^m CATALOGUE o P ENGRAVED BRITISH PORTRAITS, From Egbert the Great to the Prcfent Time. CONSISTING OF THE EPFIGIES OF PERSONS IN EVERY WALK OF HUMAN LIFE ; AS WELL THOSE WHOSE SERVICES TO THEIR COUNTRY ARE RECORDED IN THE ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH HISTORY, AS OTHERS WHOSE ECCENTRICITY OF CHARACTER RENDERED THEM CONSPICUOUS IN THEIR DAY. WITH AN APPENDIX, C N T A I N 1 K G THE PORTRAITS OF StjCH FOREIGNERS AS EITHER BY ALLIANCE WITH THE ROYAL FAMILIES Of, OR RESIDENCE AS VISITORS IN THIS KINGDOM, OR BY DERIVING FROM IT SOME TITLE OF DISTINCTION, MAY CLAIM A PLACE IN THE BRITISH SERIES Methodically difpofed iii.Clafles, and interfperfed with a number of Notices Biographical and Genealogical, never before publiflied. By henry BROMLEY ('",. ....tor . V CJ i 1 •oC^ Vl LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. PAYNE, MEWS GATE ; ]. EDWARDS, PALL-MALL; W, OTRIDGE AND JON, STRAND J AND R. FAULDER, NEW BOND STREET. • MDCCXCIII. R E F A C E. THE tafle for coUeding and prefcrving engraved Bricifli Portraits, feems to have made its prcgrefs in proportion as the fubje'l has been treated of. The exertions of our own Artifls, in the infancy of engraving upon copper, left us but Httle to fear from the rival- fliip of others under an uninterrupted encouragement ; but, with the termination of the reign of Charles the Firfl, the annihilation of this Art feemed to be threatened, and the works of the beft mafters may be faid to have been then configned lo a cafual fate. Before the cabinet of the Earl of Oxford, we hear of none which deferves diftindion ; for thoug'i the Art, from die Refloration even to the beginning of the prefent reign, may be fixed at its meridian in that of Charles the Second, there occur but few perfons who colledled Portraits, and thofe only as a fccondary branch of vertu. Among thefe principally rank. Mr. Evelyn, Mr. Alhmole, and Mr. Pepys. The partiality of the Nobleman above mentioned, and the late Duchefs Dowager of Port- land, for the Art of Engraving, by their immediate patronage of the indefatigable Mr. Georo-p Vertue, did not produce that competition by which it might be revived, but rather a re- fpedful remembrance of, than the Art itfelf. The defcriptive Catalogue of the Seledl: Colletflion of Mr. John Nickolls, a Qiiaker, hy Mr. Jofeph Ames in 1748, and the elegant Treatifesof the Hon. Horace Walpole, ditfufed the paffion for collecfling ancient Portraits fo much that few of the earlier works were left in circulation for future coUedlors. But, upon the appearance of the Biographical Hiftory of England by the Rev. Mr. James Granger, to fuch a height of enthufiafm did it arrive, that old legends and chronicles, and curious pieces in the black letter, were confidered, either by the buyer or the feller, of little value compared with the pElures they contained. Keepers of ftalls, and brokers, became enlightened by the general purfuit after old heads, and withheld their Memoirs, Trials, and even Almanacks, till they had obtained an exorbitant demand for their attractive frondf^ pieces. The utility of a well-chofen colleftion of engraved Portraits is manifeft, if we confider how much Literature has been extended, particularly in Hiftory general and local, Biography, Genealo2;ies~ VI PREFACE. Genealogies, Peerages, kc. and which might ftill be more eflentially aided by a {Iridcr attention to the infcriptions upon prints. It is to the " Biographical Hiflory" we are indebted for any fort of fyftcm or difcrimination. From thence I have availed myfelf of many ufeful hints ; and although, in the arrangement of the following Catalogue, I have thought it neccflary to abandon the plan of that book, I am irrefiftibly impelled to pay my tribute to the memory of die worthy Author, by fub- fcribing to it my approbation, as a work at once elegant in defign and fpirited in execution, {o far as refpe£i:s a biograph'cal work : — as a Catalogue of Prints, that defign is alfo a means of defeating its objcA, the variety of places and capacities in which the prims are difpofed rendering its accefs tedious and inconvenient. If, therefore, the objeds principally required are a juft difcrimination of the prints, and a vehicle to Biography, upon a plan compaft and ready in its accefs, the Author hopes this __ " Biographical Mirrour," 1793 .--.---. IJ, Alfo by Schiavonetti, Schenekcr, &c. « Diigdale's " Origincs Juridiciales," 1666—71 — 80 foL ..... . W. Hollar. Alio by F:iithorne, Loggan and White. " Piflorum aliquot Effigies, &c. excud. JaniTonlus, 161 8 H. Hondius. " Priftantium aliquot TheoIogcrumEffig. etVit." Opera Jac. Verheiden, Hag. 1602 - Id. 1595. 108 Birch's "Lives of IlluftriousPerfons of Great Britain," 174 , /j./o/. . . . j. Houbraken. Alfo by Vertue. Clarke's (Samuel) "Ecckfiatlical Hift - FHv.Hovc. 21 Rolt's " Lives of the Reformers," 1759, fol. ...... mez. R. Houfton, Academiedcs Sciences et des Artes par Bullart,Brux. 1682, 2 tom NdeLarmtiTin. Alfo by Efmt de Boulonois. Foppln's " Bibliothcca Bclgica," 1739 Ij. J47 Recueil des Portraits des Hommes Illuft. 1660 — 85 ....... jj^ 12 CountelTes, half lengths /<-/. P. Lombart. Fuller's " Holy State," 1642, M. fmalNuatlt W. Marfliall. 1391 Recueil de Portraits des Hommes Illnft ., B, Moncornet. 18 Ambaffadors from England to Holland, in one (heet -.-.... (Pafs) 60 " Hcroologia Anglica," edit. Holland, iGiofm.fol. ...... (U.) Efiigies Rcgum, &c, quorum vis acpotcntiain re nauticA fpcflabiles fucrunt. Quibusl adjtftx umt imagines illorum Hcroilm quorum virtus ac fokrtia in expcditionlbus > Cr.de Pafs, nauticis pracipuc clarucrunt - ----..-..j [ XUl ] No. Horfemanflilp, with many Portraits of the Englifli Series ' - . - Life of Q^Eliz. and James I- in Dutch, Am. 1604 - . - . HO " Icon. Princlp. Viior." 1636, ab A. v, Dyck - - . . . Alfo by P. df J ode. " Theatviim Virorum eniditione clarorum," 168S, 2 vol._/b/. Wh. lens, of the principal Speakers in Parh'ament, etched . . - •' Hiftory of Royal and Loyal LMood (lied by Cromwell ... Parival's "Hill, of the Iron Age," 1656, _/;«./<;/. .... Strype's "Memorials of Cr.nma," , Jul. .... "Cries of London," after M. Lauron, 168 , fm, foL ... Middleton's " Evangelical Mufeum," 1783 ...... 67 " Hiftoire d'Angleterrc," par Larrey, 1697 — 1723, /o/. ... 12 CoUins's " Hiilory of the Families of Cavendifli, Harley, &c." 1752, /o/. 13 Loyalifls who fuffered in the Caufe of Cha. L with the King's portrait 12 Poets of Great Britain .-..-.-.- Burnet's " Hiftory of the Reformation," yb/. ..... And Continuation, the Heads by Vertue. Guillim's " Heraldry," 1676, fol. - • Alfo by A. Blooteling and E. le Davis. Rawdon-Family of York, engraved for a *' Genealogical Hiftory" in MS. Sandford's " Coronation of James IL" 1687 - . - . - la. fol. C Engrsvers, •. de l^afs. Id. p. Pontius, Sandra rt. J- p. S(ayer)r782 Stent exc. Id. J- Stmt, &c. p. T. Tempeflexc, Trotter. G. Valck, Vermculen, Vertue, Id. ■ Id. R. White. Id. Id. Id, PART IT. [Titles Alphabetically.] Albi (Hen.) Elogc Hiftor. des Cardinaux illuft." 1644. Ames's " Hiftory of Printing," with heads cut in wood. Barlandi (Hadr.) Hollandiae Comitum Hiftoria ct leones," Ludg. Bat. i584,/o/. 5 "Certamen Seraphicum," &c. by N. Mafon, otherwife F. (Father) Angel; Douay, 1 649, /;;;?// 4/^^ probably engraved by L. Vofterman. 3 " Certamen triplex, a tribiis Soc. Jefu," &c. Antv. 164J, in fmall ovals. Clarke's (Samuel) " Lives of eminent Perfons," 1650. Florentine Gallery, or, " Mufenm Retratti dl piucelebri profeffori dipittura, di pinti di proria Man," efiftente nell Gallevia di Firenze," 1 74S. Heath's " Chronicle of the Civil Wars," i66z, 8w. *' Hiftory of 14 Years of the Reign of James I." ifiji. leones, id eft. Vera; Imagines VIrorum doftrina fimul et pletate Illuftrium," Genev. 1580, 4/0. cut m wood, 24 Jefuits, In one plate, entitled " Efligies et Nomina quorundam e Soc. Jefu, qui funt interfefti ab anno 1549 aJ annum 1607." Rom, /b. Imperialis's " Mufeum Hiftoric." Venet, 1640. C xiv ] Lclceftcr's « CJviT Wars," 1649, S'""- Magazine (Arminian) commencing 177 . (ChrJftian's) 178 . ■ (European) cir. 1782. (Gofpel) cIr. 1774. (Literar)') 1788. Mtteranus's " Hiftoria Belgica," 16 . Meurfius's " Athenx Batavae, five de urbe L'eidenfi et academia, virifque clan's," See. 1625, 4.'^. Nichols's " B.bllotlieca Topog. Brit.*' 178 , 4/0. Richardlbn's Copies of old Portraits, 1792 — 3. Ricraft's " Survey of England's Champions," 1649. SCOTLAND. No. Medallions, in "Joannes LcAkus de origine, raoribus, et rebus geftis Scotorum," Rom. 1578, 4- . Ovals, 24. inches, by 2 ^inch. 19 From Malcolm III. to James III. in fmall lircles, with long infcriptions, numbered. 10 The Stuarts, from Robert II. to James VI. andhis Oaeen, in " Infcriptiones Hiftoricas Reguni Scotorum," Joh. Jonllono auth. Jlvjl. 1602. Reprinted in 1603, with Eiiglifh infcriptions. 7 From James I. to James VI. and his Queen, 4/0. 157 Strada's "Emperors," 1559, y<>/. Thane's Portraits of Eminent Perfons in the i6th and 17th century, with their Autographs; 1792. " Theatrum Tragicum," 1649. 371 Thevct's "Pourtraitset Viesdeshommesilluft. Par. j^S^ifol. CONTENTS. CATALOGUE Pa. i. to 458. SUPPLEMENT 459- 474- MISCELLANEA 475- AMPLIFICATIONS and CORRECTIONS 476. 477- OLD PAINTINGS NOT ENGRAVED 478. 479. APPENDIX OF FOREIGNERS NOTE. The Prints which are defcribed by fol. are fuch a5 are generally bound up in books of that fize ; la fol. thofe which have been ufually called large half-fheets. The term of tnez, is the common half-fheet ; where mezzoiintos are of other fizes, they are expreffed accord- ingly. P. P. Private Plate. Wh. len. whole length, &c. Through an inadvertency, the fiibdivifions of the three Clafles IV, V, and IX, are not marked at the top of the pages — the Reader is therefore requefted to fupply this defed. • A few inaccuracies have occurred alfo in printing the Index, as noted in the laft page. A Print omitted in Per. IX, CI. 8. Georgi: Courtup, of Reading, Mufic. a fmall oval, by E. Scott, after Allifon. Edward Earl of Lincoln, in the Supplement, Per. I. fhould be placed in Per. II. iriwa j\Li ji a A CATALOGUE, & PERIOD I. From King EGBERT to EDWARD VI. COMMENCING A. D. 827, ENDING I553. rcriod I. Clafs I, CLASS I. The ROYAL FAMILIES. JjiGBERT Rex, 800, totlus AnglL^, S27. Ob. 838. — from a filver coin ; in Rapin's " Hift. of England," fol. ALFRED Rex, 872. Ob. 900. — a head, from a MS. in the Bodleian Library. — in the fet of i^o/Wfrj-. - - - la. 4/5. mez. — from a piflure at Univerfity College, Oxon. and an "1 ancient ftone head. ..... y^/. j — prefixed to his Life, " by Wife," 1722, Sfo. CANUTE Rex, loi 7. Ob. 1036. — from a filver coin ..... Jul. EDWARD the Confeffor Rex, 1041. Ob. 1066. — in Caxton's " Lives of the Saints." - - Imaginary. HAROLD Rex, 1065. Ob. 1066. — \\\\. len. an outline, from Montfaucon's " Monumcns de la Monarchic Fian9oife." - - Imaginary, WILLIAM I. called the Conqueror, Rex, 1066. Ob. 1087. — from three filver coins, and a fmall illumination in Doomfday Book. ..... fol. — \vh. len. in Montfaucon's " Monumens," A Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Priiufeller, G. Vertuc. M, Burghers. J. Faber, 1712. Vertue. Id. V'eitue. Pfriod I. CUfs I. WILLIAM IT. Rex, 1087. Ob. 1100, set. 44. — from two (ilver coins. - - - . - f'.L HENRY J. Rex, 1100. Ob. 1135, at. 65. — from a filver coin and feal of wax. ... ful. STEPHEN" Rex, 1135. Ob. 11 54. — from a filver coin. ------ fol. HENRY II. Rex, 1154.. Ob. 11 89, at. s(>- , — after the print in Montfaucon's " Antiquities." . Jul. RICHARD I. Rex, 1189. Ob. 1199, 21.42. — ubi fupra. - - .--... JOHN Rex, 1199. Ob. 12 19, st. 56. — from his monument at Worcefter. Fainter or Defigner. Engraver or Printfeiler. fol HENRY III. Rex, 1216. Ob. 1272, at. 66. — from his monument at Weftminfter. - - fol. — with Eleanor of Provence, his queen, prefixed to Mr. ^Valpole's " Anecdotes of Painting." (Ob. 1291.) EDWARD I. Rex, 1272. Ob. 1307, set. 68. — from tlie remains of a Itatue at Caernari'on Caftle. fol. EDWARD II. Rex, 1307. Ob. 1327, ict. 43. — " Founder of Oriel Coll. Oxford, 1324." - mez,. — from his tomb at Gloucefter. . . - . Jol. EDWARD III. Rex, 1327. Ob. 1377, £et. 65. — from his pifture in Windfor Caftle. - - fol. — with a fcepter and globe. - - ( Copied in fol.) %vo, — wh. len. in armour, in Barnes's " Hiftorj'," fol. PHILIPPA of Hainaiilt, Qiieen Confort of Edw. III. 1327. Ob. 1396. — wh. len. (the face from a ftonc head) at Queen's College, "I Oxford, - - - . . . mfz. J EDWARD Piince of Wales, commonly called the Black Prince, 1344. Ob. 1376, at. 46. — - - 4/0. — in the " Antiquarian Repertory." - . - . — in Fuller's " Holy State." — from the effigy on iiis tomb at Canterbury. - fol. — ha. len. in Barnes's " Hiftorj' of Edward III." — wh. len. in armour. .... - Jol. RICHARD II. Rex, 1 377 ; depofed 1399. Ob. 1400, at. 34. " " - ■ - - III, 1 ;°} fol. 4/0, — kneeling by his three patron faints, John the Baptift, 1 king Edmund, and Edward the Confeftor. - Jol. J — wh. Ten. after Grifoni's drawing, from the pifturc in St. Peter's, Weftminfter. HEiNRY IV. Rex, 1399. Ob. 1413, 2:1.47. — from his portrait at Kenlington. HENRY V. Rex, 1413. Ob. 1422, £61.34. '377- G. \'ertue. Vertue. Vertue, Vertue. Vertue, Vertue. Vertue, Vertue. J. Faber. Vertue. Vertue. Faber R. Elftracke. R. Godfrey. VV. MarlhaU. Vertue. (R. White.) (Id.) \V. Hollar, 1659. V^ertue, 1718. Vertue. R. Daniel, exc. rerlod I, CUfii I, ( 3 — from bis portrait at Kenfington. ) • - 4/0. Painter or Dcfigner. •} — with Catherine of France, his Queen and family ; in Walpole's " Anecdotes of Painting." (Ob. 1432 set. 32.) — on liis throne, attended ; an outline, etched from an 1 iUumination in Bennet College, Cambridge. - - J HENRY VI. Rex, 1422; depofed 1461. Ob. 1472, st. 51. — wh. len. - - ...... — id. painted on giafs in Trln. Coll. Cambridge. - JJi. — in the fet of Founikrs. ..... v\ez. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare." . . . . • -— from his portrait at Kenfington. - - - Jul. — His MARRIAGE, in the " Anecdotes of Painting." MARGARET of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI. 1445. Ob. 1482. — " Foundrefs of Queen's Coll. Camb. 1446." Doublful. EDW^ARD IV. Rex, 1461. Ob. 1483. — ......... 4/0, — at Kenfington Palace. ..... foh — profile in " Rymer's Foedera." . . . . . — a wooden cut. ELIZABETH Woodville, Qiieen of Edward IV. 1464. — " Foundrefs of Queen's Coll. Camb." — in Harding's " Shakfpeare." . . - . . EDWARD V. Rex, 1483. Ob. 1483, set. \^. — prefixed to his " Life, with that of Richard HI." iznw. — from a hmning in a MS, at Lambeth. - - foh RICHARD III. Rex, 1483. Ob. 1485. — prefixed to his " Life, by Buck." - - - 4/0. ......... \2mo. — painted on board at Kenfington. ... fol. — vvh. len. when Duke of Gloster, in the " Shakfpeare." — with Ann his Qiieen, an outline, prefixed to Walpole's! " Hlftoric Doubts," <\to J HENRY VII. Rex, 1485. Ob. 1509, £ec. 54- — prefixed to his " Hiftory in vcrfe," by Cha. Aleyne, ] 1638,7//). 8i;i3 - -J — when Earl of Richmond, in Harding's" Shakfpeare." — prefixed to his ", Life," by Lord Bacon, foh — with his Queen, in fmall .... fol. — in the print of his marriage. . . . . - — with his Qiieen, together with King Henty VIII. \ and Jane Seymour ; Handing, - - ' fi-] ELlZABETHof York, Queen of Henry VII. i486. Ob. 1502. — at Dr. Farmer's; for Harding's " Shakfpeare." — in Birch's " Lives of lUuftrious Perfons." — in the prints with Henry VII. A 2 J. Mabufe. Mabufe. V. Lecmput, after Holbein, Engraver or Printfeller. R. Elflraekc. G. Vertue. (Grignion.) M. Tyfon. F. I'arltilczzi, iJretherton. J. Fal,er. WN Gardiner. Vertue. (Grignion.) Faber. Elftrackc. Vertue. (R. White.) Faljcr. Gardiner. (W. Hollar.) Vertue. T. Crofs. (Hollar.) Vertue. 1 79 1. Grigniu W. Marfhall. Parker, i 790. J. Payne. Verluc. GrigiiK:;!, Vertue. A. Blrrel, 1 /C.c J, Houbva'.-rv. ( 4 ) Period 1. Clafs I. ARTHUR Prince of Wales, 1490. Ob. 1502, st. 16. with his brother and filler, viz. Prince Henry and Prin- | cefs Margaret. ----- la.fii. J HENRY VIII. Rex, 1509. Ob. 1547, st. 56. in his robes. ------ " Founder of Chrift College, Cambridge I546." " Founder of Trinity College, Cambridge 1546." prefixed to his " Life," by Lord Herbert, a circle. ------- decorated with the collar of rubies. in Rolt's " Lives of the Reforiners." with a large fur tippet, 1548. .. - - S-uo. 4/9. mcz. vuz. in Larrey's " Hiftoire d'Angleterre," fol. in Rapin's " Hiftory." infcribed H. O. R. - - - - - fm in the " Heroologia Anglica." Hijlorical and Family Prints. — giving the charter of the Surgeons Company. la.fi. — with Edw. VL Philip and Mary, and Elizabeth ; emblems. — delivering the Bible to the Clergy ; frontifpiece to Cran- 1 mer's Bible, 1539. - - - - * J — in the print with his brother Arthur, above. — in the print with Henry VIL • CATHERINE of Arragon, Queen Confoit of Henry VIII. 1509; feparated 1531. Ob. 1536, let. ji. ~- at Strawbeny Hill ; for Hardine's " Shakfpcarc." — in Birch's " Lives of llluft. Perfons." - - - - — fmall oval. - ------- — In Burnet's " Hiftory of the Reformation." ANN BoLEN, Qtieen of Henry VIII. 1532. Ob. 1536. — at Mr. Walpole's ; for Harding's " Shakfpeare." 4/0. 8ct. in Birch's " Lives." JANE Seymour, Qtieen of Henry VIII. 1536. Ob. 1537. — a round. - - ------ — in Birch's «' Lives." - — in the print with King Henry VIL and family. CATHERINE Howard, Queen of Henry VIII. 1540. Ob. ^542. — richly adorned. - - . . . . . — in Birch's " Lives." - — in Larrey's " Hillory." Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Printl'eller. J. Mabufe. „ ,, cir. ,496.G-Vertue. H. Holbein. Holbein. Id. Holbein. Id. Holbein, Holbe (Holbein.) Holbein. Id. Holbein. Holbein. Id. Holbein. C. A. A. T. CeciU. F. Dclaram. J. Faber, jun. Faber, fen. Id. W. Faithorne. W.Hollar, 1647. J. Houbraken. R. Houfton. CM(atfis.) J. Pavne. G. V'alck. Vertue. Id. B. Baron. W. Rogers. Holbein. . v. Werff*. S. Harding. Houbraken. Vertue. R. White. R. Elftrackc. Gardiner. Hollar, 1649. Houbraken. Hollar, 164S. Houbraken. Hollar, 1646. Houbraken. C. Vermeulen. He was not tlic original dcfigner of tlie portrait, his name is therefore emitted in the fucceeding pages. Feriod I. CUfs I. ( 5 ) ANN of Clcvcs, Queen of Henry VIII. 1540 ; divorced after fix months. Ob. 1557, at. 41. — ha, len. .--..-. Jol. — two fmaUer, one profile. ------ — in Bireli's " Lives." ------ CATHERINE Parre, Queen of Henry VIII. 1543. Ob. 1548. — at Lambeth, with her Autograph. - . . - — in Larrey's " Hiftory," Jul. . - . . - MARY of England, Qiieen- Confort of Louis XII. of France, . Ob. 1533. — in Mezeray's " Hillory of France," _/&/. - j. - — with Charlls Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, herfecondl hultand. (Cr. 1513. Ob. 1545.) - la.fi.] EDWARD VI. Rex, 1547. Ob. 1553. jet 16. — in " Atrium Heroieum," 1600. fm. fol. . - - — three different etchings. ..-.-- — wh. len. - - - .. --,-- — in the fet of Founders. - - . . mez. — ------- i-vo. mez, — in Larrey's " Hiftory." ------ — " ex. coll. Arundel.'" fol. — in Roll's " Lives of the Reformers." - - iiiez. — fmall oval, with another of Queen Elizabeth, in the "\ title page to their "Lives," by Sir J. Hayward. i2mo. ] — with his prayer, on his death-bed. - - - 4/0, — Kt. 15, oval, with ornaments, well cut in wood, prefixed 1 . , to Jugge's " New Teftament," 1552, S-uo. - -j — prefixed to his " Life," by Hayward, 1630, ^io. — in Rapin's " Hiftory." fo/. . - - . - — in the " Heroologia." — " Coninck van Enghelent." . . _ . ^to. H'tjlorical Prints., Is'c. — with Henry Prince of Wales, 'Heniy and William 1 Dukes of Glofter. ----- fol, ] — delivering the Charter of BrlJeivell ; attending, viz. Sir George Barnes, Ld. Mayor. See Per. 11. cl. 3. Vv^'illiam Blackwell, Town Clerk. Sir Robert Bowes, MaRr. Rolls. Seed. 5. William Gerrard, Sheriff'. Thomas Goodrich, Ld. Chan. See Per. II. cl. 4. Hans Holbein. See Per. II. cl. 8. John Maynard, Sheriff. Earl of Pembroke. See Per. II. cl. 2. la. Jh. Painter or Dcfigner. H. Holbein. Id. Id. Holbein. Holbein. Holbein. Engraver or Prinifeller. Id. W.Hollar, 1648. Id. J. Houbraken. J. Thancj exc. C. Vermeulen. (de Bie.) G. Vertue. D. Cuftos. R. Dalton. {Dclaram and Eljhache*. J. Faber. Id. V. Gunft. Hollar, 1650. R. Houfton. I W. MarftiaU. S. Pafs. Peake, exc. V. Sole, Brufs. R. Vaughan. Vertue. S. Gribclin. Vertii * The names of the artifts in italics relate to prints vs'hereof I have had notices, but never faw them. Period I, Cljfs I. { 6 ) giving the Bible to Archbiftiop Cranmer, &c. a wooden ] print, prefixed to Cranmei-'s •' Cateclijfm," 154?. -J with Queen Elizabeth and Charles I. three ovalsi with Heniy Prince of Wales, and two other Princes who died young. . - . . . . mcz,, in the famil)- print of King Henry VIII. SCOTLAND, MALCOLME III. Rex, 1057. Ob. 1093. — in a fmall ciixle, with an infcription of the priucipal events of his reign. No. i. Thefe, as well as the other fets continued to the reign of James IV. are of very doubtful authority. The fame may be faid of the print ufually clafled here, infcribed Sancta Margarita Regina Scotioe, by Clowet. DONALD BANE Rex, 1093, depofed after fix months j again reigned 1095. ^^' ^°97' — No. 2. in the above fet. DUNCAN feized the crown by force, and had not the fandion of the people. — No. 3. EDGAR Rex, 1097. Ob. mo. — No. 4. ALEXANDER I. Rex, mo. Ob. 11 24. — No. 5. DAVID I. Rex, 1124. Ob. m;3. — No. 6. MALCOLME IV. Rex, 1153. Ob. 11 65. — No. 7. V/ILLIAM Rex, 1165. Ob. 1214. — No. 8. ALEXANDER 11. Rex, 1214. Ob. 1242. — No, 9. ALEXANDER III. Rex, 1249. Ob. 1290. — No« 10. JOHN BALLIOL Rex, 1292, rcfigned . Ob. — No. II, ROBERT BRUCE* Rex, 1314. Ob. 1329. — No. 12. Painter or Defigner. H. Holbein. Engraver or Printfellcr, * Robert Bruce and Edward Balliol were not legally poflcfled of the crown. Period I. C'lals I. ( 7 ) EDWARD BALLIOL Rex, 1332, refigned 1355. Ob. — No. 13. DAVID II. Rex, 1329. Ob. — No. 14. ROBERT II. Rex, 1370. Ob. 1390. — No. 15. — in a cap wJtli a jewel. ROBERT III. Rex, 1390. Ob. 1406. — No. 16. — holding a jewel. ..... aiq^ JAMES I. Rex, 1406. Ob. 1437, at. 44. — in DrummonJ's " HiRory of Scotland," %vo. — No. 17. — in the let of Stuarts. .... ^^. JANE, Qvieen Confoit of James I. 1424. — a fmall oval, with another of her father John Marquis of Somerfet. --.... Doubtful. JAMES II. Rex, 1437. ^b. 1460, iet. 30. — No. 18. — in the fet of Stuarts. JAMES III, Rex, 1460. Ob. 1488, st. o^c,. — No. 19. — in the fet of Stuarts. JAMES IV. Rex, 1488. Ob. 1513, at. 41. Svo. ^to. 8uo. ^vo. ^to. — in the fet of Stuarts. — holding a thiille. ...... 4/0. MARGARET of England, Queen of James IV. 1503. Ob. — in Larrey's " Hiftory," fol. . . . . . — in the print with her brother Prince Arthur, &c. JAMES V. Rex, 1513. Ob. 1542, ier. 30 — -" Svo. — in the fet of Stuarts. .... ^/o. MADELEINE de France, Queen of James V. 1537. Ob. 1537' ffit. 17. — in Larrey's " Hiftory." -.--.- MARY of Lorraine-Guife, Queen of James V. 1538. Ob. 1560, set. 41;. — in Larrey's " Hiftory." ...... — a fraall oval, in the fet of Kings of Scotland. Painlcr or Ocfigncr. Engraver or Printfeller. R. Gaywood. Gaywood. Gaywood. Gaywood. P. Stent, exc. G.Valek. Gaywood. P. V. Giinft. V. Gunft. ( 8 ) CLASS II. PEERS. Period T. Clafs II. John Balllol, "I Balliol, fiither of John Ballicl, King of Lord J Scots. Ob. 1269. " Founder of BalHo! Col. 1263." Thefe prints are fidlitious. John Plantagenet, "It, ^, Duke of 'JBfdford, 1414. Ob. 1435. — from a limning in a MS. Prayer Book, late 1 the Duchefs Dowager of Portland's. fol. J Henry Stafford, 1 BacKiNCHAM, 1460. Ob. 1485. Duke of J ' ^ ^ -^ — in Birch's " Lives of Illuftrious Perfons." Edward Stafford, 1 Buckingham, i486. Ob. 1521. Duke of J ^ ^ — " Founder of Magdalen Coll. 1519." "'i'^- George Duke of Clarence, 1461, brother of K. Edward IV. Ob. 1478. — in Harding's " Shakfpcare," Ric. III. Tohn Oldcaftle, 1 ^ rw o •' , , ' > COBHAM, . Ob. I418. — \vh. len. prefixed to the " Brefe Clironycle " concerning his Examinacyon and Death," by Bale, 1544, izmo. — in a fur gown. ... - 12 mo. Tiiefe are doubtful. Thomas Crom- It- /^i ,-.^ well, Earl of | ^^^^^' ^^39- Ob. 1540. John Holland, Duke of — in Birch's " Lives." - - . . — in Harding's " Shakfpeare." — in Bunict's " Hiil. of the Reformation." — in the " Heroologia." I Exeter, 1398. Ob. 1416. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare." Ric. IL - ^0, 4/0. Painter or Deiigncr. H. Holbein. Id. Holbein. Id. Id. Engraver or Printfeller. Thomas Duke of Gloucester, 1386. Ob. 1397. — in the " Antiquarian Repertory." M. Burghers. J. Faber. G.Vertuc. J. Houbraken. Faber, 1714. Filian. W. Hollar, Sic. Houbraken. Manwairing. Pcacham. L. Schiavonetti. R. White. S. Harding. R. Godfrey. Period I. Clafs II. ( 9 ) HumphreyDuke of Gloucester, 14 14. Qb, 1447. — at Mr. Walpole'd ; done for Harding's 1 " Shakfpeare." Doubtful. - - -j Henry of Mon- I Lancaster, (cogn. Torro Collo.) i^co mouth, Duke of j Ob. 1361. ^ jj • — ;' Founder of Chri'ft Coll. Cambridge, 1351." — in Harding's Sliakfpearc, 1792. John of Gaunt, 1 ^ Duke of ] Lancaster, 1361. Ob. 1399. £ct. 59. — from the window of All Souls, Oxon. — in an ermined robe, fmall. 4/0. John Howard, ") t.^ Duke of- j Norfolk, 1483. Ob. 1485 — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," 179 r. — with his autograph. - . . . . Thomas Howard, "I t>t Duke of I Norfolk, 1513. Ob. 1524. — when Earl of Surrey, 1483 ; with autograph. I Northumberland, 1551. Ob. 1553. — at Knovvle ; done for the " Antiquarian Re- pertory." I Northumberland, 1377. Slain 1403. — in Harding's "Shakfpeare," 1792. "1 Oxford, 1370, Duke of Kent in Ireland. J Ob. 1392. — oval, profile ; at the Hon. Hor. Walpole's. - — with Philippa de CouRcy, his Countefs, an old print. ..... ^tg_ John Dudley, Duke of Henry Percy, Earl of Robert Vere, Earl of Anthony Wid- 1 „ ville, Earl ] Rivers, 1469. Ob. 1483. — with Caxton the printer, prefenting his book 1 to King Edward IV. Doubtful. - -J John de Monta-") ^ cute, Earl of ] Salisbury, 1397. Qb. cir. 1399. — from a painting in the Britifh Mufeum. fm. ^to. Thomas Sey- ") „ mour. Lord j Seymour, of Sudley, . Ob. 1549. — with his autograph. - . . . John Talbot, I „ Earl of I Shrewsbury, 1442. Ob. 1453. ret. 81. B 4/0. 4/1?. Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or PriiitfcIIer. WNGardiner. J. Faber. R. Daniel, exc. G.Veitue. Schencker. J. Thane, exc. C. HaU, 1 79 1. CI amp. HaU. Vertue, S. Hardinsr. Thane, exc. J. Bafire. T. Cecill. Period I. Clal'^ II. John Beatjfort, Earl 1396, Marquis of ( 10 ) — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," . . - — a curious ancient print, in the Bodleian Library, dated " m.iiii<: XLin." See Granger, vol. i. p. 38. — in Thcvct's " Portr. lUua." 1584, >/. Somerset, 1397, and Dorfct, 1398. Ob. 1409. — two ovals, in two plates with his daughters : J. with Margaret, Countefs of Richmond ; 2. witli Jane Queen of Scots. In the Sd. Edward Seymour, 1 c r\u Duke of 'I Somerset, 1547. Ob. 1552. — in Larrey's " Hiilory." — in Birch's " Lives." - — in Burnet's " Reformation," fol. — in the " Heroologia." William Fitzw liams, Earl of '.'[Southampton, 1537. Ob. 1543. — from a drawing in the Royal Colledlion. Henry Howard, 1 c -nt /^i Earl of I Surrey, Nat. . Ob. 1547. an outline, in Harding's " Shakfpeare." — set. 24. - - . . fcarce, fol. — in Birch's " Lives." . - . . - — ------- 4/0. — fol. — from his monument In Boreham church, EfTex. Robert Ratcliffe, "I c.,c.^.^ rr-,^ nu ,,-., Earl of ' j Sussex, 1529. Ob. 1542. — from his monument In Bon Henry Ratcliffe, "1 ^ , r\u c Earl of J Sussex, 1542. Ob. 1556. — from his monument in Boreham church. The. Vaux, Lord Vaux. — from a drawing in the King's CoUcftion. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare, 1791." Painter or Deligner, Thomas, Lord Wentworth. Ob. \c,z,\. — from a drawing at St. James's. Ralph Neville, "1 ,,, „ ,-.t T- 1 r J- \Vestmorel.a.nd, 1398. Ob. 1425. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare. " Hen. IV. Edw.Plantagenet, "1 York, 1401, Duke of Albemarle, 1398. Duke of } Ob. 1415. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare." Rich. IL H. Holbei Holbein. Holbein. Holbein, Id. Holbein, Id. Holbein. Engraver or Prirufclier. J. i'arker. V. Gunft. J. Houbraken. R. White. R. Dalton,i77 Harding. W. Holla,^ Houbraken. G. V(ertue.) Id. 1747. J. Thane, exc. Thane, exc. Dalton. L. Schiavonetti. Dalton. [ 'I ] CLASS III. GENTRY, Period I. CUfsIII. Bertram Sir William Sir Anthony Tliomas Sir Henry John John Sir William Sir Richard Sir Richard Richard Sir Charles "I (Anthony?) j AsHBURNHAM, of Suffex. Ob. cir. 1066. — in Guillini's " Heraldry." - Not a real porlrait. Canynge, Knt. of Briftol. Ob. 1474, a;t. 73. — oval, profile, a fmall etching. — oval, from his biifl. in St. Mary RatclifFe. Denny. — 154I1 It. 29, a circle. . . - - - DocwRA, ordinis S. Johamis Hierofdum. vulgo de Malta, Pra:J. in Anglia, et equcs ult. — wh. len. in Segar's " Honours," fol, - Doubtful. Gltildkford, Comptrol. of the Houfehold to K. Henry VUI. — from a drawing in the Royal Colktl. - - — with the ornament in the efcutcheon on the cap. — a circle. ....... — in Harding's " Shakfpeare." - - . - — in Knight's Life of Erafmus. - - . - PoYNTZ, of Aldcr'.ey, co. Dorfet. Ob. 1542. — from a drawing in the Royal Colleft. Reskemekr, of Merthyn, Cornwall, 1539. — ubi fupra. ..--.. Sharington, Mafter of the Mint, 1550. — ut fupra. ....... Stack POOLE, of Pembrokelliire, 1090. — profile, from a monument. - P. P. mez. Si' TTON. — " Founder of Brazen Nofe Coll. Sec. 151 z." Whitikgton, Lord Mayor of London 1397, 1406, 1419. Ob. 1419. — his hand on a ilcuU. - - Doubtful, ^lu. The fisiill was eraled in an early ftage of the plate, and a cat- fnbltitutcd. WiNGFiELD, Knt. clar. 1526. — from a drawing in the Royal CollcCl. B 2 Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or Printfcllcr. E. le Davis. r H. Englefield, J. Jehner, 1787. H. Holbein. W. Hollar, (647. (W. Rogers.) Holbein. Id. Id. Id. R. Dalton. Id. Hollar, 1647. L. Schiavonetti. Vertue. Holbein. Dalton. Holbein. Dalton. Holbein. Dalton. Segulta. J. Watfon. Faber. R. Elftracke. Holbein. Dalton. ( 12 ) Period T . Clals IV. Sir Thomas Wyat, Literat. Ob. 1541. at. 37. — in the King's Colled. a wooden print prefixed to " Ncenia," a book 1 of verfes on his death, by Leland, 4/0. - J Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Printfeller. H. Holbein. Holbein. M. Burghers. R. Dalton. M. Tyfon. John Hugo de William Henry ' CLASS IV. CLERGY. Firfl Subdivision. -B I S H O P S. A L COCK, Bp. of Rochefter 1472, Worcefter 1476, Ely i486, Ld. Keeper 1473, Ld. Chanc. i486. Ob. 1500. — " Founder of Jefus Coll. Cambr." - mez. Balsam, Bp. of Ely 1257. Ob. 1286. — " Founder of Peter-houfe, Cambr. 1265." mez. Bateman, Bp. of Norwich 134°. Ob. 1354. — " Founder of Trin. Hall, Camb. 1 350." mez. Beaufort, Bp. of Lincoln 1397, Winchefter 1405, Cardinal , Ld. Chanc. Ob. 1447. — at Mr. Walpole's ; done for Harding's " Shakf- 1 peare." J St. Thomas Becket, Abp. of Canterbury 1162. Ob. 1 170. ...---- i2mo. — a fmall oval, in a furplicc. . - - - — oval, with emblems. - - . - foL Thefe prints are fictitious. David Beton, Cardinal 1538. Ob. 1546. — in Pennant's " Scotland," 4/0. - - - - Henry Chichely, Bp. of St. David's 1409, Abp. of Canterbury 1414. Ob. 1443. — wh. Icn. from the buft in All Souls Coll. The painting fiom which the next prints were engraved was taken, it is faid, from fome other pcrfon in the family. — -.-.-.-././. — prefixed to his "Life," by Duck, 1699, 8110. — " Founder of All Souls," 1437. - - mez. — ------- mez. • St. DuNSTAN, Abp. of Canterbury 959. Ob. cir. 988. — on his throne, with a crozicr and tongs. Imaginary. (J. Faber.) Faber. Faber. J. Parker. W. Hollar. L. Voiterman. Wefterhout. G. Sibelius. F. Bartolozzi. Burghers, Id. Faber. W. Robins. Period I. Clafs IV. John ^3 ) Richard Richard Walter de WilHam William Thomas Fisher, Bp. of Rochcfter 1504, Cardinal 1535. Ob. 1535. St. 80. — in " Imagin. 12 Caidiii." 1598. — ill Birch's " Lives." - - . . - — in " Recueil des Portr." - - . - — two, prefixed to his " Life," by Bayly, 1655'. — with fix Latin verfes. ... — in " BoifTard." - - - - — hand on an hour glafs. Fleming, Bp. of Lincoln 1420. Ob. 1430. — " Founder of Lincoln Coll.'' - - m 4/ff. 4/0. 4/5. Fox, Bp. of Exeter i486, Bath 1491, Durham 1494, Winchefter 1502. Ob. 1528. — " Founder of Chi id Coll. Oxon. iyi6." mrz. — in Fiddes's " Life of Wolfey," fol. — oval, in Knight's " Life of Erafmus." Hadrianus IV. i. e. Nicholaus Breakfpear, Pontif. Rom. 1155. Ob. ii/^g. — in Cicarelli " Vite dc Pontifici," t^J2,fol.\ Doubtful. - . . - ' - - J John VIII. commonly called Joan, Pontif. 855. — in the fame. ... Imaginary. 8"jo. Merton, Ld. Chanc. 1258, difplaced by the Barons 1260, again appointed by the King 1 26 1, but difplaced 1264, and a third time Ld. Chanc. 1273 ; Bp. of Rochefler 1274. Ob. 1278. — from the pifture in the Bodl. Library. - mez. Patten de Waynfleet, Bp. of Winchefter 1447, Ld. Chan. 1456. Ob. i486. — " Founder of Magdalen Coll. Oxon." - mez, — in Birch's " Lives." - - - - Perrot * DE WicKHAM, Bp. of Wincheftcr 1366. Ob. 1404, ffit. 81. — " Founder of Winchefter Coll. 1379, 1387." mez. — \vh. len. from the pifture there. - - Jh. — from the fame, in Birch's " Lives." - - - Scot de Rotherham, Bp. of Rochefter 1467, Lincoln 1471, Abp. of York 1480, Ld. Chanc. 1474. Ob. 1500, set. 78. — " Founder of Lincoln Coll." ImperfeS print. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare, 1792." Painter or Engraver or Defigncr. Printfellcr. T. Galle. H. Holbein. J. Houbraken. De I^rmefTin. Des Rochers. R. Vaughan. Holbein. F.v.W(yiigarde) J. Faber. Faber. CUVertue, 1 723. J. B. Cavalerii. Cavalerii. Faber. Faber, Houbraken. Faber. Grignion. Houbraken. Faber. * See Fuller's « Worthies," Hants, p. 6. Period I. ClafsIV. Richard William Walter William Thomas ( H ) ScROPE, Bp. of Litchfield 1396, Abp. of York 1397. Ob. 1406. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," 1792. Hen. IV. Smyth, Bp. of Litchfield 1492, Lincoln 1496. Ob. 1513. — " Founder of Brazen Nofe Coll. 15 12. mez. Stapledon, Bp. of Exeter 1307. Ob. 1326. — " Founder of Exeter Coll. 13 16." - m,:z. Warham, Bp. of London 1502, Abp. of Can- terbury 1 ;04, Ld. Chanc. . Ob. 1532- — from a drawing In the King's CoUeft. — at Lambeth. /. foL — .--..-- Svo. WoLSEY, Bp, of Lincoln 1513, Abp. of York 1 5 14, Cardinal 1515, Ld. Chanc. iji6. Ob. 1530, ffit. 59. — two, with and without arms, prefixed to his 1 " Life," by Cavendifh. - - 4/0. j — in the fet of Fouiulers. . - - mez. — prefixed to his " Life," by Fiddes, 1724, fol. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare." - - — in Birch's " Lives of lUulL Perfons." Paintfr or Ucfigncr. H. Holbein. Id. Id. — in Burnet's " Hiilor)- of the Refonnation." — fmall Oval, inftribed C. W. - — with the label, " Ego mens et Rex." — ill the " Heroologia." 4/0. 4/5. Holbein. Engi-avfr «r Printfeller. J. Faber. Faber. R. Dalton. G. Vertue. Id. R. Elftracke. Faber. P. Fourdrinier. Hardingjiygi. J. Houbraken. De Larmeflin. (D. Loggan.) Des Rochers. Vertue. CLASS IV. Second Subdivision. INFERIOR CLERGY. Martin John BucER, Prof. reg. Cantab. 1550. Ob. 1551, £et, 61. — in Rolt's '■ Lives of the Reformers." - mez. — in Larrey's " Hiftory." . . . . — in Strvpc's " Memorials of Cranmcr," fol. — a wooden cut. CoLET, Dean of St. Paul's 1505. Ob. 15 19, — in the King's Collcft. of Drawings. — in the fit of Frjuuikis. — in Rolt's " Lives." — jirefixed to liis " Devotions," 1693. I 2;'Ky. met. I imij. I 2mu, I 2 mo. HollH-in. R. Houdon. G. Valek. Dalton. Faber. (Faithornc.) Houlton, W. Marfh.iil. VV. Sherw ill. J. Sturt. Period I, CUIs IV. John Robert Defiderius Paul William ( ^5 ) — prefixed to his " Life," by Knight, I 7 24, 8vo. — ill the " Heroologia." Dun, cogn. Scotus, Doflor Subtilis. Gb. 1308, z : : : : : : . ". /./. — from a painting in the Public Libr. at Oxford, mez. — --..-.- Svo. — oval. --....- Jin, Jo/. Thcfe prints aie doubtful. Edwin, Relig. Monac. clar. reg. Hen II. — nil. len. writing. Imagiiuiry. - - Jol. Egglesfield, Reiflor of Erough, Weflmore- land . — a vignette in the Bodl. Catal. - - . - — \vh. len, puiiued Jrom cl vnjiuiwcvtal plate, iiie'z.. — " I'ounder of Queen's Coll. Oxon. 1340." mez. Erasmus, Roterodam. Academic. Cantabrig. 1511. Ob. 1536. — in " Mufeum Mirarum," 1C08. — refting his hand on a terminus. — dated 1555. - - - — in Rolt's " Lives." — ha. len. . - . . — hand on a term. aq. fort. Jol. mez. - \to. - fol. - /. Jol. mcz. - fol. 4I0. — ha. len. writing. — \vh. len. his ilatiie at Rotterdam. — well tat in wood. Fagius, Argentor. Academic. Cantabrig. 1550. Ob. 1550, a:t. 45. — a wooden cut. ----- a/o, — in " Bolifaid." TiNDAL, Canon of Chrift Church, Oxford, Ob. 1536. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Freherus." raftiter or Engraver oc Deligi.cr. I'ririllcllcr. G. Vertue. Blocmart. F. Chauveau. Eckhurft. J. Faber. liabcrt. lollain. W. Marfliall. Des Rochcrs. Vertuc M. Burghers. Faber. Id. H. Holbein. A. Blooteling. De Boulonois. Danckers, Holbein. Delph. v. Dyck. Holbein. Faber. T. Galle. R. Gaywood. (J.abHeyden} P.F.GlafTerus. F.H(ogenbergh) R. Houiton. Marfhall. Holbein. M. Sehoen. Id. P. Stent, exc. Id. Stockius- W. VaiUant. Holbein. L. Voilermaii. A. Durer. ciar> IV. ]ohn Robert ( 16 ) WiCKLiFFE, S.T. P. Cantab, and Redtor of Lut. terwortli, Leicefterfliire. Ob. 1384. — ....-.- m£%. — ---.... vie%. — in Verheiden " Effig. Theol." — in Kelt's " Lives of the Reformers." - mez. — ------- ^vo. — at the Duke of Dorfet's *. - - mez, — in Bale's " lUuftrium majoris Britannias Scripto- rum, &c. Summarium," 1548, 4/0. — a wooden cut with oaken foliage. — in " Boiffard." WooDLARK, D. D. Provofl of King's Coll, Cambr. 1452. Ob. 1479. — " Founder of Catharine Hall, 1473." - inez. Palmer or Defigner. Engraver or PrinlfcUer. J. Fabcr. V. Haecken. H.Hondius,ij9f) R. Houfton. Picart. Des Rochers. G. White. Fabcr. CLASS V. LA W Y E R S. JUDGES. Sir Robert Bowes, Mafter of the Rolls. — a fmall oval, after the figure in the next print. — in the print of King Edward VI. delivering the Charter of Bridewell. Sir John Fortescue, Ch. Juft. K. B. 1442. Ob. , set. cir. 90. — in Watcrhoufe's "Commentary," 166^. fol. — wh. len. in the print with K. Edward IV. pre- fixed to the Tranflation of " Liber de Lau- dibus Anglia:," 4/0. ... - Sir William Gascoicne, Ch. Juft. K. B. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," 1790. - - - Sir Thomas Littleton, Juft. of C. P. 1467. Ob. 1481, £et. 79. — wh. len. prefixed to his "Tenures," by Cokc,Jol, — oval, in Naih's " Worcefterfliire." Sir John More, Juft. of C. P. 1518. Ob. 1533, set. 90. — in the King's Collcflion of drawings. — in the Family -Piece, below Sir Thomas More, Ld. Chanc. 1530. Ob. 1535, ^t. 53. — prefixed to his " Life," by Roper, 173 1. — a large etching. H. Holbein. Holbein. C.Hall, 178 . W. Faithornc. G. V. Gucht. S. Harding. R..Vaughan. R. Dalton. M. B(urghcrs.; Dalton. * The Painting. Clals V. ( 17 ) /[lo. In Larrey's " Hiftory" - in Birch's " Lives of Illuft. Pcrfons" fmall oval, In the title to his " Epigrams," "[ 1638, i2mo. - - - - - -/ i2mo, prefixed to Ills " Life," by More, 172C, 8i'o. - a dog lying on a table . . . y^,/, in Burnet's Hittory of the " Reformation" with a fcroU - - - - l2mo. 4/0. an ancient print, the original of the firfl; in this article. Si'c Granger, vol. i. p. 103. in the " Heroologia." with four Latin verfes ... ^/^_ " Hasc Mori Effigies" - - - ^fo. in Stapleton's " Tres Thomas," DuacI, 1588, %vo. The Family of Sir Thomas More. Elizabeth Margaret CEccilia Alicia Sir John AnnGrifa- cre, wife of Sir John John Sir Thomas Henry- Margaret Damsey, or Dancey, his Daughter, a?t. 21. GiGEY, a relative, ^et. 22. Heron, his daughter, aet. 20, More, his 2d wite, at. 57. More, father of Sir Thomas, jet. 76. More, st. 15. More, fon of Sir Thomas, at. 19. More, at. 50. Patenson, his fool, ^t. 40. Roper, daughter of Sir Thomas, ait. 22. Ob.1544. St. 36. — an outline, prefixed to " Tabellse feleftce 7 Catharinae Patinrt," l69i,_/b/. - -j — id. in Knisjht's " Life of Erafmus" Painter or Engraver or Defigner, I'rintfeller. R. Elftracke. V. Gunll. H. Holbein. J. Houbraken. W. MarOiaU. Valder, 1621. Holbein. G. Vcrtue. Holbein. L. Vollerman. Id. R. White. A. Wierx. F.v.W(yngarde!) Cochin. Vertue. CLASS VI. M I L I T A R Y. Sir George Carow, or Carew, Knt. Ob. 1546. — from a drawing at St. James's . - . Sir John J^awkwood, Italice Aucuto, Gen. in Flo- rence. Ob. 1393. — from his monument In the church of St. Maria 1 Florida there, 143^ - - - fo/' J — in the " Capitan. Ilhill." 1596 and 1646. c Holbein. R. Daltoi!.. T. Patch, 1 77 1. ( i8 ) Period 1. Clafs VI. — in " Pauli Jovli Elogia." — in Poggio " Hift. Florent." SirWilliamdelaMoRE, made Knt. Ban. at Poidtiers. — wh. len. in Guillim's " Hcialdn-." FiaUious. Sir Gilbert Talbot, Ob. cir. 1516. — fmall, in Anftis's " Regifteiof the Garter." Sir William Wallace, Scot. General. Ob. 1304. a round, in Smollet's " Hiftory" — from a painting at Holyrood Houfe — fm.fol. Painter or Defigner. Engraver «• PrintfeUer. R. White. Walker, T. Watfon. CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS. Roger Andrew William John Geoffrey John Bacon, Relig. Francifc. et Philof. Ob. 1294. — in the title to CroUiiis's " BaiUica Chymica" — fm. holding a book. BoRDE,Latine Perforatus, M. D. Ob. 1549. — in a pew with a canopy ; in his " Introduftion to Knowledge," printed by Copland. — wh. len. prefixed to his " Brcviarie of Health," I 557, 8-^0. This has been Infcribed John Major. The prints of the above four pcrfons are doubtful. Butts, M. D. Ob. 1545. — in Harding's " Sliakfpeare" - - - . — in the print of K. Henry VIH. delivering the charter to the Surgeons' Company. Chambers, Theol. Warden of Merton Coll. 1525. and M. D. Ob. i — xt. 88. - - - - 549- A Jine portrait, fol. fm, mez. Chaucer, Poet. Ob. 1400, at. 72. — in the public librar)', at Oxford — in Birch's " Lives" — wh. len. with his genealogy, prefixed to his " Works," by Speght, 1598, fo/. — in the kt of Poets - - - - l.fo.'. — fquare ....../. fi/. — prefixed to his " Canterbury Tales," 1 727. Svo. — oval, with Milton, Butler, Cowky and Walter, S-00. — in an oval of palms ... ^0. mez. — with Spencer, Shakfpcare and Jonfon - mez. GoWER, Poet. Ob. 1402, iet. 80. H. Holbein. Holbein. T. Occleve. Id. — from his monument. Imaginary /.fol. E. Sadeler. W N. Gardiner. W. Hollar, 1648. (Faber.) J. Houbraken. J.S(peght.) G. Vertue. Id. Id. Id. Vertue. Period I. Clals VI i. John John Matthew ( 19 ) Leland, Canon of King's Col. Oxon. and An- tiqi.iar'^-. Ob. 1552. Piiintcr ui Defigncr. — a bufl, prefixed to his " Life," 17. No portrait. 81J0 Lydgate, Relig. Bcncdift. et Poet. Ob. 1440. £et. 60. — in the fet of Poets . . - . /./o/. Paris, Relig. Benedift. et Hiflor. Ob. 1259. — wh. len. prefixed to his " HiKoria Anglla;," 1 i6^o,/ol. - • - - - -J John Rous, or Ross, Theol. et Antiquar. Ob. 1491. — prefixed to his " Hid. Regum Angl." 1718, Siio, John Sk ELTON, Redor of Dyffe, Norfolk, and Poet. Ob. 1529. — in a pew, reading, prefixed to the " Boke of the Parrot," in black letter. Imaginary. John Stanbridge, Philol, — cut in wood, fitting, prefixed to his " Vocabularium Metrlcum," 1522, 4/0. Imaginary, Nicholas Trivet, Relig. Dominic, et Hiftor. Ob. 1329- St. 70. — prefixed to his " Annales Anglise," 17 19, Svo. - Johan. Ludov. VivEs, Philof. Hifpan. et Academic. Oxon. 1523. Ob. 1 540, jet. 48. — in " Boiflard," Part IT. — in " Freherus." (W. Hollar.) l;ngra»er or I'rlntfeller. C. Grignion. G. Vertue. T. Cecill. M. B(urghcr».) Vertue. Theodore William Robert Richard CLASS VIII. ARTISTS. BtRNARDi, Piftor, 1519. — in the fet of Painters. Doubtful . . . Caxton, Printer. Ob. 1491. — his name in a cypher ^5flg/bn/ jW.^ - Svo. — id. a wooden cut, in Amee's " Hift. of Printing." Copland, Printer, 1530. — a wooden cut, betwixt a Porter and a Beggar, pre- fixed to the " Hyeway to the Spyttel Houfe," 4/0. — in « Ames." MoRETT, Goldfmith to K. Hen. VIII, — ex coll. Arundel. - . - . . . PiNSON, Printer. Ob. 1528. — oval, in " Ames." H. Holbein. Goltziut. H.H(ondiu!.) W. Hollar, 1647. This perfon, and feveral others in this clafs, were hiftoriani, and not authors of theological booki. C 2 Period T. ClaislX. ( 20 ) Wynkin dc Worde, Printer. — a wooden cut, with Caxton's initials. Hans van Zurch, Goldfmith, 1552. — ex coll. Arundel. ... Painter or Defiguer. Engraver or Printfeller. H. Holbein. W. Hollar, 1647 CLASS IX. FEMALE SEX. Firft Subdivision. LADIES. Dervorgiila Gallo- It?,,,, t rri t ,ti way, Lady j B a l l 10 l, wife of John Lord B. — in the fet of Founders ... mez. The prints are fidlitious. Lady Elizabeth Cromwell. — set. 28, 1527. in Pepys's CoUea. Clafs V. TaquelineofBava- "1 ^ >^i ^ ' ria, Dfs. of J Gloucester, 1423. Ob. 1436, ^t. 40. — when wife of Frank Van Bolfelem. — A fmall head. Lady Guildeford, wife of Sir Henry G. -— xt. 28, 1527, a circle - - • . - Lady Henningham, wife of Sir Ardiur H. — from a drawing in the Royal CoIle£l. MariadeChatillon- "1 ,-, _, St.PauI,Cfs.of 1^^^'"'°''^' '320. Ob. 1377. — " Founder of Pembroke Hall, 1343" - m(z. Marg. of Beaufort, 1 „ j t-. , /-m Counters of ] ^^ichmond and Derby, 1454. Ob. 1509. — " Foundrefs of Chrift Coll. 1505" - vu'z. — " Fouiidrefs of St. John's Cambr. 1508" mez, — oval, with nnotlicr of John Eavl of Somcrfet. I underftand there is a print of her prefixed to her " Funeral Sermon," by Bifhop Fiflicr. Margt. Plantage- net, Countelsof }^ Salisbury. Marg.Beauchamp,") Shrewsbury, wife of John Earl of S. Coiintefs of J Ob, 1468. Duchcfs of Suffolk — in the Royal CoUeftion of Drawings (V. Eyck.) Holbein. Holbein. H. Holbein. M. Burghers, J. Faber. J.Folkema, 1753. Hollar. R. Dakon. Faber. Faber. (Id.) R. Godfrey. J. Bafirc. R. Dalton. Period I. tlnlslX. ( 21 ) — a circle ...... This has been called Q^Cath. of Arragon. Lady Surrey. — from a drawing in the Royal Colleft. Lady Vai'x, wife of Thomas Lord V. — ul)i fiipra . . . . . ElizabethdeClare, T t t ^ r c r Ulster, i ■?] c:. Lountels or J ' j j — " Founder of Clare Hall, Cambr. 1326." mez. Painter or Defigr.er. Engraver or Printfcllcr. [-1. Holbein. VV. Hollar. Holbein. R. Dalton. Holbein. Dalton. J. Faber, 1 714. Margaret Jane CLASS IX. Second Subdivision.— GENTLEWOMEN. BOLEN. 1534- 4/0. Shore, Miftrefs to K. Edw IV. Ob. cir. 1526. • at Dr. Pcckard's, of Magd. Coll. Camb.* done 1 for Harding's " Shakfpcare," 1790 — in the fame, ii'it/j naked hrcajls — at Eton College . - - — at King's College, Cambridge i^io. mc%. - 4/0. J. Ogbo F. Bartolozzi. Id. 1790. (Faber.) (Tyfon.) CLASS X. A JESTER, &c. Elynor Rummin, or, of Rummyng, keeper of an Ale- houfc. — with a black pot, and two Engl, lines, a wooden print, in Skelton's " Poems," 4/0. William Sommers, K. Henry the Eighth's Jefter. — wh. len. in a longtunic ; H. K. Veryfcarce, fol. Holbein, F. Del(aram,) * I am informed that this painting has been regularly traced up to its original pofTeflor, Dean Colet, ( -^2 ) PERIOD II. Containing the Reigns of Queens MARY and ELIZABETH. From 1554 to 1603. CLASS The ROYAL FAMILIES. Period H. Clafs. I. M ARY Regina, 1553. Ob. 1558, £et. 43. — two prints, holding a paper infcribed. The Supplication 4^0. of] to. I This has been miftaken for the portrait of Mary Queen of Scots. See Granger, vol. i. 185. — a jewelat her breaft, 156S . - . - . — with Philip II — with a large ruff ....... — in Lan-ey's " Hiftory" ...... — oval, with emblems, 1555 - - - - — when princefs ; fmall ...... — -----.---la. 8^lO. — in Rapin's " Hiftory," /o/. moJl\ ¥<>■) fm.fol. — xt. 28, 1544, infcribed, Z-fl Angus, . Ub. 1557 glas, Earl a fmall oval, in the fet of Kir.gs of Scotland. Doubtful. •'TarUf™''""']^'^^^^^'^530. Ob. 1573. — in Larrey's " Hiftory." Doubtful ^EaTlof'" ""^"'j A-Nn.E, 1543. Ob. 1579- late in the Torrington Collect. D Painter or Dtfigner. Ehgrav:r 01 Pnntfcllcr, Janet. Id. I. Oliver. F. Znccheio. L. Vogelarius. G. Vcrlue, 1721 . Id. Id. Id. 1725. F. Bartolozzi, R. Elftracke. G. Humble exc. Vertue, Id. P. V. Gv 4/0. H.Holbein. C. HaU, 1778 Period ir. Clals II. ( 26 ) PI .lilip Howard, T . ^, Earl of j Arundel, 1579. Ob. 1595. ■ — with his autograph .... as Audley, "1 Audley, 1538, Ld. Chanc. K. G. d ■ ] Ob. 1554. — in Harding's " Shakfpearc" Hen, VIII. > Bedford, 1549. Ob. 1554. — in the Royal Colleft. of Drawings — in Birch's " Lives of Illuft. Pevfons" S Bedford, 1584. Ob. 1585, ^t. 38. — from a drawing in the Royal Collect. — in Birch's " Lives" .... > Burleigh, 1571. Ob. 139S, ast. 77. — prefixed to his "Precepts," ifijy, \2mo. — in Birch's " Lives" .... — in Fuller's " Holy State" — in the Cont. of Burnet's " Reformation" — in the print of the Court of Wards — in the " Heroologia" — " Cor unum, Via una" ... — in the prints of Q^ Elizabeth ; C and F' — id. going in procejfion to Ld. Hunfdon's I Derby, 1521. Ob. 1572. — from a drawing in the Royal Colleftion !■ Devonshire, 1553. Ob. cir. 1556. — from the pifture at Woburn Thom Lord John Rufiel, Earl of Francis Rufiel, Earl of William Cecil, Lord 4/0. Edward Stanley, Earl of Edward Court- ney, Earl of William Howard, Lord Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or Printfeller. H. Holbein. Holbein. 4/0. > Effingham, 1552. Ob. 157^ — Et. S6 la. \lo. \ Walter Dcvercux, "1 y, ^i ^ , Earl of 'I Essex, 1572. Ob. 1576, cet. 36. — in the " Heroologia" Robert Devcreux, 1 r- n rw r Earl of 'j Essex, 1576. Ob. 1601, Shak- — at Mr. Walpole's ; for Harding's fpcare," 1 791 - . - - J on horfcback ; fleet, army, &c. \6o\ fcarce.fol. in a hat and feather ... ^to. in Birch's " Lives" Holbe A. More. LHe.i.e. Lde Heere, 1558. J. Thane exc. Tomklns. R. Dalton. J. Houbraken. Dalton. Houbraken, T. Cecill. Houbraken. W. Marfhall. G. Vertuc. Id. Dalt: on. T. Chambars. J. Ogborne, »774- J. Oliver. Oliver. F. Bartolozzi. R. BoifTard. Co. Holland exc, Houbraken. • The initials of the names in tlie column of engravers. ( 27 > PtrioJ II. Clafsll. — on horfeback — Id. — on horfeback — in the " Heroologia." — in a hat and feather. fcarce, fol. Henry Haftings, T Huntingdon, 1561. Ob. 1595. Earl or J — with his autograph 1 Leicester, 1564. Ob. 1588. Robert Dudley, Earl of — fmall oval >/. — ill Birch's " Lives" — prefixed to his "Commonwealth," 1641, i2mo. — with two Latin verfes ... - — id. in the " Heroologia" . - - - — in Larrey's " Hiflory" . . . - — prefixed to his " Life," 1727, 8vo. — in Rogers's " Imitation of Drawings" — fmall oval ...---- — in the " Atrium Heroicum." — on horfeback, in a " Hift. of the Netherlands." — in the print of Q^ Elizabeth in the " Bifhops' Bible." C. — id. i/je proceffion to Hunfdon-houfi, Matthew Stuart, Earl of I Lenox, 1526. Ob. 1571 — with his autograph — in the print of Lord Darnley's Cenotaph. Edward Clinton Earl of i Lincoln, 1572. Ob. 1585. — with his autograph James Douglas, "I Mq^^^n, Earl or J Ob. i'^ 5Sr, — in Birch's « Lives'^ ^ Duke 5°'''"'^'}^°'^^°^^- '^''- ^'" ^554- — in Larrey's " Hiftory" — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," 1791 — with the iiafF of Earl Marfhal, &c. — in " Pauli Jovii Elogir." Thomas Howard, \ -kt^^ , , r \ NOR] Duke or J fil. IFOLK, 1554. Ob. 1572. — in Birch's " Lives" Painter or Dcftirncr. Engraver or Printfcllcr. F. Zucchero W. Humphrev. n. Pafs. W.Pafs *. W. Rogers. P. Stent exc. Wires. J. Thane exc. Bouttats. Goltzius. Hind exc. J. Houbrakcn. W.Marfhall. W.Pafs. Id. C. Vermeulen. G. Vertue. Watts, 1773. H. Wirex. H. Holbein. Hulbein, * The prints by the family of Pafs, R. EMracke, Delaram, and thofe infciibed " Compton Humble," &c. exaidit (which are done Ly the fame hands), are very fcarce. D 2 Thane exc. Thane exc. Houbraken. Gun ft. Schencker. L. VolKrr.ian. Houbraken. Holland," "Geo. Period 11. Cbfs II. William Parr, Marquis ot William Herbert, Earl of Henrv Herbert, Earl of Richard Rich, Lord Henry RatclifTe, Earl of Thomas Ratcliffe, Earl of Ambrofe Dudley, Earl of Thomas Went- worth, Lord Peregrine Bertie, Lord William Paulct, Marquis of ( 23 ) — under aa arcli ; u-itli tliirty coats of arms quar- tered ill one (hield, tadges and Gothic orna- ments ; four iinglifh verfes. A mojl curious print /"!■ Northampton, 1547. Ob. 157:. — when Earlof EfTex (1544) ; with his autograph Pembroke, '.551. Ob. 1569, iet. 63. — in the " Heroologia." — in the print of K. Edw. VI. delivering tLc- BriJc- we// Charter. Pembroke, 1569. Ob. i6oi. — in the " Heroologia." Rich, Ld. Chanc. — a large etching Ob. 1567. Painter or Dcfigner. H. Holbein. Sussex, 1542. Ob. 1556. — from his monument in Borehara Church '&vo, Sussex, . Ob. 1583. — at Sir John Fenn'e ; with his autograph Warwick, 1562. Ob. 1589, at. 60. — in the " Heroologia." Wentworth. — aet. 4 , 1574, in the "Antiquarian Repertory" WiLLouGHEY of Ercfby, 1580. Ob. 1601. — with his autograph ..».-. Winchester, 1551. Ob. 1572, 0:1.97. — etched, from a pidure at Dr. Glynn'.i Engraver or PrintfeKer. C. HaU. R. Dalton. J. Thane cxc. Thane exc. C. JanfTen. R. Godfrey exc. Thane exc. M. TyfoR. ( 29 ) Periotl II. CUfoUI. Sir Nathaniel Sir George Sir Ralph Sir Henry- Sir Thomas Sir John Sir Richard Sir George Sir Wolftan Sir Thomas John V/ilHam CLASS III. GENTRY. Bacon, K. B. — in " Acad, des Sciences" - - . - — in Walpole's " Painteis," 4/0. Barnes, Lord Mayor of London, 1552, 1586. — a fmall oval, after the fig. in the next print - — in the print of K. Edw. VI. delivering the Charter of Bridewell. Blackwell, Knt. Mcrcht. Taylor. — prefixed to the " Honour of the Merchant Tay- lors," in the black letter, fm. ^to. Doubtful. Bromley. — ast. 27, 1587, In Nadi's " Worce 'erdnVe," 4/0. Chaloner, Literat. Ob. 1565. — dft. 28, 1548 ... Scare, fol. — a wooden print, prefixed to is " De Re^ublica Anglorum, &c." 157O) ^^o. Cheke, Literat. Ob. 1557. — prefixed to his " Life,' by Strype, 1705, 8to. — in the " Heroologia." Clough, Knt. Mercat. Lond. clar. 1561. — 3 qrs. len. in Pennant's " London," 4/0. Cornwall, of Berrington, co. Hereford, 1558. — from a drawing in the Royal Colledt. Dixie, Ld. Mayor of London, 1585. Ob. , iet. 69. — .... - "very fcane, 8i'o. Gresham, Mercat. Lond. Ob. 1579. — 4/5. — in the fet of Founders - - - mcz. — in the Houghton Colleft. - - mez. — wh. len. with a view of the Royal Exchange. 1 ( Copk J, fold by Walton ). - - fol. j _..-.... fol. _.-.-... 4/y. — wh. len. (liip under fail, &c. - - 4^0. — a fm. oval. Ha B I NOT ON, Cofferer toQ. Elizabeth. — fmall, in Nafh'a " Worcefterftiire." Hervey, Herald. — with his autograph - • • - Painter or Dcfigncr. N. Bacon. H. Holbein. Holbein. A. More. Kngravcr or Printfeller. le Boulonois. T. Cliarcbars. C.Hall, 178 J. Caldwall. W.Hollar, 1655. J. Nutting, J. Bafire. R. Dalton. H. Holland ex. F. Delaram. J. Faber. Michel, J. Overton exc. G. Vertue. Walton exc. 'C. Hall. 179 . Period n. Cbf$ III. Forty-three Sir Walter Sir Thomas Sir John Sir Thomas Sir Richard Sir Henry Sir Philip painter or Defigner. H. Holbein. Sir Thomas Sir Nicholas Sir Henry Sir Henry Sir Francis ( 30 ) Lord Mayors of London, from 1558 to 1601. — cut in wood .... ^. The fame face ferves for the whole of them, with little variation. MiLDMAYjChanc. Exchr. Ob. 1589. — " Founder of Emanuel Coll. Cambr." mcz. Parry. — from a drawing in the Royal Colled. Perrot, Ld. Dep. of Ireland, 1584. Ob. 1592. — in the " Hift. of Worcefterfhire," 8vo. mez. — prefixed to the " Hill, of his Government," 1626, 4/0. Pope, Ob. 1539, set. 50. — " Founder of Trin. Coll." . - mez. Shelley, Prior of the Knights Templars j ciar. — xt. 6^, a medallion ... ^0. Sidney, Ld. Dep. of Ireland. Ob. 1586, £et. 57. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Freherus." Sidney, Poet and Militar. Ob. 1586, zet. 32. — a buft, prefixed to the " Arcadia" - Svo. — •.---.. 4/0. — wh. len. .... fcarce. 4/0. — in Birch's " Lives of Illuft. Perfons" — 8^•o. - fol. — wh. len. prefixed to the " Sidney Papers," 1 i^Sffol. — ------- I2mo. — in the " Heroologia." — in a print with Lord Bacon, Smith, Politic, and Literat. Ob. 1577, fft. 65. — in Birch's " Lives" • . . . . — prefixed to his " Life," by Strj'pe, Svo. — holding a book, a wooden print, prefixed to Ga- brielis Harveii, Valdinatis, Smithus, vel Miifa- rum Lachrymx pro Obitu," &c. 1578, 4/17. Throckmorton, Brit. Miniflcr in France. Ob. 1570, a^t. 57. — /•/''• — in the fct of 7^0HBf/;rx . - - mez. — in Verheiden " Effig. Theol." 1602 - - — in Roll's" Lives of the llcfornicis" - m^z- — prefixedtoThoi-oton's"Nottinghamniire," i6-jS,fo!. — a:t. 57 /"'■ — another, like the next, with the name of Abp. \ Parker J • — prefixed to his" Memorials,'' by Stiype, i6g^, fo/. — anonymous ; cslari f, Gu. Cariix'nght ^ - fol, — luith'a long heard ; in the " Heroologia." — in the print of the Five Bishops, above. Farrap, Bp. of St. Davids, 1549. Ob 1555. — ..-...- tvo, — ova!, with his autograph. — in the print of the Five Bishops. Gardiner, Bp. of WinGheflier, 1531 ; deprived, 1550 ; rejloyed ^.nd made Ld. Chanc. 1553. Ob. 1555, set. 72. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," 1790 Goodrich, Bp. of Ely, 1534; Ld. Chanc. 1551. Ob. 1554. — oval, after the figure in the next print — in the print of K. Edwaru VI. delivering the Charter of Bridewill, Grindal, Bp. of London, 1559; Abp. York, 1570; Abp. Canterbury, 1575- Ob. 1583, jet. 63. — a:t. 61, 1 y8o, prefixed to his " Lift," by Strype, 1 \-,\c,fol. J — ....... fol. — in the " Heroologia." HooPtK, Ep. of Glouccflcr, 1 550 ; Worceftcr, 155a. Ob. \ssS^ a:r- 60. — .--...- mcz. -^ ill Roll's " Lives" .... mcz. — in the print of the Five Bishops. Horme, Bp. of Winchcfter, 156-^. Ob. 1580. — infcribed " Stephen Gaidiner*" . - Jul. Painter or Defigncr. H Holbein. Holbein. Id. Holbein. Engi»v(^ or PrintreDci. T. Trotter .A.. Blooteling. J. Faber. H.Hondiu6,i59y. R. Houfton. (D. Loggan.) G. Vertue. Id. (R. White.) W. N. Gardiucr. C. Hal], i79t. M. V. Gucht. (Vertue.) Faber. Houfton, R. White. '* It fccms now pretty clear that this print is really the portrait of Bifhop Hornc, as appears from the fio;ure of the perfon, and the arms, " Three Bugle Horns." Edmund Turnor, Efq. of SackvilU -tircet, who did me the honour of communic.itiiig to. me this artieie, piirchifed at a fale a portrait of a Bifliop, willi the arms of the See of Wincheder impaled with B. a crofs, ar. letixjcen four birds beads crafed of ih.- zd. in the reulrc of the crofs /i cing-foil gules ; which were the arms granted to Bifliop Gardiner. Mr. T. afterwards compared it with an undoubted por- trait of that bithop in the lodge of Trinity-Hall in Cambridge (whereof Gardiner was fome time mafter), and found it to bt the fame countenance exactly, but in better prefervation. Period II. CUfs IV. John John a Hugh John Matthew Reginald Nicholas ( 33 ) Jewel, Bp. of Salifbury, 1560. Ob. 1571, -.et. 50. — Kt. 40, in the " Contin. of Burnet's Reformation" — in the " Hcroologia." — in " Boiflard." — ill a fquare ..... 1211.0, — prefixed to his " Apology," 1685, 8to. La SCO, Popifh Bp. afterwards Paftor of the Dutch Ch. Lond. 1549. Ob. 1560. — in Sti-ype's " Memorials of Cranmer," fol. Latimer, Bp. ofWorcefter, 1535 ; reftgned 15J9. Ob. 1555, set. 80. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1635, 4/0. — in Holt's " Lives of the Reformers" . me% — as he went to his execution, with his ftafF and 1 bible at his girdle .... Jol. J — in the " Cont. of Burnet's Reformation" — in the " Heroologia." — in the print of the Five Bishops. Li'SLIE, Bp. of Rofs, Ob. 1596. M Parker, Abp. of Canterbury, 1559. Ob. 1575, zet. 72. — xt. 70, 1573, a bell on a table, arms at the four 1 corners . - - very fcarce. ^lyn. J — like the laft, from an illumination in C. C.C. Camb. — set. 69, 1572, prefixed to his " Life," by Strype, "I l7ii,/o/. - - - _ - . ./ — prefixed to " De Antiquitate Britannicje Eccle fi«,">/. ...... — in Burnet's " Reformation" — in the " Hcroologia." ';} Pole, Cardinal, 1536. Ob. 1558, ast. 58. — in " Imagln. XH. Card." 1598 — in Larrey's " Hiftory" . . . . . — in the " Academic dcs Sciences" — in the Crozat CoUeft. .... fcA. — prefixed to his " Life," by Phillips, \to. — in Burnet's " Reformation" .... — in " Albi Eloges Cardin." . - . . — in the " Heroologia." — fmall, in Imperialis's " Mufeum Hiltoric. ' Ridley, Bp. of Rochcfter, 1547 ; London, 1550. Ob. 1555. s — in Roll's " Lives" .... ms-x. — in Fuller's " Holy State" .... — prefixed to his "Life," by Glo. Ridley, 1763, 4/0. JH. Holbein. — in Burnet's " Reformation" ... — in the " Hcroologia." — in the print of the Five Bishops. E Painter or Defigner. S. Plombo. Engraver or Printfeller. G. Vertue. J. Savage. G. Gif(fard.) R. Houfton. Savage. Vertue. P. V. GunlK R. Berg, i. c. Hogenberg. M. Tyfon. Vertue. Id. 1729. R. White. T. Galle. V. Guiift. de Larmefiin. Id. Major. Pernetus. R. White. F. Wyngarde. houfton. W. Marfnall. Miller. R. White. PsrioJ I!. Clals IV. Edwin Cutlibert Joha ( 34 ) Sandys, Bp. ofWorcefter, 1559 ; London, 1570; [ Abp. York, 1576. Ob. 1588, £1. 69. — in the " Heroologia." — m the « Cont. of Boiflard." — in '' Freherus." — with Cicely Wilford, his 2d wife, an etching. ToxsTALL, Bp. of London, 1522; Durham, 1530. Ob. I <;59, set 8c;. — iA Fiddes's " Lifeof Wolfey,"/"'- - Whitgift, Bp. of Worceftcr, 1577 ; Abp. Can- terbury, 1583. Ob. 1603, '£t. 74. — prefixed to his " Life," by Strype, \jiS,faf. — prefixed to his "Life, "bySirGeo.Paule, 1699, 8^'&. — prefixed to the fame 1 61 2, 4/0. a wooden print. — in the " Heroologia." CLASS IV. Second Subdivision— INFERIOR CLERGY. Thomas Beacon, Prebendary of Canterbury, 1565. Ob. 1570, fet. 60. — St. 41, 1553, a wooden cut prefixed to his " Re- liques of Rome," l2nio. — 32t. 49, 1560, id. before his " Works," 1564. foL — in the " Heroologia,"^ profile. Bradford, Prebend, of St. Paul's. Ob. 1555. — in the " Heroologia." — iu " Freherus." Painter or Deligncr. Fngravcr or Pruulcller. John Alexander Edmund Thomas Dominic T)iomas Edward Briant, Jefuit. Ob 15S1. — from a flieet containing 24 Jcfuits. Camp IAN, Jefuit. Ob. 1581, £Et. 41. — from the fame. Cartwrigiit, Marg. Prof. Cambr. 1370. Ob. 1607. — in Clarke's •' Lives" - - - - 4/0. Collins, Jefuit. Ob. 1602. — a fm. head, from the flieet. CoTTAM, Jefuit. Ob. 1582. — from the fame. Dekinc, Theol. Cantabrig. Ob. 1576. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Freherus." P. Fourdrinier, G. Vertue, I 717, R. White. Period II. CUfs IV. Roger John William Bernard Thomas Thomas Richard Lawrence John Cuthbert ( 35 ) FtLcocK, Jcfuit. Ob. 1601. — from the fet before defcribed. Fox Ob. 1387. xt 70, 15S7 fol. — prefixed to his " Martyrology," 1684, fol. — in the " Heroologia." — in " BoifTuid," par. ii. FuLKE, Mailer of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 1578. Ob. 1589. — 3Et. 50, prefixed to his " New Tedament, "_/«/. — two Eng. verfes .... izmo Gilpin, Archdeacon cf Durham, 1556 ; refigned 1560. Ob. 1583, £t. 65. — an etching, prefixed to his " Life" — oval. Heskins, D. D. Rom. Ch. — a wooden frontifpiece ... - Jol. Heth, probably Meath, A. M. 1583. — a f mall oval. Hooker, Rector of Bifhop's Bourne, in Kent. Ob. 1600, aet 46. — oval, in the frontifpiece to his " Ecclefiaftical "\ Polity," 1662, >/. - - - - J — oval, in Sparrow's " Rationale of the Common 1 Prayer," 1657, \lr, — in a fqu I Into. Humphrey, Dean of Winchefter. Ob. 1389, £et. 63. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Boiflard." Edmund Jennings, alias Ironmonger, Jeftiit. Ob. — xt. 24, 1 591, fight Latin verfes, prefixed to liis " Life," S. Om. 1614, 8to. Knox, Reformer of the Church of Scotland. Ob. 1372, a:t. 51. - >'• — a wooden cnt - - . _ . ^0. — in " BoifTard," par. ii. — with two Latin lines. Mayne, Rom. Prieft. Ob. 137,-. E2 Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Printfeller. M. D(roc{hout.) G. CJlover. T. de Leu. J. Sturt. W. MarfiiaU. W. Gilpin. G' Vertue. W. Falthorne, (Hollar.) (Id.) R. Cooper. des Rochcrs. ( 36 ) Period II. Cbfs IV. Jolin More, Redlor of St. Andrew's, Norwich, and Philol. Ob. 1592. — in the " Heroologia." — in the " Continuation of Boiflard." — with two Latin lines ... 4/0. Alexander Now el. Dean of St. Paul's, 1560. Ob. 1601, i£t. go. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Freherus." Francis William Hugh John Richard Laurence Henry Thomas Perkins, Page, Jefuit*. Ob. 1602. — from the fheet. Cantabrig. Ob. 1602, xt. 43. ...-.-. 4/0. — fix verfes ... - Scarce, /^to. — in Fuller's " Holy State" . - . - — prefixed to his " Works," i(ii^,fol. ,iio. — in the ''• Heroologia." Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or Printfcller. Price, Prebendary of Rochefter. Ob. 1574. fol. Rogers, Mart. Ob. 1556. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Freherus." Rogers, Cambr. and Paftor at Weather- feild, Effex. ......... AiO. — in the « Cont. of Boiffard." Sanders, Publ. Prof, of Divinity of St. Paul's. Ob. 1556. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Freherus." Smith, Minifter St. Clement Danes, London. Ob. cir. 1600. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1657, 4/0. — prefixed to the fame, i66o, 4/0. Stapleton, Theol. Prof. Lovan. Ob. 1598, a-t. 63. — xt. 63 - - — in the habit of D. D. - - - - ^to. Peter Martyr Vermilli, Canon of Chrift Church, Oxon. 1550. Ob. 1562, ^t. 62. — in Vcrheiden, " Effig. Theol." i6o2 ■ — in Rolt's " Lives of the Reformers' - nw^. ■ — in Strypc's " Memorials of Cranmer" H. Holbein. R. Elftracke. G. Glover. W. Marfhall. S. Pafs. G. Vcrtue, 1739. T. Crols. L. Gualtier. H, H(ondius). R. Houllon. |j. Start. ■* In my notices of prints there arc two other Jefuits, namely, Robert Southwell and Henry Walpole, by Pafs : they both died in 159;, the former aged ^s, the latter 36. Period II. Clafs IV. William ( 37 ) Whitaker, ; Mafter of St. John's Coll. Cambridge. Ob. 1595, set. 43. — in Fuller's " Holy State" . .* - . Painter or Defigncr. 4/0. David — ill the " Heroologia." CopietL Whitehead, S. T. P. Oxon. Ob. 1571. — in Fuller's " Holy State" — in the " Hcroologia." Copied. — in " Freherus." CLASS V. LA W Y E R S. Firft Subdivision. JUDGES. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, 1559. Ob. 1579, xt. 69, — in Larrcy's " Hiftory" - - - - ' - — in Birch's « Lives of llluft. Perfons" - M — ------■/«. 4^0. — in the " Heroologia." Sir Thomas Bromley, Ld. Chanc. . Ob. 1307, -dit. 57. — fmall head, in Nadi's " VVorcefterfhire." — oval, with his autograph. Sir John Cllnch, Bar. of Exc. 1582; Juft. K. B, 1584. — in Dugdale's " Origines Juridiciales,/c/. Sir James Dyer, Juft. of C. P. 1556, K. B. 1557, Ch. Juft. C. P. 1559. Ob. 1582, at. 70. — Kt. 64, 1575 ; prefixed to his " Reports,"_/c>A - SirChriftopherHATTON, K. B.' Ld, Chanc. . Ob. 1591, xt. 51. — at Sir Thomas Hatton's ; with autograph - SirChriftopherWRAY, Ch. Juft. of K. B. Ob. 1592. — ast. 59, 1582 --_.--. Engraver or PrintfcUer. F. Zucchero' Edmund CLASS V. Second Subdivision. Plowden, Serj. at Law, 1558. Ob. 1384. foL W. Marlhall. J. Payne. P. Stent exc. Marfliall. V. Gunft. ' J. Houbraken. G. Vertue. Id. W. Hollar, 1664. J. Drapentier. J. Thane c.xc. S.Harding, 1790. T. Stayner. Period II. Cluls VI. ( 38 ) CLASS VI. MILITARY, Thomas Cavendish, Navigat. Ob. 1592. — - fix Englifh verfes ... - fm.foh — set. 28, 1588, Lat. infcription - Si'o. — with two liemifplieres and fix Latin verfes ?,vo. — with the fame, and fix Englifh verfes - 4/0. — in the " Heroologia." Copied by I' ArmeJJin. Chriftopher Carlisle, Navigat. Ob. 1593- _ _ - - - _ - - - - Sm.fol. — in the " Heroologia." Sir Francis Drake, Navigat. Ob. 1596, a?t 46. — /"'•Z"^. — .------ 81/0. — with two hemifpheres. - - . %vo, — in Birch's " Lives." - . . . . — ....... ^0. — ....... 4^0. __.-.-.•- 4/0. — prefixed to his " Life," by Samuel Clarke, ^io. — in Harris's " Voyages," ift edit./s/. — ------- 1 2mo. ■ - — set. 43, globe fufpended under an arch. - Jh, There is a print by Elftracke ; probably this. — in the " Heroologia." Sir Martin Froeiser, Navigat. Ob. 1594. — fix Englifh verfes ---..,.. — view of tlie fea, army on the (hore . - 4/0. — in the " Heroologia." Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Navigat. Ob. 1583. — _ - - - _ - - - - fm.fol. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Nautic Portr." - - . 4/5. Sir Richard Grenvtlle, Admiral. Ob. 1591. — in the " Heroologia." Sir John Hawkins, Admiral. Ob. 1595. — eight Englifh verfes - . . . . — in the " Heroologia." Sir John Norris, Ob. 1597. — with his autograph - . . . „ Sir Robert Southwell, Naval Commander. — with his autograph, ..... Painter or Engraver or Dciigner. Printfcller. (R. Boi/Tard.) ad vivum J. Hondius. {C Pafs.) Boiffard. (BoilTard.) H. Goltzius. J. Hondius. J. Houbraken. N. Larmeflin. T. de Leu. C. Pafs. (Boimird.) R. Vaughan. R. White. Wires. (Boiffard.) (C. Pafs.) (BoifTard.) (Boiffard.) Vaughan. F. Zugchero. J. Thane exc. H. C. Uroom. Thane exe. Period II. Cbfs VI. ( 39 ) The Suit of Tapestry in the Houfe of Lords; exhibiting the defeat of the Spanilh Armada ; with the heads of the following officers in the borders of the plates : Chriftopher Baker. Sir George Becton. Sir Charles Blunt. Sir Robert Car y. Sir Thomas Ckcil, or Sycil. Crosse. Earl of Cumberland. See Per. III. cl. 2. Sir Francis Drake. See above. Lord Effingham. See Nottingham, Per. III. George Fennar. Sir Martin Sir Thomas Benjamin Sir John Sir Edward Lord Thomas Earl of Sir Horatio Lord Henry Lord Sir Robert Sir Roger Thomas Sir William Fenton. Frobiser. Garrat. GoNSON. Hawkins HOBBYE. Howard. Knevet. Northumberland. Pallavicini. Penton. Seymour. Sheffield. cl. 2. Southwell. Townshend. VlVASOUR. Willoughby Winter. See above. See above. See Suffolk, Per. IV. cl. 2. See Per. V. cl. 2. See Mulgrave, Per. IV. See above. Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or Printfcller. J- Vcnol !I. Clali VII. L I Roger Sir George Alexander George William James William John Thomas George ( 4-0 ) C L A b b VII. , TERARY PERSONS. AscHAM, Tutor to Qu. Elizabeth. Ob. 1569, — wh. len. reading to the Queen, prefixed to his " Epiftks," by Elftob, S-vo. Doubtful - Baker. — wli. len. in his laboratory, cut in wood, prefixed to his " Book of Diftillations," 1599, 4/5. Bo YD, Poet. Scotic. Ob. 1601, jet. 39. — aet. 33, 1596; fmall, in SIbbald's " Prodronnis Hilloria; Naturalis Scotis" . . - - BucHANAX', Hiftor. et Poet. Ob. 1382, set. 76. — ...... 4/5. andyb/. — fix verfes . - . . . %vo. — Kt. 76. . . . - . y-;,,. ^5, — at Dr. Mead's; in Birch's " Lives" — ------- \2mo. — prefixed to his " Hiftory of Scotland," i6go, fol. — in " Frehcrus." BuLLEN', or BuLLEYN, M. D. Ob. 1576. — fmall head, done in 1722 ..... — a wooden print, profile, prefixed to his " Govern- ment of Health," 1548, S-yo. — id. wh. len. four verfes, prefixed to his " Works," 1562, fol. Crichton, Literat. Scotic Ob. 1583, «et. 22. — in Pennant's " Tour," 4/5. . . . . — in the " Mufeum Hiftoric." . - . . CuNYNGHAM, M. D. at Norwich. — at. 28, a neat wooden cut, prefixed to his " Cof- inographical Glafle," 1559, /o/. Dee, Aftrolog. Ob, 1608, jet. 81. — in the frontifpiece to his " Treatifc on Spirits," i659,/o/. Doubtful. Paintfr or Ucfigncr. F. Pourbus. Antido- Gale, Surgeon. Ob. 1586, £et. 79. — ict. ^6, cut in wood, prefixed to his " P. tarie, &c." 8ro. and " Works," 1563, /o/, Gascoicne, Poet. Ob. 1578. — in armour, with a muftcet, bandoleers, books, &c. prefixed to his " Steele Glafle,'' a Satire, 1576, 4/0. fearcc. Engravtr or Printfeller. M. Burghers. T. de Leu. de Boulonols. M. F. Granthome. ;. C.H. J. Houbraken. R. V. S. R. White. W. Suikeley. J. Hall. Salminicio. Period II. CUU VII. John John George John Thomas Edward John William Peter Humphrey Thomas Edmund { 41 ) Gerarde, Surgeon. — oval, in the title page to Iiis " Herbal," l6n,/o/. — in his " Herbal," 1597, \Jledlt.fol. Hall, Surgeon. — J. H. xt. 35, 1564, a wooden cut; on the back of the title to his Iranflation of Lanfrancke's " Chirurgia Parva," 1565, 4/0. Hartgill, Theol. et Aftronom. — in the title page to his " Aftronomical Tables," "1 by Gadbury, 1656 - - - - -J — inferibed " Chrillianus Philofopluis," wh. len. cut ill wood, in the title to the fame book, 1594, Jol. Hey WOOD, Poet. Ob. 1565. — wooden prints, in his " Parable of the Spider and Flic," 1556, 4/0. Hill. — inferibed T. H. net. 42, oval, a wooden cut, pre- fixed to his " Phyfiognomie," 1571, \2mo. Kelly, " Prophet or Seer to Doftor Dee." Ob. 1595, ffit. 81. — in the print with John Dee, above. Key, Latine Caius, M. D. Ob. 1573, «t. 63. — " Founder of Gonnevil and Caius Coll." me-z. — a wocden cut, prefixed to his " De Medendi Me- thodo," Lev. 1556, izmo. — in the " Heroologia." — with two Latin lines. Lambarde, Antlquar. Ob. 1601, set. 65. — prefixed to his " Defcription of England," fol. Levens, A. M. Oxon. 1587. — with an urinal, prefixed to his " Path-way to '^ Health," 1664, \Zmo. Doubtful - - / Lloyd, of Denbigh, Antiquar. 1561. Ob. cir. 1570- — ------- mez. MoFFET, Natviralift i fm. oval, wit .and Thomas Penn, frontifpiece — a fm. oval, with two others of Edward Wotton 1 - fol. I Spencer, Poet. Ob. 1598. I fol. — in the fet of Poets — prefixed to his " Works," Siio. — in the print with Chaucer, Shakfpearc and Jonfon. Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver nr Priiltfeller. J. Payne. \V. R(ogcr3.) R. Gaywood. J. Faber. G. Vertue, 1730. J. C(hantry.) Faber, 1717. VV. Rogers. Vertue, 1727^ Id. ( 42 ) Feriod U. CUfs VI 11. Fainter or DcUgner. fnrrsYer or Priiltfellcr. CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, &c. William Theodore de Joas van John Richard George Hans Richard CorneHus Thomas John Bird, Mufic. | — in the print witli Tallis, below. , I Brie, Engraver. Ob. cir. 1600. j prefixed to Boiflard's " Roman Antiquities," 4/5. ■ Cleevf, Piftor. — in " Piftorum aliquot Effig." 16 18 — in Walpole's " Painteis" .... — ...-..- 4/s. Day, Printer. Cb. 1584. — It. 40, 1 5^12, cut in wood, prefixed to Fox's " Ads and Monumcnti,' 1563, /&/. GraftQn, Printer. — a fm. wooden print in Ames's " Hift. of Printing." HoEFNAGLE, Piftor. Ob. 1600. — in Walpole's " Painters," 4i'o. - - -j — set. 55, 1 598 ( 1 600) -^ in " tiandrart" HuLEEiN, Piftor Bafiliens. Ob. t 554, at. 56. I — xt. 45, in the " Muftum Flotent." - - H. Holbein. T. Galle. iH. Hondius, Muller. — a circle . . . — xt. 4?, id. - - - — in " Pictorum aliquot Effig." — with the pencil in his left Land fol. 8110. Holbein. Sandrart. A. Bannerman, H. Hondius. J. Sadeler. Billiy. E. Boulonois. R. Gaywood. W. Hollar. H. Hondius. A. Stockius. L. Vofterman. la. 4(0. C. Ketel. Jones, Printer, i5''o. — a fmall wouden cut, round cap, gown, &c. Ketel, Piftor. Cb. i6oz, set. 54. — in Walpole's " Painters" Lant, Pidlor, 1586. — a fm. oval, prefixed to a fi;t of prints exhibiting') rp t ^ the Funeral Proctjjion of Sir Ph. Sidney - J Mabuse, Piftor. Ob. 1562, a;t. 63. — in Walpole's " Painters" — in Sandrart's " Painters" — in " Pidorum aliquot. Effig." — in " Freherus." H. Bary, 1659. T. Chambars. T. de Brie. Banncrman. F. Killian. (Hondius.) Period n. Clals VIII. ( 43 ) Painter or Dcfigiicr. KngrareV oi PriT.lfclIer Sir Anthony Morf., PicVor. Ob. i '75. aer 5'^. — Ill die " Acid, ties Sciences" — in \V'alpolc's " Painters" — in " Mufeo Florcntino" Tomafo Tallis, Mufic, Ob. 1585. — with William Bird, above. Hen. CorneliusUROOM, Piiftor, i5b. 1554, st. 17. — oval, in the" Acid, des Sciences" — in Fuller's " Holy State" — in Larrey's" Hillory" — fm. oval, with emblems — in Cnrnet's " Kefunnation" — ill the " Heroologia." - J->. Dalton I Boulonois, W. Marfliall. V. Schuppen. C. Vermeulen. G. Vertue. R. White. Lady Hobby K, wife of Sir Philip, who died 1558. — from a drawing in the Royal CoUeCt. Frances Erandon, Uuchets ot Holbein. 1 Dalton. > Suffolk , 1550. Ob. 1363. — with Adrian Stokes, her 2d hu/band /a._/77. L. de Heere. I Veitue. Frances Sidney, 1 c„. ,.„ r^u , -qq ,0 1 I Countefsof j S""^^' Ob. 1388, a.t. 58. | | — " Foundrefs of Sidney Coll. Cambt." mez. J. Faber. Ann Carew, Lady Throckmorton, wife of Sir Nicholas. j — zt. J3> 1590, with her autograph - ' -; J, Thane exc. F 2 Period IT. Clals IX. ( 44 ) Agnes Howard, \ Winchester, wife of William Paulet, who Marchionefs of J died in 1598. — a £rn. oval, magnified from one in the print of\ the " Genealogy' of the Hotuards" - - _) CLASS IX. Second Su b d i v i s i o n. GENTLEWOMEN. Catherine Bretterg, fifter of John Bruen. Ob. 1601, £et. 22. — oval, in Clarke's " Ecclefiaftical Hiftory." Alice Percival, daughter of John Sherman, and wife of Richard P. living 1599. — in Anderfon's " Genealogical Hillory of the! Houfe of Yver)'," 8tc. - - - mfs.J CLASS X. ScALEiTS, Sexton of Peterb. Ob. 1594, at. 98. — wh. Icn. 12 Eng. verfes . . . - Slape, and John Bodye, Traitors. — a wooden cut, prefixed to an " Account of their Execution," 1583. John Painter or Defl^ner. Engraver or Printfeiler. J. Thari; exc. J. Faber, 1743. (Williams) 1770. ( 45 ) PERIOD III. REIGN OF JAMES I. Frdm 1604 to 1625. CLASS I. The ROYAL FAMILY. Period ni. CUfs I. I AMES I. Rex, 1603. Ob. 1625, £et. 59. — with an Italian infcription 4/9. fol. 4/0. — on liorfeback .---.. — a la. head ...... — wh. len. ...... — a fm. oval, with another of his queen, in the title page 1 to " Bafiliologia," a fct of Kings ... J — .-...-.. ^0, mez. — ........ yo/. mez. — ........ j^to. — .----.-. 4/0. — infcription in Dutch — hat and feather 4/0. 4/0. ^10. — -.- 4/0. — wh. len. in the title to his "Tranflation of the Pfalms," I mio. — on horfeback ........ — Kt. 38, 1604 8vo, — aet. 58, 1622 fol. — wh.len. fitting, prefixed to his " Works,"/&/. — ........ 4/0. Painter or Engraver or Defigner. Printfcller. A. B(loem.) J. Chantry. F. Delaram. Id. 16.9. (Elftracke*.) Id. C. Janflen. J. Faber. A.v. Dyck. Id. J. Fornarcis. G. Glover. Granthomme. Hondius. Janffonius. P. Ifelb(urg ) fP. Judtiis, i. c, \ de Jode. W. Killian, T. de Leu. (Marfliall.) Meyflens exc. C. de IMullery. , Pafs. C. Pafs. Id. S. Pafs. Id. V. Dyck. B. Picart, 1724., PiobaWy the print mentioned in CuIHon's Cats!, p, J2(). Pcrod TIT. CI. is 1. ( '-6 ) Painter or Tn?r:iveror Printfeller. ....-- ^lo. mn,, H^, Sher» oval in Birch's " I^ives' in the " Tlieatr. Princip. in a fquare fprigged ruff - C. JanlTen. — on horicback ; view of W^indfor caClc , — a fm. oval, on a Clvcr plate at Oxford — riclily dielTtd _ . - . . — - with 16 verfes . - _ . . — with her daughter Ann, wh. lens, curioufly dreffcd — in the fet of Kings of 'icotlaiid. . — a wooden cut -.---. i iicL- the Family Prints, below. fol. 4/0. foO C. Boel. F.lftracke. J. Houbraken. P. de Jode. C. Pafs. 1604. S. Pafs. Id. 1617. Id. W. Shcrwin exc. Stent exc. VilVcher. ( 47 ) reviod III, <. laf's 1. ilEM^-Y FREDFRTCK, Prince of Wales, 1610. Ob. 1612, iEl. 18. ... .... j^to. — a fm, oval, with ornaments ... yi/. — 4/c, — wh. kn. ...... ^g, — id. with a lance - - - - - . ■ . — in Birch's " Lives" ...... — ........ Svo. — firall, with his genealogy -.-.-. — W.I. Jcn. with the lance .... yol. — in Rapiii's " Hiiiory, "fol. — -------- i2mo. — in the " Heioologia." — in the fame, wli. leii. — in a cloak and trunk breeches. Very Jcarce.fd. — in the prints with K. Edward VI. G. 5:c. See cilfo the next article. Family Prints of K. Jcwus I. with his queen, wh. 'ens. - . - _ JfJ, id. under two arches, wh. lens, with their genealogy with his family and progeny _ _ » . . with his queen and Pr. Henry, a fm,.oval, on a filver plate crowned, fitting, Pr. Henry (landing before him Jul. id. Pr. Charles before him • . - . . with his family, Vox Dei at the top - - 4/0. with his family and that of the K. of Bohemia l.fol. To this was afterwards added the progenie of Charles I. and the print lo infcribed. in the print of the Sliiurls ... /J, with his queen, wh. lens. ...... with Pr. Henry, on horfeback, the horfes richly capa- rifoned ...... J}^^ CLASS II. E E R Thomas Fgerton, 1 Brack ley, Ld. Keeper i i;q6 ; Vilcount Ld. Chanc. 1603. Ob. 1617, aet. 70, — when Ld. Ellefmerc . - 4/0. ' >Chichestkr, 1612. Ob. 1625 ArthurChichefter. Lord — in armour. See GuIJi. Catal. 148 Henry Brooke, Lord Cob HAM, Attainted 1603 — oval frame, arms at the corners Painter or Engraver or Dcli,;ncr. Prill tftller. H. Balaam. C. BocL F. Delaram, K. Ellhacke. W. Hole. J. Oliver. J. Houbraken. C. Pafs, Id. S. Pafs, 161 2. Oliver. G. Vcrtuc. R. White- fm, ^to* * This and feveral other fcarce prints of this period are copied by J. Thane, Boulanger» M. Burghers. iG. Mountaine. (S. Pafs.) W. Pafs, 1621, Id. 1 62 1. Id, Id. 1621. C. Price. Wierx, Hole. S. Pafs. f R. Hcgei l berg, I 582. pjriod in. Clafs II. ( 48 ) George Clifford, Earl of }a. .MBERLAND, I561. Ob. 1605. — ...... 4/5. — wb. len. drefTeJ for a tournament - fah — a fniall oval, fix verfes, " Like Mars," &c. An an- cien friii. — dated/1586 fol. — in the " Heroologla." Charles B Earl of "'^'' > Devonshire, 1603. Ob. 1606. — %vh. len. .... mez. Thomas Sackville, "1 -r^ ^ r^i Dorset, 16C3. Ob. 1608. at Knowle - la. fol. chard Sackville, "1 ^-i t: o rw ^ ■c \ c \ Dorset, 1608. Ob. 1624, st. 1,^. — when Ld. Buckhurft, a fmall circle 4/0. Tames Hamilton,! tt ^ r^\ ^ ..a J . . . r ' > HamiltOxN, 1604. Ob. 162c, jet. 56. Marquis ot J ' i- j> o — wh. len. in armour ... fm.ful. This plate, which is extant, was afterwards wrought off without the inscription. — ...... 8i)o. John F-Tarrington, ! t j r rw c T i to ' ^ H.A.RRINGTON, 1603. ^^' ^"^3' — in the " Heroologia" . - . . J"^"^^^'"'"S^°"'j Harrington, 1613. Ob. 1614, at. 22. — -xX, 22, an oval, fupportedby a lion and a cock 1 i,to. ] — on horfeback, verfes in two compartments, fol. Both thefe prints arc very fcarce. — in the " Heroologia." — a wooden print prefixed to his " Life," by Slock, 1614. Fainter or Dcfigncr. Ensr^vcr or Prim Tel Icr. R. Va(ughan.) R. White. P. V. Somer. V. Green. G. Vertue. S. Pafs. Id. 1617. fM. D(roeftio- \ et), 1623. Vaughan. ]ohn Lord LuMLEY, Ob. 1609. — after the lad print - . . . . — Mr. Bull's, dated 1588; a circle . - i^to. — a fm. head, in Sandford's " Genealogical Hill." "Sof"'''''^' ] Northampton, 1608. Ob. 1624. — an etching — at Greenwich, with liis autograph Charles Howard, "It., r^\ /■ ■c \ c > Nottingham, 1597. Ob. 1624. (J. Oliver.) — In Birch's " Lives of fllua. Perfons" - F. Zucchero. |j. Houbraken R. Elftraeke. Fittler, 178 J. Thane exc. (L. PIckard.) Thane exc. Period HI. Chh II. ( 49 ) — -- 4/0. — wh. len. in Segar's " HonoWs," fo/. — on hoifcback, view of the Armada, 1588. Scarce. I.fol. — in armour, liat, &c. four Engl, verfes 8'uo. — in Q. Elizabeth's /r6C(^o« to Hiinfdon. Painter or Dcflgncr. Henry Verc, Earl "1 ^ . /^i /- r^ > Oxford, 1604. Ob. 1625. — on horftback, with Henry Earl of Southamp-T TON, below ... fm.fol.j 4/0. LodowickStuart,|j^^^^^,^^, and Lenox, 1623. Ob. Duke of Robert Cecil, Earl of — wh. le > Salisbury, 1605. Ob. 1612. — in Birch's " Lives" — in the " Heroologia." Fine. I.fol. 4/0. 4/0. 4^0. ^^^^^y^"°''^>^'|SouTHAMPTo:., 13S1. Ob. 1624. — in Malonc's " Shakfpeare," 1789, 4/0. Sec Oxford, above. 4/0. 4/0. CLASS III. N T R Y. Sir Thomas William John BoDLEY, Literat. Ob. 161 2. — with the beads of William Earl of Pembroke, ' Archbifhop Laud, Sir Kenelm Digby, and John Selden ; prefixed to the " Catalogue of his Library," _/b/. ... — two fmall ovals, head pieces. Bowes. — set. 69, eight verfes. Rare. Bruen, of Stapleford, Chefhire. Ob. 1625, ffit. 61;. — oval, in Clark's « Ecclefiaftical Hift." G P. v. Somer. Engraver or Printrdlcr. S. Pafs. (W Rogers.) J. Jcnncr cxc. W.Pafs. J. Payne. R. V(aughan.) J. Barra, 1624. S. Pafs, 1616. J. Hind exc. H. H(ondius.) J. Houbraken. H. Stock exc. S. Pafs. W. Sharp. M. Bur'i-hers. Ft'iod III. cuf»m. Sir Thomas John Sir Henry Sir Philip Richard Sir Walter Sir Edwin Sir Thomas Sir Richard Thomas ( 50 ) Chaloner, Gov. of Henry Pr. of Wales. Ob. 1 615. — in the Houghton Colleftion - - mez. Graves, of Yorkfliire. Nat. 1513. Ob. 1616. — vet. 102, fitting .... foL This and the prints of the two Richards, his ds- fcendants, have been iifcd for Nafh's " Wor- . cefterfliire." Leate, Aid. Lond. — two Hnes about the oval, and feven underneath 1 4/0.; Lee, Knt. Gr. of Quarendon, Bucks. Ob. 161 1, St. 80. — 3 qrs. len. in Pennant's " London," 1790, 4/0. Parker, of Ewarton, eldeft Son of Henry Lord IMorley, 1578. — in the " Genealogy of the Houfe of Yvery," 1 8do. mez.} Percival, Commiff. of Co. of Wards, and M. P. for Richmond, Yorkfliire. Ob. 1620, set. 70. — ubi fupra -...--- Raleigh, Militar. et Hiftor. Ob. 1618, xt. 66. — in Birch's " Lives of Ilhil\. Perfons" — prefixed to his " Hillory of the World," 1 1614 A'"-) — " Fortiinam ex aliis" - Scarce, j^io, — prefixed to his " Maxims of State," i2mo. — prefixed to his " Hiilory of the World,""! Painter er Defigiier. \-ilh,fol. 12 mo, 4/0. Dyck. prefixed to his " EfiTay on War and Peace," Sandys, grandfon of the Abp. of York. Ob. 1623, xt. 52. — in Nafh's " Worcefterdiire" - 4^0. niiz. G. Powle. S.MITH, Merch. and Ruffian Envoy. — prefixed to his " Voyage to Ruffia," 4/#. Spekcer, of Offley, co. Herts. Ob. 1624. — in a fet of Ambaffadors, publ. 1608 Sutton, Mercat. Lond. Ob. 1611, jct. 79. — ¥"• — " Founder of the Charter- Houfe" /a. ^lo. mcz. — wh. len. ..... Jh, mcz. — fitting, prefixed to Hearnc's " Domus Car- 1 thiiiiana," 1677, 8t)». - - - -J R. Earloni, 177 G. Veitue. EngraT«ro» Pnnttellcr. (Payne.) J. Baf.re. J. Faber, 1748. Faber J- Hoiibraktn. s. Pafs. Id. R. Vaughan. G. Vertue. J- Whittakers V. Green, 1779. S, Pafs, 16 16. H. Hondius. R. Elftracke. Faber, fen. Faber,j.i754. V. Hove. ttrmi III. Clafs III. Sir Alexander Thomas Sir William Nicholas Sir Thomas Sir Ralph ( 5» ) — prefixed to his " Life," by Bearcroft, 8t)a. — in the " Heroologia." Temple, father of Lady Lifter. After the drifted enquiry, I cannot ttace the exidence of this print. TiSDALE, of Glympton, 1624. — " Co-founder of Pemb, Hall, Oxf." - m«. Wadd, Lieut, of the Tower, Lond. 16 14. Ob. 1623, jet. 77 *. ------- fm. J^o, Wadham, of Merifield, co. Somerfet. Ob. 1609, £Bt. 77. — " Founder of Wadham College," 1609 mez. Wharton, Grandfather of Thomas, Marquis of W. 1610. — wh. len. in the Houghton CoUeft. - mez. WiNWooD, Secretary of State. Ob. 1617, at. ^^. — fmaU — Kt. 49, prefixed to his "Memorials," f]2^,fo/.i CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision. BISHOPS. Robert Abbot, Bp. of Saliftury, 1615. ^^' ^^'^7^ aet. 38. - - - - - . - . /^fo. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Freherus." Gervafe Babington, Bp. of Llandaff, 1591 ; Exeter, 1594; Worcerter, 1597. Ob. 1610, ^t. 60. — prefixed to his " Works," l6 15, _/<;/. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Freherus." Richard Bancroft, Bp. of London, 1597; Abp. Can- terbury, 1604. Ob. 1610, tet. 67. — - fm.f-J. \ * Walpole's " Engravers," p. 14. G 2 Mnter or i Engraver or Defigner. Printfclkr. A. V. Dyck. M. Miereveh, 1613. G. Vertue, 1737. R. While. J. Faber. Jenner exc. Faber. V. Green. H. Hondius. [ Vertue, 1723. F. Delaram. R. Elftracke. Vertue. Penod HI. Cb.ls IV. Marcus An- tonius de Matthew } John John James John Henry John Richard DoMiNis, Bp. of Spalatro, 1617 ; Dean of Wind- for, 1618. Ob. 1625. — jEt. 57, 161 7, a head ... 4/0. — prefixed to his " De Republica Ecclefiaftica," 1 i6i7,/o/. J — set. 57, 1616 HuTTON, Bp. of Durham, 1589 ; Abp. of York, 1594. Ob. 1605, 2;t. 80. Jegon, Bp. of Norwich, 1602. Ob. 161 7, jEt. 66. — 3st. 50, 1601, in robes of D. D. - ^o. King, Bp. of London, 1611. Ob. 1621, at. 62. — ..-.--. 4/0. — ;. 4/0. N. Lockcy. Montagu, Bp. of Bath, 1608 ; AVinchefter, 1617. Ob. 1618, iEt. 80. Painter or Dcfigner. Engraver or Printfeller. Vr. Mierevelt. W.Ddff. (Elftracke.) Mierevelc. J. Janfon. 2i^0. — in the " Heroologia." Copied. Overall, Bp. of Litchfield, 1614; Norwich, 1618. Ob. 1 6 19. — a fm. oval, in Sparrow's " Rationale of the Common Prayer," 1657, limo, — prefixed to his " Convocation Book," by Bancroft, 1690,4/0. .... Robinson, Bp. of Carlifle, 139S. Ob. 1616, aet. 63. — an mprtjfwn from a monumental brafs plate Hi. Still, Bp. of Bath, 1592. Ob. 1607, let. 64. — at Coll. Camb. - - fm. me%. There are twenty proofs only from this plate. Vaughan, Bp. of Bangor, 1595; Chefter, 1597; London, 1604. Ob. 1607. — in the " Heroologia." — in " Frcherus." CLASS IV. Second Subdivision. INFERIOR CLERGY. Henry AiRAY, Provoft of Qvieen's Coll. Oxen, Ob. 1616, £et. 57. — an imprcjfion from a monumental plate - Jlu F. Perr)-. (Tyfon.) F. Delaram. S. Pafs. Eljlraeke. S. Pafs, 1 61 7. W. HoUar. R. White. J. Jones, 1789. Pijiiod III. Clafj IV. John Thomas Hugh Nicholas Ifaac Samuel ^Yilliam John Henry John Robert ( S3 ) Boys, Dean of Canterbury, 1619. Ob. 1625. — in ihc title to his " Works," l62<),fol. Doubtful. Brightman, Redor of Hawnes, co. Bedford. Ob. 1607, £Et. 51. — set. 45, prefixed to his " Revehition of Reve- lations," 4/0. Broughton, Hebr. Prof. Oxon. Ob. 16 12. — set. 37, prefixed to his " Works," 4/0. Byfield, Minift. Chefler, laft of Ifleworth. — with the ftonc extraftcd from his body 4/0. Casaubon, Gencv. Prebendary of Canterbury. Ob. 1 6 14, iEt. 54. — prefixed to his and his fun's " EpiIlol£e,"yb/. DURAND, 1623. FicH or FvTCHE, of Campfield in EfTex, Relig. Capucin. Ob. 161 1, let. 49. — prefixed to his " Life," 1623, Douay Forbes, Son of Lord F. Relig. Capucin. Ob. 1606, £et. 36. — prefixed to his "Life," 1623, Dou. Garnet, Jefuit. Ob. 1606, £et. 51. * iZnw. Hart, D. D. Nonconform. 1582-1616. — oval, cut in wood, prefixed to his " Chriftian's Choice," 1674, 8-i'o. Hill, S. T. D. Oxon. and Paftor of St. Barthol. Lond. Ob. 162^. — 4to. (Pafs) 1617. Vide Granger, I. 363, and Gulft. Catal. p. 90. Thomas Holland, Theol. Prof. Oxon. Ob. 1612, at. 73. — in the " Heroologla." — in " Freherus." The " Jesuits and Priefhs, as'they ufe to fit at Council, in En- gland, to further the Catholic Caufe." viz. Anineur. (Lewis) Barlow. Ob. i6to. (William) Bishop, Bp. Chaldedon. Ob. 1624, at. 70. (Richard) Bristowe. Ob. 1 581, set. 43. (John) Hicham, clar. 1622. * I am informed there is a print of William Godfrey, a Jefuit, by W. Pafs. Query. Painter or Dcfizi.cr. Engrafcr or Priiiilcllcr. J. Pay. Payne. hardfon r W. Richard! [ cxc. 1790 p. V. Gund. M. Lafne. J. Picart. J. Picart. R. Sadder. J. Wircx exc. Ttr\ci 111. Chf« IV. r 54 ) LOVET. LuRTieE. (Thomas) Max field, Ob. 1616. Palmer. (William) Pateson. Ob. 1392. Ployden. Porter. Smith. SwEETE. Ob. 1632. (Richard ?) (John) (Thomas) (William) WORTHINGTON, 1585. Ob. 1626. Wright, 1581. Ob. 1639, set. 79. — in " Vox Populi," 1 624, 4/0. part ii. Richard Middleton, Archdeacon of Cardigan. — in the title to his " Key of David," 1619, izina. Edward Old corn, Jefuit. Ob. 1606. I am told thei'e is a print of him by Pafs. Robert Parsons, Jefuit. Ob. 16 10, ffit. 64. - ■ >/• --------- izmo. — in " Frelierus," p. 274. William Pemble, M. A. of Mag. Hall, Oxon. Ob. 1623, ffit. 32. — a doubtful figure in the Oxford Almanack for "\ 1749, between W. Tindall and Dr. Pocock J John Rainolds, Pref. of C. C. C. Oxen. 159S. Ob. 1607, £et. 58. — .-..-.- 1 2 ma. — in the " Heroologla." Copied. Thomas Sutton, S. T. D. of Qiieen's Col. Oxon. Ob. 1623. — a fm. oval, in a fiieet entitled " The Chri.lian's Jewel," u-'c. preached at St. Mary Overies. • John White, S. T. P. Cnmb. and Minifter of Eccles, Lancalhire. — prefi:ted to his " Works," 1624, /t/. - 4.'o. Richard V/ightwick, Reftor of Ilderley, Berkfliire. — " Co-founder of Pemb. Hall," with Tifdale Andrew Willet, Prebendary of Ely, 1586. Ob. 1621, Tiioraas at. 39. — ruir and tippet — fix Latin verfes fol. Wilson, Minifter of St. George, Canterbury. Ob. 1621. — prefixed to his " Chriftian Dlftionary," fol. , Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Printfeller. R. Elftracke. Bouttati. Ntejs. W'terx, G. Vertue. Payne ? J. Fabcr. T. Crofi. Feriod ril. Clals V. ( 55 ) CLASS V. LAWYERS. First Subdivision. — ~J U D G E S. Sir Edmund Anderson, Ld. Ch. Jufl. of C. P. Ob. 1605. — tej.. 76, prefixed to his " Reports," :66^, fa/. Sir Henry Hon art, Ch. Juft. of C. P. 1613. Ob. 1625. — pirlixed to his " Reports," 4/0. andyb/. CLASS V. Second Subdivision. PRACTITIONERS. Sir Thomas Craig, of Ricartoun, jurifc. Ob. 1608, set. 60. — - ••.-.--/,/. Michael Dalton, Jurifconf. — xt, 64, 1623, oval, etched - - • - |C. dc Neve. Sir Francis Moore, Serj. at Law. Ob. 1621, xt. 63. — preiixcd to his " Reports," l663,yb/. CLASS VI. Painter or [ Engraver or Defignc;'. I'lintfcller. William MILITARY. Fairfax, Gen. in die Palat. Ob. 1621. Sir John Ardiur Seve-' rus None- fuch * O' Ogle, Gene-al. — in Vtre't " Commentaries" Svo. ^0. Toole. — ast. 80, 1618, holding a fword with many crowns, " eight verfes reprefenting ! nu an adventurer ; prefixed to a pamphlet, entitled, " The Ho- nour of the noble Capt. O'Toole," by J. Tay- lor. Scarce .... J'm.foL * Sic Orig. W. Faithornc. S. Pafs. G. Vertuc. M. Tyfon, 1770. Faithorne. F. v.W(yngarde) (Droefhot.) f R. Gayvvood, I 1656. (Faithorne.) F. Delaram, 161 b.. Period 111. cu(s vn. ( 56 ) Painter or Defigner. Engraver or PrinifeUer. Sir Francis Vere, General. Ob. 1608, at. 54. — prefixed to his " Commentaries," 1657, yb/. CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS. John Barclay, Philol. & Poet. Scoto-Gall. 1621, jet. 39. — prefixed to his " Argenis," 162 1, 4/0. William Francis Adam John Ralph William William Ob. 4/0. (Faithorne. — in Imperialis's " Mufeum Hiftoric." Barclay, Scots CiviHan in Fiance. Ob. cir. 1605. — set. 53, 1599, with eight coats of arms, prefixed! to his " De Regno et Regali Poteltate," &.c. J- 1599,4^5. J — Kt. 53, 1599 - Beaumont, Poet. Ob. 1615, jet. 29. — ------- IlkZ. — with Fletcher, Milton, and Cowley - '«fs. — in the fet of Poe/s -.--/. foL — 2vo. Blackwood, Scots Civilian at Poiftiers. Ob. 1613. — prefixed to his " Works," by Cramoify, Paris, "I 1644,4/0. - - - - - -J Blagrave, Mathemat. Ob, 1611. — a fin. oval, with another of John Palmer, M. A. in the title page to his " Planifpheriiim Cathc licum," 1658, 4'o. . - - - — ------- 121110. D.duMonftlerC. ^ J- D. Mellan. Pa/s. _ Salmanicio. D. Mallery. Mellan. Faber. Simon. Vertue. Id. Picart, 1644. L(oggan.) Brook, Herald. Ob. 1625, set. 73. — prefixed to his " Errors in Camden," 1723, 4/0. Butler, M. D. Cantabrig. Ob. 1618, xt. S'. \to. Camden, Hiftor. & Antiq. Ob. 1623, a?t. 73. — prefixed to his " Britannia," l-jic), fol. — in Morgan's " Sphere oi Gentry," foL — ...---- 8t'o. — in FuUei-'s " Holy State" - . . . — oval -------- — a;t. 58, 1609, prefixed to his " Epiftolx," 4/0. — prefixed to liis " Britannia," fol. — prefixed to his " Remains," 1674, 8i>o. — ...--.- \imo. M. Gucrrard. S. P(afs.) Bafire. Gaywood. Humble exc. Marlhall. Payne. White. Id. Id. Period III. Clafs VII, Thomas Samuel Thomas John S John Simon Patrick. Sir John John Thomas William Richard Leonard ( 57 ) Cory ATE, Traveller. Ob. 1617. — act. 35, ill the title to liis " Crudities," 1611, 4/5. — wh. len. with a Venetian courtezan. Ibid. — riding on an elephant, prefixed to his " Letters from Afmere," 4/0. Daniel, Poet. Ob. 1619, set. 57. — prefixed to his " Civil Wars between York and \ Lancaftcr," a Poem, 1623,4/0. - - -J Dempster, Jurifc. et Hiftor. Scotic. Ob. 1625. — in " Zimmerin. Icon." Fletcher, Poet. Ob. 1625, set. 49. — prefixed to his and Beaumont's " Plays," 1647, 1 fo!. J — in the fet of Poets .... la.Jol. — in the print with Beaumont, &c. Florio, Preceptor to the Queen. Ob. 1625, jet. 80. — set. 58, prefixed to his " Italian Diftionary," 1 1611, fol. J FoRMAN, Aftrolog. Ob. 1611. — in the " Antiquarian Repertory" - _ . Hanny, Poet. — in the title to his " Elegies and Sonnets," 1622, 81)0. Harington, Poet, 1601. — a fm. oval, a watch on a table, in the title page 1 to his " Tranflation of Ariofto," 1634, /o/. - J — id. the title to his " Orlando Furiofo," i^gi,fol. — with four Enghfh verfes ... i2mo. Lambe, Empiric. — a fm. wooden cut. Legge, Mafter of Caius Coll. Camb. Poet. Ob. 1607. — from the plfture at that Coll. - - /m. mez. Twenty proofs only were wrought off this plate, when It was de.lroyed. Lithgow, Traveller. — wh. len. in a Turkifh drefs, cut in wood, prefixed to the ill. edit, of his " Travels," 16 14, 4/0. Martin, Recorder of London, and Poet. Ob. 1618, zet. 48. This is in Allimole's Mufeum. Mascal, Farrier to K. James I. — in the title to his " Government of Cattle," 1662. H Painter or Dcfigner. (Cockfon.) Engravtr or Printfeller. W. Hole. Bretherton. T. Cockfon, 1609. W. Marlhall. G. Vertue. Hole. R. Godfrey. Cockfon. W. Rogers. J. h S. Pafi, 1620. Period III. Clafs VII. Sir John John Sir Tliomas ( 58 ) John Thomas Aaron Mark William John Jofhua Darcy Painter or Defigner. Napier, of Merchinflon, Inventor of Logarithms. Ob. 1622, ast. 67. __ .... . . . /./. — calculating with his bones - - i2mo. NoRDEN, Topograph, 1607-14. — a fm. oval. OvERBORY, Poet. Ob. 1613, aet. 32. — writing his epitaph .... Jol, — ast. j2, prefixed to his " Wife," a Poem, 1616, 1 i2mo, .... . -J — in the " Narrative Hift. of K. James," 1651, 4/0. — in " Freherus." Owen, Schoolmafter, Oxon. Ob. 1622. — in the title page to his " Epigrams," 1659, i2mo. — prefixed to his " Epigrams," Amft. 1669, i2mo. — in Craffo " Elog, Huom. Literal." vol. ii, Peyton, Poet. — aet. 3 1 , a fmall oval in the title page of his " Glafs of Time," 1620, Rathbone, Mathemat. — set. 44, prefixed to his " Surveyor," l6i6,/ol. - Ridley, M. D. et Mathemat. clar. 161 7. — St. 34, 1594, prefixed to his " Treatife on"l Magnetical Bodies," 1614,4/0. - -J Shakspeare, Poet. Ob. 1616, at. 53. — prefixed to his " Works," 1725, 8vo. — with ten verfes by B. Jonfon, prefixed to his 1 <' Works," 1623, /o/. Recently copied - -J — from Mr. Jenens's piAure - - 4/0. mez. |C. Janflen. — from Mr. NicoU's pidlure; in Birch's " Lives," 1747 — oval, prefixed to his " Works," by Malone, 1 1790, Svo. - - - - - - J — prefixed to his " Poems," 1640, l2mo. — a laurel branch in his left hand .... — from Wright's pifture ... mez. G. Zoujl. — a fm. oval, two Englifh verfes, prefixed to his! " Rape of Lucretia," a poem - - -J — from Mr. Keek's pifture (aftenvards Nicoll's) /. fol. Another, different, dated 1741,4/0. — a fm. oval ....... Stow, Antiq. & Hiftor. Ob. 1605, ^t. 80. — a bult Sylvester, Poet. Ob. 1618, zet. ^^. — prefixed to his " Works," fol. fol. Wentworth. — cet. 32, 1624 rare, 4/0. - fol. fm. Zvo. Engraver or Printfeller. R. Cooper. F. Delaram, 1 620 R. Elftracke. S. P(afs.) S. P(afs.) (Elftracke.) du Change. M. Droefhout. R. Earlom, 17 J. Houbraken. C. Knight. W. Marfliall. J. Payne. Simon. J. Strafford exc. G. Vertue, 17 19. Woodfield. Vertue. C. V. Dalen. Hynde exc. Peake exc. W. Pafs. Period III. Clafs VII. Richard Thomas AR Robert Martin John Richard John Cuthbert Nathaniel Orlando Thomas George Nicholas ( 59 ) Whyte, Latinc Vitus, Jur. Prof. Duac. Ob. 1612. prefixed to his " Hiftoriarum Britann." Libr. novera. Duac. 1602, Svo. Rare. Williamson. — a fm. wooden print on tlie back of the title to his '< Sword of the Spirit, &c." 1613. CLASS VIII. TISTS, ACTORS, &c. Armin, Aftor. — a fm. wh. len. cut in wood for one of Shakfpeare's plays. There is a fac-fimile of this in Harding's fet. BiLLiNGSLEY, Writing Mafter. — aet. 27, 1623, prefixed to his " Copy Book," 4/0. — prefixed to his " Pen's Excellency," 1618, 4^0. Bull, Mufic. — in Hawkins's " Hift. of Mufick" BURBADGE, Aftor. — in riarding's " Shakfpeave" - - 4/0. Davies, Writing Mafter. Ob. 1618. — prefixed to his " Anatomy of Fair Writing," 1631,4/5. Featherstone, Cryer to the King. Ob, 1615, aet. 78. — a monumental efiigy ... Jh;. mez. Field, A6lor, clar. 161 2. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare" . . - .. Gibbons, Mufic 1622. — in Hawkins's " Hiftor)-" - . .. . Green, A6lor,. — a fm. oval, from the next .... — in the character of Bubble, a wooden cut, prefixed to Cooke's Play of " Tu quoque, or the City Gallant." Heriot, Jeweller to K. James. Ob. 162J, set. 63- Paintfr or Uefigncr. hngravcr or Prinlfcller. rare. mez. HiLLiARD, Painter. Ob. 1619, Et. 72. — St. 30, in Walpole's " Painters," 4/0. H 2 J. Goddard. W.Hole. J. Caldwall. S. Harding. W. N. Gardiner. C. Grignlon. J. Thane exc. Scoujcal. Joc.Efplens,i743 It. Chambavs. Period III. Cials VIII. Jodocus Ifaac John Fran9ois Paul van Frederick ( 60 ) HoNDius, Engraver. Ob. 1612, ffit. 48. — prefixed to Mercator's " Atlas," 16^6, fol. Olivkr, Painter. Ob. 1617, set. 61. — ill the fet, 1618 .... fm.foL — in Walpole's " Painters" ... ,^^to, PiiTiTOT, Enameller. Ob. 1621. — a fm. oval, with Torrentius and Sir Tobie 1 Matthew, in Walpole's " Painters" . -] QuESNEL, Piftor Scoto Gallic. Ob. 1619. — set. 73, i6l6, paOet, books, &c. - - /ol. So.MER, Painter. Ob. 1621, set. 45. — in Walpole's " Painters," ^io. ZuccHEKo, Painter. Ob. 1609, ^^- ^^' — in Walpole's " Painters" .... — in " Muf. Florent." — in « Acad. Pifturs" ... CLASS IX. F E MALE SEX, First Subdivision. LADIES. Margaret Countefs of Catherine Countefs of Elizabeth Carey, Countefs of Catherine Good- win, Lady Mary Sidney, Countefs of Cumberland, Ob. 1616. — with her autograph . _ . . Desmond. — in Pennant's " Tour in Scotland," 4^0. - NoTTiNGH.\M, wife of Charles Howard, Earl of N. — when Lady Effingham, after the figure in"! the next print . - . - -J — in ^leai Elizabeth' s proeejjion to HunfJon, Parker, wife of Sir Philip P. — in Anderfon's " Genealogy," &c. 8ro. mez, Pembroke, 1576. Ob, 1621. Painter or Dciigner. Engraver or Printfeller. J. Hondius. J- Oliver. H. Hondius. MiUer. ■ A. Barmerman. F. Quefncl. M. Lafne. T. Chambars. Barmerman. N. BiUiy. J. Sandrart. — prefixed to the " Arcadia," 9,vo. — with David's Pfalms in her hands 4/0. J. Thane exc. Aliamet. J. Thane exc. J. Faber. J. Courbe*. S. Pafs, 1618. Period III. ChfsIX. ( 6l ) Arabella Stuart, Lady j- Seymour *, Ob. 1615, set. 38. — prefixed to Lodge's " Ilhiftrations of Englifh "( Hillory," 1791, /i;. 4/0. - - - -j — ..... "very Jcarce, \to. Painter or Dcfigncr, Eliz. Hardwick- Cavendilh, Countefs of Shrewsbury, 1580, Ob. i6"o7. — in CoUins's " Hiftorieal Collea." fol C L A S S IX. Second Subdivision. GENTLEWOMEN. Ann Bill, wife of the King's Printer. Ob. 1621, ^t. 33. — with ornaments of Mufic, &c. prefixed to an ac- count of her, intitled, " A Mirror of Modeflie," 1621, S-yo. A monumental effigy . Elizabeth Chriftiana Matoaka, al. " Rebecca, wifeofjohn^ Dorothy Drury -f, — reclining on a couch Ob. 1 6 10, £et. 15. la. i^o. PoppiNGK, Artift. — with a Latin infcript. and French motto 8i)o. RoLFF, daughter of the Emperor Powhatan of Virginia. Ob. 1617. — a:t. 21, 1616 . • - - - 4/0. Wadham, wife of Nicholas W. and Co-founder. — --..-- la. 4/0. me%. CLASS X. PHyENOMENA, CONVICTS, &c. Dekker, the Dreamer. — in his bed, cut in wood, the title to his *' Dream,' 1620, 4/0. Probably imaginary. * Wife of Sir William Seymour. She died before her hufband ; he fucceeded his father as Earl of Hertford, and was afterwards created Duke of Somerfet. Ob. 1660. t In 1612 was pubhlhed " The Anatomic of the World, and the Progrefs of the Soul," Poems on the late Mrs. Eliz. Drui-y. C. Janflen. ad vivum (ad vivum) Engraver or Printleller. J. Bafire. J. W. 1619. G. Vertue. Bafire, 1784. S. Pafs, 1 6 15. S. Pafs, 1 6 16. J. Faber. Period III, Clafs X. The Thomas Mulled John ( 62 ) Gunpowder Conspirators, 1606. Viz. Bates, Servant to Catefby. Robert Catesby. Guido Fawkes. Thomas Percy. See below. Tho. and Rob. Winter, Chriftopher J — .... very fcane, 4/0. Percy, convicted of Treafon, 1605, — fnakes twined about the frame - fm. 4/0. — in the print of the Gunpowder Conspirators. Sake, a Chimney-fweeper, 161 2. — \vh, len. in a fantaftic garb ; eight Enghfh verfes,") Very fear ce . . - - fm.fol.\ Selman, convifted of Felony, 1612. — wh. len, cut in wood 4/0. Painter or Defigner. Engraver er Printfdlcr. Cr. Pafs. C, Holland exc. Anonymous portrait of a man about this period, in an oval, on the bafe of a folio print. The arms are faid to be thoie of the family of Starkey. The print, which is on vellum, feems to have been defigned as a frontifpiece, but probably was never publiftied. It is in the pofleflion of A. Storer, Efq. The following verfes are in two com- partments : Having liv'd twenty yeares, I mufing found, Fortie yeares more would halfe in (leepe bee drown'd ; Which to prevent, each day till paft midnight, My pen was going, and my lampe was light. ( 63 ) PERIOD IV. CONTAINING THE REIGN OF KING CHARLES I. AND THE INTERREGNUM. From 1626 to 1660. CLASS I. The ROYAL FAMILY, Period IV. Clafs I. «Hi\RLES I. Rex. 1625. Ob. 1649, at. 49. — on horfeback - - . . oval - . - . . in the Houghton Colleft. his left hand on a large globe with his fon, wh. len. oval, with fruit about it - - when Prince of Wales id. on horfeback, view of Richmond when Pr. of W. wh. len. in armour id. oval - - . . . with emblems, oval ... on horfeback .... 1 64; a pearl at his ear as he fat on his trial Painter or Engraver ot Defigner. Printfeller. - Jh. A . V. Dyck, B. Baron. mez. Id. J. Becket. fm. mez. Id. A. B(lootcling.) L. BoifTevin. niez. v. Dyck. Jof. Boydell. mez. A. Browne. mez. Id. - fol. V. Dyck. Ciartres exc. Id. H. Danckers, - 4/0. F. Delaram. - Id. - Jh. D My tens. J. DelfF, 1628. 8to, R. E(lftracke.) 8vo, /,/. 4^0. Id. fm./o/. Id. 4^0. mez. V. Dyck. J. Faber, 1707. mez. Id fince Lely. Id. mez. Id. Ptriod IV. Clafs I. ( 64 ) me%. 4/0. 4/0. S-uo. prefixed to his " Life," by Sanderfon, 1658,/n/. - a fm. oval, in tlie fiontifpiece to his " Hiilory," by H. L'EftiT.r9;e, J'cl. " CoiTuptiblLin pro incorruptibile" ■ oval, with ornaments . - . . • oval, in a hat and cloak .... oval of foliage ...... a fm. oval, with another of his queen wh. len. ....... oval, in the title page to his " Works," fol. kneeling, holding a crown of thorns a fmall oval ........ when Pr. of Wales, in robes . . . . . a fm. oval, with another of the queen . . . . on horfeback -...--- fol. his equellrian ftatue at Charing-Crofs - - fm.foh ftaiiding, emblems of juftice .... fol. In an oval of palms, with two cannon ... fol. oval, fcolloped laced band .-.--. oval, in a hat and cloak .... 8^0. knech'ng, a rock in a ftorm ... %-vo. in armour, ha. len. .... - l.fsl. Painter or Dcfigner. Jh. oval ...... oval ...... in the " Theatr. Princip." on horfeback ..... id. M, de St. Antoine holding his helmet This was made to refemble Cromwell, on horfeback in a hat and feather a glove in his left hand when Prince of Wales id. four Latin verfes id. - - - id. - - - . id. robes of the garter id. - - - on horfeback 8 11(7. 4/0. 4/0. - Jh. . fol. 4/0. N. V. Horft. V. Dyck. P. Fruytiers. 4/(7. 4/0. 4/0. 4/0. 8i;o. limo. Sua. 4/0. 4/9. /\to. 4/0. vie%. Dyck. M. Mierevelt. V. Dyck. iv. Dyck. Id. Dyck. V. Dyck. Id. ■ in a high crowned hat, and cloak with a fta • id. two or more prints ... ■ on horfeback, view of Richmond - two prints ...... as he fat on his trial .... oval of laurel ..... in robes ...... in armour ...... on horfeback ..... in a cloak ...... wh. len. ...... 4^0. v. Dyck. ' Joi.\ - mez. V. Dyck. mez. V. Dyck. mcz. Id. %vo. - _/?.. 'v. Dyck. la. fol. I Id. 4/0. mez. Engraver or Printfellcr. W. Faithorne. Id, W. Faithornejun. S. Fuick exc. C. Galle. R. Gaywood. G. Glover. Id. Gunft. , Hertocks, Id. Hinds. IV. Hollar. Id, 1641. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. 1C49. Id. Id. Hondlus. Humble. F. Jenners exc. P. de Jodc. Id. D. Loggan. P. Lombart. Lommelin. W. Marlhall. Id. Id. J. Meyffcns. Cr.Pafs. Id. S. Pafs. Id. Id. W. Pafs. Peake, 1643. B, Picart, 1724. F. Place, Qucboroeni626 de Ram exc, S. Savery. W, Sherwin. J. Simon. Id. Skilman. Smith. Id*. P. Stent exc. Id. R. Strange, 1770 J, Suyderhoef. S. Taylor. Smith did 4/1?. prints alfo of this feries, from this period. ( 65 ) rerliia IV. Ci..f= 1. ' — I'li Raplii's " Hidory," Joh — in the fet of Loyalifts ...... — .• - P- — praying ....-.- '6vo. — fi- — fo/. — oval, with ornaments ------ /^to. — -..---.. mez. — when Duke of York, fm. wh. Icn. — " Pr. of Wales," ten French vci fee. Ran' - - 44?. — id. on a filvcr plate, at Oxford. <— fm. wh. len. in Kicraft's " Survey." — in the " Tiieatnun Tragicum." — ovnl, cncompafTed with two dragons . - ■ fol. — playing on the harp, like K. David. — in prifoii, kneeling - - - - - - Jo/. — a fm. oval, with a death's head. — putting on the cap in which he was beheaded, two 4^0. — holding a white handkerchief, infcribed, " O liorrid Mur- der ! " two prints -...-. 4/0. — a fm. oval, head radiated. See the Family Prints below. HENRIETTA MARIA of France, Queen Confort of K. Charles I. 1625. Ob. 1669, £et. 60. — a fmall oval ..-.--.. — -.- 4/0. — when Queen Mother ----- mtz. — . - /- — richly dreffed -..---- Jol. — in a hood --------- — in a T. for deeds .--.-.. — " Queen Dowager," in the manner of Mellan - - fa/. — prefixed to tlie " Queen's Clofet opened," 1655, izmo, - — an emblematical print ...--- 4/5. — in mourning - - - - - - 1 2 mo. - fo!- — wh. len. at Houghton . . - - . JJj, — a head, unfinifhed - - - - - - 4/0. ..-----. S-vo. — a fmall oval, with another of the King - - - - — fitting, Pallas (landing by her . - - - Jh/. — ha, len. crown on a table, unfinifhed - - - Jo/. - A - ::::::::: ybZ — ," " " /'"' +'"• — -------- ntez. — -------- 4/0, mez. — in robes ..---.-- Jh/. — oftagon .--.-.. izmo. — on horfeback ------- 4/0. — -..-..- Jine. /a.fo/. - A — holding a laurel branch, etched - - - - - pjinter or Dcli^ner. Engraver or Pri;ufcller. v. Dyek. Id. G. Vertue. Id. Id. L. Vofterman. Id. V. Dyck. R. v. Voerft. R. White, 1685. Id. F. Williams cxc. V. Dyck. R. WiUiams. T. Banks. T. Booth. v. Dyck. Brown. Ciartres. Cooper. D. Mvtens. J. DelfF. V. Dyck. W. Faithorne. Id. Id. Id. Id. N. V. Horft. C. Galle. R. Gaywood. V. Dyck. G. Glover. Id. V. Gunft. Id. Hollar, 1 64 1 Id. 1641. Id. 1641. Id. Id. V. Dyck. P. de Jode. D. Loggan. V. Dyck. Liommelin. J. Meyffens. B. Moncornct. V. Dyck. S. J. Smith. P. Stent exc. Id. Id. V. Dyck. J. Suvderhoef. G. Honthorft. Id. 1643. V. Voerft. V. Dyck. Period IV. Clafs I. ( 66 ) ^Yith a French infcrlption . . . - la. ^lo. «' Qii^een Dowager," 4 French verfes id. black veil - - - - - - l2mo. Family Prints, hfc. of Charles I. ■ with his queen and two children - - . la.fol. ■ fitting, with the Queen and Prince of Wales Jl.\ mez. ■ with his queen and two fons - - - 4/0. mt%. ■ with his queen, on horfeback - - - la.fol, Henrietta Maria, with the three Princefles, Marv,") Elizabeth, and Anna, with the dates of their deaths, > wh. lens. .--... Jot. J ■ Charles I. with the Prince of Wales, wh. lens. '^vo. ■ with Fairfax and Cromwell ... - obl.fol. ■ id. in three ovals ....--- • with his queen'; Maiy de Medicis Handing, the Lord 1 Mayor of London kneeling - . - fol. J in prifon, with his children ------ with the perfons whofuffered in hiscaufe - - fol. with his progeny ...-.- Jlo. See the Family Prints of James L with Charles IL and James IL three ovals - me%, with his queen, playing at cards with two Spaniards . with his queen. Retouched hy Vertue. Copied by Vif- "1 cher ------- la.Jh. J with his queen and progeny . . - - Jl}_ infcribed, " Rofa Hifpani-Anglica." The maniage with the Infania, Chrift giving the benediftion. his marriage with Henrietta Maria, Chrift joining their hands -------- 4/0, Chrift holding his pedigree. with the Pope and Chriftian IV. of Denmark, playing at cards --------- with his pvogenie, fix ovals ----/«. 4/0. on his thione ----- farce, flj. Probably by W. Pafs. with his queen, fitting under a canopy feeing the marriage of their daughter to the Prince of Nassau ; the Prince and Princcfs of Orange on the other fide - oil. fol. with his queen, Charles IL and his queen, the Duke and Duchefs of York, the Princefs of Orange, the Lady Elizabeth, the Duke of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchefs of Albemarle, &c. in fix ovals. Scarce, fol. MARY, daughter of K. Charles I. Confort of William Prince Ob. 1660, a-t. 29. a-. Dutch mez. . - - - fol. - - - - niez. of Orange, 1641. wh. len. with a dog Painter or Defiencr. Engraver or Printfeller. Dyck. Id. de Vos. v. Dyck. iiez, i B. Baron. A. Browne. Cooper exc. H. David. Garret. G. Glover. R. Hoejus exc. W. HoUar. Id. Lepicie. J. Nutting. R. P(eake.) P. Schenck. Viffcher. V. Voerft, 1634. Wildenberch. — wh. len. -.--.-.- 4/5. — ftanding ---_--.. ^/r,, — fol. Brower. v.Dyck. (Couffin.) A, Hanncmanl Danckers, 1640. V. Dyck. , W.Faithoine,jun. Hanneman , , 1660. ^'^• G. Glover. j Hollar, 1641. > Dyck,i64iH. Hondius. Backiier. Ij. Lutma. Pcno:! IV. C'Uli I. ( 67 ) — set. 10, 1^41 — ill the manner by fome called Falthornc's, hut morel probably Glover's - - - - ""J — ...... 1643. Fine. Jb. — ........ mra. — with a baflcct of flowers .... mc%. WILLIAM of Naffau, Prince of Orange, 1647, Confort of the Princefs Mary. Ob. 1650, at. 24. — on horfeback ....... yi/. — fm. ha. len. - fol. - A fm.fol. The Prince and Princess of Orange together. — two prmts — wh. lens. — two fm. ovals — id. - la.fal. fm.fol. - A — their marriage, their parents fitting See the Family Prints above. ELIZABETH, fecond Daughter of K. Charles I. Ob. 1650, St. 15. — a fm. wh. len. ...... .. — an angel drawing a veil from her face - . - . — a buft - - _ - — wh.len. holding a fquirrel See the Family Prints. 1 2 mo. - 4/0. ANNA, daughter of K. Charles I. Ob. 1640, at. cir. 4. — wh. len. .....--. 4/0. See the Family Prints. The Palatine Family. ELIZABETH, Daughter of K. James, Wife of Frederick V. of Simmerin, 1613. Ob. 1662, set. 66. — a book in her left hand .... l.fol. /'• S Lat. and 8 Engl, verfes J]}. high rulF, and a large rofe on her flioulder - - fol. a;t. 33,1a. rufF and love lock - a feather in her hair I 2 4/0. - A la. fol. Painter or Dcligi.er. Kngraver or Printfellcr. , Dyck. 0. Hondlhorft P. Lelv. Terburgh. A. Cooper, v. Dyck. Honthorft. v. Dvck. M. Mierevelt. J. Ifaacfon. Honthorft Quebcrocn. P. Stent exc. J. Suyderhotf, R. Tompfon. G. Valck. G. Vertue. U^ Bnillie. W. i-follar. H.Hondius,i64i P. Pontius. Sallier, 1781. W, Sherwin. Vertue. J. Delff. Hollar. Id. 1641. W. Marfhall. Peake exc. R.aPerfyn. Q^eborocn. (Faithorne.) (Gay wood.) Hollar, 1650. Mellan. R. Vaughan, , Dyck. Mierevelt. Mierevelt. J. Balaam exc. C. Bocl. B. Bolfwert. Id. Bofwell exc. Brun. T. Cockfon. F. Delaram. Delff, 1633. Id. ( 68 ) Period TV. Clafs I. .....-.- mea, — /. — with four Lat. verles - - - . - Suo. - /"[■ — ouTiorfeback fcarce.fot. 4/5. — fol- — Kt. ■^^j engraved ly order of Charles I. - - - fi. FREDERICK V. of Simmerin, Eledtor Palat. 16 10, titular K. of Bohemia, 1619, K. G. Ob. 1632, £et. _36. _ I ! la.foL ....----- 4/0. — richly drefled - - -- Z '. '. '. - - - - - 'la.fol. .-..-.---- 4/0. — two, fmaller -- — oval, ornaments - fih ~ '. ' \ '. '. ^ \ ^ '. '. jhi. The King and ^een of Bohemia. — attended by the Princefs of Orange ... — with their family, viz. I. Frederick. — 2. Charles Lewis. See Per. V. cl. i. — 3. Elizabeth, ibid. — 4. Rupert, ibid. — 5. Mau- rice, Ob. 1654. — 6. Louisa Hollandina — 7. Lewis. — 8. Edward. — 9. Maria.. — 10. Philip. Scarce. - - - - ^ - - - Jh. The youngeft fon is playing with a rabbit. — with four children --..-.- See the Family Prints of K. James I, — with eight children, 12 verfes ... - 4/0. — anonymous ...... obl.fol. CLASS II. Francis Bacon, Lord, 1618, Vifcount St. R S, Albans, 1620; Ld. Keeper, 1616; Ld. Chanc. 161 7. Ob. 1626, set. 66. — prefixed to his " Hiftory of Winds," 1653, \ 121110. - - - - - - -J Painter or Engraver of Dcfigncr. Printfeller. M. Mierevelt. J. Faber. W. Hondius. C. Pafs. C. Pafs, jun. (Pafs.) C. Qiieboroen. P. Stent exc. J. Sudbury exc. G. T. Viflcher exc. G. Honthorft. V. Voerft. Mierevelt. Bolfwert. Brun. F. Delaram. J. Delif. 11. Elilracke. W. Hondius 1633 G. Humble. C. Pafs. Id. C. Pafs, jun. C. Qiic-boroen. VifTcher. F. Brun. (Pafs.) ad vivum W.Pafs, 162 1. R. Vaughan. C. Viffchcr. T. Cecil!. C. JanfTen. Cooper. T. Crofs. PeiioJ IV, cijr.ii. Thomas Howard, 1 Earl of J ( 69 ) — a fm. oval, with another of Sir Philip Sidney, ') in the title to Blount's " Academy of Elo- [• qucnce," 12 wo. - - - -J — prefixed to his " Refufcitatio," 4/9. — prefixed to his " Advancement of Learning," 1 1640, fo/. J — ------ Svo, — ast. 66, prefixed to his " Latin Works," 1638 — .._-.- Svo. — prefixed to his " Letters," 1734, 4(0. — ha. len. prefixed to his " Works," ij^Offo!. — prefixed to his " Remains," 1674, ¥°' — in the print with Lord Brouncker. Arundel, 1616. Ob. 1646. — in armour, la. oval, " Virtus Laus Aftio" — in his robes ----- y^/. — in armour, ha. len. - - - . yi/. — on horfcback ----- J'o/, — with his fon Lord Mowbray, two ovals - — a fm. oval ------- — in Birch's " Lives of lUuft. Perfons" — an etching ------ Jol. — in armour . - - • . - ^g, - ....... fa. Painter or Pcdgncr. Engraver or Printfcllcr. W. Faithorne. (Hollar.) W. Marniall. P.v.Somer. C. Pa/s. (S.Pafs.) dcs Rochers. G. Veitue. Id. — with Alathea Talbot, his countefs obl.fol. — id. ----■■-- - — vi'ith his. family . . . la Henry Howard, Earl of Jacob Aftley, Lord George Calvert, } I Arundel, 1646. Ob. 1652. — when Lord Mowbray, oval, double plate •a{ foh — infcribed " Lord Maltravers," with autograph - - - - iZmo. A.v.Dyck. V. Dyck. P.P.Rubens. M. Mierevelt. V. Dyck. Id. Id. P. Frultlers, 1643- , Dyck. in armour Lord J William Knolles, Earl of Francis Ruffel, Earl of Oliver St. John; Earl of } 1 } ASTLEY, Ob. 165I. — in Clarendon's " Hillory of the Rebellion," 8to Baltimore, 1624. Ob. 1632. — at Gorhambuiy, with autograph Banbury, 1626. Ob. 1632, set. 88. — when Vifc. Wallingford, 1617 Bedford, 1627. Ob. 1641. 4/0. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," V'Vo. — in Birch's " Lives' ' Bolingbroke, 1624. Ob'.' 1646. — a fm, oval . . . - 12 mo. V. DycTc. W. HoUar. Id. Id. 1646. Id. 1647. Id. Id. J. Houbraken. Krafft. S. Fafs. L. Vofterman. Hollar. Vofterman. Vertue. HoUar. P. Lombart. J. Thane exc. M. V. Gucht. Thane exc. J. Hind exc. C. G (lover.) M. v. Gucht. Vertue. Hollar. I'criod IV. Clafs U. •{ 70 ) Painter or Dcfigntfr. En^ravw or Pi-iiit:'ciler. Patrick Ruthven, 1 t^ r /->i ^ P , r j- Brentford, 1644. Ob. 1651. Earl of — an etcliing . .... la, ^to. ]ohn Diffby, Earl"! „ /■ rw /- -' r ^ ■' \ Bristol, 1622. Ob. 1653. of 4/0. Is there a print, different from the lafl, by one of the Pafs'ii ? Robert Greviie, "1 BiiooxE, flain at Litchfidd, 1643, Lord J set. 3^. — in Clarendon's " Hlftory," Sva. — ...... izmo. George Villiers, ' Earli6i7,Mar- quis 16 19, Duke of ■ Buckingham, 1623. Ob. 1628, st. 35. — a large head. (Co/>kdin Svo. and ^o.) la.foL — wh. len. ._..--- — engraved without hatching . . - - — when Earl, a head in an oval - — when Marquis, to the knees, oval — on horfeback, (hips in Ld. Clarendon's " Hillory," 8to. 4^». foL 4/0. - A.v.Dyck. - C. JanfTcn. John Byron, Lord Bvron, Ob, 1652, — an etching . . . . . Robert Dormer, 1 ^ c o rw r p, , r > Caernarvon, 1628. Ob. 1643. la. 4/5 — a large head — in the fet of Loyal'ijls Arthur Cape], 1 ^ ^ r^\ i. Lord JCapel, 1641. Ob. 1649. i^o. — in the fet of Loyalills - — a fm. oval. James Hay, Earl of Carlisle, 1620. Ob. 1636. — when Lord Hay of Savvley, 1615 Mirvin Touchct, 1 ^ Y \ {• > Castlehaven, — a VTooden print prefixed to his " Trial, and Con- viftion of an unnatural Crime," 1642, 4/0. Doubtful. Ulick executed 1631. lick dii Burgh, T ^ c /: r\^ /- «,, . ,° ' > Clanricakdf., 1626. Ob. 16S7. JVJarquis or J ' o di — in Smollet's " Hiftoi7," 8vo. V. Dyck. Id. P. Paul, 1775. C. Holland exc. W. Peake exc. (Vertue.) W. Delff, R. Eljlrachi. W. Failhorne. //''. Marjball. B. Moncoret. S. Pafs. Id. W. Pafs. P. Stent exc. L, yojlcrman. P. Paul, 1775. B. Baron. G. Vcrtuc. Vertue. S. Pafs, (1617.) Ravenet. Period IV. CUfs II. Francis Cotting- ton, Lord Thomas Coven- try, Lord Henry Danvers, Earl of William Fielding, Earl of James Stanley, Earl of Dudley Carleton, Vifcount Edward Sackville, Earl of Robert Devereux, Earl of ( 71 ) CoTTiNGTONj Ob. cir. 1651. — a fm. oval .-...-. — in Birch's " Lives of Illuit. Pcrfond" — in Clarendon's " Hillory," S-vo. Coventry, 1628; Juft. of C. P. 1605; Ld. Keeper, 1625. ^^"'- ^639, a;t. 61. — ------ 4/0. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory,'' Svo, . . . — in Birch's " Lives" . . . . . Danby, 1625. Ob. 1643. — in the Houghton Colleft. - - mez. Painter or Deiigncr. C. Janffcn. A. V. Dyck. Denbigh, 1622. Ob. 1643. Derby, 1642. Ob, 1651. fm.fol. rare, A^to. — in the fet of Loyalills — oval, in Winftanlcy's " Martyrology," 1665. Dorchester, 1628. Ob. 1632, a^t. 58. — when Sir Dudley Carlcton . - . 4/0. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Sojc. - - . Dorset, 1624. Ob. 1652. — a large oval — a fm. oval — in Birch's «' Lives" Essex, 1603. Ob. 1646. la.fol. W. Hollar. J. Houbraken. (Sympfon.) M. D (roefhout.) Eljlracke. M.v.Gucht. Houbraken. V. Green. R. v. Vocrft. M. Mierevelt, V. Dyck. 4/0. (C. JanlFen.) %-oo. wh. len. . - . . - when young, oval . . . . . - 4/(7. engraved without hatching - . . Jol. The plate was retouched and infcribed Endv- MiON Porter. - 4/0. on horfcback - ... Jol, prefixed to the " Lift of the Armies," 1642, 1 4'«- - • J on horfeback, battle of Newbury - 4/6'. on horfeback - - - in a hat, holding a truncheon wh. len. .... — wh, len. 1 2 mo. - fol. la. \to. W. Dobfon. Engraver or Printfdlc-. D. Loggan. G. Vettue. W. DehT. J. Start. J. Hind exc. Hollar. Veitue. V. Voerft. Dochen exc. R. EClftracke.) Id. W. Faithorne. G. Glover. Hollar, 1643. W. MarfliaU. I Overton exc. W. Pals. J. P(ayne.) V. Stent exc. Id. J. Va-.ighan. ■ rtriad IV. Chfs U. Perdinand Fair- fax, Lord I Fa ( 7^ ) — vith Robert Earl of Lindsey (vvlicn Lord Willoiighby of Ereftiy), two equcftrian por- traits. A coarfe engraving, lut rare la. 4/0. iRFAX, 1640, General. Ob. 1648. — wh. len. -....- f^io. — in Ricraft's and Leiceder's " Surveys." I'ainter cir DeHgncr. Engraver or Prill tlellcr. Thomas Belafyfe, ~l-r. , r\\ r , ^ ^ . Vifcount 'JFalconberg, 1643. Ob. 1652, a:t. 75. — an etching ..-..-- enry arj, i Falkland, 1620. Ob. 16:?. VilcoLint J •'•' LuciusCary,Vif-|p^^^^^^ ^^^ 1643, ^t. 43 count J -'-' ^^ -^ 4/0. Scarce. i,to. 12 mo. — in the fet of Loyalifts ..--■■ — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," S-vo. - - _ John Finch, Lord Finch, of Fordwick, 1640 ; Juft. of C. P. 1634; Ch. Juft. C. P. 1635 ; Ld.^Keeper G. S. 1639. Ob. 1660. — a fm. oval ...--.- — in Clarendon's " Hiftoiy," Svo. See WiNDEBANK, cl. 3. HenryofEngland, "! Gloucester, 1641, Son of K. Charles I. Duke of Ob. 1660, ffit. 21. — St. 20, oval la.foL - - 1 2 mo. — ....... aJo. — an infant, fitting on a krge cufhion ; above is 1 his brother Charles, who died 1629 - J — in Rapin's " Hiftory," fo/. - — wh. len. - .... — wh. len. robes of the garter ... JoL — wh. len. with emblems, in the print with K Edward VI. G. See the " Family Prints of K. Charles I.' William Villiers, ) ^ Vifcount ^Grandison, 1 Ob. 1643, jet. 30. — • wh. len. in a fet of ten - - - - JJj. James Hamilton, "| Marquis, 1625; > Hamilton, 1643. Ob. 1649, cet.43. Duke of J — a fm. oval ..._--- _ /«/. — fo/. — in armour, collar of the garter - - fo/. E. Mafcal. E. Bower. C, Janflen. Luttychyi Id. H. Dochen exc. 177 A.v.Dyck, V. Dyck. Barra. J. Nutting. G. Vertue. (Id.) W. Hollar. (Vertue.) C.v.Dalen, jun. (Faithornc.) R. Gaywood. Hollar, or R. Vaughan. Vertue, 1736. G. White. R. White. P.v.Gunft. Hollar. Lilcbctius. VV. Marniall. P. Stent exc. V. Voerft. Period IV. Clafs II. ( 73 ) — on horfeback - - - ran. I.fol. — prtHxed to his " Life," by Burnet,/o/. - imHamil- 1 Hamilton, 1649- Ob. 1651, jet. 35. ., Duke of ; _ _, __^ „.^____ „ ^_ William Hamil- ton — ill Ld. Clarendon's " Hiftory," 8w. — prefixed to his " Life," by Burnet,/o/. Edward Herbert, ] Herbert, of Cherbury, 1629. Ob. 1648. Lord J a fmall oval in armour, -j-^ - •-. his " Life," by Mr. Walpole, 1764 in armour, lying on the ground, prefixed to l * " "'■ ' ' -'- ■ ul,l, J Painter or Dcfigncr. J, Oliver. WilliamSeyniour,"! Earl 1620; i Hertford, 1640. Ob. 1660. Marquis of J — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Sro. — a finall oval ... Henry Rich. Earlj j^^^^^^^^^^ ^624. Ob. 1649. — when Sir Henry Rich Ralph Hopcon, 1 Hopton, 1643. Ob. 1652. Lord J — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Sro. — on horfeback - - - — in the fet of Ijoyalifts — in armour, band, &:«. Henry Haftings, "1 Huntingdon, 1604. Ob. 1643. Eail or J — a fmall oval - - - - - fol. l2mo. Sol. V. Dyck. GeorgeGordon, |p.^,^^j^^.^ 2d Marquis of Ob. 1649. — in the Houghton CoUeft. >«fC. There is a foreign print to which this name has been affixed, with GcWoip p. 1649, Vocrft fc. Robert Pierpoint,1 j^j^,^^^^^^^ ^^^g^ ^^ ^^ Earl 01 J — in tlie fct of Loyalifts ... - Robert Sidney, 1 Lj^^cester, 1618. Ob. 1626. Earl of J — when Vifcount Lifle, 1605. . - - * Thefe have been defcribed In catalogues as the prints of Faithorne ; but the letters in the are uniformly the fame, by no means agree with any to which he has given his name. K v. Dyck. Engraver or I'riiiUcller. W.Webb. R. White. M.v.Gucht. R. White. W. Hollar. A. Walker. M.v.Gucht. HoUar. P. Clowet. G. Glover. W. Pafs. \ Peake or [ Stent exc *. V. Voerft. M.v.Gucht. W. Sherwin. G. Vertue. Hollai V. Green. S. Saverv. J. Nutting. Vertue. S. Pafs. infcriptions, wliicti Perioa IV. CUfs II. ( 74 ) Alexander Lefley, ") t ,■ Earl of jLEVEN, 1641. Painter or Defigner. Robert Bertie, Earl of — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," 8i;o. — in Ricraft's " Sui-vey,'' &c. >LlNDSEY, 1626. Ob. 1642. — in BircVi's " Lives of lUiift. Perfonb — in the fet of Loyalifts A.v.Dyck. - C. JanfTen. - I V. Dyck. - foL G. Geldorp. Engraver or Printfeller. 4/0. Bernard Stuart, Earl of Edward Littleton , Lord See Eifex, above. "! Litchfield (youngeft Son of Efme, Duke J of Lenox), 1644. ^t). 1645. — with his brother Lord John - - njfz. — id. - - - - - - me%. — in the fet of Loyalifts - . . - - "1 Littleton, 1640; Ch. Juft. of C. P. J 1639 ; Ld. Keeper, 1640. Ob. 1645. — .... . . . jj. — a fmall oval ...-.- TT TVT ^ fivlANCHESTER, 1621:; \ ifcount MandcviUe, Henry Montagu, , nL j a. c v x> (, i. ^ a Y- \ ( \ 1620; Ch. Juit. of K. B. 1616; Ld. [ H. Treafurer, 1620. Ob. 1642. — when Sir Henry Montagu, query, tivo ? - — prefixed to his "Meditations," i2mo. — a fm. oval James Ley, Earl "1 Marlborough, 1625; Ld. Ch. Jufl. of "of J K. B. 1620. Ob. 1629. J2mo, Lionel Cranfield, "I , T . /-.i ^ Earl of f '^^JDDLESEX, 1622. Ob. 1645, jet. 70. — a fmall oval - . . . . > Montrose, 1644. Ob. 1650, £et. 37. — in Birch's " Lives of Illud. Perfons" James Graham, .Marquis of Edmund Shef- field, Earl — in the fet of Loyalifts . - - . — " The Marquefe of Montrofe," &c. arms, &c. in the upper corners, engraver's name, if any, cut off. Rare - ... - j^io. — fix Lat. verfes ..... ^/^ — four verfes, in Scotland's " Glory" - 4/0. — with a view of his execution ... 4/0, Id. M. Mierevelt. V, Dvck. Id. , Dyck. V. Dyck. Si'O, S-vo. - V. Dyck. 'r > MuLGRAVE, 1625. Ob. 1646, a:t. So. — when Lord Sheffield Set Pine's Tapestry. 4/0. J. Houbraken. G. Vertwe. R.v.Voerft. Id. Id, m« Ardell. R. Tompfon. Vertue. Peake exc. P. Stent exc. V. Voerft. R. Williams. F. Delaram, . Hove. J. Payne, W. Hollar. J. Houbraken, A Matham. P. Pontius, Vertue. R. Elftracke. { 75 ) Prriod IV. Cljfa 11. Sj)encerConipton, "I ^t r r^\ r E-irl of 1 '^'^^'■'"'^'^I'TON, 1630. Ob. 1043. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Zvo. — in the let of Loyalills . - - - - tienry Percy, 1 ^y o ^1 ^ Earl of ^ Northumberla:jd, 1585. Ob. 1633. — with a bald head ----- 4/0. — in a hat ...... 4/5. Robert Vere, \ r\ r /^i ^ Earl of I Oxford, 1625. Ob. 1632. — in armour -...-- 4/5. William Herbert, 1 „ ^ r~^\ ^ P , r > Pembroke, iooi. Ob. 1630, set. 50. — - 4/0. — LfoL — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Svo. - . - Sec Sir Thomas Bodley. Philip Herbert, T Pembroke, 1630 ; and Montgomery, 1605. Earl of J Ob. 1652. — ------ 24/0. — ------ izmo. — ------- 4/0. — fol. — when Earl of Montgomery - - la. \to. — wh. len. hat and feather ... Jol, With his Family, viz. Robert, Earl of Caernarvon. See above. The Countels of Caernarvon. See cl. 9. Charles, Lord Herbert. Lady Mary "1 Herbert, wife of Charles. See Rich- Villiers,Lady J mond. Per. V. cl. 9. Philip, Lord Herbert. See Per. V. cl. 2. William Herblrt. James Herbert. John Herbert. Countefs of Pembroke, his Lady. — .--... la.fi. James Stuart, "I „ , r r r^y r Duke of ? Richmond and Lenox, 1641. Ob. 1655. — wh. len. - - - - . J]i, mez. — a fm. oval ------- — in Birch's " Lives of lUuft. Perfons" — -..-.-. 4/0. — ------ Az. 4/(7. K2 Painter or Defigmir. Engrivcroi' Hriiuleller. P.v.Somer. D. Mytens. A.v.Dyck. V. Dyck. V. Dvck. Mytens. V. Dyck. V. Dyck. V. Dyck. Id. G. Geldoi-p. M.v.Gncht. G. Virrtuc. F. Delaram. Id. P. Stent exc. R. Vaughan. S. Pafs, 1617. Stent exc. V. Voerft, 1633. Jo. E. W. Hollar. Id. S. Pafs. V. Voerft. Id. L, Vofterman, Walton exc. B. Baron, 1740. R. Earlom. (Hollar.) f. Houbraken. f Peake or \ Stent exc. Vaughan. V. Voerft, Period IV. ClaTs II. ( 76 ) Francis Manners, "1 r) (. rw r ■C \ C > KUTLANDj 1612. Ob. 1632. Robert Car, Earl of Somerset, 1614. Ob. 1645. - 4/0. 8110. - 4/0. fm. 4/0. William Alex- ander, Earl of — " Hie ille eft," &c. two lines — with Lady Frances Howard, his Countcfs, prefixed to " Truth brought to Light," &c. 4/0. I Sterling, 1633. Ob. 1640, act. 60. — Kt. 57, prefixed to his " Recreation of the "1 . Mufes," i637,/ See Pine's Tai'estry. 4^a. Cicorge Carew Earl of'^'^'^^'' J ToTNEs, 1625. Ob. 1620, st. 73. — prefixed to his " Pacata Hibernia," i633,y Worcester, 1588. Ob. 1627. — ....... ^0. Henry Somerfet, ^ Earl, 1627; I Worcester, 1642. Ob. 1646, at. 84. Marquis of J — ------- 4/5. — on horfeback ..... ^/o. CLASS III. GENTRY. Sir Bernard Astley, Son of Jacob Lord A. — in Clarendon's " Hilloiy," Bvo. Sir Edward Astley, Knt. Nephew of Jacob Lord A. Ob. 1653, xt. 49. — ------ - - 4/0. Praife God Barebone, Member in Cromwell's Parliament, 1653- — ------- Bvo. Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston of Kelton, co. Suffolk, Knt. Ob. 1653, £et. 66. — in Clarke's " Lives," fma// - . . . James Calthorpe, of Faft Bafham, co. Norfolk. — att. 38, 1642 .-.--. foL Edward Calver, of Wilbie, co. Suffolk. — -.--.. Scarce. 8;>o. Sir James Cambell, Kt. Aid. Lond, 16^9. — - - . - , Sauce. Jin. 4/0. Sir Richard Chiverton, Aid. Lond. 1A58. — fitting in an elbow chair. Scarce - - fol. Painter or Defigner. V. Dyck. V. Dyck. Enpraver or Printfclltr. W. Hollar, 1642. J. Hoiibraken. Pcakc txc. S. Pafs, 161 8. S. Pafs, 1618. P. Stent exc. M.v.Gucht. T.Worlldge J758 F.H.v.Hove. Hollar, 1644. G (lover.) Pillod IV. Clafs 111. Sir Ralph Sir John Henry Sir Robert { 78 ) Painter or Defigncr. Humphrey Sir Idvvard John Sir William Sir Edmund Arthur Thomas John Thomas Sir Robert John Clare, Knt B. 1625. — in Nafh's " WorcefterfliTe," etched. Coke, Secretary of State, 1625. Ob. 1644, ffit. 80. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," 8vo. — ------- mez. CoLTHL'RST of London. — holding a helmet. Rcire - . . Svo. Cotton-Bruce of Connington, Bart. 161 1. Ob. 163 I, at. 61. — prefixed to his " Anfwer to Military Men," 7 1675, 8™. - - - - - -J — engraved for the Society of Antiq. - - fo/, — prefixed to his " Bibl. Cottoniana," 1696, fol. CJanfreni629 CuRsoN, of Stanhow, co. Norfolk. — falling band - . - - Jinre. 12mo. j Derinc, Bart. 1626. Ob. 1644. — prefixed to his " Speeches in Pari." 1642, fo/. C. JanfTen. G. Glover, 1640. Engraver or Friutfellc/. J. Rturt. G. White. W. Hollar, 1644. T. Crofs. G. Vertue. R. White. a fm. oval Dethick of Weft Newton, co. Norfolk. Ob. 1651, £et. 84. — - Scarce, ^to. Dick, r.d. Prov. of Edinb. Ob. 1655, jet. 75 — three prints exhibiting his fufFerings, in his " Lamentable Cafe," 1653, /m./o/. ^e head is copied hy jf'. Thane FoRTEscuE of Fallowpit, Knt, — jet. 38, 1647, in armour - Goodwin of WInchendon, Bucks. — in the ftt of ten \vh. lens. ^ - - fol. - • A Habington, Antiquar. Ob. 1647, £et. 87. — in Nallvs " Worcefterfiiire" - - fmall. Hamden, M. p. Ob. 1643. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory,'' ?iVO. - - - — in Birch's " Lives of Illuft. Perfone" Harley of Brampton Bryan. Ob. 1631. — St. 47, i6o6,inCollins's " Hiftor. Collea."/*/. Harley of Brampton Bryan, K. B. Ob. 1656, jet. 76. — ubi fupra ..---.. Harrison of Leeds. Ob. 1656, jet. 77. ! — " Templum pro tumulo," etched - - fo!. Id. Hollar. A.v.Dyck. P. Oli P. Lombart. RandWVaughan H. Danckers. P.v.Gunft. M.v.Gucht. J. Houbraken, Vertu Vcrtiie, 1737. I'eriod IV. Clafs III. Sir George ? Sir Robert ? William John Sir Nicholas William John Sir Martin Sir Edmund Sir Hugh John la John Thomas Sir Phihp John { 79 ) Hastings of Woodlands, co. Dorfct. 1638. — wh. len. with his charafter - - la, /^to. Henley, Knc. 1641. — anonymous . - - - Scarce, fol. Hervey of Ickworth. Ob. 1642, jet. 23. — in Cowley's " Works," 17 lo, 8to. - . - Holt of Griflehurft, co. Lancafter. Ob. 1659, ffiC. 1 2. — prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon,"' by Miflbm, 1 V"- - - - ' J Kemp *. — an etching, round --..-. Lee of Abingdon. — set. 89, 1635, under his genealogical tree Jh^ LiLBURNE, Enthufiaft. Ob. 1657, jet. 39. — act. 23, 1641 ; altered luhen in pr'ifon - 8vo, — a fmnll oval, with an account of his fufferings fori publifliing libels - - - - -J — (landing at the bar, with the medal Ilruck on his acquittal: piL-fi:-:cd to his " Trial," i6.|p, ^0. Lister, Knt. 1626. Marmion, 1650. — -..-... Rare, MiDDLETON, Bart. 1622. Ob. 1631. — -^ la. fol. MoTTE, Aid. London. Ob. i6c,c,, zt. 78. — prefixed to his " Life and Funeral Sermon," "1 by Bellers, 1656, 4^0. Fine " " J Nash, Aid. Worcefter, nat. ii;8o, clar. 1658. — in the " Hift. of Worccfterni;rc,"//nfl// N E A L E of Warnfo rd . — prefixed to Maire's " Life of Erafmus," 1642, "1 I lino. - - . . - . -J Pkrcival, Ree;ifter of Court of Wards, Ireland. Ob. 1 6 4^7. — • in Anderfuii's " Genealogy," Svo. - mrz. Pym, ]\I. p. for Taviflock. Ob. 1647. — prefixed to his ". Funeral Sermon," 1G44, 4/5. — a fm. oval --.-... — in Birch's " Lives" - - - /;._/>,/, — in a fur gown, infcribed " Maiftre Pin." Scarce, 4J0, * Benefaftor to the Hofpital at Guildford, and cotemporary with Abp. Abbot. 1 1 Painter or Defigncr. Knpravcr or Prirjlfcller. BrethertorjiyRz. ad vivum W. Faithorne. M.v.Gucht. D. Loggan. p. v.Somer. VV. Porter exc. G. Glover. W. Hollar. R. White. G. Gifford. c Janffen. G. Vertue, 1722. • Fait,honie. J. Rufs. W. Mardiall. v Dyck. T. Faher, 1743. W.N.l'oms. E. 1 Bower. G. G lover.) 1 lio'lar. J. Houbiaken. ( So ) PerioJ IV. Cials ill. Lawrence Rawdon, Aid. of York. Ob. 1626. ..Robert Rawdon, a Gov. of St. Thomas's Hofpital. Ob. 1644. — 8i'o. Sir Thomas Ron, Ambaffador to the Great Mogul. Ob. — prefixed to his " Negociations," 1 74o,_/i/. Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, Literat. Ob. 1658, st. 86. — a fmall oval ....... - fol- Sir Conrad Ruten or Ruthven, cogn. Rufus, Scot. — 4/0. Sir John Seaton of Lancafliire. — fmall oval, in Simons's Medals - - - . Sir Anthony Shirley, Traveller. Ob. cir. 1630. — 4/0. — in a cloak, gold chain, &c. qusre, in " Atrium Heroicum." Sir Robert Shirley', Traveller. Ob. 1656, in the Tower. — after the next ...... — ast. 28, 1609. Veryfcarce ... Svo, Sir Henry Slingsby, Bart. 1628. Ob. 1658. — in the fet of Loyalifta . . . . . James Stanier, Merchant. — /'"■ A'o- Sir Peter Temple, Bart. — prefixed to " Man's Matter Piece," 1658, izmo. George Tooke of Popes, co. Hertford, 1650. — ...... Scarce. 4/0. William Trumbull, Brit. Minift. in Holland for K. James I. and Charles 1. — ....... Svo. — - - - fol- Sir ChriilophcrWANDES FORD, Ld. Deputy in Ireland. Ob. 1646. — in the Houghton Colleft. ... mez. Henry Welby of Lincolnlhirc. Ob. Lond. 1636, St. 84. — fitting at a table, on which is a book open, in- fcribed, " Vatiltas vnnitatum, omnia vanitas," prefixed to his " Life," 1 637, 4/0. Scarce Sir Francis Windebank, Sec. of State. Ob. 1646. — an etching ...... ^lo. Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Printfcllcr. A. Hertocks. Hcrtocks. M. Mierevelt. G. Vertue, D. Mytens. W. Hollar. J. Payne. Bronchorft J. Coelmans. Vertue. A.e.Sadeler,i6i2 J. Fittler. G.M.(Roma:.) Vertue. Garret. Hollar, 1643, R. Gaywood. E. Marmion. O.Venii, 1 61 7 S. Gribelin. Vertue, 1726. V. Dyck. Watfon. W. M(ar/hall.) P. Paul. Period IV. CInfs III. ( 8i ) fainter or Defigner. — a fm. oval, with anotlicr of John Lord Finch ; iix Eiigl. verfes, Satyrkal. Sir Francis Wortley of Wortley, co. York, Bart. 1610. Ob, 1652. — with trophies, books, &c. ... fol. Sir John Wynne of Gwedir, co. Caernarvon, Bart. 161 1. Ob. 1626, a;t. 73. ■^ ----- - Scarce, fol. Sir Richard Wynne, Groom of the Bed-chamber to K. Charles 1. Ob. 1649. — in Pennant's " Wales" .... /^to. C. JanfTcn. George Lancelot Ralph George CLASS IV. R Y. First Subdivision. BISHOPS. Abbot, Bp. of Litchfield, 1609 ; London, 1609; Abp. Canterbury, 161 1. Ob. 1633, at. ?•• — in Clarendon's " Hiflory," 8^'5. — in Birch's " Lives" - - - la. foL — in the title page to his " Brief Defcription of the 1 World," 1635, \2mo. J — .... .... ^to, — with a view of Lambeth ... A^to. Andrews, Bp. of Chichefter, 1605 ; Ely, 1609J Winchefter, 1618. Ob. 1626, at. 71. — oval, in Sparrow's " Rationale," \2mo. ■ — prefixed to his " Prcces Private," 1675, izmo. — .-.----- 4/5. — lookincr to the left. Rare ... /^to. — prefixed to his " Expofition of the Ten Com- 1 mandments,"_/b/. - - - - - / — ........ ^0, Brownrig, Bp. of Exeter, 1641. Ob. 1659, £et. 67. — prefixed to his " Life," 1660, Sw. . . . — prefixed to his " Sermons," \G6\,foI. Carleton, Bp. of LandafF, 1618; Chichefter, 1619. Ob. 1628, cct. 69. — prefixed to his " Thankful Remembrance ofl God's Mercy," 1627, 4/0. Co/ied • -J Engravfr or Piintfeller. A. Hcrtocks, R. Vaughan. F. Bartolozzl. M.v.Gucht. J. Houbraken, W. Marfhall. S. Pafs, 1616. Id. W. Hollar, 1643. D. Loggan. (S. Pafs), 1618. (Id.) J. Payne, 1632. R. Vaughan. (Falthorne.) Id. F. H(ulfius.) Period IV. Clifs IV. Walter John Patrick. Francis Jofeph ( 82 ) John Arthur "William Ptinter or Uefigiicr. Engraver or I rrintfcller. Tobias Clrlf, Bp. of Rochefter, 162S; Bach, 16-9; Winchefter, 1632. Ob, 1647. _ fol. Davenant, Bp. of Salilbury, 1621. Ob. 1641. — oval, in the " Non-conformifls' Memorial" - FoREE?, Bp. of Aberdeen. Ob. 1635, xx. 71. — prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon," 4/0. Godwin, Bp. of LandafF, 1601 ; Hereford, 161 7. Ob. 1633. — a:t. 51,1613 ...--- fol.\ Hall, Bp. of Exeter, 1627; Norwich, 1641.I Ob. 1656, ast. 82. I — ------- l2>no. j — prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon,'* - Svo. j — prefixed to his " Cafes of Confcicncc," llmo. — prefixed to his " Sermons," fo/. Copied in ] 1 2mo. - - - " " " J I — prefixed to his " Works," fit. - This print was reduced and bound up with his «' Shaking of the Olive Tree," 166 , 4/a. — In " Boiflard" 4/0. HowsoN, Bp. of Oxford, 1619 ; Durham, 1628. Ob. 1631, iet. 75. — ... - - yf good head, fi!. Lake, Bp. of Bath, 16 1 6. Ob. 1626. at. 59. — prefixed to his "Sermons," 1641,4^0. — prefixed to his "Works," \b2i^,fil. - - - L.-iUD, Bp. of St. David's, 1621 ; Bath, 1626; London, 162S; Abp. Canterbury, 1633. Ob. 1645, St. 71. — oval -.-.-.-. — prefixed to his " Life," by Prynne, 1644 4/0. A.v.Dyck. — a fm. oval ------- — Copied, la.fil. v. Dyck, — tied by a cord i2mo. — fmall, reeling, prefixed to Fuller's " Argument 1 againftthe Ecclefiaftical Commiflioners," 1641 J ...--.- fm. 4/0, — ....... 4/0. tiuz. V, Dyck. — in the fet of Loyalifls - - - - - I Id. — in the Houghton Coll. . - - tnez. Id. - — with a view, &c. of his execution - - fil. There is a fatyrical, but very fcarce, print of him with Henry Burton, wh. lens. Matthew, Bp. of Durham, 1595 ; Abp. York, 1606. Ob. 1628, ffit. 82. — 4/0. ^ in " Boiffard" 4'o. i T. CeciU. DrotJliQUt. T. Trotter. R. G. G. Vertuc, 1742. T. Crofs. (Faitliorne) W.M(ar(hall) J. P(ayne.) Qucboroeii. P.D.Zetter. M. Dro{e{hout.) W. HoUar. Payne. J. Garret exc. Id. Hollar, 1640. Id. D. Loggan exc. W.M(arlhall.) Id. Pieters. Taylor e«c. Vertue. Watfon, 1779 R.E(Hlracke.) frr-ic^ IV. Clals IV. Thomas George Edward John John John James •George Francis John ( 83 ) Morton, Bp. of Chefler, 1616; Litchfield, 161S; Durham, 1632. Ob. 1659, at, 95. — prtCixed to liis " Life," by Barwick, 1660, 4/0. - — a wooden cut - ... - 4/5. MouNTAiGNE, Bp. of Lincoln, 1617 ; London, 1621 ; Durham, 1627; Abp. York, 1628. Ob. 1628, -£1. 60. — ...... Rare. ^to. Parry, Bp. of Killaloe, 1647. Ob. 1650. — prefixed to his " Antidote againft the PiofperityT of the Wicked, and Afflidtions of the J nil," J- 1660, 8vo, Rare .... .J Prideaux, Bp. of Worcefter, 1641. Ob. 1650, jet. 72. r— prefixed to his " Doflrine of Praying," 1655, 1 2 wo. — when Reftor of Exeter Coll. Oxon. - 4/0. Richardson, Bp. of Ardagh, — ast. 74, 1653, prefixed to his "Annotations,"! 1655, 4/5. Scarce - - - - -J Spotiswood, Bp. of St. Andrews, Ob. 1639, St. 74. — prefixed to his " Hiftoi-)- of Scotland," i6^(, foL Usher, Abp. of Armagh, 1624. Ob. 1656, jet. 76. — ........ ^0, — prefixed to his " Funeral Sertnon," fm. ^to. — prefixed to his " Anrnles," i6j^,fo/. — prefixed to his " Divinity," 1647, /»/. — ..--..-> ^0 — with a Welfli infcription, prefixed to his " De Romanse Eccltfia' 4/1?, — in Birch's " Lives." Copied in mc%. P .inter or Defigncr, ----- ^/y. cription, prefixed to his " DeT la' Symbolo Apofi:olico," 1647, > I2HJ0. J Webbe, Bp. of Limerick, 1634. Ob. 1641. — ------- 12mo, — prefixed to his " Praftife of Qu^ietnefs," 1705, Svo. White, Bp. of CarUfle, 1626 ; Norwich, 1628 ; Ely, 1631. Ob. 1638. — prefixed to his " Reply to Firtier," 1624 4/0. ■ — -.-.-.-. ^0. Williams, Abp. of York, 1641 ; Ld. Keeper, 1621 ; reiigned, 1625 ; Ld. Chanc. 1641. Ob. 1650, 2t. 68. L 2 P. Lelv. Engraver or Priiitfcllcr. (Faithorne.) G. Y. J. Diokfon, Oxon. 1660. T. Ciof.. W. Hollar, (Faithorne.) (Id.) G. Glover. Landry, Par. W. Marfhall. Id. P. Stent exc. R. Vaughan. G. Yertue, 1738. (Crofs.) T. Slater. T. Cockfon. G. Mountaine. F. Delararfi; ( 84 ) Period IV, CUa IV. — in Birch's " Lives" — prefixed to his " Life," 1693, /&/. — two, in a cap, and in a hat, probably altered 4/c. — wli. len. an emblematical print. CLASS IV. Second Subdivision. INFERIOR CLERGY. William Alabaster, Prebendary of Sc, Paul's. Ob. 1640, set. 73. — set. 66 - - - - - Scarce, 4/0. Ames, D. D. Theol. Prof. Franek. Ob. 1633. — prefixed to his " Frefli Suit againft Ceremonies," ] 1633, 'f'"- J — four Latin verfes . - - Neat. 4/0. Arrowsmith, Jefuit. Ob. 1628. An edition of the " Narrative of his Life and Exe- cution," together with that of Richard Herft, was publiflicd, with the heads, in 1737. AuRELius, Minifter of the French Church, Lon- don; clar. 1632. — a;t. 43, 1618 - - , - Rare. 4/0. Baker, Relig. Benedidl. Ob. 1641. - ■ . . - - • I2OT0. — aet. 69, 1634, wh. len. - . - yjn. Svo. Bargrave, Dean of Canterbury, 1625. Ob. 1642, set. 56. William Edmund Abraham Auguftin Ifaac Ambrofe Thomas Cave Francis Nathaniel — a fmall oval Barlow, Relig. Benedift. Ob. 1641, £et. ^z. Beard, Purit. Minift. at Huntingdon, and Schoolmafter to Oliver Cromwell. — a fm. wli. len. with a rod, and a label from his mouth, infcribed, yts in pntfcnti; prefixed to his Latin Comedy of "Pcdantius," 1631, \2mo. Beck, Reftor of St. Helen's, Ipfwich. -^ the European, in the frontifpiece to his " Uni- verfal Cliarafter," it^J, fni. 8vo. Doubtful. Bell, Relig. Francifc. Ob. 1643, jet. 66- — in the " Certamen Seraphicum" ... BernarDjS. T. B. Reftor of Ramenham, 1629. — •--.-- Rare. %vo. Painter or Derij;uer. C. JanfTen. Fngraver or PriDifclkr. J. Houbrakeu. 11. White. J. Payne. W. Marn.aU. V(oerri) 163 r» V. Gucht^ (Vofterman.) Mai/hall. Fcriod IV. Clals IV. Richard Richard Robert Samuel Tliomas, al. John Bapt. Jeremiah I Henry Robert Adoniram John Thomas ( 85 ) Bernarp, Reflor of Batcomb, co. Somer- let. Ob. 1 64 1, at. 74. — prefixed to his " Thefaurus Biblicus," 4/0. Blacker BY, Nonconform, and School- maftcr at Afhen in I^ffex. Ob, 1648. — a fm. oval, in Clarke's " Lives" . . . Bolton, B. D. Minifter at Broughton, co. North- ampton. Ob. 16:1. ^'t. ''10. — prefixed to his " Four laft Things," 4/5. BoLTON. D. D. Minifter of St. Martin's, Lud- gate, reg Car. I Ob. 1654, jet. 48. — prefixed to his " Treatifes," 1657. Cupidcl. 4/0. BuLLAKER, Relig. Francifc. Ob. 1642. — in the " Certamen Seraphicum." BuRROUGHES, Preacher at Stepney and Crip- plegate. Ob. i'^46, set. 45. — ret. 45, oval, prefixed to his " Gofpel Worfiiip,"'} 1648, 4/c. ..... -J — prefixed to his " Saints Treafury," 1 656, s^o, — oval ..... . . ^0. — his hand on a fcuU, prefixed to his " Exceeding Sinfulnefs of Sin," 1654, 4/0. Burton, Cambr. and Reftor of St. Mat- thews, Friday ftreet. Ob. 1648. — prefixed to his " Life," \b^%,fol. Copied In Si's. — fm. oval, with an aecount of his iufferings - — ast. 63, 1640, oval. Burton, Ob. 1639, at. 63. — a fmall oval, in the title to his " Anatomy of 1 Melancholy," i628,/o/. . - - -J Byfield, Prefbyter. — with a windmill over his head, the devil blowing the fails ..... Jm. 4/0. I have been afTured that the print of John Good- win with the windmill is from the fame plate ; and that it is moll like him. Carter, Minifter of Bramford in Suffolk. Ob. 1634, £Et. 80. — in Clarke's " Lives of Puritan Divines" 4/0. — prefixed to his " Tomb-rtone," ib^T^fm. %-vo. Cawton, Minifter of St. Bartholomew's, London. Ob. 1659. — St. 54, prefixed to his " Life," 1662, Svc. Pjiiiteror Ucd-j.cr. Engraver or I'liiiif.lltr. W. Hollar. F.H.v.Hove. 1". Payne, 1632. W. Faithorne, r. Crofs. Id. li. Gay wood. G. Glover. HoUar. C.leBlon. ;. Dunftal, R. Vaughan. Period IV. Clals IV. William Thomas, al. Walter Rodolphus Tobias John Robert John John 1 John John Daniel John William C 86 ) Chillingwobth, Cliancellor of Salifbury, 1638. Ob. 1644. — with Shaftefbuiy, Locke, and Woolafton mez. CoLMAN, Relig Francifc. Ob. 1644. — in the " Certamen Seraphicum." Corbie, Jefuit, Ob. 1644. — a fm. oval, in " Certamen triplex," &c. Ciusp, D. D. Reftor of Brinkworth, WiltQiire, and Antinomian. Ob. 1643, set. 42. — xt. 40, prefixed to his " Sermons," 1646, l2mo. — set. 42, prefixed to the fame, 1689, i,lo. — plain oval frame .... - 4/0. Den ISDN, D. D. Vicar of St. Mary's, Reading. Ob. 1629, — .....-- 8i)o. It has been faid that this is a print of Martin Luther, altered. DiNGLEY, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1660, at. 40. — prefixed to his " Spiritual Guide," 1649, Sw. DoD, Prefbyter. Ob. 1645, a;t. 96. — oval ..----■ DoNNE, Dean of St. Paul's, 1621. 1631, ffit. 58. — in a winding flicet . - - . 81-0. Ob. 4/0. — prefixed to his " Letters," 1654, A'^- — set. 18, 1591, prefixed to his " Poems," 1635,1 \2mo. - - - - - -/ — set. 42, in the title to his " Sermons," 1640, /o/. DuRANT, Paflor at Canterbury, clar. 1660. — St. 30, 1 6 JO, " Moderata Durant *," prefixed to his " Comfort for dejefted Souls," 1651, 8w. EVERARD, D. D. — anonymous, fix Englifh vetfes, prefixed to his \ " Gofpel Treafury opened," 1659, %vo. -J F.HATLY, S. T. D. Cantab. Ob. 1645, a?r. 65. — set. 65, prefixed to his " Dipper Dipped," 4/9. Featlv, Chaplain to K. Charles I. — in the title to his " Fountain of Tears, &c." Amft. 1646, izmo. Fenner, B D. Reftor of Rochford. Ob. \(>\o. — - - - - - - - limv. — set. 40, 1 640, full face ... \2mo. — set, 45 (40) ..... %-vo. — prefixed to his " Sermons,"yo/. * So Granger. Dlvina Durant is on the print before me. Painter or -Dcfigncr. t'ngrjvtr or Priiitlcller. T. Crofs. A. S(oly.J Crofs. Crofs. M. Dro(eniout.) D. Loggan. P. Lombart. W.Marfhall. M. Merian,jun. Crofs. MarduJl, 1643:. W. Hollar. Id. Id. Id. I6j6. Pjuod IV. Clafs IV. Edward John W illiam Edmund John Henry Alexander George John Thomas Arthur Hezekiah Thomas ( 87 ) Finch, Vicar of Chrift Church, London. Ob. 1642. — a ftn. wh. len. cut in wood, following a coach full of women ; prefixed to the " Articles exhibited againll him," 164.1,4/0. Fisosr, Prefbyter. Ob. 1639. — xt. 31, prefixed to his " Sermons," 1657, /a/. GouGK, S. T. P. Minifter of St. Ann's, Black- Friars. Ob. 1653, jet. 79. — with eight Engl, vcrfes (afterwards altered to ten), prefixed to his " Commentary on the EpilUe to the Hebrews," 1655. Copied, ^to. — -------- 4/0. Gregory, A. B. of Trin. Coll. Oxon. — xt, 31, 1646, prefixed to his "Anatomy ofl Chriftian Melancholy," 1646, i2?«o. - -J Hales, Canon of Windfor, i6 39.0b. 16^6, a;t. 72. — prefixed to his " Remains," Svo. Heath, Rclig. Recoiled. Ob. 1643. — in the " Ccrtamen Seraphicum," /m. 1^0. Henderson, Deputy from the Scottifli Affem- bly. Ob. 1646, jet. 63. — -------- 4/ff. — .--.... i2mo. Herbert, Prebendary of Lincoln, 1626. Ob. 1635, jEt. 42. — prefixed to his "Works," 1709, 8i)o. — preiixcd to his " Poems," 16 , 12/110. Hewit, D. D. Ob. 1658. — fix Engl, verfes - . - . . fj^c. — four Lat. verfes, prefixed to his " Sermons," S-vo. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Svo. . . . — ..--.-- l2mo. HiLDER, of Sandwich in Kent, — set. 53, 165 I, prefixed to his " Conjugal Coun- 1 fcl to his Children," 1653, Svo. Rare - / HiLDERSHAM, Minifter at Afhby de la Zouch. Ob. 163 1. — prefixed to his " Sermons," foL - i^to. — /'". i^to. Holland, Minift. at Sutton Valence, Kent. — on a white ground, prefixed to his " Commentaries on the Revelations," i6jO, 4/0. Holland, Jef«.iit. Ob. 1642, iet. 42. — a fmall oval, io the " Cei,Uincu triplex." Painter %t Dellener. ngraver »t Prlnlfcller R. Vaughan. W. Faithorne. P. Stent exc. W. Marfhall. W. Hollar, 1641. J. Start. R. White. (Faithorne .') (Gaywood.) V. Gucht. Vaughan. (Payne.) Vaughan* Period IV. ClafslV. Chniroplicr Donald ? Robert Thomas Samuel Henry John Francis de William Herbert Hugh Philip ( 88 ) Love, Paftor of St. Ann's, Alderfgate. Ob. 1651, fft. S3- — preaching . . . . ^ la.frA. — ........ 4/0. — prefixed to his " Map of the little World," l2mo. — a fm. oval, in a fquare .... - — oval frame ..... izmo. — a fm. oval. LuPTON, D. D. — in the title to his " Hid. of Modern Proteftant Divines," 1637. Scarce a portrait. Maton, Enthufiaft. Ob. 1655. — prefixed to his " Fiftli Monarchy," 1655, %vo. Maurois, Minift. Ecclef. Gallo-Belg. Amft. Ob. 1646, ffit. 62. - /"'■{ MoORE. — a:t. 30, 1647, ornaments, prefixed to his "Yearn-I ings of Chrift's Bowels towards his languifhing > Friends," 1648,8110. ... -J Morse, Jelliir. Ob. 1645. — a fmall oval, in the " Certamen triplex," &c. MuRCOT, Prefbyter. Ob. 1654. — fEt. 30, prefixed to his " Life and Works," 1657, 4/0. Neat .... Neville, Capucin Convert to the Church of England. OuGHTREDE, Rcftor of Aldbury in Surrey, and Mathemat. Ob. lobo, £t. 86. — jet, 83, prefixed to his " Trigonometria," 1657, | lltno. Iji manner of the next - . -J — set. 73, prefixed to his " Clavis," 1646, 4/0. Palmer, B. D. Mailer of Queen's Coll. Camb. Ob. 1647, ^^- 47- — in Clarke's "Lives of Puritan Divines" 4/0. Peters, Prefbyter, convifted of Treafon, 1660. — in the pulpit, turning an hoiir-glafs, prefixed to his " Life," by Yonge, 1663, izmo. Satjrical. — with a windmill on his head. Id. - 8vo. — act. 61, 166c, prefixed to his " Laft Legacy to his Daughter," 1 67 1, iZmo. Tivo prints. — in the print with John Thuri.ow. — in the print of tile Regicides, PowEL, alias Morgan, Relig. Benedidt. Ob. 1646, £et. 52. Painttr or Designer. Engraver or Fiintrdlci. A. Conraduj. T. Crofs, 1 65 1. Id. 1652. (Id.) (Gay wood.) D. Boudring- heen. :} A. Matham, W. Marfiiall. (Faithorne.) W. Hollar, 1644. W. Faith ornci HoLar. feriod IV. CUfs IV. John Gilbert ' Samuel John John Alexander ( 89 ) Preston, D. D. Mailer of Eman. Coll. Camb. 1622. Ob, 1628. — prefixed to his " New Covenant," 4/0. — a fmall oval, in the title to his " Saints' Iniirmi- 1 ties," 1636, i2»io. - ... -J — - /w--^". PraMERosE, D. D. Canon of Windfor, 1628. Ob. 1642. — act. 52 - - - - - - Svo. PuRCHAS, B. D. Redlor of St. Martin's, Ludgate. Ob. 1628. — act. 48, 1625, in the frontifpiccc to his " Pil- giimes," in five vols. yb/. — ....... Svo. Rogers, Minifter of Dedham in Eflex. — a large beard ..... i2mo, Rogers, Minifter of Purleighin Eflex. — a fm. oval ....... — prefixed to his " Tabernacle of the Sun," 4/5. Ross, D. D. Chaplain to K. Charles I. Ob, 1654. — in the title to his " Continuation of Raleigh's Hiftory of the World," fol. - — set. 63, prefixed to his " View of all Religions," 1655, i2mo. ..... — wh. ien. prefixed to his " Mufes' Interpreter," Svo. Thomas Att- wood Thomas Obadiah Jofiah Richard } Rotherham. — St. 40, 1643 - . . . . Scott, S. T. B. et Geograph. Ob. 1626. 4/0, 4/0 — set. 45, 1624, prefixed to his " Vox Dei," 4/0. — in " Boiffard" ...... 4/5. Sedgwick, B. D. Prefbyter. Ob. 1657. — oval ........ Painter or Defigncr. Saville del. et fc. * Mr, Shute, Archdeacon of Colcliefter, 1642. Ob, 1643. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1649, /o/. Sibbes, D. D. Mafter of Catherine Hall, Camb. 1626. Ob. 1635, £Bt. 59. — set. 58, 1655 (1635), prefixed to his "Comment. 1 on St. Paul to the Corinthians," 1655 4J0, j — prefixed to his " Precious Promifes," 1638, iimo, — with verfes ...... 4*0. Granger fuppofed this to be prefixed to the " Relation of his Murder," 1628 ; M Kngraver or PriiUfcller. (Glover.) W. Marfhall. J.E.Lafne. R. Gavwood. W. HoUar, 1653. J. Goddard. P. Lombart, Mardiall. Mardiall. C. Pafs. fW. Richardfoi \ exc. 1792. Marfhall. (Gaywood.) Mardiall. J. Payne. but query. Perod IV. Cl-.f5 I V. Cuthbert Edward Sydrach William Peter Benjamin Richard John Jofeph Thomas Edward ( 9<^ ) SiDENHAM, Prefbyter. Ob. 1654, ast. 3i.| — pitfixcdto his " Hypocrifie Difcovercd," 1654, 1 I2nw, - - - - - - -J — ....... 1 2mo. Simpson, D. D. Reftor of Eallling In Kent, and Hiftor. Ob. i65i, at. 73. — a fm. oval, in the title to his " Chronicon Ca-1 tholicum," by Welfciing fol. id edit. - J — a:t. 73, prefixed to the fame, 1652, /o/. - 4/0. Simpson, Prefbyter. Ob. 1654. — prefixed to his " Difcourfes," t^to. Slater, D. D. Chaplain to Queen Ann of Den- mark. Ob. 1647. — with a large beard, prefixed to his " Verfion of the Pfalms," 1650, izmo. Smart, A. M. Prebendary of Durham, 1612 ; deprived, 1629. Ob. 1642, jet. 73. — St. 73 - - - - Scarce. iZmo. — -- 4/0. Spencer, Minifter of St. Thomas's, South- wark. — prefixed to his " Golden Mean," 1650, /o/. Stock, Reiftor of Allhallows, Bread-flreet. Ob. 1626. — prefixed to his " Commentary on Makchi," "1 1641, 4/0. J — prefixed to the firft edition of the fame, i6ij., fol. — in " Boiflard" - . - - fm. 4/0. — in Clarke's " Lives" ... fm. ^0. S Y M, Reclor of Lee, in EfTex. — set. 56, prefixed to his " Life's Prefervative 1 ag'ainft Self-killing," 1637,4/0. - - -J SymgiMds, Vice Provoft of Eton, 1641. — prefixed to his " Difcourfes," 1653, /»;. ^0. Taylor, S. T. D. Oxon. and Reftor of St. Mary, Akiermanbury. Ob. 1632, ffit. 56. — xt. 56 - - - - - - 4/0. — ------- la. 4/0. — .....,.- 4/0. — prefixed to his " Progrefs of the Saints," 163 1, I into. Terry, Chaplain to Sir ThcHnas Roe, and Rec- tor of Greenford, Middlefex. Ob. 1660, at. 69. — set. 64, prefixed to his " Voyage," 1655, 8w. Painttr or Defigner. Engraver or Pri-tleller 1 R. Gaywood, 1654. Wandelaer. W . Hollar. T. Crofs. T. Jenner exc. T. R(awlins.) W. MarfhalK P. Crofs. Lombart. Marlhall. PcrloJ IV. Chfs IV. Lanibroch Jean dc William ( 91 ) Psinler or Dcfigccr. Fnjraver or I'rintkllcr. Thomas, S. T. D. Dean of Chichefter ; Fell, of | I St. John's, Cambr. and Traveller, 1636. | i — Svo. D. Savil ;T. Crofs. Treslon, Confcflbr of* Queen Henrietta Maria. Ob. 1647, ^^- 52.. - M TvvissE, Prefbyter. Ob. 1641;, fet. 71. — oval, in the " Nonconfoimifts' Memorial" - M. Lafnc. T. TroUer. Gerard John Vossius, i. e. de Vos, Ethic. Prof. Leid. Preb Canterbury, 1629. Ob. 1649, set. 73. — fol. Sandrart — prefixed to Iiis " Epillola;," with Memoirs - Id. Luke Wadding, Relig. Francifc. Hib. Ob. 1657, JEt. 70. — Rare. fol. C. Maratti William Whateme, Vicar of Banbury. Ob. 1639. — xt. 56, prefixed to his " Prototypes," if>.\y,fo/. John, ahas 1 -^Voopcocke, Rclig. Francifc. Ob. 1646. Martin J ' & i- — ill the " Ctrtamen Seraphicura" - fm. ^to, Chriftopher Wrf.n, D. D. Dean of Windfor, 163^ Ob. 1658. — in Wren's " Patentaha," i-j^o, fuL . . . A. Blootcliiig. T. Matham. A. Rubeis, 1731. Peter Wright, Jefuit. Ob. 1631. CLASS V. LAWYERS. First Subdivision. -J U D G K S. Sir Robert Berkeley, Juft. of K. B. 1632; imprifoncd, 1640. Ob. I (136, jet. 72. — a fuiall oval -.-.... — - - . - - . . Svo, mex. Sir JuUus CAESAR, Mailer of the Rolls, 1614. Ob. 1639. — 4/0- Sir Edward Coke, Ld. Ch. Juft of C. P. 1606; Ch. Juft. of K. B. 1616. Ob. 1634, set. 86. G.v.Gucht. (C-.GaUe.) M 2 ■\V. Hollar. ICr. Poule. R. Elftracke. J. Cooner exc. V 92 ) Pciod IV. . I Clafs V. ' — a fmall oval - - - - - . - . — in Birch's " Lives of Illiift. Perfons,"//. — in Dugdale's " Origines Juridiciaks" fol. — - - . - -. - - - Jm.A^o. — prefixed to his " Inftitutes," foL — ...--. j'cl, and 4/0. — fix Lat. verfes - . - . Rare. Sir R.andolph Crew, Ch. Juft. of K. B. 1624. Ob. 1642. — in the " Origines Juridiciales" - . - . Sir George Croke, Juii. of C. P. 1623 ; K. B. 1628. Oh. 1 641. — prefixed to his " Reports," fol, — a fmall oval ---.... — prefixed to his " Reports," fol. ... Sir Alexander Gibson of Dury, Ld. of Seff. Scotland, 1641. — prefixed to his " Decifions," i6go,fol. Sir Robert Heath, Ch. Juft. of C. P. 1631; removed, 1635; Juft. of K. B. 1640; Ch. Juft. K. B. 1643. Ob. 1649. — in the " Origines Juridiciales" - . . . Sir Richard Hutton, Juft. of K. B. 1617. Ob. 1638, 2tV ''9. — a fmall oval ...... SirWiUiam Jones, Juft. of C. P. 1621 ; K. B. 1627. Ob. 1640, ast. 84. — prefixed to his •' Reports," fol. CLASS V. Secokd Subdivision. PRACTITIONERS. r Robert Aylett, Mafter in Chancery, and Poet. — Jet. 52, 1635, prefixed to his "Divine and Morall Speculations," in verfe, 1654, Sijo. Neat -J John Bradshaw, Serj. at Law, Ob. 1659. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," %vo. — partly fcraped ... Rare. la. ^to. Richard Brownlow, Prothonotary of the K. B. — xt. 86, prefixed to his " Brevia Judicialia," ~l fol. - . - - - . . -I — set. 86, fomewhat different, prefixed to his 1 "X)eehirations and Pleadings," 4/0. -J The age is apparently altered from 76. Thomas Fidel l, Jurifc. 1658. — act. 56, prefixed to his " Conyeyancing," 1654, 4/0. Painter or Dcllgner. Lngraver or Piinifeller. W. Hollar. J. Houbraken. D. Loggan. S. Pals. J. Payne. R. White. Hollar, 1664. R. Gaywood. Hollar. R. Vaughan. Paton R. White. Hollar, 1664, Hollar. W. Sherwin. T. Crofs. M.v.Gucht. Crofs. Id. Crofs. P;]io.l IV. Clafs V. ( 93 ) Sir William Nov, Attorney General, 1631. Ob. 1634, at. 57. — prefixed to liis " Complete I^avvyer," 1665, Svo, — in ClaieLulon's * Hillory," 2vo. . . . Henry Rolle, Jurifc. 1640. Ob. 1656. — prefixed to his " Abridgment," l66^, foL John Selden, Jurifc. et Antiq. Ob. 1654, ftt. 70. — prefixed to his " Nativity of Chrift," 1661, 2vo. — ..--... 4/0. mez. — prefixed to his " Works," by Wilkins, jjz6,foL — prefixed to his " Janus Anglornm," 1682, /»/. — prefixed to " Eutyehius,'' by Pococke, 1658, /o/. CLASS VI. M' I L I T A R Y. Sir William Balfour, Knt. Lieut, of the Tower, 1631. — in Ricraft's " Survey," 1649. — ...... Copied, ^to, Robert Blake, Admiral. Ob 1657, at. 59. — in Clarendon's " Hillory," 8iio. . . . Sir William Brereton, General for the Parliament, 1645. — a fmall head, in Ricraft's '• Survey," Sir William Brog, Col. of Scots Troops in Holland, 1635. — St. 37, 1600 — profile - - - - • - la. i^o. Sir John Burgh, Knt. flaia at the 1 fie of Rhee, 1627. — prefixed to his " Life," by Robert Markham, 1 ibi'A, 8t)o. Rare - - - - -J Oliver Cromw ell, General, and Proteftor of the Com- monwealth, 1649. Ob. 1658, at. 59. — ....... mez. ......... fol — at Sidney Coll. Cambridge ... ^a, — ..-...../,/. — at Ld. James Cavendifh's ... fol. mez. Lely — at Mr. Poiilet's .... 4/0. mez. Id. 1653 — ....... ^to. mez, R. Walker — in " Parallelum Olivae nee non Clivarii,''_/b/. 1 — id. on horfeback ..... Afo, — ftanding betwixt two columns, with a book in 1 his hand, treading on Faftion - JIj, j I Painter or Engraver or Dcfigner. Priiiifeller. (Faithoriie.) C. Janflen (V'ertue.) A Hertocks. J. Chantry. A. v.Dyck 1- Faber. vv . Faiiliorne r. Sturt. p. Lely G. Venue, 172;. R. White. M.v.Gucht. T. Prefton. F. Baltefys. C. Queboroen. T. Cecill, P. Aubrey. J. Becket. L. Boifievin. Bretherton. P. Dievet. Fabcr. Id. 1740. Id. W. Faithorne. Id. Id. Period IV. Clafs VI. John Sir Bevil Thomas { 94 ) Tlie face was nltered in an early ftage of tlic plate, io that of K. William, oval, with the heads of K. David, Solomon,' Alexander, and Csfav, at the corners of print - . - . f^'l- 4'*- %1'0. Piinter or Defi^ner. .omon,T of the [■ I 2 mo. J R. Walker Engraver or Prinffcllcr. on liorfeback - - - - - Altered from Chriftian IV. of Denmark, in Birch's " L.ives," profde ail etching . . . - - o:i horfeback . - - - - an etching . . - - - a page putting on his fadi A print of Charles I. by Lombart, was a to Cromwell. S. C AtO. Itered >/. 4/«. — fmall,iii Ricraft's " Survey," 1649 Jh. — on horfeback ----- — in Rapin's " Hiftory,"_/o/. •^ on horfeback ----- — on horfeback, an angel crowning him with laurel, Fame flying before him . . - — --. ^io. — infcribed O. C. fmall oval - - )wz. — O. C. P. R. at the corners . - - ^.. — " Proteftcur van Engeland," with ornaments Jh. — on horfeback, infcribed " My Lord Protedlem." — " My Lord Protefteur" - - - - ^0. — with his page, arms at top - - la. ^tc. ■•— motto, " Sat doftus verf.ue dolos," with the heads of Charles I. and Royalifts - . - 4/5. — 8i»o. ooper Cooper (Walker) Walker Id. P. Lely — di(rolv!;:g the long parliament, with fcveral other"! po. rails ------ J Sec Alg. Earl of Northumberland. Per. V. cl. 2. Desborougii, General for the Parliament. — on horfeback -_...- ^to. — from a medal, by A. Simon, 1657 - - - Granville, Knt. Col. Royal Army. Ob. 1643. — xt. 39, 1640, prefixed to the " Oxf. Verfcs" 4/0. — in the ftt of Loyalifts — in Clarendon's " Hillory," Si'o. - - . Harrison, General for the Parliament. Ob. 1660. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," ^vo. — a fm. oval, in the print of the RiiGiciDKS. CL 10, Cooper, 1 65 3' M. K. (W.Faithornc.) R. Gay wood. R. Godfrey. J. Hartgers exc. R.v.Hocye exc. J. Houbraken. T. Jenner. E. Kyfell. Lamborn. P. Lombart. Maflbn. P. Pelham, 1723 B. Picart, 1724. R. Purcelle. S. Savry'. W. Sherwin. P. Stent exc. Tielmans exc, G. Vertue. Viffcher. C. V. W. B. C. Waumans. T. Worlidge. J. Hall, 1789. Stent exc. J. Thane exc. (Faithorne.) Vertue. ■(Id.) M.v.Gucht. Period IV. Clafs VI. John Sir John Henry David Sir George Sir Charles Sir Thomas Edward Sir John The Sir WilHana Sir John John Edward ( 95 ) Hewson, Col. for die Parliament. — ill Chucudon's " Hiftory," Sva, . . . HoTHAM, Bart. 1621, Governor of Hull. Ob. 1645. — on liorftback ..... 4/5. Ireton, General for the Parliament. Ob. 1651. — in Clarendon's •' Hiftory," 8vo. - . - — in Birch's " Lives" ... la.fol. — wh. ten. in boots, &c. .... 4/0. — on horftback ..... i^o. Lesley, Scott. General, 1645. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," 8119. - . . Lisle, Capt. Royal Army. Ob. 1648. — in the let of Loyaliils . . . . , — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Sfo. . . . — prefixed to the " Loyal Sacrifice." Lucas, Colonel. Ob. 1648. — in the fet of Loyalifts . - . . . — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Sdo. . . . — prefixed to the " Loyal Sacrifice." Morgan, Bart. 1661. Phoenix Brit. p. 532. Ma ssEY, General for the Parliament. Ob. 1649. — wh. len. prefixed to the " Military Government 1 of Gloucefter," 1645, li/Bo. . - 4^0. J — in Ricraft's and Leicefter's " Surveys." Meldrum, General for the Parliament. Ob. 1645. — final], in Ricraft's " Survey." Parliament-Generals. — eight equeftrian portraits, with the lift of theirl viftories, 1645 - - - - la.foK\ Parsons, 1644. — ...... ]a. 4/0. mc%. Clarendon, Ware's " Ireland," ii. 33y, Painter or Dcti'mcr. Engraver or Piiiilfe;ler. M.v.Gucbt. s. c ooper M.v.Gnclit. J. Ho'ibralccn. Walton. M.v.Gucht. Vertuc. (Id.) W Dobfon Id. Venue. (Id.) lE.B.Gulfton. W. Bril5e Pennington, Admiral. Ob. 1646. Penruddock, Colonel. Ob. 1655. — in the fet of Loyaliils — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," Siic. PoPHAM, Colonel. Ob. 1651. — in manner of a drawing Scarce, ^to. /^lo. P. Stent exc. Paul. C.v.Dalen. Vertue. (Id.) Period IV. Clals VI. S)^denham Sir James Philip ( 96 ) PoYNTz, General for rhe Parliament. — in armour, in Ricraft's " Survey." R AMES AY, Scott. General. — Kt. 47, 1636 /a. 4/0. Skippon, General for the Parliament, 1644. — fmall, in Ricraft's *' Survey." Doubtful. See Bariff, cl. 7. John Smith, Governor of Virginia, and Admiral. Ob. 1632. — in a map, in Smith's " Hift. of Virginia" WiLDMAN, Major for the Parliament. — infcribed " Nil Admirari" - - fni. i^o. CLASS VII. LIT E RARY PERSONS. Thomas John William John William Sir Richard Joannes William Allen, M. A. Mathemat. Ob. 1632. — at Trin. Coll. Oxon. ... 8vo, Anthony, M. D. 1623. Ob. 1655, set. 70. — 3St. 70, prefixed to liis " Lucas Redivivus, or, "1 the Gofpel Phyfician," i6j6, 4/0. - -J Austin of Lincoln's Inn. — a fmall oval, in the title to his " Hasc Homo,"'} l2mo, ... - - .J — id. in the title to his " Meditations," 1637, /o/. Babington. — set. 31, oval, in the title to his " Pyrotechnia, or, a Difcourfe of Artificial Fire -works," 1635, fol. ....... ■ Bagwell, Merchant*. — Jet. 66, 1659, fix Engl, verfes - - ^vo. Baker, Knt. Hiftor. Ob. 1645. — in the title to his " Chronicle," fol. Copied. Banfi Hunyades -j-. Ob. 1646, st. 70. — ------- 1 2nw. — ........ 4/0. Bariff, or Bariffe. Oh. 1643, set. 42. — Kt. 35, prefixed to " MilitaryDifcipline," 1643, 4/c. y Pairiter or Defigncr. (ad vivum) Gowy S. Pais. W. HoUar. 1653. Engraver or Printfeller. S. Furck. J- Bretherton. T. Crofs. G. Glover. Id. J. Droefliout. (Faithome.) W.MarfhaU. Hollar, 1644 Marlhall. Glover. * He was a prifoncr for debt in 1637, alfo author of a poem upon his fufFerings in I Profefi'cd cliemillry near Aldgate, and went by the name of Hans Honger. 1644. Period IV. cijfsvn. Robert John John Chriftopher John Francis Walter Henry Richard Edward Thomas John William William Thomas ( 97 ) — xt. 42, prefixed to t!ie fame, m/uf, - 4/0. — in armour, fafli, &c. ... Jiii. ^0. This wcis afterwards infcribed Philip Skippon. Baron, Poet. — 3st. 19, prefixed to his " Poems," 1647, ^vo. Bastwick,M. D. Ob. 1654. — wh. len. in complete armour, prefixed to the"! " Utter routing the whole Army of Indepen- > dents and Scftaries," 4^0. - - -J — a fmall oval, with an account of his fufferings — wh. len. ...... ^0. — in Clarendon's " Hiflory," S-uo. — aet. 47, 1640, a fmall oval, prefixed to the " New Difcovery of the Prelate's Tyranny," 1641. Bate, — prefixed to his " Myllcrics of Nature," 1635, 4/0. Bennet, M. D. Ob. 1655. — ....... ^vo, BioNDi, Hiftor. Ital. Ob. 1644. — in the " Glorie di gli Incogniti de Venetia," 1647. ■Blith, — a fmall figure, prefixed to his " Hulbandry," Painler or Dcfigner. Engraver or Prinlfcller. Blackwood, Med. Prof. Parif. Ob. 1634. 8^10. Brome, Poet, 1635. — prefixed to his " Plays," 1 654, Sno. Brown, — fitting, two children by him ; prefixed to a book 1 of Poetry dedicated to Sir James Cambell - J Brugis, Medic. — oval, the frontifpiece to his " Vade Mecum, or, 7 Surgeon's Companion," 1657, 12 wo. - -J BuLWER, cogn. Chirofophus, M. D. — prefixed to his " Anthropo-Metamorphofis, or, "[ the Artificial Changeling," 1653, 4/0. - ./ — in the title to the I ft edit, of the fame, 1650, limo. Burton de Falde, Antiquar. Ob. 1645, £et. 70. — 3Et. 47, 1622, {irefixed to his " Leicefterfliire,"/c/. Burton, L. L. B. Antiquar. Ob. 1657. — prefixed to his " Commentary on Antoninus's l Itinerary," l6^%,fol. - - - -J Bushel, — a wooden cut, prefixed to " Youth's Errors," -1628, izmo. N iW.Marniall. jT. Crofe. W. Hollar. G. Giffard. P. Lombart. C. Mellan. Crofs. Marfliall. Crofs. W. Failhorne. F. Delaram. HoUar. Permd IV. CblsVlI. William William George Edward John John Abdiah Sir William Hugh Helklah Thomas Nicholas ( 98 ) Cartwright, a. M. Poet. Ob. 1643, at. 33. — fitting, prefixed to his " Plays, Sec." 16^ r, Svo. Chamberlaine, M. D. et Poeta. — prefixed to his " Pharonnida," a Poem, 1659, 8w. Chapman, Poet. Ob. 1634, st. 77. — a»t. 57, 1616, a large liead, as if in the clouds ; 1 prefixed to his " Iliad," fo/. - - J — fm^ll, with clouds, in the title page to his " Bat-] tie of the Frogs and Mice," fol. - -^ Chisenhale of Chifenhale. — kneeling, prefixed to his " Catholic Hilloi7," 1653, Bfo. Scarce a portrait. Clave L, reclaimed Criminal, 1634. — St. 25, prefixed to his " Recantation of an 111-1 fpent Life, &c." 1628, 4?*. Rare - -J Cleaveland, Poet. Ob. 1658. — xt. 32, a medallion ------ — in a band, prefixed to his " Works," 1653, izmo. — a bull, prefixed to his " Poems," 1659, l2mo, C0LE,M. D. — in the frontifpiece to the " Tranflation of Rive- 1 rius's Works," fo/. - - - - J Author of the " Expert Phyfician," 1657, limo, Cornwallis. — writing, together with another doubtful figure, "J which has been fuppofed to reprefent Sir I Charles, his father; prefixed to " Eflays," [ by the former, 1632, 1 2mo. - - -J Crompton, Poet. — ast. 18 - - - - litno. — prefixed to his " Pierides," \(ycfi,fm. %vo. Crooke, M. D. — a fmall wh. len. figure in the title page to hisT book of " Anatomy," 2d edit. 1631 - -J Crymes, alias Graham, of Peckham, Poet. — fet. 14 llmo. Painter or Defiencr. CuLPEPER, Medic. Aftrolog. Ob. 1654. 81 William — prefixed to his " Englifh Pliyfician," i()^z,fol. — in a cap and doublet . . - . i2mo. — in his liair . - - . . 1 2mo. — with foliage, prefixed to his " School of Phyfic," Davison, Scot, et Reg. Polon. M. D. 1641. — xt. 69 - - - - - - Sw. Fuller Engraver er Printfcller. P. Lombart. A. Hertocks. (W.Hole.) W. Pafs. D. Scultz. R. Meighan exc. 1628. J. Bafire, 177 . ! T. Crofs. T. CeciTl. Hertocks, M. Droediout, Crofs, Crofj. Id. Lombart, Period IV. Clafs VII, ( 99 ) William mac Dowel l, Jur. Prof. Groning. Ob. 1633, ajt. 63. — xt. 57, 1647, four Latin lines. — in " Freherus," p. 1131. Michael Drayton, Poet. 05.1631,021.68. — St. 50, 1613, prefixed to his "Works," 1619,") >•>/•. -. - J — a buft, In the title to liis " Poems," 1647, izmo. William William Richard Richard Robert Francis John John William Drummond, Hiftor. Scodc. Ob. 1649. — ------- mez, — prefixed to his " Hiftory of Seotland," l6j5, 4/0. — prefixed to his " Poems," 1656, 8vo, Eldred, — set. 83, a wooden cut, with four EngliHi verfes, prefixed to a Treatife on " Gunnery," 16 6, 4/0. Elton, — aet. 39, 1649, prefixed to his " Art Military,^' foL EvERARD, Medic. — fmoking a pipe, prefixed to his " Panacea, or Ver- tues of Tobacco," 1659, 8vo *. FiTZSiMiTH, Philomath. — prefixed to an almanack for 1654 - i2mo. Placed here upon the authority of the late Dr. Lort. Fludd or Flood, M. D. Ob. 1637. — in " BoiiTard" .... fm. ^lo. — prefixed to his " Philofophia Sacra," Frankf. 1 i6z6, fol. - . - - - - -J — like the firil ..... y;„. ^0. Goldsmith of Gray's Inn. Ob. 1655. — a fmall oval. Greaves, Aftron. Prof. Oxon. 1650. Ob. 1652, jet. 50. — a fmall oval, prefixed to his " Pyramidographia," 1 1646 ; Hall, Poet. Ob. 1656, at. 29. — ret. 19, in an oval of bays, prefixed to his " Hora: \ Vacivx," 1646, izmo. - - - -J Harvey, M. D. Ob. 1657, ^^' ^°' — a buft ...... tnez. — id. 8i'o. — at the Coll. of Phyficians - - /a. 4/0. Painttr er Defigncr. C. Janffcn Janffen ■tngraycr oi" IVinifeller. W. Hole. W. Mar.Hiall. J. Finlayfon. Gaywood, 165^ Id. J. Droefiiout, JoUain exc. (M. Merian.) VifTcher. T. Crofs. E. M. Marfliall. m' Ardell. W. F(aithorne.) J. HaU. * This print, by fome, is fuppofcd to have been done for the portrait of Giles Everard, who praclifed phyfic at Antwerp about 1583 ; but the drefs and llyle in general do not favour fuch a conjedture. N 2 Period IV. Clafs VII. Francis Richard Sir John ( 100 ) Robert William John William Philemon Gilbert Thomas Benjamin Arthur The mas — fitting !n an elbow chair — in Birch's « Lives" Rare. fol. la.fol. Hawkins, Ob. 1628. — ast. 10, prefixed to his "Youth's Behavior," "I \2mo. Rare - - - - -J Haydocke, M. D. * — prefixed to his tranflation of Lomatius's " Arte of Painting," i^gS, fol. Scarce. PIayward, Knt. L. L. D. Hiftor. Ob. 1627. — in the title page to his " Sandluarie of a troubled 1 Soul," 1632, i2mo. - - - - -J — id. 1618 — id. 1625 ...... — prefixed to his " Life of Edw. VI." - 12 wo. Herrick, Poet. — a buft, prefixed to his " Hefperides," 1648, 8i'0. Hicks, Ob. 1660, jet. 40. — St. 38, 1658, fix verfes, prefixed to his " Ex-] pofition of the Revelations," 1658,^0/. -_f HODDESDON, Poet. — act. iS, prefixed to his " Slon and Parnafliis, or, 1 Epigrams on the Teftament," 1650, S-vo. -J HODSON, — an anonymous head, prefixed to his " Traftate 1 on the Apoftles' Creed," 1636, i2mo. - -J Holland, M. D. Ob. 1636, «t. 85. — OEt. 80, 1632, in the frontifpiece to his Tranf- 1 lation of Xenophon's " Cyropasdia," /o/. J Jack, M. D. Scotic. et Philof. Prof. Leid. 1611. Ob. 1628. — in the " Athena: Batavae," ^o. James, Navigat. — ast. 40, 1632, oval, in a map. JoNSON, Poet. Ob. 1638, jet. 63. — prefixed to his "Works," 1692, /&/. — in the Pub. Library at Oxford - - mez. — a fm. buft, in the title to his " Poems," 1640, 1 2mo. — prefixed to his "Works," fm. fol. — in the fet of " Poets" - - - la.fol. — in the print with Shakspeare, &c. Painter or I Engraver or Deligner. Prinlfcller. W. HoUar. Bemmel J. Houbrakcn. Ij. P(ayne.) ad vivum T. Cecil!. W. Hok. Payne. W. Pafs. W. MarfhaU. D. Loggan. T. (Cfofs.) (MarfiiaU.) Marfliall. G. W. Elder. J. Faber. W. M(arfhall.) R. Vaughan. Honthorft .G. Vertue. Johnston, M. D. et Poeta Scotic. — in the title to his " Paraphr. on the Pfalms" - G. Jamefone — prcfi.xed to his "Pfalms," 1741 - - 4/0. — id. - - - - - - - ^0. * Li KiDERMiNSTER of Langlcy. — ...... Scarce, ^to. ■ing in the reign of Charles L See Wood's Oxon. He engraved the R. Cooper. V. Gucht. Vertue, 1741. Cecil!, 1638. prints for his book. Peiiod IV. CljlVVlI. Richard /» '- '- jrxiCActllUCl Sampfon Sir David Sir Matdiew Robert Richard Thomas Gervafe Henry Philip Martin Sir Tobias Robert Thomas Sir Theodore ' Turquetus de ( loi ) KiLBL'RNE, Antiquar. — set. j2, 1 657, prefixed to his " Survey of Kent," 7 1659,4/*. j Leighton, M. D. — a fmall oval, witli an account of his fufFerings 1 for writing his " Sion's Pica" - - -J Lennard, Ob. 1630. — prefixed to his tranflation of " Charron" 4/0. LiNDESAY of the Mount, Lyon K. of Arms. — in the title to his " Poems," 1634, cut in wood. Lister, M. D. 1646. Ob. 1657, ^^- 9^- — ....... Scarce. f Job" ... - . . .] Markham, Ob. 1636. — in the title to his " Perfeft Horfeman," %vo, Massingberd. — prefixed to his "Council to his Children," 1656, fol. Scarce ..... Massinger, Poet. Ob. 1640, ^t. 55. — prefixed to his " Plays," 1650, %-vo. Copied Master, Philomath. Cantuar. — set. 53 ...... iimo, Matthew, Jefuit. Ob. 1655. — prefixed to his " Letters," 1660, \zmo. — in the print with Petitot, in Walpole's Painters. May, — act. 71, prefixed to his " Accomplifhed Cook," 1 1660, 8i>o. . „ . . . J May, Poet. Ob. 1650, st. 55. — xt. 55, prefixed to his " Breviarie of the Hift. of the Parhament," iinio. Neat. Mayerne, M. D. Reg. Ob. 16^5, set. 82. — jet. 82 - - - - - - fjvo. ■] Painter or Ucfigncr. Engraver or Printfeller. T. Crofs. W.HoUar. R. V(aughan,) J. Thane e.xc. P.v.Son^er. (Falthorne.) ' F. Lovelace Hollar, 1660. Crofs. Crofs. Gaywood, 1660 J. Gammon. (Gaywood.) \Y. Elder. ( loa ) Pf liod IV. Clafs VII. Thomas Humphrey- Nicholas . Nathaniel David John Thomas Francis Thomas Richard Alexander Nathaniel Jofiah } — »t. 82, prefixed to his " Works," /<-/. iVllDDLETON, Pc"!:.- — crowned with laurel, before his " Plays," Svo. Mill, Poet, — prefixed to his " Night Search," 1640, Svo. Morton, Empiric. — an urinal by him ..-.-- MuRFORD, Poet. — prefixed to his " Poetical Mufing," 1650, Bvo. The name of Forbes occurs in a latter imprefiion of the print, in the place of Murford. Nye, Mathemat. — jet. 20, oval, prefixed to his " Art of Gunner)-," "1 Svo. J Papillon, — xt. 65, In the title page to his " Art of Forti- 1 fication," 1645,4^0. - - - - -J Parkinson, Pharmac. et Botan. — a fmall oval, in the title to his " Theatrum Bo- "I tanicum," ib.\o, fol. / — jet. 62, 1629, a wooden cut, prefixed to his " ParadifusTerreftns,"/o/. Pecke, Poet. — prefixed to his " Parnaffi Puerperiuni," 1659, ^vo. QjJARLEs, Poet. Ob. 1644, ffit. 52. — ...---. 8^'(7. — prefixed to his " Paraphrafe on Ecclefiaftes," 1 fm. 8i'5. - - - - - J — oval, prefixed to his " Boanerges," id. — prefixed to his "Enchiridion," izmo. — prefixed to the fame, 1652, izmo, Randolph, Poet, Ob. 1634, st. 29. — a bull, in the title to his " Poems," 1640, i2mo. Rawly Ns, — prefixed to his " Praclical Arithmetick," 1657, S-Jx?. Reade, M. D. Scotic. . — a fmaU oval, in the title page to his " Secrets \ of Art and Nature," 1660, /o/. - - -J Richards, Poet. — prefixed to his Tragedy of " Meflallna," 1640 RicRAFT, Mercat. Lond. 1646. — prefixed to his " Oriental Charafters," "> and " Survey of England's Champions," 1647. > Scarce, ------ -J Painter or Defigncr. Engraver »r Printftller. P.P.Rubens ij. Simon. Rogerfon T. Crofs. W. Hollar, 1644. Crofs, (Marfhall.) (C. Switzcr.) Crofs. W.MCardiaU.) (Id.) (Id.) Marfhall. Gay wood, 1656, GaywooJ. T, R. W. Falthorne. Period IV. Clafs VII. Lewis Francis John Cliarlcs George Sir William George John John Sir Henry William Sir George Sir John John ( 103 ) Roberts, Mercat. Lond. nat. 1596*. — prefixed to his " Map of Commerce," 1638, /o/. Rous, Provoft of Eton Coll. 1643. Ob. 1659, ict. 80. — at. 77, prefixed to his " Works," 16^1, fol. Sadler, M. D. of Norwich. — fitting at a table, the frontifpiece to his " Sick 1 Woman's private Looking-Glafs," 1636, izmo. ] Saltonstall, — a;t. 29, prefixed to his " Art of Navigation," ^ 1642,4/0. Scarce - - . . -J Sandys, Poet. Ob. 1634. jet. 66. — in the Oxford Ahiiaiiack for i 746 - . - — in Nafli's " Worcefterfhire." S EG ar. Herald and Antiquary. Ob. 1633. Sharpe, M. D. Scotic. inMonfpel. Ob. 1638, St. 58. — ast. 57, prefixed to his " Inftitutiones Medicje," "1 Bon. 1638, 4^0. ? - - - '- -J Sparrow of the Inner Temple. — prefixed to his tranflation of Behmen's " Myfte-") rium Magnum," 1661, la. ^to. - - -J Speed, Hiftor. Ob. 1629, st. 76. — prefixed to his " Chronicle of England," i6i2,foL Spelman, Antiquar. Ob. i64i,£et.8o. — prefixed to his " GlofTarium Archaiologicum," 1 165 , fol. Copied by IVhite, before his " IVorks" J Stokes, — oval, prefixed to his "Art of Vaulting," 1641, izmo. Strode, — a fmall oval, in the title to his tranflation of Fon- feca's " Holy Love," 1652, 121110. Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or PrinU'cllcr. G. Glover, 1C37 W. Faithorne. J. Droefhout. W. MarfhaU. G. Vertuc. F. Dclaram. (ad vivum) G. Humble ■} Suckling, Poet. Ob. 1642. at. 28. — a baft — prefixed to his " Poems and Plays," 1 646, ^vo. — in the fet of " Poets" - - - la. fol. Taylor, Poet. Ob. 1654, at. 74. — oval, in the title page to his *^ Works," i6io, fol. — wh. leu. with his badge, infcribed I. R. as Water- man to James I. oarand an empty purfe ; prefixed to his " Memorial of all the Englifli Monarchs," 1622, Sto. A.v.Dyck J.B.Coriolanus. D. Loggan, 1659 Savery. Faithorne. Glover. Glover. (Crofs.) Marfliall. Vertue, 174 1. T. Cockfon. Father of Sir Gabriel and William Roberts, both merchants. Period IV. Clafs VII. John Richard John John Edward Tobias Sir Thomas Rare. 1 2mo. ( 104 ) Thompson, — Kt. 27 — oval ToMLiNsoN, Apothecar}'. — aet. 23, oval, in the title page to his tranflation 1 of RhonodsEus's "Pharmacy," 1657, yi)/. -J Tradescant, Botanift and Virtuofo. — prefixed to the " Mufeum Tradefc" 1656, l2mo. Tradescant, Son of the preceding. — in the " Mufeum Tradefcantium" TURGIS, — set. 19, 1638, fix Engl, verfes - Scarce. Zvo. Venner, M. D. Ob. 1660, a:t. 83 et. 85 I " Life" yainter or Deiigner. Gowy — St. 85 (83), prefixed to his " Treatife on Long \ Urojihart, Scots Knt. — wh. kn. in armour, prefixed to his " Treatife 1 ad vivum on Trigonometry," Scarce Geo. Rodolph Weckerlin, Germ. Poet, and Latin Secretary toK. Cha. I. Ob. 1653, xt. 6g. — Neat. 4/0. D. Mytens John Weever, Antiquar. Ob. 1632, £et. 56. — xt. s^, prefixed to his " Funeral Monuments," \ i6i I, fo/. Copied - ■ - - -J The firfl plate, after being cut and retouched, was infcribed William Foster. T(homas) W. is Weever or Whichcot, Poet & Militar — in an oval of laurel and palms, prefixed to " Plan- tagenet's Tragical Story, or, the Death of Edward IV." 1649, 8ijo. Sir Anthony Weldon, Hiftor. Ob. 1645. — in the " Antiquar. Repofit." Leonard Willan, Poet. — a bull, before his " Aflrca," a Paftoral, 1651 WiUiam Williams, alias Willisum, Aflrolog. xt. 32, oval, prefixed to liis " Occult Fhyfick," l6(JO, llmo. DiAiltfuL See Ravius in the Appendix. Thomas Willsford, Mathemat. — art. 46, prefixed to his " Hill, of Meteors," 1 1658, and Arithmetic, 8t;o. - -J John Woodall, Surgeon. — a fmall oval, in the title to his " Military and "1 Domellic Surgery," 1639,/*/. - - -J Engraver or Prinlfeller. W. Hollar, 1644, ,W. M(arniall.) T. Crofs. Hollar, HoUar. R. Vaughan. W. Faithorne. G. Glover, 1645. Faithorne. T. Cecil!. W.M(arfhall.) R. Godfrey. Crofs. Vaughan. Glover, ( I05 ) Poiiol IV. Cl,il, Vlll. Abraham WooFE, probably Wolfe, Englifli FaJlor in the Eaft Indies, 1653. — set. 60, a battle at the bottom - - izmo. Sir Henry Wotton, Provofi: of Eton College. Ob. 1639, a^t. 72. — preiixed to his " Life," by Wiiltoii, 1670, Svo. - — preiixed to his " Rehquia Wottoii." 1654, izmo. James YoRKE, Blackfmith and Herald of Lincoln. — in the title to his " Union of Honour," J 640,/*/. Anonymous Portrait. A Man in his own hair, the infcription, which was round the oval, erafed. a;t. 30, 1637, bonnd up with a book of poetry called « The Chafte and Loft Lovers," by Wil- I'lam Bofmiorth, Gent. 1653, %vo. CLASS viir. } ARTISTS, ACTORS, &c. Elias Edward Jacopo David Allen, Mathematical Inftrument Maker. Ob. 1653. ....... foh Alleyn, Acftor, and Founder of Dulwich Coll. Ob. 1626, St. 61. — oval, in the " Biographical Mag." . . - Backer, Painter. Ob. 1641, tet. 42. Dcder.cr. Engraver or I'rintrclltr. W. DoUe. P. Lombait. T. R. G. Glover. v.Borcht 1653 Beck, Painter. Ob. 1656, Et. 2S' 410. John van " Belcamp, Painter. Ob. 1653. — with Geldorp, in Walpole's " Painters" Michael le Blon, Engraver. Ob. 1656. Henry vander Borcht, Painter. Henry vander Borcht, jun. Painter. O 4/0. 4/c. J. Backer D. Beck A.v.Dyck W. Hollar, 1 6<56. J. Wooding. P. Bailleu. P. Clouet. Coget. A. Bannerraan. T. Matham. Hollar, 1648. Hollar, 164S. Period IV. ClafsVIII. John Francefco William ( io6 ) Browne, Mathemat. Inftrtiment Maker. , — wh. len. prefixed to his " Dcfcription and Ufe ^ of the Carpenter's Rule, by Giuitcr's Line," > 1656, i2mo. - - . - - -J Cleyn, Painter. Ob. cir. 165S. — in Walpole's " Painters" . . - - DoBsoN, Father of tlie Painter. — in the Houghton Colkft. ... mez. DoBsoN, Painter. Ob. 1647, jet. 37. — in Walpole's " Painters" .... 4/0. — an etching ..... Jm.fut. — ........ 4/0. — ------- mez. Abrah. vander Dort, Painter. — in Walpole's " Painters" Sir Anth. van Dvck, Painter. Ob. 1641. — in Walpole's " Painters" — in manner of a drawing 4/0. Pointer or Defigner. Lngraver or Printleller. W. Dobfon Dobfon Dobfon A.v.Dyck — a biift on a pedeftal — holding his cloak V. Dyck me%. P.P.Rubens aq.fort. — a buft — in the " Mufeum Florent." - fol. - \to. I V. Dyck - fol. - fol. - foh - i^to, - fol. — in Sandrart's " Acad. Pift." See Rubens, below. John Marc George Horatio Richard James V. Dyck Id. Id. Id. Evans, Aftrolog. 1632. — in the " Antiquar. Repofit." . - . . Garrard or Guerard, Painter. Ob. 1637, £t. 74. — -.--.-., 4/u, Garrard, 1627 Gel DORP, Painter. — in the print with Belcamp, above. Gentileschi, Painter. Ob. 1647, cEt. 84. — with Edward Mascal, in this clafs - fnl. V. Dyck G E T H I N G E , Writing-mafl cr, clar. 1645. — xt. 32, prefixed to his " Caligraphotechnia," 1G52 GOUTER, Mufic. — holding a double lute ... - yj,/. MeyfTens R. Gaywood. T. Chambars. V. Green. A Bannerman. W. Dobfon. P. Stent exc. G. White. Chambars. Bannerman. J.leBlon. Bolfwert. V. Bruggen, 16S2 W. Dickinfon. V. Dyck. Id. Gaywood. W. Hollar. Neefs. Pazzi. P. Pontius. W. VaiUant. L. Vofterman. T. Worlidge. R. Godfrey. Hollar, 1644. Chambars. Vofterman. J. Chantry. J. Livius. Period IV. ClalsVIII. ^Villiam John Thomas Henry Gerard George lnio;o Nicholas John John Edward Theophilus Peter Cornelius Jeremiah ( 107 ) Heytiier, Miific. i6z2. Ob. 1627. — a circle, in Hawkins's " Hiflory" - . . Hilton, Mufic. 1626. — in Hawkins's " Hiftory" . . . . HoBsoN, Carrier, of Cambridge. Ob. 1630, \st. 86. — holding a purfc ... Scarce, fo/. HoNDfuSj Engraver, 1639. — -- 4/0. HoNTHORST, Painter. Ob. 1660, ast. 68. Jamesone, Piftor Scotic. Ob. 1644. — with his wife- and child. Copied - - fol. Jones, Architedl. Ob. 1632. — 24/0. — in the Houghton Colleft. - . - mcz. — prefixed to his " Stonehcnge," i6^^, fol. — -....- Uouhljul. me%. — --.... Scarce, fol, — --....-- la. 4/0. Laniere, Mufic. et Piftor, Ob. 1646, let. 78. - >/• Livens, Latine Livius, Piftor. Ob. 1630, a-t. 24. — -■ fol- LowiN, Aftor, 1640. — in Malone's " Shakfpeare," 179T, S'Z's. Mascall, Painter, clar. 1650. — . " .' 4'"' — in the print with Gentileschi, above. Metcalf, Short-hand Writer. — prefixed to his " Radio Stenograph." limo. Oliver, Painter. Ob. 1660, iet. 60. — in Walpole's " Painters" .... — an etching . . . - . fm. fol. PoLENBURG, Painter. Ob. 1660, ret. 74. — in Walpole's " Painters" ... i^to. Rich, Short-hand Writer, — ast. 24, prefixed to his " Pen's Dexterity,"! 16551, i2'««. - - - - - - J — different \2mo. — prefixed to his Short-hand, bv Botley, 1674, Spc. O 2 Painter or Dcligner. Engraver or Priiilfcller. H. Hondius G. Ilonthorft V. Dyck G. Jamefone, 1623 V. Dvck Jd'. Id. J. Livius V. Dyck E. Mafcall J. CaldwaU. Caldwall, J. Payne. F. Bouttats. P. de Jode. P. Pontius. A. Pronepos, 1728. R. Gay wood. V. Green. W. Hollar, J. Spilfbury, Villamena. V. Voerft. L. Voflcrnian. Vofterman. T. Holloway, J. Gammon. P. Oliver iT. Chambars. C. Polenbing V. Dyck Chambars P. de Jode. T. Crofs. (Id.) Period IV. Clafs VIII. ( io8 ) Theodore Rogiers, Goldfmith. Sir Peter Paul Rubens, Painter. Ob. 1640, st. 6j. — In the " Acad, dts Sciences" Gerard Hubert le Palamedes Adrian Henry Henry Nicholas in a hat with van Dyck >/. mez. - fol. ■ fol. ■ fol. la. fol. in Sandiart's " Acad. Piclurse'' - 4/0. la. 4/0. — witli his Family . . . , — id. ...... — id. in the Houghton Coll. Seghers, Painter. Ob. 1651, ast. 62. Jh. mez. mez. mez. SoEUR, Statuary, clar. 1633. — in Walpole's " Painters" 4/'j. 4/9. »ICZ. fol. fol. fol. Staevaerts, Painter. Ob. 163S, xt. 31. Stalbent, Painter. Ob. 1660, xt. 80. Steenvvyck, Painter, 1637. Stone, Painter. Ob. 1653. — in Walpole's " Painters," 4/5. . - . . — holding a carved head ... mez. Stone, Father and Son, Statuaries. Obierunt 1 647 ; the former aged 6 1 . — together, in Walpole's " Painters" . . . ToRRENTius, Painter. Ob. 1640, set. 51. — set. 39, 1628 — in the print with Petitot, &c. John Robert van Lucas VosTERMAN, Engraver, nat. 1375 Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Printfcllcr. V. Dyck P. Clouet. V. Dyck Rubens Id. Id. Id. V. Dyck E. Boulonois. W. Dickinfon. R. Gayuood. W. Hollar. Panneels, 1630. P. Pontius. Id. 1630. Id. V. Dyck S. Saveiy exc. J. VitTcher. Waldreich. W. Woollett. T. Worlidge. Rubens Id. Jordains m' Ardel. Dickinfon. Watfon. G. Seghers Id. Pontius. L. Vofterman, f. V, Dyck A. Bannerman. P.v.Somer. V. Dyck Pontius. V. Dyck Pontius. V. Dyck Pontius. P. Leiy V. Dyck Bannerman. J.v.Somer. T. Chambars. Holflein. VoERST, Engraver. Ob. 1654, set. 56. — in Walpole's " Engravers," 4/0. Pine. fol. aq.forl, fol. V. Dyck Id. v. Dyck Chambars. V. Voerft. V. Dyck. Vofterman, j. Period IV. Clals IX. Robert Francis ( 109 ) Walker, Painter. Ob. 1658. W OUTERS, Painter. Ob. 1659, ffit. 45, — in Walpok's " Painters" CLASS IX. FEMALE SEX. Rare. ful. Painter or Ucfigncr. Enjraver or Primfeller. R. Walker F. Wouters Id. P. Lotnbart. A. Bannerman. P. de Jodc. First Subdivision. LADIES. Ann d'Acres, Countels of "I Arundel, Wife of Philip, Earl of A. — St. 69, 1627, a patch on licr temple ■ — profile . - - - - 4/0. I zmo. Alathea Talbot, 1 ^^ y ^ del, Wife of Thomas, Earl of A. Countefs of J , ,, ^ „ — prefixed to " Nature Unboweled,' 1655, Si'u. in the prints with her hufband, Clafs 2. foL Lady Aubigne *, . xvh. len. furrounded with eight ovals, viz. Sir Basil Brooke, Lord Strafford, Abp. Laud, Prince Rupert, Lord Digby, Earl of Montrose, Earl of Newcastle, Lord Jarmyn. Scarce. Lucy Harington, 1 ^^^-^^^^ ^(,^0. Ob. 162S Countefs or J rineMan- 1 Buckingham, 1622 jDuchelsotJ Catherine Man ners when Marchionefs, fix verfes — id. with a feather fan 4/0. llmo. Anna Sophia Her- ■) Caernarvon, 1628. bert, Count, ot J (Vofterman) (Hollar) V. Dyck (Hollar.) Id. (Gaywood.) Hollar, 1646. fill. V. Dyck Id. Id. S. Pafs. Fra. Delarani. Mag. Pafs. Hollar. P. Lombart Morin. * The lady who brought the arret from the King when at O.xford, relative to Waller's and Chaloner's Plot. See Ld. ClarLndon, and other writers upon the Rebellion. I'crioJ IV. CUfs IX. Lucy Perc)', Coimtefs of ( iro ) > Carlisle, 1622. Ob. 1660, \vh. len. - f'n. ■ fi- . foL with her daughter, a child Margaret RiilTel, "1 ^ . Counters of j Carlisle, 165c — with her dauj Barn- "1 ^ , ^r r ? CaSTLEHAVEN, 16^1. ntelsorj ' ^ * I d' ^'^ ^' [ DiGBY, Wife of Sir Kenelm D. Elizabeth Barn- ham, Cou fol Lady Mary Ruth-' ven, Wife of SirAnthonyvan Dyck, afterwards married to Sir Richard Pryse. - fol - fol. — anonymous — an etching Margaret Countefs of !> Essex, 1631. Ob. 1656. — with a black feather at her ear Queiy, if not Elizabeth Poulet ? Rare, fol. l2mo. Painter or Dcflgner. V. Dyck V. Dyck Id. V. Dyck V. Dyck V. Dyck Id. V. Dyck Id. Id. Frances Bridges, Countefs of Frances Manners, Countefs of Leticia Morifon, 1 Vifcountefs j Margaret Smith, "1 Lady j Exeter, 1620 ; Dau. of Wm. Ld. Chandos; I. Relidl of Sir Tho. Smith; 2. RelicT; of Tho. Cecil, ift Earl of E. Ob. 1640. — Moflfne. fol, Exeter, 1624; Wife of William, 4th Earl. Ob. 1660. — ..... Scarce, mez. Falkland, 1640. Ob. 1646, at. 36. — prefixed to her " Life," by Duncomb, i64R,"l l2n/o. - - - - . . -J Herbert, Wife of Sir Edward H. — ... Moflfne and rare, fol. — when wife of Sir Thomas Carye, wh. len. Jli. V. Dyck. P. Lcly V. Dyck Id. J 636 Engraver or I'lintfcllcr. P. Bailllu. R. Gaywood. P.v.Gunft. P. Lombart. Lombart. P. Lombart. W. Hollar, 1646. F. Bartolozzi. S. Bolfwert. W.Faithorneexc. L. Ferdinand. Meyflens. Hollar. Faithorne. R. Tompfon. W. Marfliall. Faithorne. V. Gunft. PsiioJ IV. Clafs IX. ( 111 ) I'ainter or Defigncr. Engraver or I'riiitfcller. FrancesDevereux, "l Countefs, 1620; > Hertford, 1640. Marchionels of J — . . - . Very fcarce, J[ta, Elizabeth Stanley, 1 ri /^ /-m ^ r- re -^ f- Huntingdon, 1604. Ob. 16^^. Countefs of J ' -r j.> — two angels holding a coron^ - - 4/0. — prefixed to her " Funeral Sermon," by J. F. Elizabeth Talbot, "1 Kent, Dau. of Gilb. E. of Shrcwlbury, Wife Countefs of J of Henry Earl of K. Ob. 1651, a-t. 70. — a fniall oval, prefixed to her " Receipts," 1653. Mary Alfton, Lady Langham, 1656. Ob. 1660. — prefixed to her " Finicral Sermon," hy E. 1 Reynolds, la. ^/o. Ran. - - - J Sufanna Temple, "1 y t-i 1 re- ai ^ r 1 f Lister, Daughter of Sir Alex. T. — wlien Lady Thornhurft . . , JqI, Ann Villiers, "1 ,;, . , ^, f r > Morton, 1646. Countels or J ^ — fol — ------ 8"yo. Frances Howard, "| ■„ r r\\ c^ r\ \ ^c ( > Richmond, 1020. Ob. 1639. ....... ^j>5. — prefixed to Smith's " Hiih of Virginia," 1624 — imder a canopy. Neat . - . . — in coronation robes ... „,cz, Shirley, Wife of Sir Robert S. 1612 — 30. — a chaplet of rofes on her head. Scarce fol, Frances Howard, 1 Somerset, 1614; Da. of Tho. H. E. of F. Delaram. W. Marfiiall. J. Payne. W. Faithornc. JanlTen, 1626 R. White V. Dyck P. Lombait. 'G. Vertue. F. Delaram, 16^3 W.Pafs, 1623. Id. 1625. R. Robinfon. Terefia,-Lady Countefs of Rachael Countefs of Suffolk, divorced from Rob. E. of Eliex. --.-.,... ^to, — in a hat and feather ... >^to, — in the print with her hufband, Clafs 2. T South amptoxV, 1624, relift of Baron Maf- J fieu de Ruvigny ; clar. 1636. V. Dyck J. Bafire. W. Hollar. S. PaCfs.) — wh. le f}. mc%. I V. Dyck Elizabeth Leigh, T Southampton, 1640; Wife of Henry Earl Countefs of J of S. — wh. Icn, ..... xiic%. Catherine Knevet, \ c. ^^r-r r ^\ n. r> 1 r c C 1 r f f I S"f i^°Li'^5 Wife of Thomas, lu Earl of S. — wh. len. i;i " Pennant 4/0. V. Dyck m' ArdcU, 1758. R. Tompfon. J. Caldwall. Pevioa IV. Chfs IX. Dorothy Countefs of Eleanor, Lad}' } ( 112 ) Sui FOLK, — with a white feather at her car Tf.mple, Wife of Sir Peter T. — preiixed to " Man's Maftcrpicce," 165S, izmo. CLASS IX. Second Subdivisiox. GENTLEWOMEN. Elizabeth Cromwell, Daughter of Sir Richard Stuart, and Mother of Oliver C. — in Noble's " Memoirs of the Cromwells,"! 78 , Svo. Gentileschi, Piclrix ; Daughter of Horatio. — ........ Sko. GiLLY. Ob. 1659, aet. cir. 48. — prefixed to her " Receipts,'' 1 66 2, Svo. The name of Hannah Wooley appears upon the latter imprefiions ; the former is veiy fcarce Goodwin, Wife of Arthur G. and Daughter of Lord Wen man. — in the Houghton Colleft. - - mez, Griffith, — with a watch, in Auftin's " Hxc Homo," l2mo. Habington, Wife of Thomas H. and Sifter of Lord Monteagle. — ha. len. in Nafh's " Worcefterfliire." KiLLEGREWj — ha. len. -..--.-- KiRKE, Bed-chamber Woman to the Queen. — ....--. fncz. . - - foL - ' - fol. Lemon, Miftrefs to Sir Anthony van Dyck. Painter or I Engraver or Defigncr. Piinirellcr. Artemifia Sarah Jane Mary Mary Mad. Ann Margaret Muriel — fitting, with another lady — fitting ... — - - - ■ fol. - M — anonymous ....... Littleton, Daughter of Sir Thomas Bromley, and Wife of John L. Ob. 1630. — oval, in the " Hift. of Worcefterdu're." Adem (Leiy) ,Dyck V. Dyck V. Dyck Id. Id. V. Dyck Id. Id. Id. W. Hollar. R. Gaywood. H. David. W. Faithorne. J. Boydell. G. Glover. Gaywood. Hollar, 1652 J. Bccket. Gaywood. Grandvelt. Hollar. Gaywood. Hollar, 1646. A. Lommelin. J. Morin. ( 113 ) Period IV. ClafsX. Bathufa Gertrude Makins, Licerar. fm. 8tie. More, Relig. BcnedidV. Ob. 1633, at. 28. — pielixed to her " Devotions," 1G58, \lmo. — It. 28, wh. len. . . - . 8i'!7. CLASS X. CONVICTS, PHENOMENA, &c. Archibald Francis John Rigep Robert Mary Martha Richard James ets, infcribed " Medium," and! Bell, &.C. " Good wine needs > )ell ;" four Englifh vcrl'es -J Abel, Monopolizer. — with three rundlets, infcribed " Medium," and" the fign of the no Burti nor Abcil Armstrong, Jefter to James I. and Charles I. — wh. len. four verfes, " Archee by Kings and! Princes grac'd," prefixed to his " Jells," > l2mo. Scarce - - - - - -J — id. " This is no Muckle John nor Sommers Wil- liam," prefixed to his " Jefts," found in his clofet after his deceafe, i66o ... Battalia, an Italian who fvvallowed Stones. — cEt. i7,wh. len. ..... fol. Bull and R. Farnam, Enthufiafts. — two figiues, haranguing with a book in their hands, cut in wood. Dandulo, a Turk in London. — prefixed to Dr. Warmeliiy's " Account of his 1 Converfion and Baptifm," 1657, 8iio. - -J Dover, Founder of the Cotfvvold Games. — on horfcback, prefixed to his " Olympic Games," 1636, 4/<7. Frith, nick-named Moll Cutpurse. Ob. 1659, jEt. 73. — in man's apparel, an ape, lion, and eagle by her ; prefixed to her " Life," 1662, limo. Rare. Hatfield of Leighton, co. York. — (set, 12, 1652) in bed, prefixed to " The Wife Virgin," an account of her godly fayings, &c. in her trances. Herst, convifted of Murder, 1628. 8 TO. See Arrowsmith, Clafs 4, 2d fubd. HiUDj Prifoner in Newgate, 1651. — oval, cut in wood, prefixed to his " Confenion. fi\nttt *t Deiit;iicr. Ertgravfr ii* Prinifcller. W.M(arfliaU.) W. Lochon. J. Neefis, W. Hollar. T. Cecill. (Gaywood.) Hollar, 1641. T. Crofs. Period IV, CUfs X. Matthew Blaife Florara Benjamin James Thomas The ( H4 ) Hopkins, Witch-taker, executed as a Wizard. — with two witches, and feveral animals, a fnwll wooden cut in Pepys's Colleft. Manfre, a Sicilian. — a:t. 72, 1651, fpouting water fromhisear Marchand, Juggler. — wh. len. cut in wood, on the back of the title to the " Fallacie of Minfre the Water- drinker expofed," 1650, po. In the colleftion of Sir Wm. Mufgrave, Bart. 'Marriot of Gray's Ian, great Eater. Ob. 1653. — wh. len. in wooden fhoes, verfes - - Jo/, — at the (hambles . - . - i2mo. Nay LOR of Wakefield, Enthufiafl. Ob. 1660, at. 44. — with a rtiort account of him - - 4/0. mez, — with a B. on his forehead, in Pagit's " Herefio- graphy," Doubtful . . . izmo Parr of Shropfliire. Ob. 1635, at. 152. — fitting ....._ — an etching from the pifture — ast. 151 ... Parr, cognom. " Young Parr." — very aged. Doubtful Parsons, tall Porter to K. Cha. I. 4/0. mez, . foL - 4/0. mez. ^to. mez. 4/0. - 4/0. mez. 4/0. Regicides, executed in 1660," &c. Nat. Daniel Axtell, Col. for Parliament. John Car EW of Cornwall, M. C. P.* Gregory Clement, Merch. M. C. P. John Cook of Gray's Inn. Oliver Cromwell. SeeClafs6. Francis Hacker, Col. for Pari. Thomas Harrison. See Clafs 6. John Jones of Wales, M. C. P. Hugh Peters. See Clafs 4, 2d fubd. Thomas Scot of Bucks. M. C. P. Adrian Scroope, Col. for Pari. — prefixed to " Rebels no Saints," 1660, %va. Wbtt, an Idiot. — in a black cap, with two favours on it, a wooden 1 fword, and four verfes - - - - J * Member in Cromwell's Parliament Painter or Deligner. Engraver c* Frill ifellei. (advivum) W. Hollar, 1 65 1. T. Prefton. C.v.Dalen. J. Faber. Habert,i7I5. G. Powle. P.v.S(omer.) G. White. G. White. G. Glover, 1636. Glover. ( i'5 ) Anonymous Portraits. A Man \n a cloak, holding a pen, with vevfes : ^^ " This piiiture represents a heavenly mind Zmo. A Man in a loofc robe, black, cap, (lioit falling band ; " Firma nobis Fides," in a label Painter or Defigner. Engriver Or rrmlfclUr. over the arms. T. Crofs. W. Faltliorne. P 2 ( n6 ) PERIOD V. THE REIGN OF KING CHARLES XL From 1 66 1 to 1684. CLASS I. The ROYAL FAMILY. Period V. CUfs I. CHARLES n. Rex de jure 1649; de fadlo i66o. Ob. 1685, £et. 55. -— with robes of the garter . . - . . Jh. — a large head ....-.- Jb. — his ftatue at the Exchange - ... - Jh. — vvh. len. in coronation robes ... mez,. — wh. len. ....... fmall — oval ....-.- 4/0, mez. — on horfebaek ....-.- fol. — .--.-..- mez. — from a fine medal ..... fm. mez. — an etching ....... yb/. — wh. len. fitting ...... mez. — in armour ...... mez. — on horfebaek, emblems ..... Jh. — in a fquare of oaken fohage - - - la. ^to, — on horfebaek, in the coronation procelTion . . . — set. 30, 1660, in armour Jo/. — ....... Scarce, mez, — wh. len. ....... 4/0. mez. — in a hat and feather ...... 4/0. — older ....... Svo. — in armour, ha. len. ..... la.Jol. Since retouched and altered. — - . : la.Jol. — wh. len. fitting ...... JoJ. Painter or Engraver or Defigner. PiintfcUer. (Gafcar) P.v.Banc, 1675. P. Lely Id. 1677. Id. J. Becket. G. Kneller Lely Id. Id. A de Blols. ABlootehngi68o Id. G. Cocqucs C^Boel. Lely A. Browne. Id. Diepenbeke ^ Caukercken. J. Chantry. Id. W. F. Id. R. Cole. E. Cooper cxc. C.v.Dalen. Id. R. Nafon Id. A. Hanneman H. Danckers. V E. le Davis. P. Drevet. Tcrlod V, CUh I. ( ^n ) wli. Icn. fitting . . - - " Heir of the Royal Martyr" young, arms of England at the corners in flit fleevcs . . - - large oval . . . - final! oval ----- A Jol. Jh. 4/0. — on horfeback — on horfeback, in proccfTion — in a hat and feather — when Prince of Wales - fol. ■ ^i- ■ Jh. - foL i2mo. 8 TO. in armour, ha. len. with emblems, infcribed, " Redivivol Phtenici Carolo," &c. - - - - la.ful.\ wlien young --..---- ha. leu. view of Whitehall ----- fol. a bud, profile ...--..- infignia of the garter -•-... ^to. a head in a fquare ...--. Sijo. in robes ---..--. 8u';. on a pedeftal, with emblems „ . . . Jlj. young in an oval of palms .in armour when a boy, with his brother prefixed to his " Nativity," by Gadbury in Gualdo, " Hift. of Leopold" on horfeback, crowned ... wh. len. in robes with a laurel chaplet with the ftar wh. len. - 4/0. - fol. - fol. fnuiller i^to. Inez. ■ A - 4/0. mez, niez. - 8vo. - fol. - 4/0. Jh. mez. la.fol. mez. ifto, mez, Inez, oval . - . - - oval - - - - . in the oak, with Major Careless set. 31, hat and feather fol. on horfeback, neat fitting " Prince of Wales" - fol. - il^to. - fol. mcz. ifto, mez. - fol. Painter or Defigner, p. Lcly W. Dobfon J. Riley A.Hanneman A. V. Diepen bekc A.v.Dyck Id. Id. V. Hoeck . Dyck on horfeback wlien prince 4/0. fol. mcz. Lely G. Kneller KneUer Id. (Kneller) , Hoecke Lely Dyck) Lely Honthorft Engraver or PrintfcUcr. J. Faber, 1750* W. Faithornc. Id. Id. Id. Id. Faithornc, j. Garret exc. R. Gaywood. Id. 1661. Id. Glover. Hertocks. Hind. 1650. Dobfon W. Wiffing J W. Hollar, &c. Hollar. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. &c. Houlanger. de Jode. D. Loggan. Id. Id. E. Lutterel. W. Marfhall. R. Mafon. C. Meyflen.'!. Overton exc. Picart, 1724. Place. Rixon. Savage. Sherwin. Id. Id. 1669. Skilman. Smith. Id. Id. WiUiams. Spirinx fculp. F.v. Stein. P. Stent exc. Id. Id. Id. R. Tompfon. W. VaiUaiit. G. Vertue. Viflcher, i6co. Id. V. Voerft. v. Waart. R. Walton exc. B. F. E. J- W. IVrLod V. Clafs I. ( iiS ) — oval of laurel, rofe and thiftle — \vh. len. - - - . — three prints . . . — fix Englifh verfes — fold by J. Smith (the face by him) Painter or Engraver or 4?o, Dcfigner. Printfdler. R White. Jh. G. Kneller R. White, 1670 Svo. Id. fol. P. Willerafen. Id. tnez. (Kneller) R. WiUiams. mez. P. Lely Id. Gafcar — aet. 13. — aet. 19, then at Jerfey. — a fmall oval, ducal crown on his head. — " crowned King of Scotland," 165 1 — " proclaimed at Worcefter," 1651 — ftanding on a monfter. — a head in a flaming heart - 4/0. - 4/0. l2mo. Hijlorical, — on his throne .-.....- — with Abp. Sheldon, the Earl of Clarendon, and"] Duke of Albemarle, prefixed to Atkyns's " Growth \ of Printing," 4/0. - - - - - -J — " crowned 23d April, 1661," with the Duke and Du-^ chefs of York, the Lord Chancellor, Duke of Albe- ! marie, Abps. of Canterbury and York, Bps. of Lor.don, f Winchefter, Exeter, and Noi-wich - - obl.Jlj.j In the collettion of Ant. Storer, Efq. — with his queen, fitting, the Abp. of Canterbury and the Clergy prefenting an Addrefs ; Lords and Ladies of the Court. See the Family Prints below. CATHERINE of Portugal, Queen Confort of Charles II. 1662. Ob. 1705, «t. 67. — ..-.-.-. ^to, tnez. Another when Queen Dowager, or the fame plate altered. There is a print of her after Le/j, fold by Bowles, called " Queen Dowager." Lely — " Queen Dowager" . - - - with fix Engl, and fix Dutch verfes. Scarce — wh. len. .---.. — in the drefs in which (he arrived. Scarce. — oval of foliage ----- — from the picture which came from Lifbon — wh. len. .-..-- — in her Portuguefe drcfs ... — " Queen Dowager" . - . . - /o/. Lely tnez. Id. /a. fol. ^D.a.Plaats - Inez, - A /a. Jo/. J.B.Cafpars - fol. • foh - 4/0. la. ^lo. - ^to. - foL i^lo. tnez. :W. Wifiln- — wh. len. as St. Catherine — oval — wh. len. - - - la. fol. la. fol. - >. - 4/0. - niez . la. mez. I M. Burgliers. D. Loggan. [Wildenbcch and I^awrence, in E. Smithfield. Huyfmans WifTing J. Becket. N. Biliiy. A. Blootellnsr. I Id. A. de Bols. E. Cooper exc. I Danckerts. E. le Davis. ,W. Faitliorne. ;J. Gammon. jR. Gay wood. iG. Glover. iW. Hollar, 'a. dejode. Jordan cxc. !B. Lens. i]i. Loggan. A. Lommclin. Overton, 1 66a W. Shervviu. Id. Id. T. Smith. TerioJ V. cur. r. ( 119 ) Painter or Dcfigner. Engraver or PriMftller. when Qiicen Dowager done foon after licr arrival as St. Catherine, wh. leii 4/0. f>- foh • 4 — collar of diamonds, crofs and pearl Family Prints. — with his Queen, the Duke of York, Prince Orange, Prince Rupert, the Duke of M and General Monk ... — with his queen, ornaments . . - - . Jh, — witl] his hrolhcr James, and fifter Mary - - m^z. — with his queen, tlie Dukes of York, Glofter, and Albe- 1 marie, &.e. .......J — with Ms queen, wh. lens. - - . . . obh — with his brother James, and fifter Mary ... — in the " Five Children of K. Cha. I." with a large dog 1 Jh. irifz. J This may be placed in Per. IV, cl. i. See the Family Prints of James I. and Charles I. HExNRIETTA MARIA, Daughter of K. Charles I. Wife of the Duke of Orleans, i66i. Ob, 1670, £et. 26, IJ. Smith exc. Willemfen P. Stent exc. Huyfmans R. Tompfon. C. Waumans P, WiUemfen. buft • 4/0. — ast. 17, oftagon ... See the Family Prints of K. Charles I. 1661. Svo. fol. 4/0. , Dyck V, Dyck Id. J. Clark. . Hove. Purcell. Sherwin. Stent exc. R. Strange. Tompfon exc. fince Cooper. The Palatine Family, CHARLES LEWIS, Son of Frederick V. of Simmerin, Eled. 1632, K. G. Ob. 1680, £et. 63. — an etching - . . . _ — V, (). len. — hi; infant — a head f■ P. Lely S. Cooper fol. ;W. Dobfon fo!.\ nu%. i Rembrandt J. Becket. ABlootelingl673 T. Bretherton. . W. Faithonie. Id. V. Green, 177 . Period V, Clafs I. C 120 ) — a fmall oval - - . . . — wh. len. (hips . . . - - Another 4/0. or the fame plate reduced. fm, 1^0, Painter or Dcfigner, — a fmall oval ......-- _ foh — in armour ....... fol. Retouched, and infcribed " Hen. D. of Gloucester." — robes of the Garter .... - mc^. Probably engraved by van Somer. ........ m£X. ~ '. /a.foL — a child, an oval encompaffed with fcroUs - - 4/0. ELIZABETH, Daughter of Frederick V. Abbefs of Hervorden. Ob. 1680, set. 62. ......... 8i>o. ....... 8110. fm.fo/. ■ - fol. v. Dyck S. Cooper v. Dyck Id. P. Lely G. Kneller V. Dyck — a child, the four feafons in the ornaments — with eight Latin lines by C. Barlaeus Henry Jenny n, Earl of Sr. George Monck, Duke of CLASS II. "^ E E R S. > Albans, 1660. Ob. 1683, ist. 83. — at the Eail of Orford's, 1792 — a fmall oval. See Lady Aubigne, Per. IV. cl. 9. I Albemarle, 1660. Ob. 1670. — m GuIUim's «' Heraldry," %'UO, — ha. len. fquare — ha. len. well engraved . - /./. . fol. - ^to. la. fol. la. 1^0. ■ — when mafter of the horfe ... fol. — on hoifeback ..... fol. — a fmall oval, G. M. with others, prefixed to the *' Reftoration concluded," 1660, 8vo. — prefixed to his " Obfervations," i6-j\,fol. — prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon," 1670, 4/0. — with his Duchess, (landing hand in hand See the Hillor. Prints, ixc. of Cha. II. Lely F. Barlow ad vivum Barlow Engraver or Printfellcr. J. Hmdt. \V. Hollar, 1643. Id. Jenner exc. de Jode. J.K.Shcrwin. H. Sneyers. P. Stent exc. R. Tompfon exc. VV. Vaillant. Voerjl. [R, White. F.v.Wyngard. M. B. Pafs. Queboroen. J.C(hantry)i663 W. Clarke. E. le Davis. R. Gay wood. Id. D. Loggan, i66r R. Preekc, 1661. Stent. Id. Stent exc. ( 121 ) Cbfs II. Arch bell :hib Camp- ] ^^^^..^ ^(, Ob. i66 d\, Marquis or J ? t I. like the next, in Clarendon's " Hiftor)'," Svo. — four Engl, vcrfcs - - - i66 . Svo. — with tlic Duke of Monmouth, Per. VI. cl. 2. Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore, 1632 ; clar. 1662. — ast. 51, 1657 - M Lord James Beauclerc, Ob. 1680. — anonymous, in a cap and feather - - - — witli lus mother Mrs. Gwynn, Per. VI. cl. 9, 2d fubd. — with his brother Charles Earl of Burford. See St. Albans, Per. VII. cl. 2. Paintrr or Ucfigncr. George Digby, I B^j3^oL, 1653. Ob. 1676, st. 64. — in armour, ha. len. Rare — in ]5irch's " Lives of lUuft. Perfons" — when Loi-d Digby . . . — in Ld. Clarendon's " Hiftory," Bvo. fol I imo. . Dyek Robert Greville, \ t>„ c r\\ r ^c J- , ' J' Brooke, 1643. ^^- 1676. — ...... Fine, la. fol. William Vifcount Brouncker, 1645, P* R* S. Ob. 1684, £Et. 64 — fmall, with K. Cha. II. and Lord Bacon prefixed to Sprat's " Hill, of the Royal Society," 1667, 4/0. 1 >^^^^f-^^^"S^°"'j Calender, Ob. 1672. — m armour — in Ricraft's " Survey." Scarce, fol. Charles Howard, "1^ i- . r^\ r o c P , r > Carlisle, 1661. Ob. 1684, at. 56. — in Guillim's «' Heraldry, "/o/. — prefixed to his " Embaffies," 1669, 8xio. Edward Hyde, Earl of "1 Clarend J 1674, Clarendon, 1661 ; Ld. Chanc. 1638. Ob. set. 66. - - - . - - fol. — .-._•. mez,. — in Dugdale's " Origines Juridiclales" fol. — - 4/0. — prefixed to his " Rebellion in Ireland," 1721,] 8i)0. J — /*/• Evelyn inv Engraver or I'rintfcUcr. M.v.Gucht. A.. E'ootcling. Blootcllng. Bafil Fielding, Earl of ^ Denbigh, 1643. Ob. 1675. in armour a fmall oval 4/0. P. Lcly G. Zouft ad vivum Zouft Lely Id. W, Hollar, 1642. J. Houbrakcn. I'. Stent exc. G. Valck, 167S. HoUa A.v.Does. Blooteling. W. Faithorne. M. Burghers. Johnfon. D. Loggan. B. Picart, 1724. G. W(hlte.) R. White. (Faithorne.)" HoUar. ( 122 ) Period V, ClafsII. Charles Stanley, 1 r^_„„,, r .. r\u ^ Earl of JDerby, 1651. Ob. 1672. — - - . . . Fine. mez. — ...... mez. ^cLfer,'Earlof}^°^'^"^^"' ^^^7. Ob. 1675. — a fmall oval, in a map of Enilhowen, Copied In the BriU Mufeum. Thomas Bruce, 1 ^^ ^ ^, re- ^ c p. , r ' > Llgin, 161 1. Ob. 1663, ^t. 63. — ast. 62, prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon" foL 'mo/^^' } Essex, 1649. Ob. 1683. — prefixed to an " Account of his Murder," 1 1690 - - - ... - -J — ...... i^3.mc%. — ........ 4/0. — with the Duke of Monmouth. Per. VI. cl. 2. "^L^rd ^^''^'''' } Fairfax, 1648. Ob. 1671, st. 60, — oval ....... fol. — oval ........ — on horfeback. Rare .... fol. — ...... lime. — in Birch's " Lives" . . . . - — on horfeback, in " England's Recovery," ") i647,/o/. -J — profile, fix Dutch verfes. Scarce - 4/0, — ....... 4/0. — oval, in the View of the battle of Naftby — fmall — in Ricraft's " Survey." — with emblems - . . . Svo. — " Fax erit famofa" ' . - - - 4(0. — " Csetera norunt," &c. ... 4/5, -!— holding an axe, and the head of Charles I. Svo. — with a Hebrew infcription ... 4/5. See Alg, Earl of Northumberland, below. Thomas, Lord Grey, eldeft Son of Henry, ift Earl of Stamford. Ob. before his Father. ( — ...... mez. Altered to Samuel Butler. Denzil Holies, 1 ^olles, i66i. Ob. 1680, at. 81. Lord J — set. 78, 1676 fol. — id. prefixed to his " Memoirs," 1699, Svo. Marmad. Lang- "1 L^^gP^j^^ Militar. Ob. i66i. dale. III Lord J — when Sir Marmadukc Langdale - 8vo. mcz. Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or PrintfcUer. P. Lely Lely Id. R. Walker S. Cooper (Hey wood) E. Bovver A. Blooteling. R. Tompfon exc. W. Hollar, 1661. W. Faithornc* v. Hove. E. Lutterel. B. Picart, 1724^ T. J- Lely Faithorne- Gas. Hind. Holland. Hollar, Houbraken. Hulett. W. MarlhaU. S. Savery exc, P. Stent exc, R. Streeter. T. VVorlidge. A. Browne exe. Ravenet. R. White. (Humphreys.) ( 123 ) Ptrioi v. Ciafi II. Jofin Maitland, 1 l^uperdale, 1672. Ob. 1682. Duke of J mez — ill Birch's " Lives" — with robes of the Garter . . . - — with ELiiAUETH Murray? hisDiichefs,^j. mez. Moniague Bert Earl of ^^' S-LiNDSEY, 1642. Ob. 1666. Rare. fol. John Campbell, 1 Lqudqun, 1633. Ob. 1663. Larl or J — from a medal by Simon, with autograph [Montagu, I j^^j^^^^^^^^^^ 1642. Ob. 1671,^1.69. :.. /"'I J >., « H;a.„-„ " Qn„. EdwardMontag Earl — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," 8w^. — a imall oval . . - . — in Birch's " Lives" — inRicraft's " Survey," 1649,8110. PjinMr or l>-fign::r. Engra«r or I'mi^dler. J. Riley Lely A.v.Dyck ^'^^"'^y ^f y' 1 Monmouth, 1639. Ob. 1661, a^t. 65. Earl ot J — prefixed to his " Advertifcments from Par- ] nafiiis," i6^b, fol. a tranilation - - \ >— a buft, prefixed to his tranflation of Senault'si « Ufe of the Paffioiis," 1649, Sto. - ■ j John Mordaunt, ") Mordaunt, 1659. Ob. 1675, ^t. 48. — ...... Fine. fol. — in armour, a fmall fqnare. William Caven- 1 Newcastle, 1664; Earl, 1627; Mar- dilh, Duke of / quis, 1643. Ob. 1676, aet. 84. — on horfebaek, prefixed to his " Horfemanfliip" ■' — a fmall oval ....-- — in Birch's " Lives" - - - la. fol. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," S'us. with his Family, ^re{\f.QA to " Nature's Piclures "1 drawn by Fancy's Pencil," lb ^6, fol. -J MounyoyBlount,-) ^^^^p^,^^ 1628. Ob. 1665. Earl of J Rare. Sro. Printed fince with a bordfer. — a fmall oval .... Charles Blount, 1 Nev.port, 1676. Ob. 1676. Earl or J ' — wh. len. . . . - . ^'nl^T'"^' 1 Norfolk, 1678. Ob. 1683, let. 56. J. Bccket. J. Houbrakcn. G. Valck. R. Tompfon. W. Falthorne. J. Thane exc. M.v.Gucht. W. Hollar, 1644. Houbrakcn. Faithorne. W. Marniall. Faithorne. Diepenbeke V. Dyck A.v.Diepen- beke, Antv, 0^2 167 S. Jj. P.v.Somer Lely, 1677 P. Clouvet. Hollar. G. Vertue. (Id.) L. Vofterman. Clouvet. M. D(roc{hout.) HoUar. V. Green, 177 . A. Blootellng. Period V. Clifs 11. ( 124 ) Dudley North, "1 ,>, , rw • ^l J \ ' > North, 1600. Ob. cir. 1667. — oval .--... ^^EarTof" ^^''''^'' I Northumberland, 1633. Ob. i668. Ill a cloak. Fine - .. . . fol. Altered to the collar of the Garter. — on horfeback — in Birch's " Lives" — a head ... — wh. len. ... — " Lord High Admiral." Jocehne Percy, ) Northumberland, 1668. Ob. 1670. Earl of J ' Painter or Defigner. V. Dj'ck V. Dyck Id. »;«2. P. Lcly George Goring, Earl of [Norwich, 1644. Ob. cir. 1662. — in Clarendon's « Hiftory," 8w. - T-.. , fNoTTiNGHAM, 1681; Baroii, 1673; Ld. leagehmch, I ^^^^^^ q_ g. 1673; Ld. Chanc. 1675. ''^^'°^ 1 Ob. 16S2, St. 61. — la.fol Heneage Earl wh. len. in Guilhm's " Heraldry.' 1682. 4/0. mez. Jloger Boylc, Earl of \ Orrery, 1660. Ob. 1679, at. 59. Thomas Butler, ") Ossory, i960; eldeft Son of James, Duke _) of Ormond. Ob. 1680, £et. 46 Earl of — with a recital of his titles, &c. Jol. — in Carte's " Life of the Duke of Ormond, "/o/. — a fmall oval - - - - - vu%. Philip Herbert, "1 „ c r\u e. , pt, r ^ Pembroke, 1652. Ob. 165 when Lord Herbert an etching foU Chailes Fitz- Charles 'itz 1 p' , r > Plymouth, 1675. Ob. 1680, at. 2 Terome Wefton, "1 ,, /■ r\\ cc . *' „ , r ' > Portland, 1634. Ob. 1665. - mcz. G. Kneller Lely V. Dyck (Lely) (Hollar) V. Dyck Engraver er Priiufeller. J. Thane exc. C.v.Dalen. G. Glover. W. Hollar*, 1640 J. Houbraken. J. Payne. P. Stent exc. A, Browne exc. M.v.Gucht. R. White, 168 1. J. Mynde. P.v.Banc. V. Hove, S. Ravenet, 1739. P. Lombart. T. Worlidse. J. Smith exc. R. Gaywood. Hollar, 1645. _ fol. — ....... fm. * This plate has been ufed alfo for the following perfons : i . Oliver Cromwell ; 2. General Fairfax ; 3. Jamet, Dake of York. ( 1^5 ) I'eriod V. Clafs II. John Wilmot, 1 Rochester, 1659. Ob. 1680, xt. 33. Earl of J — prefixed to his " Life," by Burnet, 1680, Svo. - A See BEvERtAND. See alfo Sir John Crisp. William Ruffel, "I r^ssel. Ob. 1683, xt. 44. Lord J — xt. 44, 1683 .... la./ol. — ...-..- 4/5. mez. — in Birch's " Lives" . - . - - — ...--- mez. — ....... 4/0. — with the Duke of Monmouth, &c. Per. VL cl. 2. William Cecil, "I Salisbury, i6i 2. Ob. 1668. Earl of J — a fmall oval ..--.. Edward Monta- "1 g^^DwicH, 1660. Ob. 1672, xt. 47. eue, Earl or J ° with the collar of the Garter. Copied fol. William Fiennes, I ^^^ ^^^ Seale, 1624. Ob. 1662. Vifcount J — a fmall oval - - - - — on horfeback ...... — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," 8w. Anthony A fhley "1 Shaftesbury, 1672; Ld. Chanc. 1672; Cooper, Earl of J Ob. 1683, at. 62. ...... /a. 4/0. ....... Jol — fitting ■ ft>' — in Birch's " Lives" - - . .. - , . . . . . 4/0. mez. _ la.fol. — in GuilUm's " Heraldry," 1673, >/. — prefixed to his « Life," 1683, 8w. WilliamSeymour,-! g^j^^^^^^^ 1660. Ob. 1671. ^"•'^^^ J _ /.././. Thomas Wriotefly -I Southampton, 1624. Ob. 1667. Earl or J — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," 8to. William Howard, I s^^^j^^^j^ 1640. Ob. 1680. Vifcount J ..-..- 4<5. -mez. Henry Grey, ) Stamford, 1628. Ob. 1673. Earl of J — a fmall oval ....-- Painter or Dcfigner. P. Lely G. Kneller Id. Id. Kneller Engraver or I'riiufcller, R. White. Id. 1681, P.v.Banc. Cooper exc. J. Houbraker.. E. Lutterel. B. Picart, 1724. W. Hollar. Lely S. Cooper J. Greenhill Lely Greenhill Lely, 1 67 1 A. Blooteling. W Hollar. Peake exc. . Sherwin. (Simpfon.) B. W R. Baron, 1744 . Binneman. Blooteling. Hoiibraken. Lutterel. White, 1680 (Id.) G. Vertue, 17 14. Lutterel, Hollar. f eriod V. Chfs UK ( I^S ) -— on liorfeback — in Ricraft's " Survey," 1649. ^0. Painter or Defigner. ^Srf^'^"'' 1 Westmoreland, 1629. Ob. 1665. — a fmall oval . . . _ - — 1662. fol. J.B.N, inv. ^T'^^f ^''i^°"^^'" 1 WiLLouGHEY of Parham. Ob. 1666. by. Lord J — in Ricraft's and Leicefter's " Surveys." "^"^Mardl^of I Winchester, 1628. Ob. 1674. — • a fmall oval ..-.-•- Robert Paflon, T Yarmouth, 1679 ; Vifcount, 1673. Ob. Earl of J 1682, ast. 51. — /^-A .<_ . t - - - - mez. E. Lutterel CLASS III. E N R F. Sir Thomas Edward Slingfby Sir Richard Sir Hugh John Ob. 1684. Armstrong, — a wooden cut. — with feveii others, who fuffered as anti-papifts. Ste Monmouth, Per, VI. cl. 2. Backwell, Aid. Lond. Ob. 1679. — in a flowered gown, a vi'atcli, and poitrait of K. Charles II. ; a (hip at a diftance - J/j. Bethel, Sheriff of London, 1680. — wh. len. livery gown, &c. Scarce Jh' Brown, Bart. 1660, Aid. London. — in Ricraft's " Survey of England's Champions." Cartwright, — ast. 60, 1656 Ob. 1 668, set. 74. - fol. CocKsuiT of the Inner Temple. Ob. 1669, a?t. 30. — prefixed to his Tranflation of Dr. Hcnrj- "I More's «' Pliilofophical Collcaions," fol. J Sir Henry Coker, Knt. High Sheriff fo{ Wilts, 1663. I EngravM »r Printfelier. P. Stent cxc. W. Hollar. P. WiUiamfen. A. Santvoort. Hollar, P.v.Banc. Lloyd exc. 168 Z-. W. Shero'in. Diepenbeke L. VoRerman, j. Scarce. foU \ ad vi\Tim ,D. Loggan. WFaithornei669 ( 1^7 ) f«iioJ V. Cljl'slll. Sir Ralph Cole, Bart. 1660, and Virtuofo. ........ miz. — in the print with Ricci and Talman. Sir William Curtis, Latine Curtius, Bart. 1652, F. R. S. 166 . — whiflcers, grey hair . . - - - Sir William Davidsone, Refid. in Holland for Scotland. — a;t. 48, 1664, in his own hair - - /<>'• Sir Edward Bering, Bavt. 1644. Ob. 1684. — ..... Scarce, la.ful. Sir Francis Englefield, Bart. 1665. 2t. 27, 1661 - - - »■ I never faw this print. Sir Richard Fanshawe, Brit. Minift. in Spain. Ob. 1666, £et 60. — prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon" - fol. The latter impreffions were ufed for his " Let- ters," 1702, 8i'o. Thomas Foley of Witley Covirt. Ob. 1677, cet. 59. — wh. len. in Nafh's " Worceiterfhire'' - - - Leonard Gammon, — falling band . . - - . fm.fol. Sir Edm. Bury Godfrey, Juft. Peace for Middx. Ob. 1678, - la.Jh. — - . - - - -- . la.fol. — ........ /mailer — oftagon ....... fol, — prefixed to his "Life," 1681,81)0. Sir James Harrington, attainted 1660*. — act. 45, 1654, odlagon frame, prefixed to his! " Divine Meditations," 1682, /c'/. - -J Sir Thomas Herbert of York. Ob. 1681, a;t. 76. — an etching . . . - - Jm. ^lo. John Hervey of Ickworth, M. P. Ob. 1679, — with antique fculpture ... msz. Sir Thomas Ish am of Lamport, Bart, 1674. Ob. 1681. — h.fil. William Lenthal, Speaker in Cromwell's Parliament. Ob. 1662. — an etching, fmall oval . . - . . ■• — id. ------ la, 4'o. * One of K. Charles I. judges. Painfer *T Dcfi^'ncr. P. Ley M.H.M.Rofa G. Kneller ad vivum Engraver Of Prii.lf.-llfr. F. Place. Thelot. C. Hagcns. R. White, 1687. W. Faithorne. Faithorne. TrebiUe,i670 P. V. Banc. Id. Id. V. Hove. Id. J. Nutting. A. Tooker exc (Faithoroe.) (L.Peckard.) Lely R. Tompfon exc. ad vivum Lely D.Lnggan,i675. Id. exc. lE.B.Gnlfton*- I Paul, Period V. Cl.ifslll. Sir Joha John Sir William Sir Edward Sir Thomas Sir John Sir Henry Sir William Ifaac Sir John George Robert Sir Philip Sir Herbert Sir William Talnteror f Engraver or Dffijncr. I Printfeller, A. Browne exc. ( iz3 ) LowTHER, Bart. 1669. Ob. 1675, at. 70. ...---- mez, P. Leiy Mf.eke, Benefador to Magd. Coll. Oxford. Ob. 1605. — a monumental effigy .... Jh. MoRicE, Secretary of State, 1660. Ob. 1676. — in Birch's " Lives" Nicholas, Secretary of State, 1641. Ob. 1669, xt. 77. _ fa/. I (H^""«""^". ^ A. Hertocks. — - . - - J"'- "^ Brux. 1653) h./o/. ' Lely ^G. Vertuc. J. Houbraken. NoTT, Knt. Gent. Ufher to the King, F. R. S. 1663. i ......-- fo/. I ad vivum Owen of Clenenny, co. Caernarvon. Ob. 1666, £et. 66. OxENDENde Barham, Bart. Ob. 1670, at. 62. — a fmall oval, prefixed to liis " Religionis Funus,"') a Latin Poem, 1664 . . - - -j Paston of Oxned, Norfolk, Bart. 1641. Ob. 1662. — .... Mojljine and rare. fol. Pennington, Aid. Lond. Ob. 1661. — a wooden cut, prefixed to " The Commendation of him for promoting the Fortifications of the City," 1643, 4/a. Percival, Bart. 1661. Ob. 1665, si. 36. — in the " Genealogy of the Houfe of Yvery," \ Si's. ""-• J Percival, 2d Son of Sir Phihp. Ob. 1675, £et. 40. — in the fame ..---.- Percival, 2d. Son of Sir John. Ob. 1677. — in the fame ..--._ Percival, Bart. 1665. Ob. 1680, st. 24. — in the fame . . - - . Perrot, — ihoulder knot, arms .... PoRTMAN, Bart, and Knt. Bath, 1664. — oval. 4/1?. R. White, 1678. J. CaldwaU. G. Glover. WFaithornei659 J. Faber. Faber. Faber. Faber, R. White. Period V. ciafs in. Marmaduke Raw don *, Marmaduke Rawdon, Thomas ( 129 ) 4/0. 4/0. Rawdon, Son of Sir Marmaduke; Agent at Lifbon from K. Cha. I. Ob. 1666, ast. 54. Sir George William The Nicholas Rawdon, — xt. 63 Rawdon, Ob. 1684, ^t. 80. - yin. ^to. - ^0. Rawlinson Family, of Cark, co. Lancafter, viz. MoNCK, Bp. of Hereford, 1660. Ob. 1661, ajt. 60. Chriftopher Rawlinson. See Per. viii. cl. 3. Curwen Rawlinson, Son of Robert. Ob, 1689, St. 48. Rawlinson, Daughter of N. Monck, and Wife of Curwen R. Ob. 1691, jet. 43. Rawlinson. Ob. 1665, jet. 55. — in five ovals .... ^fg. Smith, Virtuofo & Literar. Ob. 1675, a;t. 85. I never favv this print. Stafford of Bradfickl, Berks. — ten Latin lines, intimating the uncommon ele- ) gance of his perfon .... fo/. J Strangeways of Melbury Sampford, co. Dorfet, M. r. Ob. 1675. — ....-- Sen ire. fol. Thurlow, Politic, et Jurifc. Ob. 166S, set. 51. — with KuGH Peters, receiving a petition from 1 fom- Dutch deputies, vvh. lens. . 4/0. J — prefixed to his " State Papers," i'i\2,fo'.. The illuftrioas kead is fiftitious. Elizabeth Robert Richard Robert Giles John Tr.omas Thynne of Longleat, Wilts. Ob. 16S2. Sir Henry Vane, Knt. Politic. & Enthufiaft. Ob. 1662. — oval of foliage, prefixed to his " Life," 1662 4/6. — in Birch's " Lives" — in Clarendon's " Hiliory," S-yo. * One of thefe, of the name of Marmaduke, was author of the " Genealogy of 16S8 ; a't. cir. 58. The plates, which were engraved for that wori;, being loll, ih R Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Piiniftlkr. R. White. R. White. R. White. R. White. R. White. J. Nutt'ng. W. Sherwin. D. Lrggai. ad vivum Lo^gm. Sherwin. G. Vertue, I 741. p. Lelv. A. Browne exc. G. Kneller Cooper exc. R. White. Lely (Faithorne.) J. Houbraken. - the Family" in MS. and died in e j:rints are in few hands. Period V. CUfs IV. Sir Grevil William Sir John Thomas ( 130 ) Verne Y, K. B. Ob. 1668, xt. 20. Verney, Ob. 16S3. Webster, Bart. 1660, Commiflar Rufl". — eight Latin verfes (afterwards erafcd ) Wyndham, F. R. S. 1677. CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision. BISHOPS. John CosiN, Bp. of Durham, 1660. Ob. 1672,^1.78. — prefixed to his " Hift. of Tranfubftantiation," 1 1676, 8vo. - - - - - - J Brian Duppa, Bp. of Chichefter, 1638 ; Salifbury, 1641; Winchefter, 1660. Ob. 1662, £et. 74. — prefixed to his " Helps to Devotion," 1674, l2mo. John GAUDENjBp. of Exeter, 1660 ; Worcefter, 1662. Ob. 1662, ffit. 57. — wh. len. prefixed to his " Hierafpes," 1653, 4/5. — oval, in Nafh's " Worcefterfhire." — a fatyrical figure peeping over a curtain, infcribcd, " Speiflatum admiffi, rifum teneatis ?" The fron- tifpiece to Milton's Pamphlet upon the " Eikon Bafilike," 1649. Peter Gunning, Bp. of Chichefi:er, 1669; Ely, 1675. Ob. 1684, xt. 71. — /a.fol. — ...--- fill, ^to.mcz. John Racket, Bp. of Litchfield, i66i. Ob. 1670, ffit. 78. — prefixed to his " Strmons," \6i^,fol. — prefixed to his " Chriftian Confolations," Sfo. Humphrey Henchman, Bp. of Salifbury, 1660 j London, 1663. Ob. 1675. > — ha len. ----- - mez^ William Juxon, Bp. of London, 1633; A bp. of Canter- bury, 1660. Ob. 1663, iEt. 81. — in the fet of Loyalifts . . . . . — in Ld. Clarendon's " Hiftoiy," 8w. Painter or I Engraver or Dcfigncr. Frintfcllcr. la.foL mcx. P. Leiy t I 4/0. Jo.i.e.Janflen viez. Ra.Cole ad vivum LeIy D. Loggan. R. Tompfon exc. T. Matham. Tompfon exc. W. DoHe. R. \V(hite.) T. Crofs. Sanders. Loggan. J. Simith) exc W. Faithorne. G. Vcrtue. (Id.) IVriod V. ClafslV. Robert George Olivci Edward Edward Robert James Gilbert Richard Jeremy { J31 ) Leighton, Abp. of Glafgow, 1661. Ob. 1684. — xt. 40, 1654, prefixed to liis "Works," 17555 - — id. /'«• 4'"- MoRLEV, Bp. of WorccRcr, 1660; Winchcllcr, 1662. Ob. 1684, ffit. 87. — ....---/((. mez,, — in Bircli's " Lives" - - - - — fitting in a chair ... - niez. Plunk ET, Pop. Bp. of Armagh, Ob. i63i, iet. 65. — ....... Bt'o. — ....... imz. — from the panning done jn Newgate 1779- ""'"• — - - ... - - - mez, — in robes, crozier, &c. from tlie plate in the Bod- leian Library ..... 2>i'0. Rainbow, Bp. of Carhfle, 1664. Ob. 1684, jet. 76. — St. 74, prefixed to his " Life," 1688, So(?. Reynolds, Bp. of Norwich, 1660. Ob. 1676. — 8Et. ^s^ prefixed to his " Works," 1658, /oA — prefixed to his " Meditations on St. Peter," 1 1677, \2ma. J Sanderson, Bp. of Lincohi, 1660. Ob. 1663, £et. 76. — ast. 76, prefixed to his " Sermons," i686,_/o/. — prefixed to his " Cafes of Confcience," 121110. — Kt. 76, 1662 - - • . - - . fol. — prefixed to his " Life," by Walton, 1678, Si'o. . Sharp, Abp. of St. Andrew's, Ob. 1679. - - fi!- - - - >/• — crown of martyrdom over his head - la. fol. — prefixed to the " Account of his Murder," 1679, S'UO. Sheldon, Bp. of London, 1660; Abp. of Can- terbury, 1663. Ob. 1677, £et. 80. - N. — la. \ti,. — ha. len. ..---. mcz. — ...... g-uo. ymz. Sterne, Bp. of Carl i fie, 1660; Abp. of York, 1664. Ob. 16S3, St. 87. Taylor, Bp. of Downe, 1660. Ob. 1667. — ftanding on a pedeftal, prefixed to his " Holy 1 Living and Dying," 1650,8x10. - - -J * The works of Place are fcarce. R2 Painler or Dcligncr. P. Lelv Id.' G. Murphcy Mui'phey Kngravcr or Prinlfcller. Lely ad vivum R. Strange. R. White. R. Tompfon exc. G. Vertue, 1740. R. Collins, Brux. T. Donbar exc. Lowndes exc. E. Lutterel. J.v.Waart. J. Sturt, D. Loggan. R. White. W. DoUe. W.HoUar, 1668. Loggan. R. White. T. Dudley. Loggan, 1 675 Vertue, 1710. Loggan. Vertue. F. Place *. P. Lombart. J'erloJ V, Clafs IV. Painter or Deligner. Engraver or Printfeller. Brian John — prefixed to liis " Life of Chvift," 1653, /&/. — ilaiiding, infcribed, " Merciirius ClirilHar.us," prefixed to his " Meafures of Frieudlliip," 1657, Svo. • — prefixed to his " Contemplations," 1684, B-ue. Walton, Bp. of Chefter, 1660. Ob. 1661, £et. 62, — xt.57, 165 1, prefixed to his " Bi'olia Polyg!otta,"'7 i6j7,/o/. - - - - ^- -]■ WiLKiNS, Bp. of Chefter, 1668. Ob. 1672, ffit. 58. — /a.foL M. Beak. — prefixed to his " Principles of Natural Religion,"! 1675, 8vo. - - - - - J — prefixed to his " Art of Flying," Svo. Wren, Bp. of Hereford, 1634; Norwich, 1635; Ely, 163S. Ob. 1667, £Et. 82. — in Wren's " Parentalia," lyjo,/*/. - - - There is a fatyrical print of him pi-efixed to a pamphlet, entitled, " Wren's Anatomy, dif- covering his notorious Pranks," &c. 1641, 4^(7. CLASS IV. Second Subdivision. INFERIOR CLERGY. Matthew Richard George Ifaac Simeon Charles Ifaac Allestree, D. D. Provofl: of Eton Coll. 1665. Ob. 1681, set. 61. — prefixed to his " Sermons,'' i6S^,fol. — in the print with John Dolben and John Fell. Per. vi. cl. 4, ift fubd. Alsop, 1669 — 79. anonymous Ambrose, Prefbyter. Ob. 1664. — ast. 59 (69), 1663, prefixed to his " Works," fo/. Ashe, Prefbyter. Ob. 1662. — fmall, with Calamy, below, and 12 others. Baker, Jefuit. Ob. 1679. — with a knife in his bofom, &c. Barrow, D. D. and Prof. Mathemat. Camb. Ob. 1677, jet. 46. ■ — prefixed to his " Works," in Englifh - fo/. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1678, 8vc/. P. Lombart. R. W(h;te.) Lombart. A. Blooteling. !r. White. G.v.Gucht. ad vivum D. Logg; W. Sherwin. ad vivum Loggan. Id. Perlcl V, ClafslV, John "William Edward William Thomas Hczekiah Edimind Richard Jofeph Meric Thomas ^33 ) Barw'ick, S. T. p. Dean of Sr. Paul's, 1661. Ob. 1664. — prefixed to his " Life," in Latin, 1721, 2vo. Benn, M. a. Prefbyter. Ob. 1680. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial" Boys, S. T. B. C.C. C.C. Reftor of Mautby, Norf. and Chapl. to K. Cha. II. — «:t. 66, prefixed to his " Sermons," 16 , 4-/0. Bridge, A. M. Prelbyter. Ob. 1670. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memoi-ial" ------- 12IH0. Tliis, whieh is unlike tlie others, has been fome- what altered, and infcribed Henry Stubbes. — in a fquare, prefixed to his " Sermons," 12/no. Brooks, a fmall wooden print, prefixed to his " Riches of Chrift, or the Treafiire of Heavenly Joys," 1669. Burton, D. D. Prebendary of Norwich, 1667. Ob. 1681. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1684, Svo. Calamy, B. D. Prefbyter. Ob. cir. 1666. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial" Painter or Dciigner. ovo. 12 mo. 12 mo. — four verfcs roimd the head — the fame verfes below ... — fmall, with 13 others, prefixed to the " Farewell Sermons of theejefted Minifters," 1662, 4^0, — with Caryl, Janeway, and Venning, prefixed to the " Saints' Memorials," &c. 1674, Hvo. Carpenter, Pop. ISIifiion. 1641 ; Anti-papifl:, 1657; again Pop. Prieft, 1670. — prefixed to his " Pragmatical Jefuit," a Comedy, 1 limo. - - - - - J — prefixed to his " Two Sermons," 1657, /^.'o. Fine — xt. 3'?, prefixed to his " Experience, Hiilory, "1 and Divinity," 1642, 8-jo. - . - -J Caryl, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1673, at. 71. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial" — prefixed to his " Commentary on Job'' ■ fo/. — ------- iivo. — with Calamy, and three others, above. Casaueon, Prebend. Cantuar. 1671. Ob. 1671, 2£t. 72. — prefixed to Kis " Epiftolse," Rot. i-]oc),fol. Case, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1682, st. 84. — fmall, with Calamy, &c. above. \V. Dobfon G. Kneller V. Werff Engraver or Printfcllcr, G. Vertue. J. Caldwall. (Faithornc.) Caldwall. P. Holmes. W. Sherwin. R. White. Caldwall. R. White. T. Crofs. W. Faithorne. \V.Marfliall,i64i Caldwall. R. White. Id. P.v.Gunft.. Period V, Clals IV. Stephen Samuel ( 134 ) C.HARNOCK, B. D. Piefbyter. Ob. 1680, aDt. 52. — in the " NonconfoniiilU' Memorial," 8vo. — prelixed to his "Works," i6S^, ful. Clarke, Pailor of St. Bennet Fink, Lond. and Biograph. Ob. 1682, set. 83. — set. 75, 1674, prefixed to his " Looking- glafs for Perfecutors," 1 21110. — set. 50, 1649, in his hair, prefixed to his " Lives of eminent Perfons," i 650, 4/0. ... — aet. 50, 1 649, in a cap ... - j^ta — £Et. 65, 1664, prefixed to his " Martyrology," 4/0. liirger. — prefixed to his " Lives of the Puritan Divii.es," /./. - - - - - - - — oval, prefixed to his " Looking Glafs to Saints 1 and Sinners," 1654, 4/0. . . - - j — prefixed to his " Lives of eminent Perfons," I with his own, 1683,70/. - - - ••_) William Cray, ofNewcaflle. — anonymous ----- fm. nicz. John DuNTON, Minifter of Aiflon. Ob. 1676, set. 48. — prefixed to his " Heavenly Paftlme," 1685, _/!/;. Svo. Samuel de r Echerpiere-Riverius, Paftor of the French Church, London. — aet. 86, 1661, " Sacrum dedit Anglia fontem," Sec. John d' EspAGNE, Paftor of the Fr. Church, and Acad. Oxon. Ob. 1659 *. — prefixed to his " EfTay on the Wonders of God," 1662, Svo. Philip William Samuel William John Mark Evan, Jefuit. Ob. 1679. EvATs, B. D. — aet. 77, a fmall oval, in the frontifpiece to his") " Tranflation of Hugo Grotius," fol. - -J Fairclough, a. M. Prefbyter. Ob. 1677, aer. 84. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial" — finall, in Clarke's " Lives," foL Falkner, D. D. Preacher at Lynn in Norfolk. — prefixed to his " Works," 1684, 4/0. Fen Av I CK, Jefuit. Ob. 1679. — ------- fm. 2vo. Franck, S. T. P. Maftcr of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 1662. Ob. 1664, at. 51. — prelixed to his " Sermons," i()j2, fol. Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or PrimfeHer. J. Riley J- R. Caldwall. White. J- Binneman. T. Crofs. Id. Id. J. Dunftal. R. Gaywood. R. White. F. Place, 1683. F.H.v.Hove. L. Man. Voet. T. Crofs, fen. V Caldwall. Hove. J. Sturt. M , Bouchc. \V. Dollc. * This circumftancc came to my knowledge too late to infcrt the article in Its proper place ; namely, Period IV. Perioa V. iClafs IV. Thorn as John Jofeph John Thomas John Thomas George ( ^55 ) FaLLF.n, D. D. Preb. SaUHj. 1631. Ob. 1661. — at. 53, 1661, prefixed to his " Hid. of the Wor- ) thies of England," 1662, /o/. - - -/ — prefixed to his " Abel Redivivus," 1 631, 8i'o. - ------- I 21110. Gaven or Gavan, Jefuit. Ob. 1679. Painter or Dcfigncr. Glanvill, Prcb. Worceft. and F. R. S. Ob. 1680. — act, 44, prefixed to his " Sermons," 1681, 4/0. Goodwin, Prefbyter. Ob. i66r;, a:t 72. — xt. 47, 1641, prefixed to his " Tieatife on 1 Juftification," 1642, 4/0. - - - -J — ret. 72 - - - - - - 4/0. See By FIELD, Per. iv. cl. 4, 2d fiibd. Goodwin, D. D. Prefbyter. Ob. 1679, set. 80. — prefixed to his " Works," fo/. - - - — prefixed to his " Punlfhment of Sin," 1C93, Svo, GosNOLD, Anabapt. Ob. 1678, £Et. 53. Gouge, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1681, set. 77. — in the " Nonconfonnifts' Memorial" — in Clarke's " Lives" — prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon," 1682, 8vo. Griffith, M. A. Prefbyter. — without his name - . - . . S-vo. Thomas Harcourt, Jefuit. Ob. 1679 Adam Samuel Peter - 4/e. /m, Svo, Hartman of Franckf. D. D. Oxon. 1680. — in Pepys's Colled. Heylin, D. D. Sub-dean of Weflminfter, Ob. 1663, £et. 63. — prefixed to his " Hlftorical Trafts," 16S1, fol. - Henry Hiebert, D. D. Vicar of St. Olave, London. Ob. 1678. — prefixed to his " Syntagma Theolog." 1662, fol. John Hop WOOD, Prefbyter. — xt. 26, 1676, prefixed to his " Sermons," 8t'0. George Hughes, B. D. Prefbyter. Ob. 1667, fet. 64. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial" Arthur Jackson, Prefbyter. Ob. 1666, art. 73. — prefixed to his " Works," 4/0. James Janeway, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1674, jet. 38. — prefixed to his " Heaven upon Earth," l2mo. J. Riley Engraver or Prinifellcr. Boueft D. Loggan. (Vaughan.) Biifli or Bouclic? W. Faithorne. G. Glover. R. White. Id. F.H.v.Hove. Collyer. V. Gucht. V. Hove. R. White. R. White. Bouche, Antv. R. White. Loggan. J. Caldwall. Loggan. V. Hove. Clafs IV. Henry Samuel Richard Hanfard Thomas John Nicholas Richard Thomas Thomas Thomas Jofliuah Alexander James ( ^3^ ) — pielixcd to liis " Legacy to his Friends," 1674, 1 8t». J — prefixed to liis " Funeral Sermon," Svo. — with Calamy and two others. Jessey, Prefbyter. Ob. 1663,^1. 6^,. — prefixed to his " Mifcellanea Sacra," 1665, Svo. — jet. 63 - - - - - - Si'o. Keme, S. T. Bac. Ob. 1670. — ast. 33, 1638 . - - Scarce, fm.'^^lo Kingston, M. A, Preacher at St. James's, Clerk- enwell. — prefixed to his " Sermon preached at St. PaiJ's in the midftof the late fore Vifitation," 1665. Knollis, V. D. M. — prefixed to his " Life," 1691 . . . - :Et. 67 (1674) .... gvd. Larkham, Puritan. Ob. 1669, set. 68. — set. 54, prefixed to his " Sermons," 1656, .[to. LicHTFooT, S. T. P. C. C.C. C. Preb. of Ely, 1667. Ob. 1675, 2£t. 73. — prefixed to his " Works," 1684, /o/. Copied LocKYER, A. M. Prefbyter. Ob. 1684. — prefixed to his " Works," 4/0. - - . — a fmall oval .-.-.-. LovEj D. D. Dean of Ely, 1660. Ob. 1661. — an etching ...... 4/0. Lye, M. a. Prefbyter. Ob. 1684. — fmall, in the print witli Calamy, Sec. above. Manton', D. D. Prefbyter. Ob. 1677. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1678, 4/0. — prefixed to his " Works," fo/, . . - — prefixed to his " Expof. of the Lord's Prayer," Svo. MOCKET, M. A. — xt. 68, 1670 ..... i2mo. MOONE, — motto, " Mediis tranquillus in undis" - fo/. < More, Minift. Proteft. Ch. Paris. Ob. 1670. Probably never in Englajid. — ha. len. ...... foJ. Painter or I^efigncr. Engraver «r Piinlfeller. O. Da (R. While.) G. Glover. v.Ho R. White. iW. HoUar,i643. I Id. (M. Tyfon.) R. White. j Id. ! Id. T. Crofs. ad vivum, R. White (ad vivi:m) Cr. Pafs. V. Scluippcn. V. Somcr. W. VaiUant L. VilFcher. Nalton, Prefbyter. Ob. 1662. - — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1646, 121m. — preaching ij. Cliantiy. G. M. PciiiJ V. CIjCs IV; John John ^^^illiam Nathanacl Edward Thomas Matthew John Thomas Benjamin Francis Henry VriUiuni ( '37 ) Newton, D. D. Redor of Rofs, Herts. Ob. 1678. — ffit. 39, 1660, oval, in a lay liabit, prefixed to Iiis " Matliemat. Elements," 1660, ^0. Owen, D. D. Prefbyter. Ob. 1683, a;t. 67. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial" Painter or Ddigncr. Engraver or Printfeller. — prefixed to hie " Works," lyzij/o/. — prefixed to liis " Sermons," fol, — prefixed to his " Life," 1709, %vo. . - - OwTRAM, D. D. Preb. of Weftminfter, 1670. Ob. 1679, jet. 54. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1682, %vo. Partridge, Minlfler at St. Albans, 1662. Ob. 1684. Pearse, Prefbyter. Ob. 1673, a:c. 40. — ast. 40, prefixed to his " Lad Legacy," 1674,7 I imo. J Pickering, Relig. Eenedl(5l. Ob. 1679, jet. 53. Poole, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1679. — prefixed to his " Annotations on the Eible," 1 i683,>/. \ PoRDAGE, Enthufiaft. — prefixed to his " Theologia Myfi;ria," 1683, 4/0. "l Scarce, Copied - - - - . . (' Powell, Prefbyter. — Kt. 20, 1676, prefixed to his " Salve for Soul- fores," 8110. ..... — Et. 20, 1671;, four Englifh verfes, prefixed to his " Young xMan'sConflia,"/«. 'i-vo. Rhodes, — coif and falling band. Roberts, A. M. Prefbyter. Ob. 1675. — set. 40, 164S, prefixed to his " Key to the Oldl Tellamcnt," 1649, Sw. ... -J — a;t. 48, 1656, prefixed to his " Clavis Cibhorum,'' fol. Sc UDDER, B. D. Prefbyter. — prefixed to his " Chrifdan's Dayly Walk," \ 1674, IZWJO. - - - - -J Sherwin, Minifter of WaUington, Herts. Query ob. 1687. — set. C5, prefixed to his " Clavis," 1672, 4/0. o J. RII«y (R.Whitc) J. Caldwall. J.v.Vclde. C Vertue. R. White. Id. R. White R. White. R. White. W. Falthorne. J. Drapentier. R. White. T. Crofs. W. Sherwin. Sherwin (fil.) Period V. Claft IV. Thomas Edward John Anthony Anthony Ralph Thomas William Robert William Benjamin Thomas John ( 138 ) Si'ADEMAN, Prefbyter. Ob. 167S. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial," Sfo. SparkEj S. T. D. Cambr. and Vicar of Totten- ham, Middlefex. — - - - . - - 1662. fin.^vo. — prefixed to his " Scintilla Altaris," 1682, 8-vo. Trapp, M. A. Vicar of Wefton upon Avon. Ob. 1669. — aet. 53, 1654, prefixed to his " Expofition of the") Prophets,">/. J — aet. 59, 1660 - - - - -la. 4/0. TucKNEY, D. D. Prefbyter. Ob. 1670, jet. 71. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1676, 4/0. - - " Turner, Jefuit. ' Ob. 1679, at 50. Venning, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1674, jet. 53. — prefixed to his " Remains," 1675, Svo, — in the print with Calamy, &c. above. Wadsworth, M. a. Prefbyter. Ob. 1676. — prefixed to his " Remains," l6S0j iimo. Walker, S. T. B. Schoolmafter at Grantham. Ob. 1684, jBt. 61. — aet. 59, prefixed to his "Engl. Examples," Svo. Walwyn, V. D. Minifter of Towcefter. — prefixed to his " Fundamentals of Religion," 1666, 1211W. Waring, Jefuit. Ob. 1679. — Svo. Weichcot, D. D. Prov. King's Coll. Camb. 1644; removed, 1660. Ob. 1683, zet. 74. — prefixed to his " Funeral Serraon," by Tillotfon. White, Latine Alblus. Ob. 1680, set. 92. YpuNG, Hibern. Jefuit. Ob. 1664, xt. 75. — -----.- 1 2 wo. Anonymous head of a Clergyman of the Church of Rome. Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or Printfeller. J. Caldwall. A. Hertocks. R. White. R. Gaywood. R. White. Merlin. W. HoUar. R. White. W. Reader M. Bouche. R. White. G. Vertue. J . Collins. Viuoi V. CI .Is V. ( 139 ) CLASS V. LA W Y E R S. First Subdivision. JUDGES. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Ld. Ch. Bar. of Exc. 1660 ; Ch. Juft. of C. P. 1660; Ld. Keeper, 1667. Ob. 1674. — in Dugdale's " Origines Juridiciales," fo!. — prefixed to his " Conveyancing," fol, - Sir John Glynne, Ch. Juft. ofK. B. 1656. Ob. 1666. — in Pennant's " Wales" ... 4/0. Sir Matthew Hale, Ch. Bar. of Exch. 1660; Ch. Juft. of K. B. 1671. Ob. 1676, /- me%. Nathaniel Fiennes, Col. for the Parliament. Ob. 1669. — in Clarendon's " Hiftory," %vo. Lcly "Charles Fleetwood, Gen. for the Pari. Ob. 1667. — in Birch's " Lives" ... R. White. G. Vertue. W. Sherwin. E. Lutterel. R. White. W. Hollar. P. Stent exc. A. Browne exc. .1. Tompfon exc. M.v.Gucht. R. Walker [j. Houbraken. * I now learn this perfoii died in 1655, ajrcd 57 ; the print fliould therefore be placed in Period IV. •j- Mr. Granger has recited in this ckiis mcz-zolintos of Aifcough, Allen, Lawfon, and Mingh ; but I cannot trace the exiftencc of them. The prints quoted above are apparently done by a foreign hand. I'rrioJ V. Clafs VI. ( 141 ) — vvh. Icn. in armour. — on horfeback. Sir Frenchville Hollis, or Holles, Admiral. Slain 1672 Sir Jofcph Jordan, Admiral, 1672. John - - - la. mcz, Lambert, General for the Parliament. Ob. 1672. — in Walpole's " Painters" ... 4/0. — in Birch's " Lives" - . . . — . - - . . . mez. — oval -....- /a, 4/0. — with a cravat, &c. Sir John Lawson, Admiral. Slain 1665. Chriftophcr Mingh, Admiral. Slain 1666. fol. John William - - M Okey, Col. for the Parliament. Executed 1662. — on horfeback ....... Pen, Admiral. Knighted by Charles II. ? — oval, in Brachelius's " Hiilory," Sir Edward Sprague, Admiral. Drowned 1673. — \vith two Latin lines .... „i(^^ Henry Terne, Naval Commander. Ob. 1666. — ...... Scarce, la.fol. Sir James Turner, Colonel. — prefixed to his " Military Eflays," i6?.i, fol. Sir William Waller, General for the Parliament. Ob. 1668. — oval ...... y;„_ ^g_ — an etching - - '. - Scarce, ^o. — wh. len. 4/0. — prefixed to his " Meditations," j68o, Svo. CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS, George Alsop, — s't. 28, fix Englifh verfes, prefixed to his " De- fciiption of Maryland," 1666, iz.tio. John Arc ITER, M. D. — oval, prefixed to " Every Man his own Phyfician," 1673, Svo. I'ainter or Dcfigner. P. Lely Lely R. Walker Engraver or Printftrllcr. A. Browne. R. Tompfon exc. A. Bannerman. J. Houbraken. (F. Place.) VV. Shcppard P. Stent exc. C. KanfiTen) VV. Faithorne. R. White. P. Aubrey exc. W. Hollar. Rottermondt. Stent exc. N. Yeates. Veriod V, ClafsVlI, Richard " Gulielmus Robert Thomas Jofeph Sir Henry Jacob John Richard Noah Alexander ( 142 ) Atkyns, Typograph. Reg. Ob. 1677, at. 62. — prefixed to his " Hiftory of Printing," 1664, 1 Scarce • - - - - - J AuGUSTiNUS, AR. M. A*." — ....... Svo, Bayfield, jM. D. clar. 1662. — set. 25, 1654) in a hat — aet. 27, in a cap Ji?i, Svo. izmo. Binning, Scot. — Kt. 55, 1675, prefixed to his " Gunnery," 1676, Blagrave, Aftrolog. — ast. 72, prefixed to his " Introduftion to Aftro- logy," 16S2, 8i'o. Blount, Traveller. Ob. 16S2, Kt. 84. Scarce, fol. Bob ART, Botan. Prof. Oxf. Ob. 1679, zet. 8i. " Thou German Prince of Plants, each year to thee " Thoufands of fubjefts grant a fubfidy." ^ - , - - - - Scarce, 4/0. Booker, Aftrolog. Ob. 1667. iZmo. Braithwait, Ob. 1673. — set. 4?, oval, in the title page to his " Nurfery " for Gentry," 1638, 4^0. . . - - — wh. len. in the title to his " EngUflt Gentle- man," 1639, 4/0. - . . . . Bridges, Arithmet. et Stenograph. — four Engl, verfes by G. W. prefixed to his "]^ " Vulgar Arithmetic," 1653,/;?/. 8i'(j. - _j — prefixed to his " Short-hand," 1659, \2mo. Brome, Poet. Ob. 1666. — '« A. B." fix Engl, verfes - - - Si'o. — prefixed to his " Songs and Poems," 1661, Sto. — two 8w. Sir Thomas Browne, M. D. Ob. 1682, at. 76. _ 8i'o. — prefixed to his " Vulgar Errors," 1672, 4/?. — prefixed to his "Works," i686,/<;/. — prefixed to his " Religio Medici," idGl, Jul, Samuel Butler, Poet. Ob. 1680, ret. 68. — prefixed to his " Hudibras" — in the fet of " Poets" \lmo. vicz. fill. 4/e. /ii.foL la. Svo, — in the gallery at Oxford ... * Query, Auftin of Southwark, 1C33. Painter or De{igncr. Engraver or Prir.tfdhr. V/. Sherwin. A.Hertocksi666 W. Faithorne. Id. ad vivum D.Loggan,i679. D. Loggan M. Burghers. W. Hollar. W, Marfhall. R. Vaughan, (Faithorne.) Loggan. T. Ctofs. Hertocks. Loggan, 1664, P.v.Banc. V. Hove. R. White. G. Z(nift Id. (Leiy) Nixon. (P.v.Somcr.) G. Vertue. Id. Id. 1744. l-.:no>l V. Clafs VII. " Thomas Sir Anon Lancelot John Henry Anthony Abraham Sir William Sir Kenelm ( U3 ) A mez. of Tho. Ld. Gar. y has been altered to him. See Chaucer. Sec alfo Milton. Carue de Mobernan. Sacerd. ct Hiftor." — ill pa. 442 of " Lyra five Anacephel. Hibern.""! 1666 J CoCKAIN, Poet. Ob. 1684, ffit. 78. — a laureled biift, prefixed to his " Plays," i6j8, Stjo. CoELsoN, Aflrolog. Kt. 35, 1662, prefixed to his " Poor Man's Phy- 7 izmo fician," 1663, I2W0. Cole, M. D. * 8w,. 8v(j, CoLEY, " Philomath." — prefixed to his " Works," — iigns of the zodiac ... - Sijo. — Kt. 35, 1668, prefixed to his " Key to Aftrology," 1 2 mo. CoLLEY, Medic. Lend. 1628 ; clar. 1669, 2^1.41. Cowley, Poet. Ob. 1667, ret. 49. — a bull, prefixed to his "Latin Poems," 1668, Si'o. — oftagon, prefixed to his " Works," 1673, /u/. — in tlie " Antiqiiar. Repert." %vo. — set. 13, 1633, two angels holding a chaplet of^ laurel, prefixed to his " Poetical _PloiToms," ^ Painttr or Dcligncr. Ld ;-ly ad viviun M. Ulifmaycr. J. Dmlal. llt.SioToith. a. White. 1 2mo. Rare — in the fet of " Poets" — prefixed to his " Works," by Hurd — jet. I 3, a fm. oval, with one angel. See Chaucer. See alfo Milton. Davenant, Poet. Ob. 1668, cet. 63. — prefixed to his "Works," 1673, /o/. -J la.fol. 4io. DiGBY, Philof. Ob. 1665, £Et. 62. prefixed to his " Immortality of Souls," 164 c 1 4//. I - 4/0. 4/0. - /./. — in Birch's " Lives" — in the " Academic des Sciences" — after the next . - - M. Beale f S. Cooper J. Greenhill A.v.Dvck. Id.' Id. Id. Engraver or I'rintfc'.icr. W. Faithorne. Id. R. Godfrey. (Vaiighan.) G. Vertue. Faithorne. R. Gay wood. J. Hoiibraken, N. Larmefiin. P. Stent. V. Voertt. ',V. Dullf. Theophilus de Garencieres, M. D. clar. 1660. — fitting at a table, in thefrontifpiecetohis "Tranf- "1 lation of Noilrodamus's Prophecies," i6y2,fo/. J The oval in the fame print is the portrait of Na- thaniel Parker of Gray's Inn. * I never faw the print of this John Cole, which is dated in MS. 1673, except in Sir William Mufgrave's coUedlion. It evidently belongs to a book, though there is no account of this perfon, as an author, in any of the catalogues of our public libraries. •j- It is very improbable that this print of Cowley, from its youthful appearance, co-.ild be done from a painting which he fat for to Mrs. Beale ; he being in the latter period of his life v.hen fhe was but little known as a paintrefs. Clafs VII. James Al'oan Samuel Francis Valentine Henry Thomas de James Samuel Richard John Nathanael Thomas ( 144 ) GiBBEs, M. D. 1670. Ob. 1677, jct. 61. — prefixed to his " Latin Poems," Rom. 1668, 8vo, Gilbert, Florifb. — prefixed to his " Vade Mecum," 1682, iimo. Glisson, M. D. Ob. 1677, set. 80. — ast. 75, prefixed to " TraClatus de Natura Sub-1 llantix eneigetica," &c. Lond. 1672, 4/a. -J — ast. 75 (80), prefixed to " Traftatus de Ventri-I ciilo et Inteftinis," &c. Amft. 1677, 4/(7. -J Greatrakes, Enthufiaft. Ob. 1681, xt. 52. — ttroking' a man's face, prefixed to the " Account "] of his Cure?," 1666, 4/0. Scarce -j Greenhill, Mathemat. Brother of the Painter. — at. 20, 1667, with a fphere, an etching - /oh Grey, — on horfeback, prefixed to his " Horfemandiip," 1670, 4/0. ^ copy of the print of Ral. Lord Hopton. H Poet. — a fmall \vh. len. in the frontifpiece to " The Gre- cian Story," &c. 1684, 4/0. Scarce a portrait. Harrington, Politic. Ob. 1677, ret. 76. — prefixed to his " Oceana," 1 73 7, /a/. Painter or Defigner. Engraver or I'ti.itfeller. P. Clowet. R. White. W. Dolle. W. Faithorne. Faithorneexc ad vivum J. GreenhilL (Hollar) 4/5. P. Lely Haworth, M. D. — prefixed to his " Treatife on Confumptions," 1 1683, 121710. - - - - - - J Head, Bibliopol. Hibern. Ob. 1678. — fitting, and writing, prefixed to tlie " Englifli Rogue, or Witty Extravagant," 1674, Svo. Heydon, Alchym. & Aflrolog. Nat. 1629. — prefixed to his " Holy Guide," 1662, l2mo. — prefixed to his "Glory of the Rofie Crofs," 166^,"} 121H0. ------ -J — a fm. bull, with ornaments, prefixed to his " Theo- magia, or Temple of Wifdom," 1664. Highmore, M. D. Ob. 1684, St. 71. — act. 63, 1677 - - - - fm. foL — a fmall head, in the frontifpiece to his " Coiporis Humani Difquifilio Anatomica," Hag. 16^1, fol, Hobbes, Phiiof. Ob. 1679, at. 91. — act. 76 - - - - - Copied, ^to. _ - . . - . - . - -. ■ 'fol. — prefixed to his " Phllofophical Rudiments," 1 \b^\, ftn. 8x'5. Copied - - - -J — a fmall oval, in the title to his " Homer," 1677, I zmo. M.v.Giicnt. W. Hollar, 1658. J. Marchi. R. White. r. Crofj. W. Sherwln. \. B-ojtcrns:. Faitiiorne. Hollar(i665.) (Vaughan.) reriod V. Clafs VII. James Robert John William James John Thomas Richard Francis Edward W llliam Lionel ( 145 ) Howell, Hiflor. Ob. 1666. — oval, in the title to his "Letters," 1645,4/5. — wh. Itii. in a cloak, leaning againll a tret, pre- \ fixed to his " German Diet" - 4/0. J — id. with arms, prefixed to his '• Londinopolis" Johnson, M. D. — set. 44, prefixed to his " Manual of Phyfick," 1 1684, Svo. - - ■■ - -J Johnston, Philof. et M. D. Ob. 1675, at. 72. — infcribed, " Johan. Jonfon," Sec. in the German "I manner . . . . . ^/j. j — xt. 70, 1673 - . . . . 8i>o. Jones, the King's Chymift, 1677. — In Pepys's Colleft. clafs 10. JuLL, Aftrolog. — ...... Rare. i2mo. Kersey, Mathemat. Nat. 16 16. — prefixed to his "Algebra," 1673,70/. KiLLEGREW, Poet. Ob. 1682. — with a dog, prefixed to his " Plays," i664,_/o/. "1 Fine - - - " - - -J — ------- %vo. men. — -.-.-. /t?, 4/5. mez. — anonymous, in the drefs of a pilgrim ; two lines, " You know my face," &c. - - mez. But query, if not done for Abr. Simon ? — with Lord Colerane, Per. vii. cl. 2. KiREY, Aftrolog. — - -. - - -167. Rare. Svo. Kirkman, Bibliopol. — St. 41, 1673, prefixed to his " Adventures," Svo. Leigh, M. A. Philol. Ob. 1671, set. 69. — ast. 60, 1662, prefixed to his " Works," /o/. — xt. 48, 1650, prefixed to his " Critica Sacra," 4/0. Lilly, Aftrolog. Ob. 1681, set. 79. — prefixed to his " Ephemeris," 1650 — id - . . . — id. - - — ast. 57, id. — a fmall oval --...,.. — oval, prefixed to his " Ephemeris" ... — prefixed to his " Chriflian Aftrology" - 4/0. — prefixed to his " Ephemeris" - - - . Lockyer, Medic. Ob. 1672, ^t. 72. — at. 70, prefixed to the " Vertues of his Pills," Svo. — -------. J^to, — -•----• 2vo, T Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Pr.Mtfellcr. W. Marfliail. Mtllan & BofTe. Id. W(hite.) J. C. C. Romflcl. G.Zouft, 1672 W. Falthorne, W. Wiffing aitorne. P. Tempeft exc, J.v.Waart. J. Englidt. J- Chantry. ■L'. Crofs, Crofs. Id. R. Gaywood W . Hollar. Id. Marfliail. Id. R. Vaughan, T. Sturt. Id. R. White. Period V. Clafs VU. Edward Sir William Andrew John Everard ( 146 ) Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or Printfeller. John John John Lowe *, — in Uie title to liis " Direftions for Performance of the Cathedral Service," 1664,81)0. Lower, V'oet. O'o. 1662. — a fmall head, prefixed to his " Noble Ingratitude," j a PalloralTragi-Comedy. Marvell, Poet and Politic. Ob. 1678, ffit. 38. ! — prefixed to his " Works," 1776, 4/0. - - j — in the fet done for Thomas Hollis — oiflagon, prefixed to his "Poems," l6Si,frJ. jMayne, Arithmet. — prefixed to his " Clavis Commercialis," 1674, St'o, MAY^WARING, M. D. — set. 38, l6f)8, with a plain band, prefixed to his J " Tieatife on the Scurvy" - - 4/0. J Mayow, M. D. Ob. 1679. — prefixed tohis " Traftatus quinque, &c." 167 , Svo. Cop'u'd. MiDDLETON, " Philomath." — prefixed to his " Pradl. ARrology," 1679, S'^"* Milton, Poet. Ob. 1674, set. 66. — from the pitlure formerly Mr. Hollis's — from Lord Onflow's pifture .... — " viftorious over Salmafius," head on a. term There are two others by the fame hand. — prefixed to his " Memoirs," by Peck, 1740 mez. — set. 62, 1670, prefixed to his "Hid, of Britain," ) 1671,470. Scverjl t'ums copied - - -J — from the bull by Ryfbrack, 1741, ^fo. — with a label under the head, fquare ... — . - ...-./,/. — from Ld. Onflow's pifture .... — set. 21, prefixed tohis "Juvenile Poems," 164J, 7 Svo. Copied iy M. v. Giicht - - - J — prefixed to Richardfon's " Remarks on the Pa- 1 RADisE Lost," 1734, 8i»(9. etched - -j Two others, one profile, by the fame. — from T. Simon's fcal ..... — ret. 21, two prints varied ^ set. 21 -— (set. 42), ornaments, after Richardfon — at. 62, in the fet of " Poets" 1660 J. Bafire. J. B. Cipriani. M. Marlow. R. White. . C.Janfreni6iS Cipriani. Id. Id. ad J. Faber. iW. Faithorne G J- '.Gucht. Id. Id. Houbraken. 4/0. 4/0. /a. fol. — St. 62, prefixed to his " Works," 4/0. and variation — between Homer and Virgil ... 8'uo. — oval, his name in capitals at top - - %vo. There arc two or three others by this attift. — from Sir Jolhua Reynolds's pifture - • . S. — prefixed to his " Paradife Loll" - - ful. — with Beaumont, FLtrcHicR, and Cowley mcz. See Chaucer. Sec alfo Shakspeare. Fr MissoNNE, Aftrolog. — tct. 35, 1660, prefixed to his " PrediAions for 1660" '■} W. MarfliaU. J. R(ichardfon.) Ryland. G. Vertue, 1731. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. C.Watfon, 178 . Cooper (Faithorne) R. White Jones. A perfon of this name, a mafter in chancery, and chancellor of Salifbury, died in 1 67 1. PeiloJ V. Clafs VII. Sceplicn Robert Sir Jonas Sylvanus Robert John John John Peter John John Wilham Carew John ( '47 ) MoNTEAGE, " Merest. Lend." — piefixcd to his " Luok-kceping," 167 J, 4/0. MoKTEiTH, Hiftor. Scotic. fol. Pjir.ter or Defigr.cr. Kngraver or PriiitWlcr. E. le Davis. MooRE, Mathemat. Ob. 1679. — xt. 35, 1649, prefixed to his "Arithmetic," \2mo, — ast. 45, prefixed to his " Arithmetic," 1660, ^nio. — reading -..._. ^g^ MoRGAM, Genealog. — ;et. 41, oval, in the title to the " Sphere of] Gentry," \i>G\,j'oL J MoRisoN, M. D. Ob. 1683, ^i^- 63. — in an oval of flowers, prefixed to his " Hilloria "1 Plantariim," l68o,/o/. - - - -J NonxoN, — (;iet. iz) in a bonnet, prefixed to his "Scholar's! Vade Meciim," 1674, SiJO. " - -J OGILBY,Poet. Ob. 1676, JEt. 76. — prefixed to his " Tranflation of Virgil," fol. — oflagon - - . . . la. fol. — prefixed to his " Virgil," 1649, 2>'co. OldhaMj Poet. Ob. 16S3, at. 30. — prefixed to his " Works," 1 704, ivo. Perkins, Mathemat. at Chrift's Hofpitah — prefixed to his " Seaman's Guide," 1682, Sfo. Price, Grec. Prof. Pifan. Ob. cir. 1676. — fitting - ■ - • - - %'oo, — prefixed to his " Apukius," Gou. i6jo, Sdo. Qj;arles, Poet. Ob. 1665. — oClagon ------ limn, — oval of bays, prefixed to his "Poems" - \zmo. — eight verfes, " See here a phcenix," &c. Ramesey, M. D. et Aftrolog. Nat. 1627. — St. 24, 165 I, a bull, prefixed to his " Ailrology ] vindicated," 1652, \2mo. - - - -J — prefixed to his " Trcatlfe on the Stars," 16^^, fol. — set. 42, prefixed to his " Treatife on Wovnis," ] 1668, fe'l)5. - - - - - • - J — fitting, prefixed to his " Charadler of true Nobi- 1 lity and Gentry," 1672, Svo. - • -J Reynell, — - . . . , 1674. Raf£. fol. Rogers, M. D. — a fmall oval, in t'le title page to " Analeda In aiiguralir," 1664, Svo. T2 . " ' K.Lochon, iO(5i. des Rochcrs. H. Stone Siir P. Lely Id. "-1 (ad vivum) T. Crofs. N. Yeates. R. Gaywood. R. White. W, Shcrvvin. W. Faithorne. P. Lom'jart. W. Marihall, AI.v.Gucht. J. Drapentier. W. Hollar, 1644. Perfyn. ' Faithorne. Marfhall. Crofs. Id. (Sherwin.) Id. Faithorne. J. Chantiy. PcrioJ V. Chfs VII. " William Sir William Ric^l^ William James Algernoon Andrew William Samuel Thomas Sir Robert Matthew Thomas ( 148 ) Rowland, M. D." in MS. — ova], with CoLH, &c. tlie fiontifpiece to the " Tranflation of Riverii'.s." Doubtful. Sanderson. Hiftor. Ob. 1676,^1.90. — set. 68, 1658, prefixed to his " Graphice," foh — id. prefixed to his " Life of K. Cha. I." fol. Saunders, Aftrolog. Nat. 16 13. — prefixed to his " Phyfiognomy," fol. - — fix verfes ...... fjl. . — prefixed to his " Aftrological Pradlife of Phy- fick," 1677, 8™. Sermon, " M. D." Briftol. Ob. 1679. — ...---- la. \to. — ast. 42, prefixed to his " Friend to the Sick," Sijo. — a proof print . . - . - fol. Is there a print by Crofs? See Wolveridge. Shirley, Poet. Ob. 1666, £et. 72. — abuft, prefixed to his "Plays," 1652, S™. — oval of bays, prefixed to his " Poems," 1646 Sidney, Politic. Ob. 1683. ffit. 66. — prefixed to his " Difcourfes on Government" — prefixed to his " Works," 1771 . . - — prefixed to his " Difcourfes," 1751 - 4/0. 4/0. mcv:.. 4/0. mcz,. — in armour, looking to the right — in armour, oval. — aet. 70 (65), 1682, oval ... fol. — with the Duke of Monmouth, &c. Per. vi. cl. 2. Snape, Serj. Farrier to K. Cha. II. — ast. 38, 1682, prefixed to his " Anatomy of a "I Horfe,"i683,yi/. J SoMNER, Antiquar Ob. 1669, set. 63. — prefixed to his " Roman Ports," 1693, ^'"''* Speed, Poet. — prefixed to his " Prlfon Piety," 1677, xzmo. Stanley, Hiftor. and Poet. Ob. 1678. — oftagon frame, prefixed to his " Hiftory of Phi- \ lofophy," i635,/o/. J StapyltoNj Poet. Ob. 1669. — prefixed to his " Tranflation of Juvenal," 1660, fol. — prefixed to his " Tranflation of Strada de Btllo | Belgico," 163C', 8i)o. . - . .J — prefixed to his "Juvenal," 16^'], fm. %vo. Stephenson, Poet. — prefixed to his "Poems,'' 1665, %vo. Scarce Street, Altrolog. — "J. S." I2m0. Painter or Deh^ner. Pngraver or Priutfellcr. G. Zouft ad vivum ad vivum G. Phenick W. Faithorne. (Id.) T. Crofs, W. Sherwin. Id. 1671. (Id.) R. Gayvood. iW. MurlhaU. J. Bafire, 17^3. J.B.Cipriani. B. Picart, 1724. S.F.i^avenet. J. Smith exc. (ad vivum) R. White. M. Burghers. F.H.v.Hove. P. Lcly Faithorne. P. Lombart. Marfhall. R. Gaywc J. Period V, Clafs VII. Samuel John George Robert Robert Sir Edward William Sir James Sir Philip Edward Sir George Tobias Bulftrodc ( M9 ) Stltrmy, Navigat. — set. 36, 16(^19, in (lit fleeves, prefixed to hi:; " Ma-T riner's Magazine," 1669, _/(//. - - -J Tatham, Poet. — prefixed to liis " Plays," See. 165 , Si"}, Scarce Thomson, M. D. — ast. 50, prefixed to his " Aimatias," ^1670, Stio. Thoroton, M. D. & Hiftor. 1677. — a final! oval, prefixed to his " Nottinghamrnire," 1 by Throfty, 1791, 4/0. - • - -J Turner, Med. et Botan. — a head encompaircd with flowers, prefixed to his "Jiatanologia," &c. 1664, Svo. — a circle of foliage, prefixed to his " Tranflation of Moulton'a Bone-fetter," 1665, i2mo. Walker, Herald and Hiftor. Ob. 1676. — writing on a drum, with K. Cha. I. prefixed to his " Hilt. Difcourfes," \-jos,fol. Walwyn, Pharmac. — prefixed to his " Phyfick for Families," 1 68 1,1 1 2mo. ' - - - - - -J Ware, Hiftor. Hibern. Ob. 1666, sit. 72. — prefixed to his " Works," fo/. - - - Warwick, Knr. Milicar. et Hiftor. Ob. 1682, Kt. 74. — prefixed to his "Memoirs of K. Cha. I." 1701, S'uo. P. Lely — a fmall oval, in the " Gent. Mag." 179 - . (Id.) Waterhouse, Jurifc. et Antiquar. Ob 1670. — prefixed to his " Gentleman's Monitor," 1665, Svo. — set. 44, 1663, P'cfixed to his " Commentary 1 upon Fortcfcue," l663,yo/. - - -J Wharton, Bart. 1677, Mathemat. Ob. 1681, £et. 67. — fix verfes, " Who views," &c. - • . — ast. 46 - - - - - - Svo. I ad vivum — xt. -^6, in the title to " Hemerofcopeion Anni JEvx Xtianae," 1654 ----- — fix Latin verfes, in which is " Whartoni confpice formam," Granger iv. 222. ... But query, if the print of this perfon ? — fix verfes " Here's the true counterfeit," (164 ) — id. " Wife Nature," &c. - (165 ) Whitaker, M. D. — xt. 60, prefixed to his " Treatife on the Small- 1 pox," 1661, izmo. J Whitelock, Junib.et Hiftor. Ob, 1676, set. 71. — - - - - - - - Fine, Jo/. — oval ^io. — after the firft. Pain(i;r or Fngrjvef or I'rintfclicr. 1 A. H(ertock5.) R. Vaughan. ad vivum ^V. SherAvin. AV. & J. Walker. ad vivum R. White. G. Vertue. R. White. Hertocks. D. Loggan. (Faithome.) Loggan. Vaughan, R. White. J. Chantry. W. Faithorne. R. Gaywocd. Hulfbergh, I'evioJ V. CUi's VII. C 150 ) Thomas Willis, M. D. Ob. 1675, set. 54. 4/17. - 4/0. la.fol. Vincent Salvator George , — ml, 45, prefixed to his " PharmaGeutice Ratio nalis," 4/9. Copied by White — in Birch's " Lives" Wing, Aflronom. Ob. i663, jet. 49. — preiixedto his " Aftron. Britan." 1652, /o/. Winter, Empiric, 1670. — cut in wood ; under the oval is a fun Wither, Poet. Ob. 1667, at. 79. fm. ^to. 4/0. Robert James Painter or Defigncr. Eii!r.ivor or Prinlfdlcr. I ad vivum — set. 21, 1611, prefi.xcd to his " Poems," 1617, ] 12)110. ■ - - - - -/ — in a hat, prefixed to his "Emblems," fol. — profile ....... 121110. WiTTiE, M. D. of Kingfton upon Hull. Ob. 1684. — a fmall \vh. Icn. in the title to his tranflation of T Dr. Primrofe's " Popular Errors in Piiyfick," V 1651,4/0. J WoLVERiDGE, Medic. — a fmall wli. len fitting, prefixed to his " Expert 1 Midwife's Handmaid," 167 1, Si'5. - j" CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, WRITING-MASTERS, &c. Richard Ic Beloman, Short-hand Writer. — ....-- Scarce, ^to. The fame print has been called Zebelina. Samuel Botlev, Short hand Writer. ...-.-. ivo. Reduced, and prefixed to a fchoo! book. — set. 33, fix verfcs, prefixed to his edition of Rich's " Short-hand,'^' 1674,8™. Alexander Browne, Painter and Engraver. — prefixed to his " Ars Pidoria," i6S^,fo/. - - J. Huyfmans Edward Cocker, Writing mafter. Ob. 1677, at. 46. I — let. 26 - — four verfes, prefixed to his " Penmanfhip," 1664 j — ??t. 26, 1657, oval of foliage, prefixed to liis " Pen's I Triumph" 4/0. j — xt. 2S, 1660, prefixed to his " Penna Volans," , 1C61. I F. Diodati. ij. Drapentier. D. Loggan. G. Vertue. T. Crcfs. F. Delaram 1622. W. Holle. J. P(ayne.) Crofs. Crofs (FAithorne.) W. DoUe. A. de Jode. R. Gayvvuod. Id. Period V. Clafs VIII. Richard ( 151 ) Painter or [ Engraver or Dcfigner. I'linlfi-llcr. Samuel Francefco Abraham van Gerard WiUiam Claude la Ifaac John John Baptift Sir Baldiazar 4/a. S. Cooper T. Chambars. mrz. H. Gafcar 4/0. A.DiepenbekeP. Pontius. — an oval, with ornaments of Mars, Minerva, &c. oil. — prefixed to his " Arithmetick," 167 , izmo. Collins, Ofliccr of Excife. — a:t. 34, 1676, prefixed to his " Gaujjer's Vadel i^a,.- , \ t rn r f »,T » . /• o " )■ (advivum) |ol.l5ro\vnc,i676. jV'Iecum, 1077, S-i/d. - . . . . f : ^ '■> ' 1 It is probably from the eccentric figure of this man that the print is but rarely met with. j Cooper, Painter. Ob. 1672. ' — in Walpole's " Painters" CORBETTA, Mufic. DiEPEisBEKE, Painter. Ob. i675,ffir. (:8. Edema, Painter. Ob. 1700, £Et. 48. — with ZousT and Griffier, below. Emmet, Statuar}% — ------- m:z, Fev RE, Painter. Ob. 167 c;, at. 42. — v.'ith Hayls, in Walpole's " Painters" 4/3. Fltller, Painter. Ob. cir. 1676. — in Walpole's " Painters" ... 4/5. Gamble, Mufic. clar. 166 . — prefixed to his " Ayres and Dialogues," 1657, /o/. Gaspars, Painter. Ob. 1691. — in the print with Greenhill, below. Gerbier, Painter and Architect. Ob. 1667, St. 69. — in Walpole's " Painters" . - - 4/0. — 4/5. — 321.42, 1634 - fol. — id - 4/0. — with a medal, C. R. - - ^(^Sl- i2nw. — with his WIFE and children — id nuz. Rembrandt Gerritsen, cogn. V. Rhyn, Pidor. Ob. 1674. — prefixed to the " Catalogue of his Works," 1752 Chriftopher Gibbons, Mufic. 1664. Ob. 1676. — a circle, in Hawkins's " Hiftory" John Greenhill, Painter. Ob. 1676. — with Gaspars, in Walpole's Painters John Griffier, Painter. Ob. 1718, at. 62. — with ZousT and Edema, in this clafs, Adrian Hanneman, Painter. Ob. cir. 1680. — in Walpole's " Painters" - - - 4/0. J. FuUer A.v.Dyck Id. Id. Id. P.P.Rubens V. Dyck W. Emmet. Chambars. Chambars. T. Crofs. J. Greenhill. Chambars. Mtyflens exc. P. Pontius. P. S (tent) exc. m' Ardell. W. Walker. (A\^orlidge.) J. Caldvvall. A. Bannerman. Period V. ciafi vin. John James Winceflaus William V/illiam Cornelius Henry- Sir Peter ( t52 ) Hayls, Painter. Ob. 1679. — a fmall oval, with La Fevre, above. HoDDER, Writing- mafler, — prefixed to his "Penman's Recreation," 1659, 1 2mo. Hollar, Engraver. Ob. 1677, at. 7c. — xt. 40, 1647, oval - - . fm, ^0. _.-.--.- J,nall — in the title to the " Catalogue of his Works," '^ with his Life, 1745 '■ " ' " "J Hopkins, Short- hand Writer. — prefixed to his " Flying Penman," 1674, i2mo. Hunt, Supervifor of Excife. — a;t. 28, prefixed to his " Pradical Ganger," "1 1673, S-yo. , J Janssen, Painter. Ob. 1665. — in Walpole's " Painters" - - - . Lawes, Mufic. Ob. 1662. — prefixed to his " Ayres," &c. 1653, 8i>o. — two angels crowning him with lain cl - Sijo. Lely, Belgic. vander Faes, Painter. Ob. 1680, — in Des Campes " Peintrcs" Painter or I Engraver or UefigriLi. I Printlcller. R. Gaywood. W. Hollar. Id. Meyflens Id. G. Vertue. J. Drapentier. ad vivum R. White. JEt. 63. mex, mez. la.fol. mez. ^to. mez. Matthew William Peter vander Gafpar Edward Edward Thomas C. JanlTen P. Lely Id. Id. Id. Lely Lock, Mufic. Ob. 1677. — in Hawkins's " Hiilory" ... Mason, Short-hand Writer. — prefixed to his " Art's Advancement," 1682,12ml Meulen, Painter, 1670. — in the " Anecdotes of Painting," 4/0. ....-.- mez, N. Largilliere Netscher, Painter; in England, 1676. Ob 1684, «t. 45. ....-.- mez. G. Nctfcher Pierce, Painter. Ob. 166 . — with his fon, in Walpole's " Painters" Pierce, J un. Statuary. Ob. 1698. — in the print with his father, above. Shelton, Short-hand Writer. — prefixed to his " Pfalms in Short -hand," iirno. * The name of this engraver appears in the title page to the fame book. T. Chambars, C. Waumans. W. Faithorne. J. Becket. A. Browne exc. Ficquet. P. de Jode. J. Smith exc. G. Valck. J. Caldwall. (Ben. Rhodes*.) A. Bannerman. Becket. W. Valllant. Bannerman. T. Crofs. KtIjJ V, Clals VIII. I 'S3 ) , PainMr or , Fngnwr or I Deligner. I Prinlfsller, Thomas Chiiftophcr kobert Wallerant Jeaa Thomas John Gerard — xt, 46 - - - « - i2mo. — set. 49, 16^0 . - - - - izmo. — a fmall oval of foliage, in the title to his " Taehy- graphy," 1 67 1. Simon, Medalift and Engraver. — a fmall oval, in the plate with Abraham his bro- 1 G. Vertuf. ther, plate xxxv. ot his " Works" Simpson, Mufic. Ob. 1666. — prefixed to his " Divilion Violift," 1659,/u/. - J. CarwardenlW. Faithornf , — two, prefixed to his "Compendium of Mufick," 1 1678, Svo. - - - - - - J — in Hawkins's *' Hiftory" - - - - I Carwarden Streater, Painter. Ob. 1680, set. 56. I — in Walpole's " Painters" - - 4/c. R. Streater Vaillant, Painter and Engraver. Ob. 1677, aet. 54. — ------- 4^5. mez, — with his hat on - . - . 4/0, mez. — in the print with vr. Banck, &c. Per. vi. cl. 8. Varin, Medalift. Ob. 1675. Weston, Writing- mafter. — prefixed to his " Ancilla Caligraphioe," 1682, "1 JbL A good head - - - - -J Wilson, Mufic. 1644. Ob. 1673, let. 78. — a circle, in Hawkins's " Hiftory" . . . — oval, in Pepys's CoUeft. - - 4/5. mez. ZousT, Painter. Ob. 1681, at. 44. — with Griffier, in Walpole's Painters CLASS IX. FEMALE SEX, First Subdivision. — ^ — LADIES. Ann Clarges, Duchefs of Lady Mary h lbemarle, Ob. 1670. . - .- fol- — in the print with her hufband, clafs 2. Armyne, Grand- daughter of Geo. Talbot, Earl of Shrewfbury. Ob. 1675. — fmall, in Clarke's " Livcs,"/»/. U Id. Grignion. A. Bannerma* W . Vaillant. Id. N. Edellnck. R. UTiIte. J. CaldwaU. Bannennan R> Gammon 'F.H.v.Hovt. Fcriod V/ ClafsIX. ( 154 ) Elizabeth Stuart, \ Arunuel, Daughter of Efme, Duke of Le- Countefs of } nox, and Wife of Henry Earl of A — ....-- 4/0. mez. Is not this the portrait of Jane Bickerton, Dii- chefs of Norfolk ? See the article below. Barrington, and Lady Mary St. John. — .... Very fcarce. la, mez. Lady Ann Ann Car, Count, of Bedford, 1641. Ob. 16S0, st. 64. fol. Elizabeth Cole- peper Ann Countefs \^°/^' 1 ^'^^O^^' ^^^°- Ob. 1683, ffit. 82. — prefixed to her " Funeral Sermon," 1684, ^vo. r > Chesterfield *. of J — wh. len. in the Houghton CoUedl. - Jh, Elizabeth Butler, "I --^ t ^^ P r r > Chesterfield, clar. 1669. — - • ..... mez, — different ..... „2^~. Conftantia Lucy, "1 Cole RANK, i ft Wife of Henry Lord C. } Painter or Defigner. p. Leiy H. Gafcar v.Dyck V. Dyck, 1636 Lely Id. Lady j Ob. 1680. — an emblematical print ^^*i^.fr?-ST'l DiGBY, Son of Sir Kenelm D. ardjWifeof John ) — when Lady Howard f, near ha. len. — id. Kt. 13 4/0. 1 2mo, Dorothy, Lady Catherine Dorrel ? Lady Lady Mary Eliz. Lennard, Countefs of Grey, Daughter of Ed. Bouchier, Earl of Bath, and Wife of Thomas Lord G. — ---.... piez. > Harrington, Wife of Sir James H. — ret. 36, 1654, oftag-on, in Sir James Har- 1 rington's " Hora: Confecratx," 1682 - J Jolliffe, Daughter of Ferd. Haftings, Earl of Huntingdon. Ob. 1678. — prefixed to her " Funeral Sermon," by Willis, 1 4/0. Rare - - - - - - J 1 Meath, 16S0. Ld. Colerane ad vivum Engraver or PrintTeller. R. W(hite.) P. Lombart. P.v.Gunft. Js. Becket. A. Browne exe. Lely J. Collins, W. Hollar. Id. 1645. P. Mignard (Faithorne.) R. White. P.v.Somer. * Though this lady has been fuppofcd to be Catherine, daughter of Thomas Lord Wotton (created Countefs of Chtftcrfield 1660), there is good reafon to apprehend that the infcription of the print may ftill be right, and the lady meant Ann Savillk. t There is an anonymous print of a lady in a fur tippet, by Hollar, after Van Dyck, 1657, which has been called Lady Howard. ( 155 ) Feriod V. Clafs IX. Rachael Fane, Countefs of Ann Fielding, Lady Cadier. Howard, Countefs of I Middlesex, 1651. — flowers on a table fol. "1 MoRLAND, Wife of Sir Samuel M. Ob. } Newburgh, Da. of Theopli. E. of Suffolk, and Wife of Jas. Earl of N. 1674. when wife of George, Lord Aubigne-Lenox — id. /"'■ Margaret Lucas, Duchefs of {-Newcastle, 1664. Ob. 1673. — wh. len. prefixed to her " Poems," i6^i, fo/. fitting under a canopy, crowned with laurel fol. See William Duke of Newcastle, clafs 2. P.ilntcr or Defigncr. V. Dyck P. Lely V. Dyck Id. V. Diepenbeke Id. Jane Bickerton, 1 Norfolk, 1678. Duchefs or J See the Countefs of Arundel, above. Eliz. Wriothefly, 1 Northumberlakd, 1668. Countefs or J — with an orange tree — in the gallery at Windfor Effex Rich, ] Nottingham, 1682. Countefs or J when Lady Finch — id. - - iaBeever- 1 Qssory, 1666. ■,Countelsor J Amelia Beever waer — in the gallery at Windfor — a fmall oval A rnez. vuz. rnez, mez. tnez. mcz. nu'Z, Engraver or Printfcilcr. P. Lombart. R. Tompfon exc. P. de Jode. A. Lommelin, P.v.Schuppen. Id. Lely, 1 67 7 Lely Id. Id. Id. Lely Id. W. Willing Lely Dorothy, Lady Pakington, Ob. 1679. in Nafli's " Worcefterfliire" - 4/«. mcz. Lady Paston, Wife of Sir William P. ..---- Scarce, fol. Ann Clifford, T Pembroke, and Dorfet, Ob. Countefs of J 1676, at. 85. — cet. 81 4'0' — set. 13, 1602, " Lady Ann Clifford" EMBROKE, 1652. infcrlbed " Countefs of Wilton" l2mo. — when Lady Herbert . - . fol. U 2 Penelope Naugh-T p ton, Countefs of J • Dyck R. Collin, Brux. 1681. J. Becket. A. Browne exc. Id. T.Watfon, 17 Browne exc. J.v.Waart. Becket. T. Watfon. V. Green, 1776. Faithorne, 1659. Mazell. R. White. W. Hollar. Lombart, IVriod V, Clafs IX. ( J56 ) Catherine South- 1 Percival, Wife of Sir John P. 1655. Ob. } well, Lady J" 1679, at. 42 — in Anderfon's " Genealogy" - Svo. mez. Catherine Ufher, ") Percival, Wife of Sir Philip, 1626. Ob, Lady J 1682. — ubi fiipra .... 8vo, mez, Fra.Stuart Lenox, 1 TO ^ Countefsof '] Portland, 1634. — infcribed Mary, &c. .... JbL '"^''i^ J T J \ Ivawdok, Wife of Sir Marmaduke R. roughgooa,Laay J ' Mary Villiers, T Richmond, 1650, Duchefs of / Thomas Lord L — with the emblems of St. Agnes afterv/ards married to Howard. Henrietta Bovle, \ r, ,0 ^ r c f Rochester, 1682. Countels or J ^'jLad "' ^''' 1 Sevmour, of Troubridge. Countefsof '^'}S^'^^'^°^°' ^^73. mez. viez, mez, fol, 4/0. mez. mez. mez. mez, 4/p. mez. Lady Stanhope *. Dorothy Sidney, "1 Sunderland, 1643. Ob. 1684. Countefs of J ' to -t Ann Wake, "1 c ,(...^ Countefsof | S^^sex, 1650. fol. foh Mary Tracey, Lady Vere, Wife of Horace Lord V. Ob. 1671, ffit. 91. — prefixed to her " Life," by Clarke - - F.H.v.Hovc. ♦ According to Granger, this lady is the fame perfon with the firft of the two Counteffcs of Cheftcrfidd in thit clafs, but query if not Lady Elizabeth Stanhope, afterwards Countefs of Strathmore. PainWr er Defigner, V. Dyck Id. Id. V. Dyck Id. V. Dyck V. Dyck P. Lely Id. Lcly W. Wiffing Lely Lely V. Dyck V. Dyck Engraver ax Printfcllcr. J. Faber. Faber. A. Browne exc- R. Gaywood. W. Hollar, 165 c R. White. G. BockmaiT.. . Bruggen. J. Gole. HoUar. Id. J 645. W. VaiUant,- m' Ardell.. T. WatfoB.. Browne exc. J. Becket. R. Tompfon excc Browne exc. P. Lombart, G. Vertue. P. Clowet. fcriod V, Clafs IX. Trevor Hanmcr, 1 Lady j Mary Boyle, 1 Countcfs of J Lady Lady Ann Hyde, "1 Duchels of J ( '57 ) WARNER,Rclig. Carthuf. Ob, 1670, cet. 33. — pivfixcd lo her " Life," 1692, Svo. Warwick *, 1665. Ob. 1678, a;t. 53. — prefixed to her « Life," by Walker, 1678, 8vo. Whitmore, — in the gallery at Windfor - - mez. Williams, 1680. — wh. Icn. .... — ' wh. leii. . - . , P.iinter or Dcligncr. la. mez. la, mez. York, 1660. Ob. 1671, sei. 34. — r in Larrey's " Hlftory," — wh. len. . . . Lady Ifabella of - - foL — - foU — . --....- ^0. — - - - - - - mc-z. — in Harding's " Grammont," a proof. A print by Lombart has been placed to this du- chefs, but it was undoubtedly intended for the duchefs of Mazarine. See Art. Cha. II. and Ja. II. H'ljlor. Prints. York, fecond Daughter of James Duke of Y. Nat. 1676. Ob. 16S0. — wh. len. playing with a lamb - - mc%. CLASS IX. - Second Subdivision. GENTLEWOMEN. Catherine Bowyer, Wife of William. — done for the " Geneal. of the Rawdons" Catherine Clarke, Wife of the Biographer. Ob. 1675. — fmall, in Clarke's « Lives,">/. TheChildren") ^„ r-w-r r„ ,- jyj > Cooke of Norfolk. ------- la.JIi. mez. — with part of the figures - - . mez, Elizabeth Cromwell, Wife of Oliver, and Daughter of Sir James Boucher. Ob. 1672. — prefixed to " The Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth Cromwell," &c, l66^, I21110, CoficJ. * There is a fmall anonymous print by Hollar, and another by Pontius, after van Dyck, which have been called Mary, Counteis of Warwick. Query. Sec the catalogue of Gulil. Colleft. p. 8. N. Largilliere Leiy W. WifTuig Lely r. Werff Lelv Wiiiing Lely Engraver or I'rintfcllcr. P.Y.Schuppen. R. White. T.Watfon, 1775. J. Becket. Cooper exc. Simmoneau. J. Smith. V, Stent exc. Id. R. Tompfon, R. WiUiams, A. Browne. ' • J. Huyfmans R. White. F.H.v.Hove, P.v.Somer. Vincents Period V, Clafs IX. Mary Mary Catherine Mad. Elizabeth Margaret Jane Mrs. Jane Jane Mad. Sufannali Catharine Mrs. Elizabeth Sarah ( 158 ) Davis, Aclrefs and Miftrefsto the King. ....... J^lo, IM-Z. — playing on the guitar - - . - mez. — ....... ^5. nicz, — in Harding's " Grammont," a proof. Fielding, Daughter of B. Swift Vifd. Carling- ford, and Wife of Robert F. — ........ mez. Gascoyne, Abbefs of the Englifh Benediftines at Cambray. Ob. 1676, a:t. 76. — a:t. 51 ■ Graham, Hervy, Dati. of Ld. Harvey of Kedbrook, and Wife of John Hervey of Ickworth, z :::::::: >A Hughs, Miftrefs to Prince Rupert. ....-.- 7HCZ. Kelleway, — as Diana ..---- nu-z. Knight, Singer, and a Favourite of the King. — before a crucifix ..... mez. Long, Adrefs, 1662. — „....-. j/iez. MlDDLETON, — at Windfor.Infcribed Z^^y Middleton, - mez. — at the Earl of Orford's .... 4/a. — wh. len. ...... mez. — ..-....-.. mez. — -._..-.- nu'Z, — with a lamb ...... mez. Parson, Perwich, Mufic. Ob. 1661, jet. 25. — prefixed to her " Life," by Bachelor, 1661, izmo. Philips, Poetefs. Ob. 16C14, st. 32. — ....-,. 4/t/. mez. — a bud prefixed to lier " Poems," 1667, /o/. Price, Maid of Honour to Ann Duchefs of York. — ...-._.. mez. Raw DON, Wife of William. — ........ 4/0, Rawdon, Wife of Marmaduke. — -...---. 4/0. Painter or Defigner, Engriver or Printfeller. P. Lely Id. Id. A. de Bois. R.Tompfon exc. G. Valck, 1678. Lely J. Becket. Hainzelman. Lely Tompfon exc. A V. Dyck R. Gaywood. W. Hollar, 1646. Lely, 1677 Id. A. Browne exc. R. WiUiams. Lely Browne exc. G Kneller J. Faber, 1749. Lely Tompfon exc. H Lely Id. Id. Kneller Lely . Gafcar m'Ardell. vr. Burgh, 1792. Browne exc. J. Savage. Tonipfon exc. Lely J.Verkolije,i683 R Rogerfon T. Crofs. Becket. W. Faithorne. LcIy Browne exc. R. White. R. White. Period V. Clafs X, Dorothy Jane Dorothy- Lucy Philadelphia Mrs. Martha ( 159 ) Rawlins, Wife of Thomas R. Lapidary. Roberts, Courtezan. Ob. 1681. Scarce, mcz, RuTTER, Dan. of Sir John Hales of Coventry. — :Et. 31, 1662, prefixed to her " Funeral Sermon," fctting forth her piety. Sacheverel, — fitting under a tree, prefixed to " Lucafla" in 1 Lovelace's "Poems," 1649, i2mo. Bauhtjul - J Saunders, — -------- mez,. Vaillant, Wife of the Painter. The anonymous wh. len. by the fame hand, is the portrait of a foreign lady. Williams, Dan. of Sir Marmaduke Rawdon, and Wife of Thomas W. — -------- 4/0. Painter or Dertgner. Lely Leiy Lely CLASS X. * pHjENOmena, convicts, &c. John or Jack Adams, /IJirologiJfimo, Cunningmamjfimo , de Cler- kenweil Greeno, &c. &c.* — in a fantnftic drefs, a tobacco-pipe at his girdle ; a horn-book, and Poor Robin's almanack on a table, 8vo. Anna mac Allame, born in the Orkneys 1615, fhewn 1662. — in man's drefs, with a large beard - - 4/0. Barbara van Beck, of the Urslerins of Aiigburg, Wife of Mich, van B. hairy Woman, Ihewn in London. — playing on the harpfichord ... - — jet. 29, 1651 fm.fiiU Thefe two prints are fcarce. — at. 27- - - - - - men. William Bedloe, Difcoverer of the Popifh Plot 1678. Ob. 1680. — prefixed to his " Life,'' 1681, S'uo. ... — _ - - _ - - -_ - 1678 - fol. — in a flieet, with emblems of his loyalty. Thomas Blood, attempted to fleal the Crown 1671. Ob. 1681. — ------ la, \lo. mc'z,, — an etching, ytaccf. * Sic orig. See Granger, iv, no. Alfo Gulllon's Catalogue, 140. Engraver or Printfellcr. J. Careu A. vr. Does. Browne exc. W, Faithorne. Paris, 1649. Browne exc W. Vaillant. R. White. (ad vivum) J. Brunn, 1653, R. Gay wood. R. White. G. White. r-.Mi8d V. Clafs X. Mary Stephen Roger Mary Stephen Mother Jacob Jeffery Henry Jofiah Mother John Edward Richard William ( i^o ) Painter or Pcfigncr. Enjr«V5i or PrintTcIier, Caeletok, cognom. the ^ German Princefs," t Cons'icl. Ob. 1673. * 1 — xt. 38, prefixed to her " Narrative," 1663, ]_ [ 1 2.mo. Rare -- - - - - -J, — prefixed to her " Life," 1673, 8i'<5. College, cognom. the " Proteftant Joiner." Ex- 1 ecuted 1681. — with deaths heads, four verfes, " By Irifli oatlis and wrelled law I fell," rare. Crab of Ickenham, Middx. who lived for three farthings a week. Ob. 1680, jet. 60. — wh. Icn. cut in wood, prefixed to his " Life, or, the iinghfh Hermit, or Wonder of the Age." ■ Davis, of Saughall near Chefter. — in Leigh's " Lancafliire," 1700, _/o/. . . - — ast. 74, 1668, with horns on her head - m.'z. BuGDALE, Difcoverer of the Plot 1683. George, or Joan of Hedington. — a;t. 120, dr. 1673 - - - - Kall, Rope Dancer. — in a cap, his own hair, comb. Copied. I never faw this print with the infcriptlon ; but I am afTured it is that of a foreigner. Hudson, a Dwarf. Ob. 1678, at. 63. — a fmall wh. len. prefixed to the " New Year's Gift, from Lady Parvtila to the Lord Minimus," 1636. Scarce. Copied - - . - - Jenkins of Yorkfliire. Ob. 1670, set. 169. — in a hat, a good etching. Copied in mez. - fol. Keeling, Difcoverer of the Rye Houfe Plot, 1683. - fol- Louse, Keeper of an Ale-houfe, near Oxford. — an old woman in a high-crowned hat and large") ruff; verfes. Scarce. Copied - - /"/-J Og l E, in Waterman's Lane, White Fryers, Buffoon. — in form of a medallion .... Zvo, Panton, Difcoverer of the Plot 1678. — in armour ..... Rare i^o. Pender ill of Bofcobel, 1631. Ob. 1671. — . ...... me%. — . - Qu. Genuine? Gr. IV. 198 %vo. Penderill, Brother of the former. — ret. 84, an oval fnfpended in an cak, 22 verfes dated 1651, but probably done by Burghers - - fol. . fol. - mcz. M. Powell R. Walker (ad vivum) G. Zouft M. Burghers. R. White. B. Lens. J. Ch(antry) Id. J. Dr(oelhout.) T.Worlidge 1752 R. White. D, Loggan, R. Houdon. P.S.Lamborn, PcrlnJ V. Clals X. Miles James Thomas ( i6i ) Prancf, Difcoverer of the Plot, 1678. — oval, long wig, laced neckcloth TtriiNER, convifted of Robbery 1664. — cloak, flick, &c. prefixed to his " Life" %vo. Vennlr, Fnthufiaft, executed 1661. — with a halbert, in Pagct's" Herefiogiaphy," 1662. Anonymous Portraits. A man in his own hair, whifkers, picked beard, a plain coat refembling buff, and fhoulder knot of flriped ribbon; an embroidered ornament, the fore part of which is not unlike a breaft- plate. Very neat. Granger II. 281. ........ S'UO, I am informed this print has a clofe refemblance to that of Col. FiENNEs ; if this is unfounded, it fhoiild be placed in Period IV, A man writing, in a falling band, cloak and treble ruffles, fix verfes, " Though in this darker (hade" &c. A man in a tie wig, eight verfes, in which is faid " patrizare." Tainter or Dcliincr. (ad vivum) F.nijraveror Prinlfcllcr. R. White. Hollar, 1644. ( j62 ) PERIOD VI. CONTAINING THE REIGNS OF KINGS JAMES II. AND WILLIAM III. From 1685 to 1702. CLASS I. The ROYAL FAMILIES. Period VI. Clafi I. I AMES II. Pvex.1685, abdicated 1688. Ob. 1701, jer. 68. — ivh. len. richly drejjid - . . . /«./.. \Tli. icn. in armour - . - a head . - - „ _ when Duke of York id. reding his truncheon on a cannon " Duke of York" — Id. Id. in an oval of flowers " Duke of York" Id. la. oval la, mez. mez. mez. la.Jh. nicz. - msz. ' j^lo. mez. la.ful. - 8;.o. la.Jh. - • 12 mo. - me-r. - Neuij^fJ. — young xt. 18, 16) t, oval of p-iilms. Scant, Sec Aluecn Mary- — when prince and princefs of Orange - - la.fol. Z '.'.'.'.'.'-'-'-'- M ....--■■-- 4''<'- — on their thrones ..----- V . . . ' .. - - - 4,'o. _ ■- '. fol- - --■-■:„-'' •^'- — enthroned, " The Revohition, 1688" - - - fi- with the Prince and Princefs of Denmark, four ovals, rmz. CLASS II. P E E R S. Robert Bruce, "I Ailesbury, 1664. Ob. 1685. Earl or J — ftaffof Lord Chamberlain - - mez. — M ...--- /a. mez. Chnf^op. Monckn Albemarle, 1670. Ob. 1688. Duke of J „.--.-- mez. — - >• A'-Ji^^"^{^j?'^"^fl^y'| Anglesea, 1673? Ob. 1686. — a fmall oval .-...- Archibald Camp- 1 Arc YLE, 16633 attainted, 1681. Ob. bell. Earl of J 1685. — >• _ ........ fo/. - M — with the Duke of Monmouth (below), and fix others. ^TAlT''''' } Arlington. 1672. Ob. 1685, tet. 67. — in Birch's " Lives" — a fmall oval .... mez. — white llaff, ill Guillim's " Heraldiy," /o/. — collar and badge of the garter. Painter or Engraver or Dcii^'ticr. Printftller. w . Willing 11. White. Id. Wiirmg R. Williams. p. Lely C. Danckers. J. Drapentier. Dunltal. J. Gole. V. Gucht. de Hooge. V. Hove. N. Larmeflln. B. Lens. J- Norihcote J. Paiker, 1 790. 11. Wliite, 1690. Lely Id. T. Murray J.B.Medina ad vivum Lely W. Faithorne. J. Smith, 1687. R. White. J. Becket. W. Sherwin. J. Thane (exc.) P.v.Banc. Ad.HacKveg. D. Loggan. ]. Houbraken. J. Lloyd txc. Period ▼!. Clafs II. ( 168) Painter or Deligner. Engraver or Pri.-uf.ller. Henry Somerfct, 1 p / o /^i ^ Duke of J ^'''••'^^'E''^"T, 1682. Ob. 1699, at. 70. William Ruffel, Duke of John Belkfyfe, Lord Geonge Berkeley, Earl of Charles Pawlet, Duke of John Fgerton, Earl of George Villlers, Duke of when Marquis of Worcester - - ful. — in armour, anonymous ... Jol. (v. Dyck) This has been miftaken for Edward, Marquis I of Worcefter ; it has the garter, which he had not. — when Marquis, in Guillim's " Heraldry" — ...... la.fol. !G. Kneller The name of dcs Rochers was afterwards fub- ftituted for White, and the print fold in France for the portrait of Lord Bolingbroke. — ------ mtz. Bedford, 1694; Earl, 1641. Ob. 1700, jet. 87. — in Birch's " Lives" 4/0. Sol Bellasyse, 1644. Ob. 1689. — in Guillim's " Heraldry" Berkelly, 1679. Ob. 1698, ffit. 71. — in his robes ..... Bolton, 1689. Ob. 1699. — when Marquis of Winchester, in Guillim's"! "Heraldry" J Bridgewater, 1686. Ob. I 701, at. 55. — ..^..-. me%. — ........ mez. — ...... /a. 4/0. mce. Buckingham, 1628. Ob. 1687, at. 60. — wh. len. with his brother Lord Francis Vil-I LIEBS. (Ob. 1648, set. 19.) - Jh. mez. } This may as properly be placed in Per. iv. — in Guillim's '' Heraldry" — prefixed to his " Works," 8vo. Patrick Chaworth, 1 ^ * Vifcount 'JChaworth*, — wh. Icn. in a fet William Craven, l^ .. rM/o., Earl of f Craven, 1664. Ob. 1687. — wh. Icn. — on horfeback, armour. Copied A - fol. Jol. W. Wiffing A.v.Dyck E. Lutierel V. Dyck Kneller W. Claret V. Dyck S. Verclft V. Dyck — in armour, long wig, in Guillim's " Heraldry' * Living In 1677. His lady married a fecond time, and died in 1700. A. Blootellng. (Faithorne.) R. White. Id. R. WiUiams. G. G(lover. ) J. Houbraken, Williams. R. ■WTiite. R. White. A. Blootellng. J. Smith, 1700. R.Tompfon i68o m' Ardell. Js. Becket. R. White. P. V. Gunft, P. Stent exc. rcrlod VI. ( 169 ) "^L^^d^^^^^' I Dartmouth, 1682. Ob. 1691, jct. 44. — . . - . - Very fcarce, Jli. Painter or Dcfipncr, Engraver « I'rintfcllcr. John Graham, Vifcount I Dundee, cir. 1686. Ob. 1689. — prefixed to his " Memoirs" — in armour fm. niez, mrz. John Cecil, Earl of Exeter, 1678. Ob. 1700. Thomas Belafvfe, It- /j . ^m ^r-r ■' > FaLCONBERG, i6C2. Ob. I 70O. Vifcount J ' -^ ' mez, |G. Kncllcr mez. P. Lely la.fol, M. Beale — in GuilHm's " Heraldry" William, Duke of Glocester, 1689. Ob. 1700, a^t. 11 4/0. mez, Sol. Probably with three others. See Edw. VI. — in Birch's " Lives" — wh. Icn. ..... mez. — id. very young, with a fliock-dog - mez. — id. fomevvhat older, with a flower-pot mez. — ..--.. ^/o, mez. — with the liar and garter - - mez. — with Benjamin Bathurst, wh. lens. .^ wh. len. .-.-.. JqI, — ...... 8110. — with his nurfe. — in the print with K. Edward VI. Lcly Kneller Id. Kneller Id. Id. Id. 1699 - T. Murray Kneller Dukeo?''°^'' j ^'^^''^0'^' 1675. Ob. 1690, ^r. 27 — wh. len. — a fhip at fea la. mez. • a, i,to. mez. mez. i,to. mez. P. vr. Banc. J. Drapenticr, J. Smith, R. Williams. Smith, 1696. R. Tompion. ABlootelingifiyG Id. R. White. W. Faithornc, S. Gribelin. J. Houbralv.cn. B. Lens. P. Schenck. Smith, 1 69 1. Id. 1653. Id. 1697. Id. 1699. Id. 1700, V. Somer. R. White. Francis North, Lord George Savile, Marquis of Wm. Hamilton Douglas, Du. of "1 Guildford, 1683 , Ch. JuO. of C. P. 1674; J Ld. Keeper, \'c'i>z. Ob. 16 85. — ... {Copied in S-uo. ) la.foL — prefixed to his " Life," by R. North, ^to. > Halifax, 1682. Ob. 1695. — in Birch's " Lives" - . - . . > Hamilton, 1661. Ob. 1694. T. Hawker Kneller J. Becket. Id. la. E. Cooper. (ad vivum) D. Loggan. G. Vertue. Loggan Houbraken, Kneller vr. Banc Period Vr. Clais II. TheophilusHaf- tingSj Earl of ( no ) > Huntingdon, 1655. Ob. 1701, at. 51 Painter or Defigner. . G. Kneller George Lord p Tpff-frip. rjEFFF.RIES, I 68 5; Ch. Juft. of K. B. I 683; .ejenenes, i ^^^ ^^^_ ^^ ^ p_ ^^g^. j^^^ j^j^^^,^^ [ 1685. Ob. 1689. — iiifcribcd " Eail of Flint' 4/0. mez, — _ ■ . - - la, 4^0. mez. — la.foL RichardMaitland, 1 , ■ . 1l^ , r > Lauderdale, 169!. — ast. 34, 1683, when Lord Maitlamd la.fol. l Leicester, 1698. Ob. 1702. — with his filler Lady Dorothy, wh. lens. oil. meg, > Linlithgow, Ob. 1695. — when " Ld. Juft. Gen, of Scotland" Robert Sidney, Ear! of George Leving- flon. Earl of Kneller Kneller KneUcr The Lords Justices, in the abfence of the King to' VIZ. The Duke of Devonshire, Earls of Godolphin, Ha- lifax, Orford, and Portland, and the Duke of Shrewsbury, Per. vii. and Thomas Earl of Pem- broke, Per. viii. — in fevcn ovals ... Patrick Sarsfield, "I , ^c rM /' Earl of ' jLucAN, 1689. Ob. 1693. i Macclesfield, 1679. Ob. 1694. — when Lord Gerard . . . i Marckmont, 1697. P. Lely Charles Gerard, Earl of Patrick Hume, Earl of la» 4/0. Ll' Bingham Kneller Id. James Fitzroy, Duke of "1 Monmouth, 1663; attainted, 1685. Ob. J 1685. [685. on horfeback in armour on horfeback fi>- - - - - /a.fo/, — .---.- Jin, mez. — robes of the garter ... la.fol, — in armour .... la.Jh. mc%. — prefixed to the "School of Wifdom," 1664, i2»;o. — robes of the Garter .... fd. Engraver or Priiufel.er. R. Williams. Cooper, 1686, J. Oliver. J. Smith exc. R, White. P. vr. Banc* A. Browne [vend.^ R.White, 1688. Netfchcr and Wvck Kneller Lely Id. R. White. F. TiUiard. WSherwin(i666) J. Smith, 1697. R.White (1698) W. Baillie, vr. Banc. F. B(arIo\v. ) J. Bccket. A. Blooteling. Id. J. Chantry. D. Loggan. Prrlnd Vr. Clals II. 171 ) an axe underneath . . . . - _ in the print of the " Anti-pnpifts," viz. the^ DiikeofAaGYLE, Ar. Earl of Essex, Lord I RussEL, Armstrong, Cornish, God- j FRfiY, and Sidney, in eight ovals la.fol.j in armour ..----- See the Family Prints of K. Charles II. AlexandcrStuart,-) j^^^^^ 1686. Larl or J Henry Cavendini,jj^^^^^^^^^^ 1676.' Ob. 1691. la.fol. mez. mcz. fd. Duke of Henry Howard Duke of James Butler, Duke of — on lioifcback, with his elder brother Charles, 1 Vifcount Mansfield (Ob. reg. Car. I II.), in the Duke of Ncwcaftle's book of j Horfemanfhip . - - obl.fi.j Painler or Bcfigner. W. Wiffing WilTmg Id. Engraver »t Prinlfcllcr. B. Picart, 1724. des Rochers. J. Savage. P. Schenck. ij. Smith,, 1686. P. Stent cxc. N. VifTcher. vr. Waart. R. WiUiams. Kncller p. vr. Banc. ' I Nor FOLK, 1683. Ob. I70I. ] ':} Ormond, in Ireland, 1661 ; in Eng. 1682 ; E. 1623; Marq. 1642. Ob. 1688,^^79. — prefixed to " Afhton on the Clergy," 1676, hi.fol. — prefixed to his " Letters," bv Carte Sto. — prefixed to his " Life," by Carte, i']'^g,fol. — prelixedto the "Rebellion in Ireland," 1720, %vo. .— ha. len. (Gr. III. 188.) - - - mez. — ....... mez. — in armour, oval ... - mcz. — in Harding's " Grammont," 1792. I 7Q2. ~- in Harding's " Grammont," 1 792 William Douglas, 1 Q_uEENSBURY, 1685; Earl, 1671. Ob. Duke of J 1^94, ^et. 5S. — la-Jh. ^t^rfot"''^ ] Radnor, 1679. Ob. 1685. — • . . . . Scarce, mez. — when Lord Roberts, in " Ricraft," 1649. Y 2 A. v. Diepen- beke Lifebetten. J. Becket. J. Riley, 16S7 W. Sherwin. Kiieller Smith, (Loggan) vr. Gucht. D. Loggan. d viviim Id. Kneller Ravenet. Kneller G. W(hite.) R. White. Wiffin? R. Williams. Kneller Kneller Scheneker. Banc. R. White. Period VI. cufs n. ( 172 ) Robert Ker, Earl cf RoxBURGU, 16S2. Ob. 1696. — sec. 19 - - - - Edward Monta- Painter or Dcfigner. Bngravtr or Priiulcller. mra. 'D. Pattin gue, Earl nta- "I of 1 Sandwich, 1672. Ob. 1689. fol. Fre.Arm.Schom- T ScHOMBERG, 1689; Marech. Franc. 1675. P. Lely berg, Duke of _) Ob. 1690, st. 82. — when count - Jh- mtZ. mcz. la. fol. — on horfcback, an etching — on hoifeback eth M'Ken- In r ^ q /-ii , - . y , r !■ Seaforth, 1678. Ob. 1701. Kenneth M'Ken zie 4/0. nuz. la. fol. Anth.AlhleyCoo- "1 j, per. Earl of J AFTESBURY, 1683. Ob. 1699. — when Lord Ashley, fitting - - ntfz. — infcribcd, '' The fon of the Lord Chancellor"! mez. J TameS' Dairy mple,"l ^ ^ r\\ /: Vifeount 'j Stair, 1690. Ob. 1690. >././. William worth p, r'r > Strafford, 1641. Ob. 1695, set. 69. — when Lord Wentworth, with his fillers, La- dies Ann* and Arabella, wh. lens, pre- fixed to the " Strafiord Papers, "/o/. ^""moV""' Istrathmore, 1649. Ob. 1695. .— xt. 42 fol. "^^^^uhor ^'^^^' 1 TwEEDALE, 1694; Earl, 1654. Ob. 1700. — in ermine — when Ld. Chanc. Scotl. tnez. mez. Richard Talboc, \ ^ to rw c y \ c >Tyrconnel, 1685. Ob. 1691 — 1689 ^EaTl 0?°'^'' 1 Warrington, 1690. Ob 1693. — when Lord de la Mere (i66i) - m * Lady Rockingham, 1654. Ob. 1695. J. Smith, 1698. A. Blooteling, G. Kneller vr. Banc. Mignard J. Becket. M. Dahl W. Faitliorne. Id. S. Gribthn,i689. Kneller J. Houbiakca. S. M. Kneller B. Picart. Id. Smith, 1689. ad vivum Lely Id. R. White. R. Tompfon. R. White exc. V. Dyck, 1639,0. Vertue,i739» KneUer Kneller Id. Kneller, 1 68j. R.White (1 68 6.). Smith, 1690. Id. 1695. Jollain (exc.) N. Larmeflin. Smith, 1689. Period VI. Clafs 111. ( 173 ) "1 Warwk J 1701 Edwiird Rich, "|^ Warwick and Holland, 1675. Ob. Earl of — wh. Icii. Painter or Dcligncr. Engraver or Pniilfcller. P'^j^'P Wharton, | ^hakton, 1625. Ob. 1695, st. 83. — a fmall oval — ill a black cap, fuord and trunk breeches. mcz. W.WiSing J. Smith, 1684 W. Hollar. Charles Somerfet, "1 ^ Marquis of J CESTER, Ob. 1698, JEt. 38, Mordecai John William James John CLASS III. GENTRY. Abbot, Receiver General of the Cufloms. Ob. I 700, set. 43. — prefixed to his " Life," 1700, 8vo. - - _ AsHTON, convifted of Treafon, 1690. Ob. 1691. R.Williams 16S6. Richardfon R. White. foL J. Riley :( R.White.) 1 2nw. Bluck, Efq. 1700. — foL'G. Kneller R. White. BoNNEL, Accompt. Gen. of the Revenue in Ire- land. Ob. 1699. set. 46. — prefixed to his " Life," 8vo, - - . — .....--- 4/0. Chetwynd of Tngeftre, co. Stafford, Father of Wilham I. Viicount C. Ob. 1702, set. 59. — - -- mez. J.B.Medina Chetwynd, of Ingeftre, M. P. Ob. 1693. Walter Sir Jofiah Child, Mercat. Lond. Ob. 1699, jet. 69 Henry- Sir John Sir Edward Cornish, Sheriff of London, 16S0. Ob. 1685. — with the Duke of Monmouth (clafs 2.) and fix others, who lufFcred as anti-paplfts. Cotton Bruce, ot Connington, Bart. Ob. 1702. - ' M — -------- 4/0. Dering, Merchp.nt. — oval, infcript. in MS. in Pepys's CoUeil. Riley J. Nutting, R. White. Smith, 1722. R, White, 1 69 1. M.vr.Gucht. Kneller ivr. Banc Id. R. White, 1699. Prrioti VI, Clals ill. I 174 Sir John Fenwick, Bart. Ob. 1697. — Kt. 52, 1696 - - . . . Sir George Hamilton, of Binnie, Bart. Kt. 5 I, 1694 , - . . . Sir Edward Harlev, Knr. Badi, 1660. Ob. 1700. — in Colllns's " Hiftor. Colled." Benjamin Hewling, convicted of Treafon, 1685. — Kt. 22 (1685) Peter Painter or Defigner. la.fol. IW. Wiffing mcz. J.B.Medina - iS. Cooper 8i;o. HoET, a Flemifli Merchant, and Virtuofo, 1687. — anonymous .-..---- Altered, and infcribed " Earl of Marr." Sir John Hoskins, Maffc. in Chanc. 1675, P- ■^- ^* 1682. — a bufl in a niche --.... 4/0. Sir LeoHne Jenkins, Secretary of State, 1680. Ob. 1685, ffit. 63. — prefixed to his " Life," by Wynn, 1724, _/o/. - - ^H. Tuer,l679 — -------- ms% Fn'rjvtrft Frimfc.ler. Sir John Johnston, convicled of affixing the Hon. James Campbell in ftealing Mrs. Mary Wharton, an Heirefs ; 1*690. — wooden cut prefixed to his " Life." The Kentish Petitioners. Juftinian Champneys. Thomas Colepefer. William Colepeper. Willi im Hamilton. David PoLHiLi. Ob. 1754. — in five ovals - ... - Jh, DevcrcLix Knightly Ob. 1695, a:t. 20. Sir Mark Milbanke, Bart. 1680. Ob. 1698. H. Quiter Sir James Montgomery, or Moungomery, of Skilmurlie, Bart. — in armour ...... ijt, viez. Sir John Moo:*, Aid. Lond. Ob. 1702, set. 82. — " Lord Mayor, IC182," fitting in a chair mcz, P. Lely Sir Henry Morgan, Knt. Lieut. Gov. Jamaica^ and Lieut. Gen. 1677. — -------- izmo. — prefixed to the " Hill, of tiic Buccaneers," 4/0. Living '685. See Lond. Gaz. No. 2040. Sir Dudley North, Knt M P. Ob. 1^91. — prefixed to his " Life," by R. North, 1 744, 4/0. R. Wliite. J. Smith, 1699. G. Vertuc. P.vr.Banc. R. V.aiite. G.vT.Gucht. R. 'WTiite, 1701. Smith, 1697. G. Lumley. J. m'ArdcII. F.H.v.Hove. Vcrtue, 1743. Period VI. Cbfs 111. ( 175 ) Geor<^e Pettv, Not of Sir William P.'s family. Sir Thomas Pilkington, Aid- London. Ob. 1691, Dec. i. — " Lord Mayor" Henry Fowl e. Speaker Houfe Com. 16S9. Ob. 1692. William Richards, — hair, collar open .... ^g, mez, Tobias RusTAT, Yeoman of the Robes to K. Cha. II. Ob. 1693, art. 87. — with the emblem of Charity > Very Jcarcc. mc%, Sfr Bevil Skelton, Brit. Minifter in Holland, 1688. — - - 1678 Erafmus Smith, Mercat. Lond. 1688, Son of Sir Roger S. of Edrnondthorp, co. Leicefter, Bart. John SouTER, Merchant at Exeter, 1700. Sir Robert Southwell, M. P. Ob. 1702, «t. 66. Mr. r, Murray J. Linton Kneller Knellcr mez. Mr. Stanhope, — with a parrot Tells, Painter or Ocfigncr. ad ' Kiieller Kneller Sir Robert Viner, Bart. 1666, Aid. Lond. Ob. cir. 168S. — with long hair, black cap, cloak (1675) - /«"'• I Sir Francis Willoughby, Bart. 1677. Ob. 1688. ....... ^;g_ „,^2. in armour Philip Woolrich, — in arm Sir James Worse e v, Knt. 1669. Ob. 1695. John 4/0. truz. WORSLEY, — a proof print Henry Worfter, — oval I Engraver or Printfcller. R. WiUiams. R. White, 1 69 1. G. Vcrtuc, 1737. J. Smith (i688.) J. Greenhill - fm. 4/(7. mex. Mu M. V. Sommeren. G. White. R. White. Smith, 1704. Smith, 1702. Smith, 1693. (Faithorne.) T. Man. F. P{lace.) Robinfon, Smith, 1650. Pciioil VI. Clafs IV. ( ^7<5 ) CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision. BISHOPS. Thomas Barlow, Bp. of Lincoln, 1675. Ob. 1691, £et. 85. — S T. D. &c fol. — prefixed to Ins " Cafes of Confcience," 1692, ivo. The Seven Bishops fent to the Tower in 1688. Thomas Kenn. See Per. vii. cl. 4. John [,AKE. See below. William Lloyd. Ste Per. vii. cl. 4. AVilliam Sancroft. See below. Sir Jonathan Trelawny. See Per. vii. cl. 4. Francis Turner, Bp of Rochefter, 1683; Ely, 1684; deprived, 1690. Ob. 1700. Thomas White, Bp. of Peterborough, 1683 ; deprived, 1690. Ob. 1698. — in feven ovals, fold by Loggan - la. fol. — la.fol. — with the candkfticks ... la. 4/0. — with Dutch veiies - . - . . — ------- mcz, • — - - - - - - - mtz, — with the candleftlcks ... mtz. - M — - - ...... la.fol. This appears to be the original print. — prefixed to their " Trial" - - fol. Michael Boyle, Bp. of Cloyne, 1660; Abp. of Dublin, 1663 ; Armagh, 1678. Ob. 1702, art. 93. — - - foi- — ------.- mez. — in an oval - ....... mcz. Alexander Ca-re>cross, Abp. of Glafgow, Bp. of Raphoe, 169b. Ob. 1701. Thomas Cartwright, Bp. of Chefter,' 16B6. Ob. 1680. — , la.fol. Painter or Dcligiicr, EnjraTer or rrinifciier. ad vlvutn Henne Mortii G. Zouft Zona D. Loggan, 1672. R. White. vr. Banc. J. Drapentier. J. Gole. S. Gribtlin. A. Haelweg. J. Oliver. Robinfon. J. Smith, 1688. V J. Stiirt. R.White, 1688. Id. Loggan. R. PuchcUe. R. White. J. Becket. I Terlod VI/ ClafslV. ( 177 ) Painter or Dcfigncr. Tngravf r or Piiiufcllcr John John Ezekiel DoLBEN, Bo. of Rochefter, 1666; Abp. of York, 1683. ' Ob. 1686, xt. 62. — with John Fell and lliciiARn Allestreh, fitting | _ . , r^ between them. Scarce - - - la.mc-:.] | * ^"^ ^ — ......... miZ. IJ, Huyfman Fell, Bp. of Oxford, 1675. Ob. 1686,21.61. — ill thepiint with John DoLnE.Nf, &c. above. Hopkins, Bp. of Raphoe, 1671; Dcrry, 1681. Ob. 1690, — prefixed to "Death difarmed of its Sting," 1712,8-uo. — prefixed to his " St-i-moiis," 1691, 8vw. — prefixed to his " Works," 1710,/n/. ... — prefixed to his " Expofition of the Ten Command- 1 ments," ^-to, . . - . . Tho. Philip Howard, Cardinal, 1675. Ob. 1694, ^i. 65 Scarce, la. /Zi. la. fnl. ■ - Jh. fol John Thomas Lake, Bp. of Sodor, 16S2 ; Briftol, 1684; Chi- chefter, 1685 j deprived, 1689. Ob. 1689. - I'i-Io!. — in the print of the Seven Bishops. Lamplugh, Bp. of Exeter, 1676; Abp. of York, 1688. Ob. 1691, St. 76. Lojrfrnn exc. ii. Tompfon cxc. Ju Chattel vv. Oiiclit, J. Sunt. Id. R. White. vr. Bruggen. N. Byli. ' A. Clomvet. N. Noblin. Poilly. Zucchi. Loggan, 1688. Sturt. — St. 74 /^.>/. G.Kneller P.vr.Banc John Richard WiUiara The face of this print was altered to that of Abp. TtNNISON. Pearson, Bp. of Cl-.efter, 1672. Cb. 1686, £1.74. — prefixed to his " Expofition of the Creed," 1692,^0/. I (Loggan) — id. - - - - - - 1C76. yb/. j W. Sunman — xt. 70, i68z, id. ... 1(58^. Jul RussEL, Bp. of Portalegro, Portugal, clar. i683. i Sancruft, Abp. of Canterbiirv, 1677 ; deprived, 1691. Ob. 1693, jet. 77. la. fol. — prefixed to the " Convocation Book," i6yo, 4/0. — in the prints of the Seven Bishops. Thomas Smith, Bp. of Carlifle, 1684. Ob. 1702, at. 87. ad vivum W.Elder. V. Hove. Loggan. T. Dudley, 1679, Elder. vr. Giicht. Loggan, 1679. Ktnrt. R. White. set. 87 ?,.f~. T. Stvphcnfoii J. Smith, J701- I'ciioa VI. Clafs IV. Edvvaixl William John Sedi ( '78 ) SriLLiKCFLEET, Bp. of Worcefter, 16S9. Ob. ibijo, set. 63. _' . - - fol. _.-_.-•---- fol. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1696, ^vo. — " Dean of St. Paul's" ... - /a.foL TiioMA?, Bp. of St. David's, 1677; Worcefter, i6S^ Ob. 1^88, ast. 76. — ovaI, in Nafh's " Worcjilerfhire" . - - - TiLLOTsoN, Abp. of Canterbur)', 1691. Ob. 1694, iEC. 65. Altered and madetilder by R. White. — when dean of Canleibury - . . . yb/. Painter or Dcfigncr. Enerivtror PriTitlcUer. — in Birch's " Lives" M. Bcale — prefixed to the edit, of his " Works," by Birch, 1 i-jyz,foi. J — -------- niez. — la. Jo/. — prefixed to liis " Sermons," 1 68 , Svo. — set. 64, prefixed to the fame, 1694, l2mo. — Li./oL — prefixed to his " Life," by Young, 1719, izmo. — with a Dutch infcriplion. Ward, Bp. of Exeter, 1661 ; Salifbury, 1667. Ob. 1689, art. 71. — la.fol. CLASS IV. M. Beak P. Lelv G. Kneller Id. Kneller ad vivum Kneller .1. Bcale Id. ad vivum Second Subdivision.- -INFERIOR CLERGY. BonaventuraBARON, Relig. Francifc. Ob. 1696. — set. 52, 1662, an oval in a iolio trontifpiece William Bates, D. D. Prcfbyter. Ob. 1699, xt. 74. — in the " Noncouformifts' Memorial," 177 ,8110. — prefixed to his " Harmonv of Divine Attributes," 1 4"': - . - ' J — wt. 62, prefixed to his "Sermons" - - 1 2me .-\.. Blooteling. R. White. Id. T. Sanders. vr. Bank. Blooteling'. G.v.Gucht. J. HoubrakeE. Nixon. iS.F.Ravenet. ij. Simon. G. Vcrtue. R. White. Id. Id. Id. D.Loggan, 1678, — Xt. 57 ..-.-- - 12OT0 — a;t. 65 .--.--- limo — at, 74, prefixed to his " \Vorks," i']00,fol. Schraman W. Kilian. Kneller J. Caldwall. (ad vivum) W. Faithorne J. Start. Vertue. R. White. Kneller Id. Id. Id. ! rerlod V!. C'lifi IV. Richard Jofcph Ilaac du John John Richard Benjamin ( 179 ) Baxter, Pred^yter. Ob. 1691 , itt. 76. — in tlie " Noiicoiifoi-mil'is' McmoiiHl" - - ^vo, — a:t. 76, prefixed to liis " Call to the Unconverted," \ 1696, 12IIW, ...... . j — xt. 76, fix verfes .... Rare. Jo/, — prefixed to his " Funeral Scimon and Life," Jo/. — - - . . - - - . 1 21110. •— .-_..-.. nii'z,. — aet. 76 . - - - - - - jzmo, — 2vo. — ast. 5J, 1670, prefixed to his " Life of Faith," 4/0. — prefixed to his " Catholic Theology," i6-j^,Jo/. — 3Et. 62------- Jo/. — prefixed to his " Life," and " Works," i6g6, Jo/. — eight Engl, verfes, prefixed to his " Reafons of the Chriftian Rcli<:jion," 1667, ^.fo, — prefixed to his " Poor Man's Fane-Book," Svo. — with a fcuU ...--. izmo. Beaumont, S. T. P. Prcb. of Ely. Ob. 1699, at. 84. — prefixed to his " Pfychc," a poem, Jo/. . « . BouRDiEiT, Minift. of die French Church, London, 1685. — -----.-. mez. Broadgate, Chaplain to the Faftory at Smyrna. — set. 75, 1701 ..... j^to.mez. Bunyan, Lay-preacher at Bedford. Ob. 1688, at. 60. — ..-.-... i2mo. — ........ ] 2mo, — an etching ..._.. 4/0. .— . - - - • - - - mez. — prefixed to a late edit, of his " Works" - fo/. — ---.---- Jriez. — prefixed to his " Grace abounding," 168 , l2mo. — prefixed to his " Pilgrim's Progrcls," 168 , 8110. i— prefixed to his " Works," lG8 ,Jo/. — -...-... i2mo. — xt. 57, in a circle - . . . . izmo. — an etching ------ /a. 4/0. Busby, Preb. Weftminfler, 1660. Ob. 1695, ffit. 89. — -.- - - - - - - mez. — (taken after his death) - - - . /a. Jo/. CalamYjD.D. Preb. St. Paul's, 16S5. Ob. 1686. — -------- 4/0. mez. ^ ....... . fo/. This has been infcribed Henrv Finch, Dean of York. — prefixed to his " Sermons," ■• Svo, ~ . . Z2 Painter or Dcfigncr. Enjr.ner or Printfellcr. J. Riley IJ. Caldwall. It. D. del. et fc. I J. Drapenticr. 1 V. Hove. A. Soly, 1683. J. Spilibury. Ij. Sturt. ' G. Vertue. (advivum) R. White, (advivum) Id. Id. Id. Faithornc T.Sadler 16S5 Sadler Rilcy R. Wliitc. P. Bouche. Bnrnford. J.H(olIand)i756 R. Houfton. Kitchin ? J. Spilfbury. Stiirt. Id. Id. R. White. J. V. f. Watfon. R. White. E. D. C. (Drapentler.) M.y.Gucht. Peniod VI. CUli iV. ( :8o ■) Ednvund Castlf, S. T. P. Pieb. Canterbury, Ob. 1685, a;t. yg. — a.t. 63, prefixed to his " Lexicon Heptaglol. "_/t. 71. — prefixed to his " Morality," 1731, 81)0. Copied Redor of Witterfham in Theophilus Dorrington, Kent, 1690, — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1 703, 8^•o. ... C. Franck Bouttats. William Dyer, Prefbyter. Oh. 1696, jet. 60. — set. 27, 1663, oval, before his " Ser:nons," i6£8, \lmo. * There is a print by T. Crofe, infciibed John Com.incs, and whofe age (^et. 27, 165&), if the Infcription is genuine, agrees with that of John CoUings above mentioned ; but, allowing for the dififercnce of age, there doe« not fcem to be fufHcient rcafon to Ijulicve it was done for the fame pcifon. Pamtfr nr Ddi-ner. F.ngravsF or Pri.'iiWlcr. (ad vivum) ad vivum M, Beale ad vivunt G. Kneller ad vivum Kneller ad vivum T. Fofter Id. Loggan 1684 WFaithornei66^ R. White. R. White. R. White, 1678. Collins. Lumley. R. White. J, Faber, 173(5. vr. Gucht. R. White. vr. Spreit, J. Sturt. R, Whiter G. Vertuc. Terhi VI, CI.,,-. IV. ( iSl ) Clement Ellis, M. A. Preh. of Southwell. Ob. 1700, St. 68. — set. 68, prefixed to liis " Difcouifcs on the Parables," 1 704, i2mo. Paul Dem. Falantin de laRiviere, Minifler of the French Church in London. — in Pepys's Colled. 8lli clafs • - - mez. John Flavel, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1691, at. 6f. — in tiie " Nonconformilli' Memorial" , . . --------- >/• — prefixed to his " Works," foL - . - — xt. 50, 1680, prefixed to his " Mctliod of Grace,"! 1681, 4/«. - J Thomas Gale, D. D. Dean of York, 1697. Ob. 1702, iEt. 67. — holding a paper, in Pepys's Colleft. Richard Gilpin, M. A. Paftor at NewcaflJe, 1700. — in the '* Nonconformifts' Memorial" ... Dionyfius Granville, or Greenville, Dean of Durham, 1684. — set. 54 - - - - - - - 4/0. Thomas Heather *, Chaplain to K. Cha. II. and Vicar of Portfmoutlr. — ast. 7 , oval- .... fm. fol. vie%. Henry, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. 1696, let. 65. — prefixed to his " Life," by M. Henry, 1712, ?>i3a. Hewetson, — -------- Wfz;. I':.int«r or Ut:ii';iicr. Kntr.irer or PrnnleHer. Philip Michael William ad vivum I'.v. Somen, J. Caldwall. II. Cooper. . vr. Giicht. R. White. Beaupoille Holder, S. T. P. Canon of St. Paul's, i66 ; F.R. S. 16S3. Ob. 1697, 2et. 82. - _ - fol. Anthony Horneck, D. D. Preb. of Weftminfter, 1693. Ob. 1697, ®'^- 5^' — pieiixed to his " Sermons," 1706, 8^'0. - . - Thomas Jacomb, D. D. Reftor of St. Martin's, Ludgate, cir. 1647. Ob. 1687. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial," ^vo. — with 13 others, prefixed to the " Farewell Sermons." See Cala.my, Per. v. cl. 4, 2d fubd. William J en kin, M. A. Minifter of Chrift Church, Lond. cir. 1641. Ob. 1685. — in the " Nonconformills' Memorial" ... — in the print with the next above, &c. • The print of this perfon came into my pofieffion fince the preceding period of this book was printed off; and, as it does not Rate the time of his death, it may be placed in Per. V. It is well fcraped in the maaa;r of Mr. PJ;ii.t, Holland E. Lutterel ad vivum M. Beale J. Riley Gibfon Caldwall. N.Edelinck 1693 iL White. J. Smith, 169O0 D.Loggan(iGS3) R. White. Caldwall, Burder. Period VI. ClafsIV. ( 182 ) Silvefter' Jenks, Philof. Prof. * — xt: 38, i6g4, fix Engl, verfes, prefixed to " A Con-"\ trite and Humble Heart," Par. 1692, i2mo. -J Benjamin Keach, Anabapt. of Horfly-down. — set. 54, 1694, prefixed to his "Trumpet blown in! Cadvivum) Sion, two Difcourfes," 1694, 4/0. - - -J — St. , prefixed to his " Jew. Sabbath," 1700, Svo. — a:t. 60, 1 701, prefixed to his " Works," /o/. - - J. Surman — ....... 1682. Svo. — xt. 57, 1698 .-._.. izmo. Elias John Samuel Andre Paintsr or Defii;ncr. Engraver or rnntfeHcr. Keach, — set. 30 f or 56 — a;t. 32 - IZmo. Vicar of Colefhill. Ob. Kettlewell, 1695, Eet. 42. • — prefixed to his " Trcatife on the Sacrament," 1 70 , Sitn. — prefixed to the fame ... 1 706, Svo, — ....--.- Inez. — prefixed to his " Works," lyigjfoL — prefixed to his " Life," by Nelfon, 1718, Svo. Leigh j, — 3:1.15,1661 ...... i2mo. LoRTiE, D. D. Paftor of the French Church, Lond. 1683 — 1700. Timothy Man love, — ast. 37, 1699, two? - . - . Svo, John March, B. D. Vicar of Newcaftle, 1689. Ob. 1692. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1693, Svo. ... Matthew Mead, Prefbyter. Ob. 1699, st. 70. — set. 70, prefixed to his " Young Man's Remem- 1 brancer" - - - - 1 2mo. J — prefixed to his " Good of early Obedience," 1683, Him. — act. 60, 169^1 • fol. Richard Meggot, S. T. P. Dean of WincheRer, 1679. Ob. 1692. — ....---. la. fol. _ la.fol. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1685, %vo. John Moore, of Worcefier. — act. 75, prefixed to his " Banner of Corah," 1696, Siw. Henry More, D. D. Preb. of Glouceflcr, 1675. Ob. 1687, St. 73. — aet. 61, fitting under a tree, prefixed to his " Opera 1 Thcologica," 1675,/-/. J — aet. 65,3 head, prefixed to his " Works, "/o/. Copied * Quxrc, of the Rom. Church. + 1 have n(iticc of a print of Bcnj. K. aet. 30, before the " Banquet of Fat Things." But is it not thie ? J Author of a treatife on the " Joy of Fhitli," 16S7, iimv. ? (ad vivum) H. Tilfon Id. Id. Id, G. KneUer Id. (ad vivum) ad vivum J. le Pouter. J. Drapentier. Id. vr. Gucht. (Drapentier.) R. White, 1697. vr. Gucht. Id. , J. Smith, 169J, G. Vertue. Id. (Faithorne.) V. Somer. vr. Gucht. J. Sturt. J. Nutting. R. White. (Id.) D. Log;gan. R. White, Id. Drapentier. W, Faithorne. Loggan, 1679. TeiloJ VI. Clal. IV. ( 183 ). Lodowick MuGCLETON, Enihufian;. Ob. 1698, £et. 89. — prefixed to his "Divine Lookiiig-Glafs," 1662, ^lo.mez. Henry Newcome, M. A. Prcfliyter. Ob. 1695, ict. 68. — /"'• /"/• Nicholas Pearson, — prefixed to his "Raptures of a flaming Spirit," i68S,Svo. Perkins, A. B. — prefixed to his " Latin Poems," 1701, 4/0. Petre, Jefuit, and Confeflbr to K. James. — the devil tempting liim to hang himftlf Dulch mez. Jofepli Edward Robert Edward Robert Thomas John SaiT.uel Richard Plott, D. D. Antiq. Ob. 1696, a-t. 55. — vvh. Icn. in the Oxford Ahnanack, 1 749 PocoKE, D. D. Arab. Prof. Oxon. and Traveller. Ob. 1 69 1, £t. 87. — prefixed to his " Tlieolugical Works," 1740, _/<;/. John Raw LET, B D. Lefturer at Newcaftle upon Tyne. Ob 1686, lEt. 4.4. — aet. 44, prefixed to his " Poems," 1687, S-uo. Timothy Rogers *, Son of John R. M. D. 1700. RussEi., MiniRer of Wardhurft, SulTex. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1701, i2ff;5 - . . Satuk, D. T. Paftor of the French Church in L onc^on, 1690. — in Pepys's Colleft. clafs 8 . . - . - ScoTT, S. T. P. Preb. of St. Paul's, 1684. Ob. 1695. zet. 56. — prefixed to his "Works," iyi2, fo/. , . . — piefixedtohis " Pratlical Difcourfes," I7OI,8t'0. Shaw, M. a. Prcfbvter. Ob. 1696, a;t 59. — in the *' Nonconformifts' Memorial" . . . Taintcr or Dciji^iicr. Eiigr?.ver or Pili.tlciler. G.v.CafFeel. R. White. F.II.v.Hove. ad vivum R. White. G. Vcrtue. W. Green F.M.IaCavc. R. White. 11. Byng R. Wmiams. J. Drapentier, ad vivum V. Somer. vr. Gucht. R. White, Sherlock, D. D. Reftor of Winwick. Ob. 1689, ast. 76. — prefixed to his " Praftical Chriftian," 1713, Svo. - vr. Gucht. John Spencer, S. T. P. Dean of Ely, 1677. Ob. 1695, St. 63. — prefixed to his " De Legibus Hcbr;Eorum,"/o/. - Vertue, 1727. George Stradling, S. T. P. Dean of Chichelter, 1672. Ob 1688. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1692, Stjo. ... R.White. * There is a fmall print by June, prefixed to a DifTertation on the Thirty-nine Articles, infcribed (probably by Kiiftake) Thomas Rogers, J3. D. Minifter at Homingar in SuflFolk. J. Caldwall. Ptriod VI. Clafs IV. Matthew John Edmund Nathaniel Nathaniel George ( ^84 ) Sylvester, Prefbyter. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1702, Svo. . - - Todd, A. M. — 3:1.3^,1691 4//• Painter or Dclipner. Schiv M. Beale ad vivum G. Kneller Thomas Chriflopher Thomas Henry William _ /a.foL Warren, M. A. Prefoyter. Ob. 1694, at. 77. — in the " Nontonformifts' Memorial," Svo, Wasse, M. A. Philol. Ob.1690. — a fmall oval. Watson, M. A. Prefbyter. Ob. cir. i6qo. — prefixed to his " Art of Contentment," 166:, 8i)0. — prefixed to his " Body of Divinity,'' i6g2,fo/. Wharton, M. A. Reftor of Chartham in Kent. Ob. 1695, 2?t. 31. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1698, 8vo. - - - H. Tilfon Woodward, — .....--- mez. Taverner The following article is inferced upon the authority of Mr. Granger, vol. iii. p. 274, 6vo. edit. " Tfcere is, I ani inforined, a print infcribed Anthonius " SANOtRvs. Quire if Ant. Saunders, Clianc. of " St. Tyul's, Loud, and Rctlor of Aclon, Midd. Sec «' Wopd's " Fallij" cul. ii. 189,207. He was living " in 17OQ." Fngravcr »«■ rrintlcller. TvI.vr.Gucht. J. Drapentier. R. White. R. White. R. White. P.v.Banc, i68n. J. Gole. A. Haelweg. D. Loggan. P. Schenck. R. White. J. Caldwall. V. Hove. J. Sturt. R. White. J. Smith, 1690. PeiloJ VI, Clafs V. CLASS ( 1S5 ) V. LAWYERS. First Subdivision. JUDGES. Sir Henry Bedingfield, Ch. Juil. of C. P. 1686. Ob. 1687. - >/. The Counsel for the Seven Bifhops tried in 1688 ; viz. Heneage Finch *, Sol. Gen. 1670. Crefwell Levin z. See below. Sir Francis Pemberton, juft. of K. B. 1679; Ch. Jufl. of K. B. 1681 ; Ch. Juft. of C. P. 1682 ; fuperfeded, 1683. Henry Pollexfen. ?ee below. Sir Robert Sawyer, Att. Gen. 1680. Ob. 1692. John SoMERs. See Period vii. clafs 2. Painter or Defigncr, Sir George Treby. See below. — in feven ovals /a./oL Sir Nicholas Letchmere, Bar, of Exch. 1689. Ob. 1701, ffit. 88. — in Nafli's " Worcefterfliire," 177 - /ni. i{fo. me%. Sir Crefwell Levinz, Juft. of C. P. 1680; revoked, 1685. Ob. 1701, cet. 74. — prefixed to his " Reports," 1102, fol. . . . — in the prints of the " Bifhops' Counsel." Sir John Nisbett, of Dirleton, Ld. Adv. Scotland. - fo'- Sir Henry Pollexfen, Ch. Juft. of C. P. 1689. Ob. 1692. — - - L.foL — in the print of the " Bifhops' Counsel." Sir Thomas Street, Bar. ofExc. 1681 ; Juft. of C. P. 1684. — ast. 63 la. fol. Sir George Treby, Ch. Juft. of C. P. 1692. Ob. 1700, a:t. 36. — k.fol. — in the print of the " Bifliops' Counsel." Sir Peyton Ventris, Juft r-fC P 16S9. — prefixed to his " Reports," l6()6,fol. ... * Earl of Aii-ESFGRD, 1714. Ob. 1 7 19. A a G. KncUer D. Paton Engraver or PrintWler. ad vivum ad vinim J. Riley R. White, 16S5. (R.White) 1689. R. WiUiams. V. Green. R. White. R. White. W. Elder. J. Savage. R. White, i6SS. R. White. R. White. Period VI. Clafs V. ( JS6 ) Painter or I Engraver «f Defiener. Priiitfcller. Scarce, fol. Sir Robert Wright, Juft. of K. B. 1687. CLASS V. Second Subdivision. — PRACTITIONERS. William Anstruther, — ret. 44, 1694 Henry Cutts, of the Middle Temple. *• Thomas Deane, interior. Templi Socius." Sir Geo. mac Ken z IE, Jurifc. Scot. Ob. 1691, «t. 55. — /<«'• - .- - - >'• — motto, " Firma vel ardua," prior to the laft fol. Qu. which of thefe is before his works J Sir BarthoL Shower, Recorder of London, 1687. — prefixed to his " Reports," I7o8,/o/. . - . Sir John Trenchard, Serj. at Law, and Sec. of State. Ob. 1694. from a miniature, delicately engraved in manner of a "1 4/0.; . - - Proof, la. mez. la. fol. J. Riley R. White. J.B.deMedinaJ. Smith, 1694. J. Drapentier. ad vivum G. KneUer fcraping Anonymotis Portrait of a Lawyer. act. 55, 16S5, motto, " Videtit utilitas," prefixei the " Lawyer's Advice to his Son," 1685, 8vo. CLASS VL MILITARY. Sir Thomas Allen, Admiral, and Comptr. Navy, 1670. Ob. 1695. — set. 73, 16S5 .... yijjie head. Jh. — done abroad ? - - - - 166 . fol. Sir John Chicheley, Adm. and Surv. Ordnance. Ob. 1690. del. et fc. R. Wliite, 1697. vr. Banc. R. White, 1686. J. Nutting. Beftland 178 R. White. KneUer P. Lely vr. Banc* A. Browne(exc.) ( i87 ) Period VI, Clafi VI. Thomas Dalziel, Scottlfh General. Ob. 1685. — with a long infcriptioii - - - Scarce, foh Edmund Ludlow, Gen. for Pari. 165 . Ob. 1693, set. 73. Painter or Defigncr. Thomas Charles The — of Mr. Hollis's prints — in Clarendon's " Hiftory" — prefixed to his " Memoirs," 1771, la. ^0. — prefixed to the fame, 1698, S'uo. Maxwell, General, 1688. Napier, General. — with a black boy fol. Vivo. Engraver or Printfellcr. D. Patton P.vr.Banc. J.B.Cipriani, vr. Gutht. S.F. Ravcnet. (R.White.) - - - - nuz. 'J. Sommer Portsmouth Captains, who declared for die Prince of Orange, viz. John Beaumont, Col. William Cook, Thomas Orme, Simon Pack, Thomas Paston, John Port, — in fix ovals, united by their hands - JJ}. Edward Rig by, Capt. Navy, convided of an unnatural Crime, 1698. J. CloftermanJ. Smith, 1592. Smith, 1700. Thomas Sanders, de Ireton, com. Derb. Col. for die Par- liament. Ob. 1695, set. 85. — la. i^lo, Thomas Tollemache, General. Ob. 1694. — in Birch's Lives ..... la, fol. CLASS VII. LITE RARY PERSONS, Elias Ashmole, Antiquar. Ob. 1692, «t. 76. — a buft, prefixed to his " Theatruni Chymicum BrI-1 tannicum," 1652,4^0. Copied - - -J — in the frontifpiece to his " Fafciculus Chymicus," 1650, i2/n9. infcribed " Mercuriophilus Anglicus." William Atkins, — prefixed to his " Difcourfe on the Gout," 1694, i2mo, John Aubrey, Antiquar. Ob 1697, set. 72. — prefixed to his " Nat. Hift. of Surrey," - Svo. A a 2 T. Murray R. White, 1688. Smith, 1702. B. FlefTiers iD. Loggan. Ij. Houbrakcn ( Faithorne. ) (v. Hove.) vr, Gucht. Period VI. Clafs VII. Peter Edward Francis William Robert ( '88 ) Barwick, M. D. Ob. 1694, £Bt. 89. — prefixed to his " Life of John Barwick," his Father, "1 in Latin, 1721, 2vo, - - - • -J Beklowes, Poet. Ob. 1686, zet. 73. — a fmall oval of laurel foliage, in a print with feveral 1 views of St. Paul's - . . - . Jh, J — an etching, prefixed to his " Theophila," 16^2, fo/. la..fo!. Bernard, M. D. Ob. 1698, st. 70. — oval of foliage, unfuiifhed Black *, Boyle, Philof. Ob. 1691, a;t. 65. ?,vo. — -..-.... mca, — oiJlajjon ...... /^o. — a bull mez. — with an air-pump. Scarce . - - - fol, — prefixed to the " Epitome of his Philofophical Works," by Bolton — -------- mez. — -------- mez.. — in Birch's " Lives" ...... 4/0. •:} John Francis John Robert Sir Henry William Daniel — prefixed to his " Seraphic Love," Browne, Surgeon. — set. 35, 1677, prefixed to his " Pi eternal. Tumours," Sx'O. — set. 36, 1678, prefixed to his "Treatife on Wounds," 4/0. — set. 39, 1681, prefixed to his " Treatife of the Muf- 1 cIes,"/o/. ""J Bltgg, of Mildenhall. — set. 58, i6qS, prefixed to his " Pilgrim's Progrefs "I from Quakerifm to Chriilianity," 4/0. - - J Case, Medic, et Aftrolog. Nat. Limar, &c. — prefixed to his " Medical Expofitor," 1698, \2mo. — in a fexangular fr.->me, prefixed to his " Angelical Guide," 168 , iimo. Chamberlaine, Arithmet. 1696.. — prefixed to his " Accomptant's Guide," 1679, S'""- ■ CiiAUNCY, Antiquar. Ob. 1700. — prefixed to his «' Hill, of Hcrtfordfliire," \-]oo,fol. Cole, M. D. 169^ — prefixed to his " Treatife on Apoplexies," 1689 Colwal, " Reg. Soc. Mufei Fund." Ob. 1690. — - fil- — an etching, prefixed to Grew's " Muf. Reg. Soc." fo/. Painter or Defigner. Engraver w Priiitfellcr. G. Vcrtue. D. King, ' F.H.V.H0VC. Keifeboom ad vivum R. A. B. Baron, du Chefne. F. Diodati. J. Faber. W. Faithorne, vr. Gucht. Kerfeboom Kerfeboom A. Miller. J. Smith, 1689, Vertue. Id. R. White. H. Morland R. White, Id. Id. v. Hove. Id. v. Hovc» W. Binnemani J. Savage.^ (ad vivum) R. White. (ad vivum) R.White, 1681 * A perfon of thefe names was executed for trcafon in the rebellion, 1 7 16. Period VT. Clafs VII. James Charles Thomas John ( 189 ) Cooke, Medic, clar. 1685, — set, 64, prefixed to his " Marrow of Cliinirgcry" 2vo. — set. 71 Svo. Cotton, Poet. Ob. 1687, set. 57. — prefixed to his " Life," 1770, >>va. . . . Cow EL, — xt. 63, 1688, in a wig . - . . ^q, Dryuen, Poet. Ob. 1701, a-t. 70. — /(i./o/. — /a./oL — ..■_... 4/a. niez, 4/0. mcz. 4/19. mez. Bvo. mcz. Svo. mcz. la. Jul. l2mo. vuz. I'auiler or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Priiiifcllei. — In a long wig - - . . — Jet. 62, 1693 _ - . . — St. 52, 1683 — in Birch's " Lives" ... — with WycHERLEv, Prior, and Pope — set. 67, 1698 - ... - — with Garth, Van Burch, and Steele — in the fet of " Poets" Sir Wilham Sir ©eorge Thomas John DuGDALE, Antiq. and Herald. Oh. 16S6. — :Et. 50, 1656, prefixed to liis " Hiftory of Warwick-T fliire,"/o/. J Ent, M. D. Ob. 1689, at. 85. — 168 . Si'o. — prefixed to his " Animadverfiones de Refpirationis," &c. 1679, '&V0. Flatman, Poet. Ob. 1688, cet. 53. — holding a drawing of Clia. II. - - - mez. — in Walpole's " Painters" .... 4/0. — prefixed to his "Poems," 1682,8^0. . . . Gadbury, Aftrolog. Nat. 1627 ; clar. 1690. — set. 31, prefixed to his " Nativities," l65S,/»/. — oval, prefixed to his " Nativities," 1662, _/i/. P. Ldy G. Kneller Id. Id. J. Clofterman LI. Kneller J. Riley Kneller Knelle J. Hnyls , Id. — in an aftrological fcheme — set. 46 - - - 12OT0. 4/0. izmo. fm. ^0. John Gideon Goad, Mafter of Merchant-Taylors School, 166 , to 16S1. Ob 1689. — ast. 62, 1677, prefixed to his " Aftro-Meteorologia," 1 1690, 4/0. •■ - - - - - -J Harvey, M. D. t Phiiof. Ob. 1700. — prefixed to his " Gi eat Venus iimnallved," 1672 ; and! " Anatomy of Confumptions," J 674, i2mo. - J — prefixed to his " New Principles of Philofophy," 1 l6b2, la, ti^o, - - - - - - ._) R. White. Id. Ryland. Coignard 1702. N. Ktielinck. I'aber. W. Faithorne, j. Id. G.v.Gucht. P.v.Gunft. J. Houbrakeu. Kyte. de Leeuw. Simon. G. Vertue, 173O. Id. G. White. W.HoUar, 1656. R. White. (Faithorne.) Walker. R. White. . Cro-fs. (Id.) Id. (Faithorne.) Savage. W. Shervvin. R. White. A. Hertocks. P. Philippe. . PcrioJ VI. Clafs VII. Edward John Sir Robert George Daniel Robert Charles W illiam ( 190 ) Hatton, Arithmet. — prefixed to his " Index to Intereft," Svo. Thomas Venterus Sir John Henry William Francis Sir Samuel Richard — set. 32, 1696, prefixed to his " Arithmetick," 4/0. Hopkins, Poet. — prefixed to his " Works of the Mufes," lyoe, Svo. Howard, Poet. Ob. 1693. — prefixed to his " Plays," i6<)2, fol, - - - - Jones, Medic. — prefixed to his " Friendly Pills" - - - 4/0. Kenrick, Medic. — set. 32, 1685 4'°- Knox, — prefixed to his " Hillory of Ceylon" - - ful. Leigh, M. D. 16S5. — prefixed to his " Hiftory of Lancafliire," lyoo, fol. Leyeoitrn, Mathemat. Nat. 1626. — set. 30 (1652), prefixed to his " Arithmetick" I2n;o. — set. 48, 1674, prefixed to liis " Complete Sun'eyor," 4/0. — xt. 64, 1690, prefixed to his " CurfusMathem."_/b/. - — a=t. 30 (27), ornaments ... - j^to. — fitting, prefixed to his " Dialling," 1669, 4^0. — St. 52, 1678 - k2mo. Lister, Philomath. — xt. 63, 1698, prefixed to the " Bleffingsof 1688," 8^'0. Mandey, Mathemat. Ob. 1701, set. 56. — aet. 37, prefixed to his "Marrow of Meafuring," 1 1682, and "Mechanic Powers," 1702, 2vo -J Marsh AM, Bart. Hiftor. Ob. 1685, ajt. 80. — a:t. So, prefixed to his " Canon Chronic." foL Maydman, of Portfmouth. — xt. 52, prefixed to his " Naval Speculations," 1691, Svo. MoLYNETx, Mathemat. Ob. 1698, zet. 42. — prefixed to his " Treatife on Ireland," 1725 MooRE, Aftrolog. Nat. 1657. — -------- 8vo, rvIoRLAND, Eart. 1660. Ob. 1697. — a fmall oval --.-..-. — prefixed to his " Hiftory of the Churches of Pied- "I tnont," i653,/&/ - -J — in a wig, prefixed to the " Dcfcription of his two Arithmetical Inllrunients,'' 1673, 121110, Morton, M. D. Ob. 1698. Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Printfcller. |W. Sherwin. Phipps |G. Vertue. ad vivum R. White. (v. Hove.) Vertue. G. Kneller R. White. J. Drapentier. R. WTiite. 1 vivum R; White, Faithorne J. Savage. del. et fc. ad vivum ad vivum P. Lely B. Orchard W. Elder, R. Gaywood. R. White. Id. R. White. R. White. R. White. , F.H.v.Hove. P. Simms. Drapentier. (Hollar.) P. Lombart, PerlcJ Vr, Cbfs VII. Jofeph John ( 191 ) — prefixed to liis " Treatife on Confumptions" dvo, MoxoN, Mathemar. Nat. 1627; clar. 1692. — prefixed to his " Tutor to Aftronomy" MoYLE, Surgeon. — prefixed to his " Surgery," 1702, i2mo. iz mo. 4/0. Thomas Otway, Poet. Ob. 1685, xt. 34. — prefixed to his " Works," 1712, Svo. — in Birch's " Lives" -..._. Sir John Pettus, Mineralog. Ob. 1698, at. 83. — 2et. 57, 1670, prefixed to his "Hift. of Mines,"/*/. — set. 70, 1683, prefixed to his " Fleta Minor, or, Artl of affaying iVIetals,"/o/. J Sir William Petty, M. D. and F. R. 8 Ob, 1687, s£t. 65. — ------ - - la. 4/5. — -------- mez. Leonard Plukenet, M. D.and Botan. Clar. 1690, £et. 48. — prefixed to his " Phytographia" - - la, ^0. John Rushworth, Hiftor. Ob. 1690, set. 83. — prefixed to his " Hiftor. Colleftions," fol. Copkd Sir Paul Rycaut, Hiftor. Ob. 1700, £et. 72. — prefixed to his «' Hiftory of the Turks," i68o,/o/. — prefixed to his tranflation of the " Spanifh Critick," "l Painter or Dcfigucr. En;;;r3vcr or I'rintfJlcr, I. P. Lely - M. Beale. J 1681, 8i;o, Savage, — prefixed to his " Hiftory of Germany," 1702,81)0. Sir Charles Scarborough, M. D. Ob. 1693, st. 75. — in Cowley's " Works," 170 ,'ivo. Thomas Shadwell, Poet. Ob. 1692, at. 55. — anonymous - . . . . . me%. This has been erroneoufly called Mr. Carteret. — set. 52, prefixed to his " Works," izmo, - Thomas Sydenham, M. D. Ob. 1689, at. 65. — "--_ ---.. mez. — prefixed to his " Works," 1676, 8to. Copied — in Birch's " Lives" John Taylor, Mathemat. — prefixed to his " Thefaurum Mathemat." 1687, St'ff. John Taylor, — xt. 20, 1695, with an aftrological defign ; an etching Si'o. Sir William Temple, Politic. Ob. 1699, at. 70. — la.fol. — in Birch's « Lives" .... /a.foL A. HeKvcTh. R. White" Ho A. Browne cxc. du Guernier. J. Houbrakcn. W. Sherwin. R. White. E. Sandy?. J. Clofterman J. Smita( 1696.) Collins, its I. R, WHutc. Lely R. White. Id. T. Fofter M.vr.Gucht. M.vr.Gucht. Kerfeboom W. Faithorne, j. S. Gribelin. M. Beale Id. Lely m'Ardell. A. Blooteling. Houbrakea. V. Hove. T. G. Lely, 1679 vr. Banc. Id. I Houbraken. Pcriol VI. tlalsVIl. Edmund Stephen William Anthony William William ( ^92 ) — prefixed to his "Works," 1720, /»/. — prefixed to his "Letters," 1700, Svo. — prefixed to his " Life," by Boyer, 1714. Painter or Defigner. - P. Lely Id. Waller, Poet. Ob. 1687, fet. 81. xt. 23, prefixed to his tranflation of " Pythagoras'sT Golden Verfes," Svo. - - - - J xt. 76, prefixed to his "Poems," 1682, Stjo. — in the fet of " Poets" ... - /a.fo/. — prefixed to his " Works," by Fenton, 1 7 29, 4/0. It. 23, prefixed to his " Life and Poems," i7il,8i'o. — xt, 76, prefixed to the fame, 1727, i2mo. Welsted, WiNSTANLEY, Biograph. — a fmall buft, prefixed to his " Lives of the Poets," 1 16S7, S^>9. - - - - - - -J — xt. 39, 1667, oval of vines and barley - - Svo. Engrivtror Printfellcr. G. Vertue. R. White. Banc ^ Id. GKnelleri684 Vertue,iy27 Wood, M. A. Hiftor. and Antiq. St. 64. Ob. 1695, I imo, mcz. 4/0. Oil. if a fmall oval in oaken foliage. Wood, Marflial to the Regiment of Archers. Ob. 1691, ffit. 82. — infcribed Sir W. W. with a long beard, in Pepys's Collect. 4'o- mcz. YwoRTH, Chymift, 1692. ..---..- Jin, Svo. This hears a flrong refemblance to the prints of Boer- iiA.-vvE ; probably a copy. CLASS VIIL ARTISTS, ACTORS, WRITING-MASTERS, &c. William Addy, Short-hand Writer. — prefixed to his " Sliort-hand," 169? - . . — prefixed to his " bhoit-hand Bible" . . . Peter vandcrBANCK *, Engraver. Ifaac — " own hair, neckcloth." Gr. iv. 134. • — with Vaii,l.\nt, Place, and Lodge, in Walpole's " Engravers.'' Becket, Engraver. — -------- mez. — in the print with R. White. Per. vii. * In the early part of his works he fpelt his name Vandrcbanc. Id. Barker Id, R. White. F.H.v.Hove. M.Burghers(exc) Id. (Drapentier.) J. Sturt Id. G. White. J. Smith, 1689. Period VI. ciafs vm. Daniel John William Caius Gabr, William William Godfrey Richard C Richard Warner Abraham John Anthony William Richard ( m ) Boon, Mufic. and Painter. Ob. 1700. — playing on the violin - . . . tnez, BuLFiNCH, Printfeller, 1690. — ...... Scarce, iimo. Child, Mufic. Ob. 1697, set. 91. — in Hawkins's " Hiftory" - - - - - CiBBER, Sculptor. Ob. 1700, ast. 70. -------- ^to. Elder, Engraver; clar. 1694. — in a fur cap ---.-. S-uo. — in a wig ... — in the print with R. White, &c. Per. vii. Faithorne, Engraver. Ob. 1691, a;t. 1 i,. - "- . >•>/• The head fi^ems to have been done by himfclf. Finger, Mufic. — kneeling, prefixed to his " Sonatas," 1688, 4/0. Gibson, "the Dwarf," Painter. Ob. 1690, set. 75. — with Ann his wife (ob. 1709, xt. 8g), in Walpole's 1 "Painters" J GoLE, Drawing- Mafter, 1690. — with a roll in his left hand - . - - Jol, GOMELDON, Mufic. 1686. --------- mez. Harris, Adtor. — in Pepys's CoUeft. . . - - . mez. Hassell, Painter, 1700. — -------- me%. HoNDius, Painter. Ob. 1691, £t. c^'}^. — in Walpole's " Painters" . . . . . — in Des Campes' " Peintres" ----- — -------la. 4/(7, me%. Lambert, Painter. — -------- m«. Leigh, Ador. Ob. 1692. — vvh. len. in the Spanish Fryar ... mez. Reduced and infcribed Nat. Lee. Lodge, Engraver. Ob. 16S9. — in the print with Vr. Banck, &c. above. Lov^', Mufic. — wh. len. --..... mcz. Bb pointer of Defigner. W. Faithorne Faithorne Kerfeboom Eneraver or Frindclici'. D. Loggan, J. Caldwall. A. Bannerman. J. Nutting. Id. J. Fillian. S. Gribelin. A. Walker. W. Faithorne, vr. Vaatt. Kneller.Lond. P. Schenck. A. Hondius T. Chambars. I Ficquet. Hondius J. Smith, 1689. J. Lambert Kneller 1689 Hays If. Becket. Smith, 1C97. Smith. Period VT. Chis VIII. Daniel Jean Eapt. Daniel Jo'.in Francis le Francis John Henry John Peter Joicph John Abraham ( 1^4 ) Marot, ArchicecT:. MoNoYER, Painter. Ob. 1699, £et. 64. — ill Walpok's » Painters" foL mez, viez. Painter or [ Engravfr or Defigner. | Prinifeller. Parmentler J- Gole. Mytens, Painter. Ob. 1688, at. 52. — infcribed, Ifiiac Mytens .... fol, Petitot, Enameller. Ob. 1691, jet. 84. The print defcribed at p. 60, fliould be placed here. PiPRE, Painter. Ob. 169S. — with Van Diest, in Walpole's " Painters" Place, Painter and Engraver. Ob. 1728. — in the print with Vr. Banck, above. Play FORD, Mufic. Ob. 1693, ^^' ^°* — set. 38, prefixed to his " Introdutlion to Mufick," 1658 — s;t, 47, prefixed to the fame - . - i,vo. — .-.--.-- Siio. — Kt. 40, 1663 .. - - - - limo. PiTRCELL, Mufic. Ob. 1695, £et. 37. — oet. 24, prefixed to his " Orpheus Britan." - fol. — st-37> ^^9S f°'- RiLEY, Painter. Ob. 1691, set. 45. — with Hemskirk, in Walpole's " Painters" G. Kneller Kneller A.v.Dyck Id. J. Cloflerman RoESTRATEN, Painter. Ob. 1698, set. 71. — with a pipe and glafs, in Walpole's " Painters" RoETTiERs, Medahfl, 1700. 4/0, mez. Seddon, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1700, £et. 56. — prefixed to his " Penman's Paradife," \6g^,fol. — a fmalloval, with ornaments. Simon, Medalift and Engraver. — with a very large beard • - - 4/0. me:^. — id. three heads in different attitudes on an eagle's wings, an etching. — a fmall oval, with another of his brother Tho. Simon, Per. v. cl. 8. Sec KiLLEGREW, Pcr. V. cl. 7. John Smith, Writing- Maftcr, 1690. A good head. fol. T. Chambars. E. Filher. G. White, 171J, P. Jode. P. Pontius. A. Bannerman. E. Lutterel. R. GayTvood, v. Hove. D. Loggan. (R.White.) Id. Bannerman.' Bannerman. ] J. Smith cxc. N. Largilliere C. Vermeulen. W. Faithorne P: Leiy Faithorne J. Sturt. A. BlooteUng. ' P.vr.Banc, ( ^95 ) Vci'iai Vr. ClafsVUI. Arthur Soly, Engraver, 1688. Jean van Son, or Zoon, Painter. Ob. 1702, at. 41. _ in Walpole's " Painters" .... Natlianiel Stringer, Short-hand Writer. — prefixed to his " Rich Rcdiviviis," 1686, 8vo. William Talman, Architeft, 1698. — in the print with Sir Ralpji Cole and Mark Ricci, 1 in Walpole's " Painters" J David Teniers, Jun. Painter. Ob. 1694,^1.84. — in Des Campes' " Painters" . . . . , Richard Thompson, Engraver. Ob. 1693. Henry Tilson, Painter. Ob. 1695, ict. 36. — in Walpole's " Painters" Wm.vande Velde, Sen. Painter. Ob. 1693, art. 83. — -------- /(1. 4/a, Cave Underhill, Adlor. Ob. 1692, £et. 62. — in the eharafter of Obadiah - - l2mo. mez. Eleazar Wig an, Writing- Mafter. — prefixed to bis " Praftical Ai-ithmetick," 1 695, 4/0. William Wissing, Painter. Ob. 1687, jet. 31. — -------- mez. Thomas Wyck, Painter. Ob. 1686, vet. 70. — in Walpole's " Painters" - - - ■ . John Wyck, Painter. Ob. 1702, at. 50. — -------- mez, — with Thomas Wvck, his father, above. CLASS IX. FEMALE SEX. First Subdivision. LADIES. I'ainter or Ucfigner. Engraver or i'riiufcller. R.White 1683 A. Bannerman. Bannerman. D. Tenlers Ficquet. G. Zouft F. Place. H. Tilfon iT. Chambars. G. Knellcr R. Bing Sibelius, 177 J. Faber.j. 1712, Dorothy Mafon, "1 g^^^^^^. Yucountels J — infcribed originally Dorothy Mason B b 2 mez, mez. J. Clofterman J. Sturt. W.Wiffing J. Smith (1687.) jannerman. Knellcri685 Faber, 1730. Wifiinor Id. " E. Cooper (exc.) Smith (1686.) Pciiod VI. Clals IX. { 196 ) Lady Bl'cknell, 1700. Countefs of Clarendon, — at Hampton Court . - . — a head-piece in Lanfdown's " Poems" mez, mez. Elizabeth Chiver- ton. Lady > Cory TON, 1700. Ann Sincla Countefs Efizabeth Lady '"^'- ICromartie, Ob. 1699, jet. 63. } — when Vifcountefs Tarbat, in the prints with the Earl of Cromartie, Per. vii. CuTTs, Wife of John Ld. C. Ob. 1698, £et. 18. ._....- tnez. Countefs of Derby. — ------ /a. 4/0. mez Mary Edwin, Lady Dering, Ob. 1699, jet. 49. — prefixed to her " Charafter, ty her eternal "i honourer Sir EJw, Dering, Knt." 1701, Stjo. J Elizabeth Cecil, 1 Devonshire, 1628. Ob. 1689. Countels ot J Painter or Defigncr. Engraver «p Printfeller. G. Kneller Kneller Id. (1 700) Kneller Kneller W. Wiffing Mallinarctto fol. A.v.Dyck Mary Bcntinck, Iessex, .690. Countels or . J — at Hampton Court, wh. len. Jh. mez. Elizabeth Wafn- "l Ferrers, firft Wife of Rob. Shirley, ington, Lady J Earl (1711). Ob. 1693. ^— four Engl, verfes l2mo. Jane Lane, Lady Fisher, Wife of Sir Clement F. Ob. 1689. — in Lord Clarendon's " Hiftory," Sijo. Lady Grace Gethin, Literat. Ob. 1697, a:t. 21. — prefixed to her " Remains," 1700, 4/0. mez. Jane Skeffington, ") tt Lady ]"■" AMILTON. before her marriage, vvh. len. ^■^Lad^''^^'''''' 1 Hamilton, Wife of Sir Geo. PL Kneller Id. A. Dickfon Wiffing J.B.Medina If. Bccket. Beard. J. Faber. G.v.Gucht. J. Smith, 1706. A. Johnfon. Smith, 1698. R. Williams. R. White. P. Lorabart. Faber, Smith, 1695. J. Chantry. (Vertue.) W. Faithornc, j. Smith (1687.; Smith, 1C99. PerloJ VI. Clals IX. ( 197' ) CatlierineNeville,"! Howard, Wife of Sir Robert H. 1660. Lady J Clar. 1693. Lady Howard *, — lying. — ftanding mez. mez. mez. mez. Elizabeth Jones, "1 Kildare, Dau. of Rich, ift Earl of Ra- Countefs of J nelagh, and Wife of John Earl of K. ?nez. 4/0. 7tieZ. mez. Lady King, Ob. 1698. Alicia, Lady Lisle, Ob. 1685. — in the print prefixed to the " Bloody Affize," 168 , 8t'0. Scarce a portrait. •ifwell Ker, 1 , , . Counters of j Marchmont, 1697. 'HortenfeMancini 1 -^^r ^ y- ^, ^ j^ , ^ ,- > Mazarine, 1661. Ob. 1699. — prefixed to " La Pratique des Vertus Chre-1 tiennes," 1669, 81)0. Copied - . -J __ ...... . 8t)0. — _.....- viez, — la.fol. — ._..-.. mez, — ..... Fine, la.fol. — -....- 4/5. mez. Ltherine Brnde- T ,;, T /- r c\ MiDDLETON, nel,Countelsor J Lady Middleton, — wh. len. at Hampton Court f.. Frances Brudenel, \ Newburgh, 1690; afterwards married to Countefs of J Ld. Bellew. — ....... mez, — ........ mi%. Catherine Dering, "I Percival, Wife of Sir John, 1680, Ob Lady — in the " Geneal. of the Houfe of Yvery," 1 %'cc. - mc%. J "1 Percivj J I69I the " Geneal. of the Houfe of Yvery," I vc. - mc%. J Query, married Mr. Dryden j or wife of Sir Philip H. Capt. of Horfe Guards, 1657 I'iinteror Dcfigncr. V. Dyck P. Lcly G. Knellcr Id. W. WilTing Lely Lely Knelle M. DalJ Id. Engraver or I'niitfellcr. A. Browne (exc.) Id. S. Leader. J. Smith, 1^93. Id. 1697. C. Allard. Smith' (16SG.) R. Tompfon cxc. R. White. Kneller Smith, 1698. FefTard. S. Lloyd exc. Lely P. Lombart. Lely Lely Id. Id. Picart dir, V. Somer. Stephanl. Tompfon. G. Valck, 1678. Verkolve 1680 F. Place. J. Faber. E. Cooper exc. W. Wilfon. Faber, 1743. Period Vr. Clafi IX. ( 198 ) Bovle, 1 T> f Counters of j Ra^'^lagh, 1677. — wh. len. at Hampton Court — ha. len. ... Frances Stuart, "I „ Duchefsof |R^"^M°^^°' Ob. 1702. — wh. len. — wh. len. — in the gallery at Windfor — wh. len. with the emblems of Pallas mez. mex, mez, 4/a. mez. mez. 4/0. mez, mez ? ^lL^""'''"' JRooKE, Ob. I70Z. — ....... mez. — holding a baflcet of flowers - - niez. Sinceinfcribed'HheCountefsofBRiDGEWATER." Doroth^'Manners Countefs of i Shaftesbury, 1683. — when Lady Ashley - - - mez. Sarah Alfton, "1 r. r r^^ /■ -p. ,r r > Somerset, 1671. Ob. 1692. — wh. len. (the plate at St. John's, Camb.) la.fol, Ann Hamilton, ") r- /^i ^ P ^r r > SouTHESK, Clar. 167 . — in Harding's " Grammont," 1792. Mary Kirk, Lady Vernon, Maid of Honour to Queen Ca- therine. — infcribed Mad. Kirk ... mez, — in Harding's " Grammont,'' 1792 Lady Hcnr. Maria Wentworth. Ob. i686. — wh. len. - - - - - la, me: Painter or Defigner. G. Kneller Id. P. Lely (del.) et fc. Lely W. Wiffing H. Gafcar * M. Dahl Engraver or PrirtfcUer. Lely Countefs of Westmoreland, Clar. 1685. 4i'o. mez. 4/0. mtz. Jane Goodwin, "1 Wharton, Wife of Philip Lord W. J Clar. 1695. Lady wh. len. young, in the Houghton Colleft. Jli, Ann Lee t, Mar- 1 Wharton, ift Wife of Tho. chioneis 01 J in the Houghton Collect. mez. Lely Id. Kneller J. Riley V. Dyck Lely J. Faber. J. Smith, 1699. A.Browne (exc.) R. Robinfon, J.v.S(omer.) T. Watfon. R. WiUiams, W. Faithorne, j, R. Tompfon. G. Vertue, 1736, Browne (exc.) Scheneker. Williams. If. Becket. Id. P.v.Gunft. R. Earlom. * The prints after Gafcar are very fcarce. t Of Ditchly, a poetefs celebrated by Waller, and relation of Ld. Rocheller, Period VI. Claf, IX. ( ^99 ) CLASS IX. Second Subdivision. GENTLEWOMEN. IMad. Baker, Mary Painter or Deiigner. ------ 4.I0, rrnz. G. KncUer Beale, Piftrix. Ob. 1697, set. 65. | — with her fon Charles, in Walpolc's " Painters" M. Beale (Charlotte Naliiiu de Aphara iSophia IMrs. IMad. IHelen IMary lEleanor !■ Beeverwaer. Ob. 1702. Behn, Literat. Ob. 1689. — prefixed to her " Works," BULKELEY, mez,. S. Brown 12/H0. - J. Riley mez, H. Gafcar. Cross, Aclrefs, 1699. — with the emblems of St. Catherine Davenant, mcz. nitz. !!;onway Hacket, Grew, Reliil of Obadiah G. Minifter of Coventry. Ob. 1687, St. 85. — --.-.. Scarce, ^o. Grimston, Daughter of Sir Samuel, 1694. — wh. len. fitting, with a black - - me%. GwYNN, Aftrefs, and Miftrefs to K. Cha. 11. Ob. 1687. — with a lamb .... mez, — with her fons, as Venus and two Cupids Jlj, — id. - - - - - - mez, — ..--.. mez. — ---... mez. — .--... mez, -^- la. oval, with a lamb . - . - . — a fmall etching. Rare .... 4/0. mez, - - - - mez, - - - Copied. i,io. N' ------ mez. ------ 4/0. mez. holding a nofegay - - ' la, 4/0. in Harding's " Grammont," 1792. Hill Kncller Kneller W. Wiffing P. Lely Gafcar Engraver or I'riiufi-llcr. If. Beckct. T. Chambars. V. Somer, 1670. R. White. J. Smith, 17CO. Id. Smith, 1689. — with her fons — with a lamb — wh. len. fitting Lcly Lely Id. Leiy S. Cooper Lc-ly Lcly Riley Becket. m' Ardell. Baudet ? Becket. PvB(Ieeck)i7Ji dc Blois. V. Green, 177 . J. Ogborne,i77 Spencer ? P. Tempeft exc. R. Tompfon exc. G.Valck. Id. R. Williams. Smith, 1690., Period VI. Clafs IX. Conftanlia ( 100 ) Hare, Daughter of Henry Ld. Colerane. — wh. kn. -...-. Painter or I Engrjver or Deripiier. | Printfeller. Rachael How, mez. H. Verelft 4/5. mez. m£%. G. Kneller Ann KiLLiGREW, Poetefs and Paintrefs. Ob. 1685, tet. 24. — prefixed to her " Poems," 1686, !a. 4/0. - mez. A. Killigrew — ...-.-- Scarce, mcz. \ Id. — in Walpole's " Paintevs" ... - Mad. Anna Mad. Mad. Rachel Mad. Ann Mrs. Mrs. Janet Mary Mad. Henrietta Hannah Kneller mez. G. Schalken Kneller Knatchbull, 1700. .--..--- 4/0. mez. Kynnesman, Dau. of Wm. Clarke, of Soham — three qrs. kn. Lawson, I 701. .... - Scarce, fm. 4/0. mez. LoFTUS, 2d Wife of Adam L. Lord Lifburne of Ireland. Paule, Wife of Wm. P. Bp. Oxon. Dau. of Sir Chr. Clitherow. Ob. 1691, jet. 74. — St. 50 ^0. D. Loggan Plowden, — holding a necklace — holding a garland of flowers ROYDHOUSE, Scroop, — wh. len. at Hampton Court mez. J. Clofterman mez, mez. J.B.Medina Kneller J. Smith, 1694. P, Schencki703. Smith, 1702. If. Becket. A. Blooteling. T. Chambars. Smith, 1695. Becket. Smith (1685.) E.B.Guiaon. W. Faithorne, j. SlIERARD, — . - mez, J. Kneller Smith, Wife of James S. Archit. Ob. 1699, j ffit. 37 ■ Janet Milne," &c. Lat. lines Rare, 4/0. mw. D. Patton Smith, Wife of Erafmus S. SoAMS, Faithorne, j. mez, Kneller 1 688 G. White. Smith, lyor. J. Faber. Smith, 1699. Tempest, — in Pepys's CoUeft. clafs 5 TOMLINSON, 4/9, mez. Qusre, a midwife at York, 1700. Knelle advivum Becket. G. Lumlcy rtnoi VI. Clafs X. Ann Ann ( 201 ) Painter or Detigncr. Kngraver or Piihlfdlcr. Warner, Daughter of Trever Lady W. Ob. 1689. — ..... Cnpkd ly Schaick. mez. N. Largillierc J. Smith, 16S7. Wyndham, — a girl, fitting by a vafc of flowers - - n Anonymous Portrait, known as " the Miftrefs of Charles Wilfon, the Beau," 1694. — -...-.. izmo' CLASS X. PHJENOMENA, CONVICTS, &c. TheSquireofAtSATiA, a Fop. — in the fet of " London Cries" W. Wifllng Santcne fm.Jol. M. Lauron John John Hans Jofeph Barefoot, Letter Carrier at Oxford. — ast. 77, i688 — xt. 70, 1681, with twelve verfes. Scarce fol. W. Cr fol. E. Luttcrel Bigg, the Dinton Hermit. Ob. 1696, st. 67. — wh. len. etched . . - . _ fm.fol. BuLiNG, Dutch Mountebank. — in the " London Cries" - — with veifes, badly fcraped 4/0. mez. Clark, Pofture-Mafter. Ob. 1696. — in the " London Cries" — much diftorted, with a monkey ; ubi fupra Colly Molly PufFj Crier of Paftry. — ubi fupra ..... Mrs. O. Richard The The Creswell, Procurefs. — ubi fupra ........ Cromwell's tall Porter, Enthufiaft. — ubi fupra -.-...., Dugdale, of Surey, near Whalley, Lancafhire. — a fmall wh. len. fig. in a fort of winding flieet, cut in wood, prefixed to " The Surey Impofter," by Zach, Taylor, A. M. 1697. Dutch Dwarf, a female*. — 3 feet 2 inches high ..... 4/0. Dutch Woman, Rope Dancer. — on the flack rope .....'.. — on the tight rope, in the " London Cries" * Mr. Evelyn, in Nuraifmat. p. 277, mentions a mak Dutch dwarf fhewn in London. C c Lauron Id. Lauron Lauron Lauron Lauron Id. If. Bcckct. M.vr.Gucht. P. Temped cxc. M. R. Burghers. Id. L 1787. Tempefl. Tempeft. Id. Tempeft. Tempeft. Tempeft. Tempeft. Id. Period VI. Clafs X. William Poor William John Hugh Ann Mrs. Kate Roger James John ( 202 ) Frater Mendicans, a begging Fiiar. — in the " London Cries" Fuller, ConvicV. — St. 32, 1702, prefixed to Iiis " Life," 1703, Svo. — infciibed, " Tlie famous Impofter and Cheat, Mafter General of England." Jack, Crier of Fifh. — followed by his wife, fupported by fticks - • - Joy, " the Englifli Sampfon." — with a Dutch infcription . . . . - — at. 24, 1699 .....-- Kelsey, Enthufiafiic Qiiaker. — in the fet of " Cries" Massey, — infcribed " The Merry Fidler" Mills, — " The London Beggar," and her two children Philips, " Merry Andrew." — prominent belly, doublet with large buttons — playing on the viol, a hood with afles ears Rachael of Covent Garden. — infcribed, " The London Quaker" - RUSSEL, — infcribed, " The London Courtezan" Seyley, Chimney Sweeper. — with his boy ..... Smith, — infcribed " The Merry Milkmaid" - Teasdell, and Mrs. Parker, Ballad Singers. — infcribed, " A Merry new Song" Whitney, convided of Robbery, 1692. — aet. 30----.-- /./. WoRMEERGH, Svvifs Dwarf, 2 feet 7 inches high. — set. 38, eight Dutch and four Englifli verfes Jm.fol. — fol. — Kt. 38 {168S), a fmall etching. Painter or Defigner. M. La Lauren Engra»er or Prinifcller. P. Tempeft. F.H.v.Hove. Tempeft. Rerge. I. F. Lauren Tempefl. Lauren Tempeft. Lauron Tempeft. Lauron Id. Tempeft. Id. Lauron J. Savage. Lauron Tempeft. Lauron Tempeft. Lauron Tempeft. Lauron Tempeft. J. Drapcntier. If. Oliver (exc.) ( 203 ) PERIOD VII. CONTAINING THE REIGNS OF QJJEEN ANN AND KING GEORGE I. From 1703 to 1727, CLASS I. The ROYAL FAMILIES, Veriod VII. Clafs I. A NN Regina, 1702 Ob. 17 145 ^'^- 5°- — when Princcfs of Denmark, wh. len. — " Priiicefs Anne" — " Princefs of Denmark" — Id. — " Lady Ann" ..-..-- — two angels holding a crown of ftars over her head la.foh mez. ^to, mez. Svo. mcz, - ^to. mez. — in Guildhall - . . . — oval (Gr. iv. 254.) Qu. another, in robes, after Dahl. — a medallion - . - . mez., mez, i,lo, mez. — with the " Ahjuration Oath" — with ornaments — in a chair of ftate — at Kenfington Palace la.fol. - fol. 470. la. fol. 8 I'D. 4/0. mez. — view of Windfor Caftle — crowned - . . mez, mez. Painter or Defigner. G. Kneller W.Wiffing Id.' P. Lely J. Cloftcrman Lely Kneller ? Kneller Id. Kneller Kneller Engraver or Piintfeller. vr. Banc. If. BeckcU Id. Id. G. Bickham. A. Blooteling. Bonnart. Clarke. Cole(Gole?) J. Faber, jun. W. Faithorne, j. C C 2 S. Gribelin. vr. Gucht. Id. Id. Id. P. Gunft. J. Houbraken. Id. Lens. Mariettc. W.W.P. des Rochers. P. Schenck. Ij. Simon. B. Period VII. Clafs I. ( 204 ) — ........ mez, ■ — " Pi incefs of Denmark,"- fittintr ... mez. — " Queen," various prints . - - . mez. — " PrincefsAnn" ..... mez. — " Princefs of Denmark" .... mez. — Id. wh.len. ...... la. mez. — " Princefs Ann" — oval, ornaments ..... guo. — motto, " Sdmper eadem" .... 87^0. — " Lady Ann" ....-- mez. — Id. a vignette ........ — . - A — in a flouriflied T. for deeds . . . - . — " Princefs of Denmark" ... - la.fol. — " Princefs Ann" ..... mez. — " Princefs of Denmark" .... 41 0. mez. — fitting on her throne, Truth writing her hiftory, fupported by Time and other emblematic figures - - Jh. — in the Am, the moon under her feet ... y^/. — oval, with Wifdom, Religion, Juftice, Moderation obl.fol. There are prints of her llatues at St. Paul's and at Leeds. GEORGE Prince of Denmark, Confort of Queen Ann, 1683. Ob. 1708, aet. ^^. — . . . la.JJj, - A — ........ mez. — in armour ...... mez. — -- 4/0. — .-..-... ^0. 7!iez. — ........ mez. — ........ mez, — la.foI. — in Birch's " Lives of Illuft. Perfons," 1 745 - . . — with his eiilogium, engraved by way of flouriflj about "1 the head .... .-..j — ........ mez. — ........ la.foL — -- ..... mez. — two, in armour, and in robes ... mtz. — ...... yi/. and 4/0. mez. — in armour ...... mez. — " Lord High Admiral" ■ - fo/. and 4J0. mez. — . •• foL — in an oval compofed of coral . . . . . — >. — printed on the Thames, 1683. GEORGE (I.) LEWIS Rex, 17 14. Ob. 1727, st. 67. — with Mr. Addifon's verfcs to Sir Godfrey Knellcr, on "1 his pifture ...... la.ob/.j — profile ......... Jii/. — with Mr. Daniel's poem on his return ... fol. — in armour ....... mez. — in robes ...--•« mez , Tainter or Defigner, Engraver or PrintfcUer. Ed. Lilly G. Kneller Kneller J. Id, I F. Weideman W. Wiffing Id. and Waart J. Simon. P. Lely Kneller Kneller WifGng J. Riley Wiffing M. Dahl Wiffing ad vivum G. KneUer Id. (ad vivum) Dahl Kneller Kneller Simpfon. Smith, 1689, Id. Id. Id. Id. (1687.) . Somer. Sornique. Spofforth. Sturt. Tompfon exc. Vettue. Id. Id. Viffcher exc. White, 1703. Williams. Id. ;if. Banc. Id. Becket. Id. G. Bickham. E. Cooper (exc.) W. Faithorne, j. J. Gole. P. Gunft. J. Houbraken, Jemmer. King (exc.) D. Loggan. W.W.P. P. Schenck. Simon. Smith, 1702. Id. 1702-6. v. Somer. Vertue. White. Id. Bickham. Chereau, jun. Clarke, 1720. Fahcr, 1714. Fabcr, jun. R J- rcrioJ VII. CUfs I. ( 205 ) — wli. len. fitting - - - mez. .: - . - - - . ■ foi- with " Wifdom, Religion, Jufticc, and Moderation" fol. with a view of the navy .... 4/5. wh. len. - . . . ^ . - %vo, fiipported by Minerva - - - - I zmo. hi.fuh -------- 4/5. mez. 1733 — wh, Ic — with emblems mez. la. fol. 4/0. -------- vie'z,, « Eleftor of Hanover" .... la. fol. Query, another when king, or the fame plate altered. -------- mez. " Eleilor of Hanover," ha. len. ... mcz. Id. -..-.... fmaller -------- mez. - - - . . - - . l2mo. " Prince of Hanover" - . . . mez, with emblems, prefixed to " Hillor. Coeleft. "yb/. Painter or Difigner. rugiaver or I'riiitfcller. J- Gole. Gribclin, jun. vr. Ciuclit. Barton Id. Id. Id. G. Kntlkr 1'. Gunfl:. Id. 1- Houbraken, V. D. Kyte. Loclvlcy Fountain G. IVIonguibert. Kneller J. I'. Mynde. iVliiani,! 720. Picart. Id. S.F.Ravcnet. de; Rochers. 1". Sclienck. W . Sherwin. Kneller ]. Simon. Hirfeman I Smith. — in a llourifhed T. for deeds fol. %vo. /^to. KneUe J.B.Catenaro Kneller Id. on horfeback, with a view of London - - - f^^ on horfeback, with a caduccus in his hand, and feveral emblematic figures ...... JJj, with the Lord's prayer, the creed, the ten commandments, tlie prayers for the royal family, and the 2 1 ft pfalm. — with the prince and princefs of Wales - mez. — an oval, with another of the duke of Orleans, regent of France ; with verfes on the triple alliance. See the family prints of George II. ERNEST AUGUSTUS of Brunswic-Hanover, Duke of York in England; Brother of K. George I. Ob. 1728, £Et. SI' — -------- mez, — -------- mez. — " Duke of York" - - - - - viez. The prints of his mother, Sophia of Lunenburg, may be placed here. See Art. Brunswick in the Appendix of Foreigners. GEORGE WILLIAM, fecond Son of K. George H. Ob. 171 8, ffit. 3 mondis. — in the cradle — lying on a bed mtz. i^o. mez. 4/5. me%. Kaifer Id. Id. 17.5. J. Sturt. R. Tompfon. G. Vertue. Id. 1715. Id. Id. G. Wliite, Simon. J. Faber. P. Schenck. R. Williams. Simon. period VII. Clal3 II. ( 206 ) MARY LOUISA, Daughter of K. James II. Ob. 1712, ■c£t. 20. - M — xt. g - - - . - - - - fo/. at her toilet, with emblems /./. CLASS II. P E R S. Painter or Engraver or Defigner. Printlcllcr. St. Belle Chereau. N. Edelinck. B. Moncomet. Parr. Trefani du Puy. des Rochers. Charles Beauclerc, l . / o /^l ^ ^ DukeofSt. J Albans, 1684. Ob. 1726, at. 56. — when earl of Burford (1676), in a bonnet — id. with hisbrother James Lord Beauclaire \ (Beauclerc), wh. lens, in Guil. Herald. J Arnold Tooft, v. "1 . ^ ^ /-.i o Keppel,Earlof]^^^^'^^''^''''^96. Ob. 1718,^1.49. mez. mez. William Tohnfton,"! . ^, Marquis of ] Annandale, 1701. Ob. 1724. — ------- mez. Godart de Reede, "1 , c ^ r\u Earl of 'I Athlon£, 1692. Ob. 1703. — wh. len. ----... — " Baron Ginkel," &c. — fo!- — . . .■ . . >nez. — .-.--- mez. — l^'fol. — ------ mez. Henry de Naffau d' AuvERQj'ERQUE, Father of Hen. Earl of Grantham. Ob. 1708, at. 67. — in armour ... - - mez. This may, probably, be placed in the next, or the lixth clafs. G. Kneller Kneller Matthew Aylmer, "1 . o a i • 1 r\u I , ■' ' > Aylmer, 1718 j Admiral. Ob. 1724. — . . • - . -1710, Henry Somerfet, \ -r, ^ /-^i Duke of J Beaufort, 1699. Ob. 1714, at. 30. 1710. mez Kneller ad vivum T. Hill Kneller la.fol. WrlothenyRulTd,") „ ^, Luke of 'I Bedford, 1700. Ob. 1711,0:1. 31. — when a boy, wh. Itu. - - Scarce, mez. Dahl A. Blooteling. R. White. P. Schenck. J. Smith. Smith, 1703. Berge. Haelwegh. Picart. Schenck. Smith. R. White. R. WiUiams. Smith, 1706. G. Vertue. If. Becket cxc. TfM ■''11/ Clafsll. ( ao? ) Tohn Churchill. "1 „ ^i ^ Marquis of ] Blandford, 1702. Oh. 1703. ^t. 16. — wh. Icn. - - - . - m. \ Buckingham, 1704. Ob. 1721, ^t. 75. Jo'-.n Sheffield, Duke of mez, jtiez . me%. mez. WilliamCadogan, "1 p Earl of J ^ when \a\. Chamberlain — when Earlof MuLGRAVE — ha. len. --.-.. — nval --.... — four vcrfes, prefixed to his " Works," 4/0. ADOGAN, 1718. Ob. 1726. — when Lieut. Oeneral - - - 7nez Q_iiery another, or the fame plate altered. John Vaughan, Earl of >Carberrv, 1680. Ob. I 713. — in the " Kit-Cat Chib" - Henry Boyle, Lord Carleton, 1714. Ob. 1725. — in Birch's " Lives" mcz. mcz. la.foL Roger Palmer, Earl of > Castlemaine, 166 . Ob. 1705. — killing the toe of Pope Innoc. IL prefixed to 1 the " Account of his EmbaHy," Jol. J — in a wig, prefixed tohis "Manifcllo," 1666, \imo. e'^1 of > Chesterfield, 1656, Ob. i 714, let. So. — a fmall oval ...... Henry Hare, Lord Colerane, 1667. Ob. 1708, jet. cir. 7:. — fitting and writing, as a pilgrim, Jacob's ladder ^ and other emblems ; pretixed to Lauredanus's '- " Afccnt of the Soul," Jol. - - J — ha. len. Handing at a table . • la.fol. — with Thomas Killegrew, infcribed " The princely ihcpherds." — set. 67, 1703, an oval, " Vivat Herus" me%. Charles, 4th Lord Cornwallis. Ob. 1722. — in the " Kit-Cat Club" - - - me%. Painter or Dcligncr. Engraver or Prill iellcr. G. Kncller Kncllcr Id. Id. Id. Id. !a Guerre Kneller Id. ThomasCoventry, 1 ^ ^, Earlof ^'jCovENrRY, 1710. Ob. 1712, «t. 10. msz. me%. William Cowper, "I Cow PER, 1718; Ld. Keeper, 1705; Ld. Baron, 1706; > Chanc. 1707 ; refgned, 1710; again Ld. Earl J Chanc. 1714; religned, 1718. Ob. 1723. J. Smith, 1708. If. Beckct. Id. Siuith, 1688. Id. 169-'. G. Vertue, i-jzz. J. Simon. J. Fabcr, 1735. Simon. J. Houbraken. G.B.Leonardi A.v.Wefterhout. jT. Worlidge. Ld. Colerane W. Faithorne. \ Id. aiid Vertue. Kneller Kneller Id. Kneller Faber Simon. Smith.. E. Cooper (exc.) PeiioJ VII. cuts II. ( loB ) Painter or I Engnveror Defigner. j" Printfeller. mex ? I mez. G. Kneller mez. I Kneller Geor2;em'Kenzie, 1 ^ ^ rw ^ o P °, r ' > Cromartie, 170C. Ob. I 714, Jet. 84. — when Vifcount Tart. AT ... - J.B.Medina — with his two wives, Ann Sinclair and Mar-I CARET Wemys - . - mez, ] — xt.6o, 1692, the borderengraved. Scarce, i^o.mez. John Cutts, Lord Cutts, 1690; Gen. and Poet. Ob. 1707. — mez. J. Waller — on horfeback. .... mez. , ad vivum — mez. \ Kneller — when Mr, Cutts - - Scarce, mtz. W. Wiffin^ James Scot, Eaii of Dalkeith and Doncaster, 1685. Ob. 1705, 2t. 30. — in the print with the Duchefs of Monmouth, and Lord Henry his brother. Henry Scot, Earl of Delor AT NE, 1706. Ob. i7i7,£et. 41 — in the article next above. James Ratcliff, "J Derwentwater, 1705; Earl of J fon, 17 16. ■'— in the print with Lord Ken'mure William Caven- "1 Devonshire, 1694; Earl, 1684. Ob. didi, Duke of J 1707, xt. 67. Johnfon. J. Simon. J. Smith, 1707. vr. Banc. Johnfon. Smith. B. Lens. P. Schenck. Simon. R. WiUiams. mez. J. Clofterman convidled of Trea- la.fol. Kneller mez. 4/0. mez. — in the print of the Lords Justices, Per. vi. Charles Sackville, )^ Dorset and Middlesex, 1677. Ob Earl of J 1707, jet. 68. — in a large vignette, for the " Tableaux des Homnics ilhift. de G. Bretagne," 1736, par M' Swinney --...- — in the Kit-Cat Club Kneller Vautier W. Faithorne, j. G. Vertue, 17 14. If. Becket. S. Gribelin. Schenck. mez. mez. mez. Alsiernoon Capel,! T7^^^,. .^0^ r^u ,.,r^ ^ , r ^ > LssEx, lob';. Ob. 1 7 10. Earl of J — in tlie K it-Cat Club John Cecil, Earl of Exeter, 1700. Ob. 1721. •— when Lord Burleigh, wh. len. Lewis Duras, It- ^ /~m ^o P I r ' > Feversham, 1677. Ob. 1710, s;t. 68. Kneller Id. Id. Kneller 170J Wifling J. Riley Cochin, fils. J. Faber, 1734.' Simon. Smith, 1694. Faber, 1732. Smith, 16S6,' If. Bcckct. PerloJ VII. Clifi II. ( 209 ) Painter or Dc(i[;ner. ^^EaTl of"''^"^' ] Galway, 1696. Ob. 1720, ^t. 73. Vifcount J ' / J / ^ — when Mr. Crawford Sidney Godol- | Godolphin, 1706. Ob. 171 2, a:t. 67. phin, Earl ot J ' — in Birch's " Liveb' rncz. P. de Graves mez, J.B.Medina G. Kncller Id. — an oval. — in the print of the Lords JusticeSj Per. vi. harlesMonta- 1 Halifax, 1700. Ob. 1715. gue, Larl of J ' '■ — in the Kit-Cat Chib — prefixed to his " Poems," 1716, Hvo. — two . . . - . — in the Lords Justices, Per. vi. cl. 2. James Hamilton, -I j^^^j^ 1694. Ob. 1712. Duke of J Simon Harcourr, "1 Harcourt, 1721 ; Bar. 1712 ; Ld. Keep """ J 1710 ; Ld. Chanc. 1713. Ob. 1727. /a.foL mez. mez. la.Jol. 8vo. Kneller Id. Kneller Id. Vifcount la. mez, — infcribed, " The Lord High Chancellor" mn EdwardMontagu,-) j^^^^^j^ Vncount J GBROOKE. Ob. 1722. William Villiers, Earl of Mersey, 1711. Ob. 1721, when Lord Villiers, with his fitter Ladyl Mary (ob. 1735), wh. lens. " me%.^ William Gordon,"! j^^^^jyj^g^^Qjj^-^gjofTreafon, 1716. Vifcount J — in the print with the Earl of Derwentwater, above ; with his dying fpeech. Evelyn Pierpoint, I j^j^^^^^^^ Earl, 1690. Ob. 1726. Duke or J ' — in the Kit-Cat Club ... niiz. Thomas Ofborne, 1 r ^ ^ ^^ .^^ p-, T^ , c { Leeds, 1004. Ub. Duke of J ' ^T 1 7 12, ffit. 81, — when Earl of Dan BY (1674) — id. - Dd Scarce, fol. la.Jol. Kneller Knelle KngrjTsr or I'riiitfcller. J. Simon. J. Smith, 1695. J. Hoiihrakcn. Smith, 1707. P. Drevet. J. Faber, 1732. vr. Gucht. Smith, 1 693. G. Vertue, 1 ■} 10. vr. Gucht. Simon. Smith. Kneller I Smith, 1700. Kneller 1 709 P. Lely ad vivum Faber, I 733. A, Blooteling. IV, Faiihorne, R. White. Period VII. Clau II. ( 210 ) Painter or Dcfigner. Engraver or Printfeller. Charles P/rontagu,l Manchester, 1719; Earl, 16S2. Ob. Duke of J 1 722. — in the Kit-Cat Club - - - mez,. John Churchill, ") Marlborough, 1702; Duke of _) 1722,^1.73. Earl, 1689. Ob. — in the Kit-Cat Club JobnDrumrnond; Earl of George Melvil, Earl of Charles Mohun, Lord Robert Molef- wortli, Vifcount John Holies, 'l>uke of — in Birch's " Lives" — on horfeback — wh. len. - . . — with a Dutch infcription mcTi. 4/0. me%. - \to. mez. - fol. la. fol. tmz. mez. - fol. •— ....... mfz. — la.fol. — .--... 4/0, mez, -— ...... mez., — ...... mcz. — ...... mez. — ...... ^5. mez, — oval, fiipported by Minerva and Fame — with Piince Eugene, and William de Frize Prince of Orange .... — in an oval, about which, and on his armour, is engraved his eulogium . Amjl.. i,to. — la.fol. Melfort, 1687; attainted, 1695. Ob. 1 7 14, St. 64. — when Lord Lundin ... fol. — ..... la. 4/0, mcz, Melvil, Ob. 1707, set. 7a. — set. 54, 1690 ..... fol. MoHUN, Ob. I 7 12. — in the Kit-Cat Club ... mez. MOLESWORTH, 1716. Ob. I725, SBt. 69. Newcastle, 1692. Ob. 1711, ast. 49. _ la.fol. G. Kneller 1 J. Faber, 1735. Kneller Faber, 1735. Id. Id. C. Fritzfch. J. Gole. St. Amour vr. Gucht. KneUer P.v.Gunft. Heifs. Kneller J. Houbraken. Johnfon. Mariette. Nurnberg, Picart. vr. Werff Punt. des Rochers. P. SchLncki705. King W. Sherwin. J. Clollerman J. Simon. M. Dahl Id. Kneller J. Smith, 1703. Id. 1705. Id. 1705. Id. Id. 1705. Sympfon. P. Tanje. Temraen. G. Vertue. KneUcr vr. Banc. Id. If. Bccket. J.B.Medina R. White. Kneller 1707 Faber, 1732. T. Gibfon P. Ptlham, 172U Kneller R. White. ?ciiod VII, Clafs H. Gcorjje Fitzroy, 1 Duke of J ( 2" ) Northumberland, 16825 Earl, 1674. Ob. 1716, act. 51. ——....-- la. mrz. Edward Earl rd RufTel, 1 Qrford, 1697. Ob. 1727, a:;t. 76. _ la./o/. _— ...-.- nu-z. — ..--.- tinz. — in Bircli's « Lives" _ A7./>/. _ k./o/. ■ — in the print of the Lords Justices, Per.vi.cl. 2. William Henry, "I Osborne, Son of Thomas Duke of Leeds. J Ob. 171 1, a?t. 21 Lord with his fillers Lady Bridget *, and Lady 1 Mary f, \vh. lens. ... nuz.} P4intcr or Defiencr. H. Gafcar W. Wiffing Wiffing T. Gibfon ^"^ertHarley, j Oxford, 171 1. Ob. i 7Z4, ^t. 64 — in Birch's •' Li mez. tnez. ^Tond^rriof }!■»". ■^". Ob. ,, >6, »,. 68. A MS. catalogue before me mentions another after the print by Faithorne. Query. — with the purfc and mace of Ld. Chanc. ffl. — a:t. 31 - - - I^ine amljcarcc. J'ol. — .-.-.- mez. — set. 34 (the infcription afterwards altered) fol. — .-.-.- - - - ,. - >'• — with his titles in French - - lR0CHESTER, 16S2. Oo. lyiljECt. 67. — in his robes — in Birch's " Lives," 1741 mez. ^to, mez. Henry Sidney, ) Earl of j RoMNEY, 1694. Ob. 1704, £et. 63. — when Mr. Sidney, \vh. len. la. MeinhardtSchom- 1 <, /• r-^-L. berg, Duke of | Schomberg, 1693. Ob. 1719. — when Duke of Leinster mez. du Broyn G. Kneller W. Willing H. Gafcar. Kneller Id. Id. Wiffing P. Lely Kneller Andiony Afli'.ey 1 c- /c /-»i _ » Cooper, Earl of) Shaftesbury, 1699. Ob. 1713, xt. 41. — in " Hiftoire des Philof. Mod." 1762 — wh. len. prefixed to his " Characteriftics," 1 1723, 8x10. J Talbot, "1 Shrewsbury, 1694,- Earl, 1667. Ob. of J 171S, a^t. 58. Charles Talbot Duke — in the print of the Lords Justices, Per. vi. John Somers, Lord Somers, 1697 j Ld. Keeper G. S. 1693; Ld. Chanc. 1697 ; refigned, 1700. Ob. 1716, 2fr. 64. — in the Kit-Cat Club — in Birch's " Lives" — a head, etched mez, B-uo. mez, '- foi mez, mez. — la.fol. — la.fol. — in the print of tlie "Bps Covnsel," P. vi. cl. 5. — in tlie print of the "Lords Justices," ibid. 2. ^""S^'^"^"^'' ISrANHoPE, 1718. Ob. 1721,^1.50. — in the Kit-Cat Club le Davis. F. JoUain. B. Lens. R. Tompfon exc. R. White exc. R. Williams. If. Beckett. J. Houbraken. J. Smith. Williams. A. Browne(exc.) Ravenet. Smith, 1693. J. C. Francois. J. Clofterman S. Gribelin. E. Cooper(exc.) Kneller Kneller Kneller Id. J. Richardfon >7'3 Kneller Id. Kneller V. 1,00 Kneller J. Faber, 173 J. W. Faithorne, j. Houbraken. (Pond.) J. Simon. Smith. Id. 1713. G. Vertue. R. White, 1693. Faber, 173C. J. Hall. Simon. Period VII. Clafs III. ( 213 ) Charles Spencer, In /^i Earl of > Sunderland, 1702. Ob. 1722, itt. 47. Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or Priiitfcllcr. — in Birch's " Lives" — in robes mez. intz. Artliur Herbert, "1 ^ ro rM _ /: p , ,- ' > iORRINGTON, 1689. Ub. I71O. ThomasNewport, ") ^ _ ^ /-m T H > ToRRiNGTON, 1 7 1 6. Ob. 1719. 1 690. fo/. - la.fol. ThomasWhartorijI Wharton, 1714; Lord, 1695; Earl, Marquis of J 1706. Ob. 171^, k:. 67. in the Kit-Cat Club — in Birch's " Lives" mez, nuz. Heneage Finch, "1 ttt r^i ic . _ F 1 f > WiNCHELSEA, 1712. Ob. 1726, cet. 70. — /a./o/. CLASS III. GENTRY. Sir William Ashurst, Aid. Lond. Ob. 1720. — when " Lord Mayor," 1694 ... la.fol. William Barker, J. Houbraken. GKnelleriyioJ- Simon, 1724. J. Savage exc. J. Riley R. White. Kneller 1714'J. Smith, 1720. KneUer 1. Faber, I735', Id. Houbraken. Id. T- Johiifon. Id, iSimon. Id. Smith. d vivum G Vertue, 172J Sir Samuel Barnardiston, Bart. 1663. Ob. 1707, st. 8S. — la.fol. Thomas Baskerville, Enthufiaft:. Ob. 1705, st. 90. — aet. 70, oval, in a hat, fixteen Engl, verfes. Rare. See Goiigh's " Topography." Sir John Bowyer, of Knyperfley, co. Stafford, Bart. Ob. 1710, set. 28. — -------- mcz. John Bridges, of Lincoln's Inn, F. R.S Ob. 1724,^1 <;8. — >/. Sir Ewen Cameron, of Lochiel, Chief of the Clan Cameron ; clar. 1655 — 79. Ob. 1718, at. 89. — in armour, fix verfes ..... 4/^. Linton ad vivum ad vivum R. \^niite. Faber, 1726. R. White. T. Gibfon I Smith, 1697, Kneller 1 706 Vertue, 1 726. Period VH. . Cials HI. Chailes Robert Ceci l, — a child, with a Iamb ( -^-14 ) Ob. 1726. Painter or | Engraver or Deligncr, Prmtfcller. mc%. ,vr. Waart Cecil, Uncle of Ja. Earl of Salifbury. Ob. 1716. | — ........ OTcz. G. KncUer ^Yiilbm Cecil, Brother of Br. Earl of Exeter. Ob. 1727. | — wh. len. fitting ..... mn. W. Wifllng Sir Robert Clayton, Knt. Aid. Lond. Ob. 1707, £et. 79. — when " Lord Mayor," 1680 - - la. mez. J. Riley Edward Colston, of Briftol. Ob. 1721, ast. 84. | — enumerating his benefadlions ... la.fol. J. Richardfon — ........ 8^'&. Sir Godfrey Copley, Bart. Ob. 1709. Knclle Sir Robert Cotton, of Combermere, Bart. 1677. Ob. 1712. I — ..-....- mfs. T. Gibfon Thomas Coulson, Ob. 1 7 13, 2t. 68. James James Richard Craggs, Poft-Mafter General. Ob. 1721. Craggs, Jun. Secretary of State. Ob. 1721. Kneller 1688 fol. Kneller 1709 2 mo. Kneller mc%. I Id. _ fol. Cromwell, Son of Oliver, clar. i6j8. Ob. 1712, £et. 86. — in armour .---.. 4/5. — ... ..... ^0. fm.fol — on horfeback .... — in the " Antiquar. Repofit." — oval, from a miniature at Strawberry-Hill . . . - fol. .-.-..- Scarce, ^to. — prefixed to Parival's " Iron Age," 1656 — on horfeback, view of Windfor — in a cloak, band, &c. — an etching ...... ^tn. There is a print of Desb. trough and Lambert leading liim bv ilit nrms ; prefixed to a fca;ce traft, entitled, "AComical Hiltovy of t.'.e late Times," &c. Mitford Ckow, Governoi of Barbadoes. Ob. 17 19. Id. - R. Walker (Cooper) la.Jh. William Dolbkn, Ob. I 709, at. 20. Edmund Dunck, of Whitcnhtm, \^'ilts, M. P. Ob- 1719. — in tiie Kit-Cat Club ..... vicz. B. Lens. J. Smith, 1697. Smith, 1686. Smith (1707.) G. Vertue, 1722. Id. Smith, 1692. Smith, 1706. Smith, 17 14. Vertue. G. King, 1733. J. Simon, 1720. Vertue. F. Bouttats. T. Crofs. /. Gammon. R, GayivooJ. R. Godfrey. S. Harding 1792. W.Haynefwurth. VV. Hollar. P. Stent exc. Id. T. Murray Smith, 1703, Kneller 1709 Smith, 1710. 1 t Kneller !j. Faber. Period Vn. Clalj III. { 215 ) Edward Elliot, of Port Elliot, Cornwall. Ob. 1722. — with his wife and family . . - . Robert Fielding, called the "Beau." Ob. 1712. — fhip at a diftance - ... - — witli a dog, anonymous .... Painter or Dcligncr. mez, W, Wi.Ting mez. G. Knclkr mez. I WilFliig mez. P. Lcly Id. Encraver or Printfcllcr. W. Aikman E. of Buchan Andrew Fletcher, of Saltoun, M. P. Clar. 17C3. — oval, prefixed to his " Life and Writings," 1792, Svo. Sir Stephen Fox, Knt. a Lord of the Treafury in four Reigns. Ob. 1716. — *'• 75> 1701 ...-.- }riez. J. Baker J. Simon. Tregonwell Frampton, Royal Stud-Keeper at Newmarket. Ob. 1727, ffit. 86. mtz. J. Wootton J. Faber. G. Vertue, 1726. If. Bcckct. Id. E. Cooper exc. R. Tompfon exc* vr. Vaart. infcrlbed, " The Father of the Turf" Jh, mez,. Sir Samuel Garrard, Knt. Aid. Lond. Ob. 1 725, st. 74. — " Lord Mayor," 1710; in the print with Mertins,! g|^ Brocas, and Parsons ... jwcz.J Thomas Gill, Son of Tho. Gill, M. D. — a youth, with a bow ... - 4/fl. mez. T.Murray J- Smith, 1694. Sir Richard Gipps, of Wekham, Suffolk, Knt. Ob. 1708 Id. J. Jones, 17911 — with and without the hand .... mez. J. Clofterman Sir Henry Goodricke, Bart. 1670. Ob. 1704. | ..„...- Rare. mez. T. Hill Sir William Gordon, of AfFton, Ob. 1718. — an oval, furrounded with coats of arms. Scarce. Mr. Hatchard, — a bull in a circle (1720) . - - Anthony Henley, M. P. Ob. 1 711. Smith (1687.) Smith, iCgj. Sir William Hodges, Bart. 1697. Ob. 1714. Thomas Hopkins, — in the Kit-Cat Club S. G(nbelin.) mez. , Kneller Smith, 1694. Kneller Smith, 1 7 15. me%. Kneller 17 1 5 Faber, 1732- Sir John Houblon, Aid. Lond. Ob. 1712. | j — at. 66, 1696, when " Ld. Mayor" Rare. mez. Clofterman R. Williams.. Em. Scroop Howe, Groom of the Bedchamb. 169 . Ob. 1709. — oval, prefixed to a " Colka. of Letters," 178 , %\ Sir Arthur Kaye, M. P. Ob. 1726. » - - Rare. mez. Lely C. Sherwin. Simon, Period Vn. Clals III. ( -^l^^ ) Sir Richard Levet, Knt. Aid. Lond. Ob. 171 1. — " Lurd Mayor," 1700 /a.fo/. Pninteror j Engrareror Defigner. | Piintfeller. R. White. Sir Thomas Littleton, Bare. 1681 ; Speaker of the Houfe of Cdmmons, 169S. Ob. 17 10, — ----.... ni^z. TForfteriyooJ. Simon. Philip LocKHART, fecond Sonof Sir Geo. L. 1716. George Sr. Loo, Commiffioner for the Navy. Ob. 17 14. — a large oval. Rare .... s. c Sir William Mannock, Bart. — - ....... J},!, ,„ez. a. Cooper Jofeph Martin, or Martyn, Mercat. Lond. — at. 75, 1718 m^z. M. Dahl Arthur Maynwaring, Commiffioner for Cuftoms. Ob. 1712, £Et.^_44. — ill the Kit-Cat Club - - - . . mez. G. KncIIer Sir George Mertins, Knt. Aid. Lond. Ob. 1727, a?t. 68. — " Lord Mayor," 1725, oval, in the print with Gar- rard, S;c. above. John Meth u EN, Brit. Minifter in Portugal. Ob. 1706. — - - . - - - - - triiZ. Charles Moorf, Son of the Bp. of Ely, 17 10. — wh. len. .-.--.. niez, John MoYSER, of Beverley, co. York, 1720. — anonymous ..... Scarce, mcz, Francis Mundy, of Leicefterfliire. Ob. i 720, iet. 29. — foL Grey Nevill, of Billingbeare, M. P. Ob. 1723. — .--....- miz. Henry Newton, Brit. Envoy in Tufcany, 1709. Ob. 1715. — a medallion, prefixed to his " Lat. Poems," 1710. William Penn, firfl: Proprietor of Penfylvania. Ob. 1718, ffit. 74. — from his bud at Philadelphia ... fol. Samuel Pepys, Secretary to die Admiralty. Ob. 1703, art. 71. •^ prefixed to his " Naval Memoirs," 1690, Sijo. — on a fcroll ...... \Zmo. Sir Thomas Rawlinson, Aid. Lond. Ob. 1708. — " Lord Mayor," 1706, wh. len. . . . . Id. A. Johnfon. J. Nutting. W. Humphreys. 'J. Smith, 1719. J. Faber, 1733. Simon. Humphreys, KerfeboomjP- Combes. KnelIerCi68 ) F. Place. G. Vertue. M. Dahl 1 720 G.White. Knellcr Id. Kncller J. Hall, 1 77 J. R. White. Id. Vertue, 1709. Clafs III. .( 2^7 ) Thomas Rowntev, M. P. 1722. Ob. 1727. fol. VICZ . Ob. 1705. Rare. mez. Ob. I "720, ffit. 80. 8i;o. Mr. Sansom, Sir Charles Sed ley, Bart. Samuel Smith, Son of Erafmus S. 1725. — .- . . - - - - me%. Chr. Walter Stock DALE, M. P. Ob. 1713. — -------- mez. James Thynne, Ob. 1709. — Kt. 3 ---... - imz. William Til leak, Sen. — oval ------- f{^.o. Sir William Trumbull, Sec. of State. Ob. 1716, set. 78. fol. i\lo, ntez. William Tunstal, — " Illuc Ktatis," kc. two lines This was called Knowles by Mr. Ibbot. Sir Edmund Turnor, of Stoke Rochford, co. Lincoln, Knt Ob. 1707, «t. 88. — P. P. 4/0. See Wilford's " Memor. of Worthy Perfons." Greville Verney, Ob. 1710. — a youth, with a teneftrial globe - 1 701. me%, Mr. Wellers, , — anonymous - - - - _ Jnj. mez. Edward Winnington-Jefferies, M. P. Ob, 1725. — ...--.. Scarce, niez. Dudley Woodbridge, Judge- Advoc.Barbadoes. Ob. 1720. — -------- mez. Thomas Worsley, — ----... 1720? 7ncz. * Sold by Smith, and probably in part fcraped by him. The. works of this artift, and feme others of this time, frequently go under the denomination of Smith's prints. Painter or Defi^ncr. Engraver or Primfcller. J. Green, Oxon. J. Clofterman J. Smith, 1705. M.vr.Gucht. E. Goiige G. White. G. KncIIcr Smith, 1693. Kerfeboom W. Faithorne, j. KncUer G. Vertue, 1724. HVcrcI{li693 J. Fittler, 1786. M. Dahl R. WUHams*. Faitlwrne, j. Dahl Sympfon, Kneller 171 8 Smith, 1718. Kneller If. Becket. Ec reriod VII. GUIs IV. ( 2i8 ) CLASS IV. R Y. William First Subdivision. BISHOPS. Beveridge, Bp. of St. Afiiph, 1704. Ob. 1708, jet. 71. — la.foL — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1709, Svo. - . ■■ — xt. 7 1 - - - - - - 4/0. mez. £Et.7t -.-...- 121110. — -------- mc'Z. Painter or Defi^ner. — fo!. Philip BissE, Bp. of St. David's, 17 10; Hereford, 17 12. Ob. 1721. — la.fol, Oifspring Black all, Bp. of Exeter, 1707. Ob. 17 16, jet. 62. — la.fol — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1717, %vo. - - . — " D. D." prefixed to his 14 Sermons, 1706, 'ivo, — prefixed to his " Works," foL - . - . George Bull, Bp. of St. David's, 1705. Ob. 17 10, at. 76. — Kt. 65, prefixed to his " Works," \12\,fol. — prefixed to his " Life," by Nelfon, %vo. Gilbert Burnet, Bp. of Salifbury, 1689. Ob. 1715, JEt. 73. - 7"/- — ..-■-•-- mfz. — fol. — ....--.- mcz. _ . - - - .... 8vo. — ....--.- S-yo. — ..----.- 4/0. mtz. — ........ Stio. — .--....- 4/0. — .....--.- 8^0. — -.-.---- me%, --------- 4/0. WfZ. — ,-.--... 8'yo. B. Ferrers Id. Id. Id. J. Richardfon T. Murray T. Hill, 1 719 Engraver or PriMk-ller. vr, Gucht. Id. W. Sherwin« Id. J. Simon. J. Stiirt. G. Vertue. Vertue. — ast. 44, 1687 — xt. 60, 1 703 * G. Bickhara.' M. Dahl vr. Gucht. Sturt. DaU Vertue, 1722 vr. Gucht. Id. E. Lutterel vr. Banc. E. Cooper exc. Lutterel vr. Gieft. J. Gole. Dia.Hoadly J. Houbraken. V. Hove. ad vivum E. Lutterel. Petit. D. Hoadly B. Pican, 1724. des Rochcrs. J. Riley J. Smith, i6qo. Id. Vertue, 1723. Hoadly Id. ad vivum R. White. M. Bcalc Id. * Probably an alteration of tlie age, Mrs. Beak died in 1697. Pcrio.1 VII, Clafs IV. ( 219 ) I Pointer or Dcfiyier. Fjigravfr or Piinifcllcr. Ucnry Comptox, Bp. of Oxford, 1674; Loud. 1675. Ob. 1713, at. 81. . J. Rllcy If. Becket. xt. 78, 1710 D.Loggan,i679. Hargravc J. Simon. J. Smith. la.fol. ----- mez Nathanacl Crew, Lord, 1700; Ep. of Oxford, 1671 ; Dur- ham, 1674. Ob. 1722, let. 83. — -- mcz. GKnelleri698 J. Faber, 1727 — - ^"-fo/. — --------/a. Inez. - fo!' — -------- wez. Id. Loggan. F. Place. R. White. Richard Cumberland, Bp. of Peterborough, 1691. Ob. 1718, JEt. 87. xt. 82, 1714 mez. TMnmy I jcG' Smitli, 171^, Sir William Dawes, Bart. Bp. of Chcfter, 17075 Abp. York, 1 713. Ob. 1724, a^t. 53. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1 707, ^vo. See Hudson, in the 2d fubdivifion. /a./ol. mcz. la.fol. S-vo. - J. Clofterman S. Gribelin. Willlara Fleetwood, Bp. of St. Afaph, 1708; Ely, 1714. Ob. 1 723, jEt. 67. — prefixed to his "Sermons,'' 1717, Svo. . . - --------- nu'z, i — "M.A." Edward Fowler, Bp. of Glouccller, 1691. Ob, 1714, iet. 82. Murray jvr. Gucht. |W. Sherwin. G. Vertiie. Id. vr. Gucht. J. Richardfon „. ,.„, I Simon. R. White. Kneller Jams G.'VRDiNER, Bp. of Lincoln, 1694. Ob. 1705,^1. 68. — - In.fol. M. Dahl Francis Gastrell, Bp. of Chefter, 1713. Ob. 1725, £er. 62. — /e.foL Dahl Charles Hickman, Bp. of Derry, 1702. Ob. 1713. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 17245 Svo. - - -A, RufTcl George Hooper, Bp. of St. Afixph, 17035 Bath, 1704 Ob. 1727, a-'t. 90. Smitli, 17 1 7, G. White. Vertue, 172S. Gribelin. N. B. The mixture of engraving with mezzotinto was firfb pracliftd in tliis print. | Thomas Kenn, Bp. of Eaih, 1684J deprived, 1691. Ob.' 1711, St. 64. E e 2 Kneller .Smith, 1710. T. Hill, 1723G. White, 1728. Dundac, ( '^20 ) PerioaVII. CUfs IV. William Peter John Simon John John William George Thomas Painter or Defisner. Engraver q» Priritlelkr. — St. 73, prtlixed to his "Life," by Hawkins, 1713, 8to. T. Scheffer — Kt. 73, prefixed to his " Works," 1721, Svo. __ . .^. - - . - - 12/no. In the printsof the Seven Bishops, Per. vi. Lloyd, Bp. ot St. Afaph, 1680; Litchfield, 1692; Worcefter, 1699. Ob. 1717, aet. 91. ----- f'l- G. Vertue. Id. — ret. 86 ECt. 87 ' — " Bp. of St. Afaph," oval . . - mez, — in the printsof the Seven Bishops, Per. vi. Mews, Bp. of Bath, 1^72; Winchefter, 1684. Ob. 1707, set. 89. — oval. — oval (Gr. iii. 237). Moore, Bp. of Norwich, 1691 ; Eh', 1707. Ob. 1714. Li.fol. IT. Forfter - F; Wcideman ad vivum prefixed to his " Sermons," 1714' ^''"'' Fine, mez, G. Kneller /a./oL ad vivum Patrick, Bp. of Chichefter, 1689; Ely, 1691. Ob. 1707, £et. 81. — prefixed to his " Commentary on the Hifiorical ] Kneller Books of the Old Teftament," foL - - - J — prefixed to his " Paraphrafeon Job," 1685, 8-jo. - (ad vivum) la.fol. ad vivum Robinson, Bp. of Briftol, 1710; London, 1713- Ob. 1723, jet. 72. _ . - fd. ~ '. '. '. '. - - - la.foi. M. Dahl — ... - . - - - - 4/0. ?«f2. Sharp, Abp. of York, 1691. Ob. 1714, a-t. 69. ..^----- nuz, ....---. me%, __ la.fol. ad vivum — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1709, 8'»o. ... Sheridan, Bp. of Kilmore, 16&1 ; deprived, 1691. Ob. 171 1. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1 704, ivo, Smalridge, Bp. of Briftol, 1714. Ob. 171 9, ^t. 53. — prc^xed to his " Sermons," i724,/o/. . - - Kneller Sprat, Bp. of Rocbefter, 1684. Ob. 1713, £et."77. — in Cowley's " Works," 1710, 8 w. - - - P. Lcly D. Loggan, J. Sturt. Veitue. Id, 1714. Loggan, W. Faithorne, J. vr. Gucht. R. White. vr. Gucht, 1727. R. White. Id. 1700. GifFart. vr. Gucht. B. Picart, Vertue. E. Cooper, 1691. F. Kyte. R. White, 1691. Id. W. Sherwin. Vertue, 1724. vr. Guciit> l/• — -.....-- mez, - - - •• >'• — in the pillory, furrounded with feven large ovals of the Jefuits, Baker, Evans, Fenwick, Gavin, Har- couRT, Turner, and Waring. Scarce. There are feveral other farcaftic prints of him. Oldham, B. D. 1720. _.--. .... mez. Owen, Prefbyter. Ob. i 706, ict. 52.. — ast. 51, prefixed to his " Life," 1709 Park ELL, D. D. Poet. Ob, 171 7, ffit. 38. — a fmall oval - -...-. — -------- mez. Pemeerton, of New England. Ob. cir. 1725. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1727, Svo. . . . PiGGOT, Prefbyter. Ob. 1713. — ..- -.--. 2vo. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1704, Svo. . - - PoMFRET, Minifter of a Chapel in Gravel-Lane. Ob. 1722, £Et. 71. — set. 70, 1 72 1, prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon," j2mo. — a:t. 55, 1707 . - . - . ^to. mez. — ....... 4./0. mez. — prefixed to liis " Dircftory for Youth," 1722 mez. Painter or I Engraver or Dcfigner. Printfeller. D. Eftevens H. Hawkins T. Forfter J. Richardfon Id. J.m'Ardell. J. Faber, I723» M.vr.Gucht. G.vr.Gucht. f. Bafire. M.vr.Gucht. Hawker ad vivum T. Dudley. (Loggan.) (Sherwin.) R. Tompfoncxc» R. White. J. Ellys ad vivum ad vivum Faber* S. Nicholls. J. Bafire, 1774^ Th. Dixon. H. Fletcher. G. Vertue, 1737. R. White. J. Drapentier. I'abcr. P. Pelham. Taylor (exc.) Period VII. Clals IV. Benjamin Humphrey Jofiali John John Thomas Samuel Henry Samuel William John ( 227 ) Pratt, M. A. Ob. 1715. — ........ mcz, Prideaux, D. D. Dean of Norwich, 1702. Ob. 1724. — ........ 4/0. — prefixed to liis " Conntxioii," ly 20, JoL . - - — in the print with Locke, &c. clafa 7. PuLLEN, M. A. Ob. 1 7 15, JEt. 90. __......-. ^Jo. mez. Quick, Prefbytcr. Ob. 1706, set. 70. — ast. ^^, prefixed to liis " Hlltory of the Reformed "( Churches in France," 1692, /&/. - - -J Ray, M. a. Naturalift. Ob. 1706, xt. 78. — prefixed to his " Wifdom of God," 1701, 8i>o. — prefixed to his " Poflhumous Works," 1760, 8vo. ......... Svo. Reynolds, V. D. M. Ob. 1727. ^. ...... - mez. RosEWELL, V. D. M. Ob. 1722. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1706 - - mez, Sacheverel, D. D. clar. 17 10. Ob. 1724. __...---.. 8x10. — a:t. 36 _/«''• — with Francis Higgins and Philip Stubbs, in- 1 fcribed, " The three Pillars of the Church" mez. J __.....--. mez. — feveral .... .... .^.. ...... mez. — set. 36, 1710 ....-- fo/. — prefixed to his " Tryal," 1710, Svo. — ...... Jbl. and 4/0. mez. __.....--. mez. — ........ mez. — holdlnff a pifture of K. Cha. I. - - ' - fo/. A print of him, in the manner of Drapentler, has been reduced, and called " Hickkringill." Salter, D. D. Prebend, of Norwich, 1714. — an etching. Sherlock, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, 1691. Ob. 1707, at. 67. — four Dutch verfes ..... Svo, — prefixed to his " Treatife on Providence," 1694, Svo. Shower, Prefbyter. Ob. 1715, at. 58. — set. 52, 1709 ..... ^0. mea. •— prefixed to his " Difcourfe on Earthquakes," 1693,1 ixmg. - - - . - - - -J" Ff a P.nlntcr or Dcfigncr. Kngrjvcr or J'rinll'cllcr. E. Secman J. Stuit. de Bois. W. Faithorne W. Elder. W. Hibbart. J. Simon. Clark, 1724. G. Vcitue. T. Gibfon Vertue, 17 13. G. White. J. Woolaflon J- Faber, Gibfon vr. Banc. Thompfon G. Bickham. Faber, 17 10, J. Cole. vr. Gucht. Gibfon A. Johnfon. S. Nicholls. J. Nutting. Gibfon P. Ovcrton(exc.) P. Schtnck. A.Rufreli7loJ. Smith, 1710. Id. Vertue, 17 14. (ad vivum) ad vivum P. Sluyter, R. White. W. Clarke. Faber. vr. Gucht. Period Vll. Clafs IV. Henry Samuel Jonathan Robert Nathaniel Jofeph Jofeph John Fred. Francis Ralph William George Richard John ( ^^S ) _...-..- 1714 — xt. 43, 1700 8dd. — difFcrent Sijo, Shute, M. a. Ledurer of St. Mary, ^Vhitechapel. Ob. I 722. ._...-. Svo. mez. Slater, Prefbyter. Ob. 1704. — /"/• __.....--- 4/5. tnez. Smedley, M. a. Dean of Kilaloe. South, D. D. Prebend, of Weftminfter, 1663. Ob. 1716, ast. 83. .....--- 8vo, — prefixed to his "Sermons," 170 , S-ro. . . . — prefixed to the fame, lyzo, foL Spinckes, M. a. Preb. of Sarum, 1687 ; deprived, 1690. Ob. 1727, £et. 74. — prefixed to his "Devotions," IZmo. — prefixed to his " Sick Man vifited," 1731, 8w. Standen, ....... 1710? Stennet, Prefbyter. Ob. 1713. — prefixed to his " Works," 1732, Svo. Strauss, Paftor of the Dan. Church, Lond. Tallents, M. a. Prefbyter. Ob. 1708, st. 89. — in the " Nonconformilts' Memorial" Taylor, S. T. P. , Ob. 1722, xt. 75. ^-------- la.fol. ToNG, V. D. M. .— . - . - - - - 17 10? mez. Tross, M. a. Prefbyter. Ob. 1 7 1 3, at. 8 1. — prefixed to his " Life," by Hallet, 17 14, Svo. - Waddell, S. T. p. Archdeacon of St. Andrew's. Ob. 1718, at. 89. _.------- mez. Wallis, S. T, D. Mathcm. Prof. Oxon. Ob. 1703, at. 87. — f"^- — xi. 83 (1698) fo/. — act. 85(1700) ..... n(x: — prefixed to his " Mechanica," 1670, 4/^. — prefixed to his " Algebra," 1 685,/ I Miller. J. Simon. J. Smith exc. \ Miller. Kneller J. Simon. Id. - IJ. Gole. ad vivum D. Loggan. Penninge. Thomaflln. ad ' Charleton, M. D. Ob. 1707, ffit. 88 — ■sX. 56, 1678, prefixed to his " Anatom. PrKleA," 4/0. — prefixed to his " Treatife on the Soul," 1657, Sxio. Clifford, Mafter of the Charter Houfe, 1707. — in Cowley's " Works," 17 10, 8to. . - - Collins, M. D. Ob. 1710, ffit. 92. , — ast. 67, prefixed to his " Auatomy," 1685 ?/o/. Fine j ad vivum |W. Faithorne. Cony, M. D. Ob. 1722. — fitting, wig, view of a library Loggan, 1 679. P. Lombait. M.vr.Gucht. mez, V. Haecken Faber, 172; ad vivum E.Lutterel,i707 Scarce, mez. William Cowper, Surgeon. Ob. 1710. — prefixed to his "Anatomy," 1699 - - mez, J. Clofterman Smith, 1698. James Drake, M.D. Ob. 1707. — prefixed to his " Anatomy," Bvo. - Sir Roger 1' Estrange, Knt. Ob. 1704, set. 88. — Kt. 68, 16S4 la.fol. Kneller — St. 68, 1684, prefixed to his " Fables of iEfop," Jul, Id. iT. Fofter M.vr.Gucht. oval Gg R. White. Id. (Id.) Period VII. CUfs VIl. John ( 234 ) Evelyn, Antiquary. Ob. 1706, set. 86. — in the " Anecdotes of Painting" . . . . — prefixed to Hunter's edit, of his " Sylva," 1776, la. j\.lo, — oval, in a cloak, his own hair, arms, prefixed to his 1 " Trandation of Lucretius," Svo. - - -J — prefixed to his "Sylva," 16 ,foL . . . — prefixed to his " Sculptura," 1755, S-do. - - . Painter or Defigner. Engnver er Printfeller. John Freake, Surgeon. Ob. 1717. A. Bannerman. F. Bartolozzi. iR. Gaywood, I 1654. del. etfc. R. Nanteuil. ad vivum Sir Samuel Garth, M. D. et Poeca. Ob. 17 19. — in the Kit-Cat Club — in Birch's " Lives" 4/0. J. Riley G. Kneller Id. nicz. Id. mez. Id. Id. — in the print with Dryden, &c. Per. vi, cl. 7. Gill, M. D, Ob. 1714. — oval, long wig . - . . . Grant, OcuUft. Ob. 1724. Afterwards infcribed John Ker. Greenhill, Surgeon. — prefixed to his " Art of Embalming," 1705 Nehemiah Grew, M. D. Ob. 171 1. — prefixed to his " Cofmologia," ijoo, fol. - Richard Gwinnett, Poet. Ob. 171 7. Thomas Roger Thomas fol. Ant. Comte Hamilton, nat. Hibern. Ob. 1720, jet. 74. — in Walpole's " Memoires de Grammont" S-vo. &V0. l2mo. T. Murray Murray ad vivum T. Worlidge. G. Vertue, 17 18. J. Faber, 173J. J. Houbraken. J. Simon. J. 6ni:th. Vertue. Smith, 1700. A. B. John John Sir Edmund King, Hughes, Poet. Ob. 1720, at. 42. — in Bell's " Poets," 1779, l2mo. — prefixed to his " Poems," Stio. Ker, of Kerfland. Ob. 1726. — prefixed to his " Memoirs" See Grant, above. M. D. Cb. 1709, at. 80. long wig, laced neckcloth la.fol. J. Nutting, 1 705. R. White. vr. Gucht. G. King. J. Hall. Roffard. Cook. G.v.Gucht. Kneller Hammond J.vr.Gucht. Kneller mcz. P. Lely Wilham King, L. I.. D. Ob. 1 7 1 2, ast. 49. ( — set. 49, prefixed to his " Works," 1734, 8w. - - R. Dellow — in bell's " Poets." Gilbert Knowlek, Eotan. and Poet. — set. 49, 1723, oval, his own hair, prefixed to his "Ma-1 ttria McdicaBoUnica," 1724, 4'9. - m«. j Murray R. White, 168 . R.Williams, 1684 J.vr.Gucht. Faber. f eriod VII. Cl-il's VII. John John Walter William Robert Richard Sir Ifaac ( ^ZS ) Locke, Philof. Ob. 1704, set. 72. — prefixed to his " Human Underftandiiig" - fol. — - - _ - fol. — prefixed lo his " Letters on Toleration," 1765 — a bull --...-- mez. — in " H1.I. des Philof. Mod." 1762 . . - - — . -. - foh — in Birch's " Lives" ...... — -------- 8do, — ••------• 1 21110. — -----•-- mez. — at the Rev. Dr. Geekic's - - - ~ la. fol. — - with Bp. Burnet, Prideaux, and Clarke mcz. — in the print with Sir Isaac Newton, &c. below. Marten, Surgeon. — prefixed to his " Treatife on the Gout," 1723, Siio. — - - - - •- - 1709. S'l's. MoYLE, Ob. 1721, a-t. 49. — prefixed to his " Works," 1726, 8i>o. MusGRAVE, M. D. Exon? R.S. S. Ob. 1721. — set. 45, 1718 - . . - - - Sfo. Nelson, Ob. 1714, ^t. 58. — prefixed to his "Works," 1715,8^0. - . . .— pref xed to his " Devotions," I714, Svo. - - . — prelixed tohis " Addrefs to Pcrfons of Quality," 1715,1 la. Svo. - - -..-..J Newcourt, Ob. 171 5. — prefixed to his " Repertorlum Londinenf." i-]oS,foL Newton, Philof. Ob. 1727, set. 85. — -------- mez. — an etching ........ — a fmall head radiated, 1732 - . . . Jof, — a vignette, in the " Tableaux des Hommes Illuft. de 1 Grande Bretagne" - - - - - - J — aet. 84 ( 1725), own hair, fitting ... mez. — painted for M. Folkes ^ - . . mez. — from the bull at the Hermitage, Richmond mez. — profile ....... Jol. — in Birch's " Lives" ...... — ........ mez, — profile ....... 8vo. — ........ mez. — ........ mez. — bare headed ...... ^/j. — with Sir Hans Sloane, engraved in a fplral line — ........ mez, — at. 83 - . - • - - . AJo. — ........ mez. — o^-al ........ ^to. me?.. — with FlamsteeDjHalley, and Sanderson mez. — with Locke, &c. ..-.., mez. Gg 2 r.i inter pi- Fngravcr or Defigner. Prhufcllcr. s. Brownover vr. Banc. G . Kneller la Cave. (Cipriani.) J. Faber. J.C. Francois. GreenhiU P. ^Gunft. T- Houbraken. Brownover 1- Nutting. Kneller 15. Pica.t. Id. 1704 .1- Kniith. Jd. F. Tanje. Id. 1697 G Venue, I7l'5 Id. Id. .73S. r. SchefTer Id, G. Gandy Kneller Id. 1700 Id. E. Seeman J.vr.Bank Id. 1726 Knellc Kneller Id. J. Thomhill Id. Kneller vr. Bank Seeman Vertue. G. White. Vertue. M.vr.Gucht. H. Fletcher, vr. Gucht. Vertue. J. Sturt. m' Ardell. J.vr.Bank. G. Biekham. L. Cars. Faber, 1726. Id. Id. Hoare, Houbraken. Miller. du Pin. J. Simon, 1712. Id. Id. 1723. Simpfon. Ja. Smith, 1733. Jo. Smith, 17 12. Vertue, 1726. rcrioa VII, ClafsVn. ( 236 ) John Nicholson, M. D. Tho.Oaav. Okey, Medic. Ob? 1709. — with a long iufcript. about and under the oval Curious ^lo. The. Tert. Okey, Med. Prof. Kat. 1674. — (St. 29) Rar^. ad ' "William Parsons, Chronolog. 1703. — aet. 58, i6q6, a fmall oval, prefixed to his " Book of 1 t> -n i Cyphers" - - j ^- ^"'^'^ •— infcribed, " Tarn Marti quam Mercurio," prefixed to his " Chronological Tables," 1726 Painter or Dcfigncr. Engrayer or Priiitfellct. John ■} Partridge, Aftrolog. Ob. 1715, at. 71. — xt. 35, prefixed to his " Aftrology," 1679, J2mo. — in along wig, prefixed to his " Treafury of Phyfick," 1 1682, Svo. William Pattison, Poet. Ob. 1727, xt. 21. — set. 21, two lines - -. Svo, del. et fc. J ? Saunders Charles Peter, Surgeon. Ob. 1705, st. 57. William Petyt, Keeper of the Records in the Tower. Ob. 1707, Kt. 71. - - - M Philips, Poet. Ob. 1708, at. 32. — in Bell's « Poets" — prefixed to his " Poems," Svo, — oval frame, hair ..... A.Schoonjans J. Nutting, G. Lumley. M.\T.Guchti7C3 S. Gribclin. Id. R. White. Id. P. Fourdrinier. vr. Gucht. John Archibald Pitcairn, M. D. Scot. Ob. 1713, at. 61. Matthew Prior, Poet. Ob. 1721, xt. 56. — fitting afide, bare head, collar open — prefixed to his " Poems," 1721, l2mo. foU fol. ? mtz. — fitting, in a velvet cap, leaning on a table - - fol, — infcribed " Her Majefty 's Plenipotentiary," long v/']g,fo/, — in the print with Dryden.&c. Per. vi. cl. 7. — in the print with Addison, &:c. above. James Puckle, N. P. — prefixed to his " Club,*' a Dialogue, 1733, i2mo. ^ prefixed to the fame, 1 ft. edit. 1723, 127110, John Radcli}-fe, M. D. Ob. 1714, tet. 65. — a circleof foliaf^c ..... JhL — prefixed to Gibbs's " Defcription of the Radcliffc 1 Library,"! 747, /o/. J ad vivum G. KneUer J.B.Medina KneUer 1700 H. RIgaud J. Rithardfon, 171S Id. Id. J. Clofterman Id. KneUer 17 10 R. White. T. Cook, G.vr.Gucht. M.vr.Gucht. R. Strange. Clark, 1722. J. Faber, 1728. du Flos. J. Simon. G. Vertue, 1710. Id. 1719. J. Cole. Vertue. M, Burghers. Fourdrinier. Period VI t. Clafs VII. ( ^Z1 ) Painter or | Engrareror Dcfijjiier. PrintfeHcr. — prefixed to his " Di'fpenfatory," 172 i, Sta. — xt. 65, 1714 - I vr. Giicht la.fol. G. Kneller G. Vcituc, 17 19 Sir William Read, Knr. Oculift. Ob. 1715. — in a fheet, with thirteen vignettes of perfons vvhofe 1 extraordinary cafes he cured. Scarce - - . ) ^ — oval, gown held to by his left hand - ' nuz. ' (ad vivum) John Francis Jofliua Nicholas E.OWE, Poet. Ob. 1718, £ct. 44. izmo. mez. prefixed to his " Works," 3d edit. 17 I 5, 8do. prefixed to the fame - - . . j2mo. M. Burghers. William Salmon, Medic. Ob. 1712, ast. 68. — £et. 36, 16S1, prefixed to his " Synopfis Medicinx,' 8vo. ■■} — set. 26, 1670, prefixed to his " Polygraphice," 8vo. - — set. 23, 1667, prefixed to his " Herbal," _/«//. — prefixed to liis " Praftife of Phyfick," 8vo. — set. 42, prefixed to his " Polygraphice," 1685, Bvo. Maurice Shelton, of Barningham, in Suifolk. — anonymous, prefixed to his " ElFayon Nobility," 1720. SiNTELAER, Surgcon. — 1 709 ? 8vo. Smart, — - - . . Vien. 1719. Scarce Sqjjire, — set.25,prefiKedtohis"VerfionofthePfalms," i707?8i>o. Stepney, Poet. Ob. 1707, set, 34. — in the Kit-Cat Club m,^ KncUer ad vivum ad vivum \V. Faithorne, j. Clarke. J. Faher, 1715. vr. Gucht. Vertue. Burnford. r. Gucht. V. Hove. W, Sherwin. K.White. Id. 1700. George Ralph Thoresby, of Leeds, Antiquary. Ob. 1725, :Et. 67. — prefixed to his " Ducatus Leodienfis," iji^yfo/. Thomas Tryon, Mercat. Lond. Ob. 1703, 21.69. — prefixed to his "Life," 1705, i2mo. Knelle John Turner, M. D. 1712. John TuTCHiN, Ob. 1707, let. 44. Thomas d' Urfey, Poet. Ob. 1723. — prefixed to his " Wit and Mirth," 1719, Svo. John Urry, of C. C. Coll. Oxon, — prefixed to his edit, of Chaucer, 1721, yi}/, William Walsh, Poet, Ob. 1708, st. 49. — iathe Kit-Cat Chib - - . . . miz. E. G M.vr.Gucht. ad vivum Ij.A.Delfenbach. iM.vr.Gucht. Faber, 1733. Vertue, 171 2. R. White, 1703.. White. M.vr.Gucht. Vertue,. N. Pigne. Faber, 1735. ouge KneUer Tenad VII. Clafs VIII. ( ^ss ) Painter or I Engraver or Defigner. | I'rintfellfr. Humphrey Wanley, Antiquary. Ob. 1726, cet. 55. — oval, his own hair, neckcloth ... n,i John Ward, of Chefter, Arithmet. — St. 58, 1706, prefixed to his "Key to Intereft," 1709, Svo. ....... — id. prefixed to his " Introduction to the Mathe- maticks," 2vo. . . . . . Jofeph Warder, Med. — aet. 58, prefixed to his " Monarchy of Bees," iy||-, Svo. George Wilson, — set. 78, 1709, prefixed to his " Chymiftry," 172 1, 8110, William Wycherly, Poet. Ob. 17 15, i;t. 81. — prefixed to his " Plays," 1 2mo. ... — St. 28, prefixed to his "Poems," ijo^, fol. mcz, P. Lcly CLASS VIII. RTISTS, ACTORS, &c, Adcock, Mufic. Ariosti, Mufic. T. HDl, 1717J. Smith, 1 7 18. vr. Giicht. J. Myndc. H. Hulfbergh. M.vr.Gucht. G.v.Giicht. Smith, 1703. Abram Attilius John J John Thomas Richard John Simon du mex. E. Seeman Ay RES, Writing- Mailer Ob. 1705. — prefixed to his " Tutor to Pennianfliip," 1695 — prefixed to his " Arithmttick," 1693, l2mo, — prefixed to his " Accompliflied Clerk," i']oo,/o/. Baker, Painter, clar. 1705. — in the print with Du Bois, &c. below. Baknister, Mufic. Ob. 1725. Qii. another by Smith after the fame. Betterton, AcfVor. Ob. 1710. — prefixed to his "Life," 17:9, Svo. - Blome, Cofmograph. 1669-17 10. Blow, Mufic. Ob. 1708, let. 60. — prefixed to his " Ampbion Anglic." i']QO,fol, ad vivum mez. T. Murray . G. Knellcr Id. 4/0. mez. W. Reader ad vivum Bois, Painter. OI5. 1708. — with Baker, Bo it, and Cooke, in VValpok's "Painters" G. Bickham. , 1 J. Simon, I7I9« J J. Start. R. White. 3 Id. R. Williams. vr. Gucht, Williams, If. Becket. R. White. A. Banncrman. P?rioJ VM, Cljfs VIII, Charles ( 239 ) Painter or En?r.ii Dcfigiicr. Prinirdlcr. BoiT, Painter, clar. 1713. — ill the print next precedinj^. Thomas Britton, Mufical Small-Coal Man. Ob. 1714. — in Hawkins's " Hill, of Miilkk" Louis Henry- Edward John — eight Englidi verfes, liair, hat Cheron, Painter Ob. lyz,-?, Et. 63. — in d'Argenville's " Peintres," vol, iv. Cooke, Painter. — in the print with Du Bois, &c. above. Cooper, or Cowper, Printfeller, — a roll in his hand - . . . CoOi'ER, — a child, with a bow, quiver of arrows, dog Probably a fon of the former. J. WoUafton C. Grignion. mtz. T. Johnfon. tiuz. WoUafton Simon. Auberti mez. J.vr.Vacr P. Pelham.iyai, mez. J. Kerfeboom W. Waithorne. ArchangelusCoRELLi, Mufic. Ob. i7i3,a^t. 60. fm. i,to. — prefixed to his 12 Concertos, fol, CosiNS, Mufic. — tuning a violin, long wig William Croft, Mufic. Ob. 1727, aet. 50. Adrian van Diest, Painter. Ob. 1704, jet. 49. — in the print with Le Pipre, Per. vi. cl. 8, John DuNTOM, Bookfelier. — prefixed to his •' Life and Projefts," Charlesdela Fosse, Painter. Ob. 1716, a;t. 76. Cole. Folkema. vr. Gucht. Mathey. des Rochers. H. Howard W. Sherwin. Id. J. Smith, 1704. mez. G, Kneller Smith, 1706. fm.fol. T. Murray G. Vertue. 4/0. 4/0. mez. 4/0. E. Knight H. Rigaud Kneller Id. — in Walpole's " Painters" ... Grinlin Gikbons, Sculptor. Ob. 1721. — in Walpole's "Paiuti.rs" ... — in a coat, hand over the head of a C atue — with his wife .... /a. oBl. mez. J. Cloflerman Louis du GuERNiER, Painter. Go. 1716, £et. 39. — ha. len. Handing ..... Henry Gyles, Glafs Painter. — - Scarce, Jm. mez. — with John Rowel, Per. viii. cl. 8. Egbert Hems kirk, Painter. Ob. 1704, at. 59. — in the print with Riley, Per. vi, cl. 8, M.vr.Gucht. du Change. A. Walker. T. Chambars. Smi;h, 1690. Id. 169 1. S. Bernard. F. Place, 1687 ? Oliver. Period VII. cufsvm. ( 240 ) Painter or • De.ij,i^er. Francis Hoffman, Inventor of Shipping with three Bottoms. — a table with many htarts un it, view of a fhip, and a lal Arnold Humphrey Sir Godfrey John Zacc. John Thomas William map of England HouBRAK EN, Painter. Ob. 17 19. — in Des Campes' " Peintres'' . . . . - Johnson, Writing-MaPcer. — four verfes, prefixed to hi& " Aritlimetick," 1710, Svo. Kneller, Painter. Ob. 1723, at. 78. — oval frame, own hair .... niiz- — with John Zacchary Kneller, his brother 4/0. — in Sandrart, " Acad. PIdurje" . . . . — in the title page to the fet of " Beauties," painted by "I him at Hampton Court - - la.fol. mez. / — prefixed to the " Kit-Cat Club," long wig - ?«<:;. — in Dts Campes' "PcinticL-." . . . . . — in the " Muftum Florent." 1752 . . . . — -------- 4/0. nez. Kneller, Painter, 1703. — in Sandrart, " Acad. Piclurs" - . - - — in the print with Sir Godfrey Kneller. Langton, Writing Mailer and Glafs Painter, 4/0. - del. et fo. G. Kneller If. Becket. T. Chambars. R. CoUm. Kneller J- Faber. Id. Id. 1735. r icquct. Kneller C. Gregori. P. Schenck. Kneller J- Smith, 1694 1700-13. — a fmall oval, in the title to his Copy Book, Mace, Mulic. Ob. 1709, at. 90. ^ — «t. 63, prefixed to his " Mnfick's Monument," l6';6,fo/. Mark HAM, School -Mafter ? SirJ.Bap.de Medina, Painter. Ob. i7ii,st. 51. — in " Muf. Florent." 8vo. 470. Peter de le Moles, Mufic. 1705. — an etching . - . . . Robert More, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1727. — prefixed to his " General Penman," I 725, 4/0. Thomas Murray, Painter. Ob. 1724, set. 58. — in Walpolc's " Painters" .... — in " Muf. Florent." .... — oval, his right hand upon his bread Sutton NiciioLLs, Engraver, 1710. — anon. wh. Icn. fitting, four verfes. Doubtful Thomas Olyffe, orOLLVFFE, Writing- Mader. — prefixed to his " Pradical Penman," ii\^,fm,fol. John Overton, Printfellcr. — xt. 68, 1 708, wig, band ... 4^0. mcz 4!0. 4to. H. Cooke J.B.Medina Id. Kneller del. et fc. T. Murray Id. Engraver or I'ra.tfelUr. Ipfe, 1710. Ficquet. Collin. Overton exc. W. Faithorne. Chambars. Guttieres. R. Cooper, G. Bickham. W. Sherwin. A. Bannerman. M. Corfi. Smith, 1696. (Bickham.) J'tlloJ VII. Cl.ifs VIII. ( 2^1 ) Pninter or | T.n^rtverar Dcfigncr. PrintfcUer. William Penketiiman, Adlor. Ob. 1725. — holding a fcroll, " Ridcntibus anidcnt Vultus" mez. R. Shmutz 'j. Smith, 1709. Cha. Christ. Reiicn, Seal Engraver. Ob. 1725, let. -^6. — in Walpole's " Painters" — a fcal in his kft hand .... Abel Roper, Printer. Ob. 1726. — with his man Toisv, i. e. Edward King - Godfrey Schalcken, Painter. Ob. 1706, ^t. 6j - I J. Brctherton. mcz. vf. Bank G. White. Svo. mcz. H. Hyfing vr. Gucht. G. Wliitc. — holding a lighted candle, a pillar and ftatut figures mcz, Ahthony Schoonjans, Painter. Ob 1726, set. 71. — with Herbert Tuer (ob. 1680) . - . . Bernard Ato, G. Schalcken |T. Chambars, jP. Schenck. Schalcken Smith, or Smidt, Organ-Maker, 1709. — a round, in Hawkins's " Hillory of Mufick," 1776 - J. Caldwall. Edwrard Smith, M A. Writing-Mafter. — prefixed to his " Mylleries of the Pen" ... M.vr.Gucht. James Smith, Artificial Eye-JVIaker. — aet. 47, 1717 - - - . . - fol. S. Tuncks J. Pine. John Smith, Engraver. — fur cap, gown, holding a print of himfelf, in a wig mez. GKncl!cri696, Smith, 17 16. John Smith, Optician to K. Geo. I. Smith, 1694. A. Schoonjans A. Bannerman. Paul van Somer, Engraver, 1694. — in the print with Robert White, below. Sybrecht, Painter. Ob. 1703, Kt. 73. John Pearce ^to. N. Largilliere Tempeft, Engraver, i 704. — wh. len infcribed, " A Nonconformift Divine," in I M. I the " London Cries." Vide Granger, iv. 336 -J (l Lauron 68 ) Thomas Tompion, Watch-Maker. Ob. 1713. | — in a plain coat, (hewing the infide of a watch mez. ■ Kneller Will, van de Velde, Jun. Painter. Ob. 1707, st. 74. I i^to. Kneller — a fea piece in his right hand Anthony Verrio, Painter. Ob. 1707, set. 73. Anthony Watteau, Painter. Ob. 1721, set. 37. mcz. 4/0. Id. T. Worlidge. — in Walpole's " Painters" — wh. len. playing on the bafs viol ... yi/. Robert Whit h , Engraver. Ob 1703. — with feveral others in this and the preceding period 4/ff. Hh fol. A. Watteau Watteau Chambars. P. Temped. Smith, 1697. Chambars. Smith, 1707. Bannerman. F. Boucher. W. Hihbcvt. Tardieu. Bannerman, Tcnoi VII. Clafs IX. ( 242 ) SirChriftop.WREN, Archlteft. Ob. 1723, xt. 91, Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Prir.tfeller. Si IX — in claro obfcuro - . . . . — oval frame, long wig, neckcloth Wri ting-Masters, viz. Clark, More, Olyffe, Shelley, Snell, and Snow. — ill ovals, with flourifhes - . . » ohl.foU Anonymous head, an etching, tye wig, profile, infcribed in MS. " The Colourman in Newo-ate-ftreet." o This has fince been infcribed Mr. Highmore, and again Pa sage. 4/0. G. Kneller A. Bannerman. fol, S. Coignard. h.fol. J. CloftermanE. Kirkall. men.. Kneller 1711 J. Smith, 17 13. ad vivum J.Highmore,i723 CLASS IX. FEMALE SEX, First Subdivision. LADIES. Ifab. Naflau-Be- T . /: /-.i o o ^r- r }■ Arlington, 1672. Ob. 1718, JEt. 87. verweerr, Cls. or J ' ' / ' / — mez. p. Lely This has alfo been infcribed Catherine, Queen Dowager. Ifab. Somcrdyke d' Auverquerque, Wife of Henry de Naffau, d'A. Ob. 1720, £et. 82. .-.--. /^o. mez. F. M'^cideman Mary Canel, "It-, --o /^i .. o Duchefs of 1 Seaufort, 1682. Ob. 1714, ^t. 85. — oval frame, own hair, necklace, young la. fol. Ann Pawlet, Lady Bellasvse, 1680. — fitting ....-- mez. She died in the reign of Ann. Louifa Lenox, ") „ r^y r> , r c > Berkeley, 1710. Ob. 1707. Counteis or J ' ' ' ' R. Walker Lely Smith. J. Nutting. R. Tompfon cxc. ■Eliz. Churchill, Countcfs of Ibrid gewater, 1703. Ob. 1 7 14, £et. 27. See Lady Rooke, Per. vi. cl. 9. Kneller J. Faber. M. Dahl J, Simon. Period VII, Clals IX. Mary Fairfax, Duchels of Elizabeth Carte- ret, Lady Barbara Vllliers, Duchefs of ( ^43 ) Ob. 1 72 1. . . - - n I Buckingham, 1668. Ob. 1705, at. 66. Lady Brownloe, — a child, wli. len Painter or Dcfigncr. 6. Zouft S. Cooper Engraver or Printfellcr, } Carteret, Wife of Sir Philip. Ob. 1717, If. Becket. T. Worlidge, in a fmnmerlioufc, holding a bunch of grapes nuz. 'j. Kerfcboom J. Smith. A print of a lady Carteret has, with fume alte- rations, been called Lady Compton. I Cleveland, 1670. Ob. 1709, £ct. 69. z. P. Lely 4/0. ntfz, Hvo. mez. vvh. len. mez. mez. — when Countefs of Castlf.maine (i66 ) mez. — id, wh. len. fitting ... — playing on the violoncello — as a fhepherdefs. Scarce — ha. len. . - - — wh. len. fitting Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. mez, I^ely, 1667 mez. Id 4/0. mez. ' (Netfchcr) la./o/. ^to. mez, G. Kneller mez, I.ely — different ... - — in the gallery at W'indfor — iu her robes, wh. len. — oval, dreffed with jewels — with her daughter Barbara Fitzroy * In the CoUeft. of the Eail of Orford. — pearls in her hair ... — in Harding's " Graramont." mez. mez. mez, mez. Id. Id. Id. Id. 4/0. mez. W. Wifiinir - H. Gafcar. Lely. • AHard. Becket exc. Id. fe. Id. A, Browne(exc.) E. Cooper (exc.) W. Faithorne, j. Id. E. Luttcrel. Overton (exc.) P. Schenck. W. Sherwin. Smith, 1687. Id. exc. 1695. R. Torn pfon exc. Id. T. Watfc)n,i77 . R. WiOiams. Id. Frances Jones, Countefs of I CONINGSBV, Ob. I715. vvith her fifter Lady Catherin e, wh. lens, mez. vr. Waart — id. an engraving. Kneller ^^^J^^^'^^P"'"*^^^^' I Copley, Wife of Sir Godfrey C. 1707. Mary Tudor "1 d^j^.^entwater, 1697. Ob. 1726,21.53. Countefs of J ^ ' ■ en Lady Ratcliffe, wh. len. in a high 1 '/^j. -^VagjO ;ad-drefs of oftrich's feathers Rare, mez.] A ' ' — when head-i Catherine Sedley, "I p. /^ r r f X-'ORCH Lountels or J ester, 1685-6. Ob. 1717. i,to.? mez. mez. Kneller Id. Smith, 1691. Smith, 1697. (Lens, 1687.) |lf. Becket. Smith ex. 168S. * Born 1672. She became a nun at Pontoife in France. Hh 2 Period VII. Clafs IX. ( 244 ) Painter or Defigner. — infcribed Mrs Sidley — id. ... MaryCompton, | ^^.^^ Loumels or J 1720 Lady Mary wh.len. at Hampton Court Douglass, 7mz. |P. L.ely 4/0. mcz. W. Wiffing la.foL niez. .G. Kneller Engraver or Printfeller. Elizabeth Percy, 1 ^ ^o^ r^^ o Counters of ) Essex, 1680. Ob.1718. — in mourning, with her fon and dau. /a. Jo/, msz. Eliz. Brownloe, It- /-.i Counters of j Exeter, 1700. Ob. 1723, ^t. 43- — when a child, wh. len. Mary Cromwell, 1 t- ^, r •' J > i* ALCONBERG, Ob. 1713. — a medallion, In Peck's " Life of Cromwell" Lady Mary How-") Fenwick, Wife of Sir John F. Ob. 1708, ard. Lady J at. 58. — ------- mez. Mary Legge, Lady Goodricke, Wife of Sir Henry G. 1680. — oval ----- Zar. 4/0. mez. Ifabella Bennet, 1 ^ ^ /^i Duchelsof I Grafton, 1672. Ob. 1723. — at Hampton Court — wh. len. 4/0. mez. mez. mez. mez. mez, mez, mez. 4/0. mez. mez. Eliz. Hamilton, Wife of Count >Grammont. Ob. 1708, £et. 67. — in the gallery at Windfor - la. fol. mc%. — in the " Mem. de Phllib. Comte de Grammont" ,/f" .-i ,- ',- r Halifax, 1688. Ob. 1727. Marchionels or J ' ' — in Maty's "Life of the Earl ofChefterfield," 177 — a circle. ^ r-.' 're'' > LiNDSEY, Wife of Robert Earl of L. Countels or J — a child, in the print with her fidcr Phila-I DELPHiA Wharton (below), wh. lens, fi-^ Lady Lisle *, — . . - . . Doubtful, mez. * Query, vifcountcfs. Wiffing M. Dahl T. Hill Kneller Wiffing Kneller Id. Id. Wiffimg Id. Kneller P. Lcly Id. R. Tompfon exc. R. Williams. J. Faber. J. Smith, 1707. A. V. Dyck, 1640 Smith, 16S5. G. King, G. Lumley. Smith, 1695. If. Becket. Id. Faber. B. Lens. Smith, 1692. Id. 1687. J. VerkoljeiGSj W. Vincent. R. White exc. \ m' Ardell. G. Powle. F. Bartolozzi. P.v.Gunft. Bowles exc. reriod VII, Clafs IX. ( 245 ) Charlotte Fitzroy, 1 r ^ ^1 c Countefsof " | Litchfield, 1674. Ob. 1718. Scarce, la. fol. — \vh. len. her riglit hand extended to a dog niez. Philadel. Whar- "1 Lockhart, Wife of Sir George L. Ob. ton, Lady J 1722. — in the Houghton Collcftion - - mtz — in tlie print with the Count, of LiNDSEV, above Doding. Brooke, 1 ,^ ^, Diichefsof ] Manchester, 1719. Ob. 1721. — wh. len. in the gallery at Hampton Court mez LadyEffex Finch, 1 ,, „, Lady ' j Most yn, 1703. Ob. 1721. Margaret Caven- 1 ,. ^ ^ rw ^ dilh.Duchefsofj^'^^^^^^^^'^' '^r- Ob. 1716. — oval .-.-.- meZi Carey Frafier, 1 t, ^i r r /•Peterborough Countefs of J Ob. 1709. wh. len. at Hampton Court - - n Duchefs^of ] QFeensbury, 1694. Ob. 1709, Kt. 39. — own hair, pearls round her bread Lady Rachael "1 Russel, Wife of William Lord R. Wriothefly,Lady J Ob. 1723, set. 87. — oval, prefixed to her " Letters," 1792, S^'o. Frances Bennet, "jr. /-o /~s^ Countefsof j Salisbury, 1683. Ob. 1713. — hood, in deep mourning - - - m Painter or Engraver or Dcfigncr. PninfcUcr. S. Vcrelll vr. Banc. G. Kneller If. Bccket. Id. Id. V. Dyck R. Dunkarton. Kneller J. Faber. KntUer 1703 J. Smith, 1705. Kneller Knellc Kneller Elizabeth Percy, "1 o Duchefs of J omerset. Ob. 1722. — (xt. circ. 7) mez. mez. mez. Qiieiy. Does this reprefent the fame perfon ? Lady Eliz. Crom- 1 c ,-.1 welUWifeofEdw.r^^^"^""' Ob. 1709 — oval, long flowing h-air — wh. lea. Ann Churchill, "1 „ ^-.t ^ Coumefs of j Sunderland, 1702. Ob. 1716, ter. 33 mez, mez. Kneller P. Leiy Lely Kneller — in the prints with her filler Lady Henrietta See Marlborough, Per. viii. cl. 9. F. Kyte. Faber, L, du Gucrnier. C. Knight, Smith, 1696, Becket. A. Browne(exc.) W. Clarke, vr. Waart. Smith, 1699. Id. 1702. reriod VII. CUfs IX. ( 246 ) Margaret Wemys, "1 Wemys and Cromartie, Ob. 1705, } Countefs of J st:. 54 — - - -.- - - . mez. Is not this a copy of tlieptint of Mrs. Sherard? — in the print with the Earl of Cromartie, cl. 2. Lucy Loftus, 1 ^^^ . Marchionersofr^^^'^^°^^'^7o6. — before her marriage - . « mez. CLASS IX. Second Subdivision. GENTLEWOMEN. Elizabeth Barry, Actrefs. Ob. 1713, zer. 55. — in the " Hiftory of the Enghth Stage," 174K Elizabeth Bow es, Dau. of the Hon. Tho. Verney, and Wife of Geo. Bp. of Durham. Ob. 1724, st. 15. Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Prinlfclk-r. P. Leiy A. Johnfon. R. Tompfon cxc. J. Simon. S. Gribeh'n. Elizabeth Burnet, fecond Wife of the Bp. Ob. 1709, «t. 48. — -------- ilmo. — xt. 46, prefixed to her " Life and Devotions," 8vo, G. Kneller vr. Gucht, Mrs. Carter, — fitting on a bank, trees behind Sufanna Centlivre, Poetefs. Ob. 1723, tet. ^6. Kneller J. Smith, 1707. mez. D. Fermin P. Pelham, 1720. Sarah Chichely, 1704. — holding a garland of flowers Elizabeth Cooper, — wh. len. with a black Prifcilla Cooper *, Kneller Lely mez. M. Dahl Id. 4/0. mez. T. Gibfon Elinor Copley, Dau. of Sir Godfrey C. 1707. Dorothy Cress y, 17 id. — in the drefs of a (licpherdefs - - Scarce, iriez. Jane Deering, Miflrefs of the Marquis of Wharton. — in the Houghton CoUcftion ... tmz. Elizabeth Elstoe, Literat. — a fmall head, in a vignette, for her " Tranflation of an Anglo-Saxon Homily, on the birth of St. Gregory," ■ 1709 .... S. Gribclin. * Query, daughters of the prlntfcUcr. E. C. is mentioned as a poetefs in the Biog. Dramat. 1735. Kneller KneUer Lely Smith, 1701. W. Faithorne, •• Pelham. Smith. Smith, 1694. R. Williams. C. Townly Period VII. Cl.ifs IX. ( 247 ) Mariamne Herbert, 1680. Puinteror Dciigncr, mez. Mrs. Arabella Prifcilla Mrs. Margaret Jemina Sarah Mary Mrs. Ann Catherine J. Kerfcboom HucKs, Daughter of Sir Godfrey Kneller. — when MIfs Voss mez. ^ ~- with the emblems of St. Catherine, wh. len. JJj. mcz. G. Kneller — with the emblemsof St. Agnes — praying mez. mez. Hunt, Mufic. Ob. 1705. — fitting on a bank, fniging, four Engl, verfes mez. Marten, — ...w.---- mez, Morgan, of Norwich. — in Pepys's Colleft. clafs 5 - - - - mez. This is often miflaken for the princefs of Hanover. Nichols, — left hand held out to a parrot on a tree - mez. Palmer, Id. Id. Knelle mez, M. Dahl 1720? iC.d'Agar Pridden, Courtezan. Ob. 1724. — when S. Salisbury - . . . mez. — with flowers in her hand ... mez. — set. .^2, prefixed to her " Memoirs," by Walker, 1723, 81-0. Smith, Wife of Samuel S. 1725. Voss, the Quaker's Wife in Auftin Fryars, faid to be Sir G. Kneller's Miftrefs, i 703. — as a (hepherdefs, with her fon ... mez. Watson, Scarce, mez. Wilkinson, Ob. 1705, at. ■^^. — " C. W." with a high head drefs ? - Scarce, fiiez. CLASS X. PHENOMENA, C0NJ7CTS, MONSTERS, &c. JEso?, of Eton, or the Drunken, Funking, Rhyming Cobler. The Auctioneer of Moorfields. fo/. Kneller Id. E. Gouge Kneller d' Agar Engraver or IVintfeller. W. Faithorne, j. P. Schcnck. J. Smith. Id. 1716. Id. 1705. Smith, 1705. J. Faber. Faithorne, j. G. White. Smith. G. White. Smitli, 1692. Smith, 1708. Smith, 1706. S. Nicholls. rcrioii vti. ClafsX. James Patie John Matthew Edward Samuel George William Henry John Richard Arutin Mary John ( 248 ) BiCK, the Mimic- Trumpeter, 1712. — hair, neckcloth ... 4/0. mez. . foL BiRNiE, Fidler. — with eight verfcs in the Scots dialeft Bruce, executed at Lancafter, 1716. — ill the print with Col. Oxburgh, below. B ucK I NGER, without hands or feet. Ob. 1722. — Avith a letter written by himfelf - - - foL — a wooden cut .--... ^to. BrRELL (BuRREL ?), Old Man. — luit/j a French injcription .... 4/0. Chappel, alias Grater, of Oxford; who grated his bread before he ate it. ^-.----- Rare. mez. CoLLiNGWooD, exccutcd at Liverpool, 1716. — in the print with Rich. Gascoigne, below. Crouch, Painter sr [ Defigncr. 1 Enjiavtr at Prinifcller. Hull le Clerc. ad vivum J. Faber. — with Englifh verfes Dwarf, born at Salifbury, 1709. — 2 feet 8 inches high. mez, NTuckeri725 P. Pelham. William Ellis, Kt. 45, 1709, fitting on the rails in Moorfields ; printed") with liis "Life and Character," written by himfelf; I he holds a print of Harry the Raree Show Man, [ which he refembles - - - - - -J Evans, born at Haberdam, co. Caernarvon. — xt. 104, 1 7 10, hat, own hair, beard - ^o. mez. Gale, alias Dumb Jack, 171 2. — with a pipe in his mouth, hat, own hair — two engravings .... 4/5. mez. 4/5. Gascoigne, convicfted of Treafon, 1716. — oval, with another of George Collingwood, printed with his dying fpeech. George, Armenian. — ha. len. in a fur cap and cloak Gore, — xt. 143 ... Ob. 1727, ^t. 145. Hall, convirlcd of Treafon, 17 16, aet. 44. an oval, with another of William Paul; with their dying fpecchcs. There jsaprint of a John Hall, holding a paper 4/9. GKnclleri7i2 V.Luycki725 Nichoils. Faber. Faber, 1738. T.Chambarsi746 R. Sayer. Fcrioa VII. Clafs X. John ( 249 ) Hardman, Corn-Cutter. — in a coat, the buttons i)laccclon tlic left fide, liat, flowing' locks and formal curled wliiHiers, car-rings, the king's arms by way of a clafp to faflen his waillcoat, the fame hanging by a chain on one fide - - mcz, A good imprtfiion of this print is fcarce. Old Harry, with his Raree Show, 17 10. Nicholas Hart, the Sleeper, 171 1. Jamey, the Scots Piper. Isaac, the Grinner of Oxford. John Keiling, alias Blind Jack. — in the RatclifFe Coll. Kenny, fm, A^o. mcz. 4/0. rues,. playing on the baffoon, with " Kenny's Right" in- fcribed on his hat. It is Kenny's Tobacco In Mr. Well's Catalogue. Lew.Maxim. Mahomet, Valet de Chambre to K. Geo. I. Ob. 1726. — -------- 4/0. nicz. Yorkfhire Nan, Prince George's Cap Woman, 1710. — in a ftraw hat, caps in her hand, key, &c. Robert Neve, Juggler. — a wooden cut, prefixed to his " Merrj" Companion, teaching tricks in Legerdemain," 1721. Doubtful. Col. Henry Oxburgh *, executed for Treafon, 17 16. — printed with his dying fpeech. Rev. Will. Paul, executed fir Treafon, 17 16. — oval, in the print with John Hall, above. Samuel mac Pherson, Highland Corporal, fliot for defertion, — wh. len. ........ James Poro, born 16S6; rue\vn in London, 1714. — with an excrefcence growing from his body in form 1 of a twin birth . . - . . nuz. j Jane Scrimshaw, in the Mcrch. Taylors Alms-houfe. Ob. 1 7 1 1 . — aet. 126, oval, high crowned hat, hood - 4/0. mcz. — xt, 127 (171 I ), oval, different - - 4/0. mcz. Painttr or Dcfigncr. r. Murray (ad viv^im) ad vivum Engraver or PriutftUer. W. Wilfon. S. Nicholls. Smith. DL WanfcU. G. Kitchin. Nicholls. G. Bickham. f. Taber, 1722. Faber, 1710. * To avoid intricacy, the prints of this and the next pes fon are placed colledively with their fellow fuflercrs. I i Period VII. Clafs X. lames John- Rachael Johannes Jonathan John ( a5« ) Sheppakd, convlcled of Treafon, 171 8. ........ 4/5. mez, — oval, holding a book, a Jmall obi. luithjigures. — at. 18, 1718, ha. Itn. an etching - - 4/0. • — oval frame, night cap, collar unbuttoned. In Ames. — .- - ■ >->^- I never faw this. Qu. fame with the next above. Sheppard, convided of Robber}', 1720; executed for breaking Prifon, 1724. — an etching .-..., 4/0. — fitting, and looking to the prifon window • me^. — wh fen. id Jm.fol. ........ fmalUr. Pasley, Infpedrefs of the Farm at Wentworth Houfe. — oval frame, with a vignette reprefenting a farm yard, 1 and her employments. Scarce - - fm. fol. \ Valerius, without arms, born 1667; fhewn in London, 1705. >— a fmall oval, four Latin lines. Upon the back of this print, which is Sir Wm. Muf- grave's, are fome lines written by this man with his foot. Wild, conviifled of receiving Stolen Goods, i725' — with an exhibition of the feveral degrees taken by his pupils --..--. la.fol. . — when in Newgate ..... fei, WoRley, Penfioner in Greenwich Hofpital. — pet. 85, oval, black cap, long beard - 4/0. mez. Ames mentions another print different from this. Painter or Dcliciier. (ad vivum) Js. Thoriihill Engraver « PrintfcUer. J. Faber. Js. ThornhlU, G. White. A. Wentworth J. Pine dir. ad vivum Faber, 1708. < 25t ) PERIOD viir. THE REIGN OF KING GEORGE II. From 1728 to 1760. GLASS I. The ROYAL FAMILY. Period Vlll. Clafs I. G EORGE (TI.) AUGUSTUS Rex. 1727. Ob. 1760, tet. 77. — -------- 8t)0. me%, — on horfcback .-.-.. nuz — when Prince of Hanover - - . . ^lo, 7nez — wh. len. -.-.--» mez. — " Prince of Wales" .... mez, — Id. in armour, oval - - - . - ^o. nuz. — oval ----.... mez. — -------- inez. — wh. len. .--.... Jlj. mez, — oval, crowned - '- ^ - . . mez. — different ........ rnez. — ........ mez. — fitting jn a chair of (late. Fine ... la.Jlj. — " Prince of Wales" la.fol — Id. wh, len. in Guillim's " Heraldry," 1724 — " Prince of Hanover" .... la.fol. — " Prince of Wales" ..... la.fol. — ........ mez. — profile ....... jnez. — profile ....... mez, — " Prince of Hanover" .... }nez. — jd. - - - - - . . . ' fol. li 2 Painter or Engraver or Dcfigner. Printfellcr. m« ArdeU. ad viv. mem. T. Burford. Fountain E. Cooper exc. Pine W.Dickinfon. Elliott. J. Faber, 1716. Id. ad vivum Id. 1727, [• Highmorc Id. r. Hudfon Id. 1745. G Kneller Id. Id. Id. Fountain W. Faithorne, J. J. Kai/Ter A. GeyeXfRalfh, vr, Guclit. Id. P.v.Gunll. Fountain Id. A.v.Haecken. J. Haid. Schouman J. Houbraken. T. Worlidge R. Houfton. Jeffreys vend? B. Lens. Hirfeman D. Lockley. Period VIII. Clal's 1. ( 232 ) — ova!, crowned — on horfebnck • — on liuvftback — '• r.-ince of Wales" — " Prince of Hanover" — " Prince of Wales" — in liis robes — different - - - /./. Inez. mez. nicz. Jul. and 4/0. me%. mez. 4io. nuz. — " Prince of Wales" — Id. wig, robes, crown and fceptre — wh. len. .... — 6^ inches by 5i 4/0. mez. - - A ■ - fol. la.fol. mez. CAROLINE WILHELMINA of Brandenburg, Qiieen Con fort of K. George II. 1705. Ob. 1737, st. 55. — from Count Botlimer's pifture ... — infcribed, " Princefs of Hanover" — her right hand on a crown, 1736 — a bud on a pedellal — " Princefs of Hanover" — " Reine de la G. B." , - . . — " Princefs of Wales," oval, left hand raifed — " Queen" .... fol. and 4/0. mez. — " Princefs of Wales," own hair, diamond . - _/Z'. — la. fol. — crown and fceptre over her head - . - - fol. Family Prints, — the king and queen . - - . - — the king, with Frederick Prince of Wales, the ceffes Ann, Amelia, and Elizabeth — the king, queen, prince and princefs of Wales, and family ; in 1 2 ovals ..... In this are the portraits of K. George I. and Duke of Cumberland. — the king, queen, and family ; in fix ovals — id. two plates. — id. in nine ovals .--.-. See the family prints of K. George I. FREDERICK LEWIS, Prince of Wales, 1728. Ob, aer 43- — wh. len. •...-.. — three qrs. len. robes ..... in-l fZ.J pni mez. their 7 M Wm. 1751 — wh. len. - .... — set. 22, 1729, on a pcdcftal, Famc,Minerva mez. mez. mez. fol. 4J0. mez. mez. 4/0. »iez, mez. mez. mez, mez. mez. mez. mez. Painter or Ensraver oi Dtfigner. Printfeller. Kneller 1719 P. Pelham,i720. Mcrcicr ? S.F.Ravenet. J.E.Ridinger. Rufca. Fountain J. Smion. G. Kneller Id. 1716. Hirfeman J. Smith. Kneller Id. 17 17. Id. Id. Id. Id. P. Tapje. Taylor. Kneller G. Vertue, 1724, Id. 1717 Id. 1727. Shackleton de Wolff. T. Worlidge. J. Faber. Id. J. Highmore Id. J. Kerfeboom W. Faithorne, j. Amiconi v. Haecken. Sekley. J. Arlaud Simon. Kneller Id. (1727.) Amiconi Smith \ KneUer Id. 1717. Id. Id. 1720. Id. 1716. Vertue. Id. Id. Id. T. Hudfon & J.vr.Bank Faber. Id. T c A/f;:n._ ... .0 V. Loo Davifonl730 . EUys Hudfon 1 750 J.S.M\illcr,i748. C. Bolt G. HanflTon B. Baron, 1753. Faber. Id. Id. 1751. Frye. Gribelin. Houbrakcri, Johnfon. I'dici VIII, Clafs I. ( ^5i ) I'ainlei- ov Dcfigrier. Engjaver or Printfcller. — tliiet qrs. Icn. in robes — " Duke of Gloucester," liat under hia arm — \vh. len. ..-.-.. " Duke of Glouccftcr" Id K.-.z. J. RichardfonA. Milkr, 1738. fo/. I J. Mulk-r, 1744. - I Nixon. mez. I J. Simon, 1718. mcz. PMcrcieriyzS Id. mez. i ]d. 1729. mez.l IVIcrcicri730 ]d. ?wfs;. Fountain 1 723 J. Smitti, 1723. 4/(3. C. Boit ru'Z. G. HiUiflTon Fountain AUGUSTA of Saxe Gotha, Conlbrt of Frederick Prince of Wales, 1736. Ob. 1772, st. 53. — \vh. Icn. — oval mcz. mez. mez. — oval, in a black hood, &c. me%, mez. V. Loo T. Hudfon C. Phillips Huyfman del. et fee. Family Prints of Frederick Prince of JVales. with his fillers Ann, born 1709; Amelia, 1711; and! Caroline Elizabeth, 1713 (fee below) mez.] — with his filler Ann, wh. lens, a proof Thefe may be placed in Per. vii. — with Augusta lusconfort, and children — his children, viz. Augusta, born, 1737 ; George, 1738; Edward, 1739. — -.-.,... mez. E. Seeman — different - - mez. See the family prints of the king. Alfo Per. ix. cl. i and 2. ANN of England, Confort of William Charles Frifo, Prince of Orange, 1733. Ob. 1759, at. 50. du Pin I'nylor. G. Vertne. Id. ^' Wcrdler. Baron. Faber. Id. Johnfon, Muller. Simon. Werdler. Cooper. T. Rjlcy. G. Bockmaa, Faber. Simon. Id. — (landing, her left hand on a coronet — own hair, with jewels, necklace, profile mcz. P.v.Dyck. mez, H? Hyfinjj mez. — own hair, with pearls, arms — oval frame, hair with pearls — wh. len, - . . tncz. ? '• mez. la.fol. mez, mez, mez. 4/0. mez. 8iio, Mercier - I Rufca mez. G. Kneller Hyfi-ng — with her filler Amelia (Per. ix. cl, i.),infcribed, "Grand daughters to K. Geo. I." ... j^o, mix. Amiconi N. Edclinck. I Faber, 1735. I Id. Id. 1734. J. Houbraken, iP. Pellmm. C. Phillips. Simon. Id. Id. (exc.) Smith. Id. P. Tanje. Vertue, 1718, J. Wagner 1738, Mercier Id. Kneller Id. G. Sanders Kneller reriod vm. CUfs t. ( 254 ) ^YILLIAM CHARLES FUISO, Prince of Orange, 1711; K. G. Ob. 1 75 1, EEt. 40. — with Ann bis confurt — fuU face - This article may be placed in the Appendix. LOUISA of England, Confort of Frederick V. King of Den- mark, 1743. Ob. 1751, ffit. 27. WfZ. mez. mcz. — in the print with her filler Mary (Princefs of Hesse) \ Per. ix. cl. I - - - - - - 4/5. J CAROLINE ELIZABETH, Daughter of King George Ih Ob._i757, jer. 45. — with her filler Amelia, \vh. lens. Per. ix. cl. i mez. — \vh. kn. * ..... la.fol. mcz. — oval ....... mez. wh. le la.fol. mez. P. Mercier mez Painter or Engraver »t Defigner. Printfcller. G . Bookman. P.v.Dyck J- Faber. Id. 1732 Id. 1733, Id. 1- Houbraken. T- Simon. J. Fournler P. Tanje. G. Sanders Id. A. Pond Faber. J. Worfdale Bockman. E. Seeman Simon. J. King exc. Faber. H. Hyfing Id. Id. Id. Maingoi720 Simon. •^ " Grand-daughter to K.George I." - fol. ^tu. mez. The Pretcjidcr and his Family. JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD, the attainted Prince of Wales, commonly called " The Old Pre- tender." Ob. 1766, ^t. 78. — .- -_- -_- - - - fm.fol. — an infant, fitting on a cufiiion ... i^o, mez. — older -.......-. — wh. Icn. ......... — oval frame, tied wig, armour, fcarf — oval of palms . - . . mez. la.fol. - i\tO. - - - fol. - - - fol. - I'^.fol. — jet. 12 ....... . fh. — " Offercbal Dom. Jon. Drummcnd, ex Comitibus de "| Perth" Jh. ] — la.fol. — fol. - fol. •— ........ njcz. ? — in the cradle mez. Afterwards infcribcd " The Duke of Gloucester." .^ ........ mez. — ..._-.... la.fol. Id. Id. Amiconi 1 7 3 8 J. Wagner. A? Coy pel St. BeUe de Frey ? Id. N. Largilliere St. BeUc del. et fc. Aubcrt. If. Becket exc. A. Blooteling. Bonnart. J. Brookes. F. Chereau. Id. J. Daulle. Defller. P. Drevet. N. Edelinck, Id. Id. 1692. Gantrcl. Hortemels. Johnfon. N. Larmcflin. B. Lens. B. Luttercl A. Miller, 1737. ' Petit. * It is to be obfervcd, that fcvcral plates done at this period have been reduced from a whole to a half length. ^eriod vm. Claf$ I. '3J3 — wh. len. fol — an infant la.fnJ. fm, mcz. mcz, la. fol, mtz. 1702. 4/5. ovo. 4/0. mez. Painter or Dcfjgner. — in an oval frame, fupportcd by an angel . . , — xt. 4 --_.-.. yj„, 4/5, — " OfFerebat J. Bapt. Gwyn, gencrofus in Hibernia" fol. CLEMENTINA SOBIESKI, Confort of James the attainted Prince of Wales, 1719. Ob. 1735, '^t. 33. — hair drefled, witli pearls, holding a coronet — black feather in her hair? anonymous la. fol. . /L la. 4/a. — black feather, oval of branches ? anonymous - inez. — anonymous, a mafli in her right hand - - - fol. CHARLES JAMES EDWARD, elded Son of the attainted Prince of Wales, commonly called " The young Chevalier." Ob. 1788, cet. 67. - /"'■ — la. fol. — fn.fal. — , >/• — wh. len. --......- fol, — Svo. St. Belle N. Largilliere G. Kneller Largilliere St. BeUe St. Belle LargiUiere Davids ad vivum Trinifani Trinifani Poilly. des Rochers. le Roy. v. Schuppen. . Simon. . Smitli. Id. 1699. ThornafTm. Trouvain. Warren. G. White. Wille. Fngravcr or Pfintrellcr, F. Cliereau. P. Drevet. J. Frey, Rom. du Puy. des Rochers. (Simon.) la.fol. mcz. 4I0. 4/0. — infcribed, " Wallix Princeps" ... — on horfeback ...... — infcribed, " Son of the Chevalier" — on horfeback -...-. — different -.-.... In feveralof thefe prints he is called Edward only HENRY BENEDICT, fecond Son of the attainted Prince of Wales, commonly called " Cardinal York." Nat. 1725. Tocqiie 174S J. Aubert. Chereau. Daulle. N. Edelinck, Petit. Poilly. Warren. Wille, 1748. Ziirnque. /./. j Edelinck. I Pazzi. Wille. PerioJ VIII. CUfs II. ( 2.56 ) CLASS 11. PEERS. Thomas Bruce, "1 Ailesburv, 16855 attainted, 1695. Ob Earl of _) 1 741. • — P.P. Wilttam Ann V. T , .„,^ ,«,. ok t«^^ ^^ ,„ Keppel,Earlofj^'^"^^''"' ^7^- Ob. 1754, ^t. 52 — when Lord Bury, a child on a cufliion John Campbell, "1 Argyle and Greenwich, 1703. Ob J 1743' Painter or Defigner. mez. Fournieri7.j.5 — when Lord Bury, a child on a cufliion mcz. G. Knellcr Duke of set. 63. — a fmall oval, in the " Mag. des Savans" — wh. len. . . - - - — in Birch's " Lives" — ftar, truncheon in his left hand, ftock — oval, large wig, lactd neckcloth Arthur Elphin- "1 Balmerino, fton, Lord J 1746. Lord Aubrey — wh. len. with his fpeech conviiSted of Treafon, Kneller mez. 'ARamfayi740 - |W. Aikman mez. ; Id. mcz. M. Dahl f Ij.B.Clofter- L man, 1704 - A — prefixed to his " Life" - - 4/0. mez. — in the print with the E. of Kilmarnock, below. Beauclerk. Ob. 1741, St. 31. Charles Noel So- "1 r, ., „, ok .^^^ merfet,Dukeofj^'^^"^°"^' Ob. 1756. — anonymous, an etching, profile '^Tarl!)f'^'^'' } Berkeley, 1710. Ob. 1736. — in the Kit-Cat Club ... ^'Sukfof ""' ] ^--^-^--' ^687. Ob. 1734, ^t. 63. /./. 4/0. M CharlcsHamilton, "1 p,^.„,,,^ ,,.,- ' > Kilning, Vi count J Ob. 1733. Knellcr Jenary ^V [feodum'' ''^'"' |bolingbroke,i712. Ob. 1751,^1.78. — prefixed to his " Life," l2mo. f J. RIchardfon, I 1722 iTMurrayi7i4 Engraver or Printfeller. Harrewyn. J. F^ber, 1751. J. Smith, 170J. J. Gary, 1792. Faber. J. Houbraken. J. Simon. Id. R. Williams. G. Vertuc. W.'Hoare. Faber, i75r. P. Drevet, 1693. A.v.Haeckcn. N. Parr. ( 257 ) reiiodVIII. Clafs II. — profile, nn etching, prefixed to his " Letter | to Sir Wm. Wyndham," 1753, 2vo. - J ....--• Inez. T. Murray GuaavusHamil--lg^Y^^^ ton, Vilcount J See Henry Duke of Beaufort, Per. vli.el. 2. 1723. Ob, 1746. The name of Ford was crafed, and tluit of A. Miller fubftituted. JohnHobart, \ Buckinghamshire, 1746. Ob. 1756. Earl of J — \vh. len. - - - " - J'-' ' Richard Boyle, 1 Burlington, 1704. Cb. 1753, set. 58. Earl or J in the Kit- Cat Club imz. nu'Z. Painter or Dcfigncr. W. Hotrartli r. Hudfon — \vithhisfifterLadyjANE(ob. i78o),\vh.lcns.?«f«. Charles Howard, 1 q^^^isle, 1692. Ob. 1738. Earl of J — with a wand, in the Kit-Cat Club - tncz. GeorgeCarpenter,! (3^j^pj.^^j.j,^ Ob. 1732,^1. 74. Lord J ....--- nicz. — a fmall ha. len. in the title to his " Life," 1736 Charles Catlicart, 1 Cathcart, 1732. Ob. 1740. Lord J — in armour mez viez James Brydges, 1 Chandos, 1719. Ob. 1744. Duke of J ' — when Earl of Caernarvon Richard Temple, 1 Cobh am, i 7 i 8. Ob. 1 749. Viicount J G. Kneller Id. 1 7 16 Kneller Kneller A.v.Dieft A. Ramfay W.Aikman M. Dahl Engraver or Vrintfsllor. — in the Kit-Cat Club — when Sir Richard Temple fol. niiz. niez. Thomas ConingfOCoNiKGSBY, 1719J Baron, 1716. Ob. by. Earl J 1729. — with his daughters, Ladies Margaret and] Frances * > William Craven, T Qj^^^en, 171 i. Ob. 1739, at. 39. Lord J J. Richardfon. J. Simon. G. White. M. Fo:J. J. R:bcr. T. ChamVjars. Fjibcr, 1734. Simon. J. Smith, 1 70 1. Faber, 1732. Faber. Parr. Faber. V. Werdler. SimoH. V. Loo, 1 75 1 Kneller Id. Kneller 1722 Dahl G. Eickham. Faber, 1732. Simon. G. Vert lie, 1723. Faber, 1745. * The former, xsho married Sir Mich. Newton, K. B. became Countefs of Coninglby .iipon the demife of her ' father, and died herfelf in 1 76 1 ; the latter was married to Williams. K k Peiioa VIII. CUi's II. ( 258 ) John Lind{ay, "1 ,, ^, ' Eadof I Crawford, 1714. Ob. 1749. — prt-iixcd to his " I.ifc," by Rolt, 1/53) 4'o. James Stanley, "1 ^ /-.i ^ l-Larlof JDlrbv, 1702. Ob. 1736. — robes, laced iieckclotli - - . « William Caven- "1 r-» /^u difh, Duke of j Dkvonshirk, 1707. Ob. 1729- William Caven - a fmall oval. illiam Caven- "1 y,. ^, din,, Duke of I Devonshire, 1729. Ob. 1755. — \vh. Icn. — in the Kit-Cat Club mez. niez. Palmer or Defigner. Kngravcr or Priiukllei. T ' ■ ^ ^' > DiGBY. Ob. 1752, ffit. 92. — at. S2, 1743 Henry Playdell 1 T^ /^i / Downey, Vifc. j ^°'^"^' ' 74i. Ob. 1 760. John Percival, Earl of > Egmont, 1733. Ob. 1748, set. 65. — wh. len. in robes - . - - mez. — in the "Geneal. of the Houfe of Yvery" Bvo.mez. — when Sir John Percival, wh. len. mez. LawrenceShirley, "I Ferrers, 1745; convidfed of Murder, Earl of _) 1760. — in the " Brit. Magazine," view of his execution James Ogilvie, Earl of i-FlNLATER, I71I. Ob. 1733. — when Earlof Seafield John Fortefcue- Aland, Lord FoRTESCUE, 1746,- Bar. of Exch. 17 16; Juft.ofK.B. 1718; C.P. 1728; F.R. S. Ob. 1747, jet. 76. — a glove in his left hand ... mex. — ...... la.Jh/, Baptift Noel, 1 r> , _ r^u U , r > Gainsborough, 1714. Ob. 1751. — wh. len. embroidered waiftcoat, garter la. mez. David Boyle I-.arl of ' [Glasgow, 1703. Ob. 1733. T. Worlidgc. H.Winftanley vr. Gucht. Id. v. Pelham,i726. Clarke J. Worfdale J. Brooks. G. Kiielier J. Faber, 1733. R. Taylor Faber. J. Reynolds E, Firticr. H. Hyfing Faber, 1734. Id. Kneller 1704 J. Smith, 1708. A. Walker. Kneller Kneller Hyfing J. Richardfon Smith, 1704. Faber, 1733. G. Vertue. Faber. Smith, 171 1« Period vm. CUIs 11. Alexander Gor- don, Duke of ( 239 ) I Gordon, I 7 16. Ob. i 728, -xt. 48. — with a (log and gun , . - TAntcr or Dcfigner, 4/0. G. KiicIIcr. Engrtver or Hnntfcllcr. John Gower, Earl Gower, 1746; Baron, 1709; Ld. Privy Seal. Ob. i 7 ^4. — fquarc, in robes .... . C.v.Li J. F.il,or(>-4;,._, Charles Fi Duke of tzroy, I Grafton, 1690. Ob. 1757, '.ct. 74. — in the Kit-Cat Chib — wh. Icn. . - - — whtii Lord EuSTON, wh. Icn. la. f(j}. mez. Kncller | Faber, 173J. V. I.oo, 1739 Id. 1740. Kncllerl685J. Smith, 1689. Thomas ton , Earl or J GTON, Ob, 1735. — infcilbed, " Simon the Dutch Skipper" m^z, I know not of any Earl of H. called 5/»;»n, William Stan- "|^ Harrington, 1742 j Baron, 1729; Sec. hope, Earl of J State. Ob. 1756. — his right hand in his bofom, laced clothes mez, — in robes ... - - niez. __....-•- mez. m Tohn Hervey, Lord Hervey, 1720. Ob. 1743, ffit. 47. •^ a bud, prefixed to his and Dr. Middleton's "1 " Letters on the Rom. Senate," 1778, 4/5. J — when Ld. Privy Seal, fitting - - mez. Theophihis Haft-| j^y^^j^^P^^^ 1705. Ob. 1746, xt. 50. VV. Aikman Smith, I 7 19. J. Fayram Faber. du Pin, 1750 M. Ford. Favram J- Simon. Cook. Faber. ings, Earl of 'iUiam B Earl of — unfinifticd, in the Kit-Cat Club - mez. William Boyd, | Kilmarnock, convided of Treafon, 1 746. Rnellcr jet. 42 (1746), prefixed to his •' Life" Svo. ...--- 4^0. mez. — in the print with I^ord Balmerino, above, Peter King, Lord King, 1725; Ch, Juft, ofC, P, 17 14; Ld, Keeper, 1725; Ld. Chanc. 1727; re- figned, 1733. Ob. 1734, tet. 76. robes of Ld. Chanc. mace, and fcal — " Ld. Ch. Juftice" mez. mez. mez, la. fol. Rare, 8vo, — " Ld. Ch. Juftice," lince altered George Granville, "1 L,^^, 3^ Q^^,^^ Ob. 173^, a-c. 68. Lord 1 __ Rare, — prefixed to his "Poems," 17:6,8110. — prefixed to his " Works," 17:52,4/0. — with the ilaff of Lord Treafiuer - fol. ' I Leicester, 1744. Ob. 1759. — wh. len. "w""' Kk 2 M. Dahl Id. Faber, 1733. Faber, 1730. Simon. Taylor, I7J{. G, \'ertuc, 1 714. Thomas Coke Earl of j S. Gribelin. ! Knellcr jvr. Gucht. I Id. Veitue, 1730. Cd'Asar. I C,F,Zincke |V. Green. Period Vni. Clafs II. ( z6o ) Henry Clinton, 1, t t^ Ear! of ' i Lincoln, 1693. Ob. 1728, £et. 44. witilTHOMAsPELHAMjDukeofNEWCASTLE, "1 ill the Kit-Cat Club - - JJj. mcz. J Simon Frafer, Lord Lovat, 1716 ; convided of Treafon, 1746. Thomas Parker, Earl of John Erfkine, Earl of Charles Spencer, Duke of Richard Molef- worth, Vifc. John Montagu, Duke of Robert Jocelyn, . Lord William North, Lord Daniel Finch, Earl of Robert Walpolc, Earl of •ivh. kn. iittiiur /./. Macclesfield, 1721; Baron, 1715; Ch. Juft. of K. B. 1710 ; Ld. Chanc. 1718 ; religned, 1724, Ob. 1732. — ------- mez. — collar of SS, judge's robes - 4/0, mez. — ------ la. Jul. 7nez. — ------- mez. — ------- HWZ. — /"-/o/. PvIar, Secret, of State for Scotland, 1705. Ob. 1732. — the altered face of the print of Peter Hoet, in Per. vi. clafs 3. Marlborough, 1733. Ob. 1758, ^t. 52. — hat under his arm - - .. 7tiez. mez. MOLESWORTH, 1726. Ob. I758. — hat, and military coat - . - mcz. Montagu, 1709. Ob. 1749. — three qrs.len. coat, left hand on hisfword mez, — in armour ----- mez, — in the Kit-Cat Club - - - m^z. Newport, 1743; Chanc. of Ireland, 1739. Ob. 1758. — wh. ien. JIj. vuz. North and Grey, Ob. 1734. — embroidered coat, truncheon in his hand mcz, Nottingham, 1682 ; Earl Winchelfea, 17:9. Ob. 1730. — in Birch's " Lives" . . . . - Orford, 1741. Ob. 1746, a-t. 72. — " Sir Robert VValpole," garter, fquarc mcz. |T, Gibfon Painter or Deligner. Enjraver or Priatfeller. G. Kiieller ad vivum le Cierc KneUer Id. r. Murray Knellcr Kneller Reynolds 1 758 V. L(oo.) A. Le T. Hudfon M. Dahl Kneller ' Stevens KncUe J. Fubcr. J. Haas. W.Hogarth, 1 746 J. Simon. Faber, j. F. Kyte, 1 7 14. Simon, Id. J. Tinney. G. Vertue, 171 2. J. Smith, 1707. R. Houfton. W. James. J. Brooks, m« Ardell. Fiber, j. Faber, i". 1 735 Brooks, A. Miller, 1747. Simon. J. Houbraken. G. Bockman. IVnr.l Mil, ClJi II. ( 261 ) __ " Sii- Rob. Wulpole," ovnl — in the Kit-Cat Ciub — wli. Icii. . - - — ill Bhcli's " Lives" — oval, gown of Chanc. of Exch. — oval, id. ... — a fmall oval, ornaments — prefixed to Mr. Walpok's " Uefeription of the Piftiirts at Houghton HaU" - 4/c. — :; in the fame eoUeft. — " Mr. Walpole," oval, plain coat viez. JafoL miZ. i>:cz, DUZ. mtz. mezt mtz. Painter or Di;rigner, G. Kneller j V. Loo A. Pond H. My ling C. Jervas , Knellef 1 C. Zinckc, 1744 V. Loo GeorgeHamilton,-) Qj,j,jj^j.^.^ .(^^ Ob.. 1737, Kt. 72. £iul or J James Butler, Duke of } Charles Boyle, Eari of — in Birch's " Lives" Ormond, 1688; attainted, 1715. Ob. prefixed to the fet of " Founders" la. igto. me%. — in armour, oval .... mcz. In armour, an oval, with ornaments la.fol. _...--. 7ncz. — in armour, collar of the garter, truncheon mcz. — oval, large wig ... - 7nez. — with his hat on. I Orrery, 1703. Ob. 1731, iet. 55. — prefixed to Budgell's " Lives of the Boyles," 1 173.2, 8 T'O. J Kneller M. Dahl Id. Kneller Id. Id. Edward Harley, 1 Oxford, 1724. Ob. 174 Earl of J — wh. len. — ha. len. fol. Thomas Herbert,"! p^j^jg^^j.^^ ,683. Ob. 1733. Earl of J ^ , ^,. ,, a fmall wh. len. prefixed to Nicol's Poem " De ] Literis Iiivcntis," 1711, 8'z;o._ - - -J — armour, lung wig, vie\'.' of a {hip - miz ill the print of the Lords Justices, Per. vi. Dahl Id. W. WifTing Henry Herbert, \ p Earl of •■ J. Pembroke, 1733. Ob, 1750. - in Walpole's " Painters" CharlesMordaunt,| Pet-erborough, 1697. Ob. i73S^^^-17 Earl of J oval frame, large wig, in armour in Bitch's '< Lives'' A IIUZ. mcz. Kneller Dahl Kneller. , Engraver or I Primlelifr. i_ |J. Cooper exc. J. Faber, 1725. Id. Ij. Houbraken, ij. Simon.. ' Id. I Id. J. Sympfon. jG. Vertue, 1748. Watfon. G. White. A. Bannerman. Houbraken. Faber. W. Faithorne, j. S. Gribehn,i7l3. Simon. Id. J. Smith, 1701. Id. I'lOZ. B. Baron. Vertue. Id. Gribelin. Smith, 17C9. Bretherton. P. Gunft. Houbraken. Simon. Period VUI. Clafsll. Other Windlor Earl ot" { 202 ) ' I Plymouth, I 725. Ob. 1732, at. 25. 1 RobertRaymond, 'I Raymond, 1731; Juft. of K. B. 1723; Lord J Ch. Juft. 1724. Ob. 1733. — oval "'fs:. — " Sir R. Raymond," jiiclge's robes, fquare miz. — id. - - - - - - la.fol. Charles Lenox, | Rjchmond, . 72^ Ob. 1750, at. 49. Duke ot J — in embroidered clothes — fitting, in robes — in the Kit-Cat Club mcz,. vier.. mea. John Ker, Duke of Roxburgh, 1707; Earl, 1696. Ob. 1741, a't. 61. =•{ Robert Ker, Dukeof Roxburgh, 1741. Ob. 1755. JamesCecil, Earl of Salisuury, 1694. Ob. 1728,^1.37. — \vh. Icn. a youth . - - - Painter or Defigrier. C.F.Zincke J. Manbert J. Richardlon Id. F.jigraver or PnntfelUr. V\. Smith J.vr.Bank G. Kneller V. Loo Richardfon, '723 T. Hndfon Kneller Richard Lumley, "1 r- r\\ ^ -p I r ■'M Scarborough, 1721. Ob. 1740. — ftar and garter, in the Kit-Cat Club mex, — in Maty's " Memoirs of Ld. Cheflerfield," 177 Richard Boyle, "1 j, n,u ~..^ ^^ .,-, ^j-r ■' > Shannon, Ob, i 740, aet. 72. Vilcount J i-T I — (landing, ftar and garter, a kit-cat - mez- Charles Seymour, "1 c r o r>! ,..-o.^^q., ^ , ,< ' > Somerset, 1678. Ob. 1748, ast. 87. John Dalryniplc, "1 c Earl of J — in the fet of " Founders" — in the Kit-Cat Club — gown, wig, leaning on his lett arm TAIR, 1706. Ob. 1747,3^1.77. — coat over his armour, helmet by him — id. llafF, hat by him — an oval, with martial ornaments mr%. mez. niez. mcz. vuz. mez. mez. mtx. Kneller 17 17 V. Loo h.Jol. Thomas Wenr- "1 c f^\ worth, Earl of | St.afpord, i 71 1. Ob. 1739. — three qrs. Icn. robes, fliip at a dillancc mez. — collar and badge of the garter - la.fol. Kneller Kneller Id. Id. Id. J. Riley vr. Vaart A. Ramfay C.d'Agar B. Baion. Simon. Id. G. Vtrtue. m' Ardell. J. Faher. Id. 1732. Id. F. Jollain. Faber, 1 741. J.m'Ardell. J. Smith, 1696. Faber, 1732. Hall. Faber, 1733. Faber, f. Faher,j.i73J. J. Simon. Smith. Id. {1690.) Id. (!688.) Burford. Faber. Simon. Kneller I 7 14 G. Vertue. rcriod Via. Cbfi II. Jolin Sutherland, Earl of Charles Talbot, Lord ( ^(>s ) Ob. George Byng, Vii'counc > SC'THHRLASD, I703. Ob. I733. — when I^ord Siraihnever "1 Talbot, 1733; Ld. Chanc. 1733. J 1737, a;t. 52. — oval, in the lohes of Li. Chanc. - mez. — in Birch's " Lives" . . . . . "1 ToRRiNGToN, 1721; K. B. Ob. 1733, J jet. 70. P-iintcr or Dcligncr. Chai in armour : collar of the garter in Birch's " Lives" 4/0. mrz. - mez. J. Davifon fz, !G. Kneller Charles Town fhend ,v!fcountJ '^°^^^"'^^°' ^^9°- Ob. 1738, £61.64. — oval, in robes — when a youth, with a parrot mtz, tnez. Thomas Trevor, "1 Trevor, 1711; Ch. Jufl:. of C. P. 1701. J Ob. 1730, a2t. 72 Lord la.fol. Thomas Trevor Lord — long wig, band, collar open ' > Trevor, 1730. Ob. 1733. — in Guillim's " Heraldry," 1724 Tohn Brownlowe, ") ^^ o /-vu -" ^,-r >Tyrconnel, 1718. Ob. 171:4. Vifcount J ' ' '-'^ — oval, wig ..... Lord ^^°^'j Walpole, 1756. Ob. 1757. — fitting, right hand down with a pen Philip Wharton, T Wharton, 1717; Marquis, 1715 Duke of J 1 7 3 1 • — prefixed to his " Works," 1 73 1, izmo. — with his protell againft the bill for inflifting pains and penalties on Francis Ld. Bp. of Rocherter .... niez, — -.-.--- /«t_ — ermine robes, prefixed to his " Life," 1732, H-vo. ^Tarlo?"^'"'} W^i-MiKGTON, 1727. Ob. 1743. — ftar and garter, in the Kit-Cat Club mez. Ob. Kneller Id. Engraver or Prinrfe!;ei. P.vr.B.uic. 1G. Bockman. J. Houbraktn. J. F.iber, 1708. Id. 1730. Id. 1718. Houbr-ken. J. Simon. J. Smith, 1702. nuz, mez. r. Murray R. VVhitc, 1702. Js. Sympfon. advivum Faber, 1740. V. Loo, 1739' Simon, 1741. C. Jervas Id. Id. Kneller Id. vr. Gucht *. . ■ Overton exc. Simon. G. Vertue. Faber, 1 734. P. Pelham. * It is to be underftood, that, where Vander Gucht is ufed, the perfon meant is Michael, who was the mofl extenCve engraver of that namct Period VI 11. ClafslII. ( 264 ) CLASS III. GENTRY. The Six Aldermen, who went to the Ifle of Wight, 1746, commonly ca!led " Benn's Club," viz. Pvobert Alsop. Ob. 1785. William Bbnx. See below, ^ohn Blachford. Ob. 17.59. Edward Ironside. Ob. 1753. Sir Henry Marshal. Ob. 1754. Sir Thomas Rawlinson. Ob. 1769. — wli. lens. . - ■ - - J!:. t!ii:z. William Aldrich, Alderaian of Dublin. — when " Lord Mayor," 1742 - . . mez. James Annesley, v>rho claimed the title of Earl of An- glefea. Ob. 1760. — view of the ftern of a fhip - - - ohl.fol. — ...----. mi%, — eight Engl. lines ----- imz, John Armstrong, Surveyor Gen. of the Ordnance. Ob, 1742, St. 69. --------- VK%, Sir John Astley, Bart. 1660. Ob. 1729, let. 90 ? George Baillie, of Jers'ifwood, M. P. 1717. Cb. 1738, vEt. 75. — ------i mcz. John Barber, Aid. of London. Ob. 1741-, ^aet. 6^., ., .. — wh. len. fitting ... ;-.t: !iji t,\: s.^^.nuz. — oval frame, ornaments - - - . Ja.fol. — when "Lord Mayor," 1733, with Child, Levet, 1 and Williams - .- - - -- mfz. J . — with his fpeech on the Excife Bill - - - 4/0. JohnPridea. Basset, Ob.. 1756, set. 12. — wh. len. with a greyhound .. ' i' - ' . niek. Jonathan Belcher, Governor of New England. Ob. 1737; — holding a roll, hat under his arm - - t/iesi. William Ben n. Aid. of London. Ob. 1755. — fquare • >nez. — when " Lord Mayor," 17+7, oval, gown - -nicz. — in the print of the Six AlderiMen, above. Painter or D^Tifiner. Engraver or rrintftllei. T. Hudfon :j. Faber. A. Lee |j. Brooks. Kings,Dubl. G.BIckham,i744 Stevens W. Laurance Biooks. A. Miller. J.m'Ardell. T. Worlidge. GKnelleri7i9 A.v.Kaccken. B. Dandridge Faber. Id. 1737 G.v.Gucht. J. Simon. " Js? Smith. G. Veituc. A. Ramfay Faber. R. Phillips Faber, 1754 Hudfon Id. m« Aidell. Faber. ^ ; VIII. c:.:. III. ( ^65 ) P.iinler or Dcfi^rncr. Sir John Blunt, a Dircdor of die 5. Sea Comp. Ob. 1733. Hcniy Boyle, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, Ire- land, 1752. — wh. len. ....... mez. — ha. len, Handing .-..-.. — ha. len. filling - . . . . n;c~. Sir Richard Brocas, Knt. Aid. of London. Ob. 1737. — when Lord Mayor, 1730; in the print wilh Sir Sa- muel Garrard, &c. Per. vii. cl. 3. William Bromley, Speaker of die Houfe of Commons. Ob. 1732. — oval, motto, " Vexillo Virtutis Vinco" - mcz. Jofiah ' BiTRCHETT, Secretary to the Admiralty. Ob 17.46. — -------- mez. — prefixed to his " Naval Ilillory," ij20,fol. George Caswell, ' — set. 8, a fmall etching, 173 i Francis Child, Aid. of London. Ob. 1740. — when Lord Mayor, 1732, in the print with Barber, &c. above. Alexander Chocke, a Receiver of the Excife. Ob. 1737. — wh. len. ....... mez. Charles Cholmondeley, of tlie Vale Royal, Chefhirc. Ob. 1756, 2£t. 72. — oval frame, coat, arms - - - P. P. ? mez. William Conolly, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, Ire- land. Ob. 1729. — See GuIJ}. Cat.']i. mcz. There is a caricature of his fon William by Pond after Ghezzi. He died in 1754. Sir Samuel Cooke, Aid. of Dublin. Clar. 1741. — with the infignia of Lord Mayor - - mez, Thomas Coram, Benefaftor 10 the Foundling Hofpltal. Ob. 1751, cet. 83. — ' his own hair ---... mez. — wh. len. ....... j'ol. Thomas Coster, M. P. for Brlflol. Ob. 1739. — with an account of his cleftion - - fi. mcz. — printed in blue, " Ilium non popull fafces," &c. fol. Engraver or Prinilcllcr. ad ' S'Uftur"-} ^0"^^°^' of Combermere, Bart. 17 15. Ob. 1748 oval, laced clothes, hat under his arm LI J. Simon. Brooks (cxc.) Fold, 1753. M. Dahl, 1712 J. Maubert ad vivum J. Highmore Wllfon C. Jervas T. Latham W. Hogarth B.Nebot,i74i J. Smith, 1712, Simon. G. Venue, D. D(urand.> mez. T, Murray I J. Faber, T. Frye. Beard. P. Fourdrinier. Faber- m' Ardell, 1749. Brooks. Faber, 1734, G. White. ( 266 ) Crisp, Er.rt. 17:7- Co. 172S. Since infciibed JOHN Earl of Rochester. DartiqJ'enavf, Paymafter of the Board of Works. Ob. I 737-. — leaning with his right arm, a Kit-Cat - - mez. Dawk INS, of Jamaica ? Traveller. O'o. 1757. — with William Wood ------ Draper, of Eefwick, Yorkfiiire. Clar. 1736. — aet. 66, in a fporting drefs, dog . - - mez, Egerton, third Son of John Earl of Bridgewater. Ob. 1729. — fm. 4J0. Sir Andrew Fountainf, Knt. Antiquary. Ob. 1753, ffit. 77. — an etching --.-..-. — a medallion ---..-... Period VIII. Clafs III. Sir John Charles James William Thomas Painter or Defigner. Engrsvsr or Printfeller. T. Hill J. Smith, 1705, Kneller 1702 J. Faber, 1734. J. Stuart 'm' Ardell. Hamiltoni758 Hall, 1773. C. Phillips P. Leiy J.A.Daffier French, Aid. of Dublin. Ob. 1736. — with the infignia of the Ld. Mayor Humphrey Luke Gardiner, M. P. in Ireland. Ob. 1755. Richard Samuel Richard mez. mez. Graves, of Mickleton, Antiquary. Ob. 1 731, Jet. 51. — pointing to an ancient deed . . - . Joi. GREY,Commiflioner of the Revenue in Ireland, 1736. GwYNNE, of Taliaris, Prefident of the Society of Sea-Seijeants. — with the device, in which is a dolphin - mez. Hanmer, — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," 1791 Sir Thomas Edward Harley, Auditor of the Imprefls. Ob. 1735. Sir Walter Hopton Jer\'is J. Worfdale R Taylor 1 747 fol. J. Richardfon Hawksworth, Bart. 1683. Ob. 1735. — oval, neckcloth clafped - . . Haynes, King's Effay Mafter of the Mint, and Literar. Ob. 1749, set. 77. — -.-.-... 4/5. J. Highmorc Sir Richard Hoare, Aid. of London. Ob. 1754. — when "Lord Mayor," 1746, gown. Handing pofture m^a. lA. Ramfay Robert Hoblyn, of Nanfwhyden. Ob. i 756, let. 46. — a fmall biift, in the title page to the " Catalogue of his Librarj'," 8vo. Faber. A.v.Aflen, 1792. D. Parifet, 1774. , i Snelling. Brookt. Vertue, J. Brooks. Faber. L. SchiavonettI ' Vertue. G. Lumley. Nugent 1 792. Faber. Period VIII. Chfs III. Edward ( 267 ) Hopkins, M. P. 1716, Ob, 1736. — oval frame, in the Kit-Cat Club • mez. Thomas How, Aid. of Dublin. — when " Lord Mayor," 1733 . - • tmz, William Hucks, M.P. Ob. 1740. — in a cap, collar unbuttoned ... niez. Benediift Ithell*, —■"•"•-•-. Scarce, men. Nadianael Kane, Aid. of Dublin. — when " Lord Mayor," 1734 ... tncz. Sir J. Lifter Kaye, Bait. 1726. Ob. 1752. — ...... Jiare, 419. mta. John Keeling, Brewer, and Juftice of the Peace for Middlefex. Ob. 1759. — -"••--.. mez. John Kenk I CK, Merchant. Ob, 1730, ^t. 71, — xt. 39, wh.lcn. . - . . . - J^}. John Knight, of Gosfield, Ob. 1733. — in the print with Anna his wife, and James New- 1 SAM her fon, wh. lens. .... ;.»ca. j •Sir ? Bibye Lake, Bart. — Kt. 10, with Mar V his fifter, two ovals . . . Qu. Died verj' old in the reign of Geo. Ill, John Law ^, Comptroller Gen. of the French Finances, 1720. Ob. 1729, Jet. 61. — • /'/. Painter or Engraver or i'lmtlellcr. G. Kneller Fabcr, 1735. Brooks. J.vrBanki729 Fabcr, 1737. Faithorne. S, Slaughter Brooks, T. King Kneller 168: vr. Bank,i733 (advjvum) Hubert RiL'aud Charles Leigh, of Leighton, Brother of Ld. ~ — Leigh, Ob. 1749. Richard Le vet, Aid. of London, 1729. Ob. 1740, — in the print with Barber, &c. above. William LiNGEN, of Ireland. rms. Daniel LocKEj a Governor of the Foundling Hofpital, 1749.55. — ••■■--.-. ni(»i. m' ArdcU, 1756. Vertuc. Faber, 1736, R. White, 1694. Langlois. Id. des Rochers. G.F.Schmidt. A? Lee V/. Hogarth Baron. Brook8(i75j) m* Ardcll. * Two perfons of thefe names occur in this reign: i. D. J, of Temple Dinfley; ob, 1737. 2. of Hitching, Herts; ob. 175S. + Fied for killing Beau Wllfon ; was pardoned, and returned to England, 1721. L 1 2 Period Vtll. Clafs 111. ( 268 ) William Middleton, Siierlflfof Dcnbighdiire. — fitting in Newgate. Salyrical ... fol, John MiLNER, a Governor of the Foundling Hofpital. Ob. 1753. — wh. len. from the picture there - - Jl-i. mez, MoNTGOMERiE, Free Mafon. — in a cap, drawn fword, apron, &c. - - mez. John MoRLEY, of Hal fled, co. Effex. Ob. 1732, set. 75 — at. 60, 1716- Xt, 'TO niez, 4/<7,| Gerard van Neck, Mercat. Load. Ob. 1750. — fitting, and leaning on his right arm Charles Newby, of Yorkfliire. Ob. 1750. — in a fporting drirfs ... Sir Michael Newton, Bart. K. B. Ob. 1743. Painter or | Engraver or Deligiier. [ Frniifeller. — Ill a hat fm. Nathaniel Oldham, Vertuofo, 1740. — wh. len." with a gun - . . . . niez. John Palmer, of the Inner Temple. — in a circle of palms, at the bottom of " A View ofJ Efton Church in Northamptonihire" - - -J A perfon of this name died in 1761. Humphrey Parsons, Aid. of London. ^ in a hunting drefs .---•-- — wh. len. when Lord Mayor, a fecondtime; in the In'fh 1 Chamber, Guildhall . - - J/j, mcz. J — with the infignia of Lord Mayor •■ - ?fffZ. — wh. len. infcribed " Integer vit^ fcelerifquepurus," &c. — in the print with Garrard, Sec. Per. vii, cl. 3. Henry Pelham, Chanc. of Exch. Ob. 1754, at. 60. — oval ....--. mez. — ....... hi. fnl. mez. — with Mr. Roberts his fecretary. Ob. 1772, xt. 60 mez. — ........ limo. Thomas Penn, of Penfylvania. Philip R are. mez. Percival, fecond Son of Sir John. Ob. 1748, at. 62. — in the " Gcneal. of the Houfe of Yvery" - mez. Stephen Poyntz, Preceptor of William Duke of Cumber- land. Ob. 1 75 \ — .- vifz. Ij. Fairam — -------- mezt 1 V. Loo T. Hudfon A.vr.Meulen G. Kneller J. Richardfon, 1723 V. Loo C. Philips J. Highmore W. Hogarth B. Dandrldge, 1737 J. EUys, 1730 (ad vinim) WHoarei7jo Shakleton Davis, 1 7 J I T.B'.exc.i74r. J. Faber. A.v.Haecken. J. Simo«. G. Vertue. m' Ardell. Faber, 1 744."' W. Humphrey. J. Faber. B. Baron, 1749. J. Bafire. Faber, 1740. Id. G. Bookman. R. Houfton. Id. Walker. Martin. Faber. Faber. Id. 1744. reriod VIII. Cluls III. ( 269 ) Painlcf or Ucfigiier. Thomas Prio?v, of Dublin. — a medallion, In Maty's «' Mem. of Ld. Chefterfifld" - — id. ..---..... — tlircc qrs. len. neckcloth looped - - ttuz, Charles Ratelikfe, convided of Treafon, 1746. — tct. 53, 1746 - fol, — -------- 470. mtz, Chiiftopher Rawlinson, of Cark-Hall. Ob. 1733, cer. 155. — oval, cyphers, &c. at the corners — in a wronght oval frame. Scarce — in the print of tlie Familv, Per. v. cl. 3. RuDGE, M. P. Ob. 1740. mez. fm.fol. Kngraver or Prii.tfcllcr. J. Hall. iMafTard. Spooner, 1752. John mez. ^to. Thomas Sadler, Antiquary? — profile, motto, " Nil confcire fibi" - Sir John Salter, Aid. of London. Ob. 1744. — with the infignia of Lord IVIayor ? - - Andiony Sayer, Grand Mafterof die Mafons, 1750. Edward Southwell, M. P. Ob. 1730. — his left hand holding up his gown Abraham Stanyan, M. P. 171 7. Ob. 1732. — his right hand before him, a " Kit-Cat" - Sir Philip Sydenham, Bart. 1696. Ob. 1739, at. 63. — act. 24, 1700, fitting . - - . . — oval, furred gown . - . . . Sir James Tillie, Knt. of Pentillie Caftle, Cornwall, 1686. Ob. cir. 1732. — wig, laced neckcloth, a proof. Scarce. - mez, Charles Tottenham, M. P. Ireland. — wh. len , . - . r,uz. William Vaughan, of Horfegeddol, co. Merioneth. Inez. ' SirThom.de Veil, Juft. Peace for Middlefex. Ob. 1746. — oval, large wig - - _ . . Henry Voguel, Mercat. Lond. Ob. 1746, jet. 6^. A. Grace I.Whoodi730 (ad vivum) Richardfon Highmore Kneller 1708 K nelly D.dcHacfe NCafranai7i2 Stevensi 749 P. L. de la Cour J. Smith, 1 701. Faber, 1740. A. Pond, 1739. A. Miller, 1740, Faber, Smith, I 709. Faber, 1733. Smith, 1700. Vertue. mez. Sir George Walter, Knt. 1727. — wh. len, as Duke of Aqiiitain, in the coronation pro- 1 - . - - - - - mez. J A. Miller. J.F.1745, T. Ryler. efiion Sir John Williams, Sheriff of London, 1730. Ob. 1743. •— in the print \v^th Barbjer, &c. clafs 3. A. Pefne . Id. H. Hyfing, 1730 Faber. jG. F.Schmidt, Faber- X rerioi! Vm, Clafs IV. ( 270 ) Sir \^/atkia Williams-Wynne, of Wynnftay, co. Denbighj Bart. 1740. Ob. 1 749. — three qis. len. an etching ... la.foL — id. hat under his arm ..... mez. — holding a roU, entitled, " An Aft," &c. - fol. Painter or Defigner. T. Hudfon Id. M, Dahl Engraver •r Priiitfellcr. a large head, nn etching Sir William Wyndkam, Bart. .1708. Ob. 1740, cet. 53". — neckcloth through the button holes — in Birch's " Lives" - . . - met.. CLASS IV. A!Kriy,i753. J^ Fabcr. G. Vcrtne, 1742. 13. Wiifon. Fabcr, 1740. J. Houbraken, C L R G Y, Francis First Subdivision. BISHOPS. Atterbury, Bp. of Rochefter, 1713; banidied, 1723. Ob. 1732, JEt. 70. — oval - men, ^ ....... . J^tO, vicz, — oval --»-... Hvo. — done by his diredlion ...» mex. — -..--•- la, fol. mes. — prefixed to hia " Sermons" • - • 8w. — .-••".-. vtez, — in prifon. Martin George Lancelot Hugh Samuel Edward Benson, Bp. cf Gloucefler, 1734. Ob. 1752. Ia,fol. Berkeley, Bp. of Cloyne, 1733. Ob. 1753. — oval frame ...... tnez, — prefixed to his " Works," 1 781, 4/15. „ . „ See William Becket, clafs 7. Blackbourne, Bp. of Exeter, 1716; Abp. oi York, 1723, Ob. 1743, tec. 85. .— fqnare, vig, amia . . . - . meie, — Kt. 60, 1726, fitting .... la. fol. Boulter, Abp. of Armagh, 1724. Ob. 1742. — own hair, fitting, holding a book • - »(«• — wh.Ien. feveral pcrfons attending as on a vifitRtlony^.wt'K. Bradford, Bp. of Carlifle, 1718 i Rocheder, 1723. Ob. 1731, set. 79. — wh, len. 33 Dean of the Older of the Bath fm. 4/5. Chandler, Bp. of Litchfield, 1717; Durham, 1730. Ob. 1750. — fitting, holding a book .... /a,/o/. J.vr.Bank I. Zecman M. Afhton FBindoni742 ad vivum Faber. Id. G. Kneller vr. Gucht. Id. Kneller 1718 J. Simon, J, Smith. Vertue, 1735, G.Vv^iite, • J. Richardfon Vertue, 1739, T. Latham Brooks. T. Cooke. Taylor. Vertue, 1747. Beard, 1728. Brooks. Vertue, 1738. reriod Vllf. Clafs IV. ( 271 ) Robert Clavering, Bp. of Lvlanclaif, 1724; Peterborough, 1728. Ob. 1747. John CoNYBEARE, Bp. of Briflol, I 750. Ob. 1758. — -- - 4/0. Sir George Fleming, Bp, of Carlifle, 1731.. Ob. 1747, ret. 81. — fitting in a carved chair, book open - - ?/^z. Nicholas Forstf.r, Bp. of Killaloe, 1714; Raphde, 1716. Ob. 1743, jEt. 72. ------ ... »icz, Edmund Gibson, Bp. of Lincoln, 1715; London, 1723. Ob. 1748, c"ct. 79. — -------- mez. — ---- .--. mez. — oval ....... ,„cz, — .--.--.. la.fol. There are two impreffions from this plate, one with arms, the otiier with books, charters, fee. in lieu of them, BonaventureGiFFARD, Pop. Bp. of Madaura, 168 . Ob. 1734, jet. cir. 90. — ast. 77, 1 7 19, black cap, crofs ... yj,/. — - - - - - - - - 7>!ez. To the latter the name of Dickinson, a Popifli Bifliop, has been falfely affixed. Sir Thomas Gooch, Bp. of Brifliol, 1737 ' Norwich, 1738 ; EI)-, 1748. Ob. 1754, a;t. 80. — in his own hair, fitting ..... mez, — ----"-.- mez. Painter or DclicM^er. Engraver or Prinlfcllcr. T. Glbfoii r. Bank, 1738 1-. Bank, 1 7 37 TMiiri-ayi'^23 J. Ellys H. riyfing T. Hudfon ad vivum Thomas Herring, Bp, of Bangor, 1737; Abp, of York, 1743 ; Abp. of Canterbury, 1747. Ob. 1757, Jet. 66. — mez. S. Webfter — - la.foL W. Hogarth — ---.-.„. „,ez. Hudfon — with his fpeech, 1745 Hogarth HoADLY, Bp. of Ferns, 1727; Dubhn, 1729; Abp. Armagh, 1742. Ob. 1746. — -------- mcz. J. Simon. J. Faber. John Jofiah John HoRT, Bp. of Ferns, 1721; Kilmore, 1727 j Abp. Tuam, 1 74 1. Ob, 1751. Hough, Bp. of Oxford, 1690; Litchfield, 1699; Worcefter, 1717. Ob. 1743, Jet. 93. — at. 9 1, fitting ..... }!jez. I.Whoodi733 Wills Dyer mez. J ? Riley fiicz. I Dyer. i Bowles. Faber. P. Pelham, 1724. G. Vertue, 1727. du Bofc. Burford. m' Ardell. D? Heins, 1741. m' Ardell. B. Baron. Faber. C. Mofley. Faber, A, Miller, 1752. Faber(i7i5?) Pv-MViUiams. Period Vni. Cbfs IV. Robert Mathew White William Henry Edward Samuel John Richard John Thomas William Thomas Edward ( 272 ) Painter or Deligjier, IIowARP, Bp. of Killaloe, 1726; Elpliin, 1729. Ob. I 740. — mez. M. DaM PIuTToN, Bp. of Bangor, 1743; Abp. of York, 1747 ; Abp. Canterbury, 1757. Ob. 1758. TKudfoni754 ad viv Kennet, Bp. of Peterborough, 1718. Ob. 1728, 2;t. 68. — oval, with a patch on his forehead - - mez, --------- mez. KixG, Bp. of Derry, 1690 ; Abp. of Dublin^ 1702. Ob. I 729, £et. 79-S3, Maule, Bp. of Cloyne, 1726; Dromore, 1731 ; Meath, 1744; Abp. Tuam, 1752. Ob. 1752. — --.....- mez. 'A. Lee, 1747 Maurice, Bp. of Oflbry, 1755. Ob. 1756. — in a lay habit, anonymous .... tnez. Peploe, Bp. of Chefter, 1726, Ob. 1752. — fitting in a chair, with a book - - nicz. \ Potter, Bp. of Oxford, 171 5; Abp. Canterbury, 1737. Ob. 1747, £Et. 73. la.fo!. Engraver or Piintlclier, Hudfon H.Winftanley, 1733 — oval frame — ha. len. ... — an etching. Guljl. Cat. p. 118. la.fol. Dahl T. Gibfon Smal BROKE, Bp. of St. David's, 1723 ; Litchfield, 1730. Ob. 1749, iEt. 76. — oval frame, canonical habit - - -• la.fol, T. Murray Sterne, Bp. of Dromore, 1713; Clogher, 1717. Ob. 1745, St. 85. — own hair, black cap, band .... mez, Carleton Strickland, Pop. Bp. of Namur. Ob. 1740. — oval, own hair, crofs .... mez. J.vr.Bank - fol- Talbot, Bp. of Oxford, 1699; Salifbury, 1715; Durham, 1 72 1. Ob. 1736. — as Chanc. of the Order of the Garter - mez, ,G. Kneller — id. la.fol. Id. Tanner, Bp. of St. Afaph, 1731. Ob. 1735, set. 61. — - - - .... la.fol. - >/■ Tenison, Bp. of Offory, 1731. Ob. 1735, at. 71. — set. 46, 1710, " Petralmmobilior" - . /o/. I Kneller I 720' * Sic orig. Brooks. J. Fabcr. Faber, f. 17I9. J. Smith. Faber. A. Miller. J.m'ArdeU. Fabcr. G. Vertue, 1727. Id. Vertue, 1 733, T. Beard. Faber. Thomaffin, Faber. Vertue, 1720. Vertue, 1734. Id. 1736. Vertue, 173 1. ( 4 7.5 ) PcrioJ VIII, Clafs IV. Edward Waddtngton, Bp. of Chidieflcr, 1724. Ob. i7j;i. — fitting in a chair ..... me%. | William Wake, Bp. of Lincoln, 1705; Abp. of Canter- bury, 17 15. Ob. 1737, £et. 80. ..--..-. mez. — ..•--.-. »:."?.. • — oval frame, canonical habit ... la.J'ol. — holding a cap, in Guillini's " Heraldry," 1724 — oval ^'o. Inez. — oval - - """■• John Waugh, Bp. of Carlifle, 1703. Ob. 1734, at. 78. — a book open upon his knees - - • nu'z. Stephen Weston, Bp. of Exeter, 1724. Ob. 1742. 1 — fitting in an elbow chair, with a book - mez. Jofeph Wilcox, Bp. of Gloucefler, 1721 ; Rochefler, 1731. Ob. 1756, at. 83. — fitting, holding a book . - . . tnez. Richard Willis, Bp. of Gloucefter, 1714; Salifbury, 1721 ; Winchefter, 1723. Ob. 1734, a:t. 71. — his own hair, fitting in a carved chair - mcz. Thomas Wilson, Bp. of Man, 1697. Ob. 1755, tet. 93. — fitting in a chair, black cap .... y2>. ^ prefixed to his " Works," 1782, 4/0. — ........ men. - fi- CLASS IV. Second Subdivision. INFERIOR CLERGY. John Abernetiiy, M. A. Ob. 1740, ffit. 60. — oval frame ...... mez, Thomas Adams, Minifter of the Gofpel. — an etching ........ — - 8to, J.Theop.desAcuLiERs, L.L. D. andF. R. S. Ob. 1744, Et. 66. Thomas Allen, Reftor of Kettering in Northamp- tonfliire, 1 744. — wh. len. prefixed to his " PraAife of an holy Life," Sro, M m PainlCTor [• Kngraverorv Dcficncr. I Prinlfcller. H. Wiriflanlev t n.- i 1730 T. Gibfon Cooper (exc.) ]■ Ellys Faber. ' vr. Gucht. Id. Gibfon Ts. Sympfon. Id. G. White. vr. Bank,! 725 Faber, 1727. T. Hudfon G. White. E. Seeman, j. J. Simon M. Dahl Simon. vr. Meulen J. Noval, 1752-. Phillips J.&C.Sherwin. Id. Simon. Fellows G. Venue, 1726. Id. J. Latham (R.E.Pine) M. Jeiikin H. Hyfing Five Fauer. W. Huniplircr. T. Kitchin. P. Pclham,l725. les Rochers. Seaddoiiji743. I'erioJ VIU. Ciafs IV. Charles Thomas Pau! Lewis Thomas Harricus William Richard William Charles Thomas John Anthony Thomas Jean du Thomas ( 274 ) AsHTON, D. D. Prcbcndar)^ of Ely. Ob. 1752. — gown and band, fqinre .... i Ash TOM, D. D. Fellow of Eton Coll. 1745. Painter or [ Engraver or Dcfigner. Printfeller. Pyle tncz. iT. Gainfboro' J. Reynolds Atkikson, a Francifcan Priefi;. Ob. 1725, jet. 74; a prifoner in Hurft Caftle. — xt. 73, an etchinjr - . - - - 4/0. See Gent. Mag. LX. 234, 333. Atterbury, L. L. D. Chaplain to the King. Ob. 1731- — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1743, ^"^'"^ - - - Bak ER, B. D. of St. John's Coll. Camb. Antiquary. Ob. 1745. — 3:1.84, 1740, oval frame . . ., . nuz. Barker, S. T. P. Prebendary of Weftminfter. Ob. 1740, ffit. 85. — oval frame, arms ..... mez. Barlow, M. A. Ob. 1753. — fitting, right hand on a book - - - niez. Bentley, Mafter of Trinity Coll, Camb. Ob. 1742. — ast. 48, 1710 • - - - - - 4^0. Berriman, D. D. Fellow of Eton Coll. Ob. 1750, a;t. 62. J.m'Ardell, m' Ardell. Id. Bertheau, Miniftier of the French Ch. London. Ob. 1732, at. 75. — oval ...---.. 4/0. BissE, D. D. Chancellor of Hereford. Ob. 1737 Blachford, D. D. Svo. Ob. 1748, £et. 64. Blackwall, M. A. Ob. 1730. — prefixed to his " Sacred Claffics," 1727, 9vo. Blackwell, Greek Prof. Aberdeen. Ob. 1757. BoURDIEU, Svo. I Chanc. of St. Afaph. Ob. 1755- T. Gibfon Bridges mem. Gibfon N. Tucker Js. Thornhill Phillips A.P.TriUet T. HiU Bradbury, Diffenter. Ob. 1739, «Et. 82. — own hair 4'». ? J. Richardfon, D. Firmin (ad vivum) G. Venue, J. Simon. G.White.- Faber, 1743. Vertue. S.F.Ravenet, Ravenet. Vertue. m« Ardell. Bernigeroth, ' Vertue. J. Record, 1 7S3. P. Pclham, 1723. H. Burgh, I> izmo. Calamy, D. D. Diffenter. Ob. 1732. — in the " Nonconformifts' Memorial," 177 - - J. Richardfon — oval ^0, mez. — before his " Sermons," 1722, 8i'o. ... - — gown and band . . . - . mez, Richardfon Camell, L. L. D. Redor of Bradwell, Suffolk, 1726. Ob. 1732. — writing, velvet cap ... - - mez. (ad vivum) Carreras, Chaplain to Catherine Queen Dowager. Ob. 1739. — bald head, writing . . - . . mez, GKnellerl686 — in the Houghton Colleft. - - - 4/0. mez. Id — ........ meZ: I'rgriver or Printftlkr. J. Fabcr. Id. 1 7 -J. T. Riley. Vr, VcVtUC, 1725. G. White. Faber, 1738. m' Ardell. Faber, 173S. Verl\ic. Cennick, Ob. 1755, 3et. 35. mez. St.o. mez. Clarke, D. D. Dean of Exeter. Ob. 1742. — fitting ....... mez. Wills Clarke, M. A. Prebend, of Ely. Ob. 1742. — with a ftatue of the Czar of Mufcovy - - mez. J.v.Dieft M m 2 A.L.Brandt M- Jenkin id. Vcrtue. J. Drapentier. Id. Faber. Vertuc. J. Caldwall. Faber, 1708. Vertue. G. White. Helns. Faber, 1733. V. Green, 177 . R, Schroder. P. Dawe, 1785. T. Kitchen. Purcelle,l754. Hafkol (esc.) Faber, 1740. rerioJ VI n. Ciafs IV. Samuel ( 276 ) Clarke, D. D. Rcdlor of St. James's, Weftmhifler. Ob. 1729) £ef. 54. — a buft ----... v.ez, _ in " Hill, des Philof. Mod." 1762 - . - . — in Birch's " Lives" — -------- izmo. — oval frame, go\vn and band . - - nu^z. — prefixed to his " Works and Life," i-]J,g,foL — 'ivo. Thomas Benjamin William Samuel John William John Philip Sir John Matthias Laurence — an etching done in France - . - - y^/. — in the print with I^ocke, &c. Per. vii. cl. 7. CocKMAN, D. D. Mailer of Univerfity Coll. Oxon. 1728. Ob. 1745. ■.— preiixed to his " Difcoiirfes," 1750, ^vo, CoLEMAK, D. D. I72S. — -------- me%, — :et. 30, 1703 ----.. 8do. Crow, D. D. Redor of St. Botolph's, London. Ob. 1743. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1759, 3-z>o. Doultful Croxal, S.T. p. Dean of Hereford. Ob. 1752. — -.-.--. 1709. \2mo. — -------- mc%. Davies, Prebendary of Ely. Ob. 1732. — ast. 39, 171 7, " Jur. et TheoLDott. Cantab." 4/0. mez. Derham, D. D. Canon of Windfor, 1716; F. R.S. Ob. 1735, a-t. 78. — Sto.? Disney, Efq. M. A. afterwards Vicar of St. Mary's, Nottingham. Ob. 1730, jet. 31. — prefixed to his " ElTay on the Execution of the Lnv/s T againil Ilnniorahty and Profanenefs," 17 10, 8i^o. -J Doddridge, D. D. Paftor at Nortliampton. Ob. 1751, ^t.50. — oval, prefixed to his " Family Expofitor," 1792, 8^)o. - >/• J. Smitbert Tainter or 1 Engraver or Dcligner. I'rintfeller. J. Faber. Francois. T. GibfoH J- Houbraken, Nixon. Gibfon T- Simon. Id. G Vertue. Id. T. Worlidge. Bonawitz B. Dandridge Dolken, Bart, 1722; Prebend, of Durham, 1727. Ob. 1736, ffit. 73. — 5et..67, 1750 me%. Earberry, Ob. 1740, cEt. 50. — prefixed to his " Hifl;. of Clemency," 1720, l2mo. Echard, Preb. of Lincoln. Ob. 1730. — prefixed to his « Hill, of England," 1720,/;/. - ^Vhite (ad vivum) Soldi Taylor J. Frye G. Kneller J.S,MiUer. P. Pelham,i735, Js. Smith. Clarke, &c. Faber, 1730. Faber. J, Green, R. White. Heath. Vertue. Walker. Faber. J. Cole. Vertue period VIU. CUls IV. John Thomas Ralph John Peter Bernard James Henry- John John Henry- Aaron Walter Samuel John James ( 277 ) Edwards, Prefid. of Jcrfey Coll. Oh. 1758, Jet. 51. — oval 2vo. Emlyn, Paftor at Dublin. 0'-<. 174 i, a;t. 80. — prttixt'd to his " Sermons," 1742, Svo, Erskine, M. a. Mlnifter of Dumferling. Ob. 1752, jEt. 68. — oval frame, pitfixed to his " Works," 10 vol. Sva. ----- 8119. p-alntcr or Dcfigner. Kngravfrer Printfcller. — Latin motto Evans, ■^ oval Ob. I 730, cet. 51. Finch, M. A. MiniRer at Norwich. Ob. 1754, £et. 92. — ret. 87, 1750, la. head .... ^ez. (ad vivum) FosKET, of Briftol, Diffenter. Ob. 1738. — lay habit, band, own hair .... ^^^^ Simons Foster, D. D. Diflenter. Ob. 17^3. — fitting, coat and band ..... mez, J. Wills J. Highmore J.vr.Gucht. H. Gavitt» Gandy, M. a. Ob. 1734, a:t. 85. — a mitre and two croziers under the oval. Gibbons, Diffenter. Ob. 1760. — oval, an etching. Grierson, of the Savoy Chapel, convicted of mar- rying unlawfully, 1756. — an etching -.--.. 4/0, Grove, ofTauRton. Ob. 1738, ret. 54. — prefixed to his " Tracts" ..... 8vo. J. Woollafton Hart, Jew Rabbi. | — St. 8 1, black cap, holding a paper - la.fol. me-:., B. Dandridge Harte, M. a. of Harte Hall, Oxon. Ob. i 736, £Et. 86. Smith J. Simes exc» Heins, R. HouftoR. V. Bleeck. T. Kitchin. . RaveneU — Webfttr H. Proth N. Tucker — oval Samuel Mather, M. A. John Matlock, V.D. M. — oval, own hair, coat and band John Mears, M. A. Diffcnter. Clar. 1740. ad vivum Turner ad vivum R. Phillips N. Brown mfz, ad vivum M.vr.Gucht. T. B. T. Kitchin. Watfon. C. Fritch,Hamb. Faber. G. Vertuc. A. Miller. G. White. Faber, j. 17 19, E. Fifiier. P. Pelham. J. Simon. J. Wright. R. Hunter. Tranfpofcd from the engravers' column. The dates thus placed have relation only to the engraving. Period VIII, CLils IV. ( 279 ) Fainter or , Kngraver or Prinifeilcr. Ucli 'ner. Mofcs ■) Mesouita, Jew Rabbi in London. Ob. 1751, Gomes de ") Mesqjjita, : J ICC. 63 .? Conycrs Middi.f.ton, D. D. Ob. 1750, x-t. 66. — fquare ------ — a medallion . - - . . — prefixed to his " Works," 1752, 4/0, ^0. Robert John Moss, D. D. Dean of Ely, 1713. Ob. 1729, ret. 63. — prefixed to liis " Sermons," 3 vols. 1732, %vo. Murphy, D. D. Reftor of Shorehan:, in Kent. Ob. 1 73 1. — .-.-•..- viez. — oval frame, wig, eight Engl, verfes ... fol, — .-...-.. mez, Cornelius Nary, C. F. P. G. Ob. 1738 .? — - . . . . . - I>']fl^ me'z, Daniel Neal, M. A. DifTenter. Ob. 1743. — prefixedto his "Hift. of the Puritans," 2d edit. 1754,4/0. Oo. 1738, JEt. 82. '6vo.? S.daSilva Ij. Faber. Echardt, 1 746 Echardt Eehardt. Faber, J 75 1. G. Pozzof, 1724. Ravenet. G. Vertuc. Vertii Peter Newcome, M. A. Thomas Newman, Diffenter. Ob. 173S Benjamin New ton, M. A. Ob. 1735. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1736 - - . - Robert Orme, M. A. "PrieftoftheCh. of Eng." Ob. 173^ — oval ..... Rare. 4/^. w^s. Francis Peck, M. A. Prebend, of Lincoln. Ob. 1743. — prefixed to his " Defiderata Curiofa," 1732, 4/''. Faber. E. Lyon (exc.) Riley (exc.) J. Woolafton ,S,F. Ravenet. Vertue. S. Webfter ilobbins ad vivum — prefixed to his " Memoirs of Cromwell," 1740, 4/".! J. Highmore, Vo.\ J. Hig! '•«•/ J 735 John Roger Felling, D. D. Canon of Windfor. Ob. 1750, £et. 81. — his own hair ....,-_ mex., — .---..- Svo, mez, Pickering, Diffenter. Ob. 1755. Francisdela PiLLONiERE, Ex-Jefuit, 1717. .^ wh. len. prefixed to his " Account of himfelf," 1736, Chriftopher Pitt, M. A. Poet. Ob. 1748, at. 48. — in Bell's " Poets," 1782 . . - J.m'ArdeU. . vr. Gucht. R. Collins, jun. Faber. m« ArdeU. Watfon. ad vivum J. BuriVrd. Cook. G.v.Gucht. tenoi VHI. Clafs IV. ( 280 ) Thomas Pocock, M. A. Chaplain to Greenwich Hofpital, F. R. S. Ob. 1744. Tainfer or Dcfigner, Engraver or Piintfellcr. I Father of Sir George P. . G. Hamilton 'j. Faber, IJ26. John Jofliua Thomas Charles Reynolds, S. T. E. Fellow of Eton Coll. 1757 Ob. 1758, set. 87. .— fittinrj, his linndkercliief ill his hand - - mez. ']• Reynol(Js m' ArdeH. Father of Sir Jofhua R. Richardson, Reclor of All- Hallows, Lond Wall. Ob. 1733, ict. 86. •^ oval frame --.... I mcz. N. Tucker RiDGLEY, S. T. P. Diffenter. Ob. 17^4. — in a-xoat, prefixed to his " Body of Divinity' /./. Rose *, — an etching, the infcription cut off ... 4/0. Geo. Andr. Ruperti, Paftor of the Dutch Church in London, 1709. Ob. 1731. Samuel Say-)', Diflenter. Ob. 1743. B. Dandridge ad vivum J. Richardfon F. Hayman J. Smitbert Faber. J.vr.Gucht. Cornifti, Oxen. H. Huirberg. C. Hall. S.F.Ravenct. P. Pelham. Aliamet. J. Green, Oxon«.| T. R(ceve.) 4 Jeremiah Seed, M. A. ReJlor of Enham, Hants. Ob. 1747. — prefixed to bis " Sermons," 1757, ^vo. - - . - Jofeph Sewell, D. D. — own hair, band Scarce - - 1 730 ? niez, Thomas Sharp, S. T. P. Ob. 1758. — 3:1.56, prefixed to his " Works" - 8vo. Thomas Shaw, D. D. Mafler of Edra. Hall, O.xon. Traveller. Ob. 1751. — /m.fol. — a head, fmall etching ...... Joicph Smith, Provoft of Queen's Coll. Oxon. Ob. 1756, set. 86. Andrew S n a p e, S. T. P. Mafler of Eton School. Ob. 1742. 'Thomas Stackhouse, M. A. Vicar of Beenham, Berks. Ob. 1752. — xt. 63, prefixed to his " Hift. ofthe Bible," 1752, /o/. — ........ mez. George Stanhope, D. D. Dean of Canterbury, 1703. Ob. 1728, ffit. 68. — fitting, holding a book .... nuz, * " Dr. C. R. a Scots Clergyman," as written by the late Mr. Guidon on the back of tlie pi int. ■j- Author of the " Harmony, Variety, and Power of Numbers," a particular friend of Jonath. Richardfon, who made tlic drawing, a head only, in 1 739. It is now Mr. Bindley 's. J. Maubert ad vivum J. Woolafton J. EUys,i7i7 B. Baron. Faber. G. Vertue, 1743. Faber, 1729. Period VriT. CUfs IV. ( 2SJ ) — oval frame, prefixed to his " Explanation of tlic "I EpiftlcR and (lofpcls," 1706,8^1/7. . . .J — fitting, prefixed to liis " Devotions," 1730, Svo. John John Philip Stevens, Miniftcrof the Gofpcl. Svo. Strype, M. a. Antiquary. Ob. I7.:?7, x-t. Q4. — prefixed to his " Ec-tlcHafl. Mtnioirs," 173^, /c./. Stubbs, M. a. Archdeacon of St. Albans, lyic. Ob. 1738. — oval Irame, his own hair . ■ , . mez- — oval 81'/). »;cs. — in the print with Sacheverkl and Higgins, Per. vii. clafs 4, 2d fiibd. Jonathan Swift, D. D. Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and Poet. Ob. 1745, a;t. 78. — -------- J2W9. — a fmall oval ---..., — - ~." " "." * " >n^K. — fitting, in a night gown, holding a pen - - fh/. — fitting, holding a book - • . niez. — wh. Icn. .--... fncz, — oval frame, canonical habit, 12 verfes - niez. — fitting, " Excgi monnmentiim Ecie perennlus" — oval frame, wig, canonical habit - - la.foh — -------- 'in)o, — profile, prefixed to his " Life," by Ld. Orrery, izmo. John Taylor, DifTenter. — prefixed to his " Concordance," i-^^,fol. — -------- S^l5. William Thomas, D. D. Ob. 1738. — in Nafh's-" Hift. ofWorcefterfhire," 177 . mc%. Jofeph Trapp, Vicar of St. Leonard's, Fofter- Lane — -------- Shu. Guft. Anth. Wachsell, D. D. Paftor of the Lutheran Church, London. — prefixed to his " Sermons" ... g^^-o. , Thomas Walker, L. L. D. Matter of the Charter-Houfe School. Ob. 1728, £Et. 70. — fitting in his ftudy, an open book on his knee mcz,. Wallin, v. D. M. Ob. 1733, St. 55. — - - %vo, Ob. 1759, CEt. 28. Painter or Diidgncr. J. Ellys M. Dalil M. Jenkin I' tn^rtv-r or I Printfcllci. vr. Gucht, J. Sympfoii. T. Kitcliin. G. Vertue. Ti\Inrrayi7i3 J. Faber, 172^. ad vivum Markham C. Jenas Markham Id. A. Banneiinan. J. Bafiif, 1774. Bui ford, 1744. P. Fourdrinier. V. Hjeckeni74l F.Bindoni739 A. Miller, 1743. IP. Pelliam. I Vertue. Id. Id. IB. Wilfon, 1 75 1 , D.Heins,i746 J, Houbrakes. Scotin, Edward Thomas Robert V. Green. Grigniow. !j. Miller. Walsh, — with Hebrew charafters Warren, S. T. P. Redor of Bow, Middlefex. — prefixed to his " Sermons" I J. Mynde. Morrifoii. N n 8ot. ' Ticket H.Fletcher. la. Sto. IJ. ^Vorfda!e G.v.Gudit. I2m.5. i H. Hulibersh. rcrioiJ VIII. Clals IV. ( 2S2 ) Daniel Ifaac Samuel William Samuel Samuel Thomas Naihaniel Painter or iJefigner. Engraver or Pnr.tlelkr. William Warren, L. L. D. of Trinity Hall, Camb. Ob. 1745- — OYAEIS; HMfiN EAYxn- ZH, on a ribbon over his head "1 W!;Z. J Water LAND, D. D. MaOer of Magd. Coll. Camb. ] 713. Ob. 1740, £et. 58. — oval - ...... niez. Watts, D. D. DifTcnter. Ob. 1748, fft. 75. DJHeins 1728 W. Robms, 1731. Phil l2mo. ips — prefixed to his *' Lyric Poems," iimo. — with a Dutch infcription • .. . - . — oval, prefixed to his " Pfalms," 1787, l2mo, — oval frame, left hand pointing ... 8vo. — oval frame - - - - . - - Svo, — fquare ..-.-... Svo. — prefixed to his "Life," 17S0 - - 2vo. — oval, " In uno Jefu omnia" - - - mez, — prefixed to his " Pfalms," 1792, iSmo. Wesley, M. A. Rector of Epworth, co. Lincoln. Ob. 1735. — -------- i2mo. — with the emblems of Job . . . . , There is a fatyrical print of him, with a maggot on his forehead, prefixed to his " Poems," entitled "Maggots," 1685, iznw. Whiston, M. a. Math. Prof. Camb. Ob. 1752, at. 84. — own hair, band ...... Jcil. — a head, prefixed to his " Memoirs," 1753, 2™- WiLLARD, Diflenter. — his own hair . . . - . Scarce. foL Wilson, DifTenter. Ob. 1750, at. 47. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1753, ^vo, . . . Woolston, B. D. of Sidney Coll. Camb. Ob. I 733, a?t. 66. — in a coat ....... Jd. WvLES, Minifter of the Gofnel. Ob. 1748, at. 88. — X't. 30, l6<;6, wig \zmo. If. Whood ad vivum B. Dandridtre J. Faber. F. Bartolozzl. J. Bafire. vr. Guclit. J.C.Philips. T. Trotter. G. Vertue. Id. 1722. Id. 1742. Ca. Watfon. G. White, 1727. Parr. Vertue. Vertue, 1720. B. Wilfon. G.vr.Gucht. Vertue. T.vr.Gucht. Period Vnl. CUh V. C 2^'3 ) Painter or Pefijner. C L A S S V. LA W Y J^: R S. First Subdivision. JUDGES. Thomas Burnet, Juft. of C. P. 1741. Ob. 1753. ' — fitting, motto, " Virefcit viiliiere villus" - (nes. iA. Ramfay SirLawrenceCARTER, Bar. of Exch. 1726. Ob. 1745. | — oval frame - ^ . . . . /d.foh J. Ricliardfon Sir John Comyns, Bar. of Exch. 1726; Juft. of C. P. 1736; Ld. Ch. Bar. of Exch. 1738. Ob. 1740. - /of. — prefixed to his " Reports," i744,/o/. - - - ; Sir Hew Dalrymple, of North Berwick, Prefid. Court ofi Seffion, Scotland. Ob. 1737J a.t. 83. ! — xt. 80, oval frame, fitting, arms ... yj,/. W, Aikmaii Hew Dalrymple, of Drummore, Lord of Seffion. Ob. 1755, ast. 65. — head in an oval frame, fcrolls, arms, &c. - - la.foL Kngr^ver Of Printfcllcr. Alexander Denton, Juft. of C. P. 1722. Ob. 1740. — with the feal of Chanc. to the Prince of Wales la. fol. Ramfay Richardfon Andrewmac Douall, of Bankton, Lord of the Court of Seffion, 1755. Ob. 1760. — fitting, in robes, holding a pen ... ^0, Sir Robert Eyre, Juft. of K. B. 1710; Ch. Bar. of Exch. 1723; C. J. of C. P. 1725. Ob. 1735, a;t. 69. — collar of SS -..-.. me-z, — -------- la, fol. Duncan For bes, of Culloden, Prefid. of die Court of Seffion. Ob. 1747, iet. 62. — fol. I Davidfon — fquare, fitting, near wh. len. ... viiz. — -------- \Zmo. J. Faber. G. Vertiie, 1755. J. Houbrakcn, Vertue. Richardfon Id. Id. William Fortescue, Bar. of Exch. 1736; Juft. of C. P. 1738; Mafter of the Rolls, 1741. Ob. 1749. James Graham, Judge of the Court of Admiralty in Scotland. Ob. 1746, at. 71. N n 2 T. Hiidion j ad vivum R. Cooper, 1732. A. Bell. Vertue, 1731. T. W(orLdge.) E. Cooper exc. Vertue. R. Cooper. J. Fab r, 174S. Ravenct. Fabev, 1 74 1. G.'Cl ahce i 173J P,vioJ VIH. Clafs V. ( ^H ) I Fainter at I Dcfisiirr. Eiigtaver or I'rinlfcllcr. Sir Jufepli Jr. k yl. Mailer of the Rolls, T71 7. Ob. 1738. val //7./0/. M. Dahl G. Vertue. /a.foL Id. I Id. 1731; — fitting, neckcloth and ruffles Sir W illiam Lf.e, Jiift. of K. B. i 730 ; Ch. Juft. of K. B. i 737. ; I (3b. 1754. i - - . //j./s/. mcK. JviBank.i;38j. Faber, — \vh. len. — ha. leii. mez. ad vivum Sir Heorge Lee, Judge of the Court of Admiralty, L. L. D. Ob. 1758, xt. 64. — velvet coat, neckcloth twilled with beads - mez, J. Wills Sir Francis Page, Bar. of Exch. 1718 ; Juft. of C P. 1726; of K. B. 1727. Ob. i74ij:Et. So. — oval frame, arms . . . - - la.fol. C.d'Agar Johnfon. Faber. Vertue, lyzc. la.fol. J. Richardfon, Id. Faber, 1730. Vertue, Id. Id. SirThomas Pengelly, Ch. Bar. of Exch. 1726. Ob. 1730. | — {landing mn. J. Wotfdale Robert Price, Bar. of Exch. 1702; Juft. of C. P. 1726.} Ob. 1733, ffit. 79. i — oval frame, arms ..... /a.yo/. GKnelleri7l4 — prefixed to his " Life," 1734 ..... — in the " Law Tree" Sir Walter Pringle, of New Hall, a Lord of Seffion. Ob. 1736. . . . /o/. A. Allan R. Cooper. Sir Edmund Probyn, Juft. of K. B. 1726 ; Ch. Bar. of Exch. 1740. Ob. 1742, ast. 64. — .....--- mex. Sir Thomas Reeve, Juft. of C. P. 1733 ; Ch. Juft. of C. P. 1736. Ob. 1737. — ........ la.fol. Sir James Reynolds, Juft. ofK. B. 1724; Ch. Bar. of Exch. 1730. Ob. 1739. — Vulldreflcd la.fol. ad Tivum Amiconi Id. W. Parker Parmcnticr, '734 James Reynolds, Ch. Juft. of C. P. in Ireland, 1727; Bar. of Exch. in England, 1740. Ob. 1747. — ........ mez, \ Sir Dudley Ryder, Ch. Juft. of K. B. 1754. Ob. 1756. — wh.len. ...... Jh.mei, Js. Cranck I believe this has been reduced. Henry Singleton, Ch. Juft. of C. P. in Ireland, 1740, Ob. 1759. — wh. len. -...-.- mez. ad vivum miz. del, et f. Faber. B. Baron. G. Bocknian. Vertue Faber, 1748, Faber. J. Brooks. M. Ford. FerlpJ VJU, CU\ V. ( 285 ) l'aiiit«r or Dcligncr. Sir John Strange, Maflcr of the Rolls, 1750. Ob. 1754, at. 58. — prefixed to Ill's " Reports," IJSS'f"^- .. . . — another, different . . . ^ . ^lo. Sir William Thomson, Bar. of Exch. 1729. Ob. 1739. — fitting on the bendi ... - - mez. If. Seeman John Verne Y, Maftei of the Rolls, 1738. Ob. 1741. | _ fol. A. Ranifay John Wainwright, Bar. of Exch. in Ireland, 1732. Ob. 1 741. _-..--•--- mez. J. Latham CLASS V. Second Subdivision. — PRACTITIONERS. Thomas Barnardiston, Serj- at Law, 1736. Ob. 1752. oval frame, four Engl, ftanzas ... la. fol. Cornelius Callaghan, Jurifc. Hibern. — -. ...... mez, — I z verfes, " Roftri dulce decus legum tutaraen" viiz, William Grant, Advoc. Gen. of Scotland. — ..------ mez, Greenway, Attorney, of Norwich. .— anonymous, oval frame, coat and wig - - vuz. Eaton St ANN ard, Recorder of Dublin. Ob. 1755. — vs'h. len. .....-- mez. William Stratford, Advocate, L. L. D. Ob. 1753, £et. 75. Daniel Tainturier, Jurifc. Ob. 1746. — wh. len. an etching ... — wh. len. diiFerent. Will. Peere Williams, Jurifc. Ob. 1736. — in a tie wig, prefixed to his " Reports," CLASS VI. MILITARY, William Barrel, General. Ob. 1749. ac vivum Ram fay 1 75 1 Latlvam J. Cranck fol G. KncUer En?r.iver sf Priritfcller. J. Houbrakcii, J. Fabcr, 1739. G. Vertue. J. Brooks. G. Bickham» Brooks. J.m'Ardell. A. Miller, 1747* m< Arddl. tnt%. THudfoni749 Vertue, 1740* Faber, 1755 reriod vm. CUis VI. Charles John Francis Francis Robert ( 286 ) Bro'.vk, Adoiiral. Ob. 1753. — -------- me%^ Byng, Adir.iral. Ob. 1757. Ch.vrteris, Colonel, tried for a Rape, 1730. Ob. 1732,^1.57. — -------- mcz. — infcribed, " Col. Francifco," (landing at the bar, his 1 thumbs tied together .... ,;,c2. j — a fmall wh. len. prefixed to his " Life." Columbine, General. Ob. 1746. — with Ann his wife, dau. of Str. Matters Dalziel, Scott. Gen. Ob. 1758, jec. 93. J}j. mez. Ranald mac Donald, Shot at CuUoden. — St. 18 - - - - Svo. John Dormer, Genera!. Ob. 1 741. — in the Kit-Cat Chib - - - - - n Arthur Forest, Capt. Navy, 175S. — with two verfcs - . . _ . « Henry Foubert, Major and Equerry. Ob. 1743. — double buttoned coat, breail plate, (lock - n James G-ARDIner, Colonel. Ob. 1745, tet. 58. — xt. 40, prefixed to his " Life," by Dbddridge, Svo. — !£t. 40, prefixed to the fame Richard St. George, General. Ob. 1755. JoPaua Gl'est, General. Ob. 1747, set. 87. painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Primfeller. J. Faber, 1740. T. Hudfon R. Houfton. J. Reynolds J. Hlghmore C. Alexander ad vivum G. Kneller Houdon. Faber. Petit, fils. W. Robertfon. Faber, 1733. V. Diell R. Turcell .Hudfon V. Dicft,i727 Faber, 1740. Canot. Id. _. T. Kitchin. iinz. Nicholas Haddock, Admiral. Oh. 1746. — neckcloth throu;;h the button holes — long neckcloth ..... Sir Peter Halkett, of Pitfirrane, Eart. and Colonel. Ob. 1755- — oval frame, hat under his arm ... mez. Sir Thomas Harpy, Admiral. Ob. 1732,3:1.67. Sir Philip Honeywood, General. Ob. 1752. — on horfeback la. nuz. j Sir John Jennings, Admiral. Ob. 1743. F. Bindon S. Slaughter Brooks. M. Ford. V. Died, 1724 S. Taylor, 1744^.. T. Gibfon I Faber. A. Ramfay Johnfon. ARamfay 1 7 40' J.m ' Ardell, M.DahI,i7i4 Faber, 1732. B.DnndridgeJ_^. ^^.j^.„^ Kneller 1704/ Faber, 172J. Period VIII. Clafs VI. ( 287 ) Painter or I Engravcror Dcfigncr. Printfellcr. James Keith, Field Marflial in PrufTia, Ob. 1758. — oval frame . - - . . — three (jrs. len. . . . ^ — an etching, profile. C Lempiueru, «in Reg. Excrcit. Centur." et Piiflor Ob. 1746. — in a military hat, oval .... j^ez Richard Lestock, Admiral. Ob. 1746. me%, A. Romfay Jlj. mez. Pegne W. Bailhc. V. Haecken. Watfoii. Thomas Matthews, AdmiraL Ob. 1751. — In laced clothes ... T. Fryc, I73j'j. Faber. J. Woolaflon i Faber (1746.) Henry- Savage Medley, Admiral. Ob. 1747. MosTYN, Admiral. Ob. 1758. — in a cap, young Clement Neville, General. Ob. 1 744. — ill laced clothes .... Sir John Norris, Admiral. Ob. 1749. Sir Chaloner Ogle, Knt. 1723, Admiral. Ob. 1750. mez. I Arnulphy 1744. mc%. ! Borotto irn-n. ij. EUys nicz. iW? Hoare ad viviim mez. C. Zincke mt^, iGi Hicks Gervafe John ? Jofeph Charles Edw9.rd George Parker, General. Ob. 1750. z. A. Lee Preston, Captain and Town Major of Gibraltar. Ob. 1759. — an etching ....... 4^5. Sabine, General. Ob. 1739. — coat looped ...... ,„,-_ Stuart, Admiral. Ob. 1741, ffit. 60. Vernon, Admiral. Ob. 1757, ^et. 73. — three qrs. len. .... Faber, 1744. G. Johanfoii. Faber, 1745. T. Worlidge. J. Brooks. T. Burford,i74[ Faber (1741.) R. Tims. A. Mller, 1745.. GKneIleri7ii Ramfay — with a profpeft of Porto Bello Wade, General. Ob. 1748, '^t. 75. — oval frame, tie wig ... — a truncheon In his left hand Sir Charles Wager, Admiral. Ob. 1743, st. 77. — oval - mez. T. Gainfboro' mcz, G. Hanflbn mfz. T. Bardwcll mez. Rlchaids J.v.Dicft mez. J.vr.Bank mez. M. Dahl mez, |T. Gibfon Faber, J 742., Faber, 174c. m' Ardell. G. Bockman. Faber, 1 740. Juhiifon. Faber, 1736. Haecken 1736 Faber, 171c. Id. 173^. Peiio.l VIll. Chfs VI. ( tS8 ) I PiinteroT Oefigner. Engraver Of Printfellcr. — fquare . . - - — fquaic, lioIJin^ a gUfs — lia. Icn. right lianJ on a glafs mez. iT. Gibfon |j. Faber, 1737. mez. If- Whood I Id. 1741. nifz. J. Ellys,i726G. White. 4"^- I I Sir Peter Warren, Admiral. Oj-). i 752, st. 49. I Charles Watson, Admiral. Ob. 1756, st. 44. Thomas Wentvvorth, General. Ob. 1747. — view of a caftle on fire Sir Qiarles Wills, General. Ob. 1 741. — oval, cloak and bread plate James Wolfe, General. Ob. 1759, tet. — wh. len. jiiofilc _ , . — wh. Icn. id. . - . — profile, oval frame - — full face, laced coat mez. TTKZ, mez. N. T. Parr Hudfon Dickenfon Faber. Kennedy. mez. Hudfon E. Fifiier. mez. A. Ramfay A v.Haecken. mem. M Dahl J. Simon, mez. R Corbutt. 410. J. Mon{lrcfor,B. Killlngbeek, ' '759 i 1783- « mez. F. Turin R. Parcel, 1 r J.-N Ifaac Hugh Robert Hervey Tbe Death of Ge?tcrnl Wolfe., coiitahnug Adair, Surgeon. Barre. See Per. ix. cl. 3. Debreig, Engineer. MoNCKTON. See Per. ix. cl. 6. Smith, Capt. Williamson, Col. Pu B. Weft John Jofeph John John Walter CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS, Ali.ek, IVI. D. Ob. 1742. Ames, Antiquary, F. R. S. Ob. 1759. 8i — ...-...- 4/(7. mez. Anstis, Herald and v\ntiquary. Ob. 1754. — wh. Icn. prefixed to his " Hid. of the Order of the Gartet" Arbuthnot, M. D. Ob. 1735. — prefixed to Swift's "Works," i2mo. Ba k er, Inventor of a Medicine called " The Liquid Shell," 1746-54. W.Woolktti776 ad vivum G.vr Gucht. R. Lowric. Simpfon. G. Vertue. T. Woilidge, I I TerloJ Vltr. " chfs vn. ( 2S9 ) ?alnter or I Ensraver or Deligner, Pi'iiiticllcr. William Barrowby, M. D. Ob. 175S, xt. 76. William Becket, Surgeon, F. R. S. Ob. 1738. — prefixed to his " Chirurjiic. Obfervations," 174O, 2vo. This has been falitly called Bifliop Berkelev. John Bernardi, State Prifoner. Ob. 1736, jet. 82. — set. 73, 1728, In armour, prefixed to his " Life," 1 by himfclf, 1729, 8ro. J F. Hayman J.S.MUlIcr. R. Parr. Sir Richard Blackmore, Knt. M. D. et Poeta. Ob. 1729. long wig, holding up his gown ... „ifz. J.vr.Bank W. Cooper G.vr.Gucht. G. White. — oval Rare, mez, J. Cloilerman R. Williams Abel BoYER, Gloflbgraph. Ob. 1729, st. 6c,. — prefixed to his " Diftionary in French and Englilh," "1 4'°- - , J — in a cap, pen and book .... y^/, H. Hyfing !F. Chereau. If. Hawkins Browne, Poet. Ob. 1760, £et. 54. — prefixed to his " Works," 17611, Z-uo. Euftace BuDGELL, Ob. 1737. | — .....--. mcz, D. Fcrmin Archibald Cameron, of Lochiel, M. D. convided of Treafon, 1753- J. Bdfire. F. Cherea vr. Gucht. B. Lens J. Highmore S.F.Ravcnct. John The head before his Life is that ofCoLLEv Cibber. Campbell, alias M'lver. xt 8 J. Faber, 1720. . 70, prefixed to his " Hiftory of Glafgrow," 1736, 1 L -lj • c t" i " "^ ,;■•.;}• R. Harvie o. laylor, vo. -...-- etching -zuith niez. J ■* William Cheselden, Surgeon. Ob. 1752, at. 64. -^ in a cap — a medallion mez. J. Richardfon I 2 mo. Faber. S. Giibclin. Wm.RupertCHETvvooD, Prompter to Drury-lane Theatre. Ob. cir. 1760. — prefixed to his " Hid. of the Stage" - - 8vo. George Cheynky, M. D. F. R. S. Ob. 1743. ^— set. 59, 1 7 j2, oval, full gown ... mez. J.v.Dieft Thomas Chubb, Ob. 1747, set. 68. — xt, 68, both hands, with a pen, upon his bofom ; a 1 'p t> handkeichief about his neck, the ends loofe nicz. j William Cockburn, M. D. 1696. Ob. 1739. — long wig ...... izmo, del. et fc. R. White. William Congreve, Poet. Ob. 1729, set. 56. — ..........G. Kneller T. Cliambars. — pointing with his right finger, a Kit-Cat . tnez,' Id. 1 709 Faber, 1733. «— prefixed to his " Letters on Love," &c, 1718, izmo. \ Id. Jvr. Gucht. Oo Faber. G. Bockman. FerioiJ vril. Clafs VII. ( ^90 ) Painter er Deligner. Henry Samuel John John Francis Stephen — with Addison, Steele, and Rowe, Per. vii. cl. 7. — with Addison, Prior, and Pope, ibid. Cope, M. D. Hibern. Ob. 1743. — prefixed to his " Dcmonflratio Medico-praAica," 1 1736,/w. Svo ' -J mez. G. Kneller Id. Henry Daniel de Dale, Med. Lie. Ob. 1739. — set. 78, prefixed to his " Fharmacologia," 1737, 4/0. Dart, Antiquary. — prefixed to his " Hiftory of Weftminfter Abbey," 1 l72j,/o/. ...--. »;cz. J Dennis, Critic. Ob. 1734, ^et. 77. — tie wig ..---. Douce, M. D. Ob. 1760, at. 84. .— xt. 75, on horfeback .... — ast. 75, oval frame . . - . Duck, Poet. Ob. 1756. — in a cap, prefixed to his " Poems," 1736, ^to. — prefixed to the fame .... Bvo. Eldridge, Preparer of Frier's Balfam at Norwich. — in a hat, four verfes .---.. 2vo. Fielding, J. P. Ob. 1754, at. 48. — set. 48, profile, prefixed to his " Works," 4/0. Engraver or i'rintfelier. Svo. la. niez. W. Keable mez. Id. -'j. Thornhlll Id. (ad vivum) J. Smith, 1710. Id. 1728. G.vr.Gucht Schmidt, 1771, G. Vertue. 'J- Faber. J.vr.Gucht. m' Ardell. Id. 1752. G. BIckham,]. Id. T. Hilliard. — prefixed to the fame Foe, Politic. Ob. 1731. — prefixed to his " Jure Divino," \']ob,foL ivo. ivo. - 'W. Hogarth J. Bafire. Martin — oval .....--.- — oval, prefixed to his " Union of England and Scot- 1 land," fo/. J This refembles the printof Ward, by Sherwin, below. Folkes, M. D. p. R. S. Ob. 1754, at. 64. — in a wig, fitting, hat in his hand — in a cap, bull of Sir If. Newton, pillar, &c. Id. Tav mez, mez. mez. — a butt .^ in a cap fol. mez. John Philip Freind, M. D. Ob. 1728, ffit. 52. — a medallion ...... — prefixed to hia " Hill, of Phyfick," 1727, ^vo. Frowde, — oval, wig, neckcloth Ob. 1738. 4/0. mex. T. Hudfon vr. Bank,] 736 Hogarth 1 741 ad vivum J, Richardfon, 1718 M. Dahl Id, TMurrayi732 I vr. Giicht. Id. Medland. W. Skelton. m' Ardell. Faber, 1737. Id. 1742. Folkema. W. Hogarth. Smith, 1 719. P. Fourdrinier. Id. Vertue, 1730, Faber, 173S, I » Ptrioi VIII. Clafs Vll. John Thomas Henry- James John Edmund William Thomas Thomas Aaron James George Ruben ( 291 ) Fryer, M. D. F. R. S. 1697. Ob. ly.'?^ — oval frame, prefixed to his " Travels," i6<.ji,fo!. Fuller, M. D. Ob. 1734, a:t. 80. — prefixed to his " Pharmacopoeia Domeftica," 1739, 8vo. Gale, of Taimton Dean, co. Somerfet. Ob. 1742. — oval, arms ...... mez, Gardiner, M. A. Poet. Ob. 1732, set. 53. — set. 25, 1704, own hair, prefixed to his tianilatioii of7 " Rapin on Gardens," a poem, 8i'o. ■ • "J Gay, Poet. Ob. 1732, tet. 44. oval frame, cap, collar open . . . Kyte afterwards afTumed the name of Milvius. Halley, Aftronom. Ob. 1742, st. 86. — oval, band and fur gown .... mez. — in " Hill. desPhilof. Mod." 1762 . . . . — ........ 8x,(j, ........ j^tO. — oval, coat and neckcloth .... tnez. — in tiie print with Sir Is. Newton, &c. Per. vii. cl. 7. Hamilton, of Bangor, Poet. Ob. 1754, ffit. 50. — profile, prefixed to his " Poems," 1760, ivo. Haseldon, Math.emat. of the Academy at Portf- mouth, and F. R. S. — tie wig, laced waiftcoat, gown ... mez. Hearne, M. a. Antiquary. Ob. 1735, Jet. 57. — own hair ....... ^fo. — ........ Svo. — wh. len. ....... 8i'o. — ... .... ^0. mez. — a fmall oval, in the title page to the Catalogue to his Library, 1736- Hill, Poet. Ob. 1750, xt. 65. — set. 24, 1709 ...... fo!. — 3705- /"''• Hodgson, Mathemat. at Chrift's Hofp. R. S. S. Ob. 1755, ajt. 79. — left hand on a fphere ... t^^z. — ...... bvo. mez. Holmes, F. R. S. Antiquary. Ob. 1749, at. 87. — oval frame ....... yjj/. Horsall, Clerk of Abury, and Aniiquary. Ob. 1728, £et. 77. — in Stukeley's " Abury." Oo 2 Painter or Dcfigncr. y.ngraver •? I'niitlellcr. ad vivum R- White. D. Tymewell p- Vertue. I.Whoodi742J- Faber. J. Vcrclft \V. Aikman H. Gravelot TMurray 171: II. Phillips G. Kncller Hamilton r. Frye, 1735 P. Tillemans T. Gibfon R.v.Bleeck Vertue, 1 718. G. Bickham. G. King, r. Kytc. Scotin, Faber, 1722, Franij'ois. Gaucher. Vertue. G. White. R.. Strange. Faber, 1740. VI. Barghers, Vertue. Id. Id. H. Hulftergh. J. Nutting. G. White, Id. Vertue. Period VIM. C!ar> VII. ( 292 ) Hugh Howard, Painter and Poet. Ob. 1738, at. 59. — wig, neckcloth ..... — in the print with Sir Christ. Wren, clafs 8. Sir Edward Hltlse, M, D. Ob. 1759, set. 54. Hildebrand Jacob, Poet. Ob, 1739, ^t. 46. — cap, collar unbuttoned, arms, 1735 Alexander Ixglis, Army-Surgeon. Ob. 1737. — oval of foliage ..... John Charles Inglis, M. D? Ob. 1740. — oval ------ Leadbeater, Muthemat. Ob. 1744. — oval frame . - mez, mez. fol. fol. 4/0. 8^'0. Thomas Lediard, Hiflor. Ob. 1743, at. 58. — set. 40, 1725 — in the frontifpiece to his •' Naval Hift." I735,/<"'. Edward Lisle, of Crux Eafton. — prefixed to his " Hufbandrj'," 1757, S-yo. R LovETT, of the Cathedral of Worcefter, 1756. — in a gown, philofophical inftruments - - mez, Michael Maittaire, M. A. Philol. Ob. 1747, ^^- 79- — holding a book open, " Q^Horat." - . mez. Richard Mead, M. D. F. R. S. Ob, 1754, at. 81. — wh. len. ....-._ JJj, — prefixed to his " Medical Works," 1757, 4/0. tiwz. — profile, etching and fcraping, " Noil fibi fed toto" 4/0. — id. an elcliing, 1739 ..... ^to. William Melmoth, of Lincoln's Inn. Ob. 1743. — prefixed to the " Great Importance of a Religious I Life," 171 1, Si'o. J Abraham de Moiv RE, Mathemat. F. R. S. Ob. 1754, 321.87. — wig, neckcloth ...... niez. Edward Moore, Poet. Ob. 1757. — oval, prefixed to his " Works," Stjo. John MoTTLEY, Poet. Ob. 1750. — in the '• Lift of Dramatic Poets," 1 747, 8a«7. John Murray, of Sacomb, Antiq. Ob. 1748, at. 78. Painter or Deligncr. M. Dahl,i723 F, Cotes, 1 75 7 G. Knnpton ad vivum WahU J. Wright B. Dandridge A. Ramfay Id. Peter le Neve, Herald and Antiquary. — oval frame, herald's coat ... Jtn, ^lo, Newton, M. D. Ob. 1750. — xt. 78, in a cap, prefixed to his " Herbal," 1752, Svo, North, Att. Gen. i68 . Ob. 1734, ^t. 90. — .Tt. cir. 30, prefixed to his " Examen of Kcnnct'sl Hill," 1 740, /j. 4/0. J James Roger Engraver «• Priiufeller. ). Faber, 1737. J. Watfoii. J. Houbraken, Ph. Reid. H.Roberts(i734)| C.FritfchjHambi- S.F.Ravenet. R. Hancock* Faber. B. Baron. R Houfton. A. Pond, I739« J, Richardfon. J. Richardfon, J.Highm.1736 T. Worlidge ad vivum Vertuc,i73i P. Lely, 1680 Faber. Neagle, 1767,, G. Vertue, 1738. J.Ogborne,i773. Vertue, 1740; Ferioa VIII. Chfs VII. George Samuel Thomas Ambrofe Robert Alexander Henry Allan ( *93 ) Parker, Aflrolog. 06.1743,^^92. -------- 12)110. — prefixed to his " Ephemcris," 1694 — -------- I zmo. — old ....... i2mo. Parker, Ob. 1730. — with a Hebrew motto .... ^vo. Pellet, M. D. P.C. M. 1739. Ob. 1744. — in a cap, fitting in an elbow chair - - mrz. Phillips, Poet. Ob. 174.9, set. cir. -78. — a hurt, in Bell's " Poets" -.'.-. PoOLE, M. D. — ret. 35, 1 743, prefixed to his "Travels," 1750, 8to. tnez. — wh. len. kneeling, prefixed to his " Pliyfical V'udc Me- cum," 1731. Pope, Poer. Ob. 1744, ast. 56. — a large head -.-...... — printed in colours ...... ^g, — profile ..-.-., ^a, — ret. 24, in Malone's " Shakfpeare," 1787 — oval, profile, laurel chaplet ... mez, — fitting in an arm chair, wig back - tiiez, — a medallion -....■... — in a wig, in Birch's " Lives" - . . . — an etching ........ — laurel chaplet ..... y^^ ^fz. — -------- /(7. 4/0. — a fmall head in a circle ...... — a head, infcribed " OYTOS EKEINOS," 173S 4/5. — infcribed, " Amicitia Caufa" ... ^lo. — " Amicitia Caufa," fquare • . . . . — looking to the left ....... — wig, furred gown, holding a pen . - mez, — tet. 28 . - - - - - - nuz. — - - la./oL — p.efixed to his " Homer," 1720, izmo. - - . — .... ..... }nez. — a fniall oval ........ — a head -.....-.. — in the print with Dryden, Sec. Per. vl. clafs 7, — in the print with Addison, &c. Per. vii. clafs 7. Prude, Apothecary. — wh. len Jh, mez. This plate has been reduced. Ramsay, Scott. Poet. Ob, 1738. — in a cap, collar open ..... 4/0. — holding a book ..... /(j, juo. — a head on a pedellal .... g^,^, — prefixed to his " Poems and Songs" - - ^-vo. — ........ ^to, — ---..... 4/0, — -.•...... mez. —~ --•».... 4/0, mez. Painter or j Encraveror Dcfigncr. ad vivum H. Green M. Dahl M. Afliton A. Armftrong .G. Kneller I Id. 1721 V. Loo, 1742 A. Pond I'rintrcllcr. Dahl, 1727 Kneller, 1716 Knelle T. Hudfon ad vivum 'A. Ram fay I Id._ J. Smibert Id. J. Coignard. W. Elder. J. Nutting. G. Vertue. J. Faber. T. Cooke. Faber. G. Bickham. e Blon. Bovi. J. CoUyer. Faber, 1738. Id. Gravelot. J. Houbraken. F. Perry. A. Pond. Prefion. Ravenet. B. R. 1754. J. Richardfon. Id. Id. Id. J. Simon, i72S» |. Smith, 1 71 7. Vertue. Id. G. White, 1732* Wille. T. Worlidge. Faber, 1744. Bickham. R. Cooper. Id. G. K'"ng. Vertue. VircruvfTe. W. Aikman iG. White. 1 Id, Pfnoa vni. Clafs VII. Bryan Thomas NichoJas Abraham Sir Hans Alexander Thomas Sir Richard James John ( 294 ) Robinson, M. D. — jEt. 70, an etching - - . . . _ . Robinson, of Abury, Surry, — a wooden cut. Sanderson, M. A. Math. Prof. Camb. R. S. S. Ob. 1739. at. 57. — gown and band, holding a fphere . . . - ■ — ........ 4^0. — .----.-. 4/0. — ........ nitz. — in the print with Sir Is. Newton, &c. Per. vii. clafs 7, Sharp, Mathemat. Ob. 1742, set. 91. Simmon Ds, or Symonds, Surgeon. — oval frame, arms, anonymous ... p^z. Sloane, Bait. M. D. and F. R. S. Ob. 1753, St. 91. — profile, in the " Literary Mag." 1790 . . . — -------- mez. — in the print with Sir Isaac Newton. Small, Surgeon. Ob. 1752. — plain coat, (landing pofture - - - mtz. SOCITHERNE, Poet. Ob. I 746, ffit. 90. — oval, plain coat buttoned up - - . . mcz, Steele, Poet. Ob. 1729, a-t. 53. — a circle ........ — fquare, leaning on his right arm, a " Kit-Cat" mez. — prefixed to his " Works," 1723, 8^'o. — in Birch's " Lives" fo/. — fquare, leaning . - - '- - i>iez, — oval ....... tnez, ] — ........ i2mo. — in a cap ...._.. ^g. — in the print with Dryden, &c. Per. vi. clafs 7. Stevens, M. D. ' . — a fmall head, etched. Thomson, Poet. Ob. 1748, at. 47. — xl. 25, oval, prefixed to his " Poems" - /a. i\lo. — jet. 46 ....... la.^o. — xt, 46, prefixed to his " Works and Life," 1788, 2vo. — ........ Svo. Thorley, of Chipping Norton, in Oxfordfhire. Ob. i759,a:t. 88. — prefixed to iiis " Trcatife on Bccf," I744> Svo. Painter of Defigncr. Engraver er Printfeller. ad vivum B. Wilfon, 17501 vr. Bank, 1 7 1 9 J. Faber. Id. vr. Gucht. C. Motley. vr. Bank G. White. G. Vertue, 1744. vr. Bank,i73o'G. White. GKnelleri7i6 T. Murray B. Dandridgc J. Worfdale Kneller Id. Kneller J, Richardfon, 1712 Kneller Js. Tliornhill W. Aikman J. Paton Id. Id. Angus. Faber, 1 729, Id. 1728. Faber. J. Simon, J. Bafire. Faber, 1735. vr. Gucht. J. Houbraken. Simon. J. Smith, 1713, Vertue. Id. Bafire, 1761. Id. 1761. T. Cook. Nuft, Ravenet. Loveday, FerioJ VIII. CUfs Vll. John Daniel John Edward Browne Henry T)'cho John John ( i95 ) Thorpe, M. D. Oxon. F. R.S. Ob. 1751. — prefixed to his " Regiflr. RofTcnf." ij6ij,/o/. Matdiew Tindal, L. L. D. Ob, 1733, jet. 80. — set. 78, own hair, band . . . Painter or Dcfigner, Enjravfr or I'rinlftrllcr. Turner, M. D. Ob. i 741, jet. 74. — 3:1.67, 1734 -.-... mcz, — oval frame, long narrow neckcloth, a proof - mex. — oval frame -..-.. yi/. — prefixed to his " Siphilis," 1732, 8vo, ... — different ..-.-.. 8i;o. Wareurtoh, Herald, F. R. S. F. S. A. Ob. 1 759. — wh.len. in his habit of arms ..... Ward, Poet. Ob. 1731. — prefixed to his " Nuptial Dialogues" - . Svo. — anonymous, four Engl, verfes, prefixed to his " Hudi- 1 bras Redivivus," 1715 - - - - -J — ........ ivo. William Watson, M. D. of Stour, co. Gloucefter. — wh. len. in a riding drefs, with a hanger Thomas Weston, Mathemat. 1752. la.foh Willis, Antiquary. Ob. 1760, ^t. 78. — a fmall outline, etched ... Wilson, Geomet. Nat. 1678. — prefixed to his " Geodefia Catenia ; or, Surveying by "I the Chain only," 1732,8110. - - - -J Wing, Mathemat. — iu a cap, holding a fphere .... mez. Winstanley, Poet. — set. 64, 1 741, prefixed to his "Works," 1742,81)5. inez. Woodward, Med. Prof. Grefliam. Ob. 172S, £et. 63. — a head, oval ..... 4/0, niez, Chriftopher Wren, Son of Sir Chrift. Ob. 1747, set. 72. — oval, prefixed to his " Parentalia" - - mez. SirBenjamin Wrench, M. D. 1621. Ob. 1747, ^^- ^'^' — 2t, 82, oval, wig with fmall curls - - viez. Thomas Wright, Mathemat. — a medallion - - - . . -la. 4/0.' — his own hair, leaning and holding a roll - mez. T. W. of Stockton, Math, died in 1 788, aged 78. George Young, Surgeon at Edinburgh. J. WooUaftonJ. Bayly. B. DandridgeJ. Faber, 1733. ad vivum Faber. Id..' J. Richardfon G. Vcrtue. Id. Id. Miller. vr. Gucht R. Taylor M. Dahl Dahl M.vr.Gucht. W. Sherwin. Sympfon. R. Parr. Faber, 1723. M.Ty(fon)i77i. B. Cole. ivot vr. Bank, 1 73 1 G. White, J. Brooks. W. Humphrey, Faber, 17 JO, G. Allen P. Fourdrinier. (ad vivum) |T. Fryc, 1737. Cooper. Period VIIl. Clals VIII. ( 296 ) Painter or Defigncr, Engrnver or Printfcllcr. CLASS VIIL ARTISTS, ACTORS, MECHANICIANS, &c. AYilliam Aikman, Painter. Ob. i 731, £et. 50. — in the " Mufeum Florentinum." Andrew Allen, Painter. — a fraall round ....,., JamesAnth. Arlaud, Painter. Ob. 1743, ^^- 75- — in Walpok's " Painters" . . . . . — in the " Mufeum Florent." . . . . . — in Des Carapes' " Pciiitres" - - - . , — - - - -. . . . njfs; Charles Bancks, a Swedilli Gent, and Painter. — ....... 8fo. mcz, John vander Bank, Painter. Jofeph Baudin, Painter. — cap, open collar . - _ . . mez. le Beck, Tavern Keeper. — in a linen cap, holding a glafs ... mez, Scene of the Beggar's Opera, with feveral Portraits. — Ia.'M. D Bellamy, Schoolmafter. — a proof print .^ - - - - - Svo. Benedetti, Mufic. ........ ^to. Timothy Ben net, of Hampton Wick, Shoemaker, who ob- tained a free Paflage through Bulhy Park. Ob. 1756. — at. 75, 1752, own hair, fitting ... mez, Francefco Bernardi, cognora. Senesino, Mufic. — -------•. mez. — four Italian lines, the fame in Englilh - - jiiez. Edward Berry, AJlor. Ob. 1750, a;t. 53. — in the Spanish Friar .... tnez, George Bickham, Engraver. Ob. 1758. — a head etched ...... JH,, George Bickham, Jun. Engraver. — an ttehinff ........ W. Robinfon N. LargllL'ere C. Bancks Schruder G. KneUer Hogarth 1 728 Belaz/i G. Budd R. Cooper. Bretherton. Colombini. Ficquet. Haid. J.m'ArdeU. G. White. A. Miller, 173S. A. Miller, 1739. Blake. G. Vertue. ni' ArdeU. T. Hudfou V. Haecken 1735. J. Goupy E. Kirkall. T. Worlidge R. Houfton. G. Bickham, j. Bickham, j. PerioJ Vlir, Cliifs VIII. ( 297 ) Richard van Bleeck, Painter. Barton TainWr or Dcfigncr. Engraver or I'riiitfcUer, Booth, Ador. Ob. 17^3, £et. 52. — prefixed to his " Life and Poems," 1733, Svo. Benjamin Bradley, Tobacconift. Ob. 1751 ? — holding a pipe, bottle &c. on a table : " The bed in 1 Chriftendom without Excife" •• - mez.jl B. B. a Virginia merehant, died in 1733 or 1 73 1. Ipfe, 1723 I vr. Bank, 17 20 A. Pond J William Carlo William Giovanni Bright, This is all I know of the print. 1758? Brooks, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1749, jtc. 53. — prefixed to his " Recreation for the Indulbious," 1717 Broschi, cognom. Farinelli, Mufic. 1734. — -.-..... ^0. — .---.... mcz, la.foL Toinlinfon — different ... BtJLLocK, A6tor. Ob. 1733. Rare BuoNONciNi, Mufic. 1733. — a circle, in Hawkins's " Hift. of Mufick," 1776 van Burgh, Mufic. — in the title page to his " Mirth and Harmony" 4/0, Anthony Canale, or Canaletti, Painter, 1746. — oval, with Ant. ViCENTiNi ... obl.fol. Joannes Carestini, Mufic. — oval frame .--... Harry Carey, Mufic. Ob. 1743. — prefixed to his " Univerfal Century," 1737, 4'". "le'z. — prefixed to his "Poems," 1729, 8'uo. - - 7nez, John Cartwright, of Farnham, in Surry, Gardener. — in a hat, own hair. Rare ... mez. Edward Cave, Printer. Ob. 1754, at. 62. — in the " Gentleman's Magazine," 1754. Copied Caveller, Dancing-Mafter. Ob. 1745? ^et. 104. — right arm a-kimbo, in the left hand a tune - mez. Roderick Chalmers, Rofs Herald and Painter, Edinb. — in his herald's coat, oval frame ... 4/0. Chardin, Son of J. B. Simeon C. ? Painter, i 737. — a boy at a table in a tie wig ; anonymous - tnez. -^ \i, . - - - - - - - mez. Francis Chereau, Engraver, 1760. Pp " ■ " " C, Lucy Amiconi Id. 1735 (ad vivum) mez. G. Knapton j, Worfdale Id. Elmer, 1 748 Kyte, 1740 J ? Crank ad vivum Chardin P.v.Blecck, 1735. G.vr.Gucht. J. Fabcr. J. Raid. G. Bickham. Francefchini. V. Hatcken,i73j. J. Wagner. Id. T. Johnfon. J. Caldwall. Js. Sympfon, A. VIcentini. Faber, 1735. Fuber. Id. 1729. J.m'Ardell. T. Worlidge. Faber. G. Clialmcrs, j. Faber, 1740. J. Tinney, Cochin. poioJ vm. ciafs vm. Colley ( 298 ) CiBBER, Poet and A(^or. Ob. 1 757, ^t. 86. — fitting and writing, aided by a mufe — St. 67, prefixed to his " Life," 1 740, /a. 4/5. — taking a pinch of fnuff affeftedly Afterwards infcribed Sir Arthur Kaye. Painter or Defigner. 12mo. mez. The prints fhould be placed in clafs 7. Willington Clark, Writing- Mafter. Ob. 1755. — a fmall oval, to which is fubjoined verfes on the '* Uni- T verfal Penman," fol. or !a. /^to. John Charles Clarke, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1736, set. ^2- — St. 25, prefixed to his " Penman's Diverfion," 1708,4/0. — prefixed to his " Writing Improved," 1 712, /o/. — fmall, with ornaments .-..-.. -—------•• Svo. Clive, Engraver. — a head, with another of his father, etched . . . Giacchino Conti-Gizziello, Mufic. — name round the oval, ftiff hair ... tnez. Ofmond Cooke, Upper Marfhal of the City of London. — in a hat ...... ia. 4/0. Jof. Cooper, Painter. — Kt. 5 , 1 733, in a cap, drawing. Scane fm. 4/5. mez. Richard Cooper, Engraver, Edinb. Clar. 1750. — oval frame, cap .... - fm. 4/0. — oval frame, cap and gown ... mez. CoRBEtT, Mufic. Ob. 1748. JBvLooi74o V. Loo Id. Grifoni (ad vivum) T. Forfter Engraver or Printfeller. E. Fifher, 175?. G.v.Gucht. J.S.MiUer. J. Simon. 4/1J. mcz. C. Lucy Michael Dahl, Painter. Ob. 1743, a;t. 87. — in Walpole's " Painters" . . . . Dandridge, Son of the Painter. — wh. len. an etching . . . - - SirNicholas Dorigny, Engraver, 1720. Ob. 1746, at. 89. — in the print with Haml. Wixstanley, below. Franc. Paul Fkrg, Painter. Ob. 1740, Jet. 51. — circular frame -..-.. William de Fesch, Mufic. fol W. Robinfon G. Schroider J. Auftin M. Dahl G. Bickliam. Bickham. Id. Id. J. Sturt. C. Clive. AvHaeckeni736 William Fittock, Mayor of St. Maws, 1741. — hat, own hair, twelve verfes James Gibbs, Architeft, F. R, S. Ob. 1754, a^t. 71. — the oval fcrapcd, border engraved ... yb/. — fitting, compafrcs in his right hand, books . mtz. — prefixed to his " Dcfcription of the Radcliffe Li- 7 brary," 1 ■Ji,1,foU J F.P.Ferg A. Soldi mcz. N. Tucker W. Hogarth J. Williams W. Hogarth R. Cooper, Simon. T. Chambar*. Clarke, 173 1. F. Baufe. la Cave, 1751. m« Ardell. Id. A. Bannerman. B. BaroD. ( *99 ) ^(Period Vllt. ciafs vm. — a medallion, in the title to tlie fame - - . . . — leaning on the fruftum of a pillar, collar open mex. Ambrofe Godfrey-Hanckwitz, — a biift, in a wig - . . . . ^Jo. I lufpeA thefe to be father and fon, therefore Per. vii. Ambrofe Godfrey, Chymift. — In a cap, oval frame .... 4/0. Lewis GoupY, Painter. Clar. 1735. — a handkerchief tied over his head, morning gown mez. George Graham, Clock-Maker. Ob. 1751, i^t. 76. — fitting, his hat on his knees . - - niez. — -.....-. mez, Benjamin Griffin, After. Ob. 1740. — with Johnson, as Tribulation and Ananias mrz. James Grignion, Engraver. I never faw the print. la Guerre, Painter. — in the print with Jervas, &c. below. John GuRNEY, Manufadurer of Norwich. Ob. 1741. — oval frame, own hair, fheep feeding, fliips failing, twenty- one verfes, 1720. Rare - - - - fa/, Henry Gurney, Son of John G. 1748. .^.. ...... mez, — infcribed, " The Quaker," four verfes - mez, Alex, van Haecken, Painter. — velvet cap, fur gown, collar open - • mez. Jofeph van Haecken, Painter. Ob. 1749, set. 50. — in a fur cap, holding a crayon pencil - - tnez, Benjamin Hallet, Mufic. — a boy in petticoats playing on the bafs viol la.fol. mez. Geo. Fred. Handel, Mufic. Ob. 1759, fet. 77. — fitting, a paper in his left hand - - mez. — in Birch's " Lives" ...... — a roll in his left hand ... Bcrl. fol. — oval, prefixed to his l8 Songs, by Hardy - mez. John Harper, Aftor. — in the charafter of Jobson ... rnez. John Hebden, Mufic. — playing on the bafs viol, four verfes - - mez. John James Heidegger, Manager of the Opera. Ob. 1749, at. 90. — fquare, in a large wig .... mix, P p 2 rainWi' or | Engraver »i Dcfigner. Piijilfcllcr. |B. Baron. H. Hyfing P. Pelham. R. S(chmutz) G. Vertuc, 1718. ad vivum L. Goupy T. Hudfon ad vivum del. et f. Hudfon Hudfon G.vr.Gucht,I736 G. White. J. Faber. T. Riley. P.v.Blecck. m' ArdeU. BakewcU. R. Houfton. Faber, 1748. Faber. Jenkins m' Ardell. F. Bartolozzi. Hudfon Faber, 1749. J. Houbraken. G A Wolfgang J. G.Wolfgang. G. White P. Mercicr ."Loo A. Miller, 1739. Faber, 1 741, Faber, 1749. Teuoi VIII. Clafs VHI. Gabriel Charles "Benjamin William William Edward Edward , William William John Fred. Batty Nicholas de Bernard Richard Carlo van ( 300 ) Hunt, — fitting, hat awry, bottle and glafs - jiquatlntafol, Jervas, Painter. Ob. 1739. — with Lens and La Guerre . - . . . — in the title to the " Catalogue of his Pidlures" Johnson, Ador. Ob. 1 742, ^t. 77. — in tlie print with Griffin, above. Johnson, Diftiller. — a medallion, four Englifhverfes, 1736 - yjn. 4/0. Isaac, Dancing-Mafter, 1740. — oval frame, large wig and gown ... me%. Kent, Architeft. Ob. 1748, at. 64. — in a cap, oval frame with ornaments - - la. 1^0. Kidder, Paflry-Cook. Ob. i739> set. 73. — prefixed to his " Receipts," 8^!0. . . . King, Nephew of Abel Roper, Printer. — infcribed, Toby . . . . . Zvo. — in the print with Abel Roper, Per. vii. cl, 8. KiPPAX., Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1755, £et. 50. — a fmall oval, in the title page to his " New Book of! Arithmetick," ^to. - - - - -J Knap, Clerk at Poole. — xt. 54, 1753, prefixed to his " Church Melody." Lampe, Mufic. Ob. 1751. — -------- Tttex. Langley, Architedl. Ob. 1751. — in a fquare .... 1 741. 4J0. mez. Largilliere, Painter. Ob. 1746, tet. 90. — with his wife and two children - - la.fol. mez. - 7»- Lens, Painter. Ob. 1740. — oval,inthcfrontifpiece to his Drawing Book, 1750 olLfol. — in the print with Charles Jervas, &c. above. Leveridge, Mufic. Ob. 1758, jet. 88. — an etching ..-...-- — oval, " O the Roafl Beef of Old England" mez. — fqiiarc, holding mufick .... men. Leo, Painter. Ob. 1765, jct. 60. — in imitation of a drawing ... la.fol. — in Gall. Franc. 1771 Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Printfeller. Hogarth 1 730: R. Livefey,i78i. A. Bannerman. G.v.Gucht. L. Goupy G. White. W.Aikman Bannerman. Ravenet. R. Shepperd. M.\T.Gucht. H. Gravelot N*. Parr. St, Andrea J.m'Ardell. J. Carvvitham. N. Largilliere Id. If. Becket. F. Chereau, 1715 du Puis. des Rochers. WiUe. B. Lens L.P.Boitard. Frye F.vr.Myn T. Frye Dodd. A.v.Myn. W. Pether. Cochin,fiIs. C. v. 1^,00 L.M.v.Loo Bafan. J. DauUc, 1754. de Marteau, ien. S.C.Migcr. I'criodVIII. Clafs Via. ( 301 ) Carlo van Loo, le Fils. Jacques van Loo, Jacques van Loo, le Fils. C.v.Loo Marshal, Spedacle- Maker. — an etching . . . 4/0. Mellish, Ship Painter. Philip Jofeph Peter mez. la.fol. Mer.cier, Painter. Ob. 1760, a;t. 71. — in Walpole's " Painters" — in a cap, and banjan .... — in the print of his family, anonymous Millar, A£lor. Ob. 1738, ajt. 54. — in the charafter of Teaguk In the "Committee"! mez, J — as Sir Joseph WiTTOL, prefixed to his "Jells," 1 747, Stfo. MoNAMY, Painter. Ob. 1749. — in Walpole's " Painters" . . . . . — in a ftock, holding a fea piece - - . mcz. Ang. Maria Monticelli, Singer. — in a robe, as if rehearfing .... mcz. Henry Needler, Mufic. Ob. 1760, «t. 75. — a circle, in Hawkins's " Hift. of Mufick," 1776 Abraham Nicholas, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1744, £et. 52. — prefixed to his " Complete Writing Mafter," 1722 — with ornaments. William Pardon, Schoolmafter and Lexicograph. — a fmall buft in a title page. JohnChrift. Pepusch, Mufic. Ob. 1752, tet. 85. — in Hawkins's " Hiftory" . . . . . — gown and fcarf ..... me%, Chriftopher Pinchbeck, Ingenious Mechanick. — fhewing a watch opened - . . _ me%. — oval, in his (hop bill - ... - JqI. John Pine, Painter and Engraver. Ob. 1756. — cap, both hands on his ftick ... me%. — a fmall etching ....... Batt Platt, Adlor. — in the charader of Mad Tom, Scarce Painter or Dctigncr. V. Loo P, Mercier ad vivum C. Stoppelaer, 1738 J. Stubly A. Cafali G. Mathias Engraver or PriiufcHcr. Exlhaw, Exfliaw, 1757. T. Frye. T. Chambars. J. Faber, 1735. Paile. A. Miller, 1739., C. Mofiy. Bretherton. Faber, 1731. Faber. C. GrignloB. G. Bickham. T. Hudfon Id. If. Whood W. Hogarth Arthur Pond, Painter. Ob. 1758. — an etching, in a fquare, anonymous fm. mez. Grignion. A.v.Haecken. Fabe m' Ardell. J. Pine. (A. Pond.) Ptriod VI?I. Clafs VIII. ( 30a ) Francis des Fortes, Painter. Ob. 1743, a;t. 82. — in d'Argenvilk's " Peiiitres." Marcus Ricci, Painter. 05.1730,3:1.50. — in the print with Wm. Talman, &c. Per. vi. clafs 8 Sebaftian Ricci, Painter. Ob. 1734, a;t. 75. — in " Mufeuin Florent." - - - . Jonathan Richardson, Painter. Ob. 1745, jet. 81. — in Walpolc's " Painters" — in a wig, an etching, 173$ — in a cap ...... Paintpr or Deligncr. 4/0. F.desPortes fol. ? Rofalba John Enoch John George Rowel, Glafs Painter. Ob. 1756. — with Henry Gvles (Per. vii. cl. 8), in Walpole's " Painters." Seeman, Jun. Painter. Ob. 1744. — in Walpole's " Painters" . . . - . — cet. 19, own hair, open collar ... me%. Shaw, Dancing Mafter. Ob. 1740. Rofalba meT,. E. Seeman me%, J. Ellys Hngraver w Printfcller. Joullain, A. FaIdon!,i72^,. Faldonu P. Pazzi. C. Bretherton. J. Richardfon. Id. 1738. Shelly, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1736, ast. 70. — ha. len. prefixed to his " Copy Book,"_/b/. — a fmall oval encompalTed with flounrties, prefixed to his 1 " Natural Writing," 1714, /o/. . - . - J Humphrey Skelton, Upholder. — fitting in a contemplative pofture, bare head, fix Engl. 1 vtifcs, anonymous .... tiicz. j Francis Smith, Architedl, 1730. — own hair, fitting, holding compafles - - mez- Charles Snell, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1733, fet. 63. — oval, with ornaments, prefixed to his " Art of Writ- "I ing," 1712, oW./o/. ...... j — set. 23, prefixed to his " Penman's Treafury," 1693 Ralph Snow, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1744, jet. 74. James John John — holding a paper, infcribed, " Vive la Plume" niez. If. Whood SowDON, Aftor. — as Caled in the " Siege of Damafcus" - mtz. ]. Lewis A. Miller, 1754. Spiller, Aftor. Ob. 1729. — prefixed to his '« Life," 1 729, Siio. - . . . J. Bell. Sturges, Carpenter. Turk's cap, furred and laced habit - - »)«i. J.vr.Bank F. Kyte, 1733, — velvet cap, compafTcs .... - mtz. Id. 1726 G. White. Sturt, Engraver, 171 7. Ob. 1730, a?t. 72. — hisownliair, oval frame ... fm. \to. mc%. W. Faithorne IW. Humphrey. ad vivum B. Lens H. Hyfing W.Winftanley Hargrav T. Chambars. J. Faber, 1727. Faber. G.Bickham,i705 Id. Faber, 1728. A.v.Haecken. Bickham. W. Elder. Bickham, V. Haecken. ClaljVIII. Owen mac Sir James John Peter Kellom Jacob Timothy Laur. del George Anthony Izack John de S Thomas Guftavus James ( 3^0 ) , I'aintcr or j Engraver oj — in an oval ...... ^to, miz. — in the print with Rob. White, &c. Per. vii. clafsS, SwiNEY, Manager of the Opera. Ob. 1754. — liat afide, own hair, neckclotl; ... meji. — fitting, with his beard, a book on his knee - mez. Thornhill, Painter. Ob. 1734, iet. 57. — in Walpole's " Painters" — Kt. 56, oval, velvet coat, fide pofture - - mez, — in d'Argenville's " Peintres." Thorpe, Keeper of Le Beck's Head Tavern. — wh. len. with a glafs and napkin, infcribed, " Vinuml non facies bonnm BIB endo," anonymous 4'''' j TiLLEMANS, Painter. Ob. 1734,321.50. — in Walpole's " Painters" H. Hyfing Dcfigncr. (ad vivura) V, Loo J. Highmore Printfeller. ToMLiNsoN, Dancing-Maftcr ? engraved for his " Original Art of Dancing, with 1 R.v.BIeeck, Dances and thcl s " Orlgli -■Ir Mufick, compofed by himfelf,' ToNSON, Bookfeller. Ob. 1736. — in his cap and night-gown Treadway, Writing- Maflcr, 1739. — oval, in a ftock ... TURBUTT, A(5tor. — asSosiAin " Amphytrion" Vaux, Statuary, 1735. — ftanding, cap, gown lined with fur — in Walpole's " Painters" Vertue, Engraver. Ob. 1756, set. 72. — in Walpole's " Engravers" • — with a drawing on his knee Vivaldi, Mufic. Ob. 1743. — in Hawkins's " Hlftory" — in a fquare ..... VoGELSHAKGK, Painter. Ob. i7;3. — a fmall etching .... 1716 G. KneUer N. Tucker T. Bifs, 1740 I.Whoodi734 . 4/0. 4/0. VoTO, Painter, 1738. — in a cap, holding a fcroll .... tiicz. Waddington, Painter. Ob. 1758, ajt. 22. — an etching ....... ^to. Walker, Ador, 1716. — as Macheath, oval, eight verfes - - tiiez.'j. Ellys Waltz, Mufic. I — wh. len. ..... Rare. niez. J.M.Hauck [J.S.Miiller. Weston, Short hand Writer. ' | — prefixed to his "Stenography," 1743, S'tJO. - ,, J. Dowling !j. Cole. J. Richardfon T. Gibfon J.Vogelfhangk V. Domini P.v.B(lccck) 1737 J. Faber, 1752. C. Bretherton. Faber, 1732, (Pond.) T. Chambars. F. M. la Cave, 1754- Faber, 1733.- Faber. A. MiUer. V. Haecken,i73j, W. Hibbart. Chambars. G. Vertue. J. Caldwall. la Cave, 1725. C.V.N. Faber, 172S. S. Waddington. Faber, 1728. Period VIII. Ckifs IX. Robert Jofeph John Hamlet James Jofeph ( 304 ) WiLKs, Acflor. Ob. 1732, St. 67. — in fine tufted clothes, hat under his arm - mez. — prefixed to his " Memoirs," 1732, ii'o. . . . Williams, Clothier of Kidderminfter. Ob. 1755, £et. 64. — a fmall oval .----... Willis, Writing-Mafter. Ob. 1760. — in a flowered gown - . . . . j«(.~. WiNST A NLEY, Painter. Ob. 1756. — cap, painting a portrait - - . . mez. — in Walpole's' " Painters." Wyat, Navigator. Clar. 1747. — set. 40, prefixed to his " Life,'' 1 748, Bvo. Yarrow, Aftor and Poet, 1750. — a fmall wh. len. Scarce a portrait, but rare Painter or Defiener. Engraver or Printfeller. J. Ellys, 1732 J. Fabtr, CLASS IX. FEMALE SEX. First Subdivision. LADIES. Diana VereDu- T ^^^^^,^ ^694. Ob. 1742. chels or bt. J — wh. len. at Hampton Court — ha. len. ------ Elizabeth Caven-l ^^b^marle, Ob. 1734, ^t. 96. diln, Duchelsor J ' ^^ ■' Elizab. Tolmach, "1 a„^„,^ ,-,^t ok ,^-,- Duchefsof '|ARoyLE,i7oi. Ob. 1735. — ivhen Lady Lorne ... rors. RhodaDelaVal, "1 AsTLEY, Wife of Sir Edward A. Ob. Lady J 1757. — when Mrs. A. fitting, with a port-folio me%. niez, mez. mez. Stokes H. Winftanley J. Taylor. E.Fiflicr. Faber, 1 731. G. Kneller Id. 1730. Henrietta Crofts, 1 p^,.,^,, ^£, ^ ok Duchefsof 'JBoLroN, 1697. Ob — wh. len la.foL mez. — oval frame, fcvcn Englifli lines niei P. Lely Ipfa Kneller EUys J. H. Faber. J. Smith, 1694. W. Sherwin. m' Ardell. T. Worlidgc. Smith, 1703, Faber, 1728. Ferlod VIII. Oafs IX. ( ?i^$ ) Lady Bovn, — in the cli.iraftcr of Diana - - ntcK. Rachael Guife, "1 Bradshaigh, Wife of Sir Roger B. of Lady j Haigh-hall, co. Lancafler. Ob. 1743. — ....... mex. — when LadyHERVEY, 1695, oval, hood, book mez. ^'ilT ^'''''^'^''1 BvRON, 1720. Ob. 1757. — wh. leii. in a garden, fliort mob-eap - mez. Lady Coventry Carew, — a fmall etching, profile, anonymous Maria Gunning, "I Coventry, 1751. Ob. 1760. Countefs of J . — oval frame, drefs with puffed fleeves - »«<■=. — wh. Icn. with a greyhound? - - »"z. .-...- lii.fol, mez. ....... mez, — an etching - - Henrietta Hyde, 1 Dalkeith, 1700. Ob. 1730. Countefs ot J — when young, with her fifter Lady Mary Hyde, 1 wh. lens. . - - . - mez. J The latter was Lady Conway in 1703, and died in 1709. Catlierine Parker,! g^j^^^ Ob. 1749, ^t. 60. Countefs of J ' /jj i-^y — in the " Hill, of the Houfe of Yvery" Zvo.mez. W. Ilojrarth Catherine Cecil, j Egmont, 1748. Ob. 1752, set. 33. Countefs Frances Williams. Countefs of — ubi fupra I Essex, 1754. Ob. 1759. — leaning on her left hand 8r5. viez. Painter or | Kiiiiiiyer «r Dcfigncr. f I'iii.fftllci. A. Ramfay 'j.m'Ardcll, I749. GKndlcri698 Fabcr. M. Dahl jj. SimoH. Faber, 1736, (Fauquier.) F. Cotes 1 75 1 m' Aidell, Hamilton | Id. Read J. Fiiilayfon. J. Liotard ]R. Houfton. C. Spooner. B. Wilfon, 1751. W. Wiffing mez, jR* Reynolds Reynolds I^°^°*y Beyle, JEusTON, 1741. Ob. 1742, cet. ,18. — when Lady Dorothy Boyle Scarce, mez.i ' I FiTZWILLIAMS, 1744. Ob. 1759. ~ " " " a.q ' ' Ann Wentworth Countefs j" i Dot. Count, of Burlin / jt Sarah Lady — before her marriage, playing the h:irpfichord mcz, J. vr. Batik — in Hawkijis's " Hift. of Mufick," 1776 - , Id. "1 Piers, Wife of Sir Geo. P. of Sionepitt, in J Kent. __ - . - ... mez. j CLq 2 nnsraveror I'rintfdltr. J. Houbraken. E. Kyte. J. Simon. J. Smith, 1-05. , Id. I Id. G. Veitue, 1708. vr. Banc. A, lirown (exc.) E. Cooper exc. V. Hove. D. L(oggan.) P.Schcnck(i688) Smith. Id. (1688.) J.vr.Vaart. 11. Williams. Browne (exc.) R. Tompfou exc. J. Faber, 1740. J. Simon. Id. Faber. Simon. Smith, 1690. Id. 1693. Vertue, 1732. F.iber, 1727. C. Gritfnion. Simon. rerioJ viir. CUfs IX. ( 308 ) Painter or Deligncr. Encraver of Priiitfeller. Louife Ranee de 1 „ ^ /-^i 00 .- r > Portsmouth, 1673. 00.1734,^1.88. QueroualleDfs.' — with her fon, as an emblem of Cupid — wh. len, — wh. len. ... — fitting ... — wh. len. a coronet in her hair — ha. len. ... mc%. P. Lely AUard. Jh. H. Gafcar A. Baudet. la.fol. mex. G. K.iclkr llf. Becket. 1677. 4/0. tr.cz. i Lcly — wli. len. ----- — leaning on a couch, with a dog Lady Helena Per- T ^^,,.^^^ Qb. 1 746. cival, Lady J ' Beffy Savage "I r^chford, 1715. Ob. 1746. Countels ot J . . — fitting, in robes, holding a coronet Catherine Noel, "I Rutland, 1703; Countefs, 1673. Duchefs of j 1733- ^'cfjroT'is^-----'^^- Ob.. 757. - - /,/. la.fol. me%. mt%. wez. mez. . - fol. mez. mez. jA. Blootcling, jN. Bonnart. |le Davis. Kneller J. Smith exc. Lely Id. Lely Id. Lely Gafcar. Mary Stewart, Countefs — when Lady Wilmot ^^^''V Iseafortii, els or J mez. 'T, Lathem mez. C.d'Agar Ob. Kneller W. WifTing & J.vr.Vaart ^Lad"'^'°'"'' JToRRiNGTON, 1716. Ob. i7.-?5. — pointing with her left hand - - nez, Diana Cecil, Lady Turnor, Wife of Sir Edm. T. 1685. Ob. 1736, St. 73. — fiift infcribed " Madam Turner" - mez. mez. ARamfayi749 Kneller 1 709 Lady Wallace, — oval frame mez. mez. Catherine Shorter, "I Walpole, firfh Wife of Sir Robert W L*dy J Ob. 1737 — fitting, mourning head drefs Drcfixcd to the " Dcfcriplii al Houghton HaU," by Mr. Walp Lady Worsley, Kneller J ? Davidfon de Nune,i744 mez. iM. Dahl — prefixed to the " Dcfcriplion of the Piftures 1 F. Zincke, ole,4Jo. j 1735 — a prooi Id. V. Somer. R. Tompfon exc. Trouvain. G. Valck, 1678. Brooks. Smith, 1723. Smith, 1689.' Smith(i6S8> J. Faber, 175 1. Smith, 1720. If. Becket. R. Cooper. Faber. J. Simon. G. VertLic, 1748. Period VTII. Clafj IX. ( 309 ) A Portrait, infcribed " Mi Lady Comtefle de Bury." — profile, two lines, " Grace was in Heps," &c. ; the lame in Frencli all her"! C L A S S IX. Second Subdivision. GENTLEWOMEN. The Lady Abbess of the EngHfh Nuns at Antwerp. — holding a book ..... Fleetwood? See Gent. Man;, ix. 218. Painter or 1 Engraver or IX-figiier. Fnmreller. ad vivum Pouget. ■■z. G. Mathyas 'J- Faber. Madlle. AuRETTi, Dancer, 1730. — wh. len. — wh. len. French verfes niez. Mrs. Vander Bank, Wife of the Painter. — in a hat and feather, anonymous ... mez. Sometimes called Mrs. Paulett, alfo Mrs. Potter. Bridges, Wife of an Artift at Plymouth. — wh, len. ..... Scarce, mez. Dorothy Mrs. Mary Brooks, Wife of an Engraver. — in a hat, patch on her right temple - - mez. — id. with a miniature piAure ... mez. There is another, probably, by Corbutt. Carew, of Crovvfcomb, co. Somerfet. — young, as a fliepherdefs, nearwh. len. dated 1741 la.fol. Catherine Cock b urn e, Poetefs. Ob. 1749, eet. 71. — prefixed to her " Theological VVorks," 1751, 8to. Jane ? Collier, known alfo as Mifs Stewart, Courtezan. — wh. len. ..... la.fol. mez. Ruth Collins, Literal. 1733. — fitting at a table, prefixed to " Now or Never, or, "1 Adieu to the Diffenters," ^vo J Mifs Conyers, of Copthall, co. Effex. " — wh. len. fitting and playing on the guitar, at the mouth 1 of a cave, anonymous - - - - .J Francefca Cuzzoni, Mufic. 1726. — in Hawkins's " Hift, of Mnfick" Amiconi J.vr.Bank E. Smith T. Worlidge Id. T. Hudfon T. Hljrhmore Mrs. Mrs. Davenport, — wh. len. in a riding habit Faber, Wife of the Engraver — in a fur tippet, anonymous Devis Seeman, j. Id. B. Dandridge Rylcy. Seolui. Faber. J.m'Ardell. R. Houflon. C. Spooner. Lovelacci Faber. Hudfon Faber, T. Chambars. J. Caldwall. G.v.Gucht. Faber, 1730. C 319 ) Ftr'.o.i vni. Chl's IX. Sufan FnzPATRiCK, — holding up her robe, nofegay, 1750 - - 7>kz. Mifs Frasi, Mufic. — fingiiig, " Voi amante," profile, anonymous mez. Mils Gambarini, Mufic. et Piftiix. — -------- mez. Lucy Greig, — anon}Tnous, but done when Mrs. Ebberton mez, Eliza Hay WOOD, Literat. 1727. — -------- l2mo. — -------- tlnio. Mary Howard, Relig. cognom. " Mary of the Holy Crofs." Ob. 1735, ^^' ^^' — prefixed to her " Life" . . ., . Svo, Mrs. Howard, — with a lamb ...... mez. Mifs Howard, — Handing by her horfe, wh. len. . . - . Mary Lake, — set. 8 (1694) an oval, with another of Bibye Lake, clafs 3. Mifs Lewis, 1754* — holding mufick, gown with lacings before tnez. — id. - - - - - - - - irit^z, Anne Ant. V. Loo, Wife of Carlo van L. — in " O dieuvre Portr. illuft." . . . . - Anne van Loo, Daughter of Carlo van L. — ....... . mez. Ifabel van Loo, Daughter of the fame. — fleeping ....... msz. Catherine Mellish, WifeofWm. M. Widow of Mr. Villareal. — a fmull oval, anonymous, prefixed to the " Cafe on a Marriage Contraft between her and her Coufin Jacob Mendez," 1734, S-vo. Prefixed, alfo, to pieces by Lady Marg. Pennyman. Mrs. Morris, Midwife at York. — in a white hood, oval ..... mez. Mifs Muse, — anonymous ....... mez. Ann Oldfield, Aiflrefs. Ob. 1730, £et. 47. — (landing, holding a hook .... mez. — prefixed to her " Life," 1731 Painter or Dcligner, Engrtver «r Pniurelkr. A. Soldi Ij.m'Ardell, (Kitchin.) ad vivnm N. Hone, 1748. G. Knapton m' Ardell. Kirkall. ParmentierG. Vertue. MiUes. J. Peters G. Bookman. G. Bickham. J.S.Liotard C.v.Loo m' Ardell. R. Purccll. Bafan.] du Puis, C.v.Loo V. Loo T. Murray J. Reynolds J, Riehardfon Exfhaw. Exfhaw,i757» G. Lumley. J. Faber, 1755. E. Fiflicr. vr, Gucht. ( 311 ) Period VIII. Cbfs IX. fc ' — in the title page to licr " Memoirs," 1741 — fitting, and holding a book ... ^^z. ....... . ^g^ ^j.j;_ Lifabettadu Parc, cognom. " Francefina," Singer, 1737. — bare ftiouldcrs, holding raufick ... ff^z. Sarah Phillips, — a fmall oval. Fame over it, prefixed to the " Lady's ] Handmaid," 1758,81)0 f Lffititia PiLKiNGTON, Literar. Ob. 1750, JEt. 39. — prefixed to the " Life of J. C. Pilklngton," her fon, "1 1760,4/0 ,„f2. I — prefixed to her " Memoirs," 1760 - - nicx. Ann Pine, Wife of the Painter. — with her two children . - . . „iiz_ Editha Pope, Mother of the Poet. Ob. 1733, st. 93. — (xt. 91), an etching -...-. 4/5. Painter or Dcfigner. EngraTtr or Prialfcllcr. G J. RichardfonJ. Kinjr. oimon. Id. G. Knapton J- Fabcr,. N. Hone R.E.Pine Proud. R. Purcell; W. Dickinfon.. Elizabeth Rowe, Literat. Ob. 1737, jet. 63. — prefixed to her " Works," 1739, JZmo, Mrs. RlTDGE, — in a riding habit ..... „,e~_ If. Whood Said to have been miftrefs to Dandridge. Madlle. Salle, Dancer. — dancing - - - .- - - - T?^- ]N. Lancret There is a (heet print of her with Larmeffin's, name. RichardfonI Carter.. G. Vertue.. Mary Lilias Scot, Mufic. Mary Smith, Tnn-keeper of Portfmouth, 1755. — in a large bonnet .... — id. a fmall, fquare _ . . - mez. A. Ramfay mfz. ;T. Worlldge Faber. Elizabeth Thomas, Poetefs. Ob. 1730, aet. 56. — St. 30, in a hood, prefixed to the " Memoirs of Pylades "I and Corinna," 1731, 8x)o. . . . . ,j Grace Mifs Ann; ToziER, Inn-keeper on Epping Forefl:. Ob. I7';3. — wh. len. in a hat and cap, flowers in her bofom, gloves 1 la.fol, mez, J Turner, — a fmall anonymous etching, profile, 1743 . . . Vane, Miftrefs to Fred. Prince of Wales. Ob. 1736. — left hand raifed, pearls in her hair - - mez. — fitting, witli a pifture of the prince ; piefixed to the " Secret Hift. of Vanella," 1732, 8i'o. ab Orig. B. Dandridge, 1728 Mrs. WiNSTANLEY, Wife of the Painter. — t- her arm leaning on a fountain vr. Bank,i 729 tiKz, |H, Winftanlcy Faber, 1748.. m« Ardell. T. Worlidge.. G. King.. Faber, 1729,. (Fouquier.) Faber.. Faber.. Period VIII. Clafs X. ( 312 ) Margaret Wish art, Wife of Wm. W, D. D. 1731. /./. Marg;aret Woffington, Adrefs. Ob. 1760, set. 42. — in a laced cap and tucker, holding a chaplet - mcT.. — as PhvEBE ....-- »;i2. . ....-- vu%. — as Mrs. Ford. See Gulft. Cat. p. h8 - mex. Mrs. Mrs. WRiGirr, Yarborough, Daughter of Sir Tho. Y. Ob. 1738? — fitting, fondling a grey -hound ... mcT.. Mrs. Y. maid of honour to Q^Ann.dled, 1786, aged 98. Young, of Ekbam. — a fmull anonymous etching, profile, 1746 . - . CLASS X. phjEnomena, convicts, &c. Elizabeth Adams, convicted of a Robbery, 1737. — fitting, in a hood ... - - fm. t^o John Alder, " a Turkifh Merchant " a Prifoner in the Fleet, 1727. — infcribed, " The Pilgrim," large beard, fourverfes 4/0. Martha Alexander, Tavern-keeper. Eugene ' Aram, convifted of Murder at York, 1759- — a fmaU head, etched in 1791 . - - . ~ Jacob Bates, a Horfe Rider. __ . . . . . . -• Scarce, Belgrade, Female Camp Sutler, 1743. — wh. len. in a dtefs apparently Hungarian, with her "I dog Clumfey /»/• J Henry Blacker, " the Britifli Giant," 175 i. — the Duke of Cumberland among the fpeftators fol. Mary Bland y, convicted of the Murder of her Father, — oval, prefixed to her " Life and Trial," 1752 __.... See GuUl. Cat. p. 38. me%. — wh. Icn. In Oxford Caftle, fixtecii vcrfcs - >/. Painter or Deligner. A. Pond Eccard J. Haytley vr. Bank, 1729 G. Knellcr EnfTiveror Piiiufellcr. G. Vertue, i747< m< Ardell. V. Blceck. J. Faber. Id. 1751. C. Spooner. Faber. J. Smith exc. (Fauquier.) (ad vivum) R. Mortimer P.R.Fremont. Faber, 1739. W Richardfonexc J.E.Ridinger. Winder. HCarpenter(exc) B. Cole, reriod viir, Clsfj X. Edward 3^3 Bright, of Maiden, who wciglied 43 Stone. Ob. 1750. — set. 29, 1750, wU. Icn. fitting ... mfz, — id. 8vo. — a French print. Monf. Brila, Equilibria. — performing in Goodman's Fields. Thomas Brown, valiant Soldier at Dettingcn. — on horfcback .--..... — his face and head full of fears .... fol. Donald Cameron, of Lochiel. -r- \vh. len. In a highland drefs. James Campbell, valiant Highlander, who killed nine Men with his broad Sword, at Fontenoy. — vvh.lcn, in the Highland drefs, 1745 • fm.fol. Duncan Campbell, the Dumb Fortune-teller. — oval, in the frontlfpiece to his " Secret Memoirs," Srs. — ast. 40, prefixed to his " Life," by Haywood, 1720, Sfo. — prefixed to his " Life," by himfelf, 1732, '6vo. - Ludowick. Campbell, Thief-taker and Convift. — wh, len. in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh - la. i,tQ, Mahomet Caratha, Equilibrift. — on the wire ...... la. fol. Bam. Moore Carew, " King of the Beggars." Ob, 1759, set. 60. — his own hair, with a dog - - . mez. — in 3 fur cap ....... yi/, Thomas Carr, convided of a Robbery, with his Accomplice Elizabeth Adams, 1737. — his arms tied with a cord . , . la, i^to, Casey, a fquinting Beggar Boy. — wh. len. ........ — in the charafter of Macheath, in prifon - fol. Antonio Cauzzi, Italian Giant. — wh. len. in a hat with a high crown ~ . M. Jh, Henry Cooke, convided of a Highway Robbery, 1 741. — wh. len 8w. John CousTos, — act. 43, prefixed to his " Sufferings in the Inquifition \ for Free Mafonry," 1746, 8i)0. . - . .J Crow, Porter to the Playhoufe in Dublin. — wh. len. with a violin in his right hand, a trumpet in his left, a French horn round his neck, and a bafs viol on his back. iSlephenmac Daniel, Thief-taker and Convict, 1756. Rr Parni/er or DcfignPr. Engraver vc PrindVller. Osrborne m' Ardcll, 1750. iA. W^alker.) ad G. Bi6 ) Period vni. Clafs X. Daniel Robert James Max.Chrlft. Ann Alexander Harrj' Sign or William Margaret John The blind John Jacob Jofeph Malden, who made two furprillng Eicapes out of Newgate, 1736. — in a jockey cap, great coat, hands tied - - 4/0. Mien, a Tradelinan who went about to relieve the Poor. — (xt. 91), a finall head, own hair, flick, an etching. P.P. Millar, Prize-fighter, 1737. ... .... - mez ? Miller, a Saxon near 8 Feet high. Ob. 1734, St. 60. - fit- Mills, ferved on board the Maidftone Frigate, 1 74 . — holding a Frenchman's head ; partly etched - mez. Qu. another, companion to Haugh, above. Monro, Piper to the Pretender. — wh. len. ...-.-. 8'Uff. Morgan, of Lewes, in Siiffex. Ob. 1737. — ast, 105 (1737), own hair, hat, great coat MusTAPKA, Servant to K. Geo. II. — ....-..- 4/a. mez. Parsons, convided of Forgery, 1749; of returning from Tranfportation, 175 1. — wh. len. in Newgate, hat and regimentals, arms la.fol. — in a hat ...-.-. ivo. Patten, born at Glafgow ; in St. Margaret's Work- houfe, Weftminfter, 1736. Ob. 1739. — xt. J41 (1737)) in a white hood and peak, ftick mez, — set. 141, in a tiding hood ; profile - - - 4/0. Philips, born in Cleveland, co. York. Ob. 1742, £et. 1 18. — set. 1 1 7, three qrs. len. in a hat, ftick and gloves me%. Painter or Defigner. ad vivum del. mez. (ad vivum) L. Hubner. T. Jonfon ad vivum ad vivum P. Mercier Pigman, — wh. len. with a boy, fixteen verfes fol. PixLEY, ofTpfwich, convifted of Smuggling, 1740, — in a military hat and boots, fhort jacket edged with "I (kin, drawing his fword ... mez. J Powell, fat Butdier of Stebbing, Eflex. Ob. 1754- — wh. kn - - mex. id. ......-- iivo, — in the " Proceffion for the Flitch of Bacon," Powis, conviaed of Robbery, 1732. — at. Z2, prefixed to his " Life," 1752 D.M.Mory Engraver or Printfeller. J. Clarke. MiUer L. Boitard,i733. G. Kitchen (exc.) J. Brooke. J. Cooper. J. Smith, 1736, J, Faber. J. Jarvis (exc.) Faber, 1749. Haid. Walker. J, Powis. fcii .J vni. Cljli X. Henry Thomas Robert Henry Gill Layton The Old Francis George William John Thomas Jean de la Thomas James William ( 317 ) Rogers, Pewterer, of Cornwall; convided of Mur- der, 1735. — tliaiiied in prifon, long infcription, rare. - - fol. Shakeshaft, and Ann his Wife. — ill the print of the " ProccfTion to Dunmow," when 1 they claimed the flitch of bacon - - Jb, J Short, from whom a Stone 8 Inches in circum- ference was extrafted. — set. 26, 1739, with the figure of the ftone - 4/0. Simons, Polifli Jew. — prefixed to the " Cafe and Appeal of James Afhley," 1 I7S3 81,5. J Smith, convifted of the Murder of his Wife, 1738. — a fmall wh. len. in Newgate - . . . . Painter or Dcfigncr. Smith, died a Prifoner for Debt. — with his beard, which he vowed never to (have till his 1 releafe mez. J Soldier, remarkable for his conftant Attendance at St. Paul's. Ob. 1 749. — wh. len. hat and cloak, profile - - -la. 4/0. Sparkes, cured of a Wen. — two reprefentations . - _ . oil. fol. Taylor, Prize-fighter. Ob. 1750. — hand in his bofom, collar open • - - m^z. Taylor, of Ightham, " born blind, and reftored to Sight by John Taylor, Oculift," 175 . — Kt. 8, in a wig, holding a miiTor ; fmall - - . Tomlinson, of Waterflow, in Yorkfhire; with a large Wen. — with two views of him .... oil. fol. — ------- ■ ftnaller Topham, who lifted three HogHicads of Water, weighing 1836 lb. anno 1741. J. W. Tour, tried for Piracy, 1744. TuLLis, alias " Jack Ketch." — ia a cart at Tyburn 4?o. Turner, a Beggar who valued his Time at one Shilling an Hour. — a head in a fmall oval, large beard . . - - Walker, born at Ritchefter in Lancalhire. Ob. 1736, St. 123. — • with a large beard - . . - . mex. ij. ad vivum ad vivum Engraver or rni.trelier. Morley, Hone, 1 75 1 Slack (T.Worlidge.) Smith. J. Faber, 1754. C. Mofley. A. Miller (exc.) T.W(orlidge) B. Cole. A. Walker, 1 75 7. Leigh, 1 741, G. Bickham. W.B(aIUie)i762. G. Bookman. . Period Vm, Clafs X. V 'S ) Catherine Warman, from the North of Scotland; died in St. Martin's A hns-houfe, 1755, set. 107. — ast. 107 ..----- 4/0. Little Will, AValter at the Turk's Head CofFce-houfe, — wh. len. playing with his thumbs - - fm. i^o. Samuel Wood, Miller, whofe Arm was torn off, 1737. — profile - - 4''- — with a reprefentation of the accident in a fcroll - 4/0. Johny WoR R A L, of Halifax. — hat under his arm - . , - . Suo. Painter or Engraver <»• Deri?pcr, rrmtfcller. Cole. (ad vivum) W.WiJh'ams. ll ( 319 ) PERIOD IX, CONTAINING THIRTT-ONE TEARS OF THE REIGN OF KING GEORGE THE THIRD. From 1 761 to 1792. CLASS I. The ROYAL FAMILY. Period IX. Clafs I. G EORGE III. Rex, 1760. Nat. 1738. — when Prince of Wales .... ^fz. — profile, near as 'arge as life .... /J. ^^j^j;. — " Prince of Wales," on horfeback - - . /?,, — on horfeback, after Carlini's model, unfinifhed - Jh. — fitting, crowned by the fig. of Health, on a pillar infcribed \ " Redeunt Saturnia Regna ;" Britannia, &c. 1790, J/.^. J — oval, profile, the plate in H. M. pofTcflion ... — " Prince of Wales," wh. len. robe - - me^. — fitting in ftate _ /n.JJj. mez. — Id. oval, embroidered coat .... rnez. - >• — "-"----- viez, — large as the life - - . . . mez. — ----.... Jh, mex, — from the coronation medal ... „i^^, — profile . „iez. — three qrs. len. - - . . - . ».,■-. — profile m^z. — ---...-. ^, mez. — oval frame, ha. len. ...... ,,,^2.. — on horfeback - - - - . — profile 4/0. — 24 inches by 17 . - - . . mez. — wh. len. Handing ..... Jf^, „,^2. •— wh. len. - - -- - - . . /^. — 4'^- Painter or Engraver or Defigner. Printfeller. D.Ludersi75i m' ArdeU. J. Meyer Id. 1761. B. Baron. F. Bartolozzf. Hamilton Id. 4 June. r- Bafire, 1766. H. Hyfing Burford. J. Reynolds. W. Dickinfon&c. \i. Wilfon [. Faber, 175 i. W. Bcrezy Facius, 1 79 1. B. Weft E. Fifter. ad vivum T. Frye. GrcmilJer. R. Houllon. Meyer Id. H. Morcland Id. T. Worlidge Id. J. Zoffany Id. Zoffany R. Lavvrle,i772, Mazell. (ad vivum) r- Miller, 1761. r. Frye w . Pether, 1762. T. Gainfboro' du Pont, 1790. A, Ramfay vv Ryland. Ad.Smith. Cials 1. ( 320 ) " Prince of Wales," oval, profile, 1759 mez. Jh. mez. mez. mea. — a fmall oval, profile . •. . . . — an etcliing ........ — profile, from the drawing which obtained the premium 'J for the beft likeiiets - - . . Jh. mez. J — oval ---.... mez — an oval, fupported by emblematic figures - mez. — profile ....... mez. — profile mez. mez. fol. mex. mez. — profile, ha. len. flowered coat • — fitting-, ir. the coronation chamber — with his firfl. fpeech to the parliament, oval — id. oval, ill a fqiiare, collar - . . — id. an engraving. — a medallion, in Stuart's " Antiquities." See the family prints of K. Geo. II. CHARLOTTE of Mecklenburg, Q^ieen ConforC of George III 1 76 1. Nat. 1744. — a fmall oval ..--... — profile, two ?---.- — oval, after the pifture fent from Germany. — raifing the genius of the fine arts — oval frame, ha. len. — 24 inches by 17 ' — 20 by 14. — 14 by 10 ..... — ha. len. high headdrefs ... — three qrs. len. — with the Prince of Wales profile — ftandlng — oval frame, ha. len. — profile — \vh len. with a dog ... — with the Prikcess Royal, wh. len. — a fmall oval — an etching, oval — id. fmall /h. mez. JJj, mez, . . foL mez. mez. mez. mez. Jh. mez. mez. Jh. mez. Jh. mez. - />, mex. mez. mez. Ih. mez, ■ - Jf^. \'](>^J)i. mez. mtz. mez. Family Prints. — the king and queen, and fix children — the kuig and queen ... GEORGE Prince of Wales. Nat. 1762. — a fmall oval, dated 1790 — another ..... — in a hat, a head, in a circle, 1791 — when a boy, a fmall etching — oral ..... mez. mex. Painter or Defigncr. (ad vivum) ad vivum Meyer (Meyer) Meyer Reynolds Ram fay Reynolds, A, KaufFman J. Ru/Tel ad vivum B. Weft M. Benwell (Frye; R. Pile J.L.Teitz . ZofFany Id,_ (ad vivum) Engr.ivcr or I Printfeller. J. Spilfbury. Id. 1764. Id. 1761. Id. (cxc.) Id. Spooner. Id. 1761. Id. Syraon. Taylor. J. Watfon. T. Watfon. W. Woolktt. T. Gainfboro' F. Cotes ad vivum Zoffany 1770 J. Reynolds Violet, I 79 1 Meyer. R. Cofway T. Aliamet. Ardell(i762.) Bafire, 1766. Burke, 1772. Collyer,i79i, Frye, 176?. Id. Id. Green. Houllon. Id. Id. Id. Id. 1772. Laurie, 1772. Miller. Neggs. Pont, 1790. Ryland. Spilfbury. Id.(exc.)i767 Id. (exc.) Id. Worlidge. R. Eailom, 1770. R. Purcelle. Appleton. Aften, 1792. Bartolozzi. Bretherton. Burke, 178 , rc.io,iix. Cl.ili I. ( 3^1 ) — fia. Icn. ■',... — with his brother Prince pREnERiCK — wh. Icn. in robes - - - — oval ..... /b. mex,. ■ A tncz. — wh. len. in robea, hat with a feather in his hand 1774. mez, — id. with his brother Prince Frederick . nuz. — oval - • -.-... — oval, with ornaments .-•... — a buil ...... ^ 8^j;j. — leaning on his horfe, wh.len. ... Jh. mez,. — ill. in a hat with feathers ..... Jh, mez. TalnWr ar Dcligner. Engraver or Pnnifclier. J. RnfTel jj. Collyer,l702. 15. We(t,i777JV. Green. J. Reynolds J. Jones, 1790. VV. IVther. Princes Frederick and William Henry are infcrted in clafs 2, as Dukes of York and Clarence. EDWARD, fourth Son of the King. Nat. 1767. — oval ....... .. R. Brumpton Id. T. Lawrence K. Cofway T. Gainfboro' Ca? Read CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA, Princefs RoyaL Nat. 1766. — a large oval -.--... AUGUSTA SOPHIA. * Nat. 1768. ELIZABETH. Nat. 1770. MARY. Nat. 1776. — with her fillers, Sophia and Amelia, 1792 /h. ^0. SOPHIA. Nat. 1777. AMELIA. Nar. 1783. 1791. 4/0. AUGUSTA, Wife of Charles William Frederick, Duke of Brunfwick, ; Siller of the King. - - - - Jl. mez. — when a child .... — with her child, wh. len. CHARLES WILLIAM FREDERICK, Duke of Bruns- wick. — when Prince of Brunfwick - copied, Jh. Aez. LOUISA ANN, Sifter of the King. Ob. 1768, set. 19. — a girl, in a fmall cap - • . - . mm. CAROLINE MATILDA, Conf>rtof Christian VII. King of Denmark, I766i Silter of the King. Ob. 1775, set. 24. - .-.--.- -^"'-^ . * There is a iTieet print by V. Green, after Weft, containing th' portraits of tlic Princes Ernest Augustus, Augustus Frederick, and Adolphus Frederick; Auguiia Sophia, Elu.ibeth, and M.irv. S s H. Ramberg Ramberg Ramberg J.S Copley J. Hoppner Sallier. J. Saunders. Id. E. Scott, 179:. W. Sliarp, 1790. Id. 1792. J.R.Smith, 1785. Id. 1792. Car-Walfun, Ramberg Hoppner \y . I^awrence Rambero; Reynolds Phillips S. Piggot, 1790. W. Ward, 1 789. Ward, 1789. Ward, 17S9. F. Banolozzi. Ca.WatfoniySy. Ward, 1789. Ca. Watfon. BartolozzI Ward, 17S9. m' Ardell. J. Faber, 1738. J.G.Quiefenfis ra' Ardell. J.S.Liotard R. Houfton. de Bievre. (22 PtrioirX. Clafj I. oral mez. - fol. Ji3. mcz. CHRISTIAN VII. of Denmark, Rex, 1766. — oval frame, collar of the garter — profile ? painted in 1768 — id Nat. 749- mez. mez, /{to. AMELIA, fecond Daughter of King George II. Jet. 76. — Qval^ pearls in her hair ... — holding a chaplet - - ., - — \vh. len. - - ■ — wh. len. ...--. -^ with her filler Princefs Ann, Per.vili. clafs I. — with her filler Caroline Elizabeth, ibid. Ob. 1786. mez, mez. la. fol. mez. fj. mez. . - f.l. MARY, Wife of Frederick II. of Hesse-Cassel, 1740; fourth Daughter of George II. Ob. 1772, ffit. 48. — -------- miz, — - - -- - - - ■• mez, — Handing, in robes - - - - - mez. — in the print with her filler Louisa, Per. viil. clafs I. — in the print with the Duke of Cumberland, when young, clafs 2. CLASS II. PEERS,. Tames Hamilton, 1 . ^1 o Earl of j Abercorn, 1744. Ob. 1789 Painter or Deligner, Ensraver vi Primfellcr. F. Cotes, 1 766 Cotes N. Dance A. Kauffman P. Falconet H. Hyfing Maingo,i720 P. Meicier Id. 1728 R. Brookfhaw. Martinet. J. Watfon. E. Filhcr, 1768. Houllon. D. Parifet. T. Woilidge. Faber. Id. Id. J. Simon. Amiconi jj. Wagner,l733, J. Worfdale G. Bockman. Faber. del. et fc. Ij. Simon. — wh. len. in robes. P.P. . Jh. mez. j 'f 1 f /> Albemarle, 1 755. Ob. 1772, set. 48. — id. — own hair, fafh and gorget '^'Sd^"'^''"'' } Amherst, 1776, K. B. — abufl in a circle, anonymous — in armour - . - . George Anfon, Lord ANso^f, 1747- Ob. 1762, at. 65. — as admiral - - . . — oval, with ornament* mez, mez. T. Galnfljoro' 1778 ij. Dean. J. Reynolds Id. Fifher, 1762. C. Spooner. . J. Miller. Reynolds 1 7 58 J. Watfon ( 1 764) mez, Reynolds m' Ardcll. mez. Bockman. la. fol. A. Pond iC. Grignion 1744 ,<. f J' Wandclaer,^ tt , , 4'"' \ I , » r . iJ- Houbraken. mn% \ Johnfon, 1747 reriod IX, Cl.ils II. ( 323 ) Painter or D,;ligncr. Henry Bathurfl:, "1 Apsley, 1775; Son of Henry, Earl Ba- Lord j thurft. — wli. len. wiih lu's brother - - mcz, N. Dance Kngrjver »r Printfdlcr. Archibald Camp-") . r^, ^ bclUXikeot jARGVLE, 1743. Ob. i76i,a3t. 79. three qrs. len. ftanding, library, dated 1 744. mcz. — hat under his arm, dated 1749 - fmallcr — wh. len. fitting, dated 1755 - 1 - John Campbell, 1 , ^ ^m Dukeof JArgvle, 1761. Ob. 1770. — wh. len. - - - . . John Dunning, "I Ashburton, 1782; Sol. Gen. 1767; Lord / figned, 1770. Ob. 1783,^1.52. A. Ramfay Id. Id. mez, T. Gainfboro' re James Murray, Duke of John Murray, Duke of FrederlckCalvert Lord — large oval, gown and band; dated 1787 - - J. Reynolds — fitting, gown of Chanc. Duchy of Lane. J1i.\ Id. — a fmall oval, profile - - - l-]-]i.mcz. R.Stewart. \ Athol, 1724. Ob. 1764, a;t. 74. — wh. len P.P. fTifz. J.Davidf.1737 > Athol, 1764. Ob. i 774, «t. 45. — a fmall etching, profile, anonymous ,"1 Baltimore, ; tried for a Rape, 1767. J Ob. 1 771. — oval Richar Earl lard Barry, "1 „ xi ^ arl of >• Barrymore, 1773. Nat. 1769. — with emblems of Cupid \ Bath, 1742. Ob. 1764, at. 82. 8i»o. nie%, R. Cofway William Pulte- ney, Earl of — in the Kit-Cat club . . . — ha. len. ermined robes ... — three qrs. in a velvet coat, fcarf over It Reynolds T. Watfon,i776. J. Faber. Id. J. Watfoni769. F. Bartolozzi, Id. 1790, Faber. (J.Thane),i77J. J.S.MllIer. J. Jehner, 1778. m< At dell. mcz. GKnelleri7i7 Faber, 1732. folA Ramfay D. Martin, 1 763. mez. Kneller J. Simon. Henry Bathurft, "1 Bathurst, 1775; Juft. C. P. 1754; Ld. '^ ' } Chanc. 1771. Nat. 17 14. Earl Francis Ruflel, Duke of Lord Edward — when Lord Apsley — wh. len. ithz. \ !R.Houfl:on,i773. mez. DMartinl776T. Watfon,] 77b". > Bedford, 1771. Nat. 1765. — as the tutelar faint of England, with his bro-T theis Ld. HtNRY and Ld. Wm. Ri;ssel, > and Mifs Vernon - . . JJj, mez.J Bentinck, Brother of the Duke of Port- Jand, I 744. — in the print with the Dukeof Portland, below. S S 2 Reynolds V. Green, 1778, PrrioJ IX. Ciafs II. ( 3U ) Painter or Oefigner. VViiliam Blake- } b.^.^^^ney, 1756. Ob. 1761, a;t. 91. ney, Lord J ' -^ — ha. len. when general, 1755 - - '"''»• — three qrs. len. left hand on a dog - mex. — three qrs. len. hat on - - - - mcx. — \vh. len. view of St. Phillips, an etching fa'. CadvvalladerBlayO j^^^^.^,^ 1767. Ob. 1775. ney, Lord J ' / / 1 ' j — as grand mailer of the free mafons, a proa/ mez. William Stewart, 1 „ , ^^^, ^, , „/•„ ,, , .- ' > Blessington, . Ob. 1709. ]::.arl or J ' when Vifconiit Mountjoy, 1738, as grand! mailer of the mafons - Norborne Berke- \ Bottetourt, 1764; Governor of Virginia. Ob. 1776 .? — profile, from a medallion - . . . ley. Lord } John Bowes, Lord Bowes, ; Cb. Bar. of Exch. in Ireland, ; Ld. Chanc. 1759. Ob. 1767. _.•----- mez. — wh. len. - - ■ - P. P. mex. The feals, and key of groom of the ftole, were added in the fecond impreffion. AuguftusHervey Earl of ' I Bristol, 1775. Ob. 1779, ^t. 5^. — wh. len. when commander in the navy mez. HenryScotjDukeofBuccLEUGH, 1751 ; K. T. Nat. 1746. — with Lady Marv Scot fondling a dog /h. mez. D.vid^EHki„e. JB„e„...„6,. — when Lord Cardross, in a Van Dyckdrefs, T 1765. mrz. J George Grenville,! Bt'CKiNGHAM, 1784; Ld. Lieut, of lre- N. T. Marq. of J land, 1782. Nat. 175J. — collar of the garter .... - Jh. i ''^e" T'?^"' I Buckinghamshire, 1756. Nat. 1722. — a head ...-.-. — a medallion, profile, done by order of a fociety 1 of ladies, when ambaffador at Peteifburgh J Lord BuRGHERSH, Son of the Earl of Weftmore- land. Nat. 1784. . — wh. len. a child, dated 1786 . . . G. Chalmers Curry J. ZofTany J. Reynolds T. Gainfboro' Reynolds Gainfboro' 1787 Reynolds Engraver Of Hiimieller. ra' Ardell, 175'), J. Faber, 1748. R. Purcell, 1756. Faber, 1741. H. Afhby, 17 74. Brooks. J. Watfoni76o. E. Fiflier, 1 763. J. Dixon, 1771. J. Finlayfon. J.R.Sherwini788 M. Darley, 1774. Guericifrinoll, 1766. F. Battolozzi. Period !X. Clafs 11. ( 3»5 ) John Stuart, Earl of Bute, 1723. Ob. 1792, a?r. 79. — in robes, (landing, three qrs. li.M. - mf%. — vvli. Icn. collar ot" the thiltio - - Jij. Tile garter was added afterwards. John Stuart, Earl of Bute, 1792. wht:ii Lord Mountstuart, la. oval, own hair Painter or Dcfi^i.cr. A. Rnmfay Id. 1760 N? JTone Kn^raver or Frintlclicr. — id. vi'h. lea. in robes P. P. 1790. hi. ^lo. K^'- Ronmey — Lord Cardi FFE, oval — wh. len. richly drelTed, ftanding — oval, in tobes. P. P. - la.fol. mez. Reynolds mcx.. jJ.S.Liotaid . ! r. Gainlbjro Charles Pratt, Bar. "1 Camden, 17S6; Ch. Jufl. of C. P. 1762; 1765; Earl J Ld. Clianc. 1766. Nac. 1730. — wh, len. — profile, like a drawing — wh. len. — wh. len. — holding Magna Charta — a fmall oval, profile In.fo!. Li, ^Io. »IIZ. ■ - foL - 1766. mfs. me%. Frederick How- ard, Earl of Charles Cathcarr, Lord Lord John Lord Richard i Carlisle, 1758, K.T. Nat. 1748. — ftar and ribbon, fitting — wh. len. .... [ Cathcart, 1740. Ob. 1776. p. P. i^o. 1763. mez. — - - .... 1770. mc~: \ Cavendish, fourth Son of William, third Duke of Devon (hi re. Nat. 1732. — -- ..... me:c Cavendish, Second Son of William, fourth Duke of Devonfliire. Ob. 17B1, at. 30. Reynolds (Dance) Reynolds Id. W. Hoare RomneyiySo RcjTiolds Reynolds Reynolds James Caulfield, "1 Charlemont, 1763; Vifcount, 1734. Nat Earl of J 1728. — wh. len. fitting in his uniform, through the 1 n t ■ r windows a view of the volunteers JIi. mcz. ] ' ' *■" — an etching 4/0. W. Hogarth — oval, profile . . . . . j^to. H. Iloiie WilliamPittjEarlof Chatham, 1766 j Secretary of State. Ob 1778, fft. 70. — a bull, fronting It a female figure with a fpear, 1 and his character by Mr. Gratton, aq. lint.Jh, J — wh. len. (landing- - - - la.jl. nuz. R. Brumpton — three qrs. fitting .... ncz. W. Hoare — id. ....... mez, f' — ha. len. 1778. Jl\ \ Brumpton — -....,. 1761. mez, Hoare The Death of the Earl of Chatham. ' — with many portraits . - ijyi- Jt), J.S.Copley R. Purcell, t'/^3. W. Ryland.iyGj. W. Baillie, 1-79. F. Bartoloz'/i. E. Fi(her, 1777. J.R.Smith, 1774. Ca.Walfoa, ijc;]. J. Bafire, I7f;6. J. Collier. J.GHaid. S.F.Ravenet 1766 J. Spilfbury A. 6tewart.(e.\c) J.K.Shcrvvini782 Spiilbury. J.m'Ardell, and R. Houlloa. J. Grozer, 17S6. J.R.SmIth, 1 78 1. J. Dean, 1785. Haynes. NugcntI790. Barry, l'77S. Fi(her, J 779. Houfton Id. 1766. J.K.Sherwin. Id. 1784. Spiltbury. Bartolozzi. r-Tioj IX. CUfs 11. rhil.DormerStan- "1 of ] lK)pe, Karl ( :2'5 ) Chesterfield, 1726. Ob. 1773, at. 78. p— a bu'K inMaty's "Memoirs," 1777 — wh. len. robes, bud of Cicero • Jl. mez. — two, oval, profile, prefixed to his "Letters" Svo. — oval, with his Addrefs to the Icifn Pari. 1 745 tiiez. William ITeiir Duke of '•■■>■■ 1 — oval, plain drefs, flar and ribband - mcz. — an oval, held by Diogenes. Clarence, 1789; third Son of the King. Nat. 176S. A — from his bud by Lochee — wh. len. in robes — wh. len. ,.-...- — with naval emblems ^ . - - - mez. - - - 4/0. Jht mez, RoLcit Cli'>e, Lord Clive, 1761; Governor Gen. of Bengal. Ob. 1774, JEt. 49. — a large head, ftar - - Copied, Jl. mez. — three qrs. len. in his uniform P. P. I "88. Jh, CoRNWALLis, 1792; Earl, 1762; K. G. Gov. Gen. of Bengal. Nat. 1738. — a fmall oval, own hair, 17S1 — oval -_.--.-. — a fmall oval ...... Bartolozzi and P. Sandby. F. Birnie, 1767. ,V. Green, r. Lawrence £. gcott, 1788. J. Hoppner £. Hodges, 1 792. larles Corn- "1 vvallis. Marquis J Geo C . NalTau Clav. | owper, Earl j George m'Kenzie Earl of '"} William Auguf- ") lusj Di:ke of J CowPER, 1764; F. R. S. Ob. 17S9, £er. 5 1 . — in a circular frame, own hair, ftar and crofs of ^ St. Hubert, French infcription - ^vo. J Ckomartie, .; convidled of Treafon, 1746. Qb, 1766. .— ...... 4/0. mez- — prefixed to his " Memoirs," 1746, ^vci,- CuMBERLAND, 1726; Unclc to the King. Ob. 1765, at. 44. . — on horfeback ...... Painter or Engraver or Dcfigner. Pn.U.i-ellcr. ad vivum F. Bartolozzi. VV. Hoarc 1. Brooks. J. CoUyer. R. Houltoti. Sherwin. Hoare J- Simon. B. Weft (ad vivum) Weft T. Galnfboro',^. Aidell. N. Dance Bartolozzi. D. Hamilton Bartolozzi. D. Gardiner F. Hawardl784» J. Reynolds C. Knight, 1780. J. E.Mansfield, Vienna, 17S4. with his hat on - - wh. len. hat and boots with twelve Englilh verfes on horfeback robes of the garter oval, hat on oval - - . - oval, in armour on horfeback a fmall round mez, mez. mcz, nuz. mez. m Denbigh, 1755. Nat. 1720. — holding a bill for the Umitation of privilege^, mrz. Edward Stanley, 1 t-* c Earl of I Derby, 1776. Francis Dafli- wood, Lord le three qrs. len. plain drefs > Despencer, 1763. Ob. 1781. Hi. mcz,. — when Sir Francis Dashwood, ha. len. hand Archibald Dou- glas, Lord |dou on his breaft GLAS, 1790. — when a commoner, an oval, fupported by the 1 buds of Lds Cam DEN and MANSFiELDj'Zi.mfa;. _) — infcribed « MI Lord." . . . - William Caven- ") t^ /: -nt o difli,Dukeof I Devonshire, 1764; Nat. 1748. in a plain drefs Lion. Cranfield ion. Cranfield 1 y-i /->u ^ Sackv.Dukeofl°°^'^^' ^7^°- Ob. 1763. — oval, collar of the garter — in the Kit-Cat clnb - - . — wh. len. with his filler Lady Mary* — three qrs. len. robes of the garter mez,, mez. mez. fol. id. white wand, collar of the garter - la. Jul. illiam Ponfon* "l-r-, r rii-irn/T. i . -yY r f Duncannon, lonor the Earlor Belborough. * Afterwards Duchefs of Beaufort. Ob. 1705. Painlcr or Engraver t^r Dcfigncr. I'rimfcllcr. A. Tond S. Ravenct, 1 747 Ridinger. J- Gracieux G. Scotin. JK.Shtrv.in. J. Simon. Id. Id. C. Rufca Id. ,1. High more J. Smith, 17:9. c. Jcrvas G. Venue. N. A. Beach ij. Jones, 1789. Reynolds T. Watfon,i774 Reynolds V. Green, 1778. Dance J. Watts, 1775. Gainfboro'G, Keating,i785 Carpenter t t' t 1739. J- I^aber, 1753. G. WiUifon Seve Lochan. Reynolds JR.Smith, 1776. Kneller. m' Ardell(l7Jo) Id. Faber, 1731. Id. J. Smith, 169J. Id. Vertue, 17^2. Id. Id. (173 7-) Reynolds J. Grozer, 17S6, PenoJ IX. CUfs II. ( 328 ) Painter or Dcfigner. Tohn Richard, "1 t-, xi ^ Vifcount JDi^NGARvoN. Nat. 1765. — with his brothers Courtenav and Charles 1 „ _, - EovLE 1 ^- <^°^"'=>y Thomas Howard,") Effingham, Hail of John Percival, Earl of James Hay, Earl of Lord Henry } ; Governor of Jamaica. Ob. 1791. — wh. len. etched ...... — wh. len. infcribtd " A confident cliarafter," re- figiiing the ftafF of Deputy Earl Marfliall 4/0. ^ Egmont, 174S. Ob. 1770, £er. 59. — in robes, right hand on a coronet - mez. T. Hudfon — when Vifcount Percival, left hand on his 1 _ ,, fuord ..... nu-z, J •' — ....... Svo, mez. F. Zincke ^ Errol, 1761. Ob. 1778. — wh. len. ftaff of Ld. HighConftableofScot.T . „ ,, land, P.P. - - - - - mez.J J' Reynolds Fitzgerald, brother of the Duke of Lein- ller. Nat. 1761. EngraTcr or Prir.tfellcr. Ad.Biick in the character of Don Feli of the " Wonder" :,ix, ill the comedy 1 , ^- John Fitzgibbon, "(^ FiTZGiBBON, 1789; Lord Chancellor of 1790 , "I FiTZGl Lord J Ireland. wh. len. Cofway rn^. CG.Sluart ■n Fitzwil- ") r- ^ xt o r- ] > biTZWILLIAM, I756. Nat. I 748. William Fitzwil- liam Jacob Bouverle, ") Folkstone, 1747 ; Firfl Prefidcntof the So- J ciety for Arts, &c. Ob. 1761 Vifcount Reynolds — a fmall oval, Society 1, prefixed to the proceedings of the "I 'r p • n, > . Svo, J ; ■ *"' William FTenry, "1 Glotcester, 1764, brother of the King. Duke of } Nat. 1743. William Frede- "|^ Gloucester, fon of William Duke of G. Nat. 1776. — wh, len. in a Van Dyck drefj - - * rick, of J Nat. 1776. Francis GodoU ") ^ /->./•/- o phin, Earl of j ^odolphin, 1712. Oo. 1766, a:t. 87. — in the Kit Cat club ... ^n G. KntUer — in a flowered coat .... f;;,a. Id. Hamilton Reynolds J. Jones, 1786. J. S. 1782. m' Ardell, 1764. J. Fabet, Id. i744« T. Watfon, J. Mannin,i79i, T. Park, 1 788. F. Bartolozzi. C. Hodges, 1 790. J. Grozer,i78<. C. Sherwin. R. Earlom. Ca.Watfon. Fabcr, I734> G. White. Period IX. Clafs II. Lord George Aug. Hen. Fitz- roy, Duke of John Manners, Marquis of } Thomas Robin- fon. Lord John Robinfon, Lord Fletcher Norton, Lord John Carteret, Earl of Richard Grof- venor. Lord Frederick North, Earl of Georsfe D. Mon- tagu, Earl of } ( 3^-9 ) GORDOIT, — wh.len. ..... Jol. — a fmall oval profile ...... — witli his beard, as an Ifradite . - . Grafton, 1757. Nat. 1736. — a very fmall oval, profile, robes of Chanc. of] the Uiiiv. of Camb. - - . - J — ill a military drefs, P. P. - - - nuT.. Granby. Nat. 1721. Ob. 1770. _ k,fol. — on hotfeback .... Jli. mez, — id. relieving a fick foldier - - oii. mez. — oval, laced hat - • - - - mez. — ........ mez. — \vh. len. leaning on his horfe . - - mez. — a fmall oval ....... Grantham, 1770; Ambaffador to Spain. Ob. 1786, XI. 48. — fitting, a viewofthe Efcurial - 1783, mfz. Grantham, 1786. Nat. 1741. — with hia-brothers Frederick andPniLiP, 1791 Grantley, 1782; Attorn. General, 1763. Ob. 1789, jet. 72. — a fmall wh. len. an etching . . . . Granville, 1744. Ob. 1763. at. 73. — in an oval frame, vignette - - la.foL — a fmall oval with ornaments, prefixed to Dr. 1 Taylor's " Demollhenes." ■ - - J .^ when Lord Carterlt, oval ... mez^ Grosvenor, 1761.. Nat. 1731. — wh. len. in the gown of Mayor of Chefter, "1 1760, P. P. - - - - mez. J Guildford, 1790; Chanc. of the Exche- quer. Ob. 1792. — when Lord North, three qrs. len. fittingyj. mez. — id. oval, ribband - - . J'm.Jht mez, — young, Latin verfes, in " Bellendenus de 1 Statu" 1787 J Halifax, . Ob. 1 771. — oval, with his anfwer to the addixfs of the ] Houfe of Commons of Ireland, j 762. mez. J T t Painter or Dcligncr. Engraver sr Prinlfcller. ad vivum iR. Braw, 1780. TalTic C. Knight, 1783. Mifs Norfolk, Camb. PBattonii762'J. Watfon. G. Bickhani. J. Reynolds JR. Houllon, li. Penny Id. Hodorne | Johnfon,i76l. |R. Purcel. Spooner. Reynolds J. Watfon. T. Worlidge. Romney, 1780 Reynolds W. Dickinfon. T. Cheefman. V. SmifTon G. Kiicller B. Weft N. Dance Id. ;. s. 1782. T. Major, 1757. Nixon ? P. Pelham. Dickinfon. r. Burke, I 775". Id. 1775. Ramfay, \-]Gi\j. Jones, 1787. S. Wheatlcy. FerioJ IX, Cbfs II. Simon Harcourt, T Harcourt, 1749, Preceptor to the King. J Ob. 1778. Earl Geo. Simon Har- court, Earl own hair, holding a roll — in a wig, ha. len. — in a circle, profile mes, mez. I Ha RCOURT, 177S. — when Vifcount Nuke ham, oval, own hair mez. — id. profile ..... /^o. Hardwicke, 1754; Ch. Juft. of K. B. Philip York, Bar. "1 Hardwicke, 1754; Ch. Juft. of K. ] i733,Earlof J 1733 j Ld. Chan. 1 737. Ob. 1764. st. 7 Edward Haw Lord — wh. len. with the feals — oval frame, laced band, id. - — fitting, in Judge's robes — with the feals .... — oval, id. - - - - - '^^' Ihawke, 1776. Ob. 1781, at. 65. — when admiral .... — id. Charles fon. Jenkin- Jhawkesbu Lord J ry, 1786. — near wh. len. fitting J* mez. Jlj, mez. - fi' mez. mez. Jh, mez, Jh, mez. mex. mez. Jli. mez George Auguftus"! Heathfield, 1787; Governor of Gibraltar. Elliot, Lord J Ob. 1790, at. 72. ■ ■ ■ - 1788. /j. - - A Par. 4/0. - - foL — his hat on — with the key of the garrifon — oval, profile, hat on — oval - X^"^'^S^>™Tfl Hertford, 1750 ; K. G. Nat. 1719. ^onway, Earl of J ' /j ' / 7 Fran Conway — in a flowered coat, hat under his arm — coat trimmed with fur, ftar, &c. Henry Fox, Lord Holland, 1763; Secretary of State. Ob. 1774- — in a plain coat — oval, embroidered coat mex, mez. ^^l^OTd'' "°°'^'} Hood, 1782 ? V. Admiral of England, 179 2. - mex. Painter or Defigner. B. Wilfon R. Hunter P. Falconet* D. Gardiner Falconet Wills A. Ramfay M. Dahl Id. T. Hudfon ad vivum G. Knapton Id. G. Romney J. Reynolds N. Hone Reynolds J.S.Liotard Ramfay Reynolds En'^ravcr or Prinlfeller. — a fmall oval, dated 1785. .... Richard Howe, 1 Howe, i 788 ; Vifcount, 1 782 ; Firft Lord of Earl J the Admiralty. — wh. len. ... - i']S2, Jh. mrz. ' ad vivum — ha. len. ...... mez. T. Gaitifcoro' — in the print of the fix Admirals, Clafs 6. • The fet of portraits by Falconet and D. P. Parifct, were all drawn by the former about the year 1768 m« Ardell, E. Fiiher, I775. D. Parifct. V. Green, 1772. Parifet. m' Ardell. Id. B. Baron. G. Bockman. J. Faber, 1735. Id. Id. 1737. m« Ardell. Wilfon. J. Murphy, 1788 F. Bartolozzi. Id. 1788. Mechet,i784. R. PoUard,i782. J. Dixon, 1766. J. Watts, 1786. m« Ardell. Id. 1762. J. Jones, 1783. Shcrwin. B. Ki'IIngbeck. J. Watfon,i778. Period IX, Clafs II. ( 331 ) bos. Alex. Er- "I ^r _ /: /-m o fkine, Earlof JKem-v,i756. Ob. 1781, ^t. 49. — fitting ..... Lloyd Kenyon, 1 Ken yon, 1788; Ch. Juft. of K. B. 1788 ; J Mafter of the Rolls, 1784. la. ^lo. Lord — a fmall oval — id. ■ A 1789. 1781. J. Opi, Auguftus Keppel, 1 Kephel, 178 ; Fiift Ld. of the Admiralty. Yifcount J Ob. 1786. 1779. mcz. - mez. - mez. ^lo. me%. - 4'<'. Thomas Hay, Earl of — oval frame, profile, with a vignette [Kinnoul, 1758. Ob. 1787, at. 77. — when Lord Dupplin, three qrs. len. - mez. Humphrey But- 1 Lanesborough, 1736; Vifcount, 1735. ler, Earlof J Ob. 1768. — wh. len. in robes, holding a paper in his left 1 hand ... - - Jh. mez. J '™ar"ufs7' }la.s.ow..,784. N«. ,737. Painter or Dcfigncr, r.njraveror Priiufellcr. R. Home G. Romney J. Reynolds Id- 1752. Scott del. et fe. W. Hoare C. Brown Dubl. — la. oval — wh. len. an etching 1787. J^^^^^j'^ahland, j Lauderdale, 1744. Ob. 1789. — wh. len. P. P. /a. i^o •^'mToF''^"^'} L^^^^-^^^' ^766. Ob. Z773> -t. 51 when Earl of Kildare, 1744, three qrs. len.l robes - - . . - »n«.J '^aW^^flL^x^-.-VTS- Nac.,749. - mez, - mez. George Legge, ] Lewisham. Nat. 1755. Vifcount J . '^•' — collar open, anonymous - - ijS^.mez. James Hewit, "1 Lifford, 1789 ; Juft. of K. B. in England, Vifcount J 1766; Ld. Chanc. in Ireland, 1768. — . - - - - - 177 5- "lez, — wh. len. fitting ... - Jh, mez. John Lewis Ligo-ILiGONiER, 1776; Vifcount, 1763; General. nier. Earl J Ob. 177 , at. 92. when Sir John L. view of an army T t 2 T. Gainfboro Brown Reynolds Reynolds C.G.Stuart Reynolds W. Madden Reynolds J. Lathem J. Brooks R. BIyth, 1782. J. FIttler, 1789. li. Hedges, ^exc) R. Stewart, (cxt) W.Dickinfon. W. Doughty. E. Fifher,l75g. J. Jehiier, 1779. R. Pollard, 1779. Hodges. J. Brooks F. Bartolozzi. R. S. 1782. S. Harding,! 792 m' Ardell. J. Dixon, 1775. C ? Hodges,! 792. J. Spil/bury, Dickinfon. R. Dunkarton. \ tenoi IX. Clafs II. ( 532 ) A- when Sir John Ligonier, on horfeback_y2'. mes. — id. arms . . . - . la.fol. — hand in his bofom, ftar - 1756. wcz. — on horfeback, an outline etched - - /ol. ''Mk;I,t5"']^^""»'-'"- ^"■■'"- — " Lord Ancram," on horfeback, Huffar 1 i. rnez, J — when Ld. Newbattel ... mrz. drefs .Jh. — id. together with Lady Elizabeth Ker, his 1 fifter . „ . . . piez. J John Campbell, ] Loudoun, 1732. Ob. 1782. Earl ot J ' / J / — wh. len. in a highland drefs - tnez. - mez. Alexander Wed- 1 Loughborough, 1780; Ch. Juft. of C. P. dcrburn. Lord _] 1 780. — three qrs. len. fitting - - • fi. riicz. — a fraall oval .... 1785. — - . _ . - . J/j. mez, — --.-.- Jmaller. Charles Bingham Lord ' \ LUCAN, 1776. T,?rd ^"^^°"' j Lyttelton, 1756. Ob. 1773, at. 64. — oval, profile, prefixed to his " Works," %vo. — id. - - - - - 1 774' fd, Thomas Lyttel- "1 v /^i _- ton, Lord j Lvttelton, 1773. Ob. 1779. — with a phantom - - ' - - - msz. George Macart- "1 Macartney, 1792; Lord, 1776; K. B. ney, Vifcount J Ambaflador -to China, 1792. — ha. len. ftar and ribband - - - mez, George Parker, "1 , «^ ^, ^ P °, r > Macclesfield, 173a. Ob. 1764. PM^^Stanhope, |^^„^^, Ob. ,763, - 'T- James Harris, Lord Malmsbury, 1788 ; K. B. Nat. 1746. — when Sir James Harris, near wh, len. fit- ting > '.:} GeorgeMontagu, 1 ,- r rw 00 D k f ^Manchester, 1762. Ob. 17S8, £et. — fitting, with the wand of Lord Chamber- 1 lain ..... jh,mcz,] Y.iint«f or Dcfigner. Engraver or rriiUfelltr. J. Reynolds J. Fournier E. Fifher. P. Tan^e, 1747, H. Worfdale J. Dixon. RHunteri76i Fifher, 17691 Ca. Read V. Green. A. Ram fay Id. J. Faber. Spooner, Reynolds J. Grozer,i786. E. Hedges,(exc.) M.Brown H.Hudfon, 1791, Id. Id. 1792. Reynolds J. Jones, 1787. B. Weft Id. J. CoUier. R. Dunkarton. R. Cofway C TownleyjiySi M.Brown Kudfon,i7fio. THudfoni7J3 Faber, 1754. j I Ramfay 1762.J. Watfon, 1764 Reynolds C. Watron,i786.- C. G. Stuart 1 Jones, 1 790. reritfd IX. Clafs II. { 333 ) I Painter er i Cnjrivtror Uefignci. Printfellcr. Lord Robert Manners. Nat. 1758. Ob. 1782. — wh. len. 1783. OTcz, J. Reynolds W. Dickiufou, William Murray, ") Mansfield, i 776 ; Baron, 1756 ; Ch. Juft. Earl of J ofK.B. 175 , refigned 1788. Nat. 1708. — oval fiami:, with oriiamtnts - Ed'inb. Jul. ^. Loo A. Baillle. — three qrs. leii, fitting in Judge's robes 1786. _/i. I Reynolds F. Bartolo/./.i. — id. holding papers ... - 4/0. W. Grimaldi J. Jones, 1791. — wh. len. fitting, hand on an open book la.JhA ad vivum D. Martin, 177J. 1781. R. Stewart, (exc.) Hugh Hume, Earl of George Spencer Duke of — a fmall oval, profile, io a hat > Marchmont, 1740. ' ^Marlborough, 1758. Nat. 1738. — wh. len. . . - . . 4/0. P. Faleonct D. Parifet. mez. G. Romney — with his Duchefs and children, a fmall fquare - S. Shelly George Keith, Earl Marischal.i 7i2iattainted, 1716. Ob. 177S. Jones, 1786. Bartolozzi. — set. 23 a bull mez. iP. Parocel J. Simon. 4/0. Jo^phLeefon, j M,.,ot;N, . Nat. 17*9. — when Lord Russborough, two fmall wh. 1 . -v r \ o r> • kns. ' - • ' - . -J I "'^ C.Grignon,i773. Howard, Lord Morpeth, fon of Fred. E. of Carlifle. — Kt. 13, 1786, a large oval . - . . George Edg- "1 Mount-Edgcumbe, 1789 ; Vifcount, 1781, cumbe, Earl Nat. 1730. Conftantine John! Mulgrave, in Ireland, 1775; in England, Phipps, Lord _) 1 790 ; Capt. Navy, and F. R. S. Ob. 1 792. John Bourke, Vifcount — oval, unfinifhed, unique — another, dated 1774. I" Naas, 1776. Ob. 1777. — fitting, holding a paper l']']'].Jh, mtK. Reynolds T. Trotter, 17 86. Reynolds E. Fi/her, 1 761. Thomas Pelham Hoks > Pelham "1 . -, ^, ,„ , Duke of) ^^^^^^'^^^' ^715- Ob. 176S, St. 74. Hunter Dickinfon. — fittnig, robes v.f the garter - . - m«. |W. Hoare m' Ardell. — ftandnig, robes and wand - - . nu-ti. G. Kncller |j. Faber, j. — oval, wand of Ld. Chamberlain - . mezA Id. iP. Pelham. — three qrs. len. wand - - . . mezA Id. J. Smith. — fitting at a table, in the print with Henry Earl | of LiNCUL.s, Per. viij, CI. 2. j | ( m ) TtnoH IX. CUfslI. "^ D^i or"^' ] ^-^^^-^> '777. Ob. 1786, ^t. 65. — fitting in robes . - . . 1791.^. Charles Howard, "! -^-r n^ m .. ^,/: Duke of j Norfolk, 1786. Nat. 1746. — when Earl of Surrey, wh. len. an etching — wh. len. ..... Jh. -J Robert Henley, "1 Northington, 1764; Baron, 1760; Lord Earl of J Keeper, 1757; Ld. Chanc. 1761. Ob. 1772. — with the infignia of Ld. Chancellor Jh. mez. Hugh Smithfon, 1 Northumberland, 1766; Earl, 1750. Duke of J Ob. 1786. — oval frame, plain drefs, ftar, &c. 1772 ^0. me%. — ha. len. collar of the garter ... mez. — -------- me%. — a fraall etching. Hugh Percy, \ Northumberland, 1786. Nat. 1742. Duke of J . . — when Ld.WARKWORTH, in his iiniform,i76j mez,. — when Earl Percy, id, - - . - mtz. ■Robert Nugent, "1 xt ^,, „„/• Earl I Nugent, 1776. — wh. len. an etching . - - - - Horace Walpole, "1 /->.,., ^ ., - Earl of ^ 'JOrford, 179.. — when a commoner, three qrs. len. - - me%. — ........ i^o. — ........ 8^0. John Boyle, Earl "1 Orrery, 1731 ^ and Corke, 1753. Ob. of J 1762, at. 54. — ..----•- mt%. — profile, in a fmall circle, an etching - . - He^nry Herbert, j p,^3,,^,, ,750. Nat. 1734. — in a military uniform ... Jh, mez. — with his Countefs and fon - - obi. mez. George Pigot, Lord PiGOT, 1765. Ob. 1777. — on horfeback . . - - . mez. — oval frame, in a laced hat ... mez. Alexander Hume "1 Polwarth, ion of the Earl of Marchmont. Campbell, Lord J Ob. 1781, £et. 31. — oval frame, Van Dyck, drefs - la.Jol.mcz. Pointer or Dcfigncr. Engr»«r or Printfeller. H. Gainfboro '783- T. Hudfon H. Hamilt"n J. Reynolds Sharpies P. Falconet P. Battoni Reynolds Falconet Reynolds ad vivum Reynolds Id. G. Stubbs Powell Falconet Ann Forbes T. HoUoway. J. S. 1782. JK. Shcrwini790 J, m« Ardell. J. Finlayfon. E. Fifher. Hodges,! 784. D. Parifet. Finlayfon. v. Green, 1777. J- S. 1782. m' Ardell, 1757. Parifet. B. Reading. J. Faber, 1741. (B.Wilfon.) J. Dixon. J. Watfon,i773. B. Green, 1 769. Scawen. Parifet. J.R.Smith. { 335 ) Period IX. Clafs U. William Ben- 1 n „ , „„ r c\\ il tinck, Duke of] ^^^''^^^^^ i7-6. Ob. 1762, a^t. 53. — an oval, between two others, of MARCARnT") his Duchefs, and Lady M. W. Montacuf. J \Vm. Henry Ben- 1 „ .,/c m . o I TA I r f- Portland, 1762, Nat. 1 7^8. tnick, Duke of J ' ' '^ — reding on Ills liand .... rntz. — with Ld. Edward Bentinck, his brother mcz. Charles Douglas, ") Queensbury and Dover, 171 i. Ob. 1778. Duke of _| St. 80. — oval frame ..*.*. me%, — wh. len. in a Van Dyck drefs ; anonymous mez, Francis Rawdon "I r. o Haftings, Lord 1^^^^°^' '783- — oval .-.-.... — wh. len. in his uniform - - Jh. mez. Charles Lenox, ") t, Duke of j Richmond, 1750. — fitting and reading .... mez. The ftar was afterwards added. — -------- mez. — hat under his arm - . « . - mez. — in embroidered clothes, folitaire - - mez. ^X^for }Rock,»o».m,,75o. Ob. ,78.. — wh. len. garter robes, holding a roll - - mcz. — three qrs. len. plain drefs . - . rnez. — oval, dated 1789 ...... — oval, radiated, a head .... 4/0, George Bridges "1 Rodney, 1782, K. B. Vice Admiral of Eng- Rodney, Lord J land. Ob. 1792, a:t. 74. — ....... 1780. mfz. — in a hat ..-.-- mez. — oval ........ — a fmall head fupported by emblematic figures "1 hi ^"'■' — wn. len. ..... mez. — a fmall oval . . - - - 178 . --------- mez. Robert Marfham, "It, m T , ' ^ RoMNEY, 1724. Nat. 1 712. — wh. len. in robes ... I'j'j^. mez — a fmall oval ...... Painter or Dcfigncr. Jingravtr or Printfcllcr. F. Ziiickc, '738- J. Reynolds B. Welt G. WiUifon Reyn.1757 Reynolds Id. G. Romncy Reynolds Peronneau B. Duppa Reynolds B. Wilfon Reynolds Reynolds H. Baron (ad vivum) T. Gainfboro' Reynolds Id. Reynolds Id. G. Veitue, 1733. J. lNIiirphy,i785 J.R.Smiih, 1774. V, Green, 1773. J. m' Ardcll. J. Baldrey,i784. J. Jones, 1792. J. Watfon, 1778. r. Watfon. Green. R. Houfton. E. Firtier, 1774. Houfton. Killingbeck. W. Dickinfon. Green. C. Knight. J. Miller, 1783. du Pont, 178J;. P, Tomkins. J. Watfon, 1762 J. Finlayfon. C. Shcrwin. feriod I5C, CUfs li. ( 336 ) JohaLeflcy, Earlj j^^^„^^^ ^„^^_ ^^ ^^^^^ — in his uniform, ftar and ribband - Ji. mez, ^^D^/or''' ] R"-^^-' '7^1. Ob. 1779, ^t. 83. — wh. len. in robes, (fince reduced) - 7^. mez, Charles Manners, "I Rutland, 1779; Lord Lieutenant of Ire- Duke of J land. Ob. 1787, ^t. '^'^. wh. len. — id. — oval l']gi. JI3. mez. - niez. Painter or Defigner. J. Reynolds C. Jervas Reynolds Id.' R. Cofway George Sackville 1 Sackville, 1782. Ob. 1783, a^t. 69. Germainej V lie. J ' ' ' -^ ^ — when Lord Girmaine, armour, and a furl coat ------ iiiez. J — id. ...... Reynolds - mez. G. Romney John Montague, "l Sandwich, 1729; firfl Lord of the Ad- Earl of _) miralty. Ob. 1792, at. 74. — three qrs. len. fitting, embroidered clothes mez. J. ZofFany — wh. len. Handing, dome of Greenwich Hofp. Ji, T. Gainlboro — a fmall oval, profile ... i-jjg. mez. John Baker Hoi- 1 ^ „ • roj'd, Lord | Sheffield, ,780-3. — oval — fquarc, in robes, arms — wh. len. /a, /^io. ' mez. J. Downman Reynolds A. Kauffman Molyneux Shuld- 1 c ^ a a • ^ ham, Lord j Shuldham, 1776 ; Admiral. — ...... -I ySo, mez. N, Dance Lord Henry Spencer,, fon of the Duke of Marlborough, Nat. 1770. — with his filler Lady Charlotte, fm. wh. lens. Granville Levefon 7 c o^ -m ^ A/i f 5- Stafford, 1786. Nat. 1717. Gower, Marq. or j ' ' — when Earl Gower, 1754, Privy Seal - mez ^^'^l^f'^''^''P''\srA^no?E,i'iS6. Nat. 1753. — \then Vifcount Mahon, in a laced hat - mez ' > Stormont, 1748. — oval, profile, in the Lond. Mag. 1779 David Murray Vifcount William Went- worth, Earl of [ Strafford, 1739. Ob. 1791, set. 79. ha. len, in robes me%. Reynolds Reynolds Prudhomme Reynolds Engravef »t Printfeller. m' ArdelL J. Faber. W. Dickinfon. C. Hodges, 1 79 1. W. Lane, 1791. m< Ardell, 1759. J. Jacobe, 1780. V. Green, 1774. J.K,Sherwini787 R. Stewart,(exc.) J. Jones, 1787. Id. 1789. J.R.Smith, 1777. Dickinfon. Jones, J 789. E. Fifher, 1765. T. Watfon,i77S. T. Trotter. m' Ardell, 1762, Period IK, ciafs n: { 337 ) ""^S^l }S-"H..,,786. Nat.:754. — when a commoner, wli. len. Painter of I Enjraver or Defigner. I Printfeller. - mez, 'T.Gainiboro' J.R.Smith, 1785. ^Vifcoui^^''^'' Itaaffe, 1738. Ob. 1769. Iri/h mez. — St. 26. fitting in a morning gown, books, &c. m«. J. Reynolds J. Walfon, 1767. Richard Grenville\ Temple, 1752; Privy Seal. Ob. 1779 Temple, Earl J £et. 68. — three qrs. len. robes of the garter, 1778 Jh. mez. ■ Reynolds :W. Dickinfon. — fitting, holding a plan of a building - m«. W. Hoare 'R. Houfton. Edward Thurlow Lord ' I Thurlow, 1778 ; Ld. Chancellor. — in a hat .... — id. a fmall oval, profile Id. Saycr, (exc,) 1783. 7^.' Reynold* F. Bartolozzi 4/0. S. Coilings " '" y^8l. Wm. Hen. Ben- tinck» Marquis ?"'r > TiTCHFiELD, 1768. IS or J ' ' ^ wh. len. in a Van Dyck drefs George Town- 1 Townshend, 1787 ; Vifcount, 1764. Nat. fhend, Marquis J 1724. Lord John meZ' TowNSHEND, Second Son of Geo. Marq. T. Nat. 1757. — ha. len. .... - Jh, mez. ^'^^/^^^^g^""^^"='}VALETORT, I781. Nat. 1764. — when a commoner ... 1774. »««. .. ..... mex. James Walde- 1 Waldegrave, 1741. 05.1763,^1.48. grave. Earl J ' /-r / j -r — profile ..--.. mex, '^^j°™^5'^«^''^y' J Walsingham, 1781. Nat. 1748. — when a commoner „ . - . ■ J^^^j^eft, Earl j^^^^ ^^g^_ ^^ ,^66, set. 73. — when a commoner, in a (hooting drefs, w. 1. 4/*. U U J. Conde,i792. E. Hedge8,(exc.) Reynolds J. Jehner, 1777. T. Hudfon ra' Ardeli. Reynolds J. Jones, 1789. Reynolds Dickinfon. Gainftoro'J. Dean« Reynolds Ld. Byroa m' Ardcll. H. Kingfbury, Roberti. ( 338 ) FerioJ IX. Clafs III. Francis Grev Earl of 'lie, I Warwick, 1759. Ob. 1773, xt. 54. — when Earl Brooke, 1746 ; ova], ftar P. P. mez, John Fane, Earl of Westmoreland, 1774. Nat, i Jan. 1759. Edward Aiiguf- tus, Duke of "1 York, 176c J 1767, ai:t. York, 1760; Brother of the King. Ob. 27. — wh. len. — oval - mez. - mez, - mez. - mez. - mez. — oval frame . . - . - — profile ....-•- — in the print of the Six Admirals, Clafs 2. Frederick, Duke of York, 1784 ; Second Son of the King. Nat. 1763. — wh. len. in his uniform, ftanding - JIj, mez. — oval ..--..-- — wh. len. ..... mez. — when Bilhop of Osnaburg ... mez. — oval ....-.-. — in the print with the Prince of Wales, Clafs i. CLASS III. GENTRY, Addington, Juft. of Peace for Middlefex. — in a military hat .-.-.' Allen, of Prior Park. Ob. 1764, JEt. 72. — three qrs. len. fitting - - . • ■ — a fmall etching, a head . . - . Almeida, Stock Broker. J. Hoppner E. Coffin J. Reynolds R. Brumpton T. Lawrence William Ralph Jofeph d' John Sir Edward Edward Sir John mez. Ashton, Son of Nich, A. Merch. Liverpool. — a child with a dog .... - mez. Astley, Bart. 1760, M. P. for Norfolk. — three qrs. len. fitting, a ribbon, badge, &c. P. V.fi, mez, Athawes, Mcrcat. Lond. Ob. 1767. — fitting, hat under his arm, ftick ... niez. The name of S. Smith has been fubftitutcdforDickinfon, Aubrey, Barr. — three qri. len. - - - - P. P. Jh, mex. Painter or Defigner. Engraver or rrintfeller. T. Gainfboro' J. Watfon. G. Romney. |j. Jones, 1792. Schaak R. Wilfon H. Morland m« Ardell. Burford. 'J. Faber, 175 1. R. Houfton. H. Overton,(exc) T. Worlidge, C. Hodges,! 792. Jones, 1787. Id. 1 790. J. Saunders, 1 7 74 E. Scott, 1789. W. Peters T. Hudfon W.Lawranfon Jof.Wright B. Wei R. Pine Reynolds J.R. Smith,! 781 Faber, 1 7 54. W. Hoare, 1 764, Jones, 1788. W.Pether, 1770. R. Earlom, 1771, W. DickinfoD, Jones, 1788a Period IX. Clafslll. Wlam ' Robert Sir Jolcph John Sir John Ifuac William Mark Julian William ( 339 ) Bail LIE, Commiflioner for Stamps, and Virtuofo. — in a hat and armour, over it a gown edged with fur;T the oval I'upportcd by two figures which are railing a [• curtain ; an oblong ... - .J — a fmall etehiug, in a hat, P. P. - Baldy, Citizen of London. Ob. 1774, x-t. ^^. — " An honeft man's the noblell woik of God." wfz. Left a legacy to Mr. VVilkca. Banks, Bart. P. R. S. 17S1. — a fmall oval ---..... — near wh. len. fur gown, globe — in the drcfs of Otahcite Painter or Ucfigncr. B. Wllfon !J. RufFel Enfrjverw Primfcller, (W.BailJie.) E. Fiflicr, 1774. 7IICZ. Barker, Merchant, and Governor of the London Airurance. Ob. 1787, at. 80. Barnard, Alderman of London. Ob. i764,«t. 8o- — a circle, with his addrefs to the Livery - I7J4. mez' — Handing, fur gown, mace, &c. ... j^^j.. — reverfed from the next above ... mcz' J. CoUyer,i78c7, J. Reynolds ^W. Dickinfon. 13. Well J.R.Smith, 1773. Reynolds :J. Jones, 1785, Barre, M. p. and Colonel in the Army. — ha. len. holding a roll .... la.fol. — oval ..---•-- OTcz. — in the print of the " Death of Wolfe," Per. viii. CI. 6. Bates, a Deputy of the Cufhoms. — a:t. 78, near wh. len. fitting and writing P. P. JI3, mez. Beaufoy, Mercat. Lond. Ob. 17S2. — Kt. 62, 1 781, three qrs. len. quaker's drefs Jh, mtz. Beckford, of Jamaica. Ob. 1764. — wh. len. iitting, a mafquerade drcfs on a table P. P. mez. Beckford, Alderman of London. Ob. 1770. — his ftatue in Guildhall /a.J/.u — wh. len. ....... Jh, me%. — ha. len. ....... nux. — fitting at a table with John Sawbridge and James "! ToWNSEND ...... mcz.\ — a bull, with his fpeech. John Beresford, Commiffioner of Revenue, Ireland. — fitting, and holding a paper ... nii.x. John Berkeley, of Spitchiey, CO. Worcefler. Ob. — in a flock, oval, an etching - . - P. P. 4/0. There are two more variations, with the collar open, one writing, the other with an open book. Sir Walter Blackett, Bart. M. P. Ob. 1777. — gown and wand, prefixed to the " Hift. and Antiq. "I George of Newcaftle upon Tyne," by J. Brand, M. A. 4/0, Bodens, Gentleman UHier to the King, 1770. — wh. len. an etching ..... UU 2 A. Ram fay Id. C. Stuarti785 Hamilton L.F.Abbott T. Gainfboro' N. Dance ad vivum m' Ardell, 1735. J. Faber, 1739. T. Ryley. J. Hall, 1787. R. Houftou, i77£ V. Green, 1792. Green, 178 J. Houllon. Stuart (ad vivum) Reynolds F. Bartolozzi. J. Dixon, 1769, Id. Houfton. CH.Hodgesi79i G. Powle, 1771. J. Fittler, 1789. iJ. S. \-t%i. Period IX. Cljfs HI. ( 540 ) Painter or Defigncr. Engr»ye> or Printfcller. Childrenof 1 „ — an oval ..,....-- Thomas Braddyl, Son of Wilfon B. of Conyfhcad Priory, CO. Lancafter. — a youth, vvh. len. ..... niex. James John Bradshaw, Mercat. Lond. Ob, 1783. — oval, own hair . . . - . Brinchley, of Maidftone, Brewer. Ob. 179'. -. .--.... P. P. mez. Th«mas Browne, Surveyor and Herald. Ob. 1780, xt. 73. — jEt. "/3, wh. kn. with a dog, ribband as garter king 1 of arms ... P.P. i-jSo.Jh. nuz. j William Brownlow, Knight of Shire for Armagh. — ......... mez. John Bryer, Merchant? died in India about 1770. — oval, in a laced hat ..... fti^z. Frederick Bull, Alderman of London. Ob. 178 . — three qrs. len. liveiy gown .... Ji. mex. Sir Charles Bunbury, Bart. 1764. — aet. 27, 1768, oval, fur gown - - P. P. mez. Henry Wm. Bunbury, Brother of Sir Charles. B. Nat. 1750. — ........ mez. — drawing, a large oval -..•-.. Bunbury, Son of Henry Wm. B. — a boy, three qrs. len. ..... mez. BuRGEs, Paymafter of Seamen's wages in the Eaft India Houfe. — wh. len. fitting - - - . P. P. Jh, mez, Edmund Burke, M. P. Literat. — a large oval . - - - . .1791. J. Reynolds' H. Morland W. Grimaldi N. Dance C.G.Stuart W. Beach S. Webfter Reynolds Reynolds T. Lawrence Charles Ynyr — oval, in " Bellendenus de Statu," 8to. mez. — a fmall oval ..-.._.. — oval frame ....-- mex. Sir William Burrel, LLD. Commiflioner of Excife. — oval frame, arrai - - - - fm. 4/0. mex. Sir Charles Burton, Alderman of Dublin, 1753. Ob. 1775. George Bvng, M. P. for Middlefex. Ob. 1789. — profile ...... — a fmall oval ..... Reynolds G. Romney Reyni775 Id. Id. Romney Reynolds Id. Hunter me%. J. Downman - .^R, Livefay Sherwin. J. Grozer,i78j. J.R.Smith, 1784. J. Jones, 1792. W. Dickinfon. CH.Hodgesi792 V. Green. J. WatfoB,i78i, J. Watfon. T. Blackmore. ' Ryder, 1789. F. Haward,i78i Jones, 1785. Benedetti, J. Hardy, 1780* Id. 1791. Jones, 1787. Id. 1790. C. Knight, 1 78 1. J. Watfon, 1 7 70. J. m« Ardell. J. Grozer, 1785. C. Knight, 1784. P.rwJ IX. CUfsIIl. ( 341 ) Thomas Carter, M. P. in Ireland. Ob. 1763. — three qrs Icn. gown - - . . . mc%. — when Mailer of the Rolls in Ircbnd - - mcz. William Caulfield, Son of Capt. James C. Ob. cii. 1780 — a boy, with a parrot .... tncz. Edward Chamberlaine, a Clerk in the Treafury. Ob. 1782. Francis Charteris, Son of Lord Wemys. P.P. Nathaniel Chauncy, Brother of Chas. C. Virtuofo. Ob. 1790. — a fmall oval, profile ....... — in a fquare, P. P. - - - - - - - This has been reduced to an oval. Geo. James Cholmondeley, Commifiioner of Exci'e. — ha. len. ....... mez. Henry Clarke, a Jerker in the Cuftoms, 1773. — bag wig, hat under his arm ... mez. Afterwards infcribed Sir George Van be Pu r. William Clarke, of Bungay, co. Suffolk. — ha. len. ...... i ryo. mez. n »ul • r Clavering, Children of General C. Catnenne J ' — wh. lens. ---.... mez, Peter Collinson, F. R. S. Ob. 1768, let. 75. — prefixed to the " Charafter of him," 1770 la. ^to. — two ? in Lettfome's " Memoirs of Fothergill," - - Wm.BurtonCoNYNGHAM, Teller of the Exchequer, Ireland. — when Col. in the army ; oval ... me», — oval ...... 1792. Fred.&Eliz. Cooper, Children of Sir Grey C. — the latter holding the former in her lap, oval obL mez. John Craylc John Stephen CouTS, Provoft of Edinburgh. Ob. 1761. ■ — oval, hat under his arm ... Cox, — a boy, anonymou* Crayle, Benefaiflor to St. George's Hofpital. — a fmall oval ...... Crewe, Son of John C. M. P. for Chelhire. — as King Henry VIIL wh. len. - - . Croft, of York, F. A. S. — an etching, own kaic . - - la. 4/0. I*uinter or Dcfigncr. tngrjvcr or Priiiiicllf r. c. w Jervas .Jones 1 745 J. G. Brooks. l^"'g. '745' J- Rufra J- Dean, 1777. G. Romney J- Jacobe, 1780. J. Reynolds m' ArdelL s. Shelly Reynolds W.Nutter, 1785. Ca. Watfon. Reynolds J- Jones, 1790. T. Hiidf.1739 J. Faber. (ad vivum H. Kingfbury.) Romney J. il.Smith, 1779. J- T. MiUer. Trotter. H Hamilton V. L. Green, 1782. Schiavonetti. D. Gardner T. Watfon. A. Ramfay m' Ardell. T. Worlidge. Wells. Reynolds J.R.Smith, 1776. c. Carter, 177 . Period IX. Clafs III. Brafs Henry ( 34i ) Crosby, Alderman of London. — a fmall oval, with his addrefs to the cleftors, 1 77 1 — - - - - - -'- 177 '• ""2. Cruger, Americ. M. P. for Briftol, lyiS* — a fmall oval .....--. Painter or | Enjr»»er ar Deligner. Printfcller. R.E.Pine (ad vi\ir.Ti) Thomas Clmming, Projeftor of the plan for taking Senegal, 1758. Ob. 1774. — a fmall oval, in SmoUel's " Hillor)'," JohnChrlil:. Curwen, M. P. for Carlille. Sir John Cust, Bart. Speaker of the Houfe of Commons. Ob. 1770. — vvh. len. -...-.- mcz. William Davison, of Mair houfe, near Edinburgh. George Dempster, M. P. for Cupar, &c. — oval, from a bud by TafTie - - - P.P. Svo, Sir John Dick, Bart. Commillioner for auditing Pubhc Ac- counts. — oval, prefixed to an " Italian tranflation of Horace," Svo. Robert Anhur DiNGLEY, Merchant, and Benefaftor to the Mag- dalen Hofpital, 1758. Ob. 1781, at. 72. — fitting, with the book of the inilitution - m^z. R. Smirke J. Reynolds Reynolds DoEEs, Governor of North Carolina. Ob. 1765, — three qrs. len. a globe and chart ... mrz.. Archib.mac Donald, of Barrifdale, convifted of Treafon, and pardoned, 1762. Ob. 1787, £et. 60. — xt. 29, prefixed to his " Life." Andrew Drummond, Banker. Ob. 1769, set. 82. — wh. len. fitting in his garden, a dog by him, hat on his") knee, P. P. Jh. mez. J George Drummond, of Edinburgh. Ob. 1766, aet. 80. — when proved, 1752 - - - -- \V. Hoare Hoare Rob.&Tho. Drummond, Sons of tbe Abp. of York. — wh. len. in iludents' gowns, globe and books Jh. mez. Thomas Duncrerley, Provinc. Gr. Mafter of Free Mafons. Aliamct W. Dickinfon W.Hinck3,i783, J.S.Miller. CH.Hodgesi79i J. Watfon,t769. J. Jones, 1792. A. Birrel. G. Larpi, Liber,; J. Dixoo. J. m« Ardcll. J. ZofFany Alexander A. Bell J. WatfoB. B. Weft. 1768 T. Beach P.v.Dyke Henry Dundas, of Melville, Sec. of State, 1792. — when Ld. Adv. for Scotland, oval - - mez, \ Reynolds V. Green. J. Tones. C. Weft, 17S6. J.R.Smith, 1783. ( 343 ) Period IX. Clafs III. Earle, — oval, fiipporteJ by a Cupid, prefixed to " Notizie If-l toriche degl' intagliatori," di Gio. Gori Ganderini, > Siena, 1771, 3 torn. la. Svo. - . '_ j Edward Easton, ofSalifbury. Philip Egerton of Oulton, CO. Cheficr. Ob. 1786. — an etching - - - - - P. P. Paul Elers, Clerk of the Peace for Oxfordfhire. Ob. 1781, a;t. 82. --------- Jm, mez. Welbore Ellis, M. P. for Weymouth. — a fmall oval .---..._ John Elwes, M. P. for Berks. Ob. 1789, — oval, profile, holding a purfe, an etching, prefixed to l his "Memoirs," 1790. S'uo. - - - ..J Thomas Fielder, Fruit Broker. — act. 66, three qrs. len. ~ . . . Jh. mez. Sir John Fielding, Juft. Peace for Middlefex. Ob. 1780. — a bandage acrofs his forehead ... mez, — ....... 1778. mez. — .-.-.... mez, — -------- mez. Richard Fitzpatrick, — with his fon and two daughters - - - . . The fon died in 1786. Richard Ford, ofChertfey, Brewer? — three qrs. len. fitting, in a riding drefs P. P. mez, Ingham Foster, Merchant, and Virtuofo. Ob. 1783. — oval frame, profJe . - . . . mez, John Foster, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons in Ireland. — wh. len. ....... mez. CharlesJam.Fox, M. P. for Weftminfter. .— a fmall oval ........ — a circle --....._. — oval, in " Bellendenus de Statu," 1787 - 8i'o. ^•. ...... mez, —•------- 17S0. 4/0. mez. ■—--.--.-- 4^0. — oval, infcribed " Repeal of the Shop Tax," — a bull by Nollekens .... mez. — oval, fold by fiedges .... . ^ ~- in the print with Lady Sarah Lenox, &c. Clafs 9. Philip Francis, M. P. — a fJmall oval, from a buit by Locht - - . - Painter 0- Dcfigncr. EngrAver or Prlr.tfcllfr. Tronus, Taurinens Hurlllone ad viv J. Meyer C. Faucci. J. Dean. D. Gardner,! 778 B. Clowes. Ca. Watfon, 1791 W. Auflin. V. Green, 1774. m' Ardell. W. Dickinfon. J.R.Smith, I773» El. Martin, I773»- W.Lawranfon E. W. A. 1 774. M.Chamberlin N. Hone Peters Hone H. Morland C.G.Stuart ad vivura F. Day J. Reynolds ad vivum (ad vivum) ad vivum ad vivum J.R.Smith, 1784, CH.Hodgesi792 C. Clarke, 1 789. R. Cofway,i782. J. Jones. Id. 1784. R. Killingbeck. W. Lane, 1792. D. Orme, 1789. W. Pether, 1792. (Trotter) 1785 A.ViAflen, I789» Cliljlll. ( 344 ) in the print of " India Vindicated," Clafs 9. Art, De- TONSHlREj Note. Painter or | Engra»« or Defigner. Sir Crifp Gascoyne, Knt. Alderman of Lond. Ob. ^761 — wh. len, infignia of Lord Mayor, (1753) - Jl- mez, W. Keable — oval, with the "charailer of a good magiftrate." Bambcr Phillips Henry Morgan Samuel George Fulke Gascoyne, M. P. and Receiver General of the Ctilloms. Ob. 1 791. — wh. lea. etched ....... Glover, of Wifpington, co. Lincoln. Ob. — in a hat, oval frame . - - . P. P. mex^ ], RufTel Gratton, M. p. in Ireland. Graves, of Mickleton. Ob. 1770, si. 63 — oval frame P.P. Greathead, of Guy's Cliff, co. Warwick. Ob. 1765- — in a black wig, hat under his arm • P. P. m(z. Grenville, Chanc. of Exch. Ob. 1770, ast. 58. — three qrs. len. fitting ..... mez. Greville, Literal. — oval, profile, P. P. ..,.., Benjamin Griffin Jackson. — a boy, wh. len. ...... mez Jofeph Gltlston, of Knoll, CO. Dorfet, M. P. Ob. 1786. — a fmall oval, an etching, 1773 - . . — oval frame, arms ..-.•• mex Jof. 8c John GuLSTON, Sons of Jofeph G. John The former died a child, the latter in 1790, or 1791. Gunning, Ob. 1767. — 3 fmall circle, profile, twelve verfes in four divifions ; motto, " Patiens ut Columba," various fcrolls ; dated 1760 .-----• Rare. mez. H a young man in an academic drefs, a fmall oval, dated June 7, 1763. J. Burgefs Haffey, Son of John H. of the India Houfe. — a child ...---• Sir William Hamilton, K. B. Envoy at Naples. — wh. len. fitting, ribband and liar Thomas Hanson, Mcrcat. Lond. Ob. 1770. — near wh. len. fitting, flick A R. Laurie, 1777. H. Hudfon,i787 iy]O.Jh. mix, J.Zoffanyi767(W.Diekinfon ClafslU. C 345 ) Juiiiis Hanway, Comiiiinionerfor Vidualling. Ob. 17S6, zef. 71;. — oval, wiiting ....... 4/0. — wh. Icn. writing . . . . i -jSo-JT), nitz. Sir Harry Harpur, of Caulk-ball, co. Derby, Bt. 1748. — oval frame, profile ---.'., „ie~, James Harris, of Saliltury, M., P. Critick. Ob. 1780, set. 72. — oval frame, profile ..... 1776. 8i>o. Father of Lord Malmfbiiry. Sir Thomas Harrison, Chamberlain of London. Ob. cir. 1765, iEt. 65. — three qrs. len. fitting, in a fur gown ... mez, David Hartley, M. P. for Hull. — near wh. len. fitting, in fpeflaclcs - • J/j, mez. Warren Hastings, Gov. Gen. of Bengal. — a bull, in the " Liter. Mag." 1792 . - . . fainter or Dcfijncr. Orde E. Edwards Engraver or Pnntfoller. ?HCZ. - mcz. John Henniker, Son of Sir John H. Hen. Geo. Herbert, SonofLd. Porchefter. Nat. 1772. — with the emblems of Bacchus .... mez, William Hicks, — in the print of the " Marine Society," - - Jh. Nathaniel Hillier, Citizen of London, F. A. S. Ob. circ. 1784. — in a great coat, a fmall circle . . , - . Henry John HoARE, — a child Holland, of Peter ho. Camb. — a fmall head, etched in 1758 - . - . . Thomas Hollis, F. R. S : A. S. Ob. 17S0? — two heads in one plate ; i . a bull upon a pyramid, with "1 emblems of Liberty ; 2. a profile, fliaded with oak I leaves, prefixed to his " Memoirs," 178 , h. ^to. J Hope, Merchant at Amfterdam. Henry Benjamin Hopkins, Chamberlain of London. — ha. len, ..... John Hop K ins, of Bath. — a fmall oval, ha, len. X X (ad vivum) J, Reynolds G. Romncy J.T.Seton Reynolds Brethertor, R. Diiiikarton, J. Hall. B. Reading, J.R.Smith, F. Bartolozzi, E. Fifher, 17G;. J. Walker. J. Conde. J. Jone«,i785. T. Watfon,i777^ Romney H. Hudfon.iySd, Reynolds E. Edwards Reynolds Reynolds - niez. J. Beft J.R.Smith, 1776. J. Hall. (Trotter) 1784 C. Wilkin, 1 78 J. H(olland) J.B.Cipn'ani. CH.Hodge8,i78 J. Delegal,i776, Period IX. Ciiii ill. John John William ( 346 ) HoRNE TooKE, Literar. — ha. len. -------- Jol. — in a clprical habit, anonymous . . - - mez, — clerical, in the print with Wilkes (below) and Glyn. Howard, L. L. D: F. R. S. Philanthrop. Ob. 1790. — oval, profile, an etching - - . - 1791. 410. — a Imall oval, proiile -....-. — a fmall fquiire, profile - - - - 179'. — fitting, holding a plan of a Lazaretto - - Jh. — oval, prcfiAcd to hii " Character," by Aikin, 1792. Hvo. Hudson, F. R. S. 1761. — a fmall head. Painter or Defigner. T. Hardy SirAbrahamHt'ME, of Wormlybury, Herts, Bart. — ha. leii. - - ^ - - mez. - mez. James Hustler, Merchant ? — fitting, hand on a piece of ancient fculpture Jh. mez John Hely Hutchinson, L,. L. D. Sec. of State in Ireland James — fitting, large laced band HuTTON, a Moravian Brother. >./.. : — in a hat, an inftrument at his ear Sir William James, Eaft India Direftor. Ob. 178 Benjamin Ibbot, Virtuofo. Ob. 1787, ast. 78. — a bufl., profile ..... Soame Jenyns, M. P. Ob. 1787, set. 83. — refting on his hand ... - — prefixed to his " Works," 1789, 2vo. Innes, Mercat. Lond. — wh, len. playing at gofF on Blackheath - 4*0. 1776. mex. William James Richard ad vivum M. Brown A, Smith, i79f. W, AUen (exc.) M. Davis, 1787. T. Holloway, Scott, 1789. J. Reynolds Id. R. Brompton Reynolds R. Cofway Reynolds Reynolds Id. ^, mez. L.F.Abbott King, Mafter of the Ceremonies at Batli. — oval, prefixed to the " New Bath Guide," 1786, B-vo. King, Ob. 1771, at. 90. — when " Colonel," velvet coat, collar open jyj^./m. mez. Sir Robert Ladbroke, Alderman of London. Ob. i773,£Et. 60. — when •' Lord Mayor," 1748, wh. len. - - mez. Pcnnilton |lamije. Sons of Lord Melbourn ; i. born 1770 ; T- I I 2. 1770 ; 2. 1782. Fra. Jam. J / / > » j / — infcribed " The Affeftionate Brothers," 1791 - '^ B^ke"de} ^^^^^' ^^''' C>b. 1771, m. 48. — an etching -...--.. I;ngra»«r or Prinlfcilcr. G. KneUer i T, Hudfon Reynolds ad vivum C. Hodges, 1 79 1, J. Jones, 1783. J. Saunders. J. Watfon,i778. J.R.Smith, 1785. J.R.Smith. D. Parifet, 1774. W. Dlckinfon, J. Heath. V. Green, 1790. W. Humphrey, J. Faber. F. Bartoloxzi, C.J.Blake, 1775, TerloJ IX. Clafs HI. ( 347 ) Hen. Bilfon Legge, Chanc. of the Exchequer. Ob. 1764. — three cjrs. Icn. in robes . . . . . Pjinfer or Ocfigner. me%. William Legge, Son of the Earl of Dartmouth. Ob. 1784, £Et. zy. — an etching, profile ... anonymous 8 vo. mex, 1764. mcz. Sir Afhton Lever, Knt. Virtuofo. Ob. 178 — in a hat, a fmall oval — profile, with a vignette of bird* Gervafe Leverland, — oval, . . . . . W. Hoare - Sfa. P. P. mez. Francis Levet, Turkey Merchant. Ob. 1764. J. Reynolds S. SheUey J.S.Loitard (ad vivum) Sir Watkin Lewes, Knt. Alderm. and M. P. Lond. — Handing, in his gown - - - . 1773.^^2. — a fmali oval, profile -.--•-. Sir Herbert Mackworth, of Gnoll Caftle, co. Glamorgan, Bart, and M. P. — ha. len. •-...... tnez. J. Ruflel Anthony Malone, Chanc. Exch. in Ireland. Ob. 1776. — fitting, in his gown . - - - .^ jh. mez. Edmond Malone, Son of Anthony M. Literat. — in his edit, of " Shakefpeare," 1787 - - • i Wilfon John Sawbridge, Alderman and M. P. London. j — wh. len. as a Roman Tribune - - JIj. mez. B. Weft — in the print with Beckford (above) and TowNSEND James Sayer, Son of Robert S — act. 13, filhing Rd. Brinf. Sheridan, M. P. for Stafford ; Literat. — in the " World," a CoUedlion of Poems, 1790 - ■ — ha. len. hand on a table - - - - - /h. — a fmall oval -.....-. William Shirley, Governor of N. England. Ob. 1771. — in a coat of needle work . - „ . mez. T. Hudfon — view of Maflachufets Bay .... mex. ']. Sraibert Sir John Sinclair, of Ulbfter, Bart. M. P. — an etching, prefixed to his " Hiflory of the Revenue," \ ''T' t • 790, 4/5 J • ^3"'^^"" — another, engraved ..... ^o. Engraver or Printfeller. mez. J.ZofFanyi77o Reynolds p. ^" >Sitwell, of Renifhaw Hall, Derbyftiire. Children of Wm.Campb.S k i n n e r , — a youth, laced collar open, ov;J Sir John Smith, Bart. Jo. W. Smith, Son of Sir John S. John Id. la.Jh.mez. J.S.Copley mez, F. Cotes mez. mez. ad vivum J. Watfon. WWRyland, 1778. A, MiUer. T. Cook. J. Bafire, 1770. T. Watfon,! 772. R. Houfton,i773 V. Affen. J. Hall, 1 79 1. F. Serle, 178 . ra' Ardell. P. Pelham, 1747. W. Skelton. Id. W.Ward, 1788. J. Watfon, 1770' E. Martin, 1775. J. Opie, 1784 J.R.Smith. Spinck, Banker at St. Edmondfbury. — oval . . . . - John Stacpoole, of Cragbrien Caftle. Ob. i77i> ast. 97. — oval, long iiifcription and lour verfei - - mez. G. Ralph J. Singleton! 788 I Barret iJ. Watfon. Period IX, C.a's III. ( 3S^ ) Line. E. R. Stanhope, Second Son of Cha. Earl of Harrington. — a boy ..---.... Vaintfr nr Engraver « UcfipiliM-. J Prinlfcllcr. Lelcefler Stanhope, Third Son of the fame. — a child with a drum - . . -, 1789. 4/0^ Hans Stanley, M. P. Ob. 1779. John Stewart, Citizen of London. William Strahan, King's Printer, and M. P. Ob. 1785, ■Si 71. — iiuing - - • - . - P. P. mez- Andrew Stuart, M. P. Lanerkfliire, 1781. — oval . - - - - John Swan, of Ireland, Traveller. Ob. 178 . Sir John Taylor, Bart, of Jamaica. Ob. 1786. — a fmall oval, anonymous - - . P.P. P.P. J. Reynolds Reynolds CNCochin,fiIs John Walt. Tempest, Son of John T. M. P. for Durham. — a boy, vvh. len. ...... mez, John Thornton, Treafurer for the Marine Society. Ob. 1790, at. 70. ----- Jh. mez. 1790, at. 70. — wh. len. Anthony Todd, Secretary of the Poft-Office. David la Touche, Banker in Dublin. Ob. 1785. — aet. 82, large oval - - - - - fol. TowNSEND, Alderman and M. P. Lond. Ob. 1787. — ........ ivo. — in the print with William Beckfors, &c. above. James Charles TowNSHEND, Chanc. of the Excheq. Ob. 1767. — ........ i„ — a fmall oval ........ Charles Townshend, — a child, with emblems of St. JoHM - - mez- Thomas Trotter, Merchant at Edinburgh. Ob. 1767, set. 82. — oval, ha. len. fitting - . , . ... — oval, fitting, ftick in his hand ... 4/0. Sir Barnard Turner, Knt. Alderman of Lond. Ob. 1784. — wh. len. - i. - - - . Reynolds Reynolds H. Baron R.E.Pine G. Romney T. Gainfboro' Romney S. Hamilton T. Park, 1788. F. Bartolozzi, S.C.Miger,i765. J. Finlayfon. J. Jones, 1792. r. Watfon. V. Green, 1782. W. Dickfnfon. (J. Hall.) J. Dixon. J. Walker, 178 1. Green, 1782. Jones. Shenvin, 1789 Reynolds R. Cofway S. MiUer Dixon, 1770. J. MiUer. P. Dawt, 1774. r. Trotter. miK. IF. Wheatley jj. Walker,i783. I'eiioa IT. Clais Ul. ( 35= ) Painter or Prinifellei. Sir Edward Turner, of OxfordQiire, Bart. 1735. Ob. 1766. — wh. Icn. in a flowered coat P. P. - - • "" Sir Charles? Turner, of Clint?, co. York, Bart. Ob. 1783. — a fmall wli. len. etched . . - - - T. Gainfboro'J. m' Ardell. J. S. J782. Thomas Richard William Paul William Thomas Richard William John Tyers, of Vauxhall ; Literat. Ob. 1787. — oval, profile . . - - - Tyson, Mafler of the Ceremonies at Bath. — prefixed to the " New Bath Guide," 1782 - Tytler, v. Prelkl. Soc. Antiq. Scoiland, 1791. ViGNAU, in the Cufloms, Dublin. — ova!, an etching, 1792 . . . - Wade, Mafter of the Ceremonies at Bath. — wh. len. prefixed to the " New Cath Guide," — oval, with the medal. Walpole, M. p. . . — two, profile, infcription in French Whitworth, M. p. for Stafford. — v.h. len. in a military uniform WiLBERFORCE, M. P. for Yorkfl-iire. — oval, an etching, two Englifh lines - - - - — near wh. Icn. fitting, with a pen, and the bill, " Aboli-l tion of the Slave Trade," - - - Jh.me%.\ Wilkes, Chamberlain of London, and M. P. for Middlefex. I. Taylor Raeburn ^0. CN.Cochin P. P. 4?o. mez. ad vivum J. Rifing — oval, 1768. me%. — wh. len. fitting, with " Magna Chavta," - mcz. — wh. kn. with the Cap of Liberty . - - - fol. — fitting at a table with Horne and Glvn, papers in- "1 fcribed " General Warrants," &c. - - mcz. J — two, holding a pen - - . • 1768. mez. — ha. len. raifing a curtain - ... - fol. — a fmall oval .....--- — a fmall wh. len. etching ..---. — three qrs. len. fitting, bull of Hampden • mez,. W. Hogarth R.E.Pine (ad vivum) (ad vivum) Pine (ad vivum) ad vivum Pine ^"^M^'d"! ^^^^°'^> of Chaddefden, co. Derby, Bart. 1786. — profile 4/a. mez. Sir Armyne Wodehouse, Bart. M. P. for Norfolk. Ob. 1777. fitting, hat on his knee, book on a table P. P. mcz. N. Dance Rd. Straub. Wolfe, of Ireland. — a youth, oval .-.«.- mcz. H. Hone J. HalL J.G.Huquier. J. Jones, 1790. W.N.Gardlncr. J. CoUyer. A.St.Aubin,i764 J. Davles,i792. C. Hodges, 1792. Baufe. W. Dickinfon, J. Dixon, 1770. W.Hogarth, 1763 R. Houfton. Kitcheman, J. Miller, 1763. Id. J. S. 1782. J. Watfon, 1 764. (J.R.Smith)i77j. C. Townleyi772, Houilon. ClalslV. ( 353 ) 1787. 4/0. Mafler Wood ley of Barbadoes. — with a dog ..... Query, John W, commander in the navy, There is a print called Matter Wright, witli a dog Robert Woolsey, — playing on a violin, nine Engl, lines Sir Watk. 1 „, ^ wrii- f Wynne, Bart. Williams J ' — when a boy - - - . - Sir George Yonge, Bart. Sec. at War. — ha. len. ftar and ribbon ; arms - Jof. Sidney Yorke, Son of Charles Y. — a:t. 3 Philip Yorke, — a child with a dog, wh. len. Sir William Young, Bart. M. P. F. R. S. — ha. len. fitting .... — prefixed to his " Hift. of Athens," Anonymous Portraits. A Boy fondling a dog. Another reading. — ....... 1765. me%. A Gentleman, infcribed " A Deer Hunter." — wh. Jen. etched - • - • • la. Mo. Another. — a fmall wh. len. etched. C L A S S IV. C L E R G Y. TiRST Subdivision. BISHOPS. Harrington, Bp. of Llandaff, 176S ; Salilbury, 1782; Durham, 1791. — as Chanc. of the Order of the Garter - fi. mcz. — a bull, profile, in the " Europ, Magazine," 1788. rahitfr or Dcfigncr. 1 Bngriver»r Prmtfeller. - mcK. J- Zoffany. dog. - mez. - (Peat.) - mcz. J- Reynolds J. Dean, 1776. la. 4J0. M Brown E. Scott, 1790. Shute Jof. Dcane Bourke, Abp. ofTuam, 1782. Yy A Ca.Read Reynolds V. Green, 1772. F. Bartolozzi, J. Brown 1788! J. Collyer. T. HoUoway, T. Kettle R.E.Pine Byng G. Romney Reynolds Green/ W. Humphrey, C.R.Ryley,i782 J. Jones, 1786. J.R.Sraith, 1784. Cl^fs IV. William John Richard Richaid Eufby Charles ( 554 ) P«in»er or Defigner. Enfraveriw Primfeller. Carmiciiael, Bp. of Clonfort, 1753 J Lelghlin, 1758; Meadi, 1758. Ob. 1763. | — .......-- tnfz. J. Ennis Carrol, Bp. of Baltimore, 1-^90. — oval . - - - - Challoner, Popiih Bp. of Debora, . Ob. 1 78 1, set. 90. — a fmall oval, pl'onle, 1781 . . . . . — a f:;iall oval, 1784. CHENr.vix, Bp. of Killaloe, 1745; Waterford, 1746. Ob. 1779- — a fmall round - ■- -.-..- — id. in Maty's " Memoirs of Ld. Chellerfield," - Cleaver, Bp. of Leighlin and Femes, 1789. CoBBE, Abp. of Dublin, . Ob. 1765. Peat Stewart F. Bindon J. Dixon. Lovelace 1 790- R. Stewart (exc.) J. Caldwall. J. HaU. J. Grozer,l790, A. Miller, 1745. E. Fiflier. W. Ward, 1790. J. WatfoB. Frederick Cornwallis, Bp. of Litchfield, 1749; Abp. of Canterbury, 1768. Ob. 1783, set. 70. | — set. 5S, 1768 mr«. |N. Dance John Douglas, Bp. of Carlifle, ; Salifljury, 1791. — three qrs. Icn. fitting, as Regifler of the Garter ^. mirz. W. Beechy RobertHay Drummond, Bp. of St. Afaph, 1748; Salifbury, and Abp. of York, 1761. Ob. 1776. — ha. len. fitting, with the purfe of Chanc. - - mez. J. Reynolds John Egerton, Bp. of Bangor, 1756; Litchfield, 1768; Durham, 17 71. Ob. 1787. — oval, profile, in Hutchinfon'a " Antiq. of Durham." John Garnett, Bp. of Ferns, 1752; Clogher, 1758. Ob. 1782. — oval frame, ha. len. arms, P. P. - . ■ miz. T. Gainfboro' J.m'Ardell. John HiNCLiFFE, Bp. of Peterborough, 1769. — preaching ...-.- 7Z1. w«. Rev.W.Peters J. Young, 1788. Benjamin Hoadly, Bp. of Bangor, 1715 ; Hereford, 1721 ; Salifoury, 1723 ; Winchefter, 1734. Ob. 1761 — xt. 67, 1743, fitting in robc-s . - - . yj. W. Hogarth B. Baron. — jct. 80, pioiile, prefixed to his " Works," 1773 Jo/. N. Hone J. Bafire, 1772. — oval, in a canonical hubit . . - - . tnez. J. Faber. Altered to a Bp.'s habit, with Simon's name. — canonical habit, altered to a bifliop's - - la.fol, G. Vertue, — oval, in a canonical habit ... 4/0. me%, Richard Hurt, Bp. of Litchfield, 1775 ; Worcefler, — ..... .... 4/p. Giiinfboro'l Hall, 1775. PerinJ IX. CUfs IV. Lidauind Robert Charles William George John Thomas Richard Zachary Thomas Richard ( 3->S ) [4i Samuel Thomas i F.iinter or Ueiigiicr. Kn:;ravfr or Primfcllcr. Law, Bp. of Carlifle, 1769. Ob. 1787, cer. 85. j ' — three qrs. len. fitting ; books, 5:c. - i-j-j-j. JIj. mcz. G. Romncy W. Dickinfoii, LowTH, Bp. of St. David's, 1766 ; Oxford, 1767 ; London, 1777. Ob. 1787, ret. 77. — fitting, the Hebrew bible before Iiim - la.ful. R.E.Pine J.K.Shcrwini777 The lirft impreffion was " Bp. of Oxford." Lyttelton, Bp. of Carlisle, 1762. Ob. 1768. — fitting, a book open on his knee - - - - »;«. F. Cotes J. Watron,i7-» Markham, Bp. of Cheftcr, 1771; Abp. of York, 1776. — three qvs. len. ftanding, holding a fquare cap Jh. mcz. J. Reynolds J.R.Smith, 1778. — another, in a canonical habit ; anonymous. Mason, Bp. of Sodor and Man, 17S0. — a:t. 54, 1783, three qrs. len. fitting 1783. A mez. T. Kettle Dicklnfon, Moore, Bp. of Bangor, 1773 > Abp. of Canterbury, J"- Romney J. Jones, 1792. 178: Newton, Bp. of Briftol, 1761. Cb. 17 82, ?Et. 79. — prefixed to his " Works, with his Life," 1782, ^to. — fitting - . . - . — three qrs. len. View of St. Paul's Reynolds f. Collier. - '«•>• '"'^- B. Weft. 'R. Earlom, 1757. - Jh.mex.^ Reynolds T. Wutfon,! 77 J. OsBALDiSTON, Bp. of Catlille, 1747; London, 1762. Ob. 1764. — fitting, cap and books on a table - - - mez. T. Hudfon J.m'Ardell. Pearce, Bp. of Bangor, 1747; Rochefter, 1756. Ob. 1774, a^t. 84. — prefixed to his "Works," 1777, 4/1?. ... — three qrs. len. fitting Percy, Bp. of Dromore, 1782. — in a cap, holding a paper - - - . 177^. mcz. — id. holding a large vol. entitled MSS. - - mcz. Robinson, Baron Rokeby, 1777; -^P- of Kljlaloe, 1751 ; Ferns, 1759; Kildare, 1761 ; Abp. of Armagh, 1765 — 8. Pennyi768T. Chambars. cz, ^THudfoni754 J. Faber. fi. iiicz — in a lay habit, three qrs, len. Seaeury, Bp. of Connecticut. — his own hair, view of the country Ordained in Scotland. Secker, Bp. of Briftol, 17J4; Oxford, 1737; Abp. of Canterbury, 1758. Ob. i768,a?t. 75. Reynolds RcynoW"; Id. 1775 /'• 1'. du Che Dlcklnfon, R. FJonftoni 7^1). J.R.Snvith. W. Sliarp, I 7 86. — oval frame Hiuifon m* Ardcil. Y y a miz.\T. \\\\\t% Id. r47> TfirdlX. Clafs 1 V, Tliomas Jonathan Artluir Richard John John Richard William c 355 ) Sherlock, Bp. of Bangor, 1727; Salifbury, 1738; London, 1748. Ob. 1761,321. 84. — revcrfed from the laft piint .... mtz, — fitting, as Clianc. of the Order of the Garter • in.'x. — fitting, a book in his right hand - - la.fol. Shipley, Bp. of St. Alaph, 1769. Ob. 17S8. — o%'al frame . . . u . . . mcz. — prefixed lo his " Works," 1792, ^vo. . . . Smyth, Bp. of Clonforr, 1752; Down, 1753; Abp. of Dublin, 1766. Ob. 1771. — rtanding in his library - - P. P. mez. Terrick, Bp. of Peterborough, 1757 j London, 1764. Ob. 1777. — fitting, a book in his left hand .... m;a. Thomas, Bp. of Peterborough, 1747 ; Salifbury. iJSl' Wincheller, 1761. Ob. 1781. — Handing, robes of the Garter .... niez. Thomas, Bp. of Rochefter, 1774. — robes of Dean of the Order of the Bath - Jli.rm-z.^ Trevor, Bp. of St. David's, 1743 ; Durham, 1752. Ob. 1771, at. 64. — profile, prefixed to his " Life" ... 4/5. Warburton, Bp. of Gloucefher, 1760. Ob. 1779. ffit. 80. — in a morning gown, writing, Bud of Pope - - mtz. — a medallion ........ — in a lav habit, prefixed to his " \Vorks" - - i^o. — an etching, profile .--.-.. — ......... Zvo. — in Malone's " Shakefpcare," 1787, S't'O. - . . Painf^r or Engraver tr Pri..ifdl«r. Edward Chriilopher Vt'iLLES, Bp. of St. David's, 1743 ; Bath, 1743. Ob. 1773, ast. 80. — leaning on a flab ...--- mez. Wilson, Bp. of Briftol, . Ob. 1792. — fitting, holding a fquare cap - - - Jh. mez. CLASS IV. Second Subdivision. INFERIOR CLERGY. William Aldridge, Minifter of Jewry-llreet Chapel, James Archer, Chaplain to the Bavarian Miniller. — ova), ill a furplice - - - - - - ■ 4/0. V. Loo, 1740 m' Ardell, 1 757. Junes I Lelius, 1737. V. Loo |iS. Ravenet, 1756 J. Reynolds J.R.Smith, 1 777 ? Id. T. Trotter. Fr. Weft N. Dance B. Wilfon Reynolds R.Hutchinfon C. Philips Id. W. Hoare T. Hudfon G. Rcmney Peat ad vivum J. Watfon,i77i. E. Fifter. R. Houfion 1771 T. Parker, 1788. J. Collyer. T. Burford. Id. H. Gravelot. J. Hall. 1784. (Hoare) 1 765 J. Houbraken, A. Smith. J. Faber, 1750. J. Jones, I7ii8. Graingeri79i J. Murphy, 1 79 1 Period IT. CUI's IV, Thomas John Charles Edward Daniel George James Samuel John Thomas Francis Hugli Nathaniel James Samuel ( 357 ) Painter of Dcflcncr. KngTsTsr m Printfcller. AsiiTON, D. D. Rc(5torof St. Botolph, Bifliopfgate. Ob. 1773, itt. 59. — ......... tnex. |J. Reynolds J. Spiinjury, Barclay, M. A. — in a lay habit .-.---- Sw. H. MonTon Barnwell, of Mileham, Norfolk, 1763. Barry, M. A. and M. D. Chaplain to die Bp. of Kildare. .^... ...... 81)0. Bellamy, M. A. Minifter of Kew and Peterfliam, in Surrey. Ob. 178S, st. 70. — oval, prefixed to his " Sermons," &c. 1789, 4/5. Benson, D. D. Diflenter. Ob. 1762, a;t. 64. — prefixed to his " Life of Chrift," 4/0, - . me%. Bentham, M. a. Prebendary of Ely, F. A. S. — la.fol. Berdmore, D. D. Malier of the Charter Hoiife School. — oval, in a lay habit ...... Berridge, M. a. Reftor of Everton, co. Bedford. — aet. 73. profile, in the pulpit .... 4/0. mez. mex. — a fmall oval, 1792 -.--... Birch, M. A. Reftor of St. Margaret Pattens, London, F. R. S. Ob. 1766, st. 78. — fitting, hands on a book before him — an unfinidied proof, reverfed - - - — in an oval frame ..... Blackburne, M. a. Archdeacon of Cleveland. Ob. 1787, cEt. 8v — in a cap and lay habit, P. P. - - . fm. 4/0. Blair, D. D : F. R. S. Edinb. — prefixed to his " Dlfcourfes," 3 vols. 1783, Svi?. Bliss, M. A. Aftron. Prof. Oxon. F. R. S. Ob. 1764, ffit. 64. — fm.'ill etching, round the head "Sure this is Bliss, if blifs on earth there be." Bradley, S.T. P. et Afhron. Prof. Ob. 1762, £et. 70. I — .-..-..-- mez. iT, Hudfon — fitting, with a diftant view of the Obfcrvatoiy mi Brewer, B. D. — in a lay habit - - - - - - mt M. Brown FolLHone T. Kerrich S. Shelly (ad vivum) J. Wills G. Cuit D. JMartin J. Johnfon. P.S.Lamborn. J. Jones, 1789. J.K.BalJreyiySg J.m'Ardell. FacIu3's,I792 W. Nutter,! 788. J. Ogborne. Id. 17S . J. Faber, 1 741. J. Fittler. J. Caldwall. Fuber. Ru(rfli774,C. Bowles esc. I'ciioa IX. John Thomas Mofes Richard Richard ( 3S^ ) Brittain, v. D. M. pointer or Defigner. 1778. rmz. 'T.T>odd Broughton, M. a. Reftor of Allhallows, Lorn bard-flreet, — in a hat ... - P. P. 1778. rara. N. Dance Browne, Chaplain of Morden Coll. and Poet. Ob. 1787, set. 84. — set. So. oval, canonical habit - " - 1785. S-wo. — in a lay habit, prefixed to his " Sunday Thoughts." 7 1752, 1 2 mo. ----- ..J Bc'RN, L. L. D. Chanc. Carlifle, and Vicar of Orton, Weftmoreland. Ob. cir. 1790. — prefixed to his " Law Di£lionary," 1792, !a. 8w. BuRNHAM, Anabaptift. — in a lay habit, oval, fitting r.ngf«v»r tt rriiUfcUcr. R. Dunkarton, Dunkarton, (ad vivum) C. BlackWd, P. Brookes J. Miller. - niez, VV. Smith — id. ' - - - " Richard Caddick, M. A. Minifter of Knightfbridge. — a fmall ouil P. P W.Bromley Cadogak, M. A. Rector of St. Luke's, Chelfea. T. Tiotter,i79i. J. Dean.. W. Kingfbury. George Carr, Sen. of the Engl. Epifcopal. Congregation, Edinb. Ob. 1776, ffit. 71. — a fmall oval -------- — oval .---.-..- Cornelius Cayley, Anabaptift ? set. 50, in a lay habit, prefixed to his "Riches of! Richard Charles Samuel God's Grace," Svo. Cecil, M. A. of St. John's, Bedford-row. — a fmall oval .---.- Chandler, Minifter at Kcntilli-Town. Chandler, D. D : F. R. S : A. S. Ob. 1766. St. 73. — prefixed to his " Life," 1^65, ^i>o. . - - — book opened, intitled.AESCHYLlTRAGOEDIE"! ad vivum iT. HoEoway. Towne CH.Hodgesi78+ Fabr Elliot, 1782. C. Kniglit, 1782. LT-Swanfilder T t 1 ■ 1778. ' Taylor, 1 778. Peat ad vivum Ifap, 1790. Record, 1770? Jacob? dti Che, Chaplain to the Afj-Uim, 178 — in fpeftaclcs, a circle . M Chambcrlin T. Kitchin. Id, |W. Pelhcr, 1767. Pelham J. Clarke. Charles Churchill, Curate of St. John, Weftminfter, and Poet. Ob. 1764. — in a lay habit, large head - - - /j. ;7;.'S. J-H.Schaak T. Burford,i765 _ . - fmnl/cr , Id. Id. — in Bell's " Poets," ... - izmoA Catton T. Cook, 1779. — oval ■ Si-o. (Miller.) __ Hvo. i o' Ntil A. Smith. FerloJ IT. CUfj IV. ( 359 ) Wm. Aug. Clarke, Minifter of Red-Crofs-Ilreet Chapel. — a fmall circle ...... Thomas Clarkson, M. A. of Trin. Coll ^ Canib. Jofeph Cock IN, Minifter at Kippin, co. York. — oval ....... Painter or Dcrr.:ncr. - jRcv.Goodrick mez. C.F.v. Breda I79I- Cha. Ed. dc CoETLEcoN, M. A. Minifter of the Lock Chapel. — fitting ...--- . 4/0. The face of T. Cannon is now on this print. — In the print with Dr. Mad ■ m below. Thomas Coke, L. L. D. Preacher at Artillery Chapel, 1790 — oval ......... Engraver or IViiiUcIlei. Peat Emanuel Collins, M. A. — oval, four Englifh vcrfeg COLMAN, "M. G." — preaching, in a lay habft Edridgc P. P. msz. N. Hone 1 775 •/■'•'• '"^z. John CoNDER, D.D. Diflenter. Ob. 1781, 3.^.67. | — oval frame, lay habit ..... ^^fx,, J. Wcbfter — oval, in the " Gofpel Mag." 1774- Richard Con vers, L. L. D. Redor of St. Paul's, Deptford. Ob. 1786, ast. 62. — profile, two .--... f,„, 4/0. Tho. Eman. Cooke, — in a gown and long beard - - . Oxon. 4I0. Walker 1 771 A lunatic. See Biogr. Dramat, Lawrence Coughlan, Preacher at Holywell-Mount Chapel. — oval frame ....... mez. Peter Fr. le Courayer, Ob. 1776, 3£t. 95. — in a lay habit, oval, an etching ... 8vo. r. Trotter. J. Young, 1789. J. Borgms(exc.) Graingeri79i Ridley, 1790. J.m'ArdcU W. Humphrey, J. Watfon, 1775 Record, 1 786. Richard de Courcy, Chaplain to Ld. Kinfale John Hamilton . tiuz. J. Ruflll CowpER, M. A. Fellow of C. C, C. C. — an etching -.---,.. William Coxe, M. A. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. and F. R. S. a Traveller. — in a fur gown, holding a book .... tncz, C. Grignion Thomas Crofts, M. A. Chanc. of Peterborough, F. R. S. A. S. Ob. 178 . -— a fmall oval, lay habit ; anonymous P. P. 1787. William Cruden, M. A. Minifter of Long-Acre Chapel. Ob. cir. 1787. — prefixed to his " Sermons," 1787, 8w. . ^ -|D. Allen J. Jones, ijSi. Ficquet. £B.Guifton,i774 J. Spilfbury^ M. Tyfon. W.Pether,l7SS. T. Trotter, 1 78^, Ptriovi [X, CUli IV. Thomas Berjamin Howell Samuel William William John John Caleb Hugh Richard John James Henry ( 360 ) David=;ov, Minifter of Braintree, Effex. — oval frame, lay habit . - _ Davies, D. D. — oval. Davis, Minider of the Gofpel. — oval ...--. PainWr or I Engr«Ter or Ddigncr. I'rimfeller. • mez. Disney, L. L. B. Vicar of Halftead, Effex. Ob. 1 7 86, itt. 48. — P.P. D. Martin R. Houflon,i775 M. Jenkin ad vivum G. Cait DoDD, L. L. D. Chaplain to the Magdalen. Ob. 1777. — a fmall circle ...-•-•- — a fmall oval ....---- — oval frame ...--- mez, DowARs, Minifter of the Gofpel. — in a lay habit . - - - 1777. /m. mez. J. Harding Edwards, Minifter of the Gofpel at Leeds. — oval frame, lay habit mez. J. RufTcI Eg LIN, — ....... aq.fort, 1^0. Entick, Ob. 1773, iet. 60. — prefixed to his " Hift. of the late War," 1763, 8ot. Blackl77i Burgefs Evans, D. D. Minifter at Briftol. Ob. i79i,£er. 54. — in a lay habit, profile, prefixed to the " Baptifts' An-"1 \ mial Rcgiiler," 1791 j- .L. Bate — 1793- 4/". Evans, Ob. 1781, at. 69. — 1781. 'g. Roth Farmf.r, D. D. Maftcr of Eman. Coll. Camb. F. R. S : A. S. — f-'- mez. G. Romney — in Harding's " Shakefpearc," 1791 — in the print with Tho. Edwards, &c. Supplement. Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley, co. Salop. Ob. 1785, £et. 56. .— preaching, hand on a flcull - - 1786. mez. FoRDYCE, D. D. of MonckwcU Street Chapel. — a fmall oval, profile . . . . - Foster, M. A. of Long-Acre Chapel. — oval ....--.. (ad vivum) Flaxmanm Peat T. KItchin. LL.M. 1773. J. Fittler. Trotter, Id. 1788. J. Walker, 1777, W. Humphrey, J. Watron,i77j. W. Doughty. Benoift. Fittler, 1790, T. Holloway, HoUoway, J. Jones, 178c. Ridley. J. S(pIIfbury), T. Trotter, 1 786, Lovelace, 1 790. rtxioi IX. Clafj IV. William John John David Arthur St. Thomas Andrew ( 361 ) Freind, D. D. Dean of Canterbury, 1760. Ob, 1766. — a fmall oval --,..--. Painttr or l)ellj;ncr. Gabriel, r. P. John Cradock John Sir Adam William John mac James Gambold, M. a. Moravian. Ob. 1771. — lay habit, prefixed to his " Works," &c. 1789, Svo. — id. " Bifhop of the Unllas Fralium," - 1771. nirz. — prefixed to his " Maxims of the Moravians," 1751, ?,vo. Garrow, of Hadlcy, Middlefex. — (xt. 76) .... p. P, Coftcd. mex. George, D. D. Dean of Rofs. Ob. 1772. — holding a book infcribed " Chriftian Philofopliy" mz. Gibbons, D. D. Diffenter. Ob. 1785, at. 64. — in a lay habit and band, holding a book 1 763. mez, GiFFORD, D. D. Bapt. Librar. to the Brit. Muf. and F. A. S. Ob. 1784, jEt. cir. 86. — in a lay habit, holding a roll - - - , - mez. Gill, D. D. DiUentcr. Ob. 1771, set. 74. — set. 74, ia a lay i;ablt ----- 4/^. — prefixed to his " Expofit. of the Canticles," 1768 %vn. - : - , - >/. — fitting, holding a pen - - . la. fol. mez, Glascott, M. A. Vicar of Hatherleigh, Devon. — oval ...-.-•.. •Engi-Jver »r Printfcller, J.S.Warrcn A. I,. Brandt G. Ro nncy Glas, Ob. 1773, St. 79. — in a lay habit ..--.. mc%. Seceded from the Church of Scotland. Gordon, Bart. M. A. Reiflor of Hinckfworth, Herts. — oval, prefixed to his " Sermons," 1 790, Sto. GoSTLiNG, M. A. Minor Canon of Canterbury. Ob. 1777, St. 82. — In a cap, oval, prefixed to his " Walk about Canter- ] buT-y," iTJjtSvo. -zd edit. - - - - -J — a fmall etching ....._.. GoWAN, V. D. M. Author of the " Shaver." — in a lay habit ..-.-- tr.ex. Granger, M. A. Vicar of Shiplake, co. Oxford. Ob. 1776. — oval, profile, prefixed to his " Biographical Hid. of 1 Entjland," lyj ^, zd edil. Svo. - - - -J — in a circle, profile - - - - - - 4/0. Z z S. Welder J. RulTel ad viviim J. Highmore Id. 1748 M.Chamberlin Peat W. Millar. H. Stubble :. Mctz (ad vivum^ RuiTel WWRyland P. Falconet T. Worlidge. J. Jones, 1790. W. Jiibbart. J. Spilfbury, Cn. Hodges I 78 7 J. Spilfljury, R. Houfton, 1774 A. Banncrman. T. Kitchin. Id. G. Vertue, 1748. J. Wright, 1 7 70 R. Clamp, 1792. J.m'ArdclI. C. Kniglit, 1790. R. Godfrey. C. Mct2. Houfton, 1 7 74 C. Bretherton, D. Parifct. Ciifj IV. Pvichard Zachary David Thomas Jolia Jofeph James Stephen. Robert Thomas William William Richard ? ( 36a ) Graves, M. A. Reilor of Claverton, co. Somerfet. — oval - P. V.fm. mez. G.^EY, LL. D. Reclor of Houghton Conquefl:, co. Bedford. Ob. 1766, Et. 79. — ill Harding's " Shakefpcare," 1791 - - • . GraFFiTHs, Rcflor of Newerne, Pembrokeflilre. — oval ...--.--• Painter or ] Engraver at Deii ncr. Printfcller. Grove, (V. D. M.) at Rotherham, co. York. — oval, in the " Chrift. Mag." 1790 GcisE, D. D. Diflenter. Ob. 1761, at. Si. — holding a book, arms . . .. - 4.'6,. Gwennap, V.D. M. — in a lay habit and band, own hair - - -me Hackman, convlded of the Murder of Martha Ray, 1779- — with a patch on his forehead, profile - /m. mfz» — id. oval, prefixed to his " Life," Svo. ... Hales, D. D. Philof. Ob. 1761, xt. cir. 82. — oval "lez. Hall, Minifter at Arnfby, co. Leicefler. Ob. 1791, jet. 63. — in a lay habit, oval, in the " Baptid's Annual Regif-I ter," 1 791 - - - - - - - -i Hall, V.D. M. Ob. 1762, at. 75. set. 75, lay habit and band ... nuz. Hanbury, M. a. of Church Langton, co. Leiccf- ter. Ob. 1778. three qrs. len. deed of fettlement, kc. P. P. mez. Harris, D. D. of Honiton, Diflenter. Ob. 1766. _ M Harrison, Minifter of Brompton Chapel. three qrs. len. hand on his breaft - - la.fo/. — in a circular frame ..... mez. r. Gainfboro' R. Bowyer Singleton L,eilie RvBleecki733 Wale J. Ruffel R. Dighton Id. T. Hudfon P.v.Dyke Robert Henry, D. D. Minifter at Edinburgh. Ob. 1791, aet. 73. prefixed to his " Hiftory of Great Brit." J vols. 4/0. Ob. 1781. John Herries, M. A. — OTal mez. met. VV. Penny J. Faber. N. Hone J. Webller D. Martin G.duPont, 1790. C. Knight. J. Fittkr, 1790. \V.Gardiner1789 Wooding. J. Faber, 1 73+. Miller. R. HouIloni774 R. Laurie, 1779. L Taylor, 1779. J.tn'Ardcll. T. Trotter. G. Bockman. R. Earlom, 1775. J. Mynde. Knight, 1787. J. Watfon, 1774. J. Caldwall. Martin, 1 775 1 Read, 1776. J. Reynolds | Watfon, Pttioi IX. Clafs IV. Rowland ( 5^3 ) Edward Septimus Henry Leonard Henry Ifaac Henry William Thomas Richard John William Hill, M. A. cf Surry-flrcet Chapel. profile ..--... 1773. TOf2. — the bible open before him . . - . ^to. — profile .----.. i2mo. • — pointing upwards -..--- mf~. — a fmall oval, in the " Chriil. Mag." 1791. 'very I'lki him. ■ HiTCHiN, B. D. DifTenter. Ob. 1774, ^t. 48. — lay habit, library in the back ground - 1774. wfz. — id. without the books ... '7 75- wfzt — prefixed to his " Funeral Sermon." HoDsoN, M. B. Chaplain to the Afylum. — in a fquare, arms ---... ^lo. Homer, jun. M. A. Fellow of Eman. Coll. Camb. Ob. 1791, ffit. 40. — in a lay habit -...,. /^to. Howard, D. D. Chaplain to the Princefs Dowag. of Wales. Ob. 1767. — in a fquare .--.... fol. — oval frame ..--... fol. — a fmall etching. Ht'EBARD, B. D. Sen. Fellow of Eman. Coll. and Regiftrar. Camb. Hunt, Americ. — in fpcftacles, a fmall oval, dated 1778 - - mi Hunter, D. D. Diflenter. — a fmall oval, lay habit .-.--. (ad vivum) — another. Huntikgdon, S. S. — oval, lay habit, own hair, writing;', 1791 — a fmall oval, profile, prefixed to his " Arminian Ana- ") tomized," 1783. - - - - - -■/ : — oval frame, vignette of a vineyard, for the fame ivo. (ad vivum) HussEY, Chaplain to the Spanilh Ambaflador. — in a fecular habit • - - • • la. i\!o. T. Callopy HuTCHiN?, S. T. P. Rector of Line. Coll. Oxon. Ob. 1781, £et. S3. — oval ........ g'uo. !j. Orfon Painferor Hcfigner Fngraver tr rrintlellcr. C. Bowles exc. J. Collyer, 1783. C. Hall, 1772. J. Wilfon, 1772. T5owlcs exc. R. Dunkarton, J. RufFcl ad vivum G. Paterfon T. Lawrence W. Skelton, 1 790- S. Harding Ij. Jones, 1791. J. Goldar. Proud. D. Heinsi75o CH.Hodgest785 Richard Hutchinson, of Sidney Coll. Camb. Ob. 1773, a?f- 23- — a Imall oval ad vivum T. Trotter, 1 78 J. J. Borgnes(exc.) Kecord G. Terry, 1786. W. Hincks,i788. j. Eafire. J. Jehncr, 1779. J. Lodge. Jackson. Ob. 1763, sr. 77.1 | — *' Magna f ft Veritas, et prKvalcbit," - - ni.%. F.vr.Myniyj; J. m' Ardell Jay, Preacher at the Surry-flieet Chapeh — a fmall oval - ....... Avarne — «t. 19, oval - " - - - - ■• 4/0. Feat Z Z 2 Goldar, 1789 Id. 1788. - Peiiod IX, ClafslV. David ( 3-^4 ) Jennings, D. D. Dlffenter. Ob. 1762. — --...-... mex.. Richard Johnson, B. A. Chaplain at Botany Bay. — 8-jo. David Jones, M. A ? of Llangan. Thomas Jones, M. A. Chaplain of St. Saviours, Souihwark. OId. 1762. — prefixed to Ill's "Works," 1763, ... Zvo. mez. mez. John Torial John JoKTiN, D. D. Vicar of Kenfington. Ob. 1770, St. 72. — prefixed to liis " Works," .... S'^o. • Joss, V. D. M. — in a lay habit .... 1770. mee,. 177 1, mez. Kemp, Minifter at Edinburgh. — a fmall oval ... John Glen King, S. T. P. R. S.S. A. S. Ob. 1787, cet. 55. — at. 39, a circle, profile .... ^to. i Andrew Kinsman, V. D. M. at Plymouth. — in a lay habit ...... 8^)9. — id. . - - - - - 1772. nuz, Andrew Kip pis, D. D. F. R. S : S. A. — in a lay habit, fitting .... 1792. /»/. Lemuel Kirk man, Preacher at the Spa Fields Chapel. — oval ...,..-.. Walt. Bhke Kirwaw, Chaplain to the Earl of Wcftmoreland. — in fpeftacles, lay habit, oval - - . Dub!. Joel Abr. Knight, Preacher at Tottenham Court Chapel. — oval ...--.-. ^0. John Painttr 9f Defij^ner. Kngriver »r Pnr.tfeller. Jones J.m'ArdeU. ad vivum G. Terry, 1787. R. Bov-yer J. Fittler, 1790. M. Jenkin Id. H. Burgh, R. Houflon. R. Purcell. E. Penny J. HaU. J. RiiITcl ad vivum R. Dunkarton, J. Spilfbur)', Bogle T. Trotter. P. Falconet, 1771. Gab. Smith. Jenkin Ruffel T. Kitchin.' Spilibury, Langford, v. D. M. — in a lay habit - Ob. 1792. Nathaniel Lardner, D. D. Diffenter. Ob. 1768. 21.84. — lay habit, prefixed to his " Life and Sermons,'' 1769. Arthur o' Leary, Capucin. Ecclef. Rom. — in a lay habit, oval ....... men. _- oval .......-- W. Arlaud Peat N. Shee (ad vivum) Ruffel J. Murphy William Leechman, I). D. Principal of the College of CJlafgow. Ob. 1785, sr. 80. ) — prefixed to his " Sermons," two vols, 1789, ^vo. • 1 W. Miller Y. Bartolozzi, Lovelacei79i T. Nugent, 1 7 88. Terry, 1786. Houflon,! 7 75 Kitchin. G. Keating, 1784 Id. cxc. 1791. J. Caldwall Ptriod IX. Clafs IV. John Thomas John Roger Edward Martin Samuel ( 36.' ) Leland, D. D. Hibern. Ob. 1766, xt. 75. 8i Leland, D. D. Librar. Dubl. Coll. Ob. 17S5. — oval ..--.... ,„,2. Lloyd, Rciflor of Nannerk. — oval, done for Pennant's " Tour in Wales." Long, S.T. P. Aftronom. Prof. Camb. Ob. 1770, xt. 89. — a iphere by him - ~ - . . . ,„j.2_ Lye, M. a. Antiquary. Ob. 1767, st. 73. — in a lay habit, fitting in his lludy - . . /"^/. Madan, D. D. of the Lock Hofpital. Ob. 1790. - tucz, - mez. JIi. me^. Painter or Defigncr. Engraver er riiiiircUcr, — fitting ... - - — with Mr. CoETLEGON, wh. lens. Madden, D. D. Inftitutor of the Dublin Society. Ob. 1765, at. 78. — three qrs. len. (landing, books ... — xt. 6&, 1755, fitting . . „ . - mez. - mez. - mez. Jonathan Mahew, D. D. of Bofton, N. E. Ob. 1766, a;t. 45- — a buft, with laurel and otiier ornaments in the '- Me- moirs of The. Hollis," 4^0. - - . . } Robert Charles William Thomas Fran. Kelly Ciiriftoplier Markham, D. D. Reftor of White-Chapel. Ob. 1786, zet. 59. — a circle ---•...., Mason, D. D. Fellow of Trin. Coll. Camb. and Woodw. Prof. Ob- 1770,^1.72. — an etching 4^0, Mason, M. A. Prebendary of York. - — in a lay habit, own hair, an etching - la. ±to, — id. ha. lea. holding a roll ... JJj, f„iz, Maxfield, Chaplain to the Countefs of Hunting- don. — preaching _ --...-. „,,z. — with his wife and family, fm. ovals ... ,„e~, — preaching mex. Maxwell, D. D ? Chaplain to the Afylura. Ob. 1782. — oval frame --...-. ;nfs. Mends, — in a cloak and band ..... ,„e2. A. Lee J. Reynolds M. Griffith B. Wilfon F. Reynolds M. Jenkin G. James Hunter I. Taylor L.Vaflet 1 77 1 J. Reynolds T. Beach Beach (ad vivum) J. Brooks. ;. Dean. J. Hall. Dean, I777» P. Mazell. E, Fiflier, 1 769. T. Burke, 1784; R. Houfton. Johnfon. J. \Vatfon,i774. Brooks. R. Purcell. C. Spooner,i7jj J.B.Cipriani 1 767 W. Skelton,i79o- J. Bretherton. C. Carter. W. Doughty 1779 P. Da we, 1772. Id. Houfton, Daw "' '773- ad vivurn |j. Jehner. ■ptriol IX. CUfs IV. ( 3^6 ) Ee.njamia Messer, V. D. M. 1775. mez. John Henry Meyer, Minifler of Artillery Chapel. — oval . ^ . - - - Henry Starkey Robert Bernard MicHELL, M. A. Vicar of Brighthelmftone. Ob 17S9, art. 75. — a Imall oval ...---- MiDDLETON, Preacher of the Gofpel, 1770. Painter or Dcllgl.cr. Enp-trer or Printfeller. (ad vivumj - C. Shirrlff M. Jenkin MiDGLEY, M. A. Mafter ofCoxwold-Schoolj York- Ihire. Ob. 1761, cet. 77. — arras .---.- P. P. 4/0. — prefixed to his " Compendious Schoolmafter," 2vo. Mills, D. D. Redor of Hitcham, co. Suffolk. Ob. 1787. — oval .....,..- G. Ralph Cafar de Missy, Chaplain at St. James's. Ob. 1775. — a fmall oval, prefixed to his " French Fables," - Thomas Morell, S. T. P. Lexicograph. Ob. 1781. — prefixed to his " Thefaurus Gra:c. Poefeos," 1762, 4/0. Charles Mortimer, D. D. Redor of Line. Coll. Oxon. Ob. 1784. — wh. len. in a fquare cap, an etching ... 4/0. Mottershead, of Manchefter .^ Dilienter. Ob. 1771, ffit. 8j. W. Hogarth Jofeph Zacliary MuDGE, D. D. Prebendary of Exeter, 1737. Ob. 1769. MuNN, of Handfworth, co. Stafford. — oval . . - - - Richard Trcadway Nash, D. D. of Bevery, co. \Vorcefter. — in a lay habit, an oval on a fcroll, engraved for his rhisj Jthn John John " Hudibras," 3 vols. 4/0 Nelson, Methodid Preacher. — xt. 66, an etching - - - 1774. !a. ^lo. l-^EWTON, Re6lor of St. Mary, Woolnoth, Lond. — a head, oval, 1791. NicHOLL, D. D. Canon of Cbr. Ch. Oxon, Ob. 1765. — xt. yi;, hat and gloves in his hand ... mex. — oral, anonymous, 1756 ----.. Pickering J. Reynolds Peat Gardner (ad vivum) C. BIackberdi788 E. Scott T. Kitchin. J. Fittler, 1790. J. Singlctoni788 G. Powle. J. Bafire. J. M. W. Pether. Watfon. Lovelace 1 79 1 J. Caldwall. Harrifon(exc) Taylor m' Ardcll, 1 7 55. T. W(orIidgc.) Perioil IT, CUfs IV. Mark Job William Ceorgc Samuel Edward Henry Samuel William Vincent Edward William Wm. Fran, Benjamin Richard Jofeph ( 367 ) NoE7.E, Rector of Barming in Kent, F. A. S. — prefixed to tiis " Hillory of the Houfe of Cromwell," 1 178 , %-vn. partly fcrnped - - - - -J — oval, prefixed to the 2d edit, of the fame - . - Orton, S. T. p. Minifter at Shrewfbtiry, Ob. 1783. — oval, in a lay habit, fiiice altered . - , . Paley, M. a. Archdeacon of Carlifle. — fifliing with a net - - - . . . me%. Parker, Minifter of the Gofpel. — -.- - - - - - - - Zvo. Parr, L. L. D. Vicar of Hatton, Parsons, »— preaching ....... ^0. The face of Tim. Priestley is now on this print. Peckwell, D. D. Chaplain to the Marchionefs Dowager of Lothian. Ob. 1787. — with a vignette of the Charity, " The Sick Man's") Friend,' - - ... - 4'<'-J The face is now altered to that of Rowland Hill. ---------- mcx^ — -------' la. ^0. — profile, a fmall etching, 17S7. Pegge, M. a : F. R. S. Antiquary. — set. 81, 1785, oval ...... Percy, Chaplain to the Countefs of Huntingdon. — profile ----.... 8ro. — three qrs. len. ...... ntez. Perronet, M. a. Vicar of Shoreham, Kent. — ahead ..... 1787. 4/0. ;«cz. Pickard, — ha. len. fitting, in a lay habit, with a band . - mez. i Piercy, M.A. Diffenting Minifter at Woolwich. — a fmall oval, prefixed to a pocket-book, 1793 Platt, Minifter of Holywell Mount Chapel. — oval ......... Preedy, D. D. of St. Albans. "■" ........ ^fj^ mez. Price, D. D. L. L. D. Minifter at Hackney, and F. R. S. Ob. 1791, set. 68. — in a lay habit .... . 1792.4/5. — id. a fmall oval, 1781 Priestley, L. L. D. Minifter at Hackney, F. R. S. — a bull in an oval, in the " Bicgrsph. Mag." 1793. Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Priutfellrr. R Hancock. J- v.Sherwin. Howell R. Pollard, I775» G. Romney. J- Jones, 1792. Romncy Jones, 1782. Singleton J. Ogboraei7S9 R. Bowyer J. Fittler, 1 787/ J. Ruffel R. T. Houfton 1774 Trotter,! 787. A. Devis j. r- Bafire, 1785. Ruffel c. Hall, 1772. Hou(loni774 (ac vivum) nnamVn=rlin J- Spilfbury, •774- Benezack T. Hor/ley B. Weft |£. Fifher, 1778. Grainger. Lovelace 1790 J.R.Smith. T. Hollowny, 'W. Angus. TeiioJ iX. Clafj IV. Timothy Thomas William James John John Glocefter John William William Robert ( 368 ) — id. in a circle, in the " Europ. Mag." 1 790 — in a lay liabit, a fmall oval ..... Priestley, Miniller of Jewry-flreet Chapel. — oval ........ mez. — a fmall oval, in the " Spirit. Mag." 1791. See Parsons, above. Randolph, D. D. Pref. C. C. C. Oxon. — three qrs. len. fitting .... J'm. i^o. Rastall, D. D. Vicar Gen. of the Church of Southwell, CO. Nottingham. Ob. cir. 1788. — a fmall oval, in the " Hillory of that Church," by "1 his fon, 4/0. - - - - - - *"J Rellt, Antinom. 1759 — 64. — a fmall fquare, lay habit, an etching .... — a fmall oval - - " « ...... Reynolds, V. D. M. Rhudde, M. a. Vicar of Portefliam, co, Dorfet. Ob. 1778. — St. 53, 1757, lay habit and band ... mez. Ridley, D. D. Prebend. Saliibury, 1763. — a fmall oval, in the title to his " Melanpus," a poem, 4/0. RippoN, V. D. M, — in a lay habit, preaching ... 1775. mn.. — prefixed to his " Hymns," 1787, \lmo, . . . Robertson, D. D. of Wolverhampton. — a:t. 62, 1767, oval, profile, lay habit. Robertson, D. D. Hiftor. Painffr or Defiguer. Engriver « Piintfeller. J. Hazlctt W. Bromlc-y. W. Nutter, 1789. (ad vivum r. HoUoway.) I. Taylor J.K.Shcr\v!ni783 P. Mazell, 17S6, S. Shelley S. Harding. J. June. W. Ought R. Houfton 1775 Williams W, Dickinfou, J. HaU. (ad vivum) R. Bowyer R. Dunkarton, J. Fittler, 1787. — prefixed to his " Hift. of Scotland," - mez. - Svo. Robinson, Paftor of a Diffenting Congregation at Cambridge. Ob. 1790. — in a lay habit, profile .... 1784. Svo, J. Dovvnman J. Reynolds Id. — oval 1779. maz. John Samuel William Rogers, V. D. M. of Southwark ? Ob. 1790, ret. 74. — ....... 1785. W'-z. Js. Stewart Rogers, M. A. ReSor of Hufband's Bofworth, co Leic. and Brumpton^ co. Northamp. Ob. 1790 — set. 50, lay habit, prefixed to his " Poems," - Svo, RoMAiNE, M. A. Reftor of St. Anne, Black Friars, — fitting, right hand on a book, cofkJ - - mez. F. Cotes 17 58 — oval frame ....... me». J. RufTtl Bowyer Downman ad vivum J. Dixon, 1773, J. Hal). Holloway. Holloway, J.deLatre, 1781. J. Spilfburv, T. Trottcr,'i785. (Hibbart.) Houfton. Id. 1775. ClafslV, James Nathaniel John ( $H ) — preaching . , , , — three qrs. len, Bible open before him 410, IMntor or iJcfigner, l-nsrivfrcir IVinircllcr, aj vivum RoUQiJET, Ob. 1776, xt. 4.7. Rowland, M. A. — oval » - R. Bouycr William Gregory Walter Jofeph Henry- Henry Jofeph Samuel Lawrence Percival RyLAND, M. A, Paftor of a Baptift Congregation at Northampton. Ob. i 792. — oval, in a lay habit ...... — a fmall oval, prefixed to his " Addrefs to the Ingeni 1 ous Youth of Gr. Brit." 1792, i2t!io. - - -J — - - • - mez. J. RufTel — a fmnll oval - - • • • . . .'J. Burgnis ScLATER, D. D. Reflor of Bow Church, London. Ob. 1778. — .......... niez. IN. Hone Sharpe, D. D. Mafter of the Temple, F. R. S. Ob. 1771. — »----.--- nicz. R. Croffe Shirley, Chaplain to the Countefs of Hun- tingdon. Ob, 178 . — oval ........ ,„^^ R.E.Pine Spence, M. a. Hift. Prof. Oxon. Ob. 1768. — in a lay habit, a circle, in Nichols's " Poets" • - I — id. prefixed to his " Poly metis," ili^-jj/ol. . . If. Whood Stebbing, D. D. Chanc. of Salifbury. Ob. 1763, £et. 76 ? — black cap and lay habit, flick .... Svo, ' J. WcUer Stebbing, jun. D. D. Preacher at Gray's Inn; F. R. S : A. S. Ob. — in a lay habit, fraall, prefixed to " Verfcs on his Me- 1 mory," 1791 Stennet, D. D. — in a lay habit -- Stennet, D. D. — in a lay habit, writing N. Dance /a./o/. 'A, Soldi 178). Ij. 4/0. Sterne, M. A. Prebend, of York. Ob. 1768. — fitting .-.-...., — prefi:;ed to his "Sermons," 1761, Bvo, Stockdale, — ova), prefixed to his " Sermons to Seamen" -, A ad vIvum Webfler J. Reynolds Id. T, Downman VV. Morrifon., 13. Rcadingi75o R. Sayer (cxe.) Ames, 1777, J. Fittler, 1791. J. Goldar,i792. Giainger, R. Houftoni77y J. Thornthwaitc J.R.Smith, 1777. V. Green, 1777. J. Dixon. T. Cook. G. Vertue, 1 746. J. Roberts, VV.N.Gardlner. W^ Walker. Ti Holloway, J. Watfon,i78i. E. Fifher. S. Ravinct. Fittler, 1784, Pcrxd r/.. tlafs IV, { 370 ) Emanuel Swedenborg, Swede and Seclary. Ob. 1772 — ova!, piefixed to his " New Jcrufaleni," 1786 bud William Tasker, B. A. Poet. — a fmall oval, lay habit, prefixed to his trannalion of " Seletl Odes from Pindar and Horace," 2 vols 1788 .---....-. Louis du Tens, F. R. S. and Traveller. — ill a lav habit - - - - - - n, } Nicholas Tindal, Chaplain to Greenwich Hofp. and Hiftor. Ob. 1774. — in a cap ....... Jol- ,G. Knapton — id fol. Painter or Dtiiznei-. Engiavfr or Priiitl'cllor. Stor Pernetin Ci'ofs Auguftus "1 ToPLADY, B. A. Vicar of Broad Hembury. Ob. Montague/ 1778- ■ mez, 1777- — in the "Chrift. Mag." 1791 — a fmall oval, arms . - . - - John Towers, V. D. M. 1754. — In a lay habit, profile ..... mcz. — id. a fuiall oval -..-... — id. .---...-. mez. Micaiah Towgood, of Exeter, Diffenter. Ob. 1792-, at. 92. — act. 83, in a lay habit ...... — id.. prefixed to his " Diffent from the Church of Eng- 1 land Jiiftified," 1787, S':;^. J Thomas Towle, Preacher at Aldermanbury Poflern. — in a lay habit, prefixed to a pamphlet , .^ . Sir Henry Trelawney, Bart. — profile. Benjamin la Troee, Moravian. Ob. 1786, £et. 59. — ....... I jS I, Jill, mez. Succeeded Gambold as Bp. of the " Unitas Fratrum." Eatteifby. Bernigerotli. MifsMartin, 1769 W.N.Gardiner. ad vivum Patten Fiflier J. Opie,i783 Id. ad vIvum B. PIcart,, 1733. G. Vertue, 1735. J. R. Smith, 1777. T. Trotter. Valance(e.\c.) C. Bowles, 1775* E. Scott, 178 . G. Terry &C.1770 E. Ezeklel,i792. A. Smith. Thornton. John Trotter, D. D. Diffenter. Richard Tvrner, L. L. D. — a fmall oval mez. John Villette, Ordinary of Newgate. — an etching, oval, profile ; 17S8 . . . . Gilbert Wakefield, B. A. Fellow of Jcftis Coll. Camb. — lay habit, oval, prefixed to his " Life," 1792, 2vD, mex. R. Spihbury J. RufTel Albert D. Mont.igue J. SpiKbury, R. Houflon 1774 Stanler, 1787 (Laurie.) Firiod IX. Clifs IV. Richard Benjamin William ? William Jofcph Thomas John John Charles Thomas Peter ' ( 371 ) Walker, S. T. P : V. Maftcr of Trin. Coll. Camb. — a fmall etching, prefixed to tlic " Catalofrnc of thcT Plants of the Botanic Gardens," founded by liim, > 1771 - - - J Wallin, M. a. Dillenter. Ob. 1782, at. 72. — in a lay habit, three qrs. len, fitting - ■ vicz, Walsh, — anonymous --.--•. Stjo. Walter, D. D. ---------- mcz. Warton, D. D. Mafler of Winchefter School. — --------- men. Warton, B. D. Sen. Fellow of Trin. Coll Oxon. and Poer. Ob. 1790. — " M. A." in a lay habit, fitting - - Jlj. mez. Watson, M. A. Reftor of Stockport, co. Chefter, F. A. S. Ob. 1782. — ha. len. holding a roll - - - - P. P. 4/0. — a buft, etched, prefixed to his " Hiftory and Antiqui- "1 tiesof Halifax," 1775, 4/5. " ' ' " ■/ Wesley, M. A. of Line. Coll. Oxon. Ob. i7c>i, iet. 90. — set. 63 - - - ...... 4/5. — set. 70 mez. — --------- mez. — both hands on a book ..... „,f^_ — oval -----.... — ast. 86, preaching -.«... la.fcJ. — at. 8j, fitting 1788.4/0. -— preaching in the open air - .. 1770. njfz. — a fmall oval, profile ..... 1790. — id. 1791. — id. prefixed to his " Life," 1792, Sro. . - — in a fqiiare t 789. me::.. — oval frame, vignette of a lioufc in flames - - Jol. — differing in the face only ..... — oval frame ....... ,„^5,_ — hands on a book ----.. ./g, — oval frame, unfiniflied, dated 1 7S7 - - . me^. Wesley, M. A. of Chr. Ch. Oxfor A. Smith, 1791. F. Perrjr, 1756, Six Phihp John Jolm Will. Sir Charles Thomas Samuel Henry John CLASS VI. MILITARY, Admirals, viz. Edward Duke of York, Howe, Keppel, Knowles, Rowley, and Saunders. — ■ - - >• Affleck, Admiral. — wh. len. fitting ..... yj. „i(z,. Andre, Major in the Army. Ob. 1782. — a fmall oval .."..... F, Bartolozzi, Perry Arabin, Colonel. — a large oval .-=... AsGiLL, Bart, and Capt. in the Guards. — when Mi;. A. oval, profile, hat on Par, ^lo. Baillie, Capt. Navy, and Offic. in the Ordnance. — when Lieut. Governor of Greenwich Hofp. - mez, Barrington, Admiral. — oval •-,...... mez, mez. Barry, Lieut. Col. — a fmall oval, arms, P. P. BiDDULPH, Lieut. Col. — OYal frame, great coat, ftick I 'j 74 ?Jh. mez. E. Penny J. Andre J. Downman de Lorainc N. Hone P. Jean J. Reynolds B. Wilfon S. Shelly G. Bickham J. Young, 1 79 J. j.K.Shcrwini784 T. Burke, 1787. CheviUett. J. 'VVaffon, 1779 J. Collyer, 1790 R. Earlom, 1780 Id. J779. W, Nutter, 1 789. «' A. Poggi !T. WatfoD, feiloj TX, CI.ifs VI. ( 377 ) I'aintef or Dcfigner. William Bligh, Capt. Navy. — oval, prefixed to his " Voyage to the South Seas," "I 1792>4"' J Sir William Bootiiby, Bart. Lieut. General. Ob. 1787. Edward Boscawen, Admiral. Ob. 1761. — \vh. lei). .... — his liand reding on a cannon — hat under his arm - . - - mcz, - mez, - tnez. - Jh- ■ Jh. Charles Bourne, Sir Robert Boyd, K. R. Governor of Gibraltar, 1790. — profile, (lar and ribband, arms ... -— a fmall oval, id. - - - - - John Brathwaite, — a fmall oval. John mac Bride, Capt. Navy, and M. P. — three qrs. len. ..... Daniel Brown, Cornet of Horfe. — a fmall wh. len. etching ...... Sir John Burgoyne, Bart, and General, 1782. — •----- - 1774, y?«. n\cz, John BuRGOYNE, General, and M. P. Ob. 1792. — an etching ........ — wh. len. ....... me%. Jonathan Carver, Author of " Travels through N.America. Ob. 1784. — a fmall oval, profile .... 1780. mer,, Cha. Allan Cathcart, Son of Cha. 9th Lord C. and Lieut. Col. Ob. 1788. — ha. len. - - - . - . P. P. 4/0. T. P. Christian, Lieut. ■ — hat on ...... J'mall mez. Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. General. — a fmall oval, 1790 ........ Hiigraver »t PrinifcUcr. R. Bowycr J- Condc, J , Reynolds Reynolds Id. A. Ramfay E. Vaughan A. Poggi J. Smart J. Noithcote ad vivura R.E.Pine G. Romney Hen. Seym. Conway, General. — wh. len, ..... Geo. Seym. Conway, Son of the Earl of Hertford. J.R.Smitb, 1782. m< Ardell. Id. J. Faber, 1 7 5 I . R. Purcell. J.K.Baldreyi784 J. Hall, 1786. C. Watfon,i785. ]. FIttler, 1793. \V. B(aillie)i76i» W. Humphrey, Humphrey, R. Sayer (exc.) R. Stewart(exc,) W. Sharp, 1791. R. Laurie, 1 785. F. Bartolozzi, Smart mc-;5. T. Gainfboro'JG.duPont, 1780, Reynolds 'E. Fiflier, 1771. James Cook, Circumnavigator, and F. R. S. Ob. 1779.! — 1777- /a. 4'». iVV. Hodgen J. Bafire, — prefixed to his " Life," by Dr. Kippis, 1788, 4/5. -j • ]. Hcatk. 3 B PtricJ IX- Clafs VI. Sir Eyre William Sir Roger George Sir Charles Patrick Richard William Samuel Sir Henry E(3n:iund George Ofwald Sir Robert Thomas Simon Edward ( 378 ) Painter or 1 Engraver or Defigner. Printfellcr. — fitting, and holding a chart - - 1784. /a. 4/0 — a fmall oval, profile, with ornaments, 1785. la. 4I0. CooTE, K. B. Colonel. Ob. ijS . — a fmall oval ---.... mez. — an etching, done in India .... ^/o, CoRNWALLis, Capt. Navy. — oval --....... Curtis, Knt. Capt. Navy. 1790. fm. ^0. N. Dance jT. KoUoway, Id. J.K^herwin, F. Aliamet. Moreland P. Dawe. W.Lawranfon J. Walker, 1782. Darby, Rear Admiral of England. Ob. 1790. — a fmall o-val ..---.. D. Gardner F. Kaward,i784 I W.Hamilton J. Cald\valli783 I C. SherrifF C. Knight, lySl. Douglas, Bart. Capt. Navy, and F. R. S. Ob. 1789?! | — \vh. len. ....... mtz. H. Singleton J. Jones, 1791. Duff, Col. of Artillery in India. — ha. len. fword under his arm .... mez. Edwards, Admiral. Elers, Lieut, of Dragoons, 1771. Elphinstok, Admiral in Ruffia. Ob. 1789. Ob. 1765. 178 1, nicz. G. Romney Dance Erskine, Bart. — an etching ... Fanning, Lieut. Gov. of N. Scotia, 1783. — in a hat, a fmall oval .... Farmer, Capt. Navy. Ob. 1779. Fawcett, of the 72d Regt. Ob. cir. 1788. H.C.Hodgesi79i W. Dickinfon, B. Clowes. D. Martin. Goddard B. Reading. 1 I - iiuz. C. Grignion j. F. Murphy, 1 780 — - a boy, with the emblems of Cupid Fi.KicHER, Colonel. Forrest, Lieut. Navy. — xt. 50, 1745, prefixed to his " Voyage" 4/0. - mez. IR. Cofway 1774. mez. J. Reynolds - J.K.Sherwin Dawc. Dickinfon, W. Sharp, 1779; Fraser, ofLovat, Brig. Gen. Ob. 1777. — oval frame ....... mez, J. Scouler J. Watfon,i778 — a medallion ...---- Garner, Capt. Navy. Ob. 1781. — oval ....... Since infcribcd Prince William Hlhry. T. Worlidge. Sharpies |A. Albanefi,i78o fir'taa IX. Cbls VI. John ( 579 ) GOODRID3E, of Falmoutli, MaRcr of a Packet, and Author of a book on Tadics. Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver of rrjntfisUer. Samuel Gretg, Admiral in Ruflia. Ob. 1788. Thomas Grikfin, Admiral. Ob. 1771. — in laced clothes Griffith, Capt. Navy. — unfinifhed . . , . . -J. Opic I I - mcz. D. Lcvitzk! I I - mez. T. Hudfon mez. John Hugh Griffiths, Lieut. Marines. Slain 1782. ~ oval - - P. P, mez. Daniel Grose, Dep. Gov. of Botany Bayj F. A. S. — oval, an etching. Sir Charles Hardv, Admiral. Ob. 1780. — a fmall oval, profile Studholm Hodgson, General, 1759- 1781. mrji. G. Rornncy 1780. men. tries. ' mez. fa, mez. me%. Sir Samuel Hood, Admiral. — a fmall oval ■■ - ... Sir George Howard, K. B, General. Sir Edward Hughes, K. B. Admiral. — wh. len. in embroidered clothes John HtTNTER, Lieut. Navy in N. South Wales. — oval, fitting, holding a fea view Lewis de Jean, Colonel. _ Ob. 1764. ~ oval, hia hat on - - • . . Charles Jefferyes, Colonel. Ob, 1765. Sir William Johnson, Maj. Gen. 1756. Ob. 1774? William K el let, Lieut. Col. — oval - - • « . . p. p, Richard Kempenfelt, Admiral. Ob. 1782. — three qrg, len. ...... ,„fig_ — oval .... - . . . James King, Circumnavigator. Ob. 1784. "^ oval . • . - ~ . 17S4. 3B 2 J. Heath. J> W'iilkci, 17^3 R. Houftorj. T. Watfoii, V. Green, j-Bj. E. Calza J. Reynolds Reynolds R. Dighton P. Mercier V. Dicft Adama ad vivum T. Kettle Id. J. Webber P. Davve W.Dickinfon, R, Stewart(exci) fe. Filher A. AlbanefM782 J. Watfon. J. Jones, 1786. D, Ormc, 1792, J. Faber. A. Miller, 1756. C- Spooncr. W.BaiUie, 1779. R. Earlom, 1782 R. Pollard, 1782. F. Bartolozzi, J'erioi IX. Clafs VI. ( 380 ) Ph. Gidley Kixg, Gov. ot Norfolk. Ifland, N. South Wales, and Lieut. Navy. — oval, in the " Account of Botany Bay" William Kingsley, General. Ob. 1769. — ----.... fm. mea, — oval frame la.fol. mez. — id. -..,... fmaller. Sir Charles Knowles, Admiral. Ob. 1777. — two .'-...-.-- mc%. Peter Labilliere, Major. — holding the "American Petition" - 17S0. me%. I'ainWror I Engravtr or Defizner Prmtfclier. Stringer Lawrence, General. Ob. 1775, ffit. 78. mez. Barry St. Sir John John Robert James James Sir Hugh Hyde Sir Hyde Sir Richard Arthur Leger, Colonel. — \\\\. len. with his horfe LocKHART Ross, Admiral. Meares, — oval, prefixed to his " Voyage to Nootka Sound," 7 1790, ^to. J MoNCKTON, General. Ob. 1782. — three qrs. len. hat under his arm ... mez,, — \vh. len. - mez. — in the print of the " Death of Wolfe," Per. viii. 6. MURRAY, General, and Governor of Minorca. — a fmall oval, profile ... 1785. Oglethorpe, General. Ob. 1785, cer. 102. — in armour, a fafh over it - - - - - mex. — \vh. len. reading, an etching ... - 4/0. Palliser, Bart. Admiral, and Governor of Green- wich Hoipical. — leaning on a cannon .... Jh. mez. Parker, Admiral. Ob. — oval frame . - ... /a. 4/0. mez, Parker, Knt. Son of the former, Capt. Navy. — \vh. len. ........ mez. — \vh. len. ....... Pearson, Knt. Capt, Navy. Ob. 1779.'' — a fmall oval ...... J. Wright jW. SkeUon,i78«) I J. Reynolds R- Hancock. Id. R. Houftoni76o Id. Id. T. Hudfon J. F2berCi753) Wright ;H. Klngfljury, Reynolds, Houfton. 1761 1 Id. ;R. Purcell. T. Gainfboro' G.duPont, 1783. Reynolds W. Beachey J.m'ArdeU. C.W.Beftland. Hudfon im« ArdcU. B. Welt IJ. Watfon. J.S.Neelc (exc.) Burford. ad vivum ;S. Ireland, 1785. ad vivum J. Northcote J.R.Smith, 1787. J.R.Smith, 1781. Reynolds iC. Townley. - mez. jG. Romucy J. Walker, 1780 4/0. mez. Phillip, Gov. of New S. Wales. . — oval, prelixed to hia *' Voyage to Botany Bay," 4/0. Id Id. I Kent, 1 78 1. C. Grignion j.|J. Watfon.iySo F. Wheatlcy VV, Shcrwini789 Period IX. Clals VI. ( 381 ) Painter 01 I Engraver or Oeligner. | I'rimfellcr. William Phillips, Maj. Gen. of Artillery. Francis Pierson, Major. Ob. Jerfey, 1781. — a fmall oval, 1781 . . . . w^z. 'F. Cotes V. Green, 4785. R. Marcuard ■ Sir George Pocock, K, B. Admiral. Ob. 1792, tet. 86. j — ....... 1762. mcz. ] Geo. James Riddel, Lieut. Grenad. Guards. Ob. 1783. — ovdl, profile, P. P. .... Andrew Robinson, General. Ob. 1762, a;t. 79. Robert Roddam, Admiial. — ha. len. -..-.... Sir William Rowley, Admiral. Ob. 1768. rcltiriE; his right arm on a cannon - J. Downman I rz. T. Hudfon J.S.MiUer, F. Bartolozzi. J.m'Ardell. ?;,YS. L.r. Abbot H. Hadron,r789 J. Brooks — infcribed " William Rowley," three qrs. len. in a 1 . Arniilphy, j ,-. , laced hat - - - - - . >,uz. \ '^ '743 /' ^^''' '^'^^■ Sir Charles Saunders, K. B. AdmJral. Ob. 1775. — -.--..... „,(z. J. Reynolds m' Ardell. I Philip Shera[ Knight. E. Fidier, 1772, J. Collyer, 1788. C. Townley. Darling, Filher. T. Trotter, 1782 Period IX. Clafs VII. John Henry Jofeph ( 3S3 ) Ash, M. D. F. R. S. A. S. — wh, len. fitting - - . . Baker, F. R. S. Ob. — oval, with a microfcope, P. P. . - . . Baretti, Secretary for Foreign Correfpondence to the Royal Academy. Ob. 1789. — reading yi/. Painter or Dcfigner. Cnjravcr or Priritfellcr. tygi.Jh.lj. Reynolds jF. Bartolozzi, Thomfon ,W. Nutter. William Baylies, M. D. to the King of PriifHa. — a circle, French infcription - . . . James Beattie, L. L. D. Poet. — with emblems ---... Benjamin Bell, Surgeon at Edinburgh. — prefixed to lils " Sydem of Surgery," 1792, 8vo. Berkenhout, M. D? Ob. 1791, let. 61. — oval, in the " Europ. Mag.'' 1788 - •{ Reynolds J. Hardy. Id J. Watts. D. Berger, 1783. Reynolds J. Watfon, lyyj H Schmid, '779 John Ralph Jofeph James BiGLAND, Garter King of Anns, and Antiquary. Ob. 1784. — in his herald's coat ------ mez. Black, Chym. Prof. Edinb. 1789. — oval -.----.-. Boswell, of Auchinleck, Jurifc. et Litcrat. — ha. len. ------- Archibald Bower, Hiflor. and Ex-jefuit. Ob. 1766, set. 83. — three qrs. len. fitting, right hand on a book mez. — fmall, anonymous . . - William Bromfield, Surgeon. Ob. 1792. Raeburn W&J.Walker. i I T. Holloway. I R Brompton C. Townley 1771 J. Brown J. Beugo. Thornton Robcrtfon. Reynolds J. Jones, 1786. G. Knapton J.m'Ardell. Reynolds J. Faber. (Worlidge.) W Humphrey, . R.E.Pine W. Matthews, John John — - ---- - - - - 1774. mez — - - - - - - - -1774. mez. — •'------/a. 4/0. IR. Cofway D. Orme, 1792 Brown, M. D. Edinb. Ob, Lond. 17SS, ter. 32. — oval .--.-.,.- Browne, — prefixed to his " Law Lift," 1792, 8vo. Sir WiUiam Browne, M. D. Ob. 1774. — set. 73, 1765, fitting, as Prefidtnt James Bruce, ofKinnaird, Traveller. — a fmall oval, prefixed to his " Travels," Copied - John Fred. Bryant, Poetical Pipe-maker at Briftol. Ob 1791, Kt. 37. — an outline, prefixed to a vol. of his Verfes, 2,vo. J. DonaldfonJ. Heath. ' Pafs. z. iT. Hudfon J. Uixon. , Hiath, 171,0. J. G(ooch)i787 rerioa IX. Cbfs Vll, Wiiliam Charles Robert William Edward Francis Jacob de Charles Peter George John George Alexander William Richard ( 3^4 ) BUCHAN, M. D. — in a cap, four Fr. veiTes - BuRKEY, Muf. D. Oxoii. F. R. S. Paintsr or i Engraver or Deiigncr. Prindcllcr. 1 78 1. 4/0. BcRKs, Scott. 'Poet. — oval, prefixed to his " Poems," 1787, 8i'0. C A DOG AN, M. D. — in a great coat, reading ... 1772. me Cap ELL, Ob. t-Si. a medallion prefixed to liis " Notes and Various Read- ings to Shakfpeare," 3 vol. 4/0. 1779 ' - — a buft, in Bell's " Shakfpeare," :} Miger. J. Reynolds :F. Bartolozzi, A. Nafmith J. Bcugo. R.E.Pinei769 W. Dickinfon, L.F.Roubiliaci Carter, Antiquary. ^t. 38, oval, profile, ornaments of medals, &c. pre-1 fixed to his " Hiftory of Gibraltar," Si-o. - - j" Castro-Sarmiento, M. D. F. R. S. 1729. Ob. 1762, £et. 70. ,.......- mez. — 2t. 45, 1737 ^o.m.-z. Chauncy, M.D. F.R.S. Ob. 1777, at. 68. — holding a book ...... mcz. Altered from a fquare to an oval. Clare, Surgeon, Ob. 1786. — a fmall oval ..-....- — id. prefixed to his " Treatife on the Lues Venerea" _ Svo. Cleghorn, M. D. Dublin. Ob. 17S9, st. 75. — oval, in Letfom's " Memoirs of Fojliergiil" Collier, cogn. " Tim. Bobbin," of Rochdale, Au- thor of the " Lancafliire Dialect." Ob. 1786. — prefixed to his " Mifcellanics," 1773, Stxj. Colman, Poet. — prefixed to his " Works," in 2 vols. Id. 1759 Bartolozzi. A. Smith, 17S7. Ho\viti779j. Bafire Pine H. Stephens F. Cotes 1 7 JO ad vivum C. Metz ad vivum R. Houfton A.Miller, 1737. Ca.Watfon,i785. mez. Cruden, M. a. Edinb. Ob. 1770. — prefixed to his " Concordance to the Bible," 4/0. — prefixed to the fame, 1785 CuLLEN, Med. Prof. Edinb. F.R.S. Ob. 1790. set. cir. 80. »— in a cloak, books before him .... mrz. Cumberland, Poet. ......-- Jh, mez. T. Burke. Goldar. , Holloway. t C. Sherwin. T. Gainfl)orO' Reynolds T. Frye Id. W. Cochran G. Romney J. Hall, 1787. G. Marchi,i773. T. Kitchin. T. Trotter,! 785. V. Green, 1772. Green, 177 1. W. Sharp. Period IX. CUfs VU. ^Villiam John Thomas Thomas Samuel Henry Thomas Bartholom. Thomas Thomas Francis Alexander Andrew Samuel George ( 385 ) Cuming, M. D. Dorchefter. Ob. 1788, xt. 73. — a fmall oval, in Lcttlom's " Memoirs of Fothergill" — three prints, oval -..--- Cunningham, Poet. — a fmall oval Dav, oval, two Latin linrs Ob. 1789. Denman, M. D. — own hair ...... Derrick, of Bath, Poet. Ob. 1769. — oval frame, prefixed to his " Life," - — reverfed ..... Dickenson, Surgeon at Bath. Ob. cir. 1790. DiMSDALE, M, D. — with a RiilTian infcription DoMiNicETTi, Med. Ital. 1767. /a.fo/. I 2mo. \2mo. 1769. la.fol. Thomas DOUTHWAITE, Poet. — prefixed to the " Impartialift,'' 1775, 8t'o, DowLAND, " Botanift and Student in Aftrology," 1790. — with emblematic figures .... ^^^.^ Drake, of York, Hiftor. and Antiq. F. R. S. 1736. Ob. 1770. £t. 75. — frame of ftone work, view of York-minftcr . mex. Drummond, Conful at Aleppo, 1744. Ob. 1769, — prefixed to his " Travels," 1734 . . . . Duncan, M. D. Edinb. — oval -.--.. ... Dyer, F.R, S. Ob. 1772. Edwards, Naturalift, and F. R. S. Ob. 1773, at. 81. — an oval, furroimded with feathers, birds, &c. Tliis has been called Harrison, Apothecary. — a head, etched, in manner of a drawing, 1735, " 4'"- — set. 60, 1751 ----- . 4^0. — profile, prefixed to his " EfTays on Nat. Hift," 1770, Edwards, Surgeon at Dublin. — a fmall oval ...--... Tainter or Defi^ncr. Beachl7i?3 Id, Engraver or I'rin'fclicr, J.G.Wood L.F.Abbot Vifpris ad vivuni ad vivum ad vivum (ad vivum) J. Bowring. N. Drake W. Weir J. Reynolds del. et f. B. Dandridge Goffet w. VV. Sharp, 1785. T . Trotter. T. Cook, I77<;. M. Bovl, 1791. W. SkeItoni792. W. Hibbart. B. Clowes, 1771 .' T. Burke. Chridineck, Vitalba. J. Record. V. Green, 1771. J. S. M. A. Bell, 1778. Trotter, 178^ G. Marchi,i77j. W. A(ikman) J. MafTey in M.S. J. Miller, Id. 3 C Roache H. Houftoai79i ( i86 ) TtTwi IX. •Clafs VII. John Elliot, Apothecary, Ob. 1787, at. 42. — oval ---.-..-- William Falcon er, M. D. F. R. S. — a fmall oval, prefixed to his " Influence of die Paf- l fions upon Diforders," 2d ed. 1791 - * "J Adam Ferguson, L. L. D. — oval, prefixed to Ills " Roman Empire," /a. \to. James Ferguson, Allronom. F. R. S. Ob. 1776, set. 66. — prefixed to his " Mechanical Exercifes," 1778. 8«o. — in a cap and govi'n, holding a book - i 776. mcz. — in a wig and coat, hand on a globe - 1776. mcz. Theodofius Forest, Connfel and Dramatift. Ob. 1784. — with Francis Grose, as Monks ... mez, Frederick Forrest, cogn. " Young D'Urfey," Poet. — prefixed to the " Rattle for Grown Perfons" . %vo. — with a rattle ----.- %vo. mez Fred. F. Ckrk of the Cheque at Chatham, died in 1788. Jn.ReinholdFoRSTER, Botan. — oval frame, with ornaments . - . . . John FoTHERGiLL, M. D. F.R.S:S.A. Ob. 1780, jct. 68. prefixed to his " Memoirs," by Lettfom, 178 , %vo. - prefixed to the 4th edit, of the fame, 1786. ha. len. fitting, an open book before hiin - - mt%. — a fmall oval ..--.-- mtz. Benjamin Franklin, of Bodon, N. England, L. L. D. F. R. S. Ob. 1790, at. 84. — holding a book .---.. mez. — near wh.len. fitting, eleflrical inftruments - mfz. — profile, in Lettfom's " Memoirs of Fothergill" - — a large oval ----- Par. i-jSg. — Par. John Freeth, Poetical Publican at Birmingham. — . - - -_ - - - - 1785. — prefixed to his " Political Songfler, 1788 — oval, in a hat, prefixed to the fame, 1 788 . - - Edward Gibbon, Hiftor. — prefixed to his " Hift. of the Rom. Empire," 1780,4/0. John Gillies, L. L. D. F. A.S. — prefixed to his " Hiltory of Greece," 1788, Bvo. Thomas Glass, M. U. Exeter. — fitting, in a cloak ----- la.fol. Richard Glover, — a fmall oval, !n the " Europ. Mag." 1786 .^ a head ..------ %vo Painter nr | Engraver or Dcligncr. Prinifellcr. J. Record. Daniel, , ,-.• 1 Bath J- ^'"'^'■- J. Reynolds J. Beugo, 1790^ J. Northcote J. Townfend (ad vivumj C. Chapman A. GraflF 1\. Cofway R. Livifey G. Stuart T. Cook. F. Haward, R. Stewart (exc.) N. Hone, 1772. W.' Elliot J.F.Baufe, 1781. F. Bartolozzi. Id. V. Green, 1781, B. Wilfon m'Ardell. Cochini777 S. Aiibin. Chevillet. MChamberlinE Fifher. J. Heath. F. Janinet, duPleffis P. PI. ad vivum R. Hancock, M. Haughton. Miller Martin. Reynolds J. Hall. J. Boyle J. CaldwaIIl788 J. Opie E.A.EzckIeli788 N. Honci756T. Holloway. J.K.Shcrwin. PcrioJ IX. Clafs VU, Roberc Edward Oliver Foote Thomas ( 387 ) James James John Richard Francis Jofeph William John I'ainttr or Dcfigncr, Engraver or I'cinlfcller. Glynn, M. D. Fellow of Kirg's Coll. Camb. and Poet. — /n./o/. jT. Kcrrich J&G.Facius 1783 GOLDNEV, — prefixed to his " Epillle to the Deifts," 1759, 8w. - R. Cofway T. Chambars. Goldsmith, M. B. Poet. Ob. 1774, ^ct. 45. — an etching ...... Jm, 4/0. — id. oval, hand in his bofom . . . . . — prefixed to his " Poems," 1780, %vo, . . . Gower, M. D. — oval ....-.^... Gray, L. L. B. Prof, of Mod. Languages and Hiftory, Camb. and Poet. Ob. 1770, at. 54. — oval of laurel, profile, prefixed to his " Memoirs," by 1 Mafon, 1775, 4/0. - - - - - -J — a buft in an oval, etched, prtfixtd to the fame — a fmall etching .....-- — id. P. P. — three qrs. len. in a veft, leaning on his hand - fol. — profile, in Bell's " Poets" . . . . - — id. an etching ...-.- 4/0, R. Cofway H. Bunbury (Id.) J. Reynolds J. Taylor Bretherton. (Id.) T. Cook. G. Marchi,l770. W. SkeIton,i79o Gregory, Med. Prof. Edinb. P.P. Gregory, of Aberdeen, F. R. S. Lond. — prefixed to his " Mathemat. Works," 1793, 4^0. Gregory, M. D. F. R. S. Edinb. Ob. 1773. xt. 40, a fmall oval, prefixed to " A Father's Legacy 1 to his Daughters, Edinb. 81)0. Grindall, Surgeon. — hand in his bofom, anonymous - Grose, Antiquary, F. S. A. Ob. 1701, £61.52. — wh. len. prefixed to his " Antiq. of England," 1787. 4/0. ~— in fpeftacles, profile, an etching . . . . — ^ in the print with Theod. Forrest, above. Grove, Ob. 1764. — wh. Itn. fitting. Qu. prefixed to his "Life and"! Times of Cardinal Wolfey" - - - - -J Guthrie, Hiftor. Ob. 1770. — prefixed to his " Hillory of Scotland," 1767. Hadley, M. D. F. R. S. Ob. '.764, set. 3;. — P. P. mi%. W. Mafon and t -n r B.Wilfon.mm. J- ^afirc, 1775. W. Doughty. W. Henlhaw. (W.Mafon.) Echardt J. Miller, 1753. W. Sharp. J.R.Smith. R. Earlom.1786? W. Birch. F. Cotes, 1 764 J. Bcugo, 1787. THudfoni755 E. Fifher, 1771. B. Smith. John Henry Hampe, M. D. ^- with a long infcription N. Dance T. Worlidge 1744. B.Wilfoni739 F. Bartolozzi, J. J- Bcnning. L Taylor. FiHicr. 3 C 2 J'liiaH mez, A. Kauffman T. Burke. Fcriod IX. Clafs VII. Mofcs John Bufick John William William John Robert Thomas Jofeph Hugh William Harry Thomas William David ( 388 ) Harris, Entomologift. — xt. 49, profile, with ovnameiits, prefixed to his book "I of "Infefts," 1780, 4/0 / Harrison, Surgeon at Derby. Ob. cir. 1787. — oval frame, own hair ..... „,ez. J. Wright Harwood, M. D. Anat. Prof. Camb. and F. R.S. i — - 1790. /o/.S. Harding — ......... iiiez. Id. Painter or Deligner. Engraver or Pnntfellcr. Hawksworth, L. L. D. Ob. 1773. — prefixed to the "Adventurer" - - izwo. — - writincr ....... tnez. Hay LEY, Poei. — ha. len. fitting, hand on a book - P. P. mez. Hewson, Surgeon, F. R. S. Ob. cir. 1779. — a fmall oval ..... 1780. mcz. Hill, (Sir J. in Svved.) Med. et. Botan. Ob. 1775. — oval frame, with a folitaire .... m^z. Hill, of Greenwich, Poet. — prefixed to his " Poems," 1775. Holcroft, Dramatift. — oval, in the " Europ. Mag." 1792 . . . - Hooper, M. D. F. M. S. Ob. 1789. — a fmall oval, prefixed to his " Oration." - . . Horseman, Poetical Miller at Stow, on the Woold in Gloucefterfhire. — ........ Scarce, HouLSTON, Surgeon, F. A. S. J. Reynolds I G. Romney F. Cotes, 1 75 7 (ad vivum) — a faiall oval Howard, Ob. — prefixed to the «' Choice Spirits* Mufeum." 1 765, la. 4/0. HowEL, M. D. et Peregrinat. — oval .....--.. HuGGiNs, of Headley Park, Surrey. Ob. 1761. — prefixed to his " Tranllation of Dante" . . . Hume, Hiftor. Ob. 1776, xt. 65. — oval, prefixed to his " Apology" - . . . — prefixed to his " Hift. of England," by Smollet - — a fmall circle -- ...... — in laced clothes mcz. Einflie S. Harding W.Hogarth ARamfayi766 Cochin 8vo. William Hunter, M. D. F. R. S. Ob. 1 783, at. 63. — oval, holding a (kelcton M. Hams. J. R. Smith. W.Gardiner, J. Jones, 1791. J. Hall. J. Watfon. J. Jacobc, 1779. R. Steward (exc) R. Houfton. J. Conde. W. Graingcri792 R. Hancock, P. Lambert. W.N.Gardiner. T. Major^ J. CaldwaU. J. Collyer. r. Cook. D. Martin, 1767. Migcr, 1764. J. Donaldfon J. Ravcnet M.Chamberlin Collyer, 1783, Ptriod IX, CUfs VII. John Francis William John Ed ward Charles Robert John John Samuel C 389 ) Painter or Dcfigncr. — oval, profile - - - - . 1781. mrz — a circle, profile - - . . 1 780. ad vivum HuNTKR, Surgeon, F. R. S. | — fitting, near wli. len. ..... JJj. J. Reynolds Hl'tcheson, Phil. Mor. Prof. Glafg, Ob. — a medallion in the " Memoirs of T. Hollis" - - (GofTet to.) Hutchinson, F. A. S. Author of the Hiflory of Northumberland. — in the print with George Allan, above. HuxHAM, M. D : F.R. S. Ob. 1768. — ......... niez. — prefixed to his " Works," 1788, Si'o. Jacob, of Feverfliam, Surgeon and Antiquary ; F. A.S. Ob. 17S8, at. 78. — oval, profile -.--.... James, Poet, and Capt. in the Army. — in a fqnare, prefixed to his " Poems" 178 , Sz^o. — oval, uniform, prefixed to the fame, 1792 - James, M. D. Ob. 1776. — prefixed to his " Diflertation on Fevers," 1778 - Jebb, M. D. F.R.S. Ob. 1786, a;t. 51. . — a buft, prefixed to his "Works," 1787 - - - Flaxman w. — two, oval - ..--...| — three qrs. len. fitting ..... miz. J. Hoppner Jeffries, Med. Americ. I — prefixed to his " Aerial Voyage" - - . - J. Ruffel Engraver or Printfellcr. T. Rennell (ad vivum) M. Brown Id. E. Hedges (exc' R. Parry, i yS.\. J. Thornthwait'^ W.Sharp, 1788. E. FiHicr. C. Hall, ,777. W. Skelton. Id. R. Walker. Johnson, L L. D. Philol. Ob. 1784, tet. 76. — a circle, prefixed to his " Dictionary," 1785 — prefixed to the fame, 1 786, 4(0. . . . . - M — - - - - - - -1784. Jh. ?iiez. — a fmall oval, 1786- — prefixed to his " Life," hy Hawkins, Sijo. — prefixed to his " Life," by Bofwell, 1791, 4'o. - -r- prefixed to his " Didionary," i786,_/t. S I . — oval frame, book .-.---- E. Scott, 1789, Caldwall J. Bcugo. Roberts. Chriflopher Smart, M.A. Fellow of Pembroke Coll. Camb. Poet. Ob. 1770, a;t. 48. — a fmall oval prefixed to hii "Poems," 1791, iZino. deNune,i746A. Bailiie, 1776. c Tobias F.dward Smith, M. D. — oval Svo. Smollet, M. D. et Hiftor. Ob. 1771. — prefixed to his " Hift. of England," 17 5R, 8-jo. - — prefixed to his " Cont of Hume's Hift." 1790, Svo. — prefixed to his " Plays and Poems," 1777, 8i'». ■ Smyth, M. D. Dublin. — in a cap ...,.-. F. Aliamet. J. Collyer. J. Reynolds S. Ravcnet. William Smyth, Aporkecary. — a fmsU oval - mez, R. tarbor Graglia Thomas Snelling, Medalift. Ob. 1773, at. 61. j — a fmall medallion, prefixed to his " Treatife on, and "[ ! jjrints of Englilh Medals" J — a medallion ...-.--- — another, anonymous, fmall. Uan. Cha. Solandkr, M. D. and Botanift, L. L. D. F. R. S. Ob. I 782, at. 46. — oval ..-..-•■--J. Sowerby John Si'RY, ofPlymoudi? . . -.. • - - - - t/itZ. Edward? Si-ry, M. D. ai Plymouth. James Stepjien, Author of an Effay on Imprifonment for Debt. — profile - - - - - - 1771. ''•'''~« Peter Stephens, of Salop, 1767. — a medallion, fiippnrtod by two cnpids ; irruption of] M. Vefuvlus at a diftance, oblong, yir^ra-. - - J Willinm Stewart, •— a:t 76, 1786, oval .....-- W. Thompfon N. Dance Hamilton V. Green, 1779. W. Grainger. C. Hall. J. Thane, 1770. J. Newton, 1784 J. Jchner. S, Hart, 1788? W. Dickinfon, VV.H. 1761. C. Knight. IV noil f-r. CI Us Vtl, Bcnjaniin Gilbert ^YiJ^am Henry John William John William rhillp John John Edward Nathaniel Thomas Gilman Jolhua ( 39 J ) Stillingfj.eet, Botanifl. Ob 1771. — oval, with a book and microfcopc, P. P. Stuart, L. L. D. Edinb. HilW. Ob. 17S6. — xt. 35, oval .... . . . Painter or | Engiavfr at Dltfigncr. ' Pnmfeller. }. ZoiTany V. Green, 1782. i J. Donaldfon JK.Sherwin lySj !E. Kirlclialliy^, Stukeley, M D. F. R. S. and Antiquary. Ob. 1765, jet. 78. — in cliiaioorc!::o ....... — oval, large wig, neckcloth .... ?,iez. lG.Kne\kn-j2t'j. Smith, 17.' li — a fmall medallion, with emblematic figures, the title | ' to his " Itinerariiim Curiofum," \-]lt.,J'ol. - -j — prefixed to the fame book, 1776. SwiNDURN, Traveller. — oval, prefixed to his " Travels throiin;h Spain" - . JR.A.Cofuay M. Dova, 178^. Symonds, L. L. D. Flift. Prof. Camb. ! j — oval Taplin, Surgeon. — fmall, prefixed to his " Farriery," 17^0 Taylor, Ociilift. Ob. 1772, jEt. 69. - G. Ralph J. Singleton, i-^R* I i Walker, — oval frame, eight Latin verfcs - — ten Latin verfcs Jn^. fd. VV.deNune iR. Cooper, ad vivum P. Emllich 171^ Rychcj/tlw;. J. Faher. Seotin. (ad vivum) jB. Wilfon, Tempest, F. R. S. 1712. Ob. 1761, ret. 70. — a head, prefixed to his " Chronology," r752 Thicknesse, Gov. of Lang. Fort. Ob. 1792. — a fmall oval, prefixed to "Anecdotes," &c. of hira, 1790, Thorpe, M. A. Oxon. F. A.S. Ob. — ret. 72, in a round hat t^to. W.Hardy jT. Cook Tl-IUOSBY, — ret. JO, oval, prefixed to his " Defcription of Lei- ") tederfhire," 1 7(/i, 470 J" ToPHAM, Militar; ;VV.S:J.Wa!ker. ! i J. RulTel P.W.Tomkins, VVa!ker(i753) J. Jo;v.;5, 178$. — oval, holding a pen - - - - 1750. ToRRiANo, M. D. F. R. S ? Ob. 1761 .? — prefixed to " A Letter from a Gentleman to Iiis Son" Highinore j. Tyrwhitt, Cleik to the Hoi.fe of Commons. Ob. 1786. — - - P.P. //;.%. B. Wilfon — in the print with T. Edwards, &c. Siipp. viii. 7. Wall, Apothecary at Cambridge. Ob. 1790. — 0^1 (ad vivum) jS. Harding 1790 Ward, M..D, Ob. 1761, at. 76. j — with a claret mark - mc%. !E. Loving J. Fuber. — wb. len. with a crowd of fick perfons - i7^9' y^. 'T. Bardvrcll : 3 D 2 J'siieJ IX. Clafs Vll. ( 396 ) Richard Warren, M. D. Reg. F. R. S. — three qrs. Icn. flanding .... Sir William Watson, M. D. and F. R.S. Ob. 1787. — oval .....-, ■R^^' '^ > Wenzel, Oculirt. Ob. 1790, set. 66. — oval Painter er Defigner. T. Gainfboio' L. Abbot Paul John John Gavin John James Whitehead, Poet. Ob. 1774, ffit. 64. — oval, prefixed to his " Poems," 1777, 4'°» WiUiam Whitehead, Poet. Ob. 1785. — oval, prefixed to his " Life, by Mr. Mafon, In the 1 3d vol. of his Works," Svo. - - - - - J Whitehurst, F. R. S. Ob. 1788, at. 75. — prefixed to his " Works,'' i^to. . . . Vi'lLLIAMS, Poet. — infcribed " Anthony Pafquin," a fmall oval Wilson, Poetical Bootmaker, &c. in Edinburgh. — a fmall oval, prefixed to his " Mafonic Songs'' - WoLcoT, M. D. et Poeta. — infcribed " Peter Pindar" .... mc*. — oval, in the " General Mag." . . . . Woodhouse, Poetical Shoemaker. — a fmall vvh. len. Query, now a ftationer near Grofvenor-fquare. CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, ACTORS, MECHANICIANS, &c. The Royal Academicians, at a Ledlure, anno 1768. — ...... la, ohl.Jh, mez. \ Henry Angelo, Fencing Mafler. — infcribed " A Fencer" .... /^o, mcK. James mac Ardell, Engraver. Ob. 1765. — in a gown ....-.- mez. Tho. Aug. Arne, Muf.D. Ob. 1778. — oval frame, coat edged with fur, - '778- mcz, Samuel Arnold, Muf. D. — oval, in the " Blograph. Mag." 1790 (ad viviim) Engraver or Pru.tfcller. J. Jones, 1792. Ryder, 1791. J. Conde,i789. Gainfboro'J. CoUyer, 1776 W. Doughty 1776 J. Wright M.Br J. Opie Id. J. ZofTany, 1772 J.R.Smith m' Ardelli765 R. Dunkarton Ruffcl. Collyer, 1787, J. Hall. E. Scott, 1 790. J. Kay, 1787. CH. Hodges 1 787 Ridley, 1792. R. Earlom, 1772 B.F.Scott, 1791. Earlom,! 77 1. W. Humphrey, Pdioit IT. Clals VIII. James John Samuel Charles John Giles Linn, Spranger John Richard Francis ( 397 ) Ashley, Keeper of the London Punch-houfe. Ob. 1776, XT. 78. — oval, with ornaments ..... 4/0. Attwood, Writing Mafter at Chrifl's f lofnital. Ob. 1792. — anonymous ........ rnez. Audi NET, Teacher of the French Language. — a head, in a fquare . - . ■ Scarce, fm. vwz. Done when the artifl was a boy, for improvement. Bannister, Adlor. — ........ fmall mcz. — . -■. . - . . . . - mc%. — wh. len. as Polly in the " Beggar's Opera" 4^0. Bannister, Aifior, Son of the former. — as Ben the failor, wh. Icn. . . . . . Fj'inter or Dcfignei. Engrave- or I'nntfelL-r. iT. Worlidge. aj vivum B. Clowes, 1771, P. Audinet. R. Dighton !R. Laurioji-S;. Barrett, Aftor at Norwich. — as Ch.irles in the " School for Scandal ' — as Lingo . . . . • Barry, A(5lor. Ob. 1777. — in Romeo, with Mifs Nossiter, i7)4 — in Macbeth .... — in Hotspur . . . - M. Brown de Wilde J.R.Smith.iySy. Id. J. Conde, I7gr Brown IJ.R.Smith, 17S- aq. iinl. J.Dunthorne j. ^ ■ Id. ^ - nifz. fm. j^to. Bartlett, Aftronom. — Kt. 54, with Thomas Phei.ps, in Ld. Macclesfield's "I Obfcrvatory at Sherborn Caftle -' - niez. j Bartlett, Free Mafon .at Exeter. Ob. 1775, set. SS. — ' infcribcd " A Tyler" ..... mez. Bartolozzi, Engraver. — a large oval, gown edged with fur, 1784 . — profile ...... 1778. /m. 4/0. Pylc Gwyn Cavang J. Reynolds (ad viviira) Reynolds — in the print with Cipriani and Carlini. John Baskerville, of Plymouth. - — a fmall oval, profile, two pens acrofs at top. John Beard, Ador. Ob. 1791, at. 75. — ha- len. in a laced coat .... — three qrs. len. embroidered waiftcoat - — in the charafter of Hawthorne — -....-. 1 787. mcz — in the print with Woodward, below. — in the print with Dunstal and Shuteb. Thomas Beckwith, Painter and Antiquary, of York; F. A.S, Ob. 1786. I — set. 41, gothic and heraldic ornaments, an etching la. 4J0. T. Burrow — .---.-- '777' "it'^'' mez. mcz. tmz. E. Scott, 17S9.. Id. Elliot. Jackfon 1753. J. Watfon 177S. J. Jehner, 1782. R. Marcuard, R. Menageot, T. Watfon. T. Hudfon J, Williams J. Zoffany m' Ardell. J. Faber, 1749.. J. Finlayfon, \\'.Doughtyi77j2; ti.s vm. Ldvvaid Robe- 1 William John Ciiarles J;imcs Samuel William W'iUiam John Robert Andrew William O' James Jack Ilaac William ( 39S ) Bi.Tr. HAM, Maker of Machines for uafiiing Linen. — oval, profile . , . . - jiuz. Bl.NSLEY, Aiflor. — in tire print with TowELL, below. Bin(;i.j;y, Shopmin to iSlr. Nichols. Printer. _ oval - _ - - - : - p. F. Bvo. IiiiDiifoiicd f-Tr piiblilhing th.e Kortli Briton. Bird, Matheniat. Inftrument-maker. Ob. 1776, a't. 67. — fitting, a quadrant, &c. byhiin. P. P. - - mcz. Blakf.s, A^or. Ob. 1763. — wh. len. as MoNS. Le Medicin, with his man. nuz. Eqlton", Engraver. — when apprentice to Clowes 1 Vsinter ar 1 Ucligr.er. Mrs. Eeetha (ad vivum) Lewi Jhi. nuz. fo'. Bow DEN, Aftor. — in the character of Robin Ho(-D ... mez, BowYER, Pi inter and Topograph. Ob. 1777. — 0:1.78, pi efixed to Nichols's " Anecdotes of him" i^tv. BoYcE, Muf. D. Ob. 1779. — fitting, prefixed to his "Anthems,"' 1788 Boy DELL, Print.feller, and Aid. of London. — oval, in the " Eniop. Mag." 1792 .......-- nicz. Bran'sev, Ador. — as jEsop, with Parsons and Watkins - JIj. mez. Bkice, Printer at Exeter. Ob. 1773. — set. 83, o\al, fitting, 1774 I'riiiil'cl.cr. J. Jelincr, JS. Miller, 1768. V. Green, 1776. ra' Ardell. ad vivum 'B. Clowes. J. R. Smith. J. Bafire. J.K.Sherwini775 ad viv ad vivum 4/0. mcz. BRir.N, Actor. — oval frame mcz. Brins^SY, Geomet. to the Duke of Bridgewatcr. Ob. 1772. ....,-- '770. mcz, Bristowe, Ob. 1770. ■ — in a laced hat, oval frame ' ' ' """' Tlielaie Counttfs of Duckinghamfliirc was his filler. B K o n r. A u , of Oxfo rd . ^..... .-- rare. mcZ. Kept a cofTce-houfe, and died there about 20 years ago. Brooks, Builder and Gr. Mafterof the Conft. Soils. — afmaUoval l/Sg. A. Pope Jof. Boydcll, Zoffany Mrs. Jackfon F. Cotes F. Parfons J. Conde. v. Green. J. Young, 17SS. Jchner. Woodman. J. Watfon. R. Dunkarton, J. Shackleton J. Fabcr, 174?;. ad vivum G. Ruth, jun. \V. Thick W. Sedgwick, VciioJ IX. cuf; vr,i. ( 3f;9 ) pjirilercr i Engraver or Dtfigncr. I I'l iiiifellcr. Lancelot Drown, Surveyor and Ga"dcner. | — fittint^, his epitaph by Mr. Mafon - . /a.4/0. 'M. Dance. JK.£lierw!iii783 Robert Brown, Clerk to the T) lets' Company Ob. 1791, ffit. 77. — three qrs. len. flandintr, in liishat and 'rown, anonv-1 M. Chamber- ,, ^ „ n-.uu. . . ^ . . P.r.JL,,,/^.]- 1 li„, >779 ^•^•'^^'■' '73o David Bruce, of Edlnburoli, Clerk to Meil" s. Drum- monds, B.mkers. Ob. 1770. — act. 15, 1710, uh. lea. littiiig on a rock, with a lon^ "1 infcription reciting tlie manner of his efeape at fea \ i Berchct A J I ' ^' ] A > Buck, Engravers. The firft died 1770, aged 8:. and Nat. J ' o //y» & j — in the fame plate, nine lines in bl. vcrfe - mess. J. Highmore Julin Bi'RioM, Muiic. Ob. 178 . I — -.-...--. mez. G. James John Campbell, thejolly Precentor of Can ingate, Edinb. Geo.Saville Carf.y, A6Vor. — prefixed to his " Leflures on Mimickry," 1776 Agoftino Carl INI, Statuary. Ob. 1790. — in the print with Cipriani (below) and Bartolozzi. John Carr, Architeft at York. I — fitting, near wh. len. ... WP.Jti.mc-z. VV. Bcechy William Caslon, Letter-founder. Ob. 1756. — {landing ..... F. Mo- rillon la G.Ve.tilC. II. Houflon. J. Watfon,l775. W. Humphrey. G. Terry and Co. C. H. Hodges. •• wfz. F. Kyte,l740J. Faber. > Cave, Engraver, i'/C'4- a head 4/5. Cro/ani F, M. la Cave. iiif ■«. J. Zolfany IM.A. Picot, 1771 Jacob CtRYETTo, Muflc. Ob. 17S3, xt. loi. — holding a bafs viol .... James Chalmers, Aftor. — wh.lcn. in the charafter of Midas Sir William Chambers, / rcbited, Treaf. R. A. — afmalloval - - - - - . - -.J. Rcvnolds J. Col!vcr,l785.. — drawmg /h. ,m-^. jd. jV. Green, 1780. ovnlframe, open a;har ... wer.. F. Cotes | Houfton,i77Z. yZ'. >^:r'^.. W. Williams Watfon, 1765. — ■ profile Jofeph Champion, Writing Mafter. Nat. 1709, — prefixed to his " Penman's Employment," 1762. — " Vive la plume'' in a cipher - - 4/0. w.c. Thomas Chap .m a k, Schoolmafler ? P. Falconet ID.Farifet Hnlett. ij. Ca!d«all.-. JVriol TX . cufs vin. ( 400 ) r. fir.all u-h. !cn. piefixeJ to liis"Meicliant's and Trader's Directory, with llie Art of Stewardftiip and Piloting." 1764. John Bap. Cii'.rjani, Painter. Ob. 1785. — ovnl . . - - . with Da!vT0I-07.ZI andCARLiNI Lorenzo Cipriani, Ador. — as Don Alfonso Scoglio juhn Bapt, Cirri, Forolivenf. Mufic. — oval . . . . - 1-91. fni, i^o. Painti!;- or De limner. Francis]. Clement, Muhcal Child. — act. 8, a fmall head - - . - . - Performed before their Majefties on the Violin in 1 79c. F. Barto!oz>.i F. Kigaud. P. Violet. (ad viviim) ad vivura Engraver or PriiUrcUer. Butler Clowes*, Engraver. Ob. 1782. John Aug. Clowes, Engraver. — in a hat, profile, a fmall anon, head Richard Francis William Richard CoswAY, Painter. — wh. len. in a cloak, and hat with a feather — in a hat and feather, a fmall fquare — a fmall etching, profde, chain and medal CoTEs, Painter. — profile - . - - - Crotch, Mufic. Nat. Norvv. 1775. — ret. 3, wh. len. - . . . - Performed publicly on the harpfichord at this age. Crosse, EnamcUer. — a fmall oval ..-.-.- i^io. foL Matthew Da R LEY, Engraver. — an etching, profile John Morgan Thomas Robert Davis, Keeper of Bagnigge Wells, 1791. — oval ha. len. P. P. 4^0. Davis, Inn-keeper at Petty France, Glouccflcrfhire. Ob. 1789, £et. 64. — a fmall oval ...--- 1790. Davis, Bookfcller, and Author of the Life of Garrick. Ob. 1785, fet. 71. — a fmall oval ........ DiGHTON, Dravving-maflcr. — an etching, prefixed to a book of Heads, 1779. R, Cofway. P. Falconet. ad vivum R. Croffe. J. Scolder W. Hay Hickey M. Bova, 1785. J. R. Smith, 177S F, Bartolozzi, J. Shci'lock. H. HefTel, 1789. B. Clowes, 1771 (Clowes.) M. Bova, 1786. J. Clark, 1790. (Ipfc) 1760. D. Parifet. J. Fit tier. J. Sanders. Thew, 179c. M. Darley. Scott. J. Chapman. L. Sjhiavonetti. (R. Dighton.) * This on;;/na/ Artift amiifed himfelf with fcraping the heads of his family and acquaintance from life, without previous drawings. Few of them, cfpeci;illy the younger fubjeds, have any claim to rcftmblaucc ; and moft of the plates were dcftroyed almoil as foon as finifiied. ( 401 ) Thomas Dilworth, SchoolmaRer. Ob. 1780. Tciiod IX. Clafj VUI. Painter or Dcfigncr. 8t)0. H. Giavclot Engraver •» I'linilcller. James Robert John Andrew John John John Thomas Jofeph WilHam John Geo. Dion. John John William DoDD, Aftor. I — - - -- --.- fm, nicz. R. Diglitou — in die print with Mrs. FoPE, Clafs IX. 2d Siibd. DoDSLtY, Bookfcllcr and Peer. Ob. 176^. — prefixed to his "Trifles," 1777, Sv* Eil'inb. DoLLAKD, Optician. Ob. 1761, x-t. 55. Donaldson, Schoolniaftcr at Dunfermline Dove, a Taylor, but fkilful Hebraift. Ob. 1772 — . - - - - - - - '111 Drawwater, Gr. Mafler of the Conftit. Sols. - J. Reynolds 1 mez. B. Wilfon ad vivum Ehiicr wcz. TRPoole mez. J. Zoffiiny Dunstall, After. Ob. 1778. — in Hodge, with Beard ajid Shuter EcHLiN, Choice Spirit. | — three qrs. len. fitting, an etching - - /a. 4/0. R. Hunter. Edmondson, Moubray-Herald and Painter; F. S. A. Ob. 1786. — oval fiame, herald's coat ... lyj-j.fol. ......._ ,„cz. ,T. Beach Edwards, Architeft ot the Pont y Pryd, Glamor- ganfhire. Ob. 17S9, at. 72. — oval Hvo. T. HiU Edwin, Aftor. Ob. 1790, at. 42. — a fmall oval ---.... Beach — as Lingo, in the " Agreeable Surprife" - - - Alefoundei — oval, profile, prefixed to his " Lall Legacy," i 78c. — as Lingo, in the print with Mrs. Wells. Ehret, Painter of Flowers, &c. Nat. 1708, ob. 177 . — mz. 'A. Heckell Ellicot, Clockmaker, F. R. S. Ob. 1772. | — xt. 67 (1772) three qrs. len. fitting - - m^z. N. Dance J. Bafire. Bayly. R. Laurie. SF.Ravcnct. JR.Smith. J. Kay. Walfon. W.Ryott, 179 J. Finlayfott. F. Bartolozzi, J. Jones, 1787. W. Skekon. J. Heath, 1788. CH.Hodges,i784 JJ. Haid. R. DunkartOH, Ellis, Member of the Scriveners' Comp. and Dep. of Broad St. Ward. Ob. 1791. — at. 83, 1781 wfz. T. Frye i76i\V. Pether. — in the "Europ. Mag." 1792. .... id. B. Reading. Elmer, Painter at Farnham. — infcribcd a "School Boy" .... „,t». ad vivuni B. Clowes, 1775 3 1- ( 402 ) I'enod IX. Cafs VIII. TheCourtof EoiTiTY, at the Bell Savage, Ludgate-hill. — ......... obh aq. tint. Jn. Gotlieb Facics, Engraver. — from a plate fpolled :n the aq. forti procefs - 4J0. George Faulkener, Printer, and Aid. Dublin, Ob. 1775- — a circle, in the Supplement to Lord Chefterfield's 1 " Letters " J James Fearon, Acflor. Ob. cir. 1789. — as Capt. Driver, oval . » - I790» Jonathan Fentum, Mufic. — oval .-...--- Francis Fleming, Mufic. at Bath. Ob. 1777. — anonymous, prefixed to the " Life and Adventures of "1 Timothy Ginnadrake," Svo. - - - -J — another, oval, prefixed to the fame. Samuel Foote, Ador and Poet. Ob. 1777, zet. 56. — - ,- - - - . - .1771. mez. — as the President, with Weston as Dr. Last mez. - M — as Major Sturgeon .... mez. John Ford, Statuary at Bath. — anonymous ...... Mr. F. kncws nothing of this print. Charles Forrest, Militar. et Pidor. — in a hat, a fmall oval - - - P. P. mez. Daniel Fournter, " Al-a-mode Beef Seller, Shoemaker and Engraver." Ob. cir. 1766. — in his employment firft mentioned, a fmall etching See Grofe's " Olio, or Mifcel. Anecdotes," 1792. Bridge Frodsham, Aftor at York. Ob. 1768, set. 34. — oval, an etching ....... — in Hamlet, etched ... . . . Thomas Frye, Painter and Engraver. Ob. 1762, at. 52. — ---....,- mez* — in a cap, leaning on a book, large as life - mez, — in a wig, profile, a fmall anon, etching and fcraping Gapper, Son of the Printfelicr. — St. 15 - - - - - - fmall mez, David Garrick, Aftor and Poet. Ob. 1779, ffit. 63. — as an Auctioneer ..... rnez. — his right hand raifed - - - - 1 751. mez, — ....-.--. mez. — in Hamlet ...... mez, — in King Lear ..--.. mez, — with Mrs. Gibber, as Jaffier and BELviDEaA,yU. mez. Painter or j Krgraver or Dcfigner. \ Printfeller. R. Dighton R. Laurie, 1778. (Trotter) W.Sharp, 1777. S. Harding WNGardiner, S. Shelley J. Collyer, 1784. W. Hibbart. J. Reynolds T. Blackmore. J. Zoffany J. Finlayfon, Colfon Zoffany R. Godfrey 1 770 Haid. T. Worlidge. (C.Forreft) ad vivum JLiotard 1751 A. Pond B. Wiifon Id. Zoffany CNCochin D. Foumier. S. Halfpenny, (Williams) T. F(rye.) Id. Id. F. Adams (exe.) m« Ardell. Id. Id, Id. Id, Id. Cochin, &c* TtriffJ IX. cufs viir. ( 403 ) Bernard Thomas Francefco Thomas St. Felice Hubert Valentine F. — ill Richard the Thip.d. wh. Icn. - — in AaEL Drugger, id. - - - in KlTELY - .... — in Sir John Brute .... — betwixt the Tragic and Comic Mufc, copl.d — wh. len. with the bult iif Siinkcfiicare — betwixt the Tragic and Comic Miife — with Mrs. Prucharo, in "Macbeth" - — in the " Farmer's Return" — in Richard ..... — witli a label infciibej " Prologue" — oval, profile ..... 1778, i««, WiZ. Painter or Defigncr. Hneravcr np Printfcller. A mez. mfz, tncz. mcz. tth z. nicz. me%, fm. tncz. J- — a head from a call - . ^ • ^1,, „,f — with Mifs Bellamy, in " RoMinand Juliet, — as Steward of the Shakefpeare Jubilee — in Hamlet, an etching T. Gainfljoro'.'. Collier, 177 REFine VV. Dickinfon. N. Dance J. DIxcn. mcz.']' ZofFany Id. 179?. mcz. 'J. Reynolds J. l''Jnlaylon. ZofFany | Id. Id. F, Filher. Gainfboro'V. CJreen, 1769. Reynolds ( Id. Zoffauy Id. 1776. Id.^ ! Haid. (,k1 vivuni) '\V. Hogarth. Reynolds R. Laurie, 1779. I Id. T. Worlidge | Lodge. I Pfne. B. Wilfon .S. Ravenet. A.vr.Gucht 'j. Saunders. T. Hudfoii J. Watfon. Reynolds T. Watfon. B. \Vilfon. mcz, mI to his " Short Writing," 1785 - izmo, — prefixed to the firft edit, of the fame - - \Zmo, — holding a pen, prefixed to his " Long Short-hand." John Hall, Preparer of Subjefls in Nat. Hift. — \vh. len. - - - - - - - 4/15. Robert Hancock, Engraver at Worcefter. — - - .-.-. Unique, mez. Charles Hand aside, Painter, clar. 1764. — a fmall head, an etching . . . . . — two or more -..--• fm. miz. Silvefler Hardikg, Father of the Engraver. Ob. 177 . — a fmall head, 1792. - - - - Edward Harding, Son of Silv. H. Engraver. — infcribed " The Palloral Boy," a fmall oval - Thomas Harper, Schoolmafter. prefixed to his " Accompt. Companion," 1767, llmo. John Harrison, Inventor of the Time-keeper. Ob. 1776, at. 83, — a bull inthe " Europ. Mag. " 1788 Job Hart, Publican ? and Songfter at Birmingham. — holding a tankard, a fmall ovd ; 1785 . . - William Havard, Aftor. Ob, 1778. John Hawkseee, Choice Spirit. — a fmall oval, four verfes •• - " " . ' Jofeph Haydn, Muf. D. Oxon. — oval, fitting and writing - - - - 179 1. — fitting - - - - - - - fo!. — oval ------ - -/ icn. — fitting ... - - - 1792./0/. Philip Hayes, Muf. D. — --------- mez. — an oval, encompalTed with rofe leaves, 1'. P. - 4/0. Francis Hayman, Painter. Ob. 1776. — in the fet of Artills, profile - . . . . John Henderson, Adlor. Ob. 1785. — oval, as Iago, ahead, 1786 . . . . . — --------- mez. — in Macbeth , - - - . - fi, mez. — prefixed to his " Life," by Ireland. Emanuel Hendricks, Taylor, Lond. Ob. cir. 1787. — --------- mez. Painter or I Engraver or Deficner Printfeller. Wright S. Harding J. Barber T, Worlidge AM.Ott ad vivum ad vivum J. Collyer. R. Hancock. (C.Handafide.) E. Harding,]. A. BinelJ, 1786. B. Reading. Hancock. E. Fi(her, 1773. Sanders. F. Bartolozzi, T. Hardy, 1792 J. Mansfeld. Gultcnbiun'L. Schiavonetti, J. Cornifli P. Falconet Stuart T. Park, 5787. D. Parifet. Bartolozzi. T. Gaiiifboro'J. Jones, 1783. G. Romncy Id. 1787. R. Dighton R. Laurie,i779, Period IX. Clafs VIII. ( 405 ) Puinter or [ Kngraver or Dcfigner. ' Pri-iifcllcr. Mofes Henriqjjes, Jew Broker. William Hewerdine, Singer. — oval, profile - - - - . 17B7. 4/0. John Hill, Clk. to Sir L. Cox, J. P. Midx. ---------- niez, William Hodges, Painter. — a fmall oval, iy92 - . - - . - . advivum J. Greenwood. W. Holland (cxc) ad vivum \V. HudfoUjijrgo R. Wcftall William Hogarth, Painter. Ob. i'?64, at. 67. — fmall, prefixed to J. Ireland's " llluft. of his Works" 1 ' ^ „ 1 79 1 J ,W.Hog — in Walpole's " Painters" - - - ... — oval, with his dog . - . . . fo/. He afterwards altered this, and ealled it Churchill. — wli. Itn. ........ jjj^ — an etehing ...... ^/g, — --------. nuz. — oval (the painting begun by Wiltdon) - mez. Charles Holland, Aiftor. Ob. 1769, a^. 36. — as Iachimo, a fmall wli. len. mez. - fm. Afto. ifarth Hogarth Id. Id. Jofeph Geo. HoLMAN, Ador. — as Chamont in the "Orphan," wh. len. - -de Wilde — with Mifs Brunton, in " Romeo and Juliet, "^Zi. mcz. M. Brown Horace Hone, Pointer, Dublin. — infcnbed David Nathaniel Hone, Painter. Ob. 1784. — in ?. ivig ... — in a fur cap, chain acrofs his fhoulder Camillus Hone, fon of Nathaniel. — infcribed " The Pipiirt: B«y" — infcribed " The Spartan i3oy" Barlow T. Chambars, W. Hogarth 1 749 Id. 1764. S. Ireland, 1786 C. Spooner,i749 C. Townley. JR. Smith, 1771, J. Smith, R. Godfrey 1 792 T. Park, 1787. mcz. ^N. Hone j. Watfon, 1778 vuz. N. Hone mcz. Id. 1771. TOfz. N. Hone - 1775. m, a. William Hopley, Verger of the Cathedral of Worcefter, — wh. len. Id. mez. J. Wright Ozias E. Fifher. N. H. 1747. W. Baillie, W. Humphrev, R. Hancock. (Hodges) Williarn Humphrey, Engraver. — a fmall ov?.l, profile ; anonymous. Partly /craped - Humphry, Painter. — profile ....... Jh.mcz. G. Romney |v. Green 1--2; — profile - - - - - - ... P. Falconet jp, Parifet. ' ~ G. Romney jca. Watfon. James Jackson, Singer at Trin, Coll. Camb. William Jackson, Muiic. at Exeter. — an imperfeft print, oval - la. /{to advivum |s. HardiiJgiySg ciaf-. via. John Alexander John Roger John ( 406 ) Jacobf, Prof. Royal Acad. Vienna. Foimerly apprentice to Mr. Dickinfon. Johnston, Ador. Ob. 1775. — as G I BBV in the "Wonder" - - - Johnstone, Aftor. — oval, dedicated to the Je ne fcai qiioi Club, 1 791 — oval, in the '• General Mag." 1792 Kemble, After. oval, in the " General Mag." 1791 . - - . Kemble, Aftor. — in Richard the Third, wh. len. 1789 - - Jh, — oval --------- — in Mkntevole in the Tragedy of "Julian," wh. len. — in Richard the Third ----- mez. — in Count Nakbonne - - -^'j/^ nuz. — in Tancred, in the print with Mrs. Siddons. James Kenton, a Tradefman. — - - ..... l']?,2, fm. ^fo. Thomas Keyse, Painter, and Keeper of Bermondfea Spa. — in a hat, an etching, oval. Thomas King, Ador. — in Lord Ogilby, with Mrs, BADor.LY / G. Stuart G. Hardy? ad vivum T. Holloway, J. ZofTany R. Earlom, 1 772 Downman Ij. Jones, 1787. J. R. Smith, 1772. Hamilton Dodd T. Gainlhoro' P. Falconet - mez. T. Cook. J. Dixon. D. Parifct. E. Maybry (J. Goldar. J. Kctnan lE. Scott. Jvr.Bank A. Bannennan. Fabcr. Period IX/ Clafs Vlir. ( 407 ) Thomas Langdale, Diftiller. Ob. 1790, ast. 76, P. P. 4^0. Abraham Lang ford, Auftioneer. Ob, 1779. a proof n Thomas Lawranson, Painter. Ob. circ. 1777. — mifcallcd William .... fm. mez. Thomas Lawrencf. jun. Painter. — young, Iiolding a book ... lit. 4/0. Charles John Leviez, Dancing-mafter, Ob. circ. 1778. Lewis, Brewer of Richmond, who obtained a free palfage through that Park. Ob. 1792, ^t. So. — in a hat, large Hick - - - - P. P. mez. T. Stewart Painter of Dciignefw Engraver or Pni.tfcllcr. T. Hickey (ad vivum) Will. Tho. Lewis, Ador. — vvh, len. as Copper Captain — oval ...... — wh. len. in the " Midnight Hour" — a fmall oval .... 4/0. de Wilde - M. Brown JIj. niez.'M. Shee . . W. Naifh Thomas Liddiard, Jeweller, Lond. JohnSteph. Liotard, Painter. Nat. 1702. Ob. — in " Muf. rior." — in a Turkifh habit .... 1 764. izmo. James Love, After. — with Mrs. Pope, in the " Twelfth ISight." Thomas Lowe, After. Ob. 1783. — with Mrs. Chambers, as Macheath and Polly me%. Ph.Jamesde LouTHERBOuRG, Painter. WCWilfoB. W. Lawranfon. JK.Shcrwin dir. Jm«Ardcll,i763.' R. Field, 1792. J. Conde, l~C)J, ]. Comer, 1788 J. Jones, 1793. C. TownIey,i72a B. Clowes(i77o) C. Gregori. JS. Liotard. r. W(orlidge,) 1793, 8z'0. Vincent Lunardi, Secretary of Embaffy to the Neopol. Ambaflador, and /\eronauc. — oval, prefixed to his " Aerial Voyage, " 1784 - — oval ....- .... — oval ......... — oval, with n. cat which he took up, 1784 He was a member of the Lond. Milit. AlFociation. R. Cofway Befmith Charles Macklin, Aftor. | — engraved for his "Works" by Mr. Murphy - 4/0. J. Opie — as Sir 1'ertinax Mac Sycophant, oval, profile - S. Harding — asSHYLocK, a fmall oval .... . JKitchingman — id. with Mrs. Pope. Nat. Tho. Maggi, Mufic. Ob. Lond, 1787. — ? oval ..... 1788. B. Rebecca m' Ardell. Townley. F. Bartolozzi. Bovi. T. Burke. E. Hedges (exc.) Condo. VV.Gardineri7R6 J. Newton, 1784 Bartolozzi, I*erioJ TX. Clafs VIII. ( 40S ) Thomas Major, Engraver. — a head in a fmall fquare Henry Malden, Chapel Clerk at King's Colh Camb. — a fniall etching, profile, prefixed to the " Hill, of! that Chapel," 1769. - - - - -J Giofeppe MarCht, Engraver. 1 76 1, mcz. I'aintei'.or Ucfigncr. lingraytr or FrmtfcUcr. T. Major, 1759. ad vivam (i\ Ord, J. Reynolds J. Spilftjury, Elias Martin, Engraver. ■ — with lub family, fmall \vh. len. William Martin, Auctioneer at Edinburgh. Geoige John J. Mattocks, Aclor. — in the print with Quick, in the "Duenna.' May, Ship builder in Holland. Ob. 1777. Menni, Engraver ? — a fmall oval ..... Mercier, Son of Phil. M. — a boy fpinning a top " 7 " * ' Qu. now at Jerfey on the civil eftablifliment. fin, trtcz. fm. tmz. E. Martin ad vivuiu TereiTiiah Meyer, Painter. Ob. 1789, st. 54. •^ — profile, in the fet of Artills - •very fcarce. meii. John Bowler Anthony Jean John Millan, BookfcUcr. Ob. 1782. (^t. 80, J 780) oval, an etching P. P. Miller, Clerk in the Bank. — a fmall \vh. Icn. ... MoLTENO, Son of the Prlntfelier. — oval, playing with a dog, 1787. . - . . MoNNET, Manager of the Opera. a medallion, prefixed to " Anthologie Francoife, ou 1 Chansons Choifies," 1765,811(7. - - - -J Moody, Aclor. _ oval, in the " Eiirop. Mag." 1791 - - ill Major O' Fiaherty, with Parsons — in FoKiiiARD, wh. Icn. .. . - . — with Packer, in the " Rcgiilcr OfSce" nitT.. mcz. mcz. Tn.HamlltonMoRTiMER, Painter. Ob. -' — etched .... Henry Mossop, Aftor. Ob. 1 77.^, iet. 42. •^ in the Charafter of I3ajazet, wh. li P. Mercier P. Falconet N. Dance Roberts T. Thompfon ad vivum CNCochin, fils Driimmond Mortimer J. Zoffany r. Gucht Mortimer Id. J F.Martin, 1787. J. Kay, 1784. R. Laurie. V. Green. J. Menni. J.m'Ardell. D. Parifet. W.Pether, 1789. M. Harris. L. Sailb'ar,i79o. P. Bettelini, A.deSt.AubIn, 1765. W. Bromley. W. Dickinfon. G. Marchi. J. Saunders. R. Blyth, 1782. Green, 1779. Period \X. ClafsVIII. ( 409 ) Painter or [ Kngiaveror Defigncr. I Prii:tre>lcr> Leopold Mozart, Mufic. — with his Son and Dauglitcr Thomas Mudge, Watchmaker. — oval frame, iitting John Seb. Muller, Engraver. Ob. 1792. — a fmall oval, profile, in the frontifpiece to Linnasiis's "1 " Syftem of Plants." - - - . la./ol.] JofepK MuNDEN, Aclor, jLCCarmintel delaFofle, 1764. P. P. mfK. N. Dance C. Townleyiyya J.S.MuIk.-. oval, in the " Tiiefpian Magazine" 1792 — oval, in the " General Mag. V 1791 — in Jemmy Jumps, wh. len. ... aq. tint. - \ (ad vivuni) ij. Cojidc. - Idc Wilde ; Ridley. Fra. vander Mijn, Painter. Ob. 1783, «t. 68. — oval ..... — infcribcd the " Smoaker" John James John John - IF.vr.Mljn mez, ! Id. Napper, Mafler of the Work-lioiifcs of St. Andrews, Holborn. Ob. 1781. Nares, Muf. D. Brother of Sir Geo. N. — o. 'J. Dotchen t'ainter or Dcfigner. Engraver or Printfeller. P. Falconet DPParifet. J. Opie (ad vivum) J. Zoffany T. King M. Brown T. Chambars. ij. Faber, 1734. E. Scott, 1785. Facius, 1792. E. Fiflier, 1763. Parifet. J. Newton. Faber. Thorowgood, C. Sharpe, 1769. R. Dunkarton, W. Hincks. P. Dawe. J. Finlayfon. R. HouftoR. W. Bromley, C. Smith, 1776. T. Holloway, ( 413 ) C'.r J. ,;, i Smith, Painters at Chichefler. s . vv m. J William died in 1764, George in 1770. Nathaniel Smith, Printfeller. Tainter or Defigncr. Etigrjvcr or Pri.-iticlld. A — a head, a fmal! oval . - . . . — id. a fnuiU circle ---... Richard Smith, Clerk of Tottenham-Court Chapel. Ob. 1790. — a.large oval - -,- - - • .- William William Edward George Edward John John Henry Robert James George William Smith, A dor. — as Iachimo, wli. len. — oval 1780.7Z.. Smith, Stock hroker. — when pupil of the Engraver of this print - /m. mez, Snapk, Farrier to the King. Spencer. Painter. 05.7763. — a fmall oval, etched ---... — a fmall fquare, drawing ; anonymous. Spry, Shipwright at Plymouth. Ob. 1788. mfz, Jo/. foi. Stanley, Muf. B. Ob. 1786. — playing on the harpfichord ... — collar unbuttoned, with four Engl, verfes - Stephens, Corn Dodor. — in a white hat, a fmall oval - - - - . . Stockman, an Artizan to LA, Borlngdon. — oval p. p. 1778. Street, Shoemaker. Bloomfbury. Ob. 1783. — in a hat, a fmal! etching, 1787. Stuart, Architeft, F. R. S. S. A. Ob. 1788, — in a cap and gown, drawing, a vignette in the title! to " Rudiments 5. -(ad vivum Ij. B.Smith.) (advivum de Wilde.) S. Johnfon,i79o H. Splcer ad vivum Whitbv W. Lawranfon, B. Smith, 1789. B. Clowes. Godby, 1791. G. Spencer, 1753 ad vivum !j. Jthner. m' Ardell. I B.ilvewell(exc.) T. Galnfboro'M. Scott, 1781. J. Bovvring ! Hawkins 1791 A. Poggi PWTomkins, J. Bafire, 1 789. I C. Knight, 1 7 89. T. Ord Bretherton. P. Falconet D. Parifct. B. Cole, nd vivum E. Newton, j. ( 414 ) . Period IX. Cla.s VIII. — awo:)dtn cut, prefixed to his "Complete Melody," 1743- Xt. 60j 1760 ...... I2TO0. Richar.l Tattersall, Audlioneer in Horfes, 1787. — . ........ mcz. Sir Robert Taylor, ArchitecfV, Ob. 1788. — a fmall oval, fur gown, chain, P. P. - - Mr. T. knows nothing of the print at p. 97, Guld. Cat. Thomas Taylor, Keeper of Lloyd's Coftee-houfe. — a la. oval, P. P. - Juft. Ferd. Tenducci, Singer. James ThoaNTon, the King's Gardener at Kew. Ob — oval frame .-....- TowNSHEND, SchoolmaRer, 1770. — in a bob wig, his waiftcoat edged with fur. Albert Trotteu, Brother of the Engraver. Ob. cir. 1786. — holding a chart, view of a ihlp ; iinfininied 4/0. mez. Thomas Trotter, Engraver. — a fmall oval, anonymous - - - - - . Raph.Ang. Turner, Son of the Painter. — (.-euS.) drawing, fmall .... 1792. Exhibited at tiie Royal Acad. 1791. Francis Vivares, Engraver. Ob. 1780. — a fmall oval, fupported by two Cupids ; architeiSlure, "I .10. J Painter or Engraver nr Delt :iicr. W. Beechey (Miller) H. Baron Printfeller. J. Jones. E. Scott, 1789. T. Fielding 1785 1782. me%, T. Beachl78;iW. Dickinfon, 1770. OT«. !• Brufcett ij. Finlayfon, mez.. ]■ Zoffany (ad vivum) G. Turner landfcape, &c. Charles Vyse, Schoolniafler. 4/0 Fra.Godolp.WALDRON, Aftor. — as Sir Christopher Hatton in the " Critick," oval Edm. Tho. Warren, Muiic. S-yo. N. Smyth S. Harding — holding a book intitled " Reliques of Ancient Mufic," 1 .------- 4:0. mez. J Anthony Webster, Aclor. Ob. — inCoMUs, wh.Kii. Jofiah Wedgewood, Potter at Newcaftle. Samuel Wesley, Mulic. Son of Charles. — wh. len. ..--.. Benjamin West, Painter; P. R. \. — with Raphael WtsT, his Son, a circle — profile ..-..- LFRoubiliac . J. Reynolds 1778. mez. J. RulTel B. Weft 1773 P. Falconet R. Hoii{loni77o T. Trotter. (Trotter) L. Schiavonetti, F. Vivares and J. Cddwall. HaU. W.Gardineri788 J. Jones, 1778. W. Halman,i787 Dickinfon, V. Green, 1775. D. Pariiet. Period IX C1j;> ^'111, ( 415 ) I'ainlcr or Dcflgl.CT. r.ngrjvcr or riinlfcllcr. — oval frame ---... Jl, mez, — hand on a book - . . - . ^lo. Mis portrait is in the back ground of the print of his Family, vI/. ElizaKth West, with her younged Son in her lap. See Clals IX. John WnsT, Father of Benj. Ob. 1776. Ralj'h L. Wesi, Son of Benj. Thomas Wkst, Half-brotlier of Benj. Oh. 1703. - ' • fi. Thomas Weston, AAor. Ob. 1775.- — oval, in the " Lond. Ivlag." 1 775. — as Dr. Last, in the print with Foote, Benjamin Wilson, Painter, and F. R. S. Ob. 1788. — an etching, ha. Icn. mez, 4/0. Richard WilHam Harry — id. prefixed to his " Trcatife on Elciiricity," 1752, Si-o. Rome WiL'^oN, Painter. Ob. 1782, set. 68. — oval, in the " Europ. Mag." 1789 Wood FALL, Printer. — three qrs. len. filling, with a pen, an etching fm. i,to. William Thomas Thomas James Charles George Woodward, Aftor, Ob. 1777. — as the Fine Gentleman in " Lethe" His drefs was copied from Mr. St. Leger's. — with EtAr.D .-...- — in Mepcutio .--..- — in Petruchio . . . _ . WooLLETT, Engraver. Ob. 1785, at. 50. — in a cap, engraving . . - . — id. ------- mez, - niM, la. 4/0. 'W.Lawranfon'W. Pethcr. T. Gain(boio'Ca.Waifon,i785. B. Wcfl Facius, 1779. E. Wilfon. Id. 1 749. Id. Mengs 1 75 2 W. Bromley. i (ad vivnm) R. Dightoni792 Parklnfon J. Jclincr, J 777. F. Hayman m' Ardell. I j. Faher. R. Hancock. B.vr.Gucht JR Smith, 1774. J. Reynolds J. Watfon. t I ^ ad vivum JK Sherwin,i784 4/0. G. Stuart Ca. Watfon, 1785 WoRLiDGE, Painter and Engraver. Ob. 1766. — in Walpole's " Painters" .... •— drawing; drefs of Rembrandt - - 1764. 4/0. WoRLiDGE, junior. set. 2, drawing -......- WoRSDALE, Painter. Ob. 1767. — " Ridendo, dicere, verum ;" a bee-hive, roll in his 1 pocket, intitled " Tafte" - - -1769. n/^z. J Wray, Clerk to Meffrs. Hoare, Bankers. Ob. 1791. — fuos jam computat annos . _ . . mez, Wright, Mufical Imitator. — a fmall oval ..,....- T.W(orlidge) T. Chambars. T. W(orlidge,) Id. REI'ine N. Hone W. Dickinfon, R. Earlom. i I Sa. Piggot, 1792. i'ennJ TX. Ciar^ IX, Janets r Jofeph J.fcph Tomlins l\i chard Richard John John Chr. Frcu. ( 416 ) Wrigiit of i:r(M.ii.e, Father of a Pamter employed by Mr. W^cft. — -----<-- Scara: Painter or Defigncr. Engraver or Printfeller. J. Wright Wright, Painter at Derby. — in the pnnt with the llatue of the Gladiator - tnez. J. Wright Wright, Son of Patience W. — a fmali etching, ha. Icn. ..... — id. oval. Wright, — a boy ...--. fmall miz, Wroughton, Ador. — oval, profile ..... fmall msz. Yates, ACtor. — in thechavaflcr of Launch, wh. len. - . - fol, Yenn, Architei.'l at Kenfington. — fitting .-.-.. la. ^lo. Young, Supercargo of the King of Pruffia E. India Ship, 1771. — ... ...... mez. ZiNcKE, Painter. Ob. 1767, at. 84. — with LiOTARD, in Walpole's "Painters" — with Elizabeth Ins wife .... mez. Francis Zuccarelli, Painter. Ob. 1789. CLASS IX. FEMALE SEX. First Subdivision. LADIES. Cath. Ponfonby, "I Albans, 1786, Daughter of the Earl of Bcf- Duchefs ot St. J LoiOugh. Ob. 1789, let. 47. J. Wright R. Dighton T. Bonnor JF.Rigaud R. Hancock. W. Pcther, 1769. J. W. R. Laurie, 1778. Laurie, 1 7 79. H. Roberts. JK.Sherwini785: H. Hyfmg A. Nogari when Lady Bcauelerk (1763), oval Eliz. Hennilcer, 1,_„,_^„^^ , g3_ 1778. Countels ,■ ' i Yldboroi'gh, 1 1 \ Mary Panton Duchcls of ' \ ANCASTtR, 1750. — wh. Icn. drcfl'cu for a mafqucrade Jb. mez. Bretlierton. J. Fabei-. Cattini. F. Cotes F. Bartolozzi, J. Hoppncr S. Einflie, 1789. THudfon ra' Ardell.J Period I'/.. Chfs IX. ( 417 ) — vvh. Icn. a view of llic Sea - - • f^- ^ne%. .. . . . . - - mca. — oval, flowing hair, leaning on her hand cofied. mez. Mary Finch | Andover, 1736. Vifcountels J > /j — (landing and drawing GeorgianaLenox,|^^3^^^.^^^3^_ '793- J. Reynolds Id. Id. T. Hudfon L'. Lawrence ■"DuSstP }a-v"'.. ■759. Ob..„o. — when Duchefs of Hamilton, oval, ermm cloak 1 mc%, j mi'2. iiuz. — in a lace mob-cap and cloak — oval, a rofe in her bofom — id. in the print of the «' Three Mifs Gunnings 1 »iez, J . . . . . - - Jh. mez. Maryj^onqueft. j Arundel, 1763 wh. Icn. ... - untjus ? me% Altered i. to the Duchefs of Gloucester, 2. to the Duchefs of Cumberland. See Gulft. Cat. p. 44. Carol. Campbell, | Aylesbury, 1739. Counteis of J » /oy — from herbuft by her daughter A. Damer Louifa Thy Countei ynne, "1 sof J Aylesford, 1781. Moore, Lady Bampfylde, Wife of Sir Charles B. — wh. len. ..---- Dorothea Hugef- "I g^^j^s, Wife of Sir Jofeph B. fen, Lady J — oval Lady Car.Powlet,-) Barnard, 1787, Daughter of the Duke of Vifcountefs J Bolton. when lady Catherine PowLET, wh. len. me%. id. a fmall oval, with a dove - - - - Ifab.Ann Ingram, "Ig^^y^^^^p^ 1776. Nat. 1759. Vifcountefs J Painter or Ocfigner. J. Dixun. 11. IlonltonjiyjS J. Wacfon. J. Faber, 1746. F. BartolozzI, FCotes(i75i) Hamilton C. Read C. Read J. Roberts Reynolds Reynolds Encraver or Pnutfcllcr. m« Ardcll. J. Finlayfon. Id. 1770. Houfton. Id. R. Laurie, 1 771. J. Jones, 1790. V. Green, 1783. T, Wdtfon,i779 J. RuflTel 'J. Collyer,l790. Margaret Willes, "1 b^^umont, Wife of Sir Geo. B. Lady Reynolds JR. Smith, 1778. R. Cofvvay CWWhite, 17*2. Reynolds W. Nutter, 1 790, me%,^ Reynolds IJ R.Smith, 1 78a. Periot! IX. Clafs fX. ( 41S ) Llizabeth Cum- } ^ „^.^ ^^ ,„, ,_, „ berknd. Lady | ^^''"''''^' Wife of Lord Edward B. 1782. — when Mifs Cumberland - . - mez, Elizabeth Drax, 1 Berkeley, 1744; fince Lady Nugent. Counrefs of J Ob. 1792. — in a furred cloak, leaning on a book, cop'ied, mez. Lady Charlotte Bertie, Daughter of the Duke of Ancafter. — 1778. """. Lady Mary Cath. Bertie, Siflcrof the next above. Ob. 1767. — oval, young, laced cap, tucker and ruffles mez. Lady Helen Boyle, Ob. 1781? — a fmall circle, anonymous ; engraved for " Stan-1 zas on her death," not publifhed - -J Mary Hebleth- | g^,.^^^ ^^ife of Sk Griffith B. 176S. waite. Lady J ' — wh, len. . . - . Copied Jli. mez, \ Bridges, Wife of Sir Brook B. 1765.. — profile, near wh. len. leaning on a flab Frances Fowler, Lady mez. mez. Lady Sufan O' Brien, Daughter of die Earl of Ilchefter; wife of Wm. O'B. — infcrlbed " Lady Lucy O'Brien," oval - mez. — in the print with Lady Sarah Lenox (below) and Charles Fox. Mary Hill, Lady Broughton, Wife of Sir Bryan B. 1760, afterwards married to Errington. — . ... ... i'}']2, mez. — wh. len. ? - - - - - JIj. mez. — three qrs. len. holding a crayon pencil - mez. Eliz. Brud.Mont. Duchefs of |bu ccleugh, 1767. — young ... — with her daughter, wh. kn. mez, mez. 1785. Eliz.HarrietWar- 1 r,„ , ^. ^ , „„ , _ - ., ren,Vncountels J ' 1 1 1 — a fmall wh. len. ... Charl.JaneWlnd.|g^,^ for, Count, of J ' '^ — when Lady Mountstuart, robes, wh. len. "1 1790. /ol,j Maria Churchill, ) Cadogan, 1777. Lady J — fitting and holding a chaplet of flowers - mez. Painter or Defigiier. Eneravcr crt* Pniilfeller. G. Romney J. Reynolds W. Peters Peters R. Cofway F. Cotes Cotes Id. 1768- Cotes JR. Smith, 1779. m' Ardell. W. Dickinfon, J. Dixon, 1767. T. Trotter.. J, Watfon, 1775 E. Jndkins, 1770 J. Watfon, 1769 J, Watfon, 1772 Cotes J. Finlayfon, Reynolds Id. T. Watfon, 1770 Wilfon, 177 1. Reynolds m' Ardell. Id. J. Watfon, 1 775 Cofway G. Romney Reynolds F. Bartolozzi, Bartoloazi, J. Dcan,(i787)j Clafs IX. ( 4'9 ) Mary Meredith, Icampi^lll, Wife of Lord Fred. C. 1769 Lady J — hair Willi a fillet a rantiqiic - - - > Carlisle, 1770. — fittinjj . . . - - Caroline Gower, Countefs of [h- me%. Lady Almeria Carpenter. Juliana Boyle, Countels ot > Carrick, 1745- with the emblems of Wisdom, dircding Lady" Mary Corry and Lady Harriet Butler as Beauty and Virtue, to facrifice at the Altar of Diana . - - - mez. Jane Hamilton Lady !> Cathcart, 1753. Ob. 1771, aet. 46. — with her fecoiul fon, three qrs. len. fitting ; a greyhound ... - - rrwz. — oval, from a marble profile by Ann Callot Lady Elizabeth 1 Cavendish, Wife of Lord George C. Compton, Lady J — when Lady Compton, wh. kn. — id. JI3. mc%. • mcz. Lady Georgiana Cavendish. Nat. 1783. — wh. len. ...--. — in the print with the Duchefs of Devonshire. Catherine Moore;-) Chambers, Wife of Sir Wm. C. Lady J ctpied mez, miz. Lady Catherine Clinton, — wh. len. . . - - - Aifcue, Lady CocKBtJRN, Wife of Sir James C. — with her three children . . - ^cl'^Xvifc.jC"". ■"°- — (set. 1762.) v.h. len. *Cour"7' |C0».H, .;64. Ob. ,,85. — oval frame, profile, hood of net-work MaryMoncKton, V^^^ 1786. Countefs of J ' — when Mifs MoNCKTON, wh. len. 3G 2 Jh. I'aintcr or Dcfigner. Engr»ver or Printfcller. JK.Sherwin,i784 J. R.cynolds J. Watfon,i773. Reynolds Watfon. R. Cofway J.R.Smith, 1773. Reynolds R. Houflon, F. Bartolozzl. Reynolds W. Peters V. Green, 17P2. f.R.6mith,i78o. T. Hardy C. Knight, 17S5. Reynolds m' Ardell. R. Hancock. Reynolds J.R.Smitb, 1782. Reynolds C. Wilkin, 1 79 1. A. Ramfay n' Ardell. WDH^miltor [. Watfon, 1771 Reynolds J. Jacobe, 1779. Ptiiod IX, CUfs IX. ( 420 ) Temima Jones, 1 r- ro /-m Coumefs | Cornvvallis, 1768. 00.1779. — lilting, a book in her hand Barbara Sc. John, "! ^ ^ Counters of ^JCovektrv, 1764. mcz. mcz. A nnGore, Countefs Cow p e r , 1775. — oval, proof. Lady Cromartie, — with a baflcet of Flowers Ob. 1769. Ann Lutterel, Duchefs of [Cumberland, 1771. Jh., Lady Ann' Fer- mor. Lady — wh. len, The head after Gainfborough, reft after Cofway. — wh. len. ....... — wh. len. ...... ,„j.2. See Arundel, above. ^ Dartrey, ij^^; Daughter of Tho. Earl J of Pomfrer. Ob. 1769. Kt, 21, 1754, in the chara£ler of Diana") Copied I ^ham^Lady^'"] Dash wood, Wife of Sir Henry D. — with her child .... — when Mifs Ramus Lady Elizabeth Delme, Sifter of Lord Carlifle. — wh. len. .... Eliz. Hamilton, Iderby, 1773. Countefs of J ' / / j — ha. len. .... — wh. len. .... — oval, profile ... 1779. rrt.-=. Jh, mez. vtrz, 1780. men. Jeorgia. Spencer, j j3 Duchefs of j^^^oN. ishire*, 1774. — profile, fitting and holding a book 1778.4/0. — a fmall oval ....--. — with Lady Duncannon, fitting in a gardiMi, 1 oval '78.2.J — wh. len. ..-.-- Jb, mc%. I — profile, fitting .... - 4/0. * The figures in the print of India Vikdicated (Pollard fc. 1789, flicct) were dcfigned to rcprefent the following perfons : I. Tlie Duchefs of Devon- hire, in the Charadlcr of Liberty, 2. Lady Duncannon, as the Historic Muse. 3. E. Burke. 4.C.J.rox, 5. R. B. Sheridan. 6, Mrs, Sheridan, the Indian kneeling, 7, Ph, Francis. Painter or Defignci. J. Reynolds Reynolds Id. H. Pickering R, Cofway Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds G. Romney Reynolds Romney Reynolds HD Hamilton Engraver or I'nntfcUer. J. Watfon,l77i Spicer. J. \^iltfon. J. Faber. V. Green. JK.Sherwini784 Js. Watfon. m« ArdeU. CHHodges 1785 W. Dickinfon, Green, 1779. J. Dean, 1780, Dickinfon, GTStubbs, 1777. LDBeauclcrc J, Nixon A. KaufFmaii Reynolds F. Piartolozzi, Id. 1783. Dickinfon, Green, 1780. W. Humphrey. ( 421 ) I'eriod IX. Clifs IX. — with Lady Gr.oRGiANA Cavendish, her 1 daugliter - - - - - miz. ) ...----- mez. — .-•- . - - - . nicz, Julia Bofvllle | nuDLEY and Ward, 1780. Vilcouiitcfs J — when Mifs BosviLLE ... m(z. Harr.FraSpencer,| jnj^^^.^^^^^^j,^ 1780; Sifler of Earl Spencer. Vifcountels J — wh.len. fitting and reading, etched, 1787 - Inez. — with her child, a fmall ciicle . - - . — in the print witli the Duchefs of Dcvo.s-shire. LadyCharl.Fitz--| j^^^^^^^ 1764. Williams, Lady J — when Lady Cir. Fitzwilliams - - mcz, Maria Wilmot, ] e^r^lev, 1789. Lady J - — when LadyGiDiiON, 1 766, profile - mez. Cath. Compton, 1 Egmont, 1756. Ob. 1784. Countels or J — with Charles Percival, her fon - tnez. Janet Wedder- ] Ej^jkine, Wife of Sir Henry E. burn, Lady J ....--- - mez. — in a ruff and laced cloak, - - - mez. AnnDay, Lady Fenhoulet, 1762. — when Mifs Day, in a white bonnet - mez. — a fniall oval >"iz. — like the firft, cloak, muff and ruffles - mtz. Lady Charlotte 1 Finch, Wife of Wm. F. 1746, Governefs Fernior, Lady J to the Children of the King. • ....-.-- mez. Query, afterwards infcribed Mifs Fuller. — o\-d frame, bracelet - - - - fol. Lady Gertrude Fitzvatrick, Daughter of Lord Offory. — wh. len. - - - _ - - - "K-^^- — wh.len. infcribed "CoUina" - . - - ...----- WcZ Lady Fitzpatrick, Sifter of the foregoing. — wh. len. infcribed " Sylvia ;" a girl - - - ....... mez. Tainter or Ucfigncr. J. Reynolds D. Gardner Reynolds L Cfs. Spencer Reynolds R. Cofway Reynolds Reynolds T. Hudfon A. Ramfay Id. Reynolds Reynolds J. Robinfon Id. Reynlods Id. Id. Reynolds tngrav<'r or Printfcllcr. G. Keating. R. Laurie. Newton. Stubbs. r. Watfon. J. Watfon, 1775 F. Bartolozzi. J. Grozer,i786. C. Tov.nlcy. m* Ardell, r. Watfon,! 771. m' Ardell. R. Biookfliaw. J. Watfon. m' Ardell. R. Hancock, R. Pmcell. J. Faber, 1746 i T. Major, 17,5. J. Dean, 1782. J. Jones, 1792. JR.Smith. Jpnes, 1792. Reynolds m' ArdelL Tcriod TX. ( 4^2 ) Qii. Another after Cotes. See Watfon's Catal. Lady Elizabeth Foster, Daughter of the Earl of Briftol. — in a large fly tucker ... 1787.4/0. — as a veftal, fmall .... . . Diana Sackville, 1 ^ o „ re > Glandore, 178 Cuuntels or J ' — when Lady Crosbie, wh. len. id. a fmall oval 1779. mez. - 1783- T-, I r r > Gloucester, 1776. Duche s of J ' / / — when Countefs of Waldegrave (1759,) id. :opied mez. ^ I 773. mez. — id. an etching ... — id. with her daughter Lady Eliz. Laura mez. — id. ------- mez ? — -- - - - - - - mez. See Lady Arundel, above. Sophia Matilda of Gloucester. — a fmall oval ----- 1791. — an infant ------ mez. Tane Maxwell, "lo„„r>^vT •,.,/;., • Duchefsof JGoa^oN, 1767. — in a Vandyck drefs . - » lyyS- '"fs;. Frances Irwin, "1 Gordon, Wife of Lord Wm. G. 1781. Lady J Nat. 1761. — - - - - -- - - mez. GertrudeConway, ") ^ Countefs '' | Grandison, 1774. — when Lady Villiers - - 1773. '"^^• Mary jemima 1 ^ o r^i _oo ^J •' r J > Grantham, 1780. Ob. 1788. Grey, Lady J ' ' ' — with Lady Amabel Grey, her filler - mez. Henrietta Vernon, "1 ^ , r J > Grosvenor, 1704.' Tainttr or j Engraver or Defigner. Printleller. T. Kettle J. Revnolds (S. Shelley Reynolds Rejmolds Id. Id. Id. Id. J. Watfon. F. Bartolozzi^ W. Nutter.) W. Dickinfon, Picot exc. m' Ardell. J. Finlayfon, W. Hoare. R. Houfton. Smith. Watfon. Lady Tane Tolle- 1 ^t \7ir-r r t 1 u •'•J T , >Halliday, Wife of John H. 1770. mache. Lady J •' ' ' — wh. len. ----- -J}.\mez. Lady Ifabella Hamilton, Sifter of the Earl of Buchan. ■ — wh. len. (the face altered to a profile ) - mez. Emma.' Hart,Lady Hamilton, WifeofSir Wm. H. — jnfcribed " Emma'' ... - fncz. J. Jean Bartolozzi, Reynolds i Watfon, 1773, Reynolds Dickinfon,' Reynolds J.R.Smith, 1780. EFCalze Finlayfon, Reynolds E. Fiflier. F. Cotes Reynolds G. Romncy Romney Dickinfon. V. Green, 1779. J. Walker, I ySi. J. Jones, 1785. I'eiiod IX. Clafs IX. ( 423 ) Painter or Defigncr. Eiigrnvcr or I'mitTcllcr. Catherine Grsme, Vifcountcfs > Hampden, 1768. mez. mete. Elizabeth Vernon,"] rT.„^^„„.^ ,„^q „ i~ i- Harcourt, 1770 Counteis J ' ' when Lady NuNEHAM, oval — wh. Icn. . . . - - — oval, in the churaftcr of Flora - niez. - fh. mfz. Jane Fleming, Countefs of Ladf Selina Elizabeth Beau- clerc, Lady Mary Le Pell, Lady Lady Caroline > Harrington, 1779. with her two fons, Lord Petersham and") LiNC, Stanhope ^ . - 17^9- J — wh. len. fi- '"i:^- Hastings, Sifter of the Earl of Huntingdon. Ob. 1763, St. 2,2. — leaning on her arms folded - - . ffz. .^ . ....-•- mez. IHerbert, 1787; Daughter of Topham B. — with the emblems of Una mez i Hervey, 1720. Ob. 1768. — vignette of a landfcape, Fr. motto - vcryfmall — oval frame, profile . . P. P./m. 4/0. Howard, Daughter of the Earl of Carlifle. Nat. 1771. — wh. Icn. fitting . - . . mfz.. Ameha Egerton, j ^^^^ wife of Sir Abr. H. Lady J mtz. Selina Shirley, Countefs ot I Huntingdon, 1728. Ob. 1791, ffit. 84 — oval — with the Bible open before her — oval . . - - — wh. len. ... Ann Egerton, Countefs of I Jersey, 1733. Ob. 1762. FrancesTvvlfden,! . j^^^ Countefs of J -^ ' / ' — oval frame 1790. 81)0. 1773. m^z. vtez. la. 4/0. mcz. Mary Palmer, Countefs i Inchiquin, 1792. — when Mifs Palmer, oval, hat and feather — id. '"«• D. Gardner J. Hoppner P. Falconet Id. A. Kauffman J. Reynolds Id. Reynolds Id. Reynolds CNCochin Reynolds R. Cofway (ad vivura) R. Bowyer J. Ruffel. G. Kneller Gardner Reynolds Id. r. Watfon. J. Young, 178C. V. Green, 177 1. Id. Ruotte, 1784. F. Bartolozzi, Green, 1780. R. Houfton, C. Spooner. T. Watfon, 1 782 S. G(ribelin.) H. Wateleti752 V-. Gieen, 1775* Green, 1783. Blackberd, j. Fittler, 1790. J. Putin, 1 79 1. J. Faber, 1740. T. Watfon, 1774 J. Collyer,l78j. W.Doughtyi779 r;vioJ TX. CUfs IX. ( 424 ) Lady Charlotte Johnston, Sifter of the Earl of Halifax. — - - - - . - - Copied, me%. MaryWadfvvorth, \ ^^^ ^-^^ ^^ gj^ ^j^^_ ,^_ Lady J Lady Elizabeth Lambert, Daughter of the Earl of Cavan. — oval - - - - r - - ■ jj- Downman Painter or Dcfi'ner. J. Reynolds Reynolds nn?raveror Prir.tfcller. Ehz. Latouche, It o ^m ^ f r > Lanesborough, 1781. Ob. 17 CoLintels or J ' ' 88. — oval P.P. 1791. Lady Elizabeth ILee, Wife of Sir Wm. L. Eait. 1763. Harcourt, Lady J Nat. 1739. — \vh. kn. .-.--. mez. Emilia Lenox, "I ■■ , „ ^^^ TA t_ r r > LeINSTER, 1766. Duchels or J ' — when Countefs of KiLDARE, 1747 - me%. ^^^yLouifaKer,| L^,,o^^ Wife of Lord Geo. L. 1759. — ....... Copied, mez. Lady Sarah Lenox, — \vh. len. facrificing to the Graces - mez. — with Lady Susan Strangeways, audi Charles Fox . - . - nuz. j Lady Frances Leslie. — when Lady Tyrconnell, fitting - mez. Lady Mary Leslie, — dccoratin" a lamb with flowers /„. ^Mard^tft-ofJLo— .775. Ob. ,,8 — when Lady Ancram, 1762 - - »;«. — id. - - - Copied by Dixon, nie-z. — id. oval ...... me«.. Margaret Smith, \ j . Lady JLucAN, 1776. — wh. len. when Lady Bingham Eliz. Daflivvood, \ ^1, ^ Duchefsof 'I Manchester, 1762. — with her fon Gforge Vifc. MandeviI-Le, as Diana and Cupin ; wh. len. Lady Catherine Manners, Daughter of the Duke of Rutland. :} Lady LouifaTol- 1 Manners, Wife of John M. i 765, Daughter lemache, Lady J of the Earl of Dyiart. ----- Jh, mez. Reynolds — wh. len. H. Hone Reynolds Reynolds r\. Ramfay Reynolds Id. (ad vivum) Reynolds P. Falconet Reynolds Id. A. Kauffman Reynolds Reynolds J. .Walfon. J. Dean, 1779. J. Baldrcy,i783 F. Bartoloazi, E. Fifhw. Jm'Ardell. m' Aidell. Fiflier, 1766. J. Watfon. D. Martin, 1772. J. SpiUbury. V. Green. Spilfbiiry. Wilfon. J. A\'atfon, 1776 J. Watfon. J. Gaugaini785 Green, 1779. Pprio.l IX. Clafs IX. ( 4^5 ) I Marlborough, 1762. mez. Eliz. Crompton, | Marchmont, 174S. Countels or J '^ — (xt. 1768) profile, in a circle Caroline Ruifel, Duchefs of with a lap-dop; and nofcgay Cop'ictt, — fitting, her right hand niifcd — with Lady Caroline Stencer, her daughter ; 1 nat. 1 7O3. . - - • . incz. J — \\h. Icii. . - - . . Jh. me%. — in the print witli lier hiifband, See. Clafs 2. AnnParfons, Lady Maynard, 1786. — when Mils Parsons, wh. len. with tlie emblen:is 1 of Juno - ... - nicz. j — wh. len. in a Tmkifli drefs ... imz. — ha. len. Elizabeth Mil- banke, Lady 1 77 1, niez. Sarah de Laval, Countefs of I Melbourne, 1769. — with her fon ... i Mex borough, 1760. — before hermarriage, a fmiill oval, anonymous ElizabediStephen-l ,;r ,,^„ ,„q^ r r^ r r > MeXBOROUGH, I7S2. fon, Countefs or J ' — when Mifs Stephenson, oval, profile, mufick 1 1776. imz. J — . . -. - . . . mez. Montagu, Daughter of the Duke of Buc- cleugh. — ........ mez. LadyMaryWortley Montagu, Literat. Ob. 1762. — Svo. — in the print of the Dnke and Duchefs of Port- land, Clafs 2. Ann Eliz. Choi- 1 Mulgravk, 17S7. Ob. 1788. mondeley,Lauy J — when Mifs Cholmondeley - - nieZ, Duchefs o?^^' I ^Northumberland, 1766. Ob. 1776. P. Falconet J. Reynolds Reynolds G. Romney R. Reynolds Wilfon Reynolds Id. Lady Caroline — when Countefs (1750) robes Margaret Rolle, \ n>^ c rw^ ,-0 „° r r > Orford, 1746. Ob. lybt, Countels or J ' /-^ / mez tmz Eliz. Spencer, Countefs of — a medallion, prefixed to " Raccolte dl varie Can- Zone," 1739. I never faw this print. > Pembroke, 1756 — ■ a fmall oval, etched with the dry needle I'ainteror Dcfigiier, W. Peters J. Hoppner Reynolds Engraver n I'liiufcllcr. DPParlfet. ni« Ardell. R. Brookfliaw. R. Houfton 1769 J. Jones, J 793. R. HouIVman. J. Watfoii, 1771 J. FInlayfon, T. Watfon,i77J T. W(orIidge.) W. Dickinfon, W.Ward, 1784. JR.SmIth,i777. Reynolds G. March!, Reynolds ■ E. Fidier. Id. Houfton. 3 i^ (Bretherton.) Tcriod IT/ Clafs IX. ( 4^6 ) — with her fon Geo. Lord Herbert - mez — in the pruit with the Earl of Pembroke, CI. 2. \ Painter or Dedgner, J. Reynolds Lady Juliana Fer-") Pen N', Wife of Tho. P. 1751 ; Daughter mor. Lady _[ of Tho. Earl of Pomfret. — ha. kn. in manner of Leiy - P. P. /a. 4/0. ^Ca. Read Grey, Lady Pennymav, Wife of Sir James, 1770. — with her child . . . . - Lady Amabel In ^ ^ ^ POLWARTH, 1772. — in the print with her fifter Lady Grantham, above. mez. EFCalze Grey, Lady LadyElizWynd-|p^^^^^^^^ 1780. ham. Lady J ' ' — when Lady Herbert, with her fon Maraj-HarleyCav. "1 o , /^k q Duchefsof |P°^^^^^°' ^734. Od. 178: met,. mtz. '•} — abaft, prefixed to Fenton's Edit, of " Waller's Poems," 1729, 4/0. . . ~ — in the print with Wm. Duke of Portlant, and Lady Mary W. Montagu, Clafs 2. Lady Caroline "I p^^^ ^^.^^ ^^ ^vedale P. 1774. Carpenter, Lady J ' ''^ Mary Bruce, ") „ Duchefsof ]R^^H^^°^^. ^757. — a large oval — id. wh. len. in a Turkifh drefs Penelope Atkins, 1 r> ,„ „ ,„„< Lady 'I Rivers, 1776. — when Mrs. Pitt, oval — prefixed to Giardini's "Sonatas' ^Lad'''^°''^''' JR^SHOUT, Wife of Sir John R. — with her daughti — with her chiidrer Marylfab.Somer- "1 „ fet, Duchefsof r^"-^^^^^' '775- Reynolds Id. JM.Ryfbrack Id. Reynolds J. Downman A. Kauffman — with her daughter, a large oval — with her children mez. Mifs Read ;«.2. j MifsCarwar- t dme A. Kauffman Gardner Engraver or Primic.ier. J. Dixon, 1 77 1. R. Prancker. V. Green, 1772. — a fmall oval — wh. kn. — a fmall oval "Xdl„™'of]5-— > ■'«'• — wh. Icn. 1780. Jh, mez, - fi. JIj. mez Reynolds Id. Peters Reynolds J. Dean, 1779. Green, 1773. G. Vertue,i727, ' Id. J. Jones, 1788. T. Burke, 1788. W. Ry land, 1785. C. Corbutt» R. Houftcn. T. Burke, 1784, JR.Smith, 1780. F. Bartolozzi, Green, 1780. JK.Shcrwin. CWWhitc, 1781. Green, 178/. ( 427 ) feriod IX, CUfsIX. — oval — oval Painter or Dcfigncr. Lady Sarsfield, — oval - Ob. 17S1, LadyCarol Col- ) Scarsdale, 1761. year. Lady J — with John Cur zoN her fon Harriet Powell, mez, rnez. Countefs of I Seaforth, Ob. ^779. when Mifs Powell, tuning a guitar, Copleth mcz, as Leonora in the " Padlock" - - niez. R. CrolTe R. Bowyer Ifabella Stanhope,"! s^fton, i 768. Countefs of J ' — when Lady Molineux — id. - mez, nuz. Diana M' Do- 1 Sinclair, Wife of Sir John S. na'id, Lady J — oval, anonymous . . . Charlotte de "1 Smytk, Wife of Sir Rob. S. Laval, Lady J with her children Geor ^orgianaPointz,"! ^^^^^ek, 1756. Countefs J . , , . , — in a riding-habit, oval with her daughter Lady Georgian A — In a Perfian habit, fitting 17S9. 1783. nicz. mez. mez. J. Reynolds Ca. Read Reynolds EFCalze Reynolds R. Cofway Reynolds T. Gainftjoro Reynolds Id, LaviniaBingham Countefs ' I Spencer, 1781. _ in a large hat, ha. len. 1787. 4/0. Ladies Ann and \ Spencer, Daughters of the Duke of Marl- Charlotte J borough 1762. — infcribed "TheMafk" . Lady Charlotte Spencer, nat. 1 769. , ^ _ ,„ „. ■' _ in the print with her brother Lord Henry S. in Clafs3. Mary Beauclerc, "l Spencer, Wife of Lord Cha. S. Brother of J die Duke of Marlborough, 1762. Lady Grifelda Hamil- ton, Counteis — leaning on her horfe i Stanhope, i745' 1776. mez. - msz. Reynolds Id. Reynolds Engraver flf Piintfcllcr, B. Smith, 1791. Ca. Watfon, 1 790 V. Green. Paul. J. Watfon. R. Houn;oni769 Id. Green, 1770. J. Watfon, 1770 M. Eovi, 1 79 1. F. Bartolozzi, Bartolozzl, Paul. J, Watfon. T, Watfon, 1772 Bartolozzi, C. Hodges, 1784 L. Schjavonetti. Reynolds Id. 5H2 •a. |a. Ramfay Dickinfon, J. Pott. ra< Ardell. Period IX. Ciafs IX, ( 4^8 ) Ann de Laval, | Stakhope, Wife of Sir Wm. 1759 Lady — as the Fatr Penitent, wh. len. - fol. — wh. len. ...... m?z. — when Mifsde Laval, a fmall oval, ermine clonk Painter oi Defigner, Loiiifa Cathcart, T c ^ Vifcouncefs | Stormont, ^yi^. — wh. len. .... „ r r' > Strafford, \ix\. Ob. 178c. Countefs of J » / ■ 1 o mlz, mez. mez. mez. Maria Conft.Tre vor I Conft.Tre- 1 ^ r r^\ ^c ,CountefsofjS^"°^^' ^764- Ob. 1767. — xt. 23, 1766 . - - Charlotte Hill, \ r^ _o ^ ^ ' > 1 ALBOT, 1704. Counteis J » / t — wh. len. P. P.m^z. J]i. mez. B, WJlfon J. Reynolds G. Romney Reynolds Reynolds Ca. Read ^'SSfoflT-'-ocK, ,764. Ob. ,;6S. — as bride-maid to the Q^een ElizabethGoodin- " Haughton,Lady ; I Taylor, Wife of Sir John T, Engraver tt Pniitfeller. J. Eafire, 1772. Watfon. T. W(orlid<;e.) JR. Smith, 1-80. m' Ardell, 1762, R. Brookfhaw. Johnfon. Spicer. J. Watfon, 1766 Reynolds V. Green, 1782. Reynolds 1783. mez. ^Y'S^^' JTOWNSHEND, 1738. Ob. I7S8, ffit. 85. Etheldreda Har rifon three qrs. len. ftandmg — oval ... mez, mez. — when Vifcountefs (1764) wh. len. - Jlj. mez. — with her fifters Mrs- Beresford and Mrs. Gardiner, decorating the llatue of Hymen very la, mez. :z. 1 Ladies Elizabeth,^ -.Tcr. , .^.„^„ .„^ ^L , ,. ' ^ Waldegrave, Charlotte andAnn J A Henrietta Vernon Countefs of ' 1 Wa RWICK, Ann Foley, Lady Winnington, Wife of Sir Edw. W. — a fmall oval, anonymous. P. P. - Reynolds Romney E. Fiflier. Reynolds W. Dicklnfon, V. Loo Id. J. Faber, 1742. Id. Reynolds Green, 1780, Id. T. Watfon. Green, 1781, JR.Smith, 1780. J. Rofs. Period IX. Claf. IX. ( 429 ) Painter or Dcfigncr. Am.Sop. de Wal- "1 ,7 ^, , , modcn, Cfs. of ) Yarmouth, 1739. Ob. 1765, ^t. 56. En.raver or PriiiilcUcr. FrcdeiicaCharl.ofT ,, Fruffia, Dfs. of J ^°^'''' me%. Pv. Hoogh GdeKonig. 791. — oval . . . . — wh. len. ... — a large oval - . . — wh. Icn ? - - - — a fmall oval. - . . — id. profile . - . — oval, fitting, with a book CLASS IX. - H Hone iT. Burke, 1792. /h. C. Cuiiigham ,D. C un;>o,T787, ^''. lA. Gahriel]! : -!gi mez. J. Hoppnc-r ,C. Hodfrcs, ,793. D.irvvis 'D. Orme. 1 79 1. ad vivum C. Townleyi79i Walker, 1792 'Ch.Zethin, 1752. — as RoxALANA in the " Sultan" — as the Comic Muse, wh. len. Second Subdivision. GENTLEWOMEN. Frances Abington, Aftrefs. — wh. len 1 792. 4/0. R. Cofway F. Bartolozzi, ~ ova' 'wz. Id. jEI.Jiic!kins,i772. — in a hat and feather ..... fmall. Cofway !W. Lane, 1790. — as Scrub, played for her benefit, an etching - fol. '.], S. 1786. • - -J- Reynolds JK Sherwini79i Jh. ,mz. Id, T. VVatfon. mez. Id. Bartolozzi, S. Okey, jun. JR.Smith, 1778. (Worlidge.) Terefa Allegranti, Singer. Mrs. Anderson, Elizabeth Appleton, — in a riding-drefs, 1 7 77 Mrs. Armstrong, — oval, fitting ..... Mrs; Ashley, Wife of James A. — when Mrs. Worlidge, in a clofecap Giovanna Bacelli, Dancer. — wh. len. ....... — wh. len. ...... — oval . - . .... Sophia Baddeley, Adrefs. Ob. 1786, jet. 38. — as Sylvia, In the print with King. 1783- Cofway. mez. REPinc 4/0. mez. (ad vivum) 4/0. mez. - J. Roberts 'A. Albanefi,i772 mez. T. Gainfhoro' J. Jones, 1784. - - O.' Humphry T. Trotter. mez, J. Zoffany R. Laurie, 1772. - -j Reynolds I Weini. feriod IX. Clafs IX. Mrs. Mifs Mifs Frances Mrs. ( 430 ) Baldwin, a Grecian Lady, Wife of the Britifli Conful in .(Egypt. — wh. len. dancing, anonymous ... 1782. Baldwin, Bamfylde, Bankes, Wife of Henry B. M. P. — when Mifs Woodley, wh. len. Banks, — profile . . - - - 1771. mez. Elizabeth Bannister, Actrefs, Wife of John B. — when Mifs Harper . . - Hannah Barker, Jrii, mez. 1780. mez. Mifs Barker, — cval Painter or Defigner. R. Cofway T. Kettle W. Peters G. Romney Tngraver or Prlntrcller. F. Bartolozzi, J. Pott. R. Dunkartoii, J. Walker, 1 781. HDHamilton R. Laurie, 1772. Elizabeth Barrington, Wife of the General, 1750. — (xt. 1755^) '"^2- Frances Basset, Daughter of Sir Francis B. — a fmall wh. len. Ann Bastard, of Kitley, DevonHiire. Ob. 1765. — ....--.. Copied, viez. Sarah Bates, Wife of Joah B. Commiff. of Cuftoms. — when Mifs Harrop, ti large oval, mufick Elizabeth Bawtree, Mother of Mrs. Harding, Wife of Edw. H. Engraver. — oval, profile, 1789 ----- Mifs Beetson, Niece of Cath. Read, Paintrefs. — a girl .-...-.. mez, — with a dog ...... nicz. — drawing .-.--.- mtz. Mifs Bell of Derby fhire. — a fmall wh. len. etched -..-.. George Ann Bellamy, Adrefs. Ob. 1788. — a fmall oval, prefixed to her "Memoirs" 17S5 — as Juliet, in the print with G.irrick. Jenny and"! g^^^^^ Daughters of the Printfeller. Isclly J ° — iiifcribed " The Sifters" . - . . mez. Elizabeth Bentley, of Norwich. — oval, prefixed to her " Poems" 1791, St)o. Dighton Stubble R. Cofway Laurie. H. Kingfbury. M, Bova. J. Reynolds R. Houfton Reynolds m< Ardell. A. KaufTman de Latre, 1784. (S. Harding C. Read Id. Id. W. Bawtree.) Houfton. E. Judkins, 1770 J. Watfon. ad vivum JR.Smith. F. Cotes J. Nixo Bartolozzi. J. Marchi, Mifs Buck IT. Baffet. PenoJ IX. Clafs IX. Mary Mrs. Mifs Elizabeth Ann Mifs Ann Penelope Marianna Harriet Maria Maria Harriot Mifs Nelly O' ( 431 ) Benwell, — ill a large hat la. 4/0. 1 Beresford, — ; - - P. P. mcz. — in the print with her fiflers, Lady Townshend (In the id. Subd.) and Mrs. Gardiner. Berridge, Sifter of the Painter. — with the emblems of Diana ... mc%. BiLLiNGTON, Aftrefs. — a fmall oval, prefixed to her "Memoirs" 1792 — a fmall oval ...... '785. — oval -.-..- lyHb. mcz. Bingham, Daughter of Lord Lucan. 1786. Bliss, — a fmall oval, infcribed " The Studious Fair" Bonfoy, Wife of Hugh B. and Sifter of Edvv. Lord Eliot ? — --..-... Copied, mez. Boothby, Daughter of Brook B. Ob? — a girl -.-.... tnez. BoRGHi, Singer. — when Sig. Casentini, oval, in " La Bella Pefcatrice" 1 1792. J EoRLASE, Wife of the Rev. Geo. B. Regiftrar of the Univerfity of Cambr. Ob. — when Mifs Serocold, profile - - lyjc). mez. Boucherett, of Lincoln? — when Mifs Crocket, infcribed " Julia de Rubigne" 1 tiiez.y Bover, Daughter of Capt. B. of Warrington. — ' ' - 1780. BouvERiE, Wife of Edw. B. M. P. — in the print with Mrs. Crewe ... fucz. — with her child, wh. len. ..... ,nez. Painter or Dcfigiicr. Engraver or Prii.trcllrr. J. Hoppner W.Ward, 178 J. G. Romney J. Jones, 1792. Berridge JR. Smith, 1773. ''ad vivumj R. Cofway J. Downman Av.Affen. F. Bartolozzi, R. Dunkarton, J. Reynolds Bartolozzi, T. Goddaid W. Nutter, 1788 Reynolds m« ArdeU. Reynolds T. Park, 1789. Bartolozzi, Boyd, Brien, Courtezan. 1780. mez. tncz. mez, mez. mez. mez. Downman H. Kingfturj', Hoppner J, Dean, 1786. Hoppner Ca. Watfon, 1 790 Reynolds J. March i. Id. J. Watf)ii,i77o Downman PVVTomkins, I Reynolds J. Di>.on, T 774, Id. S. Okey. Id. C. riiiUips, 1770 Id. ,C. Spooner» Id. J. Watfon. Id. J. AVilfon. ( 43^ ) I'erioc! IX, CUU IX. Frances Brooke, Literat. Ob. 1788. — a large oval Ca. Read Brooksbank, Wife of Stamp B. Commiff. Excife. — when MifsGATAKER ----- mez. Ann Mlfs Mrs. Mifs Elizabeth Bull, Printfeller, Brown, — infcribed Lucinda Brudenell, 1765. Brusby, — holding a rabbit Paintfr or I Engraver of Dcfigner. I PrintfiUer. M. Bovi, 1790. Hamilton JR.Smith, 1772. 1770. mez. P. Falconet ad vi\'um Falconet J. Reynolds Annabella Bunbury, married to Sir Patrick Blake 1772, divorced 1777- wh. len. emblems of Juno - - - - mcz. Catherine Bunbury, Wife of Henry B. — with Mrs. GwvN, a circle V. Green, JR.Smith. Green, 1772. Watfon, Reynolds ,J, Dixon, 1771. 1780. ?>iez. [d. Gardner Reynolds J. Hoppner mcz, mez. Elizabeth Bury, — oval ------ Probably author of a book of Cookery. Mifs Mrs. MarieAn C Cabben, Callander of Craigforth. G. WiUifon 70. Sarah Ann Mrs. Miffcs .'^A""1camargo, Dancer. Ob. 177c .upidej — in a rural dance, four French verfes Campbell, of Wales. >. W. DIckinfon, J. Watfon, 1778 J. Young, 1 79 1 Burder, 1777 Green, 1770. Cargill, AArefs. Ob. 1784. — when Mifs Brown, as Clara in the "Duenna""! mez. J — id. two fmall ovals. Carnack, Wife of the General. Ob. — wh. kn. mez, C iv.Ri'tNTER, Daughters of the General. One of them was married to Ramfden, N. Lancret Reynolds ad vivum Reynolds i'. Lion G. Bickham, L. Cars. Green, 1778. JR.Smith, 177s. JR. Smith, 1778. J. ',V.itfon, Period IX. ChU IX. Mrs. Ann Ann Jane Mrs. Mifs Mrs. Jeffs ( 433 ) Carter, — filling .-.-,. 4/0,. mez There is a fiir.ill mc/zotluto );y Smilli after Kitching-. man, iufcribcd "MifsCaiUr." P»Inier or Dofigncr. EKgr»*er »r Prmtfellcr. (ad virum) IJR.Smith, I777. Carwardine, Wife of the Rev. Tho. C. Catley, Aftrefs. Ob. 178 . — in the diaradterof Eupukosyne — oval flame . . . - Cave, Poctefs. Chambers of 1777. mez, 4/0. mez. lima. G. Romiiey JR.Smii]-!. W.Laivranfon R. Diiiik;vrto«, J. Roberts '}. Jones, 1777. al Suiry. The print inferibcd " Mre. Ch^pibcrs,"" by J.R. Smith after RiilTell, is no portrait. Chambers, — ha. lea. fittinej .... Chelsum, Mother of James C. D. D. — let. 87, 1789 .... 4/0, mcz P.P. Cholmlev, Wife of Nathaniel C. of Houfliam, CO. York. Ob. 1769. — .. ._..... mtz. Suf. Maria Cibber, Adrefs. Ob. 1766, a^t. 51. — wh. len. in the charafter of Cordelia - - me~. — oval - - - - - - -- "iiz. — oval -.-.-..I '■3f<^foL — as Belvidera, in the print with Garrick, Clark, of Norwich? — oval ...L...... Mrs. Catherine Mad"% Catherine ad vivam (ad vivura) S. Elmer J. Reynolds (ad viYiim) T. Hudfon Id. ad Clarke, — when Mifs Hunter, fitti:!?;, pen and ink - rmx.. EF.Calze Qu. If Ikll done for Mils PlDnket, in another drefs ? Clermont, mtz, ad vivnm Joanna See Reynolds, Leiow. Note. Clive, Aftrefs. — wh. len. in the charafter of PniLiDA - - me',-,. — in Philida, hair with vib'oons - • - vicx.. — when Mifs Rafter, three qrs. len. a mtiGc-book vu'z. — wh.lcn. in the Fine Lady in " Le-thc" - . Jul, The pldte was begun by Worlidge. Ciowr.s, Wife of Butler C. — ----.---- tr.C'x.. 3 I J.v.Haecken id \Ivi 12. Smith, 1788, JR.Snriih, 1777, W. Pether. m< Ardell. J. Watfon. . Bk-cck. J. Fabcr, 1745. J. Marchand, Brediertoii. V. Green, 1771. JR. Smith, 1777. Pv. Rkeckj.f3 ; Fabcr, 1734. Av.Haec.con. C. Mofiey, I 750. 3. CI owe?, 1 77 1. ( 434 ) VtnAi W. Cla& IX. Mils Mrs. Mlfs Mrs. Maria Hannah Elizabeth Ann Fra. Ann I Painter or i Enpraverof I Deligaer. Friiitfel'er. COGHLAN, of Br.ih. Collier, Firft Wife of Sir Geo. divorced ? ..-...- 1770? mez. J. Rejnolds mez. T, Gainfboro'JR.Smith, 1772. Watfon. COLOMBE, — a Iniall oval, profile. CoKBYN, — oval Ob. 1790, 1785. ad vivum B. Reading, CoswAY, Paintrefs ; Wife of Richard C. — wh. len. iitting, in a hat and feather - 1785. 4/0. ^R. Cofway ...._,..-- m.'z. iM. Cofway — a fmall fquare - 1791. R. Cofway Cowley, Poetefs. — prefixed to the " Critifh Album." Cox, Emma Ann Mary Mrs. Ann Ann Crawford, Aftrefs. — when Mrs. Barry - . • , . tiKz. Crewe, Wife of John C. M. P. . — when Mifs Grevill, in the pi int with her brother "1 as Hebf, and Cupid - - - - mez. j .^- ..--.----- mez, — oval .....---. — wh. len. .....-- mez. — in the print with Mrs. Bouverie, above. Crewe, Sifter of the above John C. — in the print with her filler Mrs. Hikchliffe. Crouch, Aflrcfs. i-jBS.foL R. Cofway Hamilton T. Kettle Reynolds Id. D. Gardner Reynolds — a fmall cval - . . . — as ROSETTA .•' - CcxLiri-E, Daughter of Sir Eliis C. Curtis, — wh. len. -.,.-- CuRZON, Daughter of Amos Meredith. — hair with'a fillet, a I'antiquc G. Romney R. Bull - 4/0. mcz. mez. Y. Cotes I mez, H. Walton Damer, Wife of John D. eldeft Son of Ld. Mihon, 1767 ; Daughter of General Conway. _ near wh. len. fitting 4/0. [A. KanlTman _ a fmall fquare 1 791. JR. Cofway F. Bsrtolozzi, V. Green, 1787. L. Sehiavonetti,' J. Fittler, 1785. R. Laurie, 1772. Paul. m« Ardell. JR. Smith. T, \A^atfon. Id? 1780. BartolozzI, H. Brocas. J R.Smith. J. Watfon. H. Hudfon,i7S9 JK.Sherwini784. T. Ryder, 1793. L. Sehiavonetti, three qrs.lcn. Handing z. I Reynolds IJR.Smith, 1774. TeftoJ IX, Clafs IX. * ^ ' ■ Mrs. Mrs. Jane C 43J ) Da NCR, — when Mrs. D VMM ER, an ciching • Davenport, Davidson, Daughter of Wm. D. of Amflcrdam. Ob. 1767, a:t. 20. — holding a lamb - - - - - P. P. mcz. Mifs Dawe, Sifter of the Painter. — foaping linen ■ ...-.- kcz. Salcthea Daw kens, — hat and cloak, long ruffles . . „ . /»£»• Nancy Dawson, Dancer. Ob. 1767. — dancing a hornpipe, with the fong — dancing a hornpipe - . - Mifs Dempster, Mary Dickinson, Sifter of the Engraver. mez. 4/0. mcz, mcz. Painter or Dcfig rot J iicr. j En^tarcr « Pii..tfcl!cr. ad vivum Dance. G. Romiicy J. Jones, 1784, ad vivum J. Tocr ad vivum me%. G. Winifon 1778. ?;.TC. |W. Peters Flora mac Donald, Friend of the Chcv. St. George. Ob. i 790. [ — oval, a white rofe in her hatr . - . nif:^. 'A. Ramfny — \vh. len. - • - - - - ■ _ -- . . J. Di.ton, 1770*' 1'. Dawe. P. Stec. G. Pulley(exc.)' C. Spooner. Watfon. T. Watfon, 177c W. Dickinfon, m' Ardell. There is a mczzotiato, by Johnfon, after Le .Clerc which is iiifcribed Jenny Cameron of Lcchiel. mcz. T. Hudfon ;J. Faber, 1747. Johnfon. Anna Maiia Donaldson, Mulic. 1771. — when Mifs Falkner AvrMijn. Margaret Drummond, Wife of Geo. Hay D. Son of Rob. Abp. of York. — v>-ith her children 'S. Shelley 'Ca. Watfon. Abigail Drummond, Daughter of Rob. Abp. of York. Ob. 1766. — reading ,-...... mra. 'M. Black 17 r;6' J. Watfon. Mary Eleks, of Button P^ace, Oxfordfnire. I j Ann Elliot, Aclrefs. Ob. 1769. — in the drcfs of Minerva, oval — \\h. len. . .. . - ad vivum 'B. Clowes, 1771. \y]2.mea. R. Cofuay jj. Saunder.?, mez. iT. Kettle ij. Watfon. Elizabeth Elliot, Sifter of James Craggs. Ob. 1765. — an etching ..--.. — in the print of the "Family," Per. VIII. 3. Mrs. Elliot, Wife of John E. M. D. D. Martin. — vh, len. 3I2 _yfi. »;^2., [T. Gainfboro'J. Dean, 1779, Clnls IX. ( 436 ) PjintCT or I !'n;r*rcr o» Dcfi2r.tr. Puntf.jllcr, J TJX. R> Ciifvvay Cofi 31 way F. Bartolozzi, E. Scott, I790» Harriet EvR.r,, Daughter of Edw. K. of Bath. — with a dog-, a fnuill iqiiaie - , . Maria and 1 r- -r. ^ .Harriet] ^^'^^°^^^'^' Poetcucs. — a medallioa, prefiiLed to their " Poetic Laurels," 1_ 1791, Svo, - - - - - - -J ^Elizabeth Far r en, AArcfs. — wil.len. muff and tippet ... jyg2.Jh. \T- Lawrence: Bartolozzi, — a large oval - - - I J. Downm^ii J> Col!yer,i7!J4, — in the charafter of Hkrmione, \vh. len. - mcz. J. Zoftany E" li.'her, 178U — in the print with T. King, Clais VIII. Signora Faustina, Singer. — in Hawkins's " Hiftory of Mufic,"' 1776 Charlotte Fish, J. Reynolds J. Watfon,l77o? Maria Ann Fitzherbert, Relift of Tho. F. of Swinnerton, CO. StaiTord. — fitting in a contemplative attitude — wh. Icn. in a garden, holding a book FiTZROY, fol. fol. J. RuMl Cofway Mifs Mrs. jXIrs.. Mrs. Mrs. Mifs FiTZWILLIAMS, Flehtwood, — with the emblems of Pomona FoRDYCE, — fitting, trees ... FoRDYCE, Wife of Dr. F. 1761. mtz. l'J']2. Inez FoRDYCE, — playing on the guitar Anna Maria Franklin, Singer. — when Mifs Leary - — id. ... Catherine Frederick, Copied, oil. 4/0. P. P. 4/6. mez. Mifs Fr Y E, ^fier of Tho. F. Painter. Chaterin Gabrieli, Singer. Louifa Gautherot, Violin-player. — oval . . - - - Rofalba C. Gi ignion. Collyer,i793, J. Conde, 1792. REPine \V. Humphrey, ad' vivum JR.Smith, 1777. Pine W. Dickinfon, G. WiUifon T. Watfon,i77i A. Kauffman.V. Green, 1782. Reynolds J. Watfoni765? ad vivum ad vivum ad vivum ■ Jlj. mez^ ad vivum P. Battoni 1791. (P. Violetl790 T. Trotter,! 786 Id. R. Laurie. JR.Smith, 1777-, T. Frye, 1 762. D. MartiB,J768. Bartolozzi, Perk) J IX. CUCi IX. Mary Mrs. ( 437 ) George, Ac'^refs. — a fuuill oval ---.i... Gibson, a Jcwilli Courtezan. — oval --..-.-.. I am informed tlicre is an oval print fimilar to this, by Bartolozzi, in i;8j, after Engklicart. Augufla GoLDNEY, Daughter of Ed vv. G. — (xt. 8) affixed to his " Epi[tle to the Deids," 1759 Jane ? Gomeldon, Dauglucr of Jof. Middleton, and Wife ofCapt. G. ot Nevvcalilcupon Tyne. Ob. 178 . — in a riding-habit ... - ij^^.tMz. Fra.Ifab.K. Gordon, Daughter of Lord Wm. G. Painter or I Engraver of Dtfigiicr. J'niitfcllcr. Mifs Howell D. Orxe, 1787. J. Walker, J 7<:3. ad 1 M. Grace, Paintrefs. — aij itching. Catherine Graham, Hiftor. Ob. 1791. — when Mrs, M'Aulev, a mcdalh'on - - 4/0. — id. \Vorks of Sidney and Miltoii b) her 17''4- mez, — id. a i-nall oval. Mary Ann Granvillk, — tln'ce qrs. len. in a cap Ob. 1767. Jane Mary Mifs Mifs Mrs. Green, Adrefs, Ob. 1701, — as Mrs. Hardcastle, in the print with Shuter and Quick in "She Stoops to Conquer." Green, Firft Wife of Val. G. Engraver. Ob. — with her fon Rupes.t Green ... mez, Greenfield, Qu. Altered to Mifs Chudli.igh. Greenway, of Porrfmouth ? — anonymous . . . - Gretton, •^ when Mrs. Edwards J 767. ff'fZ. Coulee', mez . J. Reynolds JB. Cipriani Ca. Read R. Phillips T. Chambars, iimonr J. B !l:e, 1767. ]. S dlburv. J. Tabcr. P. Falconet iV. Green, 1770. R. B(rook(haw,) Mifs vander Gccht, — witli a cat Eliz.Bridg. Gulston, Wife of Jofeph G. Ob. 1780. — in a riding-habit ----- ^0, >nez, — in a cloak ....... mcz. Theophila Gw at kin, of Cornwall, Nieceof Sir Joni. Reynolds — when Mifs Palmer, with the emblems of Hope \ niez. J Reynolris VV-Lawrrnlon Watfon. J Jones, 1 7 So, ad vivum |R. Clowes, 1771. HDHnmilton R. Earlom, 1771 Falconet W. Hibbert. nurfing Lo7E Reynolds ■~. ' Id. E.. Fiflier, 1771. JR. Smith, 1777. Perlh* IT. Clafs IX. ( 438 ) Theofhila Gwatkin, Daughter of Theop. G. — a girl, infcribed "-Simplicity'' Mary Sarali GwYN, Wife of Col. G. — when Mifs Horneck, wli.lcn. — in the print with Mrs. Bunbury above. GvLES, Daughter of James G. Enameller. - 1789. "8. ??;fz. mrz. Unique, Painter ot r Engraver or Dcligncr. I'rl-tfcller, J. Reynolds F. Bartolozzi, Reynolds J. Hoppner Elizabeth Haffey, Daughter of John H. Mary Hale, Vvifeof John FT. Ger.eraL — \vh. len. " 1' Allegro'' . - - . - JIi. me%, Mifs Hall, — as Una in Spencer's " Fiiiry Queen" - - mez. Rachael Hamilton, Wife of the P.ev. Fred. H. — anonymous ------ me%. Elizabeth Hann am, Sifter of Wm. Earl of Chatham. Ob. 1770. — infcribed " Clara Villiers Titt." - - - tnc^z,. Mary Harding, Relid of Silv. H. the elder. — a fmall oval, profile, anonymous - - - - - Lucy Ha r di ng e , Wife of Geo. H. Welfli Judge. — infcribed " Miranda" mcz. Frances Harris, Daughter of Lord Malmelbury. — a girl, \vh. len. playing with a dog - - ijrfa. The Inft portrait painted by Sir Jofiuia RcynjLis. Elizabeth Hartley, Aftrefs. — in the charadter of Elfrid.V. — oval, profile - - . . . — with her child - . . - • -i— in the Distressed Mother, large oval SMaria Hastings, Wife of ^Varren H. — when Mrs. Imho?f, withher child - ij'/o. incz. Mary Hemet, Second Daughter of the Dcntift. — oval -"---.-- fmall mcz. R. Dunkarton, J. Young, 1791. W.Lawranfon'B. Reading, J. Foldfon R. Laurie, 1777. I "bo. tnrz. tntz. meZ: Mifs Hill, wh. Icn. as a Shepherdefs Elizabeth Hinchliffe, Wife of the Bp. of Pcterboro'. — with her filler Mifs Crewe - - - - mtz. Frances & Emma 1^ IiNCHLiFFE, Daughters of the fame. — infcribed, " Miifick,". Reynolds D. Weft F. Cotes viari Reynolds J. Nixon HDHamilton Reynolds (ad vivum) REPine (ad vivum) J. Ruirdl Reynolds W. Peters J. Watfon. R. Earlom, 1772 Watfon. n' Ardcll. E. HardIn2i79J r. Watfon, 1 7 So J. Groz:r,i79i, \V. Dickinfon, R. Hoiiflon 1774 G. Marchi, r';73. jK Shcrwin,i782 Dickinfon, JR.Smlth, i7?i. [. Dean, 1777. y. Dixon, II. Hudfon,l7SC Clals IX. Mils ( 439 ) Tainfcr or Defi-ner. Ho A RE, — a girl witli a drawing-book — an ctchiiirr ... CngrAvtr or I'rinlJtller. - ffirz. W. Hoare r. F:iber. Charlotte Holpen, — when Mifs Spencer Mifs Holland, — oval frame, profile ... r -r 1- HoLRovD, Dauohters of Lord Sheffield. Louiia '-' iV. Ho IIDHamilton "• Green, !•'- 1, Lydia Mifs Mary- Anil ? Phcebe Hone, Daughter of Nat. H. Ob. ict. 16, — with a rabbit ...... ,/,^z. Hone J Daughter of Horace ? FI. — a fraall oval, infcribed " Innocent Thought" Hoi'E, Wife of John H. Load. Ob. 1767, jet. 25 Hoi-E, Wife of Mr. Williams H. of Amfterdam OT.z. J. Reynolds HoPPNER, Wife of [ohn H. Painter. — as " Caroline do LlchScId" - J. Duwninai; JK.Baldrey. N. Hone Ph.'Ufps. II. Hone Mannin, E. rifiicr. Reynolds !CHHod,-jes,i788 ■z. }. Hoppner Copied, 1 — an etching. Hannah Horneck, Wife of KaneW'ni. H. Mifs HUDSOM, — wh. len. in a hat and feather, a dog • . mez, Sellender Humphrey, Wife of Wm. H. Engraver. — afmulloval, anonymous - . - - . . Since altered, and called Mrs. FlxzHtniiERT. Jacob, — . - - - - - - . 1761. nj'Z. This print received the premium from tl^e Soc. of .^rls. Id. J. D-an, 1785. J II. Smith. Mifs Polly Polly ? Reynolds Jm'Arddl. T. Hudfon Fabe (Hoppner) Reynolds J. Sp.'Kbury, Jones, — leaning on her right hand Jones, ahas Kennedy. Ob. 1781. mez. lEFCalze G i-een, i77r. :z. C. Read 'J, Watfon,i767. 7iiez, Dorothy Jordan, A6lrefs. — in the charafter of Priscilla TcMBOY — oval, prefixed to the "Dnpes of Fancy" a Farce — a fmall oval . ^ ..... . — in the charaflcr of Hypolita ... vii^. — in the Country Girl .... Jo/. — in the Comic Muse . . - - . /?j. mez. Hamilton Reynolds Stothard W. Chr.hncrs ad viviini f Watfon, 1 771 T. \Viitlon, 177 E W. Angus. I. Clamp, 1792. J. Heath, 1787^ J. Hoppner jj. Jones, 179 r G. Romney If. Ogbornel-7S8 Hoppner IT. Park, 1 79 u ClifslX. ( 440 ) Mis. Irwix, Wife of the General. Ob. 17^7. Ancrelica Mrs. Mary- Mary A-nn Frances Arabella Maria Mrs. Mifs Mifs Frances JjMgl Elizabeth Margaret Mrs. OV.ll . . . - Kauifmak., Paintrefs. as Design liftening to Poetry Keck, Wife of Ant. K. wh, Icn. with her fc Concord and Love Keighley, 1780. wh. Icn. with her fon, as a Priestess faciiticing to - - - - nuz 1} Vainfer of Ueficncr, J. ReynolJs Reynolds A. Kauffman R. Brompton ad vivum HDHamilton Reynolds F, Cotes Reynolds King, AAref?, Vv ife of Tho. K. — oval frame ------ Lascelles, Wife of Edw. L. M. P. — ivith her child . - - - Lascelle?, Daughter of Ed. L. — a girl, with a gityliouiid Lenox, Literal. — in tiaidiiig's " Sliakfpeare," 1792 LiNLEY, Mufic. Ob. 1784? — oval, profile ~ - . . - Lev I BOND, .----.-- 1779. rorc. IJ.R, Smith At p. 55. of Gulfton's Catalogue occurs a private print of a Mrs. LoviEOND, by Faber, aftef Hoaie. LouTHERBoiip.G, Wife of Ph. Jas. L. Painter. — infcribed Zara . - - - - I7'6. Since this article was committed to prefs, I have autho- rity from Mrs. L. 10 fay that there Is no print of her. LUMSDEN-, orLuMSDON, — fitting and reading - - - - Magili-, _ (Et. 1765.) . - - - Mann 1 OK, — v.hcn Mifs Attwood , - - • - mcz. Mar CHE SI, Singer. — oval, prolilc ..---- 179®- Marshall, Wife of the Rev. M. of Camb. — when Mifs Freeman, a fmall oval, anonymous Maijtyr, AcVrcfs. — as an Enchanticfs in " Omai" . - - ms. — a fmall oval. Mathew, ofTippcrary, Ireland. Ob. 1781. — wh. kn. - -' - - - - ,1790. m«. Engraver or Prii^Uellet. J. Watfon. ^. Bartolozzf, r. Eurkc, 1787, E. Fiiher, 1774. G. Stevens. JR.Smith, 1772. Watfon. J. Watfo.1. Bartolozzi. JI.\ mcz. P. P : ;we. R. Weftall jT. Ryder, 17R5. H. Kingfbiiry, Bartolozzi, G. Willlfon T. Watfon, 1 7 70. Reynolds J. Watfon. ad vivum B. Clowes,r77i, R. Cofway L. Schiavonetti, (Trotter). M.Brown ']. Dean, 1786. Reynolds VV. Dickinfon, r«.i«iix. Clals IX. ( 44' ) I Pjintcr or | Engiavu or Defigiier. ,l Prinlfcller. Charlotte Mercier, Daughter of Ph. M. Painter. Ob. iiGi. — with abtlbuiiquct ,„^2 — i.i tlie " Family Print," Per, VIII. Clafs 8. Elizabeth Merry, Wife of Robert M. — when MifsBRUNTON, afmall oval . . i-Sr. — as Calista in the " Fair Penitent," wh. len. — as Juliet, iji the print with Holman. Metcalf, Wifeof M. M. D. — when Mil;; Honf, with a eandle fliadcd Metcalf, Meyer, Daughter of Jerem M. Painter. — wh. len. with the emblems of Hebe N. Hone JR.Smith. 1 76 J ? mcz. H one J. Finlayfon, Mary Mils Mifs '«''2. J. Reynolds J. Jacobe, 1780, EHzabeth Meymot, Daughter of Mr. Bunn, Dep. for Port foken Ward ; Wife of a Surveyor. — in a large hat, anonymous - . . . ,,,^2 Mrs. Mills, P. Mercier Jm'Ardell. R. Cofway If. Bartolozzi, dc Wilde Ij. Corner, 1792. ad Kingfbury. Elizabeth Montagu, Literat. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," 1792. Han-iet Montague, Mifs Moore, Mary J. Opie jJR.Smlth, 178 . I ■z. ]. Engleheart JR.Smith, 1786. Morant, Wife of John M. — when Mifs Goddard, 1760, fitting - P. P. nicz Charlotte Mordaunt, Daughter of Sir Ph. Mufgrave, Bart. — - - - - - - - - - mez, Louifa Morgan, Wife of Charles M. — infcribed " Maternal Love," a large oval Henrietta Morris, Daughter of Sir Ph. Mufgrave. Mifs Mortimer, Sifter of the Painter. — with the emblems of Hebe Charlotte Mosseneau, — a ehild with a cat, a fmall circle, 1781 Sophia Musters, Daughter of Mudd. Heywoo J. — wh. len. - ■ - . . . Reynolds j Bartolozzf. Id. -JR.Smith, 1776? I ad vivum JR.Smith, 1777. I P. Falconet Watfoni77o? Reynolds C. Townleyr77i Reynolds JR.Smith, 1776. I I 1790. J. RnfTell .PWTomkins, Reynolds JRSmith, 1776. I I W.Peters JRSmith, 1779. ir.ez. Mifs Nailer, — with the emblems of Hebe Reynolds G. Romney JRSmith, 1779. J. Walker, 1 780. 3K 1770. mez. REPinc JW. Dickinfon, rcrioJ IX. ClafslX. ( 44:^ ) Painter or Dcligncr. W. Peters Mrs. O' Neill, of Shane's Caftle, Ireland. — ha. k-n. on a fcttce ""fz. Mrs. Newcomb, Lterat. \Vife of J-hn N. D. D. Mailer of St. John's Coll. Camb. Ob. 1703. — in dlfhabille P. 1". mez. Catherine Norris, Wife of John N. of , Kent. — when Mifs FisHEK, as Cleopatra - - m:z. ]• Reynolds — id f"^^- Hannah Norsa, Aclrefs, 1732. Ob- 1785. — three qrs. len. an anonymous etching - - fol. Henrietta Noj^th, Wife of the Bp. of Winchefter. — three qrs. len. . . . - . J]), mcz. Mifs Oliver, of , Ireland. — holding a drawing ... - - mes. Mifo Osborne, — infcribed "The ^Egyptian Foitune teller" 1769. mez. Sarah Palmer, W ife of Paul P . — ...... .- fmall me%. Therefa Parker, Daughter of Tho. Lord Grantham, Wife of P. of Borrington, Devon. Ob. 1775. Reynolds Romney P. Falconet Reynolds Reynolds — vvh. len Ann Parry, Harriot Parrot, — a child PhiladelphiaPAYNE-GALWEY, Daughter of Gen. De Lancey ; Wifeof Steph. Payne G. Ob. 1785, at. cir. 27. — with her fon Charles ..... rmz.. Mrs. Pelham, Wife of Cha. Anderfon p. Recorder of G. Grimfby. Ob 1786. — feeding her chickens, P. P. . - ... mcz. — in the print with her Hufband, Clafs 3. Mrs. Perry, Wife of Wm. P. Surgeon. — a fmall oval, P. P. - - ■ . ' . . . Mifs mac Pherson, of St. James's market, — prefixed to the "Cafeof John Ramble," 1773, ^2mo.mcz. Conft.TerefaPmLii's, Courtezan. Ob. 1765. — wh.len. ....... tncz. — prefixed to her "Apology," 1 749 - -• nuz. Charlotte Pine, Daughter of R. E. Pine. — an etching . - ..... mcz. — in the print with her Mother, &c. Per. VIII. CI. 9, 2 Subd. Id. G. Romney Reynolds REPine J. Highmort (ad viTum) Engraver or Piintffller. JR.Smlth, 1778. R. R. Houfton. ParceU. (Lens.) JRSmith, 1782. G. Marchi, 1767. W Dickinfon, (Clowes) T. Watfon,i773 J- Dean, 1778. V. Green, 177 1. JRSmith, 17S0. Dickinfon. L. Schiavonctti. J- Fabcr, 1744. \V . Humphrey. I I I / ( 443 ) fcriod IX, Cbfs IX. J^LllherLynchPiozzi, Literal. Relict of Henry Tlirale, M. P. — oval, in the " Europ. Mag," 178 . iVIargaret ? Pjuunket, Courtezan, — --------- mcz. There is a print called hcr's, which is a copy of that of the " Ruffian Lady." Houflon's, I believe, «as altered to Mifs Hunter. Mifs Pond, Sifter of Ar. P. Painter. — -...---. 1766? mez. Mrs. PoNsoNBY, Ob. 1786. Mifs PoNSoNBY, Daughter of Wm. Vifc. Duncannon. — - - - - , 17S8. Elizabeth Poi>e, Adrefs. — when Mifs Young, oval - - - - . . — ..---.-- fmallmex, — asZARAinthe " Mourning Bride," wh. len. — as Viola, with Dodd, in the "Twelfth Night"! obl.Jli. iiuz. J Emily Pott, — wh. len. infcribed Thais - - - , - Mifs Price, Daughter of Chace P. M. P. — wh. len. - - - \ - - - - mez, Hannah Pritchard, Adrefs. Ob. 1768, £et. 57. — asHERMlONE in the " Winter's Tale" - l']6^. Jh. — («'• 39' 1750) '"f^- The Promenade at Carlifle-Houfc, 1781 ; with the following Portraits : Lucy Haswell, Mrs. Moss, Harriet Montague, Charlotte Somerville, Maria Townley, Maria Weldon, niez. Elizabeth Raffald, — prefixed to her " Engl. Houfekeeper," i'/82, 8t». Martha Ray, Ob. 1779. — near wh. len. fitting, with mufic - - J?.', mez. — oval frame --.-.. ^to, mcz, — oval .-.-..... Elizabeth ? Reason, of Highworth, Wiltfhire. Painter or Dcfigncr. ad vivum J. Worfdale R. Cofway F. Bartolozzi S. Harding Dighton de Wilde W. Featley J. Reynolds W. Hoare Tnersvcr m Printfiillcr, T. HoU oway. Brooks. R. Houllon, J. Spilfbury, Brooks, A. Birrell. R. Laurie, 177. Sallier, 1 791, JR. Smith, 1774. Bartolozzi, Reynolds J. Watfon, 1770 REPine jF. Aliamet, &c F. Hayman m* Ardell. ad vivum JR.Smith, 1781, N.Dancei777V. Green, 1779. Id. I Id. Id. H. Sintzenlch. ad vivum B. Clowes, 177 1. Period IX. Clafs IX. Nancy- Mrs. Amelia Mary ( 444 ) Reynolds*, Richards, Wife of the Mufician. RiGG, mtz. 1768. mfz. when Mifs Hone, with a tea-cup Robinson, Literat. — a fmall oval, in the " World," a Colleft. of Poems, ' 790 — profile, fquare, infcribed " Contemplation" _/)». 4^0. — id. oval, prefixed to her "Poems," I'^gi, %i>o. — -- ...... 178^. mez. . mcz. — a fmall oval .----... — cap, cloak and muff . - . - . mez. — * oval ..-.-----. Elizabeth Rogers, Mother of Ra. R. Engraver. Ob.cir. 1778. — a fmall circle ...... mez. Mifs Rose, Aftrefs. — in the charafter of Tom Tjiumb - - . rnez, Frances Ross, Ob. 1770 ? — when Mifs Murray, in a hat, two verfes Copied, niez. — ------- -- 7inz. Marg.Carol. RuDD, tried for Forgery 1775. — oval, profile, at the bar, 1775 - - - fm. fol. — id. prefixed to " Anecdotes of her Life," 1776, 8110. - — la.Jol. Elizabeth Ruspint, •— with her cliTld', a fmall circle ...... Mifs RUSSEL, — her hair rolled ...... mez. Lffit. Ann Sage, Aerial Traveller. — oval ......... Ann Sandby, Wife of Paul S. Painter. — knotting . - - - — infcribed " The Nut-brown Maid" mcz, mez. Signora Schindlerin, Singer. Mrs. Seafortk, •^ with her child Elizabeth Sheridan, Wife of Rich. Br. S. M. P. Ob. 1792. — with the emblems of St. Cecilia - - 1776. /Z;. Painter or Defigner. Engraver « Printfcller. J. WiUiams T. Gainfboro N. Hone l\. Cofway J. Reynolds Id. Id. ad vivum G. Romney J. Eiiglehart J. Berridge H. Morland Page ad vivum D. Dodd S. Shelley J. Ruffell Shelley F. Cotes 1755 Id. mez. i- Reynolds Reynolds Id. S. Okey,j.i774 J. SpiUbury, J. Greenwood. Av.Affcn. Birch. T. Burke. W. Dickinfon, CHHodgcs. 1784 J.K.Shtrwini78l J.K.Smith, 1781. R. Stewart, 1788 R. Rogers. E. Fifher, 1770. m« Ardell. Johnfon. F. Bartolozzlj. Id. G. Sibelius, 1775 C. Knight. J. Wright. Burke, J 785. m« Ardell. Fidier. r.R.Smith,i777. Reynolds J. Grozer,i787. Dickinfon, T. Watfon,i779 • I have fccn a print infcribed in manufcript, probably by the late Mr. Gulflon, " Mifs Reynolds," with this remark: "Altered, after two or three imprcffions were taken off, to J^Iifs Clermont, Smith not thiiikiW it pretty Period IX. ClafilX. Sarah ( 445 ) SiDDONs, Adrefs. — as Rosalind, wh. kn. an etching — oval ...... — oval ...... — in the Grecian Daughter — in Isabella, with licr Sun — in the Tragic Muse ... — in Lady Randolph . . _ — inCALisiA, oval - - - . — in the Grecian Daughter, large oval Painter or . Engraver or Defigner. Priiufcller. in the Grfcian Daughter, oval in Sic isnuiNDA, with Mr. Kemblc, oval . There is an aqiiatinta of her done at Bath. la. 4.io. I Barlow, 1786. 1785. H. Hone F. Bartolozzi, . jW. Hamilton R. Blyth, 1780. - /h.\ Id. J. CaldwaUl79I - Jh.l Id. I Id. - /h. J. Reynolds ;F. Havvard,t787 EJinl). ' ad vivum J. Kay, 1:83. - S. Harding J. Ogbornei783 -| ad vivum JK.Sherwin,i782 mcz. |T. Lawrence JR. Smith. Id. 4/0, ,C. Shirrif Mrs. Mrs. Mifs Agnes Mrs. Mrs. Signora Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Henrietta Mifs Lydia Signora Sidney, Ob. — in a hood, with a vafe .... Smith, Firft \\ife of K-hn Rap. S. Engraver. — with Mrs. Prot.sero .... Smith, — oval, holding up her rdhe . . . . r. Ti otter, 1783 Ca.Watfon,i785. Smyth, — a fraalloval, in the title to her " Religion of the Heart" |Ann Foller Sparhy, I — in a cloak, fitting, an etching - ... Spencer, Wife of Geo. S. I'ainter. — an etching --..... Spilleta, Bui letta Singer. mcz.R, Cofway J.R.Smith, 1771. ad vivum JR.Smith, 1 778, F. Cotes C. Spooiieri765? J. Hall. J. Spihbur}'. ad vivum G. Spenceri763? Stables, Wife (jf the E. India Diredor. -^ with her daughters Harriet and Mari.\ Stak ER, — a fmall ha. len. ...... tnez. Stakhope, Daughter of Falkner ; Wife of the Hon. Col. Henry S. vtez. V, Loo C. Corbutt. rmz. Spooner. w."3. G. Romney JR.Smith, 1781. — infcribed " Contemplation" SfANHOI'E, — a child, with a pigeon Stanley, — in an ermine cloak Sterne de Medaille, SrocQiJELER, Singer. — when Sig. Sestini, oval frame Reynolds Id. J. Sanders 1778. 4/0. mcz. !JR. Smith 1775. B. Wea - /<7. ^0, mcz JR Smith, 1783. Ca. Watfon, I -ijQ "Wilfon, 1772. H. Kingfljuiy, Caldwall, W.Lawranfon J, Jones, 17 So. IVri. .1 IX. Clifs IX. I Anna SelinaSroRACE, — oval ( 44^ ) Mifs Mary Mrs. Anna Martha Sarah Mifs — in EuPHROSYKE, wh. Icn. Stuart, Tal liter of Defijncr. En;riv.:f or Priiufeiicr. ad vivum Eattelinii788 4/0. ide Wilde IJ. Conde, 1792. Sturt, Dau. of Pitfield ; Wife of Hump. S. — with her fon Humphrey . - . . tncz. Sullivan, Wife of Luke ? S. Painter. Swan, — hand on a book, loofe robe - - . . jnc-z, Swinburne, Daughter of John Raker, Sol. G. in the Leew. Ifl. VVife of Henry S. — oval P. P. i-iifz. Taylor, Wife of a Mufician at Sadler's Wells. — when Mifs Cra«'fop.d, infcribcd " Incliantrefs" inez. Terry, — a fmall oval ....-..- N^ineue Thelluson, Daughter of Peter T. Mercht. Ob. — a tliild ---..-- mez. — fondling a dog, a circle .... J},!. Elizabeth Thornborough, Wife of Capt T. of Liverpool. — when Mifs Trottek, a fmall oval - - . . Efther MariaTHR ale, Daughter of Hen. T. M. P. — aged 20 months, a dog and a cradle by her • J!j. mez. Sarah Tickell, Daughter of Hen. Ley, and Wife of Rich. T. CommilT. for Stamps. — wh. len. --...-- 4/0. Ann Maria? Tollemache, Wife of Wilbrah. T. — as Miranda, wh. len. - ^ . . mez. Mrs. Trapaud, W'ife of the General. Ob. 1774. G. Willifon V. Green. Ca. Read 'j. Watfon, 1771 B. Clowes. VV. Thbmpfon J. Watfon 1 766? Ob. 1773. Catherine Travers, ^.,.^11^. — when Mifs GuNNl^'G, " This Younjjeft Grace" tmz Was not ihis meant for the l^uchcls of Aroyle ? — in the print of ''The Three Mils Gunnings." See Argyle, in the ill Subdivifion. Mifs Trimmer, — with a cat ...... 1 Mifs Triquet, — with a lamb - - - - - - la.i R. Cofway D. Gardner R. Murray Thick P. Falconet Id. J. Zoffany R. Cofway J. Reynolds Reynolds F. Cotes Ca.Rcad M. Bova, 1786. W. Doughty. J. Spilfbury, RSKeene, 1790. Green, 1769! Picot, 1773. (Trotter.) G. Marchi. Conde, 1792. J. Jones, 1785, E. Filher, 1762. C. Spooncr. J. Watfon. rer;o,1 IX. CLifs IX. ( 447 ) Mary Maria Trot TKR, Wife of Tlio. T. Fngraver. — a fmall oval, unfiniflicd ... Mrs. Mifs TuRNKR, Firfl Wife of Sir Ciia. T. — near \vh. Icii. (landing TuRNKR, of Oxbridge. — infcribed " Rc-flcftions on Wcrter" Painter or Deligncr. F.r.^ravcr or Piintreller. mez. J- Reynolds - - R. CrofTc 1792. G. Turner Sophia Alex.TuRNiiR, Daughter of Geo. T. — (aet. 15.) drawing, a fmall fqiiare Frances Twiss, Aftrtfs. — when Mifs Kembi.e, four lines from Milton, oval - J. Downman J. Jones, 1784 (Trotter.) m' Ardcll. R. Thew, 1 790- L. Schiavonetti, Mary • — id. two Cupids lupptirtiug her name VisPRE, ReUft of Fi;a. Z. V. Painter. Children of Walton the Painter. — infcribed the " Fruit Barrow" Ana War R F.N, Daugliter of VVm. Powell, A> Inftribed " The Griflet" mezP ' An etching -.- The following Names, although unknown to the Engravers, have b-cn givpn to the preceding Prints, according to tlie correfponding Liters aifixtd to them : — "Mifs Kettle. — ''Mifs Hanifon.— "^ The Children of Mr. Williams of Deiby. — ''The Fanaiy of Wright, painter at Derby. — ' Mifs Johnfon. — f Mifs Smith oJ Weftmiiiller. — sMifs Gibbon of Croydon — ''Mifs Smith, dauglittr of J. R. Smith, engraver. — ' Mifs Cox. That called " Mailer Cox," in Clafs 3, may alfo be placed among the anonymous Prims. T. Kettle J, Wright Id, Reynolds (Wcftal) R. Samuel ad vivum J. Finlayfon, Dawe. W. Dickinfon, V. Green. Meirs. Green, J, Grozer,i787. Finlayfon, Green. Id. Id. Id. Grozcr, 17(^0. Id. 1791. J. Jones, 17S0. J R.Smith, 1776. WorlidKe. ( 449 ) CLASS X. PHENOMENA, CONVICTS, and Perfons othenuije remarkable. Period IX. Clafs X. Hart ABRAHAMS, Empiric at Plymouth. — fix verfes - • ...»•- mcz, Aga, Jew Pedlar. — wh. len. .-.._- 1780. Aitkin, alias John the Painter, executed at Portf- mouth as an Incendiary, 1779? — at the Bar. Alder, the fortunate Cooper of Abingdon. Ob- 1780, Apr. 26. — --------- mez. Aldridge, of Eddington, twice tried for aflault- ing a Lady. — - - \-j%-].fmall aq.tint. Allen, the Female Satyr, born at Blaby, co. Lei- cefter, 1747 ; fhewn in London 1791. — a fmall oval, profile, a horn on her forehead Allway, — with an excrefcence on her face - - - 1 783. AsTLEY, Equeftrian Performer. — Handing on a horfe on full fpeed, circle - - . Ayre, or Eyre, convifted of ftealing paper, 1771. — anonymous ----- fmall met,. Upon the authority of the late Dr. Lort. Baithes, — fitting afleep, an anonymous etching - - foL Edward Bamford, Seven feet Ten inches high. Ob. 1768, aet. 36. — with CoAN the Dwarf - • - - - fol. A native of Staffordfiiire, and a hatter in Shire Lane. William Banning, Gate-keeper at the Bank. Ob. cir. 1780. — oval, in his gown, ftafF ... - 4/0, George Barrincton, convicted of a Robbery, 1791. — when tried upon an outlawry, 1790 - - 4/0. A Beggar, — an etchinjr Ifmael James John Old Elizabeth Eleanor John John Painter or Dcligner. J. Harris (exc.) C v.Stopelair Engraver or Printfeller. (ad vivumj ad vivura (ad vivum) ad vivjm 3L G. Roth, j. JF.Bryant (exc) (Sharp.) W. Hincks, 1789 Dr.Shai-p, inJl/-?. H. Roberts, 1771 Hardin^:. MifsHart ley 1770 Clafs X. ( 450 ) Pjinter or Dciigner. EngMver of PtinircUer. A Beggar, who frequented the Eird-Cage Walk in St. James's Park. — with a large beard ..... iticz, N. Dance Francis Bell, of Walfingham, Norfolk. — xt. 66, an etching. Bexley, News-carrier at Canterbury. — JEt. S5 (cir. 1772) oval, profile ... BlackhaTj Fruit-woman of Chelten' am. John Mary James W. GUlman ad vivum Peter Old BoLLAND, convicted of Forgery, 1773. — in a hat, in the "London Magazine." — wh. len. as a Butcher ..... 8to. Bono, a Dwarf, Three feet Two inches high. — a wooden cut, 1780. Boots, of Rippon, Yorkfliire. — wh. len. with a boot-jack, and holding a piece of money between his nofe and cliin ; 1762. • - 4/0. Jofeph BoRuwLASKi, Polifli Dwarf. oval, with his wife and child, prefixed to his " Me- 1 moirs," French and Englilh, 1788, 8iio. - -J C. Townlej ; -7 Dent, 17S8. W. Wells. John John Brading, of the Ifle of Wight. Branch, Enthufiaflic Cobler. — an anonymous etching, oval, verfes ; 179'* Emperor Braysher, Blind Porter of Cambridge. — wh, len. ...... 1791.4/0. Benjamin Brian, Pugilift. — a fniall oval, 1789. Brick-dust Man, The Patrick O' Brien, the Irini Giant, 8 feet 4 inches high. ad vivum Av.AfTen, i;88. ad vivum W. Hincks. ad vivum J. Roper, 1774. ""fz. N. Hone — with Peter Davies, a Dwarf - - lygj.ivo. The real name of the former was Peter Cotter. Burt, Jonaihan Britain, Incendiary. — holding a paper entitled " I'hc Wliifperer" - mtz, F. Parkinfon WilHam Brodie, convided of a Robbery in Scotland, 1788. — wh. len. prefixed to his " Trial," 8vo. - - • (ad vivum) John Brougiiton, Pugilifl;. Ob. 1789, a:t. 85. — with feven lines, hand in his bofom - - mcx. Elizabeth Brovvnrig, convifted of Murder, 1767. — wh. len. fitting in Newgate, an etching - /a. 4/0. — prefixed to her "Life." jK.B(aldrey), J. Watfon, 1770 W Smith, 178 J. JR. Smith, 1 77 1. J. Kay, 1788. N. Dance. PerioJ IX. Clafs X. Jedidiah ( 451 ) P»inler or Dcfisjncr. Engraver •r Printfcllcr. Buxton, Expert Arithmetic. Ob. cir. 1777. — (3:1.57, 1764) a fmall clcliing .... — wli. !eii. an etching ----- A?. 4/5. — -- - - - - - - - 1773. m.-z. B.Killingbeck — wh. Icn. an ctcliing ------ ^lo, — in tlie " Gent. Magazine," 1754. Charles Elizabeth George Cornelius Matthew John Old Thomas William Blind Peter James Cotton Mother John BvRNE, Irlih Giant. Ob. 17S3, ;Et. 22. Erliui, Canning, convifled of Perjury, 1754. Ob. 1773 — oval ---.-... mez, W.Smith l 754 — --------- 4/0. ad vivnm — profile -.-... 1754,, 4/0. — a fmall oval. Carpenter, "Godfonto K. George I." — wh. len. infcribed " Ecce Homo !" an elcliing - Jol. (ad vivum) Caton, of the White Lion at Richmond. Goodhall (ad vivuin) Champion, — a;t. 104, 1786, hat and flick, an etching - 4^0. CoAN, of Norfolk, Three Feet high. Ob. 1764. — in the print witli Edv/. Bamford above. CoK, Oyfter- feller at Cambridge. — an etching, fmall head .... I75S- I underftand his real name was Hughes. I Collins, Waiter at an Inn in St. Edmund's Bury. — a large oval, etched ----- - (aJ vivum) Cox, convidted of a Robbery, 1773. — a fmall oval, prefixed to his " Life." Daniel, Piper in Dublin. — infcribed " Enough for Nothing," an etcliing • fol. Darbyshire, a Cobler at Plymouth. — wh. len. an etching, 1774. Davies, Irifh Dwarf, Three feet Six inches high. — in the print with O'Brien the Giant, above. Davis, a Lunatick at Margate. Ob. cir. 1790. — wh. len. a Icck in his hat, an etching - 17S8, yb/.' J. N(ixon). Bred a Watchmaker, fince Sexton of St. Bride's, London. Decks, a Breaker of Pointers at Stanfield, Suffex. — act. 75, on horfeback Doe, known alfo as " Jenny." — a fmall wh. len. man's hat, crutch. Dow, of the City-Guard, Edinburgh. F. Sertorius 3 L 2 1784. /m. aq. thti. MifsHartlcyl764 Holme J, Spilfhury, Tophaml77o J. Kay, 1783. in' Ardcll. L. Boitard, 1754 T. W(orlidgc) Bland, i777- G. Bickharn. J. G(ooch)i786 J. H(oUand,) Warren. R. W. .767. R. Laurie, 1 772. J. Crookfhanks, Ptriod IX, Claff X. Jeffery Simon Mrs. Mad"=. H. Robert Thomas Peter ( 45'- ) Drybutter, a Bookfeller in Wcftminfier-hall, con- vi(5led of an infamous crime. DuNSTAN, Crier of Old Wigs. — wh. len, ----... Eedy, a Beggar. Ob. 17S8. — holding the Bible open ... 1774. m.x. — wh. an etcliing - - . . . 1780.4/5. EvERiTT, with her Gigantic Son, born 1779. — an etching 1780. /a. 4/0. Ferzi, Rope-dancer. rainter or Dcligiier. Engraver or Prir.ll'eller. Fleet, — xt. 104, 1761 ... Foster, Barber at Cambridge. — two fmall wh. len. . - - Fraser, a Beggar at Edinburgh. — wh. len. Scarce a portrait le Gagneur, Pofture-mafter. — in various attitudes, two 77- Garden, of Auchterlefs, Aberdeenfhire. Ob. 1771, at. 131. — a large head ...... Robin O' Green, Ballad-finger in Lancafliire. — an anonymous etching, holding a paper - Old Mrs. Mary Hale, Piper of Derbyfhire,. — wh. len. with a fong. Haman, Lamplighter at Northampton. — wh. len. -.-... Hammond, Fruit feller at Cambridge. — with D. Randal, below . . Harding, Shoe-cleaner at Trin. Col. Camb. ad vivum W.Wells, 1779. H. Hagarty(exc)^ MARigg (exc.) ad vivum R. Sparrow. W. Dickinfon.. JICBaldrey,i785^ ad vivum J. Kay, 178c. Js. Wales (Howard) H. Gavin. Harrop's Man, News-carrier at Lowth, Lincoln- fhire, 1763. — a head, etched .-...-. — wh. len. Benjamin Holbuook, Walking Stationer. — wh. len. a view of St. Paul's, London ^I^S* 4'". Samuel House, Political Publican of Soho. Ob. 1785. — fitting, bowl infcribcd " Fox for ever!" . aq.lint. — Handing, holding a tankard - - 1780. la.^o. — id. «■- - T J. Read ad vivum F. Roberts. T. Orde, 1768, Tophani* W. WiUIami. J. N(ixon.) C. Knight,i78i. T. R(owlandfoii) J. S. 1780. Period IX, Clafi X. James Richard Mad ( 453 ) Hl'bijard, alias " The Duke of Ormond," con- victed of Forgery, 1793. — a bad etching. Humphreys, Pugihft. — wli. Icn. fighting jjofture — ha, Icn. ...--. Fainter or DciJi:iier. Engraver or Print<'cllcr. JIj, mez, J. Hoppner W.Whitby - nuz. Jack of Margate. — wh. len. - 1780, 4/0. J. N(ixon). Benjamin Jarrat, of Norfolk, Grazier, born with Six Toes on each Foot. — oval, profile ........ John William Jefferies, Water-carrier of Lowth. — an etching .... 1775- Thomas Poor Thomas Paul JiNKiNs, cognom. " The Bellows-mender." Ob. 1790, Dec. 31, zet. cir. 40. — wh. leu. infciibed an " Hermaphrodite" Sa/o/i, 4/0. This is a vulgarifm ; though imperfeft as a male, he did not partake of the female. He had no bladder. See Tranf. Med. and Chirurg. p. 189. Inglefield, born without Arms or Legs. — an etching ........ — id. ....... i-87.4('o. Joe all alone ! — an etching - . . Johnson, Horfeman. J. Young, 1 7 88. Id. i783.T.T(rotter)i784. ad vivum SeeGu!jl. Cal. p, ji. JoH.^soN, Pugilift. — wh. Icn. prefixed to " Boxing Revived," i 790, fivo. — fighting Isaac Perrins, an etching . . . Jones, Commander of a French Privateer v. Engl. Ob. 1792. — Par? 1779. — wh. len. in an oval . . . . . 1779. — - view of a fhip on fire .... 4/0. wfz. — a fmall circle, profile ..... y/m/?. His name was Paul, and by fome called John P. but I have heard it aflerted, that, abroad, he was always called Val. (Valentine) Paul. Kenneth macKENZiE, Commander of an African Fort. — on his Trial for Murder .... 1 784. ad vivum Riley W. Williams, Ilollingworlh Mrs. The Lagden, Inn-keeper at Bournbridge near Camb. — an etching, fmall oval - . . . . Lamplighter, at Coll. Camb .? — with a ladder, a final! wh. len. - Met?. CJ. Noble (ad vivum) F. Grofe. Ipfe &. Trotter, G. Bickham. BafTet. J. Giozer, 1789. C. Guttenburg, T. Mucklin(exc) H. Humphries, (Tyfon. ) Tophaini77o P-rio.! IX, Chli X. ( 4.-4 ) tlizabcili Leicestkr, Courtez.tn. — in- the print of " Nan the BaiTOu- -wench of Nev^-povt 1 Alky," wh. len. . . _ . . mcz,, J Donald mac Leod, Highland Serjeant, who ferved five Kings. Ob. 1792. , — oval, prefixed to his " Mennoirs," 179I, 8-jo. - — v.h Icn. in a Highland drefs . . - . ^0. I'aul Lewis, convided of a Robbery, 1763. — oval. Wybrand Lolkes, a Dwarf, 27 Inches high. William Lynch, Seller of Pamphlets, 1767. — an etching . . . - 1790. Patrick Madan, tried for Robberies, 1774 — 80. — an etching, oval, prefixed to his " Life," 1781. Qu. Hanged for Mutiny, as a Tranfport. Mary Mar low, of Leominfter, co. Hereford. — a fmall oval ..-..- mez. Jh. mez. "SirEdm. Mason," or. The Knight of the Poker. — three qrs. len. . - - . . aq. tint. Svo. — a fmall etching, oval, unfinifiied. John Massey, Ballad- finger and Beggar. Masson, Tennis-player. — wh. leu. with a racquet - Daniel Mendoza, Pugilift. — a head, oval, profile • — wh. len. .... — wh. len. fighting pollure Belty Monro, Fruit-girl at the Exchange. — infcribed " Betty" ... James Moss, Dog-feller. — wh. len. an etching John MoTHERHiLL, cogn. " The Brighton Taylor." — prefixed to his " Trial for a Rape," 17S . Francis Hen - 1789. 4/0. - la, aq, tint, I 789. yj. mtz. ■'in- "j , > MoTTE, convicted of Treafon, 1781 — a fmall oval ? Thomas Neil, Emily New sham, White Negrcfs. — wh. len. . . - - Edinb, Painter or Dcfigner. ad vivum WRBigg. Engraver or Pruitfeiler. J R.Smith, J. Grozer. (ad vivum) J. Ryland.iygo. ad vivum Ord Record G. Carter Mortimer T. Robineau Robineau P. Falconet H. Bunbury ad vivum ad vivum Burt P. Mequignon, Bretherton. J. June. F. Jukes, 1788. JR.Smith, 1775. P R. Brooklhaw. WNGardiner, Gillray. J. Kingfbiiry, J. Dixon, 1770. J. Bretherton, J. Smith, I -Si. J. Kay, 1 7 84. J. Record, 1791 J»erlod IX, Clifs X. Margaret Baron Mary ? Richard Dorothy ( 455 ) Nicholson, Lunatic and Malefador. — afinalloval - - - - . . 178. NiEUHoKi-, a Sharper. — a fmall wli. Icii. etching ...... — id, fitting, hand on a table. OwhN, Innkeeper on EppingForeft. Ob. cir. 1783. — wh. len. -_.-..... Penrose, of Huntingdon, Yorkfh. Vermin- catcher. — xt. 94, with a Viper in his bofom ... ;„j.£. Pentreath, of Moudiold, Cornwall, Fill-iwoiTian. — in the Univ. Mag. ? Rob. &Dan.PERRK Atj, convifted of Forgery, 1775. — together, profile. Ifaac Richard Perkins, Pugilift. — ill the print with Tho. Johnson, above. Perrot, who affumed the name of Sir Rich. P. 1767. — oval frame Peter, the Wild Man. Ob. 1785. — (set. 1782) a fmall oval, with an account of hlm\ 1784. J — wh. len. fitting ...... Ji. mez. — young mez. — young nifz. The Poacher of Oxford. — an etching ? Elizabeth Pollard, convided of fending a threatning Letter, 1781. — a fmall wh. len. .... . . . Pain!cr or Dcligncr. Ly, Bingham S. Hewfon R. Scaddan ad vivum Alefounder P. Falconet Kent D 1-0 ft EiigrJvcr or rrn,iri-l>r. Fillvc (exc.) M. Dailey, 1772. J. Jones, 1792. J. Goldar, 1788. V. Green, 1770. F. Bartolozzi, Green. J. Simon. R. Williams. Sarah Fofter Robert George Charles John Porter, " Queen of the Touters" at Tunbridge- Wells. Ob. 1762. — oval, with the book of Subfcriptions open - mez. Powell, Expeditions Walker. — wh. len. an etcliing ..... Jll. Powell, Fire-eater, 1780. — wh. len. an etching .... 4/5. Pratts, Bellman at Edinburgh. Ob. Price, Irapoftor and Cheat. Fe'o de fe, 17S6. — prefixed to his " Life," 1786. Primrose, Piebald Negro. — » fmall wh. len. 1789. vr. Sminin ad vlrum ad vivum ad vivum VV. Wells (exc.) W. Pether, MS. S. Harding 1 7S6 !'• M. 179c. J.Kay, 1784. J. Rteord. ( 456 ) Tcvloil IX. Cisls X. D IvAKDAL, Fiultman at Cambridge. — wli. Icn. with baflcrts - - . . . ^iq^ — in the print with Mother Hammond, above. John Rann, convided of a Robbery, 1774. — inlcribed " Sixteen String Jack" an etching — - - - - - - - - fmall mm. John Rice, convided of a Forgery, 1763. — ovah Henry Rowe, Puppet-fliew-man at Hull. — oval, profile, in a hat -...,. Foolifli Sam, of Newport-Market. Ob. 1773 ? — wh. len. an etching ..... Ato. Singing Sam, of Derbyfliire. — a fmall wh. len. an etching ... 1760. Samson, Eqiieflrian Performer. — with a reprelentation of his Featj ... fol, Martha Saunders, of Magpie-Alley. — xt. 104, 1775. ..... 4/0. mez. Edward Scofield, Deputy Clerk of St. Chad's, Shrewfbury. — 2Et. 71, Three feet Two inches high • - mez, James Geo. Semit.e, tranfported for a Defraud, 1786. — prefixed to his " Tiial" . - - . . . Mother Shepherd, Shoe-cleaner to Sidney Coll. Cambridge. — a-t. 78, a fmall etching .... 1773. The Shoeblack, at Trin ? Coll. Cambridge. — a fmall wh. len. ....... James Sibbald, Gardener to Mr. Delaval at Clapham. ]ohn Silk, or, The Infpired Drum-Major of the North- am ptonihire Militia. — ........ ^0. mez, George Simpsonj, Dealer in Old Cloaths at Cambridge. Georo^e Smith, Innkeeper and Horfe-Doflor. — a fmall wh.Ien. 17S9, John Smith, nicknamed Bltckhorse, Pugilift. Ob. — ..--.-..- tncz. — wh. len. with (licks under his arm - . - fol. Hannah Snell, Female Soldier. Ob. 1779. — wh. len. in Man's drefs .... yol, — in a Milltaiy drefs ..... mcx. — ......--. mcK. Piinter or ] Engrtvei'or Defigner. Piintfeller. J. England (ad viTum) J. Wright ad vivum Mifs Blake ad vivum ad vivum T. Orde, 1768. A. R. 1774. Boitard R. Phelps J. Warden R. Thew. B. Nebot. W. Wimami. Browne. R. Hancock. J. Barlow. Hutcliinfon, Orde. JR.Smith, 1 77 J. T. Smith, 1772. Orde, 1768. Dod. Cole, 1750. Faber, 1 750. J, Johnfon. ( 457 ) Period IX. Chfs X. — ------.-- mfX. — oval, her own drcfs, with a man's hat - - Jo/. ■ — vvh, len. prelixed to her " Life," i 750, ivo. Hannah Sparke, of Wellingborough ; nat. 1673. — a head in a fmall fquare .... 1785. Mary Sqjjires, conviftcd of flripping Eliz. Canning, 1754. Ob. 1762. — mxicz&cA FAizabtth in tlic fiift impreffions, wh.Ien. 1 hat and ftickt C&/>i«/ ... ij^/^..^o,j John Steele, ofDunkeld, Ptrthfliirc. — set. 109, 177;), a hvad, etched ... Teresia, the " Corfican Fairy," 34 inches high. — wh. len. ....... — different ....... ijj^ ? Thomas Thumb, of BrlftoL — set. 105, a head ..... 1791. 4/0. Mary Tofts, of Godalmin, the pretended Rabbit-breeder, 1726. Ob. 1763. — fitting in a chair, a rabbit in h.er lap - . niez. Sam Trusty, an Idiot in St. Luke's HofpitaL — afmallwh.len. ..... 17S8. David Tyrie, convidled of Treafon, 1782. — a fmall oval, profile, in a hat ... 1782. — wh. len. .....-.-. Svo. Augufte Vest R IS, Opera Dancer. — wh. len. as Colas, in the Ballet of "Nanette a la"l Cour," oval - - - - . ... J Ifabel Walker, of Daviot, Aberdeenfliirc. Ob. 1774, ^t. 112. — a large head ......... Jemmy Warner, the Clown at Sadler's Wells. ^. ........ ,t,tz. Arthur \Ventworth, Eai th-Stopper at Caftle-Howard, Yorklhire. — xt. 75 - - - - . - • mcs. Geo. &Tho. Weston, convided of a Robbery, 1782. — wh. len. ......... Phillis Wheatley, Negrcfs of Bofton, N.England. — prefixed to her " Poems," 1773, Sxiff. George White, an old Pavior. — ......... mez. Ifabella? Wilkinson, — danciuff on the wire ..... fo/, 3 M Painter or Dtfigner. Ensriver or Printfcller. Phelps advivum 1750. J. Young, 1789. Hull(t785) F. Bartolozzi, Ld.EJgcumb T. Worlidge, Rutherford. (Worlidge.) T. Barker WNGardiner, J.laGuerre J. Faber. Forrcfl: C. May(exc.) Schorodomoff ■ C. Rouotte,i73i Js. Wales FT. Gavin. ■ J. Delagal,i777. N. Drake (V.Green.) ad vivum EDArchery 1781 '. Reynolds J. Watfon, 1772 Period IX. Ciafs X. John ( 458 ) Vv'^iLLET, Gardener at Cambridge. — wh. len. an etching Rynwick Williams, cogn. " The Monfter." — at the Bar of the Old Bailey, an etching . .. - — an etching -.-.-. la. .\to. — id. with the inftrument with which he aflaulted feveval females -..-.. Jm. 4/0. N* Thomas Joha Wood, Gamekeeper to Lord Mulgrave hi Yorkfh. Wood, the abftemious Miller at Blllericay, Eflex. Ob. I 783, a^t. 63. — (at. 53, 1773) vvh. len. ... - mez. WooLDERiDGE, of EaCl Clandon, Surry, Ballad- maker and Singer. — fuigiiig a ballad, an etching, oval - - . Painter 01 Defigner. Enfravei' or Printfcller. ad vivum T. Orde, 1786. J. S(ayer)i79o. ■ J- A 1772. Ogborne J- Thane (exc.) J. Ru(rel!i778 * I do not recolledl vv!;cther this print has the inkription engraved, or it is fupplicd in MS. ; but, upon enq^uiry, I have the bell reafon to fuppofe that it fhould b^- George. He died about four years ago. C 459 ) SUPPLEMENT. PERIOD I. CLASS I. TerioJ I. John, Rex.— Pa. 2. — from a coiiii HENRY IV.— Pa. 2. — at Lord Maiden's . « - . . HENRY v.— Pa. 2. — from an ancient limui'iij:; in tlie Preface to tlic Traufiation to the " Golden Book" by Card Ventura - - - . . . . CATHERINE, Qiieen of Henry V.— Pa. ^. — from a limning in a MS. Prayer-Book - MARGARET, Queen of Henry VI.— Pa. 3. •^ at the Earl of Orford's .... French "] , Bona- '- './ ANN, Queen of Richard III. cir. 1473. — Pa. — in the British Mufeum CLASS II. John, Duke of Bedford. — Pa. 8. Edward, Duke of Buckingham. — Pa. 8. . — at Sir Wm. Burrel's All the above Prints were engraved for Har- ding's Shakfpeare. John, Duke of Lancaster. — Pa. 9. — in Harding's "Shakfpeare," 1792. 3M 2 Painter or Dcfigner. H. Holbein .-.njr.ii'er 01 I'rintfeller. C. Knig]?t. J. Parker. S. Harding. M. Scheneker. 2. Harding, j. S. Harding. L. Sehiavonetti. H. Clan:ip. { 4^0 ) SUPPLEMENT. Period I. Edward, Ear! of Likcoln. — Pa. 27. — when Lord Clinton, in the King's CoUeft. - Henry Fitzroy, "I Richmond and Somerset, i^^i^, Nat. Son Duke of J of K. Henry VIII. Ob. 15 {6. — at Strawberry Hill, for "Harding's Shak- fpcare." Gcoriie Talbot, "1 c , r\i Eadof I Shrewsbury, 1473. Ob. 1542. — with Ann Hastings, his firll wife - la. /[lo. Charles, Duke of Suffolk. — Pa. 5. Thomas Holland, "1 r- n rw Dukeof ' j Surrey, 1J98. Ob. 1400. — in the Brit. Mufeiim. Edward Pi anta- "1 Warwick, 1478; Son of Geo. Dukeof genet. Earl of J Clarence. Ob. 1499, at. 25. Edmund Planta- "1 ^ o , xr r- r\u -r^ , rr' York, 15SC, K. G. Ob. 1401. genet, Duke of J ' o :>' t Richard Planta- "I -rr /^i /C T^ , i->YoRK, 141 <• Ob. 1460. genet, Duke of J ' t j i- — in a South window of Penrith Chui-ch, Cum- "I berland - - - - " " ' J The five preceding prints are iu Harding's " Shakfpeare." CLASS III. Sir Nicholas Carew, Knt. Gent, of the Privy Chamber. Ob. 1539- — in Lyfon's "Environs of London," 1792, 470. Sir Anthony Denny. — Pa. 11. — at Greyftock, in Harding's '• Shakfpeare." Sir Thomas Erpingham, — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," Hen. V. Sir John Godsalve, Knt. — a fmall circle, in Harding's " Biogr. Mirrour," 1 1792- - :J Knight of the Carpet at the coronation of King Edw. VI. Sir Thomas Strange, Ob. 1545. — in the King's CoUeft. of Drawings 1793 - /ol> Painter or Defigncr. H. Holbein Enjravei Br PrimrcMer. F. Bartolozzi, i478.;j- E. H. Holbein J. Betts Thane (exc.) Harding, j. E. Harding, Clamp. S. Harding, N. Schencker, E. Harding, j. Clamp. Holbein F. Bartolozzi. ( 46: ) period I. Henry Thomas Thomas William SUPPLEMENT. CLASS IV. Chichely. — Pa. 12. Painter or Defigner. Merkes, Bp. of CarHflc, 1397. Ob. cir. 1400. — in the Biitifh Miifcuin Scot. — Pa. 13. — at Oxford ..--... Smyth. — Pa. 14. Thcfc four prints are in Harding's " Shakfpeare." CLASS V. Sir Thomas Littleton. — Pa 16. — in tlie Middlc-Tcmplc Hall CLASS VII. John John GowER. — Pa. 18. — a fmall oval 4/0. 1792. Lydgati;. — Pa. 19. — from an original di awing in a Manufcript in the 1 Harl. Lib. CLASS IX. Jane, Lady Lister, Wife of Sir Richard L. — in the Royal Colleft. of Drawings . . . '^7^ r^^^^'r ^ Richmond and Somerset, 1^21;. ard, Dis. of J . — a fmall. oval, magnified fiom the figure in the "I print of the " Howard Genealogy'' - -j CicilyNeviIe") York, V^ife of Rd. Plantaaenet Duke of Y. DuchefsofJ ^ — in the South window of Fenn'th Church, Cumb. PERIOD II. CLASS I. ELIZABETH, Pvegina.-Pa. 22. ; — from an illumination in the Bodl. Libr. in Harding's"! "Shakfpeare," 1793 ...... j Engraver or Printfeller. E. Harding. R. Clamp^ r. Nugent. Nugent. H, Holbein T. Trotter, i';93 J. Simco (cxc.) Simco( exc ) F. Bartolozzi. J. Thane (exc.) E. Harding^i ( 46^ ) Per oJ II. Loixl S II P P I. !•" M E N T. CLASS II. Pai"tei- or DcCizncr. Enjraver or riu.tfcl'.er. HLrNSDON. Pa. 24, — a fmali oval, tVom the print there dcfcribcd CLASS in. Sir Thomas (i.-vKOR ave, Knt. Coiinfellor of State in the three preceding Reigns. — xt. 75, 1570, oval . - - . . . Sir Thomas Gresiiam. — Pa. 29. — iiL-ar wli. leii. littlntr - - - • >/. Thomas John CLASS IV, Ckakmer. — Pa. 32. Richard — ill the Piitiire Gallery at Oxford, engraved for'^ Harding's " Shakefpenre, r, 92 - - -J Knox. — Pa. 35. — at Mifs Knox's, Edinburgh, oval . . . CLASS VIII. Tarlton, Aclor i 1592, — a fmali wh. len. from a drawing in the Pepyf. Libr. in Harding's " Shakfpcarc," 1792 Margaret A bar- row, Lady Lady Ann Stanhope, Duchefs of (Lady) } CLASS IX. Dyer, Wife of Sir James D. Reh<5t of Sir The. Ehot. Ob. 1569. — when Lady Eliot, in the King's CoUeft. ofl Drawings - - - - - - J HuNSDON. — Pa. 24. — a fmall oval, after the print tliere ds-fcribed. Somerset, Second Wife of Edw. Seymour Duke of S. — three qri. len. in Harding's "Eiogr. Mirrour," 1 '792 - -J ThROK MORTON. — Pa. 43. — infcribed " Ann Throckmorton" - 4/0. A. More J. Thane ^exc) H. Holbein A. More Thane (exc.) R. Thew, 1792. R. Clamp. T. Trotter S, Harding. C. Metz, 1792. T. Nugent. T. T(rottcr.) ( 463 ) I'enoJ MI. SUPI'LEMENT. PERIOD III. CLASS II. Charles Earl of Devonshire. — Pa. 48. — in the King's Library. Vid. Granger, iv. 376. Edward Lord Zouch, — an etching: CLASS in. Ob. 1605. 4/0. Sir Peter Young, — xt, 79. 1622 CLASS VII. John Dee. — Pa. 40. — in Adimole's Mufeum ; engraved for Lyfon's 1 " Environs of London," 17^3 . - -J Sirjohn Napier. — Pa. 58. — a fmall oval -•-.... William Shakspeare. — Pa. 58. — from the pitture at tlie Duke of Chandos ; in 1 Harding's " Shakfpcare," 1793 - - -J John Stow. — Pa. 58. — in Smith's " Antiquilies of London," 1792. CLASS VIII. William Khmpe, Ador. — a fmall v/h. len. cut In wood, intended to reprefent him in the cluira'dter of DOGUi-RRy, in " Mueh Ado About Nothing ;" prefixed to his " Nine Days Wonder." — u fae fimile, in Harding's " Shakfpeare,",i792. Paul van Somer. — Pa. 60. in the co'leftioii of Mr. ijtorcr. 4ft). Painter or Dcfigner. Engraver or Printfcllcr, Paul, 1777. A. Birrel, I 79J. N. Schcneker. J. Bciigo, 1792. le Goux. S. Pafs. Period IV. Ann Ruffel, Covintefs of ( 4^4 ) SUPPLEMENT. CLASS IX. I Warwick, 1565. Ob. 1604. — oval . - . - - '793' PERIOD IV. CLASS II. John Hollis, Earl of Clare, 1624. Ob. 1637, set. 73. — three qis. len. in a round hat, in Harding's "1 " Biograph. Mirror," 1752 - - -J CLASS III. Humphry Chetham, Founder of the Public Library at Manchefier. Ob. 1653, jet. 73. — prefixed to the " Catalogue of his Library," 1792. Sir John Glanville, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, in the Short Parliament. — set. 55, 1640,111 Harding's "Biogr. Mirrour," 1792 Sir William Mainwaring, of Weftchefter ? Knt. 1643. Ob. 1645. — a fmall oval, ubi fupra . - . . . CLASS V. Sir Edward Coke. — Pa. 91. Sir Thomas ? Mallet, Juft. 4/0. very Jcarce. men. Sidney CLASS VII. GoDOLPHiN, Poet. — in Harding's " Biogr. Mirrour," 1793 P»lnter or Defigner. Engraver ot Prmtfeller. J. Tlianc (cxc.) R. Clamp. Clamp. N. Scheneker T. Trotter, 1 793 Clamp, ( 4^5 ) fcrioJ IV. Edward John SUPPLEMENT. CLASS VIII. Alleyn. — Pa. 105. — wh. len. in the gown of Mafter of DuUvich Col. "I in Harding's " Biogr. Mirroiir," 1792 - -J Low IN. — Pa. 107. — 331.64, i'^40, in Harding's " Shaiifpeare/' 1792 The pidture is in Aflimolc's Mufeum, CLASS X. JohnBaptifl Colleredo and Lazarus, a Twin Birth, of Genoa; in England, 1636. 4/0. James Naylor. — Pa. 114. — in a large hat - . . . fcarce. mez. PERIOD V. CLASS I. CATHERINE, Queen of K. Charles II.— Pa. 118. — in Harding's " Grammont," 1 793; from an unique 1 etching in the Pepyf. Colleft. - - " ' • J PRINCERUPERT.— Pa. 119. I — in a hat, young, in Harding's " Grammont," 1 793 - - 'S. Cooper Painter or Dcfigner. CLASS II. Earl of St. Albans. — Pa. 120. — in Harding's " Biograph. Mirrour," 1793 CLASS III. Sir Richard Fanshaw. — Pa. 127. — in Harding's " Biograph. Mirrour," 1792 - Thomas Staveley, ofLeicefter. Ob. 1683, ffit. 57. — oval, in Nichols's " Bibl. Topogr. Brit." 5N p. Leiy Engraver or Printfcllcr. T. Nugent. Nugent, (Hollar.) F. Place. vn. Bergli. C. Knight. Lely R. Godfrey. E. Harding-. ( 466 ) PerioJV. Gilbert SUPPLEMENT. CLASS IV. Sheldon. — Pa. 134. — in Harding's " Biogr. Mirrour," 1 79 J CLASS V. Sir Matthew Hale. — Pa. 139. — in Blackflone's "Commentaries," by Cbriftian, 1795 Oliver St. John, Sol. Gen. — au etching 4/0. Sir John Thomas John CLASS VII. Denham, Poet. Ob. 1669. — in Harding's " Grammont," 1793 Killegrew. — Pa. 145. — in Harding's " Grammont," ... Oldham. — Pa. 147. — oval, in Harding's " Biogr. Mirrour," 1792 CLASS IX. Lady Blount, Reli6l of Sip Wm. Mainwaring, and Wife of Sir Henry B. — a fmall oval ------- Painter or Defigner. Engravfr or PrinlfcUer. T. Nugent. T. Trotter. Paul. Brook, Lady Denham, Wife of Sir John D. — in Harding's " Grammont,'' 1 793 - Charl. de la Tre- Tt-w^^ c «->, cr •II r-r r f JJeRBY, 1642. Ob. 166?. mouiUe, Cls. of J > ^ :> — in Harding'* " Biogr. Mirrour,* Chrifi;iana Bruce, 1 -n. ' /- n^\ c . Coumefsof ' | Devonshire, 1625. Ob. 1675. , T , '^'^"^"1 Littleton, Wife of Sir Cha. L. pie, Lady J — when Mifs Temple, in the "Grammont," Lady Whitmore. — Pa. 157. — ubi fupra W. Dobfon Thco.RiifTdl S. Cooper le Goux. Bergh. N. Scfaeneker. Schenekcr. le Gou::. Nugent, Scheneker. E. Harding, J, Schenekcr. ( 467 ) Tcrloil V. Dorothy Mad. Mad. Mad. Mary Mother The Edmund Philip David SUPPLEMENT. Painter or Dcfii^ner. Engraver or Priiitfcllrr. Cromwell, Daughter of Rd. Major, and Wife of Rd. C. Ob. 1676, at. 48. Helyot, — three qrs. Icn. - - - . . ,„cz. Jennings, elder Sifter of Sarah Dfs. of Marlb. — in Harding's " Grammont," 1793. Price. — ^Pa. 15S. — in Harding's "Grammont," 1792 - - Staveley, Daughter of Jn. Onebye, and Wife of Tho. S. of Leicefler. — Qval, in the " Bibl. Topogr. Brit." 4/a, CLASS X. Damnable, of Kentilh Town ; 1676. — fitting in a hovel by a fire, in a covering like a blanket ; above, in a fcroll, two cats fufpendcd, and faftened together by the tail ; 22 Englifli verfes Finely engraved ... la. a to. In the colleftion of James Bindley, Efq. German Giant, Ninefeet and a half high, and his Wife ; 1664. — with Englifh verfes in feveral compartments fol. P. Leiy Scam. mez. PERIOD VI. CLASS in. Godwin, High Sheriff for Effex, 1694. CLASS IV. Henry. — Pa. 181. — oval ....-..- Primerose, Minifter of the French Church in London. — a head in an ov?l . - - . /m./ol. 3N 2 J. Thane (cxc.) E. Luttcrel. F. Bartolozzi. Barlow ? G. Terry, Period VI. William Michael Earl of Sir Charles Edward John ( 463 ) SUPPLEMENT. CLASS VII. Wood. — Pa. 192 in Hardin_ from the original at the Tosopholite Soc. — in Harding's "Biographical Mirrour," I793 H CLASS VIII. MoHUK. Aflor; clar. 1686. — at Enovvie ; in Harding's " Biograph. Mir-1 lOur," 1793 ]■ PERIOD VII. CLASS II. Feversham. — Pa. 208. CLASS III. Gulfi. Cat.p. 148. CoTTRELL, Mafter of the Ceremonies from 1641 to 1687. Ob. 1710. — set. 72, oval - . - . . mez. Montague, — a boy 080. Proger, Groom of the Bed-chamber to K. Cha. II. Ob. cir. 17 17, set. 96. — in Harding's "Grammont," 1793 - - - CLASS IV. Howe. — Pa. 224. — oval Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Piintfeller. J. Riley (Kneller Riley R. Clamp. E. Harding, j. P.vr. Barrc. R. Willijms. DIckinfon), N. Schcneker. T. Trotter. ( 4^9 ) I'eriod VII. William SUPPLEMENT. CLASS VI. Painter or Defujner. Engraver or PriiUfelier. Dampier, Circumnavigator, 171 1. — from a piduie in the Erkifti Mufcum CLASS VII. Alexander Pope. — Pa. 293. — in Harding's, Shakfpeare," 1793 Duchefs of Ruperta Emmet CLASS IX. Buckingham. — Pa. 243. — in Harding's " Grammont," 1793 . . . Howe, Nat. Daughter of Pr. Rupert, and Wife of Em in. Scr-^pe H. — a fmall OTal in Sir Geo. Bromley's " Royal 1 Letters,'' 1787 J Mason, Daughter of Oncby, and Wife of Rd. M. M. D. Ob. 1707, iet. 83. — oval, in the •« Bibl. Topog. Brit." Art. Hinckley CLASS X. C Sherwirit J. Richardfcm R. Clamp S. Cooper P. Lely Lely ? Claiflen. J.K.Sherwin. Jonathan Svo. Wild. — Pa. 250. — wh. len. fitting in his repofitory PERIOD VIII. CLASS II. Wm. Duke of Devonshire. — Pa. 258. — in a plain coat, ftar and garter CLASS III. Sir Edward ? Astley, Bart. Virtuofo. Ob. 1760. — wh. len, in inaitation of the Burgomafter Six I757« J. Reynolds J. Faber(i7S5) T. Worlidgc. ( 470 ) Ptrio£Vnf. Jofeph William Thomas SUPPLEMENT. CLASS IV. Butler, Rp. of Brlftol Durham 1750. Ob. 1752.. — in Hutchinfon'a " Antiquities of Durham." CoYTE, Reftor of Burgholf, Suffolk. — profile, a fmall etching P. P. Mr. C. Reaor of Stratford St. Mary's, Suffolk, died in 1760. Sheridan, D. D. Dublin. Ob. 1783, cet. 5^. — in the "Life of Swift," by his fon, 179 , 4^0. - - Painter or Defigner. CLASS V. Alexander Murray, Jurifc. — («t. , 1 751) four lines from Horace Jofeph Thomas David Mofes James Edward Richard CLASS VIL Ames. — Pa. 288. — a head, etched for Herbert's Edit, of his " Hiftory of Printing." Edwards, Ob. 1757, £et. 58. — a fmall head, ivith Drs. Farmer and Johnson, and T. Tyrw'hitt (Per. IX.) in Malone's » Shakfpeare." Harrison, Apothecary. — a head in a fquare, an anonymous etching - fm^ 4to. Hartley, M. A. and M. D. Bath.' Ob. 1758, St. 53. — oval, prefixed to his " Obfervations on Man," 1791, ^0. Mendez, M. A. Oxon. Poet. Ob. 1758. — in the " Literary Magazine," 1792. Thomson. — Pa. 294. — oval, prefixed to his " Seafons," 1792, Svo. — prefixed to the fame with his" Life," by Stockdale,l793 CLASS VIIL Cave.— Pa. 297. A. Ramfay Engraver or Printfeller. T. Cook. J. Faber. W.A(ikman> J. Shackleton Ramfay M Cooper. — Pa. 298. — own hair, profile, in a fquare, anonymous fnxaUtiHZ, This lias been called the younger Cooper. Blake. A. Birrel. B. Reading. C. Grignion. R. Cooper /«ilfy. Period VIII . George Thomas C 471 ) SUPPLEMENT. Painter or Defigner. Massey, Engraver. — a fmall head, etched Dorothy PiNGo, Lapidary. Nat. 1692, Ob. 1748. — (set. 46, 1738) i74i.m«. CLASS IX. Cradock, Daughter of Rich. Mafon, and Wife of VVm. C. Ob. cir. 1740. jet. 58. — oval, in the " Bibl. Top. Brit," Art. Hinckley. Engrncr of Printfcllcr. G. Maffejr. (Ra. Holland) R. CarwithatD, PERIOD IX. CLASS I. GEORGE, Prince of WAiEs—Pa. 320. — wh. len. leaning on his horfe CLASS n. J^^^lof"'^'"''"'} Cardigan, 1780; nat. 1725. Edward Lord Hawke. — Pa. 330. oll.Jh. J. Reynolds F. Haward,i793 fol. George Lord Macartney. — Pa. 332. — wh. Icn. from the ha. len. pifture - JJ}. mtz. George Brudenell "1 Montagu, 1766 ; K. G. and Matter of the Mont. Duke of J Horfe. Nat. 17 12. oval Marquis of Rockingham. — Pa. ^^5. Edward Lord TauRLow.^-Pa. 337. — ^h. len. Ji. mn> G. Romney F. Cotes - M. Brown W. Beechey Reynolds Romney J. Grozer,i79t. J. Hall, 1793. C. Townleyi793 J. ColIyer,i793. Dickinfon. Dickinfon, ( 472 ) Period IX. SUPPLEMENT. CLASS III. Horace Beckford, Son of Peter B. of Srapleton, co. Dorfet. — a youth, wh. Icn. in a Vandyck drefs . . . Sir James Esdaile, Knt. Alderman of London. Ob. 1793. St. 58. — fitting, with the infignia of Lord Mayor (1777) niez, William Lock, Son of Wm L. of Norbury Park, Surry. — a youth, oval frame, anonymous P. P. - - mez, Kirkes Townley, Governor of the Magdalen Hofpital. — lia. len. ....... mez. Francis Webb, of Seaborough, co. Somerfet. — collar open . - - - - P. P. mez. Author of a Treatife on Poetry, Painting, and Mufic. William Windham, M. P. for Norwich. — P. P. viez. John John Gilbert J A Jofiah Robert Paintfr or Defigner. CLASS IV. Clayton, cortington, — .-..-.-«. mez, Henderson, B. A. of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. Ob. 1788, «t. 31. — in a lay habit, In the " Europ. Mag." 1792 — id. oval frame ....•- Jo/, — very young, a fmall profile. Kennedy, of Belfaft. Ob. 1773, £Et. 67. Lampert, MinifteroftheGerman-Luth, Congregat. of St. Mary le Savoy. Ob. 1780, set. 36. — a circle, profile ..--... Tucker, D. D. Dean of Gloucefter. — in Harding's " Biograph. Mirrour," 1 793 R. Cofway J. Reynolds J. Hoppner LFAbbot Abbot Reynolds Engraver or Prir.tfelkr. HoUoway J. Conde, 1793. J. Jones, 1793. C. Townley 1 784 Townley 1 783 Townley 1 793 Jones, 1793. W. Palmer Conde. J9. Hogg, 1792. oval CLASS V. Boyd, L. L. D. Edinburgh. Ob. 1793. — oval, books ..... C. Burchard J. Ruficll W. Grainger. T. Trotter. R. Clamp. Trotter. (Trotter.) ( 473 ) ffriod IX. SUPPLEMENT. William Grant, Welfh Judge, and M. P. — a fmall oval P. P. - Sir John Scott, Attorney General. — in a circle, profile - - ■ CLASS VI. ?ainler or I Enparer »r Dcfigncr. Printfclkr. Bany Ij.R.Smith, 1793- mcz, J. Brown P. Dawc, 1 793. George Berkeley, Capt. Navy, Surveyor of the Ordnance, and M. P. — wh. len I793.>««. :T. Galnfboro Nightingale, Capt. Ob. P.P. mez. Nathaniel Portlock, Capt. Navy. — oval, prefixed to his " Voyage round the World," l from 1785 to 1788, 4?o. - - . - -J Banafter Tarleton. — Pa. 381. — a fraall oval -.---_.. Ralph Peter CLASS VII. BiGLAND. Pa. 383. — oval, robes and chain of Garter. DoRE, Norroy King of Arms. Ob. 1781. — oval frame, herald's coat ... Dodd R. Cofway (Sir John Hawkins, Knt. Ob. 1789, jEt. 69. — in Harding's " Shakfpeare," 1 793 - . . . Thomas Peknant. — Pa. 392. — prefixed to his "Literary Life," by himfelf, 1793, 4/0. VVHamiltonREED, Poet. — an etching, oval ...... 8^0. JR. Smith. P. Mazell, 1789.. C, To\vnIeyt782 Townley G, N. Roberts. Gainfboro'W. Ridley,. Collinj CLASS VIII. John Meyer, Son of John M. — a youth, anonymous Barlow, 1 789. 4/0. J. Hoppner Wolfg. A. Mozart, Miific. Son of Leop. M. Ob. 1792. — a buft in a circular frame ... f^ien. Svo. Jofeph Mukden. — Pa. 409. — in the " Fifturefque Magazine," 1793 . . . Chiiftopher Sharpe. — Pa. 412. M. Shee ]• Baldrf 7,1783 JG.Mansfeld. Ridley. ad vivum !S. Harding 1 793 ( 474 ) IVrifiJIX. SUPPLE Xr EN T. CLASS IX. Lad}' Sophia "I Asaph, 1784; Daughter of the Marquis of Thynne, LadySt. J Baih. Ob. 1791. — with her Son ...... Jo], 24 proofs only were taken from this plate. Lffiticia Johnfon, ") Beacchamp, Second Wife cf Sir Wm. B. Lady _[ Proftor. — decorating a Term of Hymen Lady Harriot "1^ „ c-n. r t? 1 d ^ Herbert, Ladyj^^'^'^' '/^4' Sifter of Earl Powis. — when Lady H. Herbert Vifcountefs - viex. mez. Dudley and Ward *. — Pa. 421. — when Mrs. Ward ... NoLCKEN, — when Mrs. Le Maitre VI cz. mez. Sefton. — Pa. 427. Baronefs Countefs of Lcuifa Lake, Wife of John L. of , Hereford- fhire. — iiifcribed "Cecilia" ..... ^p, Elizabeth Young, Wife of John Y. Engraver. — - anonymous ....... mez. l*a5nt«r or Ueligner. En^r'vtr Of Pr'.ntreller. J. Reynolds J. Grozer,J792. r Reynolds V. Green. J R.Smith, 1784. EFCalze Green, 1771, Cofway ? W. Dickinfon. J. Hoppner J. Baldrey, 1782 Hoppner J. Young, J 786. * Though the authority 1 had for placing this print under this name, I thought unqueftionable j I am not, now, without doubts whether it does not reprefent a different perfon. MISCEL- ( 475 ) MISCELLANEA. The following Prints aftbrd no circumftance whereby they may be clafTed r feveral of them are anonymous, and may poflibly have been qlready infertcd by other names. John Burn FORD, — an etching. A" DwART, called " the Fairy Queen." — holding a flower in lier right hand - - ■ 81)5. Thomas Eldridge, F. C. N : M. L. M. S. Governor of the Pved Caftle. — in a hat, two verfes, an etching ... Bvo. This feenis to belong to the Reign of Geo. III. Gordon, -Maj. Gen. — in armour ....... 2vo. Harry Gregory, of Gloucefler. Sylvanus Hibbert, — with a plaid night cap- .... /mall. HooKE, alias Jibb, — a pipe in his mouth .... fmallmez. Morgan, Gebooren in de provincie van Wallis, &c. John Philip Mrs. John Perry, . PoPHAM, an old woman. Scot IN, Smith, Butcher of Raleigh, Eflex. — holding a tankard, anonymous - ■ - . 4/5, In Mr. Bindley's Colleftion. Thomas Smith, — set. 112, an etching. John White, r— a wooden rut, prefixed to his " Art's Treafuiy of Legeidemain," - - - ... gw. c; O 2 Painter or Defigner. Engravtr or PuntlcUcr. T. Olive ad-vivum J. Royce. Read. Hyfing Granth. Faber, ( 4/6 ) A M P L I I- I C A ']• I O X S AND CORRECTIONS. I. WiiLiAM I. (>-. "Dorlet," oHi/ybr daughters, r. " daughter and grand-daughter." Sussex (Henry J^atclifte), expunge the article ; reprinted in Period II, Vaux, for Dalton r. '• Baitolozzi," and remove the article to Period II. He died early in the reign of Maiy. — WESTMORELAND, iiifert, " S. Harding fc. " — York, iitfcit, '' E. Harding fc." 11. GuiLDFrORD, firft print, /or Dalton /u*/?//»?^ " Bartolozzi, 1793;" and afl'ir/, "Ob. 1532." 14. ScROPE, adil, " in the Brit. Mufcum," " E. Harding fc." 20. Suffolk, pnfx, " Catherine Willoughby"— a>u\ add, " fourth wife of Charles Brandon. Say " Baitolozzi." 24. Mary Queen of Scots by Coeck, hiprt, " copied by Harding." 29. Bromley, ar/i/, " of Holt, Knt. Ob. 16:5." — The print fiiould be placed in Period III. 37, Bromley, after Chancellor, add, " 1579." 40. Dee, remove the article to Period III. 58. Davis, infert in the engravers' column, "L. Schlavonetti." 60. Petitot, erafe the article ; it is in Period VI. 100. KiDERMlNSTER, /or Thomas /•." Sir John." 120. St. Alban's, add, "in Harding's Granimont," " L. Schiavonetti fc. " 139. Lyon, a^W, after Admiralty, "of Scotland." ,^^ 155. Packington, (7//;r Dorothy infert "Coventry, Wife of John P. the 2d. Bar." 1 67. and 256. for Ailefbury r. Aylefbury. 174. MiLBANKE, add, " very fcarce." l8o. Cruso, by Vr.Spreit, /y, "fcarce mcz." 182. Jenks, add, "Ob. 1715," and place it in Period VII. 209. GwYNN, laft print, /or 1 792 r. 1793, ami add " Lely p. Scheneker fc." 2'4. Cotton, fl//fr Ob. Wir/ "xt. 77." 2 1 7. Thynne, add, " Son of Lord Weymouth ;" " wli. Icn. filling by a fountain." 228. Standen, add, "fcarcemez." 23:. S rE WART r. " Stuart." 243. CaRTLri t, /or a print r. " this print." — Cleveland, lal^ print, after Grammont, add, "1793" " Lely p. vn. Bergh fc." 2'6. Barry, erafc the woids in the defcriptive line, and fupply, "profile, at Strawberry Hill, in Harding'i "Biographical Mirrour," 1792 ; "Knellerp. C Knight fc." 2 JO. Paslev, fliould be p. 249. 270. Williams, r. " Wynne." 273. Wilson, by J. and C. Sherwin, r. " two prints," one after J. Wright, 1782. 277. Evans, arid, D. D. " Author of Difcourfes on the Cliriilian Temper;" and for Siimci, r. '• Simco." 297. Cartwright, fliould be removed to Period IX. 297. CiBF.ER, fhould be in Clafs VII. 334. Norfolk, ( 1777) ;///fr/, in the Painters' column, "Pine." 356. Rutland, craft- the print by Dickinfon, being the fame as the fccond. 540. Brinchley r. Brcnchlev ; and for 1792 r. " 1791, xt. 66." 343. Earle, /»r(yf.x" Giles ;" flWfl^W, "of Bath." 3.14. Gulston (Jof. and John) r. " llic former died In 1790, aged 22 ; the latter when a child." 3^5. HoARE, add, " Son of Sir Rich. H. ' " with a dog and a barrow, 1789." 346. James, r. "Ob. 1783." 347. Lever, .7//«- Ob. r. " 1788." — Mauduit, ar/J, «F. A, S. Ob. 1787, xt. 79." — MiiREDiTH, r£;f.v, " Ehftia" [So the Peerage, but Queiy], and add, " Second Daughter of James Smith, and Wife of Francis M. fince (1783^ Lord LanoafF.'' 445. Stables, />rf/fA- "Dorothy,'' and add, after Wife of "John? S. "' — Surrey, infirt in the Engravers' column, " S. Harding." — Murray, may be placed in Per. IX. 440. Pitt, firft print, for Gainfborough r, " Copley." Thefollo'w'ing change of Names ought to be noticed. Per. IX. Cl. 3. Drummond (Robert) now Earl jof KinnouII. — 9. Hamilton (Lady Ifabella) Countefs of Glencairn. 2d. Sub. Ashley (Mrs.) married a third time to a Capt. Robinfon, and kept the Star and Garter at Riehmor.d> where fhe died not long fince. Campbell (Mifs) Wife of Thomas Wodelioufe, Efq. CuNLlFFE (Mifs) Wife of Drummond Smith, Efq. i Hemet (Mifs) Mrs. Carey. Wools (Mifs) Mrs Bullock of Chriftchurch, Hants. Magill (Mifs) Lady of Sir John Mead. j^ppendix. Herschell, add, " L. L. D. F, R, S." and remove the print to the Engliih Catalogue, Per. IX. Ciafs ?. The { 47S ) The following Liil of Portraits, which have not been engraved, is taken from Mr. Granger's, and are defcribed as they were in 1779. PERIOD I. Queen CATHERINE PARR; at the Earl of Denbigh's, at Newnham, in WarwickHiire. Prince ARTHUR; at Mr. Sheldon's, Wefton, Warwicklliire. JAMES III. King of Scots, and his Queen, at Kenfingcon. JAMES V. King of Scots, and his Queen, at the Duke of Devonfhire's, at Hardwick. GEORGE, Duke of Clarence, at Penfhurfl in Kent ; and at the late Earl of Huntingdon's. John TALBOT, Earl of Shrewfbury, and his Countefs, at the Earl of Northampton's, at Caftle Afhley, Northamptonihire. The Firft Duke of NORFOLK, killed at Bofworth Field ; at Workfop. The Earl of SOUTHAMPTON, Lord EfTex's friend ; at Bulftrode. PERIOD IL WILLIAM, Lord Paget, whole length ; at Beauderfert, StafFordihire. MARY, the learned Countefs of Arundel j at Mr. Sheldon's, at Wefton, WarwiekfHire. PERIOD III.. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of Northampton ; at Knowle, in Kent. Sir THOMAS CHALONER; at Lord Orford's, at Houghton, Norfolk. Sir HENRYS AVI LE; at Mr. Sheldon's, at Wefton, Warwickfliire. ( 479 ) P E R I O D IV. Lord BROOKE, flain at Litchfield ; at Warwick Caftlc. Sir GEORGE VILLIERS, Father of the firfl Duke of Buckingham (Lord Clarendon's. Ghoft) ; at Strawberry Hill. Sir SAMUEL LUKE, (the Hvidibras of Butler) ; at Adderbury, Oxfordniire. The Countefs of BUCKINGHAM, Mother of the Duke ; at the Duke of Montagu's. PERIOD V. JOHN WARNER, Bp. of Rochefter; at Magdalen Coll. Oxford. The Countefs of SHREWSBURY, Miftrefs to George Villiers the 2d Duke of Bucking- ham ; at the Duke of Montagu's. Lady SOUTHESK ; at the late Sir Andrew Fountaine's, at Narford, Norfolk. LUCY WALTERS, Mother of the Duke of Monmouth ; at Strawberry Hill. PERIOD VII. Dr. HENRY HAMMOND ; at Magdalen Coll. Oxon. PERIOD VIII. br. ARBUTHNOT ; at the Earl of Briftol's, in St. James's Square. Note. At the King' s Arms, Reading, is, or was, an original pifture of the public fplrlted Mr. John Kyrle, the Man of Ross. INDEX. APPENDIX: CONSISTING OF THE EFFIGIES O F PRINCES, AMBASSADORS, PHILOSOPHERS* HISTORIANS, AND OTHER PERSONS OF GENIUS AND LEARNING, OF FOREIGN NATIONS, WHO ARE ENTITLED TO A PLACE IN A COLLECTION OF BRITISH PORTRAITS. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. ADVERTISEMENT. "' I ^HE variety of fentiments and methods refpefting an arrangement of the portraits of fiich foreigners as are admitted into the Englirti Series, renders it a difficult tafk to adopt a plan fuitable to general praftice. It was the author's intention to have ranged them into claffes conformable to the English Catalogue ; but notwithftanding the great ad- ditions which will be found previous to the Revolution (and which muft not even now be underftood as a complete account of all foreigners who claim a place therein), they are ftill deficient to form fuch a claffification. He has, therefore, purfued a middle path, by throwing them into one general alphabet. It not being deemed neceflary to infert every print of each perfon, when numerous, they are feledled as appearing either to have been engraved after paintings done in England, or otherwife applying neareft to the time of their refidence here. N. B. The Princes are to be found according to the names of their country, by the Jummit of their titles. APPENDIX. Painter or Jaura ben Samuel Ferdinand d' Joannes j Defigiicr. ,/\Aron, Indian Prieft and Mifllonary. — wh. Icn. .... yi/. Abdalla. Sec Jaurar. Adams, Memb. Americ. Congrefs. Clar. 1770. — ...... mez, Adda, Cardinal, 1690, Nuncio in England 1688. Ob. 1719, set. 60. — - - . . . ^to. mez. J. Mitchel. Aepinus. — in « Boi'fTard." — In " Freherus." In England 1534- d' Ageno, Minifter, from Genoa. — prefixed to his " Italian Poems" - i Hcnricus Cornelius Agrippa, Med. etPhilof. Prof. Clar. 1520. Ob. 1554 (1535 Granger), at. 68. — in an aftrological fcheme. _ in « Boiflard." — a fm. wooden cut. Peter d' Thomas d' Henricus Aldebrandini, Cardinal In England 1620. ALEN90N. See Anjou. Almeyda d'Avintes, Cardinal 1737. Alting, Theol. Prof. Groning. Clar. in Anglia 1622. Ob. 1644, st. 62. — in " Fieherus." ' Engraver or Pnntfcller. G. Vertiie. S. Okey, 177). J. Becket. H. Caufc, 1690. T.Gainfbo- rough. F. Bartolozzi. B. Moncornet. i. Roffi. Jacobus Ferdinand Al- vares, Duke of Gulielmus Francifco d' Maria Margaret Charles Due d' } Francois de Va- lois, Due d' Albert* de Ligne, Pr. d' John ( 6 ) Paii'ter or Defigner. Enjruwer or Pli.itfeller. Alting, Theol. Groning. In Anglia \(>^o. Ob. 1676, £et. 61. — in " Frclierus." Alva, Span. Gen. in the Netherlands. Ob. 1582, ffit. 77. — in Meteranus's " Hiftor. Belg." There are many fine prints of him. Ancelius, In AngUa 1596, 1600. Sadeler^ Andrada, Portug. Minift. in England. — oval - . . . . ^0. P. de Jode. Viflcher. Angelis, Carmelite Nun. Ob. 1658. — ------ me%. J. PEnfant. A'^ GOV LLUE, in EnglajiJ 16 i. Ob. 1650. Champagne. J. Morin. Anhalt-Bernbourg. Christian I. Pr. 1586. In England 1610. Ob. 1630, cEt. 62. — in " Atrium Heroic." 1601. D. Cuftos. Christian II. Pr. 1630. Ob. 1656, ast.57. L. Kilian, 1615. Anhalt-Koethen. Lewis, Pr. 1586. In England 1604. Ob. 1650, St. 71. — in " Freherus." Anjou & ALEN90N, vifited England Ob. 1584, set. 30. — in " Atrium Heroicum." •— wh. len. in armour ... - foJ, AREMBERG-BARBAN90N, Imper. Minift. in England 16 . — on horfcback .... Jh, — a head ----- fol. A. V. Dyck. Id. P. de Bailllu. B. Bolfwert. Arnd, Theol. Lunenb. Ob. 1621. — trt'o Latin lines. Germane. W. M. S. Pafs. Arnold, Americ. General. — a fra. oval, profile B.Reading, 1 783. * Quzre, Charles. Nicolaus Chriflof. d* Catherine de St. ( 7 ) Arnold, Theol. Prof. Frif. In Jnglia 1643. Ob. 1680. AssoNviLLE, Envoy from the Duke of Alva, 1604. I'AirBESPiNE. See Chateau-neuf. AUGUSTIN, Ob. 1668. Antonius Augustinus, Ob. 1586. — in the " Academic des Sciences" Ant. d'Aumont "] Rochebaron, > Aumont, 1651. Ob. 1669, iet. 67. Due d' Lou. Marie d'Au- "1 . • 77 7 j <^i ^ mont, Ducd' ] Aumont, z«£«^/^«^ 1712. Ob. 1723, st. 56. JeanAnt.de Mef-l Avaux, Fr. Minifl. in England 1689. Ob. mes, Comte d' j 17095 ^t. 69. Austria. Isabella Clara EacENiA*, daughter of Philip II. wife of Albert A. Duke, 1599. Ob. 1633, tet. 67. Hugo There are feveral other fine prints of her after Rubens. Baeelus, Ob. 1556. — in " Boiffard," par. i. — in " Fieherus," p. 1456. Baden. Lewis William, in England i6y3. Ob. 1707} JEt. 52. - . \ . \ \ . "foi. Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Priiurcllcr. Sclu'ck. ad vivum N. Larpjilliere. A.v. Dyck. Id. Id. Id. V. Meurs. A. Zylveh. VVicrx. J. Patigny. E. Boulonois. Bouttats. P. Daret. P. Giffart. P. Drevet. C. Vcrmculen. Hondius. P. Pontius. W. Vaillant. L. Vofterman, Joannes . Clodeiman. P. Rchenck^ R. While. Baggerus, Sielandis Epifc.Ob. 1693. jct. 47. — ..... liiin. tiii'Z \ SiiUtnan. Ij. StrJth, 1698. Pretended tQ the crown. ricnc Jofeph Daniel ( 8 ) Baile, or Bayle, Philof. Ob. 1706, St. 59. — in " Port, illuft." . . - - — --...- viez. — In " Hift. de Philof. Mod." 1762. Balsamo, cogn. Cagliostro, Adventurer. — la. oval, 1786 . . . . - Bantam Ambassadors. See Kaja Nebbe. Barbaro, Mathemat. Venet. Ob. 1569, JEt. 40. John ab Olden Guil. de Salude Seigni . du Cafpar Erafmas Thomas Fran9ois de Dominlciis Mich. Antoinc — in " Frehenis." Barberini. See Rome. Baknevelt, Dutch Minift. in England. Ob. 1619, ier. 72. \ Bartas, French Poet. Ob, 1591, «t. 46. — oval, cut in wood, prefixed to his " Divine Weeks," 1616. Bartholini^s, Med. Prof. Hafn. Clar. in Anglia 1602. Ob 1629, «t. 45. Bartholinis, Med. Prof. Hafn. Clar, in Jnglia 1648. Ob. 1698, at. 73. — in " Freherus," p. 1401. Bartholin US, Med. Prof. Hafn. Clar. in Anglia 1678. Ob. 1680, st. 64. — 3:t 35, 1651. Bassomfierre, Marech. Franc. In England iGz'^. Ob. 1646, £et. 67. — in armour. ..... Jol. Baudii's, Hift. Prof. Leid. In England 158:;. Ob. 1613, aet. 52. — in the " Athen. Batav." — in Craflb " Elog. Huom. Literal. " Baud RAND, Hlftor. Parif. In England 1673. Ob. 1700, a;t. 67. — prefixed to his " Geographia," 1 682 Pierre du Terrail,! Bayard, Captive in England 1513. Ob. Chev.de J 1524. ^^- 48. — four French verfcs Painter or Defig: er. Eneraver or Hrintfeller. F. Bartolozzi. Titian. ad viv T. Cherpan. Clicriic. Francois. R.S.Marcuard, W. Hollar, PernctUf. R. Elftrackc C, V. Mander. J. Suyderhoef. M. Lafne. Facie. S. Pafs. P.Landry, 1681. J. Ficqnet. J. Ifac. ( 9 ) Lucas Beckman, Confil. Saxon. Ob. 1624, set. 53, — in " Frcheius," p. 1038. Balthazer Bekker, Theol. Prof. Ob. 1698. — ...... mez. - ■■ M ^"^ ' > BELGOjosOjImpcr.Minifter in England 1780. — ...... mez. \ Joannes du Bell ay, Bp. Bayonne, French Minifter in England 1527. Ob. 1360, xt. 68. Cha. Lou. Aug. "1 Belle-isle, Marech. Franc. 1741, Prijoner Fouquet,Ducde J iH Efigla?!d ij^^. Ob. 1761, a;t. 77. — ...... mez. — on horfeback ...... Pompone de Bellievre, Sen. French Minifter in Eng- land 1388. Ob. 1607, a:t, 78. Johannes Bernouilli, Mathem. Prof. Bafil. F. R. S. 1 7 12. Ob. 1748,3:1. 79. — in " Hift. dc Philof. Mod." 1762 Petrus Bertius, Philof. Prof. Leid. In England 1372. Ob. 1629, jet. 64. — in the " A then. Batav." — in " Fiehcrus." Petrus de Berulle, Card. Ckr. in Anglia 1623. Ob. 1629, ffit. c,c^. — in Perrault" Horn. 111." 1696 - — . - . . . 1661. foL Hieronimus van Beveringh, Dutch Minifter in England 1634 — 70. Ob. 1690, iEt. 76. — ..... 1679. ""^~' Godofredus Bidloo, Anat. Prof. Leid. F. R. S. 1696. Ob. 1 7 13, £et. 64. John Paul Bignon, Abbe, F. R. S. 1734. Ob. 1743, at. Si. .Charles Gontaut, "I Biron, Legac. Gallic, v. Angl. 1598, 1601. Due de J Ob. 1602, tet. 40. — in " Uluft. Franc." 1652 b Piinter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Priiitfcller. ad vivum P. Schcnck. A. Zylvelt. J. Reynolds, 1780 J. R. Smith. F. Stuerhelt. Bodecker. C. Mofley, 1744 L. BoilTevin. J. C. Francois. G. F. Schmidt. / Champagne V. Lochcm,i6)7. J. Lubin. N.Montagnc. Maas A. Blooteling, Laii-efTe Blooteling. Rigaud de la Roue Vivien P. Drevet, 1728. N. Edelinck." Id. P. D.iret. Tardieu. John du ( lo ) BissoN, Secretary of Embafly. — prefixed to her " Imitation of Milton," 1748 Samuel Bochart, LAterat. Franc. & Academic. Oxon. Ob. 1 667,^1. 68, — prefixed to his " Hierozoicon," JoL Herman Boerhaave, Botan. Chym. & Med. Prof. Leid. F. R. S. 1730. Ob. 1738, at. 70. — - . fol. — in Birch's " Lives of Illuft. Perfons"' - ------ StJO. 8t»5. fol. mez. John Vytten William du BoGAERTjTheol.Prof.Leid. Ob. 1644,^1. 87, — Kt.75, 1632 Painter or Defigner, M.Br M. Loir W.Hudfon,i79o. Tardieu fils. Mandelaar J. G. Mandelaar ad vivum Bois, Card. 1721, Legat. Gallic, v. Angl. lyii — I7i5> Ob. 1723, £et. 67. Job. Cafp. Count Bothmer, 1710, 1717. mez. Henri de la Tour, "1 Bouillon, French Minifler in England Due de 1596 — 1602. Ob. 1623, £et. 67. Svo. M. Mierevelt Morcelz Rigaud, 1723 William Auguftus Bowles, Chief of the Embafly from the Creek Indians. — ...... mez. IP. Hardy H Brady, Jur. Prof. Lovan. 1662. — in an oval ----- fol. Brandenburg. See Prussia. Pierre de Bour- "1 Brantome, Hiflor. Franc. In England deille, Seignr. de J 1560. Ob. 1614, a;t. 87. Hen. Aug.de Lo-1 Brienne, Legat. Gallic, v. Angl. 1624. mencie,Comtedc J Ob i666,a;t, 71. Barnabe Brisson^ Legat. Gallic, v. Angl. 1580. Ob. 1 591. Vidl. Maur. de "IBkoglio, Marech. Franc. 1724. Ob. BrogliOjDucde J i/^?? set. 80. — on horfcback Richclct M. Loir Ranc Engraver or Pimtfeller, V. Gunft. J. Houbraken. J. Hulett. G. King. J. B. Scotin. J, Wandelaer. G. White. W. DelfF. Id. P. Drevet, Jun. J. Faber. R. GaiUard. B. Moncornet. J. Grozer, 1791. Q^ Boel. J.V.Schley, 1740. R. Nanteuil^ T. dc Leu. Bngey. S. Cannona. Jacobus Catz John Maurice, Count de Franc i feus ( II ) Brouwershavius, Curat. Acad. Leld. InAnglia 1626, 165 , Ob. 1660, jet. 83. — jet. 37, 1635. — without the Artift's name. i Bruhl, Envoy from Saxony. Brunswick. Christian II. of Lunenburg, Dux 1621, K. G. Ob. 16265 «t. 27. John Charles Count de Thad. Comte — t^lo. — badge of the Garter ... j'ol. George of Lunenburg, Dux 1636. Ob. 1641, £et. 59. — in" Freherus." Sophia Hediwischia of Lunenburg, Wife of Erneft Auguflus of Hano- ver, 1658 ; Mother of K. Geo. I. Ob. 1 7 14, jet. 84. — ..... mez. — . . _ . . me%. ~ fol- — ..... mcz, — ..... mez. — ..... mcz. — vvh. len. - - - - ^to. Bcjrchardus, Confil. Cafar. Clar. in An- glia 1538. Ob. 1560, ffit. 56. — in " Freherus." Burgundy. Charles cogn. the Bold, Dux 1467. Ob. 1478, £Bt. 46. — wh. len. in Grimftone's " Netherlands, "yb/. Philip, cogn. Bonus, Dux , K. G. Ob. 1467, £et. 71. — iibi fupra . . . - BuRMAN, Med. & Botan. Prof. Amftel. In Anglia 1736. — xt. 30, prefixed to " Thefaur. Zeylanic." •! Bury. Piinfer or Dcfigncr. M. Mierevelt C. N. Coehin M. Mierevelt A. V. Dyck Engraver or Printfcller. Hcrfcman Weidman W. J. DelfF. S.C. Miger,i764. DelfF, 1623. J. Payne. R. V. Voerft. DelfF. Faitlionie Jun. B. Lens. W. Sherwin. J. Simon. Id. 1706. J. Smith, 1706. V. Somcr. BuRZENsKijPol.Minift. in England, F^R.S. Ob. 1773. — Kt. 30 Quinkhard '73(5 b 2 P. Battoni, 1772 V. Sichem. V. Sichem. J. Houbraken. Jas. Ifac. M. Petteri. 14 Painter or Dcfigncr. Angers. Giflens. Paulus Johannes John Georgius Joachim James a Andreas Antiochvis Ludovicus John Hieronymus BusB-Eoyius, Confil. C^far. Legat. v. Angl. 1545. Ob. 1592, aet. 70. — in BuUart. Acad. — in " Freherus." ' Busius, i. e. BusEE, Curat. Acad. Leiden. Ob. (in Angha) 1594, set. 63. — in the " Athen. Bat." — in •' Freherus." BuxTORFFius, Sen. Heb. Prof. Bafil. Ob. 1629, aet. 65. — in " Freherus." — xt. 65, two Latin lines. BuxTORFF, Jun. Theol. Prof. Bafd. Ob. 1664, jet. 65. — in " Freherus," p. 644. Calistus, Theol. Prof. Helmft. Clar. in Jnglia 1612. Ob. 1656, st. 70. — in " Freherus." Camerarius, i. e. Cammermeester, Jun. Med. Norib. Clar. in Anglia 1590. Ob. i59!>, £Et. 64. — in " Freherus." Camp EN, Archit. Cantelmi-Popoli, Prorex Hifpan. in Ca- talon. Ob. 1645. — in Filamondo " Capitan. Napol." — t-fol. Cantemir, Poet, and Ruffian Minifter in England 1732. Ob. 1744, ^et. 34. Capellus, Theol. Prof. Leid. et Academic. Oxon. 1610 Ob. 1658, at. 79. — in the " Athen. Batav." — prefixed to his " Notae Criticse in Vet. Teft." Amil. 1689. Caramuel de Lob kowitz. Vicar Ciflerc In Anglia 1630. Ob. 1682, ast. 77. — inCrafTo " Elog. Huom. Literal." Card ANUS, Med. Mcdiol. In England i ^^2. Ob. cir. 1575, a;t. 75. Engraver or Printftller. Woutcr J. Suyderhoef. F. Gragfo, P.Pontius, 1643. Amiconi J. Wagner, 1 y^S, S. Furck. L. Vollcrman. Pierre de Renatus des ( U ) — Kt. 43, a medallion . . . . — in " IJoiflard," part ii. Cari'entier, Legac. Batav. v. Angl. Ob. 1659. — in du Bois " Gov. Gen. Ind." Cartes, Philof. Franc. Clar.in Anglia 1632. Ob. 1650, £et. 54. rainter«r Dcfii;j tr. Engraver or I'ri .ifcller. 4/0. F. Hals Id. Id. Id. Id, George Jean Dominic Michel de Balthazar Inigo Melchior Fern, de Velaf- co ToUAR, Conneftable de Ann. Clau. Chil. de Thulieres, Comte de Benvenuto Jofeph Guil. del'Aubef- pine, Bar. de Cassander, Theol. Belgic. Ob. 1566, at. 52. — Motto, " Quando tandem" - • i^to. Cassini, Aftron. Paris. F. R. S, 1697. Ob. 1714, £et. 87. — in " Hifc. dc Philor. Mod." 1762 — in " Odituvre Portr. Illuft." Castelnau de Mauviffier, French Minifler in England 11^67, 1570. Ob. 1592. — prefixed to his " Memoirs," 1659. Castiglione, cogn. Cortisiano, clar. in Anglia 1516. Ob. 1529, tet. 51. — in the Crozat ColIe(ft. vol. i. Castille, Gov. Hifp. in Belg. Clar. in An- glia 1668 — 70. Tiiomallia. J.v, Schley. Edelinck. Ficquct. J. T. M.urs. Suvderhoef. WiUe. Beaubrun J. C. Franqois. N. du Pin. Raphael Id. N. Edelinck. I Sandrart. — in Gualdo " Hid. Leopold." Caylus, Vertuofo. Ob. 1765, at. 7^ — in " Galer. Franc." 1771 Cellini, Sculptor. Ob. 1570, cet. 70. — in " Huom. Illuft. Tofcan." Cervi, M,. D. & F. R.S.I 736. Ob. 1748. 1752. "1 Chateau-neuf, Legat. Gallic, v. Angl. J 1624. Ob. 1629, iet. 82. — in Daret " Illuft. Franc." Cha. de rAubef-") Chateau-neuf, French Minifter in Eng- ■J " pine, Marq. de land 1630. Ob. 1653, jet. 73. du Chaftel R. Collin, 1669. ad vivum I Cochin, Juii. de Lorraine. F.AUegilnijijfij, Palom. Yriarte. - Du Monftier Mazot. F. Ragot. { H ) — in " Illuft. Franc." 1652 Etienne Claude de lior- raine Chevalier, Fr.Minift. in England. Ob. 1474. — in the church of Notre Dame de Melion de lior- 1 Chevreuse, Fr. Minifter in England, K. , Due de J 1625. Ob. 1657, aet. 79. — In Daret " Illuft. Franc." Mai ie de Rohan, 1 ^ , z^u /;- Ducheffe de J Chevreuse, 1622. Ob. 1679, jet. 79. Piinter or Dcfigncr, — " in Daret. " Illuft. Franc." 1653, i^to. Charl. Mar. de "I Chevreuse, feconde Fille de Claude Due de Lorraine, Mle.de f Chcvreufe. Ob. 1652, art. 27. ar. de "I 2,Mle.de J Etienne Francois, "1 ^„„,^_,„ Ducde 'jCHois.u^ Engraver or Printfcllcr. Clar. in Anglla 175S. — \vh. len. V. Lo John Michael Alex. Claude Joannes Jean le Jean Ic Carolus Cigala, Impoftor*. — infcribed " Princ. Ottoman" . . - CiTONA. See VlTELLI. Clajrault, Acad. Scienc. Par. F. R. S. Lond. 1737. Ob. 1765, st. ^i- — in " Galer. Franc." 1771 — i/^S- Claubergius, Philof. Prof. Augfb. Clar. in Anglia 1640. Ob. 1665, £et. 43. Clerc, Pidtor. Ob. 1633, jet. 46. Cochin fils Id. mez. V. Dvck Clerc, Theol. et Philof. Prof. Amft. Ob. 1736, ^t. 79. ...... %vo. — in " Rccueil de Portr." Clusius, i. c. I'EcLusE, Botan. Prof. Leid. Ob. 1609, St. 84. — at. 75, i6co -.,.... — in the " Athen. Batav." — ill " Boiftard." Daret. P. de Jode. F. Langot. le Blond. le Blond L. BoifTevIn. Daret. Lourie, N. Larmeflin. L. J. Cathelin. H. C. Watelet, J. Suydcrhoef. Wielant. W. VaiUant. B. Picart. des Rocherf. dc Ghein. Goltzius. * He pretended to be the fon of Scipio Vifcount Cigala, a Turkifli Vizir ; came to Vienna, where he renounced Mahomctanifm, and was baptised 1654 ; went to France in 1C62, and afterwards to England, where his impofturc wasdifcovercd. Philippus Jacques le Charles Charles Joaquim Edouard John Baptift Francois Odet Johannes Amos ( 15 ) Cluverius, Geograph. et Academic. Oxon. Ob. 1623, set. 43. 3St. 40------- — set. 40, prefixed to his " Italia Antiqua," 1624, CoicNEUX, ckr. in Anglia 1638, 1649. Colbert de Croiffy*, brother of Jean Bapt. C. In England 166?). Ob. 1696, at. 67. Colbert de CroiiTy, clar. in Anglia 1670. Ob. 1738, ^'^''- ^" yinglia 1409. Ob. 1468. - in " Hid. Cha. V." ./ Pj inter or Dcfigier. Ludovicns DuNTE, Theol. Revclens. Clar. in Anglia 1624. Ob. ib'^g, set. 43. — in " Frchenis." Ant. Cocffier-Ru- ") Effiat, Fr. Miiiift. in England 1625. Ob. zc, Marquis d' J 1632. Adclbertus — ------ la. i,lo. Egguis, Theol. Batav. Ob. 1610, at. 56. — profile ---... Jul, Lamoral d'Eg- "1 Egmond, Imper. Minift. in England 15S3. J mond Comes ab f Ob. 1568, set. 46. — in " Atrium Heroicum," 1601 James 1* Enfant, Hiftor. Berlin. Ob lyaSjjrt. 67 — a fmall oral, prefixed to the " Hiftory of the Council of Conftauce" ... } Fnf raver or I'rinrt'ciler. R. Gaillard. J. Grignon. Mad. de Beau- mont " p, ^' J, > Eon, French Minifter in England 1763. — in her female drefs — oval - . . . — la. oval .... — wii. len. an emblematical print wc%. L. BoifTevin. B. Bolfwcrt. V. dc Veldt. D. Cuftos. Jacobfen exc. J. V. Gucht. Picart. Huqnier Cofway, 17H7 (ad vi'vum) la TiHir ad vivum Thomas Alexander Erpenius, i. e. d'ERP, Prof. Orient Leid. et Aodemic. Oxon. 1608. Ob. 1G24, a;r. 40. — in the " Athen. Batav." E R s K E I N , Confil. Suec. et Jufliciar. Pomeran. 1650. — fol. Bernard deNoga-lj.^^^^^,^j._(. 1661. Ob- i66i,^t.69. ret, Uuc d J — 1661, foL Cornelius Janf. Evertzen, Nav. Belg. Clar. in Anglia 1672*. - J^- Prince Eugene. See Sardinia. * See Dalrymple's App. 141, C 2 Burke, 1 771. Chambars, 1787. J. Conde. F. HawardjiySS. 8. Hooper, 1773. V'ifpre. A. V. Hulk Mi gnaic C. Galle, 1649. P. V. Schuppen. H. Bercliman lA. Blooteling. J. V. Houten. Charles de St. Denis, St. } ( 2.0 ) EvREMONT, Literat. Franc. Ob. 1703,^1. 90. — ------- 4/0. — - - fol. B Ant. — prefixed to his " Works," 1700 Fantel. SeeLAGNY. Ferhault. Painter or Defigner. En?raver or Printfeller. N. Edelinck. Pamientier v. Gun 11. Id. 1701 Si/o. G. Kneller fol. St. Belle Gomez Suarez Fig;ro. Due Joao Pedro ', > Feria, Span. Mlnift. in England. — an etching, ha. len. Fernande, came from India to London 1726. J. Green G. Vcrtue. R. White. C. Simoneau. Hen. de St. Ne- ") Ferte-Seneterre, Marecli. Franc, and claire,Ducdela J Minift. in England 164 . Ob. i68i, ast. 82. — ------ la, 4.'!?. Antoine Ic Fevre de la Boderie, Legat. Gallic, v. Angl. 1595. Ob. 1 61 5. Gafton de Jean de la Bernard de Foix. See Nemours. Fontaine, Acad. Franc. In England 1689. Ob. 1695, £et. 74. Fontenelle, Acad. Franc. F. R. S. 1736. Ob. 1757, set. 100. France. Charles IX. Rex 1560, K. G. 1564. Ob. 1574, £et. 24. — in the fet of the Kings of France, "1 1633 - - - - fol. i Francis I. Rex 1515, K. G. 1528. Ob. 1547, ^t- Si- H, Rigaud Id. Id. P. Cafteels. N. de Larraeffin. Edelinck. Edch'nck, S. Ficquet. J. G. WiUc. Rigaud M. Doffier. la Tour du Pin. — in the Crozat Colled. Henry II. Rex. 1547, K. G. 1550. Ob. 1559, St. 40. — fo'- Titi J. de Bie. de Bie. de Bic. John Frederick Jean 2.1 Henry III. Rex 1574, K. G. 1^85. Ob. 1589, £Bt. 38. _ fol. — in an oval border - - firi. ^». Henry IV. Rex 1589, K. G. 1590. Ob. i6io, zee. 57. — with emblems, 158 j - - foL Painter or Dcftgncr. Engraver or Printfellcr. — In his rubes ... — Kt. 40, 1592 .... fol. — witli a higli cjowned hat, - - 81)0. — ill his robes . - - - fo/. Many others by the fame hand. foL — xt. 40 ----- - — with and without a hat ... John, Rex 1351. Prifcmr in England 1357. Ob. Lmid. 1364. — a medaUion . . - . . Lewis VII. Rex Ob. 1 1 So. — a niedalHon In England fol. Lewis XIII. Rex 1610. Ob. 1643, jet. 42. -- In " Tableau Hift." 1654 - - — ...... 8'ro. — la. oval. ...... — in an oval of flowers ... — with emblems .... fol. Maria de Medicis, Queen of Henry IV. 1600. In England 16 ^S. Ob. 1642, £et. 67. — - . -. - - - -fol. — a head-piece in Waller's " Works" Her prints are numerous ; amongfl; the moll confiderablc is a large one by Wierx. Friesendorff, Eng. Bar. and Swed. Envoy 1669. Ob. 1669. ........ fo/. Froissard, Hiftor. Franc. In England 1400. Ob. 1402, £et. 65. — in the " Academic des Sciences" , Pourbus Jr. Corneille d'Egmont Rubens A. V. Dyck de Bie. C. Albert. St. Aubin. de Bie, 1633. Fircns. H. Goltzius. Id. H.Hondius, 1598 N. Larmefiin. de Leu. MafTon. Pafs. A. Wierx. de Bie. de Bie. T. Cockfon. Daret. Falck. L. Gualtier. J. Ifaac, 1633. M. Lafne, 1632. y. Louis. Cr. Pafs. P. Pontius. G. Vertue. P. Wlllemfen. N. de Larmefiin. John Chrlftian Chriftian John Petr. Henr. Guz- man, Comes de Robert ( " ) Fromhold, Confil. Brandenb. 1634. Ob 1653, fct. i;i. — '■' Legat.' Brand. Pacif. Weftph." — in " Freheius." Frijs, Dan. Minifter in England 1579. Ob 1616. — in Hofman's " Portr. lUuftr. de Dannemarckc"' Frijs de Kragerup, v'lfited England 1614. Ob. 1639, a;t. 38. — in Hoftnan. Frijs de Heflelager, Chanc. of Denmark. Ob. 1570, £t. 77. — in Hofman ..--.. Pa'ntcr or Dciisncr. \. V. HuUc FuENTES, Span. Gen. in the Netherlands 1593- in " Atrium Heroic." 1600. Gaguin, Hiftor. Gall. Ob. 1502. — in the " Acad, des Sciences" . . - de Galitzin, Ruff. NFmiller in England 1757. John Wenceflaus Stephen de Horatio Francois Stephen Francis Pcre Gall AS, Imper. Minifter in England 1705. Ob. 1719, St. 50. ...--. me%. Gamarra, Span. Minift. in England 16:17. - 'Jol- Gates, Americ. General. Ob. 1782. — profile .-.--.. Gaultier, Abbe & Fr. Minifter in England 1714. Gemara. See Gamarra. G EOF FRO Y, Med. Parif. F. R. S. 1698. Ob. '731. *t. 59. George, Relig. Capucin. Ecoff. Germany Albert 11. of Auftria, Fmp. 1438, K. G. Ob. 1439. — a large medallion in Golliius's " Series of the Emp." i645,/o/. Drouais G. Kne'Jer J. MeylTcns Tneraver or Printfellrr. C. Galle, 1649. F. V. Bleyfwick. V. Blevfwick. Cr. Pafs. N. de Larmefiin. Tardieu. J. Smith, 1 707. C. MeytTens. duSimitier B. B. E. 1783. St. Belle N.LargiUIere F. Horthemels. Surugue, 1737. ( ^3 ) Charles V. of Aufliia, Emp. 1519, K. G. 1520. Ob. 1558, at. 58. — aet. 31, 1 53 I, prefixed tohis" Lift,"yb/. — adorned with trophies. Fine Ferdtnand I. ofAuRria, Emp. 1556, K. G. 1:^22. Ob. 1564, a-t. 61. — set. 29, 1551 — a large mcdalh'on. Francis Stephen of Lorraine, Emp. 1740, G. D. of Tufcany. Vifited Li.gland r73i. Ob. 176c, st. 56. — - - . - . nie%. — - - . - . me-i. — . . - - . mez. Maximilian I. of Auftria, Emp. 1493, K. G. 1512. Ob. 151 y, :er. 60. — a large medallion. Maximilian JI.ofAuflria, Emp. 1564, K. G. 1567. Ob. 1576, at. 49. — a medallion. RoDOLPHus II. of Auftria, Emp, 1576, K G. Ob. 16 1 2, jet. 60. — 1578 . — a medallion. SiGiSMtJND ofLnxembourg,Emp. 141 1, K. G. 1416. Ob. 1437, £ct. 70. — in Goltzius's " Series of the Emp." Lucas Gernlerus, Prof. Bafil. Vifited England 1650. Ob. 1675, St. 49. — in " Freheriis." Mark Gioe-Brakesbourc, Dan. Minift. in Eng- land 1678. Ob. 1698, at. 63. — in Hofman ...... Francifcus Gomaru?, Theol. Prof. Grcning. Vifited England 1380. Ob. 1641, at. 78. — ast. 45, 1608 -.--.. — in the " Athen. Batav." 1625, 4/5. Diego Sarmiento )^ „ iv/i--rL-i-,iA d'Acunha,Count J GoNDAMOR,Span. Mmift. in England 1622. — ...... 4/3. — f>val I2»i0. — ^t. 54, 1622 . - - . . — wh. len. in Vox ropul'i, iGij, 4'0' GoNDi. See de Retz. Painter or • Dcligiier. Enjjraver or PrintfcUcr, P. Lombart. J\i. Vicus, Panti. B. B. Maubcrt Higlimore Richardfon T. Biirford. J. Fabcr. Id. M. Rouotte. P. Yver, 1 744. C. Danckers. S. Pafs, 1622. Id. W, Pafs. ( 24 ) Ferdinand Gonzaga Molfetta, Span. Mlnifter in Eng'and 1543. Ob. 1557,^1.51. — in " Capit. Illufti" — in" Atnum Heroic." Antonius Gorius, F. R. S. 1738. Ob. 1758. John Erncft Grabe, Ling. Orient. Prof. Ob. 1711, St. 46. — in " Zimmerin. Icon." Grammont, Fr. Minift. in England 1688. Ob. 1707. St. 86. — in the " Memoires de Grammont" Grand, Philof. Vifitcd England 1670, living 1692. — ....... 4/0. Grasse, French Admiral. — -.-... mcz. — oval, profile, 1782 .... /^o. Green, Anieric. General. Ob. 1786. — wh. len. .... 7ncz. Grin^us. SccGryn^us. Grotius, i. e. de Groot, Literat. Belg. Vifited England 1613. Ob. 1645, st. 62. — 4/0. — fft. 49, 1632 Grovestins, Rufll Grundherrus, Conill. Norib. Vifited Eng- land 1599. Ob. 1654, ast. 84. — in " Fieherus." Janus Gr UTERUS, Kift. Prof. Heidelb. In England 1564. Ob. 1627, St. 67. — four Lat. verfes .... fol. Symon Gryn.t£us, Theol. Bafil. et Academic. Oxen. 15:^. Ob. I ;4 1, an. 48. — in " BoilTard.'' — in Verheiden " Effig. Theol." — a wooden cut. Riidolphus Cualterus, Theol. Tigurin. In Anglia 1 1;77. Ob. 1 586, St. 67. — in Verheiden" Effig. Theol." 1602 - — in " Boilliird," 1631. Painter or UcCgner. l".n?i'avcr or Piiiitfeller. Philib. Chev. de Antoine le Comte de Nathaniel Hugo Madame de Ulricas Fercul A. Capriolo. Haid. Miller M. Jones Peel A. Hanneman M.Mierevelt F. Hals T. Chambars. (W.Faithorne.) J.Walker, 178 J V.Green, 1785, H. Bary. W. DelfF. T. Matham. Darling, 177:. H. Hondius. ( ^5 ) GUALTIER. SeeGAULTIER. GUELDERLAND. William Hertzog, Duke 1538. Ob. 1592, £et. 76. Claude Louis 1 Francois Re- j- Guerchv, French Minifter in England 1763. gnier, ComtedeJ — ...... mez. M. V. Loo PainMrof I Kngra»?r or ntfigncr. I Prinrfellcr. Comte de GaiNEs, French Minifter in England 1770. Chrift. de GuLDENLEw, Nat. Son of Chriftian V of Denmark, and Minifter in England 1 669. Ob. 1703. H. Aldegrevers. J. Watfon, 1 766. Lion exc. 1774. Albert GuNDAMOR. See Gondamor. Haller, Med. Prof. Gottingen. F. R. S. 1730 Ob. 1777, set. 69. H. Rigaut P. Drevct. V. w. Hamet ben Hamf.t, ben Hadda, Ambaf- fador from Morocco, 1682. — ...... mez. — ....... mez, — l./o/. Hamet, Companion to Mahomet, taken prifoner and efcaped with him. — an etching ...... T. Raid. In. Pninesi'. Tardieu. J- LIc.yd. E. Lutterel. R. White. John Hancock of Bofton, N. England, Memb. Congrefs. HenrideLorrain, "I Harcourt, Fr. Minifter in England 1643. Comte d' } ad vivura T*. Worlidge. Copt-ley Ob. 1666, St. 66. W. Smitli, 1775. Mignard N. Erklinck. Id. JA. MafTon. Champagne J. Morin. Wilhelmus van Haren, Dutch MiniRer in England 1674. 1680. iW.Vaillant A. Biooteling Harlai de Sanci. See Sanci. Nicholas Francis Haym, Literat. Roman. 1720. — an etching. d A. Blootelin-, Morin. John Conrad John David de Abrahamus Daniel "N^'arnerus John Anthony Tiberius Gulielmus John Chriflopher ^YilIiam ( 26 ) He DEN us, Theol. Prof. Altof. VJfited Eng- land 1648. Ob. 1665, £et. 48. — in " Freherus," p. 653. Heem, Piclor. Ob. 1674, jet. 74. Painter or Defigner. Engrarer or Printftller. . Dyck Heidanus, Theol. Prof. Leid. Vifited Eng- land ibv^. Ob. 1678,3;:. 81. — xt. 75 - - - - - - - 'J. A. Livens — ill the " Athen. Batav." H EI N SI US, Hill. Prof. Leid. Vifited Eng- liUtd 15S5. Ob. 1655, St. 74. — in Bullart's " Acad, des Sciences" — in the " Athen. Batav." Helmichius, Theoh Prof. Leipf. Vifited England 1^1 <^. Ob. 1608. Joannes Helvetius, Fr. Metaphyfic. F.R.S. 1763. Ob. 1771, £t. 36. Hemsterhuvs, Grec. Prof. Leid. Ob. 1 766, ffit. 81. — ------ me%. Herincx, Epifc. Iprenf. In England 1670. Ob. 1678, St. 59. HtRPFER, Jurifc. Norimb. Vifited England 1615. Ob. 1654, ast. 72. — in " Freherus." Herschel, Aftron. and Mufic. — oval ...----. Hesse Cassel. Frederick II. Nat. 1720, aSled as a General in 1746. — in the Collar of the Garter — _ I - - - - Hifa. George of Darmstadt. Ob. 1705. a;t. 36. Hevelius, i. e. Hevelke, Aftron. Dantz. In England 1631, F.R.S. 1664 Ob. 1687, cet. 66. '. Loo 1755 H. V. Orlay P. Pontius. A. Blootcling. N. de Larmeflin, V. Dalen. H. Danckerts. ASt.Aubin,i773 \V. Pether. R. Collin. L. Albott Fifchbein Rufca Murra :iy Jwenhufei) Ryder, 1788. Mayr. J. Simon. J. Smith, 1703. ]. Faber. [. Falcke, Urbla Tycho Frederick Ludewig Feftus James Johan. Henricus Harrald Jacobus Petrus S Chriftian Conftantinc Jan van ( ^7 ) HiARNE, Med. Suec. F. R. S. 1669. Ob. 1724, £et, 83. — .,.....-- 2-vo. HoFMAN, Literat. Dan. F. R. S. Ob. 1754- — prefixed to " Portr. lUuft. de Daiinemarcke" Hoffman, Med. Pruff. F. R. S. Lond. Ob. 1742, Kaja Nebbe, or Keay Nabee, Ambaflad. from Bantam, 1682. — wji. len. prefixed to the " Account of his 1 Voyage," 12 ma. — in the prints with PifNGEAROV. fol. T. dc Ery. N. de LarmetTin. Viflcher. Catlett. Davis txc. ( 30 ) Painter or Dcfigner. Dominicus Andr. Kaunitz, Iniper. Minifter in England. Ob. I 705, £er. 66. — ^. ;F. deCock — - - . . 1686, mez, G. Kuelkr John George Ke ysler, Fr. Antlq. //v £??^/.'277d^ 1723. Ob. — \vh. len. Loum Jacob Theod. David KiQjjA, a Chinefe, in England 1756. — \\\\. len. ----- niez. D. Series Klein, F. R. S. 1736. Ob. 1759, ffit. 74 — 1754- ¥"■ — Kt. 59 - - Klocker, or Klockner, Painter. Ob. 1698, at. 69. — in Randrart " Acad. Piftuix" - - - — ill " Miifeum Florent." - - - . Charles John Count KoNiGSMARK, /nW /or murder \(>Zz. Ob. 16S6, ret. 67. 1 — 4/5. M. Dahl _ - - nu^: I Id. — !-fo!.\ Gregers Jodocus Chrifl. Q^irinus KrjVbbe, Dan. Minift. in England 1640. Ob. 1655, a?t. 61. — with others in " Hofman" - - -| Kress, Confil. Norimb. Vifited England\ 1610. Ob. 1663. I KuHLMAN, of Wratiflaw, Enthuuaft. Ob. 1689, St. 38. A. V. Hulle Thomas Fantcl de Lagny, Mathemat. Parif. F. R. S. 1718. Ob. 1734, iEt. 72. Thomas Arthur de Lally, Militar. Trijoner in England 1761. — a medallion .... izmo. Dominicus Chrift. ThodcEUs Lampsonius, Poet and Painter, a Dcmejlic of Cardinal Pole. Ob. 1599, a;t. 67. — in " Miifeum Miraciim," 1608 . - .. — ill " Freherus." LAi:Guis, Medic, in Anglia. Ob. 1662. — iri " Ficlitrus." Lantman, PaftorHagcnl. Academic. Oxon. Clar. 1675. A. S. Belle J. de Banc Engraver or rriiitfcllcr. EdelinckjiCcjy. P. Schcnck. Miller. T.Burford, i 757. Maifonneiie. Syfang, 1743. P. KiUian. A. Pazzi. L. Coffin. J. Smith. R. White,i682. J. V. Schley. C. Galle, 1649. White. T. Mutel. T. Galle. Viflchcr. ( 31 ) Orlandus Lassus, i. e. Lassi, Mufic. In England 1550. Ob. 1594, '^t. 70. — in Hawkins's " Hiftory of Mufick" — xt. 61, :y93 . . . . - — in " Boiflaid." Laubespine. See Chateauneuf. Henry Laurens, Memb. Ameiic. Congrefs. — profile ---... — wh. len. - - . . OTcz. Anthony van Leeuweniioek, M. D. Delph, F. R. S. 1674. Ob. 1723, St. 91. — ...... mez. Nicolaus Lemery, Chym. Parif. /;/ England 1683. Ob. 1715, JEt. 70. Go'dfredus Guil. Leibnitz, Mathcmat. Leipfic. F. R. S. 1673. Ob. 17 16, St. 70. — in " Hift. dc Philof. Mod." 1762 Charles Leone, Arminian. Cha. de Crequi, "1 Lesdiguieres, Marech. Franc. & MIniftcr Due de J in England 1632. Ob. 1638, jcr. 68. James Leslie de NeuRat, Gener. in the Imper. Service. — prefixed to " Laarus Lefiiana" Walter dc Leslie, Gener. in the Imper. Service, 1665. - N. Georgius Lud. de Leuchtenberg, Imper. Minift. in England 1605. Ob. 1613. — in " Atrium Heroic." Claud. Lamoral, 1 Ligne, Span. Minift. in England 1660. Ob. P. de J 1679, at. 61. — in Gualdo " Hid. Leopold." Carolus Linnaeus, i. e. van Linne, Swed. Botanitl, F. R. S. 1753. Ob. 177S, Jtt. 71. p.iintcr or Defigncr. Engraver or Pn:iti.:i;er. J. Caldwall. J. badeler. dii Simitier Copely, 1782 B. B. E. 1783. V. Green. ad vivum VerkoIj!,i686 Ferdinand N. Pitau. C. Vermeulcn. Francois. Savart. ad vivum T. Johnfon. ad vivum C. Mellan, l<^3J. B. Moncornct. L. Cornier. A.M.Wolfgang. L. Killian, 1637. ad vivum Preifler. P. Tangc. H. J. Tyroff. ( 3^ ) .Matthias de Lob el, Med. et Botan. Infulan. Ob. 1616. — zt. 76, 1615 ... - . Carolus Godfr. de Loe, Minift. from Friers In England 1685. Antoine de L dc LoLME, Fr. Hiflor. — oval, prefixed to his '* Conftitution of Eng-I land/'Sra. ... -J LoMENiE, French Minifl. in England 1595. Ob. 1638, at. 78. Painter or Ccfigncr. Chi iflopher de Long u EI L, French Poet. In England i ^i ^. Ob. 1522, at. 34. — in the '' Academic des Sciences" Franc. Stephen of Lor rain. See Germany. Jofliua Comes de Loudon, Gener. in the Imperial Ser\'lce. Ignatius Job Wiihelmus Thomas Wiihelmus Jacobus Loyola, Founder of the JefLiits. Ob. 1556, St. 65. — wh.len. .... l.fol. LuDOLF, Philol. Thuring. In England 1 62, 2. Ob. 1704, let. 80. — prefixed to his" Life," by Juncker, 1710,8^0. LtTDWELL, " Anglus," Confil. Palat. Ob. 1663, a°t. 74. — in " Freherus." Lunenburg. See Brunswick. Lynacer, Medic. Ob. 1 524. — in " Zimmerin. Icon." Doubtful Wood Oxon. 15. View Lond. 471. Weev. Mon. 270. Tabl. Cliron. 606. Lyser, Theol. Witteb. In England 1620. Ob. 1649, ^^- 57' — in " Freherus." Maestertius, i. e. Maisterton, Jur. Prof. Leid. In England 1620. Ob. 1657, ret. 47. — In the " Athen. Batav." (advivum) Stoddart Ferdinand 1622 Engraver er Printfcller. F. Delaram. Vermeulin,i70j. Heath, 1784. M. Lafse, if)37. B. Moncomet. N. de Larmelfin. P.P. Ruber g Tarditu. B. Bolfwcrt. Bernigerotb. Mahomet, Turkifh Merchant, taken pri- foner at Malta, tfcapcd in a Dutch Veflel to England. — ....... ^to. N. V. Nigre IJ. Suydcrhoef. r. Worhdge, ( 33 ) Samuel Marcellus Malines, Malphigi, M. D. ct Anatom. Bologn. F. R. S. 1668. Ob. 1694, ffit. 67. Mann, Abbe at Bruflels, and F. R. S. — xt. ^o, 1790 ... Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Printfcller. Erneftll. Count Pelriis Mans F ELD, Natural Son of Peter Erneft, and Sax. Minift. in England 1610 — 25. Ob. 1626, aet. 46. — ... .... 4/0. — - /- — ....... 4/a, — - fol. Marchant, Relig. Minim. In Anglia 1621. Ob. 1661, St, 76. — in Foppin " Bibl. Belg." . . - . Claret jW. Lodge. Id. iP. Lombart. jj.c. jj. Kip. H. Jones R. llogera, 1790. Jo. Galp.Ferd.de Marciiin, Gen. Hifpan. in Belg. K. G. 165S. Ob. 1673. — in Gualdo " Hift. Leopold" Philippus Jacobus Marnixius de St. Aldegonde, Curat. Acad. Laid. In Anglia 1575. Ob. 1598, jet. 60. — in Verheiden " Effig. Theol." 1602. Marcluhardds a Glauburg. In Anglia 1624. Ob. 1650. — in " Freherus," p. 1 1 1 5. Marsin. SccMarchin. Pierre Louis Mo- "1 Maupertuis, Fr. Aftronom. F, R. S. reau de J 1728. Ob. 1759, £et. 62. Francifcus Mayvartius, Phyfic. Prof. Gotting. In Anglia 1605. Ob. 1640, st. ^^. — in " Freherus." Mechlenburg. GusTAVus Adolphus of Guftrow, 1636. In England id-] 6. Ob. 1695, let. 62. — in Gualdo " Hift. Leopold" F. Delaram. M. Micrevelt ' DL-lfT, i&j^ P. Stent exc. A. V. Dyck V. Voerft. P. dejodc. C. Meyflens. B. Moncoruet. de Geyen, 15991 Toiirnier J. Daulle, 1741. IJ.E Boner. Atlolphiis a Johannes Henr. Paullis Nicholas Emanifel de Johannes Wolfgang Marquis Pctriis ( 3+ ) Meetkercke, Fenat. Francon. hiAnglia . " Ob. 1 S9 ' > £ec. 61;, — in Foppin's " Bibl. Belg." Meibomil's, i.e. Meyenbaum, Hid:. Prof Helmft. Ob. 1625, a;t. 70. — in " Poi{fard." — in " Frcherus." Menasseit, ben Israel, Jewlfli Rabbi & Phyfic. In England 1635. Ob. i^^Sl^ ^r. S3- — ... ivdl dchal, 1 636. 4/0. — xt. 38, 1642 Merula, i. e. V. Merle, Hift. Prof. Leid. In Jjiglia iS7°' ^b. 1607, £et. 4'9. — aet. 44, 1602 ..---. — in tlie " Athen. Batav." JvIesnager, French Minifler in England J 71 1. Ob. 1714.. 1715 Meteren, Hiftor. Belg. Ob. Lone/. 1612,. iet. 77. — in BuUart's " Acad.des Sciences" — in " Frclierus." — two Lat. lines. Meursius, HiHor. et Grec. Prof Leid. Ob. 1639, ffit. 60. — in the " Athen. Batav." — with two Latin h'ncs. Meyer, Theol. Eafil. In England 1597. Ob. 165 5, aet. 76. — in. " Freherus." Milan. Francesco Sforza, Dux 1450. Ob. 146'% a-t. 65. — in " Capit. Ilhift." 1596 — in " Atrium Heroic." 1601 Mir A B E l, Gov. of Sc ap^ofla. In England 1710. — in Ptpys's " CoUcCt." Clafs III. MoLiNEUs, i. e. du Moulin, Sen. Theol. Prot. Sedan. In Anglia 15 ,1615. Ob. 1658, at. CO. Painter or Defisncr. Fnfraver or Printl'ctler. Rigaud Id. R. Gerritzen*. Salom Italia. Matha Picart. Simoneau. Surniquc. E.deBouIonois.. (Pafs.) A. Capriolo. L> Boiflevin. * Better known bv the name of Rembrandt. ( 3S ) ' P.ii;itei or j Uelig er. set. 74 — in the" Allien. Batav." 4^/. — xt. 74, two Lat. lines. Jian, Due de i'^i;4, a-r. 8 >. — "in " llliid. Franc." t lerciiles clc Ro- "1 Montbason, vifilcd England 1601. Oli. dat, Baron dc J Ob. 1755, ast. 66. I F-ngraver or Itanckerts. dc Liu. iiiiyderhocf. Darcl. 33. Moiicornet. Char, de Secon- ") Montf.sqjjieu, Fr. Philcf. F. R. S. 1721 } GP.Binoift. Ann jA. Caprioln, de Mgntmorenci, Conneftable of France and Minirier in England, K, G. Ob. 1567, ffit. 74. — in" Capit. IIlull." 1596 - . - - — in Roffi " Capit. lUuit." 1646. Sauveuj Francois Morand, Surg. Paris, F. R. S. 1728. Ob. 1773, a:t. 76. — 1762 CN.CoclunfilsC. P. Campion. — .... - 1748. ffifz. Fontaine I. H. Hauffard. MoRHOFF, Literat. Germ. /// Ai^glia 166 i — '■ 1 76. Ob. T69i,2et. 53. I — prefixed to his" Polyhillor," 173Z, 4/0. Daniel George Philippe de Francis de la Anfel. de la Stephen le Petrus Fredericus MoRNAV. See du Plessis. Morris, Memb. Americ. Congrefs. MoTHE le Vayer, Literat. Franc. Ob. 1672, £t. 86. C. Fritz ch, du Simitier B. B. E. 1783. C. Mellan, 1^)48. ad vivum R. Nanteuil. Mot RA-YE, Traveller. In England i6$6. Ob. 174.V ■ — prefixed to his " Travels" - . - J. Whood MojVNE, Theol. Prof Leid. et Academic. Oxon. 1676. Ob. 1689, a-t. 64. — ill the " Athen. Batav." Mt'i.LERUs, Med. Prof. Groning. In Anglia ibiz. Ob. 164-, jet. 48 — in " Freherus." MvcoNius, Theol- Saxon. Ob. 1546, ist. 56. — in " Freherus." F.M. la Cave. e 2 ( 36 ) Naples and Sicily. Alfo>jso II. Rex 1494, K. G. 1491. Ob. 1495, ^^- 47- — in " Capit. Illuft." I 596 — ill Roffi " Capit. IllutU" 1646. Nassau-Orange. Frederick Henry, Pr. 1625, K. G. 1627. Ob. 1647,21.63. — \vh. len. ...... — at. 43 _ la.fol. — /ii./oL Maurice, Pr. 1618, K. G. Ob. 1625, set. 58. — with crnamentSijfn? - - Jh. — richly drefTed - . - - - — feveral prints . . - - - — id. — act. 58, hat and feather on a tahh, Jine Jh. — motto, " Tandem fit furculus arbor" 4/0. _ i6i8,foL Nemours, K. G. Ob. 15 12, at. 24. — in " Capit. Illuft." 1596. Neophytus, a. Epifc. et totius Thracije Exjrchus. Admitted to a Dofior's degree at Cambridge 1701. Neuhoff, nominal King of Corfica 1736. Ob. 1756. — ...... mez. - fol- NiVERNOis 1762, Fr. Minift. In England. — ...... mez. AntoineSeign.de Noailles, Fr. Miniftcr in England 1540. Ob. 1562, ast. 58. NoLLET, Abbe, Philof. Prof. Parif. F. R. S. Lond. 1734. Ob. 1770, set. 70. Painter »r Defigncr. Enrravfr or PrintfcUer IX, j Gafton de Foi' Due de Philipol. «rheodore Louis Jul. Barbon Mazarine Man- cini. Due de Jean Antoine ad vivum C. Paulicino A. Ramfay de la Tour ■S.. Caprlolo. Akerftoot. F. Brun. V. Dalen. M. Mierevelt DelfF, 1624. H. Hondius. V. Dyck P.dejode, S. Pafs. Id. P. Pontius. Id. C. Waumans. P. Ifaac F.B.BoIfvert. F. Brun. Mierevelt W.Delff. Hondius. Pafs. Queboroen, (ad vivum) A. Stock, 1627 Soutman J. Suyderhoef. R.Wliite, 1702, Haid. C. Mofley, 1739. J. m« ArdelL T. de Leu. Beauvarld. ( 37 ) Andre le Nostre, Archltedl. Ob. 1700,321.87. - A Van Obdam. See Wassenaer. Samfon Oc com, firft Indian Minifter, 1766. — ------ rncx, Tobias Oeliiafius, Confil. Noiimb. In Anglia 1624. Ob. 1666. — in " Frcherus," p. 1174. Jofeph Thoulier d'OLiVET, Abbe & Licerar. Ob. 1768, jet. 86. — in tb.e " Galen'e Franc." 1771 - . . Omai, from Otaheite. — wli. len. etched, 1774 ... Jul, Orange. See Nassau. ^ftpl^D^^^^^^ ..>i£«^/.«^ 178 . — wh. len. . - . - - me%. Prince Orloff, vifited England 1790. — with a Ruffian Infctiption. Full face. Abraham Ortelius, Cofmograph. Antverp. In An- glia 1577. Ob. 159S, St. 71. — prefixed to his " Theatrum Orbis," i6o3,/o/. Marc Ottoboni, Chanc. Venet. Vifited England . Ob. 1640. — in " Freherus." Prince Ottoman. See Cigala. John Oxenstiern, Swed. Minlft. in England 1625. Ob. 1657, St. 47. — in " Freherus." Marie Anne le Page. See Boccage. Palatinate. AuGUSTUsof Sultzbach-NewbiirgjEleifl. 1614, vifited England 1602. Ob. 1632, set. 50. — in " Freherus," p. 757. Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Printfellcr. C. Marat Id. MChamberlain A. MafTon. J. Smith, 1699, J.Spilfbury, 1 768. Redout N. Dance J- Reynolds Reynolds C. VafTeur. F. Bartolozzi, J. Jacobe. J.R.Smith. A.v HuUe Goltzliis. Pernetus. de Jode. L. KilL'an, 1621. Paftal ( 38 ) Henf y Fk EOF, kick, eldcft Son of Fre- derick V. tif Sinimerin. Ob. i('29, St. 15. — witb a racket and ball - - 4/9. — .... - Srarce, ^10, — - M So p H 1 A , Daugliter of Frederick V. See Brunswick. Paolt, Corfican Gen. Nat. 1726. Painter or Defigner. Trgraver or Fnntleller. — wh. len, — profile — ^t-4j mez. \ 1770 F. Delaram. (Voerll.) Webbc. iV. Bardiicci. iLi. Bonnet. Gambarmi R. B'-ookfhaw. P. Ghprardi, t. tj n / 1769 R.Hou{lon,i769. Caron,i769 Houbraken. de Marcenay. [. Reynolds T. Watfon. Godef.Henr.de Papenheim, Imper. Gen. Vifited England] 1601. Ob. 1632, a?t. 38. Parma. Margaret of Auflria, Wife of Oc- tavio Duke 1538, Govern. Netherl. 1559. Ob. 1586, at. 64. Matthias Carolus Vincent de Adrian Regnier — \vh. len. - . - . . Pasor, Ethic. Prof. Groning. Academic, Oxon. ibzy. Ob. 1658, iet. ^9. — in " Freherus." Pa TIN, M. D. Parif. Jn Ang'.ia 1674. Ob. 1694, St. 60 — set. 30, xbbT, ..... — prefixed to liis "Travels," 1696 - fol- A.v.Dyck C. Galle. W.HoUar. P^% V. Sicliem. ad vivum le Fehiire. V. Giicht. A. Maflon. Paul, ReHg. de la Miffion. Vifited Scotland . Ob. 1660, at. \././• I — >/. V. Dyck Perre, Syndic. Middleb. Dutch Minifler in England. Ob. 1653, ast. S5- Pesari, Doge ofVenice, and Minift. in Eng- land 1624. — in Giialdo" Hiiom. lUaft." Petit, Chirurg. Parif. F. R. S. 1729. Ob. 1750,^1. 77. Engraver or PrintfcUer. Petrucii, Militar. et Poet. Tofc /Icademic. Oxon. 1 60 1. — holding a trur.eheon, ten Latin lines. n:at. 4/e. Philaras, Literal. Athen. In /Inglia \6c, . — with a Greek infcription - . . . Philip, an Armenian who difcovered the method of making Turkey Leather. — ------- 4/0. Philips, " Seigneur d'AImeric, Clofs et Belvidere, Chef du nom de Philips dans I'Efcofs," &c. PiccARTus, Philof. Altdorf. In Anglia . Ob. 1620, «t. 47. — in" Freherus,"p. 15 14. PicTET, Proteft. Minider, F. R. S. 1724. Ob. 1724, aet. 69. — in" Recueil de Portr." 1723 - . . Vigc (Gay wood.) C. Melhn. L. V'ollerman. K. Slabbaert. J. Piccino. J.J. Balechoii. ad vivum ad vivum ad vivum Huaut PiLATRE de Rosier, Aeronaut. Franc. In England I -j^j^. Ob. 1785. — -.....- 4/0. J. RulTcl Pio de Savoye, Cardinal 1654, //; England 1641. Ob. 1689, -aet. 67. — in Gualdo " Huom, lUuft." 1659 C. Mcllan. Picciiu), l6j?. P. Endlich. J. Ho'ibrakfn. des Rochers. J. Collycr, i^Sfi. .\. Clouwct. Ij. Piccino, 1657. Pierre Francis ( 40 ) PiTHor, Jurif. Franc. In Anglia Ob. 1596, cEi. 57. — in " Rcceull de Portr." . - . - — 1685 Plante, Heb. Prof. Bred. D. D. Oxon. 164.J.. Philippe de Mor- nay, Seign, du Alberms Hedlor John Jacob } Plessis-Marli*. Ob. 1623, at. 74. Vitus Johannes — aet. 62, 161 1 PoEMERus, Senat. Norimb. In Anglia 1619. Ob. 1654. ffit. 57. — in " Freherus." PoEMERUs, Confil. Alt. /;; Anglia 1634. Ob. 1655, jet. 43. — in " Fieherus," p. 1 1 42. PoE MERITS, Senat. Norimb. In Anglia 1638. Ob. 1669, at. 56. — in " Freherus," p. 11 89. Poland. Stanislaus (II.) Aug. Poniatowlki, Rex 1764, F. R. S. 1760. — .... 1766 PoLANTUs, Confil. Palat. //; Anglia 1559. Ob. 1572, «c. 52. — in " Frelierus." PoLYANDER, Theol. Prof. Lcid. In Anglia 1619, 16 . Ob. 1646, a.t. 78. - M — ast. 72, 1640 - ... - fol. — in the " Athen. Batav." PoNiATowsKT. See Poland- Portugal. Alfonsus V. Rex 1438, K. G. 1438. Ob. 1481, £et. 49. Anthony, Prior of Cratro, (titular) King 1580, expelled by Philip II. Ob. 1595, a;t. 64, — ..... \2mo. Painter or Defiener. Engrsver or Piintlellcr. Santvoort Bacciarelli Baudrirgcen Id. des Rochers. P. V. Schuppen. J. Suyderhoef. S. FefTard. Gaultier, de Marcenay. C.v.Dalen. J. Suyderhoef, P. Ferret. • He was here as agent to the French Proteftants. ( 41 ) Edward, Rex 1433, K. G. Ob. 1438, ffit. 37. Painter or DciKTicr. Knp/avcr or Printfeller/ Emanuel, Rex 1495, K. G. 1495. Ob. 1521, xt. 52. Emanuel, Son of Anthony, Rex In England 1 590. Ob. 1 638, tet. 70. — jet. 28, 1595 — in " Atrium Heroic." 1602. John I. Rex , K. G." . Ob 1434, St. 76. — in Vafconcello's " Hift." 1621. John 11. Rex 148 1, K. G. 148 1, Ob. 1495, £et. 40. Peter John Hieronimus PoTEMKiN, Rufl-. Minifler in England 1682, 4/0. mez, - I. fol. Pragensis, i.e. Jerome of Prague, Theol. In Anglia 1400. Ob. 141 6. — in'Vcrhciden " Eflit;. Theol." 1602 - — in Roll's " Lives of the Reformers" - mez.. Antoine Francois Prevot, Literat. In /mglia 1733. Ob. 1763, set. 66. — in " Galeric Franc." 1771 Prussia and Brandenburg. Ernest, Son of die Eledlor Joachim Frederick. Ob. 1613. — Latin lines - - %vo. Frederick William, Eleftor 1640. Ob. 168S, iEt. 63. Perrct. Penst. H Ferret, 1603. Ferret. G. KneUer A. B R. White. (Hondluf.) R. Hoiillon. des Rochcrj. J. F. Schmidt T. de Vaur. Cochin, fils J. G.Willc, 1746 Frederick I. Rex Ob. 1713, St. c^(). K. G. mez. 7!iez. mez. G. Honthorft (C.Pafs.) Viflcher. W.Faithorne j. B. Lens. W.Sherwin. Frederick (II.) William, Rex 1713. Ob. 1740, iet. 52. ,.„,„ / Weidemaii, T c -.u — two .... mtz.i 'J. Smith, 1715. f George Aertus Francis Jean de la Gallus a Frederick John Francifcus { 42 ) Frederick HI. Rex 1740. Ob. 178 . — - - . . . mez. — .... - mez. Sophia Carolina of Brunfwick-Ha- nover, 2d Confort of Frederick I. 1684. Ob. 1705, Eer. 37. — . . . - . mez. Sophia Dorothea of Brunfwick-Ha- nover, Confort of Frederick II. 1706. Ob. 1757, St. 70. Painter or Defigner. Engraver or Piintfeller. GW.Myn Schmiden Psalmanazar, Literat. Ob. 1763, set. 84. — prefixed to his " Life," 1764, Svo. Pungearon NiaPara, Ambafl". Extraord. from Bantam, 1682. — with Kaja Nebbe . . - mez. — wh. len. ------ Jo/. — a boy holding an umbrella over his head mez. I — with Kaja Nebbe - - - /./o/. H. Peart Quel LINUS, Jun. Architedl. /« England | J.deDuyts Johnfon. Spooner. J. Gole. P. Schenck. WdidemanJ. Smith, 17 15. QuESNAY, Surgeon, F. R. S. 1752. Ob. 1774, £et. 80. E. Lutterel. Overton. R. Preek. N. Yeates. C. Lauwers. Fredou J. Chevalier, 174s QuiNTiNiE, Gardener to the K. of France, clar. 16S0. — prefixed to his " Jardins Fruitiers," &c. Ragknitz, Chamberl. to theEmp. Ferd. II. Vifited England 1608. Ob. 1658, jet. 69. — in " Frcherus," 778. 'RA'i^rzAv,vi/ited England . Ob. 1645, ^^•.■53- . . . ,, — in the print of the Family in " Hofman' ' Rantzau, Marech. Dan. Ob. 1565, set. 73- — ubi fupra. — wh.len. in " Arx Ambrofian." Raphelengius, i. <^. Raulenghien, Heb . Prof. Leid. Jn England 1560. Ob. I 597, £t. 58. — In the " Athen. Batav." His head is in the other books of Prints. Fran9ois, 1767. J.G.WiUe,i747. W. Elder. Picart. A. Folkcma. Paul ( 43 ) Rapin dc Thoyras, Hiflor. Franc. In Eng- land 1686 — 1699. Ob. 1725, set. 64. PainWr or Dcfigncr. Chriftlan — prefixed to his" Hiftory of England," /o/. Ravius, Heb. Prof. Franc. Academic. Oxon. Ob. 1677, at. 32. — prefixed to his " Grammar of the Oriental Lanjijuagcs," 1649, 8110. This was altered and infcribed William Williams, alias Willisum. Johan. Thomas Rauner, Legat. Gallic, v. Angl. 1739. Marie Magdalene Rauner, Daughter of Jean Thomas R. Guill. Thomas Raynal, Abbe, Hiflor. & F. R. S. Reed, Americ. General. J. Brandon Id. Benjamin John de Peter de mcz. 'de Marcus ad vivum Cochin 1773 du Simitier Engravtr or Printfellcr. J. Honbraken. G. King, 173^. Petit. G. Vertue, 1734- Reede de Rentvoude, Dutch Minifter in England. — set. 52, 1645 .... 4/0. Reetz, Dan. Minifter in England 1652. Ob. 1674. — with others in " Hofman." Jean Franc. Paul ") Retz, Cardinal 1652, in England 1660. Ob. de Gondi, de J 1679, ffit. 66. /./. Joannes Nicholaus Andreas Jacob RioLANus, M. D. & Anat. Parif. Ob. 1657, a;t. 77. RiTTERSHUsius, Jur. Prof. Altdorf. In Angl i a — in " Freherus." Rivettus, Theol. Prof. Leld. In Jngli'^ 1621. Ob. 1650, jet. 78. — prefixed to his " Works," iG^l, fol. - — in the " Athen. Batav." ... - — zt. 50, 1623. RoELANS, Botanift, in England 8'jo. f 2 i5oderecht, 1739. B. Vugel. A.St. Aubin. B. B.E. 1783. \V. Hollar 1650. du Moutier du Flos. R. Nanteuil. v.Schuppen, 1662 M. Lafne, 1 626. C. Pafs. '.'. Meurs. S. Pafs. ■ Hollar, 1648. ( 44 ) Henry de Rohan, "1 Rohan, Hiftor. Franc. Vifitcd England 1600. J Ob. 1638, £et. c^(j. Due dc Paolo Antonio Petrus Schcring Holger Palle Jean Bap till: RoLLi, Literal. Ital. Ob. 1760. Rome. AdRIANCIS V. OttOBONI de FlESQJJE, Pontif. 1276. Ob. 1276. Paul IV. John Peter Caraffa, Pontif. 1555. Nuncio in England ' <^b. 1559, tct. 83. Painter or Defigr.er. Engrarer or Printfeller. J- Daret. Frofne. Amiconi J- Wagner, — in « Panvln. Elog." 1568. Pius II. jEneas Sylvius Piccolo- MiNi,Pontif.i458.0b. 1464, £1.59. — a medallion .-,... — in " BoifTard." Urban VIII. Maffeo Bareerini, Pontif. 1623. Ob. 1644, £et. 77. — with Francisco *, and two others his 1 nephews,. wh. len. - - - -J Ronsardus, five Roussard, French Poet. Ob. 158/5, £et. 61. — in " Boiflard." Rosenhane, Swed. Minifter in Endand 1675. Ob. 1663, Kt. 54. 4/0. Vouet RosENKRANTz, cogn. Ic Savant, Secretary of Embafly. Ob. 1642-)'-, a:t. 68. — in the plate with the nest. Rosenkrantz, Dan. Minifter in England 1626. Ob. 1642, ffit z^c,. — with fix fm. ovals, in " Hofman" Rousseau, French Poet. In England i-j 11 — 21. Ob. 1741,^1. 72. A.v.Hi.ne — in " Odieuvrc Portr. 111." * He came here in a public charafter. f Granger fays 1647. J. Aved Id. Sauvage J. B. Cavalcriis, Wierx. M. Antonio.. Greuteur. Mellan. S. Pafs. Aiibry. P.de Jode. A. F(olkema.) J. Daulle. S. Ficquet. G.F.Schraidt. I John James- Charles Joannes Michael Adr. de Antoine William de Philip Jacob Claudius Alfonfus Nicolaus de Har- lai, de ( 45 ) RoussF.Au, I.iterat. Gcnev. In Anglin I 766. Ob. 1 778, £et. 70. RosETTi, Card. 1643, Nuncio in England 1640 — 49. Ob. 1 68 1, a;t. 70. RuLiTius, Rutlidge ? Paftor of the Englifh Church in Holland, cir. 1650. — St. 50 fol. Russia. Peter I. Alexiovitz, Czar, with his brother John, 1682 ; reigned alone 1696. In England 1697. ^^^■ — jet. 28, 1698 . _ . mez. — - - • _ _ viez. — Jh. — i- fm. wh. len, . . . . . — - - . . . me^. — wh. len. ...... Ruyter, Dutch Admirah In England 16 c,^. Ob. 1676, ffit. 69. \ — an etching ..... yi/. — ------ mez, — l-fol. RuzE. SeeEpFiAT. Ryck, Oculifl: at Amfterdam. Sachs, a Lewenheim, Medic, in England. Ob. 1672, jet. 45. Salmasius, i. e. Saumaise, Jurlfc. Franc. In England i6zc,. Ob. 1653, at. 65. Salmeron, Jefuit. In Ireland . Ob. 1595, St. 69. — in " Frclieiois." S.^NCi, Gener. and French Minifter in Eng- land 1596. Ob. 1629, £Et; 83. Painter or DcltnL-r. tngraver or Pi-iiitf>:l!cr. A. Ramfay lcMoync,i766 Ramfay Gaiclellc,i754 C. Dufart KneUer,i698 Amiconi Kndlcr Amiconi K.v.Jar^In H.Bcrchmans D. Martin, 1766. S.C.Migcr. J. Nochc/, 1769. Salvador. C. Blomart A. Clouwet. J. Brewer. D. Mvtens P. Bcrgc. E. Cooper. W. Faithorne ], J. Houbraken. T. Major. J. Smith, 1698. J. Wagner. A. Blooteling. J.v.Somer. J. Viflcher. C. Vifcher. Killian. J. Payne. I'ard icii, Jim, Joathim Jacqvies ( 46 ) Sandrart, Painter. In England i()iS. Ob. 1683, ffit. 77. Sardinia and Savoy. Emanuel Philibert, Dux 1533. K.G. Ob. 1580, aet. 52. — in " Atrium Heroic." 1602 Eugene Francis of Savoy , Gen. CaTar. In Anglia 17 11. Ob. 1736, at. 73. — on horfcback .--•-- — ...... mez. — ...-..- mez. Paint«ror Dcfigner, Engraver 6f Priatfeller. mez. mez. G. Kneller Kneller Richter Saurin, Theol. Hag. In Anglia 1703. Ob- — ....... 4/5. Saxony. Frederick Augustus I. Ob. 1733, ffit. 63. P. Lucatelli John Adolphus de Godia, nat. 1621. John George I. El.. 161 1. Ob. 1656, St. 71. Mauritius Ob. 1553, set. 33. — wh. len. in " Arx Ambrofian." — prefixed to a German Bible, 1694. Cffifar Alexander Scaglia, Abbe & Sardin. Minifter in Eng- land 1627. Ob. 1 641. R. Philips A. V. Hulle R. Collin, 1679. D. Cuflos. Collins exc. W. Faithorne. J. Gole. B. Picart. J. Simon. J. Smith, 1706. Picart, 171 2. A.T. Wefterhout. R. White. T. Burford. Waumans, 1 65 2, i — praying . - . . - l.fol. "Paulus Mcliflus Schedius, Germ. Poet. In England Ob. 1602, ^t. 63. A.v.Dyck Id. William Erneft ScHEFFER, M. D. Francf. Ob. 1665, £et. 75-. — in " Freheius." — two Latin lines. P. Pontius. C. Waumans. P. GaUe, (1567) J. Granthomc. ( 47 ) Johannes Jacobus Scmeuchzer, Med. Prof. Tigurin. F. R. S. 1703. Ob. 1733, xt. 61. — Jet. 55 ----- - mez, Johannes Schmidius, Theol. Prof. Argentor. In Anglia 1617. Ob. i6j8, ast. 65. — in " Freherus." — a;t. 34, two Lat. lines. Henri de Schoni- \ Schomberg, 1625, French Minifter in Eng- berg, Marec. de J land 16 15. Ob. 1632,^1. 49. Jacob ScHoTTE, Burghmaf. Middelb. Miniftcr, and knighted in England 162c. Matthias Joan, de Schulembourg*, Venic. General. Ob. 1727, set. 66, Painttr or Dcfigner. Fngraver or Printfcller. Heidegger Fufslinus M. Limbourg Jo. Pompilius Abrahamus AlbertLis ScoTus-f , Med. Prof. Pat. 1682. — in " C. Patin. Lyceum" - - - . ScuLTETUs, Theol. Prof. Heidelb. In An- glia 1 1;98 — 1617. Ob. 1625, at. 59. — in the « Cont. of Boiflfaid." Seba, Pharmac. Amftel. F. R. S. 1728. Ob. 1736,^1. 71. — xt. 66 - Chrift. Thomfon Sehested, Dan. Minift. in England 1627. Ob. 1657, cEt. 68. — fmall, with Mogens and Hannibal Se-"| hestedJ, &c. in Hofman's book - - J John Bapt. Col- "; Seignelay . In Anglia reg. Car. IL bert, Marq. de J Ob. 169c, a^t. 39. — in Pcnauli " Homin. lUufl." 17CO — 1680 T. Laiib. J. Nutting. Quinkhard Jean de SELVEjFr. Minifter in England 1521. Ob. — in the " Academie des Sciences ' Serclaes or TzERCLAEs. See Tilly. Jean Puget de la Serre, Hiftoriograph.Gall. Ob. 1666. Mignard A. Bloem lA.v.Dyck Darct. P. Drevct. Cr. Pafs. J. M. Pitteri. M. du Bois. J. Houbraken. A.F(olkcma> N. Edcllnck. k' Larmenin. C. Meyffcns. N.de Laimedln. M. Lafiie. * Brother of the Duchefs of Kendall. -j- Defccnded from the Douglas family. + Both envoys, the former in 1604, died 1 657 ; the latter herein 1661, and died in 1666, aged ^^. ( 48 ) John Albeit Joan, de Siamese Ambassadors to the King of France. Siamese Priest, attendant to the Ambafla- dors. — wh. Icn. -...-.. SiNZENDORF. See ZiNZENDORF. Sleidan, Hiilor. Argent. In Anglia 1544. Ob. 1556, £t. 50. — prefixed to his " Hid. of the Reformation," l i6Sc),fo/. J — in Verheiden " Effig. Theol." Paint«f or Delijner. Kngravcr or Pnnireller. J. Hainzelman. Lanneffiu. (Rubens) W.Hailhe. Smxrtzieez, Confil. Bohun. In Angh 1615. Ob. 1618, let. 24. 'la Eug.Maur.de Sa- "1 Soissons, 1656, French Minifter in England voy, Count de J 1661. Ob. 1673, a;t. 38. Erneftus Samuel Jofcph Ezekiel Frederick Johannes SoNERUs, Med. Prof. Altdorf. In Anglia 1595. Ob. 161 2, let. 39. — in " Freherus." SoREiERE, Literat. Gall. In Anglia 1669. Ob. 1670, «t. 60. — ' fii- Spain. Ferdinand V. Rex 1479, K. G. Ob. I 5 16, cEt. 64. — in «' Capit. lUuft." 1596 - Spanheim, Antiq. Genev. F. R. S. 1678. Ob. 1 7 10, a:t. 81. ...-.-- me%. _ ..---- la.fol. Spanheim, Sen. Theol. Prof. Lugd. /;/ Anglia 1625. Ob. 1649, st. 49. — aet. 44, 1644 — xt. 47, 1647 - Starterus, " Anglo-Britan." Dutch Poet. — aet. 27, in an oval, failing in a flicll drawn by two Swans. Baron Steuben, Gen. in America. W. F(aithonie). G. Sadclcr. T. dc Leu. ad' Arl.iud Id. ad vivum Negre. du Bordieu, Audran,i667. A. Captiolo, IV. Gunft. jj. Simon. R. White. C.v.Dalen, 1^44. J. Suydcrhoef. du Simiticr. C. B. E. 17S3. Philip Baron de Pietro John Frederick Jacobus ( 49 ) Stosch, Antiquar. Clar. 1727. _ a bull .... Strozzi, Fr. MiHt. Officer. In Scotland 1547. Ob. I 558, at. 50. — in " Capit. Illull." — in Roffi" Capit llluft." Struensee, Medic. Dan. In Anglia 1770. Ob. 1772. — wh. len. in prifon ... mez. Sturmius, Philof. Prof. Argentor. In An- gliais^e. Ob. 1553, £t. 64. — in " Freherus." Maximil. de Be- "1 Sully, Fr. Minifter in England 1603. Ob. diune, Ducde j i Wallestein, Imper. General. In England . Ob. 1634, a;t. 50. Wassenaer van Obdam, Dutch Admiral, Academic. Oxon. 1670. Ob. 1714. - fol. - Jb- Champagne Liotard la Tour, 1736 Id. G. Petri A.v.Dyck G. Honthorft W. Humphrey. Daret. des Rochers. P. F. Moitte. W. Hoflar: Nanteuil,i649. J. Balechou. Chereau. Ficquet,I762. R. GaiUard. P. Pontius. Cr.de Pafs. P. de Jode. P. Ifclburg. H. Bary. J. Suyderhoef. ( 53 ) Paul Theophilus Werlhokf, F. R. S. 1735. Ob. 1767. xi. 68.. Painter or Dcfigncr. 1742 Fra. Madal. Holger Pollcarpus Nicholas Georgius WiDMAENiN, " Geborline Englandt." Wind, Confil. Danic. Jn Anglia 1683, aet. 60. — a fm. buft, with others in " Hofman" WiRTEMBERG. Sce WuRTEMBURG. Ob. WiRTHius, Jiirifc. . In JngUa 1632, Ob. 1654, set. 45. — ill " Frehcnis," p. 1 139. WiTSEN, Conf. Amft. F. R. S. Lond. 1689. — ...... mez. WoELKERUS, Conhl. Norib. Jn Anglia 1662. Ob. 1664, £ec. 66. — in " Freherus." Johannes Chriftoph.WoLFi US, Hebr. Prof. Hamb. In England 1715- Smiflen Decker,! 73 R Olaus WoRMius, Med. Prof. Hafn. In Anglia 1612. Ob. 1654. — prefixed to his" Mufeum," 1655, fol, — Kt. 60, 1648 4/0, WuRTEMBURG. Frederick VI. Duke 1593, K. G. 1603, and Ambaff". in England. Ob. 1608, ffit. 51. — in " Atrium Heroicum." — prefixed to an " Account of his Inveftiture of the Garter." Tubing. 1605, 4/0. Bardiolomew Ziegenbalg, Dan. Miflxonar)'. Ob. 17 19. — ....... mez. Phihp Lewis Count Zinzendorf, Founder of the Sed of Mora- vians 1724. Ob. 1760,2:. 36. Wahl C.V.Mander Engraver or Printfcllcr. Bcrnigeroth. Haid. M. Prciflcr. A. Folkema. P. Schenck. C. Fritfch. G. V. Dorp. A. Haelwegh. H. Rigaud J. Simon, P.Dtevet. ( 54 A D D N D A. There are Prints of the following Perfons. Leon d' Bernard Siffroi Jean Rond. d' George Bern. Gigault de Alexander Conrad van Sylvio Paulo Cemilgus Claude Nicholas de G L. le Clerc de Nicholas CI. Nic. le Chev. du Halley des A, la Jacques de Jonas Hippolitus a Arthur Pierre Gafpar de Philippe de Cour- "1 cillon de J Balthazar ITZEMA, Hiftor. In England 1652. Ob. 1665. Albinus, F.R.S. 1769. Alembert, Acad. Franc. F. R. S. 1755. Baglivi, F.R.S. 1703. Ob. 1706, St. 38, Bellefonds, Marech. Fr. and Envoy 1670. Ob. 1694. Bestugeff, Refid. from Ruffia 1720. Beuingen, Ambafl". from Holland 1674. BoccoNfE, Boran. Sicil. F. R. S. Ob. 1704. Bond, Literar. clar. 1660. BouRDELiN, Jun. F.R.S. 1704. Ob. 171 1. Brahe, Ambafladorfrom Sweden 1661. BuFFON, F.R.S. 1776. Cassana, Painter. Ob. 17 13, «t. 54. Cat, Medic. F. R S. 1739. Ob. 1768, jet. 68. Cazeau, Poet. Ob. 1775. — an etching .-...- Chabannes de Palefle, Fr. Amb. 1521. Ob. 1525. Chafpelle, Abbe, F. R. S. 1776. Charisius, Medic. Danec. In Anglia 1606. Ob. 16 1 9, £et. 48. Colli BUS, Jurifc. Palat. Clar. in Anglia 1591. Ob. i6i2, £et. 51. CossE, Marech. Fr. Ambaff. 1581. Ob. 1582, £et. 71. Coste, Paftor Lipf. F. R. S. 1 745. Ob. 1 75 1 • Craver, Painter. Ob. 1669, a;t. 84. Dangeau, conduced Mary of Efte to Eng- land 1673. Ob. 1720,321. 84. Denner, Painter, 1715. Ob. 1747, a^t. 62. Painter or Dcfigner. Engraver or Prmtfeller. J. m'Arddl. ( 55 ) Juftus van Effen, F.R. 8.1716. Corneille tNGHELBRECHT, Painter. Ob. 153,'?, Jet. 65. Gociefroi d* EsrRADts,Marcch. Fr. Amb. r66i Ob. 1685. Michael Etmui ler, M. D. Leipf. In England ib6%. Ob. 1683. John Samuel For me y, Acad. Berlin. F. R. S. 1755. " Foxc." See Fuchs. Adolphus Fuchs, " Gen. Anglois," Dan. Service. Ob. 1662*. Pr. Serguis Gagarin, Commandant of Mofcow. Died in England 1786. — with his priiicefs Barbara, and Nicholas 1 their fon - - - - - - f Painter or Dcfigncr. Engraver or Prinlfcllcr. Benedetto Bernard de Gui- che de ijt. ] Genn ART, Painter. Ob. 1 715, at. 82. Ger AN, Envoy from France 1 671. Ob. 1696, Germany. Charles Ill.aflumedtitleof K. ofSpain, Emp. 1 7 1 1 , vifited England i 703. Gravesande, Aftron. Prof. Leid. F. R. S. 1715. Ob. 1742. Gronovius, Grec. Prof. Leid. In England i6'?9. Ob. 1672, set. 61. Gronovius, his Son, in England 1670. Ob. 1 7 16, ffit. 61. GuLiELMUs, F. R. S. 1702. Ob. 1 7 10, St. 54. Gyllenburg, Swed. Envoy, 1714. Ob. 1746, set. 67. Heister, Med. Prof. Altdorf. F. R. S. 1733. Ob. i75H,st. 75. Louis de Crevant, 1 Humieres, Ambalt from France 1685. Ob. Due de J 1694. Charles Frederick Hundertmark, Med. Prof. Lipf. F.R. S. 1755' Klingenstiern, F. R. S. 1736. Ob. 1765. £Et. 67. Lancissus, F. R. S. 1710. Ob. 1720, set. 66. Lande, Aftron. Parif. F. R. S. 1763. Largillieke, Fille de Nic. de Largilliere. Leti, Hiftor. F. R. S. 1681. Ob. 1701, set. 71. — jet. 58, prefixed to his " Poema Hero-eftorico" — at. 63, 1693 . . - . ivo. Guill. Jacques de Joannes Fred. Jacobus Dominic Charles Count Laurentius Samuel John Maria Jerome de la Marg. Eliz. de Gregory Reynolds C. Watfonjijgj. J. Gole. * Sec Hofman's book, No. V, p. 76, where the original i:rint is copied. John Guy Aid. M. de Henry Jean Jacques d'Ortous de Francifco de John Burchard Alexander de Maximilian John Baptift Stephen le Dominic Louis Antoine Gafpar Francis Gilles Chriftian Simon A ndre Danican Thomas Cyril John William de Guarmerus } ( 56 ) LuBKNECHT, F. R. S. 1 736. Ob. ij^-g. LoRGE, Fr. Ambafl'. 1684. Ob. 1702,^1. 72. LuBoMiRSKE, In England 1789. Mairan, F. R. S. 1741. Mello, Ambaff. from Portugal 1671. Mencke, Hid. Prof. Leipf. F. R. S. 1699. Ob. 1732, St. 57. Menzikoff, Rufl". F. R. S. 1714. MissoN, Died in London 1721. MoRGAGNi, Anat. Prof. Patav. F. R. S. 1723. Ob. 1762, £et. 80. MoYNE, Theol. Prof. Leid. Academic Oxen. 1676. Ob. 1689, St. 64. Mucciolenti, Mufic. In England 17 17. MuRATORi, Bibliotec. Mutinens. F. R. S. 1717. Ob. 1750 — 41. Neuman, Medic. Pruff. F. R. S. 1727. Ob. 1737, £et. 54. NoAiLLEs, Bp. Dax. Fr. Ambaff. . Ob. NoAiLLES, his Brother, Bp. and Amb. 1559. Ob. 1 600. NoLDius, Theol. Prof. Hafn. In Anglia 1654. Ob. 1683. Paulus, i. e. Pauli, Medic. etBotan. Danic. In Jnglia 1624. Ob. 1680, iet. 77. Philidon, Mufic. In England 1790. Raggi, In England 1 ^6(). Rasumowski, Pref. Acad. Berlin. F. A. S. Lond. 1776. RippERDA, In England I Jig. Oh. ly 2^ Chriftian Frederick Chrift. RoLFMEKius, Med. In Anglia 1620 1673, £et. 74. Count du Ro u R E , Franc. In England 1785. RuiMPHius, Med. In Anglia 16 13. RuYscH, Med. F. R. S. 1716 i73i,a£t.93. In England 1644. Ob. Ob. Ob. Erneft Rug. Nicholas NicholasdcNeuf- "1 viUe S. de J Johannes Paul Theophilus Sandius, 1686, iet. 75 Staremberg, Imp. Minift. in England 1620 S T R u Y c K , F. R. S. 1755. Ob. 17^9. Villeroye, French Minifter in England 1518. Waldnelius, Librar. Londinenf. 1592. VVerloff, F. R. S. 1735. Ob. 1767, jet. 68. pointer or Defigner. Engraver or Printfeller. INDEX. Note, that Kings, and all others, having the title of Prince or Princefs, arc to be found under the name of their country, by their Chrljilan name. Where the names refer to claffcs which z.rcfubd:vided, namely, 4, 5, and 9, although the fame be not expreffed, thcfrjl fubdivifion is to be underftood. Per. Cr. Alafco. See Lafco. Albans, Catherine Ponfonby, Duchefs of St. IX ./abbess, the lady 2d fubd. Per. CI. VIII 9 Abbot, or Abbattus, George IV + — Mordccai VI 3 Robert III 4 Abel IV 10 Abercorn, James Hamilton, Earl of IX 2 Abercrombie, John — 7 Abernethy, John 2d fubd. VIII 4 Abington (Frances) 2d fubd. IX 9 Abrahams, Hart — 10 Academicians, the Royal — 8 Acutus, or Aucutus. See Hawkwood. Adair in the " Death of Wolfe" vni 6 2d fubd. IX 5 . Robert — 7 Adams, Elizabeth VIII 10 Jack V — ad fubd. VIII 4 Adcock, Abram VII 8 Addington, William IX 3 Addifon, Jofeph VII 7 Addy, William VI 8 Admirals, fix IX 6 .5ifop of Eton VII 10 Affleck, Philip IX 6 Aga, Ifmael — 10 Aguliers, John TheophiluJ des 2d fubd. VIII 4 Aikman, William 8 Airay, Henry 2d fubd. III 4 Aifcue. See Ayfcough. Aitken, James IX 10 I«U„ — 7 Akenfide, Mark — - Alabafter, William 2d fubd IV 4 Alaa, or Allen, William II - -Charles Beauclere, Duke of St. VII -Diana Vere, Duchefs of St. VIII -Francis Bacon, Vifcount St. IV -Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. V 4 9 10 9 2 9 2 V - Albemarle, Ann Clarges, Duchefs of o Arnold JooRV.Keppel.EarlofVII 2 — Chriflopher Monck, Duke of VI - ElizabethCavendi(h,DuchefsofVIlI 9 George Keppel, Earl of IX s ■ George Monk, Duke of V - WilliamAnnV. Keppel Earl of VIII - Albin, Aleazar VII 7 Albius. See White. Alcock, John I Aldborough, Elizabeth Henniker.Countefsof IX Alder, John VIII John, of Abingdon IX — Aldermen, the fix, commonly called " Benn's " Club" VIII 5 Aldrich, William ■ Aldrick, Henry jd fubd. VII 4 Aldridge, old IX 10 William 2d fubd. — 4. Alexander, Martha VIII 10 - Sir William. See Sterling, Allame, Ann M^ V Allan, George IX 7 Allegranti (TerefaJ zd fubd, — 9 Allen, Andrew VIII 8 Elias IV - • (Elizabeth) " IX 10 John VIII 7 Jofepl*. IX - Allen, I N D X. Alien ("Ralph) Sir Thomas Thomas, M. A. 1 Thomas, of Kettering AUeftree, or Alleftry, Richard AUeftry, William Alleyn, Edward Per. CI. IX 3 VI 6 IV 7 zdfubd.VIII 4 2d fubd. V - 2d fubd. Suppt. IV 8 — 3 VI 10 V AUway, Eleanor IX lo Almeida, Jofeph de Alfatia, the Squire of Alfop, George 2d fubd. George — 1 Robert, in the fix " Aldermen" VIII Ambrofe.lfaac zd fubd, V Ames, Jofeph VIII _ Suppt. — WiHIam zd fubd. IV Aniherft, JefFery Lord IX Ancafter, Mary Panton, Duchefs of — Ancram, William John Ker, Earl of "1 g^ Lothian — — — Elizabeth Fortefciie, Lady > Anderton, Mrs. 2d fubd . Sir Edmund IX 111 IX IV IX VI II Andover, Mary Finch, Vifcountcfs Andre, John Andrews, Lancelot Angelo, Henry Anglefea, Arthur Annefley, Earl of Angus, Archibald Douglas, Earl of Aninieur, or Ani:ur, in the print of the " Je- «• fults" 2d fubd III Annandale, William Johnfton, Marquis of VII Annefley, James VIII Annet, Peter IX Anonymous porttait, with four EnglHh verfes, page 62 ni . . "^tat.3o,i637."Gloverfc. page 105 iV ,,, , " This piflure reprefents," &c. 1 1 5 ,j8 " Firma nobis Fides," ibid. W. Reader, pt. J. Collins fc. V Per. CI. Anonymous portrait. Shoulder knot. Hollar, 1644 161 •^^— — — '■ " Though in this darker " lhade,"page 161 — — — in a tie-wig, eight verfes. partrizare," ibid. " ^t. 5:5, 1685 zd fubd. VI Santerre pt. V. Gucht fc. page 201 -J.Highmctef. 1723, 242 VII -a boy, after Kettle 353 — — reading ibid, -infcribed, " A Deer-hun- 9 S " ter," ibid. a fmall etching ibid. See, alfo, the laft article of this Index. IX VIII 2d fubd. VI IV 2d fubd. IX Anfon, George Lord Anftis, John Anftruther.William Anthony, John Appltton, Elizabeth Apfley, Georgiana Lenox, Lady _ ■' Henry Bathurft, Lord, 1771. See Bathurft ■ Henry Bathurft, Lord IX z — 6 VIII 10 7 Arabin (John William) Aram, Eugene Arbuthnot, John Archangelus. See Forbes, John. Archee. See Armftrong, Archibald. Archer, James 2d fubd. IX 4 ' John V 7 Ardell, James M' IX 8 Argyle, Archibald Campbell, Duke of —2 . Archibald Campbell, Earl of VI - Archibald Campbell, Marquis of V . Elizabeth Gunning, Duchefs of IX 9 Elizabeth Tolmach, Duchefs of VIII - , — and Greenwich, John Campbell, Duke of, 1703 ■ 2 . . John Campbell, Duke of, 1 7 61 IX Ariofti, Attilius VII 8 Arlaud, James Anthony VIII - Arlington, Henry Bennet, Earl of VI 2 Arlington, N D X. Per, Cf. Arlington, Ifabella Naffau Beverwcert, Lady VII 9 Armin, Robert III 8 Armftrong, Archibald IV 10 I John, Surv. Gen« VIII 3 John, M. D. IX 7 . • Mrs. ad fubd. — 9 . Sir Thomas V 3 Armyne, Lady Mary — 9 Arne (Thomas Auguftine) IX 8 Arnold, Samuel — Arran, James Hamilton, Earl of II 2 Arron'fmith, Edmund 2d fubd. IV 4. Arundel, Alathea Talbot, Countefs of —"9 Ann Dacres, Countefs of , — - (Elizabeth Stuart) Countefs of V ■Henry Fitzalan, Earl of II 2 « 'Henry Howard, Earl of IV - ' 'Mary Conqueft, Lady IX 9 Philip Howard, Earl of II 2 Thomas Howard, Earl of IV - Afaph, William Biftiop of St. See Fleetwood, Afcham, Roger II 7 Afgill (Sir) Charles IX 6 Afli, John IX - Afhburnham, Bertram I 3 A(hburton, John Dunning, Lord IX 2 Afhe, Simeon 2d fubd. V 4 Aibley.Anthony.Lord. ^^5^^ .^ Dorothy, Lady J ^ ■ James • Mrs. Afhmole, Elias Afhton, Charles . John ■ ■ (John) of Liverpoo 1 I — Thomas, of Eton Coll. IX 8 2d fubd. — 9 VI 7 2d fubd. VIII 4 VI 3 IX - 2d fubd VIII 4 — Thomas, Reclor of St. Botolph 2d fubd. IX . Afhurft, Sir William VII 3 Aftley, Jacob, Lord IV 2 (John) IX 10 Rhoda, Lady VIII 9 — — — Sir Bernard IV 3 Per. CI. IV IX VIII IX VII IX 3 Aftley, Sir Edward Sir Edward — — Sir Edward Suppt. Sir John Athawes, Edward Athlone, Godart de Reede, Earl of Athol, James Murray, Duke of, 1724 — — John Murray, Duke of, 1764 — Atkins, William VI Atkinfon, Paul 2d fubd. VIII Atkyns, Richard V Sir Robert VII Atterbury, Francis VIII Lewis 2d fubd. • Attwood (John) ix — — Mifs. See Manniok, Aubigne, Lady jy Aubrey, John yi Sir John IX Auftioneer of Moor/ields VII 10 Audinet (Samuel) JX 8 Audiey, Elizabeth Grey, Lady JI — Thomas, Lord __ Auguftinus, Gulielmus V Auley, Catherine M^ See Graham. Aurelius, Abraham jd fubd. IV Auretti, Mademoifelle 2d fubd. VIII Aullin, William IV Auverquerque, Henry de Naflau, Connt d' VII , Madam d' 8 9 7 3 9 2 7 4 9 7 2 — 9 Axtell.Daniel.intheprintofthe" Regicides" IV 10 Aylefbury, Caroline Campbell, Countefs of IX 9 Robert Bruce, Earl of VI 2 — — ^ Thomas Bruce, Earl of VIII Aylesford, Heneage Finch, Earl of, in the print of the Bifbop's" Counfcl" ■' Louifa Thynne, Countefs of Aylett, Robert 2d fubd. Aylmer, John Matthew, Lord Ayre Ayres, John Ayfcough, Sir George VI S IX 9 d. IV S II 4 VII 2 IX 10 VJI 8 V 6 .BABING- N D X. Per. CI. B B ABINGTON, Gervafe John Bacelli (Giovanna) zd fubd. Backer, Jacopo Backwell, or Bakewell, Edward Bacon, Francis, Lord. SeeAlbans. ■ Roger ■ Sir Nathaniel ■ Sir Nicholas Baddeley (Sophia) 2d fubd. Bagford, John Bagwell, William Baillie, George • Thomas William Baithes Baker, Auguftine 2d fi>J)d, I Charles zd fubd. Ill IV IX IV V I II IX VII IV VIII IX IV V 4 7 9 8 3 7 3 S 9 7 3 6 3 10 4 — Chriftopher, in the print of the " Ta- " peftry" II -Henry • IX -J. ? VII —John — —Madam 2d fubd. VI — Sir George II —Sir Richard IV 2d fubd. VIII Thomas — Walter Baldwin, Mrs. Mifs 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Baldy, Robert Bale, John Balfour, Helen. See Hamilton, . — Sir William Balliol, Dervorgilla Lady John, Lord Balmerino, Arthur Elphinfton, Lord Balfam, Hugo de Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, Lord •m Frederick Calvert, Lord George Calvert, Lord Bamfield {Bamford, Edward] IX II IV I 6 7 8 6 9 7 4 7 9 3 4 6 9 2 VIII - I 4 V 2 IX - IV . IX 10 Bamfylde,Mifs 2d fubd, Bampfylde, Lady Banbury, William Knollis, Earl of Bank, or Banc, John vandet Mrs. vander Peter vander Per. CI. IX 9 IV VI 2d fubd. vm VI VIII m Bancks Charles Bancroft, Richard Banfi, John Banks (Dorothea Hugeffon) Lady Mrs. zdfubd. — — Sir Jofeph Bankton, M'Dowal, Lord. See DoualU Banning, William Bannifter,Charle3 ■ — Elizabeth ■ John, Mufician ' John, Adlor IV IX Barber, John Barclay, John, M. A. ■ or Barclajus, John ' William Barebone, Praife God Barefoot, John Baretti, Jofeph Bargrave, Ifaac Barham, Henry Bariff, William Barker, Hannah — Harricus . John Mifs William zd fubd, IV VII 2d fubd. VIII 2d fubd. VII — J 2d fubd. — VII IX VIII IX III IV VI IX 2d fubd. IV VII IV 2d fubd. IX 2d fubd. VIII IX 2d fubd. — VII 10 8 9 3 3 4 7 3 10 7 4 7 9 4 3 9 3 Barkley, and Bartley. See Berkeley. Barlo(w) 2d fubd. IV , Thomas VI William 2d fubd. VIII Barnard, Lady Catherine Powlett.VifcountefsIX ■^— Sir John — Barnardus, Theod. See Bernardi. Barnardillon, Sir Nathaniel —— Sir Samuel Thomas 1> rnes, Jodina Barnes, N D X. Per. CI. Barnes, Sir George Barnwell, Charles zJ fubd. Baron, Bonaventure zdfubd. i Robert Barre, Ifaac Barrel, William Barrett (Giles Linnet) Barrington (Elizabeth) zd fubd. George > Lady Ann, &c, .i • Samuel ■ Shute II IX VI JV IX VIII IX V IX 2d fubd. V VIII 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Barrow, Ifaac Barrowby, William Barry, Edward ■ Elizabeth ~— (Elizabeth) See Crawford. . Henry ■ Spranger Barry more, Richard Barry, Earl of Bartlett, John — — — Richard Bartolozzi, Francis Barwick, John 2d fubd ■ Peter Balkerville, John Thomas BalTet, Frances 2d fubd. John Prideaax Baftard (Ann) 2d fubd. Baftwick, John Bate, John Bateman, William Bates, Jacob ^— Sarah zd fubd. I William 2d fubd. . William Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of Bathurft, Benjamin, in the Print with Wm. Duke of Gloucefter ■ Henry Earl Ralph zd fubd. Battalia. Francis Pattel, Ralph 2d fubd. IX VIL . V VI IX vn IX VIII IX IV I VIII IX VI IX 3 4 7 3 6 8 9 10 9 6 4 4 7 4 9 IX 6 4 7 8 3 9 3 9 7 4 10 9 4 3 2 VI . IX VII 4 IV 10 VII 4 C Baudin, Jofcph Bawtree, Elizabeth Biixtcr, Richard ■ William Bayfield, Robert Baylies, William Bayly, Benjamin Beacon, Thomas Realc, (Mary) and Charles Beard, John Thomas Per. CI. VIII 8 2d fubd. IX 9 id fubd. VI 4 VII 7 V . IX - 2d fubd. VII 4 2d fubd. II 4 2d fubd. VI 9 IX 8 2d fubd. IV 4 2d fubd. IX J — 7 Beard more, Arthur, Beatlic, James Beauchamp (Ifab. A. Ingram) Vifcountefs _ 9 ■ (Lost. Johnfon) Lady, Suppt. — . BeauclercorBeaucJerk.Lady Catherine. See Albans. ■■ - Lord Aubrey v^III 2 or Beauclaire, Lord James V Mifs. See Herbert. Beaufort, Charles Noel Somerfet, Duke of VIII Henry j ^ Henry Somerfet, Duke of, 1682 VI 2 Henry Somerfet, Duke of, 1699 VII Mary (Capel) Duchefs of — 9 IX 3 III 7 Beaufoy, Mark Beaumont, Francis John, in the Print of the " Portf- " mouth Captains" yj g Jofeph 2d fubd. — ^ (Margaret WillesJ Lady Jx ^"■^'C^^-e 2d fubd. IV 4 David I — 8 VIII . V 10 VI 8 VIII 7 Suppt. IX 3 . Lc or Beeck, Barbara van Becket, Ifaac ■ S. Thomas William Beckfoid, Horace Julian William ~ Beckwith, Thomas Bcdton, Sir George, in the " Tapeflry" j[ 5 Bedford, Ann (Car) Countefs of y Frsncis RufTel, Earl of, 1584 jj ^ Bedford, N D X. Bedford, Francis Ruffel, Ear' of, 1627 , Fia..ci3 RufTel, Duke of John (Plantagenet) Duke of John R-uflel, Earl of . 1 Suppt, Lucy Harrington, Countefs of William Ruflel, Duke of -Wrioihcny RuffcL Duke of Bedingfield, Sir Henry Bedioe, William Beetham (Edward) Bee;fon, Mifs 2d fubd. Beeverwaer, C'narl. (Naffau) de zd fubd. Beggar i the London. See Mills, Nan. . 's Opera, the Scene of the Per. IV IX I II IV VI VII VI V IX CI. 1 2 9 2 5 10 — 9 VI - IX 10 VIII 8 Behn, Aphara Belcamp, John van Belcher, Jonathan Belgrade Bell. Benjamin ■ Francis, Jefuit . Francis Mifs Bellamy, D, ■ Daniel George Ann 2d fubd. VI IV VIII IX 2d fubd. IV IX 2d fubd. — VIII 2d fubd. IX 2d fubd. — Bellafyfe, or Beliafis, Ann Pavvlet, Lady VII 3 10 7 4 10 9 8 4 9 John, Lord Beloman, Richard le Ben, Big. See Brian. Benedetti Benedift, Father. See Fich. Benlowes, Edward Benn, William, M. A. — — William, Alderman » 's Club. See Aldermen. Bcnnet, Benjamin I Chriftopher • Timothy i the Miffe* Benfley (Robert) Benfon, George . . - Martin VI 2 V 8 VIII 8 VI 2d fubd. V VIII 2d fubd. VII IV VIII 2d fubd. IX 7 4 3 4 7 8 9 2d fubd. VIII Bentham, James jd fubd. Bentinck, Elizabeth Cumberland, Lady .. Lord Edward Bentley, Elizabeth zd fubd. Richard 2d fubd. Benwell (Mary) zd fubd. Berdmore, Samuel zd fubd, Beresford, John Mrs. 2d fubd, Berkeley, Elizabeth Drax, Countefs of . George George, Earl of . James, Earl of John • Louifa Lenox, Countefs of Sir Robert ' Sir William Berkenhout, John Bermingham, Michel Bernard, Francis Nm VII 3 DoUand, John IX 8 Dolly VIII 10 Dominicetti, Bartholomew IX 7 Dominis, Marc Antonio de III 4 Donald, Archibald M« IX 3 Flora M' jd fubd _ q Donald, Ranald M"= Donaldfon, Andrew — — Anne Maria Per. CI. VIII 6 IX 8 ad fubd. — 9 Doncafter, James Scot, Earl of. See Dalkeith. Donne, John 2d fubd. IV Donnegal, Arthur Chichefter, Earl of V Doolittle, Thomas 2d fubd. VII Richard Sackville, Earl of ' Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dort, Abraham vander Dnuajl, Andrew M' Douce, Francis Dove, John Doi-er, Robert Douglas, Archibald (Lord) John — — Sir Charles — — Lady Mary 2d fubd. — IV IX Douthwaite, Thomas Dow, John Dowars, William Dowell, William M"^ Dowland, Thomas Dovtne, Alexander, Lord. See Murray. Henry Playdell Dawney, Vif- count . VIII Drake, Francis IX — — " James VII —— -- Sir Francis II Draper, William VIII Drawwater, John IX Drayton, Michael IV Dorchefter, Catherine Sedley, Counte& of — — Dudley Carleton, Vifcount IV Dore, Peter, Suppt. IX Dorigny, Sir Nicholas VIII Dormer, John - Dorrington, Theophilus 2d fubd. VI Dorfet, Ann ClifFord, Countefs of. See Pembroke. Charles Sackville, Earl of VII — — Ed-Aard Sackville, Earl of IV ' Mary Compton, Countefs of VII Lionel Cranfield Sackville, Duke of IX III IV VIII IX IV IX VII IX 8 5 7 8 10 2 4 6 9 7 10 4 7 Dcumraond, N D X. Per. CI, Drummond, Alexander .^ — Andrew . George . (Abigail) , (Margaret) Ro!)ert Hay — Robert and Thomas . William IX 2d fubd, 2d fubd. 2d fubd. IV III IX VI IX 9 — 6 VI 10 — 7 V 10 Drury, Elizabeth Drybutter Dryden, Johr\ Duche. See du Che. Duck, Stephen VIII Dudley and Ward, Julia Bofville, Vif- countefs Duff, Patrick Dagdale, Richard Sir William . Stephen Dummer. Mrs. See Dance. Dun, or Duns, John, Scotus 2d fubd. Duncan, Andrew Duncannon, Henr. Fr. Spencer, Vifcountefs — William Ponfonby, Vifcount — Dunch, Edmund VII Dunckerly, Thomas IX Dundas, Henry _ Lady Charlotte — . Robert — Dundee, John (Graham) Vifcount VI Dunelmenfis, Thomas epifc. See Morton. + 3 7 9 10 7 I IX 9 S Dungarvon (John Richard) Vifcount Dunning, John. See AlViburton. Dunllall (John) Dunftan, St. Dunllan, Jeffery Dunfter, Samuel Dunton, John . — John Dupplin, Thomas Hay, Lord Duppa, Brian Durand, Samuel Durant, John Dutch Dwaif 2d fubd, 2d fubd. VII V VII See Kinnoul. V 2d fubd. 2d fubd. IX 2 IX 8 I 4 IX 10 4 4 III IV VI 10 G Dutch-woman Dwarf, born at Salifi)ury Dyche, Thomas D> ck. Lady Mary van I Sir Anthony van Dyer, Margaret Abarrow, Lady - Samuel — — Sir James 2d fubd. Suppt. William 2d fubd. Per. CJ. VI 10 VII 10 — 4 IV 9 — S II 9 IX 7 II 5 VI 4 E VIII IX JQ^ARBERRY, Matthias 2d fubd. Eardley. Maria Wilmot, Lady Earle (Giles) — Eafton, Edward — Ebberton, Lucy, See Greig, Eborum, Johannes epifcopus. See Sharpe. Echard, Lawrence 2d fubd. VIU Echerpiere. Samuel del' 2d fubd. V Echlin, Tom IX Edema, Gerard V Edgcumbc. See Mount-Edgcumbe. Sec Valetort. Edmondfon, Jofeph , — Mary, is a Print of Canning 4 4. S IX & Edwards, George John, D. D. - John, of America, John, of Leeds, Mrs. SeeGretton. Richard . Thomas __ ■ Thomas William IX 2d fubd, VII 2d fubd. VIII 2d fubd. IX Suppt, IX VIII IX Edwin, the Monk John Eedy, Simon Effingham, Catherine.Baronefs. Charles, Baron. Elizabeth, Baronefs.A — Thomas Howard, Earl of William, Lord Egerton, John 2d fubd. I LX — 8 4 8 10 See Nottingham, IX s II . IX 4 Egertoi, N D Per.Cl. Egerton, Philip ' ^^ Thomas VIII Egglesfield. Robert 2d fubd. I Eglin, 2d fubd. IX Egraont, Catherine Cecil. Countefs of VIII Catherine Compton, Countefs of IX . Catherine Parker, Countefs of VIII - John Percival, Earl of, 1733 2d fubd. John Percival, Earl of, 1748 Ehret, George Dionifius Elder, William Eldred, William "Eldridge, Elers, Mary , Paul . .- William Elgin, Thomas (Bruce) Earl of Eliot, Lady. See Dyer. ■Elis, or Elvs, Edmund zd fubd. Ellefmere, Thomas Egerton, Baron. See Brackley. •EUicot, John Elliot (Artn) . (Edward) and Family , - (Elizabeth) »—. Mrs. .. George Auguftus. See Heathfield ■ John IX - — 8 VI - IV 7 VIII - IX 9 — 3 — 6 V 2 VII 4 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. 2d fubd. IX 8 9 3 9 VII IX Ellis, Clement . John . Welbore ■ William Elmer (William) Elphinfton (Samuel) Elftob, Elizabeth Elton, RichaJd Ehvcs, John Emlyn, Thomas Emmet, 'William England. Alfred, or Aclfredus Amelia, Princefs 2d fubd. ad fubd. 2d fubd. IX VI IX VII IX VII IV IX VIII V I IX 7 4 8 3 10 8 6 9 7 3 4 8 Daughter of George E X. England. Ann , Queen of Richard III. together ■ Suppt. Ann Bolen I of Cleves Queen of James I. . Queen i Daughter of George 11. Naflau. Anna, Daughter of Charles I. Augufta Sophia Canute Caroline, Queen . Elizabeth the Third Per.Cl. I I III VII See IV IX I VIII Catherine, Queen cf Henry V. together Suppt. of Arragon Howard . Parre . Queen of Charles II. Charles I. II. Charlotte, Qjeen , Augufta Edward, the Confeflbr I. II. III. — IV. V. . .VI. V IV V IX IX I Edward, Prince Egbert Eleanor, Queen of Henry III. together - Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV. - Queen of Henry VII. George I. — Queen — Daughter of James I Palatinate. Daughter of Charles I. Daughter of George III II See IV I IX - VII - G eorge England. George II. VIII in. IX William, Son of George II. VII N D Per. CI. I Harold Henrietta Maria Duchefs of Orleans Henry I. IJ. III. IV. I IV V I Suppt. Suppt. VI. _ vir. ... VIII. James I, III II. VI Jane Seymour I John, King Ifabella, Daughter of James II. See York. Louifa Ann IX . Daughter of George II. See Denmark, Margaret, Queen I ■ Suppt. — - Maria Beatrix Mary, Sifter of Henry VIII. Sec France. II. ——- Daughter of George II. See Heffe. — - Daughter of George III. Philippa, Queen I Pretender, and his Family. Charles James Edward VIII Clementina Sobiefki . . Henry Deneliifl James Francis Edward Mary Clementina Sobiefki. See VI II VI IX Clementina. -• Louifa VII E X. England. Richard I. II. III. Sophia, Daughter of George III. Stephen William I. IJ. III. Per. CI. IX I See alfo Wales. 2d fubd. VI V VI IX Englefield, Sir Francis Ent, Sir George Entick, John Equity, the Court of Erafmus, Dcfiderius Erie, 'I homas Errol, James Hay, Earl of Erlkine, Charles (Janet Wederburn) Lady Ralph 2d fubd • Sir Henry Thomas 2d fuk-'. Efdaile, Sir James Suppt. Efpagne, John d' 2d fubd. V Eflfex, Algernoon Capel, Earl of VII Arthur Capel, Earl of V . Elizabeth Percy, Countefs of VII Frances Williams, Countefs of VIII ■ Margaret (Elizabeth ?) Countefs of IV 2d fubd. I VII IX zd fubd. _ VIII IX I 1 4 8 4 6 2 5 9 4 6 5 3 4 2 ' Mary Benlinck, Countefs of ' Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1576 ■ Robert Devereux, Earl of, i6oj Thomas Cromwell, Earl of -^- Walter Devereux, Earl of Eftrange, Sir Roger 1' Evan, or Evans, Philip Evans, Caleb ■ Henry Hugh John John, D. D. Evats, William Evelyn, John Everard VI II IV I II VII V IX VII IX IV 2d fubd. VIII 2d fubd. V VII IV . Everard, 2d fubJ. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 7 N D X. Per. CI. Everard, John 2d fubd. IV 4 Everitr, Mrs. &c. IX 10 Eufton, Charles, Lord. See Grafton. Dorothy Boyle, Lady VIII 9 Exeter, Elizabeth Brownlowe, Countefs of VII - » Frances Bridges, Countefs of IV - . (Frances Manners) Countefs of • — - , John Cecil, Earl of, 1 678 VI 2 John Cecil, Earl of, 1700 VII - . John Holland, Duke of I - Exton, John, Baron of. See Harrington. Eyre, Mifs zd fubd. IX 9 « Sir Robert VIII 5 _r ABER, Mrs. Facius, John Gotlieb Fagius, Paul Fairclough, Samuel Fairfax, Ferdinand, Lord . Thomas, Lord . William Faithorne, William Falantinde la Riviere, Paul Demet. zd fubd. Falconar, Maria and Harriet zd fubd. Falconberg, Mary Cromwell, Countefs of Vil . Thomas Belafyfe, Vifcount, •643 . Thomas Belafyfe, Vifcount, 1652 Falconer, William Falkland, Henry Cary, Vifcount , Lettice (Morifon) Vifcountefs .^ Lucius Cary, Vifcount Falkner, Mifs. See Donaldfon. William 2d fubd. VIII IX 2d fubd. I 2d fubd. V IV V in VI IX Fanning, Edmund Fanfhawe, Sir Richard Farmer, George Richard See Fermor. Farrar, Robert 2d fubd. Suppt. zd fubd. 4 9 IV VI IX IV V IX V IX II Per. CI. VIII 10 jdfubd. IX 9 Farrel, Owen Farren (Elizabeth) Faucett (Ofwald) — Faulkener, George — Fauftina 2d fubd. — Fearon (James) — - Featherftone, Cuthbert Featly, Daniel 2d fubd. -— — John 2d fubd. FelL John Fellows, William 2d fubd. Fenhoulet, Ann Day, Lady Fennar, George, in the Print of the " Tapeftry" Fenner, William 2d fubd. Fenton, in the " Tapeftry" • — Lavinia. See Bolton. Fentum, Jonathan IX Fenwick, John 2d fubd. V Lady Mary \'II Sir John VI Ferg, Francis Paul VIII Fergufon, Adam IX •^ • James — Fermor, Lady Sophia. See Granville. Ferrers, Elizabeth Wathington, Lady VI ■ Laurence Shirley, Earl VIII Ferzi, Mad. IX Fefch, William de VIII Fever(ham, Lewis Duraa, Earl of VII III IV VI vn IX II IV II Fevre, Claude la Fich, or Fytche, William Fiddes, Richard Fidcll, Thomas Field, Nathaniel Fielder, Thomas Fielding Henry . Mary Robert — — — • Sir John 2d fubd. zd fubd. 2d fubd. 4 6 8 4 9 3 8 7 9 i 10 8 2 Fiennes, Nathaniel Figg, James Filcock, Roger Suppt. — V III VII IV III IX VIII 3d fubd. V VII IX - V 6 VIII 10 ii fubd. II 4 Finch, 8 4 S 8 3 7 9 3 N X, Per. Finch, Edipard 2d fubd. IV — — Heneage, See Aylesford. .. Heneage, Lord. See Nottingham. Henry. See Calaroy (Benjamin) i John, Lord ■ ... Lady Charlotte , Lady Eflex. See Nottingham. . Margaret VIII ___. Peter 2d fubd. — Finger, Godfrey "V' Finlater, James Ogilvie, Earl of VIII CI. 4 IV IX 2 9 10 4 2d fubd. IX VI I VIII IX 2d fubd. Fith, Charlotte Fifher. Jane Lane, Lady . John ._• Kitty. See Norris. Fittock, William Fitzgerald, Lord Henry Fitzgibbon, John, Lord Fitzhcrbert (Maria Ann) Fitzpatrick, Lady Gertrude — . Lady — — Richard — Sufan 2d fubd. VIII Fitzroy. Barbara, in the Print of the Duchefs of Cleveland . Mifs 2d fubd. Fitzfmith, Richard Fitzwilliam, William, Earl Fitzwilliams, Ann Wentworth, Countefs VIII „ ._ Lady Charlotte. See Dundas. ^ Mrs. Flaminius. See Fleming. 2 9 Per. Cr. VII IX IV IX 2d fubd. IX 9 Flamfteed, John Flatman, Thomas Flavel, John Fleet, H. Fleetwood (Charles) . Mrs. . William Fleming, Francis _ Richard Robert . Sir George Fletcher, Andrew .. _. John, Poet 2d fubd. VII VI 2d fubd. — IX V 2d fubd. IX VII IX I 2d fubd. VII VIII VII III 4 7 4 10 6 9 4 8 4 3 7 H Fletcher, John 2d fubd. IX — — - Sir Robert — Flint, George, Earl of. See Jefferies. Florio, or Florius, John III Fiudd, Robert IV Foe, Daniel de VIII Foley, Thomas V F"olkes, Martin VIII Folkftone, Jacob Bouverie, Vifcount IX Foote, Samuel — Forbes, Duncan VIH • (James) is the Print of Murford. 2d fubd. Ill IV ad fubd. VII 2d fubd. — IX John Patrick • William Ford — John . Richard Fordyce, James zd fubd. .^ Mrs. 2d fubd. . Mrs. Mifs Forell, Arthur Theodofius Forman, Simon Forreft, Charles Frederick — — Thomas Forfter, John Reinhold - . — Nicholas William. See Weever. Fortefcue, Ann Campbell, Lady .. John, Lord IX 2d fubd. — VIII IX III IX VIII — Sir Edmund — Sir John — William S 4 8 3 4 9 7 6 7 4 Fofket, Bernard Fofle, Charles de la Poller, Barber I Henry . James ■ Ingham , John __. Ladv Elizabeth IX 9 VIII 2 IV 3 I s VIII . 2d fubd, — ^ VII 8 IX 10 zd fubd. — 4 2d fubd. VIII . IX 3 — 9 Fofter, N D X. Per.Cl. IX J 6 3 8 4 3 VIII IX vn IX zd fubd, II 4 I - VII 3 IX 3 zd fubd, zd fubd. V IX Fofter, Sir Michael Fothergill, John Foubert, Henry Fountaine, Sir Andrew Fournier (Daniel) Fowler, Edward Fox, Charles James , . Henry. See Holland . John ■ Richard , Sir Stephen Frairpton, Tregonwel France, Mary Francefina. See Pare. Francis, Philip Francifco, Colonel. See Charteris. Franck, Mark Francklin (Anna Maria) . Benjamin Frafer, Simon . Thomas Frafi, Signora Frater Mendicans Freake, John Frederick (Catherine) Freind, John William Freith, John French, Humphry Frith, Mary Frobifer, or Frobiftier, Sir Martin Frod (ham, Bridge Froft, John Frowde, Philip Frye, Mifs Thomas Fryer, John Fulke, or Fulco, William Fuller, Ifaac - Mifs. See Finch (Lady Charlotte). Thomas (D. D.) id fubd. V Thomas M. D. VIII 2d fubd. VIII VI VII 2d fubd. IX VIII 2d fubd. IX IX VIII IV II IX IV VIII IX zd fubd. zd fubd VIII 2d fubd. II V 4 9 7 6 lO 9 10 7 9 7 A. 7 3 10 6 8 4 7 9 8 7 4 Per. CI. Fuller, William, VI 10 G (jABRIEL.John zd fubd. IX 4 Gabrieli (Chaterin) zd fubd. — 9 Gadbury, John VI 7 Gagneur, le IX 10 Gainfborough, BaptlftNoel, Earl of VIII 2 Gale, Henry — 7 John, M. A. zd fubd. VII 4 John, alias Dumb Jack lO , Thomas, D, D. zd fubd VI 4 . Thomas, Surgeon II 7 Galway, Henry Ruvigny, Earl of VII 2 Gambarini, Mifs zdfubd. VIII 9 Gamble, John V 8 Gambold, John 2d fubd. IX 4 Gammon, Leonard V 3 Gandy, Henry zd fubd. VIII 4 Gapper, Matter IX 8 Garden, Peter — to Gardiner James, Bp. Lincoln VII 4 . James, A. M. 2d fubd. VIII 7 — 6 Mr- ivirh T '■'Iv TnwNsHFun IX 9 . Luke VIII 3 . Stephen II 4 Garencieres, Theophilus de V 7 Gargrave, Sir Thomas Supp t. II 3 Garner, Edward IX 6 Garnet, Henry 2d fubd . HI 4 Garnett, John IX - Garnock, Patrick Crawford, Vifcount VII z Garrard, or Guerard, Marc IV 8 VII 3 Garrat, Sir Thomas, in the " Tapeftry" II 6 Garrick, David IX 8 Garrow, David ad fubd. — 4 Garth, Sir Samuel Vll 7 Gafcoigne, George II . Richard VII lo Q;rw;ii;,m I s Gafcoyne, Baraber IX J Gafcoyne, N D X. Per. CI. 2dfubd. V 9 Gafcoyne, Catherine Sir Crifp IX Gafpars, John Baptift V Gaftrel, Francis VII Gataker, Mifs. See Brookfbank. Gates, Bernard IX — — Thomas — Gauden, John V Gaven, or Gavanus, John id fubd. — Gautherot (Louifa) 2d fubd. IX Gawler.John 2d fubd. — • John Bellenden and Henry, 2d fubd. — Gay, John VIII Gelderp, George IV Geminiani, Francis IX Geninges. See Jennings, Gent, Thomas IX Gentilefchi, Artemifia 2d fubd. IV ■ Horatio — 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 9 — 8 IX 4 VII 10 IX 9 V VIII IX 10 6 8 See Macclesfield. George, Arthur St. George, Arutin George (Mary) . Mother ■ — Richard St. St. Gerard, Charles, Lord. Gerarde, John II 7 Gerbiei, Sir Bahhazar V S Germaine, Lord George. See Sackville. German Giant, the Suppr. V 10 Gerrard, William, in the Pruit of King Edw. VI. delivering the Bridewell Char- ter I I Gerritfen, Rembrandt V 8 Gethin, Lady Grace VI 9 Gethinge (Richard) IV 8 Giardini, Felice IX - Gibbes, or Ghibbefius, James Alban V 7 Gibbon, Ednard IX - Gibbons, Chriftopher V 8 . Grinlin and Mrs. VII - John 2d fubd. VIII 4 — I. .. Orlando HI 8 Gibbons, Thomas Gibbs, James Gibfon, Edmund Mrs. ^^— Richard and Ana — — — Sir Alexander Gideon, Lady. See Eardley. Gigli, Bernardo GifFard, Bonaventure GifFord, Andrew, Nonconf. — - — Andrew, D. D. Per. CI. 2d fubd. IX VIII 2d fubd. IX VI IV 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Gigey, Margaret, in the Print of " Sir " 'I homas More's Family" VIII I a + VII - IX . Gilbert, John Samuel Sir Humphrey ' Sir Jeffrey 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Gill, John Thomas ■ Thomas, Jun. Ms Mifs. See Magill, Gillies, John Gilly, Sarah 2d fubd. Gilpin, Bernard 2d fubd. Richard 2d fubd. Ginkel, Godard de Reede, Baron. Sec Athlone. Gipps, Sir Richard Gizziello. See Conti. Glandore, Diana Sackville, Countefs of Glanvill, Jofeph Glanville, Sir John Glas, John Glafcott, Cradock Glafgow, (David Boyle, Earl of Glafs, Thomas Glen King, John. See King. Gliffon, Francis Gloucefter, Frederick Lewis, Duke of, 171 8 See Wales. . Henry, Duke of Humphrey, Duke of I Jaquelir.e, Duchefs of —. — Maria Walpole, Duchefs of I Vll V II VII IX vn IX IV II VI vir IV I I IX 5 4 7 6 5 + 7 3 7 9 4 tefs of IX 5 2d fubd. V 4 Suppt. IV 3 2d fubd. IX 4 2d fubd. — . VIII 2. IX 7 Glouceflex^ N D X. Gloucefter, Sophia Matilda __— — Thomas, Duke of . William, Duke of William Henry, Duke of William Frederick, of Per. CI. IX 9 I 2 VI - IX . Glover, Philips Richard Glutton Glyn, John Glynn, Robert Glynne (Sir John) Goad, John Godfrey-Hanckwitz, Ambrofe . Sir Edmund Bury ■ pyilliam zd fubd — 3 — 7 VIII 10 2d fubd. IX 5 — 7 5 7 V VI VIII V Note. Ill Godolphin, Francis, Earl of IX I Henrietta Churchill, Countefs. See Marlborough. — Sidney Godolphin, Earl of VII Godfalve, Sir John Suppt. I Godwin, Edmund Suppt. VI — — — Francis IV Golding, John Goldney, Auguda 2d fubd. IX . Edward — Gole, C Goldfmith, Francis . Oliver Gomeldon, Mrs. J. zd fubd. — — • Richard Gonfon, Benjamin, in the " Tapeftry" Gooch, Sir Thomas Goodere (Samuel) Goodrich, or Goodrick, Thomas Goodricke, Mary Legge, Lady •————■ Sir Henry Goodridge, John Goodwin, Arthur ■ Jane — — — — John .■ Thomas 3 4 2 2 3 3 4 vni lo 9 — 7 VI 8 IV 7 IX 7 VI II VIII II VII IX IV Gordon, Alexander, Duke of -. Frances Irwin, Lady ■-• Frances Ifabella, K. zd fubd. — zd fubd. V zdfubd. — vni IX zd fubd. — 9 8 6 4 to 4 9 3 6 3 9 4 Per. C!. Gordon, George. See Huntly. Henrietta Mordaunt.Duchefsof VIII 9 Jane Maxwell, Duthefs of IX - . Lord George — Sir Adam 2d fubd. IX Sir William VII Gore, Mary — Goring, George, Lord. See Norwich. Gofnold, John 2d fubd. Goftllng, William 2d fubd. Gouge, Thomas zd fubd. William 2d fubd. Goupy, Lewis Gouter, James Gowan, John M' Gower, Foote ^- — Granville Levifon, Earl. ford. I Humfrey John 2d fubd, V rx V IV VIII IV IX -John, Earl See Staf- jd fubd. VII I Suppt. — VIII zd fubd. IX Grace, Mrs. Grafton, Auguftus Hen. Fitzroy, Duke of — — Charles Fitzroy, Duke of - — Henry Fitzroy, Duke of _. — Ifabella Bennet, Duchefs of — — Richard Graham, Catherine 2d fubd. — George — James -- Madam VIII VI VII II IX VIII Grammont, Elizabeth Hamilton, Lady Granby, John Manners, Marquis of Grandifon, Gertrude Conway, Countefs ■ William Villiers, Vifeount Granger, James zdfubd. Granny, blind Giant, Roger • ■- Sir Francis — . William zd fubd. VIII Grantham, John Robinfon, Lord IX L.idy Mary J. Gray, Lady — Thomas Robinfon, Lord — zd fubd. V VII IX IX IV IX VIII vn 9 8 9 8 5 9 2 9 z 4 10 7 S J 2 9 2 Grantley, Fletcher Norton, Lord Granville, N D E X. Per. CI. Granville, or Greenville, Dionyfius 2d fubd. VI ., Frances Worfeley, Countcfs VIII George. See Lanfdown. . Grace Granville, Countefs VIII ■ John Carteret, Earl IX , (Mary) Ann 2d fubd. — . Sir Bo'il . Sophia Fermor, Countefs Gratton, Hemy Gravelot, Hubert Graves, John Morgan . .. — Richard, of Line-Inn, 2d fubd. i Richard, Antiquary Richard, M. A. 2d fubd. Gravius. See Greaves. Gray, or Graya, Jane, See Grey. i. '.' Thomas Greatheed, Samuel Greatrakes, Valentine Greaves, John Green (Jane) 2d fubd. — — (Mary) and her Son Rupert, 2d fubd. . Robin O' . Thomas -- Valentine Greenfield, Mifs 2d fubd. Greenhill, Henry _ John IV VIII IX III IX V VIII IX IX V IV IX III IX -~ Thomas Greenway, Mr. Mifs Greenwood, F Gregory, Edmund — — - James? ofEdinb. .. James, Aberdeen John Greig, Lucy — — Samuel Grenville, George i Sir Richard Grelham, Sir Thomas 2d fubd. 2d fubd. VII VIII XI 2d fubd. IV IX i» 8 9 7 8 7 5 9 8 4 7 2d fubd. VIII IX II Per. CI. 9 6 3 6 3 Soppt. — — Gretton, Mrs. 2d fubd. IX 9 Grevill, Mifs. See Crewe, Mrs. Greville, Fulke IX i Grew, Helen 2d fubd. VI 9 VII 7 Grey (Dorothy Bouchier) Lady V 9 ^— Lady Amabel. See Polwarth. — — Lady Jane II 9 — — Samuel VIII ^ — (Thomas) Lord V £ — 7 2d fubd. IX 4 Grierfon, John 2d fubd. VIII Griffier, John V 3 GrifBn, Benjamin VIII — IX 3 Thomas — 6 Griffith, George 2d fubd . V 4 A/T--.. 2d fubd. IV y IX a 2d fubd. — zd fubd, VIII VI II IX Griffiths (David) John Hugh Grignion, James Grirafton, Mary Grindal, Edmund Grindall, Richard Grofe, Daniel Francis Grofvenor, Henrietta Vernon, Lady Richard, Lord Grotefte de la Mothc, Claude, 2d fubd. Grove, Henry 2d fubd. Jofeph Thomas 2d fubd. — Groves, William VIII Gucht, Mifs vander 2d fubd. IX Guernier, Louis du VII Guerre, la Gueft, Jofhua Guildford, Frederick North, Earl of Francis North, Lord Guife, John 2d fubd. 4 6 8 9 4 7 6 7 9 2 4 7 4 10 9 8 VIII - 6 IX 2 VI - IX 4 VII VIII IX Culdeforde, Guldeforde, or Guildeford, Lady . __^_— . — Sir Menry Gulflon (Elizabeth Bridget} 2dfubd Jofeph Jofeph (jun.) and John Gunning, Catherine. See Travers. 1X I-. Elizabeth. See Argyle. Maria. See Coventry. Peter Gunpowder Confpirators Gurney, Henry — — John . ■ Thomas N Per. CI. I 9 - 3 IX 9 — 3 IX 3 V 4 III lO VIII 8 Ix 8 Guth Tie, w;n;3 am Gwatkin, Theophila . Theophila, jun. Gwennap, Jofeph Gwinnett, Richard Gwyn, Mrs. Gwynn, Eleanor Gwynne, Richard Gyles, Henry — — or Giles (Sarah) H zd fubd. — zd fubd. — jd fubd. — VII IX VI vm \'ii 2d fubd. IX zd fubd. zd fubd. IX v II 2d fubd. IV Ho. H.J. Habington, John Mary - Thomas Hacker, Francis, in the Print of the " Re- " gicides" Hacket, Conway zd fubd. . John Hackman, James zd fubd. 7 9 4 7 9 3 8 9 IV 10 VI V IX Haddington, Thomas Hamilton, Earl of VIII Haddock, Nicholas — — Haddocke, Sir Richard VII Had ley, John IX Haecken, Alexander van VIII ■ Jofeph van — — 9 4 2 6 Hafiey (Elizabeth) 2d fubd. IX 9 X. Haffey, John Burgefs Hale (Mary) — — the Piper Sir Matthew Per. CI. IX 2d fubd. — 3 9 lo Suppt. zd fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. zdfubd. 2d fubd, Hales, John Stephen Haliburton. See Wifhart. Halifax, Charles Montague, Earl of George D. Montague, Earl of — — — George Savile, Marquis of Gertrude P'crrepoint, Marchfs, Ml'.Kett, Sir Peter Hall, Anthony — — Jacob — ^— James — John, Surgeon — — John, Poet — — John, Conviifl John, StufFer Jofeph Mifs Robert ■ Thomas Hallet, Benjamin Halley, Edmund Halliday, Lady Jane Halton, Timothy Haman, old Hamden, John Hamilton, Antoine Count ■ Emma ? Hart, Lady " Elizabeth, Duchefs of. — — Helen Balfour, Lady ■ James, Marquis of ' James, Duke of, 1643 .^ James, Duke of, 1694 . Jane Skeffington, Lady Lady llahclla (Rathael) - Sir George — — Sir William ■ — William, of Bangor ' William, Duke of, 1649 V IV IX VII XI VI VII VIII VII V VIII — " 7 IV - VII IX IV IX 9 & 4 10 10 8 4 9 4 VllI 8 IX 2d fubd. VII IX IV VII IX See Argyle. VI III IV VII VI IX . 2d fubd. — . VI 3 IX . VIII 7 IV 2 Hamilton, 7 9 4 JO 3 7 9 9 2 2 9 I N Per.CI. Hamilton, William, Duke of, /66i VI 2 ■ — William, in the Print of the " Kcntilh Petitioners" — ^ Hammerton, Efther VIII 10 Hammond, Mrs. IX — D E X. Hampden, Catherine Groeme, Vifcountefs — Hampe, John Henry — Hanbury, William zd fubd, — Hancock, Robert IX Handafide, Charles — Handel, George Frederick VIII Hanmer, Sir Thomas •—— Hanna, John Hannam, (Elizabeth) Hanneman, Adrian- VIII 10 2d fubd. IX 9 V 8 Hanny, Patrick Iir Hanfon, Thomas IX Hanway, Jonas — . Harbord, Sir Harbord, See Suffield. Harcourt, Elizabeth Vernon, Countefs of IX I — George Simon, Earl — Simon, Vifcount • Simon, Earl — • or Harcott, Thomas, 2d fubd Harding, Edward . Mary (Ma'ry) . . Silvefler Hardinge, George (Lucy) Hardman, John Hardwicke, Philip York, Earl of Hardy, Sir Charles . Sir Thomas VII IX V IX 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. VH IX Hare, Conftantia Hargravc, Francis Harington, Sir John Harley, Edward . Lady Margaret, . Sir Edward . . Sir Robert . Thomas Hannood, Harry 9 10 8 S 9 10 z 6 9 S 7 3 VIII 2d fubd. VI 2d fubd. IX III VIII See Portland. VI IV 2d fubd. IX s Per. CI. Vlir 8 Harper, John Mifs. See Bannifter^ Mrs. Thomas IX Harpur, Sir Harry «„ Harrington, Catherine, Lady V ■ — James __ ■ — Jane Fleming, Countefs of, and Sons IX — — — John, Lord m ■ Joiin, Lord, the younger ■ Sir James V Harris, • William Stanhope, Earl • See alfo Harington. Aaor — Frances — Jaeies — John — Mofes — Samuel — Sir James, — William zd fubd. 2d' fubd. VIII VI IX vn IX VII 2d fubd. See Malmfljury. zd fubd. IX AJjothecary, Suppr. VIII IV Harrifon, John - John, Surgeon IX John .• _ - Richard 2d fubd. — Sir Thomas _ - Thomas IV Mifs. See Bates (Sarah).. s man 8 3 9 r 9 2 3 2 8 9 3. 4 7 4 4 7 3 7 8 4- 3 6 Harrop Harrop Harry, old Hart, Aaron Job • John — ^— Nicholas Harte, Walter Hartgiil, George Hartley, David, M. D. David, M. P. — — — (liliza'icth) IX 10 VII — ad fubd. VIII 4 IX S 2d fubd. Ill 4 VII 10 Hartman, Adam Samuel Harvey, Elizabeth, See Hctvey, ■ . I Gideon 2d fubd. VIII II Suppt. VIII IX 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. V 4 7 S 9 4. VI 7 Harvey, N D X. Harvey, William Harwood, Bafick Hafeldon, Thomas Haffell, Warner Haftings .. — Lady Elizabeth — — Lady Selina ___ Maria Warren Hatchard, Mr. Hatfield, Martha Hatton, Edward „— — Sir Chriftopher Havard, William Haugh, Jack Hawes .Hawke, Edward,. Lord Per. CI IV IX VIII VI IV VIII IX 2d fubd. 3 3 Hawkelbury, Charles Jcnkinfon, Lord Hawkins, Francis _ Ifaac. See Browne. >_>_ Sir John Sir John Suppt. Hawkftee, John Hawkfworth, Joh* ^ . Sir Walter Hawkwood, Sir John Haworth, Samuel Hay,James.Lord.|g^^^^^jj^^_ — Lucy, Lady. J Haydn, Jofeph Haydocke, Richard Hayes (Philip) Hayley, William Hayls, John Hayman, F(ranci9) Haynes, Hopton Hayward, Samuel , Sir John Haywood, Eliza Head, Richard Hcarne, 1 homas Heath, Benjamin ..-._.. Henry VII IV lo VI 7 II 5 IX 8 VIII lo VII 4 IX 2 Suppt. — -~ Per. CI. zd.fubd. IV 7 II IX VIII I -V 6 7 8 7 3 6 7 IX IV IX V IX VIII 2d fubd. IV .2d fubd, VIII V 2d fubd, VIII 2d fubd, IX 2d fubd. IV 7 S 3 4 7 9 7 J 4 Heath, Sir Robert Heather, Thomas zd fubd, Heathfield, George Aug. Elliot, Lord Hebden, John Heidegger, John James Helyot, Madam Hemet (Mary) Hemfkirk, Egbert Henchman, Humphrey Hendcrfon, Alexander John, B. A. John, Actor Matthew IV VI IX VIII Suppt. V 2d fubd. IX VII V 2d fubd. IV - Suppt. IX • — 8 VIII lo 2d fubd. VII IX VII 2d fubd. VIII See Northingtoa, Hendley, William Hendricks, Emanuel Henley, Anthony John i Robert, Lord. Sir Robert? Henniker, John Henningham, or Hencgham, Lady Henri qiies, Mofea Henry, Matthew 2d fubd. — -- Plwlip 2d fubd. _— Suppt. Robert id fubd. Herbert, Charles, Lord, in the Family Print 3 4 IV IX I IX VII VI IX IX IV IX of Philip Earl of Pembroke - Edward, Lord .. Elizabeth Beauclere, Lady - George 2^ fubd. •- (Henry George) -- Ladv Elizabeth, See Portchefter. - Lady Harriet. See Clive. - Margaret Smith, Lady IV - Mariamne 2d fubd. VII -P^"^'°P^>L*^y-) See Pembroke. - Philip, Lord. J -- Sir Thomas IV 2 9 9 Heriot, George Heron, Cecilia, in " Mote's Family" Herrick, Robert Herrics, John 2d fubd. V III I IV IX Herring, N D X. rer. u. Per. CI. Herring, Thomas VIII 4 Hill, John IX 7 Herft, Richard IV 10 ■ John — ■ 8 Hertford (Frances Devereux) (Marchionefs) Mifs 2d fubd. — 9 of — 9 ■ Robert 2d fubd. Ill 4 Earl of IX 2 Robert IX 7 arquis of IV . — — Rowland 2d fubd. — 4 Hervey, Auguftus. See BriftoL " 7 ■ Elizabeth zd fuhd . V 9 Hilliard, Nicholas III 8 — — Elizabeth Felton, Lady . SeeBrift ol. Hillier, Nathaniel IX J X 2d fubd. VIII 4- V 3 Hilton, John Hinchinbrooke, Edward IV 8 Montague, Vif- vm 2 count VII 2 IX 9 Hinchliffe, Elizabeth 2d fubd. IX Q William. Herald IV - ■' *AA&«4ta'J AAVlMt V* T,K_ iiillld ^U lUUU. — He/kins, Thomas 2d fubd Jl V • . II 4 Hind, James — 4 IV 10 Hesse-Cassel. Hitchin, Edward 2d fubd. IX 4 Mary, Wife of Frederick I [. IX 1 Hoadly, Benjamii* .^ . Heth, Thomas 2d fubd . II 4 — — ^— John VIII - Hewcrdine (William) IX 8 Hoare, Henry IX 3 Hewetfon, Michael 2d fubd. VI 4 Mifs 2d fubd. -- 9 Hewit, John 2d fubd. IV . VIII 3 Hewling, Benjamin VI 3 Hobart, Sir Henry III 5 Hewfe, Madam. See Hughs, Hobbes, Thomas V 7 Hewfon, John IV 6 Hobbye, Lady II 9 W^IllTrn IX 7 the " Tapeftry" - 6 Heydon, John V . Hoblyn, Robert VIII 3 Heylin, Peter 2d fubd. — + Hobfon (Thomas) IV 8 Heyther, William IV 8 Hodder, James V - Heywood, John " 7 Hoddesdon.John IV 7 Hibbert, Henry 2d fubd. V 4 Hodges, Sir William VII 3 Hickeringill, Edmond 2d fubd. VII - - William IX 8 Hickman, Charles ~. . Hodgfon, James VIII 7 Hicks, George 2d fubd. ^.. IX 6 William IV 7 Hodfon, Septimus zd fubd. — 4 William IX 3 William IV 7 Higgins, Fr ncis 2d fubd. VII 4 Hody, Humphrey 2d fubd. VII 4 Higham, in the Pri nt of the Hoefnagle, George U 8 " Jefuits" 2d fubd. III - Hoet, Peter VI 3 Highmore Jofeph pa. 242. VII 8 Hoffman, Francis VII 8 V 7 Hogarth, William IX - Hilder, Thomas 2d fubd. IV 4 Holbein, Hans II . Hilderfliam, Arthur 2d fubd. _ . Holbrook, Benjamin IX 10 Hill, Aaron VIII 7 K Holcroft, Thomas — 7 Holdesf N D X. Per. a. Holden, Charlotte zd fubd. IX 9 Holder, William zd fubd. VI 4 Hole, Matthew 2d fabd. VIII - Holford, Sir Richard 2d fubd. VII ; Holland, Charles IX 8 ' Henry Fox, Lord — t • — Henry Richard, Earl of IV Hezekiah 2d fubd. — John IX Mifs 2d fubd. — Philemon IV • 'I homas, Oxon. 2d fubd. Ill • Thomas, Jefuit 2d fubd. IV Hollar, Winceflaus V Holies, Denzel, Lord — Hollis, Sir Frenchevilie, or Fretfwell — - Thomas IX Holman (Jofeph GeorgeJ — Holme, Thomas zd fubd. VIII Holmes, George ^— - Holroyd, John Baker. See ShefEeld. Maria and Louifa zd fubd. Holt, John — - Sir John Home, Henry Homer, Henry Hondius, Abraham ' Henry — Jodocus Hone, Camillus — — Horace (Lydia) Mifs '- Nathaniel Honeywood, Sir Philip Honthorft, Gerard Hood, Alexander, Lord I Sir Samuel Hooker, Richard Hooper, George •— — — - John > J(ofeph) Hope, Ann .' Williams IX IV VII IX 2 6 3 8 4 7 9 3 2d fubd. — 4 VI 8 IV - III - IX - zd fubd. — 9 2d fubd. — — 8 VIII 6 IV 8 IX z — 6 2d fubd. II 4 VII II . IX 7 2d fubd. — S Hope, Henry Mary Hopkins, Benjamin Edward Ezekiel John John Matthew ^-^ — • Thomas William Hopley, William Hoppner (Phoebe) Hopton, Ralph, Lord Hopwood, John Home, Robert Tooke, John Horneck, Anthony (Hannah) Mifs. See Gwyn, Mrs. Per. CI. IX 3 2d fubd. — g — 3 VIII - VI 4 — 7 IX 3 IV 10 VII 3 V 8 IX . 2d fubd, g IV 2 zd fubd. V 4 II - IX 3 zd fubd, VI 4 2d fubd. IX 9 Horfall, Ruben Horfeman, Hugh Hort, Jofiah Hofkins, Sir John Hotchkin, Thomas Hotham, Sir John Houblon, Sir John Houbraken, Arnold Hough, John Houlfton, William Houfe, Samuel How, Rachael — Thomas VIII 7 IX - VIII 4 VI 3 2d fubd. IX 5 IV 6 VII 3 — 8 VIII 4 IX 7 — 10 zd fubd. VI 9 VIII 3 Howard, Catharina " ducis Livoxis heeredis conjux." See Newburgh. — — — Catherine Nevjle, Lady VI Harry jx Hugh yjij John IX — — — - Lady yj Lady Caroline JX " ' Lady Catherine, grandchild, &c. See Digby. Lady, unknown Note V g Leonard id fubd. IX 4 Howard, N D X. Howard, Lord Thomas. . — Mrs. . Mifs Robert » Sir George - Sir Robert ■ Thomas Philip Howe, Emanuel Scroop — — -- John Richard, Earl ■ Ruperta Howel, Thomas Howell, James i Laurence Howfon, John Hubbard, Henry -" James Hucks, Mrs. — — " William Hudfon, JefFery — John Mifs William Huggins, William Hughes, George John . — Obadiah Sir Edward See Suffolk. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Per. CI. VIII IX VI vn 2d fubd. Suppt. Suppt. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. IX VII IX V VII IV IX 4 6 7 4 3 4 2d fubd, VII VIII V 2d fubd. VII 2d fubd. IX 2d fubd. V VII 2d fubd. — IX 2d fubd. V VIII IX Hughs, Margaret Hulfe, Sir Edward Hume {Amelia Egerton) Lady — -- David — Sir Abraham — Humphrey, Laurence 2d fubd. II Sellender 2d fubd. IX William _ Humphreys, Richard ^ Humphry, Ozias — Huniades. See Banfi. Hunfdon, (Ann Morgan) Lady Suppt. II — — — - (Henry Carey) Lord Suppt. — 10 9 3 10 4 9 3 7 4 7 4 6 9 7 9 7 3 4 9 8 10 8 9 2 Hunt, Arabella — — Gabriel " Iftac William Per. CI. 2d fubd. VII 9 vm 8 2d fubd. IX 4 V 8 Hunter (Catherine). See Clarke. Henry 2d fubd. IX 4 John — 6 John — 7 ■ William — Huntingdon, Elizabeth (Stanley) Countefs of IV 9 I — Henry Haftings, Earl of 1561 II 2 ■ — Henry Haftings, Earl of 1 604 IV - ' Selina Shirley, Countefs of IX 9 — Theophilus Haftings, Earl of, 1655 VI 2 . — Theophilus Haftings, Earl of, . 1705 VIII . , — William 2d fubd. IX 4 Huntly, George Gordon, Marquis of IV 2 Hurd, Richard IX 4 Huffey, Jos. 2d fubd, VII - (Thomas) 2d fubd. IX - Huftler, James — 3 Hutchefon, Francis — 7 Hutchins, Richard 2d fubd._ — 4 Hutchinfon, John Hely — 3 " Richard 2d fubd. — 4 ■ " William — 7 Hutton, James — 3 . • Matthew, Abp. York III 4 Matthew, Abp. Cant. VIII - Sir Richard IV 5 Huxham, John IX 7 Hyde, Lady. See Clarendon, Countefs of. Lady Catherine VIII 9 ■- Lady Henrietta. See Dalkeith. ^—. Lady Mary ; with the next above VIII 9 Thomas 2d fubd. VII 4 Hyndford, Jane Vigor, Countefs of VHI 9 J. J J . E. i. e. Jacob, Edward. Jack, or Jacchseus, Gilbert —— blind. See Keeling. dumb. See Gale, I mad . (poor) Sixteen ftring. See Rann. Jackfon, Arthur ■ — James _ John William Jacob, Edward Hildebrand or Jacobs, Mifs Jacobe, John Jacomb, Thomas James, Charles Robert . Sir William ■ Thomas Jamefone, George, and famUy Jamey Janeway, James Janffen, or Janffens, Cornelius Jarrat, Benjamin Jarvis, Charles. See Jervas. Jay, William Ibbot, Benjamin . Benjamin, jun. Jean, Lewis de Jebb, John Jefieries, George, Lord . John JefFery, John fefferyes, Charles Jeffries, John Jeffryes. Elizabeth Jegon, John Jekyl, Sir Jofeph fenkin, or Jenkyn, WiMiam Jenkins, Catid adfubd. VI IX — 3 IV 7 — 8 VII lo 2dfubd. V 4 — 8 IX 10 adfubd. IX 4 2d fubd. VII - IX 3 — 6 — 7 VI 2 IX 10 id fubd. VII 4 JX 6 — 7 VIII lo III 4 VIII 5 2d fubd. VI 4 V 5 N D Per. CI. .IV 7 IX 10 VI — Suppt. V 4 IX 8 2d fubd. — 4 — 8 ... 7 VIII - 2d fubd. IX 9 E X. Jenkins, Henry . Sir Leoline Jenks, or Jenkfius, Silvefter Jennings, David 1 ■ Edmund ■ Mad". " Sir John Per. CI. V lo VI 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. IX zdfubd. n Suppt. V VIII IX See Albans. IX 2 s 4 III - II - IX 10 IX q Jenyns, Soame Jermyn, or Jarmin, Henry Lord. Jerfey (Ann Egerton) Countefs of ■ Frances Twifden, Countefs of — — . William Villiers, Earl of VII Jervas, Charles VIII Jeffey, Henry id fubd. V Jefuits' Print in " Vox Populi," 2d fubd. Jewel, Jevel or Juel, John Jinkins, William Im hoff (Maria.) See Hallings. Inchiquin, Mary Palmer, Countefs India Vindicated, Note pa. 420 Inglefield, Thomas Inglis, Alexander — — John Ingram, Frances. See Gordon. Innes, William Joe, poor, all alone — John, St. Suppt. V — — Lady Mary St. in the Print with Lady Ann Harrington k_ Johnfon, Benjamin, Poet. See Jonfon. ■ Benjamin, Aflor VIII — — Cornelius. See Janffen, VII horfeman IX 10 2d fubd. .— 4 VIII 10 7 IX ■ Humphrey 3 la 8 8 — Richard — Robert — Samuel — Sir William -— Thomas — William Johnfton (Alexander) • Arthur — — John — Lady Charlotte V 7 IX - — 6 — 10 VIII 8 IX - IV 7 V . IX 9 Johnfton, N Per. CI. D VI IX V iX VI IV — 10 IX lo — 9 Johnfton, Sir John Johnftone, Jaraes • (John) JoIIifte, Lady Mary Jones (David) 2d fubd. — — George — — Inigo ■ John, in the Print of the " Regi- " cides" —— Lady Elizabeth. See Kildare. Lady Catherine, with the next below. Lady Frances. See Coningfby. Paul . Polly 2d fubd. alias Kennedy, Mifs zd fubd. Richard - Sir Thomas Sir William Sir William . ■'- Thomas ■ William Jonfon, Benjamin Jordan (Dorothy) — — - Sir Jofeph Jortin, John Jofs, Torial Joy, William VI Ireland, John IX _- ^— Samuel — - Ireton, Henry IV 6 Ironfide, Edward, in the Print of the Six " Aldermen" VIII Irwin, Eyles IX — - Mrs. 2d fubd. — II V IV IX 2d fubd. — V IV IX V IX 2d fubd, ad fubd. 2d fubd. 4 7 9 6 4 lo 7 Ifaac ■ Dancing-mader Idiam, Sir Thomas ItheII,Benedia Iver, M*. See Campbell. Ives, John Jull, James Juxon, William 5 7 9 VII lo VIII 8 V 3 VIII - IX 7 V - — 4 X. J|\.. F. i. e. Kirkman. Kane, Nathanael KaufFman, Angelica Kaye, Sir Arthur ■- Sir John Liller Keach, Benjamin Elias Keate, George Keck, Mrs. Kcefe.JohnO' Kcclng, John Jofiah Per. CI. VIII zd fubd. IX VII VIII VI zd fubd. zd fubd. zd fubd. IX sd fubd. See Crow, William, VIII V IX VII 9 7 2 IX 8 Keighley (Mary Keiling, John Keiih (Alexander • James VIII Kellet, William IX Kelleway, Jane zdfubd. V Kelly, Edward H Hugh IX — — — Thomas Alex. Erllcine, Earl of — Kelfcy.John VI Kemble (Frances). See Twifs. — — — John ' Roger Kerne, Samuel zd fubd. Kemp, John 2d fubd. -— -- Sir Nicholas Kempe, William Suppt. Kempenfelt, Richard Kenmurc, William Gordon, Vifcount Kenn, Thomas — Kennedy, Gilbert Suppt. IX Mifs. See Jones. Kennet, White Kenny Kenrick, Daniel John ■ William Kent, Elizabeth (Talbot) Countefs of 7 9 7 3 JO 9 10 V IX IV III IX VII VIII 4 VII 10 VI 7 vni 3 IX 7 IV 9 Kent, N D E X. Kent (Mary Wadfworth, Lady) William Kentidi Petitioners Kenton, Jamts Kenyon, Lloyd, Lord Kenzie, Kenneth M^ Sir George M° 2d I'ubd. ■Keppel, Auguftus, Lord . . Lady Elizabeth. See Taviftoek. Per. CI. IX 9 VIII VI IX VI IX VII 8 3 8 z 10 S Ker, John Lady Elizabeth, in the Print with Lord Ancrani (Marq. of Lothian) IX zd fubd. zd fubd V II VI II IX VIII IV Kercher, Daniel M' Kerfey, John Ketel, Cornelius Kettlewell, John Key, John Keyfe, T(homas) Kidder, Edward Kiderminfter, Thomas Kilburne, Richard Kildare Elizabeth Jones, Countefs of . Emilia Lenox, Countefs of. \ g^^ Leinfter, . James Fitzgerald, Earl of. J Killegre(w) Madam zd fubd. IV , Thomas V Suppr. — Killigrew, Ann 2d fubd. VI Kilmarnock, William Boyd, Earl of VIII Kimber, Ifaac 2d fubd. Kimbolton, Edward, Lord. See Manchefter. King, Edward ... . James -James (Philip Gidley) John . John Glen Lady (Mary) Moll, the altered Print of Dolly. . . Peter, Lord . Richard VIII IX ad fubd. zd fubd. VI 9 III IX VI IX viii IX King, Sally Sir Edmund Sir John Thomas William. L. L. D. William, Abp. William.of St. Mary Hall Per. CI. VlII 10 Vll 2d fubd. V IX Vll VIII IX Kingdey, William Kingllon, Evelyn Pierpoint, Duke of VII Richard zd fubd. V Robert Pierpoint, Easl of IV Kinloch IX Kinnoull, Thomas Hay, Earl of — Kinfnian, Andrew zd fubd. — Kintolh, Lady M= Vfll Kippax, William Kippis, Andrew Kirby, John — Jodiua — Richard V Kirgate, Thomas IX Kirk, Mary. See Vernon. Kirke, Ann zd fubd. IV Kirkman, Francis V Lemuel zd fubd. IX S 7 4 7 6 z 4 z 7 z 4 9 zdfubd. IX 4 Kirwan, Walter Blake Kitchener, William Knap, William Kiiatchbull, Mad" Kneller, John Zacchery Sir Godfrey — . . his Mjftrefs and Daughter See Vofs. Knevet, in the " Tapeftry" Knight, Gowin J(oel) A(bram) zd fubd 2d fubd. — VIII 10 S zd fubd. VI 9 VII 8 John, and Family Mrs. Knightly, Devereux Knipe, Thomas Knollis, Hanfard Knowlcs, Gilbert II IX zd fubd. — VIII 2d fubd. V VI 2d fubd. VII zd fubd. V VII Knowle6, N D X. Knowlcs, Sir Cliarje* Knox, John 2d fubd Suppt. Per. CI. IX 6 , II 4 Robert Kotzwara, Francis Kvnilefinan, Anna 2d fubd 2d fubd. VI IX VI VIII 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. LaBILLIERE, Peter Lackington, James Ladbroke, Sir Robert Lagden, Mrs. Laigiiton. See Leighton. Lake, Arthur — — Charles ■ Edward John — — Mary • Sir ? Bibye Lambarde. William Lambe, John . Meffrs. Lambert, George — John, Col. Lady Elizabeth Lambourn, Peter Spendelowe Lampe, John Frederick La-npert, J A Suppt. Lampiighler, the Lampliigh, Thomas Lancaftcr, Henry of Monmouth, Du^ke of John of Gaunt, Duke of ■ ■ — Suppt, IX 6 — 8 — 3 JO IV 4 VII - VI - VIII 9 II 7 III - IX 3 — 8 V 6 VI 8 IX 9 — 8 VIII - IX 4 — 10 VI A. 2d fubd. VII 4 IX William Lane, Jane. See Fiflier. — — Mary. See Macclesfield, . Louifa Suppt. Lanefborough, Elizabeth (Latouche) Coun- tefs of Humphrey Butler, Earl of Lang.'ale, Marmaduke (Lord) . Thomas V - IX 8 Langdon, Tobias Langford, Abraham John Langham, Mary Alfton.Lady Langhorn, Richard Langlcy, Batty Langton, John Laniere, Nicholas Lanfdown, George Granville, Lord Per. CI. 2d fubd, VIII IX 2d fubd. — IV 2d fubd, V VIII VII IV VIII Mary Villiers, Lady, with W"". Ld. Villiers(Earlof Jerfcy) ^ William Petty, Marquis of Lant; Thomas Lardner, Nathaniel 2d fubd. Largiiliere, Nicholas de Larkham, Thomas 2d fubd Lafcfclles (Ann) zd fubd, — — — (Frances) 2d fubd, Lafco, John a Latimer, Hugh Laval, Rhoda de. See Aftley, — — - Sarah de. Sec Mexborough. — - Sir Francis Blake de Laud William Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of ■ John Maitland, Duke, and Duchefs of . Richard Maitland, Ear] of Laurence, or Lawrence, John 2d fubd, — — — — ■ Stringer Law, Edmund John Lawes, Henry Lawranfon (Thomas) Lawrence, Thomas Lawfon, Francis 2d fubd, John ad fubd. Mad" 2d fubd. Sir John Leadbeater, Charles Leake, John - Sir John Lean, James M' Learmont, joha VIII VI V VIII IX VII VIII IX VII IX II IX VIII . V IX II IX IV IX V VI VIII IX — 4 VIII 5 V 8 IX - 6 10 Leary^ I N D X. Per, CI. 2d fubd. IX 4 III VIII 2d fubd. IX VIII III VIII IV IX vn IX 2d fubd. Leary, Arthur O' — — Mifs. Ses Franklin. Leate, Alderman Lediard, Thomas Lee, Jane John — — Lady Elizabeth — — Sir George — Sir Henry Sir William — — William Leechman, William Leeds, Thomas Oitorne, Duke of Leger, Barry St. Legge, Henry Bilfon — ' Thomas III William IX Leiceftcr, Elizabeth — ■ Robert Dudley, Earl of II ■ Robert Sidney, Earl of, 1618 IV ■ Robert Sidney, Earl of, 1698 VI Thomas Coke, Earl of VIII Leigh, Anthony, or Nat. Lee VI Charles, M. D. — , Hon. Charles VIII — — — Edward V Samuel 2d fubd. VI Leightoii, Alexander IV Robert V Leinfter, Emilia Lenox, Duchefs of IX James Fitzgerald, Duke of — Maynard, Dukeof. See Schomberg. — William Fitzgerald, Duke of Leland, John ' John ■ Thomas Lely, Sir Peter Lemoles. See Moles. Lemon, Margaret Lempriere, C Lennard, Sampfcn Lenox. See Richmond. (Arabella) 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 3 7 10 S 9 3 J 3 4 2 6 3 7 3 10 2 IX I IX 7 3 7 4 7 4 9 z 2 7 4 V 8 IV VIII IV Per.Cl. 2d fubd. IX g Lenox, Charles Stuart, Earl of, in " Lord " Darnley's Cenotaph" — — •- Lady Sarah Louifa Ker, Lady Margaret, Douglas, Countefs of, in " Lord Darnley's Cenotaph". Matthew Stuart, Earl of Lens, Bernard Lenthal, William Leod, Donald M' Lefley, Alexander. See Leven. David Leflie, Charles 2d fubd. John — — - Lady Frances — " Lady Mary Leftock, Richard Letchmere, or Lechmere, Sir Nicholas Lettfom.John Coakley Leven, Alexander Lefley, Earl of Levens, Peter Lerer, Sir Atliton Leveridge, Richard Leverland, Gervafe Levet, Francis i Richard Sir Richard Leviez Levinz, Sir Crefwcll Lewes, Sir Watkin Lewis, John zd fubd. John Mifs 2d fubd. Paul .1 -■" (William Thomas) Lewifliam, George Legge, Vifcount Ley, Sir James. See Malborough, Leybourn, William Liddiard, Thomas LifFord, James Hewitt, Lord Lightfoot, John 2d fubd Ligonier, John Lewis, Earl Lilburne, John II IX II 2 VIII 8 V 3 IX lO IV 6 VII 4 II - IX 9 \-III 6 VI S IX 7 IV 2 II 7 IX 3 VIII 8 IX 3 VIII . VII . IX 8 VI S IX 3 VIII 4 IX 8 VIII 9 IX 10 — » — 2 VI 7 IX 8 — 2 . V 4 IX 2 IV 3 Lilly. I N D E X. Lithgow, William . Ill Littleton, Edward, Lord IV . Muriel 2d fubd. — ■ or Lyttelton, Sir Thomas I . Sir Thomas VII -. I . — Suppt. — . or Lyttelton, Charles IX .^ George Lord — . ^— Thomas Lord — Per. CI, Lilly, William V 7 Lincoln, Catherine Pelham, Countcfs of VIII 9 i Edward Clinton, Earl of II 2 " ■ Suppt. — ' Henry Clinton, Earl of VIII Lindefay, Sir David IV Lindfey, Elizabeth Wharton, Countefs of VII ■ Montague Bertie, Earl of V - Robert Bertie, Earl of IV Lingen. William VIII Linley, Maria 2d fubd. IX Linlithgow, George Levingfton, Earl of VI Lion. See Lyon. Liotard, John Stephen IX Lifle, Alicia, Lady VI Lady VII - Edward VIII ■ Robert Sidney, Vifcount. See Leicefter. - Sir George IV Lifter (Jane) Lady Suppt. I Sir Martin IV . Sir Matthew — — — Sufannah Temple, Lady — — Thomas VI Litchfield, Bernard Siuart, Earl of IV II (Charlotte Fitzroy) Countefs of VII Livens, John Livius, Peter Lloyd, E. Lloyd, Humphrey — — John — — — Robert Lumley — — William Lobb, Theophilus Lock, Matthew IV IX II 2d fubd. IX 2d fubd. VIII VII IX V 7 8 M Per. CI. VIII 3 VII 7 Suppt. IX 3 n. Lady VII 9 — 3 IX 6 V 7 2d fubd. — 4 VI 8 zd fubd. VI 9 IX 10 2d fubd . V 9 2d fubd. IX + VII 3 2d fubd. VIII 9 2d fubd. Locke, Daniel John William Lockhart, Philadelphia Wharton, Lady Philip • Rofs, Sir John Lockyer, Lionel — — — - Nicholas Lodge, William Loftus, Lucy. See Wharton. Madam Lolkes, Wybrand Long, Jane ■ ■ ■- Roger Loo, George St. -^- Anne van — Anne Antoinette van — — Carlo van, &c. 1 ■ Jacques van, &c. -~— I Ifabel van 2d fubd. ■ Lord Mayors, of Elizabeth's Reign II Lords Juftices VI Lorimer, James IX Lome (Elizabeth Tolmach) Lady. See Argyle. Lortie, Andrew 2d fubd. VI 4 Lothian, Elizabeth Fortcfcue, Marchionefs of IX 9 , William John Ker, Marquis of — 2 Lovat, Simon Frafer, Lord VIII - Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of, 1633 V -John Campbell, Earl of, 1732 IX - Love, Chiiftopher ed fubd. IV 4 . (James) IX 8 Richard zd fubd. V 4 Loveday, Robert IV 7 Lovelace, Richard — • Lovell, John VIII 10 Lovet, in the Print of the " Jefuits," 2d fubd. III 4 Lovett, R VIII 7 Loughborough, Alexander Wedderburn, Lord IX 2 Lovibond, Mrs. zd fubd. — 9 Loufe, 9 3 2 7 N D X. Per. V IX zdfubd, — Loufe, Mother Loutherbourg (Philip James) de Mrs. Low, Richard VI Lowe, Edward V - (Thomas) IX Lower, Richard, is the Print of Loveday. Sir William V Lowin, John IV ■■ ' ■ — Suppt. — VIII IX V IX CI. 10 8 9 8 Low ry, James Lowth, Robert Lowther, Sir John Lucan, Charles Bingham, Lord ^—^~ (Margaret Smith) Lady — Patrick Sarsfield, Earl of VI Lucas, Charles IX Richard zd fubd. VII Sir Charles IV Luckcomb, Philip IX Lude, James comte de. See Daillon. Ludlow, Edrailhd VI Lumley, John, Lord III ■ Lloyd, Robert. See Lloyd. Lumfden, Mifs 2d fubd. IX Lunardi, Vincent — Lundin, Lord. See Melfort. Lupton, Donald? 2d fubd. IV William 2d fubd. VII Lurtice, in the " Jefuits," 2d fubd. Ill Lutwych, Sir Edward Vll Lydgate, John I ^___ Suppt. — 2d fubd. IX 2d fubd. V IX 2d fubd. VIII V 10 4 3 2 9 2 7 4 6 7 6 2 Lye, Edward — — Thomas Lynch, William Lyon, Hart Sir Patrick Lyfter, Thomas. See Lifter. Lyttelton. See Littleton. M JVIaBUSE. or Mabufms, John II M' Ardell. M« Kenzfe, &c. Sec Ardell, Sec. 10 4 5 Macartney, George, Vifcount Per. CI. IX 2 Suppt. Macclesfield, Charles Gerard, Earl of VI George Parker, Ear! of IX Mary Lane, Countefs ef VIII Thomas Parker, Earl of ■ Mace, Thomas Macklin (Charles) Mackworth, Sir Herbert Madan, Martin Patrick VII 8 IX . .— 3 4 10 4 — 7 VIII 10 2d fubd. IX 5 — 8 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. — Madden, Samuel Maddock, James Maddox, Anthony Madocks, John Maggi, Natalis Thomas — Magill, Mifs 2d fubd. — Mahew, Jonathan 2d fubd. — Mahomet, Lewis Maximilian VII Mahon (Charles) Vifcount. See Stanhope. . Philip Stanhope, Vifcount IX Mainauduc, John Bonniot de __ Mainwarjng, Sir Philip, in the Prints with the Earl of Stafford IV . . ' Sir William Suppt. — Major, Thomas IX Maitland, Richard Lord. See Lauderdale. Maitre, Mrs. le. See Nolcken. Maittaire, Michael VIII Makins, Bathufa 2d fubd. IV Malard, Michael 2d fubd. VII Malcolm, Sarah VIII Maiden, Daniel — ^ Henry IX IV IX 9 4 10 2 7 3 8 7 9 4 10 S s 2 3 Mallet, Sir Thomas Suppt. Malmfbury, James Harris, Lord Malone, Anthony Edmond — - Maltravers (Henry) Lord. See Arundel. Mancheller, Charles Montagu, Duke of VII 2 — . Doddington Brooke, Duchefs of — 9 — — — — - Edward Montagu, Earl of V 2 I Elizabeth Dalhwood, Duchefs of IX 9 . •• George Montagu, Duke of — 2 Mancheller, N D X. Per. CI. Mancheder, Henry Montagu, Earl of IV 2 Mandey, Venter VI 7 Manfre, Blaife IV 10 Manley, Thomas 7 Manlove, Timothy 2d fubd. VI 4 Manners, Lady Catherine IX 9 ■ " Lady Lnuifa — i Lord Robert — 2 Manniok, Frances 2d fubd. — 9 Mannock, Sir William VII 3 Mansfield, Charles Cavendilh, Vifcount, with. Henry Duke of Newcallle VI 2 ■ James 2d fubd. IX j . William Murray, Earl of — 2 Manton, Thomas 2d fubd. V 4 Mar, John Erlkine, Earl of VIII 2 March, John 2d fubd. VI 4 Marchand, Floram IV 10 Marchefi, Luigi 2d fubd. IX 8 Marchi, Giufeppi — - Marchmont, Elizabeth Crompton, Countefs of — 9 Grifwell Ker, Countefs of VI - ■ Hugh Hume, Earl of IX 2 — . Patrick Hume. Earl of VI - Marifchal, Earl. See Marftal. Markham. Gervafe IV 7 . Robert 2d fubd. IX 4 William VII 8 . . William IX 4 Markland, Jeremiah — 7 Marlborough, Caroline Ruflel, Duchefs of — g I Charles Spencer, Duke of VIII 2 George Spencer, Duke of iX - « Henrietta Churchill, Duchefs of VIII 9 . James Ley, Earl of IV 2 John Churchill. Duke of VII - . Sarah Jennings, Duchefs of VIII 9 Marlow, Mary IX 10 Marmion, Sir Edmund IV 3 Marot, Daniel VI 8 Marriot (Benjamin) IV 10 Marflial Per. CI. VIII 8 George Keith, Earl ix 2 Sir Henry, in the Print of the Six " Aldermen" Marfhall, Elizahedi Marfham, Sir John Marten, John Prifcilla, Martin, Benjamin • Elias Jofeph ' Richard • Thomas William Martinelli, Vincent Martyr (Margaret) Peter. See VcrmilJi. Marvell, Andrew Mafcal, Leonard Mafcall, Edward Mafon, Charles Dorothy. See Brandon. ' Emmet ■ George • John Monck " Sir Edmund" (William) W. M. . (William) Maffey, Edward ■ George Hugh John Maflingberd, Henry Maffinger, Philip Maflbn Mafter, Martin Mather, Cotton I Increafe ■- Samuel VIII 2d fubd. IX VI VII 2d fubd, — IX VII III IX 2d fubd. — V III IV IX 3 9 7 9 7 8 3 7 8 7 9 2d fubd. Suppt, VII IX 2d fubd, Suppt. 8 4 9 4 3 10 8 4 6 8 Mathew (Eliflia) Mathias, James Matlock, John Matoaka, 01 Matoaks, 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd, 2d fubd. See Rolff. V IX IV VIII VI 10 IX — IV 7 IX 10 IV 7 VIII 4 VII - VIII . IX Q VIII Maton, N D X. •Maton, Robert 2d fubd. Mattaire, Michael. See Malttaire. Matthew, Sir Tobias . .. Tobias Per. CI. IV 4 IV VIII IX VIII 2d fubd. IV IX in tbe Print of the " Je- 2d fubd. Ill Matthews, Thomas Mattocks (George) Maty, Mathew Mauduit, Ifrael Maule, Henry Maurice, Edward Maurois, Thomas Mawbey, Sir Jofeph Maxfield, " fuits" __ Thomas Maxwell, Francis Kelly . - Thomas May, John . . Robert . Thomas Maydman, Henry Mayerne, Sir 1 heodore Maynard, Ann Parfons, Lady .«___— John, in the Print of King Edw. VI. delivering the Charter of Bridewell. 7 4 6 8 7 3 4 2d fubd. 24 fubd. IX VI IX IV VI IV IX I 2d fubd. II V VII V Per. C Melfort, John Drummond, Earl of VII e Mellifh VIII 8 , -. Catherine 2d fubd. 9 Meln^oth, William 7 Melvil, or Melville, George, E arl of VII 2 Mendcz, Mofes Suppt. VIII 7 Mendoza, Daniel IX 10 Mends, Chriftopher 2d fubd. — 4 Menni, J — 8 Mentethus. See Monteith. Mer, Henry Booth, Lord de la. See Warrington. Mercier, Charlotte 2d fubd. IX 9 — . Matter — 8 Philip VIII . Meredith, Sir William IX 3 Merkes, Thomas Suppt. I 4 Mayne, Cuthbert John Maynwaring, Arthur . Everard Mayow, John Mazarine, HortenfeMancinI, Duchefs of Mead, Matthew 2d fubd. .—- Richard Meares, John Mears, John 26. fubd, Meath (Elizabeth Lennard) Countefs of Medina, Sir John Bapt.de Medley, Henry Meek, John Meggot, Richard 2d fubd Melbourne, Elizabeth Milbanke, Lady Meldrum, Sir John VI VIII IX VIII V VII VIII V , VI IX IV I 4 ' 7 3 7 9 4 7 6 4 9 S 6 3 4 9 6 Merry Andrew. See Philips, (Elizabeth) 2d fubd. IX Fidler. See Maffey, Hugh. —— Milk Maid. See Smith, Kate. — — new Song." See Teafdell, Roger, &c. Robert Mertins, Sir George Merton, Walter de Mefquita, Mofes Gomez, de Meffer, Benjamin Mefliter, H(u(bandJ Metcalf, Mary , Mifs . Theophilus Methuen, John Meulen, Peter vander IX VII I 2d fubd. VIII 2d fubd. IX xi fubd. 2d fubd. IV VII V Mexborough, Elizabeth Stephenfon, Countefs of IX ..^^_^— Sarah de Laval, Countefs of — Mews, Peter VII Meyer, Jeremiah John John Henry Mifs Meyirot, Elizabeth Michelburn, John Michcll, Henxy IX Suppt, zd fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 4 9 2d fubd. VII IX Middlcfex, N D X. Per. CI. IV 2 V Middlefex, Lionel Cranfield, Earl of , ^- Rachael (Fane) Countefs of Middleton (Catherine Brudeiiel) Countefs of VI 2d fubd. VIII zdfubd. V VI III IV IX IV VIII IX VIII lo VI 3 IX - II - IV 7 VII 4 IX 8 — Conyers . Jane ■ John Lady . Richard 2d fubd. ——— Sir Hugh ■ — Starkey zdfobd. . — Thomas _ — William Midgley, Robert 2d fubd, Mien, Robert Milbanke, Sir Mark .— Sir Ralph Mildmay, Sir Walter Mill, Humphrey m. John 3d fubd. Millan, John Millar (James) . Jufeph Miller, Bowler . — - John Seb. See Miiller. ." Maximilian Chriftopher Mills, Ann, beggar - Ann I- Bernard =_ Ifaac Mrs. Milne, Janet. See Smith. Milner. John VIII Milton, John V Miltoun, Jofeph Leefon, Earl of iX Mingay, James 2d fubd. — Mingh, or Minns, Sir Chriftopher V Miffonne, Fr — 7 Mifcellanea [Next after the Supplement. VIII 10 IX - VIII 10 VI — VIII — 2d fubd. IX 4. 2d fubd. VII - 2d fubd. IX Q Mifly. Caefar de Mocket, Thomas Moftet, Thomas Mohun, Charles, Lord (Michael) 2d fubd. IX 2d fubd. V II VII Suppt. VI 7 2 8 N Per. CI. Moivre, Abraham de VIII 7 Moles, Peter de le VII 8 Molefworth, John IX j Richard, Vifcount VIII 2 Robert, Vifcount VII - Moltcno, Anthony IX 3 Molyneux, Ifabella, Vifcountefs. See Sefton. - Sir Francis IX j William VI 7 Monamy, Peter VIH 8 Monck, N icholas, in the Print of the " Raw- «' linfon Family" V 3 Monckton, Mifs. See Corke. Robert IX 6 Monmouth, Ann Scot, Duchefs of VIII 9 " Henry Gary, Earl of V z James Fitzroy, Duke of VI - Monnet, Jean IX 8 Monoyer, John Baptift VI - Monro, Alexander, piper VIII 10 I Alexander IX 7 Betty _ ,0 Montagu, Edward Lord. See Manchefter. Edward Wortky IX 3 Elizabeth 2d fubd. — g ' George, Duke of Suppt. — 2 — — — or Mountagu, James III 4 John, Duke of VIII 2 — — — - Lady Caroline IX g " Lady Mary Wortley — Mary Churchill, Duchefs of VIII - Sir Henry. See Manchefter. Montague, Charles. See Halifax. ■ Harriet 2d fubd. IX 9 . Lady Ann VIII - . ■ Lady Elizabeth. See Bucdeugh. . Matter Suppt. VII 3 I Sir James — S V 7 Monteage, Stephen Monteith, Robert Montgomerie, VHI 3 Montgomery, Philip, Earl of. See Pembroke. ■ i ■ — — or Moungomery, Sir James VI 3 * Monticelli, N D X. d fubd Per. CI. VIII 8 IV IX . V VI VII - VIII 7 VI - 2d fubd. — 4 Monticelli, Ang. Maria Montrofe, James Graham, Marquis of Moody, John Moone, Jofuah Moor, Sir John Moore, Charles . . ■" Edward — — — Francis John, of Worcefter John, Bp. Ely ■ John, Abp. Cant. ■. John Hamilton Mifs zd fubd. . Samuel zd fubd. Sir Frances zd fubd. Sir Jonas Mooreland. See Morland. Morant, Mary zd fubd. IX 9 Moravice comes, &c. See Murray. Moray, Lady Chrillian Mordaunt (Charlotte) zd fubd ■ John, Vifcount Lady Henrietta, VII IX IV III V VIII , IX V 7 9 4 7 More, Alexander — — Alicia (Lady) Ann Grifacre, Lady . Gertrude . Henry John (jun.) in the " Family Print" See Gordon. zdfubd. V 4 ■] in the Print of" Sir JT.More's Family." 2d fubd. IV 9 zd fubd. VI I — John — Robert — Sir Anthony -- (Sir) John — Sir Thomas zd fubd. II VII II I his Familv Sir William de la Morell, Thomas Mores, Edward Rowe Morett, Morgan, Harry Mrs. I (Louifa) , Sir Henry Morgan, Sir Thomas ■ - . Sylvanus - 6 zd fubd. IX 4 — 7 I 8 VIII 10 zdfubd. VII 9 zd fubd. IX VI IV V Per. CI. Morice, Sir William V 3 Morifon, Robert — 7 Morland (Ann Fielding) Lady — 9 - Sir Samuel VI 7 Morley, George V 4 John VIII 3 Morpeth, Howard, Lord IX 2 Morris, Mrs. 2d fubd. VIII g (Henrietta) zd fubd. IX - ' - (Thomas) — 7 Morrit, Bacon — 3 Morfe, Henry zdfubd. IV 4 Mortimer, Charles zd fubd, IX - — John Hamilton — 8 . ■ Mifs zd fubd. — 9 Morton, Ann (Villiers) Countefs of IV - ■ James (Douglas) Earl of II 2 IV 7 . Richard VI - . Thomas IV 4 Mofs, James IX 10 Robert zdfubd. VIII 4 Mofleneau, Charlotte zd fubd. IX 9 Moflbp, Henry — 8 Moftyn, Lady Effex VII 9 ■ Savage VIII 6 Motherhill, John IX 10 Motte, Francis Henry de la — — John la IV 3 Motterfhead, Jofeph 2d fubd. IX 4 Mottley, John VIII 7 Mounfey, James IX Mountaigne, George IV 4 Mount Edgcumbe, George, Earl IX 2 Mountjoy, William Stewart, Vifc. See Blefllngton. Mountftuart, Charlotte, Lady. "I ^ n . -I — John, Vifcount. J Mowbray, Henry, Lord. See Arundel. Moxon, Jofeph VI 7 Moyes, Henry IX Moyle, John VI - Walter VII - Moyfer, John — 3 Mozart, Leopold IX 8 — — W(olfgang) A Suppt. — - Mudge, N D X. Per. IX CI, 7 8 Mudge, John — — Thomas — Zacchary 2d fubd. — 4 Muggleton, Lodowick 2d fubd. VI Muilman, Terefia Conftaniia. Sec Philips. Mulgrave, Ann Elizabetn Cholmley. Lady IX g .■ Conftantine John Phipps, Lord — 2 Edmund Sheffield, Ea 1 of IV - —— John, Earl. See Buckingham. Muller, Jo'an IX 7 — John Sebaftian — 8 Munday, Francis VII 3 Munden (Jofeph) IX 8 Suppt. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Suppt. Munn, Richard Murcot, John Murford, Nicholas Murphy, Arthur . John Murray, Alexander i Alexander Stewart, Earl of 1 Fanny. See Rofs. (James) . ■ John • Thomas Mufe, Mifs 2d fubd. Mufgrave, Sir William ■ William Muftapha, Signor Muflers (Sophia) Myddlcton, Sir Hugh. . Starkie. Mijn, Francis vander Mytens, Daniel — 4 IV - — 7 2d fubd, See Middlcton. IX VIII VI IX VIII VII VllI IX vn vni , IX IX VI 4 S 2 6 7 8 9 3 7 10 9 N J^ AAS, John Bourke, Baron IX Nailer, Mifs 2d fubd. — Nalton, James 2d fubd. V Nan, YorUniire VII Napier, Charles VI (Sir John) II[ Suppt. — (Napper; John IX 2 9 4 10 6 7 See Rawlins, IX zd Aibd. VIII IV IX 2d fubd. — Per. CI. Narbona, Dorothea. Nares, James — — " Sir George Nary, Cornelius Na(h, John Richard — — Treadway Nassau Orange, Ann, Wife of William Cha. Frifo VIII Mary, Wife of William II. IV William n. — — Charles Frifo Naylor, James Neal, Daniel Neale, Thomas Neck, Gerard van Needier, Henry Neil, Thomas Neild, William NeUl, Mrs. O Nelfon, John — — Robert Nefbitt, John Neffe, Chriftopher Netfcher, Gafpar Netto, or Nietto, David Neve, Peter le ■ Robert Nevill, Grey Neville, or Nevel, Catherine. Clement Francis de Newbattel, William Ker, Lord, Newburgh, BroLkhill VIII - IV 10 Suppt. — — 2d fubd. VIII 4 IV 3 viir . — 8 IX 10 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. — VII 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. — V 2d fubd. vn VIII VII la — 3 See Howard. VIII 6 2d fubd. IV 4, See Lothian. IX 7 Frances Brudenel, Countefsof VI Catherine Howard, Conntefs of V Xewby, Charles VIII Newca'Ue, Henry Cavendi(h, Duke of VI Joiin Holies, Duke of VII — — (Margare: Cavcndifh) Duchefs of ' Margaret (Luca;) Dochefsof V Thos. Peiham Holies, Duke of IX — 9 Newcallle, -- Sir Ifaac -- Sir Michael -- Thomas — William Nicholas, Abraham Sir Edward Nicholl, John Nicholls, Franck — — — - Sutton Nichols, John — — - Margaret William Nichclfon, John, M. D. ■- John - Margaret Nield, William. SeeNeild. Nieuhoff, Baron Nigellus. See Neale. Nightingale Niibett, John. See Nefbitt. 1 Sir John Noble, Mark Nolclten, Baronefs -iNorden, John — 7 VIII 3 IX 4 — 8 VIII - V 3 md fubd. IX 4 — 7 VII 8 IX - 2d fubd. VII 9 sd fubd. — 4 — 7 IX 8 — JO IX 10 Suppt. IX 6 VI s 2d fubd. IX 4 Suppt. — 9 III 7 I N D Per. CI. Newcaftle, William Cavendilh, Duke of V 2 Newcomb, Mrs. 2d fubd, IX 9 - Thomas 2d fubd. VII 4 Newcome, Henry 2d fubd. VI - Peter 2d fubd. VIII - Newcourt, Richard VII 7 Newman, Thomas 2d fubd. VIII 4 Newnham, Naihaniel IX 3 Newport, Charles Blount, Earl of V 2 .. Mountjoy Blount, Earl of — - Robert Jocelyn, Lord VIII - Newlhara (Emily) IX 10 Newte, John 2d fubd. VII 4 Newton, Benjamin 2d fubd. VIII - ■ Henry VII 3 James VIII 7 John, D. D. 2d fubd. V 4 John 2d fubd. IX - . Robert 2d fubd, VII . E X. Pel. CI. Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1 777 IX j . Charles Howard, Duke of, 1786 . Henry Howard, Duke of, 1678 V - Henry Howard, Duke of, 1683 VI . JaneBickertoB, Duchefsof y ■ John Howard, Duke of i ^ Thomas Howard, Duke of, 1513 . , — — Thomas Howard, Duke of, 1524 II . ThomasHoward, Duke of, 1554 - . Norford, William Norris, Catherine ■ Sir John •^— — Sir John ^— — Thomas IX 2d fubd. -- 11 VIII IX ad fubd. — V See Guildford. 2d fubd. IX VIII 7 3 2 Norfa, Hannah North, Dudley, Lord — — — Frederick, Lord • (Henrietta) and Grey, Mary Marg. Lady — — — Roger ■ Sir Dudley yj and Grey, William, Lord VIII N.^rthampton, Henry Howard, Earl of HI ' Spencer Compton, Earl of IV William Parr, Marquis of II Northcote, James jjf North ington, Robert Henley, Earl of — Northumberland, Algernoon Percy, Earl of V Elizabeth Wriotelly, Coun- tefs of Elizabeth Percy, Duchefs of IX . George Fifzroy, Duke of VII 2 • Henry Percy, Earl of, 1377 I - Henry Percy, Earl of, IS85 IV . Hugh Percy, Duke of IX . ■ Hugh Smithfon, Duke of - ■ Joceline (Percy) Earl of V - ' John Dudley, Duke of I . Norton, John V 7 Norwich, George Goring, Earl of — a Noffitcr, — 9 N D E X. Nofliter, Mifs, in the Print with Barry Nott, Sir Thomas Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of Daniel Finch, Earl of ' Elizabeth Gary, Countefs of Eflex (Rich) Countefs of ■ ■ — Heneage Finch, Earl of Noverre (Seur George) Nowel, Alexander Nowell, Thomas Noy, Sir William Nugent, Robert, Earl Nuneham. See Harcourt. Nye, Nathaniel OaTES. Titus Ogilby, John Ogle, John — — Sir Chaloner — — Sir John Oglethorpe, James Okey, John ■ Thomas Oflavius — — Thomas Tertiiis Oldcorn, Edward Oldfield, Ann Oldham, George John Nathaniel zd fubd. 2d fubd. Per. CI. IX 8 V 3 III 2 VIII - in 9 V - — 2 IX 8 II 4 IX S IV 5 IX 2 Per. CJ. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Suppt. IV VII 4 V 7 — lO VIII 6 III - IX - V . VII 7 III 4 VIII 9 VII 4 V 7 VIII Oliver, Ifaac Mifs 2d fubd. ■ — Peter »■ Richard OlyfFe, Thomas Onflow, Arthur — — — George Opie, John Orde, Thomas Orford, Edward Ruflel, Earl of — — .— Horace Walpole, Earl of 3 III 8 IX 9 IV 8 IX 3 VII 8 IX 3 — 3 VII 2 IX . 2d fubd. — 1 Orford, Margaret Rolle, Countefs of ■ Robert Walpole, Earl of Orkeney, George HamiUon, Earl of Orme, Robert 2d fubJ. - Thomas, in the Print of the " Portf- " mouth Captains" Ormond, James Butler, Duke of, 1682 James Butler, Dukeof. 1688 Mary Somtrfet, Duchefs of Orrery, Charles Boyle, Earl of Henrietta Hamilton, Countefs of and Corke, John Boyle, Earl of Roger Boyle, Earl of Onon, Job 2d fubd. Oftaldifton. Richard Oltorn, William Olbcrne, Mifs Lady Bridget — — — • I.ady Mary — •— \^'illiam Henry, Lord OfTory (Amelia de NalTau) Countefs of — — - Thomas Builer, Earl of Otway, Thomas Overall, John Overbury, Sir Thomas Overton, John Oughtrede, William Oiven, James - John, Epigramat. John. D. D. .—- Mary ? — — Sir John Owtram, or Outram, William Oxburgh, Henry Gxenden, Sir Henry Oxford, Aubrey de Vere, Earl of ■ Edward Harley, Earl of ■ " Henry Vere, Earl of Robert Harley, Earl of Philippa de Courcy, Countcfsof "I ■ Robert Vere, Earl of, 1370 J ' Robert Vere, Earl of, 1625 IX VIII VI VIII IX V IX 6 2 9 z 9 2 VII zd fubd. zd fubd. zd fubd. VI III VII IV VII III V IX V zd fubd. — vn V VI VIII III vu 9 z 7 4 7 S 4 7 4 10 3 4 10 3 2 I - IV - Pack, N X. Per. CI. J[ ACK, Simon, in the Print of the " Portf- " mouth Captains" VI Packer (Robert) in the Print with Moody IX Page, Francis zd fubd. II Sir Francis VIII Paine, James » John Thomas . Thomas Pakington, Dorothv, Lady Palamedeflen, Paiamedes. See Staevaerts. Palatinate. Charles Lewis Elizabeth, Wife of Frederick, V. — her Daughter IX 8 Fredericli V. and Family Rupert Suppt. zd fubd. V V IV V IV V IX Paley, William Pallavicini, or Palvocini, Sir Horatio, in the Print of the " Tapellry" 11 Pallifer, Sir Hugh IX Palmer, in the Print of the " Je- «« fuits" jd fubd. Ill , Herbert zd fubd. IV . -Jemima zd fubd. VII , John, M. A. in the Print with John Blagrave III . John VIII John, Aftor . (Mifs). See Inchiquin. Paul 4 6 4 9 7 3 IX 8 IX Sarah . Sir GeofFry - (Theophila). Panton, Edward Papillon, David Pare, Lifabeita du Pardee, John Pardon, William Paris, Matthew Parke, Daniel zd fubd. zd fubd. Sec Gwatkin. zd fubd. zd fubd, V IV VllI IX VIII I VII s 9 5 lO 7 9 5 Parker, Catherine Goodwin, Lady ■ George, Allrolog. George, M. G. zd fubd, George — Gervafc Hyde —— -- Matthew Per. CI. Ill 9 VIII IX VIII IX II 7 4 7 6 — Nathaniel, in the Print with Garen- cieres •— — - (Samuel) ■— Sir Hyde — — Sir Philip Sir Thomas — Therefa — Thomas, Lord. Parkinfon, John ■^— — ^— Sydney Parliament Generals Parnell, Thomas Parr, Samuel Thomas — ^ the younger Parrot Harriot Parry, Ann — — Edward Parry, James ■ (Sir Thomas) Parfon, Madam Parfons, Ann. See Maynard. V VIII IX HI IX zd fubd. Sec Macclesfield. zd fubd. zd fubd. zd fubd. zd fubd. zd fubd. IV IX IV VII IX . IV 10 IX o IV IX II V . Edward • Humphrey Robert . Sir William William, Chronolog William, Convift William, Muf. D. (William) Partridge, John . Nathanael IV 10 4 2d fubd. IX VIII zdfubd. HI IV VII VIII 19 IX 8 Pafley, Rachael Pafqiiin, Anthony. Per. IX VII 7 zdfubd. V 4 VII lo See Williams, John, Fallen, N D Per. CJ. V 9 — 3 Pafton, Lady Sir William — — Thomas, in tlie Print of the " Portf- " mouth Captains" VI Patch, John IX Patenfon, Henry, in the Print of Sir Thomas More's Family I Paterfon, J.hn IX Patcfon (William) in the Print of the " Je- " fiiits" Paton, George Patrick, Simon . Patten de Waynfleet, William — — Bowman Margaret Pattifon, William Paul, William Paule, Rachel Payne-Galwey (Philadelphia) Pearce, Zacchary Pearfe, Edward Pearfon, John — — — (Nicholas) ■ Sir Richard zd fubd. 2d fiibd. zd fubd. Ill IX VII I VIII VII VI IX 6 7 S 3 4 3 4 10 7 10 9 2d fubd. — 4 V - VI . zd fubd. — - IX Peart-ScTopc, Jofhua Peck, Francis Pecke, Thomas Peckham, Harry Peckwell, Henry Peere Williams, William. Peggc, Samuel Pelham, Charles Anderfon . Mrs. — - Henry zd fubd. — zd fubd. VIII IV zd fubd. IX zd fubd. — See Williams. zdfubd, IX zd fubd. — VIII 6 5 4 7 5 4 4 3 9 3 7 4 Pellet, Thomas — Pelling, John zd fubd. — Pemberton, Ebenezer zd fubd. VII - I Sir Francis, in the Print of the Biihops " Counfel" VI 5 Pemble, William zdfubd. Ill 4 Pembroke and Dorfct, Ann Clifford, Countefs of V 9 ' Elizabeth Spencer, Countefs of IX - ■ Henry Herben, Earl of, 1569 H z E X. Per. CI. Pembroke, Henry Herbert, Earl of, 1733 VIII 2 Henry Herbert, Earl of, 17^0 IX - Maryof St. Paul, Countefs of I 9 Mary Sidney, Countefs of III . Penelope (Naughton) Countefs of V - ■ Philip Herbert, Earl of, 1630, and Family IV z ——— Philip Herbert, Earl of, 1652 V - Thomas Herbert, Earl of VIII 2 ■ William Herbert, Earl of, 1 55 1 11 . William Herbert, Karl of, 160 1 IV . V Pen, William Penderill, Richard William Pengelly, Sir Thomas Penkethman, William Penn, l.ady Juliana Thomas, with Thomas Moffet — — Thomas William Pennant, Thomas VIII VII IX II VIII VII IX 6 10 s 8 9 7 3 Suppt. — V IV IX IV Pennington, Ifaac ' — Sir John Penny man. Grey, Lady Penrofe, Richard Penruddock, John Penton, in the Print of the " Tapeftry" II Pentrcath, Dorothy jx Peploe, Samuel VIII Pepufch, John Chriftophcr Pepys, Samuel yji Percey, William zd fubd. IX Percival, Alice zd fubd. II • . Catherine Cecil, Vifcfs. ) n ,u ■ D I I J r ^^c Egmont. Catherine Parker, Lady . ^ " Catherine Bering, Lady VI g ■- Catherine Southwell, Lady V - Catherine Ulher, Lady . " - George , John, Vifc. 1733. See Egmont. P'-ilip Yi'i J ■ Richard JH . Percival, 3 6 9 10 6 10 4 8 3 4 9 N Percival, Robert • — Sir John Sir John, Bart. i6gi. SeeEgmont, Sir Philip, nat. 1559 Sir Philip, nat. 1656 Per. CI. V 3 Percy, Hugh, Lord. See Northumberland ■ Thomrs .- Thomas, Bp. Perforatus, Andreas. See Horde. Perkins, Jofeph (Peter) ■ William IV V III IX 2dfubd. VI V 2d fubd. II IX Perreau, Robert and Daniel Perrins, Ifaac — Perronet, Vincent ad fubd. — Perrot, Richard — Sir Herbert V — — - Sir John II . de Wickham, William I Perry, Ambrofe IX Mrs. sd fubd. — (William) — Perth, James Drummond, Earl of VII Pervvich, Sufannah 2d fubd. V Peter, Charles VII the wild man IX Peterborough, Anaftafia Robinfon, Countefs of VIII _- Carey Frafier, Countefs of VII . — — Charles Mordaunt, Earl of VIII 10 4 4 7 4 10 4 10 3 4 3 9 7 2 9 7 10 Peters, Hugh Matthew Pether, William Petitot, John Petre, Edward Pettus, Sir John Petty, George Sir William Petyt, Sylvefter William Peyton, Thomas Phelps, Thomas Phetfon, James M« 2d fubd. IV IX VI id fubd. — 2d fubd. VII III IX 2 4 3 8 4 7 3 7 5 7 8 7 E X. Pherfon, Mifs M^ Samuel M« Philips, Catherine ■ Conftantia Terefia ' John, Poet John — — - Sir John Phillip, Arthur Phillips, Ambrofe —— Sarah " William Phipps Conftantine John. Sir Conftantine Pickard, Edward Pickering, Roger ^^-^— ^ Thomas Per. CI. 2d fubd. IX 9 VII 10 VI — 2d fubd. V 9 2d fubd. IX - VII 7 VIII 10 IX 3 — 6 VIII 2d fubd. — — IX See Mulgrave. VII 2d fubd. IX 2d fubd. VIII 2d fubd. V Pierce, Edward, fenior and junior — Piercy, William 2d fubd. IX Piers, Sarah, Lady VIII Pierfon, Francis IX Piggot, John 2d fubd. Pigman, the Pigot, George, Lord Pilkington, Lstitia Sir Thomas 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Pilloniere, Francis de la Pinchbeck (Chriftopher) • Chriftopher, jun. Pindar, Peter. See Wolcot. Pine (Ann) Charlotte — (John) Pingo, T(homas) Pinfon, Richard Pinto, Thomas Piozzi (Efther Lynch) Pipre, or Piper, Francis le Pitcairn, Archibald William Pitt.Chriilopher 2d fubd. Clara (Elizabeth.) See Hannam. Penelope. See Rivers. William, 1766. See Chatham. VII VIII 10 IX 2 VIII VI VIII IX 2d fubd. VIII 2d fubd. IX VIII Suppt. — — I JX 2d fubd, — VI VII IX VIII Titt, N D X. 2(1 fubd Pitt, William Pixley, John Place, Francis Planta, Jofeph Piatt, Batt — — William Francis Playford, John Pleyel, Ignace Plott, John — Robert Plowden, Edmund . Madam Ployden, or Plowden, the " Jefuits" Plukenet, Leonard Plunket. Mifs Oliver Plymouth, Charles Fitzcharles, Earl of — Other Windfor, Earl of Poacher, the Pochin, George Pocock, Sir George — — — Thomas zJ fubd. 2d fubd. Per. CI. iX 3 VIII VI IX VIII IX VI IX lO 8 3 8 + 8 VI II VI 2d fubd. zd fubd 2d fubd. in the Print of 2d fubd. Ill VI IX V 2d fubd. VIII - IX 10 VIII VI IX II VII IV Pococke, or Pocock, Edward Polack, Ifaac Pole, Reginald Polehampton, Edward Polenburg, or Polemburg, Cornelius Polhill, David, in the Print of the" Kentifh " Petitioners" VI Pollard, Elizabeth Pollexfen, Sir Henry Polwarth, Alexander Hume Campbell, Lord IX — — — Amabel Grey, Lady — Pomfret, Samuel Pond, Arthur Mifs (John) Ponfonby, John Mrs. Mifs Poole, or Pole, Matthew — — Robert 2d fubd. VII VIII 2d fubd. IX IX 10 VI 5 2 9 4 8 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. V VIII 9 8 3 9 4 7 Per. CI. VIII 7 Suppt. — — 2d fubd. 9 2d fubd. IX II 3 IV 6 2d fubd. III 9 IX 8 — 9 2d fubd . V 4 VII 10 Pope, Alexander Editha (Elizabeth) — — • Sir Thomas Popham, Edward Poppingk, Chriftiana Popplewell (Thomas) Porcheder, Lady Elizabeth Pordage, John Poro, James Port, John, in the Print of the " Portfmouth " Captains" VI Porter, Endymion, is the Print of the Earl of Eflcx. Per. IV. in tlie Print of the " Jefuiti" 2d fubd. Ill Sarah IX Portes, Frances des VIII Portland, Frances Stuart, Countcfs of . V -- Jerome Wefton, Earl of — ■ Margaret Harley, Duchefs of -- William Bentinck, Earl of "William Bentincif, Duke of Wm. Henry Bentinck, Duke of — Ponlock, Nathaniel Suppt. — Portraan, Sir William V Portfmouth Captains VI Louife Ranee, Duchefs of VIII Pott, Emily 2d fubd. IX — — Percival — Potttr, John T Potts, Nathan Powel, als Morgan (Philip) Powell, Fofter Harriet. See Seaforth, — — Jacob — — Robert — — " Sir John — — Thomas " William Powis, Jofeph IX VII IX VIII IX 7 4 7 8 2d fubd. IV 4 IX lo vin 10 IX — VII 5 2d fubd. V 4 IX 8 VIII JO Powie, N D X. Powlc, Henry Powlet, Lady Catherine. See Barnard. Pownal, Thomas Powys, Thomas Poyntz, John ■ or Pointz, Sidenham Stephen Per. CI. VI 3 IX 3 Poyfer, Charles Prance, Miles Pratt, Benjamin id fubd. ■ Sir Charles. See Camden. Pratts, George Preedy, Benjamin 2d fubd. Prefton, John D. D. 2d fubd. John? I IV VIII IX V VII 10 IX 10 —• 4 IV VIII See England, Letter P. IX 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Suppt. 2d fubd. id fubd. II V IX V IX 3 10 4 7 9 Pretender and Family. Prettyman (Robert) Price, Charles Hugh - John — — Lady Caroline ~— Madam, or Mifs Mifs Richard Robert VIII Thomas IX Pridden, Sarah 2d fubd. VII Prideaux, Humphrey «d fubd. — John IV - Prieftley, Jofeph 2d fubd. IX - . Timothy 2d fubd. — - Primerofe, David Suppt. VI - . Gilbert id fubd. IV - Primrofe (John) IX 10 Pringle, Sir Walter VIII j Printfellers, the IX 8 Prior, Matthew VII 7 Thomas VIII 3 Pritchard f Hannah) 2d fubd, IX 9 Probyn, Sir Edmund VIII 5 Prober, Lady. See Beauchamp. Proger, Edward Suppt. VII 3 Promenade, the 2d fubd. IX 9 Per. CI. Prothero, Mrs. in the Print with Mrs. Smith 2d fubd. IX g Prude, Henry VJII 7 Pryce, William IX - Prynne, William 2d fubd. V 5 Puckle, James VII 7 Pullen, Jofiah 2d fubd. — 4 Pulreney, William. See Bath, Purcell, Henry VI 8 Purchas, Samuel 2d fubd. IV 4 Put, Sir George van de IX 3 Pym.John IV - (Quaker, John, the. See Kelfey. the London. See RachaeL Quarles, Francis IV 7 John V - Qiiarme, Robert IX 3 Queenfbury, Charles Douglas, Duke of — 2 — — ^-^ — James Douglas, Duke of VII - Mary Boyle, Duchefs of — 9 . — William Douglas, Duke of VI 2 Quefnel, Francis HI 8 Quick, John 2d fubd. VII 4 (John) IX 8 Quin, James iVACE, Daniel IX 3 Rachael, of Covent Gard en VI 10 Radclifte, John VII 7 Radnor, Jacob Bouverie, Earl of IX 2 John Roberts, Earl of VI . Raffald, Elizabeth 2d fubd , IX 9 Raikes, Thomas — 3 Rainbow, Edward V 4 Raine, Jonathan IX 3 Rainolds, John 2d fubd. III 4 Rainsford, Sir Richard V 5 Rajus. See Ray. Raleigh, Sir Walter III 3 Ramefay, N D X. Ramefay, Sir Jamej Ramefey, William Ramfay, Allan Ramfden (Jeffey) Ramus, Mifs. See Day. Randal, D. Randolph, Thomas ■ Thomas xd fubd. Per. CI. IV 6 V 7 VIH IX 8 IX ro IV 7 IX + VI 9 IX 10 . — 4 VIII 3 •- III 7 IX 8 . V Q Ranelagh, Boyle) Countefs of Rann, John Raftall, William zdfubd. Ratcliffe, Charles ■ Lady Mary. See Derwentwater. Rathbone, Aaron Ravenet, Simon Francis Raulins (or Rawlins) Dorothy, ad fubd Rawdon, Catherine. See Bowyer. Elizabeth (Thoroughgood) Lady V Elizabeth jd fubd. — ■ Francis, Lord IX ■ Lady Helena VIII Lawrence IV ~- Marmaduke V — — — Marmaduke — — — — Martha. See Williams. Robert IV — Sarah 2d fubd. V — — - Sir George — ■ Thomas — ■ William — "Rawlet, John ad fubd. VI Rawlinfon, Chriftopber VIII ————— Curwen T Elizabeth p '''« P""' of the -Robert J F'"""J' V Sir Thomas VII . Sir Thomas, in the Print of the Six " Aldermen" VIII IV 2d fubd. VII 2d fubd. IX VIII VII Rawlyns, Richard Ray, John Martha Raymond, Robert, Lord Read, Sir William Per. CI. Rcade (Alexander) jv y Reafon, or Reifin, Elizabeth? 2d fubd. IX 9 Reddifh (Samuel) g Reed, Jofeph - Ifaac 2d fubd. — 5 William Hamilton Suppt. 7 Rceder, John __ g Reeve, Sir Thomas VIII 5 Regicides, the iv 10 Reifen, Charles Chriftian VII 8 Relly, James 2d fubd. IX 4 Rcflcemeer (John) I 3 Reynell, Carew y 7 Reynolds, Edward a ———James VIII j John 2d fubd. — - 4 John. V.D. M. 2d fubd. IX - Nancy 2d fubd. — 9 ■ Sir James VIII 5 - Sir Jofhua IX 8 Thomas 2d fubd. VII 4 Rhodes, Benjamin 2d fubd. V - Rhudde. John 2d fubd, IX - Ricci, Mark yill 8 — — Sebaftian _— _ . Rice, John Rice, Woodford Rich, Jeremiah <— • Richard, Lord Sir Henry. See Holland. Richards, Michael Vll 6 Mrs. 2d fubd. IX 9 Nathaniel jy j — — •- William VI 3 Richardfon, Jonathan VIII 8 Jonathan, jun, JX. . John IV 4 Jofhua 2d fubd, VIII . — Samuel IX 7 Richmond, Charles Lenox. Duke of, 1675 VII 2 Charles Lenox, Duke of, 1723 VIII - Charles Lenox, Duke of, 17,-0 IX - Frances (Howard) Duchefs of IV 9 Richmond, IX 10 — 7 IV 8 11 2 N D X. Per. CI. VI 9 Richmond, Frances Stuart, Duchcfsof - James Stuart, Duke of IV . —- Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, Suppt. I — — - Lodowick Stuart, Duke of HI . and Derby, Marg. Countefs of I . — Mary Bruce, Duchefs of IX - , I Mary Howard, Duchefs of, Suppt. I — Mary Villiers, Ducliefs of V — — — Webb, John, See Webb. Ricraft, Jofiah Riddel, George James Ridgley, Thomas Ridley, Glocefter Mark . Nicholas . Sir Matthew White Rigby, Edward » Richard Rigg, Amelia Riley, John Rippon, John Rivers, Anthony Widville, Earl — Penelope Atkins, Lady Roberts, Francis - Jane IV IX 2d fubd. VIII 2d fubd. IX III II IX VI IX 2d fubd. — zd fubd. 2d fubd. zd fubd, VI IX I IX V -•John, in the Print with Henry Pelham VIII John Lord. See Radnor. ' Lewis IV Robartfon, William zd fubd. IX William, of Wolverhampton zd fubd. — Roblnfon, Anaftafia. See Peterborough. — Andrew IX Bryan VIII ■ — Frederick and Philip, in the Print with John Lord Grantham IX Henry III John VII John, Mufic. IX (Mary) 2d fubd. — — Richard — Robert zd fubd. — 9 4 Robinfon, Sir William — — — Thomas Rochefler (Henrietta Boyle, Countefs of) - John Wilmot, Earl of — — Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochford, BeFy Savage, Courttefs of . William Henry Naflau, Earl of Per.CU IX 3 vm 7 V Q VII VIII IX Rockingham, Ann Wentworth, Lady, with William Earl of Strafford VI - . Charles VVatfon, Marquis of IX - ■■ ■ Suppt. — - Roddam, Robert — 6 Rodney^ George Bridges, Lord — z Roe, Sir Thomas IV Roeftraten, Peter VI Roettieis, Jofeph — Rogers, Charles IX (Elizabeth) zd fubd. — Henry VIII John, Mart. 2 d fubd. II ■ — John, of Dedham zdfubd. ^— — John, of Purleigh zd fubd. John.M. D. John, V. D, M. zd fubd. ' — Richard, zd fubd. — — — Samuel zd fubd. Timothy zd fubd. Theodore See Robinfon, Richard, zd fubd. zd fuhd. zd fubd. 3 8 3 9 10 + IV - Rogiers Rokeby, Lord. Rolff, Matoaka Rolle Henry Rimaine, William Rome. Hadrian IV John VIII Romney, Henry Sidney, Earl of .— Robert Ma(ham, Lord Rocke, Mary Lutterel, Lady — -- Sir George Roper, Abel — — — — Margaret, in the Print of Sir Thomas More's Family I Rofe, Charles zdfubd. VIII V IX II IX VI IV in IV IX I VII IX VI VII 9 6 8 S A- Rofe, Rofe, Mifs Rofjwell. Samuel Rofs, Alexander -^— Fanny Rotherham, Thomas de. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd, 2d fubd. See Scot. Thomas A ttwood 2d fubd. Rothes, John Lclloy, Earl of Roubilliac, I cwis Francis Rouquet, James Rous, Francis ^Rofs) John Rowe, Elizabeth < ' - Henry — — TJichoIas Rowel, John Rowland, Nathaniel William Rowley, Hercules Langford 2d fubd 2d fubd. 2d fubd Sir William Rowney, Thomas Roxburgh, John Ker, Duke of - Robert Ker, Earl of . Robert Ker, Duke of Roydhoufe, Ann 2d fubd Rubens, Sir Peter Paul Rudd, Margaret Caroline 2d fubd Rudge, John . Mrs. 2d fubd. Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin Rummin, or Rummyng, Elynor (of) Ruperti, George Andrew zd fubd. Rufhout, Rebecca Bowles, Lady Rufhworth, John Rufpini, Elizabeth 2d fubd. Rufsborough, Lord. See Miltoun. Ruflel, Alexander .. Edward. SeeOrford. ' John, Lord. See Bedford. - Lady Caroline. See Marlborough. Lady Rachael Mrs. —-Mifs 2d fubd. — — Richard — — Robert zd fubd. N Per. CI. IK 9 Vll 4 IV - IX 9 IV 4 IX 2 — 8 — 4 IV 7 I - VIII 9 IX 10 VII 7 VIII 8 . IX 4 V 7 IX 3 — 6 VII 3 VIII z VI - vm - VI 9 IV 8 , IX 9 VIII 3 IV 3 I 10 VIII 4 IX 9 VI 7 IX 9 IX 7 D VII 9 VI 10 IX 9 VI 4 a Per. CI. V 2 IX 3 vr - IV - VIII IX IV IX RufTel, William, Lord ■ --Wriotheney, Lord. See Bedford. RulTell, ; /chard Ruftat, Tobias Riiren, or Ruthven, Sir Conrad Ruthvcn, Lady Mary. See Dyck. Rutland, Catherine Noel, Duchcfs of - Charles Manners, Duke oi' ■ Francis Manners, Earl of •■ John r/Tanners, Duke of — — — Ifabella Somerl'et, Duchefs of Rutter, Dorothy jd ful^d. V Rycaut, Sir Paul VI Ryder, Sir Dudley Vlf) (Thomas) IX Ryland.John 2d fubd. — ' William Wynne — Rymer, James Ryfbrack, John Michael ij. S. i. e. Salter, Samuel S. T. Street, Thomas Sabine, Jofeph VIII Sacheverel, Henry 2d fubd. VII Lucy 2d fubd. V Sackville, George Germaine, Vifcount IX ■ Lady Mary. See Beaufort. Sadler (James) jx ■ John ly — — Thomas VIII Sage, L(a:titia A(nn) 2d fubd. IX Sake, mulled Saley, (Sawley) James Hay, Baron. See Carlifle. Salifbury, Frances Bennet.Countefs of VII — — James Cecil, Earl of VIII John de Montacute, Earl of I Marg. Plantagenet, Countefs of 6 4 9 £ 8 7 3 9 III 19 ■ Mary Hill, Marchionefs of . Robert Cecil, Earl of ■ Sally. See Pridden. .Willianj Cecil, Earl of IX III Salifbury, N D X. Per. CI. Salifbury Cotton. See Cotton. Salle, Mad. Salmon, William Salomon, John Peter Salter, Samuel I Sir John Saltonftall, Charles Sam, foolifh •—' finging Samfon, Sancho, Ignatius Sancroft, William Sandby (Ann) . Paul Sanders, Lawrence , ' Thomas Sanderfon, Nicholas Robert 2d fubd. zd fubd. VIII VII IX VII VIII IV IX lo zd fubd. VI IX — (Sir) William zdfubd, II VI VIU V Sanderus, Anthenits P. 1 84 VI Sandwich, Edward Montague, Earl of, 1660 V „ Edward Montague, Earl of, 1672 VI - Elizabeth Wilmot, Countefsof VIII IX II . John Montague, Earl of Sandys, Cecily \ . Edwin •' George Sir Edwin Sanfom, Mr. Sargeant, Edward Sarmiento de Caflro. See Caftro. Sarsfield. Lady . .. Patrick. SeeLucan Satur. or Sutter, Thomas Savage, J. Savile, Sir George Saunders, Martha . _" Philadelphia Richard ^ Sir Charles , William Sawbridgc, John Sawyer, Sir Robert, in the Print of the Bifhops " Counfel" 7 4 9 8 4 6 7 4 7 4 z 9 2 IV III vn IX zdfubd. VI IX zdfubd. V IX IX 9 4 7 3 10 9 7 6 7 3 Say, Samuel id fubd. and Sele, William Fiennes, Vife. Sayer, Anthony . (James) Scaleits, or Scarlet Scarborough, Richard Lumley, Earl of — (Sir Charles) Scarfdale, Caroline Colyear, Lady Scelleius. See Shelley. Schalcken, Godfrey Schindlerin, Sig". zd fubd Schomberg, Frederick Armand, Duke of Meinhardt, Duke of Per. CI. VIII 4 V z VIII 3 IX - II 10 VIII 2 VI 7 IX 9 VII IX VI VII s 9 z 8 4 — 10 VIII 9 I 4 VI s Schoonjans, Anthony — Sclater, William zd fubd. IX ScofielJ, Edward Scot, Lord Henry. See Deloraine. ■ Mary Lillias zd fubd Thomas, de Rotherham II - Suppt. — Thomas, in the Print of the " Re- " gicides" Scotland. Alexander I. n. III. David I. II, Donald Bane Duncan Edgar Edward Baliol James I. '. n. in. IV. V. Jane, Queen John, Baliol Madeleine Malcolme III. Margaret, Queen of Malcolm III. . Queen of James IV. IV 10 I 1 Mary, N D X. Per. CI. I I II - I - 2d fubd. VI 4 IX 7 — 8 Suppt. — 5 2d fubd. IV 4 VII ,0 2d fubd. VI 9 Marv, Queen of James V. — — Qi^ietn Robert Bruce II. III. William Scott, John, S, T. P. ■ I- John ' Samuel ■ ■ Sir John — — Thomas Scrimflijw, Jane Scroop, Mrs. Scroope, Adrian, in the Print of the " Re- " gicides" IV 10 — or Scrope, Richard I 4 Scudder, Henry 2d fubd. V - Scibury, Samuel IX - Seafield, James, Earl of. See Finlater. Seaforth, Harriet Powell, Countefs of IX 9 Kenneth M' Kenfie, Earl of VI 2 Mary Stewart, Countefs of VIII 9 Mrs. 2d fubd, IX - Sealy, John — 8 Seaton, Sir John IV 3 Seeker, Thomas IX 4 Seddon, John VI 8 Sedgwick, Obadiah 2d fubd. IV 4 Sedley, Catherine. See Dorchefter. Sir Charles VII 3 Seed, Jeremiah 2d fubd. VIII 4 Seeman, Enoch ^— 8 Sefton, Ifabella Stanhope, Countefs of IX 9 I —^ ' Suppt, — — Segar, Sir William IV 7 Seghers, Gerard — 8 Selden, John Selman, John Semple, James George Senefino. See Bernardi. Sermon, William Scrocold, Mifs. See Borlafc. Seftini. See Stocqueler. 2d fubd. — 5 HI 10 IX — Per. CI. Sevonjan':. See Schoonjans. Sewell, Jofeph 2d fubd. VIII Seyley Seymour, Catherine (Lee) Lady Ladv Arabella Lord Henry, in the Print of the "Tapellry" II ■ Thomas, Lord I Shadwell, Thomas VI Shaftefbury, Anthony Afliley Cooper, Earl of 1672 V 2 Anthony Afhlcy Cooper, Earl of 1683 VI - Anthony Afhiey Cooper, Earl of 1699 VII - — Dorothy Manners, Countefs of VI 9 Shakelhaft, Thomas and Ann VIII 10 Shakfpeare, William III 7 Sappt. — — 4 VI 10 V 9 III . 6 2 7 Shannon, Richard Boylc, Vifcount Sharemo, Dr. See Harmood, Sharington (Sir) William Sharp, Abraham — • — Jame« John — — — Thomas VIII Sharpe, Chriftopher • or Scharpus, George Gregory Jofhua Shaw, John — — Samuel — — - TJ^mas Shebbeare, John Sheffield, Edmund, Lord. See Mulgrave. — — — John Bakci Holroyd, Lord Sheldon, Gilbert I 3 VIII 7 V 4 VII - 2d fubd. VIII - IX 8 Suppt. IV 7 2d fubd. IX 4 2d fubd. — J VIII 8 2d fubd. VI 4 2d fubd. VIII . IX 7 IX V Shelley, Sir Richard Shelly, George Shelton, Maurice Thomas Suppt. " 3 VIII 8 VJI 7 V 8 Shen. N D X. Shenllone, William Shepherd , Mother Sheppard, James . John Sherard, Mrs. . .- Piiilip Si^eridan, (Klizabeth) i^ Richard BrinHey . — Thomas, M. A. »- Thomas _ • William Per. CI. IX 7 10 VII — 2d fubd, zd fubd. Suppt, VI IX Sherlock, Richard " I'liomas . — William Sherman, Alice. See Percival. Sherwin, William Shield, William Shipley, Jonathan — William Shirley, James or Sherleyus, Sir Anthony .- Sir Robert Teiefia, Lady Shirley (Walter) V\'illiam Shirrefs, Andrew Siioeblatl:, tlie Shore, Jane Short, Robert Shortlaiid (John) Shnvel, Sir Cloudefly Shower, John . Sir Bartholomew VIII IX VII 2d fubd. VI IX 2d fubd. VII 9 6 9 3 + 7 4 2d fubd. V IX V IV 2d fubd. IX 4 8 4 8 7 3 9 4 — 3 — 7 — lO 2d fubd. I 9 VIII 10 IX 6 VII - 2d fubd. — 4 2d fubd. VI 5 Shrewfbury, Charles Talbot, Duke of VII 2 Elizabeth (Hardwick) Countefs of I" 9 _ George Talbot Earl, and Ann Hailings Cfs. of Suppt. lohn Talbot, Earl of , Margaret Beauchamp, Countefs of I 2 Shuldham, Molyneux, Lord Shute, llcury zd fubd. IX VII Shute, Jofiah Shuter, Edward Sihbald, James Sibbes, Richard Sibly, Ebenezer Siddons (Sarah) Sidenham, Cuthbert Sidney, Algernoon ■ Henry. See Romney Mrs. . Lady Dorothy, ■ Robert. — Sir Henry Per. a. 2d fubd. IV 4 IX 8 — 10 zd fubd. IV 4 IX 7 id fubd, — g 2d fubd. IV 4. V 7 \r Philip 2d fubd. IX 9 > See Leicefter VI 2 II 3 IX ,0 2d fubd. — 5 VIII 7 VI g V - Silk, John Silvefler, John Simmonds, or Symonds Simon, Abraham — — — Thomas • the Dutch Skipper. See Haddington. Simons, Henry VIII 10 Siropfon, Chriilophcr V 8 Edward 2d fubd. IV 4 Simpfon, George IX 10 . Sydrach 2d fubd. IV 4 Simfon, Robert IX 7 Sinclair (Diana M' Donald) Lady — 9 . Sir John — 3 Singleton, Henry VIII 5 Sintelaer, John VII 7 Sitwell, the children of Mr. IX 3 Skeffington, Jane. See Hamilton Skeggs, Matthew Skelton, Humphrey . — John . , — Sir Bevll Skinner, William William Campbell Skippon, Philip Slade, John, and Bodye Slater, Samuel _— - William Sling(l>y, Sir Henry IX 8 VIII - I 7 VI 3 IX 6 — 3 IV 6 II 10 2d fubd. VII 4 ad fubd. IV - — 3 Sloanr, N D Sloane, Sir Hans Snialbroke, Richard, Bp.. . . Richard Small, Alexander Smalridgo, George Smart, Chriftoplicr Francis Peter Smeaton, John Smedley, Jonathan or Sxnidt, Bernard Per. VIII 2dfubd. IX VIII VII IX VII IV IX VII ad fubd. 2d fubd. CI. 7 4 S 7 4 7 4 8 4 8 IX Smith, C. •— — Charles — .- Edward VII '• Erafmus VI — — « Francis VJII — — George IX George •— ~— • (George, John and William) — .— - Gill VIII ii.. Henry ad fubd. II Hervey, in the" Death of Wolfe" VIII — — — James VII Janet 2d fubd. VI — — John,Adm. IV John.W.M. VI — — ^ John, Engraver VII ——- John, Optic. — — — John, als. Buckhorfe IX John W. — 2d fubd. Jofeph • Kate • Layton : Margaret. VIII VI VIII 3 8 lO 8 lo 4 6 8 9 6 8 10 3 4 lO See Herbert, — — fMary) wife of Eraf. 2d fubd. VI — — (Mary) wife of Sam. 2d fubd. VII ■ Mary, of Portfmouth 2d fubd. VIII -, Mrs. 2d fubd. IX -Mifs 2d fubd. — I- Nathaniel — — — R in the Print with Powell — — — Richard ? the Print of the '• JefuitE." Richard V — ■ Richard IX E X.: Smith, Samuel ■ Sir Joha — — Sir Thomas, Sec. State* — — Sir Thomas, Mercht, • Thomas, Bp. Thomas, Adm, William, Aflor William Smollet, T(obias) Smyth, Agnes Arthur Per. CI. VII 3 IX . II - III . VI 4 JX 6 — 8 2d fubd. — — (Charlotte De Laval) Lady — Edward William - Willi; Suppt. — Snape, Andrew ■ Andrew jun, . '■'■ — Edward Snell, Charles Hannah Snelling, Thomas Snow, Ralph Soams, Madam Soeur, Hubert le Sslander, Daniel Charles Soldier, the old Soly, Arthur Somer, Paul van, Painter 2d fubd. IX V VIII IX VIII IX 7 9 4 9 7 4. 4 19 7 8 q VIII 2d fubd. VI IV 8 IX 7 VIII lo- VI 8 III - Suppt, — — - Paul van, Engraver VII 8 : Somers, John, Lord __ j, Somerfet, Ann Stanhope^ Duchefs of Suppt. II 9.1 ■■ (Elizabeth Percy) Duchefs of VII - Charles Seymour, Duke of VIII 2 : ■ Edward Seymour, Duke of I -• ■ Frances (Howard Suffolk) Coun- tefsof — John Beaufort, Marquis of — — — — Robert Car, Earl of • Sarah (Alilon) Duchefs of William Seymour, Duke of ■ ■ M l See Richmond, IV 9 I 2 ■ IV • VI 9 = V z Sommcr*^ , N D X. Per. CI. Sommers. Wllllaia I «o Somner, William V 7 Sen, or Zon, Jean van VI 8 Souter, John ~" 3 South, Robert zd fubd. VII 4 Southampton, Elizabeth (Leigh) Countefsof IV 9 ■ Henry Wriotefley, Earl of III 2 , Rachael (de Maffieu de Ru- vigny) Countefsof IV 9 _«__ Thomas Wriotefley, Earl of V 2 William Fitzwilliaro, Earl of I - Southerne, Thomas VIII 7 SoutheHc, Ann Hamilton, Countefs of VI 9 Southwell, Edward VIII 3 .^ Lady Elizabeth VII 9 > Robert Note p. 36 II 4 Sir Robert — 6 Sir Robert, M. P. VI 3 Sowdon VIII 8 Spademan, Thomas 2d fubd. V 4 Spain. II I 2d fubd. V 4 IX 10 VIII — ad fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Philip n. Sparke, Edward _ Hannah Sparkes, Francis Sparrow, John Sparry, Mrs. Speed, John Samuel Spelman, Sir Henry Spencc, Jofeph Spencer, Benjamin Charlotte. See Holden. — — — Edmund , Georgina Poyntz, Countefs of . George , .. John zd fubd. — — — Lady Ann and Lady Charlotte . Lady Georgina. See Devonfhire, , Lavinia Bingham, Countefs Lord Henry _ — (Mary Beauclerc) Lady . Mrs. 2d fubd. .. Sir Richard IV IX IV V IV IX IV II IX VI IX IX in 3 Per. CI. VIII 8 2d fubd. IX g Spiller, James Spilleta, Sig". Spinck, John Spinckes, Nathaniel 2d fubd, Spotifwood, John Sprague, Sir Edward Sprat, Thomas > ■ Thomas, jun. J Spry, Edward ? M. D, ■ Edward John Squire, Jofliua VII Squires, Mary IX Stables (Dorothy) and Daughters, 2d fubd. — Stackhoufe, Thomas 2d fubd. VIII Stacpoole, John IX Sir Richard I Staevaerts, Palamedes IV Stafford, Granville Gower, Marquis of IX Stafford, Robert V William (Howard) Vifcount — 2 Stair, James Dalrymple, Vifcount VI - John Dalrymple, Earl of VIII - Staker, Mrs. 2d fubd. IX Stalbent, Adrian IV Stamford, Henry Grey, Earl of V ., Harvey) Countefs of — Stanbridge, John Standen, Jofeph 2d fubd. Stanhope, Ann de Laval, Lady Charles, J^arl VII 4 IV - V 6 VII 4 IX 7 — 8 — 7 10 9 4 3 8 2 3 I VII IX — (Elizabeth) 2d fubd. — — George 2d fubd. VIII — Grifelda (Hamilton) Countefs IX — Henrietta 3d fubd. — — James, Earl — Lady — Leicefter — (Lincoln Edw. Rob.) — Mr. Stanier, James Stanley, Hans . John Mif« 9 2 9 7 4 9 z 9 4 9 2 9 3 VII V 'IX VI - IV - IX - — 8 sdfubd. — 9 Stanley, N Per. CI. Stanley, Thomas V Stannard, Katen id fubd. VIII S. James Stephen .. Thomas, W. M. _ • Thomas, Math. •i Thomas, Aflor Wetenhall, Edward V/halley. Tetet 3 7 3 9 7 4 9 10 VI VIII I II IX 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. — ad fubd. VIII IX VI IX V 1 IX VIII V VIII IX VII «dfubd. IX 2d fttbd. — 9 JX 8 10 8 4 8 7 8 Per. CU VI 9 Wh»rton (Ann Lee) Marchlonefs of . II" Elizabeth. See Lindfey. Henry 2d fubd. VI I " Jane Goodwin, Lady — ■— Lucy Loftus, Marchioncfs of VII - Philadelphia, See Lockatt. Philip, Lord VI Philip, Duke of VIII ■ Sir George V " Sir Thomas III Thomas, Marquis of VII Whatelie, William id fubd. IV Whatman, Mrs. 2d fubd. IX Wheatley (Clara) 2d fubd. — Phillii Whichcot, Benjamin Whiflbn, Stephen Whifton, William Whitaker, Tobiai William 2d fubd. V 2d fubd. IX 2d fubd. VIII V 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. 2d fubd. Whitby, Daniel WhitcTiurch, Alexander White (Ann) Francis I George? — — Jeremiah 2d fubd. John, S. T. P, 2d (ubd. Robert — — • Sir Thomas Thomas (Albius) id fubd, • Thomas, in the Print of the Seven " Bifhops" Whitefield, George 2d fubd. Whitehead, David 2d fubd. Paul • William Whrtehurft, John Whitclock, or Whitlock, Bulrtrodc Whitgift, John Whithorne, Thomas Whitington, Richard Whitmore, Lady II VII IX IV IX VII III VII II V VI IX II IX V II I V 7 3 2 4 9 10 4 7 4 9 4 10 4 8 3 4 3 9 Suppf. — — Whitney, N X. Whitney, James Whitworth, Richard Whyte, Richard Wickham, William of. Wickliffe, John Wigan, Eleazar Wight, John Wightwick, Richard Wilbcrforce, William Wilbraham (Maria) Wilcox, Jofeph Wild, Jonathan Per. CI. VI IX III Per. CI. Sec Perrot. 10 3 7 idfubd. I VI II III IX 2d fubd. Wildman, Major Wilford, Cecily. See Sandy*. Wilkes, John Robert Wilkins, John Wilkinfon, Andrew - Catherine Ifabella? Will, little Willan, Lennard Willard, Samuel Willes, Edward, Bp. — — •• Edward, Juft. — — •- Sir John "Willet, Andrew (John) Williams, Daniel David Griffith Walter ^^—— Helen Maria ~— ^— John, Bp, . John — Jofeph ■ Lady I i» Louifa ■ Martha . Rynwicit ■ Sir John William • William Peerc zd fubd. — VllI VII Suppt. — IV 4 8 4 3 9 4 10 3d fubd. 3d fubd. IX VIH V IX VII 9 IX lo VIII — IV 7 VIII 4 IX . — S 2d fubd. Ill IX VII IX 4 10 zd fubd. 2d fubd 2d fubd. — 2d fubd. — 9 IV 4 iX 7 VIII 8 V 9 id fubd. IX - 2d fubd. V - IX 10 vin 3 IV 7 jdfubd. Vlil 5 William fon. in the " Death of " Wolfe" — Thomas VlII III VIII 2d fubd. IX VIII V II V II Willis, Browne *• (Francis) - John * ■ - Richard _ — — Thomas Willoughby, in the " Tapeflry" ■ — Francis, Lord —■— of Erelby, Peregrine Beftic, Lord — (Robert) Lord. Sec Lindfay. — — or Willughby, Sir Franci* \'I Wills, Sir Charles VIII Thomas 2d fubd. IX Willsford, Thomas jy Wilmington, Spencer Compton, Earl of VIII Wilraot, Lady Elizabeth. Sec Sandwich. Sir Robert Mead IX Wilfon, Benjamin ..^ - — Chriftopher Gavin George vil ' Henry, Geomet. VIII Henry, Capt. JX John V Richard ix Samuel td fubd. VIII Sarah 2d fubd. IX (Sir John) ■ Thomas ■ Thomas Bp, 2d fubd. Ill VIII Wilton, Penelope, Countefs of. See Pembroke. Wimbledon, Edward Cecil, Vifcount IV Winchelfea, Heneage Finch, Earl of VII Wincheftcr, Agnes Howard, Marchionefs of II •■ Charles Marquis of. See Bolton. Elhanan jd fubd. IX George, Biihop of. See Morley. John Paulet, Marquis of V ' William Paulet, Marquis of II Windebar. 3 6 4 7 t 5 4 7 "Windebank, Sir Francis Windham, William See alfo Wyndham, Wing, Tycho - Vincent Wingfield, Sir Charles ? Winnington, Ann Foley, Lady Jefferies, Edward Winftanley, Hamlet —Mrs. zdfubd. — John William Winter, Salvator Sir William, in the " Tapeftry" [ N Per. CI. IV 3 Suppt. IX - VIII V I IX VII VIII Winwood, Sir Ralph Wife, Thomas Wiftiart, Margaret - Sir James Wiffing, William Wither, George Witherfpoon, John Witt, Nat. Wittie, Robert Wodehoufe, Sir Armyne Wodhull (Catherine) Woffington, Margaret Wolcot, John Wolf, Regnald Wolf^e, James the " Death of" Richard Straubenzee Theobald WoUafton (William) Wolfey. Thomas Wolveridge, James Wood, Anthony Charles VI V II III VII VIII VII VI V zdfubd. IX id fubd zd fubd. 6 3 4 9 6 8 7 4 IV lo 2d fubd. zd fubd. V IX VlII IX II VIII zdfubd. zd fubd. IX Vll I V VI IX 7 3 9 7 8 6 3 S 4 .. fliould be inferted in the Print of the " Jefuits" -N — Samuel .- Thomas, L. L, D. — Thomas zd fubd. Ill 4 — lO VIII — zdfubd. VII 4 IX 10 E X. Per. CI. Wood. William VI 7 ■ Suppt. — — William, with James Dawkins VIU 3 Woodall. John IV 7 Woodbridge, Dudley VII 3 Woodcock (Sarah) zd fubd. IX 9 Woodcocke, Martin (John) zd fubd. IV 4 Woodfall (William) IX 8 Woodgate, Richard zd fubd. — 4. Woodhoufe, James — 7 Woodlark, Robert zd fubd. I 4 Woodley, Mafter IX 3 ■ Mifs, See Bankes. Woodroff, Benjamin zd fubd. VII 4 Woodward, Harry IX 8 John VIII 7 , William zd fubd. VI 4 Woofe, Abraham IV 7 Woolderidge, John IX 10 Wooley, Hannah. See Gilly. Woollett, William IX 8 Woolley, William Woolrich, Philip WooIj, Mifs Woolfey, Robert zd fubd. • 4 VI 3 zdfubd. IX 9. — 3 Woolfton, Thomas zd fubd. VIII + Worcefter, Charles Somerfet, Marquis of VI 2 . Edward Somerfet, Earl of IV - . — Edward Somerfet, Marquis of is the Print of Henry Duke of Beaufort. . — — Henry Somerfet, Mar. of, 1642 IV 2 . Henry Somerfet, Mar, of, 1667. See Beaufort. Worde, Wynkin de 18 Worley.John VII 10 Worlidge, Mrs. See Afhley. Worlidge, Thomas Thomas, jun. Wormbergh, John Worral, Johny Worfdale, James Worfley, John IX 8 VI 10 VlII — IX 8 VI 3 Woifley, N D Wottley, Lady •— ■ — Sir James — — — Thomas Worfter, Henry Worthington, Hugh 2d fubd. (Thomas) in the Print of the " Jefuits" 2d fubd. Wortley, Sir Francis Wotton, Edward, with Thos. Moffet, &c. -, Sir Henry Per. VII I VI VII VI IX CI. 9 3 Wouters, Francis Wray (Charles) — Sir Chriftopher Wren, Chriftopher - Chriftopher • Matthew — — — Sir Chriftopher "Wrench, Sir Benjamin Wright, George ' — James ? • Jofeph Jofeph Mafter III - II 7 IV - -- 8 IX II 2d fubd. IV VIII V VII VIII IX Mrs. - — (Patience) Peter Sir Nathaniel Sir Robert Thomas Tomlins - — (William) in the Query, Woodley above, 2d fubd. VIII ad fubd, IX 2d fubd. IV VII VI VIII IX Print of the " Jefuits" 2d fubd. Ill Wrighten (Frances) 2d fubd. IX Writing Matters, Six VII Wroughton (Richard) IX Wyat, James VIII - Sir Thomas I Wyi;herley, William VII Wyck, John VI — — - Thomas Wyles. Nathaniel 2d fubd. VIII Wyndham, Ann 2d fubd. VI Sir William VIII ■ '• Thomas V 4 J 7 8 4 9 8 3 7 8 4 9 3 U X. Wynne, or Wynn, Sir John ■ — Sir Richard • — ■ Sir Watkin Williams (Sir Watkin Williams) Wynyard, Mifs Per. CL IV J VIII - IX . 2d fubd. — J Y. ARBOROUGH, Mrs. 2d fubd. VIII Yarmouth, Amelia Sophia dc Walmoden Countefs of jx Robert Paflon, EsrI of V Yarrow, Jofaph VIII Yates (Mary) 2d fubd. IX Richard Yeariley, Ann jj fubd. — Yenn, Joiin Yongp, Sir George ^_ York, Ann Hyde, Duchefs of V Cicely Nevile. Duchefs of Suppt. I Edmund (of Langley) Duke of Suppt. - . Edward, Plantagcnet, Duke of Edward Auguftus, Duke of IX ■ Frederick, Duke of • ■ Frederica Charlotte, Duchefs of Lady Ifabclla of y Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Suppt. I — 9 Yorke (Agneta ■ James • Jofeph Sidney Philip Young, A. ■ Edward ■ Elizabeth -^— - George — — John ■ John 2d fubd. IX IV IX 2d fubd. VIII zd fubd. IX Suppt. — VIII 2d fubd, V IX • Mifs. See Pope, Elizabeth. - Sir Peter Suppt. - Sir William 2 9 7 3 9 4 9 7 4 8 Yworth, William III IX VI /AMPERINI (Anna) 2d fubd. IX 9 Zebelina, I N D Per. CI. Zebelina. SeeBeloman, Ziegenhagen, F(rederick) M[ichael) 2d fubd. IX 4 Zincke, Chr, Frederick and Elizabeth — 8 Zouch, Edward ? Lord Suppt. Ill 2 X. Zouft, or Soeft, Gerari Zuccarelli, Francis Zucchero, Frederick Zuxch, Hans van Per. a. V 8 IX - Ul - I - ADDENDA. Per. CI. A Alban's, Henry Jermyn, F.arl of Suppt. V 2 Anonymous Prints, nine p. 448. IX 9 Auroerle (Albemarle) Edward Plantagenet Duke of. See York. Afaph, Lady Sophia, Thynne St. Suppt. IX 9 B Bsnkes (Frances) 2d fubd. — 9 Berkeley, George Suppt. — 6 Buckingham, Mary Fairfax, Dfs. of Svppt. VII 9 C Cardigan, James Brudenell, Earl of Suppt. IX 2 D Fer. Ci;. Denham, Brooke, Lady Suppt. V 9 •Sir John Suppt, V 7 Devonfhire, Cha. Blount, Earl of Suppt. Ill 2 E Dampier, William Suppt, yii 6 England. Catherine, Queen Elizabeth, Queen John Erpingham, Sir Thomas Suppt, V t Suppt. II - Suppt. I - Suppt. - 3 Godolphin, Sydney Suppt. IV 7 Goodwin, Jane, jun. See Wharton. Grant, Wjlliara Sappt. IX 5 ANONYMOUS -N X. ANONYMOUS PORTRAITS ASCERTAINED, IN TWO PARTS. PART I. ARRANGED BY THE NAMES OF THE ENGRAVERS, ALPHABETICALLY. W, A. f. a head in a fquare, an etching F. Adams (vend.) a Boy, fmall mezz. M^ Ardell fc. after Hud fon, a Gentleman in a hat, — — — after Knapton, a Lady ■ ■ after Liotard, J 754, id. with Muficlc, I after Reynolds ■ after Reynolds, 1757, wh. len. B W. Baillie f. infcribed " The Piping Boy" Baldtey fc. infcribed " Maps" ■ '783. after Hoppner, a Boy Bartolozzi fc. a Lady dancing ■ after Cofway, a Girl ■ infcribed " Simplicity" ■ ' infcribed " Thais" wh. leo. — ^. • infcribed " The AfFeftionate Brothers' Bettelini fc. infcribed " Innocence with Fidelity" Birrell fc. infcribed " The Paftoral Boy" Bixyi fc. 1791, a Lady, oval, verfes Mr. Marrl/on, Apoth.. Maftir Capper. Bp. Maurict. Mrs. Ebberton^ Mi/s Lcwii. Mrs. Hor/ieck. Earl of RaditQr^ CamiUus Hone. John Nichol/ott., John Meyer. Mrs, Baldiuin. . Mlfs Eyre. Mi/s (JivatiiH. Emily Pott. Mtffrs. Lambe. Am. Molteno. EdxKard Harding. Lfidj Sinclair, , Chambars fc. after Devis, id. playing on a Guitair Chantry fc. id. •• Lo here a Beauty," &c. Cbwes fc. infcribed " A Stlwol Boy" Cole fc. ," a2t. 7Z, 1723" 8vo. Crofsfc. " This is the Shadow," kc. " The Pencil can no more," &c. — — A Man in a Wig, a fmall wh, len. fitting- Mi/s Conyers. The Count:/ of Ftrrtru . Mnfter Eimer^ U'hitikck Bulpode. jfohii Ei'erard. Thomas Manley... fames If'olveridge, . Dcaa N D X. Dean fc. after Peters, a Gentleman in a Domino, mezz, I - infcribed, " Caroline of Litchfield" ■ infcribed, " Julia de Rubigne" Dickinfon fc. infcribed, " St. Cecilia" • infcribed " The Egyptian Fortune Telkx'.' 1770, after Zoffany, near wh.len. TDixonfc. 1767, after Peters, mezz. Gofge Pochht. Mrs. Hoppner, Mifs Crockett, Mrs, Sheridan, Mifs OJborne, Thomas Hanjon. Lady Mary Bertie, Earlom fc. after Hone Charles Ray, Faber fc, after vr. Bank, Hat and Feather •— — " after Hudfon, Fur Tippet — — after Reynolds, 1755 Faithorne fc. ad vivum, fol. Jun. fc. after Kerfeboom Faucci fc. after Tronus, Latin and Greek Infcription, 8\ro. Filher fc. 1780, after Chamberlin, Hat on — — 1772, after Hudfon, 1755 — — infcribed, " The Nut Brown Maid" Mrs. 'vr. Bank, Mrs. Faber, Mifs Mnfe, Sir Robert Hettley^ Mr. Shadixiell, Giles Earle, Robert BroixiH. Richard Grindall, Mrs, Sandby, Green fc. after Abbott, infcribed, " The Goffers" — — • after Falconet, infcribed, " Lucinda" J. Greenwood fc. mezz. H J. H. 1755, an Etching, fmall Head M. Harris fc. after Roberts, an Etching, oval Hebbart fc. infcribed, *' Rifam teneatis Amici" Hollar f. 165J, infcribed, " Nil Admirari" - after v. Dyck, Chaplet of Rofes .— ^ after Savile, 1653 Houfton f. after Dance, a Gentleman Hudfon f. infcribed, " Mufick," mezz. Humphrey f, infcribed " The Spartan Boy" J Jehner f. after Cavang, infcribed, " A Tyler" mezz, Jones fc. A Girl wh. len. infcribed, " Collina" ■ - id. younger, infcribed, " Silvia" ■ I ; infcribed, " Emma'* William Junes, Mifs Bro'wn. F, Greenivocd. Old Coe, John Millatt* Francis Fleming, Major Wildman. Lady Shirley. John Rogers, of Purleigh* Julian Bedford. 7 he Mijps Hinchliffe. Camillas Hone, Richard Barllet, Lady Gertrude Fimpatrick, Lady FitzpatricL Lady Hamilton, Knight N X. KniRht fc. alrer Stubble, a Clergyman ••- — ■ after Shelley, a Lady and Child, fmalf Sir Adam Gartttn, Mrs, Rujfini. Loohm f>'. after Sevc, infcrihed " Mi Lord" Logj^n fv. " This true Efligies gravj," &c, Lomhart fc. " Non magna loquimur,'' &c. " Telle eft h Charmanie Ducheffe" Lovclacefc. 1741, after Hudfon, fol. M Mannin fc. infcribed, " Innocent Thou^hi" Marchi fc. infcribed, •• The Sifters" Marihall fc. " Ingtnio, non aetate," &c. . •' Olim Majora" Martin fc. infcribed, " The Family Concert" Miller fc. 1768, 8vo. ■ after Echardt.. fol. N Nutter fc. infcribed, " The Studious Fair" P Palle fc. A Family, la, fol. Place f. 1 683. A Clergyman Lord Doaglai, Henry Hibbirt, Jer. Tayltr. Dfs. ofMazar'mci Mi/s Carfw. Mifi Hone. Miffes Bnnet, John Thomp/on, John Hall. Richard Fitzpalrick , ScC. Ifilliam Binglej, Thomas Gray, R Rofs fc. A fmall oval Mi/s Bli/s. Philip Mercier. IVilliam Cray, • Lady Winniagton. Schiavonetti fc. infcribed, " The Malk" Ladies Ann £5" Charlotte SfetKtr. V, Schuppen fc. v^- Itn. Duchejs of NeivcaftU, (E) Scott fl. A f'lall o\al, SherifFs Chain, &c. Sir R berlTaylor, B. F. Scott fc 1791 , after J R. S:iiith, infcribed, " A Fencer," mezz. Harry Angela. W. Shern 111 fc. A CltrgMnan, four veifes, izmo. Ceorge /il/op, •• Corporis Effif;iem Tibi," &c. John Norton, Si'gkton fc. 17S9, inicribed, " Laura Mat'lda" HAen Pl'illiam!. J. Saiith fc. infcribed, '• Sta. Catbarina" Mrs. Cro/;. J.R. fc. infcribed," Clara" Mi/s Broiun, — — infcribed, " Almeria" Mrs, I'hymoi, iofcnbed, " The Fruit Barrow" Mr. Walton's Children, ■ < .■■ I77Z, infcribed " The infpired Drum Major," &c.4to.mcz. JohnSillc, Snilibur\ f. 1764, after Reynolds Lord Leiiijham, m — ■ Ml. Legge. — — inicnDevJ, " liie Enchantrefs" Mij't Crwuford, X Thew N D E X. 'rhew fc. infcribed, " Refleaions on Werter" Tinney fcr after Chardin, mezz. Torakins fc. 1790, a Lady and Child, infcribed, '< Maternal Love" Tovvnley fc. 1771, a Lady fitting, mezz. . 1784, a Youth '79*3 af^t" Abbott, a Gentleman fitting - 1772, after Dance, id. Trotter fc. after Cofway, a fmall circle Mi/s Turner. Matter Chardin. Mrs, Morgan,,, Mi/s Goddard. William Lock. Charles Poj/tr. Sir Arntyne pfodehouje , Lady Helen £eyle. Vaoghan fc. two Cupids crowning a Poet with Laurel W Ca. Walfon f. the Family of I 1790, infcribed, "Contemplation" J ? f. infcribed, " Allegro" ■ after Cotes infcribed, " David" after Humphrey Wells, 1778, oval Profile Wheatley f. after vr. Mijn, fmoaking, mezz.' G. White f. after vr. Bank, 1730, mezz. R. ad vivum fc. infcribed, " FfHgies Authoris" after Kneller, " Effigies Auihoris" P. infcribed " Philomufus" Worlidge f. a Lady, fmall oval infcribed, '' The Orator" John Tatham. Charles Anderfon Pelham, Mrs, Stanhope, Mrs. Hale. Mrs. Hamilton. Horace Hone, John Pardoe. Thomas Hotchkin. F. 11 r. Mijn. Mr. Symmonds, Hehemiah Gre'W, Thomas Burnet. Samisel Gilbert, Sarah C/s, of Mexlorough, John Henley, PART II. Arranged, generally, by the Firft Letter of the Infcription. A Clergyman, oval Frame, 8vo. in Speftacles, fmall oval mezz. 8vo. " act. 54," A Minifter, 8vo. A Female's Head, Profile, oval fince altered and called " Mrs. Fitzherberi" _ — - a fmall oval — — a fmall etching, 1743 ■ - another, 1746 A Genileman, in a Hat, fmall oval, mezz. . Mace of Lord Mayor, mezz. John Ccnybear, Ifaac Hunt. Waiiam > Walfi,, Thomas Caivlon. Mary Harding, Mrs. Humphries. Mrs. Metlijh. Mi/s Turner, A. Young, Charles Forri/l, Humphrey French. A Gen- N D X. A Gentleman, fmall Profile, mczz. — — — — - in a great Coat, a fmall circle ■ deformed, a Head, etching - writing, wh. len. an etching — — - a fmall oval wh. !cn. holding a Book, infcrlbed, " The Rutland Volunteer" 410. ——-———- Arm on a Book, infcribcd, " Court Minutes" 1776, mezz. ' — - — wh. len. in a Military Uniform, 4to. mezz. An Etching, reprefenting a Man aflccp, fo). Another, feveral Verfes, oval A fmall Head, mezz. An Etching of a Man in a Hat, holding a Paper, fol. — — — " and fcraping, a fmall oval Profile " Alburice Jcroflratus," cut in Wood " A Pilgrim," &r. 1727 " Chriftian Philofophy," mezz. •' liluc xtatis, &c. two lines 410. mezz. " Mira canam, fed vera canam," 8vo. " Non fibi fed toto," an Etching " See here a Phoenix," &c. eight vi^rfcs " The Globe's my Study," &c. 8vo. " TheMufical Lady," mezz. " The Piif^ure doth the Author's Vifagc Ihew" " The Rationalift" " View here the Shadow," &c. set. 28 George Hardinge. Nathaniel Hillier. Fras. Lanv/oH, Jojhua Pearl. Sir John Taylor. Woodford Rice. Alexander Whitchurch. Richard Whifworth, Jicithes. Jahn Branch, John F.yre. Robin o'Green, William Humphrey. Thomas R jbinfox, John Aldr. Arthur S;. George. William Tunjlal. Ralph Er/line. Richard Mead. y'ohn ^uarles. Richard Hcada Signora Frazi, Richard Fitz/mith. John ILnhy. George Alfip, N D E X. ERRATA. A(h, John, for " CI. 6" r. 7 Ayre, r. " E)ri" Bank, John vr. for Per. " VI." r. VIII. Barlow, affix " Ambrofe" Bentle) , Elizabeth, for CI. «' 2" r. 9. Brooke, Sir BaHl, for CI. " 2 " r. 9. Campbell, Ludowick, for CI. " 8" r. lO, Carr, George, for Per. " V. " r. IX. CllTton.Lurd, for " Suppt. i. 2." r. See Lincoln, Cooper, Samuel, 2d iubd. IX. 4, erafe; the Print belongs to the Appendix of Foreigner!, Cotterel, r. " Cottrell " Courayer, after 2d fubd. add, " Per. IX." Crewe, fill the Parenthefis, " Elizabeth" Emma, infsrt, " 2d fubd. IX. 9" Difney, John, for CI. 3, r. "4" Fordyce, Mrs. (fecond) infert " 2d fubd." Francklin, r. Franklin Freith, r. Freeth Gates, Thomas, for CI. 3, r. 8 Lake, Charles, for " Per. IV." r. VIII. Littleton, Sir Thomas, in the Suppt. Per. VII. 3, r. •• 1. 5 " Locke, William, r. Lock Sackville, Lady Mary, for " See Beaufort" r. in the Piint with Lionel Duke of Dorfet Per. IX. CI. 2. Smedley, in the Line next under it, infert, " Smith," Bernard. Trotter, Mary Maria, add, " zd. fubd." Wallace, Sir William, for Per. V. r. I Waterhoufe, for CI. 5. r. 7 . Wilkes, Robert, r. " Wilks." I * * Page 479, for INDEX at the bottom, read APPENDIX. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. r\i ■ mWJ NON-RENEWABLE SEP 1 ^ 1991 DUE 2 WKS FRQ^ DMi RECEIVED OCT ^' ''"' 4J584 3 1 158 00586 5406 1 ,rj_ i { .rV 'TvtSFjTfJcvH