ohio, April 26, 1911. William North lived in Oberlin after first coming to Ohio but in 1850 moved to Cleveland. He was a pioneer photographer and made many of the oldest daguerreotypes in the city. Later he adopted the more modern methods and was one of the first Cleveland photographers to make out-of-door views of places now notable in the early history of the city. Later he engaged in the manufacture of gasoline stoves. He was a pleasant and forceful public speaker and was an influential member of the city council. In politics, he was a Republican; he was an active member of the Methodist Church. His wife, Anna Mahan North, was graduated from Oberlin College in 1848 with the degree of A.B., and was given the degree of A.M. in 1859, and was the first woman to receive the A.B. degree for the full classical course in this, the earliest co-educa- tional college. She was prominent in philanthropic work in Cleveland and was for years secretary of the Board of Lady Managers of Lakeside Hospital, as well as serving on the Board of the Infants' Rest. By first wife: i. ALLEN C., b. 1842; d. at Toledo, Ohio, 1882; unm. He was a drummer boy in the Civil War, 7th Regiment, N. Y., and later a member of the Cleveland Grays. He was a photog- rapher in Toledo. By second wife, b. at Cleveland : ii. KITTIE MAHAN, b. Feb. 10, 1851; d. at Kent, Ohio, May 28, 1886; m. Oct. 19, 1875, WILLIAM S. KENT of Kent, Ohio. No children. 381. iii. WILLIAM CASE, JR., b. Mar. 22, 1853. iv. GEORGE MAHAN, b. July 25, 1855; m. at Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1905, JESSIE ROE, daughter of Reuben and Mary A. (Flint) Roe, and widow of Edward J. Stock. No children. Treas- urer of the Ferry Cap and Set Screw Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 2859 Fairfax Road, Cleveland. 382. v. PAUL, b. Oct. 6, 1857. vi. MARY Drx, b. Dec. 8, 1864; m. Oct. 7, 1884, EDWARD NELSON GAGE, b. Jan. 28, 1859, son of Horatio Nelson and Mary (Bart- lett) Gage. He is president of the Donohue, Knight and Gage Co., wholesalers of tea and coffee. Residence, 2320 Murray Hill Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Children: (1) Nelson Edward, b. Sept. 11, 1887; m. Jan. 20, 1912, Eleanor Miles. (2) Mildred, July 3, 1889; m. July 3, 1916, Wright Bronson. 154 (3) Katharine, b. April 1, 1895; m. Mar. 10, 1917, Charles Wing Brown. (4) Richard North, b. May 26, 1900. 383. vii. CHARLES ASA, b. Aug. 29, 1869. 232. HON. TOWNSEND 7 NORTH (Daniel 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Townsend) North, was born in Ulster Co., N. Y., Sept. 24, 1814, and married (1) Dec. 13, 1838, MARY ANN EDMUNDS, born July 22, 1816, died Dec. 23, 1863; (2) in 1865, ALICE GIBSON who now resides at Vassar, Mich., where Mr. North died June 12, 1889, having removed to Michigan in 1835. Children, by first wife: 384. i. JAMES EDMUNDS, b. at Manchester, Mich., Dec. 30, 1839; d. May 20, 1874. ii. MARY ESTHER GOULD, b. at Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 12, 1842; d. Sept. 16, 1909; m. June 30, 1863, JAMES JOHNSON, b. at Pittsford, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1834; d. 1879. Children: (1) Lizzie Ann, b. Oct. 26, 1864. (2) Nellie M., b. Oct. 28, 1865; m. Dr. A. S. Rogers. (3) William North, b. Sept. 13, 1867; d. Aug. 1919; m. Feb. 17, 1897, Clara Andrus. (4) James Robert, b. Oct. 15, 1877; m. Dec. 29, 1904, Carrie Varnum. iii. ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 17, 1844; d. Feb. 10, 1879; unm. iv. WILLIAM, b. 1847; d. Aug. 25, 1871; unm. v. GEORGE PORTER, b. Oct. 20, 1854; d. Mar. 24, 1856. vi. FRANK, b. at Vassar, Mich., Jan. 14, 1857; m. Sept. 15, 1881, CAROLINE SWEETLAND, b. at Camillus, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1857. No children. Mr. North has lived all his life in his native town, of which he has become a prominent citizen. At a youthful age he entered the Bank of Vassar, and from 1884 to 1914 ' was its cashier. Since that time he has been president. In 1857 he was elected a member of the Board of Control of the Michigan School for the Deaf at Flint, vii. CHARLES E., b. Nov. 20, 1861; d. Aug. 10, 1862. Vili. 1 m j * > IWTNS, d. m infancy. By second wife: x. ALMA LUCILLE, b. May 18, 1867. xi. ULA, b. Feb. 18, 1871 ; teacher at Vassar, Mich, xii. LENA, b. at Vassar, Mich., May 7, 1882; m. ROY BODIMER of Detroit, Mich. Children: (1) Alice, b. 1909; d. 1911. (2) Irwin, b. April 31, 1915. (3) and (4) Twins. 233. MATTHEW 7 D. NORTH (Daniel 6 , Samuel*, Thomas*, Thomas*, Thomas*, John 1 ), second son of Daniel and Elizabeth 155 (Townsend) North, was born in Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y., Mar. 5, 1826. He removed when a young man to Saline, Mich., where he married (1) BETSEY ANN SWAN; (2) Oct. 21, 1851, PERCIS BARNES, who was born Aug. 21, 1833. He later removed to Vassar, Mich., where he died Aug. 7, 1892. Children, by first wife: i. CHESTER, d. in the Civil War, Aug., 1864, of disease contracted in the line of duty. By second wife: ii. ELLA MAUDE, b. May 23, 1854; unm. Resides at Vassar, Mich. iii. FRED, b. April 10, 1858; d. in infancy. JOHN 7 DEPUY NORTH (Samuel 6 , Samuel 6 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Samuel and Maria (Masten) North, was born Aug. 22, 1811, probably in Ulster Co., N. Y., and died Sept. 15, 1870. He married at Seneca Falls, N. Y., May 2, 1832, CAROLINE M. PATTISON. Children: i. MARY E., b. at Clyde, N. Y., May 30, 1834; d. at Elmira> Mich., April 28, 1891; m. at Saline, Mich., Oct. 4, 1856 RODNEY ROYCE. Children: (1) Carrie Dell, b. Oct. 29 1857; m. Oct. 29, 1877, Frank E. Allen. ii. ELIZABETH P., b. April 25, 1836; d. Feb. 15, 1870; m. Aug. 6, 1856, IRA J. CHATFIELD. Children: (1) Archie Stephen, b. Oct. 4, 1857; d. Jan. 14, 1914. (2) Arthur Eugene, b. Aug. 18, 1858; d. Oct. 15, 1858. (3) Anna Belle, b. Sept. 28, 1859. (4) Flora Estelle, b. Sept. 26, 1861. (5) Nota Annette, b. Feb. 8, 1863. (6) Willis Warren, b. Mar. 7, 1865. (7) Alfred Clark, b. Mar. 31, 1866. (8) Ernest Jay, b. May 22, 1869; d. Aug. 6, 1877. iii. JOHN M., b. Mar. 15, 1838; d. about 1865, soon after his dis- charge from the Union Army; unm. iv. WILLIAM P. b. Oct. 30, 1839; d. July 1, 1862, at the battle of Melvene Hill, Va., during the Civil War; unm. v. CORNELIA M., b. Oct. 27, 1841; d. July 23, 1861; unm. vi. JAMES H., b. July 23, 1844; d. Mar. 5, 1846. 385. vii. GEORGE CHESTER, b. July 23, 1846. viii. HANNAH MAXWELL, b. at Saline, Mich., Oct. 1, 1850; d. May 16, 1900; m. at Saline, Mich., Nov. 16, 1872, HIRAM L. LIGHT- HALL. Children: (1) Guy Luverne, b. July 18, 1874; m. Sept. 26, 1908, Jane G. Emery. (2) Gay, b. and d. 1877. (3) Linna Mary, b. Aug. 27, 1878; m. Oct. 9, 1900, Archie D. Miles. (4) Myron Pattlson, b. April 6, 1880; m. June 5, 1902, 156 Grace Cooke. (5) Hiram, b. and d. 1881. (6) Anna Belle, b Aug. 1, 1882; m. May 14, 1902, Earle F. Chase. (7) Cone Warner, b. June 17, 1884; m. June 17, 1905, Nina F. Geisel. (8) Homer Wasson, b. June 2, 1887; m. Oct. 2, 1920, Florence Hunter. 234. WILLIAM 7 NORTH (Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Samuel and Maria (Masten) North, was born Sept. 10, 1814, and died Aug. 17, 1846. He married Sept. 4, 1836, CYNTHIA BENNETT, who died Mar. 5, 1885. Children: i. SAKAH, b. 1839; d. 1877; m. Feb. 2, 1859, CHARLES M. JICH- ENOB. Children: (1) Anna, b. 1860. (2) Edwin B., b. 1865. 386. ii. WILLIAM H., b. May 26, 1844; d. Sept. 29, 1872. 235. AUGUSTUS 7 W. NORTH (James*, James 5 , James\ Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of James and Rhoda (Belden) North, was born at New Britain, Mar. 8, 1819, and died at Clifton Springs, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1878. He married (1) May 12, 1845, MARTHA, daughter of Amon and Abi (North) Stanley and granddaughter of James North (48). She was born Aug. 11, 1822, and died Dec. 13, 1868. He married (2) Aug. 2, 1870, HELEN AMELIA STANLEY, who was born Jan. 30, 1844, and died Nov. 2, 1892. Augustus North began his active life in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1840, where he was a partner in a dry goods house under the name of Raymond and North. Later he came to New York and took charge of an important branch of the Russell and Erwin Mfg. Co. of New Britain, Conn. After the Civil War he became one of the promoters of the enterprise to work the iron mines of Shelby, Ala. In 1870 he went to Europe with his second wife for three years. On his return he was engaged in various business enterprises until his death. Children by first wife: 387. i. WILLIAM STANLEY, b. April 12, 1846; d. Dec. 26, 1908. 388. ii. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS, b. Mar. 21, 1850; d. May 10, 1908. By second wife: iii. JAMES STANLEY, b. at Lucerne, Switzerland, July 15, 1871; d. Oct. 2, 1871. 389. iv. JAMES STANLEY, 2ND, b. at New Britain, May 13, 1874. v. ANNA STOW, b. Sept. 26, 1877; d. at Clifton Springs, N. Y., April 15, 1879. 157 236. FREDERICK 7 HENRY (Seth 6 Judd, James 5 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Maj. Seth Judd and Eliza- beth (Stanley) North, was born at New Britain, Aug. 10, 1824. He married Aug. 28, 1850, MARY ELIZABETH NORTH, daughter of Henry North (115). He was admitted to the church in 1837, graduated from Yale in 1846, dismissed and recommended by letter in 1842 to the church of Yale. In the fall of 1876 Mr. North removed from New Britain to St. Louis, Mo., and two years later the family went to Germany where they spent several years. On their return they lived at Chicago, 111. Children: 390. i. CHARLES FREDERICK, b. at New Britain, April 24, 1854. ii. GRACE EUGENE, b. at Paris, France, Aug. 4, 1856; d. at St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 9, 1879; unm. iii. MARY FREDERICA, b. at New Britain, Feb. 19, 1862. Studied in Germany five years. Resides (1919) with her brother at Beaver Dam, Wis. 237. OLIVER 7 BURNHAM NORTH (Alvin*, James 5 , James*, Thomas 5 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Alvin and Cla- rissa (Burnham) North, was born at New Britain, Mar. 13, 1817, and died at New Haven, Oct. 23, 1893. He married Mar. 10, 1843, MARTHA E. POST of Glastonbury, born June 11, 1823, and died July 24, 1906. He was one of the many Norths of this branch of the family who have so long and successfully manufactured hardware, in which industry his grandfather James North was a pioneer in Connecticut. In 1843 he organized the firm of O. B. North and Co., in New Britain, for the manufacture of saddlery and harness hardware. In 1862 the factory was burned, and the business was resumed in New Haven where it is now carried on by his son. "Oliver Burnham North was a splendid man, honorable in all his dealing, and cannot be spoken of too highly as a straightforward, honest man in all his transactions." ("History of New Britain.") Children: 391. i. WILLIAM BURNHAM, b. at New Britain, June 4, 1844; d. April 7, 1904. 392. ii. GEORGE POST, b. at New Britain, 1849; d. June 9, 1915. iii. EDWARD MILLS, b. at New Britain, 1851; d. at New Haven, Feb. 25, 1871. iv. LIZZIE, b. at New Britain, 1853; d. Jan. 1, 1854. 158 v. ELLEN AUGUSTA, b. at New Britain, 1856; d. May 15, 1904; m. June 22, 1882, J. V. CLAWSON of New York. No children. 393. vi. JOHN HOLLISTEE, b. at New Britain, Feb. 18, 1859. vii. MARY RUSSELL, b. at New Haven, 1871; m. at New Haven, June 29, 1893, JOE GARNER ESTILL of the Hotchkiss School, Lakeville. Children: Joe, Jr., Wallace, Gordon. 238. HUBERT 7 FRANKLIN NORTH (Alvin, James 5 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Alvin and Clarissa (Burnham) North, was born at New Britain, Nov. 13, 1822, and died there Oct. 27, 1863. He married Sept. 1, 1852, JANE M., daughter of Abel and Harriet (Upson) Hendrick, born at Milton, N. Y., May 11, 1825. Mr. North graduated from Yale College in 1843 and studied law with ex-Governor Ellsworth. He then became a manufac- turer of hardware with his father in the North and Judd Mfg. Co. at New Britain. Children : i. ANNA, b. 1857; d. May 9, 1858. ii. FLORENCE BURNHAM, b. May 7, 1862; d. in Switzerland, July 20, 1907; m. Feb. 14, 1884, WILLIAM A. DELL of Jacksonville, Fla., where they resided. 239. RUSSELL 7 CHURCHILL NORTH (Abijah 6 , Abijah 5 , John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Hon. Abijah and Parmelia (Churchill) North, was born at Champlain, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1814, and died at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., Jan. 2, 1868. He married (1) MARIA, daughter of Ashley Scott of Chazy; (2) Mar. 18, 1858, KATE HEATH of New York City. Mr. North was a merchant at Chazy. Children, b. at Chazy, by first wife: i. JOSEPHINE HITCHCOCK, b. May 11, 1843; d. at Chazy, Sept. 1 1874; unm. ii. MARY MARIA, b. Mar., 1845; d. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept., 1874; unm. 394. iii. CHARLES H., b. Dec. 28, 1848; d. Chazy, Mar. 4, 1880. iv. LEMUEL, b. June 11, 1847; d. at Chazy, Sept. 11, 1872; unm. By second wife: 395. v. JOHN HEATH, b. April 27, 1859. 240. LEMUEL 7 NORTH (Abijah 6 , Abijah 5 , John*, Nathan- iel 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), second son of Hon. Abijah and Parmelia (Churchill) North, was born at Champlain, N. Y., May 13, 159 1816, and died there July 21, 1890. He married (1) at Rouses Point, N. Y., July 20, 1843, MELVINA L., daughter of Gen. Ezra Thurber. She died in 1862, and he married (2) Feb. 21, 1876, LUCIA E. WEBSTER, born at Milton, Vt., June 16, 1840. "Lemuel North was reared on the farm. He received a common school education, and taught school several terms. In 1859, he removed to Rouses Point, and while there was engaged as a merchant, at the same time having an interest in farming. For many years he was engaged in the manufacture of lumber, but his chief business has been farming. He is one of the recognized leading farmers of Champlain and has one of the most productive farms in the town, situated two and one- half miles south of the village of Champlain and on the west side of the Chazy River. He raises fine stock, and some of his horses have sold as high as $7,500 each, and several for $2,500. He owned at one time the celebrated stallion known as the 'Sherman Blackhawk,' or North's horse, from whom some of the finest horses have come. "In politics, Mr. North has always affiliated with the Democratic party. He has held various town offices." (Town Gazetteer, Cham- plain, N. Y.) Children; b. at Champlain, by first wife: i. ABIJAH, b. Feb. 5, 1847; d. Dec. 11, 1884; m. Nov. 13, 1880, SARAH JANE EDWARDS of Plattsburg, N. Y. No children, ii. ACHSA ANN, b. Nov. 27, 1849; m. June 7, 1871, EDWARD A. CHITTENDEN of St. Albans, Vt., grandson of Gov. Thomas Chittenden of Vermont. Resides (1919) at St. Albans. No children. By second wife: iii. LEMUEL WEBSTER, b. Feb. 23, 1879; m. IDA FISHER. No children. Resides (1919) at Manhattan, Nev. iv. FREDERICK MONTGOMERY, b. Dec. 12, 1880; d. at Rumsey, Calif., Mar. 21, 1903; unm. 241. MARVIN 7 NORTH (Nathaniel 6 , Abijah 5 , John*, Na- thaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Col. Nathaniel and Sally (Bateman) North, was born at Shoreham, Vt., June 13, 1800, and died there Jan. 12, 1883. He married (1) Jan. 25, 1825, HANNAH CONVERSE, who was born April 1, 1803, and died at Middlebury, Vt., June 13, 1869. She was the daughter of Joshua Converse (a Revolutionary soldier at 16, and son of Josiah, also a Revolutionary soldier) and Mary (Trask) Con- verse. He married (2) MRS. JONES. Mr. North lived all his life on the farm on Smith St., Shoreham, later owned by Orson Martin, and built the house in 1842. 160 Children, by first wife, b. at Shoreham: i. JULIUS NATHANIEL, b. Aug. 11, 1829; d. at Shoreham, Mar. 30, 1896; m. in 1857, SALLY MARIA JONES, b. in 1832, daughter of John Jones. No children. They lived in Shoreham. ii. HENRY BATEMAN, b. June 22, 1832; d. at Winchester, Va., in a Confederate hospital, May 23, 1862. He was a volunteer in the Union Army, Company K, 1st Vermont Cavalry Volunteers. iii. MARY LEORA, b. Oct. 26, 1834; d. Aug. 31, 1902; m. PEVERILL S. PEAKE. Child: (1) Anna Jane, b. Mar. 1, 1862. 396. iv. CLAYTON NELSON, b. Jan. 23, 1840; d. Dec. 1, 1919. 242. NICANOR 7 NEEDHAM NORTH (Nathaniel 6 , Abi- jah 5 , John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, third son of Col. Nathaniel and Sally (Bateman) North, was born at Shoreham, Vt., Sept. 5, 1811, and died at Independence, la., June 9, 1879. He married at Benson, Vt., in August, 1836, MAYETTE AURELIA WILCOX, born July 14, 1812. They removed to Independence, la., after living a number of years at Ticonderoga, N. Y. Children, b. at Ticonderoga, N. Y. : 397. i. EDWIN ALBERT, b. June 23, 1837; d. Dec. 28, 1918. ii. MARY FRANCES, b. May 1, 1839; m. July 13, 1868, AMOS CARLETON JUDKINS, who was born at Norway, Me., Sept. 2, 1837. They resided in Newton ville, Mass. 243. NELSON 7 NORTH (Nathaniel 6 , Abijah 5 , John*, Na- thaniel, 3 Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Col. Nathaniel North, by his second wife, Persis Needham, was born at Shoreham, Vt., Mar. 4, 1824, and removed in 1831 to Ticonderoga, N. Y., with his parents, when little more than an infant. In 1846 at the age of 22 he removed to near the site of the present city of Hartford, Wis., where he married May 19, 1850, ISABEL, daugh- ter of William and Mary (Musgrave) Wiley. She was born near Nilestown, Ohio, Dec. 18, 1830. In November, 1865, Nelson North with his wife, son, and daughter Mary went with a horse and wagon to a farm near Independence, la., where he died Dec. 19, 1901. Children: i. MARY EDITH, b. at Hartford, Wis., July 8, 1852; m. in 1871, WILLIAM NEWTON LOY, son of Frederick and Clarissa (Purvis) Loy. Residence, Independence, la. Children: (1) Elise Isabel, b. July 29, 1872; m. Feb. 24, 1892, John Elliot Firth. (2) Frederick Nelson, b. Nov. 26, 1875; d. Feb. 14, 1912; m. 161 Sept. 26, 1908, Eta Clavsson. (3) Elma Clarissa, b. Sept. 26, 1879; m. Nov. 11, 1898, Charles Oliver Jones. (4) Lucy Mary, b. Mar. 15, 1888; m. Mar. 20, 1907, Walter Jones. ii. BELINDA ELSIE, b. at Hartford, Wis., July 21, 1859; d. there Dec. 9, 1859. iii. ALMA E., b. and d. at Hartford, Wis., Jan. 8, 1861. iv. ELMEK ELLSWORTH, b. at Hartford, Wis., Dec. 16, 1862; unm., and lives with his mother on the farm to which he removed in 1865 with his father, near Independence, la. 244. JOHN 7 NORTH (Lemuel 6 , Abijah 5 , John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Capt. Lemuel and Polly (Jones) North, was born at Champlain, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1802, and died at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., Feb. 17, 1876. He married at Chazy, Jan. 12, 1826, ZERVIAH BOSWORTH FILLMORE, daughter of Col. Septa 1 and Eunice (Edgerton) Fillmore. She was born at Chazy Jan. 22, 1810, and died there April 26, 1890. They lived at Chazy. Children, b. at Chazy: 398. i. PHILETUS FILLMORE, b. Feb. 25, 1828; d. June 3, 1907. ii. LUCY ANNE, b. Sept. 12, 1830; d. April 27, 1843. 399. iii. FAYETTE CARVER, b. Feb. 10, 1833; d. April 1, 1915. iv. CHAUNCEY JONES, b. July 15, 1834; d. Aug. 12, 1860; unm. v. JULIETTE SOPHIA, b. May 23, 1837; d. Feb. 18, 1838. vi. JULIA ANN, b. Feb. 1, 1845; d. Dec. 21, 1890; m. Oct. 11, 1866 HENRY C., son of Lucius Copeland. He was b. May 13, 1844, and was a graduate of Union College. Children: (1) Lucy M., b. Sept. 18, 1870; m. June 1, 1893, William H. Addoms. (2) Henry F., b. Dec. 29, 1872; m. Sept. 11, 1899, Susie A. Macbrien. (3) Frances L., b. April 14, 1884 ; m. Albert W. Gray. (4) John, d. aged 2. 245. DEA. ISAIAH 7 M. NORTH (Joseph 6 , Isaiah 5 , Joseph*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Joseph and Rebekah (Humphrey) North, was born at Avon, in 1802, and died July 20, 1863. He married (1) in 1823, HARRIET F. THOMSON, who died Nov. 19, 1823; (2) MARY ANN WOODWARD, who died Aug. 5, 1870. He lived in Avon. 1 Zerviah Fillmore was fifth from John Fillmore of Ipswich, Mass., from whom Millard Fillmore, thirteenth President of the United States was also fifth. Eunice Edgerton was sixth from Richard Edgerton of England who was one of the thirty-five original proprietors of Norwich in 1659. 12 162 Children: i. WILLIAM T., b. 1823. ii. HARRIET F. iii. HELEN M., b. 1829; d. Mar. 21, 1839. iv. SARAH E. v. SOLOMON D. vi. ADELIA S. vii. JANE C. viii. MIRIAM H. ix. MARY R., d. April 16, 1866. x. DAVID W., b. July 10, 1843; m. Jan. 18, 1866, LUCELIA J. CASE. No children. xi. RACHEL E., b. Oct. 31, 1845; m. Nov. 5, 1866, CHARLES H. CASE. No children. 246. JOSEPH 7 B. NORTH (Joseph*, Isaiah*, Joseph*, Nathaniel*, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Joseph and Rebekah (Humphrey) North, was born Dec. 31, 1824, at the old North homestead in that part of Avon known as Nod, and died there Sept. 3, 1896. He had a common school education, and was a blacksmith and farmer in Avon. He married HARRIET, daugh- ter of Phineas Gabriel of Suffolk. She died Sept. 3, 1853, aged 23. Both are buried in the Avon Cemetery. Children, b. at Avon : 400. i. LUCIAN F., b. Mar. 1, 1852. ii. ANNE, b. Sept. 3, 1853; m. DAVID TAYLOR, who d. Sept. 3, 1896. 247. JOHN 7 LOOMIS NORTH (John 6 H., Joseph 5 , Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), youngest son of John Hart and Esther (Gaylord) North, was born Feb. 9, 1838. He married Nov. 18, 1874, CORA NEVILLE, who was born Mar. 1, 1844. Children: i. CORA MABEL, b. Jan. 28, 1876; d. at Chicago, 111., Jan. 30, 1876. ii. JOHN N., b. Feb. 2, 1879. 248. DR. JOSEPH 7 HOWARD NORTH (Joseph*, Joseph*, Joseph*, Joseph*, Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Joseph and Mary (Miner) North, was born at Cornwall, Jan. 15, 1846. He married July 16, 1871, MARY C., daughter of Henry Kurd, of Potter Co., Pa. She was born Jan. 31, 1853. Dr. North studied medicine under the instruction of his uncle, 163 Dr. Burritt B. North of Cornwall, and then entered the Long Island College Hospital, from which he graduated in 1873, and began practice at Goshen. He resides (1919) at West Cornwall. Dr. North is a member of the Litchfield County Medical Society and of the Connecticut State Medical Society of which he was president for one year. He has held many public offices in Goshen and represented that town in the General Assembly in 1884. Children: i. JOSEPH HOWARD, JR., b. 'Jan. 4, 1872; m. HELEN RIDER. No children. Farmer and town clerk at Goshen (1919). ii. CARRIE, b. June 28, 1874; m. July 2, 1920, ELIZIER S. STEV- ENS. Graduate of Tufts Medical College. Residence (1919), West Cornwall. Child: Howard North, b. Oct. 15, 1915. 401. iii: HARRY H., b. Oct. 20, 1879. 249. WILLIAM 7 RICHARD NORTH (Joseph 6 , Joseph*, Joseph*, Joseph*, Thomas*, John 1 -}, fourth and youngest son of Joseph and Mary (Miner) North, was born at Cornwall, Feb. 8, 1858, and married at Warrensville, Oct. 12, 1887, SARAH FINCH WHITE, daughter of Rev. Samuel Jessop White, born at Canonsville, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1858. Mr. North is a musician, and resides (1919) at Haddonfield, N. J. Children: i. MART WHITE, b. at Goshen, Sept. 2, 1888. Teacher of music at Acerwood Tutoring School, Devon, Pa. ii. WILLIAM RICHARD, JR., b. at Thomaston, Jan. 21, 1890; graduate B.S., Cornell University, 1913; bacteriologist. During the World War served under the draft, and saw over- seas service in Laboratory of Base Hospital 71, as sergeant, first class. Address (1919), Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D. C. 250. WILLIAM 7 FRANKLIN NORTH (Harvey*, Elisha\ Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Harvey and Athalie (Adam) North, was born at New Orleans, La., May 3, 1846. He married Jan. 23, 1871, MARY E. STAKE of George- town, D. C. He was educated in Paris, Heidelburg and Florence, and graduated from Columbia University in 1871. He practised law in Austin, Tex., and engaged in sheep raising and mer- cantile pursuits. Resides (1919) at Austin and is retired. 164 Children, b. at Austin : 402. i. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, JR., b. Mar. 12, 1871. ii. MARY ELLEN, b. Nov. 12, 1872; m. Nov. 11, 1895, ALFRED G. RYLEY, b. at Hamilton, Canada, in 1859, a manufacturer. They reside (1919) at Canton, Ohio. Children: (1) Marie North, b. Sept. 25, 1896. (2) Catharine Athalie North, b. Sept. 9, 1900. iii. ATHALIE LOUISE, b. Dec. 13, 1875; m. at Austin, Dec. 14, 1898, OLIVER HUNTING MILLICAN of Austin. Children: (1) Franklin North, b. April 30, 1903. (2) Athalie L., b. Dec. 21, 1905. (3) Oliver H., b. Dec. 30, 1908; d. Dec. 28, 1915. 403. iv. Louis HARVEY, b. May 25, 1881. 251. JAMES 7 DAYTON NORTH (Harvey 6 , Elisha*, Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Harvey and Athalie (Adam) North was born in New York City, May 8, 1856. He married at San Diego, Calif., Aug. 12, 1885, LILLE JUCH, born at San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 4, 1859. Mr. North was educated in France, Germany and Spain. In 1880 he removed to San Diego where he resides (1919) and is engaged in bee raising. Children, b. at San Diego: 404. i. HARVEY GEORGE, b. Aug. 18, 1889. ii. WILLIAM JAMES, b. June 10, 1903. 252. EDWARD 7 M. NORTH (Orrin 6 A., Reuben 5 , Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Orrin A. and Martha (Capron) North, was born Aug. 15, 1850. He married Oct. 8, 1873, ELLA G., daughter of John and Jennette (Ailing) Davis. She was born Aug. 21, 1850. They reside (1919) at 396 W. Main St., New Britain, where Mr. North is in business with the Russell and Erwin Co. Children: i. FRED DAVIS, b. Feb. 7, 1875; d. Dec. 25, 1882. ii. CHRISTINE MARTHA, b. at New Britain, July 2, 1885 m.; Oct. 1, 1910, VALENTINE BURT CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Child: Valentine Burt, b. Oct. 12, 1918. 253. JAMES 7 BYRAM NORTH (Edwin 6 A., Israel 5 , Eze- kial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Edwin A. and Lydia (Cooley) North, was born at East Bloomfield, N. Y., July 24, 1828, and died at Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., Dec. 27, 1891. He married Feb. 20, 1856, JANE, daughter of Henry and Isabella (Bennett) Ellis of Victor. She was born Jan. 4, 1831, and died Oct., 1909. Mr. North was a farmer at Victor. 165 Children, b. at Victor: i. NETTIE E., b. July 24, 1857; d. Feb. 21, 1919; unm. 405. ii. FRANK A., b. Dec. 31, 1858. 406. iii. HARRY E., b. May 8, 1862; d. Oct. 21, 1918. iv. LYDIA J., b. Mar. 24, 1865; unm. 254. LYMAN 7 C. NORTH (Edwin* A., Israel*, Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Edwin A. and Lydia (Cooley) North, was born at East Bloomfield, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1832. He married Sept. 23, 1858, SUSAN A. CRANDALL, born April 30, 1833. They resided at Canandaigua, N. Y. Children: 407. i. CHARLES STANLEY, b. July 5, 1860. ii. ELIZABETH ELLEN, b. Feb. 19, 1862; d. Mar. 30, 1866. iii. JENNIE BELL, b. Dec. 10, 1863; d. July 13, 1870. 255. CHARLES 7 HENRY NORTH (Goodwin*, Israel*, Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Goodwin and Jane (Flagler) North, was born at East Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N. Y., April 3, 1849, and married at Bellevue, Ohio, his present place of residence, Oct. 25, 1871, MARY, daughter of James and Margaret McClain. Children: i. EDWARD HENRY, b. at Sterling, Rice Co., Kans., Oct. 25, 1879; m. at Franklin, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1900, IDA SMITH, who d. Nov. 19, 1915. No children. ii. FANNY, b. at Bellevue, Ohio, May 6 1881 ; d. in infancy, iii. CHARLES LOOMIS, b. at Bellevue, Ohio, July 2, 1882. 256. LEMUEL 7 NORTH (Lemuel 6 , Phineas 6 , Ashbel*, Ebe- nezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Lemuel and Sylvia (Mills) North, was born at Wadsworth, Ohio, Oct. 31, 1831, and died at Hudson, Wis., Sept. 25, 1895, where he had resided most of his life. He married at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, 1863, SARAH J., daughter of John F. and Polly (Wilson) Clark. She was born in Oswego Co., N. Y., Nov. 23, 1835, and died Dec. 17, 1914. Children: i. HAROLD LEMUEL, b. Aug. 1, 1864; d. Sept. 4, 1911. He was a banker at Hudson, Wis. ii. ANITA, b. Feb. 22, 1875; resides at Hudson, Wis.; unm. 257. DR. ALFRED 7 NORTH (Phineas 6 , Phineas 5 , Ashbel\ Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Phineas and Louisa (Wet- 166 more) North, was born at Torrington, Oct. 5, 1836. He grad- uated from Brown University in 1859, and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York in 1863. He began practice in Waterbury, where he became a distinguished physician. He married Sept. 24, 1863, AMELIA, daughter of Dr. Gordon Buck, and died Nov. 17, 1893. Children: i. HELEN WINTHROP, b. July 4, 1867; d. Nov. 27, 1870. ii. HENRIETTA DUDLEY, b. June 24, 1870; d. Sept. 26, 1870. iii. SUSIE SALTONSTALL, b. Oct. 10, 1871; m. Oct. 6, 1894, HERBERT S. ROWLAND. Residence, 189 Hillside Ave., Water- bury, Conn. Children: (1) Son, b. Oct. 29, 1898; d. Oct. 31, 1898. (2) Alfred North, b. Jan. 6, 1900. (3) Helen North, b. Dec. 31, 1902. iv. ANNIE WETMORE, b. May 16, 1873. v. GORDON BUCK, b. Nov. 6, 1874; d. in infancy. 258. FRANKLIN 7 HAVEN NORTH (Alfred 6 , Phineas*, Ashbel 4 , Ebenezer*, Thomas*, John 1 ), second son of Alfred and Jeannie (Barham) North, was born Mar. 10, 1857. He married June 14, 1893, ADABEL STREBEIGH. Mr. North is a miner, and resides (1919) at 1020 Park Ave., New York City. During the Spanish- American War he served in the 1st United States Cav- alry (Rough Riders) under Col. Roosevelt. Previously he had served five years in Squadron A, New York Cavalry, and when mustered out was a sergeant in the first troop. Author of "The Awakening of Noahville," The New York Publishing Co., 1898. Child: i. ALFRED, b. 1895; graduated from Harvard in 1919, with high standing; left Harvard during junior year to enlist in the U. S. Marine Corps during the European War. 259. CORREL 7 FYLER NORTH (Frederick 6 , Junius 5 , Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Dea. Frederick and Harriet (Hoyt) North, was born at Torrington, June 29, 1835, and died Feb. 28, 1911. He married Sept. 3, 1862, AMELIA SMITH, who was born Aug. 9, 1842, and died April 22, 1902. She was the daughter of Orlow C. and Diantha (Holt) Smith of Winsted and Norfolk. In 1862 Mr. North enlisted in the Union Army and was in the Virginia campaigns, participating in some of the severest battles of the Civil War. He later resided at Winsted. 167 ChOd: i. CHARLOTTE SMITH, b. Dec. 21, 1867; m. May 23, 1895, JOHN T. NORTON, adopted son of Albert C. and Roxie A. (North) Norton. Children: (1) Harold Frederick, b. Nov. 20, 1890. Enlisted in the army, 1917. (2) Pauline North, b. May 3, 1898. 260. JUNIUS 7 DAVIS NORTH (Frederick, Junius 5 , Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Dea. Frederick and Harriet (Hoyt) North, was born at Torrington, June 17, 1839, and married at Torrington, Sept. 25, 1875, FANNY M., daugh- ter of William H. Berry. She was born Mar. 11, 1854, and died Feb. 26, 1916. Mr. North was a soldier in the Union Army. He lived in Torrington until 1893 when he removed to Thomaston, and (1919) lives again in Torrington. Children, b. at Torrington: , i. FREDDIE D., b. June 19, 1879; d. Aug. 16, 1880. ii. CLARA A., b. Aug. 18, 1881; d. Feb. 29, 1888. 408. iii. JUNIUS LEE, b. April 19, 1884. 261. LYMAN 7 HOYT NORTH (Frederick 6 , Junius 5 , Noah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Dea. Frederick and Harriet (Hoyt) North, was born at Torrington, Feb. 4, 1849, and married Sept. 10, 1889, MARTHA NEWTON, born June 30, 1850, daughter of Rev. Samuel and Sophia (Chamberlain) Newton of Southboro, Mass. They removed in 1889 to Oklahoma City, Okla., and reside (1919) at Okemah, Okla. i. UELLE, b. April 16, 1891; m. Dec. 22, 1908, HARRY CODY . DECKER. Children: (1) Mary Udena, b. Aug. 20, 1910. (2) Otis Othal, b. July 2, 1913. (3) William Hoyt, b. Oct. 13, 1916. ii. HOYETTE, b. Dec. 14, 1892; m. Dec. 8, 1913, ARTHUR WILBUR WHITE, b. Nov. 16, 1889. 262. ARIEL 7 M. NORTH (William 6 , Remembrance 5 , Noah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of William and Cynthia (Merrill) North, was born at Braceville, Ohio, Sept. 3, 1824, and died May 3, 1901. He married (1) Dec. 1, 1846, ABBIE WALKER, who was born July 5, 1829, and died Feb. 17, 1888; (2) April 19, 1890, Rebecca Bright, who was born May 24, 1830, and died Aug. 13, 1890. The family lived in Braceville. 168 Children: i. JENNIE M., b. Oct. 5, 1847; d. Feb. 18, 1909; m. Feb. 10, 1869, WESLEY CRAIG of Braceville. Children: (1) Roy. (2) Zella, m. Sprague. ii. AUGUSTA A., b. Oct. 4, 1850; d. Aug. 1, 1862. 409. iii. LEWIS LEE, b. Mar. 7, 1852. iv. FLORENCE A., b. May 24, 1855; m. Nov. 26, 1872, HOMER WEED, Windham, Ohio. Child: Abbie, m. Spahlinger. 410. v. CYRUS H., b. Sept. 13, 1859. vi. CLARENCE E., b. June 30, 1866; m. Dec., 1889, ANNIE TRIB- BLE. No children. Resides Meadville, Pa., where he is in the tinning and roofing business. vii. CLINTON D., b. Oct. 12, 1868. Joined U. S. Army. Last heard of in the Philippines about 1898. 263. CYRUS 7 LUMAN NORTH (William*, Remembrance*, Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of William and Cynthia (Merrill) North, was born at Braceville, Ohio, Jan. 28, 1828, and died there Oct. 7, 1901. He married Nov. 1, 1870, FRANCES, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Higley) Forman. She was born at Greene, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1847. Mr. North was a veteran of the Civil War, being a sergeant in Company G, 19th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, F. E. Stowe, Captain. He was present at the battle of Pittsburgh Landing. Ill health following, he was discharged, but later re-enlisted in Company G, Ohio Heavy Artillery, and served in guard duty at Nashville, Tenn., until the close of the war. By trade he was a joiner, and for many years he ran sawmills at Nelson, Ohio. He was a man of few words, and his walk honest before all men. Mrs. North resides (1920) at Braceville. Children, b. at Braceville, Ohio: i. GRACE CLAYTON b. May 19, 1875; d. Mar. 19, 1903; m. E. WOODWARD LANE. Child: Jessie Myra, b. Dec. 27, 1897; m. Dec. 25, 1919, Archie M. Williams, ii. JESSIE, b. May 19, 1875; d. Mar. 19, 1903. 264. HENRY 7 NORTH (Martin 6 , Rufus 5 , Martin*, Ebene- zer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Martin and Mercy (North) North, was born Sept. 3, 1830, and died at Casey, Guthrie Co., la., Jan. 14, 1901. He married Oct. 2, 1855, MARY A., daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Betts. She was born in Lincolnshire, Eng- land, Jan. 16, 1837, and died Jan. 20, 1901, at Casey, where Mr. and Mrs. North resided. 169 Children: 411. i. BURTON, b. June 25, 1856. ii. JOSEPH, deceased. iii. HELEN, b. Feb. 2, 1859; d. May 4, 1899; m. Mar. 17, 1878, TAYLOR SMITH, Casey, la. Children: (1) Levena. (2) Bertha. (3) Nellie. (4) Grover, deceased. (5) Thurman. (6) Frances. (7) Nettie. (8) Helen, deceased. (9) Laurence, deceased. (10) Hubert. (11) Verl iv. AMBER, m. CHARLES HESS. Children: (1) Mary. (2) Cecil. (3) Maude. v. LOUISE, m. ALLEN CHANTRY. Children: (1) Loyal. (2) Millicient. (3) Marie. (4) Carrol. (5) Violet. 265. HORACE 7 NORTH (Martin 6 , Rufus 5 , Martin*, Ebene- zer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) , youngest son of Martin and Mercy (North) North, was born Oct. 10, 1833, and died in 1909. He married Nov. 23, 1855, FRANCES COOPER of Colebrooke. She was born in 1837 and died in 1915. They resided at Colebrooke Center. Children: i. MARTIN, b. July 4, 1856; d. Feb. 4, 1859. ii. HELEN, b. Mar. 31, 1858; m. April 23, 1883, FREDERICK CHESTER of Bloomfield. No children, iii. FREDERICK J., b. July 22, 1863; d. Sept. 18, 1865. 266. JUDGE SAFFORD 7 ELISHA NORTH (James 6 A., Noah 5 , Martin*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of James Agard and Rebecca (Safford) North, was born at Alexander, Genesee Co., Jan. 27, 1852, and died at Batavia, N. Y., May 23, 1915. He married Nov. 22, 1880, CORA MONROE GRISWOLD. Judge North was educated at the Genesee and Wyoming Sem- inary in Alexander, and studied one year at Cornell. He taught school from 1869 to 1873, and in 1878 was admitted to the Syracuse Bar. He practiced law in Batavia, and was district attorney there in 1880 and 1883, and from 1883 to the time of his death was county judge and surrogate of Genesee Co. He lived at Batavia, where his widow now resides. Children : 412. i. ROBERT, b. Nov. 19, 1882. 413. ii. MONROE S., b. April 23, 1886. EIGHTH GENERATION 267. GEORGE 8 LOOMIS NORTH (Jo/m 7 W., John 6 , John 5 , Jonathon*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Hon. John Wesley and Ann (Loomis) North, was born at St. Anthony, now Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 5, 1853, and died at San Fran- cisco, Calif., Jan. 26, 1899. He married at San Francisco, Mar. 23, 1881, ANNIE HATER CAVE. Mr. North received his appointment as midshipman at Annap- olis, June 25, 1869. Later he was for thirteen years Pacific Coast manager of the Equitable Life Insurance Co. He was a Knight Templar of the Golden Gate Commandery. Children, b. at San Francisco : 414. i. GEORGE LOOMIS, b. April 23, 1882. 415. ii. CHESTER LOOMIS, b. June 26, 1889. 268. JOHN 8 GREENLEAF NORTH (John? W., John 6 , John 5 , Jonathon 4 , John 5 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Hon. John Wesley and Ann (Loomis) North, was born at St. Anthony, now Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 16, 1855, and died at London, England, June 10, 1910. He married Dec. 3, 1878, AUGUSTA C., daughter of John C. Nourse of California. They resided at Riverside, Calif. Mr. North was educated at the University of the Pacific at Santa Clara, Calif., and also studied at Knoxville, Tenn. He then returned with his father to California, and served four years as assistant-secretary of the Southern California Colony Association, founded by his father at Riverside. In 1872 he was a telegraph operator at Riverside and was the first to send and receive messages there. In 1874 he removed to San Fran- cisco and was employed two years in the United States Mint, after which he became manager and cashier of a leading business house there. Returning to Riverside in 1881, he became one of the most prominent men in that town, and was an officer in many public and private concerns. He accumulated consid- erable property which he lost through financial reverses and led him to take up the study of law. He was admitted to the bar 171 in 1894 and soon built up a successful practice in Riverside. ("History of Riverside Co., Calif.") Children: 416. i. JOHN CHARLES, b. April 11, 1880; d. Mar. 19, 1917. 417. ii. MAURICE EDWARD, b. Dec. 4, 1882. 418. iii. ALFRED CHANDLER, b. Aug. 21, 1884. 419. iv. RICHARD LOOMIS, b. Jan. 30, 1886. v. FLORENCE MARGARET, b. Jan. 23, 1888; d. April 28, 1888. 269. EDWARD 8 NORTH (John 1 W., John 6 , John 5 , Jona- than 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Hon. John Wesley and Ann (Loomis) North, was born at Northfield, Minn., July 11, 1860. He married at San Jose, Calif., Feb. 19, 1887, MARY ELIZA, daughter of Edward and Mary (Stammer) Young, born at London, England, June 6, 1860. Mr. North is a public ac- countant and systematizer. Residence (1919), 441 S. Cummings St., Los Angeles, Calif. Children : i. MARY BEATRICE, b. at Pomona, Calif., Aug. 12, 1888; d. at Los Angeles, Calif., June 15, 1900. ii. EDWARD GUY, b. at Newhall, Calif., June 25, 1890; d. April 7, 1919, at Camp Kearney, Calif., from wounds received at Monfaucon, France, Sept 27, 1918, the second day of the Ar- gonne offensive. He was a corporal in Co. D, 347th Machine Gun Battalion. 270. WILLIAM 8 JEREMIAH NORTH (Thomas 7 A., Darius 6 , Asa & , Jonathon*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), only son of Thomas Asa and Cynthia (Cole) North, was born at Princeton, 111., Oct. 22, 1852, and died at St. Paul, Minn., Mar. 8, 1902. He married at Mendota, 111., July 28, 1874, JULIA E. MAHER, who was born in Du Page Co., 111., Nov. 13, 1856. Children: i. GEORGE THOMAS, b. at Aurora, 111., May 24, 1875; m. at Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 2, 1918, FLORENCE TAMBLYN. 420. ii. WILLIAM J., b. at Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 15, 1880. 271. COL. GEORGE 8 JAY NORTH (Albert 7 , Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathon*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), only son of Albert and Seviah (Babbitt) North, was born Dec. 18, 1836, and died at Des Moines, la., Feb. 2, 1870. He married at Geneseo, 111., Sept. 12, 1865, ADA ELOISE, daughter of Lucy (North) Miles and granddaughter of Asa North (32). 172 He graduated at Hamilton College in 1861 and was vale- dictorian of his class. He was a major in the Civil War in the 42nd Iowa Infantry in 1862, and later a colonel, private secre- tary for Gov. William L. Stone and a successful lawyer at Des Moines. Mrs. North was state librarian at Des Moines 1871-8, and librarian at Iowa State University 1879-93. Children: 421. i. HOWARD MILES, b. Mar. 1, 1867. ii. GEORGIA, b. Mar. 27, 1869. Resides (1919) at Pierre, S. Dak. 272. WAYNE 8 L. NORTH (Morgan 7 , Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jona- than*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Morgan and Mary (Keyes) North, was born at Boonville, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1841, and died at Amboy, 111., June 6, 1905. He married Oct. 12, 1871, MINNIE L. ASHLEY, who was born at Oswego, 111., April 15, 1852, and died at Chicago, III, July 31, 1916. She was the daughter of Daniel and Mary (Bell) Ashley. Mr. North was a veteran of the Civil War and in the employ of the Illinois Cen- tral R. R. at Amboy, 111. Children, b. at Amboy, 111.: 422. i. Louis ASHLEY, b. Aug. 5, 1872. ii. CHARLES P., b. Nov. 7, 1875; m. at Harvey, 111., April 23, 1901, JENNIE HIGLEY. No children, iii. HELEN L., b. Nov. 7, 1879. 273. MERTON 8 NORTH (Morgan 7 , Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jona- than*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ) , second son of Morgan and Mary (Keyes) North, was born at Boonville, N. Y., June 4, 1852. He married at Putnam, 111., Feb. 20, 1878, CLARA L., daughter of Vincent and Sarah (Tillotson) Cleveland, born at Wyanet, 111., Feb. 11, 1857. Like his father, Mr. North was a wagon- maker. For many years he lived at Cedar Rapids, la., and for a time at Walnut, la. He resides (1919) at Grand Prairie, Tex. Child: i. ADA, b. at Cedar Rapids, la., April 27, 1883; m. at Council Bluffs, la., Dec. 10, 1910, CHARLES P. CLAYTON. Resides (1919) at Thermopalis, Wyo. No children. 274. MILES 8 R. NORTH (Sherman 7 H., Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Sherman Hins- dill and Sarah (McElroy) North, was born at Mt. Vernon, 173 Ohio, in August, 1853, and died at Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 3, 1914. He married Feb. 22, 1877, SARAH EMMA HIBBS, daugh- ter of William Hamilton and Achsa (Zane) Hibbs, born Nov. 17, 1858. Mr. North was a stonecutter and lived in Philadelphia. Mrs. North resides (1919) with her sons Edward and Paul at 2234 Moore St., Philadelphia. Children, b. at Philadelphia: 423. i. WILLIAM HAMILTON, b. Jan. 29, 1878; d. April 28, 1918. ii. SAMUEL LEWIS, b. Sept. 27, 1880; d. at Philadelphia, June 30, 1883. 424. iii. EDWARD WATSON, b. July 25, 1883. iv. ANNA ELSIE, b. Oct. 26, 1886; d. May 3, 1913; m. July 14, 1904, HARRY PHILIPS. Children: (1) Mary Elsie, b. 1905. (2) David E., b. 1906. v. CLARA LOUISA, b. Aug. 1, 1889; m. Mar. 9, 1909, JAMES A. HOLLOWAY. Child: Eleanor M., b. 1913. vi. PAUL R., b. Jan. 23, 1894; unm. Machinist. Resides (1919) at 2234 Moore St., Philadelphia, Pa. vii. CHARLES HENRY, b. Mar. 19, 1899; d. Oct. 27, 1918. viii. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. June 3, 1902; d. Mar. 7, 1904. 275. ARTHUR 8 TAPPAN NORTH (Levi\ Darius 6 , Asa 6 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Levi North by his second wife Laura Johnson, was born at Kewanee, 111., Oct. 15, 1864. He received the degree of B.S. in architecture from the University of Illinois in 1885. He married (1) at Mattoon, 111., Nov. 13, 1886, NANNIE PAGE LANE, who was born at Mattoon, Dec. 18, 1862, and died there July 11, 1910; (2) CATH- ERINE L. STEPHENS. Mr, North was long in the structural steel business as con- tracting and chief engineer. He was chief engineer with the National Fireproofing Co., consulting engineer for the Yellow Pine Manufacturers' Association, and was the first engineering editor of the American Architect, of which he is now western editor, with offices at 2100 Mailers Building, Chicago, 111. Residence, Evanston, 111. Children: i. HELEN CHARLOTTE, b. at Mattoon, 111., June 30, 1889; m. RAYMOND GREGG REDDING, and resides at Mattoon. Chil- dren : (1) Virginia Page. (2) Gregg North, dec. ii. PAGE LANE, b. at Chicago, 111., Dec. 29, 1892; resides at Mattoon, 111. 174 276. HARTWELL 8 NORTH (Miles 7 , Samuel 6 , Asa 5 , Jona- than*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Miles and Sarah (Ford) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, April 26, 1833. In 1856 he married ELIZABETH BELONG. He engaged in farming in his native town, where he died in 1901. Children, b. at Braceville: 425. i. LORENZO, b. Mar. 20, 1858. ii. LILLIE, b. July, 1859; m. Lucms BROBST and resides at Garrettsville, Ohio. iii. LOLA, b. July, 1859 (twin); unm., and resides with her sister Lillie. iv. LOREN, b. Sept., 1861; d. 1892; m. . v. JENNIE, b. Sept., 1863; m. 1884, SHERMAN ROOD and resides at Garrettsville, Ohio. No children. vi. MARY, b. April, 1865; d. 1908; m. 1885, HARRY ROOD. Chil- dren: (1) Nellie, m. Paul Nichols. (2) Amos. 277. WILLIAM 8 S. NORTH (Asa 7 , Samuel 6 , Asa 5 , Jona- thon*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Asa and Mercy Ann (Selby) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Oct. 8, 1838, and died Nov. 22, 1902. He was a veteran of the Civil War. He married HELEN HARMON, who was born June 10, 1843, and died Oct. 14, 1918. Children: 426. i. ALPHONSO M., b. Dec., 1860. ii. MERCY ANN, b. at Braceville, June 14, 1862; m. ASA S. WILSON and resides at Niles, Ohio. Children: (1) Ilda C., b. Oct. 15, 1883; m. Robert G. Adams. (2) M. Hazel, b. Aug. 4, 1885. (3) Howard A., b. Nov. 26, 1888; m. Adele St. Germaine. (4) Paul North, b. Aug. 30, 1900. 277. LEVI 8 R. NORTH (Asa 7 , Samuel 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel* , John 1 ) , second son of Samuel and Mercy (Selby) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, July 18, 1840, and died Sept. 24, 1862. He married at Braceville, CHRISTINE ESTELLA CLARK, who died Aug. 31, 1864, aged 33. Child: 427. i. ALONZO W. 278. THOMAS 8 HASTINGS NORTH (Alfred 7 , Nathan 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of the missionary Alfred North, was born at Singapore, Jan. 22, 1843. He mar- ried Feb. 29, 1868, SARAH HUMPHREY of Bachelder, Kans., and 175 for a while they lived at Wakefield, Clay Co., Kans. They later were pioneers in Oregon, where he was a farmer and lum- berman. He was in the Federal Army during the Civil War. Children: i. LAURA MINERVA, b. May 23, 1869; d. 1892; unm. ii. MARTHA CAROLINE, b. Jan. 14, 1871; m. 1891, JOHN R. DALLAS. 428. iii. ALFRED MYRON, b. June 9, 1872. iv. WILLIAM MELVIN, b. May 12, 1875; d. 1875. v. ANNA, b. 1876; d. 1877. vi. THOMAS ELY, b. 1878; d. 1896. 429. vii. EDWIN BRYAN, b. 1882. viii. EVA, b. 1883; d. 1885. ix. RUTH, b. 1886. 279. WILLIAM 8 WHITESIDE NORTH (Alfred 7 , Nathan 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Alfred North by his second wife, Martha Bryan, was born at Pitts- ford, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1857. He was a prominent business man, and lived at Springfield, 111. He died at Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1915. Wife's name not obtained. Children: i. CHILD, d. in infancy, ii. HELEN, m. CAPT. LAKE, IT. S. N. 280. EDWARD 8 NORTH (Marcus 7 , Asahel 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Marcus and Elizabeth (Wales) North, was born near White Hall, 111., July 31, 1851. He married at White Hall, Oct. 16, 1876, EMMA M. PORTER, daughter of William A. and Rachel (Auten) Porter, born near Pekin, 111., Feb. 21, 1857. They reside (1919) at 1110 Rosalie Ave., Houston, Tex. Mr. North compiled and had privately printed at White Hall in 1909 "The Swallow Book," a record of the descendants of his great-grandparents, Nahum and Deidamia (Woods) Swallow. Children, b. near White Hall: 430. i. HARRY WALES, b. July 29, 1877. ii. FRANK HINMAN, b. Oct. 30, 1879; d. Mar. 9, 1887. iii. MAURICE EDWARD, b. Feb. 18, 1881, d. Feb. 18, 1881. iv. MARY ADAH, b. June 12, 1884; d. Feb. 24, 1887. v. PORTER, b. May 30, 1886; d. June 29, 1886. vi. WILLIAM ATKINSON, b. July 2, 1888. 176 vii. RACHEL AUTEN, b. Sept. 13, 1892. viii. ELIZABETH, b. April 7, 1895; m. at Houston, Tex., Dec. 11, 1912, EDWARD M. ROGERS. Child: (1) Elizabeth, b. Feb. 15, 1914. ix. JOHN KENYON, b. Feb. 10, 1897. 281. MARCUS 8 NORTH, JR. (Marcus 7 , Asahel 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Marcus and Elizabeth (Wales) North, was born near White Hall, 111., Nov. 1, 1854. He married near White Hall, April 18, 1876, MARTHA A. BALDWIN, daughter of Francis M. and Mary (Bowman) Baldwin, born near Wrightsville, 111., Mar. 31, 1858. They reside (1919) near White Hall, 111., in the house built by Asahel North, which has since been remodeled. Children, b. near White Hall: 431. i. WALTER FRANCIS, b. May 21, 1877. ii. ELETHEA AGNES, b. Dec. 24, 1880; m. near White Hall, April 20, 1910, CHARLES McCLAREN, son of John Nelson and Jennie (Dearie) McClaren. Child: Martha Jane, b. Mar. 7, 1914. iii. MINNIE ELIZABETH, b. May 24, 1883. iv. HELEN MOTLEY, b. June 15, 1885; m. April 18, 1917, FRANK WEIS. v. LUCY BALDWIN, b. May 25, 1888; m. near White Hall, Nov. 11, 1909, HENRY W. SHIRLEY, son of Dr. Edwin and Annie (White) Shirley. They reside (1919) at White Hall. Chil- dren: (1) Richard Henry, b. Nov. 29, 1911. (2) Donald North, b. Nov. 17, 1913. 282. GEORGE 8 NORTH (John 7 , Asahel 6 , Samuel 5 , Sam- uel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ) , only son of John and Lora (Twitch- ell) North, was born near White Hall, 111., Mar. 2, 1886. He married (1) near White Hall, Dec. 9, 1908, CLEMMA ELIZABETH Ross, daughter of Edward and Ella (Tankersley) Ross, who was born near White Hall, April 16, 1887, and died Dec. 3, 1918; (2) GRACE TANKERSLEY. They reside (1919) near White Hall. Child, b. near White Hall: i. MARIAN ADA, b. Sept. 11, 1909. 283. EDWARD 8 MARTIN NORTH (Edward 7 D., Aaron\ John 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Edward D. and Lucia (Lincoln) North, was born at Windsor, Vt., Dec. 26, 1838, and died at Maiden, Mass., Jan. 20, 1899. He married 177 at Ludlow, Vt., April 13, 1874, FLORENCE PRISCILLA, daughter of Joseph and Priscilla (Franklin) Moore, born at Plymouth, Vt., July 17, 1847. Mr. North lived in Maiden. Children: i. INEZ MAT, b. at Boston, Mass., Mar. 23, 1875; m. at Mai- den, Mass., Aug. 16, 1898, HARRIS W. LANGLEY. Children: (1) Florence H., b. 1900. (2) Ruth Sherman, b. 1904. ii. LUTHER M., b. at Boston, Mass., June 22, 1877; unm. Treas- urer of the Dodge-Haley Co., Boston, Mass. iii. ARTHUR LINCOLN, b. at East Boston, Mass., Dec. 10, 1879; m. at Maiden, Mass., Feb. 23, 1918, AMY SYNDERBY NEWMAN of Winchester, Mass. 284. CHARLES 8 HAMILTON NORTH (Charles 7 , Aaron 6 , John*, Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Charles and Lydia (Kendall) North, was born at Thomaston, Ga., April 8, 1832, and married at West Windsor, Vt., Sept. 23, 1856, JANE LINCOLN, daughter of Micah and Lucia (Woodruff) Lincoln. She was born at West Windsor, Vt., July 27, 1834, and died at Newton, Mass., May 22, 1918. Mr. North was for many years engaged at Somerville, Mass., in the packing business, which was sold to Swift and Co. about 1889. He died at Boston, Mass., July 4, 1901. Children : i. WAYNE HAMILTON, b. at Boston, Mass., Nov. 14, 1857; d. at Washington, D. C., Oct. 24, 1918; m. at Boston, Sept. 10, 1892, JANET SCHOOLER. Lived in Washington. No children. ii. CHARLES LINCOLN, b. at Boston, Aug. 26, 1859; m. at Somer- ville, Mass., June 5, 1888, BLANCHE E. GRIFFIN. No chil- dren. iii. JENNIE LUCIA, b. at Boston, Mass., April 26, 1861; m. at Somerville, Mass., ALTON E. WHITTAKER. Residence, 1518 E. Marquette Road, Chicago, 111. Children: (1) Jennie, b. May 10, 1884; d. May 22, 1884. (2) Winona N., b. Jan. 16, 1887; m. May 27, 1914, Alvin C. Ayer. (3) Ruth L., b. Dec. 24, 1888. iv. WINONA FRANCES, b. at Boston, Mass., Sept. 2, 1864; d. at Boston, Feb. 26, 1865. v. MARK NEWELL, b. at Boston, Mass., Aug. 10, 1867. He is a veterinary surgeon and resides at 321 Columbia St., Cam- bridge, Mass. vi. GEORGIA LINCOLN, b. at Boston, Mass., Sept. 16, 1868; m. at Brookline, Mass., June 28, 1893, ARTHUR W. AYER. Residence, 202 S. Kensington Ave., La Grange. 111. Children: 13 178 (1) Esther Newell, b. May 7, 1894; m. Sept. 15, 1917, Samuel M. Millner, Jr. (2) Marjorie Whittier, b. Nov. 27, 1895. vii. ONATA ISABELLA, b. at Boston, Mass., Mar. 22, 1871; m. at Somerville, Mass., Sept. 16, 1897, CHARLES N. FITTS. Resi- dence, 3 Alton Place, Brookline, Mass. Children: (1) Doris Lincoln, b. Feb. 16, 1900. (2) Lincoln William, b. April 3, 1903. 432. viii. FREDERICK KENDALL, b. at Somerville, Mass., Aug. 26, 1874. ix. JAMES HARRISON, b. at Somerville, Mass., April 6, 1878. In business with Hawkbridge Bros., steel merchants, Boston, Mass. 285. DR. JAMES 8 HARPER NORTH, JR. (James 7 H., John 6 A., John 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), only son of James Harper and Zelis (Seagrave) North, was born at New York City, July 22, 1864. He married Oct. 1, 1890, HENRIETTA MONTGOMERY JACKSON, of Berwick, Pa., born Oct. 12, 1866. Dr. North was a medical student at Columbia University in 1884-5, and from 1885 to 1887 at the college of the City of New York from which he received his M.D. degree. He was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity, and practised for some time at Clifton Springs, Ontario Co., N. Y. He has been associated for the last twenty-three years with the New York Life Insurance Co., in New York City. Residence, 50 East 73rd St. Children: i. MARJORIE SEAGRAVE, b. at Tuxedo Park, N. Y., July 22, 1891; m. at New York City, Mar. 4, 1916, DAVID BRADLEY BUFFUM, who was in the Marine Corps during the European War. ii. CLARENCE JACKSON, b. at Swampscott, Mass., Sept. 13, 1892. Graduated at Harvard in 1914. During the World War was with the War Trade Board, and is now (1919) editor of the magazine "Export Trade." 286. HENRY 8 MARTYN NORTH (John 7 A., John 6 A., John*, Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John*), second son of John Adna, Jr., and Jessie (McKenzie) North, was born at Augusta, Ga., in 1864. He married MARY BELLE WALKER, and resides (1919) at Augusta, Ga., where he is engaged in the insurance business. Children, b. at Augusta: i. HENRY MARTYN, JR., b. 1902. ii. ISABELLE WALKER, b. 1909. 179 287. PHILIP 8 STRONG NORTH (John 1 A,, John 6 A., John 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of John Adna, Jr., and Jessie (McKenzie) North, was born at Augusta, Ga., in 1866. He married in 1903 ANNIS FIELD BLACK and resides (1919) at 2230 Pickens St., Augusta, Ga., of which city he is treasurer. Children, b. at Augusta : i. JOHN ADNA, b. 1906. ii. WALLACE WINGFIELD, b. 1909. iii. NEVILLE COKNELIA, b. 1911. 288. ERNEST 8 MORELAND NORTH (John* A., John 6 A., John 5 , Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of John Adna, Jr., and Jessie (McKenzie) North, was born at Augusta, Ga., in 1868. He married ANNE STOVALL. Mr. North is assistant general passenger agent of the Atlantic Coast Line R. R., at Savannah, Ga. (1919). Children: i. COURTNEY STOVALL. ii. MAUDE STOVALL. 289. LEVI 8 NORTH (Lyman 7 , Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Lyman North, was born at Leray, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Oct. 23, 1837. When eight years old he removed, with his father and grandfather, to Ant- werp, where the two latter died. He married Dec. 6, 1859, NANCY HALL. He was a farmer and a veteran of the Civil War and is now living in good health at the age of 83 at Ant- werp, N. Y. Children, b. at Antwerp, N. Y.: i. ALICE M., b. Jan. 4, 1861; m. Dec., 1881, CHARLES KELLOG. ii. MARY R., b. May 5, 1869; d. at Antwerp, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1903; m. WILLIAM DORWAY. iii. EUGENE COPLEY, b. Dec. 31, 1876, m. Dec. 31, 1876, EDITH GRAPPOT. Child: Thelma. 290. LORENZO 8 NORTH (Lyman 7 , Noah 6 , Daniel 6 , Dan- iel*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Lyman North, was born at Antwerp, Jefferson Co., N. Y., April 21, 1860. He married at North Wilna, Jefferson Co., N. Y., July 1, 1882, MADELINE PELKEY, daughter of John and Eliza Pelkey, born in Canada, Nov. 25, 1862. Residence (1919), Carthage, N. Y. Machinist. 180 Children : 433. i. CLAUDE, b. at Carthage, Jan. 31, 1884. 434. ii. CLARENCE, b, near Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y.. Sept. 21, 1886. 291. SYLVESTER 8 NORTH (Ira 7 , Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of Ira and Lyda (Woodard) North, was born at Diana, Lewis Co., N. Y., and married JANE LEWIS. Children: i. EMMA, m. PEABODY and resides at Harrisville, N. Y. ii. CORA, deceased. iii. EDWIN, deceased. iv. FREDERICK, resides at Syracuse, N. Y. 292. ALBERT 8 NORTH (Ira\ Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of Ira and Lyda (Woodard) North, was born at Diana, Lewis Co., N. Y., in 1838, and died at Harris- ville, Lewis Co., Nov. 15, 1889. He married JULIA HARRIS, who died Nov. 14, 1911, aged 71. They lived in Harrisville, N. Y. Children, b. at Harrisville: i. MAHALA, b. 1861; d. in infancy. ii. WILLIAM, b. 1864. He left Harrisville in 1904 and has not since been heard from. 435. iii. MYRON, b. Feb. 7, 1869; d. Feb. 9, 1913. iv. WINIFORD, b. 1872; d. 1877. v. CARRIE, b. 1875; m. ERWIN ACKERMAN and resides in Harris- ville, N. Y. No children. 293. NOAH 8 NORTH (7ra 7 , Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel*, Thomas 3 , Samuel*, John 1 ), son of Ira and Lyda (Woodard) North, was born in the town of Diana, Lewis Co., N. Y., May 18, 1840, and died at Naples, South Dakota, April 22, 1898. During the Civil War he enlisted in the Union Army, and after the close of hostilities married Aug. 24, 1865, MRS. HARRIET (McCALLisTER) COOPER, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Benson) Cooper, born at Antwerp, N. Y., July 2, 1842. In 1881 Noah North took up a claim in Erwin, S. Dak., which he and his sons farmed. He later engaged in veterinary work. Mrs. North resides (1920) with her children at Erwin, S. Dak. Children: 436. i. GEORGE A., b. Aug. 25, 1866. 437. ii. ALLEN E., b. Jan. 21, 1869. 181 iii. LIZZIE M., b. Aug. 31, 1875; m. GEORGE T. SNYDER and resides at Erwin, S. Dak. Child : Evalyth Miriam. 294. JOHN 8 CALVIN NORTH (Omri M. 7 , Ira 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, youngest son of Omri M. and Elizabeth (Adams) North, was born at Farmington, Oct. 10, 1831. He married (1) Oct. 15, 1861 , HARRIET B. OLMSTEAD, daughter of Ashbel Olmstead of New Hartford; (2) Nov. 6, 1872, FANNY WHITE of New York. He removed to Wisconsin and Illinois, and when the Civil War broke out, enlisted as a wagoner. He went to Ship Island, New Orleans and Port Hudson. In 1893 he was living in East Hartford, Conn. Children: i. ALICE BELDEN, b. Aug. 27, 1864. ii. FREDERIC BENEDICT, b. Aug. 14, 1866; drowned July 17, 1883. 295. EDWIN 8 WOODRUFF NORTH (Albert 7 W., Ira 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Albert William and Jeanette (Woodruff) North, was born at Redfield, N. Y., May 12, 1835, and died at Montevallo, Ala., in 1893, where he had removed with his family. Children : i. SUSAN JEANETTE, b. at Montevallo, Ala., June 15, 1861; m. Feb. 15, 1882, JOHN S. STORRS of Montevallo. They were living in 1893 at Covington, Ky. ii. FRANK A., b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1865; d. at Birming- ham, Ala., Mar. 12, 1889; unm. iii. MARY AUGUSTA, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., July 22, 1867; d. , Aug. 8, 1868. iv. GEORGE ALBERT, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., July 12, 1869; d. at Shelby, Ala., Aug. 7, 1889. v. WILLIAM EDWIN, b. at Oxford, Ala., Jan. 1, 1872; unm. 438. vi. WILBUR LYMAN, b. at Montevallo, Ala., June 19, 1874. vii. LESTER WOODRUFF, b. at Montevallo, Ala., Nov. 9, 1876; unm. Bookkeeper in Cincinnati, Ohio, viii. LENA BELL, b. at Montevallo, Ala., Feb. 13, 1879. be. HENRY CLEVELAND, b. at Montevallo, Ala., Oct. 29, 1884; unm. 296. ALBERT 8 WILLIAM NORTH (Albert 7 W., Ira*, Daniel*, Daniel*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Albert William and Jeanette (Woodruff) North, was born at Redfield, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1839, and died at Hartford, Aug. 18, 182 1909. He married Mar. 20, 1862, LOUISA, daughter of Charles Austin Ward of Salem, Mass. Mr. North was a prominent business man in Hartford, and a member of the firm of Hatch and North, coal dealers. Children: i. CHARLES HENRY, b. Nov. 12, 1863; unm. ii. FLORENCE, b. Oct. 8, 1869; m. Nov. 11, 1890, FREDERICK LEE BISHOP, son of Seth W. and Ann (Hart) Bishop of Hartford. Residence (1920), 862 Farmington Ave., Hartford. 297. CHARLES 8 CLARENCE NORTH (John 7 D., Royal 6 F., Thomas 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of John Denton and Sarah (Stevens) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., Dec. 25, 1862. He married OLIVE SPENCER COOPER, born at Geneseo, 111., Sept. 5, 1867. Mr. North is a carpenter and contractor and resides at 1170 25th St., Moline, 111. Children: 439. i. CLARENCE ARTHUR, b. at Rock Island, 111., Mar. 9, 1891. ii. SARAH JANET, b. at Moline, 111., Oct. 1, 1900. iii. BENJAMIN FREDERIC, b. at Moline, 111., Sept. 30, 1902. iv. CHARLES COOPER, b. at Moline, 111., Aug. 28, 1906. 298. OLIVER 8 MORTON NORTH John 7 D., Royal 6 F., Thomas 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of John Denton and Sarah (Stevens) North, was born at North's Land- ing, Ohio Co., Ind., May 17, 1865. He married Aug. 24, 1892, BERTHA J. COWLEY who was born at Joslyn, 111., Nov. 25, 1872, and died at Moline, 111., July 19, 1917. Mr. North is a carpenter and resides at 2610 5th Ave., Moline, 111. Children, b. at Moline: i. RUTH MARIE, b. July 18, 1894; m. May 26, 1913, FRED A. SPURGEON. ii. VERNA MAY, b. April 8, 1900; m. Sept. 26, 1918, CARL G. STRANDLUND. Child: Betty Louise, b. July 14, 1919. 299. JOHN 8 DENTON NORTH, JR. (John 7 D., Royal 6 F., Thomas 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of John Denton, Sr., and Sarah (Stevens) North), was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., April 20, 1869. He married Feb. 21, 1911, EMMA MINOLA ECKSTROM, and is engaged in farming at Strathmore, Alberta, Canada. They have besides 183 their daughter, one adopted son, John Denton North, Jr., born May 31, 1918. Child: i. ALBERTA MINOLA, b. May 21, 1912. 300. ROYAL 8 EARLY NORTH (Royal 7 F., George 6 W., Thomas b , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), only child of Royal Flint and Susan (McCarty) North, was born at Vicks- burg, Miss., Sept. 20, 1869. He married Feb. 3, 1892, KATIE Moss PINKSTON, who was born Mar. 15, 1870. He resides in his native town where he is a member of the firm of North, Jenkins and North Lumber Co., manufacturers of hardwood lumber and lathes. Children: 440. i. LINTON GLOVER, b. May 14, 1893. ii. CECIL MAY, b. and d. Aug. 19, 1902. 301. VINTON 8 McCARTY NORTH (Walter 7 V., George 9 W., Thomas 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Walter Vinton and Alice (Douglas) North, was born Feb. 14, 1878. He married . Children: i. MERLE. ii. HALBERT. iii. EDITH. 302. NORMAN 8 GUY NORTH (Czar 7 P., Guy 6 , Seth*, Timothy*, Thomas 5 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Czar Peter and Epeline (Holmes) North, was born at Elba, Orleans Co., N. Y., Jan. 15, 1828, and died . He married Dec. 22, 1852, ABBIE H. WRIGHT of Lockport, N. Y. They resided at Cedar Rapids, Boone Co., Neb. Children: i. KATE ELIZA, b. at Cambria, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1853; m. Oct. 3, 1874, T. T. BUTLER of Loda, 111. Residence (1919), Fairflax, Mo. ii. ANNA EPPAULJNA, b. at Marathon, Mich., July 10, 1856; m. Oct. 3, 1883, WILLIAM C. BURCHSTED. Residence (1919), Brush, Colo. 441. iii. CHARLES WRIGHT, b. at Loda, HI., Sept. 29, 1863; d. Dec. 13, 1914. 184 303. DR. NELSON 8 LUTHER NORTH (Czar 7 P., Guy\ Seth 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Czar Peter and Epeline (Holmes) North, was born at Elba, Orleans Co., N. Y., April 20, 1830, and died . He married SUSAN KENNEDY. In 1854 he graduated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, and practised medicine for many years in that city and Brooklyn. Children : 442. i. JEREMIAH A., b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1849; d. April 30, 1911. ii. WILLAKD PARKER, b. 1860; d. 1871. 443. iii. NELSON LUTHER, b. at Brooklyn, April 26, 1865. iv. ABRALA S., m. (1) DR. BARDWELL; (2) D. BUTLER PRATT of Howard University, Washington, D. C. 304. EDWIN 8 DELOIS NORTH (Czar 7 P., Guy*, Seth 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Czar Peter and Epeline (Holmes) North, was born Mar. 1, 1834. He married June 15, 1880, EMILY D. WHITE. He was a farmer and was living in 1893 at Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Child: i. ARTHUR, b. Sept. 25, 1881. 305. CHARLES 8 ADDISON NORTH (Levi 7 , Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Levi and Arriminta (Howard) North, was born near Freemington, Effing- ham Co., 111., Nov. 14, 1838, and died near Mill Creek, Utah, Jan. 31, 1906. He married Jan. 27, 1861, ALBERTINE J. BAT- TLESEN. Mr. North was a merchant at Mill Creek, Utah. Children: 444. i. CHARLES LEVI, b. Oct. 25, 1861; d. April 20, 1891. 445. ii. JOHN ADDISON, b. at Mill Creek, Utah, Sept. 9, 1863. 446. iii. HYRUM KING, b. at Mill Creek, Utah, Sept. 5, 1865. iv. ALBERTINE ARRIMINTA, b. Dec. 22, 1867; d. 1886. v. ALICE ALMIRA, b. Jan. 9, 1869; m. Jan. 16, 1890, JACOB GIB- SON. vi. ADA ALVIRA, b. Jan. 9, 1869 (twin); d. Nov. 15, 1887. vii. LEVONA DIANNA, b. June 27, 1872; m. June 22, 1893, WILLIAM H. STOUT, b. Oct. 10, 1863. Residence, Murray, Utah. Children: (1) Levona Dean, b. June 22, 1894; m. May 19, 1917, Leslie Palmer. (2) Glen William, b. June 16, 1896. (3) Lillie Josephine, b. Sept. 20, 1898. (4) Ada Alvira, b. Sept. 18, 1900; d. Nov. 22, 1915. (5) Viola, b. Oct. 14, 1902. 185 (6) Louise, b. June 9, 1905. (7) Alta, b. Feb. 13, 1909; d. Mar. 1, 1909. (8) Western Hosea, b. July 12, 1910. viii. MELINDA, b. April 15, 1874; d. Dec. 6, 1887. ix. LILLY ANN, b. Mar. 1, 1876; m. Sept. 13, 1899, GEORGE S. SPENCER. Residence, Paris, Idaho. Children: (1) Lilly Pearl, b. Jan. 28, 1901. (2) Wendell George, b. June 30, 1905. (3) Ruby, b. July 7, 1907. (4) Wayne Mondell, b. Feb. 19, 1910. (5) Paul North, b. Mar. 22, 1914. (6) J. Bennion, b. Oct. 19, 1915. x. NELLIE JOSEPHINE, b. at Mill Creek, Feb. 17, 1879; m. April 23, 1903, HYRUM BENNION, JR., b. at Taylorsville, Utah, April 13, 1879. Residence, Murray, Utah. Children: (1) Harold N., b. Feb. 20, 1904. (2) Everett N., b. July 21, 1905. (3) Daisy N., b. July 25, 1907. (4) Hyrum C. N., b. Dec. 25, 1910. (5) Verna N., b. Mar. 9, 1913. (6) Le Grand N,, b. Oct. 17, 1916. xi. EMILY DESERETTE (DAISY), b. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 18, 1881; m. at Salt Lake City, Oct. 26, 1905, ALPHEUS ROCK- WOOD who was b. Dec. 28, 1874. Residence (1920), Salt Lake City. Children: (1) Lee North, b. Dec. 18, 1907. (2) Ellis North, b. Nov. 29, 1909. (3) Olive North, b. Dec. 4, 1911. 306. HYRUM 8 BENNETT NORTH (Levi\ Sydney 6 , Lot*, Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Levi and Arriminta (Howard) North, was born in Lee Co., la., Dec. 16, 1840, and died May 28, 1915. He married (1) Dec. 31, 1861, LEAH R., daughter of John R. and Mary (Miles) Davis of Ebb- wale, South Wales. She died Dec. 20, 1919. (2) April 5, 1869, PRISCILLA JANE, daughter of Harrison and Mary Ann (McNutt) Blair. She was born in Adams Co., 111., Feb. 16, 1853. Mr. North went to Utah in 1852 with the Robert Wimmer Company, and settled at Salt Lake City and Charleston, where he engaged in farming and dairying. During the Civil War he enlisted in the Utah Volunteer Cavalry. Children, by first wife: i. LEVI, b. and d. Nov. 22, 1863. ii. ELIZABETH, b. and d. Nov. 22, 1863 (twin), iii. HYRUM THOMAS, b. Nov. 8, 1864; d. Nov. 14, 1864. iv. CHARLES DAVID, b. Oct. 5, 1865; d. Mar. 12, 1867. v. AMOS, b. April 5, 1867; d. April 7, 1867. vi. MARY ARRIMINTA, b. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 13, 1868; m. Jan. 30, 1889, CHARLES NEILSON, who d. Sept. 13, 1905. They resided at Holliday. Children: (1) Charles L., b. 186 Sept. 23, 1889. (2) Hyrum Perry, b. June 25, 1891. (3) Joseph C., b. Sept. 16, 1894. (4) Erma A. b. Mar. 25, 1900. (5) Franklin Dioight, b. July 29, 1902. 447. vii. MERABI FRANKLIN, b. Sept. 3, 1870; d. April 15, 1909. viii. LEAH ALWILDA, b. Sept. 15, 1872; d. Jan. 22, 1882. ix. MALINDA JANE, b. Dec. 1, 1873; m. June 2, 1893, PETER SORENSEN. Residence, Holliday, Utah. Children: (1) Leah J., b. Mar. 16, 1894. (2) Grace N., b. Oct. 1, 1895. (3) Alden C., b. Oct. 24, 1897. (4) Rudger V., b. Sept. 13, 1899. (5) Alwilda J., b. July 30, 1902. (6) Mary E., b. July 11, 1904. (7) Roland B., b. Sept. 6, 1908. (8) Duward S., b. Aug. 7, 1910. (9) Malon D., b. Sept. 11, 1915. (10) Edith L., b. Sept. 11, 1915. (11) Willis L., b. May 19, 1916. x. PHEBE A., b. Nov. 30, 1875; d. April 23, 1910; m. Nov. 2, 1898, GEORGE W. DAYBELL of Charleston, Utah. Children: (1) Leo Glenn, b. Jan., 1900; d. Jan., 1901. (2) Inez, b. Dec. 25, 1901. (3) Rhea, b. Nov. 21, 1904. (4) Russell, b. July 5, 1908. 448. xi. PERRY DAVIS, b. May 19, 1877. xii. EUNICE ANN, b. Aug. 26, 1878; d. Feb. 12, 1882. xiii. MARTHA A., b. Jan. 29, 1883; m. Sept. 13, 1905, ROBERT DAYBELL. Residence, Charleston, Utah. Children: (1) Verda, b. May 28, 1906. (2) Bernice, b. Aug. 11, 1909. (3) Eva, b. Aug. 13, 1911. (4) Lavour Miles, b. Nov. 4, 1913. (5) Theo Carlile, b. Oct. 14, 1916. (6) Lloyd Keith, b. Mar. 25, 1919. By second wife: 449. xiv. WILLIAM HARRISON, b. May 14, 1870. xv. WEBSTER HOWARD, b. July 21, 1872; d. May 27, 1902. 450. xvi. ARTHUR MORMON, b. May 30, 1874. 451. xvii. ASHAEL ALBERT, b. July 2, 1876. xviii. MILTON BLAIR, b. Sept. 27, 1878; unm. xix. EDITH PRISCILLA, b. Feb. 16, 1881 ; unm. Residence, Charles- ton, Utah. xx. ALMA, b. and d. Jan. 22, 1883. xxi. GEORGE ADDISON, b. July 23, 1884; d. 1885. xxii. ROYAL EXILE, b. Aug. 29, 1886; d. Sept. 8, 1898. 452.xxiii. WARREN LYMAN, b. Aug. 22, 1888. 453. xxiv. LORIN HARVEY, b. April 4, 1890. 307. LEVI 8 HOWARD NORTH (lem 1 , Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Tim- othy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, third son of Levi and Amminta (Howard) North, was born Nov. 6, 1846, and was drowned July 1, 1878, in the Green River in southeastern Utah, while with an exploring party bound for Arizona. He married Jan. 187 11, 1869, ANN MARIAH MORGAN, who now resides at Salt Lake City, Utah, with her children. Children : 454. i. LEVI MORGAN, b. at Mill Creek, Utah, Jan. 17, 1870. 455. ii. CLARENCE, b. at Mill Creek, Utah, Jan. 19, 1876. 308. MERARP NORTH (Lev?, Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Levi and Arriminta (Howard) North, was born in Harrison Co., la., Jan. 14, 1852, and married Jan. 4, 1875, QUEEN E. JACKSON, who was born in Atlanta, Ga., and died Oct. 20, 1917. Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah. Children, b. in Salt Lake Co., Utah: i. LESTER F., b. Nov. 9, 1878; unm. During the World War served two years in France and Germany as a corporal. Participated in the battles of Chateau Thierry and the Ar- gonne, and was with the Army of Occupation on the Rhine, ii. ELMER, b. Dec. 20, 1881, unm. iii. HAZEL Q., b. Oct. 10, 1887. iv. ALTA GENE, b. Aug. 19, 1897. 309. EDWIN 8 EMERSON NORTH (Lot 7 , Abijah 6 , Lot 6 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Lot North and his first wife Rhoda A. Emerson, was born May 17, 1846, and died Jan. 21, 1917. He married at Patriot, Ind., April 30, 1877, CATHARINE GERTRUDE HUMPHREY, who was born at Egypt Bottom, near Patriot, Ind., April 29, 1857. Mr. North was an engineer. Children : i. CLARA, b. at Egypt Bottom, Sept. 20, 1878; m. at Patriot, Ind., Dec. 26, 1900, HARRY FORD DAVIS. Child: William Ford, b. Feb. 12, 1904; d. Mar. 15, 1906. ii, GLENN WORTHINGTON, b. at Egypt Bottom, Sept. 14, 1880; m. at Rising Sun, Ind., Mar. 2, 1904, ELIZABETH COLES, b. at Rising Sun, May 11, 1884. Contractor at Champaign, 111. No children. iii. KATHERINE, b. at Patriot, Ind., Sept. 20, 1890; m. at Rising Sun, Ind., Nov. 6, 1912, WILLIAM BENNETT HARRIS, JR. iv. CHRISTINE, b. at Patriot, Ind., Feb. 15, 1893. v. EDWINA, b. at Patriot, Ind., April 16, 1895; m. at Rising Sun, Ind., July 4, 1914, JOHN E. BAKES. 188 310. WILLIAM 8 FOSTER NORTH ((Lot 7 , Abijah*, Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Lot North and his first wife Rhoda A. Emerson, was born July 25, 1848, and died Jan. 17, 1902. He married at Patriot, Switzerland Co., Ind., Dec. 30, 1873, ABBIE ALICE HUMPHREY, who was born near Patriot, Sept. 16, 1855. Children, b. in or near Patriot, Ind. : 456. i. CORNELIUS HUMPHREY, b. Jan. 12, 1875. ii. EMERSON ARTHUR, b. Feb. 14, 1880; m. at Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1911, EDNA SCHWARM. No children. He is a physician, and is superintendent of Longview Hospital, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. 457. iii. ORVILLE JACOB HARRIS, b. Aug. 8, 1882. iv. JANE MARGARET, b. April 18, 1885. Teacher of domestic science, English and agriculture at Rising Sun, Ind. v. WILLIAM GIFFORD, b. June 23, 1890; m. at Clarksburg, Ind., Nov. 12, 1913, ETHEL DOLES. No children. With the Ferro- Concrete Construction Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 311. ALBERT 8 LOT NORTH (Lof, AbijaW, Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Lot North by his second wife Sarah Hough, was born Oct. 28, 1860. He married at Patriot, Ind., CLARA HARRIS NORTH, who was born Feb. 28, 1860. Mr. North was a tinner, but is now retired, having farms and other interests. Residence (1919), Patriot, Ind. Children, b. at Patriot, Ind. : i. SARAH KENNEDY, b. Nov. 24, 1886; m. at Patriot, June 14, 1914, REV. JOHN FRANKLIN EDWARDS. Residence (1919), Logansport, Ind. ii. LUCILLE HARRIS, b., Feb. 3, 1893. 312. PINCKNEY 8 ALLISON NORTH (Wilson 1 , Abijah 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Wilson North, by his second wife Melinda Marble, was born in Ohio Co., Ind., May 18, 1843, and died at Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 22, 1885, from illness contracted during service in the Union Army, where he enlisted at the age of sixteen, in Company G, 17th Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corps, under Lieut-Col. John H. Garwin. He was discharged July 14, 1865, and the following year married in Indiana, JOHANNA, daughter of Andreas and Dorothea Bauman. She died at Indianapolis, Mar. 23, 1909. Mr. North was a farmer near Indianapolis. 189 Children, b. in Indianapolis: i. MELINDA, b. Sept. 15, 1872; m. at Jersey City, N. J., in 1888, GEORGE F. McCABE of St. Louis, Mo., who d. Dec. 17, 1917, aged 52. Professionally known as May McCabe, she was a well known actress in many legitimate productions including "On Trial," "The Silent Witness," "Oh Boy!" and (1920) in "Adam and Eva." Children: (1) Clyde A. N., b. 1891; m. 1910, Virginia Irwin. He is an actor, having created parts in many well known recent plays. (2) Bernice, b. 1898; m. Dec. 21, 1914, Frank C. Moore, who d. Dec. 28, 1918. Mrs. Moore plays (1920) a leading part in the New York musical comedy success "Irene." ii. ELIZABETH OLIVE, b. April 1, 1884; m. in New York City, May 15, 1918, LEON DE COSTA, who was b. at Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 26, 1883, and who during the World War served in the A. E. F., May 6, 1917, to April 3, 1919, in 105th Field Artillery, 27th Div. (Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel, Bois de Forge). He is now secretary and treasurer of the Metropole Theatrical Enterprises, Inc., New York, and is a composer of many well-known popular songs. Mrs. De Costa, before her marriage, was first prima donna at the New York Hippo- drome for three years, and also prima donna in "Brewster's Millions," "A Knight for a Day," "Over the River" (with Eddie Foy), "Prince of Pilsen," and others. She then de- voted her time to concert and phonograph work. No children. 313. JAMES 8 MADISON NORTH (Wilson 7 , Abijah 6 , Lot*, Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Wilson North by his second wife Melinda Marble, was born in Ohio Co., Ind., Jan. 7, 1845. He married at Rising Sun, Ind., June 3, , SARAH, daughter of John and Polly (Miller) Courtney. She was born in Ohio Co., Ind., and died there Oct. 21, 1879. Children, b. in Ohio Co., Ind. : 458. i. JAMES OLIVER, b. April 24, 1866. ii. ALICE MAY, b. Aug. 15, 1870; m. in Switzerland Co., Ind., Dec. 18, 1888, SIMEON Mix. Residence, Indianapolis, Ind. Children: (1) James Henry. (2) Anna Olive, b. Dec. 23, 1892; m. Feb. 6, 1912, James Holder. (3) Edna May, b. April 19, 1896; m. Everett Truitt. (4) Oscar S., b. Nov. 23, 1903. iii. ANNA LAURA, b. June 28, 1872; m. at Rising Sun, Ind., June 28, 1898, BERT CONYERS. Residence, 709 E. High St., Port- land, Ind. Children: (1) North LeRoy, b. Mar. 6, 1890. (2) Armina Elizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1901. (2) Hilda May, b. July 9, 1905. (4) Ralph Whitney, b. May 28, 1909. (5) Marjorie Grace, b. Oct. 2, 1913. 190 314. EDWIN 8 BYRON NORTH (Rufus\ Lew\ Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, second son of Rufus and Avarilla (Jones) North, was born in Missouri, June 10, 1857, and married at Paynes Creek, near Red Bluff, Calif., May 27, 1884, LEONORA MILDRED MARTIN, born in Shasta Co., Calif., July 13, 1863. Mr. North is a farmer and resides (1919) at Vacaville, Calif. Children: i. MABY MILDRED, b. at Red Bluff, Mar. 31, 1885; m. Aug. 15, 1913, WILLIAM RAY of Red Bluff. No children, ii. EDWIN CORAL, b. near Magalia, Butte Co., Calif., May 3, 1887. Enlisted U. S. Army Feb. 18, 1913. Served three years in Honolulu, one year on the Mexican border, among the first to go to France, serving there two years, and was wounded and badly gassed. Resides San Jose, Calif. 459. Hi. DAVIS ALVY, b. at Paradice, Butte Co., Calif., Aug. 21, 1888. 460. iv. GARNIE LEONE, b. near Oroville, Butte Co., Calif., Sept. 18, 1891. v. BULA MAY, b. at Red Bluff, Calif., May 1, 1895; m. at Los Flores, near Red Bluff, Aug. 10, 1919, G. A. ROBBINS. vi. BESSIE JUNE, b. at Red Bluff, June 25, 1898; m. at Oroville, Calif., Feb. 6, 1916, CHARLES DAY of Paradice, Calif. She d. at Ashland, Ore., June 11, 1919. vii. ROBERT FIFE, b. at Red Bluff, Oct. 14, 1903. 315. DAVIS 8 BEAUREGARD NORTH (Rufus 7 , Levi\ Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel*, John 1 ), third son of Rufus and Avarilla (Jones) North, was born in Missouri, Aug. 27, 1861, and married (1) at Magalia, Butte Co., Calif., LOTTIE MAY McDowELL, born near Magalia May 25, 1867, died Feb. 17, 1888. He married (2) at Gridley, Butte Co., Calif., EVA HASTY, born at Magalia, June 12, 1862. Mr. North resides at Pitts- burg, Contra Costa Co., Calif., where he owns a drug store. Children, by second wife: i. DAVIS BEAUREGARD, JR., b. at Paradice, Calif., Nov. 6, 1889; died June 29, 1890. ii. VELMA EULALIE, b. at Fortunata, Humboldt Co., Calif., Sept. 23, 1894; m. at Pittsburgh, Calif., July 15, 1917, ALBERT JOHN EVANS of Cardiff, Wales, b. May 13, 1880. Children: (1) Lloyd George, b. May 24, 1918. (2) Eva Eulalie, b. May 11,1919. iii. CECIL MORRIS, b. at Fortunata, Calif., April 8, 1900; d. Nov. 7, 1900. 191 316. EARLY 8 BENJAMIN NORTH (Henry 7 , Levi, Lofi, Timothy 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Henry and Jane (Mclntosh) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., July 18, 1862. He married Dec. 27, 1890, OLIVE B. SATCHWILL and is a farmer at Patriot, Ohio Co., Ind. Children; i. VERENA G., b. Dec. 2, 1891; d. July 28, 1894. ii. HALLIE M., b. Sept. 28, 1893; m. Mar. 22, 1916, CALVIN G. RYLE. Child: Hazel Marie, b. Dec. 23, 1919. iii. MARY BERNICE, b. June 20, 1895; m. Dec. 29, 1915, FRED SCHWADE. iv. DALE BEARD, b. Mar. 23, 1897; m. Mar. 6, 1919, ANNA EDRINGTON. v. BESSIE LAVINIA, b. June 17, 1899. 317. CLYDE 8 O. NORTH (Henry 7 , LevP, Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Henry and Jane (Mc- lntosh) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., May 13, 1873. He married at Warsaw, Ky., Feb. 22, 1899, EMMA SATCHWILL. He is engaged in farming at Patriot, Ohio Co., Ind. Children : i. LILLIAN, b. June 27, 1900. ii. KENNETH, b. Jan. 22, 1903. iii. HAZEL, b. Oct. 23, 1904. iv. PAULINE, b. Dec. 31, 1906. v. DOROTHY, b. Dec. 22, 1910. 318. C. HAYES 8 NORTH (Henry 7 , Levi, Lo$, Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Henry and Jane Mclntosh) North, was born at North's Landing, Ohio Co., Ind., Sept. 4, 1876. He married Feb. 7, 1912, EVALINE WRITTEN, born June 13, 1887, and is a farmer at Patriot, Ohio Co., Ind. Children: i. ELSIE GERALDINE, b. Aug. 1, 1913. ii. RUTH EVALTNE, b. April 10, 1915. 319. IRA 8 LEVI NORTH (Nathan 7 , H,, Levi 6 , Lot 5 , Timo- thy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Nathan H. and America (Searcy) North, was born at North's Landing, Ind., 192 Dec. 31, 1860. He married Oct. 7, 1885, GRACE LOSTUTTER. Until 1919 he kept a store with his brother Benjamin Grant North at North's Landing, and now resides at Rising Sun, Ind. Children, b. at North's Landing: i. EDITH EDNA, b. July 22, 1886; m. July 30, 1918, HOWARD H. TORBENCE. Residence, Champaign, 111. 461. ii. SAMUEL NATHAN, b. June 29, 1888. iii. HUBERT WARD, b. July 1, 1892; unm. Resides (1919) at Rising Sun, Ind. Served in Company C, 115th Infantry, A. E. F., in France during the European War, 1917-18. Pro- moted to sergeant. 320. BENJAMIN 8 GRANT NORTH (Nathan 7 , H., Levi*, Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Nathan H. and America (Searcy) North, was born at North's Landing, near Rising Sun, Ind., Aug. 10, 1863. He married in 1895 DELLA G. WAINSCOTT. He resides (1919) at Rising Sun, Ind., where he is engaged in business. Until 1919 he and his brother Ira L. North, under the name of North Bros., kept a store at North's Landing. Children, b. at North's Landing: i. DELLA PEARL, b. July 12, 1900. ii. GERTRUDE GRANT, b. Dec. 6, 1907. 321. JOHN 8 HENRY NORTH (Fountain 7 , Henry 6 T. y Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John*), oldest son of Foun- tain and Sarah (Peterson) North, was born at Louisville, Ky., July 21, 1845. He married (1) at Kansas City, Mo., CALIFORNIA RIGGINS, by whom he had four children; (2) at Kansas City, FANNIE M. SPEARS, by whom he had six children. He resides (1920) at 3532 Michigan Ave., Kansas City, Mo., where he established a furniture business. Children, by first wife: 462. i. PIERCE R. ii. NELLIE LOUISE, m. . Residence, Kansas City. iii. CHARLES R. m. HALLIE WEBER. No children. Residence, Kansas City, iv. BENJAMIN FOUNTAIN, d. in infancy. By second wife: 463. v. HARRY B. 464. vi. EDWARD SCARRETT. vii. MARIAN, m. , and resides in Kansas City. 193 465. viii. THOMAS SPEARS. 466. ix. JOHN HENRY, JR. x. LUCILLE, m. and resides in Kansas City. 322. FOUNTAIN 8 NORTH, JR. (Fountain 7 , Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Fountain and Sarah (Peterson) North, was born at Louisville, Ky., May 26, 1847. He married MARY WORMALD of Jefferson- ville, Ind. His family resides at Boonville, Mo. Children: i. JENNIE. ii. MARY. iii. SALLIE. iv. BURCH. 323. JAMES 8 SMALL NORTH (Fountain 7 , Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ) third son of Foun- tain and Sarah (Peterson) North, was born at Louisville, Ky., Feb. 7, 1851. He married MAMIE ARNOT of St. Louis, Mo. Residence, Kansas City, Mo. Children : 467. i. ARNOT. ii. MATHER, unm. (1921). iii. CHESTER, unm. (1921). iv. CAROLYN, unm. (1921). 324. BENJAMIN 8 HENRY NORTH (Joseph 7 T., Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Joseph and Sally (North) North, was born near Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky., Aug. 24, 1846, and married Mar. 12, 1872, MARY JANE GRIFFIN, who was born in Gallatin Co., Ky., April 22, 1854. They reside (1919) at Madison, Ind., and are both members of the Methodist Church. Children, b. in Gallatin Co., Ky. i. NANNIE ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 12, 1872; m. April 30, 1899, CLARENCE OMER WILEY, who was b. Sept. 25, 1869. Chil- dren: (1) Geraldine Agnes, b. April 5, 1907. (2) Paul North, b. Nov. 7, 1910. (3) Percifer Gayle, b. Sept. 19, 1912. ii. FLORA JANE, b. Sept. 24, 1874; m. Jan. 28, 1894, JOHN H. RICKETTS, who was b. Sept. 14, 1873. Children: (1) Bessie L., b. Nov. 6, 1894; m. July 21, 1915, Edward M. Hager of Coif ax, 111. (2) Bernice M., b. May 30, 1898; m. April 22 14 194 1916, Lloyd C. McCreary. (3) Eunice N., b. July 31, 1900. (4) Rodney King, b. July 2, 1904. (5) Pansy C., b. Mar. 20, 1912. iii. JOHN THOMAS, b. July 26, 1876; unm. Served in the TJ. S. Army from May, 1899, to August, 1900. Is now a United States postal clerk. 325. RODNEY 8 KING NORTH (Joseph 7 T., Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 5 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Joseph T. and Sally (North) North, was born near Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky., Dec. 20, 1850, and died at Patriot, Ohio Co., Ind., Aug. 5, 1920. He married April 8, 1884, AMELIA CARVER, daughter of Oliver and Frances Carver. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Child: i. ANGIE BEAL, b. Mar. 4, 1885; d. Nov. 27, 1895. 326. CONSTANTINE 8 THADDEUS NORTH (Henry 7 B., Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Col. Henry Ballard and Elizabeth (Rogers) North, was born at Brooks, Bullitt Co., Ky., Jan. 21, 1858, and married Nov. 24, 1880, MILDRED L. WHITE. Residence (1920), 121 East 21st St., Pittsburg, Kans. Children: i. LOTTIE VIOLA, b. at Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 5, 1882; m. J. F. CAMPBELL of Louisville, Ky. Children: Clyde, Constantine, Jewell, Mable, Ruby. ii. MABLE D., b. at Hume, Mo., Feb. 18, 1885; m. at Pine Bluff, Ark., Oct. 31, 1903, JOEL V. NETTLES. iii. EDNA LEE, b. Mar. 10, 1888; m. at Pittsburg, Kans., 1906, D.W.MAWSON. Child: Mildred. iv. GENEVIEVE, b. at Frankfort, Ky., Oct. 15, 1895; m. May 28, 1913, GEORGE ARTHUR SHULTZ, who d. Dec. 18, 1913. Resi- dence, Pittsburg, Kans. Child: Harold. v. BETTIE DURHAM, b. at Hume, Mo., Nov. 4, 1896; m. Oct. 22, 1918, MARION C. WALKER. Residence, Pittsburg, Kans. 327. WALTER 8 B. NORTH (Henry 7 B., Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 5 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Col. Henry Ballard and Elizabeth (Rogers) North, was born at. Brooks, Bullitt Co., Ky., Sept. 22, 1864, and married at Kings- ville, Ontario, Canada, May 26, 1890, MRS. LORRAINE (WIGLE) WHITESIDES, born at Kingsville, Sept. 25, 1855, daughter of 195 Peter J. and Jane (Bertrand) Wigle. Mr. North died at Wind- sor, Ontario, Nov. 20, 1897, and Mrs. North now lives at Mar- shall, Mich. Children : i. RUSSELL BROOKS, b. at Windsor, Ontario, Sept. 10, 1892; m. at Windsor, Ontario, May 20, 1915, RUTH PECK, b. at Linden, Mich., Aug. 18, 1898. Residence, Windsor, Ont. ii. ELLA PAULINE, b. at Ypsilanti, Mich., July 28, 1894; d. at Windsor, Ontario, May 20, 1915. 328. LEWIS 8 ROGERS NORTH (Henry" 1 B., Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John*), seventh son of Col. Henry Ballard and Elizabeth (Rogers) North, was born at Brooks, Ky., April 19, 1873, and married at Harrisonville, Mo., Feb. 24, 1898, ADA NORA, daughter of James H. and Deltha (Dalton) McAnally. She was born at Belton, Mo., Nov. 18, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. North reside (1920) at 326 N. Quincy St., Kansas City, Mo. Child: i. EVELYN ROSE, b. at Pittsburg, Kans., Feb. 1, 1901; m. at Kansas City, Mo., June 28, 1919, JOHN EDGAR HERRIOTT, who was b. July 18, 1900. They reside at Kansas City. 329. WILLIAM 8 WALLACE NORTH (Theodore 7 , Henry*, Abijah*, Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Theo- dore and Eliza (Scott) North, was born in Gallatin Co., Ky., Oct. 9, 1859, and married June 4, 1891, MARY, daughter of George Chamblin, born in Carroll Co., Ky., Jan. 9, 1865. Mr. North is a farmer in Carroll Co. Child: i. HARRY CHAMBLIN, b. in Carroll Co., Ky., Mar. 3, 1892. Re- sides with his father. 330. THEODORE 8 NORTH, JR. (Theodore 7 , Henry 6 , Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Theo- dore and Eliza (Scott) North, was born in Carroll Co., Ky., Nov. 6, 1874, and married Oct. 24, 1900, JOSEPHINE E., daugh- ter of Dr. N. C. Brown, bora hi Carroll Co., May 21, 1874. Farmer in Carroll Co., Ky. Child: i. NICHOLAS THEODORE, b. in Carroll Co., Nov. 23, 1901. 196 331. ERASTUS 8 A. NORTH (James 7 , Joseph*, Isaac 5 , Isaac?, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of James and Abigail (Morse) North, was born at Berlin, Nov. 2, 1824, and died Mar. 5, 1897. He married May 23, 1853, ELIZA J. COOKE, who was born July 22, 1835, and died Sept. 19, 1910. They lived in Berlin. Children, b. at Berlin: 468. i. JAMES H., b. May 21, 1854. ii. ELMER E., b. June 20, 1856; d. June 14, 1860. 469. iii. BURTON W., b. Feb. 6, 1867. iv. MANTON, b. Aug. 2, 1869. Resides (1920) in Berlin. 332. ALSON 8 NORTH (Alien*, Joseph*, Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Allen and Charity (Sage) North, was born at Sharon in 1815, and died at Water- bury, Dec. 23, 1863. He married Nov. 26, 1843, HARRIET, daughter of Jabez and Irene (Reed) Baldwin of Cornwall. They resided in Sharon. Children: i. HATTIE JOSEPHINE, b. Jan. 17, 1851; m. Oct. 6, 1872, AMAND- LEY J. BUELL, and resides (1919) at 202 Lexington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: (1) Lillian May, b. Sept. 2, 1873; m. Mar. 29, 1896, Frederick A. Morro. (2) Minnie Estelle, b. Nov. 14, 1876; m. June 15, 1898, Alfred P. Thomas. (3) George Alson, b. April 15, 1880; m. May 15, 1904, Cath- arine Tierney. (4) Viola Elizabeth, b. April 23, 1883; m. Aug. 7, 1904, Walter L. Milnor. (5) Hattie Minnette, b. Mar. 2, 1886; m. Sept. 5, 1915, William R. Wilkins. (6) Amandley b. June 2, 1889; d. Mar. 12, 1891. (7) Adele Florence, b. Mar. 12, 1893; m. April 2, 1916, Hugh M. Reed. 470. ii. CHARLES ALSON DUANE, b. Nov. 12, 1856. 333. PHILIP 8 NORTH (Alien 7 , Joseph 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Allen and Charity (Sage) North, was born at Sharon. He married MARY PECK. They resided in Sharon. He died April 15, 1920. Children: i. ELNORA, b. Aug. 12, 1851; m. FRED C. TURNER. Resides in Plantsville, Conn, ii. ESTELLE, m. . 197 iii. GILLIE, m. . iv. IDA, d. young. v. WILLIAM, d. at Berlin about 1878, from burns received in an explosion. vi. HENRY A., m. Oct. 17, 1895, BELLE L. THOMPSON. Resi- dence, Meriden. Child: Elsie Parker, b. Feb. 23, 1903. 334. JOHN 8 NORTH (Lyman 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Lyman and Lucy (Cowles) North, was born Dec. 17, 1817, and died Sept. 26, 1872. He married Sept. 29, 1842, SARAH ANN TAYLOR of Kings Creek, Ohio. She died May 23, 1914, aged 88. Children: 471. i. THOMAS MELVIN, b. Dec. 3, 1843; d. May 7, 1914. 472. ii. LYMAN MADISON, b. May 14, 1847; d. April 5, 1917. iii. SOLOMON COLE, d. aged 6 months. 473. iv. HIRAM CAREY, b. Aug. 9, 1853. 474. v. DAVID E., b. Oct. 26, 1857. 475. vi. ALVIN C., b. Oct. 20, 1860. 335. ORRIN 8 NORTH (Lyman'', Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John*), second son of Lyman and Lucy (Cowles) North, was born at Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio, Oct. 22, 1827, and married July 26, 1853, SARAH DIANA KLEIN, who was born at New Hampshire, Auglaize Co., Ohio, Oct. 12, 1835, and died April 15, 1909. Orrin North was engaged in the mercantile business in Wapa- koneta, Ohio, removing later to a farm in Auglaize Co., where he resided until a short time before his death on Aug. 16, 1916, at New Hampshire, Ohio, where he was engaged in the elevator business. Children, born in or near New Hampshire, Auglaize Co., Ohio: i. THERESA, b. Nov. 13, 1854; m. July 10, 1878, LEON LEVI. Residence, 754 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, 111. Children: Edgar, Charles, Aida, Lucy. ii. LEAH ETNA, b. Jan. 4, 1859; resides at New Hampshire, Ohio; unm. iii. CHARLES, b. Dec. 20, 1861; d. Feb. 20, 1864. iv. HARRIET LOUISE, b. July 20, 1864; d. Sept. 25, 1885. v. JAMES E. b. Dec. 31, 1866; m. Oct. 23, 1886, NETTIE GABY, and is in the mercantile business at New Hampshire, Ohio. One son, Edgar, d. in infancy. vi. EUGENE C., b. Mar. 6, 1871; unm.; engaged in elevator busi- ness in Auglaize Co., Ohio. 198 vii. THEODORA, b. Dec. 28, 1872; m. Jan. 6, 1892, DR. WESLEY L. NEVILLE, and resides at 124 S. Metcalf St., Lima, Ohio. Children: (1) Carl H,, b. 1896. (2) Wesley L., Jr. b. 1910. viii. MARY ETHLYN, b. June 21, 1879; m. Nov. 11, 1913, FLOYD OHLER. 336. ABEL 8 NORTH (Lyman 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Lyman and Lucy (Cowles) North, was born in Champaign Co., Ohio, July 26, 1832, and died Nov. 18, 1893. He married in 1854 ELIZABETH HERR, and engaged in farming on his father's place near Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio. Children: i. MARY FRANCES, b. Sept. 2, 1855; d. Nov. 9, 1917; m. ALBERT HUNTER. ii. LUCY J., b. Oct. 14, 1857; d. Feb. 12, 1902; m. JAMES S. EWING. iii. ADELAIDE, b. Jan. 8, 1860; m. Dec. 18, 1879, REV. JASPER N. FIELD, and resides at 1209 East 99 St., Cleveland, Ohio. Children: (1) Vinton Ernest. (2) Mary E., m. E. V. Foster. (3) Lois E. (4) Helen M., m. Harold E. Webster. (5) Eliza- beth, d. in infancy. iv. ADRE LENA, b. Jan. 8, 1860; d. July 21, 1873. v. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 8, 1862; d. June 18, 1879. 476. vi. CHARLES LYMAN, b. Dec. 27, 1863. vii. CORA B. b. Oct. 24, 1867; d. ; m. JOHN M. HAMILTON. viii. PRICE GRANT, b. Jan. 5, 1869; d. Mar. 3, 1875. 477. ix. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, b. April 21, 1870. x. BIRDIE M., b. Oct. 28, 1875; m. DAVID C. BRYANT. 337. EDWARD 8 BATES NORTH (Lyman 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 5 , Thomas*, John 1 ), youngest son of Lyman and Lucy (Cowles) North, was born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Jan. 10, 1838, and died at Columbia City, Ind., Nov. 21, 1918. He married in Champaign Co., Sept. 15, 1859, MARY C., daughter of Isaac and Sallie (Hougham) Mairs, natives of Pennsylvania. On Oct. 26, 1861, Mr. North volunteered for service in a company of Ohio Infantry under Capt. Daniel. He served eighteen months in the Civil War, and was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Richmond, Ky. He was later given a parole by Gen. Lee and sent to Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1864 he settled on a farm in Whitley Co., Ind., and in 1881 removed to Columbia City, Ind., where he followed the occupa- 199 tion of gravedigger, retiring at the age of 75 years, after having dug 766 graves. He was a charter member of the I. O. O. F. at Land, Ind., of the George W. Stoughton Post at Columbia City, and a member of the Baptist Church. In 1909 he and Mrs. North celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with their children and grandchildren. Mrs. North died Dec. 5, 1914. Children: i. LUCY ANN, b. in Champaign Co., Ohio, Nov. 24, 1859; m., 1st, at Columbia City, Ind. Nov. 11, 1880, MAKTIN AULTOM, who d. Feb. 2, 1883. Children: (1) Child, d. in infancy. (2) Rosa, b. 1882; d. 1895. She m., 2nd, ISAAC WILSON, and had Wilbur 0., b. May 22, 1890, m. Oct. 20, 1910, Goldie Hawn. She m., 3rd, June 11, 1894, PERRY LONG who d. Jan. 27, 1912, son of John Long, and had Clarence L., b. Mar. 12, 1895, m. July 26, 1915, Mina Corner. 478. ii. AARON CALVIN, b. in Champaign Co., Ohio, Jan. 3, 1861. iii. MARY ELIZABETH, b. in Whitiey Co., Ind., June 18, 1869; m. Aug. 16, 1888, JACOB M. KILLIAN. Residence, Columbia City, Ind. Children: (1) Stella /., d. aged 7. (2) Elden E., d. aged 2. (3) Mary Jane, b. Aug. 27, 1891; m. Walter Mosher. (4) Clelo Catherine, b. Nov. 11, 1895; m. Dec. 24, 1911, Russell L. Hawn. (5) Edward Manuel, b. Dec. 9, 1898. (6) Ralph Phillip, b. Oct. 28, 1900. (7) Goldie Sarah, b. May 27, 1903; m. Oct. 5, 1919, Clarice Mitchell. (8) Jacob Paul, b. July 22, 1905. (9) Carl Brenton, b. Oct. 11, 1909. iv. SALLIE EMALINE, b. in Whitiey Co., Ind., Oct. 29, 1871; m. May 18, 1889, HENRY GRANT PENCE, son of James S. and Catherine (Dinius) Pence. Residence, Larwill, Ind. Chil- dren: (1) Huldah Belle, b. Sept. 2, 1889; m. June 25, 1910, Reed A. Nolt. (2) Lee Russell, b. Mar. 10, 1892; m. Nov. 27, 1912, Anna Schroeder. (3) Lena May, b. Nov. 13, 1893. 338. ORRIN 8 LYMAN NORTH (John" 1 , Abel 6 , Isaac*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John and Har- riet (Cheney) North, was born at Berlin, Aug. 16, 1820, and died at Norwich, Aug. 26, 1894. He married at Berlin, Jan. 15, 1847, ELLEN , and lived in New Haven. Children, b. at New Haven: i. HARRIET MARIA, b. Feb., 1848; d. . ii. MARY ELLEN, b. Dec. 25, 1849; m. Oct. 13, 1873, EDWARD F. BARROWS, and resides (1919) at 4000 Fifth St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Children: (1) Eva G., b. Sept. 4, 1874; m. Doyle. (2) May F., b. May 18, 1876. (3) Edith E., b. July 200 25, 1879; m. W. F. JOHNSON. (4) Frederick L., b. Aug. 18, 1885. (5) Roy L., b. June 16, 1889. iii. MARGARET, b. Feb. 20, 1851; d. . iv. MATTHEW ISAAC, b. Jan. 10, 1854; d. in infancy. v. JOHN EDMUND, b. 1854. Resided in New Haven (1909). vi. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. April, 1859; d. 1864. 339. ISAAC 8 NORTH (John 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas' 2 , John 1 }, second son of John and Harriet (Cheney) North, was born at Berlin, Sept. 10, 1823, and died at Fenn- ville, Mich., July 11, 1913. He married June 14, 1847, ELIZA- BETH LOUNSBURY, who was born at Greenwich, July 21, 1820. They removed to Lee Center, 111., in 1857, then to Amboy, 111., and then lived for forty years in Chicago. Mr. North was a tinner by trade. Children, first three b. at Berlin, youngest in Lee Center, 111.: i. EMMA LOUISE, b. Mar. 31, 1848; d. at Belvidere, 111., May 10, 1903; m. Dec. 31, 1868, SAMUEL SMITH. Children: (1) Carrie Elma, b. Mar. 30, 1871; m. Aug. 30, 1890, George Elliott. (2) Edward North, b. Jan. 21, 1873; m. May 30, 1894, Retta Pickard. ii. CHARLES AUGUSTUS, b. Jan. 7, 1850; d. Oct. 7, 1901; m. Dec. 25, 1873, HARRIET LINN. Buried in Monterey, Mexico, where he lived for a while. Bookkeeper and banker. No children. iii. ANNA ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 17, 1856; m. Nov. 12, 1891, HENRY HOOK, and resides (1919) at 2884 Thomson Ave., Detroit, Mich. No children. 479. iv. WILLIAM HENRY, b. April 10, 1859, d. Dec. 25, 1904. 340. JOHN 8 NORTH (John 1 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), third son of John and Harriet (Cheney) North, was born at Berlin, Feb. 8, 1825, and died there Dec. 21, 1868. He married at Berlin, April 3, 1851, ABIGAIL MORGAN AUSTIN, who was born Aug. 4, 1833. They resided at Berlin. Children, b. at Berlin: 480. i. JOHN AUSTIN, b. July 13, 1852. ii. SARAH MARIA, b. Aug. 15, 1854; m. Nov., 1872, FREDERICK BIDWELL. They reside (1919) at Collinsville. Children: (1) Mary. (2) Albert F., m. Lena Hart. (3) Sarah A. (4) Isabelle. iii. MEDORA, b. Jan. 1, 1858; m. Dec. 13, 1882, DAVID W. BROOKS, b. Dec. 5, 1854, and resides (1919) at Gildersleeve. Children: (1) Henry 0. b. June 28, 1884; m. May 27, 1919, Jenny 201 Learson. (2) Edith J., b. April 20, 1889. (3) Ethel North, b. Mar. 5, 1890; m. George B. Smith. (4) Eunice Abigail, b. Aug. 26, 1898. 481. iv. LINDSLEY CALEB, b. Dec. 29, 1859. v. ALICE HALE, b. Dec. 14, 1861 ; m. Dec. 10, 1884, ARCHIBALD GOODRICH. 482. vi. FRANKLIN BILL, b. Feb. 19, 1867. 341. GIDEON 8 LEEDS NORTH (Selah 7 , Salmon 6 , Isaac 8 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Selah and Anna (Whipple) North, was born Oct. 15, 1820, and died at Rock- ville, Mar. 21, 1890. He married at Winchester, May 12, 1844, SARAH A. WEED of Winsted. She died about 1882 at Rock- ville, where Gideon North was a woolen dyer for many years. Children : i. MARY AUGUSTA, b. Sept. 25, 1845; d. at Rockville, June 14, 1860. ii. ANNA WEED, b. Feb. 2, 1851; m. Feb. 9, 1875, H. MARTIN BROWN, brother of ex-Governor Brown of Rhode Island, and a member of the firm of Brown Bros. Mfg. Co., Providence, R. I. Children: (1) Marion North, b. July 28, 1881; m. Sept. 30, 1908, Col. Harvey A. Baker, (2) Annie Helen, b. Oct. 28, 1883; m. Nov. 7, 1906, Erling C. Oatby. iii. CARRIE ELIZABETH, b. June 7, 1853; unm. 483. iv. CHARLES WEED, b. Sept. 1, 1865. 342. EDWIN 8 WORCESTER NORTH (Salmon 7 , Salmon*, Isaac 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas' 2 , John 1 ), oldest of the surviving sons of Salmon and Mary (Worcester) North, was born at Broad Brook, June 26, 1850. He married in 1878 JENNIE S. TABER of Sag Harbor, Long Island. He graduated at Claver- ack College and was for many years a salesman in the safe business. He was living, in 1893, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: i. DAUGHTER, d. in infancy. ii. SALMON EDWIN, b. 1880. Lived in New York City, 1893. iii. ANNA WELLINGTON, b. 1883. iv. REGINALD WORCESTER, b. 1886. v. FREDERICK TABOR, b. 1890 and d. 1890. vi. WILLIAM PENN, b. 1890 (twin). 343. FREDERICK 8 DELANO NORTH (Salmon 7 , Sal- mon 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Salmon and Mary (Worcester) North, was born at Broad Brook 202 in 1858. He married MAGGIE GILMORE, and was head book- keeper at the Broad Brook Woolen Co. (1893). Children: i. WILLIAM, d. in infancy, ii. HARRY WORCESTER, b. 1891. Resides (1919) at Broadbrook. 344. FREDERICK 8 MARIUS NORTH (Jedediah 7 , Levi 5 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Jedediah and Betsey (Bulkeley) North, was born at East Berlin, June 5, 1833, and died there May 16, 1914. He married at New Britain, Oct. 11, 1865, EMILY ANGELA BENJAMIN, daughter of Lathrup and Sarah Maria (Johnson) Benjamin of Otsego, N. Y. She was born at Hartwick, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1839, and died at East Berlin, Aug. 11, 1911. Children, b. at East Berlin : i. HUBERT, b. July 7, 1866; d. Jan. 10, 1869. 484. ii. ALBERT AVERT, b. Nov. 10, 1867. iii. ROBERT BULKELEY, b. April 3, 1869; m. at New York City, June 30, 1908, GERTRUDE BROWN of Philadelphia, Pa. No children. iv. GERTRUDE MARIA, b. Mar. 31, 1872; unm. v. EDITH AMELIA, b. June 27, 1876; m. at East Berlin, June 6, 1906, RALPH WALDO NICKERSON, son of George F. and Mary (Springer) Nickerson. Residence, 1270 Salem Ave., Eliza- beth, N. J. Children: (1) Dorothy Gertrude, b. Nov. 20, 1908; d. Nov. 22, 1908. (2) Ralph Waldo, Jr., b. Dec. 30, 1909. (3) Stanley North, b. Jan. 14, 1912. 345. DBA. NORRIS 8 C. NORTH (Levi\ Levi 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Levi North, Jr., and Ann (Taylor) North, was born at East Berlin, Feb. 9, 1834, and died April 3, 1875. He married June 28, 1859, MARY JANE BEEBE of Columbia, Ohio. She was born at Columbia, Feb. 27, 1838, and died at Lakeside, Ohio, June 15, 1904, and is buried in the family lot at Sandusky, Ohio. Norris North is buried in the family lot at East Berlin. At the time of his death he was superintendent of the East Berlin Bridge Co. He was a deacon in the church. Children: 485. i. CHARLES HOWARD, b. at Columbia, Ohio, April 14, 1860. ii. CORA LOUISE, b. at Columbia, Ohio, Jan. 26, 1865; m. June 28, 1888, DR. HOMER WIMER of Marshall, Minn., where they lived and died. No children. 203 486. iii. ARCHER M., b. at East Berlin, Jan. 14, 1867. 487. iv. WILLIS BEEBE, b. June 14, 1873. 346. LEMUEL 8 CURTIS NORTH (Lemuel 7 , David?, Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John?), son of Lemuel and Rebekah (Goodrich) North, was born May 6, 1820, and died . He married in 1841 KEZIAH COLLINS, who died April 2, 1882. Mr. North was for many years a successful life insur- ance agent with the New York Life Insurance Co. and other companies in New York. He was a man of great executive ability, and at twenty-one years of age was sent before the Emperor of France to demonstrate the Howe sewing machine. He was deeply interested in religious and philanthropic work. Children: i. CATHERINE REBECCA, b. Jan. 17, 1843; d. at Honolulu, H. I., Sept. 9, 1856. ii. EDWARD COLLINS, b. Mar. 25, 1845; d. Nov. 9, 1846. iii. JOHN CURTIS, b. Sept. 26, 1847; d. May 12, 1854. iv. THOMAS L., b. Aug. 15, 1849; d. Nov. 23, 1849. v. EMMA, b. June 6, 1851; m. July 8, 1868, ROBERT A. BRYANT. vi. WILLIAM COLLINS, b. May 18, 1853; m. July 13, 1874, NELLIE MOORE. Teacher of music at Bridgeport. 347. JOHN 8 GOODRICH NORTH (Lemuel', David 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Lemuel and Rebekah (Goodrich) North, was born at Berlin, Feb. 22, 1823, and died at Milford, Mar. 12, 1892. He married May 30, 1843, ELIZABETH DICKINSON, who was born Dec. 8, 1822, and died Aug. 31, 1908. John Goodrich North grew up on his father's farm in Berlin, with only the limited advantages of the district school of those days. But he had a fine mind and a retentive memory, and like many other men of his day and training made the most of his natural gifts. He went to New Haven as a dry-goods clerk when he was only eighteen years old, and before he was twenty-five he was a junior partner. In 1843 he entered the insurance business, in which he continued successfully until his death. He was closely identified with the philanthropic and religious life of New Haven. In his younger days he was active in Sun- day School and temperance work throughout the state of Con- necticut. For many years he was superintendent of mission Sunday schools, notably that of "Scattergood," which did a 204 unique and successful work for neglected street children. He showed great tact and force in managing these wayward urchins. Many of those boys have grown up to be respected and honest men. He was a life-long friend and welcome visitor at the New Haven Orphan Asylum. He had an especial gift for speaking to children, and often addressed large audiences, who listened to him with eager attention. He gave the colored people of New Haven valuable assistance and counsel in times of financial stress in their churches. He was active in the Abolition move- ment in the restless days before the Civil War (1857-61), and was most patriotic in all the trying events of that time. He was lay chaplain at the New Haven jail during the last years of his life, where he helped many men to a better life. He had many most grateful letters from some of these men after they had left the jail. After his removal to Milford in 1887, he was appointed trial-justice there, and worked vigorously against liquor selling and kindred evils. Children : i. MARY GOODRICH, b. Nov. 21, 1844; m. Mar. 30, 1865, ERAS- TUB BLAKESLEE. Residence, New Haven. Children: (1) Elizabeth, b. Oct. 23, 1869; m. Oct. 23, 1894, Prof. John C. Tracy of Yale University. (2) Helen, b. Dec. 20, 1872; m. Sept. 19, 1900, Clarence W. Peabody. (3) Mabel Mansfield, b. Mar. 11, 1875 ; d. Sept. 3, 1899. (4) Robert Erastus, b. Nov. 8, 1881 ; m. Jan. 10, 1909, Caroline R. Brackett. (5) Dorothy North, b. June 25, 1887. ii. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 22, 1847; m. Feb. 22, 1847, STAN- LET P. WARREN of Portland, Me. No children. 488. iii. JOHN CURTIS, b. Aug. 26, 1850; d. Nov. 10, 1918. 489. iv. EDWARD COLLINS, b. Jan. 26, 1852; d. Nov. 21, 1909. v. NELLIE CHATTERTON, b. Oct. 5, 1854; m. 1874, SAMUEL T. DUTTON. Two adopted children. 348. DEA. ALFRED 8 NORTH (Reuben 7 , Simeon 6 , Jede- diah?, Isaac*, Thomas?, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Reuben and Lynda (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, Oct. 3, 1811, and died there Jan. 14, 1894. He married May 8, 1834, MARY OLIVE WILCOX, daughter of Richard and Olive (Porter) Wilcox of East Berlin. She was born Aug. 7, 1812, and died May 31, 1882. Dea. Alfred North received his education in the public and private schools of Berlin. In early manhood he assisted his father on the farm and in the factory, and taught in the public 205 schools of his native town and in Ohio. In 1840 he started in business as a merchant in Litchfield, but returned the next year to Berlin where he conducted a general store. He was a licensed pharmacist. In 1844 he was elected town clerk and treasurer of Berlin, and for over forty years was annually re-elected to this office. Although a Whig and then a Republican, he received the votes of all parties. He was a member of the State Legis- lature in 1849 and in 1855. As recorder he received many mortgages held out of town, and he determined to have a savings bank established in Berlin. Although meeting with much discouragement he finally ob- tained a charter and the bank was incorporated in 1873. Dea. North was elected first president and held the office twenty years. In 1829, at the age of eighteen he joined the second Congre- gational Church of Berlin. At the age of twenty he was elected deacon. For twenty years he was superintendent of the Sunday School and was clerk of the Worthington Ecclesiastical Society, and of the church, for forty years. All his life Alfred North was characterized by a kind and generous disposition. He was the general counsellor and ad- visor of the town, and people of all classes came to him in their troubles and perplexities. He abhorred a quarrel, above all, a family quarrel, and he always strove to bring about a peace- ful settlement in such a case. (From "History of Berlin, Conn.," by Catherine M. North.) Children, b. at Berlin: 490. i. FRANCIS AUGUSTUS, b. June 4, 1835; d. Sept. 9, 1904. ii. CATHARINE MELJNDA, b. Mar. 1, 1840; d. at Berlin 1914; mini. Lived all her life in Berlin with the exception of one year; col- lected a mass of historical and genealogical data about Berlin, which was subsequently put into book form under the title "History of Berlin, Conn." iii. MARY OIJVE, b. Dec. 30, 1842; d. Jan. 1, 1843. 349. DEA. SAMUEL 8 NORTH (Reuben 7 , Simeon 6 , Me- diate, Isaac 4 , Thomas?, Thomas 2 , John 1 ), was born at Berlin, Mar. 11, 1814, being the second son of Reuben and Lynda (Wilcox) North. He married Nov. 28, 1838, MARY B. STOW, of Middlefield, born June 5, 1812. He was a manufacturer of hardware at Middle Haddam, and a deacon of the Congrega- 206 tional Church there, and for many years superintendent of the Sunday School. He died April 30, 1878. Children : i. GEORGE STOW, b. April 15, 1842; unm. Photographer in South Norwalk (1919). 491. ii. CHARLES REUBEN, b. Dec. 19, 1844. iii. FREDERICK ELLIOTT, b. Feb. 27, 1847; m. Nov. 24, 1868, LUCRETIA E. BOLTON, b. June 29, 1847, d. Aug. 29, 1916. He resides in Springfield, Mass. No children. 350. DR. EDWARD 8 NORTH (Reuben 7 , Simeon*, Jede- diah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), sixth son of Reuben North, by his second wife, Huldah Wilcox, was born at Berlin, Mar. 9, 1820, and married at Whitesboro, N. Y., July 30, 1844, MAKY FRANCES DEXTER, daughter of Hon. S. Newton and Laura (Northrup) Dexter. She was born at Whitesboro, N. Y., July 27, 1821, and died at Clinton, N. Y., May 27, 1869. Dr. North died there Sept. 30, 1903. Children, b. at Clinton : i. LAURA DEXTER, b. May 18, 1846; d. at New York City, Jan. 31, 1915; m. at Clinton, July 29, 1874, REV. WILLIAM REED, b. Feb. 24, 1847, son of Orville and Elizabeth (Allen) Reed. Children: (1) Ruth Dexter, b. Aug. 28, 1875; m. Walter Main. (2) Edward North, b. April 12, 1877; m. June 25, 1901, Clara Goodenough Flint. (3) Laura Lansing, b. Nov. 26, 1878; m. Sept. 2, 1916, Ferdinand F. Hobby. (4) Sarah Allen, b. Oct. 29, 1882; m. Oct. 2, 1916, Frederick Flandrau Brandt. (5) William Van Der Heydon, b. May 17, 1889; d. Jan. 12, 1890. 492. ii. SIMON NEWTON DEXTER, b. Nov. 29, 1848. iii. EDWARD SIMEON, b. Mar. 27, 1850; unm. Lives on his father's place, "Halfwayup," Clinton, iv. MARY HULDAH, b. Dec. 8, 1853; unm. v. JAMES MCALPINE SUMMERVILLE, b. May 10, 1861; d. May 10, 1863. It is beyond the scope of this book to give a full and adequate account of the character and life of Dr. Edward North. This has been most beautifully done by Dr. S. N. D. North in the memoir: "Old Greek, an Old Time Professor in an Old Fashioned College," New York, S. S. McClure Co., 1905. From the me- morial address by Rev. Dr. Herrick Johnson, delivered in the Hamilton College Chapel the following extract is obtained : "Something fine, unique and matchless dropped out of the 207 life of Hamilton College, when Edward North dropped out of it. How shall I set before you the rare personality that made such impress on the student life of Hamilton for sixty years, and left the track of its operation so ineffaceably and beneficently on upwards of two thousand of her alumni? "Shall I do it by the briefest of biographies? Edward North was born in Berlin, Conn., March 9, 1820. He died at his house on College Hill, Sept. 13, 1903. He united with the church in 1831 when he was eleven years old. He graduated from Hamil- ton with the rank of valedictorian in 1841. In 1843, when he was less than twenty-four years of age, and only two years out of college, he was elected Dexter professor of Greek and Latin in Hamilton College. In 1862 his chair was divided and he was elected Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, which he held for the balance of his life. In 1844 he received the degree of A.M. from Brown University. In 1869 the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature was conferred upon him by the University of the State of New York, and in 1887 the degree of Doctor of Laws was given him by Madison (now Colgate) University. In 1865 he was president of the New York State Teachers' Association. From 1865 to 1868 he was president of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. He was a member of the New York Historical Society, the Albany Institute, the Oneida His- torical Society, the American Philological Society, the Hellenic Philological Sullogou of Constantinople, and other similar as- sociations. He was known as the author of contributions to different reviews and magazines, and of published addresses before various societies, thus giving him an established reputa- tion as an accomplished essayist and critic. " But with all this, and more that might be named, we are not let into the secret of this quiet but mighty life. " We shall find something of Edward North's unique power of personality in his style of expression. The rare spirit got expres- sion in rich and sparkling quaintness of speech. The poetic soul found poetic utterance. This imparted the flavor of the original to his translations, and gave him the exquisite poetical and musical English into which he so deftly and smoothly ren- dered the musical Greek. " His mystic power of personality also shows itself in his youth- fulness of spirit. He kept it to the last. Age did not stiffen his soul, or fix him in changeless ruts of procedure. He was as genial, willowy, and responsive to approach at eighty as at 208 forty. He early became a child of God, and through all his subsequent manly and mature years, he took God by the hand as a little child, and trustfully walked with him all the way home. "Closely allied to this trait was another his rare gentleness. It made him great. It made others great who came under the spell of it. He fled the arena of hot discussion and acrid debate. And yet, while he never domineered men, he dominated them. Taking up the cudgels of controversy was never a joy. No one had more tenacious hold of principle. He would die for it. But a fight he abhorred. "And now I must not forbear a brief word as to the delicious humor that blended with other things in the make-up of this unique personality. " It was not of the violent sort. It was quiet but intense. It began in the merry twinkle of his eye, or in the smile that went chasing its way back to the ears, until the incongruous thing that caused it fairly doubled him up, and shook him through and through. This was when the shaft of wit came from others. When it was his own, the effect only betrayed itself in the twinkle of his eye, or in that inexpressible, that inimitable smile with which he stood and looked you in the face. "When our class came to Greek recitation one day, we found upon the blackboard, a remarkably striking and suggestive likeness of his never-to-be-forgotten face. We waited breath- lessly to see what would follow the chair's recognition of the facsimile. He took his seat, looked at it over his spectacles, and said in his inimitable way, to the nearest student, "Will you please rub that out. One's enough !" And down came the class with a roar that shook the ceiling. Ah! well, one would have been enough, if we could have always kept it ! " Doubtless his chief enthusiasm was Greek. The enthusiasm that glowed and burned within him, that made out of an old Greek lexicon a memory, a poem, an heirloom, an inspiration and a castle builder, this same enthusiasm he kindled in his students. He did not make them all linguistic experts, and consummate masters of the classic tongue! No. Neither old Greek, nor young Greek, nor modern Greek, nor even Greek god, could do that. But he did show to every man of them a beauty, a flavor, a richness, a glory in the old Greek poetry and tragedy and song, they had never dreamed of; and in many of his students he lighted the very fires that burned in his own soul. 209 "But he had other enthusiasms than Greek. The College how he baptized it with his prayers and tears, how full he was with devices for its welfare, how jealous he was of its fair fame, how willing he was to spend and be spent in its behalf. " Gardening was another of his enthusiasms. Nature, to him, had a heart. When he first took the side of the hill for his home, it was rough enough. He named it "Halfwayup." He put poetry into it. He flung his own sunshine all over it. He knew every flower and shrub on the place, for his hand had planted every one of them. "His verbal style marked a unique individuality. Even the splashing stroke of his pen was unlike any other that put a thought into words. His youthfulness of spirit also gave his personality a voice. And so did his rare gentleness and his capacity for details, and his delicious humor, and his contagious enthusiasm. That he was rich and varied in his linguistic attainments we all know." 351. DEA. FREDERICK 8 NORTH (Reuben 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), sixth son of Reuben North, by his second wife, Huldah Wilcox, was born Mar. 14, 1824, at Berlin, where he died Sept. 17, 1897. He married Nov. 5, 1848, EMILY S. WEBBER of Wallingford. She was born Feb. 9, 1826, and died at Wallingford Mar. 8, 1912. He completed his studies in the Worthington Academy, then the pride of the village of Berlin. In 1838, at the age of four- teen, he united with the Congregational Church there. His Christian life was blameless and exemplary. With him religious duties were not discharged with icy formality, but with the joy of an earnest faith that found expression in activity in worship and sacred song. In 1875 he was called to the office of deacon where he rendered a long and faithful service. The seventy- three years of his useful life were spent in his native place* beloved by all who knew him. i. EMMA E., b. Nov. 17, 1850; d. July 8, 1886; m. May 18, 1875; ISAAC McCRUM of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. Jan. 13, 1847. Five children. 493. ii. FREDERICK. R., b. Nov. 12, 1852. iii. ALICE E., b. Sept. 19, 1854; d. May 28, 1856. 494. iv. EDWARD W., b. Jan. 23, 1867. 352. REV. JOSIAH 8 WILCOX NORTH (Reuben 7 , Sim- eon 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son 15 210 of Reuben and Huldah (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin Feb. 10, 1827, and died at Middletown, Dec. 16, 1882. He was prepared for college at the Worthington Academy of his native town, and graduated at Hamilton College in 1848, with the highest honors of his class. He then entered Union Theological Seminary, but at the end of a year he was transferred to the Yale Divinity School where he graduated in 1852. He was ordained as an evangelist in New Haven in the same year, and at once accepted a call to Geneseo, 111., where he remained two years. After a year's further service in a pastorate at Como, 111., his health failed to such a degree that he was obliged to abandon his calling, and he returned to his old home in Connecti- cut. He married Sept. 22, 1852, SUSAN THOMPSON of New Haven, who was born Mar. 19, 1831, and died Jan. 26, 1895. One of his college classmates said of him: "I never saw a sign of the ambition which seeks its own or finds satisfaction in the failure of shortcomings of any other. The word rival did not belong in his vocabulary. I never knew a man more absolutely free from the egotistic spirit and temper." Children : i. HARRIET WILCOX, b. at Como, 111., Sept. 9, 1856; d. at New Haven, Nov. 30, 1857. ii. ELIZABETH M., b. at New Haven, Aug. 30, 1858; m. ADDISON H. HASELTINE of Glen Ridge, N. J., where they resided. Children: (1) Burnham, (2) Russell, (3) Francis. 353. HENRY 8 SAVAGE NORTH (James 7 , Simeon*, Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of James and Mary (Doud) North, was born at Berlin, Oct. 11, 1811, and died June 6, 1886. He married Sept. 5, 1831, ANGELICA YATES MEIGS, daughter of Giles and Magdalena (Yates) Meigs of Middletown, and Albany, N. Y. They lived at Rocky Hill. She died May 7, 1884, and is buried beside her husband in Middletown. Mr. North continued his father's business of making pistols for the U. S. Government. He was an excellent musician and :for a time taught music at Hamilton College. Children: i. MARY CEBRA, b. June 25, 1832. ii. GILES MEIGS, b. Dec. 23, 1834; d. Oct. 2, 1836. iiii. CATHARINE ROOSEVELT, b. Aug. 14, 1837; m. (1) April 15, 1857, EMORY F. HOLWAY; (2) EDWARD W. HALE.' 211 iv. AUGUSTA MEIGS, b. Jan. 14, 1844. v. CAROLINE RAND, b. Aug. 20, 1846; d. Jan. 6, 1915; unm. vi. MAGDALENA YATES, b. Oct. 5, 1850. 354. JAMES 8 DOUD NORTH (James 1 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) , second son of James and Mary (Doud) North, was born at Berlin or Middletown, April 17, 1815. He married Sept. 16, 1835, ALMIRA ATKINS. They lived at Middletown where he died Jan. 9, 1886. Children: i. SARAH A., b. 1839; m. Dec. 16, 1864, ISRAEL HALL. ii. LUCY A., b. 1842; m. 1883, CHARLES S. CROWELL. No chil- dren. iii. CORNELIA D., b. 1848. iv. ALICE, b. 1851. 355. NORMAN 8 C. NORTH (James 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of James and Mary (Doud) North, was born at Middletown, April 26, 1818. He married in 1838, DELIA CLARK. They both died in 1865. Children: i. EDWIN NATHAN, b. Mar. 20, 1840; d. 1865; m. ELLA GRACE. Child: Ella Grace, b. July 2, 1885. ii. FRANCES ADELIA, b. Mar. 25, 1843; d. 1865. iii. ALICE CLARK, b. Feb. 10, 1845; d. Sept. 12, 1846. iv. NORMAN SMITH, b. April 12, 1847. v. RICHARD EUGENE, b. Sept. 3, 1849; d. Sept. 28, 1865. vi. JUDSON PIERCE, b. Sept. 10", 1852; of Calumet, Mich, vii. THOMAS STUART, b. Dec. 22, 1854. viii. LILLIAN DOUD, b. July 21, 1858. ix. BERTHA, b. 1861. 356. SETH 8 DOUD NORTH (James 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of James and Mary (Doud) North, was born at Middletown, April 9, 1823. He married Sept. 6, 1846, FRANCES SMITH. Mr. North removed to Hancock, Mich., where he was employed at one of the Lake Superior copper mines, and died in 1893. Mrs. North died in 1894. Child: i. GEORGE SMITH, b. Aug., 1848; m. 1871, EMMA C. BRIGGS. Children: (1) Fannie, b. 1874. (2) Helen G.,b. 1879. (3) George K.. b. Feb. 12, 1888. 212 357. JUDGE RALPH 8 NORTH (Akin 7 , Simeon 6 , Jede- diah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Alvin and Polly (Goodrich) North, was born at Berlin, April 13, 1814, and died at Natchez, Miss., in 1883. He married (1) Nov. 25, 1837, at Mobile, Ala., MARY A. COFFIN, who was born at Coopers- town, N. J., May 15, 1818, and died at Natchez, Miss., Jan. 2, 1873; (2) at Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. 8, 1881, MRS. ANNIE CAR- WELL. She was born at Boston, Mass., June 15, 1829. Ralph North studied law at Middletown, and removed to Natchez, Miss., with a corps of teachers. He became judge and chancellor of the 12th Mississippi judicial district. Children: i. FLORENCE, b. 1840; d. 1867; m. WILLIAM McAKTHUR. ii. RALPHINE, b. 1842; m. at Santa Rosa, Calif., Jan. 15, 1866, MARK L. McDoNALD, a stockbroker of San Francisco, Calif, iii. LEE, b. 1844; d. 1851. iv. WILLIS, b. 1851; d. 1853. 358. WILLIS 8 NORTH (Alvin 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediatf, Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Alvin and Polly (Good- rich) North, was born at Berlin, Dec. 8, 1815, and died at Spring- field, Mass., June 14, 1855. He married (1) in 1836, CARLISTA C. HAYDEN, who died Feb. 3, 1840; (2) Nov. 25, 1840, ORPHA M. GLADWIN. She died Oct. 14, 1902. Children : i. RALPH HAYDEN, b. Aug. 31, 1839; d. Feb. 27, 1840. 495. ii. SELDEN GLADWIN, b. May 14, 1843. 496. iii. RALPH HAYDEN, b. Jan. 5, 1850. 359. WALTER 8 NORTH (Alvin 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ) , third son of Alvin and Polly (Goodrich) North, was born at Berlin, Nov. 5, 1817, and died in 1880, at Springfield, Mass. He married May 21, 1841, BETSEY CARPENTER, who was born at Kingston, R. I., Sept. 16, 1813. He lived at Springfield, except from 1866 to 1869, when he was engaged in the paper business at Pittsford, Vt. Children: i. JANE LOUISE, b. 1842; d. at Rockford, 111. 1886; m. W. H. PALMER of Pittsford, Vt. Three daughters. ii. ARTHUR J., b. at Springfield, Mass., 1843. He was living in 1893 at Rockford, 111. iii. HELEN, b. at Springfield, Mass., 1847. 213 360. HORACE 8 NORTH (Alvin\ Simeon 6 , Jedediah*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), fourth son of Alvin and Polly (Goodrich) North, was born at Berlin, Sept. 5, 1821, and died Aug. 28, 1874. He married at Middletown, Oct. 6, 1845, ANN LUCAS, who was born Nov., 1826. They resided in Middle- town where Mr. North was employed about eighteen years with the W. and B. Douglas Pump Mfg. Co. Children, b. at Middletown : i. ELDRIDGE, b. July 11, 1848; d. at Middletown, Jan. 5, 1908; nnni. Farmer at Middlefield. ii. HERBERT, b. Jan. 4, 1850; d. at Middletown, Dec. 23, 1901; unm. and was employed by W. and B. Douglas Pump Mfg. Co. 497. iii. DWIGHT, b. Jan. 11, 1854; d. April 12, 1890. iv. WILLIS EDSON, b. Sept. 4, 1859; m. Nov. 1, 1882, ELLA BREWER of Middletown, daughter of Henry and Eliza (Bridg- ham) Brewer. No children. Florist at Spencer, Mass. Both are active members of the Methodist Church, v. ANNA EVA, Aug. 13, 1865; m. Nov. 11, 1891, WILLIAM DUD- LEY. Residence (1919), 3 Hugh St., West Hartford. No children. 498. vi. SIMEON HORACE, b. Mar. 23, 1870. 361. GEORGE 8 NORTH (Selah 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Selah and Anna (Newell) North, was born at Middletown, Dec. 6, 1819, and married at Hartford, Mar. 10, 1847, CATHARINE WRIGHT. He lived in Middletown, where he died. Children: i. CHARLOTTE A., b. June 8, 1848; m. Sept. 7, 1865, BENJAMIN F. BROWN. Resided at Devil's Lake, S. D. Children: (1) IMie, b. Aug. 26, 1866; d. Sept. 11, 1866. (2) Harry, b. Oct. 27, 1867. (3) Etta M., b. Feb. 20, 1870. (4) Carrol, b. Mar. 21, 1874. ii. WALLACE M., b. June 15, 1851 ; d. July 4, 1858. iii. LINUS, b. Feb. 8, 1857; d. in an accident, about 1873. iv. GEORGE W., b. Sept. 21, 1859. Resided at Munroe Falls, Ohio. 362. JOHN 8 NORTH (Selah 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Selah and Anna (Newell) North, was born at Middletown, April 7, 1821. He married Oct. 18, 1847, ANGELINA HART, daughter of Levi and Polly (Newell) Hart. She was born Dec. 22, 1822. They lived in Middletown. 214 Children : i. JOHN EGBERT, b. Sept. 8, 1848; d. Mar. 12, 1855. ii. LEVI HART, b. Dec. 12, 1849; d. Aug. 4, 1851. iii. CHARLES HENRY, b. Nov. 5, 1851; d. Aug. 21, 1852. iv. WALTER SELAH, b. April 2, 1856; familiarly known as "the fat boy." 363. SELAH 8 PERKINS NORTH (Selah 1 , Simeon 6 , Jede- diah & , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Selah North, by his second wife, Sarah Durand, was born at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Aug. 21, 1842. He married Mar. 31, 1868, MARY L. HAWLEY, of Lockport, 111., who died Nov. 30, 1915. After attending school at Valparaiso, Ind., he served in the Civil War, first as a member of the New York Marine Artillery, and later as a member of Co. E., 17th Indiana Mounted Infan- try. Mr. North resides (1919) at Cuyahoga Falls, and is the sole surviving member of his father's large family. Children: 499. i. JOHN E., b. at Madison, Wis., Feb. 17, 1869. 500. ii. WILLIAM WARREN, b. at Madison, Wis., Oct. 19, 1871. iii. SARAH LOUISA, b. at Lockport, 111., Sept. 24, ; d. aged sixteen. 501. iv. FRANK ELMER, b. at Lockport, 111., May 2, 1877. 502. v. SELAH HAWLEY, b. Oct. 11, 1882. vi. CHILD, d. in infancy. i 364. CEYLON 8 NORTH (Albert, Stephen*, Jedediah* Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Ceylon and Irena (Taylor) North was born at Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y., Dec. 9, 1811, and died Sept. 6, 1879. He married July 17, 1833, DOLLY ANN FRANCES LYMAN, born at Cortland, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1810. She removed to Beloit, Wis., after the death of her husband, who was buried at Ripon, Wis. Ceylon North was a merchant at Fly Creek, N. Y. Children: 503. i. CHARLES GILBERT, b. Aug. 9, 1835; d. Dec. 31, 1908. ii. FRANCES A., b. July 28, 1837; d. at Oswego, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1870 ;unm. 504. iii. CEYLON HENRY, b. Oct. 18, 1842. iv. ASAHEL, b. and d. Feb. 15, 1845. v. ALBERT, b. and d. Feb. 15, 1845 (twin). 505. vi. GEORGE LYMAN, b. Dec. 23, 1846. 215 365. JOHN 8 ELLIOTT NORTH (Linus 7 , Stephen 6 , Jede- diah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Rev. Linus and Justa (Fitch) North, was born at Palmyra, N. Y.* Dec. 17, 1820, and died at Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1887, aged sixty-six. He married (1) Dec. 5, 1844, DEBORAH HOLT JOHNSON; (2) Jan. 30, 1855, LEVANTIA MOORE. They lived in Lockport. Children : i. ELLA, m. STUART. Resides (1919) 628 E. La Crosse St., Spokane, Wash, ii. FRANK, deceased. 366. DR. HENRY 8 MARTIN NORTH (Linus 7 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), second son of Rev. Linus and Justa (Fitch) North, was born at Palmyra, N. Y., April 22, 1823, and died there Sept. 23, 1888. He married at Palmyra, June 6, 1848, SARAH J. GROVER, daughter of Ethan Allan and Eliza (Chesebrough) Grover, born at Springwater, N. Y., July 15, 1826, and died at Palmyra, Aug. 9, 1884. Dr. North was a dentist, and lived at Palmyra. Children, b. at Palmyra: 506. i. EDWARD CHESEBROUGH, b. May 7, 1849; d. at Palmyra, Feb. 22, 1916. ii. HARRIET SOPHIA, b. Dec. 13, 1851; m. Dec. 21, 1887, HENRY A. CHASE. Resides (1919) at Palmyra, iii. NELSON GROVER, b. Aug. 5, 1854; d. at Palmyra, April 11, 1872. iv. JANE MARIA, b. Nov. 2, 1861; m. at Palmyra, June 24, 1885, WILLIAM S. FREAR. Child: (1) Henry North, b. Aug. 20, 1886. 507. v. CHARLES HENRY, b. Oct. 27, 1868; d. Dec. 12, 1917, at Dan- nemora, N. Y. 367. LA RUE 8 PERRINE NORTH (Linus 7 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), sixth son of Rev. Linus and Justa (Fitch) North, was born at Palmyra, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1836, and died at Marshfield, Mo. He married in Kansas, Oct. 31, 1876, JOSIE HULETT, born June 10, 1853. Mr. North served in the Civil War at a very youthful age. He was a prisoner in the Andersonville and Libby prisons, and came out broken in health. After ,the war he settled in Marshfield, Mo. 216 Children, b. at Marshfield: 508. i. WILLARD CALL, b. Nov. 21, 1877. ii. FRANK HULETT, b. April 29, 1879. Resides (1919) at 1009 Prospect St., Springfield, Mo.; unm. Carpenter and me- chanic. iii. GRACE, b. Nov. 17, 1882; m. at Marshfield, Feb. 1, 1903, W. FISHER ATKINSON. Children: (1) Loren Fisher, b. Jan. 18, 1904. (2) Leda, b. May 3, 1906. (3) Blanche, b. April 19, 1908. (4) Harley North, b. Feb. 15, 1910. (5) Agnes, b. Dec. 10, 1911. (6) Clinton Glenn, b. Feb. 16, 1914. iv. LOUISE, b. June 29, 1891; m. at Marshfield, July 4, 1909, HOLLIE A. McDowELL. Children: (1) Bennie Frank, b. Jan. 30, 1911. (2) Dorothy Louise, b. Mar. 3, 1914. (3) Allyn Jay, b. Feb. 3, 1918. They reside (1919) at 1101 Pros- pect St., Springfield, Mo. v. LA RUE PERRINE, JR., b. Dec. 16, 1894. Resides (1919) at 1009 Prospect St., Springfield, Mo.; unm. Automobile mechanic. 368. CARLTON 8 NORTH (Stephen', Stephen*, Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Stephen and Patience (Spalding) North, was born Oct. 9, 1826, and died at his sister's home in Elkhart, Ind., July 5, 1917. He married at Jonesville, Mich., June 4, 1850, HELEN, daughter of Judge Levi Baxter. She was born Dec. 18, 1828 and died Aug. 27, 1881. Children: i. FRANCES H., b. July 13, 1852. ii. CARRIE A., b. April 24, 1855. iii. EVA B., b. Nov. 3, 1858. 369. NELSON 8 NORTH (William 7 , Noah 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of William and Caroline (Hudson) North, was born at Middletown, Feb. 4, 1827, and died July 3, 1873. He married at Middletown, Aug. 23, 1843, JANE M., daughter of Charles Darrow, born Sept. 1, 1825. Children: 509. i. EDWARD CHARLES, b. at Middletown, Jan., 1846. ii. ELLEN ELIZA, b. at Guilford, Conn., Aug. 1848; m. ALFRED FRENCH and lived in Naugatuck. iii. JULIA BROWN, b. June, 1851; m. LOUIE McDouGAL, and lived in Ansonia. iv. JESSIE HEATH b. at New Haven, Aug. 1862; m. WILLIAM PLATT, and lived in Waterbury. 217 370. ALBERT 3 H. NORTH (William 7 , Noah 6 , Jedediah*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), third son of William and Caro- line (Hudson) North, was born at Middletown, Jan. 16, 1832. He married Nov. 15, 1851, MARY McGARO. They were living in 1893 at Bridgeport. Children: i. SAMUEL A., engineer with the Remington Arms Co., Bridge- port. Resides (1919) 130 Ann St., Bridgeport. No children, ii. MAGGIE G.,m. ERNEST EVERS, and was living in Chicago, 1893. 371. CHAUNCEY 8 B. NORTH (William'', Noah 6 , Jede- diah b , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of William and Caroline (Hudson) North, was born at Middletown, Sept. 28, 1839. He married Oct. 19, 1862, HARRIET J. CHALKER, who was born Aug. 5, 1843, and died May 5, 1905. He was liv- ing in 1893 on the farm where his father and mother died, two miles south of Middletown. Children: i. LILLIAN C., b. July 2, 1864; d. Nov. 6, 1906; m. Oct. 4, 1888, DANIEL MACDONALD. Resided in Middletown. Children: (1) Douglas Benjamin, b. Oct. 21 , 1899 ; d. May 30, 1901 . (2) Ruth North, b. and d. July 7, 1892. (3) Harriet North., b. July 28, 1896. 510. ii. BENJAMIN N., b. Oct. 15, 1877. 372. JOHN 8 HENRY NORTH (Orin 7 , Elijah 6 , Samuel 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Orin Beckley and Eunice (Snow) North, was born April 2, 1843, and died May 9, 1908. He married June 20, 1866, ANNA C. DREW, who was born Oct. 9, 1846. Mr. John H. North's entire life was spent in the hat business. He was president of the John H. North Co., wholesale straw hats, 59 Bedford St., Boston. He was a member of the Boston Commandry, Knights Temp- lars; St. Andrews Royal Arch Chapter; St. Johns Lodge; A. F. and M. (past master); Brimmer School Association; Boston Merchants Association; First District Past Masters' Associa- tion ; Beacon Universalist Parish (moderator) ; superintendent of Shawmut Universalist Sunday school for twenty-five years ; and Boston Universalist Club (past president). Children: 511. i. FRANK ALLEN, b. May 11, 1869. 512. ii. JOHN HENRY, JR., b. Mar. 31, 1872. 218 373. CHARLES 8 CLEVELAND NORTH (Daniel 7 , John 6 D., Daniel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Daniel and Rebecca (Givins) North, was born at Guilford, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1828, passing his entire life in his native town. He married May 4, 1853, SARAH DORMANT. He was a harnessmaker by trade, and also engaged in farming. He died at Guilford, Feb. 22, 1902. Children, b. at Guilford, N. Y.: 513. i. Louis ELMER, b. Nov. 14, 1856; d. 1917. ii. MARY JENNIE, b. Nov. 2, 1858; unm. iii. HETTE ADELIA, b. May 4, 1860; m. twice. 514. iv. CHARLES WESLEY, b. May 22, 1862. 515. v. EDWARD ELEAZER, b. July 31, 1868. vi. EMMA EUGENIA, b. May 12, 1871. 374. ERASTUS 8 B. NORTH (George Adam 7 , John 6 D., Daniel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of George Adam and Miriam (Hill) North, was born in Ulster Co., N. Y., Dec. 13, 1820. About 1832 he left the Hudson River valley with his father and brother Robert and settled in Wales, Erie Co., N. Y. He married April 4, 1847, SARAH, daughter of Alexander and Nancy (Mallory) Brown, and died Feb. 17, 1893. Children: i. ALICE M., m. HENRY H. HALBERT of Gilbertsville, N. Y. Child: A. E. Halbert. ii. HOWARD C., b. at Guilford, N. Y. For over twenty years he was a superintendent with the D. and H. R. R. Co. He began in 1875 as telegraph operator, and worked his way up to assistant and chief dispatcher, assistant superintendent and superintendent. Five children of whom three are now living; one a civil engineer in Buffalo, N. Y., another a lawyer at St. Louis, and a daughter in Schenectady, N. Y. Residence, Valatie, Columbia Co., N. Y. iii. EUGENE, agent, Delaware and Hudson R. R., Fort Edward, N. Y. 375. CHARLES 8 M. NORTH (George Adam 7 , John 6 D., Daniel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of George Adam North, by his second wife, Sarah Ann Wood- heiser, was born at Wales, Erie Co., N. Y., Dec. 24, 1843, and married Oct. 27, 1875, ALCEBA JANE, daughter of Marcus In- man and Polly (Herrick) Webster of Salem, Mich. He was a veteran of the Civil War, and was in the battles of 219 Decatur, Ala., and Murfreesboro, Tenn. After the war he removed to Bushnell, Montcalm Co., Mich. Children, b. in Montcalm Co., Mich.: i. HOWARD DEWEY, b. in Mich., Aug. 5, 1876; d. 1887. ii. ESTELLE MABEL, b. May 18, 1878. iii. ERVON LEE, b. Dec. 22, 1879. iv. GRACIE MAURIE, b. Sept. 24, 1886. v. CHARLES RAY, b. Nov. 11, 1889. 376. ISAAC 8 M. NORTH (Albert 7 , John 6 S., Samuel 6 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Albert and Maria (De La Montanye) North, was born at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1839, and died in 1915. He married in Septem- ber, 1863, ELLA, daughter of Peter DuBois. She resides (1920) at Rondout, N. Y. He lived in Kingston and Rondout, N. Y., where he was president and trustee of the Rondout Savings Bank, for sixteen years an alderman of the city, and superintendent of the Cornell Steamboat Co. Children: i. ANNA, m. JUDGE JOHN G. VAN ETTEN and resides at Kingston, N.Y. ii. HAZEL, m. JAMES ELGAR. 377. JAMES 8 H. NORTH (Albert 7 , John 6 S., Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Albert and Maria (De La Montanye) North, was born at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., May 4, 1843, and died at West Shokan, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1885. He married Dec. 21, 1871, OLIVIA M., daughter of Egbert R. and Sarah E. (North) Matthews, and granddaughter of Samuel North (226) . After her husband's death she married (2) Judge Betts. He enlisted Sept. 17, 1861, at the age of eighteen, in the 20th New York Volunteers, or "Ulster Guards," and fought in some of the severest battles of the Civil War, including Fredericks- burg, Manassas and Antietam. In 1865 he aided in the survey of the Ulster and Delaware R. R., and in 1871, in partnership with his brother-in-law, D. N. Matthews, under the name of Matthews and North, commenced a mercantile business at West Shokan, N. Y., which he continued successfully until his death. He was at one time supervisor of schools at West Shokan. 220 Children: i. ALMIKA JESSIE, b. Oct. 25, 1875. ii. FRED DE LA MONTANYE, b. Sept. 14, 1880; d. Oct. 6, 1886. 378. DR. JOHN 8 DUBOIS NORTH (Lewis' 1 , Benjamin*, Samuel 5 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), son of Lewis and Eliza (Terbush) North, was born at Kingston, N. Y., in 1837. When a boy, he removed with his father to Lodi, Washtenaw Co., Mich. He was educated at the Lodi Academy, and the University of Michigan Medical School, where he received his M.D. in 1859. He practised surgery in Laingsburg and Grand- haven, Mich., until 1868, when he became surgeon for the Jack- son, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad, later merged with the Michi- gan Central, of which he became assistant-surgeon. He has been surgeon for numerous local organizations, and has made many severe and critical operations. He married (1) at Jackson, Mich., Nov. 4, 1856, MRS. EMILY ANTOINETTE DAVIS, born at Sylvan, Mich., Aug. 8, 1835, daughter of Col. George Washington Lombard; (2) in 1875, ADA BUDINGTON, daughter of Walter and Elvira (Ford) Budington, and resided for many years in Jackson, Mich. For portrait and further biography see "History of Jackson Co., Mich.," 1881. Children: i. WALTER BUDINGTON, d. aged twenty-eight. No issue. ii. HELEN ELIZA, d. Sept. 26, 1894; m. KIMBALL. Children: (1) Clara, b. 1887. (2) Colon De Witt, b. 1891. 379. DAVID 8 ABBEY NORTH (Z. Mosier 7 , Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Zachariah Mosier and Lucy (Abbey) North, was born at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., Nov. 15, 1843, and died June 27, 1895. Dur- ing the Civil War he served in the 20th New York Volunteers, or "Ulster Guards." He married Jan. 1, 1866, ELIZABETH LAY. Children: i. ELIZABETH. ii. GRACE. iii. EDGAR. 380. MAURICE 8 DE CAMP CRAWFORD NORTH (Z. Mosier 7 , Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Zachariah Mosier and Lucy (Abbey) North, was born at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y., Mar. 29, 1846, and 221 married Jan. 28, 1875, INA HOUGHTALING. He resides at Rondout, near Kingston, N. Y. Children : i. EDGAR MOSIER, b. Nov. 16, 1875; d. Oct. 18, 1918; m. Feb. 18, 1896, INA WASHBURN. Child: Mildred Houghtaling, b. Jan. 1, 1897; d. May 4, 1897. ii. ARTHUR PETERSON, b. Sept. 5, 1878; d. Oct. 28, 1883. iii. LUCY ABBEY, b. Sept. 25, 1880; d. Nov. 4, 1911. 516. iv. GEORGE KNOX, b. Mar. 25, 1883. v. ELEANORE MARTEN, b. Dec. 9, 1887. vi. WILLIAM BELL, b. May 24, 1892; m. 'June 28, 1919, LUCY STAMPER. During the World War he was a first sergeant in llth Engineers, U. S. Army, vii. DAVID ABBEY, b. July 2, 1895. During the World War was a first class seaman hi the U. S. Navy. viii. VERNA HOUGHTALING, b. Feb. 12, 1898. During the World War was a first class yeoman in the U. S. N. R. ix. SARAH CATHERINE, b. Aug. 5, 1903. 381. WILLIAM 8 CASE NORTH, JR. (William'' C., Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of William C. North, Sr., by his second wife, Mary Dix, was born at Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 22, 1853, and married Nov. 3, 1879, HANNAH CLARK GRAHAM, born Nov. 3, 1857, daughter of Josiah Gilbert and Hannah Lindsley (Clark) Graham. William C. North was connected with the Lamson and Ses- sions Co., and the National Screw and Tack Co., during which time he invented the "North bolt." Later he organized with Thomas Ferry and his brothers George and Paul, the Ferry Cap and Set Screw Co., of which organization he has been vice-presi- dent for a number of years. He is now retired and resides at 2221 Woodmere Drive, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Children, b. at Cleveland, Ohio : i. ANNA MAHAN, b. Oct. 25, 1880; d. Sept. 20, 1881. ii. MARIENNE Dix, b. Dec. 9, 1881; m. at Cleveland, Feb. 25, 1915, CLYDE L. CUMMER (Ph.B., M.D., Western Reserve), b. at Cadillac, Mich., Feb. 23, 1882, son of Dr. Robert James and Abbie A. (Stone) Cummer. Residence, 2283 St. James Parkway, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Children: (1) Robert North, b. Jan. 28, 1917. (2) Marienne North, b. and d. Oct. 17, 1920. 517. iii. HAROLD DIODATE, b. Sept. 28, 1883. iv. WINIFRED, b. June 7, 1888; d. at Cleveland, Dec. 26, 1888. 222 382. PAUL 8 NORTH (William'' C., Benjamin*, Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 , John 1 }, third son of William C. North, Sr., by his second wife, Mary Dix, was born at Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 6, 1857, and married (1) Dec. 16, 1884, MARGUERITE BEAUGRAND CASTLE, who died in 1897, daughter of Marshall Sinclair and Margaret (Beaugrand) Castle; (2) May 15, 1901, MARGARET McGuiRE. Mr. North is vice-president and general manager of the Chamberlain Cartridge and Target Co., and a director of the Ferry Cap and Set Screw Co. He is a member of the Cleve- land Athletic Club and the Clifton Club. At one time he was game commissioner of Ohio, and is an ardent fisherman and hunter. Residence, 17848 Lake Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Children, by first wife: 518. i. KENT BEAUGRAND, b. Jan. 8, 1886. ii. HELEN MARIE, b. at Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 2, 1888; m. at Cleveland, May 9, 1914, CHRISTIAN CARL NARTEN, b. at Cleveland, Feb. 24, 1884, son of Christian and Cora (Foote) Narten. He graduated from Williams College in 1906, and served overseas in the World War as a captain in 135th Field Artillery, 27th Division. Mrs. Narten graduated at Vassar in 1910, where she was an instructor for one year. Residence, 11334 Bellflower Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Children: (1) David Christian, b. June 21, 1915. (2) Marguerite Castle, b. Dec. 9, 1917; d. Dec. 19, 1918. (3) Peter Beaugrand, b. Oct. 10, 1920. By second wife : iii. PAUL, JR., b. at Cleveland, July 27, 1904. 383. CHARLES 8 ASA NORTH (William' 1 C., Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of William C. North, Sr., and Mary (Dix) North, was born at Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 29, 1869, and married Jan. 30, 1901, GRACE MARY WARNER, born Jan. 30, 1873, daughter of George and Lillian (Miller) Warner. She died at Cleveland, Oct. 5, 1917. Mr. North has been associated with the Chamberlain Car- tridge and Target Co., for a number of years. Residence, 1886 E. 97th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Child: i. ANNA Dix, b. at Cleveland, April 24, 1902. 223 384. JAMES 8 EDMUNDS NORTH (Toumsend 7 , Daniel 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas*, Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Townsend and Mary (Edmunds) North, was born at Manches- ter, Mich., Dec. 30, 1839, married in 1862, EMILY BLACK, who was born June 2, 1840, and died Feb. 12, 1915. He lived in Vassar, Mich., where he died May 20, 1874. Child: 519. i. NEWTON EDMUNDS, b. at Vassar, Mich., Nov. 11, 1865. 385. GEORGE 8 CHESTER NORTH (John 7 D., Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), fourth son of John Depuy and Caroline M. (Pattison) North, was born July 23, 1846, and married (1) at Ovid, Mich., May 13, 1882, HATTIE A. GREGORY, who died Oct. 13, 1894; (2) Dec. 9, 1907, SARAH P. DENO. Mr. North resides (1921) at Ovid, Mich. Children, b. at Ovid, Mich. : i. GEORGE O., b. Aug. 8, 1883; m. April 22, 1911, ANNA W. GAY. No children. Residence, Toledo, Ohio. 520. ii. GUY L., b. Feb. 14, 1886. 386. WILLIAM 8 H. NORTH (William 7 , Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of William and Cynthia (Bennett) North, was born May 26, 1844, and died Sept. 29, 1872. He married July 2, 1863, AMARANTHA HARPER. Children: i. NETTIE, b. May 16, 1866; m. WETHERELL. No children, ii. MARY, b. Aug. 15, 1868; m. SMITH. No children. 521. iii. WALTER H., b. Nov. 1, 1871. 387. WILLIAM 8 STANLEY NORTH (Augustus 7 W., James 6 , James 5 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Augustus William and Martha (Stanley) North, was born April 12, 1846, and died at Chicago, 111., Dec. 26, 1908. He married Aug. 1, 1872, ELIZABETH HOLMES of Brooklyn, N. Y., born Sept. 29, 1849. Mr. North's early life was spent in New Britain and Brooklyn. In 1873 he removed to Chicago, where he founded in 1881 the Union Bag Machine Co., now the Union Special Machine Co., to manufacture bag sewing machines, which have since been widely adopted to seam knit underwear, shoes, clothing, gloves, canvas goods, etc. Mr. North was president and treasurer of the company from its inception to the time of his death. 224 Children: i. AUGUSTUS WILLIAM, b. at Chicago, 111., June 4, 1873; d. at Petosky, Mich., Aug. 15, 1884. 522. ii. FRANCIS STANLEY, b. at Chicago, June 8, 1875. iii. HENRY ARCHIBALD, b. at Chicago, April 21, 1877; m. at Cleveland, Ohio, July 16, 1913, ELLEN MATTHEWS SMITH. No children. Vice-president and secretary (1919) Union Special Machine Co., Chicago, iv. HELEN BRIGHAM, b. at Chicago, Jan. 7, 1881. v. ELIZABETH, b. at Chicago, July 22, 1885; d. at Chicago, Nov. 26, 1889. vi. DOROTHY, b. at Chicago, Nov. 13, 1886. 388. FREDERICK 8 AUGUSTUS NORTH (Augustus 7 W., James 6 , James 5 , James 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 }, second son of Augustus William and Martha (Stanley) North, was born at Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 21, 1850, and died in New York City May 10, 1908. He married Nov. 15, 1874, CATHERINA WEIL of Berlin, Germany. She died at Lakewood, N. J., Jan. 11, 1909. Mr. North lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., Reading, Pa., and Springfield, Mass. Children: i. KATHCHEN WEIL, b. at New Britain, Oct. 25, 1875; m. (1) Dec. 4, 1897, RALPH REED LOUNBBURY of Chicago, 111. Divorced and m. (2) FREDERICK P. WILCOX of Meriden. She divorced him in 1901-2, and was drowned in the Hudson River at Hoboken, N. J., Oct. 22, 1915. ii. FELIX STANLEY, b. at New Britain, June 30, 1879. 389. JAMES 8 STANLEY NORTH (Augustus' W., James 6 , James 6 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Augustus William and his second wife Helen (Stanley) North, was born at New Britain, May 13, 1874. He married Nov. 19, 1901, RUTH CHAMBERLAIN, daughter of Valentine B. Chamber- lain. Mr. North graduated at Sheffield Scientific School in 1897. Was in business in New Britain with the Stanley Works, the New Britain Hardware Mfg. Co., the Corbin Screw Corp. and the C. J. White Mfg. Co., of which concern he is (1919) president and treasurer. Children, b. at New Britain : i. HELEN STANLEY, b. Aug. 16, 1902. ii. FREDERICK CHAMBERLAIN, b. June 20, 1904; d. Oct. 21, 1918* 225 iii. RUTH ELIZABETH, b. Mar. 17, 1906. iv. JAMES STANLEY, JR., b. July 31, 1909; d. July 26, 1910. v. WILLIAM VALENTINE, b. Feb. 20, 1916. vi. DANIEL FREDERICK, b. Dec. 12, 1918. 390. DR. CHARLES 8 FREDERICK NORTH (Freder- ick 7 H., Seth 6 , James 5 , James 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Frederick Henry and Mary (North) North, was born at New Britain, April 24, 1854. He married at Leipsic, Germany, April 3, 1884, ELIZABETH CLARA CONSTANCE KING, who was born at Pirna, in the kingdom of Saxony, May 1, 1864. Mr. North pursued his studies largely in Germany where he remained more than five years, graduating in 1884 from the School of Medicine at the University of Leipsic. Since then he has re- sided in Chicago, 111., and Beaver Dam, Wis., where he is now (1919) practising. Children: i. GRACE ELIZABETH, b. at Englewood, 111., Oct. 23, 1886. ii. ELSIE CONSTANCE, b. at Englewood, 111., May 11, 1891. iii. WALTER SETH, b. at Beaver Dam, Wis., July 12, 1903. 391. WILLIAM 8 BURNHAM NORTH (Oliver'' B., Al- vin 6 , James 5 , James 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Oliver Burnham and Martha (Post) North, was born at New Britain June 4, 1844, and died April 7, 1904. He married June 4, 1867, ELIZABETH ANDRUS of Hartford, who died April 7, 1904. Mr. North was a member of the firm of O. B. North and Co., New Haven, manufacturers of saddlery hardware. Children: i. GRACE ELIZABETH, b. at New Haven, Dec. 23, 1869; m. at New Haven, June 5, 1895, Louis C. SMITH. Residence, 17 Livingston St., New Haven. Children: (1) Georgia M ., b. Dec. 6, 1896. (2) Eleanor N., b. Dec. 4, 1908. ii. CLARA BURNHAM, b. June 25, 1874; m. ARTHUR S. ALLEN. Residence, North Tarrytown, N. Y. Children: (1) Eliza- beth, b. May 30, 1903. (2) Arthur S., Jr., b. May 9, 1907. iii. ELEANOR BRACE, b. at New Haven, Oct. 25, 1877. iv. FLORENCE CHRISTINE, b. at New Haven, Aug. 21, 1880. 392. GEORGE 8 POST NORTH (Oliver 7 B., Alvin 6 , James 5 , James 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas-, John 1 ), second son of Oliver Burnham and Martha (Post) North, was born at New Britain in 1849, and died at New Haven, June 9, 1915. He married Sept. 4, 1879, 16 226 MARGARET S. FIELD. Mr. North was president of the O. B. North and Co., manufacturers of saddlery hardware, New Haven. Children: i. MARGABET FIELD, b. at New Haven, June 28, 1883; m. Nov. 10, 1910, JOHN Q. TILSON. Children: (1) John Q., Jr., b. Aug. 27, 1911. (2) Margaret Field, b. Nov. 26, 1912. (3) Katherine Sands, b. Mar. 22, 1915. ii. OLIVER BURNHAM, 2ND, b. at New Haven, July 24, 1885; unm. Resides with his mother at 67 Franklin St., New Haven. With O. B. North & Co. 393. JOHN 8 HOLLISTER NORTH (Oliver' 1 B., Akin 6 , James 5 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), youngest son of Oliver Burnham and Martha (Post) North, was born at New Britain, Feb. 18, 1859, and married at New Haven, Jan. 14, 1902, MARGARET H. BULFORD, daughter of John H. Bulford. Mr. North is vice-president of O. B. North and Co., manu- facturers of saddlery hardware, founded by his father, and resides at 53 Livingston St., New Haven. He is the largest contributor to this book, of genealogical records, which he per- sonally collected by correspondence and research. Children, b. at New Haven: i. CORNELIA BULFORD, b. Oct. 20, 1902. Student at Wellesley College, ii. JOHN HOLLISTER, JR., b. April 29, 1904. Student at Taft School, iii. VIRGINIA, b. April 16, 1908. 394. CHARLES 8 H. NORTH (Russell 7 C., Abijah 6 , Abi- jah 5 , John 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Russell Churchill and Maria (Scott) North, was born at Chazy, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1848, and died there Mar. 4, 1880. He married at Chazy, Dec. 23, 1872, FRANCES ALDRIDGE, born at Chazy, Nov. 6, 1853. After Mr. North's death she married Lincoln J. Aldridge. Child, b. at Chazy: 523. i. WILLIAM R., b. May 26, 1877. 395. JOHN 8 HEATH NORTH (Russell 7 C., Abijah*, Abijah 5 , John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Russell Churchill and his second wife Kate (Heath) North, was born at Chazy, 227 N. Y., April 27, 1859. He married Feb. 28, 1884, CAROLINE CLARK of Chazy. They reside (1919) 62 Couch St., Platts- burg, N. Y. Mr. North is a game warden. Children : i. M. CATHERINE, b. May 22, 1893; m. BERNARD MAcCoRD of Peekskill, N. Y. Child: Caroline. ii. HARRY CLARK, b. Aug. 11, 1896. Graduate of Brown Uni- versity. 396. CLAYTON 8 NELSON NORTH (Marvin 7 , Nathaniel 6 , Abijah 5 , John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Marvin and Hannah (Converse) North, was born at Shoreham, Vt., June 23, 1840, and died there Dec. 1, 1919. He married June 23, 1865, ANN ELIZABETH BASCOM, daughter of Samuel H. and Elizabeth (Clark) Bascom, of Orwell, Vt. In 1861 Mr. North went to Washington where he was a pay- master for four years. Returning to Shoreham he conducted a successful mercantile business for thirty years. He held nearly all the town offices, being treasurer for five years and selectman for twelve consecutive years. He was a member of the Congre- gational Church, Vermont Historical Society, Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution, and director of the First National Bank of Orwell for nineteen years. Children, b. at Shoreham: 524. i. Juuus BASCOM, b. June 24, 1869. ii. CLAYTON CONVERSE, b. April 22, 1879; d. April 27, 1880. iii. ELIZABETH CLARK, b. Feb. 24, 1881; m. Sept. 10, 1913, DR. ISAAC PAUL SHARON. Resides with her mother. 397. EDWIN 8 ALBERT NORTH (Nicanor 7 N., Nathan- iel 6 , Abijah*, John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Nicanor Needham and Mayette (Wilcox) North, was born at Ticonderoga, N. Y., June 23, 1837. He removed to Wisconsin where he married Dec. 17, 1859, PHOEBE ANN PORTER, who was born in Chittenden Co., Vt., May 23, 1840. A few years after their marriage they removed to Independ- ence, la., where they lived for many years and then removed to Early, Sac Co. Mr. North died at Mason City, la., Dec. 28, 1918. Children: i. CARRIE FRANCES, b. at Hebron, Wis., Nov. 11, 1861; m. at Independence, la., Jan. 15, , CHARLES E. NYE. 228 Children: (1) Laura Pearl (2) Leroy Albert. (3) Verne. (4) Harvey. (5) Hazel (6) Beryl (7) Everette. (8) C/aire. ii. FANNIE, b. at Hebron, Wis., Nov. 11, 1861 (twin); d. Feb., 1862. iii. EDWIN, b. at Hebron, Wis., Mar. 9, 1863; d. 1864. iv. LAURA PHOEBE, b. at Independence, la., Jan. 5, 1867; m. at Mason City, la., April 25, 1900, JACOB FURNACE. v. MILDRED PERSIS, b. at Independence, la., May 17, 1869; m. at Superior, la., June 29, 1904, REV. BURRITT LEEVANE WEAVER. Residence, Walker, la. Children: (l) Helen Lee- vane, b. April 3, 1905, (2) Helen Persis b. Dec. 22, 1906. (3) Norma Gail, b. Mar. 31, 1912. (4) Laura Opal, b. Mar. 31, 1912; d. Aug. 27, 1915. vi. EDWIN ALBERT, b. at Independence, la., July 18, 1872. vii. ALICE MAE, b. at Independence, la., Nov. 29, 1875; d. at Early, la., July 15, 1914; m. at Storm Lake, la., July, 1908. GUY H. ANGIER. Child: Gordon Guy, b. July 15, 1914. viii. LEMYRA ISABELLE, b. at Independence, la., July 28, 1878; m. Jan. 11, 1903, EDGAR DUNNING GOULD. Children: (1) Kenneth, b. Oct. 29, 1906. (2) Holland Edwin, b. Aug. 3, 1910. (3) Gerald L., b. Jan. 20, 1918. (4) Burness Seely b. Jan. 11, 1920. 398. PHILETUS 8 FILLMORE NORTH (John 7 , Lemuel*, Abijah 5 , John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John and Zerviah (Fillmore) North, was born at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., Feb. 28, 1828, and died there June 3, 1907. He married Oct. 7, 1857, MELZINA S. EVANS. He and his brothers Fay- ette and Chauncey owned all the water power rights in Chazy, which remained in the family until 1908 when the North place was sold to W. H. Miner of Chicago. Mr. North was educated at Poultney Academy, and University of Vermont, Class of 1849. He was a member of the Sigma Phi fraternity. Child: i. HELEN A., b. Jan. 31, 1877; m. ARTHUR C. DILL. No chil- dren. 399. FAYETTE 8 CARVER NORTH (John 7 , Lemuel 6 , Abi- jah 5 , John 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Thomas^, John 1 ), second son of John and Zerviah (Fillmore) North, was born at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., Feb. 10, 1833, and died there April 1, 1915. He married (1) Oct. 22, 1858, MARY JANE DOUGLASS, born May 10, 1833, daughter of William S. Douglass; (2) Feb. 19, 1885, HARRIETTE FRANCES, daughter of Rev. Francis A. Douglass who was a 229 brother of Mary (Douglass) North. She resides (1919) in the old house at Chazy, built by John North, father of Fayette, and which contains many old relics, including an iron kettle and crane picked up by Col. Septa Fillmore in the War of 1812, between Plattsburg and Chazy, after the retreat of the British, and the old buckskin saddle upon which Polly Jones North used to ride to Shoreham. Mr. Fayette C. North was educated at Poultney Academy. Children, b. at Chazy, by first wife: 525. i. JOHN WILLIAM, b. Sept. 8, 1859. By second wife : 526. ii. RICHARD DOUGLASS, b. Nov. 23, 1885. 527. iii. ARTHUR FILLMORE, b. Dec. 10, 1886. 528. iv. LEMUEL FAYETTE, b. May 1, 1888. 529. v. STANLEY A., b. Dec. 12, 1890. vi. MARY ANNA, b. Aug. 7, 1893. vii. HENRY SAXE, b. June 12, 1897. 400. LUCIAN 8 F. NORTH (Joseph 1 B., Joseph 6 , Isaiah 5 , Joseph*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), only son of Joseph B. and Rebekah (Humphrey) North, was born at the old homestead in Avon, Mar. 1, 1852. He married in 1883, LILLIE ESTHER, daugh- ter of Charles Stowe of Avon. She died July 11, 1906. He is (1919) a farmer at Nod's Corner, Avon. Child: i. FLORENCE STOWE. 401. HARRY 8 H. NORTH (Joseph 7 H., Joseph 6 , Joseph 6 , Joseph*, Joseph 5 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Dr. Joseph Howard and Mary (Hurd) North, was born at Goshen, Oct. 20, 1879. He married RUBY WILSON and resides (1919) at Goshen where he is a carpenter. He has represented Goshen in the legislature. Child: i. JOSEPH ARTHUR, b. at Goshen, April 18, 1910. Served in France during the World War. 402. WILLIAM 8 FRANKLIN NORTH, JR. (William 1 F., Harvey 6 , Elisha 5 , Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of William Franklin and Mary (Stake) North, was born at Austin, Tex., Mar. 12, 1871. He married at Houston, Tex., June 14, 1897, AUGUSTA GEHRING, who was born at Houston, 230 Tex., June 26, 1876. He is engaged (1919) in the cottonseed oil business at Houston. Children, b. at Houston : i. MARJORIE AUGUSTA, b. Feb. 17, 1906. ii. ELLEN, b. Mar. 23, 1908. iii. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, SBD, b. April 3, 1913. 403. LOUIS 8 HARVEY NORTH (William'' F., Harvey*, Elisha 5 , Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of William Franklin and Mary (Stake) North, was born at Austin, Tex., May 25, 1881. He married at Austin, June 1, 1904, JULIA ELIZABETH STEINLE, who was born April 23, 1881, at La Grange, Tex. He removed to San Antonio, Tex., where he is engaged (1919) in the wholesale produce business. Children: i. MILDRED, b. at Austin, Tex., Aug. 27, 1907; d. July 28, 1908. ii. HARVEY STEINLE, b. at Austin, Tex., Aug. 6, 1909. iii. Louis FRANKLIN, b. at San Antonio, Tex., July 15, 1916. 404. HARVEY 8 GEORGE NORTH (James 7 D., Harvey 6 , Elisha 6 , Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of James Dayton and Lillie (Juch) North, was born at San Diego, Calif., Aug. 18, 1889. He married there June 11, 1913, AGNES JANE RIEDY, born at San Diego, Calif., Jan. 22, 1887. Engaged (1919) in the wholesale grocery business at San Diego. Resi- dence, 1 136 Bush St. Child: i. JAMES D., b. at San Diego, April 4, 1918. 405. FRANK 8 A. NORTH (James 7 B., Edwin 6 A., Israel 6 , Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of James Byram and Jane (Ellis) North, was born at Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., Dec. 31, 1858, where he now resides. He married at Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1901, ANNIE M., daughter of Henry Clay and Hannah L. (Curtiss) Collins, born at Rochester, Feb. 3, 1867. Children: i. BYRON EUGENE, b. at Victor, May 6, 1902. ii. MARIE LAURA, b. at Victor, Sept. 2, 1904. 406. HARRY 8 E. NORTH (James 7 B., Edwin 6 A., Israel*, Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of James Byram 231 and Jane (Ellis) North, was born at Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 8, 1862, and died there Oct. 21, 1918. He married at Victor, June 26, 1906, MERCY, daughter of Henry C. and Anna M. Parmelee. She was born at Victor, July 21, 1878, where she now resides. Mr. North was a farmer. Children, b. at Victor: i. J. ELIZABETH, b. May 30, 1908. ii. HARRY E., b. June 7, 1910. iii. JOHN P., b. May 19, 1913. 407. CHARLES 8 STANLEY NORTH (Lyman 1 C., Ed- win 6 A., Israel 5 , Ezekial*, Joseph 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), only son of Lyman C. and Susan (Crandall) North, was born July 5, 1860, and married May 10, 1880, CLARA M. SPANGLE, born 1861. Mr. North is a salesman and resides (1920) on Highland Ave., Eastwood, Syracuse, N. Y. Children: i. JENNIE EDITH, b. 1882; m. T. B. POST. No children, ii. EDWIN LYMAN, b. 1886; unm. iii. SUSAN, b. 1891; m. A. ELLIS. Child: Warner. 408. JUNIUS 8 LEE NORTH (Junius 7 D., Frederick 6 , Junius 5 , Noah' 1 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), second son of Junius Davis and Fanny (Berry) North, was born at Torring- ton, April 19, 1884. He married (1) Jan. 25 X 1911, JOSEPHINE M. ALBRECHT, daughter of Francis and Mary E. Albrecht of Boston, Mass. She was born Jan. 2, 1890, and died Jan. 3, 1918. He married (2) at Torrington, May 10, 1919, MARTHA (NOTT) SCHALLER, daughter of Ivins D. and Gertrude (Cross- ley) Nott. She was born at Berlin, July 4, 1895. Mr. North went around the world as an electrician on the U. S. S. Vermont, in the cruise of the American battleship fleet, 1907 to 1909 He resides (1919) at Torrington. Children, by first wife, b. at Torrington: i. EDNA MAY, b. April 15, 1912. ii. FANNIE LEAH, b. April 8, 1916. 409. LEWIS 8 LEE NORTH (Ariel 7 M., William 6 , Re- membrance*, Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Ariel M. and Abbie (Walker) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Mar. 7, 1852. He married (1) Dec. 14, 232 1873, MARY COURTRIGHT; (2) Dec. 25, 1887, EMILY SHANNON. He removed from Braceville, to Pine, Tex., where he was living in 1893. About that time, being in poor health, he and his wife sailed from Port Arthur, Tex., and have not since been heard from. Children: 530. i. FAY E., b. April 24, 1875. ii. ZAY, b. Sept. 20, 1877; m. Aug. 27, 1895, E. E. CONLEY, of the Michigan State School for the Blind, Lansing, Mich. 531. iii. CLAY ARNOLD, b. July 19, 1881. 532. iv. GUY, b. May 10, 1883. 410. CYRUS 8 H. NORTH (Ariel 7 M., William*, Remem- brance 5 , Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Ariel M. and Abbie (Walker) North, was born at Braceville, Trum- bull Co., Ohio, Sept. 13, 1859. He married Dec. 25, 1881, CLARA B. HUMPHREY, who was born at Braceville, Jan. 2, 1859. Resi- dence, 441 Hubbard Ave., Detroit, Mich. Children, b. at Braceville, Ohio : 533. i. RAYMOND H., b. Aug. 27, 1883. ii. FREDERICK E., b. May 7, 1886; m. Oct. 3, 1920, HAZEL McCLEAN. He is a sales manager and resides at Alfred Ave., Detroit, Mich. 534. iii. ALFRED R., b. Nov. 7, 1889. 411. BURTON 8 NORTH (Henry?, Martin 6 , Rufus 5 , Mar- tin*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Henry and Mary (Betts) North, was born June 25, 1856, and married Sept. 5, 1880, ARTHALINDA C. VARLEY. They reside (1919) at Long- mont, Colo. Children: .635. i. ALBERT VARLEY, b. Nov. 26, 1881. ii. MADGE, b. April 12, 1886. iii. OPAL, b. June 9, 1889; m. April 16, 1911, M. L. BONNER. Children: (1) Robert LeRoy, b. June 13, 1913. (2) Madge M., b. July 23, 1915. (3) Esther M., b. July 20, 1917. 412. ROBERT 8 NORTH (Safford 7 E., James 6 A., Noah 5 , Martin*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Judge Saf- ford E. and Cora (Griswold) North, was born at Batavia, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1882. He married Dec. 31, 1907, GLADYS MILLER. Mr. North obtained the degree of Bachelor of Architecture 233 at Cornell University in 1905 and is now a member of the firm of North, Shelgren and Swift, architects, Buffalo, N. Y.; a pro- fessor of Architecture, and a member of the American Institute of Architects. Residence, East Aurora, N. Y. Children: i. ROBERT, JR., b. Mar. 1, 1910. ii. MARY ANNA, b. Aug. 16, 1911. iii. WILLIAM MILLER, b. Oct. 21, 1912. iv. AUDREY, b. Aug. 21, 1914. 413. MONROE 8 S. NORTH (Safford'' E., James 6 A., Noah 6 , Martin*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Judge Safford E. and Cora (Griswold) North, was born at Batavia, N. Y., April 23, 1886. He married at Delmar, Albany Co., N. Y., May 12, 1915, MARIE L. MANIER. Mr. North is an artist and resides (1919) at 451 George St., New Haven. Child: i. SAFFORD MONROE, b. at Albany, N. Y., April 25, 1916. NINTH GENERATION 414. GEORGE 9 LOOMIS NORTH (George* L., John 1 W., John 6 , John 5 , Jonathon*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of George Loomis and Annie (Cave) North, was born at San Fran- cisco, Calif., April 23, 1882. He married at Palo Alto, Calif., in 1915, FANNIE FIRMIN. Mr. North is (1919) manager of the San Francisco Call. Children, b. at San Francisco: i. GEORGE Looms, JR., b. Sept. 15, 1916. ii. RICHARD CAVE, b. Aug. 4, 1918. 415. CHESTER 9 LOOMIS NORTH (George 6 L., John" 1 W., John 6 , John 6 , Jonathon*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of George Loomis and Annie (Cave) North, was born at San Fran- cisco, Calif., June 26, 1889. He married at Pasadena, Calif., April 14, 1914, LAURA ELIOT. Mr. North is a stock broker and resides (1919) at 1224 Marengo Ave., South Pasadena. During the European War he was a special investigator for the U. S. Department of Justice, and was attending the officers' training camp for the Navy when the armistice was signed. Children, b. at Pasadena: i. LAURA ANN, b. Feb. 1, 1916. ii. CHESTER LOOMIS, JR., b. June 24, 1917. 416. JOHN 9 CHARLES NORTH (John s G.,John''W.,John\ John 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John Greenleaf and Augusta C. (Nourse) North, was born at River- side, Calif., April 11, 1880, and died Mar. 19, 1917. He married BRENT WATKINS. Mr. North graduated at the University of Southern California and Harvard Law School, and was attorney for the Automobile Club of Southern California at San Diego. Children: i. KATHARINE, b. 1912. ii. ROBERT, b. 1915. 235 417. MAURICE 9 EDWARD NORTH (John* G., John\ W. t John 6 , John 5 , Jonathon 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of John Greenleaf and Augusta C. (Nourse) North, was born at Riverside, Calif., Dec. 4, 1882, and married at San Francisco, July 20, 1909, EDITH DOUGLAS EVANS, born at Point Reyes, Calif., Oct. 24, 1878. She was the daughter of Rev. William David and Anne (Wilbur) Evans. At the age of fifteen Mr. North left school and ran away to sea, returning when he was twenty-two. He resides at Trona, San Bernardino Co., Calif. Child: i. JOHN EVANS, b. at Los Angeles, Calif., Mar. 19, 1916. 418. ALFRED 9 CHANDLER NORTH (John 8 G., John 7 W. t John 6 , John 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of John Greenleaf and Augusta C. (Nourse) North, was born at Riverside, Calif., Aug. 21, 1884, and married at Choluta, Hon- duras, Central America, April 25, 1912, ELSIE GLADYS PADGETT, daughter of Charles E. Padgett of Winchester, England. Mr. North graduated at the University of California in 1910 and for six years was a mining engineer in Mexico and Central America. Since 1916 he has been in general mining engineering practice in the United States. Residence (1919), Tonopah, Nev. Children : i. CHANDLER PADGETT, b. at Berkeley, Calif., Nov. 27, 1913. ii. VIRGINIA IMOGEN, b. at Eden Mine, Nicaragua, C.A., Dec. 29, 1916. 419. RICHARD 9 LOOMIS NORTH (John 8 G., John 1 W., John 6 , John*, Jonathan 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth and youngest son of John Greenleaf and Augusta C. (Nourse) North, was born at Riverside, Calif., Jan. 30, 1886, and married ELIZABETH QUA of Toronto, Canada. Mr. North was graduated from the University of California and the University of Michi- gan, and is an attorney in Riverside, where he occupies his father's offices, 7 and 8 Evans Block. Child: i. HARPER. 420. HON. WILLIAM 9 J. NORTH (W. Jeremiah 8 , Thomas' A., Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of William Jeremiah and Julia E. Maher, was born at Mil- 236 waukee, Wis., Oct. 15, 1880, and married at White Bear, Minn., April 16, 1904, CLARA E. MILNER, born at White Bear, July 21, 1886. Mr. North is a member of the Minnesota legislature, and resides (1919) at 1510 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Children: i. THOMAS H., b. at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 1, 1906. ii. JANET M., b. at Duluth, Minn., Mar. 5, 1907. iii. NORMA L., b. at Duluth, Minn., July 1, 1909. 421. HOWARD 9 MILES NORTH (George* J., Albert, Darius*, Asa 5 , Jonathan 4 , John 3 , Samuel*, John 1 ), only son of George Jay and Ada (Miles) North, was born Mar. 1, 1867. He married MARION MARIE HIMROD, born Mar. 29, 1875, died Sept. 7, 1915. Mr. North is a graduate of Iowa State University and a civil engineer. He has been assistant to the president of the Denver and Rio Grande R.R., with headquarters at the Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, and during the World War was called to Washington as assistant to the Chief of Ordnance, and as advisory engineer in the Construction Division of the Army, and later in the U. S. Railroad Administration. Children: i. GEORGE JAY, b. Dec. 26, 1906. ii. MARION HIMROD, b. Oct. 4, 1908. 422. LOUIS 9 ASHLEY NORTH (Wayne 9 L., Morgan 7 , Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Wayne L. and Minnie (Ashley) North, was born at Amboy, 111., Aug. 5, 1872. He married at Hammond, Ind., June 16, 1897, EMMA FULL, and resides in Chicago, 111. Children: i. ALICE IRENE, b. Aug. 20, 1898. ii. HELEN PAULINE, b. Aug. 10, 1900. iii. PERCY WAYNE, b. July 25, 1903. iv. CHARLES ASHLEY, b. July 19, 1906. 423. WILLIAM 9 HAMILTON NORTH (Miles* R., Sher- man 7 H., Darius 6 , Asa 6 , Jonathan 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Miles R, and Sarah (Hibbs) North, was born at Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 29, 1878, and died there April 28, 1918. He married Jan. 10, 1896, AMELIA ALBERTS. Mr. North was a stone cutter and lived in Philadelphia. 237 Children, b. at Philadelphia: i. ANNA LOUISA, b. Dec. 20, 1896; d. Sept. 17, 1918. ii. WILLIAM HAMILTON, JR., b. Jan. 10, 1899. iii. HENRIETTA, b. June 3, 1904. iv. FLORENCE, b. and d. May 24, 1917. 424. EDWARD 9 WATSON NORTH (Miles* R., Sherman* H., Darius 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John*), third son of Miles R. and Sarah (Hibbs) North, was born at Philadelphia, Pa., July 25, 1883. He married April 2, 1909, CLARA FISHER. Mr. North ip an auto machinist and resides (1919) with his mother at 2234 Moore St., Philadelphia. Children, b. at Philadelphia: i. DOROTHY, b. Dec. 30, 1909. ii. EDWARD WATSON, JR., b. July 21, 1911. 425. LORENZO 9 NORTH (Harlwell*, Miles 1 , Samuel 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan 4 , John 3 , Samuel*, John 1 }, oldest son of Hartwell and Elizabeth (Delong) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Mar. 20, 1858, and married May 28, 1885, PATIENCE JEWELL. He has been engaged in farming and now resides at Newton Falls, Ohio. Children: 536. i. FRANK WEBSTER, b. Aug. 14, 1887. ii. LEETA MAE, b. Nov. 27, 1902; d. Sept. 14, 1912. 426. ALPHONSO 9 M. NORTH (William 9 S., Asa 7 , Sam- uel 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), only son of William S. and Helen (Harmon) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, in December, 1860, and married at Warren, Ohio, LILLIAN M. TYLER, born in 1861. They reside at 1609 Ohio Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Children : i. ANNA L., b. at Sharon, Pa., Dec. 15, 1884; m. CHARLES J. HASZ. ii. ROLAND W., b. at Sharpesville, Pa., Nov. 13, 1886. 427. ALONZO 9 W. NORTH (Levi* R., Asa\ Samuel 6 , Asa 6 , Jonathan 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), only child of Levi R. and Christine (Clark) North, married MARION BARTHOLOMEW, born Dec. 22, 1861. 238 Children: i. FRANK ASA, b. Oct. 18, 1886. ii. RUTH, b. April 17, 1889; d. Jan. 28, 1911. iii. GLADE LEVI, b. Feb. 6, 1892; m. Sept. 12, 1917, MARY REDIE. iv. CECIL E., b. Feb. 8, 1897; m. Aug. 14, 1920, FLORENCE CARD. 428. ALFRED 9 MYRON NORTH (Thomas 8 H., Alfred- 1 , Nathan 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Thomas Hastings and Sarah (Humphrey) North, was born June 9, 1872, and married at Terre Haute, Ind., in 1908, MANTA MONTROSE LOVE. He is a teacher of history and political science at Riverside, Calif. Children: i. THOMAS LOVE, b. April 2, 1910. ii. MARY LOUISA, b. Sept. 15, 1915. iii. GRACE CORNELIA, b. Oct. 16, 1918. 429. EDWIN 9 BRYAN NORTH (Thomas* H., Alfred 7 , Nathan 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Thomas Hastings and Sarah (Humphrey) North, was born in 1882, and married in 1905 ANNA COLE. Child: i. FRANCIS MYRON, b. at Timber, Ore., 1911. 430. HARRY 9 WALES NORTH (Edward*, Marcus\ Asa- hel 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Edward and Emma (Porter) North, was born near White Hall, Greene Co., 111., July 29, 1877, and married Nov. 23, 1916, JESSIE VIEHE, daughter of Dr. Henry and Julia (Schlamp) Viehe, born Jan. 24, 1891. Mr. North resides at 1193 East Dorothy Place, Memphis, Tenn., and is treasurer of the Layne and Bowler Co. of that city. Child: i. VIRGINIA CATHERINE, b. Mar. 26, 1919. 431. WALTER 9 FRANCIS NORTH (Marcus 9 , Marcus" 1 , Asahel 6 , Samuel 5 , Samuel*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Marcus and Martha (Baldwin) North, was born near White Hall, 111., April 21, 1877. He married at White Hall, Sept. 20, 1900, NELLIE M. RICKART, daughter of Jacob Henry and Sophronia (Giller) Rickart, born at Abilene, Kans., Feb. 19, 1881. They reside (1919) near White Hall, where their four oldest children were born. 239 Children : i. HAROLD MARCUS, b. Oct. 1, 1902. ii. RUSSEL WALES, b. Nov. 29, 1905. iii. FRANCES LOUISE, b. Jan. 27, 1908. iv. ARTHUR RICKART, b. Sept. 27, 1909. v. LUCY LEE, b. at Ganado, Tex., July 11, 1913. 432. FREDERICK 9 KENDALL NORTH (Charles 8 H. t Charles*, Aaron 6 , John 5 , Samuel 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Charles Hamilton and Jane (Lincoln) North, was born at Somerville, Mass., Aug. 26, 1874. He married at Syracuse, N. Y., June 7, 1902, BERTHA M. MURDOCH, who was born at Washington, D. C. Mr. North is a mechanical engineer with the Illinois Malleable Iron Co., and resides at 1461 Foster Ave., Chicago, 111. Children: i. MURIEL WELLES, b. at South Boston, Mass., July 2, 1904. ii. KENDALL MURDOCH, b. at South Boston, Mass., July 24, 1906. 433. CLAUDE 9 NORTH (Lorenzo*, Lyman 7 , Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Lorenzo and Madeline (Pelkey) North, was born at Carthage, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1884, and married there Sept. 14, 1907, ABI CORAL, daughter of William and Hattie Hurlbut, born Nov. 10, 1881. Mr. North is a carpenter and millwright, and resides at 14 Jefferson St., Carthage, N. Y. Children, b. at Carthage: i. CARLTON LORENZO, b. Jan. 10, 1910. ii. HATTIE MADELINE, b. Mar. 23, 1911. 434. CLARENCE 9 NORTH (Lorenzo 9 , Lyman 7 , Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Lorenzo and Madeline (Pelkey) North, was born near Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1886, and married at North Wilna, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Mar. 28, 1906, DOLLEY WILEY. Mr. North is a letter carrier and resides at 443 South Clinton St., Carthage, N. Y. Child: i. CLARA MADELINE, b. Sept. 9, 1910. 435. MYRON 9 NORTH (Albert 8 , Ira 7 , Noah 6 , Daniel*, Daniel 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Albert and 240 Julia (Harris) North, was born at Diana, Lewis Co., N. Y., Feb. 7, 1869, and married BERTHA SIVER. He lived at Harris- ville, Lewis Co., where he died June 9, 1913. Mrs. North re- sides with her children at Harrisville. Children, b. at Harrisville, N. Y. : i. FLORENCE, b. Dec. 26, 1892; m. April 11, 1911, EDWIN CLARK. Children: (1) IMia, b. Jan. 21, 1912. (2) Arthur, b. Mar. 20, 1913. (3) Albert, b. Dec. 27, 1914. (4) Lura, b. Jan. 3, 1917. (5) Melburn, b. Jan. 16, 1918. ii. ALBERT, b. Mar. 2, 1894. iii. BESSIE, b. Mar. 15, 1895; m. HAROLD KEITH of Watertown, N. Y. Children: (1) Evelyn, b. May 23, 1914. (2) Carlton, b. Aug. 28, 1915. (3) Barbara, b. Sept. 30, 1917. (4) Janette, b. Mar. 17, 1919. (5) Virginia, b. Dec. 26, 1920. iv. LESTER, b. July 16, 1896; d. Aug. 30, 1896. v. MEARLE, b. Mar. 12, 1900. vi. LENA, b. Nov. 14, 1906. 436. GEORGE 9 A. NORTH (Noah 8 , Ira 7 , Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Noah and Harriet (McCallister) North, was born in Lewis Co., N. Y., Aug. 25, 1866, and married in 1898-9, PAULINE GILBERTSON. They reside at Erwin, S. Dak., where Mr. North operates a restaurant. Children: i. LTTRAL, b. 1899-1900. ii. PAUL NOAH, b. 1903-4. 437. ALLEN 9 E. NORTH (Noah*, Ira'', Noah 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Noah and Harriet (McCallister) North, was born in Lewis Co., N. Y., Jan. 21, 1869, and married about 1891, GENEVIEVE PERKINS, daughter of James Perkins of Lake Preston, S. Dak. They reside at 209 East Second Ave., Spokane, Wash., where Mr. North conducts a butcher's business. Children: i. HAZEL, b. Jan. 1892; m. . ii. BASIL, b. at Erwin, S. Dak., Feb., 1894; m. . iii. GEORGE, b. at Troy, Kans., 1895; during the World War served overseas in the Signal Corps, iv. FOREST, b. at Erwin, S. Dak., Oct., 1897. v. ERMA, b. at Erwin, S. Dak., Oct., 1899. 438. WILBUR 9 LYMAN NORTH (Edwin* W., Albert" 1 W., a 6 , Daniel 5 , Daniel 4 , Thomas 5 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of 241 Edwin Woodruff North, was born at Montevallo, Ala., June 19, 1874, and married Nov. 26, 1902, IDA HAMILTON MOSELY. He resides at Birmingham, Ala., where he is manager of the Birming- ham branch of Swift and Co. Children : i. MARY ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 23, 1905. ii. JAMES FRANKLIN, b. Nov. 30, 1910. 439. CLARENCE 9 ARTHUR NORTH (Charles 8 C., John 1 D., Royal 6 F., Thomas 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Charles Clarence and Olive (Cooper) North, was born at Rock Island, 111., Mar. 9, 1891, and married IDA HAZEL MARSCHANG, born at Sterling, 111., May 6, 1891. Residence, Moline, 111. Children, b. at Moline: i. ARTHUR HERBERT, b. Sept. 8, 1914. ii. ADELLE MARIE, b. Jan. 31, 1916; d. Jan. 4, 1920. iii. CAROL JANET, b. July 29, 1918; d. Mar. 19, 1920. iv. SHIRLEY MAY, b. Mar. 11, 1920. 440. LINTON 9 GLOVER NORTH (Royal 9 E., Royal* F. t George 6 W., Thomas*, Timothy*, Thomas*, Samuel*, John 1 ), only son of Royal Early and Katie Moss (Pinkston) North, was born May 14, 1893, and married April 18, 1917, ALLIE MAI DAKDEN, born Mar. 4, 1894. Mr. North is in the lumber business with his father at Vicksburgh, Miss. Children: i. LINTON DARDEN, b. July 19, 1918. ii. ROYAL EARLY, b. Feb. 22, 1920. 441. CHARLES 9 WRIGHT NORTH (Gorman 8 G., Czar 7 P., Guy 6 , Seth 6 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Norman Guy and Abbie (Wright) North, was born at Loda,. 111., Sept. 29, 1863, and died Dec. 13, 1914. He married Jan.,. 1885, ELLA GIBSON of Clinton, 111. Mr. North was a train dis- patcher for the Illinois Central R.R. at Cherokee, la. Children: i. NORMAN GIBSON, b. Aug. 9, 1886; m. . No children. ii. HELEN, b. Feb. 19, 1888; d. Aug. 2, 1888. 537. iii. GRENVILLE P., b. Mar. 1, 1890. iv. ALMA, b. Oct. 31, 1891; m. LEE SALISBURY- v. BEULAH, m. HENRY HOFT. 17 242 442. JEREMIAH 9 A. NORTH (Nelson* L., Czar" 1 P., Guy 6 , Selh?, Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Dr. Nelson Luther and Susan (Kennedy) North, was born at Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1849, and died April 30, 1911. He married EMMA HAZELTON, who now resides at Sea Cliff, Nassau Co., N. Y., with her children. Children: i. HARRY IRVING, b. at New York City 1878; m. Feb. 14, 1912, MARION AGNES HOPE, daughter of James Hope of Geelong, Victoria, Australia. No children. Secretary and treasurer of Murtaugh Elevator Co., New York City, ii. HOWARD ALDEN, b. at New York City, April 30, 1880; m. Aug. 30, 1913, OLIVE MAY (SHERIDAN) SNYDER, widow of F. N. Snyder. No children. President of the Murtaugh Elevator Co., New York City, iii. JENNIE S., b. at Brooklyn, 1883. 443. DR. NELSON 9 LUTHER NORTH (Nelson* L., Czar'' P., Guy 6 , Seth 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Dr. Nelson Luther and Susan (Kennedy) North, was born at Brooklyn, N. Y., April 26, 1865, and married April 25, 1888, MARGARET E. BROWN, born at Brooklyn, Feb. 25, 1864. Dr. North is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and an eye and ear specialist. Residence, 150 Han- cock St., Brooklyn. Children : 538. i. NELSON LUTHER, JR., b. Aug. 8, 1890. ii. MIRIAM E., b. Aug. 17, 1900. iii. RICHARD, b. April 9, 1905. iv. SYDNEY E., d. in infancy. 444. CHARLES 9 LEVI NORTH (Charles 6 A., Levi 7 , Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), the oldest son of Charles Addison and Albertine (Battlesen) North, was foorn at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Oct. 25, 1861, and died ;at Parma, Idaho, April 20, 1891. He married at Logan, Cache Co., Utah, Nov. 26, 1884, MARTHA LOUISE BAWDEN, who was Jbom Dec. 13, 1863, and now resides at 3768 So. Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. North was foreman of a nursery company in Salt Lake City. Children: i. LOUISE RUTH, b. Oct. 29, 1885; d. May 1, 1891. 539. ii. CHARLES RAYMOND, b. Mar. 28, 1887. 243 539. iii. INEZ MAY, b. Mar. 4, 1889; m. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 30, 1916, GEORGE BARTON MOWRY. Children: (1) Martha Louise, b. Sept. 7, 1917. (2) Gordon Ray, b. May 6, 1919. iv. GENEVA b. Oct. 13, 1890; m. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 16, 1911, ARTHUR BROWN, JR. Children: (1) Arthur Max, b. Dec. 10, 1911 : d. May 10, 1912. (2) Inez Fern, b. Oct. 18, 1913. (3) Ruby, b. Feb. 17, 1917; d. Feb. 2, 1920. (4) Beverly Jean, b. Aug. 2, 1919. 445. JOHN 9 ADDISON NORTH (Charles 9 A., Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas?, Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Charles Addison and Albertine (Battlesen) North, was born at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Sept. 9, 1863, and married Nov. 11, 1891, MARY P. BROCKBANK, born Mar. 9, 1873. They reside at Salt Lake City, Utah. Children: i. LOLA MAY, b. Dec. 12, 1892. ii. ELLA IZETTA, b. Dec. 6, 1894. iii. JOHN GRANT, b. May 6, 1897. iv. DAYTON REED, b. April 25, 1901. v. FOSTER BROCKBANK, b. April 26, 1903. vi. MARY LOUISE, b. Feb. 27, 1908. 446. HYRUM 9 KING NORTH (Charles* A., Levi\ Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), third son of Charles Addison and Albertine (Battlesen) North, was born at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Sept. 5, 1865, and married at Salt Lake City, Utah, April 20, 1887, ALTHEA C., daughter of Alfred and Eliza (Conk) Best, born at Salt Lake City, July 6, 1867. Residence, 417 F St., Salt Lake City. Children, b. at Mill Creek, Utah: i. VERA ALTHEA, b. Sept. 19, 1889. ii. ELDA ELIZA, b. June 28, 1892. iii. ERWIN KING, b. Mar. 24, 1894; m. at Salt Lake City, Oct. 17, 1919, LURA, daughter of Don Carlos and Esther (Shields) Smith, b. Mar. 4, 1896. iv. THERON IRA, b. May 11, 1898. v. LINDEN ARLING, b. Aug. 9, 1900. vi. ORLIN GLEN, b. Mar. 31, 1904. 447. MERARP FRANKLIN NORTH (Hyrum 9 B., Lem\ Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Hyrum Bennett and Leah (Davis) North, was born at Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 3, 1870, and died April 15, 1909. He married 244 Feb. 20, 1903, ANNE LOHR, who died June 19, 1909. They re- sided at Charleston, Utah. Children: i. LEAH A., b. Jan. 20, 1904. ii. HAROLD A., b. Nov. 2, 1906. 448. PERRY 9 DAVIS NORTH (Hyrum* B., Lem\ Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, sixth son of Hyrum Bennett and Leah (Davis) North, was born May 19, 1877, and married Mar. 17, 1898, CYNTHIA BRONSON, who died Jan. 11, 1915. Mr. North resides at Midway, Utah. Children : i. EUGENE, b. Dec. 31, 1898. ii. LA PRELE, b. Oct. 2, 1905. 449. WILLIAM 9 HARRISON NORTH (Hyrum 9 B., Levi\ Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), seventh son of Hyrum Bennett North, by his second wife Priscilla Blair, was born at Salt Lake City, Utah, May 14, 1870, and married Dec. 15, 1897, CAROLINE STEADMAN. They reside at Charleston, Utah. Children: i. NELLIE C., b. April 14, 1899. ii. ALTA E., b. June 1, 1901. iii. EDITH A., b. Mar. 26, 1904. iv. WILLIAM HARRISON, b. July 25, 1906. v. ALMEDA, b. Sept. 25, 1908; d. April 22, 1909. 450. ARTHUR 9 MORMON NORTH (Hyrum* B., Levi\ Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 }, eighth son of Hyrum Bennett North, by his second wife Priscilla Blair, was born May 30, 1874, and married Mar. 22, 1905, CAROLINE BLAKEY. They reside at Byron, Wyo. Children: i. LELA P., b. April 27, 1906. ii. VEDA, b. Feb. 18, 1908. iii. WALLACE B., b. Jan. 12, 1910. iv. HOWARD A., b. Jan. 26, 1912. v. CYNTHIA, b. Mar. 29, 1914. vi. RAYMOND M., b. Dec. 26, 1916. 451. ASHAEL 9 ALBERT NORTH (Hyrum* B., Levi 7 , Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), ninth son of 245 Hyrum Bennet, by his second wife Priscilla Blair, was born at Charleston, Utah, July 2, 1876, and married April 5, 1905, MARY STEADMAN. They reside at Charleston, Utah. Children : i. ASHAEL HYRUM, b. Dec. 17, 1905; d. Dec. 26, 1905. ii. ALBERT LESLIE, b. Feb. 9, 1907. iii. RUTH, b. Mar. 22, 1908. iv. JESSE ERWIN, b. April 21, 1909. v. ROLAND, b. Dec. 26, 1912; d. Dec. 31, 1912. vi. LAVERN, b. Sept. 24, 1915. vii. SERL, b. Nov. 17, 1917. 452. WARREN 9 LYMAN NORTH (Hyrum* B., Levi\ Sydney*, Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), thirteenth son of Hyrum Bennett North, by his second wife Priscilla Blair, was born at Charleston, Utah, Aug. 22, 1888, and married Feb. 9, 1910, HAZEL MONTGOMERY. They reside at Charleston, Utah. Children: i. PHYLLIS, b. Dec. 16, 1910. ii. DALLAS WARREN, b. Oct. 12, 1912. iii. MAXINE HAZEL, b. Sept. 4, 1917. 453. LORIN 9 HARVEY NORTH (Hyrum* B., Levi\ Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), fourteenth son of Hyrum Bennett North, by his second wife Priscilla Blair, was born at Charleston, Utah, April 4, 1890, and married Aug. 26, 1911, ZELLA LEWIS. They reside at Salt Lake City, Utah. Children : i. LEO LEWIS, b. June 6, 1912. ii. VIRGINIA, b. Oct. 25, 1914. iii. MARION KENNETH, b. Nov. 19, 1918. 454. LEVI 9 MORGAN NORTH (Levi* H., Levi\ Sydney*, Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas*, Samuel 2 , John 1 }, oldest son of Levi Howard and Ann (Morgan) North, was born at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Jan. 17, 1870, and married at Salt Lake City, Sept. 11, 1894, TYRESHA ANN JENSEN, daughter of Lars and Mary (Cragun) Jensen, born at Mill Creek, Aug. 16, 1874. Mr. North resides in Salt Lake City. Children: i. OWEN LEVI, b. at Mill Creek, Utah, Jan. 31, 1895. 539. ii. LEON DARE, b. at Mill Creek, Utah, Feb. 6, 1897. 246 539. iii. GLENN WAYNE, b. at Mill Creek, Utah, Dec. 16, 1899; m. at Salt Lake City, June 12, 1916, CHARLOTTE ALVEDA LAESEN. iv. AFTON, b. at Wilford, Salt Lake Co., Utah, June 23, 1903. v. RULLA, b. at Wilford, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Mar. 26, 1910. 455. CLAKENCE 9 NORTH (Levi* H., Lev?, Sydney*, Lot 6 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second and youngest son of Levi Howard and Ann (Morgan) North, was born at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Jan. 19, 1876, and married at Union, Salt Lake Co., Aug. 11, 1909, LUELLA ANDERSON, daughter of Louis and Harriet (Cole) Anderson, born at Union, Salt Lake Co., Sept. 1, 1891. Mr. North resides in Salt Lake City. Children: i. CLARENCE EUGENE, b. at Pleasant Green, Salt Lake Co., Utah, July 26, 1910. ii. LEONE LUELLA, b. at Pleasant Green, Feb. 23, 1912. iii. VELMA, b. at Wilford, Salt Lake Co., Sept. 19, 1914. iv. WILLIS, b. at Union, Salt Lake Co., June 16, 1918. v. WILBUR, b. at Union, June 16, 1918 (twin). 456. CORNELIUS 9 HUMPHREY NORTH (William* F., Lot 7 , Abijah 6 , Lot 6 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of William Foster and Abbie (Humphrey) North, was born at Patriot, Switzerland Co., Jan. 12, 1875. He married at Patriot, Nov. 23, 1898, BERNICE LEE PHILLIPS. Mr. North is a turpentine merchant and operator. Child: i. CORNELIA, b. at Patriot, Ind., Mar. 4, 1903. 457. ORVILLE 9 JACOB HARRIS NORTH (William 8 F., Lof, Abijah 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), was born at Patriot, Switzerland Co., Ind., Aug. 8, 1882. He married near Vevay, Ind., Nov. 4, 1908, MARY A. BAKES. Mr. North is in the hardware business and also is engaged in farming. Child: i. BAKES, b. at Patriot, Ind., July 26, 1911. 458. JAMES 9 OLIVER NORTH (James* M., Wilson\ Abijah 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), only son of James Madison and Sarah (Courtney) North, was born in Ohio Co., Ind., April 24, 1866, and married at Indianapolis, Ind., June 18, 1899, where he now resides. 247 Children, b. at Indianapolis : i. OLIVER JAMES, b. Jan. 10, 1900; during the World War served in Battery E of the Rainbow Division and was wounded and gassed while in action in France. He m. May, 1920, , and resides in Indianapolis, ii. LUCILLE M., b. Sept. 14, 1905. 459. DAVIS 9 ALVY NORTH (Edwin* B., Rufus 7 , Levi*, Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Edwin Byron and Leonora (Martin) North, was born at Paradise, Butte Co., Calif., Aug. 21, 1888, and married at San Jose, Calif., Oct. 22, 1908, ANNA HAYBURN, born at San Jose May 20, 1890. Mr. North is a switch engineer for the Southern Pacific R.R. at San Jose. Children, b. at San Jose: i. ALVEBTA G., b. Nov. 4, 1909. ii. ALVY DAVIS, b. Mar. 15, 1915. 460. GARNIE 9 LEONE NORTH (Edwin 8 B., Rufus 7 , Levi 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Edwin Byron and Leonora (Martin) North, was born near Oroville, Butte Co., Calif., Sept. 18, 1891, and married in Stock- ton, Calif., Nov. 20, 1914, EUNA GARFIELD, born at Santa Rosa, Calif., July 1, 1893. Mr. North is a traveling salesman and re- sides (1919) at Stockton. Children, b. at Stockton: i. GARNIE GARFIELD, b. Jan. 22, 1916. ii. ALVTN KENNETH, b. Aug. 5, 1918. 461. SAMUEL 9 NATHAN NORTH (Ira 8 L., Nathan 7 H., Levi 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Ira L. and Grace (Lostutter) North, was born at North's Landing, near Rising Sun., Ind., June 29, 1888. He married June 29, 1916, EFFIE MAE HINMAN. They reside (1919) at Toledo, Ohio. Child: i. HELEN MARIE, b. at Toledo, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1919. 462. PIERCE 9 R. NORTH (John 9 H., Fountain 7 , Henry* T., Abijah 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), married NELLIE WILLIAMS of Kansas City, Mo., where they reside at 810 Munro Ave. Mr. North is in the furniture business. ChUd: i. FRANK. 248 463. HARRY 9 B. NORTH (John 8 H., Fountain 7 , Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 }, married MINA HARDEBROOK and resides at Kansas City, Mo. Children: i. RICHARD. ii. FRANCES ANN. 464. EDWARD 9 SCARRETT NORTH (John* H., Foun- tain', Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , Jo/in 1 ), married EDNA THOMAS, and is an attorney in Kansas City, Mo. Children: i. MARTHA ELLEN. ii. ELIZABETH F. 465. THOMAS 9 SPEARS NORTH (John 8 H., Fountain 7 , Henry* T., Abijah 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), married JOSEPHINE HORNER and resides at Kansas City, Mo. Child: i. THOMAS SPEARS, JR. 466. JOSEPH 9 HENRY NORTH, JR. (John 8 H., Fountain 7 , Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), married MILDRED BOSSLER and resides at 3516 Wayne Ave., Kansas City, Mo. He is president of the J. H. North Furniture Co. Child: i. MARJORIE JEANNE. 467. ARNOT 9 NORTH (James 8 S., Fountain 7 , Henry 6 T., Abijah 5 , Timothy 4 , Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), married HELEN CARR of Kansas City, Mo. Children : i. JAMES CARR. ii. JAMES STIEMAN. 468. JAMES 9 H. NORTH (Erastus 8 A., James 7 , Joseph 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Erastus A. and Eliza (Cooke) North, was born at Berlin, May 21, 1854, and married in 1877, EMMA GOODRICH. They reside in Berlin. Children: i. EMMA BELLE, m. CHARLES FLEISCHER. Resides in New Britain. Children: (1) Lillian. (2) Leroy. 249 ii. Louis F., m. LOUISE Fox. Resides in Essex. A child, d. in infancy. iii. CORA L., m. JOHN T. HALLORON. Residence, New Haven, iv. BESSIE, m. WILLIAM A. CLARK. Resides in Madison. Child: Henry. v. JESSIE, m. ARTHUR HALL. Resides in Clinton. Children: (1) Earl. (2) Son. 469. BURTON 9 W. NORTH (Erastus* A., James 1 , Joseph 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), was born in Berlin, Feb. 6, 1867, and married Dec. 24, 1903, ELLIE L. MUNGER, born Jan. 2, 1874. They reside in Berlin. Child: i. GRACE, b. Feb. 12, 1906. 470. CHARLES 9 ALSON DUANE NORTH (Alson 9 , Allen 7 , Joseph 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Alson and Harriet (Baldwin) North, was born at Utica, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1856, and married Nov. 29, 1888, ALICE JANE ANDREWS, adopted daughter of Darwin Calhoun Andrews. She died Aug. 14, 1909. Mr. North resides (1920) in Torring- ton, Conn. Children: 541. i. LEONE DUANE, b. Dec. 10, 1889. ii. BEULAH MAY, b. Nov. 27, 1891; m. Mar. 9, 1918, ROBERT O. HANSON of Seattle, Wash, iii. ROY ANDREWS, b. July 15, 1893. iv. ELMER ALLEN, b. Oct. 18, 1897. v. RUTH LOUISE, b. May 14, 1901. vi. BURTON LESTER, b. April 3, 1906. 471. THOMAS 9 MELVIN NORTH (John 9 , Lyman 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John and Sarah (Taylor) North, was born in Ohio Dec. 3, 1843, and died May 7, 1914. He married Nov. 2, 1865, LOUISA E. BASIL. In the Civil War, he enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, at the age of eighteen years, in Company B., 45th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, serving three years, and was discharged in July, 1865. Mrs. North now lives with her sons at Lima, Ohio. Children: i. CHILD, d. in infancy. ii. JOHN CAREY, b. April 29, 1872; m. Dec. 24, 1899, ELIZABETH PORTER. No children. With the Standard Oil Co. at Lima, O. 250 iii. ELMA A., b. May 29, 1874; d. Jan. 29, 1912; m. Oct. 20, 1901, J. W. ISHAM who d. April 9, 1907. Children: (1) Veva Lorain, b. Nov. 24, 1903. (2) Seldon Thomas, b. Mar. 9, 1905. (3) John Edgar, b. Oct. 26, 1907. 542. iv. LYMAN OSCAR, b. Sept. 2, 1877. v. BERTHA JULIA, b. Sept. 11, 1880; m. June 9, 1899, W. H. FOWLER, and resides in Dayton, Ohio. 472. LYMAN 9 MADISON NORTH (John 8 , Lyman\ Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John and Sarah (Taylor) North was born in Ohio, May 14, 1847, and died at Columbia City, Ind., April 5, 1917. He married Dec. 29, 1868, ICEPHENA ELLEN MYERS, who died June 25, 1916. They lived on his father's farm in Whitley Co., Ind., for thirteen years, then went west for fourteen years, living in Dorchester, Neb., and Yuma Co., Colo., after which they returned to Columbia City, Ind. Mr. North was a member of the Chris- tian Church. Children: i. CLAUDE HOMER, b. in Whitley Co., Ind., Nov. 3, 1869; d. Feb. 27, 1870. ii. ORLENA BLANCHE, b. in Whitley Co., Ind., July 23, 1871; d. Sept. 5, 1874. iii. LUCY LURELLA, b. in Whitley Co., Ind. Aug. 4, 1873; d. Jan. 11, 1875. iv. BESSIE MUSETTA, b. in Whitley Co., Ind., Mar. 25, 1875; m. April 13, 1898, FAREST CALVIN ABBOTT. Residence, Columbia City, Ind. Children : (1) Ethel Fay, b. Feb. 21, 1899. (2) Mida Flo, b. Sept. 4, 1900. (3) Gail Christopher, b. July 24, 1903. (4) George Dallas, b. Aug. 5, 1906. (5) Lee Ford, b. Jan. 1, 1911. (6) Robert Glenwood, b. Aug. 24, 1913. (7) Barrel Ray, b. July 10, 1917. v. SULA ESTELLE, b. in Whitley Co., Ind., Aug. 26, 1877; m. 1st, Jan. 12, 1898, EDWIN PULLIN; 2nd, JAMES BOWERS. Children, by 1st husband: (1) Luther Lyman, b. Jan. 25, 1899. (2) Myrtle Orthella, b. Oct. 4, 1900; d. Sept., 1910. (3) Jaunita Willodean, b. Sept. 6, 1910. vi. JOHN MITCHELL, b. in Whitley Co., Ind., Aug. 11, 1879; d. at Columbia City, Ind., Mar. 1, 1903. 543. vii. HENRY WILLIAM, b. at Dorchester, Neb., Mar. 21, 1882. viii. RALPH OSBORN, b. in Yuma Co., Colo., April 11, 1890; unm. Resides Columbia City, Ind. In railroad employ. During the European War saw active service in the front line trenches in France. 251 473. HIRAM 9 CAREY NORTH (John 8 , Lyman\ Abel 6 , Isaac*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of John and Ann (Taylor) North, was born in Ohio Aug. 9, 1853, and married Mar. 14, 1878, MARY J., daughter of Seth and Calista (McCabe) John of Shelby Co., Ohio. She died May 5, 1920. Mr. North has been in business since 1889 at Piqua, Ohio. Children, b. at Sidney, Ohio : i. EARL ROSWELL, b. Dec. 2, 1880; m. May 9, 1904, A. RUTH SIGSBEE, daughter of James H. and Lillian (Cox) Sigsbee of Auburn, N. Y. No children. He graduated at Maryville College in 1901, and at Auburn Theological Seminary in 1904, and became a minister in the Presbyterian church, holding pastorates in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. During the World War he went overseas with the Y. M. C. A. At present he is pastor of the Presbyterian church at Port Henry, N. Y. Member of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. Received degree of D.D., 1919. ii. MARY GENEVIEVE, b. April 3, 1885; B.A. Oberlin College, 1910; unm. Teacher in Piqua High School. 474. DAVID 9 E. NORTH (John 8 , Lyman\ Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of John and Sarah (Taylor) North, was born at Braynesfield, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1857, and married (1) at Springfield, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1882, BERTHA GLAZE; (2) Nov. 28, 1901, CORA B. ROOSA. They reside at 526 South Center St., Springfield, Ohio. Child: 544. i. CLARENCE G., b. Aug. 26, 1884. 475. ALVIN 9 C. NORTH (John*, Lyman 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of John and Sarah (Taylor) North, was born at Braynesfield, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1860, and married . He resides at 703 Gallagher St., Springfield, Ohio. Children: i. HARRY E. ii. LULA MAE, m. ARTHUR TEACH. iii. HELEN, m. ASA BURTON. 476. CHARLES 9 LYMAN NORTH (Abel 8 , Lyman\ Abel 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac 1 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Abel and Elizabeth (Herr) North, was born Dec. 27, 1863, and married IDA M. BURNSIDES. He resides at Urbana, Champaign Co., 252 Ohio, in the house built by his grandfather Lyman North in 1821. Children: i. WILBUK ARTHUR. ii. CHAUNCEY, m. SHOFFSTALL. 477. WILLIAM 9 FRANKLIN NORTH (Abel*, Lyman\ Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas 1 , John 1 ), youngest son of Abel and Elizabeth (Herr) North, was born April 21, 1870, and married GRACE M. MEYERS. Mr. North is an attorney in Cincinnati, Ohio, and resides in South Norwood, Ohio. Child: i. MARGARET E., b. Aug. 30, 1906. 478. AARON 9 CALVIN NORTH (Edward* B., Lyman\ Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Edward Bates and Mary (Mairs) North, was born in Cham- paign Co., Ohio, Jan. 3, 1861, and married at Columbia City, Ind., Oct. 13, 1881, MOLINDA EMELINE FISHER, daughter of Adam H. and Margaret (Vandine) Fisher. She died Aug. 5, 1918. Mr. North is a carpenter and contractor, and resides (1920) at Columbia City, Ind. Children: 545. i. ADAM EDWARD, b. at Peabody, Whitley Co., Ind., Aug. 18, 1882. 546. ii. CHARLES BRENTON, b. at Beldin, Wabash Co., Ind., Mar. 21, 1885. iii. MARY ELISABETH, b. at Columbia City, Ind., April 14, 1887; d. Jan. 17, 1888. iv. DAISY ETHEL, b. Jan. 12, 1889; m. Sept. 4, 1906, CHARLES ALTON WALKER. Residence (1920), Columbia City. Chil- dren: (1) Willis Alton, b. Dec. 22, 1909. (2) Charles Calvin, b. Sept. 7, 1916. v. MARGRET MAZY, b. Columbia City, Jan. 13, 1891 ; m. May 8, 1915, EUGENE JACOB YOUNG, son of David H. and Louise (Montavine) Young. Residence (1920), Columbia City. Children: (1) Margret Charlene, b. July 30, 1916. (2) Ester Elian, b. Nov. 18, 1918. (3) Emma Jean, b. Feb. 6, 1920. vi. MALEN RAY, b. Mar. 24, 1893; m. Aug. 18, 1915, SARAH RUTH GREGG, daughter of William K. and Huldah (Briggs) Gregg. No children. Residence, Larwill, Ind. vii. HARRIET REBECCA, b. at Columbia City, April 15, 1895; m. Nov. 21, 1914, ISHUE F. MILES, son of Levi and Rosa (Grable) 253 Miles. Residence (1920), Churubusco, Ind. Children: (1) Fern Estella, b. June 20, 1916. (2) Levi Calvin, b. Aug. 10, 1918. viii. JULIAN ESTELL, b. July 19, 1897; m. at Columbia City, Nov. 15, 1917, ROY WILBERT BAINBBIDGE, son of Albert and Ella (King) Bainbridge. During the World War he served in the artillery. Residence, Columbia City. Child: Ilene Elisabeth, b. April 5, 1919. 479. WILLIAM 9 HENRY NORTH (Isaac 8 , John 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Lounsbury) North, was born at Lee Center, 111., April 10, 1859, and died at Chicago, 111., Dec. 25, 1904. He married May 11, 1881, EDNA WILLIAMS who died Aug. 2, 1912. Mr. North was a bookkeeper, and later an auditor for Swift and Company in Chicago. Children, b. at Chicago: i. JAMES WILLIAM, b. July 9, 1882; d. at Chicago, Mar. 24, 1909. ii. CAROLINE ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 25, 1885; m. Dec., 1905, CLAUDE WALKER. Child: Harold North, b. Oct. 27, 1906. iii. NELLIE EDNA, b. Aug. 9, 1887. 480. JOHN 9 AUSTIN NORTH (John 8 , John 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John and Abigail (Austin) North, was born at Berlin, July 13, 1852. He married at Simsbury, May 11, 1878, NETTIE P. DRAKE, daughter of Asahel and Pluma (Rice) Drake, born at Collinsville, July 7, 1852. Mr. North resides at Collinsville. Children, b. at Collinsville: i. ALICE MAY, b. Nov. 12, 1881 ; m. Nov. 8, 1905, HERBERT STAN- NARD HOLT, son of Edward D. and Mary (Stannard) Holt, and resides (1919) 121 Oakland St., Bristol. Child: Eleanor North, b. May 14, 1909. 547. ii. JOHN CARLOS, b. Dec. 3, 1891. 481. LINDSLEY 9 CALEB NORTH (John 8 , John 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of John and Abigail (Austin) North, was born at Berlin, Dec. 29, 1859 (christened Caleb Lindsley). He married at Portland, Conn., Dec. 14, 1882, JENNIE L. STRICKLAND, daughter of Capt. N. B. and Rhoda Strickland, born at Portland, Conn., Sept. 17, 1860. Mr. North resides (1919) at Portland, where he is engaged in farming. 254 Children, b. at Portland, Conn. : i. HARRIET AUSTIN, b. Jan. 31, 1884; m. at Southington, July 4, 1907, Louis W. GREAVES. Children: (1) Adelaide Belle, b. Jan. 20, 1908. (2) Wellington North, b. Sept. 9, 1910. ii. ADELAIDE B., b. Mar. 30, 1887. iii. ERNEST L., b. Aug. 13, 1896; d. May 9, 1919. 482. FRANKLIN 9 BILL NORTH (John*, John\ Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, youngest son of John and Abigail (Austin) North, was born at Berlin, Feb. 19, 1867. He married at Westville, June 25, 1891, META EMMA UNGER, born at Magdeburg, Germany, May 28, 1868. Mr. North is a carpenter and resides (1919) at 83 Gibbs St., New Haven. Children: i. ELSIE FREDERICA, b. at New Haven, Mar. 24, 1892; m. Aug. 21, 1916, EARL BENJAMIN Mix, b. at Hamden, Jan. 21, 1892. They reside (1919) at Norwalk. Child: Dorothy Violet, b. Nov. 20, 1918. ii. FRANK ARTHUR, b. at Wallingford, Nov. 21, 1894. During the World War served in France in the 1st Connecticut Field Hospital, as sergeant in a transport company and after the armistice as Y. M. C. A. athletic director. He is (1919) physical director at New Haven high school and teacher at the New Haven Normal School of Gymnastics. 483. CHARLES 9 WEED NORTH (Gideon 9 L., Selah" 1 , Salmon 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Gideon Leeds and Sarah (Weed) North, was born at Rockville, Sept. 1, 1865. He married Oct. 21, 1890, MINERVA WRIGHT LINCOLN, daughter of George Henry and Clarissa E. (Green- wood) Lincoln, born at Providence, R. I., Dec. 29, 1869. They reside (1920) at 145 Lloyd Ave., Providence, where Mr. North is agent for the National Ring Traveler Co. Children, b. at Providence: i. MILDRED BROWN, b. Feb. 16, 1893; m. Oct. 14, 1916, EDWARD RANDOLPH EBERLE, Paymaster, U. S. N., son of Rear Admiral Edward W. Eberle, U. S. N. They reside (1919) at Wash- ington, D. C. Children: (1) Edward Randolph, Jr., b. July 25, 1917. (2) Mildred Randolph, b. July 25, 1920. ii. HOWARD LINCOLN, b. Feb. 15, 1894. Resides with his father. 484. ALBERT 9 AVERY NORTH (Frederick 6 M., Jedediatf, Levi 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest living son of Frederick M. and Emily (Benjamin) North, was born at 255 East Berlin, Nov. 10, 1867, and married at East Berlin June 28, 1893, BERTHA MILDRED MILDRUM, daughter of William A. and Adelia Mildrum, born at East Berlin, Jan. 31, 1868. Mr. North is superintendent of the Skinner Chuck Co. at East Berlin. Children: i. IRENE, b. Jan. 9, 1902. ii. RUSSELL MILDRUM, b. Oct. 14, 1903. iii. MIRIAM EMILY, b. Sept. 20, 1906. 485. CHARLES 9 HOWARD NORTH (Narris* C., Levi 7 , Levi 6 , Jedediah?, Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Norris C. and Mary (Beebe) North, was born at Columbia, Ohio, April 14, 1860, and married at Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1885, MARY WILSON. Mr. North was formerly president of the North Electric Manufacturing Co., Galion, Ohio, makers of machine switching telephone systems. He is now retired and resides at 3793 W. 33rd St., Cleveland. Children : i. NORRIS W., b. Sept. 8, 1887; unm. President of North Electric Mfg. Co. ii. MARY, b. April 13, 1891 ; m. Feb. 9, 1916, HOWARD C. FLETCH- ER of Elgin, 111. Children: (1) Charles H., b. Sept. 7, 1917. (2) Mary Alice, b. Oct. 7, 1919. 486. ARCHER 9 M. NORTH (Norris 6 C., Levi 7 , Levi, Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Norris C. and Mary (Beebe) North, was born at East Berlin, Jan. 14, 1867, and married at Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1888, MYRTLE BRYCE. Mr. North resides at 8401 Clark Ave., S. W., Cleve- land, Ohio. Children: i. BERNICE, b. May 24, 1889; m. Mar. 15, 1917, FORD BRUNNER. Child: William F., b. Sept. 16, 1918. ii. CLYDE, b. July 17, 1890; unm. In the U. S. Navy. iii. HAZEL, b. Jan. 15, 1892; m. Jan. 15, 1913, JOHN WEDELL. Children: (1) Archer J., b. Oct. 24, 1913. (2) Clyde A., b. Nov. 9, 1914. (3) Homer L., b. Nov. 14, 1915. iv. CARRIE, b. Mar. 21, 1894; m. Aug. 19, 1916, RALPH MEYERS. Child: Homer Brice, b. July 8, 1919. v. HOMER, b. Sept. 24, 1897; unm. Killed in the battle of the Argonne, in France, Nov. 2, 1918. vi. ROBERT, b. Jan. 13, 1905. 256 487. WILLIS 9 BEEBE NORTH (Norris* C., Levi 7 , Levi 6 , Jedediah b , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Tho'nas 2 , John 1 }, third son of Norm C. and Mary (Beebe) North, was born June 14, 1873, and mar- ried at Cleveland, Ohio, HENRIETTA WALBRIDGE. Residence, 1900 West 75th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Children: i. MILFOKD, b. at Cleveland, Jan. 19, 1904. ii. HAROLD, b. Aug. 12, 1907. 488. JOHN 9 CURTIS NORTH (John* G., Lemuel 7 , David 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John Goodrich and Elizabeth (Dickenson) North, was born at New Haven, Aug. 25, 1850, and died there, Nov. 10, 1918. He mar- ried in 1872, JESSIE G. BRINKERHOFF, daughter of Richard and S. Harriet (Passman) Brinkerhoff. She was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1857, and now resides with her daughter in Bridgeport. Mr. North was head of the insurance agency founded in New Haven by his father. Children, b. at New Haven. 548. i. JOHN RICHARD, b. Dec. 1, 1874; d. Mar. 26, 1920. 549. ii. HERBERT BRINKERHOFF, b. Feb. 16, 1879. iii. JESSIE DICKENSON, b. April 3, 1880; m. April 29, 1909, HARRY H. READ. No children. Residence (1920), Bridge- port. iv. DONALD GOODRICH, b. May 12, 1894; m. at New Haven, May 12, 1917, MARIAN CRAMPTON, daughter of John M. Crampton. No children. Mr. North is a member of North's Insurance Agency, New Haven. 489. EDWARD 9 COLLINS NORTH (John 8 G., Lemuel 7 , David 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of John Goodrich and Elizabeth (Dickenson) North, was born Jan. 27, 1853, and died at Boston, Mass., Nov. 23, 1909. He married Sept. 23, 1874, MARION TILTON of Boston where he was engaged in the insurance business. Child: 550. i. CHARLES E., b. July 16, 1875. 490. FRANCIS 9 AUGUSTUS NORTH (Alfred*, Reuben 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Dea. Alfred and Mary (Wilcox) North, was born at Berlin, June 4, 1835, and died at Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 9, 1904. He 257 married at Philadelphia, Oct. 10, 1867, ELIZABETH W. MOORE- HEAD. While a boy Mr. North assisted his father in the store in Berlin, and studied music. In 1858 he accepted a position with Andre and Co., of Philadelphia, publishers and importers of sheet music. Eventually he purchased the business, but later sold to the Ditsons, and started the Lester Piano Manufacturing Co. Mrs. North resides (1920) at 117 West Chelten Ave., Ger- mantown, Pa. Children, b. at Philadelphia: i. ALFRED MOOREHEAD, b. Feb. 20, 1872; m. Jan. 7, 1915, DOROTHEA SCHELL, daughter of Oswald H. Schell and grand- daughter of Auditor-General William P. Schell of Bedford, Pa. No children. Secretary and treasurer of the American Metal Works; graduate of Princeton University. ii. ROBERT L., b. Nov. 19, 1873; d. Jan. 12, 1901. Graduate of Princeton University. Began business with his brother. 491. CHARLES 9 REUBEN NORTH (Samuel 8 , Reuben 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Samuel and Mary (Stow) North, was born at Berlin, Dec. 9, 1844. He married June 22, 1870, MARY METCALF, born at Middle Haddam, Nov. 19, 1843. Mr. North lived in Hartford and Chicago, and now resides with his brother Frederick in Springfield, Mass. Children: i. EVA METCALF, b. at Middle Haddam, Aug. 2, 1871; m. at Hartford, Nov. 23, 1899, REV. DONALD HOWARD CRAVER of Geneva,' N. Y., where they now reside. Mrs. Graver is a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College. Dr. Graver was born at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 8* 1872, graduated at Union College, 1896, and at Auburn Theological Seminary, 1899. Children: (1) Robert North, b. April 3, 1901. (2) Bradford North, b. Aug. 21, 1910. ii. MARY ETA, b. July 15, 1874; d. at Providence, R. I., Oct. 16, 1875. iii. LIZZIE EUNICE, b. June 20, 1878; d. at Middle Haddam, Aug. 23, 1878. 492. DR. SIMON 9 NEWTON DEXTER NORTH (Ed- ward 9 , Reuben 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Prof. Edward and Mary (Dexter) North, was born at Clinton, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1848. He married at 18 258 Rome, N. Y., July 8, 1875, LILLIAN SILL COMSTOCK, daughter of Hon. Calvert and Eliza (Sill) Comstock of that city. After graduating at Hamilton College in 1869 he became a re- porter with the Utica Morning Herald, of which he later became managing-editor. In 1886 he became editor and joint proprie- tor of the Albany Morning Express, and in 1888 secretary of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers at Boston, Mass., editing their quarterly bulletin. During this time he was also engaged in census work and was a member of the U. S. Industrial Commission. In 1903 he was appointed director of the census by President Roosevelt, and in 1906 was sent by him to Ger- many as chairman of the American Tariff Commission to that country. He was editor of the American Year Book in 1910, and since that time has been assistant-secretary and statistician of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. He received the degree of LL.D. from Bowdoin College in 1902, and from the University of Illi- nois in 1904. He is a member of the Board of Managers of the National Geographic Society, and vice-president of the Rumford Press, Concord, N. H. Dr. North is the author of many books and pamphlets on the wool business, the tariff, statistics and educational subjects; of a memoir of his father, "Old Greek, an Old Time Professor in an Old Fashioned College" (McClures, 1905) and of a memoir of his great-grandfather "Simeon North, First Official Pistol Maker of the United States" (The Rumford Press, 1913). Children: i. EDWAKD, b. at Utica, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1878; d. at Ouray, Colo., Feb. 8, 1902. Graduated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1900, in mining engineering, and took grad- uate studies at Harvard University. ii. GLADYS, b. at Utica, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1879. Resides (1921) at 205 W. 94th St., New York City. iii. ELOISE COMSTOCK, b. at Albany, N. Y., May 12, 1884; m. at New London, N. H., Sept. 11, 1908, DR. HORACE H. JENKS, son of William S. and Helen (Towne) Jenks of Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, Haverford, Pa. Children: (1) William F. t b. June 28, 1909. (2) Edward North, b. July 15, 1910. (3) Robert Darah, b. May 14, 1912. iv. DEXTER, b. at Brookline, Mass., Oct. 26, 1890. Graduated in 1913 at Hamilton College, and in 1916 at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, in chemical engineering. Dur- ing the World War was in the Chemical Warfare Service, and 259 is now (1921) a chemical expert with the U. S. Tariff Com- mission at Washington. Residence, 2852 Ontario Rd., Wash- ington, D. C. 493 FREDERICK 9 R. NORTH (Frederick 9 , Reuben 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah*, Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Frederick and Emily (Webber) North, was born Nov. 12, 1852. He married June 3, 1874, CLARA M. FLAGG of Meriden, who was born Dec. 3, 1852, and died Dec. 30, 1887. Children: i. ALICE E., b. Sept. 28, 1875; m. HABRY S. LOYN. ii. HERBERT E., b. May 18, 1878; d. Oct. 11, 1886. iii. CLARA E., b. Jan. 13, 1880; unm. iv. GERTRUDE M., b. Oct. 27, 1881; m. FRANK S. CARLETON. v. HARRY F., b. Feb. 19, 1885; m. MAZZIE HADDON. No children. 494. EDWARD 9 W. NORTH (Frederick 9 , Reuben" 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah**, Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Frederick and Emily (Webber) North, was born Jan. 23, 1867. He married Aug. 15, 1889, EMILY S. EVANS of New York City. Children : i. ALICE L., b. Jan. 11, 1891; d. Feb. 27, 1892. ii. EMMA E., b. Feb. 19, 1893. 495. SELDEN 9 GLADWIN NORTH (Willis 9 , Alvin 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Willis and Orpha (Gladwin) North, was born May 14, 1843. He married -at Philadelphia, Pa., May 9, 1870, ELLEN- ORA C. BLAND, daughter of Benjamin and Frances Bland. With his brother Ralph he organized the North Brothers Manu- facturing Co., hardware manufacturers of Philadelphia. Children: i. RALPH WILLIS, b. Jan. 15, 1872; d. July 16, 1872. ii. EDITH BLAND, b. Oct. 18, 1874. 496. RALPH 9 HAYDEN NORTH (Willis 9 , Alvin 7 , Sim- eon 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Willis and Orpha (Gladwin) North, was born Jan. 5, 1850. He married Oct. 10, 1883, MARY CARPENTER SPRING, daughter of John and Eunice E. Spring of Hartford. Mr. North is president of the North Bros. Manufacturing Co., makers of the famous "Yankee tools," and resides (1921) at 260 7301 Boyer Ave., Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. He possesses a complete collection of every type of pistol made by his great- grandfather Col. Simeon North, in the compilation of whose memoir Mr. North collaborated with his cousin Dr. S. N. D. North. Children: i. JOHN SPRING, b. Aug. 13, 1890. Graduated at Princeton 1913. During the World War was first lieutenant in the Aviation Service. He is (1919) secretary of North Bros. Mfg. Co. Resides with his father, ii. ALICE MARY, b. Feb. 9, 1892. 497. DWIGHT 9 NORTH (Horace 8 , Akin\ Simeon 6 , Jede- diah b , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 *), third son of Horace and Ann (Lucas) North, was born at Middletown, Jan. 11, 1854, and died at Hartford, April 12, 1890. He married at Hartford, June 14, 1877, MRS SARAH (DANIELS) HART, daughter of Aaron M. and Gratia (Ensworth) Daniels, born April 14, 1848. Mr. North was bookkeeper and confidential clerk for eighteen years at R. D. Hawley's hardware store, Hartford. Mrs. North re- sides (1921) at 422 Park St., New Britain. Children : i. DWIGHT, b. Mar. 20, 1878. Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., Hartford. ii. HORACE, b. July 8, 1884. Analytical chemist, New York City. Residence, 513 53rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 498. SIMEON 9 HORACE NORTH (Horace*, Akin\ Sim- eon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Horace and Ann (Lucas) North, was born at Middletown, Mar. 23, 1870. He married at Southington, Sept. 5, 1894, LELIA A. HOLT, daughter of John A. Holt of Southington, where she was born Feb. 4, 1873. Mr. North is a florist at Onondaga Valley, Syracuse, N. Y. Children : i. MILDRED IRENE, b. at Cranston, R. I., July 9, 1899. ii. FRANCES HOLT, b. at Rome, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1907. 499. DR. JOHN 9 E. NORTH (Selah* P., Selah\ Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Selah P. and Mary (Hawley) North, was born at Madison, Wis., Feb. 17, 1869. He married June 4, 1895, ADA P. PHILBRICK of Lu- 261 verne, Minn. They reside (1921) at Rock Rapids, la., where Dr. North is a physician. Children, b. at Rock Rapids: i. WILL CARLETON, b. Jan. 20, 1897. ii. CLARENCE PHILBRICK, b. May 13, 1901. iii. MILDRED ELIZABETH, b. June 4, 1913. 500. WILLIAM 9 WARREN NORTH (Selah* P., Selah 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Selah P. and Mary (Hawley) North, was born at Madi- son, Wis., Oct. 19, 1871. He married June 22, 1904, ELSA PAULSON of Lockport, 111. They reside (1921) at Lockport, 111. Mr. North graduated at the University of Michigan, and is a lawyer at Lockport, 111. Children, b. at Lockport: i. FLORENCE, b. May 14, 1905. ii. BOYER P., b. Nov. 9, 1906; d. May 21, 1920. iii. WARREN H., b. Feb. 8, 1908. iv. MARY, b. July 7, 1914. 501. FRANK 9 ELMER NORTH (Selah 8 P., Selah'' , Sim- eon 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), third son of Selah P., and Mary (Hawley) North, was born at Lockport, 111., May 2, 1877. He married CLEMENTINE PARTCH of Rock Rap- ids, la. Mr. North is a farmer and resides (1921) at Cylinder, la. Children: i. LOLA, b. Feb. 8, 1908. ii. GEORGE, b. Dec. 6, 1917. iii. DOROTHY, b. April 28, 1919. 502. SELAH 9 HAWLEY NORTH (Selah 9 P., Selah 7 , Simeon 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Selah P. and Mary (Hawley) North, was born at Lockport, 111., Oct. 11, 1882. He married CLARA PECK of Champaign, 111. Mr. North is a graduate of the University of Illinois, and is (1921) an electrical engineer with the Commonwealth-Edison Co. of Chicago. Children : i. JAMES E., b. May 16, 1910. ii. ROSEMARY, b. Nov. 21, 1911. 262 503. CHARLES 9 GILBERT NORTH (Ceylon*, Albert, Stephen*, Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Ceylon and Dolly (Lyman) North, was born at Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y., Aug. 9, 1835, and died at Sheboygan, Wis., Dec. 31, 1908. He married at Fly Creek Mar. 25, 1855, MARTHA ANN YOUNG, who was born Sept. 26, 1837, and died Aug. 13, 1910. They resided at Sheboygan. Children : i. DOLLY ANN FRANCES, b. May 31, 1856; d. Oct. 23, 1857. ii. MARY AMELIA, b. Mar. 16, 1858; d. May 31, 1864. iii. CORA MARTHA, b. Feb. 2, 1860; d. May 26, 1864. 551. iv. CHARLES ANDREW, b. Mar. 10, 1863. 552. v. WILLIAM IRVING, b. Mar. 10, 1863 (twin). 504. CEYLON 9 HENRY NORTH (Ceylon*, Albert 7 , Ste- phen 6 , Jedediah*, Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Ceylon and Dolly (Lyman) North, was born at Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y., Oct. 18, 1842, and married Oct. 13, 1863, SARAH EMMA BROWN, daughter of Avery Brown of Ripon, Wis. She died April 7, 1914. Mr. North is secretary of the Lyman Lumber Co. in Minneapolis, where he has been a deacon in the Plymouth Congregational Church since 1894. Children : i. ALICE ADELIA, b. Nov. 28, 1865; d. at Comanche, la., Sept. 29, 1887; m. Dec. 14, 1886, JOSEPH P. LANSING. ii. CLARA BELLE, b. Sept. 28, 1867; m. at Minneapolis, Feb. 28, 1893, FREDERICK LACY MUDGE, son of Jerome Lacey and Arabella (North) Mudge, and great-grandson of Albert North (No. 216). Children: (1) Ceylon Jerome, b. Dec. 23, 1893; m. Sept. 5, 1918, at Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, Beatrice A. Marlidge. Served in 314th Aero Squadron during World War. (2) Alva Lacey, b. Sept. 8, 1895. iii. HELEN EMMA, b. May 25, 1869; d. at Beloit, Wis., Mar. 24, 1893; m. at Beloit, Wis., Aug. 28, 1889, FRANK H. BLODGETT. Children: (1) Marion North, b. April 24, 1891; m. Feb. 15, 1919, Victor H. Emery, who was wounded in action in France during World War. (2) Clara Marie, b. Aug. 17, 1892; m. Nov. 7, 1916, Kenneth B. Jeffris. 553. iv. WILLIS HENRY, b. July 4, 1872. v. LEWIS AVERY, b. Mar. 25, 1873; m. at Crescott, Wis., June 8, 1898, DOROTHEA SHADEGG. No children. Buyer of silks and dress goods for Espenhaime's Department Store, Minneapolis. 263 505. GEORGE 9 LYMAN NORTH (Ceylon*, Albert 1 , Ste- phen 6 , Jedediah*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Ceylon and Dolly (Lyman) North, was born at Fly Creek^ Otsego Co., N. Y., Dec. 23, 1846, and married June 9, 1869, HELEN REYNOLDS of Oswego, N. Y. They reside (1921) at 333 South Madison St., Green Bay, Wis. Children : 554. i. JEROME REYNOLDS, b. Aug. 23, 1870. ii. ELSIE STARR, b. June 6, 1872; m. JAMES ARMSTRONG. Resi- dence, Fond du Lac, Wis. No children, iii. LUDLOW FREY, b. Feb. 2, 1875. Killed while in U. S. service at Manilla, P. I. iv. HENRY, b. and d. 1877. 506. EDWARD 9 CHESEBROUGH NORTH (Henry 9 M. t Linus" 1 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Dr. Henry M. and Sarah (Grover) North, was born at Palmyra, N. Y., May 7, 1849, and died there Feb. 22, 1916. He married at Dayton, Ohio, July 5, 1885, MRS. ELIZABETH (Ross) LEONARD. They lived at Dayton, Ohio and Palmyra, N. Y. Children : i. HELEN MACY, b. at Dayton, Ohio, April 7, 1887; d. July 5, 1887. ii. JANET Ross, b. at Palmyra, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1891. 507. DR. CHARLES 9 HENRY NORTH (Henry 9 M., Linus 7 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Dr. Henry M. and Sarah (Grover) North, was born at Palmyra, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1868, and died at Dannemora, Clinton Co., N. Y., Dec. 12, 1917. He married at Clyde, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1904, LUELLA BARBER ROBINSON. Dr. North graduated at the University of Buffalo Medical School in 1898, and in the same year entered the service of the- Matteawan Hospital for Insane Criminals. Upon the opening; of the Dannemora State Hospital for Insane Felons in 1900 he was transferred there as assistant physician and was superin- tendent from 1904 to the time of his death in 1917 when he was killed by an insane German convict. Dr. North made the Dannemora State Hospital a model of its kind, and he was an eminent authority as an alienist. He was a member of the Medical Society of the State of New York, Northern New York 264 Medical Society, American Prison Association and American Medico-Psychol. Association, and a contributor of many articles on insanity to the American Journal of Insanity. Children, b. at Dannemora: i. THOMAS ROBINSON, b. June 13, 1909. ii. LUELLA ROBINSON, b. July 18, 1912. Hi. GROVER NELSON, b. Dec. 15, 1916. 508. WILLARD 9 CALL NORTH (La Rue 8 P., Linus 7 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of La Rue Perrine and Josie (Hulett) North, was born at Marsh- field, Mo., Nov. 21, 1877. He married at Kansas City, Mo., April 30, 1902, ALICE E. OBTEN. Mr. North resides (1919) at Marshfield and is a farmer and stock man. Children, b. at Marshfield, Mo. : i. WILLARD CALL, Jr., b. Sept. 22, 1903. ii. ANNA ELIZABETH, b. April 15, 1908. iii. MARJORIE GRACE, b. Feb. 3, 1911. iv. RUTH NAOMI, b. Sept. 24, 1913. 509 EDWARD 9 CHARLES NORTH (Nelson*, William?, Noah 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Nelson and Jane (Darrow) North, was born at Middletown, in January, 1846, and married there April 12, 1867, HARRIET EDNA WEBSTER, born at Naugatuck, May 7, 1847. Mr. North has been a foreman with the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. at New Haven, where he resides at 268 Exchange St. Children : 555. i. HOWARD FRANCIS, b. Feb. 20, 1869. ii. ESTHER LOUISE, b. Aug. 29, 1874; unm. 510. BENJAMIN 9 N. NORTH (Chauncey* B., William 7 , .Noah 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Chauncey B. and Harriet (Chalker) North, was born near Middletown, Oct. 15, 1877, and married (1) at Middletown, Nov. 6, 1901, CARRIE MAY SCHULTZE, daughter of Oscar and Mary Schultze, born in New York City Mar. 15, 1885, died Nov. 19, 1916, near Middletown. He married (2) MRS. BERTIE E. (RowE) PORTMESS of Cumberland, Md. Mr. North is a farmer and resides (1919) on East Long Hill, near Middle- town. 265 Children, by first wife, b. near Middle town: i. ETHEL MAY, b. Sept. 2, 1902. ii. MILDRED ESTHER, b. Aug. 31, 1904. iii. DOUGLAS BENJAMIN, b. Jan. 10, 1905. iv. NELSON CHAUNCEY, b. April 15, 1907. v. RAYMOND STANLEY, b. July 4, 1908. vi. MARION, b. Oct. 24, 1916; d. Oct. 25, 1916. 511. FRANK 9 ALLEN NORTH (John 8 H,, OrW B., Elijah 6 , Samuel*, Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of John Henry and Anna (Drew) North, was born May 11, 1869, in Boston, Mass. He married Jan. 1, 1895, GRACE WHITNEY, daughter of George Whitney of Boston. Mr. North is (1921) a member of the firm of Johnson and North, attorneys, 89 State St., Boston. He is a leading authority on the organization, in- corporation and management of concerns in Massachusetts, and has written a number of articles and pamphlets on this subject. Children, b. at Boston: i. MARJORIE MAY, b. Oct. 30, 1895. ii. FRANK ALLEN, JR., b. Nov. 14, 1896; m. at Watertown, Mass., June 9, 1919, MARGUERET HORNE. With North and Collier (Wool), 170 Summer St., Boston, iii. ANNETTE WHITNEY, b. Dec. 17, 1900. 512. JOHN 9 HENRY NORTH, JR (Jo/in 8 H., Orin 7 B., Elijah 6 , Samuel*, Isaac*, Thomas 5 , Thomas*, John 1 ), youngest son of John Henry and Anna (Drew) North, was born Mar. 31, 1872. He married Jan. 20, 1897, MAY JOSEPHINE HAWKS, daughter of William Henry and Josephine Ellen (Stillings) Hawks. Mr. North is a member of the firm of John H. North Co. of Boston and resides (1919) at 152 Bellevue St., West Roxbury, Mass. Children, b. at Boston: i. HELEN LOUISE, b. Mar. 31, 1899. ii. JOHN HENRY, 3RD, b. June 5, 1901. 513. LOUIS 9 ELMER NORTH (Charles 9 C., Daniel 7 , John 6 D., Daniel 5 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Charles Cleveland and Sarah (Dorman) North, was born at Guilford, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1856. When 22 years of age he went to Kansas and took up farming. He married (1) in 1882, CARRIE BELLE KIMMEL, who died May 20, 1897; (2) April 28, 1898, JENNIE COUNTRYMAN. In 1911 he sold his farm of 320 acres and bought a farm 27 miles southwest of Jacksonville, Fla., where he died May 23, 1917. His family returned to Kinsley, Kans., where he had owned property in the city. Children, by first wife: 556. i. EDWARD, b. April 23, 1883. 557. ii. ROY D., b. Feb. 11, 1885. iii. CHARLES WILLARD, b. Jan. 24, 1887. 558. iv. JAMES E., b. June 16, 1890. v. Louis R., b. Dec. 20, 1891; d. 1893. By second wife : vi. HATTIE, b. April 27, 1899; d. in infancy, vii. SAMUEL E., b. June 6, 1900. viii. MERION E., b. Feb. 7, 1902. ix. RAYMOND E., b. Oct. 14, 1904. x. JOHN W., b. Sept. 14, 1909. 514. CHARLES 9 WESLEY NORTH (Charles* C., Daniel 7 , John 6 D., Daniel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Charles Cleveland and Sarah (Dorman) North, was born at Guilford, N. Y., May 22, 1862, and married at New Hampton, Orange Co., N. Y., June 30, 1886, ELIZABETH CROSBY BROME. As a young man he learned telegraphy and followed that pro- fession for seventeen years, when he entered the coal and then the feed business. From 1905 to 1915 he was with the Western Union at Walton, N. Y., and then repurchased the feed business at Franklin, N. Y., in 1915, retiring in 1919. He now resides at Guilford, his native town. Children : i. ELIZABETH ETHEL, b. June 27, 1887; m. JAMES ROBERT QUIRK, editor of Photoplay magazine, and resides in New York. Children: (1) Thomas Brome, b. Dec. 12, 1913. (2) Jean North, b. Dec. 7, 1917. 559. ii. THOMAS BROME, b. Jan. 13, 1889. iii. EARL DORMAN, b. Jan. 13, 1889 (twin); m. Jan. 29, 1919, LEONE HOTALING. Served in the World War. iv. CHARLES W., JR., b. Aug. 19, 1891. During the World War served in the 77th Division, and went through the Argonne in the 302nd Field Signal Battalion; m. Dec. 13, 1919, BLANCHE BARTLETT. v. CORA FRANCES, b. Dec. 29, 1895. vi. EDWARD Louis, b. Oct. 21, 1900. During the World War was a volunteer in the 27th Division, 102nd Field Signal Battalion which went through the Hindenburg line. vii. JANE Avis, b. June 15, 1902. 267 515. EDWARD 9 ELEAZER NORTH (Charles* C., DanieF, John 6 D., Daniel*, Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), young- est son of Charles Cleveland and Sarah (Dorman) North, was born at Guilford, N. Y., July 31, 1868, and married in 1894, MABLE TOLES. About 1890 he went to Seattle, Wash., and worked as an operator on the Hoods' Canal. He resides (1920) at Hoquiam, Wash., where he runs a feed and storage plant. Children : i. EUGENE, b. Aug. 11, 1896; served in the World War, and in 1918 m. . Child: Bruce Clifford, b. May 21, 1920. ii. HELEN, b. Jan., 1900. 516. GEORGE 9 KNOX NORTH (M. de C. Crawford 8 , Z. Hosier" 1 , Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Crawford and Ina (Houghtaling) North, was born at Rondout, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1883, and married Mar. 4, 1905, EDNA MARION BAILE. He is a member of the firm of North, Allison and Ettlinger, of St. George, Staten Island, N. Y., consulting engineers and city surveyors. Children : i. MAURICE DE CAMP CRAWFOBD, JR. ii. GEORGE KNOX, JR., b. April 26, 1907; d. Oct. 18, 1918. iii. DAVID BAILE. 517. HAROLD 9 DIODATE NORTH (William* C., William 1 C., Benjamin 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of William C. North, Jr., by his second wife, Mary Dix, was born at Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1883, and married at Uniontown, Pa., June 2, 1910, JOSEPHINE NULL BOYD, born May 27, 1887, daughter of John D. and Josephine (Null) Boyd. Harold D. North attended Cornell University from 1903 to 1907, where he was a Zeta Psi, manager of the Cornell Daily Sun, and a member of the Mandolin and Banjo Clubs. Since leaving college, he has been connected with the Ferry Cap and Set Screw Co., of which he is now secretary. During the World War, he was the food conservator for Cuyahoga County. He is active in Cornell alumni matters and is a member of the Shaker Country Club and the Hermit Club. He resides at 2221 Wood- mere Drive, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. 268 Children, b. at Cleveland: i. HAROLD DIODATE, JR., b. May 26, 1914. ii. WILLIAM HARBISON, b. April 29, 1917. 518. KENT 9 BEAUGRAND NORTH (Paw/ 8 , William 7 C., Benjamin 6 , Samuefi, Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Paul and Marguerite (Castle) North, was born at Cleve- land, Ohio, Jan. 8, 1886, and married MARY WADDINGTON SWENSON, born at Hutchinson, Kans., Aug. 2, 1885, daughter of Magnus and Anne Beck (Dinsdale) Swenson, and widow of Edward William Walser. Mr. North was of the class of 1907 at the University of Wis- consin, where he was a member of Phi Kappa Psi. Mrs. North also attended the University of Wisconsin, as a member of the class of 1906, and was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. They reside at Avon, Ohio. Children, b. at Cleveland: i. MART BEAUGRAND, b. Oct. 27, 1917. ii. JEANNE CASTLE, b. Sept. 15, 1919. 519. HON. NEWTON 9 EDMUNDS NORTH (James 6 E., Toumsend 7 , Daniel 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), son of James Edmunds and Emily (Black) North, was born at Vassar, Mich., Nov. 11, 1865, and was named after his great uncle, Newton Edmunds, governor of the Dacotahs. He mar- ried at Bay City, Mich., Dec. 30, 1891, MARION SUTHERLAND. At a youthful age he kept books in Pinconning and Bay City, Mich., then went to Lake Charles, La. He is now vice-president and cashier of the First National Bank of Lake Charles, and has represented his district in the United States Bankers' Con- ventions. He has also been mayor of Lake Charles. Children: i. NEWTON SUTHERLAND, b. Nov. 24, 1893; assistant in his father's bank. ii. MARION, b. Nov. 18, 1898; graduate of Sarah Newcomb University. 520. GUY 9 L. NORTH (George* C., John 7 D., Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of George Chester and Hattie A. (Gregory) North, was born at Ovid, Mich., Feb. 14, 1886, and married Mar. 14, 1914, ESTHER D. BISEWSKI. They reside (1921) at Toledo, Ohio. 269 Children, b. at Adrian, Mich. : i. MILDRED E., b. Dec. 4, 1916. ii. HAROLD GUY, b. Dec. 14, 1919. 521. JUDGE WALTER 9 H. NORTH (William 6 H., Wil- liam 7 , Samuel 6 , Samuel 6 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of William H. and Amarantha (Harper) North, was born Nov. 1, 1871, and married Dec. 24, 1901, MYRTA PHELPS. He is circuit judge of the 37th Judicial District of Michigan, and at the time of his appointment was the youngest judge in the state. He resides at Battle Creek, Mich. Children : i. VERA O., b. Jan. 14, 1906. ii. WALTER PHELPS, b. July 12, 1907. iii. ROBERT H., b. Nov. 8, 1L910. iv. VIRGINIA, b. Sept. 19, 1912. 522. FRANCIS 9 STANLEY NORTH (William 9 S., Augus- tus 1 , James 6 , James 5 , James*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of William Stanley and Elizabeth (Holmes) North, was born in Chicago, 111., June 8, 1875. He married Oct. 23, 1909, JULIE POT WIN MORGAN, daughter of Otho H. and Julia (Pot- win) Morgan of Highland Park, 111. He is president and treas- urer of the Union Special Machine Co., organized by his father in Chicago. Residence, Winnetka, 111. Children : i. WILLIAM STANLEY, b. at Chicago, 111., May 1, 1911. ii. FRANCIS STANLEY, JR., b. at Winnetka, 111., April 7, 1913. 523. WILLIAM 9 R. NORTH (Charles* H., Russell 7 , C., Abijah 6 , Abijah b , John 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Charles R. and Frances (Aldridge) North, was born at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., May 26, 1877, and married Aug. 10, 1898, MABEL CALISTA CHISHOLM. Mr. North resides (1921) at Chazy, where he is engaged in the farm produce business. Child: i. RUSSELL CHISHOLM, b. at Chazy, April 20, 1901. 524. JULIUS 9 BASCOM NORTH (Clayton 9 N., Marvin 7 , Nathaniel 6 , Abijah 5 , John 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only surviving son of Clayton Nelson and Ann Elizabeth (Bascom) North, was born at Shoreham, Vt., Feb. 24, 1869. He married Oct. 14, 1897, JANE LONGWORTH MATTHEWS, daughter of 270 William H. and Margaret (Wicks) Matthews of Fort Edward, N. Y., and granddaughter of Col. David Matthews. She was born at Fort Edward, Nov. 30, 1868. Mr. North resides (1919) at Fort Edward, N. Y. Child: i. CLAYTON MATTHEWS, b. at Fort Edward, Jan. 11, 1899. He enlisted in the army in 1916, but was rejected as too young. Re-enlisting under the name of Andy Matthews he served on the Mexican border. After being honorably discharged he enlisted the same year for four years in the navy, where he is now (1919) serving, having seen duty on transports at the Azores, at Archangel, Russia, and in China. 525 JOHN 9 WILLIAM NORTH (Fayette* C., John 7 , Lemuel 6 , Abijah 5 , John 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Fayette Carver North by his first wife Mary Douglass, was born at Chazy, Clinton Co , N. Y., Sept. 8, 1859. He married at Chazy, Aug. 18, 1886, MARY CAROLINE HUBBELL, born May 28, 1861, daughter of John Wolcott and Margaret (Beckwith) Hubbell of Chazy. Mr. North prepared at Black Hall School, Lyme, Conn., for Amherst College, from which he was graduated in 1884, and where he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. He is now in business with Burton Brothers & Co., 267 Fifth Ave., New York City, manufacturers of cotton goods. He resides at 29 South Elliott PL, Brooklyn, N Y. Child: i. EDGERTON GRANT, b. at Brooklyn, June 29, 1900. Prepared for Williams College at Brooklyn Poly. Prep. School. Wil- liams College, class of 1922, Psi Upsilon fraternity. 526. RICHARD 9 DOUGLASS NORTH (Fayette 9 C., John 7 , Lemuel 6 , Abijah 5 , John 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Fayette Carver North, by his second wife Harriette F. Douglass, was born at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., Nov. 23, 1885. He married ELLEN HAVENS. They reside (1921) at Corinth, N. Y. Children : i. HARRIETTS L. ii. GERALD R. iii. FAYETTE CARVER, 2ND. iv. HOWARD L. v. SON, b. July 15, 1919. 271 527. ARTHUR 9 FILLMORE NORTH (Fayette* C., John', Lemuel*, Abijah 5 , John*, Nathaniel 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), third son of Fayette Carver North, by his second wife Harriette F. Douglass, was born at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., Dec. 10, 1886. He married MARION SCHUMACHER. Mr. North is in business in Philadelphia, with offices at 226 N. 3rd St. Children: i. ARTHUR FILLMORE, JR. ii. BARBARA. 528. LEMUEL 9 FAYETTE NORTH (Fayette 8 C., John 7 , Lemuel 6 , Abijah 6 , John 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fourth son of Fayette Carver North, by his second wife, Harriette F. Douglass, was born at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., May 1, 1888. He married at Champlain, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1908, LAURA PEARL, born at Champlain, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1892, daughter of Simeon C. and Lucy A. (Allen) Pearl. They reside (1921) at Chazy. Children: i. LUCY K., b. at Champlain, N. Y., April 4, 1909. ii. PAULINE, b. at Champlain, N. Y., April 13, 1910. iii. ARTHUR L., b. at Chazy, N. Y., April 9, 1911. iv. MILDRED R., b. at Chazy, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1919. 529. STANLEY 9 A. NORTH (Fayette 8 C., John 1 , Lemuel 6 , Abijah^, John*, Nathaniel*, Thomas*, John 1 ), fifth son of Fayette Carver North, by his second wife Harriette F. Douglass, was born at Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., Dec. 12, 1890. He married at Baldwinsville, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1914, GLADYS E. WHITCOMB, born at Lysander, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1891, daughter of Herbert Eugene and Adelaide Augusta Whitcomb. They reside (1921) at Chazy, where Mr. North is a merchant. Children: i. GLADYS ETHELWYNNE, b. at Chazy, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1915. ii. BETTY ADELAIDE, b. at Chazy, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1921. 530. FAY 9 E. NORTH (Lewis* L., Ariel 1 M., William 6 , Remembrance 5 , Noah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Lewis Lee and Mary (Courtright) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, April 24, 1875, and married at Newton Falls, Ohio, May 10, 1903, IRENE (WERT) DICE, daughter of S. and Emeline Wert, born at Mecca, Trumbull Co., Ohio, June 28, 1873. 272 During the Spanish-American War Mr. North saw active service in Cuba. He enlisted in Battery H, Second Regiment, U. S. Artillery, July 1, 1898, and was discharged May 12, 1899. He is now engaged in the coal mining business at Diamond, Ohio. Children : i. DAUGHTER, b. and d. Sept. 14, 1904. ii. WILLIAM IRWIN, b. Feb. 14, 1906. iii. LEWIS OTIS, b. May 14, 1908; d. April 6, 1909. 531. CLAY 9 ARNOLD NORTH (Lewis* L., Ariel* M., William 6 , Remembrance 5 , Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Lewis Lee and Mary (Courtright) North, was born in Clarence township, Calhoun Co., Mich., July 19, 1881, and married at Manton, Mich., Aug. 12, 1911, GRACE, daughter of Wilford Dexter and Julia (Gillet) Fales. She was born at Manton, Mich., July 1, 1886. After graduating from the Michigan State Normal College, Mr. North served for twelve years as teacher and superintendent in the public schools of that state, and is now the representative of the International Correspondence School at Potterville, Mich. Child: i. MARSHALL FALES, b. at Potterville, Mich., May 14, 1915. 532. GUY 9 LENINGER (Lewis 6 L., Ariel 7 M., William 6 , Remembrance 5 , Noah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Lewis Lee and Mary (Courtright) North, was born in Clarence township, Calhoun Co., Mich., May 10, 1883, and married in Sheridan township, that county, Sept. 24, 1907, FRANCES MARIE, daughter of Henry Amos and Ruth (Camp- bell) Towsley. She was born in Leroy township, Calhoun Co., Mich., July 21, 1888. Mr. Leninger, left an orphan at the age of four years, was adopted into the family of Mr. and Mrs. George Leninger of his native town, and has since lived on their farm, adopting the name of his foster-parents. He was justice of the peace in Clarence township from 1916 to 1919, then supervisor of the township for one year, and in 1920 was elected a member of the Board of Directors of the Cal- houn Co., Farm Bureau. Children (Leninger) : i. HAROLD ADRIAN, b. in Clarence township, July 20, 1908. ii. MARIAN LUCILE, b. in Clarence township, Dec. 24, 1913. 273 533. RAYMOND 9 H. NORTH (Cyrus* H., Ariel'' M., William 6 , Remembrance 5 , Noah*, Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Cyrus H. and Clara B. (Humphrey) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, May 7, 1883, and mar- ried there May 28, 1902, ETHEL C. MALTBIE, daughter of Mar- cus and Miranda (Walcott) Maltbie. Mr. North is an automo- tive engineer and resides at Toledo, Ohio. Child: i. DOROTHY EVELYN, b. Aug. 1, 1904. 534. ALFRED 9 R. NORTH (Cyrus* H., Ariel 7 M., William', Remembrance 5 , Noah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Cyrus H. and Clara (Humphrey) North, was born Nov. 7, 1889, and married at Detroit, Mich., Feb. 20, 1912, NORMA V., daughter of Fred and Anna E. (Boetcher) Lempke, born at Detroit, April 19, 1894. Mr. North is chief train dispatcher for the Pere Marquette R.R., and resides at 477 Vinewood Ave., Detroit. Child: i. ALTHEA L., b. Oct. 5, 1916. 535. ALBERT 9 VARLEY NORTH (Burton*, Henry" 1 , Martin 6 , Rufus 5 , Martin 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Burton and Arthalinda (Varley) North, was born Nov. 26, 1881, and married Sept. 2, 1903, NETTIE OGILVIE. Child: i. DONALD, b. Nov. 15, 1905. 19 TENTH GENERATION 536. FRANK 10 WEBSTER NORTH (Lorenzo 9 , Hartwell*, Miles 7 , Samuel 6 , Asa 5 , Jonathan*, John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), son of Lorenzo and Patience (Jewell) North, was born at Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Aug. 14, 1887, and married July 19, 1912, VERA McKENZiE. He is a rubber worker and resides at Akron, Ohio. Children : i. MORLEY FRANKLIN, b. Sept. 24, 1915. ii. VALERY DARLENE, b. Nov. 20, 1918. 537. GRENVILLE 10 P. North (Charles 9 W., Norman*, Czar 7 P., Guy 6 , Seth 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), youngest son of Charles Wright and Ella (Gibson) North, was born at Cherokee, 111., Mar. 1, 1890. He married VEVA A. GRADY. Mr. North is a lawyer at Cherokee, la. Child: i. ROBERT GRADY, b. Mar. 25, 1916. 538. NELSON 10 LUTHER NORTH, JR., (Nelson 9 L., Nelson* L., Czar 7 P., Guy 6 , Seth 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Dr. Nelson Luther and Margaret (Brown) North, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1890, and married at Sea Cliff, Nassau Co., N. Y., Sept. 17, 1914, SARAH EVELYN WEIR, born in Brooklyn, Nov. 8, 1888. Mr. North is a lawyer in Brooklyn and resides at 166 Prospect St. Children, b. at Brooklyn: i. MARY W., b. Aug. 5, 1916. ii. NELSON LUTHER, b. Feb. 28, 1918. 539. CHARLES 10 RAYMOND NORTH (Charles 9 L., Charles* A., Levi 7 , Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), the only son of Charles Levi and Martha (Bawden) North, was born Mar. 28, 1887, and married at Salt Lake City, Utah, June 5, 1912, ELEANOR SCHOENFELD. Residence (1920) Salt Lake City. 275 Children: i. RUTH, b. Mar. 6, 1913. ii. CHAKLES KENNETH, b. July 25, 1914. iii. MARVIN RAY, b. Nov. 8, 1915; d. Jan. 6, 1916. iv. GLEN SCHOENFELD, b. April 14, 1917. 540. LEON 10 DARE NORTH (Levi 9 M., Levi* H., Lev?, Sydney 6 , Lot 5 , Timothy*, Thomas 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ), second son of Levi Morgan and Tyresha (Jensen) North, was born at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Feb. 6, 1897, and married at Salt Lake City, June 12, 1916, CHARLOTTE ALVEDA LARSON, born at Ephraim, Sanpete Co., Utah, Mar. 13, 1897. Child: i. DONALD LEON, b. at Salt Lake City, Dec. 2, 1917. 541. LEON 10 DUANE NORTH (Charles 9 A. D., Alson*, Allen 1 , Joseph 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 5 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), old- est son of Charles Alson Duane and Alice (Andrews) North, was born Dec. 10, 1889. He married LA VINA HAMEL of Collinsville, who died Mar. 9, 1919. Mr. North resides (1919) at Hartford. Child: i. ARLINE GERTRUDE. 542. LYMAN 10 OSCAR NORTH (Thomas 9 M., John*, Lymari 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), young- est son of Thomas Melvin and Louisa (Basil) North, was born Sept. 2, 1877, and married (1) April 12, 1896, NETTIE COOK, who died Dec. 7, 1901, (2) Oct. 19, 1902, THERESA MAY BLACK. They reside at Lima, Ohio. Children, by first wife: i. EVYLJN, b. Feb. 9, 1897. By second wife: ii. LAURINE ESTELLA, b. Oct. 4, 1905. iii. CLETA L., b. Oct. 30, 1908. iv. BYRON OSCAR, b. May 30, 1913. 543. HENRY 10 WILLIAM NORTH (Lyman 9 M., John', Lyman 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), third son of Lyman Madison and Icephena (Myers) North, was born at Dorchester, Neb., Mar. 21, 1882, and married June 7, 1905, Lois HAZEL KERR, born in Kosciusco Co., Ind., June 2, 1888. 276 Children : i. DELIGHT ELIZABETH, b. at Columbia City, Ind., April 9, 1906. ii. CHALMER KERB, b. at Columbia City, Ind., Feb. 8, 1909. iii. JOT MARGERET, b. at Kosciusco Co., Ind., Feb. 11, 1917. 544. CLARENCE 10 G. NORTH (David* E., John*, Lymari 1 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 }, only child of David E. and Bertha (Glaze) North, was born Aug. 26, 1884, and married Dec. 24, 1907, EVA JOHNSON. Residence, 312 W. Southern Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Children: i. ROBERT LEROT, b. Oct. 29, 1908. ii. HAROLD EMERSON, b. Jan. 20, 1918. 545. ADAM 10 EDWARD NORTH (Aaron 9 C., Edward 9 B., Lyman 7 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), oldest son of Aaron Calvin and Molinda (Fisher) North, was born at Peabody, Whitley Co., Ind., Aug. 18, 1882, and married Dec. 25, 1904, LULU MAY McCLAiN, daughter of William B. and Jemima (Egolf) McClain, born Oct. 13, 1884. Mr. North is an electrician and resides (1920) at West Warren Gardens, Dear- born, Mich. Children: i. CREDE IVAN, b. at Columbia City, Ind., June 3, 1905. ii. EUGENE FRANKLIN, b. at Pontiac, Mich., Sept. 15, 1909. iii. HELEN MAY, b. at Detroit, Mich., Mar. 13, 1911. iv. ADAM EDWARD, JR., b. at Columbia City, Ind., Nov. 12, 1917. 546. CHARLES 10 BRENTON NORTH (Aaron 9 C., Ed- ward 8 B., Lyman 1 , Abel 6 , Isaac 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Aaron Calvin and Molinda (Fisher) North, was born at Beldin, Wabash Co., Ind., Mar. 21, 1885, and married April 26, 1913, RHODA BLANCHE COOK, daughter of Albert and Malinda (Essig) Cook. Mr. North followed car- pentering and general building contracting with his father for eighteen years, and then went on a farm at Larwill, Ind., where he now resides. Children : i. ROBERT PAUL, b. at Columbia City, Ind., April 4, 1915. ii. MARTHA Lois, b. at Columbia City, Ind., Mar. 19, 1917. 547. JOHN 10 CARLOS NORTH (John 9 A,, John*, John\ Abel 6 , Isaac 6 , Isaac*, Thomas*, Thomas 2 , John 1 }, only son of John. 277 Austin and Nettie (Drake) North, was born at Collinsville, Dec. 3, 1891. He married at Ivoryton, Conn., MARGARET A. PLATT, daughter of William J. and Fannie (Griswold) Platt, born at Ivoryton Oct. 31, 1894. Mr. North resides (1919) at 76 Balti- more St., Hartford. Child: i. JOHN WILLIAM, b. at Hartford, April 1, 1919. 548. JOHN 10 RICHARD NORTH (John 9 C., John 9 G., Lemuel 7 , David 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of John C. and Jessie (Brinkerhoff) North, was born Dec. 1, 1874, and died at Richmond, Va., Mar. 26, 1920. He married Oct. 22, 1897, MARGARET ALDEN, daughter of David A. and Helen (Kidder) Alden of New Haven. After graduating at the Sheffield Scientific School in 1895 he devoted all his efforts to building up the insurance business founded by his father in New Haven. He was a major in the National Guard and saw active service on the Mexican border in 1916. During the European War he was a colonel in the Conn. State Guard, and was active in the various drives and campaigns which were launched. His residence was in North Haven where he was prominent in church and town affairs. Children: i. RICHARD ALDEN, b. Oct. 27, 1898. Student in Sheffield Scien- tific School. ii. JOHN ALDEN, b. Dec. 2, 1901. iii. DAVID ALDEN, b. Sept. 1, 1903. iv. LAWRENCE ALDEN, b. June 20, 1906; d. June 25, 1906. v. PRISCILLA ALDEN, b. Sept. 15, 1909. vi. STANLEY ALDEN, b. Sept. 3, 1912. vii. BARBARA BRINKERHOFF, b. Feb. 9, 1917. 549. HERBERT 10 BRINKERHOFF NORTH (John 9 C., John* G., Lemuel" 1 , David 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 , John 1 ), second son of John Curtis and Jessie (Brinkerhoff) North, was born Feb. 16, 1879, and married July 10, 1901, LEILA FROST KIMBERLY, daughter of Charles G. Kimberly. He is treasurer of the F. E. Fowler Co., New Haven. Residence, 165 Alden Ave., New Haven. Children, b. at New Haven: i. LEILA JEANETTE, b. Sept. 21, 1902. ii. Lois, b. May 21, 1908. 278 550. CHARLES 10 E. NORTH (Edward 9 C., John 6 G. t Lemuel 1 , David 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas*, John 1 ), only son of Edward C. and Marion (Tilton) North, was born July 16, 1875, and married Oct. 19, 1904, LILIAN CUDDIHY of Boston, Mass. He is (1919) vice-president and manager of Millenbach Brothers Co., Detroit, Mich. Child: i. JOHN TILTON, b. Jan. 25, 1910. 551. CHARLES 10 ANDREW NORTH (Charles 9 G., Ceylon 8 , Albert 7 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), twin son of Charles Gilbert and Martha (Young) North, was born Mar. 10, 1863, and died Dec. 31, 1908. He married (1) Aug. 22, 1883, CORA A. LAW, of Fulton, N. Y.; (2) after her death and that of his son, the latter's widow, NETTIE (KOLSTE) NORTH. They reside (1919) at 827 Van Buren St., Milwaukee, Wis. Children, by first wife: i. FBANKLIN CEYLON, b. July 26, 1884; d. May 3, 1907; m. July 7, 1904, NETTIE KOLSTE. Child: Ruth Kolste, b. Jan. 13, 1904; d. Nov. 24, 1918. ii. CLARA HELEN, b. Oct. 13, 1886; m. June 18, 1908, WILLIAM GENSCH. Three children, iii. FLORENCE M., b. June 18, 1889. iv. CORA FRANCES, b. Oct. 13 1891; d. June, 1911. v. GILBERT IRVING, b. June 9, 1895. Served for 15 months in France during the World War. vi. JENETTE MAY, b. Aug. 22, 1896; d. young, vii. AGNES HAZEL, b. Feb. 1, 1899. By second wife: Four or more children. 552. WILLIAM 10 IRVING NORTH (Charles 9 G., Ceylon 8 , Albert 7 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 6 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), twin son of Charles Gilbert and Martha (Young) North, was born at Waupun, Wis., Mar. 10, 1863. He married at Abrams, Wis., Nov. 15, 1894, MABEL TUTTLE, born at Brookside, Wis., Nov. 3, 1875. They reside (1919) at Sheboygan, Wis. Child: i. MARTHA MARY, b. at Sheboygan, Dec. 29, 1896. 553. WILLIS 10 HENRY NORTH (Ceylon 9 H., Ceylon 8 , Albert 7 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), 279 oldest son of Ceylon Henry and Sarah (Brown) North, was born July 4, 1872. He married at Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 23, 1899, MARY LOUISE GREEN. They reside (1919) at 3552 Third Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn., where he is a salesman with the Warner Hardware Co. Children, b. at Minneapolis: i. DOROTHEA MAE, b. Sept. 27, 1901. ii. ELSIE HELEN, b. May 4, 1903. iii. CEYLON AVERY, b. Jan. 21, 1907. iv. MARION ELVA, b. Mar. 30, 1911. 554. JEROME 10 REYNOLDS NORTH (George 9 L., Cey- lon 9 , Albert 7 , Stephen 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of George Lyman and Helen (Reynolds) North, was born at Green Bay, Wis., Aug. 23, 1870, and mar- ried there Oct. 4, 1893, HELEN A. BACON, daughter of Edwin H. and Ellen A. Bacon, born at Green Bay Nov. 12, 1869. Mr. North is (1919) a practising attorney at Green Bay and a mem- ber of the firm of Greene, Fairchild, North, Parker and Mc- Gillan. Residence, 832 S. Monroe Ave., Green Bay. Children, b. at Green Bay: i. REYNOLDS BACON, b. Sept. 22, 1894. During the World War he was a sergeant in Battery B, 35th Field Artillery, ii. LUDLOW FREY b. Mar. 5, 1901. During the World War served in the Ambulance Corps of the American Red Cross, iii. VIRGINIA LYMAN, b. Sept. 8, 1904. 555. HOWARD 10 FRANCES NORTH (Edward 9 C., Nelson 8 , William 7 , Noah 6 , Jedediah 5 , Isaac*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), only son of Edward Charles and Harriet (Webster) North, was born at Naugatuck, Feb. 20, 1869, and married June 12, 1895, FLORENCE GOODWIN. Residence, Seymour, Conn. Child: i. GOODWIN STUART, b. April 10, 1898. Resides at 9 Holmes Ave., Waterbury. 556. EDWARD 10 NORTH (Louis 9 E., Charles 8 C., Daniel 1 , John 6 D., DanieP, Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), oldest son of Louis Elmer and Carrie (Kimmel) North, was born at Kinsley, Kans., April 23, 1883, and married Oct. 10, 1903, IDA THOMPSON. They reside at Garden City, Kansas. 280 Children: i. OWEN. ii. FERN. iii. OBEY. 557. ROY 10 D. NORTH (Louis 9 E., Charles* C., Daniel 1 , John 6 D., Daniel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Louis Elmer and Carrie (Kimmel) North, was born at Kinsley, Kans., Feb. 11, 1885. He married (1) Jan. 27, 1907, GRACE BIRD; (2) Aug. 16, 1911, FANNY AGNEW. Residence (1920) Kinsley, Kans. Children: i. VIRGIL. ii. OWEL. iii. EDITH. 558. JAMES 10 E. NORTH (Louis 9 E., Charles 9 C., Daniel 7 , John 6 D., Daniel 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), fifth son of Louis Elmer and Carrie (Kimmel) North, was born at Kins- ley, Kans., June 16, 1890, and married Oct. 15, 1915, GRACE AVERT. Mr. North lives in his native town. Child: i. WANDA. 559. THOMAS 10 BROME NORTH (Charles 9 W., Charles* C., Daniel 1 , John 6 D., Daniel*, Thomas*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), second son of Charles Wesley and Elizabeth (Brome) North, was born Jan. 13, 1889, and married Aug. 6, 1912, NELLIE ROOT. During the World War he served in the U. S. Army. Children: i. CORA ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 26, 1913. ii. BRENDA MAE, b. Jan. 7, 1915. APPENDIX MATERIAL RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR INSERTION IN PROPER ORDER RUTH 4 NORTH, daughter of John North (6), probably died Jan., 1736; married Jan. 2, 1729, Ensign ISAAC COWLES, JR., born April 21, 1702, died Sept. 29, 1737. Children : i. MARY, b. Dec. 14, 1729; d. Feb. 25, 1755; m. Sept. 20, 1750, TIMOTHY WADSWORTH. ii. RUTH, b. Dec. 28, 1731 ; d. in infancy, iii. JUDA, bap. Mar. 31, 1734. iv. ISAAC, b. 1736; m. ELIZABETH . iv. RUTH, b. Oct. 8, 1737; m. April 5, 1759, CAPT. SAMUEL UPSON. SARAH 4 NORTH, daughter of Thomas North (8), died May 3, 1777; married May 17, 1728, SERGT. JOSEPH WOOD- FORD, son of Joseph and Lydia (Smith) Woodford. He was born Aug. 22, 1705, and died Feb. 4, 1783. Children : i. LYDIA, d. Aug. 20, 1761; m. Jan. 18, 1753, widower THOMAS ANDREWS. ii. JOSEPH, b. Mar. 12, 1731-2; d. 1822; m. (1) Aug. 1, 1751, ELIZABETH HART; (2) MRS. EUNICE (HART) COWLES. iii. SARAH, b. May 6, 1734; d. young. iv. HANNAH, b. July 17, 1737; m. April 1, 1756, PERRY MAR- SHALL. v. SARAH, b. Mar. 19, 1740-1; d. April 29, 1791. vi. Lois, b. 1742; d. April 15, 1783; m. June 28, 1764, SAMUEL NORTH (45). vii. MARY, unm. in 1776. viii. EUNICE, b. 1750; d. Sept. 18, 1819; m. Nov. 26, 1772, SETH NORTH (46). ix. ISAAC, bap. Mar. 18, 1753; d. Mar. 19, 1831; m. July 6, 1774, SARAH FULLER. . 282 REBECCA 4 NORTH, daughter of Joseph North (10), mar- ried ELISHA YALE. Children: i. ELISHA, b. Dec. 8, 1763; d. July 31, 1840; m. RHODA CULVER. ii. ELIHTJ, b. April 10, 1767; m. POLLY BAILEY. iii. AUBELIA, b. Nov. 7, 1773; m. JOHN HANDY. iv. EBEB, b. Aug. 1, 1776; d. Nov. 25, 1816; m. PHEBE PENDLETON. v. REBECCA, b. Mar. 13, 1780; m. JOHN TERRY. vi. WEALTHY ANN, b. Sept. 13, 1784; d. unm. SIBYL 4 NORTH, daughter of Ebenezer North (11), died Sept. 21, 1807; married at Torrington, April 14, 1756, SAMUEL COWLES, JR., born July 30, 1735; died Oct. 29, 1815. He was a member of the Farmington Company during the French and Indian War, and a sergeant and ensign during the Revolution. Children: i. Lois, b. April 25, 1757; m. Nov. 26, 1778, DAVID BEARDSLEY. ii. NOAH, b. Oct. 17, 1759; d. Jan. 14, 1839; m. (1) Dec. 14, 1780, OLIVE MILLS; (2) ABIGAIL . iii. ZELPHA, b. June 7, 1762; d. Aug. or June 18, 1824; m. (1) Jan. 3, 1782, JOEL GRANT; (2) Feb. 2, 1818, JOSEPH HULL. iv. THANKFUL, b. June 26, 1767; d. Mar. 20, 1827; m. June 12, 1784, ABIJAH CASE. v. SAMUEL, b. Mar. 11, 1769; d. Jan. 1, 1770. vi. SAMUEL, b. Mar. 12, 1771; d. Dec. 1, 1845; m. Oct. 1, 1800, OLIVE PHELPS. vii. JOSIAH, b. May 20, 1774; d. Aug. 23, 1871; m. Feb., 1795, MARTHA TOBEY. viii. ENEAS, b. Jan. 26, 1778; d. aged 17. LUCY 4 NORTH, daughter of Ebenezer North (11), died June 30, 1826; married at Torrington, AMASA COWLES, born Feb. 3, 1744-5, died May 12, 1832, son of Samuel Cowles. He was a soldier in the Revolution. Children: i. IRA, b. June 12, 1768; m. (1) Oct. 16, 1788, SARAH LANE; (2) CHARITY DIBBLE. ii. AMASA, b. April 23, 1771; d. Sept. 12, 1827; m. (1) SABRINA BULL, who d. Feb. 25, 1815; (2) Jan. 6, 1816, HANNAH Hos- MER. iii. OLIVE, b. Feb. 5, 1774; d. Feb. 1, 1847; m. May 30, 1795, ABIJAH NORTHWAY. iv. ASAHEL, b. Jan. 20, 1777; m. ADALINE KEYES. 283 MARY 5 NORTH, daughter of Jonathon North (13), died about 1778; married JOHN COSGROVE. Children: i. WILLIAM. ii. MARIA. iii. MARGARET. iv. LYDIA. v. CHRISTOPHER. vi. ELIZABETH. MERCY 5 NORTH, daughter of Josiah North (14), born Nov., 1743; died Sept. 10, 1828; married ELISHA SCOTT, born July 26, 1732, died Jan. 18, 1821. Children: i. TEMPERANCE, b. Sept. 27, 1766; d. 1835; m. JUDD. ii. HEZEKIA, b. Aug. 17, 1769; d. Mar. 1, 1831. iii. SALLY, b. Oct. 24, 1772; m. WETMORE. iv. NANCY, b. Mar. 31, 1776; d. Dec. 3, 1855; m. ROBERTS. v. LUCY, b. Nov. 29, 1778; d. Jan. 12, 1862. vi. ERASTUS, b. Nov. 6, 1787; d. June 28, 1873; m. Feb. 8, 1818, NANCY WHITING. LOIS 5 NORTH, daughter of Samuel North (15), married (1) Aug. 30, 1770, SAMUEL SCOTT, born Mar. 12, 1746, died Nov. 3, 1776, son of Hezekia Scott; (2) Feb. 14, 1782, widower TIMOTHY WOODRUFF, born Dec. 20, 1732, died Sept. 24, 1788, son of Mat- thew and Susanna (North) Woodruff. Children, by first marriage : i. DAVID. ii. SAMUEL, b. Mar. 16, 1772; d. before June 5, 1812; m. Feb. 14, 1795, MELINDA HURLBUT. iii. MARTHA, b. 1775; d. Dec. 8, 1843; m. April 13, 1794, OZEM [ ? ] WOODRUFF. SIBYL 5 NORTH, daughter of Josiah North (14), born Oct. 13, 1727; married Dec. 3, 1750, JAMES GRIDLEY, born Dec. 7, 1725, died 1784, son of James and Susannah (Smith) Gridley. Children: i. JUDAH, b. Jan. 14, 1751; soldier in the Revolution, ii. SARAH, b. June 18, 1752; d. Sept. 18, 1753. iii. ZEPHANIAH, b. April 6, 1754; d. Jan. 7, 1756. iv. DAVID, b. Jan. 18, 1756. v. STEPHEN, b. Dec. 16, 1757. 284 vi. OBED, b. April 28, 1760; d. Feb. 8, 1826; m. Oct. 3, 1787, ELIZABETH COLES (CowLEs). Soldier in the Revolution, vii. SIBYL, b. Sept. 23, 1762; perhaps she who m. THOMAS NORTH (8)? viii. JAMES, b. Jan. 12, 1765. ix. OLIVER, b. Nov. 27, 1767; m. NORTH and had son John C. He was in New Cornwall, Orange Co., N. Y., 1794, where Thomas North (8) also was, but no relationship be- tween the two has been established. C AND ACE 5 NORTH, daughter of David North (23), mar- ried (2) CAPT. DUDLEY WOODFORD, born Feb. 20, 1753, died Feb. 8, 1803, son of William Woodford. Children: i. ANNA FORD, b. Nov. 14, 1797; d. Nov. 5, 1813. ii. SARAH NORTH, b. Sept. 11, 1799. iii. NANCY, b. Oct. 21, 1801; d. May 20, 1804. JEMIMA 5 NORTH, daughter of Noah North (28), married April 19, 1787, ELIHU BARBER. Children : i. MARY, b. June 22, 1793; m. Feb. 4, 1814, OLIVER LOOMIS. ii. ELIHU, b. Feb. 24, 1798; d. Feb. 1857; m. (1) SALLY DEMING; (2) MARY CARTWRIGHT; (3) EMILY CLARK. iii. JEMIMA, b. April 16, 1800; d. 1874; m. Feb. 15, 1817, EPHRAIM LOOMIS. iv. ELKANAH, b. June 25, 1803; d. 1865; m. (1) CYNTHIA TUBES; (2) ELECTA TUBES. v. ORSON, b. Nov. 6, 1805; m. (1) ROXY ANN EGGLESTON; (2) Dec. 4, 1842, MARTHA STARKS. MARY 5 NORTH, daughter of Noah North (28), married REV. HEZEKIA WEST of Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Children: i. HEZEKIA NORTH, b. 1802. ii. ROSA, b. 1804. ABIGAIL 5 NORTH, daughter of Martin North (29), was perhaps she who married June 18, 1780, ANDREW EVERITT. Children: i. ELIHU, m. ROXY MARSHALL. ii. ANDREW H. 285 OLIVE 6 NORTH, daughter of Asa North (32), married WILLIAM COWLES, born at Canaan, July 9, 1767, son -of Benja- min and Catherine Cowles. Children: i. WILLIAM. ii. DAKIUS NORTH, m. Mar. 7, 1822, NARCISSA LANE. iii. CATHERINE. NANCY 6 NORTH, daughter of Asa North (37), married CHAUNCEY WOODFORD, who died June 30, 1856. Children: i. ASAHEL, b. July 14, 1804; d. May 23, 1849; m. MARTHA . ii. EMILY, m. HIRAM SMITH of Lansing, Mich, iii. DIANA, m. OGDEN SMITH. iv. LOUISA R., m. JOSEPH MATTHEWS of Binghamton, N. Y. v. ELBERT, b. Jan. 8, 1823. vi. GEORGE, b. April 23, 1826. RHODA 6 NORTH, daughter of Asa North (37), married EBENEZER SANFORD, JR. Children: i. ROMEO, b. June 16, 1793; d. Mar. 12, 1857; m. ESTHER COL- BURN. ii. TIMOTHY, b. Dec. 13, 1795; d. Aug. 17, 1866; m. (1) LUCINA TEAL; (2) SUSAN KELSEY. iii. ASA, b. June 2, 1797; d. Aug. 21, 1872; m. SUSAN KELSEY. iv. HULDAH, b. July 28, 1799; d. 1876; m. LYMAN BARBER. v. CYNTHIA, b. Oct. 19, 1801; d. Mar. 26, 1832; m. LATIMER GATES. vi. LUTHER N., b. Mar. 9, 1803; m. HANNAH PHELPS. vii. SETH, b. April 14, 1805; m. SARAH SOUTHWICK. viii. ELIZABETH, b. June 3, 1807; m. LATIMER GATES. ix. NANCY ISABEL, b. Aug. 17, 1810; m. MANNING HATHAWAY. x. LAURA LUSK, b. May 5, 1813; m. (1) JOHN PECK; (2) JOHN Fox. EUNICE 6 NORTH, daughter of Eli North (38), married DANIEL COWLES. Authorities differ as to whether they had any children. The Historical Gazette of Tioga Co., N. Y., 1785-1888, says that Daniel and Eunice (North) Cowles had five children, and this statement is accepted as correct by Col. Cal- vin D. Cowles of Hartford, who is compiler of the Cowles gen- ealogy, and gives the children as follows : 286 i. RUFUS, b. Oct. 18, 1790; m. REBECCA CURKAN. ii. ROMEO, b. July 26, 1794; d. Mar. 10, 1854; m. SARAH WlL- IIAMS. iii. SHUBAEL, b. Oct. 8, 1798; d. Jan. 30, 1877; m. SARAH HUB- BARD. iv. GEORGE, b. April 5, 1800; d. 1876; m. HANNAH ANDREWS. v. HORACE, b. Feb. 21, 1802; d. July 19, 1833; m. DEBORAH COWELL. HEPZIBAH 6 NORTH, daughter of Lieut. Isaac North (43), married Jan. 16, 1777, ISAAC PORTER, born April 27, 1755; died Sept. 27, 1839. Children: i. SYLVESTER, b. Jan. 15, 1778; d. Nov. 13, 1824. ii. RUSSELL, b. Feb. 17, 1780; d. July 12, 1857. iii. OLIVE, b. Mar. 15, 1782; d. May 27, 1827; m. Nov. 3, 1802, RICHARD WILCOX. Their daughter Mary Olive, m. Dea. Alfred North (348). iv. SELAH, b. Aug. 21, 1784; d. Sept. 21, 1861. v. HEPZIBAH, b. Mar. 25, 1788; d. June 3, 1822. vi. BETSEY, b. Oct. 28, 1789; d. April 4, 1829. ELISHA 6 NORTH. In the private records of Rev. Caleb Cobb of Westbrook, Me., where have been found the marriage dates of Elijah and Elisha North, sons of Samuel North (45), and of Elijah North's daughter Maria, appear also the following: SAMUEL NORTH married June 27, 1844, MARY ANN WINSLOW of Portland, Me.; Lois NORTH married Oct. 12, 1818, CLEMENT DYER. These may be children of Elisha North whose descend- ants, if any, have not been traced. ROSETTA 6 NORTH, daughter of Seth North (46), married (2) SALMON HART. Children: i. SILAS WILLIAMS, b. Sept. 12, 1818; m. Nov. 24, 1846, ABI- GAIL MERWIN. ii. FREDERIC WOODFORD, b. Nov. 19, 1822; m. June 2, 1857, JENNIE M. BASSETT. RACHEL 6 NORTH, daughter of Samuel North (48), mar- ried DAVID HURD, son of Ebenezer Kurd, Sr., of Stratford. Children: i. SAMUEL A., b. Oct. 7, 1808; d. July 14, 1879; m. SARAH WHEELER. 287 ii. EBENEZER, b. Nov. 8, 1810. iii. ELIZABETH M., b. May 4, 1815. iv. BENJAMIN M., b. July 7, 1820. MARY 6 NORTH, daughter of Reuben North (56), married DANIEL B., son of Orion and Rosalinda (Knight) Capron, and lived in New Britain. Children: i. ROSELLA. ii. CORNELIUS. ELIZABETH 6 NORTH, daughter of Remembrance North (65), married CORRELL COWLES, born at New Hartford, Oct. 2, 1796, died at Sheffield, Mass., Oct. 14, 1873, son of Theodore Cowles, and resided in Sheffield, Mass. Children : i. GEORGE R., b. Oct. 1, 1823; d. about 1896, probably unm. ii. OVID WILLIAM, b. Mar. 9, 1827; m. AGNES MARIA DUCHER. iii. ALBERT N., b. Feb. 22, 1834; d. Dec. 20, 1872; m. MARY ELIZABETH HOADLEY; Union soldier in Civil War. iv. ELIZABETH CATHERINE, b. Mar. 10, 1844; m. Jan. 1, 1867, FREDERICK BENHAM HOADLEY. ALMIRA 7 NORTH, daughter of Elijah North (84), mar- ried JESSE SANFORD. Children: i. ELLEN NAOMI, b. 1820; d. 1834. ii. EDMUND, m. MARY TILLOTSON. iii. TRUMAN, m. June 3, 1856, EMILY M. WOOD. iv. SHERMAN, m. HELEN HUMPHREY. v. ALMIRA, d. May 29, 1862. ABIGAIL 7 NORTH, daughter of David North (100), mar- ried WILLIAM BOARDMAN. Children: i. EDWIN L., b. May 2, 1816; m. (1) Nov. 24, 1840, LUCRETIA A. HARWOOD; (2) Feb. 3, 1864, SARAH J. LORING. ii. HENRY, b. Oct. 2, 1817; m. April 27, 1853, MARTHA E. DALEY. iii. CAROLINE, b. Aug. 28, 1819; d. Feb. 12, 1837. iv. LUCY JANE, b. Feb. 26, 1822; m. Oct. 24, 1849, WALTER G. SAVAGE. 288 v. WILLIAM F., b. Sept. 14, 1824; m. (1) Sept. 1, 1847, FRANCES WHITNEY; (2) Oct. 6, 1869, KATE BILLS HOLMES. vi. MARTHA, b. Dec. 1, 1829; m. Dec. 3, 1850, GEORGE F. BAR- THOLOMEW. vii. GEORGE, b. June 17, 1835; d. Feb. 2, 1836. SARAH 8 MARIA NORTH, daughter of Edmund North (206), was born at Berlin, June 11, 1833, and died at Morris, 111., Dec. 25, 1920. She married at Jackson, Miss., Sept. 12, 1862, J. HAMILTON WHITNEY, born at Lewiston, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1832, died in California, Dec. 8, 1893. They resided at Morris, 111. Children : i. ALICE, b. Mar. 6, 1864; m. May 2, 1881, CHAUNCEY A. MILLER. ii. EMMET, b. Oct. 19, 1866; m. Aug. 30, 1904, VIRGINIA RUS- SELL. GEORGE 8 MILTON NORTH, son of Edmund North (206), was born at Berlin, May 2, 1846, and died at Los Angeles, Calif., July 22, 1910. He married (1) at Windham, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1870, ESTHER AMELIA DONALSON, born there April 1, 1845, died at Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1871 ; (2) at Genoa, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1877, AURELIA (LILY) BAILEY, born at Circleville, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1850, died at Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 1, 1910. Children, by first wife: i. AMELIA MIRIAM, b. Jan. 26, 1871. By second wife, b. at Genoa, Ohio: ii. EDMUND DAVID, b. Oct. 5, 1878; d. at Mexico City, Mexico, June 22, 1910; m. at Butte, Mont., Mar. 1, 1905, ESTHER MIKLEJOHN. Child: Helen Esther, b. at Los Angeles, Cain*., Sept. 8, 1908. iii. HELEN KATE, b. Feb. 18, 1880; m. at Los Angeles, Mar. 16, 1909, ERNEST ALLEN STROUT. Children: (1) Miriam North, b. Oct. 10, 1910. (2) Virginia June, b. June 2, 1915. iv. WHEELER ORRIN, b. Sept. 13, 1881; m. at Palo Alto, Calif., April 12, 1903, FLORENCE JULIA Ross. Children: (1) Rose Edmund, b. at Los Angeles, Feb. 4, 1905; d. at Ojai, Cain*., Nov. 27, 1919. (2) Julia Miriam, b. at Los Angeles, July 30, 1906. AMELIA 8 BENTON NORTH, daughter of David North (210), married STEPHEN B. KEELER. 289 Children: i. EMILY CELIA, b. and d. 1835. ii. MARY AUGUSTA, b. Feb. 23, 1836; m. 1856 HARRISON OLLER. iii. ANDREW BENTON, b. Nov. 22, 1837; d. July 7, 1852. iv. AMANDA ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 23, 1840; m. (1) Aug. 26, 1858, JOHN HENRY MCCARTY; (2) April 2, 1874, WILLIAM CURL. v. ANTOINETTE ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 12, 1842; d. Dec. 14, 1873; m. (1) ENOCH WESLEY MATHIS; (2) Oct. 4, 1868, WILLIAM CURL, who later m. her sister Amanda, vi. JANE AMELIA, b. Sept. 20, 1844; m. June 2, 1870, LAFAYETTE ALLEN. vii. ADELAIDE AMELIA, b. Feb. 20, 1847; m. Sept. 15, 1867, AL- PHONSO CURL. viii. MILO SANFORD, b. April 3, 1854. ix. ABIGAIL ROSALIA, b. Mar. 22, 1856; d. July 8, 1859. x. SARAH ELLA BENTON, b. April 11, 1858. HON. TOWNSEND 7 NORTH (232) spent his boyhood near the place of his birth, but in 1835 he came to Washtenaw Co., Mich., with his father, who was a joiner by trade. He fol- lowed this business for several years, building the first dormitory building for the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and the first bridge over the Cass River at Bridgeport. In payment for the latter he received a grant of three thousand acres of land. Most of the industries and advantages which Vassar now enjoys are due to the wise plans, keen foresight and energetic work which Mr. North, its founder, put forth in the early days of the settlement. In the spring of 1849 he dedicated to civilization the site where Vassar now stands, and opened the way for the set- tlement of Tuscola Co. In 1867 he started the Vassar Woolen Mills of which he was president at the time of his death. In 1875 he started the first bank in the county, which was reorgan- ized into the First National Bank of Vassar. Among the other offices which Mr. North held during his life were : the first regis- trar of deeds of Tuscola Co., revenue assessor for the sixth Michi- gan district (appointed by Lincoln), state senator, supervisor of Vassar, member of the Board of Education and superintend- ent of the Michigan State School for the Blind. Mr. North was widely known and highly esteemed by all who knew him. There has not been so general a feeling of loss over the death of a citizen since Vassar was settled. He was a leader of every worthy enterprise in the village, in Tuscola Co., and 20 290 some general interests in the state. His heart was strong against dishonesty, crime, indolence and drunkenness. (Abstracted from "The Cyclopedia of Michigan.") CATHARINE 9 ROOSEVELT NORTH, daughter of Henry S. North (353), married (1) April 15, 1857, EMORY F. HOLWAY; (2) Feb. 7, 1876, EDWARD WHITE HALE. Children, by first husband: i. ADDELINE AUGUSTA, b. July 31, 1859. ii. ANTOINETTE GRIDLEY, b. Aug. 17, 1861; m. PREW. iii. HENRY PARKER, b. Dec. 13, 1863. iv. JENNIE ELIZABETH, b. Mar. 12, 1868. By second husband: v. EDWARD OSMER, b. Mar. 19, 1877. AUGUSTA 9 MEIGS NORTH, daughter of Henry S. North (353), died Feb. 17, 1909; married Dec. 25, 1879, GARDINER B. SMITH, who died Sept. 23, 1895. No children. MAGDALENA 9 YATES NORTH, daughter of Henry S. North (353), married Nov. 4, 1872, GEORGE ARNOLD TYLER, who died Oct. 9, 1915. Mrs. North resides with her daughter. Child: i. CAROLYN NORTH, b. Sept. 17, 1878; m. April 10, 1899, ROBERT S. KEARNEY. Residence, 450 Ridgewood Road, South Orange, N.J. Child: George Tyler, b. Feb. 7, 1908. CORNELIA 9 DOUD NORTH, daughter of James Doud North (354), married July 6, 1867, HARVEY HURLBUT. Children: i. LUCY ADELIA, b. June 26, 1868. ii. ADA MARIA, b. Jan. 27, 1878. JUDSON 9 PIERCE NORTH, son of Norman C. North (355), was born Sept. 10, 1852, and married Aug. 27, 1883, MARGARET, daughter of Archibald and Catherine (Maclntyre) MacNaughton. In 1869 Mr. North journeyed to Hancock, Mich., and entered the mercantile establishment of his uncle Seth D. North, remaining in this work until 1883. From 1876 he was in a branch store at Calumet, Mich., and in 1883 he as- sumed the proprietorship and management of the Calumet 291 Hotel, which was destroyed by fire in 1918. Residence, 421 8th St., Calumet, Mich. Child: i. MORTIMER SETH, b. Nov. 20, 1890; educated at University of Michigan and Michigan College of Mines (M.E. and B.S.); during the World War was a first lieutenant in the Engineer Corps, and in July, 1918, was sent to northern Russia; dis- charged July 30, 1919; m. June 10, 1918, JEANETTE ELEANOR ELY, daughter of William and Alice (Ferguson) Ely. Child: Mortimer Seth, 2nd, b. May 14, 1921. THOMAS 9 STUART NORTH, son of Norman C. North (355), married at Boston, Mass., Mar. 7, 1881, EMMA C. JEN- NESS, born there April 30, 1855. He is commercial agent of the Wabash Railroad at Indianapolis, Ind. Residence, 2558 Brook- way Boulevard. Children: i. DAISY MAY, b. at Portland, Conn., Feb. 8, 1882; m. at In- dianapolis, Ind., June 5, 1915, FREDERICK W. SCHUMANN. ii. FRANKLIN NEWTON, b. at Attica, Mich., Nov. 28, 1883; m. at Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 6, 1909, MARY J. McQuAio. Children, b. at Indianapolis: (1) Franklin Thomas, b. Sept. 29, 1909. (2) Charles Richard, b. Dec. 20, 1918. iii. RAYMOND STUART, b. at Saginaw, Mich., April 15, 1886; d. at Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 14, 1907. iv. GLADYS EMMA, b. at Saginaw, Mich., Nov. 27, 1894; m. at Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 9, 1916, FREDERICK E. MATHEY. Child: Elizabeth June, b. June 3, 1918. NORMAN 9 SMITH NORTH, son of Norman C. North (355), died June 25, 1914. He married (1) Jan. 28, 1871, EMILY RUSSELL, who died April 7, 1876; (2) Mar. 3, 1880, FANNIE A. ROBBINS, who died July 3, 1882; (3) Oct. 2, 1887, ELIZA R. CONE. Children, by first wife: i. JUDSON CLARK, b. July 6, 1871; m. Aug. 16, 1894, EMMA TAYLOR. Residence, Moodus, Conn. Children: (1) Eliza- beth Russell, b. May 22, 1895; m. Dec. 31, 1919, George H. Braren. (2) Norman James, b. Dec. 7, 1896; d. Dec. 12, 1896. (3) Eugene, b. Nov. 1, 1898. By second wife: ii. CHARLOTTE ROBBINS, b. Feb. 16, 1881; d. Feb. 5, 1882. LILLIAN 9 DOUD NORTH, daughter of Norman C. North (355), married Nov. 3, 1880, WILLIAM A. WARNER, born at Middlefield, Conn., Feb. 1, 1858, son of Andrew J. and Maria M. (Geer) Warner. Residence, 191 Holmes St., Belleville, N. J. Children : i. EMERSON ROBERT, b. June 23, 1884; m. Oct. 12, 1911, JESSIE RUTH ETHERIDGE. BERTHA 9 JACKSON NORTH, daughter of Norman C. North (355), was born Mar. 22, 1861, and married at Glaston- bury, June 3, 1885, Rev. William Waterbury Scudder, D.D., born Oct. 26, 1860, son of Rev. William Waterbury and Frances (Rousseau) Scudder. Residence, 120 Chestnut St., East Orange, N. J. Children: i. JOY WILLIAM, b. May 1, 1886; m. July 3, 1916, ELLA WINS- LOW. ii. BERTHA NORTH, b. Aug. 12, 1888. iii. KENYON JUDSON, b. Feb. 26, 1890; m. July 12, 1917, RE- BEKAH JEWETT. iv. KATHERINE WRIGHT, b. Mar. 7, 1892; m. Sept. 9, 1920, PAUL ROLLINS GRAY. v. NORMAN CLARK, b. Dec. 18, 1897; m. July 2, 1921, ALICE BUSHNELL. vi. FAITH, b. Sept. 13, 1900. ERASTUS 8 B. NORTH (374), whose incomplete family record is given on page 218, had children as shown below. His wife was born Sept. 16, 1829, and died April 13, 1894. Children: i. ALICE M., b. Nov. 17, 1848; dec. ii. EMMA A., b. Sept. 4, 1850; living, 1921. iii. HOWARD C., b. July 4, 1852; see page 218. A son, Earl D., is an engineer in Buffalo, N. Y., and resides at Hamburg, N. Y. iv. HELEN L., b. Dec. 25, 1854; dec. v. EUGENE C., b. July 4, 1857; see page 218. vi. FLORA B., b. Feb. 19, 1860; dec. vii. IRVING I., b. Feb. 17, 1862; dec. viii. MEDLIN E., b. July 1, 1867; living, 1921. ix. FREDERICK A., b. May 28, 1869; living, 1921. x. ADA M., b. Sept. 10, 1872. INDEX OF PERSONS ABBEY Alvin North 52 Betsey 52 Byron S. 52 Catherine 47 151 Edwin 52 Eleazer 52 Gideon 52 Henry 151 John 47 151 Lucy 47 151 220 Sybil 52 ABBOTT Bessie Musetta 250 Barrel Ray 250 Ethel Fay 250 Farest Calvin iv 250 Gail Christopher 250 George Dallas 250 Lee Ford 250 Mida Flo 250 Robert Glenwood 250 ACKERMAN Carrie 180 Erwin 180 ADAM Athalie 99 ADAMS Elizabeth Tracy 120 181 Emma Isabelle 136 Henry 137 ADDOMS Lucy M. 161 William H. 161 AGNEW Fanny 280 ALBERTS Amelia 236 ALDEN David A. 277 Helen 277 Margaret 277 ALDRIDGE Frances 226 269 Lincoln J. 226 ALFORD Abigail 52 Mary 136 ALFRED THE GREAT 10 ALGER Mercy 138 ALLEN 35 Arthur S. 225 Benjamin 33 Carrie Dell 155 Clara Burnham 225 Elizabeth 206 225 Emeline S. 46 Ethan 41 Frank E. 155 Jane Amelia 289 Lafayette 289 Leila 152 Lucy A. 271 Mary 132 Sally 35 ALLING Jennette 164 Joseph 69 ALLYN Anna 98 Clarence 98 Ephraim 98 Eugene 98 Frances 98 Howard 98 John 5 Lucretia 98 Mary 98 Minnie 98 Minnie Myrtle 98 AMES Albert 145 Arabella Ceylina 145 Cheney 145 Coman Cheney 145 Emily 145 Helen 145 AMHERST Gen. 27 AMSDEN George Cook 87 ANDERSON Elizabeth 60 Julia 146 Maria Eliza 146 R. H. 146 Wells 146 ANDREWS Abigail 18 44 Alice Jane 249 275 Anne 49 Darwin Calhoun 249 Emma Augusta 134 Eunice 133 Hannah 286 Hattie Estelle 134 Katie Louise 134 Lois 134 Lucina 71 121 Lydia 281 Marinda 133 Mary 18 Mary Elizabeth 134 Noah 18 Obadiah 17 71 Olive Cheney 134 Rodney 134 Samuel 133 134 Stephen 18 Thomas 18 281 ANDRUS Clara 154 Elizabeth 225 Hannah 10 ANGIER Alice May 228 Gordon Guy 228 Guy H. 228 ARMSTRONG Cynthia 101 Eliza 27 Elsie 263 James 263 ARNOLD Gen. 40 50 Mary 63 114 115 ARNOT Mamie 193 ARREMITH Olla 76 ASHLEY Daniel 172 Mary 172 Minnie L. 172 236 ASPINWALL Charles Henry iv 135 ATKINS Almira 211 ATKINSON Agnes 216 Blanche 216 Clinton Glenn 216 Grace 216 Hartey North 216 Henrietta 113 Leda 216 Loren 216 W. Fisher 216 ATWOOD Abiram 56 Cornelia 56 Phillip 2 Ruah 107 AULTOM Lucy Ann 199 Martin 199 Rosa 199 AUSTIN Abigail Morgan 200 253254 Amanda 56 101 AUTON Rachel 175 AVERY Elizabeth 47 85 86 87 Grace 280 Pearl 127 AYER Alvin C. 177 Arthur W. 177 Esther Newell 178 Georgia Lincoln 177 Marjorie Whittier 178 AYLESWORTH Charles Henry 133 Fannie 133 Lucy Ann 133 Martha Jane 133 Orrin North 133 William E. 133 AYRES O. B. 62 BABBITT Seviah 112 171 BACKLEY Jo 2 BACON Edwin H. 279 Ella A. 279 Emma 110 John 77 BADGER Amasa N. 95 Elizabeth 95 BAILE Edna Marion 267 BAILEY Aurelia 288 Elisha 57 Frances 72 Joseph 29 Leonard R. 125 Polly 282 Roxa 57 BAINBRIDGE Ilene Elisabeth 253 Julian Estell 253 Wilbert 253 BAKER Daniel 151 Harvey A. 201 Laura 151 Mary Catherine 151 BAKES Edwina 187 John E. 187 Mary A. 246 BALDWIN Elizabeth 18 Etna 67 Francis M. 176 Harriet 196 249 294 BALDWIN Huldah 29 Irene 196 Jabez 196 Martha A. 176 238 Mary 176 Salmon 45 Sarah 6 12 Temperance 22 BALLON Temperance 116 BAMPTON F. W. 118 Mattie 118 BANCK Carl 99 Ellen Eliza 99 BARBER Cynthia 284 Electa 284 Elihu 33 284 Elkanah 284 Emily 284 Huldah 285 Jemima 3 284 Lyman 285 Martha 284 Mary 284 Orson 284 Roxy Ann 284 Sally 284 Samuel 14 BARDEN Clarissa D. 36 BARD WELL Dr. 184 Abrala S. 184 BARHAM Jeannie 104 166 BARNES Amzi 69 Cromwell 69 Ellen C. 105 Lewis S. 105 Maria L. 69 Nancy 69 Persis 155 Sophronia 69 BARNETT Hyrum 73 Stephen 50 BARROWS Edith E. 199 Edward F. 199 Eva G. 199 Frederick L. 200 Mary Ellen 199 May F. 199 Roy L. 200 BARTHOLOMEW George F. 288 Marion 237 Martha 288 BARTLETT Blanche 266 BARTLEY Delia 127 BARTON John 88 BASCOM Ann Elizabeth 227 269 Elizabeth 227 Samuel H. 227 BASIL Louisa E. 249 275 BASS Mercy 27 Samuel 27 BASSETT Jennie M. 286 BATEMAN Sally 93 159 160 Sarah viii Thomas 93 BATTLESEN Albertine J. 184 242 243 BATTRICK William 2 BAUMAN Andreas 188 Dorothea 188 Johanna 188 BAWDEN Martha Louise 242 BAYLEY Annie 112 C. H. 112 Emma 112 Emma E. 112 Frank 112 Harry 112 BAXTER Helen 216 Levi 216 BEACH 58 Anthony 53 Hannah 5 53 98 99 Horatio North 32 Jesse 32 58 Olive B. 32 Thomas 53 BEARDSLEY David 282 Lois 282 Mary Elizabeth 102 William 102 BEAUGRAND Margaret 222 BECKLEY Comfort 19 Daniel 19 David 45 Emma 45 Lois 19 Martha 19 Nathaniel 19 Patience 45 Richard 19 Silas 45 BECKWITH Frances Augusta 102 George 102 Mary 270 BEEBE Mary Jane 202 255 256 BEECHER James 27 John 52 Pantha 52 BELCHER Jeremy 1 BELDEN Col. 29 35 ] Abigail 27 Rhoda 88 89 90 156 Sarah 133 BELL Mary 172 BELT Rebecca 102 BENEDICT Emily C. 56 BENHAM Adeline 77 BENJAMIN Emily Angela 202 254 Lathrup 202 Sarah Maria 202 BENNETT Abijah N. 41 Almira M. 41 Asahel 41 Cynthia 156 223 Isabella 164 Nancy 41 Oliver P. 41 Reed 41 Thomas 41 BENNION Daisy N. 185 Everett N. 185 Harold N. 185 Hyrum 185 Hyrum C. N. 185 Le Grand N. 185 Nellie Josephine 185 Verna N. 185 BENSON Elizabeth 180 BENTON Moses 139 Sarah 139 BERRY Fanny M. 167 231 William H. 167 BERTRAND Jane 195 BEST Alfred 243 Althea C. 243 Eliza 243 BETTS Etta 60 Joseph 168 Mary A. 168 232 Rebecca 168 BEVIER Louis 86 BEWLIE Grace 2 BID WELL Abigail 10 Albert F. 200 Anna 52 Frederick 200 Isaac 52 Isabelle 200 Sarah 52 Sarah A. 200 Sarah Maria 200 BILL Bertha M. 134 Dwight Howard 135 Edith Howard 135 Edwin 134 Francis Putnam 134 Frank 134 Fred Roswell 134 Sarah Ann 134 BILLINGS Betsey 51 Samuel 51 BIRD Betsey 98 Grace 280 Hannah v 4 9 10 12 Joseph 13 17 Mary 4 Thomas 4 BIRGE Chester M. 53 Emogene Albert 53 Harriet 53 Mary 53 BISEWSKI Esther D. 268 BISHOP Ann 182 Deming R. 65 Florence 182 Frances L. 65 Frederick Lee 182 . John 65 Lucy D. 65 North R. 65 Seth W. 182 BISSELL Abigail 13 Elder 57 Rachel 57 BLACK Annis Field 179 Emily 223 268 Theresa May 275 BLACKBURN Joseph 42 BLAIR Harrison 185 Mary Ann 185 Priscilla Jane 185 244 245 BLAKE Beulah 83 147 BLAKESLEE Dorothy North 204 Elizabeth 204 Erastus 204 Helen 204 Mabel Mansfield 204 Mary Goodrich 204 Robert Erastus 204 BLAKEY Caroline 244 BLAND Benjamin 259 Ellenora 259 Frances 259 BLINN Adelia 45 Rhoda 76 132 BLISS Mary 19 BLODGETT Clara Marie 262 Frank H. 262 Helen Emma 262 Marion North 262 BOARDMAN Abigail 79 287 Caroline 287 Clarissa 137 Edwin L. 287 295 BOARDMAN Elizabeth 79 Frances 288 George 288 Henry 287 Kate Bills 288 Levi79 Lucretia A. 287 Lucy Jane 287 BRACKETT Caroline R. 204 BRADFORD Salem 74 BRADLEY Sue A. 95 BRANDT Frederick Flandrau 206 Sarah Allen 206 BRAREN George H. 291 BRASHIERS V. 42 HUU UUi OO Martha E. 287 OAJ&A V-/UL. *! OV BRENNAMAN Abraham 133 Mercy 137 Albert 133 Nathaniel 137 Carey 133 William 79 Frances 133 William F. 288 Frank H. 133 BODIMER Alice 154 Jessie 133 Irwin 154 Lulu 133 Lena 154 Mary Jane 133 Roy 154 BOETCHER Anna E. 273 BREWER Eliza 213 Ella 213 BOGERT Capt. 86 Henry 213 Antoinette Richards 117 BREWSTER Elder 116 Helen North 117 BRIDGHAM Clara North 137 William Russell 117 Clarissa Amelia 137 BOLTON Anna Booth 97 Eliza 213 Anna Hinman 55 Emily North 137 Henry Carrington 54 55 Hezekiah C. 137 Jackson 55 Jane Eliza 137 Lucretia E. 206 oma-n 1-7 BRIGGS Emma C. 211 H,,!,!.,). OKO Jerusha 77 UlQ3,n _)_ BRIGHT Rebecca 167 BONNER Esther M. 232 BRINKERHOFF Harriet S. 256 Madge M. 232 Howard 143 M. L. 232 Jessie G. 256 277 Opal 232 Richard 256 Robert LeRoy 232 BRITELL Elethea 116 BONWELL Dorothy Evelyn 122 BROBST Lillie 174 Grace Denton 122 Lucius 174 Mary Elizabeth 122 BROCKBANK Agnes 125 Nathan North 122 Mary P. 243 BOOTH Alice 137 BROME Elizabeth Crosby 266 Cyrus 49 280 Fidelia Maria 137 BROOKS David W. 200 Mary 137 Edith J. 201 Nancy 49 Ethel North 201 Walter 137 Eunice Abigail 201 William 137 Henry O. 200 William S. 137 Medora 200 BOOTON Narcissa 63 BRONSON Cynthia 244 BOSSLER Mildred 248 David 10 BOSWORTH Phoebe 93 Ellen 65 Robert 93 Wright 153 BOULTON Edward S. 67 TtATTTWFTT 14fi BROWN Abigail 76 Alexander 218 Emily Louise 146 Allen 94 BOVARD Helen Chaffee 129 Anna Weed 201 John Freeman 129 Annie Helen 20J. Leila Glenn 129 Arthur 243 Paul Fountain 129 Arthur Max 243 S. T. 129 Avery 262 Sallie Maryetta 129 Benjamin F. 213 BOWEN Cullen 37 Beverly Fern 243 Daniel 37 Carrol 213 Ellen 37 Charles D. 94 Lucy 37 Charles Wing 154 Sylvia 37 Charlotte A. 213 BOWERS Augusta Maria 91 Ella M. 213 Henry C. 91 Emeline 57 James 250 Esther 7 Sula Estelle 250 Geneva 243 BOWMAN Mary 176 Gertrude 202 BOYD John D. 267 Hannah 29 Josephine 267 Harry 213 Josephine Null 267 Henry B. 57 BRACE Henry M. 91 H. Martin 201 Samuel 91 Inez Fern 243 Samuel N. 91 Josephine E. 195 Sarah Rogers 91 Laura 94 Leon 94 Leonidas 94 Lillie 213 Lucy N. 94 Margaret E. 242 274 Marion North 201 Nancy 218 Nelson 94 N C 195 Ruby 243 Sarah 218 Sarah Emma 262 279 BROWNSON Chester 78 Patty 78 BRUNNER Bernice 255 Ford 255 William F. 255 BRYAN Martha 115 175 Minerva 115 BRYANT Birdie M. 198 David C. 198 Emma 203 Robert A. 203 BRYCE Myrtle 255 BUCHEZ Helouise 146 BUCK Amelia 166 Eliza 45 Gordon 166 William R. 91 BUDINGTON Ada 220 Elvira 220 Walter 220 BUEL Augustus 48 David 48 Elizabeth 48 Ira 48 James H. 48 John M. 48 Julia A. 48 Louisa 48 Maria C. 48 Mary 48 Myron 48 Sally 48 Salome 48 Solomon 48 BUELL Adele Florence 196 Amandley 196 Amandley J. 196 George Alson 196 Hattie Josephine 196 Hattie Minnette 196 Lillian May 196 Minnie Estelle 196 Viola Elizabeth 196 BUFFUM David Bradley 178 Helen Seagrave 178 BULFORD John H. 226 Margaret H. 226 BULKELEY Benjamin 37 Betsey 136 202 Brownell 37 Dolly 37 Elizabeth 37 Francis 37 George 37 Lois 66 Nancy 66 115 Prescott 66 BULKLEY John 9 BULL Sabrina 282 Susie Elizabeth 107 Thomas 5 BUNCE Charles 138 Mary Olive 138 Thomas A. 138 William 138 296 BURCHSTED Anna Eppaulina Eleanor 87 CHESTER Frederick 169 183 Helen 248 Helen 169 William C. 183 Ruth 50 CHIPP Howard 152 BURD Symon 2 CARROLL Irene 131 Lucy North 152 BURGESS Catharine 92 T. C. 131 CHISHOLM Mabel Calista269 John 92 CARTER Betsey 48 CHITTENDEN Achsa A. 92 159 Sarah 92 Samuel 48 Edward A. 92 159 BURNHAM Clarissa 90 157 CARTWRIGHT Mary 284 Thomas 159 158 CARVER Amelia 194 CHRISTENSEN Hans C. M. Josiah 44 Frances 194 125 Mary 48 Oliver 194 CHURCH Sarah 106 Oliver 90 CARWELL Annie 212 CHURCHILL Emily 137 Sarah 90 CASE Abijah 282 Pamelia 92 158 William 18 19 Anna Deborah 87 Samuel C. 137 BURNS Catherine 41 Charles H. 162 CLAFLIN Henrietta 57 Elizabeth 74 Catherine 86 CLARK Abigail 24 Ida May 111 Daniel H. 86 Albert 240 Patrick H. Ill Elizabeth G. 86 Alden 84 BTJRNSIDES Ida M. 251 Lura 69 Annie Margianna 107 BURR Amos 121 Mary E. 87 Arthur 240 Elizabeth 59 Peletiah 86 Bessie 249 Eunice 121 Rachel E. 162 Caroline 227 Julia 143 Thankful 282 Christine Estella 174 237 Laura 121 CASTLE Aurelia 65 Dan 49 OTTOTJT'TT /->_! er 1 D] oil BURROUGHS Amy 149 Margaret 222 Marguerite Beaugrand 222 elia !fll Edwin 240 Chauncey A. 149 268 Elizabeth 10 107 227 John 149 Marshall Sinclair 222 Elizabeth Smith 84 Julian 149 Olive Clarissa 143 Emily 284 Ursula 149 CAULKINS F. M. 953 Esther 46 BURROW William 2 CAVE Annie Hater 170 234 Florence 240 BURT Edgar 102 CHALKER Harriet J. 217 264 Frederick North 107 Julia 37 CHAMBERLAIN 36 BURTON Asa 251 Christine Martha 164 ocorge 'ly Gilson 107 Helen 251 Eliza 86 Gladys R. 125 BUSH Lewis H. 87 George T. 86 Hannah Lindsley 221 BUSHNELL Alice 292 Jane 86 Henry 249 Bessie 106 Mary E. 86 James S. 49 BUTLER Kate Eliza 183 Ruth 224 Jesse 24 T. T. 183 Sophie 167 Joel 30 BUTTERWORTH Annie Naoni Valentine Burt 164 224 John F. 165 125 CHAMBLIN George 195 Lillia 240 Effie Geneva 125 Mary 195 Lucy 49 Elizabeth N. 125 CHAPIN Gertrude L. 107 Lura 240 John Addison 125 Hemin 29 Lydia 24 38 ft* A T> A AT nj Melinda H. 125 Jacob 78 Lyman 107 Matthew 49 Melinda North 125 Lucy 78 Melburn 240 William J. 125 Rachel 69 Polly 165 William Levi 125 CHARLES H King of England Rhoda 49 vi PTT A ^P fi Roger 38 Russell 46 CADY Frances 152 Earl F. 158 Russell Frisbie 107 CALL Anna 59 Harriet Sophia 215 Sarah 24 CAMPBELL Clyde 194 Henry A. 215 Sarah J. 165 Constantine 194 CHATFIELD Alfred Clark 155 Simon 24 Jewell 194 Anna Belle 155 William A. 249 J. F. 194 Archie Stephen 155 CLAUSSON Eta 161 Lottie Viola 194 Arthur Eugene 155 CLAWSON Ellen Augusta 158 Mable 194 Ernest Jay 155 J. V. 158 Ruby 194 Flora Estelle 155 CLAYTON Ada 172 Ruth 272 Ira J. 155 Charles P. 172 Sybil 52 CANFIELD Joseph 27 Joseph 102 Lydia 102 CLEVELAND Clara L. 172 Sarah 172 CAPRON Cornelius 287 Nota Annette 155 Vincent 172 Daniel B. 56 287 Orra 102 COCHRANE Cecil 118 Martha E. 101 Willis Warren 155 Laurana Rowe 118 Mary M. 56 287 CHENEY Benjamin 45 COE Charles 103 Orion 287 Clarissa 45 Julia 103 Rosalinda 287 Rosella 287 Elisha 45 134 Harriet 45 134 199 200 Mary 33 60 COFFIN Mary A. 212 CARLETON Frank S. 259 Matilda 82 147 COIT Elisha 55 Gertrude M. 259 Olcott 45 Ellen 55 CARPENTER Betsey 212 Olive 45 134 George 55 Tomazin 1 Orry 45 Henry W. 55 CARR Almira 82 Polly 45 John C. 55 Daniel 82 CHESEBROUGH Eliza 215 Julia C. 55 297 COIT Julius 55 COSLETT Sarah 91 Walton 76 Mattie D. 55 COUNTRYMAN Jennie 265 Wesley 168 William 55 COURTNEY John 189 William H. 76 COLBURN Esther 285 Polly 189 Zella 168 COLE Anna 238 Sarah 189 246 CRAMPTON John M. 256 Clement 2 COURTRIGHT Mary 232 271 Marian 256 Cynthia Minerva 111 171 272 CRANDALL Susan A. 165 231 Eleazer 72 COVEY Sally 59 GRAVER Bradford North 257 Ella May 72 COWELL Deborah 286 Donald Howard 257 Emma Ida 72 COWLES Abigail 282 Eva Metcalf 257 Eunice Hopkinson 72 Adaline 282 Robert North 257 Lucy 30 Agnes Maria 287 CRAWFORD Morris B. 136 Lucy Amelia 72 Albert N. 287 CRISSEY R. J. 59 Sabra Elizabeth 72 Amasa 21 282 CROCKER Correl 60 Sarah Frances 72 William 30 Asahel 282 Benjamin 285 Mary 60 CROMWELL Nat 42 COLEMAN Anna 15 Caleb 18 CROSSLEY Gertrude 231 Hannah 16 Calvin D. 285 CROWELL Charles S. 211 Richard 16 Catherine 285 Elizabeth W. 136 COLES Elizabeth 187 284 COLLINS Annie M. 230 Charity 282 Cornelia 37 Lucy A. 211 CRUTCHER Elizabeth 131 Hannah L. 230 Correll 60 287 Irene 131 Henry Clay 230 Daniel 39 285 J. M. 131 Keziah 203 Darius North 285 T. M. 131 COMSTOCK Calvert 258 Deborah 286 CRUTCHFIELD Anna 118 Eliza 258 Elizabeth 60 281 284 287 W. A. 118 Lillian Sill 258 Elizabeth Catherine 28T ppTT7pi\i :_ CONE Eliza R. 291 Eneas 282 CUDDIHY Lilian 278 CONK Eliza 243 Eunice 39 281 285 CULVER Rhoda 282 CONSER John 114 George 286 Theda92 Mary Jane 114 George R. 287 CUMMER Abbie A. 221 CONVERSE Hannah 159 227 Hannah 282, 286 Clyde L. 221 Joshua 159 Ira 282 Marienne Dix 221 Josiah 159 Isaac 16, 281 Marienne North 221 Mary 159 Jerusha 33 61 Robert James 221 CONYERS Anna Laura 189 Josiah 282 Robert North 221 Armina Elizabeth 189 Juda 281 CUMMINGS Polly 75 129 Bert 189 Lois 282 CURL Alphonso 289 Hilda May 189 Lucinda 37 Amanda 289 Marjorie Grace 189 Lucy 21 53 55 133 134 197 198 Antoinette Elizabeth 289 North LeRov 189 Martha 282 William 289 Ralph Whitney 185 Mary 281 CURRAN Rebecca 286 rOOTf 1 1 Manr T?liwaKo+V 9SJ7 PTTPTTQ Tianiol <17 Alice M. 97 ary i^iiznoetii *-o/ Narcissa 285 VsUxtAAO l^alllt 1 ol Julianna 37 Grace 156 Noah 282 L. 59 Lewis 44 Olive 36 282 285 Mary 21 Mary Ann 142 Ovid William 287 Thomas 21 Nettie 152 Ozias 133 134 Sibyl 21 32 33 Rhoda Blanche 276 Rebecca 286 Vesta 45 William M. 97 Richard 45 CURTISS Cornelia 37 COOKE Eliza J. 196 248 Romeo 286 Fidelia 31 COOLEY Lydia M. 101 164 165 Rufus 286 Gabriel 23 COOPER Elizabeth 180 Ruth 15 16 281 Hannah 230 Frances 169 Sabrina 282 Lucinda 37 Harriet 180 Samuel 7 21 33 282 Solomon 37 Isaac 180 Sarah 133 134 282 286 Susannah 23 Olive Spencer 182 241 Shubael 286 CUTLAR John 11 Peter 1 Sibyl 21 282 COPELAND Frances L. 161 Solomon 37 Henry C. 161 Thankful 282 f-v A TT T?V O ^ Henry F. 161 William 36 285 Amy 35 John 161 Julia Ann 161 Zelpha 282 COWLEY Bertha J. 182 DALEY Martha E. 287 DALLAS John R. 175 Lucius 161 COX Betsey 114 Martha Caroline 175 Lucy M. 161 Lillian 251 DALTON Deltha 195 CORNER Mina 199 CRAGUN Mary 245 DANA Frederick A. 115 CORNWALL 14 PRATn AoV>tnn 7ft Mary 115 V^xv-riivj .-\^IH < ill t \j DI;I O L An D TWTT7T /-* f. ina Al indwell 44 COSART Rachel 147 einan 4J Edwin S. 76 DANIELS Aaron M. 260 COSGROVE Christopher 283 Jennie M. 168 Gratia 260 Elizabeth 283 Lillian J. 76 Sarah 260 John 283 Mary 76 85 DARDEN Allie Mai 241 Lydia 283 Roberta 76 DARROW Charles 216 Margaret 283 Mo-io OQQ Roy 168 flallir 7A Jane M. 216 264 TIAVM? 91 drlH ^oo Mary 283 Dally O Susan 76 Augusta 85 William 283 Thomas 76 Bell 108 298 DAVIS Clara 187 Ella G. 164 Emily Antoinette 220 George 108 Harry Ford 187 Jennette 164 John 164 John R. 185 Leah R. 185 243 244 Lorinda 108 Polly 42 Rhoda 46 Samuel 46 William Ford 187 DAY Pres. 143 Anna 39 Bessie June 190 Charles 190 DAYBELL Bemice 186 Eva 186 George W. 186 Inez 186 Lavour Miles 186 Leon Glenn 186 Lloyd Keith 186 Martha A. 186 Phebe A. 186 Rhea 186 Robert 186 Russell 186 Theo Carlyle 186 Verda 186 DEARIE Jennie 176 DECKER Harry Cody 167 Mary Udena 167 Otis Othal 167 Uelle 167 William Hoyt 167 DECOE Eber 87 Emma J. 87 Rosaltha 87 Sarah Ann 87 Townsend 87 DeCOSTA /Elizabeth Olive 189 Leon 189 DeFOREST Lottie 106 DELAMATER Dr. 96 DE LA MONTANYE Isaac 150 Maria 150 219 Olive 150 DeLANCE Dean 95 Lucy 95 DELL Florence Burnham 158 William A. 158 DELONG Elizabeth 174 237 DEMING Charlotte Jane 106 Comfort 19 Daniel 106 David 43 Dwight North 106 Eliakim 36 Elizabeth 102 Hattie H. 106 Hepzibah 84 Israel 84 Joseph 106 Julia 102 Lillian B. 106 Lucy 36 65 66 84 Lydia 43 84 Phebe 106 Phebe H. 106 Ruth A. 106 Sally 284 Simeon 102 DENNY Martha 20 30 31 DENO Sarah P. 223 DENTON Bathsheba 39 Sally 71 121 122 DePEYSTER Bertha 143 Bessie E. 143 George 143 James 143 DEWEY Hannah 139 DEXTER Laura 206 Mary Frances 206 257 S. Newton 206 DIBBLE Charity 282 Mary 75 DICE Irene 271 DICKENSON Elizabeth 203 256 DILL Arthur C. 228 Helen A. 228 DINIUS Catherine 199 DINSDALE Anne Beck 268 DIX Mary 153 221 222 267 DODGE William K. 67 DOLES Ethel 188 DONALSON Esther Amelia 288 DORMAN Sarah 218 265266 267 DORWAY Caroline 119 Mary 119 Mary R. 179 William 179 DOUD Mary 141 210 211 Rebecca 141 Richard 141 DOUGLAS Alice 123 183 George K. 74 Kate 127 Selor 72 DOUGLASS Francis A. 228 Harriette Frances 228 270 271 Mary Jane 228 270 DOWD Arthur D. 138 Augusta Ann 137 Bertha N. 138 Charles F. 137 138 Charlotte 56 Franklin 138 Harriet M. 137 John 56 Miriam Wilcox 138 W. W. 137 Wyllys 138 DOWNY Lewis 48 Julia 48 DOWNIE Commodore 80 DOYLE 199 Eva G. 199 DRAKE Asahel 253 Horton J. 83 Moses 59 Nettie P. 253 277 Pluma 253 DREW Anna C. 217 265 DUANE James ix Mary ix DuBOIS Ella 219 Peter 219 DUCHER Agnes Maria 287 DUDGEON Sallie 129 DUDLEY Monroe 142 DUFUR Ira 83 DUNCAN Lucy 78 Thomas W. 78 DUNHAM Cornelius 20 DURAND Sarah 142 214 DURHAM Bettie 130 Henry 130 Roscoe C. 130 DUTTON Nellie Chatterton 204 Samuel T. 204 DYER Clement 286 Lois 286 EBERLE Edward Randolph 254 Edward W. 254 Mildred Brown 254 Mildred Randolph 254 ECKERT Katrine 85 148 149 ECKSTROM Emma Minerva 182 EDDY Eunice 133 EDGERTON Eunice 161 Richard 161 EDMUNDS Mary Ann 154 223 Newton 268 EDRINGTON Anna 191 Dale Beard 191 EDWARDS Alexander 12 Alfred 135 139 Alfred Revillo 139 Augusta 135 Augusta Laura 139 Benjamin 12 Ebenezer 12 Elizabeth Jane 139 Frances Elizabeth 139 Henry Josiah 135 139 John Franklin 188 Josiah 139 Julia Orpha 135 Madison North 135 Mary Rhoda 139 Mary Rhoda Cuyler 135 Orpha 135 Orpha Fidelia 139 Orpha Wilcox 139 Rhoda 139 Sarah 12 Sarah Jane 159 Sarah Kennedy 188 Thankful 12 EELLS Capt. 78 Hannah viii Nathaniel viii Samuel viii EGGLESTON Roxy Ann 284 ELGAR Hazel 219 James 219 ELIOT Laura 234 ELKINS Alonzo 123 Armond 123 Mary Elizabeth 123 ELLIOTT Ann 76 Benjamin 76 Edwin 76 George 200 Imogene 76 James R. 76 Joseph 76 Mamie 76 Phebe 55 Rose 76 ELLIS A. 231 Henry 164 Isabella 164 Jane 164 230 231 Suaan 231 Thomas 83 Warner 231 ELLSWORTH Gov. 158 ELMER Samuel 35 ELY Alice 291 Ezra Sterling 66 Jeanette Eleanor 291 Nathan North 66 299 ELY Theresa Orne Bulkeley 66 William 291 EMERSON Charles A. 91 Joseph 91 Mary Cordelia 91 Ralph 91 Ralph C. 91 Rhoda A. 126 187 188 EMERY Jane G. 155 Victor H. 262 ENGLISH Harriet 151 William 2 ENO Abigail 13 14 33 60 Anna 14 Deborah 14 James 13 Mary 13 14 33 Rhoda 96 Samuel 13 Susannah 14 William 13 33 ENDS Roger 41 43 50 51 ENSWORTH Gratia 260 ERWIN Cornelius B. 89 Maria 89 ESTILL Gordon 158 Joe 158 Joe Garner 158 Mary Russell 158 Wallace 158 ETHERIDGE Jessie Ruth 292 EVANS Albert John 190 Anne 235 Edith Douglas 235 Emily S. 259 Eva Eulalie 190 Lloyd George 190 Melzina S. 228 Velma Eulalie 190 William David 235 EVERITT Abigail 284 Andrew 284 Andrew H. 284 Elihu 284 Roxy 284 EVERS Ernest 217 Maggie G. 217 EWING James S. 198 Lucy J. 198 FAIRHOLM John 124 FALES Grace 272 Julia 272 Wilford Dexter 272 FAXTON Capt. - 41 FAY Mary 60 67 FENN Ruah 107 FERGUSON - 86 Alice 291 Jesse 70 Lois 31 Mary 70 Sarah 86 FERRY Thomas 221 FIELD Adelaide 198 Elizabeth 198 Helen M. 198 Jasper N. 198 Margaret S. 226 Mary E. 198 Vinton Ernest 198 FILLMORE Eunice 161 John 161 Millard 161 Septa 95 161 229 Zerviah Bosworth 161 228 FIRMIN Fannie 234 FIRTH John Elliot 160 FISHER Adam H. 252 Clara 237 Ida 159 Margaret 252 Molinda Emeline 252 276 FISKE Polly Maria 95 Solomon N. 95 FITCH Cyremis 62 Justa Maria 145 215 Minerva 62 FITTS Charles N. 178 Doris Lincoln 178 Lincoln William 178 Onata Isabella 178 FLAGG Clara M. 259 Jared B. 49 FLAGLER Henry 102 Jane Augusta 102 165 FLEISCHER Charles 248 Emma Belle 248 Leroy 248 Lillian 248 FLETCHER Charles H. 255 Howard C. 255 Mary 255 Mary Alice 255 FLINT Clara Goodenough 206 Mary A. 153 FLOYD Henry 116 Mary 116 Sophronia 116 FOGELL Henry W. 143 FORD 76 Chauncey 96 Elvira 220 Giles 52 Harriet 105 Horatio M. 96 Lucy Ann 96 Sarah 52 114 174 FORMAN Frances 168 Mary 168 Samuel 168 FORWARD Abel 14 FOSTER Betsey 47 E. V. 198 Mary E. 198 FOWLER Bertha Julia 250 W. H. 250 FOX John 285 Laura Lusk 285 FRANCIS Abi 48 Justus 48 Robert 9 10 Susanna 9 FRANK 129 FRANKLIN Priscilla 177 FREAR Henry North 215 Jane Maria 215 Jane North iv William S. 215 FREEMAN Nancy 31 FRENCH Alfred 216 Ellen Eliza 216 FREY Augustus 145 FROST Allen 100 Fannie B. 67 Helen North 100 Joseph G. 100 Loomis North 100 Marion 100 Mina Louise 100 Raymond 100 Rebecca Carman 100 Robert Parish 100 FULL Emma 236 FULLEN Fleta 128 Johnson 128 Paul 128 Zora 128 FULLER Amos A. 125 Amos B. 125 Amps Levi 125 Arriminta 125 Asahel Franklin 125 Asahel L. 125 Elias L. 125 Elizabeth 26 Elkanah 26 Esther Arriminta 125 Luburn B. 125 Luther Carlos 125 Mary 151 Mary Jane iv 125 May Sophia 125 Nellie V. 125 Orin A. 125 Sarah 29 281 FURNACE Jacob 228 Laura Phoebe 228 FYLER F. D. 58 Sabrina 59 105 GABRIEL Harriet 162 Phineas 162 GAGE Edward Nelson 153 Horatio Nelson 153 Katherine 154 Mary 153 Mary Dix 153 Mildred 153 Nelson Edward 153 Richard North 154 GALPIN Hepzibah 82 Horace 82 Judson 82 Pete 19 William 82 GAMWELL J. W. 104 Laura 104 GARDT John 76 Nat 76 GARFIELD Euna 247 GARRETT Amri 39 Cynthia 39 GARY Nettie 197 GATES Gen. 51 Cynthia 285 Elizabeth 285 Latimer 285 GAY Anna W. 223 Julius iii 9 GAYLORD Charles 143 Charlotte 143 Elizabeth 20 Esther 96 162 Hannah 20 Julia 143 Julia Ann 143 Sylvester 143 William 143 GEAR Robert 59 GEHRING Augusta 229 GENSCH Clara Helen 278 William 278 GEORGE m King of England GERE Olive 61 William 61 Zaxie 61 GIBBS Esther 52 T. C. 52 GIBSON Alexander C. 151 300 GIBSON Alice 154 Katherine Wright 292 HADDON Mazzie 259 Alice Almira 184 Paul Rollins 292 HAGER Edward M. 193 Elizabeth 107 GREAVES Adelaide Belle 245 HALBERT Alice M. 218 Ella 241 274 Harriet Austin 254 A. E. 218 Florence Mav 151 Louis W. 254 Henry H. 218 Jacob 184 Wellington North 254 HALE Catharine Roosevelt 2 10 Mary Elizabeth 151 GREEN Benjamin 46 290 GILBERT Mary 25 Katherine 36 Edward Osmer 290 Moses 25 Mary Louise 279 Edward White 141 210 290 Thomas 25 GREENE Elizabeth S. 141 GILBERTSON Pauline 240 Joseph 61 Emma 141 GILLER Sophronia 238 Zaxie 61 James 141 GILLET Julia 272 GREENWOOD Clarissa E. 254 Mary 141 GILLETTE Elizabeth 14 GREGG Huldah 252 Oswin 141 Jacob 14 Ruth 252 Reuben North 141 GILMORE Maggie 202 William K. 252 Susan Smith 141 GIVINS Rebecca 148 217 GREGORY Hattie A. 223 HALL Arthur 249 GLAD WIN Andrew 148 GRIDLEY Abigail 40 Earl 249 Caroline E. 148 Abijah N. 42 Israel 211 Orpha M. 212 259 GLAZE Bertha 251 276 David 283 Eliza C. 42 Israel R. 82 Jessie 249 GLEASON Abigail 52 Elizabeth 42 Josiah 87 Ann 52 Emily 42 Judson 64 Asahel 39 Eunice 39 Julia Ann 91 David 39 52 James 22 32 42 283 284 Nancy 179 David H. 39 Jemima 37 Sarah A. 211 Hannah A. 87 John C. 284 Thomas S. 91 Henry 52 Judah 283 HALLORON Cora L. 249 Hiram 39 Lucy 36 John T. 249 Isabel 38 Obed 284 HAMBLIN Hannah Ann 72 John N. 52 Oliver 284 HAMEL Lavina 275 Mary 52 Oliver D. 42 HAMILTON Cora B. 198 Nancy 37 Samuel 39 Fannie Mary 128 Peter B. 52 Sarah 283 John M. 198 Susannah 37 TJVillia m TT S9 Sibyl 22 32 71 72 283 284 SrviitK 7 John O. 128 TT A H>TT TTVT GA wiiuam xi. T?TrTT Pmf in J 1 1 11 1 1 / QtoTtKcn OOO Achsah 151 otepiitJti ^oo Susannah 283 Jane 142 HAMMOND Byron 147 Achsa Ann 151 William Henry 42 Mary Sophronia 147 Alice Hale 201 Zephaniah 283 HAMN Catharine 92 Allen 13 GRIFFIN Blanche E. 177 HANDY Aurelia 282 Archibald 201 Asahel 20 Mary Jane 193 /->T>TOTir*~kT T\ r^~ A ci John 282 HANSON Beulah May 249 Lrxvlo W \JLiU l^apt. OI Chauncey 151 Abigail 132 Robert O. 249 Elisha 13 Caroline 67 HARD Abner C. 31 Hannah 139 JrtViTi 181 *}Q Caroline Sophia 137 Celestia 70 HARDEBROOK Mina 248 TT A -r>n/r/-\ivT oo onn LO lot? Mary 21 Chester S. 67 Helen 174 237 Polly 142 212 213 Cora Monroe 169 232 233 James 14 Rebekah 139 203 Damon A. 67 Joel 14 Samuel 25 David 67 Polly 38 Sarah 27 Edgar 67 HARP Albert 145 Zebulon 21 Edward A. 67 Susan 145 GOODWIN Abigail 31 56 57 Edward M. 137 Susie 145 Florence 279 Edward North 137 William C. 145 Stephen 31 Fannie 277 HARPER Amarantha 223 269 TTATiTJTO DC GOSLEE Minerva 103 George A. 67 H. 70 Charles W. 62 GOULD Burness Seely 228 H. M. 94 Deborah 14 Edgar Dunning 228 John 77 Elizabeth 62 Gerald L. 228 Lucy 67 Ellen 147 Kenneth 228 Lura 59 Julia 180 240 Lemyra Isabelle 228 Lydia 67 Katherine 187 Rolland Edwin 228 Martha A. 67 Mercy 22 GRABLE Rosa 252 Mary Ellen 67 Naomi B. 142 GRACE Ella 211 Midian N. 59 Tamer 127 Rachel 75 Perry D. 67 William Bennett 187 GRADY Veva A. 274 Rachel 57 HARRISON Benjamin 127 GRAHAM Hannah Clark 221 Seth North 67 S -,-],-;,, T ft 7 William 46 TTATJT 1O a Jonathon 29 Tyresha Ann 245 Bell 108 Joseph 58 JEWELL Patience 237 274 KEARNEY Carolyn North 290 Lily 74 JEWETT Rebekah 292 George Tyler 290 Lucy 95 JICHENOR Anna 156 Robert S. 290 Lydia 14 Charles M. 156 KEATOR Julia Ann 85 Margaret Ann 74 Edwin B. 156 KEECH Louella Jennie 87 Mary 14 29 Sarah 156 Thomas J. 87 Mary Alice 74 JOHN Calista 251 KEELER Abigail Rosalia 289 Melinda 74 Mary J. 251 Adelaide Amelia 289 Phebe 14 Seth 251 Amanda Elizabeth 289 Phoebe 52 JOHNSON Anna 79 Amelia Benton 139 288 Rebekah 95 161 229 Barney 75 Andrew Benton 288 Rosanna 29 Charles 75 Antoinette Elizabeth 289 Roswell 29 Cora E. 122 Emily Celia 289 Roxalany 58 Daniel 79 Jane Amelia 289 KEELER Mary Augusta 289 Milo Sanford Sarah Ella Benton 289 Stephen B. 139 289 KEENY Laura 130 KEITH Barbara 240 Bessie 240 Carlton 240 Evelyn 240 G. A. 118 Harold 240 Janette 240 Sarah Antoinette 118 Virginia 240 KELLOG Alice M. 179 Charles 179 KELLY Amy 149 Benjamin Harrison 127 Corine 127 Elma 127 Eugenia 127 Henry 127 James S. 127 John 127 Louisa 127 KELSEY Almira 137 E. Carlos 65 Susan 285 KENDALL Lydia 117 177 KENNEDY Susan 184 242 KENT Esther 14 Kittie Mahan 153 William S. 153 KENTON Martha 134 KERR Lois Hazel 275 KEYES ix Adaline 282 Mary Grace 112 172 KIBBEE Ira 86 KIDDER Helen 277 KILBORNE George 10 KTLLIAN Carl Brenton 199 Clelo Catherine 199 Edward Manuel 199 Elden E. 199 Goldie Sarah 199 Jacob M. 199 Jacob Paul 199 Mary Elizabeth 199 Mary Jane 199 Ralph Phillip 199 Stella I. 199 KIMBALL 220 Adaline 89 Clara 220 Colon de Witt 220 Helen Eliza 220 Robert B. 89 KIMBERLY Charles G. 277 Leila Frost 277 KIMMEL Carrie Belle 265 279 280 KING Capt. 28 38 Elizabeth Clara Constance 225 KINGSLEY Prof. 143 KINSMAN Robert 3 KNAPP Mary 105 KNIGHT Joshua S. 83 Maria 83 Rosalinda 287 KNOX Agnes Helen 113 Albert 113 Elizabeth 113 John 151 KOLSTE Nettie 278 KRAYER Oscar H. 151 KROM Betsey 85 Henry K. 85 Mary 85 Simon 85 LAKE Capt. 175 Helen 175 LAMBART William 1 LAMPHER 119 Lyda 119 LANDRUS 51 LANE Grace Clayton 168 Jessie Myra 168 Nannie Page 173 Narcissa 285 Sarah 282 Sarah E. 63 Woodward E. 168 LANGDON Albert 36 Anna 36 Ebenezer 36 Gad 36 Katherine 36 LANGLEY Florence H. 177 Harris W. 177 Inez May 177 Ruth Sherman 177 LANSING Alice Adelia 262 Joseph P. 262 LARCUM Mary 23 38 LARKIN Joseph J. 125 LARKUM Polly 39 LARSEN Charlotte Alveda 246 LATHROP Elizabeth 18 Hannah 17 John 18 Mary L. 82 Samuel 18 LAW Cora A. 278 LAWRENCE Albert William 83 Charles Edward 82 Cornelia 83 Harriett Newell 83 Helen 82 Henry North 82 Joseph William 82 Mary Wells 82 ' Sarah North 82 Sophia 83 Susan 83 Susan North 83 Sybil 82 LAY Elizabeth 220 LEACH Margaret 2 LEARSON Jenny 201 LEE Capt. 28 Gen. 198 Elizabeth 59 107 108 Henry 29 Isaac 16 John 23 Lydia 23 Martha 20 Mary 23 Nancy 88 Philip 88 Stephen 18 William 23 LEEDS Jerusha 77 135 136 LEMPKE Anna E. 273 Fred 273 Norma V. 273 LENINGER George'272 Guy 272 LEONARD Elizabeth 263 LESTER Bertha North Dowd 132 LESTER James W. 132 LEWIS 77 121 Caroline 77 Ezekial 28 Frances M. 121 George H. 65 Jane 65 119 180 Lucinda 30 Mark 69 Oliver 30 Rachel 16 Romeo 65 Thankful 28 Zella 245 LIGHTHALL Anna Belle 156 Cone Warner 156 Gay 155 Guy Luverne 155 Hannah Maxwell 155 Hiram 156 Hiram L. 155 Homer Wasson 156 Linna Mary 155 Myron Pattison 155 LILLARD Joe 131 Margaret 76 M. H. 131 Spencer 76 Sue 131 LILY Aurelia 288 LINCOLN Abraham 110 289 Almira 73 Clarissa E. 254 Esther 117 George Henry 254 Jane 177 239 Lucia 117 176 177 Marshall 73 Micah 177 Michael 117 Minerva Wright 254 LINDSAY Eugene T. 131 Jesse 131 Jesse B. 131 Jesse Holton 131 Jesse Scott 131 Marian G. 131 Mary 131 Theodore North 131 LINN Harriet 200 LINTON Jane M. 100 LIVINGSTON 102 LODGE Ralph 143 LOHR Anne 244 LOMBARD Emily Antoinette 220 George Washington 220 LONG Clarence L. 199 John 199 Lucy Ann 199 Perry 199 LOOMIS Abigail 53 96 97 98 Abraham 32 Ann H. 110 170 171 Ephraim 284 Jemima 32 284 Mary 284 Oliver 284 Orrin 59 Ruby 59 LORING Sarah J. 287 LORTON Fannie E. 67 LOSTUTTER Grace 192 247 Wilson 75 LOUNSBURY Elizabeth 200 253 Kfithchen Weil 224 304 LOUNSBURY Ralph Reed 224 LOVE Manta Montrose 238 LOWERY John 124 Lucinda A. 124 LOY Clarissa 160 Elise Isabel 160 Elma Clarissa 160 Frederick 160 Frederick Nelson 160 Lucy Mary 161 Mary Edith 160 William Newton 160 LOYN Alice E. 259 Harry S. 259 LUCAS Ann 213 260 LUCUS Mary 32 LUMUS Edward 1 LTJSK Laura 70 Margaret 38 70 LUTHER Mary E. 95 LYTE Elizabeth 45 LYLIS Narcissa 124 LYMAN Gen. 27 Dolly Ann Frances 214 262 263 Ebenezer 32 Harry 83 Ruth 32 58 Sarah 32 83 MACBRIEN Susie A. 161 MacINTYRE Catherine 290 MacCORD Bernard 227 Caroline 227 M. Catherine 227 MacDONALD Daniel 217 Douglas Benjamin 217 Harriet North 217 Lillian C. 217 Ruth North 217 MacNAUGHTON Archibald 290 Catherine 290 Margaret 290 MAHAN Anna J. 152 Asa 153 Mary 153 MAKER Julia E. 171 235 MAIN Ruth Dexter 206 Walter 206 MAIRS Isaac 198 Mary C. 198 252 Sallie 198 MALTBIE Ethel C. 273 Marcus 273 Miranda 273 MANFORD Mary 74 MANIER Marie L. 233 MANN Frederick J. 101 Mina Louise 101 MANSFIELD Jo 2 Josephine 88 MARBLE Melinda 126 MARSCHANG Ida Hazel 241 MARSH Abi 41 Abijah N. 41 Clarinda Ann 41 Eliza Ann 41 Fielding 41 George W. 41 Letitia Ann 41 Peter 139 Sally 41 75 Wiliiam 41 Willis 41 MARSHALL Hannah 281 Harriet 61 John 961 Lucy 95 Mary 9 Perry 281 Roxy 284 Thomas 9 MARSON Nicholas 3 MARTIN Leonora Mildred 190 247 Orson 159 MARTYN George vii MASON Col. 41 Charles 114 Loretta 114 MASTEN Maria 87 155-156 MATHER Penelope 20 MATHEY Elizabeth June 291 Frederick E. 291 Gladys Emma 291 MATHIS Antoinette Elizabeth 289 Enoch Wesley 289 MATTHEWS Andy 270 Carrie M. 62 Cora 150 Dart 150 David 270 Delancy N. 150 219 Egbert R. 150 219 Everett 150 Fred 150 Jane Longworth 269 Joseph 285 Louisa R. 285 Margaret Wicks 270 Mary 150 Olivia M. 150 219 Samuel 150 Sarah E. 150 219 Ward 150 Watson 150 William 150 William H. 270 MATTISON 14 Phebe 14 MAWSON D. W. 194 Edna Lee 194 Mildred 194 McANALLY Ada Nora 195 Deltha 195 James H. 195 McARTHUR Florence 212 William 212 McCABE Bernice 189 Calista 251 Clyde A. N. 189 George F. 189 Melinda 189 McCALLISTER Elizabeth 180 Harriet 180 240 Isaac 180 McCAN Alfred 73 Huldah 73 McCARTY Amanda Elizabeth 289 John Henry 289 Susan 123 183 McCLAIN James 165 Jemima 276 Lulu May 276 Margaret 165 Mary 165 William B. 276 McCLARE 120 Edward 121 McCLAREN Charles 176 Elethea Agnes 176 Jennie 176 John Nelson 176 Martha Jane 176 McCLEAN Hazel 232 McCLELLAN Anna 85 Bernard 8.5 MCCLELLAND Jessie 114 McCOLLISTER Albert S. 67 Augusta 67 Charles H. 67 Charles I. 116 Chester Ward 116 Edith Abigail 116 Edward 67 Florence Mabel 116 Frank North 116 Ida S. 67 Ira I. 67 Isaac 67 John 67 Lizzie 67 Lucy 67 116 Marcus Sanders 116 Mary 67 116 Sanders 116 Temperance 116 William Henry 67 McCONNELL J. R. 72 McCREARY Lloyd C. 191 McCRUM Emma E. 209 Isaac 209 MCDONALD Mark L. 212 Ralphine 212 McDONOUGH Commodore 80 McDOUGAL Julia Brown 216 Louie 216 McDOWELL Allyn Jay 216 Bennie Frank 216 Dorothy Louise 216 Hollie A. 216 Lottie May 190 Louise 216 McELROY Sarah A. 113 172 McGARO Mary 217 McGUIRE Margaret 222 McINTOSH Jane 128 McKAY Jennie 142 John 142 McKECKIE John ix Mary ix McKENZIE Jessie Mary 118 178 Vera 274 McKINLEY Margaret 30 William 30 McKINNON Jeanette 136 McNEFF Ellen 124 McNUTT Emma 75 Frances 74 Perdillas 74 Silence 74 McPHERSON Ava Lena 127 Earl Francis 127 Francis Marion 127 Marion Alvin 127 McQUAID Mary J. 291 MEANS Robert Lee Gilmore 133 Sally Wilcox 133 MEEK Thomas M. 67 MEIGS Angelica Yates 210 Giles 210 Magdalena 210 MELBA Nellie 114 MENDSEN Ella C. 65 MERRIAM Lavinia 105 305 MERRILL Aaron 108 Cynthia 108 167 168 Edith 93 George 96 Henry 48 Mary 61 Rhoda 37 68 69 Rolzman 61 Sarah 48 Sarah Emily 96 S. D. 93 MERRILLS Ebenezer 17 MERWIN Abigail 286 MESSER Edward C. Ill Emma Bacon 111 Margaret Loomis 111 Mary Hurt 111 METCALF Mary 257 MEYERS Carrie 255 Grace M. 252 Homer Brice 255 Ralph 255 MIGATE Joseph 8 MIKLEJOHN Esther 288 MILDRUM Adelia 255 Bertha Mildred 255 Julia S. 138 Orrin 138 William A. 255 MILES Ada Eloise 171 Archie D. 155 Eleanor 153 Fern Estella 253 Freeman 36 Harriet Rebecca 252 Ishue F. 252 Joseph 36 Levi 252 Levi Calvin 253 Lucy L. 36 171 Milo N. 36 Rosa 252 MILLER Alice 288 Almira 41 Benjamin 41 Beverly 41 Chauncey A. 288 Charles 94 Edmund 41 Eleanor 125 Frank 125 George 124 Gladys 232 James 41 Jonathon 22 Joseph 41 Lillian 222 Lot 41 Mary Ann 94 Manon 94 Polly 41 189 Robert 128 Sarah 22 Thomas 41 MILLICAN Athalie L. 164 Oliver H. 164 MILLNER Samuel M. 178 MILLS Anna 97 Clara B. 90 Harriet A. 90 John H. 90 Olive 282 Roger H. 90 Sophronia 69 Sylvia 103 MILNER Clara E. 236 MILNOR Walter L. 196 21 MINER Alma 97 Mary Elizabeth 97 162 163 Robert 97 W. H. 228 MITCHELL Abner 55 Charles A. 55 Clarice 199 Elisha 55 Eliza Ann 55 Ellen 55 Henry Elliott 55 Margaret 55 Margaret E. 55 Maria 55 Mathers Henry 55 Phebe 55 MIX Anna Laura 189 Anna Olive 189 Dorothy Violet 254 Earl Benjamin 254 Edna May 189 Elsie Frederica 254 James Henry 189 Oscar S. 189 Simeon 189 MOFFIT Thankful L. 52 MONRO Viana 70 119 120 MONROE Eunice 71 Henry 71 Sophronia 39 William 39 MONTGOMERY Hazel 245 MONTVAINE Louise 252 MOORE Adaline North 106 Almira R. 107 Catherine 87 Catherine Palms 106 Charles C. 106 Cicero J. 107 Daniel 50 David Fitch 87 D. C. Y. 107 D. C. Y. Rujo 107 Elias 96 Elizabeth 50 Emma 87 Frank C. 189 Florence Priscilla 177 Frederick North 107 Harriet T. 107 Henry C. 65 Ira W. 107 Irene Harriet 107 Irene M. 107 Jane Ann 107 Joseph 177 Levantia 215 Louella Jennie 87 Marie 50 Nellie A. 203 Philip N. 65 Ralph H. 106 Ruth A. 106 Sarah 106 Seba 106 Susan 65 Thankful 107 William 87 MOOREHEAD Elizabeth W. 257 MORGAN Ann Mariah 187 245 246 Fred 101 Isabel 101 Julia 269 Julie Potwin 269 Oliver R. 141 Otho H. 269 Sarah Fowkes 101 Walter S. 101 William 101 MORRO Frederick A. 196 Lillian May 196 MORSE Abigail 132 196 Anna 146 Daniel 146 Harriet Stewart 146 Mary 146 MOSHER Walter 199 MOSIER Hannah 86 151 152 Jeremiah 86 MOSLEY Ida Hamilton 241 MOTTIER Lily 74 MOULTON William 37 MOWRY George Barton 243 Inez May 243 Louise 243 Martha 243 MUDGE Alvin Lacy 262 Arabella 145 262 Ceylon Jerome 262 Clare Belle 262 Frederick Lacy 262 Jerome Lacy 145 262 MTJLFORD Elizabeth 57 MUNGER Ellie L. 249 Rose 108 MUNSON Lydia 45 Mary 45 MURCHISON Duncan 114 Duncan G. 114 Hettie M. 114 Laura C. 114 Maria 114 Mary C. 114 Nannie S. 114 Ross N. 114 Roy 114 MURDOCH Bertha M. 239 MURPHY George H. 137 William 137 MURRAY Ami 60 Daniel 59 Flora 59 Fred 59 Jennett 59 Lucretia 59 Philomena 59 Prudence 59 60 Roxalany 59 Sabra 59 MUSGRAVE Mary 160 MYERS Harold 119 Icephena Ellen 250 275 NARTEN Christian 222 Christian Carl 222 Cora 222 David Christian 222 Helen Marie 222 Marguerite Castle 222 Peter Beaugrand 222 NAVE Daisy Belle iv 123 Ira 123 Katherine Grace 123 NAY Agard 61 David 61 DeWitt 61 George 61 Helen M. 61 Noah 61 Olive W. 61 Thetis 61 306 NEEDHAM Persia 93 160 NEILSON Charles 185 Charles L. 185 Erma A. 186 Franklin Dwight 186 Hyrum Perry 186 Mary Arriminta 186 NESMITH Rocse, 103 Thomas 103 NETTLES Joel V. 194 Mable D. 194 NEVILLE Carl H. 198 Cora 162 Theodora 198 Wesley L. 198 NEVINS Joseph 71 Lucy 71 NEWCOMB Clark 48 Louisa 48 NEWELL 19 Amna 142 213 Ashbell 142 Clarissa 60 Esther 117 Hannah 12 18-21 Henry 60 Justus 60 Lucy 60 Lyman 60 Nathan 35 Polly 213 Rebecca 12 17 Samuel 13 Sarah 142 Susanna 35 62-64 Thomas 12 17 NEWLIN Edna 101 Edward 31 Gertrude 101 Helen 101 Howard 31 Isaac 31 101 Mary 31 Russell 101 Sarah 31 NEWMAN Amy Synderby 177 Cora J. 124 NEWTON Abijah 50 Asintha 50 Cynthia 50 Daniel 50 Hannah 50 Liberty 50 Marshall 50 Martha 167 Salome 50 Samuel 167 Sophia 167 Tnphenia 50 NICHOLS Paul 174 NICHOLLS Elizabeth 1 NICKERSON Dorothy Ger- trude 20J Edith Amelia 202 George F. 202 Mary 202 Ralph Waldo 202 Stanley North 202 NOBLE Sarah A. 101 NOGGLE Rebecca G. 45 NOLT Reed A. 199 NORTH 284 Aaron 23 37 68 116 117 Aaron Calvin 199 252 276 Abbie 167 231 232 Abbie Alice 188 246 Abbie H. 183 241 Abel 43 76 85 133 134 198 251 252 Abi 25 41 48 49 156 Abigail 9 15 18 24 31 32 33 46 53 56 57 60 68 73 79 84 96 116 117 132 196284287 Abigail Morgan 200 253 254 Abijah 24 25 29 41 42 46 49 50 68 73-75 77 84 92-94 125 126 140 158 159 Abijah Levi 129 Abiram 36 Abraham H. 149 Abrala S. 184 Achsa 61 159 Achsah 21 30 Achsa Ann 92 151 Ada Alvira 184 Ada Eloise 171 Ada Nora 195 Ada M. 292 Ada P. 260 Adabel 166 Adaline 56 89 137 Adaline Plumb 106 Adam 100 Adam Edward 252 276 Adelaide 198 Adelaide B. 254 Adelia I. 128 Adelia S. 162 Adelle Marie 241 Adna 37 69 Adre Lena 198 Adrian Darius 58 Afton 246 Agnes Hazel 278 Agnes Helen 113 Albert 63 82 83 84 85 112 119 145 150 171 180 219 239 240 262 AlbertAvery 202 254 Albert Cosart 147 Albert Gallatin 72 Albert H. 148 217 Albert Leslie 245 Albert Lot 126 188 Albert M. 147 Albert Scott 122 Albert Varley 232 273 Albert William 70 120 181 Alberta Minola 183 Albertine Arriminta 184 Albertine J. 184 242 243 Alceba Jane 218 Alexander Abijah 95 Alexander Hamilton 56 100 Alfred 58 60 104 115 140 165 166 174 175 204 205 256 286 Alfred Barham 104 Alfred Chandler 171 235 Alfred Moorehead 257 Alfred Myron 175 238 Alfred R. 232 273 Alice 123 148 154 183 211 Alice Adelia 262 Alice Almira 184 Alice Belden 181 Alice Belt 102 Alice Clark 211 Alice E. 209 259 264 Alice Hale 201 Alice Irene 236 Alice Jane 249 275 Alice L. 259 Alice M. 97 179 218 292 Alice Mae 228 Alice Mary 260 Alice May 189 253 Allen 76 132 196 Allen C. 153 Allen E. 180 240 Allie Mai 241 Alma 186 211 241 Alma E. 161 Alma Lucille 154 Almeda 244 Almira 41 46 70 73 82 112 121 124 151 287 Almira Jessie 220 Almira P. 151 Alonzo 115 151 Alonzo W. 174 237 Alphonso M. 174 237 Alsemeda 61 Alson 132 196 249 Alta E. 244 Alta Gene 187 Althea L. 273 Alva 69 Alverta G. 247 Alvin 49 81 89 90 142 157 158 212 213 Alvin C. 197 251 Alvin Kenneth 247 Alvina 52 Alvy Davis 247 Amanda 56 101 150 Amarantha 223 269 Amber 169 Amelia 100 101 119 194 236 Amelia Benton 105 288 Amelia Maria 105 Amelia Miriam 288 America J. 128 191 192 Amon 70 Amos 28 51 185 Amy 35 61 62 Amy Synderby 177 Andrew 85 119 Andrew H. 149 Angelica Yates 210 Angelina 213 Angeline 87 132 Angelo Wood 87 Angie Beal 194 Anita 165 Ann ix 15 16 52 76 79 138 150 170 171 202 213 247 260 Ann H. 83 Ann Mariah 187 245 246 Anna 36 38 39 65 69 85 89 90 97 118 131 135 147 158 175 201 213 219 238 Anna B. 98 Anna Booth 97 Anna C. 217 265 Anna Catherine 115 Anna Dix 222 Anna E. 98 Anna Elizabeth 200 264 269 Anna Ellen 56 Anna Elsie 173 Anna Eppaulina 183 Anna Eva 213 Anna H. 110 Anna Hinman 55 Anna J. 152 153 Anna L. 237 Anna Langdon 66 Anna Louisa 237 Anna Mahan 221 Anna Stow 156 Anna W. 223 307 NORTH Anna Weed 201 Anna Wellington 201 Annabel la Craig 118 Anne 112 162 168 179 243 Annette 150 Annette Whitney 265 Annie 212 Annie Hater 170 234 Annie Margiana 107 Annie Wetmore 166 Annis Field 179 Antoinette Richards 117 Archer M. 203 255 Ariel 59 104 Ariel M. 108 167 231 232 Arline Gertrude 275 Arnot 193 248 Arriminta 124 125 184-187 Arriminta A. 124 Arthalinda C. 232 273 Arthur 117 184 Arthur Everitt 152 Arthur Fillmore 229 271 Arthur Herbert 241 Arthur J. 212 Arthur L. 271 Arthur Lincoln 177 Arthur Mormon 186 244 Arthur Peterson 221 Arthur Rickart 239 Arthur Tappan iv 62 114 173 Asa 22 24 35 44 62 63 64 70 115 171 174 285 Asa D. 36 Asahel 21 36 37 41 42 64 66 69 74 115 Ashael Albert 186 244 Ashael Hyrum 245 Ashbel 21 27 32 58 Asher 27 47 48 Asintha 50 Athalie 99 163 164 Athalie Ellen 100 Athalie Louise 164 Audrey 233 Augusta 85 91 229 Augusta A. 168 Augusta Ann 137 Augusta C. 170 234 235 Augusta L. 91 Augusta Maria 91 Augusta Meigs 211 290 Augusta S. 91 Augustus William 89 156 223 224 Aurelia 288 Aurilla 119 Ava61 Ava Lena 127 Avarilla 127 190 Bakes 246 Barbara 271 Barbara Brinkerhoff 277 Bashua vii Basil 240 Bathsheba 39 Belinda Elsie 161 Bell 119 Benjamin viii 26 47 85-88 151 152 Benjamin F. 75 127 Benjamin Fountain 192 Benjamin Frederic 182 Benjamin Grant 128 192 Benjamin Henry 130 193 Benjamin N. 217 264 Bernice 255 Bernice Lee 246 Bertie E. 264 Bertha 211 240 251 276 Bertha J. 182 Bertha Jackson 292 Bertha Julia 250 Bertha M. 239 Bertha Mildred 255 Bess Bess Bess Bess Bess e 240 249 e E. 143 e June 190 e Lavinia 191 e Musetta 250 Betsey 47 48 51 52 85 90 136 202 212 Betsey Ann 155 Betsey Jane 137 Bettie 130 Bettie Durham 194 Betty Adelaide 271 Beulah 78 83 147 241 Beulah May 249 Birdie 131 Birdie M. 198 Blanche 266 Blanche E. 177 Boyer P. 261 Brenda Mae 280 Brent 234 Bruce Clifford 267 Bula May 190 Burch 193 Burritt Beach 53 96 163 Burton 169 232 273 Burton Lester 249 Burton W. 196 249 Byron Eugene 230 Byron Oscar 275 Caleb ix Caleb Lindsley 201 253 California 192 Candace 30 284 Carlista C. 212 Carlton 146 216 Carlton Lorenzo 239 Carol Janet 241 Caroline 45 46 56 77 79 119 148 154 216 217 227 244 Caroline Augusta 95 152 Caroline E. 148 Caroline Elizabeth 253 Caroline Laura 135 Caroline M. 63 70 155 223 Caroline R. 122 Caroline Rand 211 Caroline Sophia 137 Carolyn 193 Carrie 163 180 255 Carrie A. 216 Carrie Belle 265 279 280 Carrie Elizabeth 201 Carrie Frances 227 Carrie L. 183 Carrie May 264 Catharine ix 73 123 Catharine Roosevelt 210 290 Catherina 224 Catherine 41 47 85 86 87 149 150 151 Catherine Gertrude 187 Catherine L. 173 Catherine M. 227 Catherine Maria 149 Catherine Melinda 205 Catherine Palms 106 Catherine Rebecca 202 Cecil E. 238 Cecil May 182 Cecil Morris 190 Celestia 70 Ceylina 145 214 Ceylon 214 262 263 Ceylon Avery 279 Ceylon Henry iv 214 262 Chandler Padgett 235 Charity B. 132 196 Charles 22 35 66 68 85 117 120 133 136 143 146 177 197 Charles A. 83 Charles Addison 124 184 242 243 Charles Alson Duane 196 249 275 Charles Andrew 262 278 Charles Asa 154 222 Charles Ashley 236 Charles Augustus 200 Charles Brenton 252 276 Charles Cleveland 149 218 265 266 267 Charles Cooper 182 Charles David 185 Charles Delos 102 Charles E. 154 256 278 Charles Frederick 157 225 Charles Gilbert 214 262 278 Charles H. iv 78 158 226 Charles Hamilton 117 177 239 Charles Harvey 100 Charles Henry 102 126 165 173 182 214 215 263 Charles Howard 202 255 Charles J. iv Charles Kelsey 114 Charles Kenneth 275 Charles Kerr 276 Charles Levi 184 242 274 Charles Lewis 111 Charles Lincoln 177 Charles Loomis 165 Charles Lyman 198 251 Charles M. 113149218 Charles P. 172 Charles R. 192 Charles Raymond 242 274 Charles Reuben 206 257 Charles Richard 291 Charles Stanley 165 231 Charles Terbush 151 Charles Weed 201 254 Charles Wesley 218 266 280 Charles Willard 266 Charles Wright 183 274 Charlotte 56 89 101 102 113 143 149 Charlotte A. 213 Charlotte Alveda 246 Charlotte Elizabeth 103 Charlotte Jane 106 Charlotte Robbins 291 Charlotte Smith 167 Chauncey 76 132 Chauncey B. 148 217 264 Chauncey Jones 161 Chester 155 193 Chester Loomis 170 234 Chester Roberts 88 Chloe 46 58 103 104 Christine 187 Christine Estella 174 237 Christine Martha 164 Clara 187 237 261 Clara A. 167 308 NORTH Clara B. 232 273 Clara Belle 262 Clara Burnham 225 Clara E. 236 Clara H. 91 Clara Harris 188 Clara Helen 278 Clara L. 112 172 Clara Louisa 173 Clara M. 259 Clara Madeline 239 Clara Maria 85 Clarence 180 186 239 246 Clarence Arthur 181 241 Clarence E. 168 Clarence Eugene 246 Clarence G. 251 276 Clarence Jackson 178 Clarence Philbrick 261 Clarinda 95 Clarissa 36 62 63 65 78 90 137 157 158 Clarissa Amelia 137 Clarissa B. 137 Clarissa D. 36 Clark 150 Claude 180 239 Claude Homer 250 Clay Arnold 232 272 Clayton Converse 227 Clayton Matthews 270 Clayton Nelson 160 227 269 Clementine 261 Clemma Elizabeth 176 Cleta L. 275 Clinton D. 168 Clyde 255 Clyde O. 128 191 Constantino 76 131 132 Constantino Arthur 130 Constantine Thaddeus 130 194 Cora 162 180 Cora A. 124 278 Cora B. 198 251 Cora E. 122 Cora Elizabeth 280 Cora Frances 278 Cora L. 249 Cora Louise 202 Cora Mabel 162 Cora Martha 262 Cora Munroe 169 232 233 Corinna 30 Cornelia 56 246 Cornelia Bulford 226 Cornelia Doud 211 290 Cornelia M. 155 Cornelius Humphrey 187 246 Correl Fyler 106 166 Courtney Stovall 179 Craig 85 Crede Ivan 276 Crys Clay 131 Cynthia 39 50 101 108 156 167 168 171 223 244 Cynthia Minerva 111 Cyrus 60 108 Cyrus H. 168 232 273 Cyrus Luman 108 168 Czar Peter 73 123 183 184 Daisy 185 Daisy Belle 122 Daisy Ethel 252 Daisy May 29 Dale Beard 191 Dallas Warren 245 Daniel viii 11 17 23 24 26 31 38 46 47 69 79 85 86 148 151 154 217 Daniel Hoyt x Daniel Plena 149 Darius 32 36 57 62 111 112 113 Darius Robinson 56 102 David 20 29 44 46 53 57 70 79 139 140 284 287 288 David Abbey 152 220 221 David Alden 277 David B. 86 152 David Baile 267 David E. 197 251 276 David Frederick 225 David Thompson 95 David W. 162 Davis Alvy 190 247 Davis Beauregard 127 190 Dayton Reed 243 Deborah 47 85 87 Deborah Holt 215 Deda I. 128 Delia 127 211 Delia M. 94 Delia Sophia 40 72 Delight Elizabeth 276 Delia Pearl 192 Dexter 258 Dolly 197 Dolly Ann Frances 214 262 263 Donald 273 Donald Goodrich 256 Dorothea 257 262 Dorothea Mae 279 Dorothy 191 224 237 261 Dorothy Evelyn 273 Douglas Benjamin 265 Dwight 142 213 260 Earl D. 292 Earl Dorman 266 Earl Roswell 251 Early Benjamin 128 191 Eben60 Eben C. 37 Ebenezer 13 14 21 32 33 61 109 282 Eden 35 Edgar 152 197 220 Edgar Mosier 221 Edgerton Grant 270 Edith 183 280 Edith A. 244 Edith Amelia 202 Edith Bland 259 Edith Edna 192 Edith Priscilla 186 Edmund 78 137 288 Edmund David 288 Edna 52 188 248 253 Edna A. 96 Edna Lee 194 Edna May 231 Edward iv vi viii x 48 111 116 121 140 141 171 175 206 207 238 257 258 266 279 Edward Bates 133 198 252 Edward Charles 216 264 278 279 Edward Chesebrough'215 263 Edward Collins 203 204 Edward D. 68 116 176 Edward Eleazer 218 267 Edward Flagler 102 Edward Guy 171 Edward Henry 165 Edward Louis 266 Edward M. 101 164 Edward Martin 117 176 Edward Mills 157 Edward Newlin 98 Edward Payson 65 Edward Scarrett 192 248 Edward Simeon 206 Edward W. x 209 259 Edward Watson 173 237 Edward Woodward 73 Edwin 129 145 180 228 Edwin A. 56 101 164 165 Edwin Albert 160 227 228 Edwin Barnes 115 Edwin Bryan 175 238 Edwin Byron 127 190 247 Edwin C. 138 Edwin Coral 190 Edwin Delois 122 184 Edwin E. 131 Edwin Emerson 126 187 Edwin Lyman 231 Edwin Nathan 211 Edwin Woodruff 120 181 241 Edwin Worcester 136 Edwina 187 Egbert 114 143 Elda Eliza 243 Eldridge 213 Eleanor 126 274 Eleanor Ann 126 Eleanor Brace 225 Eleanore Martin 221 Elethea Agnes 176 Eli 17 24 39 70 71 285 Elijah 39 46 70 71 83 120 148 286 287 Elisha 20 31 46 53 54 55 98 99 286 Elisha Cheney 134 Elisha Dowd 101 Eliza 55 86 89 135 148 151 220 Eliza Ann 88 105 Eliza B. 131 195 Eliza J. 196 248 Eliza R. 291 Eliza Stanley 49 89 Elizabeth ix 9 15-17 25 26 29 32 36 43 50 56 57 59 60 62 81 84 86 87 89 95 102 107 108 130 131 141 147 154 174-176 181 185 187 194 198 200 203 220 223-225 235 237 248 251-253 256 263 269 287 Elizabeth Clara Constance 225 Elizabeth Clark 227 Elizabeth Crosby 266 280 Elizabeth E. 165 Elizabeth Ethel 266 Elizabeth F. 248 Elizabeth Jane 57 135 139 Elizabeth M. 210 Elizabeth Olive 189 Elizabeth P. 155 Elizabeth Russell 291 Elizabeth Smith 84 Elizabeth Tracy 120 Elizabeth W. 257 Ella 98 121 211 213 215 241 Ella G. 164 Ella Grace 211 Ella Izetta 243 Ella Maude 155 Ella Pauline 195 309 NORTH Ellen 124 148 199 230 270 Ellen Augusta 158 Ellen C. 105 Ellen Eliza 216 Ellen Harris 147 Ellen Louisa 91 Ellen M. 102 Ellen Matthews 224 Ellen Phoebe 70 Ellie L. 249 Elma A. 250 Elmer 187 Elmer Allen 249 Elmer E. 196 Elmer Ellsworth 161 Elnathan 28 29 Elnora 196 Eloise Comstock 258 Elsa 261 Elsie Constance 225 Elsie Fredfrica 254 Elsie Geraldine 191 Elsie Helen 279 Elsie Parker 197 Elsie Starr 263 Emeline 56 82 83 109 137 145 Emerson Arthur 188 Emily 223 232 268 291 Emily Angela 202 254 Emily D. 184 Emily Deserette 185 Emily Lusk 70 Emily S. 209 259 Emma 110 180 191 203 242 291 Emma A. 292 Emma Almira 117 Emma Bacon 111 Emma Belle 248 Emma C. 211 291 Emma E. 10 209 259 Emma Eugenia 218 Emma Frances 123 Emma Louise 200 Emma M. 175 238 Emma Minola, 182 Enos 34 61 109 Epeline 123 183 184 Erasmus Darwin 70 98 Erastus 76 Erastus A. 132 196 248 Erastus B. 149 218 292 Erma 240 Ernest Clarence 72 122 126 128 Ernest L. 254 Ernest Moreland 118 179 Ervon Lee 219 Erwin King 243 Estelle 196 Estelle Mabel 219 Esther 7 28 31 46 52 60 84 96 108 109 162 288 Esther Amelia 288 Esther D. 268 Esther Louise 264 Esther Maria 96 Ethel 31 53 188 Ethel C. 273 Ethel May 265 Etta 60 Eugene 218 244 267 291 292 Eugene C. 197 Eugene Copley 179 Eugene Franklin 276 Euna 247 Eunice 15 16 24 36 39 46 52 70 71 84 94 109 217 281 285 Eunice Ann 186 Eunice E. 84 Eunice Hopkins 72 Eva 175 190 276 Eva B. 216 Eva Metcalf 257 Evaline 191 Evelyn E. 128 Evelyn Rose 195 Evylin 275 Ezekial 21 31 56 57 Ezekial Abijah 93 Fannie 72 211 234 Fannie A. 291 Fannie Bell 127 Fannie Leah 231 Fannie M. 192 Fannie Mary 128 Fanny 72 132 165 181 280 Fanny M. 167 231 Fay E. 232 271 Fayette Carver 161 228 270 271 Felix Stanley 224 Fern 280 Fidelia Maria 137 Flora B. 292 Flora Jane 193 Flora Temple iv 130 Florence 171 182 212 237 240 261 279 Florence A. 168 Florence Burnham 158 Florence Christine 225 Florence Julia 288 Florence M. 278 Florence Margaret 171 Florence Priscilla 177 Florence Stowe 229 Florila 132 Forest 240 Foster 114 Foster Brockbank 243 Fountain 75 129 192 193 Frances 72 152 168 169 211 226 269 Frances A. 214 Frances Adelia 211 Frances Ann 248 Frances Augusta 68 102 Frances Emily 97 Frances H. 216 Frances Holt 260 Frances Louise 238 Frances M. 121 Frances Marie 272 Frances Sarah 141 Frances Skinner 104 Francis Augustus iv 205 256 Francis Myron 238 Francis Stanley iv 224 269 Frank 109 136 147 151 154 215247 Frank A. 165 181 230 Frank Allen 148 217 265 Frank Arthur 254 Frank Asa 238 Frank Elmer 214 261 Frank G. 131 Frank Hinman 175 Frank Hulett 216 Frank Marion 118 Frank Mason viii Frank Webster 237 274 Franklin 73 Franklin America 127 Franklin Benjamin 56 Franklin Bill 201 254 Franklin Ceylon 278 Franklin Haven 104 166 Franklin Newton 291 Franklin Smith 142 Franklin Thomas 291 Franklin Woodford 84 Fred 155 Fred Davis 164 Fred De La Montanye 220 Freddie D. 167 Frederic Benedict 181 Frederic Orin 148 Frederick 59 105 106 141 147 152 166 180 209 259 Frederick A. 292 Frederick Alonzo 106 107 Frederick Augustus 156 224 Frederick Chamberlain 224 Frederick Delano 136 201 Frederick E. 232 Frederick Elliott 206 Frederick Henry 90 91 157 225 Frederick J. 169 Frederick Kendall 178 239 Frederick Marius 137 202 254 Frederick Montgomery 159 Frederick R. 209 259 Frederick Smith 97 Frederick Tabor 201 Frederick Thorp 136 Gad 29 52 Garnie Garfield 247 Garnie Leone 190 247 Garrett 41 Geneva 243 Gene vie ve 194 George 24 67 68 71 78 85 86 116 121 143 152 176 213 240 261 George A. 180 240 George Adam 83 149 218 George Addison 186 George Albert 181 George B. 83 George Chester 155 223 268 George Jay 112 171 236 George K. 211 267 George Knox 221 George Lafayette 72 George Lamartine 100 George Loomis 111 170 234 George Lyman 214 263 279 George Mahan 153 George McCarty 123 George Milton 138 288 George Mosier 151 George O. 223 George P. 97 George Porter 154 George Post 157 225 George Rollo 97 George Smith 211 George Stow 206 George Thomas 171 George W. 213 George Washington 40 72 122 123 George Whitfield 146 Georgia 172 Georgia Lincoln 177 Gerald R. 270 Georgiana L. 91 Georgiana Marcia 92 310 NORTH Gertrude 202 Gertrude Grant 192 Gertrude M. 259 Gertrude Maria 202 Gibson 64 Gideon Leeds 135 201 254 Giles Meigs 210 Gillie 197 Gibson 69 Gilbert Irving 278 Gilson 69 Glade Levi 238 Gladys 128 232 258 Gladys E. 271 Gladys Emma 291 Gladys Ethelwynne 271 Glen Schoenfeld 275 Glenn Wayne 246 Glenn Worthington 187 Goodwin 85 102 165 Goodwin Stuart 279 Gordon 85 Gordon Buck 166 Grace 176 192 216 220 247 249 265 272 280 Grace Clayton 168 Grace Cornelia 238 Grace Denton 122 Grace Elizabeth 225 Grace Eugene 157 Grace M. 252 Grace Mary 222 Gracie Maurie 219 Granville Fergison 152 Grenville P. 241 274 Grover Nelson 263 Guy 40 73 123 232 272 Guy L. 223 268 Halbert 183 Hallie 192 Hallie M. 191 Hannah viii ix 4 6 9-13 15-19 23 24 38-41 53 62 77 86 98 99 110 151 152 159 227 Hannah A. 87 Hannah Ann 72 Hannah Clark 221 Hannah Elizabeth 151 Hannah Mary 72 Hannah Maxwell 155 Harold 115 256 Harold A. 244 Harold Adrian 272 Harold Diodate 221 267 268 Harold Emerson 276 Harold Guy 269 Harold Lemuel 165 Harold Marcus 239 Harper 235 Harriet iv 61 76 77 100 105 106 108 109 133 134 162 166 180 199 200 240 249 Harriet A. 90 Harriet Augusta 74 Harriet Austin 254 Harriet B. 181 Harriet Edna 264 279 Harriet Elizabeth 126 Harriet F. 161 162 Harriet Hulbert 141 Harriet J. 217 264 Harriet L. 270 Harriet Louise 197 Harriet M. 137 Harriet Maria 134 199 Harriet Rebecca 252 Harriet Sophia 215 Harriet Stewart 146 Harriet Stillman 120 Harriet Wilcox 210 Harry B. 192 248 Harry Chamblin 195 Harry Clark 227 Harry E. 165 230 231 251 Harry F. 259 Harry H. 163 229 Harry Irving 242 Harry Wales 175 238 Harry Worcester 202 Hartwell 114 174 237 Harvey 55 63 99 163 164 Harvey George 164 230 Harvey Steinle 230 Hattie 266 Hattie A. 223 268 Hattie Josephine 196 Hattie Madeline 239 Hayes C. 128 191 Hazel 132 191 219 232 240 245 255 Hazel Q. 187 Helen 104 109 163 169 174 175 212 237 241 248 251 263 267 279 Helen A. 228 279 Helen Amelia 156 224 Helen Ann 152 Helen Brigham 224 Helen Charlotte 173 Helen Eliza 220 Helen Emma 262 Helen Esther 288 Helen G. 211 Helen Kate 288 Helen L. 292 Helen Louise 265 Helen M. 100 162 Helen Macy 263 Helen Maria 117 Helen Marie 222 247 Helen May 276 Helen Motley 176 Helen Pauline 236 Helen Seagrave 117 Helen Stanley 224 Helen W. 138 Helen Winthrop 166 Helouise 146 Henrietta 57 90 91 113 237 256 Henrietta Clarissa 91 Henrietta Dudley 166 Henrietta F. 105 Henrietta Montgomery 178 Henry 48 49 66 67 75 88 91 95 109 126 127 128 133 136 157 168 191 197 232 263 Henry Archibald 224 Henry Ballard 75 130 194 195 Henry Bateman 160 Henry C. 147 Henry Cleveland 181 Henry F. 100 Henry M. 118 Henry Martin 146 215 263 Henry Martyn 68 118 178 Henry P. 83 147 Henry Savage 141 210 290 Henry Saxe 229 Henry T. 42 75 129 130 131 Henry William 124 250 275 Hepzibah 43 76 77 82 84 286 Herbert 213 Herbert Brinkerhoff 256 277 Herbert E. 259 Hette Adelia 218 Hiram 85 133 Hiram Carey 197 251 Horace 109 142 169 213 260 Horatio N. 102 Howard A. 244 Howard Alden 242 Howard C. 218 292 Howard Dewey 219 Howard Frances 264 279 Howard J. 122 Howard L. 270 Howard Lincoln 254 Howard Miles 172 236 Hoyette 167 Hubert 202 Hubert Franklin 91 158 Hubert L. 98 Hubert Ward 192 Huldah 41 73 74 140 206 209 210 Huldah Augusta 126 Hyrum Bennett 124 185 243- 245 Hyrum King 184 243 Hyrum Thomas 185 Icephena Ellen 250 275 Ida 131 159 197 279 Ida Hamilton 241 Ida Hazel 241 Ida M. 251 Ida May 111 Ina 221 267 Inez May 177 243 Ira 38 69 119 120 126 180 Ira Levi 128 191 247 Irena 39 145 214 Irene 255 Irene Harriet 107 Irving 292 Isaac 19 25 43 44 45 46 47 76 77 114 134 149 200 253 286 Isaac M. 150 219 Isabel 160 Isabelle 38 Isabelle Walker 178 Isaiah 30 43 52 95 Isaiah M. 96 161 Israel 32 56 58 101 102 Israel Deming 84 James viii 6 1 1 19 26 27 39 47- 49 71 74 76 81 84 86 88-92 117 121 122 125 132 14,1 150 156196210211 James Agard 61 109 169 James Byram 101 109 164.230 James Carr 248 James Chauncey 132 James D. 230 James Dayton 100 164 230 James Denton 100 164 James Doud 141 211 James Dunn 95 James E. 196 197 261 266 280 James Edmunds 154 223 268 James Edward 55 James Ely 71 121 James Franklin 24 James H. 155 196 219 248 James Harper 68 117 178 James Harrison 178 James Heyward x James McAlpine Summerville 206 James Madison 127 128 189 246 311 NORTH James Merritt 152 James Monroe 72 122 James Oliver 189 246 James Small 129 193 James Stanley iv 156 224 225 James W. ix James William 253 Jane 13 22 65 67 119 128 142 164 177 180 191 202 230 231 239 Jane A. 124 Jane Ann 96 Jane Antoinette 68 Jane Augusta 102 165 Jane Avis 266 Jane C. 162 Jane Longworth 269 Jane Louise 212 Jane M. 100 158 216 264 Jane Margaret 188 Jane Maria 215 Janet 177 Janet A. 128 Janet M. 236 Janet Ross 263 Jeanette 120 181 291 Jeanne Castle 268 Jeannie 104 166 Jeannie Barham 104 Jedediah 25 43 44 78 79 82 83 134 136 137 146 202 Jemima 32 33 37 38 79 284 ette May 278 nie 172 174 193 265 nie Bell 165 nie Edith 231 nie L. 253 nie Lucia 177 nie M. 168 Jennie Rich 98 Jennie S. 201 242 Jeremiah viii Jeremiah A. 184 242 Jerome Reynolds 263 279 Jerusha 33 61 77 Jesse Erwin 245 Jessie 114 153 168 178 179 234 249 Jessie Dickenson 256 Jessie Heath 216 Jessie Mary 118 Joanna 62 111-113 143 Joel 60 108 109 Johanna 188 John iii-xi, 1-6, 9-11, 13 15- 17 19 22 23 28 29 35 37 42 45 49-52 67-69 73 77 85 95 110117124126133134139 140 149 150 161 176 197 199 200 213 228 249-251 253 254 John Addison 184 243 John Adna 37 68 117 118 178 179 John Albert 134 John Alden 277 John Austin 200 253 277 John Calvin 120 181 John Carlos 253 277 John Carey 249 John Charles 171 234 John Curtis 203 204 256 277 John D. 57 John Daniel 47 85 148 John Denton 72 121 122 182 183 John Depuy 87 155 223 John DuBois 151 220 John E. 214 260 John Edmund 200 John Egbert 214 John Elliott 146 215 John Evans 235 John Goodrich 139 203 256 John Grant 243 John Greenleaf 170 234 235 John Hart 53 68 96 162 John Harvey 57 99 103 John Heath 158 226 John Henry 129 130 131 14,8 192 193 217 265 John Hollister iii 5 158 226 John Kenyon 176 John Levi 112 John Loomis 96 162 John M. 155 John McKenzie 118 John Milton 63 John Mitchell 250 John N. 162 John P. 231 John Richard 256 277 John Riley 124 John S. 85 149 150 John Spring 260 John Strong 68 John Thomas 194 John Tilton 278 John W. 266 John Wesley 162 110 170 171 John William iv 229 270 277 John Wood 10,1 Jonathon 15 16 22 28 32 35 57 58 103 283 Joseph ix 5-8 13 14 19 20 30 31 43 52 53 55 76 95-97 132 161 162 169 282 Joseph Arthur 229 Joseph B. 96 162 229 Joseph Henry 193 248 Joseph Howard 97 162 163 229 Joseph Levi 130 Joseph T. 75 129 193 194 Josephine 248 Josephine E. 195 Josephine Hitchcock 158 Josiah 11 16 22 30 31 150 283 Josiah Wilcox 140 141 209 Josie 215 264 Joy Margeret 276 Judson Clark 291 Judson Pierce 211 290 Judy 85 Julia 36 37 38 64 97 102 103 115 143 180 240 Julia Ann 85 91 143 161 Julia Brown 216 Julia E. 171 235 Julia Eliza 57 Julia Elizabeth 230 Julia H. 148 Julia Miriam 288 Julia S. 138 Julian Estell 253 Juliann 149 Julianna 37 Julie Potwin 269 Juliette 58 Juliette Sophia 161 Julius Bascom 227 269 Julius Nathaniel 160 Junius 33 59 105 Junius Davis 106 167 231 Junius Lee 167 231 Junius M. 105 Justa Maria 145 215 Justus v Kate 158 226 Kate Eliza 183 Katharine 234 Kathchen Weil 224 Katherine 65 187 Katie Moss 183 241 Katrine 47 87 148 149 Kendall Murdoch 239 Kenneth 191 Kent Beaugrand 222 268 Keziah 203 La Prele 244 La Rue Perrine 146 215 264 Launcelot 16 Laura 77 83 94 104 108 112- 114 121 130 135 136 173 234 271 Laura Ann 234 Laura Bulkeley 66 Laura Dexter 206 Laura Minerva 175 Laura Phoebe 228 Laurana Rowe 118 Laurine Estella 275 Lavern 245 Lavina 52 72 275 Lavinia 105 Lawrence Alden 277 Lea A. 244 Leah Alwilda 186 Leah Etna 197 Lea R. 185 243 244 Lee 212 Leeta Mae 237 Leila Catherine 152 Leila Frost 277 Leila Kimberely 277 Lela P. 244 Lemyra Isabelle 228 Lemuel 32 50 58 79 92-94 103 139 158 159 161 165 203 Lemuel Curtis 139 203 Lemuel Fayette 229 271 Lemuel Webster 159 Lena 117 154 240 Lena Bell 181 Leo Lewis 245 Leon Dare 245 275 Leone 266 Leone Duane 249 Leone Luella 246 Leonora Mildred 190 247 Leora 94 Lester 60 109 240 Lester F. 187 Lester Woodruff 181 Levi iv 41 44 63 69 73 74 75 78 113 114 118 124 127-129 136 137 173 179 184-187 202 Levi Hart 214 Levi Howard 125 245 246 Levi Morgan 187 245 Levi R. 115 174 237 Levona Dianna 184 Lewis 67 86 151 220 Lewis Avery 262 Lewis Lee 168 231 271 272 Lewis Otis 272 Lewis Rogers 131 195 Lieuticia 73 Lilian 278 Lillie 164 174 230 312 NORTH Lillian 109 191 Lillian C. 217 Lillian Doud 211 292 Lillian M. 237 Lillian Sill 258 Lilly Ann 185 Linden Arling 243 Lindsley Caleb 201 253 Linton Darden 241 Linton Glover 183 241 Linus 36 65 67 82 145-147 213 215 Lizzie 142 157 Lizzie Eunice 257 Lizzie M. 181 Lob 23 45 46 83 277 281 283 286 Lois Hazel 275 Lola 174 261 Lola May 243 Loomis 53 98 Looinis A. 56 Lora 116 176 Loren 174 Lorenzo 119 174 179 237 239 274 Loretta 114 Lorin Harvey 186 245 Lorinda 108 Lorrain 59 105 Lorraine 195 Lot 24 40 42 73 74 126 187 188 Lot Woodruff 65 Lottie May 190 Lottie Viola 194 Louis Ashley 172 236 Louis Elmer 218 265 279 280 Louis F. 249 Louis Franklin 230 Louis Harvey 164 230 Louis R. 266 Louisa 60 104 133 135 165 182 Louisa A. 56 Louisa Burnham 92 Louisa E. 249 275 Louisa Marie 120 Louisa Narcissa 124 Louise 129 169 216 Louise Ruth 242 Lovina 62 Lucetta 82 Lucia 117 176 Lucia E. 159 Lucian 88 Lucian F. 162 229 Lucille 193 Lucille Harris 188 Lucille M. 247 Lucina 104 121 Lucinda 30 33 37 69 73 75 119 129 Lucinda A. 124 Lucius 57 Lucius James 120 Lucretia 37 56 Lucretia E. 206 Lucy 21 31 36 37 53 55 60 64 68 71 78 79 95 100 116 133 138 140-143 171 197 198 220 221 282 Lucy A. 211 Lucy Abbey 221 Lucy Amanda 72 Lucy Ann 96 133 141 199 Lucy Anne 161 Lucy Baldwin 176 Lucy D. 65 Lucy J. 198 Lucy K. 271 Lucy Lavina 36 Lucy Lee 239 Lucy Louise 146 Lucy Lurella 250 Lucy Magee 101 Lucy N. 94 Lucy R. 100 Ludlow Frey 263 279 Luella 126 Luella Barber 263 Luella Robinson 264 Lula May 251 276 Luna 114 Lura 59 69 243 Luther M. 177 Luther Savage 142 Lyda 119 180 Lydia 6 7 13 14 20 24 25 27 38 434579117149177 Lydia Bulkeley 66 Lydia Huntington 82 Lydia J. 165 Lydia M. 101 164 165 Lydia Muncil 103 Lyman 61 69 77 118 133 179 197 198 252 Lyman C. 102 165231 Lyman Hoyt 107 167 Lyman Madison 197 250 275 Lyman Oscar 250 275 Lynas 118 Lynda 140 Lynda Wilcox 140 204 205 Mabel Calista 269 Mable 32 267 278 Mable D. 194 Madeline 179 239 Madge 232 Magdalena Yates 211 290 Maggie 202 Maggie G. 217 Mahala 194 Malcolm A. 123 Malen Ray 252 Malinda 119 Mai in da Jane 186 Mamie 193 Mandy 69 Manta Montrose 238 Manton 196 Marcia 88 Marcus 16 19 20 28 30 38 70 125 126 175 176 238 Margaret 20 152 200 277 290 Margaret A. 277 Margaret E. 242 252 272 Margaret Field 226 Margaret H. 226 Margaret Mary 152 Margaret Paulina 149 Margaret S. 226 Margery Ann 125 Margret Mazy 252 Margueret 265 Marguerite Beaugrand 222 268 Maria 68 83 87 88 89 96 107 114 121 150 155 156 158 226 Maria Eliza 146 Maria M. 137 Maria S. 55 Mariah 75 119 129 130 131 Marian 149 192 256 Marian Ada 176 Marian Lucile 272 Marie 100 132 Marie Laura 230 Marienne Dix 221 Marietta 147 Marilla 69 78 Marion 121 237 256 265 268 278 Marion Agnes 242 Marion Elva 279 Marion Himrod 236 Marion Kenneth 245 Marion Marie 236 Marjorie Augusta 230 Marjorie Grace 264 Marjorie Jeanne 248 Marjorie May 265 Marjorie Seagrave 178 Marshall Fales 272 Martha 20 83 84 115 134 148 156 175 223 224 Martha A. 176 186 238 Martha Ann 118 262 278 Martha Bryan 118 Martha Caroline 175 Martha E. 101 157 163 225 226 Martha Ellen 248 Martha Jane 87 148 Martha Lois 276 Martha Louise 242 Martha Maria 64 Martha Mary 278 Mark Newell 177 Martin 14 21 23 60 61 109 119 168 169 284 Martino 58 Marvin 93 94 159 Marvin Ray 275 Mary vii -ix 3 5 9 12 13 15 16 20 22-25 31 33 35 38 43 45 46 53 60-62 67 70 73 76-78 83-85 88 95 105 109 114 115 119 123 124 131-133 135 136 138 141 149-151 159 162 163 165 172 174 193 196 201 217 221 223 225 232 245 255-257 261 267 271 283 284 287 Mary A. 212 232 246 Mary Adah 175 Mary Alice 121 Mary Amelia 262 Mary Ann 48 88 93 94 142 154 161 221 286 Mary Anna 229 233 Mary Anne 111 Mary Arriminta 185 Mary Athalie 99 Mary Augusta 118 152 181 201 Mary B. 75 205 257 Mary Beatrice 171 Mary Beaugrand 268 Mary Bernice 191 Mary C. 162 198 229 252 Mary Caroline 270 Mary Catherine 151 Mary Cebra 210 Mary Cordelia 91 Mary Dix 153 Mary E. 95 152 155 163 229 230 Mary Edith 160 Mary Elisabeth 252 Mary Eliza 171 Mary Elizabeth 91 97 102 157 199 241 313 NORTH Mary Ellen 129 164 199 Mary Esther Gould 154 Mary Eta 257 Mary Ethelyn 198 Mary Ferris 99 Mary Frances 160 198 206 257 Mary Frederica 157 Mary Genevieve 251 Mary Goodrich 204 Mary Grace 112 Mary Helen 101 Mary Huldah 206 Mary J. 251 291 Mary Jane 57 105 114 117 124 125 133 152 Mary Jennie 218 Mary L. 214 Mary Leora 160 Mary Louisa 72 Mary Louise 243 279 Mary Lucinda 129 Mary M. 56 Mary Maria 158 Mary Mildred 190 Mary Olive 138 204 256 286 Mary R. 120 162 179 Mary Russell 158 Mary Sabra 105 Mary Sophronia 147 Mary W. 274 Mary Waddington 268 Mary White 163 Mather 193 Matilda 82 85 147 Matthew 87 154 Matthew Isaac 200 Mattie 118 Maude Stovall 179 Maurice de Camp Crawford 152 220 267 Maurice Edward 171 175 235 Maxine Hazel 245 Mayette Aurellia 160 227 Mearle 240 Medlin E. 292 Medora 200 Melinda 126 185 188 189 Melinda H. 125 Melvin 119 Melvina L. 159 Melzina S. 228 Merari 125 187 Merari Franklin 186 243 Mercy 22 27 82 109 120 168 169283 Mercy Ann 115 174 Merion E. 266 Merle 183 Merrill 69 Merton 113 172 Meta Emma 254 Mildred 230 248 Mildred Brown 254 Mildred E. 269 Mildred Elizabeth 261 Mildred Esther 265 Mildred Houghtaling 221 Mildred Irene 260 Mildred L. 294 Mildred Persis 228 Mildred R. 271 Miles 63 114 172 174 Miles R. 113 236 237 Milford 256 Milly 119 Milo 114 Milo Lee 63 Milo Linus 36 64 115 Milton Blair 186 Mina248 Mindwell 44 Minerva 62 103 115 147 501 Minerva Wright 254 Minnie A. 124 Minnie C. 124 Minnie Elizabeth 176 Minnie L. 172 236 Minnie Myrtle 98 Miriam E. 149 218 Miriam Emily 255 Miriam H. 162 Molinda Emeline 252 276 Monroe S. 169 233 Morgan 63 112 172 Morley Franklin 274 Mortimer C. 101 Mortimer Seth 291 Moses 52 Moses Taylor 128 Muriel Wales 239 Myron 180 239 Myrta 269 Myrtle 255 Nancy 32 37 39 41 49 56 57 66 69 71 73 82 88 115 143 179 285 Nancy Abigail 123 Nancy Jane 57 Nannie Elizabeth 193 Nannie Page 173 Naomi 71 Naomi B. 142 Narcissa 63 124 Nathan x 36 65 115 151 Nathan Ernest 127 Nathan H. 75 128 191 192 Nathan W. 129 Nathaniel 6 7 14 19 28 29 32 50 92 93 159 160 Nathaniel Bailey 72 Nellie 247 280 Nellie A. 203 Nellie Augusta 122 Nellie C. 244 Nellie Chatterton 204 Nellie Edna 253 Nellie Josephine 185 Nellie Louise 192 Nellie M. 238 Nelson 04 148 160 216 264 Nelson Chauncey 265 Nelson Grover 215 Nelson H. 56 Nelson Luther iv 123 184 242 274 Nettie 152 197 223 273 278 Nettie E. 165 Nettie P. 253 277 Neville Cornelia 179 Newell 143 Newton Edmunds 223 268 Newton Sutherland 268 Nicanor Needham 94 160 Nicholas Theodore 195 Noah 21 24 32 33 38 45 59-61 83 107 109 119 147 180 240 284 Norah 197 Norma L. 236 Norman C. 141 211 290-292 Norman Gibson 241 Norman Guy 123 183 241 Norman James 291 Norman Smith 211 291 Norris 78 138 Norris C. 138 202 255 256 Norris W. 255 Olive 31 36 41 45 61 78 83 109 138 285 285 Olive B. 190 Olive Cheney 134 Olive May 242 Olive Spencer 182 241 Oliver 22 35 Oliver Burnham 90 157 225 226 Oliver E. 129 Oliver Gridley 40 Oliver James 247 Oliver Morton 122 182 Olivia 57 61 Olivia M. 150 219 Omri Monro 70 119 181 Onata Isabella 178 Opal 232 Orange W. 152 Orey 280 Orin Beckley 83 148 217 Orlando Bryan 116 Orlena Blanche 250 Orlin Glenn 243 Orlin Loomis 105 Orpha 79 134 Orpha M. 212 259 Orpha Wilcox 139 Orra 102 Orrin 77 79 133 197 Orrin A. 56 101 164 Orrin C. 83 Orrin Lyman 134 199 Orrin O. 83 147 Orrin Stanley 38 Orson Whedon 105 Orville Jacob Harris 188 246 Owel 280 Owen 280 Owen Levi 245 Ozem 38 Page Lane 173 Pamelia 92 93 158 Pantha 52 Parmelia 58 Pascal P. 97 Patience 44 45 216 237 274 Patty 78 Paul viii 153 221 222 268 Paul Noah 240 Paul R. 173 Pauline 191 240 271 Pearl 127 Percy 53 95 129 Percy Wayne 236 Perry Davis 186 244 Persifer Worth 130 Persis 93 155 160 Peter 67 150 Phebe 98 Phebe A. 186 Philetus Fillmore 161 228 Philip 132 143 196 Philip Strong 68 118 179 Philomena 68 Phineas 32 58 103 104 165 Phoebe 52 Phyllis 245 Pierce R. 192 247 Pinckney 126 Pinckney Allison 127 188 Pinney 61 Pluma 71 314 NORTH Polly 38 39 42 47 70 73 75 79 94 142 161 212 213 Polly Maria 95 Porter 175 Price Grant 198 Priscilla Alden 277 Priscilla Jane 185 244 245 Prudence 34 60 66 116 Queen E. 187 Rachel 47 69 74 78 103 119 127 128 136-138 147 149 286 Rachel Auton 176 Rachel E. 162 Ralph 142 212 Ralph Hayden iv 81 212 Ralph Osborn 250 Ralph Willis 259 Ralphine 212 Raymond E. 266 Raymond H. 232 273 Raymond M. 244 Raymond Stanley 265 Raymond Stuart 291 Rebecca 13 14 21 102 109 148 149 167 217 282 Rebecca Carman 100 Rebekah 95 139 161 162 203 229 Reginald Worcester 201 Remembrance 33 59 107 108 287 Reuben 23 31 36 37 55 56 70 71 81 84 100 140 142 204 205 206 209 210 287 Revillo D. 139 Reynolds Bacon 279 Rhoda 24 37 38 45 46 48 49 68 69 76 83 88-92 132 156 285 Rhoda A. 126 187 188 Rhoda Blanche 276 Richard vii x 141 142 242 248 Richard Alden 277 Richard Cave 234 Richard Douglass 229 270 Richard Eugene 24 Richard Loomis 235 Robert vi viii 47 73 85 149 169 232-234 255 Robert Bulkeley 202 Robert Fife 190 Robert Grady 274 Robert H. 269 Robert L. 257 Robert Leroy 276 Robert Paul 276 Robert Wesley 124 Roberta B. 75 Roberta Estella 122 Roberta J. 130 Rocse 103 Rodney King 130 194 Roger ix Roland 245 Roland J. 97 Roland W. 237 Romeo Ezekial 57 Rosalie 130 Rose 119 Rose Edmund 288 Rosemary 261 Rosetta 46 286 Roxa 57 108 Roxalany 32 39 58 Roxie Amelia 106 Roxy 39 Roy Andrews 249 Roy D. 266 280 Royal Early 123 183 241 Royal Exile 186 Royal Flint 40 41 71 72 121- 123 183 Rubie Olivia 107 Ruby 59 107 229 Ruby Lavinia 105 Rufus iv 33 41 75 108 109 127 190 Rulla 246 Russel Wales 239 Russell Brooks 195 Russell Chisholm 269 Russell Churchill 93 158 226 Russell Mildrum 255 Ruth 24-26 50 52 58 60 175 195 238 245 275 281 Ruth A. 251 Ruth Elizabeth 225 Ruth Evaline 191 Ruth Kolste 278 Ruth Louise 249 Ruth Marie 182 Ruth Naomi 264 Sabra B. 72 123 Sabrina 59 105 SaffordElisha 109 169 232 233 SafTord Monroe 233 Sage B. 132 Sallie 129 193 Sallie Emeline 199 Sallie Maryetta 129 Sally 47 48 59 75 76 93 121 122 129 159 160 193 194 Sally L. 75 Sally Maria 71 160 Sally Wilcox 133 Salmon x 43 77 84 135 136 201 Salmon Edwin 201 Salmon Leeds 136 Salmon Whipple 135 Salome 48 79 139 Samuel 369-1115-171923 25 26 36 37 45 47 48 63 65 66 67 79 83 85-87 114 115 140 150 155 156 205 257 281 286 Samuel A. 217 Samuel C. 129 Samuel E. 266 Samuel Givins 149 Samuel Lewis 173 Samuel Nathan 192 247 Samuel R. 113 Sarah viii 6 10 12 13 14 18 19 21 22 26 27 29 30 36 43 45- 49 52 62 77-79 82 83 86 91 92 95 114 121 129 133 134 139 142 143 146 147 174 182 188 189 192 193 214 218 238 260 265-267 281 Sarah A. 101 113 172 201 211 254 Sarah Ann 57 87 126 134 149 197 218 249-251 Sarah Antoinette 118 Sarah B. 94 Sarah Catherine 221 Sarah Denton 122 Sarah E. 63 150 162 219 Sarah Elizabeth 173 198 200 204 Sarah Emily 95 Sarah Emma 173 236 237 262 279 Sarah Evelyn 274 Sarah Finch 163 Sarah Fitch 146 Sarah Fowkes 101 Sarah Gaylord 96 Sarah J. 215 263 Sarah Janet 182 Sarah Kennedy 188 Sarah Louisa 214 Sarah M. 138 Sarah Maria 200 Sarah Oldum vii Sarah P. 223 Sarah Rogers 91 Selah x 43 77 81 135 142 143 213 214 Selah Hawley 214 261 Selah Perkins 143 214 260 261 Selden Gladwin 212 Belinda 50 Serl 245 Seth 17 24 25 29 41 46 50 51 73 77 84 94 281 286 Seth Doud 141 211 290 Seth J. 142 Seth Judd 49 89-91 157 Seviah 112 171 Sherman HinsdiU 63 113 172 Shirley May 241 Sibyl 21 22 32 33 282 283 Silas 46 63 83 84 112 Silence 40 73 74 Simeon 17 25 29 41 44 50 51 79-82 140-143 258 260 Simeon Horace 213 260 Simon Newton Dexter 81 206 257 Solomon 13 Solomon Cole 197 Solomon D. 162 Sophia 13 Sophia A. 93 Sophia E. 147 Sophronia 39 Stanley A. 229 271 Stanley Alden 277 Stephen viii 29 44 82 145 146 147 149 216 Stephen Everett 127 Sue 95 131 Sula Estelle 250 Susan 37 65 76 82 123 145- 147 150 183 184 210 231 242 Susan A. 165 231 Susan Jeanette 181 Susan Smith 141 Susanna vii 9 35 62 63 64 68 82117118283 Susannah 40 42 124 Susie Saltonstall 166 Sydney 40 42 73 124 Sydney E. 242 Sydney James 124 Sylvester 119 180 Sylvester Eno 60 Sylvia 67 103 165 Tamer 127 Temperance 22 Thankful 7 17 28 38 Theda 92 Thelma 179 Theodora 198 Theodore 29 51 76 95 131 195 Theresa 197 Theresa May 275 Theresa Orne Bulkeley 66 Theron Ira 243 Thetis 61 315 NORTH Thomas vii-x 567 11-13 15 17-21 23-27 33 39 40 42 48 71 72 281 284 Thomas Asa 111 171 Thomas Brome 266 280 Thomas Ely 175 Thomas H. 236 Thomas Hastings 115 174 238 Thomas Hubbard 144 Thomas Jefferson 72 Thomas L. 203 Thomas Love 238 Thomas Mather 64 115 Thomas Melvin 197 249 275 Thomas Payne 71 Thomas Robinson 264 Thomas Spears 193 248 Thomas Stuart 211 291 Timothy 18 19 24 38-41 Tobitha Elizabeth 122 126 Townsend 87 154 289 Triphena 59 Triphenia 49 92 93 94 Truman 71 120 121 Truman S. 121 Townsend 154 223 Tyresha Ann 245 Uella 167 Ula 154 Uriah 85 149 Ursula vii 149 Valery Darlene 274 Veda 244 Velma 246 Velma Eulalie 190 Vera 274 Vera Althea 243 Vera O. 269 Verena G. 191 Verna Houghtaling 221 Verna May 182 Veva A. 274 Viana70 119 120 Vinton McCarty 123 183 Virgil 280 Virginia 245 269 Virginia Catherine 238 Virginia Imogen 235 Virginia Lyman 279 Volney 61 Waldo S. 91 Wallace B. 244 Walter 85 142 212 Walter B. 131 194 Walter Budington 220 Walter C. 151 Walter Douglas 180 Walter E. 138 Walter Francis 176 238 Walter H. 223 269 Walter Henry 91 Walter Judd 90 Walter Lyman 186 Walter Phelps 269 Walter Selah 214 Walter Seth 225 Walter Vinton 72 123 183 Wanda 280 Warren H. 261 Warren Lyman 186 245 Wayne L. 112 172 236 Webster Howard 186 Wheeler Orrin 288 Wilbur 246 Wilbur Lyman 181 240 Will Carlton 261 Willard 59 104 Willard Call 216 264 Willard Parker 184 William viii ix 47 60 83 87 88 95 99 108 129 133 138 147 154 156 167 168 180 197 202 216 217 223 William A. 138 William Atkinson 175 William B. 77 135 William Bell 221 William Burnham 49 91 157 225 William Burritt 97 William Case 86 152 153 221 222 267 William Collins 203 William E. 148 William Edwin 181 William Foster 126 188 246 William Franklin iii iv 100 163 164 198 229 230 252 William Gifford 188 William Granger 127 William H. 156 223 269 William Hamilton 173 236 237 William Harrison 186 244 268 William Heberdeen 55 William Henry 101 135 200 253 William Henry Harrison 78 98 128 William Irving 262 278 William Irwin 272 William J. 171 235 William James 164 William Jeremiah 111 171 235 William Leeds 136 William M. 134 William Melvin 175 W T illiam Miller 233 William P. 155 William Penn 201 William R. 226 269 William Richard 98 163 William S. 115 174 237 William Sherman 122 William Stanley 156 223 269 William T. 162 William Valentine 225 William Wallace 131 195 William Warren 214 261 William Whiteside 116 175 Willie 128 Willis 142 212 246 259 Willis Beebe 203 256 Willis Edson 213 Willis Henry 262 278 Wilson 74 126 188 189 Winiford 180 Winifred viii 221 Winona Frances 177 Woolcott 95 Zachariah Mosier 84 151 220 Zay 222 Zelis 117 178 Zella 245 Zerviah Bosworth 161 228 Zora 128 NORTHAWAY Achsah 30 George 11 23 Hannah 11 23 James 30 John 11 Josiah 11 Mary 11 23 38 Samuel 11 Sarah 11 NORTHRUP Edward 36 Elizabeth 36 Francis J. 36 Howard N. 36 Laura 206 NORTHWAY Abijah 282 Olive 282 NORTON 19 22 Albert C. 106 167 Almira 119 Charles R. 106 Charlotte Smith 106 167 Cybelia 119 Edward 10 Elizabeth 10 Ellen 10 George 119 Hannah 10 15 17 Harold Frederick 167 John 10 John T. 15 106 167 Lois 31 Lucy 31 Mary 32 Pauline North 167 Richard 10 Roxie Amelia 106 167 Sophia 22 NOTT Gertrude 231 Ivins D. 231 Martha 231 NOURSE Augusta C. 170 234 235 John C. 170 NULL Josephine 267 NUTTING Jennie 141 NYE Beryl 228 Carrie Frances 227 Charles E. 227 Claire 228 Everette 228 Harvey 228 Hazel 228 Laura Pearl 228 Leroy Albert 228 Verne 228 OAKES 92 OATBY Erling C. 201 OGILVIE Nettie 273 OHLER Floyd 198 Mary Ethlyn 198 OLLER Harrison 289 Mary Augusta 289 OLMSTEAD Prof. 143 Anna Mary 95 Ashbel 181 Carlisle 45 George 95 Harriet B. 181 James 12 Mary 95 Rebecca 12 ORTEN Alice E. 264 Mary 264 Oscar 264 ORTON John 5 ORVIS David 20 Dinah 16 Eleazer 20 Hannah 20 O. D. 87 OSBORN Edna 52 Isaac 52 OSTEHAUS Hannah 71 OVIATT Edmund H. 108 316 OVIATT Erastus 108 Lee Russell 199 PODD Samuel 1 Hattie F. 108 Herbert Leslie 108 Lena May 199 Sallie Emaline 199 POMEROY Mercy 37 Sarah 32 Roxa 108 PENDLETON Phebe 282 POND Ella 121 Sarah L. 108 PENFIELD Julia 78 Lucius B. 121 Titus 78 PORTER Lieut 45 PADGETT Charles E. 235 PENN William 136 Aaron 43 Elsie Gladys 235 PALMER Alice May 88 PENNEY Joseph 144 PERKINS Genevieve 240 Abigail 18 Amelia J. 88 Arthur E. 88 Isaac 2 Betsey 286 Clara G. 107 James 240 Daniel 7 17 Dorothy 3 John 11 Elijah 20 Eliza Ann 88 PERRY Abi 25 Elizabeth 17 249 Floyd 88 Mary E. 65 Emma M. 175 238 Helen O. 88 Thomas 25 Hepzibah 43 286 Jane Louise 212 PETERSON Sarah 129 192 Horace 45 Jennie Irene 88 193 Isaac 43 286 W. H. 212 mrf^TDmnTF r* j. nn J~u_ ,40 Wiltse C. 88 Elizabeth 14 onn *to Lois 23 36 37 PARKER Florence 119 PHELPS Abel 14 Lydia 23 Louisa 120 Abigail 15 Olive 204 286 Thomas 2 Catherine 90 Phoebe Ann 227 PARKHURST John W. 46 Daniel 96 Rachel 175 PARLEY Peter 25 Elijah 14 Russell 286 PARMELEE Amos 48 Elizabeth 14 Samuel 23 27 Anna M. 231 Ezekial 14 Sarah 7 52 Betsey 48 George 59 96 Selah 286 Henry C. 231 Hannah 14 29 285 Sylvester 86 Mercy 231 Hezekia 14 William A. 175 Minnie C. 121 Joseph 14 William S. iii 41 Stephen R. 121 PARSONS Augustus 83 Kezia 14 Lydia 14 PORTMESS Bertie E. 264 POST Jennie Edith 231 Benjamin P. 120 Myrta 269 Martha E. 157 225 226 James 83 Olive 282 T. B. 231 Louisa 120 Rebecca 14 POSTON Mary 123 Louisa Marie 120 Rhoda 96 POTTER Amelia 45 Mary 83 PHILBRICK Ada P. 260 Jemima 38 Sarah 83 PHILIP KING 6 12 POTWIN Julia 269 PARTCH Clementine 261 PHILIPS Anna Elsie 173 POWELL Caroline R. 122 PARTON Capt 50 DQTrirl T? 1 *7Q l?lioKrt*V> 1 OCi PASSMAN Harriet S. 256 a via EJ . i/o Harry 173 rjiizaoetn Uo George 75 PATCHEN Capt "5 J rt V,_ "7!C PATTERSON John 28 48 jviarv xiiisiG i/o PHILLIPS Bernice Lee 246 onn /o Joseph 75 PATTISON Caroline M. 155 PICKARD Retta 200 Lucinda 75 223 PICKETT Elizabeth 84 Marcus L. 75 PAULSON Elsa 261 PIERCE Julia 97 Mary Ellen 75 PAYNE Edward 1 Maria 96 Rosanna 75 PEABODY Clarence W. 204 PIGGOTT Andrew D. 67 Sarah 75 Emma 180 PIKE Lawrence R. 125 William H. 75 PEAKE Anna Jane 160 Susan 118 PRATT Abrala S. 184 Mary Leora 160 PINKSTON Katie Moss 183 D. Butler 184 Peverill S. 160 241 S. B. 91 PEARL Laura 271 PINNEY Sabrina 61 PRESTON Anna M. 65 Lucy A. 271 PIPER Edwin P. 65 Clarissa 65 Simeon C. 271 Harvey P. 65 Deming H. 65 PECK Clara 261 PITKIN William 23 Edward D. 65 Edward 137 PITTSON Elizabeth ix Eunice 36 Henry 57 103 PLATT Fannie 277 John B. 65 John 285 Fidelia 31 Lewis O. 65 Julia 103 Jessie Heath 216 Marcus 65 Julia Eliza 57 Margaret A. 277 Ozias 36 Laura Lusk 285 William 216 PRICE Annie 125 Naomi 71 William J. 277 Howard Pratt 125 Ruth 195 PLUM Charles Milton 143 Ivan Quintin 125 William 71 Carrie Amelia 143 John Nelson 125 PEIRCE Bell 119 Ella Lilian 143 Luranna 64 Jerome 119 PELKEY Caroline 119 Henry 143 Henry Wilbur 143 Margery Ann 125 Mary vii Eliza 179 Julia Amna 143 Royal Levi 125 John 179 Lucy Amna 143 Rudger North 125 Madeline 179 239 Mary Elizabeth 143 Rulon Horatio 125 PELLAM Joe 1 Nancy 143 Zelma Margery 125 PELTON Lucina 104 PRTfYR 1 fi PENCE Catherine 199 Sarah Amna 143 Margaret 16 Henry Grant 199 William Rattle 143 PROCTER John 1 Hulda Belle 199 PLUMB Anna 105 Marie 1 To mac R 1QQ n/->(-ATT/-VTMTAO Tt: * i 317 PROVOST Catharine 73 123 PURVIS Clarissa 160 PUTNAM Edward H. 109 Olive 109 PULLIN Edwin 250 Juanita Willodean 250 Luther Lyman 250 Myrtle Orthela 250 Sula Estelle 250 PYNDER Francis 1 Jo 1 Joanna 1 Marie 1 Mary 1 QUA Elizabeth 235 QUILTER Ida 107 QUIRK Elizabeth Ethel 266 James Robert 266 Jean 266 Thomas Brome 266 RADLY Lillian 109 RALEIGH Walter vi RANNEY Elizabeth 79 RAY Mary Mildred 190 William 190 RAYMOND Henry North 88 Mary 88 Mary North 88 Samuel 88 Samuel A. 88 RAYNOR 128 Evelyn E. 128 READ Dana 46 Harry H. 256 Jessie Dickenson 256 REAM Nellie 65 REDDING Gregg North 173 Helen Charlotte 173 Raymond Gregg 173 Virginia Page 173 REED Amelia 119 Edward North 206 Eliza L. 105 Elizabeth 206 George 119 Henry J. 105 Hugh M. 196 Irene 196 Julia A. 105 Laura Dexter 206 Laura Lansing 206 Lizzie Forbes 105 Mary Sabra 105 Orviile 206 Ruth Dexter 206 Sarah Allen 206 William 206 William Van Der Heydon 206 REHSE Lizzie Agnes 72 William H. 72 REIDY Agnes Jane 230 REMINGTON Ira Lena 107 REW John 10 REWELL Daniel 73 Lieuticia 73 REYNOLDS Helen 263 279 RICE 18 Caroline Laura 135 136 Charles Francis 136 Edward Hyde 136 Pluma 253 William 135 William North 135 RICH Anna E. 98 RICHARDS Annie North 68 ROOT Aaron 108 Charity 51 Betsey 108 James Tracey 68 Joseph 28 Jane Antoinette 68 Mary 20 John 48 . Nellie 280 Laura North 68 Thankful 28 Mary 51 ROOTS Alanson 65 Samuel 51 Anna 65 Thomas F. 68 Anna L. 65 RICHMAN Henry 108 Clara 65 RICKART Jacob Henry 238 Edward N. 65 Nellie M. 238 Gertrude J. 65 Sqphronia 238 RICKETTS Bernice M. 193 Guernesy Y. 65 Jane N. 65 Bessie L. 193 Susan 65 Eunice N. 194 ROPES Jane A. 124 Flora Jane 193 ROSS Clemma Elizabeth 176 John H. 193 Edward 176 Pansy C. 194 Elizabeth 263 Rodney King 194 Ella 176 RIDDLESDEN Marie 17 Florence Julia 288 Y>l~kOOTVl*-rT> /-I 11 RIGGINS California 192 DTTT^V AZ .KUooii i Jbxc ijren. /* ROSWELL California 129 Lydia 45 OcorgG 129 Graham 129 ROBARDS Esther 60 108 109 Helen 129 ROBB Thayer 104 James 129 ROBBINS Bula May 190 Lee 129 Fannie A. 291 Mary Ellen 129 G. A. 190 ROTHGEB Davis 129 Harriet 120 Donald 129 Jesse 72 nr\T>T?T5TO OOO Leland 129 Clarissa 63 Alary Lucinda 129 Pauline 129 Ellis H. 145 ROUSSEAU Frances 292 Henrietta 63 ROWE Amanda 49 John 63 Bertie E. 264 Nancy 283 Fanny 37 Ruby 107 Isaiah 68 Thankful 107 T/"kTT-KTO/-kTVT 1OO Leila Catherine 152 Elizabeth v Myron Io2 Stephen 37 Luela Barber 263 Susanna 68 117 118 Lulu 133 ROWLEY Elizabeth 10 Otto 127 T7OYPF T? ROBLEY Emily 116 Carrie Dell 155 ROCKWOOD Alpheus 185 Mary E. 155 Ellis North 185 Emily Deserette 185 Rodney 155 ROYER Dan C. 114 Lee North 185 Mary C. 114 Olive North 185 ROYS Isaac 18 ROE Florence Jane 125 Martha 18 25 26 Jessie 153 Mary 18 Mary A. 153 Robert 18 Reuben 153 RUMICON Addison 57 RODGERS Sarah 90 Mary 57 T1TTOTT T->_ CO A. S. 154 RUSSELL Amy 35 62 Almira 82 Calvin 139 Anna North 91 Emily 291 Edward M. 176 John 94 Elizabeth 130 176 194 Sophie E. 147 Noah C. 91 Virginia 288 Sarah 16 RUTH Jane E. 133 Tunstel 130 RYLE Calvin G. 191 ROLLO Duke of Normandy 10 Hallie M. 191 ROOD Amos 174 Hazel Marie 191 Harry 174 Jennie 174 RYLEY Alfred G. 164 Catharine Athalie North 164 Lucy 31 Mary 174 Mary Ellen 164 Mane Ellen 164 Nellie 174 Rachel 74 127 128 SAFFORD Elias 109 Sherman 174 Rebecca 109 169 Walter H. 31 SAGE Charity B. 132 ROOSA Cora B. 251 David 10 ROOSEVELT Theodore 166 Mabel 44 318 SAGE Mary 132 SAGUE Helen North 101 John Kelsey 101 ST. JOHN Almira 82 J. R. 82 SAISS John M. 124 Mary Jane 124 SALISBURY Alma 241 Lee 241 SALTONSTALL Menial 1 Richard v vi 1 2 SAMPSON 8 Hannah 17 Sabra B. 72 123 Samuel 17 SAMSON Mary E. 152 SANFORD Almira 70 287 Asa 285 Cynthia 285 Ebenezer 38 285 Edmund 287 Elizabeth 285 Ellen Naomi 287 Emily M. 287 Esther 285 Hannah 285 Helen 287 Huldah 285 Jesse 70 287 Laura Lusk 285 Lucina 285 Luther N. 285 Mary 287 Nancy Isabel 285 Rhoda 38 285 Romeo 285 Sarah 285 Seth 285 Sherman 287 Susan 285 Timothy 285 Truman 287 SATCHWTLL Emma 191 Eva 76 Olive B. 191 SAVAGE Elisha 82 Elizabeth 79 Huldah 140 John 19 Jonathon 79 Joseph 45 Lucy 79 140-143 Lucy Jane 287 Mercy 137 Rebecca 141 Susanna 82 145-147 Walter G. 287 SAWARTHELL Phebe 98 SAXTON Ebenezer 34 Jerusha 34 Jonathon 34 Melissa 34 Norman 34 Prudence 34 SCHALLER Martha 231 SCHELL Dorothea 257 Oswald H. 257 William P. 257 SCHLAMP Julia 238 SCHOEMAKER Asahel 74 David 74 Ellen 74 Polly 74 SCHOENFELD Eleanor 274 SCHOOLER Janet 177 SCHROEDER Anna 199 SCHULTZ Genevieve 194 SCHULTZ George Arthur 194 Harold 194 SCHULTZE Carrie May 264 SCHUMACHER Marion 271 SCHUMANN Daisy May 291 Frederick W. 291 SCHUTT Lydia 149 SCHWADE Fred 191 Mary Bernice 191 SCHWARM Edna 188 SCOTT Ashley 158 David 283 Elisha 22 283 Eliza B. 131 195 Elizabeth 131 Edmund 4 Erastus 283 Hannah 4 Hezekia 22 283 John I. 131 Loia 23 283 Lucy 283 Maria 158 226 Martha Ann 118 Melinda 283 Mercy 22 283 Nancy 283 Sally 283 Samuel 23 283 Temperance 283 SCRANTON Mary 74 SCUDDER Alfred 40 Alice 240 Bertha Jackson 292 Bertha North 292 Delia Sophia 40 Ella Winslow 292 Faith 292 Frances 292 Joy William 292 Katherine Wright 292 Kenyon Judson 292 Norman Clark 292 Rebekah 292 Sibyl 40 Susan 40 William Waterbury 292 SEAGRAVE Zelis Harris 117 178 SEAMORE Samuel 19 SEARCY America J. 128 191 192 Stephen 75 SEARLES James 6 John 5 6 Lydia 6 Mary 5 6 Nathaniel 6 Sarah 6 SEATON Frank 143 Sarah 143 SEDGWICK Stephen 17 SEELEY Ruth 52 SELBY Mercy Ann 115 SEWARD D. M. 82 Dwight 82 Frederick Dwight 82 Harriet 82 Leila H. 82 Lydia Huntington 82 Thomas W. 144 William F. 82 SEYMOUR Capt. 21 31 38 Eliakim 13 Esther Alta 122 Hannah 13 Hezekia Bennett 122 John 15 Mary 13 15 22 23 Mercy 10 13 Rebecca 13 Richard 6 13 Samuel 13 18 Sarah 26 47 48 Sarah Denton 122 SHADEGG Dorothea 262 SHANNON Emily 232 SHARON Elizabeth Clark 227 Isaac Paul 227 SHAW Jane 142 Mary 76 Nathaniel 76 Rebecca 109 William 142 SHELDON Col. 58 May 21 31 38 SHEPARD Amos 24 Anna North 91 Anne 111 Arthur 111 Eunice 121 Grace 111 Hannah 24 Harold 111 Henrietta Clarissa 91 Jonathon C. Ill Josiah 91 Mary Anne 111 Thomas 13 William 91 SHERIDAN Olive May 242 SHIELD Dorothy 3 SHIELDS Esther 243 SHIRLEY Annie 176 Donald North 176 Edwin 176 Henry W. 176 Lucy Baldwin 176 Richard Henry 176 SHOFFSTALL 252 SHULER Albert 132 Hazel 132 Norma 132 SIEBERT William J. 134 SIGSBEE James H. 251 Lillian 251 Ruth A. 251 SILL Eliza 258 SILLIMAN Prof. 143 J. C. 55 SIMMONS Alice Belt 102 Charles Rollins 102 ' Ruby Jane 102 SIMPSON Charles 74 SIVER Bertha 240 SKINNER Maj. 33 Chloe 58 Helen B. 52 Lucy 78 Thomas H. 78 SKOFIELD Richard 1 SLATER Jesse 73 Nancy 73 SLOCUM Laura 112 SMALLEY George 152 Helen Ann 152 SMEDLEY Lieut.-Col. 28 SMITH Abigail 20 Almira 121 Amelia 166 Anne 112 Arthur Obed 106 319 SMITH Augusta Meigs 290 SNYDER Evalyth Miriam 181 Helen Amelia 156 224 Augustus 59 F. N. 242 Henry 49 89 Bertha 169 George T. 181 James 89 Carrie Elma 200 Lizzie M. 181 Jane 89 Charming 86 Olive May 242 John 28 49~89 Clement J. 86 SORENSON Alden C. 186 Joseph 13 Cotton Mather 64 Alwilda J. 186 Julia 49 Daniel 64 Duward S. 186 Lot 49 David 29 Edith L. 186 Louisa 89 Diana 285 Grace N. 186 Martha 156 223 224 Diantha 166 Leah J. 186 Mary 89 Don Carlos 243 Malinda Jane 186 Oliver 89 Edward North 200 Malon D. 186 Rhoda 49 Eleanor N. 225 Mary E. 186 Theodore A. 89 Eliza 86 Peter 186 Thomas 49 Elizabeth 9 Roland B. 186 Timothy 48 Ellen Matthews 224 Rudger V. 186 Walter 89 Emily 285 Willis L. 186 Walter Henry 89 Emily Louise 146 .fcjnima .Louise ^UU SOPER Joel 30 SOUTHMAYD Frederic G. 141 STANNARD Mary 253 STANTON 133 Esther 243 Harriet Hulbert 141 Frances 133 Florence 86 John D. 141 STARKS Martha 284 Frances 169 211 SOUTHWICK Sarah 285 Samuel 59 GuTvlir^ir R 9QO SPAHLINGER 16 1TAT}K"WFAT'H'Tnj"r-a T R7 tliQlUt i D. ,\y\J George B. 201 Abbie 168 O 1 /UV1V TV E*A L fULll LJOTQ, I_j. Ol STARR F. F. 4 Georgia M. 225 SPALDING Aspha 44 STEADMAN Caroline 244 Grace Elizabeth 225 Chloe46 Mary 245 Grover 169 Daniel 44 STEBBINS Jane 13 Hannah 2 Emily 44 Sarah 86 Harriet 109 Emily North 44 STEDMAN Anna 38 Helen 169 Jacob 44 146 John 20 Herbert 86 Jedediah 44 Martin 38 Hiram 285 Linus 44 STEELE Ebenezer 15 Hiram A. 109 Lucy 44 Eleanor 126 Howard A. 109 Mabel 44 JohnS Hubert 169 Patience 44 146 216 STEINLE Julia Elizabeth 230 Ida 165 Sarah 44 146 STEPHENS Catherine L. 173 Irving 86 Simeon 44 STERLING Emily 107 John 47 Sophia 44 STETSON Augustus B. 92 93 John Cotton 64 William 46 Edith 93 Jonathon 64 SPANGLE Clara M. 231 Robert 93 Josephine H. 109 SPEARS Fannie M. 192 Sophia A. 93 JnohiiQ V 1/>o 9fl OTTJTTQ-UTa- /~< !_ OSIlUa V . l-o Julia 64 o^i:/l>ljlvlAli i rutlcilCc \j SPENCER Ccn 40 STEVENS Carrie 163 Julian H. 109 George S. 185 Elizier S. 163 Laurence 169 J. Bennion 185 Frances 139 Lauretta 91 Lilly Ann 185 Howard North 163 Lester N. 109 Lilly Pearl 185 Sarah 121 182 Levena 169 Paul North 185 Uriah 27 Louis C. 225 Wayne Mondell 185 STEVENSON Minerva 130 Lura 243 Wendell George 185 STEWART Alexander 133 Lydia 25 281 SPICER Alma 97 Arthur D. 67 Marcia 88 SPRAGUE Isaac 119 Clinton 67 Marie 2 Mary 119 Daniel 67 Martha 20 SPRING Eunice E. 259 Isaac 67 Martha Jane 148 152 John 259 Mary 67 Mary 23 84 223 Mary Carpenter 259 Mary D. 67 Nancy 91 SPRINGER Mary 202 Ruth 67 Nellie 169 SPURGEON Fred A. 182 STIEMAN Charles 124 Nettie 169 Ruth Marie 182 Margaret 124 Ogden 285 STAKE Mary E. 163 229 230 STILLINGS Josephine Ellen 265 Orlow C. 166 STAMMER Mary 171 STILLMAN Francis 120 Sally 147 STAMPER Lucy 221 Harriet 120 Samuel 200 STANLEY Abi 48 49 156 John 10 Sarah Fitch 146 Amon 49 156 Mary R. 120 Susannah 283 Anna 89 90 STIPES M. F. ix Taylor 169 Augustus 49 STOCK Edward J. 153 Thomas 148 Charlotte 89 Mary A. 153 Verl 169 Edward 89 STONE Abbie A. 221 Willard 112 Elijah 49 Annie L. 62 Willard B. 146 Eliza 89 Elisha 48 William 3 91 Elizabeth 89 157 Emma 88 William H. 49 88 Eliza Stanley 89 Freeman 62 SMYTH Margaret C. 49 Emily 89 James W. 112 SNOW Eunice 148 217 Esther 38 49 Laura 112 Roswell 76 Frances 89 Lovina 62 SNOWE William 2 Gad 89 90 Lucy Ann 62 320 STONE Mallon 62 Mary 48 Mary J. 62 Morgan D. 62 Olive B. 67 Philip 62 Truman F. 62 William L. 172 William M. 62 STORRS John S. 181 Susan Jeanette 181 STOUT Ada Alvira 184 Alta 185 Glen William 184 Levona Dean 184 Levona Dianna 184 Lillie Josephine 184 Louise 185 Viola 184 Weston Hosea 185 William H. 184 STOVALL Anne 179 STOW Mary B. 205 257 STOWE Charles 229 Chester 63 F. E. 168 Lillie Esther 229 STRANDLUND Betty Louise 182 Carl G. 182 Verna May 182 STREBEIGH Adabel 166 STREET Alice 1 Lagrancl 31 Lamont 31 Lyman 31 Lucy 31 Lucy C. 31 Samuel D. 31 STREETOR 107 Maria 107 STRICKLAND Jared 53 Jennie L. 253 Mabel 56 N. B. 253 Rhoda 253 STRONG Charlotte 113 John 37 Lucinda 37 Mercy 37 Susan 37 STROUT Ernest Allen 288 Helen Kate 288 Miriam North 288 Virginia June 288 STUART 215 Ella 215 SUMNER John 27 SUTHERLAND Marion 268 SWALLOW Deidamia 66 175 Nahum 66 175 Prudence 66 175 SWAN Betsey Ann 155 SWAYNE Elizabeth 2 SWEETLAND Caroline 154 SWENSON Anne Beck 268 Magnus 268 Mary Waddington 268 SWIFT Ceylina 145 Charles 145 Henrietta 145 Rufus C. 145 SYDLIE Thomas 2 TABER Jennie S. 201 TAFT Seth 44 TALMADGE Asa N. 70 Caroline M. 70 Eleanora 70 Emily 70 Herbert 70 lola M. 70 Richard 70 TAMBLYN Florence 171 TANKERSLEY Ella 176 Grace 176 TARR Elizabeth 107 TAYLOR Ann 138 202 Anne 162 David 162 Dionis 2 Emma 291 Ewing 101 Harriet 108 Irena 145 214 Lizzie Agnes 72 Lucy Amanda 72 Sarah Ann 197 249-251 William H. 72 TEACH Arthur 251 Lula Mae 251 TEAL Lois 134 Lucina 285 TEEL Roxy 39 Samuel 39 TENNEY Grace Gordon 148 Rebecca 65 TERBUSH Eliza 151 220 TERRY Eloise 130 James Edwin 130 John 282 John Burchard 130 Louise 129 Minerva 130 Norma Leslie 130 Rebecca 282 Roberta J. 130 THOMAS Alfred P. 196 Edna 248 Omer 76 THOMPSON Belle L. 197 John 5 John Edgar 64 Susan 210 THOMSON Clarinda 95 David 95 Delight 39 Diana 31 Eben M. 95 Elizabeth 20 Harriet F. 161 Ida 279 Juliette M. 95 William 95 THORNTON Joanna 1 Walter 1 THURBER Aaron S. 93 Ezra 159 Melvina L. 159 Pamelia 93 TIBBALS Mary Jane 105 Nathan 105 TIERNEY Catherine 196 TILLOTSON Sarah 172 TILSON John Q. 226 Katherine Sands 226 Margaret Field 226 TILTON Marion 256 278 TIRRELL Jesse 29 TOBBEY Martha 282 TODD Almira 82 Benjamin 82 TOLES Mable 267 TORRENCE Edith Edna 192 Howard H. 192 TOWNE Helen 258 TOWNER Samuel 20 TOWNLEY Guertha A. 114 TOWNSEND Elizabeth 86 Sarah 86 Zepheniah 86 TOWSLEY Frances Marie 272 Henry Amos 272 Lucy 56 100 Ruth 272 TRACY John C. 204 TRASK Mary 159 TREAT Cynthia 101 Noah 101 TRIBBLE Annie 168 TRUE Mary 135 TRUITT James 189 TRYON Eli B. 148 Ellen 148 Julia H. 148 TUBES Cynthia 284 Electa 284 TULL Stanley 126 TURNEAURE Frederick E. 67 TURNER Elnora 196 E. Y. 98 Fred C. 196 Jennie Rich 98 Sarah 196 TUTTLE Mable 278 Maria 48 William 48 TWITCHELL Emily 116 Julius 116 Lora 116 176 Lydia 67 TYLER Carolyn North 290 George Arnold 290 Lillian M. 237 Magdalena Yates 290 UNGER Meta Emma 254 UPSON Elizabeth 4 Harriet 158 Ruth 281 Samuel 281 Thomas 281 VAIL Rose 114 VANDENBURGH Charlotte Elizabeth 103 Mabel Lottie 103 Ora Helen 103 Philip 103 VANDERMARK Laura 83 Silas 83 VANDRESSON Milly 119 Willard 119 VAN ETTEN Anna 219 John G. 219 VANTINE Capt. 86 VARLEY Arthalinda C. 232 273 Aurrilla 119 John 119 VARNUM Carrie 154 VARY Egbert Martin 152 Lucy North 152 Mary Augusta 152 VERIT t Marie 100 VIDETTE Achsah 21 Jasper 21 John 21 Laura 21 VIEHE Henry 238 321 VIEHE Jessie 238 Julia 238 VINCENT Almira 112 WADE Harriet Elizabeth 126 Lottie E. 126 Mamie 126 Martha 126 Rhoda 126 Samuel 126 William N. 126 WADHAMS Burr 31 Catharine 31 James 31 Lyman S. 31 Martha 31 WADSWORTH Gen. 78 Lucy 37 Marcus N. 36 Mary 281 Thomas 36 Timothy 281 WALBRIDGE Henrietta 256 WALCOTT Miranda 273 WALES Charles 116 Elethea 116 Elizabeth 116 175 176 WALKER Abbie 167 231 232 Albert Ross 121 Bettie Durham 194 Caroline Elizabeth 253 Charles Alton 252 Charles Calvin 252 Claude 253 Daisy Ethel 252 Harold North 253 Marion C. 194 Marvin 121 Mary Alice 121 Mary Belle 178 Willis Alton 252 WALLACE Alsemeda 61 Hugh 61 WALSER Edward William 268 Mary Waddington 268 WARD Alexander M. 92 Charles Austin 182 Frederic M. 92 Josiah 92 Louisa 182 Louisa Burnham 92 Mary Louisa 92 WARFIELD George 143 WARNER Andrew 16 Andrew J. 292 Anna 15 Elizabeth 79 Emerson Robert 292 George 222 Grace Mary 222 Jessie Ruth 292 John 2 15 Lillian 222 Lillian Doud 292 Maria M. 292 Mary 292 Minnie 135 Walter W. 45 William A. 292 WARREN Priscilla 29 Sarah 142 Sarah Elizabeth 204 Stanley P. 204 WARRINER Mary 112 WASHBURN Ina 221 WASHINGTON George 38 WATKINS Brent 234 TT n A. AJ..I.I u V0UHQCWJV OU John M. 86 Louisa 104 165 TirATO~VW /-i.,_i ei <.,!!,- OfiQ Hannah ix oally iioo WHAPLES Jonathon 20 Mary 15 WHEELER Anna 147 WAYLAND Mary 115 Bradley 59 WEATHERS Y Roland 71 Sarah 286 Sally Maria 71 WHIPPLE Anna 135 201 WEAVER Brice Wing 107 Hezekiah C. 90 Burritt Leevane 228 Cyrus Peter 107 WHITCOMB Gladys E. 271 WHITE Aine 105 Ella B. 107 Annie 17$ Emily 107 Arthur Vilbur 167 Helen Leevane 228 Barbar: 78 Helen Persia 228 Emily D. 184 Laura Opal 228 Fanny 181 Mildred Persia 228 Hoyette 167 Norma Gail 228 Jedediah 78 Rubie Olivia 107 Louisa Narcissa 124 Waldo North 107 Mildred L. 194 WEBB William 127 Rachel 78 136 137 138 WEBBER Emiiy 8. 209 259 Rosman 74 WEBER Charles R. 192 Samuel Jessop 163 Hallie 192 Sarah 43 WEBSTER Alceba Jane 218 Sarah Finch 163 Fannie 142 Thomas 124 Harold E. 198 WHITESIDE Ettie 67 Harriet Edna 264 279 WHITESIDES Hepzibah 84 Lorraine 194 Honor Lucinda 152 WHITING Lucian N. 97 Jane 142 Mary Elizabeth 97 Lucia E. 159 Nancy 283 Luther S. 142 WHITNEY Alice 288 Marcus 218 Emmet 288 Martin 58 Frances 288 Parmelia 58 George 265 Polly 218 Grace 265 WEDELL Archer J. 255 J. Hamilton 138 288 Clyde A. 255 Sarah M. 138 288 Hazel 255 Tarball 35 Homer L. 255 John 255 Virginia 288 WHITTAKER Alton E. 177 WEED Abbie 168 Jennie 177 Florence A. 168 Jennie L. 177 Homer 168 Ruth L. 177 Sarah A. 201 254 Winona N. 177 Wealthy 134 WEEDEN Edward 2 WHITTEAKER George 67 WHITTELSEY Eliphalet 28 WEEKS Anna 121 WRITTEN Evaline 191 WEIL Catherina 224 WHITTLESEY Mary 49 WEIR Sarah Evelyn 274 WICKS Caroline M. 63 WEIS Helen Motley 176 Margaret 270 Frank 176 WIGLE Jane 195 WELCH Mary H. 83 Lorraine 194 WFT T ? fir-.* O A.1 Peter J 195 Anna 2 WILBUR Anne 235 Ashel Harlow 61 WILBY George 2 Aurelia 61 WILCOX Adelia 76 Elva 92 Almira 137 Hannah 45 Barbara 78 John I. 90 Daniel 14 43 140 Josiah D. 45 Elisha 76 Samuel 9 Ezra 14 Thomas 1' Frederick P. 224 WERT Emeline 271 George 119 Irene 271 Henry B. 46 S 271 Hepzibah 76 WEST Hezekia 33 284 Huldah 140 206 209 210 Hezekia North 284 Isaac 79 Mary 33 284 Israel 16 Rosa 284 John 76 WESTBROOK Lieut.-Col. 35 Jonathon 76 WESTCOTT Katherine 65 Josiah 79 140 WESTOVER Jonah 14 TirT?T*TTTT T'T T OOO Kathchen 224 I .< ! 1 1 1 p ! 7o Nettie 223 Lucy 79 322 3783 WILCOX Lynda 140 204 205 Malinda 119 Maria M. 137 Martha 16 Mary 15 16 Mary Olive 204 256 ?">6 Mayette Aurelia 160-' 27 Norris 45 Polly 70 Richard 204 286 Ruth 67 Salome 79 139 Sarah 16 43 76 133 :: 54 Thomas 16 WILDEN Laura 114 WILDER Alvan D. 11 j Anna Catherine Hi Edwin M. 115 Franklin 115 WILEY Clarence Omor 193 Dolley 239 Geraldine Agnes 193 Isabel 160 Mary 160 Nannie Elizabeth 193 Paul North 193 Percifer Gayle 193 William 160 WILKES Robert 69 WELKINS William R. 196 WILLARD Anne 112 Emma Hart 19 S. G. 112 WILLIAM The Conqueror vi 10 WILLIAMS Alexander 126 Almira 124 Almira Eva 124 Archie M. 168 Blanche 125 Edna 253 Elisha 46 Emily L. 124 Ephraim H. 124 Ephraim Oscar 124 Henry Benjamin 124 Hulda Augusta 126 James N. 126 Jephtha 126 Laurence L. 125 Leonard R. 124 Lois 66 Lucy L. 124 Nellie 247 Nettie 143 Oliver 126 Rebecca 12 Ruby Lavinia 105 Sarah 286 Stella Elizabeth 126 WILLYS David 103 Emily Gertrude 103 John North 103 Lydia Muncil 103 Mary Augusta 103 WILMOT Carrie I. 86 Catherine 86 Charles C. 86 Charles Tracey 86 WILSON Asa S. iv 174 Hazel 174 Howard A. 174 Ilda C. 174 Isaac 199 John D. 67 Lucy Ann 199 Margaret 74 125 126 Mary 45 255 Mercy Ann 174 Paul North 174 Lucretia 46 Polly 165 Margaret 20 152 Ruby 229 Martha 65 283 Wilbur O. 199 Mary 46 WIMER Cora Louise 202 Matthew 6 15 17 18 283 Homer 202 Nathaniel 6 WINCHELL Charlotte 149 Ozem 283 Mary 150 Sarah 5 6 20 30 52 95 Peter 149 Solomon C. 37 WINN Maria 68 Susanna 17 283 WINSHIP Mary Augusta 118 Sylvester 120 N. R. 118 Timothy 17 23 283 WINSLOW Ella 292 Truman 27 Mary Ann 286 WOODS Deidamia 66 175 WINTHROP John nrr\r /-*-*TT n_: r** WOODWARD Mary Ann 161 WOOD WORTH Clement North 29 150 Charles 22 U&Vld 150 Mary 150 Elizabeth 22 WOOLSEY Theodore D. 143 Mary 22 35 WOOSTER David 35 WOOD Emily M. 287 WORCESTER Mary 136 201 Helen M. 100 JVlincrva 14T WORMALD Mary 193 Olivia M. 57 Abbie H. 183 241 WOODARD Lyda 119 180 Annie 137 WOODFORD Anna Ford 284 Edward Lockwood 141 Asahel 285 Elizabeth 141 Bissell 39 Frances Sarah 141 Candace 30 284 Gad 38 Chauncey 39 285 Harriett Newell 141 David 39 Henry M. 141 Delight 39 James L. 141 Diana 285 James North 141 Dudley 30 45 284 Joseph Henry 141 Elbert 285 Lucy Ann 141 Elizabeth 281 Mary North 141 Emily 285 Prudence 20 Eunice 84 281 Rhoda 38 George 285 Sarah Lockwood 141 Hannah 17 23 24 Saunders 141 Isaac 281 Thankful 7 10 Joseph 12 17 19 25 45 46 281 William Henry 141 Lois 45 83 281 William S. 141 Louisa R. 285 WYLLYS Samuel 29 Lydia 25 281 Martha 83 148 285 YALE Aurelia 282 Mary 25 43 44 45 46 281 Eber 282 Nancy 39 284 385 Elihu 21 282 Rebecca 17 Elisha 21 282 Sarah 19 45 46 281 Judith 21 Sarah North 284 Julius 69 Thomas 17 Lucinda 69 William 284 Mary Ann 93 WOODHEISER Sarah Ann 149 Pamelia 21 219 Phebe 282 WOODRUFF Abraham 18 Polly 282 Almeria 46 Rebecca 21 282 Corinna 30 Rhoda 282 David 46 Wealthy Ann 282 Dolly 65 William H. 93 Dorcas 20 YATES Magdalena 210 Elizabeth 18 20 102 YERPENNING Polly 47 Emma 119 YOUNG David H. 252 Eunice 46 Edward 171 Gedor 30 Ellen 147 Hannah 6 13 Emma Jean 252 Hiram 46 Ester Elian 252 Jane 177 Eugene Jacob 252 Jeanette 120 181 John 147 Joanna 143 Louise 252 John 20 Margret Charlene 252 Joseph 6 7 20 Margret Mazy 252 Josiah 30 Martha Ann 262 278 Julia 37 46 Mary 147 171 Levi 44 Mary Eliza 171 Lois 23 283 Lot 65 ZANE Achsa 173 5 2 ^lOS-ANGEl^x \\E-UNIVERy/A .vlOS-ANCEt^ JS2HB* f '"'''"'nil///'/////// .svlOS-ANCEl <=> ^ T O