THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Tomas S. Vanasek History OF THE Third Indiana Cavalry BY W. N. Pickerill Indianapolis, Indiana 1906 AETNA PRINTING CO. INDIANAPOLIS LOAN STACK GIFT DEDICATION. To the brave men of the Third Indiana Cavalry who served in the Civil War, whether now living or sleeping where loving hands have laid them, or in unknown and unmarked graves, in Southern lands, this volume is affectionately inscribed. 440 PREFACE. One hundred and thirty volumes, published by authority of Congress, and entitled "The War of the Rebellion, Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies," are supposed to contain a history of every military organization serving on either side of the mighty conflict, known as the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865. To read the story of a regiment, as the government has preserved it, in all these numerous volumes, which as a rule are only found in public libraries, or in the collections of a few fortunate indi viduals, would be the work of a good part of the lifetime of many of those who survive, but had somewhat to do with the great struggle. To serve these worthy men, their families, and those who have gone out from among us, but have left posterity, to whom their memories and deeds of valor are very precious, this history of the Third Indiana Cavalry has been prepared. Much of what is herein offered to those who read this book was written at the time when the deeds herein recorded were enacted by those in authority, and while those deeds were fresh in the minds of the participants. This volume is more a compilation of what others, better qualified, have written than a narration in the writer s own language of the interesting story of one of the most splendid regiments that served in the Civil War. The records are referred to by volume and page, so that it will always be possible for the doubting to verify the correctness of what is herein writ ten, should they have access to the records. Many things still vivid in our memories, the recital of which would tell an interest ing story of the valor and devotion to duty of our comrades, never found a place in any record or report, as seems to have been neces sarily true of any regiment in the cavalry service, while others, for whose omission there seems hardly to be any excuse, have been preserved in the reports of famous leaders of our enemies, whom we met on many a well contested field. The daily life of the common soldier, as it was lived in our war, in camp, on the march, on picket, in the hospital, in captivity in Southern prisons, and on the battlefield, can never be under stood or fully appreciated except by those who lived that life, and its portrayal, that others may realize it as we realized it, must ever remain unwritten history. Indianapolis, May, 1906. History of the Third Indiana Cavalry. CHAPTEK I. The period for which seventy-five thousand troops had heen enlisted was nearing its close and little had been accomplished in the way of ending the rebellion, while with each passing day the rebellion itself grew to more formidable proportions, and its pro moters became more defiant and confident of their ability to cope with any force the government at Washington might send against them. This was the situation long before the term of enlistment of the first seventy-five thousand volunteers had expired. On the first day of July, 1861, came the battle of Bull Run at Manassas, Virginia, in which the best troops at the disposal of the government met a superior body of troops under General Beaure- gard, in which the government forces were completely routed and fled in confusion to the defenses of Washington, pursued by the victorious confederates with the evident purpose of taking pos session of and holding the Capital of the country. They paused on the west bank of the Potomac, almost within cannon shot of where Congress was sitting, and made their camp there for months. The seriousness of the situation now took possession of the people both North and South. In the North the feeling of con sternation among those who believed the government should be upheld gave place to a grim determination that the government must be sustained at all hazards, and in no section of the entire country was this feeling more intense than in the State of Indiana. From the very first Governor Morton was apparently impressed with the impending tragedy, and while he promptly equipped and 8 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. hurried to the field the forty-six hundred and eighty men called for by President Lincoln s first proclamation, he foresaw that he would soon be called on for additional troops by the general govern ment, and within five days after he had issued his first call he tendered the Secretary of War six additional regiments without limitation as to the time they were to serve, assuring that official that they would be ready for the service within five days after acceptance. He received no response to this offer, but at once set about putting six additional regiments in camp under discipline and held them subject to the demand of the government. There were in Camp Morton twenty-nine companies in excess of the number of men required to fill the first call for troops, and sixty- eight companies had been raised in different parts of the State and tendered to the Governor for active service; and the Governor on his own responsibility determined to organize five regiments of "twelve-months" men for the defense of the State, or for the general service, as the future might require, the regiments to be composed of the first fifty companies already raised. All volun teers who had enlisted for three months and were unwilling to enlist for one year were directed to be discharged. Although among many of those desiring to enlist there was a strong inclination to enter the cavalry service, yet by reason of the position taken by General Winfield Scott, the head of the army, organizations for this branch of the service had not been encour aged by the authorities; but, on the 10th of June, 1861, in pur suance to instructions from the War Department, orders were issued for the organization of a cavalry regiment in the counties of Indiana bordering on the Ohio river, and camps of rendezvous were established at Evansville and Madison. The organization of eight companies was completed at Evansville and mustered in on the 20th of August, 1861, with Conrad Baker as colonel and Scott Carter, of Vevay, Switzerland county, as lieutenant-colonel. The eight companies at Evansville under Colonel Baker, on the HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 9 21st of August, 1861, were ordered to St. Louis, Missouri. The five companies organized at Madison under Lieutenant-Colonel Carter, and the one company organized at Indianapolis, which was ordered to proceed to Madison and join the companies already there, were mustered into the service on the 22d day of August, 1861, and were ordered to the Army of the Potomac under Lieu tenant-Colonel Carter, and on the 22d of October, 1861, by general orders of the Adjutant-General of the United States, these six companies united with four companies which had been accepted in September and October, 1861, and ordered to Kentucky, were designated as the Third Cavalry (Forty-fifth Regiment). In December, 1862, two new companies were organized and added to the regiment. The six companies that had been ordered to the Army of the Potomac were designated as Companies A, B, C, D, E and F, and the four companies that had been ordered to Kentucky were des ignated as Companies G, H, I and K. The officers of the six com panies were mustered to date from the 22d of August, 1861, and the officers of the respective companies as originally organized were as follows : Company A, Captain Jacob S. Buchanan, First Lieutenant William Patton, Second Lieutenant Eobert P. Porter ; Company B, Captain James D. Irwin, First Lieutenant Benjamin Q. A. Gresham, Second Lieutenant Marshall Lahue ; Company C, Captain Theophilus M. Danglade, First Lieutenant Charles Lemon, Second Lieutenant Paul Clark; Company D, Captain Daniel P. Keister, First Lieutenant Mathew B. Mason, Second Lieutenant Henry F. Wright; Company E, Captain William S. McClure, First Lieutenant George H. Thompson, Second Lieu tenant Abner L. Shannon ; Company F, Captain Patrick Garland, First Lieutenant Oliver M. Powers, Second Lieutenant Thomas M. Moffitt; Company G, Captain Felix W. Graham, First Lieu tenant George F. Herriott, Second Lieutenant John S. Kephart; Company H, Captain Alfred Gaddis, First Lieutenant Joseph M. 10 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Douglas, Second Lieutenant Uriah Young; Company I, Captain Will C. Moreau, First Lieutenant Tighlman Fish, Second Lieu tenant Oliver Childs; Company K, Captain Robert Klein, First Lieutenant Christoph Roll, Second Lieutenant George Klein. Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Carter was named as colonel of the new regiment upon its organization, and First Lieutenant George H. Thompson, of Company E, was detailed as adjutant. On the 21st of October, 1861, Elias W. H. Beck was mustered in as surgeon, Luther Brosie as assistant surgeon of the regiment, George H. Chapman as major. On the 8th of November, 1861, Captain Jacob S. Buchanan, of Company A, was promoted and mustered in as lieutenant-colonel. On the 15th of December, 1861, First Lieutenant William Patton, of Company A, was pro moted and mustered in as captain of the company to fill the va cancy created by the promotion of Captain Buchanan to lieu tenant-colonel, and First Lieutenant Charles Lemon was promoted and mustered captain of Company C to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Captain Danglade, of that company. The officers of this newly named regiment, like the men, as to former vocations in life, were a motley aggregation, and the entire organization perhaps knew less about war than any other matter. The colonel and lieutenant-colonel had been attorneys-at-law in their respective homes, and it was said the former had seen service in the Mexican war. Major Chapman had been a midshipman in the navy, editor of two or three newspapers, attorney-at-law and a clerk in one of the departments at Washington. Other company officers had been farmers, teachers, tailors, steamboatmen, livery stable keepers, merchants, and one captain had been a minister in the Methodist church fresh from his pulpit, while his orderly sergeant was a storming Universalist preacher who never hesi tated to combat the theology of any one, regardless of rank, whose theology conflicted with his peculiar views. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 11 The six companies ordered from Madison to the Army of the Potomac were loaded on steamboats chartered by the government and started up the Ohio river. On board the Stephen Decatur this theologically belligerent orderly sergeant preached to the prospective soldiers on board a sermon full of comfort to those who were doubtful of their future state. At this time men and officers alike were kindergarten pupils in the art of war. Their equipments were halters for the horses, uniforms, spurs and blankets for the men, except the officers who had drawn upon their home resources, gorgeously uniformed themselves and were mag nificently mounted with trappings that inspired the envy of their men. Solomon in all his glory was hardly arrayed like unto one of these. The steamboats transporting these six companies strug gled with low water and sandbars in the Ohio river until Wheel ing, Virginia, was reached, when water transportation was aban doned entirely and the command took to the mountains, heading towards Pittsburg. On this march the men first developed soldierly qualities, which they learned to cultivate and improve upon during the entire period of service. As they traveled across the country the farm houses along the way were besieged by the men for wheat sacks or anything else out of which they could improvise some sort of a saddle, by stuffing the same with straw, while clotheslines pro cured in the same manner were cut into lengths and used for stirrups. Thus mounted and guiding their horses with only the halters, which the government had furnished, and directed by their gaily caparisoned officers, the aggregation afforded a spec tacle for gods and men. But aside from these disfiguring accoutre ments, the battalion was a splendid body of fine looking young men, each of whom in his own right owned a good Indiana horse, and they were on the way to the Capital of their country to be equipped as cavalry soldiers in her service, and the loyal people of Virginia and Pennsylvania gave us a royal welcome, fed us on 12 HlSTOKY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. the fat of the land, and bade us good-bye with their blessing. After three days, never to be forgotten, we reached Pittsburg, were loaded into cars, such as they hauled soldiers in, and after a day and night on the railroad we were dropped down, in the night, at the Baltimore depot in the city of Washington. On their arrival at Washington City in the early days of Sep tember, 1861, the six companies of the Third Indiana Cavalry, that had been ordered from Madison, Indiana, to the Army of the Potomac, were assigned to a camp on the northeastern out- skirt of the city, where they were further partially equipped, being furnished with saddles and bridles for the horses, haversacks, canteens, sabers and dragoon pistols. This latter implement of war was better known by those unfamiliar with martial parlance as the "horse pistol/ 7 perhaps because the cavalry soldiers of the old regular army were called dragoons and they carried two of these pistols in holsters fastened on the front part of their saddles. It was about a foot long and was loaded at the muzzle by means of an iron ramrod attached to the under side of the barrel and when fired kicked about as hard as it would shoot, and the man behind it was in more danger than the man in front. It was so hard on trigger that when the marksman took aim at the enemy by the time his pistol was discharged he was liable to be shooting at the men in his own regiment. In practicing marksmanship it was never wise to choose for a mark anything smaller than a good sized barn, and if right-handed when you aimed at one end you would hit the other or miss the mark entirely. This was the weapon with which Southern .chivalry fought duels in the days when dueling was fashionable, and after our experience we could understand how duelists were sometimes hurt or killed because they stood with their backs to each other and at the count of "One, two, three," they wheeled and fired, and in the grand sweep some body might accidentally be hit, but it was just as likely to be the seconds or bystanders as the combatants. Certainly our fore- HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 13 fathers who attended duels were brave men and took their lives in their hands unless stationed in trees or hid in the bushes on some neighboring farm. As soon as equipped this battalion began a persistent course of drilling on horseback, with such weapons as the government fur nished. We practiced jumping our horses over low fences and narrow ravines and gutters with which the clay hillsides around Washington in those days abounded. And in these exercises there was many a miscalculation by the embryo cavalryman. Often he found his horse able to jump but half as high or as far as he had supposed he could, and the last half of the jump would take the form of a somersault, in which the horse would come out on top and the rider underneath or left stranded on the top rail of a fence or in the bottom of a ditch. It was fun for the beholder, but hard on the jumper. In these incipient days of our military prepa ration we saw a bold orderly sergeant yell in stentorian voice, "Men, follow me when I jump that ditch right there," and with the com mand he plunged his spurs into the protuberant flanks of his big Indiana plow horse and the next minute the horse, which fell short in his reach, was standing on his head in the ditch and the orderly sergeant was sprawling on his back with canteen, haver sack, saber and pistol all flying in different directions, much to the amusement of the braves who were bringing up the rear. This was one of the amusing things in our early cavalry drill, but in due season we were sent to the division of General Hooker, at Bladensburg, where duels were fought by our revolutionary sires (with horse pistols, no doubt). The battalion continued its drill exercises after it went into camp at Bladensburg, and when General Hooker with his division was ordered to Budds Ferry, Maryland, twenty-five miles south of Washington on the lower Potomac, it continued a part of his command and was the only cavalry with him. About December, 1861, Companies B and F were sent still further south into St. 14 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Marys county, Maryland, and Company E into Charles county, near Port Tobacco. The population of this section of the country was thoroughly in sympathy with the South and slavery in its purity had existed there for more than a hundred years; slave property was the principal thing of value there when the war broke out. The region was on a direct line between Washington and Richmond, and the lower Potomac was constantly being crossed by people going from one point to the other. The confederate authorities at Richmond were kept as well informed regarding all military movements within the federal lines as were the federal authorities themselves. The three companies sent into these counties were under the command of Major Chapman, who established his headquarters at Leonardtown, the county seat of St. Marys county, and dis tributed his men in small squads at various points along the Potomac from Chaptico to the mouth of the Pautuxent river, and it was their duty to patrol the river and picket the mouths of the numerous creeks flowing into the river from the Maryland side. Contraband traffic of all kinds with Virginia was carried on to and from the mouths of these creeks by means of small sail and row boats managed by a desperate class of negroes and white men for the compensation which blockade runners were willing to pay for their services. This part of the river was patrolled by a flotilla of gunboats under the commond of Commodore McRae, of the navy, but it seemed to be an easy matter for the blockade runners, in these small row and sail boats, in the stillness of the night, as was usually the case, to dodge past the gunboats and put into the mouth of some creek, and thus escape capture at their hands. The men of the Third Indiana Cavalry on picket at these points accom plished what the gunboats failed to accomplish, and many of the blockade runners fell into their hands, after escaping the gun boats, and were hurried away to General Hooker s headquarters to be dealt with as his judgment directed. This was the winter s HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 15 work of these three companies, and many of the men, besides being active cavalrymen on land, became skilled in the handling of small boats to such an extent that General Hooker called them his "horse marines." There were at this time some loyal people in the State of Mary land and in the person of Hon. Montgomery Blair the State of Maryland was represented in the cabinet of President Lincoln, but we know that the secession thugs of Baltimore welcomed the first federal troops passing through there in April, 1861, "with bloody hands to a hospitable grave/ and lower Maryland, which would mean all of the state south of Washington City, was a seething hotbed of disloyalty to the Union. The state did not pass the ordinance of secession, not perhaps because her lawmakers did not wish to, but for the reason that Union troops were located at nearly all points within her borders. The Fugitive Slave Law was still in force and she was protected in her slave property, and her disloyal population was arrogant in its defiance and contempt of the federal authorities. Parties going south into the confed erate lines, or coming north from rebel territory, reaching this lower Maryland country, found a protector and helper in every resident, and the slave population, which seemed to realize that their days of bondage were nearing the end, was the only draw back to this being a land of perfect safety for those who were hostile and doing all they could against their government. Wherever the Union troops marched and fought on Southern soil and where the institution of slavery existed, they found in the slaves themselves trustworthy friends upon whom they could rely for much valuable information as to existing conditions, and this was particularly so in lower Maryland during the first winter of the war of the rebellion. Leonardtown, the county seat of St. Marys county, was the central point of active rebel operations within the federal lines, and these operations were much confused and finally almost completely broken up by the assistance of the 16 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. slave population in the shape of the information they were con stantly furnishing to the federal authorities; and when the com panies of the Third Indiana Cavalry that had wintered in their community were, in March, 1862, recalled to the camp of the regiment at Budds Ferry, where it was a part of General Hooker s division which lay along the Potomac at that point, it was con fronted by a division of confederates on the Virginia side of the river, which had artillery planted on the bluffs to command the river at that point, and from which it frequently shelled passing United States vessels, and at times varied this work by throwing shells at random into General Hooker s camp, to which he re sponded with his batteries. When the Army of the Potomac under General McClellan left the defenses of Washington, to begin the Chickahominy campaign of 1862 at Norfolk, Virginia, all the troops of Hooker s division at Budds Ferry, save the Third Indiana Cavalry, joined in the movement, and this left the cavalry in charge of the camps until March 24, 1862, when the battalion was ordered to Washing ton; and on May 24, 1862, they were ordered to Thoroughfare Gap, where General Geary was posted with a division of troops watching the operations of Gen. Stonewall Jackson in the Shenan- doah Valley. General Geary at once availed himself of the ser vices of the Third Indiana, which was the only cavalry at his dis posal, and from that time on the battalion was actively engaged in scouting in advance of General Geary s division, going to Front Royal and near Winchester, where Jackson had maintained his headquarters after driving General Milroy out of the valley. Early in June, 1862, General Shields division of Fremont s army had met Jackson s troops at Port Republic, been worsted and retreated to Luray, at which point the battalion joined General Shields and formed his rear guard as he fell back to Front Royal, and was with him as he continued his march to Catletts Station, on the Orange HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 17 & Alexandria railroad, where he was relieved of command in the field and sent to the Pacific coast. From this point the battalion crossed the country to Falmouth, Virginia, opposite Fredricksburg, on the Rappahannock river, where it joined the division of Gen. Rufus King, which was a part of General Burnside s command, and was here some weeks scout ing over the territory lying between Fredricksburg and Rich mond. This territory was apparently common to the cavalry of both the North and the South, as it was no uncommon occurrence for them to encounter each other during scouting expeditions, and several brisk engagements took place at different points. In Volume XII, Part 2, page 102, Col. J. Kilpatrick, later famous in the cavalry annals of the war, gives an official account of one of these encounters with the enemy on the 22d of July, 1862, near Carmel Church, south of the Massaponax river, in Caroline county, his command being made up of 390 men from the Second New York (Harris 5 Light) Cavalry, Third Indiana Cavalry and Fourteenth Brooklyn. Colonel Kilpatrick says: "I reconnoitered the enemy s camp. We occupied a good position on a hill gently sloping towards the river, a fine position for a cavalry fight, and I at once determined to attack him. I directed Major Davies to deploy the carbineers of the Harris Light Cavalry as skirmishers on the right and left of the road and Major Chapman (Third Indiana) to proceed up the road in column of platoons to charge. Major Davies advanced rapidly with his skirmishers, gaining ground to the right for the purpose of flanking the enemy, drawing his skirmishers back and beyond his column in the road. Major Chapman, seeing that this column was about to return, charged most gallantly, routed and pursued the enemy to within sight of Hanover Junction, nearly five miles, destroyed the camp and tents and burned the stores and seven carloads of grain. Sud denly and unexpectedly a large force of cavalry (afterwards found to be Stewart s) came down on our right. I ordered up the re- 18 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. serves, and the enemy, although greatly outnumbering our tired and worn-out soldiers, was promptly met by Majors Davies and Chapman and forced back in great confusion far behind the fire of Captain Walter s carbineers. Major Chapman and his whole command promptly obeyed every order, and charged most gal- lanty. Braver and more eager men never met the enemy." At page 122 of the same volume, Brig.-Gen. John Gibbons fur nishes Gen. Rufus King with his official account of his trip down the Telegraph road in the direction of Richmond on the 5th of August, 1862, for the purpose of destroying the Virginia Central railroad. He says : "I proceeded out the Telegraph road with the Second and Seventh Wisconsin, the Nineteenth Indiana, the Third Indiana Cavalry and Monroe s (Rhode Island) Battery. At Thornburg, fifteen miles out, the cavalry in advance was fired upon by a six-pounder gun and driven back by a cavalry force, whose advance was stopped by a few shots from our skirmishers and four or five shots from Monroe s guns. The day was so in tensely hot that I was unable to proceed further. The next day the march was resumed, and after marching seven miles learned that General Stewart, with a larger force than my own, was moving up the Bowling Green road. All prospect of surprising the enemy at the railroad was given up ; and, owing to the intense heat, I decided to return to camp, first sending a part of the cavalry to our right to get in on the rear of a party reported to be there by a cavalry picket I had sent on that road in the morning. I also sent a company of cavalry across to examine the Bowling Green road. Just before reaching our camp of the night before the enemy s guns were heard in our rear, and I pushed forward and reported to General Hatch." In this movement a considerable force of Stewart s cavalry was encountered drawn up in line of battle, and the Third Indiana Cavalry and Monroe s Battery were sent forward to engage them, "but," says Captain Monroe (page 126), "the enemy fell back HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 19 most hurriedly, followed by our cavalry and the battery, and we kept up the chase for two hours and a half, until nightfall, when we went into camp on the Massaponax river." In this engagement Marmaduke Green, of Company D, Third Indiana, was killed, he being the first man killed in action in our regiment. While performing this duty Captain Carland and Lieutenant Powers, of Company F, and Captain Keister, of Company D, resigned and returned home. Lieutenant Henry F. Wright was made captain of Company D and Lieut. T. W. Moffitt was made captain of Company F. In July, 1862, while scouting with twenty-five of his men, twelve miles south of Fredricksburg, at the farm of Dr. Flippo, Captain Moffitt was attacked by a superior force of rebel cavalry, also scouting in that section of the country, and with part of his com mand Captain Moffitt was captured and taken to Richmond. In the fight Sergt. William M. Gwinn was seriously wounded, and, after being paroled by his captors, was left at the home of Dr. Flippo, where he was kindly nursed for several weeks until able to be removed. Being on parole, after he was sent within our lines, he was discharged and sent home, a cripple for life. In these summer days of 1862 this old Virginia country is recalled with much interest by the writer. Between Fredricks burg and Richmond, connected by rail, were some of the finest farms and farm homes in the state, and the institution of slavery, which had flourished here from the days when Virginia was a colony and to the time of our advent had been undisturbed; but apparently the moment the section was invaded by federal troops the institution of slavery began to interest itself in the subject of its own freedom, and in a short time many of the old-time planta tions were denuded of their slaves, who embraced every oppor tunity to escape to the federal lines and camps north of the Rap- pahannock. Often at midnight old and trusted slaves on these plantations would hitch up the family carriage, loading in all the 20 HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. children and connection it was possible to carry, and would strike out towards the unknown in the night time, followed by others on foot carrying their earthly belongings in sacks and pillow slips on their heads, and by daylight would be well on their way to the fabled land of the free. Frequently they would be followed by their old masters or some member of the family, but they were seldom overtaken until safe within our lines and the power of slavery was broken; but some of these interviews between old masters and old slaves, one begging the other to return to the old home, were pathetic indeed. Scarcely any of these slaves had ever known anything but slavery, and perhaps in many instances their treatment had not been harsh, but instinctively they seemed to know from observation that their lives were different from the lives of the masters, that one was property and the other was not, that one ruled and the other obeyed, and they seemed to have a vague idea that the antipode of slavery was to make the slave the equal of his master, and it was seldom the pursuing master was able to induce his escaped chattel to return to the plantation. He was at times fortunate enough to recover the family carriage and horses in some federal camp, and perhaps permitted by the officers in command to drive it back to the old plantation. Bowling Green, the county seat of Caroline county, midway between Fredricks- burg and Richmond, was in the midst of a thriving section of country and was an active part of the Southern Confederacy. Fredricksburg, located on the south bank of the Rappahannock, in a beautiful valley of that river, was a compactly brick-built, little old city of historic interest. A few miles below the city on the peninsula formed by the Potomac and Rappahannock, George Washington was born on a plantation; in Fredricksburg he had his first office as a land surveyor ; and upon a little hillock overlook ing the city was buried Martha Washington, the mother of the Father of His Country, her resting place being marked by a granite block ten feet high by eight feet square, which we passed HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 21 daily. The road winding up the hill by this monument passed over Maryes Heights, where, in December following, General Lee s Army of Northern Virginia was posted, and fought the Army of the Potomac, under General Burnsides, with such dis astrous results to the Union cause. While the battalion had its camp and performed service in this historic section of the country the scene of conflict in Virginia was shifted. After many fierce conflicts from Norfolk up through the swamps of the Chickahominy in an effort to reach Richmond, General McClellan with his magnificent army was compelled to fall back upon his base of supplies at Harrisons Landing, on the James river. This seems to have been foreseen by the authorities at Washington, and in June, 1862, the formation of a new army in front of the defenses of Washington, in Virginia, was begun under the command of General John Pope, who had rendered conspicuous service in the West, and particularly at Island No. 10, on the Mississippi river, and at Corinth. All troops in front of Washington and in the Shenandoah Valley were placed at the dis posal of General Pope, and in taking command of this new army its commander in a bombastic proclamation announced that he had established his "headquarters in the saddle," which was evidently an unwise thing to announce, even if it was the proper thing to do. The country was flooded with ambitious young army officers, graduates of West Point, all of whom were impressed with their capacity for command, and when General Pope, suddenly pro moted from a subordinate position to this new and exalted com mand, went about his work with what might be termed a grand flourish that savored of a feeling of self-sufficiency on his part, his brother officers were disposed to fold their hands, "look and listen." But soon after he took command there was something doing. General Rufus King s division, to which the eastern battalion was attached, and which lay in camp around Falmouth, was ordered to 22 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. join Pope, and at once moved up the Rappahannock, leaving the cavalry to guard government stores at Falmouth; and in a very few days thereafter was in the thick of the bloody battle of Slaughter Mountain, where, after two days fighting, the Union troops were compelled to fall back with General Siegel s division bringing up the rear, and General Lee s army heading northward, constantly crowding him. There was daily fighting between the advancing confederates and retreating federals, and the roar of cannon heard in our camps and on the picket post we occupied told us the conflict was moving northward. We were right in our con jectures. Pope s army was on the retreat, and made its first grand stand on the plains of Manassas, where were fought the series of bloody engagements known in history as the Second Battle of Bull Run. Pope with his own army and supported by a part of the Army of the Potomac, sent too late to help him much, was de feated, and that general s meteoric career came to an end in less than six weeks. His army and the Army of the Potomac were within and behind the defenses of Washington, including the battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry, which had been the last body of troops to evacuate Fredricksburg, when General Burn- sides, the last commander there, had been ordered to destroy all government stores at that point and fall back on Washington. That city when we reached it was one vast hospital over which seemed to hang the gloom of defeat. Between the first of March and September, 1862, two great armies had gone out from that city under petted commanders to meet the enemy in the field, and, after many fierce encounters and the loss of thousands of brave men, these armies with their trailing banners and with broken ranks, were back on the ground where they were equipped, and from whence they had started six months before; while the victorious enemy on the west bank of the Potomac seemed to flaunt defiance at the Capital of his country ere he swooped down and made it his prey. And it looked little better in the West. Shiloh and Corinth, HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 23 Pea Ridge, Fort Donelson and Fort Henry had been fought, but while the armies that had operated in Virginia were within the defenses of Washington, our Western armies that had penetrated Mississippi were back on Kentucky soil to confront Bragg, who was threatening to cross the Ohio river and invade the North. This was the situation on the first day of September, 1862, and it looked to those who loved and had fought for their country that "the melancholy days had come." But it was an hour that demanded prompt decision on the part of the authorities. The vanguard of the confederate army crossed the Potomac a few miles above Washington and the invasion of the North had begun. Lee s cavalry, under their daring leader, Stewart, approached the northern defenses of the Capital. Stone wall Jackson swept up through the Shenandoah Valley with Har pers Ferry and Maryland Heights as his objective, where General Miles, with thirteen thousand men, was entrenched. The reorganization of the Army of the Potomac was effected without delay, with General McCellan in command, and moved northward through Maryland, with a cavalry corps under Gen. Alfred Pleasanton in advance. With the advance of this cavalry was the battalion of the Third Indiana, now for the first time brigaded with the Eighth Illinois, Eighth New York, Sixth and Eighth Pennsylvania regiments of cavalry, and destined to be associated with the first two named regiments during the re mainder of its career in the army. Lee s army had crossed the Potomac and was in Maryland. The advance cavalry of Mc- Clellan s army was engaged in daily skirmishes with the cavalry of the enemy on Maryland soil. They fought a sharp engagement at Poolesville, where several men of the Eighth Illinois and Third Indiana were killed. Stonewall Jackson occupied Fredrick for a day and then moved on Harpers Ferry. The Eighth Illinois and Jackson s rear guard had a bloody encounter in the streets of Fredrick on the 12th of September, as well as at Sugar Loaf 24 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Mountain. We camped in that beautiful little city of the moun tains on the night of the 12th, and on the morning of the 13th, at sunrise, the Third Indiana in advance, moved out on the Na tional road crossing Catoctin Mountain. A mile from our camp of the night before the enemy was in these mountains waiting for us. They greeted us with a battery posted in a mountain pass. The Third Indiana counted off by fours and the dismounted men crawled up the mountainside through bushes and over stone fences, and soon made it too hot for that battery to operate. In this fight Oliver H. Trestor, of Company D, was killed as he leaped a stone wall right into a bunch of confederates in hiding behind it. The confederate battery with its supporting cavalry limbered to the rear and broke in a wild flight down the National road across the Middletown Valley pursued by the Third Indiana and Eighth Illinois into the village of Middletown, where we re ceived the fire of a battery from Turners Pass, which turned out to be the headquarters of General Lee, and where he had halted to fight the battle of South Mountain. Of these affairs Brig. -Gen. Alfred Pleasanton, commanding Cavalry Division, reporting operations from September 4 to 19, at page 208, Part 2, Vol. XIX, says : "On the 7th instant two squadrons of the Eighth Illinois and two of the Third Indiana, under Major Chapman, of the Third In diana, made a dash on Poolesville and captured two cavalry videttes, all of the enemy in the town at the time. The next day, the 8th instant, Colonel Farnsworth moved his command the Eighth Illinois, Third Indiana, section of horse artillery of Com pany M, Second Artillery, under First Lieutenant Chapin to occupy Poolesville, and picket the roads to Conrads Ferry, Ed wards Ferry, Barnesville and the Monocacy. As his force neared Poolesville, the enemy was observed retreating on the road leading to Barnesville, and some squadrons of the Third Indiana pushed after them. They had not proceeded far before the enemy opened LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ROBERT KLEIN. HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 25 a fire from some guns strongly posted on the right of the town. The section of artillery under Lieutenant Chapin soon silenced these guns, which made off in the direction of Barnesville. * a The squadrons of the Third Indiana, under Major Chapman, were now ordered to charge the battery, which was handsomely done, the enemy s cavalry and artillery being driven over three miles. The Eighth Illinois coming up, under Major Medill, the chase was continued until after dark. "In this affair the Third Indiana lost one man killed and eleven wounded, the Eighth Illinois one wounded. The rebel loss amount ed to eight killed, sixteen wounded and six prisoners all cavalry. On the morning of the 13th instant, with the remainder of my command, I started at daylight on the Hagerstown turnpike and had proceeded some three or four miles when the enemy opened upon the advance with artillery from the ridge to the left, where the road passes over the Catoctin range of the Blue Ridge. Their batteries were supported by dismounted cavalry. A couple of sec tions of Robertson s and Haines batteries immediately opened on our side, and some squadrons of the Eighth Illinois and Third Indiana were dismounted and sent up the mountain to the right as skirmishers. After a severe cannonading and several warm vol leys with carbines, the enemy hastily retreated, having previously barricaded the road in several places. A rapid pursuit was made and a number of prisoners taken, when the enemy made a second stand on the west side of Middletown. Gibson s battery then came up and soon, in beautiful style, induced another backward move ment" As the cavalry dashed into Middletown two companies of the Eighth Illinois and two companies of the Third Indiana, E and F, were detached and directed to pursue a rebel wagon train, which the citizens of the town told us had gone southward down the valley. This detachment after a hot pursuit came in sight of the wagon train as it was slowly winding its way up a mountain road, 26 HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. but in its rear was a battery of brass guns and enough rebel cavalry to have swallowed the pursuing force. The detachment was satisfied with observation and decided that it did not want that wagon train anyhow, and started to return to the command which it had left at Middletown by a short cut down a winding stony ravine, hemmed in on either side by a very crooked worm fence, so that this particular route answered for the channel of a stream and a country road at the same time. Quebeck school- house stood at the head of this ravine, and just as Company F of the Third Indiana, the rear company of the detachment, had entered the ravine Cobb s Legion of rebel cavalry, commanded by Col. P. M. B. Young, dashed down the mountainside past the schoolhouse, charging us with sabers and pistols, and for a few minutes a desperate little cavalry battle ensued. The column halted and fired an oblique volley into the charging rebels and then the clash came and Yankees and rebels, horsed and unhorsed, mingled, indiscriminately shooting at each other and using their sabers in the same reckless manner, until the men at the head of the column tore down the fence on the side of the ravine next to the attacking force and went at them in such splendid style that it was soon too hot for the rebels and they gave way, dashing back over the hill from whence they came, leaving us in possession of the field and their dead and wounded. In this little cavalry battle Corp. James H. Williamson, of Company F, Third Indiana, was killed by having his head crushed with a saber in the hands of a rebel; Sergt. Joseph Lewis, Com pany E, same regiment, was shot through the heart and lay across a rebel sergeant also shot through the heart. John Grubbs, William Hinds, Corporal Sheiverbein and John Childs, of the former company, were badly hacked about their heads with rebel sabers, and Samuel Cross, of the latter company, was shot through the lungs, but recovered. Four men of Company F, Third Indiana, were captured but returned next day paroled. The loss HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 27 to the companies of the Eighth Illinois was about the same as those of the Third Indiana, but we have no accurate information on that point. A remarkable thing connected with this vigorous cavalry fight is that General Pleasanton, commanding all the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac in this Maryland campaign, in his report made in camp near Sharpsburg and dated September 19, 1862, and which was intended to cover the operations of the cavalry from September 4 to September 19, inclusive, does not mention this engagement at all. He does mention many things which many of us remember as of far less importance, but regarding this engagement he is silent. His report is found beginning at page 208 of Series I, Vol. XIX, Part 1, Keports (War of the Kebellion Official Eecords of the Union and Confederate Armies). And what is equally singular, at page 824 of the same volume we find a substantially accurate report of our operations on September 13, 1862, signed by Wade Hampton, brigadier-general, and Major Fitzhue, assistant adjutant-general, both distinguished rebel officers. General Hampton says : "At daylight on the morning of September 13 the enemy made his appearance and attempted to force his way across the moun tain. His advance guard being driven back, he planted a battery on the pike and opened fire on Lieutenant-Colonel Martin. Capt. J. F. Hart with a section of rifled guns had been sent to Lieu tenant-Colonel Martin, and he returned the fire with good effect, forcing the enemy to change his position more than once. In the meantime skirmishers on both sides had become actively engaged and the fight was kept up until 2 p. m., when the enemy, gaining a position which commanded Hart s guns as well as the road, I ordered the guns withdrawn and placed in position near Middle- town. The brigade then took position in the rear of them, wait ing the approach of the enemy, who appeared in force crossing the mountain. A brisk artillery fire took place on both sides, and the 28 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. sharpshooters of the two forces also became engaged. Having held the enemy in check sufficiently long to accomplish the object de sired by General Stewart, I was directed by him to withdraw my command in the direction of Burkittsville, sending my guns and Lieutenant-Colonel Martin s command on to Boonsborough. "The First North Carolina Regiment, under command of Col. Baker, was the rear guard of the brigade during the fight at Mid- dletown, and both officers and men conducted themselves to my perfect satisfaction. They were exposed to a severe fire, artillery and musketry, which they bore without flinching, nor was there the slightest confusion in the ranks. They lost eight wounded and three missing. Captain Siler, a gallant officer, was among the wounded, having his leg broken. He was brought off, but, as his wound became painful, he was left at Boonsborough. "Before leaving this part of my report, I beg to commend the conduct of Lieutenant-Colonel Martin and his command while he held the gap of the mountain. The men of Lieutenant-Colonel Martin fought with their accustomed gallantry, and they were ably supported by a portion of the North Carolina Regiment, who had been detailed as sharpshooters. Lieutenant-Colonel Martin on this occasion, as on all others, conducted himself as a gallant and able officer. "After withdrawing the brigade from Middletown, I proceeded towards Burkittsville, where I expected to form a junction with Colonel Munford. On the road to this place I discovered, on a road parallel to the one on which we were, a regiment of Yankee cavalry. Taking the Cobb Legion with me, I directed Lieut. -Col. Young to charge this regiment. The order was carried out in gallant style, the legion crossing sabers with the Yankees and chasing them some distance. Five prisoners were taken, while a published account of the Yankees now before me admits the loss of thirty killed and wounded. The prisoners taken belonged to the Third Indiana and Eighth Illinois. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 29 "Lieutenant-Colonel Young, who led the charge, received a painful wound in the leg, and Capt. G. J. Wright, whose company was in the advance, was wounded in the arm. Our loss was four killed and nine wounded. Among the former I regret to have to mention Lieutenant Marshall and Sergeant Barksdale. I take pleasure in calling attention to the behavior of this command. Colonel Young led with great gallantry, and, after his fall, Major Delony. After driving this cavalry, I moved on to Burkittsville, where we remained during the night of September 13." Thus is preserved from oblivion an account of a fight of which the men engaged were ever proud, and about the only inaccuracy on the part of General Hampton is that the cavalry which he drove remained on the field while his command left it in short order. During the night following this day s work of the cavalry, the Army of the Potomac came up, and on the next day, the 14th of September, 1862, was fought, on the eastern slope of South Moun tain at and below Turners Pass, the battle known in history as the battle of South Mountain. It was an infantry and artillery en gagement in which the cavalry merely supported batteries, the Third Indiana being assigned to Battery M, Second U. S. Artil lery, and met with no casualties. In this battle one thousand federals and fourteen hundred rebels were killed and twice as many wounded. It was the first general engagement in which the Third Indiana Cavalry had participated and showed us what afterwards proved to be our experience that the hard work and real fighting of the cavalry usually preceded and followed the great battles of the war, and that in the fiercest shock of battle the services of cavalry were not usually available. From the mountainsides the rebel guns rained their iron hail upon the advancing Union lines, and were responded to by the federal guns posted upon every elevation in the valley below, and in our presence a line of infantry more than a mile long moved slowly up the mountainside over the cleared lands to the timber s 30 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. edge, and when near it a blaze and roar burst forth from that timber s edge very much like a mountain crater. The advancing Union line, along its entire length, answered with a volley and yell equally as terrific and never wavered in its for ward movement. The battle of South Mountain was on in all its ferocity. The thunder of all the artillery of both armies echoed and re-echoed down this lovely Middletown Valley, interspersed with rolling volleys of musketry and the fierce yells of desperate men engaged in a death struggle. This lasted until 10 o clock at night, when the Union troops had gained the crest of the mountain and Lee s army fell back, his first battle on Maryland soil having failed. The cavalry moved up and stood picket on the mountain summit the remainder of the night and at dawn moved down its western slope and was soon engaged in a fight with the rebel cavalry rear guard at Boonsborough in the next valley beyond. From this point the Third Indiana had the ad vance to the eastern bank of Antietam creek overlooking Sharps- burg, where the rebel army had halted. With all the army the battalion lay upon the eastern slopes of Antietam creek until the morning of September 17, when, at daylight, was begun the battle which lasted until nightfall and in which more men were killed and wounded on both sides in one day than in any other battle of the entire war. The Third Indiana crossed Antietam creek with Pleasanton s Cavalry at 10 o clock in the forenoon and was in line of battle supporting artillery, but was not otherwise engaged and suffered no casualties. On the night of September 19 Lee s army fell back across the Potomac at Shephardstown, and the cavalry followed up and was the first to discover and run upon his entrenchments on the south side of the river. The Army of the Potomac lay upon this battle field recuperating until the first day of November, 1862, but during that time the cavalry was not idle by any means. It crossed HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 31 the Potomac a number of times, feeling for the position of the enemy, and always found him in greater or less force and had numerous skirmishes. One of these encounters at Halltown lasted a good part of one day, the rebel cavalry making a desperate effort to capture a federal battery which was successfully resisted by the Eighth Illinois, Eighth New York and Third Indiana throwing themselves between the advancing enemy and the battery, and thus enabling it to retire safely across the Potomac. While the Army of the Potomac lay on the battlefield of An- tietam, the cavalry of the rebel army crossed the Potomac at Han cock and made a plundering raid into Pennsylvania, going as far as Chambersburg and passing around the outposts of the federal army, pursued by all the cavalry under General Pleasanton, and in which pursuit the Third Indiana participated, but its only brush with the enemy, after a sixty-mile ride, was at the mouth of the Monocacy, where the raiders were overtaken while attempting to get a herd of cattle, stolen in Pennsylvania, across the Potomac. No one was hurt, but some very fine steers intended for rebel con sumption were recaptured. The rebel force, with whom this engagement was had, was togged out in complete new federal uniforms, which they had cap tured from the United States quartermaster at Chambersburg, and were mistaken for federal cavalry by General Pleasanton until they rode up within a quarter of a mile of where he had stopped to get breakfast, after riding thirty hours, and opened with artil lery upon his headquarters. The most momentous event of the war occurred while the Ariny of the Potomac lay on the battlefield of Antietam. Of course this was the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation on the 22d of September, 1862, by the President of the United States. In a few days thereafter the President himself came to Sharpsburg and with General McClellan reviewed the army, riding by us on horse back while each organization of troops stood at present arms. The 32 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry stood in line but a few yards from the famous Dunkard church, where the slaughter on the 17th of September had been the most frightful of all that awful battle, and the great, sad-faced, martyr President as he appeared before us there is not likely to be forgotten while life and memory remains to any one of our number. Through this Maryland campaign Lieutenant-Colonel Buchanan had been in command of the eastern battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry. On the 24th of October, 1862, he resigned, and Major George H. Chapman succeeded to the vacant command. The great and bloody battle of Antietam, fought in and around Sharpsburg, Maryland, on the 17th of September, 1862, has right fully gone into history as one of the mighty conflicts of the war and was the end of Lee s Maryland campaign of 1862. It dem onstrated also to the authorities at Washington that the time had come for a change in commanders of the Army of the Potomac. General McClellan, who had commanded that army for a year, was what might have been termed the pet soldier of the Republic. Under his command the army had fought many but usually unde cisive battles. Antietam was a drawn battle and settled nothing. All of Lee s rebel army was engaged, and it was fought piecemeal by the Army of the Potomac, opening on the right at daylight with an onslaught by Hooker s right wing, and running down the line two miles to the left, when at 2 o clock in the afternoon Burnsides became engaged with Stonewall Jackson and fought until after dark. In the rear of Burnsides position, all day long, lay Gen. Fitz-John Porter s division, the best and finest body of troops in the whole army, that never fired a gun. It is not for historians to fight battles, but they do have the right to draw conclusions from facts. The humble private in the ranks looking on Burnsides conflict with Jackson for six long hours with nothing gained, wondered why Fitz-John Porter s splendid body of splendidly equipped men, and only a mile away, HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 33 was not sent to the assistance of Burnsides. It was spoken of in the ranks the next day by men of humble station as the two armies still lay confronting each other. To the men engaged in that battle it looked that, had Burnsides been assisted by Porter s division, the rebel right would have been doubled around on to its left with serious results. As it was, Burnsides was able to hold his own. With double and more than double the force engaged on our left, would not Jackson have been swept off his feet ? From that day General McClellan, who always provoked cheers from his soldiers when he appeared before them, lost caste with the army, and the authorities at Washington could plainly see that the time was close at hand when it would be safe to do what they had long felt should be done, viz., change the head of the Army of the Potomac. During the year of his command General McClellan had built up around himself a great and formidable personal following, and this following had made itself felt throughout the North, espe cially in the Eastern and New England States. He had built up this following by the diplomacy which flatterers always employ. He sounded the praises of his regiments to their faces on the slightest provocation, and the plan took so effectually that many of the objects of his flattery were ever ready to defend and con done any apparent blunder as really the exploit of a great com mander. This cajoled element in the army had to be reckoned with. They were ready to raise the cry that with McClellan s removal from command the country was lost. The leading papers of the country were ably represented by field correspondents, who were generally found clustered around the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, and the reception they always received from the head of the army made them ever ready to sound his praises and conceal his blunders, and when the change came were prompt to sound a doleful cry of disasters 34 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. sure to follow. The rank and file of the army was represented as ready to rise in mutiny as their response to the action of the government at Washington. The fact was that no such feeling existed, and this fact was detected by President Lincoln, and he took the step all knew was right. After the first spasm of the flattered alarmists had died out all went on as well as it had in this great army, while McClellan went home to use his arts of flattery in scheming for the presidential nomination of the party that opposed the war, and the leading declaration of his platform after receiving that nomination was that the "war was a failure." The impartial verdict of history is that McClellan, and not the war, was a failure. And this was the verdict of the voters at the ballot box in November, 1864, when they declared for a con tinuance in power of the great and patient man who subsequently died a martyr for his country. On the 26th of October, 1862, the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac left Maryland soil and recrossed the Potomac river at Berlin, Maryland, and began its southward movement in the direc tion of Richmond. Skirmishing with the rebel cavalry began almost at once. The Third Indiana was now a part of the Second Brigade. General Pleasanton in his report of operations at this time (Vol. XIX, Part 2, page 125) says: a On November 1 the com mand moved forward and occupied Philomont, several hundred of Stewart s cavalry leaving about the time we entered. Colonel Gregg, with the Eighth Pennsylvania and Third Indiana Cavalry, pursued this cavalry and drove it very handsomely from some woods it had attempted to hold, but, the enemy bringing up his artillery, no further advance was made, except to silence the rebel guns by the fire of Pennington s battery. The rebels left five dead on the field. Our loss was one killed, and one officer and thirteen men wounded. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 35 "On November 2 my advance came up with the enemy at Union. They had some infantry supporting their guns and very soon some sharp fighting began, which resulted in the blowing up of one of their caissons, by which a number of their men were killed, and their retreat for several miles on the road to Upperville." The report of Col. David McM. Gregg, Eighth Pennsylvania, of the affair at Philomont is also found at page 129 of the same volume. The Third Indiana and Eighth Illinois were on the ground where the caisson blew up, to which General Pleasanton refers, almost before the smoke had cleared away, in their pursuit of the rebels flying towards Upperville, but all we found were splinters, broken wheels, artillerymen s caps and clothing, but no carcasses. This Virginia country east of the Blue Ridge mountains was traversed by splendid turnpike roads, walled on either side by stone fences, and winding over hills and through valleys, and was a lovely land to look upon. Stewart s cavalry was the rear guard of the rebel army and was contesting every step of the advance of the federal cavalry under Pleasanton. On November 5 we en countered them at Barbes Cross Roads, where we lost five killed and eight wounded. On the 6th we ran on to them again at Waterloo, and on the 7th at Amosville and Little Washington, and in that action captured two guns, also three officers and ten men. On the 8th we skirmished at Newbys Cross Roads, on the 9th at Corbins Cross Roads, and on the 10th the rebels, both infantry and cavalry, from Culpepper attacked Pleasanton s command in force, and prisoners taken reported that it was a movement by General Long- street to ascertain where the Army of the Potomac was. It was a red hot fight, in which both infantry and cavalry participated on both sides, and the rebels fell back at nightfall without gaining the information they sought. General Pleasanton says in his report, "that this action closed the campaign of the cavalry in Loudon and Fauqier counties, as orders were then received directing no 36 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. further advance towards Culpepper, and informing the army that Major-General Burnsides had relieved Major-General McClellan of the command of it." In closing his report on page 128 of Vol. XIX, General Pleas- anton says : "It is but justice to the troops I have had the- honor to command that I should mention the results of their laborious exertions and chivalrous gallantry under many adverse circum stances. From the time the army left Washington to the end of the campaign at Washington the cavalry of my command had taken from the enemy six pieces of artillery, four stands of colors and 1,000 prisoners of war without losing a gun or a color." In the return march of the Army of the Potomac in the direc tion of Richmond, the capture of which the entire North for four years seemed to consider would end the war, the cavalry followed along the base of the mountains which concealed Lee s army, fight ing his cavalry at every gap in the mountains, while the main army, under Burnsides, traversed the plains of Manassas, Bull Run and Culpepper, where but little more than two months before it had met defeat in bloody battles at the hands of the enemy it was now pursuing. The country, where rested the remains of so many brave men of both armies, and which had been marched and countermarched over so often by both armies, in the dreary, late autumn days of 1862, had much the appearance of a barren waste, and vast sec tions of it had ceased to be the habitation of man or beast. Here and there stood a lone chimney surrounded by the charred embers of some destroyed home and an occasional straggling apple tree was all that was left to mark the civilization which in earlier and happier years marked the proud old Virginia as the mother of Presidents. Appomattox came later to vindicate the Army of the Potomac and give it the proud distinction of fighting its bloodiest battles and ending the war, but in the ides of November, 1862, HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 37 as we marched or countermarched across those bleak plains toward Fredricksburg, the days seemed "melancholy days" indeed. The future, full of uncertainty, was before it, and the recent past with its bloody horrors was not far behind, and if the reader can put himself in the place of such men he can come to understand that it was valor and patriotism and dearly bought discipline which still made the Army of the Potomac a terrible and splendid fighting machine when it went into winter quarters on the banks of the Eappahannock in the winter of 1862 and 1863. The cavalry was the first to appear at Falmouth on the north bank of the river and locate the enemy in his winter quarters and en trenched on Maryes Heights surrounding the old-time city of Fredricksburg, which had once been the home of Washington and where reposed the remains of his mother. The eastern battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry went into camp at Belle Plains, a landing on the Potomac, a short distance below the mouth of Acquia creek, in the edge of a pine thicket, where the men built cabins of small pine logs, chinked them with mud, erected stick chimneys, used their dog tents for roofing, and in a very few days were quite comfortably situated. This situa tion was of brief duration, for at midnight on the first of Decem ber, 1862, the battalion was ordered to move southward fifteen miles for picket duty on the Rappahannock, in King Georges county. During this service the camp of the battalion was on the three-thousand-acre farm of Col. William Tailo, one of the finest plantations in all Virginia. The master of this splendid estate lived in a fine country seat, located on the brow of a hill overlooking a broad expanse of fertile river-bottom lands, and on the slope of the hill towards the river were our quarters, where he housed his three hundred slaves. The battalion picketed the river for several miles in front of this plan tation as far southward as Port Conway, the south bank of the river being picketed by the infantry of Stonewall Jackson, with 38 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. whom we became on excellent terms. Colonel Tailo s corn cribs and wheat stacks furnished a splendid supply of forage for the horses and men, and the latter utilized an old-fashioned water mill and its slave miller, with which the farm was equipped, to convert a quantity of the Colonel s wheat into unbolted flour that made very passable biscuits. The Colonel s son was an officer in one of Jackson s regiments across the river immediately in front of us, and the old gentleman himself made no pretense of loyalty to the Union. We enjoyed his hospitality for about two weeks until called to the battlefield of Fredricksburg on the night of December 12, 1862, where we sat in line for two days, and during which time we witnessed the bombardment of the old city and the slaughter of ten thousand brave Union men by the enemy posted on Maryes Heights, that the demand of the politicians at Washington and elsewhere for a battle might be answered. The Army of the Potomac never fought better than it did at Fredricksburg in December, 1862, but the fates were against it in the position held by the enemy, and this battle was the unfortunate ending of the country s second year of war for its existence. The year had not been propitious for the cause of the Union, unless our vastly increased armies of better drilled soldiers, in spired by a dogged determination to ultimately conquer, could be accepted as a favorable omen. Our great armies in the East and West had advanced into the heart of the enemy s country, fought terrible battles on his soil, and, by being outmaneuvered, com pelled to fall back to their own frontier, and base of supplies ; and the end of the year found the armies either East or West little advanced from where they had started a year before. Both the Eastern and Western battalions of the Third Indiana Cavalry had had a similar experience. Each had been constantly engaged in the advance skirmishes of the respective armies to which they belonged, and in retreat had formed a part of the rear HISTORY OF THE THIED INDIANA CAVALRY. 39 guard that held the enemy in check. Both had suffered in the loss of brave men, and their chief compensation was in their experience of sixteen months 7 service and the efficiency which necessarily came with such experience, and the end of this term of service found both on the outpost picket and firing line, ready to go when called or ordered. CHAPTER II. Neither one of the four companies, G, H, I and K, organized and mustered into the service, and designated as a part of the Third Indiana Cavalry, after the first six companies had been mustered and ordered to the Army of the Potomac, were ever permitted to join the battalion that had departed for the East. Indiana troops, as organized, prior to the creation of the Depart ment of Kentucky had been sent in about equal proportions to Gen. Fremont in Missouri and General McClellan in Virginia, were, after the formation of the Department of Kentucky, sent to this new department as fast as mustered. And thus it was that the four companies above mentioned and designated as a part of the Third Indiana Cavalry, when ready for the field were ordered to Louisville, Kentucky, and the men of the regiment who served in the Army of the Potomac never knew anything about the others until after the close of the war, and they began to meet in regi mental reunions. And the only men who ever joined either one of the ten companies now in the field went as recruits to fill up the depleted ranks of the various companies. Pursuant to this policy, according to the record (War of Rebel lion Record, Vol. VII, page 467), on December 6, 1861, Company G, under Capt. Felix Graham, became a part of Brig.-Gen. George H. Thomas s division, Army of the Ohio, doing duty at his head quarters. Company H, commanded by Capt. Alfred Gaddis, was assigned to Gen. A. D. McCook s division for duty at his head quarters. Company I, under Capt. Will C. Moreau, ordered to report to General Buell, Louisville, reported to General McCook at Elizabethtown, Kentucky, but was ordered back to Louisville after a few days. General Nelson, commanding the Fourth Divi- 40 MAJOR CHARLES LEMON KILLED AT GETTEYSBURG. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 41 sion of the Army of the Ohio, at Paducah, Kentucky, on the 22d of February, 1862, reports that he had two companies of Indiana cavalry with him under Capt. Robert Klein (Vol. VII, page 654). These two companies were Companies I and K of the Third Indi ana Cavalry, Captain Klein being captain of the latter company. These different companies, thus assigned, served with the com mands to which they were assigned, and were with those dif ferent commands in their several movements in Kentucky, on Salt river, Green river and the Ohio, until our armies, numbering over one hundred thousand men, concentrated at Nashville, Tennessee, about the first of March, 1862. Under their several assignments these companies performed orderly duty, acted as scouts, pickets, and had numerous skirmishes at different times with small bodies of the enemy s cavalry that was always active on the front of our advancing armies. After the battle of Mills Springs, in which the rebel generals Payton and Zollicoffer were killed, Captain Gaddis, with one hundred picked men of Companies G and H, was sent into the rebel lines to v escort and deliver the remains of these distinguished rebels to their friends. Generals Johnson and JSTegley, of the Union forces, with their respective staffs, accom panied this expedition, as well as reporters from Frank Leslie s Magazine and the Cincinnati Commercial. They were within the rebel lines a day and night. On the march to Nashville, Tennessee, on the 25th of January, 1862, Capt. Will C. Moreau, First Lieut. Tighlman Fish and Sec ond Lieut. Oliver Childs, who were the commissioned officers of Company I, resigned, and on the 16th of February, 1862, Charles Hedrick, orderly sergeant of the company, was mustered as second lieutenant, promoted to first lieutenant, and on the 27th of Febru ary, 1862, Argus D. Vanarsdol was made captain and Thomas B. Wilkinson second lieutenant of that company. Captain Vanarsdol resigned on the 1st of May, 1863, and Lieutenants Hedrick and Wilkinson remained officers of the company until the close of its 42 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. term of service, the former being captain of the company at the date of its discharge. After reaching Nashville Company I, of the Third Indiana Cavalry, was detailed as provost guards for the city, and was con tinued in the performance of this duty until Bragg s invasion of Tennessee and Kentucky in the summer of 1862, when it was withdrawn with our other forces and accompanied the armies northward to Louisville. The other three companies continued to perform duty at the respective headquarters to which they had been assigned, scouting and picketing the various roads leading out of Nashville. In one of these scouts on the Murfreesborough pike Captain Klein with his company, K, encountered a force of General Morgan s rebel cavalry, in which Captain Klein lost two horses and one man killed. On the 15th of March, 1862, the army at Nashville began the march that finally brought it to Pittsburg Landing and the battle field of Shiloh, on the 6th of April, 1862. Companies G, H and K were still with the headquarters commands, which they had accompanied from the Ohio river, and performing the same kind of duty they had performed from the first. They were with their respective commands at the great battle of Shiloh, but that was an infantry and artillery battle, and cavalry only performed escort, orderly and picket duty. At Shiloh, on the 9th of April, 1862, Capt. Felix W. Graham, of Company G, resigned and returned home to become colonel of the Fifth Indiana Cavalry, and on the 17th of May, 1862, George F. Herriott, the first lieutenant of that company, became captain. On the same date Sergt. Daniel Cal- lahan was made second lieutenant, Lieut. William J. Lucas, of the same company, having been promoted from second to first lieutenant on the 30th of April, 1862. Capt. Alfred Gaddis, of Company H, with McCook s head quarters, in a letter dated April 10, 1862, "On the Battlefield, near Pittsburg Landing," wrote: "The battle was raging when HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 43 we got here. We could hear the cannonading for miles, and on the army marched, leaving baggage and every incumbrance behind. When we reached the river the musketry firing had ceased and all was quiet, except the gunboats, three in number, that threw shells all night to keep the "secesh" off, for they had repulsed Grant s army of sixty-five thousand, which had got under cover of the gunboats for protection, the enemy having possession of their battlefield and camp, with all the tents and equipage. "On Monday morning Buell s forces began the terrible slaugh ter, and on Wednesday it still continued, only the rebels are being driven back. My command was not in the fight. Cavalry could not be used to advantage in the woods. We were sent with the Nineteenth Regulars to guard the batteries belonging to McCook s division and were detained here for further orders. Next morn ing a number of prisoners were turned over to my charge as they were taken; so many that I had to get other forces to help guard them. "All our baggage trains are back with the whole division trains. None of the men have tents. We are quartered in a wheatfield and have our "secesh 77 guests on pasture. Many of them have relatives and friends that bring them food. It is quite cold and has rained four nights in succession. I rode over the battlefield with General McCook and his staff. It was a horrible sight. Our wounded had been taken off. The dead were being cared for, that is our own men. The dead seemed innumerable." On this field Captain Gaddis was taken down with typhoid fever and sent to his home in the North, and was absent, sick and on de tached service until April 7, 1863, when he rejoined his company, in camp near Murfreesborough, Tenn. Company I, of the Third Indiana Cavalry, was with General Nelson on the battlefield of Shiloh, acting in the same capacity it had been acting at his headquarters, and accompanied him on the march and at the siege of Corinth, and was with him until the 44 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. first of June, 1862, when it was detached and assigned to the cavalry corps commanded by General Thatcher. The record (Series 1, Vol. XVI, Part 2, page 8) discloses that at this time the Second Indiana, Third Kentucky, Third Ohio and three companies of the Third Indiana Cavalry, Capt. Robert Klein, formed an independent cavalry brigade of the troops in the district of the Ohio commanded by General Buell. These were Companies G, H and K, and we find the same companies at page 591 of the same volume noted as unattached with the Second Division of the First Army Corps, the latter commanded by Gen. A. D. McCook and the cavalry by Gen. Joshua W. Sill. At that time these companies were under the command of Robert Klein, who was promoted to major on the 20th of October, 1862. After the Shiloh and Corinth campaign these three companies with Buell s army fell back to Louisville before Bragg s invading army, and at the latter city were joined by Company I, which had been doing provost duty in Nashville from early in March, 1862, and this was the first time the four companies of the Third Indiana Cavalry in the West had ever been together and under one command. When Buell began his forward movement against Bragg in October, 1862, these four companies under the command of Major Klein formed part of Buell s advance cavalry and were with him at the battle of Perryville on the 8th of October, 1862. It con tinued with the advance of BuelPs army to Nashville, and, accord ing to a report of Colonel Buckland, of the Fifth Kentucky Cav alry, dated December 7, 1862, Captain Vanarsdol with two com panies of the Third Indiana was with him guarding General Sill s wagon train, which was attacked by General Wheeler s rebel cav alry and a force of infantry, and was only saved by brisk fighting on the part of the Union forces guarding the train. This affair occurred on the road from Lebanon to Franklin, Tennessee, on the 6th of December, 1862. (Vol. XX, Part 1, page 35.) HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 45 In this report Colonel Buckland says: "The Third Indiana Cavalry of two companies, under Captain Vanarsdol, was ordered to the front, and here I would say that no men could have behaved better than those two companies, nor could any one have maneuv ered them to better advantage than the captain in command." The record (Vol. XX, page 176, December 26, 1862) shows that Companies G, H, I and K, Third Indiana Cavalry, formed part of Col. Philemon P. Baldwin s Second Brigade, Gen. Richard W. Johnson s Second Division, Army of the Cumberland, and with this command participated in the great Battle of Stone River on the 31st of December, 1862, and the 1st of January, 1863. According to official reports (Vol. XX, page 209) its casualties were four killed, six wounded, fifteen captured or missing, one ambulance and thirty cavalry horses. General Johnson in his report (Vol. XX, page 295) says: "Major Klein and his battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry deserve special mention. Under their gallant leader, the battalion was always in the front and rendered efficient service." In the engagement of December 27, at Nolensville, Sergt. Rich ard Newell and Private Stephen Moore, of Company H, and Pri vate Mack Dunn, of Company G, were three of the men killed, and Sergt. John S. Irvin and John A. Mason were among the badly wounded. In his report dated January 9, 1863, Brig-Gen. David S. Stanley, U. S. Army, Chief of Cavalry (page 617, Series 1, Vol. XX, War of the Rebellion Official Records) gives his account of the skirmishes near La Vergne, December 27 ; Wilkinsons Cross Roads, December 29; Overalls Creek, December 31, and Lytles Creek, January 5. He says : "The reserve cavalry consisted of the new regiments, viz., Anderson Troop, or Fifteenth Pennsylvania, First Middle Tennessee, Second East Tennessee Cavalry and four companies of the Third Indiana. I commanded in person and 46 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. preceded General McCook s corps on the Nolensville pike. On the morning of the 27th our cavalry first encountered the enemy on the Nolensville pike one mile in advance of Bole Jack Pass. Their cavalry was in large force and accompanied by a battery of artillery. Fighting continued from 10 o clock until evening, during which time we had driven the enemy two miles beyond La Vergne. "The Third Indiana and Anderson Troop behaved very gal lantly, charging the enemy twice and bringing them to hand to hand encounters. The conduct of Majors Rosengarten and Ward, the former now deceased, was most heroic. "On the 28th we made a reconnoissance to College Grove and found that Hardee s rebel corps had marched to Murfreesborough. On the 29th, Colonel Zahm s brigade having joined us, we were directed to march upon Murfreesborough by the Franklin road, the reserve cavalry moving on the Bole Jack road, the columns communicating at the crossing of Stewarts Creek. We encoun tered the enemy s cavalry and found them in strong force at Wilkinsons Cross Eoads. Our cavalry drove them rapidly across Overalls Creek and within one-half mile of the enemy s line of battle. The Anderson Cavalry behaved most gallantly this day, pushing a full charge upon the enemy for six miles. Unfortu nately their advance proved too reckless. Having dispersed their cavalry, the troop fell upon two regiments of rebel infantry in ambush, and, after a gallant struggle, were compelled to retire with the loss of Major Rosengarten and six men killed, and the brave Major Ward and five men desperately wounded." Maj. Robert Klein, at page 646 of the same volume, officially reports his operations with the four companies, G, H, I and K, Third Indiana Cavalry, from December 26, 1862, to January 3, 1863, in a report dated near Murfreesborough, Tenn., January 7, 1863, including skirmishes at Triune, December 27, and near Overalls Creek, December 31. He says: HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 47 "The four companies under my command left camp on the 26th, as ordered, and, bringing up the rear of the Second Division, encamped beyond Nolensville. On the following morning, 27th, having orders, reported to General Stanley, the chief of cavalry, who, remarking he had understood the Third knew how to take these rebels/ ordered me to move forward and take the advance of the column of cavalry then moving towards Triune. "I succeeded in gaining the advance at about the point where the enemy s outposts were expected to be. I then threw out por tions of Company H, Lieutenant Young commanding, on either side of the pike, and putting out an advance guard, moved smartly down the pike. Our advance soon encountered the enemy in con siderable force drawn up in line of battle. The column now moved on to them at a gallop, receiving the whole of their fire into one company (Company G, Captain Herriott), the skirmishers on the flanks not being able to come up for some time on account of the soft nature of the ground and the fences intervening. Com pany G held its ground until Company I, Captain Vanarsdol, on the right, and Company K, Lieutenant Lieske, on the left, advanced gallantly to the rescue, and, despite superior force, drove them across the narrow valley to a position beyond, where their artillery covered them. Here we advanced, with the remainder of our cavalry force and drove them from this hill, from which they fell back to Triune. "We were ordered by General Stanley, with one company of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, to attack the enemy on the right side of the pike. They were posted behind a stone wall, heads only visible, one or more regiments strong. We advanced across the open fields and were pouring in a steady fire at easy range when two pieces of artillery, about 500 yards to our left, and two in front opened on us, obliging us to retire to the cover of the woods from where we advanced. This movement was done promptly but in good order. On the following morning my bat- 48 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. talion was in advance of the reconnoissance under General Wil- lich ; we did no fighting, but captured some sixteen of the enemy s stragglers. On the Nolensville pike we had three killed and three wounded. We lost also a few horses, wounded and disabled, and one killed by cannon shot. On the 29th and 30th nothing of note occurred. a On the morning of the 31st ultimo my battalion was posted with our cavalry force beyond Wilsons Cross Eoads pike, on the rear and right of the Second Division. When our forces first gave way before overwhelming numbers of the enemy, the efficiency of my battalion was destroyed in being divided by one of our own cavalry regiments running through our ranks and scattering the men. This movement, had it been in the opposite direction, would have been a most gallant charge and, doubtless, from its determina tion, an efficient one. We kept falling back, forming and charging at intervals, until forced across the Murfreesborough pike, where one of my companies was first to form and drive the enemy from our train. a We captured during the retreat eleven of the enemy. One of Company G, Corporal Justice, recaptured our ambulance, con taining our surgeon, by shooting down one of its captors and frightening the other away. I regret to say that Corporal Justice was afterwards captured. We were formed near the center of our cavalry when the enemy in the afternoon again attempted to take our train. We participated in the fight and charge that followed. We lost one man on that morning, Private Daniel Gibbons, of Gen. Willich s escort, and two others wounded. On the following days of the fight my battalion was on provost duty. Our loss sums up : Killed four, wounded six, missing ten, captured five. Of the missing doubtless nearly all were captured. Our total loss is twenty-five men, thirty horses and one ambulance. "Respectfully, your obedient servant, R. KLEIN, "Major Commanding Battalion." HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 49 Daniel Gibbons was of Company G, Third Indiana Cavalry. In an expedition covering four days, beginning with the 3d of February, 1863, the Fifth Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps, from Murfreesborough, Ma j. -Gen. J. J. Reynolds com manding, reports the Third Indiana Cavalry under Capt. G. F. Herriott as constituting a part of his command. The expedition encountered rebel cavalry at various points, captured a number of prisoners, a number of animals and destroyed a large amount of rebel subsistence stores. (Vol. XXIII, Part 1, page 42.) Lieut- Col. Fielder A. Jones, commanding First Brigade, First Division, Twentieth Army Corps (same volume, page 137), reports a rec- onnoissance made by his command, March 6 and 7, 1863, on the old Shelbyville road to Middletown. Colonel Jones says: "We found the enemy posted in strong position four miles from Mid dletown, which position was handsomely carried by our troops. We drove the enemy through Middletown and out of his camp one and one-half miles beyond the town. He made four different stands, but was quickly dislodged by our men. I never saw finer nor more intrepid skirmishing than was done by the Thirty-second and Thirty-ninth Indiana, Forty-ninth Ohio and about seventy men of the Third Indiana Cavalry. Great credit is due both to officers and men of those commands. 77 This Volume XXIII of the official records, from which we have been quoting, indicates that the Western battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry was a busy body of men from the time they left Louisville with the army in September, 1862. We have given their movements up to and through the Murfreesborough cam paign, and up to the 6th of March, 1863. According to a report of Brig.-Gen. Jeff. C. Davis (page 145) we find a part of the bat talion at Eagleville, Tenn., who were ordered by him to the head quarters of the general commanding the corps. This was on the llth of March. On the 9th of April, 1863, they were part of a command of 1,600 men under Major-General Stanley which left 50 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Murfreesborough to scout the country to Triune, and thence to Franklin and to give General Granger such assistance as he might need in his operations against VanDoran, in command of 4,000 rebels (Vol. XXIII, page 230). Lieutenant-Colonel Klein, from Camp Drake, Tenn., under date of April 16, 1863 (page 238), makes the following report of his part in that affair: "Sir I have the honor to report the following as the part taken by the detachment of the Third Indiana Cavalry, 170 strong, under my command, during the late scout to Franklin, Tenn. Nothing worthy of note occurred until on the 10th instant, when, halted four miles from Franklin I was placed under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Robie, commanding Second Brigade, with which brigade we acted during the entire engagement and re mainder of the scout. Early in the afternoon we were ordered to proceed to Harpeth river at Hughes Mill, where our brigade crossed at lower ford, opposite the bluff. We moved across the open field and woods to the Lewisburg pike, driving the enemy s sentinels towards Franklin, in which direction we observed them in considerable mounted force. The brigade was formed across the pike, facing towards Franklin, my battalion being in the center, where we were to await their approach. "The Fourth Regulars becoming engaged in our rear, towards Lewisburg, we were ordered to face about and move down the Lewisburg end of the pike, which we did in fine order, and had laid down the last fence between us and the reserves of the force engaging the Fourth Regulars, and would soon have captured them and the horses of their dismounted men, the guard being inconsiderable, but orders were given to fall back, as they were advancing from Franklin in our rear. We fell back with the promptness characteristic of cavalry movements, and formed in the field and woods near the bluff at the crossing, our line being at an acute angle with the pike and bluff, our left nearest the pike and our right nearest the bluff, with my battalion again in the HlSTOEY OF THE THIED INDIANA CAVALEY. 51 center of the Second Brigade. The enemy made two attacks on this position, and were both times repulsed; but coming through the woods in force and attacking our left vigorously, doubled it on the center, obliging us to fall back. We again formed parallel to the bluff, which position we held until the enemy retired. We were in advance of the reconnoitering force which went out in the evening, but nothing worthy of note occurred. Our loss in the whole scout was very small, being two mortally and two slightly wounded ; also twelve horses killed, disabled and abandoned. I take pleasure in testifying to the general good con duct of my officers and men, their actions meeting my full appro bation. I am, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, "R. KLEIN, Lieutenant- Colonel, "Commanding Third Indiana Cavalry. "Capt. W. H. Sinclair, Assistant Adjutant-General." On May 22, 1863, Colonel Klein makes the following report (Vol. XXIII, page 344) : "Sir I have the honor to report the following as the part taken by the Third Indiana Cavalry under my command, in the descent on Middletown this instant: My battalion, being in the rear of the Fourth Michigan Cavalry, brought up the rear of the First Brigade, and in the charge on the rebel camps followed the Fourth Michigan close up, deploying on the left of the same and charging through the woods in the direction of Fosterville. We met very little resistance, exchanging only a few shots. We captured twelve prisoners, three Sharp s carbines, eight horses and one mule. No casualties to my battalion. "Your obedient servant, "R. KLEIN, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding." The volume from which we have been quoting (page 356) shows the battalion of the Third Indiana, under Colonel Klein, went with the brigade of Colonel Minty from their camp near Murfrees- borough on the 3d of June, 1863, out on the Wartrace road, where 52 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. it crosses Stone river, and engaged the enemy in force at that point. And on June 10 the battalion was engaged in a scout and skirmish with the enemy s pickets on the Middletown road (page 373). On June 15 the same command went on a raid to Lebanon, Tenn. (page 394). On the 3d of July, 1863, Colonel Watkins 7 com mand, consisting of the Fifth and Sixth Kentucky and Third Indiana Cavalry, reported to General Sheridan for duty (page 467). General Sheridan, reporting his operations from June 24 to July 5, 1863 (page 516), after leaving Murfreesborough, says: "Just before reaching Cowan, July 3, I was joined by Colonel Watkins with 1,200 cavalry. I learned during the night that the enemy had taken up a position at or near University, near the top of the mountain about seven miles from this place, and had cov ered his front with General Wharton s cavalry. To ascertain the truth of this I directed Colonel Watkins with the Fifth and Sixth Kentucky and Third Indiana Cavalry of his command, on the morning of the 4th of July, to feel the enemy and drive him until he was satisfied he was there in force. This reconnoissance was very handsomely executed by Colonel Watkins, who drove the enemy about three miles, inflicting severe loss. Our own casual ties were fourteen. On the morning of the 5th of July I directed Colonel Watkins to feel the enemy again, to ascertain if his posi tion was a permanent one, at the same time sending the Third Indiana Cavalry to Mount Top, on my right and down the road in the direction of Stephenson. Colonel Watkins found the enemy had fled. Lieutenant-Colonel Klein, Third Indiana Cavalry, found that a small portion of the enemy had crossed on that road. He captured forty-one head of beef cattle from the enemy s rear guard and brought them into camp. 77 In Volume XXIII, Part 2, page 556, Col. K. G. Minty, com manding the First Brigade, Second Cavalry Division, on July 10, 1863, made a report of the engagement at Shelbyville, Tenn., on HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 53 the 27th of June, 1863, of which affair Lieutenant-Colonel Klein gives an account in the foregoing report. In Volume LII, Part 1, page 425, in a supplemental report dated Camp near Salem, Tenn., July 29, 1863, he says: "Sir Eeferring to my report of July 8, I hand you the follow ing list of officers and men deserving of special mention for gallant conduct at Shelbyville on the 27th of June ultimo. First Lieu tenant Thompson, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, led the grand charge on the rebel battery. He rode into the very teeth of the guns in most gallant and fearless manner and captured the entire battery. (Observation: He personally captured one piece, and with Lieutenant Vale, of the same regiment, captured another piece near the railroad station after a personal encounter with the officer commanding the battery.) Lieutenant McCafferty, Fourth U. S. Cavalry, was conspicuous for his gallant conduct in the charge on the battery, and is honorably mentioned by Captain Davis. Captain Burns, acting assistant adjutant-general of the brigade, who is always at his post of duty, had his horse shot under him while among the foremost in the charge on the battery. Lieut. Callahan, Third Indiana, exhibited great gallantry in the charge of the battalion of his regiment made near Skull Camp Bridge. Lieutenant Young, Third Indiana Cavalry, was conspicuous in the same charge; he received two slight saber wounds. Sergt. Thomas Sheaffer, Third Indiana Cavalry, in same charge, after being wounded in the face with a saber continued to hew his way through the rebel ranks. "All the regimental commanders, viz., Lieutenant-Colonel Gal- braith, First Middle Tennessee; Captain Mclntyre, Fourth United States; Major Mix, Fourth Michigan; Colonel Klein, Third Indiana, and Lieutenant-Colonel Sipes, Seventh Pennsyl vania, are deserving of special mention for their promptness and manner in which they handled their respective commands. "I am respectfully, your obedient servant, "R H. G. MINTY, Colonel Commanding." 54 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. At page 559, Vol. XXIII, Colonel Klein makes this report: "Headquarters Third Battalion, Third Indiana Cavalry, a Six Miles from Winchester, Tenn., July 7, 1863. "Sir I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command since leaving Murfreesborough on the 24th of June : Nothing of interest occurred until the 27th, when our forces advanced on Shelbyville, when the first determined opposition was found, four miles from that place. When the artillery opened upon us, Colonel Minty ordered my command to proceed to the left, with orders if we met the enemy to charge them, saying he would send us a guide to show us where to go. The guide never came. We proceeded through thick woods, dense undergrowth and tangled vines to the left until we reached the enemy s abatis and rifle pits, where no horseman could go forward, and the firing having ceased, we knew not our exact position. I sent for orders, and on receiving them turned to the right to a point where I could cross the abatis and pits. Here the roads, cut through the woods, led to the left, following which, we reached the Fairfield and Bellbuckle pike, two and one-half miles from the city. We moved down this smartly to a point, when a citizen told us it turned to the Murfreesborough pike. We then left it and passing fields, orchards and woods, reached the outskirts of the town, nearly half a mile from the Murfreesborough road. "We started on a run for the city, and passing through the last alley on the east of the pike, reached the railroad several hundred yards from the depot, part of my men crossing the railroad beyond the engine house, and the remainder passing under the trestle work. We found the enemy in line on the road leading from the depot station to Steel & Holt s mill. "My men coming up rather scattered, the enemy commenced firing and/ advancing, until my men got somewhat formed, when, firing a volley, we drew saber and charged into their ranks. They fled in disorder nearly a half mile towards the mill where the HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 55 commons narrow into a lane ; here they had to fight or be run down. They fought from here to the mill desperately, using saber and clubbing muskets and pistols. The fight was hand to hand for 300 yards, when both parties plunged into the river. Even here we used the trusty saber with effect. We killed three men, wounded some fifteen with saber, and captured one lieutenant- colonel, one captain, one of Wheeler s staff, adjutant Fifty- first Alabama, and adjutant Eighth Confederate, both badly wounded with saber, and some six company officers and seventy enlisted men. Our loss was one man drowned and three wounded ; some others of my men were unhorsed by blows from clubbed muskets, but not seriously injured. My officers and men behaved in the most gallant manner, doing their whole duty. They picked up several men beyond the river in the pursuit towards Tullahoma. While being detached from the brigade, nothing worthy of note oc curred, but capturing a drove of beef cattle from rear guard of enemy on mountain, on road from Cowans Station to Bellefonte on the 4th of July. "All of which is respectfully submitted. "K. KLEIN, Lieutenant-Colonel Third Indiana Cavalry. "Assistant Adjutant-General First Brigade, Second Cavalry Division." Although Companies L and M were detained in Indiana through the summer of 1863, they were not idle. During the Morgan raid the following dispatch (Vol. XXIII, page 733) in dicates they had some part in that affair: "New Albany, Ind., July 12, 1863. "General Boyle : "General My scouts just returned. Forty-seven rebels at tacked last night near Providence by Third Indiana Cavalry; wounded three, took nineteen prisoners. Still in pursuit. "THOMAS W. FEY, Surgeon U. S. Army." 56 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. The next account we have of the Third Indiana Cavalry is found in the report of Col. Robert G. Minty from the headquarters of the First Brigade, Second Division of Cavalry, dated McMinnville, Tenn., August 11, 1863 (Vol. XXIII, Part 1, page 846), which reads : a Sir On the 8th instant, having received information that General Dibrell with 800 or 900 men was camped two miles south of Sparta, I marched at 3 p. m. with 774 men, hoping to surprise him. I took two days rations and one day s forage; no wagons or ambulances. At 11 :30 p. m. I arrived at Spencer and re mained long enough for the men to make coffee and feed horses. I crossed Caney Fork at the mouth of Cane creek; and, at day break, struck the rebel pickets about four miles south of Sparta and followed them at a gallop, but arrived at the town without seeing anything of their camp. In town I learned that they had changed camp the evening before, and were then between three and four miles north of Sparta, on the east bank of the Calfkiller. I pushed forward rapidly, but the pickets, whoses horses were fresh, had given notice of our approach, and the rebels were ready to receive us. The Fourth Michigan Cavalry formed the advance guard, and pushing at a gallop dislodged and drove the enemy before the column got up. General Dibrell fell back across the creek and took up a strong position on a hill covering a narrow rickety bridge, which was the only means of crossing the creek at that point. "Finding a bad, rough ford about a quarter of a mile lower down, I directed Captain Mclntyre to cross with the Fourth Regulars and sharply attack the enemy s right flank. I then moved to the front with the Fourth Michigan and a battalion of the Third Indiana, but the rebels, although outnumbering us and holding a strong position, difficult of access, would not wait for the attack, but scattered in every direction. The Fourth Regulars, Seventh Pennsylvania and Third Indiana scoured the country for about MAJOR WILLIAM PATTON. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 57 three miles, but their horses were too tired to overtake the freshly mounted rebels. Our loss, I regret to say, was heavy, but it was confined exclusively to the Fourth Michigan, the only regiment engaged, and which had only 115 men out. We killed one lieu tenant and thirteen men, and took one lieutenant and nine men prisoners. I remained at Sparta until 1 p. m. and then returned to camp, where I arrived at 12 :30 on the 10th instant. Inclosed I hand you return of casualties. "I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, "ROBERT II. G. MINTY, Colonel Commanding. "CAPT. E. P. KENNEDY, "Assistant Adjutant-General Second Cavalry Division." On the 17th of August, 1863, Colonel Minty with his brigade, to which the battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry was attached, left McMinnville, Tenn., for Pikeville, by way of Sparta, arriving at the latter point at 2 p. m., where, with 1,400 men, he met and fought General Dibrell s brigade of rebel cavalry, numbering 1,600 men, until after dark, driving them steadily. In the morn ing the rebels had disappeared. From here Colonel Minty moved on to Pikeville with the main command, and Colonel Klein with the Third Indiana Cavalry was sent to Rock Island. Of this affair Colonel Minty makes the following report (Vol. XXX, page 920) : "Smiths Cross Roads, Tennessee Valley, August 26, 1863. "Sir At 2 a. m. on the 17th, in accordance with orders from Major-General Rosecrans, through Brigadier-General VanCleve, I marched for Pikeville by way of Sparta. I sent my artillery and wagons direct with the infantry train. At 2 p. m. my advance struck General Dibrell s pickets two miles from Sparta. I sent the Seventh Pennsylvania and Fourth Michigan up the east side of Calfkiller creek to Sperrys Mill, where they found Dibrell s brigade and quickly drove it across the creek. With the Third Indiana and Fourth Regulars I moved up the west side of the 58 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. creek, with the intention of cutting off their retreat, but the nature of the ground was so much in the enemy s favor that they had no difficulty in escaping. I followed them to within a short distance of Yankeetown, and then moved back to Sparta for the purpose of going into camp for the night. "About four miles above Sparta the road runs close to the creek, with a high bluff (thickly wooded) on the opposite side. Here about 200 men lay in ambush, and as the head of the column was passing they poured in a volley, wounding Lieutenant Yale, the brigade inspector, and two of my orderlies. Part of the Fourth Michigan and one squadron of the Fourth Regulars were quickly dismounted and engaged the enemy across the creek. In an at tempt to cross the creek a little higher up, the Fourth Regulars lost eight men drowned and a few wounded. The Seventh Pennsyl vania and Third Indiana crossed lower down and, with slight loss, succeeded in dislodging the rebels. It being now after 8 o clock and quite dark, I bivouacked for the night. In the morning I could find no trace of the enemy except a couple of them dead, which the citizens were ordered to inter. "The enemy s force was estimated by citizens at 1,500. I placed it at 1,200. Every foot of ground which we fought over was familiar to them. It was wooded, hilly, broken, and inter sected by half a dozen branches of creeks, with plenty of good positions, all of which they were able to take advantage of. My force numbered about 1,400, and the country was to us terra incognita, notwithstanding which we drove them at a gallop. I had one man drowned and fifteen wounded, including three com missioned officers. I took twenty-three prisoners, including one lieutenant, and representing four regiments. "I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, "ROBERT H. G. MINTY, Colonel Commanding." According to the official record of the Army of the Cumberland (Yol. XXX, page 179), Colonel Minty s first brigade was part of HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 59 the Second Cavalry Division, commanded by Brig. -Gen. George Crook. This was its assignment during the Chickamauga cam paign, and during this great battle the cavalry was employed in protecting the supply train of the army, which General Wheeler with 10,000 rebel cavalry was endeavoring to destroy. The federal cavalry succeeded partially in saving the trains, when Wheeler with his entire force started on his great raid in the rear of our armies entering the Sequatchie Valley. He burned 500 wagons, going thence to McMinnville and Murfreesborough, pursued by the federal cavalry, which pursued and fought him at all points, until Wheeler was compelled to abandon his raid and fall back on Bragg s main army at Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. On the 17th of September, 1863 (Vol. XXX, page 715), an order was issued from the headquarters of the Department of the Cumberland as follows : "The general commanding directs that Company I, Third In diana Cavalry be detached, until further orders, for scouting on our flanks under your instruction. As soon as it can be spared from that duty you will order it to report to these headquarters. "Very respectfully, your obedient servant, a W. MICHAEL, Major and Assistant Adjutant-General." Company I of the Third Indiana Cavalry has a history that is its own and peculiarly unique. The company was raised at Knightstown, Ind., by Will C. Moreau, a practicing attorney of that place, who became its captain, with Tighlman Fish as first lieutenant and Oliver Childs as second lieutenant. It was raised with the intention of becoming the bodyguard of Gen. A. Mac- Dowell McCook, commanding a division of Buell s army in Ten nessee and Kentucky. The company was sworn in at Indianapolis and ordered to report to General Buell at Louisville, and in obedi ence to this order proceeded to Louisville. But instead of report ing to General Buell, at once proceeded to Elizabethtown, Ky., 60 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. where General McCook was stationed, and reported to him. Gen. McCook at once sent the company on a scout to Buckley s farm on Green river, where a large amount of rebel stores were kept in the barns of that farm. These the company burned, and after a day or two returned to General McCook s headquarters at Eliza- bethtown. There the commander of the company found an order commanding him to report at once to General Buell at Louisville, which order was complied with. The company was held there in camp until the army went to Nashville, Tenn., where it was de tailed on provost duty in the city, and was notf relieved from this duty until Bragg invaded Tennessee and Kentucky, when it fell back with the army to Louisville. In September, 1862, the company first came under the com mand of Major Klein, who had been in command of Companies G, H and K. All of the commissioned officers of the company had resigned at Louisville on the 25th of January, 1862, and in Febru ary, 1862, T. B. Wilkinson was made first lieutenant of the com pany and Charles Hedrick second lieutenant, and A. D. Vanarsdol became captain of the company on the 27th of February, 1862. "When the army of Buell moved out from Louisville in Septem ber, 1862, in pursuit of Bragg, who had begun his retreat south ward, Company I under Captain Vanarsdol went with Major Klein to Nashville, where the company was again detailed for provost duty in that city, and held there until December 25, 1862. Major Klein complained of his command being broken up, and Company I was relieved from provost duty in Nashville and joined him at Triune, and was a part of his battalion in all the service he per formed until the latter part of August, 1863, at which time Capt. Vanarsdol had resigned the command of the company and Capt. W. C. Moreau had returned to the company recommissioned as its captain. At this time, by an order from General Thomas headquarters, the company was detailed as independent scouts or couriers and HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 61 detached from Major Klein s command, and began scouting the country in the vicinity of Chattanooga, accompanied by a young man in citizens clothes, who seemed to act as their guide, and who was known to the men as Wilson. The company at this time only numbered thirty men for duty. About the middle of September, 1863, this company in its rambles with Wilson stopped at Cotton Ford, near Washington on the Tennessee river, for about a week, from which point Wilson was daily making excursions in various directions either alone or accompanied by two or three men of Company I. At this point Captain Moreau received an order to return with his command to Chattanooga. He crossed the Ten nessee river at Cotton Ford and, after journeying half a day, learned for the first time that the battle of Chickamauga had been fought, and that the rebel army was between him and Chattanooga. And here the shrewdness and tact of the man Wilson made itself particularly manifest. He was a citizen of Tennessee and had been raised in that part of the country, and was acting under the directions of General Thomas. He was a very bright young man. He informed the men that he was entirely familiar with the country and would conduct them safely to the Union lines if they would follow his directions. To this there was unanimous assent, and the command continued its journey right on up the river in the direction of Chattanooga. About sundown they came on to two cavalry pickets of the rebel General Wheeler s command, whom they easily made prisoners, as they had no suspicion there were any Union troops on the Tennessee river below them. The Company I men rode by twos and the two prisoners were placed between the men comprising the second and third files from the rear, while Captain Moreau and Wilson rode at the head of the command. All knew when they had captured rebel outpost pickets in the rear of the rebel army that they were within the rebel lines and on very dangerous ground. But they proceeded, and coming in sight of a rebel battery with some infantry stationed at a small 62 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. railroad bridge directly along the road they were traveling, the command was halted. Wilson rode to a house on the hillside over looking the rebel camp, and requested a small boy standing in the yard to go down and notify the rebel officers in charge of the troops they had to pass, not to disturb a body of cavalry that was coming up, as they were going to the front to charge and drive in the "Yankee pickets." The ruse worked like a charm, and they passed the rebel artillery and infantry undisturbed, and came on to the main body of the rebel army, where the men were cooking supper and roll call was going on, and everything incident to the camp life of a great army full of fight. Under ordinary circumstances there was danger of the prisoners riding between their guards crying out at any time and giving the alarm, and thus subjecting the entire command to capture; but Jonathan Keller, who with Joseph Higgins had charge of the forward prisoner, says he carried his pistol in his hand, and had warned the man that the moment he gave the alarm he would kill him. The presumption is that the same warning had been given to the prisoner in the rear by his guards, John H. Kennedy and Lewis Micha. At any rate they made no outcry, and as the com mand passed on rebel soldiers frequently inquired, "Where are you going, boys ?" and the answer was invariably, "To the front to charge and drive in the Yankee pickets," and the response would come back, "That s right; give them h 1." The command went on until General Wheeler s headquarters were reached, when Wilson, who was conducting the expedition, seemed to be uncertain among so many roads leading in every direction which one he should take to reach the front of the rebel lines. Standing in front of General Wheeler s tent was his big colored hostler, whom Wilson ordered to mount a horse one of the men was leading and direct them up the road on which the rebels were hauling their ammunition, as he seemed to realize that that road would lead to a point on the front of the rebel lines that it HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 63 was desirable, under the circumstances, for his men to reach. The colored hostler mounted the horse as directed, and taking his place beside Wilson, proceeded to escort it as directed until the rebel front was reached. Its supposed mission was made known to the officers in command at that point, and their permission granted for it to go forward, and when outside the main rebel line, where a number of rebel sharpshooters were stationed at various points, Captain Moreau gave the order, "Third Cavalry, charge/ and away they went in the immediate direction of the Union lines, fol lowed by a shower of bullets from the rebel sharpshooters, who seemed to have discovered what they were. They were also greeted by a similar shower from their own men as they were approaching the Union lines, until Sergt. Edgar Henry dashed up to a squad of federal soldiers and informed them that they were firing at their own men, when the firing ceased, and Captain Moreau came up and was known to some of the infantry officers on picket. The only mishap that had occurred to the command in its ride through the entire rebel army happened between Wheeler s head quarters and the front of the rebel line, when the prisoner in the rear, guarded by John H. Kennedy and Lewis Micha, requested permission of his guards to get down and fix his saddle blanket, which was granted. For this operation the two guards and the two men in their rear, James Harney and Eobert Poor, were halted, and when the saddle blanket was adjusted the four men found themselves some distance in the rear and separated from the main command in the dark, and uncertain as to the direction in which they had gone. Their prisoner told them he knew the road, and piloted them direct to General Bragg s headquarters, where they were promptly taken in as prisoners. Captain Moreau passed into the Union lines with the other twenty-six men, one prisoner and General Wheeler s colored hostler, who, although scared almost to death, remained with Lieutenant Hedrick, who became captain of Company I, until the 64 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. close of his service in October, 1864. Captain Moreau reported to General Thomas, was relieved of his command and was no more with the company, its twenty-six men being placed under the com mand of Lieutenant Hedrick. Jonathan Keller says his prisoner also made the request that he be allowed to stop and fix his saddle blanket, which request was declined with the announcement that there would be plenty of blankets left if the prisoner lost his. While on this detail and after its perilous ride through Bragg s army on the battlefield of Chickamauga, Company I with its twenty-six men under Lieutenant Hedrick was dispatched by Gen. Thomas to establish a courier line between Chattanooga and Bridgeport. When they reached Bridgeport General Wheeler with all his cavalry force had crossed the Tennessee at Cotton Ford below Chickamauga, moved up into the Sequatchie Valley, at tacked and captured 500 wagons of the supply train of the Union army, recrossed the Tennessee at Bridgeport and was creating havoc among the supply trains and the troops guarding them around Bridgeport. Between that point and Chattanooga Lieut. Hedrick and all of his men but twelve were captured by the rebels but escaped, and after this joined the remainder of the Western battalion of the Third Indiana under Lieutenant-Colonel Klein, and went with it to East Tennessee, where Burnsides was engaged with Longstreet at Knoxville. The record shows that Lewis Micha and James Harney, two of the men captured on the night Company I rode through Bragg s army, died at Andersonville, the former on the 15th of February, 1864, and the latter July 18, 1864, and James Higgins died at Danville, Va., February 15, 1864. The official record (Vol. XXX, Part 3, page 836, dated Sep tember 24, 1863) shows Lieutenant-Colonel Klein at Pikeville, Tenn., with his detachment of the Third Indiana Cavalry, and on the 31st of October, 1863 (Vol. XXXI, page 809), the detach ment is still shown to be with the brigade commanded by Colonel HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 65 Minty. The next mention we have is that the detachment is with Brig.-Gen. James G. Spears forces at Loundon, Tenn., on the 3d of December, 1863, where it had gone from Kingston. On this march General Spears command encountered 2,000 of Wheeler s cavalry under Colonel Hart, and there was some fighting but not serious, as the enemy fell back, leaving six pieces of artillery in General Spears hands. CHAPTER III. After the battle of Fredricksburg in December, 1862, and a second attempt by the Army of the Potomac to move on the enemy later in the winter, and which simply resulted in its sticking in the mud, the conclusion was irresistible that an army encamped on either side of the Rappahannock river during the months of De cember, January, February, March and April was so thoroughly encased in mud that any important movement was practically im possible, and both armies settled down to the simple task of watch ing each other. Cavalry could get about after a fashion, and the Eastern bat talion of the Third Indiana Cavalry took its turn with the Eighth Illinois and Eighth New York in picketing the right flank of the army in the vicinity of Dumfries and Quantico creek until about the middle of April. At this time the brigade to which it be longed, under command of Colonel Davis, of the Eighth New York, moved up the Rappahannock to the vicinity of Warrentown, where it confronted the confederate cavalry watching the ap proaches to the left flank of Lee s army. Every move of either resulted in some kind of an encounter with the other. Colonel Davis 7 brigade crossed the Rappahannock on April 15 at Beverly Ford for the purpose of making a reconnoissance, and on the return the rear guard, consisting of Companies E and F of the Third Indiana, was charged by a much superior force of the enemy, and twenty men, including Lieutenant Shannon, of Company E, were captured with their horses. In the record we find no report by any federal officer of this affair save the mention of the loss in men, horses and arms. But at page 88, Vol. XXV, Part 1, we find a rather accurate account 66 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 67 (as far as it goes) by R. L. T. Beale, colonel commanding Ninth Virginia (confederate) Cavalry. "April 21, 1863. "I submit report of the part taken by this command in the skirmishing on the Rappahannock on the 14th and 15th instant, together with casualties and captures. On the 14th one company, under command of Capt. Stith Boiling, held the ford at Kelleys Mills, and repulsed, with some loss to the enemy, an attempt to cross with a force of two or more regiments. Another company (under the immediate command of Capt. John W. Hungerford), under Lieut. -Col. M. Lewis, held the ford at Beverly Mills. The balance were engaged in watching the enemy at Rappahannock Bridge and re-establishing the pickets driven out in the morning. "On the 15th the enemy, having crossed in large force at the ford above, flanked that portion of the command under Lieut. -Col. Lewis and came down upon them by surprise. The coolness and admirable maneuvering of Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis and Lieut. G. W. Beale in command of the sharpshooters (dismounted), alone saved the little band. By boldly charging the advance, the dis mounted men were successfully extricated from a position of great danger. The whole command in the evening supported Col. J. R. Chambliss, Jr., in a charge upon the retreating foe, captured one first lieutenant of the Third Indiana Cavalry, also ten pri vates, ten horses, ten carbines and seven pistols. Our casualties were one private Company A killed, one private Company K missing (supposed to be captured), two horses killed, one wounded and twelve horses captured. The conduct of the officers and men merits the highest commendation. "R. L. T. BEALE, Colonel Commanding. "Brig.-Gen. W. H. F. LEE." Notwithstanding the statement of Colonel Beale in regard to this affair, nineteen men of Companies E and F, Third Indiana Cavalry, were captured and taken to Richmond. When they were 68 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. conducted to General Fitzhugh Lee s headquarters that officer re marked to Lieut. A. L. Shannon, one of the unfortunates : "Lieu tenant, it is on to Kichmond now sure enough." But a part of the history of the affair is that by the middle of the following summer the men were all exchanged and back with their companies doing duty as usual. The following is the list of men who made that trip to Rich mond, viz. : Company E, Lieut. A. L. Shannon, Sergt. John P. Mathews, James McClain, David Cochran, William H. Stapp, John R. B. Glasscock, George W. Lewis, John Naughton, George W. Pearson, Mathew Glauber, James Graham; Company F, W. B. Downey, Daniel Ely, Daniel Ecklor, Fred Erie, Stephen Good- pasture, Monroe Payton, Jonas Sugden and John O. Martin. As a member of Company F the writer has a very distinct recol lection of this affair. The squadron was the rear guard of Colonel Davis brigade, and had rendezvoused at an old blacksmith shop, which had been a rebel picket post, waiting for the outpost vidette to come in. It had been raining hard since early morning and a ravine that passed this old blacksmith shop was flowing full with a raging torrent of water. The command formed on the side of this ravine next to the Rappahannock, and about one-half mile from the ford of that stream where the brigade had crossed. The Ninth Virginia, several times as strong as we were, came down over a hill from the west with drawn sabers, yelling like Commanche Indians, calling us ugly names and demanding our surrender. At the command of Major McClure, commanding the squadron, we gave them a volley from our carbines, but they plunged through the stream, which we had supposed, with our volley, would check them. Then began a race of rebels and Yankees mingled in indescribable confusion, all heading for that ford on the Rappahannock half a mile away. It was in that race most of the captures were made. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 69 In the old blacksmith shop Jonas Sugden, of Company F, had captured and confiscated a rebel haversack containing a very fine hunk of boiled corn beef, and was gloating over his good luck, but in less than five minutes later he was a prisoner on his way to Richmond. History does not record who ate the corn beef. Lieutenant Shannon, of Company E, and W. B. Downey, of Company F, outpost videttes, had been cut off and, hiding their horses in a thicket, were engaged in constructing a raft to cross the Rappahannock, which was unfordable at the point where they had struck it, and while thus engaged the rebels found them and their horses and they became a part of the Richmond delegation. The other captures were made by the rebels seizing bridle reins and hauling in the riders of horses thus held up. Those of us who were able to outrun the rebels leaped over the bank of the river wherever we struck it, with the rebels all mixed up with us, and there the rebels began sheathing their sabers and drawing their pistols to shoot us in the water. But here good luck came to our rescue. A number of our command who had already crossed the river took in the situation, turned loose a volley from their carbines upon our pursuers as they were forming and getting ready to shoot us as we struggled in the river. They fled in confusion, leaving us unhurt. Isaac Higgins, of Company F, was captured by having his bridle rein seized by a rebel cavalryman near the river bank some distance below the ford. While being led away captive, his pistol, cocked, was held by him under his coat cape, and in an unguarded moment he shot his captor, whirled his horse and leaped into the river and escaped. A few days later the entire cavalry force of the Army of the Potomac, except a brigade supposed to be the least efficient of the force, left in camp near Falmouth under General Pleasanton, again crossed the Rappahannock under command of General Stoneman, who had been placed at the head of what was desig nated as the Cavalry Corps after General Hooker took command 70 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. and reorganized the Army of the Potomac in March, 1863. This cavalry movement of General Stoneman s is known in history as the Stoneman raid and was designed to move towards Richmond and destroy the Orange & Alexandria railroad, over which supplies were shipped to Lee s army lying south of the Rappahannock at Fredricksburg. General Stoneman divided his force after crossing the Rappa hannock, leading the main body of his force in person as far as the defenses of Richmond, where he destroyed considerable stores and crippled the operations of the railroad for a few days ; while Colonel Davis brigade, to which the Eastern battalion of the Third Indiana belonged, with one other brigade, was left at the bridge where the Orange & Alexandria road crossed the Rapidan river, under command of Gen. W. W. Averill. This force skir mished one whole day with a body of rebel cavalry at that point, both sides using their artillery and making dashes at each other. Both tried to burn the railroad bridge, each always succeeded in driving the other off, so that all attempts in that direction were ineffective. After the day s skirmishing was over both forces went on picket, facing each other. Captain Gresham, of Company B, Third Indiana, was seriously wounded while posting his men on picket too near the enemy. On the following day this force moved down the Rapidan, and as the day progressed the booming of distant guns became more fre quent, and before we reached Elys Ford, near the mouth of the Rapidan, about nightfall, the almost continuous roar of artillery and volleys of musketry indicated to us that we were approaching the scene of a great battle. It was twilight when we reached Elys Ford, and hundreds of the men riding horses, weary with their day s march, plunged into the stream to water them, when a volley of musketry from the opposite side of the Rapidan, which overshot our men, caused a great scampering out of the stream and over the hill to a place of HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 71 safety. This was our introduction to the battle of Chancellors- ville, which had been on since the 1st of May. Our command had been rambling around through fields and woods, shut off from com munication with the world, many days, and knew nothing of what was going on, at least so far as the rank and file was concerned. An opening between the right flank of Hooker s army and Elys Ford of the Rapidan had been left unguarded, and a brigade of rebel infantry had moved down into it, and that was the force that fired into our men when they hurriedly entered the stream to water their horses. It was not regarded as good generalship that this should be permitted to happen, and General Averill was relieved of his command and placed under arrest. Early in the day following this incident the battle of Chan- cellorsville was renewed in all its fury, the roar of artillery and the crash of volleys of musketry being almost constant, and our body of cavalry stood in line all forenoon, ready to move at an instant s notice. We did not receive such an order until about noon, when we crossed the Rapidan at the ford where we had been fired into the night before, went up the slope and joined the main army, through the lines of the First Army Corps, under General Reynolds, where the men had been fighting all day. We formed in the rear of this force with artillery and remained there two days and until 2 o clock of the second night, when an order was given to move, we knew not where. But we had not gone far until we knew our horses were treading on brush, laid upon a pontoon bridge to deaden sound, and that this bridge crossed the Rappahannock. At daylight we halted and were overlooking Fal- mouth and Fredricksburg. From that point we moved up the river and soon met army wagons, batteries of artillery, long lines of infantry, and without knowing what had happened, we felt very certain the army of the Potomac was on a different side of the river from where it had been fighting the enemy. 72 HlSTOKY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. We moved on northward into the pine forests bordering the Rap pahannock, apparently away from all communication with the main army, and had little knowledge of the particulars of what had happened for more than a week, when the command returned to Falmouth and found the entire Army of the Potomac on the north side of the river, where it had been all winter. From Wash ington papers received that day we learned that the Union army had been defeated in a great battle, which in history was to be called Chancellorsville. The whole country knew all about it a week before, but thousands of men on the ground, by the process here described, were kept in almost total ignorance of what had happened. The cavalry force under General Stoneman perhaps accom plished all that was expected of it, but the remarkable thing in the history of that great battle is that General Pleasanton, who had been our commander in the Maryland campaign of the previous year, but for some cause was left in the rear in charge of the con valescent camp at the opening of Hooker s campaign of 1863, appeared on the battlefield of Chancellorsville with all his effec tive force, especially the Eighth and Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry regiments, and by his service in that great battle achieved renown that placed him among the foremost cavalry leaders of the war. The charge of Major Randall with a part of the Eighth Pennsylvania, which was a part of Pleasanton s command, is re corded in history as one of the most splendid achievements of the great battle of Chancellorsville. With the close of that conflict Stoneman disappeared from the Army of the Potomac and Pleasanton became commander of the Cavalry Corps by right of conquest. The army lay in camp rest ing up until the early days of June, and then, with Pleasanton s cavalry in the lead, moved northward along the Rappahannock to the Orange & Alexandria railroad. On the 9th of June Colonel Davis brigade of Buford s division crossed the Rappahannock at GEORGE MIDDLETON, Co. E. AT 16. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 73 Kelleys Ford, where it encountered the enemy s cavalry, which it fought all day and drove back on to its infantry lines, and dis closed the fact that Lee s army was also moving northward behind the mountains of Virginia, heading for Maryland and Pennsyl vania. In this engagement Colonel Davis, of the Eighth New York Cavalry, who commanded the brigade, was killed early in the day, and the command of the brigade devolved upon Major McClure, commanding the Third Indiana Cavalry, who by the death of Colonel Davis became the senior officer of the brigade. Colonel Davis was an officer of the regular army, a strict disci plinarian, and in the Maryland campaign, particularly at Harpers Ferry, where he declined to have the Eighth New York Cavalry included in General Miles surrender of 13,000 men to Stonewall Jackson and cut his way out, was regarded as one of the best sub ordinate cavalry commanders of the army. For that day s work he was made a major in the regular army, and had he lived no doubt he would have attained the highest rank in the cavalry arm of the service. As his successor on the battle field of Kelleys Ford, Major McClure proved himself well fitted for the place, and at nightfall drew off his brigade to the north side of the Rappahannock, having most successfully accomplished the business of the expedition, which was a reconnoissance in force for the purpose of developing the movements and purposes of the enemy. A part of the work of the 9th of June at Kelleys Ford was the capture of 400 of the enemy s cavalry and the disclosure of the fact that Lee s army was moving in full force behind the mountains, heading its course for Pennsylvania with a determina tion to carry the war into his enemy s country. His cavalry, under Generals Stewart and Fitzhugh Lee, were in advance and actively engaged in keeping their chief advised as to the movements of the Army of the Potomac. 74 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Hooker, with the entire army, was now moving northward on a line parallel with the line upon which Lee was moving, and at every gap in the mountains until the Potomac river was reached the cavalry forces of the two armies were engaged in almost daily conflicts. In all the encounters the Eastern battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry was having its full share. Colonel Chapman had returned from a furlough and resumed command, and General Merritt succeeded Colonel Davis in com mand of the brigade, which was known as the First Brigade of the First Division of the Cavalry Corps, commanded by Gen. John B. Buford, and comprised the Eighth Illinois, the Eighth New York, Third Indiana Cavalry and four companies of the Twelfth Illinois. After the fight at Kelleys Ford on successive days, in the for ward movement, the brigade engaged the enemy s cavalry at Mid- dletown, Upperville and Aldie. Near the latter place Lieut. William W. Long, of Company C, was captured while going to deliver a message and running into the enemy s cavalry upon his return, so shifting were the movements of this active march. The brigade camped on the bank of the Potomac on the night of the 26th of June, and on the following day crossed into Maryland as the vanguard of the army. Of the engagement of the 9th of June, 1863, Maj. W. S. Mc- Clure, of the Third Indiana, commanding First Brigade, First Division, made the following report (Vol. XXVII, page 1047, Part 1) : "Headquarters Third Indiana Cavalry, "Camp Near Catletts Station, Va., June 12, 1863. "Lieutenant I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this command, and also of the First Brigade of the First Cavalry Division, of which I assumed command after the fall of Col. B. F. Davis: HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 75 "At 4 :30 a. m. the brigade inarched from the camp of the night, distance from the river one-half mile, under command of Col. B. F. Davis, of the Eighth New York Cavalry, in advance, supported by the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and my command, composed of one battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry, one squadron of the Third (West) Virginia Cavalry, and one battalion of the Ninth New York Cavalry. Before reaching the ford two squadrons of the Sixth New York Cavalry were detached and sent forward to sur prise and capture any of the enemy s pickets at the ford; these, dashing over, secured the ford after a sharp engagement. Closely following came the brigade. Advancing, we soon gained a large body of timber, where the Eighth New York Cavalry, squadrons of which were deployed as skirmishers, met a large force of the enemy, and, wavering, finally fell back before them. "It was at this critical juncture, and while trying to rally his men, that the lamented Col. B. F. Davis fell mortally wounded. Captain Clark, commanding the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, imme diately charged the enemy, while my command was formed on the right of the road to protect and support the charging column. Here Captain Clark was wounded, and the command devolved upon Captain For sy the, who also was shortly after wounded. Under the most unfavorable circumstances, and while considerable confusion prevailed, I received orders to assume command of the brigade. By order of General Buford, I moved my command to the left, he occupying the right, and checked a large body of the enemy advancing in column of squadrons. With some difficulty I succeeded about 6 :30 a. m. in forming my command in close col umn of squadrons on the left of the road and in the timber. Im mediately the Eighth Illinois Cavalry was detached by order of General Pleasanton, and I saw no more of them during the day. Colonel Devin coming up, ordered me to retain command. By 7 a. m. the enemy was reported advancing in two heavy lines of skirmishers, supported by about two regiments. I immediately 76 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. ordered Major Lemon, now in command of the Third Indiana Cavalry, to deploy to the left one squadron, and Captain Hanley, of the Ninth New York, to move his squadron to the extreme left to watch the movements of the enemy. The other squadron, under Major Patton, Third Indiana Cavalry, was dismounted and sent out as skirmishers. "At 8 :30, the enemy continuing to advance slowly, Colonel Devin ordered one section of Robertson s battery up. Finding no suitable position, they gave us little aid. The enemy continuing to advance and inclining to my left and rear, I ordered Major Pope, of the Eighth New York, to deploy one squadron of his regiment so as to connect Captain Hanley on the left with Majors Patton and Lemon. To this line I gave two more squadrons for support. For a time the advance of the enemy was checked, but by 9 :30 he began to advance rapidly, driving my skirmishers up to the guns, which, without orders, the officer in command sent to the rear. While the guns were retiring and the enemy advancing, Maj. W. B. Martin, Ninth New York, charged with the remaining squadron of his battalion, forcing the enemy to fall back and taking some prisoners. He himself was wounded and retired from the field, leaving Captain Ayres in command. Immediately I caused our lines to be advanced. The enemy fell back rapidly, and by noon we were in complete possession of the whole timber, and the lines were advancing in the open field beyond, supported by the whole command moving in column of fours. The rear of the enemy was charged by Lieut. L. C. Wilson, in command of Company F of the Third Indiana Cavalry, who captured a few prisoners. "Finding that the enemy was massing a large force in advance and a little to the right, I halted the columns until a section of artillery joined us. Again advancing until the road by which Gen. Gregg joined us was reached, the guns were placed in posi tion and the command formed in line and column of squadrons HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 77 to support the guns and skirmishers. In this position we remained until about 3 p. m. under the fire of three of the enemy s guns, when, General Gregg having come up, we were ordered to the rear to protect the recrossing of General Buford. Before General Buford had recrossed, I was ordered to his side. Lieutenant-Colonel Clen- dennin, of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, being present, I immedi ately turned over the command to him, to whom the regimental reports were made. In consequence I can furnish no list of cas ualties in the command, nor can I mention instances of bravery and ability which came under my immediate notice, without, per haps, injustice to others equally deserving. Yet I would not omit to mention Captain Foote and Lieutenant Cutler, of the Eighth New York, who fell mortally wounded just before we gained pos session of the timber. At the same time my adjutant, Gam. S. Taylor, Third Indiana Cavalry, and Lieutenant Herrick, of the Ninth New York, were slightly wounded. a Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "W. S. McCLURE, "Major Commanding Third Indiana Cavalry and Detachment of Ninth New York and Third (West) Virginia Cavalry. "Lieut. J. H. MAHNKIN, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General." One officer and twenty-two enlisted men of the Third Indiana Cavalry were wounded in this engagement. These June days of 1863 were strenuous ones for the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac. It had been disclosed by the battle on the south side of the Rappahannock that Lee s army was moving towards Pennsylvania, behind that river and the mountains. The enemy seemed to be anxious to know what the Army of the Poto mac was doing to counteract this movement. They came through the mountains in force at Snickersville Pass and took position at Middleburg and Upperville. General Buford, commanding the First Division of the Cavalry Corps, makes his report of the opera tions at that time at page 920, Vol. XXVII, Part 1. He says: 78 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. "I was ordered to Middleburg on the night of the 21st and reached there shortly after daylight, and started to turn the enemy s flank. I took Colonel Gamble s and Colonel Devin s brigades and pushed for Upperville. My advance was disputed pretty warmly by the enemy, but he made no stand save with his skirmishers. These were severely punished. "When a mile from Upperville, I saw a large force in front of General Gregg, who appeared to be outnumbered. I resolved to go to his aid. The column struck a brisk trot, but ran afoul of so many obstructions in the shape of ditches and stone fences that it did not make fast progress and got out of shape. While in this position, I discovered a train of wagons and a few troops to my right marching at a trot, apparently making for Ashbys Gap. I turned the head of my column towards them and very soon became engaged with a superior force. The enemy brought four twelve- pounder guns into position and made some excellent practice on the heads of my regiments as they came up. The gunners were driven from the guns, which would have fallen into our hands but for two impassable stone fences. The enemy then came up in magnificent style from the direction of Snickersville and for a time threatened me with overwhelming numbers. He was com pelled, however, to retire before the terrific carbine fire which the brave Eighth Illinois and Third Indiana poured into him. As he withdrew my rear troops came up, formed and pressed him back to the mountains. He was driven over the mountains into the valley." The casualties of the Third Indiana in this battle were four men wounded and one missing, and eighteen horses killed. On the 22d of June, 1863, the day following this engagement, Col. William Gamble, of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, commanding the brigade, made the following report (Vol. XXVII, Part 1, page 932) : HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 79 "Captain I have the honor to report the part taken by this brigade in the cavalry fight of yesterday. The brigade, composed of the Eighth New York, Eighth Illinois, three squadrons Third Indiana and two squadrons Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, with one sec tion of the First U. S. Artillery under Lieut. Michalowski, in all about 1,600 strong, left Aldie at 5 a. m., marched to Middleburg; from thence west across a ford at Goose creek, the rebel skirmishers occupying the opposite bank under cover of a stone wall at the ford. One squadron of the Third Indiana Cavalry was dis mounted, and, with advance guard deployed, drove the rebels from the opposite bank, when the column crossed and advanced south on the Upperville road. Encountered the enemy one mile from the ford, on the right of the road ; deployed in column in line of battle, and a few well directed shells into the enemy dispersed him rapidly in retreat through the woods southward. One mile farther I found the enemy behind stone walls, near a house ; a few more shells drove them again towards Upperville. Two miles farther, the enemy s skirmishers, supported by artillery, were found strongly posted. I deployed the column in line, advanced and drove the enemy from two strong positions behind stone walls, his guns continually throwing shells at us. We continued the march and found the enemy strongly posted west of Upperville, at the base of the mountain. The Eighth Illinois, Third Indiana and Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, about 900 strong, leading the col umn, came on rapidly at a gallop, formed in line, charged upon the enemy s five guns amid a shower of shells, shrapnel and case shot, drove the rebel gunners from their pieces, when the enemy s cavalry, seven regiments strong, emerged from the woods, and a hand to hand conflict ensued, the enemy out numbering us three to one. We retired a short distance behind a stone wall and maintained our position, repuls ing the repeated charges of the enemy by well directed car bine and pistol firing. The enemy then, on account of his superior 80 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. numbers, attempted to turn both flanks, when a squadron of the Eighth Illinois and one of the Third Indiana Cavalry were de ployed to cover the flanks, and, after a sharp conflict repulsed the enemy; after which the section of artillery arrived, supported by the Eighth New York Cavalry, and shelled the enemy from his position. The enemy then retreated towards Ashby s Gap, pur sued for two miles by the First and Second Cavalry Brigades, which at sunset returned and encamped on the battlefield, buried the dead and took care of the wounded. Eighteen dead bodies of the enemy were buried and over thirty of their wounded were found, in addition to what they carried away. Horses killed, Third Indiana eighteen, Eighth Illinois seventeen. "WILLIAM GAMBLE, "Colonel Commanding Eirst Cavalry Brigade." Erom this battlefield the First Cavalry Division moved to Ed wards Ferry and crossed the Potomac on June 27. General Bu- ford, commanding the division, in his report (Vol. XXVII, Part 1, page 926) says: "After passing the Potomac on the upper pontoon bridge the division marched over almost impassable roads, crossing the Monocacy near its mouth, by a wretched ford, and bivouacked on the east side of the mountain, three miles from Jefferson; being halted there by the whole train of General Stahl s division block ading the road through the mountains. June 28, the division moved through Jefferson and went into camp for the purpose of shoeing and refitting. "June 2 9, the Reserve Brigade (General Merritt s) was detached and moved to Mechanicstown. The First and Second Brigades moved through Boonesborough, Cavetown and Monterey Springs, and encamped near Fairfield, within a short distance of a consid erable force of the enemy s infantry. "The inhabitants knew of my arrival and the position of the enemy s camp, yet not one of them gave me a particle of informa- HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 81 tion, nor even mentioned the fact of the enemy s presence. The whole community seemed stampeded and afraid to speak or to act, often offering as excuses for not showing some little enterprise: The rebels will destroy our houses if we tell anything. Had any one given me timely information and acted as guide that night, I could have surprised and destroyed this force, which proved next day to be two Mississippi regiments of infantry and two guns. "June 30 the two brigades moved out very early to go to Gettys burg, via Fairfield. At the latter place my advance ran upon the force referred to. I determined to feel it and drive it, if possible, but, after a little skirmishing, found that artillery would have to be necessarily used. Kesolved not to disturb them, for fear can nonading from that quarter might disarrange the plans of the general commanding. Fairfield was four or five miles west of the route assigned me, and I did not wish to bring on an engagement so far from the road I was expected to be following. I imme diately turned my column towards Emmetsburg without serious molestation, and was soon on my proper road and moving on to Gettysburg, where I had reason to suppose I should find some of General Stahl s (Kilpatrick s) cavalry. We entered Gettysburg in the afternoon, just in time to meet the enemy entering the town, and in good season to drive him back before his getting a foothold. He withdrew towards Cashtown, leaving his pickets about four and one-half miles from Gettysburg. a The night of the 30th was a busy night for the division. No reliable information of value could be obtained from the inhabit ants, and but for the untiring exertions of many different scouting parties, information of the enemy s movements and whereabouts could not have been gained in time to prevent him from getting into the town before our army could get up. "By daylight on July 1, I had gained positive information of the enemy s position and movements, and my arrangements were made for entertaining him until General Reynolds could reach the 82 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. scene. Between 8 and 9 a. m. reports came in from the First Brigade (Colonel Gamble s) that the enemy was coming from towards Cashtown in force. Colonel Gamble made an admirable line of battle, and moved off proudly to meet him. The two lines soon became hotly engaged, we having the advantage of posi tion, he of numbers. The First Brigade held its position for more than two hours, and had literally to be dragged back a few hundred yards to a position more secure and better sheltered. Tidball s battery, commanded by Lieutenant Calef, Second U. S. Artillery, fought on this occasion as is seldom witnessed. At one time the enemy had a concentric fire on this battery from twelve guns, all at short range. Calef held his own gloriously, worked his guns deliberately, with great judgment and skill, and with wonderful effect upon the enemy. The First Brigade maintained this un equal contest until the leading division of General Reynolds 7 corps came up to its assistance, and then most reluctantly did it give up the front. A portion of the Third Indiana found horse holders, borrowed muskets, and fought with the Wisconsin regiment that came to relieve them. While this left of my line was engaged, Devin s brigade, on the right, had its hands full. The enemy ad vanced upon Devin by four roads and on each was checked and held until the leading division of the Eleventh Corps came to his relief. After the fall of General Reynolds, whose advance troops partially drove back the enemy and made heavy captures of pris oners, the enemy brought up fresh troops and engaged General Doubleday s command, which fought bravely, but was greatly out numbered and forced to fall back. Seeing our troops retiring, and their need of assistance, I immediately rushed Gamble s brigade to Doubleday s left and dismounted it in time to render great assist ance to our infantry and to check and break the enemy s line. My troops at this place had partial shelter behind a low stone fence, and were in short carbine range. Their fire was perfectly terrific, causing the enemy to break and rally on their second line, which HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 83 made no further advance towards my position. Shortly after this I placed my command on our extreme left, to watch and fight the enemy, should he make another attack, and went to Cemetery Hill for observation. While there General Hancock arrived and in a few moments he made superb disposition to resist any attack that might be made. "My division bivouacked that night on the left of our position with pickets extending almost to Fairfield. The zeal, bravery and good behavior of the officers and men on the night of June 30 and during July 1 was commendable in the extreme. A heavy task was before us ; we were equal to it ; and shall ever remember with pride that at Gettysburg we did our country much service. "July 2 the division became engaged with the enemy s sharp shooters on our left and held its own until relieved by General Sickle s corps, after which it moved to Tawneytown and bivou acked for the night. The next day, July 3, it moved to West minster to guard the trains of the army at that point. "July 4 the division marched towards Fredrick, en route to Williamsport. July 5 reached Fredrick, drew supplies and re mained all night. "July 6, the whole division (the Reserve Brigade having joined the night before) marched at 4 a. m. towards Williams- port, to destroy the enemy s trains, which were reported to be crossing the Potomac into Virginia. At about 5 p. m., when near St. James College, the enemy s pickets were discovered, driven in, and preparations made to capture the town. The enemy was driven handsomely to within half a mile of his trains at the town, when he came out strong enough to prevent our further progress. General Merritt s brigade with Graham s battery was on the right, Colonel Gamble s (First) brigade on the left and Colonel Devin s (Second) brigade on the left as rear reserve. The enemy made an attack upon Gamble, who had posted his men under shelter and who held their fire until the rebel line came within short 84 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. carbine range, when he opened upon it, doing terrible execution and driving it back to its stronghold. This was repeated with similar success. In Merritt s front the enemy made no direct attack, but were so obstinate that General Merritt could not dis lodge them without too much sacrifice. The enemy, however, attempted to turn our right with a brigade of infantry. This attempt was most admirably foiled by General Merritt. While our hottest contest was in progress General Kilpatrick s guns were heard in the direction of Hagerstown, and as they drew nearer I directed him to connect with my right for mutual support. The connection was made, but was of no consequence to either of us. Just before dark Kilpatrick s troops gave way, passing to my rear by the right, and were closely followed by the enemy. It now being dark, being outnumbered, and the First and Reserve Brigades being out of ammunition, Devin was ordered to relieve Gamble and a portion of Merritt s troops. This being done, I ordered the command to fall back, Devin to hold his ground until the entire road to Antietam was clear. Devin handsomely car ried out his instructions, and the division bivouacked on the road to Boonesborough. "The expedition had for its object the destruction of the enemy s trains, supposed to be at Williamsport. This, I regret to say, was not accomplished. The enemy was too strong for me, but he was severely punished for his obstinacy. His casual ties were more than quadruple mine. "Colonel Chapman, with his regiment, dashed off to the road leading from Falling Waters to Williamsport, destroyed a small train of grain and returned with about forty mules and their harness. At Williamsport Captain Graham fought his battery with marked ability and to the admiration of all witnesses. The officers and men behaved with their usual courage, displaying great unwillingness to fall back and requiring repeated orders before doing so. HlSTOBY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 85 "July 7 the division moved to Boonesborough, the Reserve Brigade camping well in advance on the Hagerstown road, after having a successful cavalry brush with the enemy s advance. July 8 the enemy attacked at 5 a. m. and the fighting lasted until 5 p. m. He was driven back about four miles, when the division bivouacked for the night. July 9, attacked the enemy at 4 p. m. and drove him handsomely about two miles. July 10 attacked the enemy at 8 a. m. and drove him through Funkstown to his entrenchments beyond Antietam, when he came out with a heavy force of infantry and artillery and gave battle. The division held the crest on our side of the town like veterans until its ammuni tion was exhausted. Howe s division of the Sixth Corps was in easy supporting distance, but had no orders to aid me. At 3 p. m. I could no longer reply with carbines, for want of cartridges, and consequently ordered the division to fall back. There was splendid fighting on the part of the division on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. There was no faltering or hesitation. Each man went to work determined to carry anything in reason. "July 11 the First and Second Brigades moved in the after noon in the vicinity of Bakersville. The reserve brigade was de tached. July 12 and 13 remained at Bakersville and pushed pickets to within 800 yards of the enemy s entrenchments at Downsville. July 14 at 7 a. m. the division was ordered to advance and at 7 :30 a. m. it was discovered the enemy had evacu ated during the night. The few remaining scouts were run into the rear guard of Lee s army, which was soon seen in front of Kil- patrick, who had advanced from the north. Kilpatrick was en gaged. I sent word to him that I would put my whole force in on the enemy s rear and flank and get possession of the road and bridge in their rear. The division succeeded in getting the road, and attacked the enemy in flank and rear, doing him great damage, scattering him in confusion through woods and ravines. Our spoils on this occasion were one ten-pounder Farrott gun, 86 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. one caisson, over 500 prisoners and about 300 muskets. General Merritt came up in time to take the advance before the enemy had entirely crossed and made many captures. The enemy s bridge was protected by over a dozen guns in position and sharp shooters on the Virginia side. As our troops neared the bridge the enemy cut the Maryland side loose and the bridge swung to the Virginia side. "July 15 the division moved to Berlin. July 16 moved camp to Petersville. July 17 remained at Petersville. July 18 crossed during afternoon and encamped near Purcellville. July 19 marched through Philimont and encamped on Goose creek near Rectors Cross Eoads. July 20 marched to Eectortown. Detached General Merritt with his brigade to hold Manassas Gap, Gamble to hold Chester Gap, and Devin with all the train moved to Salem. July 21 Merritt in Manassas Gap; Gamble near Chester Gap, finding it already in possession of a superior force of the enemy. General Merritt and Colonel Gamble each had a fight and made captures. July 22 wagon train sent to Warrentown in charge of Sixth New York Cavalry. Devin moved to Barbes Cross Roads. July 23 whole division concentrated at Barbes Cross Roads, re maining until the 26th. On the 26th the division took possession of Warrentown and Fayetteville, picketing the Rappahannock river from Sulphur Springs to Kelleys Ford. "During the whole campaign, from June 27 to July 31, there has been no shirking or hesitation, no tiring on the part of a single man so far as I have seen. To General Merritt, Colonels Gamble and Devin, brigade commanders, I give my heartfelt thanks for their zeal and hearty support. Neither of them ever doubted the feasibility of an order, but on its reception obeyed its dictates to the letter. The First Brigade captured 854 head of beef cattle and 602 sheep at Chester s Gap, which were turned over to the subsistence department at Markham, July 24. "I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, "JOHN BUFORD, "Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding." HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 87 No excuse could be required for inserting in this history the foregoing full account of the operations of the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, to which the battalion of the Third Indiana belonged, written at the time by the brave, wise and well-beloved commander of the division to which it was attached. It is a faith ful diary of what was done by our branch of the service during thirty-four days of most arduous service, at which time the greatest battle of the war Gettysburg was fought, for it was the turning point in the war. But even more intimately was our battalion known by our gal lant brigade commander, Col. William Gamble, of the grand old Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and we will not pass from Gettysburg until we have given his account of that mighty conflict as he saw and acted his part in it. From Vol. XXVII, page 934, we quote Colonel Gamble: "About 8 o clock on the morning of the 1st instant, while in camp at the seminary building, the officer commanding the squadron on picket gave me notice that the enemy, consisting of infantry and artillery in column, was approaching his pickets from the direction of Cashtown, with deployed skirmishers in strong force about three miles distant. This information was immediately communicated to the general commanding the division, who ordered my command to be in immediate readiness to fight the enemy. My brigade consisting of the Eighth New York, Eighth Illinois, three squadrons of the Third Indiana and two squadrons of the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, about 1,600 strong, and Tidball s battery, Second U. S. Artillery was placed in line of battle about one mile in front of the seminary, the right resting on the railroad track and the left near the Middletown or Fairfax (Fair field) road, the Cashtown road being a little to the right of the center at right angle with the line. Three squadrons, part dismounted, were ordered to the front and deployed as skirmishers to support the squadron on picket, now being driven 88 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALBY. back by the enemy s artillery and skirmishers. Our battery of six three-inch rifle guns was placed in position, one section on each side of the Cashtown road, covering the approaches of the enemy, and the other section on the right of the left regiment to cover that flank. The enemy cautiously approached in column on the road with three extended lines on each flank. His and our line of skir mishers became engaged and our artillery opened on the enemy s advancing column, doing good execution. The enemy moved forward; two batteries opened on us and a sharp engagement of artillery took place. In a short time we were compelled by over powering numbers to fall back about 200 yards to the next ridge and there make a stand. In the meantime our skirmishers, fight ing under cover of trees and fences, were sharply engaged, did good execution and retarded the progress of the enemy as much as could possibly be expected, when it is known they were opposed by three divisions of Hill s corps. After checking and retarding the enemy s advance several hours, and falling back only about 200 yards from the first line of battle, our infantry advance of the First Corps arrived and relieved the cavalry brigade in its unequal contest with the enemy. In the afternoon the enemy being strongly reinforced extended his flanks and advanced on our left in three strong lines to turn that flank. The general com manding the division ordered my brigade forward at a trot, to deploy in line on the ridge of the woods, with the seminary on our right. Half of the Eighth New York, Third Indiana and Twelfth Illinois were dismounted and placed behind a portion of a stone wall and under cover of trees. The enemy being close upon us, we opened a sharp and rapid carbine fire, which killed and wounded so many of the first line of the enemy that it fell back on the second line. Our men kept up the fire until the enemy in overwhelming numbers approached so near that in order to save my men and horses from capture they were ordered to mount and fall back rapidly to the next ridge on the left of the town, where GEORGE MIDDLETON AT 61. HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALEY. 89 our artillery was posted. The stand which we made against the enemy prevented our left flank from being turned and saved a division of our infantry. "My brigade fought well under disadvantageous circumstances against a largely superior force. Every officer and soldier did his duty. The list of casualties is large, but could not be less, con sidering the position we occupied. Major Lemon, Third Indiana, was mortally wounded, since dead; Lieutenant Conroe, Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, killed; Captain Fisher and Lieutenant Voss, same regiment, wounded; Captain Follett, Eighth New York, severely wounded; Captain Martin, Third Indiana, wounded; Captain Morris, Eighth Illinois Cavalry, serving on my staff, was wounded, and one of my orderlies was killed. Tidball s battery under Lieutenant Calef, attached to my brigade, was worked faithfully, did good execution and fully sustained its former high reputation. This brigade had the honor to commence the fight in the morning and close it in the evening. "Near Williamsport, Md., July 6. This brigade was ordered to engage the enemy on the left of the Boonesborough road, near Williamsport, the reserve brigade being on the right of the road. The Third Indiana Cavalry was ordered to capture and destroy a train of seven wagons of the enemy on our left on the Downsville road, which was successfully accomplished, making prisoners of the drivers and those in charge of the train. The brigade was then placed in line of battle, three-fourths of it dismounted to drive the enemy s skirmishers; Tidball s battery of four guns placed in position, supported by the balance of the mounted men, opened on the enemy, many times our superior in numbers, and did excellent execution; the dismounted men in the meantime keeping up a sharp carbine fire, drove the rebel pickets on their reserve. The dismounted men were under the immediate com mand of the gallant and lamented Major Medill, Eighth Illinois Cavalry, who fell mortally wounded. We held our position until 90 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. dark and were then relieved by Colonel Devin s brigade and ordered to fall back to Jones Cross Roads in the direction of Boonesborough, which we reached about midnight ; the delay being caused by Kilpatrick s division having been driven back in confu sion from the direction of Hagerstown, completely blockading the road in our rear and making it impassable for several hours. "Near Boonesborough, Md., July 8. The enemy was reported advancing on the Hagerstown road. General Buford ordered my brigade to take position on the crest of the ridge on the right of the road to Hagerstown, about one and one-half miles from Boonesborough, my dismounted men thrown out to the front and in a strip of woods on the right of the road ; the battery being in position on the center of the line, supported by the mounted men. The rebels moved forward to drive in our skirmishers, sup ported by their battery, but after a sharp contest were unable to drive me from my position on the right. The enemy, however, gradually worked round on the left, driving the skirmishers of Kilpatrick s division; placed a section of artillery so as to bring a crossfire on my brigade, when I was ordered to fall back on Boonesborough. Afterwards Kilpatrick s division was relieved on the left and placed on the right; but being unable to dislodge the enemy from the woods I formerly occupied, my brigade was ordered forward, the battery placed in position under a heavy fire. Three-fourths of the brigade were dismounted and ordered to drive the enemy out of the woods in front, which was accom plished rapidly under a heavy fire of shell and musketry. Gen. Buford in person leading the advance line of skirmishers, drove the enemy three miles and across Beaver creek, on the Williams- port or Funkstown road. General Kilpatrick with two squadrons of his command galloped down the road within a short distance of the enemy, halted, looked at each other and retired, when the dis mounted men of my brigade came up and drove the enemy across Beaver creek. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 91 "Near Funkstown, Md., July 10. The brigade having driven the rebels along the Hagerstown road from Beaver creek to within three miles of Funkstown on the 9th instant, we advanced again on the 10th instant with dismounted skirmishers and artillery, supported by the balance of the mounted men. The division ad vanced in line of battle; reserve brigade on the right, First Brigade in the center and on both sides of the road, and the Second Brigade on the left. Drove the enemy rapidly under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry into Funkstown on a large reserve of the enemy. We occupied the heights above Funkstown with Tidball s battery, under Lieutenant Calef, which did good execution, and our skirmish line was advanced to the suburbs of the town. The enemy tried hard with a much superior force to dislodge us from our position, but so long as our ammunition lasted he was unable to do so. Our infantry finally arrived to within a half mile of our rear, and although we were hard pressed by the enemy and nearly all our ammunition expended, the in fantry pitched their shelter tents and commenced cooking and eating in spite of repeated requests to the commanding officer of the infantry to occupy our excellent position and relieve us. When our ammunition was expended we were ordered by General Bu- ford to fall back. The rebels then occupied our position and our infantry afterwards had to retake it with the unnecessary loss of several killed and wounded. "Near Falling Waters, Md., July 14. On the morning of the 14th instant the brigade was ordered to march on the enemy in the direction of Downsville from our camp near Bakersville. We proceeded in that direction, found the enemy s earthworks at Downsville abandoned, and were informed that the enemy had re treated towards Falling Waters and Williamsport, so as to cross the Potomac during the night. The brigade marched rapidly towards Falling Waters, and when near there observed a division of the enemy intrenched on a hill covering the approach to the 92 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. ford. The brigade, in connection with the other brigades of the First Cavalry Division, was ordered to move round to flank and attack the enemy in the rear, to cut them off from the ford and capture them, which we could easily have accomplished. During this movement I saw two small squadrons of General Kilpatrick s division gallop up the hill to the right of the rebel infantry, in line of battle behind their earthworks. Any competent cavalry officer of experience could foretell the result. These two squadrons were instantly scattered and destroyed by the fire of the rebel brigade ; not a single dead enemy could be found when the ground was examined a few hours afterward. This having alarmed the enemy, he fell back toward the ford before we could get round in his rear. We, however, with our dismounted men attacked him in flank on rough ground and had a sharp carbine engagement, taking about 511 prisoners, sixty-one of whom together with 300 stands of arms were turned over to an officer of Kilpatrick s division by mistake ; also a three-inch Parrott gun, captured from the enemy by the Eighth New York Cavalry, which was after wards sent by General Kilpatrick to the camp of this brigade, where it properly belonged. "July 21 and 22. In obedience to orders this brigade marched from near Rector stown, Va., to Chester Gap (about twenty miles), arriving in that vicinity at 3 :30 p. m., July 21. About a mile from the Gap our advance line of skirmishers encountered the enemy s pickets. I dismounted six squadrons and drove the enemy s pickets to the crest of the Gap on their reserve, which was found to consist of Pickett s division of infantry, ope regi ment of Jones cavalry and a battery of six guns, occupying the Gap on the crest of the mountain. Upon obtaining this informa tion and not having a sufficient force to drive the enemy from the Gap, and having no support nearer than twenty miles, we fell back one and one-half miles from the Gap. We here took position so as to cover the two roads leading from the Gap, one towards HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 93 Barbes Cross Roads and the other to Little Washington and Sperryville; placed the guns in battery and a strong line of pickets in front and flank. We captured to-day twenty-three pris oners, eighty-four horses, twelve mules, 654 beef cattle, 602 sheep, all purchased and on the way to be delivered to the rebel army at the Gap, in charge of a commissary agent and his son, who were captured. "July 22 at 8 a. m. my pickets reported the enemy advancing from the Gap in column with skirmishers on the road towards Sperryville. When the enemy s column came within easy range we opened fire on it with artillery and the carbines of the dis mounted men so effectually that the column, with its wagon train, halted and fell back out of our range; his advance guard and skirmishers being still engaged with ours, continued firing, we holding our position and preventing the head of Longstreet s corps from moving forward from the Gap from 8 a. m. till 6 p. m. The enemy then brought five regiments of infantry around out of sight in the woods and, approaching my left flank, drove in our skir mishers, and only by overwhelming numbers compelled me to fall back slowly towards Barbes Cross Roads, keeping my videttes and pickets watching the enemy. "WILLIAM GAMBLE, "Colonel Commanding First Brigade, First Cavalry Division. "Capt. T. C. BACON, "Assistant Adjutant-General First Cavalry Division." As will be seen by the list in another part of this volume, the Third Indiana Cavalry suffered severely in this great battle, both in killed and wounded; among the former being Maj. Charles Lemon, who had been with the regiment from the organization, first as lieutenant, then captain of Company D and later as major by promotion in line. He was every inch a soldier, both wise in counsel and brave in action, and, while he was a strict disciplin arian, the men well knew he never asked of them other than 94 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. what he deemed just and what he conceded could justly be exacted of him by his superiors. He had never been absent from duty and when the casualty of battle removed him his loss was felt in the regiment. In the reorganization of the Army of the Potomac on the 31st of July, 1863, under General Meade, the First Brigade of Bu- ford s remained the same with the exception that two squadrons of the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry were attached to the Third Indi ana Cavalry, under Colonel Chapman. There was quietude on the picket line, established on the 26th of July from Sulphur Springs to Kelleys Ford on the Rappahan- nock, until the 4th of August, when 2,000 rebel cavalry with six guns attacked the line of the First and Reserve Brigades. Of this General Buford says (Vol. XXIX, page 22) : "He drove my pickets back about 1,500 yards, when the division came up and drove him nearly two miles. My picket line tonight is 800 yards from where it was yesterday. The enemy s reconnoissance was an utter failure. My casualties are trifling, say five to ten. The First and Reserve Brigades behaved like heroes." The army moved south of the Rappahannock and encamped around Culpepper and Stevensburg, the cavalry camping near the latter point a short distance from Germania Ford on the Rapidan river. The rebel army was south of the Rapidan, and their cavalry picketed the fords from their side, as we did from our side. There was little disturbance, save occasional artillery firing when some body of troops exposed itself within range of the enemy s guns. During this time, on the 10th of October, Colonel Chapman was placed in command of the First Brigade, Major McClure of the Third Indiana Cavalry and Capt. Henry L. Reans was given command of the four companies of the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, heretofore attached to the Third Indiana. The records from which we have so often quoted, and which have been our main reliance in the writing of this history, unfor- HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 95 tunately do not always tell all that should be told. We are unable to find any account of a reconnoissance made by Buford s division and a portion of Kilpatrick s command on the 21st and 22d of September, 1863, while those troops lay in camp around Stevens- burg. This expedition crossed the Kapidan on the 21st and also crossed Robertson s river, camping for the night on the outskirts of Madison Court House. Early next morning Kilpatrick moved on through Madison Court House and Buford moved down the north side of Beautiful river, with company F, Third Indiana, in advance, with skirmishers in front. Major Patton commanded the regiment, the Major himself with his bugler being with the skirmishers. Some three or four miles out from Madison Court House the skirmishers ran on to rebel cavalry, and when the first shots were fired Major Patton came back to Company F and told Captain Moffitt of that company to get ready as the enemy was coming. To the right of the road the land sloped down to the river, and the left was a level open woodland. Two hundred yards in front was an opening or farm, the road making a sharp turn around a thick clump of underbrush in the corner of a field. The enemy in coming at us had to pass this corner and clump of underbrush before coming into view of Company F, which was formed at right angles with the road, the left well forward. In this position a squadron of the First North Carolina Cavalry with a yell came full drive on a charge around the corner above re ferred to. As they came out from behind the clump of under brush Company F gave them a full volley with their carbines which quieted the rebel yell, most of the charging column wheeled and broke back on the road from whence they came. The officer in command of the charging rebel column with about a dozen men continued the charge and surrendered when he reached our artillery, while the few men with him dashed down the slope of the hill with Company F after them, and right there killed, wounded and captured ten men. 96 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. After falling back, the enemy dismounted behind the clump of underbrush that had been our source of concealment and began firing at our men who were still mounted. There Hez Daily, Louis Klussmann and Pollard J. Brown were wounded and James Mount s horse shot dead under him. The company lost twelve horses in this part of the fight. Company B of the Third Indiana here came to the support of Company F and the battalion, which was then dismounted, soon had the rebels routed from their hiding place and on the run. It was said the first volley of Company F killed twelve men and wounded a number more; a number of horses were left dead in the road. The Third Cavalry was ordered to hold the line it had won, and while so holding it Ben jamin Loder of Company F was killed and two or three others wounded. There was skirmishing at this point for two or three hours, when the Third Cavalry was ordered to mount and charge, which they did, following the rebels about a mile and a half. Then the command crossed the ford at Beautiful river and was soon on its way to camp at Stevensburg. On the 10th of October, 1863, General Buford was ordered to force the enemy s line at Germania Ford (Vol. XXIX, page 348, Part 1), drive the enemy before him and move around to Mortons Ford and communicate with General Newton, com manding the First Army Corps, who was instructed to force a passage there. The ford was passed the same day and Mortons Ford reached that night, where we camped ; the enemy being there also in their entrenchments. The First Corps, which General Buford expected to co-operate with him the next day, fell back in the night. In this camp General Buford received orders that he should have received earlier not to cross the Rapidan at all, but to return and recross the Rappahannock at the station or Kelleys. It seems that after this forward movement had been ordered, information had been received that Lee s army was moving by HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 97 the right flank of the Army of the Potomac by way of Madison Court House, heading for Washington. This movement caused a change in the plans of the general commanding the army, but not until General Buford was in a "hot box." He says (Vol. XXIX, page 348) : "I immediately started to recross the Rapidan at Mortons Ford, driving the enemy from his inner works. He retired towards Raccoon ; finding he was not followed and receiving reinforcements, soon returned to retard my crossing. The ford was bad and had to be repaired, which caused some delay. During this crossing the enemy was very active on my left flank, skirmishing and crossing the river above at Raccoon Ford. This latter movement was discovered in time to foil his plans, Colonel Chapman with all his brigade, that had crossed, being sent to check him while Devin crossed his command. Colonel Devin was sorely pressed as his force on the enemy s side was decreased, but by frequent dashing and telling charges, and by the fire from the two batteries on the north side, kept the enemy from closing on his rear. Colonel Devin s command on this occasion was beau tifully handled, fought too bravely and consequently suffered quite severely. Captain Conger, Third (West) Virginia, by his courage and hard fighting won the admiration of all who saw him. While Colonel Devin was doing so well, Colonel Chapman with his brigade had made preparation to meet the force that had crossed at Raccoon, and a very warm reception he gave them. He found a superior force of cavalry formed and ready to charge. He speedily made his dispositions and as soon as completed down came this overwhelming force of cavalry upon him, not to stay, however, but to be hurled back dismayed, in confusion and ter ribly punished. "Shortly after the rout of this cavalry its support (infantry force) advanced and Colonel Chapman withdrew from his posi tion directly towards Stevensburg. When near Stevensburg the Second Brigade connected, each line still followed closely by the 98 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. enemy. Seeing a number of wagons passing along the road from Culpepper through Stevensburg, towards Kelleys, I determined to make a stand until they were all safe. Here the division fought the enemy s cavalry until its support came up with long-range muskets. The division then withdrew, making an obstinate re sistance at Stevensburg until everything was safely across that nasty stream, Mountain Run, after which it leisurely retired to Brandy Station without a great deal of molestation from the enemy, although closely followed by him. To my surprise, at Brandy Station I found the rear guard of the Fifth Corps passing through to cross the Rappahannock. I knew nothing up to this time of how extensive this retrograde movement of our army was, and here learned that General Pleasanton, with the Third Divis ion, was still in the rear of the Fifth Corps. Arrangements were immediately made to make a stand until the Third Division should arrive. The enemy seeing the Third Division across the open country, and being out of my sight, turned their column in that direction. The Third Division soon made connection with my right. As soon as this was accomplished the Sixth New York charged, followed closely by the Ninth New York, and regained the advantage that the enemy supposed he had. Here occurred a severe hand-to-hand fight, Devin s troops using the saber. The enemy pressed my left closely in retiring, and made several feints in my front, but by 8 p. m. the division was across the Rappa hannock." The next day after this fighting and experience Buford s division, the advance of the Fifth Corps, and General Sedgewick s corps, all under the command of General Sedgewick, recrossed the Rappahannock and drove the pursuing enemy to within one and one-half miles of Culpepper. The men killed the day before were buried and the wounded cared for. The same night Sedgewick recrossed the Rappahannock, Buford s division of cavalry bring ing up the rear and crossing the river about daylight on the 13th HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 99 of October, 1863. The division was in the rear of our army trains which were at Catletts Station and Weaverville, and Bu- ford s orders were to guard the rear and flank of the train on the march from the Kappanhannock to Centerville by way of Brents- ville. The wagon trains began moving at once but the division lay in camp on the north bank of the Rappahannock until the morning of the 14th. Longstreets s rebel corps had crossed the Rappahannock on the night of the 13th above where Buford s division lay and made a bee line across lots for the army train passing at Catletts Station and Weaverville, and had the train almost within its grasp as it reached Brentsville. There Warren s corps of our army, marching on the south side of the Orange & Alexandria railroad track, seemed to rise up out of the earth between Longstreet s advancing troops and the army train parked at Brentsville, and a furious battle, lasting from 11 a. m. until after dark, ensued, in which a rebel brigade was captured just after dark. The train was saved and moved on with Buford s division in its rear, crossing Broad Run and Cedar Run with the rebel cavalry still in pursuit. Buford s division was again struck between Cedar Run and Bull Run by the enemy, who seemed to suppose they would strike the wagon train there. The division again gave him battle and drove him back, and the last wagon safely crossed Bull Run and was parked with the main army at Fairfax Station. Thus ended the pursuit of the rebel army and its march on Washington and the scare was over. Lee fell back across the Rap pahannock and the Rapidan and took position at Mine Run. Meade moved to that point prepared for battle, but it was not fought. Meade then fell back to Culpepper and Stevensburg on the north side of the Rapidan and went into winter quarters. In all that strenuous campaign the Third Indiana did its full part and was glad of the rest that came with winter. CHAPTEE IV. After ten companies of the Third Indiana Cavalry had been in the field something over a year, two new companies were or ganized for the regiment in Indiana. The first of these was desig nated Company L; its officers, Oliver M. Powers, captain, George J. Langsdale, first lieutenant, and Simeon J. Mitchell, second lieutenant, were mustered into the service on the 23d of October, 1862. The second company was designated Company M ; its officers, Charles U. Patton, captain, James W. Haymond, first lieutenant, and James W. Stephens, second lieutenant, were mustered into the service on the llth of December, 1862. Both of these companies were detained within the State until Septem ber, 1863, subject to the orders of the military authorities who had charge of affairs in Indiana. At the last named date these two companies accompanied a body of troops under General O. B. Wilcox that were sent to East Tennessee by way of Cincinnati and Cumberland Gap. These companies performed duty with General Wilcox s command as an independent cavalry organization until they reached Mary- ville, East Tennessee, in February, 1864, when they joined the other four companies under Lieutenant-Colonel Klein. From that time on these six companies served together as one organiza tion until the muster out of Companies G, H, I and K in October, 1864, after the fall of Atlanta and prior to the march to the sea. On the 31st of January, 1864, the battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry was in the Second Brigade, commanded by Col. William W. Lowe, Second Division Cavalry, Department of the Cumberland. (Vol. XXXII, Part 2, page 290.) When in East Tennessee they were under the orders of Ma j. -Gen. J. M. Scho- field, commanding the Army of the Ohio. 100 HISTORY OF THE THIED INDIANA CAVALRY. 101 On the 26th of April, 1864, General Sherman ordered General Schofield to rendezvous his command, the Army of the Ohio, at Charleston, Tenn., to become the left wing of the army in the Atlanta campaign. At this time (Vol. XXXVIII, page 508) General Schofield says : "The cavalry corps, save two regiments, the Tenth Michigan and Third Indiana Cavalry, had been sent to Kentucky in the early spring to be remounted." General Schofield further says, "that preparatory to carrying out General Sherman s order, by the withdrawal of the main body of the troops from East Tennessee it was necessary to drive the enemy beyond the Wau- taga river and effectually destroy the railroad bridges so as to make East Tennessee secure from invasion by the enemy in force. This was thoroughly accomplished by General Cox s division, aided by the Tenth Michigan and Third Indiana Cavalry." We have an official account, in a measure, of the work per formed in the latter part of the winter of 1863-4 by the Third Indiana Cavalry in East Tennessee, which we offer as the best evidence of what the Western battalion was doing at that time. The official record (Vol. XXXII, page 36, Part 1) reports the Third Indiana Cavalry at Maryville, East Tennessee, most of the month of January, 1864, and on the 14th of January, 1864, Col. Klein makes the following report: "Headquarters Third Indiana Cavalry, "Maryville, Tenn., January 14, 1864. "Sir I have the honor to report the following in regard to a late expedition from my command up the Little Tennessee river, in which I broke up a nest of guerrillas composed of absentees, deserters and paroled soldiers from the rebel army, and rebel citizens, who had been stealing stock and goods from loyal citizens of Blount and Monroe counties, and taking the same to North Carolina to sell. Their force was variously estimated from fifty to two hundred strong, camped on both sides of the Tennessee 102 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. river, at a place known as Chilhowee, twenty-four miles from this place. "I left camp with 100 men on the llth instant at 3 p. m. and stopped at night at the Harrison Ford, eight miles from their camp, until next morning. At early dawn I attempted to throw half my forces across the river, which was difficult swimming for a horse all the way across, the current being swift and much ice running. Here I lost First Sergt. Bernard Kraft, Company K, and his horse by drowning, and came near losing more. I was only able to get twenty-eight men across on the best horses. We then moved up the river on either side, in concert,, as fast as the blockaded roads would admit, scattering their pickets and charg ing into their camps, routing them completely; capturing one captain, one first lieutenant and twenty-one men, their arms, horses, equipments, etc., without further loss to us. The prisoners have been put in charge of the provost marshal of this county to forward to General Carter. The horses, arms and equipments were taken up on my quartermaster s return. "Having no intermediate headquarters to report to, I make this report direct to your headquarters. "Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "EGBERT KLEIN, "Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding. "Assistant Adjutant-General, "Headquarters Department of the Ohio." From Headquarters, Third Division, Twenty-third Army Corps, Knoxville, Tenn., February 21, 1864, Brig. -Gen. Milo S. Hascall, U. S. Army, made the following report (Vol. XXXII, Part 1, page 409) : "Major While I was visiting my command on the other side of the river yesterday the enemy attacked my picket posts on the Sevierville road, and showed themselves rather prominently on all the roads. I thought best to ascertain what was in our front, HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 103 and accordingly took the Fourth Tennessee Infantry, under Major Patterson, about 150 or 175 men, and the left wing of the Third Indiana Cavalry, under Lieut.-Col. Robert Klein, about 200 men in ranks, and started out on the Sevierville road, the infantry in advance. About a mile out we encountered the enemy s outpost, which was promptly driven away by the infantry. As soon as we had the rebels fairly started in retreat I directed Colonel Klein to go forward with his men and press the enemy vigorously till he ascertained how much force they had. He at once obeyed the order and fell upon them with great vigor, pushing them back about two or three miles farther. Finally with two companies he charged upon the Fourth and Eighth Tennessee (rebel) Cavalry and succeeded in cutting off some 200 of them, but could only bring off ten of them, one of whom was the adjutant of the Eighth Tennessee. Having now ascertained from citizens and the prisoner taken that it was two brigades of Martin s (rebel) cavalry that we were contending with, and not deeming it prudent to push any farther with my small force, as compared with theirs, I directed them to withdraw. Colonel Klein lost six men wounded, one of whom will die. The whole affair was very well executed by Colonel Klein and proves him to be a remarkably efficient officer. His men also behaved themselves in the most creditable manner. There were no casualties in the infantry force. I forward the report of Colonel Klein. "All of which is respectfully submitted. "MiLO S. HASCALL, "Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding Division. "Maj. G. M. BASCOM, "Assistant Adjutant-General Twenty-third Army Corps." Camp near Knoxville, Tenn., February 21, 1864 (Vol. XXXII, Part 1, page 410) : 104 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. "Sir I have the honor to report the following as the part taken by my command in the affair of yesterday on the Sevier- ville road: "After the enemy s outposts were driven beyond our vidette station, by General Hascall s order I passed to the front with four companies, leaving one company to guard against a move ment around our rear. I soon met the enemy in considerable force and skirmished (both mounted and dismounted) with them, driving them slowly until by a charge we drove the Fourth and Eighth Tennessee Cavalry to where the remainder of their force was dismounted and in line. Here I had every man in hotly engaged, when, finding the odds too great against us, I thought it prudent to withdraw, which was done in good order. As fruits of the engagement I brought off one adjutant (Eighth Tennessee), nine men and ten horses, and some arms, etc. "My loss was six men wounded (one mortally), twelve horses left on the field and six stands of arms. The enemy s loss was greater, so far as could be observed. Five are known to be killed. We had at one time as many as 200 men cut off, but were too weak to hold them. "Respectfully, your obedient servant, "ROBERT KLEIN, "Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding. "Capt. EDMUND R. KERSTETTER, "Assistant Adjutant-General." In the record (Vol. XXXII, page 496), covering a report by Capt. John W. Hammond, commanding the Sixty-fifth Indiana Mounted Infantry, at Chucky Bend on Chucky river, dated March 13, 1864, we find the capture of a rebel scouting party by the Third Indiana Cavalry that had been pursuing Captain Ham mond s command, near Bulls Gap. In a report of General Scho- field s, dated April 15, 1864 (page 670), he says: "The Third Indiana Cavalry, reconnoitering beyond Greenville on the 14th, HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 105 surprised a body of rebel cavalry, killing ten, capturing fifteen, including their leader, Reynolds." Special Orders No. 93, dated Department of the Cumberland, April 2, 1864, providing for the cavalry organization of that army, assigned the Third Indiana Cavalry to the First Brigade of the Third Division, commanded by Col. William W. Lowe, of the Fifth Iowa Cavalry. After this assignment Gen. J. D. Cox reports that he has the Third Indiana at Lick Creek, on the Wau- taga river, guarding his wagon trains, and that the battalion had also been assigned the duty of destroying the bridge over the Wau- taga river at that point. The official record indicates that the mounted service in East Tennessee in the latter part of the winter of 1863 and the early part of 1864 was to a large extent inefficient, the horses having been starved and worn out by the campaigns of the early autumn and winter, and these broken down troops had been sent to Ken tucky to be remounted. The few cavalry organizations fit for service had more than their share of work to perform. This was particularly true of the Tenth Michigan and Third Indiana Cav alry regiments, that were well mounted and always on the move. So true was this of these troops that General Cox, in an order issued at Strawberry Plains on the 22d of March, 1864, to Gen. Stoneman, directed that if any of Colonel Klein s men were dis mounted to mount them by dismounting men of Colonel Garrard s command, and the same order applied to the Tenth Michigan. (Vol. XXXII, page 110.) There was no change in this character of the service for the Western battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry until the organi zation of the cavalry forces by General Sherman for the Atlanta campaign, on the 2d of May, 1864, when we had the battalion commanded by Major Gaddis attached to the First Brigade (com manded by Lieutenant-Colonel Klein) of the Third Division, commanded by General Kilpatrick. From that time on we .have 106 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. their history in the reports of division, and, too seldom, brigade and regimental commanders. E"ot in detail, but in a general way, they tell us that they were a part of that mighty and irresistible army under General Sherman that bore down all before it in its march on Atlanta, and in its terrible conflicts around that stormy center until the army cut loose and went on its march to the sea. In that wonderful march it will ever be a source of pride that a part of our regiment had some honorable part. On the 2d of May, 1864, General Schofield moved from Charleston, Tenn., to Dalton, Ga., with a force of 11,183 infantry, 678 artillery and 1,697 cavalry, making a total of 13,565 men, and at the latter point was reinforced by 4,105 infantry, 115 ar tillery and 1,493 cavalry, bringing the Army of the Ohio up to 19,268 men of all arms. Major-General Stoneman commanded the cavalry corps and General Kilpatrick commanded the Third Division of that corps. On the 2d of May, 1864 (Vol. XXXVIII, page 855), from Ringold, Ga., General Kilpatrick reports that under orders from headquarters of the Army of the Cumberland, he made a recon- noissance with all his effective force in the direction of Tunnell Hill. "I moved through Hookers Gap at 4:30 a. m., met the enemy one mile from Stone Church, drove him from one position to another, and finally from his first camp at Tunnell Hill. "Here he was found in large force, occupying a strong position. The report of yesterday that the enemy had left Tunnell Hill was a mistake, although I think he has cavalry only, possibly, too, some artillery was used. My loss today is two killed, one mor tally and two severely wounded." Continuing (Vol. XXXVIII, page 857), General Kilpatrick says: "My command left its encampment at Ringold, Ga., at 3 a. m. May 7, 1864, crossed Taylors Ridge through Nickajack Trace, forced back the rebel cavalry covering the masking move ments of the Twentieth Corps, Major-General Hooker command- HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 107 ing, of the Army of the Cumberland, and encamped near Trickum Postoffice, May 7, 1864. May 8, 1864, moved to Villanow and opened communication with the Army of the Tennessee, Major- General McPherson commanding. Received orders and reported with my command to Major-General McPherson on the south side of Stony Face Ridge, at the entrance of Snake Creek Gap. Made reconnoissance and scouted the country during the 9th, 10th, llth and 12th of May, 1864. Led the advance of the Army of the Tennessee in the attack on Resaca, drove the enemy s cavalry and infantry skirmish line back behind their works, masking the movements of our infantry until the force of the enemy was too great to contend with longer, when I was relieved by the infantry and the command took post, on the evening of May 13, on the right of our army, then in line of battle before Resaca. I re luctantly on the evening of the 13th resigned command of the division, and proceeded to my home in the East to recover from wounds received during the day. The command devolved on Col. Murray, and afterwards on Colonel Lowe." Colonel Murray s report as the successor of General Kilpatrick in command of the division is found at page 862 of the same vol ume, in which he says : "I proceeded to carry out the instructions of Major-General Sherman, namely, to take possession of the cross roads, thereby covering the formation of our infantry lines, which being accomplished, in further pursuance of these orders put my command in reserve, reporting to the general commanding. By his instruction Lays Ferry was taken possession of, picketing it at night. On the 14th moved, making demonstrations at Gideons, Calhoun and Lays Ferry. At Calhoun, owing to the formation of the banks and the direction of the stream, the guns of the enemy completely covered the crossing. On the 15th moved to Calhoun Ferry; 16th, moved with the command across a pontoon at Lays Ferry; 17th, kept communication between General Thomas column, moving on the Adairville road, and that of Gen. 108 HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. McPherson, on the road to McGuire s. Colonel Baldwin, with his regiment, moving in advance of General Logan, encountered the enemy and successfully drove him all day. On the 18th moved to Adairsville; 19th, to Kingston, hy a road parallel to that occupied by the moving columns of the Armies of the Cumberland and Tennessee, reporting to General Elliott, Chief of Cavalry, Department of the Cumberland; on the 20th moved to a point near headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, on Cassville road, opening up communication with Major-General Hooker; 21st, turned over command to Colonel Lowe." General Elliott, Chief of Cavalry, says (Vol. XXXVIII, Part 2, page 747) : a The Third Division under Col. W. W. Lowe, General Kilpatrick being absent wounded, was left at Kingston to guard the line of the Etowah river, with orders to obstruct all fords, hold Gillems Bridge, but to remove the planks from flooring to prevent its use by the enemy, and destroy all other bridges which might possibly be used by them. The division was subse quently assigned as follows: Third Brigade at Calhoun, head quarters, with remainder of division at Cartersville, Ga., with orders to patrol the line of railroad and scout from Cartersville to Spring Place, Ga." Col. W. W. Lowe reports briefly from Adairsville, June 4, 1864; from Kingston, Ga., June 10, June 11, June 16, June 23 ; from Cartersville, Ga., July 7, 9, 12, 14 and 18, all briefly re counting scouts, skirmishes and captures of small bodies of the enemy and of property by various small bodies of his command. On the 2d of July General Kilpatrick returned to his command at Cartersville, Ga., relieving Colonel Lowe. Resuming his report (Vol. XXXVIII, page 858), General Kilpatrick says: "I left Cartersville August 3, 1864, and en camped at Sandtown, on the Chattahoochee. On the 15th crossed the Chattahoochee, took up position on the south side, fortified and remained in camp until 5 p. m. on the 15th, when Colonel HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 109 Garrard crossed Camp creek, tore up portions of the railroad below Sideling and destroyed the depot at Fairburn containing government stores. On my return, scouting the country between Fairburn and the enemy s position at Sandtown. I left my camp on the evening of the 16th of August with the Third Cavalry Division and two brigades of the Second, and two batteries of artillery, with 4,500 men, to attack and destroy the enemy s com munications. Pickets from the Sixth Texas were met and driven across Camp creek, and the regiment routed from its camp a mile beyond at 10 o clock in the evening. At 12 :30 a. m. General Ross brigade, 1,100 strong, was driven from my front in the direction of East Point and held from the road by the Second Brigade, Third Division (Lieutenant-Colonel Jones), while the entire command passed. The West Point railroad was reached and a portion of the track destroyed at daylight. Here General Ross attacked my rear. He was repulsed and I moved on the Fay- etteville road, where I again found him in my front. He slowly retired in the direction of Jonesborough, and crossed Flint River at 2 p. m., destroying the bridge. "Under cover of my artillery, Colonels Minty and Long, com manding detachments from their brigades, crossed the river and drove the enemy from his rifle pits. The bridge was repaired and the entire command crossed and occupied Jonesborough at 5 p. m., driving the enemy s cavalry in confusion from the town. I now learned that the telegraph and railroad had been destroyed at Bear Creek Station at 11 a. m. by a portion of my command under Lieutenant-Colonel Klein and that General Armstrong had passed through Jonesborough in that direction at 1 p. m. For six hours my command was engaged destroying the road. At 11 o clock Colonel Murray s division was attacked one mile below the town and driven back. I now suspended operations upon the road and attacked the enemy and drove him one mile and a half. 110 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. "Fearing an attack in the direction of Atlanta, I moved before daylight in the direction of Covington, five miles, and halted and allowed the enemy to come up ; left one brigade to engage his at tention and moved rapidly in the direction of McDonough, six miles, thence across the country to the Fayetteville road, and reached the railroad one mile above Love joys Station at 11 a. m. on the 20th instant. "On attempting to move on the station I encountered a brigade of infantry and was repulsed. I and my command were only saved by the prompt and daring bravery of Colonels Minty and Long and Captain Estes, my assistant adjutant-general. The enemy were finally checked and driven back with heavy loss. We captured one battle flag. At this moment a staff officer from Col. Murray informed me that a large force of cavalry, with artillery, had attacked his rear. In twenty minutes I found that I was completely enveloped by cavalry and infantry with artillery. "I decided at once to ride over the enemy s cavalry and retire over the McDonough road. A large number of my people were dis mounted, fighting on foot, it taking some time to mount them and form my command for the charge. During the delay the enemy constructed long lines of barricades on every side. Those in front of his cavalry were very formidable. Pioneers were sent in ad vance of the charging column to remove the obstructions. Colonel Minty, with his command in three columns, charged, broke and rode over the enemy s left. Colonel Murray with his regiments broke their center, and in a moment General Jackson s division, 4,000 strong, was running in great confusion. It was the most perfect rout any cavalry had sustained during the war. We cap tured four guns (three were destroyed and one brought off) ; three battle flags were taken; his ambulances, wagons and ordnance train captured and destroyed as far as possible; many prisoners were taken and his killed and wounded is known to be large. My command was quickly re-formed; thrown into position, fought HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Ill successfully the enemy s infantry for one hour and forty minutes, and only retired when we found that we had left only sufficient ammunition to make sure our retreat. "We swam Cotton Indian creek and crossed South river on the morning of the 21st and reached our lines near Decatur by way of Lithonia, without molestation, at 2 p. m. August 22. We ef fectively destroyed four miles of the Macon road, from Jones- borough to Bear Creek Station, a distance of ten miles. One train of cars was completely and a second partially destroyed. We brought into camp one gun, three, battle flags, a large number of fresh horses and mules and about fifty prisoners. My entire loss in killed, wounded and missing will not exceed three hundred men. Two hundred of this number were killed and wounded. Only the dangerously wounded were left with the enemy. "August 25 I moved with my command to Stevens Cross Roads, one mile and a half beyond Union Church ; went into camp, cov ering the entire country in front of the right flank of the Army of the Tennessee, which had made its first day s march with the grand army in its movement upon the enemy s communications. At 6 a. m. August 26 the command moved in advance of and upon the right flank of the Army of the Tennessee, masking its move ments; drove the enemy s cavalry, under Brigadier-General Ross, to and beyond the railroad, and went into camp, August 27, on the right of the army at Fairburn. "In the movement upon the Macon railroad at Jonesborough my command had the advance and, with the assistance of two regi ments of infantry, the Second and Seventh Iowa Regiments, Majors Hamill and Mahon commanding, steadily forced the enemy back to within three miles of Renfro Place, the cavalry moving on the right flank up to this point. Here the Ninety- second Illinois Mounted Infantry under the direction of Captain Estes, my assistant adjutant-general, pushed in ahead of the in fantry, rushed the enemy back to and across Flint river, saved the 112 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. bridge, crossed and took possession of the rifle pits beyond; a brigade of infantry having been thrown across and pushed up the hill in the direction of the station to the left of Jonesborough. "I rapidly crossed three regiments of cavalry, moved in and drove the enemy from the high hills on the right, while Captain Estes with the Ninety-second Illinois made a daring but unsuc cessful attempt to reach the railroad. This attack, made as night was closing in, and although with considerable loss, yet resulted most favorable to the success of the operations during the night and the following morning, the brigade of infantry having been pushed in well towards the station, far to the left of Jonesborough. This determined attack of cavalry dismounted a mile to the right, with considerable infantry skirmishing between, forced the enemy to believe that a heavy force of infantry had crossed, and there waited instead of making an attack, which might have proved disastrous. My cavalry was relieved by infantry during the night, recrossed Flint river the following morning and moved to Anthonys Bridge one mile below. The bridge having been burned, was quickly rebuilt and a portion of the command passed over and was pushed well in upon the enemy s flank near the direction of the railroad. "During the day a daring and successful attempt was made by Captain Qualman (Third Indiana Cavalry) with a portion of the Third Indiana Cavalry to reach the railroad and telegraph. A section of the road was torn up and a mile of telegraph wire was brought away, with the loss of one man killed. At 3 :30 p. m. of the same day (August 31) the enemy made a determined attack upon the infantry on my left. It seemed to be the intention of the enemy to break or turn our right flank. At first he entirely ignored my command. This I determined he should not do. Five regiments of cavalry, dismounted, were in position behind barri cades directly in the flanks of the charging column. My artillery was in most favorable position. I directed the artillery to com mence firing on the advancing column of the enemy, and the cav- HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 113 airy upon the opposite side of the river to meet and attack him. This attack was determined and gallantly made. The enemy was forced to turn and meet it. He moved down in heavy columns, twice charged and was twice repulsed, but finally forced by my people to retire from their rail barricades and across the river. A portion of the enemy succeeded in crossing, were met by the Ninety-second Illinois, dismounted, and repulsed. "We held the bridge until relieved by the infantry under Gen. Blair in the afternoon of the following day, when we moved to Glass Bridge, below Lovejoys Station. We repaired the bridge, which had been burned by the enemy, crossed and maintained our position upon the opposite side for two days, constantly annoying the enemy s flank and rear, repulsing with loss every attack he made. We formed a junction with the right of the infantry of the Army of the Tennessee near Lovejoys Station September 3. Re mained in this position until 11 o clock September 5 and then moved back, first to Anthonys Bridge, then to Red Oak and finally to Sandtown, having covered the rear and flank of the Army of the Tennessee in its retrograde movement from Lovejoys Station to its present position. "Before closing my report, I desire to assure the chief of cavalry that the officers and men of my command have endeavored zealously and faithfully to discharge every duty assigned them, and I only hope that he and those of my seniors in rank are as well satisfied with my conduct as I am with the efforts of my command. "Respectfully submitted, "J. KILPATRICK, "Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, Commanding." On the 23d of August, 1864, at Sandtown, Ga., Lieut-Col. Klein, who had been in command of the First Brigade, Third Cavalry Division, for three days from the 18th of August, makes this report (Vol. XXXVIII, page 868) : 114 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. "At 11 p. m. of the 18th instant, with my command of thirteen officers and 292 men, I left the main column at Steven s farm, seven miles from the railroad at Fairburn. Agreeably to instruc tions I tore up a portion of the track and telegraph wire, and at 2 a. m. on the 19th moved on Fayetteville road, reaching that place at 7 a. m., meeting a small force and capturing some pris oners, forty mules and twenty wagons, the latter of which were burned. Moved on Griffin road to near Mount Zion Church, turned to the left, crossed Flint river eight miles from Fayette- ville and eight miles from Fayette Station on Macon railroad, at which point I intended striking, but by a mistake of our guide struck railroad four miles above Fayette at Bear Creek Station at 11 a. m. Commenced tearing up track and telegraph wire, de stroying over one solid mile at intervals of three miles along the road towards Love joys Station, and three miles of wire, taking it down, reeling and hiding it. The railroad ties were piled up and iron laid on them and burned. "At Bear Creek captured a train of nine cars loaded with whisky, meal, wheat, lard and railroad trucks. This train was run off railroad in a deep cut and burned. When three miles towards Lovejoys heard another train coming and succeeded in cutting it off between Lovejoys and the destroyed track, but I found the guard of infantry too strong, and was disposing of my force for a united attempt to take it when a cavalry force came in on my flank, compelling me to defend myself in that quarter. In a charge some prisoners were captured, from whom I learned that Ferguson s and Armstrong s brigades of cavalry were upon me and Reynolds infantry brigade also advancing. Under the cir cumstances I deemed it prudent to get out of there. I had one open road, across the bridge I had come over in the morning, or I could have gone towards Griffin, which would have been certain capture, for I had given up the prospect of meeting with the re mainder of the expedition. ISFot being able to hear of them HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 115 from prisoners captured on the train or through Chapman s or Ferguson s men, I decided to fall back on the road I had come and put my decision in immediate execution, leaving railroad at 4 :30 p. m. When I reached the bridge across Flint river I found it torn up by the enemy, but a friendly rail fence supplied the place of planks, and my column was soon over and the bridge in flames. When within two miles of Fayetteville the enemy came in on my rear, via the ford from Love joys Station to Fayetteville, and kept up a brisk fire with my rear guard, warming up as we neared the town, when they opened on us in front, being posted in front and in the town. We scattered them by a saber charge and were not much harassed by them afterward. I passed through Fairburn at 7 :30 p. m., one hour and a half after an infantry force, intending to intercept us, had moved farther down in antici pation of meeting us. I remained the balance of the night near Steven s farm, reaching Sandtown at 11 a. m., 20th instant. I brought in with me seventeen prisoners and forty mules. My cas ualties were two men wounded and three captured. "I am, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, "ROBERT KLEIN, "Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding. " After Colonel Klein returned from this expedition we get an account of the battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry next in the report of Maj. J. Morris Young, Fifth Iowa Cavalry, command ing the First Brigade, Third Cavalry Division, from August 26 to September 8, 1864, found at page 869, Vol. XXXVIII, in which that officer says : "At New Hope Church, August 29, 10 a. m., Lieutenant-Colonel Klein reported himself sick, and the command of the brigade de volved on me." This report was written at East Point, Ga., September 8, 1864. Major Young says "that at 1 p. m. August 31 Captain Qualman, Company K, and Captain Young, Company H, Third Indiana 116 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Cavalry, were sent (from the crossing of Flint river due west of Jonesborough) with 100 picked men to cut the railroad a few miles below here. The balance of the brigade commenced bar ricading and prepared to hold the opposite side of Flint river. At 2 :30 p. m. a demonstration was ordered by Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, Eighth Indiana Cavalry, commanding the Second Brigade, in favor of Captains Qualman and Young. A few moments past 3 p. m. our barricades were not as yet completed, Lieut. -Col. Jones, with the Third and Eighth Indiana in the advance barri cade and myself with the Fifth Iowa and Tenth Ohio in the rear one, when the rebels attacked and soon developed a force that was speedily enveloping the command. The rear barricade was held till all were in from the front, when the ammunition was out and our whole force retired across the river, remounted and formed. In this last engagement the brigade lost one killed, six wounded and seven missing. At 6 p. m. Captains Qualman and Young returned with their command, having fully accomplished their object, and, although constantly skirmishing with the enemy, without a casualty. Barricaded and bivouacked for the night near former camp. The gallant and successful undertaking of Captains Qualman and Young, Third Indiana Cavalry, is worthy of more than passing notice. "J. MORRIS YOUNG, "Major Commanding First Brigade, Third Cavalry Division/ The report of Maj. Alfred Gaddis (Vol. XXXVIII, page 872), dated September 8, 1864, from Headquarters Left Wing Third Indiana Cavalry, covers specially the operation of the bat talion from August 26. That officer says: "August 26, 1864, left camp at Sandtown at 12 p. m. with my command of nine commissioned officers and 204 men. Marched to Camp Creek and bivouacked for the night. August 27 took the advance of the division, met the enemy s pickets one and a HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 117 half miles south of Camp Creek, charged and drove them one mile east of Stevens Cross Koads and formed line of battle. Were relieved by Colonel Murray s brigade. Went into camp at Stevens Cross Roads for the night. August 28 advanced to New Hope Church. One hundred men under Captain Qualman, Com pany K, and Lieutenant White, Company H, were detached at Stevens Cross Roads and sent by way of Fairburn. Encountered about forty confederate cavalry near Fairburn. Drove them through the town, sabering one and capturing some mules and small arms. Had one man wounded. Returned to the command at New Hope Church. Laid in line of battle until next morning at 9 a. m. August 29 moved out on Jonesborough road, barricaded and returned to New Hope Church and camped for the night. August 30 advanced on the Jonesborough road, encountered enemy s pickets, skirmished with them all day, driving them across Flint river. August 31 moved down Flint river, crossed the bridge within one mile of Jonesborough and barricaded, being in right center of the division. Were attacked by infantry and compelled to fall back and recross the river, with one man mor tally wounded, since died; three severely wounded, four missing. One hundred picked men under Captain Qualman, Company K, and Captain Young, Company H, were sent to cut the railroad, which was accomplished four miles south of Jonesborough. Re turned and went into camp. September 1 moved out and barri caded on Fayetteville road. September 2 moved to Fayetteville and Griffin road. September 3 crossed Flint river and barricaded on extreme right of our army. September 4 remained in barri cades. September 5 moved to Fitzgeralds. September 6 formed rear guard of Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Army Corps. Went into camp at Flint river. September 7 picketed on left flank of the Army of the Tennessee. September 8 returned to 118 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. near Mount Gillead Church and went into camp. Casualties, one mortally wounded, since died, six severely wounded, four missing. "Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "ALFRED GADDIS, "Major Commanding." It is a part of the history of the capture of the train at Bear Creek Station, referred to in Lieutenant- Colonel Klein s report, that it was first sighted by Samuel N". Hamilton and James Jef fries, two young boys of Company L, who, without taking into consideration the serious danger and nature of their undertaking, dashed up and leveled their carbines upon the engineer and con ductor, demanding their surrender, which they promptly did. These two youngsters had the entire train on their hands, without knowing what to do with it, until their command came up some minutes later and took charge of and sidetracked and burned it, as recited by Lieutenant-Colonel Klein. Young Hamilton, who is now a staid and leading physician at Connersville, Ind., was a good deal of a dare devil all through his service in the army. He was with Company M at the surrender of John Morgan, near Salineville, Ohio, on his famous raid, and later in East Tennessee, while an orderly at the headquarters of the Twenty-third Corps, carried a dispatch a long distance through the enemy s country to General Manson, countermanding an order for General Manson to move on Bristol, Tenn. For his daring conduct he received the personal thanks of General Manson. Dr. Hamilton served three years and was not twenty years old when discharged. After he was relieved from command in the Shenandoah Valley and joined the army in the West, Gen. J. H. Wilson 1 , who had so long had the Eastern battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry under him as a part of his command, finding a number of men of the Western battalion with the Western army, whose term of service had not expired, made an effort to have the two wings of HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 119 the regiment consolidated, and in pursuance of that purpose wrote to the Secretary of War as follows: "Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War : "Sir I have the honor to recommend and request that steps may be taken to secure the reorganization of the Third Regiment of Indiana Cavalry. There are two companies of veterans orig inally belonging to that regiment now serving with the Third Cavalry Division under General Sheridan, and six companies with General Kilpatrick in Georgia. Of the latter I am un officially informed enough men have re-enlisted to make two good companies. I would respectfully request that the two companies in the Shenandoah Valley and those with Kilpatrick be ordered to Indiana, and authority be given to Maj. Samuel Mclrvin, Major Patton and Captain Lee to reorganize the regiment and bring it into the field. Major Mclrvin has served three years with great distinction (having entered the service from Indiana) in the Sec ond New York, and was mustered out as major of that regiment. Major Patton served three years with the Third Indiana Cavalry, is a brave and zealous officer and soldier. Captain Lee now com mands the veteran squadron of the regiment and is a young officer of great promise. This request is made with a view of retaining in the army one of the best regiments of cavalry that has taken part in the war, and with the belief that its fame will render its reorganization an easy matter for the Governor of Indiana and the War Department. If conscripts or volunteers from Indiana are to be given to cavalry regiments in the field, a sufficient num ber might be assigned to the Third Indiana to allow it to retain its regimental organization complete, without the necessity of sending them home. "I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, "J. H. WILSON, "Brevet Major-General Commanding," (Vol. XXXIX, Part 3, page 758.) 120 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. This urgent and complimentary recommendation of General Wilson, as we know, was never acted upon, but the men of the Western battalion whose term of service had not expired when the main body was discharged were retained in the service. Byron Dawson, who had been commissioned second lieutenant of Com pany L on the 1st of September, 1864, was assigned to duty on the staff of Col. Smith D. Atkins, of the Ninety-second Illinois Mounted Infantry, who commanded the brigade to which the Third Indiana belonged. There are records to the effect that the remnant of the Third Indiana in the West were consolidated with the Eighth Indiana Cavalry, but that record is repudiated by Captain Patton, of Com pany M. The captain says: "Just before the march to the sea Company L was disbanded and used with the wagon trains, either to drive teams or as train guards. They were never back with our command during the war. I was ordered with Company M, and the recruits left from other companies, to report to the Ninety- second Illinois for duty, and did so, and was with that regiment from Marietta to Savannah, Ga., but we were not consolidated with any regiment. I received my orders from Lieutenant-Colonel Van Buskirk, commanding the Ninety-second Illinois Mounted Infantry, as a captain of the Third Indiana Cavalry, and reported to him as such. After the fall of Atlanta our division was en gaged in fighting Hood while making his flank movement. The division was in many fights and skirmishes while on that cam paign. "At one time our company was ordered to take a bridge a short distance ahead of us, our company being in advance. We charged and took it, crossed over and found the enemy in force in earth works. We were soon reinforced by the division. In that fight Frank Caux, William Moore and two or three others of my com pany were severely wounded. After that fight our division re turned to Marietta for a short rest and to prepare for the march HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 121 to the sea. All the recruits of other companies, except Company L, were left with Company M and made quite a battalion. I took charge of headquarters of the Third Indiana and Comrade Adams was acting adjutant. We marched quietly along for several days and then came in front of Macon, where General Kilpatrick s division engaged the enemy and drove them into the city. From there we went into the interior of Georgia to tear up the Augusta & Savannah railway, and were engaged in the hottest kind of a fight on this raid with Wheeler s and Hampton s cavalry, which had consolidated. They fought us on our flanks and rear, and made it impossible for us to stop day or night. Kilpatrick halted, built barricades, and when the enemy came up made an onslaught they could not stand, and they fell back. We mounted and moved forward, but the enemy was soon on us again, and then Kilpatrick, in three columns, gave them the prettiest cavalry fight the world has ever seen. After that we moved along without further trouble from the enemy for several days. Then we resumed our march to Savannah, and were fighting and skirmishing with Wheeler every day until we reached the Ogechee river. From there we went down to the coast, and were the first to signal the transports which opened up communication with the government." While Lieutenant-Colonel Van Buskirk makes no special men tion of the services of the Third Indiana Cavalry on this march to the sea, yet we find on page 395, Vol. XLIV, of the official records that the detachment under command of Captain Patton is credited with the capture of nine horses, three mules, five stands of small arms, the destruction of eleven cotton gins and one saw mill, and with the loss of twelve horses and three mules aban doned. The report is as follows : "Headquarters Ninety-second Illinois Mounted Infantry, "Near Savannah, Ga., December 20, 1864. " Captain I have the honor to make the following report of the part which my regiment took during the campaign from Atlanta, 122 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY, Ga., through the center of the State, to a point near Savan nah, Ga. : "We left Atlanta, Ga., on the 15th of November, 1864, but have nothing of record more than the usual duties of picketing and scouting until the 20th instant, when near Macon, Ga., we encountered the enemy, my regiment acting as advance guard of the division. We drove them before us, charging them from be hind several strong barricades, killing and wounding several and taking a few prisoners. When near Walnut creek Company H, Captain John F. Nelson commanding, was detached and ordered to proceed to the railroad between Macon and Griswoldville, for the purpose of tearing up the track and cutting the telegraph, all of which was successfully accomplished. "After driving the enemy across Walnut creek my regiment was dismounted. One squadron, Captain Hawk commanding, on the right and one squadron, Captain Becker commanding, on the left, were ordered to cross the creek to support the Tenth Ohio Cavalry in a saber charge. The enemy were driven into their for tifications. The object for which the charge was made having been accomplished, we were ordered to withdraw and recross the creek, where we remained, holding the enemy in check until after dark. Our casualties were two men wounded. After dark the whole command withdrew, my men acting as rear guard. We were stationed on picket duty during the night. "On the morning of the 21st instant, my regiment being still on picket, the enemy attacked the outposts at daylight. Skirmish ing continued until about 6 a. m., when they charged the outposts in front and on the flanks with not less than a brigade, driving them back on the reserve. Still on they came in their furious charge until within easy range of our guns, when we opened on them a fire that sent them flying backward in great confusion, leaving their killed and wounded upon the field. The punish ment inflicted being so severe, they did not trouble us again. A HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 123 prisoner, since captured, reports their loss to have been sixty-five men killed and wounded. Our loss was two captured. From the 21st to the 26th instant nothing worthy of record occurred, save the incidents usual on a march. On the 27th instant my regiment was detailed as rear guard. We fought the enemy all day, losing but one man wounded. In our action with Wheeler on the 28th instant my regiment formed the right center of the brigade, sup porting a battery. The enemy charged but were beautifully re pulsed. We lost one man wounded. "Our usual routine of marching and picketing was uninter rupted until December 2, when my regiment was placed on picket on the railroad at Thomas Station to protect the infantry while tearing up the track. We skirmished with the enemy, driving them back sufficiently to take position. Skirmishing continued until about 8 p. m. About 11 p. m. they got a battery in position and shelled us. Our casualties were two men killed and one man wounded. At daybreak on the 4th instant the enemy advanced their skirmishers. Skirmishing continued until about 8 a. m., when the division came up, and my regiment was ordered forward in line, dismounted. We soon found the enemy strongly posted behind barricades in greatly superior numbers. W T e at once charged them, driving them from their successive lines of barri cades, routing them in wildest confusion ; they throwing away their arms and whatever else would impede their flight, many seeking safety behind trees and under houses, leaving their killed and wounded in our hands. My regiment captured some forty pris oners, among whom was a major and a lieutenant. We lost in this action three men killed and six wounded. "Until the 8th instant nothing of moment occurred. On the 8th we had a skirmish with the enemy without casualty. We re mained in line of battle nearly all night. On the morning of the 9th we crossed Ebenezer creek, leaving one battalion under com mand of Captain Becker at the bridge to guard the prisoners, 124 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. while they destroyed the bridge and blockaded the road. While thus employed they were fired upon by the enemy s sharpshooters, wounding one man. From the 10th to the 20th instant nothing worthy of report occurred. "I have destroyed during the campaign twenty-nine gin houses and gins, containing about 1,460 bales of cotton, and one flouring mill and one saw mill. We captured 106 horses and ninety-four mules. The casualties of my regiment were five killed, twelve wounded and twelve missing, making a total of twenty-nine men. "The conduct of both my officers and men on all occasions is worthy of the highest praise. "Respectfully submitted, "MATHEW VAN BUSKIRK, Lieutenant-Colonel, "Commanding Ninety-Second Illinois Mounted Infantry. "Capt H. J. SMITH, "Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, "Second Brigade, Third Cavalry Division." Captain Patton continues as follows: "After the fall of Savannah I received an order from General Kilpatrick, com manding the cavalry division with which we had been serving, to take my command and report to Colonel Jones of the Eighth Indiana Cavalry for duty. This order I obeyed, and did duty with that regiment through the Carolinas until after our time was out. We crossed the Savannah river at Sisters Ferry, marched several days, occasionally skirmishing with the enemy, until we reached Black river, where we had a hot fight and drove the enemy towards Augusta, on to their reinforcements, and we were com pelled to build a barricade of rails and timber in^an open field. Here the rebels charged us time and again, and we maintained that post two days and two nights, and the attacking force moved off. We then marched towards Fayetteville, S. C., on Cape Fear river, and the rebels were marching on a parallel road half a mile west of us making for the same point. This march was in the HISTORY OF THE TlIIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 125 night, and the rebels would come over on to our road and kill our men in the dark, as they knew the country better than we did. "We reached Fayetteville in the morning, crossed Cape Fear River and went into camp. On an order from General Kil- patrick I reported at his headquarters the next morning at day break, and was ordered to make a reconnoissance from his head quarters through the pine openings. We had not gone far until we found the enemy and drove them before us, but soon came in contact with the whole rebel army. General Kilpatrick came up with the division and this was the opening of the great three days 7 fight at Bentonville. "After this battle we were encamped quite a while at Milton, N. C., and while there Company M received orders from the War Department on the 15th of April, 1865, to be mustered out of service." The officers of Company L were commissioned on the 23d of October, 1862, and the officers of Company M were commissioned on the llth of December, 1862. Both companies were detained in Indiana until September, 1863, performing various kinds of duty, and Company M took part in the Morgan raid, and fought and captured a body of twenty-two of the raiders at ^N"ew Provi dence, Ind., for which they were publicly thanked by General Wilcox, commanding the department. The two companies went with General Wilcox to East Tennessee by way of Cumberland Gap, and at Marysville for the first time, in February, 1864, be came a part of the Western battalion of the Third Indiana Cav alry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Klein. According to the report of Lieut. -Col. Fielder A. Jones, written on the 27th of March, 1865, from the headquarters of the Eighth Indiana Cavalry (Vol. XL VII, Part 1, page 870), his command left Savannah, Ga., on the morning of January 28, 1865, the command consisting of the Eighth Indiana Cavalry and a detach ment of Third Indiana Cavalry, which latter body was under the 126 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. command of Capt. Charles U. Patton, Company M, Third Indiana. First met the enemy on the 10th of February, 1865, at Johnsons Station, driving him from several barricades on to his main force, and fought him until recalled by order of Colonel Jordan, commanding brigade. On the llth of February the enemy charged the Eighth Indiana, in position at Johnsons Sta tion, and were repulsed with the loss of the adjutant and three men of the Twelfth Alabama Cavalry killed and several others wounded. In his report Lieutenant-Colonel Jones says: "On the morning of March 16, 1865, near Averasborough, N". C., I was ordered into position to cover the right flank of an infantry brigade, and to move with it against the enemy. We had hardly left our camp before we struck the enemy in line and in strong force. Finding myself near his flank, I charged him vig orously and routed an entire brigade of South Carolina infantry. Had our infantry been pushed it is my firm belief that we would have captured the enemy s works, artillery and many prisoners without firing a shot. As it was, the cavalry alone took several prisoners and drove the rebels in wildest confusion into their works. Had there been solid ground I should have taken their works with cavalry, but the rains of the previous night had made the country one vast mire, which checked the impetus of our charge and gave the enemy time to reform behind their works. Finding further operations on horseback impossible, I dismounted my com mand and led horses to the rear. The enemy, seriously alarmed for the safety of his left flank, commenced rapidly re-enforcing that flank, and I soon found I was fighting several times my number and ordered my lines to reconnect with the infantry. The enemy seeing my movement and judging it to be a retreat, charged me in great force. We immediately came to about face, gave two or three volleys from our Spencers and made a center charge, causing the foe to quickly seek shelter in his works. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 127 "Although fighting many times our number, and infantry, too, and our lines very attenuated, yet it seemed that every officer and man of my command felt that our position was vital to the safety of the infantry on our left, and was determined to hold it at every hazard. The enemy charged us repeatedly in great force; we always met his charges with a volley and a counter-charge, and whatever were the odds against us we always drove them back into their works. I can safely say that no better fighting has been done in this war than was done that day by this command, and I am satisfied that we attracted the attention of the enemy and so seriously threatened his left that he did not observe the movements of the force which was turning his right until it was too late to oppose it. My loss was heavy, but examination of the field shows that the enemy suffered far heavier than we did. My command operated with the brigade on the right flank of Johnston s army at Bentonville, and on the evening of the 20th of March Captain Crowell passed around the right flank of the enemy and got, in fact, in rear of his artillery, but his force was so small he could not take advantage of his discovery. "My thanks are due to Major Herring for efficient aid rendered both in action and on the march. Captains Crowell, Leavell and Mitchell, commanding battalions of the Eighth Indiana, have proved themselves competent for that command. They are fine soldiers and in connection with Major Herring and Captain Pat- ton, commanding Third Indiana, are commended for promotion. a We lost one officer and twelve men killed, seven officers and fifty-five men wounded, and twenty enlisted men missing; we lost twenty-five horses killed and twenty-six wounded in action on March 16. Very respectfully, "F. A. JONES, "Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding. " CHAPTEK V. The winter of 1863-4 was a period of thrilling interest in the history of the American Union. In the East and in the West great armies had contended for the mastery on many bloody battlefields, but in the minds of thoughtful persons there was little in the out come of these conflicts which foretold final results. Grim deter mination characterized the people on both sides of the struggle and their armies in the field. The South entertained no thought of surrender and the North no thought of giving up the contest until every seceding state was restored to the Union and rebellion crushed out. Our armies in the East and in the West had been led by different commanders with varying results. We generally claimed victories whether we had won them or not. When the peninsular campaign began in the spring of 1862 on James river and the Chickahominy it developed into our bloody defeat at Second Bull Run, and ended for the year at Antietam in northern Maryland, near the southern border of Pennsylvania. The cam paign of 1863 began at Fredricksburg, Va., under Burnsides, was continued at Chancellorsville under Hooker, and practically closed at Gettysburg, Pa., under Meade, two hundred and fifty miles north of where it had begun and on Northern soil. When the enemy retired in good order from this last great battle and was ready to renew the conflict on its own soil in Virginia re gardless of what might be claimed by those immediately concerned to those looking on from afar the outcome certainly appeared uncertain. Less than six months after Shiloh had been fought in the far South, Bragg with a great confederate army was thundering at the gates of Louisville on the Ohio river, and Cincinnati was 128 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 129 threatened by Kirby Smith. Stone River, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge, and the siege of Knoxville, settled merely the fact that the soldiers of both sides could be depended upon to do all the fighting that was necessary, and the leadership of the enemy seems to have flashed the fact upon the executive mind at Wash ington that the time had come for us to imitate the enemy some what in the matter of leadership. With this point reached, General Grant s selection as leader of all our armies was but the natural thing to do. He, of all our commanders, had been uniformly successful in his campaigns, and he had Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg and Missionary Ridge to his credit. The country approved the choice, confidence was revived, and at once the work of organizing for the great campaign of 1864 was entered upon. The armies of the Cumberland and Tennessee were consolidated under General Sherman. The Army of the Potomac was taken in charge by the commander-in-chief with General Meade, who had fought the battle of Gettysburg, as his first subordinate. From December until May the time was occupied in strengthening and equipping the armies that were to be thrown against the enemy. Old and depleted regiments were recruited up to their maximum number of men, and vast thousands of men who had been absent from their commands on various kinds of detailed duty were relieved from such duty and ordered to rejoin the organizations to which they belonged. Regiments that had been occupying fortifications for almost three years with out ever seeing an enemy were ordered to the field, and their places supplied by new organizations recruited for a hundred days in the various states of the North. When the 1st of May rolled round and the roads had become passable our armies in the East and in the West were ready and equipped for war as they had never been ready and equipped before. And on the 1st of May, 1864, began the two campaigns which the commander-in-chief had planned, viz., the campaign of the Wilderness, which began with the 130 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. crossing of the Rapidan, and that of Atlanta, which began at Kenesaw Mountains, and in which Sherman fought the battles of Rough and Ready, Rock Face Ridge, New Hope Church, Dallas, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta and Jonesborough. In this Wilderness campaign the Eastern battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry bore a part. The battalion remained in the vicinity of Culpepper Court House during the winter of 1863, engaged in performing picket and outpost duty and taking part in several reconnoissances. On the 27th of February, 1864, it was detailed to go with General Kilpatrick s raid on Richmond, and did not rejoin the army until the 15th of March. While the Eastern battalion lay in camp at Culpepper during the winter of 1864 it did more than picket duty. On the 26th of January, 1864, a squad of eighteen men were sent out towards the Rapidan on a scout, and were attacked by a squadron of rebel cavalry and sixteen of the eighteen captured. (Vol. XXXVIII, page 432.) On the 30th of January, 1864, Colonel Chapman, then commanding the brigade, with one hundred men of the Third Indiana under Major Patton, and one hundred of the Eighth New York under Captain Moore, crossed the Rapidan at Clarks Ford and pushed rapidly towards Madison Court House. At Mount Zion Church his command came upon the enemy in con siderable force, but they retreated before Colonel Chapman could attack towards Madison Court House, to which point he pro ceeded, but found no enemy except a few scattering men. He sent a detachment of his command to Humes Ford, where five of the enemy s pickets and five horses were captured, and one man and one horse killed. From Madison Court House he went to Mount Carmel Church and returned to camp, crossing Robertsons river by way of Bethel Church and Whites Shop after a march of fifty miles. (Vol. XXXIII, page 170.) While the army lay in camp around Culpepper, Va., in Feb ruary, 1864, Gen. Judson Kilpatrick, commanding the Third HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 131 Division of the Cavalry Corps, submitted to General Pleasanton, commander of the corps, the project for a raid on Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy, the force to consist of 4,000 cavalry and six guns, with five days rations. He mapped out his line of march in detail (Vol. XXXIII, page 172). Replying to a re quest from the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac for his views of the scheme, General Pleasanton gave it as his opinion that the plan was not feasible at that time, and gave his reasons there for (Vol. XXXIII, page 171). Notwithstanding General Pleas- anton s disapproval, the commanding general of the army directed General Pleasanton to re-enforce General Kilpatrick s command so that he would have available 4,000 officers and men, and a bat tery of light artillery. This order, dated February 27, 1864, read: "With this force you will move with the utmost expedition pos sible on the shortest route past the enemy s right flank to Rich mond, and by this rapid march endeavor to effect an entrance into the city and liberate our prisoners now held there and in that immediate vicinity." The order closed with this language: "I am directed by the major-general commanding to say that no detailed instructions are given you since the plan of operations has been proposed by yourself, with the sanction of the President and the Secretary of War, and has been so far adopted by him that he considers success possible with secrecy, good management and the utmost expedition. "Z. A. HUMPHREYS, (Page 173.) "Major-General, Chief of Staff." Among the forces outside of his own command, General Kil- patrick requested that the Third Indiana Cavalry accompany him, and under Major Patton it was ordered to do so. On this raid the battalion performed most arduous and dangerous service. We give General Kilpatrick s report of that remarkable expedition. At page 183, Vol. XXXIII, General Kilpatrick says: 132 HISTORY OF THE TRIED INDIANA CAVALRY. "In accordance with the above instructions I left my camp at Stevensburg at 7 o clock Sunday evening, February 28, with 2,375 men and Captain Ransom s battery, U. S. Horse Artillery (six pieces), and detachments from the First and Second Cavalry Divisions, under Majors Hall and Taylor, in all 3,582 strong. "My advance, consisting of 460 men under Colonel Dahlgren, reached Elys Ford at 11 p. m., crossed, surprised and captured the enemy s pickets, consisting of two officers and fourteen men. Colonel Dahlgren was then ordered to move rapidly forward by way of Spotsylvania Court House to Fredrick Hall, on the Vir ginia Central railroad, and thence to a point above Goochland on the James river, cross the river, move down the opposite bank, and if possible be in position to seize the main bridge that led to the city of Richmond at 10 o clock Tuesday, March 1. A small force under Captain Boice, Fifth New York Cavalry, was sent to de stroy the Fredricksburg railroad below Guineys Station, the tele graph having been destroyed on both roads by scouts during the night. I pressed rapidly forward with the main column, passed Spotsylvania Court House at daylight, reached and destroyed Beaver Dam Station at 1 p. m., and after destroying the road to a considerable extent moved rapidly forward in the direction of Richmond, and went into camp early in the evening nine miles from Ground Squirrel Bridge, over the South Anna. "I moved at 1 a. m. Tuesday, intending to cross the South Anna at Ground Squirrel Bridge, move down the Ridge road and attack Richmond west of the Brook pike. My guide (I think through ignorance) instead of directing the column to the bridge mentioned led it in the direction of Ashland, where we came upon the infantry pickets of the enemy. From prisoners I learned that a force of 2,000 infantry and six pieces of artillery was stationed near the railroad bridge above Ashland. I directed Major Hall with 450 men of the First Division to drive in the enemy s pickets HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 133 and make a determined attack in order to cover the movements of the main column. "I struck across the country to the South Anna and crossed at a point three miles above Ashland at daylight Tuesday morning. The attack of Major Hall totally deceived the enemy as to the movements of the main column, which passed on, crossed the rail road seven miles below Ashland, tore up a considerable portion of the track, destroyed a culvert, passed on and reached the Brook pike at a point five miles from Richmond at 10 a. m. The enemy s artillery engaged with Major Hall could be distinctly heard in my rear. Rightly supposing the enemy would send all his avail able force in the immediate vicinity in the direction of the firing, in order to protect the bridge at that point, and learning from citizens and negroes who came from Richmond that morning that no attack was expected upon the city, and that only a small force occupied the works in front of the Brook pike, I moved forward, crossed the brook, surprised and captured the picket and a small force of infantry in the rifle pits beyond. The enemy now sent forward troops to oppose my further progress, but they were easily driven back until a point was reached about one mile from the city. Here a considerable force of infantry with artillery effectu ally checked my advance. It was now 1 p. m. I ordered up my entire force, and after thoroughly examining the enemy s position determined to attack, believing if they were citizen soldiers I could enter the city. Brigadier-General Davies had the advance. The Fifth New York Cavalry was dismounted and sent forward as skirmishers, and 500 men under Major Patton in a body dis mounted followed closely in the rear of the skirmishers to attack and carry, if possible, a small earthwork on the left of and a barricade that the enemy were then placing in the road. The enemy was finally forced back until a position was gained for the use of my artillery, which was brought up and opened on the enemy, now occupying a position just outside the city. 134 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. "I brought up re-enforcements, strengthened and extended my line of skirmishers to the right as far as the plank road, and was about to order an advance of the whole line, when I discovered that the enemy was rapidly receiving re-enforcements, not only of in fantry but artillery. Feeling confident that Dahlgren had failed to cross the river, and that an attempt to enter the city at that point would but end in bloody failure, I reluctantly withdrew my command at dark, crossed the Meadow Bridge over the Chicka- hominy, and, after destroying bridges on the Virginia Central railroad, went into camp near Mechanicsville. Colonel Dahlgren, having failed to cross the James river, moved rapidly down the canal, destroying locks and viaducts, and engaged the enemy at 4 o clock on the plank road a few miles from Richmond, and at dark, when I withdrew my command, had driven the enemy near to the city. "In the various attacks upon the city, which commenced at 12 m. and continued until dark, we lost upward of sixty men in killed and wounded and we took upwards of 200 prisoners. By scouts and spies I ascertained that the entire available force of the enemy in and about the city had been concentrated during the day upon the Brook pike and plank road where the various attacks had been made, and that no force was on the road from Mechanics ville to the city. It was now 10 p. m. I at once determined to make another attempt to enter the city. Lieutenant-Colonel Pres ton of the First Vermont and Major Taylor of the First Maine were ordered to lead two separate detachments of 500 men in on the road from Mechanicsville, while with the artillery and the re maining portion of my command I would hold the bridge over the Chickahominy and cover their retreat with the prisoners if suc cessful. "These two determined daring officers had but just commenced to move when Colonel Sawyer, commanding the Second Brigade, reported that his pickets had been driven in on the road from the HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 135 direction of Hanover Court House. A few moments later he sent me word that the enemy was advancing in force and rapidly driving his people. I sent him orders to throw out a strong line of skirmishers, and if possible charge the enemy and drive him back, as I intended to make this last effort to release our prisoners. Heavy musketry and carbine firing could now be heard, and a moment later the enemy opened with a battery of artillery. I was forced to recall my troops to resist this attack, which now became serious. The enemy charged and drove back the Seventh Michi gan, and considerable confusion ensued. The night was intensely dark, cold and stormy. The command moved out on the road toward Old Church and was placed in position, and after con siderable hard fighting, with a loss of two officers and upwards of fifty men and 100 horses, repulsed the enemy and forced him back on the road towards Hanover Court House. "Not knowing the strength of the enemy, I abandoned all fur ther ideas of releasing our prisoners, and at 1 a. m. moved to the intersection of the roads from Mechanicsville to Old Church and from Hanover Court House to Bottom Bridge. Here we went into camp. At daylight the enemy attacked my pickets, but were easily repulsed. At 8 a. m. the command moved to Old Church, twelve miles from Hanover Court House, and here took up a good posi tion and remained until 1 p. m. Wednesday, hoping that Dahlgren might come in. The enemy charged my rear guard at this point, but were gallantly charged in return by the First Maine and driven back a considerable distance with the loss of many pris oners. This is the last I saw of the enemy. " In this report General Kilpatrick speaks of Major Patton fol lowing the skirmishers with 500 dismounted men and driving the enemy back to a position just outside the city. His report does not disclose who these men were, but the report of General Davies, who had charge of this movement (page 192), makes it known that it was Major Patton with the Third Indiana Cavalry and 136 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. other troops that had been furnished him, who was there leading this last desperate effort to enter the city of Richmond and liberate our prisoners. The loss by this raid was nine officers, 331 men and 583 horses, with arms and equipments. From this point the command went into General Butler s lines at New Kent Court House on Wednesday evening. The men and their horses were embarked on transports at Yorktown, shipped to Alexandria, whence they marched to their camps at Stevensburg and Culpep- per, reaching there on the 14th of March. With the detachment of 450 men under Major Hall, referred to in General Kilpatrick s report, was a detail of ten men from the Third Indiana Cavalry under Lieut. George Rogers of Company D of that regiment. This detail was divided, five of the men being with the advance and five with the rear of Major Hall s forces. One of these men, John W. Palmer of Company D, is still living, and has a vivid remembrance of that night s work under Major Hall, which of course was not under the immediate eye of General Kilpatrick. He says: "I was with that part of the Third Indiana which formed the advance guard of Major Hall s command, and it was midnight when we started, the object of the expedition being to burn the bridge across the South Anna river. We soon encountered the rebel pickets and killed one of them in the first encounter; we moved forward, driving them before us until we ran into an am buscade across the road, made of brush and rails, and behind it were dismounted rebel cavalry. They fired on us and killed one of the Third Indiana. We pushed on to them and drove them from their ambush and continued to follow them until we came in sight of a rebel camp in the valley between us and the bridge, where there was a large force of cavalry, infantry and artillery, with their artillery posted to command the road upon which we were approaching. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 137 "They at once opened on us with this artillery and the column about-faced as rapidly as possible, although this movement was delayed somewhat by the turning around of our ambulances in the narrow road. The advance became the rear guard of this retrograde movement, and 200 rebel cavalry were soon pushing on to our rear, which was now a retreat on the road we had come, in order to gain a ford on the South Anna, where we could cross and rejoin General Kilpatrick s command. "Lieutenant Rogers with two men of the Third Indiana were at the crossing of a road running parallel with the road upon which Major Hall with the main force was moving and another road that crossed both of these parallel roads. A force of rebel cavalry charged down this cross road, capturing Lieutenant Rogers and the two men with him, and were coming after me farther along on this parallel road. My only chance of escape was to leave the road and cut across a strip of open ground and woods in an en deavor to reach Major Hall s command. I made this ride in full view of the rebels who were after me. They all seemed to turn their fire on me, but luckily I was not hit and reached the main column unhurt after my desperate ride. Major Hall rejoined General Kilpatrick s command about daylight." The raid was not a success, and perhaps never should have been undertaken, but it showed the desperate bravery of the men who took part in it, and no doubt changed the military career of the man who conceived it. General Kilpatrick was sent to the West ern army and given the command of a division of cavalry, and his dashing career there is noted in other chapters of this history. On the 30th of April, 1864, General Sheridan was placed in command of the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac and its Third Division under the command of Brig. -Gen. James H. Wilson. The Second Brigade of this division was commanded by Col. George H. Chapman, of the Third Indiana Cavalry, and the regiment was commanded by Maj. William Patton. The 138 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. other regiments of the brigade were the Eighth Illinois Cavalry under Lieut. William W. Long, Eighth New York under Lieut-Col. William H. Benjamin and First Vermont under Lieutenant-Colonel Preston. In Volume XXXVI of the Official Record, beginning at page 896, we have the official report of this Wilderness campaign, fur nished by Col. George H. Chapman, written at the headquarters of the Second Brigade, Third Division of Cavalry, on the 12th of July, 1864. This officer says: "Captain I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this brigade from May 3 to July 1, 1864: "At midnight on the night of May 3, in compliance with orders, the brigade broke camp at Stevensburg, crossed to the plank road and moved to Germania Ford on the Rapidan river. Arriving there I made disposition of my command to force a crossing should the enemy offer opposition, and at early dawn my brigade moved rapidly across the river, meeting with no resistance, and massed on the plank road, two or three miles from the river. After a short halt, proceeded up the plank to Old Wilderness Tavern and from thence to Parkers Store by a country road, where we bivou acked and threw out strong pickets on all approaches. During the march nothing was seen of the enemy save a small mounted force, which retreated rapidly before our advance. "Marched early on the morning of the 5th with division, this brigade in advance, to Craigs Church, on the Catharpin road, which point was reached about 11 a. m. I sent a battalion of the First Vermont Cavalry forward on the Catharpin road with instruc tions to picket and patrol the road well toward Mine Run, but when they proceeded less than a mile their advance was attacked by the enemy and driven rapidly back on the main body. I im mediately re-enforced this battalion; and, the country being densely timbered on both sides of the road and the enemy dis mounted, I soon dismounted the greater part of my brigade and HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 139 drove the enemy steadily back a distance of two miles, he con testing very hard every inch of the ground. "Reaching a ravine, I was ordered not to proceed farther, being then several miles in advance of the First Brigade, but to hold the road at the point I had reached with a strong picket force and get the rest of my command together and mounted, in a field a half mile to the rear of the advanced position. These instructions were carried out, the Third Indiana Cavalry being held in line of battle, dismounted, along the ravine. I remained myself with this regiment. Subsequently an hour, I should judge it was reported to me from the line of skirmishers thrown forward in the pines that the enemy had strongly re-enforced his line and was making preparations to advance. This report was soon verified, the enemy coming on in strong force, before which the Third Indiana Cavalry was compelled to fall back. I again was obliged to put in my entire force, which was still much inferior to the enemy, and continued to fall back. The confusion occasioned by getting a large number of led horses hastily back on the road was communicated to the men and caused the men to break badly, of which the enemy was not slow to take advantage. "We were driven back behind a line of battle formed by a part of the First Brigade, and subsequently retired to Todds Tavern. I moved my command to a point on the Brock road one and one- half miles north of Todds Tavern and sent out pickets on various roads. At 3 a. m. took the road to Piney Branch Church, where the division took position. Subsequently marched with division to Chancellorsville and bivouacked. "On the morning of the 7th, having supplied the command with rations, in pursuance of orders I moved to Alrich s, on Fred- ricksburg plank road, and relieved General Merritt s brigade, of First Cavalry Division, doing picket duty at that point. Later in the day my brigade was relieved by General Davies brigade, of Second Cavalry Division. Eeconnoitered to Alsop s, on Spotsyl- 140 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. vania Court House road, without developing anything, and re turned to Alrich s and encamped for the night. Moved with the division on the morning of the 8th of May to Spotsylvania Court House, the First Brigade heing in advance. "At the Court House formed line of battle in support of the First Brigade, which was warmly engaged with the enemy. Retired, bringing up rear of division (the enemy not following) to Alsop s. Marched the morning of the 9th at 5 o clock with division in light order, and joining the other divisions of the Cavalry Corps at the plank road proceeded by the road to Hamiltons Crossing, as far as Fredricksburg and Richmond Telegraph road; thence via Stan- ard s Mill, Thornburg and Chilesburg, to the crossing of the North Anna river, near Beaver Dam Station, where the brigade bivou acked on the north bank of the river. "Nothing of importance occurred during the day s march, save the exchange of a few shots between the flankers and small parties of the enemy and the capture of a rebel captain. "Early on the morning of the 10th the enemy began shelling our camps, but at 8 a. m. the brigade crossed the river without molestation or damage. March today was without event. Crossed the South Anna river at Ground Squirrel Bridge and encamped near the river. Again, on the morning of the llth, the enemy shelled our camps, and in getting into column of route one bat talion of the Eighth New York Cavalry, Maj. C. Moore com manding, became engaged with the enemy and lost several men, but successfully checked a charge made on the rear of the Second Division. "Being relieved by a regiment of the Second Division the bat talion soon after rejoined the brigade. Having crossed the Fred- ricksburg & Richmond railroad, I received orders to go forward and assist General Custer in driving back the enemy from our front. I found General Custer near the Brook pike not actively engaged at the time I joined him. Dismounting the Third In- HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 141 diana and Eighth New York I formed them in line of battle on the left of the dismounted men of Ouster s brigade, holding the First Vermont in reserve, mounted. Dispositions being complete the order to move forward was given, and the line advancing into the thick pine wood soon became warmly engaged. As our men advanced the enemy opened with very accurate artillery fire. Having surveyed the ground, General Ouster proposed if I would place a regiment (the First Vermont) at his disposal he would charge the battery, to which I acceded. The charge was made by the First Vermont and a regiment of General Ouster s brigade, myself accompanying the First Vermont. In this charge two pieces of artillery and a number of prisoners were captured by General Ouster and the enemy were driven back a considerable distance in much confusion. Not being ordered to follow the enemy up, the command halted and at dark massed near the Brook turnpike. The loss of my brigade in this engagement, which was considerable, has already been reported. "At 10 p. m. again resumed the march, my brigade in advance, under orders to move to Fair Oaks Station. Crossing to the Meadow Bridge road we succeeded in finding a man a resident willing to guide the column to the Mechanicsville pike. Taking a farm road running along through the outer fortifications of Richmond, we reached the Mechanicsville pike shortly before day break at a point about three and one-half miles from the city. A mile before reaching the pike a small mounted picket had discov ered our approach and retreated rapidly towards the city. "At the pike the brigade was massed in a field bordering on the road to await information in regard to roads, when we were sud denly opened upon by artillery and musketry, causing temporary confusion. I caused the command to be rapidly dismounted, to fight on foot, and the horses to be placed under cover. Continued to hold the position until daylight, when it was discovered that the enemy had a strong line of earthworks a short distance in our 142 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. front, and I withdrew my brigade to a better position along the line of the Virginia Central railroad, with the First Brigade on the right. About 11 o clock a force of the enemy s infantry came out of their works and attacked my brigade, but were driven back with ease. "At 2 p. m. my brigade crossed the Chickahominy at Meadow Bridge, and, after a halt of a couple of hours, marched to Mechan- icsville. Here a brief halt was ordered, after which we again re sumed the march, receiving orders to proceed to Gain s House. Being misled by a guide, it was near midnight when my com mand reached the last named place and bivouacked. "On the 13th marched to Bottom Bridge, and on the 14th to Malvern Hill, nothing of importance occurring on either day; on the 15th to near Haxalls Landing on the James river and went into camp ; received supplies. Remained in camp at Haxalls until 9 p. m. on the evening of the 17th of May, when the brigade marched with division. Were on the road all night, and at 8 a. m. crossed the Chickahominy at Jones Bridge. After a short halt marched to Mount Olive Church and bivouacked. "On the 19th moved to near Baltimore Store and went into camp. Made details for picket duty. Marched on the 20th with division via Tunstalls Station to near Tyler s, on the Cold Har bor road, and encamped. Remained at this point until the morn ing of the 22d, when the command moved to the White House. Nothing of importance occurred during these days. "The following day (the 23d) the brigade crossed the Pamunkey river on the railroad bridge, bringing up the rear of the corps. My entire command was over by 1 p. m. In pursuance of orders, I detailed a squadron of the Third Indiana Cavalry, Captain Moffitt commanding, to destroy the bridge by throwing off the covering, which work was effectually accomplished. Marched by way of King William Court House to Aylett s and halted for the night. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 143 "On the 24th the command marched to Reedy Swamp on the Richmond and Bowling Green road. The next day marched via Chesterfield to Colemans Mill on Polecat creek and encamped. Receiving orders on the morning of the 26th, and, after receiving a supply of forage, the command marched, crossing the North Anna and demonstrating on the right of our army to cover its movements. At 11 p. m. recrossed the North Anna river at But lers Bridge and halted for the remainder of the night. While the demonstration was being made on Little river, which was mainly performed by the First Brigade of the division, I directed Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin to take his regiment, the Eighth New York Cavalry, and destroy as much of the track of the Vir ginia Central as he could before the command should retire across the North Anna. He accomplished considerable, doing the work very well. This was at Hewletts Station. "On the 27th of May the brigade moved with the division to Chesterfield, marching slowly, making halts at different points, relieving the infantry at various crossings on the North Anna and covering the rear of the army in its movements. The command (marching with the division) continued to cover the rear of the army on the 28th and 29th instant (May), bivouacking on the first night at Mangohick Church and the second night about two and one-half miles from Hanovertown. No event of importance oc curred to mark these days. In pursuance of orders, on the after noon of the 30th I moved my command to Crumps Swamp, on the north side of the Pamunkey river, and sent the Third Indiana Cavalry forward a couple of miles on the road to Hanover Court House. They came upon a force of the enemy s cavalry and skir mished with them until dark. Encamped on Crumps Swamp, with heavy picket detail on the Hanover Court House road. "On the 31st sent forward patrols on the road to Hanover Court House, which were met by the enemy in force. The First Brigade coming up relieved my command, with the exception of a part of 144 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. the Third Indiana, which remained on the left of the line until the enemy were driven back to Hanover Court House. From pris oners taken I learned that we were engaged with Young s brigade of rebel cavalry. Bivouacked near Winston s House on the Han over Court House and Richmond road, with a strong picket force in the direction of Richmond. "At daylight on the morning of the 1st of June I moved my com mand, with the exception of the Eighth New York Cavalry, which was left to picket and hold the Richmond and Hanover Court House road, to the south bank of Mechumps creek opposite Han over Court House, and went into position to cover the movement of the First Brigade. Subsequently, having received orders to cross the creek, I moved forward the command and with one regiment, the First Vermont, re-enforced the Second New York Cavalry, which was skirmishing with a force of the enemy s cavalry (Mary land Battalion) on the Virginia Central railroad. The enemy was steadily driven back, moving off on the road running parallel with the South Anna river. In the meantime the Third Indiana Cavalry and French s battery were ordered forward, moving in column on the road, and the Second New York Cavalry were re lieved, the First Vermont remaining in advance and skirmishing with the enemy until he left our front at the Fredricksburg rail road. When the enemy had been driven beyond Wickham s House I sent a squadron under Captain Cushman, of the First Vermont, to destroy the railroad bridge on the Central road over the South Anna river. Upon reaching the Fredricksburg railroad the same detail was sent to destroy the bridge on that road over the same stream. Both of these bridges were effectually destroyed by fire, including the trestle work as well as superstructure, as also the water tanks; the road was further damaged by the destruction of small bridges and cattle guards at different points. "While still upon the Fredricksburg railroad and before the detail sent to destroy the bridge had returned, I received an order HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 145 from the general commanding the division, by one of his staff officers, to retire with my command hastily to Hanover Court House. I should have mentioned that upon reaching the Fred- ricksburg railroad, at the point where the Telegraph road crosses the railroad, which is about a mile from the South Anna bridge, I had sent a battalion of the First Vermont, under Major Wells, down the Telegraph road towards Ashland ; this battalion had be come engaged with a force of the enemy which had attacked the rear of the First Brigade at that point. Upon receiving the order above mentioned to retire to Hanover Court House, and being en joined to use much haste, I ordered this battalion to retire. Soon after, the commanding general of the division having arrived upon the ground, a courier sent by myself to Colonel Mclntosh, com manding the First Brigade, having returned with information that he was hard pressed and needed relief, I was ordered to send the Third Indiana Cavalry with the battery to Hanover Court House, and with the First Vermont to push down the Telegraph road as far as Ashland to the assistance of the First Brigade. Near Ashland we came upon the enemy; the road being lined on either side by a dense forest, the command was dismounted and formed in line of battle, the center on the road. Efforts to form a con nection on our right with the First Brigade proved fruitless. The line was advanced cautiously and with some difficulty, but had pro ceeded only a short distance when the enemy attacked us in large force in front and flank. The line soon gave back, retreating with considerable loss and closely pressed. Colonel Mclntosh had suc ceeded in retiring his force from Ashland, and, coming up soon after, the regiment received the full attention of the enemy. A regiment of his brigade was drawn up on the Telegraph road and checked the advance of the enemy. The First Vermont was re mounted and retired, by way of Hanover Court House, to near Winston s House and bivouacked with the remainder of the 146 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. brigade. The service of the First Vermont Cavalry this day was arduous and severe and its loss heavy. The command is worthy of the highest praise. "Remained in camp on the 2d of June until an hour after dark, when the brigade marched in the rear of the First Brigade, taking the road to Hanoverton. Marched all night, halting at Linney s, south of Totopotomoy creek, at daylight. At 10 a. m. on the 3d the brigade recrossed the Totopotomoy (advance of division), with the Eighth New York in advance, and took the road to Salem Church, near which we came upon the enemy (cavalry dismounted in the woods and occupying some breastworks vacated by our troops). Feeling the enemy with the Eighth New York and find ing them too strong in numbers and position for that command, I directed the Third Indiana and First Vermont to be dismounted to fight on foot, and formed line of battle with the Eighth New York on the right and the First Vermont on the left. While these dispositions were being made, and previous to the arrival of the First Vermont on the line, the enemy made a spirited attack, but were repulsed with loss, leaving a number of their killed upon the ground. As soon as my line was formed I ordered an advance, and, moving forward under a heavy fire, my men drove the rebels from their position and they fell back to another line of breast works. While re-forming my line and awaiting the arrival of a regiment from the First Brigade, the enemy retired from my front. The force here engaged was that formerly commanded by the rebel General Gordon, and must have lost heavily. The vic tory was not bought without cost. Lieutenant-Colonel Preston of the First Vermont, a zealous and faithful commander, and Capt. Cushman of the same regiment, a most valuable and gallant officer, both fell mortally wounded and expired on the field of battle; Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin, commanding the Eighth New York, was severely though not dangerously wounded. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 147 "Late in the afternoon, in pursuance of orders from General Wilson, I sent a regiment, the Third Indiana Cavalry, Major Patton commanding, in conjunction with the Second New York, across the Totopotomoy to demonstrate upon the left of the enemy s main line. The command dashed across in good style, driving the enemy s skirmishers hastily back to their lines and capturing several. Position was held on the south side of the creek until sundown, when, owing to the movements of the enemy, it was deemed prudent to retire across the creek and join the main body of the division, which was effected without loss. The crossing and recrossing were covered by a section of Ransom s battery. Shortly after dark I moved my command to the Hanoverton road and encamped. Held the approaches to Hanoverton from the south and west. "June 4 and 5 passed without movement or event of impor tance. On the 5th the Twenty-second New York joined the brigade. On the 6th moved to Bottom Bridge and relieved the Second Cavalry Division doing picket duty from left of infantry to Jones Bridge on the Chickahominy, the left of the infantry resting at railroad bridge. The brigade continued the perform ance of this duty until the 12th of June without anything oc curring on the line except a little firing between the pickets. I caused all the crossings to be made defensible by constructing breastworks under cover of the night, and having succeeded in doing this the enemy ceased to fire upon my pickets. "On the 9th the First New Hampshire Cavalry joined the brigade. At dark on June 12th, in pursuance of orders directing a general movement of the army, I moved my command to Long Bridge, on the Chickahominy. Finding the bridge destroyed and the stream not fordable, I dismounted the Twenty-second New York and Third Indiana. The first named command was mainly crossed on a log a short distance above the bridge, and, making their way with much difficulty and considerable delay through the 148 , HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. swamp, succeeded in crossing the second branch of the stream as they had crossed the first, on logs, joining the brigade on the south bank of the river or swamp. In the meantime a pontoon boat having been launched into the first branch of the stream, the Third Indiana were hastily crossed over under fire from a small force of the enemy who occupied a rifle-pit on the south bank of the second branch of the stream. These were soon driven back and the Third Indiana crossed the second branch on limbs and logs of trees and formed in line of battle, with skirmishers well to the front. Owing to the difficulties to be overcome, considerable time was consumed in laying the pontoon bridges and it was midnight when my com mand was entirely over. The command then moved forward to White Oak Swamp, the advance skirmishing with a small body of the enemy s cavalry, who fell back across the swamp. At this point we found the enemy prepared to make resistance to our further advance, with a battery in position, from which they opened fire. Lieutenant Fitzhue s battery, then serving with this brigade, was ordered into position, and a lively artillery duel ensued in which one section of our battery suffered considerable in men and horses (Vol. XL, page 643). "Holding this position on White Oak Swamp until the arrival of a part of General Crawford s division of the Fifth Corps, by which I was relieved, I was directed to move my command on the main road to Richmond. As near as I can now recollect this was about noon of the 13th (June). Proceeding about a mile my advance came upon the enemy strongly posted in a belt of timber in front of Riddell s Shop. After some skirmishing, finding enemy disposed to contest the position with obstinacy, I directed Third Indiana and Eighth New York to prepare to fight on foot, and forming them in line of battle advanced into the woods at a double quick. A brigade of rebel cavalry, dismounted and armed mainly with rifled muskets, held the position, but they soon gave way before the impetuosity of my men, leaving many of their dead HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 149 and wounded on the field. By this advance I was enabled to cover the road to Malvern Hill (Quaker road), and was directed by the general commanding not to advance farther. "Patrols sent out on the roads to my front developed the fact that the enemy had fallen back from my front some distance. Being ordered to hold this position until otherwise ordered, I formed the line of battle with the First Vermont, Third Indiana and Eighth New York, the left of the line resting on the Quaker road, the right extending well across the road from Bottoms Bridge. The First New Hampshire, Twenty-second New York and Fitzhue s bat tery were formed as a supporting line in the fields in rear. Three hours passed without any appearance of the enemy, and during this time a slight breastwork was thrown up on some parts of the line. At about 6 p. m. the enemy were discovered advancing in strong line of battle and heavy column down the Bottoms Bridge road, the entire force, so far as it was developed, being infantry. Soon the entire line became engaged. My ammunition being nearly ex hausted and the enemy showing vastly superior numbers, I deemed it prudent to retire to the position held by my second line, which was done in good order. Having reported that I needed re- enforcements in order to hold the enemy in check, two or three regi ments of infantry came up and were disposed without any direc tion from me. Until after dark nothing of importance transpired save a good deal of desultory skirmishing along the lines. At near dark the enemy advanced from the cover of the timber in strong line of infantry, and a regiment of our infantry which had been posted on the right of my line gave way rapidly with scarcely a show of resistance, throwing the right of my line in considerable confusion. The left, however, retired in good order, and Fitzhue s battery was moved off at a walk. Some difficulty, occasioned by getting the horses through a line of battle formed in our rear by General Crawford s division, created a show of confusion and a scare upon the part of the cavalry which in reality did not pre- 150 HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. vail. The command passed to the rear of the infantry and was massed in a field nearby until about 10 p. m., when the brigade moved in the rear of infantry in the direction of Charles City Court House. At 2 p. m. bivouacked near Nancy s Shop. a The brigade moved soon after daylight on the morning of the 14th and proceeded to Harrison Landing, where supplies were re ceived and issued to the command. While here the enemy attacked the pickets on the road to Saint Mary s Church, but were driven off by the Eighth New York. Moved to Phillips and held the approaches. A reconnoitering party sent out three miles toward Malvern Hill returned without meeting the enemy. On the 15th, with the First Vermont and Eighth and Twenty-second New York and. a section of Fitzhue s battery, I made a reconnoissance to Malvern Hill, where we had a sharp skirmish and developed the enemy near that position in very considerable force. In the vicinity of Phillips there was no manifestation of the presence of the enemy during the day. "At dark on the 16th, in compliance with instructions, moved my command via Charles City Court House to James river, near pontoon bridge, and encamped until the morning of the following day, when we crossed the James river on the pontoon bridge and, proceeding to a mile beyond Prince George Court House on the road to Petersburg, encamped for the night. "On the 18th moved to near Mount Zion Church on the Black- water, where the brigade remained in camp until the morning of the 22d without incident of importance. On the morning of the 22 d of June at early dawn the brigade left camp upon the Black- water, bringing up the rear of the column, and marching across the Suffolk railroad and the Jerusalem plank road, reached the Weldon railroad at Reams Station. At this point I detached a squadron of the Eighth New York Cavalry to effect such damage to the road as would be possible during the passage of my brigade, and about the same time the enemy began to manifest his presence HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 151 upon my right flank and opened with artillery upon the column, but without effect. From this point the enemy (W. H. F. Lee s division of cavalry) followed the rear of the column closely, keeping up a continual skirmish until a couple of hours after nightfall. Until near sundown the rear of my column was covered by the First Vermont Cavalry, Major Wells commanding, when, being exhausted by the work, I relieved them with the Twenty- second New York Cavalry. About 11 p. m. I bivouacked my command near Fords Station on the South Side railroad. "On the morning of the 23d I moved my command from bivou- ack about an hour before daylight, and proceeding by the Cox road moved along the railroad, detaching regiments at different points to destroy the track, until we reached Blacks and Whites, where we made an hour s halt. "At this point a considerable quantity of cotton was destroyed. Again resuming the march, proceeded towards Nottoway Court House. By following the road taken by General Kautz s division we were carried several miles out of the more direct route, and upon reaching a point near Nottoway Court House, where the road crosses the railroad, the head of the column came upon the enemy. Soon ascertaining that it was the same force that had fol lowed the rear the day previous, I made disposition to meet the enemy, who advanced to the attack, checked his advance and drove him back a considerable distance. The enemy bringing up strong re-enforcements, my line again retired to its original position along the railroad, from which repeated attempts of the enemy failed to dislodge them. In answer to my request for re-enforce ments, the Fifth New York Cavalry was sent to me at a late hour in the afternoon, but another advance of the line not being deter mined upon only a small fraction of that command became en gaged and towards morning I relieved them from the line. "This engagement lasted from 1 p. m. until dark and at times was quite severe. My loss in killed, wounded and missing was 152 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. , while that of the enemy was fully equal, and I am in clined to think exceeded my own. Here fell Captain McNair of the Eighth New York Cavalry, a noble officer, whose cool in trepidity and noble daring had endeared him to all who knew him. Among the missing is Captain Sayres of the same regiment, distinguished alike for his gallantry and dash. a My command remained in line of battle until near daylight, when in accordance with instructions, I quietly withdrew, taking the Hungarytown road to the Danville railroad near Meherin Station, and thence to Keysville, where I bivouacked for the night. "Early on the morning of the 25th instant again took up the line of march, my brigade bringing up the rear of column, and proceeding slowly up the Danville road, making several details for the work of destruction of the railroad, until near sundown; when near the crossing of the Little Roanoke river the enemy again came up with my rear and some light skirmishing ensued. I made disposition to meet the attack, but the enemy showed little disposition to fight and contented himself with opening fire at long range from a section of rifled pieces, by which one piece of Maynadier s battery, serving with my brigade, was disabled, but brought off. "My forces remained in position until 2 a. m. on the morning of the 26th, when, in compliance with orders, I withdrew and pro ceeded up the railroad to Roanoke Station, where the direction of march was changed, and following the First Brigade, we passed through Christianville and encamped at Buckhorn Creek. On the 27th crossed the Meherin river at Saffolds Bridge, my brigade leading the advance of the column. After several hours halt on the north bank of the stream we turned from the main road at Columbia Grove, and securing guides along the way proceeded by cross roads across the country through a well settled district to the Boydton plank road, bivouacked for the night on Great Creek. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 153 Marching early the next morning, following the First Brigade, proceeded via Smoky Ordinary to Poplar Mountain, or the Double Bridges, over the Nottoway river, which we reached about noon. Here the command halted to water, and one of the regiments of my brigade (the Third Indiana Cavalry) was ordered to proceed out on the road leading to Stony Creek Depot as far as Sappony Cross Roads, near that station ; at which point the enemy was met. The column following shortly after, I was ordered to send another regiment to assist the First Brigade in an attack upon the enemy s position, it being then after dark. Subsequently I placed the Eighth New York and Twenty-second New York Cavalry in re serve line of battle. "Just previous to daylight on the morning of the 29th I was ordered by Colonel Mclntosh, commanding division, to place my command in position along the face of a piece of timber in the rear of the first position held by our forces, and to hold the position as long as possible, or until I received word that the road was clear, so that I could retire with my command. I formed line of battle dismounted, with the First Vermont on the left, Eighth New York, Third Indiana and Twenty-second New York on the right, and hastily threw up a small work of rails. At full daylight the enemy advanced upon my front in strong line of battle, dis mounted, and simultaneously made a strong attack upon the left flank and upon my led horses with mounted and dismounted men. My line gave back hurriedly, and many of the men were unable to reach their horses on the road upon which the column had moved off. Being myself dismounted and cut off from the road, I gath ered together some 300 of my command and proceeding by a cir cuitous route I succeeded in reaching the main body about noon near Reams Station. In the retrograde movement from this last point my command was assigned the advance, and moving back across the Double Bridges over the Nottoway took the road to Jarretts Station. About two miles from the last named point the 154 HlSTOBY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALBY. command halted a couple of hours in the road, and soon after day light on the morning of the 30th crossed the railroad at Jarretts Station without any opposition of consequence. Proceeding by plantation roads to Peters Bridge, on the ISTottoway, and fording the river (the bridge being destroyed) about noon, halted the com mand until 6 p. m. Again resuming the march at the hour named, my brigade in advance, proceeded through Waverly to Blunts Bridge on the Blackwater, arriving there about midnight. Found the bridge destroyed and the river not fordable; constructed a bridge and commenced crossing my command, but before quite a squadron had passed over the bridge gave way, precipitating sev eral horses and men into the stream, but without injury or loss. Again repaired the bridge and commenced crossing the command. At daylight my brigade was all over. Moved to near Cabin Point and encamped for the night. On the 2d instant moved to present camp on James river, near Light House Point. "During the entire campaign the loss in commissioned officers has been six killed, thirteen wounded and seventeen missing, and in enlisted men twenty-four killed, 217 wounded and 428 missing. I have constantly received from the officers and men of the com mand the most cordial co-operation, and at all times they have dis charged the arduous duties required of them cheerfully and with vigor. When all have done so well it may not be exactly just to discriminate, but I can not close my report without making men tion of Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin, Major Pope and Major Moore of the Eighth New York, Major Wells and Major Bennett of the First Vermont and Major Patton of the Third Indiana, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hutchins of the First New Hampshire, who have at all times been active and efficient in the discharge of their duties. The members of my staff Capt. J. J. Me Yean, acting assistant inspector-general; Lieut. G. S. Taylor, acting assistant adjutant-general; Lieut. G. M. Gilchrist, acting aide-de camp, and Lieut. T. C. Farr, provost marshal have performed HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 155 constant and active duties night and day, rendering me most effi cient service, and are entitled to special mention. "Officers and men have borne the hardships and fatigues of the march with patience and willingness. In battle they have been brave and gallant, never faltering or giving way except before greatly superior numbers. "I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, "GEORGE H. CHAPMAN, "Colonel Third Indiana Cavalry, Commanding Brigade. "Capt. Louis SIEBERT, "Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Cavalry Division." This was the last service performed by the Eastern battalion of the Third Indiana Cavalry under the organization as it had en tered the field in September, 1861 prior to its muster out of service. In its last active work, from June 22 to July 2, it was commanded by Capt. T. W. Moffitt of Company F, who, on July 2, 1864, from the headquarters of the regiment made the foil owing report (Vol. XL, Part 1, page 647) : "Adjutant I have the honor to report the action of the com mand on the late raid as follows: "I started out on the 22d ultimo near the rear of the command. Nothing occurred to attract my attention until the evening of the 23d, when my regiment was in advance, when we came on the enemy in force stationed on the railroad near Dinwiddie Court House. Fought them until dark, when we withdrew and marched to Meherin Station on the Danville railroad. From here we marched down the railroad, destroying it as we went, until the night of the 26th, when we were in the rear. The enemy coming on us, we made a stand, supported by the Eighth New York, held them until daylight, when we withdrew and brought up the rear to Roanoke Station. From here we marched unmolested to Flat Rock, when we took the advance and came in contact with the enemy at Stony Creek. Fought them all night, and in the morn- 156 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. ing withdrew from their front and marched to Reams Station, the regiment being somewhat scattered as the brigade was cut off. Nothing more of importance occurred on our part during the raid, which ended on the 2d of July. "I have the honor to be, your most obedient servant, a T. W. MOFFITT, "Captain Commanding Third Indiana Cavalry. "Lieut. G. S. TAYLOR, "Acting Assistant Adjutant-General Second Brigade, Third Cav alry Division." At page 482, Vol. XL, Part 3, appears the following record: "Headquarters Third Division, Cavalry Corps, "July 26, 1864, 11 :30 p. m. "Major-General Humphrey, Chief of Staff: "The Third Indiana, now on picket, will be relieved at daylight in the morning, and sent away as soon as possible thereafter. "JAMES H. WILSON, Brigadier-General." Pursuant to this dispatch, the men of the Third Indiana Cav alry whose term of service had expired were sent home by way of Washington, for muster out of service. One hundred and eighty- nine men who had been recruited for the Eastern battalion were retained and organized into two companies known as Companies A and B reorganized. The old brigade with its old commanders (Colonel Chapman having been made Brigadier-General of U. S. Volunteers) on the 31st of August, 1864, was transferred to the Middle Military Division, commanded by Gen. Philip H. Sheri dan, and the detachment of the Third Indiana was under the com mand of Lieut. Benjamin F. Gilbert (Vol. XLIII, Part 1, page 987). CHAPTEE VI. The history of the Eastern wing of the Third Indiana Cavalry, after the expiration of the term of service of the main body of the men who had served with it, and until the close of the war, is so well told in the diary of William W. Watlington, a former member of Company E, and who became a member of Company B in the reorganization, that we adopt it almost as it was written forty years ago. This comrade says: "In the latter part of July, 1864, the Third Indiana underwent a radical change. Heretofore it had been the only regiment in the field mounted on private horses, but while in camp near Light House Point the horses of the regiment were appraised and bought by the government. "On the 29th of July, 1864, the men who had first enlisted were sent home for muster out of service, and all that remained, 189 men, including recruits and men who had veteraned, were organ ized into two companies, those enlisting in 1862 into Company B and those enlisting in 1863 into Company A. This detachment was still attached to the Third Division of Cavalry, commanded by Gen. J. H. Wilson, which on August 8, 1864, embarked on board the transport John H. Warren for Geisburg Landing, near Washington City, where it landed on the 9th of August, and un loading went into camp at Camp Stoneman. It remained until the night of August 12, when General Wilson s command moved out on its way to join General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Val ley, where he had begun an active campaign against General Early, who had been having things his own way. The division camped near Chain Bridge for the night, and on the morning of August 13 Company B of the Third Indiana was ordered to report 157 158 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. to the headquarters of the Second Brigade of Wilson s division as escort to Colonel Chapman, in command of the brigade. Late in the evening the command moved to Drainsville, where it arrived at 2 a. m. of the 14th and waited for the wagon train to come up. At 3 a. m. of the 15th the command moved on by way of Goose Creek, Leesburg and Snickersville, arriving at the latter place at 9 p. m., where it went into camp. On the morning of the 16th the command crossed the Blue Ridge Mountains at Snickers Gap, moved on by way of Berryville to White Post and camped at 9 p. m. "Here the course of the command was changed northwest to Winchester, where it arrived about noon of the 17th. Soon after our arrival the rebels began driving in our pickets. The Third Division at once threw out its lines and a brisk skirmish followed, until dark, when the division began falling back in the direction of Charlestown on the Harpers Ferry railroad. Company A of the Third Indiana was sent with a message to General Averill thirty miles north of Winchester at Martinsburg, where it arrived on the morning of the 18th at 3 a. m., and by daylight Averill s command was on the move to Shepardstown on the Potomac. About noon of the 18th Company A, Third Indiana, and the Sec ond West Virginia proceeded to Williamsport on the Potomac, fifteen miles north of Shepardstown. On August 12th marched to Harpers Ferry, reported to general headquarters and were ordered to Shepardstown, and remained over night. "At 3 p. m. on the 20th we joined our division on the Win chester railroad six miles beyond Charlestown, where the rebels attacked our lines on the following morning. We skirmished for about an hour and fell back on the Nineteenth Corps, on the Charlestown and Winchester pike, the Third Division camping for the night about a mile northeast of Charlestown. At daylight on the morning of the 21st the rebels were on us again and we con tinued falling back to our infantry lines about Harpers Ferry. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 159 About 1 p. m. Company A was sent out on a scout to feel the enemy, and attacked a rebel patrol when about two miles outside of our lines. We followed them a short distance and returned to camp. We remained in camp on the 23d and 24th of August in comparative quiet. "Early on the morning of the 25th of August General Wilson s Third Division moved out of camp at Harpers Ferry, struck the Martinsburg pike two miles from Shepardstown, where it was joined by the First Division, and moving four miles farther out the pike, met the enemy and fought him two hours, retiring to camp with 500 prisoners. The rebel loss was severe, but a number of the Union forces were also killed and wounded. George Lee and several other men of Company A, Third Indiana, were wounded in this engagement. Following our return to camp we fortified our front in anticipation of an attack by the enemy, but this proved unfounded, and scouts coming into camp during the night reported that the rebels were threatening a raid into Mary land. On this information, at 3 a. m. of the 26th of August, Gen. Wilson s Third Division crossed the Potomac at Harpers Ferry and proceeded to Boonesborough, by way of Sandy Hook, and went into camp at South Mountain Gap near Boonesborough at 3 p. m. on the afternoon of the 26th. "On the morning of the 27th of August, 1864, Company A, which had been doing regimental duty alone since Company B had been detailed to the Second Brigade headquarters, was ordered to report at Gen. James H. Wilson s headquarters for escort duty. Under these circumstances both companies were performing escort duty, one at the headquarters of the Third Division and the other at the headquarters of the Second Brigade of the division. At division headquarters I and eleven others were detailed as mounted orderlies for service there. From camp at South Mountain Gap the division moved to Sharpsburg and camped north of that town on the Williamsport pike. On the 28th we recrossed the Potomac 160 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. below Shepardstown and reached Charlestown about 4 p. m., where we went into camp near the spot where John Brown had been hung. On the 29th of August I was detailed to accompany Lieutenant Yard, of General Wilson s staff, to Sandy Hook with a part of the Second JSTew York Cavalry, which was to be mustered out there. We returned on the 30th and overtook the division at Berryville, where it was in camp. Berryville is about ten miles east of Winchester, where General Early was supposed to have his headquarters, and about fifteen miles southwest of Charlestown, where General Sheridan had his headquarters. "For about three weeks Berryville was the camping ground for the cavalry forces on the left of General Sheridan s lines. His infantry lines extended north from Berryville to beyond the Win chester & Harpers Ferry railroad, while Early s occupied the west bank of Opequan creek, which was five miles west of Berryville. The First and Third Divisions of cavalry were kept actively em ployed harassing Early ? s flanks and driving his cavalry back from the Potomac. After camping a few nights around Berryville, we realized that we were within the haunts of Mosby s guerrilla bands. Suspicious characters were noticed prowling through our camps, and one of them was believed to be Mosby himself. They never interfered with our front, but confined their operations to our rear, attacking our supply trains when not sufficiently guarded. They were concealed in the homes of various residents of the country, and in more than one instance our men were murdered in their own quarters by these cut-throats and assassins. This was the occasion of General Sheridan s order to sweep the valley with fire. On the morning of September 2 our division moved out of camp to look after some of Mosby s men who had been interfering with our rear along the pike between Berryville and Charlestown. We followed them to Hammonds Ferry, but they had fled to their mountain retreat, and we returned to our camps to find them occupied by Early s cavalry. A few shots from our advance sent HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 161 the rebels back to their own quarters, and we took possession. We moved to Millwood on September 3 and remained over night, and when we returned to our camp at Berryville on the evening of the 4th we again found the rebel cavalry in possession. After a short skirmish we again drove them out and took possession and remained until the morning of the 7th, when we again moved in the direc tion of Winchester. "At the crossing of Opequan creek the Second Brigade met the rebel cavalry pickets, and drove them back to their infantry within two and a half miles of Winchester, where a slight skirmish oc curred and General Wilson ascertained the position and strength of the enemy. After this we drew off, closely followed by the enemy s cavalry, until we reached the crossing of Opequan creek, when our battery stationed there opened on them and ended their pursuit. On the morning of the 13th of September General Wilson made a reconnoissance with the First Brigade to the crossing of Opequan creek, where he encountered the enemy s cavalry. He made a charge and captured fifty prisoners, after which the Third New Jersey was brought up and charged the Eighth South Carolina Cavalry, capturing 150 more prisoners with their colonel and sixteen line officers. We then returned to camp at Berryville. Early on Monday morning, September 19, the Third Division moved from camp at Berryville on the pike in the direction of Winchester. At daylight at Opequan creek we were on the enemy s pickets, and our advance at once made an attack and drove them back on their reserve. The division was soon across the creek and in position for a general advance, which was pushed without delay, driving the enemy back on their main position on the elevated ground along the south and east banks of Abrahams creek, where they had a considerable force of infantry in line protected by earthworks. Our rapid advance seemed to take them by surprise; we captured their earthworks at the first dash and held them against repeated attempts of the enemy to 162 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALBY. regain them, until General Wright with the Sixth Corps came up and relieved the Third Division of Cavalry. "At this point Corp. Reuben Clemens of Company A, Third Indiana, was killed. General Mclntosh, commanding the First Brigade, was wounded, losing a leg; and General Chapman, com manding the Second Brigade, was struck with a rifle ball on the plate fastening of his sword belt, making a considerable indenture and defacing the eagle on the brass plate, but causing no serious injury to the General. "The Sixth Corps, which had relieved us, pushed on and drove the rebels we had been fighting back on to Early s main line two miles from Winchester and about two miles from where the pike crossed the creek. The course of Abrahams creek from near Win chester bears directly due east, parallel with the pike which runs north of it about three-fourths of a mile, except at the point where the Third Division made its stand; here its course was nearly north for a short distance, and then it resumes its original course, flowing into the Opequan a half mile or so below the crossing of the Berryville pike, where we first ran on the rebel pickets. "When we were relieved from the front we moved along the south side of this creek, which had a high bluff bank. From this point we watched the Sixth Corps form and move forward amid a roar of artillery and musketry. Early made a desperate effort to hold his position, and even tried to break the center of the Sixth Corps line, but Sheridan was there and our division was ordered to push the rebel cavalry on Early s right. We moved forward parallel with Abrahams creek and with the lines of the Sixth Corps, and were fast swinging around on to the valley pike which was Early s line of retreat, while Torbert, with Merritt s and Averill s cavalry, was pushing back his left to the west of Winchester and threatening his rear from that direction ; thus pushed on the center by the infantry and both flanks by the cavalry, Early fell back without much regard to military organization. Our division was HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 163 ordered to attack and harass the left flank of the rebel column as it hurried out of Winchester on the Strasburg pike. A mile out of town the rebels had wheeled two or three guns into position and were shelling our cavalry as we came up, whereupon one of our batteries was ordered up and took position within 400 yards of the rebel guns and were soon hurling shot and shell into them, Com pany A, Third Indiana, being ordered to form up in our battery s rear for support. The position was very uncomfortable but the rebel guns overshot us, as their attention was diverted by the First and Second Brigades of Cavalry that were harassing the flank of their broken column as it rushed up the valley pike. Late in the evening the Second Ohio and the Third New Jersey Cavalry closed in on their rear and repeatedly charged them to beyond Kerntown, near which place the Third Division went into camp for the night, some four miles south of Winchester. "At daylight on the morning of September 20th our Third Division moved out on the Strasburg pike as far as Newtown, where we left the pike and started towards Front Royal. We camped for the night half a mile from the north fork of the Shen- andoah river, near its junction with the South Fork. At daylight on the morning of the 20th we crossed the North Fork and arrived at the South Fork three miles from Front Royal, where we found the rebels in position on the opposite side of that river. The First Brigade charged the ford several times before effecting a crossing, after which the division crossed over and drove the rebels about four miles beyond Front Royal, when they disappeared from our front. We camped at Front Royal for the night and on the 22d moved up the Luray Valley ten or twelve miles to Milford, a village on the east bank of the South Fork of the Shenandoah, at the mouth of a small creek. There was a high ridge on the north bank of this creek, which was abrupt where it extended along the river; the roadway was graded around the point of this ridge to a bridge fifty rods or more up the creek. Here we found the 164 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. rebels that had left our front the day before ready to receive us. We skirmished some with them and fell back four miles, camping on the east bank of the river for the night, on the road leading to Strasburg. On the morning of the 23d we forded the river and continued our march, passing around the Massanutten Mountains, and halted about noon on the south bank of the North Fork of the Shenandoah river, some seven miles from Strasburg. "Soon after halting General Wilson ordered a detail of three orderlies from the escort to carry a message up the valley of the North Fork to General Sheridan. Robert Grey, Ward and myself were chosen to carry this message. We soon set out at a forced march gait, our route being by way of Middletown to Stras burg. On arriving at Strasburg our infantry there informed us that Sheridan was twelve miles farther up the valley near Wood stock. With a smooth pike, we pushed on at a lively gait, the twenty miles we had traveled since leaving General Wilson s com mand telling on the wind of our horses, especially Grey s and mine. Four miles from Woodstock Grey and I abandoned the chase, while Ward continued ahead with the message. After rest ing our horses Grey and I returned to Strasburg and camped for the night with a squad of infantry and four cavalryman who be longed to our division. "We had been given no instructions about returning to our command and consequently on the morning of the 24th of Sep tember we started out to find our division where we had left it, accompanied by the four comrades of our division. All went well until we arrived at the place where we had left our command and found it gone. After a consultation we started out on a forced march, supposing we could overtake the command some fifteen or twenty miles up the valley, where we had camped on the night of the 22d. We pushed forward at a rapid gait to our old camp and found it vacant. We made inquiry at a nearby farm house of a Virginia widow as to when our cavalry had passed up the valley, HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 165 and she replied the evening before. This meant that we were twenty miles or more in the rear. We now came to a sense of our situation. Twenty miles in the rear of our command in the Luray Valley, the home of Mosby s guerrillas, was a serious matter. After consultation we decided to push ahead after the division if we had to fight. But our advance was more deliberate than it had been. We re-primed our revolvers and carried our carbines un- slung across our saddles; we had proceeded but a few hundred yards when, at a sharp turn in the road, we discovered two men in rebel uniform crossing the road a few rods in our advance. They had discovered us about the same time and were making for some bushes a short distance from the road. As they appeared to be unarmed we called them to halt, which they obeyed. We inter viewed them and they claimed to be deserters from Early ? s com mand on their way to their homes somewhere down the valley. We wished them success and continued our journey. A half mile or so farther on we came to a camp which our command had likely vacated that morning. Several plugs of horses were feeding around, and had no doubt been abandoned ; one of them seemed to me a better horse than the one I was riding, so I decided to ex change, and did so. After which we were on the move again up the Front Royal and Luray pike, but soon my new horse gave out from a weakness in his back and loins and I had to abandon him. Stowing my saddle and other effects among some bushes, I took to the woods and soon heard shots, from which I inferred my five comrades, who had left me, had encountered a squad of rebels. After an all day and night march on foot I came up to the com mand at Mill river, where I was remounted just as they were pre paring to move out. "The five comrades who left me when my horse gave out were captured by the rebels and taken to Richmond, where they were held until the close of the war. The command proceeded to ISTew Market and joined Sheridan, who was still following close on 166 HISTORY OF THE THIKD INDIANA CAVALRY. Early s rear. On the 25th we left New Market and marched to Harrisburg, and on the 26th went to Staunton, which is at the head of the Shenandoah Valley, forty-five miles from Gordonsville, in direct communication with Richmond. On the 27th the division saddled up and moved eleven or twelve miles to within a mile of Waynesborough, where we went into camp. The next morning the rebels came down the mountain and drove in our pickets. A severe skirmish ensued, in which several of the orderlies had their horses shot from under them while carrying dispatches. We fell back through Staunton to Spring Hill where, after a halt, we fell back again, crossing North river to Bridgewater, about three miles below Mt. Crawford, and lay in camp two days. "Here on the 30th of September General Wilson was relieved and ordered to Sherman s army in the West, and Gen. George A. Custer of the First Brigade was assigned to the command of the Third Division. On Sunday morning, October 2, we moved camp three miles to Dayton, but had hardly become settled until the rebels attacked our pickets and drove them in, but after a slight skirmish we drove them back through Bridgewater across North river, capturing some prisoners. During the few days we re mained in this camp the rebels carried on a bushwhacking war fare around us after night, and one night an officer of General Sheridan s engineer corps was shot by a bushwhacker near Sheri dan s headquarters. He was captured and executed the next morning. Others were found secreted about the dwellings in and near the various camps and General Sheridan, in order to terrorize the inhabitants, issued an order to burn every dwelling within five miles of Dayton. This looked like wanton destruction, but was the only safeguard to our lives. a On the morning of the 7th of October Sheridan resumed his march down the valley, taking or destroying everything that would be of any special benefit to the rebels. Our division, the Third, moved by the left flank along what was called the mountain road, HlSTOKY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALKY. 167 our rear being hard pressed all day by Eosser s cavalry. About 3 p. m. they made a sudden dash on our wagon train, capturing two forges and several wagons loaded with refugee families leaving the country. The rebels showed no mercy to these poor wretches. About dark we crossed the north fork of the Shenandoah and camped for the night. The next day we moved on, passing through Columbia Furnace, and camped three miles beyond at Narrow Passage creek. The next day we marched back opposite Stras- burg on the mountain road without interruption, but on October 10th Rosser appeared in force on our rear at Fishers Hill. Gen. Sheridan ordered the First and Third divisions of cavalry to wheel about and attack him. General Ouster managed to get two regi ments of his division in Rosser s rear, where they charged; the rebel front being pressed by the First Division they were soon stampeded, our cavalry following them to beyond Woodstock, cap turing six guns, all of Rosser s wagon train and a number of pris oners. The six guns captured were the same our division had abandoned on the 29th of June on the Wilson raid, when we were cut off from making our lines at Reams Station on the Weldon railroad. On the evening of October llth we fell back across Cedar creek and camped two miles west of Middletown. Here we remained in camp with no other interruption than an occasional cavalry dash, which was easily repulsed, until October 19. On that date Early made an attack on the Eighth Corps, commanded by General Crook, on our left at 4 o clock in the morning, and so completely surprised the men of the Eighth Corps that the first they knew of the enemy s movements was when they were in their camps, and many of our men were bayonetted before they could get out of their tents. So fiercely was the attack followed up that our center and right was soon driven back on the reserves. The rebels pushed on almost without opposition until they reached the front of Gettey s division of the Sixth Corps, which bravely re ceived the exultant rebels and checked their advance. The rebels 168 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. pressed forward and Gettey s division was compelled to fall back, although it maintained a steady front. Our front lines were fleeing to the rear by thousands; General Ouster ordered several cavalry regiments to deploy and form a line just north of Middle- town to stop this stream of stragglers, but the stragglers were so panic stricken that neither horses nor sabers could check them, and we were withdrawn. About noon General Torbert was or dered to form the First and Third divisions of cavalry on the left of the pike about a mile north of Middletown with Gettey s divi sion of the Sixth Corps on the right, and here the cavalry was dis mounted and took the front as infantry, bringing the advancing rebels to a stand for several hours while the broken ranks of the Eighth and Nineteenth Corps were reforming behind the right and rear of Gettey s division. "While we held this position General Sheridan came up from Winchester and at once began to strengthen his lines. The strag glers returned to their places and the Sixth Corps was ordered up. When the rebels made their next assault on our right and center they were repulsed with so much damage to the enemy that Early drew off and began entrenching himself. By 4 p. m. Sheridan had so far reorganized his routed forces that an advance was made along our entire line. The cavalry charged the flanks of the enemy while the infantry pressed their front; for a time the struggle was fierce, but the rebels were soon forced to abandon their breastworks and began to lose ground, closely followed by our troops. General Custer charged with his entire division and the infantry charged at the same time, forcing the rebels to the creek, followed by their complete rout. General Custer at the head of our division charged at the crossing of the creek, and there was such a jam of wagons and artillery caissons that it was diffi cult for the cavalry to effect a crossing. But we continued along the flank of the retreating rebels, passing disorganized bodies of rebel infantry, wagons and whole batteries which were left with HISTORY OF THE THIKD INDIANA CAVALBY. 169 detachments of provost guards. We charged through the ranks of the retreating rebels, capturing battle flags, and single horsemen were bringing in bands of rebel stragglers. A rebel battery of several guns trying to escape on a byroad was ridden down by one man of the escort, brought in and sent to the rear. It seemed like Ouster was bent on capturing the whole of Early s army, and only darkness put a stop to our pursuit. "Such was the Battle of Cedar Creek, on the 19th of October, 1864. The number killed on each side was about the same for the day. We lost twenty pieces of artillery in the morning and about 1,000 prisoners, but we captured 2,000 in the afternoon, recap tured our lost guns and fifty pieces besides, forty-seven of which were taken by Ouster s cavalry, together with a number of wagons and a large number of prisoners. That night we fell back to our old camp and the next day the Third Division moved along the mountain to beyond Fishers Hill, where Ouster halted and sent companies in different directions to look for rebels, but they re turned without finding any. "We moved back to near Kernstown, where we went into camp, General Ouster making his headquarters at the house of a Mr. Glass. Soon the rebel cavalry appeared in our front; but we did not move out until the next morning, when we found the rebel cavalry in possession of both roads leading up the valley west of the main pike from Winchester to Strasburg. The mountain road was five miles west of the main valley pike, and leading along the foot of Little North Mountain ; while the middle road was between the mountain road and the valley pike. The Second Brigade, under General Chapman, moved up the middle road, while Gen. Ouster with the First Brigade, under Colonel Bryan, with his escort marched along the mountain road. Sharp skirmishing en sued as the First Brigade advanced, but by a charge of our men the rebels were forced back in disorder, and Custer followed them up so closely that they did not make a stand, being driven five 170 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. miles to the crossing of Cedar creek. We fell back to Mount Zion Church and General Custer sent Lieut. Gilbert of the escort with four orderlies to communicate with General Chapman of the First Brigade. We struck the middle road just as the Second Brigade was falling back on the reserve. A few minutes later the rebel advance charged down on us, but were met by the guard and driven back only to return with a much larger force, which com pelled our rear guard, the First New Hampshire, to skedaddle at a lively pace. I and J. Y. Storm were separated from Lieutenant Gilbert and the other two orderlies, but by spurring up our horses we soon overtook our command on the mountain road. General Chapman left the rebels in possession of the middle road but next morning started out in the same order to finish the undertaking of the day before, meeting with about the same success. The Second Brigade was for a time cut off from the First, but General Custer having cleared the mountain road turned to the assistance of Chapman with his Second Brigade; the rebels were soon driven beyond Cedar creek and the division returned to its camp. General Wright with his Sixth Corps and two other divisions of infantry were withdrawn from the valley, and Sheridan with the rest of his command fell back to Winchester for the winter. The right of his line resting on Little Mountain was occupied by the Third Divi sion of Cavalry under General Custer, with headquarters at Robert Glass 7 residence, four and a half miles southwest of Win chester on the Little North Mountain road. "Sheridan s forces remained in this position until the 27th of February, 1865, when under orders from General Grant he moved up the valley. General Devin with the First Division took the advance and Custer with the Third the rear ; crossing Cedar creek, we passed through Strasburg and reached Woodstock, where we camped the first night of the march. On the 28th the Third Division had the advance, and not far from Edenburg our advance guard was fired on by Rosser s rebel cavalry. The rebels fell back, HlSTOBY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALKY. 17 1 leaving five of their number prisoners. We reached Mt. Jackson about noon, and while our wagon train was crossing Mill creek, a stream just beyond the town, it was attacked by rebel cavalry. They were again dispersed and five of them captured. On this day in fording the Shenandoah at Mains Bottom three of our men and two horses were drowned. We continued on to Lacys Spring, where the division halted and went into camp. A squad of rebels charged our pickets but retreated with more spirit than they came, several of them being captured, some of whom were in our uni form. On March 1 we moved at 5 a. m., the Third Division in the rear. We passed through Harrisburg, crossed North river at Mt. Crawford. At Mt. Sindner the First Division encountered Rosser s cavalry, which was routed after a sharp skirmish, fol lowed by a running fight for four miles to the bridge across Middle river. They attempted to burn the bridge but failed. Here we camped for the night in the rain. On the 2d of March the Third Division took the lead, passed through Staunton; from there the head of the column taking the pike leading to Waynesborough on the Gordonville railroad. That town the rebels had evacuated, leaving nothing but a few barrels of applejack, which our experts located in a few minutes after we had halted. At Fisherville our advance encountered the rebel pickets. General Ouster sent word back to General Merritt, chief of cavalry, and in the meantime drove the rebel pickets back on their main force at Waynesborough. Here Early had entrenched. "Waynesborough was located at the foot of the Blue Ridge, di rectly in front of Rockfish Gap, through which the railroad passed. Ouster took in the situation at once and prepared to attack. Two regiments of dismounted men were stationed on our left to attack the enemy s right flank, two regiments mounted were sent to our right to charge the enemy s left, while the rest of the division with Battery M, Second U. S. Artillery, formed the center. Battery M turned loose her guns and at the same time the Third Division 172 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. went pellmell, every man for himself, shooting and yelling, Ouster leading. Both flanks of the enemy were turned and our men were in the rebel rear before they knew how it was done. They made a desperate resistance, but Ouster s charge on the center broke their lines, which caused a panic. Ouster charged through their broken ranks and charged their wagon train in the rear, where we found the greatest confusion. The teams had been abandoned; not a driver in sight; mules and wagons, horses and ambulances aban doned to their fate. The result of the fight was 1,500 prisoners, twelve pieces of artillery with caissons and horses, 150 wagons with teams, loaded with supplies, fifty ambulances with teams, sev enteen battle flags, together with General Crook s battle flag which had been captured at Cedar Creek on the 19th of October, 1864. The Third Division moved through the gap and went into camp for the night on the east side of the Blue Ridge. "On March 3 we moved along the Gordonsville railroad to Char- lottesville, destroying the track as we went. We burned Mechams Station and a building filled with rebel stores there, and the rail road bridge nearby across the Ravenna river. We also destroyed the depot and a lot of supplies at Woodville, and went on to Char- lottesville. We remained there until the 6th of March, when we moved south along the railroad towards Lynchburg. Twelve of us forming the escort and a squad of fifteen or twenty scouts formed the advance ; we saw no rebels all day until we struck the bridge at Rockfish river, which was guarded by rebels. They saw us first and fled as we charged them. We burned the bridge and stationhouse there, and returned to division headquarters back a mile from the bridge. "At daylight on the morning of the 7th of March we forded Rockfish river two miles above the bridge, marched to Lovington and destroyed the railroad and rebel stores there. The Third Division proceeded from Lovington to New Glasgow depot, three miles north of Amherst Court House, went into camp, details HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 173 being sent out in every direction for horsefeed and other sup plies. On the 8th of March we left the railroad, taking a north east course, striking the James river at New Market some thirty miles below Lynchburg. We went into camp two miles below New Market on the James river, and at 6 o clock next morning our division was on its way to Richmond down the river, as we had no means of crossing. We marched down the river road to War- minster, where we took the canal towpath, crossed Rockfish river at the canal aqueduct at Mozartsville, thence along the canal to Scottsville and went into camp. The next day we marched out the Richmond road by way of Vinnsville and Fluvanna Institute, striking the James again at the mouth of Ravenna river, which we crossed to Columbia on the canal aqueduct, going into camp a mile from town. On Sunday morning March 12 we left Colum bia and moved out on the Richmond road six miles, changing our course nearly due north on a road leading to Fredricks Hall Sta tion on the Virginia Central railroad, twenty-five miles east of Gordonsville. On arriving at Thompsons Cross Roads about 8 p. m. we learned that General Early and a body of cavalry had passed through a few minutes ahead of us. A squad was sent in pursuit, but he had disappeared towards Richmond. We crossed the South Anna river at Anderson about a mile from the cross roads and a detail was sent out to capture horses; they returned with seven or eight. We arrived at Fredricks Hall about dark and went into camp. On the 14th we left Fredricks Hall and again struck the South Anna at the crossing of Kilpatrick and Sheridan roads, where we again came in sight of General Early, and one of Gen. Custer s staff came near running him down and taking him pris oner. On the morning of the 15th of March we moved to Ash land, where we found the enemy in force, and a sharp skirmish took place, in which several were killed on both sides. Among the killed were two or three officers, and among the prisoners was the adjutant of the Fifteenth Virginia. We fell back along the rail- 174 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. road to the South Anna and crossed again to the north side near the railroad bridge, continuing to Noels Station on the Virginia Central. Leaving here we proceeded to Jerico Ford, crossed the North Anna to the north side and went to Chesterfield Station on the Fredricksburg road, going into camp there. On March 16 we left Chesterfield Station and went to White House Landing, where we communicated with General Grant and received supplies. "On the evening of the 19th of March we went out reconnoiter- ing and foraging, among them several boys from Company A at division headquarters and some from Company B, Second Brigade headquarters. They were surprised when near Baltimore Cross Roads by a squad of rebels and eight or ten of them captured, one from Company A and two from Company B. We left White House Landing on the 25th of March and crossed the Chicka- hominy on pontoons where Jones Bridge had been, marching through Charles City Court House to Harrisons Landing on the James river. As we lay there on the morning of the 26th a dis patch boat with President Lincoln and General Grant on board steamed up to the landing. From here we went up the river fif teen miles to Deep Bottom, where our pontoons spanned James river to Jones Landing, and we crossed over, going into camp below the landing. On March 27th we crossed the Appomattox river seven miles above City Point. We moved around in front of Petersburg and went into camp near Fort Magruder. We lay in camp here a day, during which time muster rolls were made out at Company A s headquarters; eight men of Company B, whose time had expired, were mustered out and permitted to go home. "On March 29 Grant s army was in motion, only a sufficient force being left behind to man the lines around City Point and Petersburg. The cavalry moved out at 10 a. m. along the Jerusa lem road, crossed the Weldon railroad at Reams Station, went towards Dinwiddie Court House, crossed Rowanty creek at Monks Neck Bridge, stopped for our wagon train, stood . saddled all night HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 175 in a pouring rain which continued through most of next day. We went into camp on the night of the 30th, unsaddled and supposed we would get some sleep, but at 10 o clock at night picket firing on our left caused us to be routed out, and we remained saddled up the remainder of the night. About noon of the 31st the Third Division was ordered to the front, and moved to about two miles south of Dinwiddie t Court House and went into camp. Devin with his First Division of Cavalry had attacked the rebels in the morning and fought them all forenoon, but made little headway. At 8 p. m. Custer with the Third Division went to his assistance, when the rebels gave way and fell back to near Five Forks, closely followed by both divisions. There the rebels, backed by a heavy force of infantry, made a stand, and Sheridan in turn was forced to give way, but all his available force was dismounted and de ployed on the skirmish line, as he fell back, and a courier was sent back for reinforcements. The rebels followed closely with both cavalry and infantry, but we fell back in good order until Custer found a good position, where he halted and entrenched, with de fenses made of whatever we could lay our hands on. The rebels came on but we brought them to a stand, and held them until their infantry turned our right flank and compelled the Third Division to fall back. General Custer was conspicuous along the line and his private orderly was killed. Darkness put a stop to this fight and both sides rested where they were fighting when darkness came on. On the morning of April 1 the First and Third Divis ions of Cavalry were reinforced by McKenzie s cavalry and then Ayres division of the Fifth Corps, and the fighting became fiercer than ever. The rebels showed signs of weakening and Sheridan pressed them harder than ever, Custer taking every occasion to charge their rear with the Third Division. Custer led two of these charges in person. With drawn saber he dashed to the front, shouting, Now, boys, for your thirty days furlough/ and in they went. On leaving Winchester Custer had issued a special order 176 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALBY. promising a thirty-day furlough to each man who captured a rebel battle flag. With the aid of Griffith s division Sheridan was en abled to drive the enemy within their entrenchments at Five Forks. The Fifth Corps was not in position until near dark, yet Sheridan ordered a forward movement along the entire line; the fighting began and for a time the contest was fierce and bloody; in the darkness the blaze of incessant musketry and the flash of artillery lighted up the surroundings of the battle with an awful glare. When the final assault was made our men scaled the earthworks of the enemy and a hand-to-hand struggle raged for a brief time only, for the rebels broke and gave way, leaving in our hands a portion of their artillery, a quantity of ammunition and about six thousand prisoners. Our cavalry pursued the routed rebels until 9 o clock, and returned to Five Forks and camped for the night. "The morning of the 2d of April we moved to Fords Inn on the South Side railroad and destroyed several miles of track. Here we encountered the rebel cavalry, which we drove back to Appo- mattox. The Third Division took the advance on the morning of the 3d, and at Namozine Creek ran on to an artillery caisson which had been filled with ammunition and left in the road with a fuse attached. It exploded, killing two officers of the Eighth New York Cavalry. At the crossing of Namozine creek our passage was disputed by the rebels in considerable force, behind breast works. Custer at once ordered up his batteries and after a few shells had been thrown into them they retreated, followed by Cus ter for six miles. We captured 350 prisoners in this fight, includ ing eight officers. We continued the pursuit all the afternoon, taking a number of prisoners and halting a short distance from Mannsborough for the night. During the day the Third Division had captured about 600 prisoners. On the 4th the Third Division crossed Deep creek and went into camp two miles from Devils Bridge, but early in the night we were ordered out and found we HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 177 were going to endeavor to make a flank movement and get in Lee s front. We countermarched south four miles and reached Jettersville Station, on the Danville railroad, at daylight on the morning of the 5th of April. The Fifth and Second Corps were already there. We moved to the extreme left of the Fifth Corps. Lee s headquarters were at Amelia Court House in our front. "At an early hour on the morning of the 6th of April the Sec ond Brigade of the Third Division was sent out on a reconnois- sance in the direction of Amelia Court House, and Lieutenant Christenden of Custer s staff and ten men of the escort went along. We arrived at Amelia Court House at 10 p. m. and found the place evacuated. Lee had moved north by way of Paynes Cross Roads and Deatonville. Corporal Lon Ward was detailed to carry a message back to division headquarters and I was detailed to accompany him. Arriving at Jettersville we learned that the cavalry had left there, moving in the direction of Farmville. Late in the evening we came up with the Third Division headquarters at Harper s farm, which had been the battlefield of Sailors Creek. Our advance, which moved to the right during the forepart of the day, struck the rebel column shortly after noon a few miles south of Deatonville, moving southwest on the road to Rices Station. Here a portion of the command was ordered to attack and harass the enemy s flank, while the First and Second Divisions moved rapidly south, endeavoring to reach the head of the retreating column and cut it off. About 4 p. m. Devin with the First Divis ion succeeded in intercepting them at Harper s farm, just south of Sailors creek. By a sudden attack the road was gained and a stubborn fight followed. Custer was soon up with the Third Di vision and a general attack was made on their front and flank, and the enemy was compelled to make a stand. This attack compelled the rebel column to head further west on the road leading south to the High Bridge and Farmville. Swell s corps was cut off from Lee s army and intercepted in his front by our cavalry, which held 178 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY, him at bay until Wright s Sixth Corps came up and attacked him on his left and rear. As soon as our artillery could be gotten up and into position on the elevated ground east of the creek our lines pushed forward on all sides. Here ensued one of the most des perate struggles of the war. The rebels, famished by hunger and cut off and fatigued on the eve of reaching their provision train, fought with desperation and our men, determined to end matters, were no less desperate. With the Sixth Corps moving forward on their rear, Crook and Devin pressing them back in front and Custer charging their left flank, made the rebel situation des perate. They made a mighty effort to hold our forces off while their artillery were trying to escape on their right through the fields and across the country. But with our batteries belching shot and shell, the rebel ranks soon became confused, and our cav alry taking advantage of these conditions to charge them brought off regiments and brigades as prisoners, and captured wagon trains and batteries until one corps of Lee s army was practically elimi nated. Night put an end to the pursuit, and the Third Division headquarters camped on the battlefield. The Third Division in the battle captured 4,000 prisoners, including four generals, be sides fourteen pieces of artillery, thirty stands of colors and several hundred wagons. "On the morning of the 7th of April the cavalry moved out, Devin s First Division in advance, followed by Custer s Third and the Fifth Corps of infantry. We crossed the South Side rail road seven miles west of the Junction and proceeded to Prince Edwards Court House. From there the Sixth Corps and the cavalry went west to Farmville to intercept Lee and prevent him from receiving supplies at that point. When the Third Division moved, Captain Lee, the division provost marshal of Custer s staff, with a guard from the escort in charge of the four generals captured the evening before, remained in camp until our prisoners could be turned over to the corps provost marshal, when we fol- HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 179 lowed up and overtook the division at Prince Edwards Court House. From there we moved west and camped for the night on Buffalo river. a On the morning of the 8th of April the Third Division took the advance and struck the Lynchburg railroad at Prospect Sta tion, ten miles west of Farmville, crossed over and followed the north side of the railroad to beyond Evergreen Station and then crossed back to the south side some five miles from Appomattox Station. At 4 p. m. Custer, with the Third Division, was ordered to make a forced march to Appomattox Station to cut off Lee s supply train at that point. Custer led off at the head of the division. We reached the station about dark and Custer charged the depot with the escort. The small body of rebel cavalry there fled in confusion at the first discharge of our revolvers. Four trains loaded with provisions for Lee s army were there, and Captain Lee, division provost marshal, took charge of them, while Custer followed the retreating rebel cavalry. He drove them three-quarters of a mile in the direction of Appomattox, where a strong force of Lee s advance was met, which drove us back. "In the meantime the division had come up and hastily formed in a strip of timber a quarter of a mile back of the station. Lee s advance came dashing down the road, but were soon brought to a stand by a volley from the division already in line. But they soon rallied and came again in such force that we could hardly check them, but, the division now all being up, the engagement became general and more aggressive on our part. For a time the fighting was furious. The rebels brought up their artillery, and the whistling shells, the rattle of carbines and the screech of locomo tives seemed like pandemonium. At this point Custer made a final charge with his entire force, and the rebel lines were broken and driven back some distance, when nightfall came on and our division bivouacked on the line. The First Division came up 180 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. during the night and were in position for the battle of the next day, as we knew Lee would be on us the next morning. During this fight we captured thirty pieces of artillery, 1,000 prisoners and 100 wagons. "At 8 o clock on the morning of April 9 the First Division of Cavalry confronted Lee s skirmishers, and his whole force of in fantry was advancing, but the Fifth Corps had arrived during the night and it soon came to the rescue of the cavalry. The rebels soon came to a stand. Custer had been ordered to the right of the Fifth Corps, where the enemy appeared to be concentrating. Their batteries had been placed in position and shells were falling among us at a lively rate. As soon as the Third Division of Cav alry had taken position on the right of the Fifth Corps that corps charged the enemy s front and drove them back, and at the same time Custer charged their left, completing the rout, until we reached the crest of Glover Hill, from which elevation we could see the Appomattox Court House, with the rebel camps about and Lee s headquarters a short distance beyond. In a moment more we would have been dashing down on the rebel commander, but a signal was hoisted and Custer came to a halt. One of Lee s staff approached with a white flag, requesting a suspension of hostilities until a surrender could be effected by the proper officers. Custer at once dispatched one of his staff to General Sheridan and Sheri dan reported to Grant. Some of us thought it was a scheme to gain time, but news of the white flag spread throughout the army, and the hills and valleys around Appomattox rang with cheers from the Yanks and many of the rebels joined in the chorus. Grant soon came up and proceeded to the house of a Mr. McLain, where Lee had his headquarters, and Sheridan s command went into camp where they had stopped fighting. On the next day Custer took charge of the cavalry corps and we marched to Prospect Sta tion, where we met our wagon train with supplies. HlSTOEY OF THE THIED INDIANA CAVALRY. 181 "On the llth we left Prospect Station and marched to Burks- ville Junction, where we arrived on the 12th of April. Here we found a good portion of the infantry and as we rode by their camp they cheered the heroes of Appomattox. We camped three miles south of the Junction and on the 13th moved to Nottoway, the next station south of Burksville Junction, where we remained until the 17th, then moved to near Petersburg, and on the 24th of April started with the cavalry corps to join Sherman s army in North Carolina. "On the 28th of April, when we reached South Boston, five miles south of Dan river, Sheridan received word that Johnson had surrendered to Sherman, and the next morning we started back to Petersburg, striking the Lynchburg railroad at White and Blacks Station and following the line of the road to Petersburg, where we arrived on the 3d of May and went into camp. On the 5th of May Sherman s army reached Petersburg and kept passing until we moved out on the morning of May 10 for Washington on the Richmond pike. There we took part in the grand review; after which Sheridan and Custer left us for Texas, and Captain Gilbert, of Company B, was in charge of the detachment of the Third Indiana. We were first ordered to North Carolina to join the Eighth Indiana Cavalry and then we were ordered to report to Louisville, Ky., for which we started on June 11, reaching there on the 13th. Two weeks later we were ordered to Indianapolis, where we received our discharge papers on the 7th day of August, 1865." CHAPTER VII. The wide separation of the two wings of the Third Indiana Cavalry, in their respective fields of operations, made them ap parently independent of each other, but officers were commis sioned and promoted as though the two battalions were operating together. Col. Scott Carter, with the Eastern wing, resigned on the llth of March, 1863, and on the following day Lieut.-Col. George H. Chapman was made colonel. On the 15th of March, 1863, Maj. Robert Klein, with the Western battalion, was made lieutenant- colonel of the regiment. On the 25th of October, 1862, Capt. William S. McClure, of Company E, was made major. On the 12th of March, 1863, Capt. Charles Lemon, of Company C, was made major; and on the 29th of May, 1863, Capt. William Pat- ton, of Company A, was made major, Major McClure having re signed to become colonel of the Ninth Cavalry. During this time there were also numerous changes in the com pany officers of both battalions of the regiment. Charles W. Lee, who went out with Company A as a sergeant, first became second, then first lieutenant, and then captain of that company, on the 5th of August, 1863, Lieutenant Porter, of that company, having left the service on the 20th of December, 1863. Benjamin Q. Gresham, of Company B, who had been a lieutenant of that com pany, became its captain on the resignation of Capt. James D. Irvin on May 22, 1862 ; was then promoted to major and later resigned to become lieutenant-colonel of the Tenth Indiana Cav alry. Marshall Lahue as first lieutenant of Company B com manded that company until it was mustered out of service. Lieut. Ephraim Martin, of Company C, was made captain of that com- 182 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 183 pany on the 9th of May, 1863, Major Lemon having been pro moted and Lieut. Paul Clark having resigned on the 20th of June, 1862. William W. Long was made first lieutenant of that com pany August 5, 1863. Isaac E. Gilbert became a second lieutenant of Company C on June 8, 1863, and George Rogers was made second lieutenant of the company January 1, 1864. Daniel B. Keister went to the field as captain of Company B, but resigned July 1, 1862. Lieut. Mathew B. Mason became his successor and resigned October 3, 1862. Henry F. Wright followed as captain and resigned March 3, 1863, and Lieut. John D. R. Spencer be came captain August 5, 1863, going from second and then first lieutenant, and remained with the company as its captain until the close of its service. James A. Kelsey was first and James Calhoun was second lieutenant of this company at the date of its muster out of service. George H. Thompson became captain of Company E on the promotion of Major McClure, January 5, 1863, and subsequently was promoted to major. The officers of Company E at the date of its muster out of service were George M. Gilchrist, captain; Abner L. Shannon, first, and John P. Mathews, second lieutenant. Thomas W. Moffitt, who was made captain of Company F, December 30, 1862, was discharged with the company as its cap tain, and Louis C. Wilson and William Cotton were the first and second lieutenants, respectively. Felix W. Graham, of Company G, resigned April 9, 1862, to become colonel of the Fifth Indiana Cavalry. George F. Herriott, who became his successor, May 17, 1862, resigned to become major of the Fifth Cavalry; and William J. Lucas, who was second, then first lieutenant, became captain of the company and continued with it until the date of its muster out of service. At that date Daniel Callahan was first lieutenant and the company had no second lieutenant. Alfred Gaddis, who took Company H to the field as its captain, became major of the Western battalion, June 30, 1864, and Uriah 184 HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALBY. Young became his successor and was mustered out with the com pany at the close of its term of service. First Lieut. Joseph M. Douglas resigned May 2, 1862. Robert P. Shanklin, who was made second lieutenant May 26, 1862, became first lieutenant July 10, 1864, and Daniel White was made second lieutenant of the company on the same date; and these two officers were also with the company at the date of its muster out of service. As we have seen, all the original % officers of Company I resigned in a body, January 25, 1862, and at the date of that company s muster out of the service Charles Hedrick, who had been second and then first lieutenant, was captain of the company, and Thomas B. Wilkinson first lieutenant, the company having no second lieu tenant. When Capt. Robert Klein, of Company K, was promoted to major, Charles Qualman, who had first been a sergeant in the company, then second, then first lieutenant, was made captain on the 1st of November, 1862, and was mustered out with the com pany at the date of its discharge. Christoph Roll, who was a first lieutenant of the company, resigned February 1, 1862, and George Klein resigned the same rank March 31, 1862, and Gustave Liskey was the first lieutenant of the company at the date of its muster out and William H. H. Green was the second lieutenant. Oliver M. Powers, who became captain of Company L October 23, 1862, was transferred to the captaincy of Company E, Eighth Indiana Cavalry in 1865 and mustered out with that regiment. George J. Langsdale, who became first lieutenant of the company at its organization, resigned August 1, 1864, and Simeon J. Mitchell became first lieutenant, and he, too, was transferred to the Eighth Cavalry. Byron Dawson, who had been orderly ser geant of the company, became second lieutenant September 1, 1864, and in 1865 was transferred and made captain of Company G, Eighth Indiana Cavalry. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 185 Charles U. Pattern, commissioned captain of Company M on De cember 11, 1862, continued with his company during its entire term of service and was mustered out with it April 15, 1865, in North Carolina, as was James W. Haymond, who was first lieu tenant from first to last, with this company. The only changes in officers of this company were in that of second lieutenant. James W. Stephens, of the company, left the service January 1, 1863. Lieut. Thomas G. Shaeffer died at Resaca, Ga., August 25, 1864, and Samuel Borton, commissioned second lieutenant on November 3, 1864, was mustered out with the company April 15, 1865. First Lieut. George H. Thompson, of Company E, acted as adjutant of the Eastern battalion until December 27, 1862, when Gamaliel S. Taylor, a sergeant of that company, was commis sioned adjutant and served in that capacity until the muster out of the battalion in August, 1864. John Greiner served as com missary until May, 1863, when he resigned, and Philo G. Leslie became his successor and continued with the regiment until the close of its service. Elias W. H. Beck was commissioned surgeon, October 21, 1861, and was mustered out with the regiment. His first assistant was Luther Brosie, who resigned November 29, 1862, and James H. Knight was commissioned to fill the vacancy December 23, 1862. He and Dr. Beck served with the Eastern battalion until its muster out. Thomas J. Fritz was made assistant surgeon of the Western battalion February 4, 1863, served with it until the 15th of April, 1865, and was transferred to and mustered out with the Eighth Indiana Cavalry in North Carolina. List of men who died of disease or casualty, while in the service, other than those who died of wounds received or were killed in action, or those who died in Southern prisons : Adams, George W., Co. , Murfreesborough, Term. Accident. Burns, Barney, Co. A, Fredricksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Acci dent. 186 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Bucher, Chas., Co. C, Rappahannock River, Va., 1862. Drowned. Buchanan, Pleasant, Co. D, Fredrick City, Md. Disease. Barker, Elijah, Co. D, Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1862. Branham, Oscar W., Co. E, Eredricksburg, Va., Aug. 24, 1862. Disease. Bond, Benjamin, Co. F, Budds Ferry, Md., Nov. 30, 1861. Dis ease. Brown, Moses H. G., Co. I, Louisville, Ky., January, 1862. Dis ease. Boner, John, Co. K, Athens, Ala., Aug. 2, 1862. Becker, John, Co. K, Huntsville, Ala., Nov. 15, 1862. Barth, Jacob, Co. M, Fayetteville, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1863. Chapman, Hezekiah, Co. M, Cedar Grove. Disease. Currie, Marion, Co. , Alexandria, Va., May 26, 1864. Disease. Clark, William, Co. , Nashville, Tenn., April 22, 1865. Dennis, Whitesil, Co. I, Stevenson, Ala., Sept. 20, 1863. Dunn, Vincent, Co. K, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 7, 1862. Daniel, John R., Co. M, Brown County, Ind., April 11 ? 1865. Eurich, Benedict, Co. M, Indianapolis, March 15, 1863. Disease. Earhart, James, Co. C, Gallatin, Tenn. Fouch, Obion, Co. G, Murfreesborough, Tenn., March 17, 1863. Disease. Fee, James, Co. H, Murfreesborough, Tenn., 1863. Disease. Gue, Edward, Co. I, Louisville, Ky., January, 1862. Disease. Hulley, William, Co. , Acqia Creek, Va., May 8, 1863. Disease. Heiner, Jacob, Co. G, Camp Shiloh, Tenn., May 25, 1862. Dis ease. Hobbs, Jesse, Co. I, Louisville, Ky., January, 1862. Disease. Heidman, Dedrich, Co. K, Nashville, Tenn., April 18, 1862. Dis ease. Hollings worth, Isaac N., Co. L, Stevenson, Ala., Oct. 31, 1863. Hammond, Henry C., Co. M, Fayetteville, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1863. Hama, William A., Co. , Sept. 30, 1862. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 187 Koenig, Daniel, Co. K, Huntsville, Ala., Aug. 24, 1862. Disease. Knecht, Clemens, Co. K, Nashville, Tenn., April 26, 1862. Dis ease. Lopp, Charles H., Co. H, Evansville, Ind., May 15, 1862. Lee, Eobert D. F., Co. I, Louisville, Ky., June, 1862. Disease. Lipsey, John, Co. M, Indianapolis, Jan. 29, 1863. Disease. Lee, Elisha, Co. M, Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1863. Disease. Miller, John I., Co. A, Dec. 11, 1863. Disease. McKinsey, Eesin K., Co. H, Kingston, Ga., Sept. 7, 1864. Dis ease. McGuffin, William A., Co. I, February, 1862. Accident. Meyer, William, Co. K, New Albany, Ind., June 2, 1864. Disease. Mayhew, Samuel W., Co. M, Indianapolis, March 20, 1863. Dis ease. Mi mms., Wallenstein, Co. I, Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 30, 1864. Nutter, Theodore S., Co. M, Mt. Olive, N. C., April, 1865. Dis ease. Overholtzen, John, Co. H, Corinth, Tenn., June 23, 1862. Dis ease. Pickett, Alfred, Co. C, Jan. 15, 1864. Plenn, Abram, Co. C. Pettit, William D., Co. D, Brandy Station, Va., Jan. 11, 1864. Disease. Porter, Gillett, Co. D, Washington, D. C., June 24, 1864. Disease. Puckett, Samuel F., Co. F, Washington, D. C., July 9, 1863. Accident. Parkhurst, Washington, Co. I, Sandtown, Ga., Sept. 9, 1864. Disease. Pavy, Henry C. Eoberts, Kobert W., Co. A, Budds Ferry, Md., March 1, 1862. Disease. Kitchel, Curtis C., Co. E, Hope Landing, Va., March 31, 1863. Disease. 188 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Russey, Ithamer W., Co. G, Chattanooga, Term., Aug. 22, 1864. Disease. Rogers, George H.,Co. G, Thorntown, Ind., June 5, 1862. Disease. Eoss, Samuel H. P., Co. H, Louisville, Ky., Jan. 28, 1862. Dis ease. Rickard, James, Co. I, Maxwell, Ky., October, 1862. Disease. Reed, Theodore, Co. L, Feb. 12, 1863. Smock, David, Co. E, Fredricksburg, Va., Aug. 8, 1862. Disease. Sebern, Cornelius, Co. G, St. Louis, Mo., June 28, 1862. Disease. Snow, John, Co. G, Edinburg, Ind., March 20, 1862. Disease. Stamper, John, Co. , Murfreesborough, Term., April 21, 1863. Surran, John S., Co. M, Indianapolis, July 21, 1863. Disease. Shaeffer, Thomas G., Co. M, Resaca, Ga., Aug. 25, 1864. Trowbridge, Enoch, Co. C, Washington, Oct. 12, 1862. Townsend, Isaac, Co. E, Rockville, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Disease. Thompson, John W., Co. F, Washington, D. C., July 14, 1862. Disease. Toops, William II., Co. M, Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1864. Disease. Tufts, Louis, Co. , July 15, 1864. Vansickle, James, Co. M., Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1864. Wright, James M., Co. A, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 9, 1861. Disease. William, Winchell, Co. F, Budds Ferry, Md., Nov. 30, 1861. West, Robert C., Co. G, Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 7, 1862. Wilkinson, George M., Co. M, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 18, 1863. Wenner, Joseph, Co. M, Richmond, Ind. Whithead, William H., Co. M, Fayetteville, Dec. 27, 1863. Wiseman, Henry W., Co. , Aug. 12, 1862. The following is a list of the men who were killed or died of wounds received in action, with dates and locations : Adams, George D., Co. K, Murfreesborough, Tenn., July 15, 1863. Adams, James K, Co. A, Culpepper, Va., Sept. 13, 1863. Atkinson, Joseph M., Co. A, Yellow Tavern, June 8, 1864. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 189 Banks, Simeon, Co. C, Eaccoon Ford, Va., Sept. 13, 1863. Bledsoe, Benjamin S., Co. C, White Oak Swamps, Va., June 27, 1864. Clever, George S., Co. L, Severeville, Tenn., Feb. 20, 1864. Clements, Keuben, Co. A, Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864. Donnovan, Peter, Co. G, Nashville, Tenn., April 10, 1862. Dunn, McKee, Co. G, Nolensville, Tenn., Dec. 27, 1862. Evans, John H., Co. B, Eappahannock Station, September, 1863. Fallis, David, Co. A, Poolesville, Md., Sept. 8, 1862. Ferguson, William H., Co. A, Brandy Station, Va., Aug. 1, 1863. Gorman, Jas. D., Co. F, White Oak Swamps, Va., June 27, 1864. Green, Marmaduke, Co. D, Massaponax, Va., Aug. 6, 1862. Gibbons, Daniel, Co. G, Stone Kiver, Ga., Dec. 31, 1862. Heath, Samuel A., Co. C, White Oak Swamps, June 27, 1864. Heath, Martin, Co. C, Stephensburg, Va., October, 1863. Holbert, James A., Co. K, Camp Creek, Ga., Sept. 24, 1864. Kirlin, Thomas, Co. G, Shelbyville, Tenn., June 27, 1863. Kraft, Bernard, Co. K, Little Kennesaw River, Tenn., Jan. 12, 1864. Kennedy, Walter O., Co. F, Gettysburg, Pa., June 30, 163. Keoghler, Harvey M., Co. F, White Oak Swamps, Va., June 27, 1864. Lamb, Samuel, Co. C, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Loder, Benjamin, Co. F, Madison C. H., Va., Sept. 22, 1863. Lewis, Joseph, Co. E, Middletown, Md., Sept. 13, 1862. Lemon, Charles, Major, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Moore, Stephen, Co. H, Nolensville, Tenn., Dec. 27, 1862. Mitchell, DeWitt C., Co. L, Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 31, 1864. Moyer, Nicholaus, Co. K, Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 26, 1864. Pebler, David, Co. C, Brandy Station, Va., Sept. 11, 1863. Park, William, Co. E, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Quinn, James, Co. A, South Mountain, Md., Sept. 13, 1862. Eoyce, John W., Co. G, Severeville, Tenn., Feb. 20, 1864. 190 HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. Story, William, Co. E, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Smith, Jesse, Co. D, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Seever, Smyrna W., Co. E, Middletown, Va., Sept. 14, 1863. Trester, Oliver H., Co. D, Fredrick City, Md., Sept. 13, 1862. Williamson, James H., Co. F, Middletown, Md., Sept. 13, 1862. Wright, Augustus, Co. D, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Weaver, John E., Co. A, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Zenger, Ernest, Co. K, Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 20, 1862. Lost on Steamer Sultana, April 27, 1865 : Kaney, William, Co. C. Norman, James, Co. F. List of men who died in Southern prisons : Brindley, Elijah, Co. A, Richmond, Va. Cunningham, Samuel, Co. F, Andersonville, 1864. Fuget, Walter, Co. C, Andersonville, 1864. Greenwood, William W., Co. C, Andersonville, Oct. 23, 1864. Humphreys, Isaac, Co. C, Andersonville, June 28, 1864. Hollingbuc, Cornelius, Co. A, Andersonville, Oct. 23, 1864. Harney, James, Co. I, Andersonville, Feb. 1, 1864. Joyce, James. Kelso, Edward, Co. C, Andersonville, June 13, 1864. Kennedy, John H., Co. I, Andersonville, February, 1864. Lee, John, Co. A, Andersonville, 1864. Lewis, Isaac, Co. C, Andersonville, July 7, 1864. Micha, Lewis, Co. I, Andersonville, June 23, 1864. Moore, William, Co. F, Andersonville, 1864. McCarty, Abram, Co. C, Andersonville, Oct. 27, 1864. Martin, George W., Co. C, Andersonville, May 31, 1864. Prentiss, Nelmore, Co. E, Andersonville, 1864. Eogers, Monroe T., Co. M, Eichmond, Va., Nov. 13, 1864. Vanarsdol, Richard, Co. A, Richmond, Va. Many of the officers and men of the Third Indiana Cavalry were captured by the enemy during their term of service, and many of HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 191 them incurred disabilities from which they never recovered, by reason of their treatment in Southern prisons, but all returned to the service or their homes exchanged or paroled, save the foregoing frightful list, most of whom it will be seen died in Andersonville. One of our surviving prisoners of war narrates his experience in the pages with which we close this volume and we give it because we believe his comrades will peruse it with interest: "Argentine, Kan., May 2, 1900. "My Dear Comrade I was not in either of the scrapes men tioned by you, the one at Kelleys Ford or in the rear of Fredricks- burg. I was captured on the 5th of May, 1864, at Mine Run, Virginia. You remember we left Culpepper Court House at 12 o clock at night, crossed the Rapidan at daylight and advanced very slowly and cautiously. About 8 o clock in the morning we formed in a field in close column and were ordered to get break fast. My coffee had just come to a boil when the rebel advance ran into us. We received orders to mount and our regiment moved out in advance. We were dismounted, and drove the rebels back on their reserve. If you remember, it was very hot and many of the boys left the skirmish line to hunt for water. Captain Moffitt rode out to where I and Orderly Sergeant Tracy were and gave us an order to hold our post at all hazards. It was not over five minutes until the rebels advanced, fifty to our one, and Captain Moffitt ordered us to get out of there, every fellow for himself. I had to fall back across a field and the rebels were within twenty feet of me when I started to run. Rebel bullets fanned both sides of my face and struck on both sides of my feet for three hundred yards. I got safely into the next woods, nearly out of breath, climbed the fence and took a few shots. "The rebel cavalry was charging down the road and I lit out again and got nearly to the next timber, where I found John C. Flora given out. He said: I ll be goldarned if I m going any farther if I m captured. I said: I am going to try and get 192 HISTORY OF THE THIKD INDIANA CAVALBY. through if I possibly can. 7 I got to the edge of the woods, found some water and took a drink ; it was as warm as dishwater. Capt. Moffitt came to within about twenty-five yards of me and asked if any more of our boys were with me and I told him about John C. Flora. Captain Moffitt put spurs to his horse and got out of there, and when I got to where I could see there were about two squadrons of our cavalry formed across the road and I thought they would check the rebels until I got through. "It looked to me as though they shot straight up in the air, and then broke like panic-stricken sheep. So all my hopes vanished and I was doomed to be a prisoner of war. In five minutes there must have been a division of rebel cavalry between me and our forces. I was trying to sneak down to the right, where there were some small pine bushes, to hide until dark and then crawl through the lines at night. But here about fifteen or twenty rebels came with one prisoner by the name of Bradley from a Connecticut regiment. The rebel in the rear was walking and leading his horse, which had been wounded. All the rest passed by me and did not see me, but this rear fellow, who had no arms, saw me. I drew up my carbine to shoot him, but the poor fellow pleaded for me not to do it, and it did seem hard, but I thought of Ander- sonville and drew on him again and again. The last time his cries drew the attention of his comrades, and I walked out and said: Boys, you have the advantage of me in numbers. Well, they robbed me of my watch and hat and gave me one of their soft, limp cotton hats with about as much shape as a dishrag. They took us (Bradley and me) to the provost marshal and from there we began our march to the interior of rebeldom. "We went to Orange Court House the first day and camped for the night. The next morning the ball opened early, and ambu lances and wounded men began coming back single file, some of the wounded screaming with pain; and I thought to myself that is a different tune from what you sang last night when you bragged HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 193 about going down to clean out the Yanks. The second day we reached Gordonsville, where we remained four or five days and then went to Danville, where they put us in a tobacco warehouse and kept us about two days. Then they moved us out on a com mon in a suburb of the town and guarded us there like cattle four or five days more. Then they loaded us into cattle cars and started us to Andersonville, where we arrived about the 16th of June, and soon learned that the notoriety of the place had not been overesti mated. "I shall not try at this time to describe the sights I saw and the treatment our boys received. You, no doubt, have read about it in books by comrades who were better qualified than I am to tell about it. I can forgive everything else but rebel treatment of our prisoners of war. I was in the stockade about six weeks. Our quar termaster sergeant and the rebel quartermaster were Masons. Our rations were cooked one day and raw the next; and then raw all the time. I took chronic diarrhrea like many of the men, some of whom were so far gone they could not get to the sinks. On the evening of the last day I was in the stockade I began to think I would soon be like them, if better luck did not come to me. "Bradley, David Atherton and I bunked together and the three of us had one blanket. When I was scarcely able to crawl into the bunk Bradley came around and said : Sterrett, I have some good news for you. 7 Well, what is it ? Then he said the rebel quar termaster ordered our quartermaster to hunt up all the Masons in his detachment and report at the gate at 9 o clock the next morn ing. I replied : I guess we will be there on time/ We were all sent to Captain Wirtz 7 headquarters and signed an agreement that if we behaved ourselves and did not try to run away we would be sent off with the first exchange of prisoners of war. "Then we went to work in the cook house. Jim Duncan was captain of the cook house and bakery ; we had rollcall every night and morning. One day Duncan came in with a big raw-boned, 194 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. burly fellow with side arms, who made the remark that cotton was king and was bound to come out victorious, and when the Southern States gained their independence he was going into the slave trade and ship negroes from Africa. I told him a year would tell the tale and that I did not think he would ever have the opportunity of going into the slave business. I had them hot enough to bite a nail in two. "A prisoner named Frank Turner and I were bunk mates at the , cook house, and Frank had managed in some way to smuggle some money into the stockade. There was also an Irishman by the name of Patrick O Conner of the Eleventh IT. S. Regulars, whom the rebels had taken outside as a detective to prevent the prisoners from trading with the negroes or anyone else outside the stockade. Turner bought a sack of flour and O Conner got on to it, and had Duncan confiscate it. On the 5th of September five of us ran off from Andersonville, and on the fourth day about 4 p. m. we were recaptured by old soldiers who had been wounded at the front. They were jolly good fellows and sent a man ahead to Lumpkin, the county seat of Stewart county, Georgia, and ordered our sup pers at an old planter s. We had butter, milk, cornbread, honey and meat, and we thought it was the best supper we had ever seen. Just as I had finished my supper I said to the old man: Land lord, what are we going to do about this supper? We are the poorest guests that you could possibly have. We ve got the supper and appreciate it very much. Well, said the old man, boys, I have a son in a Northern prison and if you should get back and have the chance and treat him as I have treated you I will be re paid. So we thanked the old man and set out for Lumpkin. "Arriving there the guards turned us over to the sheriff or jailer. He was a saloon keeper and held the office of jailer, which exempted him from military service. It was Sunday evening and there were several in to see us, and they found out I was a Mason and I felt pretty well. They began to treat us, and when we HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 195 started to jail were feeling pretty rich, for prisoners of war. Some of our friends tried to get the jailer to leave the jail unlocked and let us get away. The jailer was afraid of losing his job and being compelled to go into the army, but we had the best fare and kindest treatment of any place in the South. One old farmer came to see us and brought with him a bucketful of nice hot biscuits. He came with the jailer and had him let us out for fresh air, so we could do justice to the biscuits. And they were the only biscuits we ever got to see in the Confederacy. The old man told us he was in full sympathy with the South but that he respected our views, for people in different sections of the country would have different views. The old man finally left us and we were put back in jail. "Lumpkin is a beautiful place, large lots and nice shade trees. Our next place was Columbus, Ga., and when they brought us out of jail an old German shoemaker, doing quite an extensive busi ness, came and told the man in charge of us to turn us over to him and he would be responsible for us. He took us to his shoe shop and gave each of us a pair of shoes and socks, as we were all bare footed, and we greatly appreciated his kindness. We were then started to Columbus and had an awful trip walking in the loose sand. We stopped the first night on the bank of the Chattahoochie river and were guarded by citizens in charge of a corporal of the home militia. That night when they thought we were asleep they cursed us for all the d d Yankees. The next morning the sun arose in all its beauty and we trudged on towards Columbus. We traveled two or three miles before breakfast and then continued on our journey. At noon we stopped for a rest and the guards set their guns down in a fence corner and climbed over the fence to get corn for their horses. They were completely in our hands and I pleaded with the boys to take their guns and we would march them awhile. The boys thought it would only be the worse for us, so I gave it up. 196 HlSTOEY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. "That night about dusk we reached Columbus, and I was so tired I could hardly drag one foot after the other. The corporal took us with him to hunt up the provost marshal and, after calling on several of his relatives, found him. We were sent to jail for safe keeping, but did not receive the same kind treatment we did at Lumpkin. We were here about two weeks and were then sent to Macon, Ga. There we were put in the old stockade fair ground, southeast of Macon, for about six weeks. We had not been there long until my old friend Pat O Conner, of the Eleventh Regulars, came walking in. I said : Conner, I thought you liked the rebels too well to leave them. Oh/ he said, I did not like them as well as you might suppose. Well/ I said, you have come to a good place to get paid for some of your meanness. He passed right on and would not talk to me. "In a short time after this the rebels wanted to build some bar racks and they had no carpenters. So they came inside to see if there were any Yankee carpenters. There were six of us, viz., Frank Twist, Henry C. Knowles, Freeman Sands, John Lovell, H. C. Hartwell and myself. They took out the two first one day, but they would not work without terms. They told the post car penter they had four other comrades in the stockade, that we had stuck together through thick and thin and they would not go out and work unless they took the other four and let us stay outside and not go back in the stockade of nights while we were there. Their wishes were granted and we all got out. "In a few days after this the rebels issued an order that any Yankee taking the oath of allegiance to the Confederacy would be protected by the law of the State and not subject to military duty, and all foreigners who should take the oath should have the same privilege of citizenship; and, further, if they would take the chances of running the blockade, they would send them to their own country. So one morning all but two left to run the blockade ; my friend O Conner and a big burly Englishman remained. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 197 Our quarters were inside the foundation of a commissary build ing the rebels had started to build. The sills were mortised to gether and about two feet high. Our quarters were in the south end and O Conner and the Englishman were in the north end. We had no correspondence with them. I took the intermittent fever and was awful sick for several days. Finally I got better and I gpt out of the hospital and in two or three days after I had a hard shake of the ague. "My esteemed friend Pat O Conner was up in Macon with some of his Irish friends and got drunk enough to want to fight. I had an awful shake of the ague that forenoon and our only quarters were a shed open to the south. The sun shone in on me, and Frank Twist, who had come in at noon, told me to take a blanket and go over and lie in the quarters of O Conner and the Englishman, as he thought they had all gone to run the blockade that morning. I followed his advice, took my blanket and went over and laid down in the first bunk I came to and laid there until late in the evening, when the boys came from work. About this time my friend O Conner came in and, walking up, says: What the hell are you doing in my bunk? I told him about my shake and he said: A bunk that is worth having is worth asking for. 7 Just then that sack of flour came into my mind and I jumped to my feet and said: Pat Conner, you were not here to ask, but don t think for a minute there is anybody here afraid of you. He began to pull his coat, for I had raised his ire, and he made for me. I grabbed up a two-by-four piece of scantling about three feet long and gave him one ; he landed about ten feet away on the west side of the foundation and, raising his feet over his head, trembled like a dying calf. I gave him another with the flat side of the scantling on the seat, and you could have heard it three hundred yards away. I was making the third blow across his forehead when three of the comrades jumped on me and stopped it. That blow would have mashed his head to a jelly. 198 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. a He finally got up and went to Captain Hurtell, of Alabama, and reported me. Captain Hurtell and the post surgeon were Masons. Frank Twist and Knowles went to them and told them all about O ? Conner and how he had played traitor with his own comrades ; Captain Hurtell told O 7 Conner he had better attend to his own business and keep sober and he would not have any trouble with the boys, as they are without exception the best boys in the stockade. O Conner was sent to the hospital and I was there off and on and saw him. After the surrender I never saw him again. The next morning Captain Hurtell came over to me and talked to me more like a brother than a rebel officer. "Our carpenter work at Macon did not last long. Kilpatrick came through there on a raid and burned the mill we got our lumber from and part of us were sent with the post carpenter to Columbus, Ga., to build a platform between two railroads, so the freight could be moved from one railroad to the other on trucks. We had a good time down there. I saw the gunboat the rebels had built and could not launch. We completed our job at Colum bus and went back to Macon. We learned through our headquar- ter s friends that Mr. Gruber wanted five hundred cords of wood cut, and that he would furnish us rations and give so much a cord for cutting. A Dr. Johnson also came in and wanted to know if there were any blacksmiths there and we told him there were two of us. He wanted a buggy repaired and asked us to come over to his house the next morning and go to work. We went and had a good time. We repaired his buggy, did lots of work and got all the confederate money we wanted to buy sweet potatoes with. "We next got orders to return to Macon ; that there was to be a general exchange of prisoners. We got the papers every day and we did not see a word about the exchange of prisoners in them. Before we left Columbus a widow lady told me if I was not satis fied that we were to be exchanged, to come to her house and she would keep me and the rebels would not find me. We went to HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 199 Macon and reported. They were getting ready to send us to An dersonville, so we started to run off and traveled part of one night, but it was very wet and we were wholly unprepared for such a trip, as we had no rations. Frank Twist and H. G. Knowles had been planning to escape and had made the necessary arrangements and left the same night. I went back and went to the woman who had volunteered her services. Hartwell A. Lovett also had a place to stay, so we all had places to stop. I finally wrote a pass and forged the general s and adjutant-general s names to it, and we went to work cutting wood. The militia never bothered us but once, and I showed them our pass and the militia said we were all right. The pass was a copy of the kind of passes the rebels had given us be fore. We went out in the country to cut wood and there we found out that there really was an exchange of prisoners agreed upon and that the department commandants at Macon had been changed. Sands and I counseled together as to the best thing to do and con cluded to go to General Pillow in Macon and report to him that we had been working as paroled prisoners of war, and he treated us with great respect and offered to do anything for us if we would stay in Macon, saying if we went home we would have to stay in the army and if we remained in Macon we would not have to go in the army. But he gave us three days rations and transporta tion to Andersonville, and we went there by train and reported to Captain Wirtz, handing him General Pillow s instructions not to place us in the stockade, but send us off with the first prisoners exchanged. So in about a week we were sent to Thomasville, Ga. When we got there General Grant, it seems, had informed them that there would be no further exchanging, as he expected to have all the rebels as prisoners in a short time. So, downcast, we started back to Andersonville, going by way of Albany, where we camped by the largest spring I ever saw. "The day after we left Albany we reached Andersonville and at noon were standing in front of Captain Wirtz headquarters to 200 HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. be counted off in detachments of one hundred each and the one hundred men were divided into messes of twenty each. I was in the first one hundred and in the second mess, and was appointed to take charge of and distribute the rations to the twenty men that I belonged to. Here we got word that Lee had surrendered. They marched us down to the depot and halted us until .about eight hun dred men were counted off. I sat down on the platform at the depot. Captain Wirtz came up in front of us and the last words I ever heard him speak were : Attention, you d d Yankee s s of b s. 7 "I struck a beeline up the railroad and at 2 o clock in the after noon was at Flint River, ten miles away. If ever a poor fellow traveled, I did. I left Andersonville at noon on Thursday and on Friday night at 2 p. m. I had walked back to Macon and re ported at the home of my intended mother-in-law, for you see while I was cutting wood near Macon, as I have told you, I was also courting the girl of the lady who boarded me, and we were engaged to be married. On that walk from Andersonville to Macon I met four or five of the Seventeenth Indiana Mounted Infantry. They yelled, How are you, Johnny/ and I said to them, You guessed my name when I am in God s country. They told me they be longed to the Seventeenth Indiana and I told them that was where I belonged when at home, and told them I was from Andersonville. They pulled off their hats, gave three cheers and said : You re all right now and the whole Confederacy has surrendered. "On Thursday after I returned to Macon, General Wilson took the city and on the Saturday following I reported to the general quartermaster. On the 7th day of May, 1865, I was married and in about ten days afterward we were sent to Washington, then to Annapolis, and then to Camp Chase, Ohio, where I was mustered out of service on the 28th day of June, 1865. "I visited my home in Indiana for a few days and went back to Georgia after my wife and returned home and went to work. HISTORY OF THE THIRD INDIANA CAVALRY. 201 I lived in Columbia, Ind., until 1878 and then went to Lincoln county, Kansas, always working at my trade as blacksmith, but had to give it up on account of my health. I then went to Andrew county, Missouri, where I stayed two years, then coming to this part of the country, where I have been since, except for a time I was an inmate of the State Soldier s Home, at Dodge City. "That is a pretty place and nice home, but out of the way, so I took a discharge from there and made application to the National Home at Fort Leavenworth, where I am still a member. I take a furlough and have it renewed when it runs out, so I can return there in case of emergency. "My wife died on the 12th of November, 1893. Her name was Josephine Braddock. I was born at Everton, Fayette county, Indiana, on the 29th of December, 1839, and am now going on sixty-one years of age. Well, comrade, I have made you a state ment of my life from the 5th of May, 1864, through my prison life down to the present time. Since I came here I have worked at everything there is to do. I have worked in a smelter, on a rail road section, on the streets, at stone work, carpenter work, and in a stone quarry, and am pretty well worked down. I think I shall go to the Home and take a rest. If my small boys were old enough to make their way I would spend my time at the Home and visit through the summer season. "I have gone through many adversities and have lived, now, fifteen years longer than I expected to live. I don t think it pos sible to go on that much longer. I might just as well say I am waiting my appointed time, when it may be said of me: He fought the good fight, he has kept the faith, and henceforth there is laid up for him a crown, that shall never fade. "Your comrade, "J. H. STERRETT." THE END. RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 Home Use 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. SENT ON ILL APR 3 ?nni Mr n * ** cUui U/+ OCDtfCI CV . \** ocrflvclJCT FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 50M Berkeley, California 94720-6000