Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN ) /, TU.L FIRST SERIES. Chriftmas Carols^ NEW AND OLD. THE WORDS EDITED BY THE REV. HENRY RAMSDEN BRAMLEY, M.A., Fellow of Saint Mary Magdalen College, Oxford. THE MUSIC EDITED BY JOHN STAINER, M.A., Mus. Doc., Organift of the fame College. Price, in paper cover, is. 6d. ; cloth gilt, 25. 6d. Firft and Second Series, cloth gilt, 41. Words only, \\d. each Series. LONDON: NOVELLO, EWER AND CO., I, BERNERS STREET (W.), AND 80 & 81, QUEEN STREET (E.G.) BOSTON, NEW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA : DITSON AND CO. NOVELLO, EWER AND CO., TYPOGRAPHICAL MUSIC AND GENERAL PRINTERS, I, BERNERS STREET, LONDOK. ^> ^5v Vi tip> to> to\ toi ?(^> ^5i C3i to> to> to\ ^?\ to> *** t&\ '^y* **c* to\ t5\ ^p\ ^?\ O- fffffffffffffffffff^fftf JHE following colleftion of Chriftmas Carols, new and old, is put forth in the hope of providing a fource, eafily ac- ceffible, from which thofe who are fo difpofed may make choice of found words, fet to good mufic, and fuited to fhe facred feafon of our Lord's Nativity. Confiderable pains have been taken by the Editors and their friends to obtain traditional Carols hitherto unpublifhed, but without much fuccefs. For the greater part of the original matter here contained they are indebted to the kindnefs of thofe Compofers, Authors, and Tranflators whofe names appear in the Index : to whom, as well as to the friends before alluded to, they here offer their beft thanks. To thefe they have added, with two or three of their own, a feledlion of the beft and moft popular melodies in fuch colleclions as were at their difpofal. With this brief account of the purpofe and nature of their under- taking they commend it to the hands of thofe orthodox lovers of mufic who denre to keep the Feaft of Chriftmas with mirth which ftiall not overftep the bounds of reverence. 2OOC671 I. cc God reft you^ merry Gentlemen.' w r^n God reftyou,merry gen -tie-men, Let noth-ing youdif I I ..!._ .L_J J__J_J_J_ ! J J I ^* =sb= J f 1 J=PE n^TF^ E3ES -fr FT"' r v~T^rr> i^~rr may, Re-member Chriftour Sa -vi-our,Was born on Chriftmas I . I . J I ! J . J J-J J . J J J S i-T ~ i ~ e 5 ^ ^i_ _ *p-rr-rT-^TT-r Day ; To fave us all from Satan's pow'r When we were gone a - J_J I I I i I , I I I J r^^ ' [ ' i r i p r 21 -' i r p CHORUS. -ff^r- _J J-J-L - ftray ; O p 1 1 r '0 r ti - dings of com - fort and joy, corn-fort and r~x i ^-^ t^t p joy, r ti - dings of com - fort and joy. j j 9 f= m 2. In Bethlehem, in Jewry, This blefled Babe was born, And laid within a manger, Upon this blefled Morn ; ^ The which His Mother Mary, Did nothing take in fcorn. O tidings, &c. 3. From God our Heavenly Fathei, A blefled Angel came ; And unto certain Shepherds Brought tidings of the fame: How that in Bethlehem was born \ The Son of God by Name. O tidings, &c. 4. Fear not then faid the Angel, Let nothing you affright, This day is born a Saviour .^^ Of a pure Virgin bright, To free all thofe who truft in Him From Satan's power and might. O tidings, &c. 5. The Shepherds at thofe tidings, Rejoiced much in mind, And left their flocks a-feeding, In tempeft, ftorm, and wind : \ And went to Bethlehem ftraightway, The Son of God to find. O tidings, &c. 6 And when they came to Bethlehem Where our dear Saviour lay, They found Him in a manger, Where oxen feed on hay ; His Mother Mary kneeling down, Unto the Lord did pray. O tidings, &c. 7. Now to the Lord fing praifes, All you within this place, And with true love and brotherhood Each other now embrace; This holy tide of Chriftmas All other doth deface. O tidings, &c (3) II. The Manger Throne. ^EE^ fil - ver lamps in a dif - tant mrine, The ftars are fpark-ling bright; The bells of the ci - -J-/"^i,t: J God ring out, For the Son of Ma-ry was born tonight;The gloom is paft, and the morn at laft Is com-ing with o-rient light. The ftars of heaven ftill fhine as at firft They gleamed on this wonderful night ; The bells of the city of God peal out, And the Angels' fong ftill rings in the height ; And love ftill turns where the Godhead burns, Hid in Flelh from flefhly fight. Faith fees no longer the ftable floor, The pavement of fapphire is there; The clear light of Heaven ftreams out to the world . And Angels of God are crowding the air ; And Heaven and earth, through the fpotlefs Birth, Are at peace on this night fo fair. (4) ^ 2. Ne-ver fell me-lo-dies half fo fweet As thofe which are filling the m jfe fkies ; And ne-ver a pa-lace fhone half fo fair As the * \ o * ^ p S r r- r r -r -r r ? r f~ f r man-ger bed where our Sa-viourlies; No night in the year is t J. j^^J^j^U-j ^ =5= T~f r ^ '" half fo dear As this which has end - ed our fighs. ^ J. J- ^^ ^^ t 3. Now a new Power has come on the earth, A vnatch for the armies of Hell : A Child is born who fhall conquer the foe, And all the fpirits of wickednefs quell : For Mary's Son is the Mighty One Whom the prophets of God foretell. (5) III. " A Virgin unfpotted? -d * a-g- I I al H UV-. t ^^K / V *- A Vir - gin un - fpott - ed, the Proph-et fore- j J. ^ -L J. i j_ r=t : r told, Should bring forth a Sav-iour, which now we be - hold, r=F=f r ^=^ To be our Re deem - er from death Hell and ^ J J J J J. J- Jt E: I I i fin, which A - dam's tranf-gref - fion had wrap- ped us ^=F-f CHORUS. V U r in. Aye and there - fore be mer - ry, fet for - row a - J jL^u5^.-f ^.jj T" fide, Chrilt Je -fus our Sa-viour was born on this tide. 6. 8. At Bethlehem city in Jewry it was That Jofeph and Mary together did pafs, All for to be taxed with many one moe, Great Cefar commanded the fame mould be fo. Aye and therefore. &c. But when they had entered the city fo fair, A number of people fo mighty was there, That Jofeph and Mary, whole fubftance was fmall, Could find in the inn there no lodging at all. Aye and therefore. &c. Then were they conflrained in a ftable to lie, Where horfes and afies they ufed for to tie : Their lodging fo fimple they took it no fcorn, But againit the next morning our Saviour was born. Aye and therefore. &c. The King of all kings to this world being brought, Small ftore of fine linen to wrap Him was fought, But when me had fwaddled her young Son fofweet, Within an ox manger me laid Him to fleep. Aye and therefore. &c. Then God fent an angel from Heaven fo high, To certain poor fhepherds in fields where they lie, And bade them no longer in forrow to flay, Becaufe that our Saviour was born on this day. Aye and therefore. &c. Then prefently after the Shepherds did fpy Valt numbers of Angels to ftand in the iky ; They joyfully talked and fweetly did fing, To God be all glory, our heavenly King. Aye and therefore. &c. To teach us humility all this was done, And learn we from thence haughty pride for to fhun : A manger His cradle who came from above, The great God of mercy of peace and of love. Aye and therefore. &c IV. " Come ! ye lofty." 'X'fofc ^- r-J !-i- . | i=3= 4M 1 11 [S ^ | i pL_= _j r i r f- r i r r r j r r Come ye lof - ty, come ye low-ly, Let your fongs of j @#r* ESS^^ glad-nefs ring ; In a fta - ble lies the Ho - ly, -J- -' ^ i 5 3 ~ - r r~r-j ir p- r^T^ r- , -"T- In a man-ger refts the King: See in Ma- ry's J J J -Sh -^ J- J. J. . ^ J. ^ (^F H fefc -0 II p~ -p- r r r r r r r ! Come ! tune your heart, To bear its part, And 1 ! ' ' td-d= f3 IEt P=^ it E gj j rr~ rl " ce - le - brate Mef - fi - a'h's feaft with praif J_J^ m - es, with praif - es, Let love in - fpire The . . . ^_ J- J | I J- II ^ i~r3 f 9 P=T^ ^^ joy - ful choir, While to the God of Love, glad i -& s>a =F nr r 'p Hymns it raif es, A it raif vv *1 tf /" pe^ ^ (10) Exalt His name ; With joy proclaim, God loved the world, and through His Son forgave us ; Oh ! what are we, That, Lord, we fee Thy wondrous love, in Chrift who died to fave us ! 3- Your refuge place In His free grace, Truft in His Name, and day by day repent you ; Ye mock God's word Who call Him Lord, And follow not the pattern He hath lent you. 4- O Chrift, to prove For Thee my love, In brethren Thee my hands mail clothe and cherifh ; To each fad heart Sweet Hope impart, When worn with care, with forrow.nigh to perilh. 5- Come ! praise the Lord ; In Heaven are flored Rich gifts for thofe who here His Name efteemd Alleluia ; Alleluia ; Rejoice in Chrift, and praife Him yc redeem^. VI. The Fir ft Nowell" ____, , "l . I - 2 ^^.e ' i 1- r The Firft Now - ell the An - gel did i -d-rJ J ^ i J : =t=t=t= : "I J -J-l fay, Was to cer - tain poor ftiep-herds in fields as they A ' ' , J J ^ ,j_j = J = rJ^ = ^ T P P P I ? | lay ; In fields where they lay keep- ing their U *S - T -P- > x I. , . I fheep, On a cold win- ter's night that was fo i i -J- A - j 4 j_ p ._ _ , M CHORUS.J^ deep. Now - ell, J J> Now - ell, Now - ell, Now - (12) ell, . Born is the King of If i ji A - el. m They looked up and faw a Star, Shining in the Eaft, beyond them far, And to the earth it gave great light, And fb it continued both day and night. Nowell, &c. And by the light of that fame Star, Three Wifemen came from country far ; To feek for a King was their intent, And to follow the Star wherever it went. Nowell, &c. This Star drew nigh to the North-Weft, O'er Bethlehem it took its reft, And there it did both flop and ftay, Right over the place where Jefus lay Nowell, &c. Then entered in thofe Wifemen three, Full reverently upon their knee, And offered there, in His Prefence, Their gold, and myrrh, and frankincenfc. Nowell, &c. Then let us all with one accord, Sing praifes to our Heavenly Lord, That hath made Heaven and earth of nought, And with His Blood mankind hath bought. Nowell, &c. (13) VII. cc Jesu hail ! God most holy.' SEMI-CHORUS. H^^ff^^^r^^P m. Je e - fu hail ! O God moft ho - ly, Gen - tie m. m * = *- rj Lamb, an In - fant low - Iv ; Born, great God, a .j-^l ; J . l_j .i_kJ_J_^ hu- man ftrang-er, Laid with -in the nar-row man-ger : 41- A A J.A 4 4 A.*: ?=F CHORUS. r^ 1 - Might tran-fcend -ing, Weak-nefs blend - ing, Great - nefs J . JN J- J. -J- . J? J J bend-ing from the fky ; Love un- end- ing, man be - J. J. 4J- ij_-i- ^ J ^=lls=s (4) Last Veru. HH j j or j * i_ii d p 1 ^ 1 BJ }__ J_1J &- 2 - f 11 ^ *- f ' i r ^ ir-$j=p=u friend-ing, God moft High. God moft High. J | ^ Finis. r^, J V - ii i -s- -*-_^_ -s<- ^ 2. To enrich my defolation, To redeem me from damnation, Wrapt in fwathing-bands Thou lieft, Thou in want and weaknefs fighest : Might tranfcending, Sec. Low abafed, where brutes are fleeping, God's beloved Son is weeping ; Judge fupreme, true Godhead fharing, Sinner's likenefs for us wearing ! Might tranfcending, Sec. Jefu, Thine my heart is folely , Draw it, take it to Thee wholly : With Thy facred Fire illume me, Let it inwardly confume me, Might tranfcending, Sec. Hence let idle fancies vanilh, Hence all evil paffions banifh ; Make me like Thyfelf in meeknefs, Bind lo Thee my human weaknefs, Might tranfcending, &c. < IS) u VIII. Good Chriftian men^ rejoiced J N_ m Good Chriftian men re - joice With heart and foul and SSES: fa m -r^r\*rt voice', Give ye heed to what we fay ; news ! news ! s 1-J* -j- .N.. j j^. -5^- f-g~r~E" ^ & ^^^ f=FT Je - fus Chrift is born to day : J. J" J. > i > J. Ox and afs be - f=g=F^ 1 PT i^ r i/ i , And He is in the man - ger now. j-M- fore Him i IQ ) F* -#- */ ^r ir ir Chrift is born to - day ! Chrift is born to - day ! ^ V J J\J^J., j ^ J J - Good Chriftian men, rejoice With heart, and foul, and voice ; Now ye hear of endlefs blifs : Joy ! Joy ! Jefus Chrift was born for this ! He hath oped the heav'nly door, And man is blefled evermore. Chrift was born for this ! Good Chriftian men, rejoice With heart, and foul, and voice ; Now ye need not fear the grave : Peace ! Peace ! Jefus Chrift was born to fave J Calls you one and calls you all, To gain His everlafting hall : Chrift was born to lave. (C IX. Sleep I Holy Babe! 3 33 7Tl^ 1 ii- . , . . | f/ -ff*Hr _lu^ Sleep! Ho - ly "\aG 1 J = H^ r^ f * r = " II: E ^ r Babe, up - on Thy mo- trier's breaft ; Great ^ , ] 1 1 1 1 1 -] *H 1 1 Jr "UK, C j fc^^ o . V'l/ ^"^F -^ ^ *nrO ^> n m ^9 ~^fj ^-**rj J 1 II i [1 1 | Lord of earth and fea and fky, How fweet it is to .j -J- .-4ifej,j -J- i r^'r T 3 1 T -r-F^T' fee Thee lie In fuch a place of reft. A_. J -i^ (it) r i In fuch a place of reft. . . ACCOMP. 1 .! J J J >*'-!,, i ! i n ... i i j o rj ^Bfl ^""^i? k " '' O O O C3 *+* ,i k [> v '" '' i' i" ' ' ' ' -p- " -&- ' ' z. Sleep, holy Babe ; Thine Angels watch around, All bending low with folded wings, Before the Incarnate King of kings, In reverent awe profound. Sleep, Holy Babe ; while I with Mary gazr In joy upon that Face awhile, Upon the loving infant fmile Whack there Divinely plays. Sleep, holy Babe ; ah ! take Thy brief repofe ; Too quickly will Thy {lumbers break, And Thou to lengthened pains awake That Death alone {hall clofe. X. " Good King Wencejlas" ^ p & T-f-r-f f -p- r C0r.r. Good King Wen-ces - las.look'd out, On the Feaft of + A Si -* - ^ * *- r ~r ~r r i i i i Y Ste - phen, When the fnow lay round a - bout, m *=? ^r -f- Deep, and crifp and e - ven : Bright - ly (hone the J J J-J- ^ J- ^ ^ -' ^ ^ r r i i r r moon that night,Though the froft was cru-el, When a poor man II.. . J J J J f=^ ,*- S 2 r r i came in fight, Ga-th'ring win- ter fu fe J-J J- ' Tenor Sojo. " Hither, page, and ftand by me, If thou know'ft it, telling, Yonder peafant, who is he ? Where and what his dwelling ? " Treble Solo. ft Sire, he lives a good league henc*, Underneath the mountain ; Right againft the foreft fence, By Saint Agnes' fountain." .X v 3- Tenor Solo. " Bring me flefh, and bring me wine, Bring me pine-logs hither : Thou and I will fee him dine, When we bear them thither." Chorus. Page and monarch forth they went, Forth they went together ; Through the rude wind's wild lamem And the bitter weather. 4- Treble Solo. " Sire, the night is darker now, And the wind blows ftronger; Fails my heart, I know not how, I can go no longer." Tenor So!o* " Mark my footfteps, my good page f Tread thou in them boldly : Thou malt find the winter's rage Freeze thy blood lefs coldly."^ 5- Chorus. In his matter's tteps he trod, Where the fnow lay dinted ; Heat was in the very fod Which the faint had printed. Therefore Chriftian men, be fure, Wealth or rank pofleffing, Ye who now will blefs the poor, Shall jrourfelves find blefling. XI " When I view the Mother holding? = 46. L/> When I view the Mother holding In her arms the heaven - 55teS : '-T^1~^~T~ J ~1^ t ' =F^~ J JiJ. fe^j- -J^r^ *=^- m -$,- 3-^J^t-g: ^ Boy, . . Thoufand bliflTul thoughts un-fold-ing, Melt my heart with 3: d: era. foeo nt. fweet - eft joy, with fweet - eft joy, . . . tea cres.' foco rit ^J-^fc -TT^ fBAo I 5j^M!^jst j *n JJ ^ With her Babe the hours be-guil-ing, Ma-ry's foul in tranfport lives : 95 *o ^ iss God her Son up-on her fmil-ing, Thoufand, Thoufand kifs-es fond-ly SE3 ^i 1^11 jjg tempo l/wo._ s gives, fond-ly gives. As the fun his radiance flinging, iip I s z^)0 lz See the Virgin Mother beaming ! Je-fus by her arms em - -9-t 3^? 3^-}- ~ 5 ==? ^--^iH N- braced, Dew on foft-eft ro-fes gleaming, Vi-o-let with ^ ^X)CO r;r. f 5 ^^ li - ly chafte, with li - - ly chafte ! f f ^ Tempo I Each round other fondly twining,Pours the {hafts of mutual love, n Tempo i mo. S tfrL-J-U-frfcfc^*: Thick as flow'rs in meadows fhining,Countlefs as the ftars a- bove, =fe _ ^ as the ftars a -bove, Oh, may one fuchar- row glowing, I M j'^H-i i (26) P - - -v I 1 (X 1 -^\ -- - & 1 _ , LJ-j /Tj^E-J-^^J^iJE^E^ Sweeteft Child, which Thou . doft dart, . Through Thy Mother's "H^ */ ^ -H-JP-H *\tard. m * tr=? bofom go-ing Blefled Je - fu, pierce my heart, pierce my 2^=^t -^'-zfc @S=J=J: ritard, =3^ heart, BleiT - ed J-- f J 9 I ' F^F ' l*-^-|*-^-|*' i > -ji-V- IT. >-.*-. feRi> i x^^i ^/ 1 s^ I l s XII. The Seven joys of Mary. The firft good joy that Ma - ry had, It was the joy of one ; To fee the bleff-ed Je-fus Chrift When J a s J M-fr J ^ P P .- ^-M ~~\ I-F iH p-** j ^ CHORUS. ^ r > | M ) d ^ J d ' *' ^-r-u^-^F He was firft her J- J^ ! > !L ^ ^ rvi< _ 53E 5b=ifc=st ^:z=* r"T~r i/ "> t~-r -| f Son, Good Lord ; and hap-py may we be . . Praife r~^ r ^ ' > r r^r~f ' ? ' r Fa-ther Son and Ho- ly Ghoft to all e - ter - ni - ty. ^gfe (z8) The next good joy that Mary had ; It was the joy of two ; To fee her own Son Jefus Chrift Making the lame to go. Making the lame to go, Good Lord ; And happy &c. 3- The next good joy that Mary had ; It was the joy of three ; To fee her own Son Jefus Chrift Making the blind to fee. Making the blind to fee, Good Lord ; And happy &c. 4- The next good joy that Mary had; It was the joy of four : To fee her own Son Jefus Chrift Reading the Bible o'er. Reading the Bible o'er, Good Lord; And happy <^ I es & rW- i 1 1 ^4- E :* I joy in glad ac - cord, And they ling in bt>j j~j m -^ rj i P = p f 21 i \T' fweet - eft tone Glo - ry be to God p p -A mi * lone : Glo - ry be to God a - - lone. ^ fj * _ *""' fair, Ma - ry God is born of mai - den fair, Ma - - - ry a_4 ( 30) fair, Ma - ry dim. doth the Sa - viour bear ; Ma - ry e - ver ? -d _^ 1 -^ ft ^ ^ | 1 | P p ~rjr~$ ^r~' o~^ ^~ rr- -^j ?d u pure, .... Ma &-&..&. cat* - ry e - ver pure. J 1 {>#$ ^-^-H L^ &^ ^ & 2. Thefe good news an Angel told To the fhepherds by their fold, Told them of the Saviour's Birth, Told them of the joy for earth. God is born, Sec. Born is now Emmanuel, He, announced by Gabriel, He, Whom Prophets old atteft, Cometh from His Father's Breaft. God is born, &c Born to-day is Chrift the Child, Born of Mary undefiled, Born the King and Lord we own i Glory be to God alone. God is born. Sec. XIV. "JPbat Child is this? What Child is this, who, laid to reft, J J i i p r Ma - ry's lap is fleep-ing ? Whom An - gels greet with x J . J 1 ^ 7 r T T*^T f.r- an- thems fweet, While fhep - herds watch are keep- ing ? .I s i m CHORUS. - > ing; Who This, this is Chrift the King; Whom fhepherds guard and I N. ^F^ (3*) An - gels ling : Hafte, hafte to bring Him laud, The L>^ i * i i r ._ IL \ k | |* r --T .- t^q i H $P^ . j^. rza -- $^5 ^4= J II / s Babe, the Son of Ma - ry. pne 2. Why lies He in fuch mean eitate, Where ox and afs are feeding ? Good Chriftian, fear : for tinners here The filent Word is pleading : Nails, fpear, fhall pierce Him through, The Crofs be borne, for me, for you Hail, hail, the Word made Flefti, The Babe, the Son of Mary ' So bring Him incenfe, gold and myrrh, Come peafant, king, to own Him : The King of kings, falvation brings, Let loving hearts enthrone Him. Raife, raife, the fong on high, The Virgin fings her lullaby : Joy, Joy, for Chrift is born, The Babe, the Son of Mary ! (33) XV. Glorious , beauteous, golden-bright" n J I r~r- -r f Glor - ious, beaute-ous, gol-den - bright, Shed-ding j-J^Ui^J-aUi i*^ TT- r r ' r foft - eft pur - eft light, Shone the ftars that Chrift-mas f r- ' I U-< >" night ; When the Jew - ifh fhep-herds kept Watch be j i i i a TT^r^=t ^ m fide r their flocks that flept. m But the ftars' fweet golden gleam Faded quickly as a dream 'Mid the wondrous glory-ftream, That illumined all the earth, When Chrift's Angels fang His birth. (H) mm 3. Soft and pure and ho - ly glo - ry, Kings and J. A J- - - =p=EE feers and prophets hoa - ry, Shed throughout the fa - cred ^./ V Y_i -* 1 J..--L S -f e= j. s^ ^ 1FR r~T fto-ry: While the priefts, like mep-hcrds true, Watch'dbe - i i ^_J__ = Hfci f= -^v^l ^ * * * J ^~ & -ni ss T~ f f fJ Ml ** r f ' i fide God's cho - fen few. J 1 * Jl"?- /U\ J| *) ' * f* A. . : 1 m 1 But that light no more availed, All its fplendour ftraightway paled In His light whom Angels hailed ; Even as the ftars of old, 'Mid the brightnefs loft their gold. 5- Now no more on Chriftmas night, Is the flcy with Angels bright, But for ever mines the Light ; Even He whofe birth they told To the Ihepherds by the fold. (3S> ^ EEEjR^E*^ 1 6. Since that Light then dark-ens nev-er, Let us m ^? g-if * jt S ^~ U- . ^ -? all, with glad en -dea-vour, Sing the fong that ec-hoes j. j. 4 j JL;^ 4 ^ ^L >. r-fTr-r^f-ir c-^-^ 1^ 311 .1 - |W- . i H H JE -J 1 : 1- fJ 1 ! M */ -- f^a * j f = j-i- f- i | i v i* r r * p e - ver : Glo - ry in the high - eft Heav-en! Peace on fi*j * J 1 J J J V ^ ^ r>' r r r'l* r r r ' 7^**- Tn * *5 ^ ' = h^-^=fl / r earth to ^L A =T f 1 r f -" us for - giv - en. -J- ^ J- -^L -4 -_jt ^ r r^ -n r ~ (36 XVI "Waken ! Chrift ian children. W* j j j-ij -j f H J. J. J ^ g 1| Wa-ken Chrift-ian ,,J> * ^ J J child - ren, A A . ' i r Up and let r us fing, *- -Q- (WjJ p~H m J/fm * ^ r ^^ r P ~r~~ -G H r if t f H -x f i ' i j i j I i. i i l i i -i H J f f |> f With glad voice the praif - es, O M , y- y- j j rj j .. -! [ *U p f s-H f our new-born King. * ^ J. ^ tea r r f p-fe ^ P H F - *. f H 1 | Tj I u r ip i [ * Up ! 'tis meet to welcome With a joyous lay Chrift, the King of Glory, Born for us to-day. Come, nor fear to feek Him, Children though we be ; Once He faid of children "Let them come to Me." In a manger lowly Sleeps the Heavenly Child ; O'er Him fondly bendeth Mary, Mother mild. Far above that ftable, Up in Heaven fo high, One bright ftar out-lhineth, Watching filently. Fear not then to enter, Though we cannot bring Gold, or myrrh, or incenfe Fitting for a King. Gifts He afketh richer, Offerings coftlier ftill, Yet may Chriftian children Bring them if they will. Brighter than all jewels Shines the modeft eye ; Beft of gifts He loveth Infant purity. Hafte we then to welcome With a joyous lay Chrift, the King of Glory, Born for us to-day. (37) XVII. " A Child this day is born? =d=^ =F A Child this day is J J J. J. born, J. A J. ^ Child of high re - nown ; Moft wor - thy of a J j i J -t r tre, A fcep - tre and a crown. J J i j . Cborus. Glaa tidings to all men, Glad tidings fing we may, Becaufe the King of kings Was born on Chriftmas-Day. 2. Thefe tidings fhepherds heard Whilft watching o'er their fold Twas by an Angel unto them That night revealed and told. Glad tidings, &C. 3 Then was there with the Angel An hoft incontinent * Of heavenly bright foldiers, All from the higheft fent. Glad tidings, &c. 4- They praifed the Lord our God And our celeftial King : All glory be in Paradife, This heavenly hoft do fing. Glad tidings, Sec. 5 All glory be to God, That fitteth ftill on high, With praifes and with triumph great, And joyful melody. Glad tidings, &c. * Immediately (39) XVIII. Carol for Chriftmas-Eve. Lift - en, Lord-ings un - to me, a tale I will you ^ : f=fT- tell ; Which, as on this night of glee, in David's town be A J^ j^ ^ JS r-j^is is. h N h v T JS JN J\ SJVJSL-fc = g ' I g-g g 'C fel. Jo-Ieph came from Na- za-reth,with Ma-ry that fweet N r V ? Pi I/ X 4" ' P " 1^ T i/ k ^(^^ i" i/ k i/ maid: Wea- ry were they, nigh to death; and for a lodg-im 5^ i r r- pray'd. Sing high,fing high, fing lo"w, fing low, fing high,fmglow,fing EEEE: ^ v- (40) to and fro, Go tell it out with fpeed,Cry out andfhout all k. L IL 4=4 E u v T round a - bout,That Chrift is born in - deed. m. In the Inn they found no room ; a fcanty bed they made : Soon a Babe from Mary's womb was in the manger laid. Forth He came as light through glafs : He came to fave us all. In the ftable ox and afs before their Maker fall. Sing high, ling low, &c. Shepherds lay afield that night, to keep the filly flieep, Hofts of Angels in their fight, came down from heaven's high fteep. Tidings ! Tidings ! unto you : to you a Child is born, Purer than the drops of dew, and brighter than the morn. Sing high, fing low, &c. Onward then the Angels fped, the fhepherds onward went, God was in His manger bed, in worfhip low they bent. In the morning, fee ye mind, my masters one and all, At the Altar Him to find, who lay within the flail. Sing high, fing low, &c. (40 XIX. Christ was horn of Mary free" ^ * m- m -0 *-* -M F*d *p *-< Tf-rT^rtcr^ r'rTTT ACCOMP. K g r^T^rm* ~f "f ~-r "T" 1*1 When Chrift was born of Ma - ry free, In I J J i i t L ^ -g- -g- J. .^. .4. =f ^^^^^_ v | -f- r O I j- 8 1 ^ ^ - T^ ' i '. ( Beth -le- hem that fair ci - tie, An -gels fang there with Nil i N N J..JL ji jd. j i | JL A. A. -*--*- l> I I ^4=^=4 :EE^^^^ .-^ Jl> /> 1 N i r- r T i r*> J * ^ J J 1 IV | II -f,^- 1 ; J 6? * * J -^ . P J p H "V? * ^fe S j* ' f _^ . j ^_ r r mirth and g ^ j. J- . lee, fll i k In ex - c el - fis r. ] Glo - ri - a. /r^\ **n! "j r i* * II 1 1 . 1 K ,. Lj- T ' r^^B CHORDS. P? In ex-eel -fis Glo-ri- a, In ex- eel -fis Glo-ri -a, J . J S J- J- J ^P P2 T (42) j . js [-1-^3- i s^ In ex - ceT - fis Glo - ri - a, In ex - eel - fis n j ^ ^ ^j Herdfmen be-held,&c. Then, dear Lord, &c. W...J. J J^ ^ N - I J f * P- i v r do. foco ^ ' bright'ning day, And from His throne a - bove He g^L r * i J J j - v r?""' m #=*=% '*& ' g r r'f rrrr r f y came, with hu-man kind to (lay, All low- li-nefs and love. (44) f=f 2. Then in the manger the poor beaft Was prefent with his Lord ; Then fwains and pilgrims from the Eafl Saw, wondered and adored. And I this morn would come with then?, This blefled fight to fee, And to the Babe of Bethlehem Bend low the reverent knee. 3- But I have not, it makes me figh, One offering in my power ; Tis winter all with me, and I Have neither fruit nor flower. O God, O Brother, let me give My worthlefs felf to Thee ; And that the years which I may live May pure and fpotlefs be : 4- Grant me Thyfelf, O Saviour lend, The Spirit undented, That I may be in heart and mind As gentle as a child ; That I may tread life's arduous ways As Thou Thyfelf haft trod, And in the might cf prayer and praife Keep ever clofe to God. 5- Light of the everlafting morn, Deep through my fpirit mine ; There let Thy prefence newly born Make all my being Thine : There try me as the filver, try Andcleanfemy foul with care, Till Thou art able to defcry Thy faultlefs image there. X W Q fc rf M rj-vo 00 O N Tj- vo oo o N oo o N ^- t^oo o N ^- 0, 1 ** * "MM N N CO CO fO CO CO (U ' Q .5 . 3 O J 3 ^ O , r h O Vj Q < | >g - . .* . Q OT "o cT 3 o . . J < o X n S. ~ 2 3 i 'i^< g o| c ffi 1 ' s ^ Jfl c 'S _e -c | C5 b . ^ . ' "rt C O .S 4-> i?s jj> c .2 u 4 -O "rt h 6 S 1 ffi> CO c >-, | ^ '-5 _^_ M -3 C ^ j= M -5 Q '1 u'"S 2 "S PQ H CJ H O ^X^ H 1 2 .3 "o OH Q 5 S & e p$ p^ (5 co 0) u .g 4- 4-1 -Q _> > < <- ' S O e a *4J . S .S .s . . ^ ^s a rt Q cT h o hj o 5- 1 b o U u u w & ~S 4-1 j s u 4J 4J j* <" E i_ u i C/2 ' b. e x (U C O >. l|l > 11 o _ x _H|" c .2 C o' u u' |PJ c .2 ta Q s y > oj e > ^ U -g ^ | S '-3 I* ^^^ 2 s -5 2 ^' S'w'S ^ "S u 5^'^HtU h H 1 < PhH ' v ^ ^ v & ^Hh 1 a J3 ffih 60 4j u . . . .S 13 [) . . - S u "o a o "1 M H God reft you, merry Gent! The Manger Throne A Virgin unfpotted Come, ye lofty Come, tune your heart . 1- H Js C HI The feven joys of Mary , On the Birthday of the L IS 2 15 Glorious, beauteous, golde Waken, Chriftian childrei A Child this day is born , U When Chrift was born Chriftmas morning hymn 1 >'-'''-' XX ?- -H > i ^ ^ i-< > i 11 X X 1 1 i i 1 1 > * i-t - ^ > S >-> X X X > i *^x" s X* University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. ""WBifcl \iLi&i\ APR 7 JJCLA URL/ILL fniversit; Southe Libra: