GIFT OF SEELEY W. MUDD and GEORGE I. COCHRAN MEYER ELSASSER DR. JOHN R. HAYNES WILLIAM L. HONNOLD JAMES R. MARTIN MRS. JOSEPH F. SARTORI to the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN BRANCH ^ HISTORY STATE OF RHODE ISLAND PKOVIDENCE PLANTATIONS. BY SAMUEL G K E E N E ^ K N O L D. VOL. I. 1636 — 1700 FOURTH EDITION. PROVIDEXCE, R.I.: PRESTON & ROUNDS. 1894. SOiii Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, Bt SAMUEL GREENE ARNOLD, In the Clerk's OflBce of the District Court of the United States for Rhode Islaad. TO THE PEOPLE OF EHODE-ISLAXD ®Iris f istorg OF THE TRIALS AND THE TEITJMPHS OF THEIR AX0E9T0B8 IS IX SCRIBED BY THEIR F E L L O W- C I T I Z E If , SAMUEL GREENE ARNOLD. /• PKBPACE. The work, of which the first volume is now presented, is the result of many years' labor. To trace the rise and progress of a State, the offspring of ideas that were novel and startling even amid the philo- /) sophical speculations of the seventeenth century ; ^ who se birth was a protest against, whose infancy was a struggle with, and whose maturity was a triumph over, the retrograde tendency of established Puritanism ; a State that was the second-born of persecution, whose founders had been doubly tried in the purifying fire ; a State which, more than any other, has exerted, by the weight of its example, an influence to shape the political ideas of the present day, whose moral power has been in the inverse ratio with its material importance, and of which an eminent historian of the United States has said that, had its territory " corre- sponded to the importance and singularity of the principles of its early existence, the world would have been filled with wonder at the phenom- ena of its history," is a task not to be lightly attempted or hastily per- formed. The materials for Rhode Island history are more abundant than many have supposed. They are widely scattered and difficult to col- lect or arrange, and hence the opinion has seemed -to prevail that too much was lost to rend r the preservation of the remainder an object of interest. But some j ersons have thought otherwise, and three attempts, prior to this, have been made to write the history of the State. The first was by Governor Stephen Hopkins, one of the signers of the Dec- .iii>''on of Independence, who, in 1762, commenced to publish "An his- torical account of Providence," since reprinted in the second series of vi PREFACE. ^1 Massachusetts Historical Collections, volume ix. Only one chapter A completed when the struggle for independence interrupted the woi , * which was never resumed. The second was by Hon. Theodore Fostei ^ a Senator in Congress from Rhode Island, who collected a large number of original papers and made copies of nearly the whole of the colony records. But one chapter of this work was ever written. His death pre- vented its completion. The third attempt, by the late Henry Bull of New- port, was more successful. He published in the Rhode Island Repub- lican, 1832-6, a series of articles entitled " Memoirs of Rhode Island," embracing the principal events of each year from the settlement of the* State down to 1799. The care taken in the preparation , of these arti- cles leads us to regret that Mr. Bull did not extend his labors still further, and embody them in a more permanent form. These, with the five volumes of the Rhode Island Historical Collections, with the valua- ble notes of the editors and authors of each, the more than thirty vol- umes of the Massachusetts Historical Collections, the lately published Colonial Records of Connecticut, of Massachusetts, and now those of thb State in the course of publication under the admirable supervision of . the Secretary of State, the later editions of early Massachusetts authors, Morton, Prince, and others, but particularly the Journal of Winthrop with the copious notes of its liberal and learned editor, Hon. James Savage, the life of the founder of Rhode Island by Professor Knowles, a perfect magazine of important facts, — .'hese are some of the principal printed authorities most accessible to the general reader. There are also a great number of books in the librai'cs of Harvard and Brown Universities, and more than all in the unrivailed collection of works on American history in the possession of Mr. Joi'n Carter Brown, of this city, whirl I shed much light upon the annals of Rhode Island. Besides these there are several religious discourses, follov?ing the plan of Cal- lender, also historical addresses, and some local nanatives, that contain interesting facts bearing upon the general history of t >e State. The unpubli?>hed materials are the records of the^ several towns, those of this and the neighboring States that have not b<^n ino^udt:d io ^ PREFACE. VI] the printed volumes, the private collections of Hutchinson, Trumbull, Hinckley, Prince and others, in possession of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, of Foster and Backus in the Rhode Island Historical Society, and yet more important, the hitherto undeveloped resources in the British archives, at London, which clear up many points never be- fore explained. These are the chief sources of information that have been consulted in preparing this work, and will be found referred to in the notes. Several months were spent abroad in 1846-7, in the examination of government archives, chiefly in England and France, in search of materials not to be found in America. The kindness of gentlemen in official station, particularly in Her Britannic Majesty's Government, in securing permission to examine their records, and of those in the State Paper Offices at London, Paris and the Hague, in facilitating his labors, should receive the grateful acknowledgments of the writer. Copies of the English documents herein referred to are now in Mr. Brown's library, he having given orders, previous to the author's visit to England, to have every thing pertaining to Rhode Island, and much more besides, copied for his private collection ; which was done under the supervision of Henry Stevens, Esq., a gentleman whose experience eminently qualified him for the task. Many of these authorities extend beyond the limits of this volume, and with a large number of new ones, both local and general, will be used in the later portions of the work. The thanks of the writer are due to many friends who have ren- dered assistance in various ways to lighten his labors : to Mr. John Carter Brown, to Hon. William E. Staples, late Chief Justice of the State, the editor of Gorton, and author of the Annals of Providence, to Judge George A. Brayton of the Supreme Court, to Dr. David King and Rev. Henry Jackson, D. D. of Newport, to Hon. John R. Bartlett, Secretary of State, to William J. Harris, Esq., and others, all deeply interested in whatever pertains to the history of their State, who hav« given efficient aid by the loan of books and manuscripts. Vlll PREFACE. The first object attempted io this work has been to make it reliable both as to facts and dates; that it should be a standard authority upon the subject and period of which it treats. To accomplish this design no pains have been spared, and it has been kept steadily in view even at the risk of making the book less readable than it might have been. Many subjects are mentioned that, to the general reader, can have little or no interest, the value of which can only be understood by those who consult history for a specific purpose. For the benefit of this latter and more limited class of readers, the reference notes are made more nume- rous than they would otherwise have been. The most important dates have been verified by a tedious mathematical process, unnecessary here to describe, but which is essential to accuracy in many cases, owing to a strange diversity that existed in the mode of dating under the Julian calendar before the adoption of the Gregorian or New Style in 1752. The Julian year began on the 25th of March. February was the 12th month and March the 1st month of the year. Many papers between the first and twenty-fifth of March, bear date as of the coming year, while others are dated correctly, according to the Julian system, as of the expiring year. This diversity of course throws a doubt upon the true date of all correlative documents throughout the year, and has led many writers into error. That the reader need not be misled on this point the double date of the year, between January 1st and March 25, is given in the margin. If it is desired to reduce the day of the month to New Style, eleven days are to be added to the marginal date. That, notwithstanding the labor and care bestowed upon these pages, they contain some errors of fact or date, perhaps important ones, it would be presumptuous to deny. The more one explores the labyrinth of historical investigation, the less positive will he become of the entire accuracy of his conclusions. A conscientious desire to arrive at the truth, is all that the author dares to claim in submitting this work to the judgment of his peers. That it will grate harshly upon the ears of some, whose views upon the questions of politics and theol- ogy involved in the settlement of this' State, diflfer from those of it* PREFACE. IX founders, he is well aware. That some may assail it upon these grounds is not improbable, and for such he is prepared ; while at the same time he courts a generous criticism that may aid his future labors. So far as was compatible with the above mentioned object, he has endeavored to make the work interesting to those who read simply for the sake of reading ; but he can claim nothing upon this score. The minutiae of local or of State history, demand an attention to details which broader fields do not require, and limit, in the same proportion, the power of the pen. To make a State history both authentic and popular, where the ground has not already been occupied, would require it to be too voluminous. To enlarge upon the philosophy of the funda- mental principles involved in the settlement of Khode Island, would afford a pleasing relief from the labor of critical research ; but this can be better done by the reflecting reader, or it may furnish a theme for some future historian, more fitted for the task than the writer feela himself to be, who will reap the laurels that he must forego. Providence, May 17, 1858. ABBEEYIATIONS. R. T. H. C. — Rhode Island Historical Collections, in 5 vols. - R. I. Col. Rec. — Rhode Island Colonial Records, 3 vols, now published, 1636- 170G. Conn. Col. Rcc— Connecticut Colonial Records, 2 vols, now published, 1636- 1G77. M. C. R. — Massachusetts Colonial Records, 6 vols, now published, 1628-1686. M. H. C. — Massachusetts Historical Collections, in series of 10 vols. each, of which 3 series are completed, and 4 vols, of the fourth. The fij^ure before the letters denotes the series. Br. S. P. 0.— British State Paper Office. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. 1620—1636. Introduction — From the Settlement of New England to the Banishment of Roger "Williams, ....... 1 Appendix A. — Early Life of Roger Williams, .... 47 CHAPTER II. 1636—1638. The Autinomian Controversy, ...... 51 CHAPTER HI. The Aborigines of Rhode Island — ^Peauot "War, . . . .72 CHAPTER ly. History of Providence from its Settlement, 1636, to the Organization of the Government nnder the Parliamentary Charter, May, 1647, . 97 CHAPTER V. History of Aquedneck from its Settlement, March, 1638, to the Organi- zation of the Government under the First Charter, May, 1647. . 124 CHAPTER VI. flistory of "Warwick and Narraganset down to the Formation of the Government under the First Patent, May, 1647, . . 163 Xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. 1647—1651. History of the Incorporation of Providence Plantations from the Adop- tion of the Parliamentary Charter, May, 1647, to the Usurpation of Coddington, August, 1651, . . . . .200 CHAPTER VIII. 1651—1663. Ill the Usurpation of Coddington, August, 1651, to the Adoption of the Royal Charter, November, 1663, .... 237 Appendix B. — Proceedings in the case of John Warner, . . 287 CHAPTER IX. 16fi3— 1675. From the Adoption of the Royal Charter, November, 1663, to tjie Com- . mencenient of King Philip's War, June, 1675, . . . 290 Appendix C. — Errors of Grahame and Chalmers, . ". . 370 Appendix D. — Atherton Company Correspondence, . . 378 Appendix E. — Conspiracy against John Clarke exposed, . . 383 CHAPTER X. 1675—1677. from the Commencement of Philip's War, June, 1675, to the Trial of the Harris Causes, November, 1677, .... 3S7 CHAPTER XI. 1678—1686. From the Renewal of the Struggle for the Soil of Rhode Island, 1677-'8, to the Suspension of the Charter, June, 1686, . . . 439 Appendix F. — Answers of Rhode Island to the Board of Trade, . 488 CHAPTER Xn. 1686—1700. From the Commencement of the Andros' Government to the Close of the Seventeenth Century, ..... 492 Appendix G. — Founding of Trinity Church, Newport, . . . 559 THE HISTORY OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAPTEK I. INTRODUCTION— FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF NEW ENGLAND TO THE BANISHMENT OF ROGER WILLIAMS. 1620—1636. The direct causes which led to the settlement of New chap. England, had heen in active operation for nearly seventy .^-.l^ years before that event took place. The more remote in- fluences that led to this result date back to the com- mencement of the English Reformation. The spirit of re- sistance to clerical authority and papal aggression, was first inculcated in Great Britain byv^ohn Wickliffe,-^ro- fessor of Divinity in the University or~Dxlor3, It soon spread to the continent of Europe, where the teachings of Huss and Jerome, in opposition to the claims of the hierarchy, roused the vengeance of the Council of Con- stance, and led to their martyrdom. A period of quiet succeeded the Bohemian struggle, until the laxity of the pontifical court, under Leo X., gave rise to the Reformation of Luther. From that time VOL. I. — 1 ii HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, the history of Europe presented a continuous scene of ac- ^^^.^.^^ tion and reaction upon the fundamental principles of re- ligion and politics. The inquisitive mind of Germany, was occupied in speculations which were to open a new and brighter era to humanity. England, already in some degree prepared for the mighty movement, soon asserted her sovereignty by severing her allegiance to the church )f Komje. The spell of the Papacy was broken ; the first jreat result of the Keformation was achieved. A spirit of inquiry was awakened, which could neither be quelled by the fire of persecution, nor controlled by the decrees of. princes or parliaments. During the reign of Edward VI., the English Liturgy was completed and promulgated' as the ecclesiastical law of the land. The priestly vestments were retained in the service, although strenuously opposed by many of the reformed clergy. The more resolute Prot- estants resisted at the outset all attempts to fasten upon them the livery of a church from whose communion they had withdrawn. Uniformity was the rock upon which the early Keformers split. The first demonstration of nonconformity occurred at Frankfort. The virulent per- 155 4. secution of the Protestants, which commenced upon the accession of Queen Mary, caused great numbers of them to seek refuge on the continent. A small church was gathered at Frankfort, who objected to the use of some portions of King Edward's service book. These were sup- planted the next year by a party of their countrymen under Dr. Cox, who restored the English forms in full as prescribed by King Edward, and were hence called " Con- formists." Most of the others went to Geneva, w^here they were kindly received by Calvin, were there organized, and adopted a liturgy agreeable to that of the French 1 .J 5 8 churches. The coronation of Queen Elizabeth was the signal for the return of the exiles, and the permanent though gradual establishment of the Protestant Faith, The reign of Elizabeth was emphatically the age of prerog- THE REIGN OF ELIZABETH, 3 ative in England. Never did the authority of the crown chap. maintain itself so absolutely. Although some of the Stuarts v^.,;^. afterwards attempted to exercise arbitrary power in repeat- 15 5 8. ed instances, yet none of them wielded so uncontrolled a sceptre, or conducted with the firmness or the success that characterized the last of the Tudors. Mary had been a bigot in religion ; Elizabeth became a tyrant in prerog- ative ; and because theology was the prevailing topic of the times, she seized upon that as the most convenient medium for confirming and manifesting her authority. The earliest enactments of her first parhament were to this end. The act of uniformity, prescribing the regula- tions of church service, preceded by a single day the act of supremacy, which vested in the queen the right of ecclesiastical control. Immediately upon the passage of these acts two parties arose in the Protestant Church, one -^^ ^.^• favoring the royal prerogative, the other, somewhat more true to the spirit of the Keformation, maintaining that in things indifferent, liberty should be allowed. Both were at this time pretty nearly agreed in points of doctrine, in the necessity of uniformity in public worship, and in the right of the civil power to enforce it. The prerogative party, or Conformists, held that the will of the queen was the only guide in church affairs ; the Puritans, that coun- cils or synods were the proper tribunals. The idea of freedom of conscience as applied to the individual was un- ' known, or unrecognized, by either party. It was reserved for another age and a distant land to develop in its full significance the grand result of the Reformation. The passion of Elizabeth for pageantry of every kind, together with her inordinate love of power, were the chief causes which distracted her reign. The one inclined her to retain ae far as possible the gorgeous ceremonial of the church of Rome, the other led her to punish those who desired a simpler ritual and plainer robes. The severity of her measures against the Puritans at length resulted in 4 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, the separation, which commenced in 1566. The press had .,^1. already been closed against them by a decree of the Star 1 5 6 6i Chamber. The opposition of a large portion of the peo- I pie to the Romish vestments, and to certain ceremonies, of trifling import in themselves, which could easily have been assuaged by temperate, policy, was increased by the exercise of arbitrary power. Accordingly, after solemn delibera- tion, a number of the deprived ministers, with their friends, determined to withdraw from the communion of tlie established church, and laying aside the English Liturgy, they adopted the Geneva forms. Henceforward there was to be no longer a cordial union of Protestants against ' Popery, but rather a union of the prerogativQ and papal parties against the Puritans. This was Jess apparent during Elizabeth's reign than in that of her successor. { But the Reformation in England, so far as the government I was concerned, had attained its culminating point. The / breach thus commenced rapidly widened. The doctrinal articles of the church, some of which, in the opinion of many learned and pious men, were too strongly tinctured with Erastian principles, began to be questioned. Other sects arose, distinct in many respects from the Puritan church, and carrying the principles of the separation to a greater extent, but all who were zealous for the Reforma- tiofi, were indiscriminately branded with the same invidi- ous epithet. In vain did the Puritans seek to appease the resentment of their enemies by disowning the sec- taries. Papists, Familists, Baptists and Brownists, were denounced by the Puritans with equal zeal as by the Pre- latists, and alike held up as worthy of persecution ;' but the attempt thus made to ingratiate themselves with their rulers was without success. In proportioi as the \/ ranks of non-conformity were augmented, the st verity of government increased, and exile, or death, for c imes of ' IJeal, 312. dt^ // icienc REIGN OF JAMES I. iehce, became more frequent as the long reign of chap. Elizabeth drew to its close.' ^^^'r^ The union of the crowns of Scotland and England, 16 3 in the person of James I., inspired the Puritans with a new but delusive hope. This fickle prince, whose con- summate vanity as a man, was the source of his weakness as a monarch, very soon forgot the precepts of the Scottish church, which he had sworn to support, and became the tool of ambitious prelates and designing courtiers. Six months after he came to the throne, occurred the celebrated conference at Hampton Court, between the bishops and the Puritans, at which the king himself presided, and made his first public display of that combination of pedan- try with tyranny which has made his character, when viewed in the light of history, the object of mingled aver- sion and contempt. The result of that conference crushed the hopes of the Puritans. The triumphant bishops, no longer doubtful of their position, at once proceeded to urge severe measures against the whole body of Protestant non-conformists, and secretly to court the favor of the papal party. At the death of Archbishop Whitgift, Bancroft, bishop of London, was raised to the See of Can- terbury. This haughty prelate revived the persecution of the Puritans, and conducted it with unparalleled rigor, excommunicating many who would not receive a set of canons prepared by himself and passed by an obsequious convocation, although not confirmed by parliament. He it was who first asserted in England the divine right of the order of bishops, and ftrepared the church for the usurpations of Laud, which afterwards involved the United Kingdom in civil war. To bring the kirk of Scotland under the dominion of the English hierarchy was a favorite project of James, and was actively promoted by the intrigues of Bancroft. This was a bold design, against which the armorial bearings and ' For the last three years of her life she became more tolerant. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. 1C08. motto of Scotland might have furnished a significant warn- ing. It was an index of that aggressive and intolerant spirit which drove a large numjM*-ef-_the Bnglish non- conformists into voluntary exile(]B[o]la^ndJ&ecame a refuge ' for those whom persecution deprived of their natiiii-honic The larger portion of the refugees were rigid(Separatist^^ - whose views, crude as they might appear at tferfFfescnt time, were very much in advance of those held by the mass of non-conformists in respect to the essential objects hi the Reformation. These were the men who, with their descendants a few years later, made the first permanent settlement of New England. The Puritans for the most'* part remained in England, still clinging to the slender chance of some favorable current of affairs. The succes- sion of Archbishop Abbot to the high position vacated by the death of Bancroft, gave them renewed hope. He is described as a thorough Calvinist, a sound Protestant, and as being suspected of Puritanism. But his views, al- though they served for awhile to mitigate the asperities of the times, failed to efiect permanent relief The worthy primate soon became unpopular at court, and fell into disgrace. The pretensions of King James to arbi- trary power increased, and all who opposed the preroga- tive, although friends "ot the established churcti, were (te- as well as those who were Ualvlmsts nounced as Puritans, in the ology, or reformers in church government and wor- snip. Doctrinal Puritans. . called Stat e Purit a n s , the l att er The two, when united, comprised a majority of the nation. The Armin ian party, of whom most of the newly apj^ointed bishops, with Laud at their head, were the leaders, allied with the Papal faction in supporting the king. Such was the condition of afiairs at the close of the reign of James I. Meanwhile, a portion of the refugees in Holland, after twelve years' residence in that country, resolved to emi- grate to America. Protracted negotiations with the 'DEPARTURE OF THE PILGRIMS. Virginia Comgaa^ to secure a, patent to lands, and with chap. TTTCidiHuLb! ili~irondon to provide the necessaries for emi- ^■ gration, together with earnest consultations with their 16 2o! friends in England, now occupied the attention of the Pilgrims. After their departure from Holland, further delays awaited them at the English ports. . Twice were they compelled by the insufficiency of their transports to return, and on the second occasion their smaller vessel, tne Speedwell, of sixty tons, in wliich they had first em- barked at Delft Haven, was abandoned si^nseaworthy.v At length, on the €th of September, 1620, th^M^y^flow^i^ Sept. finally set sail from Plymoutk, with her precious freioht ^' of one hundred souls,' to seek a better land beyond the seas. Whether we contemplate this act in its intrinsic character, or regard it in the magnificence of its results, it assumes a degree of importance scarcely equalled in the history of our race. The stern devotion to principle which impelled them to encounter the severest hardships, when a simple act of submission to a creed would ensure them peace and plenty in their English homes — the lofty courage wliich inspired even women and children gladly to brave the perils of the deep— and, above all, their unwavering faith in the promises of an Omnipotent Deity, present picture whose moral sublimity is not enhanced even by the success which has crowned their enterprise. After a stormy passage of sixty-five days, they dropped anchor on the dreary coast of Cape Cod. At the end of another tedious month, consumed in exploring the vicinity, and in preparations for landing, the Pilgrims stood at last on Plymouth rock, v > About this time a company of merchants and others which had been formed in the West of England, with Sir Ferdinand Gorges, governor of Plymouth, at their head, 100, not 101.— Young's Pilgrims, 122, note 1, and p. 100, notes 2, 5. 8 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. encouraged by the reports of the celebrated Captain John Smith, and supported by the influence of some of the 16 2 0. most powerful noblemen in the kingdom, obtained a charter of incorporation, with the exclusive right of plant- ing and governing New England. Tbis jgompany^ know n as the connnil of Plymonth ^ were thereby invested with unlimited jurisdiction over a region of almost boundless extent, embracing the entire breadth of the continent from sea to sea, between the fortieth and forty-eighth par- allels of north latitude. But the apparent compass of their power was the real measure of their weakness. So violent was the opposition to this monstrous monopoly, ' that not even the proclamation of King Jame^s, enforcing the terms of the grant, and sustained by the utmost stretch of the prerogative, could preserve inviolate the charter of the company./ The spirit of English liberty, nourished by the Puritans in proportion as the encroachment of the crown increased, spurned the authority of an instrument which fettered both sea and land.] Extensive fishing ex- peditions were fitted out for ther coast of New England, and conducted without regard to the claims of the coun- cil. In vain did the company send out officers to main- tain their authority in New England, or appeal to the king to sustain their pretensions. The parliament stood firmly on the rights of the subject, until the company, exhausted by fruitless efibrts to secure their monopoly, at length resorted to the sale of charters as their sole source of revenue. In the course of a few years they disposed, in various grants, of all the lands in New England, some of them twice over ; nothing of value remained to them ; 16 3 5. many of the original patentees had already abandoned "^^"^ their interests, and the council itself finally surrendered its charter and became extinct.' Frn jD thj - ii rnm p n ny thr pnrrhnnn of a brgr grnnt of ' Report of Board of Trade on Duke of Hamilton's claim to Xarraganset. — British State Paper OJice, New England Papers, vol. xxxvi. p. 222. THE MASSACHUSETTS COMPANY. 9 land s in Massachusetts was made, and a party of emi- chap -.g^W^",, 1^^ri^^0r iIip rli'rppti^^lf ^ John Enflioflht, name ov eMjie^ _\_ s ame year, and established themselves at Salem, where l,'''2 8. " ^oger Conant, from New Plymouth, had already made a " ^g ' sett lement . That enterprise, originating in a commercial speculation, and proving unfortunate, had been abandoned by all but Conant and a few associates, who, inspired by the zeal of friends in England, had remained to found another home where the exiles for religion might find rest. ^A few of Endicott's followers settlerl a i ri1igr1pgfr>wn The next ye ar a royal charter was with much difficu lty obtained, and the Massachusetts company became legal ly a distmct trading corporation. T his ^'^^ fnllnwP(^] by g^ emigration of about two hundred persons under the pastoral care of Rev. Francis Higgmson.-TlTese settled^ Batem-and— ^GharlesttTwn; The powers and priviteges~~which the Mas- sachusetts charter conferred differed in no essential par- ticulars from those of similar companies already existing. That it was S03n to be virtually erected into a basis of civil government became apparent, when, at a meeting of the company in London, it was resolved to transfer the charter to the freemen of the company inhabiting the colony. By this act a powerful stimulus was given to the scheme of colonization. Large numbers prepared to cross the sea. A meeting of the company was held to transfer ^^*" the government to America, by appointing an entire board of officers who would agree to emigrate. John Wint hrop ^ was chosen governo r. In the month of March following, ( the great expedition, consisting of about eight hundred V 6 3 souls, embarked in eleven ships at Yarmouth, and reached ) their destination in June and July. Nearly as many more/ followed in the course of the year. The settlement of\^ Boston and the final establishment of .the colony of Mas- I sachu setts Bay date from this period. ^ Although the terms of the patent, and the royal intent in granting it, point only to a commercial ad- 10 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, venture, yet the circumstances wliicli determined the ,^,.^1,^ emigration, the documentary proofs in relation to it, and 163 0. the character and subsequent conduct of the men, furnish sufficient evidence that a large portion of them were ac- j tuated by other motives than pecuniary gain. What / were these motives ? Certainly not those assigned to them by Charles I., " the freedom of liberty of conscience ;'' for scarcely had the royal charter been obtained, and the church under Higginson established itself in Salem, wTiile the government had not yet been transferred to America, or the settlement of Boston commenced, before the per- manent policy of the Puritans was developed in active hostility to dissenters. Two men named Browne, occu- pying influential positions in the colony, were foremost in opposition to the new church organization, and strenuously demanded that the English liturgy should not be aban- doned. Thus the enemy from which they had fled ap- peared at once among them. E[)iscopacy asserted its rights in the stronghold of the Puritans. But should the exultant hierarchy, which had driven them across the sea, be allowed to dictate to them in their new-found homes, and perhaps in time expel them from their " New English Canaan ? " The colonists thought not, and availing them- selves of a clause in the form' of government prescribed by the company under their charter, which permitted the expulsion of " incorrigible persons, " the two Brownes were summarily sent back to England, by order of Endi- cott, in the very ships which had brought them over. / Thus early was dissent rebuked, and theological con- / tumacy punished, before the Puritan church itself was ^ tairly established in Massachusetts. "The freedom of lib erty of conscif^nce " then formed no part of the Puri tan polit y in its inception, nor yet, as we shall presently se e, in its c ompletion. The Puritans fled from England be- cause they could not conform to the usages of the estab- » 1629, April 30.— Young's Chrons. Mass., 196, THE PURITANS. li lislied church, because they desired a still further exten- chap. sion of the principles of the Reformation, because they .^..^^ would not assent to those forms of church service attempted 16 3 0. to be enforced by the celebrated act of uniformity. Differ- ing widely on these points from the government creed, they looked for a home in the new world, where they might erect an establishment in accordance with their peculiar theological views. " They sought a faith's pure shrine," based on what they held to be a purer system of worship, and a discipline more in unison with their notions of a church. For this they crossed the Atlantic and obtained a home, where the Pilgrims had preceded them, on the dreary coast of New England. Here they proceeded to organize a State, whose civil code followed close on the track of the Mosaic law, and whose ecclesiastical polity, like that of the Jews, and of all those then existing, was identified with the civil power. They thus secured what was denied them in England, the right to pursue their own form of religion without molestation, and in this the object of their exile was attained. The hardships of the infant colony are evinced in the fearful havoc which death and desertion made in their ranks. More than one hun- dred, discouraged at the prospect which pestilence and famine presented, abandoned the enterprise, and returned immediately to England, while of those who remained, double that number, before the close of the year, had fallen victims to disease. So great was the decrease from these causes, and so disheartening the effect produced in England by the report of those who returned, that the accessions by emigration for the next two years were not sufficient to make up the losses. A similar series of dis- asters had occurred to the Pilgrims in comuicncing their settlement. Sickness and starvation had reduced their ! numbers one-half within a few months, and the additions were at no time so considerable as those which the sister colony afterwards received. Ten years of hardship and 12 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, suffering elapsed before the great emigration of the v^-^ Puritans, and at that time the Plymouth colony contained 16 3 0. Qjjjy. ^i^i-ge hundred persons. Such were some of the difficulties encountered by the early settlers of New Eng- land. The government of Plymouth was for many years a pure 16 2 0. democracy. In the cabin of the, Mayflower the first solemn ^"^- compact in the history of America, creating a body politic by voluntary act of the signers, was subscribed. Upon this ^ rief but pompr<^hensive constitution r^sts the wh ole fabric o f American republicanis m.' The right to frame laws, and the duty of obeying them, were here simulta- neously declared by the free act of the whole people. ^As the_P ilgrims were mor^ liborRl tnwarHs those who differe d from them in ^points oj religious da ciria o than -tfae-Pu- ritans, so were t hey more free in their political constit u- tion. There were good reasons for this difference. In the first place, the principles of the early Separatists, although falling far short of the full idea of liberty of conscience, were much more liberal than were those of either of the two parties into which the Puritans were divided in the reign of James I. They were upon the right line of action, without having yet attained the ulti- mate result of their movement, or having traced back to its source, in the philosophy of mind, the secret impulse ' In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the I loyal subjects of our dread sovereign lord, King Jantes, &c., having under- taken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith and honor of our King and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do, by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the pres- ence of God and of one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance of the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony ; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof, &c. — Bradford's ^ Wiiislow't Journal, MourCs Belatioti. Young's Chrom. of Pilyrims, p. 121. THE PILGRIM FATHERS. 13 which urged them onward. Their conceptions of the greatfftruth which they were unconsciously developing were but vague and uncertain, but their course seems to have 16 2 0. been guided in no small degree by its dawning light. Their venerable teacher. Robinson, in his final sermon, before their departure from Leyden, had given them a July solemn charge, which seemed to foreshadow the new reve- lation that was to spring from the oracles of God. " I charge you, before God and his blessed angels, that you follow me no farther than you have seen me follow the Lord Jesus Christ. If God reveal any thing to you, by any other instrument of his, be as ready to receive it as ever you were to receive any truth by my ministry ; for I am verily persuaded, I am very confident, that the Lord has more truth yet to break forth out of his holy word." ' The contrast to the bigotry of England which this liberal and Christian advice presents, is a proof, how far in ad- vance of his age was this learned and pious pastor of the Pilgrims. Had Robinson been able to accompany the emigrants to America, the future apostle of religious free- dom would have found in him a sympathizing friend. The result of his teaching is seen in the milder treatment of those who differed from them, which the records of Ply- mouth present when compared with those of Massachu- setts. The spirit of Robinson appeared to watch over his feeble flock on the coast of New England, long after his body was mouldering beneath the cathedral church at Ley- den. Again, their twelve years' residence in Holland had brought the Pilgrims in contact with other sects of Chris- tians, and given them a more catholic sj)irit than per- ^ tained to those whose stay in England had been embittered by the strife of contending factions in the established church. Whether these reasons fully account for the superior liberality of the Plymouth Colonists, or not, the records show, that as they were distinct from the Puritans ' Morton's Memorial, p. 29, note. 14 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, in England, and had been long separated from them in Hol- land, so did they preserve that distinction in some nJiasure in America, The Pilc rrims of Ply mnnt h were more lib eral in_jeelin g, and more tolerant injractice , than the Puri- tans of Massachus ftt" P«y The simple forms of demo- cratic government were maintained in Plymouth for eighteen years, until the growth of the colony compelled- the introduction of the representative system. The laws were enacted by the entire people, and theif execution intrusted to a governor, and council of five assistants, afterwards increased to seven. ^-, The government of Massachusetts was much more I restrictive, and the circumstances of the colony compelled I more frequent changes in its forms than was the case with 1 6 2 9\ Plymouth. The royal charter, with the plan of govern- ■^P"^ / ii^^^t adopted under it, by the company in which John Endicott was named as governor, had formed the fun- damental law, until the corporation itself emigrated the next year to America, with Winthrop at its head. A new organization under the king's patent now took place. By \ this patent, a governor, deputy-governor, and eighteen as- sistants were to be elected annually by a majority of the Aug. freemen of the company.' Soon after the arrival of Win- throp, the first Court of Assistants was held at Charles- town. Tho. proceedings of that court were singularly in- dicative of the future policy of the colony. The first measure proposed was " how the ministers shall be main- tained."^ This question, so honorable to the colonists, who, amid the hardships of an infant settlement, made the support of the clergy their earliest care, would prove, if other evidence were wanting, that the religious senti- ment was the most active cause of Puritan emigration ; and it might further serve as a premonition to all those whose creed was heterodox, or whose conduct was at » 1 Holmes's Annals, 195. « 1 Prince, 246. MORTON OF MERRY MOUNT. 15 variance with the spirit of the times, that the Massa- chusetts colony v?-as no home for them. And, as if to confirm tlie latter position heyond mistake, the second measure of the court was to order, " that Morton of Mt. WoUaston be sent for presently." Thomas Morton was one of a company under Capt. Wollaston, who, some years before, had settled in what is now the town of Quincy. Wollaston, on his return to England, left the 16 25. place in charge of one of his companions, who was dis- placed by the intrigues of Morton, and the establishment under the new name of Merry Mount, became a scene of riot and dissipation, to the infinite annoyance of the neigh- boring settlements. The colonists had once equipped 16 28. Miles Standish with an armed force to abate this nuisance, and having captured Morton, sent him to England as a prisoner, with charges against' him to be disposed of as the company there might see fit. He found means to return the 16 2 9. next year, and renewed the orgies of Merry Mount, until the summary proceedings of the Court of Assistants broke up this resort of idlers.' This was a step for which no one 1630. can censure the court. The dissolute character of Morton and his crew rendered their expulsion necessary for the wel- fare of the colony, w^hile the fact of their supplying the In- dians with firearms merited the severest punishment. But it is the promptness of the government in taking action upon the case, which is chiefly worthy of note. _Scai:aely had they landed in New England, before they provide, first forthe support of the miuistrv. and second for the purifi- catio n of socie ty. The only other measure of the court at this session related to the price of labor. However much we may approve of their action in the two preceding ' Morton's house was burnt by order of the Court at their next session, Sept. 7 (1 Prince, 248), and himself imprisoned until sent for the second time to England, whence he again returned in 1643, and finally died at Piscataqua. For particulars concerning tliis notorious " old roysterer,'' see Morton's New England's Memorial, 135-142, with the Editor's note; also 1 Mass. Hist. ColL iii. 61-64. His own account of himself in his book entitled New English 16 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. 1630. matters, this certainly was ill-advised, and as the event proved,, injurious. Mechanics' wages were fixed at two shillings a day, and a fine of ten shillings was decreed against giver and taker for any excess ahove this rate. The experiment of arbitrary values, whether placed upon lahor, or affixed to things intrinsically worthless, has been often tried with ruinous results, and the attempt in this case displayed a disposition to excessive legislation, incompat- ible with the real interests of society." -' Oct. The first General Court, composed of all the freemen of the colony, was held in the autumn. The spirit of tin's assembly was liberal and yielding. Over one hundred per- sons were admitted freemen of the company, many of whom were not connected with any of the churches.'^ Among tlie applicants for freedom was William Blackstone, the earliest settler of Boston, having resided there four or five years previous to the arrival of Winthrop, and the same who after- wards removed to what is now the town of Cumberland, being unable to brook " the tyranny of the Lord— Brethren " at the Bay.3 The influence of the governor and assistants and the disposition of the people to repose confidence in their authority, led the Court to order that for the future the freemen should choose the assistants only, and that these should select the governor and deputy from among themselves, and should also make laws and appoint oflicers.^ Canaan, by Thos. Morton, Amsterdam, 1637, 4to., 191 pp., a copy of which I h&ve read in the British Museum, does not display his character much more favorably than does the indignant secretary of the court of N. Plymouth in the pages above referred to. ■ These absurd regulations were several times repealed and re-enacted, and were the occasion of much trouble in Massachusetts, frequently requiring the interposition of tie courts to adjust variations in the price of labor bet\s'een different towns -1 Savage's Winthrop,' 31, note. This was not the only sub- ject upon wlii.'.. the rulers of the Bay abused their legislative prerogative. ' 1 Hutchinson's Mnss., 26. ' 1 Savage's Winthrop, 63, note (1853). He was admitted at the next Court, May 18, 1631. * Prince's Annals (1826), 320. 163 1 THE RELIGIOUS TEST ACT. IT This was a wide departure from the terms of the charter, and a concession of power which, however safely reposed in this case, furnished a dangerous precedent for the future. At the next G-eneral Court, being the first court of election in Massachusetts, this power was wisely restricted by the people, who r^assumed the right to choose their own offi- cers, and although they did not at this time expressly limit the term of office to one year, they established their right to make such annual changes in the board as the majority might wish. Thus they partially rescinded the act of the pre- vious Court by which they had yielded too much. It would have been well if they had stopped at this point, and not made the legislation of the two Courts present a still further contrast, by an order which entirely reversed the liberality of the former in admitting freemen without a religious test. This measure, which was to be. the exciting cause of future troubles, and the means of calling into existence a new State based upon principles as yet untried, was considered essential to the preservation of purity in the community. " To the end the body of the commons may be preserved of honest and good men, it was ordered and agreed, that for the time to come, no man shall be admitted to the freedom of this body politic, but such as are members of some of the churches within the limits of the same."' This extraordinary law continued in force until the dissolu- tion of the government,^ and the spirit of intolerance which it necessarily, if not intentionally fostered, survived in the hearts of the people, and was displayed in the conduct of the rulers, long after the odious enactment was ex- punged from the statute book. The apologists of this ' Prince's Annals (1826), 354. * It was nominally repealed in 1665 (1 Holmes's Annals, 210, note), but its leatures were essentially retained, by substituting for church membership a minister's certificate that the candidate for freedom was of orthodox princi- ples, and of good life and conversation. 1 Hutchinson's Mass., 26, and note, p. 2ai. VOL I — 2 IG31. 18 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISI4ANP. ^^^^- law have excused its existence on the ground of dangers, which were feared from the hostihty of the prelatical I)arty in England, requiring a strong bond of union, and the incitement of religiaus zeal in those to whom was in- trusted the exercise of political power. They overlook or conc eal the facts tha t the requi sites for church 'member- ship in Massachusetts were far more stri ct tban in Eng- l and, and that it was a greater grievanc e to~Be~deprived of civil liberties for t hje mnsp in NpW F.ncylnrxT fhsin in CM • and again, the direct ejffect of such a law must be to incul- cate hypocrisy, since no rectitude of conduct could procure the immunities, which were the reward of profession only, so that if any one did not feel himself to be at heart a Chris- tian, and so conld not conscientiously unite with a church, he must submit either to dissemble or be disfranchised. At this day it appears strange that men, who in so many re- spects showed that they were wise and good, should not have seen and shunned the consequences of such a law. It would seem as if they believed that the act of legisla- tion was omnipotent,' having in itself an efficacy to change the heart of man, and to reverse the [)rinciples of human na- ture. How, otherwise, could they sanction a statute which placed a premium upon deception, and which required a sjiiritual change, such as they held could only be effected by divine grace, as a prelude to the exercise of civil rights, while, as the evidence of this change, they could require only the assurance of the applicant, accomi)anied by such proofs, in outward conduct, of his sincerity as might suffice to satisfy public opinion ? The external conditions of citizen- ship were too easy, and its advantages too great, to be overlooked by those whose lives were governed by any other motives than those of c/mscience. The terms of the law are such as to defeat its avowed object. To preserve men " honest and good," we should avoid tlie occasion of evil, and not offer an inducement to practise it under the cloak of sanctity. The spirit of this law is one which ARRIVAL OF ROGER WILLIAMS. 19 1631. would blot out from the great canon of petition, " lead us not into temptation," to substitute for the teachingsof Infi- nite Wisdom the devices of man's invention, which would expose frail humanity to a j)owerful allurement under the name of a sanctifying trial, and expect it to emerge un- scathed, or even strengthened, from the dangerous ordeal. The operation of the law could not fail to introduce into the body politic elements the very opposite to what was intended, and to assimilate the institutions of the State to those from which they had fled, by making still more close, in Massachusetts than ever it had been in England, the union of civil with ecclesiastical power. To establish a tyranny of the church, to cherish a feeling of intolerance, and to foster a spirit of dissimulation, were the inevitable results of this baleful statute. To infuse discontent into the minds of many, and thus to involve the State in con- tinual difficulty, was its legitimate and immediate effect. It was the first direct legislative exposition of the feeling of the colonists towards those who differed from them in religious opinions, however blameless might be their lives. It foreshadowed a similar fate to others, under the sanction of law, which had already been visited upon the Brownes, by order of Endicott, under a construction of the charter. Nor was it many years before the emigration of some pro- minent citizens, and the open opposition of others, dis- played the light in which independent men viewed the infringement upon freedom of thought and action of which this statute was the harbinger. A few weeks j)revifluSr to the meeting of this G-ene- ral Court, tM' ship LymT^ ^ve(j_3t N apt^°^'^^-j with Feb, twenty passengers and a Targe store of provisions. Her ^' arrival was most timely, for the colonists were reduced to the last exigencies of famine. Many had already died of want, and many more were rescued from imminent peril by this providential occurrence. A public fast had been 9, appointed for the day succeeding that on which the ship 20 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, 1631. reached Boston. It was changed to a general thanksgiv- ing. There ^vas another incid ent connected with the arri- val of this ship, which madeiF~an era, no t only in the affairs of Massachusetts, but in the history of America. She brought to the shores of New England.' the ^ tinder of^ a new State, the exp onent of a new philosoplis: ^ the intel- lect that was to harmonize religious differen ces , q,nd spot he thes ecta iian asperities of the New "World; a m an whose clearness of mind enabled him to deduce^Jioitti^ie mass of crude speculations which abounded i n the 17th century, ^'propOf^iLiun so comprehensive, that it fs difficult to say whether its application has produced the most beneficial influence upon religion, or morals, or po litics. This man j^^-wjTs^Koger W iIlTani5,-~ihen about thirty-two years of age.' lie wa^a scholai, "Well versed in the ancient and some of the modern tongues, an earnest inquirer after truth, and an ardent friend of popular liberty as well for the mind as for the body! As " a godly minister," he was welcomed to the society of the Puritans, and soon invited by the church in Salem to supply the place of the lamented Hig- ginson, as an assistant to their pastor Samuel Skel'ton. The invitation was accepted, but the terra of his ministry was destined to be brief. The authorities at Boston re- monstrated with those at Salem against the reception' of Williams. The Court at its next session addressed a April letter to Mr. Endicott to this effect : " That whereas 12 Mr. Williams had refused to join with the congregation at ' See Appendix A for research into his early life. A Rhode Islander may be permitted to notice the coincidence of a general thanksgiving day " by or- der from the Governor and Council, directed to all the plantations," to cele- brate the arrival of the ship which brought the founder of his State to the shores of the New World. With the exception of the thanksgiving held July 8, upon the arrival of '• the great emigration " by the emigrants themselves, this was the first instance of what has long since become, by universal cus- tom, one of the " institutions '' of these United States. And happily for the country, the principles which emanated from the cabin of the Lyon have been no less widely diflused than has the custom to which her arrival gave occa- sion. WILLIAMS SETTLED AT SALEM. 21 Boston, because they would not make a public declara- ^^j^^ tion of their repentance for having communion with the ^T' — churches of England, while they lived there ; and, besidesj had declared his opinion that the magistrate might not ])unish the breach of the Sabbath, nor any other offence, as it was a breach of the first table ; therefore, they mar- velled they would choose him without advising with the council, and withal desiring him, that they would forbear to proceed till they had conferred about it." ' This attempt of the magistrates of Boston to control the election of a church officer at Salem, met with the re- buke it so richly merited. The people were not ignorant of the hostility their invitation had excited ; yet on the very day the remonstrance was written, they settled Wil- liams as their minister.^ The ostensible reasons for this hostility are set forth in the' letter above cited. That they were to a great extent the real ones cannot be ques- tioned. The ecclesiastical polity of the Puritans sanc- tioned this interference. Their church platform approved it.' Positive statute would seem to require it. Never- theless, we cannot but think that, underlying all this, / there was a secret stimulus of ambition on the part of the/ Boston Court to strengthen its authority over the prosper- ous and, in some respects, rival colony of Salem. Saleml was the oldest town in what was then Massachusetts, and had been the seat of power under Gov. Endicott until the corporation emigrated to America, supplanting his author- ity by that of Gov. Winthrop, and making Boston the capital of New England. But the advantages of Salei were considerable, and the feeling of independence re- sulting from these circumstances was apjjarent. The ex- pediency of reducing the people of Salem to more com- plete subjection to the central power, could not have been •Winthrop, i. 63. ^ Bentley's Hist, of Salem, 1, M. H. C. vi. 246. * Mather's Magnalia, B. v. ch. 17, § 9. 22 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 G31. An overlooked by the Court, and accordingly we find them speedily embracing the earliest opportunity to assert that power — gently, at first, expressing wonder and requesting delay on certain theological grounds, but more harshly afterward as we shall presently see. As a political meas- ure this interference failed of its object. The people resent- ed so great a stretch of a,uthority, and the church disregard- , ed the remonstrance. The reasons assigned by the Court', we do not propose here to discuss, yhe firgt inyl^^^'T «_ poin t in which Williams was not alone.' The '^ gr eat John Cotton " himself wit.hdrf^w fp^m ff'^mmunifn with the and persuaded other eminent di- t the same course,"' The second reason r e- dounds to the eve rlasting honor of Willinms ns ^' the o;jeat, tarl iest assertor of religio ns fri^P( h)7TLl '- What could not as yet be accomplished by direct intervention of the Court was effected in a surer manner. The fearlessness of Wil- liams in denouncing the errors of the times, and especially the doctrine of the magistrate's power in religion, gave rise to a system of persecution which, before the close of the summer, obliged him to seek refuge beyond the juris- diction of Massachusetts in the more liberal colony of the i Pilgrims.' At Plymouth " he was well accepted as an assistant in the ministry to Mr. Ralph Smith, then pastor of the church there."^ The principal men of the colony treated > him with marked attention. Gov. Bradford, in his Jour- nal, speaks well of him,^ and Gov. Winthrop, who had uniformly opposed him, mentions having partaken of the Holy Sacrament with him, in corai)any with Mr. Wilson, pastor of the Boston church, when on a visit at Plymouth. Williams remained for two years at Plymouth.'' The * Magnalia, B. iii. cli. 1, § 10-18. * Mr. Savape in note 2, Winthrop, i. 41. * Bentley's Salem, 1, M. H. C. vi. 246. * Morton's Memorial, 151. * Prince, 377. ' The weight of authority assigns this limit to R. W.'s residence at Ply« mouth. See citations in Knowles. p. 55, note. THE NARRAGANSETT INDIANS. 23 opportunities there presented for cultivating an intimate chap. acrniaintance with the chief Sachfiias of the neiffhhorino: — • — - -■ IBS! tribes were well improved, and exerted an important in- fluence, not only in creating the State of which he was to be the founder, but also in protecting all NewEngland amid the horrors of savage warfare. Ousamequin, or Massasoit, as he is usually called, was the Sadiem of the Wampanoags, called also the Pokanoket tribe, inliabiting the Plymouth territory. His seat was xt Mount Hope, in what is now the town of Bristol, P. I. With this chief, the early and steadfast friend of the English, Williams established a friendship which proved of the greatest service at the time of his exile. West of the Pokanoket country, embracing the islands in and around Narragansett bay, the eastern end of Long [siand, with nearly the whole - mainland as far as Paw- ;atuck river, was the powerful tribe of the Narragansetts, deluding several subordinate tribes, all owning the sway Off the sagacious and venerable Canonicus, with his brave !rv\ud generous nej^hew, Miantinomo, as their chief Sachems. Tradition speaks of this tribe as a fierce and warlike race, exttuding their conquests from the main, over all the adjacent islands, and it still points to the spot on the island of Rhode Island, where in a great battle, anterior to the arrival of the English, the former proprietors of these I\sautiful shores were vanquished by the valor of their auRailants. There is a clause in the Indian deed of AquidnecV. to Wm. Coddington, which appears to confirm this tradition. It is, however, certain that at this time the schemes of the Narragansetts for territorial aggran- dizement had ceased, and their attention had become directed in some measure to the arts of civilization. They coined money in their rude way from sea-shells, and were skilled in various branches of Indian manufacture. With these Indians, as with Massasoit, Williams sought friend- ship, and by kindness and attention, making them pres- 24 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. ents and visiting them, as his letters describe, " in their filthy smoky holes to gain their tongue," he overcame the ■ shyness of the old Canonicus and won the esteem of the high-spirited Miantinomo. It proved well for himself and for New England that tliis intercourse was maintained. The generous spirit of the Pilgrims preserved Roger Williams in a great measure from the annoyance which had caused his removal from Salem, and protected him from the offensive interference of the civil •'authorities. i Still his own views were too liberal for the times in which \ he lived ; he was misunderstood by the enlightened, and * misrepresented by the bigoted who sympathized with their brethren of the Bay. His attachment appears never to have been withdrawn from the people of Salem, who reciprocated the warmth of his regard and invited his return.* So great was the respect and love entertained ^„„ for him at Plymouth, that it was not without ditficulty 16 3 3. lie obtained his dismissal from the church, through the influence of Brewster, the ruling elder, who was one of those who dreaded the effect of his opinions. It illus- trates the singular power which, through his whole life, Roser Williams exerted on the minds of his companions, whether savage or civilized, that several members of the Plymouth church, unwilling to be separated from him, desired their dismission at the same time and followed him to Salem. ^ Here he again assisted Mr. Skelton, whose health was rapidly failing. Now, within the jurisdiction of the Bay, was resumed a conflict between the despotic spirit of theocracy and the genius of intellectual liberty, which was to result in the temporary triumph of arbitrary power over abstract light ; which was to call into existence an independent State, and finally to achieve the emancipation cf the human soul from the thraldom of ])riestly oi)pression. It should be borne in mind that in most of the points of dispute which ' Backus, i. 56. " Morton's Memorial, 151. MISREPRESENTATIONS CONCERNING WILLIAMS. 25 now arose Williams was not alone or even foremost in the chap. discussion, while in respect to some of the most important ^_^_; encroachments of the Court upon the rights of the people 1 <3 3 3. all the inhabitants of Salem were with him. His de- tractors have delighted to represent him as if he were the only thorn in the side of the authorities, the sole disturber of fraternal harmony in the otherwise happy family of the Puritans. To fasten upon Roger Williams the stigma of factious opposition to government, as has often been attempted, is to belie history by an effort to vindicate bigotry and tyranny at the expense of truth. It is a memorable fact, which a careful examination of the evi- dence presented by the Puritan writers themselves will establish, that of the many singular and bitter contro- versies which raged at this time, in most of which Roger Williams bore a conspicuous part, and for all of which his enemies have endeavored to make him solely responsible, only one was initiated by him, save that which has become his crowning glory. The contentious spirit with which he has been charged was characteristic of the age in which he lived, and eminently so of the society in which he moved. Transition periods are necessarily eras of agita- tion, more or less prolonged according to the importance of the principles to be evolved. In this case the Protes- tant reformation had opened a discussion, in the 16th century, involving the dearest rights of humanity, which had already convulsed all Europe, and was about to sub- vert the ancient monarchy of England. To establish the inherent right of private judgment, the free agency of the mind in spiritual matters, — this was the grand result towards which a hundred years of toil and strife, in camp and court, in school and closet, were slowly tending. In the controversy which directly led to this result, Williams had many ardent friends among his Puritan compeers, the more. perhaps from his bearing only a secondary part in the subordinate agitations which first occurred. 26 HISTORT OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. A meeting of the ministers, held at each other's houses, to debate " questions of moment," inspired the cautious 16 3 3. mind of Skelton with fear lest* *' it might grow in time to a preshyterv, or superintendency, to the prejudice of the church's liberties." In this feeling Williams shared, but remained passive, while Skelton openly denounced the frequent meetings of the clergy."^ They had both seen enough of priestly arrogance in England to dread its appearance in America. Already had the interference of the Court at Boston, at the instigation of the ministers, given warning of the actual usurpation from which the church at Salem was shortly to suffer. Liberty is rarely subverted at a single blow. Its foundations are sapped by gradual and regular approaches under the guise of lawful authority, and often in the very name of freedom itself. These manifestations could not escape the vigilance of the Salem pastors, or fail to fill their minds with anxious fore- bodings. The event justified the anxiety of these watch- ful guardians of public liberty, notwithstanding the remark of the amiable Winthrop, who was soon to feel in his own person the fickleness of popular favor, with- drawn at the dictation of the clergy, that " this fear was without cause." The custom of women wearing veils in public formed a theme of pulpit discussion at that time, which has un- justly been charged upon Williams. The earnestness of Endicott and the eloquence of Cotton upon this topic are recorded by contemporary writers. It has remained for the ignorance or the ill-will of more recent times, to cast upon Roger Williams the absurdity of a controversy which began before his arrival,^ and in which there is no reliable evidence to prove that he took a prominent part.* ' Winthrop, i. 117. " Bentley's Salem, 248. ' Bentley, 245. * Hubbard is the earhest Puritan writer who connects the name of Wil- liams with this ridiculous controversy. His tirade upon Roger Williams, chiip. 30, General History of New England, is the source whence most of the abuse of the Founder of Rhode Island is derived, wherein he is closely fol- PROCEEDINGS AGAINST WILLIAMS. 27 More serious difficulties soon arose. During Williauis' chap. residence at Plymouth, he had written a treatise upon ^ the royal patent, under which the Massachusetts colony 16 3 3. held their lands, wherein he maintained that the planters could have no just title except what they derived from the Indians The Court, as usual, took advice of the ministers, *' who much condemned Mr. Williams' error and presumption, and were greatly offended at these three passages : " 1. For that he chargeth King James to have told a solemn jjublic lie, because in his patent he blesses God that he was the first Christian prince that had discovered this land : 2. For that he chargeth him and others with blasphemy for calling Europe Christendom, or the Christian world : 3. For that he did personally apply to our present King, Charles, these three places in the Re- velation, viz."' As to the first point, we are at loss to discover any very strong grounds for clerical indignation. If it was "presumption" in Williams to deny to the reigning family the honor of discovery, it certainly was not an error. To the Tudors, and not to the Stuarts, that honor belongs. It was under the auspices of Henry VII., more than a century before James I. ascended the throne, that New England was discovered.'^ Politically Williams lowed by Cotton Mather a few years later. Other portions of his history are equally unreliable ; in fact, nowhere is he to be trusted as an original author- ity. His prejudices color his whole narrative. His plagiarisms and his care- lessness are sufficiently exposed by the diligent editor of Winthrop, in an am- ple note on p. 296, vol. i., to which the reader is referred. ' Mr, Savage's note at this place should be cited : " Perhaps the same expressions, by another, would have given less offence. From Williams they were not at first received in the mildest, or even the most natural sense ; though further reflection satisfied the magistrates, that his were not danger- ous. The passages from the Apocalypse were probably not applied to the honor of the King, and I regret, therefore, that Winthrop did not preserve th^m:'—l\inihrop, i. 102. In his 2d edition, p. 145, Mr. S. adds : "No com- plaint of such indiscretion would have been expressed ten years later, when the mother country far outran the colony in these perversions of Scripture." ' The author does not propose to discuss the question of the Ante-Colum- bid.1 discoverv of America. If the claim of the Danish writers for their 28 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, njay have been presumptuous ; historically he was correct ,^_;,^ in this first charge. That the second point should have 16 3 3. given oflfence, displays more earnestness to preserve the royal favor than zeal in the cause which they considered to be the only true one. Men who had rejicatcdly denied the Christianity of Europe, need not so suddenly have become indignant that one of their number should write what all of them spoke and believed. This spasmodic loyalty may be attributed to a fear lest the influence of Laud,"'Archbishop of Canterbury, should so far prevail with the Crown as to lead to a repeal of the New England patent. The solicitude for the honor of the king, manifested in .the third stated ground of offence, furnishes an amusing contrast to the conduct of the same reverend legislators a few years later. The arbitrary action of the Court, in calling for a paper Dec. written beyond the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, " for the private satisfaction of the Governor of Plymouth," and which had never been published, would have been properly resented by refusing to obey the summons. None of his persecutors in those days, or of his detractors in later times, ever displayed a more Christian, or less "contentious y spirit," than did Williams on this occasion. He " offered the book, or any part of it, to be burnt, and gave satisfac- tion of his intention and loyalty." On a further examina- 1G33-4. tion of the offensive passages by the council, " they found 24.' the matters not to be so evil as at first they seemed." Thus the subject rested for a few months until it was found con- venient again to call it up. Upon the death of Mr. Skelton, the. church ordained Roger Williams as their pastor, although the Court a sec- northem progenitors were fully established, identifying New England, and es- pecially Rhode Island, with the Vineland of Icelandic explorers, it would have no hearing npon the New England of our day ; while iu the present state of the subject it is more a matter for arclia;ological investigation than of historical research. For a view of this point see R. I. Hist Coil's, iv. Ap. 2, and fur the whole subject, Prof. Rufin's Antiquitates Ainericause. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST WILLIAMS. 29 ond time interfered to prevent it. We shall presently see chap. how severely their corW;umacy was punished. ] In the autumn Williams was again summoned to ap- 16 3 4. pear at Court, for promulgating his views concerning the patent. When we remember that the practice of the 27.' Puritans accorded precisely with the theory of Williams, in respect to the Indian titles — that all the land they oc- cupied, except what they found deserted, owing to the pestilence which preceded the arrival of the Pilgrims, had been purchased by them of the original proprietors — we cannot discover in the ostensible reasons for this second arrest, any sufficient cause for such treatment. That he took what we should consider a needless exception to the language of the patent is apparent. Perhaps he thought that words are sometimes things. The sense of justice which formed so striking a feature of his character, com- pelled him to deny the royal claim to possession by right of discovery. Yet this language was in itself harmless so long as it remained merely a form of kingly phraseology. We are forced to the conclusion that the real reasons for pursuing this matter are not upon the record, and that the repeated refusal of the Salem church to permit the interference of the Court in their choice of a teacher was the principal cause. This opinion is strengthened by the fact that after this time we hear nothing further of the controversy about the partent ; more tangible and serious causes of complaint being found by the Court. One other subordinate point remains to be noticed be- fore we arrive at the immediate causes of the banishment ^ g 3 fi of Koger Williams. The conduct of Endicott in cutting May. out the cross from the national colors, for which singular action he was suspended from office for one year by order of the Court, has been ascribed to the influence of Wil- liams, who has been made, as in the dispute about veils, the convenient author of most of the erratic deeds and no- tions of the times. The opposition to Popeiy and all its 30 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. symbols, which formed so deep a feeling in the Puritan mind, was the real cause of this unwarrantable act of the 16 3 5. Salem magistrate. That Williams countenanced the act is nowhere asserted, unless such a construction be given to the language of Hubbard.* Even Mather, who cannot be suspected of any bias in favor of Williams, says of this proceeding, " that he was but obliquely and remotely con- cerned in it." '^ How far he may be considered as morally responsible for this application of an abstract opinion which he entertained in common with -his fellows, is rather a question of ethics than of history. The clear- ness with which he discerned the dividing line between civil and spiritual concerns, in an age when these subjects had scarcely begun to attract public attention, forbids the idea that he advised the mutilation of the ensigns. The subject afterwards assumed a much greater prominence ; the Court, at first divided in opinion as to the lawfulness March ^f ^j^g cross, at length ordered the ensigns to be laid aside entirely, two months before Endicott, from motives of May policy, was disgraced for defacing them ; and when a year ^' later, at the request of certain shipmasters, these colors were hoisted upon the castle, it was done " with the pro- testation, that we held the Cross in the ensign idolatrous, and therefoi-e might not set it up in our own ensigns." ' This was subsequent to the banishment of Williams, and furnishes fair presumptive evidence to acquit him of re- sponsibility for this singular transaction. A more serious occasion for complaint was found in the views entertained by Williams on the nature of judicial A^l"'! oaths. He was cited before the council for teaching "that a magistrate ought not to tender an oath to an unro- generate man.'" It appears that he considered taking an oath to be in itself an act of worship, recognizing as it does the existence and power of a Supreme Being, and ' Hubhiirfl, ch. 80, p. 20.'i, in which he is followed by Hutchinson, 1, 38. » Magnnliii, B. 7, ch. 2, § 8. ' June 16, 1636, Wiuthrop, ii. 344. THE freeman's OATH. 31 hence, as a direct result of his views in respect to liberty chap. of conscience, he denied the right of any one to enforce it. .^ ^ There was nothing in this proposition to excite alarm, so 1635, long as it did not come in conflict with the tenets of the ministers or the desiarns of the macristrates. Passages in his writings indicate that he had long en- tertained, and in some cases had suffered losses in chan- cery on account of his views on this subject, which in some respects resemble those held by the Society of Friends, and for which, to this day, they are liable to pe- cuniary damage by the laws of England. Very soon, however, the action of the Court, in requiring a new oath to be taken by all the citizens, brought Williams' abstract notions into practical opposition. Alarmed at the rumors of '" some Episcopal and malignant practices against the country," the Court decreed that an oath of fidehty to the laws of the colony should be taken by all freemen. It will be remembered that " the freeman's oath" had already been taken by all who were admitted freemen of the colony. The terms in which it was expressed, requiring obedience to laws which should be "lawfully" made by the Court, acknowledged the charter as the fundamental law, and the source whence it was derived as the sovereign power. But tills new oath of fidelity ignored the charter, and bound the citizens to obey the acts of the Legislature without reference to their compatibility with the laws of England. What right had the magistrates, with their ever present counsellors, the clergy, to adopt this new law ? There were more reasons for Williams' earnest hostility to the measure than his enemies saw fit to assign, ^The c harte r, fllthrmo-h o -pnprn1 in ifti fnvmti^ -nr nf^ y p f , ^ ^ safft g nidft in the broa d principles of Ipio-isla.tion No laws repugnant t o those JnfnRncrla.Tirl rnnlrl hp pnaofprl un der it. It shiel ded the ^f >1nni-;ffl frnm fhp pnqci'hln fy^c^T^Tiy r>f f^P k ^'" g^ P"d J i::2Z. te cted them from the more probable despotism of their ow n local _magistrat es. A friend of popular liberty might well 32 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RLODE ISLAND. CHAP, be alarmed at a movement designed to destroy the only ^^.J.^, guarantee of freedom, and whatever his abstract opinions 16 3 5. in regard to oaths may have been, the illegality of the measure was enough to ensure the opposition of Williams. It appsars that he was not alone in this opposition. So many were found to resist the unlawful attempt, that for a time "the Court was forced to desist from that proceed- ing." It was not until the spirit of free inquiry was more effectually checked, and submission com[)elled b^ the coer- cive policy of the Court, that the act was finally passed, and the oath enforced, under severe penalties, upon every man over sixteen years of age. While the authorities, and especially the ministers, "W'ere thus diligent in establishing their power over the colonists, seeking to punish as seditious persons all those who ventured to exercise their freedom by calling in ques- tion the acts of the Legislature, they were aiming to ac- complish a virtual independence of the mother country. At the very time they were arraigning Williams as an enemy to the patent, for his too faithful defence of the rights of the Indians, and disgracing Endicott for mutilat- ing ensigns which they had already laid aside as idola- trous, they were nullifying their charter by decreeing an oath of fidelity to themselves, and were preparing for more overt acts of treason, should circumstances render it expedient. The council, alarmed by the evidence of serious designs against the colony, fomented by the high church party in England, convened the clergy to con- sider " what ought to be done if a general governoi I'y.' should be sent out of England." Four months prior to this, unusual activity was displayed in completing the fortifications, when these designs were first detected, and the idea of resisvance to the home government was freely canvassed by the General Court. Thus early was the spirit of colonial independence entertained by the ftxthers of Massachusetts, while as yet they were ignorant of the POLICY OF THE PURITANS. 33 leading principles of national freedom, and were pursuing chap a policy fatal to the existence of popular liberty. That ^ — ^ they should conceive the idea of eventual separation from the mother-country as an act of necessity, was natural and commendable under the circumstances in which they were placed ; but that they should at the same time ar- raign Williams for a constructive hostility to the patent they were designing to supplant, and degrade Endicott for violating colors which they had already disowned, was inconsistent in itself, and accords with the real motive which animated the dominant class — to make inde- pendence of England the means of establishing a theo- cratic despotism at home. The republican feeling with which the name of independence is associated in our minds was unknown to the authorities of Massachu- setts. At this time there was no sympathy with the spirit of progress in the stern assemblies of the Puri- tans. The all-pervading element of religious contro- versy had withered every generous sentiment and dried up the fountain of Christian benevolence. No respect was felt for individual opinions, and no regard was shown for private rights, that conflicted in any degree with the rules of a coldly intellectual system of theology. The sanctity of domestic life was disturbed by the sur- veillance of the State. Even parents were known to re- port to the magistrates incautious remarks made by their children in the familiar intercourse of home. Cotton, whose infl.uence was paramount in the colony, preached publicly " that a magistrate ought not to be turned into the condition of a private man without just cause," a doc- trine calculated to perpetuate power in the hands of men over whom the clergy already exercised unbounded con- trol. The strong common sense of the Puritan masses re- jected the dangerous dogma, but was not sufficient, as yet, to withstand the organized efforts of the magistrates and clergy. Every thing in the pohty of Massachusetts was VOL. I — 3 34 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, made subservient to the interests of the State, and that State was virtually and exclusively the Puritan church. No wonder that religious toleration and political freedom were alike abhorrent to its rulers, or that the conscience which could not accept an oath designed to perpetuate despotism was treated as an enemy to the State'. ^ The punishment inflicted upon the people of Salem for the alleged contempt of installing Eoger Williams, contrary to the repeated remonstrance of the Oourt, \^a8 characteristic, and illustrates the incongruous mingling 5fay of temporal and spiritual aifairs which must exist with a ^- church and state establishment. The authorities of Sa- lem petitioned the General Court for some adjacent land which they considered as belonging to their town. The petition was refused, " because they had chosen Mr. Wil- liams as their teacher." This was certainly an extraor- dinary reason to assign for denying an act of justice. The Salem people so considered it, and Williams ma,y be par- doned for having united with the whole body of his parish- ioners in an earnest protest against what they considered to be a flagrant wrong. The church at Salem addressed letters to the other churches desiring them to remonstrate with the magistrates and deputies who were their mem- bers on account of this injustice, and warning them of the danger to which their liberties were exposed. This api)eal to the people brought, no relief Popular sentiment was not so keenly alive to a sense of violated right, or so vigi- lant in guarding the outposts of freedom, as it is in our July day. At the next General Court the deputies from Salem 8. were refused their seats until their constituents " should give satisfaction about the letter."' Subsequently Mr. 1. * Eudicott protested against the action of the Court, and ' Winthrop, i. 164. Mr. Savage here justly remarks, in a note: "This denial, or perversion of justice, by postponement of a hearinji, on a question of temporal right, for some spiritual deficiency in the church or pastor, will not permit us to think that the judges of Williams were free from all blame in producing his schism." WILLIAMS SUMMONED BEFORE THE COUET. 35 justified the Salem letter; for which exercise of his rights chap. as a citizen he was committed by order of the government ^• until he acknowledged his fault. By such arbitrary meas- 16 3 5 ures, the authorities were shortly to subdue the manly op- position of the people of Salem, and to rule without re- straint over their submissive subjects. At the same Court which disfranchised the Salem deputies, Roger Williams was summoned to answer 8.' "for divers dangerous opinions, viz. : — 1, that the ma- gistrate ought not to punish the breach of the first table otherwise than in such cases as did disturb the civil peace; 2, that he ought not to tender an oath to an unregenerate man; 3, that a man ought not to pray with such, though wife, child, &c.; 4, that a man ought not to give thanks after the sacrament nor after meat." To what has already been said upon the first two points, it is only necessary to add, that the con- cluding clause of the first charge proves that Williams' views were not opposed to civil magistracy, as has been represented, but only to the extension of authority over subjects for which man is alone amenable to his Maker. With respect to the third charge, there is nothing in Wil- liams' writings to show that he entertained the views therein expressed. It should be borne in mind that the only reports we have of his opinions, during the ordeal through which he was made to pass while a minister at Salem, are given by his opponents, of whom Winthrop is the earliest writer, and the only one who was suj^erior to the influence of prejudice. And we know that inferences from his abstract notions, drawn by those less skilful in lo- gical deduction than himself, have been recorded as his real opinions, and that, with equal recklessness, he has been charged with acts which he never committed, but which were supposed by his enemies to be the legitimate results of views which they could not comprehend.' Wheth- ' Morton, Hubbard, Mather, and other nearly cotemporary writers, have zrred in this way ; e. g. Morton's Memorial, 153, says, " he would not pray 36 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ERODE ISLAND. er in this case he entertained the precise views alleged against him or not, is of little importance. If he did, it 1635. may be attributed to the effect of the prevailing idea of English worship, where all present are supposed fervently to unite in the prescribed forms of prayer, however incon- sistent may be their lives. An undue prejudice may have biased his judgment in this particular. The fourth alle- gation is immaterial otherwise than as evidence of his wis- dom and zeal in opposing the attempt to estal3lish by law " a uniform order of discipline in the chiirches." Uni- formity, the rock upon which, a century before, the reform- ed church of England had well-nigh been wrecked, and which ever since had been the principal occasion of diffi- culty, which had led to the expatriation of the Pilgrims, and to the emancipation of the Puritans, was about to be attempted in Massachusetts. The Court had already taken measures to accomplish this object, and, if, as prob- able, these minor observances were to form a part of the religious system, we can well understand why Williams should oppose them. But these errors of doctrine appear to have had less weight in determinino; the action of the Court than did the " contempt of authority," by the Salem church, of which he was both the instrument and the victim. Church and pastor were each warned to expect sentence at the next General Court, unless satisfaction should mean- while be given. For two years this harassing treatment had continued with little intermission. Williams' health failed under the accumulated burden of pastoral duties and legal vexations. While in this condition, " being ^""' sick and not able to speak, he wrote to his church a pro- nor give thanks at meals with his own wife," &c. Hubbard copies him ver- batim. A more open slander Mather in his History has exposed, although with no good intent to Williams, in Magnalia, B. 7 ch. 2, g 6, which is cited by Knowles, 69, who significantly adds : " We may wonder, nevertheless, tliat Mr. Williams has not been accused of stardng his children, to the horror of succeeding generations ! " BANISHMENT OF ROGER WILLIAMS. 37 testation, that he could not communicate with the churches chap, in the Bay ; neither woukl he communicate with them, .^^^^^^ except they would refuse communion with the rest." The 163 5. cup of his annjuish was full when he penned this last epistle, the only one upon the record of this protracted contro- versy of which even his enemies could say that " it was written in wrath ; " nor con we know that the apparent bitterness of his rebuke did not spring from a spirit more in sorrow than in anger. The period of his sufferings was shortly to terminate. The letter of the Salem church was an unpardonable sin, which he, as its author, was to expiate, while that ad- dressed to his parishioners was considered an equally proper subject of judicial condemnation. For the fifth and last time he was summoned by the authorities to appear at the next General Court, where these two letters were Oct. presented as the sole charges against him. He justified their contents, and remained unmoved by the arguments of Hooker, who was appointed to dispute with him. The result was a decree of banishment in these words : "Whereas Mr. Koger Williams, one of the elders of the church of iSalem, hath broached and di\n^ilged divers new and dangerous opinions, against the authority of magis- trates ; as also writ letters of defamation, both of the magistrates and churches here, and that before any con- viction, and yet maintaineth the same without any re- tractation ; it is therefore ordered, that the said Mr. Wil- liams shall depart out of this jurisdiction within six weeks now next ensuing, which, if he neglect to perform, it shall be lawful for the governor and two of the magistrates to send him to some place out of this jurisdiction, not to re- turn any more without license from the Court."' It is a 1 Winthrop says : " At this general court Mr. Williams, the teacher at Salem, was again convented, and all the ministers in the Bay being desired" to be present, he was charged with the said two letters— that to the churches complaining of the magistrates for injustice, extreme oppression, etc., and the other to his own church to persuade them to renounce com- munion with all the churches iu the Bay, as full of anti-Christian pollution, 80414 38 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. / / CHJfi'. singular fact, that in this Court, composed Df magistratcE ^L^ and clergy, while some of the laymen opposed the decree, every minister, save one, approved it. A practical com- mentary is thus afforded on the danger of uniting the civil and ecclesiastical administrations. It suggests the reflection that, of all characters, the most dangerous and the most despicable is the political priest. Liberty to remain until spring was afterward granted him, accompanied by the injunction that he shduld refrain from disseminating his opinions, a restriction not easy to be borne by an earnest mind, conscious of possessing important truths and actively employed in diffusing them. To con- tinue his connection with the Salem church was incompat- ible with his i^resent position. The church, subdued by the severity of the Court, surrendered at discretion, and apolo- gized for the offensive letter. The lands for which they had petitioned and been refused, were soon afterwards granted to them. The stern exercise of power, although it accom- plished its purpose in breaking the spirit of the people, could not alienate their affections from one who had been their fearless champion and devoted pastor. Great was the grief in Salem when the sentence of banishment was pronounced, 1635-6, ^"^^ many prepared to follow him into exile. The per- J^^- mission to remain until spring was suddenly withdrawn at a meeting of the council, and his immediate departure for England, in a ship then ready to sail, was resolved upon. The reason of this harsh treatment was that he had pro- mulgated his views among those friends who visited him at his own house, and was i)lanning a settlement in Narra- eanset Bay, which was considered as being too near for etc. He justified both these letters, and maintained all his opinions, and being offered further conference or disputation, and a month's respite, he chose to dispute presently. So Mr. Hooker was appointed to dispute with him, but could not reduce him from any of his errors. So, the next morn- ing, the court sentenced him to depart out of our jurisdiction within six weeks, all the ministers save one approving the sentence ; and his own church had him under question also for the same cause ; and he, at his re- turn home, refused communion with his own church." WILLIAMS ESCAPES TO SEEKONK. 39 the safety of Puritan institutions. An order was sent for chap. him to come to Boston, which he declined to do. A boat ^;._ was then despatched to take him by force and place him 16 3 6, on board the ship. Warned by the previous order, he had already escaped three days before, no one knew whither. Leaving his wife and two infant children, he set out alone in midwinter to perform that arduous journey of which, thirty-five years later, he wrote, " I was sorely tossed for one fourteen weeks, in a bitter winter season, not know- ing what bed or bread did mean." Happily for the world, and most fortunately, as the event soon proved, for the people of New England, he eluded the vigilance of his pursuers. Had their designs succeeded, the grasp of in- tellect and the energy of purpose which had evolved the grand idea of religious toleration, and was about to estab- lish it as the primary article inthe government of a State, would have been transferred to another field of action, and generations might have passed away, in the stormy period of English history then commencing, before the man and the opportunity again arose to test the great experiment ; while the removal of the only man in New England who could control the elements of Indian warfare, might have given another and fatal termination to the desperate strug- gle which Pequot cruelty was preparing. Driven from the society of civilized man, and debarred the consolations of Christian sympathy, Williams turned his steps southward, to find among heathen savages the boon of charity which was refused at home. The now venerable Ousamequin, who sixteen years before had first welcomed the weary Pilgrims to his shores, and with whom Williams, during his residence at Plymouth, had contracted a friend- ship, received with open arms the lonely and twice-exiled Puritan. From him Williams obtained a grant of land near what is now called Cove Mills, on the eastern bank of Seekonk river, where he built a house, and commenced planting with the view of permanent residence. But this April 40 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. was not to be his home. In the qnaint scriptural lan- guage of the day, " he had tarried on this sid* Jordan, ■while 16 3 6. the promised land lay still beyond." He was soon advised by his friend Gov, Winslow that, as his plantation was within the limits of Plymouth colony, who " were loath to displease the Bay, he should remove to the other side of the water." This he resolved to do, and in company with five others, who appear to have followed hira from Salem, he embarked in his canoe to find at length a resting-place on the free hills of Providence. Tradition' has preserved the shout of welcome, " What cheer, netop,"' which greeted his landing at " Slate Eock ;" .poetry has em- balmed it in enduring verse ; good taste affixed the name, " what cheer " to the adjacent farm, and even the spirit of enterprise and the growth of population, which have thrown these broad lands into the market of a proud and prosperous city, have respected the consecrated spot, and reserved " What Cheer Square," with its primeval rock, forever to mark the place where the weary feet of Roger Williams first pressed the soil of Providence.^ Pursuing their course from Slate Rock around the headland of Tock- wotten, passing what are now called India and Fox points, they entered the Moshasuck river, and sailing up what was then a broad and beautiful sheet of water, skirted by a dense forest, their attention was attracted by a spring close on the margin of the stream, where they landed, and com- menced a settlement, to which, in gratitude to his supreme June, deliverer, WJITjniTTHgayeJ^hejname of ProvidenG g: There is a singular confusion among the writers as to ' How are you, friend ? " What cheer, nelop, is the general salutation of all Englisli townrd them (the Indians). Netop is friend." — B. W.'s Key to the Indian iMnfiuarie, ch. 1. '-■ The wTiter hopes that the Rhode Island of the twentieth century will not have occasion to question the accuracy of his narrative, by finding that the aforesaid square has never been laid out, unless upon some then long-lost plat, and that Slate Rock exists only in the pages of history. At present there seems a likelihood of this. FOUNDATION OF PROVIDENCE. 41 the period a t which this memorable event occurred, arising chap. rather from ignorance or carelessness than from the absence ,^J[_^ of authenti 3 data The precise day of Williams arrival 1 6 3 G. at Seekonli;, or at Providence, cannot be determined, but ^"'^^ both events may be established with sufficient accuracy for nistorical purposes. The Massachusetts records fix the date of his banishment, and also the proximate time of his flight, early in January, from which time the " four- teen weeks," that he describes as the period of his wander- ing, would establish his settlement at Seekonk about the middle of April, near the usual planting time of this region. The warning letter from Gov. Winslow, after he had " be- gun to build and plant at Seekonk," makes it certain that he was there after March, 1636, at which time Mr. Wins- low became governor of Plymouth, and the only year between 1633 and 1644 in which he held that office. A letter to Gov. Vane of Massachusetts from Mr. Williams is dated from Providence, July 26, proving that he had already been some time in his new plantation ; so that in placing the foundation of Providence in June, 1636, we feel assured of a tolerable degree of accuracy. In r^^nowjnrr tl^Q Tr.of^s^^ypt, whi^h l^d to thf t h nn i s hm p ut orRoger WilKams, we find that they all proceeded from the fir mness with which, upon every oncasionj he ma in- tame d the doctrine that the civil power has no contr ol ov er the religious opinions of men. To adapt this new theory to practical life was to effect a revolution in the existing systems of government ; to sever the chain, which, since the days of Constantino, had linked theology to the throne ; to restore to the free mind the distinctive, but long-fettered gift of Deity — free agency ; and, in fine, to embody in civil polity that principle, but dimly un- derstood by the Reformers, which, from W^itteuberg to Rome, in the cloister and the camp, had aroused the sisirit of all Europe — the right of private judgment. The entire separation of Church and State had already 42 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISJ.AND. been advocated by a small portion of Englisii dissenters, consisting of Baptists and Independents, bi t the great 10 3 6. majority of Puritans, as we have seen, still maintained the prerogative of the crown to interpose in matter's of faith. Their chief objections to the English Church related to forms and ceremonies, and these they sought to alter. Persecution failed to make theiji liberal or tolerant to the scruples of others. The right of every man to worship God according to his own conscience, untrammelled by written articles of faith, and unawed by the civil jiower, implies a degree of advancement in moral science and political philosophy, utterly at variance with the tone of feeling in that age. If to this assertion of natural right we add the denial of any power in civil government to enquire even whether a citizen believes in the existence of God, we have a propo- sition far more bold than many which had already led a host of martyrs to the gibbet and the stake. Yet this was the sentiment which, in those days of political dark- ness, Roger Williams had the clearness to discover, and the courage to defend. He dared assert the freedom of the soul. Thus was introduced a new principle in political science, by eradicating an old element of civil polity. The church was no longer to be a portion of the state, -^and the state must undergo a thorough re-organization, / when deprived of its powerful auxiliary. Roger Wil- \. Hams saw that government could be more efficient in its jobject and more just to its citizens, if independent of the ^y church ; and he knew that the church could best sustain I its spiritual nature when freed from the clogs of state. 1 Religion, ethics, and jiolitics, as now received, are alike \ indebted to him for their fundamental principle. Yet plain and immutable as these truths appear to us, they were but dimly comprehended by the wisest states- men two centuries ago. Their exponent was driven to found a new state, which should illustrate the great prin- CHARACTEK OF THE PURITANS. 4Jj ciples for which he contended. From England he had fled /chap. to Massachusetts, seeking sympathy among those who! ^'^.^^ had suffered with him in a common cause. But affliction, U 6 3 6. which should serve to soften the heart to the sufferings of \ others, seemed only to increase the acerbity of the Puri- ! tans. Even among the ministers of Christ, from whom he / might expect forbearance, if not kindness, he met his\^ ^ most virulent enemies. By their influence he was banished, ^^ and escaping to the headwaters of the Narragansett, he found a spot in the pathless wilderness, where he could rear a temple of liberty, consecrated to the Lord of the whole earth, before whose ample shrine Jew and Gentile, bond and free, might each worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. Although the conduct of the Puritans in this trans- action cannot be justified, it rtiay admit of palliation. It is a source of regret to be compelled, from the nature of the subject, to treat chiefly of the dark side of characters who possessed so much true piety and essential greatness of soul — to apologize for their errors and expose their obliquities. We observe in the Fathers of Massachusetts a degree of virtue and intelligence, and a supreme regard for the dictates of religion, and for the preservation of a sound morality, such as has never fallen to the lot of any other country in its early history. The germs of a powerful state, competent to give laws to the world, and to trans- mit the heritage of a wise example to future generations, are seen in the feeble baud of Pilgrims, planted on Ply- mouth rock, and in the throng of earnest Puritans gath- ered alono; the shores and headlands of Massachusetts Bay. But while we recognize these noble attributes in the men who persecuted Roger Williams for opinion's sake, justice requires that we should relate facts as they occurred without abatement or reservation. We may re- gret the conduct of our ancestors, but we are not entitled 44 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, to defend, or to extenuate, their errors. We may account ^^^.^^^^ for them from the circumstances of the case, and may show 16 3 6. that they originated in an honest misapprehension of principles, thereby proving that the actors, though mis- taken, were consistent, and that their sins were rather of the head than of the heart. This view we adopt in our judgment of the Puritans. In estimating their characters, we are too apt to judge them by the light of the present day. Two centuries of progress have wrought so great a change in opinions and views, by increasing so largely our fund of knowledge, that what was expedient or proper, or even right in those times, would be justly regarded as absurd or erroneous in this age. We might as well revile our ancestors for the use of the handloom, since modern science has introduced self-moving machinery, as to denounce them for not acting upon principles, which, in their day, were unrecognized in civil polity. They founded a colony for their own faith without any idea of tolerating others. For doing this, they have been charged with bigotry, fanaticism and folly. Evei-y epithet has been applied to them that can be em- ployed to express detestation of the conduct of men acting under a sober conviction of truth. Kegarding their con- duct from the standpoint of the nineteenth century, all this may be just. The like proceedings in this age would deserve the severest sentence of condemnation. But not so two hundred years ago. The bigotry of the Puritans was the bigotry of their times. In every act they illus- trated the spirit of the age. They committed some wrongs, for which, even with all this allowance, we are at a loss to account, which seem to us un})ardonable, and to these we shall have occasion to refer ; but intolerance is not one of them. Toleration was a word conveying to their minds an image of terror. It was so held in England and ' throughout Europe. The principle was regarded with the same heartfelt abhorrence that conservative statesmen CAUSES OF PURITAN INTOLERANCE. 45 now exj^ress for tlie feculent emanations of the Jacobin chap. clubs of France ; for, to their minds, it was attended with ^,}^ the like fatal results. The simple cobbler of Agawarn in- 163 6. forms us that " he who is willing to tolerate any religion, or discrepant way of religion, besides his own, unless it be in matters merely indifferent, either doubts of his own, or is not sincere in it." To the same end, and about the same time, the illustrious Bossuet was employing his al- most superhuman eloquence to obtain the royal interfer- ence in enforcing the supremacy of the Papal church. The churches of Scotland and England were alike zealous in effecting uniformity. Edwards, an eminent divine of that period, says, " Toleration will make the kingdom a chaos, is the grand work of the devil, is a most transcendental Catholic and fundamental evil.'' This was the policy of Massachusetts Bay, and with this state of public opinion among themselves, and these high authorities to counte- nance them abroad, we cannot in fairness condemn them for desiring to free the colonies of all dissenters. The abuse of their principles arose mainly from the tenacity with which they maintained them, and the trying situa- tion in which they were placed. Had their own views been more liberal, we may well doubt whether the home government, actuated by the same spirit of intolerance, would have allowed the dissemination of free opinion in 80 large and prominent a colony. It was not till some years after, when a convulsion had shaken the institutions of England to their foundation, and the public mind was too intent on the fearful crisis at home to regard the affairs of distant provinces, that a free charter was ob- tained for the then obscure plantations in Rhode Island. Again, the Puritans looked on every departure fro m the establis hed creed «« bpin^o; wliQf in fnpf i^ -yy^g^ an in- fringement of the civil code ; for in their const itution gDvcrnmcnl vvus merely "secondary j nnrl t hr rhurclv-WRfl thy pTiiSaiy function. Hence the^_re garded everx jUssent 46 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, from their rel igious polity ^s revolutionary, as subversive ^^.^^ 6f social order, and treated it as a crinie ^ We, therefore, 16 8 6. ^nd them summoning Roger Williams before their highest tribunal, to answer for the crime of holding to certain opinions of a purely religious nature ; and with these views we are not inclined to wonder so much at their expulsion of Williams, as to condemn their subsequent conduct to- wards him and his colonv, and their horrible treatment of the Quakers and Gortonists, which form the darkest chap- ters in Puritan history. It is pleasing to find in the personal kindness of many eminent men towards Roger Wilhams at this time, a strong contrast to the severity of the magistrates and elders. The mild and amiable Winthrop, who was the ablest as well as the most liberal man of his age and place, appears to have regarded Williams with great affection and respect. He had ceased to direct the public councils some months before Williams' ordination at Salem, and the bigoted Dudley had succeeded to the chief magistracy as the leader of the most restrictive party in Massachusetts. The per- secution of Williams is to be attributed to a policy of which Dudley and his successor Haynes were the expo- nents. The latter, who was governor w'hen Williams was banished, openly censured Winthrop for the mildness of his administration. The faithful friendship of Endicott, who afterwards became governor, has been recorded, and Williams' letters bear testimony to the kindness of Gov. Winslow and others of the prominent men of Plymouth. There was nothing personal in the li£)stility of his ene- mies, the bitterestjoi^-^whonTwere am6n^"Hhe clergy, who sought to estab(^i a political theocracy, aija dreaded the promulgation of prmClplesf which Iht^y'could not compre- hend. A yet greater obstacle to their scheme of uniform- ity had already appeared among themselves, and after distracting for two more years the councils of church and state, was destined in like manner to be violently expelled. EARLY LIFE OF ROGER WILLIAMS. 47 and to result in the settlement of the island of Khode- chap. Island. ^• Roger Williams had scarcely established himself at 163 6, Proddence, before the Antinomian controversy burst forth in Massachusetts. APPENDIX A. EARLY LIFE OF ROGER WILLIAMS. The early career of Roger Williams has been the sub- ject of frequent and labored investigation, but, until very recently, with little result. Gradually, however, facts have been presented which throw some light on his history prior to his embarkation for America, Dec. 1, 1630. The discovery of the Sadleir letters, a correspondence between Roger Williams and Mrs. Anne Sadleir, daughter of Sir Edward Coke, has shed light upon the important point of his education, and established the fact of his being a protege of Lord Coke. The original MSS. are in the li- brary of Trinity College, Cambridge. Hon. George Ban- croft, while Minister at the Court of St. James, procured copies, and presented them to the R, I. Hist. Society. They are also published in Dr. Elton's life of Roger Wil- liams, ch. xiii. By these papers, it appears that his illus- trious patron, on account of his ability displayed in taking notes of proceedings in the Star Chamber, placed him at Sutton's Hospital, now the Charter House, the records of which institution show that he was elected a scholar, June 25, 1621. and that he obtained one exhibition, July 9, 1624. (Elton's Roger Williams, ch. ii.) The writer regrets that he cannot adopt the other par- ticulars relating to the birth-place and university educa- tion of Williams, contained in this interesting chapter. The learned author is undoubtedly correct in assigning 48 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. Wales as the country of Koger Williams. The name is eminently Welsh, and abounds even more remarkably in Anglesea and the northern counties than at the south. Still it is not unlikely that Maestroiddyn was the birth- place of our Roger Williams. The testimony of the aged Nestor of Cayo ic conclusive of the fact, that a Roger Williams, of sirfficicnt celebrity to be known, at least among the natives of his mountain hamlet and the inher- itors of his blood, by the epithet "'the greaf'" was born there. But two points of difficulty occur in identifying him with the founder of R. I. and the graduate of Oxford. The records of Jesus College, cited by D.r. Elton, give the name as " Rodericus" in the Latin style of the University, which we submit should be " Rogerus " to meet this case. Or, admitting that the two names were used inter- changeably, which is barely probable, we are met with a fact which has added greatly to the perplexity and la- bor of this research, that there were two other persons of the same name, filling somewhat conspicuous positions at about the same time. One of these was a distinguished soldier in the wars of Holland, and either of them would seem as likely as the founder of R. I. to be the " Roder- icus*' of Conwyl Cayo. But, Roderick and Roger are distinct names, and it seems an unnecessary violence to assimilate them, when a more natural, and in other re- spects also, a more obvious explanation of the difficulty may be found. Mr. Collen, the obliging Portcullis of the Herald's College, London, has made the genealogy of the founder of R. I. the subject of diligent, research in the archives of that institution, at the instance of a wealth} family in Paris, who are lineal descendants of Roger Wil- liams. At his suggestion,- the writer, assisted by Mr. Romilly, the venerable registrar of the University, exam- ined the records of Cambridge, thf alma mater of Lord Coke, and where, from the connection between them, the probability is that WilHams would complete his education EARLY LIFE OF ROGER WILLIAMS. 49 io preference to Oxford. In the admission book of Pem- broke College is an entry " Williams, 29 Jan., 1623." For the better understanding of these facts it may be stated that the students in the English Universi- ties are classed in three grades, according to their social position. At Cambridge the first are called Fellow Com- moners. This grade is composed of the 'nobility and the wealthy. The second are called Pensioners, from their boarding at the College, and this is the most numerous grade. The third, called Sizars, consists of the indigent students. When a student enters the University, his name is enrolled on the admission book of the particular College he joins, and is often very loosely entered, as in this case — no Christian name or particulars being given. The matriculation, which occurs after an interval of sev- eral months, and often, as in this case, of a year or two, is the registering the name on the books of the Univer- sity. This is done by the registrar, with the student's name in full, the date, and a list of degrees taken, each in its appropriate column. By this book it appears that Roger Williams was matriculated a pensioner of Pem- broke College, July 7, 1625, and took the degree of Bach- elor of Arts in Jan., 1626-7. He took no other degree. A more decisive evidence, in its bearing upon the present discussion, is contained in what is called the " subscrip- tion book." This was introduced in 1613 by James I., who required every student to subscribe to the thirty-nine articles. In the first volume of this book, under date of 1626, the time he took his degree, is the autograph signa- ture of RoGERUS Williams. A copy of this signature, carefully compared with the known autograph of the founder of Rhode Island, leaves little doubt of their iden- tity of origin. Again, the testimony of Williams in one of his let- ters dated July, 1679 (Backus, Hist, of the Baptists, i 421), that he was then " near to fourscore years of age," VOL. L — 4 50 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, ig strongly corroborative of the received opinion that he — . — was born in 1599, and not seven years later, as was Rod- " A. ericus Williams, the Oxonian. In that case he would have been only in his 73d year when writing the letter, and would hardly have described himself as " near 80." For these reasons the writer is reluctantly compelled to dissent from the conclusions of his early instructor and friend, the learned Doctor Elton, on the point of the University education of Eoger Williams, and hence like- wise as to his being identical with the Roderic Williams of Conwyl Cayo. The difficulty of this research in England, occasioned by there being three persons of the same name there, is further continued in this country by the presence of two Roger Williams's at the same time in New England, which has led the accurate Prince, and all subsequent writers, into error with regard to the admission of the Roger Wilhams as a freeman of Massachusetts, until the mistake was corrected by the diligence of Mr. Savage, the editor of Winthrop's Journal, and late President of the Massachusetts Historical Society, than whom no more thorough or more liberal historian ever lived. In the Massachusetts Colonial Records, i. 79, is a list of " the names of such as desire to be made freemen," among whom is Roger WilUams. This is under date of October 19tli, 1630, nearly four months before the founder of Rhode Island arrived. Most of these, including Roger Williams, with many others, took the freemen's oath at the next General Court, 18th May, 1631, at which time our Roger Williams had been three months in the coun- try, but never applied for admission. The freeman was a resident of Dorchester at that time, and afterwards re- moved to Connecticut. THE ANTINOMIAN CONTROVERSY. 51 CHAPTER II. THE ANTINOMIAN CONTROVERSY. 1636—1038. While the colonists were legislating for tlie preserva- chap, tion of sound morals, by enacting sumptuary and other .^ — ,-«. laws to regulate their domestic economy, there arrived a 1 ^ ^ •^ large accession of emigrants with news confirming the re- g^^ ports of the contemplated encroachments upon their liber- ties by the English hierarchy, which led to the adoption of prompt measures, on the part of the Greneral Court, to place the country in a posture of defence. Among these new comers was one who was destined to cause greater disturbance to the Puritan settlements than any that they were to receive from the prevalence of " immodest fashions " at home, or from the designs of ambitious prelates abroad. A woman of great intellectual endowments and of mascu- line energy, to whom even her enemies ascribed unusual mental powers, styling her " the master-piece of woman's wit,"' and describing her as " a gentlewoman of an haughty carriage, busy spirit, competent wit, and a volu- ble tongue," 2 who by a remarkable union of charity, de- votion and ability, soon became the leader, not only of her own sex, but of a powerful party in the state and church, 80 that her opponents have termed her, by a species of ana- ' Johnson. Wonder-working Providence, B. i, ch. 42. * Magnalia, B. vii. ch. 3 § 7, 8. 52 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, grammatic wit," The Non8Uch,<^^as Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, ^^.^J^ the founder and champion of the Antinomian " heresy^ 10 34. Acting upon the principle that "the elder women were to teach the younger." ' she established a weekly meeting at her own house, where she promulgated her views in the form of comments upon the sermons of Mr. Cotton. These meetings soon became largely attended, and to them was traced directly the origin of many opinions which were de- nounced by the authorities as heretical and seditious. We have seen that the Puritans had already changed their position in becoming the founders tlf a State, and were disposed to mete out to all dissenters the same meas- ure of persecution which hod led to their own emigration. The system that they had established was one of rigid for- malism, exacting a great regard to externals, and enforcing strict conformity in matters of abstract belief Tliis was a position in accordance with the spirit of the existing age, but contrary to that which was about to commence, of which the premonitions had already appeared in Massa- chusetts as well as in England, The new comers, who formed a large proportion of the inhabitants of Boston, had little sympathy with the established order of the state, and were prompt to embrace the novel tenets that were started at variance with the prevailing creed. These opin- ions related primarily to the doctrine of free grace, or jus- tification by faith alone, which was stoutly asserted by Mrs. Jffn trh^'"S'^n^ nnd p ' hjp' '■■m'"1 ^'J ' ln'i hiii|iM:. r-i]i-'|>^nr^ leelwright/ minister__ai__Bi:aiiitre£,_who had recently red". Although this cardinal article of the Reformation was equally upheld by the Puritans, they did not overlook the external evidence of sanctification, or forget the apostles' injunction that " foith without works is dead." Mrs. Hutchinson artfully contrived, by giving undue pro- minence to the scriptural idea of free grace, to make it ' Titu^ ch. 2, vs. 3-5. PKEVALENCE OF THE NEW VIEWS. 53 appear that her opponents denied the sovereign efficacy of chap. faith, and grounded their hopes of salvation upon their ^.^^..^^^ good works, and she denounced them as being " under a 168 6. covenant of works," while she claimed for herself to be living " under a covenant of grace." The starting point of disagreement between the two parties related to the evidence of justification. The followers of Mrs. Hutchin- son contended for an inward light as the only sure wit- ness of divine grace, and without which no degree of mo- ral rectitude could give assurance of a saving faith, while the legalists held that obedience to the moral law, being an evidence of sanctification, was thus far a proof of our ac- ceptance with Christ. So long as the difference was con- fined to this, it made no disturbance. The new views 3re embraced by a majority of the Boston church, includ- ing Mr. Cotton himself, and were warmly espoused by the governor, afterwards Sir Henry Vane. The prime doc- trines of the Reformation, justification by faith, and the right of private judgment, were too nearly allied to these views to admit of their being disputed. The message sent to England by Cotton, who favored the new opinions, and by Wilson, who opposed them, con- tains the substance of the controversy up to this point : " That all the strife here was about magnifying the grace of God ; the one person seeking to advance the grace of God within us as to sanctification, and another person seeking to advance the grace of God toward us as to justification," to which Mr. WUson added, " That he knew none who did not seek to advance the grace of God in both."' Soon however the breach widened. The H ut- chinson party, who cl aimed, theologica lly speaking, to be living^' under a covenant of gra ce," not only d enied the int«nsicr-efflcacyl)f good works for _the..fialvatiQa_Qf_many but caTried this BcripturaLdx>£ far as to pervert itB"obvious meaning, by rejecting all external proofs of a ' Magnalia, B. vii., c. 3, § 1. 54 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CUAP. change of heart, as being indications that the convert was ,_1^ Hving under a " covenant of works." 163 6. The idea of inward revelation was no novelty in the history of theology. It is one which in all time has been effectively employed by the zealot or the impostor for the accomplishment of purposes requiring the incitement of religious fervor. It appeals to the imagination of men, and in this case, it thoroughly aroused the latent enthusiasm of the Puritans. The " opinionists/' as they wc^-e at first called, soon received another name, and from the disregard of the divine law, both as an evidence and a means of grace, with which they were charged by their opponents, were termed Anjtinoiai^ns. The controversy increased un- til it reached an alarming height, interfering with the effi- cient prosecution of the Pequot war, dividing families, and threatening a dissolution of society. The more enthusias- tic people, a large proportion of the new comers, among whom was the governor, and those who cherished a secret feeling of dislike at the preponderating influence of the clergy in secular aifairs, espoused the Antinomian cause, while those who were attached to the old order of things in church and state, with all the ministers except Wheel- wright and Cotton, formed the party of the legalists. With these popular elements on one side, based upon a free system of theological enquiry, and conducted by ardent and ta- lented leaders, it was a natural result that new and often startling opinions were promulgated, and the whole com- munity involved in a giddy maze of abstruse speculation. Questions pertaining to '• our personal union with the S})irit of God," " the insignificancy of sanctification to be any evidence of our good estate," " the setting up of imme- diate revelation about future events, to be beheved as equally infallible with the Scriptures," with similar recon- dite or fanciful themes, were everywhere discussed with more than scholastic zeal, and with " the exquisite rancor of theological hatred." Oct. COMMENCEMENT OF THE DIFFICULTY. 55 The first evidence that public attention was directed to chap the new opinions appeared in a visit made by the other min- ^^ isters of the Bay, while the General Court was in session at l 6 3 G Boston, to ascertain the truth of the rumors, intending, if need were, to write to the Boston church, warning them of the dangers of heresy. Cotton and Wheelwright both at- tended at this conference and satisfied them all, that on the point of sanctification as an evidence of justification, there was no difierence of opinion, while on the question of t^ indwelling of the person of the Holy Ghost there appeared no material disagreement, many of the clergy holding to that doctrine in a limited degree, but not to a personal union of the believer with the Holy Spirit, which was the tenet of Mrs. Hutchinson. Some of her followers, who were members of the Boston church now sought to have Mr. Wheelwright appointed over it as one of the teachers. This was opposed by Ex-Governor Winthrop on the 3Q ground that the church was already furnished with able ministers, and that Wheelwright was known to advocate certain doctrines at variance with the received opinions, as " that a believer was more than a creature," and " that the person of the Holy Ghost and a believer were united."' A discussion ensued, in which Deputy Governor Winthrop, Cotton, Wheelwright, and Governor Vane, took part, re- sulting in the success of the former, so that the church gave way that Mr. Wheelright might be called to a new church about to be established at Braintree. The defeated mem- bers felt aggrieved at this attack upon their candidate, 31. whereupon the next day Winthrop apologized for his ofifence, stating that Wheelwright had since denied holding the ojiinions charged against him ; and then, not satisfied with this recantation, most unwisely proceeded to argue from the doctrines which Wheelwright admitted, that he must necessarily hold to these objectionable dogmas also. It was a question of metaphysical distinction too nice to be debated in a mixed assembly, and it would have been ' Winthrop 1, 202. 56 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, well had Winthrop been satisfied with the explaua- y^,.^!^ tions of his Christian brother, A similar instance of the 163 6. dangerous display of logical acumen liad occurred a year before at the trial of Roger Williams where the dialec- tics of Hooker convinced the court that Williams did maintain opinions which he expressly denied. The habit of deducing from the premises of enthusiastic theologians conclusions not admitted by themselves, and then charg- ing upon them not only errors of doctrine, but of con- duct as the legitimate result of these conclusions, was one to which the Puritans were addicted,' that caused them infinite trouble, and was the occasion of great injus- tice to the dissenting parties. In the discussion concern- ing the settlement of Wheelwright, the first public exposi- tion of the new opinions was made. Heretofore they had been confined to Mrs. Hutchinson's private assemljly, or made the subject of anxious deliberation by the ministers alone. The rupture resulting from Winthrop's impru- dence on this occasion, revealed how dee]ily the heterodox notions had taken root. Cotton and Vane, with many others, had adopted them, while Wilson and Winthrop resisted the heretical novelties. A disputation concern- ing the nature of the Holy Ghost was held in writing, that the peace of the church need not be disturbed there- by. The prudent conclusion was agreed to, that as nei- ther the Scriptures nor the primitive Fathers made men- tion of the " person " of the Holy Ghost, that terra should not be used. At this juncture, an unfortunate incident occurred to give a political aspect to existing differences, and added the bitterness of jiartisan feeling to the asperity of religious controversy. Governor Vane convened the Court of Depu- ties to tender his resignation,' alleging, in the first place, that his private affairs required his immediate return to England, and then assigning as his reason, the prevalent dissensions, which he said were, by some, falsely attributed VACILLATING CONDUCT OF VANE. 57 to him. The court silently consented to his departure, and chap. decreed a new election. In the interval, some members of ^^.^ the church represented to the court that the governor's 16 3 6. reasons were not conclusive ; whereupon Vane, acting upon this demonstration "as an obedient child to the church," declared that " without leave of the church he durst not go away " although the court had assented. The result was that a great portion of the people declared in favor of his continuance in office, and the Court of Election was adjourned to meet at its usual time, the following May. The vacillating conduct of Vane in this aifair has greatly prejudiced his reputation. He has been freely charged with dissimulation in attempting to extort an expression of popular ojjinion in his favor, by a course more becom- ing a demagogue than a Christian statesman. The sequel gives the color of plausibility to this severe condemnation. Happy had it been for Vane and for the country if he had embraced the opportunity, given at his own solicitation by the court, to withdraw from New England. His career in Massachusetts had thus far been unique and brilliant. No other man had ever received such honors at her hands, or been more warmly admired by the people. Six months after his arrival at Boston he was chosen governor, when jjay only twenty-four years of age. His high connections and 25. popular qualities, notwithstanding his extreme youth, and inexperience in public affairs, combined to place him at once at the head of the State — an injudicious choice, as it proved in a few brief months. At this court an attempt was made to reconcile the Dea differences in the churches, and the ministers were con- voked to give their advice. The governor took a j)romi- nent part, and by some unseasonable remarks drew upon himself a rebuke from the fiery Hugh Peter, who openly charged him with destroying the peace of the churches. The session assumed a polemic character, and closed with a debate upon the nature of sanctification. The peace of 58 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, the churches, as might have been foreseen, was more dis- .^^.^1^ turbed than promoted by this attempt at judicial inter- 16 3 6. ference. A speech made at this court by Mr, Wilson, 3l_" pastor of the Boston church,' gave offence to some of the members, who demanded a public explanation. To this Wilson acceded, and the opportunity was embraced by the Governor, and others of his congregation, to assail him with bitter reproaches. The excited laity were only restrained from passing a direct censure upon their pasjtor, by the firmness of Cotton, who, in lieu of it, "gave. him a grave exhortation." The j^eople seemed beside themselves with indignation during this earnest dispute upon nice points of polemic theology, which, i^robably, very few of them could understand."^ The effect of these public discussions was to spread the Antinomian doctrines. Those heretofore enumerated were now avowed by nearly the whole Boston church, while still wider departures from the orthodox creed were secretly entertained, and awaited only the stimulus of opposition to be openly declared. The defection of Cot- ' The organization of the Puritan churches differed from those of the present day. Beside the pastor, there were ruling elders and teaching elders, the latter of whose duties did not vary materially from those of the pastor, while the ruling elders seem to have had equal jurisdiction with him in the government of the church. Wilson was the pastor, Cotton a teacher of the Boston church, beside whom were other teachers at various times, the num- ber of these seeming to be decided by the size of the church. Beside these two classes of elders, there were deacons also, who assisted the elders. Our modern deacons approach to the character of ruling elders, while assistant pastors, as in some large churches now, occupy somewhat the position of the teaching elders. There were two ruling elders of the Boston church at this time, Ohver and Leverett, both Antinomian in their feelings, as indeed were the entire church a little later, excepting Wilson, the pastor, Winthrop, and some two or three others. — 1 Win. 212. * The hair-splitting distinctions, enunciated -with all the energy of an ora- cle, by the disputants on either side oi" this controversy, remind one of the Scotchman's definition of metaphysics — " When twa persons be talkin' t'gither, an' fane dinna understan' t'ither, an' t'ither dinna understan' hi'self," while the ^'iolence with which the factions supported their respective leaders, illus- trates the intensity of what an eminent writer has termed " the exquisite rancor of theological hatred." PROCEEDINGS AGAINST WILSON AND WHEELWRIGHT. 59 ton was a sore trial to the clergy, who drafted a list of six- chap. teen points of supposed disagreement, upon which they ^j^ desired his opinion. His answers were published, and also l *) 3 7. the ministers' reply to them. The dissensions at home, together with the distractions and disasters occurring at this period throughout the Christian world, Avere the occa- sion of a general fast in Massachusetts. The unhappy j^^ dispute now assumed a more general character, extending 20. beyond the limits of Boston, and disturbing the quiet of other churches. The baleful distinction of me^n ujid£L_lla covenant of works," or imder^ "^ '^covenant of gi-ace," divided tTie whole community, it was at this crisis that the mes- „ , -__^.^^ ^ Feb. sageT'beluib recited, was sent to England by Cotton and 3, Wilson, which, however truly it might describe the con- troversy in its earlier stages, gave no idea of the party virulence that had since prevailed. The ensuing session of the General Court presented ^^ , more the character of an ecclesiastical council than of a 9. legislative or judicial body. The majority were legalists. The proceedings against Wilson, arising out cf his speech at the preceding court, were investigated, but as it was impossible to identify those who had prejudiced him, no action was taken, except to pass a vote approving of the speech. The clergy were consulted as to the authority of the court over the churches, and gave the opinion that the court might proceed independently in cases of heresy dangerous to the State. This advice they immediately followed, bv summoning Wheelwright to answer for a ser- mon preached by him on the recent fast day, wherein as they alleged, he had fanned the flame of dissension, instead of quenching it, thus perverting the object of the fast, and adding contempt of court to the crime of seditious preach- ing. The sermon was produced by his accusers, and defended by its author. After much debate Wheelwright was pronounced guilty of sedition and contempt, but sen- tence was deferred until the next court. The governor and 60 Hlf-TORT OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, some of his party protested against the judgment, but with- ^^^.^1^ out effect. The Boston church petitioned in his behalf and 163 7. justified his sermon. This act was declared to be pre- sumptuous ; the petition was pronounced to be " a seditious libel," and was indignantly rejected. It subsequently fur- nished the pretence for unwarrantable severity. So great was the excitement, that it was decided to hold the next session of the court at Newtown,' a motion which itself produced a violent struggle between . the two parties. Tli6 dispute had now become so warm that the leaders of the ^" Boston church, Wilson of course excepted, even refused to sanction by their presence the ordination of ministers of the opposing faction. Such was the temper of the people when the Court of Elections was held at Newtown. Party tactics were applied •^^^' to defer the election as long as possible. It was the last struggle of political power on the part of Vane and his friends. The zeal of Wilson, who climbed a tree to ha- rangue the assembled multitude, decided the fortunes oi the day. The people clamored loudly for immediate elec- tion, and the governor was overborne by the tumult. Fierce denunciations on either side had already given place to acts of violence, when this timely exertion of the Boston pastor no doubt prevented actual bloodshed. The legalists triumphed at every point. Winthrop, who for the past year had been only deputy governor, was restored 1o his for- mer otfice of governor, and Vane, with his assistants, Cod- dington and Dummer, were no longer magistrates. Boston had deferred the election of deputies until the result of the general election was known. The next day Vane and Cod- dington, with another of the same party, were returned as deputies from Boston. The court refused to receive them 19. on the plea of informality, but' on the following day, the same deputies were again chosen, and the court was com- pelled to admit them. Wheelwright appeared to receive ' Now CnmbriJ'ie. IMPOLITIC COURSE OF THE ANTIN0MIAN8. 61 his sentence, but was again respited, the triumphant party chap. wishing to give an example of leniency by thus affording ^^1^ him further time for retraction. The prisoner remained 16 3 7. firm, inviting sentence of death, but threatening an appeal to the king in case the court should proceed. This con- duct was fatal to the Antinomian cause. JThus far, the popu lar feeling, e specially in Boston, had been with the liberal party, in opposition to tiie ciergv, and to t he old order of magistrates ! The threat of appeal changed the political aspect of the case7and~c"fe"ate d aTgvnlsTDn of^ub-- 4itr-fH eling. The new c o mers, equally with the old se t- tlers, dreaded the interf erence of England, where the pre - latical party was now in the ascendan t This feeling was more pot ent than any domestic difference. The righ t of ^appeal admitted the English claim to regulate the inter- ^' lal affairs of the province, so that the question now ap- ^eafed-likr^o ne of indepen rlence against subjectioTi, in the legalists supported the popular side. This event hastened the downfall of fheiFoppdnents, and stimu- lated the dominant party to those acts of injustice which were now to be consummated. An order of court was passed, imposing a penalty upon all persons who should harbor any emigrant for more than three weeks without leave of the magistrates. This combination of an alien Jn w wii th n . pn c - s^prtrf. «? y stem was aimed directly at the Antinomians. who w^ere expecting accessions from Eng- land, an d occasioned a grpa.t, ontpiy Social visiting Avas interrupted, and personal insults were of frequent occur- July, rence. The arrival of a brother of Mrs. Hutchinson, with others of the same party, afforded opportunity for a prac- tical application of the new law, and thus increased the rancor of faction. A pamphlet controversy, respecting Wheelwright's ob- Aug. noxious sermon, occupied both parties until the all-en- grossing synod assembled at Newtown, which was to heal every difference, and to settle the creed of New England. 30. 62 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP. A list of eighty-two "erroneous opinions" and nine "un- ^^.i^ savory speeches/' supposed to embrace the whole cata- 16 3 7. logue of prevalent heresies, was presented and condemned.' Only five points of difference remained between Cotton and Wheelwright on one side, and the rest of the ministers on the other.^ An earnest and protracted effort at reconcili- ation upon these metaphysical niceties, at length, through the medium of ambiguous expressions, wrought the de- sired end in the case of Cotton, who, with more perhaps of prudence than good faith, " explained, distinguished, and prepared to yield/' ^ Wheelwright maintained his ground, and calmly awaited the penalty of contumacy. ^ ^ The synod, after twenty-four days' labor, dissolved, with 22. ^ the gratifying result that Cotton, heretofore the great leader and theological dictator of the Puritans, after having suffered a temporarj^ eclipse, " recovered all his 12. former splendor among the other stars." * A day of thanksgiving was appointed for the success of the synod, and for the recent defeat of the Pequots. A little later it was discovered that, in resjDect to the former, the result had n.ot been decisive. Although the pliant Cotton had ' These are duly set forth in T. Welde's pamphlet entitled " A short story of the Rise, Reign and Ruin of the Antinomians, Familists and Libertines that infested the Churches of New England,'' a very scarce and curious spe- cimen of our early polemic literature. The copy which I have read is the London edition, 16-4-t. It contains, besides an elaborate preface, G6 quarto pages, 20 of which contain the catalogue of errors, with their confutation, by the synod ; 24 embrace the proceedings of the General Court of Nov. 2d, (erroneously printed Oct. 2d in the book.) 1637, which punished the Antino- mian leaders, and the remainder are occupied with the trial of Wheelwright in the preceding March, with an account of Mrs. Hutchinson's excommunica- tion. The whole is a bitter and bigoted ex parte statement by an actor in the scenes described, and will only repay a reading by the antiquary or the cu- rious theologian. A remarkable instance of "bibliographical disingenuity '■ in relation to this book is exposed by Mr. Savagj in a lengthy note in I Win* throp, 298-300. ^ They arc enumerated in 1 Winthrop, 285. ^ The expression is Hildreth's. Hist, of U. S., i. 247. * Magnalia, B. vii. c. 3, § 5. TRIAL OF THE LEADERS, 63 deserted to the stronger party, Wheelwright and his friends chap. were none the less active in disseminating their views. .— ..^^ At the next General Court a summary course was 16 3 7. adopted, based upon the petition or remonstrance that *2. the Boston church had j^resented, the preceding March, in behalf of Wheelwright, and which had then been branded as a "seditious libel'' upon the court," Wm, Aspinwall and John Coggeshall, both deacons of Boston church, and deputies from that town, were dismissed from the court ; the one for having signed, and the other for defending the remonstrance. One of the two deputies elected to fill the vacancies thus created, was immedi- ately dismissed for the same cause, and the town properly refused to elect another in his place, William Codding- ton, the third deputy from Boston, acting under instruc- tions, then moved a reversal of the censure against Wheelwright, and a repeal of the alien law. This demon- stration of the firmness of Wheelwright's friends caused the court to summon him the same day to receive sen- tence, which, since his conviction in March, had been from time to tiine deferred. He was sentenced to banish- ment, and required to leave the jurisdiction within fourteen days, upon penalty of imprisonment, John Coggeshall, who a few days before had been expelled from his seat, was then summoned, and narrowly escaped the same punishment, but was released upon being disfranchised, and admonished to keep the peace on pain of banish- ment.2 Wihiam Aspinwall was next called to trial for the same offence, and sentenced to be disfranchised and ^ This petition is preserved in Welde's " Rise, Reign and Ruin," p. 23-25, and 13 copied by Mr. Savage in 1 Winthrop, App. E., where the reader wll find it difficult to detect sedition or presumption in its earnest but respectful language. It was drawn up by Wm. Aspinwall, afterwards the first Secre- tary of R. I. Colony, and signed by about sixty of the principal men in Bos- ton, some of whom, banished at this court, soon after settled the i.sland of Rhode Island. - He was soon after exiled, and became the first President of R. I. Colony, 64 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, banished, but was allowed to remain until spring. Several ^^^^^^^^ other signers of the petition and chiefs of the Antinomian 1637. party, were in turn brought before the court, and pun- 15/ ished by disfranchisement and fines, among whom were William Balstone ' and Captain Underhill, who thus re- ceived the reward of his distinguished services in -the Pe- quot war. The male leaders being thus summarily disposed of, the author of all this commotion, Mrs. Hutchinson herself, was brought into court. Her trial occupied two days. It was opened in the form of questions between the court and the accused, the object of which was to deduce from her own admissions the evidence of her guilt. Even the report given by Welde, one of her prosecutors and judges, leaves her, at the end of the first day, un- scathed by the dialectics of the court. The next morn- ing, however, she undertook a defence in a lengthy speech, wherein she broached the doctrine of inward revelations, enforcing her views by scriptural quotations, and claiming in a manner to be herself inspired ; in evidence of which, she enumerated sundry revelations that she had received, and among them that she should go to New England and be persecuted, of which revelation she asserted her present trial to be a fulfilment. " The court saw now an inevi- table necessity to rid heraway;"^ sentence of banishment was pronounced, and she was handed over to the marshal to await its execution. A most remarkable act, unparalleled in the subse- quent history of the American States, concluded the pro- ceedings of this memorable court. The principal men of the proscribed party in all the towns we're ordered to deliver up their arms and ammunition before the 30th of the month, unless they would " acknowledge their sin in subscribing the seditious libell," before two magistrates.^ * He was one of the four assistants chosen in 1641 in the island of R. I. ■^ Welde, p. 41. For this and all the foregoing cases tried at the Nov court, 1637, see Welde's Rise, Reign and Ruin, pp. 23-42. * Winthrop, i. 296, note. BANISHMENT OF MRS. HUTCHINSON. 65 Seventy-five names are enumerated as the objects of this astonishing; order, which naturally enouo^h, as the finale to so much tyranny, aroused a strong feeling of indignation. The governor took an early occasion to justify the conduct of the court to the excited congregation with whom he was a worshipper. The secular arm having been so efficiently exercised to purge the state, the ecclesiastical authority was next ex- erted to purify the church. Many of the signers of the no- torious petition were proceeded with " in a church way " by admonition, and when this failed to convince them of their sin, excommunication was pronounced against them. The more serious errors before alluded to, as being secretly 1 63 8. entertained by the followers of Mrs. Hutchinson, were now openly avowed, and gave occasion for earnest consulta- tions between the magistrates and elders. A few of the most intelligible of these notions were : '*' That the law is no rule of life to a Christian," that " union to Christ is not by faith," that " there is no such thing as inherent righteousness," that " the Sabbath is but as other days," that " there is no resurrection of the body," and many other dogmas, which, however harmless they might appear when explained by their propounders, were fraught with danger when adopted in their literal significance by the multitude, unskilled in ethical subtleties.' Mrs. Hutch- ^ >. inson was examined before the church upon these latter 15. charges, and gravely admonished by the teacher, Cotton. A vain hope was felt that she might recant, for which end she was permitted to reside for a few days at Cotton's house ; but when the examination was renewed her ob- duracy was manifest, and " the church with one consent cast her out." The virus of Antinomianism had become ' A list of twentv-nine theses, from which the above five examples are se- lected, was presented at the examination of Mrs. Hutchinson before the church, 15 March, 1G38, all rf which she defended. They may be found in Welde's book, pp. 59-61. VOL. I — 5 66 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. neutralized by its own excess. A warrant to execute tho sentence of banishment was immediately issued, and the 16 3 8. arch heretic departed into exile, to meet ere long a dread- ful death.' Wheelwright with his family removed to the head waters of the Piscataqua, where he commenced the settlement of Exeter.^ The larger portion of the exiles, among whom was the husband of Mrs. Hutchinson, had already gone forth to seek a refuge in the wilderness. Thus ended the Antinomian controversy in Massachu- setts — the most bitter strife that has ever agitkted New England, adding the severity of political conflict to the fierceness of doctrinal contention. Now that two centu- ries have passed away, and the names of Legalist and An- timonian are known only to the student of history, we may calmly review the causes and trace the results of this stormy episode in Puritan annals. The different phases presented in the progress of the disjjute are accounted for by the changing elements which at various periods it involved. Originally it was purely of a theological character. Matters of abstract belief, upon which all were agreed in their practical application, were discussed in their metaphysical bearing. Terms not used in the Scriptures were employed to express shades of thought in relation to the sublimest mysteries of the inspired volume. The specific purpose for which this " barbarous terminology " was first applied, was soon over- looked, and the fact that such expressions were merely " of human invention " was forgotten in the heat of discussion. Thus they came to assume a reality in the minds of the dis- * Her subsequent history is soon told. She went first to Providence, and thence to Aqucdneck, which had just been purchased by the fugitives of her party, and where her husband died in 1642. Soon after this bereavement she removed with her family to a spot near Hurl Gate, within the Dutch jurisdiction, where in a short time she, and, with tlie 'exception of one child, all her house- hold, sixteen in number, were murdered by the Indians in lG-t3 — a tragedy which the bigoted 'Welde narrates, as a special providence upon this " Ameri- can Jezebel." " Belknap's New Humpshire, i. 37. THEOLOGICAL ASPECT OF ANTINOMIANISM. 67 putants, and gave to the argument a material instead of an abstract significance. The people who Hstened re- ceived the subtile theses of the debaters as the words of 16 3 8. an oracle, while fanaticism readily embraced the doctrine of inward revelation, which was fii-st cautiously insinuated and then boldly announced. The spread of dangerous heresies was stimulated by the rigid discipline of the Puritan churches. The desire for uniformity in creed and ceremonial produced a stringency of regulation that precluded, even in non-essentials, that latitude which a sound discretion would allow. This strictness, however congenial to those who ordained it, was offensive to subse- quent settlers, whose feelings were thus enlisted, from the moment of their arrival, in any movement that promised relaxation. Furthermore, the principles of the Reforma- tion, with which the new-comers were strongly imbued, but which had lost some portion of their hold upon the Puritan mind, when the possession of power had diverted their application, favored a degree of liberality and toler- ance distasteful to the rulers of Massachusetts. The right of private judgment was merged in the authority of cor- porate decrees. The doctrine of justification by faith alone, which in the hands of Luther and Calvin, had shivered the gorgeous ritual of Rome, seemed, to the Antinomians, to be lost in the scrupulous attention paid to formal and protracted worship. On the other hand, '■' Calvinism run to seed " was an expression used by the Legalists to describe the position of their opponents. The antagonist elements of human character were here de- veloped on the arena of religious strife. In its theologi- cal aspect, the Antinomian controversy was the system of Geneva, logically pursued, in conflict with the practice of Massachusetts — a struggle for freedom of thought and ac- tion against the spirit of formalism. Politically considered, it presents a phenomenon not unusual in the history of the world, but singular enough in 68 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. a community so entirely controlled, through moral means, by the clerical profession. It was a demonstration by the 16 3 8. masses against spiritual domination — a protest of the peo- ple in opposition to the clergy. The colony was still a close corjioration in wliich but a small number of residents were admitted to the privileges of freemen. The test act ' was now working its legitimate effect in arousing a spirit of hostility to existing institutions, which was specially directed against those who were supposed to be its authors and most strenuous advocates. A sense of in- justice was preparing -nTPnyirulg ^^f flip |u^n-p1n fm- nvnrf resistance to the supremany of the <"h^rgy The shrewd and cautious Cotton maintained their cause until the re- action, caused by the indiscretion of Wheelwright, was apparent, and the political leader of the faction was dis- graced at the general election. When the powerful influ- ence of Vane was thus withdrawn, Cotton made good his reconciliation with his ofi'ended colleagues, and still ap- peared as the devoted servant of the peojjle. \][) to this period the political phase of the controversy was as dis- tinctly marked as its theological character. — -^^ There is one other point, somewhat akin to this, which should not be overlooked, as it helj^s to explain the position of parties in this obstinate strife. Viewed in its social aspect, this was a contest between the new-comers and the old settlers. Nearly three thousand passengers arrived the same year with Henry Vane, and only one hundred and forty-five freemen were added to the colony.^ This disjmrity, together with what has before been writ- ten, will account for the feeling which disturbed even the proprieties of social life. From these various causes the Antinomian party was at one time, far the most numerous in Boston, recruiting its ranks from the most accomplished as well as the most liberal of her citizens ; while in other towns it was rapidly ' Passed May 18, 1631. » Holmes's Annals, 229. RESULTS OF THE CONTROVERSY. 69 augmenting its forces, and preparing to imbue the exclu- chap sive spirit of the Puritans with more of liberality in feel- ^^.^^ ing and i^ractice. 168 8. Thus much for the causes of this celebrated dispute. Its results upon the Puritans were exhibited in a gradual relaxation from the severity of their political system, de- manded by the growing jealousy of the people at the power of their ministers and magistrates. This was slow but certain in its operation, so that the union of church and state became much less oppressive in the next gene- ration. Its farther results, upon the victims of its fury who were driven to establish their principles in an inde- pendent colony, soon afterwards united by parliamentary patent with the Providence Plantations, the progress of this history will develop. By Clark's narrative it appears that during the pre- 16.3 7. ceding autumn many of the' Antinomians, for the sake of peace, and to enjoy freedom of conscience, had determined to remove. The suffocating heat of the past summer in- duced them to seek a place at the north, but the severity of the ensuing winter compelled them in the spring to move farther south. With John Clark and "vVilliam igsj.g Coddington as their leaders, the exiles designed to estab- lish themselves on Long Island or near Delaware Bay, and while their vessel was doubling Cape Cod they went by land to Providence. Narraganset Bay, which seemed the destined refuge for outcasts of every faith, attracted the wanderers by its fertile shores and genial climate. Poger Williams recommended them to settle at Sowams, now called Phebe's Neck, in Barrington, on the main land, or on the island of Aquedneck, now Rhode Island. He accompanied the exploring party, consisting of Clark and two others, to Plymouth, to inquire about Sowams, when finding that this was claimed to be within Ply- mouth patent, they selected the large and beautiful island .0 n ^ 24. HISTOR tAW^ THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. of Aquednec^X Upon their return to Providence a num ©f "tfie principal people formed themselves into a bodj politic by vohmtary agreement, as the inhabitants of Providence had already done, and chose William Codding- ton to be their judge or chief-magistrate. Through the powerful influence of Roger Williams, who in his account of the affair, modestly divides the honor with Sir Henry Vane, negotiations were shortly concluded with Canonicus and Miantinomi for^ the puf- xjhase of the island. As soon as the deed was obtained ' This name is spelle 103 7. habitants, " masters of families," incorporated themselves into a town and made an order that no man should be molested for his conscience. As yet there was no dele- gated power. The little community had i\ot swelled to the dimensions that required a division of labor in the conduct of pubUc aifairs. The people met monthly in town meeting, and chose a clerk and treasurer at each meeting. It is mucli to be regretted that the records of the town were so loosely kept.' An experiment like this, which had no precedent to furnish in doubtful cases a cri- terion of action, must have often presented questions of the deepest importance to the colonists, in the decision of which there could be no other guide than their own clear minds. Principle, not precedent, formed their only stand- * The first settlers of Pawtuxet were Wm. Arnold, \Vm. Carpenter, Zeeh- ariah Rhodes and Wm. Harris, who removed from Providence in 1638. ° The details of tlie various divisions of land in the town and vicinity, and the localities assigned to individual proprietors, so far as they can now be as- certained, are given in Judge Staple's Annals of Providence, and are not re- peated here because they belong more properly to a local history of the town, which has already been most diligently prepared in the aforenamed book, than to a general history of the State. ^ The only officer whose election is recorded is Thomas Olney, Treasurer. The earliest record is dated 16th of 4th mo., (June,) but without year. It provides for a fine upon all persons who may be more than fifteen minutes late at town-meeting, and but three other entries are made under that year, the last of which, dated 3d of lOth month, is but a repetition of the first mem- orandum. The next page is headed " Agreements and Orders of the 2d year of the Plantation," under which but seven entries are made, all relating to grants of land and preservation of timber, and bui three have a date affixed. THE CIVIL COMPACT. 103 ard of judgment. Could the record of their proceedings chap have been preserved, with what interest should we now .^ ^j_^ peruse the debates of this earliest of modern democracies ! 16 3 7. The first written compact that has come down to us is as fullows : " We whose names are hereunder, desirous to inhabit in the town of Providence, do promise to subject ourselves in active or passive obedience to all such orders or agreements as shall be made for public good of the body, in an orderly way, by the major assent of the pres- ent inhabitants, masters of families, incorporated together into a town fellowship, and such others whom they shall admit unto them, only in civil things." It is signed by thirteen persons — Richard Scott, William x Reynolds, John X Field, Chad. Brown, John Warner, George Rick- ard, Edward Cope, Thomas x Angell, Thomas x Harris, Francis x Wickes, Benedict Arnold, Joshua Winsor, William Wickenden. The five with the mark x afiixed, signed by their mark, but whether through inability to write their names, or from some other cause, may be ques- tioned, as we know that at that period instruments having more than one signature were often thus signed by some of the parties who knew how to write. This agreement is without date on the original record. It refers in terms to an ao-reement between the first settlers and to their in- corporation into a town fellowship, and is therefore pre- sumed to be the agreement of the " second comers " — a view strengthened by the fact that it is signed by T. An- gell and F. Wickes, who came with R. Williams, but be- ing, according to tradition, minors, were not named in Mr. Williams' deed, and now, having attained their ma- jority, they take this occasion to sign the compact of cit- izenship. The parties bind themselves " only in civil things," thus securing the rights of conscience inviolate as their predecessors had done. The different and often conflicting views of the members of this infant State upon the exciting topics which caused their exile, and the un- 104 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, tried principles uiion which their settlement was made, would afford a curious example of diversity of thought and action converging to the same great end. Unfortu- nately our only authorities upon these subjects are the scattered and often biassed statements from the chronicles of Massachusetts. The fairest of these annalists has preserved a fragment of discussion, so curious as an illus- tration of the nature of the difficulties which must have been constantly ariising in the colony, and of th^ shrewd, practical character of the people in their solution of knotty questions, that we transcribe it. " At Providence, also, the devil was not idle. For whereas at their first coming thither, Mr. Williams and the rest did iliake an order that no man should be molested for his conscience, now men's wives, and children, and servants, claiming liberty hereby to go to all religious meetings, though never so often, or though private, upon the week days ; and be- cause one Verin refused to let his wife go to Mr. Wil- liams' so often as she was called for, they required to have him censured. But there stood up one Arnold, a witty man of their own company, and withstood it, telling them that, when he consented to that order, he never intended it should extend to the breach of any ordinance of God, such as the subjection of wives to their husbands, etc., and gave divers solid reasons against it. Then one Greene replied that if they should restrain their wives, etc., all the women in the country would cry out of them, etc. Arnold answered him thus : Did you pretend to leave the Massachusetts because you would not offend God to please men, and would you now break an ordi- nance and commandment of God to please women ? Some were of opinion that if Verin would not suffer his wife to have her liberty, the church should dis})Ose her to some other man who would use her better. Arnold told them that it was not the woman's desire to go so oft from home, but onlv Mr. Williams' and others. In conclusion, THE VERIN CASE. 105 when they would have censured Verin, Arnold told them chap. that it was against their own order, for Verin did that he ^ did out of conscience ; and their order was that no man 16 3 7. should be censured for his conscience." This then is the earliest record we have of the struggle between liberty and law, the rival elements which Rhode Island was to reconcile in the novel experiment of a self-governed State. The only entry referring to it upon the town books is in Maj these words : " It was agreed that Joshua Verin, upon the breach of a covenant for restraining of the libertie of conscience, shall be withheld from the libertie of voting till he shall declare the contrarie." Here was a case in- volving the cardinal principle of the Rhode Island settlers with the most delicate subject of family regulation. One of greater difficulty could not well be imagined. On the supposition that Mrs. Verin felt bound in conscience to attend the meetings, and did so without detriment to her domestic duties, the restraint imposed by her husband was a violation of the Rhode Island principle, and as such the punishment was correctly administered, although the report, as given by Winthrop, doubtless derived from Verin himself, naturally gives the best of the argument to the latter. About this time Mr. Williams, jointly with Gov. Win- Nov. 10 throp, purchased of Canonicus the island of Chibachu- weset, which had formerly been oifered by the Indians to John Oldham, on condition that he would settle there for purposes of trade, which he failed to do. This he named Prudence, and two smaller islands adjacent, which he soon after purchased, he called Patience and Hope. These lands, with other property, he afterwards sold to meet his expenses in England wdien on service for the colony. Gov. Winthrop retained his half of Prudence island, and left it in his will to his son Stephen.' ' 3 M. H C. i. 165. Knowles' R. W. 124. The deed of Prudence island is dated 10th Nov. R. I. H. C. iii. 29. Williams' letter to Gov. Wmthrop on the subject is dated Oct. 28tL iOG HISTORY OF THE STATE OF KHODE ISLAND. CHAP. The annals of crime have rarely contained a more .^ ^ atrocious murder than was committed near Providence, 1 (] 8 8. upon the person of an Indian, by four English from Ply- "' mouth in the following summer. The murderers Avere taken at Aquidneck, and Mr. Williams, writing to Gov. Winthrop for advice as to where they should -be tried, gives the particulars of the tragedy. • One escaped. The remaining three were sent to Plymouth, tried and exe- cuted. Tlie chief interest of the affair at thisjday relates to the question of jurisdiction, and to the diverse reasons assigned for having the trial at Plymouth. Williams thought they should be tried at Aquidneck, where they were taken, and if not they should be sent to Plymouth, where they belonged. The Aquidneck settlers desired to send them to Providence, where the crime was commit- ted, and this certainly was the correct view. Grov. Win- throp advised that they be delivered to Plymouth if sent for, otherwise that the ringleader be given up to the In- dians, and the other three be detained till further consid- eration, and gives as his reasons that there was no English jurisdiction where the crime was committed, and no gov- ernment at the island where the criminals were arrested.^ Plymouth also applied to Mastsachusetts for advice, and the Secretary assigns opposite reasons from those given by Gov. Winthrop himself for his advice, and very dif- ferent ones from any that could have influenced the Aquidneck people in surrendering the prisoners. He sa,y8 the Massachusetts refused to try them because the crime was committed within the jurisdiction of Plymouth, and that the Rhode Island men having taken' them, delivered them to Plymouth ^' on the same grounds."-* The birth of Mr. Willianis' eldest son, said to be the first male child born of English parents in Rhode Island, took place in the autumn of this year. He was named ' 3 M. H. C. iii. 170-3. ^ Winthrop's Journal, L 267. ' Morton's Memorial, p. 208. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 107 Providence. The first English child born in the colony cHAp. was a female, in the same year, hut a few months pre- ^^ ■ vious to the birth of Providence Williams. 16 3 8. The period had now arrived when a church was to be organized in the new plantations. That religious services had not previously been neglected in their exile, we may fairly infer from the character of the people and the ear- nest nature of their leader, himself an ordained preacher of the Grospel, as also was Thomas James, another of the original proprietors. And we know too that Mr. Black- stone, also a regular minister, residing within six miles of Providence, was in the habit of ^^siting the settlement for this purpose. As the views entertained by the Provi- dence colonists differed so widely from those of their Pu- ritan brethren in other respects, a similar variance may be looked for in their religious belief ; and as they had instituted a civil government on principles entirely novel in that age, so were they about to establish an ecclesias- tical system, approaching, more nearly, as they consider- ed, to that of the primitive church, than any then exist- ing in the new world. Gov. Winthrop says : " Many of Boston and others, who were of Mrs. Hutchinson's judg- ment and party, removed to the isle of Aquiday ; and ^ others, who were of the rigid separation, and savored 3. anabaptism, removed to Providence, so as those parts be- gan to be well peopled." Some time between this date -^^^^^ and the following spring, when the account of the bap- 16. tism of Williams, Holliman and ten others, is recorded by Winthrop, the event then related occurred, which places the formation of the first Baptist church in Amer- ica probably in the autumn of 1638, and certainly prior to the 16th "of March, 1639.^ ' These twelve were Roger Williams, Ezekiel HoUimaa, William Arnold, William Harris, Stukely Westcott, John Green, Richard Waterman. Thomas James, Robert Cole, William Carpenter, Francis Weston and Thomas Olney. ^Benedict's Historij of Baptists, i. 473. ^ An interestino' discussion occurred a few years since between the First 108 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. t'liAr. The growth of the colony soon rendered a purely ^^^_^ democratic government impracticable. Too onerous for 164 0. the individual and too feeble for the purposes of the State, it was reluctantly and cautiously abandoned. The jeal- ousy of delegated power is conspicuous in the instrument that authorized it, as well as in the frequent elections by which it provided for a choice of the " disposers." The necessity of some change was apparent, and a committee was appointed by the inhabitants of Providence to con- sider certain difficulties that had arisen in regftrd to a di- vision of the lands, to adjust the same, and to report a form of future government for the action of the town. This report, consisting of twelve articles of agreement, "j-^ was accepted by the people, thirty-nine of whose signa- tures are attached to the only copy in existence, certified by the town clerk twenty-two years later.' It was but a sliglit dcjmrture from the primitive democracy, still it Baptist Churches of Providence and Newport, the latter claiming seniority, contrary to received opinions and the records of the Warren Association. A report to the Association was made in 18-1:9, stating the grounds of the New- port claim. This report was ably refuted by the Rev. Drs. Granger and Cas- well and Prof. Gamraell, a committee in "behalf of the Providence church, and their review presented to the Warren Association at its next annual meet- ing, Sept. 12th, 1850, and printed in pamphlet form soon after. In Novem- ber of the same year. Rev. S. Adlam, pastor of the Newport church, publiehed a pamphlet entitled, " The First Baptist Church in Providence Not the oldest of the Baptists \n America." This is a very ingenious attempt to show, 1st, That the present First Baptist Church is not the original church referred to in the text, but a seceder from an older church. 2d, That this older church disap- peared about 1718, and 3d, That the Newport church is older than either of them. The last proposition, at least, proves too much, for Winthrop settles the fact of the formation of a Baptist church at Providence prior to 16th March, 1G39, while the town of Newport was not founded till May 1st, six weeks after- ward. Many of the facts relied on to sustain these positions will he found to be already answered in the committee's Renew, and the additional statements are well weighed by Rev. Henry Jackson, D. D., in " Churches in Rhode Island," pp. 15-22, 70-85, 95 and 122, 23. Mr. Adlam's pamphlet is a fine specimen of historical reasoning, requiring an intimate knowledge of the times and subject, and some experience in critical analysis, to detect the er- rors in its premises and the consequent fallacy of its conclusions. ' Staple's Annals, p. 40-3. FORM OF GOVERNMENT ALTERED. 109 forms an era in our colonial history, and for several years chap. constituted the town government. The first article fixes the bounds between Pawtuxet proprietors and those of Providence. The second pre- scribes that five men be appointed by the town to dispose of the common lands, and to do the general business of the town, but in receiving freemen they are first to notify the inhabitants, lest any objections should exist against the applicant. If any one felt aggrieved by the action of the '• disposers/' he could appeal to the town meeting. A town clerk was to be chosen in addition to these five selectmen, and the guaranty of liberty of conscience is again expressly given. The next two articles provide for the settlement of all private difliculties by arbitration, and empowered the five disposers to appoint arbitrators when either of the disputants refuses to do so. The fifth requires all the inhabitants to unite in pursuit of any de- linquent. The sixth enables any party, aggrieved by the acts of any one of the " disposers,'' to call a town meet- ing, in case of an emergency. By the seventh article all land conveyances from the town were to be made by the five selectmen. The next two articles provide for monthly meetings of the selectmen or " disposers," and quarterly met'tino-s of the town, at which the former were to render their accounts and a new election to be had. The fees of the clerk and his term of ofiice, to be one year, are the subjects of the tenth article. The eleventh quiets all prior land titles. The last article levies a tax of thirty shillings upon all inhabitants of the town. The provisions for elections, and for a revision of the acts of the " disposers" at quarterly town meetings, and for extra town meetings in the brief intervals, to redress any private grievance inflicted by the selectmen, or any one of them, are remarkable proofs of the tenacity with which the founders of Providence held in their own hands the reins of delegated power. The largest liberty of the 110 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, citizen, civil as weU as religious, consistent with the exist- _i^ ence of society, was their cherished object, and one which 16 40. they protected with the jealousy of men escaped from the tyranny of a church and state combination. But the element of strength which it was sought to embody in the new system was not there. The passions of men were not restrained, and the crude ideas of many who sought the new colony as a refuge from oppression, were not defi- nitely shaped by this new agreement Latitude of opin- ion upon fundamental points of civil government still Yc,4^l existed. Theories subversive of all legal restraint were broached, and although the angry discussions which they produced resulted in the triumph of social order, they gave occasion for the calumny that " at Providence they denied all magistracy and churches." The doctrine that conscience was to be the sole guide of the individual, in civil as well as in religious matters, was held by some who did not see clearly the distinction as it existed in the mind of Roger Williams. In the neighboring colonies these perversions of the idea of soul liberty were magni- fied, and the disorder that threatened during the discus- sions, which finally ended in the united triumph of reli- gious liberty, and social law, wasmisrci)rcsented as the re- sult of the established system in the State. Any attempt to enforce the laws was attended with danger to the exist- ence of the settlement, so much so, that on several occa- sions aid from abroad was solicited to sustain the deci- y^^^^. sions of arbitrators legally aj^i^ointed, in accordance with 17 the new form of government. The earliest instance of this impolitic action is found in a letter from thirteen of the colonists addressed to the Massachusetts, comi)laining of the conduct of Gorton and his partisans, one of whom, Francis Weston, had refused to submit to the " arbitra- tion of eight men orderly chosen." To enforce their de- cree a levy was made on Weston's cattle. A riot ensued, in which some blood was spilt and a rescue effected by his PAWTUXET MEN SUBMIT TO MASSACHUSETTS. Ill friends, who then openly declared that a similar result chap. should follow any attempt to attach any property of theirs. .^-,,I_ The writers urge the necessity of the case as the reason 1641. for their asking assistance and advice. In reply the gov- ernment of Massachusetts declined to send aid, because they " could not levy any war without a general Court ; " and " for counsel, that except they did submit themselves to some jurisdiction, either Plymouth, or ours, we had no calling or warrant to interpose in their contentions, but if they were once subject to any, then they had a calling to protect them." How such a submission by any inhabit- ants of Rhode Island could operate to extend the Massa- chusetts charter beyond its prescribed limits, or, if it could do so, how any of the peoiDle could invite such a usurpation we cannot understand. A few months after this affair four of the principal 16 42 inhabitants, then resident at Pawtuxet, dissatisfied with |^ ' the conduct of Gorton and his company, who had moved to their neighborhood, offered themselves and their lands to the government and protection of Massachusetts, and were received by the General Court, These were Wil- liam Arnold, Eobert Cole, William Carpenter and Bene- dict Arnold. The first three were among the original purchasers. The last was the son of the first-named. They were appointed by the General Court as justices of the peace.' Thus a foreign jurisdiction was set up in the very midst of the infant colony, which greatly increased the difficulties of its existence, and continued for sixteen years to harass the inhabitants of Providence, and threat- en the peace of Rhode Island long after the Parliamen- tary charter had secured to the people the right of self- government.^ The motives of the Court in this act are ' Mass. Col. Rec. 2, 27. - It was not till 1658 that this unnatural condition of things was termi- nated upon the petition of Wm. Arnold and Wm. Carpenter in behalf of them- selves and all the inhabitants of Pawtuxet. asking for a full discharge of theiz 112 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, stated by the Governor to be " partly to secure these men _i^;_, from unjust violence, and partly to draw in the rest in 1 42. those parts, either under ourselves or Plymouth, who now lived under no government, but grew very offensive, and the place was likely to be of use to us, especially if we should have occasion of sending out against any Indians of Narraganset, and likewise for an outlet into the Nar- raganset Bay, and seeing it came without our seeking, and would be no charge to us, we thought it not %Msdom io Oct. let it slip." In a few weeks a letter was addressed by Massachusetts '' to our neighbors of Providence," inform- ing them of this submission of the Pawtuxet men, noti- fying them that the Courts were open for tlie trial of any complaints against these men, and accompanied with the assurance that equal justice should there be rendered, and with the threat that if violence were resorted to against them it would be repelled in like manner.' This official demonstration of the grasping policy of Massachusetts alarmed the colonists, who naturally preferred their own system of arbitration to the decision of Courts in another, and as they had good reason to consider, a hostile juris- 1H42-3. diction. Gorton and his companions, who, as the parties ^2' specially complained of, deemed this letter to be aimed directly at them, shortly removed beyond the limits of Providence, and purchasing from the Indians lands at Shawomet, south of Pawtuxet, commenced the settle- ment of Warwick. But the rest which they sought was denied them in their last retreat. The persecution of their enemies followed them to the homes which the heathen, in pity for their sufferings, had bestowed. A dark contrast between the kindness of the savages and the cruelty of their civilized brethren, is presented in the early history of the Warwick settlement. submission to the Massachusetts jurisdiction, which was granted at the May session. M. C. R., v. -t, Part i., p. 333. ' The letter is pubUshed in 2 II. I. U. Col., p. 53, and in Staple's Annalfi of Prov., p. 47. APPLICATION FOR A CHARTER. 113 The three colonies now existing in Khode Island were chap. independent of each other. They felt the necessity of ,^i^ union in case of an Indian war which constantly threat- 16 42. ened, and perhaps a still greater need of an authorized government, which should cause their rights to he re- spected by their neighbors. As yet each settlement de- pended solely upon the consent of its inhabitants for the efficiency of its government, and this basis was not recog- nized by the Puritan colonies as valid. The only ties that bound them together were those of a common dan- ger from the Indians, the memory of suiferings endured in a common cause, and the peril to their existence as a State, which threatened all alike from the ambitious poli- cy of the surrounding colonies. To strengthen their po- sition at home, to fortify themselves against encroachments from abroad, and above all to secure the enjoyment of that liberty of conscience for which they had suffered so much and were destined to endure still more, they sought from the British Parliament a charter which should recognize their acts of self-government as legal, and invest with the sanction of authority the novel experiment they had com- menced. The movement was made by the colony at Sept Acquedneck. Providence united in it, and Eoger Wil- liams was selected as the agent. Early in the following summer he embarked at New York in a Dutch ship for 16 43 England, being compelled to this course by the refusal of Massachusetts to permit him to pass through their limits, or to take passage in one of their vessels. He arrived in the midst of the civil war. The King had already fled, and the Long Parliament ruled the realm of England. The administration of the colonies was intrusted to a committee, of which the Earl of Warwick was chairman, with the office and title of " Governor-in-Chief and Lord High Admiral of the Colonies." His efforts with this ^ ^/ committee resulted in obtainin^j a charter uniting the \^^^ . March three Pthode Island colonies, as " The Incorporation of 14. VOL. I. — 8 114 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP. Providence Plantations in the Narraganset Bay in Ne\v J^ England/" The arrival of Mr. Williams with this all- 1 644. important document was the occasion of general rejoicing. By virtue of an official letter to the Massachusetts, which he brought with him/ he landed in Boston, and was al- g lowed to proceed unmolested to his home. This letter 17. however failed, in its chief object, to produce a relaxation of the stern policy of the Bay towards the founder of the " heretical colony." Hubbard, in. his History, of Nev England, says : " Upon the receipt of the said letter the Governor and Magistrates of the Massachusetts found, upon examination of their hearts, they saw no reason to condemn themselves for any former proceedings against Mr. Williams ; but for any ofl&ces of Christian love and duties of humanity, they were veiy willing to maintain a mutual correspondency with him. But as to his danger- ous principles of separation, unless he can be brought to lay them down, they see no reason why to concede to him, or any so persuaded, free liberty of ingress and egress, lest any of their people should be drawn away with his erroneous opinions." He passed quietly through the unfriendly territory, whose people he had already once preserved, and from ' With respect to the exact date of this charter there is some difference of opinion, evidently caused by the carelessness of transcribers. It is pub- lished in the 2d and 4th vols, of R. I. H. Col., dated 17th March. The 3d R. I H. Col., Hazard's State Papjrs, and 2 M. H. C. vol. 9, print it with the date of 14th March. Various writers have followed each of thes3 authori- ties. The latter, however, is the correct date, as ably argued by the learned and accurate editor of Winthrop's Journal in a note, vol. ii., p. 236, edit. 1853. The fact that the 17th March 1043-4 fell on Sunday, not a legal day of date, is of itself conclusive against that date. The writer, in the course of his investigations in the British State P.ipcr Office at London, examined the official MS. charter there preserved; It bears date 14th March. This positive evidence, aside from the negative proof adduced by Mr. Savage, ap- pears to settle the question. The charter waa signed on Thursday, 14th March, 1643-4. " Tho letter is given in Winthrop, 2, 193 (236.) WILLIAMS' RETURN. 115 wliom he was destined shortly, for the second time, to chap avert the horrors of Indian war, and reached Providence ^^'^ by the same route that eight years before he bad pursued, 16 44. a homeless wanderer, dependent on the kindness of the red man. His entry was like a triumphal march. Four- teen canoes, filled with the exulting population of Provi- dence, met him at Seekonk, and escorted him across the river, while the air was rent with shouts of welcome. How the contrast which a few short years had wrought in all around him must have pressed upon his mind, and more than all the feeling that the five companions of his exile, and those who had followed them, were now raised, by the charter he had brought, from the condition of de- spised and persecuted outcasts to the rank of an inde- pendent State ! During the absence of Mr. Williams an event of great importance in its effect on the welfare of the colonists oc- curred. This was the murder of Miantinomi, the faith- ful ally of the English and the steadfast friend of Rhode Island. A union for mutual assistance, to which we shall refer more fully in the succeeding chapter, was formed by the other New Eno;land colonies, and from which the ^^ Rhode Island settlements were excluded, upon grounds that 19. reflect no credit upon the Puritan confederates. The prospect of Indian war was the most urgent cause for this union, and the exclusion of Rhode Island was a vir- tual abandonment of her inhabitants to the chances of savage warfare. A war broke out between Uncas, sachem j, of the Mohegans, and Sequasson, a sachem on the Con- necticut river, who was an ally of Miantinomi. Both parties appealed to the English, who declared their inten- tion to remain neutral. Miantinomi espoused the cause of his ally against Uncas, his hereditary foe, and applied to the Governor of Massachusetts, " to know if he would be offended if he made war upon Uncas ? " The Gov- ernor replied, " If Uncas had done him or his friends 116 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, wrong and would not give satisfaction, we should leave _^_;^ him to take his own course." That the high spirited sa- 16 43. chem of the Narragansets should have thus asked leave, as it were, to exercise the right of a sovereign Prince against his enemies, is exj^lained by the existence of a treaty formed six years before, when he aided the English to crush the Pequots. The whole career of this haughty chieftain, in his intercourse with the English, displays the nicest sentiment of honor, blended with a proper regard for his own dignity and absolute sovereignty. He re- garded every article of the treaty he had made as binding to the last hour of his life, not only in its terms but in its spirit, and expected, though unfortunately, and as it proved fatally to himself, to receive from his civilized al- lies an equally honorable conduct. He had been repeat- edly the guest of the authorities at Boston, and his de- portment on those occasions, as well as in his own domin- ions, when receiving embassies from the English, was such as to win the confidence and command the admiration of 16 42. those with whom he negotiated. But of late suspicions '^"e- had been excited in the mind of the General Court, by intelligence from Connecticut, spread, as it appears, by the intrio-ues of the Mohegans.' At a summons from the Sept. Court Miantinomi promptly attended, and vindicated his innocence; demanding to be confronted Avith his accusers, and charging Uncas as the author of the calumny. The Court were satisfied and Miantinomi was honorably dis- missed. A fatal act of kindness soon afterward performed by him, in selling Shawomet to the arch heretic Gorton, seems to have inclined the Massachusetts more readily to entertain suspicions of their high-souled ally, and to have had no little weight in causing his death. However this Yf-AQ may be, the leading events are well known. Uncas at- July. tacked Sequasson. Miantinomi took the field with one thousand warriors, and was defeated in a bloody action. ' An account of this plot is given in 3 M. H. C. 3, 161-4. MURDER OF MIANTINOMI. 117 By the treachery of two of his captains he was delivered chap. up to Uncas. An effort to obtain his ransom was made by his subjects, and also by Gorton. Upon this Uncas carried him to Hartford, where at his own entreaty he was left as a prisoner in the hands of the English, till the Commissioners of the United Colonies met at Boston. By them his fate was decided. They '' were all of opinion that it would not be safe to set him at liberty, neither had we sufficient ground for us to put him to death. In this dithculty we called in five of the most ju- dicious elders, and propounding the case to them, they all agreed that he ought to be put to death ; and we agreed that, upon the return of the commissioners to Hartford, they should send for Uncas and tell him our determina- tion, that Miantinomi should be delivered to him again, and he should put him to death so soon as he came within his own jurisdiction, and ' that two English should go along with him to see the execution, and that if any In- dians should invade him for it, we would send men to de- fend him." The sentence was executed in its spirit and letter by the savage Uncas. • Thus fell the most power- g^^^ ful of the native princes, and the most faithful and hon- orable ally with whom the English had ever dealt. Un- skilled in theological subtleties, he received all alike, with a noble charity which might be called Christian, did it not contrast so strangely with the cruelty towards their brethren, of those who claimed the name and asserted the prerogative of the " Saints." Perhaps it was the igno- 1 The particulars of this atrocious sacrifice are given by Trumbull, Hist, of Conn i. 135. A justly severe criticism on the authors of the outrage is penned by Mr. Savage in a note on pp. 158-161, vol. ii., edit. 1853, of Win- throp's Journal. The scathing remarks of the editor, honorable alike to him- self and to humanity, come with a better graca from a Massachusetts man than any comments from a son of Rhode Island could do— who will find enou ' While these events were taking place in the colonies, a yet more dangerous influence was at work in England to foil the efforts of Williams at obtaining the charter that was to establish the independence of Rhode Island. The Massachusetts government were attempting to an- nex, by a similar patent, the whole soil of Rhode Island to their jurisdiction, and thereby to legalize their acts of '^^^- usurpation. The effort was so far successful that a char- ter was actually obtained from the Colonial Committee, adding to the patent of Massachusetts the whole of what is now the State of Rhode Island, and expressly including the Narraganset country, three months before the Rhode Island charter was granted. The reasons assigned for this act in the body of the instrument are the excessive charges to which the Massachusetts planters had been subjected in founding their colony, its rapid growth, requiring an expansion of its territory, and the desire to Christianize the natives. By what means this patent was obtained, or how, so soon afterwards, the same territory was erected into an independent government, and no reference made to the previous grant to Massachusetts, 'although the boundaries are described in precisely the same language in the two documents, or yet why no allusion is made to it on the records of Massachusetts, for more than twenty months after it was granted, are points which cannot now be determined. It is worthy of remark that the Narra- ganset patent, as it was termed, provides a reservation of THE NABRAGANSET PATENT. 119 all lands previously granted, " and in present possession chap. held and enjoyed by any of His Majesty's Protestant sub- ^^ jeets/' while the Providence charter, dated three months 1 3 'j, servant who remained with them to have ten acres of land as a free gift upon his admission. The business of laying out the lands was soon commenced. The oj^inion of the 5. body is recorded " that the land might reasonably accom- modate fifty families." Four acres were assigned for each house lot, and six acres were granted to Mr. Coddington for an orchard.' Free trade with the Indians was per- mitted to all men. Some dift'erences on this subject had arisen which probably occasioned this decree. The ap- g^p^ pointment of " truckmasters " had not given satisfaction 2. at Pocasset, and the Newport settlers profited by their experience. A justice's court, composed of the Judge Oct. and Elders, was appointed to meet the first Tuesday ^• in every month, to decide • such causes as might come before them. At the quarterly town meetings, called also courts, a majority was to rule, and the Judge was allowed two votes. Under this date appears a list of fifty-nine persons, "who by the general consent of the company were admitted to be inhabitants of the island, now called Aquedneck, having submitted themselves to the govern- ment that is or shall be established, according to the word of God, therein," and also a supplemental list of forty-two " inhabitants admitted at the towne of Niew-Port since the 20th of the 3d, 1638," (1639,) making one hundred and one registered inhabitants at that time.^ Nearly one half of the first list is composed of names signed to the ' This is the second orchard known in Rhode Island. The first was planted by "W. Blackstone in 1635. - There is a singular recurrence of this precise number of persons in our early history. The I'ilgrims landing from the Mayflower in 1G20 were one Imndred and one. The number of men in Providence fit for military duty in 1 645 was one hundred and one. The number of proprietors there at the last division of lands in 1718, was one hundred and one, and we here see the number of registered inhabitants of Aquedueck in Oct., 1639, to be one hun- dred and one. 138 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Pocasset agreement of April 30tb, and the greater part ___;^ of it is made up of those who still resided there, by which I 3 9. we may foresee the union of the governments shortly to take place. None of the proprietors' names are in either list. They were the company by whom, with such as they from time to time admitted, all others were received. The supplemental list contains only the names of such sls had come to the island during the summer. We have before seen that the organization of courts^ very early occupied the attention of the colonists. * The administration of justice was promptly providfed for, con- trary to the slanders of their neighbors, who from the ab- sence of any law religion at either Providence or Aqued- neck, freely charged them with a disregard for both law and religion. A division of labor in judicial matters, it is true, was not immediately provided. Their circum- stances did not at once permit the establishment of a va- riety of courts, with limited and well-defined jurisdic- tions, as at the present day. The number of the colo- nists was too small, and the nature of the causes arising among them did not require any extended judicial sys- tem. Yet we have seen that something of this had al- ready been undertaken at Pocasset. The Court of As- sistants was to have cognizance of small causes, and a quarterly court for jury trials was established. This progress in one year, with the establishment of justices' courts immediately upon their settlement, fully attests their regard for law. The character of the men, with the fact that a majority of them were members of the Boston churcli before their exile, and many still continued to be Nov. so, answers the other portion of the charge. A formal act of the whole people, passed at this time, will set their regard for justice, and their care in providing for its ad- ministration, in still clearer liffht. " Bv the Bodv Poli- ticke in the He of Aquethnec, Inhabiting this present 25 of 9 month, 1639. 25. THE FIRST CHUFCH AT AQUEDNECK. 139 " In the fourteenth yeare of y' Raign of our Soveraign chap. Lord King Charles. It is agreed, That as Natural sub- ._J^ jects to our Prince, and subject to his Lawes, all matters 163 9. that conoerne the Peace shall be by those that are officers of the Peace, Transacted ; And all actions of the case, or Debt, shall be in such Courts as by order are here ap- pointed, and by such Judges as are Deputed : Heard and Legally Determined. " Given at Niew-Port on the Quarter Courte Day which was adjourned till y' Day. " William Dyre, Sec." Meanwhile their spiritual concerns were not neglect- ed. We have the same reasons that were assigned in the previous chapter for supposing that at Aquedneck, as well as at Providence, religious services were regularly conducted before any positive notice is found of the forma- tion of a church. In Winthrop's Journal we read, *' They also gathered a church in a very disordered way ; ^^^ for they took some excommunicated persons, and others who were members of the church of Boston and not dis- missed." The position of this record in reference to what precedes it,' seems to indicate that the church was formed at or about the time of the Newport settlement, but whether there or at Pocasset, by the emigrants or by those who remained, is not so apparent. The construction of the sentence makes it probable that the latter is intended. No other contemporary record of the formation of such a church remains.^ Whatever were its doctrines it existed ' Winthrop, i. 207, under date of May 11th, 1639, and immediately fol- lowing the statement of the ejection of the magistrates quoted iu note 1, p. 134. ' It is this church, if any in Rhode Island, that can he claimed to ante- date the Baptist church already formed in Providence. Yet the record of Winthrop mentions the formation of that church nearly two months earlier than th'-. one at Aquedneck. The former is distinctly described as Baptist in its ordinances. Of the latter the only clue given to its doctrines is that some »f its members were still members of the Boston church, which fact, if it 140 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, but a short time in its original form, if we may rely od ,__^;.^ the authority of Lechford, but gave place in a few years 16 3 y. to a flourishing Baptist church, under the pastoral charge of the Rev. John Clarke, who had been Elder of the former church.' The same authority states that at Portsmouth there was then no church, " but a meeting of some men who there teach one another and call it Prophecie."=^ That a due regard was felt for religious matters at both the Aquedneck towns, as well as at Providence, we think has now been sufficiently shown on firmer grounds* than simple inference. That " at Aquiday they gathered a church in a very disordered way," which they could not proves nothing else, shows pretty conclnsively that they were not Baptists. If some writers whose ability entitles their judgment to respect had not, of late years, expressed a doubt upon the point, the Author would feel little hes- itation in expressing what is in his owa mind a firm conviction, tliat the church at Aquedneck was formed some little time prior to May 11th, 1639, and was in its faith and ordinances an Independent Congregational Church, of the Puritan pedobaptist order. Mr. Savage, in a note to the passage quoted in the text, has a just comment on the way the church is there described as being gathered. See note (2) p. 107, ante. ' Plaine Dealing or News from N. England, London, 1641. The writer used the copy in the British Museum, and collated the parts relating to Rhode Island, with the re-publication in 3 M. H. ,C., iii. 96, 7, where the book is dated 1642. Perhaps there were two editions. Lechford says: "At the island called Aquedney are about two hundred families. There was a church where one Master Clarke was elder. The place where the church was is called Newport, but that church I heare is now dissolved." He is quoted as evidence against the existence of the Baptist church at Providence at the time he wrote, but nothing he says on that subject is so direct to that point as the passage here given, bearing upon the other side of the question, and which is quite overlooked in the discussion referred to in the foregoing chap- ter, note (2) p. 107. The probability is that Lecbford's statement is correct, that this earliest Aquedneck church was dissolved, and that in the change of doctrinal opinion so rife in that age, there soon after arose from the materials of the old church, and including its pastor, a Baptist church, founded, as Cal- lender believed (R. I. H. C. iv. 117), "in 1644, by Mr. John Clarke and some others." - The views of "Thomas Lechford, of 'Clements lune, in the county of Middlesex, Gent.," as he describes himself on his title-page, the High Church- man, writing confessedly to prove his right to be so considered, may be pre- sumed to differ materially from those of our antinomian progenitors of Aqued- neck, upon the controverted question, " What constitutes a church ? " FIEST MOVEMENT FOR A CHARTER. 141 avoid, and that " at Providence things grew still worse/' chap, in Puritan opinion, and a Baptist church was the result, .^^.^j;^ will not be held, at this day, to militate against the piety 1 6 3 u. or the prudence of our ancestors. ,. The military organization was very soon completed, 25. as at Portsmouth. It was kept distinct from the other branches of government, but subject, in the choice of offi- cers, to the approval of the Magistrates. Every man ca- 13able of bearing arms was enrolled. " The Body of the people, viz., the Traine Band," were left free to choose their own officers to exercise and train them, who were to be approved by the Magistrates. No man was allowed to go two miles from town, or to attend any public meet- ing, under penalty of five shillings fine, without carrying a gun or sword. The danger of Indian hostility occa- sioned this great precaution. Negotiations with Pocasset were already in progress with a view to a united government. A yet more im- portant project was discussed. Mr. Easton and Mr. John Clarke were desired to write to Sir Henry Vane about the condition of the island, in order to obtain his influence in securing a charter from the King. Mr. Thomas Burr- wood, a brother of Mr. Easton, was also to be written to on the same subject. The Court adjourned for three weeks. In the interval two men, having broken the peace j^^^ by drunkenness, were tried by the Magistrate's, or " par- 3. ticular Court," and fined five shillings each, " according to the law in that case provided." No respect of persons was shown in the infant commonwealth, when any vio- lated law required a vindication. At the adjourned meet- ^^ ing of the Quarter Court the first act was to impose a fine of five shillings upon Mr. Easton, one of the Elders, or assistants, for attending without his weapon. The sanitary precautions, noticed at Pocasset, were taken also at Newport. Hogs were prohibited from running at large between the middle of April and October. A repeal of Jan. 142 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, the former order on this subject, which, it may he remem ^^^^^ hered, required their removal to a distance of six miles 163 0. from the town, or to some adjacent island, would make j!^ ■ it appear that the orders passed the previous year at Po- casset were held to he in force at Newport, a view that is strengthened by the fact of their having carried with them all the records, as before stated. A pair of stocks and a whipping post were now ordered for the town. 1639-40. The earliest export trade of Rhode Island was in lum-» ber. The home prices were regulated by la\y. In the earliest enactment on this subject these are fixed at eight shillings the hundred for sawed boards, seven shillings for half inch boards, delivered at the mill, and one shilling a foot for clapboards and fencing, to be sound, merchanta- ble stuff. Timber was not to be cut or exported without a license. By a record at Portsmouth, now^ much defaced, it appears that a ship load of pipe staves and clapboards was obtained there about this time. A few years later ' ship building was commenced, and has ever since been an important branch of business in the State. A scarcity of provisions, which, but for the ample sup- ply of fish and game that abounded in the sea and the forests, would have threatened a famine, caused a survey and census to be taken. This showed that there were 2'^ ninety-six persons inhabiting the town, and only one hun- dred and eight bushels of corn among them.^ This was equally divided, and the stock was calculated to last for ' 111 1G4G the New Haven colony built a ship of one hundred and fifty tons at Rhode Island. TruinbuU's Conn., i. 161. " The apparent discrepancy between this census of ninety-six persons and the registeied list of one hundred and one males in October, is reconciled by the fact that nearly all of the first list of fifty-nine men resided at Pocasset The second list of forty-two were new coiners on the island and lived at New- port The apportionment of only thirty-six quarts of corn to each person to last for six weeks, being less than one quart per day, and that too in mid- winter, with six months yet to harvest time, shows a fearful scarcity. It was evidently contemplated to obtain supplies from abroad within the six weeka, but where or how does not appear. UNION OF PORTSMOUTH A.ND NEWPORT. 143 six weeks. The next quarterly meeting was held four chap days sooner than the regular time, which fell on Sunday. Provision was made for the annual election of all the of- ficers, to be held on the twelfth day of March, forever af- ter, in a General Assembly of the Freemen, and such as could not be present were " to send in their votes, sealed up, to the Judge." At the expiration of the six weeks from the time the corn was divided, all the sea banks were Marcu declared free for fishing, but whether in consequence of the scarcity of provisions, or as a simple matter of public right, is not stated — probably the latter. At the first General Court of Election ever held in Newport, very important proceedings were had. William Hutchinson, Judge, and several of the principal men of Portsmouth, who had not before applied, were reunited to the Body, and some who had been registered as inhab- itants in October were now admitted as freemen, and a general act for the admission of freemen was passed by the united Bodies of both towns, hereafter to constitute but one government. The style and number of the mag- istrates were changed. The titles of Judge and Elder were abolished. The Chief was called Governor, the next in office Deputy Governor, and the other four Magistrates, Assistants. An equal number of the general officers were to be chosen from each town, the Governor and two As- sistants from one, and the Deputy Governor and two As- sistants from the other. The change of the name of Po- casset to Portsmouth, which had been there made the pre- vious July, was now confirmed. The election resulted in the choice of William Coddington, Governor, William Brenton, Deputy Governor, Nicholas Easton, John Cogges- hall, William Hutchinson and John Porter, Assistants. The two latter and Mr. Brenton lived at Portsmouth. Robert Jeffreys, of Newport, and William Balston, of Portsmouth, were chosen Treasurers. William Dyre, Secretary, Jeremy Clark Constable for Newport, and John 144 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP. Sandford for Portsmouth, and Henry Bull, Sergeant, all fci ,J^^ one year, or till others should be chosen. The Governor 1640, and Assistants were made Justices of the Peace, Five j2 men were selected for Portsmouth and three for Newport to lay out lands, and j)ro vision was made to record land titles in conformity thereto. This union of the towns was a most desirable event. Already the evils of a divided jurisdiction had become apparent, while the rights of the. proprietors, in^whom rested the fee of the whole island, would, have oc- casioned disputes which were thus happily prevented. The idea of a free charter also, which was seriously en- tertained by the people, doubtless contributed largely to effect a union. The movement was particularly benefi- cial to Newport, which at that time was much the smaller of the two. It soon became virtually the capital, al- though the Quarter Courts, or meetings of the General Assembly, and the General Courts of Election were held in both towns at various times. The " particular Courts," consisting of magistrates and jurors, vv^ere ordered to be ., held monthly in each town. These Courts had jurisdic- 6. tion in all causes not involving " life and limb." From their decision there was a right of apj)eal to the Quarter Sessions, which were held the first Tuesdays in March, June, September and December. The laws were revised and several of them repealed, among which was the one forfeiting house lots that were not built upon within one year from the grant, j^j A formal convention or treaty was made by the gov- 7. ernment with the Narragansct Indians, and' duly ratified at the next General Court. It provides that no fire 6. should be kindled by the Indians on the island, but such as should be extinguished on their departure, and if any damage result therefrom it shall be made good on legal trial ; that for a hog that had been killed by an Indian, ten fathoms of wampum should be paid at the next har- MILITIA LAW — PROVISION FOR SCHOOLS. 145 vest ; tliat no traps for deer or cattle should be set by In- chap dians on the island ; that if any Indian was unruly, or ,^^1^ committed any small crime, he should be punished by a 16 40, magistrate, according to law ; but if the charge involved q^' a greater sum than ten fathoms of beads, or if the accused party was a sachem, however trivial the charge, then Mi- antinomi was to be sent for to be present at the trial ; that neither English nor Indians should take the canoes belono-ino; to the other ; that no barg-ain once made should be revoked, and that no idling about should be allowed. A militia law, by far more , complete than any law upon that subject that had before been passed, and the most coj)ious of any of the existing acts, now appointed that eight times a year the bands of both towns were to be exercised in the field, and that two general musters, one at each town, were to be held every year. The umisual minuteness of this statute, the penalties attached to its violation, and the stringency of its application, including as it did every man who should remain for twenty days on the island, and exempting no one except by commuta- tion, evinces the feeling of insecurity at that time per- vading the whole of New England. It has been said that at one time Rhode Island was behind all other States in providing for the education of her people. However true this might be of other portions of the State it was not so of the island. At this Court, , Mr. Robert Lenthal was admitted a freeman. He had been invited to come and conduct pubHc worship, which had previously been done by Mr. Clark, and to teach a school. By a vote of the town of Newport he was " called to keep a public school for the learning of youth, and for his encouragement there was granted to him and his heirs one hundred acres of land, and four more for a house lot ; " it was also voted '' that one hundred acres should be laid forth and appropriated for a school, for en- couragement of the poorer sort, to train up their youth VOL. I — 10 14. 146 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, in learning, and Mr. Robert Lentlial, while he continues to teach school, is to have the benefit thereof." 16 40. The two towns were placed on an equal footing in all resj)ects. They were allowed to draw similar amounts from the public treasury. '• Two Parliamentary (or Gen- eral) Courts" were appointed to be held equally at Ports- mouth and Newport, on the Wednesday after the 'twelfth of March and of October/ The local aflfairs of each town being left to its own management, we find occasionally some matters initiated there which afterwards became of public interest. Such Sept. is the establishment of a ferry by the town of Portsmouth, probably at or near the spot long afterw^ards known as Rowland's ferry, where '"' the stone bridge " now is, being the narrowest part of the east passage, and but a short distance from the original settlement of Pocasset, Thos. Gorton was appointed ferryman. The fares were fixed at sixpence a man, or threepence each if more than three were taken at one trip, and fourpence a head for goats and swine, Tlie Secretary was required to attend the two General and the four Quarter Sessions courts, receiving threepence a day for so doing. The Governor was instructed to write to the Governor of Massachusetts to lenrn the plans of that colony with regard to the Indians. Winthrop has fortunately given the substance of that letter, which was a joint communication from the Governors of Hartford, New Haven and Aqucdncck, " wherein they declared their dislike of such as would have the Indians rooted out, as being of the cursed race of Ham, and their desire of our mutual accord in seeking to gain'them by justice and kindness, and withal to watch over them to prevent any ' The record so reads, but in fact the fall session was held in September, * six months after the spring session. The fact and the time both concur ia rendering it probable that September was intended, and that October wai written by mistake of the Secretary, > OFFICIAL VINDICTIVENESS. 147 danger by them, etc. We returned answer of our consent chap. with them in all things propounded, only we refused to , .J^ include those of Aquiday in our answer, or to have any ^^.^/'' treaty with them." The action of the General Court of 7. Massachusetts on this subject is instructive. It gives an official stamp to that vindictive spirit which was soon to display itself yet more signally in their treatment of Rhode Island. '' It is ordered that the letter lately sent to the Governor by Mr. Eaton, Mr. Hoj)kins, Mr. Haynes, Mr. Coddington and Mr. Brenton, but concerning also the Generall Courte shal bee thus answered by the Governor ; that the Courte doth assent to all the propositions layde down in the aforesaid letter ; but that the answer shall be directed to Mr. Eaton, Mr. Hopkins, and Mr. Haynes, only excluding Mr. Coddington and Mr. Brenton, as men not to be capitulated v/ithal by us, either for themselves or the people of the island where they inhabit, as their case standeth." ' The second General Court of Election was held at * M. C. R., i. 305. Upon this record of the Puritan Legislature Mr. Sav- age comments with unsparing severity in a note to the above quoted passage in Winthrop. He says : " This is the most exalted triumph of bigotry. Pa- pists, Jews, Musselmen, Idolators, or Atheists, may be good parties to a civil compact, but not erroneous Protestant brethren, of unimpeachable piety, dif- ferino- from us in explication of unessential, or unintelligible, points of doubt- ful disputation. It was not enough that the common charities of life were broken off, but our rulers proved the sincerity of their folly by refusing con- nection in a just and necessary course of policy, which demanded the concur- rence of all the plantations on our coast. This conduct also appears little more civil than prudent ; for when those of Aquiday were associated by the gentlemen of Connecticut and New Haven in their address, the answer should ■ have been directed to all without scruple." The Governor of Massachusetts at this time was the bigoted Dudley, the man upon whose person there was found, when on his death-bed, this original couplet, which embodies the pre- vailing sentiment of the age : — " Let men of God in court and churches watch O'er such as do a toleration hatch." a verse no doubt considered equally creditable to the piety and the poetic genius of the author. We think it was. That such a Governor should adopt Euch a course might be expected. J 48 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Portsmouth and lasted three days. The court roll of ' freemen contains sixty names. An engao-ement to be 1641. taken by all officers of the State was framed as follows : It)-18. " 1'^ ^^6 execution of this office, I judge myself bound before God to walk faithfully, and this I profess in the presence of God." The only change in general officers was in substituting Kobert Harding and WiUiam Balstou as assistants, in place of Nicholas Easton and William Hutchinson. The nature of tlie government was defined in these remarkable words : "It is ordered aiid'- unani- mously agreed upon, that the Government which this Bodie Politick doth attend unto in this Island, and the Jurisdiction thereof, in favor of our Prince is a democ- RACIE, or Popular Government ; that is to say. It is in the Powre of the Body of Freemen, orderly assembled, or the major part of them, to make or constitute Just Lawes, by which they will be regulated, and to depute from among themselves such Ministers as shall see them faithfully executed between Man and Man." Not le^s remarkable is the act establishing forever the tenure of lands. "It is ordered. Established and Decreed, unani- mouslie, that aU men's Proprieties in their Lands of the Island, and the Jurisdiction thereof, shaU be such, and soe free, that neyther the State nor any Person or Persons shall intrude into it, molest him in itt, to deprive him of anything whatsoever that is, or shall be within that, or any of the bounds thereof ; and that this Tenure and Pro- priety of his therein shall be continued to him, or his, oi to whomsoever he shall assign it for Ever." And thus it continued to be for more than two centuries. The feel- ing of inviolability which invested real estate in Khode Island has ever formed a stiiking characteristic of the people. For more than two hundred years the ownership of land was essential to the privileges of a freeman, and, by the law of primogeniture, entitled the oldest son to the same immunities, in right of his father, until altered RELIGIOUS LIBERT'S ESTABLISHED. 149 by the adoption of the State constitution in 1843. And chap, yet more singular was it that until the revision of the ^j^ code in January, 1857, nowhere in Kliode Island could 1641 real estate be attached for debt except in the absence of \ the debtor. So long as he remained anyw^here Avithin the jurisdiction of the State, his land w^as secured to him by the operation of this earhest law and its subsequent mod- ifications. A " State " seal was ordered, to be a sheaf of arrows bound up, with the motto " Amor vincet omnia," en- graved upon the leash. The word " State " appears for the first time in "this decree. The possession of a seal has always been held as one of the insignia of sovereignty, or of exclusive rights. Its adoption by a yet unchartered government was significant. The motto was no less so. From the absence of the all-conquering afi'ection, as dis- played in the conduct of their brethren, they had suffered too much not to feel its value. They thus emblazoned their opinions to the world, and at the same time passed an ever-memorable law which illustrates their motto : "It was further ordered, by the authority of this present Courte, that none be accounted a Delinquent for Doc- trine : Provided, it be not directly repugnant to y' Gov- ernment or Lawes established." Religious liberty was here set forth in terms not to be mistaken, when it is re- membered that no laws existed relating to matters of faith " The people having recently transferred the ju- dicial power from their own control to the Court and Ju- ries, they enacted this law protecting liberty of con- science, not choosing to trust the Judiciary with the keep- ing of that sacred principle for which they had trans- ported themselves, first from England and then from Mas- sachusetts. It was the foundation of the future Statutes and Bills of Rights, which distinguished the early laws and character of the State and people of Rhode Island from the other English Colonies in America." * At no ' BnU's Memoir of Rhode Island. 150 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IIHODE ISLAND. CHAP, period of the world has reJigious inquiry been more rife ^^^.^,1^ than during the seventeenth century. It was eminently 16 41. an age of progress in spiritual development, and as a 16-18. natural result, or cause, as different minds may view it, it was the palmy era of theological controversy. Else- where an avowal of independent thought was attended with danger to the liberty, the property, or the life of the earnest thinker. Here it was intended to remove all such obstacles to free discussion, and to leave a fair field for truth to work out its deepest problems. That in this process many opinions, which in our day may" appear fan- ciful, fanatical, or visionary, and which may be regarded ■as idle vagaries or spiritual absurdities, were warmly ex- pressed and stoutly maintained, is no reproach to the principle that permitted their utterance. In an inquiring age, when the minds of men were agitated by new and startling theories in religion and government ; when the progress of liberal sentiments was awakening to fresh life the dormant energies of the old world, and urging its op- pressed people to seek an asylum in the new ; when education was becoming more diifused, and philosophy was no longer confined to the schools, or the elements of polity to the court ; when men had begun to think for themselves, and dared to question kingly preroga- tive and priestly assumption ; when all Europe was em- broiled in wars and distracted by revolutionary senti- ments, it is not strange that crude, grotesque, and unstable notions should blend with the essential truths which lay at the bottom of all this commotion. Novel ideas were started, new sects were established, secret societies abounded, and those phenomena which ever attend a transition state, and which, in this case, were a continuation of the movement of the preceding cen- tury, were everywhere apparent. The law of Rhode Island first sanctioned their existence, and foreshadowed the spirit of a future age. That "heresies" should REPUTED HERESIES AT AQUEDNECK. 151 abound in such a community was inevitable, and our chap. Puritan neighbors found delight in recording them with ^^^^ more fulness of detail than accuracy or jiropriety of ex- 16 41. pression. Again we are indebted to Winthrop's Journal \q.i^ for facts of which no record is to be found in our own col- lections ; and we prefer to quote him, because he was the most liberal man of his age and station, to citing the more bitter denunciations of Hubbard and Mather, or the many other writers of that and the succeeding century, whose Dudleian spirit would perhaps more truly portray the prevailing temper of the times. Grovernor Winthrop says : " Mrs. Hutchinson and those of Aquiday island, Aug. broached new heresies every year. Divers of them turned professed anabaptists, and would not wear any arms, and denied all magistracy among Christians, and maintained that there were no churches since those founded by the apostles and evangelists, nor could any be, nor any pas- tors ordained, nor seals administered but by such, and that the church was to want these all the time she con- tinued in the wilderness, as yet she was ; " * and again, * ii. 38, 4:0. The terms anabaptist and antinomian were used generally to designate all dissenters from the established faith, and vrere not applied, as is often supposed, specifically to the Baptists and Independents as Christian sects. In the above enumeration of doctrines ascribed to the former, there is not one that was, or ever has been held by the Baptists, while the distinctive fea- ture of that denomination is not even mentioned. Most of the doctrines named were held by the Seekers, who were afterwards chiefly merged in the Society of Friends, and by their opponents styled Quaiiers, until that name, like that of Christian, has grown from an epithet of contempt to be an hon- orable appellation. Many, if not all, of these doctrines, in a moditied form, are held by them at this day. The term applied by Winthrop is liable to mislead. That similarity of name implies concurrence of sentiment, is an idea as common as it is superficial — a truth well illustrated in the vague use here made of the word ' anabaptist' by our Puritan journalist, and since so often repeated by his Prelatical brethren. The slur upon Mr. Easton in the next passage needs no comment. If the reader desires one he will find it in a note to Winthrop, i. 281. The first three gentlemen there named were all, at various times, Governors of the colony. Some, of whom was Mr. Coddington, became Quakers, and others Baptists with Mr. Clarke ; which is no doubt the " schism " that broke up tbe original Aquedneck church, of which Mr. Clarke was elder. 152 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. " Other troubles arose in the island by reason of one ^j^ Nicholas Easton, a tanner, a man ver}^ bold, though iguo- 1641. rant. He using to teach at Newport, where Mr. Cod- ^' dington their governor lived, maintained that man hath no power or will in himself, but as he is acted by God, and that seeing God filled all things, nothing could be or move but by him, and so he must needs be the author of sin, etc., and that a Christian is united to the essence of God. Being showed what blasphemous consequences would follow hereupon, they professed to abhor the conse- quences, but still defended the propositions, 'whicb dis- covered their ignorance, not apprehending how God could make a creature as it were in himself, and yet no part of his essence, so we see by familiar instances ; the light is in the air and in every part of it, yet it is not air, but a distinct thing from it. There joined with Nicholas Eas- ton, Mr. Coddington, Mr. Coggeshall, and some others, but their minister Mr. Clark, and Mr. Lenthall, and Mr. Harding, and some others dissented and publicly opposed, whereby it grew to such heat of contention, that it made a schism among them." A I An event that greatly alarmed the inhabitants of the 4. island occurred soon after the adjournment of the Court. Some Indians, contrary to the treaty of July previous, kindled a fire on Mr. Easton's land, whereby his house, the first one built at Newport, was destroyed. A misun- derstanding ensued that threatened the most serious re- sults. An armed boat was fitted out to ply round the island to prevent any Indians from landing. Two English were wounded and one Indian killed, in a skir- mish. Fortunately peace was soon restored. At the ensuing Court, the law of liberty of conscience was re-enacted. "It is ordered that the law of the last Sept. Court, made concerning Libertie of Conscience in point ol ^^- Doctrine, is pcrjietuated." A license to practise surgery was granted to Mr. Robert Jefireys, the Treasurer of DISFEAyCHISEMENT OF FREEMEN. 15S Newport. This is the earliest record of a licensed sur- chap. geon, but it was not the only case where such a license >__^J^ was granted by the Legislature in this State. The price ifJ-il. of corn was fixed at four shillings a bushel. Inspectors of pork were appointed, to whom all swine killed on the island were to be shown, under penalty of five pounds. Earmarks for swine and goats were regulated by the Court, the right of property in them recognized, and the marks required to be recorded. The following spring the same general officers were iG-ti-2 chosen, except that Mr. Easton, who had been super- jg 17' seded by Robert Harding at the last election, was re- elected an assistant, and Mr. Harding dropped. ^ These gentlemen continued in office until the charter govern- ment was organized, five years later. Sentence of dis- franchisement was passed upon four freemen, ^ and their names struck from the rollj and in case they came armed on the island, they were to be disarmed and put under bonds for good behavior. Unfortunately the reasons for this earliest decree of virtual banishment are not given. Three others were suspended the privilege of voting, two ^ until they should give satisfaction for their offences, who were afterward restored, and Mr. Lenthal, the minister, who had returned to England. Amendments and altera- tions of laws were constantly made. Only such as were permanent or of special interest can here be noticed. The fee list was remodelled. Any arms or ammunition were forbidden, under heavy fine, to be supplied to the Indians. Jurors were elected by the freemen in town meeting. Those who were only inhabitants could serve, ' In the term " general officers," are here included the Governor, Deputy Go^-ernor, the four Assistants and Secretary only. The two Treasurers, two Sergeants and two Constables, one of each for each town, are not specified in the text, as their duties were mostly local, and the repetition of so many names would be tedious. - Richard Carder, Randal Holden, Sampson Shatton and Robert Potter. ^ Georoje Parker and John Briggs. 154 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, as well as freemen, on the jury, by virtue of their freehold ^^^.^j^ estates. The pay of the jurors was fixed at one shilling 1 (5 4 2. for every cause brought to trial. 19 ■ The island abounded in wild animals. Deer were very abundant and were made a source of revenue ; every man who killed one, except on his own land, being, at one time, required to give one half of it into the treasury, or to pay a commutation of two pounds sterling. Hunt- ing parties were sent out to obtain venison for public use at the meetings of the Courts. The Indians were not al-' lowed to kill them, except occasionally by special license, nor were traps permitted to be set for them, under a penalty of five pounds, except by the freeholder on his own land, and at a later period they were protected by game laws. Foxes gave much trouble. A premium of six shillings and eight pence a head was offered for them, to be paid by the treasurer of the town where they were killed. Wolves were numerous, and so destnictive to the cattle that men were hired by the day to hunt them, and were paid besides, thirty shillings a head for every one killed, which bounty was soon increased to five pounds, and a special tax levied for this purpose, to be paid by the farmers in proportion to their number of cattle. Boger Williams was commissioned to arrange with Mian- tinomi for a grand hunt to extirpate them, which, how- ever, was not so thoroughly done but that, for several years, they continued to be a source of annoyance. ' The important subject of a charter, which three years before had been discussed, was again considered at this session, and a committee, composed of the general officers, with Mr. Jeff"reys, Mr. Harding and Mr. John Clark, ' Wolves are often mentioned in the records of Aquedneck, as in Jan., 1658, when Portsmonth asked Newport to aid in driving the island — and acain on 10th Nov, 16G3, when "the island was to he driven the next fair day on account of the destniction of sheep hy wolves and other vennin." On the main land they existed much longer, and were repeatedly the subjects of legislation hy the Asseinhly, to the close of the century, and even later. TRADE OPENED WITH THE DUTCH. 155 was appointed with full power to act. Actual residence chap on the island was required to entitle any freeman to vote, v— r^ but no one could be disfranchised unless the maiority of l*^'^^ 1 -11 1 . /^ 1 , Sept. the entire body was present at the meeting. Only eleven 19, days before this Court convened, the four Pawtuxet men, mentioned in the previous chapter, had submitted them- selves and their lands to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. An act so dangerous to the independence of the colony, and which might be taken as a precedent by other dis- affected persons, could not fail to create much excitement. The people of Aquedneck promptly took precaution to avoid such a peril to themselves, by adopting an order that no person should sell his lands to any other jurisdic- tion, or person therein not subject to the government of the island, on pain of forfeiture. Arrangements were made at this time to establish a regular trade with the Dutch at Manhattan. It is indic- ative of the feeling existing towards Rhode Island in the other colonies that she was driven to this step ; a feeling of which the most painful evidence was shortly to be given. The governor and deputy were instructed to " treat with the governor of the Dutch to supply us with neces- saries, and to take of our commodities at such rates as may be suitable." Had there been a spirit of kindness, or even of passive indifference, in place of open hostility, in the neighboring provinces, Rhode Island would not have been obliged to treat with the foreign and distant settlement at New York for the supply of her wants.' But the prejudice excited by her different faith, and more liberal sentiments, was about to be manifested in an act which few men at this day can contemplate without sur- ' Prior to the arrival of the English the West India Company established a trading-post at Dutch Island in Xarragan?et Bay. Mr. Broadhead says • '• About the same time (1625) the Indian title to the island of ' Quotcnis,' near the ' Roode Island,' in Xarraganset Bay, was secured for the West India Compauy, and a trading-post was established there, under the superintendence of Abraham Pietersen." BroaHiead's History of New York, ch. viii. vol. 1, p. 268, and note. Besides this the Dutch had two fortified trading posts on tha •oiUh shore cf Xarraganset, in what is now CharJestowu. 156 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Drise and indignation. The exposed condition of the ^^.J,^ country had suggested the idea of a union of all the New 164 3. England colonies in a league of defence against the In- dians, Six 3-ears before, just at the close of the Pequot war, when the plantation at Providence was in its infancy and the settlement of Aquedneck had not begun, the sub- ject was first considered. Many difficulties served to re- tard the consummation, chiefly arising from jealousy in the other colonies of the j)0wer or the designs of Massa- chusetts. These fears had no good foundation, Unless on the part of Rhode Island, which was the only one that did not, at some time during the negotiation, display them. We have seen that two years ago she united with Plymouth and the two Connecticut colonies in a joint letter to Massachusetts, upon the subject that formed the basis of the confederacy ; and we have read how those overtures were approved as related to the rest, and re- pelled with unmanly insult as regarded her. The times now demanded immediate action. Fears were entertained of the Dutch, especially by Connecticut, while the Indians daily threatened a general combination to exterminate the wlii-tes. They were becoming sui)j)lied with fire-arms and skilled in their use. The peril was imminent. The New England confederacy was formed by Massachusetts, jg^ Plymouth, Connecticut and New Haven, with their sub- ordinate settlements, and styled the United Colonies of New England . By express stipulation no other jurisdic- tion was to be admitted. It was mainly a league for mutual defence, but contained an article for the rendition of fugitive servants and escaped criminals, with some other matters of international comity. From some sud- denly conceived jealousy on the part of Massachusetts, Maine, then a propriety of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, which had been included in the i)reliminary negotiations, was not permitted to join the alliance. ' Rhode Island was ' Hubbard assigns the reason, " because they ran a different course from the rest, both in their ministry' and their civil administrations- Nor indeed RHODE ISLAND REJECTED BY THE LEAGUE, 157 perhaps the most exposed of all the colonies, yet although chap. the confederated States already owed their existence to ^^„^^^.^ the heroism of her founder, (and were shortly again to iti-iS. receive the benefit of that practical Chnstianity which \g they could not comprehend, in averting for the second time a general war, by his effective influence in the wavering councils of the Narragansetts,) neither of the colonies within her limits was invited to join the league, and her subsequent application for that object met with a stern refusal. ' She was left to stand alone amid dangers from famine, pestilence and war. Her only strength was in the valor of her sons and the truth of lipr principles. Had the lex talionis been her guide, as it has been of most governments, she would have been justified by the necessities to wliich she was reduced, and might have compelled admission to the league, by withdrawing her restraining influence from the Indians. It is one of the brightest spots in her history that in this dark hour the magnanimity of her foundci actuated her councils. Turn- ing from the ingratitude of the Puritans, she appealed to were they at that time furnished with inhabitants fit for such a purpose, for they had lately made Agamenticus (a poor village) a corporation, and had made a mean person mayor thereof, and had also entertained a contentious person, and one under offence, for their minister." 2 M. H. C, vi. 467. Yet the year before Maine was not considered so unworthy. AVinthrop's Journal, ii. 85. ' It would be ungrateful not to acknowledge the grace extended by the General Court to the people of Aquedneck, by a vote of Sept. 7th, 1643. " They of Aquidneck are granted to buy a barrel! of powder, provided Lieut. Morris give cautiou that it bee implied for the defence of the iland by the ad- vice of the Governor and Deputy." M. C. R., ii. 4-4. But even this favor was denied to the Providence colony, who were forbidden all trade with Bos- ton, even to the purchase of arms and ammunition in this fearful crisis. That, alter such cruel and ungrateful conduct, Roger Williams should again inter- pose to save the United Colonies, when his own life and those of hi.'* friends were secure in the love of the Narragansetts, who made a treaty of neutrality with them at this very time, reminds us of Gibbon's comment on the conduct of Belisarius in a case of domestic infidelity, '' the unconquerable patience and loyalty of Belisarius appears either helow or above the character of a MAS." 158 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. the king. Koger Williams was sent to England to inter- cede for a charter ; and because the tyranny of Massa- chusetts Bay would not relax, he was obliged to take passage at New York. A free charter was obtained. The despised colonies soon assumed the rank of a united and independent State, and to the subsequent harshness ot her neighbors, was enabled to oppose the language of bold, but courteous remonstrance. One of the earliest proceed- ings of the league was to sanction the dark deed recorded in the preceding chapter, the murder of Miantihofiai, the too faithful friend of Rhode Island. 5 ' The frequent alarms led to the establishment of a night watch in Portsmouth, which seems, to have per- 1643-4. fectcd the system of precautions that had so long occu- pied the attention of the people. The next General Marcli Court changed the name of Aquedneck to the " Isle of ^^- Rhodes or Rhode Island." ' The last recorded act of the Aquedneck assembly declared that the majority of the major part of the body appearing, should have full power to transact business, and to impose penalties upon those who did not attend, or who left the meeting with- 16 44. out leave. M^y The alarm of Indian war again spread through the colonies. A letter from Canonicus and Pessicus was re- ceived by Gov. Winthrop, announcing their intention to revenge upon Uncas the death of Miantinomi. Two messengers were sent at once to the Narragansetts to dis- suade them, but without effect. The people of Aqued- July- neck applied to Massachusetts for powder, but were re- fused, as Plymouth had been, owing, no. doubt, to a scarcity of ammunition ; a refusal which Winthrop re- Q cords as an error of policy, for '" although they were des- perately erroneous " it would be "a great advantage to the Indians" if they were cut off, "and a great inconve- nience to the English should they be forced to seek pro- ' See note on the origin of this name at the close of ;hapter ii. AQUEDNECK CLAIMED BY TLYMOUTH. 159 tection from the Dutch." The commissioners of the chap. United Colonies, at their next meeting, removed the im- .^^^J^ mediate danger, having summoned the disputants to 16 44. Hartford, where an armistice was agreed upon till the next 3'ear. The records of the General Court of Aquedneck now cease, and no town records of Newport remain to enlighten us on the current events of the next two years. That the same general officers, who had already heen elected three successive years, and whose term of office was " for one whole year, or till a new be chosen," continued to carry on the government, and that its judicial powers were exercised by them as far as was necessary, there can be no doubt. The mutilated pages of Portsmouth aid somewhat in filling this unwelcome gap, and confirm the fact that if no General Courts were convened in this interval, town meetings were- held in both the towns, and their decrees executed by the general officers. The deputy governor and one assistant were authorized to appoint all town meetings at Portsmouth. Leave was given to Osamequin, or Massasoit, with ten men to kill Aug. ten deer within the limits of the town, which were to be shown to Mr. Brenton and Mr. Balston, and -he was to quit the island within five days. Several other meetings are recorded during this year relating solely to local af- fairs. It was at this time that Plymouth colony sent a magistrate to Aquedneck to forbid the government iTov, there from exercising any authority, and claiming the island to be within their jurisdiction, contrary to their express admission at the time of the purchase seven years before. A copy of the instructions given to Mr. John Brown, who was commissioned for this purpose, is fortunately preserved by Winslow, ' at that time Governor of Ply- mouth. These are : 1. That a great part of their sup- * Hypocrisie Unmasked, 83. 160 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. posed government is within the line of the government of Plymouth. 2. That we assuredly know that this ever to be honored House of Parliament would not, nor will when they shall know it, take from us, the most ancient plantation, any part of the line of our government former- ly granted ; it being contrary to their principles. 3. To forliid them and all and every one of them to exercise any authority, or power of government within the limits of our letters patent. 4. To certify them that Coweset , is not only within the said limits, but that the 'Sachem thereof and his sons have taken protection of "this, our gov- ernment. And, therefore, to forbid them to enter upon any part of his or their lands without due -order and leave from our government." A settled purpose was displayed by the Puritan colo- nies, soon after the charter was received by Rhode Island, to set it aside by every possible plea that could affect its validity. The active measures thus taken by Plymouth were at the same time pursued, yet more vigorously, if indeed they were not directly instigated, by Massachusetts. The more liberal Pilgrin:!s were overborne by the dictatorial spirit" of their Puritan neighbors, and Avere led to press claims which, had they ever existed, were become invali- dated by their own acts. Yet this very messenger boldly withstood the pretensions of Massachusetts to other parts of Rhode Island as we shall presently see, and was per- haps the only man whose influence could have sustained the manly position he assumed in behalf of Shaworaet. Gov. Winslow says, that Mr. Brown arrived at Aqucd- ncck just as a public meeting was being held to apportion lands, a measure disapproved by Mr. Coddingtdn and Mr. Brenton, who kept aloof from it, and who ap- prehended danger from the ' lawlessness of the people. He states also that Gorton, who after his release from prison in Massachusetts, had again settled at Aqucdneck, was appointed a magistrate and had accepted the office — FIRST APPRENTICESHIP IN RHODE ISLAND. 161 a fact which he adduces as proof that the fears of the chap. ahove-named gentlemen were well grounded. Mr. Brown's .^3^ mission was futile. Grorton accuses him of privately seek- l 6-i4. ing to dissuade the people of the island from recognizing the charter. The spirit of his instructions would har- monize with almost any means he might employ to fulfil them. Winslow says, he performed his duty publicly at the meeting. This meeting was probably held in Ports- mouth to subdivide the lands there, as was usual at that time. No legible record of it, or of any other meet- ing for more than a year, remains. The fact that a new government was about to be 16 45 formed under the charter, no doubt led to this evident neglect of the old one so soon to expire. That this apathy was increasing is apparent from a vote at Portsmouth, -s^^^ ' making nine men a quorum at any town meeting, and re- 28. quiring that the business to be done should be specified in the warning. „, _ *= 1646-7 Newport had passed an order that no deer should be Feb. killed for two months, which Portsmouth concurred in, ^• assigning as the reason that in that way the wolves would more readily come to bate and so be caught. At the same time it was ordered that of the five pounds bounty on each wolf, which had been established some years be- fore, Newport should pay four and Portsmouth one. An act like this could not be valid unless passed by a Gene- ral Court or concurred in by a town meeting at Newport. A more efficient law for the protection of deer was passed at the same meeting, forbidding their being shot in the summer, from May to November. The most interesting record of this, the last meeting of the people of Aquedneck under their primitive gov- ernment, contains the first notice of indentured appren- ticeship in Rhode Island. ■■' Memorandum : That where- as, Nicholas Niles, the father-in-law of Abell Potter, hath [bound him] the said Abell Potter with Mr. WilHam VOL. I. — 11 162 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Balstone for the term of eighteen years, with the consent ^J!^ of the said Ahell. For the better sccuritie off Mr. Bal- 16 47. stone, the towns consenteth herein and approveth thereof." 19^ The three months that intervened before the first General Assembly of the now chartered State convened at Portsmouth we may suppose was employed in discuss- ing the aU absorbing topic, and in the preparation Of that admirable code of laws then to be presented for adoption. THE FOUNDER OF WARWICK. 163 CHAPTER VI. HISTORY OF WARWICK AND NARRAGANSET DOWN TO THE FORMATION OF THE GOVERNMENT UNDER THE FIRST PA- TENT, MAY, 164Y. Warwick was settled some years later than Provi- dence and Aquedneck, and chiefly by emigrants from them ; but the same primitive cause, the intolerance of Massachusetts, forced most of its founders into banish- ment, while their peculiar views, differing from those of the other Ehode Island settlers, influenced them in select- ing another spot for their resting place. No man has suf- fered more in reputation from the calumny of his enemies, or been made to feel more severely the penalty of non- conformity, or the trials of an independent spirit, than Samuel Gorton, the founder of Warwick. " A most pro- digious minter of exorbitant novelties," " a proud and pestilent seducer," " a beast," " miscreant " and " arch heretic," are some of the epithets with which he has been branded by the malevolence of his age. It was in vain, in those days, that any dissenter from the estabhshed church of Massachusetts strove to deny whatever results the authorities saw fit to ascribe to his views. The fate of WilHams and of Clark, was sure to be his. There was no reason why the Gortonists should be treated any better than the Anabaptists or the Antinomians had been, or than the Quakers were soon to be. The same power that had driven Williams into exile and had disarmed the fol- lowers of Mrs. Hutchinson, was ready to vindicate its 163 7. 164 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. superiority upon tlie sturdy spirit of Gorton. In 1636, Gorton arrived at Boston from London. But little is 16 3 6. known of Ms earlier history, and that little is of no im- portance to our present purpose. He soon removed to Plymouth, where "he gave some hopes that he would prove a useful instrument." These hopes were soon dis- pelled by the wayward and indejxindent spirit which he manifested. Cotton assigns as the reason of his leaving Boston that it was to escape from the claims of a creditor in England. Hubbard and Mather, with th'eir accus- tomed bitterness, repeat the charge, but more reliable historians are silent upon it, and its truth has been reasonably doubted, from the fact that a removal to Ply- mouth would not secure him from arrest. It soon ap- peared that his religious views were widely at variance from those of his associates. The key note of a persecu- tion that was destined to pursue him for many years, even beyond the chartered grasp of civilized man, was early sounded by one Mr. Ralph Smith, who had formerly been a minister at Plymouth, and a part of whose house Gor- ton had hired for lour years. Some of Smith's household w^ere in the habit of attending the morning and evening religious service held by Gorton in his family, which dis- pleased the former. Gorton refused to vacate the prem- ises. The only mode of ejecting him was by an appeal to the popular bigotry through the medium of the Court. Opportunity was not wanting in the case of one so pecu- liar in his views and so fearless in expressing them. What was the form of the notion brought by Smith, or the na- ture of the charge against Gorton, is not distinctly stated, but the result was that the contract was broken, he was ordered to provide for himself elsewhere within a certain time, and to give bonds for his good behavior in the in-' terval. A more serious breach of order was shortly al- leged against him. A female servant in Gorton's family was seen to smile in church. To escape the proceedings PROCEEDINGS AGAINST GORTON. 165 which threatened in consequence of this overt act against chap, the peace and dignity of the State, the woman fled to the ^^^.^1^ woods. Gorton spoke in her behalf, for which he was 1*>3 7. called to account by the Court, where, conducting him- self in a very rude and contemptuous manner, his bonds were forfeited, he was bound over to the next General Court, and required to find new sureties for his conduct till that time. He obtained the sureties but immediately left for Aquedneck. Morton mentions only the difficulty with Smith, and assigns this as the cause of his banish- ment, which he says was decreed on the fourth of Decem- ber 1638, to take place within fourteen days. Winslow and Gorton himself, both correct the error cf fact, while other circumstances make it equally apparent that there is also an error of date. Six months before the time of 16 3 8 his banishment, as given by Morton, Gorton was admitted June an inhabitant of Aquedneck, as the records show. It is 20. probable that the date in Morton should be one year earlier, and that the sentence of banishment within four- teen days was passed at a later court than the one in De- cember. The difficulty with the Court, in the case of the servant woman, happened after that with Smith, and is not referred to by Morton. Perhaps the Smith case was tried in December 1637, and the subsequent one at the next March term. Very soon after the latter trial, all accounts agree that he went to Aquedneck, where a set- tlement had just been commenced by the Antinomian refugees. The Massachusetts writers, while they freely denounce the heresies of Gorton, deny that these were the cause of his banishment. There can be no doubt that the charge brought by Smith, in the first instance, for the purpose of annulling the lease and thus ridding himself of a disagreeable tenant, was that of heresy, and the in- ference is equally direct that the truth of the allegation had aroused popular feeling against the accused. The evidence is equally plain that his conduct, when on trial, 166 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, was most abusive and his language insulting to tiie Court .__^_1_ so nnicli so that " divers people being present desired 16 38. leave of the Governor to speak complaining of his sedi- tious carriage, and requested the Court not to suffer these abuses but to inflict condign punishment." Tliat he was deeply imbued with the principles of "soul liberty" al- ready established by Roger Williams, and indignantly repelled any attempt to fetter the free mind in its com- munion with the Creator, is so much in his favor, and at this day will go far towards exculpating his conduct at Plymouth. In fact, it was on this account that he was warmly received at Aquedneck, and ever since, his name has be en associated in this State, with those whose first coming hither was caused by Puritan persecution. That he af- terwards so severely suffered from this cause has tended to confirm this opinion. But on the other hand, the minute account of his offensive bearing towards the Court is so consistent with the repulsive traits of his character, as afterwards displayed at Portsmouth, and still later at Providence, in a more dangerous degree, causing his ban- ishment from Aquedneck, and his flight to Pawtuxet, that we are forced to believe him not to be so guiltless in his couise at Plymouth as his defenders allege. This was indeed one of those common cases where neither party in a contest is altogether right, and in our view of it the plea of persecution cannot cover his errors until a later period of his history. Uj) to this time there is enough of wTong apparent on both sides to excuse in some measure the conduct of each, according as the sympathies of the writer may incline him to either party. We might think more favorably of Gorton's course at Plymouth, had not his avowed jirinciples, and his acts in accordance therewith, been so outrageous as not to be borne by the people of Aquedneck ; beside which we know that the Plymouth colony was more hberal in its feeling PROCEEDINGS AGAINST GORTON. 167 than that of the Bay, permitting a greater latitude of in- chap. dividual opinion. Assuming as above that the sentence ^' of banishment was passed upon him in March, he must 16 3 8. have reached Aquedneck very soon after the settlement of Pocasset commenced. His name appears the seventh on the list of fifty-nine inhabitants in October, with that of his companion John Wickes, who, Morton says, was one of his earliest proselytes at Plymouth ; and henceforth their fortunes were closely united. As an evidence of the distinction in which he was held at that time, it may be stated that his is one of only four names on the list to which Mr., used in that day as a special mark of respect, is affixed. The date appended to these names is that of their admission as inhabitants, not that of their coming to the island, which must have occurred somewhat ear- lier. But the time of his arrival at Aquedneck is a point of little moment compared with the history of his conduct while there. That he was whipped and banished from the island has been doubted, ' because the State records contain no notice of the fact. The evidence, however, is too strong to permit as to doubt it. That it is not found on the records is simply because judicial proceedings were not entered there. But few of the court trials of that day are preserved. Incidental references to them appear occasionally on the State archives, as in the case of Wickes, the earliest disciple and constant companion of i 6 4 2, Gorton. The day after the four men, ^ who were after- ^aicr . ,16. wards among the first settlers of Warwick, were disfran- chised, it was ordered that if they, with John Wickes, should come upon the island armed, the constable was to disarm and take them before a magistrate, " Provided that this order hinder not the course of law already begun with J. Wickes ; " by which it appears that Wickes had 17 ' Judge Eddy in Winthrop ii. 58, note, and Staple's Simplicities Defence, 10. - Richard Carder, Randal Holden, Sampson Shatton and Robert Potter. 1G8 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, previously got into trouble and left the island — a virtual _J:^ banishment, although no record of any proceedings against 10 3 8, him, and no sentence of disfranchisement is found, any more than there is against Gorton. It is probable that bolh were involved at the same time, and that had the Court files been preserved, the judicial punishment pro- nounced against both, of whipping and banishment, would there be fuund. Lechford, who. resided in New England "almost for the space of four years," prior to August, 1641, relates the circumstances ; Winthrop and Morton both refer to them, and Gorton himself not oidy does not deny the facts, but, so far as he refers to his sufferings prior to the settlement of Warwick, corroborates their truth, speaking of " fines, whippings and banishment out of all their jurisdiction," as suffered by himself and his associates. The mi)st positive and detailed evidence in regard to his conduct and treatment at Aquedneck, is given by Winslow, in an ofiicial form, as agent for Mas- sachusetts, replying to Gorton's Simijlicities Defence. ' There can be no doubt of the truth of the statements there officially promulgated, however much we may dis- sent from the author's inferences. That Winslow and Gorton were on good terms personally at the time of its publication, although both were in England engaged in conflicting business pertaining to the Warwick settlement, and that Gorton never read but little of it, appears by his letter to Morton. ^ Had the official documents been false he woidd certainly have seen them and denied their truth, instead of quoting the indefinite remark of a third per- son " that he would maintain that there were forty lies printed in that book." The contempt expressed by Gor- * Hvpocrisie Unmasked. By Edw. Winslow, London, 164fi. 4to., 103 pp. Published by Authority, and Dedicated to Robert, Earl of Warwick. It is an extremely rare work. The writer examiued the copy in the British Museum, and since then the " sole duplicate " of that copy, which is now in the splendid library of John Carter Brown, Esq., of Providence. " Hutchinson's Massachusetts, i. 552 Ap. xx. Gorton's views of government. 169 ton for the government of Aqiiedneck as being self-con- chap. stituted, is of itself sufficient explanation of the source ^^ whence his troubles arose, while the charges preferred 1 6 3 y against him by the grand-jur}* of Portsmouth justify the punishment he received. He says he conducted himself '' obediently to the government of Plimouth, so farre as it became me at least, for I understood that they had com- ission wherein authoritie was derived, which authoritie I reverenced ; but Rhode Island at that time had none, therefore no authoritie legally derived to deale with me. Neither had they the choice of the people, but set up themselves. I know not any more that was present in their creation but a clergie man who blessed them in their inauguration, and I thought my selfe as fitt and able to governe my selfe and family, as any that were then upon Rhode Island," That he ignored all civil authority at Aquedneck he here admits, and gives his reasons for it, thinking himself " as fit and able to govern himself and family, as any that were then upon Rhode Island." This spirit could not long exist in harmony with the views of the settlers anywhere in this State, for although there was no law religion here, there was an organized government demanding respect for its officers, and obedience to its statutes. The views of Gorton, as above given in his own words, were too much like those which the Puritan calumniators of Williams and Clarke charged as being held by their associates, that they " de- nied all magistracy and churches." The banishment of Gorton refutes the slander. And yet Gorton did not deny all magistracy, but only the right of the people to set up for themselves a form of government. After the charter was received, his mind was relieved upon this point. Meanwhile it was the constant source of trouble to himself, and of annoyance to his neighbors. The origin of his difficulty at Portsmouth, as stated 16 40 by Winslow, was a trespass by a cow belonging to an old 170 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF EHODE ISLAND, CHAP, woman, upon some land owned by Gorton. The woman, ,_.,,_^ while driving oflf her cow, was assaulted by a servant- 16 4 0. maid of Grorton's, and complained to the deputy governor, Nicholas Easton, who had the maid brought before the court. Gorton apj)eared in her behalf, refusing to allow her to come to court. One of the witnesses called for the defence, gave testimony strongly the other way, which enraged Gorton, who commenced abusing her, and had his friend John Wickes brought to the stand,, ^ickes refused to be sworn. Gorton sustained him in the refusal, and both insulted the court. At length- the Governor summed up the case to the jury. While doing this, Gor- ton was very abusive to the governor and "deputy, inter- rupting the former in his charge, insomuch that " many of the freemen present desired the court not to sutfer such insolencies." He was committed, and when the Marshal was ordered to take him to prison, he cried out that Cod- dington should be taken, Wickes, Holden and others, made so much disturbance, that an armed guard was sum- moned to clear the way, and Wickes was put into the stocks. After this affair, Gorton was indicted by the grand jury as a nuisance, upon fourteen separate counts. A copy of this remarkable presentment signed by the Secretary of the Colony, is given by Winslow, * as fol- lows : " The sum of the presentment of Samuel Gorton, at Portsmouth, in Khode Island, by the Grand Jury. First, that Samuel Gorton, certaine days before his ap- pearance at this Court, said, the Government was such as was not to be subjected unto, forasmuch ^s it had not a true derivation, because it was altered from what it first was. 2. That Samuel Gorton contumeliously reproached the Magistrates, calling them Just Asses. 3. That the said Gorton reproachfully called the ' Hypocrisie Unmasked, p. 54—5. INDICTMENT AGAINST GORTON. 171 judges, or some of the justices on the Bench, (corrupt chap. judges) in open Court. v_^J.>^ 4. That the said Gorton questioned the Court for 1640. making him to wait on them two days formerly, and that now hee would know whether hee should bee tryed in an hostile way, or by law, or in sobriety. 5. The said Gorton alleged in open court, that he looked at the Magistrates as Lawyers, and called Mr. Easton, Lawyer Easton. 6. The said Gorton charged the Deputy Governor to be an Abetter of a Riot, Assault, or Battery, and pro- fessed that he would not touch him, no, not with a pair of tongs : Moreover, he said, I know not whether thou hast any ears or no : as also, I think thou knowest not where thy ears stand, and charged him to be a man unfit to make a warrant. 7. The said Gorton charged the Bench for wresting witnesse, in this expression, I profess you wrest witnesse. 8. The said Gorton called a Freeman in open Court (saucy boy and Jack-an-Apes), and said the woman that was upon her oath, would not speak against her mother, although she was damned where she stood. 9. The said Gorton affirmed that Mr. Easton behaved himself not like a judge, and that himself was charged either basely or falsely. 10. The said Gorton said to the Bench : Ye intrude oathes, and goe about to catch me. 11. The said Gorton being reproved for his miscar- riage, held up his hand, and with extremity of speech shooke his hand at them, insomuch that the Freemen present said. He threatens the Court. 12. The said Gorton charged the Court with acting the second part of Plymouth magistrates, who, as he said, condemned him in the chimney corner, ere they heard him speak. 172 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. 13. The said Gorton, in open court did professe to ,^.^_;^ maiutaine the quarrel! of another, being his maid- servant. 16 40. 14. The said Gorton being commanded to prison, im- periously resisted the authority, and made open procla- macion, saying, take away Coddington, and carry him to prison ; the Governor said again, all you that owne the King, take away Gorton and carry him to prison ; -Gor- ton replyed, all you that own the King, take away Cod- dington, and carry him to prison. William Dyre, Secretary^" Gorton was tried, and sentenced to be whipped and March, "banished from the island, upon which he threatened an appeal to King Charles. The sentence was executed forthwith, and Gorton went to Providence. This was when " the weather was very cold," probably in March, as a few months later we find, by a letter from Roger 1. Williams to Gov. Winthrop, that he was " bewitching and bemadding poor Providence." ' His reckless and ^ This letter fixes the time of Gorton's being in Providence earlier by more than a year than any other known data. It is as follows : " Providence, 8th 1st, 1640. - Master Gorton having abused high and low at Aquidnick, is now bewitching and bemadding poor Providence, both with his uncleane and foul censures of all the ministers of this country (for which myself have in Christ's name withstood him), and also denying all visible and extemall or- dinances in depth of Familisme, against which I have a little disputed and written, and shall (the most High assenting), to death. As Paul said of Asia, I of Providence (almost) all suck in his poyson, as at first they did at Aquid- nick. Some few and myself withstand his inhabitation, and town privileges, without confession and reformation of his uncivil and injiuman practises at Portsmouth : Yet the tide is too strong against us, and I feare (if the framer of hearts helpe not) it will force me to little Patience, a little isle next to vour Prudence. Jehovah himself be pleased to be a sanctuary to all whose hearts are perfect with him : in him I desire nnfeignedly to be. Your wor- ship's true and aflPectionate Roger Williams." — Winslow^s Hypocrisie Unmasked, 65,56. The trial of Gorton could not have been in 1639, as Hutchinson was that year the Judge at Portsmouth, where the indictment was found. Codding- ton and Easton, the latter residing at Portsmouth, were chosen Governor and Deputy Governor, on 12th March, 1640, on the union of the two towns POLITICAL CHARACTER OF GORTON, 173 lawless spirit, opposed as much to magistrates constituted, chap. like those of Rhode Island, by the popular will, as to ^^ ministers supported by law, like thoseof the other colonies, 16 4 0. found a fitting arena for its exercise in the feeble and dis- tracted plantation of Providence. A bitter partisan by na- ture, with talent and energy to consolidate and control discordant elements into a vigorous and relentless opposi- tion, he soon made himself the leader of all who were factious or discontented, and organized a destructive and revolutionary party in the hitherto comparatively peace- ful settlement of Williams. The career of Grorton in Rhode Island illustrates how completely the extremes of conservatism and radicalism in civil alFairs may unite in a single mind. While on religious matters he main- tained with Williams the great doctrine of the underived independence of the soul, in civil concerns he was an ab- solutist, a stickler for authority, yielding, theoretically at least, entire obedience to chartered power, but ignoring any other, and steadily denying the right of the people of Aquedneck or Providence to govern themselves, and hence refusing to be controlled by them. And because of this defect in the basis of their government he used every effort to weaken or destroy it, assuming for that object the attitude of the veriest leveller recorded in his- tory. His disorderly course in Providence was such as to prevent his being received as an inhabitant. It was re- quired, as a condition of his reception, that he should confess the wrong he had done at Portsmouth and promise reformation, which we presume to mean, that he should admit the error of his theory of government. So great was the contention caused by his presence, that Mr. Wil- liams seriously thought of abandoning his plantation and removing to Patience Island. The next year matters Gorton was in Pro\dde.nce in Oct., 1640, and had been there some time. The vreiither was cold when he went there, which must therefore have been early in the spring, after the 12th March, or in April, 1640. 174 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, grew worse. The refusal of the first application of Gor- ,^.^_;^ ton and his associates to be received into town fellowship 1641. did not discourage them. A second attempt was made, 25 upon which William Arnold, then one of the five "dis- posers," to whom such applications were referred, ad- dressed a letter, " To the rest of the five men appointed to manedge ye affaires of our Town," giving reasons based upon the weak condition of the town, why this further re- quest should be denied. These were, that Gorton had " showed himself an insolent, railing and turbulent per- son," since, as well as before he came to Providence ; that some of his company had insulted the disposers ; that their former request had been refused and no new reasons advanced why this should be granted ; that they had dis- tracted and divided the town into parties, aiming to drive away its founders, and had been ringleaders in breaking the peace ; and finally he denies that any element of per- secution is contained in a refusal to admit into a civil so- ciety men so turbulent. He concludes by offering his house and land for sale to the town, as the law required, stating that if these men are received he shaU seU and move- away.' Not long after this a riot ensued in which {f^' some blood was spilt, and the aid of Massachusetts was invoked by some of the inhabitants.^ Gorton and his company moved to Pawtuxet soon after this affair, 10 42. where their conduct induced four of the principal residents 6?"' to submit themselves and their lands to the government of Massachusetts.'^ The " warrant," as Gorton terms it, issued by Massachusetts on this occasion, ^ greatly alarmed ' Hypocrisie Unmasked, 59-62. New England Gen. Register, 216-18. '^ See ante, chiip. iv., pp. 110-111. ' " Massachusetts to our neighbors of Providence : Whereas, Wm. Arnold of Pawtuxet, and Robert Cole and others, have lately put themselves and their fumilies, l.inds and estates, under the protection and government of this jurisdiction, and have since complained to us, that you have since (upon pre- tence of a late purchase from the Indians), gone about to deprive them of their lawful interest, confirmed by four years possession, and otherwise to mo- PURCHASE OF SHAWOMET. IVS his party, and drew from them a letter, addressed " To chap our neighbors of Massachusetts," signed by nearly all of them, which afterwards caused them much trouble. In this letter they justly call the document " an irregular note," " because it went beyond the bounds and jurisdic- tions limited unto them." They then discuss the sub- mission of the Pawtuxet men, of which the " warrant " was simply a formal notification, denying the claim of Massachusetts to extend her jurisdiction beyond her char- tered limits on account of any such act, whether done by English or Indians. The complaints of the submission- ists are fully discussed and their conduct harshly reviewed. The invitation to implead them in the courts of Massa- chusetts is duly considered and declined in terms of unspar- ing severity. Through the whole protracted epistle there is interwoven a mass of abtruse theology, and a parade of biblical learning, of which the apj)lication is often difficult to discover, and the chief object of which is to hurl upon those to whom it is addressed a storm of theological in- vective. None but a mystical enthusiast could have written it, and he must be a zealous antiquary in these days, who would read it.* The bitter rebuke that it con- tained rankled in the minds of the magistrates, and the heresy they detected in its doctrines soon afforded a pretext for their vengeance. Soon after this letter was written tlie Gortonists left Pawtuxet, and purchasing of the In- dians lands at Shawomet, beyond the limits of Providence, lest them ; we thouglit good therefore to write to you on their behalf, to give you notice that they and their lands, &c., being under our jurisdiction, we are to maintain them in their lawful rights. If, therefore, you have any just ti- tle to any thing they possess, you may proceed against them in our court, where you shall have equal justice ; but, if you shall proceed to any violence, you must not blame us if we shall take a like course to right them." Signed, Jo. Winthrop, Governor. Tho. Dudley, Ri. Bellingham, Incr. Nowell. The 28th of the 8th month, 1642. Simp. Defence, 53. ^ This letter occupies nearly one-fifth of Winslow's book, and twenty-six closely printed pages, 60-86, of Staple's Simp. Defence R. I. H. C, v. 2. 176 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. removed to the wilderness, where English charter, or civil- ized claim, could legally pursue them no longer. There w-ere twelve purchasers, but eleven of whom are recited in the deed.' The tract extended along the bay from Gaspee point to Warwick neck and twenty miles inland, embracing the greater part of the present town- ships of Warwick and Coventry. The consideration was one hundercd and forty-four fathoms of wam]nim peage.* The land was conveyed by Miantinomi, chief Sachem of the Narragansets and hereditary lord of the soil,- and the deed was witnessed by Pomham, the local Sachem of Shawomet, with others. No form of government seems to have been adopted. Their numbers were too small to require an organization. Some mode of adjusting differences was all they needed, and this was provided for by arbitration, which was the essential feature of the government of Providence. This was only a temporary arrangement to continue until a charter could be obtained from England. Had they re- mained unmolested until the settlement attained greater size, and no charter had been received, it would have been curious -to see what method they could devise to secure social order without violating their fundamental principles. But this experiment was not to be tried. Scarcely had the settlement of Warwick begun when a fresh occasion of strife was presented, arising from the dissatisfaction of the natives, fomented, as there is too much reason to be- lievcj by the intrigues of Massachusetts. At the first meeting of the General Court a committee of three, one of whom was William Arnold of Pawtuxet, who had re- 1G48. ' They were Randal Holden, John Greene, John Weeks (or ^\'ickcs), Fran- cis Weston, Samuel Gorton, Richard Waterman, John Warner, Ricliard Car der, Samson Shatton, Robert Potter, William Wuddall, and Nicholas Power. The latter is not named in the deed, but we learn from his letters that he was one of the purehasers, and Gorton mentions that there were twelve. ■ ' Equivalent to £72 sterling, if black peage is meant, or half that sum if the payment was to be in white. '2 '2 SUBMISSION OF THE SACHEMS TO MASSACHUSETTS. 177 cently submitted to Massachusetts, was sent to Warwick chap. " to understand how things were," and to bring back with ^^ them a certain Indian if possible ' On the same day the 1643. magistrates and certain deputies were appointed a com- j^' mittee to treat with the Sachems of Warwick and Paw- tuxet about their submission, " and to warn any to desist Ju^e which shall disturb them." The next month Pomham, with Socouoco, Sachem of Pawtuxet, submitted themselves and their lands to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, de- nied having assented to the sale of Warwick, or having received any portion of the payment, and by this act of submission afforded another pretext, of which their ene- mies at once availed themselves, to harass the unhappy Gortonists in this their last retreat. The proceedings that followed are so extraordinary, that we are led to examine closely the motives and the means employed by the Gen- eral Court. Gorton was beyond the reach of any English jurisdic- tion. Having left Pawtuxet, he was no longer a tres- passer on the lands of the proteges of Massachusetts. Some new pretext must be found to secure their object, A submission of the Warwick Sachem would furnish it, claiming, as Massachusetts always did, that an act of submission to their government by any party extended their jurisdiction over the lands of such party. Gorton had purchased Shawomet of its undoubted lord. The at- tempt of Pomham to deny the sale is, to say the least, suspicious. The witnesses on this point, at the General Court, were deeply interested parties. Arnold had bought land of Soconoco, the Pawtuxet Sachem, a short time be- fore, and the validity of his title depended on establishing the independence of his grantor. The Pawtuxet men weie bitter against Gorton, and naturally desirous to please their new and self-imposed rulers. They were pro- minent, if not the instigators, in the whole matter. The Narraganset empire was rapidly falling. Massasoit had ' M. C. R., ii. 35. VOL. I 12 178 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, availed himself of an English alliance to sever his allegi- ^^^.^^ ance to the Narragansets, and the petty Sachems of Paw- 1 G43. tuxet and Shawomet wished to follow his example. Eng- lish ambition assisted their design. Miantinomi was shorn of his vassals by the act of the General Court in receiving their submission, as a few months later he was deprived of his life by a like interested tribunal.- The motive in all this is barely concealed. At the time of the submission of the Pawtuxet men, Winthrop honestly gave as one reason for accepting it, that it would furnisii them " an outlet into the Narraganset bay ; " an xjbject which Massachusetts kept steadily in view, and wTiich furnishes a key to this dark intrigue. One other nnjtive animated the actors in the coming drama. The heretics yet lived, and the sting of their last impolitic, although trTithful, letter could only be assuaged by their blood. Territorial ambition, religious bigotry, and wounded pride, all united to demand their persecution, and for the time, blinded their assailants to the illegality, the injustice, and the dishonesty of the means employed to accomplish theii Sept. end. At the next General Court active measures were taken to follow up this scheme to its consummation. The j2 Comissioners of the United Colonies were in session, the same day, at Boston. The case of Gorton was referred to them and their assent obtained, in advance, to what- ever course Massachusetts might see fit to adopt.' A letter, or warrant as Gorton again terms it, similar to the one sent on the submission of the Pawtuxet men, was written to the purchasers of Shawomet, informing them of the submission and the complaints of the Sachems, re- quiring them to appear at once before the court, where the plaintiffs were then present, and granting them a safe conduct for that i)urpose. A verbal reply by the messen- ger was returned to the court denying their jurisdiction, and rightly asserting that they were amenable only to the ' Hypocrisie Unmasked, p. 79, where the Act of the Commissioners ia published. GORTON'S LETTERS TO MASSACHUSETTS. 179 government of Old England from which they expected chap " in due season to receive direction for their well ordering ..^^^J^ in all civil respects." A lengthy letter was also sent, ad- 164 3. dressed " To the great idol General now set up in Massa- ''15 " chusetts," signed by R. Holden, if possible more bitter from a sense of accumulated wrong, than that of November previous. In this letter they denounce the conduct of Pumham and forbid his return to Shaworaet ; they com- plain of outrages committed by the Indians under the shield of Massachusetts, and refer to two rumored threats, uttered by subjects of that government, which foreshadow the crimes that were to follow — one, that Miantinomi should die because he had sold Shawomet to Gorton, the other that the Gortonists should be subdued or driven off even at the cost of blood. The proposal to attend the court, and the offer of safe conduct for that jiurpose, are rejected with scorn. An array of charges are next brought asainst the two sachems, and a demand is made that the Massachusetts should come to Warwick and answer them, A postscript refers to their treatment of Mrs. Hutcliinson, news of whose massacre had lately been received, and for which they are held morally responsible. The letter, as usual, is full of scriptural allusions disparaging those to whom it is addressed. The General Court could have expected no other reply than one that would increase the rancor engendered by the former letter. These two let- ters were furnished to Winslow, and form the chief evi- dence against Gorton, published in his official reply to Simplicities Defence. They give occasion for " certaine observations collected by a godly and reverend divine," classed under three heads : 1. Their reproachful and reviling speeches of the gov- ernment and magistrates of Massachusetts. 2. Their reviling language against magistracy itself and all civil power. 18U HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. 3. Their blasphemous speeches against the holy things of God. (rOTton says they " franied out of them twenty-six particulars, or thereabouts, which they said were blasphe- mous, changing of phrases, altering in words or sense ; not in any one of them taking the true intent of our writings ; " and it is certain, by Winthrop's account of the trial, that whatever may have been the real cause of hos- tility towards Gorton, his heresy was the ostensible reason of their severity. ■ - ' The court immediately dispatched another letter, ac- 19. ceding to the demand of the Warwick men that Massa- chusetts should send to them, and informing them that they should shortlj'^ send commissioners to obtain satisfac- tion ; adding, that an armed guard would attend the commission, and closing with the assurance " that if you will make good your own olTer to us of doing us right, our people shall return and leave you in peace, otherwise we must right ourselves and our people by force of arms." The following week Capt. Cooke, Lieut. Atherton, and Edward Johnson with forty soldiers were s^nt to War- wick." On their way to Providence they received a third letter from the " owners and inhabitants of Shaw- omet," informing them that their offer to Massachusetts 28. was a peaceable and not a warlike one, and warning them upon their peril not to invade Warwick. To this the commissioners replied that they desired to speak with the men of Warwick, to lead them, if possible, to see their misdeeds and repent, but if they failed in that they should " look upon them as men prepared for slaughter," and would proceed accordingly. This outrageous missive spread terror in the humble settlement of Sliawomet. The women and children tied for their lives, some to ttie woods and others in boats to gain the neighboring plantations. The men fortified a house and there awaited their assail- ants. A number of Providence men accompanied the FUTILE ATTEMPTS AT RECONCILIATION. 18] troops to see what would be done, and to aid in effecting chap. a peaceable adjustment of the difficulty, A parley was .^^^,1^ proposed. Four Providence men were selected as wit- 16 43. nesses thereto. The commissioners briefly stated their 28.' case ; that the Grortonists had wronged some of the Mas- sachusetts subjects, and that they held certain blasphe- mous errors of which they must repent or be carried to Boston for trial, or otherwise be put to the sword, and their goods seized to defray the charges of the expedition. From this proposition the owners of Shaworaet dissented, on the ground that their adversaries would thus become their judges, but offered to appeal to England, which was refused. The Gortonists then proposed to refer the dis- j)ute to arbitration, offering their persons and property as security that they would abide by the decision of impar- tial men mutually chosen for the purpose. This seemed so reasonable that a truce was agreed upon until a mes- senger could be sent to Massachusetts to learn the views of the magistrates. The Gortonists charge the troops with many outrages during this truce, which are stoutly denied by Winslow. The four Providence witnesses ' sent ^^^ a letter to Gov. Winthrop giving an account of the par- * ley, and entreating him to accept the proposal of arbitra- tion. " Oh, how grievous would it be (we hope to you) if one man should be slain, considering the greatest mon- arch in the world cannot make a man ; especially grievous seeing they offer terms of peace," is the earnest language they employ. The commissioners also wrote a letter, A committee of the General Court happened to be con- vened, upon news of the murder of Miantinomi, when these letters were received. The elders, as usual, were consulted. The result was what we might anticipate from such a tribunal. It was " agreed that it was neither seasonable or reasonable, neither safe nor honorable, for ' They were Chad. Brown, Thomas Olney, William Field, William Wick- euden. Simp. Defence, 108. 182 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND CHAP. US to accept of such a proposition. 1. Because they would never offer us any terms of peace before we had sent OUT soldiers. 2. Because the ground of it was false, for we were not parties in the case between the Indians and them, but the proper judges, they being all within our jurisdiction by the Indians and English their own grant. 3. They were no State, but a few fugitives living without law or government, and -so not honorable for us to join with them in such a course. 4. The parties whojn they would refer it unto were such as were rejected by us, and all the governments in the country, and besides, not men likely to be equal to us, or able to judge of the cause. 5. Their blasphemous and reviling writings, etc., were not matters fit to be compounded by arbitrament, but to be purged away only by repentance and public satisfaction, or else by public punishment. And lastly, the commission and instructions being given them by the General Court, it was not in our power to alter them." ' Gov. Winthrop replied to the Providence letter, declining arbitration. The commissioners were directed to pr(jceed at once. They notified the besieged that the truce had ■ expired. A final effort was made to speak with the commissioners, but failed. The Providence men were warned to have no more intercourse with those of Shawo- met. All hope of accommodation was at an end. The cattle were first seized and then the assault commenced. The Warwick men hung out the English flag in token of their allegiance to Old England. It was immediately riddled by the shot of their assailants. The troops had entrenched themselves and opened a regular system of approaches, so that the siege lasted some days. During all this time the Gortonists acted solely on the defensive, not firing a shot, although prepared to do so in case the house should be set on fire, or a forcible entry be at- ' Winthrop, ii. 139, 40. How far these reasons justify Gorton's saspicione of the impartiality of his adversaries, the reader can judge. ATTACK UPON WARWICK. 183 tempted. On Sunday morning the works of the besiegers were advanced so near the house that an eff(jrt was made to set it on firp,' which failed. The commissioners sent to Massachusetts for more soldiers. The affair had reached a crisis. The Gortonists must surrender, or a fearful slaughter on both sides, with certain death, under form of law, to those of the besieged who might survive the conflict, would result. They submitted to superior force, and were carried in triumph as prisoners to Boston," where j?} they were committed to jail to await their trial. The next Sabbath morning the prisoners refused to attend ^^' church. The magistrates determined to compel them. They agreed to do so if they might have liberty to speak, should occasion require, after the sermon. This was con- ceded, so accordingly they came in the afternoon. Mr. Cotton preached at them about Demetrius and the shrines of Ephesus, after which, Gorton, leave being granted, re- plied, somewhat varying the application of the text, to the great scandal of his hearers.'^ * Gorton says this was a violation of the articles of surrender, hy which they were to "go along with them as freemen and neighbors,'' and not as captives ; and also that they took eighty head of cattle, besides swine and goats which were, divided among themselves and their subjects, and broke open the houses, robbing the corn and other supplies. A part of these allega- tions are rather feebly denied by Winslow, while other parts are admitted by Winthrop. Gorton in a note on page 119, Staples' Simplicities Defence, taunts his captors with the extent of their triumph, " a whole country to carry away eleven men," and says that one had died, Sampson Shatton, be- fore, of his hardships, and but ten handled arms in this memorable siege. Winthrop, p. 140, says three escaped, and that nine were brought in as pris- oners, p. 142, but the Court records show that ten were put on trial. ■^ This was not the last time that our over-zealous neighbors found, to use an expressive phrase, that they had " caught a Tartar." The author of the Ecclesiastical History of Massachusetts, in a note to 1 M. H. C, ix. 38, relates a pertinent anecdote as having come under his own observation in Boston. " A man from the State of Rhode Island was accused of blasphemy, and brought bfifore a Court of Justices. He was said to be a Deist, an Atheist, blasphemer of the Bible, &c. He denied it all. Witnesses were produced who had heard him say that the Bible was not the word of God. He acknowledged that he said it, and that every Christian would say the same ; that he was no Atheist 184 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, Gorton and his company were brought before the court upon the following charge of heresy and sedition ; " Upon much examination and serious' consideration of your writings, with your answers about them, wee do charge you to bee a blasphemous enemy of the true re- ligion of our Lord Jesus Christ and his holy ordinances, and also of all civil authority among the people of God, and perticularly in this jurisdiction." It is worthy of no- tice that nothing is here said about Pumham. The os- tensible cause of the first summons by Massachit^tts is no longer regarded now that the heretics -are in their power. Upon this absurd accusation, containing no fact that admitted of any possible rejjly, the . captives were 2Q put on trial for their lives. A warrant was also issued for the arrest of Waterman, Power, and John Greene and son, who had fled dining the siege. The two former appeared ; the latter escaped entirely. The prisoners' exceptions to the jurisdiction were overruled on the ground that Ply- mouth claimed them, and had yielded its power, in this or Deist, hut loved his Redeemer, and venerated his Bible. Being asked how he could be consistent, he answered, ' That his Bible told him that Christ was the Word of God, and the Bible a record of the divine irill. Tiiis was all he meant by saying the Bible was not the Word of God.' He was dismissed, and he laughed heartily at his accusers. This man had been a Quaker preacher ; became a preacher of the Universalists, and had a small congrega- tion in the county of Berkshire, in 1794 ; but has never been permitted to preach in the other churches of Universalists, his notions being very peculiar, and such his manner of expressing himself as people of all persuasions must dislike. Yet he possesses that acuteness of reasoning, and recollective mem- ory for quoting Scripture, which would have been fully equal to Gorton, had he met with the same opposition. But the spirit of persecution has flown from this State, to the mortification of many who vvish to be of consequence, and would fain raise its ghost, for the sake of complaiiiing of the present magistrates and clergy, but cannot find even the shadow on the wall." The writer of this history desires here to express his concurrence in the truth and the spirit of the concluding sentence above quoted, because thus far in the progress of this work the ho.stility between the two colonies was so con- Btant that a casual reader might infer that the feeling, for which there was so much occasion two centuries ago, still lingered, at least in the mind of the author. This he expressly disavows, and only regrets that the nature of hie WINSLOW'S DEFENCE OF MASSACHUSETTS. 185 case, to the Bay ; and that, if they were under no juris- diction, then Massachusetts had no redress for her wrongs, and must either right herself by force of arras, or submit 16 43. to their injuries and reviUngs. This was but a weak de- 20. fence in a desperate cause ; nor is it strengthened by the special pleading of Winslow, who says, on this important point, " And if any ask by what authority they went out of their own government to do such an act, know that his former seditious and turbulent carriage in all parts where he came, as Plymouth, Ehode Island, a place of greatest liberty, Providence, that place which releived him in that his so great extremity, and his so desperate close with so dangerous and potent enemies, aad at such a time of con- spiracy by the same Indians, together with the wrongs done to the English and Indians under the protection of that government of the Massachusetts, who complained and desired relief ; together with his notorious contempt of all civil government, as well as that particular, and his blasphemies against God, needlessly manifested in his proud letters to them. All these considered you shall see hereby cause enough why they proceeded against him as a common enemy of the country." If these general charges were the real cause of their proceedings, why are they not all specifically alleged in the indictment, since, theme requires him, while speaking of the Puritans, to dwell almost wholly upon the dark side of characters that possessed so much real piety and essential greatness of soul. The Massachusetts writers of recent date have well atoned for the injustice committed by their forefathers, displaying the liberality of feeling which ever accompanies elegant scholarship. Bancroft, Dean, Elliott, Felt, Hildreth, Savage, Sparks, Upham, Young, and since this work was com- menced, Mr. Barry's stirring and truthful volumes, have all illustrated the tri- umph of truth over prejudice, and shown how a scholar may rise superior to the biases thut misled his ancestors. The times have changed, and the sev- enteenth century was the period of transition. The Puritans exemplified the spirit of the past : the foimders of Rhode Island foreshadowed that of the fu- ture ; and we of the present may render justice and do honor to both, by placing ourselves, so far as practicable, in the position of those whose acts we record. The Puritans we should view in the light of bygone centuries ; their opponents in that of the present age, which has adopted their principles. 186 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, if true, they might easily be proved ? — instead of which „_„.^_;^ the latter only is brought out at the trial, and the whole 1G43. attention of the Court engaged in i)rovin"; it. Oct 20. Their letters were produced as evidence against them. These they were required to retract or explain, which they refused to do. " The Court and the elders spent nearly a whole day in discovery of Gorton's deep myste- ries, which he had boasted of in his letters, and to bring him to conviction, but all was in vain." He denied the consequences imputed to them by the elders, and shroud- ing his opinions beneath an impenetrable v'eil of mysti- cism, maintained them to the last. A series of questions were propounded by the Court, upon which he was to answer for his life. These were — 1. Whether the Fathers, who died before Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, were justified and saved only by the blood which he shed, and the death which he sutiered after his incarnation ! 2. Whether the only price of our redemption, were not the death of Christ upon the cross, with the rest of his sufferings and obediences in the time of his life here, after he was born of the Virgin Mary ! 3. Who is that God whom he thinks we serve ? 4. What he means, when he saith. We worship the star of our god Remphan, Chion, Moloch ? Written re- plies, signed by himself, were given to the Court. They appeared so reasonable that even the governor said he could agree with them in their answers though not in their writings,' to which concession the bigoted Dudley object- ed, while the more liberal Bradstreet, at Gorton's desire, requested that no further questions should be put to him. It was a peculiarity of the mystical philosophy of the age, that ideas were couched in language ol" which the apparent menning would lead to every excess, and which ' Simps, Defence, 132. Hutch. Hist, of Mass., i. 121. Eccles. Hist, of Mass., 37. SENTENCE OF THE GORTONISTS. 187 were too transcendental to be otherwise understood by tbe chap. greater part. Such ideas were announced and defended ^^ by Gorton and the Antinomian school, all of which, as i « 4 ;i explained by the promulgators, were harmless enough ; but their danger consisted in the possible and probable abuse of them by the masses, while their opponents, as in the present tiial, imputed to them results which the authors denied. Heresy was the only charge against the Gorton- ists, and the sole object to which the attention of the Court was directed. The crime being sufficiently proved, the punishment was the next consideration. Upon this " the Court was much divided." The case x- of Gorton was the most difficult. All the magistrates, but 3. three, condemned the great heresiarch to death, but a majority of the deputies refused to sanction the diabolical sentence. In the end he, with six others, were sentenced to be confined in irons, during the pleasure of the Court, to be set to work, and should they break jail, or in any w'ay proclaim heresy or rejjroach the church or State, then, upon conviction thereof they should suffer death. They were sent to different towns, Gorton to Chadestown, Wicks to Ipswich, Holden to Salem, Potter to Rowley, Carder to Roxbury, Weston to Dorchester, and Warner to Boston. The other three were more mildly treated. Waddell was allowed to remain at large in Watertown ; Waterman, giving bonds to appear at the next Court, was dismissed ' with a fine, and Power, denying having signed the first letter, a year previous, was dismissed with an admonition. A warrant was forthwith directed to the constables of the several towns to be ready within one week to receive the prisoners. Their cattle were appraised and sold to defray the cost of the seizure and trial,- The ' At the Court on the 29th May following, being " found erroneous, he- retical and obstinate," he was remanded to prison till the September Coiirt, unless five magistrates should meanwhile see cause to send him away, in which case he was banished on pain of death. M. C. R., ii. 73. - The justice of this piece of judicial robbery can only be defended on 188 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, prisoners were allowed to name two of the five appraisers ,^„.^ selected fur this pur[)Ose, which they properly declined to '. <»4 3. do.' The convicts, secured in chains, were sent off to the several towns named in their sentence, not however till they had been paraded in a body before the congregation at Mr. Cotton's lecture, with their irons upon them, as an instructive spectacle. In this condition they were con- fined the whole winter, in the course of which Gorton ac- cused Cotton of having advised, in a sermon, that he 16434. should be starved to death. This charge could- searcel;^ 12. ^6 credited had not the elders and magistrates, at the trial, doomed him to die. This led Gorton to write a let- ter to the ruling elder of the Charlestown cliurch, which is preserved in his book. But public opinion did not sus- tain such severe proceedings, and what was more to be dreaded by these zealots, the prisoners corrupted the peo- ple with their heresies. Now this offence, by the terms of the sentence passed upon them in November, was to be punished with death ; but a mightier power demanded their release. At the next General Court they were set V. at liberty, and banished from all places claimed to be within -the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, including Prov- idence, and the lands of the. subject Indians ; and if found anywhere within those limits after fourteen days, they were to suffer death. '^ But even this brief period was not allowed them, for three days after, while Gorton and a some such ground as that taken by the " cannie Scot," in the anecdote quoted by Judge Staples, in a note to Simplicities Defence, p. 136, as having occurred several years since in the island of Jamaica. " A Scotch officer, with sev- eral others of his corps, engaged in a billiard match with some Jews. The children of Israel, it seems, were much too expert at that game for the Cale- donian and his companions. The latter, after having lost some money, mus- tered their whole joint stock, and staked it against the sons of circumcision ; the game was played ; the Scot lost ; but he swept the stakes into his hat, drew his sword, and protected by his friends, retired, calling out, ' D — n yen sauls, ye scoundrels, yere a' enemies to the Lord Jesus Christ.'" ' See M. C. R. ii. 51-4 for official proof of the foregoing facts. » M. C. R., ii. 57. 10. THE GORTONIST'S RETURN TO AQUEDNECK. 189 few others were awaiting the arrival of their comrades at Boston, a warrant from the Governor was served on them, ordering them to leave the town within two hours. They departed for Aqiiedneck, lodging one night in their own houses at Shawomet, whence they wrote a letter to Gov. Winthrop to inquire if their own purchased territory was included in the sentence of banishment. To this the Governor replied that it was, and ordered them to leave April on peril of their lives. They did so, and once more sought refuge at Aquedneck. Thus ended these atrocious pro- ceedings, which form one of the darkest pages in the his- tory of Massachusetts.' The controversy was about to be transferred to England. The settlement of Warwick Avas for a time suspended. Its persecuted owners were kindly received at Aquedneck, whence they had been driven in disgrace a few years be- fore. The cause for which they had since suffered, and the measure of cruelty they had lately received, were enough to ensure them an earnest welcome. Here they hired houses and lands, and remained till after the recep- tion of the charter had deprived their enemies of the last semblance of claim to intermeddle with the affairs of Rhode Island. It jDroduced a curious effect on the minds of the In- dians, that, after such harsh treatment, and so many threats from their opi^onents, the Gortonists had returned ' The details of this memorable trial remind us of the application of a nursery rhyme as made by the late Archbishop of Dublin : — " Old Father Long-le^ wouldn't say his prayers : Take him by the right leg- Take him by the left leg- Take him fast by both legs— And throw him down stairs! " " There," said his Grace, " in that nursery verse you may see an epitome of the history of all religious persecution. Father Long-legs refusing to say the prayers that were dictated and ordered by his little tj'rants, is regarded as a heretic, and suffers martyrdom." Who shall say hereafter that there is no moral conveyed in Mother Goose's Melodies ? 190 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, alive. They ima<^inecl tliat two distinct races inhaluted ,^,.^_;^ Old England, one the English, whom they called Watta- 16 44. conoges,' and the rival race they now termed Gortonoges. I The civil war, of which they had heard, confirmed this idea, and the release of the Gortonists they naturally enough attributed to the preponderance of the Gortonoges at home, which alarmed the English lest they should come over to America, and revenge the injuries that their feebler compatriots here had sustained. Soon after the return of Gorton the Narragansets sent messengers, asking him and his friends to conje over and speak with Canouicus. The venerable savage, with Pes- sicus, the brother and successor of Miantinomi, received them with a courtesy to which they had long been stran- gers. A council of the tribe was assembled. Their own situation, impoverished by the heavy ransom paid in vain for the life of their murdered prince, and the condition of their guests, robbed by the same remorseless power, formed the subject of their conference. The result was most im- portant. This powerful tribe, upon whose fidelity, in former years, had hung the destiny of New England, vol- untarily submitted, in a body, "unto the government and protection of that honorable State of Old England." In ^^- a written instrument they declared their allegiunoe to King Charles, " upon condition of His Majesty's royal protection ; " and the signers, as having been successively from time immemorial, sovereign princes of the country, say that they cannot yield " unto any that are subjects themselves in any case." They appointed Gorton, Wicks, Holden and Warner their agents to carry their submis- sion to England ; soon after which Gorton 'and Holden embarked at New York with the instrument."^ The ' Signifying coatmen, or those who wefir clothes. R. Wms Key R. I. IT. C, i. 60. " The exact time of Gorton's departure is unknown. Staples and Mackie Bay it was " in 1644, probahly in tlie summer; " but by Gov. Winslow's ac- count in his answer to Gorton's Simplicities Defence, it appears that in No- MASSACHUSETTS ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE WARWICK. 191 other two remained at home. John Grreene, of Warwick, chap. also accompanied Grorton. Besides their Indian agency, ^^..^.^^ their business was to enter a complaint with the Com- 1644. missioners of Foreign Plantations against Massachusetts, in behalf of the people of Shawomet, to obtain for them the restoration of their property. Notwithstanding the 17. arrival of Mr. Williams with the free charter of Provi- dence, Massachusetts strove, though vainly, to continue her usurpation over the lands of Shawomet. A notice was issued warning any persons from settling there with- jg ' out leave from the General Court. The following year a yet bolder step was taken by the General Court. A pe- ^"^^^ tition, signed by thirty-two persons, of whom twenty were 1. freemen, asking for the lands of Pumham, was granted. Ten thousand acres were given them. They had power to admit or keep out others as they pleased. Benedict Arnold was appointed to negotiate with the sachem for his right in any improved ground. The houses of the Gortonists were placed at the disposal of the petitioners, provided only that they should pay to the owiui ^ what the Court should appoint, " if they see cause &o to do," and that ten families should taue possession within one year.' No settlement upon this grant was made. Mr. John Brown, a magistrate of Plymouth, and then one of the Commissioners of the United Colonies, prohibited the settlement, claimmg the lands as within Plymouth juris- diction, and saying it should be restored to the rightful owners, Gorton and his associates. This bold stand, so creditable to Brown, although partially disowned by his government, deterred the settlers,"^ and before the dispute vember of that year he was still at Aquedneck, and was a ma,Lristrate there when Mr. John Brown was sent to assert the Plymouth claim to the island. Winslow was Governor of Plymouth that year, and signed Brown's commis- sion Nov. 8, 1644. On Uth January, 1645-6, Gorton dates his book at Lon- dDn. I infer that he left during the winter of 1644-5. Perhaps Brown's at Aquedneck hastened his departure. ' M. C. R., ii. 128. ^ Winthrop, ii. 252. 192 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, that arose on the question between Massachusetts and Plymouth was decided by the Commissioners in favor of 16 4 5. the former, the Parliament had already ordered its resto- ration to the lawful purchasers. Similar annoyances con- tinued for many years, summons being often issued to re- quire the attendance of parties at the Massachusetts Courts, upon the suit of her subjects resident in Rhode Island. The efforts of Massachusetts" to extend her jurisdic- tion in this direction seemed to receive a fresh impetus by the arrival of that charter which was designed as a shield to the feeble colonists of Rhode Island against her all-grasp- ing ambition. The coveted shores of the Narrao-anset assumed a new importance in her eyes when the action of Parliament placed them beyond her reach. Every ef- fort was made to attach to herself any residents of Rhode Island who were dissatisfied with the existing order of things, and thus to sow the seeds of discontent more widely in the heretical plantations. The insane idea was cherished by her rulers and inculcated upon the other colcmies, that in this way the people of Rhode Island might be led to question the validity of their charter, and be discouraged from organizing their distracted settle- ments into one corporate body under its provisions. Ply- mouth, we have already seen, was led to claim the east- ern shore and the island, and Connecticut was ere long to assert her right to the Narraganset country, while Provi- dence and Warwick were apportioned to the fomenters of this tripartite division. As we examine the progress of this deep-laid scheme, and observe the steadiness with which it was pursued through a long series of years, we cannot but admire the firmness of our ancestors in foiling it at every turn, nor can we fail to recognize the hand of a Superior Power in preserving a colony whose peculiar principles at first made it an object of aA'^ersion, and finally were adopted as the cardinal doctrines of a whole nation RESULT OF Gorton's mission. 193 The result of Gorton's mission, so far as falls within chap. the limits of our present chapter, was briefly this. The ..2^:^ Commissioners issued an order requiring Massachusetts to 164 0, reinstate the proscribed parties, and forbidding any at- i'^^ tempt to exercise jurisdiction over them. It was brought over by Holden in a ship to Boston. With some difficulty ^^pt. he was allowed to land. Many wished to commit him to jail, but better counsel prevailed, and he was permitted to pass quietly through to Rhode Island, by virtue of the protection given him by Parliament. Uj)on receipt of Nov. this order the Greneral Court seriously debated how far they owed allegiance to England, but wisely concluded, on advice of the elders, that they were not yet independ- ent.' They decided to send Mr. Edward Winslow to Eno-land as their agent. An answer to Gorton's memo- rial, a copy of which had been enclosed in the aforemen- tioned order, was prepared, which Winslow, being duly Dec. commissioned, carried, together with two sets of instruc- tions, one public, in accordance with his commission, the other secret, concerning the course he was to adopt and the answers he was to make to the objections against the conduct and government of Massachusetts, contained in the Commissioners' order.^ The controversy in regard to the lands of Warwick, so named by Gorton in compliment to the Earl through whose influence his mission was suc- cessful, was prolonged for thirty-five years. It soon be- came involved in the greater dispute relating to the adja- cent territory of Narraganset, which wiU be considered in future chapters. The first decision, above given, was final 1 This rather remarkable discussion is given at length by Winthrop, ii. 278-284. It shows the temper of the times, and demonstrates more clearly than any other proceedings since those of 1 635, when a general governor was expected from England. (VVinth. Jour, i. 154, and ante chap. i. pp. 32-3,) the feeling with which the Puritans viewed any act of the home government that threatened to abridge their virtual independence. ^ Copies of all these papers are given m Winthrop, ii. 295-301, and of th« most important ones in R. I Col. Rec's. i. 367-373. VOL. I. — 13 194 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, in its effect, although, after hearing Mr. Winslow, the .^,,.:^ committee wrote to Massachusetts that if the Shawomet 16 47. lands were in their patent, or in that of Plymouth, the 25; case would be altered ; hut they soon afterwards wrote Ji'ly to all the colonies that the Warwick men should be as- sisted and not molested during the examination of the question at issue. ' The purchasers of Shawomet returned to their homes, and successfully withstood the pertinacious efforts of Massachusetts to retain her unlawful dominion over them. - , ' The Warwick men were strict constructionists of the most rigid school. They neither recognized the existing governments of Providence and Aquedneck, as we have seen, nor did they establish any of their own ; not, as their enemies rejDresented, because they were opposed to all magistracy, but because, as English subjects, they could not lawfully create or submit to any government that was not authorized by patent from the Crown or Parliament of England. Hence w^e have no record of *'^y- their proceedings until after the organization of the colo- nial government. They were few in number, so that the mode - of settling difficulties, by arbitration, adopted by them before their expulsion, was probably continued till their scruples were removed by the adoption of the char- ter. After this took place their rigid adherence to all the forms of law, as well as to its spirit, was no less remarka- ble than had been their previous neglect. The charter supplied their theoretical wants, and devotion to its letter and spirit marked all their subsequent conduct.'^ ' Both these letters are in Staples' Gorton. R. I. H. C.-ii. 203-6, " One or two examples of this may here be mentioned. For many years their numbers were few, and some of the requirements of the common law bore heavily upon them, especially that requiring twelve men to constitute a jury. Accordingly we find them altering that provision to conform, in the language of the charter, " to the nature and constitution of the place," in these words : ' Whereas the townsmen of Warwick having taken into con- uderation that it cannot stand with the constitution of the place to continue 1641. SETTLEMENT OF NORTH KINGSTON. 195 The act of submission arrayed the Narragansets in chap hostility to the pretensions of Massachusetts, and virtu- ^^,^.^,1^ ally annexed their country to the State of Khode Island, 16 44. of which, thereafter, it formed an important part. Three years prior to this Kichard Smith had purchased land and erected a trading house, in what is now North Kingston,^ in the midst of the Indian country, which was the only settlement south of Warwick until after the charter went into operation, when Roger Williams set up a similar es- tablishment for a few years and sold out to Smith, upon his second appointment as agent to England."^ Both English and Indians were now the acknowledged ^ "*^ subjects of Grreat Britain, and the haughty spirit of the twelve men for the tryal of causes, It is therefore ordered that there he estab- lished six jurors for the trial of causes, and to have six pence a man for each cause, and for counsellor's fees three shillings and four pence, and this to be of force notwithstauding any law formerly to the contrary." Warwick Rec- ords of Feb. 5, 1656,7. This change might appear as a violation of law in- stead of a real conformity to its spirit, if the preamble were not recited and their circumstances were not considered. Bat still later we have a more striking instance of their attachment to " law and order.'' At a tovra meeting, Oct. 12, 1663, we find it '' Ordered in regard that there is a writing directed to the warden or deputy warden of the town of Warwick, bearing date the 23 September, 1663, and subscribed James (I. R.) Rodgers, and not the title of any office annexed thereto ; the Town do therefore protest against it as being contrary to law and order, and that report be made hereof to the next Court of Commissioners. It is fur- ther ordered that the town being sensible of matters that do depend, which concern our agent, Mr. John Clarke, do therefore conclude to choose com- missioners to attend the Court notwithstanding illegality of the sayd writing, and that justice may proceed nutwithstanding the sayd neglect do likewise order to choose jurj-men to attend the Court of Trials." See Warwick Rec- ords of that date. Rogers was General Sergeant of the colony, and should have affixed the title of his office to his name in an official communication. ' On the site of the present (1835) Updike house, which is said to be built, partly, of the materials of Smith's. Potter's Early Hist, of Narragan- set, R. I. H. C. iii. 32. "^ M. H. C. i. 211. The precedence of Smith was denied by Howlden and Greene in their sketch of Narraganset, in 1680. They say Warwick was set- tled first, and that Williams preceded Smith, but the evidence is all the other way, and their error perhaps arose from there being two Richard Smiths, father and son, in the concern. Br. S. P. 0. New England Papers, voL iii. p. 81. 196 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP native chiefs refused to account for their conduct to s.^,-^ any but their common Master. A summons was received 16 44. from Massachusetts for them to attend at the next Court, 24"'^ They declined to do so, and informed the government of their submission to King Charles, and of their intention to make war on Uncas. This letter, with one of like pur- port from Gorton, gave great anxiety to the General ~^?^ Court. Two messengers were sent to the Narragansets to counteract the influence of Gorton, and to dissuade them from their purpose. They were coldly received and failed in their mission. Pumham and Soconoco, -dreading the anger of the Narragansets, applied to Massachusetts for a guard. An officer was sent with ten soldiers to build a fort, and to remain for their protection till the Jnly danger was passed. Although the Commissioners of the ^' United Colonies prevented immediate war between the Sept. iiostile tribes, they could only avert it for a while. In a 164:4-5. few months the Narrag-ansets sent messengers to Boston, Feb. declaring that unless Uncas should pay a hundred and sixty fathoms of wampum, or come to a new hearing of the case within six weeks, they would make war upon him.' 1 g 4 5 In" the spring the long restrained wrath of the Narra- gansets vented itself upon the Mohegans. One thousand men, some of whom were armed with guns, attacked Un- cas and defeated him with considerable slaughter. Con- necticut and New Haven sent troops to protect Uncas. The General Court despatched a letter to the Narragan- I'g ^ sets requiring them to desist from war, and soon after sent Benedict Arnold as a messenger to them. The Indians afterward stated that he had misrepresented their answer, and sent for Roger WiUiams to assist them in their trou- bles. A special meeting of the New England Commis- ^" y sioners was held in this emergency, and messengers ^ were 28. * Hubbard's New England, cli. li. ' Sergeant John Davis, Benedict Arnold and Francis Smyth. FORCED TREATY WITH THE NARRAGANSETS. 197 sent a second time to require both the hostile tribes to send chap. deputies to Boston, who should explain the cause of the war, ^^ receive satisfaction, and make peace. This attempt failed. i6 4ro. The embassy was haughtily treated by the Narragansets, who were resolved to have the head of Uncas. On their return they brought a letter from Mr. Williams, stating that terms of neutrality had been made by the Indians with the colonies of Rhode Island, and that war was in- evitable,' The United Colonies at once declared war ^112. against the Narragansets, and a force of three hundred 19- men, under command of Major Edward Gribbons, was raised. 2 Forty mounted men were impressed by Massa- chusetts within three days, and sent on in advance under Lieut. Atherton. Messengers ^ were also sent to carry back a present that the Indians had lately sent as a peace offering to the English. The Narragansets, alarmed at these active demonstrations, sued for peace. Through the mediation of Williams, to whose influence, now for the second time within eight years, New England owed her l)eace and safety, Pessicus, with two other principal sa- chems, and a large train of attendants, came to Boston. A treaty was concluded which bore heavily upon the Nar- ragansets. They were to pay two thousand fathoms of ^'^• wampum in four equal instalments, the last at the end of two years. Captives and canoes were to l)e mutually re- stored by them and the Mohegans, and the disputes be- tween them were to be settled by the Commissioners. They were to give up all right to the Pequot country, ' Hubbard's -Xew England, ch. li. and Trumbull's Connecticut, i. 150-4. '^ The declaration of war contains a summary of previous occurrences •with the Indians, signed by John Winthrop, President, and is given at length by Hubbard, ch. li. and in 2 M. H. C. vi. 454-62. ' Capt. Harding, Mr. Wilbore and Benedict Arnold — the latter as inter- jireter, but he could not be found in Providence, and dared no longer to ven- ture among the Indians, who charged him with misrepresenting their reply two months previous. Roger Williams, whose influence was paramount with the Indians, acted as interpreter on this occasion at the solicitation of the messengers. (Knowles, 204.) 1G4' 198 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. which they had aided the English in conquering. Other hard terms were enforced, and hostages were required of 16 45. them. Sadly they signed this compulsory and oppressive treaty, and sullenly they retired to their native fastnesses to brood over the wrongs thus newly inflicted. The se- vere exaction almost ruined them. The following spring they failed to send the tribute, and when a small- part June only was sent the Commissioners refused to receive it un- less they could have the whole that was due. The remainder of this painful story, although it car- ries us beyond the limit assigned to this chapter, is better told here. The next year an extra meeting of the New England Commissioners was called on account of the fail- ure of the Narragansets to fulfil the treaty, and of their alleged attempts to allure the Mohawks to unite in a war against the Enolish. A threatenino; letter was sent to Pessicus requiring his appearance at Boston. He excused his attendance on the plea of sickness, declared that he had been forced by fear to accept the treaty, and prom- ised to send Ninigret, sachem of the subordinate tribe of Nianticks, to Boston, and to abide by any agreement he . ^^^ should .make. When Ninigret came before the Commis- 3. sioners he denied all knowledge of the treaty, or of any reason why the Narragansets should pay tribute to the English, to whom they owed nothing. The case being explained to him, he desired ten days to send borne for the wampum, while he remained as a hostage. His mes- senger brought back but two hundred fathoms, which Ninigret attributed to his absence. It was finally agreed that he should pay a thousand fathoms within twenty days, and the rest by the next spring, upon which condi- tion he was dismissed. The wampum was not paid. Why should it be 1 When we consider the foul death of their almost idolized chieftain, to avenge which — not upon the English, its real authors, but upon Uncas, their ruthless tool — they had EXPEDITION OF ATHEETON. 199 hegini a war after due notice given, as agreed, to the chap. EngilJi, wheat first gave their consent ; and that then the .^^..^.1^ Eii*riit*h had marched an army against them, and by ter- 16 47. r.jr liad forced them to a treaty of which the avowed ob- ject was to disable them, we cannot blame Pessicus for disavowing, or Ninig-ret for ignorino; it, or either for neg- lecting to comply with its provisions. Again messengers were sent to the Narragansets without effect. Rumors of j^-j^g an Indirin alliance continued to alarm the colonists, who persisted in identifying the cause of Uncas with their own, and in considering any attempt of the Narragansets 16 4 9. to avenge their wrongs upon the Mohegans as a conspiracy against themselves. An abortive attempt was made to assassinate Uncas. Another special meeting of the United j , Colonies was called upon this occasion, and Ninigret again 23. appeared to excuse his breach of faith, and to defend the recent attack upon the mortal foe of his tribe. The pa- tience of the English was exhausted in this last fruitless effort to obtain the tribute. The next year the Commis- sioners sent Capt. Atherton with twenty men to collect it. Pessicus tried in vain to avoid an interview while he assembled his warriors. Seeing this, Atherton forced his gept. way, pistol in hand, into the wigwam, and seizing the sa- 5. chem by the hair, dragged him from the midst of his at- tendants, threatening instant death if any resistance was offered. This summary conduct, wliich reflects more credit on the courage of the Captain, than on the justice or the policy of his government, produced the desired re- sult. The debt was paid. The troopers departed, leav- ing behind them, in Indian memory, one more act of wrong and insult to ranlde till the day of retribution. From the murder of Miantinomi, down to the savage ex- pedition of Atherton, the whole seven years is filled with acts of aggression and of unjust interference on one side, and with the haughty protests of an injured, a high-spir- ited, and a feebler race oi Indians on the other. SLOO HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLANT 164' CHAPTEK VII. 164T— lfi51. HISTORY OF THE INCORPORATION OF PROVIDENCE PLANTA- TIONS FROM THE ADOPTION OF THE PARLIAMENTARY CHAR- TER, MAY, 1647, TO THE USURPATION OF CODDINGTON, AU- GUST, 1651. " The Incorporation of Providence Plantations in the VII. ' Narraganset Bay in New England," was the legal title under which the several settlements in Rhode Island were united by the terms of the patent. The origin of this charter wo have already noticed. Its peculiar character deserves attention. It was very general in its provisions, and conferred absolute independence on the colony. The single proviso with which it was fettered, to wit that " the laws, constitutions and punishments, for the civil govern- ment of the said plantation, be conformable to the laws of England," was practically annulled in the same sen- tence by the subjoined words, " so far as the nature and constitution of that place will admit." Thus the people were left free to enact their own laws, for this qualifying clause in effect defeated the proviso. No charter had ever oeen granted up to that time which conferred so ample powers upon a community, and but one as free has ever emanated since from the throne of a monarch. The other remarkable feature in this instrument con- sists, not in what it specified, but in what it omitted. The use of the word " civd," everywhere prefixed to the ORGANIZATION UNDER THE FIRST PATENT. 201 terms " government " or " laws/' wherever they occur in chap the patent, served to restrict the operation of the charter v_^^ to purely political concerns. In this apparent restriction 1647. there lay concealed a boon of freedom, such as man had never known before. A grant so great no language could convey, for the very use of words would imply the power to grant, and hence the co-ordinate power to refuse. Here was the essence of the Rhode Island doctrine. They held themselves accountable to God alone for their relig- ious creed, and no earthly power could bestow on them a right they held from Heaven. Hence the expressive si- lence of the charter on the subject of religious freedom. At their own request their powers were limited to civil matters. Beyond this a silence more significant than language proclaimed the triumph of soul-liberty. More than three years had elapsed since the patent was obtained, and for thirty-two months, since its recep- tion, it had served only as an apology for the self-consti- tuted governments of the several towns. The higher ob- ject for which it was designed could no longer be kept in abeyance. The necessity of union was daily becoming more apparent. So long as distinct organizations were maintained, a color of plausibility was given to the con- stant efforts of the neighboring colonies to impair its va- lidity. The difficulties in the way of consolidation were at length overcome. A General Assembly of the people was held at Portsmouth. Providence sent ten delegates May to act for her. The records of Portsmouth and Newport 19-21- do not show that any were chosen from those towns, al- though it is probable that this was done. Warwick was not named in the charter, and her records do not begin till after this Assembly, but she was admitted to the same privileges with the rest at the opening of the session. This first General Assembly was in fact a meeting of the Corporators formally to adopt the charter, and then to organize a government under it. It was not simply a 202 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, convention of delegates but of the whole people. A ma* ^__^ jority being j)resent their acts were binding upon the whole, 16 47. as is expressed in the opening of the Assembly, when, J9.21. having first chosen Mr. John Coggeshall, Moderator. " It was voted and found, that the major part of the colony wei'e present at this Assembly, whereby was full power to transact." The next step was to provide against the withdrawal of so great a number as to defeat the object of the meeting by putting a stoj) to legislation. For this purpose the number of forty was agreed upon, who, in case the rest should depart, were required to remain " and act as if the whole were present, and be of as full authori- ty." In the establishment of this compulsory quorum we see the germ of the representative system, which the increasing number of the colonists now rendered necessa- ry. The Assembly being thus organized, and the initia- tory steps taken to secure its permanence and authority, " It was agreed that all should set their hands to an en- gagement to the charter." The engagement is embodied in the pr.eamble to the code of laws adopted at this time, and hence has no signatures. This was a safer course to pursue, as the other might imjjly that those only were bound by the charter who had given in their written con- sent. The Assembly then adopted the representative system, by ordering that '' a week before any General Court, notice should be given to every town by the head officer, that they choose a committee for the transaction of the affairs there," and they also provide for a proxy vote in the words " and such as go not may send their votes sealed." After unanimously adopting a code of laws, which had been prepared previous to the meeting, for the government of the colony, they proceeded to elect by ballot the general officers, to continue for one year, or till new be chosen. John Coggeshall was chosen President of the Province or Colony, with one Assistant from each town, viz. : Roger MODE OF PASSING GENERAL LAWS. 203 Williams of Providence, John Sandford of Portsmouth, chap William Coddington of Newport, and Kandal Holden of ^^ Warwick. William Dyer was chosen General Recorder, 164 7. and Jeremy Clarke, Treasurer. iy-2i. The mode of passing general laws was then prescribed, and deserves attention for the care with which it provides for obtaining a free expression of the opinions of the whole people. All laws were to be first discussed in the towns. The town first proposing it was to agitate the question in town meeting and conclude by vote. The town clerk was to send a copy of what was agreed on to the other three towns, who were likewise to discuss it and take a vote in town meeting. They then handed it over to a commit- tee of six men from each town, freely chosen, which com- mittees constituted " the General Court," who were to assemble at a call for the purpose, and, if they found the majority of the colony concurred in the case, it was to stand as a law " till the next General Assembly of all the people," who were finally to decide whether it should con- tinue as law or not. Thus the laws emanated directly from the people. The General Court had no power of re- vision over cases already presented, but simply the duty of promulgating the laws with which the towns had in- trusted them. The right to originate legislation was, however, vested in them to be carried out in this way. When the Court had disposed of the matters for which It was called, should any case be presented upon which the public good seemed to require their action, they were to debate and decide upon it. Then each committee, on returning to their town, was to report the decision, which was to be debated and voted upon in each town ; the v^otes to be sealed and sent by each town clerk to the General Eecorder, who, in presence of the President, was to count the votes. If a majority were found to have adopted the law, it was to stand as such till the next General Assembly should confirm or repeal it. Thejeal- 204 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE INLAND. CHAP, ousy with which the people maintained their rights, and ^^ the checks thus put upon themselves in the exercise of the 16 4 7. law-making power, as displayed in this preliminaiy act, 19-21 present most forcibly the union of the two elements of liberty and law in the Ehode Island mind. The " Court of Election " was appointed for '* the first Tuesday after the fifteenth of May, annually, if wind and weather hinder not ; then the General Court of trials im- mediately to succeed.'' The manner and time of organ- izing monthly and quarterly Courts, was left-to the town councils of Newport and Portsmouth to arrange within thirty days. From them had emanated the code of laws, and to them it was intrusted to perfect the means of en- forcing that code. Acts were passed regulating the pow- ers of the towns in specific cases, and requiring that six men, to compose a town council, should be chosen by each town at its next meeting. " The sea laws, otherwise called Laws of Oleron," were adopted " for the benefit of seamen upon the island," and two water bailies ' were chosen for the colony. An anchor was adopted as the seal of the Province. Reciprocal duties with foreign na- tions, upon all imported goods, except beaver, were estab- lished, and they were prohibited from trade with the In- dians. A military system, very like the one adopted seven years before at Aquedneck, was ordered.^ No arms or ammunition were to be sold to the Indians under a heavy penalty. The remoter settlements were apportioned among the towns. Newport was to have the trading posts in the Narraganset country ; Portsmouth, the island of Prudence, and the people of Pawtuxet were allowed their choice to belong to Providence, Portsmouth or Newport, A letter was ordered to be sent to them to make their se- lection, and another to Massachusetts respecting her claim to jurisdiction over them.^ A form of engagement for the ' John Cooke and Thomas Brownell. '' Ante, chap. v. p. 145. ^ These letters cannot be found on the records of Massachusetts or Rhode Island. RECIPROCAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE STATE TO ITS OFFICERS. 205 officers was adopted, and what in our day seems curious, chap but is not the less just, a form for " The reciprocal en- _^_ gasement of the State to the officers" was agreed upon 16 47. as tollows : — 19-21. " We the inhabitants of the Province of Providence Plantations, being here orderly met, and having, by free vote chosen you to public office, as officers for the due administration of justice and the execution thereof, throughout the whole Colony, do hereby engage ourselves, to the utmost of our power, to support and uphold you in your faithful performance thereof." The clerk of the As- sembly represented the State in giving and receiving these engagements. A tax of one hundred pounds was levied, as a free gift to Mr. Koger Williams, for his labor in obtaining the char- ter. Of this Newport was to pay one-half, Portsmouth thirty, and Providence twenty pounds. By this appor- tionment it appears that Newport had rapidly advanced in wealth. Although the latest settled, she was already equal to the two older towns, and the island embraced four-fifths of the strength of the Province. Warwick was too weak as yet to bear any part of the burden. The preamble and bill of rights, prefixed to the code of civil and criminal law adopted at this time, is a re- markable production. Brief, simple and comprehensive, the preamble asserts in a few words the two cardinal doc- trines of the founders of Rhode Island. It declares " that the form of government established in Providence Plan- tations is Democratical, that is to say, a government held by the free and voluntary consent of all, or the greater part, of the free inhabitants." This position was no less novel and startling to the statesmen of that day, than was the idea of religious freedom, which, in the next enact- ing clause, it carefully guards. Both of these principles were exclusively Rhode Island doctrines, and to her be- longs the credit of them both. Tliis first General Assem- 206 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, bly aimed to adopt a code that should secure each of these .^^.^^^ objects, and thus be " suitable to the nature and consti-- 1647. tution of the place/' They succeeded ; and we hazard 19-2L little in saying that the digest of 1647, for simplicity of diction, unencumbered as it is by the superfluous verbiage that clothes our modern statutes in learned obscurity ; for breadth of comprehension, embracing as it does the foun- dation of the whole body of law, on every subject, which has since been adopted ; and for vigor and originalfty of thought, and boldness of expression, as weU && for the vast significance and the brilliant triumph of the princi- ples it embodies, presents a model of legislation which has never been surpassed. The bill of rights embraces in concise terms, under four distinct heads, the fundamental principles of all our subsequent legislation. In the first it re-enacts a clause of Magna Charta guaranteeing the liberty and property of the person, and guards against constructive felonies, which at that time were sapping the foundations of Eng- lish liberty, by restricting criminal suits to violations of the letter of the law. In the second it prevents the as- sumption or the abuse of delegated power, by forbidding any to hold office who are not lawfully called to it, and re- quiring those who are, to perform neither more nor less than their proper duties. These two heads secure the rights of individuals against the government. The third protects the right of minorities against the majority, by restricting the legislative power of the Assembly to laws " founded upon the charter, and rightly derived from the General Assembly, lawfully met and orderly managed." The last section requires that adequate compensation be paid to all officers, that every man should serve when elected or submit to a fine, and that " in case of imminent danger no man shall refuse." In conclusion they proceed to adopt generally the common law of England, with the reiterated restriction that they enact only " such of them RIGHTS AND CODE OF LAWS. 207 and SO far, ab the nature and constitution of our place chap. will admit." lT].«on this all-important saving clause in ..^^^.^ the charter they i-iid great stress. It was their guarantee 16 4 7. and shield of independence. Under their patent they 19.21. claimed tliat they could do as they pleased, so long as they did not violate any law of England, and they acted accordingly. Practically they declared that " their gov- ernment derived all its just powers from the consent of the governed," and expressly they estahhshed, for the first time in the history of the modern world, a " Democratical form of government." To secure this and their cherished idea of religious freedom, were the two objects aimed at throughout the digest of laws then adopted. For these high purposes they sacrificed their early predilections for English laws wherever they conflicted with them. They commenced their career as an' independent State, by vir- tue of a charter that made them such, and which they knew, although it might be forfeited by abuse, could not be revoked at pleasure. Their statutes were so framed as to be within both its letter and its spirit, and so long as this was the case they felt secure in their liberties. The code, in its divisions of the law, is not remarka- ble for precision, and the definitions of crime are not such as we should find at this day in a work on criminal juris- prudence ; but the meaning is clear and unmistakable. Each offence is separately defined, and its penalty dis- tinctly stated. A feeling of humanity pervades the whole, as if the object were to repress crime rather than to pun- ish it. In this point it presents a striking contrast to the vindictive spirit of cotemporary codes ; sometimes indeed erring, it may be, on the side of mercy, and ever display- ing a marked respect for the righls of conscience. An instance of the former peculiarity is found in the statute against burglary, of which the penalty was death, save where the convict was under fourteen years of age, or was a poor person impelled by hunger to commit the crime ; 208 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. in which case it was declared to be larceny. The pream- ble to the law against perjury well illustrates the regard felt for private scruples. "Forasmuch as the consciences of sundry men, truly conscionable, may scruple the giving or the taking of an oath, and it would be nowise suitable to the nature and constitution of our place, who profess ourselves to be men of different consciences and not one willing to force another, to debar such as cannot do so, either from bearing office among us or from giving in testi- mony in a case depending ; be it enacted by the authority of this present Assembly, that a solemn profession or tes- timony in a court of record, or before a judge of record, shall be accounted, throughout the whole colony, of as full force as an oath ; " and then it proceeds to decree the penalty of perjury against any who should falsify such testimony. This deference to conscientious motives is the more remarkable as at that time the Friends did not yet exist as a distinct society, holding to the unlawfulness of oaths. It is a practical and legal exposition of the Rhode island doctrine upon one of the very subjects for which the Founder of the State had suffered twelve years be- fore.' The law for the recovery of debts contains a pro- vision in behalf of the honest debtor, which later codes might well embody — " but he shall not be sent to prison, there to lie languishing to no man's advantage, unless he refuse to appear or to stand to their order." Marriage was held as a civil contract throughout New England. The statute required the banns to be published at two town meetings, and confirmed before the chief offi- cer of the town. It was then to be entered on the town records, thus providing, in that early day, a registry of marriage, such as recent legislation has attempted to re- vive. The statute regulating the probate of wills con- tains a singular provision in the case of intestates, or of ' On 30th April, 1635, Roger Williams was called before the Council for his views on the matter of oaths. Chap. i. p. 30, ante. ARCHERY PRESCRIBED BY STATUTE. 209 executors declinino; to act. The town council were to chap, have an inventory taken, and then to distribute the estate ,_^_ among the heirs at law, appointing an executor for that 1^^" purpose ; in other words, they were to make a will for ]9.2i. him. This was a common thing, and many such quasi testaments remain upon the town records, in some of which a largely discretionary power appears to have been exercised by the councils.^ It was not unusual to prove a will in the presence of the testator, before his death. The instrument being executed, and witnesses examined, it was returned to the testator duly certified, and after his decease testamentary letters were issued to the execu- tor. The advantage of this course where questions of sanity or fraud are involved is obvious. There are very many points in this digest that make it an interesting study, illustrative of the progressive views of our ancestors, and of the dangers that surrounded them. We can allude to but one other statute, bearing upon the latter point. So important was the subject of archery considered, in view of the menaces to which they were exposed from warlike tribes, whose weapon was the bow, and of their own liability to be deprived of the use of their tire-arms from want of ammunition, that it was not left, like the other laws relating to military defence, to be established in the acts and orders of Assembly, but was embodied in the code itself Every man between the ages of seventeen and seventy was required to keep a bow and four arrows, and to exercise with them ; and every father was to furnish each son, from seven to seventeen years old, with a bow, two arrows and shafts, and to bring ' Judge Staples says upon this subject : " They were not simply a division and distribution of the estate of the deceased among his heirs at law, but in one instance now in existence in the city clerk's ofBce in Providence, they dis- posed of part of the real and personal estate to the widow, part for life and ))art in fee, and divided the residue among the children as tenants in fee tail general, with cross remainders. This is believed to be pecuUar to this col- ony.''' Code of 1647, p. 50, note. VOL. I — 14 210 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, them up to shooting. Violation of this statute was pun- .^^.^ ished by a fine which the father was to pay for the son, 164 7. the master for the servant, and to deduct it from his May 19-21. wages. At the close of the criminal and other general statutes of the code occur these remarkable words : — " These are the laws that concern all men, and these are the penalties for the transgression thereof, which, by common consent, are ratified and established throughout the whole colony ; and, otherwise than thus what is herein forbidden, all men may walk as their consciences persuade them, every one in the name of his God ; and let the saints of the Most High walk in this colony without mo- lestation, in the name of Jehovah their God, forever and ever." Thus they deny the existence of any crime not speci- fied in the code, and expressly permit any act not therein forbidden. The famous statutes of 2d Elizabeth, con- cerning uniformity and ecclesiastical supremacy were not " conformable to the nature and constitution of the place.'* The code preserves as significant a silence on this subject as does the charter upon which it is based, while the last clause of this appended sentence proves that it was by no oversight that the aforenamed acts of intolerance were not recognized in Rhode Island. The concluding sections of the code, " Touching the public administration of justice," relate to the appoint- ment of officers, very fully defining the duties of each, and regulate the proceedings in Courts. By- these it ap- pears that the President and Assistants had no part in legislation. That power was reserved to the General As- sembly of all the people, and "to the Courts of Commis- sioners, six from each town, appointed at this time. Thus it remained until altered by the royal charter. They composed the General Court of Trials, having cognizance of weighty offences, and were also a Court of Appeal in DEATH OF CANONICUS. 211 cases that were too difficult for the town Courts to decide. Causes between different towns, or between citizens and strangers were also tried by them. This Court met in 1647, May and October. The town Courts had original juris- 19 2J. diction in suits among their own citizens. The President was conservator of the Peace over the colony, and the As- sistants in their respective towns, where they also acted as Coroners. Besides these officers there were a General Recorder, a Public Treasurer, and a General Sergeant ; afterwards ' a General Attorney and a General Solicitor were added. ^ Such were the proceedings of the first General As- sembh' of Rhode Island. From them we may gather the spirit of all her subsequent legislation, and with a knowl- edge of the condition of affairs in England, and in the neighboring colonies at tbis period, we may almost foresee the leading events of her history. The young Common- wealth was now fairly started on its career of progress, with no precedents to guide its earnest statesmen in their perplexities ; nothing but their own clear minds and strong hearts could aid them in solving the two grandest problems in civil government. Well has the philosophi- cal historian of the United States said of Rhode Island : " Had the territory of the State corresponded to the im- portance and singularity of the principles of its early ex- istence, the world would have been filled with wonder at the phenomena of its history.^" The death of Canonicus, the earliest and firmest friend June A. of Rhode Island, took place at this time. The venerable sachem of the Narragansets, who was an old man when the first plantation was made at Pro\ddence, just lived to ■' In May, 1650. ^ The similarity between the Xew England Confederacy of 16-13 and the National Confederation of 1783 has been often remarked ; but there is yet a itronger resemblance in the relative position of the four towns of Rhode Island in 1647, and the States of the Federal Union under the constitution of 1787. 3 Bancroft's Hist, of U. S., i. 380. 212 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, see the scattered and feeble settlements of the English .^...^^^ united into one Province. He died at a critical period in 16 4 7. the history of his nation, when they were striving by vain 4 delays to evade the ruinous treaty imposed on them by the New England confederates. As he passed in review the events of his long and chequered life, it is no wonder that his declining years wei-e clouded by gloomy forebod- ings. Under the guidance of his warlike ancestor, Tash- tassuck,^ the tribe had become a nation, and succiessive conquests had swelled the nation into an empire. Long before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, Canonicus had inherited the sceptre of a wide-spread dominion, by far the most powerful of any that were found by the Eng- lish. He was " a wise and peaceable Prince," aiming to advance his race in the arts of civilized life, even before any contact with the English had made them acquainted with the means and appliances of civilization. When conquest had secured his kingdom war was laid aside ; commerce and manufactures, limited and rude to be sure, were encouraged, and the Narragansets became rich as well as strong, spreading the knowledge of their language and the customs of their trade over a region of more than six hundred miles in extent.'^ But the spell of their power was broken when the Pilgrims received the proposal of Ousamequin, or Massasoit, to form a friendly alliance. The defection of the Pokanokets carried with them all their subordinate tribes, and since that time one after another of the native chiefs had deserted their j)roper prince, to seek the dangerous protection of the English. In all his intercourse with the English, from the time of ^ The Indian tradition is that he was greater than any prince in the coun- try, and having two children, a son and daughter, whom he could not match in dignity, he married them to each other. Their issue was four sous, of whom Canouicus was the eldest. Hutchinson's Mass., i. 458, note. The Pe ruvian Incas have a similar tradition respecting the origin of the founder of their dynasty. * Roger Williams' Key, p. 18. NEWPORT AND PORTSMOUTH DISAGREE. 213 his first treaty to the day of his death, they could never chap. * VTT charge him with violated faith. Yet he could name ten , ^, different instances in which their solemn pledge to him 16 47. and his tribe had been broken. " I have never suffered any W' rong to be offered to the English since they landed, nor never will ; — if the Englishman speak true, if he mean truly, then shall I go to my grave in peace, and hope that the English and my posterity shall live in love and peace together." These were the truthful and half- desponding words once spoken by him to the Founder of Khode Island, " in a solemn Assembly." There were reasons, and he recounted ten, for the doubting spirit that oppressed him, and wliich imparted to his language the saddening force of an omen. With the settlers of Rhode Island, whom he had received in their weakness, he ever maintained the most intimate and friendly relatious ; and it should be said in justice to our ancestors that, from them, he never had cause to repent or to withhold his kindness. That he suffered from the jealousy of the other colonies, who were hostile alike to him and to them, is no fault of theirs ; while the fact that his unwavering fidel- ity to the founders of Rhode Island was the principal cause of his disasters, affords ample reason why their descendants should revere his virtues and embalm his memory. The union of the towns under one government did not serve to heal the disputes with which each one was more or less disturbed. Their distinct powers were in no de- gree abridged by the compact they had formed. Their local affairs were as much under their own control as be- fore, and we shall soon see that even the burden of a gen- eral union, so essential to their strength, was more than they could bear. Between Newport and Portsmouth a difficulty arose as to their relative positions under the new government. For the past seven years they had, for the most part, acted together as one colony. Whether to 214 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, continue thus, or to act as separate towns, wliicla was the ,.^.^_;^ reasonable construction of the charter, appears to have 164 7. been the question. The loss of the Newport records of this period leaves us only the fragmentary notices of meet- ings at Portsmouth, from which to conjecture the real na- ture and extent of this difference. By these it appears 6. that certain messengers, sent by Newport to Portsmouth, were informed "that if they will joyn with us to act ac- cording to the General Corte order for this year we are redie thereto, if not we must go bye ourselff by the corte order." It also appears that forty-one votes were given in Newport to act jointly, and twenty-four to act alone. Aug. It was proposed to call a special meeting of the General Assembly, but the grounds for so doing were deemed in- 1647-8. sufficient. A few months later it was " voted unani- 27* mously by the freemen of Portsmouth that they would act apart by themselves, and not jointly with Newport, and be as free in their transactions as anie of the other towns in the colonic." Providence was more distracted than either of the others by domestic difficulties, and many were the expedients proposed by her citizens to se- cure tranquillity. But they were too general in their na- ture, not bearing directly upon the specific causes of con- Dec, tention, to effect their object. One of these agreements adopted at Providence is transcribed by Judge Staples,' who justly says that little good could come of such instru- ments, since those who signed them did not need them, and those who required them would not agree to them, and that every one was left as before to decide whether his own or other's acts were in accordance with their letter or spirit, and hence they would afford new causes of dis- pute, thereby endangering the peace they were intended to promote. The democratic element was too strongly infused, and the conservative principles that underlie it were as yet too little understood by a portion of the peo- ' Annals of Providence, p. 70. GORTON AND WINSLOW IN ENGLAND. 215 pie, to admit of that perfect harmony in civil concerns chap. which the successful application of the same doctrine of ^^ individual responsibility had already produced among 16 4 7. them in religious matters. It is an easier thing to apply the principle of personal liberty in religion than in poli- tics, in the affairs that relate solely to man and his Maker, than in those that pertain to human intercourse. Both applications of the great idea were equally novel. The one had already met with triumphant success, for eleven years of trial among men of various and earnest faith, had established its practicability, while the other was still an experiment of which the result as yet appeared doubtful. Gorton still remained in England, where his presence was required to counteract the designs of the Massachu- setts agent. Winslow attempted to justify the conduct of his government towards the men of Shawomet, by de- nouncing their heresies, but could not satisfy the Admi- ralty that the Massachusetts had any jurisdiction beyond the bounds of their patent, although he pleaded that, " 1st, they were within the jurisdiction of Plymouth or Connecticut, and so the order of the Commissioners of the United Colonies had left them to those of the Massachu- setts ; and 2d, the Indians, upon whose land they dwelt, had subjected themselves and their land to their govern- ment." ' Upon this the committee of Parliament again wrote to Massachusetts, referring to their letter of the jj^^^ previous year, and declaring that " we intended not there- 25. by to encourage any appeals from your justice, nor to re- strain the bounds of your jurisdiction to a narrower com- pass than is held forth by your Letters Patent, but to leave you with all that freedom and latitude that may, in any respect, be duly claimed by you," and adding that if it proves, as claimed, that Narraganset Bay falls within the limits of Plymouth patent, it " will much alter the state of the question." Soon afterwards the committee Hubbard's New England, 507. Winthrop ii. 317. 216 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, wrote another letter, saying that they could not decide ,^_^__, whether Shawomet was covered by any of the New Eng- 16 4 7. land patents, without an examination on the spot, but if 02.' it should so prove they " commend it to the government, within whose jurisdiction they shall appear to be, not only not to remove them from their plantations, but also to encourage them with protection and assistance, in all fit ways ; provided that they demean themselves peacea- bly, &c." Letters to the same effect were sent to the other New England governments. ' It is difficult to see what encouragement could be drawn from these letters, by the parties to w^hom they are addressed, yet the Puritan chroniclers are jubilant over the jjrospect of having their illegal and outrageous pro- ceedings sanctioned by Parliament, and their agent at once " proceeded to have the charter, which they had lately granted to those of Rhode Island and Providence, to be called in, as lying within the patent of Plymouth or Connecticut." In this we know he signally failed. The. town of Warwick being received into the corpo- Aiig. ration on equal terms with those mentioned in the char- ^* ter, conformed to the orders of Assembly by electing a town council, and commenced keeping records. They " made a compact, instigated by their position in regard to Massachusetts, and by the troubles resulting at Pawtuxet from the same source, binding themselves not to convey their property by sale, gift, or otherwise to any but those who should sign this agreement, and prohibiting such conveyance to any other jurisdiction on pain of disfran- chisement and of forfeiture of the whole estate to the town. This article formed the fundamental law of the town. Every inhabitant was required to sign his name to it. It was confirmed a few months later,^ and was always known as " the grand law." ' Both of these letters are given in "Winthrop, ii. 318-20, and are copieJ by Hubbnrd, chap. Iv. ^ 23d January, 1648. See Warwick records. RETURN OF GORTON. 217 But the Massacliusetts were careful not to lose their chap hold upon Warwick through any lapse of watchfulness. .__^_^ Some of their subjects had settled there, and the Indians 1 •> i 7. of Shawomet were under their protection. Complaints were made by both of these of injuries received from in- truders. The corn of the natives had been destroyed, and an English house had been forcibly entered and its occu- pant threatened. The General Court sent three messen- 1647-8. gers to warn off the depredators, and to compel restitu- *^^'"^"- tion. In case they did not obtain satisfaction at War- wick, they were to proceed to Aquedneck and Providence, and demand of the authorities there whether they sanc- tioned these acts.' Gorton, no doubt satisfied that Winslow could effect 1^^ 8' nothing, returned to America in the spring. As in the case of Holden, the Court, upon his arrival at Boston, or- dered his arrest. A letter which he brought from the Earl of Warwick saved him from imprisonment, although so many favored violent proceedings, that the most urgent considerations of State policy alone prevented the Earle's request from being disregarded ; and Gorton was allowed to pass safely to his home only by the casting vote of the Governor. The General Assembly was then in session at Provi- ^^ dence. Two messengers ^ were sent to Boston with a let- ter " concerning the Warwick business," but on reaching Dedham they heard that the General Court was adjourned, and one of them, Barton, a resident of Warwick, wrote 22. to Gov. Winthrop to ascertain how he would be received by him if he continued his journey. What reply, if any, was made to this letter, does not appear. The terms in which it is expressed are almost servile in their extreme courtesy. The narrow escape that Gorton had just had, although protected by the powerful Earl of Warwick, ' Their instructions are found in M. C. R., ii. 228. '■' Captain Clarke and Rufus Barton. 218 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, might Avell teach caution to the humble envoy of Khode Island, and the more so as he was one of the outlawed 16 4 8. company, perhaps himself involved in the recent com- '' ■ plaints. His letter would not here be noticed but for the use made of it by Hubbard, the absurdity of which is too palpable to be passed over. He says : " By the style o this letter it appears how this company were crest-fallen, who but a little before had a mouth speaking great tilings and blasphemies ; but thanks be unto God, they had not power to continue very long ; for being now -reduced to a little more sobriety in their language and behavior, they were permitted quietly to enjoy their possessions at Shaw- omet. This was the issue of the address made by these Gortonists to the Commissioners, who after the great clamor and noise they had made could make nothing ap- pear of that which they had affirmed." That the man- date of the Lord High Admiral of England, and of the Commissioners of Plantations should depend for its fulfil- ment upon the courtly expressions of a letter from an humble inhabitant of Warwick to the magnates of Mas- sachusetts, will excite a smile. That after this the Gor- tonists " were permitted quietly to enjoy their posses- sions," should have caused them to feel ever grateful to their courteous messenger, who had so softened the hearts of their magnanimous oppressors.^ Notwithstanding the concluding assertion of the Ipswich divine, the event proved that they made enough to appear not only to pre- vent the Parliament from revoking their first decision in * Taking Hiibbard's absurd comment as correct, no more palpable instance can be found in history of the truth of the maxim that " nothing is lost by civility." Winthrop inserts Barton's letter, addressed to himself, but does not say what he did about it, nor does he make any comments upon it. The bifotry of Hubbard must have been of the most Pharisaical and self-satisfy- ing kind to enable him to draw, from a private letter of the Warwick mes- senger, any solace for the wound inflicted upon ecclesiastical pretension by triumphant heresy. To attribute, as he does, to the accidental phraseology of such a letter the subsequent compulsory forbearance of the Puritans, is simplj ridiculous. ORGANIZATION OF THE COURT OF COMMISSIONERS. 219 favor of the Gortonists, but also to have it confirmed, a chap. few years later, by Royal charter, to the final discomfiture .^.^^^ of their implacable enemies. 16 48. An amendment of the law organizing the General Court was now made. This Court, composed of six men chosen from each town, soon came to be in fact the Gen- eral Assembly, although if any others chose to remain, those whose help was desired were allowed to do so. In case any town refused to elect members, the Court, by this amendment, was required to choose for them. The General Court, as now constituted, was often called the Court of Commissioners, or the " Committee " — a name still preserved in styling the two branches of Assembly, when united for the choice of ofiicers, " the Grand Com- mittee." The act making this body a General Court of trials was continued. In their judicial capacity they were to hear causes in the place where the action arose or the criminal was arrested, and at such times as were appointed by law. Hence, we presume, arose the custom, existing until a recent date, of the General Assembly's meeting in the difierent chief towns of the State. The first business of the Assembly, or " General Court of Election," as it was termed, when opened for the choice of general officers, was to go into the election. A Moderator and Clerk were chosen ; the State officers were then elected. The Clerk of Assembly was required to send a copy of the proceedings to each town. The changes made at this time were remarkable, when we consider that it was the first election since the gov- ernment was organized. They indicate already the exist- ence of opposing parties. William Coddington was elect- ed President, Roger Williams of Providence, William Balston of Portsmouth, John Smith of Warwick, and Jeremy Clarke of Newport, Assistants. The latter was also continued in his office of Treasurer. Philip Sher- man was chosen General Recorder, and Alexander Par- 220 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, tridge, General Sergeant. By the list of the twenty-four .J.^ members of this Assembly, it appears that one might be 1 6 48. a member from any town, and at the same time a general ^^' officer. The towns were ordered to meet within ten days to choose their town officers. The " Act made and agreed upon for the well-ordering of this Assembly," correspond- ing to our modern " Rules and Orders," is worthy of at- tention for the conciseness and simplicity with which it regulates the business and decorum of the legislative body. , ' " It is ordered, That y^ Moderator shall cause y'' Clark of y^ Assembly to call over the names of the Assembly. " That the Moderator shall appoint every mun to take his place. " That all matters presented to the Assembly's con- sideration, shall be presented in writing by bill. " That each bill be fairly discust, and if by y' major vote of the Assembly it shall be putt to a committee to draw up an order, which being concluded by y" vote, shall stand for an order threwout y" whole colony. " That the Moderator shall putt all matters to vote. " That every man shall have liberty to speak freely to any matter propounded yett but once, unless it be by lease from y' Moderator. " That he that stands uj) first uncovered, shall speake first to the cause. " That the Moderator by y^ vote of y Assembly shall rejourne or dissolve y" Court, and not without, at his great perile. " That he that shall returns not to his place at y* time appointed, shall forfeitt sixpence. " That they that whisper or disturb y' Court, or useth nipping terms, shall forfeitt sixpence for every fault.' " Wm. Dyre, Clerk of the Assembly." * Were the latter rule, especially the last clause of it, now in force, it would aid the revenue of the State ; although it might be difficult to define ■with the precision of a statute what should be held as " nipping terms." CONTINUED DISAGREEMENT AT AQUEDNECK. 221 Complaints were made at this Assembly against the chap. President elect. He was not jiresent at the election, nor ^^^• did he appear to rejtel the charges, whatever they were, in 48. That he was chosen to that high office under such circum- ^ '^- ' stances seems strange. As he continued to absent him- self Jeremy Clark, Assistant, of Newport, was chosen to fill his place temporarily, with the title of President Re- gent ; and provision was made that in case of vacancy by the death, or absence from the colony, of the President, then the Assistant of that town from which the President was chosen should supply his place. The dissensions on the Island were not healed by this May Assembly. Just before it met, the Town Clerk of Ports- mouth was ordered to inform Newport of their decision to act separately The proceedings of the Assembly seem to have widened the breach. It appears that even " the legality of the Corte and orders thereof" was questioned Jnly by Portsmouth. There was evidently some serious trou- ble on the Island, threatening the existence of the colo- ny.' Portsmouth was disaffected, and the conduct of Coddington favored the alienation. His subsequent acts may furnish a clue to his motives at this time, Roger Williams, who appears as a peacemaker in all the troubles of the colony, wrote a letter to the town of Providence, Aug. wherein he represents the State as distracted by two par- ties, Portsmouth and its partisans being one, and the re- maining three towns the other, and suggested a plan of reference by which the dispute might be settled, viz. , that Portsmouth and its friends should select three men, and the other towns three, one from each, whose decision ' It is probable that this difference between Portsmouth and Newport re- fen-ed to the Courts of trials which up to tliis time had been held jointly by the two towns, but were now appointed by the General Assembly to be held separately in each town. This vie\> is strengthened by the passage of an act at the first meeting of the Assembly after the reunion, giving these towna leave to hold their Courts jointly or apart as they pleased. See Act No. 13^ Sept. session, 1654. 222 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. should be final. Unfortunately Mr. Williams does not mention the causes of disagreement. That aifairs in 16 4 8. England, now approaching a crisis, had some influence in these contentions is more than probable. Coddington was a royalist, and was about attempting to withdraw the island from the other towns and unite it to Plymouth. Clarke and Eastcn were republicans, and leaders of the dominant party on the island. The hostile attitude of the Indians, occasionecT by the determination of the United Colonies to protect Uncas at every hazard, from the punishment due to his crime at the hand of the Narragansets, caused more- serious alarm than ever betbre. The dissensions prevaiUng among them, those of Shawomet and Pawtuxet owning allegiance to Massachusetts, and viewing as enemies all Englishmen whom she denounced, while the Niantics and Nipmucks remained true to their j)roper princes, made the situation of Khode Island, surrounded as she was by these dis- ^^pt- tracted and exasperated tribes, extremely perilous. The inhabitants of Warwick sutfered severely from this cause. A letter written by Mr. John Smith, Assistant, in behalf of the town, was carried by Kandal Holden and John Warner to Plymouth, where the New England Commis- sioners were convened. They comj)]ained that the In- dians had killed their cattle, abused their servants, en- tered their houses by force, maltreating the occupants, and stealing their goods ; and desired advice on the sub- ject. This was a proper course to adopt, since those In- dians were under their protection. But the island of Khode Island went still further. Mr. Coddington, who had been chosen President of the colony, but had never taken his engagement, with Captain Partridge, the Gen- eral Sergeant, presented, at the same time, a written re- quest, signed by themselves in behalf of Khode Island, " That wee the Ilanders of Roode Hand may be recaived into combination with all the united colonyes of New Sept. AQUEDNECK ASKS TO JOIN^ THE N. ENGLAND LEAGUE. 223 England in a prime and perpetuall league of friendship chap. and amity : of ofence and defence, Mutuall advice and .^^.^J^ succor upon all just occasions for our mutuall safety and 1^6 4 8; wellfaire, and for preserving of peace amongst ourselves, and preventing as much as may bee all occasions of warr and Diference, and to this our motion we have the consent of the major part of our Hand." ' This appears almost like an act of treason against the colony ; much more so than those acts which a few years later gave rise to the famous trials for that crime. But the imminent danger to which they were exposed might excuse a greater sacrifice than they proposed, while it makes the refusal they received appear absolutely inhu- man. That the islanders intended nothing more than a defensive alliance which would not compromise their posi- tion as members of the colony under the charter, may be inferred from their refusal of the offered terms of safety. It is unfortunate that any expression occurs in the petition that could be construed as an allusion to their mternal difficulties, for it strengthens the evidence that Codding- ton, and many whom he represented, inclined to accede to the terms imposed. The Commissioners, in their reply, commiserate the petitioners uj^on their domestic strifes, and the dangers of their position, but, claiming the island to be within Plymouth patent, they refuse the request un- less this claim should be recog-nized. This answer miofht have been expected from the treatment Rhode Island had before received."^ It is said that Coddington and the town of Portsmouth were willing to accept the condition, but were prevented by the other towns. Had they submitted the charter would have been virtually annulled by the act of its holders, and the schemes of the surrounding colo- nies to appropriate the rest of the State might have ' Hazard's State Papers, ii. 99. ^ In Oct., 16iO, when a league was first proposed, and in May, 1643. wlien it was formed. 12. 224 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, proved successful.' Rhode Island would soon have been ,2.^^ absorbed by Massachusetts and Connecticut. 16 48. The notice taken of the "Warwick complaint was rather IQ * remarkable. The Commissioners wrote a letter to the sachems, advising them to abstain from such conduct in future, and telling them that, if. they received any injury from the English, satisfaction should be given them, as the like would be expected from them.^ The mildness of this rebuke to their offending subjects, contrasts with, the se- verity of the terms dictated to the islanders. Scarcely had this missive been sent when letters were received from Eoger Williams and others, warning the United Colonies of preparations making by the Narragansets to renew the war on Uncas. Messengers were sent to Pessacus requir- ing him to desist, and demanding anew the arrears of tribute. Acts of violence were becoming daily more fie- quent. The United Colonies, as they were in no small degree the cause of these outrages, were looked to for re- dress by the sufferers. Henry Bull, of Newport, soon af- Q . terward complained that he had been beaten by some 7. Narraganset Indians, and asked aid in obtaining satisfac- tion. He was referred to Rhode Island for relief, and further referred to the advice lately given to the islanders how they might secure protection. A copy of the letter to the sachems, that was given to the Warwick men, was also furnished to him, " for his future security." This paper, in the opinion of the Commissioners, possessed the virtue of a passport. ^ Hutchinson, i. p. 150, note, says : " Plymouth would soon have been swallowed up in Rhode Island from the great superiority of the latter. Be- sides, the principles of the people of the two colonies were so different that a junction must have rendered both miserable." But as Plymouth was herself annexed to Massachusetts in 1692, when the provincial government was formed under Sir William Phipps, the whole of Rhode Island, under this sup- position, except the King's province, claimed by Connecticut, would then have belonged to Massachusetts. « Hazard, ii. 100-1. CODDINGTON SAILS FOR ENGLAND. 225 Coddington, having failed In his attempt to detach the chap island from the other towns, soon after sailed for England vjl^ to procure for it a separate charter. His design was not 1*348-9. known at the time. His daughter accompanied him, and 29. . Captain Partridge was left to manage his affairs, includ- ing, no doubt, his political interests. The discovery of what was supposed to be gold and silver ore upon the island, caused great excitement in the colony. A special meeting of the General Assembly was ^*^ch. held at Warwick. No record of it remains, but by the letter of Roger Williams, and from other sources, we are informed of its proceedings. The distracted state of the towns, and the importance attached to this discovery of precious metals, probably led to the meeting. The vio- lence of party sjjirit had so compromised many of the leading men in the colony that, to the sagacious mind of Williams, the only mode of escape from increasing dan- ger was by the passage of a general " act of oblivion." At his suggestion such an act was passed. Mr. Williams was not present at that session, but was elected Deputy President of the Colony, probably owing to his constant efforts to promote peace. He declined the honor, and in a letter to Mr. John Winthrop ^ says, " I hope they have chosen a better," but they did not, and Mr. Williams acted as President till the election in May. ^ The son of Gov. Winthrop of Massachusetts, himself afterwards Gover- nor of Connecticut. The father died at this time, March, 1649, so that we have no longer his reliable journal, the last entry in which is on Jan. 11th, as a guide. This book, with its full and admirable notes by the editor, Hon. James Savage, is worth all the other authorities on this period of New Eaecause it yet FOURTH GENERAL ELECTION. 229 needed confirmation. And tlds might be the reason why chap. the freemen of Portsmouth, as a matter of precaution, ,^,.^_;^ retained the old form of expression ; or perhaps that they 16 49. did so was owing to the fact of the predominance of the n^ royalist or Coddington jmrty in that town. The news was confirmed by an arrival from England the following week. The Warwick men again wrote to the Commissioners of the United Colonies, sittino; at Boston, to complain of J^ily .26 the Indians, and to remind them of the order of Parlia- ment that they should be protected.' The Commission- ers, in their reply, deny having received any such com- mand, or that the petitioners could reasonably expect aid 31. in their position, but say they are ready to obey the order requiring them to ascertain under what patent the lands of Warwick are included.^ The next General Court of election was held at New- i g 5 0. port at the same time with that at Boston. At both bus- iness of great importance, affecting the relations of the two colonies, was transacted. That there was some diffi- culty in this election is evident from the record of a vote that it should " be authentic notwithstanding all obstruc- .-^a^ tions against it." Nicholas Easton was chosen President ; William Field of Providence, John Porter of Portsmouth, John Clarke of Newport, and John Wicks of Warwick, Assist- ants ; Philip Sherman, Kecorder ; Richard Knight, Ser- geant, and John Clarke, Treasurer. An Attorney Gen- eral and Solicitor General were also appointed, for the first time, and their duties defined. William Dyre was chosen to the first-named office, and Hugh Bewett to the latter. The committee of each town, which should con- sist of six men, were empowered to fill any vacancy in their number. It was also ordered that in case any mem- ber, upon complaint and trial, should prove to be unfit to hold his seat, the Assembly might suspend him, and » In the letter of July 22, 164-7, ante. ' Hazard, ii. 135. 22. 230 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. choose another in his place. Heretofore the Assembly had been usually styled " the Court of Commissioners/' the term General Assembly aj^plying only to a meeting of all the people ; but we have seen that gradually the legisla- tive power had centred in this Court, and they now, for the first time, style themselves the General Assembly, and fix their salaries at two and sixpence a day. The order apportioning the amount of military stores to be kept by each town, gives an idea of their relative strength at this period. Providence and Warw'ick were each to have one barrel of powder, five hundred pounds of lead, six pikes and six muskets in their magazines, fit for service. Portsmouth was to have twice this amount, or as much as both of these towns, and Newport was to have three barrels of powder, a thousand pounds of lead, twelve pikes and twenty-four muskets. Each town was to regulate its own militia. By an order of the previous Assembly letters had been sent to the Pawtuxet men, respecting their allegiance to the colony, and a summons issued to the sachems of Paw- tuxet and Shawomet to attend upon the Court. This procedure led the parties to petition the General Court of Massachusetts, complaining, as usual, of injuries received, and asking redress. Upon this the General Court ad- dressed a letter to Khode Island, advising all whom it concerned, not to prosecute any suits against the subjects of Massachusetts, nor to do them any harm till they should hear again from the Court, which would not be long. June A committee was appointed to treat with Plymouth about the title to the land of Shawomet and Pawtuxet, and protection to the English and Indian subjects of Mas- sachusetts at those places. The' Court adjourned for a few days to await the issue of the negotiation. The General Court of Plymouth was then in session. By a formal in- strument they resigned all claim to the territory in ques- tion, yielding in every thing to the proposals of Massachu- 30. PLYMOUTH CEDES DISPUTED LANDS TO MASSACHUSETTS. 231 setts, but with one proviso, that does honor to their sense chap. of justice, and to their clearness of perception, viz., that ^ "" the lands of Pro\adence should not be included in the relin- quishment, but should remain as before to be freely enjoyed by the inhabitants. That Providence should be named at all in the deed of cession, since it was not referred to in the instructions of the Committee, is proof that Ply- mouth suspected, and not without reason, that the design of Massachusetts embraced more than she professed, and by making this exception she declared her own opinion of the rights of the people in Providence, and barred any claim that Massachusetts might aftei-ward set up to that territory, based upon the action of Plymouth in this case.' The Court having reassembled at Boston, received the re- port of their committee, and proceeded to annex their newly-acquired possessions to the county of Suffolk. They also, in gratitude to Captain Atherton, for his ser- 20. vices in this and in the brutal affair with Pessacus,- voted him a farm of five hundred acres. The officers of the County Court were authorized to treat with any of the Warwick associates who might appear to complain of this outside disposition of themselves and their property. There is one question that the high contracting par- ties to this remarkable transfer of land and power, to which neither had any right, quite overlooked. Admit- ting that the claim of either one of them under their pa- tents was valid, how could that one lawfully divest itself of, or invest another government with, a portion of its power ; or how could the recipient, simply on the ground that the cession was voluntary, enlarge the limits of its own patent ? The illegality on both sides is apparent. The injustice to the rightful owners need not be consid- ered after the outrages they had suffered seven years be- fore. These acts called for decisive action on the part of ' M. C. R, iv. Part I. 14-20. * Close of chap, vi., ante. 232 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Rbode Island. The President of the colony called a con- .2^^ vention, composed of a special committee of three from each 1650. town, to meet at Portsmouth, to deliherate on the con- '2^; duct of Massachusetts in the premises. No report of their proceedings can be found. But these convenient inter- changes of jurisdiction were not yet ended. The Com- missioners of the United Colonies advised, for many co- Sept, g^iit reasons, that Warwick and Pawtuxet should 1^.6 re- 1^- stored to Plymouth.' The General Court yielded the ig ' point, and re-assigned the territory to Plymouth.*^ Pres- ident Easton had written to Massachusetts that Rhode Island and Warwick now formed one colony,' and would defend her rights. Letters were sent to Rhode Island, ^^' forbidding her to exercise jurisdiction over Shawomet, to the Pawtuxet men to transfer their allegiance to Ply- mouth, and to Gov. Bradford that he should protect them and the subject Indians. 26. The General Assembly met at Portsmouth. The or- der })rescribing the mode of passing general laws was re- pealed and a new one made. The Assembly, or '' Repre- sentative Committee," as it is here termed, having enacted any laws, these were to be sent to the towns within six days after the adjournment, and then, within three days, to be read in town meeting. Any freeman who dishked the laws or any one of them, was to send his vote, with his name U]:ion it, within ten days after the reading, to the General Recorder. If a majority were found to op- pose it the Recorder should signify the fact to the Presi- dent, and the President to the towns, that such" law was annulled. Silence as to the rest was considered assent. Banishment, as a punishment, was abolished. Divorce was prohibited except, at the suit of the party aggrieved, for adultery. Roger Williams was urged once more to go to Eng- land. The active measures taken by the other colonies ' Hazard ii. 153-'4. " M. C. R. iii. 216. FRESH TROUBLES THREATEN THE COLONY. 233 in regard to Warwick and Pawtuxet, required that Khode chap. Island should be represented before the Committee of JJJ^ Plantations. The sum of one hundred pounds voted l 6 5 c three years before, in remuneration of his services in ob- ^q taining the charter, had never been paid, although at- tempts had been made to raise the money by taxation. The Assembly now voted to pay the arrears, and one hundred pounds more, if he would go a second time, but if he would not, Mr. Balston, John Clarke and John War- ner were named, any two of them to go. This was the last session of the General Assembly, as at first constituted, under the charter. A more serious calamity than any that the malice or the ambition of her neighbors could inflict, was about to overwhelm the State, and for a time to palsy the arm of the sons of Rhode Island. -, ^ - -, In the following spring there was no meeting of the May Assembly. News of Coddington's design had been re- ceived, althouo;h his success was not vet known. Con- sternation pervaded the colony. Within and without, at home and abroad, enemies to the peace and Hberty of the State appeared on every side. The Pawtuxet men com- plained to Massachusetts that Providence had assessed them to the amount of twelve pounds ten shillings, and on their refusal to pay the tax had threatened them with distraint. Upon this the General Court sent a letter to 22. Koger WilliaDis, warning him that if this levy was made they would seek satisfaction '"' in such manner as God shall put into their hands."' Amid these complicated ^ M. C. R. iii. 228, and iv. part. i. i&. There could be no mistaking the meaning of this. Tlie Puritans in their dealings with their weaker neigh- bors, English or Indians, evidently believed with the Great Frederick, that " Providence favors the strong battalions." Their reliance upon Divine aid in all their forays, attempted or threatened, into Rhode Island, was of that eommendably precautionary character displayed by Cromwell in the order to his troops at " the crowning mercy of Worcester," which was fought on a rainy day — " Tnist in God but keep your powder dry ! "' 10. 234 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, difficulties, an outrage was committed upon some of the ^^^-^.l^ best men of Rhode Island, wluch is without a parallel 1651. save in the treatment of the Gortonists. Rev. John Clarke, pastor of the first Baptist church in Newport, Obadiah Holmes, who shortly before had aided to estab- lish a church of that order in Seekonk, and, being pre- sented for it by the grand jury at the General Court of jyj^ Plymouth, had fled to Newport,' and John Crandall, a 16. member of the same church, were deputed by the, church to visit an aged member, residing near Lynn, who had re- quested an interview with some of his brethren. Arriv- ing at the place on Saturday, Mr. Clarke preached the next day to those who were in the house. While thus 20. engaged two constables served on them a warrant for the arrest of the " erroneous persons, being strangers." In the afternoon they were carried to church by the officer, where, after service, Clarke addressed the congregation till silenced by a magistrate. Next day, although being under arrest, he administered the communion to the aged oc) member. of his church and to two others. The party were examined and ordered to be sent to Boston, where they 25. were imprisoned to await their trial the following week. At the trial Gov. Endicott charged them with being ana- baptists. Clarke denied that he was either an anabaptist, a pedobaptist, or a catabaptist, and affirmed, that al- though ho had baptized many he had never re-baptized any, for that infant baptism was a nullity. The others agreed in this, and the Court sentenced them upon their own declarations, '" without producing either accuser, wit- ness, jury, law of God, or man." Clarke was fined twenty pounds, Holmes thirty pounds, and Crandall five pounds, and in default of payment each was "to be well whipped." They refused to pay the fine, as that would be to admit their guilt when they felt they were innocent, and were ' After the death of Dr. Clarke he succeeded him as pastor of the New- port church. Knowles', 239, note. 81. PERSECUTION OF THE BAPTISTS. 235 committed to prison. On the following day Clarke, by a chap. • V T T letter to the Court, challenged the members to a discus- sion of the doctrinal views for which he had been con- demned. The magistrates appointed a time for the de- bate. Clarke prepared the heads of discussion, but be- fore the day arrived an order of Court was sent to the jail for his discharge, the fine having been paid by some one n without his knowledge. Anxious to hold the debate, and seeing how this ill-timed kindness might be represented as being caused by his desire to avoid it, Clarke, on the same day, renewed the challenge, offering to come to Boston at any time they might name. In their reply the Court seemed to accept the invitation, but fixed no time. Cotton was to be the chosen champion of Puritan theology — the man of all others, as the leader of their church, with whom Clarke most desired to meet, and to discuss the two great principles of Baptist faith, voluntary baptism and individual responsibility. These were the two grand points upon which Church and State in Massachusetts were .antagonist to the sentiment of Rhode Island. But although Mr. Clarke a third time notified the Court of his ^^ readiness, they failed to appoint a day, so that the debate was never held, Crandall was allowed to go home on bail, the jailer being his surety. Holmes was so cruelly whipped, receiving thirty lashes with a three-corded whip from the public executioner, that for many days he could g^pj^ take no rest except by supporting himself on his elbows 5. and knees. Two of the spectators, one an old man named Hazel, who had come from Seekonk, fifty miles, to visit him in prison, were arrested for shaking hands with him after the punishment was over, and were sentenced to pay a fine or to be whipped. The fine was paid by their Iriends, but Hazel died before reaching home.' ' See ni Xewes from New England, by John Clarke, London, 1652, 4to., 76 pp. The writer consulted the copy in the British Museum. This very scarce work by one of the ablest men of the seventeenth century, and a 236 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Thus severely was the savage law of 1644, against ,^_^ the anabaptists, carried out by magistrates and ministers, 1651. who shunned a discussion of the doctrines which they ig- norantly denounced. founder of Rhode Island, has lately been reprinted by the Mass. Hist. Soc,, in the 2d vol. of the 4th series of their Collections. » ABEIVAL OF CODDINGTON IN ENGLAND. 2S'7 16 46. CHAPTEE VIII. 1651—1663. FROM THE USURPATION OF CODDINGTOJf, AUGUST, 1651, TO THE ADOPTION OF THE ROYAL CHARTER, NOVEMBER, 1663. When Coddington arrived in England the King was (j^^p^ already beheaded, the House of Lords had been voted ^'^^^• useless, the Commonwealth was declared, and the supreme i 6 4 'J. power vested in the hands of forty persons as a Coun- cil of State. A revolution as complete had taken place in ecclesiastical affairs. Episcopacy had been abolished three years before ; the Directory had supplanted ihe Liturgy ; a greater part of the livings were distributed among the Presbyterian clergy, and finally Presbyterian- ism was established by act of Parliament as the national faith. The new church were as tenacious of their " di- vine right," as ever the old one had been. The rights of conscience were as little understood or respected by Pres- byterians as by Prelatists. Toleration was denied to the Independents by both alike. Humanity gained nothing by the change till the master-spirit of Cromwell curbed the persecuting will of these Protestant Papists. For two years the efforts of Coddington were without result. More momentous concerns than any that related to distant plantations employed the Council. At length he obtained ^ e 5 1. a hearing. By what representations, or through what in- 1649 ?M^8 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, fluence he succeeded in virtually undoing the acts of the Long Parliament in favor of Rhode Island, we can never know. He obtained from the Council of State a com- mission, signed by John Bradshaw, to govern the islands of Rhode Island and Connanicut during his life, with a council of six men, to be named by the people and ap- proved by himself. With this authoritative document Aug. i^g returned home to sever the islands from the main land towns, and to be in effect the autocrat of the fairest and wealthiest portion of the State. Great was the alarm felt throughout the colony, more especially by the large party in the now subjected islands who, being opposed to Coddington, found themselves, as they thought, at the mercy of a dictator. This party at once prepared to send John Clarke to England, to obtain a revocation of Cod- dington's powers. Providence and "Warwick recognized the peril to which their charter was exposed, and has- tened the departure of Roger Williams to secure to them Sept. again the rights he had first obtained. William Arnold, •'•• one of the Massachusetts subjects at Pawtuxet, wrote to the Commissioners of the United Colonies to inform them of this movement, that Warwick had already raised one hundred pounds, and men in Providence were giving ten or twenty pounds apiece to sjjced the object of Williams' mission. John Greene, in behalf of Warwick, the same day officially notified the Commissioners, that as the United Colonies had failed to conform to the order of Parliament to protect them, but as they " were bought and sold from one patent and jurisdiction to another," had been threatened with expulsion since the above order was received, summoned to attend Courts in Massachusetts, deprived of trade, and exposed to violence from both Eng- lish and Indians, therefore they should send a messenger to England to obtain redress, and the United Colonies might instruct their agents accordingly to prepare their answers. This official notice was a gratuitous act of WILLIAMS AND CLARKE PROCEED TO ENGLAND. 239 courtesy on the part of Warwick that was not appreciated chap. by the Commissioners. ^^-L The United Colonies coldly recognized the commission 1651 of Coddington, and addressed him a letter inquiring what ""^g " course he would pursue as to fugitives from justice ; whether he would return them on legal demand, or bring them to trial on the island. The Warwick letter caused much discussion. The Massachusetts members of the Commission presented a declaration on the subject, to which those of Plymouth replied, disowning the cession made to Massachusetts the previous year, and protesting against the seizures she had made at Shawomet and Pawtuxet. The other members, on the ground that Ply- mouth had refused to accept the transfer made by Massa- chusetts, recognized the claim, of the latter, and concluded that trespasses committed by the Warwick men should be punished by f )rce if necessary, " but with as much moderation as may be." ^ A General Assembly of the two remaining towns was Oct. called, at which Samuel Gorton was chosen President. Roger Williams was urged, by every consideration that could move him in such a crisis, to leave home to advo- cate the cause of the colony in England. On the island forty-one of the inhabitants of Portsmouth, and sixty- five, being nearly all of the freemen, in Newj)ort, joined to persuade Dr. Clarke to go out and obtain a repeal of Coddington's commission. They both consented to go. Mr. Williams was obliged to sell his trading-house in Narraganset, to sustain his family during his absence. The objects of their missions were distinct. Clarke was the agent of the island towns, to procure a repeal of Coddington's commission. Williams was the agent of the main land towns, to obtain a confirmation of their charter. In effect the same result was aimed at and se- cured — a return to their former mode of government by ' Hazard's State Papers, ii. 198-203. 240 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. a reunion under the charter. The two agents sailed to- gether, with some difficulty securing leave to embark from Boston. The Court of Commissioners, the relic of the colonial Assembly, being the committees of Providence and. War- wick, met at Providence to consult on the state of the colony. They resolved to continue under the charter, making laws and choosing officers as before. They re- enacted several laws, modified to meet their present con- dition, and also passed an act forbidding the purchase of land from the Indians, without consent of the State, 165 2. Williams and Clarke presented a joint petition to the ■A-pril Council of State, which was referred to the committee on 8 foreign affairs. The island meanwhile quietly submitted to the rule of Coddington. The main land towns held May their regular Court of Election in the spring. John ^^' Smith was chosen President of the colony ; Thomas 01- ney of Providence, Samuel Gorton of Warwick, General Assistants ; John Greene, jr.. Recorder ; Eandall Holden, Treasurer ; and Hugh Bewett, Sergeant. At this session the famous law against slavery was passed, believed to be, with one exception,' the first leg- islative enactment in the history of this continent, If not of the world, for the suppression of involuntary servitude. This law was designed to prevent both negro and white slavery, each of which was in use at that time. By it no man could be held to service more than ten years from the time of his coming into the colony, at the end of which time he was to be set free. Whoever" refused tc let him go free, or sold him elsewhere for a longer period of slavery, was subject to a penalty of forty pounds. Between Rhode Island and the Dutch at Manhattan, there existed quite an active trade, and occasional inter- marriages resulted from the intercourse thus maintained. A serious disturbance occurred at this time in Warwick. ' The Act of Massachusetts, 4th Nov., IG46, in 2 M. C. R., IG8. DUTCH DISTURBANCE AT WARWICK. 241 The crew of a small Dutch vessel which had arrived there chap. in January, on a trading voyage, boarded for some two ^^^^• months with John Warner, who was this year the As- 1652. sistant or second magistrate of the town, and had stored their goods in his house for sale. One of these men, named Geraerd, was a connection of Warner, both having married into the family of Ezekiel Holliman. Upon settling their accounts a dispute arose, which it was vainly attempted to adjust by arbitration, and the Dutchmen appealed to the Court. At their request a ^ j^jj special session was held. Warner refused to answer to the case, and judgment was entered against him by de- fault, and execution granted for the damages assessed by a jury. Warner's wife was also indicted upon suspicion of felony, and the case carried up to the General Court of trials for the colony. The conduct of Warner before and 24. at this trial was so bad that he was degraded from his office as Assistant and disfranchised. A copy of the dec- laration was sent to Providence, and also to Massachu- setts, and the whole proceedings upon the case were after- wards forwarded to Roger Williams in England. A few , » ^ , , o June weeks later, " upon suspicion of insufferable treachery 7. against the town," which is conveyed in the seventh item of the declaration, his house and lands were attached. For want of proof the property was shortly released, but jjjjy not without a formal protest being entered upon the rec- 5. ords by the leading men of the town. The proceedings are so remarkable, and the form of the declaration, re- sembling somewhat the indictment against Gorton/ is so curious that they should be preserved.^ The war between England and Holland having com- -^ menced, the Dutch were forbidden to trade with the In- 19. dians in the colony, and the President was instructed to notify the Governor of Manhattan ^ of this prohibition. * Ante, chap. vi. p. 170. ' See Appendix B. * Peter Stuyvesant. This prohibition waa repealed in May, 1657. VOL. I. — 16 242 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP Letters from Roger Williams caused a town meeting tc _^_;^ be held in Providence, at which a letter was directed to 165 2. be sent to Warwick, proposing a meeting of Commission- '27^ ers to prepare suitable replies. The town of Warwick agreed to the proposal, and further suggested a conference 29. with the island towns, with a view to their all uniting to obtain a renewal of the charter, as such united action would remove some obstacles then existing, by reason of the separate duties of the two agents, and would, -also help to secure to the colony the Narraganset country, which ^y„ the Greenwich men were striving to obtain. A meeting 2. was accordingly held, but no record of it remains. Another letter from Mr. Williams, saying that the 8. Council had granted leave to the colony to go on under the charter until the controversy was decided, gave great satisfaction. A few days later an order of Council was 2 ■ issued vacating the commission of Coddington, and direct- ing the towns again to unite under the charter. The mission was successful at every jjoint. The agents re- mained- in England on their private business, and also to sustain the rights of the colony, while William Dyre, who had probably gone out with them, returned home with the joyful news. The General Assembly met at Providence, and passed two important acts, an alien and a libel law. By the former no foreigner was to be received as a freeman in any town, or to have any trade with the Indians, but by con- sent of the Assembly. The latter made disparaging lan- guage, spoken in malice, actionable in every town. The^ also wrote to Roger Williams a letter of thanks for his services, the successful result of which was not yet known to them, and proposed that he should get himself ap- pointed Governor of the colony for one year, as it would give weight to the government. This proposal affords the Btrongest proof of the respect and confidence felt in the colony towards its illustrious Founder. But Williams 28. TRIAL OF BEWETT FOR HIGH TREASON. 243 had little desire for power. Such a course would have chap • V T T T established a dangerous precedent, and might appear to _,^ take from the colony a portion of its liberty in the selec- 1652. tion of oflScers. They also wrote a letter to the town of Warwick, where doubts had been expressed as to the le- gality of the Assembly, protesting against such expres- sions as tending to discredit the authority of the Assem- bly, thereby weakening the government, and likewise af- firming both the validity of the committee chosen from Warwick, and the legality of the Court. The occasion for such a letter displays the lamentable distraction that pervaded the colony at this time. A more serious cause of dissension led to a special I^^c. 20 meeting of the Court of Commissioners at Warwick. The President of the colony and the Warwick Assistant, upon an examination before the Court of Trials, charged Hugh Bewett, one of the committee from Providence, with hio'h treason. The trial lasted four davs, and re- suited in the acquittal of the prisoner, thus reversing the decision of the Court of Trials, and thereby increasing the divisions in the colony. The grounds of the indictment cannot now be ascertained. Upon the arrival of WilUam Dyre from England, with ig52-3. the repeal of Coddington's power, he wrote letters to Feb. Warwick and to Providence, naming a day when he would meet all the freemen w^ho chose to appear at Portsmouth, to communicate the orders of the Council of State. A 20. town meeting was held in Providence, at which, in accord- ance with a request from Warwick,^ a meeting of the Commissioners of the two towns was agreed upon. It was held at Pawtuxet the following week. This Assem- bly drafted a reply to a letter from the island, relating to a reunion of the colony, and appointed two of the mem- bers from each town to carry it, and to consult with those of the island concerning the peace and welfare of the * Warwick records of 22d P'ebruary, 1652. 244 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. State. Their labor was fruitless. The point of difficulty was this. The mainland towns contended that they were 1652-3. the Providence Plantations, their charter never having Feb. . been vacated, and their government having continued un- interrupted by the defection of the island, and therefore the General Assembly to hear the orders of Council, should be held with them. The island towns claimed that as they formed the greater part of the colopy, and hence had a larger interest in the matter, the_. Assembly should meet there. The original letters from the Council of State were deposited by Dyre with the town clerk of Newport, from whom certified copies were obtained, after some trouble, by the other towns. Neither party was dis- March posed to yield. On the following Monday an Assembly ^- of the colony, as it was called, met at Portsmouth, " to hear and receive the orders from y* right Honorable y' Council of State." The officers who had been displaced by Coddington's commission were reinstated until the next election, which was appointed for the usual time. Proposals for reunion, and for the government of the col- ony till the ensuing election, were sent to Providence by jg the town of Newport. The mainland towns replied that they were ready to meet by Commissioners, and desired the island to ajjpoint the time, to arrange all matters. They did not accept the terms proposed by Newport, nor was any meeting of Commissioners appointed by the island. The division therefore continued for another year, to the imminent peril of the liberties of the colony and of its internal peace. Two distinct Assemblies convened for a general elec- ^jjy ' tion at the same time. That of the mainland towns met 16-17. at Providence, the other at Newport, each sitting for two days. By the former a letter was sent to the island, giv- ing as a reason why they did not meet with them, that the island had not given any notice of agreement to meet them by Commissioners, and hence they must proceed TWO DISTINCT ASSEMBLIES. — NEW ENGAGEMENT. 245 with their own election as before. They chose Gregory chap. Dexter, President ; Stiikely Westcott, General Assistant .__^_1, for Warwick ; John Sayles, General Assistant for Provi- 16 5 3. dence, and Treasurer ; John Greene, Recorder, and Hugh 16-I7, Bewitt, Sergeant. The Council of State having directed the colony to annoy the Dutch, with whom war had been declared, it was ordered that no provisions should be sent to the Dutch ; that each plantation should prepare for its defence ; and that no seizures of Dutch property should be made in the name of the colony without a commission from the General Court. All legal process was to issue in the name of the Commonwealth of England, and in Providence and Warwick an engagement in these words was subscribed upon their records : — " I do declare and promise that I will be true aijd faithful to the Common- wealth of England, as it is now established, without a Kinge or House of Lords." ' The enemies of Rhode Island afterwards sought to injure her position with the King on account of this en- gagement, but did not succeed. The only policy that Rhode Island could adopt was that which is pursued at this day by the United States in its intercourse with for- eign countries, to acknowledge the government de facto. To that government, whether royalist, republican, or prOp tectorate, she was always loyal, and her success from that cause rankled in the breasts of her Puritan opponents, whose professions of loyalty to the Kings were equally loud and much less sincere. The Assembly at Newport elected John Sandford, sen.. President ; Nicholas Easton of Newport, and Robert 17-18. Borden of Portsmouth, Assistaiits ; William Lytherland, Recorder ; Richard Knight, Sergeant ; John Coggeshall, Treasurer, and John Easton, Attorney General. They re-established the code of 1647, and gave liberty to the mainland towns to choose their own General Assistants, ' Warwick records, 8th March, 1652-3. J46 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; in case they decided to unite "with the island. The next day some freemen from Providence and Warwick came to the Assembly, and an election for Assistants of those towns was made, Thomas Olney was chosen for Provi- dence, and Randal Holden for Warwick, thus making two sets of Assistants for the mainland towns, and raising a question of conflicting powers to render the difficulties yet more complicated. Mr. Coddington, upon demand of the Assembly to surrender the statute book and records, declined to do so without advice from his CouncU, having received no order from England to resign his commission, or ' any proof, as he said, that it had been annulled. A more inextricable series of entanglements than now existed in the colony could not well be imagined. Active measures were taken against the Dutch. Can- non and smaller arms, and twenty volunteers were voted for the aid of the English on Long Island. Commissions to act against the enemy were granted to Capt. John Un- derbill, Wilham Dyre and Edward Hull, and a Court of Admiralty for the trial of prizes was appointed, consisting of the general officers and three jurors from each town. The island was more energetic than the mainland in these measures, assuming at once offensive ground, while the latter acted chiefly on the defensive. Both did more than the United Colonies, who, although they had re- ceived similar orders from the Council of State, were more prudent, if not lukewarm, in their conduct. This mili- tary proclivity in Rhode Island was early shown. Their exposed position made it necessary on account of the In- dians in the first instance, and long habit cultivated the martial spirit of the people till it became a second nature. Their maritime advantages favored commercial enter- prise, and the two combined prepared them for those naval exploits which in after years shed so much glory on the State. That the bold proceedings of the Island As- CONTINUED DISSENSIONS IN THE COLONY. 247 sembly were considered rash by the rest of the colony, chap appears from a remonstrance made by the Court of Com- _l, missioners, assembled at Providence for this purpose. 165 3. The acceptance of commissions to fight against the Dutch was a direct violation of their act in May, and as they claimed to be the lawful Assembly under the charter, they at once disfranchised those who owned the validity of those commissions, until they should give satisfaction to Providence and Warwick. The remonstrance recited the attempts made at re-union, as before given, and denounced the conduct of the Island Assembly in granting com- missions of reprisal, not only as rash in the feeble condi- tion of the colony, but as subversive of all government, in that they assumed to do it by authority of the whole colony. In conclusion an ajjpeal to England was threat- ened in case the iskind should attempt to engage the main- land towns in the said commissions, or to molest them on that account. The Court adjourned to meet at the call of either of the General Assistants. This was not long delayed. The Pawtuxet men again, as two years before, peti- tioned Massachusetts on the subject of taxes levied by the Providence Plantations. The General Court sent a letter protesting against such exaction, or the exercise of any sort of jurisdiction over its subjects, and granting leave to them to arrest and sue in the county Courts any person of another government that should usurp over them, whenever such person or his property should be found within the jurisdiction of Massachusetts.' To reply to this protest a special session of the Commissioners was Aug held at Warwick. No copy of the reply remams. The decided conduct of the island in the Dutch war increased the dissensions of the State, and involved her in further controversies with her neighbors. Capt. Hull, under his commission, captured a French ship in a mode 1 M. C. R. iv. Part 1, U9. 248 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, alleged by Massachusetts, in a letter to Rhode Island, to 21^ he unlawful. Among the reasons for this allegation, the 16 53. dissolution of the Parliament was mentioned. This was seized upon by Gorton as a ground of accusation against Massachusetts in England, whither the original letter, signed by the magistrates, was . to be sent as evidence, g with other charges, against them. William Arnold, of 5. Pawtuxet, w^-ote to the General Court, informing^ them of this design.' Great anxiety was felt by the United Colonies lest the Indians should ally with the Dutch, The Council of Massachusetts had sent two messengers ] y_ in the spring to question Pessicus, Ninigret and Mexham, the son of Canonicus, being the three chief sachems of the Narragansets, upon this subject. They all denied any such intention, but their denial did not satisfy the Confederates,^ who, at their next meeting, hearing of an j2 ' assault made by the Narragansets upon the Long Island Indians, again sent messengers to them, demanding an account of their conduct. The explanation not being 20. satisfactory war was declared against the Narragansets, but Massachusetts deeming the cause insufficient, refused to raise her quota of troops, so the expedition was aban- doned.^ The energy of the Rhode Island privateers had alarmed the United Colonies in the spring. Another seizure, of one of their own vessels, by Capt. Baxter, un- der a commission from this colony, caused them to send a special messenger with a letter to Rhode Island, re- monstrating against the act. The Desire, of Barnstable, belonging to Samuel Mayo, was seized in Hempstead har- bor, an English settlement within the Dutch limits, hav- ing stores on board, which the owner affirmed were in- tended for a plantation of English at Oyster Bay. Lieut. * Hazard's State Papers, i. 582. ' The queries, eleven in number, with the answers of each sachem, are given in full in Hazard, ii. 20.5-9. » Hazard ii. 283-5, 288-93. 13. ACTS OF RHODE ISLAND PEIVATEERS. 249 Hudson was instructed to learn by what authority Rhode chap. Island issued letters of marque, and also to demand sat- «^.^ isfaction for Mayo. President Easton replied that the lfo3. colony was authorized to act against the enemies of Eng- ""jy/ land, and had sent to the supreme authority an account of Baxter's proceedings, which they disowned so far as he had exceeded his commission. No satisfaction was given to Mayo. Upon Hudson's return the Commissioners ad- vised Connecticut to bring; the Desire to trial if found in her harbors, the owner agreeing to pay damages, if it should prove true that she had been justly seized by Baxter. Baxter also captured a Dutch vessel near New York, and was pursued to Fairfield harbor by two armed Dutch ships. The New England Commissioners thereupon pro- hibited Dutch vessels from .entering any English port. l&. This was a very mild course to adopt towards a belliger- ent foe, and contrasts with the vigorous conduct of Rhode Island. The report of dissensions in Rhode Island had reached England, and grieved the advocates of liberal principles in that country. Among these none were more earnest than Sir Henry Yane, whose sympathies, when Governor of Massachusetts, were with the party of progress, and i653-4 who at home opposed in turn the despotism of the Stu- arts and the ultimate designs of Cromwell. Yane always manifested a deep interest in the welfare of Rhode Island, and a cordial appreciation of the principles of its founder, who for a considerable time during this visit to England became his guest. He wrote to the people of Rhode Isl- Yeh. and a most kind and imijloring letter, urging them to S. reconcile their feuds for the honor of God and the good of their fellow-men. " Are there no wise men among you ? No public self-denying spirits," he asks, " who can find some way of union before you become a prey to your enemies 1" This letter no doubt had some effect in com- 250 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, pleting a reconciliation which, before it was received, had .^^.^..^ already begun. 16 54. The next spring but one General Assembly was held, 16-18. although the union was not yet perfected. A majority in the mainland towns seem to have agreed to the course pursued by the island, as these towns held no separate Court of Commissioners. A large minority still held out. There was no cordiality between the p9,rties. A commit- tee of eight persons, two from each town, was appointed to prepare some mode of healing the division. Nicholas Easton was chosen President of the colony. Randall Hol- den had the next highest number of votes. Thomas Olney was elected Assistant for Providence, Richard Bor- den for Portsmouth, Edward Smith for Newport, and Randall Holden for Warwick ; Joseph Torrey, Recorder ; John Coggeshall, Treasurer ; Richard Knight, Sergeant, and John Cranston, Attorney Greneral. Some men were examined on a charge of illegal trading with the Dutch, and another commission of reprisal was granted against the enemy. Fugitives from labor, belonging in other col- onies, were to be returned on proper proof, at the expense of the master. Mr. Williams had so often succeeded in calming the ruffled spirits of the colonists, that he felt his presence might be useful in the existing crisis. Leaving Mr. Clarke to protect the rights of the colony in England, he re- turned home early in the summer, bringing with him the above-mentioned letter of Sir Henry Vane, and also an order from the Lord Protector to the government of Massachusetts, to permit him in future to pass unmo- j„ly lested through that territory. . Soon after his return he 12. wrote to his friend Winthrop an account of his occu- pations while abroad, from which we learn of his teach- ing the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French and Dutch lan- guages, thus making his many accomplishments a means of subsistence, and also of his intimacy with Milton, then REUNION OF THE COLONY. 251 Secretary of the Council of State, to whom he taught chap Dutch in exchange for other languages.' That he should 31^ be obliged to teach for his support while employed on 16 5 4. public business, is a proof of the poverty of the colony 12!^ at this time. He also addressed a most earnest and con- ciliatory letter to the town of Providence, concerning the dissensions in the colony, wherein he thanks Grod "for his wonderful Providences, by which alone the town and colony and that grand cause of Truth and Freedom of Conscience, hath been upheld to this day," and suggests a mode of settling the unhappy quarrel. He was ap- Aug. pointed to reply to the letter from Sir Henry Vane, which ^^' he did in behalf of the town. From that letter we are confirmed in the opinion that the usurpation of Codding- ton, and the difficulties arising from the granting of com- missions of reprisal against the Dutch, were the chief causes of discontent in the colony. At length a reunion was effected. A full Court of Commissioners, six from each town, assembled at War- wick. Articles of agreement, settling the terms of reun- ion, were signed by the whole Court. It was agreed that all acts of the separate Assemblies from the time of the division should remain to the account of the towns, and of the persons taking part in those acts ; that the colony should proceed under authority of the charter ; and that the General Assembly for all public affairs, except elec- tions, should be composed of six members from each town. Thus ended this most dangerous period of disunion, that had lasted for three years, of which the first half was owing to the ambition of Coddington, and the last to the local jealousies of the towns, and to the refractory spirit of individuals. After this happy consummation the Court continued in session two days. They re-established the P^' code of 1647, forbade the sale of liquor to the Indians, and prohibited the French and Dutch from trading with * This extremely interestiag letter is given in Knowles, 261-4. 31. 252 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. them. The care of the colony to avoid all legislation that .^^-^ could in any way affect the rights of conscience, is con- 1654. spiciious in the action taken upon "several complaints' 1. * exhibited to this Assembly against y" incivilitie of persons exercised upon y' first day of y' weeke, which is offensive to divers amongst us.'* They passed no Sunday lav.'s, such as existed all around them, hut, judging rightly that such disturbances arose from the want of any regular sea- son for recreation, they referred it to the towns to appoint days for their " servants and children to recreate them- selves," and thus to prevent similar annoyances in future. The Greneral Court of election met at Warwick. 12, Roger Williams was chosen President ; Thomas Harris Assistant for Providence, John Roome for, Portsmouth, Benedict Arnold for Newport, and Randall Holden for Warwick ; Wm. Lytherland Recorder, Richard Knight Sergeant, Richard Burden Treasurer, and John Cranston Attorney General. These were to hold office until the 13 spring election. Tbe next day the Court of Commission- ers fixed the first Tuesday in May for the election of members by the towns, and the Tuesday after the fifteenth of May for that of general officers. Legal process was to issue " in y'name of His Highness y" Lord Protector of y^ Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and y* dominions thereto belonging." The President and Gregory Dexter, then town clerk of Providence, were desired to " send letters of humble thanksgiving to His Highness the Lord Protector, and Sir Henry Vane, Mr. Holland, and to Mr. John Clarke, in y" name of y" colo- nic.*' The two island towns were authorized to hold their court of trials together, if they pleased, or apart as they had previously done, and the same liberty was given to the two mainland towns. This act seems intended to remove what was apparently the first source of alienation in the colony, soon after the oiganization of the charter government.' * Ante chap. vii. p 2U, 221. INDIAN WAR. 253 War had again broken out between the Narragansets chap. and the Long Island Indians. The United Colonies were 2J^ much alarmed, and sent messengers to inquire of Ninigret 1 6 .5 4. the cause, and to demand his presence at Hartford. Nin- jg * igret replied that the enemy had slain a sachem's son and 18. sixty of his people. The haughty spirit of the chieftain appears in his answer : " If your governor's son were slain, and several other men, would you ask counsel of another nation how and when to right yourselves ? " He refused to go to Hartford, and desired only that the Eng- lish would let him alone. President Williams wrote to the government of Massachusetts a lonor letter in defence . ... Oct. of the Indians,' maintaining that the Narragansets had 5/ always been true to the English, and that the present war on Long Island was an act of self-defence. A force was sent against Ninigret under Major Willard. The In- ^• dians took refuge in a swamp. The troops returned un- „ . successful, to the great chagrin of the Commissioners at Hartford. But Massachusetts, from humane motives, op- posed the war, and the other colonies were obliged to submit."^ Military affairs always received great attention in Rhode Island, but were not always a matter of record. This year the first mention is made of an election of oflfi- jy^^y cers in Providence. All were required to do military duty ; G- only one man could be left at home on each farm, one mile from town, on parade days. An entry in the Portsmouth records shows that mem- 13, bers were elected from that town to attend a meeting of the General Assembly to be held the next day at New- 14. port. No record of any such session exists, nor is any other reference made to it elsewhere. When Aquidneck was purchased, only the grass upon ' The letter in full is given in R. I. Col. Records, i. 291, and Knowlei, 272-8. « Hazard's State Papers, ii. 308, 318, 324-5, 340, etc. 254 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. the other islands was conveyed in the deed. The fee still vested in the native owners. A movement was now made in town meeting at Portsmouth to join with Newport in the purchase of Conanicut and Dutch islands, and a com- mittee was appointed to treat with Newport on the sub- ject. These islands were afterwards bought, the former by Coddington and Benedict Arnold, Jr.,' the latter, together with Goat and Coasters Harbor islands, by Arnold and others. 2 Although harmony was for the most part -restored to the colony, there still remained many who were restive under restraint, some advocating an unlawful liberty, and others, royalists in feeling, refusing to obey the government. This winter was one of unusual turbulence in Providence. Under pretence of a voluntary training a tumult occurred in which some of the principal people were implicated.^ A paper was sent to the town asserting the dangerous doc- trine " that it was blood-guiltiness, and against the rule of the gospel, to execute judgment upon transgressors against the private or public weal." This dogma was subversive of all civil society. If allowed it would pervert one of the two distinctive principles of Bhode Island liberty to the destruction of the other and the consequent annihilation of them both. It was then that Eoger Williams wrote to the town that masterly letter which will endure so long as the principles it so admirably defines shall be cherished among men. " There goes many a ship to sea, with many hundred souls in one ship, whose weal and woe is common, and is a true picture of a commonwealth, or a human combination, or society. It hath fallen out sometimes that both Papista and Protestants, Jews and Turks, may be embarked in one ship ; upon which supposal I affirm, that all the lib- • April 17, 1657. » May 22, 1658. * Thomas Olney, Robert Williams, John Field, William Harris and others. Staples' Annals, 113. "WILLIAMS' LETTER ON LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE. 255 erty of conscience, that ever I pleaded for, turns upon chap. these two hinges : that none of the Papists, Protestants Jil^ Jews, or Turks, be forced to come to the ship's prayers or 16 5 5 worship, nor compelled from their own particular prayers or worship, if they practise any. I further add, that I never denied, that notwithstanding this liberty, the com- mander of this ship ought to command the ship's course, yea, and also command that justice, peace, and sobriety, be kept and practised, both among the seamen and all the passengers. If any of the seamen refuse to perform their service, or passengers to pay their freight ; if any refuse to help, in person or purse, towards the common charges or defence ; if any refuse to obey the common laws and orders of the ship, concerning their common peace or pre- servation ; if any shall mutiny and rise up against their commanders and officers ; if any should preach or write that there ought to be no commanders or officers, because all , are equal in Christ, therefore no masters nor officers, no laws nor orders, no corrections nor punishments ; I say, I never denied, but in such cases, whatever is pretended, the commander or commanders may judge, resist, compel, and punish such transgressors, according to their deserts and merits." ' Nowhere have the limits of civil and religious freedom been more aptly illustrated than in this letter of the christian statesman who first reduced them to harmonious union. Complaints made to Cromwell of the divisions in the 29. colony, drew from him a brief letter confirming the charter and promising to adjust the difficulties. At the regular annual election held in Providence the same general officers were chosen as in September, except ^^^ Harris, who gave- place to Thomas Olney as Assistant for Providence, Knight who was defeated by George Parker for Sergeant, and Burden who was displaced by John Sand- » Knowles, 279-80. 256 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, ford, as Treasurer. Jolin Greene, Jr., was chosen Solicitor ,^„^ General, an office not filled at the former election. The 16 5 5. court roll of freemen at this time numbered two hundred 22; and forty- seven persons, of whom Providence had forty-two, Warwick thirty-eight, Portsmouth seventy-one, and- New- port ninety-six. More than two thirds of the strength of the colony was on the island. Newport had already by far the largest portion and was rapidly increasing. The dif- ference between an inhabitant and a freeman .should be borne in mind. Not every resident was a legal inhabitant. Some time elapsed after one's arrival in the colony before he could be received as an inhabitant, participating thereby in certain rights to the common lands, doing ju;;y duty, and being eligible to some of the lesser town offices. If his conduct while thus situated gave satisfaction he might be propounded at town meeting to become a freeman, and if no valid objection was brought against him, at the next meeting he was admitted to all the rights of the freemen, or close corporators of the colony. In the earlier years an admission as freeman sometimes brought with it a joint ownership in the land purchased, but soon it came to convey only the elective franchise, and even this was not always confined to freemen, for afterwards by a town law in Providence' any inhabitant was liable to be elected to office and finable for not serving. Two years later all who held lands in the town were declared to be freemen.^ This latter feature remained, with some modi- fications, till the adoption of the State Constitution, 22 25. At this session the general Court of trials was appointed to sit once a year in each town. All persons were required to sisrn a submission to the Lord Protector and the Par- liament. Those who refused were deprived of the benefit of the colony laws till they did so. Prisons were ordered to be built at Newport and Warwick. Providence and ' Passed at town meeting, June 1656. Annals of Prov., 118. do. do. May 1658. do, do. 124. SUBMISSION TO THE LORD PROTECTOE. 257 Portsmouth were each to build a cage and to furnish it chap. with a pair of stocks. Very full laws were passed regulat- 2^^ ing the sale of liquors. This subject received the atten- 105 5 tion of neaily every Assembly and has been the must fruitful '^-^ " theme of legislation for more than two hundred years. Two taverns were licensed in each town, and leave was granted to the towns to add one more if they saw fit. The armed opposition to authority by Olney and others, in the winter, was discussed and a committee appointed to inform him of the Assembly's view of the matter. That the disturbance was not very serious may be inferred from the choice of Olney as an assistant and from his taking the engagement after conferring with the committee. At the next town meeting it was wisely concluded '' that for ''^'^'^^• the colony's sake, who have since chosen Thomas Olney an assistant, and for the public union and peace's sake, it should be passed by and no more mentioned." The reception of the letter from Cromwell caused a 28. special session of the Assembly at Portsmouth*. Letters of thanks were voted to the colony agent and to the Lord ^^• President of the Council, requesting the latter to present their submission to His Highness the Lord Protector. A law was passed requiring that any who might be convicted by the Assembly as leaders of faction should be sent as prisoners to England at their own exj)ense, there to be tried and punished. That strict decorum was not always preserved, although its necessity was appreciated, appears by the last act of this session ; " that in case any man shall strike another person in y' Court, he shall either be fined ten pounds, or be whipt, accordinge as y' Court shall see meete." The shortness of the sessions, and the early hour at which the Assemblies met, are worthy of remark. Three or four days were then found to be sufficient for the most im- portant business, and the daily adjournments were usually until six o'clock, or till half an hour or one hour after VOL. I.— 17 258 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, sunrise the next morning. A fine of one shilling was im- posed for absence from roll call. 16 5 5. The Warwick dispute remained unadjusted. An action for damages in the sum of two thousand pounds was brought by the Gortonists against Massachusetts, before the Coun- cil of State. The Indians subject to Massachusetts there and at Pawtuxet continued their depredations. The Eng- lish subjects at the latter place, now consisting of hut four families' only two of whom still held out against Rhode Island, were a source of obstruction to the authority of the colony. The law prohibiting the sale of powder and arms to citizens of Rhode Island was still in force in Massachu- setts. Upon these four points, of xital importance to the JTov. prosperity of the State, President Williams wrote to the ^* Government of Massachusetts, urging them so to alter their policy as to prevent comjDlaints against them from being sent to England, iu ships then ready to sail.^ Although the General Court was then in session no immediate notice was taken of this communication. 1655-6. The people of Providence, alarmed by hostile demon- strations of the Indians, decided to erect a fort on Stamp- er's Hill.^ At the same meeting they established a jus- tice's Court for the trial of cases not exceeding forty shil- ' Sttsphen Arnold, Zachary Rhodes, William Arnold and William Carpen- ter. Of these the first-named desired to unite with Rhode Island, as did the second also, for, being a Baptist, he was virtually banished by the law of 13th Nov. 16-14. The last two alone held out, under pretence of fearing to offend Massachusetts by withdrawing their allegiance. This they did, however, three years later, Oct. 22, 1658, by consent of the General Court. ^ The letter is found in R. I. CoL Rec. i. 322-5, and Hazard's State Pa- pers, i. 610-11. ^ The tradition, preserved by Judge Staples, in Annals of Providence, p. 117, gives a curious derivation for this name, and illustrates the constant dan- gers to which the early settlers were exposed. " Soon after the settlement of Providence a body of Indians approached the town in a hostile manner. Some of the townsmen, by running and stamping on this hill, induced them to believe that there was a large number of men stationed there to oppose them, upon which they relinquished their design and retired. From tins cir- cumstance the hill was always called Stamper's Hill.'' See vol. ii. p. 121 note. J;in. CODDINGTON SUBMITS TO THE COLONY. 259 lings iu amount. Eoger Williams, Thomas Olney, and chap. Thomas Harris, were chosen judges of this Court. The .„J^ former was then President of the colony, Olney was the 1655-6. Greneral Assistant for Providence, and Harris was a member of the Assembly. That the smallest tribunal in a town should be composed of such members speaks well for the public spirit of the leading men, and for the care taken in the administration of justice. At the general Court of trials held at Warwick, Mr. ;^[„ Coddington appeared as one of the newly elected commis- 11. sioners from Newport. His election caused so much dis- satisfaction that an investigation was had by the Assembly, the jury meanwhile being dismissed. The result was a formal submission to the authority of the colony in these words : " I William Coddington, doe hereby submit to y" authoritie of His Highness in this Colonic as it is now united, and that with all my heart." The Assembly then adjourned, while the Court of trials i). proceeded, after which it again convened at the same place. The committee of investigation reported favora- bly on Coddington's right to a seat, but advised that a letter be sent to the Agent in England, giving their reasons for receiving him, and asking for a discharge of the complaints entered against him before the Council of State. He had incurred a fine for withholding the colony records from the last Assembly, and this fine it was voted not to remit. Guns, similar to some he had brought over from England, were found in possession of the Indians. He was therefore required to account for the disposal of his. Certain proceedings prejudicial to Coddington during the time of his usurpation, were cut out from the records and given to him — a mutilation much to be regretted, as it deprives us of all information concerning his administra- tion. The presentments against him and some of his partisans on the Island records were annulled. 260 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. The custom of referring particular items of business to ^^.^.^ sub-committees, which gave rise to the modern system of 1655-6. standing committees, was early introduced into our March. iT mi • Assembly, ihere is scarcely a session, since the reunion, at which one or more sub-committees were not appointed. Prior to that time, all business . was done by deliberation of the whole body. A warrant was issued to bring Pum- ham before the Court to answer complaints from th©. town of Warwick, and a committee was appointed .-to treat with him, and to report at the next session. Marriages were ordered to be published at town meetings, or on training days at the head of the company, or by writing posted in some public place, signed by a magistrate. If the banns were forbidden, the case was to be heard by two magistrates ; should they allow it, the parties might marry ; but if not, the general Court of trials were to decide it. Tavern bars were to be closed at nine o'clock at night. The age of majority was fixed at twenty-one years. No magistrate, during the trial of a case, was permitted to leave the bench without permission from the Court, under a heavy penalty, as such an act might bias the jury, and thus imperil a just cause. Iggg The letter to the General Court, at their November session, having received no reply, Williams, in the spring, wrote to Governor Endicott, who invited him to come to May Boston. A second official letter was sent to the Court, of the same tenor as the former one ; and a few days after, Mr. Williams, then in Boston, wrote to the Court, 17. expressing his gratification at the progress of affairs with Pumham, which, it would seem, were intrusted to his management. ' * An amusing entry in the Warwick records of 15th May of this year shows the provision made hy that town for this journey of the President. " Ordered that forty shillings be sent out of the treasury unto Mr. Roger Wil- liams, and a pair of Indian Breeches for his Indian, at seven shillings six- pence at 6 pr penny, as also a horse for his journey unto Boston and back again." GENERAL ELECTION. 261 At the general election held in Portsmouth, Roger chap. Williams was again chosen President. The Assistants ^^..^.^ were Thomas Olney for Providence, William Balston for 165 6. May Portsmouth, John Coggeshall for Newport, and John 20. Weeks for AVarwick, he having the next highest vote to Randall Holden, who, being elected, declined to serve, and whose fine of five pounds for refusing was offset by his services previously rendered. John Sandford was made Recorder and Treasurer ; George Parker, Sergeant ; John Easton, Attorney-General ; and Richard Bulgar, Solicitor, The Assembly, as usual, met the next day, and sat three days. It was agreed that the controversy with the Pawtuxet 21-23. men should be closed by arbitration, after which they were to be received as freemen of the colony. Whoever should deface or destroy any instrument of justice was to make reparation for the injury, and to be confined for six hours in the stocks. Leave was granted to William Blackstone to enter the titles of his land in the records of land evidence in the colony. This was doubtless for the sake of convenience, he living near Providence, although at that time in the Plimouth jurisdiction, as appears from letters of administration granted by that colonv at his decease. At the autumn session, held like- _. , ' . Uct. wise at Portsmouth, provision was made for supplying lo. any vacancy caused by the death of a general officer. Whoever had the next highest number of votes was to fill the place till the ensuing May election, or in case the choice had been unanimous, the town where the vacancy occurred was to elect a successor. This action was caused by the death of the Sergeant, George Parker, the first general officer who died in place. He was succeeded by Richard Knight, who had been his competitor at the spring election. One of the most serious differences that ever disturbed the colony commenced about this time. The free princi- 262 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, pies of the State were constantly liable to abuse by those ,.^,.^_;^ whom they attracted hither. The distinction between li- 165 6. cense and legal liberty was not yet so clearly drawn but 2Q ' that some strong intellects failed to see it as it existed in the mind of Koger Williams, or as set forth in his remark- able letter before given. The paper which produced that letter expressed a most dangerous idea, but one that found an earnest and able champion in William Harris, between whom and Williams an inveterate hostility arose. The sources of this enmity appear to have been'their different views of the nature of liberty, and the proceedings result- ing from this difference. It was carried to a degree of personal invective that mars the exalted character of Wil- liams and detracts from the dignity and worth of his op- ponent. It was never forgotten by the one or forgiven by the other. Both were men of ardent feelings and of great address, whose mental activity was never at rest. Harris, unfortunately, was almost constantly employed in business that was inimical to the interests of Rhode Island, and from this time forward assumed the position that the Ar- nolds of Pawtuxet had before held, either as a leader of faction within the State or the agent and representative of adverse interests abroad. This is the more to be re- gretted because he brought to whatever he undertook the resources of a great mind and, to all appearance, the hon- est convictions of an earnest soul. On this account he was a more dangerous opponent and required stringent measures to suppress the errors of his political creed. So far only as this controversy had a public character we shall follow its development through a long series of years. Let the more repulsive features of personal rancor be con- signed to oblivion ! Harris had published " that he that can say it is his conscience ought not to yield subjection to any human order amongst men ;" and had attempted to sustain the subversive doctrine by abundant perversions of scriptural quotation. It was much such an announce- "WILLIAM HARRIS ARRESTED FOR TREASON. 263 raent as had aroused the pen of Williams two years before, chap. He uow adopted severer means to crush the reiterated fal- ^^^^ lacy. As President of the colony he issued a warrant for ^^"^^■'• the arrest of Harris on the charge of high treason against 12. the Commonwealth of England.' At the next election held in Newport, Williams was ^,^r'^ ' not a candidate. Benedict Arnold was chosen President ; ly. Arthur Fenner of Providence, William Balston of Ports- mouth, Richard Tew of Newport, and Randall Holden of W^arwick, Assistants, John Greene Jr., Attorney General, and James Rogers, Solicitor. The other three general offices remained as before. The trial of Harris could not proceed on account of the absence of his accuser. Both parties were warned to appear at an adjourned session in Warwick. At this special session Harris was required to ' ^^J ' Two copies of this warrant are still preserved among the papers of Wil- liam Harris, now in the possession of Wm. J. Harris, Esq., of Providence, whose kindness in placing these valuable MSS. in the hands of the writer he here begs leave to acknowledge. The warrant reads as follows : " Whereas, William Harris of Providence, published to all the towns in the colony dan- gerous writings containing his notorious defiance to the authority of his high- ness the Lord Protector, dec, and the high Court of Parliament of England, as also his notorious attempts to draw all the English subjects of this colony into a traitorous renouncing of their allegiance and subjection, and whereas the said William Harris now openly in the face of the Court, declareth him- self resolved to maintain the said writings with his blood ; These are there- fore in the name of His Highness the Lord Protector, strictly to will and re- quire you to apprehend the said William Harris, and to keep him in safe cus- tody until his appearance before the General Assembly of the colony in May next ensuing at Newport, before which Assembly he is to be convicted and sent for England, or acquitted according to law of the colony established amongst us. And you are also hereby authorized to take all due care that his land and estate be faithfully secured to the use of his highness, the Lord Protector, in case of the conviction of the said William Harris in the General Assembly of the colony as aforesaid ; for the due performance of all which premises all his Highness' officers in this colony, both civil and military, and all his Highness' subjects in this colony are hereby straightly required to be aiding and assisting, as they will answer to the contrary at their peril. " Roger Williams, President. " To Mr. Richard Knight, General Sergeant.''^ This warrant is dated " Newport, 12th of the Ist mo., 1656 and 1657, «C called. " 264 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, read a copy of his book upon which the impeachment was 2,^^ based while Williams read the original. Williams then 165 7. read to the Couit his letter containino; the accusation, also 4 ' a cojiy of his charge, and his reply to Harris' book. It was referred to a committee to report what further pro- ceedings were desirable. They advised that the papers be sent to England for examination and that Harris should give bonds for good behavior till the result was known. A committee was thereupon appointed to write-to John Clarke a suitable letter to accompany these papers, and Harris and his son Andrew were placed under bonds of five hundred pounds. The English settled in the Pequot country were ever thwarting the efforts of the Narragansets to avenge their wrongs upon Uncas. The Mohawks were in league with the Narragansets against the Mohegans, and were advanc- ing in force to attack them. The Narragansets applied to the General Assembly to remonstrate with the English on their conduct in always giving warning, through their scouts, "to Uncas of the approach of an enemy, lest the Mohawks, being enraged thereby, should attack the Eng- lish themselves. The Assembly wrote a letter to Capt. Denison and others in accordance with this request, that for peace sake they should allow the Indians to fight out their own quarrels — a grain of advice which, if followed, would have done more than any thing else to secure the good-will of those powerful tribes. The year 1656 will be darkly memorable in the annals of New England for the arrival of the Quakers and the commencement of their persecution at Boston. The ap- pearance of this "cursed sect of heretics"* so alarmed the Puritans that a day of public humiliation was appointed^ to be held in aU the churches mainly on their account. A stringent law was enacted for their suppression' and ' Preamble to law of Oct. 14th, 1656, M. C. R., iii. 415. • May 14th, 1656, to be held June 11th. » Oct. 14th, 1666. PERSECUTION OF THE QUAKERS. 265 two years later their tenets were made a capital offence,' chap. Fines, imprisonment, whipping, banishment, mutilation, J,^!^ and death, were denounced and inflicted upon them. The i « o 7. wildest fanaticism on their part was met by a frenzied bigotry on the other. Acts that made the perpetrators amenable to the statute against nuisances were visited with the penalties provided against heresies. The strait- jacket or temporary confinement would have been the proper treatment in many cases that were consigned to the scourge or the scaffold. The vagaries of morbid minds, not morally accountable for the indecencies they committed, were visited with the same penalties that awaited the rob- ber or the assassin.^ Nor was severity confined to cases like these, but people of blameless conduct alike suffered, on the same ground, for heretical opinions. For five years this persecution continued, until stayed by an order from Charles 11.^ requiring that capital and corporal punish- ments of the Quakers should cease, and that such as were obnoxious should be sent to England.^ That Rhode Island became a city of refuge for those who fled from this fiery " Oct. 19th, 1658. ^ " At Boston one George Wilson, and at Cambridge Elizabeth Horton went crying throuajh the streets that the Lord was coming with fire and sword to plead with them. Thomas Xewhouse went into the meeting house at Bos- ton with a couple of glass bottles, and broke them before the congregation, and threatened ' Thus will the Lord break you in pieces.' Another time M. Brewster came in with her face smeared and as black as a coal. Deborah Wilson went through the streets of Salem naked as she came into the world, for which she was well whipped. One of the sect apologizing for this be- havior said, ' If the Lord did stir up any of his daughters to_be a sign of the nakedness of others, he believed it to be a great cross to a modest woman's spirit, but the Lord must be obeyed.' " Hutch. Mass., i. 203-4. A display of prurient piety like this last occurred also in one of the churches. New England Judged, Part ii. p. 69. ^ 9th Sept., 1661. ^ See Hutchinson's Mass., i. 196-20-1 ; Bishop's New England Judged, Part 1st, -Ito., 176 pp. Loudon, 1661, and Part 2d, 4to., 147 pp., 1667. New England Ensign, London, 1659, 4to., 121 pp. Several Rhode Island people were victims of this persecution, whose sufferings will be noticed in the proper place Mary, wife of Wm. Dyre, Secretary of Rhode Island colony, was put to death, and Thomas Harris and others were severely maltreated. 266 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. ordeal vexed the United Colonies. The Commissionera^ assembled at Boston, wrote a letter urging Rhode Island to banish the Quakers already there and to prohibit any more from coming to the State.' To this request the President and Assistants, met at the Court of trials in Providence, replied, that there was no law by which men could be punished in Rhode Island for their opinions, and that the Quakers being unmolested, were becomi»g dis- gusted at their want of success ; but that in case of any extravagancies, like those referred to, being committed, the 16.57-8. next General Assembly would provide a corrective. That 13' ' body met at Portsmouth and addressed another letter to the Massachusetts on the same subject. In this letter they say that freedom of conscience was the ground of their charter and shall be maintained ; that if the Qua- kers violate the laws or refuse to conform thereto in any respect, complaint against them will be made in England and the more readily as these people are there tolerated.'^ On the same day a letter was sent to Plymouth deny- ing the claim set up by that colony to Hog island, which was purchased by Richard Smith from Wamsutta, sachem of the Wampanoags. The question was left to the Pres- ident and Thomas Willett to be settled, by whom it was advised to adjust the matter by arbitration, which after much delay Avas done, and the right of Rhode Island to the land in dispute ultimately sustained. Hope island had been given to Roger Williams by Miantinomi many years before but was still occupied by Indians. Tlie Court ordered that the Sachems should remove their subjects to leave Mr. Williams in possession. Gould island had been purchased of the Indians a year before^ by Thomas Gould, and about the same time^ the great Pettiquamscut pur- 1 Hazanl, ii. 370-1. ^ Both these letters and also that to which they are the replies, are giveu in R. I. Col. Rec, i. 374-380. •' March 28th, 1657. * January 20th, 1657. PAWTUXET MEN RETURN TO THEIR ALLEGIANCE. 267 chase, in what is now South Kingston, was commenced, chap, Repeated additions Avere made to this tract, and difficulties JL^I^ with adjoining purchasers arose when the claims of Massa- 1658 chusetts to the Narraganset country came to be urged.' These frequent purchases caused so much trouble that the Assembly soon afterwards prohibited any further purchases of land or islands from the Indians within the colony with- " 2. out express permission from that body, on pain of forfeiture of the land, and a fine of twenty pounds besides. At the general election, held in Warwick, the only Jg^ changes made were in the Assistants for Providence and Newport ; William Field being chosen for the former and Joseph Clarke for the latter. All the other offices remained as before. Upon the conclusion of peace between England and Holland the law prohibiting trade with the Dutch was repealed, but there were still some lawless persons, who, pretending commissions from Rhode Island, annoyed the Dutch commerce by seizing their goods and vessels. To prevent their recurrence these outrages were denounced as felony. The order to build prisons and cages not having been obeyed, it was repealed, and the prison built at New- port was directed to be for the colony use, the other towns contributing towards its cost. The long pending difficulties with the Pawtuxet men were now terminated by their withdrawal from the juris- diction of Massachusetts, and acknowledging allegiance to Rhode Island. William Arnold and William Carpenter, for themselves and their friends, petitioned the General Court for a full discharge of their persons and estates from o^^ subjection to Massachusetts, This was granted provided they rendered an account of their proceedings against the Warwick men under the commission of Massachusetts fif- ' The details and subsequent history of this purchase are given by Mr. Potter, iu K. I. H. C, iii. 275-99. The original proprietors were Samuel Wilbor, John Hull of Boston, John Porter, Samuel Wilson, Thomas Mum- ford. At a later period William Brenton and Benedict Arnold were admit- ted. 268 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. teen years before, and that the Greenes and others should have liberty to prosecute them in any of the Massachusetts 1658. Courts' for injuries received thereby. This happy result was effected by the mediation of Roger Williams. At the next General Court in October the sentence of banishment against the Warwick men was so far relaxed that leave was granted to John Greene, sen., to visit his friends for one month. The bond required from Arnold to -answer any suit brought by the Greenes was limited ta-one year, at the expiration of which period he petitioned the Court for certain amounts of damage sustained by him in execut- ing the commission against the Gortonists. The account was referred and ultimately extended, and in part allowed, but the committee's report was better calculated to satisfy the Greenes than the petitioner.'^ gg J. The Commissioners of the United Colonies wrote to all 23. the General Courts urorin"; severer measures against the 29_" Quakers. Massachusetts acted at once on the suggestion, and passed a law punishing with death any Quakers who should- return after sentence of banishment. Rhode Island again was urged to join in the fierce oppression. Threats of exclusion from all intercourse or trade with the rest of New England were made to force her from her fidelity to the cause of religious freedom, but in vain. The result was an appeal to Cromwell by the General Assembly that " they may not be compelled to exercise any civil power 5 * over men's consciences, so long as human orders, in point of civility, are not corrupted or violated." A letter was sent to John Clarke to be presented to His Highness, which contains this request, and clearly distinguishes be- tween the rights of conscience and the duties of the cit- izen.^ ' M. C. R. iv. Part i. p. 333. * The petition was Oct. 18th, 1G59. The report was made Nov. 12th. See M. C. R., iv. Part i. 411, and R. I. H. C, ii. 200-12. He afterwards, IGG3, presented an extended account, which was bettled by compromise, Oct 21st, 1663. M. C. R., iv. Part ii. p. 78, 93. ^ This letter is in R. I. Col. Rec, i. 396-9. Nov PERSECUTION OF THE QUAKERS. 269 While Rhode Island was thus defending her liberal chap. sentiments, her citizens without distinction of sex or age .^_,.,^ were suffering from Puritan persecutions. A Mrs. Gardner lfio8. of Newport, the mother of several children, and a woman W^ of good report, having become a Quaker, went to Wey- mouth, with an infant at her breast, taking with her a nurse, Mary Stanton, to attend the child. There they were arrested and taken before Governor Endicot by whom they were sent to prison, flogged with ten stripes each, and closely confined for two weeks.' Thomas Harris of Bar- badoes, who had settled in Rhode Island, went to Boston with two others of the same sect, where, after servdce at .]„„e church, he gave great ofience by haranguing the congrega- lo- tion, an indiscretion which may have deserved some pun- ishment but not the severity he received. He was flogged, imprisoned for eleven days, during five of which he was not allowed food or water, because he refused to work at the 22 jailer's bidding, severely whipped by the jailer, and again publicly with several others, receiving fifteen stripes.^ Catharine, wife of Richard Scot of Providence, and sister of the celebrated Ann Hutchinson, met with a similar fate. She went to Boston to witness the mutilation of three %^P^' ib. of her brethren, whose right ears were cut off" by the hang- man in execution of the law against Quakers. For re- monstrating upon this cruelty she was imprisoned for two weeks and then publicly flogged.^ She was advanced in Oct. (ife, had been married twenty years, and was the mother of several children, two of whom sufiered in the same cause. The severity of these proceedings and the increasing rigor of the statutes passed at every session of the General Court against the Quakers, caused many of them to seek a home in Rhode Island. But the spirit of fanaticism was not yet appeased. From fine and imprisonment it proceeded ' New England Ensign, 72-3. Bishop's New England Judged, -47. ' July 19th. New England Ensign, 73-5. • New England Judged, 75. 270 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, to apply whipping and mutilation, then banishment, and 2,1^ finally death to the unfortunate Quakers. This last out- 1658. rage upon humanity was opposed by the deputies and by 19 ' the great mass of the people, who were always ahead of their rulers in liberal feeling and in their sense of justice and of right. The magistrates and clergy' were zealous in its favor. The deputies yielded by a majority of one, and thus placed another blot on the annals of Massachu- setts to the eternal disgrace of Puritan legislation. The next year was to witness the execution of this cruel statute in the case of a Rhode Island victim. ]vrov. To prevent further trouble like that which had just 2- been so fortunately ended with Pawtuxet, the Assembly, convened at Warwick, decreed that no one should here- after submit his lands to any other jurisdiction, or attempt to bring in any foreign government within the colony od pain of confiscation. No law was to be in force until twenty days after the adjournment of the Assembly. This was to allow ten days for the recorder to furnish each town clerk with a copy of the acts of the session, and ten more for the towns to consider them, and if they disapproved to notify the President and thus to annul the statute. The Assembly decided to have but one annual session, to be held at the May election, but this was rarely found to suf- fice. They also reduced the sittings of the Court of trials to two, in March and October. The President and General Council might call extra meetings of the Assembly. This council was composed of the President, Assistants, and Q^.^ town Magistrates. No law creating it can be found, and 14. but three meetings appear on the records — one at War- wick, just prior to this session, at which no business of im- portance was transacted, and the other two at Providence in the following spring. At the first of these, warrants * " In hsereticos gladio viijdicaudura est," was a motto of Calvin, as well as of Koine, and too faithfully followed by his stern disciples in Massachu- setts. 15. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 271 were issued to arrest Pumham for insurrection in causing chap. a riot to rescue a felon in Warwick, and some other Indians s.^^.,,,^ for robbery committed upon William Arnold at Pawtuxet. l^^^-^- ^ . . Muich Two days afterward the council met for the last time to 9. publish the proclamation of Richard, Lord Protector, who had succeeded to the supreme authority on the death of his father in September. It was ordered to be read at town meeting, and at the head of every military company in the colony on the following Tuesday. At the general election held in Providence the same 165 9, officers were retained throughout, except Knight, Sergeant, ^^^ who was displaced by James Rogers. The dispute with Plymouth about Hog island not having been settled, the Assembly again appointed four Commissioners to meet the same number from Plymouth to adjust this matter, and also the general boundary of the two colonies, and notified Plymouth accordingly. Four men, one from each town, were also appointed to mark out the western bounds of the colony, but nothing was done about it for the present. The Indians gave much trouble by stealing the goods and cattle of the colonists. A severe law was passed to prevent it. If the damage exceeded twenty shillings, the convict might be sold as a slave to any English plantation abroad, unless he made restitution, and if less than that sum he should restore twofold, or be whipped not more than fif- teen stripes. The Assembly addressed a letter to Richard Cromwell asking a confirmation of their charter. It was never presented, as the Protector had resigned his power before it reached England. A tax of fifty pounds was laid to pay for ammunition, and to meet the expenses of the agent in London. Providence and Wai-wick were each to pay nine pounds, Portsmouth fourteeen, and Newport eighteen pounds. Providence was allowed to buy out and remove the Indians within its limits, and to enlarge its bounds by further purchase. Leave was also granted to purchase certain other lands, and a committee appointed 272 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, for that purpose. Fox island and an adjoining tract on the main near Wickford, were bought by Holden and Gor- ton, and soon afterwards Humphrey Atherton, John Win- throp and others, not citizens of Hhode Ishmd, bought two large tracts on the bay, one called Quidnesett, north of Wickford, and the other, called Namcook, now Boston j^]^, neck, south of it. This purchase was in violation of an 4. express law of Rhode Island. Its validity depended on the decision of the question of jurisdiction over the Narragan- set country, claimed by Rhode Island and disputed by Con- necticut and Massachusetts. Roger Williams warned Ath- erton upon this point, and refused the offers of land made to induce him to aid as interpreter in the purchase. It became a fruitful source of difficulty for many years. The 23. Assembly met at Portsmouth, and apj)ointed a committee of two from each town to write to the Commissioners of the United Colonies, to Massachusetts, and to Atherton, respecting these purchases. During the Debate on this question the Assembly sat with closed doors. They pre- j^ared to prosecute the claims of Rhode Island before Par- liament, and empowered the committee to call together the Assembly when they saw fit. Potowomut was ordered to be purchased for the colony from the Indians. Hog island continued to be a source of trouble. Richard Smith claiming it adversely to the colony, and threatening any who should molest him in his possession, the Assembly resolved to bear them harmless. Smith sought to place the island under the jurisdiction of Plymouth. Robert Westcott, a member from Warwick, was tried for a similar ofience and sus]>ended, and John Weeks was chosen by the Assembly to fill his place. A further tax of fifty pounds was laid, of which Newport was to pay twenty, Providence eleven, Portsmouth ten, and Warwick nine pounds. Newport it ajjpears had doubled in wealth over Portsmouth, and Providence for the first time seems to have gained upon the other two towns PERSECUTION OF THE QUAKERS. 273 Letters from John Clarke informed the colony of the Pro- tector's resignation, and that the Parliament was the sole authority, as before the accession of Cromwell. All legal 165 9. process was therefore ordered to issue " in the name of the supreme authority of the Commonwealth of England." The first instance of the appointment of a deputy sergeant occurred at this session. James Kogers, Sergeant General, was allowed to appoint a deputy to serve writs and execu- tions, he being responsible for the acts of such deputy. The zeal of Puritan persecution was inflamed by the rancor of the magistrates and clergy. Among those who had already suffered imprisonment for their adhesion to the novel and " cursed heresy," was Mary, wife of William Dyre, the first secretary of Aquedneck. Returning from England, whither she had probably accompanied her hus- band when he went over with Williams and Clarke, but had remained behind and there had embraced the new tenets, with no knowledge of what had been done in Mas- sachusetts, she was arrested and thrown into prison. With difficulty she was released by her husband giving bonds to take her immediately away, and not to suffer her to speak to any one on the journey homeward. Afterwards in company with other friends, Hope Clifton, and Mary, daughter of Catherine Scot, whose sister Patience, a girl of g ' only eleven years, was then in prison for the same offence, she ventured again into Massachusetts to visit some friends confined in Boston as Quakers. Her two companions were only imprisoned, but Mary Dyre, having been before ban- ished under pain of death, was tried, together with Wil- ^^^ liam Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson, and condemned to death. The sentence was executed upon the two men. 27. Mary was reprieved while on the gallows, after her two fellow-sufferers had been swung off".' With singular in- fatuation she returned in the following spring, for the third 16 6 time, while the General Court was in session, was arrested gQ^ ' New England Judged, 38, 97, 109. VOL. I — 18 274 HISTORY or the state of RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, and hung.' There were other instances of this revolting _____ cruelty practised upon persons not resident in Rhode 16 6 Island, and which continued till Charles II. peremptorily forbade any further murders to be perpetrated, in the name May of God, by these infuriated zealots. 22 The next general election was held at Portsmouth, "William Brenton was chosen President, William Field of Providence, Wilham Baulston of Portsmouth, Benedict Arnold, late President, of Newport, and John "Greene of Warwick, Assistants, John Sanford, Recorder and Treas- urer, James Rogers, Sergeant, John Easton, Attorney General, and Richard Bulgar, SoHcitor General. An im- portant modification of the statute regulating the mode of annulling laws was made. In place of ten days, three months was allowed for the towns to return their votes upon any new law, after its presentation, and instead of a majority of freemen in each town being necessary to annul a law, a majority of those in the Colony was now sufficient, even although any one town made no returns against it. This was a great step towards consolidation, and tended to strengthen the Colonial Government. A great change was in progress at this time in English affairs. Charles II. landed in England, and amid the joyful '. shouts of his subjects, entered London in triumph. The restoration was complete, not only in form but in sub- stance. The great mass of the people received their mon- arch with delight, for they desired relief from the turmoil of civil strife. The religious parties united in the ovations that welcomed his return, and each vied with the other in demonstrations of loyalty. The Episcopalians hated Cromwell because he had crushed them, the Puritans dis- liked him for curbing their persecuting zeal, while the Roman Catholics hailed tlie return of the Stuarts as being a family who sympathized with their own faith. The news of the restoration of Charles II. occasioned a special meeting of the assembly at Warwick. His » June 1, M, C. R. iv. Part i. 419. SACHEMS MORTGAGE LANDS TO THE ATHERTON COMPANY. 275 Majesty's letter to Parliament, his declaration and pro- clamation were read and entered upon the records. The King was formally proclaimed at eight o'clock the next 16t)0. morning, in presence of the Assembly, with military 21.' honors, and the following Wednesday was appointed for his public proclamation throughout the colony, and was made a general hohday. All legal process was to issue in His Majesty's name. A commission was sent to John Clarke confirming his position as agent for the colony, and desiring him to obtain a confirmation of the charter from the crown. A committee was also appointed to treat with Ather- ton and his comj^any about their purchase in Narraganset, and to arrange the terms upon which they might come into the colony, or if they refused to treat, then to forbid them from entering on their lands. They reported but partial progress at the next session, and were continued. Meanwhile a great wrong was committed upon the 'gif Narraganset Indians by the commissioners of the United Colonies, who, for alleged injuries inflicted upon the Mohegans, which were denied by the Narraganset Sa- chems, levied a heavy fine upon them, and compelled them, by an armed force, to mortgage their whole country g . for the payment of a sum, amounting to five hundred and 29 ninety-five fathoms of peage within four months. In a Oct. month from this time the Sachems mortgaged to the Atherton company all the unsold lands in Narraganset, on condition that they would pay the fine to the United Colonies, and further bound themselves to sell no more lands without consent of the mortgagees. Six months was allowed for redemption. Atherton paid the fine ; the land was not redeemed, and afterwards, in the spring of 1662, the Sachems delivered formal possession to the mortgagees. Upon so slight a transaction, founded in force, and followed up in that spirit of acquisition which aimed at the possession of * the whole of Rhode Island, 276 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF EHODE ISLAND. CHAP, rested the claims of a company that was destined to giv^e v-~r^ so much trouble to the colony. 1661. ipj^g same President, Assistants, Attorney-General 21.' and Sergeant were re-elected at Newport. Joseph Torrey was chosen Recorder, Caleb Carr, Treasurer, and Peter Tallman, Solicitor-General. The assembly passed a lengthy act acknowledging their submission to the King, 22. proposing to send a special agent to England to present it in a humble address to His Majesty, and voting^a tax of two hundred pounds for that purpose. The plan was 2-^* given up on receipt of letters from John Clarke, which were read at the next meeting of the court of commission- ers at Portsmouth. A letter of thanks to Mr. Clarke was voted, and the commission, prepared in October, was order- ed to be sent to him. The tax was apportioned, eighty- five pounds to Newport, forty pounds each to Prondence and Portsmouth, and thirty-five pounds to Warwick. It was to be raised by voluntary contribution for the use of the agent. An extensive purchase, made the previous year, by some Newport men, in the south-west part of the Narra- ganset country, called Misquamicock, now Westerly, be- gan to be settled, and gave rise to further difiiculties of propriety and jurisdiction.' At this session the purchasers petitioned for the approval and assistance of the colony in making a settlement there, which was granted. The commissioners of the United Colonies took up the dispute in behalf of Massachusetts, and wrote to Rhode Island re- ' This tract was given to Socho, a brave captain of the Narragansets, by Canonicus and Miantinomi, for services rendered about 1635, in driving off a party of Pequots who had settled there prior to the war between the Pequots and English in 1G37. It was deeded by Socho, Jan. 29th, 1660, to William Vauglian, Robert Stanton, John Fairfield, Hugh Mosher, James Longbottom and others of Newport, and the original deed to Socho was confirmed by Pes- sicus, 2-lth June, 1661, at which time Ninigret claimed the tract, but his nephew Pessicus denied his right thereto. The documents relating to this subject and the records of the Westerly proprietors are given by Mr. Potter in Early Hist, of Nar't. R. I. H. C, iu. 241-75. SEIZURE OF SAUNDERS AND BURDETT. 277 specting this and the Pettiquamscot purchase, protesting chap against the comluct of Rhode Island in permitting them .^ ^^ to be made. Massachusetts, by whom the Pequot country 1_6 6 1. was claimed by right of conquest, had erected the tract on ^3^ " each side of the Pawcatuck river into a township called Southertown, and attached it to the county of Suffolk. Complaints from this town were now made to the General Court, of the intrusion of some thirty-six settlers from Rhode Island into that part of the town east of Paw- catuck river, being the Westerly purchase, claiming it as their own. Upon this a warrant was issued by the coun- 25 * cil of Massachusetts to the constable of Southertown to ar- rest the trespassers. Tobias Saunders, Robert Burdett, and Joseph Clarke were seized. Clarke was released, and Nov. the others were taken to Boston as prisoners, and commit- ted for want of bail. The magistrates sent a letter to Dec. Rhode Island, inquiring if the conduct of these trespass- ^^ ers was sanctioned by that government, and saying if it were so, Massachusetts would prepare to defend her peo- ple in their just rights. Receiving no reply, another let- j j. g o ter was soon after sent, by special messengers, asserting March Q her claim to all Rhode Island, " from Pequot river to Ply- mouth line," under the Narraganset patent,' and avowing her determination to make it good. At the next session of the General Court the two prisoners were brought to trial. They were sentenced to pay a fine of forty pounds, May and to be imprisoned till it was paid, and also to give '^• sureties for one hundred pounds to keep the peace. ^ A third letter was then written, informing Rhode Island of the trial of these men, and requiring her to cause the set- 1^. tiers at Pettiquamscot and Southertown to vacate their lands before the end of June, or they should be treated as Saunders and Burdett had been. But Rhode Island was not to be intimidated by the threats of her powerful neigh- * Obtained Dec. 10th, 1643, ante ch. iv. '' M. C. R. iv. Part 2d, p. U. 22. 278 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, bor, whose efforts against her peace and existence had sc ..^^^ often been thwarted by her firmness, sanctioned by the 16 6 2. subsequent approval of her conduct by the Supreme Gov- ernment in England. Kelying, as she ever had done, on the justice of her cause, and looking to her right of appeal to the King and Parliament, through the medium of hei able and faithful agent, John Clarke, she maintained her position. The Court of Commissioners, met at Warwick, 20. sent to Daniel Gookin and others, subjects of Massachu- setts, who had intruded at Westerly, prohibiting them from planting or building there until the order of the King on that matter could be known. ^ A letter in rej)ly to Massachusetts was prepared, defending the conduct of Saunders and Burdett, and denying that the Pequot re- gion ever extended east of Pawcatuck river, or that Massa- chusetts had any claim to the Narraganset country. The terms of the letter were as courteous as the subject would permit. Two messengers were appointed to cany it to Boston.2 At this general election Benedict Arnold was chosen President, over William Brenton ; Kichard Tew, Assist- ant for Newport, John Sandford, Treasurer, and Richard Bulffar, Solicitor. The other officers continued as be- fore, but the Attorney General declining to serve, John Sandford was chosen to that place in June. These ofii- cers were re-elected the following year, and served until the adoption of the Eoyal Charter. Wampum-j)eage ujj to this time had been the princi- pal circulating medium in Rhode Island. The other colo- ' This prohibition does not appear on the records of the May session, which be^an on the 22d, while this document is dated the 20th. There waa perhaps a special meeting of the Court prior to the general election two days later. It is found in the files of the General Court of Massachusetts, and is printed in R. I. Col. Rec, i. 463, with the three letters from Massachusetti above refeiTcd to, and other papers on the same subject. ^ I'hese were John Green and John Sandford. The letter is in R, 1. CoL Rec, i 469-73. THE COLONY DETERMINES TO MAINTAIN ITS RIGHTS. 279 nies had Ions: since abandoned it. It had now fallen so chap. much in value that it was declared to be no longer legal ^^^.^ tender, and all taxes and costs of court were required to be 16 6 2. paid " in current pay," that is, in Sterling or in New Eng- land coin.' The confusion of land titles had become so great, that a law was passed vesting the fee in whoever, having possession, should record his claim within thirteen months, if on the spot ; and this record, if undisputed within that time, should perfect the title even against the real owner. To those living in other colonies one year more was given, and to those living beyond the sea two years longer were allowed to establish their right. The President or any Assistant was empowered to appoint con- stables at any of the new settlements in Narraganset to keep the peace. This act evinced the fixed determination of Rhode Island to maintain her rights in the disputed territory. The Court adjourned till the next month, to await the return of the messengers sent to Massachusetts. They did not reach Boston till the General Court had ad- June journed. To prevent the mischief that might result from ' ' the contents of their letter not being generally known, leave was granted for any person to send copies of it, and of the prohibition, to their friends in Massachusetts. Liberty to buy land of the Indians was also given to sev- eral parties. These purchases soon became too frequent to be specially noticed. Letters were constantly passing between the colony and its agent. Measures of vital importance to the wel- fare of Rhode Island were in progress. The position she occupied was anomalous, and required great tact and ability to sustain. The charter, by which she existed, was obtained from an authority inimical to the king, 'Massachusetts had begun to coin silver in 1652. Shillings and six- ponces, all of which bear the same date, although the coinage was continued throughout several years, are still extant. Thirty shillings of New England silver was equal to twenty-two shillings sixpence sterling. 280 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, and which had afterwards dethroned and beheaded his ^^^^^ royal father. The principles she avowed were totally un- n»6 2. recognized among men. No form of civil government 17 then existing could tolerate her democracy, and even Christian charity denied her faith. To obtain a renewal of privileges so remarkable, to secure the regard of a sove- reign whose arbitrary will was an inheritance, to obtam his sanction to a system which, initiated as an experi- ment by a republican parliament, had come to be no longer a philosophical problem but an established fact, and which, if extended, must inevitably in time overthrow the fabric of monarchical power — these were the difficult and perhaps dangerous duties that now devolved on the agent of Rhode Island. Well did he conduct his delicate mission, and triumphant was the success that crowned his labors. Two petitions or addresses were presented to Charles II. by John Clarke, in behalf of the people of Rhode Island, wherein he recites briefly the origin of the colony, and states clearly the grounds of their first and second i-emoval for the cause of religious liberty, asserting that they " haye it much on their hearts, if they may be permitted, to hold forth a lively experiment, that a flourishing civil state may stand, yea, and best be maintained, and that among English spirits, with a full liberty in religious con- cernments," and finally surrendering their lands and charter to the crown, and craving "a more absolute, ample, and free charter of civil incorporation." ' While the existence of the colony hung on the yet doubtful success of its agent at the English court, affairs at home were scarcely more propitious to its safety or inde- Sept. pendence. The subjects of Massachusetts in Narraganset 4. ' The precise date of these two addresses is unknown. They were found among the archives in the British State Paper OfBce in London, and belong no doubt to the year 1662. Copies were made for the splendid library- of Mr. John Carter Brown, which contains probably the richest collection of MSS. and of rare and valuable works on American history to be found. These twc papers are printed in Mr. Secretary Bartlett's R. I. Col. Rec, i. 485-91. CONNECTICUT CLAIMS NARRAGANSET. 281 complained to the commissioners of the United Colonies chap. of the conduct of Ehode Island, in maintaining her char- ^^ tered rights over that country. The appointment of con- stables by the last General Assembly had filled the cup of New England indignation. The commissioners now wrote to Rhode Island, claiming Narraganset for Connec- ticut, imder the new charter to that colony which had just been received, as the previous year they had claimed it for Massachusetts under the old Narraganset patent. The letter concludes with the usual threat in case of non- compliance with their demands.' Connecticut, upon the Oct proclamation of her charter, ^ ordered the inhabitants of ^• Mystic and Pawcatuck not to exercise authority under commissions from any other colony.^ This order was aimed equally at Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and was justified by the terms of the new charter, which em- braced the whole Narraganset country. At the meeting of the Court of Commissioners in Warwick, another letter was ordered to be sent to Massachusetts about the lands of Pawcatuck, in reply to the one from the United Colo- nies. This letter was more severe than was usual in the official communications of Rhode Island, justly charging the Massachusetts with habitual injury to Rhode Island by wrongful accusations and unchristian acts, and asserting that the Connecticut charter, so far as it conveyed juris- diction over the Narraganset country, was procured by " underhand dealing," and that it would be revoked. The letter further demanded the release of Saunders and Bur- -dett, who still remained in prison, and also claimed dam- ages for the wrongs inflicted upon them. In conclusion, it offered equal justice in the courts of Rhode Island, to all parties aggrieved by any illegal acts of the Westerly settlers.* 1 Hazard, ii. 462-9. R. I. Col. Rec, i. 499. ^ Dated 23d April, 1662, and received in September. = Coiin't Col. Rec, i. 389. * See R. I. Col. Rec, i. 493-5. 282 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. That the subject of education received early attentior in Rhode Island we have already shown in the chapter on Aquedneck. An amjDle foundation for its support was also made in Providence, by the reservation of one hundred acres of upland and six acres of meadow for the mainte- nance of a school, which was voted in town meeting at this - time. 22. No changes were made in the general officers at the next election. The session, held in Providence, was very short. The continued imprisonment of the two Rhode Island men in Massachusetts exasperated the settlers at West- erly, and led to a system of reprisals, and ■ to acts of vio- lence, seriously disturbing the border towns. A house that had been built on the east side of Pawcatuck river by residents of Southertown, being within the asserted ju- risdiction of Rhode Island, was torn down. William Mar- ble, a deputy of the Marshal of Suffolk, bearing a letter June. ^° *^^ Westerly men upon this subject, was arrested, sent to Newport, and confined in prison for eleven months. Soon after his release he petitioned the General Court of Massachusetts * for redress. The petition is on the files of the Court, but no action upon it is recorded. By the third article of an agreement made between P Clarke and Winthrop, the Atherton Company were to choose whether they would be under the jurisdiction of Rhode Island or of Connecticut. This agreement was im- mediately sent over to America. The action of the com- q pany was prompt and decided. They preferred the gov- ernment of Connecticut, and so declared in a formal meet- ing, every one subscribing a paper to that effect, which was sent to Hartford. The Governor and Council imme- 10- diately accepted the jurisdiction, as being included in the limits of their charter, named the plantation Wickford, and appointed Richard Smith, sen., Edward Hutchinson, ' August 3d, 1664. KECEPTION OF THE ROYAL CHARTER. 283 and Joshua Hewes, Selectmen, and Kichard Smith, jun., chap VIII Constable. Mr. Smith's trading-house was the place de- . ,__ signated for the transaction of public business. 1^ ^ ^• The hopes of Rhode Island received a further blow in 21. a letter from the king to the United Colonies, commend- ing to their care the interests of the Atherton purchasers against the vexatious proceedings of Providence colony.' How that letter was obtained will appear in the succeed- ing chapter. But steps had already been taken by Clarke which prevented the injury that the State would other- wise have sustained from these causes. The Assembly met at Portsmouth soon after the receipt of this letter, to 14-19. expedite measures for the support of their agent. The Greneral Court of Massachusetts sent special agents to Rhode Island, to infoiTQ the government of their views of her acts against the peace of that colony in regard to Southertown, and to propose a reference of the matters in dispute, until which time further molestation should cease.'^ Soon afterwards warrants were issued to all the towns by the President, requiring the freemen to accompany ISTov, their commissioners, with their arms, to solemnize the re- ception of the charter, as advised by the colony's agent. The President also wrote to Massachusetts, enclosing a let- ^g. ter from the king in behalf of Rhode Island, and received a reply that the council should be called at once to delib- ^l, erate on the subject. They met at Boston, and proposed by letter to President Arnold that all subjects in dispute „ between the two colonies be referred to arbitrators, to meet at Plymouth at such time as Rhode Island might select, and naming Governor Prince and Josias Winslow as refer- ees on the part of Massachusetts. Once more, and for the last time under the parliamen- tary patent, the general Court of Commissioners convened at Newport on the appointed day, to receive at the hands ' Hazard ii. 498. R. I. Col. Rec, i. 466. = M. C. R., iv. Part 2d, p. 95. 284 HISTOKY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. of Captain George Baxter, lately arrived from England, the rich result of the labors of John Clarke — the Royal Charter of Charles II. "At a very great meeting and assemhly of the freemen of the colony of Providence Plantations, at Newport, in Ehode Island, in New England, November the 24th, 1G63. The abovesayed Assembly being legally called and orderly mett for the sollome recejitioh , of his Majestyes gratious letters pattent unto them sent, and having in order thereto chosen the President, Benedict Arnold, Moderator of the Assembly," it was, " Voted : That the box in which the King's gratious letters were enclosed be opened, and the letters with the broad scale thereto affixed .be taken forth and read by Captayne George Baxter in the audience and view of all the people ; which was accordingly done, and the sayd letters with his Majesty's Royall Stampe, and the broad seal, with much becoming gravity held up on hygh, and presented to the perfect view of the people, and then returned into the box and locked up by the Governor, in order to the safe keeping of it." The humble thanks of the colony were voted to His Majesty and to the earl of Clarendon, and also a gratuity of one hundred pounds to John Clarke and one of twenty- 25 five pounds to Captain Baxter. The next da,y the com missioners again assembled, and having passed such acts as were necessary to prevent the failure of justice, "dis- solved and resigned up " to the government appointed by the charter. 26. On the following day the Governor and council named in the charter, held a meeting to receive again the sub- mission of the sachems to the crown of England, and to order the government of the colony, by receiving anew the engagements of all the existing" officers to hold their jdaces until the session of the General Assembly, which was ap- pointed for the first Tuesday of the ensuing March. The government of the colony under the parliamentary EXPIRATION OF THE PARLIAMENTARY CHARTER. 285 patent was ended. "The incorporation of Providence chap. Plantations," as a legal title, had ceased to exist. Hence- x^^^ forth the colony was to assume another name, and tjo be gov- 16 6 3. erned under a royal charter, not less free than that which it supplanted, and better adapted to the exigencies of the State. The patent of 1644 had accomplished the chief end for which it was sought. It had gathered the scat- tered settlements of fugitives from persecution into one corj)orate body, and compelled their recognition as a body politic by their ambitious and vindictive neighbors. But it was too feeble to answer the full purposes of a charter. The veiy freedom of its provisions, which in later days would give it strength, was in those primitive times a source of weakness. It was more a patent for the towns than for the people, legalizing, in effect, so many independ- ent corporations, rather than constructing one sovereign power resting upon the popular will. It produced a con- federacy, and not a union. Its defects are seen in the fa- cility with which Coddington, contrary to the wishes of the people at Aquedneck, severed that island from the rest of the colony, and usurped a power almost dictatorial. Under its operation, in eveiy town and hamlet were spread the seeds of discontent and disunion, and nothing but the pres- sure from without, and the supreme law of self-preserva- tion, kept the discordant settlements from utter destruction, and from being absorbed by the adjoining governments. Its reception had been hailed with extravagant joy by a despised and persecuted people. Its expiration was at- tended with no regret, for twenty years had wrought that change in the feeble colony which the same period works from infancy to manhood. As a basis of civil polity it had " outlived its usefulness,'' and was suffered to depart with- out a murmur. Thus closed the second epoch of Rhode Island history. The first presents a view of scattered cabins reared in the primeval wilderness, till they become a little village on the 286 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF EHODE ISLAND. river bank. One after another these feeble hamlets strug- gle into life, remote from each other, amid virgin forests 16 6 8. and on the ocean shore. The hardy settlers, twice exiled for opinion's sake, have become the pioneers of princij^les immortal as truth itself. What, though wild beasts dis- turb their rest at night, and the Indian warwhpop rings around their dwellings ! They have won the savage by acts of kindness and of justice, and have less to fear from his untamed but generous spirit than from the brethren they have left. Here, each village by itself^ they must frame their own laws, and submit to their own enact- ments, till, by force of habit and of necessity, each vil- lager becomes, unconsciously, a statesman. The school of j)ractice precedes the school of theory, and thus four in- dependent governments are formed, self-constituted, in the wilderness. But one common sentiment pervades the whole. The spirit of liberty animates every heart. Soul liberty and civil freedom is their aim, and with one accor-d each separate village declares that " all men may walk as their consciences persuade them, every one in the name of his Grod." Thus in obscurity these outcast men indeed proclaimed "freedom to the world," and from their seclud- ed settlements sent forth a law which was to redeem the human soul from spiritual thraldom, and in time to free a nation, perhaps all nations at some future day, from civil tyranny, by teaching the doctrine of self-government. But the villages have grown to be towns, " heresy and treason " are rampant in the plantations, and Puritan zeal for Church and State seeks to extirpate the source of so dangerous an example. Roused to a sense of impending danger, and conscious of the vast significance of their common principles, the towns obtain a patent which re- cognizes their corporate existence, yet leaves them freely to enjoy their cherished sentiments. With this patent of incorporation the second epoch of their history begins. Through the last two chapters we have traced this seco id PROCEEDINGS IN THE CASE OF JOHN WARNER. 287 period of doubt and change, of conflict and disunion, of chap threatened anarchy within, and of aggression and insult _^^ from without. We have seen how, amid all the troubles 16 6 3. that environed them, the townsmen kept steadily in view the fundamental principles of their organization, and tri- umphantly sustained their peculiar notions against the arguments and the menaces of the rest of New England ; and how the material prosperity of the people kept pace with their fidelity to the truth, until the arrival of a new, " more absolute, ample, and free charter of civil incorpo- ration," ushered in the third epoch of our history— the period of colonial maturity. APPENDIX B. PROCEEDINGS IN THE CASE OF JOHN WARNER. FROM THE WARWICK RECORDS. '= The twentie-fourth of Aprill, 1652. ^^^ "At a town meeting or law making assembly ordered that " John Warner for his misdemeanures under annexed is degraded by the unanimos consent of the town from bearmg any office in the town, and that he is hereby disenabled for ever after bearing any of- fice in the Town untill he gives the town satisfaction. '• It is further ordered that the abovesayed John Warner is put out from having any vote in the town concerning its affairs. •' The charges against John Warner are these, first "Item— for calling the officers of the town rogues and theives with respect to their office. ■( Item — for calling the whole town rogues and thieves. " Item — for threatning the lives of men. " Item— for threatning to kill all the mares in town. •' Item— for his contempt in not appearing before the town now met. being lawfully (assembled ?) by a summons from the officer with two magistrates hands to it. " Item— for threatning an officer of the colony in open Court that 288 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. if he had him elsewhere he would beate out his braynes, as also call ing him rogue. " Item — for his employing an agent to write to the Massachusetts, thereby going about to inthrall the liberties of the t own, contrary to the privileges of the town, and to the great indignity of the Honorable State of England who granted the sayd privaledges to us. " It is ordered that another be immediately chose for Assistant to supply John AVarner's place while (until?) the next choice." Mr. John Smith was chosen Assistant in place of Warner. At the annual town meeting on 7th June it was '• Ordered, that the answer read by Mr. S. Gorton in the town meeting, to the motions of the Town of Providence with respect to John Warner, be forthwith drawn forth and signed by the Clarke and sent to the Town of Providence forthwith. "Ordered, that the declaration that hath been drawn up in the town concerning John Warner and the Dutchmen, which hath been sent to the Bay, as also to Providence, that a cop}' of it be drawn forth and signed by the Clarke and sent to Mr. Roger Williams, and or- dered tliat Mr. Samuel Gorton is to write a letter to Mr. Roger Wil- liams in the Town's behalf, to give him information concerning the town and Colonies proceedings with John Warner and his wife." The only notice taken of the case by the General Assembly was on the 19th May, when the matter was left to the decision of the Court of Trials in these words, "It is agreed that the case of Priscilla Warne.r, now depending in the General Court of Trialls, shall there be issued." At a town meeting on the 22d June it was ordered, '• That the house and land of John Warner situate and being in the sayd town be attached forthwith upon suspicion of unsufFerable treacherie against the town, to the forfeiture of the sayd house and land, and that notice may be given him of the attachment thereof that BO hee by himself or aturney may answer at the next court of Trials to be held in Warwick the 3d Tuesday in August next ensuing the date hereof. It is also ordered that all persons are hereby prohibited from laying any claim or title unto it, or an}' part thereof by bargain and sale or otherwise untill he hath answered the law and be cleered by order of the Court held as afoi'esayd, but remains in the hand and custody of the town in the mean time. " Ordered, that the Sergeant shall have a copie of this order and set it up upon the door of the house. " Ordered, that if hereafter John Warner or any for him shall sell that house and land abovesayd, an}- part or parcel of it, to any but such as shall subscribe to our order it shall as before be wholly foifeit to the town." PROrFEDINGS IN THE CASE OF JOHN WARNER. 289 On the 5th of July the property was released, under protest, as chap. follows:— VIII.' " Ordered by the town of Warwick that the house and land of John Warner, situated in the sayd Town of Warwick, being of late atached upon suspicion of the breach of the grand law of the Town, be resigned up to the said John Warner again. " We whose names are here underwritten being unsatisfied with the above voate upon the resigning of the abovesayed house of John Warner which was atached upon suspicion of the breach of the grand law of the Town, do hereby enter our protest against the act, as wit- ness our hands. Rnndal Houlden, John Wickes, John Greene, Jun., Samuel Gorton, Robert Potter." Thirty-one years later, June 26th, 1683, he was divorced from his wife upon her petition, on the ground of infidelity, and of pei-sonal violence towards her, and at the same session was expelled from the General Assembly as he had before been from town offices, in terms as follows :— " Voted : Whereas, Mr. John Warner was by the town of Warwick chosen to be a Deputy in this Assembly, and being from time to time called, and not in Courte appearing, and there haveing been presented to this Assembly such complaints against him, that the Assembly doe judge, and are well satisfied, he is an unfitt person to serve as a Dep- uty ; and therefore see cause to expel him from acting in this present Assembly as a Deputy." TOL. I — 19 29t» BIBTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAM) CHAPTER IX. 1663— lfi75. FROM THE ADOPTION OF THE ROYAL CHARTER, NOVEMBER, 1663, TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF KING PHILIP'S WAR, JUNE, 1675. ^?x^' T^^^ restoration of the Stuarts, annulling the acts of ' — ■ — the Long Parliament, compelled Rhode Island to seek a renewal of her privileges by another charter. It was at an auspicious moment, when Charles II. was yet but recently seated upon his throne, that the talent and energy of Dr. Clarke obtained this instrument. It confirmed every thing that the previous patent had given, and vested even greater powers in the people. Under it the State was an absolute sovereignty with powers to make its own laws, religious freedom was guaranteed, and no oath of alle- giance was required. Rhode Island became in fact, and almost in name, an independent State from that day. There are three points in this charter deserving of special attention, which distinguish it from all other royal patents that have ever been granted. To mention these in the order in which they occur, the first is the acknowl- edgment of the Indian titles . to the soil. Among the reasons assigned for granting the charter is this, that the petitioners " are seized and possessed by purchase and consent of the said natives to their full content, of such lands, islands/' &c., and farther on, in the enumeration THE CHARTER ACKNOWLEDGES INDIAN TITLES. 291 of powers granted, the inhabitants are permitted " to di- rect, rule, order and dispose of all other matters and things, and particularly that which relates to the making of purchases of the native Indians." These paragraphs would appear unimportant, if they did not concede a prin- ciple for which the founders of Rhode Island had con- tended from the beginning, and which was not incorpo- rated in any other charter. Possession by right of dis- covery was a European doctrine coeval with the days of Columbus and de Gama. First exercised by the Su- preme Pontiff, who claimed the exclusive right, as God's Vicegerent, to the temporal control of all newly-discov- ered countries, it was soon adopted by the maritime pow- ers as a part of the royal prerogative. Overlooking that principle of justice which establishes propriety in the original possessor, the sovereigns of Europe did not hesi- tate to assert their claim over both Americas. The rights of the aborigines, heathens and barbarians as they were, presented no obstacles to these enlightened and Christian legislators. Their heathenism was handed over to the tender mercies of the church, their barbarism to the civ- ilizing agency of gunpowder and steel. Although the method of administration was more summary in the Span- ish and Portuguese j)OSsessions, the principle, in its broad- est extent, was recognized by the British crown, though rarely acted upon by the English colonists. Against the abstract right, as well as the positive abuse of these pre- tensions, the settlement of Rhode Island was the first solemn protest. Mercy and justice combined to raise the voice of indignant rebuke against the wholesale assump- tion of territorial rights, urged by the Council of Ply- mouth under their patent from King James. For the bold denunciation of those words of the patent in which the King, as the " Sovereign Lord " of this continent, grants by his " special grace, mere motion and certain knowledge," a large portion of America, reaching from 292 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, the AtLantic to the Pacific, to the Council of Plymouth, ^^,...,1^ Koger Williams was twice subjected to the censure of the authorities of Massachusetts. This principle was the only one, save that of " soul liberty," which Koger Wil- liams initiated in Massachusetts, of the many factious proceedings that later writers, following Hubbard, have laid to his charge. Upon this point, the exclusive right of the aborigines to their native soil, Mr. Williams was decided, and his views were maintained by those jyho fol- lowed him to Rhode Island. They were set forth by Dr. Clarke in his addresses to the King, and thus became em- bodied in the Royal charter. The operation of the thing was the leverse in this State from what it was elsewhere. The other colonies claimed the soil by virtue of grants from the King, and confirmed their titles by purchase from the Indians, or by conquest. Here the paramount title was held to be in the aborigines, and the right, first obtained from them by purchase, was only confirmed by patent from the crown. The second remarkable point in this charter is the am- ple protection which it .extends to the rights of conscience. So full and absolute is this guarantee, and so different from the prevailing spirit of the age, that the principle it embodies has come to be considered, not only as the pecu- liar honor of Rhode Island, but as being the .sole distiii" guishing feature of her history. It declares " that noe person within the sayd colonye, at any tyme hereafter, shall bee any wise molested, punished, disquieted, or called in question, for any difi'ercnce in opinione in mat- ters of religion which doe not actually disturb the civill peace of our sayd colonye ; but that all and everye per- son and persons may, from tyme to tyme, and at all tymes hereafter, freelye and fullye have and enjoye his and theire owne judgments and consciences, in matters of religious concernments, tliroughout the tract of lande hereafter mentioned ; they behaving themselves peaceablie and ALLOWS LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE AND IS REPUBLICAN. 293 quietlie, and not using this libertie to lycentiousnesse and chap. profanenesse, nor to the civil injurye or outward disturb- ^^J^.^ ance of others." It should be remembered that the laws of England rigidly required uniformity in religious belief. Church and State were essential portions of each other. This grant therefore repealed the laws of England, so far as Rhode Island was concerned, by excej)ting her from their operation, and left the people of this colony precisely where the parliamentary patent, by its significant silence on this subject, had left them. It was a signal triumph for what is now recognized as the fundamental principle in ethics, in religion, and in politics.' The remaining point to be noticed as distinguishing this charter from all others that have emanated from the throne of a monarch, is its purely republican character. When the colony was organized under the previous pa- tent, the Assembly declared " that the form of government established in Providence Plantations is Democratical, that is to say, a government held by the free and volun- tary consent of all, or the greater part of the free inhabit- ants." This was a novel doctrine, at least in the history of the modern world, and although it was sanctioned by the charter of a republican parliament, it could hardly be expected to pass the seals of a Royal Council. Yet it did so pass, and in almost the same terms in which it had be- fore been secured. After conferring power to elect their own officers and to make their own laws, " as to them shall seem meet for the good and welfare of the said Com- I^any," it requires only that such laws " bee not contrarie and repugnant unto, but as near as may bee, agreeable to * It is worthy of notice that Charles II., in his famous letter to the Com- mons, known as the " Declaration," from Breda, April 4-14, 1660, promises religious freedom to his subjects, in the event of his restoration, in precisely the language used in the charter of Rhode Island, " that no man shall be dis- quieted or called in question for differences of opinion in matters of religion which do not disturb the peace of the kingdom." Echard's Hist, of England, ii. 897 ; Rapin book, 22d vol. xi. p. 180, where the declaration is cited in fvdl. 294 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, the laws of this our Realme of England," and adds the game qualifying and practically annulling words, " ct)nsid- ering the nature and constitution of the place and people there." The extent of the powers conferred by this charter is indeed surprising. The military arm, always relied upon as the distinctive barrier of the throne, is for- mally and fully surrendered to the people, in this instru- ment, even to the extreme poiiit of declaring martial law — a grant which, in repeated ca«es, the govcriunent of Rhode Island successfully defended, in later yejirs, against the threats and the arguments of the royal governors of New England. Thus it was that Rhode Island continiied, as she had begun, an independent State, through all the vicissitudes of the Mother country, and was unaffected, save at one brief intei-val, by the changes that swept over the neigh- boring colonies. With this charter, serving as the basis of government rather than prescribing its form, the State led the way in the final struggle for national independ- ence. Under it Rhode Island, a,s being no less truly than professedly republican, adopted the Constitution of the United States and was received into the American Union. So far as tliis charter was concerned, a single provision, fixing the apportionment of representatives for the several towns, which time had rendered unjust in its operation, and which, it was contended, could not be remedied other- wise than by an alteration of the organic law, led to its abrogation in 1843, at which time this venerable instru- ment was the oldest constitutional charter in the world. For one hundred and eighty years it had been regarded as the shield of popular freedom against Royal prerogative or Federal encroachment. It was the last remaining beacon planted by the Republicans of the seventeenth century, and so firmly that the war of the Revolution had not BOUNDARY DISPUTE WITH CONNECTICUT. 295 changed its jaosition, for they both rested upon the same cHAt- foundation — the inherent right of self-government. — ^ The Government was vested in a Governor, Deputy Governor, and ten Assistants, named in the charter, with a House of Deputies, six from Newport, four each from Providence, Portsmouth and Warwick, and two from every other town. The former were to be chosen annual- ly at Newport on the first Wednesday of May, the latter by their respective towns. The whole legislative body was called the General Assembly, and was to meet twice a year, in May and October, but they could alter the time and place of meeting at will. Benedict Arnold was ap- pointed the first Governor, and William Brenton, Deputy Governor. ' In view no doubt ©f the acts of non-intercourse exist- ing against Rhode Island in the neighboring colonies, the charter specially req^uired that the people of this colony should be permitted to pass unmolested through the adja- cent provinces, and an appeal to the King was guaranteed in case of further disputes. In all cases the charter was to be construed most favorably for the benefit of the grantees. The boundary lines were minutely defined. They are those which, after more than a century of con- test with the adjoining colonies, were finally established in accordance with the charter, and exist at this day. The western boundary was the source of immediate and violent dispute, prolonging instead of quieting the difficul- ties already commenced. The charter of Connecticut bore date fifteen months anterior to that of Rhode Island, and bounded that colony on Narraganset Bay. The peo- ple of Rhode Island, upon the first notice of this legalized robbery of so large a portion of their territory, charged those of Connecticut with underhand dealing in the ' The Assistants were William Balstou, John Porter, Roger '\rilliaras, Thomas Olney, John Smith, John Greene, John Coggeshall, James Barker, WUliam Ffeild, and Joseph Clarke. 296 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHOl)E ISLAND. CHAP, means employed to obtain that result, and maintained ^_;_:^ that upon a proper representation of the facts the obnox- ious portions would be revoked — and so indeed it proved. The Rhode Island charter, referring in terms to that of Connecticut, and expressly limiting the territory therein conveyed in accordance with the claims of Rhode Island, designated the Pawcatuck river as her western boundary, " any graunt, or clause in a late graunt, to the Governor and Company of Connecticut Colony, in America^^ to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding; the afore- sayd Pawcatuck river haveing byn yeilded, after much de- bate, for the fixed and certain boundes between these our sayd Colonies, by the agents thereof; who have alsoe agreed, that the sayd Pawcatuck river shall bee alsoe call- ed alias Narraganset river; and, to prevent other disputes, that otherwise might arise thereby, forever hereafter shall be construed, deemed and taken to bee the Narraganset river in our late graunt to Connecticut Colony mentioned as the easterly bounds of that Collony." Nothing could be more explicit than this recital, yet it did not suffice to settle. the difficulty. The agreement made by the two agents. Gov. Winthrop and Dr. Clarke on the part of their respective colonies, was disowned by Connecticut, on the ground that their agent had no longer any authority to act tor the colony, his commission having expired, as they said, upon the completion of his labors in obtaining the charter.* Even if this were so, we do not see how that ob- jection could set aside a Royal grant. It could only aftect the force of a statement in the charter which is simply explanatory and altogether secondary to the main question at issue. Of the fact of the agreement there is no denial. Of its binding effect upon the two colonies there might be a question if the plenary powers of the Connecticut agent had ceased, as was asserted, when his charter passed the ' See Report of the Royal Commissioners, October, 1683, in 1 M. H. C, v. 238. THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLARKE AND WINTHROP. 297 seals. But the validity of the grant itself is untouched chap by the error or the accuracy of one of the reasons therein ._^,J^ assigned for making it. 16 6 3. This agreement was the result of arbitration. The points of difference being submitted to five referees were decided by them in four articles. The first fixed Pawca- tuck river as the boundary and named it Narraganset. The second gave the Quinnebaug tract to Connecticut. The third allowed the inhabitants around Smith's tradino; house, being the Atherton company, to choose to which of the two colonies they would submit ; and the fourth declared that the rights of property should be maintained through the colonies. To these four proposals the two agents as- sented, as a final issue of their differences. The second April and fourth are unimportant, the other two include the whole real matter in dispute.' We cannot understand how any such agreement could of itself bind either colony. If VVinthrop exceeded his powers, as charged by Connecti- cut, in giving up territory, Clarke equally exceeded his in yielding jurisdiction over a purchase made in violation of the laws of Rhode Island ; for the desire of the Atherton men to submit to Connecticut was weU known, and the giving them this choice w^as nothing less than abandoning all control over their lands. It was in fact admitting a foreign colony into the heart of the State ; an evil from which Rhode Island had already suffered too much in the case of Pawtuxet. But Rhode Island did not set up the plea that her agent had exceeded his powers. She stood on the terms of her charter in the question of boundary, and in that of jurisdiction she adopted conciliatory meas- ures towards the people of Narraganset. We have already seen abundant reasons why the New England league should sympathize with Connecticut in ' The agreement is printed in 1 M. H. C, v. 248, where it is dated 17th April, and in R. I. Col. Rec, i. 518, with the correct date, 7th April, follow- ing the copy preserved in the British State Paper Office. New England pa- pers, vol. 3, p. 90. 298 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. ciiAi'. this new occasion of dispute. The fact that their writ- IX • ,.,_^_;_ ers have, steadily endeavored to defend tha claim of Con- 10 03. necticiit against the rights of Rhode Island, confirmed by the King, and to uphold the conduct of Winthrop at the expense of Dr. Clarke, while Rhode Island has to this day silently submitted to the imputations cast upon her agent, conscious of his rectitude, yet careless to preserve his name unsullied, has wrouglit great injustice to one whose charac- ter and whose taleiits appear more exalted the more-closely they are examined. That foreign historians, seeking to give an impartial account of this transaction, should have been misled by the only authorities within their reach, and thus unwittingly have attached an unmerited stigma to the name of John Clarke, is natural and perhaps inevitable.' But that New England authors should attempt to honor Winthrop by disgracing Clarke does wrong to both, and is alike ungenerous and unjust. Between these two great men there appears to have existed a cordial friendship, which was not broken even by the delicate position into which they were thrown by the singular conduct of Con- necticut colony. It is true that Winthrop in his letters complained that Clarke had not obtained his charter sooner, and that he had done him wrong in opposing the Conn*^c- ticut charter after its confirmation, thereby hindering his re- turn ; and in the same letter he sends a kind message to his Rhode Island friends, declaring that he had no intent to injure them, but only " to render a service to their old charter," as well as to the people of Narraganset.'- The geography of New England was but little understood, in the minutias of courses and distances, even by its inhabi- tants, at that time, and the reply to that letter, written by the people of Narraganset, as the Atherton settlers were ' For a refutation of the charges brought by Grahame and endorsed by Quincy against Chirke, and for an examination into the reliability of Chal- mers, see Appendix C. - This letter is Xo. 47 of the 22d vol. of the Trumbull MSS. in the ar« chives of the Mass. Hist. Soc. See AppendLx D., No. II. April. THE TRADUCERS OF CLARKE EXPOSED. 29S now called, shows a singular misconception on this point chap. either in their minds or in that of Winthrop. It would ^^-.^ seem as if Winthrop had first, in obedience to instructions ^^^^^ from Connecticut, bounded that colony on Narraganset bay ; that, upon being convinced by Clarke of the injustice thereby done to Rhode Island, he agreed to the adjustment mentioned in the Rhode Island charter, and that thus, while trying to discharge his duty as the agent of one and the friend of the other, he deeply offended both, through want of exact knowledge of the position and limits of the disputed territory. ' To retort upon Winthrop the charges that his defenders have made against Clarke, would be to pervert the truth of history, as has been steadily done by those who, anxious to shield their own infamy, or ignorant of the secret history of this transaction, have sought to cast upon Clarke the stigma of ".underhand dealing" that at- taches to themselves, or have blindly copied the falsehoods of his enemies. Where this disgrace properly belongs, and how, and why it was shifted upon the shoulders of Clarke, will now be shown. The Atherton company who, it will be remembered, had bought lands in Narraganset contrary to the law of Rhode Island, and who had constantly re- fused every overture made by the Assembly for their legal and proper settlement in the State, being composed of res- idents of the other colonies, and of whom Winthrop him- self was one, were earnest in their desire to be placed under the jurisdiction of Connecticut. They maintained a constant correspondence with Winthrop during his mission at London ; the burden of which was that he should so establish the boundary of Connecticut as to accomplish their purpose. They also had a special agent of their own in Ltndon, one John Scot, whose incautious pen has furnished the evidence of his own infamy, and of that of his employers, while it pays a tacit tribute to the * The reasons that lead to this conclusion would be tedious to embody in the text, and will best appear by perusing the letters inserted in Appendix D. 300 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. 3HAP. purity of Winthrop. It was he who obtained the famous ,J^^ letter from the King to the United Colonies, committing 16 6 3. to them the protection of the Atherton Company against 21. the claims of Rhode Island/ after Winthrop had embarked for America, and only seventeen days before the final pas- sage of the Rhode Island charter which effectually repeals the powers conferred in that letter. It seemed unaccount- able that so soon after an agreement had been made by which the controversy was supposed to be settled^-and one of the agents liad embarked for home, a royal letter should appear, virtually repealing the substance of the agreement, and that in less than three weeks from the date of the let- ter a royal act of the most solemn nature, an absolute July charter, should issue, making special mention of the said ^- agreement, and practically annulling the royal letter. There was a confusion of dates, a confounding of powers, and a manifest contradiction of purposes about all this, which indicated underhand dealing somewhere. Winthrop had left England almost immediately after signing the agreement. He, then, was clear of suspicion. Clarke re- mained. That circumstance aided the plan of the con- spirators to divert suspicion from themselves to him. The letter of June was triumphantly exhibited as proof of the real intentions of the King, and the fact that its tenor was contradicted by the charter of July was held up as proof of baseness on the part of the agent of Rhode Island. We can now show which was the true document, and which was obtained by fraud. An obscure manuscript heretofore unnoticed, perhaps from the insignificance of its author, fastens upon himself the charge of underhand deal- ing, describes the manner in which his object was ell'ected, ^^ ,.jl and names the bribe that he gave to obtain it. John Scot, 21). the special agent of the Atherton company, wrote the let- ter, now ibr the first time printed,- which after the la})se ' Ante, chap. 8, p. 283. The letter is dated June 21, IG63. ^ See Apprndix E for this remarkable letter, with more copious commenta thereupon thau arc given in the text. FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY UNDEB THE CHARTER. 301 of two hundred years, exposes the haseness of the enemies chap. of Clarke, shows for itself why they so freely charged ^_J^ him with dishonesty, and subjects its author and his abet- 1663-+. tors to the double shame of corruption to obtain their ends, and of meanness in seeking to hide their conduct by de- faming the character of an honest man. To the honor of Winthrop it should be mentioned here that seven years later, while Governor of Connecticut, he refused to exercise jurisdiction east of Pawcatuck river, alleging as a reason his agreement with Clarke, which although ignored by Connecticut, he at least deemed to be both legally and morally binding upon that colony. The questions of boundary and of jurisdiction were virtually one, and are so treated in Grovernor Wintlirop's message to the General Assembly at Hartford. A great amount of business, as varied in kind as it was March complicated in its nature, devolved upon the new Legisla- ■^• ture. The Assistants were now, for the first time, invested with legislative power by the charter, and acted conjointly with the deputies. The Courts required to be remodelled in accordance with the charter. Many laws were to be re- pealed as being " inconsistent with the present govern- ment," and others enacted in conformity thereto. Diffi- culties of a most serious nature within and without the colony demanded attention. The new territory of Block Island was embraced in the charter, and must be provided for. Magistrates were to be apportioned among the towns, and the usual amount of private business was to be trans- acted. Notice being given to all the people to draw near, the charter was read, together with Mr. Clarke's letter accom- panying it, and Mr. Roger Williams was requested to transcribe it. A committee was appointed to draw up a prologue to the proceedings of the Court, which prefaces the records, and contains a formal acknowledgment of grat- itude to the king for his favor. The Assembly then en- 302 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, tered upon the business of legislation by prescribing the _i^^ mode of calling courts, and the times and manner of hold- 1663-4. ing them. Two General Courts of trials in each year were j estabhshed, to be held at Newport in May and October, and were to consist of the Governor, deputy Governor, or either of them, with at least six Assistants. Two other Courts of trials were ajipointed to be held annually, one at Providence in September, and one at Warwick in March, . at which at least three Assistants, and a jury of twelve men selected equally from each town, should be present. An appeal could be taken from these to the General Courts. Special Courts might also be called, at the re- quest and expense of any person, w'ith the sanction of the Governor or deputy Governor. In the apportionment of grand and petty jurors, Newport was to furnish five of each, Portsmouth three, Providence and Warwick two each ; but in .that of State magistrates, the two Executives and ten Assistants, five were to be inhabitants of Newport, three of Providence, and two each, of Portsmouth and Warwick ; and the precedency of the towns was settled in this latter order, it being that in which they were named in the charter. The Assistant " nearest the place occa- tion shall present " was to act as Coroner. A question arose whether by the charter it was pro- vided that the State magistrates, or Council, should be elected by the freemen in town meeting, or by the Gen- eral Assembly. It was decided that, unless otherwise ex- plained by advices from England, the right of electing these officers should vest in the freemen. An act was passed taking cognizance of the intru- sions and attenn)ted usurj)ations of the Atherton com- pany, and a summons was issued requiring them to ap- l)ear at the next session of Assembly, to answer for their conduct ; and similar attempts to settle in the colony, without leave first obtained from the Assembly, were for- bidden under pain of fine and imjtiisonment. A com- BLOCK ISLAND ANNEXED TO THE COLONY. 303 mittee was named to treat with Massachusetts upon the chap. pending difficulties between the two colonies. Pumham, ^^^^^^.i^ who, at the instigation of Massachusetts, had subjected ]^^^'^- himself and his lands to her jurisdiction, and retained \, possession of part of the tract purchased by the War- wick men, was notified, upon their complaint, that he was within the government of Khode Island, and must adjust his diflerences with the complainants or submit to legal process. A remonstrance to Connecticut colony upon the riotous conduct of the men of Southertown, and a notice of intention shortly to run the westerly line of Rhode Island, were ordered to be sent. A curious act is recorded at this session in favor of Capt. John Cranston, who, for skill in his profession, was licensed " to administer phisicke and practice chirurge- ry." We have before mentioned instances of physicians being licensed by the Legislature, but in this case the act went further, and we have now to record, for the first time, the foriaal conferring of the degree of M. D. upon Capt. Cranston in these words : " and is by this Court styled and recorded Doctor of phissick and chirrurgery, by the authority of this the General Assembly of this Col- lony." Notice was sent to Block Island that the people should appear at the May Court to be received into the colony, and James Sands, already a freeman, was appointed Con- stable. This island, the earliest authentic history of which dates from the Pequot war, and has already been noticed in that connection, remained subject to Massa- chusetts until it was annexed to Rhode Island by the royal charter. It was granted, as a reward for public services, to Gov. Endicott and three others,' who sold it two years later for five hundred pounds to Simon Ray and eight associates. The following year they commenced a settlement, liquidated the Indian title, subject to a res- 19th Oct., 1658. See M. C. R., iv. Part L, p. 356. 304 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. ervation in favor of the natives, and set apart one-six- teenth of the lands for the support of a minister forever. i6ti3-4. Soon afterwards James Sands, wlio had followed Ann Hutchinson in her exile to the hanks of the Hudson, re- turned and settled on the island. About two years had elapsed since the settlement was commenced, wTien the jurisdiction was transferred to Khode Island.' The re- moteness of the island rendered it almost independent of ', the colony, and produced a different system of internal ' regulation from that which prevailed in the other towns. Its exposed situation rendered it peculiarly liable to suf- fer, not only from the native Indians, but also from the attacks of piratical vessels, by which it was constantly threatened. The local history of Block Island, truthfuU)' written, would present an interesting study. The tradi- tionary history of the aborigines is lull of the romance of war ; their authentic history in connection with the white's, abounds in stirring incidents ; the peculiarities of the English settlers and their posterity, their customs, laws and domestic institutions, are among the most singu- lar and interesting developments of civilized life ; while the martial deeds of a people, within and around whose island there has been more hard fighting than on any ter- ritory of equal extent, perhaps, in America, and where the horrors of savage and of civilized warfare have alter- nately prevailed, almost without cessation, from the ear- liest traditionary period down to a recent date, would, altogether, furnish materials for a thrilling history that might rival tlie pages of romance. 10. A friendly letter was sent to Connecticut, in con- formity to the vote of the Assembly, reciting a recent outrage at Westerly, asking that such acts be prevented in future, and requesting the concurrence of Connecticut in 16 64. riinning the line between the two colonies at an early date March The Conflict of jurisdictions placed the Narraganset men in a difficult position. They wrote to Connecticut for CONFLICTING CLAIMS TO NABRAGANSET. 305 advice, saving that Kicliard Smith, jr., was under bonds chap. to answer to Rhode Island, and that a constable appointed ..^^^.^^ by Rhode Island might soon be expected at Wickford. • 16 6 4. The Conncil at Hartford erected a court at Wickford, f.'^ and conferred on the inhabitants power to choose their officers, recommended them to obtain " an able orthodox minister," and appointed Capt. Hutchinson to exercise all males between the ages of sixteen and sixty in the use of arms, six times a year. Wickford was now a fully organized settlement, with control over " the places ad- joining within the colony of Connecticut." Fortunately, at this crisis, a measure was adopted in the King's Coun- cil, that prevented a fatal collision between the deter- mined and excited disputants. A commission was issued 25. to Col. Richard Nichols, Sir Robert Carr, George Cart- wrigh", and Samuel Maverick, to reduce the Dutch prov- inces in America to subjection, and to determine all questions of appeal and of jurisdiction, and all boundary disputes arising in the New England colonies.^ At the same time a new and formidable claimant ap- peared for the contested territory of Narraganset. The Duke of Hamilton petitioned the King for confirmation of his rights in all that country, and much more, against all ^^^ persons who had intruded upon the grant made to his father, the late Marquis, by the council of Plymouth.^ The deed held by the Marquis of Hamilton was given by the Plymouth company when on the point of surrendering their charter, and was of little intrinsic value. ^ It how- ever served, in the hands of a powerful nobleman, still further to complicate this intricate question. It was a ' MS. records of Connecticut in R. I. Hist. Soc. * S. P. 0. New England papers, voL i. p. 194, and Mr. Brown's MS. Col- lection, vol. i. 39. ^ S. P. 0. New England papers, vol. i. p. 200, and Mr. Brown's MS. Col- lection, vol i. 40. * Ante, chap. i. p. 8. The deed was dated April 22d, 1635, less than seven weeks before the surrender. VOL. I.— 20 306 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, deed of feofment, and conveyed a tract extending from ^.^ Connecticut river to Narraganset bay, " about sixty miles" 1 (i 4. up the west side of the bay to the head thereof, and thence ^^.' north-west sixty miles, where the line turned in a south- west course to a point sixty miles up north-west from the mouth of Connecticut river, and including all islands with- in five leagues of these limits. The name given to this magnificent grant was " the county of Cambridge." ' The session in March had been held chiefly for organ- ization and for the preparation of business. The first reg- ular Assembly, as established by the charter, met at New- 4. port in May. Benedict Arnold was chosen Governor, Wil- liam Brenton, deputy Governor, Joseph Torrey, Kecorder, James Rogers, Sergeant, John Coggeshall, Treasurer, John Easton, Attorney, and Laurence Turner, Solicitor. The latter officer declined to serve and was excused- Ten As- sistants were also elected, and these seventeen, with eigh- teen deputies chosen by the towns, composed the General Assembly. As full lists of the seventeen general officers, chosen annually by the Assembly are given under each year in the printed Colonial Records, we shall hereafter, to avoid a tedious catalogue of names, mention only the two executive officers. For the same reasons we have not here- tofore recorded the fists of commissioners, or dei>uties im- der the first patent. They were eighteen in number at this session, and increased two with the addition of every new town. The deputies were chosen for each session of the Assembly, always twice a year, and frequently oftcner. The name of " Rhode Island and Providence Planta- tions,*' with the word " Hope " above the anchor, was adopted, or rather continued, as the seal of the colony. The afiairs of Block Island were definitely settled at this session. Three messengers appeared^ from the island ' S. p. 0. New England, vol. i. 8, and Mr. Brown's MSS., vol. i. No. 10; also see Report of Board of Trade on this claim, lOth May, 161)7, iu Mc Brown's MSS., vol. 7, No. 21. ' James Sands, Thomas Terry and Joseph Kent. CONFLICTING CLAIMS TO NARRAQANSET. 307 to signify their obedience to his Majesty's will. A petition chap. in behalf of sundry householders on the island, that they ^J^:^ be received as freemen, was granted. The srovernment of 16 64. the town was vested in the hands of three selectmen, who 4;^ might call town meetings, hear causes of less amount than forty shillings, grant appeals to the Greneral Court of trials where a larger sum was involved, and issue warrants in criminal cases. Liberty to send two deputies to the Assembly was given to the town ; a copy of the laws was to be furnished them, and their attention was specially di- rected to that clause of the charter declaring freedom of conscience. Massachusetts having appointed two agents to treat with Rhode Island in regard to Block Island and the Pe- quot country. John Greene and Joseph Torrey w^ere com- missioned to meet them at Rehoboth on the last day of the month. Richard Smith, jr., and Thomas Gould of Narraganset, were bound over in the sum of four hundred pounds each, and two Newport men in one-half that sum, to appear when called for, upon the charge of seeking to bring in a foreign jurisdiction within the Umits of the col- ony. These bonds were afterwards released. A warrant for the same offence was issued against John Greene, sen., who appeared and confessed his fault. Upon petition he was pardoned, and received again under protection as a freeman of the colony. Richard Smith, sen., was written to, to appear before the Court on a similar charge. He made no reply to the letter, but enclosed it to Capt. Hutch- ^^ in son, desiring him to inform Connecticut of the affair, which he did.' An active correspondence now ensued between Rhode Island and the rival claimants for her soil. The meeting 31. at Rehoboth with the Massachusetts agents had no im- portant results. Block Island had become private prop- erty before the transfer, and its owners had since cheerfully ' These three letters are in R. I. Col. Rec, ii. 45-9. 20. 308 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. adopted the provisions of the charter annexing it to Rhode Island. The Pequot country, still claimed by Massachu- 16 6 4. setts in right of conquest, was by the Connecticut charter entirely within her jurisdiction, while the claim of Rhode Island for that portion of it east of the river, under her more recent charter, still left Massachusetts out" of the question ; besides which, the royal commissioners had power to arrange all such disputes, so that further discus- sion was useless. The report of the agenta was accepted by the General Court." Plymouth now entered the field, complaining in a letter to Rhode Island of intrusions upon her limits. But the most serious dispute in progress was that with Connecticut. No direct reply having been re- ceived to the letter written in March, but only an intima- tion from Governor Winthrop, that its contents would be July considered by the Assembly at Hartford, another letter ^' was sent, by a special messenger, referring to the former one, and stating what had since been done by Rhode Island with regard to the Connecticut officers in Narra- ganset, whose commissions, it was urged, should be re- voked. These officers, Richard Smith and William Hud- son, with Edward Hutchinson then residing at Boston, also 12. wrote to Connecticut about some resistance offered to the administrator of Capt. Athcrton's estate, who, in behalf of the heir, had endeavored to take possession of the property, but was resisted by the tenant who claimed allegiance to Rhode Island, although he was one of those who had sub- scribed the submission to Connecticut two years before. Indeed, several of the Narraganset settlers had already changed their views, and were inclined to Rhode Island, while the original purchasers, many of whom resided in Boston, remained firm in their preference for Connecticut. SO. Connecticut replied to both of the Rhode Island letters, proposing a joint commission to meet in October to settle all disputes, but asserting her claim to jurisdiction, defend- > 19th Oct., M. C. R., Vol. iv. Part ii. p. 140. SUBJUGATION OF THE DUTCH PROVINCES. 309 ing the acts of her officers, and desiring Rhode Island to chap forbear further interference with them. .^^^ On the arrival of the English commissioners at Boston, 16 64. Gov. Endicot assembled the Council, to receive the royal 23.' letter and the instructions that required them to raise a 26. force to act against the Dutch, if it should be necessary. A special session of the General Court was held, and two 3. * hundred men were voted for the service, to be ready by the twentieth of the month. But their services were not re- quired, for upon the appearance of the fleet off the port, New Amsterdam, now New York, surrendered to the Brit- 27 ish crown. Arania, now Albany, soon followed, and after- Sept. wards Delaware castle, and other forts held by the Dutch and Swedes, likewise surrendered to Sir Robert Carr. The whole conquered territory was placed under the government of Col. Nichols, The Commissioners of the United Colonies, sitting at Hartford, of course took ground against Rhode Island, and 9. addressed to her a letter full of warning and advice, based upon the royal letter of the previous year, wherein the Nar- raganset inirchasers were placed under their protection.* Probably they did not know by what means that letter had been obtained. Rhode Island took no notice of this mi^^sive, but acknowledged receipt of the one from Con- necticut, and referred it to the General Assembly for a more full reply. The royal Commissioners, having nearly completed the subjugation of the Dutch provinces, had their head-quarters on board the English fleet now being in the harbor of New York. A delegation consisting of John Clarke, who had lately returned home, Capt. John Cranston and Wiiham Dyre, was sent on with a letter from the authorities of Rhode Island, expressing the gratitude of the colony to his Majesty for the charter, and congratulating the Commis- sioners. It appears by this letter that a previous one, of * Hazard's State Papers, ii. 499. 20 310 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IIHODE ISLAND. CHAP, like purport, had been sent by the hands of Capt. Baxter. ^^' but at that time it was not known where the Comraission- 1 6 04. ers could be found. The messengers were kindly received. ^' and a gracious answer was sent back on their return. The courtesy was acknowledged by deputy Governor Brenton, 8. in another letter, inviting the Commissioners, upon their visitins: Rhode Island, to make their home at his house. ' 13. The Connecticut Assembly, at their next meeting, ap- pointed a committee to arrange the boundary questions pending between that colony and both Rhode Island and Ma.ssachusetts, but ordered that they should not give up any portion of their charter limits.^ This, so far as con- cerned Rhode Island, was equivalent to making no ap- pointment. 20. At the meeting of the General Assembly the name of John Clarke appears at the head of the list of deputies. He had returned in June, after an absence of twelve years, spent in the faithful service of the colony, in England, and again resumed a place in the public councils, where, under the first patent, he had been so useful. The joy of the As- sembly in having him once more among them, is evinced in a singular and emphatic manner in the preamble to the first public law passed at this session, establishing proxy voting ; " and this present Assembly (now by God's gra- cious providence enjoying the helpfuU presance of our much honoured and beloved Mr, John Clarke,) doth. declare and ordayne, &c." It was ordered that at every meeting of the x\ssembly, whether regular or adjourned, the charter should be read. The inconvenience to the freemen of the remote towns, oc- casioned by having to vote in person at Newport, had at- tracted the attention of the Assembly at its May session, and been referred to this Assembly to devise some legal ' The original letters are both in S. P. 0. New England papers, vol. i. pp 206-9. ^ Col. Rec. of Connecticut, ii. 436. PROXY VOTES. THE INTERPOLATED PHRASES. 311 mode of voting by proxy. They enacted that all who did chap. not come in person to Newport might give their votes, .J^^^ sealed up and subscribed with their own names on the 16 6 4. outside, into the bands of a magistrate at any regular town 26 meeting, to be delivered to the Executive at the Court oi election in Newport, there to be opened and counted. If the voter was prevented from attending town meeting, the magistrate might yet receive his vote in the same manner. Edmund Calverly, a deputy from Warwick, had made serious charges against the Governor, in respect to his of- ficial conduct, which were discussed, and the complainant required to prefer his charges in writing. He did so, but faihng to sustain them, in the opinion of the court, he was suspended from voting until he should give satisfac- tion for his ofience.' A committee was appointed to revise the laws, to see if any were left unrepealed that were inconsistent with the present charter, and to codify them for more convenient reference. At the head of this committee was John Clarke, and the second member was Roger Williams ; two names, of which the presence of either sufficiently refutes the slan- der contained in Chalmers,'^ and copied by later writers, attributing the interpolated restrictions upon religious free- dom to the act of this Assembly. That these words [pro- fessing Christianity] and [Roman Cathohcs excepted] were the additions of later times, is as clear as any fact in his- tory. That they were never placed there at all by the deliberate act of the Legislature of Rhode Island, but were occasioned by some contingency of English politics, we fully believe, and that the time will come when this unjust as- persion upon the freedom of the State will be exj)lained, and its charactei be vindicated beyond a doubt — as recent developments have brought to light the conspiracy against ' At the May session the next year, Calverly failing to prove his charges, the Governor was declared hy a vote of the Assembly to be innocent of the matters charged. - Political Annals, Book i. chap. xi. 312 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. the reputation of Clarke — we are firmly convinced. Thia subject will be considered at length in a later volume when we come to the repeal of the interpolated phrases. Agents were appointed to treat with Plymouth, two of whom were the deputy Governor and lioger Williams. They were commissioned to run the eastern line of the colony in connection with Plymouth agents. A letter was sent to Plymouth, suggesting the time and place for a meeting to arrange differences between the colonies. A similar course was adopted as to Connecticut. John Clarke, John Greene, and Josejih Torrey were commissioned to run the western line, and to arrange all other disputes with the Connecticut agents ; but should these refuse to run the line, the Ehode Island men were to do it alone. A letter was also sent to Connecticut, regretting that the day fixed by the Hartford Assembly for this purpose was passed, and naming the twenty-ninth of November as the time for a meeting at Southertown, alias Pawcatuck. Kov. Warrants were ordered for the arrest of William Hud- son, of Boston, and Richard Smith, sen., of Narraganset, for unlawfully exercising the office of constable within the limits of the colony under a Connecticut commission ; but these warrants were not to issue till after the time ap- pointed to treat with Connecticut. A law was passed at this session which shows the wis- dom and foresight of our ancestors, in obviating the diffi- culties that might arise from the existence of third parties at a general election ; " that whereas there may happen a division iu the vote soe as the greater halfe may not pitch directly on one certaine person, yett the person which hath the most votes shall be deemed lawfully chosen." It will thus be seen tliat a plurality choice was early adopted in this State. It was also provided, that in case of refusal to accept office, the vacancy was to be filled by the Gen- eral Assembly until the place was supplied. The old law requiring each town to furnish itself with HEAVY TAXATION AND POVERTY OF THE PEOPLE. 313 a cage, or a pair of stocks, wherein to secure offenders, was chap reenacted. -^^,-^ An audit of the accounts of John Clarke showed a sum 16 6 4 of three hundred and forty-three pounds to be due to him by the colony for his expenses while obtaining the charter, one hundred and one of which were to be paid in England, and one hundred pounds had been voted as a gratuity the previous year. To meet this debt, and the expenses of the several boundary commissions recently appointed, a tax of six hundred pounds, current money, was laid. Of this Providence and Portsmouth were taxed one hundred pounds each, Warwick eighty pounds, Petacomscot twenty pounds, Conanicut thirty-six pounds. Block Island fifteen pounds, and Newport the balance, being two hundred and forty-nine pounds. In the collection of this tax wheat was valued, in colony currency, at four and sixpence per bushel, l^eas at three and sixpence, and pork at three pounds ten shillings per barrel. It was a heavy burden for the im- poverished towns, and years elapsed before it was paid. Warwick sent a formal protest against the large proportion Dec assessed to her.' More than a year elapsed before Ports- mouth levied her proportion, and then she sent a deputa- tion to treat with Dr. Clarke on the subject."^ Providence was equally backward in meeting the demand. The northern towns complained that they had been at heavy charges for the two missions of Koger Williams, and there- 16G4-S fore should not bear so large a proportion of those for that of Dr. Clarke, The rate remained uncollected until en- forced by a subsequent Assembly. That it should be so, and that Mr. Williams also was never fully paid even his expenses, attests the poverty of the colonists at this time. The arrival of Sir Robert Carr at Newport, where he j, was detained some days by a storm, gave great satisfaction 23. to the people of Rhode Island. Whatever fears were felt ' Printed ia R. I. Col. Rec. ii. 78. * See Portsmouth Records, March 1665-6. Feb 314 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, ty the rest of New England at the coming of these men, ^ ;^ their presence was no source of regret in this jurisdiction. 1664-5. The protection that a royal commission invariably afforded to the oppressed and hated colony, while it embittered the animosity of her neighbors, increased the feeling of.loyalty that a sense of gratitude had inspired, and which was dis- played in something more than fulsome or hollow profes- 27. sions. Leaving Newport Sir Robert spent some days with • Mr. Willet, at his residence on Narragansefbay, and per- suaded him to go to New York, where, it will be remem- bered, he became the first Mayor of that city. The letter that Carr wrote at this time to Col. Nichols is full of in- terest. ' He had brought to Rhode Island the royal letter, and one from Lord Clnrendon to the colony, which had been given them on their departure from England to be delivered in person to this Government. A grateful ac- 3. knowledgment was made by the Governor to Col. Nichols, wherein the conduct of the Narraganset company was ad- verted to and protection sought against their proceedings.'- Complaints were made to Connecticut by the Pawca- tuck Indians of the conduct of James Babcock and other inhabitants of Westerly in demanding rent, and thrcaten- int^ to drive them from their lands. The Council at Hart- ford warned the Rhode Island men to forbear from urging 30. their claims while the question of jurisdiction remained open. A special council was called to appoint a committee to attend Gov. Winthrop to Narraganset, there to meet the royal commissioners and urge the claim of Connecticut to that country under her charter. 15. Upon the return of the three commissioners from New York, leaving Col. Nichols there in command, they pre- pared at once to visit the several colonies, and to investi- irate the contiictins; claims for the soil of Rhode Island. Plymouth received their first attention. The General As- ' Original in S. P. 0. New England, Vol. i. p. 218. ■' R. I. Col. Rec. ii. 86-9. 20 ORGANIZATION OF KINGS PROVINCE, 315 Bembly held a special session to prepare for their reception chap. at Newport, and appointed a committee' to meet with the .^-,_^ commissioners at Seaconck to adjust the boundary with ^|?^'^- Plymouth. All the expenses of the royal commissioners 27. were to be borne by the colony. The commissioners could not make a definite settlement of the line between Ply- month and Khode Island. In their report to Lord Arling- ton they say that the two colonies could not agree, for that Ehode Island claimed a strip three miles in breadth east of the bay, which Plymouth could not concede without great prejudice to her interests, and therefore they had, for the present, established the bay as the boundary until his Majesty's will could be known. Thence the commission- March ers came to Rhode Island. In their instructions they were furnished with a series of propositions to present to each 4. of the colonies, a copy of which was forthwith given to the Governor.^ Soon afterwards the commissioners went over to Pettaquamscot to settle the affairs of Narraganset. There the submission of the Narraganset sachems was con- firmed. The Indians agreed to pay an annual tribute of 20. two wolf skins, and not to make war or to sell land with- out consent of the authorities appointed over them by the crown.^ The whole country from the bay to Pawcatuck river was named Kings Province, and all persons were for- bidden to exercise jurisdiction therein without authority from the commissioners. The governor and council of Rhode Island, fourteen in number, were appointed Magis- trates of Kings Province, to hold office until the annual election in May. The mortgaged lauds held by the Ath- erton company, were ordered to be released upon payment of seven hundred and thirty-five fathoms of peage by Pes- ' John Clarke, John Sandford, John Cranston, Roger Williams and Ran- dall Holden. ^ These are printed in R. I. Col. Rec, ii. 110, with the action of the As- sembly thereon, * S. P. 0. New Kngland papers, Vol. i. p. 231. 316 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. sicus or Ninecraft to any of the claimants. The purchase of the two tracts, actually bought by this company, was 1 G G 5. declared void for lack of consideration in the deed, and be- cause the country had previously been surrendered to the crownj and the purchasers were ordered to vacate the premises within six months, provided the Indians shuuld i:efund the sum of three hundred fathoms of peage, which was all they had ever received for the land.' At the ex- • piration of the time the order to vacate was' revoked, and the settlers were permitted to remain till his Majesty's will was further known. From Pettaquamscot the commis- .. sioners proceeded to Warwick. There the controversy 4. about the lands of Westerly was decided in unequivocal terms, by a decree that no lands conquered from the na- tives should be disposed of by any colony unless both the cause of the conquest was just and the soil was included in the. charter of the colony ; and further that no colony should attempt to exercise jurisdiction beyond its chartered limits. The grants made by Massachusetts " or by that usurped authority called the United Colonies," were de- clared void, the settlers upon such grants were ordered to vacate before the twenty-ninth of Sej)tember, and not to prevent the Pequots from jjlanting during the summer nor to interfere with the improvements of the lawful i)ur- chasers."^ Pumham, the subject of Massachusetts, who still refused to leave Warwick Neck, although the land had been fairly purchased from his superior sachem many years before, was ordered by the commissioners to remove within a year to some place to be provided for him either by Massachusetts or by Pessicus. For this he was to re- ceive twenty pounds from Warwick, and if he subjected himself to Pessicus, the latter was to receive ten pounds, upon furnishing him and his men with a place. The money was paid by Warwick, but Pumham refused to ful- ' This important decree is in Potter's Narrnganset K. I. H. C, iii. 1 71) " R. I. Col. Rec, ii. 9.j. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL COMMISSIONERS. 317 fil his former contract or to obey the order of the commis- chap. sioners, relying, as it appears, upon the continued protec- ^^Z,^^ tion of Massachusetts. ' A further decree was issued making 16 6 5. the governor, deputy, and twelve assistants, who might y " hold these offices, from time to time, by election in Rhode Island, to be likewise magistrates of Kings Province, hav- ing the entire control of that territory, and any seven of them might constitute a court therein. At the May election a great change was made in the May list of Assistants, but three of the old set being returned. Two additional deputies, elected from Block Island, took their seats. A new form of engagement to be taken by the officers, and of reciprocal engagement to be given to them, by the administering officer, in the name of the State, was adopted. The royal commissioners had not only to adjust the disputes of a public nature in the colonies, but a great number of private matters Avere submitted to their decision upon petition of the parties. Such were, for the most part, referred by them to the local authorities to de- termine, and much of the time of the Assembly at this session was occupied in those affairs. Some of them had a bearing upon the public interests, involving charges against the Assembly itself, as did the cases of Calverley and of William Harris, which, for this reason, were referred back to the commissioners. William Dyre, the newly chosen Solicitor for the colony, having been guilty of a similar im- propriety, in a petition to the commissioners, admitted his fault, in writing, to the Assembly, and received pardon. The five propositions presented by the commissioners on their first coming to Rhode Island were placed before the Assembly. They are as follows : " It is his Majesty's will and pleasure ; "1. That all householders inhabiting tliis colony take the oath of allegiance, and that the administration of justice be in his Majesty's name. ' R. I. Col. Rec, ii. 132. 318 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. " 2. That all men of competent estates and of civil con- versation, who acknowledge and are obedient to the civil magistrate, though of different judgments, may be admit- ted to be freemen, and have liberty to choose, and to be chosen, officers both military and civil. " 3. That all men and women of orthodox opinion, com- petent knowledge, and civil lives, who acknowledge and are obedient to the civil magistrate, and are not scandalous, may be admitted to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and their children to Baptisme, if they desire it, either by admitting them into the congregations already gathered, or permitting them to gather themselves into such congre- gations where they may enjoy the benefit of the Sacra- ments, and that difference in opinion may not break the bond of peace and charity. " 4. That all laws and expressions in laws derogatory to his Majesty, if any such have been made in these late and troublesome times, may be repealed, altered and taken off the files. " 5. That the colony be put into such a posture of de- fence that if there should be any invasion upon this island, or elsewhere in this colony (which God forbid) you might in some measure be in readiness to defend yourselves, or if need be, to relieve your neighbors according to the power given you by the King in your charter, and to us in the King's commission and instructions." Upon these proposals the Assembly took immediate action. For the oath required in the first, they plead the scruples of many in the colony against that particular form, but prepared " an engagement " of similar purport, and which, so far as concerned its binding force, was to the same effect. This was to be administered to all the free- men at their next town meetings, whoever refused to take it was to be disfranchised, and no one could be admitted a freeman without first taking it. The second proposal was accepted, and the mode of application for those who ACTION OF THE ASSEMBLY UPON THE FIVE PBOPOSITIONS. 31 S desired to be made freemen was prescribed. The third chap. met with the cordial concurrence of the Assembly. It was ^,.1^ in imison with the spirit of the colonj^, and with the terms 16 6 5. of the charter. In embodying it in the instructions of the commissioners, for the good of all the American colonies, Charles II. exhausted the force of his famous promise con- tained in the Declaration of Breda. The toleration thus extended to the remote dependencies was denied to those to whom it had first been pledged. The hearty accept- ance by the Assembly of this recommendation contrasts with the qualified assent given to it by Plymouth, the most liberal of the other colonies, where payment for the support of the settled ministers was insisted upon, in their reply, to be made by all " until they have one of their own.'' The essence of an established church, the compulsory sup- port of its clergy, was thus maintained even in the liberal colony of the Pilgrims. Connecticut assented to the same proposition on condition that the maintenance of the public minister was not hindered.' Upon the fourth pro- posal the Assembly declared that all acts of the nature re- ferred to were repealed when the King was proclaimed, and a further revision of the laws was ordered for that spe- cific purpose. It was probably owing to this step that the leaf of the Warwick records was aftenvards torn out by order of the town.^ In obedience to the last command, to place the colony in a posture of defence, the Assembly passed a militia law requiring six trainings a year, under a heavy penalty, and allowing nine shillings a year for the pay of each enlisted > S. p. 0. New England, v. i. p. 248-58. ^ The inscription records the contents and is as follows: " This leafe was torn out by order of j" towne the 29th of June, 1667, it being j^ submition to y- Stat of England without y" Kisg Majesty, it being y« I3th page." Yet a former entry to the same effect as the one here destroyed seems to have es- caped the observation of the clerk, and remains to this day on the ancient records of the town as passed March 8th, 1652-3. The Providence records were not mutilated, and the entry remains in the same woKds as that of War- wick. 320 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, soldier. Every man was required to keep on hand two TV .^.^^^ pounds of powder, and four of lead. Each town was obliged 16 6 5. to maintain a public magazine for its own defence, for which Newport was taxed fifty pounds and the other three towns each twenty pounds. Coddington, who with Easton and others had become Quakers, had sent a paper to the commissioners in March, of what nature we are unable to say, to which an answer was made immediately and communicated • to the gov- ernor, to be presented to the Quakers in presence of the Assembly. This was done, and at the same time a copy 15. of the five propositions was served upon them to consider and obey. The action of the General Assembly, in private cases, was not limited in these early times, to legislative meas- ures. Indeed the Court of trials was made up from its members, and the whole body often exercised strictly ju- dicial powers upon petition of individuals. Not only were divorces granted and a separate maintenance award- ed to the wife, but the whole proj^erty of the husband was attached and held by the Assembly, until the j)ro- visions of the decree had been satisfied. In the case of John Porter, at this session, they went even further, and annulled all transfers of property, that had been made by him since the separation from his wife, which had not al- ready been recorded. Upon his settling a satisfactory estate upon the wife these disabilities were removed. Criminal causes were likewise tried, upon petition, by the Assembly. Peter Tollman applied for a divorce from his wife on the ground of adultery. The woman, being brought before the Assembly, admitted the charge. The petition was granted at once, and then the criminal, upon her own confession, was arraigned for sentence. Tlie pen- alty was a fine and whipping, and she was accordingly sentenced, by the terms of the law, to pay the fine of ten pounds, and to receive fifteen stripes at Portsmouth on May. PROPOSED HARBOR AT BLOCK ISLAND. 321 the ensuing Monday, and on tlie following week another chap. fifteen stripes at Newport, and to be imprisoned until the ^^ sentence was fulfilled. Upon her petition for mercy the \^^^' Court again examined her as to whether she intended to return to her husband. This she refused to do upon any terms. Her petition was denied, and she was re- manded for punishment. ' The wide distinction recognized in our day between the three branches of government was not so early under- stood. Under the first patent the President and Assistants were executive officers, and had no share in legislation in virtue of their position. By the royal charter the governor and council became ex-officio legislators in common with the deputies, and all alike exercised judicial powers. At this time they sat together as one House of Assembly, and although a movement was made the next year to alter this system, it was stiU thirty years before the two bodies were fully recognized as separate and co-ordinate branches of the legislature, and more than eighty years before judi- cial powers ceased to be exercised by them, upon the establishment of a supreme court of judicature. The necessity of a harbor at Block Island was so ap- parent to the first settlers, that they took the earUest oc- casion afforded by the presence of their deputies in the General Assembly, to petition for a committee of inquiry upon the subject ; and so important was it, in the opinion of the Assembly, that the governor, deputy governor, and John Clarke, were appointed to visit the island to see if a harbor could be made there, and what encourao-ement could thus be given to the fisheries. This was the first movement in a matter that has ever since occuj)ied, at ' She escaped from prison and was gone two years. Upon ker return to the colony in May 1667, she was arrested and petitioned the Court for miti- gation of sentence. The fine and one-half of the corporal punishment was remitted, and the remainder, fifteen stripes to be inflicted at Newport, was ex- ecuted. VOL. I. — 21 . 322 HISTORY OF THF, STATK OF RHODE ISLAND. various times, the public attention, and which has re cently assumed its propei form as a national measure more important to American commerce than to the hardy islanders themselves. The Warwick men had presented to the commissioners, upon their first coming to Rhode Island, a petition set- ting forth the grievances they had suffered from Massachu- setts, and asking redress. They had in vain sought jus- tice from their oppressors, by letters and remonstrance, before aj)pealing to the king,' and had once voluntarily informed the United Colonies of their intention to appeal, so that they might prepare their answer to the crown."^ Attention to their case was within the scope of the royal commission. It was jiresented in proper season, and laid before the authorities of Massachusetts for them to answer. This they did at the session of the General Court, in a 80. very lengthy, abusive, and rambling document, made up of theological discussion, personal invective, and positive misstatements, wherein they profess " to compare the petition, first, with its authors, second, with their princi- ples, and third, with the whole transaction," and which they style " an apologetical reply." ^ The commission itself was very distasteful to Massa- chusetts. They regarded it, justly, as an interference by the crown with their self-assumed prerogative to con- trol New England, and they dreaded that any -such power should come among them. The proceedings of the com- missioners were bitterly denounced by the General Court. Among the alleged wrongs committed by them, " the great countenance given to the Rhode Islanders," and their " calling, in their public declarations, the United Colonies ' that usurped authority,' " occupy a conspicuous ' One of these letters dated August 2'2d, 1G61, is printed in R. I. H. C, ii. 224-31. ^ Sept. 1, 1G51. R. I. H. C, ii. 217-19. * The petition nnd answer are given in full in M. C. R., vol. iv. Part ii. p. 253-65, and in R. I. H. C, ii. 231-45. VT MASSACHUSETTS AND THE ROYAL COMMISSIOKEES. 323 place. The temper of the Court may be gathered from a chap letter to the author of the petition, by one of the com- ._,^ missioners, while the subject was under discussion in that 16 6 5 body/ The controversy was again transferred to Eng- land. The General Court, fearing the effect of such a report as the commissioners must necessarily make, ^^^g^ adopted an address to the King, sufficiently humble in its 1- terms, but peevish in its spirit, complaining that the commissioners had violated the royal instructions by frus- trating the objects for which they were sent. Deprecat- ing the misrepresentations that these commissioners would probably make with regard to Massachusetts, the address vaunts the superiority of its authors by denounc- ing most of those who complain against them, " as In- dians, Quakers, libertines and malefactors." It concludes with a display of piety and loyalty as repulsive, in this connection, as it was unfounded."^ Most of the towns being still in arrears for the debt Oct. due to John Clarke, the General Assembly renewed the ^^' order to collect the tax, and notified the delinquent towns to that effect. The commissioners, having completed their examina- ^^ tion of all the New England colonies, seven in num]>er, sent home a long report, giving a sketch of the history and ac- tual condition of each one. That concerning Massachu- setts is the longest and expresses the most dissatisfaction. It was the last colony visited, as the commissioners vainly hoped that the condescension of the other colonies might ^ " Mr. Gorton. These gentlemen of Boston would make us believe tbat they verily think that the King has given them so much power in their char- ter to do unjustly, that he reserved none for himself, to call them to an ac- count for doing so. In short they refuse to let us hear complaints against them, so that, at present, we can do nothing in your hehalf. But I hope shortly to go for England, where, if God bless me thither, I shall truly rep- resent your suflFerings and your loj'alty. Your assured friend, George Cart- wright. Boston, 2()th May, 1665." R. I. H. C, ii. 246. The government copy is in British S. P. 0. New England papers, vol. iii. p. 3. " M. C. R., vol. iv. Part ii. p. 274-5. 324 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, tend to diminish the refractory spirit there shown ; but .^;,,J^ they could not obtain a hearing even upon some cases 16 65. specified in the royal letter, to be determined by them.' The substance of the report on Rhode Island may be gathered from what has before been written. Of the Narraganset Bay, it says, "it is the largest and safest port in New England, nearest the sea, -and fittest for trade." A very remarkable point in this report is the al- lusion to what is probably the earliest known temperance petition, that of Pessicus, Sachem of the Narragansets, desiring " the commissioners to pray King Charles that no strong liquors might be brought into that countiy, for he had thirty-two men that dyed by drinking of it." This and all the other original papers referred to, were un- fortunately lost, the ship in which Col. Cartwright sailed for England having been captured by the Dutch. Although the labors of the commissioners were now apparently ended, some of their decrees remained un- noticed, and required further attention, Pumham still lingered in the sylvan retreat of Warwick Neck. Sir Robert Carr held a conference with Cheesechamut, son 28. of the old Sachem, at Smith's trading house, that resulted in an agreement to remove at once beyond the bounds of Kings Province, upon receiving the ten pounds that Pes- sicus was to have, and ten pounds more from the peojile of 100.1-6. Warwick. He acknowledged receipt of thirty pounds, be- ing ten pounds more than was formerly promised, and six days later the additional ten pounds was paid into the 9. hands of Pundiam. John Eliot, the Indian apostle, im- mediately wrote to Sir Robert Carr, interceding in behalf of Pumliam, but without effect. Sir Robert, after waiting Feb- • 24 ' nearly a month, sent a peremptory order for the Indians to J.iii 3 move within one week, and also replied to Eliot, rather 28- sharply, for what he justly considered an ill-timed although ' The entire report is in S. P. 0. New England, vol. i. p. 248-58. The Report on Rhode Island is in R. I. Col. Rec, ii. 127-9. REMOVAL OF PUMHAM. 325 well intended, interference on the part of the missionary, chap. • TIC for whose satisfaction he graciously forwarded copies of the v,_^'^ transactions in regard to Pumham. Roger Williams also 10 6 6. wrote to Carr upon the same subject, giving the history i of the dispute, and wisely advising him that force could effect nothing permanent against Pumham, until the commissioners had first reduced Massachusetts to obedi- ence to his majesty, because these Indians were sustained by Massachusetts in their resistance. He concludes by suggesting that they be allowed to remain until harvest, that thus, through his mediation, a peaceable adjustment may be reached. Sir Eobert sent for Mr. Williams, and, satisfying him of the proceedings, obtained his active as- sistance in the iaa mediate removal of Pumham, Thus this " old ulcerous business " was finally concluded, to the great relief of the people of the colony, who, for more than twenty years, had been harassed by the intrigues of their neighbors with these turbulent natives.' The delay of the towns, in paying Dr. Clarke, called forth a severe letter from Roger WilHams, addressed to Warwick, as the greatest dehnquent, which gave deep of- fence. It was received on a training day, and was read at ^g the head of the company ; not an unusual mode of publi- cation in those times, for even the banns of marriage were by law proclaimed in the same manner. The action of the town is worthy of note. It was at once emphatic, and under the circumstances, feeling as they did insulted by the tenor of the missive, it was perhaps the most digni- fied course they could adopt. They " voted that the said letter is a pernicious letter, tending to stir up strife in the town, and that the town clerk record this vote and send a copy of it to Mr. Williams, as the town's answer to the ' The orders and letters here referred to, relating to Pumham, are printed in R. I. Col. Rec. ii. 132-8. The diligence of Secretary Bartlett in collect- ing the documents that go to make up a continuous history of the State, and inserting them between the bare records of the Assembly's proceedings, is worthy of all commendation. 27 326 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, said letter, no man dissenting," It should be remembered sj:^^ that Warwick had, at the time, protested agajnst her 16 6 6. proportion of the tax, giving some cogent reasons for hei ' '"*^ ' dissent ; and it is probable that Williams's letter was not so mild in its language as so delicate a subject required. But tliat the colony agreed with his view of the case ap- pears from the action of the Assembly that met the next day. The Warwick protest was considered, and it was ordered " that a letter shall be sent to them from the Court to provocke and stirr them up to pay the rate 29. spedilye," and a similar letter was prepared to be sent to Providence. The form of the engagements to be taken by freemen and officers was a frequent matter of legislation. So great was the variety of opinion, and the latitude given to ten- der consciences in the colony, that it was a work of time to devise some form of words that should not be objection- able to any. Verbal alterations and slight modifications were made at different sessions, some of which, in our less scrupulous times, appear puerile. At this session a com- mittee consisting of the Governor and Nicolas Easton, the latter })eing a Quaker, reported upon the subject of the freemen's engagement, recommending either the form al- ready prescribed by the Assembly, or the oath of allegiance as required in England, or if objections to either of these forms existed, the party might adopt any equivalent words satisfactory to the Court.' An important subject brought to the notice of previous ' The officers' engagement was adopted May 1661, altered May 1665, amended May 1667. See R. I. Col. Rec, ii. 57, 97, 187. That for the free- men was adopted May 1665, modified March 1666, pp. 112, 141-2, and gave rise to the slander circulated by Brinlcy in 1 M. H. C, v. 219, and tr.ansmit- ted by Holmes, Annals. 1, .341, that the Quakers were outlawed by Rhode Island in 1665. This has been sufficiently refuted by Judge Eddy in 2 M. H. C, vii. 97 ; by Knowles' Memoir of Roger Williams, 324, and cursorily by Bancroft U. S., ii. 67. In fact at that time there were two Quakers, if not more, members of the Assembly, and one of them was the next year, 1666, choBeu Deputy Governor. MODE OF ADMITTING FREEMEN, 327 Assemblies by petition from Warwick and Portsmouth/ chap. was now acted upon. This was that the deputies might ,^_,_^ sit apart from the magistrates as a separate House, thus 16 6 6 creating two Houses of Assembly, with equal powers, acting as a check upon each other. The rule was adopted, to take effect in May, when the details of the change were to be settled. This act was soon afterwards repealed, and the measure was not adopted till thirty years later. The April King having received from the commissioners an account of their proceedings in New England, wrote to the colony, expressing his a^jprobation of its conduct, and promising liis continued favor and protection. ^ At the general election Governor Arnold retired from office. He had served for three years, since the adoption ^fy of the new charter, and had been for four years president of the colony under the first patent. William Brenton, who had been deputy governor for the past three years, was chosen governor, and Nicolas Easton was elected to fill that place. The same general officers were re-elected except Torrey, general recorder, who gave place to John Sandford, but there was a great change in the list of As- sistants, only three of the former ones being retained. It was the practice to admit as freemen those whose names were sent in for that purpose by the clerks of the respec- tive towns, as well as those who personally appeared before the Assembly, being duly qualified. A large number were thus admitted from all the towns at the opening of this session. It was also allowed to the former Assistants, by law, to sit as deputies in the General Assembly, in the ab- sence of a full delegation, a contingency which now actually occurred, so that several of the old Assistants were sent for to aid the Court. William Blackstone petitioned for re- lief from molestation by Plymouth in regard to his lands. ' See Warwick Records, Oct. 8, 1664, and Portsmouth Records Feb. 21, 1664-5. * The letter is iu R. I. Col. Rec, ii. 149. \ 328 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF EHODE ISLAND. CHAP. The petition was recorded, and answer returned that, if his .Js^ land proved to he within this jurisdiction, justice. should 1 6 (i 0. be secured to him. The Assemhly, or Court as it was commonly termed, could not proceed to legislation owing to the absence of deputies, and after waiting two days for 4 their appearance, adjourned- till June, but for some cause no session was held till September. At -that time, the ^^V^' capture of Col. Cartwright by the Dutch, with the loss of • all his papers, having been known, a new address to the King, and letters to Lord Clarendon were ordered. ]\laps of Plymouth, Connecticut and Khode Island were prepared to accompany this address, in order to show their respec- tive boundaries, which it was prayed might be confirmed ac- cording to the charter. The letter to Lord Clarendon ex- presses regret that no adequate return can be made by the colony for the many favors he has conferred upon it, but states that the colony had designed to set apart a tract of one thousand acres, suitable for a farm, and to beg his acceptance thereof. The present wants of the colony, for which they petition, are, that Narraganset bay should be fortified, that such commercial privileges be extended as may develope the resources of the place, and that a portion of the fund for propagating the gospel among the Indians may be applied to establish a school for the Nar- ragansets. Enclosed in this letter was a paper setting forth seven reasons why the Kings Province should remain a part of Rhode Island, and another paper presenting also seven arguments why the eastern line of the colony should be made to conform to the terms of the charter. The difficulty experienced of late, owing to the non- attendance of deputies, who hitherto had served without pay, caused the passage of an act to pay all the members of Assembly, and of the Courts, three shillings a day, while employed on these duties. The per diem of the Assembly- men was not paid in cash, but their accounts, certified by the Moderator, were to be allowed in ofiset of taxes levied A SPECIAL TAX TO PAY DR. CLA.RKE. 329 in their respective towns. The Court fees were paid in chap. cash, upon orders, signed by the governor, to the public ;,J^ treasurer. In case of absence a fine of six shillings a day 16 6 6. was imposed. If the general sergeant, or any town, failed to give due attention to the summons of the governor calling an Assembly or a Court of Trials, a fine of five pounds was imposed upon the delinquent party. To hold a colony court of trial, the presence of the governor, or his deputy, and of four Assistants was required, and should that number not be present, every absentee was subjected to a similar fine of five pounds. Whoever should attempt to vote at any election, not being a freeman of the colony, was to pay a fine of five pounds, or to be otherwise punish- ed as the General Assembly might see fit ; and no one was to be admitted a freeman upon election day. The delay in paying the debt due to Dr. Clarke was likely to involve him in serious trouble. His house was mortgaged to Eichard Dean for one hundred and forty pounds, advanced some years before in London, on account of the colony. The time for payment had long passed, and a foreclosure was threatened. The Assembly now assumed the debt. A special committee of eleven men was ap- pointed, with extraordinary powers, to collect the arrears of the six hundred pound tax levied for this object two years before. The town sergeant and constables of every town and village were placed at the disposal of the com- mittee, at whose order they were to assemble the people, and to levy by distraint, if required to do so. William Harris was placed at the head of this committee, who, with any other four of the number, were to act at their discre- tion and to report, the ensuing month, to the Assembly. They were unable fully to accomplish the object in so short a time, and were continued at the next session ; and, be- ^^'• cause of the difficulty of obtaining exchange on England, they were empowered to send an adventure to Barbadoes, or elsewhere, at the risk of the delinquent parties. Power 330 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, was also given them to collect arrears due upon other rates laid by the colony, prior to the one for Dr. Clarke. John Clarke was appointed to make a digest of the laws, " leaving out what may he superfluous, and adding what may appear unto him necessary," and a cornmittee of three was named, to examine the work when done, and to report at a future Assembly. 16 67. The next year there were verv few changes made at May . " . 1 ■ the general election. Charges were brought against Wil- liam Harris, one of the Assistants from Providence, for ex- ceeding his powers as an officer. The specific allegations are not given. The engagement was administered to him notwithstanding a motion for delay. This caused a pro- test to be entered upon the records by those who thought that the charges should be examined before he was quali- fied as a magistrate. England was now at war with France and Holland. Symptoms of disafiection on the part of the Indians were manifested. Invasion on one hand and treachery on the other threatened the feeble colony. Prompt measures were taken for defence. In each town a council of war was organized, consisting of the town council with the cap- tain and lieutenant of the train band. These were re- quired to provide ammunition to the value of fifty pounds for Newport and of twenty pounds for every other town. Commissions were issued by the Assembly to the military officers, who were required to be freemen of the colony. Cannon were mounted at Newport, and cavalry corps were formed in all the towns. The governor and council held frequent meetings between the sessions of Assembly. Their acts were equally binding with those of the latter body. The council empowered any magistrate to require assistance in case of need, and to impress men or appro- priate property to the public service, being responsible only to the General Council. The Indians upon the island were disarmed, and the mainland towns were advised to adopt 18. PREPARATIONS AGAINST THE INDIANS. 331 the same measure. A few days later all male Indians, chap. IX over sixteen years of age, were sent off the island, and no Englishman, above that age, was permitted to leave with- out a passport, or to go on board of any vessel that might ai)proach the island, until her captain had reported him- self to the chief magistrate of the town. All ammunition ^'^' in private hands was required to be given up for the pub- lic use. A committee was appointed to examine and re- pair all arms belonging to the citizens. A special tax of one hundred and fifty pounds was levied in Newport for defence. Letters having been received from Plymouth concerning a suspected consj^iracy by King Philip, a com- mittee was appointed to treat with the Narraganset Sa- 21. chems on the subject, and a letter was sent to them re- quiring their presence on a certain day at Warwick. The Assembly confirmed the acts of the council, and established a series of beacons, where signal fires shoukl be lighted in case of attack, to spread the alarm without delay over all the colony. The principal beacon was on Wonemyton- omi hill, whence the alarm could be spread along the whole coast by bale-fires on the rocks at Sachuest, at Pettaquam- scot, and on Watch hill, and northward on Windmill hill, the highest point of the island, and thence to Moosha-usuck, now Prospect hill, in ProWdence ; and a general system of defence was adopted for all the islands and exposed set- tlements in the colony and in Kings Province. These were the preliminary steps taken in view of a crisis which proved to be still quite remote. Internal dissensions supplied the excitement that hos- j^ng tile demonstrations failed to bring. At the annual town 3. meeting in Providence two sets of town oflScers were elected, and two sets of delegates chosen to the Assembly, at two separate meetings caUed by the Assistants resident in the town, at the same time and place ; one by Arthur Fenner the other by William Harris in concert with William Car- penter, another Assistant. It was the duty of one of the 332 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Assistants to call town meetings, but of which one, in this ,^,;^J^ case, does not appear, nor is it known why two calls were 1 ^^ <> "• issued ; but it is supposed to be owing to a sharp contro- versy then existing upon local questions relating to the town limits. The result was unfortunate in cre^-ting a bitter feeling that it required many years to assuage. A narrative of the affair, entitled " The Firebrand Discov- ered" was drawn up, by vote of the town, and sent to the , other three towns. This presents the view of the Fenner faction. The other side entered a complaint to the Gov- ernor against Fenner, which led to a special session of the j„]y Assembly at which both sets of deputies appeared. The 2- seats were awarded to the Fenner party. The complaint of Harris against Fenner, charging the latter with '• acting in a route " upon town meeting day, was then examined, and Fenner with his deputies were acquitted. The town officers elected by the Fenner meeting were pronounced to be the legally chosen ofl&cers for the year. A letter was sent to Providence stating the action of the Assembly with the reasons thereof. Harris having upon insufficient grounds caused this session to be held, expressly for the trial of Fenner, was fined fifty pounds, and for other more serious reasons was expelled from the office of Assistant, two of his colleagues protesting, and another was chosen in his place. The fine was remitted the next year by advice of Col. Nichols, governor of New York, to whom Harris had complained. To prevent similar vexatious suits in future, an act was passed that no Assistant should indict any person, for matters pertaining to another's in- terest, without the sworn evidence of two witnesses imder the hand of another Assistant, whose names should be en- dorsed on the bill of indictment. Tlie first troop of horse organized in Rhode Island re- 10^ ported for duty at Newport in August, and was commis- sioned by the governor and council. It numbered twenty- WESTERLY RETALIATES UPON STONINGTON. 333 one men well mounted and equipped.' The Assembly con- chap. tinued to the towns, till farther notice, the full military ^,J^ powers before conferred on them. The strife about the 1 "^ 6 7. . . Oct. Narraganset country still continued. The mode in which 30 ' Rhode Island had run her western line, beyond the Paw- catuck river, caused great dissatisfaction, and many depo- sitions on that subject were given by the people of South- ertown, or Stonington as it was now called."^ Hermon Gar- ret, the English name of Wequashcooke, who had been made chief of the Pequots by the United Colonies, renewed the complaints formerly made by the Indians against the Westerly settlers, who had driven them across the river, and sought relief from Connecticut. The deputies from Stonington also complained of intrusions on the west side of the river, committed by John Crandall, who had laid out a mile square of land for his son within the limits of their town.^ These acts on the part of Rhode Island were unjustifiable. They proceeded no doubt from a spirit of retaliation in the minds of those who had formerly suffered so much from the men of Southertown. The Assembly at Hartford ordered notice of tliese encroachments to be given 10. to Rhode Island with a request that they be discontinued, and should this not suffice then the constable was required to arrest the intruders. A letter to this effect was sent to 17. Governor Brenton. Massachusetts, although her claims had been super- seded by those of Connecticut, and her right to interfere, even with the Indians had been denied by the royal com- missioners, embraced an opportunity presented by the ' Their names, from the Council records, are given in R. I. C)l. Rec, ii. 218. - Southertown was incorporated hy Massachusetts Oct. 19th, 1658. The name was changed to Mistick by the Connecticut Assembly Oct. 12th, 1605, and then to Stonington, and bounded by the Pawcatuck river, May 10th, 1666. Conn. Col. Rec, ii. 26, 36. ^ Garret's petition was dated May 6th, that of the deputies was presented Oct. 10th Conn. Col. Rec, ii. 80. 334 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Nipmucks, who acknowledged her supremacy, to impose ^■^ terms on the Narragansets. The Nipmucks petitioned i 6 tj 7. for redress for spoliations committed by the Narragansets. 31 ■ The General Court took up the matter, as of right, and settled the difficulty. It was a measure of peace and therefore commendable, but it does not admit of rigid serutiny into the claim of jurisdiction over the Nipmuck country upon which the interference was based.' A corres- , pondence was carried on between various parties in Khode ^^'''- Island, and Col. Nichols, Governor of New York, as the head of the late royal commission. His rej^lies were made in a private capacity, his power as a commissioner having, in his opinion, ceased. 16 68. An urgent petition was presented by the town of 4*^ Stonington to the Assembly at Hartford for protection against Rhode Island,'- and on the same day the people of Wickford also petitioned to be again received under the jurisdiction of Connecticut. Q The general election made but Uttle change in the of- ficers, and is only remarkable for the triumph of the Har- ris party ; William Harris, notwithstanding his expulsion, being; ay;ain chosen an Assistant, and the other two As- sistants from Providence being of his fection, while Fenner himself was dropped. This is the more singular as there is evidence that Harris at this time had, or was about to, become the agent of Connecticut in prosecuting her claim against Rhode Island. A very long document from his pen is preserved in the archives of Connecticut, arguing against the Assembly's apportionment of the taxes for the ])aymc'nt of Dr. Clarke, (jn the supposed ground of tlie rightful jurisdiction of Connecticut in the Narraganset country.^ But the governor refused to administer the engagement until Harris should clear himself from an in- ' M. C. R., vol. iv. Part ii. p. 357-9. '' Conn. Col. Rec, ii. 530. » This was filed Oct. 1666. A copy is in R. I. Hist. Soc, MSS. vol. of Conn, papers, p. 49-67. Ausr. CONFLICTING CLAIMS TO NARKAGANSET. 335 dictment brought against him for charging the Court of chap. Trials with injustice. The deputy Governor was loss scrui3ulous ; by him Harris was duly qualified, and a cer- tificate sent as usual to the towns. The town of Warwick protested against this act as being irregular, and refused to acknowledge him as a legal officer.' The town of Prov- idence sent a bitter remonstrance to the Governor and council against the election of Harris and his colleagues, but no notice was taken of it.^ Connecticut apj^ointed agents to treat with Ehode Island upon the foregoing complaints, who were instruct- ed to require the withdrawal of intruders, to assert the jurisdiction of Connecticut according to her charter, and to demand a written reply. These j)ropositions were sub- mitted to the council at Newport, who replied to Gov- ernor Winthrop, referring to the decision of the Royal Commissioners, and to the Pawcatuck Eiver clause in 20? the charter, but saying that if any violations of those terms had been committed, justice would be rendered upon due course of law. Massachusetts again interfered in the affairs of Narra- gert. ganser, by sending messengers to request the sachems to 4- appear at the General Court to answer comj)laints made against them by the Narraganset purchasers. The Wick- ford men renewed their petition of May, to have the gov- ernment of Connecticut extended over them. The Hartford assemljly desired advice from Col. Nichols on this matter. They also notified Rhode Island to send commissioners to meet a committee aj^pointed by them to adjust difier- ences at New London.^ This notice was not received till after the Assembly had adjourned, and hence could not be acted upon before the next spring. The Wickford peti- ' See Warwick record.^, June 1, 1668. ^ li is dated 31st Augnst, 1668, and is found in Staples' Annals, 147-50. » Conn. Col. Rec.., ii. 102, 103, 5.32— also R. L Col. Eec, ii. 225-30, where most of the foregoing papers are printed. Oct. 336 HISTORY or the state of RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, tion was referred to England, and Mr. Willys, and Robert _.;^ Thompson of London, were appointed to present the sub- lfi'58. ject for the decision of his Majesty, but nothing decisive was effected, 29. The General Assembly remitted the fine^of fifty pounds imposed upon William Harris the previous year. Upon William Blackstone's petition, John Clarke was re- quested to write to Plymouth, warning that colony not to molest him in the quiet possession of his lands. A large number of freemen were admitted. The Assembly ad- journed until March, to give place to the Court of Trials, )fi(i«(-9. Up to this time, it was usual for any party who was ^^ indicted to plead his own cause before the courts, but as this required more wisdom, or knowledge of the law, than every man possessed, the Assembly now enacted tliat any person who was indicted might employ an attorney to plead in his behalf, a,nd further, that a pending indict- ment should not prevent any general officer, fiiirly elected, from holding his office ; but that he should nevertheless be subject to trial. This statute seems to be intended to meet the objections brought against William Harris by the town of Warwick. A sharp controversy existed be- tween that town and the Assistants of Newport, who sus- tained Harris in the vigorous measures he had adopted, as chief of the connnittee for collecting the fiimous tax of 25. six hundred pounds, levied in 1664. At a tcAvn meeting, held to hear a letter from the Newport Assistants on this subject, action was taken that deserves a place among the curiosities of legislation.' ' "Voted: Upon the reading of a letter directed to 'Mr. Edmund Calrer ley and Mr. John Greene and the rest of that faction,' &c., desiring to be communicated to the honest inhabitants of Warwick town, subscribed John CranstwD, to the end of the chapter, dated the 20tli January, 1068, and find- ing the same doth not answer the town's letter to that part of the committee, &c., who reside at Newport, touching the rate; but is full of uncivil lan- guage, as if it had been indicted in hell ; Therefore the town unanimously do ooudcnin the same, and think it not fit to be put amongst the records of the 8. WESTERLY INCORPORATED. 337 The General Assembly met on Tuesday, a recent law requiring them to meet the day before election, that a full attendance might prevent delay in the choice of officers. Benedict Arnold was again made governor, and John Clarke was chosen deputy governor. There was but little change among the other general officers. The Harris party again prevailed in the choice of the three Assistants from Providence ; William Harris himself be- ing, as before, one of the number. On Saturday they ad- journed for the Court of Trials, and met again the fol- lowing Friday, when the letter from Connecticut of the 14, previous October, was read, and a reply was sent, apologiz- ing for the delay, and accepting the proposal to send com- missioners to New London. The letter was forwarded by a special messenger, whose expenses, as also were those of the committee named in the letter, were paid by volun- tary contribution on the spot. The sums thus raised were to be deducted from the amount of the next tax. Misquamicut, as it had heretofore been called, was now incorporated as the fifth town in the colony, and named Westerly. Two deputies were allowed to it, and the town, but do order that the clarke put it on a file where impertinent papers shall be kept for the future ; to the end that those persons who have not learned in the school of good manners how to speak to men in the language of sobriety (if they be sought for) may be there found." Warwick records, March 25th, 1669, (New Year's day, 0. S.) We doubt if the idea of an "im- pertinent file " ever entered the minds of any other people, or if anywhere else in the arrangement of State Papers, so expressive, yet so convenient, a classification was ever employed. We have already referred to one document, " the pernitious letter '' of Roger Williams, which probably served as the foun- dation stone for this remarkable structure. The notion of keeping a sepa- rate file for disagreeable communications was not started tiU this second let- ter, " indicted in hell," was received. This was not the last of the kind, as we shall presently see, and the character of the documents consigned to this significant receptacle, .seems to have grown worse and worse as the collection increased. It is much to be regretted that the " impertinent file," or as it was afterwards termed more energetically, the " damned file," has disappeared, with many other of the records of this ancient town, for it would no doubt furnish materials that would amply justify the votes of the townsmen. VOL. I — 22 338 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, usual courts for the trial of small causes, were there or- ..^.^^.^^^ ganized. John Clarke was desired to write to Providence 16 6 9. to persuade the people to settle the quarrels there ex- "l4r isting. At the same time a measure was adopted that produced a contrary effect in Warwick. Execution was granted to William Harris against Edmund Calverly, and John Harrod of Warwick, unless the litigants should at once come to a mutual agreement, in the case of a land dispute of long standing between them, upon which Har- ris had recovered judgment in the courts. Against this act, John Greene, Assistant, and the deputies from War- wick, of whom Calverley himself was one, protested, and desired to have their protest entered, but were refused, al- though the fee was tendered for that purpose to the re- corder. The town took uj) the matter in public meeting, refused to assist in serving the execution, and entered the protest upon their records in full, with the grounds of their action.' 21 The council appointed six additional justices of the peace in Kings Province, one of whom was Richard Smith, the earliest settler in Narraganset, and who had formerly given so much trouble in connection with the Atherton Company. In the commissions issued to these justices, the bounds of Kings Province are accurately de- fined. They embraced all of the present State west of the bay, south of the latitude of Warwick, being the south half of Kent and the whole of Washington counties. Monthly meetings of the council were established, but the posture of affairs caused them to be held much oftener July at this time. Governor Lovelace, who had succeeded ^' Col. Nichols at New York, wrote to Rhode Island con- cerning a i»lot against the English, supj)0sed to be form- ing between the Long Island Indians and Ninecraft, sa- 8, chem of the Narragansets. The governor and council of Connecticut also wrote on the same subject. The coun- ' bee Warwick records, June 7tb, 1669. EXAMINATION OF NINECRAFT. 339 cil met at once, and sent some discreet persons to Narra- chap. ganset to inquire into these complaints. They found ..^..^,;^ some emissaries from Philip of Mount Hope at the camp 16 6 9. of the sachem, which confirmed their suspicions. On 20. their return the Council issued a warrant to apprehend Ninecraft and bring him before them. A violent storm, that lasted two days, preventing the immediate service of the writ, it was renewed, and a letter was at the same time written to Plymouth, advising that colony to ques- tion King Philip on the subject. Ninecraft appeared be- fore the Council and sustained a long examination. He 28. declared his innocence of the charge of conspiracy, and explained many suspicious circumstances that were brought against him, but his answers not being in all re- spects satisfactory, he was dismissed upon his promise to appear again if sent for. Letters were sent to Connecti- cut and to New York, giving details of the examination, and desiring that any evidence in their possession against Ninecraft might be forwarded in season for his next ap- pearance before the Council. A broil between some English and Indians soon occasioned another meeting of is. the Council. Summons were sent to Ninecraft and Maw- sup, another sachem, to appear before them. The Conn- 19. cil recommended the five towns to take speedy measures for defence, and also required the justices to assemble all the people of the villages for consultation on the same subject. The two sachems appeared, with the ringleader in the recent broil, who was bound over for trial. Four 27. Long Island Indians accompanied Ninecraft. They were examined at length, and so clearly explained what had 28. caused the rumors of a plot, that the whole were dis- charged, and the excitement soon passed away. The Commissioners of the United Colonies took up Sept. the complaints of the people of Stonington, denounced Rhode Island, and advised that the General Court of Con- necticut should demand satisfaction, and if refused, that 340 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. notice should be given to the several colonies, and theii advice asked upon the mode of seeking redress. The 16G9. New England league exercised less influence than for- merly. It had become essentially weak, and a proposal Oct. to revise the terms of union was submitted at this time, but although it was approved and acted upon, nothing de- cisive residted.' In a few years the confederacy expired by default, and Rhode Island was thus relieved from what had often been to her a source of oppression, and had al- ways given her great annoyance. So far from an amicable settlement with Harrod, as desired by the Assembly, Harris, the repeated verdicts in whose favor entitled him to the final process of the law, wrote to him a letter, wherein he so abused the people of Warwick that it was made the occasion for a town meet- 4. ing. An address was prepared to be presented to the Assembly, condemning the conduct of Harris as danger- ous to the existence of the colony. The address was read 18. at the next town meeting ; and the feeling of the town was expressed in a vote too plainly to be mistaken. '^ The 27. letter was read in the General Assembly, and the parties to the lawsuit were earnestly entreated to settle their dif- ferences by arbitration, but in vain. The quarrel at Providence was renewed with fresh vir- ulence. Certificates from two town clerks, claiming to be legally chosen, were presented, one of which declared that there had been no election of deputies, and the other cer- ' Hazard's State papers, ii. ' " Voted, That the letter prepared by the town council touching William Harris shall be read, which was done accordingly, and ordered to be signed by the town dark in the name of the town, and by the deputies to be deliv- ered to the next General Assembly, by a unanimous consent ; and that the ' town dark do put the paper of William Harris, that occasioned the letter, upon the dam — Jile amongst those papers of that nature." Warwick records, 18th Oct., lOO'J. It will be seen by this that the remarkable file, referred to in the note a few pages back, was rapidly increasing in size, and becoming more intense in its character. INTERNAL TROUBLES. 341 tifying to the election of the four deputies who claimed chap, their seats under it. They were rejected, so that Provi- ^J^^ dence was unrepresented at this session. This deplorable 16 69. feud caused the Assembly to appoint a special committee of five to go to Providence, and call a meeting of the townsmen, to endeavor to persuade them to refer the sub- jects of dispute to the decision of disinterested parties. If this was agreed to, they were then to call a town meet- ing to elect officers and deputies ; meanwhile all actions at law growing out of this quarrel were to be suspended till another meeting of the Assembly. The six hundred pound tax, the real cause of much of the disaffection now existing in the impoverished colony, was not yet all col- lected. The powers of the committee were renewed, and the sero-eant was ordered to distrain at their biddinor. Warwick prepared to resist this act, and warned Harris Nov. 1 ft not to enter the town without leave. The Council of Connecticut wrote to the men of Wes- -^g ^as car- July ried on with Plvmouth. A letter from Gov. Prince, sug- 8 . " . "" . gesting a conference at Taunton, was considered so im- 21 portant that the Council ordered copies of it to be sent to the other towns. The Connecticut Council replied to 29- the last letter from Rhode Island, that they could not al- ter the place of meeting except by act of their General Court, to whom the proposal should be submitted at the next session. Rumors of Indian hostilities again summoned the couu- '^"?* cil at Newport, who wrote to Governor Prince, and the 31. next day called a council of war to be held the following bept. -^gek, and ordered a troop of horse to attend as a guard. A special session of the Assembly was called at Newport. The vote of the previous year, appointing Dr. Clarke and John Greene as joint agents to conduct the aj)})eal in England, was revised, and Clarke was named as sole agent for that purpose. His commission was directed to be made out by the Governor, and a new tax of two hundred and fifty pounds in silver was assessed. The accumulation of large tracts of land, upon the main, in the hands of a few persons incapable of improving so much, attracted the at- tention of the Assembly. While the tax necessary to the defence of these lands was onerous, the effect was to dis- courage many upon whom the burden rested without a hope of their sharing in the advantages of a freehold. The Assembly recommended that some of these wild lands be purchased on public account, that those in immediate 25. FURTHER DISPUTES WITH CONNECTICUT. 353 want of land, or who might hereafter be received into the chap colony, could be supplied. v— v^>- Upon a petition of the people of Westerly, the Gen- 1671. eral Assembly of Connecticut promised them protection, 12.' and also a temporary cessation from all suits upon land titles, or for trespass, provided they peaceably submitted to her authority. The proposal in the Rhode Island letter of June was so far accepted that commissioners were au- thorized to settle all disputes, either by agreement with those of Rhode Island, or by a mutual reference of the subject to gentlemen selected from the other colonies, to meet at Rehoboth or in Boston, either in November or in April, and a letter to this eifect was sent to Rhode Island. The General Assembly met at the usual time, and after 25. healing the correspondence read, adjourned one week to Xov. secure a further attendance of deputies. The alarm of ■'^• war had subsided, as appears by a letter from the Assem- 2. bly to Plymouth ; but not so the troubles on their western borders. A reply was sent to Connecticut, selecting See- 4. conck, called also Rehoboth, as the j^lace, and April as the time, to renew the attempt at a treaty ; but further stat- ing that the Rhode Island men would only be empowered to decide disputed questions of land title, and not the mat- ter of jurisdiction, upon which they could concede nothing. To this end a committee was again appointed. When the letter reached Hartford, Governor Winthrop was ab- sent, so that no definite answer could be returned. Most of the towns were, as usual, in arrears for the last assessment, so that the act was renewed. Warwick re- fused to furnish her portion of it while the negotiation with Connecticut was yet in progress. At length a formal no- ^g^^.o tice was sent by Connecticut, declining the meeting at Jan. Rehoboth, as a useless labor, unless the question of juris- diction could be entertained. Thus ended, for the present, the attempt at negotiation. Internal dissensions again occupied the attention of VOL. I. — 2B 20 29. 354 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. the council. William Harris was now openly employed, on the side of Connecticut, against the chartered rights of 1671-2. Rhode Island, with a zeal and ahilitv that could not he Feb. suffered to pass unnoticed. For this act of treason, whether real or constructive, a warrant was issued for his 24. arrest, and he was committed to prison without bail, to await his trial at the May tenn. March An extra session of the Assembly was convened, at ^- which John Clarke, for the third time within two years, was selected as the agent to appear for the colony before the King. The repeated renewal of this appointment, and the frequent revision of laws, especially in relation to taxes, arose from a feeling prevalent in those times, that the acts of one Assembly were not binding beyond the next session, unless then ratified ; each Assembly being in itself a sov- ereign body wielding the entire power of the colony. The absence of deputies from the mainland towns obliged the Assembly to dissolve, and a new one to be called, to meet ^5- speedily. At a town meeting in Providence deputies were ^ ^ elected for the next Assembly, which was to meet in April ; March but as it was ascertained that these men would be unable ^^- to attend at that time, another town meeting was held,' to select such as could attend, and who were declared by the Assembly to be legally chosen. April A paper from William Harris was read, but not re- ceived, as it was not directed in a proper manner to the General Assembly. This being a full Assembly, the act of the previous one, appointing Clarke as the agent to England, and providing for his support, was renewed. It was also enacted, that no tax, raised for a specific purpose, should on any account be diverted to other uses, much harm having been sustained in this way by the colony. A very important bill was passed at this session, which de- servedly caused great commotion among the peoi)le, and cost a large portion of the members their election. This ' New Year s day, old style, was 2;jih March 2. SEDITION ACT. 355 was the famous sedition act, the origin of which appears, chap. in the preamble, to have been the opposition made in the v^.^ several towns whenever a new tax was assessed. The bill 167 2. declared that whoever opposed, by word or deed, in town " 2. meeting or elsewhere, any rate laid, or any other of the acts and orders of the General Assembly, should be bound over to the Court of Trials, or imprisoned till it met, at the discretion of the justice, for " high contempt and sedition ;" and if found guilty, should either be fined, imprisoned, or whij^ped, as the Court might adjudge. A bolder assertion of the omnipotence of a Legislature could not be made, and it speedily received the rebuke that it merited. But the act, severe as it appears, was not passed without reason. The grasping spirit of Connecticut on one hand, the fear- ful symptoms of savage hostility on the other, and now the evidence of treachery within, requiring j)rompt and vigorous measures in the Government to provide means of defence against these-threatening calamities, dismember- ment of territory and Indian war, would seem to justify the assumption, for a time, of the almost dictatorial power here- in usurped. It was not intended to abridge the liberties of the people, although represented to be so by George Fox, the founder of the Friends, who was then in Rhode Island. An Assembly that was subject to two, and often to three, or four ordeals of popular election every year, could not do that, or even attempt to do it. But the framers of the bill seem not to have reflected, amid the difficulties that sur- rounded them, upon the abuses to which such an act might be perverted. The people saw this directly, and within one month, applied the remedy. More violent proceedings, by the inhabitants of Ston- ington, than any that had yet occurred, demanded the at- tention of the Assembly. They had crossed the river, and by force and arms had carried away several persons in Westerly to prison. Redress was refused by Connecticut. An act was now passed to confiscate the estates of the as- 356 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. sailants, being on the east of Pawcatuck river, and also those of such Westerly men who might be intimidated by these outrages into submission to Connecticut, while any damage sustained by those who remained faithful, was to be made good from the estates thus forfeited. A committee was appointed to examine the waste lands in Narraganset, and to notify the owners, Indian or Eng- lish, to appear at the May session to contract for a sale of the same to the colony. The schedule of salaries was re- vised, to ensure fuller attendance on the Assembly, and at the Court of Trials. The Governor was allowed six shil- lings, the deputy Governor, five shillings, the magistrates, four sliilliugs, and the deputies, the same as by a former law, three shillings, for each day's attendance, with double fines in case of absence. A dinner was also to be provided each day, at public expense, for the whole Assembly, and also, during the Court of Trials, for the magistrates. A further source of peril, and occasion of expense, was about to come upon the too heavily burdened colony. War. was declared by England against the States General of the United Provinces, and letters warning the colonists to prej)are for defence were forthwith despatched to America. The Assembly met as usual the day before election, MaV ^^^ admitted many freemen. This election was the most 1. remarkable one that had occurred for twenty years. The changes were almost complete, while repeated refusals to accept office threatened to leave some places unfilled. William Brenton was elected Governor, but refused to serve. He was aljsent in Taunton at the time, and as his answer could not be received tor some days, the Court of election, after choosing the other officers, adjourned for two weeks, when Nicolas Easton was elected. His two sons were likewise chosen as general officers, John as Attorney, and Peter as Treasurer. John Cranston was made deputy Governor. Of the ten former Assistants, but four were NEGOTIATIONS WITH CONNECTICUT RENEWED. 357 retained, while the change in the twenty deputies was en- chap. tire, not a single one in the former Assembly being returned .^ .__ from any town. ^^!^'^' May The charter and other important papers were always i^ kept in the custody of the Governor, who, on a new elec- tion, delivered them to his successor, taking a formal receipt therefor from the committee appointed to receive them. This was deemed so important that the receipt, specifying the separate papers delivered, was usually en- tered upon the records. It was also the custom to open every session of the Assembly by reading the charter, thereby preserving fresh in the memory of the legislators, the provisions of that fundamental instrument. The Assembly adjourned for two weeks, after writing a letter to Connecticut, requesting that Government not to molest the people at Westerly, as it was intended soon to propose a method of adjusting all difficulties. The Con- necticut Assembly, as soon as it met, appointed new com- 9- missioners to treat with Rhode Island, and empowered them, in case of failure, to establish their government in Narraganset. They also wrote a conciliatory letter to Rhode Island acceding to her request, and another to the Westerly men, less mild in its import, requiring their sub- mission until the treaty with Rhode Island was concluded. The General Assembly met by adjournment, and hav- ^^* ingr received Governor Brenton's refusal to return to office elected Nicolas Easton Governor. Mr. Easton had been for two years. President of the colony, just prior to the usurpation of Coddington, and was more recently deputy Governor for four years. The charter being then read, as usual, the Connecticut question was at once debated. Commissioners were appointed with full powers to treat, and to conclude all differences, and a letter announcing this fact, was sent by a special messenger. The subse- quent correspondence upon this subject, for the next four years, has not been preserved ; a loss of no great impor- 358 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, tance, as nothing more definite resulted from these writings ^*\_ than came from this renewed attempt to settle, by treaty, 16 72. what could only be adjusted by the power that conferred 14^ the charters whose terms formed the basis of the dispute. This done, the Assembly proceeded to undo the acts of their predecessors- This was performed as thorougldy as was the change effected by the recent elections. Not a single public act of the previous session remained unre- jiealed at the close of their labors, nor was there any new act passed by them. The mutability of legislation was never so perfectly exemplified. A preamble recites that " several acts and orders were made in the General As- sembly in April last, some whereof seeminge to the in- fringeinge of the libertyes of the people of this colony, and settinge up an arbitrary power, which is contrary to the laws of England, and the fundamentall laws of this colony from the very first settling thereof, others seeminge much to the prejudice of the collony, and impoverishinge the people thereof, to the great disturbance and distraction of the good and well minded people thereof^ who have many of them bjen sufferers in a great measure already, and like more to undergoe, if not timely prevented." This strikes first at the sedition act, and then at the tax law, including the purposes for which the rate was laid. Accordingly, the sedition act was first repealed, the appointment of Clarke as agent to England, and the taxes for that object, were cancelled, the schedule of salaries was then rescinded, leaving them as fixed by the old law, the commission upon waste lands in Narraganset w^as re- voked, as if it contemplated a forced sale by the owners to the colony, the confiscation of estates in Westerly was de- clared void, and finally, upon" a complaint made by Arthur Fenner, a censure was passed upon the Ai)ril Assembly, for having sanctioned the second election of deputies in Providence, after it was found that those first elected 15 WARWICK RESOLVES TO RESIST CONNECTICUT. 359 could not attend. The bitterness of party spirit could go chap. no farther, and the Assembly adjourned. ^— U-- But the conduct of the Assembly was severely con- 16 7 2 demned in some portions of the colony. The Assistants and deputies of Warwick dissented, in behalf of their town, from the action in reference to Connecticut. To them it appeared like a concession of rights that was not to be tolerated. The town sustained the views of its rep- 3. resentatives, and at a full meeting, called for the purpose, agreed " to oppose to the uttermost the intrusions of Con- necticut," and engaged, at their own expense, with the aid of those freemen in the other towns, who might be willing to unite therein, to maintain the appeal to the King, and to send an agent to England for that purpose. This noble and spirited pledge, signed by all of the town council, and of the freemen present at the meeting, is still preserved in the records of that ancient town. The declaration of war with Holland caused meetings of the councO, at which measures were taken to proclaim 16, it in all the towns, and afterward to place the colony in a posture of defence. Richard Smith was intrusted with "^ these duties in Kings Province. Letters to the other New England colonies were also prepared, proposing a confer- ence on these matters, as suggested in the King's letter. A new subject of agitation now arose. Ehode Island had long been taunted by her Puritan neighbors, as the refuge of every kind of religious or political vagary. In the fierce persecution to which the Quakers had been sub- jected, she offered a free asylum to the oppressed, and re- sisted alike the threats and the entreaties by which it was souo-ht to force her from her fidelitv to the cause of relig- ious freedom. The security which this firmness afforded to the preachers of the new sect, led Rhode Island to be- come a favorite resort of many of the followers of Fox, who came hither from England and Barbadoes, to disseminate their doctrines, as from a central point whence they might July. 360 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF EHODE ISLAND. CHAP, easily make excursions in all directions through the Amer- ^^:^ ican colonies. Their great leader himself spent two years 1 6 7 2. in America, and was at this time in Khode Island, to- ' " getber with Edmundson, Burnyeat, Stuhbs, and Cart- wright, all active and eloquent missionaries of the new faitli. Everywhere, except in Rhode Island, toleration of doctrine implied, in the main, concurrence of sentiment. Hence it was asserted that the public feeling of this colony was friendly to the theology of Fox, and the assertion car- ried greater weight because, at this time, some of the mag- istrates were of that sect. Roger "Williams, as the peculiar champion of intellectual freedom, wished to give evidence at the same time, of the devotion of his colony to the cause of " soul liberty,^' and of their dissent from the teachings of George Fox. " I had in my eye the vindicating of this colony for receiving of such persons, whom others would not. We suifer for their sakes, and are accounted their abettors." How could he better effect this object than by showing that the new doctrine was not generally accepted in Rhode Island, although its followers were not only pro- tected here, but were admitted to the highest places of j5 government .^ For this purpose, Williams drew up a pa- per containing fourteen propositions, denouncing in strong- est terms, the tenets of Quakerism, and challenged Fox and his adherents to a j)ublic discussion of seven of these points at Newport, and of the remainder at Providence. For this he has been charged with inconsistency, and ac- cused of persecuting the Quakers ! In our day there appears indeed to be more of zeal than of wisdom in the conduct of this controversy. Yet, although he stren- uously condemned the teachings of the Friends, and per- formed a marvellous feat of physical and mental labor to oppose them, he would have laid down his life sooner than have a hair of their heads injured on account of their doc- trinal views. The qualities that enabled him to accom- plish the one wovild have sustained him equally in the WILLIAMS' DEBATE WITH THE QUAKERS. 361 other. It should be remembered also that these public chap. disputes, upon points of dogmatic theology, were as com- ^^,1^,:^ mon in Europe and America, in those times, as political 16 7 2. discussions are in our own day. In Germany especially, for more than a century, they had furnished the arena for those brilliant displays of intellectual gladiatorship which, in the progress of civilization, had succeeded the martial strifes of the feudal ages. The challenge was sent, through some friends of Fox, to Deputy Governor Cranston, to be delivered by him to the Quaker apostle. Several days elapsed before Crans- ton received it, and meanwhile Fox had left the island. 26. Just before his departure he wrote a singular paper to Thomas Olney, jr., and John Whipple, jr., at Providence, known as " George Fox's instructions to his friends," which was answered with unseemly severity, the follow- ing year, by Olney, in a lengthy article entitled " Ambi- tion anatomised." Fox's departure excited a suspicion that the challenge was purposely retained until he had gone away, which gave rise to an unbecoming pun by Williams about " George Fox's sHly departing." The most remarkable incident connected with this 25. Aug. controversy was that Mr. Williams, then seventy-three 8. years of age, rowed himself in a boat from Providence to Newport to engage in it. The effort occupied an entire day. He reached his destination near midnight before the appointed morning. The discussion was held in the g Quaker meeting-house and lasted three days. His ojDpo- to nents were three of the disciples of Fox, before named. Burnyeat and Stubbs were able and learned men, and all of them were well trained in the school of polemic divin- ity. Williams' brother Robert, then a teacher in New- port, offered to aid him in the discussion, but was pre- vented by his opponents. The first seven propositions l^eing concluded, the debate was resumed at Providence 17. by Edmundson and Stubbs, but continued only one day. 362 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. That no immediate good resulted from the discussion, or ^J^^^ that there was more of human frailty than of Christian 16 7 2. meekness displayed in the mode of conducting it, is not ^ "^' surprising. But the object of Williams was attained in opposing what he held to be error, while defending the principles upon which that error was tolerated, as' being a matter beyond the pale of human legislation.' July. A most unexpected invasion of the rights of Khode Island occurred at this time. Among the many'worth- less grants with which the Council of Plymouth overlaid their boundless dominion, was one to the Earl of Stirling, that embraced a large part of Maine, and included also Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard and Long Island, with the adjacent islands. This right he afterwards sold to James, Duke of York, brother and successor of Charles 11. , on whom the King, in his reckless bestowal of emj)ire in the new world, likewise conferred a large portion of the re- cent conquests from the Dutch, including the present State called after his title. Prudence Island, originally purchased by Roger Williams and Gov. Winthrop, sen., had long since passed out of their liands, and was now the property of John Paine, a merchant of Boston. He had contributed liberally to rebuild fort James, at New 25. York, and now received from Gov. Lovelace, as attorney of the Duke of York, a grant of Prudence island, to be held as a free manor, by the name of Sophy Manor, for an annual quit-rent of two barrels of cider, and six pairs of capons. The following week the grant was confirmed, 1. ' We have before had occasion to refer the render to dull treatises upon doctrinal theology, where he may verify, if he chooses, the statements of the text. There are many authorities whence the above account is derived, which the theological student or the devout antiquary can consult for the de- tails of this famous dispute. Williams' own account is in a book of over 300 pages, entitled " George Fox digged out of his Burrowcs.'' The opposite side is given in " A New England Firebrand Quenched,'" written by Fox ani Burnyeat in reply to the foregoing. See also " A Jouinal of the Life, &c., of William Edmundson," London, 1713; ''The Truth Exalted;" Burnyeat'8 Memoir.*, London, 1691 • and Knowles' Roger Williams, pp. E 36-40. PRUDENCE ISLAND INDEPENDENT. 363 and Paine was made GTovernor for life, with a Council to chap be chosen from the inhabitants of the island, of whom \:^ there were now a considerable number, and Courts for the 1672. trial of small causes were established, larger ones to be tried at the New York assizes. The seventh article of the constitution of government contained in this grant asserted the principle of religious freedom, as then under- stood abroad, limiting it to Christians, and i-equiring dis- senters to aid in support of the church established by the authorities of the place. On account of further pay- ments made by Paine towards fort James he was relieved from quit-rent, and the island was released from all taxes. The estate was held by him in fee simple, and was now an absolutely independent government, the smallest in America. A few days later Paine's commission as Grov- ernor for life of Sophy Manor was confirmed. It wOl be _ seen that this act of Lovelace was a great stretch of the Stirling grant, and might with equal justice have in- cluded Acquednick, as the Plymouth Council patents were lonjr anterior to the first charter of Providence Plan- tations. Prudence island had pertained to Portsmouth since the first settlement of Acquednick. This act of intrusion aroused the spirit of the colony Paine was at once arrested and thrown into prison, as ap- 6 pears from the acts of the Council of New York, but was discharged on baih He w^rote a long letter to Lovelace, giving an account of the conflict of patents in Rhode Is- land^ and of his own difficulties from that source. At the Court of Trials he was indicted, under the law of 1658, for attempting to bring in a foreign jurisdiction, and found guilty. The pleadings are preserved among the records of New York. The matter was finally settled, as many other difficulties were in those times, by tacit consent, without any formal act of adjustment, and Pru- dence island quietly relapsed from the condition of inde- Sept. Oct. 23. 16. 6. 364 HISTORT OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, pendent sovereignty to its early dependence on the town J[^ of Portsmouth. 16 72. Certain men in Westerly petitioned the Assembly at Hartford to be incorporated as a distinct plantation, and to be released from fines incurred and from taxes for one year. To this it was answered, that, being a part of Stonington, the first request could not be granted, but that the fines should be remitted, and also the colony tax, but not the town rate or the minister's dues. Nov. The General Assembly incorporated Block Island, and at the request of the inhabitants named it New Shore- ham, " as signs of our unity and likeness to many parts of our native country." The freemen were authorized to choose two Wardens, who should have the power of Jus- tices of the Peace, and to add three other good men to compose the town Council, who were to hold quarterly meetings, to see that a registry of births, marriages and deaths was kept by the Clerk, and to conduct the trial of causes under five pounds. The town was to send two Dejjuties to the Assembly, which had not been done since the year the island was annexed to the colony, and was not done for some years after this time. New Shoreham thus became the sixth town received into the colony, and was in reality at this time the fifth, since the controversy with Connecticut had practically withdrawn Westerly from all participation in colonial affairs. The care of our ancestors to prevent any important act from becoming a law, without a fair expression of the will of the people, has been often illustrated in the course of this work. The neglect of deputies to attend the General Assembly led to further legislation on this sub- ject. As the charter vested the full powers of the As- sembly in the Governor and Council in cases of invasion, it was enacted, that in sudden emergencies of this sort the acts of the Assembly should be binding although but few deputies were present ; but as the bill of rights of PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 365 third Charles I., protected the subject from any tax not chap. levied by consent of Parliament, it was declared that no rate should be assessed upon the colony without a full representation from all the towns ; neither could any act affecting the King's honor, or the people's liberties, be valid unless a majority of the deputies were present. The pay of the deputies was reduced to two shillings a day, and the fine for absence from any Assembly was laid at twenty shillings, or double that amount if a quorum was not present. The deputies were also, for the first time, required to take an engagement, to be administered by the Governor, upon entering on the duties of their office. This was an innovation that met with strenuous opposi- tion from the mainland towns. The owners of the Ath- erton purchase petitioned for relief from the law by which their land was forfeited. Their prayer was granted, by a repeal of the act so far as it applied to their direct pur- chase. Their title was confirmed, with a proviso that no lawful complainant should be debarred from his right of action by any thing contained in the said act of confirma- tion. It would seem that the separate powers of the magis- trates were not distinctly defined or well understood, for a censure was passed upon John Greene, Assistant of Warwick, for having granted, by his own authority, a bill of divorce. This proceeding was sharply reproved by the Assembly, as being a usurpation of judicial power in su- perseding the action of the Court of Trials. The town 1672.J of Warwick declared the divorce to be legal, and pro- ^3 " tested against this censure upon their leader, and also against the acts in favor of the Atherton company, and that requiring the engagement to be taken by the depu- ties, as being repugnant to the accepted law of the col- ony. A remonstrance ftrepared by the clerk was adopted at a special town meeting, and copies were ordered to be sent to the other towns and to the General Assembly. 366 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. When this body met, the Warwick deputies refused to take the engagement, although all the others conformed to the new law. Governor Easton was re-elected. For the office of deputy Governor, four persons were successively chosen and declined, until William Coddington accepted. This was the first public offic^e he had held since the usur- pation, except that once he had been a deputy, and then an Assistant from Newport.* Richard Smith was again chosen an Assistant, but declined, having then in ^iew the acceptance of an appointment from Connecticut. The change in the list of Assistants was as great as it had been at the former election, but three of the old. set remaining. William Harris having cleared himself of the charges against him, and given satisfaction to the Court, was again elected an Assistant. Of the old deputies less than one- half were returned. The general officers remained nearly as before. The only act, worthy of notice, was the apj)oint- ment of a committee to consult with aU the chief sachems upon some means for preventing the excess of drunkenness, to which the Indii;.ns were addicted. The Connecticut Assembly again appointed resident magistrates in Kings Province, and made Richard Smith president of the court thus erected. jniy The capture of New York by a Dutch fleet, caused a ^^- special session of the General Assembly, to provide against an expected assault upon this colony. A pension act was . passed for the relief of those who might be wounded in the 13. war, or of the families of the slain, who were to apply to the general Treasurer for necessary support,, and if they failed to obtain it from him, they were to have an action of debt against him, to be prosecuted in their behalf, by the proper officers, free of charge. An exemption act was likewise passed in favor of those whose consciences were opposed to war. A very long and curious preamble recites the scriptural and other arguments against war, by reason ' In 1666 he was deputy, and in 1667 an assistant. 15. EXEMPTION ACT. SUXDAf LAW. INDIAN JURY. 367 of which the Quakers were excused, with a proviso requir- chap. ing them to do civil duty, in removing the sick and aged, ..^.,1^ and valuable property, out of harm's way, in keeping watch, 16 73. although without arms, and in performing any other duty of a civil nature that might be required by the magis- trates. At the next session, these acts were confirmed, and Sept. a lengthy statute against selhng liquor to the Indians, was passed. The committee on this subject had considted with the sachems, at whose request heavy penalties were imposed upon Indians found drunk, as well as on the deal- ers who made them so. A Sunday law was enacted to re- strain gaming and tipphng on that day, but with careful reservations, for the liberty of conscience, that the act should not be construed as enforcing attendance upon, or absence from religious services. The quaintness of many of these early statutes is not mor6 "remarkable than the ear- nestness with which they insist that nothing therein con- tained shall be construed as permitting any violation of the fundamental principles of the colony. The preambles to the exemption act, and to the Sunday law, are striking ex- amples of this watchfulness. The last two had been extra meeting-s of the Assembly. These, although of frequent occurrence, never superseded the regular sessions prescribed in the charter, although but a few weeks, or even days, sometimes intervened. An In- dian being about to be tried for the murder of another, the Assemblv ordered that one-half the iurv should be com- Oct. . " 29 posed of Indians, and that Indian testimony might be re- ceived in such cases, which was not allowed when English- men were the sole parties. The accounts of John Clarke had not yet been settled. Four hundred and fifty pounds was claimed by him, "i.-. still due from the colony. AVil- liam Harris was empowered to negotiate with Dr. Clarke, in writing, upon this mattei. to examine the items of the claim, and to report to a tutur'^ Assembly. At the next general election, William Coddington was 368 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. chosen Grovernor and John Easton deputy Governor. The offices of Treasurer and Attorney General were united in 1674. Peter Easton, the late Treasurer, his brother, the late At- qJ torney, being now deputy Governor, The Assistants re- mained nearly the same. The deputies were always chang- ing more or less. The office was esteemed a burden, which but few would assume for more than one or two sessions as required by law. The people of Narraganset felt the want of certainty in their condition of Government, and desired the Assembly to settle this point, for which purpose a committee was ap- pointed. It was quite common for the Assembly to take a recess of several days, in which the Court of Trials was held. This was now done, and at the remeeting, the difficulties which the conflict of jurisdiction caused in the business of 18. the Courts, led to the passage of an act, by which any per- son summoned as a witness was freed from liability to ar- rest, during his attendance on the court. The events of this year were few and unimportant. The news of peace between England and Holland removed the chief source of solicitude to the colonists. The Con- 20. necticut Assembly confirmed the Massachusetts grants of land in Westerly to Harvard college, and to divers individ- uals, and also, upon petition of Wickford men, established a Court there, and soon proclaimed the same in due form June at that place, and afterwards appointed a Court to meet Q ■ at Stonington, in behalf of the people of Narraganset, 8. which was never held. ^ These demonstrations were lightlj regarded, and were effectually met by the Governor and council, who proceeded to Narraganset, and established the township of Kingston ; which act was approved by the ^^' Assembly, and Kingston was incorporated as the seventh town of the colony, upon the same terras with New Shore- ham. The excise of liquors which, by an old law, j)ertained to each town, was now ordered to go into the general treas- ■ Couu. Col Rec, ii. 227, 231, 246. MASSACRE AT SWANZEY. 369 ury, and was to be formed out to an officer engaged for chap. the purpose, who might regulate the quantity to he used, .^i^l^ The probate of wills, which heretofore had been in the head 16 74. officer of the town, was at this session vested in the town councils. At the next general election, the same officers were i6 75, continued with uncommon unanimity. The only subject ^^y of interest that was acted upon, was that of weights and measures. These were ordered to be procured of the Eng- lish standard, and one man in each town was to inspect and to seal with an anchor, all that were in use, in confor- mity therewith. The quiet that, for the past few months, had every where prevailed, was not unlike that ominous calm which, in the natural world, so often precedes some fearful con- vulsion of the elements. Slowly, but surely, for many years, the storm of Indian war had been gathering. At times the clouds had loomed above the horizon, and the mutterings of discontent had warned the colonists, as the rumbling of distant thunder foretells the approaching tempest. We have seen how active preparations wese made at such times to avert the danger, and with apparent success. But the clouds were only broken, not dispersed. An unusual period of peace had lulled to fancied security the unsuspecting English ; but this time had been em- ployed by the great leader of the native tribes in perfect- ing his secret plans. The moment had now arrived when the terrible truth should be revealed. The massacre at Swanzey startled all New England with the fearful ven- geance that for years had been brooding in the dark mind of Philip of Pokanoket. Three men, remarkable in the history of Khode Island as pioneers of the infant settlements, passed away as the clouds of war arose to threaten the destruction of their life labors. William Blackstone deceased ' but a few days be- * May 26th, 1675, ante, chap. iv. VOL. I.— 24 370 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, fore his dwelling, on the banks of the Seetonk, was de- ,^^^^;^ stroycd by the savages. John Weeks, one of the founders 16 7 5. of Warwick, was butchered by the Indians at the com- mencement of hostilities, and Governor Nicolas Easton died soon after at Newport. He was indeed a pioneer. In the spring of 1634 ' he landed in New England with his two sons, Peter and John, and the following spring they commenced the settlement of Agawam, or Newberry. Three years later, they built the first English house in Hampton, whence they removed to Pocasset, in consequence of the Antinomian controversy, the same year. The next spring they went to Newport, and there again erected the first European dwelling, and in 1663, they built the first windmill on the island.'^ Governor Easton was several times chosen an Assistant, and was for two years, prior to the usurjiation of Coddington, President of the colony un- der the first patent, and again for the two years previous to his death, he was elected Governor under the second charter. His sons became equally distinguished, and to one of them, John, now deputy Governor of the colony, we are indebted for an authentic history of the war which we are about to narrate. APPENDIX C. EUR0R3 OF GRAHAME AND CHALMERS. '^Pl'' Grahame in his History of North America, vol. i. p. 373, edition 1833, says : — '• The colony of Rhode Island had received the tidinjrs of the res- toration with much real or apparent satisAxction. It was hoped tliat • May Uth, 1634. " "These facts are chiefly taken from marfrlnal notes In the handwriting of Peter Eaaton, In an old copy of Morton's Memorial, now owned by his d«« •oendnnt, J. Alfred Hazard, Eiq., of Newport. EERORS OF GRAHAME AND CHALMERS. 371 the suspension of its charter by the Long Parliament would more than compensate the demerit of having accepted a charter from such authorit}^ ; and that its exclusion from the confederacy of which Mas- sachusetts was the head, would operate as a recommendation to royal favor. The King was early proclaimed ; and one Clarke was soon af- ter sent as deputy from the colony to England, in order to carry the dutiful respects of the inhabitants to the foot of the throne, and to solicit a new charter in their favor. Clarke conducted his negotiation with a baseness that rendered the success of it dearly bought. He not only vaunted the loyaltj^ of the inhabitants of Rhode Island, while the only proof he could give of it was, that they had bestowed the name of Kings Province on a territory which they had acquired from the Indians ; but meeting this year the deputies of Massachu- setts at the Court, he publicly challenged them to mention any one act of duty or loyalty shown by their constituents to the present King or his father, from their first establishment in New England. Yet the inhabitants of Rhode Island had taken a patent from the Long Parlia- ment in the commencement of its struggle with Charles II., while Massachusetts had declined to do so when the Parliament was at the height of its power and success." In the London edition, 1836, p. 315, some slight ver- bal alterations appear in the above passages, which do not affect their purport. In the revised American edition the word " baseness" is changed to the expression " supple- ness of adroit servility," which is equally inaccurate and unjust. The harsh charge here laid upon Dr. Clarke was rebutted by Mr. Bancroft in a note to chap. xi. vol. ii. p. 64, edit. 1837, of his History of the United States, wherein he says : " the charge of baseness is Grahame's own invention," an expression, perhaps, in itself too se- vere to apply to the learned and friendly Briton, who Mr. Bancroft in the same note says, " is usually very can- did in his judgments," since the accusation of " baseness" was not invented by Grahame, but was evidently the result of his misapprehension of the authority he cites — the partisan historian Chalmers. After the emendation ap- peared in the revised edition, Mr. Bancroft, in 1841, soft- ened the charge of invention to that of " unwarranted mis- apprehension," in which he is fully sustained by the facta. 372 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. This note occasioned a prolonged controversy between Mr, Bancroft and Mr. Quincy, the American editor of Gra- haine's history, upon the merits of which we do not pro- pose to touch, only so far as injustice has been done therein to Rhode Island, in the attempt to display the superior honesty and candor of the Massachusetts agents at the expense of Clarke. The passages in Chalmers' ^Political Annals, Book I. chap. xi. p. 273, 274-6, cited by Grra- hame, as his authority for the above quoted remarks on Rhode Island, read as follows. After referring to the ex- clusion of Rhode Island from the New England league, owing to the dislike felt in Massachusetts for her liberal principles, he says : — " Necessity therefore obliged them to provide for their security by other means. They cultivated the friendship of the neighboring sa- chems with the greatest success ; whereby they acquired considerable influence over their minds, which was of considerable importance. And that ascendancy they employed, during the year 1644, to procure from the cliiefs of the Narragansets a formal surrender of their coun- try, which was afterwards called the Kings Province, to Charles I., in right of his crown, in consideration of that protection which the unhappy monarch then wanted for himself. Yet no measure could be more offensive to Massachusetts, or could provoke more her resent- ment ; because it was equally inconsistent with her usual practice and present views of acquiring the subjection of the same territory to her- self. The deputies of these plantations boasted to Charles II. of the merits of this transaction, and at the same time ' challenged the agents of Boston to display any one act of duty or loyalty shown by theii constituents to Charles I. or to the present King, from their first es- tablishment in jSew England.' The challenge thus confidently given was not accepted." p. 273. " That event [the Restoration] gave great satisfaction to these plantations, because they hoped to be re- lieved from that constant dread of Massachusetts which had so long afflicted them. And they immediately proclaimed Charles II., because they wished for protection, and intended soon to beg for favors. They not long after sent Clarke as their agent to the Court of that mon- arch, to solicit for a patent, which was deemed in New England so essential to real jurisdiction. And in September, 1062, he obtained the object of his prayers. Yet, owing to the opposition of Connecti- cut, the present charcer was not finally passed till July, 1663." ERRORS OF GRAHAME AND CHALMERS. 37.S The remainder of the reference contains an abstract Df the charter, and some erroneous statements of the ac- tion had under it, to which we shall hereafter refer. Now, admitting, for the moment, that Chalmers is good authority, which we shall presently disprove, so far at least as regards this portion of his annals, an examina- tion of the foregoing quotations from the two authors will show that Mr. Grahame has drawn two erroneous infer- ences, not warranted by his citations, and has stated them as facts. First, that the name of Kings Province was a proof, and, as he states, " the only proof" that Clarke could give of the " vaunted loyalty of the inhabitants of Rhode Island." Chalmers, it will be seen, says parenthet- ically, that the surrendered country " was afterwards called the Kings Province," which is correct, but is very different from the statement of Grrahame. The fact is, that the name of Kings Province first appears in the in- structions to the commissioners; at the head of whom was Col. Nicholls, who were sent by the King to visit New England, and were furnished with three sets of instruc- tions regulating their conduct, one as to Massachusetts, one as to Connecticut, and the other secret, all dated 23d April, 1664, and also a commission to determine appeals, boundary disputes, &c., dated two days later. They are in New England Papers, bundle 1, pp. 182-194, in the British State Paper Office. Article 3 of the set of in- structions for Connecticut relates to the Rhode Island boundary, a^nd in article 4, referring to the submission of the Narraganset sachems, it orders that if it prove true, the commissioners should take rent from the occupants, and shall call the country Kings Province. This order took effect on 20th March following, by formal proclama- tion of the commissioners, as appears in New England Papers, vol. iii. p. 4, British State Paper Office, printed in 3 R. I. H. Col., 179-81. This is the earliest mention of the name of Kings Province, which was given by royal 3.74 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, decree, nearly two years after the Khode Island charter _i^^ was issued, and in relation to the time of the submission ^c^' ^y the sachems just twenty years " afterwards." Upon this point then Chalmers is correct and Grrahame wrong. The second false statement in which Grahame is not borne out by his authority is that Clarke " meeting this year (1662) the deputies of Massachusetts, challenged them to mention any one act of duty or loyalty sliown by their constituents." A due attention to the above ex- tract will show that Chalmers says no such thing. The faulty connection of the passage would perhaps give to a cursory reader the idea received by Grahame, and very distinctly and injuriously perpetuated by him. Chal- mers' words are obscure, it is true, relating to another and later affair, as will directly be shown ; but certainly Mr. Grahame, before thus cruelly assailing Clarke, should have examined the authority to which Chalmers refers. He would have there found that Chalmers' citation was not to Clarke's conduct, but to a very different point, and he would thus have been led either to suspect the accuracy of the Annalist, or to discover his own misapplication of his language. Upon these two points, therefore, Mr. Grahame has erred in drawing inferences that are not sus- tained by his authorities, and as he has thus done a great wrong — all the greater from the acknowledged excellence of his character and general accuracy of his work — we have felt compelled to furnish what we consider as the proof of unpardonable carelessness in a historian. The only other reference which he gives. Hazard ii. 612, is to a copy of the charter. It really seems as if Mr. Bancroft's charge of " inven- tion," or rather of " unwarranted misapprehension," was not so unfounded as has been represented, or so unjusti- fiable, when we consider the pains that a writer of history is morally bound to bestow upon his work before assailing the private character or the pubKc acts of any man whom he EKRORS OF GRAHAME AND CHALMERS. 375 has occasion to mention ; and also when we see, as in these chap. two points, how Mr. Grahame has distorted the authority ^i^ upon which he relies. The note and reference attached -^^^'• to this passage of Chalmers, the first one before quoted, reads thus : " There is a copy of the Indian Surrender in New England Papers, bundle 3 ; and see the same, p. 25," the latter clause referring plainly enough to the doc- ument whence his extract is made. That document could be found in five minutes by the clerks in the State Paper Office, and placed before any applicant authorized by government to have access to its archives. The Brit- ish Government are veiy liberal in granting jjermission, even to foreign students of history, who apply for this privilege, only limiting their range of research, in the case of Americans at least, with the commencement of the revolution. A British subject would, of course, as easily obtain entrance, and without such limitation. That Mr. Grahame did not use the privilege to verify his authority in this case is evident. The jiaper referred to is a " Petition of the Warwick deputies (Randall Holden and John Greene) to the Board of Trade, together with their reply to the Massachusetts agents," who on the 30th July, 1678, had answered a complaint made by the Warwick men, wherein was exposed the former conduct of Massa- chusetts toward Gorton and his company. The document embraces four pages, 24-27 of the volume, or bundle, and on page 25, the precise reference of Chalmers, occur the words, or nearly those, quoted by him. The aggravated circumstances of that case justified the challenge of the Warwick deputies, and the silence of those of Massachu- setts, was a discreet reserve for which they could hardly be expected to receive the praises of any man conversant with the facts. Chalmers' obscurity and Grahame's over- sight have furnished Mr. Quincy with an occasion for un- due elation in contrasting the conduct of the two colonies at this time. We only regret that he should lend the 376 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, sanction of his revered and distinguished name to the J^^l^ slander against Clarke, and to the defamation of Ehode ^P'- Island. (See 3 Mass. Hist. Colls., vol. ix. p. 28, note, and " The Memory of the late James Grahame Vindi- cated," 8vo. 59 pp. Boston, 1846, passim.) If, as he says, " The agents of Massachusetts would not condescend, for the sake even, of saving their charter, to feign a sentiment which they were sensible had no ex- istence," it is more than can be said of the general Court that deputed them, the first article of whose instractions to them is to " present us to his Majesty as his loyal and obedient subjects." (Hutchinson's Collections, 355.) Whatever else we may render to our sister colony as her just due, it is not in the qualities of honesty or of candor that Rhode Island or John Clarke should yield the palm to Massachusetts or her agents. We have now to examine the reliability of Chalmers himself, with particular reference to chapter xi. on Rhode Island. No one can read the " Political Annals" with- out being impressed with the partisan spirit of that work. If the reader were ignorant of the circumstances of the author's life, he could scarcely fail to discover the ])rinci- pal points of it from a perusal of his pages. The bitter- ness of the loyalist refugee appears in the title-page, and is conspicuous to the last passage of his book. He writes in 1780, when the Declaration of Independence had been four years in operation, and but a faint hope remained that the prerogative of the crown could ever be re-estab- lished in America, and yet he styles the country " the present United Colonies," and he closes the volume with a formal denial of the " imniutable truths " upon which that Declaration is based. Whenever an opi)ortunity oc- curs to flout the principles of freedom by maligning the motives of its friends, he does so with an evident satis- faction which he takes no pains to conceal. An honest regard to the truth of history is everywhere secondary to 'ERRORS OF GRAHAME AND OF CHALMERS. 37*' his hatred of civil and religious liljerty. With such sen- timents for a groundwork it is only remarkable that his statements should be received without suspicion, and his ample references taken without verification by writers who, like Grahame, are imbued with opposite opinions. The position he held as a Secretary of the Board of Trade, to w^hose custody the colonial archives were intrusted, and the fulness of his references to original papers, have so long given currency to his work as the highest author- ity, that it seems bold at this day to question its correct- ness upon any point of colonial history. Nor would the writer venture to do so now except upon the clearest evi- dence, and because in the chapter that most concerns us the spirit of the author is more than usually apparent, and his erroneous statements have done more than those of all others to misrepresent the motives and the conduct of our ancestors. Chalmers was born in Scotland, studied law in Edin- burg, emigrated to America, and practised at the bar of Maryland for ten years. As a stanch loyalist, he re- turned home at the time of the revolution. There he de- voted himself to historical pursuits. His situation with the Board of Trade was not obtained till six years after the publication of the Annals, when it was bestowed as a reward of his loyalty, and as a comj^ensation for the sufferings he had endured. It is evident, however, that he had free access to the colonial papers before his ap- pointment in that office. His ability is unquestionable ; but the facts we have stated require that discretion should be exercised in perusing the Annals, and demand the apx3lication of the severest canons of historical criti- cism, before receiving as truth the statements and deduc- tions therein presented. As a general rule, in this case it may be said that whatever Chalmers states favorably for the colonists may be relied upon. The evidence must be very clear to his mind when he does so. Whatever he 37S HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, states as fact unfavorable to them requires that his ref'.r- ^^^..J^^ ences should be verified, and if no reference is given, the ■'^^'- statement would more safely be thrown aside. Whatever he offers as a deduction from stated facts, as philosoj^hy, or as " remarks," should for the most part be discarded, as being only the reflections of a mind opposed at every point to the principles of the colonists, and hence unable to appreciate their motives. And finally, those state- ments that are susceptible of confirmation by the archives of the plantations, kept by the Board of Trade, are in the main reliable, while those which could only be verified by the records of the colonies themselves, as being chiefly matters of local concern, should not be credited without examination of the original evidence in this country. There is not an American colony that has not sufiered injustice in some way by this work, through those who have blindly relied upon its accuracy ; and none more so than Rhode Island. To specify the errors of fact and of inference contained in the single chapter upon this State, would be tedious and superfluous. Suffice it to say, that the comments upon the charter near the close of the chap- ter begin with an error of date, and are so interwoven with misstated facts and partial truths, and so colored by party biases, as to destroy the value of the whole. APPENDIX D. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE ATHERTON COMPANY AND JOHN WINTHROP, Jk., AGENT FOR CONNECTICUT, IN LONDON. FROM MSS. TRUMBULL PAPERS, VOL. XXII., NOS. 38, 47 AND 45, IN THE AR- CHIVES OF THE MASS. HIST. SOCIETY. I. Boston, 29»<■ of the sloops in 1676," which was taken from him by the^ government, and for which he now asks indemnity. By a letter of Roger Williams in the archives of Connecticut, dated 27th June, 1675, it would appear that this aaval force was composed of sloops, and that it was sent out nearly a year before it appears upon our records. Conn. MSS. voL i. p. 200, in R I. Hist, 410 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, colonies, where a naval armament was relied upon for de- y^^ fence. It was the germ of a future Rhode Island squad- 1 6 7G. ron, one century later, and of an ultimate American navy. 4^^' A classified census of all the people on the island was ordered, English, negroes, and Indians, with those also who had taken refuge there, and the amount of corn and arms possessed hy each, to be reported in detail to the Assem- bly. The record of these interesting statistics cannot be found. Two heavy cannon were mounted at Portsmouth. Sixteen " of the most juditious inhabitants " of the colony were desired to attend the sittings of the Assembly, to ad- vise with that body " in these troublesome times." On the very day these proceedings were had, an event took place that contributed more than anything which had yet occurred to put an end to the war. The capture of Canonchet, the leader of the Narragansets, next to that of Philip himself, was the most decisive blow. It was he who had defeated Capt. Peirse, nine days before, and had cut off his entire command. This terrible defeat roused the United Colonies to more vigorous action. Four com- panies of Connecticut volunteers, with three of friendly Indians, immediately marched to attack Canonchet. Capt. George Denison of Stonington, who led one of the compa- nies, was conspicuous for his zeal and bravery. This force suri)rised Canonchet near the scene of Peirse's massacre at Pawtucket, and a rout ensued. The Sach-e.n fled, but having slipped in wading the river, was overtaken on tlie opposite bank by a Pequot and surrendered without re- sistance. The first Englishman who came up to him was a young man named Robert Stanton, who put some ques- tions to the royal captive. " You much child ! No under- stand matters of war ! Let your brother or chief come. •Soc. The same appears from Holdeii and Greene's petition in reply to the Massachusetts agents. ''The colony of Rhode Island and Providence, did, a the request of the other colonies, assist them with several sloops well rcanned, when the war was begun in Plymouth colony, to the utmost they could do,, and to the great damage of the enemy." Br. S. P. O. N. Eng., vol. iii. p. 2b. DEATH OF CANONCHET. 411 nim Twill answer ! " was the contemptuous reply after re- chap. garding the youtli for a moment in silence. His life was ^,L^ offered him on condition of the submission of his tribe. 1676. He treated the offer with calm disdain, and when it was urged upon him, desired " to hear no more about it." He was sent in charge of Capt. Denison to Stonington, where a council of war condemned him to be shot. When inform- ed that he must die, he made this memorable answer, which may challenge the loftiest sentiment recorded in classic or modern history. "/ like it icell ; I shall die before myluMrt is sift, or I have said any thing unworthy of myself ." His conduct on this occasion has been justly compared with that of Kegulus before the Eoman Senate, than which the chronicles of time present but one sublimer scene. A higher type of manly character, more loftiness of spirit, or dignity of action, the qualities that make heroes of men, and once made demigods of heroes, than are found in this western savage, may be sought in vain among the records of pagan heroism or of Christian fortitude. To ensure the fidelity of the friendly tribes, by committing them to a deed that would for ever deter the Narragansets from seeking their alliance, it was arranged that each of them should take a part in the execution. Accordingly the Pequots shot him, the Mohegans cut off his head and quartered him, and the Niantics, who under Ninigret had joined the English, burned his body, and sent his head as " a token of love " and loyalty to the commissioners at Hartford. Thus perished the foremost of Philip's cap- tains, and the last great Sachem of the Narragansets ! The death of Grovernor Winthrop of Connecticut was a 5_ severe loss to New England. Ehode Island had good rea- son to mourn his decease, for his inflexible justice would nut assent to the spurious claims set up by his own colony in the Narraganset country, even while he was their chief magistrate. His personal qualities had endeared him in his youth to the people of Rhode Island, so that he was urged 412 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, to mote hither and become the goveraor. The conduct ol *^' his later years had served to confirm the esteem in wliich he 1 6 7 6. was held, and now his death left Rhode Island without an ^" ■ influential friend in the councils of her ambitious neighbor. Within a few days a still heavier loss befell Rhode Island. The two men who had been so long rivals in their public life, as agents of their respective colonies, but who had always maintained a mutual friendship, passed from the world almost together. Dr, John Clarke expired two weeks after Governor Winthrop, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. To him Rhode Island was chiefly indebted for the extension of her territory on each side of the bay, as well as for the royal charter. He was a ripe scholar, learned in the practice of two professions, besides having had large experience in diplomatic and political life. He was always in public life under the old patent, as commis- sioner and as general treasurer, from the first election of commissioners held under it, until sent to England, where iie was employed as agent of the colony for twelve years. On his return, he served as a deputy in the Assembly from the first election under the charter till he was made deputy governor, to which position he was three times elected, and served twice, closing his public life with that office, five years before his death. With all these public pursuits, he continued the practice of his original profes- sion as a physician, and also retained the pastoral charge of his church, as its rect)rds show. His life was devoted to the good of others. He was a patriot, a scholar, and a Christian. The purity of his character is conspicuous in many trying scenes, and his blameless, self-sacrificing life disarmed detraction and left him without an enemy. He was three times married but left no children. The colony was largely indebted to him for advances made in securing the charter, and this debt was not extinguished till many years after his decease.' ' He had mortgaged his Newport estate in July, 1663, to Capt. Ri'^hard OFFICE OF MAJOR-GENEKAL CREATED. 413 The Greneral Assembly having provided for the naval chap. defence of the island, adjourned one week and then created _.,,1_ the office of Major-General. They elected Captain John 167 6. Cranston, with the title of Major, to command all the n militia of the colony. The commission is signed by Gov. Coddington, whose religious tenets were compelled, in this case, to succumb to the popular will under the stimulus of pressing danger. Providence was in ruins ; but as the time for planting was near, the handful of men who re- mained there again applied to the governor for aid in maintaining a garrison. Deputy governor Clarke replied, agreeing to sustain ten men at the colony's expense, until 12. the next session of Assembly, when a committee was sent to Providence upon that business, and further action was ^^7 postponed for another month. At the general election, deputy governor Walter Clarke was chosen governor, and Major John Cranston deputy governor. Ten barrels of powder and a ton of lead were ordered to be bought. For two months after the capture of Canonchet, there j^^^^^ were no events of importance in the war. The Indians had 5. gone north, and thither the Connecticut troops under Ma- jor Talcot pursued them. Their march to Brookfield and Northampton was a long and weary one, known, to this day, as " the hungry march," from the sufferings of the soldiers for want of food. They came in good time, for only four days after their arrival at the latter place, a force of seven hundred Indians made a furious assault upon Hadley, now for the third time attacked. It was then that the sudden appearance of Goffe,^ the regicide, who Dean, of London. The last payment was not made till Sept 5th, 1699, when <£llo was paid to the heirs of Capt. Dean, and the mortgage was lifted. Backus's Hist, of the Baptists. ' The tradition that Goffe _j^ ernor. This letter presents a curious picture of the di- 16 86. vided. councils that prevailed in the colonies, even among °' the despotic ministers of King James.^ The Quakers nc^ also prepared a.n address to send by Robert Hodgson, one of their members, in which they ask that their religious privileges may be preserved to them, and their peculiar views in regard to oaths and military service may be respected.'^ Upon receipt of the address of the General Assembly, Sept. additional instructions were given to Sir Edmund Andros to demand the surrender of the charter, upon his arrival, and to take Rhode Island under his government, assuring the colony of the royal protection, and to do the same with Connecticut in case her people should likewise de- cide to surrender their charter.^ A few days later the last acts necessary to the departure of Andros to enter upon the government of New England, were concluded by giv- ing him the seal and flag prepared for the consolidated provinces. The seal employed by the president and council represented an Indian with a bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right, and the inscription, " sigilum PE^SID. CONCIL. DOM. REG. IN NOV. ANGLIA,'' withiu the border.* The new seal was more elaborate, and is thus described in the receipt given for it by Andros — " en- graven on the one side with his Majesty's effigies standing under a canopy, robed in his royal vestments and crown- \3. M, H, C, vii. loi. R. I. Col. Rec , iii. 206. '' Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. iv. p 419. ^ 3. M. H. C , vii. 162. R. L Col. Rec, iii. 218. * The Seal of the Presiding Cocxcil of our Lord the King in New Englaxd, Copies of this are attached to tbe proclamations of Dudley before mentioned, in the British State Paper Office, London. No copies of the An- dros seal appear in the British archives. The proceedings of his council were transmitted to England but have not been found among tbe government rec- 9rds. It is to be hoped that they may some day be discovered. 29 496 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, ed, with a sceptre in the left hand, the right hand being \^.^ extended towards an Englishman and an Indian, both IG8 6. kneeling; the one jjresenting the fruits of the country, and the other a scroll, and over their heads a .Cherubin holding another scroll with this motto : Nunquam libertas gratior extat, with his Majesty's titles around the circum- ference ; there being on the other side the King's arms, with the garter, crown, supporters and motto,, and this in- scription round the circumference : Sigillum Nov;b Anglite in America," ' A plate representing the New England colors, under the administration of Sir Edmund Andros, from the original design in the British archives, is here offered as a rare historical curiosity,^ Q . It would seem as if every separate interest in Rhode 11. Island determined to be heard on its own account by the King. The people of Providence sent an address re- signing their charter, asking to be annexed to the general New England government, and disowning the Assembly's address. This was the seventh memorial that was sent from this colony within about three months.^ The revocation of the edict of Nantes, that glorious decree by which Henry of Navarre secured toleration to the Protestants of France, was the crowning act of Jesuit intrigue which only the genius of Colbert had hitherto foil- ed. Upon his death the last obstacle to the cxtiri)ation of Calvinism in France was removed. The edict of Henry IV. was revoked by Louis XIV., liberty of conscience was abolished, and a fierce persecution of the Huguenots en- sued. More than half a million of the most skilful, in- dustrious and loyal subjects of the Bourbon lied from their ' Br. S, P, 0., New England, vol. iv. p. 267. ' Br, S. P. 0., New England, vol. iv. p. 223. ' The Ist, from the Assembly, July 3. 2d. Divers freemen, July 16. 3d, Rsindal Iloldcn's, 4th. Justices of Narraganset. .oth. Pawtuxet. 6tli. Quakers, all in August. 7th. Providence, Oct. II. Only the first of these is found upon our State records. The originals of them all are filed in the British State Paper Office, Ix>ndon, as referred to in the notes. THE HUGUENOTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 497 native land, and introduced into other countries the arts chap, and commerce of which they were masters.^ The eflfect .^^JL. upon France for a time was scarcely less disastrous 1 6 8 G. than that which followed the expulsion of the Jews in Spain, two centuries before, by Ferdinand and Isabella. The banished Huguenots carried with them over the world the blessings of a vital faith, of frugal habits, and the knowledge of new sources of useful and elegant industry. Wherever they settled their descendants re- main, to this day, living witnesses of the loss entailed by Jesuit craft upon the country of their origin. Numbers of them emigrated to America ; some of these found their way to New England, and settled in Rhode Island, where they could enjoy the freedom that w^as denied them at home. An agreement was made between the Narra- 12. ganset proprietors and the Rev. Ezekiel Carre and P. Berton, in behalf of the French refugees, for the settle- ment of a place called Newberry Plantation, but this be- ing too far from the sea, another spot was selected, near John Foanes' house in Rochester (Kingston), and a new agreement made between the parties. The j)rice fixed ^o^« was four shillings an acre, cash, or twenty-five pounds for every one hundred acres, being five shillings an acre, pay- able in three years, with interest at six per cent, there- after. Each family was to have one hundred acres of up- land, if they desired so much, and a proportionate part of meadow. M. Carre, the minister, was to have one hundred and fifty acres gratis ; one hundred acres were as- signed as glebe land, and fifty acres to support a Protest- ant schoolmaster. Forty-five families commenced the * This celebrated edict was issued by Henry IV. in 1598, and revoked by Louis XIV., Oct. 24. 1685. 800,000 Protestants fled from France during the persecution that ensued. England gained immensely by this fatal policy of her inveterate foe. 50,000 artisans sought refuge in London, and introduced the manufacture of silk, crystal glasses, jewelry', and other fine works, many of them before unknown, but ever since successfully prosecuted in England. Anderson's History of Commerce. VOL. I. — 32 498 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. settlement, built a church and twenty-five houses, and prospered for some years until dispersed by the lawless conduct of their neighbors, as will hereafter be shown.' At length the Rose frigate, bearing Sir Edmund An- dros, with two companies of royal troops, the first ever stationed in New England, and, except those sent for the conquest of New Netherlands, the first ever s.gen here, arrived at Boston. The Dudley government was super- seded, and the president made chief justice. Andros, by his commission, was in effect absolute, having power to appoint and remove members of his council. With their consent he could enact laws, levy taxes, and control the militia of the country. He proceeded at once to organize a system of despotism which has made his memory de- 16 86. tested wherever freedom has a name. Duiing the two April ye^rs and four months that his administration existed, the 168 9. people of New England were at the mercy of a tyrant. Massachusetts sufiered most, as she was the wealthiest and. most powerful of the colonies, and she felt most koenly the first blow inflicted by her persecutor — wherein Rhode Island could have no sympathy with her griefs — the over- throw of the Puritan theocracy, and the introduction of the services of the Episcopal Church. But in the greater part of his acts, all the colonies suffered alike in propor- tion to their strength. Taxes were levied without consent of the people. Public fees were enormously increased, that of probate some twenty-fold. Town governments were almost annihilated, colonies were made simple coun- ties, and the whole country reduced to one vast province. Writs of intrusion involved landed proprietors in expen- sive suits to defend or confirm their titles. Marriages by ' The agreement, and the remonstrance of Dr. Pierre Ayrault in 1705, from which the above facts are taken, are filed in Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. 13, together with a plot of Frenchtowu containing the names of all ths families on their separate lots. A copy of the former is in Trumbull's papers vol. 22, No. 114, in Mass. Hist. Soc. ADMINISTRATION OF ANDROS. 499 civil magistrates were at first tolerated from necessity, and chap afterwards interdicted, and the performance of this rite ,^_,,^ was confined to the Episcopal clergy, of whom there was 16 86 but one in Massachusetts. The odious system of pass- ports was established. The form of administering oaths was changed from the Puritan mode of holding up the right hand, to that of laying the hand on the Bible — a dangerous approach, some thought, to the Papal custom of hissing the cross. By this innovation the Puritan might learn to regret his own disregard of the conscien- tious Quaker. And what was perhaps the bitterest inflic- tion of all, in connection with the introduction of the Episcopal forms, the Baptists, Quakers, and other dissent- ers from the established Puritan church, were encouraged in their refusal to pay the tax for the support of the set- tled clergy. But in Rhode Island, where no established church ever existed, this latter grievance, and those spring- ing from kindred sources, were not felt; but, on the con- trary, a sympathy upon these points with the new gov- ernment, that had the strength and the will to enforce one of her cardinal principles upon her early persecutors, was cordially entertained. The bearing of Andros, in his official communications with Rhode Island, was always in friendly contrast to his intercourse with the other colonies. The courtesy extended to him, as governor of New York, some years before, was not forgotten. The tyrant was at least a gentleman, and showed as much gratitude for for- mer civilities as was consistent with the nature of his com- mission. He addressed a letter to Rhode Island, in mild ^^^ terms, demanding the surrender of the charter, and desig- nating seven persons as members of his council for this government, who were to meet at Boston at the first gen- eral council.' He also wrote friendly letters to Gov. Clarke, concerning the submission of the Assembly and * These were Walter Clarke, Jo. Sandford, John Coggeshall, Walter New- bury, John Greene, Richard Arnold, and John Alborougb, Esqs. 500 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. surrender of the charter.' His arrival was the signal foi sending petitions upon disputed land claims. Richard I 6 8 G. Smith, of Narraganset, lost no time in petitioning for '^^' relief from the molestations of the Rhode Islanders at Hog Island. This little islet had already occasioned the waste of almost as much paper since its purchase, forty years before, as would suffice to cover it. 3Q The first council of Gov. Andros, which me't at Bos- ton, consisted of nineteen members, of whom five were from Rhode Island.^ The royal commission was read, and also the instructions to receive the charter of Rhode Isl- and. The oaths of office and allegiance were then taken by all but the two Quaker members from Rhode Island, Clarke and Newbury, whose affirmation was received in- stead. A proclamation continuing all officers, civil and military, and all laws not repugnant to those of England, during his Excellency's pleasure, was agreed upon.^ Ae this was the first, so was it the last full meeting of the Andros council. The distant members returned home, and those only who lived at or near Boston regularly at- tended. They had but little influence. Four or five, whose interests were chiefly in England, controlled the action of the whole. Opposition was silenced by the min- ions of Andros, some of whose advisers were not of the council. It does not appear that the Rhode Island mem- bers attended another general council. This was a glQomy period in New England history. Inaction prevailed among the freemen of the towns. The calm of despotism settled over the colonies. 1686-7. Soon after this first council meeting, Andros' com- ^2 mission, as governor of this colony with the rest of New England, Connecticut excepted, was published in Rhode • 2. M. H. C, vol, 8, pp. 180-181. K. I. Col. Rec, iii. 219. ' Those named in Andros' letter except Sandford and Greene, the latter of whom was in England as agent of the colony. » 3. M. H. Cr viii. 181. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 220. ANDROS PROTECTS DISSENTERS. 501 Island, and the colony was declared to be one county.' chap. John Greene was then in England as agent. The policy .J..^.,;^ of the crown was by this time too obvious to render it ex- 1686-7. pedient to seek a continuance of the charter. He there- {9 ' fore confined his efforts to minor objects, and petitioned in behalf of the towns for relief from the interruptions given by the Narraganset proprietors, and others, to the quiet possession of their lands; and also to his Majesty's interests in Kings Province, and prayed that thepe mat- ters might be referred to Gov. Andros.'- The town of Feb. . . . .18 Bristol, which had been settled not quite six years, peti- tioned Andros for relief from a tax of one penny per pound, levied throughout the province for the support of government. It was the custom to relieve new settle- ments from taxation for seven years. This had been guar- anteed to the purchasers of Bristol by the Plymouth committee, who made the sale. A representation of these ftxcts was made by the selectmen of the town,^ but with what effect there is no record to show. The Narraganset proprietors applied to Sir Edmund ^4. for a confirmation of their titles. They furnished him a copy of the proceedings of the Cranfield commission, with the evidence there presented, and requested an opportu- nity to defend their claim against all opponents.* The event proved that this was an unfortunate step for the proprietors. The late Gov. Hinckley incautiously com- plained to Andros of the letter of Randolph, who retained the same position he had held under Dudley, as secretary of the council, in which he had reproved the Plymouth magistrate for taxing dissenters for the support of the ^arch ministry. Sir Edmund replied sharply, forbidding the 5. ' CaUender in R. L H. C, iv. 102^. Chalmers' PoUtical Annals, 278-9. « Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. iv. p. 429. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 221. ' Benjamin Church, John Rogers, Thomas Walker. R I. CoL Rec, 11222. « TnimbuU papers, vol. 22, Xos. 127-8. Mass. Hist. Soc. 502 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. constable to execute the warrant against the Quaker, and warning Hinckley to be faithful to the King.= In reply to the Rhode Island address, further instruc- tions were sent to Andros, granting the freedom of con- science asked by the Assembly. This was consistent with the policy of James, who sought, by promulgating the doctrine of religious liberty, to undermine the Episcopal church, and thus, in time, to restore the Pajoal power in England. With this object he soon after issued the Dec- laration of Indulgence, nominally, at least, leaving his subjects to obey their own consciences in- spiritual mat- ters.2 \r^ ^T The members of the Andros government were constant- 25. ly changing. A new list of twelve names, to fill vacancies already existing in the council, was sent to London. Three of these were from Rhode Island and Kings Prov- ince.^ In the letters accompanying this list, Andros gives an account of the condition of his province, and states that Connecticut has not yet submitted, and that it is important to unite her to the rest of New England, as wheat and provisions are chiefly supplied by her.* The difficulties that environed Andros, formed the subject of frequent letters from Randolph and himself to the home May government. In one of these to the Board of Trade, the -1- former says, " His Excellency has to do with a perverse people," and complains that but few members of the council manifest any interest for his Majesty. The duties of the General Assembly and of the Court of Trials, both of which were superseded by the new gov- ernment, now devolved upon a Court that met quarterly, ' Hutchinson's Mass., i. 357, note. - Hume, chap. 70. The declaration was issued April 4, 1687. A copy of it, apparently the official one sent to this colony, is preserved among the Foster MSS., vol. i. in R. I. Hist. Soc. * Richard Smith, Francis Brinley, and Peleg Saudford. • Br. S. P. O., New Eng., vol. iv. pp. 287, 201, 297. R. I. Col Rec. ui. 223-4. 29. ANDROS IN BHODE ISLAND. 503 and was called " The General Quarter Sessions and In- chap. ferior Court of Common Pleas." The first meeting of _^^^ this new tribunal was held at Newport, for Rhode Island, 16 87. Kings Province, and Providence. It was composed of ijlig nine justices, of whom Francis Brinley was chairman and judge. Its proceedings were unimportant. Jurymen and constables were sworn. Private petitions were referred to justices of the peace in the different towns. Over- seers of the poor were appointed for every town. Licenses for Newport were granted, but the sale of liquors in Kings Province was forbidden. The questions of ownership in Narraganset having been referred to Gov. Andros, he ordered a careful survey of the 22. country, and a plat to be made marking the several claims.' Several parcels of latid were granted by him to Richard Wharton, at an annual quit-rent of ten shillings an acre.'^ This is the first case, except that of Prudence Island, of the introduction of this species of tenure in Rhode Island. The revenue duties under Andros were farmed out by the treasurer of the Province, John Usher. Nathaniel Byfield of Bristol was by him appointed farmer of excise in this district, as appears by an original warrant in his name to John Whipple " to receive the whole excise 8. of all sortes of drinke, that shall be sould within the town- shipp of Providence by retaile," for one year.^ The intrusions that ultimately broke up the French settlement were commenced by their neighbors on the first summer of their planting. The meadows belonging to them, or set apart for their use, were unlawfully mowed and the hay carried ofi", leaving them without fodder for their cattle. Complaints were made to Gov. Andros, who ordered an examination of the matter. The hay was se- Aug. cured and stacked, and a further order was issued dividing ' Potter's Xarr., R. I. H. C, iii. 220. R. I. CoL Rec, iii. 225. - Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. iv. p. 795. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 225. * Foster papers, vol. i. Julv 5. 504 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. it, one half to certain needy persons in Kochester and Deptford, and the other half to the French families, until the rights of the parties could he determined.' The next quarter court was held at Rochester, or Kingston, at which the overseers of the poor were em- powered to assess taxes for the relief of paupers in their respective towns. A petty sessions, for probate^ business ^^^- only, at which but three justices were present, was after- wards held at Newport. 26. Sir Edmund Andros, with over sixty regular troops, now proceeded to Hartford, where the Assembly was sit- ting, to overawe the government of Connecticut and com- pel a surrender of the charter. It was at this time that the sacred instrument was hidden in the ancient oak to preserve it from his grasp. This ubjf.ct was accomplished, but it did not prevent him from seizing the government. Taking the records of the colony, he wrote beneath them, with his own hand, the transfer of the government to him- 81 self, and closed the volume with the significant word, in- scribed in glaring capitals — FINIS.'^ Connecticut had more reason than any other colony to dread the despotic spirit of Andros ; for just at the com- mencement of Philip's war, when he was governor of New York, he appeared with a naval force before Saybrook, and was only deterred by the resolute conduct of Capt. Bull, commander of the fort, from making an attack in prose- cuting the claim of the Duke of York, under an old patent that comprehended Connecticut in his dominions.' The memory of this repulse added to his rancor, while the Prince in whose behalf he was then acting was now the monarch of England. \Vell might the gallant colo- nists refuse to admit his authority, and resort to every ' C. M. H. C, vii. 182. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 228. " Tnimbull, Hist, of Conn., cli. xv. vol. i. p. 372. '■' July 8 to 12, 1675. Trumbull, ch. xiv. vol. i. p. 328. KINGS PROVINCE DISPUTE DECIDED. 505 means of throwing a taint of illegality over his proceed- chap. ings. XII. A full report was at this time made by Gov. Andres 1 C S 7 upon the various claims to the Narraganset country. The great claim of the Atherton company was thrown out, as having been based upon grants extorted through terror from the Indians by the illegal acts of the United Colo- nies. The submission of the Sachems, in 1644, vested the propriety in Charles I., since which no grant of jurisdic- tion had been made in that region except to Connecticut and Khode Island. The Connecticut claim was repudiated for the reasons expressed in the Ehode Island charter, which latter had been confirmed by the commissioners of 1664, who had disavowed both the other claims. Several titles from the Indians, and from Khode Island, to individuals are mentioned. The rights of Rhode Island over the Kings Province were thus again, for the third time, se- cured to her, as against Connecticut in point of jurisdic- tion, and against the so-called proprietors in point of ownership.'^ From Hartford Andros visited Fairfield, and returning Nov, by the sea-side, completed the annexation of Connecticut by appointing the principal persons in the various towns as justices.^ Stopping at Newport with his troops, he pro- * An anecdote that illustrates alike the wit of the great Puritan divine, Dr. Hooker, and the hatred felt in Connecticut for Andros, is pre-served by Hon. Theodore Foster, among his MS. collections. Foster Papers, vol. ix. "While Sir Edmund Andros was at Hartford, he met Dr. Hooker oue morning, and said, ' I suppose all the good people of Connecticut are fasting and pray- ing on my account.' The Doctor replied, 'Yes, we read, This kind goeth not out but by fasting and prayei.' " ^ Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. iv. p. 762. No date is aflSxed to this copy of the Report, but a reference to it in a later document upon the same ques- tion in 1697 dates this paper, Oct. 1687. A marginal memorandum men- tions that, prior to the submission of 1644, the Council of Plymouth had con- veyed the tract to the Hamilton family, in 1635, in whom the title still vested, if that convej-ance was legal. * Letter to Board of Trade from Boston, Nov. 28, 1687. Br. S. P. 0., N. E. V 4, p. 579. 28 506 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, posed to take possession of the charter of Rhode Island. ^3^ But in this attempt he was foiled by the foresight of the 16 8 7. cautious Clarke, who, on hearing of his arrival, sent the jirecious parchment to his brother, with orders to. have it concealed in some place unknown to himself, but v/ithin the knowledge of the secretary; He then waited upon Sir Edmund, and invited him to his house. A gre^t search was made for the eoveted document, but it could nowhere be found while Anxlros remained in Newport. After he left it was returned to Gov. Clarke, who kept it until the fall of Andros permitted a resumption of the government under it.* The seal of the colony was however produced and broken by Andros. A new one was made as soon as it was needed.^ In his letter to the Board of Trade, con- cerning the annexation of Connecticut, written directly after this affair, Andros makes no allusion to the success- ful ruse of the governor of Rhode Island, nor does he even refer to the mysterious disappearance of the Connecticut charter. j)pg The third quarter sessions was held at Newport, with 13. but five justices present. An order was passed to prevent danger from fire in the compact portions of the town. Should any chimney take fire, the person using it was to forfeit two and sixpence, and each householder was to place a ladder, reaching to the ridge pole, against every dwelling house that he owned. Andros. following an established custom, had appointed the first of December as a day of thanksgiving. The proclamation was genei-ally disregard- ed, and parties were brought before the Courts for con- j^ tempt. One of these answered to the charge of keeping open his shop on that day " that he was above the obser- vation of days and times." Another said that his boy opened the shop, and worked upon his own account, but that if he had not been lame he did not know but he ' Foster MS3., Bound vol, ii. p. 337. " Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. v. p. 74. GRANTS TO THE ATHERTON COMPANY. .007 should have worked himself ! Thus general was the spirit chap. of discontent at the loss of their liberties felt even in _!^ Khode Island, where the yoke of tyranny rested compara- tively lightly. A tax of one hundred and sixty pounds was ordered for building a court house in Newport and one in Kochester, The committee appointed to do the work wrote to Grov. Andros on the subject, and nominated John 15. Woodman of Newport to be treasurer of the Province or County of Rhode Island if his Excellency should approve.' Soon after the report of Andros upon Narraganset reached England, Lord Culpeper again petitioned, in be- half of the Atherton company, for a number of grants, amounting in all to sixty thousand acres in Kings Prov- 1687-8. ince, to be selected by themselves, in lieu of the whole country, heretofore claimed. " They asked that the land sold by them to the French refugees should be included in 13. the grant, and that the bass ponds might be reserved to them, as also the use of the waste lands adjoining their settlements.^ There were sufficient reasons why this re- quest should be granted, although the terms in which it was expressed — "your petitioners for their parts being willing to consent, in lieu of the whole which is of great extent, to accept of part thereof under such quit-rent as your Majesty shall think fit " — were not very modest or appropriate for parties whose entire claim had just been set aside. The royal council accordingly instructed An- 1.^^.^- . , , April dros that, as these petitioners had an eqmtaole pretence 10. to receive favor, he should assign to them such lands as were not already occupied, they paying a quit-rent of two and sixpence for every one hundred acres. ^ The spring term of the Common Pleas was held at Kingston, or Rochester as it was then called. An order g^ encouraging the fishery in Pettaquamscot pond was pass- • Potter's Narr. 221. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 228. - Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. iv. p. 762. ^ Br. S. P. 0., New Eug., vol. xxxiv. p. 8. 508 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, ed, and a tax of over fifty-three pounds was laid upon the Ji!i_ whole Province, or County, to pay for the killing of wolves 168 8. therein. These animals were still very numerous and * ^" troublesome. The records of Warwick show that some had been killed in that town within a recent period. ' The commission under which Sir Edmund Andros had hitherto acted did mot include Rhode Island and Connec- ticut, although he was empowered by it to recefvc their 7. charters. A new commission was sent out, confirming his government over all New England, and annexing thereto the Provinces of New York and the Jerseys, imder the gen- eral name of New England, with a council of forty-two per- sons named therein, seven of whom were from Rhode Isl- and.'^ Five members were to constitute a quorum in emergencies, and seven in any case. The seal of New York was to be broken, and that of New England, before described, used in its place. Liberty of conscience, in ac- cordance with the declaration of indulgence, was to be per- mitted ; but the freedom of the press was made subject to 16. the will of Andros. The instructions accompanying the commission were very full, and are chiefly exceptionable from the discretionary power vested in certain cases in the governor.' The news of the prospect of a direct heir to the throne, caused great rejoicing among the Papal party in England, and was received with consternation by the Protestants. ,g A proclamation for a day of public thanksgiving and prayer was issued by Andros, and sent to every county or province in his wide dominion. The appointed day was not observed with a zeal commensurate to the occasion, in jQ^ the opinion of the Viceroy. The birth of the Prince of ■ On 20 April, 1G74, old Puinhiiiii killed a wolf in Warwick, and on 29 Jan. 1680, a bounty of twenty shillings a head was offered for tlieir destruction. ' Walter Clarke, John Coggeshall, Walter Newberry, John Greene Rich- ard Arnold, John Alborough, and Richard Smith. ' R. I. Col. Rec. iii. 2.t8-54. 29. ANDROS MOVES TO NEW YORK. 509 Wales, afterward known as the Pretender, caused mucla chap. discussion in England. Suspicions were rife against the ^^^ legitimacy of this heir to the throne ; and when, upon 16 8 8, news of the event reaching America, Andros issued an- 24? other proclamation of thanksgiving for the Queen's haj)py delivery, it was less favorably received than the former had been. The people generally credited the injurious reports circulated in England. The June session of the Court was held at Newport. "^"^^ Nine justices were present. New constables were sworn for every town in the county. Providence having disre- garded the orders relative to the last two taxes, the consta- bles were required to levy by distraint for their collection. Some persons in the vicinity of Newport having escaped taxation, the assessors were ordered to perfect the rate list by including them. Upon receipt of his new commission, Sir Edmund An- Jtdy dros moved his head-quarters to New York, supplanted Col. Dongan, the late governor, and settled the govern- ment. French intrigues with the hostile Indians led the government to take some measures to protect the friendly tribes, which were afterwards brought up against Andros as evidence of favor towards them, to the prejudice of the colonists. Depositions to this effect were taken in Rhode Island and elsewhere, tending to excite the people against him.' At the autumn Court, held in Rochester, granting ggpt, licenses and the trial of criminal causes was the only 4. business. The succeeding session at Newport was the last at which any legislation was had. The fire ordinance n. ' These were published in "The Revolution in New England Justified," p. 26. Boston, 1691. This book was called forth by one entitled, " An Answer to the Declaration of the Inhabitants of Boston and the country adjacent, on the day when they secured their oppressor," by John Palmer of New York, one of Sir Edmund Andros's Council. The declaration referred to was issued on the seizure of Andros, April 18, 1689 — a printed copy of which is in Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. v. pp. 9, 10. 510 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. in Newport, having been neglected, was re-enacted, and the fines resulting therefrom were appropriated for the 1688-9. poor of the town. A tax of one hundred and twenty pounds was levied, but never collected, for before the day appointed in the act for the assessors to meet, the revolu- tion broke out. The justices often met for probate busi- 2 ness, in the interval of the quarter Courts. One meeting is recorded during this winter. Once more the Court of Common Pleas assembled at Rochester^ between wliicli place and Newport the Courts for this county alternated. March j^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ meeting of the Andros- government in o. . Rhode Island. The only thing done was to fine a man two and fourpence for planting a peach tree on Sunday. 18 Some of the justices met a few days later for probate busi- ness, and this closes the records of the " usurpation," as it is often called, in Rhode Island, Meanwhile a great change had taken place in English politics. The long struggle between privilege and i)rerog- ative had closed in violence, if not in blood. William, Prince of Orange, whose wife was the eldest daughter of James, had invaded England with a fleet of five hundred vessels, and an army of fourteen thousand men. The 1689. King had fled to France, and a Protestant dynasty was 4. secured to England in the persons of William and Mary. The news of this revolution was the signal for the fall of Andros. The messenger who brought it was imprisoned at Boston, but the great intelligence could not be con- cealed. The minds of the people were ripe for revolt. The detested usuqjer was doomed. The principal citi- zens, including some members of his own council, assem- bled at the town house, and signed a summons to Sir Ed- mund Andros to surrender the government. This they urged for his own wclttire, assuring him of safety in case of compliance, but otherwise threatening that the fortifi- cations should be taken by storm.* A lengthy declaration ' A broadside in Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. v. p. 11. R. I. Col. Rec, iiL 256. 18. EEVOLDTION AGAINST ANDROS. 511 of the inhabitants of Boston, set forth in thirteen sections chap. the grievances of the people as the ground of their action, ^J..,^^ the burden of which instrument was, that " New England 16 8 9. beheld the wicked walking on every side, and the vilest ^ ^8. men exalted. •" Capt. George, of the Rose frigate, was seized as he came on shore in the morning, and carried to prison. The Governor and his attendants, attempting to appease the council assembled at the town house, were treated in the same manner. Andros refused to send or- ders to surrender the fort. Thereupon his secretary, Ran- dolph, was seized, and a pistol presented at his breast, threatening him with instant death if he did not accom- pany his captors to the fort, and there represent to the commandant that the Governor required him to surrender it at once to the people. This ruse succeeded. Five thousand men were by this time under arms. The ven- erable Gov. Bradstreet, now eighty-seven years old, who had been supplanted by Dudley, was reinstated by accla- mation. The castle, situated a league below the town, was summoned in the same manner, but with a different result. The commander, suspecting the violence offered to Randolph, refused to obey. The courage displayed by Andros at this crisis, was worthy of a better cause. Threats of violence were vainly employed to extort from liim an order for the surrender of the castle. Although told that he and his adherents should be put to the sword unless instant compliance was made, he firmly refused to yield the point. The next day a committee of gentlemen prevailed on the garrison to surrender, with the promise ^' of thtui- liberty, but on reaching the town they were all thrown into prison. The fort, the jail, and the castle, were all used as prisons for the civil and military officers of the late government, twenty-five of whom were closely confined with their leader.^ * See note ante p. 509. Br. S. P, 0., New England, vol. v. pp. 9-10. * Riggs' narrative of tbe Boston Revolution. Br. S. P. 0., New England, 512 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. When news of this affair reached Rhode Island, Dud- ley, the chief justice, who had gone to Narraganset to hold a Court, was seized by a party of Providence men, taken to Roxbury, and afterwards committed to prison. 23. A letter was circulated among the people, from Newport, in cautious terms, recommending them to assemble there, " before the day of usual election by charter," to consult upon what course should be adojited.' In accordance with this call, the freemen of Rhode Island, Providence, and " ^^ Kings Province, assembled at Newport, and put forth a declaration of their reasons for resuming the charter gov- ernment.^ At the same time they adopted an address " to the present supreme power of England," stating that the fall of Andros obliged them to resume their old form of government, which they prayed might be confirmed to them; and that as they were " not only ignorant of what titles should be given in this overture, but also not so rhetorical as becomes such personages," they hoped their deficiencies on this point might be overlooked. Thus easily and quietly did Rhode Island revert to her former freedom; and not knowing yet who might be victorious in England, adopted this cautious and politic form of ad- dress. But the wary Clarke hesitated to accept his former post, and for ten months Rhode Island was without an acknowledged governor. The deputy governor, John Cog- geshall, with several of the old assistants, boldly resumed their functions. Connecticut followed immediately and 9 more thoroughly, restoring all her former officers, conven- ing her assembly, and resuming at once the government vol. V. p. 7. Capt. George's account, p. 34, and list of prisoners, p. 48. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 257. ' This letter is signed W. C, J. C. What appears to be the original is preserved in the Foster papers, vol. iv. The handwriting, the cautious lan- guage, and the first initial signature, all attest the authorship of Gov. Walter Clarke. It is printed in Staple's Annals, 176, and R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 257. ' R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 268, where hy error of type the declaration is dated 1C90. ACCESSION OF WILLIAM AND MART. 513 under her long hidden charter. Plymouth took the same chap. course under Hinckley. In Massachusetts a convention of S^ representatives of the several towns was held, who unani- mously voted to re-organize the government with the same officers who had heen superseded three years hefore. These officers accepted the trust provisionally, declaring that in so doing they did " not intend an assumption of 24. charter government." ' Two days later a ship arrived at Boston with the joyful news that William and Mary had ascended the throne. The acting governor and council of Rhode Island immediately proclaimed the new monarchs in every town of the colony; and the same was done, with the greatest demonstrations of loyalty and delight, through- out New England. Dr. Increase Mather had secretly escaped from Bos- ton, before the revolution, and gone to England to repre- sent the cause of the colonists. Upon the accession of William III., he had an audience with the King, who promised that Andros should be recalled.- The order was J"^y issued in due time, requiring the authorities of Massachu- setts to send home Sir Edmund Andros and his fellow prisoners, by the first vessel, to answer for their conduct to the king.^ Andros, by the aid of his servant, who per- suaded the sentinel to drink, and then to suffer him to stand guard in his stead, escaped from the castle and fled to Rhode Island. At Newport he was captured by Major ^3"* Sandford, and sent back to Boston,^ where a lingering im- prisonment of half a year stiU awaited him. The deputy governor and council of Rhode Island peti- ' Two broadsides in Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. v. pp. 12-U. The Br. archives abound in documents pertaining to the revolution in New England. Volume V. of New England papers is full of pamphlets, broadsides, and MS. letters from both parties upon this subject. - :\Iarch 14, 1688-9. A curious account of this audience, from Cotton Mathei'.- Life of his Father, is in 1 M. H. C, ix. 2-i5-58. = Hutchinson, i. 391, note. 3 M. H. C, vii. 191. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 256. * Hutch, i. 392. Randolph to Board of Trade from Boston gaol, Sept. 5, 1689. Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. v. p. 9i. VOL. I. — 33 514 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, tioned the throne for a confirmation of their charter, re- J^^.!^ hearsing the circumstances of its resumption, of the proc- i(>9.9o. laniation of their majesties, and of the late seizure of 30. Andros.' The long confinement of Andros and Jiis asso- ciates was about to terminate. For nearly ten months they had expiated their acts of tyranny in a Puritan prison. The order for their return to England^for trial had arrived, and the vessel was now ready to sail. The haughty royalist, who had too faithfully executed the mandates of a despotic master, returned as a prisoner Feb. from the country w^hich, sixteen years before, he had first visited as a ruler, and to which he was again to return, withhi two years, as governor of Virginia. In reviewing the administration of Andros in New England, an impartial judge cannot fail to discover, among the principal causes which have made his memory odious, that he inflicted a mortal wound upon the Puri- tan theocracy. The hierarchy, of which Hooker, and Cot- ton and the Mathers were the heads, never fully recovered its prestige. To this, in a great measure, is due the de- testation that nttaches to his name. Cotemporary de- nunciation has been echoed in later times by those who have no sympathy with the religious intolerance that evoked it, but who, either through carelessness or timidity, have neglected to analyze the conduct of Andros, or have feared to present it in what we believe to be the just light. He conscientiously and fearlessly obeyed the commands of his sovereign, and in entering upon his difficult mission he displayed a nice sense of the delicate position he was called to fill, utterly at variance with the character of brutality assigned to him by his Puritan critics. The opinions of men who maligned the purity of Williams, of Clarke, and of Gorton, who '' bore false witness " to the character and the acts of some of the wisest and best men who ever lived in New England, who strove to blast the ' Original in Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. v. p. 219. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 258. REVIEW OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ANDROS. 515 reputation of people whose liberal views they could not com- chap. prehend, who collected evidence to crush the good name ,_^^ uf their more \artuous opponents, hy casting upon them 16 8 9. the odium of acts wherein they were themselves the guilty parties, who committed outrages, in the name of God, far more barbarous than the worst with which they ever charged " the usurper," — the opinions of such men, we say, are not to be received without a challenge, and the conclusions to which a candid examination brings us are not to be withheld, because differing in some points from the whole- sale denunciation hitherto employed against Andros. For the tyrannical points of his administration his master is to blame ; for the petty oppressions that often rendered its execution vexatious we beheve that his tools were more culpable than liimself Their object was to enrich them- selves at the expense of the people, and their practice was to charge upon their leader the extortions that rendered his administration grievous. The wide dominion over which Andros held control could only be organized, under the system of James, by delegating power, and this was too often placed in irresponsible hands. Randolph, the secretary, was the author of many of the acts for which Andros, as the governor, is held resi3onsible. The mutual hatred between him and the colonists was undis- guised, but posterity has shielded the infamy of the legis- lator beneath the mantle of the executive. William III. was looked upon as a mild and liberal monarch, yet upon the arrival of xlndros in England the charges • against him were dismissed by the royal order on the ground of insufficienc)' — that he had done nothing which was not fully justified by his instructions ; and in compensation for his imprisonment in New England, he was soon after appointed to succeed Effingham, as governor of Virginia. ' These charges were prepared by Sir Henry Ashurst, Increase Mather and others, 14 April, 1690, and were answered by Andros and his associates, at great length, and with the result stated in the text. A draft of the charges, and the original reply are in Br. S. P. O., New England, vol. v. pp. 164, 166. 516 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. The republican spirit of New England could not quietly '^"- submit to such a form of government as was prescribed 1689. by James II., however well it might be administered. The prejudice against this form has been unjustly directed upon the instrument employed to establish it, and Andros has consequently been portrayed as a monster of tyranny. Yet it should be remembered, that for three years he ruled without interruption, which could scarcelyiiave oc- curred had a tithe of these misrepresentations-been true ; nor, till the news of the revolution in England reached Boston, was there a single attemj^t made to resist the government of this " incarnate despot." Although the government of Andros has been held up as one of absolute tyranny, and necessarily so for the reasons here given, the other New England colonies com- plained most bitterly of those acts which Rhode Island could not but approve, and some of which, as seeming to be favors shown to her, were construed into acts of hos- tility to them. So general is the prejudice against him to this day, that it may sound strange to say that in any respect Sir Edmund Andros was a benefactor to Rhode Island. " The evil that men do lives after them, the good is often interred with their bones." So has it been with Andros. His will was arbitrary. His rule, even in Rhode Island, where it was mildest, was oppressive ; but his acts, where they were good, should not be forgotten, even though the evil predominates. He sought to estab- lish universal toleration in religion. This was abhorrent to the Puritans. In their estimation it was rampant Rhode Islandism. His object, to be sure, was to secure a foothold for the church of England, not to favor the principle. But Rhode Island could not object to see her free ideas adopted by a despot, although what was a prin- ciple with her was merely policy with him. Again, the long dis])iited boundary with Connecticut was established by Andros, in accordance with the claims of Rhode Island. This added a new cause of complaint in which this State ROYALISTS AND REPUBLICANS. 517 could not unite. And so lonsj as he ruled, Pthode Island chap. YTT was secure from the insults of her neighbors, and protected ,^.,,,^ against them in her rights. The courteous treatment ^•^'^-^'^ which he here received, compared with the rudeness else- where shown him, led him to represent Rhode Island, in his despatches, in favorable contrast with the other colo- nies. It is not improbable that the assurances of her loy- alty, repeatedly given by Andros, had some effect in secur- ing the tacit confirmation of her chartered rights under the succeeding reign. Two parties, royalist and republican, divided the col- ony. Prominent among the former was Francis Brinley, a distinguished merchant of Newport, whose letters dis- play the bitterness of faction in these troublous times. He denounced the action of the republicans in resuming the Feb. charter, and called for a settled government, to be estab- lished by the king, over aU New England.^ The bold at- titude of the republican party secured the freedom of the colony. In May they had reinstated all the old officers, and re-established all the laws superseded in 1686. The charter had been produced in open Assembly, and then re- turned to the custody of Gov. Clarke. The records of the colony were not forthcoming at that time, the former re- corder being dead, and the present custodian having refus- ed to deliver them except upon distraint. This act of re- sumption was afterward sanctioned by the king, upon re- ceiving the written opinion of the law officers of the crown, that the charters of Ehode Island and Connecticut, never having been revoked, but only suspended, still remained in full force and effect.^ Had the royalists, who doubted ' Abstracts of his private letters are in Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. v. p. 413. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 259. ^ Tlie opinions of Ward, and of the then Attorney and Solicitor General, in the case of Connecticut, were rendered 2d August, 1690, and apply equally to R. I. Hutchinson, i. 406 note. The opinion of Attorney General Ward specially upon the R. I. charter, was given three years later, Dec. 7, 1693. con- firming the acts of the people under it on every point. It is in Br. S. P. O., New Eng., vol. vii. and R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 493. 518 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, the legality of these acts, prevailed, and a renewal of the J^J^ charter been applied for, it could not have been obtained 'kIi^'^' ^^'^^^ ^ liberal provisions as the old one, if at all ; and most probably Rhode Island would have met the fate of Plymouth, and been absorbed by Massachusetts \inder a general governor. The defective government of the last ten months called for legislative action. The General Assembly wa"§ as yet unorganized, and the chief magistrate was doubtful of his powers, or shrank from the duties of his post. A meet- mg of the assemblv had been called bv Gov. Clarke, in October, the regular time appointed by charter; but a storm prevented the mainland towns from being repre- sented, and the governor himself had failed to attend. At length the Assembly convened for the first time for 26. nearly four years. The deputy governor, six assistants, the new recorder, chosen by the freemen in May, the gen- eral sergeant, and seventeen deputies, were present. The Assembly proceeded to fill the vacancies in their number. Absentees were sent for. The governor obeyed the sum- mons, but declined to retain his office. Christopher Almy was elected in his place, but he also declined. It was 27. then that " all eyes turned to one of the old Antinomian exiles, the more than octogenarian, Henry Ball; and the fearless Quaker, true to the light within, employed the last glimmerings of life to restore the democratic charter of Rhode Island." ' Benedict Arnold, son of the late governor, was elected an assistant ; and Almy, who de- clined to be governor, consented to fill another vacancy in that body. Gov. Clarke refused to deliver the charter, and other official papers, to a committee of the Assembly appointed to receive them. He gave them leave to take it, but refused himself to open the chest in which it was kept. It is said that his extreme caution was only over- come by an order for the sheriff to arrest and confine him • Bancroft, chap. 17, vol. 2, p. 360. RESUMPTION OF THE CHARTER. 519 in prison, upon whicli the required documents were handed chap. over, and placed in charge of Gov. Bull ; but it appears ^,,L. from the records that he retained the charter till the an- }^f^^~^t March nual election — two months later, and then gave it up, on a second demand, to the assembly. ' There was a policy in all this which was so apparent that Clarke never lost the confidence of the people. The funds of the colony were in the hands of Roger Xiolden, to be appropriated to building a colony house. He paid them over without j, demur. A new seal " being the anchor, with the motto, Hope," was procured by the Assembly, in place of the one broken by Andros, The declaration of war between France and England was proclaimed. Col. Church was ^' at this time fighting the French and Indians, at the east- ward; and very soon the war" was to be brought nearer home by the presence of a French fleet on our coast. The towns were put in a state of defence, and the French refugees in Narraganset were required to present them- selves to John Greene, at Warwick, and take the oath of allegiance to the British crown, required by the king, in consideration of which they were to remain undisturbed, behaving peaceably. At the next regular session of the Assembly, the day ^ ' previous to the annual election, all the members were 6. present. The charter was publicly read, as in former days, and the election proceeded with in usual form. De- clining years compelled Gov. Bull to refuse a re-election. The deputy governor was then chosen, but refused, per- haps from the same cause. John Easton was then elected governor, and Major John Greene, deputy governor. The list of assistants was completed to ten, and the other gen- eral officers, and two majors, were chosen as heretofore. The first grand period of Rhode Island history, the formation period, was ended. The era of domestic strife and outward conflict for existence, of change and inter- * Foster papers, Boand vol. i. p. 337. 520 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. ruption, of doubt and gloom, anxiety and distress, had almost jDassed. The problem of self-government was solved, and a new era of independent action commenced, which was to continue unbroken for an entire century, un- til her separate sovereignty should be merged in the Amer- ican Union, by the adoption of the federal constitution ; and her royal charter, the noble work of her republican founders, was never again to be interrupted, not even by the storm of revolution, until the lapse of more than a century and a half had made its provisions obsolete. The colony house, j)rojected during the" government of Andros, was now nearly completed, and received the name of the Town House. The governor, deputy governor, and assistants, on account of the expense attending their of- ficial duties, and their receixnng no salary, were excused for the future from paying any colony tax. The war with the French and Indians raged all alonor the northern fron- tier. Leisler, governor of New York, demanded assist- ance from all the colonies. Rhode Island could not spare men, but voted a tax of three hundred pounds solely for this purpose. The effective force of New England at this time, as shown in a tabular statement of the enrolled mi- litia, furnished by Sir Edmund Andros to the royal coun- cil, was over thirteen thousand men. Of these, eight hundred were in Rhode Island, exclusive of the eastern shore, which was included in Plymouth.' A fleet of seven sail of French privateers made a descent upon the coast, I Rhode Island, <&c. Kings Province and Protidcnce Plantations. Capt. Pelham, Newport, Ist Co. 104 Major Richard Smith. Capt. Riigers, do 2d do 85 Major Gen. AVinthrop, Providence, 175 Capt. Arnold, Portsmouth, 105 Capt. Fones, Rochester, (Kingston,) 136 Capt. Joseph Arnold, Jamestown, 84 Capt. Gorton, Warwick, 60 Capt. Davoll. Feversham, (Westerly,) 56 828 Capt. Weaver, Deptford, (Greenwich) 87 These were under Major John Walley, with the County of Bristol troops, number- 464 ing 780. It would seem by this that the Provi- dence troops were attached to a Connecti- cut division. Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., vol. v. p. 202. 13. 21. NAVAL VICTORY OVER THE FRENCH. 521 captured Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and Block Island, chap. where they committed horrible excesses. Bonfires were ^^ lio^hted at Pawcatuck, and thence all along; the shore, to 16 9 0. arouse the country. A sloop with thirty-four men was jg^ at once sent out from Newport to reconnoitre. A portion of the enemy entered the harbor of Newport by night, to l-^- sur\irise the town ; but failing in this, they proceeded to attack New London, and were beaten off. Thence they landed at Fisher's Island, and burnt the only house upon it. There a small body of seventeen men, from Stoning- ton, surprised a party of them, and killed one Trimming, an English renegade, who had served as their decoy at the taking of Block Island. An expedition, consisting of two sloops with about ninety men, under command of Capt. Thomas Paine, was sent out from Newport to attack the 20. enemy. Capt. John Godfrey was Paine's second. The next day they fell in with five French sail near Block Isl- and. Paine sent a few men on shore to prevent the enemy from landing, and ran his vessels into shallow w^ater to avoid being surrounded. The French force numbered two hundred men, under one Pekar, a Frenchman who had sailed as a lieutenant with Capt. Paine, in privateering expeditions, some years before. At five o'clock in the af- ternoon the enemy came up with the intention of board- ing, but was repulsed. A bloody action ensued for two hours and a half, till night separated the combatants. Pekar withdrew with the loss of nearly one-half his men, in killed and wounded. Paine's loss was only one man killed, and six w^ounded. The next day the French put to sea. Paine gave chase, and compelled them to sink a prize, loaded with wines and brandy, which they had taken. The alarm caused by this bold assault, induced many persons to remove their property from Newport, to places of greater security. To Block Island this was but the commencement of a series of sufferings to which that ex- posed spot was subjected from foreign foes, as it had often 22. 522 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, already been at the hands of the Indians. The dangers of the sea, and the sterner perils of war, united to pro- duce a race of men whose courage and hardihood cannot be surpassed. The brilliant exploit of Paine at once in- spired the people of this colony with a naval spirit. It was the first victory of Rhode Island on the open ocean, and the worthy harbinger of many daring deeds.' Three subsequent attempts upon Block Island were made by the French, during this war, as related by Niles. The second was a night attack : " the people were maltreated, and their cattle carried off, but no one was. killed. The next time the privateers were captured by the Nonsuch man-of-war ; ' and on the fourth, and last attack, the islanders themselves repulsed the marauders "in an open, pitched battle," after which they were no longer molested by the French, g A great expedition consisting of thirty-two vessels and about two thousand men, under Sir William Phipps, sailed from Boston for the conquest of Canada, but were repulsed by Count Frontenac, before Quehec, and returned in dis- grace. To pay off the men, bills of credit were issued, the first paper money ever seen in New England, but unfor- tunately not the last. French privateers covered the seas, plundering the commerce of the colonists and harassing ggpf the seaboard. In consequence of these troubles, a special 16. session of the Assembly was called, to meet at Portsmouth, to adopt stringent measures for raising the tax levied in the spring, and not yet collected. A tonnage duty of one shilling, or of one pound of powder, per ton, was laid upon all vessels of more than ten tons, belonging to other colo- nies, that should break bulk in the harbor of Newport ; the ' Rr. S. P. 0.. New England, vol. v. pp. 356, 365. Niles' Hist, of Fr. and Ind. Wans in 3 M. H. C, vi. 263-74, where many instances of the brutality of the French are given, to which Niles, a native of Block Island, was an eye- witness. » May 20, 1691. ' In the summer of 1693. SMALLPOX ON THE ISLAND. 523 receipts to be applied to maintainiag a powder magazine chap for the use of the Island. The regular session was held at w^-^ Providence at the house of John Whipple. The smallpox 16 90. had broken out with great violence upon the Island. The 29. recorder and liis family were ill with it, so that the read- ing of the charter, an indispensable prerequisite to legisla- tion, was omitted; no attested copy of it being at hand, and an entry was made of the reason for the omission. The whole aliairs of the colony were deranged by the prevailing sickness, and no business of general interest was transacted by the Assembly. So virulent was this formidable plague, for which no remedy or preventive was then known,' that 1690-]. a letter from Boston, written during this winter, says, '^^"• " Rhode Island is almost destroyed by the smallpox." ^ Newport was abandoned by the legislature for nearly a year. The general election was held at Portsmouth, " it being removed from Newport by reason of the distemper." 16 91 No changes were made in the principal officers, and no im- qJ portant business was done. The French again attacked Block I.sland in the night, but seem to have left before any force could be sent against them.^ The adjourned ^^• session was opened at Portsmouth, and removed next day , to Newport, whence we infer that the pestilence, v>'hich 23. had ravaged that town for about ten months, had abated. An address to their Ma.jesties was adopted, but seems never to have reached its destination. The miUtary sys- tem of the colony was revised, and the power placed in the hands of the two majors. The militia was divided into two regiments, one under each major, and courts mar- ' The Christian world owes to the Turks one of the greatest discoveries in medical science. Inoculation was introduced into England by Lady Mary \Yortley Montague, in 1721, who had learned it at Adrianople three years be- fore. Vaccination was discovered by Dr. Jenner in 1796, and made public iu England in 1 799, whence it was brought to the United States by Dr. Waterhouse, the following year. - Mr. Lloyd's letter. Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. v. p. 362. * Prince's collection. Letters and Papers, p. 60, No. 3 iu Mass Hist. Soc. 524 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, tial were established, to consist of a majority of the com- v^'^:^ missioned officers of each regiment. An addition to the i ♦'i^'i cou:*-house at Newport, and also a turret, where the bell '27. mio;ht l>e hung, were ordered. Tlie records of the General Assembly from October 1G90 to July 1695, except the. fragment of a special ses- sion in August 1692, have disappeared from the fik-s A portion only has been found among the Biitish archives, whither the whole were probably sent by Lord" Bellemont. The history of the intervening period is derived chiefly from other records in the State Paper office at London, and from contemporaneous authorities at home. ^. Massachusetts and Plymouth were united under one 7. charter, and the selection of their officers was left to their own agents, by whose recommendation Sir William Phijjps, a native of Massachusetts, and tlien an Assistant of that colony, was named as governor. By his commission he 12. was made commander-in-chief of all the land and naval forces of New England, each colony being separately named therein. This was an infringement upon the chartered rights of Connecticut and Rhode Island which at once oc- casioned trouble. Connecticut was placed in a still worse position, by a similar power over her militia being also conferred afterward upon Col. Fletcher, governor of New York. The charters of both these colonies were so differ- ent from any others, that constant blunders of tills sort were made by the Home Government, and many of the comi)laints, particularly against the conduct- of Rhode Isl- and, are attributable to this source. The firmness with which she clung to the Magna Charta of her freedom, through trials of every kind," is surprising ; and that she was legally as well as morally right in the ever varj'ing positions that she was compelled to assume, as the attacks made upon her changed in their character and objects, is obvious from the almost uniform decisions in her favor^ whenever she was called to plead in her own defence. 169 2. 20. ATTEMPTS OF SIR WILLIAM PHIPPS. 525 Upon the arrival of Sir William Phipps at Boston, chap. the venerable Governor Bradstreet resigned his office. .J,^^ This was the era of witchcraft in Massachusetts, but as 1 •> ^ 2. the infatuation never extended to the less gloomy people ^ ■^^' of Rhode Island, we do not propose to discuss it. The of- fence appears on the statute book, but no prosecutions were ever had under it. The people of this colony had suffered too much from the superstitions and the priest- craft of the Puritans, readily to adopt their delusions, and there was no State clergy to stimulate the whimsies of their parishioners. More important matters to them than the bedevilment of their neighbors engrossed their whole attention. A revival of difficulties between Rhode Island and Con- necticut was threatened. The latter colony wrote to Gov. Easton that some persons at Pawcatuck had appealed to them for the protection of their laws, and suggested that, for peace" sake, Rhode Island would consent, under these circumstances, that the request of the petitioners should be granted, until further orders were received from England. It was an amicable letter, far different in tone from the correspondence in former years on the same subject. Gov. Easton replied in a similar spirit, but maintained the claim of Rhode Island to the bank of the river, and that a sub- j'g ^ mission to another government, by the people in question, could not convey the right of jurisdiction. Meanwhile Governor Phipps wrote to Rhode Island re- 2. quiring the militia of the colony to be j^laced under him, by the terms of his commission, and that an account of their numbers and condition should be sent to him. The deputy governor, Major Greene, and one assistant went to Boston upon this business, and also to secure the establish- ment of a post-office in the colony. They were detained five days before they could obtain a hearing, and then re- ceived no satisfactory reply ; nor was any letter sent by Phipps to Gov. Easton, as was promised, but soon after- 52G HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, wards several commissions were sent to Major Sandford, Ji^ to be distributed among the militia officers, displacing 16 9 2. most of those already in commission. The Assembly was 2°' convened, and ordered that the present officers should re- tain their posts, and hold their companies ready for defence. In the towns that had neglected to choose military officers at the spring election, the former officers were reappoint- ed. An address to their Majesties was adopted, 'stating the .facts of the case, suggesting that the conduct of Phipps was stimulated by private interests^ — some of his counsellors, by whose acts the settlement of Narraganset was thereby impeded, being members of the Atherton company — and praying that the charter limits of the col- ony might be confirmed to them, in accordance with for- mer decisions. An attempt to run the lines of the colony was forbidden by Governor Phipps, whereupon the As- 22 ' sembly again met, and commissioned Christopher Almy to take another letter to their Majesties, enforcing the prayer of the address, with a plat of the colony, and the reasons for the petition. Governor Phipps was equally foiled in his attempt upon the militia of Connecticut, and being a very passion- ate man he nearly involved himself in a quarrel with Col. Fletcher of New York, who also endeavored, by virtue of his commission, to control the troops of Connecticut ; but both were alike thwarted by the firmness of Gov. Treat. 1692-3. During the winter. Sir WilUam,for the first time, came to Rhode Island, and read his commission to Gov. Easton in the presence of witnesses. The governor replied, that when the Assembly met, if they had any thing farther to say, he would write. There was little satisfaction in this cavalier reception, which offset Pliipps' treatment of Rhode Island, and still less in the ultimate result ; but with such as it was Sir William declared himself contented, and went home. The war between England and France continued POST ROUTES ESTABLISHED. 527 with great violence. Louis XIV. prepared to invade chaf England, in behalf of James the Pretender, and main- ^^..^^l, tained a strono; force in Canada, which threatened the con- 1692-3, ... March quest of British America. Orders were issued from White- 3. hall for all the colonies to send aid, in men or money, to the governor of New York, for the relief of Albany, then a frontier fort of the English. The first postal arrangements in the United States 169 3. were now adopted in the council of Massachusetts. The right to establish post routes in America had been granted for a term of twenty-one years, by royal patent, to Thomas Neale,' who deputed Andrew Hamelton to carry out the design. By him the plan was presented to the govern- ^^^" ment of Massachusetts to establish a weekly mail from Boston to Virginia. The rate • of postage for all foreign letters was fixed at twopence a letter. Inland letters paid, from Boston to Rhode Island, sixpence for each sin- gle letter, and proportionately for a package, which could not count less than threa letters, ninepence to Connecticut, a shilHng to New York, fifteen pence to Pennsylvania, and two shillings to Maryland and Virginia, with one penny for delivery at the house after any letter had lain two June days in the post-office uncalled for. The act was passed ^• by the representatives, and concurred in by the council. Almy, the Rhode Island agent, became impatient at the delays that detained him in London, and petitioned that the address which he had brought might be read by Aug. the royal council. This was done and the subject referred, as usual, to the Board of Trade, who in turn submitted the g^^ address to the attorney general for his opinion upon the 15. validity cf the charter, and the right ta control the militia against the demand of Phipps, and to have their eastern boundary explained. The decision was rendered in favor of Rhode Island upon every point. " I see nothing in point of law but that their Majesties may gratify the pe- • Feb. 17, 1691-2. 528 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. titioners, and confirm their charter, and explain the east- ern boundaries as is desired," is the conclusion of this im- portant paper, which virtually crushed the hopes of the royalist faction in Rhode Island, and cooled the ardor of 25 her ambitious neighbors. Meanwhile the General Assem-' bly sent another address to their Majesties, assigning the exposed situation of the colony, as shown by the late at- tacks upon Block Island, as the reason for their not send- ing aid to Albany.' 1693-4. The Board of Trade submitted further questions to 2 " the attorney general upon the charters of Connecticut and Rhode Island, and the Jersey grants, how the strength of the whole might be united under one Commander-in-chief 1 6 9 4. to operate against the French. His opinion sustained the 2. position which he had before taken, that these colonies had the exclusive control over their militia in times of peace, but added, that in case of war, if necessary for the common defence, a chief commander might order out a re- quisite number of troops, with the aid and assistance of the governor, leaving enough at home to secure the safety 22 of each colony. The Board of Trade having reported this opinion to the royal council, an order was issued fixing the Aug. quota of troops to be furnished by Rhode Island, for ser- vice under the governor of New York, at forty-eight men, and also referring the boundary dispute to the members of the council of New York. The Queen forthwith sent 21. her commands to Gov. Phipps, limiting his control over the miUtia of Rhode Island, in accordance with the report, and requiring him to furnish three hundred and * All the foregoing documents referred to are in Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. vii., and are mostly inserted in R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 288-295. The admi- rable mode in which these Records are compiled, by supplying deficiencies in the existing files, and inserting explanatory documents obtained from other sources, in order to present a documentary history of the State as complete as possible, places the Rhode Island Colonial Records before any other State col- lection we have seen, and reflects great credit upon the industry and ability of the Hon. John R. Bartlett, Secretary of State, by whom they were prepared. EASTERN BOUNDARY QUESTION. 529 fifty men from Massachusetts for the defence of Albany, chap. Similar orders were sent to Khode Island and Connecti- J_^ cut. The quota of the latter was fixed at one hundred 16 94. May and twenty men.' The boundary question had been much discussed pre- vious to this order of council. The new charter of New England, by absorbing Plymouth, had bounded Rhode Island on the east as weU as the north by Massachusetts. Tlie old conflict for the eastern shore was therefore to be continued with a new and more formidable opponent. Almy wrote to the Duke of Leeds, President of the Privy 15. Council, asking his special attention to the eastern bound- ary of the colony, and supplying the evidence to sustain the claim of Rhode Island. The Massachusetts agents petitioned the Board of Trade ^ for a hearing upon this point before the question should be decided. The point was referred to the attorney general, whose action was hastened by a notice from the Board that they were wait- ' jg^ ing his report. While he was preparing it, the Earl of Arran presented the great claim of the Hamilton family 28. to the attorney general, as including a part of Rhode Island, but it was for the present thrown out. The opinion re- ^^^^ cited in detail the charter bounds of Rhode Island, the Plymouth grant, and the decision of Sir Robert Carr, and suggested a reference to disinterested parties near the spot as the only mode of determining the dispute. Upon re- ceipt of this report, the agents were summoned to attend a meeting of the Board to consider this boundary question. ^"* Mr. Almy petitioned that no Connecticut man should be placed upon the commission, as the dispute with that col- , ' Br. S. P. , New England, vol. xxxv., pp. 152, 165, 170. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 295-9. * The official title of this hody was " the Right Honorable the Lords of the Committee of Trade and Plantations." A little later than this time they were known as the "Board of Trade," by which name we style them in the text, for brevity. All the colonial documents in the British archives are marked B. T., as plantation affairs were their peculiar province. VOL. I.— 34 530 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF EHODE ISLAND, CHAP, ony in regard to the western line still existed. The at- J_^ torney general prepared the draft of a commission to the 16 9 4. arbitrators, which was approved by the Board, and the 2 next day, when the order upon the militia was issued, as before stated, this draft was. attached to it to be filled by the names of the New York council. The acts of trade were so generally disregarded in the colonies as to form the subject of frequent remonstrance by the home government. Rhode Island came in for her share of rebuke, although at first she was more loyal upon this point than either New England or New York. In reply to a circular from the Board of Trade, issued a year gg ^^ before. Governor Easton wrote that the collector, Jahleel 6. Brenton, would shortly be in England, and would represent the fact that for want of proper forts in the bay it was dif- ficult to enforce the navigation laws. The friendly feeling between Ehode Island and Con- necticut at this time was satisfactory to both parties, and could not easily be disturbed, although occasions were not wanting to renew the strife. There was a border conflict June between Westerly and Stonington. Some persons in the latter town attempted to assess a tax upon the former, which was resisted, and a complaint was made by the gov- ernor of Rhode Island to the authorities of Connecticut on Oct. the subject, to which the latter replied, disowning the act ^^- of the intruders, and expressing a hope that no disturbance would be created by any act of Rhode Island west of the Pawcatuck river. So far as it went, this was a virtual concession of the points in dispute, in favor of Rhode Isl- l g 9 5 and. But the Narraganset proj)rietors, as they still styled ^^l!iy. themselves, were not satisfied with this tacit aOTcement which subjected them to Rhode Island, and petitioned to have the question settled. It was referred to the attorney general, with whom it rested for more than a year. May. At the general election Caleb Carr was chosen gover- nor, and John Greene was re-elected deputy governor MODE OF LAYING TAXES. 531 The great break in the records does not cease till the ad- chap. journed session of the Assembly at Newport, when they ^^ again appear complete. The old tax of three hundred 16 95. pounds was still uncollected. An additional rate of two ' ^ ^ pence on the pound was laid, and a more exact mode of 2. assessment than had heretofore been used was adopted, by appointing three men in each town to examine the proper- ty of every citizen, and estimate his income. Formerly the rates were laid by guess work, both by the Assembly in aj^portioning a tax among the towns, and by the coun- cils in assessing the inhabitants. Complaint having been made that the Colony House was used for other purposes than that for which it was built, it was ordered that it should be occupied only for legislative or iriilitary affairs, and for no religious objects whatever. Committees were appointed to run the eastern and northern lines of the colonv. Governor Fletcher had written to demand the quota of troops assigned to Khode Island for the defence of New York, to which Governor Carr replied that either the forty- 5. eight men required, or some commutation should be sent according as Fletcher himself might elect. • From the death of Sir William Phipps to the appoint- ment of the Earl of Bellemont several months elapsed, during which Lieut. Governor Stoughton was at the head of affairs in Massachusetts. A proposal was made by the 10 Lords Justices to recall Fletcher, and to unite, under Belle- mont, the governments of New England and New York, as in the time of Andros, when aU of the American colonies north of Pennsylvania were known by the name of New England. But more than three years elapsed before the plan was perfected by the arrival of Bellemont at New York ; meanwhile the two governments continued under their present rulers. Stoughton refused to have the lines run between Mas- ' N. Y. Col. Mss. xl. 39. R. I. Col. Rec, iu. 303. 532 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. sacliiisetts and Rhode Island, without which the quota of troops for New York could not be drafted fairly. Fletcher refused commutation and demanded the men ; whereupon the Rhode Island council wrote to him, assigning reasons why they could not send the men. Some further corre- spondence ensued, when the subject dropped. The Assem- bly met at Warwick. The boundary between Kingston and Westerly was settled. A prison was ordered to be ^q' built at Providence. A tax of a penny on a" pound was laid, to raise the sum of one hundred pounds for the agent in England. Salaries had occasionally been paid to the civil officers, but most of the time jjublic service had been performed gratuitously. It was now enacted that the governor should have ten pounds a year, the deputy gover- Nov. nor six pounds, the assistants four pounds each, and the '"' deputies three shillings a day while in session, or to pay a double forfeit when absent. j)ec. Governor Carr died in December, being the fourth gov- !"• ernor of the colony who died while in office ; and Walter Clarke, who was governor when the charter was suspended, was again chosen to that office, probably at an extra ses- Jan. sion of the Assembly in January, of which no record re- mains. Nearly seven years had elapsed since the resump- tion of the charter ; the government had acquired the confidence of all classes, so that Clarke and Newberry, the assistant, who had refused office after the fall of Andros, now cheerfully accepted their former places. Feb. The Popish plot to assassinate William III. having 1^- been revealed by some of the conspirators, stringent meas- », , ures were taken ag-ainst the Roman Catholics. All ships Al3.!'Cll 10, bound to America were embargoed, and letters were sent to the colonies informing them of the circumstan jes. The ^^ ^.^" activity of the French, in their operations against America, 20. alarmed England, so that further orders were issued, and aid promised, to j)repare for invasion. Associations were formed throughout England binding the subscribers to ASSEMBLY DIVIDED INTO TWO BRANCHES. 533 siipj)ort the King, and to revenge any violence offered to chap. his person. Notice of this was also sent to the colonies, ,3!I^ with a form " proper to be entered into " as a mark of loy- 169 6. alty to his Majesty.^ ^'^ Governor Fletcher wrote to Governor Clarke for the 24. Rhode Island quota which had been refused by his prede- cessor. He rebuked the neglect of the colony, adding that her letters of excuse had been sent to England as wit- nesses against her. This letter was laid before the As- g^ sembly, and a reply returned that the exposed condition of the colony, with forty miles of coast line, having three inlets from the sea, undefended by forts, required all its strength for self-protection ; that the letters of excuse referred to by Fletcher, had already been sent by Rhode Island to the home government ; and that she did not fear the result, as his Majesty would not require impossi- bilities.^ A very important movement, proposed by the deputies from Warwick thirty years before,^ was now adopted. The house of deputies was constituted a distinct body, a lower house of assembly, with power to choose their own Speaker and Clerk. It thus became a coordinate branch of the legiislature, with the assistants, each house having a veto upon the proceedings of the other ; and thus has it ever since remained. The first instance of the deputies resolv- ing themselves into a committee of the whole; for the prep- aration of business occurred at this session. The practice was introduced three years later into the council board of Massachusetts by Lord Bellemont, and was of English origin, but has never been much used in this State. Upon receipt of the royal orders relative to the Popish j^^^^ plot they were published in solemn manner, with great pa- 8. rade and joy, throughout the colony. A letter of congrat- '■ Smollet, B. i. chap. v. § 30. Antiq. of Conn., 233. ^ N. Y. Docs., iv. 155-6. K. I. Col. Rec., iii. 315-16. * Ante, chap. is. p. 327. 534 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Illation was prepared by the council, promising vigilance ^^ in securing the conspirators should they appear in Rhode 1<3 9 6. Island. " ^' There was always great difficulty in collecting taxes in the colony. The people were poor, and their situation the most exposed of any in New England, while the vexa- tious proceedings of their neighbors not only kept them at great expense, from the very beginning, to maintain agents in London, but also furnished a constant pretext for re- fusal to pay by those who denied their jurisdiction. Not unfrequently many years would elapse after a tax was voted before it could be collected, and in view of the per- plexities arising from these sources it is often a matter of surprise that a tax could be collected at all. Special ses- sions of assembly were repeatedly called on this account. 1, One was now convened for this purpose ; and to increase the revenue, a duty was laid upon all foreign wines, liquors, and molasses imported into the colony. The latter article was to pay a half penny a gallon. Privateers fitted out from here had been engaged in illegal acts, to prevent which it was ordered that no new commission should be granted without a bond of one thousand pounds not to ex- ceed the powers therein conferred. Wolves continued to trouble the plantations to such an extent that a bounty of ten shillings was offered for each old one that should be killed. Sept. The governor and council of Connecticut entered into 2- an association, in the form adopted in England, for the de- fence of the King against all conspirators, but we find no Q trace of any such act in this colony. The attorney gen- 28. eral of England, after more than a year's delay, reported upon the Narraganset proprietors* petition, that the juris- diction belonged to Connecticut by reason of the priority of her cluirter. This was the first opinion adverse to the claims of Rhode Island, if we except the ex parte report of the Cranfield commission, and seems to have been hast- ADMIRALTY COURTS IN THE COLONIES. 535 ily drawn. About the same time the proprietors, probably chap. weary of the delay, sent another petition asking to be join- J_^__ ed to Massachusetts. To this Major General Winthroo i 6 9 g. . * Oct sent a counter petition, in behalf of Connecticut, to " in- 28. sist on and claim the government of the said country." '■ Meanwhile Almy returned home, and on the same day that the attorney general's opinion was rendered against the colony, in England, he received from the Assembly, sitting at Providence, something over a hundred and thirty- five pounds for his expenses as agent. The unsettled state of the eastern shore produced sim- ilar annoyances with those that had occurred in Westerly. The Massachusetts officers, having distrained for taxes in Tiverton, were seized and placed under bonds at Newport. Nov. Complaints of these seizures were made to Stoughton from ^^■ Bristol and Little Compton, and a vote was passed by the representatives for the lieutenant-governor to protect the officers from the violence of Rhode Island. An important step was now prepared in England to restrain the irregularities existing in America, with respect to privateering and to the acts of Trade, by establishing courts of admiralty in all the colonies. The legality of 21. the measure was submitted to the attornev general, who, " . . Dec on examining all the old charters and grants in America, ^ ' gave as his opinion that they contained nothing which could restrain the King in his design.'^ There were two parties in the colonies upon the ques- i69tJ-7. tion of uniting all the governments under a viceroy. 2. Many in Massachusetts urged it in frequent letters to in- fluential persons in England They complained of the small independencies. New Hampshire and Rhode Island, and denounced the latter as a great resort for privateers, which its commodious bay facilitated. The New York in- 23. ' Originals of the three papers last referred to are in Br. S. P. 0., New Eng., Tol. viii., as are most of the foregoing authorities not cited in the notes. * Br. S. P. 0. Proprieties, vol. i. p. 65. 536 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, CHAP, terest opposed the union, unless limited to strictly military _^J^ purposes, on the grounds that the people were too dissim- iG!)G-7. ilar, and that the rivalry in trade between New York, the less, and Boston, the greater, would ruin the former. A 9_ circular was sent to all the colonies by the Board of Trade concerning their irregularities in not furnishing the re- quired quotas against the French, in harboring each other's fugitives, and especially in giving countenance .. to piracy, which had naturally grown out of the system of privateer- ing, so long maintained during the war with France.' The independent positions of Connecticut and Khode Isl- and made them a hindrance to the establishment of any general system of government in New England, or to the enforcement of acts intended to apply equally to all the colonies. Hence another attempt was to be made to re- strain them, and the attorney general was directed to ex- 25. amine their charters with special reference to this design. The long-pending appointment of the Earl of Bellemont March gg governor of New York, Massachusetts, and New Hamp- shire, and as captain-general of the forces of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and the Jerseys, was at last announced. His coming was to open a new struggle in Rhode Islaod. 23 At an adjourned session of the Assembly, held at Newport, Pawtuxet river was established as the southern limit of Providence. Deputy governor Greene and the Warwick deputies protested, but to no effect, against this act, which terminated a struggle that had lasted for half a century between Warwick and Pawtuxet, and had form- ed one of the great points of dispute in ^the Harris trials twenty years before. 1 6 97. The entire records for the following year are missing, but the British archives supply the more important events. Although the long war with France was drawing to a close, tliere was as yet no cessation of hostilities in Amer- ' Br. S. P. 0. Proprieties, vol, xxv. p. 42. Antiq. of Conn,, 245. R.I. CoJ Rec, iii. 321. THE HAMILTON CLAIM DECIDED. 537 ica. Massachusetts applied to Connecticut and Rhode Island for aid in men, money, and provisions, against the common enemy, and appointed Capt. Byfield of Bristol to 10 9 7. obtain the same. Town records throw very little light upon the general history of the State after the government became settled under the second charter, but occasionally they afford cu- rious hints of the condition of society, or of matters affect- ing the prosperity of the peoj)le. An agricultural popu- lation will feel most sensibly those things that afi'ect their stock or their crops ; hence the frequent notice of wolves and the lesser vermin, which became so troublesome as to require State legislation. A new torment was added to . ., these, for we find that in Portsmouth, every householder 16. was required to kiU twelve blackbirds before the tenth of May ensuing, and to bring in their heads, or pay a fine of two shillings, and for all above twelve that were killed he should receive one shilling each.' Again the Hamilton claim came up, on petition of -^ the daughter of the late duke, to be confirmed in her right to Narraganset, and to receive quit-rent from the occupants. The case was fully stated, from the time of the original grant by James I., down through all its sub- sequent stages, to the report of Andros upon it. Jahleel Brenton was asked by the Board of Trade, what c^rgu- ments Rhode Island had to urge against its validity. The Board were resolved to have a careful examination of this matter, which should be final. Rhode Island did not sup- pose the claim would ever be revived, and hence had given Brenton no instructions upon it. He so stated in 30. his memorial, and asked that a copy of the duchess' pe- tition might be sent to Rhode Island. The Connecticut agent, Winthrop, was equally unprepared upon this ques- tion, and made a similar request in behalf of the proprietors, July of whom he was one. Somewhat later, Sir Henry Ash- ^ Portsmouth records, end of vol. i., April 16, 1697. 538 HISTORY or the state of RHODE ISLAND, urst replied to the same effect, on the part of Massachu- setts. But the Earl of Arran insisted on a report ; and although ex i^arte, as the opposing claimants could not be heard, it was so adverse to the petitioners as to be^ in ef- fect, final. This document was of formidable length, and chiefly historical. It recited a decision of the Lords and Justices upon a parallel case, that " the parties have recourse to the Courts upon the place,"^ and recommended that the petition should not be granted, as it would es- tablish a precedent fraught with disturbance to every land title in America. The report was equivalent to a legal decision, so that Rhode Island was forever relieved from this source of vexation. • Apil r^\^Q acts of trade were not so easily disposed of, A royal letter called attention to their abuses in the several colonies, and threatened a withdrawal of charters if these were continued.^ The alarm in which the colonists were kept by the sudden and frequent incursions of the Indians, can scarce- ly be imagined in our day. The councils of war, com- posed of the local magistrates, were as active at this time as they had ever been since the settlement of the State. An original warrant, of this date, with the council seals attached, is still extant, directed to twenty-one of the principal inhabitants of Providence, as commanders of scouting parties, composed of ten men each, who were to range the country in pursuit of " the cruel and barbarous Indians," beyond the limits of the plantations, for two days at a time ; and each leader, on his return, was to hand the commission to the one whose name was next in order upon it. This was continued long after the treaty of Ryswick had restored peace to Europe, The hasty opinion of the attorney general in favor of ' Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. xxxvi. p. 222. The other papers above referred to are in vol. viii. * Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. xxxvi. p. 159. R. I. Col. Reo. iii. 220. 24 COURT OF ADMIRALTY RESISTED BY CLARKE. 539 tlie Connecticut claim to Narraganset, given in October, chap. did not escape the keen eye of Brenton, who presented a J^^^J^ memorial to the Board of Trade, pointing out the errors 16 9 7. therein, that they might be advised of the facts before 15 acting upon it. Letters were sent to both colonies, ad- vising an adjustment by mutual agreement, or by refer- 26.' ence to Lord Bellemont, or otherwise to send agents to England early in the Spring.' Sept. The treaty of Ryswick restored peace to all Europe. "^^ A printed proclamation was issued in England, and sent ^^t* out to America, with orders to suspend all privateering against the French. It reached New England in Decem- ber, where it was published in due form. Mr. Brenton ^^^• returned to Rhode Island, with all the letters and pa- ,„^„' . . ' • '^ 1697-8. pers from the British government, above refen-ed to, and Jan. delivered them to the General Assembly, at a special ses- ^^' sion held in Newport. He was empowered to administer to the governor the oath required by the acts of trade, which Clarke, being a Quaker, steadily refused to take. The creation of a Court of Admiralty in Rhode Island, 17-21 was a further source of discontent to the governor. Brenton brought over a commission to Peleg Sandford, as Judge of Admiralty, and to Nathaniel Coddington, as Register, which Sandford presented to Gov. Clarke, who endeavored to persuade the Assembly to oppose it, but without success. He then kept the commission from Sandford, who complained to the Board of Trade of his conduct. A similar complaint was also addressed to the 01 King. Brenton forwarded these letters to the Board, and advised the impeachment of Clarke, as a warning to oth- -^.^yq], ers. He also urged that the government of Rhode Isl- 8. and should be required to print their laws, which as yet bad never bien done."^ These perplexities, no doubt, » Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. xxv. p. 109. Antiq. of Conn., 259. R L Col. Rec, iii. 328. * Br. S. P. 0. Proprieties, vol ii. pp. 445-7-9. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 329-31. 540 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, caused the resignation of Gov. Clarke, at this time, in ,^^__^ favor of his nephew, Samuel Cranston, who, it appears, 16 9 8. presided as governor at the spring term of the Court of ^^y Trials. The administration of Gov. Cranston is remarkable for many reasons. He held his position probably longer than any other man who has ever bfien subjected to the test of aa annual popular election. He was thirty times successively chosen governor, holding office till his death, in 1727. His great firmness in seasons of unexampled trial, that occurred in the early part of his public life, is, j)erhaps, the key to his wonderful poi3ularity, of which we shall find some signal proofs later in his career. The choice of the Assembly was confirmed by the people at the election ; and he was also retained in his military office of major, for the islands. John Greene was re-elected deputy governor. A majority of the civil officers chosen at this time, held military commissions. The Quaker regime expired with Gov. Clarke. The government passed into the hands of men whose scruples would not imperil the existence of the State, at a time when firmness was as much required as caution, in resisting the aggressions attempted by the royal governors of Massachusetts. The subject of weights and measures, which twenty- four years previously had received the attention of the Assembly, was again discussed. Want of uniformity in these particulars, injured trade. To remedy this, a sealer for the colony was apjDointod, with orders to procure stand ard weights and measures in Boston, whose duty it should be to seal, with an anchor, all such articles used in New- port ; and to furnish the other sealers, one of whom was to be chosen in each town, with accurate models. Any town failing to appoint a sealer, was to be indicted at the Court of Trials. Piracy now prevailed to an alarming extent. Priva- teers, clearing for Madagascar and the Red Sea on trading STATUTE AGAINST PIRACT. 541 voyages, with roving commissions against the French, had chap. become open pirates after the peace. All New England .jj^ and Kew York, as well as the West India Islands, were 169 8. deeply involved in these unlawful enterprises. The home ^ ^/ government sent orders to repress them. The Rhode Isl- and Assembly accordingly passed a law, requiring their officers to seize any suspected person, who should bring foreign coin or merchandise into the colony, and that he should be held for trial, unless he could produce satisfac- tory e\T[dence to the magistrates how he came by the treasure. A proclamation was also issued, in obedience to the royal order, and published by drum beat in every town, requiring the officers to arrest any suspected pirates, and warning the people not to harbor any such, or to receive their goods, on pain of punishment as abettors. An ad- dress to the King was prepared, in which the remissness of the colony in respect to the acts of trade, is confessed, and their statute on the subject of piracy is mentioned. Their assumption of admiralty jurisdiction during the late war, is also admitti.-d, and defended on the ground of ex- pediency — there being a necessity for annoving French commerce, and no admiralty Court then established in the colony — and finally, a continuation of the royal favor, in the language of the charter, is earnestly sought. These papers were all enclosed in a letter from Grov. Cranston to the Board of Trade, apologizing for the irregularities of the colony in refusing the quota of troops for New York, and explaining the charges against it in regard to piracy. He also stated that two men suspected of piracy had just been examined, and would be brought to trial.' A bitter letter against the government of the colony was soon after written by that old enemy of New England, Randolph, 301 the surveyor general of customs, who had just been to New York to welcome the arrival of Lord Bellemont. * The originals of these four papers are in Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. ii. Pi 513"-5-7. America and West Indies, vol. 379. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 336-8. 542 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. The charges made against the rulers were most serious, as that they were in league with the pirates, by whom they 16 98. were enriched ; and equally false was the statement that many of the people desired a royal governor, and would pay five hundred pounds a year towards the support of one,' Depositions against the deputy governor, for having issued privateer commissions, four years before, when Gov. Eas- 4. ton had refused to grant them, were obtained, and for- warded in confirmation of these charges ; and Mr. Bren- ton advised the Board of Trade to call for copies of all such commissions and bonds as had been granted during the late war, some of them being, in his view, illegal.^ In compliance with the orders of the home govern- ment, commissioners were apjjointed by Rhode Island and Connecticut to adjust the boundary between these colo- gQ nies. They met at Stonington, but to no jjurpose. Each claimed all Narraganset, as heretofore. The negotiation was held in writing, as it had formerly been, and with the ^^S- same result. The Rhode Island Assembly met, for the first time, at Kingstown, and voted a tax of eight hundred pounds, currency, of which Newport was to pay two hun- dred and twenty-five pounds; Portsmouth, one hundred and forty; Providence, one hundred and twenty-eight ; Kingstown, one hundred and twenty-five ; Warwick and Westerly, forty-six pounds each; Jamestown, thirty-eight; Greenwich, tliirty, and New Shoreham twenty-two pounds, A tax law in twelve sections, the most complete that had yet been framed, was passed for its collection, providing for the first time for a jioU tax upon all males between • sixteen and sixty years of age, of whom a census was to be taken, as well as an account of their estates; and each man, except slaves and the like, was to pay one shilling a head. Provision was made for the reception of Lord Bellemont, who was expected soon from New York, on his ^ ' Br. S. P. 0., Plantations General, vol. v. c. 17. R, I. Col. Rec, iii. 339, " Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. ii. pp. 581-3. PIRATES AND PRIVATEERS. CAPT. KIDD. 543 way to Boston. The governor's salary was increased to chap. thirty pounds. A committee was named to prepare a di- ^^!^ gest of the laws, to send to England, as req[mred, and an- 16 98. other to present the case of the western boundary to Lord Bellemont.' The next regular session was held at Providence. 26. Want of uniformity in the size of casks and barrels, in which jDiovisions were packed, led to the adoption of a standard gauge for the various sizes, and the appointment of gaugers in each town, with penalties for any violation of such standard. Further letters were sent by the Board of Trade to the colonies, at this time, on the subject of piracy. The 23. one to this colony, following the suggestion of Mr. Bren- ton, required coi^ies of all privateering papers to be sent home, with an account of the trials of Munday and Cut- ler, who had been arrested for exceeding the powers grant- ed in their commissions. The letters to the other colonies were equally specific on the same subject,*^ and were fol- lowed by instructions to the custom house officers how to \'^' conduct their business ; and soon after by an order from the British Cabinet to the governors of all the colonies, to 23. apprehend the notorious Capt. Kidd, should he appear in their waters.^ ' A letter from the R. I. commissioners to those of Coiin., dated Kingstown, Dec. 8, 1698, proposing a reference of the dispute to the Earl of Bellemont, as their negotiations had proved fruitless, is in Trumbull papers, vol. xxii. No. 152. ■^ Br. S. P. , Proprieties, vol. xxv. p. 253. Antiq. of Conn., 266. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 34 J. '■ Antiq. of Conn. 268-71. Kidd was of English birth, and a bold privateer during the war with France. The governor of Barbadoes induced William III. to give Kidd a commission to act against the pirates who then infested every sea. He received the title of Admiral, Dec. 11, 1695, and soon after sailed with 80 men in a government ship of 30 guns, to New York, where he doubled his crew, and went to the Red Sea. There he commenced his acts of piracy, and became the terror of his countrymen. A fleet was sent to the East Indies to take him, but he escaped, and came to the American coast. At length, grown reckless by success, he appeared in Rhode Island, and was soon after orrosted in Boston, sent to England, and there gibbeted in 1700. 1698-9. 544 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF KHODE ISLAND. A formidable representation was made to the King hy tlie Board of Trade, concerning the many irregularities in Rhode Island, as to their refusal to take the oaths, their encouragement of illegal traffic, their assuming admiralty jurisdiction to themselves, and resisting it from the crown, with other flagrant acts of disloyalty, and recommending that a commission of inquiry be sent to Lord Beilemont to examine into these matters, with a view to the issuing JsLxu ^ 5'wo ivarranto against the charter,' The inquiry was ^- ordered at once — the instructions to Lord Beilemont were prepared, not only for this, but for all the colonies, and a 3. copy thereof forwarded to each. But Rhode Island was the special object aimed at. The Board made inquiries of Mr. Brenton, then in London, about the extraordinary militia power of the colony, and were informed that it was conferred by the charter ; but that recently the Assembly had given to the military the power of selecting their own officers. His former communication upon the subject of March privateering papers, with the queries to be put to the '''■ government of Rhode Island, were embodied in the in- structions. They passed the council, and were presented on the same day for the royal signature.' Pglj The differences between Connecticut and Rhode Isl- 14. and, and various difficulties arising from that cause, were the subject of much legislation at a special session of the Assembly. The former colony had spread a report that the people of Narraganset were not to be taxed while the disjDUte upon jurisdiction was pending. This was seized up- on by the disaffected as an occasion of disturbance, by refus- ing to pay the late levy. Other parties, without leave had intruded in that country. These were required tc depart, or to arrange with the lawful owners wilhout de- lay. The commission to treat with Connecticut was con- ' Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. xxv., p. 275. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 361-3. ' Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. ii. pp. 663, 767, and vol. xxv. pp. 305, 367 R. I. Col. Rec, iu. 363-7. 22. BOUNDARIES OF TOWNSHIPS. 545 tinued, and tlie legal rights of all persons, whether claim- chap. iug ownership by Connecticut titles, or otherwise, were ,._,_;^ secured. A law against peddling was adopted, with a i<398-9. coijious preamble, reciting the injuries to regular trade re- sulting therefrom. Warwick was again forbidden to ex- ercise jurisdiction north of Pawtuxet river, as had been of late attempted in the collection of taxes. The registra- tion act was reaffirmed, and marriages were legalized which had been performed in disregard of the previous registry act. The magistrate's fee for performing the cer- emony was fixed at three shillings, with sixpence to the town clerk for recording the same. The colony were informed by Jahleel Brenton of the -, ggg movements of Connecticut in regard to the boundaiy question. She now claimed a great part of Warwick and of Providence as well as all of Kings Province. At the May session Mr. Brenton was appointed sole agent to Lon- ^^ay. don, in behalf of Rhode Island, and funds were remitted to him for this purpose. Tlie three Narraganset towns, Kingstown, Westerly, and Greenwich, were not yet agreed as to their respective boundaries. A committee was fully empowered to adjust all differences between them. They at once entered upon their duties, and within a month were prepared to report to the Assembly definite limits for each of the towns, which were accepted with but little variation.' Gov. Cranston wrote a long letter to the 27, Board of Trade deprecating the many false reports against the colony, circulated chiefly by Randolph, and announc- ing the appointment of Brenton as the agent. At this time Lord Bellemont, who for the first year of his residence in America remained in New York, removed to Boston. He was afflicted with the gout, a circumstance which, if we may credit his own words, interfered not a little with the discharge of the pressing duties of his gov- ernment, and seems to have afiected his temper likewise, » Potter's Narraganset. R. I. H. C, iii. 108. VOL. I — 35 54G BISTORT OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, to the serious detriment of Khode Island interests. His _^^ present jiiiri^ose was to break up the piracy that had 16 9 9. grown out of privateering, a work in which he found great difficulty, many of the leading famiUes, especially-of Leis- ler's party, in New York, as well as a large part of New England being concerned in it. By stratagem he suc- 1. ceeded in enticing the notorious Capt. William -Kidd to come to Boston where he had him seized and thrown into prison. He had many friends in Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts, and influential persons came even from Al- bany and New York, upon Kidd's affaii^sj all of whom Bellemont so far blinded as to induce Kidd through their influence to come to Boston. Bradish, and other well-known pirates confined in the gaol, had recently been permitted to escape. The connivance was very general in the plans of these lawless freebooters, which much resembled the schemes of a later fillibusterism. Bellemont's letter to the Board of Trade sets forth the secret history of these transactions, and presents a la- mentable picture of the state of society in America at this period. With the many letters that he sent home this year, chiefly upon this subject, were inclosed a great mass of documents, nearly a hundred in number, accu- mulated for the most jjart as evidence in support of the charges against Rhode Island. We shall refer only to some of the most important, or interesting of these, ex- tending throughout the year. Among them is an order from Sarah, wile of Capt. WilUam Kidd, who was im- prisoned with him, upon Capt. Paine who lived on Con- anicut, to pay the bearer twenty-four ounces of gold, for the support of herself and husband in gaol. In a later letter, Bellemont describes minutely the whole afiair of Kidd's arrest and examination. To further his designs upon Rhode Island, and to aid in securing other pirates known to resort there. Lord BeDe- mont commissioned the members of the Admiralty Court, 8. 18. 26. ATTEMPTS TO SUPPRESS PIRACY. 547 Brinley, Sandford and Coddington, to collect evidence and chap. to use their efforts in capturing Gillam, Palmer, and other confederates of Kidd. They accepted the trust, but de- plored the difficulties attending it by reason of the sym- pathy everywhere felt for the freebooters. The feeling of the home government may be gathered from a letter written by the Board of Trade in reply to Gov. Cranston's ^^■ letter of May. Its language was very severe, blaming the colony for sending only an abstract of the laws instead of a copy of them as required, and that too an incorrect and imperfect one, and sharply rebuking them for the en- couragement given to piracy by the commissions granted in 1694 by the deputy governor, whose ignorance, if that were the real and not simply the ostensible cause, as the Board intimate, of his conduct, should have excluded him from public office.' The correspondence between the commissioners and Lord Bellemont is full of the names of the accomplices of Kidd, who at various times resorted to this bay, and of those who harbored them, many of whom were arrested. The urgency of these affairs led the governor to call a special session of the Assembly at New- 21. port, of which the only record that remains is the speech made by Gov. Cranston at the opening, assigning his reasons for convening it, which is filed with the Belle- mont papers in the British archives. The reasons were, the expected visit of Lord Bellemont to Rhode Island to inquire into the irregularities of the government and to settle the dispute with Connecticut, and the necessity of raising money to defray the expenses of this visit and of another agent to join Mr. Brenton in England, to defend the colony from the attacks of its enemies.- Just before y ^^ going to Ehode Island, Lord Bellemont wrote to the Board 8. upon the difficulty of enforcing the acts of trade in New York, " where the people have such an appetite for piracy ^ The colony took the hiut at the nest election, as we shall presently see. *- Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. iv. p. 643. 18. 548 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. and unlawful trade that they are ready to rebel as often as the government puts the law in execution against them," and he is equally severe upon the lawyers of that Province. Bellemont has left a diary of his visit at Ehode Island and his proceedings there. The journey to Newport oc- cupied two days. At Bristol ferry the govenwr and counc'il, with a troop of horse, received and escorted him 20 to Newport, where a meeting of the council was immedi- ately held and the royal commission was read. The next 21- day his special instructions to inquire into the mal-ad- ministration of Rhode Island affairs were read to the council, and ex-governors Clarke and Easton, Gov. Crans- ton and Deputy Gov. Greene and Pel eg Sandford, were examined upon the several points charged in the instruc- 22. tions. The troublesome subject of oaths was then mi- nutely inquired into. The scruples of many in Rhode Island upon this subject could never be comprehended by the British officers. A somewhat similar idea of legality pertained to the exact form of an oath, as was attached to the possession of a seal in those days. It was an em- blem of loyalty as the latter was of sovereignty, and the letter of the law on this point was more insisted upop than its spirit. The omission of it was one of the chief causes of complaint against Rhode Island. This, and the volunteer militia system, were two grand stumbling- blocks to an English comprehension of Rhode Island peculiarities. 23. While they were under consideration Gov. Winthrop, with the Connecticut commissioners upon the Narragan- set dispute, arrived. The conflicting clauses in the two charters were read, and also the agreement between the two agents, Dr. Clarke and John Winthrop, thereupon. The case was then argued by the commissioners on each side, and they were advised to come to a mutual agreement. This was attempted in vain. Bellemont then ordered 25 EPISCOPAL CHURCH MOVEMENT. 549 them to prepare a statement of their claims. This was chap done and presented the next day, affidavits were taken ^^ upon the case, and the two colonies were warned to send 16 9 9. their agents to England to lay the matter before the |g ' King. Further examinations in regard to piracy were had. Caleb and Josias Arnold were added to the members of the admiralty court as commissioners to collect evi- dence upon the charges, and the governor and council were requested to aid them in the work. The earliest movement in favor of an Episcopal church in Ehode Island now assumed an organized form. A number of the people who preferred that service, had commenced in the early part of this year to hold public worship, and now petitioned the Earl of Bellemont to in- tercede with the home government that aid might be ex- tended to them in support of a settled minister. The paper was signed by sixteen persons, headed by two of the old Huguenot names, whose establishment in Narraganset had been abandoned amid the distractions occasioned by the contest for jurisdiction. Of the whole number of forty-five families who had settled at Frenchtown, all but two had left for New York, and those two had removed to Boston. But two individuals remained in the colony. ThcbC settled at Newport and appear as the first signers of the petition. Although the Huguenots differed essen- tially from the church of England upon many points, be- ing themselves the direct offshoots of the Geneva school of theology, their simple but beautiful ritual approached nearer co that of the English church than it did to the yet sim])ler forms of the Baptist, or to the strictly spirit- ual communion of the Society of Friends. Hence they sympathized with the new movement, and appear as its leaders.' Meeting-houses were this year built by the Friends at Portsmouth and Newport, the latter in place of an old See Appendix G. for this interesting document. 550 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. one. shortly afterwards taken down, which had been erect ed in the early years of the colony. 16 9 9. Bellemont having finished his business, placed the governors of Rhode Island and Connecticut under bonds of three thousand pounds each to enforce the acts against 27. pirates, and left Newport, escorted as before to the ferry. He reached Seekonk that night, and arrived at Boston the Oct. next afternoon. He then wrote to Gov. Cranston, thank- ing him for the hospitalities he had received at Newport, and directing the arrest of Bradish, a pirate who had es- caped to Rhode Island. An accurate copy of the laws and of the acts of council of the colony was required, a task not easy to perform in the disordered state of the records. But ^- Gov. Cranston, in his reply, promised it should be done. One more effort was made in the Connecticut As- sembly, by appointing a new committee, to settle the question with Rhode Island, without sending an agent to England ; but foreseeing the futility of further effort in that way. Gov. Winthrop sent a commission to Sir Heniy Ashurst as agent of the colony, and advised the Board of Trade of his appointment. BeUemont wrote to 16. Gov. Cranston not to distrain for taxes in Narraganset until the dispute was settled, and also reproved his tardi- ness in not having yet sent the laws and acts of council as required. Brinley wrote that no council records could be found, but that the laws would be sent after the As- sembly, about to meet, had put them in proper shape. 23 Gov. Cranston replied to Bellemont, that they could not comply with the order to send an agent to England unless they raised a tax, and this they could not do if they were forbidden to levy upon the portion of the colony claimed by Connecticut, being nearly all the mainland. Here was a difficulty which the General Assembly, convened at Warwick, had to meet. It was met, as such hindrances often were, by ignoring it. A tax of six hundred pounds had before been assessed, and copies of the law, under seal, 12. 15. 21. 25. BELLEMONT DENOUNCES THE COLONY. 551 t had already been sent to the several towns. This was chap considered enough, and no notice was taken of the injunc- ^^ tion, or command of Bellemont. His other orders were 169 9 better respected. A committee to transcribe the laws was appointed, to report at the adjourned session. In compliment to the action of the Connecticut Assembly, a committee of conference upon the matters in dispute was apj)ointed to meet in two weeks at Wiekford. An at- tempt was made to appoint an agent to go to England, but none would accept it, and the subject was laid over to the adjournment. Depositions in regard to Gillam and g other pirates were taken at this time, and forwarded to England by Lord Bellemont, with a letter denouncing the government of Rhode Island, as " the most irregular and illegal in their administration that ever any English gov- ernment was." His criticisms were amply sustained by the complaints constantly sent to him by the admiralty commissioners at Newport. Sandford says that any com- 3 mission direct from his Majesty is considered as an in- fringement of the charter privileges, and those who take them are looked upon as enemies to the State. The joint commission of the two colonies met at Wick- ford. Their correspondence was brief, and, as was antici- pated on each side, inconclusive. An appeal to the King was now the last resort. Bellemont wrote to the Board of jg. Trade a full statement of the case, and enclosed all the documents relating thereto. The adjourned session of the Assembly was held at Newport, and vainly attempted to -^• select an agent. Six nominees declined. The matter was referred to a committee to find an agent who would go, and to order all things requisite to that object. The committee to revise and transcribe the laws, made a full report, which was received, and all laws not included in their transcri23t were repealed. At length Lord Bellemont, having collected a great mass of evidence to support the charges against Rhode 29 552 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. Islanctj made his report to the Privy Council. It was a formidable paper, presenting under twenty-five distinct heads, an array of testimony against B.hode Island, which we can only wonder at this day that the friendless colony was enabled to resist. That she was not utterly crushed beneath the cumulative evidence of every kind of irregu- larity that was hurled upon her by the indefatigable zeal and the consummate ability of Bellemont, can scarcely be accounted for by any human agency. It is the greatest marvel in the history of Rhode Island in the seventeenth century. She had had many narrow escapes, but this was the most wonderful of them all.' Immediately following this rej)ort he sent a letter to the Board of Trade on the subject of piracy, wherein he denounced Gov. Cranston for "conniving at pirates, and making Rhode Island their sanctuary." Some people of Westerly, acting upon the prohibition issued by Bellemont, refused at town meeting to elect as- sessors of the tax laid by the Assembly for sending an agent to England. Upon this Gov. Cranston issued a warrant for the arrest of several persons who had signed a protest against the said election, and appointed a special con- 2, stable with a sufficient force to serve the warrant. The firmness of Cranston at this crisis, did more than any other one cause to save the colony from extinction. A fair copy of the laws and acts of the colony was at last sent to Bellemont, with a letter explaining the causes of delay, and deprecating the conduct of the commission- ers appointed by his Lordship, as being adverse to the in- terests of the colony. Capt. Joseph Sheffield, one of the assistants, carried the papers; and that he might serve as a special envoy to soothe the anger of the Earl, his cre- dentials were stated in the letter, requesting Bellemont to " discourse with the bearer" upon the state of the coloDy. * The Original Report and Journal of Lord Bellemont are in Br. S. P. 0. Proprieties, vol. iv. pp. 565, 573. See R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 385-93. 22. Dec 22, THE CODE OF LAWS SENT TO ENGLAND. .'553 The commissioners followed the next day, with a letter chap declaring that the copy of the laws sent was neither com- x>^^^ plete nor correct, and condemning the arrests made at 16 9^9 Westerly, the parties taken having been carried to New- port jail. This act roused the anger of Connecticut. The governor and council of that colony empowered Capt. 25. Mason to seize any Rhode Island officer who should at- tempt to distrain for taxes in Westerly. Brinley also wrote to Lord Bellemont in regard to the sedition act, which the last Assembly had revived, and under which the Westerly prisoners were to be tried ; and a few days later ^^ he again wrote in the same strain, denouncing the whole code, and the manner of its adoption by the Assembly, ^ggg The laws were sent over tO' the Board of Trade, with YToV. abundant annotations and denunciations by Bellemont, J^"- together with the letters of Brinley upon the state of the government.' The threatening aspect of affairs caused frequent ses- sions of the General Assembly. A permanent agent in England was indispensable to the salvation of the colony. Mr. B ronton had acted in her behalf upon the Connecti- cut dispute, and had since been empowered to defend her charter; but he was the collector of Newport, and liable to be sent home to his post, a purpose that Bellemont was seeking to accomplish. A man was at last found both able and willing to take the responsible position. Capt. Joseph Sheffield, who had lately served as envoy to Yeh: Bellemont, was selected as the agent to defend the char- 16. ^ The original authorities for the events of the year 1699, above related, are so numerous and varied in the British State Paper office, that the writer deemed it best to insert them all in a single note at the end. For the local reader these references can hate no interest, but to the historian who may- wish to verify facts or dates herein stated, by examining the archives in Lon- don, they will be found of great importance in the sa\nng of time and trouble. They are in the bundles marked as follows : New England, vols. ix. and x. Proprieties, vols. iii. iv. v. and xxvi. America and West Indies, vol. 379, and New York, vol. ix. 554 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, tered rights of Rhode Island, at the Court of Sainl J___, James. If he should find, on reaching London, that 17 00. Brenton had already acted upon his late commission in defence of the charter, the two were to be united* in the agency ; otherwise, Sheffield was to be the sole agent, with an annual salary of eighty pounds, besides his neces- sary expenses. The Assembly adjourned to New Year's day, when, the only business done was to establish, upon a 25 permanent basis, a horse-ferry between the mainland and Conanicut. The Court of Trials, held the next day, conducted 26. with a high hand against Pemberton and the other Wes- terly prisoners, under the sedition act. The grand jury io;nored the bills. The Court refused to receive the re- turn, and adding three more to the jury, sent them out a second time. Again they failed to find indictments. The Court then added six more persons to the jury, and again sent them out to deliberate, with positive orders to find true 'bills. After several hours' consultation, twelve of the twenty-one made a return in accordance with the instruc- tions of the Court. This was an exercise of jjower more dangerous to the liberties of the colony than any they were likely to suffer, even from the will of Bellemont; and it was followed up by a verdict of guilty, obtained by a similar violence on the part of the Court towards the petty jury, who, at first, were for acquitting the prisoners.' There was need of haste in the matter, of Sheffield's ^ .J commission, for the Board of Trade, upon receipt of Lord 8. Bellemont's report, sent an abstract of it to his Majesty, and recommended its referenoe to the law officers of the crown, " to consider what method may be most proper for bringing the colony under a better form of government," and that they proceed forthwith. '^ The memorial of the foreman of the grand jury at ' Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. v. pp. 417-421. " Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. xxvi. p. 184. RIOTS IN KINGS PROVINCE. 555 Newport, who was one of the nine dissenters from the act chap of the majority, in finding a bill against the Westerly J___;_ prisoners, was presented to Bellemont. He wrote a sharp 170 letter to Gov. Cranston, pronouncing the proceedings in 22. the case of Pemberton, to be the " most arbitrary and ir- regular he had ever heard of, next to taking away a man's life against law ; " and also rebuking them for sending an armed force to levy taxes in Narraganset. This latter procedure was retaliated by Connecticut. Mallett, the sheriff of Rhode Island, was seized, with several of his posse, by a Connecticut force, and taken to New London jail, where the others were released on bail, but the sheriff was detained for trial.' Riots attended upon these attempts to collect taxes, and the whple of Kings Province was in a state of disorganization. A Court of Inquiry was held at Kingstown, at which a large number of persons were fined for resisting the officers. At the general election, John Greene, who for ten sue- May cessive years had been elected deputy governor, was dropped, and ex-Gov. Walter Clarke was chosen in his place. The ferry from Newport to Jamestown was settled upon similar terms with that to the mainland. News having arrived that Brenton had accepted and acted upon his commission as general agent for the colony, the ap- pointment of Sheffield was revoked. The recent riots in 4. Kingstown occupied the Assembly. Many persons ap- peared and confessed their fault. Some had their fines remitted, and others were bound over for trial at the Sep- tember term. The seizure of the high sheriff by the Con- necticut government did not impede the collection of the tax. Another sheriff was appointed, and also special con- stables, with sufficient force to complete the gathering of the six hundred pound tax forthwith. A new form of engagement for the dej)uties was adopted, binding them to allegiance to the King, and fealty to the chartered au- ' Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. v. p. 633. 556 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP, thorities of the colony. A determined spirit prevaded the .^.^ proceedings of this Assembly, such as had not always 1700. been shown in critical tinies, but which was essential in Mav " the final struggle for existence, upon which the xjolony 13. had now fairly entered. At the close of the session, Gov. Cranston, in behalf of the Assernbly, addressed a petition to the King, imploring a continuance of the charter.' He also wrote to the Board of Trade,^ informing them that the late deputy governor had been left out of all of- fices of trust, at the recent election, on account of his ille- gally granting privateer commissions : that a more perfect copy of the laws was to be made and sent under seal, and that a new form of engagement had just been adopted to meet the views of the home government. It was a diplo- matic letter, well drafted to aid the efforts of Brenton in averting another quo loarranto. June. ^^^t tbe Earl of Bellemont was ready with a rejoinder 22. sustained by documentary proof He wrote to the Board that h£ had given up all attempt at reducing the disorders in Khode Island, and forwarded the petition of Pember- ton, with other papers relating to the seizure and arbi- trary trial of the Westerly j)risoners.^ Nor were these the only outrages committed in the name of the law, dur- ing this period of turmoil and excitement. The French settlement had been broken up, but Dr. Ayrault remained as a practising physician. Greenwich had extended its limits to embrace the whole of Frenchtown. It was charged that Ayrault had fenced in certain highways laid 23^ out through the settlement. A court of inquiry, com- posed of the officers of Greenwich and AVarwick, was held there to decide upon the question; and, after delib- ^ Original in Br. S. P. O. America and West Indies, vol. 379. R. I. Col. Rec, iii. 419. * Original in Br. S. P. 0., Proprieties, vol. v. p. 317. ^ Originals in Br. S. P. 0., New York papers, vol. x. p. 256, and Proprie- ties, vol. V. p. 413 INDEPENDENT LEGISLATION. 557 erating a whole day, tlie jury rendered a verdict. of guilty chap. against the doctor. That night a mob attacked his house, J^^^,^ carried off himself aud his son Daniel hy force, maltreated 17 0. his aged wife who attempted to plead with them ; and having taken the two men to where the court was held, compelled them to give bonds to appear at the next Court of Trials. The affidavit of Dr. Ayrault, with the con- current testimony of John Fones, and others who were present, given soon afterwards at Newport, and yet more the subsequent conduct of the assailants in laying waste Aug. the premises, prove the whole affair to have been one of lawless violence, for which no excuse can be offered. It was a phase of border life, where law imposes l)ut a feeble restraint upon the cupidity or the passions of men.' A special session of the Greneral Assembly was held at 29 Newport. Acts were passed to lay a tax upon pedlars ; to require any man who should marry an executrix, to give bonds to perform the will of the testator so far as the es- tate would permit; to provide for a constable's watch in every town; and "that where the laws of this collony, or custom, shall not reach or comprehend any matter, cause, ^0. or causes, that it shall be lawful! to put in execution the laws of England." This last act forms a fitting conclu- sion to the legislation of Rhode Island in the seventeenth century. It contains a covert assertion of sovereignty, amounting almost to an act of independence. It was an extreme application of the famous clause in the charter, which conveyed far more than its grantors imagined — that the laws should conform to those of England as nearly as possible, " considering the nature and constitution of the place and people there." Sir Henry Ashurst, agent of Connecticut, presented ^^^ to the Board of Trade a memorial setting forth the claim of that colony to the jurisdiction of Narraganset. Bren- ton replied to it with a counter memorial on the part of 17. ' Br. S. P. 0., New England, vol. xiii. 558 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAP. Rhode Island. Both papers state concisely the ffrounds J^,-^ of their respective claims. After some delay, Brenton 1700-1. again called the attention of the Board to the sub- Feb. • g, J6ct, and requested an early decision, as his busin'ess re- quired him to return to, America.' But this long dis- puted point was not destined to be so speedily arranged. Another quarter of a century was to elapse befbre the rights of Rhode Island should receive their final- confirma- tion by the King in council. An event of the greatest importance to the people of this colony now occurred. The death of the Earl of ^ ^^^ Bellemont, at New York, removed the most formidable opponent to the charter of Rhode Island, who had ever ruled in New England. Unlike Sir Edmund Andros, Bellemont could neither be moved by flattery nor softened by courtesy. He acknowledged in becoming terms the civilities extended to him on his visit to Newport, and in the same letter rebuked the free spirit of a people who virtually set at defiance the laws that he was appointed to execute. Had his litis been s^jared, the ability with which he prepared the charges and evidence against this colony, and the energy that he displayed in pursuing his purposes to the bitter end, might have given another and a fatal termination to a contest that involved the colonial condition, and determined the future fortunes of Rhode Island. ' Originals in Br. S. P. 0., Propncties. vol. v. pp. 67o, 497-631. FOUNDING OF TKINITY CHURCH. 559 APPENDIX a. CHAP. XII. APP. G. FOUNDING OF TPJNITY CHURCH, NEWPORT. (from BRITISH STATE PAPER OFFICE. NEW ENGLAND, VOL. IX.) T> his Excelleucy Richard, Eafle of Bellemont, Capt. Generall and Gov in Chiefe in and over the provinces of the Massachusetts Bay, New York and New Hampshire and the Territoryes thereon depending in America, and Vice Admiral of the same, The humble Petition of the People of the Church of England now resident in Rhode Island, Sheweth, That your Petitioners and others inhabiting within this Island having agreed and concluded to erect a church for the Worship of God according to the discipline of the Church of England and tho' we are disposed and ready to give all the encouragement we possibh' can to a Pious and learned ^Minister to settle and abide amongst us, yet by reason we are not in a capacity to con- tribute to such an Hon'''* Mentenance as may be requisite and expedient ; Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray that your Lordship will be pleased KO farr to favour our undertakings as to intercede with his Maj > for his gra- cious letters to this Government, on our behalfe to protect and encourage us aud that some assistance towards the present mentenance of a Minister among us may be granted as your Excellency in your great wisdome shall think most meet, and that your Excellency will also be pleased to write in our behalfe and favour to the Lords of the Council of Trade and Plantations, or to such Ministers of state as your Excellency shall judge convenient in and about the premises. Aud your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray iSsc*. Gabriel Bernon W'". Brinley Piere Ayrould Isaac Martindale Thomas Fox Robert Gardiner George Guttler Thos. Paine Will". Pease Thos. xMallett Edwin Carter Rob'. Wrightiugton Fra. Pope Anthy. Blount Richard Newland Thomas LilUbridge This petition was delivei-ed at Xewport, 26th Sept. 16'J9, and for- warded to the Board of Trade by Lord Bellemont on 24:th October. It was received and read on 5th -January following. In his letter en- closing it to the Board, Bellemont says. " I send your Lordships the netition of several persons in Rhode Island for a Church of England 560 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. Minister and a yearly settled maintenance for one. I hope yonr Lord- ships will please to patronize so good a design, and will obtain his Majesty's allowance of a competent maintenance for such a Minister. It will be a means I hope to reform the lives of the People in that Island, and make good Christians of 'em who at present are all in darknesse." The petition was sent by the Board of Trade to the Bishop of London, who presented it to the King, by whom it was re- ferred back to the Board, April 16, for their opinion upon what was proper to be done in the matter. Other petitfons for promoting the Gospel among the Indians were pending at the same time. I'rom these movements originated the " Societj^ for propagating^ the Gospel in foreign parts," incorporated in 1702, by whom, two years later, the Rev. James Honeyman was sent out as a missionary to this station, upon petition of the wardens of Trinity church to the society for aid. Meanwhile, Rev. Mr. Lockyer, who had gathered the church early in 1(599, new style, served as its rector, and the building was completed some time in 1702. BND OF VOLUilE FIBST. GENEEAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIEST. Abbott, Archbishop, 6 Acorns, 84. Acquicineset, 351. Acts of Trade and Navigation, 454, 464, 467, 530, 535, 538, 544. Addresses of R. I. to Home Government, 492-6, 514. 520, 523, 541. Adlara. Eev. S., 108 n. Administrators of estates, 44.3. Admiralty courts in E. I., 246, 488, 535, 539, 541. Adrianople, 523 n. Adultery punished by Indians, 75; by Gen. Asa., 320. Advertisement of Narr. lands, 445, 447, 457. Agamenticus. 157 n. " Agawiim, Simple Cobbler of," cited, 45. Town of, 370. Agents of R. I. in England, 345,436,440,447,461, 463, 493, 526, 545, 553. Agreement between Clarke and "Winthrop, 282, 296. 297, 351. Alarm established, 132. Albanv, 309. 527, 528, 529, 546. Albro. or Alborough, Capt. John, 467, 499, 508. Alderman, an Indian, 416. Als;iers, 437, 463. Alien law in M.ass., 61, 63; In E. I., 242. Alleghany Mts.. 96. Allen, J.ames, 432. Almy. Christopher, 518, 526, 527, 529, 535. "Ambition Anatomized," referred to, 361. Anabaptist, name how aiiplied, 151 note. Anchor, for State seal, 204. Anderson's " Hist, of Commerce," 497 n. Andros, Sir E., 397, 455, 4S4, 493, 495,498; his administration, 49S-510 ; reviewed, 514-17; new ccimmission, 508; fall, 510-14, 520, 558. Anecdotes, 18^3 n., ISS n., 189 n., 505 n. Angel, or Augell, Thomais, 97, 103. Anglesea, island, 47. Annawon, Indian chiet, 417. Annexation of VTarwiek and Pawtuxetto Mass., 131; of Plymouth, 524. Antinomian controversy, 47, 51-69 ; doctrines, 52-5. 65 ; party, 54,56, 58 ; impolitic course, 61 ; trial of leaders, 63, 64 ; disarmed, 64 ; re- view of. 66--9 : term how applied, 151 n. "Antiquitates Americans." referred to, 28. "Antiquities of Connecticut," referred to, 460, 461, 469, 481, 482, 53-3, 536, 589, 543. Apples, first in R. I., 99 n., 137. Vol. I.— 3(j Appleton, Major, 403. Apportionment of taxes, 205, 271, 272, 276, 813, 846, 450, 542. Apprenticeship, 161. Aquedneck island, 23, 69, 70, 113 ; purchase of, 125 ; compact, 124 ; the settlers of, 125 ; two governments at, 135; united, 143; election, 148; fire, 152: claimed by Plymouth, 159. 223, 440, 444, 477 ; proceedings "against Gor- ton, 167-172; his return to, 189 ; dissensions at, 213, 221; petition to United Colonies, 222 ; usurped by Coddington, 238 ; sends Dr. Clarke to Engl.and, 239 ; courts, how held, 252; Indians sent off, 331 ; guarded, 407; smallpox at, 523. Arbitration a basis of government, 176 ; declined in the Warwick case, 182. Archery prescribed by law, 209. Argyle, Duke of, 4S1. Arlington, Lord, 315. Arminian party, 6. Arms and ammunition ordered, 413. Arnold, William, 100, 102, 104, 107, 111, 174, 176, 177, 238, 248, 258, 267, 268, 271. Arnold, Benedict, 103, 111, 191, 196, 197, 267, 327, 345, 380; Asst, 252, 274; Pres., 263, 278, 28-3, 284; Gov.. 295, 306. 837, 426, 441 ; death, 443. Arnold, Benedict, Jr., 254, 518. Arnold, Stephen, 258. Arnold, Richard, 499, 508. Arnold, Caleb, 549. Arnold, Josias, 549. Arnold, Capt., of Portsmouth, 520. Arnold, Capt. Joseph, 520. Arran, Earl of, 479, 529, 538. Arrests and reprisals, 277, 282, 461. Ashurst, Sir Henry, 515, 537, 550, 557. Aspinwall, William, 63, 124; Sec, 127, 131, 133 n. ; Asst, 185. Assassination, attempt at, 469. Assembly of E. I. See General Assembly. Assessors of taxes, 531. Assistants, title of, adopted, 143 ; how to be cho- sen, 295 ; duties and powers of, 211, 301, 302, 321, 327. Association, Warren Baptist, 108 n., 125. Associations of loyalty, 532, 534. Astronomy, Indian, 82. Atheist, trial of an alleged, 183 n. Atherton, Humphrey, ISO, 197, 199, 231, 272, 879. Atherton company and purchase, 272, 275, 282 283, 297, 299, 302, 308, 814, 315, 316, 841, 865; 378-386, 427, 440, 445, 447, 463, 466, 474, 483 501, 605, 507, 530, 534 562 GENEEAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIEST. Attleboro' Gore, 93 n. Attorncvs, 336. Awarile," Richard, 183. Awasliouks, Squaw Sachem of Seaconnet, 395, 414. Ayrault, Dr. Pierre, 498, 556, 559. Ayrault, Daniel, 557. B Babcock, James. 314, 344, 350. Babcock, Job, 461. Backus, Hist, of Baptists, referred to, 24, 49, 41.3. Bailey, Kicliard, .34.3, 344. 42", 44T. jaker appointed, a public, 129. Balstone, William, 64, 124, 127, 128, 159, 162, 233. Treas. 143. Asst. 186, 148, 219, 261, 263. 274, 295. Bancroft, .\rchblshop, 5. Bancroft, lion. tJeo.. 47. Hist, of IT. 8. r(»ferred to. '.t(t. IfJ n,. lN)n., 211, 371,372, 374,384,518. Banishment abolished, 232. Bankrupt law, 442. Baptist Church, First, 107, discussion as to pri- ority, liiSn., 139 n., 140 n. Baptists persecuted in Mass., 234-5; most nu- merous in U. I., 490. Barberry bushes, 465-6. Barbadoes, 269, 329, 859, 489, 543. Barker, James, 295, 344; Dep. Gov., 449. Barrington, 69. Barrv, JoJin 8., 185n. Bartiett. Hon. John R. 325, 528. Barton, Rufus, 217, 218. Bass, SO ; ponds. 507. Baths, Indian sweating, 76. Battle at Mystic, 98 ; New Haven, 95 ; Narr. and Moheg., 116,-196; Fogland ferry, 397; Pocasset, 399; Hadley, 400, 413; Great swamp tight, 403-6 ; Warwick, 415; Naval, 521. Baxter, Capt. George, 248, 249, 284, 310. P..a<<.ns, 381, 521. V,(ads, Indian, 81. Bc-an>, so. S4. Bears, 78. Beaver, 81, 204, 227. Beddar, Thomas, 133. Beers, Capt., 400. }5eggars, none in R. I., 490. Belknap, Hist, of New Hamp., 66, 470. Bell provided, 4.59, .'J24. Bellemont, Earl of, 624, 531, 683, 536, 539, 541- 5.56 ; death, 558. Benedict, Rev. David, Hist, of Baptists, referred to, 107. Bentlcy's Hist, of Salem, referred to, 21, 22, 26. Bermuda Islands, 492. Bernon, Gabriel, 5.59. Berton, P., 497. Bewett, Hugh, 229, 240, 246 ; tried for treason, 243. Bijiotry, 147 n., 218 n. Bill of'Riirhts. L'dd, 207, Birth.s the first in R. I,, 106, 107, 490. Blackbirds, so, .W7. Blackstone, William, 16, 72,98-9 n., 107,261, 327, .386 ; death, 869. Blathwayt, Secretary, 461, 477. Block, Adrian, 7o n. Block Island, 73, 87, 88, 89. 801, 308, 804, 306, 807, 317, 821, 842, 364, 521, 522, 528. Blount, Anthony, 559. Board of Tr.ide, replies to the, 488-491; tltl« of the, 629 n. Boats libelled, 181, 133 n. Borden, Robert. 245. Borden, John, 394. Borden, or Burden, Rich.ird, 250, 252, 255. Pxissnet, intolerance of, 45. Boston. 9. 21, 60, 68, SS, 89, 92, 95, 98, 117, 18.3, ls7, 193, 197, 198, 264, 265, 269, 273, 277, 278, 8(19, 457, 488, 49S, 500, 511, 518, 516, 522, 525. 527, 536, 545, 549. Boston Neck, 272, 458. Boundary of R. I. defined, 295. Boundarv disputes, Western, 295, 304, .808. 810, 812, 3.33, 335, 387,.841, 343-8, 37S-880r423-7 440-4.58, 460-2, 486, 505, 525, 530, 534, 542-5, 548, 551. Boundary disputes, Eastern, 808, 312. 315, 440, 444, 527, 529, 581, 585. Northern, 531. Boundary disputes, Prov. and Pawtuset, 429- 438 ; Ports, and Npt., 47S. Bountv on wolves and fo.xes, 164, 161, 534. .rBiadfonl, Gov., 22, 232. Bradford. Major, 408. Bnulish, a pirate, 546, 550. Bradshaw. John, 23S. Bradstreet, Gov. Siaion, 186, 445, 511, 525. Braintree, 52, 55. Breda, Declaration of, 293 n., 319, 479. Brenton, William, 128, 312. 380; Elder, 131, 1.32 ; Dep. Gov., 14.3, 147, 159, 160, 267, 29.5, 306; Pres., 274; Gov., 327, 856. Brenton, Jahleel, 530, 537, 539, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 553-8. Brewster, Elder, 24. Brewster, M.. 265. Briberv, 888-5, 469. Bri^r^es, John, 188, 153. Brinlev, Francis, 467, 483,502, 503, 517, 547, 550, .5.5.3. Brinley, William. .559. Bristol, 28, 388, 478, .501, 535. British State Paper Otlice Documents, referred to, S, 195. 2S0, 297, 305, .300, 310, 314, 315, 319, 328, 824, 373, 375, 877. 878, 398, 410, 418, 4;i3, 43.5, 436, 441, 445, 446. 447, 451, 4.52, 458, 456, 458, 460-4, 466, 469, 471-4, 480, 481, 483, 484, 493-6, 498, .5lil-7, 509, 510, 511, 513, 514, 615, 517, .520, 522, 523, 524, 528, 529, 535, 586, 588, 539, 541-4, 547, 552-8. Broadhead, J. R., Hist, of New York referred to, 1.55 n. Brookfield burnt, 399, 413. Brown, Chad, 108, 181. . -Brown, John, of Plymouth, 159, 160, 161, 191. Brown, John Carter, 280 n. Browne, Nichola,s, 133. Browne, John, 482. Browne, the two of Salem sent back, 10, 19. BrowM.II, Thc.nias, 204. r.illL'ar. Kicliard. 201, 274, 273. r.ulkelcv, I'lt.r, 446, 452, 453. lUill. llenrv, 124, 127, 128, 131, 132, 144, 224; Gov.,-4S0, 518. Hull, ('apt., of Conn., 504. ]'.iill, "Memoirs of B. I." referred to, 124, 186 149. i;ullocke, Erasmus, 183. Burdett, Robert, 277, 281. Burgbiry, law of, 207 ; punished, 851. Burials, Indian, 77; number of, 490. Burning of Fort Mystic, 94. Burnyeat, Quaker preacher, 860-2. Burrwooil, Thomas, 141. Byfleld, Nathaniel, 478, 503, 637. GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. 563 G Cases for criminals, ordered, 257, 267, 318, 470. CallondiT. Itev. John, century sermon referred to, r2.5. 140, 44S, 4T5, 501. Calvorlv, Edmund, 311, 317, 338. C.ilvin,"John, 2, 67, 270. Calvinism in France. 496. Cambridge, 60, 61, 265, 474; County of, 306,471 ; University, 47. Canada, 522, 527. Cannibals, 73. Canoes, Indian, 80. Canonchet, Sachem, 401 ; death, 410 ; character, 411. Canonicus, Sachem, 23, 24. 70, 74, 77, 88, 90, 92, 99, 105, lis, 158, 190, 276, 391, 4.30 ; death, 211 ; ch.iracter, 213. Cape Cod, 69. Captures by R. I. privateers, 247, 248, 249. Carder, Richard. 124, 127; disfranchised, 153, 167 ; .at Warwick, 176 ; sentence, 187. Carpenter, William, 100, 102, 107, 111, 258, 267, .3.31. Carr. Caleb, 276, 344, 449; Gov., 530; death, 532 Carr, Sir Robert, 305, 309, 313, 324, 825, 439, 529. Carre, Rev. Ezekiel, 497. Carter, Edwin, .559. Cartwrisht, Col. George, 805, 323, 324, 827. Caswell,^ Alexis, D. D., 108 n. Catopeci, Sachem, 460. Catshamekin, Sachem, 88. Ca\alry corps, 330, 332, 468. Cawjaniquante, Sachem. 431. Censures passed, 35S, 365. Census of Newport, 142 ; of Aquedneck, 410. Challenge, Indian, 75. Chalmers' "Pohtical Annals," 298, 811, 871-8, 501. Champolion. 1.34 n. Charles I.. 10, 27, 172, 190, 228, 505. Charles II., 265, 274, 275, 280, 284. 290, 29-3, 319, 362, 464 ; death, 479. Charlestown, Mass., 9, 14, 95, 187, 183 ; K. I., 155 n. Ch.arter, Parliamentary, obtained, 114; first movement for, 141 ; Committee to obtain. 154: nature of, 200; engagement to, 202; confirmed by Cromwell, 255: expiration, 2S.5. Charter,, reception of, 284; its chief points, 290-5 ; how kept, 357, 450 ; suspend- ed, 486; concealed, 506; resumed, 51 2, 518. Chtirter, the Narraganset, 118-120, 383; of Con- necticut, 281. Charters granted to towns, 226. Charter House, 47. Clioesechamut, son of Pumham, 324. ClK-hii.-ford. 408 Chestnuts. S4. Chibacuwese, see Prudence I. Chuff, an Indian, 419. Church, Col. Benjamin, 895, 896, 897, 403. 404, 40.5. 414-17, 420, 501, 519. Church, Thomas, .398 n. Churches, Puritan, how constituted, 58 n.; first Baptist, 107 : priority of, lOS n., 1-39 n. ; at Aquedneck, 139 ; schism, 151, 152. Clams, 81, 85. Clarendon, Earl of, 284. 314, 328. Clarke. John. 69, 72. 124, 126, 1-32, 140, 141, 151, 152, 154, 226, 227, 229, 23=3, 312, 315, .321, .323, 329. *36, 338. 345, 352, 354, 358, 367, 514; persecuted bv Mass., 234. 235 ; affent in England, 238,' 239, 252, 264, 26S, 273, 275, 276, 280, 284, 290, 379-386; return, 309, 810 revises laws, 311, .330; his character defend ed, 298-301, 371-8; Dep. Gov., 337, 350; death, 412. Clarke, Walter. 499, 500, 506, 508, 512, 517, 518, 539, 540, 548 ; Dep. Gov., 41.3, 454, 459, 465, 467, 470, 478, 480, 555 ; Gov., 413, 483, 5;32, 533. Clarke, Joseph, 267, 277, 295, 461, 464. Clarke, Captain, 217. Clarke, William, 409. Clarke, or Clerke, Jeremy, 132, 143, 203, 219 ; Pres. regent, 221, 222. Clawson, John, curse of, 465. Clifton, llope, 273. Coasters Harbor island, 136 ; bought. 254. Coddington, William, 23, 60, 63, 69, 124, 126, 127, 1-32, 203, 221, 254, 413, 475; Judge, 70; deed of Aquedneck, 125 ; Gov. of Aquedneck, 143,147,151,1.52,160,172; Pres., 219; his designs, 222, 223; goes to England, 225; usurps govt., 237-8; power revoked, 242; retains the records, 246; submits to R. I., 2.59 ; becomes a Quaker, 320 ; Dep. Gov., 366; Gov., 367, 369, 447; death, 448. Coddinston. William, (the son.) 471, 474, 480 ; Gov., 470, 478. Coddington, Xathaniel, 539, 547. C-odoof 16«, 206-210. Coggeshall, John, 6:i, 124, 127, 128, 1-31, 1-32, 143, " 152, 245, 250. 261, 295, 306, 4U, 442, 478, 499, 508; First Pres., 202; Dep. Gov., 4.S3, 512. Coggeshall, Joshua, 341. Coincidences, 293 n., 417. Coke, Sir Edward, 47. Colbert, Minister of France, 496. Cold, intense, 406. Cole, Robert, 100, 107, 111. Cole, John, 347, 468. Collen, Mr., 48. • Colors of Xew England, 496. Colson's petition, 448. Commissioners of the United Colonies, 117, 1.59, 17S, 191, 196, 19S, 199, 222, 223, 224, 229, 232, 2-38, 239, 249, 253, 268, 272, 275, 276, 281, -309, 8^39, 400. Commissioners, Roval, 805, 314-17, 322, 828, 469, 471, 472, 473'. Commissioners on boundaries, 271, 315, 343, 348, 350, 352, 357, 542, 54S, .551. Commissions granted bj' R. I., 246, 250. Committees, of six, under first ch.arter, 203, 210, 219,229; introduced into Gen. Assy., 260 ; of the Whole, 533. Common Law adopted, 206. Compact, Pilsrim, 12 n. ; Pro^-ldence, 103 ; Aquedneck, 124, 133-4; Warwick, 216. Conanicut island, 288, 254, 415, 449, 451, 546; Furry, 554. Conant, Roger, 9. Conference, Hampton Court, 5; of clergy, 55; proposed, 859. Conformists, 2, 3. Confederacy, New England, 115, 156, 158, 340. Confiscations, 349, 355, 358. Connecticut, 196, 224: Indians in, 73; river, 87. 89,95; settled, 93; claims Narrt., 281, 2s2, 295-301, 305, 308, 310, 312, 314. 319, 335, 313-8, 351, 353, 355, 357, 366, 368, 423, 424, 440, 455-S, 460, 461 ; decisions in favor of, 474, 534; claim rejected, 505; further claims on R. I., 545; attempts to adjust, 550; repri- sals, 5.5.3, 5.55; quo warranto, 481, 493; An dros usurps govt, of, 504 ; resumes charter 512 ; militia troubles, 524, 520. Connecticut, Colonial Records referred to, 281« 305, 310, 333, 334, 335, 368, 425. 564 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. Conspiracy against Clarke exposed, 298-301, 3S3-6. Constables, duties of, 131 ; how chosen, 466, 509. Constructive felonies avoided, 20fik. Convention called, 232. Conwyl Cayo, 4S, 50. Cooke, Capt, 180. Cooke, John, 204. Cope, Edward, 103. Cormorants, 80. Corn, 80, 84 ; scarcity of, 142 ; price, 153. Coroner's inquest, 846. Cotton, Eev. John, 22, 26, 33, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 62, 65, 6S, 164, 183, 18S, 235. Council of State, 237, 238, 242-6, 258. Council, General, of E. I., 210, 271 ; of Andros, 500. Council, Indian, 83 ; houses for, 86. Council of K. I., 302; Gov. and, 330,338,844, 346, 852, 359 ; of war, 352. Courses and distances not understood, 381, 382. Court-houses to bo built, 507, 524. Courts, proceediniis of in Mass., 14, 16, 17,20,22, 27. 28. 29. 30, 34, 35. 37, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 111, 127, 147, 176 177, 17S, 181, 182, 186, 187, 191, 193, 196, 217, 226, 231, 2-32, 2=33, 238, 247, 258, 267. 268, 273, 277, 283, 309. Courts in R. I. orsranized, 135, 138, 139; first of election at ><'pt., 143 ; various kinds of, 144; ,, ut Aquedneck, 146, 152, 158; of the Colony, 203 ; of election, trials, and appeal, 204, 210, 227, 256, 270, 460; of com- missioners, 219, 226; styled General Assem- bly, 230; of Justices, 258; under roval char- ter, 302, 820, 829, 488; to be paid." 454; re- visory power of Gen. Ass., 448, 459 ; under Andros, 503,504, 506,507,509,510; tyran- ny, 554. Courts-martial, 442, §24. ^ Coventry, 176. Coweset', 160, 427. See Greenwich. Cowtantowit, Indian deity, 78. Cox, Dr.. restores the Litursv, 2. Crandall, John, 234, 235, 333;"350, 351. Cranfleld, Gov. Edward, 469, 470-3, 484. Cranston, John, 260, 252, .303, 309, 815, 401 ; Dep. Gov.. 356, 361, 413, 426, 441 ; Gov., 449, 454 ; death, 459. Cranston, Samuel, Gov., 540, 547, 54^ 550, 552, Cromweil, Oliver, 237, 249, 250, 252, 255, 256, 268, 274. Cromwell, Richard,, 271, 273. Cross in the colors, cut out, 29. Crowne, John, 452, 458. Crows, 80. Cud worth, James, 434. Culpeper, Lord, 464, 466, 479, 507. Cumberland, 98 n. Currants, 84. Curse of Clawson, 465. Custom-house established, 465, 467. Cutler, a pirate, 543. Guttler, George, 559. D D.avia, James, 188. Davis John, 196. DavoU, Capt, 520. Dean, Richard, 829, 345, 413 n. Dean. Thomas, 463. Deane, Charles, 185 n. Deaths of Governors, 440, 441, 532. Debt, law of, 208. Debtor, absconding, 130. DecLaration of Breda, 293 n., 319, 479; oi Indnl gcnce, 502. Decorum in court, 220, 257. Dedford, Greenwich »o called, 485. Dedbam, 217. Deeds of Prov., 99-101 ; brevity of old, 12L Deer, 73, 79, 85, 154, 159, 161. Deerfield, 400. Degree of M. D. conferred by Gen. Assy., 803. Deist, trial of an alleged, 183 n. Delaware • Bay, 69 ; language, 86 ; Castle, 809 ; Colony, 481. Delegated power, jealousy of, 109, 131, 204, 206. Delft Haven, T. •*• Demetrius of Ephesus, 183. Democracy at Prov., 102 ; given up, 108 ; at Aquedneck, 148 ; declared. 205, 2o7. Denison, Capt. George, 264,. 410, 411, 425, 434. Deputies, House of, 295; to take engagement, 365. Derogatory passages repealed, 342. " Desire," the, a vessel, 248. ' Despotic i^pirit of the Puritans, 33. De.xter, Gregory, 252, 434 ; Pres., 245. Dice, Indian, 79, Digest of Laws, 4.59, 483. Dinners provided by the Colony, 356. Disarming the Anlinomians, 64; the Indians, 330. Disfranchisement of Salem deputies, 34 ; at Aquedneck, 153 ; by Gen Assy., 247. Disposers at Prov., 108, 109, 174. Divorce, Indian, 76; prohibited, 232; granted, 320, 365, 470 ; law of, 483. Dogmas, dangerous, 254, 202. Dongan, Gov. of N. Y., 509. Dorchester, 187. Doutch, Osamoud, 131. Dower. Indian, 76. Downing, George, 464 n. Drake's" Book of the Indians," referred to, 887, 358, 3S9, 390, 417. Drunkenness, 129, 141, 366. Ducks, wild, SO. Dudley, Joseph, 398 n., 469 ; Prea. of New Eng., 482-5, 494 ; Chief Justice, 498, 511, 512. Dudley, Gov. Thomas, 46, 147 n., 186. Dummer, Richard, 60. 128. Durfee, Job, quoted, 96, 126, 449. Dutch, the, 159, 240; trade, 155; disturbance at Warwick, 241 ; war, 241, 245, 246, 824 ; ves- sels taken, 249, 267 ; surrender, 809 ; take N. Y., 366; invade England, 510. Dutch island, 254, 451. Duties, custom, 204, 534. Dyre, William. 124, 127, 182, 139, : 48, 172, 208, 220, 229, 242, 243, 246, 309, 317. Dyre, Mary, 265, 273. E Ear-maj-ks, 158. Earle, Ralph, 138. Easton, Nicholas, 128, 1.30, 131, 182, 186, 141, 143, 148, 151, 152, 153, 170, 171, 222, 246, 820, 326; Pres., 229, 250 ; Dep. Gov., 342 ; Gov., 327, 356, 857, 366, 369 ; de.-ith, 370. Easton, Peter, 180, 136, .356, 868. Easton, John, LSO, 186, 245, 261, 274,306,341,356 542, 54S ; his narrative, 402 ; Dep. Gov., 868; Gov., 519,525,530, Eaton, Gov. of New Haven, 147. " Ecclesiastical Hist, of Mass.," quoted, 183 n., 186. Echard's " Hist, "f England," referred to, 293. Eddy, Judge, 135 n., 167. GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. 565 Erten of America. 72. Edmonds, Capt.. 416. Edmundson, William. 360-362, 424 a. Education, provision for, 145, 2S2. Edward VI., 2. Edwards, Kev., 45; Mr., 383. Effinsham, Gov. of Va., 515. Egyptian hieroslvphics, 134 n. ElVlors at Ports., 131 ; title abolished, 143. Eldiedge, Samuel, 347. Election davs appointed, 252, 295. Elections at Pocasset. 131, 134, 185; at >ewport, 14=3, 14S, 153; Colonial, 202, 203, 219, 226, 229, 240 2.511,263,267.271, 2(4, 2(6, 278 2S2, 306, 317, 327, 330, 334, 337, 342, 350, 356, 357, 366, 367, 369, 413, 426, 441, 454, 459, 465, 467, 470, 47S, 4S0, 4S3, 518, 519, 528, 530, 532, 540, 555. Eliot, John, 324, 395, 396. Elizabeth, reiprn of Queen, 2-5. Elliott, Charles W., 185 n. Eloquence. Indian, SJ. 394. Elton, Komeo, 1). D.. 47, 50. 475 n. Embassies, Pequot.89; W'ilUams to >arrts., 91; Mass. to same, 88, 153, 196, 197, 199, 224, 243, 398 ; to E. I., 217. ^ „^ ^„ Endicott, Gov. John, 9, 10, 14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 29, 34, 46, BS, 89, 234, 260, 269, 303, 809. Encaf'enwnt, form of, 148; to the charter, 202 ; ■^ slate, to its officers, 205; of town councils, 228 ; to the commonwealth, 245 ; changes in, 317, 318, 326, 420 ; of Deputies, 365, 366, 428, England in 1643, 113. Ephesus, shrines of; 183. Epidemic, 424. Episcopacv abolished. 237 ; hatred to Cromwell, 274; i'ntroduced by Andros, 49S; in K. I., 549 ,559 Errors of Grahame and Chalmers, 370-378. Esquimaux, 86. Excise of liquors, 368, 483, 503. Executions, 347, 351. Executors appointed by town councils, 209, 448. Exemption act, 866, 415. 423. Exports of K. I., 142, 489. Fairfield, John, 276. Fairfield. 249, 505. Famine, 19. Fast days in Mass., 59, 264, 402. Feasts, "Indian. 79. ■ Fellow Commoners, 49. Felt, Joseph B., 185 n. Fenner, Arthur, 263. ml. :332, 334, 342, 358, 414, 423, 425. 432. 4:}4. 4:35. 473. Ferries establishe6 2->9 2:30 232 240, 242. 243, 244, '»), 2ol, 257, 259! 263^ 270, 271, 272, 274, 278, 2S1, 282, 283 301 306 310, 315, 317. 320, 321, 323, 326, 327 328 380, 3:32, 334, 336. :3;37, 340, 341, 34o, 347 34S 849, 350-7, 364, 366-9, 401, 409, 413, 414 493 426-8, 441, 448, 449,45-3, 454,455, 45L 459, 464, 466, 470, 471, 478, 479 4S0, 482, 483, 486, 488, 518, 519, 522. 526, o28, 533-6, 539 541-5, 547, 550, 551, 557; the first, 201- 2li'- modified, 219, rules and orders of, 220; powers of, 229, 320, 321, 354, 448,459,470; name first given, 2:30 ; two separate Asseni- blies 244; division of Houses prijposed, 327 ; 'and efi'ected, 533 ; to be paid, 828, 454; technical sessions, 453, 454 ; dissolved, 4s8; resumed, 518. " Geological Survey of R. I." referred to, 226 n. George. Capt, 511. Geiaerd, the Dutchman, 241. Gibbons, Major Edward, 197. Gillam. a pirate, 547, 551. Goats, 15:3. Goat Island, 254. Godfrey, Capt. John, .521. Gofi'e, or Geofl"e, John, 133. Goffe. the Regicide, 418. Gookin. Daniel. 278. 844. ^ ^ ^„ .. ■■ Gookin"s Indians," referred to, 73, T4. Gorges, Sir Ferdinand, 7. 156. 566 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. Gorton, Samuel, 110, 227, 240. 248, 258, 272, 342, 389, 514; purchase of Warwick. 112, 116, 176; at Aquedueck, 133, 160, 161, 165-173; abuse of, 163; at Plymouth, 164; whipped, 167,172; his views" of govt., 169, 194; in- dictment, 170-2 ; at Prov., 172-4 ; his politi- cal character, 173; at Pawtuxet, 174-5; pro- ceedinprs against, by Mass.. 177-189; goes to England, 190; result of his mission, 193, 215; return, 217 ; Pres., 239; letter to, 323 n.; death. 4-'9. Gorton, Thomas. 146. Gorton, Capt., 520. Gortonists, why persecuted, 178 ; to be subdued, 179; attempt to treat, 181; besieged, 182, 183; tried, 184; sentenced, 187; banished, 188; return to R. I., 189; ideas of govt., 194; triumph of, 218, 219, 452. Gortonoges, 190. Gould, Thomas, 266, 307, 425. Gould Island, 266. Goulding, Koger, 416-519. Governor, title of, adopted, 143. Grahame, James, 298, 370-S. Granger, James N., D. D., IDS u. Gratitude. Indian, 75. Greene. John, lOO, 104. 107, 176. 184, 238, 268, 274, 278, 295, 307, 312, 338, 34^3, 345, 352. 865, 461, 473, 475, 478, 508, 555 ; agent in Ens- land, 191, 195, 434, 436, 446, 447, 451-3, 456, 458, 493, 499. 501; Dep. Gov.. 519, 525, 580, 536, 540, 542, 548. Greene, John Jr., 240, 245, 256, 263, 807. Greenwich, men claim Narrt., 242; East G. in- corp., 427, 428 ; named Dedford, 485; bounds set, 545; take Frenchtown, 556-7. Groton, 408. Ground-nuts, 406 n. Guagers appointed, 543. H Hadley, 395, 400, 413, 414. Hamelton, Andrew, 527. Hamilton, Marquis of, family claim to Narrt., 119, 305, 471, 474, 479, 505, 529, 537, 538. Hampton, 370. Hampton Court conference, 5. Harris, Thomas, 103, 252, 255, 259. Harris, Thomas, of Barbadoes, 265, 269. Harris, Andrew, 264. Harris. William, 97, 100, 102. 107, 254, 262, 317, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 336-8, 840, 342, 854, 366. 867, 414, 430, 457, 463 ; arrested for trea- son, 268; lawsuits. 432-6; death, 437. Harris, William J., 263 n.. 482 n. Harbor at IJlock Island. 821, 842. Harding, Kobert, 128, 14S, 152-4; Capt., 197. Hardships of the early colonists, 11. Harrod, John, 838, 340. Hartford, 98. 96, 117, 159, 253, 282, 309, 353, 425, 464, 504. 505. Harvard College, 345, 863. Hastv-i)udding, 84, 85. Hatfield, 400. Havens. William, 133. Haversham, Westerly so called, 485. Hawkins, Job, 133. Havnes, Gov. John, of Mass., 46; of Conn., 147. Hazard, J. Alfred, 370 n. Hazard,, 132. " Hazard's State Papers," referred to, 223. 224, 229, 232, 239, 248, 253, 258, 266, 281, 283, 309, 340. Hazel, Mr., 235. Hempstead, 248. Henchman, Daniel, 484. Henry VII. of England, 27. Henry IV. of France, 496. Herald's College, London, 48. Herenden, or Hernden, Ben, 465. Heresies in R. I. reputed, 151; Gorton accused ot; 163, 184, 187. Hewes, Joshua, 288. Higgin.son, Rev. Francis, 9, 10, 20. Highways, 128. Hildreth's'Hist. of U. S. referred to, 62, 185. Hincklev, Gov. Thomas, 397 n., 484, 469, 477, 478, 484. "501, 518. ^ Hodgson, Robert, 495. ^- Hog Island, 266, 271. 272, 469, 477, 478, 500. Hoiden, Randal. 124, 127-9, 153, 167, 170, 176, 187, 195, 203, 217. 222, 226, 240, 245, 260, 252, 261, 263, 272,315,473,^75, 493; agent in England, 190, 193, 484, 436, 446, 447, 451^ 458, 461, Holland, The Separatists flee-to, 6. Holland, Cornelius, 252. " Holmes's Annals " refeiTed to, 14, 17, 68. Holmes, Obadiah, 234, 235. Holyman, Ezekiel, 100, 107, 241. Honeyman, Rev. James, 560. Hooker, Rev. Thomas, 37, 56, 505 n. Hopkins, Guv. Stephen, quoted, 99 n. Hopkins, Gov. Edward, of Conn., 147. Hoi)kins, William, 425. Hope Ishmd, 105 206, 451. Ilnrsrs, 4S(1, 489. Horton, Elizabeth, 265. Hospitality, Indian, 75. Housatonic river, 415. House, Walter, 346. Howland, John, 409 n. "Hubbard's Hist, of N. E." referred to, 26, 80, 91, 114, 151, 164, 196, 197, 215, 216. 218, 225. " Hubbard's Narrative " referred to, 390, 399. Hudson, Lieut., 249. Hudson, William. 308. 312, 345, 347, 379. Huguenots in R. I., 497, 503, 519, 549. Hull, E.lward, 246, 247. Hull, John. 267. " Hume and Smollett, Hist, of England," refer- red to. 502, 588. Hunting, 79, 154. Hutchinson, Mrs. Ann, 51, 107, 151, 269 ; doc- trines of, 52, 53, 55, 56, 65; trial, 64,66; death, 66 n. Hutchinson, William, 124, 128, 133,134, 135, 143, 148, 172. Hutchinson, Edward, 124, 127, 128. Hutchinson, Edward, Jr., 124, 127, 282, 805, SOT, 808, 879-386, 399. Hutchinson, Samuel, 138. Hutchinson, Elisha. 445. Hutchinson, "Hist, of Mass. Bay," referred to, 16, 17, 30, 91, 168, 186, 212, 224, 265, 502, 513. 517. " Hypocrisy Unmasked," referred to, 159, 168, 170, 172, 174, 178. 179, 183, 185, 190. " 111 News from N. E." referred to, 235, 444 Immortalit.v, Indian idea of, 78. "Impertindnt File," the, 337 n., 340 n. Imposts laid b.y James II., 481. Imi)ris()nment for debt, forbidden, 208. Independence contemplated in Mass., 32. Independents, toleration denied to, 237. India Point, 40. Indian, salutation, 40; tribes of N. K., 73, 14: GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. 567 character, 75, 82 ; customs, 76 ; funeral rites, "7; religion, 78; sports, 79; tradition, 80; money, 81 ; councils, S3 ; food, 84; wigwams, 85 ; languages, 86 : ideas upon Gorton's re- lease, 190 ; dissensions, 222 ; foreigners not to trade with, 251; war, 253; laws against, 271,423,425; titles to land recognized, 290, 292; disarmed, 330 : drunkenness, 366 ; jury, 367; plots, 369, 395; gallantry, 890; elo- quenoe, S3, 394; heroism, 411; chivalry, 418; captives sold, 416, 419, 425. .'ndictments of Gorton, at Aquedneck, 170-2; at Boston. 1S4. " Indigenous Kaces of the Earth," referred to, 423. Inhabitant and freeman, distinction of, 256. Inoculation, 523 n. Interpolations in E, I, laws. 311, 479 n. Ipswich, 187, 218. Iroquois language, 86. Jackson, Henry, D. D., "Churches in K. I.," 108 n. Jackson, Dr. Charles T., "Survey of E. I.," 226 n. Jamaica, 471, 477. James I., reign of, 5, 6, 27, 291. James II., 362, 479. 481, 492, 510, 515, 516. James, Thomas, 100, 107. Jamestown incorp., 449 ; ferry at, 554, 555. Jarves, J. J., " Confessions of an Inquirer," 422. Jett'eries, Lord Chanc, 492. Jettreys, Eobert, 143, 152, 154. Jenner, Dr. 523 n. Jesuits, 496, 497. Jesus College, 48. Jews protected, 478. Johnson's " "Wonder Working Providence," 51, 91. Johnson, Edward, 180. Judith, Point, 477. Judge. Title of, 70, 127, 143. Jurisdiction, doubtful, 106 ; a foreign in E. I., 111. Jurors, elected, 153; apportioned^ 302 ; Indian, 307. Justice, denied to Salem, 34 ; Indian sense of, 82. Justice of Peace, 144; in Narrt, 484. Karalit language, 86. Kent, Joseph, 306. Kent County, 74. " Kev to Indian Language," referred to, 40, 74, 75, 66, 190, 212. Kidd. Capt. AVilliam, 543, .>16, 547. King's Province, 224 n.; named, 315; see Nar- rasanset. Kingstown, or Kingston, 368, 453, 455, 467, 468, 473 ; to be divided, 482 : called Kochester, 4S5; French settlers in, 497; bounds, 532, 545 ; Assv. at, 542 ; court at, 555 ; North, 195; South, 267.403. Kniirht, Eichard, 227, 229, 245, 250, 252; 255, 261, 271. Knowle's "Life of Eoger Williams," referred to, 22. 36, 105, 197, 2;J4, 251, 253, 255, 362, 390, 409, 475. Labor regulated, 16. ' Land, tenure fixed, 148 ; not to be bought of In- dians, 240, 267; titles settled, 279; pur- chases, 272, 276; public, 852, 356, 358. Lancaster burnt, 407, Lathrop, Capt., 400. Laud, Archbishop, 6, 28. "Law and Order" at Warwick, 195 n. Lawsuits, the Harris, 432-8, 536; Sandford vs. Forster, 448. Lawton. George, 133, 414. Laws, how passed or repealed, 203, 232, 270, 274, 364,365; to be revised, 311, 330; phraseol- ogy of, 442; digest of, 459, 483 ; to be sent to England, 543, 551-3. Layton, Thomas, 1-38. League, N. E., see Confederacy. Lechford's " Plaine Dealing," referred to, 99, 140, 168. Leeds, Duke of, 529. Leete, Gov. of Conn., 456. Legalists, views of the, 58 ; party of, 54 ; tri- umph, 60. Legislation, curiosities of, 443 ; independent, 557. Legislature, see General Assembly. Leisler, Gov. of N. Y., 520, .546. Letters, extracts from, Boston to Salem, 20; Williams to Major Mason, 91 ; Mass. to Paw- tnxet men. 111 ; The Three Govs, to Mass., 146; Gorton and Mass., 172, 174,175,178, 179, 180, 181, 189; Barton to Winthrop, 218; Mass. to E. I., 238, 277 ; Vane to E. 1., 249 ; AVilliams to Prov., 251 ; on soul liberty, 254 -5; E. I. to U. Cols., 266, to Cromwell", 268; Charles II. to U. Cols., 283 ; Cartwright to Gorton, 823 ; E. I. to Lord Clarendon, 328 ; " the pernitious letter," 325; " the damned letter, 340 ; Atherton Co. and Winthrop. 877-381 ; John Scott, 883; Sheriff of London to E. L, 482 ; E. I. to Board of Trade, 488- 491 ; Mr. Lloyd's, 523. Lenthal, Eobert, "l46, 152, 153. Leveret, Gov. 396, 435. Lewin, John, 463. Libel law, 242. Liberty of Conscience, see Eeligious Freedom. Lillibridge, Thomas, 559. Liquor laws, 227. 251, 257, 367, 868,483, 503, 584; a seizure, 425. Little Compton, 897, 398, 535. Liturgy established, 2. Lockj-er, Eev., 560. London charter lost, 492. Longbottom, James, 276. Long Island, 23, 69, 73, 89, 246, 248, 253, 339, 302. Long Parliament, 118. Lord, Eichard, 379. Lord Protector, see Cromwell. Lords, House of, abolished, 237. Louis XIV., 496, 527. Lovelace, Gov. of N. Y., 838, 362, 368 Lumber trade, 142. Luther. Martin, 1, 67. Luther, John, 130. Lynde, Simon, 484. Lyon, ship, 19. Lytherland, William. 24.5, 252. Lytton, Sir E. B., "My Novel," 128 ii. M Mackie, J. M., " Life of Gorton," 190, 429. Madagascar, 540. Maestroiddyn, 4S. Magistrates", no' to leave the bench, 260 ; powen "of, 330, 865. Magnus, squaw sachem, 415. 568 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. Maine, 156, 362, 397, 39S, 4S2. Major General, office of, 413, 441, 443; to be two, 469 ; elected by the people, 478. Majority of Freemen to rule, 158,202; age of, 261). Mallett, Thomas, 555, 559. Manilriek, Mr., 3S0. Manhattan, see New York. Marble, William, 282. Market days, 427. MarlborouVh, 408. Marriages. Indian, 75, 76; Law of, 208, 260; how published. 325; number of, 490; fee, 545. Marshrteld. :!90. Manh.i"s Vineyard, 362, 521. Martiiidale. Isaac, 559. Mary, Queen. 2. Maryland. 527. Mason, Major John, 91, 93, 95, 847. Mason, Capt., of Conn., 653. Mason, Gov. of New Hamp., 470. Massachusetts Co., 9; Govt., 14; Indians, 73; receives Pawtuxet men, 111 ; Narrt. p.itent, 118 ; official discourtesy, 147 ; intrigues, 176 ; claims Warwick, 177 : attacks it, 181 ; re- cent historians of. 185 n. ; attempts to settle Warwick, 191 ; designs on R. I., 192, 217, 231. 232, 233, 277, 440, 445, ^35 ; Indian af- fairs, 196, 248, 253, 334, 335 ; persecutes Bap- tists, 234-6, and Quakers, 264-6, 268-270, 273 ; sued by Gorton, 258 ; releases Paw- tuxet men, 267; coins silver, 279; proposes a reference, 283, 307 ; grants declared void, 816 : opposes royal comms., 322, 323, 325 ; Philip's war in, 407, 408 ; oppressed by Ran- dolph, 467 ; quo warranto, 481, 482 ; Dudley In, 483 ; Andros, 498 ; Provisional Govt., 513; Uoyal Govt over, 524. Massachusetts Colonial Records, referred to, 50, 111, 112, 127. 133, 177, 187, 188, 191, 217, 226, 23-1-3. 24<). 247. 204, 268, 274, 277, 283, 303, 808. 322. 323, 334, 483. Massachusetts Historical Collections referred to, 116, 157, 183, 19.5, 197, 297, 847, 453, 456, 466, 469. 482, 4S3, 495, 500, 504, 513, 522. Massacre at Weathersfield, 92 ; Mystic, 94 ; Swanzey, 369, 396, see Philip's War. Massasoit. sachem of Wampanoags, 23, 89, 87, 120, 159, 212, 389, 391, 392 ; death, 387. Mather, Increase, 513, 515. Mather. " Masnalia," referred to, 21, 22, 30, 36, 51, 53, 62,'91, 151, 164. Mather, " Relation," referred to, 390, 891. Maverick, Samuel, 305. Mawsup, Sachem, 339. Ma.von, or Maggson, Richard, 188. Mavtlovvei-, the ship, 7, 12, 137. M^i'vo. SaniiU'l, 248, 249. McM-iiies and wci-hts, 869, 540. M.dliellontauk tribe,"73, 87. More, John, 133. Mortality among Indians, 78, 76. Mortgaged lands in Narrt., 275, 815. Morton, Thomas, 15. " Morton's Memorial," referred to, 18, 22, 24, 85, 81, 91, 106, 165, 168, 890, 418. Moshasuck river, 40, 99, 430; hill, 331. Mosher, Hugh, 276. Mother Goose, 189 n. Motto on State Seal, 149. Mount Hope, 23, 388, 396, 897, 415, 452, 458, 456, 458. Mumford, Thomas, 267, 847. Munday. a pirate, 543. Murder, of Oldham, 87; of an Indian, 106; of Miantinomi, 117 ; of House, 346; of Weeks. 870 ; of Clawson, 465. Mystic, river and fort, 93; town, 281. N Namcook purchase, 272. Nantes, edict of, 496. Nantucket, 362, 521. Narraganset tribe, 23, 78, 74, 75-86. 89. 3.34, .389, 466 ; treaties, 92, 116, 144, 197, 198, .398 ; decay of, 177-8, 417, 420 ; submit to King Charles, 190,315; Atherton's expedition, 199 ; early history, 212; on Uncas, 224, 264; oii Long Island, 248, 253; mortgage land, 275; school for, 828 ; plots, 895-7 ; join Philip, 401 ; defeated, 406. Narraganset Bay, 38, 69, 9.3, 324. 828 ; coveted by Massacliusetts, 112, 178, 889. Narraganset patent, 118-120, 277, 883. Narraganset country, 193,195,204,242; Ather- ton purchase, 272, 275 ; claimed by Mass., Conn., and ftimily of Hamilton, 277, 281, 804, 305, 807, 80S, 814, 328, 3-35, 343-350, .353, 357, 806, 370-886, 423-5, 427, 440, 442, 445, 447,451,455-8, 461, 463, 469, 471, 479,480. 525, 580, 585, 545, 557; annexed to R. I., 815, 817 ; bounds, 338 ; decisi'ons for Conn., 474, 534; secured to R. I., 351, 426, 442, 505; Dudley's gov't, 482, 484-6; Andros, 503; riots in, 555. Nassaump, 84, 85. Natick, 895. Naval, "armaments and expeditions, 152, 246, 409 .522; victory, 521. Neale, Thomas, 527. Neale's "•History of the Puritans," 4. New Knirland, causes of settlement, I; ante-Co- lumbian discovery, 27 n. "New England ensign," referred to, 265, 269. . "New England Geneal. Register," referred to, 174. "New England judged," referred to, 265,269, 273. "New England firebrand quenched," referred to, 862 n., 476. New Hampshire, 469, 470, 482, 535, 586. GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. 56S N«w Haven, 95, 196. New Jersey, 4Sl ; annexed to N. E., 508. 5S6. New London, 96. 343, 345. a50, 456, 521, 655. New Shorehaui. ineorp., 364. New York, 113, 158. 241. 314, 332, .339, 362, 866, 494, 527, 531, 536, 541, 545, 546, 547, 549 ; In- dians in, 78; trade with, 155; surrender ol", 309 ; annexed to N. Eng., 508, 509. New York documents, referred to, 481, 531, 533 ; Broadhoiid's Hist, of, 155. Newberry, Mass., 370; plantation in E. I., 497. Newberry, Walter, 424, 499, 500, 508, 532. Newhouse, Thomas, 265. Newland, Kichard, 559. Newman, S. C, quoted, 99 n. Newport settled, 71, 136, 137, 870 ; committee of union, 122, 201 ; census, 142 ; union with Portsmouth, 143; school law, 145; growth of, 205, 272; disagrees with Ports., 213, 221, 478 ; proposals for reunion, 244 ; Assy. at. ^45, 345; freemen in, 256; fortified, 330; ■war tax, 331 ; fast riding forbidden, 442 ; Andros at, 506, 513 ; threatened attack on, 521. Newtown, Mass., see Cambridge. Newtown, K. I., laid out, 128. Niantic tribe, 74, 198. 222. 460. Nichols, Col. Kichard, 305, 309, 314, 332, 384, 835, 373, 439, 46:3. Night-watch established, 158. Niies, Nicholas, 161. Niles, Samuel, " Hist, of Fr. and Eng. wars," re- ferred to, 75, 522. Ninecraft, sachem of Narrt., 816. 338. 389. Nini^i-et, sachem of Niantics, 74, 198, 199, 248, 2.53, 276. 411. 460. Nipmuck tribe, 74, 222, 334, 399. Non-conformity, first appearance of, 2. Nonsuch, fri5-6, 268-70, 273; debate with Williams, 859-862, 476. Quarter Courts, 144. Quebec, 522. Queries of Board of Trade, 458. Questions discussed in the Antinomian contro- versy, 54 ; put at Gorton's trial, 186. Quidnesett purchase, 272. Quinapin, a sachem, 417. Quincy, Hon. Josiah, 298, 872, 375, 384. Quinnebaug, 297. Quit-rent in R. I., 503, 507. Quorum established, 202. Quota of troops, 628, 529. Quotenis, island, 155. Quo warranto, writs of, 480, 481, 483, 484, 492 ; threatened, 544, 554. E Races, law of succession of, 420-3. Randolph, Edward. 418, 467. 469, 471, 480-5. 493, 494, 502, 511, 515, 541, 546. Rapin's " Hist, of Eng." referred to, 293. Ray, Simon, 803. Real estate, tenure of, in R. I., 14S-9. Reciprocal engagements, 205, 228, 317. Records, of Prov.. 99, 102; of Ports., 159; of Warwick, 195, 260, 819, 836, 840, 4=34, 458; of Coddington's govt, 259; of Gen. Assy, lost, 524, 5S6. Red Sea, 540, 543. Reformation, the, 1, 2; checked, 4; aims of, 25, 41. Registry of births, &c., 364, 545. Rehoboth, see Seeconck. Religious Freedom, at Prov., 102 ; at Aquedneck, 149, 162 ; in first charter, 200-1 ; successful, 215; how guarded, 252;. defined bv Wil- liams, 254-5; defended by R. I., 266; in second charter, 292 ; advocated by Randolph, 485, and by Andros, 501 ; maintained in R. I., 490 ; allowed by James II., 502, 508. Religious views of the Indian.'^, 78. Remonstrance, as to commissions against the Dutch, 247 ; Narrt. Indians to the English, 264; R. I. against Atherton Co., 463. Report of Coms. of 1683, 474. Representative system adopted, 202. Republican feeling, unknown in Mass., 83; per- vades R. I., 205, 207, 293, 294; party in E. I., 222, 517. Residence, how obtained, 468. Restoration of the Stuarts, 274. Revenue system of Andros, 503. Revolution against Andros, 610-511. "Revolution in N. Eng. Justified," referred tft 509. Reynolds, James, 425, GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. 571 EejTiolds, ■William, 103. *' Khode Island Colcnial Records," referred to, 183, 134, 325, 52S, et paiisim. "Khode Island Hiet. Colls." referred to, 112, 34T. Rhode Island, State of, origin of name, 70 ; need of a charter, 113: delay in uniting, 122, 201 ; rejected by N. E, League, 157, 223; name adopted, 158 ; first charter, 200 ; establish- ment of democracy and of religious freedom both original with. 205, 207, 215; virtually independent, 207, 293-4 ; resemblance to the Federal Union, 211 n., parties in, 222, 426, 517; danger from Indians, 222; Codding- ton's scheme, 233 ; dismembered, 2:38 ; re- united, 242. 251 ; dissensions in, 243, 246, 247, 341, 354; causes of these, 244, 251 ; their ef- fect in England, 249 ; loyalty of, 245 ; mar- tial spirit of, 246 ; protects Quakers. 266, 26S, 859, and Jews, 47S-9 ; appoints officers in Narrt.. 279; petitions for a new charter, 2S0 ; two epochs of its history, 286-7 ; recog- nizes Indian land titles, 290-2 ; King's Pro- vince assigned to, 815. 317; opposes Philip's War, 399 ; but not consulted, 402 ; the war in, 403, 415, 41S ; treatment of captives, 419 ; renewed struggles for existence, 440, 536 ; statistical account of, 460,488-491; writ of quo warranto, 4sl ; charter suspended, 4S6 ; made one connty, 501 ; rights vindicated by Andros, 505, 516; resumes the charter, 512; close of the " formation period," 519 ; rights infringed, 524; decision in favor of^ 527 ; ex- posed condition of, 583; charges against, 541, 542, 544. 551, 552 ; a quo warranto threatened, 554, 556 ; free legislation ofi 557. Rhodes, Zechariah, 102, 253, 432. Richards, constable, 413 n. Richardson, William, 133. Richison, Am., 379. Richmond, Edward, 416, 442. Rickard, George, loS. Riding fast, forbidden, 442, 467. " Hiss's Narrative," referred to, 511. KiotK at Prov., 110. 174, 2.54 ; at Ports., 129, 170 ; at Warwick, 271 ; at Westerly, 282, 350 ; in King's Province, 555, 557. Robinson, Rev. John, 13. Robinson, Willij.m, 273. Rochcfoucanlt, maxim of, 92 n. Rochester, Kingston so called, 485, 504. Rockv Mountains, 96. Rosefs, or Kodgers, James, 195, 268, 271, 273, ^274,306; death, 424. Rogers, John, 501. Rogers, Capt., 520. Roman Catholics, 274, 490, 532. Romilly, Joseph. 43. Roome, .lohn, 133, 252. Rosetta Stone, 134 n. Rose, frigate, 498, 511. Rowlandson's, Mrs., "Narrative,'' 418. Rowlev, 187. Rbxbury, 187, 512. Royalist party in R. I., 222, 229, 517, 52& Runners, Indian, 83. Ryswick, treaty of, 538, 589. B Sabbatarians, 427. Sachems, power of the, 83. Sachuest, 331. Sadloir. Mrs. Anne. 47. Baffin, John. 427, 44.5, 447, 4.57, 464. Salaries, 356, 358, 365, 532, 548. Sale of Indians, 416, 419, 425. Salem, 9, 10, 20, 21, 24, ;i6, 34, 33, 187, 265. Salmon. 72. Saltonstall, Nathaniel, 469. Samp, 84, 85. Sandford, John, 124, 127, 144, 208, 226, 256, 261, 274, 278, 815, 327, 442, 499 ; Pres.. 245. Sandford. Peleg, 427. 4;34, 442, 447, 469, 473, 502, 526, 539, 547, 548, 651 ; Gov., 469, 466, 467. Sands, James, 303, 806. Sassacus, sachem of Pequots, 89, 93, 95. Saunders, Tobias, 277, 231, 344, 351. Sausaman, an Indian, 395-6. Savage, Thomas. 124, 462. Savage, Major, 396. Savage, Hon. James, referred to, 22, 27, 34, 50. 6.3, 117, 140, 147, 185, 225. Saybrook, 89, 92, 93, 95, 504. Sayles, John, 245. Scalping, learned from, the French, 75. Scarcity of provisions, 142. Scituate, Mass., 484. Scot, or Scott, John, 299, 800, 883-5. Scott, Richard, 103, 269, 476; Catharine, his wife, 269 ; Mary and Patience, daughters, 273 Scotch story, 188 n. Scouting parties, 538. Sea laws adopted, 204, 464. Seal adopted, 149, 204, 306; of N. Eng., 496; of Andros, 496; of R. I. broken, 506; new ono procured, 619. Sealed ballots used, 1-31. Seaconnet, 395, 414, 477. Sealers of weights, 369, 540. Seamen, protected, 454. Secretary, duties of, 146. Sedgwick, Samuel, 333, 385. Sedition act, 355, 358, 455, 653, 554. Seekers, doctrines of, 151 n. Seekonk, river and town, 39, 41, 72, 97, 101, 115, 120, 235, 307, 35-3, 389, 403, 550. Separation, the, 4-6. Sequa.sson, a Conn, sachem, 116, 116. Sergeant, town, duties of, 131 ; deputy, 273. Servants, law to protect, 454. Sessions of Assembly, brief, 257 ; regulations of; 270 ; secret, 272 ; technical, 453 ; see Gen- eral Assy. Shaw, George, 13.3. Shawmut, see Boston. Shawomet, see Warwick. Sheffield, Joseph, 552-5. Sherman, Philip, 124, 127, 185, 219, 229. Shipbuilding, 142. Shotten, Sampson, 1.3-3, 153, 167, 176, 183. Shrewdness, Indian, 82. Shrimpton, Samuel, 469. Silver ore, 225; coined, 279. " Simplicities Defence," referred to, 167, 168, 175, 183, 186, 188, 194, 322. Six Nations, tribes, 73. Sizars, 49. Skelton, Rev. Samuel, 20, 24, 26, 2& Skirmish, first, with Indians, 162. Slaverv, law against, 240, 403, 419. Small-pox, 73, 523. Smith. Adam, " Wealth of Nations," referred to, 464. Smith, Edward, 250. Smith, Capt, John, 8 Smith, John, the miller, 97, 101, 409. Smith, John, of Warwick, 219, 222, 295 ; Pres. 226, 240. Smith, Rev. Ralph, 22, 164, 165. Smith, Richard 195, 266, 272. 282. 307 308. 812, 572 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. 8SS, 359, 366. 451. 456, 457, 463, 469, 472, 488, 4S4, 500, 602, 608, 520. Smith, Richard, Jr., 2S3, 305, 307, 4S4, Sniithfleld, 120. Smyth, Francis, 196. Socho, sachem of Narrt., 276 n. S'ocietj' for Propagating the Gospel, 560. Soconoco, sachem of Pawtuxet, 74, 176; Bub- mits to Mass., 177. 196. 8oi)hv Manor, see Prudence Island. Soul "Liberty, Williams' views of, 126,254; see Religious Freedom. Southertown, 277, 2S2, 283, 303, 312; named Stonington, 333, which see. Sowams, 69, 9S, 3SS. Sparks, Jared, 1S5 n., 475 n. Speedwell, the ve.ssel, 7. Spicer, Thomas, 133. Spirits, sale of forbidden, 227, 251 ; seized, 425. Springfield, 400, 408. Squashes, 84. Suimpers' Hill, 258 n. Standish. Miles. 16, 397. Stanton, or Stainton, Kobert, 183, 276. Stanton, Robert, the younger, 410. Stanton, Mary, 269. Stanton, Tboinas, 346. Staples, W. K., " Annals of Prov." referred to, 101, 102, lOS, 112, 121, 167, 214, 254, 266, 258, 335, 8S9, 419, 480, 481, 512. Star Chamber, 4, 47. State, term first apidied to E. I., 149. Statistics of R. I., 4SS-491. Staughton, Capt., 95. Staughton, Gov. William, 898, 446, 452, 463, 469, 531. Stevenson, Marmaduke, 273. Stirling, Earl of, 362. Slocks. 128, 142, 257, 313, 470, 486. Stone, Capt., 87, S9. Stonington, 383, 884, 389, 841, 343-6, 348, 851, 865, .364, 411, 457, 461, 521, 580. Strange, Lott, 341. Strawberries, 84. Stubbs, Quaker preacher, 860, 361. Study Hill, 98. Sturgeon, 80. Stuyv£sant, Gov. Peter, 241. Styles, President, his Diary, 121. Submission, of Pawtuxet men to Mass., Ill ; of the sachems. 190, 284, 505; E. I. to Crom- well, 266, 257 ; of Coddington, 259 ; of Paw- tuxet men to E. I., 267 ; law against, 270. Subscription book of James I., 49. Succession of Races, law of the, 420-3. Sudbury, 408. Suttblk county, annexations to, 231, 277. Sugar, dutv on, 481. Sunday law.s 252, 867, 464. Supremacy, act of, 8. Supreme Court over N. Eng. asked for, 446. Surgery, license to practise, 162. Sutton's Hospital, 47. Swanzey, 896. Swedes, surrender. 309. Swimmers, Indian, 80. Swine, acts regulating, 132,141, 158. Synod at Newtown, 61-2. Talcot, Malor, 413. 415. Talluian, Peter. 276, 320. Tufhtassuck. sachem of Narrt, 212. Taunton, 352, 866, 899. Tavern, first in E. I., 128; licensed, 257; rcga- lated, 260 ; act repealed, 488. Taxes laid, 205, 271, 272, 276, 813, 320, 329, 331. 846, 352, 450, 473, 479, .607, 508, 510, 520, 581. 632, 5i2 ; laws of, 865, 441, 642 ; difficult to collect, 534. Temperance petition, the earliest, 324. Terrv, Thomas, 306. Test Act in Mass., 17-19 ; results of, 68. Tew, Eichard, 263, 278. Thames riveT, 89, 96. Thanksgiving days, 20, 62, 95, 96, 506, 508, 609. Thatcher's " Indian Biography," referred to, 418. Thatcher, Dep. Coll. of Boston, 471. - " The Truth Exalted," referred to, 862. Theocracy in Mass., 33. Thompson, Robert, 336. Throckmorton, John, 100. Tibbitts, Henry, 425. Tiverton, 389, 535. Tobacco, 84, 481. Tockwotten, 40. Toleration, how viewed by the Puritans, 44, 45. Tomahiiwk, not of Indian origin, 75. Tonnage duties, 522. Torrev, Joseph, 250. 276, 306, 307, 312, 327, 341, 343, 344. Town House, name first given, 520. Town charters granted, 226; Govts, provided for, 487. Towns incorporated, 337, 364, 868, 428, 449; names changed, 485. Town Councils, 204, 466 ; their engagement, 228 ; powers of. 869, 468. Training, first, 129. Treason trials, Bewett, 243 ; Harris. 354. Treat, Maj. Gen., 400, 401, 403, 406; Gov. of Conn., 526. Treatv, with Massasoit, 87 ; Miantinomi, 92, 116; Narrt., 144, 197; Church's, 414; of Eys- wick, 539. Trial of three murderers at Plymouth, 106. Tribute paid by Indians, 815, 893. Trimming, a pirate, 521. Trinity College, 47. Trinity Church memorial, 669. Trippe, John, 133. Troops, royal, first, in N. Eng., 498. Trout, 72. Truckinasters, 180. Trumbull's " Hist, of Conn." referred to, 96, 117 142, 197, 418, 493, 504. Turner, Lawrence, 306. Turkeys, wild, SO. Turks, inoculation derived from the, 623 n. " Types of Mankind," 423. u Uncas, sachem of Mohegans, 93, 115, 116, 117 168, 196-9, 224. 264, 392, 460. Underbill, Capt. John, 64, 91, 92, 95, 246. Uniformitv, act of, 3; attempted, in Mass., 36. United Colonies of N. Eng., 115. 117. 166, 197 199, 224, 239. 246, 248, 253, 268, 275, 822, 38;J, 606; refuse E. I., 228; declared to be usurp crs, 816. Universalist preacher, trial of a, 183-4. Universities, English, classification of students^ 49. Updike house, 195 n. Upham, Charles W., 185 n., 464 n. Uselton, , punished, 851. Usher, John, 508. GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. 573 Vaccination, 623. Vane, Gov. Sir Henry, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60, 68, TO, SS, 92, 124, 141, 249, 250, 252. VauL'han, William, 276. Veils discussed in Mass., 26. Venison, 85, 130. Verdicts, unexplained, 435. Verin, Joshua, 97, 101, 104, 105. Vernon, Daniel, 486, Verrazauo, discovers E. I., 70. Vice-royalty proposed for N. Eng., 535, 536. Viewers of corn, Ac, appointed, 129. Vincent, P., 91. Vindictiveness, Indian, 75. Virginia, S7, 479, 514, 527. Vcjting, with sealed ballots, 181 ; by proxy, 143, 202, 454 ; requisites for, 155 ; fraudulent, 227 ; how punished, 329 ; in Gen. Assy., 454. W Wadsworth, Capt., 408. Wales, 48. Walker. John. 124. Walker, Thomas, 501. Wall, John, 135. Walley, Major John, 520. Walnuts, 84. Wampanoas tribe, 23, 73, 120, 266, 3S9, 420. Wainpuin-peage, 81, 176, 227, 278. WaiTisutta, sachem of Wampanoags, 266, 387, 388-392. Wanasquatucket river. 99, 101, 430, 435. War, Pequot, 88-96 ; Moheg. and Narrt., 115-16, 196 ; U. CoLs. and Narrt., 197, 253 ; Kns. and IIol.. 241, 356, and Franco, 330; Philip's, 396-420 ; Fr. and Eng., 519 ; alarm of, 158, 248, S3I), 350. Ward, Eev. N., quoted, 45. Ward. Attorney General, 517. Warner. John, 1U3, 176, 187,190,222,233,470; trials, 241, 287-9. Warrants against Harris, 263, 354. Warren, 98 n. Warwick, 112, 116, 122, 163, 176, 177, 201, 205, 313, 353; attacked, 180-3; settlement sus- pended, 189 ; appeal to Eng., 191, 238 ; named, 193 ; return to, 194, 425; organized, 206; fear of Indians, 222; Gen. Assy, at, 225, 226, 345, 468, 471, 479 ; demands protec- tion, 229 ; annexed by Mass., 23U-1, to Plym., 232; Royal Corns, at, 316,319,322; protests, 325, 326, 342, 859, 865, 536; dispute with Newport, 836; broken up, 406; burnt, 408 ; battle near, 415 ; Dutch disturbance at, 241 ; proposes reunion, 242, 243 ; two sets of A.ssts., 245, 246 ; sues Mass., 258 ; sentence • of banishment mitigated, 268; order for its repeal, 452; riot, 271; boundary disputes, 4:32-8, 536, 545 ; agents in Eng., 434, 446 ; Potowomut, 467 ; address to the King, 473 ; wolves in, 508 ; claimed by Conn. ,.545. Warwick, Earl of. 11.3, 193, 217, 218, 226. Watch, established, 158, 557. Watch Hill, 331. Water bailies. 204. Water mill, 13l>. WaterhoHse, Dr., 523 n. Waterman, Nathaniel, 4-34. Waterman, Eichard^ 97, 100, 107, 176, 1S4, 187, 432. Waters, Thomas, 468. Watertown, 187. Wattaconoges, 190. Weathersfleld, 92, 93. Weaver, Capt., 520. Weeounkhass, squaw sachem of Niantics, 460, 461. Weetamo, squaw sachem of Pocasset, 389, 392, 895, 399. Weights and measures, 869, 540. Weirs, used by Indians, 80. Weld's "Else, Eeign, and Euin," 62, 63, 64, 65. Wells, arrested, 461. Weequashcooke, 338. Westcott, Eobert. 272. Westcott, Stukelv, 100, 107, 245. Westerly, 276, 277, 282, 316, 333, 841, 844, 345, 348, 350, 351, 353, 855, 357, 864, 446, 453, 450-7, 461, 530, 532, 545, 552, 553 ; incorp., 337; called Haversham, 485. Weston, Francis, 100, 107, 110, 176, 187. Weymouth, 269, 407. Whales, 85. Whaley, the regicide, 413. Wharton, Eichard, 503. What cheer, 40, 101. Wheelwright, Eev. John, 52, 56 ; proceedings against, 59-63, 68. Whipping-post, to be made, 128, 142, 820, 351 ; abolished, 129 n. Whipple, John, jr., 361,425,503,52-3. Whititift, Archbishop, 5. Whortleberries, 84. Wickenden, William, 103, 181. Wickes, Francis, 97, 103. Wickes, John, 13-3, 167, 170, 176, 187, 190, 229, 261, 272, 342 ; death, 370. Wickford, 9-3, 272, 282, 805, 834, 335, 844-7, 406, 427, 551 ; Conn, court at, 368. Wigwams, 85. Wiibore, Samuel, 124, 127, 128, 131,267; Mr., 197. Wilcocks, Mr., 463. Willard, Major, 253. Willett, Thomas, 266, 814. 890. William III. and Mary, 510, 613, 615, 532, 543. Williams, Providence, 107, 420. Williams, Eobert, 254, 361 Williams, Eodericus, 48-50. Williams, Eoger, of Dorchester, 50. Williams, Eoger, 20, 69, 70, 72, 78, 87, 88, 124. 154, 172, 203, 205, 219, 221, 227, 2-32, 295, 311, 312, 315, 325, 342, 347, 880, 409, 414, 419, 430, 432. 434, 456, 463. 514 ; at Salem, 21, 24, 28 ; at Plym., 22, 23 ; his views misrepresented, 25, 26", 35, 292 ; proceedings against. 27-9 ; ordained, 28; his views upon oaths, .'50-32; his protests, 34, 87; charges against, 35, 56; banished, 87; settles at Seekonk, 39, at Pro v., 40 ; causes of his banishment, 41-6 ; early life, 47-50 ; prevents the Pequot league, 90 ; writings quoted, 91, 97, and see "Key;" interprets treaty, 92; motives in comins to E. I., 97-9 ; purchase of Prov., 100, 101, of Prudence Island, 105, 362 ; son born, 106 ; his baptism, 107 ; sent to Eng., 113, 158 ; obtains charter, 114; returns, 115; treats with Massasoit, 120; opposes Gorton, 172, 173 ; in Narrt., 195 ; Indians send for, 196 ; prevents war a second time, 197 ; Dep. Pres., 225; sent to Eng. a second time, 238. 239 ; refuses to be Gov., 242 ; return, 250 ; Pres., 252, 261; defends Indians, 253; de- fines soul liberty, 254-5; Judge, 259; goes to Boston, 260 : "Harris controversy, 262^ ; mediates with Mass., 268 ; warns the Ather- 574 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME FIRST. ton Co.. 272: Quaker debate, 800-2; Capt. of militia. 40S ; death, 475-7. Wills, made by town councils, 209; probate of, 369. Willys, Mr., 836. Wilson, George and Deborah, 265. Wilson, Samuel, 267, 347. Wilson, Eev. John, 22, 53, 56, 68-60, Windmill hill, 881. Windmill, first in K. I., 870. Windsor, 93. Winslow, Gov. Edward, 40, 41, 46, 159, 160, 161, 165, 193. 194, 215, 216. Winslow, Josiah, 2SS, 390, 391, 403, 415, 436. Winsor, .Toshua, 103. Winthroi.. Gov. John, 9, 14. 21, 22. 26, 46, 55, 56, 60. 87, 92, 105, 172, 1S2, 197, 225, 22S, 362. Winthrop, Gov. John, ir.. of Conn., 225, 227, 272, 20()-9, 300, 801, '385, 843, 847, 848,852, 863, 878-386. 411. Winthrop, Gov. Fitz John, of Conn., 548. Winthrop. M.i.ior General, 520, 585. Winthrop. Stephen. 105. " Winthrop's Journal." referred to, 16. 21. 26, 80, 34, 87, 50, 56, 58, 62, 64, 98, 104, 107, 117, 134, 139, 140, 147, 151, 152, 167, 158, 168, 178, 182, 183. 191, 193, 215, 216, 226. Witchcraft, 525. AVitherell, Daniel, 484. Witnesses, exempt from arrest, 868. WoUaston. Capt.. 15. Wolves, 73, 154, 161, 315, 393, 508, 534. Women, Indian, S4, 85. Wonemvtonomy, sachem of Aquedncck, 78 hill,"831. Woodman, John, 507. Wriehtington, Robert, 559. Wuddall, or Waddell, William, 176, 187. Yellow fever, 73. York, Duke of, 504. Younsr, Eev. Alex., "Chronicles," referred ta T 10, 12, 185. Zeal, efficient, of Wilson, 60i u ThreB roceipl I ', University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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