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aont)on: C. J. CLAY and SONS,
ILcipjig: F. A. BROCKHAUS,
Bomban ant) Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd.
[A// Rights rest'fved.]
C^, ' , ^X.w-v^. ^^^■■ ( -^^p^. '^^
Preface vii
Tables ix
List of Owners of Manuscripts xi
List of Donors of Manuscripts xii
List of Manuscripts now missing xiii
Corrigenda xv
Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts i
Appendix 169
Index 171
THERE seem to be only two printed catalogues of the
collection of manuscripts at Emmanuel College. The first
is to be found in Thomas James's Ecloga Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis
(London, 1600: p. 136). This enumerates nine volumes. The
second is in Xh&Catalogimannscriptontni Ang/iaeof i6gy,a.nd contains
137 articles, the first nine being those catalogued by Thomas James:
nineteen others (nos. 49-67), in oriental languages, are not included
in the present volume. This list was furnished to the Editors of
the Oxford Catalogi by Joshua Barnes, and the last six items were
gifts of his own to the College : to these he subsequently added
many more, the bulk of them being works of his own composition.
In H. Schenkl's BibliotJieca Patruni Latinorum Britannica (1901),
II. 2 (nos. 2883-2914), is some account of the patristic manuscripts.
The collection is of very considerable interest. In Greek books
it is unusually strong: the copy of the Pauline Epistles (no. iio),
the Hippiatrica (no. 251), the Psalter (no. 253), and the Herodotus
(no. 30) are all of a certain celebrity, and some of the fragments in
no. 236 merit attention.
There is some excellent illuminated work in the Moralia of
Gregory (no. 112), in a Bible (no. 116), and in nos. 106 and 252.
Among the later texts, the volume of documents on the Council of
Basel (no. 142) ought probably to be carefully examined by a
specialist : the legend of St Aldate in no. 27 is at least a rare piece,
and some of the poems in no. io6 are probably interesting. The
Letters of the Martyrs in nos. 260-262 are perhaps sufficiently
The principal benefactors have been Thomas Leigh, B.D. (cir.
1667), who gave twenty volumes, Archbishop Bancroft, and Joshua
Barnes. I do not know whether I ought to add William Bennett,
Bishop of Cloyne, to the list : his gifts were numerous, but the
greater part of them are notes of his own lectures.
A fair number of the manuscripts are interesting in respect
of provenance. Barlings Abbey, Caen, Chichester, Faversham,
Holmcultram, Kirkham, Norwich, Pershore, Selby, and Sheen all
contribute. The volume from Caen (no. 29) is interesting as
showing what I venture to call the Lanfrancian script, which took
such firm root at Christ Church, Canterbury. Most of the Chichester
books have good specimens of the cathedral press-mark.
A good many volumes noted in older catalogues (printed and
manuscript) are not now to be found. A list of these is appended
to this Preface along with the usual tables of corresponding numbers,
and lists of donors and provenances.
In conclusion I must express the hope that I may have
succeeded in justifying the confidence of the College, who have
permitted me to contribute what I could to the elucidation of
their ancestral possessions.
I hope, too, that my work may help to clear a path for the
researcher of the future; if it conduces, indirectly, alike to the
preservation of good old books and to the production of good new
ones, it will fulfil all the expectations I have formed for it.
Tables showing the correspondence between the
Numbers of the Manuscripts in Catalogi Manu-
[ 260
- 261
8( = 8o)
?255. 256
ro8-i 1 1
1 12
80 ( = 8)
10, II
56, 57
181 (v)
136, 137
56, 57
8, 80
lO, II
181 (art. v)
210-227 (orient
al) 49-67
243' 244
255. 256
? 107
52, 55
List of Monastic and other ancient Owners of
Askew, Adam, 12-15
,, Anth., 47
Bandinel, Dr, 209
Barlings Abbey, 17
Bayntun, J., 60
Blanchville, Pet., 252 (i)
Brien, Laur., 93
Brinkley, Ri., ? 253
Bruges (schola S. Salvatoris), 238
Meryton, J., 94
Newbolde, 92
Norwich Priory, ? 112, 142
Payne, Mich., 117
Pecoke, T. B., 64
Pershore Abbey, 38
Phillipps, Sir T., 257
Plunket, Eliz., 72
Primrose, D., 256
Caen (St Stephen's Abbey), 29
Cavan, convent of, 93
Chadwick, C, 258
Ched, Roger, 54
Chichester Cathedral, 16, 25, 26, ?27, 28 Sheen Carthusians, 241
Stocke, J., 250
Redmayne, R., 94
Selby Abbey, ? 143
Delft, Carthusians of, 118
Faversham Abbey, 10, 11
• Fowberie, R., 120
Goche, H., 57, 67, 99
Godsalve, T., 94
Gunthorpe, J., 3
Hoern, Theod. Peter de, 118
Holmcultram Abbey, 86
Huddylstone, Abbot of Stratford, 94
Hughes, T. S., 204-208
Kemp, J., Abp., 9
^ „ T., Bp., 9
Kirkham Abbey, 65
Stowe, J., 142
Stratford, Abbot of, 94
Talbot, Rob., 142
Uncertain, 19
20 (Dominican)
22 (Yorkshire)
106 (Worcester)
Veysy, J., 56
Watson, Christopher, 85
Whitgift, Abp., 102
Yottyn, 82
Scribes :
Allardus Reynerus, 218
London :
Aldgate, Holy Trinity Priory, 252 (il) Dunstaple, 70
Whittington College, 237 Leeuwen de Beka, P., 238
Meghen, P., 245
Mainz (Carthusians), 144 Stowe, J., 142
List of Donors of Manuscripts.
Barcroft, G., 37
Barnes, Joshua, ?49, 61, 75, ? 78, 79, ? 80,
84, ? 105, 117, 145-154- 169-iSo, 183,
186, 192, 252 (II)
Bedell, W., Bp., 5-7
Bell, Th., 118
Bennett, W., Bp., 141, 162-168, 196-260,
? 203, 228
Bernard, Nic, 127-140
Breton, J., 98
Broughton, Hugo, 59
Bywater, Th., 65, 120, 143
Chaderton, Laur., 234
Comber, Th., ? 73
Colton, H., ? 209
Cudworth, R., 40, 91, 112, 142
Davenport, G., 35, ? 39
Dillingham, Th., 189
Foxcroft, — , 23
Gibbon, W., 102
Greene, Edw. , ? 235
Halford, — , 181 (vi)
Hardy, Ric, ? 201
Holbeach, Th., ? 95% ? 254
Holdsworth, Ri., ? 48
Hubbard, H., 157-161, 193-195
Leigh, Tho. , 10, 11, 17-19) 29, 56-58, 60,
66, 67, 70, 74, 99, 103, 114, 240, 242,
Marshall, T. E., 202
Milbourne, Luke, 90
Moseley, H., 69
Newcourt, J., 264
Parr, Dr Sam., 12-15, 122-124
Richardson, J., 155, 156
Sancroft, W., Abp., ? 30, ? 45, 52, 63,
? 88, ? 96, 97, 104, ? 105, 107-109,
Starlinge, S., 31
Tuckney, Anth., 245
White, J., ? 3
Wright, S., no
Wright, W. Aldis, 204-208
List of Manuscripts now missing.
I. From the manuscript Catalogue no. 257 : see p. 158.
76. Cancellaria et Praesidentia in Camera stellata, being 2 discourses in English
upon y® Court of Chancery and Star-Chamber, chartac. modern ( = Cat. MSS. Angl. 76).
103. [Membranaceus.] i. Malmsburiensis de dictis et factis memorabilibus Philo-
sophorum : imperf. in initio. Non apparet hoc opus inter edita aut inedita huius
Authoris, quorum Catalogum videre possis apud Balaeum et Pitsium.
2. Cassiodori \
3. Capri Orthographia. Collectore Guill. Malmsburyensi prout
4. Agroetii V ipse in fine testatur.
5. Albrici vel Alcuini^
6. Bedae
7. Censorinus de Die Natali, desunt 3 cap. in initio, ultimum in fine.
8. Apuleii de secta Platonica, Libri II. imperf. in initio.
9. ,, de Deo Socratis, a fine imperf.
10. ,, de Physiognomia ab initio imperf. Non comparet inter op. edita.
11. Marbodii Brytanni, Evanx cognominat : liber Lapickmi seu Lapidarius, Poema
continens 60 capita cum Commentar : flor. author sub Edvardo Confessore
postea Episcopus Redonens : apud Brytannos, quo fugit grassante apud nos
Danorum tyrannide. Obiit A". Sal. 1050, vid. Bale centen. 2, pag. 154
Scriptor. Brytann. et Pits de Illustr. angl. script, pag. 185.
12. Prisciani Philosophi lib. de iis in quibus dubitavit Chosroes I Magnus, Rex
Persarum. seu solutiones Physiconim de quibus dub : Chosr : R. Pers. floruit
A.D. 550, vid. Ta.b. Tallent.
13. Chronica Eusebii in latinam linguam ab Hieronymo translat.
14. Historia Troianoram imperf. a fine.
15. Physicon proteron.
16. Albericus vel Albricius de radiis Dictaminum. quis sit nisi ille Albricius
Londinensis, qui floruit A° 1217 quamvis hie tractatus non inter eiusdem
opera recensetur a Balaeo aut Pitsio viderint alii.
17. Joann. Sarisburiensis de septem septenis libellus a fine mutilat. neque hoc
opus ei ascribitur inter opera recensita a Balaeo vel Pitsio. flor. 11 82 Henr.
2° regnante.
18. Imperfecta quaedam super Apocalypsin.
19. De Praesagiis Tempestatum.
20. S. Hieronymus contra Helvidium de Perpetua Virginitate B. Mariae.
1 Erat magister Caroli Magni Eboraco natus prout testatur Malmsburiensis.
105. A strange Ace' of y<= Temptation of M"" Rob* Brigge, who thro X' obtained y*
Victoiy A° 1574.
108. Commentarium in Sumniam Tho : Aquinat : item in Aristotelis Logic : Ethic :
Physic: Metaphysic: VoUimina 27 in quarto et 2 in octavo, qui ahquando Authorum
nomina habent praefixa ordinis sc. Pontificii Scholasticos, Rev : Patr : Achillis Gagliardi
Romae 1597: Jac. de Marmol :, Isaac: Hugonis, Doct: Westoni, Petri Wandenweile etc.
omnes chartacei et moderni. [A few of these remain : see for instance nos. 255, 256.]
2. /;/. Cat. MSS. AfigL
9. Jo. de Sacro Bosco de sphaera. Transcriptum exemplar quo nihil elegantius.
=James 9.
89. D. Thomae Tractatus de Jure et Justitia. Chartac. male scriptus.
90. Eiusdem tract, alius, paulo melius exaratus.
91. Eiusdem summae Theolog. 3 vol. Chartac.
92. Item 2 vol.
93. Doctoris Weston tractatus in D. Thomam.
95. Liber de Generatione et Corruptione.
96. Codex Astronomicus pervetustus. Chart, mut. principio et fine.
98. Tractatus quidam Philosophici et Resolutiones quorundam casuum Nationis
Angliae post Reformationem.
107. Aristotelis nonnulla Latine 3 vol.
108. Aristotelis Logicae Physicorum etc. Compendium Latine male et subitaneo
more scriptum.
109. Aristotelis Dialecticae Compendium 5 capp. comprehensum, chart. Item
de Praedicamentis et nepi ipfiyjvelas, chart. 2 vol.
no. Comment, in 3 lib. Aristotelis de anima. Chart. 4to.
III. Jacobi del Marmol. Soc. Jesu Ilispalens. Comment, in 8 lib. Aristotelis
113. Marci Lyon Compendium Aristotelis simularum (sic). Chartac.
114. Controversia de Virtute Fidei per R. D. Jac. de Granada.
1 15. Eiusdem Explicatio de Justitiae originalis Natura, ubi de effectibus eius etc.
116. Eiusdem Generalis Controversia de Admirabili Eucharistiae Sacramento et
Sacrificio ad undecim Quaestiones D. Thomae. 3 Partes viz. a Quaest. 73 ad 83.
125. Tractatus quidam nimis multi Philosophici, Physici, Ethici, Metaphysici, Lat.
Chartac. male ut plurimum scripti et moderni in 4to.
Barnes's MSS.
136. Edvardi III Regis Angliae vita anglice transcripta e Codice C.C.C. apud
137. Acta Filii Edvardi III Anglorum Regis exscripta e Codice C.C.C. apud Cantabr.
Principium : Haec sunt acta bellicosa Illustrissimi Principis.
P- 139.
p. 140,
I, for Forsball read Forshall.
14, ,, English ,, England,
qui read quis.
Aspere read Aspice.
flfeoffoetis read ffeoffatis.
servunt 7-ead serrunt.
Hatton ,, Halton.
Suttlini ,, Suttliui.
Bennet ,, Bennett (and so elsewhere)
ast line (note), for listed read noticed.
18, add perhaps meaning R. Spindleton.
4 from bottom, for Cent, xi read Cent. xv.
Note. The table of correspondences between Bernard's numbers and my own
does not always agree with those given in the body of the book, for I have altered my
views of the identifications in some cases since the descriptions were printed off.
MSS. I. I. I ? vac.
1. Visitation of Staffordshire,
Paper, 13^x9^, fif. 63, and Index. Cent, xvi late, clearly
written, and with arms neatly drawn.
The Visitation of Staffordshire by Robert Glover alias Somerset
Herald, Marshall to W'" Flower ^Z/tfj- Norroy King of Arms 1583.
1. I. 2 C. M. A. 37
Vellum, I3^x8f, ff. 194 + 3, double columns of 57 lines.
Cent, xiii late, very well written. Initials in blue and red.
Probably English hand. 2 fo. ilium creatarum.
The verso of the flyleaf has old pencil notes.
Collation: i flyleaf, \^'--\^^- 15** | 161^7": 2 flyleaves.
Contents :
I. Inc. prol. b. Augustini de mirabilibus ueteris et noui testamenti.
{P. L. XXXV. 2149) f. I
Ueneratissimis urbiiim et monasteriorum episcopis et presbiteris
— aliqua non fastideant.
Cum omnipotentis dei auxilio
— exemplo huius castigarentur.
1. Augustinus contra Faustum. Aurelii Aug. doctoris contra
Faustum manicheum liber inc. (XLn. 207) ... 18
Faustus quidam fuit genere affer.
— et catholici esse possitis. Aur. Aug. c. Faustum
manicheum expl. liber.
E. C. C. I
[I. I.
Inc. liber primus Aurelii Augustini contra aduersarium legis
et prophetarum (xLil. 603) f- 94
Librum quern misistis fratres.
— quam tocius explicabo. Aur. Aug. doct. c. adv. leg. et
proph. lib. secundus expl.
Disputatio S. Aug. contra Felicianum hereticum quam postea
scriptam filio suo tradidit. (XLII. 1157) .... 109^
Extorsisti mihi dilectissime fili
— retribuere mercedem. Ex(p)licit disp. .S. Aug. c.
Felic. heret.
Aur. Aug. de uera innocentia liber inc. (XLV. 1859) • • '^4
Innocencia uera est
— si te ipsum respexeris. Aur. Aug. de uera innoc. lib.
Inc. liber S. Aug. de spiritu et littera. (XLIV. 199) . • 123
Lectis opusculis que ad te
— ipsi gloria in sec. sec. Amen. Expl. lib. S. Aug. Ep.
doctoris eximii de sp. et litt. ad marcellinum.
Inc. libellus B. Aug. ep. De cognicione uere uite. (xl. 1005) i33<^
Sapientia dei que os muti aperuit
— corpus columbe condidit. Expl. libell. B. Aug. Ep. de
cogn. uere uite.
Inc. libellus a(d) Volusianum. (Ep. 132) . . . . 136 (J
Domino illustri
— multum salutat.
Epistola Aug. ad Ytalicam. (Ep. 92) 139
Domine eximie
— melior explicare.
Inc. liber b. Aug. de collatione x. preceptorum ad decern
plagas. (xxxix. 783) i39<^
Non est sine causa
— auxiliante d. n. I. C. In sec. sec. Amen.
Inc. libellus b. Aug. ep. de uisitacione infirmorum. (xl. 1147) i40(5
Uisitacionis gratia nepoti meo
— qui uiuit per omnia sec. sec. Amen. Expl. liber b.
Aug. Ep. de uisit. infirm.
f. 144 blank.
Inc. prol. Aur. Aug. de doctrina Christiana, (xxxiv. 15) . 145
Libros de doctrina (from the Retractations).
Sunt precepta quaedam
— facultate disserui. Expl. lib. S. Aug. de doct. christ.
Hie inc. lib. b. Aug. Ep. ad inquisiciones Januarii. (Ep. 54) . 170 3
Libri duo quorum est titulus.
In primo ergo quod de manna dixi
— lecturam atque daturam.
Most of f. 1 76 (5 blank.
In a different hand of the same time :
Aduocatio (Padnotatio) S. Aug. operum plurimorum . . 177
A list of books. De achademicis libri iii.
De mendacio lib. unus. Expl. capitula.
Inc. prefatio Aug. Ep. (the Retractationes). (xxxii. 583).
lam diu istud cogito.
Ends f. 193 a: retractare cepissem.
On 194 b and flyleaves are pencil notes and one late note in ink.
I. I. 3 C. M. A. 18
3. Bedae Historia.
Vellum, 14I X 9|, fif. 120, double columns of 46 lines. Cent, xv
(1481), well written with excellent ornaments. 2 fo. nee mora
On f. I : Jo. White, 16 13. or peruenisse.
Written for John Gunthorpe : see below.
Collation: \^''-\2^\
Contents :
I. Inc. prefatio in librum uenerabilis Bede presbiter(i) et monachi
de gestis Anglorum geniis premissis quibusdam de gestis
gentis britannorum. (xcv. 21) f. i
Gloriosissimo Regi Ceolwlfo
— mandare studuimus.
Capitula . . . . . . . . . . . lb
Inc. liber primus ecclesiastice historic gentis anglorum . 2
Britannia occeani insula.
Lib. V ends f. 86^: parere semper ante faciem tuam.
Expl. lib. Bede de gestis anglorum scriptus A" D"' Millesimo
cccc°. lxxxj°.
■2. Introitus Girardi Kambrensis in recitacionem ... 87
Consideranti michi quam breuis
— inter negocia multa.
Inc. Topographia Hibernie . 88
Illustri Anglorum Regi Henrico secundo suus Girardus.
Placuit excellencie uestre.
Dist. iii ends f. 120^: maiestate fuerit iniunclum.
Expl. hibernica historia.
Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci.
Gvillelmo Herefordensi episcopo.
Lectio certa prodest
— et stilus elegantior inuenitur.
Not mentioned in the Rolls Series edition, or in the Catalogue
of Materials by Hardy.
The ornament, which is in the form of borders and initials at
the beginnings of the books, is very elaborate. The border (three
sides) on f. i is partly on a gold ground, partly on blue and
partly on white. It consists of a mixture of conventional and
natural flowers, including roses and blue columbines. The other
borders are of the same description. The style betrays, I think,
a foreign, probably Flemish, artist.
The following badges and mottos occur.
1. ^. I and elsewhere a lion's head erased arg. langued gules.
2. On f. 2. Motto. Virtuft parent omnia, also subsequently.
At the beginning of Lib. ii and in most of the subsequent borders a cannon argent.
At beginning of Lib. iii f. 31. Motto. Mais pour le fn(i)ettlx.
Lib. iv has no border.
Giraldus Dist. i f. 87. Initials J. G. , and shield, party per pale. Dexter: quarterly.
1 and 4, arg. a chevron gules between three suns sable (probably argent turned black).
2 and 3, gules a chevron sable between three lions' heads erased arg. Sinister. Within a
bordure sa. engrailed : gules a bend dexter arg. bearing three leopards' heads or on azure,
between two lions' heads erased arg.
The shield occurs only here. The other devices are repeated.
I believe them to be the arms, badges and initials of John Gunthorpe,
Dean of Wells, a prominent book collector, who died in 1498.
He built a portion of the Deanery at Wells and employed stone
cannon (guns) in the decoration of the building, as a rebus on his
I. I. 4 C. M. A. 15
4. Astronomical Tables.
Paper, 13I x 8|, fif. 298 written: many blank leaves at each end.
Cent, xvi or xvii early, very well written.
A large collection of Astronomical Tables. At the top corner
of the first page is 1602 written small. This may quite well be
the date of the book. I find no name.
Perhaps the greater part of the Tables are called
Tabulae Prosthapherisis.
I. I. 5, 6, 7 C. M. A. 27
5, 6, 7. BiBLiA Hebraica.
Vellum, 15x91, three volumes, double columns of 28 lines.
Cent, xii, xiii, finely written.
In the 2nd cover of vol. i is this notice :
This very fine MSS. (so) of the Hebrew Bible was given to Emmanuel College Library
by Dr William Bedell, Bp of Kilmore in Ireland, who had been educated in the College
and had been many years Fellow of it. He took his degree of B.D. in the year i 599. Soon
after this he was sent to Venice in quality of Chaplain to the English Ambassador (S''
Henry Wotton) at the time of the Interdict. During a stay of | years in this place,
amongst many other improvements, he applied himself very closely to the study of the
Hebrew, in which he made a great progress by the assistance of R. Leo the Chief
Chaiham of the Synagogue there. It was by means of the Rabbi that he purchased
this MSS. which is said to have cost him its weight in silver.
It was very near being lost in the year 1641 when he was sent to Prison (where he
soon after died) and his palace at Kilmore and all his papers and goods were seized by
the Irish Rebels. But a grateful Irishman whom the Bp had sometime before converted
from Popery went among his countrymen and brought out this MSS. and a few other
books to him. See the Bp's Life by Dr Burnet.
There is a fine illuminated title on a separate pair of leaves,
prefixed to the first volume. It is certainly not by the hand
which has executed other decorative work in the bod}- of the book,
and to my eye the colouring at least suggests a Western — I might
almost say an English — hand.
I. I. 8 C M. A. 17
8. Rob. de Bridlington super Epistolas Pauli.
Vellum, 13I X SI, ff. 232, double columns of 42 lines. Cent, xii,
fine hand. 2 fo. dementis.
Collation: 1^-29^
On the flyleaf an erased title Jeronimus(?) super Epistolas (xv).
Contents :
De epistola ad Romanos. Opening words of the chapters of the
Epistles ........... f. I
Inc. prol. compilationis in epistolas Pauli apostoli ... i
Sicut et aliarum mearum compilationum.
Ends f. I ^ : et pro peccatis coUectoris huius operis Roberti de
berlinctuna fideliter apud deum intercedat.
Prologues of Jerome, Mag. Lambertus etc. follow.
The text of the Epistles is in red, comment in black.
Ends imperfectly on Heb. xii (ut maneant ea que sunt immobilia) :
declaratur celi et terre que.
Leland and Tanner call the author Robertas Scriba. He was
4th prior of Bridlington and flourished in 1180. Another MS. of
this Commentary (a copy of which Leland saw at Queens' College)
is in the University Library, Dd. 8. 14. It is not a common book.
I. I. 9 C. M. A. I
9. Propositiones et Tractatus.
Vellum, 14J X io|, ff. 247+1, double columns of 51 lines.
Cent. XV, xvi, in a somewhat current hand.
On the flyleaf a list of contents, and :
Orate pro anima Reu'"' patris domini Johannis Kemp nuper Episcopi S. Rufine
sacrosancle Ecclesie Romane Cardinalis Archiep. Cantuar Et pro anima domini Thome
Kemp episcopi London, nepotis eiusdem domini lohannis Kemp.
Collation: i flyleaf, 1*- 16^ (wants 8) 1 7*^-3 1^
Contents :
1. Proposicio facta per Mag. Jo. de Gersono Cancellar. Parisiens.
nomine Uniuersitatis coram Petro de Luna Benedicto 13""^ . f. 1
Benedic hereditati tue sanctissime pater Benedicte
— et beato complemento in future per gloriam prestante
eo qui est benedictus in sec. sec. Amen.
2. Tractatus eiusdem de poUutione nocturna et diurna . . 5
Scripsi quidem aliqua super preparacione ad missam
— deus faciens contemp"** prouentum qui est benedictus
in sec. Amen.
3. Tractatus editus per mag. Petrum de Alliaco sacre theologie
professorem eximium postea uero Cardinalem Cameracensem
contra fr. Joh. de Montesono de ordine predicatorum nomine
uniuersitatis Parisiensis ....... 9
Apostolicis petri verbis edocti
— super habundanciam expleuisse. Expl. iste tract, ad
honorem del et virginis gloriose.
4. Proposicio facta coram consistorio per mag. P. de Ailliaco
contra mag. Joh. de Montesono . . . . . 36 ^
Veritatem meditabitur guttur meum.
— propositum supposicionis preambule.
f. 40 b blank.
5. Inc. Francisci petrarche poete laureati Epistola super psalmos
septem ad Sigramors de paueriis ex equite armate niilicie
nacionis picardie Cisterciensem monachum exhortatoria ad
Religiosi principii perseueranciam in modum qui sequitur . f. 41
Semper et unus uocibus tuis
— Venetiis decimoquinto Kal. Apr. Amen, deo gracias.
Expl. epistola.
Inc. psalmi. Heu michi misero etc. Expl. meditaciones seu
psalmi franc, petr.
6. Sequitur libellus super celebracione misse editus a mag. Jo. de
Gersomio quondam can. eccl. paris. ..... 43
Dubitaui frequenter et diu
— hoc est omnis homo, deo gracias. Expl. quidam trac-
tatus plurinium utilis super celebracione misse quem
composuit mag. loh. de gersomio cancellarius ecclesie
7. Sequitur de jurisdicione potestatis ecclesie seu de poteslate pape 49 b
Appostolus ad Romanos x">° loquens de iudeis
— alienum presidentem in tali loco.
Expl. tract, de jurisdict. eccl. potest, siue de potest, pape, mag.
Heruei Britonis ordinis predicatorum ut dicunt aliqui.
8. Reuocatio facta per fratrem (blank) saravium ord. pred. ex
ordinacione facultatis theologie a.d. mill, quadring. vicesimo
nono mense martii ........ 76
Ex vesperiis meis quidam fuerunt scandalizati.
9. Inc. tract, de potestate ecclesiastica et de origine iuris et legum
per mag. Jo. de Gersono theol. doct. et eccl. paris. cancel!,
compilatus a.d. 141 7 in concilio generali constantiensi . 76^
Potestas ecclesiastica debet
— vel de iure vel de facto.
Colophon, practically repeats title, adding date : die sexta febr.
Notes on plenitude potestatis etc. ..... %%b
10. Inc. quidam tract, quem composuit mag. Jo. de Gersomio doctor
in theol. cancell. nostre domine paris. (de auferibilitate pape) 88 b
Venient autem dies.
I J. Tres questiones de ordine Jurisdictionum quibus populus regitur
compilate per fr. Durandum ord. pred. episcopum meldensem 95
Circa originem potestatum
— pro ecclesia determinare uidetur. Expl. etc.
12. (In table). Tract, quidam de potestate papali et Regia viz.
questio disputata utrum papa habeat dominium et iuris-
dictionem tarn in temporalibus quam in spiritualibus . loi
Rex pacificus Salomon cui dedit dominus diuicias
— in quietem et tranquillitatem uitam agamus. Amen. Expl.
13. (In table). Tract, de iurisdictione imperii et auctoritate summi
pontificis per fr. Alex, de Elpidio Augustinensem.
Capitula .......... 109 3
Deterviinacio compendiosa etc. Quoniam apud multos uei titur
in dubium . . . . . . . . . . f. no
— uel obuiare non potest qui est bened. in sec. sec. Amen.
Expl. libellus de potest, eccl. et iurisd. imperii editus a fr.
Alex, de S. Elfridio sacre pagine eximio professore ord.
heremitarum S. Aug.
14. Proposicio facta coram Rege Henrico vi'° et tribus statubus in
parliamento London, anno regnorum suorum decimo per
mag. Guill. Erardi sac. theol. doct. Ambaissiatorem ville
Paiisiensis . 123
Nescio Christianissime
— audiat terra uerba oris mei. f. 127/' blank.
15. Proposicio coram papa facta per mag. P. de Aylliaco contra fr.
Jo. de Montesono ord. fr. pred. . . . . . 128
Pater sancte in nomine tuo serua eos.
16. Proposicio facta in consistorio per eundem contra eundem . \^()b
Veritatem meditabitur.
17. Alia eiusdem coram papa contra cancel!. Paris. . . . 132
Domine uim patior.
18. .Sermo eiusdem de S. Bernardo. Dedit ei cor ad precepta . 134
15. „ de S. Ludouico. Vide reliquit egiptum . . 137
20. „ in Sinodo ambianis. Sacerdotes tui induantur 139
21. ,, in Sinodo in eccl. Paris. Hoc iam queritur
inter dispensatores . . . . . . . . \\i h
22. Exemplar litterarum responsiuanmi ex persona Vniuersitatis
Paris, ad epistolam tholosanam . . . . . . 144
Postulata in primis rex christianissime
Licluding Letter of Benedict to Charles of France, and reply.
23. Lectiones Joh. de Gersono de uita spirituali . . . 149 <^
The s"' 4"' 5"' 6"' precede the i*' which begins on f. 167 b.
Ego uos baptisaui aqua
and is followed by the 2'"', which ends f. i74i^.
Expl. 2* lectio, alias quatuor quere prius, scilicet terciam 25
folio priori et incipit pergere et sic consequenter ponuntur
4=» 5* et 6^. mauricius folpe. This is the name of the scribe.
f. 175 blank.
24. Inc. liber dialogorum gerarchie subcelestis inter orthodoxum
catholicum et cathecuminum pantascium inquirentem de
reformacione ecclesie militantis . . . . . . 176
Quia actoris est intencio etc.
Cathecuminus primo loquitur dicens. Instancia mea quotidiana.
In 4 books : ending f. 205 b : et erit benedictus et gloriosus in
sec. sempiterna. Amen. Expl. 4"= liber gerarchie sub-
celestis recollectus senis per quemdam de ordine predicatorum
cuius nomen utinam deleatur de libro uiuencium temporaliter
ut scribatur finaliter in libro vite.
Capitula follow. Another copy at Wolfenbiittel, Cod. Aug.
25. Added. Conclusiones Petri de Candia Cardinalis Mediolan.
s. t. p. in concilio Pisano posite in quo fuit in papam
assumptus et Alexander quintus nuncupatus . . . f. 207 b
26. Inc. tract, utilis de potestate ecclesiastica et regali . . 208
Interdum contingit quod uolens uitare aliquem errorem
— sine qua papa non esset papa.
Expl. libellus de potest, eccles. et Regali.
27. Sequitur tract, de discrecione et dififerencia spirituum . . 230
Ad habendum noticiam secundum dicta sanctorum an a
spiritu veritatis vel illusore spiritu
— querit similes habere. Expl. tract, de dift". et discr.
spirit. Parisius compilatus.
28. Questio est utrum dignitas pontificalis et imperialis siue regalis
sint due potestates distincte diuise 232
^tamen causa breuitatis eas non soluimus.
29. Proposicio facta contra cruciferos de Prucia . . • . 238^
Thema. Seuientibus olim Prutenis tunc infidelibus.
Conclusiones follow.
30. Collacio facta per mag. Jacobum Ep. Laudensem et mag. sacri
palacii in condempnacione cuiusdam heretici nomine Johannes
Hus coram sereniss. Imp. Sigismundo et sacro cone. Constanc.
iiii Julii .......... 241
In nomine patris etc — serenissime princeps.
31. Sequuntur quedam epistole b. Anselmi ..... 242
Epp. ix, xxxviii, xxvi, iv, ix, ex, cxvii, cxviii, cxxi, cxxiii,
cxxxi, cxlv, cxliv, clxxiv, ccxxvi, Ixxv, Ixxxvi, xci, xcii, clx.
I. I. 10, II CM. A. 30
10, 11. Haymo super Epistolas.
Vellum, I. 13^x9^, ff. 94; II. I2|x9|, ff. 182, double columns
of 41 lines. Cent, xii, in a fine bold hand. Upper parts of the
first 16 leaves of Vol. I. damaged and neatly replaced in cent. xv.
2 fo. passionem.
On f I, Tho. Leigh, and an old number 55.
Probably from Faversham Abbey. At the end of Vol. II. are
documents relating thereto.
Collation: I. \^-f (wants \) \^-& (gap) 14^ 158 (wants i) i6«
(wants 2) 17 (two left) f 8« (wants 8) i8^
II. 1^-138 i4'« (6 cane.) 15^ (quire gone) i98-24« 25"
(wants 6). Occasional drawings on lower margin
of leaves.
Contents :
I. Inc. prima pars exposicionis Ilaymonis a vigilia domini usque
ad quadragesimam. Lectio ep. S. Pauli ap. ad Romanos . f. i
Ab athenis ciuitate grecorum scripsil.
Ends imperfectly in the Exposition of the Gospel for 13 Kal.
Feb. (SS. Fabian and Sebastian).
II. Lectio epistole b. pauli apostoli ad corinthios. Fratres expur-
gate uelus fermentum etc.
Precepit egregius predicator.
Good initial in green and red : man blowing trumpet.
From Easter to xviii"' Sunday after octave of Pentecost. A
note on 173 /'.
Require dominicam xix in quarta parte haimonis.
On 181 (5' is a deed of cent, xii, xiii.
Sciant tam presentes quam futuri quod Gilbertus de Wlecumbe et homines
eius de Wlecumbe calumpniabantur quandam partem pasture in bosco Rogeri de
kyng^^nade hereditar' tenend'. Quam pasturam ecclesia S. saluatoris de flfauersham
recuperauit liberam et quietam ab omni calumpnia iudicio cur' Reg* coram Justi(ciari)is
Regis etc....Harum conuencionum isti sunt testes: Hamo de Truleg', Paganus de Campana,
Ric. paysr', Geruasius de Osperng, Walt, tomtrinius, Radulfus de frendisberi, Clemens
de assug', Eustachius nepos Gilberti, Rog. filius Galfr. de cnolle, Eadwynus de
badenor' et Willelmus et conuentus de fauersham.
Then an inventory badly written late in cent, xv (1483).
Memorandum that y dan John Ral:)y hath leueft yn the froytur and oostry thes
nesessaiyys att the feste of myhyllmas hee beyngge dyschargyd and yen the furste yere of
kyngge Rycharde the III hys rayne.
Item a maser callyd queues multys bolle. Item a grete maser callyd the prior dan
John fTauersham ys maser and ther to ys a ffayyre prynte of the trynyte. Item a maser
callyd the chynke bolle and ther yn ys a prynte in the bottom of dan wyllyam Holland.
Item a grete maser w' a honycorne yn the bottom therof and ther to ys a grete
couerkyll of maser bownde w' a bond of syluyr and gyltte and a grette knoppe therouer
.syluyr and gyltte. Item a grette maser for wyne w' a prj'nte yn the bottom ther
of w' a fTygure of owre lady and wrytynge abowte here aue marya. Item a smale
brokyn maser w' a prynte yn the bottom and Jhesus wrytyn ther yn. Item a lytyll prety
maser w* a pryntt yn the bottom and ther ys dauyth w' hys harpe and ther to ys a prety
couerkyll w' a ffayre knoppe. Item a maser w' a couerkyll and a knoppe of syluyr and
gylte that master ffrogennall gaue. Item vi syluyr sponys. Item a grette boll pece of
syluyr. Item a lytyll stondyng pece of syluyr. Item a tabyll clothe of dyapyr callyd
qwene moUtys cloth. Item a nodyr cloth callyd bylsyngton ys cloth. Item a nodyr
dyapyr cloth callyd mastres thorneberys cloth. Item v curteynys for the v tabelys yn
the froytur. Item v playnne tabyll clothys yn the froytur. Item a schortt towell of
dyapur that margarite talbott gaue to the froytur. Item ii longe towellys of playne cloth.
Item vij wypyng towellys for the cloystur. Item iiii saltsalers and on w' a couerkyll.
Item a newe presdent cloth. Item a grette spruce cheste w' loke and kay. Item a
nodyr grette cheste w' owtte locke or kay and ii lytyll betyllys of boxe. Item a grette
tancarde bownde w' hyerryn a bowtte and ij gustetys. Item vj platerrys and vj dyschys
and V sawsserrys. Item a maser callyd dan pers ys maser. Item a yerryn grate for
collys. Item a baskett for to sett brede and iii crusys. [Added.] Item anodyr dyapyr
towell John pers and ij moo present clothys. Item a lytyl maser vv' a skalop schell.
f. 182 b. To the Oostry.
Item yn the grette chambur ii bede stedellys. Item ii feddyrbeddys a grette bolstur.
Item ij lytyll bolstres. Item a grett couerlett for ye grete bedde w' branchys and byrdys.
Item a grett couerlett to the todir bedde wrowth full of Rosys. Item vj payr of chetys.
Item a cheste w' locke and kay. Item to the grett bedde a seller a tester and iii
corteynys all of redde saye and a redde couerlett w' owtt anny werke therreon. Item to
the todyr bedde a seler a tester and a curten all of blewe saye. Item a copborde. Item
a table w' ii trestellys. Item ii formemys and a longe chayr. Item in the lytyll chambyr
a bedde stedyll. Item a blewe couerlett w* smale Rosys. Item ii payr of blankettys.
Item ii canstykys and on w' ij nosys. Item a mattres and ij pyllavvys and ij old
pyllawberrys and on new.
I. I. 12, 13 vac.
12, 13. Chrysostomi Homiliae super Matthaeum.
Vellum, 13I X \o\, ff. 337, double columns of 30 lines. Cent, xi,
xii, in a fine large hand.
Given by Dr Samuel Parr. On the flyleaf is this note :
This MS. formerly belonged to the learned Adam Askew, M.D., and after his death
came into the possession of his eldest son Adam Askew, by whom it was given to me in
the year 1790, in testimony of his regard for me as his Schoolmaster at Stanmore,
Middlesex, and as the intimate Friend of his deceased Father.
With sincere and great pleasure I present it to the Library of Emmanuel College, as
a mark of my respect for the Master and Fellows of the Society in which I had the
honour to be educated; and the Manuscript, I suppose, will be the more acceptable to
them, as having once been the property of Dr Askew, and his Son, who were Members
of the same College, and who, like myself, took a lively interest in its Prosperity and its
Fame. Samuel Parr.
Halton Parsonage, Warwickshire, August 19th 18 14.
There is also a reference to the Eton edition of Chrysostom.
Vide Editionem S. Chrysostomi Editionis Savilianae Etonae impressam anno MDCXU.
Vol. 2, p. 4, 1. 20 tGiv \eyofiivwv yjaav.
Hie codex continet ultimam partem primae Homiliae.
Homil. 2 — 15.
Pasted into the cover is a printed slip from F. Field's edition of
the Homilies, Cambr. 1839, descriptive of the MS. (there termed B),
and noting the lacunae. It was lent for nearly two years to the
editor, who collated it throughout.
Collation: a^'' (wants 1-5) /S^ 7* S** e* (wants i, last leaf now
precedes 2nd) s-^-t6^ «" ku^-kj^ kS^-ks"^ k^' ktj^-X^^ (5 cane.) ^7^-
X^« (wants 6) Xt;* (wants i) X6' /x«-/aS^.
Contents :
Homiliae S. Joannis Chrysostomi in Matthaeuin.
Beginning imperfectly in Horn, i
tQv Xeyonii'ui' ^(rav.
Vol. I. ends in Horn. 16
vyf/TiXi) yiv7]Tai i]
e bible vne shal finde eueri l(ess)oun {at masse above
line, later) pistil & gospel {'at ben rad in J'e chirche bigynnynge
atte firste Sondai in aduent ........ f. i
In four columns: names of Sundays, etc., and references in red:
beginnings and endings of lessons, etc., in black.
Proper of Time .......... i
Commemoraciouns (Missae Votivae) ...... 3
Proper (and Common) of Saints ....... 3
Ends f . 6 ^ : and euere J'anke we: oure lord eendeles in trinite.
Genesis etc. without prologues, except in the cases specified . 7
Full border in gold on pink and blue, with white pattern.
The Prayer of Manasses forms c. xxxvii of 2 Paral.
There is a short prologue on Job added in lower margin,
Joob was a very man in kinde.
Notes on the occasions of the Psalms are added in the margin in
the earlier part of the Psalter.
There is a prologue to the prophets,
As seint ierom seij' in j?e prolog of isaye
and one to Baruch.
There are prologues to the books of the New Testament.
The Epistle to the Laodiceans does not occur.
The Apocalypse ends f. 350 b,
here endij' \q bible
Jliesu helpe us for we ben feble.
There are a few explanations of old words (xvii) on the flyleaf.
E. C. C. 2
In the edition of Forsball and Madden it is quoted under the
symbol P.
It is no. 1 18 in their List of MSS. (I. Ivi).
They assign it to about 1420. It gives the later Wycliffite
version. " The text and orthography agree very remarkably with
the Arundel MS. 104."
I. 2. I C. M. A. 22
22. BiBLIA.
Vellum, 9§ x 6|, ff. 470, double columns of 51 lines. Cent, xiii,
in a very good hand. 2 fo. tam non posse.
Has suffered from damp.
At bottom of f I, in large letters (xiii, xiv),
Biblia ex dono Johannis de Smi'°".
The only parish in English which seems possible is Smeaton in
Collation: i" 2" 31--61- f^-\^^^ (one cane.) 14^^ 15^" 168 \f^ iS^"
19' (ten left: gap after 5) 20'- 21^" 221" 231" 2/^^ 251* (one cane.)
2&^ (one cane.) 2^^^ 28^" (three cane.) 29^--34^-.
On i. 83 is (xvi)
Thomas Everingham is my name a cliilde of onest.
Everingham is in Yorkshire.
Contents :
Jerome's Prologues.
Genesis— 2 Paralipomenon. Prayer of Manasses follows without a
Ezra, Nehemiah. Apocrifa neemie {— 3 Esdr.).
Tobit— Job.
Psalter. Galilean.
Proverbs — Ecclus.
Isaiah — Malachi.
I, 2 Mace. There are illuminated (not pictured) initials to the
prologues and text of i Mace.
Evv. Paul. Epp. Acts. Cath. Epp.
Ending imperfectly in James ii. 12.
I. 2. 2 ? C. M. A. 70
23. BiBLIA.
Vellum, gl x 6|, ff. 358, double columns of 53 lines. Cent, xiii,
in a good small hand. 2 fo. hucusque.
Given by Mag. Foxcroft huius olim Collegii alumnus et scho-
laris discipulus, Ecclesiae nunc Gothamensis Rector.
At the end (xv) Biblia M. Willelmi erased.
On the flyleaf (xv)
Prec. V. marc. Et si contingat quod librarie communi vendetur volo quod habeat
infra summam suprascriptam pro vi.r. viii(/. ut causam deprecandi valeat habere pro
anima nuper possidentis.
Collation: i flyleaf, \^^-\\^^ 12^^ 13'**- 15'*' 16^ I7i8-I9i« 20^^ 21" 222«.
On f. I the name Thompson (.'*) erased.
Contents :
Prologues of Jerome.
Genesis — 2 Par. Prayer of Manasseh follows without a break.
I Esdras (Ezra, Neh.), 2 Esdras (i Esdr. of Apocr.).
Tobit — Job. Gallican Psalter.
Pi-ov. — Ecclus., Isa. — Malachi, i, 1 Mace.
Evv., Paul. Epp. (Colossians occur twice, the second time after
2 Thess.), Acts, Cath. Epp., Apoc.
Interpretationes nominum (Aaz — Zuzim).
Memorial verses on the books.
Note from Greg. Moralia xxxi.
Unfinished list of books and chapters.
The illuminated initials are in good style, not historiated.
I. 2. 3 ? C. M. A. 23
24. Biblia.
Vellum, 8^ x 5f, ff. 509, double columns of 53 lines. Cent, xiii,
very well written. 2 fo. cum legeret.
Collation : i' 2^^ (wants i ) 3i«-23'« (16 cane.) 24i«-30^« 31" (6 cane.)
3 216 33I8 344_
Contents :
Prologues of Jerome.
Genesis (wanting f. i)— 2 Paral. Prayer of Manasseh follows
without a break.
Ezra, Neh., 2 Esdr. (i Esdras of Apocr.), Tob., Judith, Esth., Job.
2 — Z
Psalter (Gallican).
Prov. — Ecclus.
Isa. — Malachi, i, 2 Mace.
Evv., Paul. Epp., Acts, Cath. Epp., Apoc.
Interpretationes nominum : Aaz — Zuzim.
At the end : precium biblie istius xj marc'.
There is a complete set of prologues.
The following historiated initials in very good ordinary style
occur : they are abnormally small, except the first.
Prol. Jerome (monk) writing at desk. Dragon, dog and hare in border.
{Genesis gone.) Exod. Moses and two Jews. Lev. Three Jews sacrifice. Num.
Moses puts Tables of Law in Ark. Dent. Moses receives the Law.
Jos. God in sky addresses Jews. Jud. Warrior kills a man (head downwards).
Ruth. None.
I Reg. One man beheads another. 2 Reg. David (?) rends his clothes. Saul (?) dead
on R. 3 Reg. David in bed : Abishag and courtier. ^ Reg. Ahaziah falls headlong to
R. from tower.
I Par. Creation of Adam. 2 Par. Solomon throned, with sword.
I Esdr. Builders. Cyrus below. Ah'h. gives cup to king. 2 Esdr. Jew sprinkling
Tobias reclining : bird above. Judith beheads Holofernes in bed. Esther. Ahasue-
rus reaches down his sceptre to Esther. Haman hangs below.
Job on his dunghill : wife on R.
Beatus vir. David with harp. Dominus illuminatio. David points to his eye.
Christ above. Dixi atstodiam. Similar. Dixit insipiens. Fool with club and cake.
Salvtim. Christ above, David below : half-lengths. Exultate. David plays on 3 bells
with hammers. Cantate. Clerks singing at lectern. Dixit Dominus. Trinity: Father,
Son and Dove.
Prov. Solomon with rod. Rehoboam on R. Eccl. Solomon holds up flower and
speaks to a man on R. Cant. Virgin crowned and child. Sap. Solomon with sword.
Warrior on R.
Ecclus. The Church, with cross and chalice.
Isaiah sawn in sunder by two men. Jeretniah stoned. Lain. Jeremiah. City on R.
B'artuh. Monk writing. Ezekielmh&A: heads of the four beasts above. Daniel \n
den caresses lion : half-lengths. Hosea speaks to Gomer. Joel addresses two men.
Amos keeping sheep. Christ's head in sky. Obadiah takes bread (?) to prophet in
tower on A'. Jonah emerges from fish : city above. Micah addressed by God in sky.
Nahuni. Falling city on R. Habakkuk. Like Micah. Zcphaniah with axe
smites golden idol. Haggai. Single figure. Zechariah. Similar. Christ's head above.
Malachi. Like Micah.
I Mace. Warrior with sword. Christ on R. 2 Mace. Jew gives letter to messenger.
Matt. Jesse tree, with figures of David (?), Virgin, and Christ. Mark with book.
Z«y name
Jjy kynedom to us mote come for Jjar is
blisse and game.
Other verses. Boe ware soe ih boe. A day me come}'
sorewen J^re.
In eleuacione corporis domini, with a French verse : Sire deu
Preces dominicales (heads of bidding prayer) . . . 163
On riches. Worldlih ejte is ywonne mid svynk and svetinge
And hit is iloked mid areje dredingge
And furlete me hit schal mid soreje and morningge.
In another hand. In J?e daye of seynte svythone rane ginnej'
forti dawes mid ywone lestez(?) sueh tijjinge.
Si pluat in festo processi et martiniani
Quadraginta dies continuare solet. f. 163;^ blank.
14. Vindicta Salvatoris (Tischendorf, Evv. Apocr. p. 471) . . 164
In diebus imperii tyberii cesaris tetrarcha herode procurante
poncio pilato iudeam traditus fuit dominus zelotus a tyberio
— in profundum fluminis cauentes usque in hodiernum diem.
15. Letter of Presler John to Emperor Manuel .... idlb
Presbiter Johannes potencia et uirtute
— repleti et refecti. Vale.
Verses on examples of penitence added .... 167 b
16. On the Cross. Crux Christi conficiebatur ex quatuor lignis . 167 /5
Story of Pilate. Fuit quidam rex nomine cyrus . . . 167 3
Story of Judas. Legitur in quadam historia . . . 168^
— demonibus sociaretur {Legenda Aicrea, ed. Graesse,
pp. 184, 221).
Of Mary Magdalene. Narrat iosephus quod maria magdalene
(death, and speech to S. Maximin) . . . . . 169^
Of S. Marina. Erat homo quidam secularis . . . 170
Of S. Aldate. Temporibus constantini quern britanii fere
tocius patrie uispilionum depopulacionibus exterminio co-
gente contulerunt sibi in regem . . . . . . 171
— pridie nonarum febr. celebratur et colitur. ad laud, et
glor. etc. (Unpublished.)
Note added on xii genera penitencie . . . . . f. 172
17. Hie inc. statuta dominorum episcoporum Sarum . . . 172^
Racionalis et proprii arbitrii factus homo.
Ends : Item necantes partum — ut qui dormiendo opprimit
partum et R. Expl.
Note from Augustine follows.
18. De negligencia presbiterorum circa altare . . . . 176
Si per negligenciam aliquid de sanguine.
Quatuor sunt cause quare seruata crax a fidelibus est...adoranda 176 b
19. Tractatus qui dicitur Speculum Ecclesie (Hugonis de S. Sabina) 1 77
Inc. tract, d. Hugonis S. Sabine Cardinalis. Dicit apostolus
ad Ephesios vi: Induite uos arma etc.
— subsequitur hominem in bonis operibus. Expl. Spec,
Verses on the ten plagues etc. . . . . . . 180^
Diffiniciones uerborum scripture . . . . . . 181
Diffiniciones uerborum secundum auctores.
Notes and memorial verses in a small close hand, also questions
on ritual etc. probably interesting : they develope into short
sermons .......... 182
20. In another hand. Sermons . . . . . , . 186
De omnibus Sanctis. Lctabor ego super eloquia tua Ps. super
eloquia diuina letandum est.
An English collection, S. Thomas of Canterbury is the only
English Saint.
Ends with the Exaltation of the Cross f. 242 a.
21. Ex gestis Alexii. Paciens vilia a vilibus personis tollerat.
Alexius filius fuit Eufemiani ...... 242 b
— circa annos domini ccc. xviii. Hie et ualet ad con-
templum mundi.
Extracts from Jae. de Vitriaco and Caesarius of Heisterbach
to show the merits and dangers of taking the Cross as a
Crusader, f. 243 b blank.
22. Two leaves of kalendar tables in another hand . . . 244
Kalendar for Mar. and Ap. April 3. Rieardi Ep. C. in black.
17 Dedicacio ecclesie de Sonting' (Sompting in Sussex) A. d.
m°. cc°. xlvi.
19 Alphege.
Notes in red and black. Dates of Battles of Lewes and
Earthquakes in England. 3 Id. Sept. 1275, hora prima, littera
dominicali F.
2 Non. Jan. 1298, in aurora, litt. domin. D (added).
18 Kal. Dec. 1318, post quartum galli cantum, litt. domin. A
Paschal tables and verses on signs f. 244 b, 245 a. On the latter
page are notes (a) m. cc. Ixxxxvi. (6) ordinatio sacerdotalis
J. de chyvele. (c) annus gracie m. cc. nonagesimus quartus
annus regni E. Edward. 22. {d) Joh. du Boys viii. Id. Aug.
anno gr. m°. ccc°. xiii. litt. dom. G ortus fuit. {e) J. de
Tantone ortus est xi. Kal. Oct. litt. Dom. A anno gr. m°.
ccc. Sept. Brune (?).
I. 2. 7 C. M. A. 94
Vellum, 9| x 6\, fif. 72, text 20 lines gloss 39, 40 lines to a
page. Cent, xii or xiii early, well written.
From Chichester : at bottom of f. i :
Boicius de Trinitate glosatus Walter! decani ii'^° fo. | quidam vero \ f). xxxvj.
Collation : i ^-9^
Contents :
Prologue (of the Comment) f. i
Libros questionum anicii quos exhortationum (sic) precibusque mul-
torum suscepimus explanandos.
Gloss begins f. 2. Inuestigatam. Premittit prologum in quo quamuis.
Text begins i. 2 b
Inuestigatam diutissime questionem. [P. L. LXiv. 1247.)
It is written in a narrow column on the inner side.
In xiii Thomi ending atque omnium bonorum causa (Pprescribit).
Gloss ends: proposito sue uoluntatis prescribit.
Expl. Boetii Liber de Trmitate.
There are at least two hands in the volume.
I. 2. 8 C. M. A. 85
Vellum, 8^ x 6\, ff. 167+ i, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xii early,
in a hand exceedingly like that of Christ Church Canterbury.
On the flyleaf: Tho. Leigh. 2 fo. si dicamus.
From St Etienne at Caen (Abbaye aux Hommes).
At the end of the text: Liber S. Stephani de Cadomo: qui eum
furatus fuerit uel celauerit anathema sit (xii-xiii).
On the flyleaf at end : Liber S. Stephani de caan.
Collation: i flyleaf. !■* 2^-128 (wants 8) 138-21^ 22*.
On the flyleaf an original table of contents headed :
In isto uolumine sunt iste scripture.
1. Sententiae Augustini excerptae de libris de ciuitate dei (xvi) . f. i
Aug. Nos eas causas que dicuntur fortuite
— et prescientiam futurorum.
The hand now improves.
2. Inc. prol. b. leronimi presb. in expositionem Origenis super
lesum naue quam transtulit de greco in latinum . . 5
In diuinis uoluminibus refertur quid ad constructionem
— expetis ab indoctis.
Inc. omelia prima tractatus Origenis in libro lesu Naue . 5 i
Donauit deus nomen
— cui gloria et iniperium in sec. sec. Amen.
Finiunt omilie uiginti et sex Origenis quas transtulit b.
leroninius de greco in latinum.
ff. 90, 91 blank.
3. Inc. prefacio in librum (.\nselmi) cur deus homo . . 92
Opus subditum
— quod non despiciat.
Capitula of the two books 92 3
Inc. cur deus homo liber Anselmi Archiep. Cantuar. . . 94
Sepe et studiosissime
— que corrigenda sunt emendentur. f. 139 blank.
4. Sermo b. Augustini Ep. de se ipso moribusque clericorum
suorum ... ....... 14O
Caritati uestre hodie (Sermo 356. P. L. xxxix. 1574).
5. Sermo b. Aug. Ep. de aduentu domini . . . . 147 ^
Propicia diuinitate (Maximus Taurinensis. P. L. LVii.
Cuius supra sermo de aduentu domini . . . . . 150
Sanctam ac desiderabilem.
Item sermo b. Aug. Ep. de natiuitate domini . . • 152 b
Rogo uos fratres. [P. L. xxxix. 1977.)
Sermo in natali Episcopi ac confessoris ..... 157^
Gaudeamus dilectissimi.
Sermo in natali Ep. et conf. 159^
Ecce sacerdos magnus.
Semio in natali unius uirginis . . . . . . 161 b
Quia hodie dilectissimi.
Vt canonici cucullos monachorum non induant . . . 163 3
Reprehensibilem ecclesiastica emendatione dignum.
(No name occurs.)
Sententia Vsidori (so the table) de lapsu stellarum . . 164
Falsa autem uulgaris opinio est.
Miscellaneous extracts follow from Aug. (on the salamander),
on adamant, the magnet, curious trees and rivers. Ending
^\ith one on the Trinity.
I. 2. 9 C. M. A. 105
30. Herodotus.
Paper, 8| x 5|, fif. 326, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xv, xvi, neatly
written. Red morocco binding with gold tooling, of cent, xviii.
On the flyleaf is a note by Person of which the first lines are
important :
Hie liber olim Gulielmi Sancroft Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis a Tiioma Galeo sed
valde negligenter, longe diligentius in usum editionis Wesselingianae ab Antonio Askew
collatus est ut tamen non pauca omiserit, quaedam etiam minus recta notaverit, etc.
Collation : the first two quires are in a disordered state, but the
leaves have been correctly numbered (by Mr Bradshaw?). i*
(wants I : 8 follows f 15) 2^ (i and 8 follow f 8) 3^-41^ (wants 5).
The MS. is in Cat. MSS. Angl. and cannot therefore be Askew's.
Possibly it was Sancroft's as Porson suggests.
Contents :
1. On the Ionic dialect f. 2
dpx') <^^v dei^ tCjv idiio/JLOLTUv rrjs Iddos diaX^KTOv.
'H ^as TO, et's as XrjyovTa ovbixara els rjs rpiireL eav fj.T] ucn
Ends : criKeXi^ iariv
— dXi^avdpos 5e (pr]aiv 6 aiVwXos, vtto 8d(pvi5os ixa.de.lv
fiapffvXav TTji) a\i€VTiKriv.
{A)d(pvidi TCf x'lp'*'"'' (TvvrjVTeTo ^ovko\4ovti.
Ends imperfectly f. 8 6: KaXov KaXdv ilfiev ^(paaKef (1. 76 (73)).
Followed by Idyll vii. losqq. ....... 9
Kai oviroo rav /.lecrdTav 686v dw/xes ovde to ffd/xa.
Ending f. 16 d :
1X7] 5^ TToSas Tpi^wfxes' 6 5' opOpcos dWov dX^KTwp (123).
II. Thirty leaves, 23 lines to a page, in an ugly hand of cent. xv.
A fragment of the Greek version of Boethius de Consolatione
I'hilosophiae by Maximus Planudes: begins imperfectly in Lib. i.
Trpwri(TT7}v irdvTcjv T7)f d/xeivco 56^av rous /ca/cws Trpdcrffovras e^icrraaOai
Kal eyKaTaXeiweiv.
Lib. II. begins on the 4th leaf. Lib. ill. on the 27th.
Ends imperfectly in the metre
iva tGv ovrwv ijvC eXiaaet...
ei Kal 5e blank.
Text f. 6. A^fw TO, iravTa vrjrpeKtos a fi' iffTopeis ... 6
Comment. A^^w ra wavra (in red), tovto to crx^Mft nal 6 TrofqTiKos
f. 6 has lines i-ii. ff. 7-14, 11. 28-102.
ff. 15-22, 11. 281-395. f. 23, 11. 12-17.
ff. 24-31, 11. 103-179.
Another quire is in the next volume (I. 2. 12).
IV. Forty-six leaves, 10 lines to a page. In the same hand
as no. I. Prepared for scholia.
Collation : a*-e* f*.
Hesiodi Theogoniae et Scuti Herculis pars.
Quire a contains
Theogonia 520 ravrrjv yap oi fiotpav eSdaaro /n-qrieTa fei's
to 680 — fiaKpos oXv/xirot.
Quire /', Theog. 846 irprjaT-qptjjv dv^/xwu
to 1006 — dins dpyi'poire^a.
Quire <■, Scutum 100 '^ 3er of ^. I
sundai next aftir lepe 3eer of d. In J>e 3ecr of j^e lord m". ccc°. Ixxxxvij.
In the volume is a letter of thanks for the loan of the MS. from
Mr Forshall, Nov. 9, 1847.
Collation: i^ 2® 3^-26* 27-' (wants 4).
Contents :
Here bigynne}> a calendar wij? a reule )?at techef" to fynde j^e gospels
pistils and lessouns j^at ben red in chirchis bi al j^e 3eer in what
bokes and chapitris \&\ ben in f;e bible bigynnynge at aduent
bifore cristemasse.
Ends {.61?: Here enden j^e Commemoracions reule of pistlis and
List of books of the New Testament with numbers of chapters in each f. 6 d
Kalendar in English in red and black, with the beginnings and
endings of the epistles and gospels in a fine small hand . . 7
The kalendar is pure Sarum.
Gospels with the ordinary prologues . . . . . • 13
Pauline Epistles 99*^
Acts 155
Catholic Epistles 182
Apocalypse 19^ ^
On the last leaf in a hand of cent xvii-xviii.
lohn Wickleffe's translation of the New Testament finished
Anno Doni. 1383 and this copy was written A.D. 1397 see y^
bottom of the Calendar in y« month February and is valued
at ten pounds.
A xvth cent, erased inscription above.
I. 2. 14 . C M. A. I20
35. Hampole, etc.
Paper, 8g x 5f , fif. 237, 30 lines to a page. Cent xv, clearly written.
On f. I, Geo. Davenport 1692. 2 fo. dederitis.
Collation impracticable.
Has suffered from damp.
Contents :
I. Hampole super Oleum effustim . . . . . . f. i
Oleum effusum etc. Nomen ihesu uenit in mundum
— in celis gaudebunt. Amen. Expl. oleum effusum
secundum Hampoll.
^. Hampole super hunc psalmum
ludica me deus etc. A deo qui scrutatur
— uidetur uitam interrumpere. Expl. fructuosus tract. Ric.
Hampole heremite.
3. Hampole de Actiua uita et contemplatiua ...
Mulierem fortem etc. Quanto aurum argento
— a recta uia uariatur.
4. (Hampole) de causa hereticoram et fide trinitatis .
Abundancia veritatis integre
— breui labore facit (?) sustinentes.
Tabula huius libri additur per mag. Job. Neuton
5. Exposicio orationis dominice per R. H. heremitum
Pater nosier etc. Hec oratio priuilegiata est
— confirmata in veritate.
6. Liber qui uocatur Incendium Amovis sec. Ric. HampuU
Admirabar amplius quam enuncio
— saluus etc. Amen. Expl. Incendium amoris. ff. 996
7. Augustinus de uera uita .
Sapiencia dei
— bonum perducat. Amen. Expl. Aug. de uera uita.
8. Meditaciones ymaginis uite .......
Flecto genua mea
— trius et unus benedictus in secula. Amen. Expl. medi-
taciones ymag. uite sec. Bonauenturam.
9. Tract mutilated at the beginning (one leaf gone ?)
Ardencia illuminat illuminata
— commendo sine fine Amen (f. 191).
The names Michael and Anna Purefoy and Thomas ffawnte
are scribbled on ff. 191, 192. ff. 19115 — 193 were blank.
10. Hampole in libro qui uocatur melura amoris
Postquam sponsa dixerat.
(f. 229 left blank.)
Ends imperfectly (?). f. 237 3 in chapter 58.
I. 2. 15 and I. 3. 13 I
I. vac. ?
II. ?C. M. A. 96
36. Macer, etc.
Vellum, 8|- x 6|, ff. 43, 29 lines to a page. Cent. xiv.
Paper, 8| x 5|, ff. 63, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xv ?.
Collation : I. i^" 2^- 3^- 4* (wants y,S): a smaller quire of 4 leaves,
wanting 4.
II. I" 2" (and i) 3-" 41- (12 a fragment).
Contents :
L I. Macer de Herbarum uiribus ...... f. i
List of herbs treated.
Arthemesia. Herbarum quasdam dicturus carmine uires.
Ends f. 36 (^: Eius si succo fuerunt cum melle peruncta.
Expl. macer de uiribus herbarum completus.
2. Secuntur minutiones ....... 36 3
In brachio incidimus per uenas.
Followed by miscellaneous remedies.
3. On smaller leaves and in another hand . . . . 41
Instrumentum pro horis diei comperiendis in tota
terra habitabili.
The latitudes of the following places are given : Berwick,
York, Lincoln, Leicester, Northampton, " Herfordia,"
Chester, Oxford, Colchester, S. Albans, Canterbuiy,
London, Exeter, Winchester.
A distich at the end is signed " Haull."
II. 4. Ue Astrolabio (formerly I. 3. 13) ..... i
Astrolabium est sicut dicit Tholomeus quasi spera
extensa. With neatly drawn diagrams.
5. Astronomical tables, with some pages of explanation . 14
6. Joh. de Sacro Bosco de sphaera ..... 52
Tractatum de spera in quatuor capitulis
— machina dissoluitur. Expl.
7. Further tables and explanations .... . 60
I. 2. 16 C. M. A. 5
37. Chrysostomus.
Vellum, 8^ x 5f , ff. 88, 28 lines to a page. Cent, xv, clearly-
written. 2 fo. Non ergo.
Given by George Barcroft, Ecclesiae Cathedralis Eliensis
'A/j^e%0|009 (= Precentor?), A.D. 1597. Mart. 5°.
On the flyleaf an old title, and
George Barcroft. A malo fuge et fac bonum.
Collation: a- i^ 2« (wants 2) 38-10* 11''^ (wants 10).
Contents :
1. Inc. liber S. Johannis Crisostomi ad Theodorum lapsum de
reparacione eiusdem . . . • . • . . f. i
Quis dabit capiti meo
— medicamenta non requiras. Expl. lib. b. Job. Cris.
de rep. lapsus.
2. Inc. tract, b. Johannis Crisostomi quod nemo potest ledi ab
alio nisi a semetipso . 36
Scio quod crassioribus
— a semetipso non leditur. Expl. tract, b. Job. Cris.
quod nemo etc.
3. Crisostomus de compunctione cordis ad Demetrium . . 56
Cum te intueor.
Lib, II. f. 75. Ends f. 88 «: in mortalibus flammis.
Expl. lib. secundus de compunct. cordis.
Followed by Barcroft's inscription again.
I. 2. 17 C. M. A. 7
Vellum, 9 X 5f, ff. 79+3, 36 lines to a page. Cent, xii, very
well written.
From Pershore Abbey. Two letters about the Convent are on
the flyleaves.
On f. I at top,
Isidorus super v. libros Moysi. Liber Gilleberti p' (prioris).
Collation: a"* (wants i) i^-io* (wants 8).
On the flyleaves :
1. A cure for the above. Fecit (? Recipe) puluerem saxifrage etc.
2. Epitaph. Tu prope qui transis nee dicis a...o resiste
Auribus et mente tu mea uerba tene etc.
3. In quibus emuli detrahebant S. Thome martiri.
4. Epitaph (of Petrus Comestor). Petrus eram quern petra tegit etc.
5. Dialogue in verse on the Crucifixion . . . . . {. \b
Fili. quid mater, deus es. sum. cur ita pendes etc.
Ends: A dum transit in e qui clamat ue recipit ue.
6. Versus de Archiepiscopo Vienne qui postea factus est papa
Romanus .......... f. 2
Sponsum sponsa suum concessit filia matii
Mater eum rapuit. fecit earn uiduam
Alter habuit (habebit) earn forsan uiuente priore
Nee de quattuor his ullus adulter erit.
Verses on Ernulfus (6).
Non ernulfe locus non homo sophismata prosunt.
Epigram. Quem recitas meus est o fidentine libellus.
Quare sine libro loqui non debet quis in claustvo (3 lines).
Dignum promat opus frater liber aut teneatur.
De signis metallorum (2 lines).
De abbatibus qui ferunt anulos et mitram et sandalia (4 lines).
Ars asino summisit equam mixturaque mulum.
De genealogia (6 lines).
Vulpis (Vulpe) salitur ouis dum densis uepribus heret.
Hoc genitos ligures fabula stirpe refert.
Hec sunt decern nociua oculis. Primus obest oculis etc. . 2 b
7. Letter from T(homas), Abp of Canterbury, to the Convent of
Pershore, restoring their Abbot Thomas.
8. Letter of the Convent of Pershore to Bishop S. asking that
their church may no longer be left widowed.
Title illegible (6 lines).
Si foret ex equo quemquam lugere uirorum
Pre multis aliis iste dolendus erat etc.
f. 3/; blank.
Text. Inc. prefacio Vsidori b. Gregorii pape discipuli Yspa-
lensis Ep. (xciii. 417) i
Hystoria sacre legis non sine aliqua prenuntiatione
— eloquenti Gregorio. Expl. pref.
Inc. Capitula in libro Genesis.
Inc. de libro Genesis premissio operis ab exordio mundi etc. 1 b
Creatura celi et terre.
Exodus 28(5. Leuit. 41. Num. 47. Deut. 54 (^.
losue 59^ (by Bede P. L. xciii. 417).
lud. 63. I Reg. 68. 2 Reg. 75. 3 Reg. -,6 b.
Ends f. 'j^b: qui nos a peccato mundaret (c. vii.).
Decrees of a Council in London, in another hand . . 79 <5
Anno ab incarnatione M.c. xxxviii. etc.
I. Interdicimus ut pro crismate pro oleo.
xvi. Magistri scolarum si aliis scolis suas regendas com-
I. 2. i8 C M. A. 28
39. Pseudo-Chrysostomi Opus imperfectum.
Vellum, 8^ x 5|, ff. 260, double columns of 34 lines. Cent, xv,
fairly well written. 2 fo. comprehensus or Abymelech.
Late names, Richard Bloxom etc., on flyleaf at end G. Davenport.
Collation: i^'- 2*^-32^.
Contents :
1. Table. Abraham — Zona.
2. Chrysostomi (Pseudo-) opus imperfectum in Matthaeum . f. 13
Sicut referunt quidam {P. G. LVI. 601).
Ends f. 258 : stantem in loco sancto. Expl. Omelie Joh.
Crisostomi patriarche constantinopolitani super matheum.
A later note on Daniel's prophecy of the weeks.
Table of the Homilies ........ 258/^
Table of the Liturgical Gospels treated in the Homilies . 2593
I. 2. 19 C. M. A. 412
40. Thomae Aquinatis quaedam.
Vellum, 7g X 5|-, ff, 163 + 2, double columns of 25 lines.
Cent, xiii, xiv, well written.
Ex dono Rodolphi Cudworthi eiusdem Coll. socii A. d. 1600.
On the flyleaf
Iste liber est fratris awtowioli de peranegiwo ordinis fratrum (erased).
Also an old table of contents headed :
In isto uolumine continentur isti tractatus per ordinem quos fecit S. Thomas de
aquino ordinis predicatorum.
Collation: a- i^- (wants i) 2^--ii^^ 12'^ 13^" I4^
Contents :
1. S. Thomas de fide spe et caritate, qui alio nomine appellatur
compendium theologie sancte fidei catholice . . . f. i
Begins imperfectly in c. 4.
Ends f. 119: difficilius fuit.
2. Inc. tract, eiusdem fr. Thome de acquino ordinis predicatorum
de rationibus fidei. Prohemium c. i . . . . 119
Beatus petrus apostolus
— diligencius pertractata sunt.
3. Inc. tract, de articulis fidei secundum fr. Th. de aquino ord.
Pred f- iSS*^
Postulat a me uestra dileccio
— sub alio voluntatem. Expl. tract, fr. Th. de art. fidei.
4. Inc. tract, de sacramentis ecclesie fr. Thome . . . 142 ^
Hiis uisis circa ecclesie sacramenta
— christus dei filius. Amen. Expl. de sacramentis.
Supplement of an omitted passage in no. 3 . . . . 1^6 l>
5. Tract, fr. Thome in quibus licet uti iudicio astrorum . . 147
Quia petisti ut tibi
— iudiciis astrorum uti. Expl.
6. Tract, eiusdem fr. Thome de forma absolucionis in confessione
sacramentali ......... 147 d
Perlecto libello
— compillans laborarem. Expl.
7. Tract, eiusdem fr. Thome de occultis operibus nature . . 153
Quoniam in quibusdam naturalibus
— dicta sufficiant. Expl.
8. Tract, eiusdem fr. Thome de motu cordis . . . . 155^
Quia omne quod mouetur.
Ends f. 160 (5: uidentur probabilitatem afferre. Expl.
In the table two more titles follow of tracts not in the volume, viz.
de mixtione elementorum in mixto.
de eternitate mundi.
Capitula of the first two tracts.
I. 2. 20 C M. A. 122
41. HORAE.
Vellum, 7| x 5^, ff. 69, 23 lines to a page. Cent, xv, well written.
Coarse pictures.
Collated by Mr Bradshaw. (m) one left n» (+ 7*) o^ p» (+ 3*) qs
J.S (+ ^*5*^*) s» (+ 6*) ts (+ 3*) v«' (wants i, 8).
Contents :
Seven Joys of the Virgin. Rubric. Quicunquehecseptemgaudiaetc. f. i
Virgo templum trinitatis.
O domina glorie .......... 2d
Ad ymaginem Christi ci-ucifixi: Omnibus consideratis ... 3
Prayer to the Cross and Five Wounds.
Ad uirginem Mariam. O Maria plasma nati .... 4
Ad S. Johannem euuang. Johannes euuangelista.
tu sacrarii sacrista . . . . 4 ^
Oratio uen. Bede presbiteri (de septem uerbis) . . . . f. 5
D. I. C. qui septem uerba.
Precor te piissime d. I. C. . . • • • • • • 6 (J
Salutaciones ad sacramentum: Aue d. I. C. uerbum patris . . 7
Aue uerum corpus. Aue caro Christi. Anima Christi.
Inc. septem psalmy(!): with Litany 9
Office of the dead 23
Prayers in later hand. O d. I. C. adoro te in cruce pendentem etc. 38 b
Oraciones bone ante arma domini in another hand . . . 40
O misericordissime d. I. C. adoro te etc.
Commendaciones animarum ......•• 42
Psalterium de passione domini ....... 53
Psaherium b. Iheronimi ........ 59
Salve Regina farced with rhyming quatrains : beginning gone . 64
Deus qui de b. v. utero ........ 66
O intemerata 66 b
Obsecro te .......... . 68
On f. 22 a is a with cent, scribble that Martin Crugh (?) owes
Roger of Drougheda £},. 6s. ^d.
The following pictures occur :
1. Initial f. i. Pieta. Two figures: the cross behind.
2. f. 3 — The Fall. 3. f. 3 b. The Three Crosses. 4. The Holy Face ;
red ground.
5. The Right Hand of Christ: blue ground. 6. The Left Hand.
7. The Five Wounds. 8. The Right Foot. 9. The Left Foot.
10. Virgin and Child seated: a wall behind. 11. St John with cup, in a room.
12. f. 5. The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John.
13. Full page. Seven Psalms. Christ as Judge on the rainbow. The Virgin and
John Evangelist kneel on earth : five dead people rise. Two angels in air with Trumpets.
14. Full page. Office of the Dead. Christ on L. attended by Mary (Magd.) and
John. Lazarus stepping out of a grave in the earth. Two Jews on R. Background of
15. Prayers, f. 39. Full page. Mass of St Gregory. He kneels at altar on L.
on which stands Christ supporting the Cross. A server kneels on L. Two Cardinals
on R. hold the tiara and crozier.
16. Conunendationes. Full page. Two angels stand on earth by two graves
holding between them a cloth in which are two nimbed souls. Christ and angels in
the sky.
17. Psalms of the Passion. Full page. The Man of Sorrows, half-length on blue
cloud, over the tomb. Behind and above on red ground the instruments of the Passion,
including busts of Pilate (?), Caiaphas (?), Annas (?) and Peter.
18. Psalter of St Jerome. Full page. Jerome as Cardinal seated in vaulted room.
Desk on R. Lion at his feet.
The Litany has traces of Flemish influence. Martyrs: Adrian, Potentian, Thomas,
Edward, Oswald, Alanus, Lambert, Julian. Confessors: Hubert, Remigius, Bavo,
Vedastus, Columba, Philibert, Botulph, Amandus. Virgins: Genovefa, Susanna, Editha.
I. 2. 21
Paper, 7| x 6|, pp. 479 numbered : more than half blank.
Cent, xvii, well written.
Extracts and notes for Sermons.
Dominica i^ post Pentecosten.
Estote misericordes.
The extracts are from Stapleton, Coster, Peraldus etc.: at p. 428
is part of a Table.
I. 2. 22
Paper, 7^ x 6, pp. 485 numbered. Cent, xvii, in the same hand
as the last.
A book of Extracts on various topics, probaVjly for use in Sermons.
A list of subjects after p. 482.
I. 2. 23
Paper, 7^ x 5f, K circ. 150. Cent, xvii, very finely written, dark
leather binding with gold tooling.
Treatise on Predestination.
The Preface to my Worthy Freind and reverend Pastor perswading
to peace and mutuall Tolerancie.
Analytical Table.
The First opinion.
The order of Gods Predestination according to the opinion of
Mr Calvin, Mr Beza and their followers.
The book was written after the death of James 1 who is referred to
as "our late Soueraigne."
Three opinions are treated. No author's name seems to occur in
the MS.
I. 2. 24
Paper, 7| x 4f, ff. circ. 100. Cent, xvii, clearly written.
Given by Abp Sancroft whose name is on f. i.
On the flyleaf are some notes
The Title of y'^ first Book in y"^ original.
Acta Convocationis de Suprematu Regio in Ecclesiasticis : quodque Suprematum
talem potestates supremae in Ecclesia Dei jam inde ab Adamo ad Christum exercuerunt.
Then a version of the Title by Abp Laud, and other notes.
On the verso in Bancroft's hand : Junii 24° 1689. Jmprimatur.
W. Cant.
Tis endorst. Bp Overal's Convocation Book 1606.
Title of y« whole Book. Concerning y'= Government of God's Catholick Church
and y'= kingdomes of y*^ whole World.
It is evidently a copy made for the press, and was printed in
London in 1690.
L 2. 25 ?vac.
46. Tractatus de Decalogo etc.
Vellum, 7 X 4|, ff. 90, 27 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Two
Title in the cover written by Dr Farmer :
Homiliae in Decalogum cum Directorio Sacerdotum.
Collation: \'"^-^'> (wants 10) || 5^- (12 cane?) e^^-Si" (wants 10)
9'» (+ I).
Contents :
I. I. Sermons on the Commandments . . . . . f. j
Si uis ad uitam ingredi serua mandata. Mt. 19. Dicturi
de preceptis uideamus primo.
Ends f. 31^: reliqua ad omnes homines communiter.
Expl. tract, de decern mandatis.
2. On hindrances to prayer . . . . . . 31 ^
Primum impedimentum quare oratio non auditur etc.
3. Bonauentura de decern mandatis ..... 33
Si uis ad uitam etc. Verba ista in matheo et sunt
saluatoris nostri.
Ends imperfectly 39 h : affirmatiua sed in nouo testamen(to).
II. A Directorium Sacerdotum for the year: apparently of
Sarum Use ......... 40
Begins imperfectly (one quire at least being lost) in Littera
Dominicalis B.
Ends f. 90 rt with Letter G.
There are a good many variations of hand in Vol. i, and
scribbles of cent, xvi, which do not seem interesting.
I. 2. 26
47. Ant. Askew's Album Amicorum.
Vellum and paper, 7^ x 4^, ff. circ. 50, many blank. Cent, xviii.
Vellum binding with gold tooling. Title written by Dr Farmer.
Album containing complimentary mottoes etc written for Dr Askew
in the years 1746, 1747, in Germany, Austria and Constantinople,
by various scholars including Chr. Bened. Michaelis, Joh. Matth.
Gesner, Jo. Aug. Ernesti, Jac. Burckhard, J. G. Walther etc.
I. 2. 27
Paper, 7^ x 5f, ff. 35 written. Cent, xvii, fif. 1-30, in a beautiful
hand, possibly that of a professional scribe.
1. Dr Richard Holdsworth's Directions for Students at the
General Directions i, 2, Synopsis of Studies for four years 3-6.
Notes on the Synopsis, and List of Books to be read 7-22.
Further Directions about Studies 22 1^-26. General Directions,
warning against Idleness and Bad Company 27-30.
2. Ex Codice D"^ Linnet Vice-Magistri Trin. Coll. Camb.
On the office of the Regius Professors of Divinity, Hebrew
and Greek 31-35.
Richard Holdsworth was Master 1637-43.
I. 2. 28 Printed. Belonged to Sir Walter Mildmay.
I. 2. 29
Paper, 7| x 8f , fif. circ. 70. Cent, xvii, very neatly written.
Hebrew Grammar in Latin Verse (by Joshua Barnes?).
Hebraicae linguae studiosae juventuti animi alacritatem successusque
a Deo prosperrimos.
Si cupis optatam, juvenis, contingere metam,
Et tibi letifico studium Colophone beari,
Quotidie Deus est per Cristum in vota vocandus etc.
I. 2. 30 C. M. A. 130
Paper, 8^ x 7, pp. 52 written, more blank. Cent, xvii, in a good
hand. Vellum wrapper.
Leander, Comoedia.
The cast precedes the text.
Gerastus senex D= Kitchin etc.
I. 2. 31 C. M. A. 73
Paper, 8§ x 6|, fif. 18 written, as many blank. Cent, xvii,
clearly written.
1. Tract on Fortifications in French.
Des fortifications, ff. 11.
Ce qui a esmeu les premiers hommes a se fortifier.
2. Des feus d'artifice, 5 fif.
Premierement pour faire les gren(a)des a feu.
3. De la sphaire, fT. 2.
Notez qu'en la sphaire il ny a que dix cercles.
All three tracts have rough diagrams. On a subsequent page
is a heading " De I'usage du globe," but no text.
I. 2. 32
Paper, 91 x 7, ff. circ. 50. Cent, xvii, well written.
Belonged to Abp Sancroft, whose name is on the first page.
Valetudinarium. Comoedia acta coram Academicis Febr. 6" 1637,
Authore m'" Guill. Johnson Coll. Regin. Soc.
Paper, 9 x 6|. fif. circ. 100. Cent, xvi late.
The Names of the Justices of Peace and Deputy Lieutenants in all
the Counties of England and Wales A.D. 1595-
Followed by the Circuits of the Justices of Assize 14 Aug. 1595.
The names of the Sheriffs 1595. Lieutenants and Deputy-
Lieutenants. Commissioners for Musters.
March 1596. Abstract of the forces... furnished by the Clergie.
Soldiers levyed in various counties in June 1594 and sent into
Ireland then.
Further particulars of forces sent into Ireland, France, and the
Low Countries in 1594-1599.
Oathe of one of the priuie Counsell.
Oathe of the Secretaries or Counsailors.
I. 3- I C. M. A. 83
Vellum, 8 X 51 fif. 139+ i, 31 lines to a page. Cent, xv, well
written. 2 fo. illumina.
At end
Liber Rogeri Ched. prec. xii'^ (xv).
Collation: i flyleaf. 18-48 | 58-148 [ 158-178 18^ (wants 4): old
foliation incorrect but I make use of it.
There is an erasure of two lines on the flyleaf
Contents :
I. I. Liber soliloquiorum S. Augustini. {P. L. xxxii. 869) . f. i
Agnoscam te domine
— ut aquile annos meos.
II. 2. Musica ecclesiastica de imitacione Christi et contemptu
omnium uanitatum , ,
Qui sequitur me
— ecclesie sacrosancto et fui ipsius etc.
f. 113 blank.
III. Speculum S. Edmundi [Bihl. Patr. Lat, Tom. xxv. p. 316) 114
Begins imperfectly in c. i.
die ac nocte ex una parte habeo magnum gaudium
— paratum ab origine mundi. Amen.
Expl. tract. S. Edmundi de Pontiniaco qui appellatur
speculum ecclesie et bene potest ita nominari cum in
tota sacra sciptura non poterit aliquid specialius inueniri.
Paper, 8 x 6j, ff. circ. 100. Cent, xvii early, very neatly written.
A common-place book containing notes and extracts from Petrarch, Jos. Scaliger,
Fynes Morison's Itinerary, various classical authors and Platina.
On one leaf in English near the end are notes of a " relation of
Anthony Knivet" of perils undergone by him in South America
and Africa.
Earlier in the volume are some pages beginning with " my lord
keepers judgement " on the Earl of Essex, and going on with a
character of some politician who lived in Ireland and died in 1606.
I. 3. 3 C. M. A. 87
Vellum, 81 x 6|, ff. 158 + 4, mostly double columns of 34 lines.
Cent. XV and xiii.
Given in 1667 by Tho. Leigh, S. Th. B. nuper socius.
2 fo. de una.
On f. 158^
Mag. Joannis Veysy ex donacione (xv, xvi).
At the end are various names
John Wyse, Ffrauncis Cope. Erasure of 3^ lines.
Collation: a- 18-13^ | 148-178 i8ntwo) | 19^2 20^2 (wants 11, 12): b^.
An old table of contents on f. ii b headed
In hoc uolumine continentur hec uidehcet.
Contents :
I. I. Hieronymus contra Jovinianum. (/". Z. xxin. 211) . f. i
Fauci admodum dies sunt.
Lib. II. f. 40. Ends : luxuriam susceperunt. Expl.
2. Liber Jeronimi de induracione cordis Pharaonis.
Prohemium 69
Perfectorum est ea que affluentissimo eloquii splendore.
Text. Optimus dispensator humani generis deus.
Lib. II. f. "tlb: ends: ut omnes comprehendatis. Amen.
Expl. lib. sec. b. Jeronimi de indur. cord, pharaonis.
A spurious tract, never printed : this MS. was transcribed
by Dom G. Morin in 1904.
3. Inc. prefaciones b. Jeronimi presb. in natiuitate b. dei
genitricis marie ........ 84
Petis a me peticiunculam.
Petitis a me ut uobis rescribam.
Epistola Chromacii et Eliodori episcoporum ad eundem
Jeronimum ......... 84
Rescriptum eiusdem Jeronimi (Tischendorf Evv. Apocr.
P- 50-
Jeronimus exiguus christi seruus . . . . f. 8^
which passes without a break into the Liber de natiuitate
b. Marie (Tischendorf ^z/z/. Apocr. p. 113).
— regnat deus per omnia sec. sec. Amen. Expl. Jeron.
de natiu. b. M. V. Deo gracias.
4. Inc. pref. b. Augustini Ep. in tractatum de assumpcione
b. Virginis 88 ^
Ad interrogata de virginis et matris domini (xL. 1141).
Inc. tract, b. Augustini Ep. de assumpcione b. Virginis . 89
Quia profundissime.
5. Sermons of St John Chrysostom viz.
de ieiunio Niniuitarum in letania. Clementissimus
omnipotens deus .....
de milicia spirituali. Bona quidem sunt
de milicia Christiana. Omnes homines qui se
de muliere mala. Heu me quid agam
de muliere bona. Sed hactenus mihi
f. 104 blank.
II. 6. In a later hand.
Expositio Jeronimi super Marcum (xxx. 560)
Omnis scriba doctus in regno
— luca concordans enarrat. Expl. exp. Jeron
7. Continuacio noui et ueteris testamenti (attributed to St
Ambrose P. L. xv. 1961)
Continuare uolumus quedam que dicit Josephus
— iam finis erit operi legenti ne sit oneri.
III. 8. In a fine hand of cent, xiii, in triple columns.
Inc. descriptio eusebii ieronimi de formulis hebraicarum
litterarum que dextrorsum etc. with Hebrew letters
(xxxii. 1305?) 139
Prefatio Ieronimi in libro interpr. hebr. nominum.
Philo uir disertissimus (xxiii. 771).
Inc. liber interpr. hebr. nominum. Non statuis ubicunque.
Interpr. nominum de genesi etc. Aethiopie tenebre.
Ends : de epistola barnabe. Sathan aduersarius etc.
9. Inc. pref. Jeronimi in libro loconim ab eusebio...edito . 1481^
Eusebius qui a b. phamphilo (xxiii. 859).
Ararath — Zoeleth.
Expl. lib. S. Jeron. presb. de locis.
I. 3. 4 C M. A. 87
Vellum, 8| x 5|, ff. 166 + 2, mostly 30 (and more) lines to a page.
Cent, xii early, in several excellent hands. 2 fo. mons nomine.
E. c. c. 4
loi b
Given by Tho. Leigh in 1667.
On the flyleaf:
Henricus Gocheus.
Collation: i flyleaf. i»-5» | 6«-2o8 2i« | i flyleaf.
Contents :
I. I. Inc. lib. s. hieronimi de situ uel nominibus (siue distantiis)
locorum . . . . . • • • . i. i b
Eusebius qui a b. pamphilo {P. L. xxiii. 859).
Ararat — Zib...ubi absconditus est dauid.
2. Inc. prefatio s. hieronimi presb. in libro de interpretatione
nominum hebreorum ....... 20 ^
Piiilo uir disertissimus ludeorum.
De genesi. Aethiopia. Tenebre uel caligines.
Ends: ad Thimotheum...Efesum uoluntas eius.
II. 3. Inc. prologus S. Jeronimi presb. in libro questionum
hebraicarum (in genesim) ...... 41
Qui in principiis librorum (/". L. xxiii. 935).
— uiuant de altari. Expl. lib. quest, hebr. S. Jeron.
in genesim.
4. Inc. eiusdem qui supra de mansionibus filiorum Israel . 65 b
In septuagesimo septimo psalmo
— corruent in illis.
5. Inc. lib. b. Jeronimi presb. de questionibus Regum . 76
Fuit uir unus
— sescentis aureis emisse. Expl. lib. b. Jeron. presb.
de quest, regum.
6. Inc. lib. eiusdem de questionibus paralipomenon . . 88
In diebus eius diuisa est terra
— ruinas templi restauraret. Expl. lib. b. Jeron.
presb. de quest, paral.
7. Inc. (idem) de x temptationibus (xxiii. 1319) . . 98^
Haec sunt uerba
— considerandam. Finit de x tempt.
8. De sex ciuitatibus ad quas homicida fugit. Inc. canticum
debboree (xxiiT. 1321) . . . . . . 991^
Prima ciuitas est cognitio (8 lines).
Cecinerantque debbora etc.
— in ieremia propheta. Finit cant. debb.
9. Inc. lamentationes Jeremie (xxv. 787) .... roi b
Et factum est
— uoluptatem camis. Expl. expos, super alfabeto.
10. Inc. tract, super edificium prudentii (/. -ie) . . . 104
Gratia dei adiutrice
— mens ad discretionem pertinet.
11. (De nominibus xxiii. 771) ...... 105 <^
Abraham pater excelsus.
With insertion of glose septime ebdomade beginning
Non ad hoc abbreuiauit illos annos
— anni solares cccclxxv.
Ends with Diotrepes (3 Jo.).
12. Inc. de spera celi et de diuersis scripturis . . . f. lOy
Affirmatur cehim rotundum
— audisti me cui obedisti Hberet te. f. 112^ blank.
13. In another hand. Epistles of Jerome and Augustine.
I. Jeron. ad Tranquiliinum (de Origene, Ep. 62 : xxii.
606). 2. Aug. ad Jeron. (xxxiii. 720).
3. Rescriptum Jeron. 4. Item Jeron. ad Aug.
5. Aug. ad Presidium.
6 — 12. Aug. ad Jeron. et Jer. ad Aug. de origine anime.
13. Explanatiofidei S. Jeron. Credimus in deum patrem.
r4. Disputatio de ratione anime. Cum apud uos celestis.
15. Jer. ad Paulinum. 16. Jer. Amando.
J 7. Exemplarii Responsio.
18. Pammachius et Oceanus Jeronimo.
19. Jeron. Pammachio.
20. Jer. ad Oceanum de uita clericorum.
21. Epiphanius ad Johannem CPol.
22. Jeron. ad Rufinum de iudicio Salomonis.
23. Ad Vitalem. 24. Ad Castricianum.
25. Ad Domnionem. 26. Ad Asellam.
27. Ad Marcellam de v questionibus.
28 — 33. Ad Marcellam. 34. Jeronimus . • . 161
Cum essem iuuenis miro discendi ferebar ardore
— festuca peccati non posset incidere.
f. 165 a blank.
Paragraphs: Duo sunt genera omnium rerum . . 165 3
Quia igitur sunt multe et uarie actiones ani-
Ad paralisim potio ..... 166
Table of contents of cent, xv headed
Contenta in hoc libro. prec. huius libri xxvj^. viij'^.
I. 3. 5 C. M. A. 119
58. Variae Lectione.s in N.T.
Paper, 8 x 6^, ff. circ. 120. Cent, xvii early, well written.
Given by Tho. Leigh.
A collation of the Elzevir text of the New Testament (Lugd. 1624)
with four MSS. viz.
A. Quatuor Evangelia MS. in Coll. Gonvillii et Caii ( = Gonv.
and Cai. MS. 403).
B. The Codex Bezae.
C. Evangelia MS. Henrici Googe S.T.D. et Coll. S. Trin.
apud Cantabr. nuper Socii.
D. Nov. Test, recentiore manu descriptum quod olim fuerat
fratris froysel (Froy Franciscani) postea Th. dementis
deinde Guil. Chark nunc Thomae Montfortii ( = the Codex
Montfortianus at Dublin).
The collation comprises the four gospels and Acts i-xxii. 29.
I. 3. 6 C. M. A. 8, 80
Paper, 7| x 5^, ff. 159, 30 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, very
neatly written.
On f. I
Hugo Broughton D.
Collation: modern flyleaves, i* (wants i) 2^-18* 19® 20" 21*,
Notes, on the flyleaves, on Philippus Solitarius, and the first
leaf recopied (xvii).
Contents :
1. MepiKT) virodecris Kal iiirbuvr^aLs Sict arixoirXoKias ttcDs ri ^vxv toO
ffU)fia.Tos Sia^etryvvrat
'ludvvov a... Kai ^^vov di' c5^ Kal direXiyero irpos Trjv Idiav ^I'XV"'
ffrixoi Trj . . . . . . . . . . f. I
IIcDs Kadi] TTWS a/jLepi/j-veLS, ttujs dfieXeh ^vxv Mow
'AfiTjp a/j-riv XP"'"''0S /J-ov yivoiro yivoirb /J.01.
Edited from this MS. by Dr E. S. Shuckburgh.
It was formerly regarded as the first book of the Dioptra of
Philippus Solitarius.
Lib. II. begins f. 8
(T)a 5e iarlv iv tQ 5evr4po} Xoyoi.
IloXXoiis fiev ^Ofiev bfiov Kai xpovovi Kal Kaipovs re.
Lib. ni. f. 34/5. Lib. iv. f. 65. Lib. v. f. 89.
Ending f. 153 (5
Kai aCiffbv /xe fiaKpoOv/xe firj eU t^Xos oXiadai
Ao^a Kvpidi Tw dfu) iravTOTe eh aiuvas.
Several quires are misbound: notes of cent, xvii show the
right order.
2. ToO ev dyiois irarpos rjiiGiv 'loiavvov dpx- kuivctt. toO xP'-''^ocrT6/jLov
X6yos ets rd pata . . . . . . . . 153 ^
"HSt; TTJs SeffTTOTiKijs (Savile vn. 334).
Ends imperfectly f. 1 58 (5. .
Imperfect capitula to the Dioptra (?) in another hand . . f. 159
Scribbles in Greek and Hebrew on the verso.
The Cat. MSS. Angl. adds
Homilia Gregorii Nyssae Ep. de generatione Jesu Christi
et de eius Baptismo, liber fine mutilus.
But I do not detect any part of this in the MS.
It seem to be entered twice in Cat. MSS. Angl. viz.
No. 8. I. Rhythmi Graeci de anima et corpore. Princip.
2. Horn. Chrysostomi in dominica palmarum Gr.
3, Hom. Greg. Nyssae Ep. etc. (as above).
No. 80. Ai6irTpa i/'^X'?'. Vetus MS. titulari pagina caret,
Chartac. 4'°.
1-3-7 C M. A. II
60. Manuale Confessorum.
Vellum, 7^x5, ff. 219 + 4, 2 columns of 41 lines. Cent, xiv,
clearly written.
On the last page :
Iste liber constat d"° Johanni bayntun vicario de why'°.
Given by Tho. Leigh (S.T.B. nuper Socius) in 1667.
Collation: 2 flyleaves. \^--t>'^ f (+a slip) 81--11'" "^ '-(? wants
I and 12) 12^- (wants i) 13^- (+a slip) 14^^-19^-: 2 flyleaves.
Contents :
(Manuale confessorum excerpta de Summa Raymundi).
Cum summa confessorum pro ma uos specialiter dirigens ob sui
magnitudinem f, i
— per ordinem supponendo.
List of headings i
Text. (S)imonia secundum theologos et iuristas diffinitur.
Ends f. 193 i5: utile uel necessarium iudicabis.
Tabula. Si complete non inueneris . . . . . . 193 ^
From Abbas to Irregularis ending imperfectly.
A slip is tacked on to the last leaf containing the list of headings
to Votum.
I. 3. 8 C. M. A. 132
61. Aristides de Musica.
Paper, 'j\ x 6|, ff. 87 written, 23 lines to a page. Cent, xvii,
well written.
On p. I etc. Almae Matri EMMANVEL D.D. Josua Barnes,
Apiareidov tuO KoLvriXiavov
irefil "SlovaLKTjs ......... f. I
Kiel fxiv ifiol davfid^eiv ^ireicri.
Ends f. 87 rt fii^ KaraOiadaL irpay/xarflg.. tAos.
Titles, diagrams etc. are inserted in pencil only.
I. 3- 9 C. M. A. 82
62. SuiMMA Raymundi de Pennaforti.
Vellum, 8^ x 5^, ff. 482, double columns of 19 lines. Cent, xiii-
xiv i*, in a large bold cursive hand, mutilated at each end.
Collation: i'- (wants 1-3) 2i-'-26'« 27^" 281--351- 16^^-1%^^ 39"
(wants 14).
On the margin of f 398^ in a large hand is written Richard
harewel (xv).
Contents :
Summa Confessorum Raymundi.
Lib. I. begins imperfectly de Symonia.
Lib. II. f. 114. de homicidio etc.
In prima parte dictum est de quibusdam criminibus que princi-
paliter in deum committuntur.
Lib. III. f. 286. de qualitate ordinandorum etc.
Expeditis per gratiam dei duabus particulis.
Lib. IV. f. 419. de matrimonio.
Expeditis autem iam per dei gratiam non me. Quoniam frequenter
in foro penitentiali dubitationes circa matrimonium.
Ends imperfectly.
I- 3- 10 vac.
Paper, 8^ x 6|, pp. yj, 27 lines to a page. Cent, xvii, clearly
Belonged to Abp Sancroft whose name is on the title page.
Testamentum 12. Patriarcharum Graece.
It was Mr Jo. Gregories. I bought it of Dr Gurgeries (?) widow.
Transscrib'd {as I have heard) from a MS. in y'^ Bennett Coll.
(lined through) University Library in Cambridge and since
compar'd w'^ it and y<= divers Readings inserted w"> several
supplies and additions by Dr Battelie's procurem' who hath a
fair Copie of y<= whole.
The various readings of the Bodleian MS.Pare inserted in the margin.
I. 3- II C. M. A. ?
64. Breviarium (Dublin).
Vellum, 7f x 5, fif. 523, double columns of 37 lines. Cent, xv
early, excellent writing and ornaments.
On f. 251 at end of Proper of Time :
Iste liber constat Thome Pecoke capellano (xv).
Collation: \^-2\^ 22« 23^ (wants i) 24^ (wants i) 25^ (wants 3)
26^-398 40'° 4i« 42» 43^2 (_,_ i) 448_5^8 5^io_
Contents :
Proper of Time, ends f. 251, f. 252 blank . . . . f. t
Kalendar in red, blue, black and purple .... 253
Psalter, Cantica, Litany: ends f. 315: f. 316 blank . . 259
Common of Saints . . . . . . . . . 317
Proper of Saints 346
The book is a Sarum Breviary with Dublin feasts inserted in the
Kalendar, but no Dublin offices in the text so far as I can see,
and nothing Irish in the Litany.
The Kalendar contains the following entries :
Jan. 31. S. Edani Ep. C. ix lect. per co. Dublinie in red added.
Feb. 17. S. Fintani Abb Dublinie ,, ,,
27. Added in margin Mune ep. ix lect.
29. „ ,, Oswald! ep. ix lect.
Mar. I, 2. David and Chad orig. in red.
3. Magri Abb. added in black.
II. Liberi Abb. „ ,,
16. Finani Ep. ,, ,,
17. Patricii Archiep. dup. added in red.
Laceriani Ep. C dup. fest. per co. Dublin, added in red.
Joh. de beuerlaco added in black.
Sythe V. non mart, added in red.
Brandani Abb. added in red.
Keuinii Abb. added in black.
Columbe Abb. dup. fest. per co. Dublinie added in red.
Transl. S. patricii added in red.
Visit. B.V.M. added in red.
S. Henrici Imperatoris et conf. added in black.
S. Michee Archiep. primatis hibernie ix lect. added in red.
S. Macurlini Ep. ? added, in red.
S. Etheldrede V. non M. added in red.
S. Frideswide V. added in red.
Med. lect. de S. Joh. beuerlaco cum Resp. de ii°
Noctumo added in black.
Nov. 3. S. Wenefride V.M. ix lect. added in black.
14. Transl. S. Erkenwaldi Ep. C dup. fest. ap. london.
added in red.
Dec. 4. S. Osmundi Ep. C. Inuit. dup. i.\ lect. added in black.
29. S. Thomas of Canterbury erased.
There are handsome borders and decorative initials to each
division, principal feast and nocturne of the Psalter.
I. 3. 12 C. M. A. 126
Vellum, 8^x5^, ff. 191 +3, ^6 lines to a page. Cent, xv,
clearly written.
From Kirkham Priory, Yorks., as appears by the matter on the
Given by Tho. Bywater to the College.
Collation: 3 flyleaves (2+ i). i'-- 16^- (wants 12).
On the flyleaf :
Liber Roberti Fowberii (written over erasure) quern comparauit Ebor. tercio die
mensis maii a.d. mill, quadringentesimo septuag. octauo. Precium xiij. Osanna.
Then a series of documents about the founder of Kirkham
1 . Dominus Walterus Espek miles strenuus decorus in etate iuuenili duxit uxorem
quandam nomine Adelinam
— fundans tria monasteria prout inferius patebit.
2. Anno ab incarn. domini in™° c™° xxii sancte trinitatis ecclesia in kirkham
fundata est etc.
— ad uitam migrauit eternam. Amen.
3. Predictus autem Walterus Espeke fundauit tria monasteria
— iacens ibidem in sua ecclesia humatus vij idus marcii a.d. M.C liiii
cuius anime propicietur deus. Amen.
4. Verses (2 2). Pandere progeniem de Ros cupiens seriatim
Le spek Walterum scribere uolo prius
M. simul et C. ter x et sex hiis sociatis
Transiit autumpno vir bonus ille deo.
5. Birth of William filius d. Will, de Ros domini de hamelake ex d. matilda
filie(!) d. Joh. de Wallibus (1291, in Cathedra S. Petri).
The same note repeated.
Two tables of contents, one of cent, xv.
Contents :
1. Orologium sapiencie ........ f. i
Sentite de domino in bonitate.
Lib. II. f. 55 <^ ends f. 90: in decore tuo conspiciemus LC. d.n.
qui cum patre et Sp. S. uiuis et rengnas deus per omnia sec.
sec. Amen.
Inc. cursus de eterna sapiencia go
Salutem mentis et corporis
— corda et corpora nostra. Amen.
Expl. liber qui dicitur horologium diuine sapiencie.
•2. Boneuenture de ordine minorum Stimulus diuini amoris . 92 ^>
Libellus iste qui et stimulus
— ut laudet deum omnis spiritus. Amen. Expl. tract, qui
dicitur Stimulus amoris.
3. De S. Macol)iro (Macario): a vision ..... 157 <^
Narrat Jeronimus quod in deserto egipti fuit quidam uenerabilis
pater nomine macobirus
— ut per crucis patibulum saluarem genus humanum.
4. Sermo b. Ambrosii de lapsu virginitatis . . . . 1591^
Audite qui longe estis.
De te autem quid dicam.
Qui consoletur te.
5. Epistola b. dementis (from the Decretals, with preamble) . 165 (5
Quia nescit homo quam diu hie uiuit utrum amore an odio
dingnus sit... ex uerbis b. dementis que se ab ore s. petri
didicisse fatetur manifeste insinuatur ait enim Tria sunt genera
homicidii que pari pena plectuntur etc.
— lingue sue ponens custodiam placeat creator! suo qui uiuit
etc. sec. sec. Amen. Hec in epistola b. dementis.
6. Inc. prol. in itinerarium mentis in deum (Bonauenturae) . 167
In principio primum principium.
Ends f. 181 : sapere absque appetitu. Expl. liber sec. fratrem
minorem (boneuentur').
Liber Thome Chenyson Capellani.
Genealogy of the De Ros family in the hand which wrote the
first flyleaves . . . . . . . . . 181^
S...gost/onem Dominorum de Ros post maritagium P(etri)
domini de Ros Adeline sorori Walteri Espek.
Ends with the death of Thomas in 1427 without heirs: cui
successerunt iure hereditario tres sorores nomina quorum (I)
hec sunt {182 b).
I. 3. 13. Bound with I. 2. 15.
I. 3. 14 C. M. A. 29
Paper and vellum, 7| x 5^, two volumes. I. Paper. Cent, xv
late, 32 lines to a page. II. Vellum, double columns of 48 lines.
Cent, xiii, in a beautiful small hand.
Given by Tho. Leigh.
Collation: 3 flyleaves. I. i^- 2^- (wants i)-5^-, ft". 59. II. i'-
( wants i)-8i^ ff- 96 | 3 flyleaves.
Contents :
I. Constitutiones prouinciales Anglie . . . . . . f. i
De summa trinitate et fide catholica.
Ignorancia sacerdotum et cetera. Ne quis per ignoranciam
se excuset.
Ends f. 55 with a constitution of Winchelsea beginning
Abiuraciones autem fornicariarum.
Table 55 (J
Ends f. 59a: Expl. tabula Constit. prouincialium, 59^ blank.
II. Raymundi summa confessorum ...... i
Distinguitur hoc opus in tres particulas.
Capitula of Part I.
Text. Quoniam inter crimina ecclesiastica.
Ends f. 95 a: Venite benedicti patres mei etc.
Finito libro sit lans et gloiia chiisto.
hie liber est scriptus qui scripsit sit bene dictus.
Italicised words in red : erasure follows.
On the flyleaves, a formula, some receipts (one in English) and
verses, and the name William James (xvi).
I. 3- 15
67. BlBLIA.
Vellum, 7| x 5^, ft". 522, double columns of 46 lines. Cent, xiii,
in an excellent hand.
Given by Tho. Leigh. The name Henricus Gocheus and
praec. \\s. 6d. on f. i. On the page after the Interpretationes is
written Scti Dunstani in oriente London, (xvi), and on the last
page Rychard Lynccon (xv, xvi).
At the end of the Apocalypse is an erased inscription.
Collation : i^- (wants 4)-4^- 5'" 6^- 7" 8^*' 9i--22^2 (wants 10) 23^^-
2912 (wants 11) 30^^-38^- (wants 11, 12) 39" (wants i, 2) 40^^ (+ i)
Contents :
Prologues of Jerome, a. Frater Ambrosi.
d. Desiderii mei.
Genesis (ist leaf gone) to 2 Par. (without Prayer of Manasses).
Ezra, Nehemiah, 2 Esdras (=1 Esdras of Apocr.).
Tobit — ^Job, followed by Hie testatur iob de resurrectione.
lob quoque exemplar patientie — spes mea in sinu meo.
Origo prophetic psalmorum. Dauid filius lesse.
Psalterium Rome dudum positus.
Psalter Gallican. Ps. cli.
Prov. Ecclus. (ch. lii is oratio Salomonis): a leaf gone in Wisdom.
Isa. — Malachi, ist leaf of Daniel gone.
I, 2 Maccabees.
Evv., Paul. Epp. (omit. Col. iii — 2 Tim. iii).
Acts (ending per quern incipiet totus mundus iudicari).
Cath. Epp. with the reading deglutiens mortem etc. in i Pet. iii.
Interpretationes nominum in another hand. Aaz — Zuzim.
With curious outline grotesques on the lower margins : ending
f. 5i9<5.
Pencil notes on 520-522.
Historiated initials: gold grounds: colours rather pale : decent
English work.
Prologue. Man writing at desk. Gen. Gone.
£xod. Moses and Aaron walk to R. followed by the people.
Lev. Moses horned speaks to half-length figure in building on R.
Num. Similar. Moses is seated. Deitl. Gone.
Jos. leads the people to R.
Jud. Nimbed figure on Z. Red river, people on R.
Ruth. Boaz above. Ruth with sheaf below.
1 Reg. Hannah delivers Samuel to Eli on R.
2 Reg. David seated. Amalekite with crown kneeling.
3 Reg. David in bed. Abishag rubs his feet.
4 Reg. Ahaziah in bed, three men by him.
1 Par. Group of seated figures.
2 Par. Solomon seated with crown and sceptre.
Ezra. Large figure of Ezra in cap.
Neh. Seated writing. 2 Esdr. Decorative.
Tobit. Seated blind, Anna on R. Tobias and Raphael on R.
Judith. Beheads Holofernes. Maid on L.
Esther. Below, touches sceptre of Ahasuerus above.
Job. Nude, reclines. Three friends on R.
Psalms. Beatits vir. Christ above half-length with orb. David with harp below.
Doniinns illuminatio. Samuel anoints David.
Dixi custodiatn. David sits with hand to mouth.
Dixit insipiens. Man seated cross-legged, hawk on hand.
Salvum. Christ half-length with orb. David in water below.
Exultate. David plays on bells.
Cantate. David plays dulcimer.
Dixit Dominiis. The Father and Son seated.
Prov. Eccl. Solomon with scroll.
Cant. Crowned figures, one with cross, embrace.
IVisd. Solomon with sword and scales.
Ecdiis. As Prov.
Isaiah. With scroll. yci-cmiah. At gate of city. Bariich. With scroll.
Ezekiel. On R. in cloud heads of Christ and the 4 beasts. Daniel. Gone.
Hosea. Embraces Gomer. Joel. Gone. Amos. With scroll and sheep.
Obadiah. With scroll. Jonah. Emerges from fish: Nineveh above.
Micah. With scroll. Nahum. City on R.
Hahakknk to Malachi. Single figures with scrolls.
1 Mace. Horsemen on L. Angel on R. (Heliodorus?)
2 Alacc. Jews on Z. Messenger on R. with scroll.
Matthew. On L. Jesse on R. sleeping. Virgin and Child above.
Mark. Lion on medallion above him. Luke. Writing : ox above desk.
John. Eagle above him in medallion.
Rom. — Phil. Paul seated, addresses people on R.
Tit. — Philem. Paul conversing with a single man.
Heb. Paul addresses Jews.
Acts. Apostles in two groups.
James. Single figure. i Peter. Peter as bishop seated with cross-staff.
2 Peter. Peter seated bareheaded.
1-3 John. John seated. Jnde. Single figure.
Apoc. John writing.
I. 3. 16
68. Poems etc.
Paper, 8 x 6, ff. circ. 160. Cent, xvii, several volumes.
A list of contents in Dr Farmer's hand.
Contents :
L I. Elisaeis Apotheosis poetica sive de florentissimo imperio et
rebus gestis Elizabethae.
Poematis in duodecem libros tribuendi liber primus.
Authore Gul. Alabastro Cantabr. CoUeg. Trin.
Dedication to Elizabeth in prose. Elegiacs follow.
Text begins : Virgineum mundi decus augustamque
II. 1. Poems by Dr Donne, viz. Praise of middle age .
Donnes Prayse of an Old woman.
His Parting w'^ his M''^
To his M--^. I wonder (by my troth) what thou and I.
A Sonnet. Send home my long strayd eys to me.
A Song. When I dyed last.
The haire a forest is of ambushes.
Discovered by a Perfume.
Selecta. In a garden. His Curse. A diet for Love.
As the sweet sweat of Roses in a still.
3. The Inner Temple Masque. Jan. 13, 1614. Written by
W. Browne (author of Brittannia's Pastorals)
HI. 4. Pseudo Magia, Authore M™ Mewe Cant. Col. Eman.
Mr Mewe was afterwards rector of Eastington (Glouc^).
IV. 5. Paria, Authore Thoma Vincent, Trin. Coll. Soc. Cant. .
(Acta coram Sereniss. Rege Carolo. Mar. 3, 1627. Ab
hora undecima ad quintam.)
V. 6. Parthenia. Comoedia pastoralis.
VI. Miscellaneous Poems.
1. The Harte. Whilome diuided from y^ maine lande stoode
Whom it arisinge from the sea deterres.
" Georgivs dvx BvckinghaMie (chronogram on 1628).
Thy numerous name with thy yeare doth agree
But 29 heauen grant thou ne're maist see.
2. On his M« Picture. Such clowdes and shadowes may
content the minde.
3. Now westward Sol had spent the richest beames.
4. When first I sawe thee thou didst sweetly playe.
5. Rare creature let me speake w"'out offence.
6. Poems on the death of Queen Elizabeth, a. By Ed.
Kellet, Regal, b. The early houres. c. By Th. Cecill,
Joh. d. By F. Bowie, Trin.
7. Sir R. Bacon. The world's a buble.
8. John to Jeane. Tell nie sweete Jugge.
9. Upon a blemish in a Lady's eye.
10. Upon a woman and her childe haueinge each of y™ but
one eye.
11. In Nuptias Geo. Goringe. When I my serious thoughts
had set.
12. Caryes Rapture. I will enioye yee now my Celia come.
13. Upon o' Lad yes daye, 2 dayes before o' Soueraignes.
14. To a beautifull Lady perswasions to Love. Think not
'cause men do flatteringe saye.
15. The Epicures paradoxe. No worldlinge noe 'tis not thye
16. Twixt hope and feare the best affection sits.
17. A faire yet hard M^: Nowe y' y^ winters gone.
18. To a gentlewoman y' desired a H'^ helpe to make her faire.
ffaire one! y' have posed me and my skill: you craue.
19. An old dittye of S"' Philip .Sidneyes.
Philoclea and Pamela sweete.
I. 3. 17 C. M. A. 12
69. John of Ardern.
Paper, 8^ x 5|, fif. 210, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xv, clearly-
written, with curious drawings. Stamped leather binding of
cent. xvi.
Collegio Emanuelis sacrum posuit Humfredus Moseley armiger
et Sociorum Commensalis 1649.
Collation: i^" (15, 16 cane.) 2^-- 16^- 17*^ 18^ 19- 20'' (four left,
last stuck to cover).
Contents :
Circle marked with names of winds, quarters of globe etc. . f. \ b
Collection of receipts in English, probably all by John Ardern of
Newark: illustrated with rough coloured drawings of herbs,
instruments and patients : not to be described in detail.
It begins
This is a mirrour of bloodletynge in \ of Aprill 1582.
Contents :
Life of Sir Thomas More.
Dedication to Will. Roper, signed N. H. L. D.
Text ends f. 57 : longe preserue the Realme. Amen.
Speeches of More on the Act of Supremacy, ff. 12.
More's Confession of belief, ff. 44.
Certaine notes of Doctor Hardius death noted in a sermon made at
his monthes minde y*^ xiiii"' of October 1573 in Antwerpe vppon
these words Eawi/s et nos d uioriamiir cum eo. ff. 2.
Another MS. of this Life is in MS. Harley 6253.
I- 3- 25
Paper, 7| x 5f, two volumes.
I. KardpYTjcns Scandali contra Andreae Laurentii dogmata de
Strumis (a) Regibus anglomm non curandis.
Ciii annexa est altera quaestio
An amor sit morbus.
Five stanzas (four-lined) of French verse. An Lecteur.
Or France a quel propos deviens tu si fascheuse?
Dedication by Richard Spicer to Ludovicus Leviniae Dux,
Richniundiae et Darliae Comiti etc.
Text occupying 17 ff.
II. Documents connected with Lichfield Diocese. Cent. xvi.
Pensiones debite sol. ecclesie Cathed. Lich(feld).
The parishes are set out in alphabetical order, and copies of
old grants etc. given for each. ff. 12.
Pensiones solut. a. d. 1560 vel solui de(bentes) ex libro mei
Walkeri communarii 4° eod. anno. ff. 2.
Statement on the foundation of Lichfield. Copies of Papal
documents etc. (in two hands), ff. 4.
2 ff. with a list of Obits very badly written, the reverse way.
I. 3. 26
78. Francias Barnesii.
Paper, 8 x 5|, pp. 197 written. Cent, xvii, in a clear hand.
Probably given by Joshua Barnes.
Notes in his hand are in the cover and on the flyleaves.
Franciados libri I — \U.
An Epic poem in Latin on the French wars of Edward HI, by Joshua Barnes.
Arguments are prefixed. The text begins f. 2 :
Illo ego qui Graeco diuinum carmen ab ore.
The text is on one side of the leaf only. The hand changes a good deal : there are
various notes by Barnes. At the end :
Franciados Lib. viii correctior in codice minutulo pergamena involute extat.
circa 700 versus.
I. 3- 27
Paper, 8x6, and 'j\ x 5f, ff. 18 and 14. Two volumes : neatly
written in double columns, sideways on the page. Cent. xvii.
Given by the author, Joshua Barnes.
I. Dedication by Barnes (?) to John Bretton, Master. 28 Mar.
Title. Sacra Biblia Compendiosa sive MeTa<^pd(reis quaedam
ex utroque Testamento selectae. Liber Tertius.
Dedication to John Bretton.
Paraphrases in Greek hexameters of the Song of Moses,
Sermon on the Mount, etc., followed by a few " Epigrams"
in various metres addressed to members of Emmanuel and
other Colleges.
IL ITaXifwos "0/ji7)pos sive Poemation de Vatum Patre et Principe
Dedicated by Barnes to Jac. Duport, Master of Magdalene,
Dean of Peterborough, etc.
In Homeric hexameters (iS8), followed by some "Epigrams"
of Barnes's.
The date 1673 is at the end.
I. 3. 28
Paper, 7| x 6|, ff. 59 written, circ. 30 blank, some loose papers (3)
in the volume. Cent, xvi, for the most part well written.
Vellum wrapper.
The coppie of a letter written by a 'SI' of Arts in Cambridge to his
freinde in London concerninge some talke passed of late betweene
worshipfuU and graue menn. Aboute the present state and some
proceedings of the Earle of Leicester and his freindes in England.
Epistle dedicatorie to Mr G. M. in Gratious streete London.
Text ends f. 54 /!' : Finis, L. D.
Meditation on Job xxviii, signed L. Daneidis . . . • f- 55
In a later hand. Notes about the Earls of Essex . . . p-, l>
Sir Tohn Harrington's Epigram on Mary Queen of Scots etc.
Pedigrees of the Earls of Derby and Essex.
Earl of Essex's " complaint of a sinnere."
Oh heuenly god O father dear cast downe thy tender eye.
A loose paper with Latin verses addressed to Rob. Dudley Earl
of Leicester by Walter Haddon, Vtenhuius and D. Wilson.
Two original letters.
1. Endorsed. To his lovinge Awnte Mistres Mary Draycott yeve thes at
Manyneston (?).
Letter of condolence (Dul)lin 13 Sept. (?) 1576) signed Rob. Bisse, Margret Bisse,
Cicely Fagan.
A note on the edge says. This Letter shoeth the death of 01fer(?) Draycott to be
in a. 1576.
2. Endorsed. To his welljeloved frend Mrs Alies Draycot these geve.
Headed with mottoes. Scopus vitae Christus etc.
Address in English verse accompanying a book.
As I my werie limmes reposde to take my wontede rest.
Ends, your assured to vse VF.
I. 3. 29
81. BiBLIA.
Vellum, 7f x 51 ff. 464, double columns of 48 lines. Cent, xiii,
in a very good small hand. 2 fo. Ihesum qui.
Old binding skin formerly red over boards : clasps gone.
Covers lined with bits of a xivth(?) cent. Canon Law MS.
Collation: i" 2^* i^^-\o^^ ii^^ (one cane.) i2i«-25>'' 26^ | 271- 28^"
291--31'- 32* (wants 8).
Contents :
Genesis — 2 Chron. (Prayer of Manasses follows without a break)
with the usual prologues.
Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Hester, Job.
Proverbs— Ecclus.
Isa.— Malachi.
I, 2 Maccabees.
Evv., Act., Paul. Epp., Cath. Epp., Apoc.
Interpretationes nominum (Aaz — Zuzim) in another hand.
List of the books of O.T. and of the Cantica in a third hand.
The following pictured initials occur :
P)ol. Monk writing scroll at desk.
Gen. Long initial. Ground half blue, half red, with patterns. Eight medallions
(square in quatrefoil) on gold ground. The seven days of Creation, and the Crucifixion
with the Virgin and John. Delicate bright colour.
Exod. Miriam (or Pharaoh's daughter) raising Moses in ark out of water.
Lev. Two men converse. Num. Moses seated between two men.
Deut. Moses addresses two vertical lines of heads on K. (ten in all).
yos. Moses (?) speaks to Joshua. Jud. Joshua (?) addresses four men. Ruth.
I Reg. Hannah, Elkanah (turning to her) and Peninnah (children in lap) seated on
a bench.
2, 3, 4 Reg. Decorative. i Par. Solomon seated. Temple on R. 2 Par.
I, 2 Esdr. Decorative.
Tob. Tobit sleeping. Judith. Beheads Holofernes armed sitting uj) in bed.
Esther. Decorative. Job. Seated, nude. Devil on R.
Prov. Solomon seated. Three heads on R.
Eccl., Cant. Decorative. Sap. Solomon standing, 4 heads on R. Ecclus.
Solomon seated. Rehoboam seated on R.
Isaiah. Stands nude, bound. Two men saw him asunder (upwards).
Jeremiah. On L. Christ on R. A pot in air in C. Lam. Jeremiah seated,
hand to head.
Baruch. Decorative. Ezekiel. Reclining, rayed cloud above. Daniel. Four
heads on L. Tower on R. Heads of Daniel and two lions seen in it. Hosea.
Embraces Gomer.
Joel. Two groups of men, edge of coloured sphere above. Amos. In cap and
tunic gathers fruit.
Obadiah. Decorative. Jonah. Nude, rides on whale. Micah. A man in
tunic on L. smites him with a rod on the face. Nahum. Two broken horseless
chariots. Habakkuk. The Child Christ in manger. Ass and ox at head and feet.
Zeph. Water with fishes flows from porch on R.
Hagg., Zech. Decorative. Malachi. Angel on Z. Man in porch on j?. turns away.
1 Alacc. Three mailed men in tower on elephant's back. Eleazar Maccabaeus below.
2 Mace. A knight in square casque with lance in rest riding to R.
Matt. Angel with scroll. Marc. Decorative, winged lion at bottom. Luc. Winged
beast, dark blue, more like lion than ox. J oh. Decorative, with bust of John.
Acts. Two groups of men. Head of Dove in C. above.
Rom. Paul crouching on ground. i Cor. Addressing three men. 2 Cor. Decorative.
Gal. Paul standing. Eph. Decorative. Phil. Paul holds sword under his
chin. Col. Seated, looking up. 1 Thess. Writing. 2 Thess. Kneeling. 1 Thn.
Writing. 2 Th)i. Reading. Titus. Writing. Philem. With open book,
man on R. Heb. Decorative.
James. Decorative. i Pet. Peter writing. 2 Pet. Decorative. i Joh.
John standing. 2, 3 John, Jiide. Decorative.
Apoc. Christ with book blessing.
These initials are of excellent execution: the grounds are mostly blue or brown.
I. 4. I, 2 Printed Bible.
I. 4. 3
82. BiBLIA.
Vellum (uterine), 6\ x 6^\, ff. 628, double columns of 45 lines.
Cent, xiii (middle) in a beautiful regular hand. Fine ornaments.
2 fo. quam stultitia.
On f. 256 is the name or word Yottyn.
Collation: i'^*' (wants i) 2-*-8-^ (f lO'-'^ ii'-'^ (two cane.) 12"' 13^^
(wants 14) I 1 4-^-2 f-^ 28^ 29".
Contents :
Jerome's Prologues : Frater Ambrosius.
Desiderii mei.
Genesis — 2 Chronicles. Prayer of Manasses follows 2 Chron.
without a break.
Ezra, Nehemiah, i Esdras of Apocrypha (called here Esdre n.).
Tobit, Judith, Esther, Job.
Psalter (Galilean).
Proverbs — Ecclus.
Isaiah — Malachi.
I, 2 -Maccabees.
Evv., Paul. lipp., Acts, Cath. Epp., Apoc, ending
Explicit bibliotheca.
Interpretationes nominum. Aaz — Zuzim.
Expl. interpretationes. f. 622 (blank) has an old pencil note
Ypuf'ta (? Apocrypha) esdre continet 30...Capitula.
In a xvth cent. hand. Table of Epistles and Gospels . . f. 623
The feasts of SS. Alban, Leger, Edmund, Hugo are noted.
The figured subjects are as follows :
1. F7vlogue. Monk writing at desk. This page is bordered.
2. Gen. Initial containing seven small elliptical miniatures of the days of Creation
(the seventh day at the top), and also of the Fall and Crucifixion. All on gold ground.
At bottom a peacock.
3. Exodus. Moses horned with rod and tables.
4. I Chron. Seated figure.
5. Tobit. Seated with cap and staff.
6. Judith. With sword and head of Holofernes.
7. yob. Seated nude on dunghill.
8. Prov. Solomon seated crowned on K. Rehoboam nude seated on L. Centaur
9. Eccliis. Crowned figure with sceptre pointing upward.
The rest are all decorative and in excellent style.
I. 4. 4 C. M. A. 79
Vellum, 6| x 5, fif. 215, 19 lines to a page. Cent, xii late, in a
beautiful round hand. 2 fo. dem suam habet.
Collation: i« 2« (5, 6 cane.) i'--6'' 7" 81--151- i6« 178 (wants i)
iSi-* 191- 20" (5, 6 cane).
Contents :
A miscellaneous collection chiefly of a series of tracts without
authors' names on the seven deadly sins, intended for the use
of persons confessing, and for confessors.
1. Diffinitio anime. Anima ut uult aristoteles in secundo de anima f. i
Various extracts on the functions of the soul, on the imagination,
on dreams,
ff. II, 12 blank.
2. Twenty-six questions on the sentences 13
Secundo libro sentent. D. xxi capitulo Porro.
Dicitur quod due sunt species temptationis.
The initial in blue, light brown and green is exceedingly pretty
and unusual : another by the same hand is on f. 87.
Responsiones magistri ad premissas questiones . . . f. 15
Reuerendo patri suo semper in Christo et cum leuerentia
diligendo domino Benedicto priori de Ramesya suus in
Christo semper filius sospitatem etc.
3. Contra pudorem confitendi ....... 34
4. De duobus generibus peccatorum generalissimis ... 37
Quedam dicuntur spiritualia.
5. From f. 37 b onwards there is a series of tracts on the seven
sins and the modes of confessing them : also on the senses
and Commandments.
The ninth of these f. 119/; is
Item de uiciis in gallico ideomate.
Noted by M. Paul Meyer {MSS. Fraufais de Cambridge,
Trinity Coll. p. 41, note, Romania vol. xxxii).
Orguil feit humwe. Auanter sei des biens kil nad mie en sei.
Feind;-e sei altre kil est.
Cuntrouer nuueleries.
Estriuer sanz encheisun etc.
Ends f. \^ob•. Dissolut et desafeite.
The seventeenth is an extract from Jerome ad Demetriadem f. 163.
The nineteenth a gloss on parts of the Sentences.
There are some twenty of these tracts.
6. De septem sacramentis . . . . . . . . 181
Sciendum quod septem sunt sacramenta ecclesie.
Ends with questions on the Eucharist f. 215/^
Quod si non possit non celebret.
I. 4- 5 C. M. A. 124
84. Memoriae Sanctorum.
Vellum, 6| x 4^, ff. 45, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xv late, written
in France for Scotch use.
Ex dono Josuae Barnes S.T.P. G(raecae) L(inguae) P(rofessoris) R(egii).
Collation: i^- (wants 1-3, 5: 11, 12) 2^ 3^ (wants i) 4* 5'''
(2 cane.) 6^" (wants 8, 10) | f (three left).
Contents :
1. Kalendar in red, blue and gold, wanting Jan., Feb., Mar.,
May, Nov., Dec. f. i
Each page has a partial border in which has been a small
picture : all these have been excised.
Ap. 9. Hugonis Archiep.
30. Eutropii M.
Mar. 16. Constantini et peregrini.
21. Transl. eduardi regis.
July 15. Suytun Ep.
Aug. 5. Osuualdi R. M.
30. Fiacri C.
31. Transl. S. niniani Ep.
Sept. 4. Transl. S. Cuthberti.
16. Niniani Ep. C. in gold.
2. In another hand (English?):
Missus est Gabriel, a salutation to the Virgin . . f. 7
3. In the former foreign hand :
A collection of Memoriae or suffrages to Saints viz.
John Baptist 11
Aposlks. (Peter, Paul, Andrew, John, James mi., James ma.,
Barthol., Matt., Simon, Jude.)
De omnibus apostolis in verse.
O petre beatissime apostolorum ma.xime . . . {^l) l>
Martyrs. Stephen, Laurence, Sebastian, George, Denis, Chris-
topher, Erasmus. The Fifteen Helpers (George, Blaise,
Erasmus, Pantaleon, Vitus, Christopher, Denis, Cyriac,
Achatius, Eustace, Giles, Magnus, Margaret, Katherine,
Barbara). All Martyrs.
Confessors. Gregory, Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose, Martin,
Nicholas, Antony, Benedict.
Blaise. Kentigeni (O Kentigeme gemma nobilis).
Valentine. Columba (Salue sol Albanie).
Diithacus Ep. (O Duthace pastor pie).
Ninian (Stirps Regalis que vita floruit).
All Confessors. The Three Kings.
Virgins. Barbara, Margaret, Magdalene, Anne, Katherine.
All Virgins.
All Saints.
4. Three leaves (in a rather different hand) with rhyming poems
to the Virgin.
(a) Fragmentary. ...(ue)hiculum.
tu limes equitatis, tu lumen claritatis
tu pauperis umbraculum
tu miseris latibulum
tu sceleris piaculum
tu limen ueritatis, tu lima prauitatis etc.
Ends : Aue graciosa graciam implora
prece preciosa filium exora
adesto mortis hora. Amen.
Resembles a poem by Joh. Francus in Milchsack, Hymni et
Sequentiae, 1886, no. 221.
(b) Angelus ad uirginem, subintrans in conclaue.
Printed with the original melody in Arundel Hymns ed. Duke
of Norfolk and C. T. Gatty.
(c) (M)ortis ut mors dilectio / qua dierum fit suaue / ut refert
sancta lectio / nil est amanti graue.
I. 4- 6 C M. A. 47
85. Tract on Romlsh Ceremonies.
Vellum, 7 X 5, fif. 29, 1 8 lines to a page. Cent, xv, clearly written.
The cover consists of part of a leaf of a handsomely written
Canon Law MS. of cent. xiii.
Collation: a* (wants i, 8) b^-d^ (wants 8).
Inside the cover is :
Wiclevi caeremoniarum Chronicon cujus initiuni deest.
Balaeus de script. Brit. Cent. 6. i.
G. Dill.
At the end :
Christofcr Watson Dunelmensis.
Will™ Andrewe(s?) of London mercer A° 1539.
Then in Watson's hand (.'')
I judg thes collections (for diners causes) to be Jhon Wycliffes
. . c/"th/es . .
In Bale's notebook, ed. Poole and Bateson, p. 267, under Wycliffe
is this note
Collegit ceremoniarum chronicon li. i. Alexander papa orditiauit primum.
Bale takes this " Ex domo Gul. Fluyd Cantabrigie." The
editor's note is "lost according to Shirley p. 50: probably spurious."
The same title and incipit is in Tanner, p. 770 col. 2, near the
The tract is on the ceremonies ordained by divers popes, their rela-
tions with England, and their transgressions. It begins imperfectly:
Pope Sixtus (viz. 2"^"*) ordeyned that masse schuld be sungyn on
awters which was not doon bifore.
After f. 7 a leaf is gone. On ff. 9, 10 is the story of Pope Joan.
Ends with a note of the Statute of Provisors 1304.
God for his mercy bryng his peple to his ordinaunce. Amen.
Explicit hie finis libri.
There are many marginal notes by Watson (?).
I. 4- 7 C. M. A. 48
Vellum, 6^ x 4I ff. 204, 24 and 32 lines to a page. Cent, xii-
xiii, in several very good small hands.
From Holmcultram.
On f. I in large black letters :
Liber S. Marie de holmcollrrtw.
Also later :
liber clxvii"^ primus.
Sermones diuersorum. Item glosa super genesim.
Also the name :
Rowland Chambers (xvi).
Collation: \' 2^ 3« (one cane.) 4» 5>- 6« (+ i) 7«-i4« I5>»-I7" 18'-
19^- 20^'' 21® 22* 23® (gap) 24**.
Contents :
1. ff. 1-4 have notes for Sermons.
Aromata mentis affectus compassionis etc. . . . i. i b
Pisces mundi in mari in flumine in stagno ... z l>
2. Inc. glosa super genesim 5
Cum aliquis passus angustias ardenter querit deum dicit ei
deus Fiat lux.
Ends ? unfinished f. \%h: — inter lurbulencias uiciorum me
On f. 5 is Sermones diuersorum. Liber clxvii"^ primus.
Liber S. Marie de Holmo.
3. The rest of the volume contains so far as I can see nothing but
Sermons in fasciculi by various hands.
The first is: Iherusalem que edificatur ut ciuitas. Ciuitas hec
in quadro posita est . . • • . • • • 19
Before f. 199 is a gap, and the last quire 199-204 has a series
of connected sermons on Domus fuliginis, Uomus decoris,
Domus pacis and Domine dilexi decorem domus tue.
Ends f. 204 a: ad cenam regis iusticie caritatis ueste indulos
facit transire.
I. 4. 8
87. BiBLIA.
Vellum, 6^x4^, ff. 387+1, double columns of 52 lines.
Cent, xiii, in a beautiful minute hand. Initials mostly in blue with
red ornament.
Given by .^
Collation: i flyleaf, i^" (wants i) 2i«-io'« \\^' I2« | ii^'-z^^.
Contents :
Jerome's Prologues, a. Frater Ambrosias, wanting the tiist leaf . f. ^
b. Desiderii mei ...... 3
Genesis (red and blue initial) to 2 Chron. (without Prayer of Manasses) 3 b
Esdr., Neem., etc. — ^Job.
Psalter with prologue, Psalterium Rome dudum positus.
f. 163 (^ blank.
Prov. — Ecclus. Oratio Salomonis.
Isa. — Malachi. i, 1 Mace.
Evv. , Act., Paul. Epp., Cath. Epp., Apoc.
Interpretationes nominum. Aaz apprehendens .... 384
In triple columns, ends imperfectly in letter E.
I. 4. 9
Paper, 7| x 4|, ff. 10. Cent, xvii, neatly written.
Perhaps from Sancroft.
Epitome Fidei et Religionis Turcicae...Autore Alb. Boborio.
Muhamed cum 40"' aetatis suae annum attigisset
— ad coelestem gloriam insequentur.
I. 4. 10
Paper, 6^ x 4:^, ff. 21. Cent, xvi, xvii, neatly written.
Dedicated to John Overall, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity,
by Ar. Harbert.
Copy of Letter of the King of Scotland sent into England
anno 1584, with the occasion thereofif brefle premised.
It is a credential of Harbert.
Scotica Nobilitas. A tract in Latin beginning with
Carolus Jacobus Stewartus Scotorum eius nominis rex sextus
ending with
Carlilius dominus.
Lines by James VI on his mother's death, with English version.
I. 4. II
Paper, 6^ x 4^, ff. 52. Cent, xvi, very well written.
Vellum cover with gold tooling.
Given in 1691 by Lucas Milbourne ad Garienis ostium (Yar-
mouth) in Agro Norfolciensi Presbyter.
Dedication in Latin to Sir Walter Mildmay by Richard Clerk.
Acrostich on the motto Virtute 7ion vi, and epigrams in Greek,
Hebrew and Syriac.
The Gospel of St Mark in Greek and Hebrew, in parallel columns.
The Dedication says that the book was presented 7 Kal. Maii
(^near St Mark's Day) but does not mention the year : a previous
gift of a metrical version of the Psalms in Greek is mentioned.
L 4. 12 C. M. A. 78
91. Rabanus in Matthaeum.
Vellum, 6\ x 4^, fif. 203 + 3, 32 lines to a page. Cent, xii, xiii,
clearly written. 2 fo. abeuntes humanitati.
Ex dono Rodolphi Cudworth 1600.
From Norwich (.''). At top off i: v. xlix.
Rodolphus Cudworth Collegio Emmanuelis dedit anno 1600.
Collation: i flyleaf, a- 1^-258 26- (+ i).
Contents :
I. Inc. capitula secundum Malheum . . . . . . f. i
Liber generationis Ihesu Christi. i.
Vndecim discipuli abierunt. Ixxx.
Expl. capit. libri mathei euangeliste.
Rabanus super Matheum ....... i
Prol. Dominus ac redemptor noster ad commendationem
■ — turn per regnum turn per eius diuinitatem.
Matheus ex iudea sicut in ordine primus preponitur . . 3 <5
Ends f. 202 : Cuius hereditatis participes nos facial d. n.
I. C. cui honor laus et gloria per infinita seculorum secula.
Expl. euangelium Mathei cum expositione eiusdem.
2. Inc. prologus ysidori super euangelium Mathei . . . f. 202
Quatuor euangeliste dominum I. C. sub quatuor anima-
lium uultibus
— concendere ut aquila.
3. Versus de euangelistis ..... . . 202
Hie matheus agens hominem generaliter implet
Marcus ut alta fremit uox per deserta leonis
Jura sacerdocii lucas tenet ore iuuenci
More uolans aquile uerbo petit astra iohannes.
Matheus habet duo milia et septingentos uersus.
(Mc. 1700 Lc. 3800 Jo. (blank).)
Matheus intelligitur in homine quia circa humanitatem Christi
Cleros grece sors latine uel hereditas domini dicitur . . 202 h
Other notes, on antistes etc.
Inc. genealogia de ortu et obitu patrum .... 203
Adam pater generis humani manu dei ex terra formatus
— Melchisedech ... positus est in sua ciuitate que
sunt (fuit) salem postea.
Quot sunt sacranienta ecclesie etc.
Ad leuandum puerum de fonte tres ad plus recipiantur etc. 203
Verses on the ten commandments (4).
Dilige uicinum numen cole sabbata serua
Ne sis periurus dingne uenerare parentes
Ne sis occisor niecus fur testis inicus
Nee concupiscas. sic que sit lex tua disscas.
I. 4- 13 ?C. M. A. 34
92. HORAE.
Vellum, 6 x 4j, ff. 199, 17 lines to a page. Cent, xv, early
English, in a beautiful narrow tall hand, with admirable ornaments.
Collation: i" 2^-68 ;» 8*-i5« (wants 7) i6«-25« 26^ (wants 4).
Contents :
Kalendar in red and black ........ f. i
Hours of the Virgin, with Hours of the Cross and of the Com-
passion of the Virgin ........ 7
Seven Psalms, Psalms of Degree, and Litany . . . . .S3
Office of the dead 74 (^
Psalms of the Passion (first leaf gone) . . . . . . 115
Commendaciones animarum . . . . . . . . 125 3
E. c. c. 6
Fifteen Oos . . . . . . . . . . . f. i40(^
Verses of St Bernard. Illumina oculos . . . . . 149
Prayers: Beata as Maria. O intemerata. Obsecro te. Succurrite
michi queso omnes sancti. Rogo te dulcissima. Andrea
sancte apostole. Maria uirgo uirginum. O gloriosa domina.
Deus qui beatos tres reges . . . . . . . 150/^
Cruci corone spinee ......... 160
Gaude felix anna . . . . . . . . . . i6oi^
O maria mater Christi . 161
Gaude pia Magdalena . . . . . . . . . 162
Memoria of S. Elizabeth ........ 163
Office of the Virgin in Advent . 164
Hours of the Angels ......... [%2b
Sancta maria mater Christi regina celi . . • . . 199
The Kalendar points to London. It has Ap. 30, Erkenwald in red. May 9, Transl.
of S. Nicholas in red. Oct. 11, Etbelburga V. Nov. 14, Erkenwoid. David, Chad
and Wenefreda also occur.
There are notes of cent, xvi, as follows :
Jan. Thys daye William Newbolde son of Thomas Nevvbold was borne in Chaster-
fel(d) beinge the xxii'*' daye of this month.
Afar. Ego Simon Newbold natus eram ad horam undecimam, viz. xxiiii die mensis
March post merid. illius diei a. d. mill, quingentesimo vicesimo qua(rto) die Jovis.
May. My father \Vill. Newbolde dyed betwene i «S: ii of the clocke in the afternone
of the Satterday beinge the vii'*' daye of Maye in the yere of owre lord MV'^XLI ... xxx ...
Hen. 8 ... on whose sowle God haue mercy the signe then (?) beinge in Scorpio beinge of
the age of Ixiii & more (?).
June. Death of my suster Blythe then beinge at Caleys. 15 June 1544. aged 16...
and lieth beried in colchurche.
Aitg. Ego leofricus fforster natus eram iiii° die Aug. 1520 die Jouis etc. The Litany
closely resembles that in I. 2. 20. Martyrs: Edward, Alanus, Lambert, Julian. Con-
Jessors : Swithun, Remigius, Vedastus, Bavo, Audoen, Dunstan, 'Columbe,' Philibert,
Botulph, Amandus. Virgins : Genovefa, Sexburga, Milburga, Ossatha.
The ornament, which consists entirely of borders and initials,
is most admirable of its kind, and thoroughly English. I have
seen very few better examples of the particular style than the
decoration of the first page of the Hours (f 7).
I. 4. 14
Paper, 6 x 4J, pp. 382. Cent, xvii, neatly written.
On the flyleaves :
Ad usum fratris Laurentii Brien et conuentus de Cauan.
A poem :
Ramillete de nuestra sennora.
En un portal en Belem
a la inclemencia del yelo
estaua la virgen pura
un ramilete texiendo.
Contents :
I. Tractatus de eucharistia f. 1
Sco. in 4°. d. 8. g. q. i.
Tractatus de visione beatifica
Infideles antiqui asseruerunt.
3. Tractatus de incarnatione . 189
Dicimus hoc nomen.
Table of topics ......... 373
I. 4. 15 C. M. A. T]
94. T. A K EM PIS.
Vellum, 5^ X 3|, fif. 108, 25 lines to a page. Cent, xv late, in a
pretty hand, probably Flemish.
On f. 2 b, Gregorius Man. «
On the last leaf:
Thomas Godsalue hunc librum dono dedit Ricardo Redmayne xvij° die mensis
Aprilis 1 53 1.
Reuerendissimus pater in Christo Will. Huddylstone Stratfordie abbas hunc librum
dono dedit ffratri Joanni Meryoto 1533 (or 1523).
Collation,: i- 2^-14^ 15^ (wants 3, 4).
Contents :
Books III and iv of the De Imitatione Christi :
(Lib. in.) I. Capitula subsequencia huius libelli (64) . . f. i
Handsomely bordered page.
De interna Christi locucione ad animam fidelem . 3
Audiam quod loquatur in me dominus Deus.
O Beata anima que dominum in se loquentem audit.
Ends f. 1\b: dirige per uiam pacis ad patriam
perpetue claritatis. Amen. Expl.
(Lib. IV.) 1. Capitula de uenerabili sacramento (18) . . 75
Ammoniciones de sacramento cum quanta re-
uerencia Christus sit suscipiendus ... 76
Uenite ad me omnes qui laboratis
— non essent mirabilia nee ineffabilia
dicenda. Expl. hoc opusculum.
3. Item tria sunt que potissimum puritatem mentis
conseruant ........ f. 104^
— passionis amaritudinem deplorando.
4. Barnardus ad sanctimonialem de monasterio S. marie
trecensis ........ toj
Relatum est michi te quasi asperioris uite
— precoces detrahencium linguas.
5. Allegorica exposicio super officium misse . . 106
In missa sonant uerba diuina
— unde et dicitur missa est. Expl.
6. Ambrosius de paciencia . . . . . 10; b
Si ante oculos tuos domine culpas
— fide et pace cuncta regencium gaudea-
mus. Per dominum.
I. 4. 16
95. Medica.
Paper, 6 x 45, ff. 60 + 10, 21 lines to a page. Cent, xv, roughly-
On the flyleaf is a draft of a letter.
Enquire of John ffurbancke of South hastead for one Henry Merinton and bring mee
the townes name where hee dwelleth and whether he keepeth house & cattail and in
what fashion he liueth. Likewise for Nicholas Place of Colchester and tell him I would
entreat him to send mee some money by the bearer hereof Roberte Hancocke and tell
him I had thought he would haue beene honest. I am still in prison and he know the
missery of a prisoner and rest. Yo'' very loving freind Thomas Springe.
Contents :
Part of a book of Receipts in English.
The oldest foliation runs from 30 — 42, 48 — 90, 43, 44 (?).
The hand varies a good deal : the collection appears quite mis-
At the end are some leaves of cent, xvii, with a table of contents,
receipts, and various scribbles and names. Maldon, Grantham,
Stamford are mentioned.
I. 4. 17
Paper, 6 x 3^, pp. 178 written, many blank. Cent. xvii.
On flyleaf:
Homo cum sis id fac semper intellegas. Tho. Holbeach.
Miscellaneous notes,
A declaracion of Dr White Bp. of Carlile touching the approba-
cion of Mr Richard Mountague his Appeale, presented to y'=
Right Rev'i ffather in God, the Lord Bp of Winchester . . f. i
At the Other end a leaf of notes from the Acts of the Apostles,
I, 4. 18
Paper, 5f x 3f, pp. 176 and 37. Cent. xvii. Perhaps from
Contents :
1. Letter in Latin from Jo. Sarisburiensis ( Kp Jewell) to
Dr Ward against the Arminians . . . , , f. i
2. Mr Hales of Eton on the Trinitie . . ' . . . 26
3. Determinatio DD. Ward (that baptized infants are saved) . 27
4. S. Brookes, of Trinity, De Auxilio divinae gratiae, to the
Earl of Pembroke, Graham, 29 Sept. 16 10 . . , 37
5. A Determinatio on Joh. xi. 45, 46 .... . 44
6. Notes on Affinity. English ....... 64
7. Determinatio J. G. (Dr Garuons in niargiii) on the Sabbath.
30 June 1632 ......... 8r
8. Notes and Extracts (by Sancroft?), from Casaubon's Diary,
Grotius to Bp Overall, Hammond's answer to Whitefoot,
John Haywell, Bishops temp. Edward VL, N. N. on
keeping of Christmas, Bp Barlow on a question of affinity.
13 July 1686.
9. At the other end: Dr Staiighton at Paul's crosse a.d. 1623,
on Cant. v. 8.
I, 4, 19
Paper, 5f x 3^, ff circ. 100 written, the rest blank. Cent, xvii,
Sancroft's hand on the flyleaf.
A Catalogue of all the Prouosts, Fellows and Schollers of the Kings Colledge of the
blessed Virgin Mary and St Nicholas in the University of Cambridge [collected by
Thomas Hatcher to y® year. ..and continued by N. W. \ihis added by Sancroft\
The original hand seems to go down to 1620, the continuation
to 1640. There are notes in several hands.
Several copies of this are in MS. at King's College and elsewhere.
It was used by Harvvood as the basis of his Alumni Etonenses.
I. 4. 20 C. M. A. 128
Paper, 6\ x 4, ff, 90-100, very neatly written. 1606.
Vellum wrapper. Bequeathed by John Breton, D.D., Master.
Decla(ra)tion de la vraye obseruance et intention spirituelle de la
Reigle de notre Pere S. Francois; faicte par vn de ses douze
premiers compagnons appelle Frere Ange Tangredi prie des
Freres de ce temps la. Traduicte d'ltalien en Francois le
15 d'Auril 1606.
Au deuot Lecteur
II faut scauoir (o deuot Lecteur).
Prologue. Combien que par plusieurs fois mayes prie.
Text. Pour la plus grande utiiite des hommes il pleut a la diuine
In twelve chapters ending: il puissent viure et regner auec J. C.
par tons les siecles des siecles. Amen.
I. 4. 2 1
99. Statutes.
Vellum, 5| X 4, ff. 111,31 lines to a page. Cent, xiv early, very
neatly written. Two volumes, the second printed.
Given by Th. Leigh. On f. i
Henricus Gocheus.
At the end
Iste liber constat Thome Elton (xv). Iste liber constat Job. Tindall (xv, xvi).
Collation: a'- i* 2^" 3^ 4^" (10 cane.) s^^-Q" 10^ 11* 12^^ (wants 10,
II) 13^
Contents :
Table of contents (xv). Capitula of a Statute (earlier) . . f. i, ii
Inc. capitula Magne Carte de libertatibus anglie .... i
Followed by capitula of other Statutes.
Statutes of Edward I . . o
Magna Carta.
Carta de fforesta.
Sentencia lata super cartas.
Provisiones de Merton.
Stat, de Marlebeigh . f. 19
Stat. Westm. i (French).
Stat, de Mercatoribus (French) 32
Stat. Westm. 11.
Explanaciones articulorum ........ 56 ^
Stat. Wynton (French) 57
Stat, de Religiosis.
Stat, de Finibus.
Stat, de coniunctim feoffcetis 62
Stat. Westm. in.
Articuli super cartas (French).
Stat. Lincohi. de Escaetoribus.
,, ,, de Vicecomitibus (French).
Statutum Ebor. anno R. Ed. secundi septimo . . . . -(i b
De forinsecis vocatis ad warantum in hustengo London.
De apportis Religiosorum.
De vocatis ad warantum.
Nouum de foresta.
De Hibernia.
De frangentibus prisonam.
De conspiratoribus.
De assisa panis at ceruisie.
De exposicione vocabulorum.
De prerogatiua regis.
De Wardis et releuiis.
De quo waranto nouo.
De regia prohibicione.
Circumspecte agatis.
luramentum vicecomitum.
Ordo faciendi homagium etc.
Coment vileyn fra feaute a sen seignur.
Composicio monete.
Extenta manerii.
De Moneta.
Articuli eiusdem stat.
De Bigamis.
De Scaccario begins imperfectly ....... 90
Districciones eiusdem.
Dies communes in Banco.
Dies dotis.
Composicio facta ad puniend. infringentes assisam forestallar'.
De ulnis et bussellis.
De fforstallariis.
De quo waranto III.
In quibus casibus in antiq. dominicis corone capienda est assisa
noue dis.
De terris templariorum (17 Ed. II).
Visus franci plegii.
De essonio calumpniando.
De appellatis.
De lustic. assign.
De frangentibus prisonam.
Composicio ulnarum et perticaruin.
De malefactoribus in parcis.
De proteccionibus.
Modus leuandi fines.
De gauelet'. de militibus.
Stat. Exon.
Come hugh le despenser.
Notes and verses at the end.
Vol. II is a printed book. The Rates of the Custome house etc.
London, John Allde, 1582.
I. 4. 2 2
Paper, 61 v 4^, ff. 13. Cent. xvii.
Binding: fragment of a leaf of service-book of cent, xv, with
A short cathechisme which conteineth a declaration of the true waie to life everlastinge
meet of everie one to be knowen before they be admitted to the supper of the lorde. 8 flf.
List of Bible texts.
Some private accounts.
I. 4. 23
Paper, 5f x 3f, f{. circ. 200. Cent. xvi.
A collection of Coats of Arms (English) neatly drawn. A good many are blank,
and a good many unnamed.
The first are the Arms of University College, Oxford, Edward the Confessor, Merton
College, Sir Thomas Pope.
The last Mons"^ John Deverose.
I. 4. 25
102. BiBLIA.
Vellum, 4f x 3|, ff. 483, double columns of 54 lines. Cent, xiii,
in a good minute hand.
Binding: white vellum of cent, xvi, with gold tooling, and the
words DONVM CAN DID VM in gold on each side. This I conjecture
is a pun on the name of Whitgift. Probably the Archbishop made
a present of the book to a friend.
Ex dono Rev'^" Gul. Gibbon, A.M. 1731.
Collation: i"- 2-^-^^^ 6'« 7--* (+ i) 8-^ 9-" 10^ | ii-''-i5-'' i6-« i/'-^-
2l24 22I8 23-.
Contents :
Prologues of Jerome.
Genesis — 2 Chron. Prayer of Manasses follows without break.
Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 Esdras ( = 3 Esdras), Tob., Judith, Esther, Job.
Quicunque vult and notes from Augustine.
Galilean Psalter, and Hymns for Nocturnes.
Prov. — Ecclus. , Isa. — Malachi, i, 2 Mace.
Gospels, Paul. Epp., Acts, Cath. Epp., Apoc.
Interpretationes nominum. Aaz — Zuzim.
Table of Gospels for the year, unfinished : in another hand.
Figured initials :
1. P)-ologue. Jerome writing.
2. Genesis. Seven quatrefoils in medallion. a. Creation of light. b. Separation
of land and water. (In these Christ holds globe. I c. Christ between trees, d. Holding
Sun and Moon. e. Birds and beasts on R. /. Creation of Eve. g. Christ resting.
At bottom. Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John.
3. Psalter. David plays harp.
The rest are decorative.
I. 4. 26 C. M. A. 97
103. Statuta Edwardi III.
Vellum, 4f x 3|, ff. 209, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xiv early,
neatly written.
Given by Tho. Leigh.
Collation: i"^ (wants 8) 2^-f 8« (+6 after 7: wants 8) 98-238
2412 251".
Contents :
Statuta Edwardi III. Anno l-XLV.
Come hugh le Despenser f. i
The hand changes at f. 188.
The last Statute begins :
(E)n parlement semous a Wincestr'.
The whole text is in French.
I. 4. 27
Paper, 4| x 2|, ff. 56 written. Cent. xvii. From Sancroft.
The Relation of the desperate state of Francis Spira collected by S'' Francis Bacon.
With Preface by Bacon.
At the end: Anno domini 1637.
I. 4. 28
Paper, 4f x 2f , ff. circ. 70 written, side ways (parallel with the
height of the book). Cent, xvii, late. From Sancroft or Barnes.
A collection of Latin Epigrams, 447 in number.
The principal sources are, Owen's Epigrams, 1-220; Zevecotius, 222-247; Banhusius,
242-315. Anon, and Miscellaneous. The last is from Philpot's Remains.
I. 4. 31
106. Devotions, etc.
Vellum, 4| x 3, ff 196, 23 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, in a pretty
hand, with good ornaments. Written in England (Worcestershire ?).
Collation: i*- (wants 1-3) 2^-9^ (wants i) 10^-25*.
Contents :
I. Selections from a treatise (? the Elucidarius) in French . f. i
Beginning imperfectly: the first rubric (f. i) is
Coment se tienent le solail et la lune et les estoilles en ciel.
Cap. ccx™°.
Les planetes sunt du firmament et tut en semble se tienent.
Then follow chapters 211 (hours of day and night), 212 (move-
ment of stars), 246 (the complexions), 285 (complexions of
planets and signs), 338 (where Noah's ark rested), 29 (man
made in God's image), 34-37. 66, 67, 77, 88: then two un-
numbered sections, the second : le quel profite plus al alme
ceo que home doune de lalmoigne en ceste secle ou ceo que
home fra pur lui.
2. Poem (written as prose, as is nearly all the verse in this book) f. 10
Greuous mal est de peccher
Et pier est de pecche trop amer,
Mes uncore est plus greuous
Quant le pecche turne en us.
Et nos pecches lesser nectement.
Amen Amen sige we
Olde and jounge par charite Amen.
Mon queor me dist que doi amer . . . n d
Mes ieo ne sai ou empler.
Douz ihesu fontaine de uie
Qui garist de langour
En qui soule ioie est acomplie
La fycherai mamur. Amen.
4. Ces sunt les uendredis que sunt tous a iuner , . . 12
Jeo clement romain euesque a toutz les fedaus dieu salutz
— Abraham sacrifia soen fiz ysaac.
This paragraph on the twelve Fridays exists in Greek and
Latin: printed by Mercati in Notizie et testi d. Lett. Crist,
antica. Greek at Trinity College (MS. O. 8. 33).
5. Poem. A Ihesu ameez si amerai vous e dedenz a mon queor
donetz leesce . . . . . . . . . 11b
Tut seit il que moun corps dehors soefre hunte et tristesce.
Ends. Et puisse uous od tut le cors tut dis emsemblement.
6. Ci commence le office des Mors 13,5
7. Oratio S. Thome de Aquino. Concede michi queso misericors
deus 26
8. Prayers, a. for a traveller (including Deus qui beatos tres magos) 2 7
b. Si uous estes en pecche mortele : (the Five Wounds) . i-j b
9. Ci commence le beau dit de nostre dame que est apelle le
renome de renty 28 ^
Reigne de pite marie
en que la deite pure et chere
a mortalite se marie
tu es uierge fille et mere.
Ends: de lui gaynet gre et grace. Amen.
10. Prayers, a. Nous troums en escrit / que le mort a uif dit / il
nad en munde si grant peccheur / ne si maueis lechur / qui
trei fez le iour / dirra ceste oreisun / que deu de lui a chef de
iur / nauera pardun . . . . . . . . f. 30
Dame seinte marie uirgine et genitere: ends in Latin.
b. Beau sire deu omnipotent / merci vous cri mult humblement 30 b
c. Les cine ioies N.D. Aue seinte mere corone . . 34 £" gode wif tauhte hire doiister fele sithe and ofte.
Douster 3if \o\x wilt ben a wif and wisliche to wirche.
Ends. Here blessinge mote J>ou haue and wel mote \o\x jriue.
Wei is ]>e child \at \iriue mai. Mi hue child.
15. Story of a pope whose mother killed her child ; her appearance
after death, and liberation from purgatory ... 52
Un apostoille iadis estoit
— servunt sauuez des touz perils. Amen. tf. 54, 55 blank.
16. Kalendar in black, pink and red 56
Jan. ly. Wlstan in red.
Alar. I, 2. David and Chad original. 18, 20. Edward KM.
Cuthbert, in red.
Ap. 2. Richard in red.
May. Dunstan, Aldelm, Augustine in red.
June 7. Transl. S. Wlstani Ep. in red.
Oct. 2. S. Thome Herford in red. 6. Transl. S. Hugonis
in red. 13. Transl. S. (erasure) in red. 15. Wlfranni
Ep. in red.
The importance attached to Wulstan and his translation
points to Worcester.
A leaf is gone after f. 61. On f. 62 is a partial border of very
good work, and an initial with a figure of St Paul seated
with sword.
17. Tract. Des treis degres de contemplacion .... 62
Videte uocationem uestram. Ceste mot de lapostle partient a
nous genz de religion.
On f. 97 b, 98 : pur ceo dist un engleis en tiele manere de pite.
Noil goth ]>e Sonne under wode. Me rhveth t)iarie \i faire rode.
Nou goth Sonne tinder (re. Me riweth marie \i sone and \e.
Ends f. 105^: Et ceste sacrament ausi offre seint eglise pur les
leans morts qui mestier unt de aide a ceo que ele croit.
18. Ces sunt les proverbes de sages philosophes. Partial border
very good . . . . . . . . . . f. 106
Dauid dist en soen liure / Que commencement de bien uiure.
Seneca, Sidrac, Salomon, leremias, Ruben, Nabugodonosor,
Abimelec, Libanus, etc. are quoted. Ends f. 114: que ceus
que lirrunt ceste escrit / En breues paroles eyent delit.
19. Poem. Ki prodhome estre uoldra / Sanz trauail pas ne serra 124
Moral precept: ends f. \\%b: que le home het lautre a graunt
tort / Come si il eust soen parent mort.
20. Tract : dialogue between a Father and Son : excellent border
and initial ..........119
Beau tiz mult ad deu feel pur totes genz par sa grand curtesie.
Ends with exposition of Gloria in excelsis: f. 142 : pais en terre
et la glorie en ciel. quod nobis prestare dignetur qui uiuil
in sec. sec. There is a change of hand at f. 141.
21. Story of the monk who listened to a bird's (angel's) song for
300 years 142
Ore nous dirroms un bone ensample
— nous serroms parciner de la ioie.
22. Ici commence une profitable treite de confession. Border and
initial. In verse ........ 144 '^
Dusze choses couendra auer / qui dreit se uoudra confesser.
Seems to end at f. 174^: mult deuoms dunques amer / oreisun
(\iie est de si grant poer.
Contains many stories.
23. Possibly a continuation, but with a large initial . . . 1/4'^
Tucher couient en tute guise / Chose que tuche seinte eglise.
Story of Belshazzar etc. : ends f. 179^: user en seculier seruise /
ffere nel deuetz en nulle guise.
24. To the Virgin. Beneite seit tu marie / mere de pite . . 1791^
— et nous ameine a sun pais / apres le horrible iugement.
Note in Latin of indulgences by John XXII etc. . . 180
25. Ici commencent les lamentations nostre dame, in prose . 181
A Deu qui me durra taunt des lermes.
— vous seiet beneite od uostre fiz qui est et serra ouesques
11 pere et li seint espiritun deux per omnia sec. sec. Amen.
Oratio ad patrem. Deus in cuius ditione cuncta sunt . . 1 90
Or. bona ad d. I.C. Saluator mundi saluum me fac . . 190/;
.Alia or. ad angelum gubernatorein. Obsecro te angelice spiritus 191
Memoriae of SS. John Baptist, Christopher, Anne, Mary Magd.,
Katherine, Margaret . . . . . . . . \()\ b
26. In another hand.
Cy comence la passion nostre seigneur translate de latin
en Romaunce ......... f. 193
Ceo auient el quinzime an que Tyberis Cesar aueit este Emperour.
The Gospel of Nicodemus, ending imperfectly f. ig6 l> (which
is very faint).
I. 4. 32 vac.
Vellum, 4| x 3, ff. 113, 25 lines to a page. Cent, xv, very well
written, with headlines and marginalia in blue.
Given by Abp Sancroft : on f. i is W. Sancroft.
Collation: \^-f 8^" (wants 5, 6, 10) 9^-13' \\^\
Contents :
Constitutiones prouinciales.
De summa Trinitate et fide catholica . . . . . f. i
Firmiter credimus et simpliciter confitemur.
Quire 8 ff. 57-63 is out of place, for contents see below: f. 64
follows 56 immediately : there is a gap after f. 79.
Ends de decimis : Decime tributa sunt egentium animarum
— sed hominum malicia prohibet.
Quire 8 contains Termini apud Westmonasterium.
Periculum animarum peruicatorum.
luramentum procuratoris, aduocati, scril)e.
Quoniam priuilegiati tenentur ostendere sua priuiiegia (imperfect).
I. 4. 33 vac.
108. N.T. IN English.
Vellum (uterine), 4 x 2|, fif. 346 -1- 2, double columns of 31 lines.
Cent, xiv, xv, very finely written.
Given by Abp Sancroft. " G. S. Archiep. Cantuar. legavit
Collegio Emman. Cantabr."
On the flyleaves :
(a) Ex dono Thome Hughes de Lincolnes Inne armigeri fratris mei charissinii.
17 Sep.
(3) Thomas Ken (probably the Bishop of Bath and Wells).
(<•) Erased.
Collation : i^ 2^ 3^ | 4'- (wants 12) 5= (a supply of cent, xvi) 6^--
17^^ (9, 10 much later) 18'- (one cane, in 2nd half) 19^^ 20^- (7 torn)
21^2 22^- (8 torn) 2312 (j torn) 24^- (2, 4 torn) 25'--29i- (wants i, 2 :
9 torn) 30^- (wants 5 + i) 31" 32^ (supply of cent. xvi).
Contents :
Table of Epistles and Gospels for the year.
Common of Time ......... f. i
Proper of Saints ......... 9
Common of Saints. . . . . . . . . \i,h
Thus eendijj }>is kalendar of lessouns pistlis and gospels of al
jje 3eer.
Verses in a very neat hand of cent, xvi ..... 16
Thou art a Mirror that doest faire inclose
th'idea of th'eternall Maker's will.
w^'' path leades us into the heauenly rest
where ioyes are greater then can bee exprest.
\6b blank.
The Gospels with the usual prologues (Matheu j'at was of iudee etc. ) 1 7
Pauline Epistles with prologues . . . . . . • 172
a. Romayns l)en in \& cuntre of Italic.
b. Romayns ben jjci \zX. of iewis and hejjenene men.
Laodiceans precedes i Thess.
Acts with prologues 263 b
Catholic Epistles .......... 306
Apocalypse with prologue of Gilbert . . . . . . 321
Ends in xxii. Lo I come soone and my meede.
The rest supplied in a hand of cent. xvi.
The principal mutilations are in Rom. i, 2 Cor. i, Phil, i, Col. i,
I Thess., Jude.
I. 4. 34 vac.
109. Greek Service-Book.
Paper, 4 x 3, ff. 133 + 2, 20 lines to a page. Cent. xvii(i694)in
several hands, some good.
In the earlier part every page has an ornamental border in red.
Given by Abp Sancroft. W. Sancroft is on f i.
On the flyleaves :
Extract from Josephus Antiq. I. 3. 3. 7rep2 twv rov Z-qdov ) Nunc Dimittis, Pater noster, Creed (unfinished) . 99
apxv rCiv TLTrvKu)v (rviriKibv)
^vXoyeL 7) ^I'XV M-ov . . . . . . . 101
i] (XKoXovdla Twv iKK^rjaiaariKCbv diard^etiiv ttjs Oeias k. iepcts
'Ayadbv to e^ofj.o\oy(^(Tai . . . . . . . in
In the second hand. o. End of Creed, f. 1 18. jS. Receipts f. 1 18^.
Td irpoKei/ifva ttjs ipSo/xaSos . . . . . . . 119
BLiroKvTiHria xf/aWd/ieva els daiovs.
CLTroKvTtKla rrjs OKTwqxo^ • • • ■ • • • 128 6
In a worse hand: to. t-^s fieydXris eKKX-qcrias 6(pi{Kta) . . 129
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . 131
A page with musical notes ....... 132^
An inscription in red very hard to read containing the date 1694 I33 '^
I. 4. 35 C. M. A. 3
110. Epistolae Pauli Graece.
Vellum, 3| X 3^, fif. 144+ i, 24 lines to a page. Cent, x, xi
(Gregory says xii), in a most beautiful minute hand, hanging from
lines ruled with a dry point.
On the flyleaf:
Collegio Emmanuelis in testimonium grati animi D.D. Samuel Wright eiusdem
CoUegii Alumnus Anno 1598 Pridie nonas lulias.
(The original inscription, now very faint, is copied below.)
Collation: I flyleaf i* | gap | 2^-6^ | gap | 7*8^(4,5 misbound
after f 2 of quire 9) 9* 10* (4, 5 bound after f. 131) ii»-i8l
Contents :
I. The Catholic Epistles beginning probably in 2 Pet. ii. i (the
upper half of the first page is almost totally illegible as far as
verse 4) ending with i Jo. iii. 20. /aetfwc karlv 6 ^eos t^s
7. The Pauline Epistles beginning in the Argument to the Epistle
to the Romans ......... f. 9
iXdelv 5id rbi' et's avrovs irodov.
The arguments and Kf(pd\aia are written throughout in beautiful
There is a gap after dvijp uAv yap ovk ocpei / (i Cor. xi. 7)
to I Cor. XV. 56 Bavdrov i) afiapria.
A second hand not quite so good as the first begins near the
bottom off. Ii4rt (i Tim. vi. 5) and continues to the end.
Ends imperfectly Heb. xi. 27 dvfj.bv toD ^acriXews tov yap.
An interesting point is that on f. 109 (5 and in one or two other
places there are Latin glosses in old pencil which cannot be
much later than cent. xiii. The only one I can read clearly
is on f. 109 (5 hedificacione which is a note on the reading
fidWov r} olKoSofiLav (for oUovo/xlav) in i Tim. i. 4. Another
on I Tim. iii. 10 dveyKXTjToi. oVres begins imlliim (?) crimen
habentes. This must mean that the MS. has been in Western
Europe, if not in England, since mediaeval times. In the
list of Cursive MSS. (Gregory Ptoll. in N.T.) it ranks as
Act. 53, Paul. 30. Various readings from it were given in
Walton's Polyglott. In Mill's edition it ranked as Cant. 3.
It was collated by Scrivener in 1855, who calls it n. He
gives a facsimile of some lines in his Introduction (pi. xii.
no. 33). Dr Hort examined it, and Gregory saw it in 1883.
I. 4. 36
Paper, 6 x 4, ff. circ. 160. Cent, xvii, rather well written.
In the cover the name Johan. Balderston.
At one end : some undergraduate's private accounts.
Notes on Homer's Iliad.
A longish tract in Latin: philosophical.
Actum est tum de definitione cum de divisione quantitatis.
At the other end :
Notes on words in the Greek text of the New Testament.
II. I. I C. M. A. 68
112. Gregorii Mokalia.
Vellum, I9|- X 12, ff. 223, double columns of 70 lines. Cent, xiv,
in a fine hand, with most beautiful ornaments. English work of
the best type. Sadly mutilated by the excision of leaves and initials.
E. c. c. 7
Collation : a^- (wants 2) b^'- (wants 3) c^'- d^- (wants 7) e^- f^- g^-
(wants 9) h^- i'- k^= (wants i, 2, 6-9) 1'- (wants 11, 12) m'- (wants 9)
n^'- (wants 4, 5, 10) o'- p^- (wants 7, 12) q'- (wants 6, 12) r^- s'- t^-
( wants 7, 10) V* (wants i) x'- (wants 2, 7) : 21 quires.
At top of f. I
Anno 1600 Collegio Emmanuelis Dedit Rodolph : Cudworth eiusdem Coll. Socius.
Contents :
Inc. prologus moralium beati lob (the Visio Taionis) . . . f. i
Beatus gregorius papa librum iob petente sancto Leandro
...quam uidit in ecclesia b. petri apostoli.
Hec uisio per totam hyspaniam scripta inuenitur principio moralium
b. gregorii pape urbis rome.
Reuerentissimo atque sanctissimo fratri leandro coepiscopo gregorius
seruus seruorum dei.
Dudum te pater beatissime in constantinopolitana urbe.
A leaf is lost, with the beginning of the commentary, after f. i.
There are many other lacunae, as the collation above shows,
mostly at the beginnings of the books.
Ends (1. xxxv) f. 223(5: per eterna sec. sec. Amen.
Expliciunt b. gregorii moralia triginta quinque libris consummata.
The decoration of the volume is of the first class. The beginning
of each book has had a partial border and historiated initial ; though
many of these have been cut out. The borders are solid bands of
pink and blue with cross-bands of gold : at intervals they spread
into broader fields of various shapes, and are always decorated with
oak-leaves, principally in pink and green. Birds and sometimes
figures are perched on the ends. The grounds of the pictured
initials are uniformly of gold with punctured patterns. The
draperies of the figures are in subdued colours, grey, pink, green,
blue, heightened copiously with white. The drawing admirable
throughout. Altogether a most notable example of English art.
It is not doubtful, from the presence of Benedictine monks in
initials and borders, that the book was written at or for a Benedictine
monastery. As others of Cudworth's MSS.^ came from Norwich,
I conjecture that this is a Norwich book. It might be usefully
compared with the Ormesby Psalter in the Bodleian.
I. f. I. Full border. On A', two birds, grey with black-ended wings, very
humorously drawn. Initial to Prologue. A king, attended by a clerk, faces an Arch-
bishop and several Bishops on R. This is king " Chyndesuidus" at the Council of
Toledo admonishing the Bishops to get a copy of the Moralia.
1 Viz. nos. 91, 142.
2. Initial to dedication. Gregory in tiara (tall mitre surrounded with crown) seated:
Leander with mitre and crozier stands on R. Both wear chasubles.
On ff. 3, 3 3, 5 are decorative initials and partial borders.
3. Lib. II. f. 7. Christ with crossed nimbus and raised hands seated on L. On R.
a crowd of kneeling figures, the foremost a monk in dark habit : the devil blue and
bearded crouches on R. and pulls his robe. This represents the sons of God assembled
and Satan among them.
f. 12 etc. decorative initials: leaf with beginning of Lib. iii. gone after f. 13.
4. Lib. IV. Gregory seated on Z. speaking. A black monk on R. holds open book.
5. Lib. V. Abraham (represented like Christ with cross-nimbus) seated on cloud.
The soul of Lazarus nimbed stands in his lap. He has scroll : Memento fili quia recepisti
bona in uita tua, lazar{us) (Luke xvi. 25). Below on R. hell-mouth. Dives in a caldron
within it. The passage is quoted in the text.
6. Lib. VI. Border left, but initial cut out.
Lib. vii. First leaf gone.
7. Lib. Vill. A group of six knights in mail, beautifully drawn. They have pink
and green surcoats, and bearings, probably imaginary, on their shields : e.g. one on R. has
azure a chevron arg. surmounted by a cross, on chief parts of another chevron, on base a
cross arg. suggesting another chevron. The text deals with the passage Super pupillum
irruitis etc. (Job vi. 27).
8. Lib. IX. Devils falling into hell-mouth: a cloud above. Cf. Job iv. 18 in
angelis suis reperit prauitatem.
Lib. X. Border left, initial cut out.
9. Lib. XI. Man in round cap on L. with scroll : Nudus egressus sum de utero
matris mee nudus reuertar illuc (Job i. 21). Three men stand on R.
Lib. XII. First leaf gone.
10. Lib. XIII. Christ clad only in a garment about His middle bears the Cross
(green and tau-shaped) to R. One man precedes, two follow. Cf. Job xvi. 11 per-
cusserunt maxillam meam etc.
11. Lib. XIV. Job barefoot in white robe kneels on R. and looks back to L. where
the devil with a birch rod is about to smite him. The devil is blue, hoofed, hook-nosed
and bearded. Above in a cloud the Divine Hand. Job has a scroll: Dominus dedit
dominus abstulit sit nomen domini benedictum (Job i. 21). Goldfinch in border.
12. Lib. XV. In border on L. a large figure of Gregory in tiara, chasuble, pall,
dalmatic and alb, holding scroll, and pointing to R. On his scroll is: Ducunt in bonis
dies suos d in puncto ad inferna descendunt. In the initial to which he points are two
men seated conversing. The one on L. has a purse, the other wears gloves and appears
to have a purse attached to his wrist. Below, the same two men plunge into hell-mouth.
13. Lib. XVI. Hezekiah, crowned, in bed. Over him stands Isaiah with scroll
(rubbed): Dispone domui tue [quia morieris et non) nines (Is. xxxviii. i).
Lib. XVII., XVIII. First leaves gone.
14. Lib. XIX. Christ full-face throned on the rainbow, holding orb and blessing.
He is in a quatrefoil with gold ground. In the spandrels on blue ground are the four
Evangelistic emblems.
Lib. XX., XXI. First leaves gone.
15. Lib. XXII. Christ kneeling, girt with towel, washes Peter's R. foot, other
Apostles on R. and Z. Jay (?) in border.
The text deals with humility.
i6. Lib. XXIII. The Virgin and Apostles kneeling on Z. and Peter and Apostles
kneeling on A", watch the ascending Christ, whose feel are seen in a cloud. Robin
in border.
17. Lib. XXIV. The Nativity. The Virgin in bed (head to Z.). Joseph seated on A'.
In front on Z. the ass, the manger with the swaddled Child (cross-nimbed), the ox.
Parrot in border, and peacock with fine gold tail.
18. Lib. XXV. Christ with book. Adam reclines on Z.
19. Lib. XXVI. Christ with scroll : Discite a me quia mitis sum et humilis corde
(Matt. xi. 29). In the border on R. two black monks kneeling, with joined hands, face Z.
Lib. XXVII., xxviii. First leaf gone.
20. Lib. XXIX. On Z. John preaching, with scroll: hi priiuipio crat iierbum et
uerhuin ei-at apud deum et (John i. i). On R. a group of listeners seated on the ground.
Above on cloud a half-length figure of Christ with book blessing.
21. Lib. XXX. Paul, beardless in pink robe, on his knees; sword lies by him. He
has scroll: Quis es domine (Acts ix. 5). Above Christ half-length on cloud with scroll :
Satde, Saule, quid me persequeris (Acts ix. 4).
22. Lib. XXXI. The Fall. Eve on R. eats and gives apple to Adam. The serpent
human headed and with two legs is coiled about the tree above them, tail uppermost.
Brown bird with black head in border.
Lib. XXXII. -XXXV. First leaves gone.
II. I. 3 C. M. A. 6
Vellum, I7^xi2|, ff. 335 + 3, double columns of 60 lines.
Cent. XV, well written and ornamented : in two hands.
2 fo. refundit.
Original binding : rough skin, once red, over bevelled wooden
boards : two clasps gone : mark of chain staple below lower clasp
on first cover.
Old list of contents inside cover.
Collation: i flyleaf \^-f 8« 98-18^ 19^ 20«-38» 39" 40^1* 421-
(i cane.) I flyleaf
Contents :
I. Nicholaus Gorram (Gorranus) super Epistolas Pauli.
Prol. Dedi te in lucem gencium . . . . . f. i
Good initial (blue, pink, orange and green, on gold) and border
on three sides of characteristic English work.
Ad Romanos. Initial and border as before .... 5 ~
I Cor. f 63. 2 Cor. f. 113. Gal. f. 147 (change of hand).
Eph. f. 164^5. Phil. f. 182. Col. f 196. I Thess. f. 2091^.
2 Thess. f. 221^. I Tim. f. 2281!'. 2 Tim. f. 244^. Tit.
f. 255. Philem. f. 262. Heb. f. 264, ending f. },o%b:
gloriam dabit dominus.
Expl. postille fratris N. super omnes epistolas Pauli. Deo gracias.
Each Epistle and Prologue thereto has a good initial and border.
2. Idem super Actus Apostolorum . . . . . . f. 309
Scribe uisum et explana eum.
Initial and border as usual. The hand is the first which
occurred in the volume.
Ends f. 355 i^: martirio coronatus. Expl. actus apostolorum.
A short notice of this MS. appeared in Collectanea Topo-
graphica Vol. VIII., pp. *32 *34 : a copy of the article
{^Writings of N. Gorram) is in the MS.
II. I. 4 C. M. A. 45
Vellum, i6f x 12^, ff. 252, double columns (text and gloss inter-
mixed) of 57 lines at most. Cent, xii, very finely written.
Given by Tho. Leigh. 2 fo. -gentia clarescit.
Collation: 1^-32* (wants 5-8).
Contents :
Psalterium glosatum.
Prol. Cum omnes prophetas . . . . . . . f. i
— titulus talis.
Inc. lib. ymnorum uel soliloquiorum prophete de Christo.
Liber dicit et non libri.
The text begins on f. 2.
Beatus uir has a magnificent initial, principally in red and blue on
gold ground, edged with green. The beginning of the gloss has
also an excellent initial of smaller size.
The initials to the ordinary Psalms are in flat colours, usually
red and green and filled with ornament.
Ps. xxvi. Domiiius illuminatio. Half-figure nimbed and beardless on gold ground
with scroll: Dns illuminatio etc. — quem tiniebo.
On the lower margin of f. 60 is part of a copy of a deed relating to Raunes (?)
Northamptonshire 27 Eliz.
Dixi ctistodiam. Decorative with gold.
Quid gloriaris. Decorative with gold.
Dixit insipiens. Soldier in silver armour holding sword and head. Headless body
on R. standing.
Sahnun me fac. Decorative. Also Exiillate.
Cantaie. David throned with sword inscribed Rex Danid, kneeling figure on R.
with harp (?).
Dofnuie exaudi. Tonsured man in green, white and red robe, with blue cloak or
cope detached behind him, kneels facing A'. Veiled altar with gold chalice. Gold ground.
Dixit Domimts. A very beautiful decorative initial in flat colours without gold.
At about f. 200 ornaments in black of skilful execution begin to appear in the lower
margin attached to the text.
Ends imperfectly in Ps. cxivii. qui emittit eloquium.
There are very many marginal notes in an excellent hand.
11. .. 5
115. Epistolae Pauli cum Glossa (Petri Lombardi).
Vellum, 17I X 121, fif. 221, double columns of 59 lines (gloss).
Cent, xii, very well written and ornamented. 2 fo. data. quid.
Collation : 1^-27" 28" (wants 6). The old foliation is incorrect.
Contents :
Pauli Epistolae glosatae.
Prol. Principia rerum requirenda sunt prius
— salutationem dicens.
Fine initial with dragons etc. in red, blue, green and pink on a gold
ground edged with green.
Each Epistle has an equally fine initial. The white lion-like
animals which often occur in MSS. from Christ Church Canter-
bury are present in several : but the writing rather suggests
St Albans.
Phil. f. 150/;: Paul on L. gives a blank scroll to a messenger.
Ends f. 222 (221)1^: sit cum omnibus nobis amen.
A later scribble: Explicit hie liber uellem habere.
II. I. 6 C. M. A. 43
116. BiBLIA.
Vellum, 16 X 10, ff. 349, double columns of 54 lines. Cent, xiii
(second half), in a very good hand, with fine historiated initials :
has suffered serious mutilation.
Collation : i flyleaf, first quire gone. 2^--6'- 1| quire gone || 7^--i4^-
(wants 6, 7) 15'--! 8^- || quires gone || 19^- !| quires gone |i 21'- 22^'^
(11 cane.) 23^--28^- 29^" | 30* 31^°.
The upper corner of the flyleaf has been cut off and replaced
by a xvth cent, slip with some verses on the days of creation.
Prima dies celum format creat altera terram etc.
There are traces of erased inscriptions.
Contents :
Genesis, beginning imperfectly in xxxi. 25 in eodem monte Galaad.
Exodus — Joshua xxii. 32. i Reg. iv. 16 — 2 Paral. Prayer of
Manasses follows without a break.
Ezra, Nehemiah.
Inc. liber esdre secundus=:4 Esdr. i. 11.
Liber esdre secundus = 3 Esdr. (i Esdr. of our Apociypha).
Liber esdre quartus = 4 Esdr. iii.-xiv. (in xi. chapters).
Liber esdre quintus = 4 Esdr. xv., xvi.
Judith, Esther (ends in c. xiv.). Tobit (begins in vi. 7). Job,
Prologues to Psalter. a. Dauid filius lesse.
b. Psalterium Rome dudum.
c. Scio quosdam putare.
d. Psalterium quod secundum Ixx.
Psalter in two parallel versions. Gallican on L. Roman on R.
Proverbs: ends in xii. 19.
Isaiah xxxvi. 9 to end.
Jeremiah i.-xii. 7.
Daniel iii. 2 — Malachi.
I, 1 Mace.
Acts: ending: quod hie est I. C. filius dei per quem incipiet totus
mundus iudicari.
Cath. Epp.
Paul. Epp. Epistle to Laodiceans follows 2 Thess.
Apoc. : at end, Laus tibi sit Christe quia liber hie explicit iste.
Hie inc. interpretationes hebraicorum nominum secundum Remigium
incipientium per a litteram et primo post a sequitur a (sic).
In 4 columns to a page. Aaz — Zuzim.
Hie expl. interp. omnium nominorum hebreorum et syrorum seu
grecorum interpretatorum secundum Beatum Remigium incipien-
cium per singulas litteras alphabeti.
There are stichometric notes at the end of i Mace. Explicit liber
primus machabeorum habens uersus duo milia trescentos.
After 2 Mace. :
Expl. mach. lib. secundus uersus habens mille octingentos. Et sic
hie terminatur totum uetus testamentum. Et inc. test, nouum.
The illuminated initials are of very excellent execution, deviating
in the cases marked with an asterisk from the ordinary cycle.
1. Exodus. Three Jews on L. Moses on R. horned, with tables.
2. Levit. Two Jews hold lambs, one kneels. On R. by an altar, Christ. On the
altar are indistinct objects.
3. Num. Moses horned on L. with scroll LOCVTV(s). Christ on R.
[II. I.
*4. Deut. Two Jews, one of them (Joshua) puts the tables of the Law into the
Ark, an open red box on four legs. Moses on R. directs.
Jos. Joshua nimbed, with book. Christ on R. with book.
■2 Reg. David seated on Z. Man about to behead the seated .\nialekite.
3 Reg. David in bed. Courtier and Abishag by him.
4 Reg. Ahaziah in bed. Elijah with scroll prei.l.
I Par. A tall man in C, three on each side.
10. 2 Par. Solomon kneels. Christ by altar. Building on R.
11. I Esd. At top three workmen building. Below, bust of man in window. At
bottom Cyrus pointing up.
*I2. Neh. A man stoning a kneeling nimbed man on R. The artist has mistaken
Neemias for Jeremias.
*13. 2 Esdr. Esdras with book.
King on L. Falling city on R.
Similar. The King puts his hand to his face.
Beheading Holofernes in bed.
Ahasuerus throned above stretches down his sceptre to Esther below.
Job. Seated with two friends by him on R. His wife on L.
Psalter. Gall. Beatus uir. David sits playing harp.
David sits playing fiddle.
David kneels pointing to his eye. Head of
^14. 3 Esdr.
*I5. 4 Esdr.
16. Judith.
17. Esther.
20. „ Rom.
21. Domimis illinn'uiatio
Christ above.
22. Dominiis ilbnninatio. Rom.
Dixi aistodiain. Gall.
,, Rom.
Dixit iiisipicns. Gall.
,, Rom.
behind him pierces his body.
27. Salvitm. Gall. Christ above half-length with orb.
Samuel on L. anoints David. Jesse on A'.
Like no. 21. David points to his mouth.
David points to his mouth. Green devil on R.
David throned on L. Bald fool with club and cake.
A king (Saul) standing. A sword from a cloud on R.
David half-length in
Salvum. Rom.
Exidtatc. Gall.
,, Rom.
Cantate. Gall.
,, Rofn.
Dixit domiuiis.
Similar. With variations in colour.
David plays on five bells with two hammers.
David plays on a dulcimer on his lap with two plectra.
Three coped clerks with two books facing A'.
Similar. They have one book, and there is an altar on R.
Gall. Christ throned with orb.
Rom. The Father and Son throned. The Dove between them.
Quid gloriaris and Ad dominum have decorative initials.
35. Prov. Solomon on L. with rod. Rehoboam half-nude with book on R.
36. Jer. Exactly like no. 12.
37. Hosea. Takes Comer's hand.
38. Joel. Seated with scroll uer(bum).
39. Amos. Hooded, feeding sheep, head of Christ in sky. -r
40. Obadiah. Seated with scroll uisio.
41. Jonah. Emerges from fish's mouth. City above.
42. Micah. Writes at desk.
43. Nahum. Seated with scroll onus.
44. Habakkuk. Similar.
45. Zephaniah. Similar: scroll uer(bum).
46. Haggai. Standing: scroll in.
47. Zechariah. Standing: blank scroll : angel above.
48. Malachi. Seated with scroll ONU(s).
49. I Mace. Mattathias about to behead kneeling apostate Jew with pig's head
in dish.
50. 1 Mace. Jew gives letter to messenger on R.
51. Matt. Initial the length of the text. Jesse reclining, two lamps hang above.
Out of him proceeds a tree containing five seated kings in elliptical medallions : then the
Virgin (?) a beardless figure with book : then Christ with orb.
52. Mark. Standing with scroll INICIUM : below, winged lion with scroll MARCUS.
53. Luke. Zacharias by wall on L. Angel by altar under trefoil arch on R.
54. John. Standing, with book : above, eagle with scroll.
55. Acts. Two groups of Apostles looking up at the feet of the ascending Christ.
56. James. Standing, with scroll iacob(us).
57. I Pet. Peter seated in blue chasuble and tiara, with key.
58. 1 Pet. Peter seated in pink chasuble liareheaded, with book and key.
59. 1 Joh. John seated.
60. 3 Joh. John seated with scroll seni(ori).
61. Jiide. Standing with scroll lUDAS.
62. Rom. Paul with gold cross: a Jew on R.
63. 1 Cor. Paul holds sheathed sword by the point.
64. 2 Cor. With sword and book.
The subsequent Epistles have variations of tliis subject. Paul seated or standing, or
half-length with sword.
65. Heb. Jew seated on L. Paul with sword seated on R.
66. Apoc. John seated writing on scroll apoca(lipsis). Church spires above.
Each letter of the Interpretationes has a handsome initial.
II. I. 8 C. M. A. 133
117. Parliamentary Records,
Paper, I5| x loj, ff. 290 written. Cent. xvii.
Given by Joshua Barnes, whose book-plate is in the cover.
Below it is written :
Bibliothecae ejustlem Collegii dedit. Edwardi Tertii Regis Angliae etc. Historiae
Author egregius 1702.
Vellum binding with gold tooling.
On the flyleaf: Joshua Barnes, Coll. Eman.
MS. authenticum a Roberto Cotton milite ex Archiuis coUectum: dein ex Bibliotheca
Comitis Northamptoniae ad Manus D'" Mich. Payne de Coll. Trin. pervenit opera D'"
Compton: et a praedicto D. Mich. Payne dono mihi Datum 16 Martii i68|.
Contents :
Records of Parliaments from 5 Edward II. to 21 Richard II., mostly
in English.
The first item is:
Ordinances par les Prelates Countes et Barones fits a Londres
par I'assent du Roy Edward 2. An°. 5'°.
It is very well written.
II. I. 9 C. M. A. 44
Paper, with vellum flyleaves, 15^ x ii^, fif. 197 + 2, double
columns of 61 lines. Cent, xv (1460), very well written, with pretty
decorative initials.
Ex dono Thome Bell hujus Collegii Socij A. d. 1629.
On the flyleaf:
Ad Carthusienj^j' prope delf.
A piece is cut out of the leaf below. Above :
Istud volumen legauit Theodoricus petri de hoern qui obiit a. d. milles. quadringent.
septuag. tercio, decima die mens, decembr. Ex instructione mag. Joh. roeper de harlim.
Oretur pro eo prope deum.
Et continentur in isto vol. Epistole pauli, Epistole canonice, Actus Apostolorum,
Apocalipsis. At each end. Theodoricus petri de hoern legauit (hunc librum).
Black leather binding, stamped over wooden boards. Title on
fore edge.
Lyra in Epistolas acta et Apocalypsin.
Collation: i flyleaf, i'^ (wants i) 2^-25^, vellum flyleaf.
Contents :
1. Lyra super Epistolas Pauli . . . . . . . f i
Ecce descripsi earn tibi tripliciter.
2. Idem super Epistolas Canonicas 124
Quatuor sunt minima terre.
3. Idem super Actus . . . . . . . . . 145
Repleti sunt omnes spiritu.
4. Idem super Apocalipsin ........ 173
Oportet te iterum predicare.
Ends f. 197^: cum omnibus uobis. Amen. Expl. postilla
super apoc. Nycolai de lyra fratris minoruni, doctoris sacre
Postille huius libri supra (?) Epistolas predictas finite sunt Per
Allardi reyneri oriundi filii de Akersloet quondam Custodis
in Velzen et in noirtigherhout manus. a.d. miiles. quad-
ringentes. sexages. mense octobris xxxi^ die illius mensis s.
in profecto (profesto) omnium sanctorum.
II. I. 10
119. Valor Beneficiorum.
Paper, 15! x io|, ff. 6 + 89. Cent, xvii (1627), very well written.
Contents :
Valor Beneficiorum Angliae et Walliae.
Tabula Angliae f. i
A fine initial in pen-work in which is written
.Script. Anno Dom. 1627.
Tabula Walliae .......... vi
Comitatus Kancie .......... i
Additiones ........... 84
II. I. II C. M. A. 123
120. Flores P.SALTER11 per Lethbertum.
Paper, 15 x 11, ff. 117, double columns of 59 lines. Cent, xv
late, neatly written in a foreign hand.
At the end the names Robertus fowberie and Thomas Bywater
1600, the latter probably the donor of the book to the College.
Collation : unintelligible to me.
Flores Psalterii.
Beginning imperfectly in Ps. xxxvi. gctitr et viam ems uolet. Nam
apud se ipsum non inuenit homo nisi errorem et peccatum.
Ends f. 117^ on Ps. cl. Et quia separare se a deo mors est Omnis
spiritus landet dominiim. Amen.
Expl. flores psalterii de collectione Lethberti Abbatis S'=' Ruphi.
At the bottom of the page (xv, xvi)
payd to the pawer. / . ....
t XI'* vu ".
for (?) the Scriv«?^r (?). )
Item precium prior a nobyl xx'^.
II. I. 12 C. M. A. 20
Vellum, 14^ X 9|, fif. 183, double columns of 34 lines. Cent, xii,
in a very beautiful hand, with some interesting initials. 2 fo. gone.
Collation: \^ (wants 2) 2*-238.
Contents :
Title in red and green capitals.
Inc. Explanationum in Osee prophetam beati leroninii presbiteri
liber primus ad Pammachium
Si in explanationibus omnium prophetarum.
Initial in yellow and white on blue ground. Above, Hosea (?)
beardless seated with scroll. A dove flies toward him from A'.
His scroll descends into the lower half of the letter, where it
forms a book held by a nimbed beardless person on R. Jerome
nimbed, bearded, tonsured, sits on L. at desk and turns to touch
the book. By him is a small table with pens stuck in it, and horn.
Initial to Plosea gone with the second leaf.
Lib. II. f. 191?: qui sepe nauigat. Initial in green on blue ground.
A ship with green sail and white cross on mast sailing on brown-
red sea. Four people are in it, a steerer, one in hat adjusting
sail, a woman and another man.
Lib. III. f. 49 (^.
In Johel, f. 60. Good decorative initial.
In Amos, f. 81. Good initial. Lib. 11. f. 98. Lib. in. f. ii6b.
Unfinished initial of curious colouring.
In Abdiam, f. 137^, curious coloured initials.
In lonam, f. 147 b.
In Micheam, f. i6^b. Lib. II. f. 183 ending imperfectly
maxima in cura ilium imitari.
A curious initial to this last book.
II. I. 13, 14, 15
122, 3, 4.
Paper, I3f x 8|. Three volumes. Cent, xvii (1692), well written.
Given by Dr Samuel Parr.
On the flyleaf:
25 Jan. 1791-
Mr Francis Hargrave requests Dr Parr's acceptance of tlie three volumes of the Copy
of Lord Hale's Manuscript entitled " Tentamina de Ortu Natura et Immortalitate
Animae Humanae."
The treatise appears to have been finished 25 July 1673.
Notice of this treatise is taken in Burnett's Life of Lord Hale.
On the title-page :
Bought of Messrs White in Fleet Street and since newly bound. F. H.
Also some directions by Mr Hargrave to the binder, and his
Title : An Essay by S'' Matthew Hale concerning the Soul.
Written 1673.
The originall of this Treatise, writt in his owne hand, was
copied 1692. It being lent to S'' Robert Southwell by his grandson
Matthew Hale of Lincoln's Inn Esq''^
The text is on one side of the leaf only.
Vol. I. ff. 1-3 1 contains chapters i.-ix.
Vol. 2. 132-346 ,, ,, x.-xviii.
Vol. 3. 247-439+1-10 ,, ,, xix.-xxxiv. and a Prayer.
In Vol. n. is a note by Dr Parr (9 Feb. 18 18, Hatton, near
Warwick) presenting the MS. to the College, and stating that he
had at one time thought of publishing it.
IT. I. 19 C. M. A. 48
125. Chronica.
Vellum, 16 X lof, ff. 32, 50 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, well
Collation : i '- 2" 3".
Contents :
Prefacio in opusculum subscriptum s. de gestis anglorum . . f. i
Non solum audiendis scripture sacre uerbis.
The compiler names the Gesta Britonum, Bade and Henry of
Huntingdon as his authorities.
Cronice de gestis ac nominibus regum britonum anglorum saxonum
danorum et normannorum ........ 2
Iste brutus ex genere troianus.
The left side of each page is occupied by a pedigree-line with the
names in circles. On the /?. margin are sometimes conventional
drawings of towns, churches and conflagrations.
Some interest seems to be felt by the compiler in Salisbury and in
the Carthusian houses of Witham and Henton (Hinton) : other-
wise I do not detect any trace of his environment.
Ends with the death of Edward I.
Qui anno xxxv° regni sui moriens apud westmonast. sepelitur.
II. I. 20 C M. A. 42
126. Petri Comestoris Allegoriae.
Vellum, 13^ X 9|, ff. 36, double columns of 50 lines. Cent, xiii,
very well written.
Collatioti: ii«-3i" 4' (six left). 2 fo. secundus homo.
Contents :
Incipiunt allegorie magistri Petri (Comestoris) . . . . f. i
In precedentibus premissa descripcione originis.
Ends imperfectly in Lib. xn. in the section
De exitu spiritus inmundi ab homine.
On the lower margin of f. 18^', in a hand not much later than
the text, is the name Johannes north'e.
II. 2. 1-14
Paper, I2:| x 8, fourteen volumes. Cent. xvii.
Given by " Nicolaus Bernard, S.T.D., Coll. Emmanuelis olim
alumnus, Decanus de Drogheda, Domini Protectoris Eleemosynarius
et in Hospitio Graiensi Concionator Publicus " in 1657.
Matthaei Sutllini Opera.
They consist of treatises against Roman Catholics, e.g. Suarez,
Bellarmine, Gretser, in Latin.
Vols. XI-XIV are in English. Rejoinder to Kellison's new
Reply etc.
II. 2. 15
Printed. Sir W. Mildmay's copy of Homer, Basle, 1535.
II. 2. l6
Cicero de Oratore, printed, interleaved with notes by William
Bennett, Bp of Cloyne, 1794- 1820.
II. 2. 17 C. M. A. 118
142. Concilium Basileense.
Paper, 12 x 8|^, ff. 198, various numbers of lines to a page.
Cent. XV.
Ex dono Rodolphi Cudvvorth.
From Norwich Cathedral Priory. On f i is Liber Johannis
Stowe monachi.... Bale {Index Scriptoruui p. 258 ed. Poole and
Bateson) has a notice of John Stowe in these words :
Jo. Stowe monachus Norwicensis scripsit
Acta Concilii Basiliensis li. i. Sacrosancte general! synodo Basiliensi.
Item collectiones varias li. i.
Et in illis habentur scripta Adami Eston Cardinalis.
Item scripsit actus suos scolasticos li. i. In solio residens eminenti gratia
Benedictus etc.
Ex t?ittseo Roberti Talbot.
The first incipit here is that of the first tract in this MS. The
other is found on f 107. This MS., then, belonged to R. Talbot
and is that seen by Bale.
Collation: i flyleaf i^^ 212 (+ i) 312 41s 5« (+ i) | 6« | 71" (10-12
cane.) I 8* | 9' (eleven) | 10'-' | 11' (seven) 12^ 13^ 14** i5'*(+slip) 16-'
17" 18- 19- (one) 20' 21- (eight in all) 22^ 23" 24' (nine) 251- 26'
(sixteen). The greater part of the volume consists of miscellaneous
papers bound together. I have relied largely on the numbering of
the quires, made by a binder perhaps early in cent. xix.
On f I (the flyleaf) in large letters
Tractatus domini patria(rche) anthiocheni
and some notes.
On f 2 a note, perhaps by Talbot :
Tractatus iste nititur probare (quod concilium) generale legitime congregatum sit
supra Papam (?).
[II. 2.
Tractatus Johannis Patriarchae Antiocheni ....
Sacrosancte general! synodo Basilieiisi...vester deuotus humilis
Johannes patriarcha Anlhiocenus
— me dignetur habere subportatum.
In nomine d.n. I.C. Amen. Ad ostendendum quod con-
cilium generale in spiritu sancto legittime congregatum sit
supra papam.
Ends imperfectly f. 13^.
A gap follows of uncertain lengtli.
Acta Concilii Basiliensis .......
In nomine domini Amen. Anno a natiuitate eiusdem millesimo
quadringentesimo tricesimo primo mensis Julii die Vicesima
quinta etc. Contains the Acts of Sessions i-xvi : between
ff. 60, 61 is a gap, f. 62 blank.
In double columns. Notes on Genesis i-iv from Augustine
and Magister historiarum. Ends with one on Lamech's
song. f. 63 b blank ........
ff. 64, 65 are broader than the rest, and are folded back : they
are headed Ihesus maria Johannes Katerina Margareta
frideswyda Wenefreda cum omnibus Sanctis.
f. 64 seems to contain a sermon. It begins : Erat lux vera
illuminans etc. Joh. i. Secreta consilii sui pro electis filiis.
f. 65. Notes for proof of a question before the Theological
faculty of a University.
Vestre subtilis et mature discrecionis solerti indagine.
f. 66 end of a sermon ? blank leaves follow.
Lists of Norwich Monks who were responsible for services:
dates 1446, 1447, 1449-
Stowe's own name appears. Continued on f. 79 •
Back of a letter directed : Magni meriti ac sancte conuersacionis
viro mag. suo singularissimo ac domino mag. Johanni
Fomesete priori linne (?) epi.
Has the end of a papal document and a postscript (from the
writer of the letter?) ........
On privileges of friars with a document of Pope Martin
Copy of letter from envoys at Council of Basle asking for
money (no date or name) .......
Martin V to Henry (VI) asking him to send Henry Cardinal
of Winchester as legate to Bohemia ....
The same to Heniy Cardinal .....
The same to the Lords of the Council
Litera missa ab uniuersitate Cantabrig' ad archiep. Cantuar
quod posicio fratris Will. Rosseel est erronea et heretica
Abp of Canterbury to the University pro expressiori scriptura
in materia decimarum ........
Dated Leicester sub sigillo S. Thome mart. May 30.
In opido Bern alias Verona Pragensis dioc. A miracle of the
Host and a Hussite priest.
Articuli oblati concilio ex parte Regni bohemie et Marchionatus
Moravie etc. a.d. m.cccc.xxxiii, in festo Tibiircii post laurencii f. 169
13. Part of a book like the Rosarium Theologiae (alphabetical) . 171
Abstinencia precepit deus ade. Ends in Paupertas.
14. List of certain articles divided into conclusions, whereof the
exposition follows. The list begins
Virtus moralis que per actus adquiritur . . . . 183
Prehonorabiles domini quodam prouerbiali edicto . . 183/6
Ends f. 198 with a second copy of f. 183 a.
II. 2. 18 C M. A. 16
143. Gregorius in Ezechielem.
Vellum, I2^x7|, ff. 130+ i, 35 lines to a page. Cent, xii
early, in a very beautiful hand, rather round. Initials often in
purple. 2 fo. a cogitationibus.
Written for a monastery dedicated to St Germanus, probably
Given by Tho. Bywater.
Collation: i flyleaf. i« 2^"" 31-4^-118 la^" I3«-I5^
Contents :
1. Gregorius in Ezechielem (lxxvi. 785).
On flyleaf in red capitals (near the bottom)
Inc. epistola b. Gregorii (papae erased) ad Marianum
Heading in green and red capitals, a third line (containing such
words as episcopus or papa urbis Romae) scratched out.
Dilectissimo patri Mariano Episcopo Gregorius Omelias que in
beato hezechiel.
Expl. epistola. Inc. omelia prima.
Dei omnipotentis aspiratione.
Initial with green, blue and red ground, on it a gryphon in white.
Hom. xxii ends f. 127 (6 : ad hereditatem perpetuam erudit. Sit
itaque gloria... deus per omnia sec. sec. Amen.
2. Verses in the same hand . . . . . . . f. 128
Tu miserere niei pater indite sancte sacerdos,
ludicis aduentu tu miserere mei.
Gracia multa datur te complacante tonantem.
Inplicitisque tuis gracia multa datur.
Omnibus alme tuis famulis germane faueto.
Condescende pius omnibus alme tuis.
Laudibus omnimodis chorus hie tua mira fiequentat,
Te uenerande colens laudibus omnimodis.
Optineas ueniam cunctis enatibus oral.
Utque d£um(]) uiuat optineas ueniam.
Suscipe sancte pater quem librum te duce scrips!,
Munera parua licet suscipe sancte pater.
Consonet omnis amen chonis hie domino benedicens,
Te quoque magnificans consonet omnis AMHX.
3. Notes on the Holy Land, in a different but hardly later hand . f. 128
Ab occidente est introitus iherusalem per portam dauid. Intra
ciuitatem est sepulchrum domini. Foris in capite ipsius est
medium niundi etc.
Ends: Idus iulii introitus ierusaleni sancte ciuitatis quando (?)
dominus liberauit de manibus paganorum et tradidit in
manibus Christianorum. Eodem die diuisio apostolorum.
4. (T)etbaldus stampensis ad Robertum lincolniensem Ep. de
quibusdam in diuina pagina titubantibus et plane contra
claues ecclesie predicantibus. (See Dachery, Spicil. ill. 445) 129
Si quis et predicando temere diffiniat aliquem non posse saluari
quacunque hora manus suas penitentie dederit fallitur etc. . 129
This is in a curious hand (of cent, xiii), very black and rather
irregular. Names of popes scratched out.
Ends \j,ob: comminutus in puluerem redigatur.
In a hand of cent, xvi :
forma cristi (?) imitetus (?).
...consider y' we are all subiect and under the mightie hand
of God etc.
Author refertissinius diuinis speculationibus 1641.
II. 2. 19
144. BiBLIA.
Vellum, iiJxQi, ff. 436-1-5, double columns of 51 lines.
Cent, xiv, clearly and well written.
On f. 401 ^ :
Iste liber est Q,2.x\\\iisiensiniii prope Magunc. et hoc fuit scrijjtum a° m° ccCxciii
crastina concepcionis virginis marie.
At the end (twice)
Iste est liber Carthusiensium prope Magunciam.
From this Carthusian house of Mainz many of Laud's MSS.
and of the Arundel MSS. in the British Museum came.
At the end is also :
Ego Walchenis laynstein de hedderspach vicarius in ecclesia Mag(untinensi)
accomodaui hunc librum biblie a Caitusien. prope Magunciam in die S. Mauricii
a.d. m°. cccc°. xx°.
Old binding, yellow skin over boards, incised lines. Clasps
gone : trace of chain staple below lower clasp on ist cover.
Collation : a'' (i stuck to cover, 6 cane, + a slip) i« 2* 3''-33'" 34^
35** I 36^' 37^' 38^" (10 stuck to cover).
Contents :
f. I (stuck to cover) had a list of the books on it of wliich the end
only is visible.
Inc. tabula ewangeliorum et epistolarum dominicalium per totiim
annum ........... f. ii
De libris incipiendis et legendis tam in choro quam in refectorio
sequitur ordo talis . . . . . . . . . 18 6
Post octauam Penthecostes die quacunque trium leccionum occurrente
libros regum incipimus.
In hac presenti biblia continentur hii infrascripti libri secundum
ordinem secularium et non secundum ordinem nostrum s. Carthus.
List of the books follows.
Throughout the volume are notes in a later hand of these preliminary
leaves, showing the order of the books for reading purposes.
Jerome's prologues. Frater Ambrosius.
Desiderii mei.
Genesis — 2 Chron.
Oratio Manase filii Ezechie.
1-3 Esdras, Tob., Judith, Esther, Job.
Galilean Psalter.
Prov. , Ecclus. Oratio Salomonis.
Isa.— Mai.
I, 2 Mace. Expl. lib. secundus mach. versus habens mille octin-
gentos. A blank leaf.
Prologues to Gospels. Matheus cum primum.
Plures fuisse.
Beatissimo pape.
Matheus ex iudeis.
Prologues to Epp. Epistole pauli ad romanos
Omnis textus.
Primum queritur.
Romani sunt qui.
Romani sunt in partibus.
There has been a mistake at the end of Philippians. The scribe
seems to have gone from Phil, to i Thess. omitting Colossians,
and to have inserted Col. before i Tim. This has been rectified
by crossings out and patchings, perhaps not worth descriljing
in detail.
Acts, Epp. Cath., Apoc, ending f. 402. 402/^ blank.
Interpretationes nominum. Aaz — Zuzim . . . • • f- 403
Laus patri domino proli cum pneumate sancto.
The ordinary prologues to the books occur in their places.
The ornament consists of blue and red flourished initials well
executed, with an occasional dragon or grotesque.
II. 3- I. 2
145, 6.
Printed. Barnes's Homer with .some autograph notes.
II. 3- 3
147. (Barnesii) Praelectiones Miscellaneae.
II. 3- 4, 5
148, 9. Barnesii Praelectiones in Sophoclem.
II. 3. 6
150. Eiusdem Praelectiones in Odysseam.
II. 3. 7
151. Eiusdem Praelectiones in Pindarum.
II. 3. 8, 9
152, 3. Eiusdem Praelectiones Ecclesiasticae.
(Divinity Lectures in Emmanuel Chappel) 1685-90.
II. 3. 10
154. Praelectiones Ecclesiasticae et in Homerum.
II. 3- II
155. RiCHARDSONi Praelectiones Ecclesiasticae.
By J. Richardson, Regius Professor of Divinity, 1607-1617.
II. 3. 12
A further series of the same, in modern binding.
II- 3- 13-15
Printed. Latin Bible interleaved, with notes by Henry Hubbard.
II. 3. 16, 17
160, 1.
Printed. Greek Testament (1674) interleaved, with notes by
Henry Hubbard.
II. 3. 18, 19
162, 3.
Printed. Electra of Sophocles interleaved, with notes by
Bp Bennet.
II. 3. 20, 21
164, 5.
Printed. Greek Testament (1756) interleaved, with notes by
the same.
II. 3. 22
Longinus de Sublimitate (ed. Pearce 1773) interleaved, with
notes by the same.
II. 3- 23
Cicero de Oratore lib. I. interleaved, with notes by the same.
Read in the Lecture Room of Emmanuel College in 1786.
Given by Bp Hennet.
II- 3- 25
Taciti Germania et Agricola (1788) interleaved, with notes by
the same.
III. I. 1-12
Manuscripts by Joshua Barnes, viz.
Portfolio of Miscellaneous Papers, some in English, including :
A second voyage to Granta.
An Elegy on the death of his grace James Duke of Ormond etc.
Mostly on classical subjects.
III. I. 2
Landgartha or the Amazon Queen of Denmark and Norwey.
An Entertainment Design'd for their Roj'al Highnesses the Prince
and Princess of Denmark.
Notes on the Anacreontica.
III. I. 3
A folio volume written at both ends containing Latin and
English poems by Joshua Barnes.
in. I. 8]
III. I. 4
Plays by Joshua Barnes, in English :
r. The Academie or the Cambridge Dunns (2 copies).
2. Engelbert, an opera and tragedy.
Two copies of a Discourse on the Art of War called " the
Christian Soldier" or "the English Soldier."
Another English play without title.
III. I. 5
Lexicon Latino-Graecum (A-I).
III. I. 6
Version in Greek metre of Psalms i-xli.
Private accounts.
Fragments in Greek and English, and some drafts of letters.
III. I. 7
Franciados Libri I-VIII.
Common-place book. Tract on Greek accents.
Miscellaneous notes.
III. I. 8
English Poems.
Man's Fall.
A Hymn.
An Eclogue etc.
III. I. 9
English Poems :
A Persian Phancy (?).
Greek Poems (with Latin versions) :
Bellum Anglo-Pjelgicum seu Mors Nobilissimi Comitis Sandavici.
Directions and advice to Students, ff. 123 in English.
III. I. 12
Lexicon Latino-Graecum, complete.
III. I. 13
181. Miscellaneous Papers.
Paper, iif x yf, ti. circ. 250, several volumes. Cent, xvi, xvii.
Table of contents by Dr Farmer.
I. A discourse written by the Earle of Devonshire in defence
of his marriage w"* the Lady Rich.
II. An English version of three books of Seneca de Ira. With
a rough initial containing the arms of England and E. R.
III. The objection to Sir J. Hamilton's Title to certain lands,
and the opinion of Mr Humfr. Davenport (1625).
The proposicion on the behalfe of the Lo. Abp. of Canterbury
(Bancroft) concerning prohibitions granted out of the
Court of Common Pleas.
V. To Mr Anthony Bacon.
An apoligie of the Earle of Essex against those vv^:'' falslie
and maliciouslie take him to be the only hinderance of
the peace and quyet of his Cuntre.
VL (A note from W. Warren Ashford, 30 Jul. 1710, ac-
companying the MS. next following, which is presented to
the College by Mr Halford, Curate of Great Chart.)
Bp Bedell's defence of the Answer to Mr Alablaster's fower
demandes against a treatise intituled
The Catholics Reply upon Bedell's Answere to Mr Alablaster's
foure demandes. (Another copy is in MS. Lambeth 772.)
VIL A few leaves of notes and extracts apparently in the hand of
IIL I. 14.
Two leaves headed, Recusancy of Communion with the
Church of England, containing Distinctions and Texts
VIIL Li the hand of IIL i. 14.
Doubts proposed against some passages of the Doctrine of
Discourse of Mr John Cotton touchinge the time when
the Lordes Day beginneth.
Answer by Mr Wheatly.
Concerninge Usurye by Mr John Cotton.
Anatomy of a Christian.
The doctrine of the Saints perseverance. At end, Reinoldes.
A tract signed Saunderson :
All the decrees of God are eternall.
A breife and pithy catechisme as it was deliuered in
Emanuell College Chappell 1628, per Anth. Tukneye.
The Lordes Prayer briefly explained.
A table containinge the summe of Theologie by Dr Preston
M-- of Em. Col.
Mr Richerson his Catechisme.
A Catechisme by Mr Hopkins: in double columns.
Of Catechisinge.
That the lawe is to be taught before y'= gospels.
Sermons by Bishop Andrewes (seven in number).
III. I. 14
Paper, 12x8, fF. circ. 100. Cent, xvii, well written.
An anonymous Theological treatise or collection of treatises, ending with a long
exposition of the Ten Commandments.
It begins
Clemens Alexandrinus writing of instruction or catechising in his three books.
III. I. 15
Paper, 12 x 8, fif. 45. Cent. xvii.
Given by Joshua Barnes. A note by him. " This printed in
Quarto and Octavo both An°, 1641."
The Epistle dedicated to Mr E. M. in Graies Inne in London.
Dear and louinge frende I have receaued about x daies since.
Imperfect : the signature gone.
Text: Not longe before this laste Christmas I was requested by a letter.
III. I. 16
Papers, I2| x 8, and larger folding sheets. Cent, xviii.
Papers on Dr Bentley's Case, viz.
Responsum Cancellarii, Magistrorum et Scholarium Uniuersitatis Cantabr. ad Breue
domini Regis huic schedule annexat'.
Notes upon the Argument in relation to the returne made by the University of
Cambridge to the Mandamus issued by the Court of Kings Bench fur restoring Richard
Bentley to his Degrees.
Arguments of Mr Reeve and S' Philip Vorke in the same case.
III. I. 17
185. Latin Plays.
Paper, I2| x 8, ff. circ. 80. Cent, xvii, neatly written.
I. Scyros. Fabula pastoralis acta coram Principe Charolo et
Comite Palatino Mens. Mart. 30, an°. 161 2.
Authore D''"^ Brooks Coll. Trin.
Letter of James I to the University. Gratulatur academiae de
beneficio collate in negando oppidanis jus Ciuitatis. 4 kal.
Mai. 1616.
Letter of the University to James (per Mag. Aegid. Fletcher).
4 Feb. 1616.
■2. Zelotypus.
Oratio funebris on John Gostling.
Letter of the University to Charles I.
To the Chancellor Id. Jun. 1626.
3. Euribates.
Authore M. Cruso Caii Coll.
Signed Thom. Holbech.
Oralio funebris on Sir Thomas Bodley.
4. Roxana. Authore D<:' Alablaster Coll. quondam Trin. Socio.
5. Clytophon.
Al. Gul. Bretonus possessor. Gul. Ainseworthus scriptor.
6. Fraus Honesta (by Stubbe of Trinity : printed 1632).
Signed W.B.
III. I. 18
Paper, I3gx8|^ (and smaller), ff. 81, written on one side.
Cent, xviii (17 10, 1 1), by Joshua Barnes.
'E^riyricns 'Iwdwov Y pafj-ixariKod rod Tj'eTfoii ets Tr]v Ofiripov TXtctSa.
Transcribed from the MS. belonging to John Moore Bp of Norwich, later of Ely, by
Joshua Barnes 'quando Homeri editionem faceret An°. 1710, 17 11.'
Moore's MS. is now at Trinity College, R. 16. 33.
III. I. 19
Paper, 1 1| x 8, ff. 85. Cent. xvi.
A Tarrye (Terrier) booke of the landes of S'' John Gascoyn, knight, lying in
Cardington etc. in y'= Countie of Bedford.
The date is 6 Edward VI.
III. 1. 20
Paper, 11^x7^, ff. 28. Cent, xvii early, well written.
Catalogue of a Library in Latin, seemingly all of printed books.
The press-marks are of this form.
In classe it^ ex plaga boreali {or australi).
There are at least 17 classes on the north side, and at least
12 on the south.
III. I. 21
Paper, 8| x 6§, ff. 17. Cent, xvii, very clearly written.
Thomae Gatakeri Praeloquium ad M. Antonini editionem scriptum propria manu.
Dedit Tho. Dilingham, A.M. huius Collegii, Bibliothecae Collegii Emmanuelis
A.D. 1695.
Note by Dr Farmer. " It was printed from this copy."
III. I. 22
Paper, 6 x 3f , fif. 44. Cent, xvii, very probably from Sancroft.
A Direction to be observed by N.N. if hee meane to proceede in answering the booke
intituled Mercy and Truth or Charity mayntayned by Catholicks.
III. I. 23
Paper, 7| x 5|, ff. 10. Cent, xvii, ill written.
Endorsed :
P.G. letter to J.B. aboute officiatinge in Publique. 1652.
III. 1. 24
Paper, 5| x 3^. Cent, xviii.
A printed copy of the Anacreon Christianas of Joshua Barnes,
Cambridge, 1703, with some additional poems in Greek and Latin
in the author's hand, viz. on King Charles's Oak, a Hymn to the
Trinity, a Prayer, Ps. liii, Ixxxvii, cxxxiv, and another beginning
^vcis K^para ravpocs.
III. 1. 25-27
Lectures on Optics, Mechanics, Astronomy, by Hubbard.
Cent, xviii. 4to.
III. I. 28, 29
196, 197.
Lectures on Logic by Bp Bennet.
in. 1. 30
Notes on St Luke's Gospel.
III. I. 31
Notes on the Greek Theatre and the Electra of Sophocles.
III. I. 32
Paper, 9^ x 7|, fif. circ. 1 50 written. Cent, xviii late.
1. Notes on Herodotus.
2. Notes on Tacitus (at the other end of the volume).
By Bishop Bennet.
III. I. 33
Paper, 8 x 6^, pp. 280. Cent, xviii late.
Ex Libris Ric. Hardy Coll. Eman. Cantab. 1704.
A mathematical Note-Book.
III. I. 34
Paper, 7f x 6\, pp. 239. Cent, xviii.
On p. I : T. E. Marshall, Emm. Coll. 1833.
Observationes Philologicae in Actus Apostolorum haustae ex ore viri CI. necnon
Doctissimi L. C. Valkenarii.
They extend to ch. xx. 35. The name of the writer is cut out
at the end.
III. I. 35
Paper, 8| x 7^, ff. circ. 100. Cent, xviii late.
1. Notes on Juvenal.
2. (At the other end) Notes on the Germania of Tacitus.
.'' By Bishop Bennet.
III. I. 36-40
Manuscripts in the autograph of the Rev. T. S. Hughes, B.D.,
Fellow of Emmanuel College, and Christian Advocate 1822-1829.
They were presented by the author to J. Lee of Doctors
Commons and Colworth in 1828. In 1889 Dr Christian D. Ginsburg
presented them to the Bishop of Winchester.
They were afterwards presented by W. Aldis Wright, M.A.,
Vice-master of Trinity College, to Emmanuel College.
Mr Hughes's principal work was Travels in Sicily, Greece and
Albania, London, 1820.
III. I. 36
Folio. Remarks on the Turkish or Ottoman Empire.
III. I. 37
Quarto. Letter to the Tunes on Parga (1826 May) signed,
A Grecian Traveller.
III. I. 38
Quarto. Belshazzar's Feast. A Poem.
HI. I. 39
Quarto. Notes on Belshazzar's Feast.
III. I. 40
208. Octavo inlaid in a Quarto Book.
The Doctrine of St Paul with regard to the Divine Nature of
Jesus Christ considered : more particularly in answer to a pamphlet
by B. Mardon, M.A. entitled : " The Apostle Paul an Unitarian ;
especially as appears from a minute examination of the celebrated
passage in his Ep. to the Philippians ii. 6-1 1 etc."
Printed by Newby, Cambridge, 1827.
III. I. 41
Paper, 7| x 6, ff. 32, 24 lines to a page. Cent, xvii, well written.
Belonged to the Rev. Dr B. Bandinel (New College, Oxford).
There is a note of its being borrowed from him by P. B(liss)
Registrar of the University of Oxford. In 1838 he gave it to
H. Cotton, who notes that his " father the Rev. James Bandinel
purchased it in Ireland while residing there as Chaplain to the
Marquess of Buckingham, Lord Lieutenant."
Another note by Mr Cotton says :
Mem: Malone's MS. 8, a collation of the printed copy with a MS. in the Bodleian
Library made by Malone. The readings of that MS. vary slightly from this. Mem : to
give the variation.
Contents :
The Shepheards Tale of y** Powder plot.
By the Right Reverend William Bedell late Bp of Kilmore in
In authorem.
Willy thy rimes so sweetly runne and rise.
Ends p. 32
Faire fall ye, gentle Shepheard, for your Tale.
Dr Dillingham (Master 1653-1662) possessed a MS. (probably
this) of the poem, from which it was first printed in 1713.
See Dr Shuckburgh, Tivo Lives of Bishop Bedell, 1903.
E. c. c. 9
III. 2. I-18
210 227. Oriental Manuscripts.
III. 2. 19
228. Bennett's Roman Roads.
Paper, 9| x /§, pp. circ. 350. Cent, xviii, in various hands.
On the flyleaf:
I beg this MS. book may be deliverd at my death to the Master and Fellows of
Emanuel College, Cambridge, for the use of their Library.
W"' Cloyne.
This was WilHam Bennett(i745-i82o), Bp of Cloyne 1794-1820.
Contents :
A survey of the Roman Roads in Britain. It begins with a tran-
script of the Itinera of (Pseudo-) Richard of Cirencester, and
those in the Antonine Itinerary. Then follows a survey of the
roads now traceable, drawn from printed sources and from the
personal observation of various persons whose names are attached
to each, e.g. Mr Leman, Mr Iremonger etc.
There is a full Index at the end.
The MS. was not delivered to the College in accordance with its
author's wish: at the end is an extract from a Sale Catalogue of
Messrs Puttick and Simpson (Ap. i, 1896).
III. 2. 20-22. Printed Books.
III. 2. 23
229. Forma Confessionis Generalis.
Roll, vellum, 4| broad, by 19 ft. long, consisting of seven skins.
Cent, xvi, very neatly written.
Given by Abp Sancroft, according to the MS. Catalogue III. 3. 32.
At the end :
A copye of an ancient manuscript w'^*' as is sayd was S' George Saintpolls and after-
wards was Mr Lynolds, Rector of Healyng in Com. Lincoln, and by him gyven to
M"^ John Barnard one of the Fellows of Lincoln Colledge in Oxford, to the end it might
remayne in the Lybrary of that Colledge ^
Transcribed by me Wilfrid Smith.
^ No such manuscript is listed in Coxe's Catalogue as being now at Lincoln College.
Headed :
Forma Confessionis Generalis cuiusdam Denote.
Benedict' pater. Christe etc. Confiteor deo et b. Marie etc.
— maxima culpa. I a very synner knalegyth my sell culpable and gylty unto my
lord god my maker etc.
The text, which is in English (northern forms occurring), is divided into heads.
Obedience. The Ten Commandments.
Continence. The Seven Sins.
Wilfull pouertt.
The vii workys of mercy.
The V wyttys.
The vii sacraments.
The vii gyfts of y<^ holy gost.
The vii warkys of mercy gostely.
The iiii cardynall vertues.
V'^ xii artycll.
Ends : and I aske him mercy and forgyfnes.
III. 2. 24
230. Episcopal Offices.
Roll, vellum, 7 in. broad by 8 ft. 6f in. long, on six skins.
Cent, xiv early, in two very fine large hands. The chief hand
closely resembles that of the roll at Canterbury on which the
verses of the windows are written.
At top. W. Sancroft.
It is written from both ends :
A. I. Ad pueros coiifirmandos. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine domini etc.
2. Ad patenam consecraiidam.
3. Ad calicem benedicenduin.
On the back of this in another and rather larger hand is
Forma Sarum ecclesie.
(a) For Confirmation.
(1^) Benedictio lintheam/«w.
(c) Benedictio Corporalis. This last is finished on the recto.
B. (From the other end.) Headed with a small a.
1. Ad cleriaim faciendum.
2. Benedictio uestiiiientoriim sacerdotaliiiin sen leuiticorum.
3. Benedictio corporalium.
I have not heard of other rolls resembling this, which was no
doubt intended to be held up before the Bishop while the offices
were being performed.
III. 2. 25
231. Chronicle Roll.
Roll, vellum, ii|in. broad by 14ft. 10 in. long, on nine.-' skins.
Cent. XV, very well written, with some good ornament at the top.
From Abp Sancroft. At top is the name W. Cant, and a very
neat label : Roger Albon sive Albani progenies Regum Angliae
ab Adamo ad Henricum sextum lat. Num. 97,
Prologue : Considerans cronicorum prolixitatem
— et ab illo (Bruto) usque ad henricum sextum originaliter
finem perduxi.
Text. Adam in agro damascene formatus.
Goes down to Edward IV. Nothing is said of Henry VI except
Henricus sextus filius henrici quinti.
Edward IV ends: de iure tanquam hereditarium a.d. m''. cccC. lxi°.
The pedigree occupies the centre. Text on each side.
III. 2. 26
232. Chronicle Roll.
Roll, vellum, lO^^in. broad by 13 ft. i in. long, on six skins.
Cent, xiii late, very well written. In the initial a shield barry of six
argent and azure: on a bend (^zyX^x gules three birds displayed or.
Given by Abp Sancroft.
Written on both sides :
A (recto) Compendium Historiarum (in blue capitals).
Considerans historie sacre prolixitatem
— usque ad christum finem secundum ordinem nostrum perduxi.
Adam in agro damascene formatus.
The table ends with Christus passus and a diagram of Christ and
the Apostles.
Text ends with the call of Matthias.
Mathias loco iude etc. inter dies ascensionis et pentecostes.
B (verso) in another, hardly later, hand.
Diagram of the Heptarchy with text in French. Then :
Par cest figur desus escrit peot lem sauer les diuers regnes que
furent iadis en engleter. etc.
There is a special note that Ricard qui fut roy de allemayne funda
le abbaye de hales tut a ses coustages e la est il enterre e dam
sienche sa femme reyne de alemayne etc.
The pedigree ends with Edward I :
Le Roy Edward le fiz le Roy henry regna (blank).
Text ends with Henry III : e il funda la bele eglise de Westmostre
tot a ses coustages.
III. 2. 27. Printed Book.
III. 2. 28
Vellum sheet about 22 in. broad by 19, containing
The Address of Harvard College to Emmanuel College. Latin, dated 7 Kal.
Dec. 1886.
III. 3. I
234. John Scot: Foundation of the Universitie.
Paper, I2X7|, ff. 28 written, 35 lines to a page. Cent, xvii
(1617), very well written and ornamented.
Brown leather binding with gold tooling.
Given by Laurence Chaderton, D.D., Master.
Contents :
The foundation of the Universitie of Cambridge, with a catalogue
of the principall founders and speciall Benefactours of the
CoUedges, publike Schooles, and Librarie nowe in the same.
And the names of all the present masters and fellowes of every
perticular Colledge.
Together with the number of Magistrats, Gouernours and Officers
therunto belonging ; and the totall number of Students nowe
therin being.
Collected Anno Domini 16 17.
Arms of Chaderton impaled with those of the College . . (. i />
Dedication to the Master (Chaderton) and Fellows of the College
by John Scot .....*.... 2
The foundation of the Universitie of Cambridge .... 3
Arms of East Anglia and of the University.
The Vniversitie of Cambridge (as most Authors and searchers of
auncient Histories etc.)
Accounts of the Colleges, Schools, Library, Professors, Officers and
Degrees ........... 4
The Arms are given in all cases. They are very well painted.
Address of the University to James I (4 Non. Feb. 1616) . . 25
Reply of James I (4 Kal. Mart. 1616) 27
Two stanzas of English Verse . . . . . . . f. 28
(a) The age of her that hath outliu'd so many.
(/') To the generous Reader.
I write not this to please the braine of him.
Other copies of this book are to be found at Pembroke,
King's (2), and Sidney Sussex Colleges.
III. 3. 2
235. Grammatica Hebraica.
Paper, i if x 7^, fif. circ. 180. Cent, xvi, xvii, well written.
On the flyleaf:
Thomas Kent.
Will. Quadrin.
Ex dono Edwardi Greene.
Contents :
Notes on Hebrew Grammar. § i De Consonantibus.
At 137 <^ begins a list of words and phrases continuing to f. 153 d.
This is followed by some notes on Libb. i, 11 of the Ethics, written
the reverse way.
At the end a section, De mensibus Hebraeorum.
There are a good many blank leaves.
ni. 3-3
236. Fragments.
Vellum, of various sizes, bound in a vellum of cent, xviii ?
I. 10^ X 6|, ^6 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, well written in a
charter hand. Torn, and tender from damp. ff. 18.
Collation: i' (i left) 2^ 3'' (wants 6) 4".
Fragment of a Cartulary of lands held by William Goscelyn in
Snettisham, Norfolk,
f. 5 is headed Ingalsthorp'.
The latest date that I can find is 14 Edw. III.
II. ff. 2, 8 X 6i, 23 lines to a page. Cent, xiii ?
A fragment of a Greek service-book containing anthems etc. beginning
^7r2 aravpov dfapTijdeis eKOVffiws xp^'^'''^-
III. ff. 2, lof X 7, 34-5 lines to a page. Cent, xi ? in a good
small hand.
A fragment of a Greek service-book beginning with a lesson from
Gen. xxii. (9-18) tottou ov eiirev avTw 6 deds
— VTrrjKovaa^ rrjs e/x^s ipwvrjs.
Followed by one from Prov. xvii. 17
'AdeXcpoi' iv avdyKais XP^'^'-I^'^'- iTTuaav tovtov yap X'^-P'-"-
The last page is much obliterated.
IV. ff. 12, iif X7|, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xi ? in a fine
bold minuscule hanging from lines ruled with a dry point.
Headings in semi-uncials.
Two quires of six leaves.
Fragment of a Greek Metaphrast containing
1. End of a life (little more than the doxology).
2. davjxa yey6/j.ei>wv vtto tCiv aylwv bfjLoKoyrjTwv Tovp'ia Hafiwva
Kal 'A/3i/3ou, imperfect . . . . . . . f. i
NO;' Kaipbs fxeTO. rod Trvevfiarocpopov.
3. End of the life of Nicetas Gothus (?) 7
4. ToO ev ay. Trarpbs tj/xQu Vprjyoplov toC! deoXbyov iwicrKOTrov
Na^tav^ov \6yos eis rijv xP'-'^tou yevvrjcriv . . . . g d
'KpLdTb's yevvarat.
= Hom. 38, ending in § 9, at re iV avrbv a.iro((TTaTLKal bvvdixei.^).
V. A quire of four leaves bound in this order — i, 4, 2, 3:
1 1| X 8, double columns of 26 lines. Cent, xii ? well written.
Fragments of two orations of S. John Chrysostom, viz.
1. Horn, ad populum Antioch. x. 5 — fin.
4>ep€ iivl Tr]i> yXvKtlav (u. 117 Migne).
2. (Heading in red.) Horn. XI.
'ETretSo.j' ivvoriau} —
iiTLT-qbeLov ^7)Teiv XPV (no Migne).
VI. ff. 1 1, all pairs of leaves except 7 which is single : iif x 8^,
double columns of 35 lines. Cent, xii .^ well written: the letters
hanging from ruled lines.
Fragment of a Metaphrast in Greek for January, containing
1. End of the Translation of the relics of S. John Chrysostom
(27 Jan.).
Nearly two leaves.
2. Bios Kal TToKiTela tov baiov Trarpbs rjixuiv 'E(ppal/x rod Cvpov.
'E^pai/x 6 dav/j.daios (28 Jan.).
About five leaves.
3. Bios Kal /xapTvpiov tCjv Ay. k. davfj.aTovpywv d^jSa Kvpov k.
'ludwov (31 Jan.).
2^ leaves. Imperfect at end.
Kvpos 6 TrepLcpavri's.
4. A single leaf relating to "Zevoixpios (Senuti).
The leaves are entirely out of order : they should form a quire
of 8 leaves followed by another fragment, of which the first two
and the last leaves remain. Nos. 3-7 gone.
VII. A single leaf, ii:f x 8| (originally larger): double columns
of 41 lines. Cent, ix, x, in a very early type of minuscule.
It is bound in the wrong way about : the verso should be
the recto.
It is a leaf of a Greek Bible containing
Isaiah lix. 4. {Kpicris d\rj)dr)vrj' Treiroidaaii' eirl juaTaloii,
to Ix. II. Kal dvoix^V'^ovTai ai Trv\ai a(ov).
Dr Hort, who has identified this and several other of the
fragments in this volume, remarks: "The readings agree remarkably
with those of 62 of Parsons, a New College (Oxford) MS. of the
III. 3. 4 C. M. A. ?vac.
237. Pseudo-Chrysostomi opus imperfectum etc.
Vellum, ii| X 7|, ff. 205, 42 lines to a page. Cent, xiv late, in
more than one ugly hand.
On f 12 ^ is
Liber Ricardi pytt ex dono domini Johannis Thornton quondam capellani conducti
in collegio Whytyngton (xvi early).
Collatiofi: i^'^-if (+ i).
Contents :
1. Tabula omeliarum S. Crisostomi in imperfecto. Inc. numerus
et ordo omeliarum S. Crisostomi in imperfecto cum sententiis
notabilibus in eis contentis ....... f. I
In double columns.
2. Hugo (de S. Victore) de arra anime ..... 5
Loquar secreto
— totis uiribus concupisco. Expl. hugo de a. a.
3. Miscellaneous extracts ........ 11
from Hugo de archa noe, Rabanus, Anselm etc.
4. (Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum) f- 13
Crisostomus primo presbiter Antiochenus postea Archiep.
CPolitanus omelia prima.
Sicut referunt matheum
— stantem in loco sancto. Amen.
Expl. omelie Job. Ciisost. patriarche CPob super matheum
operis imperfecti.
5. Tabula libri prescript! (list of homilies) . . . . mi
Kalendarum istius libri .......
Abhominacio — Signum (imperfect).
In double columns.
III. 3- 5 C. M. A. 4
238. Lactantius.
Paper, ii|x8|-, ff. 186, double columns of 44 lines. Cent, xv
(1424), in a current hand. Initials in blue and red.
Collation: ii0-i8^" 19".
Contents :
1. Extracts about Lactantius, 2 from Augustine and 3 from Jerome f. 1
Firmiani Lactantii Diuinarum Institutionum libri septem in-
cipiunt contra gentes ........ ih
Primus liber lactantii de falsa religione.
Magno et excellenti ingenio viri.
The Greek quotations are transliterated into the ordinary
Lib. VII ends f. 153: a domino consequamur. Expl. liber
Lact. Septimus et ultimus diuinarum Institutionum adu.
gentes, videl. de vita beata.
Then a note added rather later: Si cupis hos libros magis
emendatos habere vade ad Italiam ad Abbaciam nonantule
Cisterciensis ordinis territorii Bononiensis et dur''(?)(?ducatus)
mutinensis et ibi reperies originalem librum ipsius lactancii
scriptum manu sua.
2. Aug. in lib. vicesimo secundo de civ. dei. Nullus vel negat
vel dubitat 153 3
Inc. liber Lactantii de ira dei.
Animaduerti sepe Donate
— et nunquam vereamur iratum. Expl. lib. Lact. de ira dei.
3. Inc. liber Lactantii de opificio dei . . . . . 170 3
Quomodo minime sim quietus.
Ends 186/^: ad iter celeste direxerit. Expl. libri lact. videl.
septem sui libri Instit. diuin. adu. gentes cum ipsius libris de
ira dei et opificio dei [et] siue formacione hominis (siue de
opif. dei erased).
[III. 3.
Finitum ac scriptum fuit presens opus per manus petri leeuwen
de beka rectoris scolar' sancti saluatoris brugensis a. d. m°cccc''.
vicesimo quarto in profesto b. v. et martiris Christi katherine.
Unde laudetur deus benedictus cum maria matre sua virgine
gloriosa. Amen.
III. 3- 6
239. Psalter.
C. M. A. 33
Vellum, III X 7|, fif. 126, 25 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a fine
upright narrow English hand, with good ornaments.
Collation: I«-I3M4« | 15^ \&.
Contents :
1. Psalterium cum Canticis secundum usum Sarum . . . f. r
Antiphons and Responses are given.
The Cantica begins on f. 95. The Litany ends f. 107 /'
Nunc finem feci da michi quod merui.
Three blank leaves follow.
The initials to the Nocturnes (divisions of the Psalter) are of
very fine English work, usually filled with shaded pink or
blue foliage.
2. Simplex pertraccio deliciarum uirginis gloriose et quedam
ipsius deduccio a principio sanctificacionis usque ad apicem
glorificacionis. Prelibacio sequencium et excitacio deuocionis i r i
Salue sancta mater dei. Radix uite robur spei. Mortis
in angustiis.
A series of rhyming salutations ending f. 113.
hoc nutriri da dulcore. ad optatum glorie. Amen.
Alia oracio etc. Stabat mater ......
Or. ad b. Annam. Anna salue generosa. de regali stirpe nata
Rubric : Has uideas laudes qui sacra uirgine gaudes etc.
Salue uirgo uirginum (the Salue regina, farced with
rhyming quatrains).
O intemerata 117, Obsecro te 118.
Rubric: quicunque hec septem gaudia etc. ....
Uirgo templum trinitatis.
Prayers. Deprecor te sanctissima 120. Ad ymaginem
d.n. I.e. Omnibus consideratis. Ad S. Joh. Evang. 122 (J.
Omnip. sempiterne deus qui unigenitum iiib. Deus qui
manus 123. Angele sancte dei 123. Anima L C. 124.
D. \. C. qui banc sacratissimam 124. D. L C. qui dixisti
nolo mortem 1241^.
(Pro omnibus temptacionibus) Suppliciter te deus 125. Concede
michi queso misericors 125. Salue sancta facies 126.
\it b is blank.
III. 3- 7 vac.
Vellum, lof X 7f, ff. 151, double columns of 55 lines. Cent, xv
early, in a fair hand.
Given in 1667 by Tho. Leigh S.T.B. Below, on f i, is: Hen-
ricus Goche (xvi) and : praetium 0-5-0.
Collatiofi : i^- (wants i) 2^-- 13'- (wants 9-12).
Contents :
Table. Abbas — Ypocrisis. Signed "quod R. S." . . . f. 1
Capitula ........... 9
Text. Humane condicio nature ....... 10
Pars X ends f. 1^1 i: et sic tractatus iste sub numero denerio
parcium terminatur.
Expl. tract, qui dicitur pupilla oculi, editus a mag. Johanne de Burgo
Cancellario uniuersitatis Cantibrigg' et sacre pagine professore
anno domini Ihesu Christi mill^o ccc"'° lxxxv'°. Deo gracias.
A rebus follows : Two tuns connected by two double-headed darts
<=> : in the middle R.
III. 3. 8 C. M. A. 14
241. Lyra etc.
Vellum (and paper), io| x 7f, ff. 155, 46 lines to a page.
Cent. XV (1474), clearly written.
Collation: i* (2-7 paper) 2^ (2-7 paper) 3^" 4^-14* I5"^-I9^
(7 stuck to cover : wants 8).
From the Carthusians of Sheen.
Contents :
I. Notabilia et exposiciones secundum eundem (sc. doctorem de
lira) super euangelium b. marci . . . . . . f. i
In prologo primo. Sciendum quia plura euangelia et a pluribus.
Notabilia super Lucam 2. Super Gen. iii. \h. Super Levit.
xviii. 7 with other notes.
Hie inc. septem regule xeponendi(!) sacram scripturam quas
tangit ysidorus in primo libro de summo bono ca°. xx". Et
uocantur iste regule ab aliquibus claues . . . . 8 (i
Lyra on Gen. vi. 9 (J. On Gen. xlix. 10. On Deut. xxxiii. [4.
?. Inc. deuota oracio ven. Bonauenture ad S. trinitatem . . 17^
In fide summe et indiuidue trinitatis obsecro.
Inc. tabula meditacionum vite Ihesu Christi sec. Bonauenturam f. 18
Inc. prologus meditacionum vite Saluatoris nostri I. C.
dulcissimi .......... 19
Inter alia virtutum et laudum
— et ideo de ipsis videamus.
c. I. Cum per longissima tempora ..... ■20
c. cxxi. De modo meditandi etc. ends 86 b, subesse desingnauit.
hec Bernardus. Et sic finitur liber. Deo gracias (bis).
Expl. medit. quas composuit ven. Cardinalis Bonauentura, de
vita passione et morte saluatoris nostri I. C. deo gracias.
3. Inc. vita S. Jacobi apostoli vocati fratris domini cum noua
addicione .......... 86 (i
Cogitaui ego quidem carthusiensis monachus illo nomine in-
dignus predicator et rudis,
He seems to take the text of the Legenda Aurea and expound it.
Ends f. 103: Osanna in excelsis. Saluum fac in celis, quo
nos perducat qui uiuit et regnat deus per omnia sec. sec.
Expl. vita b. Jacobi ap. vocati fratris domini cum noua addi-
cione, quam apposuit quidam monachus modicus et minutus
sed mis«' magnus in domo Ihesu de bethleem iuxta schene
a.d. i°4°7°4° tempore messis. Deo gracias. Aspice in me
domine et miserere mei secundum iudicium diligencium
nomen tuum. Amen.
4. Inc. tabula super Bibliam. Genesis i. Creauit deus celum et
terram 103 b
An epitome of each chapter of the Bible.
Ends f. 147. qui apposuerit vel diminuerit de verbis prophecie
libri huius etc.
Expl. tabula super bibliam. Deo gracias.
A table of subjects 107
5. Extractsfrom the Revelations of St Bridget (?). In another hand 149
Herba (Verba) Christi ad sponsam. Ego adhuc sic caritatiue
diligo animam tuam ut antequam ea carerem adhuc iterum si
possibile esset cruci affigerer.
Ends f. 152: et cum terra de terrenis sustentatur, dominus terre
a terra sua ad iram non prouocetur.
III. 3. 9 C. M. A. 31
242. M1S.SAL.
Vellum, 10^ X ']\, fif. 265, double columns of 39 lines. Cent, xi
early, in fine narrow upright English hand, with good borders and
Given in 1667 by Tho. Leigh.
Collation: 1^-33* 34- (2 cane).
A note by Mr Bradshaw says " most ordinary xvth century."
Contents :
Proprium de Tempore beginning imperfectly in the third week after
Epiphany ........... f. i
The Canon of the Mass begins at f. 89.
Proprium de Sanctis ic^
Commune Sanctorum ......... 205
Missae de B. Virgine etc. . . . . . . , . 210
Missae votivae (additions of cent, xvi on f. 233) . . , 225 b
Ordo ad facienda sponsalia ........ 235
Ad seniicium peregrinorum etc. ...... 239 b
Ad uisitandum infirmum etc. (and Burial of the Dead) . 245
Trentale ........... 260
Additions in a hand of cent, xv, xvi.
Missae pro mortalitate, de nomine Ihesu, de passione . . 261
Scribbled at the end
me selfe dyd wryte yt.
tu et ego sumus in toto.
The Sanctoral appears to be purely Sarum.
The divisions of the book and the principal feasts have fine full
borders of pink and blue with white patterns, in very good style.
III. 3. 10
Vellum, cir. 10 x 7, fif. 218 + i, 37 lines and double columns of ly
and 46 lines. Cent, xv and xiv, in several hands.
2 fo. xvii de resurreccione
or critudine.
Collation: i flyleaf. \^--a^" 58 &--\cP (wants 12) 1 1« 12* 13^^-
18^'- ] 19^- (wants 12) I 20^
Contents :
1. Epistola ven. Ysidori Ep. ad beatum Mansorium coepiscopum
de lapsis (Lxxxni. 898) f. i
Ueniente ad nos faniulo uestro...nicetio
— aut pocior extat auctoritas.
Followed immediately by the Capitula of the Sententiae of
2. Sententiae Isidori (lxxxhi. 537) ...... 1
Summum bonum deus est
— beatificandos includit. Amen. Amen.
Expl. lib. tercius b. Ysidori hispaniensis Archiep.
[in. 3.
Gregorius in suis pastoralibus (lxxvii. 13) •
Prologus aliqualis. Quia melius fuerat.
Text. Pastoralis cure me pondera fugere
— manus leuet. Amen. Expl. Greg, in suis pastoralibus.
De sex alis confessionis (Alani de Insulis) ....
Prima ala confessio est
— finem beatitudine. Amen.
Pastorale b. Ambrosii (xvil. 567) .....
Si quis, fratres, oraculum
— promisisti perpetua. Amen. Expl. pastorale Ambr.
Meditationes b. Bernardi .......
Multi multa sciunt.
Augustinus in libro omeliarum (xL. 1113) .
Penitentes penitentes.
Meditationes b. Edmundi (Speculum Ecclesiae)
In nomine d. n. I. C. Amen. Iste liber est qui docet uiuere
perfecte etc.
Uidete ad quod uocati estis
— ab origine mundi per eum qui etc.
Expl. Spec. S. Edmundi.
In a late hand. The Apostles' Creed divided into clauses, each
assigned to an Apostle.
De semptem regulis Ticonjj (.Will. 15) ....
Nota versus pro regulis Tyconii quas tractat Aug. 3" de
doctrina Christiana.
Regula prima caput nostrum cum corpore iungit etc.
Nota hie bene expositionem decern regularum.
f. 141 containing the end is only a fragment.
Inc. Bonauentura (Meditationes de passione)
Adueniente iam et iminente
— uiuit et regnat. Amen. Expl. medit. de passione
christi quas compilauit Bonau. Cardinalis.
Inc. themata de epistolis (dominicalibus per annum) .
Abiciamus opera.
Themata euangeliorum ........
Tabula super bibliam ........
Abstinencia. precepit deus ade. to Zelus.
Continencia et distinccio librorum sacre scripture .
Requiris a me karissime ut tibi quid in uno quoque libro.
Uolenti post hec omnia poma [mea] noua et uetera.
Principium ergo exponendi a genesi sumamus
— prope est dies etc.
Table of Gospels and Epistles for the year ....
Augustinus de uisitacione infirmorum (xL. 11 47) .
Visitacionis gracia.
Inc. liber Aug. ad petrum diaconem de fide trinitatis (xi,. 753)
Epistolam fill petre.
124 b
151 h
17. Inc. tract, de peccato originali editus a fr. Egidio Romano
ord. heremitarum S. Aug. qui iuxta sui nominis literas vii
capit terminum.
Ego cum sim puluis
— te uidere possimus qui es bened. in sec. sec. Amen.
Expl. tract, de pecc. orig. , editus ab Egidio rom. ord. fr. herem.
1 8. In an earlier hand, in double columns (cent. xiv).
S. Augustini speculum peccatoram (xL. 983) . . . f. 204
Fratres karissimi quam tremenda est dies ilia
— nouissima tua prudenter prouideas. Expl. spec. pecc.
Aug. etc. quod fecit in fine uite sue.
19. (Qualiter debet sacerdos interrogare peccatores) . . . 213 (5
Uniuersitas peccati sicut dicit b. lacobus
— insufficienter repellantur. Expl. iste tract.
20. In another hand.
Epitome of the Bible in verse often attributed to Alexander
Neckham : one word to each chapter . . . . 2 1 5
(Genesis). Sex. prohibet. peccant. Abel, enoch. archa fit. intrant
(Apoc). Flebunt. ad cenam. surgunt. sponsam. uenio iam.
There are a good many marginal scribbles of cent. xvi.
III. 3. II vac.
244. Palladius.
Vellum, io| X 6f, ff. 70, 27 lines to a page. Cent, xii, in an
exquisite round hand. Initials mostly in red and green.
Collation: I • (four left) 2« (wants 3) 3^ 4^ (wants 5) 5^ (? wants
1-3, 6) & f 8» (wants 3-5, 8) 9* (wants 4-6) io» (wants 2) 11^
(wants 2, 6).
Contents :
Fragments of Palladius de re rustica.
About 20 leaves are gone at the beginning. Begins in l. xxxvii, p. 44, ed. Teubner.
Fictilia deterrima sunt que et hieme gelanfur.
On f 3. Tituli mensis lanuarii.
The text, w^hich has many lacunae, goes down to November. XH. c. viii (vii).
De pomis aliorum mensium
— quas postea possumus inferre (inserere, p. 243, 1. 25).
There are some old pencil scribbles, but nothing that I have
seen throwing light on the history of the MS.
It has been very neatly bound and made up at some time in
cent, xviii, with blank paper leaves to show the lacunae.
III. 3. 12 C. M. A. 103
Vellum, 9§ x 6^, ff. 120 + 2, 22 lines to a page. Cent, xvi early,
in a very fine clear Roman hand, doubtless that of Peter Meghan,
Colet's usual scribe.
Ex dono M" Anthonii Tuckney in Sac. Theol. Baccalaurei et
hujus Coll. Socii.
Collation: i flyleaf. 1^-15^ (a-p). i flyleaf.
Contents :
Title in black letter by another hand.
Commentaria Jo"^ Coleti sacrae theologiae professoris. decani eccle-
siae S. pauli London in epistolam diui Pauli ad Corinthios i*.
Paulus quem deus voluit apo (so far in capitals) -stolum Jesu Christi
esse saluatoris : Corinthios simul et omnes ubique locorum qui
inuocant dominum Jesum : eis optat graciam et pacem a deo
patre et domino Jesu. Gaudet deinde et gratulatur Corinthiis.
Ends f. \T.ob\ Marhanatha hebreo uerbo asserit Paulus et affirmat
dominum uenisse.
\'arious blanks are left in the text as if the archetype were illegible.
It is stated by Mr J. H. Lupton in the preface to his edition of
these Lectures on i Cor. (1874) that this copy is made from what
is most likely Colet's autograph, namely, the University Library
MS. Gg. 4. 26.
III. 3. 13 C. M. A. 10
246. HoRAE IN English.
Vellum, 9| X 6^, fl". 67 + 3, 28 lines to a page. Cent, xiv late,
well written and ornamented.
Collation: i flyleaf i" 2^-8* (wants 6) 9^ 2 flyleaves.
On f 3 1
John Comber Shermanbury (?) (xv, xvi).
On the flyleaf notes by Farmer and another.
Contents :
Kalendar in English in red and black . . . • . . f. i
Hours of the Virgin and of the Cross in English ... 7
Seven Psalms and Litany ........ 27^
Office of the Dead 35
Psalms of the Passion , . f. 54
J>ese ben \>e seven deedli synnes _:;8 ^
Pride wraj^j^e and enuye.
The commandments: Alle manere of men shulde holde goddis
biddyngis etc. (a leaf gone) 59
Jje seven jiftis of j'e hooli gost . . . . . . . 61 ^
Seven words on the Cross . . . . . . . . 616
Precepts with references ........ 63 6
Macabeorum 1. ij. The wra)jj>e of god for soJ>e is turned into merci etc.
An oryson of cure ladi. O intemerata etc 65
O unwemed and wijjouten ende blissid.
Here bigynnej? j'e sixtene propretees of charite .... 66
But si}? cloJ>yng of J>is loue is so myche loued of god
— and wite who wente amys. Here endi)? }je xvi propretees
of charite. 67 a, 68/' and flyleaves blank.
This Prymer is described by Maskell, A/on. Rit. II. xxxiv.
In the Kalendar David and Chad do not occur. At May 2 1 in red
is an original entry. Here was \e. erj^e qwake J'e 3eer of oure
lord m. ccc. Ixxxij. June 28 Seynt lyoun.
At July 16, in black. Kiwg Richard was crowned J^e 3eer of oure
lord m. ccc. lxxvij°.
Sept. 2. Seynt antelyn.
Thomas of Canterbury erased in December : but his translation in
July not touched.
Each of the hours has a fine initial and partial border of good bold
English work, with a good deal of gold.
This MS. is not specially noticed (so far as I can see) in the E. E. T. S.
edition of the Lay Polka's Mass-book by Mr Littlehales.
HI. 3. 14
247. De naturls rerum. C. M. A. 112
Vellum, 9I X 6\, fif. 89+ i, double columns of 35 lines. Cent, xv,
clearly written.
Collation: I flyleaf, i^-io" (wants 2, 3) 11'" 12 (one left).
On f. I
God send vs heauen after thys lyfe And that shall we have if we liue accordinglye
M (monogram) W. (xvi).
Contents :
Compilatio de naturis rerum.
Compilacio de libris naturalibus Aristotelis et aliorum quorundam
philosophorum de rerum natura. Que quidem compilacio quin-
que in se continet partes principales. Quarum prima principalis
E. C. C, 10
in octo subdiui(di)tur partihus prima que agit de primo principio
s. de deo subsequencia habet capitula.
De unitate et simplicitate dei etc.
Capitula end f. 6 a.
Prologue. Cum omne desiderii compos et maxime creatura rationa-
bilis appetat suam perfectionem . . . . . . {. 6 b
— a digniori inchoandum est ab ipso sumamus exordium secundum
hec capitula.
c. I. Dicit Aristoteles in x \>hilosop/ne p'*^ Deus inquid est unus
eternus nobilis.
The contents of the other parts are
I. 2. de creaturis. 3. de corporibus animatis. 4. de nalura
animalium. 5. de homine. 6. de motu et tempore et loco.
7. de rebus rationalibus. 8. de rebus moralibus.
II. dicitur liber ethicorum Aristotelis.
III. vetus ethice Aristotelis (de fortitudine).
IV. noua ethica Aristotelis (de summo bono).
V. de diffinicionibus rerum et ethimologiis.
Aristotle, Tullius in Rethorica, Boethius de disciplina scolarum
and others are quoted.
Ends f. 89 : adnichilantur per infusionem aque calide inter uulnera
etc. belche c'.
Expl. libellus de secretis nature.
III. 3. 15. Printed Book.
III. 3. 16 C. M. A. 121
248. Officia Ecclesiastica.
Vellum, 10 X 7^, fif. 48, double columns of 30 lines. Cent, xv,
clearly written in a rather ugly hand.
Given by Th. Leigh, S.T.B. in 1667.
Collation: i*-5» | gap | 6^
Scribbles at the end :
dum sumus in mundo viuamus corde iocundo etc.
Contents :
Office for the feast of Corpus Christi f. i
In festo Corporis Christi ad uesperas. Antiphona.
Sacerdos in eternum.
On the lower margin of f 2 (xv, xvi)
Quillermus hennyson filius Quillermi Hennison qui fuit filius
Johannis Gray, amen amen.
Office of the Visitation of the B. V. M f, 12
Office of the Relics (.Sarum) 2^b
Translatio S. Osmundi Ep. et Conf. ...... 29
Transfiguratio Ihesu Christi ........ 34
Lectiones tres in commemoracione S. Thome Cantuar. . . 39 ^
Benedicciones in festis et in commemoracionibus B. V. M. . 39 b
In festo corporis Christi ad missam ...... ±0
Ends imperfectly in the sequence : qua nee status nee statura signi.
In another hand :
Part of an Office for the Pentecostal season . . . . 4r
Isti sunt generales articuli maioris excommunicationis in lingua
materna et dicuntur hoc modo . . . . . . . ^i b
Goud men ande wemen hit ys ordend' by the cowensell off
holy chirch
— ther euer to dwelle yn paynes wythowte end. Fiat. Fiat.
Expl. Sentenc. etc. quod L.
Printed by Maskell, Man. Rif. 11. 286.
Four Gospels 47
Ordo ad purificandum mulierem post partum . . . . 47 ^
f. 48 blank.
III. 3- 17
Paper, 9f x 7, ff. 16. Cent, xvii-xviii, well written.
^vvofuov rod Si'crcre/SoOs aTroKoyyjTiKos irpbs 6c iypa\pt rovs avTipprj-
TLKovs 6 fji^yas Baen'Xeios (Migne, F. G. xxx. 835).
To fi-kv (oCc) (jvKO is covered with carefully washed out writing : cursive, of
nearly the same date as the MS. itself.
f. 3 (p. i) begins with a rubric.
vepl ap€Trjs ittttov ir-phyvwcns €k irpocnLwov ..... i
'H Tov 'iirirov dperyj, iK irpwT-q% vTrocpaiverai Trji ijXiKLas.
The other rubrics are:
'Iirirov ox^Tov I^AcXe^t? /cat xpo''os '''V^ oxfias ..... I
KvovcrQv Lirirwv iiri/jiiXeia ........ 4
irdAuu diro yivvij; iirtfx^Xeia ........ 4
wore Sa/jLaadr/vai Set tovs Lirwovs xai irds ..... 6
'iirirov dyaOov doKi/xaaia ......... 6
I'TTTrou (XKoXiov doKi/xacria ........ 8
'iwirojv (pvcreii Kara '4dvos ........ 8
'Apfxepioi tTTTTOt Kara crCoixa fxev eufieyedeis.
Alphabetical, ending with AvpKavol ("TpKavoi)
— (caXXtOTOi waidoTpo^oi.
dpxv '■oC 'iiriroiarpiKOv /3t/3Xioi; tov ovto) KaKov/jL^vov, rj fxiXiava. . 1 1
irvpi(T(T(i3v 'iiriroi Ix^' ''■';'' Ke=:
c. 144, ed. 1537).
They end p. 369 (370) in c. 109 Trepi aKevaaias e'7X''Ma''''0'M<^»' = c. 128, ed. 1537.
The last paragraph beginning: "Ipeus iWvpiKTjs' dpiaroXdyxv^ /xa/cpas yevTidvTjt, does not
seem to be in the printed text.
The last thing on the last page is a fragmentary rubric
crK(fvacrla) . . iriKoa...
The writing on the vellum leaves (after p. 222) and on the paper seems to me to be
the same. It can hardly be earlier than cent. xiii.
III. 3. 20 Printed Book.
III. 3. 21
252. eusebius de morte hieronymi.
Vellum, 10^ X 7^, ff. 48+12, two volumes. Cent, xiv and xii late.
Vol. II given by Joshua Barnes.
I. Collation: \*-&, 28 lines to a page, good French hand,
rather current.
At the end an erased inscription (following the colophon)
Iste liber est magistri petri blanchuilli magistri ...pc'rl...
Contents :
Inc. epistola b. eusebii ad sanctum damasium pontinensem epi-
scopum et ad christianissimum theodoniuw Romanoruni senatorem
de morte gloriosissimi confessoris Jeronimi doctoris magnifici.
Patri Reueiendissimo Damasio pontiniensi episcopo et christia-
nissimo Theodonio Romanorum senator! Eusebius olim ieronimi
sanctissimi discipulus.
Ends f. 47 <^ : in futuro gaudia que iam tu possides adipisci. Beati
Eusebii ad S. Dam. pont. ep. et ad theod. rom. Senat. de morte
glor. conf. Jeron. doctoris magnif. epistola expl. feliciter.
On f. I is a very good miniature and partial border of ivy-leaf work,
and initial. The picture represents the death of St Jerome. The
ground a chequer of lozenges blue, red and gold. In a house
with blue roof, door on left, Jerome lies (head to K.) in bed with
red and gold quilt. He is nimbed and bearded. Two demi-
angels in air receive his soul (a nude figure proceeding from his
mouth). At the head of the bed a wooden chair. At the foot a
stone seat on which Eusebius in blue sits writing on a scroll on
his knee. He is bearded, not nimbed.
f. 48 blank.
II. Collation: a'" (wants 2, 8), b"*. Cent, xii late, in a fine
English hand.
The preliminary leaves of what must have been a very fine
1. Table of Concurrentes for the Paschal cycle of 19 years . f. i
Also a late scrap of music and a scribble. Suscipe uerbum uirgo.
f. I b ruled into squares but blank.
2. (Calendar) wanting December, in red, blue and black, with
gold initials ......... 1
Obitus Roger! prioris IX added in black,
Eormenilde V.
Mildburge V.
Dauid C.
Cedde Ep. in red.
Joseph sponsi S. Marie.
Dominus in sepulcro in red.
1 1.
Guthlaci C.
Alphegi Ep. M. in red.
Transl. S. /Edmundi Reg. M.
^Elrkenwaldi Ep. in blue with octave.
Augustini Ep. et Bede presb. in blue.
Simeonis C.
Erasmi M. added late.
Ob. Beatricis Tyrill.
/Edburge V.
Botum Abb.
/Etheldrithe V.
Ob. pie memorie dom. Job. Eradwell prioris.
Dep. S. Swithuni in red. Visitation added.
Hedde Ep.
Grimbaldi C.
1 1.
Transl. S. Benedicti in blue with octave.
Mildrithe V. in blue.
Transl. S. Swithuni Ep. in blue.
Aethehvoldi in red.
Osuualde R. M. in red.
Ordinacio S. Gregorii in red.
Maurici cum soc. in blue.
Conceptio S. Joh. Bapt.
Cosme et Damiani in red.
Remigi Germani Vedasti.
Duorum euualdorum.
Fidis in red.
Paulini Ep.
.(Ethelburge V. in red.
Sancti gereone, duplex festum, added late.
Etheldrithe V. in red.
Romani Ep. in red.
Festiuitas sanctarum reliquiaruni in blue.
The obit of John Bradwell, prior, on Ap. 30 shows that the
Psalter once belonged to the Augustinian Priory of Holy Trinity,
Aldgate, London, of which Bradwell was Prior in 15 13. The
prominence given to SS. Erkenwald and Ethelburga would without
this have induced me to call the kalendar a London one.
A series of pictures, two on a page, in frames worked with
green. The backgrounds are plain, and there is hardly any gold ;
the principal colours are red and green : the latter has corroded the
vellum in some cases. The designs are good : the execution also
good, but not of the first class.
1. Annunciation. Angel on Z., scroll Aue — teaii/i (inscription later). Virgin
stands at desk, Ji. portion of background coloured dark blue.
2. Visitation. The two personages embrace.
3. Nativity. Virgin in bed, head to L. Curtain above her. Manger with Child,
and heads of ox and ass in air. Joseph seated on R. with staff.
4. Angel and Shepherds. Angel stands on L. with palm. Three Shepherds.
Below, sheep, goat and cow.
5. The Magi journeying. Three kings on horseback with crowns and sceptres, one
points R., one L., one full-face.
6. Magi and Herod. Herod seated in C. with L. leg drawn up on to his throne:
facing him a page sits on the ground supporting a sword hilt upwards. The three kings
stand on R.
7. Adoration of the Magi. The Virgin crowned, and Child, seated on L. She
holds up an orb with plant springing from it. The three kings hold up vessels.
8. Magi warned. The three kings in bed, one listens to small angel in air with scroll.
9. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to L., youth follows.
10. Massacre of Innocents. Two soldiers in mail, with helmets which have nose-
pieces. Each kills a child held by its mother, one with sword, the other with spear.
Herod seated on R., a small imp on his neck.
11. Presentation. Joseph on L. with basket of doves. The Virgin holds up the
Child. Symeon behind an altar on R.
12. Baptism. John on L. Christ in heaped-up water. Angel on A', holds tunic.
The outer portion of the next leaf is torn off.
13. Feast of Cana. Behind a table Christ, the Virgin, the Governor of the Feast.
In front, the jars and a servant.
14. Raising of Lazarus. Clirist stands at the feet of Lazarus, a brown body lying
in marble coffin. Behind it Mary and another (Martha) holding her nose.
15. Temptation (i). The Devil horned with winged shoulders and feet. Christ
seated on a mount on R. with scroll. Vade .Satana non tentabis dominum.
16. Temptation (2). A towered building. Christ on the roof on R. The devil, a
squat figure with stick-like legs in air on L. Gold vessels in air by him. Fragment of
another devil falling headlong on L.
17. Entry into Jerusalem. Gate on L., six heads (and figures) in openings above:
some throw down leaves. In front three, one with palm, two stripping themselves.
Christ rides to L. (colt, very small, follows) : on R., Peter with key and four other Apostles.
18. Washing of Feet. Christ on Z. touching the feet of Peter, who touches his head.
Other Apostles seated in a group, some drying their feet.
19. Last Supper. Behind a table Christ and John in His bosom in C. On L. a
group of Apostles with Peter. On R. another group. Two Apostles have cups. In
front Judas kneels, receives the sop and takes a fish from the dish.
■20. Betrayal. Christ and Judas in C. Peter on L. pulls back Malchus' head by
the hair. Assailants (one with lantern) on L. and R.
A blank page. Then the full-page B. initial to Ps. i. Beatus vir, which has lost
nearly all its colour (originally very rich) by rubbing. The body of the letter has a fine
tree with nine figures and half-figures in the branches (3 in C). At the angles are
four medallions. Those on L. and A', at top are single figures. At bottom on Z. is
David slinging at Goliath, on R. cutting off his head. There has been a good deal of
gold on this leaf.
III. 3. 22 C. M. A. 32
Vellum, lof X 7I, ff. 26+1, 24 lines to a page. Cent, xii, in
two very peculiar large hands, which are doubtless an unskilled
imitation of a Greek cursive hand.
Collation : i» (marked xi on 8th leaf) 2« (marked xii) 3 a single
sheet of two leaves 4^ (marked xxi). There is besides a single leaf,
detached, which belongs to quire 3.
Contents :
A fragment of a Greek Psalter consisting of the following portions.
Quire i (xi) begins at Ps. Ixxi. 14. XiTuipo-ere ras \pvxis avrCiv.
Quire 2 (xii) is continuous with it and goes down to Ixxxi. 7. viol
v\pl(rTOV iravTes vfieis 5i ws.
Here a late note (xvii). Desitnt multae paginae.
In quire 3^17 contains cxxvii. 3. wotcri (sic) aov cIjs veocpvra iXed)
to cxxix. 6. ttTTO (pvKaKTJs wpwlas /xe(xp')'
The detached leaf contains cxxxi. 11. ufioaev ks tw Ao5
to cxxxii. 2. ev rh vv^lv iirapare rdj. A note. Desunt
f. 18 (last remaining leaf of 3) contains cxxxv. 11. k(. f^ayayQvTt
TOP i'ljX.
to cxxxvi. I. 'Etti TtDc TToTafj-wi' Ba(Si(Xa>cos). A note. Deest
Quire 4 (xxi) contains cxxxvii. 4. ort TiKovcrav irdvra to. pifxara.
to cxliv. yfw. K^ ets rbu iCiva. tov ^(Si/os.
The detached leaf, which should follow f. 17, was restored to the
College in April 1895 (through the agency of Mr F. Jenkinson,
University Librarian) by the late George Washington Moon, who
had purchased it with other fragments. A title of cent, xvii which
has been scribbled on it shows that it must have been separated
from the volume for over two hundred years.
The remaining complete sheet of quire 3 must have been the
second in order i.e. consisting of the 2nd and 7th leaves out
of the 8.
The titles, numbers and initials are in red. The letters rest on
lines ruled with a dry point.
This MS. has enjoyed a certain celebrity. A facsimile of a few
lines is in Astle's Progi'ess of the art of ivriting {^\. 6): in the text
(p. 75) he assigns it to cent. x. It is no. 294 in Holmes and
Parsons' Septuagint. Lagarde calls it Codex P of the Psalms
in his Genesis graece and in Specimen etc. N*^*.
Facsimiles of two pages are given in Camb. Ant. Soc. Proc.,
Vol. VIII. (1892-3), p. 168 ff in a paper by the present writer, from
which the following paragraphs may be reproduced here.
The interest of the book, briefly stated, lies in this : that it is at
least as old as the twelfth century ; that it was certainly not
written by a Greek (or in Greece) ; and that it was probably
written in England. Several points lead me to the belief in its
non-Greek origin : first, the vellum, which is to my mind just like
the vellum of Western MSS. and not like that of Greek MSS.;
next, the writing, of which more anon ; thirdly, certain glosses
which I find in it ; and fourthly, the signatures of the quires.
The writing is a principal point, naturally. The two pages,
facsimiles of which accompany this paper (figs, i, 2), amply suffice
to show the remarkable aspect and character of the MS. They
are taken from the two ends of the book ; for, as has been already
remarked, the writing, after f 17, becomes larger and coarser than
in the earlier leaves. The impression which one gathers at the
first glance is that the scribe has been influenced by Russian or
Slavonic writing ; but a closer examination shows that what he
has been doing is to copy painfully and exactly, letter by letter,
from a manuscript written in early minuscules. The slow and
laborious character of the work becomes more and more apparent
as we look further into the MS.: and the conviction speedily arises
that no Greek could possibly have written such a hand as this.
It will not be necessary to go into details about the script. I
will, however, just specify that certain compendia scripturac occur
in the MS. : namely, the ordinary contractions of these words and
letters : /cat, Se, ap, ei, ev, 09, ov, acr, vv, ■xjra, y^i. All of these are
formed with the elaborate and painful care that characterizes the
rest of the writing.
Next let us speak of the glosses and signatures. Three
signatures survive ; xi, xii, xxi : and they are all in Roman figures
which I attribute to the twelfth century, and in ink not distin-
guishable from that of the text. I conclude that they are original,
and I ask if, in that case, their occurrence is compatible with the
supposition of a Greek origin for the MS.
As for the glosses ; there are only a few of them, but they are
in two hands, one of the twelfth, the other of the fifteenth century.
The first hand is not much later than the text ; it has added a few
explanations of words and contractions.
• i- gliitinare
Ixxii. 28. rrpoGKoKKaaQe
k^/'s alt are
Ixxiii. I. vo/j,7] was burned. Foxe vi. 740. Stephen
131. f. 251. Letter of Hooper printed. Thepeaceand ffavour...Idoomuchereioyce.
132. f. 251/;. Th. Matthew to his wife etc. Verses.
Geve yere my childres to my wordes.
133. f. 252 /^ Jo. Symson to the congregation in Suffolk etc.
134. f. 254. L. Saunders to his wife. vi. 631.
135. f. 255. Verses. The God that giveth lyfe and light.
136. f. 261. Cranmer (?) to the Queen.
f. 265 b. To Dr Masters and Dr Story.
17, i8]
f. 266.
f. 268.
f. 272.
f. 274.
f. 276.
f. 277-
f. 278.
Copy by
f. 279.
f. 280.
P- 349-
f. 28 1.
f. 283.=
Articles against J. Denley. VII. 331 etc.
? Bradford. When I consider the state.
To Bradford. II. 173. Holograph.
Examination of Ridley and Latimer at Oxford.
Ridley to Will. Punt. P. S., p. 376.
Bradford to Mrs Warcup. P. S. II. 185.
Bernher to Ridley (P. S., p. 381) and Ridley to Bernher.
II. 192.
Ridley: Latin notes on the false Decretals. P. S., p. 180.
Ridley = no. 49. Although Brethren we have of late heard nothynge,
Ridley, 8 Ap. 1554. I wyshe you grace in God, p. 337.
no. 143. (Autograph.)
IV. I. L
1. Hooper, J. Apology against slanderous reports, 13 Jan. 1554
2. ,, Letter to him on the taking of a godlye companye
in Bowe churche yarde ......
3. Hooper, J. Answer to above. 8 Jan. '54 .
4. ,, To the prisoners in the counter at Breadstrete
5. Sermon on Ps. cxxii. Jerusalem ys buylded etc. .
5. Two Prayers, i. ? by Bradford but signed Will. Tymes
O lord all myty god and heuenly father.
ii. by Bradford. P. S. I. 292
7. Confession and answer of John Rogers ....
Second Confession ........
S. Prayers. O Lord rebuke me not .....
9. Bradford. Meditation on the Lord's Supper. P. S. i. 260
0. Bradford. On St John. P. S. 11. 263. Holograph .
1. Address. My dearlye belouyde...Will it plese (you) here the
5. ? Ridley. Sermon on Gal. v.
Prayer. Oh moste mercyfull almighty (eter)nall .
,, A dayely prayer. (Bradford) ....
O all myghty and eternall God the deare Father,
Signed by W. Tymes.
The summe of all suche doctrine as I robert wisdome haue euer
preached etc. .........
Joh. Newman. Declaration of Faith. Foxe vii. 338
Jo. Bland. Prayer and Verses. (Cf. Foxe vii. 287) .
Bradford. Autograph fragment of Sermon on the Lord's
Supper. P. S. I. 82 .
Fragment on Faith, not in Bradford's hand . . . .
12 d
17 6
[IV. 2.
Wisedome Rob. Sermon of the knowledge of the trewe God,
translated from the German of Tyelmanmts Heshusius, Bp
of Heidelberg. Preface . . . . . . . f. 69
Letter of Heshusius to the Lord John Ungnaden . . 72
Text of the Sermon ........ 74
Prayers ........... 86 3
A revocacyon of the shamfull byll that ^Vinchester devised and
Wisedome reedde at Paules Crosse... 1543 .... 88
(By Rob. Wisedome.)
Bradford. Prayer on the Commandments. P. S. II. 256 . 132
? Ridley. Extracts on the Eucharist. Greek and Latin . 140
A shorte introduction to the understandyng of tlie scriptures.
Mens. Apr. 1555. Bradford i. 297 ..... 152
A man that is regenerate.
Hooper. Whether Christian faythe may be kepte in the harte
without confession . . . . . . . . 154
Fragment .......... 156
Fragment . . . . . . . . . . 157
Prayer of Bradford. P. S. I. 278 159
Fragment, and letter of Philpot ...... 161
Bradford. In my last lettre ....... 163
Fragment . . . . . . . . . . 165
A litle Exhortacion to all suche as unfaynedly seke the
kingdom of God etc. . . . . . . . . 166
The god of all grace.
Bradford. Paraphrase of Ps. Ixxix. P. S. I. 282 . . 174
IV. 2. 29
1. Ridley. Preface and Protestation. P. S.
First proposition etc. ......
Epilogue ........
2. Ridley. Disputations at Oxford. P. S., p. 303 .
3. Bradford. Sermon on Lord's Supper. P. S. I. 82
The name Thomas Horton occurs more than once.
4. Bradford. Arguments against Transubstantiation. P. S.
5. ,, Of Election and Free-will. P. S. I. 211
6. ,, Prayer. P. S. I. 224 ....
7. ,, Fragment of ist Examination
8. „ to Lord Russell. P. S. 11. 77 .
9. ,, of the presence of God. P. S. i. 193
10. ,, of death. I. 195 .....
11. Careles to Philpot, fragment .....
12. ,, to brethren in Newgate, fragment
13. ? Ridley. Sermon notes, fragments
I- 544
4.0 b
44 3
49 3
14, 15. Further portions of 11, 12
16. Frith's version of Patrick Hambleton's treatise (i leaf)
17. Verses. The priste dothe make amonge...etc.
18. Bradford on the Passion. Holograph. P. S. I. 196 .
19. ,, on use of the body (written by Bernher, says a note
P. S. I. 187
20. Bradford. Directions as to disposal of shirts etc.
21. Of the Lawe of God .......
22. Faith of Patryke Portingam ......
23. Bradford on mortification. P. S. I. 190
24. ,, Conference with Harpsfield. i. 502
25. Careles to Latimer ........
26. Ridley ad fratres in captiuitate .....
27. Bradford to Trewe and Abyngton. Autogr. P. S. II
28. Careles to his sister. Coverdale 577
29. Bradford to Bernher, fragment ....
30. ,, to Rawlins. II. 221
31. Careles to Anne Knyvet. Coverdale 572, fragment
32. Bradford to Hart etc. 11. 194 ....
33. HuUier .........
34. Discourses against Arians : on the Descent into Hell
for as myche my dearely belouyd in the Lord at the same
perillous dayes.
35. Careles to Upcher .........
Other letters of the same to Margery C., and Upcher.
36. Bradford to Lady Vane, Rawlins, Saunders, Cole, Careles
37. Bradford on the Creed. Autogr. P. S. i. 140
38. ,, to Citizens of London, i. 434
39. Verses. As nature dothe ...?
40. Ridley to West. Coverdale p. 40. P. S., p. 33
41. Saunders, Examination of ... .
Letters to his wife .....
42. Protestation of Latimer .....
43. Bradford to Mrs Wilkinson etc. (attributed here to
P- S. I. 45
44. Bradford. Examination ....
45. Taylor. Examination .....
46. Addition to the last .....
47. Verses. Suffer for Christe all that ye can .
48. Philpot. It is a lamentable thinge
49. Careles. Coverdale, p. 586 to 602
50. Disputation between Weston and Latimer
51. Cranmer to Mrs Jane Wilk ....
52.=no. 38
53. Bradford. Farewell to Cambridge. P. S, I. 441
54. ,, ,, to Lancashire and Cheshire, i. 448
55. ,, ,, to Walden. i. 455
56. ,, On the passion, i. 196
160 3
167 b
180 3
186 3
192 b
217 b
220 3
1 66
[IV. 3-
Bradford. Prayer, i. 206
,, To a faithful man anil his wife newly emprisoned
,, To Mistress Hall. 11. 247 .
Joyce Hales to Mrs Hall
Bradford on the Flesh and .Spirit, i. 300
,, to Saunders. 11. 177 .
„ on the Lord's Prayer, i. iiS
Ridley. Ep. vii. (part). P. S. 347 .
Bradford to Mrs Warcup (part). Coverdale, p. 45J
,, to Mrs Wilkinson. 11. 39
,, Prayer. I. 276
,, on the Old man and the New (ist leaf gone.) i. 297
,, Confession, i. 202 .
,, Thanksgiving. I. 205
,, Supplication, i. 200
Notes of Curtop's Sermon at Paul's 1552
Fragment of a Latin treatise .
Bradford. Private Prayers. I. 240
,, "to Mrs Warcup." I humbly and hartely praye
,, to Mrs Wilkinson. II. 182 .
The everlastynge peace... Ffor as moche dearely
belovyd ......
Bradford to Mrs Warcup (imperf) il. 163
,, to Eliz. Brown (imperf.) II. 70
,, Prayer at the Stake. I. 292 .
f. 228
230 /'
246 b
2^^ b
254 b
Probably everything of importance in these vohimes has been
pubHshed by the Parker Society. Only a small proportion of the
documents are originals : some of the copies are said to be by
Aug. Bernher, and others seem to be by William Tymms. My
references to the printed editions are not complete ; I have been
unable to identify the anonymous fragments : nor could I have
added as many references as I have without the help of a number
of slips inserted in IV. 2, 29, by whom I know not.
IV. 3.
A collection of printed tracts, 5^ x 3|, mostly of early xvith
cent., with some additions in manuscript of cent, xvi early.
I. On flyleaves at beginning
A religious parody of the song " Come over the burn Bessy to
me " beginning
Cum ouer the borne bessey my lytyll prety bessey comme
ouer the borne to me.
The borne hys the world blynde~j
And bessey is mankynd r as she.
So proper cowde I none fynde. '
She daunseth and lepythe
Criste standythe and clepythe
Come ouer the borne to me.
2. At the end
Meditationes Bernardi. ff. 18.
Multi multa sciunt.
3. Stimulus consciencie Bonauenture. ff. 12.
Ecce descripsi earn tripliciter tibi. Prou. 22. Cum omnis
— saciamur per christum dominum nostrum. Amen.
Expl. paruum (?) bonum seu regimine consciencie bonauenture
quod uocatur fons uite. Ad laudem dei omnip.
4. Speculum monachorum.
Primo considerare debes. ff. 10.
Seems unfinished.
Yy. 3. 17 C. M. A. 69
264. BiBLiA.
Vellum, 2i| X I5f, ff. 316, double columns of 64 lines. Cent, xv,
in a fine narrow upright English hand, with excellent ornaments of
the time.
On f 2 :
Johannes Newecovrt de Pickwel in Perochia Georgeham in comitatu Deuon. Armiger
dedit istum librum Collegio Emanuelis Cantabrigie. Anno Domini millessimo sex-
centissimo primo etatis dicti Johannis octogessimo
per me Johannem Newecourt. This is repeated after Apoc.
2 fo, nouerimus.
Collation: \^-2t^ 27^- 28« 29^ (wants 3) 30«-358 36^- 37^- 38^ | ^(f
(4 cane).
Contents :
Prologues of Jerome. Frater Ambrosius.
Desiderii mei.
Full border to f. i of fine English work, blue, pink, orange, green
and gold.
Genesis, full border to first page (f. 2 b). On 3 a minutely written
marginal scholia.
The initials to the books are in gold, usually on a square ground of
half pink, half blue, with patterns in white.
The Prayer of Manasses does not follow 2 Chron.
There is no 3rd Esdras...
Full border to first page of the Psalter, which is Galilean.
Oratio Salomonis follows Ecclus. without a break.
There are stichometric notes to the main divisions of O.T.
After 2 Mace, the Epistle of Eusebius to Carpianus and verses on
the Ten Canons.
Full border to Matt. f. 221.
Proll. to Epistles as in II. 2. 19.
The Epistle to the Laodiceans follows Heb.
Interpretationes nominum in triple columns. Aaz— Zuzim . . f. 281 b
Ending f. 311. Expl. interp. noni. heb. in bibha contentorum
incipientium per diuersas litteras sec. ord. alphabeti. 311^ blank.
On 312-316 is a genealogy of Christ in a smaller hand, with
historical notes, chiefly from Methodius, Historia scholastica etc.
with the usual conventional drawings of Babylon, Jerusalem,
the Ark, the Camp etc.
At top
12 34 5
Lux • firmamentum • mare • terraque • lumina • pisces • Et uolucres •
pecudes • fera • reptile cum prothoplasto.
Inc. Considerans historie sacre prolixitatem.
Cain's wife is given as Calmana, Abel's as Delbora.
Noah's is Puarfara, Shem's Parfya, Ham's Cathaflua, Japhet's ffluya.
The genealogy ends with "Christus passus " and list of Apostles.
Text ends
Barnabas in cipro ut patet in legendis eorum.
POEM FROM No. io6, f. iib.
Mon queor me dist que doi amer
Mes ieo ne sai ou empler
Amour que tut temps puet durer
Pur ceo su en langour.
Qui mei sauerai enseigner
Ou ficherai mamour.
Si ieo desire biens et richesces
Ieo uei les riches en grant destresces
Au departir doil et tristez
Pur ceo su en languor.
Ieo querai ioie plus adrez
Ou ficherai mamour.
Si ieo desire estre sage
Pruz et bien de haute parage
Ieo uei que tut ceo faut en age
Pur ceo sui en langour.
Ieo queerai ioie en autre age
Ou ficherai mamour.
Si ieo desire mours et uertuez
Pur quel ieo su preise de tutz
Aschun defautz iad desuz
Pur ceo sui en langor.
Ieo querrai ioie pure lasuz
Ou fichera(i) mamour.
Si ieo desire estre honurable
Honur de ceste secle nest que fable
Ffaus et faint et deceiuable
Pur ceo sui en langour.
Ieo querrai ioie plus estable
Ou ficherai mamour.
Ore entendetz dount ieo me affie
Ieo uoiz queraunt oue la marie
Douz ihesu fontaine de uie
Qui garish de langour.
En qui soule ioie est acomplie
La fycherai mamur. Amen.
Note. The numbers in heavy type are those of the manuscripts.
Ainsworth, W., 185. 5
Alabaster, W., Elisaeis, 68. i ; 7\'oxa/ia,
185. 4
Alanus de Insulis, de sex alis, 243. 4
Album, Askew's, 47
Albumasar, tracts, 70. 12, p. 66
Aldate, S., legend, 27. 16
Alexander de Elpidio, de iurisdict. imperii,
9. 12
Alexius, S., 27. 21
Allerton, R., letter, 266. 7
Alliaco, P. de, see Petrus
Almanack, tract on, 70. 1 1
Adso de Antichristo, 27. 10
de lapsu, 65. 4
de bono mortis, 73. 3
de patientia, 94. 6
Pastorale, 243. 5
Ambrosius, S. (Ps.) Continuatio V. et
N. T., 56. 7
Andrews, Bp., Sermons, 181. viii
Dialogi Hierarchiae subcaelestis, 9. 24
tract, de potestate eccl., 9. 26
de discretione spirituum, 9. 27
de naturis reruin, 247
Theol. tracts, 93, 182, 183, 190,
Epistolae quaedam, 9. 31
cur deus homo, 29. 3
Antichrist, Anon, de, 27. i
4 Esdras, 116
Vindicta Salvatoris, 27. 14
Apocrypha (coiU.)
Story of Pilate and Judas and of the
Cross, 27. 16
Test. xii. Patr., 63
Gospel of Nicodemus, 106. 26
Ep. to Laodiceans, 108, 116, 264
Ardern, John of, Surgery, 69
Aristides de Musica, 61
Physiognomy, 70. 10
Compilatio e naturalibus et ethicis,
Comm. in Naturalia, 255, 256
Arms unknown, 232
Askew, Ant., Album, 47
Astronomia, 36. 3-7, 70
Astronomical Tables, 4
(Ps.) de mirabilibus .S. Scripturae, 2. i
contra Faustum, 2. 2
contra aduersarium legis, 2. 3
contra Felicianum, 2. 4
de uera innocentia 2. 5
de spiritu et littera, 2. 6
ad inquisit. Januarii, 2. 13
Retractationes, 2. 14
de uerbis domini et apostoli, 16
de Trinitate, 17
de bono coniugali, 26
de cognitione uerae uitae, 2. 7, 38. 7
ad Volusianum, 2. 8
ad Italicam, 2. 9
de X. praeceptis etc., 2. 10
de uisitatione infirmorum, 2. 11,
243. 15
de doctrina Christiana, 2. 1 2
Augustine (c-oii/.)
de sancta uirginitate, 26
Sententiae de civ. dei, 29. i
Sermones, 29. 4-10, 73. -2, 243
Soliloquia, 54. i
de assumpt. B. V. M., 56. 4
Enchiridion, 73
de fide ad Petruni, 243. 16
Spec, peccatorum, 243. 18
Avenesra de mundo, 70. 12
Bacon, Sir F.
Poem, 68. vi. 7
Case of Fr. Spira, 104
Bancroft, Abp, 181. iv
Bandinel, Dr, p. 129
Banhusius, Epigrams, 105
Barlow, Bp, 96. 8
Barnes, Joshua, works by, 49?, 78, 79,
145-154, 169-180, 192
Bartholomaeus Parmensis breuiloquium,
70. 7
Basel, Council of, documents relating to,
Historia eccl. gentis anglorum, 3. i
super Proverbia, 19. i
super Cantica, 19. 2
de tabernaculo, 19. 3
in losue, 38. 8
Bedell, Bp
owned 5-7
Defence of answer, etc., 181. VI
Shepherd's Tale, 209
Bennett, W., Bp of Cloyne, notes and
works by, 141, 162-168, 196-200, 203,
Bentley, Dr, papers, 184
Bernardus, S.
Letter, 94. 4
Meditationes, 243. 6, 263. 2
Bernher, Aug., p. 166, etc.
Bible, Latin, 22, 23, 24, 67, 81, 82, 87,
102, 116, 144, 264
Genesis, gloss on, 86
S. Mark in Heb. and Gr., 90
Psalterium glosatum, 114
Bible (cont)
Epp. glosatae, 115
Tabula super, 142. 13, 241. 4, 243.
12, 20
Hebrew, 5-7
English, 21
(N. T.), 34, 108
Greek, Varr. Lect. in N.T., 58
Epp. Paul., 110
Fragments, 236. vii
(O. T.), Psalter, 253
Bland, J., Prayer, etc., 261. 20
Boborius, Alb., tract, 88
de Trinitate, 28
de consol. philos., Greek, 32. 11
Medit. imaginis uite, 35. 8
de decern mandatis, 46. 3
Horologium sapientiae, 65. \
Stimulus amoris, 65, 4
Stim. conscientiae, 263. 3
Itinerarium mentis, 65. 6
Breviloquium pauperis, 74
meditationes, 241. 2, 243. 10, 2
Bowie, F., Poem, 68. vi. 6
Bradford, J., Letters and writings, 260-262
Bradwell, J., Prior, 252, p. 152
Breton, W., Clytophon, 185. 5
Bridget, S., of Sweden, extract, 142. 11,
241. 5
Bridlington, Rob. de, in Epp. Pauli, 8
Brinkley, R., p. 156
Brooker, S., tract, 96. 4
Brooks, Scyj-os, 185. i
Browne, W., Masque, 68. 4
Buckingham, Duke of. Poems, etc.,
68. VI
Bullinger, H., 260. 10
Burckhard, J., 47
Burgo, J. de, Pupilla oculi, 240
Bussemaker, p. 149
Caesarius of Heisterbach, extracts, 142. 6
Cambridge, 48, 71, 185
Sermons etc., 142. 10
Cambridge {cont.)
Scot's Foundation of the University,
King's College, Register, 97
Cardington, Terrier, 187
Careles, J., Letters, 260. 62 etc. and 262
Cary's Rapture, 68. VI. 12
of a Library, 188
of Emman. Coll. MSS., 257
Catechism, a short, 100
Cecill, T., Poem, 68. vi. 6
Chiromancy, tracts, 70. 8, 9
Chronica, 125
Rolls, 231, 232
Notes, 246
Chrysostom, Joh. (works in Greek)
super Matthaeum (Gr.), 12-15
Serm. de ramis palmarum (Gr.), 59. 2
Orations, 236. v
Transl. of relics (Gr.), 236. vi
Chrysostom, J. (works in Latin)
ad Theodorum, 37. i
quod nemo potest laedi, 37. 2
de compunctione, 67. 3
(Pseudo-), opus imperfectum, 39, 237
Sermon (Latin), 56. 5
Clemens Rom.
Epistle, 65. 5
on the twelve Fridays, 106. 4
Clerk, Rich., version of S. Mark in Heb., 90
Cockram, Crucifix at, 260. 47
Colet, J., in I Cor., 245
Columba, S., 84
Comber, J., 246
tracts on, 83, 243. 19
form of, 229
Cotton, H., p. 129
J., tracts, 181. vill
Cranmer, Abp, 260. 4, 136, 262. 51
Cruso, Enribates, 185. 3
Curtop, Sermon, 262. 72
Cyprianus (Ps.), duodecim abusiva, 27. 7
Cyrus and Joannes, SS., 236, VI
De negligentia presbyterorum, 27. 18
Denley, J., 260. 137
Devonshire, Earl, discourse, 181. i
Dictes of Philosophers, 31
Dionysius Periegesis, 32. v
Donne, Dr, Poems, 68. 2
Dorotheus de re occulta, 70. 6
Draycott, letters, 80
Dublin Breviary, 64
Duodecim abusiva seculi, 27. 7
Durandus quaestiones de ordine iurisdict.,
9. II
Duthac, S., 84
Earthquakes, notes of, 27. 22
Edmund of Pontigny, S., speculum, 54.
Ill, 243. 8
Egidius Romanus de peccato originali,
243. 17
Egwin, S., 27. 3
England and Wales
Justices of Peace, 53
Valor Beneficiorum, 119
Pater noster, etc., 27. 13
Dictes, 31
Surgery, 69
Medicine, 95
devotion, 72, 246
poems, 106. 14, 263. i
form of confession, 229
form of excommunication, 248
Ephraem Syrus, S., 236. vi
Epigrams, collection of, 105
Erardis, Gu., Propositio, 9. 14
Ernesti, J. A., 47
Ernulfus, verses on, 38. 6
Eschinden, J., astronomical tracts, 70
Espec, Walter etc. de, 65
Essex, Earl of, 80
Apology, 181. v
Eunomius, apologeticus, 249
Eusebius (Ps.) de morte Hieronymi,
252. I
Excommunication, English form of, 248
Daremberg, p. 149
Davenport, H., opinion, 181. Ill
Farmer, R., Lectures, 258
Fastolf, John, notes about, 31
Faversham Abbey, documents relating to,
pp. lO, I I
Fortifications, tract on, 51
Francis, S., Exposition of rule, 98
verses, 27. 13
tract on Fortifications, 51
receipts, 69
tract on sins, 83. 5
rule of S. Francis, 98
tracts and devotions, 106
Chronicle, 232
Frith, 262. 16
Fulbertus Carnotensis, 27. 3
Fynes Morison, Itinerary, extracts, 55
Garuons, J., tract, 96. 7
Garter, Statutes, 75
Gascoyn, Sir J., Terrier, 187
Gataker, Preface to M. Antoninus, 189
Germanus, St, Verses to, 143
Gerson, J., works by, 9, i, 2, 6, 9,
10, 23
Gesner, J. ?vl., 47
Giraldus Cambrensis, Topographia Hiber-
niae, 3. 2
Glover, Rob., 1
Godsalve, Th., 94
Googe, Hen., MS. of N.T., 52
Gorham super Epistolas, 113
Goring, G. , Epithalamium for, 68. VI.
Goscelyn, W., Terrier, 236. i
Gostling, J., oration on, 185. 2
Grammatica, Greek
on the Ionic dialect, 30. i
other fragments, 32. x-Xll
Hebrew, 49, 235
Greek MSS., 12-15, 30, 32, 33, 59, 61, 109,
110, 236, 249, 253
Gregorius, S.
Moralia, 112
in Ezechielem, 143
Pastoralis, 243. 3
Gregorius Nazianzenus
Poems, 32. VI, 33. in
Oration, 236. iv. 4
Grene, Bartlet, 260. 27, 68
Greston, H., 260. 44
Grey, Lady Jane, 260. 112
Grosseteste, Rob.
Articuli, 27. 5
Templum domini, 27. 6
Gunthorpe, J., owner: his arms etc., 3
Gurias Samonas, Abibas, SS., 236. iv
Gybson, R., 260. 32
Hale, Sir M., on the Soul, 122-4
Hales, I., tract, 96. 2
Hales, Joyce, 262. 60
Halliday, J., 260. 45
Haly, tracts, 70. 6
Hamilton, Sir J., objections to title,
181. Ill
Hamilton, Patrick, 262. 16
Hamlake, Ros of, 65
Hampole, R., Latin tracts, 35. 1-6, 9?, 10
Harbert, A., Scotica Nobilitas, 89
Hardius, Dr, 76
Hardy, Ric, notebook, 201
Hargrave, Fr., 122
Harrington, Sir J., epigram, 80
Harpsfield, N., Life of More, 76
Harvard College, address to Emmanuel
College, 233
Hatcher, T. , King's College, 97
Hawkes, T., 260. 25
Haymo super Epistolas, 10, 11
Hebrew Grammar, 49, 235
See Bible
Heraldry, 1, 101
Herodoti Historia, 30
Herveus Brito, de iurisdictione potest.
eccl., 9. 7
Hesiod, Theog. and Scut. Here, 32. iv
de Origenis libris, 25
ad Pammachium, 25
contra Ruffinum, 25
ad Nepotianum, 25
contra lovinianum, 26, 56
(Ps.) de induratione cordis Pharaonis,
56. 2
de natiuitate B. V. M., 56. 3
super Marcum, 56. 6
de Hebr. litteris, 56. 8
Hieronymus [coiit.)
de locis, 56. 9, 57. i
quaest. Hebr. (Gen. Reg. Par.), 57. 3,
5> 6
de mansionibus, 57. 4
de X temptationibus, 57. 7
de vi ciuilatibus, 57. 8
de cant. Debborae, 57. 8
lament. Jeremiae, 57. 9
super aedif. prudentiae, 57. 10
de nominibus, 57. 1 1
de sphaera caeli, 57. 12
Epistolae, 57. 13
super prophetas, 121
de morte Hieron. , 252
Hippiatrica, 251
Hoern, Theod. Petri de, 118
Holdsworth, R., Directions to Students, 48
Holy Land, notes on, 143. 3
Hooper, Bp, letters and writings, 260. 114,
131, 261. 1-4, 28
Hopkins, Catechisnie, 181. viii
Horae, see Liturgical
Hubbard, H., notes by, 157-161, 193-195
Huddylstone, W., Abbot of Stratford, 94
Hughes, T. S., works by, 204-208
Hugo, Isaac, Comm. in Aristotelem, 256
Hugo de S. Sabina, spec, ecclesiae, 27. 19
Hugo de S. Victore, de arra animae,
237. 2
Hullier, J., 260. 76, 103, 262. 33
Hus, J., 9. 30
decorative, 3, 5-7, 106, 115, 239, 242,
246, 264
arms, 232
Bible, 24, 67, 81, 82, 102, 116
Philosophers, 31
Horace, 41
Surgery, 69
Astronomy, 70
devotions, 106
Moralia of Gregory, 112
Psalter, 114
Prophets, 121
chronicle, 125
Illustrations (tonf.)
death of Jerome, 252
Life of Christ, 252 11
Innocentius de contemptu mundi, 27. 4
Levies of troops, 53
Irish saints, 64
Irish names, p. 42
sententia de lapsu stellarum, 29. 12
super Pentateuchum, 38
Prol. in Matth., 91. 2
ad Mansorium, 243. i
sententiae, 243. 2
Jacobus Ep. Laudensis, contra J. Hus, 9.
Jacobus, S., Vita, 241. 3
Jergis de planetis, 70. 6
Jerusalem, notes on, 143. 3
Johnson, W., Valetudinarium, 52
Kalendar, 27. 22, 92 (London), 106. 16
(Worcester), 252 (London)
Kellet, E., Poems, 68. vi. 6
Kemp, J., Abp of Canterbury, 9
Kemp, Th., Bp of London, 9
Kempis, Thomas a, Musica ecclesiastica,
54. II
libb. Ill, IV, 94
Kentigern, S., 84
Kirkham Abbey, documents, 65
Knivet, Ant., narrative of travel, 55
Knyvett, Anne, 260. 20
Institutiones, 238. i
de ira dei, 238. 2
de opif. dei, 238. 3
Latimer, Bp, Protest., 262. 42
Laurentius, And., tract against, 77. i
Law, Common, Statutes, 99, 103
for festivals, 27. 3
another collection, 27. 1 1
Legge, T., Richardtts III., 71
Leicester, Earl of, tract on, 80
Lethbertus on Psalms, 120
Lichfield, documents, 77. 2
Lincoliiiensis, see Grosseteste
Linnet, Ur, 48. 2
Horae, 41, 72, 92, 246
Directorium Saceidotum, 46. 11
Breviary, 64
Memoriae, 84
various devotions, 106
Greek, 109
form of confession, 229
Episcopal offices (roll), 230
Greek fragments, 236. 11, ill
Psalter and devotions, 239
Missal, 242
Offices, 248
Logarithms, Sinus Logarithmicus, 18
Longsho, Eliz., 260. iii
Lycophron, 32. ill, 33. Ii
Lyndwood Constitutions, 66, 107
Lyra in N. T., 118
notabilia, 241. i
Macer, de Herbis, 36. i
Margaret, S., 27. 12
Marina, S., 27. 16
Martyrs, Letters of, 260-262
Mary Magdalene, S., 27. 16
Mathematical Tables, 18
tracts and notes, 193-195, 201
Matthew, T., verses, 260. 132
Medica, 95
Messehalla, tracts by, 70. 6
Methodius (Ps.), extracts, p. 168
Mewe, Pseudo Magia, 68. 4
Michaelis, C. B., 47
Mildred, S., 27. 3
Missal, see Liturgical
Montesono, Joh. de, 9. 3, 4, 15, 16
Montfortianus Codex, 58
Montibus, W. de, 27. 9
Moon, G. W., p. 154
More, Sir T., Life, 76
Needham, P., p. 149
Newbold, family register, 92
Newman, J., Declaration of Faith, 261.
Nicetas Gothus, S., 236. iv
Ninian, S., 84
Noah's wife, name, p. 168
Norwich monks, 142. 4
Notebook, 111
Oder, E., p. 149
Epistola, 26. 4
in Jesum Nave, 29. 2
Osmund, S., office, 248
Overall, Bp, Convocation book, 45
Owen, Epigrams, 105
Palimpsest, Greek, p. 150
Palladius, de re rustica, 244
Parliament, records of (Ed. II — Rich. II),
117. 2
Parr, Dr S., p. 1 r
Payne, Mich., 117
Peck, prebendary of Westminster, p. 69
Scottish, 89
English, 254
Pershore Abbey, documents, 38. 7, 8
Persius, Satires, 259
Petrarcha, Fr., super septem Psalmos, 9. 4
Petrus de Alliaco, works by, 9. 3, 4,
Petrus de Candia, Conclusiones, 9. 25
Petrus Comestor, Allegoriae, 27. 2, 126
Philippus Solitarius, Dioptra, 59. i
Philpot, J., 260. 28, 37, 66, 73, 75, 78-80,
85, 92, 262. 48
Pindar, Pythia, Nemea, 33. I
Planudes, Max., version of Boethius,
32. II
Leander, 50
Valetudinarium, 52
Pseudo Magia, Paria, Parthenia, 68
Richardus III., 71
Scyros, 185
Zelotypus, 185
Euribates, 185
Roxana, 185
Fraus Honesta, 185
Latin, 27. 2
French, 106. 169
English, Misc., 68, 263. i
Porson, note by, 30
Portingam, Patrick, 262. 22
Predestination, tract on, 44
Prester John, Letter, 27. 15
Preston, Dr, tract, 181. viii
Prussia, Propositio contra cruciferos de
Prucia, 9. 29
Pytt, Ric, 237
Quintus Smyrnaeus, 32. VI i, 33. iv
Rabanus in Matthaeum, 91
Rawlins, Erkenwokl, 260. 52, 56
Raymundus de Pennaforti
Manuale conf., 60
Summa, 62, 66. II
Rebus, unknown, 240
Redmayne, Rich., 94
Richardson, J.
Lectures by, 155-6
Catechism, 181. VIII
Ridley, Bp, Letters etc., 260. 48 and 261,
262 passim
Roman Roads in Britain, 228
Rubeis, J. de. Judicium, 70. 3
Apologia, 25
Praeff ad periarchon, 25
contra Hieronymum, 25
Sacraments, tract on, 83. 5
Sacro Bosco, J. de, de sphaera, 36. 6
Legends of, various, 27. 3, ir, 16, 21
See Ireland, Scotland
Samuel, R., 260. 14
S. Victore, Hugo de
de arra animae, 237. 2
Robertus de, 27, p. 23
list of altars, 27
images of kings at, 27
statutes of bishops, 27. 17
Saravius (frater), Reuocatio, 9. 8
Saumur, Students at, 256
Saunders, Laur., 260. 16, 58, 134, 262. 41
Saxonia, J. de, in Alchabitium, 70. 5
Scot, J., Foundation of the University,
documents concerning, 17. 2, 3
Saints, 84
Scotica Nobilitas, 89
Seffridus, Bp of Chichester, 25
Seneca de Ira, English verses, 181. II
Senuphius, S., 236. vi
Sermons, 27. 19, 20, 42, 43, 46, 73. 3, 86.
142, 4, 8, 9 etc., (Themata) 243. 11
Seth, pillars of, 109
Sidney, Sir Ph., Poem, 68. vi, 19
Simson, J., 260. 19, 24, 61, 133
Snettisham, Terrier of, 236. I
Sompting, dedication of Church, 27. 22
Sophocles, Ajax, 32. ix
Spanish poem, 93
Speculum ecclesiae, 27. 19
Speculum monachorum, 263
Spicer, Rich., tract, 77. i
Spira, Fr., Case of, 104
Staffordshire, Visitation of, 1
Statius, Thebais, 250
Statutes of England, 99, 103
Staughton, Dr, Sermon, 96. 9
Stowe, J., Monk of Norwich, Collections,
Stratford, Abbot of, 94
Stubbe, Fratis Honesta, 185. 6
Sutclivius, Matt., Works, 127-140
Talbot, Rob., 142
Taylor, R.
Will, 260. 70
Examination, 262. 45, 46
Theobaldus Stampensis, 143. 4
Theocritus, 32. i
Theological tracts, anon.
Latin, 93
English, 182, 183
Thomas Aquinas, S., tracts by, 40
Thornton, Jo., 237
Three Kings, names of, p. 63
Tuckney, Ant., Catechism, 181. viii
Tuesyn, J., 260. 34
Tyelmannus, Bp of Heidelberg, 261. 23, 24
Tyconius, Regulae, 243. 9
Tymms, W., Letters and copies, 260-262
Tzetzes, Isaac, on Lycophron, 32. in,
33. II
Tzetzes, John, on Homer, 186
Valckenaer, L., in Actus, 202
Vane, Lady, 260. 17
Latin, 38. •2-6, 80, 90. 3, 142. 6, 143.
English, 262. 47, 263
Vincent, T., Paria, 68. 5
Walther, J. G., 47
Ward, Dr S. , tracts, 96
Watson, Chr., 85
Wethersett, W. de. Qui bene praesunt, 27. 9
Wheatly, tract, 181. VI 1 1
White, Bp of Carlisle, declaration, 95
Whittle, T., 260. 12, 72, 74
Willelmus Anglicus, astrology, 70. 6
Wisedome, R. , writings, 261. 23-25
Witelo, Perspectiva, 20
Woodman, letter, 260. 84
Wycliffe, J., tract on Romish Ceremonies,
85. See Bible, English
Zevecotius, 105
D 000 833 570 5
•■ V