H IE IC-NRjUF B 3 371 673 'THE ENTOMOLOGIST' SYNONYMIC LIST OF BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA COMPILED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE LAW OF PRIORITY BY RICHAKD SOUTH. PRICE 6d. PRINTED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PAPER, FOR REFERENCE. : , Can also be had printed on one side only, for Labels. PRICE 2s, [ LONDON: \WEST, NEWMAN & CO., 54, HATTON GARDEN, E.G. 1884. 1 Natural History Books THE ZOOLOGIST : The recognized Monthly Journal Natural History. NEW SERIES. Edited by W. L. DISTANT. The number for Janua 1 897 , begins a Fourth Series, and is No. 667 from the commcnccm in 1843. Price 1s. Subscribers will ensure punctuality by prepaying at this office. Subscription for year, including postage to all parts of the world, 125. BIRDSNESTING AND BIRD-SKINNING: A Complete Description of the Nests and Eggs of Birds u'hich Breed in Briti By EDWARD NEWMAN. Second Edition. With Directions for ( lecting and Preservation; and a Chapter on Bird-skinning. By Miu CHRISTY. Cloth extra, Fcap 8vo, 1s. "Very good indeed, and can be thoroughly recommended." Athena-urn. " A book for the country, and a book for boys and for girls too. It is cheap, e- understood, and slips into the pocket. Fathers will ^ive it to their sons; and if country squire or clergyman wishes to make an intelligent village boy a small pre which will be welcomed, here is the very thing. Altogether it is a capital little handbo' Bell's Weekly Messenger. LETTERS OF RUSTICUS ON NATURAL HISTOR By EDWARD NEWMAN. Demy 8vo, 5s. " The most charming contribution to Natural History since the days of good Gilbert White." Westminster Review. THE INSECT HUNTERS: First Lessons in Entomolo By EDWARD NEWMAN. Fcap 8vo, 1s. 6d. " Unrivalled as a First-Book in Entomology." The late W. Spiiice. " We know of no book that contains so much information in so small a compas the habits and economy of Insects." Natural History Review. THE By INSECT HUNTER'S COMPANION. the Rev. JOSEPH GREENE, M.A. Fourth Edition. R\ extended by A. B. FARN. The Chapter on Coleoptera by ED WAI MAN ; on Hymenoptera by FREDERICK SMITH ; on Breeding Gallflit EDWARD A. FITCH. Fcap 8vo, 1s. ~^^H Contains instructions for collecting and preserving Butterflies and Moths, Be: Bees, Flies, &c. ; where to find Moths and Caterpillars ; how to catch ; how to brin<* injury; how to kill; how to set; how to find the caterpillars; how to ma: feed ; how to breed the perfect insects ; and numerous similar subjects. NEWMAN & Co., 54, RATION GARDE * rn TT ~IJ> THE ENTOMOLOGIST' SYNONYMIC LIST OF BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. COMPILED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE LAW OF PRIORITY BY KICHAED SOUTH. LONDON: WEST, NEWMAN & CO., 54, HATTON GARDEN, E.G. 1884 LONDON PRINTED BY WEST, NEWMAN AND CO., HATTON GARDEN, E.G. 5 11 E F A G E. ABOUT the middle of the present century the late Mr. Henry Doubleday, finding that the nomenclature of British Lepidoptera differed widely from the nomenclature then in use by entomolo- gists in France, set himself the task of comparing the lists of the two countries, with the view of reforming the English nomenclature, and placing it in unison with that of the Continent. As the result of his thoughtful, careful and long- continued labour he gave to entomologists a ' Synonymic List of British Lepidoptera.' This was issued at intervals between the years 1847 and 1850, but did not embrace the Tineae. In a second edition, however, published in 1859, the Tineae were included. A first supplement to this list was issued in 1865, and a second supplement in 1873. The ' Catalog der Lepidopteren des Europaeischen Faunenge- biets ' Macro-Lepidoptera by Dr. 0. Staudinger, Micro -Lepi- doptera by Dr. M. Wocke was published in Dresden, 1871. This valuable synonymic list is generally known as " Staudinger 's List," and is now in the hands of most entomologists throughout Europe. In Great Britain many lepidopterologists in their published works, and in papers and other contributions to our entomolo- gical journals, have adopted the nomenclature of Dr. Staudinger's ' Catalog,' while many others still use the nomenclature of the 1 Doubleday List.' As there is a very material difference in the specific names used in these two lists, this want of accord and uni- formity in the matter of nomenclature is apt to lead to confusion. The ' Doubleday List ' has been out of print for some years past, and a new Synonymic List of British Lepidoptera has become a desideratum. With the object, therefore, of meeting this want, and with a further view of bringing about a more IV PREFACE. uniform nomenclature among British entomologists, the present Synonymic List* has been compiled, and Dr. Staudinger's 'Catalog' has been taken as a basis of nomenclature. At the same time the Doubleday arrangement of families and genera has been altered as little as possible. In the Macro-Lepidoptera the system of arrangement adopted by Dr. Staudinger is, with few exceptions, that of Herr Julius Lederer, an Austrian lepidopterologist of considerable repute, who died in 1870. Lederer's classification of the Ehopalocera, Sphinges, and Bombyces differs but very little from the arrangement of those groups by Ochsenheimer, Boisduval, Herrich-Schaffer, and one or two other authors. The Noctuse and Geometrae, on the other hand, were arranged by Lederer in accordance with his own views of classification. In the present list I have not followed this arrangement in its entirety, but have made such changes in the Doubleday classification as, in my opinion, placed our species of Macro- Lepidoptera in a more natural sequence. Dr. Wocke, in the Micro-Lepidoptera, has also followed Lederer in the arrangement of the Pyralides ; but he has arranged the Crambi according to the system of Zeller and Heinemann. The classification of the Tortrices is that of Heinemann ; whilst the TinesB are arranged partly according to Heinemann, and partly after the system of Herrich-Schaffer. I have not, however, adopted Dr. Wocke's arrangement of the Micro-lepidoptera, except in a somewhat modified form, as regards the Pyralides and Crarnbi. These two groups I found it necessary to partly rearrange, so as to enable me to bring forward the Pterophori. I am unable to demonstrate by unanswerable argument that the Pterophori are not rightly placed in the position generally assigned them ; still I have ventured to instal the group in a position which I consider a more satisfactory one, that is between the Acentropodidae at the * Mr. John T. Carrington originally contemplated the compilation of such a list, aided by various well-known entomologists. Unfortunately, however, before the first eight pages were completed, other demands on his time obliged Mr. _ Carrington to relinquish the undertaking. As there was a probability of an indefinite delay in the completion of the work, I undertook to compile the present list. I have included in the earlier pages all the valuable corrections of, and additions to, the synonymy furnished to Mr. Carrington by the several gentlemen referred to. PREFACE. V end of the Pyralides and the Chilidae, which family is placed at the head of the Crambi in the present list. With but few exceptions I have followed the nomenclature of Dr. Staudinger for the Macro-Lepidoptera, and that of Dr. Wocke for the Micro-Lepidoptera. In the latter division, as regards the Tortrices and Tineae, I have been greatly assisted in the deter- mination of questions of priority of nomenclature by the perusal of papers bearing on the subject, both in the ' Entomologist' and the 'Entomologist's Monthly Magazine.' In the volumes of the last-named journal a series of able papers on " British Tortrices," by Mr. C. G. Barrett, have been of especial service in the matter of synonymy of the group. Mr. H. T. Stainton's papers on the Tineae have also afforded valuable assistance. In some cases I have changed a letter, added it to, or deleted it from, a name where the spelling of such name suggested an original typographical error. I maintain that there is no sacrifice of scientific accuracy in the correction of these misprinted names, but that it is desirable that errors of this nature should not be perpetuated. Dr. Staudinger evidently thinks otherwise, as he indicates errors where they exist by placing the correction in brackets. As I read his preface, he considers no one but the author has a right to correct the spelling of a name, and that even the author loses this right after the name has been made public. Under the common term variety (v.) I have included all the named forms of species. A variety is so-called because it deviates or varies from a given type, and an aberration is designated as such for precisely the same reason. Seeing, then, that a variety must necessarily exhibit some aberrance from a recognised tj'pe, and that aberration from such type constitutes a variety, it follows that the two terms are synonymous, and are not even different in degree ; and although they are understood by some entomologists to indicate particular phases of variation, by many others they are not so understood, but are used indiscriminately in conversation as in writing when referring to any departure from the normal characteristics of an insect. Dr. Staudinger divides varieties into three classes : 1. Aberrations, or those varieties which appear singly in the same place and at the same time as the type. These may be VI PREFACE. again divided into such as repeat themselves almost constantly, as, for example, Argynnis paphia v. valesma ; and into such as only occur occasionally. 2. Varieties, or local races. Example: Erebia epiphron v. cassiope. 3. Darwinian species. In this class Dr. Staudinger includes all those forms about which he was doubtful as to whether they were distinct species or not. Example : Noctua f estiva v. conflua. I am inclined to consider all varieties not abnormities as incipient species, or, put into other words, that the occasional aberration, the permanent local variety, or the Darwinian species, are but stages, as it were, in the ultimate production of distinct species. It may happen, and undoubtedly does happen, that a variety never passes the occasional or aberrant stage, because the nature of its surroundings, or other incidental circumstances, may not be favourable to the perpetuation of such variety. On the other hand, a variety only met with rarely, and in consequence considered an aberration, may, in a com- paratively short time, become a local form or race, as, for instance, in the case of Amphidasys betularia v. doMedayarut. This form was almost unknown some thirty years ago in the neighbourhood of Manchester ; now it is to be obtained in numbers there. I have omitted from the body of the present list a few species, which have hitherto found a place in former lists of British Lepidoptera. The suppressed species have been arranged together under the heading of " Casual or Accidental Visitors." In thus setting apart these species it must not be inferred that their actual capture in this country is questioned, but it implies that further information respecting them is necessary before they can be considered indigenous. Take Chcerocampa nerii for example. This is a common insect throughout Africa, and its range extends into the southern parts of Asia and Europe. In Central Europe it is a great rarity ; and although single examples have at intervals of several years certainly been captured in the British Islands, and even as far north as Finland, such occurrences are phenomenal. BICHAKD SOUTH. LONDON, April 7th, 2SS4. ABBBEVIATIONS. Bar Barrett. Bdv Boisduval. Beck Beckwith. Bent Bentley. Bgstr Bergstrasser. Birch Birchall. Bork Borkhausen. Brd Bruand. Bjerk Bjerkander. Cr Cramer. Curt Curtis. Dbl Doubleday. Dbl. Cat Doubleday Cata- logue, 1847. Desv Desvignes. D. L Doubleday Synony- mic List, 1859. Don Donovan. Donz Donzel. Dougl Douglas. Dup Duponchel. Esp Esper. Ev Eversmann. Edl Edleston. F b Fabricius. Feisth Feisthamel. Fisch Fischer Edler von Rosier stamm. Forst Forster. Fr'ol Frolich. Frr , Freyer. Fues Fuessly. Gerh Gerhard. Germ Germar. Gn Guenee. God Godart. Greg Gregson. Hatch Hatchet. Haw Haworth. Hb Hiibner. Hein Heinemann. Hoch Hochenwarth. Hodgn Hodgkinson. H.-S Herrich-Schaffer. Hufn Hufnagel. Hml Hummel. Heyd Heyden. Ill Illiger. Kol . . Kollar, L Linnaeus. Latr Latreille. Lasp Laspeyres. Ld Lederer. Lef. Lefebvre. Lien Lienig. Marsh Marsham. Meig Meigen. Mitt Milliere. Miill. . Muller. Newm. Nolck. Newman. Nolcken. Och Ochsenheimer. Oliv Olivier. Pall Pallas. Panz Panzer. Pier Pierret. Ratzb Eatzeburg. Rbr Bambur. Retz Betzius. Rossi Bossier. Rott Bottemburg. ScUff. Schiffermiiller. Schl Schlager. Schr Schranck. Schulz Schultze. Scop Scopoli. Selys Selys-Longchamps. Sodof. Sodoffsky. St Stephens. Sta Stainton. Stgr Staudinger. Sulz Sulzer. Tausch Tauscher. Thnb Thunberg. Tgstr Tengstrom. Tr Treitschke. Tisch Tischen. View Vieweg. Vill Villers. Wallgr Wallengren. Wd Wood. Wernb Werneburg. Westw Westwood. Wk Wocke. Wilk Wilkinson. Zell Zeller. Zett Zetterstedt. Zinck Zinckeu. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 2, column 3. Insert allantiformis, Wd., Newm., as a synonym of ANDRENI- FORMIS ; delete allantiformis as a synonym of TIPULIFORMIS ; delete D. L. after v. thynniformis, ZelL ,,3, 3. For ARCTIA, St., read ARCTIA, Schr. 4, 3. For Dicranulidae, Bdv., read Dicranuridse, Bdv. 5, 2. For MYRIC;E, Gn. \ A (EUPHORBIA, Fb. euphorbia, DM. Cat.} \ v. myricae, Gn. 6, 1. Delete the genus CALAMIA, Hb. ,,6, ,, 2. For pinistri, L., read pinastri, L. 7, 3. Delete HELVETINA, Bdv.(?) ,, 8, ,, 1. Add helvetina, Knagga (non Bdv.), as a synonym of CASTANKA, Esp. 9, 2. Delete the genus APOROPHYLA, Gn. 10, 3. In the genus THALPOCHARES, Ld., insert the species PAULA, Hb. noctualis, Hb. 11, 2. For BROMOLOCHA, Hb., read BOMOLOCHA, Hb. 11, ,, 3. For PARALELELLARIA, Sclllff., read PABALLELLARU, ,SV/i///'. ,, 13, ,, 2. Insert mancuniata, Knaggs, as a var. of SUBSERICEATA, llmr. 14, 2. Before the genus ASPILATES, Tr., insert LYTHRIA, ////. PURPURARIA, L. 14, 3. For LEUCOPHEARIA, Schiff., read LEUCOPHSARIA, Schiff. ,,16, ,, 3. For SITERATA, Hufn., read SIDERATA, Hufn. 20, 3. For GYMNANCYCLA, ZelL, read GYMNANCYLA, 7<-ll. 21, 1. For RODOPILEA, Gn., read RHODOPH^A, Gn. ,, 21, ,, 2. For RUBORTIBIELLA, Fisch., read RUBROTIBIELLA, ,,23, 1. For ARGYROTOZA, St., read ARGYROTOXA, S? 23, 1. For DILUTA, St., read DITULA, St. 24, 2. For PHTHEOCROA, St., read PHTHEOCHROA, ,, 28, ,, 1. For FLAVICILLANA, DbL, read FLAVICILIANA, DM. 38, ,, 3. For HEERGERIELLA, ZelL, read HEEGERIELLA, '/.<]]. 39, ,, 1. For SALICIELLA, Tr., read SALACIELLA, Tr. ,,40, 1. For NACILIA, Bdv., read NACLIA, Bdv. 'THE ENTOMOLOGIST' SYNONYMIC LIST OF BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA, RHOPALOCERA. Papilionidae. PAPILIO, L. MACHAON, L. Pieridse. APOEIA, Hb. CRAT^EGI, L. PIEEIS, Schr. BRASSICJE, L. v. g. 1, chariclea, St. RAP^E, L. v. g. 1, metra, St. NAPI, L. v. g. 2, napaeaB, Esp. DAPLIDICE, L. EUCHLOE, Hb. (ANTHOCHARIS, Bdv.) CARDAMINES, L. LEUCOPHASIA, St. SINAPIS, L. v. g. 1 , lathyri, Hb. v. g. 2, diniensis, Bdv. v. $ erysimi, Bork. COLIAS, Bdv. HYALE, L. EDUSA, Fb. v. $ helice, Hb. GONOPTERYX, Leach. EHAMNI, L. Nymphalidae. ARGYNNIS, Fb. SELENE, thalia, Esp. EUPHROSYNE, L. LATONA, L. AGLAIA, L. v. charlotta, Sowerby. ADIPPE, L. v. cleodoxa, Ocli. PAPHIA, L. v. J valesina, Esp. MELIT.EA, Fb. AURINIA, Eott. (1775) artemis, Fb. (1776), D.L. v. hibernica, Birch. CINXIA, L. delia, Bork. pilosellaB, Esp. ATHALIA, Eott. dictynna, Haw. (non Esp.) v. corythalia, Hb. v. navarina, Selys. VANESSA, Ocli. C-ALBUM, L. POLYCHLOROS, L. URTICJE, L. 10, L. ANTIOPA, L. ATALANTA, L. CARDUI, L. v. elymi, Rbr. LIMENITIS, Bdv. SIBYLLA, L. Camilla, L. Apaturidse. APATURA, Fb. IRIS, L. v. iole, Schiff. Satyridse. MELANARGIA, Meig. GALATEA, L. EREBIA, Bdv. EPIPHRON, KnocJi. mnemon, Haw. fcassiope, Fb.* (melampus, Esp. ^ETHIOPS, Esp. medea, Hb., D.L. blandina, Fb. PARARGE, Hb. EGERIA, L. meone, Esp. v. egerides, Stgr. MEG^JRA, L. inegaerina, H.-S. SATYRUS, Bdv. SEMELE, L. EPINEPHELE, Hb. IANIRA, L. $ jurtina, L. B v. SYNONYMIC LIST OF TITHONU3, L. amaryllis, Bork. herse, Hb. phaecTra, Esp, HYPEKANTHES, L. polymeda, Hb. v. arete, Miill. CCENONYMPHA, Hb. (CHORTOBIUS, Gn.) TYPHON, Eott. (1775) davus,F6. (1777), D.L. (philoxenus, Esp. jrothliebi, Stgr. v. laidion, Bork. PAMPHILUS, L. nephele, Hufn. v. g. 2, lyllus, Esp. Lycsenidee. THECLA, Fb. BETUL^S, L. w- ALBUM, Enoch. pruni, Haw. PRUNI, L. QUERCUS, L. RUBI, L. POLYOMMATUS, Bdv. DISPAR, Haw. hippothoe, Lewin. SPHINGES. Sphingidse, Bdv. ACHERONTIA, Och. ATROPOS, L. SPHINX, L. CONVOLVULI, L. LIGUSTRI, L. PINASTRI, L. DEILEPHILA, Och. EUPHORBIJE, L. GALII, Schiff. LIVORNICA, Esp. lineata, Fb. CHCEROCAMPA, Dup. CELERIO, L. PORCELLUS, L. ELPENOR, L. PHL03AS, L. v. schmidtii, Gerh. v. eleus, Fb. LYC^NA, Tr. B^JTICA, L. ;EGON, Schiff. argus, Haw. argryrotoxus, Bgstr. ASTRARCHE, Bgstr. medon, Esp., D.L. agestis, Hb. Idas, Haw. v. allous, Hb. v. salmacis, St. v. artaxerxes, Fab. ICARUS, Eott. alexis, Hb., D.L. v. icarinus, Scriba. BELLARGUS, Eott. adonis,^., D.L. v. ceronus, Esp. v. hyacinthus, Lewin. CORYDON, 1^6. tiphys, Esp. ARGIOLUS, L. acis, Fb. SEMIARGUS, Eott. (1775) &cis,Schi/. (1776), D.L. argiolus, Esp. cymon, Haw. HETEROCERA. SMERINTHUS, Latr. OCELLATUS, L. salicis, Hb. hybrid, hybridus, Westw. POPULI, L. TILLE, L. MACROGLOSSA, Och. STELLATARUM, L. FUCIFORMIS, L. bombyliformis, Esp. BOMBYLIFORMIS, Odl. fuciformis, Esp. Sesiidse, H.-S. TROCHILIUM, Scop. APIFORMIS, Clerck. crabroniformis, Schijf. CRABRONIFORMIS, Lewin. bembecifonnis, Hb., D.L. MINIMA, Fues. (1775) alsus, Fab. (1776) D.L. ARION, L. Erycinidae, NEMEOBIUS, St. LUCINA, L. Hesperiidae. SYRICHTHUS, Bdv. MALV-E, L. alveolus, Hb., D. L. v. taras, Meig. NISONIADES, Hb. (1816) (THANAOS, Bdv.) (1832) TAGES, L. HESPERIA, Bdv. TRAUMAS, Hufn. (176G) linea, Fb. (1787), D.L. ACTION, Eott. SYLVANUS, Esp. COMMA, L. CARTEROOEPHALUS, Ld. PALJEMON, Pall. (1771) paniscus, Fb. (1775), D.L. brontes, Hb. SCIOPTERON, Stgr. TABANIFORMIS, Rott. asiliformis, Schiff., D.L. vespiforme, Westw. SESIA, Fb. SCOLIIFORMIS, Boric. SPHEGIFORMIS, Fb. ANDRENIFORMIS, Ld8p. anthraciformis. Esp. OM^faUMM . W* *"-r l TIPULIFORMIS, Clerck. salmachus, Hufn. allantiforinia, Wd^ Nowm. ASILIFORMIS, Sott. (1775) cynipifomiis, Esp. (1782) vespiformis, Lasp. [D. L. MYOPIFORMIS, Bork. mutillaeformis, Lasp. CULICIFORMIS, L. v. thynuiformis, ZeU., BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. FORMICIFORMIS, Esp. ICHNEUMONIFORMIS, Fb. MUSCIFORMIS, View. philanthiformis, Lasp. CHRYSIDIFORMIS, Esp. Zygaenidse, Gn. INO, Leach. GLOBULARIJE, Hb. STATICES, Z. GERYON, Hb. ZYG.ENA, Fb. FILOSELLE, Esp. (1781) minos, Fues. (1782), D.Z v. nubigena, Ld.* EXULANS, Hocll. v. subochracea, White* MELILOTI, Esp. TRIFOLII, Esp. loti, Haw. v. confluens, Stgr. LONICER^E, Esp. FILIPENDUL^, Z. v. chrysanthemi, Esp. v. cytisi, Hb. BOMBYCES. Nycteolidae, H.-S. SAEOTHEIPUS, Gn. UNDULANUS, Hb. revayana, Tr., D. L. rivagana, Fb. ramosana, Dup. afzelianus, Wd. v. ilicana, Fb. v. punctana, Hb. v. /ramosana, Hb. v. jramulanus, Curt. v. dilutana, Hb. v. undulana, Hb. v. degenerana, Hb. v. stonanus, Curt. v. lathamianus, St. EAEIAS, Hb. CHLORANA, Z. HYLOPHILA, Hb. (HALIAS, Tr., Gn.) PRASINANA, Z. fagana, Fb. 'ues. (1775) quercana, Schiff. (1776), prasinana, Fb. [D.L. Nolidse, Gn. NOLA, Leach. CUCULLATELLA, Z. palliolalis, Hb. STRIGULA, Schiff. monachalis, Haw. CONFUSALIS, H.-S. cristulalis, Dup., D. L. ALBULALIS, Hb. CENTONALIS, Hb. Lithosiidse, St. NUDAEIA, Haw. SENEX, Hb. rotunda, Haw. MUNDANA, Zr. nuda, Hb. hernerobia, Hb. SETINA, St. IRRORELLA, ClercJc. (signata, BorJe. \roscida, St. CALLIGENIA, Dup. MINIATA, For St. rosea, Fb. rubicunda, Schiff. LITHOSIA, Fb. MESOMELLA, Zr. eborina, Hb. MUSCERDA, Hufn. pudorina, Esp. SORORCULA, Hufn. aureola, Hb., D. L. unita, Esp. LUTARELLA, Zr. luteola, Schiff. v. pygmasola, Dbl.* GRISEOLA, Hb. plumbeolata, St. (flava, Haw. v. j gilveola, St. (stramineola, Dbl. DEPLANA, Esp. 2 depressa, Esp. A helvola, Hb. helveola, Och. LURIDEOLA, Zinck. complanula, Bdv. plumbeola, H.-S. complana, Haw. COMPLANA, Z. depressa, St. SERICEA, Greg. molybdeola, Gn. CANIOLA, Hb. GNOPHEIA, St. QUADRA, L. RUBRICOLLIS, L. EMYDIA, Bdv. CRIBRUM, L. Eucheliidae, Gn. DEIOPEIA, St. PULCHELLA, L. pulchra, Schiff'. EUCHELIA, Bdv. JACOB^^3j L. CALLIMOEPHA, Latr. DOMINULA, L. (persona, Hb. ' (donna, Esp. HERA, L. Cheloniidae, Gn. NEMEOPHILA, St. $RUSSULA, L. $ sannio, L. PLANTAGINIS, L. v. hospita, Schiff. AECTIA, 3&Sd*. CAIA, L. VILLICA, Zr. SPILOSOMA, Curt. FULIGINOSA, L. v. borealis, Stgr. MENDICA, ClercTc. LUBRICIPEDA, Esp. fzatima, Cr. ' (radiata, St. MENTHASTRI, Esp. v. ochracea, White. v. walkeri, Curtis. vmicjE, Esp. papyratia, Harsh. Hepialidae. Gn. HEPIALUS, Fb, HUMULI, Z. v. hethlandica, Stgr. SYLVANUS, Z. hamma, Hb. lupulina, Hb. SYNONYMIC LIST OF VELLEDA, Hb. mappa, Don. (gallicus, Ld. v ' "[carnus, St. LUPULINUS, L. flina, Hb. v. fuscus, Haw. HECTUS, L. $ nemorosa, Esp. $ jodutta, Esp. Cossidae, H.-S. COSSUS, Fb. LIGNIPEBDA, Fb. ZEUZERA, Latr. PYRINA, L. t F. S., 306. aesculi, L., S. N., xii., D. L. MACBOGASTER, Dup. CASTANET, Hb. (1790) arundinis, Hb. (1803) Cochliopodidae, Bdv. HETEROGENEA, Knoch. LIMACODES, Hufn. testudo, Schiff.,D.L. $ bufo, Fb. funalis, Don. ASELLA, Schiff. cruciata, Knock. aseUus, D.L. Liparidae, Gn. PORTHESIA, St. (LI PARIS, Och.) CHRYSORRH(EA, L. auriflua, Esp. phaeorrhoea, Haw. SIMILIS, Fues. auriflua, Fb., D.L. chrysorrhcea, Esp. LEUCOMA, St. SALICIS, L. L^ELIA, St. C(ENOSA, Hb. OCNERIA, E.-8. DISPAR, L. PSILURA, St. MONACHA, L. v. eremita, Och. DASYCHIRA, St. FASCELINA, L. PUDIBUNDA, L. ORGYIA, Och. GONOSTIGMA, Fb. ANTIQUA, L. Bombycidae. TRICHIURA, St. CRATJEGI, L. . PCECILOCAMPA, St. POPULI, L. ERIOGASTER, Gn. LANESTRIS, L. BOMBYX, L. NEUSTRIA, L. v. bilineatus, Haw. GASTRENSIS, L. RUBI, L. QUERCUS, L. v. callunffl, Palmer. v. $ roboris, Schr. TRIFOLH, Esp. v. medicaginis, Bork. ODONESTIS, Germ. POTATORIA, L. LASIOCAMPA, Latr. QUERCIFOLIA, L. v. alnifolia, Och. ILICIFOLIA, L. betulifolia, Esp. Endromidae, Bdc, ENDROMIS, Och. VERSICOLOR, L. Saturniidae, Bdv. SATURNIA, Schr. PAVONIA, L. carpini, Schijf., D.L. Drepanulidae, DREPANA, Schr. (1802) (PLATYPTERYX,La*j>.) (1803) LACERTINARIA, L. lacertula, Schiff., D. L. v. scincula, Hb. HARPAGULA, Esp. (1786) sicula, Hb. (1797), D.L. FALCATARIA, L. falcula, Schiff., D.L. v. pallida, White. BIN ARIA, Hufn. (1769) hamula, Esp., D. L. CULTRARIA, Fb. (1775) unguicula,J/6.(1797), D.L. CILIX, Leach. GLAUCATA, Scop. spinula, Schiff., D.L. compressa, Fb. Dicranutidae, Bdv. DICRANURA, Latr. (CERURA, Schr.) BICUSPIS, Borlt. FURCULA, L. bicuspis, St. (non Bork.) v. latifascia, Curt. BIFIDA, Hb. arcuata, St. fuscinula, St. (non Dup.) VINULA, L. erminea, St. (non Hb.) STAUROPUS, Germ. FAGI, L. Notodontidae, Gn. GLYPHISIA, Bdv. CRENATA, crenosa, Hb. PTILOPHORA, St. PLUMIGERA, Esp. variegata, St. PTEROSTOMA, Germ. (1811) (PTILODONTIS, St.) (1838) PALPINA, L. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. LOPHOPTERYX, St. CAMELINA, L. CUCULLA, Esp. cucullina, Hb. CARMELITA, FLAVICORNIS, L. luteicornis, Haw. RLDENS, Fb. chrysoceras, Beck. xanthoceros, Bork. NOTODONTA, Ocli. BICOLOR, Hb. DICT^A, L. DICT^OIDES, Esp. DROMEDARIUS, L. v. dromedarulus, Haw. perfusca, St. TRILOPHUS, Fb. perfuscus, Haw. ? ZIGZAG, L. TREPIDA, Esp. CHAONIA, Hb. TRIMACULA, Esp. v. dodonea, Hb., D. L. Pygaeridse, Gn. PHALERA, Hb. BUCEPHALA, L. PYG.ERA, Och. (1810) (CLOSTERA, St.) (1829) CURTULA, L. ANACHORETA, Fb. PIGRA, Hufn. reclusa, Fb., D.L. Cymatophoridae. H.-S. THYATIRA, Och. DERASA, L. BATIS, L. CYMATOPHORA, Tr. OCTOGESIMA, Hb. (1786) octogena, Esp. ocularis, Gn.(nonL.S.N., xii. 837), D. L. OR, Fb. flavicornis, Haw. DUPLARIS, L. bipuncta, Bork. FLUCTUOSA, Hb. v ASPHALIA. DILUTA, Fb. bipuncta, Dup. NOCTILE. Bryophilidae, Gn. BRYOPHILA, Tr. ALG^J, Fb. spoliatricula, Hb. MURALIS, Forst. (1771) glandifera, Hb. (1876), PAR, Hb. [IXL PERLA, Fb. Bombycoidse, Bdv. MOMA, Hb. (DIPHTHERA, Och.) ORION, Esp. runica, Haw. DEMAS, St. CORYLI, L. ACRONYCTA, Och. TRIDENS, PSI, L. v. cuspis, St. LEPORINA, L. v. bradyporina, Tr. ACERIS, L. f candelisequa, Esp. v * jinfuscata, Haw. MEGACEPHALA, Fb. STRIGOSA, Fb. favillacea, Esp. ALNI, L. LIGUSTRI, Fb. v. coronula, Haw. RUMICIS, L. salicis, Curt. AURICOMA, Fb. v. similis, Haw. v. menyanthidis, Haw. MENYANTHIDIS, View. v. salicis, Curt. MYRIC.E, Gil. --c~~*/,*^.. % euphorbiae, Dbl. Cat.^ DILOBA, Bdv. C-ERULEOOEPHALA, L. ARSILONCHE, Ld. ALBOVENOSA, Goze (1781) venosa, Bork. (1792), D. L. degener, Hb. atomina, Haw. Leucaniidse, Gn. SYNIA, Dup. MUSCULOSA, Hb. nervosa, St. LEUCANIA, Och. CONIGERA, Fb. floccida, Esp. VITELLINA, Hb, TURCA, L. LITHARGYRIA, Esp. lithargyrea, Hb. $ anargyria, Dup. ALBIPUNCTA, Fb. EXTRANEA, Gn. OBSOLETA, Hb. PUTRESCENS, Hb. boisduvalii, Dup. LITTORALIS, Curt. IMPUDENS, Hb. pudorina, Hb., D. L. COMMA, L. turbida, Hb. STRAMINEA, Tr. IMPURA, Hb. v. punctina, Haiv. FALLENS, L. v. rufescens, Haw. v. arcuata, St. v. suffusa, St. v. ochracea, St. CALAMIA, Hb. PHRAGMITIDIS, Hb. verecunda, Ev. FLAMMEA, Curt. dubiosa, Tr. arundinicola, Dbl. Cat. SENTA, St. MARITIMA, Tauscli. (1806) ulvae, Hb.,D.L. sericea, Curt. v. bipunctata, Haw. v. wsmariensis, Schmidt. v. nigrostriata, Stgr. SYNONYMIC LIST OF CCENOBIA, Haw. RUFA, Haw. despecta, Tr. v. lineola, St. TAPINOSTOLA, Ld. FULVA, Hb. pygmina, Haw. J fluxa, H.-S. v. pallida, St. v. neurica, St. HELLMANNI, Evera. EXTREMA, Hb. concolor, Gn. BONDII, Knaggs. ELYMI, Tr. NONAGKIA, Och. CANN^J, Och. algae, Esp. arundinis, Hb. SPARGANII, Esp. ARUNDINIS, Fb. (1787) typhse, Esp. (1789) GEMINIPDNCTA, Hatch. paludicola, Hb. NEURICA, Hb. v. hessii, Bdv. BREVILINEA, Fenn. v. alinea, Farn. CALAMIA, Hb. LUTOSA, Hb. crassicornis, Haw. pilicornis, Haw. bathyerga, Frr. Apameidae, Gn. GOETYNA, Och. OCHRACEA, Hb. (1786) flavago, Esp.,D.L. ochraceago, Haw. lappaa, Don. HYDBCECIA, Gn. NICTITANS, Boric. chrysographa, Hb. auricula, Don. v. lucens, Frr. v. erythrostigma, Haw. PETASITIS, Dbl. vindelicia, Frr. MICACEA, Esp. cypriaca, Hb. AXYLIA, Hb. PUTlilS, L. XYLOPHASIA, 8t. RUREA, Fb. I alopecurus, Esp. v. \ combusta, Dup. [ aquila, Donz. LITHOXYLEA, Fb. SUBLUSTRIS, Esp. musicalis, Dup. MONOGLYPHA, Hufn. polyodon, L. t D. L. HEPATIC A, L. characterea, Hb. epomidion, Haw. SCOLOPACINA, abbreviata, Haw DIPTEEYGIA, St. SCABRIUSCULA, L. (1758) pinistri, L. (1761), D. L. dipterygia, Hufn. tripterygia, Esp. CLOANTHA, Bdv. POLYODON, Clerck. (1759) perspicillaris, L. (1761), APOBOPHYLA, Gn." AUSTRALIS, Bdv. v. pascuea, Curt. LAPHYGMA, Gn. EXIGUA, Hb. NEUBIA, Gn. RETICULATA, Vill. (1789) calcatrippae, View. (1790) sapponariae, Bork. (1792), typica, Hb. ID. L. NEUEONIA, Hb. POPULARIS, Fb. typicoides, Don. HELIOPHOBUS, Bdv. HISPIDUS, Hb. pilosa, Bdv. CHAB^IAS, St. GRAMINIS, L. hibernicus, Curt. v. tricuspis, Esp. PACHETBA, Gn. LEUCOPH^A, View. LUPEBINA, Bdv. TESTACEA, Hb. v. unca, Haw. v. lunata-strigata, Haw. v. x-notata, Haw. v. ? gueneei, Dbl. DUMERILI, Dup. CESPITIS, Fb. autumnalis, Curt. MAMESTBA, Och. ABJECTA, Hb. nigricans, View. fribolus, Bdv. SORDIDA, Boric. (1792) anceps, Hb. (1804), D. /, infesta, Tr. aliena, Dup. contigua, Haw. ALBICOLON, Hb. FURVA, Hb. BBASSICJE, L. v. albidilinea, Haw. PERSICARLE, L. APAMEA, Och. BASILINEA, Fb. CONNEXA, Bork. elota, Hb. GEMINA, Hb. furva, St. (non Fb.) v. remissa, Tr. UNANIMIS, Tr. secalina, Haw. OPHIOGRAMMA, Esp. biloba, Haw. LEUCOSTIGMA, Hb. v. fibrosa, Hb., D. L. lunina, Haw. DIDYMA, Esp. oculea, Gn., D. L. fleucostigma, L 'y. ' (lugens, I Jaw. v. i-niger, Haw. v. furca, Haw. v. rava, Haw. CEBIGO, St. MATURA, Hufn. (17G7) texta, Esp. (1787) cytherea, Fb. (1794), D. L. MIANA, St. STKIGILIS, Clerck. praeduncula, Hb. v. latruncula, Lang. v. asthiops, Haw. FASCIUNCULA, HttW. rubeuncula, Donz. v. cana, Haw. v. strigilis, Gn. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. IJTEROSA, Haw. erratricula, Haw. suffuruncula, Tr. BICOLORIA, Vill. furuncula, Tr., D. L. y f furuncula, Hb. (terminalis, Haw. v. rufuncula, Haw. v. vinctuncula, Hb. ARCUOSA, Haw. minima, Haw. duponcnelii, Bdv. PHOTHEDES, Ld. CAPTIUNCULA, Tr. expolita, Sta. CEL^ENA, St. HAWORTHII, Curt. erupta, Frr. ' v. lancea, St. v. tripuncta, Curt. v. hibernica, St. Caradrinidee, On. GEAMMESIA, St. TRIGRAMMICA, Hufn. (1767) trilinea, Boric , D. L. quercus, Fb. v. bilinea, Hb. STILBIA, St. ANOMALA, Halt). hybridata, Hb. stagnicola, Tr. lathryi, Bdv. CAEADEINA, Och. MORPHEUS, Hufn. sepii, Hb., St. ALSINES, Brahm. sordida, Haw. TARAXACI, Hb. blanda, Tr., D. L. v. redacta, Haw. v. ambigua, St. v. implexa, St. v. laevis, St. AMBIGUA, Fb. plantaginis, Hb. QUADRIPUNCTATA, Fb. (1775) grisea, liott. cubicularis, Boric. (1792), superstes, St. [D. L ACOSMETIA, St. CALIGINOSA, Hb. lutescens, Haw. stagnicola, Dup. HYDEILLA, Bdv. PALUSTRIS, Hb. luteola, Frr. transfuga, Zett. EUSINA, 8t. TENEBROSA, Hb. phaeus, Haw. $ obsoletissima, Haw. Noctuidge, On. AGEOTIS, Och. VESTIGIALIS, Hufn. (1776) valligera, Hb., D.L. clavis, Esp. sagittiferus, Haw. endogsea, Bdv. PUTA, Hb. radius, Haw. radiola, St. v. lignosa, God. SUFFUSA, Hb. upsilon, Eott. spinula, Esp., Don. spinifera, Haiv. SAUCIA, Hb. fmargaritosa, Haw. (asqua, Hb. SEGETUM, Schiff. segetis, Fb. fuscosa, Esp. clavis, Eott. v. catasnatus, Haw. v. pectinatus, Haiv. v. monileus, Haw. v. spinulus, Haw. v. connexus, Haw. v. corticeus, Haw. v. venosus, Haw. v. subatratus, Haw. v. nigrocornutus, Haic LUNIGERA, St. EXCLAMATIONIS, L. $ picea, Haw. v. plaga, St. CORTICEA, Hb. $ clavigerus, Haw. 5 subfusca, Haio. CINEREA, Hb. denticulatus, Haw. ? obscura, Hb. murina, Ev. RIP.E, Hb. nebulosa, St. obotritica, Schmidt. CURSORIA, Bork. v. venosa, St. NIGRICANS, L. fumosa, Hb. v. ruris, Haw. v. sordida, Haw. v. obeliscata, Haw. v. dubis, Haw. v. marshallana, Westw. TRITICT, L. v. lineolata, Haw. v. albilinea, Haw. v. valligera, Haiv. v. cuneigera, St. v. sagittifera, St. v. ocellina, St. AQUILINA, Hb. v. vitta, St. v. hortorum, St. OBELISCA, Hb. AGATHINA, Dup. albimacula, St. leucographa, St. STRIGULA, Thnb. (1788) ericas, Haw. PRECOX, L. praaceps, Schiff. OBSCURA, Brahm. (1790) ravida,fl6. (postlSOO) ,D.L. crassa, Haw. SIMULANS, Hufn. pyrophila, Fb., D. L. radicea, Esp. LUCERNEA, L. cataleuca, Bdv. renigera, St. ASHWORTHII, Dbl. vallesiaca, Sta. Ann. NOCTUA, Gn. GLAREOSA, hebraica, Hb. i-geminum, Dup. DEPUNCTA, L. mendosa, Hb. AUGUR, Fb. hippophaes, Hb. assimulans, Bork. PLECTA, L. FLAMMATRA, Fb. 0-NIGRUM, L. 8 DITRAPEZIUM, tristigma, Tr. TRIANGULUM, Hufn. rhomboidea, Esp. STIGMATICA, Hb. rhomboidea, Tr., D. L. tristigma, St. BRUNNEA, Fb. lucifera, Esp. FESTIVA, Hb. v. subrufa, Haw. v. conflua, Tr. DAHLII, Hb. erythrocephala, Haw. SUBROSEA, St. RUBI, View. bella, Bork. punicea, Haw. quadratum, Hb. UMBROSA, Hb. sex-strigata, Haw. BAIA, Fb. SOBRINA, On. CASTANEA, Esp., 1795 cerasina, Frr. laevis, Haw. v. neglecta, Hb., D. L. T***vtK~-i <~^ , XANTHOGRAPHA, If 0. tetragona, Haw. TRIPH^NA, Och. IANTHINA, Esp. domiduca, Knoch. FIMBRIA, L. domiduca, Hufn. INTERJECTA; Hb. ORBONA, Hufn. (1767) subsequa,m(1776),D.L COMES, Hb. orbona, Fb. t D. L. v. adsequa, Tr. v. prosequa, Tr. v. curtisii, Newm. PRONUBA, L. v. innuba, Tr. v. hoagei, H.-S. Amphipyridse, On. AMPHIPYRA, Och. PYRAMIDEA, L. TRAGOPOGONIS, L. MANIA, Tr. TYPICA, L. MAURA, L. SYNONYMIC LIST OP Orthosiidse, Gn. PANOLIS, Hb. PINIPERDA, Panz. PACHNOBIA, Chi. LEUCOGRAPHA, Hb. RUBRICOSA, Fb. v. mista, Hb. v. rufa, Haw. HYPERBOREA, Zett. alpina, Westw. v. carnica, Hering. T^ENIOCAMPA, On. OOTHICA, L. v. gothioina, H.-S. INCERTA, Hufn. (1767) instabilis, Esp., D. L. contracta, Esp. \. fuscatus, Haw. v. nebulosus, Haw. v. subsetaceus, Haw. v. angusta, Haw. OPIMA, Hb. POPULETI, Fb. subplumbeus, Haw. gracilis, St. BTABILIS, View. cerasi, Fb., Haw. v. junctus, Haw. v. rufannulata, Haw. GRACILIS, Fb. sparsus, Haw. v. pallida, Haw. MINIOSA, Fb. MUNDA, bimaculatus, Haw. geminatus, Haw. v. immaculata, Stgr. PULVERULENTA, Esp. ambigua, Hb. cruda, Tr., D. L. nanus, Haw. pusilla, Haw. OETHOSIA, Och. SUSPECTA, Hb. finers, Tr. (congener, Hb. UPSILON, Boric. fissipuncta, Haw. LOTA, Clerclc. MACILENTA, Hb. flavilinea, Haw. ANCHOCELIS, On. ItUFINA, L. helvola, L., Haw. PISTACINA, Fb. v. lineola, Don. v. ferrea, Haw. LUNOSA, Haw. agrotoides, Gn. subjecta, Dup. LITURA, L. polluta, Ep. CERASTIS, Och. (GL^EA, St.) VACCINII, L. v. polita, Haw. SPADICEA, Hb. v. subnigra. Haw. ERYTHROCEPHALA, Fb. v. glabra, 7/6. SCOPELOSOMA, Curt. SATELLITIA, L. DASYCAMPA, Gn. RUBIGINEA, Fb. tigerina, Esp. sulphurago, Bork. OPORINA, Bdv. CROCEAGO, Fb. aurantiago, Don. XANTHIA, Och. CITRAGO, L. FDLVAGO, L. cerago, Fb., D. L. f gilvago, Haw. v * I flavescens, Esp. FLAVAGO, Fb. (1787) togata, Esp. (1788) silago, Hb. (1800), D.L. rubago, Don. AURAGO, Fb. v. fucata, Esp. UILVAGO, Esp. CIRCELLARIS, Hufn. ferruginea, Esp., D. L. macilenta, Haw. CIRRHCEDIA, Gn. XERAMPELINA, Hb. centrago, Haw. y. unicolor, Gn. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. 9 Cosmiidse, Gn. TETHEA, Ocli. SUBTUSA, Fb. RETUSA, L. v. gracilis, Haw. COSMIA, Och. (EUPEEIA, Gn.) PALE ACE A, Esp. fulvago, Hb., D.L. DICYCLA, Gn. oo, L. ferruginago, Hb. v. renago, Haw. CALYMNIA, Hb. TRAPEZINA, L. PYRALINA, View. corusca, Esp. DIFFINIS, L. affinis, Hb. AFFINIS, L. Hadenidse. EEEMOBIA, St. (ILAKUS, Bdv.) OCHROLEUCA, Esp. DIANTHCECIA, Bdv. LUTEAGO, Hb. v. barretti, Dbl. C^SIA, Bork. dichroma, Esp. NANA, Rott. conspersa, Esp., D. L. annulata, Fb. ALBIMACULA, Boric. compta, Esp. concinna, Hb. COMPTA, Fb. CAPSINCOLA, Hb. v. behenis, Fir. CUOUBALI, Fues. triangularis, Thnb. CARPOPHAGA, perplexa, Hb. v. ochracea, Haw. CAPSOPHILA, Dup. IRREGULARIS, Hufn. syngenesiae, Scriba. echii, Bork. brecciseformis, Esp. HECATEEA, Gn. CHRYSOZONA, BorJf. dysodea, Hb., D. L. SERENA, Fb. bicolorata, Ld. POLIA, Tr. CHI, L. v. olivacea, St. FLAVICINCTA, Fb. v. meridionalis, Bdv. XANTHOMISTA, Hb. v. nigrocincta, Tr. DASYPOLIA, Gn. TEMPLI, Tlirib. EPUNDA, Dup. LICHENEA, Hb. Gn. LUTULENTA, consimilis, St. v. luneburgensis, Frr. v. sedi, Gn. NIGRA, Haw, tethiops, Och. nigricans, Hb. CLEOCEBIS, Bdv. VIMINALIS, Fb. saliceti, Bork. v. obscura, Stgr. VALEEIA, Germ. OLEAGINA, Fb. MISELIA, St. OXYACANTILE, L. v. capucina, Mill. BIMACULOSA, L. AGEIOPIS, Bdv. APRILINA, L. runica, Schiff. EUPLEXIA, St. LUCIPARA, L. PHLOGOPHOEA, Och. METICULOSA, L. TEIGONOPHOEA, Hb. FLAMMEA, Esp. (1785) empyrea, Hb. (1799) APLECTA, Gn. PRASINA, Fb. (1787) herbida, Hb. (post 1798), D.L. mixta, Haw. OCCULTA, L. NEBULOSA, Hufn. bimaculosa, Esp. grandis, Don., Haw. TINCTA, Brahm. trimaculosa, Esp. argentina, Haw. ADVENA, Fb. CEYMODES, Gn. EXULIS, Lef. grcenlandica, Dup. marmorata, H.-S. assimilis, Dbl. gelida, Gn. poli, Gn. borea, H.-S. HADENA, Och. PORPHYREA, Esp. (1789) satura, Hb. (1800), D. L. ADUSTA, Esp. valida, Hb. duplex, Haw. v. satura, St. PROTEA, Bork. nebulosa, Walch. seladonia, Haw. GLAUCA, Hb. v. lappo, Dup. DENTINA, Esp. plebeja, Haw. v. latenai, Pier. TRIFOLII, Rott. chenopodii, Fb., D. L. verna, Esp. v. farkasii, Tr. ATRIPLICIS, L. DISSIMILIS, Knoch. suasa, Bork., D. L. dens-canis, Haw. OLERACEA, L. spinaciae, Bork. PISI, L. v. splendens, St. THALASSINA, Rott. gemina, Hb. humeralis, Haw. v. achates, Hb. 10 SYNONYMIC LIST OF CONTIGUA, Vill. spartii, Brahm. ariae, Esp. dives, Haw. GENISTA, BorJc. w-latinnm, Bork., Ilufn. ? rectilinea, Haw. (non Esp.) RECTILINEA, Esp. Xylinidse. XYLOCAMPA, Chi. AREOLA, Esp. (1789) lithoriza, Bork. (1792), D.L. ScJliff. fissina, Haw. v. chrysanthemi, Hb. UMBRATICA, L. 9 lucifuga, Esp., St. (non Schiff.) 5 lactucse, Hb., St. (non $ tanaceti, St.(non Sclii/.) Gonopteridse, Gn. GONOPTERA, Lair. LIBATRIX, L. HELIOTHIS, OcU. DIPSACEA, L. SCUTOSA, Sdliff. PELTIGERA, ScJliff. florentina, Esp. scutigera, Bork. barbara, Fb. ARMIGERA, Hb. CHARICLEA, St. UMBRA, Hufn. (1767) marginata, Fb. (1775) D.L. rutilago, Hb. XYLOMIGES, On. Plusiidse, Bdv. HABROSTOLA, Och. umurago, &sp. conspicua, Bork. CONSPICILLARIS, L. v. melaleuca, View. TRIPARTITA, Hufn. (1767) urticae, 1/6., post (1804), Acontiidae, Gn. CALOCAMPA, 8t. D.L. AGROPHILA, Bdv. VETUSTA, Hb. TRIPLASIA, L. TRABEALIS, Scop. (17G3) EXOLETA, L. PLUSIA, OcU. sulphuralis, L. (1766), D.L. SOLIDAGINIS, Hb. CHRYSON, Esp. (1789) sulphurca, Schiff. v. cinerascens, Stgr. orichalcea, Hb. (1790), XYLINA, Och. ORNITHOPUS, Eott. (177G) D. L. ffirifera, Sowerby. CHRYSITIS, L. ACONTIA, Och. LUCTUOSA, Esp. italica, View. rhizolitha, Fb. (1787), D.L. BRACTEA, Fb. lambda, Haw. FESTUCfi, L. Erastriidae, Gn. SEMIBRUNNEA, Haw. IOTA, L. oculata, Germ. v. percontationis, Tr., St. ERASTRIA, Och. SOCIA, Eott. (1776) v. inscripta, Esp. VENUSTULA, Hb. petrificata, Fb. (1787), PULCHRINA, Haw. FASCIANA, L. (1761) D.L. FURCIFERA, Hufn. (17C7) conformis, Fb. (1787) v. aureum, Gn. iota, St. inscripta, Dbl. Cat, pygarga, Hufn. (1766) fuscula, Bork., D. L. polygramma, Esp. LAMBDA, Fb. GAMMA, L. v. zinckenii, 2V. INTERROGATIONS, L. BANKIA, Gn. conscripta, Hb. ARGENTULA, Hb. ASTEROSCOPUS, Bdv. bankiana, Fb. NUBECTJLOSA, Esp. Heliothidse, Gn. sphinx, Hb. ANARTA, Tr. HYDRELIA, Gn. centrolinea, Fb. MELANOPA, TJinb. UNCULA, Clerck. (1759) SPHINX, Hufn. vidua, Hb. uncana, L. (1761) cassinea, Hb., D. L. CORDIGERA, Thnb. unca, Schiff., D.L. albirena, Hb. CUCULLIA, 8ehr. MYRTILLI, L. Anthophilidae, Gn. VERBASCI, L. ericae, Hufn. rii r r A T T\/~\/^TT A ~r\ -n n ~r i SCROPHULARI2E, LYCHNITIS, ASTERIS, GNAPHALII, Hb, ABSINTHII, L. HELIACA, H.-S. (HELIODES, Gn.) TENEBRATA, Scop. (1763) arbuti, Fb. (1775), D. L. heliaca, Bork. THALPOCHARES, Ld. (MICRA, Gn.) OSTRINA, Hb. purpurata, Ld. PARVA, Hb. minuta, Dup. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA, 11 Poaphilidse, Gn. PHYTOMETEA, Haw. VIRIDARIA, Clerck. (1659) laccata, Scop. (1763) amea, Hb. (1788), D. L. latruncula, Esp. Euclidiidse, Gn. EUCLIDIA, Och. MI, Clerck. GLYPHICA, L. Ophiusidae, Gn. OPHIODES, Gn. LUNARIS, Schiff. Catephiidse, Gn. CATEPHIA, Och. ALCHYMISTA, Sclllff. leucomelas, Hufn. Catoealidae, Gn. CATOCALA, Schr. FRAXINI, L. NUPTA, L. pacta, Hufn. concubina, Boric. PROMISSA, Esp. mneste, Hb. v. conjuncta, St. SPONSA, L. Aventiidae, Gn. AVENTIA, Dup. FLEXULA, Schiff. sinuata, Fb. flexularia, Hb. Toxocampidae, Gn. TOXOCAMPA, Gn. PASTINUM, Tr. lusoria, Haw. astragali, H.-S. CRACC^, Fb. nigricollis, Vill. Boletobiidae, Gn. BOLETOBIA, Bdv. fULIGlXARIA, L. carbonaria, Esp. Herminiidae, Gn. EIVULA, Gn. SERICEALIS, Scop. ZANCLOGNATHA, La. GRISEALIS, Hb. nemoralis, Fb. TARSIPENNALIS, Tr. tarsicrinalis, Hb., Haiv. EMORTUALIS, Schiff. olivaria, Bork. HEEMINIA, Latr. CRIBRALIS, Hb. DERIVALIS, Hb. emortualis, Haw. PECHYPOGON, Hb. BARBALIS, Clerck. pectitalis, Hb. Hypenidse, H.-S. MADOPA, St. SALIC IALIS, obliquata, Fb. obliquaria, Dup.- nitidaria, Esp. BUOMOLOCHA, Hb. FONTIS, Thnb. (1788) achatalis, Hb. (1790) crassalis, Fb. (1794), D. L, v. $ terricularis, Hb. HYPENA, Tr. ROSTRALIS, L. v. radiatalis, Hb. PROBOSCIDALIS, L. HYPENODES, Gn. ALBISTRIGALIS, Haw. COST^ESTRIGALIS, St. acuminalis, Wk. THOLOMIGES, Ld. (SCHEANKIA, H.-8., Wk.) TURFOSALIS, Wk. humidalis, Dbl. Brephides, H.-S. BEEPHOS, OcJi. PARTHENIAS, L. NOTHA, Hb. parthenias, Esp., Haw., Curt. GEOMETRY, L. Uropterygidee, Gn. UEOPTEEYX, Leach. SAMBUCARIA, L. sambucata, Dup. Ennomidse, Gn. EPIONE, Dup. PARALELLARIA, (1776) vespertaria, St. (1831) (iionL.),D.L. APICIARIA, Schiff. vespertaria, Don. ADVENARIA, Hb. EUMIA, Dup. LUTEOLATA, L. crataegata, L., D. L. VENILTA, Dup. MACULARIA, L. maculata, Schiff., D. L. v. quadrimaculata, Hatch v. fuscaria, Stgr. ANGEEONA, Dup. PRUNARIA, L. [sordiata, Fues. v. -I sordidata, Gn. (corylaria, Thnb., Esp. METEOCAMPA, Lat. MARGARITARIA, L. ELLOPIA, Tr. PROSAPIARIA, L. fasciaria, Schiff. v. inanitiaria, H.-S. EUEYMENE, Dup. DOLOBRARIA, L. PEEICALLIA, St. SYRINGARIA, L. SELENIA, Hb. BILUNARIA, Esp. illunaria, Hb., D.L. ustularia, Don. v. juliaria, Haw. (ujbt.). 12 SYNONYMIC LIST OF LUNARIA, Schlff. BISTON, Leach. BIUNDULARIA, BorJf., Esp. v. sublunaria, St. HIRTARIA, ClercTf. , L. (praec. var. ?) v. delunaria, Hb. (aest.) atomaria, Hufn. abietaria, Haw. TETRALUNARIA, Hufll. congeneraria, Hb., Haw. laricaria, Dbl. Cat. illustraria, Hb., D. L. v. fumaria, Haw. LURIDATA, Bork. quadrilunaria, Esp. extersaria, Hb., D. L. f aestiva, Stgr. T> \ delunaria, St. AMPHIDASYS, Tr. STRATARIA, Hufn. similaria, Wernb. PUNCTULARIA, Hb. ODONTOPEBA, St. prodromaria, Schiff.,D.L - GNOPHOS, Tr. BIDENTATA, ClercTf. dentaria, Hb. BETULARIA, L. v. doubledayaria, Mill. OBSCURARIA, Hb. fargillacearia, Stgr. v. -I pullata, Dup. CBOCALLIS, Tr. Boarmiidse, On. (dilucidaria, St., Wd. ( calceata, Stgr. ELINGUARIA, L. v. trapezaria, Bdv. HEMEEOPH1LA, St. ABRUPTARIA, Thnb. ' (obscuraria, Mill. DASYDIA, Gn. EUGONIA, Hb. petrificata, Hb. OBFUSCARIA, Hb. (ENNOMOS, Tr.) suberaria, Don. (canaria, //'-. r ' \limosaria, Hb., Esp. AUTUMNARIA, Wernb. alniaria, Esp., D. L. CLEOBA, Curt. PSODOS, Tr. ALNIARIA, L. canaria, Hb. ANGULARIA, Thnb. viduaria, Bork., D. L. CORACINA, Esp. chaonaria, Frr. tiliaria, Bork., D. L. GLABRARIA, Hb. trepidata, Dup. FUSCANTARIA, Haw. teneraria, Hb. trepidaria, Tr., D. L. (r\f\v\ II! \ carpinaria, Haw. LICHENARIA, Hufll. uon no.) EROSARIA, Borlt. /tiliaria, Hb. pictaria, Thnb. v. cineraria, Bork. Geometridae, Gn. v. ] quercinaria, Bork. (ochraria, St. BOABMIA, Tr. PSEUDOTEBPNA, H.-8. v. unicoloria, Esp. RE PAN DAT A, L. PRUINATA, Hufn. QUERCINARIA, Hufn. angularia, Bork., D. L. v. conversaria, Hb. ( destrigaria, Hb., St. prasinaria, 1'b. cytisaria, Schiff., D. L. $ tiliaria, Haw. v. carpinaria, Hb., St. 7 ' (muraria, Curt. v. sodorensium, Weir. genistaria, Yill. v. infuscata, Stgr. GEMMARIA, Brahm. GEOMETBA, Bdv. rhomboidaria, Hb. D. L. PAPILIONARIA, L. HIMERA, Dup. consobrinaria, Haw. australaria, Curt. VERNARIA, Hb. PENNARIA, L. v. bifidaria, Haw. fimbriaria, St. v. perfumaria, Newm. aeruginaria, Burk. chrysoprasaria, Esp. ABIETARIA, Hb* PHOBODESMA, Bdv. Amphidasydse, On. v. sericearia, Curt. CINCTARIA, Sdliff. PUSTULATA, Hufll. bajularia, Schi/., D. L. PH1GALIA, Dup. v. consimilaria, Dup. ditaria, Fb. PEDARIA, Fb. ROBORARIA, Sclllff. SMARAGDARIA, Fb. pilosaria, Hb., D. L. plumaria, Esp. CONSORTARIA, Fb. v. consobrinaria, Bork. NEMOBIA, Hb. VIRIDATA, L. NYSSIA, Dup. TEPHBOSIA, Bdv cloraria, Hi., St. prasinata, Wernb. ZONARIA, Sdliff. CONSONARIA, Hb. zona, Fb. tetragonaria, Haw., Curt ., IODIS, Hb. HISPIDARIA, Fb. Wd. LACTEARIA, L* ursularia, Don. CREPUSCULARIA, Hb. vernaria, L. tauaria, Newm. consonaria, Haw., Wd. ajruginaria, Hb. LAITONARIA, Bdv. dcfessaria, Frr. putataria, Lap. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. 13 HEMITHEA, Dup. STRIGATA, Mull. sestivaria, Hb. thymiaria, Gn. (non L.), D.L. Ephyridae, Gn. ZONOSOMA, Ld. (EPHYEA, Dup.) PORATA, Fb. punctaria, Hb. ocellaria, Haw. PUNCTARIA, L. j subangularia, Haw. ' jsupptmctaria, Zell. LINEARIA, Hb., Haw. trilinearia, Bork., D. L. ANNULATA, Sdiulz. (1775) omicronaria, Hb. (1789), D.L. ORBICULARIA, Hb. PENDULARIA, ClercJc., L. albipunctata, Hufn. Acidaliidae, Gn. HYEIA, St. MURICATA, Hufn. (1769) sanguinaria, Hb. variegata, Fb. auroraria, Bork. (1774), D.L. ASTHENA, Hb. LUTEATA, Schiff. flavostrigata, Don. CANDID AT A, Schiff. albulata, Rott. candidulata, Haw. SYLVATA, Hb. testaceata, Don. BLOMERI, Curt. blomeraria, Gn., D. L. pulchraria, Ev. EUPISTEEIA, Bdv. OBLITERATA, Huftl. heparata, Haw., D. L. VENUSIA, Curt. CAMBRICA, Curt. (1839) cambricaria, Gn., D. L. erutaria, Bdv. nebulosaria, Frr. ACID ALIA, Tr. PEROCHRA1UA, ochrearia, Dup OCHRATA, Scop. ochreata, Schiff. ochrearia, Tr. ochraria, Fisch. KUBIGINATA, Hufn. (1769) rubricata, Fb. (1787), D.L. DIMIDIATA, Hufn. (1769) scutulata, Bork. (1794), D.L. lividata, Haw. BISETATA, Hufn., BorTc. reversaria, Dup. dilulata, Haw. v. fimbriolata, St. v. cinereata, St. TRIGEMINATA, Haw. scutularia, Hb. reversata, Tr. bisetaria, Dup. CONTIGUARIA, Hb. (non Haw.} RUSTIC ATA, Fb. HOLOSERICATA, Dup. holosericearia, H.-S. stramentata, Ev. DILUTARIA, Hb. interjectaria, Bdv. osseata, Haw. (non Fb.), D.L. VIRGULARIA, Hb. incanaria, Hb. CIRCELLATA, Gn. obsoletaria, Wd. ORNATA, Scop. ornataria, Hb. paludata, L. MARGINEPUNCTATA, GoZ6. immutata, Tr. (non L.) promutata, Gn., D. L. incanata, Haw. (non L.) contiguaria, Haw. (non Hb.) STRAMINATA, Tr. marginepunctata, St. SUBSERICEATA, HdlV. perfluaria, Bdv. pinguedinata, Zell. v. IMMUTATA sylvestraria, Hb. csespitaria, Bdv. STRIGARIA, Hb. REMUTARIA, Hb. flos-lactata, Haw. v. lactata, Haw. v. sublactata, Haw. FUMATA, St. commutata, Frr. nitidaria, Bdv. STRIGILARIA, Hb. strigilata, Tr. nemorata, Bork. exemptaria, Hb. variegata, St. prataria, Bdv. nigropunctata, Ld. IMITARIA, Hb. EMUTARIA, Hb. subroseata, Haw. AVERSATA, L. lividata, Gn. (spoliata, Stgr. (aversata, Tr., Gn. INORNATA, Haw. suffusata, Tr. v. deversaria, H.-S. DEGENERARIA, Hb. v. 5 rubraria, Stgr. EMARGINATA, L. demandata, Fb. demandataria, Esp. rumigerata, Don. dimidiata, Haw. TIMANDEA, Dup. AMATARIA, L. Caberidae, Gn. CABEEA, Tr. PUSARIA, L. ROTUNDARIA, Haw. confinaria, Frr. EXANTHEMATA, Scop. striaria, Hb. v. arenosaria, Haw. v. approximaria, Haw. v. pellagraria, Gn. BAPTA, St. (COEYCIA, Dup.) TEMERATA, Hb. punctata, Fb. nubeculata, Haw. BIMACULATA, Fb. taminata, Hb., D. L. ALEUCIS, Gn. PICTARIA, Curt. 14 SYNONYMIC LIST OF Macariidae, On. MACAKIA, Curt. ALTERNATA, Hb. NOTATA, L. notataria, Bork. LITURATA, Clerck. lituraria, Hb. liturataria, Esp. fuscata, Thnb. BUPALUS, Leach. PINIARIA, L. $> tiliaria, L. v. flavescens, White. MINOA, Bdv. MURINATA, Scop. (1763) fuscata, Hufn. (17G9) euphorbiata, Fb. (1787), D. L. SCOBIA, St. LINEATA, Scop. (1763) dealbata, L. (1767), D. L HALIA, Dup. VAUARIA, L. wavaria, Fb., D. L. circumflexaria, Ev. BRUNNEATA, Thnb. (1784) APLASTA, Hb. pinetaria, Hb. (1797) ONONARIA, Fues. sylvaria, Curt. mbicapraria, Hb. Pidoniidae, Gn, STEENIA, Dup. CLATHRATA, L. STEBBHA, Hb. SACRARIA, L. v. sanguinaria, E*p. LrTMRlA. - ( cancellaria, lib. 11 " [radiata, Haw. v. retata, Haw. PANAGBA, On. PETRARIA, Hb. virgaria, Bork. NUMEEIA, Dup. PULVERARIA, L. SCODIONA, Bdv. BELGIARIA, Hb. falbidaria, Stgr. ' jfavillacearia, Dup. v. favillacearia, Hb. SELIDOSEMA, Hb. ERICETARIA, VUL, Haw. plumaria, Hb., D. L. FIDONIA, Tr. CARBONARIA, Clerck., L. picearia, Hb. LIMBARIA, Fb. auroraria, Hb. conspicuata, Schiff., D. L. EMATURGA, Ld. ATOMARIA, L. v. glarearia, Haw. v. roseidaria, Haw. - ASPILATES, Tr. STRIGILLARIA, Hb. respersaria, Hb. v. insequaria, Haw. OCHREARIA, Rossi (1794) citraria, Hb. (post 1797), GILVARIA, 2^6. Zerenidae, Gn. ABBAXAS, Leach. (ZEBENE, Tr.) GROSSULARIATA, L. SYLVATA, Scop. (1763) ulmata, .F6. (1775), D. L. .pantherata, Hb. LIGDIA, Gn. ADUSTATA, Schiff. LOMASPILIS, Hb. MARGINATA, L. maculata, lib. v. pollutaria, Hb. Ligiidae, Gn. PACHYCNEMIA, St. HIPPOCASTANARIA, Hb. degenerata, Hb. Hyberniidae, Gn. HYBEBNIA, Lair. RUPICAPRARTA, Hb. primaria, Haw. LEUCOPHEARIA, Sclllff. (marmorinaria, Esp. (nigricaria, Hb., 1 1 aw. AURANTIARIA, Esp., Hb. $ prosapiaria, Haw. $? incompletaria, Haw. MARGINARIA, Bork. progemmaria, Hb., D. L, capreolaria, Esp. $ stictaria, Haw. 2 luctuaria, Haw. 2 leucophearia, Wd. ^capreolaria, Wd. v. fuscata DEFOLIARIA, Clerck., L. ANISOPTEBYX, St. JESCULARIA, Schiff. murinaria, Bork. p (capreolaria, Wd. * ( apteraria, Haw. Larentiidae, Gn. CHEIMATOBIA, St. BRUMATA, L. BOREATA, Hb. OPOBABIA, St. DILUTATA, BorJc. inscriptata, Don. fimbriata, Haw. v. neglectata, St. FILIGRAMMARIA, H.-S. AUTUMNARIA, Gil. (llOll Wernb.) polata, Westw. (non III.) LABENTIA, Tr. DIDYMATA, L. 3 scabrata, Hb. 2 alpestrata, Hb. alienaria, Bdv. MULTISTRIGARIA, Haw. nebulata, Dup. C^ESIATA, Lang. infieqentata, Haw. v. annosata, Ze.it. v. gelata, Stnr. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. 15 FLAVICINCTATA, Hb., St. ruficinctata, Gn,, D. L. SALICATA, Hb. latent aria, Curt. ablutaria, H.-S. OLIVATA, BorTc. aptata, Dup. VIRIDARIA, Fb. pectinitaria, Fues., Knock., D. L. miaria, Bork. EMMELESIA, St. AFFINITATA, St. rivulata, Dbl Cat. v. turbaria, St. ALCHEMILLATA, L. rivulata, Hb. nassata, Fb. hydraria, Dbl. Cat. (non H.-S.) ALBULATA, Sclliff. niveata, St. v. griseata,* Stgr. v. thules. Weir. v. hebudium, Weir. DECOLORATA, Hb. T^ENIATA, St. arctaria, Zell., H.-S. albimacularia, Frr. UNIFASCIATA, HdlV. bifasciata, Haw. v. aquilaria, H.-S. MINORATA, Tr. ericetata, Curt., St., D.L. ADJEQUATA, BorJc. blandiata, Hb., D. L. albidata, Ev. dilacerata, Zett. trigonata, St. EUPITHECIA, Curt. VENOSATA, Fb. decussata, Don. insignata, Hb. CONSIGNATA, BorJt. LINARIATA, Fb. PULCHELLATA, St. OBLONGATA, Thnl. (1784) centaureata, Fb., D. L. (1787) SUCCENTURIATA, L. v. disparata, Hb. SUBFULVATA, HaiV. ( oxydata, Tr. ' [cognata, St. SCABIOSATA, Bork. piperata, St. subumbrata, Gn., D. L. v. aequistrigata, Stgr. v. obrutaria, H.-S. PERNOTATA, Gn., D. L. PLUMBEOLATA, HaiO. begrandaria, Bdv. singularia, H.-S. ISOGRAMMARIA, H.-S. haworthiata, Dbl. plumbeolata, var. (3 Haw. PYGMJEATA, Hb. palustraria, Dbl. HELVETICARIA, Bdv. v.? arceuthata, Frr. EGENARIA, H.-S. (praec. var. ?) SATYRATA, Hb. v. subatrata, Stgr. v. callunaria, Sta. CASTIGATA, Hb. singulariata, Haw. nebulata, St. valerianata, Bdv. v.? residuata, Hb. JASIONEATA, Crewe. TRISIGNARIA, H.-S. VIRGAUREATA, Dbl. pimpinellata, Gn. FRAXINATA, Crewe. EXTENSARIA, Frr. prolongata, Zell. PIMPINELLATA, Hb. denotata, Gn. VALERIANATA, Hb. viminata, Dbl. PUSILLATA, Fb. subumbrata, Hb. IRRIGUATA, Hb. variegata, Haw. CAMPANULATA, H.-S. denotata, Hb., D. L. pimpinellata, H.-S. INNOTATA, Hufn. INDIGATA, Hb. CONSTRICTATA, Gn. NANATA, Hb. angustata, Haw. v. obscurata, Stgr. SUBNOTATA, Hb. simpliciata, Haw. scabiosata, Dup. denotaria, Bdv. VULGATA, Haw. austeraria, H.-S. v. subfuscata, Haw. ALBIPUNCTATA, Haw. tripunctaria, H.-S. v. angelicata, Bar. EXPALLIDATA, Gn. ABSINTHIATA, ClercJc., L. notata, St. $ elongata, Haw. MINUTATA, Gn. v. knautiata, Greg. ASSIMILATA, Gn., Dbl. absinthiata, Haw. TENUIATA, Hb. inturbaria, Frr. SUBCILIATA, Gn. LARICIATA, Frr. ABBREVIATA, St. reductaria, Bdv. guinardaria, H.-S. DODONEATA, Gn. subumbrata, Haw. ? EXIGUATA, Hb. trimaculata, Haw. v. lanceolaria, Dbl. Cat. ULTIMARIA, Bdv., Dup. SOBRINATA, Hb. Iflevigata, Haw. v. expressaria, H.-S. TOGATA, Hb. togaria, H.-S. bilunata, Zett. PUMILATA, Hb. strobilata, St. rufofasciata, Haw. bistrigata, Haw. { tempestivata, Zell. (rufifasciata, Wd. CORONATA, Hb. v-ata, Haw. RECTANGULATA, L. v. subasrata, Hb., St. v. cydoniata, Bork. v. nigrosericeata, Haw. DEBILIATA, Hb. v. nigropunctata, Chant. COLLIX, Gn. SPARSATA, Hb. LOBOPHORA, Curt. SEXALISATA, Hb. sexalata, Vtll., D. L. 16 SYNONYMIC LIST OP HALTEBATA, Hufn. hexapterata, Schiff., D.L. v. zonata, Thnb. VIRETATA, Hb. trinotata, Don. CARPINATA, Boric. lobulata, Hb., D. L. $ dentistrigata, Haw. _ fcostaestrigata, Haw. * jrupestrata, St. POLYCOMMATA, Hb. THEEA, St. JUNIPERATA, L. v. scotica, White. SIMULATA, Hb. coniferata, Curt. v. geneata, Feisth. VARIATA, tristrigaria, Don. munitata, Haw. ( obeliscata, Hb* v. J fulvata, Fb., St. [ simularia, Bdv. v. obliterata, White. FIRMATA, Hb. simulata, St. HYPSIPETES, St. RUBERATA, Frr. literata, Don. ? TRIFASCIATA, BorTc. (1794) impluviata, Hb. (1797), D.L. SORDIDATA, Fb. (1794) elutata, Hb. (1797), D. L. v. fusco-undata, Don. v. infuscata, Stgr. MELANTHIA, Dup. BICOLORATA, Hufn. (1769) rubiginata, Fb., D. L. v. plumbata, Curt. OCELLATA, L. lynceata, Fb. fasciata, Scop. ALBICILLATA. L. MELANIPPE, Dup. HASTATA, L. TRISTATA, L. PROCELLATA, Fb. UNANGULATA, RdlU. bicolorata, Fisch. araniculata, Hb. ? RIVATA, Hb. sylvaticata, Haw. SOCIATA, Boric. subtristata, Haw., D. L. alchemillata, Hb. v. rivata, Gn., Dup. v. degenerata, Haw. MONTANATA, Bork. implicata, VilL, Haw. v. shetlandica, Weir. GALIATA, Hb. v. unilobata, Haw. v. quadriannulata, Haw. FLUCTUATA, L. v. costovata, Haw. ANTICLEA, St. CUCULLATA, Hufn. sinuata, Hb., D. L. RUBIDATA, Fb. BADIATA, Hb. NIGROFASCIARIA, Gdz6. (1781) separata, Thnb. derivata, Bork. (1794), D.L. BERBERATA, ScUiff. COBEMIA, Dup. MUNITATA, Hb. decoloraria, Esp. DESIGNATA, Hufn. (1777) propugnata, Fb. (1787), FERRUGATA, ClercTc., L. { spadicearia, Bork. ' { salicaria, Haw. UNIDENTARIA, HdW. t St. QUADRIFASCIARIA, Clerclc. L. undulataria, Vill. ligustrata, Hb. CAMPTOGEAMMA, St. BILINEATA, L. v. testaceolata, Stgr. FLUVIATA, Hb. $ gemmata, Hb. $ angustata, Haw., Wd. PHIBALAPTEEYX, St TERSATA, Hb. v. tersulata, Stgr. LAPIDATA, Hb. curata, Ev. VJTTATA, Bork. (1794) lignata, Hb. (1799), D. L. lineataria, Don. POLYGRAMMATA, v. conjunctaria, Ld. VITALBATA, Hb. TEIPHOSA, St. DUBITATA, L. v. cinereata, St. EUCOSMIA, St. CERTATA, Hb. cervinata, Haw. UNDULATA, L. SCOTOSIA, 8t. VETULATA, affectata, Ev. RHAMNATA, Schiff. transversata, Rott. CIDAEIA, Tr. SIUERATA, Hufn. (1769) psittacata, Schiff. (1776), D.L. MIATA, L. miaria, Bork. coraciata, Hb. viridulata, Zett. PICATA, Hb. biangulata, Haw. CORYLATA, Thnb. ruptata, Hb. v. albocrenata, Curt. SAGITTATA, Fb. bidentata, Rott. comitata, Hb. TRUNCATA, Hufn. (1769) russata, Bork. (1794), D. L. centuni-notata, Fab. v. comma-notata, Haw. v. perfuscata, Haw. IMMANATA, H(IW. v. mannorata, Haw. v. thing vallata, Stgr. v. unicolorata, Stgr. SUFFUMATA, Hb. v. piceata, St. RETICULATA, .F6. SILACEATA, Hb. cuneata, Don. v. insulata, Haw. PRUNATA, L. ribesiaria, Bdv. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. 17 TESTATA, L. Sionidae, Gn. ULMELLA, Dale. achatinata, Hb. TANAGEA, Dup. CRAT.EGELLA, Hb. POPULATA, L. crat&galis Gn. dotata, Clerck. v. musauaria, Frr. ATRATA, L. chfflrophyllata, L., D. L. v. pusilla, Westw. RESINEA, Haw. FULVATA, Forst. resinalis, Gn. sociata, Fb. PYRALIDES. vandaliella, H.-S. cuspidata, Thnb. DOTATA, L. Pyralididae. PH^OLEUCA, Zell. vesuntialis, Gn. populata, Clerck. pyraliata, Fb., D.L. ASSOCIATA, Bork. marmorata, Hb. spinachiata, Haw. dotata, Gn. (non L.), D. L. CLEDEOBIA, Dup. ANGUSTALIS, Schiff. bombycatus, Haw. bombycalis, Hb. AGLOSSA, Latr. portlandica, Dale. TRUNCICOLELLA, Sta. mercuriellus, Zinck., Tr. ANGUSTEA, St., Wd. coarctata, Zell. coarctalis, Gn. PELUEGA, Hb. PINGUINALIS, L. ATOMALIS, Dbl. COMITATA, L. v. streatfieldii, Curt. GRACILALIS, Dbl. chenopodiata, L. CUPREALIS, Hb. imparella, Wk. capreolatus, Haw. ALPINA, Dale. Euboliidae, Gn. PYEALIS, L. parella, Zell. EUBOLIA, Dup. CERVINATA, Schiff. fasciaria, Wernb. COSTALIS, Fb., 1775 fimbrialis, Schiff., 1776. PALLIDA, St. pallidulalis, Gn. certzeniella, H.-S. GLAUCINALIS, L. citiVtivicij Haw * LIMITATA, Scop. mensuraria, Schiff., D. L. nitidalis, Fb., Hb. glaucinatus, Haw. NOMOPHILA, Hb. (STENOPTEEYX, Gn.) chenopodiaria, Esp. (non L.) FARINALIS, L. LIENIGIALIS, Zell. NOCTUELLA, Schiff. hybridalis, Hb., D. L. PLUMBARIA, Fb. (1775) palumbaria, Bork. (1794), D. L. SCOPAEIA, Haw., Gn. (EUDOEEA, Curt.) ODONTIA, Dup. DENTALIS, Schiff. BIPUNCTARIA, Schiff. AMBIGUALIS, Tr. v. gachtaria, Frr. dubita, Haw. PYEAUSTA, Schr. MESOTYPE, Hb. dubitalis, St. AURATA, Scop. VIRGATA, Eott. (1777) BASISTRIGALIS, Knaggs. punicealis, Schiff'., D. L. lineolata, Hb. (1787), D. L. CEMBRJE, Haw. punicalis, Fb. cembralis, Gn. porphyralis, Haw., Hb. CAESIA, Hb. v. subfusca, Haw. PURPURALIS, L. PALUDATA, Thnb. ZELLERI, Wk. OSTRINALIS, Hb. pruinaria, Ev. v. imbutata, Hb., D.L. v. scotica, White. punicealis, Haw. DUBITALIS, Hb. ANAITIS, Dup. pyralella, Hb. EHODAEIA, Gn. PLAGIATA, L. pyrale, Haw. SANGUINALIS, L. duplicata, Fb. dubitellus, Zinck. cruentalis, Scriba. LITHOSTEGE, Hb. pyralalis, Gn. v. tristrigella, St. v. hsematalis, Hb. v. auroralis, Zell. GRISEATA, Schiff. CONSPICUALIS, Hodgn. clarkiata, Curt. MURANA, Curt. HEEBULA, Gn. niveata, St. muralis, Gn. nivearia, D.L. (non Schiff.) INGRATELLA, Zell. CESPITALIS, Schiff. sordidalis, Hb. CHESIAS, Tr. ingratalis, Gn. v. intermedialis, Dup. SPARTIATA, FueS. LINEOLEA, Curt. RUFATA, Fb. (1775) lineolalis, Gn. ENNYCHIA, Tr. obliquaria, Bork. (1776), MERCURELLA, L. CINGULATA, L. D.L. frequentella, Sta. cingulalis, Schiff., D. L. bombycata, Don. concinnella, Curt. fascialis, Dup. (non Hb.) D 18 SYNONYMIC LIST OF NIGhATA, Scop. anguinalis, Hb., D. L. fascialis, Schr. (non Hb.) OCTOMACULATA, Fb. octomaculalis, Tr. guttulalis, Schiff., Hb. atralis, Fb. AGBOTEBA, Sclir. NEMOEALIS, erosalis, Fb. ENDOTBICHA, Zell. FLAMMEALIS, Schiff. Botydse, Gn. EUBBHYPABA, Hb. URTICATA, L. urticalis, Schi/., Fb. SCOPULA, Schr., Gn. ALPINALIS, Schiff. v. uliginosalis, St., Curt. LUTEALIS, Hb., Haw., Gn, pascualis, Zell. etialis, Gn. MSS. OLIVALIS, Schiff. nmbralis, Hb. nivealis, Haw. PRUNALIS, Schiff. leucopheealis, Hb. nebulalis, Haw. JERRUGALIS, Hb. DECREPITALIS, H.-S. MECYNA, Gn. POLYGONALIS, Hb. limbalis, Tr. v. diver salis, Hb., Tr. BOTYS, Latr. NUBILALIS, Hb. $ silacealis, Hb. lupulinalis, Gn., D. L. lupulina, Hein. (non Clerck.) PANDALIS, Hb. verbascalis, Hb. terminalis, Haw., St. angustalis, Haw. FLAVALIS, Schiff. (lutealis, Dup. 7 ' \oitralis, H.-S. HYALTNALIS, Hb. RURALIS, Scop. verticalis, Scliiff., D. L. FUSCALIS, Schiff. cineralis, Hb,, Haw. v. fimbrialis, St., Hb. TERREALIS, Tr. borealis, Curt. ASINALIS, Hb. characteralis, Frr. EBULEA, Gn. CROCEALIS, Hb., Tr. ochrealis, Hb. verbascalis, Wd. VERBASCALIS, Sclliff. arcualis, Hb. ochrealis, Wd. SAMBUCALIS, ScTliff. STACHYDALIS, Zinck. SPILODES, Gn. STICTICALIS, L. fuscalis, Hb. tetragonalis, Haw. lupulina, Clerck. t PALEALIS, Scliiff. v. selenalis, Hb. VERTICALIS, L. cinctalis, Tr., D. L. limbalis, Hb., Haw. lavalis, H.-S. PSAMOTIS, Hb. (LEMIODES, Gn.) PULVEBALIS, Hb. PIONEA, Gn. FORFICALIS, L. OROBENA, Gn. Steniiadse, Gn. DIASEMIA, St. LITERATA, Scop. literalis, Schi/., D. L. argentalis, Fb. RAMBURIALIS, ANTIGASTRA, Ld. CATALAUNALIS, Dup. NASCIA, Curt. CILIALIS, Hb. acutalis, Ev., Gn. STENIA, Gn. EXTIMALIS, erucalis, Hb. margaritalis , Schiff. . ,Fb., D.L. STRAMINALIS, Hb. elutalis, Hb. stramentalis, Hb., Tr., Wd. PEBINEPHELE, Hb. LANCEALIS, Schiff. glabralis, Hb. MARGARODES, Gn. UNIONALIS, Hb. PUNCTALIS, aetnaealis, Dup. longipedalis, Dale. Hydrocampidse, Gn. CATACLYSTA, H.-S. LEMNATA, L. lemnalis, Schiff., D. L. 5 uliginata, Fb. PABAPONYX, 8t. STRATIOTATA, L. stratiolata, Fb. stratiotalis, Schiff., D. L. paludata, Fb. paludalis, Schr. HYDBOCAMPA, Latr. NYMPH^ATA, L. nymphaealis, Schiff., D. L. $> potamogata, L. potamogalis, Tr. STAGNATA, Don. stagnalis, Gn., D. L. potamogalis, lib. nympheealis, Haw., Tr. Acentropodidae, Stgr. ACENTBOPUS, Curt. NIVEUS, Oliv. $ hansoni, St. $ nivosa, St. garnonsii, Curt. ? PTEROPHORI. Chrysocorididaa. CHBYSOCOBIS, Curt. FESTALIELLA, Hb. scissella, Curt. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. It) Pterophoridse, Zell. PTERODACTYLUS, L. PHRAGMITELLUS, Hb. _ fuscus, Retz. $ rhombea, Haw. AGrDISIIb, Ho. ptilodactyla, Hb. $ gigantea, Haw. BENNETII, Curt. fuscodactylus.HaM;.,!).!/. gigantellus, St. CN^EMIDOPHORUS, Wallgr. RHODODACTYLUS, Fb. PLATYPTILIA, Eb. OCHRODACTYLA, Hb. pallidactyla, Haw. migadactyla, Haw. dichrodactylus, Miihlig. BERTRAMI, Rossi. ochrodactylus, Tgstr. ISODACTYLUS, Zell. monodactyla, Haw. ? GONODACTYLA, ScTliff. trigonodactyla, Haw. ? D. L. ZETTERSTEDTI, Zell. AMBLYPTILIA, Hb. T^NIADACTYLUS, South. ACANTHODACTYLA, Hb. calodactyla, Fb., St., Haw, COSMODACTYLA, Hb. punctidactylus, Haw. OXYPTILUS, Zell. DISTANS, Zell. lastus, D. L. L^TUS, Zell. FILOSELLE, Zell. didactyla, Zett. (non L.) HIERACII, Zell. TEUCRII, Greening. PARVIDACTYLUS, H.CLW. microdactylus, St. obscurus, Zell. MIM^ESEOPTILUS, Wallgr. PELEODACTYLUS, Hb. lunsedactylus, Haw. BIPUNCTIDACTYLA, Haw. serotinus, Zell. v. ? aridus, D. L. PLAGIODACTYLUS, &ta. (praec. var. ?) v. scabio?, Greg. ZOPHODACTYLUS, loewii, Zell. HODGKINSONI, Greg. (praec, var, ?) (EDEMATOPHOBUS, Wallgr. LITHODACTYLUS, Tr. septodactyla, Tr. lithoxylodactylus, Dup. similidactylus, Dale. PTEROPHOEUS, Wallgr. MONODACTYLUS, L. pterodactyla, Hb., Haw. D.L. LEIOPTILUS, Wallgr. LIENIGIANUS, Zell. melinodactylus, H.-S. TEPHRADACTYLUS, Hb. OSTEODACTYLUS, Zell. microdactylus, Zett. MICRODACTYLUS, Hb. BRACHYDACTYLUS, Tr. ffitodactylus, Dup. ACIPTILIA, Hb. GALACTODACTYLA, Hb. SPILODACTYLA, Curt. obsoletus, Zett. BALIODACTYLA, Zell. tridactylus, St. TETRADACTYLA, L. leucodactyla, Hb. didactyla, Scop. niveidactyla, St. PENTADACTYLA, L. tridactyla, Scop. PALUDUM, Zell. Alucitidae. ALUCITA, L. (OENEODES, Latr.) HEXADACTYLA, L. polydactyla, Hb. CRAMBI. Chilidse, Gn. CHILD, Zinck. CICATRICELLUS, Hb. strigellus, Tr. treitschkeella, Frr. SCHCENOBIUS, Dup. FORFICELLUS, Thnb. $ consortella, Hb. lanceolella, Hb. $ mucronalis, Hb. v.^hirta, Haw. v. ^ fumea, Haw. v. $ caudea, Haw. MUCRONELLUS, Schiff. straminella, Hb. $ acuminella, Hb. mucronatus, Fb. GIOANTELLUS, gigantalis, Hb. $ punctigerellus, Curt., St, Crambidae, Gn. CALAMOTEOPHA, Zell. PALUDELLA, Hb. obtusellus, S ta. paludellus, D. L. PLATYTES, Gn. CERUSSELLUS, Schiff. $ quadreUa, Schiff'. & auriferella, Hb. $ barbella, Hb. barbella, Haw. pygmeeus, St., Curt. CEAMBUS, Fb. ALPINELLUS, Hb. FALSELLUS, Sclliff. abruptella, Thnb. VERELLUS, ZincJc. PRATELLUS, L. pratorum, Fb. pratea, Haw. i $ angustellus, St. ericellus, Wd. DUMETELLUS, Hb. pratella, Hb. ERICELLUS, Hb. SYLVELLUS, Hb. (non L.) adipellus, Tr. HAMELLUS, Thnb. ensigerella, Hb. PASCUELLUS, L. ULIGINOSELLUS, Zell. cretacellus, Dale MSS. 20 SYNONYMIC LIST OF FURCATELLUS, Zett. CHRYSONUCHELLUS, Scop. NIMBELLA, Zell., Dup. radiellus, Curt, (non Hb.) campella, Hb. nebulella, Dup. radiolellus, H.-S. lapponicellus, Dup. campea, Haw. CRATERELLUS, Scop. (1763) SAXICOLA, Vaughan. NEBULELLA, Hb. MARGARITELLUS, Hb. rorella, L. (1767), D. L. v. maritima, Tgstr. PINELLUS, L. pinetella, L. (us), D. L. pineti, Fb. virginella, Scop. conchella, Hb. linetella, Fb. chrysonuchella, Hb. v. cassentiniellus, Zell., D.L. HORTUELLUS, Hb. BINJEVELLA, Hb. petreUa, H.-S. eluviella, Gn., D. L. SENECIONIS, Vaughan. MYELLUS, Hb. v. cespitellus, Hb. conchellus, Tr. pinetella, Scop. EROMENE, Hb. EPHESTIA, Gn. ELUTELLA, Hb. LATISTRIUS, Haw. OCELLEA, Haw. elutea, Haw. leachellus, Zinek. guen^ellus, Dup. cyrilli, Costa. funioulella, Tr. v. rufa, Haw. v. angusta, Haw. PERLELLUS, Scop. j PASSULELLA, Bar. dealbella, Thnb. Phycidse, Gn. FICELLA, St., Dougl. argentella, Fb. argenteus, Fb. ANEBASTIA, Hb., Zell. FICULELLA, Bar. argentea, Haw. (ABAXES, St.) SEMIRUFA, St., Haw. ; v. dealbellus, St. LOTELLA, Hb. v. arbustea, Haw. miniosclla, Tr. v. arbustorum, St. EUZOPHEBA, Zell. v. argyrea, Haw., St. EPISCHNIA, Hb. PINGUIS, Haw. WARRINGTONELLUS, Zell. FARRELLA, Curt. fischeri, Zell. (praec. var. ?) lithargyrellus, St. SELASELLUS, Hb., St. lafauryella, Constant, ILITHYIA, Latr. splendidella, H.-S. pinguedinella, Gn. CINEROSELLA, Zell. obtusellus, St. SEMIRUBELLA,5cOp. (1763) artemisiella, St. pratellus, H.-S. (non L.) carnella, L., 1767, D. L. TRISTELLUS, Fb. ferruginella, Thnb. aquilellus, Tr. v. culmella, Hb., St. oarnea, Haw. v. sanguinella, Hb. TBACHONITIS, Zell. CBYPTOBLABES, Zell. BISTRIGA, Haw. rutilella, Zell v. paleellus, St. PRYERELLA, Vaughan. v. petrificellus, St. v. fuscelinellus, St MYELOPHILA, Tr., Gn. PLODIA, On. v. nigristriellus, St. CRIBRUM, ScJliff. INTERPUNCTELLA, Hb. FASCELINELLUS, Hb. oribrumella, Hb. aridellus, Zell. cribrella, Hb., D. L. ALISPA, Zell. pedriolellus, D. L. (non Dup.) medullalis, Hb. cardui, Haw., St. ANGUSTELLA, Hb. INQUINATELLUS, Schiff. arbustella, ScJirk. MYELOIS, Zell. GYMNANCYCLA, Zell rorea, Haw. CIRRIGERELLA, ZincTc. CANELLA, Hb. luteellus, St. (non Schi/.) CERATONLE, Zell. depositella, Zinck. CONTAMINELLUS, Hb. ceratoniella, Fisch. cinerella, Dup. inquinatella, Hb. immistella, Hb. NYCTEGBETES, Zell. PHYCIS, Fb. GENICULEUS, Haw. ACHATINELLA, Hb. BETULJE, Ooze. inquinatellus, St. obtusella, Zinck. angulatellus, Dup. HOMCEOSOMA, Curt. christella, Frr. suspectellus, Zell. (LOTBIA, Gn.) holosericella, Fisch. CULMELLUS, L. SINUELLA, Fb. tristrigella, St. ? strigella, Fb. sinuatus, Fb. FUSCA, Haw. straminella, Hb. gemina, Haw. carbonariella, Fisch. vinacella, Schrk. elongella, Hb. posticella, Zett. Btriga, Haw, flavella, Dup. janthinella, Dvp. LETTISH LEPIDOPTERA. 21 ADORNATELLA, Tr., Dllp Zell dilutella, Hb., D. L. $ obscura, St. SUBORN ATELLA, Dup. (1838), Zell. (1846) Berpylletorum, # ORNATELLA, Sckiff. criptella, Hb., Curt. criptea, Haw. DIOEYCTEIA, Zell. ABIETELLA, decuriella, Hb. splendidella, H.-S. NEPHOPTEBYX, Zell SPISSICELLA, Fb. roborella, Zinck., D. L. spissicornis, Haw. v. legatea, Haw. v. cristea, Haw. RHENELLA, hostilis, St. (1835) adelphella, Sta., D. L. (non Fisch.) GENISTELLA, Dup. ulicella, H.-S. albilineella, Stgr. davisellus, Newm. PEMPELIA, Zell. PALUMBELLA, Fb. contubernella, Hb. contubernea, Haw. v. cinerea, Westw. EODOPH.EA, Gn. FORMOSA, Haw. perfluella, Zinck. dibaphiella, Hb. CONSOCTELLA, Hb. tumidella, Dup. Y.? fascia, Haw. v. sodalella, Zell. ADVENELLA, palumbea, Haw. rhenella, St. v.? reourvella, Gn. MARMOREA, Haw. epelydella, Fisch. 1 Gn. SUAVELLA, Zinck. porphyrea, Curt., St. TUMIDELLA, tumidana, St. verrucella, Hb. verrucea, Haw, xvUBORTIBIELLA, Fiscll. tumidana, Schiff. ONCOCEEA, St. (HYPOCHALCIA, Zell) AHENELLA, Zinck. teneella, Hb. obscuratus, Haw. v. tetrix, Haw. v. bistrigella, Dup. v. fuliginella, Dup. Galleridse. GALLEEIA, Fb. MELLONELLA, L. cereana, L. APHOMIA, Hb. SOCIELLA, L. colonella, L. tribunella, Hb. MELISSOBLAPTES, Zell ANELLUS, Schiff. anella, Gn., D. L. sociella, Hb. bipunctanus, Zell CEPHALONICA, Sta. ACHECEA, Hb. (MELIPHOEA, Gn.) GRISELLA, Fb. alvearia, Fb. cerea, Haw. alveariella, Gn., D. L. TORTRICES, L. Tortricidse, Gn. TOETEIX, L. (LOZOT^ENIA, St.) PODANA, Scop. 2 oporana, Fb. $ pyrastrana, Hb., D. L, 5 congenerana, Hb. gerningiana, Haw. ameriana, Tr. rosana, Frol, St. fulvana, Wilk. oporana, Haw., St. v. fuscana, St. $ PICEANA, L. $ oporana, Hb., ? L. hermanniana, Schiff. $ xylosteana, Hb. dissimilana, Bent. CEAT^GANA, Hb. $ roborana, Hb. 9 branderiana, St. XYLOSTEANA, L. piceana, Frol. $ characterana, Hb. v. obliquana, St. SORBIANA, Hb. avellana, Haw., St. LAFAURYANA, Ragonot. ROSANA, L., Haw. ameriana, L. laevigana, Schiff. variana, Fb. 2 oxycanthana, Hb. acerana, Hb. v. viburnana, Haw. v. branderiana, Haw. v. fuscana, Haw. v. nebulana, St. DUMETANA, Tr. cratsegana, Frr. (non Hb.) DIVERSANA, Hb. viduana, Fr'ol acerana, Haw., St. transitana, Gn., D.L. CINNAMOMEANA, Tr. croceana, Frol. HEPARANA, Sclliff. pasquayana, Fb. carpiniana, Hb. RIBEANA, Hb. v. cerasana, Hb. v. grossulariana, St. CORYLANA, Fb. textana, Hb. UNIFASCIANA, Dup. externana, Ev. croceana, Haw., St. SEMIALBANA, On. modeeriana, Haw. (non L.) consimilarffc, Tr. (non Hb.) biustulana, St. COSTANA, Fb. gnomana, Hb. betulana, Don. spectrana, Tr. v. latiorana, Wilk. VIBURNANA, Fb. unitana, Hb. $ rhombana, Hb. galiana, Curt., Bent., St. PALLEANA, Hb. (1793), Tr. flavana, Hb. viburnana, Westw. v. icterana, Frol., D. L. VIRIDANA, L. f suttneriana, Schiff. ' \palleana, St. 22 SYNONYMIC LIST OF MINISTRANA, L. MIXTANA, H b. HASTIANA, L. v. ferrugana, Hb. castaneana, Haw. Bcabrana, Schiff. v. subfasciana, St. elevana, Fb. FORSTERANA, Fb. adjunctana, Tr., D. L. reticulana, Frol. (non Hb.) SCHALLERIANA, L. labeculana, Frr. erutana, H.-S. v. latifasciana, Haw. fscabrana, ///;. ?m \ sparsana, Frol. v. sponsana, Fb. aquilina, Hb. v " subcristana, St. DICHELIA, On. COMPARANA, Hb. radiana, Hb. GROTIANA, Fb. rufana, Haw. (non Schiff.) ' ramostriana, St. flavana, Hb. v. costimaculana, Si. v. strigana, St. v. ochreana, St. v. divisana, St. GNOMANA, L. PERPLEXANA, Bar. v. centrovittana, St. costana, Schiff. COMARIANA, Zell. v. mayrana, Hb. v. albistriana, Haw. AMPHISA, Curt. v. potentillana, Cooke. v. proteana, H.-S. v. combustana, Hb. ( autumnana, St. GERNINGANA, Schiff. pectinana, Gn. PERMUTANA, Dup. (obsoletana, St. v. leucopheana, Bent. PRODROMANA, Hb. VARIEGANA, Schiff. v. sparsana, Tr. walkeri, Curt., D. L. (ENECTEA, Gn. abildgaardana, Frol. (asperana, Fb. \ nyctemerana, Hb. v. coronana, Thnb., St. feximiana, Haw. ' \ buringerana, Hb. PILLERIANA, Schiff. pillerana, Fb. v. borana, Haw. v. cirrana, Curt. MACCANA, Tr., H.-S. erebana, Gn. luteolana, Hb. v. albana, Westw. marmorana, Bent. UMBRANA, Hb. LEPTOGEAMMA, Curt. CRISTANA, Fb. v. radiana, Dup. LITERANA, L. v. romanana, Fb. v. asperana, Schiff. v. squamana, Fb. v. irrorana, Hb., St. v. tricolorana, Haw., St. v. ephippana, Fb. v. alboflammea, Curt. (albipunctana, St. v ' (subvittana, St. 1 ruficostana, Curt. Vt \consimilana, St. FERRUGANA, Tr. , ' proteana, Gn. v. tripunctana, lib. v. gnomana, Haw., St. v. rufana, Hb. v. bifidana, Haw., St. v. fulvomixtana, St. y. capuzina, Johns. v. subcapucina, Desv. v. selasana, H.-S. NIVEANA, Fb. v. curtisana, Desv. CALEDONIANA, St., Bent. treveriana, Hb. cerusana, Dup. v. scotana, Gn. MSS. SCABRANA, Fb. boscana, Fb. parisiana, Gn. v. insulana, Curt. v. combustana, Dup. v. xanthovittana, Desv. frossiana, Fb. r * \ lefebvriana, Dup. v. profanana, Fb. LOGIANA, Schiff. tristana, Hb., D. L. v. trigonana, St. v. boscana, Haw., St. v. plumbosana, Haw. ulmana, Dup. f desfontianana, Fb. ASPERSANA, Hb. v. cerusana, If 6. (r * \ sericana, Hb. subtripunctulana, St. v. hchenana, Curt. SHEPHERDANA, St. PEEONEA, Curt. v. albovittana, St. SPONSANA, Fb. v. fulvocristana, St. favillaceana, Hb., D.L. v. tolana, Desv. EHACODIA, Hb. v. reticulana, Haw. v. tristana, Haw. LIPSIANA, Schiff. sudoriana, Hb. jspadiceana, Haw. ' (brunneana, St. v. substriana, St. v. vittana, St. v clicintciDci Curt* CAUDANA, Fb. effractana, Hb. femargana, Fb. (excavana, Haw. leporinana, Zett. v. cristalana, Don. v. ochracea, St. RUFANA, Schiff. \. fulvovittana, St. autumnana, Hb. v. subcristalana, St. lucidana, Tr. v. sequana, Curt. TEEAS, Tr. densana, Frr. v. striana, Haw. CONTAMINANA, Hb. v. bistriana, Haw. v. fulvostriana, Desv. f obscurana, Don. v. albicostana, St. v. assimilana, St. ' jciliaua, Hb. v. similana, St. v. semiustana, Curt. fdimidiana, Frol. v..atomella, Wd. v. bentleyana, Curt. (rhombana, St. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. DICTYOPTERYX, 8t. LORQUINIANA, Dup. atrosignana, H.-S. uliginosana, Bent., Westw. LCEFLINGIANA, L. v. plumbana, Hb. v. ectypana, Hb. HOLMIANA, L. BERGMANNIANA, L. FOESKALEANA, L. forskoleana, Hb. forskaehliana, Fb. AEGTYEOTOZA, 8t. CONWAYANA, Fb. hoffmannseggana, Hb. spixiana, Frol. v. subaurantiana, St. v. graphitana, Ev. PTYCHOLOMA, St. LECHEANA, L. obsoletana, St. Penthinidse, Gn. DITUTA, St. HARTMANNIANA, L. lineana, Haw. soriptana, Hb. WOODIANA, Bar. SEMIFASCIANA, Haw. aoutana, Tr. elutana, Dup. PENTHINA, Tr. (ANTITHESIA, St.) CORTICANA, Hb. picana, FroL, D. L. capreana, Dup. BETUL^TANA, Haw., St. capreana, H.~S. leucomelana, Gn. CAPR-EANA, Hb. SORORCULANA, Zett. prselongana, Gn. betuletana, H.-S. PRUNIANA, Hb. fasciana, Scop. v. pullana, Wd. OCHROLEUCANA, Hb. tripunctata, Wd. VARIEGANA, Hb. pcecilana, Frol. cynosbatella, Wilk., D. L L.? v. nubiferana, Haw., St. DIMIDIANA, Tr. ochromelana, Gn., D. L. atropunctana', Zett. weaverana, Dale MSS. SAUCIANA, Hb. STAINTONIANA, Bar. GREVILLANA, Curt. GENTIANA, Hb. gentianceana, Hb. gentianana, FroL, D. L. SELLANA, Hb. pullana, St. MARGINANA, Haw. 5 oblongana, Haw. sellana, Gn. similana, Wills. FULIGANA, Hb. ustulana, Haw. (non Hb.) carbonana, Dbl. POSTREMANA, Zell. ANTITHESIA, Gn. (PENTHINA, St.) SALICELLA, L. salicana, Gn., D. L. Spilonotidge, Gn. HEDYA, OCELLANA, Fb. luscana, Fb. comitana, Hb., Haw. LARICIANA, Zell. PAUPERANA, Dup., Frr. paykulliana, Haw. (non Fb.) ACERIANA, Dup. v. sociana, Haw. DEALBANA, Frdl. minorana, Tr., Dup. sociana, St., Wd. incarnana, Haw. ? v. paykulliana, Wd. v. alnetana, St. v. obscurifasciana, Hein. NEGLECTANA, Dup. v. sociana, Haw. SERVILLANA, paykulliana, Westw. SIMPLANA, Fisch. SPILONOTA, Curt. INCARNATANA, Hb. amoanana, Dup., D. L. ' TRTMACULANA, H&W. suffusana, Zell. ROSJECOLANA, Dbl. ROBORANA, Tr. aquana, Hb. cynosbana, Gn. PAEDIA, Gn. TRIPUNCTANA, Fb. ocellana, Hb. cynosbana, Haw. cynosbatella, St. Serieoridse, Gn. ASPIS, Tr. UDMANNIANA, L. rubiana, Scop. achatana, Hb. solandriana, Fb. SIDEEIA, Gn. ACHATANA, Fb. marmorana, Hb., Haw., St. SEEICOEIS, Tr., Gn. LATIFASCIANA, Haw., WUTf. aurofasciana, Haw., St. dormoyana, Dup. venustana, Hb. grapholithana, Gn. EUPHORBIANA, Frr. BIFASCIANA, Haw., St. decrepitana, Fisch., H..S. LITTORALIS, Curt. venustana, Dougl. (non Hb.) morbidana, Gn. MSS. littorana, D. L. FULIGANA, Haw. (non HI.) abscisana, Gn. MSS., D.L. CESPITANA, HI. gramineana, Curt. DOUBLEDAYANA, Bar. RIVTJLANA, Scop. rivellana, Fb. conchana, Hb., D. L. undulana, St. URTICANA, Hb. LACUNANA, Dup. micana, Haw. (non Hb.) obsoletana, St. decusana, Zett. v. herbana, Gn. v. rupestrana, Sta. Ann. 1866. 24 SYNONYMIC LIST OP ALTERNANA, Wilk. daleana, Dbl. IREIGUANA, H.-S. MICANA, Frol., Hb.? olivana, Tr. pinetana, Haw. haworthana, St. MIXODIA, Gn. SCHULZIANA, Fb. pinetana, Hb. bentleyana, Don. zinckenana, Frol., Tr. PALUSTRANA, Zell. disertana, H. -S. cespitana, Curt, (non Hb.) KOXANA, 8t. ARCUANA, Clerck., L. EUCHBOMIA, St. MYQINDANA, Schiff. flammeana, Hb., Frol. fulvipunctata, Haw. undatana, Sodof. formosana, Curt. RUFANA, Scop. rosetana, Hb. PURPURANA, Haw. rosaceana, Schl. ARBUTELLA, L. arbutana, Hb., Frol., D. L, OETHOT^NIA, St. ANTIQUANA, Hb. quadrimaculana. Haw. STRIANA, Schiff. rusticana, Hb. $ fasciolana, St. fasciana, Haw. BRANDERIANA, L. maurana, Hb. viduana, Hb., Dup. donzelana, Gn. f uscana, Clerck. t ERICETANA, Westw. trifoliana, H.-S. Sciaphilidse, Gn. ERIOPSELA, Gn. FRACTIFASCIANA, Haw. vepretana, Fr'dl. cuphana, Dup. caricana, Gn. queketana, Dale, Curt. QUADRANA, Hb. PHTHEOCROA, St. RUGOSANA, Hb. v-albana, Don. CNEPHASIA, Curt. CINCTANA, Scllift. cretana, Fb. albidana, Hb. POLITANA, Haw. lepidana, Curt., D. L. v. sylvana, Tr. v. pulchellana, St. MUSCULANA, Hb. trifasciana, Haw., St. SCIAPHILA, Tr. (CNEPHASIA, Curt.) NUBILANA, Hb. $ perfuscana, Haw. ABRASANA, Dup. CONSPERSANA, Dougl. perterana, Gn. MSS. cretaceana, Curt. decolorana, St. SUBJECTANA, Gn., St. logiana, Haw. (non L.) v. perplexana, St. VIRGAUREANA, Tr. interjectana, Haw. ? v. obsoletana, St. PASCUANA, Hb. pasivana, Hb. CHRYSANTHEANA, Dup. alternella, Wilk., Schiff. ? asinana, Haw. SINUANA, St. cinerana, Bent. stephensiana, Dbl. HYBRIDANA, Hb. rectifasciana, Haw. curvifasciana, St. OCTOMACULANA, Haw., St. COMMUNANA, H.-S. WAHLBOMIANA, L. PENZIANA, Thnb., St. bellana, Curt. diurneana, Gn. COLQUHOUNANA, Std. SPHALEKOPTEKA, Gn ICTERICANA, Haw. J longana, Haw. capillana, Gn. loBwiana, Zell. CAPUA, St. FAVILLACEANA, Hb. vulgana, Frol. ochraceana, St., D. L. terreana, Dup. CLEPSIS, Gn. RUSTICANA, Tr. helvolana, Hb. senecionana, Fr'ul. pulverana, Ev. stramineana, Zett. Grapholithidse, On. BACTBA, St. LANCEOLANA, Hb. dibelana, ///.. pauperana, Curt. lanceana, Frol. v. egenana, Haw. v. pauperana, Haw. v. egestana, Haw. v. plagana, Haw. v. nigrovittana, St. FURFURANA, Haw. acutana, Ev. fuscana, Chant. MSS. juncana, Gn. MSS. lamana, Zell. scirpana, H.-S. PHOXOPTEBYX, Tr. (ANCHYLOPERA, St.) SICULANA, Hb. apicella, Hein. UNGUICELLA, L. unguicana, Fb. falcana, Hb. fractifasciana, St. (non Haw.) UNCANA, Hb. geminana, Don. uncella, Hein. BIARCUANA, St. cuspidana, St. crenana, Dup. (non Hb.) fluctigerana, H.-S. INORNATANA, H.-S. subarcuana, Wilk., D. L. COMPTANA, Frdl. MYRTILLANA, Tr. lyellana, Curt. derasana, St. PALUDANA, Bar. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. 25 LUNDANA, Fb. corylana, Hb. badiana, Dup. DERASANA, Hb. unculana, Haw., St. DIMINUTANA, HttW. cuspidana, Tr. MITTERPACHERIANA, Schiff., Wilk. mitterbachiana, Fb. retusana, Haw. subuncana, Haw. penkleriana, Tr. UPUPANA, Tr., H.-S. ustulana, Tr. LACTANA, Fb. harpana, Hb., St. ramana, FroL, D.L. GKAPHOLITHA, Tr. RAMELLA, L. paykulliana, Fb., D. L. sesquilunana, Haw. v. triquetrana, Hb. v. costana, Dup. NISELLA, Clerck. siliceana, Hb. stictana, Haw. rhombifasciana, Haw. pavonana, Don. petrana, Hb. bceberana, St. decorana, Hb. cuspidana, Haw. CINERANA, Haw. NIGROMACULANA, Haw. freyeriana, Fisch. v. albana, Haw. SUBOCELLANA, Don. equitana, FroL campoliliana, Tr., D. L. asseclana, St. v. decorana, Haw. MINUTANA, Hb. achatana, Frol. poediscana, Stgr. TRIMACULANA, Don.,WHk. mitterbachiana, Haw. mitterbacheriana, Wd. lithoxylana, Dup. ulmariana, Zell. v. excruciana, St. FENKLERIANA, mitterpaclieriana, Tr. mitterbacheriana, Dup. retusana, Haw. OBTUSANA, Haw. derasana, Dup. distortana, Gn. segmentana, H.-S. NIGRICANA, H.-S. N^EVANA, Hb. unipunctana, Haw. GEMINANA, St. dorsivittana, Zell. ? C^CANA, Scltl. ccecana, H.-S. PHLCEODES, On. TETRAQUETRANA, Haw. frutetana, Hb. v. angulana, Haw. IMMUNDANA, Fisdl. v. triquetrana, Haw. DEMARNIANA, Fisdl. nasvana, St. (non Hb.) CRENANA, Hb. monachana, Fisch. v. cognatana, St. HYPERMEC1A, G.n. ANGUSTANA, Hb. cruciana, Zett. pullana, Ev. CRUCIANA, L. excoecana, H.-S. viminana, Gn. angustana, Wlk. BATODES, Gn. ANGUSTIORANA, Haw. rotundana, Haw. dumeriliana, Dup. P^EDISCA, Tr., Gn. (PCECILOCHROMA, St.) BILUNANA, Haw. cretaceana, Frol. OPPRESSANA, Tr. RATZEBURGHIANA. pinetana, Westw. (non Hb.) tenerana, Dup. errana, Gn. RUFIMITRANA, H.-S. RUBIGINOSANA, H.-S. bouchardana, Dbl. CONSEQUANA, H.-S. (non Zell.) arctana, Stgr. hawkerana, Sta. CORTICANA, Hb. lichenana, Tr. communana, St. v. adustana, Hb. PROFUNDANA, Fb., Wilk. wellensiana, Hb., St. porphyrana, Hb. v. nebulana, Don. v. porphyriana, Haw. v. aethiopana, Haw. v. aseclana, Haw. v. sylvana, Haw. v. alphonsiana, Dup. v. nubilana, Dup. OPTHALMICANA, Hb. opthalmana, Frol. maculana, St. OCCULTANA, Dougl. pinicolana, Zell. SOLANDRIANA, L. semimaculana, Hb. semilunana, Frol. parmatana, Fisch. v. brunnichiana, L. sinuana, Hb. parmatana, Hb., Tr. t H.-S. funalana, St. trapezina, Fb., Haw. ratana, Hb. sylvana, Hb. sordidana, Dup. SEMIFUSCANA, St. v. sciurana, H.-S. v. melaleucana, Dup. v. piceana, Haw. f SORDIDANA, Hb. stabilana, St. solan driana, Hein. EPHIPPIPHORA, Gn (HALONOTA, St.) SIMILANA, Hb. bimaculana, Don. straemiana, Haw. dissimilana, Tr., Fisch oervana, Ev. CIRSIANA, Zell. scutulana, Fisch. mortuana, Gn. MSS. v. 0, $ sticticana, Haw. PFLUGIANA, Haw. $ stictana, Haw. $ sticticana, St., Wd. scutulana, Wilk. (non Tr. E 26 SYNONYMIC LIST OF BRUNNICHIANA, Frdl. profundana, Hb. rusticana, Haw. quadrana, St. quadratana, Ev. TURBIDANA, Tr. zelleriana, Scld. GRANDJ3VANA, Zell. tussilaginana, H.-S. INOPIANA, Haw. centrana, H.-S. F(ENELLA, L., Wilk. scopoliana, Schi/., Fb. pflugiana, Fb. tibialana, Hb. interrogationana, Don. foeneana, Tr., D. L. NIGRICOSTANA, Haw. squalidana, H.-S. remyana, Koll., v. H.-S. SIGNATANA, padana, Zell. TRIGEMINANA, St. poecilana, Gn. 5 argyrana, St. TETRAGONANA, St. luctuosana, Dup., Gn. COSTIPUNCTANA, Haw. v. amygdalana, Dup. POPULANA, Fb. ephippana, Hb. stictiana, Frdl. OBSCURANA, St. gallicolana, Zell. OLINDIA, Gn. ULMANA, Hb. $ areolana, Hb. hastiana, St. (non L.) SEMASIA, Gn. SPINIANA, FiscJi., Dup. trigonana, St. ephippana, Wd. IANTHINANA, lediana, Haw., St. incisana, H.-S. lathyrana, St. RUFILLANA, WilJf., Zell. pudicana, H.-S. v. lediana, Haw. V7CEBERIANA, Schiff. ornatana, Hb. woeberana, Haio., D. L. weberana, Wd. COCCYX, Tr. COSMOPHORANA, Tr. dalecarliana, Zett. SCOPARIANA, H.-S. lathyrana, Frol. STROBILELLA, L. strobilana, Hb., D. L. OCHSENHEIMERIANA, Zell. loxiana, H.-S. SPLENDIDULANA, Gn. plumbatana, Zell. strobilana, Haw. t fraternana, St. f ARGYRANA, Hb. atromargana, Haw., St. ? strobilella, St. VERNANA, Knagga (praec. var. ?) NEMORIVAGA, Tgstr. finitimana, Gn. MSS. taedana, D. L. (non L.) PYGM.EANA, Hb. subsequana, Haw. T^JDELLA, ClercTc., L. comitana, Schiff. , Tr., St. hyrciniana, Uslar.,D.L. v. proximana, H.-S. DISTINCTANA, Bent., Wilk. piceana, Westw. USTOMACULANA, Curt. dorsivittana, H.-S. pellicana, Gn. MSS. NANANA, Tr. tenebrosana, Dougl. douglasana, Gn. MSS. VACCINIANA, Fiscli., Zell. myrtiUana, CJiant. MSS., Westw. HEUSIMENE, St. FIMBRIANA, HdW. PAMPLUSIA, Gn. MERCURIANA, Hb. monticolana, Mann. subsequana, St., Wd. alticolana, St. EETINIA, Gn. BUOLIANA, Schiff. gemmana, Hbl turionana, Haw. PINICOLANA, Dbl. turionella, Curt., St. TURIONANA, Hb. turionella, Wilk., ? L. PINIVORANA, Zell. pudendana, H.-S. resinella, St. albionana, Gn. MSS. RESINELLA, L. DUPLANA, Hb. spadiceana, Dup. SYLVESTRANA, Curt.,Wilk. CABPOCAPSA, Tr. SPLENDIDANA, Hb. GROSSANA, Haw. fagiglandana, Zell. POMONELLA, L. pomonana, Schiff. pomana, Fb. v. pulaminana, Stgr. OPADIA, Gn. FUNEBBANA, Tr. ENDOPISA, Gn. NIGRICANA, St. tenebrosana, Dup. pisana, Gn. proximana, Wilk. nebritana, Wilk. (non Tr.),D.L. STIGMONOTA, Gn. DORSANA, Fb. lunulana, Schiff. t D. L. jungiana, Frol. o ROB ANA, Tr. LEGUMINANA, Zell. deflexana, H.-S. interruptana, Wilk. (non H.-S.) t D. L. RAVULANA, H.-S. CONIFERANA, Ratzb. separatana, H.-S. v. iissana, St. COGNATANA, Bar. LEPLASTRIERANA, Clirt. gueriniana, Dup. capparidana, Zell. COROLLANA, Hb. heegerana, Wilk. (non Dup.), D. L. PERLEPIDANA, Haw. schrankiana, Frol. loderana, Tr. 5 dorsana, Dup. lathyrana, H.-S. ERECTANA, Bar. INTERNANA, Gn. dorsana, St. COMPOSITELLA, Fb. gundiana, lib., St. composana, JInu:, D. L. dorpana. St. BRITISH LEPIDOPTEBA. 27 N1TIDANA, Fb., Wilk. redimitana, Gn. vigeliana, H.-S. FLEXANA, Zell. weirana, Dougl. TEAUNIANA, floricolana, Hb. conjngana, Zcll. REGIANA, Zell. trauniana, Haw., Dbl. Cat. v. honorana, H.-S. ROSETICOLANA, Zell. germarana, Wilk. (non Hb.), D. L. GERMARANA, Hb. atropurpurana, Haw., St. puncticostana, Wd., St., D.L. fulvifrontana, Zell. immaculana, Gn. DICBOBAMPHA, Gn. POLITANA, Hb. simpliciana, Wd. ALPINANA, Tr. jacquinana, Haw. v. strigana, Haw. SEQUANA, Hb. PETIVEEELLA, L. v. lunulana, Wd. v. sequana, Wd. v. stelliferana, Curt. v. flavidorsana, Knaggs. PLUMBANA, Scop. ulicana, Gn., Wilk. SATURNANA, Gn. PLUMBAGANA, Tr. strobilana, Dup. ACUMINATANA, Zell. caliginosana, Dbl. Cat. HERBOSANA, Bar. SIMPLICIANA, HaiV. caliginosana, Tr. artemisiana, Bent. atropurpurana, Wd. SENECTANA, Gn., Wilk. TANACETI, St. (non Wilk.) saturnana, Hein. DISTINCTANA, Hein. CONSOETANA S PYBODES, Gn. RHEEDIELLA, ClercJc-., L. daldorfana, Fb. daldorfiana, Fb., Haw., St. aurana, Hb. rhediana, Tr., Dup., D.L. CATOPTBTA, Gn. ALBERSANA, Hb. rhediella, St. ULICETANA, HaiU. succedana, Fr'ol. lanceolana, St. micaceana, Constant. v. asseclana, St. JULIANA, Curt. NIMBANA, H.-S. MICROGRAMMANA, Gn. HYPE RIG AN A, Hb. PARVULANA, Wilk. CANA, Haw., St., Wd. carduana, Gn. scopoliana, Wilk., D. L. hohenwarthiana, Tr. ?, D.L. FULVANA, St., Wilk. pupillana, Haw. (non L.) jaceana, H.-S. CANDIDULANA, NolcJc. maritirnana, Dale MSS. wimmerana, Wilk. (non Tr.), D. L. SCOPOLIANA, Haw., St., Wd. hohenwarthiana, Gn., Wilk. (non Tr.) ASPIDISCANA, Hb. dahlbomiana, Zett. C^CIMACULANA, Hb. CONTERMINANA, H.-S. DECOLORANA, Frr. JEMULANA, Sdlil. mpdestana, H.-S. ? tripoliana, Bar. EXPALLIDANA, HaW. rufana, St. westwoodiana, Gn. HSS. ibiceana, H.-S. obumbratana, Zell. ? CITRANA, Hb. PUPILLANA, Clerck., L. absinthiana, Hb. v. lacteana, St. TBYCHEBIS, Gn. AURANA, Fb. mediana, Fb., D. L. Pyraloididse, Gn. CHOKEUTES, Hb. BJERKANDRELLA, Tlinb. (1784) bjerkandrana, Fb. (1787) vibrana, Hb. (post 1849), D.L. MYLLERANA, Fb. scopoliana, Panz. mylleri, Haw. punctosa, Haw., Wd. angustana, Hb. scintillulana, Hb., H.-S., D.L. scintilulalis, Tr. albipunctalis, Zett. SYMJ3THIS, Leach. PARIANA, Clerck., L. pariahs, Tr. lutosa, Haw. OXYACANTHELLA, L. scopolella, L. oxyacanthae, Haw. urticana, Hb. dentana, Hb. fabrioiana, St., Wd., D.L. alternalis, Tr., Zett. Conchylidse, Gn. EUPCECILIA, St. NANA, Haw. DUBITANA, Hb. ATRICAPITANA, St. PALLIDANA, Zell. albicapitana, Cooke. MACULOSANA, Haw. AMANDANA. H.-S. sodaliana, Haw., Wilk., D.L. HYBRIDELLA, Hb. carduana, Zell. AMBIGUELLA, Hb. ANGUSTANA, Hb. GILVICOMANA, Zell. flaviscapulana, H.-S. CURYISTBIOANA, AFFINITANA, Doil-fjl. SYNONYMIC LIST OF VECTISANA, Westw. geyeriana, Hein. (non H.-S.) MUSSEHLIANA, Tr. GEYERIANA, H.-S. UDANA, Gn. griseana, Sta., Willt. GRISEANA, H in. compunctella, H.-S., Hein. OXYACANTHELLA, H.-S., ZelL $ caesiella, Sta. PYRELLA, VilL, Sta. cerasiella, Hb., Frey., H.-S. caesia, Haw. SPINIELLA, Hb., ZelL cjesiella, lib., Fig. 360, $, Sta. SCYTHBOPIA, Hb. CRATJEGELLA, L., St., Sta. HYPONOMEUTA,La^ M Zell. VIGINTIPUNCTATUS, Retz., ZelL, Sta. sedella, Tr., Dup. PLUMBELLUS, Schijft*., Sta. roscidella, ///'. plumbea, llmr. IRRORELLUS, Hb., Sta. irrorea, Haw. PADELLUS, L., Sta. variabilis, Zell. CAGNAGELLUS, Hb. cognatella, Tr.,St., D.L. evonymella, Scop., Sta. evonymi, Zell. EVONYMELLUS, L., Don., Wd. padi, ZelL, Sta. ANESYCHIA, St. BIPUNCTELLA, Fb., Sta. echiella, III>. pusiella, Wd. FUNERELLA, Fb., St., St'l. fuuerea, Haw. DECEMGUTTELLA, Hb., Sta. CHALYBE, Dup. PYRAUSTA, Pall., Zell. atropunctella, Thnb. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. 31 PBAYS, Hb. CURTISELLUS, Don., St., Sta. curtisii, Haiv. caenobitella, Hb. ( rustica, Haw. v. -I simplicella, H.-S. (ruficeps, Hein. j Sta. EIDOPHASIA, St. MESSINGIELLA,FiSC/i., Sta. transversella, St. PLUTELLA, Schr. CRUCIFERARUM, Zell., Sta. xylostella, D. L. (non L.) PORRECTELLA, L., Sta. hesperidella, Hb. hesperidis, Haw. ANNULATELLA, Curt., Sta. speluncaricolella, Brd. ( bicingulata, H.-S. ' \ immaculicornella, Gn, DALELLA, Sta. vittella, Hb. marmorosella, Wk. SEQUELLA, ClercJc., L., Sta nyctemerella, Scliiff. pusiella, Gn. (leucophaea, Zell. r< jsequella, H.-S. VITTELLA, L., Sta. sisymbrella, Scliiff. jcarbonella, Hb. f ' (maurellus, St., Wd. RADIATELLA, Don., Sta. fissella, Hb., Gn. variella, Hb. v. quinquepunctatus. Haw. v. lutosus, Haw. v. flaviciliatus, Haw. v. rufimitrellus, St. COSTELLA, Fb., Sta. costatus, Fb. maculella, Fb. raaculatus, Fb. ochrella, Hb. ustulatus, Haw. 5 fissella, Dup. v. ochroleucus, Haw. v. ermineus, Haw. SYLVELLA, L., Sta, sylvarum, Fb. nemorum, Fb. bifasciatus, Haw. ALPELLA, Sclii ff., Sta. alpinus, Fb. persicellus, St. ? LUCELLA, Fb., Sta. lucorum, Fb. mucronella, Hb., Haw. antennella, Scliiff. HORRIDELLA, Tr., Gn., Sta. falcella, St. subfalcatella, Curt. ASPERELLA, L., St., Sta. clairvillella, Fb. falcatella, Don. HARPIPTERYX, Tr., Gn. SCABRELLA, L., St., Sta. pterodactylella, Hb. NEMORELLA, L., St., Sta. hamella, Hb., Tr. cultrea, Haw. XYLOSTELLA, L., Sta. dentella, Fb., Haw., St. harpella, Scliiff., D.L. THERISTIS, Hb. (PTEROXIA, Gn.) MUCRONELLA, Scop. caudella, L., Sta., D.L. cultrella, Hb., Frey. acinacidella, Hb., St. acinacidea, Haw. Gelechiidae, Sta. ORTHOTELIA, St. SPARGANELLA, TJlllb., Sta sparganiella, Tr., Zell. venosa, Haw., St., Wd. tostella, Hb. HENICOSTOMA, St. LOBELLA, Scliiff., Sta. thunbergiana, Fb., St. thunbergii, Haiv. lugubrella, Dup. PHIBALOCERA, St. QUERCANA, Fb., Sta. fagana, ScliiJ)'. faganella, Tr. cancella, Hb. EX^ERETIA, Sta. ALLISELLA, Sta. DEPRESSARIA, Haw. COSTOSA, Haw., Sta. spartiana, Hb. depunctella, Hb. FLAVELLA, Hb. flavosa, Raw. liturella, Tr., Sta., D. L. v. \ bipunctosajCwrt, Sta.? (pallorella, H.-S. PALLORELLA, Zell., Sta. sparmanniella, H.-S. UMBELLANA, St., Std. ulicetella, Sta., H.-S. ASSIMELELLA, Tr., Sta. 'irrorella, St. NANATELLA, Sta., Zell. SCOPARIELLA, Hein. pulverella, Fiscli., Rossi. atomosa, Haw. atomella, Sta., D.L. intermediella, Sta. ATOMELLA, Hb. respersella, Tr. pulverella, Tr. ARENELLA, ScJliff., Sta. yeatiana, Thnb. gilvella, Hb., St. gilvosa, Haw. PROPINQUELLA, Tr., Sta. yeatiella, Hb. SUBPROPINQUELLA, Sta. heracliella, Dup. sublutella, Stgr. RHODOCHRELLA, H.-S. ALSTR(EMERIANA, L., Sta. alstroemiana, L. alstroemeri, Haw. monilella, Schift'. albidella, Ev. CINIFLONELLA, Lien., Sta. PURPUREA, Haw., Sta. vaccinella, Hb., D. L. CAPREOLELLA, Zell., Sta. depressella, H.-S. (non #6.) caprella, Sta. LITURELLA, Hb. hypericella, 2V., Sta., D. L. ? liturosa, Haw. ? CONTERMINELLA,eZZ., Sta hypericella, Hb. ? curvipunctosa, Haiv. ? ANGELICELLA, Hb., Sta. rubidella, Dup. 82 SYNONYMIC LIST OF CNICELLA, Tr., Zell., Sta. CARDUELLA, Hb., St., Sta. OCELLANA, Fb., Sta. characterella, Schiff. signella, Hb. signosa, Haw. YEATIANA, Fb., Sta. yeatsii, Haw. yeatsiana, St. yatesana, Wd. putrida, Haw., St. yeatiella, D. L. APPLANA, Fb., Haiv., Sta. applanella, Fb., D. L. cicutella, Hb. CILIELLA, Sta. annexella, Zell. ZEPHYRELLA, Hb. capreolella, H.-8. granulosella, Sta., D. L. ROTUNDELLA, Dougl., Sta. peloritanella, Zell. DEPRESSELLA, Hb., Sta. depressana, H.-S. bluntii, Curt., St. collarella, Zett. PIMPINELL^J, Zell., Sta. pulverella, Ev. characterosa, Haw. ? OLERELLA, Zell., Sta. ALBIPUNCTELLA, Hb., Sta. DISCIPUNCTELLA, H.-S. pastinacella, Sta., D.L. EMERITELLA, Heyd., Sta. PULCHERRIMELLA, Sta. DOUGLASELLA, Sta. miserella, H.-S. WEIRELLA, Sta. apiosa, Haw. CH^ROPHYLLI, Zell., Sta., H.-S. chterophyllivorella, D. L. ULTIMELLA, Sta. NERVOSA, Haw., Sta. apiella, Hb. daucella, Tr. nervosella, D. L. BADIELLA, Hb., Sta. LIBANOTIDELLA, Schl., Sta. , Sta. PSORICOPTERA, Sta. GIBBOSELLA, Zell, Sta. zephyr ell a, St. GELECHIA, Sta. VILELLA, Zell. subcinerea, Haw. ? PINGUINELLA, Tr. populella, Hb. turpella, H.-S. NIGRA, Haw, cautella, Zell. rusticella, St. HIPPOPHAELLA, Schr. basalis, Dougl., Sta. MALVELLA, Hb. listeri, Haw. ? MUSCOSELLA, Zell. LENTIGINOSELLA, Zell. VELOCELLA, Fisch. FUMATELLA, Dougl. ERICETELLA, Hb. betulea, Haw. gallinella, 2V. lanceolella, St. MULINELLA, Zell., Sta. interrupta, Haw. DIVISELLA, Dougl. SCOTINELLA, H.-S. SORORCULELLA, Hb. CUNEATELLA, Zell. PELIELLA, Tr., Zell., Sta. LONGICORNIS, Curt. DIFFINIS, Haw., Sta. dissimilella, Dup. scabidella, Zell. BOREELLA, Dougl., Sta. GALBANELLA, Fisch., Zell., Sta. RHOMBELLA, ScJliff., Hb., Sta. rhombea, II aw. SOLUTELLA, Zell., Sta. DISTlNCTELLA, Zell., Sta. CELERELLA, Dougl., Sta. SCALELLA, Scop. alternella, Hb., Si. bicolorella, Tr. alterna, Hair. aleella, Fb., D. L. CONFINIS, Sta. GRACILELLA, Sta. BRACHMIA, Hein. LATHYRELLA, Sta. nigricostella, Sta., D. L., (non Dup.) MODFFETELLA, ScJllff. t Sta. pedisequella, Hb. punctifcra, Haw. BBYOTBOPHA, Hcin. TERRELLA, Hb., Sta. zephyrella, Tr. lutarea, Haw. inulella, Hb. DESERTELLA, Dougl., Sta POLITELLA, Dougl., Sta. (non Och.) expolitella, D. L. SENECTELLA, ZclL, Sta. MUNDELLA, Dougl., Sta. SIMILIS, Dougl. similella, D. L. AFFINIS, Dougl, Sta. tegulella, H.-S. UMBROSELLA, Zell. BASALTINELLA, Zell., Sta. DOMESTICA, Haw., Sta. LITA, Tr. STRELITZIELLA, H.-S., Hein. ACUMINATELLA, Sircom., Sta. cirsiella, Sta. ARTEMISIELLA, Tr., Sta., Hein. VISCARIELLA, Logan, Sta. ^THIOPS, Westw., Sta. COSTELLA, WcstlV., Sta. MACULEA, Haw., St. maculella, St., D. L. blandella, Dougl. TRICOLORELLA, Haw., Sta. contigua, Haw., St. acernella, H.-S. FRATERNELLA, Dougl., Sta. MACULIFERELLA, Doiigl., Sta. proxima, Haw., St. VICINELLA, Dougl., Sta. LEUCOMELANELLA, ZclL, Sta. JUNCTELLA, Dougl., Sta. vicinella, H.-S. marmorea, H.-S. HiiBNERi, Haw., St. krcesmanniella, H.-S. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. 33 KNAGGSIELLA, St(t. junctella, H.-S. MARMOREA, Haw., Sta. OBSOLETELLA, Fisch., Sta. INSTABILELLA, Dougl. ocellatella, Sta. PLANTAGINELLA, Sta. instabilella, Sta. (non Dougl.) ATRIPLICELLA, FiscJl., Sta. TELEIA, Hein. PROXIMELLA, Hb., Sta. NOTATELLA, Hb., Sta. proximella, v. f3, Zell. euratella, H.-S. HUMERALIS, Zell., Sta. lyellella, Curt.,D.L. VULGELLA, Hb., Sta. asper, Haw., St. LUCULELLA, Hb., Sta. subrosea, St. luctuella, St. SCRIPTELLA, Hb., Sta. blattarise, Haiv. tremella, St., Wd. FUGITIVELLA, Zell., Sta. SEQUAX, Haw., Sta. apicistrigella, H.-S. sequacella, D. L. DODECELLA, L., Sta. ammlicornis, St. favillaticella, Zell. TRIPARELLA, Zell., Sta. dodecea, Haw. dodecella, St. BECUBVAEIA, H.-S. LEUCATELLA, Clerclc., L., Sta. leucatea, Haw. albocingulella, Dup. NANELLA, Hb. nana, v. /3, Haw. pruniella, Hb. PCECILIA, Hein. NIVEA, Haw, nivella, St. nigrovittella, Dup. lepidella, Zell. gemmella, Sta., D. L. ALBICEPS, Zell., Sta. nana, Haw. aleella, Wd. albicapitella, D. L. AEGYEITIS, Hein. TARQUINIELLA, Sta. PICTELLA, Zell., Sta. NANNODIA, Hein. STIPE LL A, Hb. v. naeviferella, Dup., Sta., D.L. HERMANNELLA, Fb., Sta. schsefferella, Don., St. zinckeella, Hb. APODIA, Hein. BIFRACTELLA, Mann., Sta. SITOTEOGA, Hein. CEREALELLA, Oliver. PTOCHEUUSA, Hein. INOPELLA, Zell., Sta. paupella, Zell., Sta., D. L. abnormella, H.-S. OSSEELLA, Sta. SUBOCELLEA, St. internella, Zell. dissonella, H.-S. LITTORELLA, quinquepunctella, H.-S. EEGATIS, Hein. BRIZELLA, Tr., Sta. SUBDECURTELLA, Sta. ERICINELLA, Dup., Sta. micella, Hb., Tr. DOEYPHOEA, Hein. PALUSTRELLA, Sta. ARUNDINETELLA, Zell., Sta., Hein. OBLITELLA, Dbl. suffusella, Dougl., Sta. MOROSA, Miihlig. LUCIDELLA, St., Sta. LUTULENTELLA, Zell., Sta. PULVERATELLA, H.-S. intaminatella, Sta. MONOCHEOA, Hein. TENEBRELLA, Hb., St. subcuprella, St. $ tenebrosella, Zell., D. L unicolorella, Dup. ? LAMPROTES, Hein. ATRELLA, Haw., Sta. umbriferella, H.-S., Fn: ANACAMPSIS, Curt. ALBIPALPELLA, H.-S., Sta. leucopalpella, H.-S. LIGULELLA, Zell., Sta. vorticella, Tr. cinctella, Hb. albistrigella, St. ? VORTICELLA, Scop., Zell., Sta. T^ENIOLELLA, Tr., Zell., Sta. SIRCOMELLA, Sta. (pr86C. var. ?) IMMACULATELLA, Dougl., Sta. NIGRITELLA, Zell., Sta. CORONILLELLA, Tr., Sta. SANGIELLA, Sta. ANTHYLLIDELLA, Hb., Sta. ACANTHOPHILA, Hein. ALACELLA, Dup., Sta. TACHYPTILIA, Hein. POPULELLA, Clerck., L., Sta. boeberana, Fb. populi, Haw. blattariella, Hb. juniperella, St. tremulella, Dup. laticinctella, Wd. TEMERELLA, Zell., Sta. pernigrella, Dougl. BEACHYCEOSSATA, Hein. CINERELLA, ClercTc., L., Sta. cinerea, Haw. ardeliella, Hb. spodiella, Tr. murinella, Scop. ? CEEATOPHOEA, Hein. RUFESCENS, Haw., Sta. tinctella, St. diaphanella, Zell. Isabella, Zell. rufescentella, D. L. INORNATELLA, Dougl., Sta. 34 SYNONYMIC LIST OF CLADODES, Hein. GERRONELLA, ZelL, Std. PARASIA, Dup. APPELLA, L., Sta. ffistivella, ZelL silacella, St., Wd. METZNERIELLA, Sta. paucipunctella, Dougl. silacea, var. ft, Haw. CARLINELLA, Dougl., Sta. aestivella, H.-S. NEUROPTERELLA, FlScTl., ZelL, Sta. CLEODORA, Sta. CYTISELLA, Curt., Sta. fuscipennis, West. walkeriella, Dougl. STRIATELLA, Hb., Sta. CHELARIA, Haw. HUBNERELLA, Don., Sta. conscriptella, Hb., D. L. conscripta, Haw. rhomboidella, Curt., St. ANABSIA, ZelL SPARTIELLA, Sdir., Sta. robertsonella, Curt. GENISTJE, Sta. (prsec.var.?) HYPSILOPHUS, Fb., Sta. USTULELLUS, Fb. capucinella, Hb. FASCIELLUS, Hb., Sta. SCHMIDIELLUS, Heyd. durdhamellus, Sta., D. L. quadrinellus, H.-S. JUNIPERELLUS, L., ZelL MARGINELLUS, Fb., Sta. striatella, Hb. clarella, Tr. HAPLOTA, St. PALPELLA, Haw., Sta. balucella, H.-S. NOTHRIS, Hb., Sta. VERBASCELLA, Hb., Sta. SOPHRONIA, Hb., Sta, PARENTHESELLA, L., Sta, semicostella, Hb. HUMERELLA, Scklff., Sta., PANZERELLA, St., Sta. Hb. subochreella, Dbl. PLEUROTA, BICOSTELLA, Clerck., L., Sta. Qt UNITELLA, Hb., Sta. ., Ma. fusco-aurella, Haw.. D. L. HARPELLA, Sclir. GEOFFRELLA, L., Sta. BRACTEELLA, L. HYPERCALLIA, St. CITRINALIS, Scop. christiernana, L. christiernella, Hb., D. L. christiernini, ZelL, H.-S. DASYCERA, Haw., Sta. SULPHURELLA, Fb. orbonella, Hb. OLiyiERELLA, Fb. olivieri, Haw. ffimulella, Hb. (ECOPHORA, ZelL, Sta. MINUTELLA, L., Sta, oppositella, Fb., St. FULVIGUTTELLA, ZelL, H.-S. minutella, Haw., St. flavimaculella, Sta., D. L. TRIPUNCTA, Haw., Sta. tripunctella, St. trimaculella, Dup. trisignella, ZelL, D. L. STIPELLA, L. tigrella, Hb. similella, Sta. AUGUSTELLA, Hb., Sta. angusta, Haw. v. albimaculella, Haw. WOODIELLA, Curt., Sta, GRANDIS, Desv., Sta. FORMOSELLA, Hb., Sta. LUNARIS, Haw., Sta. metznerella, Tr. begrandella, Dup. clavella, H.-S. LAMBDELLA, Don., Sta. lambda, Haw. metzneriella, H.-S. SUBAQUILELLA, EdL, Sta. britannicella, H.-S. TINCTELLA, Hb., Sta,, Tr. lutarella, St., Wd. arietella, ZelL, H.-S. FLAVIFRONTELLA, Hb., Sta. FUSCESCENS, Haiv., Sta. PSEUDOSPRETELLA, Sta., Hein. (ECOGENIA, Sta., Gn. QUADRIPUNCTATA, Hair., Sta. bifasciella, St. (non Fb.) kindermanniella, H.-S. deauratella, H.-S. ENDROSIS, Hb., Sta. FENESTRELLA, Scop. Sta. lacteella, Schijf. betulinella, Hb. sarcetia, Haw. sarcitella, St., Wd. BUTALIS, Tr. GRANDIPENNIS, Haw., Sta. FUSCO-^NEA, Haw., Sta. schneideri, ZelL SENESCENS, Sta. DISSIMILELLA, H.-S.? ., Sta. crassiuscula, H.-S. CICADELLA, ZelL, Sta. VARIELLA, St., Sta. CHENOPODIELLA, Hb. Sta. tristella, Tr. variella, Schiff. cylindrea, Haw. limbella, Zett. ATEMELIA, H.-S. TORQUATELLA, Lien., ZelL, Sta. compressella, H.-S. AMPHISBATIS, ZelL INCONGRUELLA, Sta. PANCALIA, Sta. LATREILLELLA, Curt., Sta. LEWENHOEKELLA, L., Sta. BRITISH LEPIDOPTEEA. 35 Gly phipterygidae, Sta . ACKOLEPIA, Curt. PERLEPIDELLA, Sta. fulviceps, Wk. ruficeps, H.-S. MAECIDELLA, Curt. GRANITELLA, Tr., Sta. PYGM^EANA, Haw., St. autumnitella, Curt., D.L. lefebvriella, Dup. heleniella, Zell. BETULELLA, Curt., Sta. EKXLEBENELLA, Fb., Sta. fusco-cuprella, St., Wd. chrysitella, Tr. erxlebeniella, Zell., H.-S. Hein. PRONUBELLA, ScUiff. promulella, Fb. GLYPHIPTERYX, Hb., St. FUSCOVIRIDELLA, Haw., Sta. albicostella, Dup. THRASONELLA, Scop., Sta. fueslella, Fb. seppella, Hb. aillyella, Hb. fueslii, Haw. triguttella, Don. CLADIELLA, Sta. (prt6C. var. ?) HAWORTHANA, St., Sta. zonella, Zett. EQUITELLA, Scop., Sta. SCHCENICOLELLA, Sta. FORSTERELLA, Fb., Haw. oculatella, Zell., Sta., D.L. lucasella, Dup. FISCHERIELLA, Zell. desiderella, Fisch. roslerstammella, Fisch. aechmiella, Dup. desideratella, Dup. ^CHMIA, Sta. DENTELLA, Zell., Sta. subdentella, Sta. atrella, St. PER1TTIA, Sta. OBSCUREPUNCTELLA, Sta. oleae, Haw. ? HELIOZELE, H.-S. (TINAGMA, Dup.) SERICIELLA, Haw., Sta. metallicella, Dup., Zell. STANNEELLA, Fiscll., Sta, RESPLENDELLA, Dougl., Sta. metallicella, Sta. DOUGLASIA, Sta. OCNEROSTOMELLA, Sta. echii, H.-S. Argyresthiidae, Sta. ARGYRESTHIA, Hb., Sta. EPHIPPELLA, Fb., Sta. pruniella, Hb. tetrapodella, St., Wd. NITIDELLA, Fb., Sta. pruniella, Ratzb. pruni, Haw. curvella, Zett. fossea, Haw. ' {denudatella, Zell. PURPURASCENTELLA, Sta. SEMITESTACELLA, Curt., Sta. SPINIELLA, Zell., Sta. ALBISTRIA, Haw., Sta. fagetella, Zell., H.-S. CONJUGELLA, Zell., Sta. ^RARIELLA, Sta. SEMIFUSCA, Haw., Sta. semipurpurella, St. pruniella, Don. MENDICA, Haw., Sta. mendicella, St., D. L. caesiella, Tr. pruniella, Zett. tetrapodella, Zell. spinosella, Sta. GLAUCINELLA, Zell., Sta. RETINELLA, Zell., Sta. ABDOMINALIS, Zell., Sta. DILECTELLA, Zell., Sta. ANDEREGGIELLA, Dllp. Sta,, Fisch. CURVELLA, L., Sta. cornella, Fb. curva, Haw. sparsella, Zell. SORBIELLA, Tr., Sta. PYGM^ELLA, Hb., Sta. semifasciella, Haw., St. GCEDARTELLA, L., Sta. semiargentella, Don. aurivittella, Wd. v. literella, Haw., St., Sta., D. L. BROCHELLA, Hb., Sta. v. aurivittella, Haw. rajella, L. ? ARCEUTHINA, Zell., Sta. PRJECOCELLA, Zell., Sta. AURULENTELLA, Zell., Sta. DECIMELLA, Sta. CEDESTIS, Sta. FARINATELLA, Dup., Sta. GYSSELINELLA, Dllp., Sta. OCNEROSTOMA, Zell. PINIARIELLA, Zell., Sta. argentella, Zell. ZELLERIA, Sta. HEPARIELLA, Mann., Sta. INSIGNIPENNELLA, Sta. FUSCA, Sta. FASCIAPENNELLA, Logan., Sta. SAXIFRAGE, Sta. fasciapennella, Frr. $ alpicella, H.-S. Gracilariidae, Sta. GRACILARIA, Zell. ALCHIMIELLA, Scop. swederella, Thnb., Sta., D.L. franckella, Hb. hilaripennella, 2V., Dup. thunbergella, St. STIGMATELLA, Fb., Sta. upupaepennella, Hb. trigona, Haw. ochracea, Haw. STRAMINEELLA, Sta. HEMIDACTYLELLA, Fb., Hb., Sta. 36 SYNONYMIC LIST OP FALCONIPENNELLA, Hb., Sta. SEMIFASCIA, Haw., Sta. picipennella, Zell. inconstans, H.-S. POPULETORUM, ZelL, Sta. ELONGELLA, L., Sta. signipennella, Hb. hemidactyla, Haw. hemidactylella, St. roscipennella, Tr. TRINGIPENNELLA, ZclL, Sta. fringilella, Dup. roscipennis, Haw. t SYRINGELLA, Fb., Sta. anastomosis, Haw. ardeeepennella, Tr. OMISSELLA, DougL, Sta. PHASIANIPENNELLA, Hb., Sta. ( auroguttella, Wd. ' \ quadruplella, Zell., D.L. AUROGUTTELLA, St., Sta. lacerteUa, Zell. ONONIDIS, Zell., Sta. ononiella, Dup., D. L. ononidella, H.-S. IMPERIALELLA, Mann. KOLLARIELLA, Zell., Sta. COEISCIUM, Zell. BRONGNIARTELLUM, Fb., Sta. substriga, Haw. curtisella, Dup. quercetellum, Zell. brogniardella, D.L. CUCULIPENNELLUM, Hb., Sta. cinerea, Haw. alaudella, Dup. mandella, Dup. ligustrinellum, Zell. SULPHURELLUM, Haw., Sta. leucapennella, St. (non Hb.) citrinellum, Zell., Fisch. citrinella, D. L. ORNIX, Zell. AVELLANELLA, Sta. (non Hb.} avellanaecolella, D.L. DEVONIELLA, Sta. ANGLICELLA, Sta. BETUL.E, Sta. betulaevorella, Dbl. SCUTULATELLA, Sta. TORQUILLELLA. Sta. SCOTICELLA, Sta. LOGANELLA, Sta. GUTTEA, Haw. gutteUa, D. L. Coleophoridae, Sta. GONIODOMA, Zell. AUROGUTTELLA, (non St.) atriplicivorella, Dbl. COLEOPHORA, Zell FABRICIELLA, VUL, Sta. spissicornis, Haw. mayrella, Zell. DEAURATELLA, Lien., Sta trifolii, St. ? FUSCOCUPRELLA, H.-S., Zell. fuscociliella, Sta. ALCYONIPENNELLA, KoL, Sta. MELILOTELLA, Scott. FRISCHELLA, L., Sta. trifolii, Curt. PARIPENNELLA, Zell., Sta. AHENELLA, Wlf. WOCKEELLA, Zell. t Sta. OCHREA, Haw., Sta. BINOTAPENNELLA, Fitch., Dup., Sta. binotatella, Zett., H.-S. LIXELLA, Zell., Sta. ornatea, Haw. ornatipennella, St., Dup. VIBICELLA, Hb., Sta. vibicipennella, 2V., Dup. CONSPICUELLA, Mann., ZelL, Sta. PYKRHULIPENNELLA, Tisch., Zell., M pulchella, Sta. subobscurella, Dbl. ZONARIELLA, Tgstr., Sta. bisulcella, Zell. GANGABELLA, Fisck., Sta. $ albinella, St., Sta. TENIATELLA, Sta. gangabella, Frey. DENSICORNELLA, Hodgtl. CINGILLELLA, Fl8ch.,H.-S. OBLIQUELLA, Edl., Sta. MEGERLELLA, Zell., Sta. ADSCITELLA, Sta. 5 abruptella, Sta. CERUSSELLA, Hb., St., Sta. RHYNCHOSPORELLA, Sta. uliginella, II.-S. PALUDUM, Frey. caricis, Sta. ELEOCHARIELLA, Sta. (praec. var. ?) BIATOMELLA, Sta., Frey. SERRICORNIS, Logan, Sta. serricornella, D. L. ., St., Sta. dispilella, Tr., Sta. DISPUNCTELLA, Dup. triseriatella, Sta., D.L. COLLITELLA, Dup., Ft'eiJ. grossepunctella, H.-S., Frey. SUBOCELLEA, St. POLLINARIELLA, Zell., H.-S., Frey. RUFOCINEREA, Haw., Sta. $ flos-lactis, Haw. SUBALBIDELLA, Sckl. suboc hreella, Dbl. ochreella, Sta., Frey. ARGENTELLA, cygnipennella, Hb., St., Sta,, D.L. $ semialbella, St. TISCHERIA, Zell. COMPLANELLA, Hb., Sta. fulvescens, St. comparella, H.-S. rufipennella, St. ? DODOKEA, Heyd., Sta. MARGINEA, Haw., St., Sta. emyella, Dup., D. L. ANGUSTICOLLELLA, Heyd., Sta. GAUNACELLA, Dup. Lithocolletidae, St. LITHOCOLLETIS, Zell. ROBORIS, Zell., Sta. roborella, Sta., D. L. roborifoliella, Dup. HORTELLA, Fb., Sta. saportella, Dup., Zell. kuhlweiniella, Zell. AMYOTELLA, Dup., Stil. miilleriella, Zell. LANTANELLA, Schr., Sta. elatella, Zell., Frey. TRIGUTTELLA, Sta. QUINQUEGUTTELLA, Sta. NIGRESCENTELLA, Logan, Sta. IRRADIELLA, Scott, Sta. BREMIELLA, Zell., Sta. LAUTELLA, Zell., Sta. VACCINIELLA, Scott, Sta. CAVELLA, Zell. schreberella, Zell. POMIFOLIELLA, Zell., Sta. CORYLI, Nicelli, Sta. SPINICOLELLA, Kol., Sta. pruni, Frey. pruniella, H.-S. FAGINELLA, Mann., Sta. TORMINELLA, Frey., Sta. SALICICOLELLA, SircOUl, Sta. VIMINETORUM, Sta. viminetella, H.-S. CABPINICOLELLA, Sta. ilicifoliella, Sta. INSIGNITELLA, Zell. ULMIFOLIELLA, Hb., Sta. SPINOLELLA, Dltp., S7f. QUERCIFOLIELLA, Fiscll., Zell., Sta. MESSANIELLA, Zell., Sta. CORYLIFOLIELLA, Haw., Sta. CALEDONIELLA, Sta. VIMINIELLA, Sircom, Sta. SCOPARIELLA, Tisch., Sta. ULICICOLELLA, Vaugli a n . Sta. ALNIFOLIELLA, Hb., Sta. alniella, Zell., Frey. HEERGERIELLA, Zell., Sta. tenella, Sta. CRAMERELLA, Fb., Sta. TENELLA, Zell., Sta. SYLVELLA, Haw., Sta. acerifoliella, Zell., D.L. EMBERIZ^PENNELLA, Bouche, Sta. FROLICHIELLA, Zell., Sta. DUNNINGIELLA, Sta. NICELLII, Zell., Sta. tristrigella, Nicelli STETTINENSIS, Nicelli,Sta. KLEEMANNELLA, Fb., St., Sta. SCHREBERELLA, Fb., St., Sta. ulminella, Zell. TRISTRIGELLA, Haw., Sta. strigifasciella, Sta. TRIFASCIELLA, Haw., St., Sta. alnifoliella, St. heydenii, Zell. SCABIOSELLA, DougL, Sta. scabiosaecolella, Dup. COMPARELLA, FlSCk., Zdl., Sta. Lyonetiidae, Sta. LYONETIA, Hb. CLERCKELLA, L. argyrodactyla, Sch (//'. unipunctella, St., Wd. nivella, St., Wd. malella, Schr. foereella, Tr. v. j autumnella, St., Curt. Isemiaurella, Wd. BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA. PRUNIFOLIELLA, Hb. THORACELLA, Tlinb. POTEEII, Sta., Hein. Jpadifoliella, Hb.,Sta., hippocastanella, Dup., BETULICOLA, St., Frey. 7 ' (albeila,'^. hippocastani, Zell. IGNOBILELLA, Sta. PPTQTATTTTT A WiofTi 7.pll ARGENTIPEDELLA, Zell., PHYLLOCNISTIS, Zell. c] " ' SUFFUSELLA, Zell., Sta. ACETOSJE, Sta. SALIGNA, Zell., Sta. Nepticulidae, Sta. PLAGICOLELLA, Sta. salignella, H.-S., D.L. NEPTICULA) Ze n PRUNETORUM, Sta. CEMIOSTOMA, Zell. ATRICAPITELLA, Haw., Sta. Perpusillella, H.-S., Frey. SPARTIFOLIELLA, Hb., St., RUFIC APITELLA, Ifo. , 8ta. TIT ELLA, Dougl., Sta. Sta. TILIjEj Frey atbm MALELLA, Sta., Frey. punctaurella, Haw. BASIGUTTELLA> Hein> ANGULIFASCIELLA, Sta. LABURNELLA Heyd Sta,^^ AGRIMONY Heyd SCITELLA, Zell., Sta. rosella Schr agrimomella, H.-S. clerckella, 8t.,Wd. P ^ M ^ A , Haw., Sta, ATRICOLLIS, Sta. WAILESELLA, Sta. perpvgmseella, Dbl. ARCUATELLA, H.-S. LOTELLA, Sta. POMELLA, VaugJum, Sta. arcuata *V^ Sf a . OROBI, Sta. pygm^ella, Frey. arcuosella, D. L. LATHYRIFOLIELLA, Sta. OXYACANTHELLA, Sta. t GRATIOSELLA, Sta. p aurella, H.-S. OPOSTEGA, Zell. oxyacanthsecolella, Dbl. ULMIVORA, Hein., Sta. SALICIELLA, Tr., Sta. MINUSCULELLA, H.-S., Sta. MARGINICOLELLA, Sta., RELIQUELLA, Zell., H.-S. AUCUPARLE, Frey.(?) Fre y- AURITELLA, Hb., Sta. VISCERELLA, DougL, Sta, ALNETELLA, Sta. CREPUSCULELLA, Fisdl., CATHARTICELLA, Sta. GLUTINOS^, Sta., Hein. Zell., Sta. GWPTTnwBwwTT A Q//y CONTINUELLA, Sta., Hein. A n cr TTT-J aiiPl xtiMBKtjLiLiA, tjia. auntella, St., Wd. ^vwmrACPTTTTT A TT K IT o r, CRYPTELLA, Sta., Frey. ^NEOFASCIELLA, li.-b. SPATULELLA, H.-S., Gn. ' ' J Hein. WEAVERI, DougL, Sta. npnfac5p,-nta TTr^w BUCCULATEIX, Zell, INTIME LLA Zell Sta ^ < INTIMELLA, 46U* t **& CENTIFOLIELLA, Zell., Sta. NIGRICOMBLLA, Zell,, Sta. HEADLEYELLA, Sta. ATTRITTTA Wh - SPLENDIDISSIMELLA > #-' CIDARELLA, Tisch., Zell,, curs0 riella 'zett. , St. c Sta. 77 , LUTEELLA, Sta., Hein. ARGYROPEZA, Zell,, Sta. ULMELLA, Mann., Zell., , SORBI, k>ta. o/ APICELLA, oia. sircomella. Sta. TRIMACULELLA, Haw., Sta, Lculiplnella.Hat,. rufella, Zell. REGIELLA, H.-S., Frey. ARTEMISIELLA, H.-S. PopuleUa, H.-S. BOHEMANNIA, Sta. VETUSTELLA, Mann., Sta, QUINQUELLA, Bedell, Sta. QUADRIMACULELLA) CRAT^GI, Zell., Sta. SERICOPEZA, Zell., Sta.? Boheman., H.-S. crataegifoliella.!)^..!).!,. FLOSLACTELLA, Haw., St., TT}T17 rTTT , DEMARYELLA, Dup., Sta, St "' TEIFUECULA, Zell. scoticella, H.-S. CASTANELLA, Edl. ATRIFRONTELLA, Sta. MARITIMA, Sta. SALICIS, Sta., Frey. SQUAMATELLA, Sta. BOYERELLA, Dup., Sta. salicivorella, Dbl. IMMUNDELLA, Zell., Sta. albedinella, Zell. MYRTILLELLA, EdL, Sta. PALLIDELLA, Zell. FRANGULELLA, Goze., Sta, MicROTHERiELLA, Wing., pallidulella, H.-S. rhamnifoliella, Tr., Sta. Sta, PULVEROSELLA, Sta. 40 CASUAL OK ACCIDENTAL VISITORS, Nymphalidse. AEGYNNIS, Fb. NIOBE, L. DIA, L. MELIT^EA, Fb. DIDYMA, Och. RHOPALOCERA. VANESSA, Och. VIRGINIENSIS, Drury. huntera, Fb. Danaidae. DANAIS, Fb. ERIPPUS, Cr. v. archippus, Fb. Satyridse. EREBIA, Bdv. LIGEA, L. Lycsenidae. POLYOMM ATUS, Bdv. VIRGAURE.K, L. SPHINGES. Sphingidse, Bdv. CHCEROCAMPA, Dup. NERII, L. Syntomidse, H.-S. SYNTOMIS, III. PHEGEA, L. NACILIA, Bdv. ANCILLA, L. BOMBYCES. Lithosiidse, St. EMYDIA, Bdv. STRIATA, L. grammica, L., D. L. Liparidse, On. IARIA, Hb. [,-NIGRUM, Mueller. v-nigrum, Fb. HETEROCERA, NOCTUJE. Leucaniidse, On. LEUCANIA, Och. LOREYI, Dup. L-ALBUM, L. AGROTIS, Och. FENNTCA, Tausch. Hadenidse, On. HADENA, Och. PEREGRINA, Tr. Plusiidae, Bdc. PLUSIA, Tr. NI, Hb. Acontiidse, On. ACONTIA, Och. SOLARIS, Esp. \. albicollis, Fb. GEOMETRJE. Boarmiidae, On. TEPHRONA, Hb. SEPIARIA, Hufn. cineraria, Hb., D. L. carierarin, H.-S. Acidaliidse, On. ACIDALIA, Tr. HERBARIATA, Fb. Euboliidae, On. EUBOLIA, Gn. M(ENIATA, Scop. angulata, Rott. fimbriata, Fb. CRAMBI. Phycidese, On. PEMPELIA, Hb. OBDUCTELLA, Fiscll. origanella, ScJtl. EUZOPHERA, Zell. OBLITELLA, Zell. PRINTED BY WEST, NEWMAN AND CO., HATTON OAEDEN, LONDON, E.O,