269 Z9S64 1918 9 3 3 •i THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES BEAUTIFUL BOOKS RICHLY BOUND GEORGE D. SMITH 8 EAST FORTY'FIFTH STREET NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE : MURRAY HILL 1626 mwwww^^wwww^^^ww^^wwwwwwww^s^wwww^^ww^ rare old english inlaid binding [number i6] BY CHARLES MEARNE CATALOGUE OF BEAUTIFUL BOOKS RICHLY BOUND OFFERED FOR SALE BY GEORGE D.^MITH 8 EAST 45TH STREET NEW YORK New York, 1918. I desire to call the attention of those who receive this catalogue to the variety and interest of its contents. The work of the great- est artists of past and present times is well represented. Naturally examples of the older craftsmen grow scarcer with the progress of tune. As to modern works the war has largely inter- fered imth the production of fine bindings in Europe and it will ie a long period before the output becomes normal. At present both men and materials are unobtainable. A word should be said here calling to the book lovers' notice the beautiful creations of the binders' art from the Guild of French Binders in this caimtry. They worthily represent the best tradi- tions and cannot be too highly praised. There are many of them in this catalogue. George D. Smith. 7- 7^(.^ BEAUTIFUL BOOKS RICHLY BOUND 1. ADELINE (JULES). La Legende du Violon de Faience. With 8 exquisite etchings by the author. 8vo, white satin prettily embroidered with vari-eolored ribbons and silks. Paris: Conquet, 1895. $25.00 One of 150 Copies on Imperial Japan paper. With presentation in- scription from the Publisher, L. Conquet to Robert Hoe, who has written on flyleaf "Binding embroidered by Buth Dec. 1900. B. H." EDITION DE LUXE SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED. 2. AERONAUTICS. Histoire des Ballons et des Aeronautes celebres. 1801-1890. Par Gaston Tissandier. With numerous fullpage and text photogravures and fullpage woodcuts. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt and inlaid backs, sides richly ornamented with inlaid four-line borders, corners of inlaid concave design with gilt anchors, inlaid balloons in two shades of morocco as centre ornaments, gilt inside borders, doublures of bro- caded silk, gilt edges on the rough, original covers bound in, by David. Paris: Launette, 1890. $350.00 Edition de Grand Luxe. One of 25 copies on Japan paper, with the photogravure illustrations in two states. The full page wood engravings are colored by hand. The fine vignette portraits of famous aeronauts in- clude the Montgolfiers, Charles, D 'Arlande, Rozier, Blanchard, the Robert Brothers, Jeffries, Cantelle, Garnerin, Gay-Tussac, Green, Poitevin, Hen- son, Cocking, Giffard, and the author, Gaston Tissandier. With Presentation Inscription on Fly Leaf from the Author 'to THE Well-Known Bibliophile Charles Cousin. ROGER PAYNE BINDING 3. ALDINE PRESS. CI. Claudiani Opera Quam Diligentis- sime Castigata, quorum Indicem in sequenti pagina reperies. Aldine 1 1861980 6E0R0K n. SMITH EIOIIT EAST FOKTY-FIFTII STREET NEW YORK anchor on title and kjst leaf, 8vo, fine old crimson levant morocco, grold borders, jrilt edges, inside borders; [colophon] Venetiis in a'dibiis Aldi et Andrea? Asulani Soceri, mense Martio 1523. $40.00 A magnificent copy from the famous collection of Michael Wodhull with his manuscript notes and signature on fly leaf. He writes: "Payne's sale, stood me in about 12s.," notes the volume is complete and makes other references to it. A noteworthy copy. WITH ORIGINAL MS. BY THE AUTHOR 4. ALDRICH (T. B.) The Sisters' Tragedy, with Other Poems, Lj-rical and Dramatic. 12mo, crimson cinished levant mo- rocco, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1891. $35.00 First Edition. Inserted is an original poem in Aldrich's autograph: "To OhHvion. By A Young Poet who offers himself as a sacrifice to save General Morris." In addition, upon the fly leaf is written the author 's autograph ' ' Thomas Bailey Aldrich, March 17, 1904." A VERY RARE ENGRAVED ALPHABET. 1627 5. ALPHABET OF LUCAS KILIAN. The complete series of 24 beautifully engraved copper plates, each containing a letter of the alphabet in arabesque, live inches in height by about four inches wide, on a ground work of interlacing scrolls with figures of boys engaged at some art or industry. The letter A contains three boys with globes or atlases; contains a large pipe organ with a boy player ; F is represented by a nude fisher boy with trophies of fish ; W contains a boy scholar being birched for incompetence in his A, B, C's. Small 4to, red levant tooled with a graceful arabesque design in gold suggested by the engraving of the plates. Doublures of crimson levant, rough edges gilt, in slip case, by the Club Bindery. No place or date but Augsburg: 1627. $85.00 A most elaborate and beautiful old alphabet in a rich and highly ap- propriate binding, signed by Leon Maillard, finisher. The binding must have cost more than the above named price. Besides the artistic and antiquarian interest attached to these beautiful engravings, they have a practical and suggestive value to the designer of to-day. [see illtjsteation] 6. AMOURS (Les) de Catherine de Bourbon, Soeur de Roi, et du Comte de Soissons. Par Alice Hurtrel. Plates and desigtis throughout text, hy Lalauze and others. 16mo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top, in slip-case, chamois lined. Paris. 1882. $25.00 Only 100 copies printed on Holland paper, signed by Mme. Hurtrel. 2 rare engraved alphabet, 1627. red levant by the club bindery signed by leon maillard [number 5] GEORGE D, SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK ONE OF TWO COPIES ON VELLUM 7. ANACREON. Odae graece et latine. Small 4to, full old rose crushed levant morocco, elaborate design and interlacing bands in light brown, blue, green and red levant within gold lines, the spaces filled with gold arabesque ornaments in the Grolier manner, gilt tooled back and inside border, gilt edges, by the Club Bind- ery. Lutetiae: apud Henricum Stephanum, 1584. $1600.00 First Edition. One of only two copies Printed on Velltjm. 8. ANDREWS (WM. LORING). Bibliopegy in the United States and Kindred Subjects. 8vo, original boards, gilt top, un- cut. New York, 1902. $17.50 Beautifully illustrated with 30 full page plates, some in gold and colors, of early American bindings, specimens by noted recent binders and exam- ples of early American engraving. The entire edition consisting of 177 copies only. SIGNED BINDING BY COBDEN-SANDERSON 9. ARNOLD (MATTHEW). Empedocles on Etna. A Dra- matic Poem. Decorations hy Ricketts. 8vo, olive levant morocco, sides covered with a trefoil design, inside border, gilt edges, by CoBDEN Sanderson, at the Doves Bindery, and signed in 1901, London: Vale Press, 1896. $350.00 A very charming and desirable specimen of Cobden-Sanderson 's best binding. Books bound by him are now exceedingly hard to procure. In- serted is a very interesting four page Autograph Letter signed from Irving Way of Chicago giving a very full account of the famous bindery. He concludes the letter by saying "You will note signature in yours has *C — S — ' which is the great man himself." 10. AUCASSIN AND NICOLETE, revised and edited by F. W. Bourdillon. Frontispiece by L. Pissarro, Svo, full green crushed levant morocco, floral ornaments in corners, gilt tops, uncut. Eragny Press, Hammersmith, 1903. $30.00 BALZAC 'S MASTERPIECE 11. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Eugenie Grandet. IlUistrated with 8 Superb Etchings hy LE RAT after the Designs of M. DAG- NAN -BOW ERET. 8vo, dark green crushed levant, with gold line tooling on sides and back; doublures of crimson crushed le- vant with leafy borders, green silk fly leaves, rough edges gilt, original wrappers bound in, in slip case, by Marius Michel. Paris : Par Motteroz, 1883. $225.00 3 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Edition of 120 copies sumptuously printed for the SocifiT^ des Amis DES LiVRES, and with the etchings in double proof state. At the end is a list of tlic Monibcrs of the Society including the names of many noted bibliophiles such as Due d'Aumale, Eugene Paillet, Henri Beraldi, Baron Portalis and others. The issues of this famous book society are now very hard to procure, regardless of price. 12. B AN VILLE (THEODORE DE). Gringoire. Comedie en un Acte en Prose. With Portrait of the Author and 14 splendid etchings hi/ Boi^son after Jules Wagrez. 8vo, brown levant, with centre compartment of green morocco gilt, vellum linings and fly leaves, rough edges gilt, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris : Librairie Conquet, 1899. $100.00 Sumptuous copy with the beautiful etchings in two proof states. The personages of the Play are Louis XI, Gringoire, Simon Fourmez and his daughter Loyse, Olivierle-Daim and Nicole Audry. 13. BARING-GOULD (S.). Nero. Title in red and black, square small 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco with de- signs of roses in compartments, and with doublures of light blue crushed levant morocco, intertwined linear border, watered silk fly leaves, gilt tops uncut, by Riviere. London: Humphreys, 1907. $40.00 One of the belles lettres series of the publisher's "Eoyal Library" in a luxurious binding. [see illustration] 14. BENTZON (TH.). Jacqueline. Charmingly illustrated with full-page plates and vignettes printed in color after designs hy Albert Lynch. Folio, full light brown levant morocco, front cover inlaid with life-size bluets and daisies, back cover inlaid with a spray of roses, in natural colors, inside floral borders, doublures aand flys of figured moire silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie, 1893. $125.00 First Edition. One of 20 copies on large Whatman paper, with an ORIGINAL ■WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY LyNCH, on half-title. MARIE ANTOINETTE'S COPY 15. BEAUMARCHAIS (PIERRE AUGUSTIN CARON DE). Oeuvres Completes. 4 vols., 8vo, contemporary calf binding with the Crown and Monogram of Marie Antoinette on sides, gilt edges. No Place [Kehl], 1780. $1000.00 An Association Book of Unsurpassable Interest, Connecting the American and French Revolutions, the Two Most Stupendous Events or THE XVIII Century. GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Caron de Beaumarchais ' writings are composed of his wonderful Memoirs and his still more wonderful Plays. In 1775 he memorialized the king in advocacy of aiding the American colonies in their struggle with the British Crown. He held negotiations with Arthur Lee, agent of the colo- nists, and finally persuaded the prime minister, Maurepas, to sanction a loan of 1,000,000 livres and to secure the advance of an equal sum from the Spanish government. Arms and ammunition for the Americans were delivered from the public arsenals to Beaumarchais, operating under the firm name of Eoderique Hortalez & Co., on his entering into an obliga- tion to replace them. In the early part of 1777 he shipped, in three of his own vessels, 200 guns, 25,000 muskets, and 200,000 pounds of gunpowder, and sent over on the ' ' Amphitrite ' ' 50 European officers, among the num- ber La Eouerie, Pulaski, and Baron Steuben. The shipments were con- tinued, but, owing to an erroneous impression that the supplies were a gift from the French government, Congress failed to make remittances, and the French government advanced another million francs to relieve Beau- marchais from his embarrassments, and he persevered in forwarding sup- plies until 1779. The United States were indebted to Beaumarchais at the end of the transactions in the sum of 4,000,000 francs, an obligation which the American Government was unable to meet, and which was finally com- promised in 1835, by the payment of 800,000 francs to his heirs. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE SPECIMEN OF OLD ENGLISH INLAID BINDING 16. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. Engraved title. 8vo, contemporary binding in red morocco, the sides in compartments formed by interlaced narrow bands inlaid in blue morocco and outlined in gold, the spaces filled with floral and other toolings of very delicate execution, all en- closed within a border of fleur-de-lys, gilt mosaic back, gilt edges, in a green crushed levant morocco slip case by The French Bind- ers of Garden City. London, 1771. $375.00 [see illustration] A very beautiful specimen of binding executed by Charles Mearne, and probably one of his very last. From the library of the Countess Elizabeth Capel of Essex with her bookplate and autograph. HORACE WALPOLE'S BIBLE IN A CURIOUS OLD BINDING 17, Biblia Sacra, sive Testamentum Vetus ab I. Tremellio et F. Junio ex Hebraso latin e redditum et Testamentum Novum a T. Beza e grgeco in latinum versum. Engraved title. 12mo, Eng- lish binding in vellum, the sides and back covered with fine and delicate pointille tooling in gold and silver, with colored bands, gilt edges, attributed to Samuel Mearne, and of his style and period. Amsterdam, 1669. $125.00 From the library of Horatio Walpole, with his bookplate. 5 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 18. BINYON (LAWRENCE). Poems. 8vo, full olive green levant morocco, gilt and red flower design in the corners, doublures of dark red calf, dotted borders, brocade silk end leaves, gilt top, uncut, by ]\Iorley. Oxford, 1895. $35.00 Only 250 copies printed. With the H. W. Poor morocco book-plate. 19. BIOGRAPHY. The Lives of Eminent and Remarkable Characters, Born or Long Resident in the Counties of Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk. With 68 very fine Miniature Portraits engraved in stipple. 12mo, fine old English straight-grained green morocco, gold borders on sides, tooled back. London: Longmans, 1820. $25.00 A rare collection in fine old binding. Among the most famous of Lives here recounted are those of Sir Robert and Horatio Walpole, Ad- miral Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Lord Nelson, Sir Nicholas Bacon, Cavendish the Navigator, Thomas Gainsborough, Philemon Holland, Francis Quarles, Margaret Duchess of Newcastle, Sir John Hawkwood, Chief Justice Coke, Sir .Tohn Falstaflf, Lord Cornwallis, Cardinal Wolsey, John Lydgate, Sam- uel Purchas, John Day the Printer, John Elwes the Miser, Edmund Hieker- ingill, Bishop Gardiner, Sir Henry Spelman, and many others equally famous in history, literature and art. A BAS-RELIEF BINDING 20. BLAKE (WILLIAM). The Grave, a Poem by Robert Blair. With a Life of the Author. Illustrated hy 12 large etch- ings hy Schiuvonetti after the wonderful designs of William Blake. Large -Ito, full olive brown levant with large centre panel of lighter brown morocco chiselled in relief with the design of "The Skele- ton Re-animated" drawn hy Blake for the title-page of the Poem. The panel is enclosed within a beautiful gilt scroll line border with inlays of light blue levant with gold-tooled stars, gilt top, uncut, with fleece-lined flexible leather cover, by Riviere. London: Bensley, 1813. $275.00 First Edition op this famous Blake Book in a wonderfully ARTISTIC BINDING. Outside of the 12 splendid etchings the book is particu- larly noteworthy for the fine portrait of Blake by Schiavonetti after T. Phillips and for the solemn Dedicatory Poem "To the Queen" signed ' ' William Blake, ' ' commencing ' ' The Door of Death is made of Gold That Mortal Eyes cannot behold." Among the long list of subscribers are the names of Benjamin West, Cos- way, Eobert Fulton, Lady Hamilton, Thomas Bewick, David Hume and other celebrities. Sound, clean and spotless copy. 21. BLOUNT (SIR THOMAS POPE). De Re Poetica; or, Remarks upon Poetry. With Characters and Censures of the Most Considerable Poets, whether Ancient or Modern. Small 4to, ma- 6 6E0RGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK roon levant, with interlacing line borders on sides, gilt edges, by Leon Gruel. London: Ric Everingham, 1604. $65.00 First Edition and a very beautiful copy of this early work on the early English poets and playwrights. In the second part of the book, among the authors discussed and criticised are Beaumont and Fletcher, George Buchanan, Chaucer, Cowley, Davenant, Denham, Donne, Ben Jonson, Mil- ton, Oldham, Katharine Phillips, Eochester, Sidney, Spenser, Suckling, Waller and Shakespeare. 22. BOCCACE (GIOVANNI). ■ Le Fiancee du Roy de Garbe. Traduction de Anthoine Le Magon. Decorative borders and illus- trations by Leon Lebegue, hand-colored. Imperial 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt fleurons in the corners, gilt line bor- ders, doublures of brown levant morocco, line and scroll border terminating in decorated squares in the corners, yellow figured silk guards, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, and with a slip case, by Affolter. Paris, 1903. $165.00 One of 12 copies on Imperial Japan paper, with an extra set of un- colored plates on China paper. BEAUTIFUL COPY OF A RARE FRENCH ALLEGORY 23. BOUCHET (JEAN). Le labirith de fortune & seiour des trois nobles Dames compose par lacteur des Regnars trauersans, et loups rauissans. Surnomme le trauerseur des voyes perilleuses. Woodcut in the title and printer's mark at the end. 4to, brown levant, the sides in a Grolier pattern of inlaid bands of dark and light brown and green morocco, within gold lines, gold scrolls and arabesques, gilt mosaic back, gilt edges, by Cape. Paris : par Philippe Le Noir, 1532. $100.00 Magnificent copy of this rare poetical treatise on the misfortunes which befall men of all conditions. The "Trois nobles dames" whose dwelling place everyone should endeavor to reach are Faith, Hope, and Charity. 24. BOUFFLERS (STANISLAS DE). Aline, Peine de Gol- conde. Illustrated with 15 exquisite engravings by Gaujean, some in color. 8vo, full crushed blue levant morocco, gilt back of floral sprays in compartments, covers richly decorated in gilt with floral designs, baskets of roses, birds, butterflies, etc., gilt inside border of roses, doublures and flys of light blue brocade satin, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Cham- boUe-Duru. Paris: Grave & Imprime pour la Societe des Amis des Livres. 1887. $200.00 One of the first 50 copies (of 115 printed) for members. This copy waa issued to M. Collin. The volume is engraved throughout. fiEORGB D. SMITH BIGHT EAST PORTT-FHi'TH STREET NEW YORK 25. BRITISH POETS. The Aldine Edition of the British Poets, with Memoirs and Xotes by the Rev. John Dyce, Sir H. Niehohis. the Rev. A. Dyce. and others. Portraits. 53 vols., 12mo, full polished ealf, prilt backs, Aldine anchor on sides, gilt tops, by Zachnsdorf. London : William Pickering, 1831-53. $450.00 A very handsome and desirable set of these charming classics. Many of tlie volumes are of the first issue. UNIQUE VELLUM COPY IN RICH BOZERIAN BINDING 26. CARICATURES. Principes de Caricatures, suivis d'un Essai sur la Peinture Comiqiie. Traduits de 1' Anglais de Francis Grose en francais, avec des augmentations. 8vo, blue straight- grained morocco, richly tooled back and sides ; pink silk linings and fly leaves, gilt edges, by Bozebian. Paris: Renouard, 1802. $150.00 The only copy printed on vellum. Illustrated by 28 plates, several folding, engraved hy Grohman after Berggold, Grose, Newton and Wood- ward. 27. CAROVE (F. W.). The Story Without an End, translated from the German by Sarah Austin. Vignette on title. 18mo, full light blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges by Toof. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1897. $20.00 Japanese paper copy. 28. CASTIGLIONE (COUNT BALDESAR). The Book of the Courtier, Translated from the Italian and Annotated by Leon- ard Eckstein Opdycke. With 71 portraits, and 15 autographs re- produced hy Edward Bierstadt. Royal quarto, in a remarkable inlaid binding, consisting of a groundwork of full light brown crushed levant morocco, with a bold design inlaid in green, yellow and red moroccos, representing leaves and flowers from base, and passing through a crown ; back inlaid in panels, doublures or blue levant with an inlaid panel of a conventional design inlaid in brown, blue, red and yellow moroccos, flies of purple silk, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. In leather lined slip case. New York, 1901. $250.00 A most elaborate inlaid binding. The doublures exhibit in particular a bright and pleasing effect. One of Rivifer§'s masterpieces of bookbinding. 29. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE). Voyages et Descovertvres faites en la Novvelle France, depuis I'annee 1615 iusques a la fin de I'annee 1618. Par le Sieur de Champlain, Cappitaine ordinaire pour le Ray en la Mer du Ponant. Engraved title, 6 plates, includ- ing two folding. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, elab- 8 presentation copy from charles ii [number 30] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK orately tooled in gilt irregular compartments surrounding a decora- tive center piece, the design carried out in line and dot tooling and floriated sprays, doublure of green levant, with gilt dentelle border, green silk end-leaves, gilt edges, by Lortic Freres. In green morocco case. Paris : Chez Clavde Collet, 1619. $725.00 An immaculate copy of the First Edition. Aside from its beautiful condition this copy has additional value from the fact that it contains the two original blank leaves completing signature Y at the end, which are very seldom found. This is Champlain's third work, in which he describes the events from 1615 to the date of writing. It is particularly interesting for its exten- sive information concerning native tribes and topography of the state of New York and surrounding country and lakes. The plates, illustrative of scenes in Indian life, are fine specimens of the engraving of the period. PRESENTATION COPY FROM CHARLES II 30. CHARLES I. 'EIKfiN BASIAIKH. The Pourtraicture of his Sacred INIajestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Folding frontispiece representing Charles I. at his devotions, engraved hy Marshall, and 2 inserted portraits and full page cut of the Royal Arms. 8vo, contemporary English brown morocco, gilt panelled sides, fleurons on corners, the Crowned initials "C. R." in the centre of both covers, and below a skull, gilt edges. n. p., 1649. $125.00 One op the Presentation copies erom Charles II, mentioned by Lowndes. Inserted are 2 scarce portraits of Charles I, one representing him at the age of 19. This copy contains at end the "Perfect Copie of Private Prayers used by His Majestic in the Time of his Sufferings," which is frequently missing. With the Ashburnham-Hoe bookplates. In an old hand is written upon the fly-leaf : ' ' This was one of the presentation copies from King Charles the 2nd & has 2 additional portraits inserted. The Prayers at the end are not to be found in many copies, & the Greek distich which closes the volume I have never seen in any other copy. P. H." [see illustration] 31. CLARETIA (JULES). La Corde. Illustrated with ex- quisite etchings hy Boisson after the designs of Charles Jonas. 8vo, citron levant, the sides and back entirely covered with gold tooled roses in small leafj^ compartments, antique damask linings and fly leaves, rough edges gilt. Paris: Imprime pour les Amis des Livres, 1901. $100.00 One of 125 copies printed for members of the Society. The binding is a magnificent specimen from the Club Bindery. 32. CLARKE (MARY ANNE). The Rival Princes; or, A Faithful Narrative of Facts Relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke's Poli- tical Acquaintance with Colonel Wardle, Major Dodd, etc., etc., OEORaE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK who were ooiicornod in the Charges a{?ainst the Duke of York, ete.. etc. Portrait. 2 volumes, 8vo, bound in full purple levant morocco, the front cover of Vol. 1 adorned with a charming minia- ture portrait of Miss Clarke, paintoi: by Miss E. B. Currie, and a miniature ]K)rtrait of the Duke of York set into the front cover of Vol. II, the intervening spaces of the front covers decorated with floral inlays or red and green moroccos, richly gilt-tooled, the backs inlaid with green morocco, gilt-tooled, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Each volume in a purple morocco solander case. London : Printed for the Author, 1810. $500.00 FIXE FRENCH ENGRAVINGS OF THE 18TH CENTURY 33. COLARDEAU (CHARLES PIERRE). CEuvres de Colar- ieau. Portrait after Voiroit and 11 plates hy Louis Legrand, Mathieu, Baquoy, De Launay, and others, after Monnet's designs. 2 vols., 8vo, red morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Derome the Younger. Paris: Le Jay, 1779. $90.00 A very scarce and fine Holland paper copy of the First Edition. 34. CONSTABLE (HENRY). The Poems and Sonnets. Edited from Early Editions and Manuscripts by John Gray. Decorations executed hy Charles Ricketts. 8vo, wine-colored crushed levant morocco, wide gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. London: Vale Press, 1897. $25.00 One of 210 copies printed. 35. Constitutiones primfe [et secundre] Synodi Diocesanas . . . Carolo Rosetto . . , Nonas Julii MDCXLVI. Bonnoniae . . . Jaeobi Montii, etc. 1647-1649. 4to, red morocco, sides covered with gold tooling, centering in a Cardinal 's hat, with arms painted on vellum, gilt edges, with the original silk ties. $200.00 The second part, Faventise: Georgium Zaraf allium, 14 pp., is usually missing. A remarkably good specimen of Italian bookbindery of the XVII century in almost faultless condition. AN EXCESSIVELY RARE OLD FRENCH POEM 36. CONTREBLASON DE FAULCES AMOURS. Intitule le Grant Blason Damours Espirituelles et Divines Ensemble Pareille- ment. Premierement aussi certain epigramme et servantois d'hon- neur. Fait et compose a la louenge du treschristien Roy de France Loys de Vallois septiesme de ce nom. Printed in Gothic Charac- ters; with Simon Vostre's small printer's device on title, large woodcuts in two compartments on hack of title representing the 10 a mosaic binding by lortic [number 36] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Trinity surrounded by angels, whilst the lower panel contains the kneeling figures of Louis XII and the Pope, on the last page is the large device of Vostre. Small 8vo, crimson crushed levant, inlaid on sides with a beautiful Grolier design in mosaic of eight vari-colored levants, doublures of light blue levant studded v?-ith alternate roses and lilies in gold; light blue silk flyleaves, gilt gauffred edges, by Lortic, in crimson levant slip case. A Paris: Imprime pour Simon Vostre [1512]. $300.00 A MATCHLESSLY BEAUTIFXJL COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE AND CUEIOUS Poem, written in answer to "Le Blason de Faulces Amours" by Guillaume Alexis, is in the form of a dialogue between a lady of the Court and a nun. At the end is an acrostic verse of twelve lines which contains the name of the poet Estrees and the names of the prince and princess to whom the book is dedicated, Charles De Croy and Louise D'Albret. The acrostic is followed by a "Joyous Ballad" composed in honour of the Inviolate Mother of God, ending with the device " Souffir pour parvenir." Brunet in his description of a later edition of the poem could only locate one copy of it, and the Repertoire Morgand, extending from 1876 to 1899, only describes one copy, to which it devotes two entire pages. [see illustration] 38. COTTON (CHARLES). Poems on Several Occasions. 8vo, crushed brown levant morocco, gilt and inlaid backs, sides richly ornamented in gold, central panel of a lighter brown, having a Grolieresque design, inlaid entwined C's in corners, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Tho. Basset, 1689. $125.00 The Rare First Edition in a Very Rich and Artistic Binding. The author of this collection of poems was the adopted son of Izaak Walton and the author of the Second Part of the Compleat Angler. Many of the poems are of the somewhat free character which marked the period, while others will be found of interest to collectors on special sub- jects. Among the latter is the poem against Tobacco: "What Crime America, that Heaven would please To make thee Mother of the World's disease?" [see illustration] A RARE FRENCH JEST BOOK, 1650 39. COURRIER FACETIEUX (LE). Recueil des Meilleurs recontres de ce temps. Engraved frontispiece. Small 8vo, old limp crimson morocco with fleurs-de-lis, gilt side panels, gilt edges, overlapping side edges. Lyon: Claude La Riviere, 1650. $35.00 A remarkable and beautiful old binding of the period, and in a style seldom seen except in vellum. The frontispiece is curious and represents the Courier riding backward. Like all ancient and popular works of an ephemeral character, it is of great rarity. 11 6E0KQE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 40. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Poems: Miscellanies, The Mis- tress, or. Love Verses. Pindarique Odes, & Davideis, or, a Sacred Poem of the Troubles of David. Folio, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for Humphrey iMoseley, 1656. $150.00 First collected edition. Fine copy. The preface contains most curious references to the collected work of Shakespeare, Fletcher, and Jonson. CRUIKSHANK'S LIFE. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED 41. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE), LIFE OF. By Blauchard Jerrold. 2 volumes. Extra-illustrated, inlaid and extended to 7 magnificent folio volumes by the insertion of nearly 800 illustra- tions by or relating to George Cruikshank and his life and works. Bound by Riviere in full red levant morocco, gilt backs, the edges heavily gilded, and with rich green watered silk end-lining orna- mented with emblematic figures and reproductions of Cruikshank 's signature. London, 1882. $1,650.00 Of the 728 illustrations, no less than 188 are proofs. Two are superb Original Water-Color Drawings by Cruikshank, the coloring of which is in the softest and most delicate of tones. One of these is a striking full-page drawing for Lever's novel, "Arthur O'Leary." There is also a most interesting wood-engraving with Cruikshank 's signed autograph in- scription relating to it below. Another fine piece is an etching (in outline) filled in with sepia-wash. Fifty-one Autograph Letters are distributed through the various vol- umes. Of these, forty are by Cruikshank, two by Dickens (one of which is in the third person), two by C. Landseer, and one by each of the fol- lowing: W. M. Thackeray, William Harrison Ainsworth, Bryan Waller Proctor (Barry Cornwall), A, Forrester (Crowquill), John Kuskin, E. H. Barham (Ingoldsby), and J. R. Lament. The letters by Cruikshank are very characteristic. Dickens' signed holograph letter is three pages in length and refers to his interest in prison reform; it is dated November 24, 1849. By far the greater portion of the illustrations consist of brilliant im- pressions of Cruikshank 's engravings, etc., for the host of works to which he contributed the fruits of his extraordinary genius. In some instances they comprise complete sets of his illustrations for a particular work. Among the books whose illustrations are here represented either wholly or in part are: William Hone's publications, and satirical tracts; Pierce Egan 's Life in Landon, colored ; Carey 's Life in Paris, colored ; Ireland 's Life of Napoleon, colored; Grimm's Popular Stories, full of Cruikshank 's drollest and most whimsical spirit; Mornings at Bow Street; the Comic Almanccks; Bentley's Miscellany; Dickens' Oliver Twist, including the famous "Fireside Scene" plate and the unforgettable "Fagin in the Con- demned Cell;" The Bottle, The BrunTcard's Children; and many others too numerous to list. The collection as a whole is a most notable one and has been chosen with the finest care and discrimination. 42. DANIEL (SAMUEL). The First Part of the Historic of England. Title within engraved borders of architectural design. 12 inlay binding by riviere [number 38] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Quarto. Richly bound with an ornately inlaid design of dark blue, crimson and buff moroccos, doublure of crimson levant morocco, rough gilt edges, at the Club Bindery, and signed by Leon Mail- lard, finisher. London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, dwelling neere Holborne bridge. 1612. $450.00 Eemarkably tall copy of an important work by "the well languaged Daniel." The binding is a superb example of the last word in modem taste and skill and is in brilliant condition. In case and jacket with levant back. 43. DAPHNIS ET CHLOE. Traduction d 'Amyot. Illustrated tvith 12 charming full page etchings and 29 exquisite head and tail pieces hy Champollion from the designs of Raphael Collin. 8vo, royal blue levant, the sides covered with most elaborate "den- telle a I'oiseau" borders, back panels tooled with turtle doves, inside borders, rough gilt edges, by Samblancx Weckesser. Paris: Launette et Cie., 1890. $90.00 Limited Edition de Luxe. A most charming specimen of the highest type of the French illustrator's work. Every one of the 41 etchings is a masterpiece in itself. WITH THE FAMOUS PLATES BY THE REGENT D 'ORLEANS 44. DAPHNIS ET CHLOE. Longi Pastoralium, de Daphnide et Chloe, Libri quatuor. Text in Latin and Greek on opposite pages. Frontispiece hy Coypel, engraved by Audran, 28 beautiful plates from the designs of Philip D 'Orleans engraved hy Audran and surrounded hy graceful borders, and 18 charming head and tail pieces by Fokke after Eisen and Cochin. Small 4to, contem- porary red morocco, with gold borders on sides, tooled back, gilt edges. Lutetiae Parisiorum, In Gratiara Curiosorum, 1754. $300.00 The Eakest and Most Celebrated of all the Illustrated Editions OF Daphnis and Chloe. The famous "Petit Pieds" plate is engraved by Vidal and is lettered "Conclusion du Eoman. " [see illustration] 45. DAUDET (ALPHONSE). Sapho : Moeurs Parisiennes. Dix illustrations de Rejchan, gravees a Veau-forte par E. Abot et A. Duvivier, vignettes dans le texte par G. Montaigut. Imperial 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, ornamented on covers with panel of overlapping and entwined leaf sprays, inside dentelle border, gilt edges on the rough, orig- inal wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris : Collection Charpentier, 1888. $225.00 13 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK One of 50 copies on Large Japan Paper, with the vignettes printed in color on India paper; the etchings in two states, one of which is colored by hand. A proof portrait of the author by Toussaint is inserted, and through- out the volume are 21 original water-color drawings, by Paul Jazet, in his best style. 46. DAVID. Le Moderne, ou la Traduction en Vers des Sept Pseaumes de Dom Antoine Roy de Portugal, dediee au Roy Louis XIV. ^Manuscript on vellum, beautifully written in an italic character. The title, in gold and colors, has an arabesque border in colors heightened with gold, and there are 14 beautiful draw- ings at the commencement and end of each Psalm. The headings and initial letters of the Psalms are in gold. French red morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of Louis XIV on the sides and fleur-de-lis on the back, in a case. 1703. $200.00 GRAND BINDING BY CHARLES LEWIS 47. DA VINCI LEONARDO. Trattato Delia Pittura. Por- trait of Leonardo and 60 other plates by Boggi. 2 vols, in one, 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt-panelled sides, fleurons in the corners, on the center of the front cover the initials of the Rev. Theodore Williams, and on that of the back cover his arms, gilt back, gilt tooled inside borders, gauffred gilt edges, by C. Lewis, with his Ticket. Milano, 1804. $275.00 Printed on vellum and the copy mentioned by Brunet. From the Beck- ford collection. One of the most beautiful specimens of modern printing upon vellum and a wonderful example of Lewis's binding. . 48. DAYS OF THE DANDIES. A Collection of Memoirs of the Celebrated Wits and Beaux of the Eighteenth Century. Finely illustrated with many photogravure and etched portraits and other plates, the frontispieces being in three states, one being colored by hand. 15 vols., 8vo, full light blue levant morocco, the sides and backs gold-tooled, with inlays of red and white roses, doublures of white levant within gold-tooled blue borders, gilt tops, uncut. London : Grolier Society, n. d. $325.00 Initials on sides. Edition limited to 26 lettered copies, printed through- out on Japanese vellum. Handsome set. The subjects of the memoirs are as follows: Colley Gibber, by Himself; Charles James Fox, by B. C. Walpole; Mrs. Jordan, by Jas. Boaden; Mary Wortley Montagu, by Her- self; Peg Woffington, by J. F. Molloy; Laurence Sterne, by Percy Fitz- gerald; Fanny Burney, by Herself; Horace Walpole, by Himself; Captain Gronow; Beau Nash, by Oliver Goldsmith. TEA AND COFFEE IN 1687 49. DE BLEGNY. Le Bon Usage du The du Caffe et du Choco- lat pour la preservation & pour la guerison des Maladies. Par. 14 the rarest illustrated edition of daphnis and chloe in eighteenth-century french binding [number 44] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Mr. De Blegny, Conseiller, Medecin Artiste ordinaire du Roy & de Monsieur. Frontispiece and 13 plates hy F. Hainzelman. Small 8vo, old red morocco, fleurs-de-lys on the back and sides, the arms of Philippe Dug D 'Orleans on each side, gilt edges. Paris: Chez I'Auteur, 1687. $150.00 A very rare and early work on the usage of tea, coffee and chocolate, three beverages then almost unknown to Europeans. The plates mostly represent curious pots, cups and instruments used in their preparations. Philippe Due D 'Orleans was guillotined in 1793 after having voted in favor of the execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. [see illustration] ARMS OF MADAME DE POMPADOUR 50. [DE SOUVENAL.] Lettres Critiques et Historiques, touchant I'idee que les Anciens avoient de la Poesie, & celle qu'en ont les Modernes. Ecrites par un Provincial [De Souvenal] a une Dame de Paris. 12mo, contemporary mottled calf, with the arms of Madame de Pompadour stamped in gold in the centre of both covers, red edges. Paris : Le Breton, 1712. $150.00 Books from "the" Pompadour's Library will ever retain their senti- mental interest and charm. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED 51. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Life of Charles Dickens. By John Forster. First Edition. 3 vols, extended to 9 vols. London, 1872-74; The Letters of Charles Dickens. Edited by his Sister-in-Law and his Eldest Daughter. First Edition. 3 vols, extended to 9 vols. London, 1880-1882. 18 vols., 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt backs, on the front and back covers are gilt medallion portraits of Dick- ens, one a youthful profile and the other his portrait of later years, with facsimile signatures in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London : Chapman and Hall, 1872-1882. $1,850.00 Extra-Illustbated by the insertion of nearly 1,100 portraits, views, autograph letters, original sketches, illustrations from his works, etc., etc., inlaid or trimmed to size, and comprising a pictorial history of his life, embracing etchings, engravings, proofs on India and Japan paper many before remarque or letters; of persons intimately associated with Dickens, both in this country and in Europe; and of places visited by Dickens, or mentioned by him in his writings. Of the portraits, 400 in number, there are a great many of Dickens at various periods of his life, including a fine proof etching by George Cruikshank; a proof on Japan by Laurence; a rare proof etching on Japan, from a daguerreotype by Mayall in 1851; an early proof before remarque, of Dickens as a young man, and others. Among other portraits may be mentioned: John Dickens, etched proofs in two states; John Forster, on Japan paper; Sir Walter Scott, fine India 15 «EORQB D, SMITH EIGHT EAST PORTY-FIPTII STREET NEW YORK proof; Eachcl, after a drawing by Cruikshank; original etching of W. Mulroady by Cope; a rare portrait of James Russell Lowell, by Hall; Roln^spierre, proof before letters by Mote ; Balzac, etched proof before let- tors; TiMuiyson, proof on India paper, before letters; early portrait of •Tamos Fonimore Cooper on India paper; Japan paper proof of Robert Burns, IxMoro all letters; a rare proof portrait of Poe on Japan paper, boforo enpravor's name; etching 4th proof, of W. Etty, by Haydon; orig- inal proof oval portraits of Sir T. Lawrence, Sir B. West and Sir M. A. Shoo, unfinished (on one sheet, with two ovals blank) ; fine proof on India pajier of Thackeray, Jerrold and ABeckett; fine proof on India of the Countess of Blessington ; Cruikshank 's splendid portrait of G. P. R. James, proof on India paper, and many others. The views, which are mainly on India paper, with many proofs in first state, comprise practically all the places visited by Dickens, or mentioned in his letters, including early views of New York City, 1831 ; Philadelphia, 1S30; Hartford, Washington, Yale College, Harvard College, Columbia Col- lege, etc., many of which are now exceedingly difficult to procure. There are 491 views in all, some of which are double-page, and neatly folded to aize. with linen guards. The Autographs are represented by 2 A. L's S. of Dickens, one page each, and one Autograph Check, drawn to the order of "Gas and Sundries"; fine 2 pp. A. L. S. of John Forster; 5 A. L's. S. of Thomas Noon Talfourd; autographed envelope, franked, of Lord Stanley; a 1 p. A. L. S, of W. C. Macready ; 2 autographed envelopes, franked, of William Harrison Ains- worth; autograph letters and signatures of Anna Maria HaU, I. Emerson Tennent, Lord Russell, J. Westland Marston. 52. DICKINSON (JOHN). A New Essay (By the Pennsyl- vania Farmer) on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America; with the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their Instructions to their Rep- resentatives in Assembly. 8vo, full olive green crushed levant morocco, uncut. By Stern and Dess. Philadelphia printed. London Re-printed, 1774. $35.00 Charles Mellish's copy, with his armorial bookplate, with marginal notes throughout. Mr. Mellish was evidently an English lawyer who wrote these legal observations as soon as the book was published. Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 18 portraits and views, and a D. S. by John Dickinson and John McDowell of the Pennsylvania Council. 53. DIVAN OF HAFIZ. Persian Manuscript of the 18th cen- tury written in double columns on native thin glazed paper. 218 leaves (7 7/16 x 4% inches). The first two pages within hroad floral borders painted in blue, red and gold, each page embellished by floral fillets and compartments in gold and colors. Svo, con- temporary Persian lacquered binding, the covers painted outside and inside in a floral design, in a morocco slip-case. Sffic. XVIII. $250.00 The Robert Hoe copy. On page 23 is a full-page minature representing a centaur attended by three angls, two of whom carry flaming hearts painted in gold. 16 THE ARMS OF PHILIPPE DUC d'oRLEANS [number 49] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK EISEN'S MASTERPIECE 54. DORAT (CLAUDE JOSEPH). Les Baisers, precedes du mois de mai, poeme. Frontispiece, fleuron on title, 1 plate, 22 vignettes and 22 tail-pieces, engraved by Aliamet, Baguoy, Binet, Delaunay, De Longueil, Massard, Ne, Ponce, after Eisen and Maril- lier. 8vo, full orange morocco, dentelle a I'oiseau borders, gilt top, uncut, by David. A La Haye et se trouve a Paris cbez Delalain, 1770. $120.00 Choice copy of this very charming book. 55. DOUCET (JEROME). Cure d Amour. Comedie en una acte, en vers. Musique de scene de F. Le Rey. 8vo, blue levant with floral design in mosaic of red, brown and green on sides, embroidered silk linings, rough edges gilt, by Canape. Lyon, 1892. $55.00 One of 20 copies on Japan paper, with two very clever original sepia drawings by A. Andreas, on half title and last page. With chamois lined slip case. 56. DOUCET (JEROME). Notre Ami Pierrot, une douzaine de Pantomimes; avec les Aquarelles de Louis Morin. Large 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, with doublures of blue levant morocco inlaid in brown border and with mosaic designs of a Pierrot, Moon and Stars in yellow, silver and brown on both covers and back, by Chevalet of Paris. In slip case. Paris: Societe d 'Editions Litteraires et Artistiques, n. d. $150.00 No. 14 of only 20 copies printed on Imperial Japan paper with duplicate sets of the plates on China and Japan, numbered and signed by the author. A CHARACTERISTIC AND WORTHY SPECIMEN OP THE LAST WORD OF THE ART OF FRANCE IN THE PRODUCTION OF A LUXURIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL BOOK ILLUS- TRATION, BINDING, TEXT. 57. DOUCET (JEROME). Notre Ami Pierrot. Douze Pan- tomimes. Profusely illustrated hy Louis Morin. Folio, full brown levant morocco, back ornamented with grotesque masks of Pierrot, in compartments, triple fillet border on covers, doublure of azure levant morocco, inlaid with mask of Pierrot and crescent moon, and studded with silver stars, flys of decorative paper, linings of brocaded silk, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris : Librairie Paul Ollendorff, n. d. $150.00 One of a special edition of 20 copies on Japan paper, signed by the author. The plates are in three states; one with text, hand-colored, one on Japan paper, and one on China paper. 17 flEOBQE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK ASSOCIATION COPY, WITH AUTOGRAPH LETTERS 58. DOYLE (RICHARD) and DALZIEL (GILBERT). The Story of Jack and the Giants. Illustrated with 35 drawings hy Ekhard Doyle, engraved hy G. and E. Dalziel, and colored hy hand hy Doyle himself. Small 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, with richly gilt border of acorn and oak-leaf design, and paneled ornament of Persian design, lavishly gilt, both dull and burnished, with inlay dots of red in imitation of rubies; doublures of brown moire silk, with border of green levant and corner ornaments of oak leaves, moire silk flys with original covers bound in enclosed in padded straight-grain morocco case. London, 1851. $350.00 Inserted, is a portion of an A. L. S. from Gilbert Dalziel, mentioning this copy of the book, and Doyle's coloring the illustrations himself; also a 1 p. A. L. S., from Eichard Doyle in reference to this work, and from his letter it would appear that this present copy was printed on special paper to enable him to color the prints. He says in part: ' ' The paper on tchich the Jack cuts are printed, will not take color . . . J have endeavored to color those I have but find it too absorbent." A very interesting volume. 59. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Nymphidia & the Museseli- zium. Decorations hy Charles Ricketts. 8vo, lavender levant mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. London : Vale Press, 1896. $25.00 Limited edition of a very beautiful volume in a charming binding. 60. DU CAMP (MAXIME). Une Histoire d 'Amour. Por^raif en-graved hy A. Lamotte and 8 illustrations hy Blanchard, engraved hy Buland. 12mo, full orange crushed levant morocco, gilt floral scalloped border, gilt inside border, flowered silk Lining, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rouselle. In slip case. Paris, 1888. $45.00 One of 200 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. 61. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE FILS). Peches de Jeunesse. Svo, full crushed blue levant morocco, ribbed back, sides richly decor- ated in gilt and colors with birds, beacon and inlaid verse of four lines on front cover, flowers and insects on back cover, birds and flowers on back, lined inside borders, silk doublures and end leaves, gilt edges, by Ch. Meunier. In a case. Paris, 1847. $125.00 FiKST Edition with 6 inserted portraits of the author. Presentation Copy with Autograph Inscription by the Author. 62. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Les Trois Mousquetaires. Avec une Lettre d 'Alexandre Dumas Fils. With hundreds of full-page 18 GEORGE D, SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK and text illustrations hy Maurice Leloir, exquisitely engraved in wood hy Jules Huyot. 2 vols., 4to, olive green levant each fore- cover inlaid with portraits of D'Artignan and Aramis, rough edges, gilt, original wrappers bound in by Eaparlier. Paris : Calmann Levy, 1894. $250.00 A Superb India Paper Copy with a Duplicate Set of Leloir 's Won- DERPTJLLY Clever Illustrations. In a Very Charming and Appropriate Eeparlier Binding. The most Artistic Edition of "The Three Musketeers" ever published. 63. ELIGIES DE LA BELLE FILLE, lamentant sa Virginite Perdue avec plusieurs Epistres, Epigrames, Instructions et Traduc- tions morales. Composes par Ferry Julyot, de la Cite Imperiale de Bezanson. With quaint woodcuts. 8vo, fawn colored levant, sides covered with a beautiful dotted design, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. Bezanzon, Antoine Ludin, 1557. (Paris: Willem, 1873.). $125.00 The first complete edition of these famous poems edited from the only perfect Copy known, in the Bezanzon Library. One of 3 Copies printed on the finest Vellum. A GREAT PRINTER— A GREAT BINDER 64. ELZEVIER. Marselaer, Fredericus. Legatus, libri duo. 12mo, old French blue straight-grained morocco, gilt borders on the sides, the Arms of Charles Stuart de Rothesay in the centre, gilt tooled back, gilt edges, by Simier. Amsterdam : J. Janson, 1644. $30.00 First Edition. A beautiful example of the Elzevier press in a beautiful binding by a famous master. 65. ELZEVIER. Vergelius, Polydorus. De Rerum Inven- toribus Libri VIII et de Prodigiis Libri III. Engraved frontis- piece. 12mo, fine old French red morocco, gilt panelled sides, gilt tooled back, gilt edges. Amstelodami: apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1671. $40.00 Renouard's copy, with the rare preface to the Duke of Urbino, dated London, 1526, usually wanting. A Royal Copy. 66. EMBLEMS. ALCIATI (ANDREA). Emblemata denuo ab ipso autore recognita, ac, quae desiderabantur, imaginibus locu- pletata. Each page within architectural and ornamental woodcut borders, and 211 enihlematic cuts. 8vo, contemporary French calf, panelled sides, gilt Fleurs-de-lys in the comers and a Dolphin in the centre. Lugduni, apud Gul. Rovillium, 1550. $125.00 The Dauphin of France's copy who afterwards became Francis II. The Emblem at page 156 represents the Dolphin and is inscribed "Peinceps.'* 19 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 67. EMBLEMS. DOLCE (LODOVICO). Imprese di diversi pronoipi, duchi, signori e d'altri personaggi et huomini letterati et illustri. Title and 52 fine devices within ornamental frames engraved on copper after the designs of the painter G. B. Pittoni of Viccnza, the verses of Dolce printed on separate pages within ornamental xvoodcut borders. Oblong 4to, citron levant morocco, gilt borders on the sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Venetia, 1562. $40.00 First edition of the rarest of Lodovico Dolce 's works. The very strik- ing borders are filled with fauns, nymphs and other grotesque figures of the greatest diversity. This very beautiful volume is a great bargain at the price aflSxed. MAGNIFICENT BINTUNG BY COBDEN-SANDERSON 68. E:MERS0N (RALPH "WALDO). Poems. First Edition. 12mo, light green levant morocco, entirely tooled and gilt in a design of trefoils and stars, with the author's name in the centre, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, Cobden Sanderson at the Doves Bindery. In a red morocco slip case. Boston: James Munroe and Co., 1847. $550.00 A handsome copy of the scarce Fiest Edition. On one of the fly- leaves at the end is written in the autograph of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson : "Emerson. Designed hy me 4" bound at the Doves Bindery, Hammer- smith, for Mr. Eobert Hoe, New Yorlc. T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, 1894." [SEK illustration] 69. ENGLISH LYRICS. Illustrated by the insertion of 30 plates, mostly proofs, before letters, on India paper. 8vo, red levant gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. London: Kegan Paul, 1883. $40.00 Large Paper Edition, one of 50 copies printed. Contains the finest lyrical poems of Wyatt, Surrey, Nicolas Breton, Ealeigh, Lodge, Donne, Ben Jonson, Herrick, Lovelace, Shakespeare and others. Among the por- traits, mostly India proofs are those of Shirley, Middleton, Beaumont, Donne, Fletcher, and others. From the Hoe library. 70. EVE (CLOVIS). Beautiful facsimile of a Clovis Eve binding, inlaid in green, white and brown levant morocco, tooled and painted with fleurs-de-lys, the arms of Marguerite, wife of Henry IV of France, in centre, gilt clasp, gilt edges. n. d. $35.00 Contents of the volume made up of blank leaves. It would make a pretty diary or common-place book. 71. FENELON (F. S. DE LA MOTHE). The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses, translated by John Hawkesworth. 20 a superb binding by cobden-sanderson [number 68] (5E0RGE D, SMITH EIGHT BAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Extended to two volumes hy the insertion of upwards of 78 plates, including stipple portrait of the author, a series of beautiful col- ored plates after designs hy Stothard hy Neagle besides many others of Scarcity and interest. 2 vols., 4t, panelled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Tout. London: Printed for the author, 1768. $90.00 A very interesting and well extra-illustrated copy of this famous book. 72. FIELD (MICHAEL). Underneath the Bough. A Book of Verses. Narrow 12mo, full light green crushed morocco, gilt center ornaments, with dragon flies. Floral end-papers, gilt top, by Toof. Portland: Mosher, 1898. $20.00 With notice: "Of this book 100 copies are printed on Japan Vellum. This is No. 5. ' ' 72A. FLAUBERT (GUST AVE). Bouvard et Pecuchet. Etched illustrations by Charles Huard, the full page plates printed in colors. 2 vols., 410, full brown crushed levant morocco, elabo- rately tooled in a geometrical and trellis design of parallel lines surrounded by a floriated border, doublure of green morocco with parallel and interlacing line border, tapestry silk linings, gilt edges by Affolter, original covers bound in. Paris, n. d. $450.00 One of an edition limited to 30 copies. Contains an original water color and an original pencil drawing of two of the characters of the story, signed by Charles Huard. 73. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Herodias. Decorated by L. and Esther Pissarro. 16mo, full green levant morocco, floral design on sides in gold and blind tooling, gilt top, uncut. London: Eragny Press, 1901. $22.50 One of an edition of 226 copies printed. BEAUTIFUL CHISELLED BINDING BY GRUEL 74. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). La Legende de Saint Julien L'Hospitalier. Preface par Marcel Schwab. Illustrated with 26 magnificent etchings by Gery Bichard after the powerful designs of Luc Oliver Merson. 8vo, brown morocco, the forecover "cisele" with a fine forest scene with a hunted stag and birds, and a me- diaeval castle in the background, blue silk linings, and flyleaves, rough edges gilt, by Gruel. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1895. $225.00 A magnificent edition of the well known story of St. Julian which first appeared in the Golden Legends of Jacques de Voragine and was after- wards recounted by Boccaccio and La Fontaine. One of the 80 Copies on Japan Paper with the etchings in triple proof states. In one of Gruel's finest exhibition bindings. 21 SEORQE D. SMITH EIGHT E^VST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 75. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Un Cceur Simple. lUustre de vingi-trais compos^itions par IiJmile Adam, gravees a Veau-forte par ChampoUion. Preface par A. de Claye. Royal 8vo, full light blue crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, doublures of citron levant morocco, with chiselhHl desifrn of flying swallow, poppies, daisies and bluets on inside front cover, that on the back cover being sprays of poppies, flys of silk tapestry, rough gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier, in slip case. Paris : Librairie des Amateurs, 1894. $225.00 One of 20 copies on Grand Papier du Japon with the etchings in three states. On blank leaf preceding the half-title is full page original water- color DRAWING BY Emile Adam, signed. An etched portrait by Monzies, on India paper has been inserted. A CHISELLED RELIEF BINDING 76. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Un Cceur Simple. With 24 exquisite etchings hy ChampoUion after the designs of Emile Adam. Svo, full olive green crushed levant, with doublures of light brown levant, containing an incident from the book inlaid and chiselled in relief, back doublure inlaid with a poppy, rough edges gilt, orig- inal covers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1894. $100.00 One of 100 copies on large vellum paper with all the beautiful etchings in duplicate proof states. The Eaparlier binding is a notable artistic and unusual specimen of French Binding. 77. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Histoire de Donna Maria d' Avalos et de don Fabricio, Due d'Andria. Manuscrite et illuminee par Leon Leheque. 4to, full dark green crushed levant morocco, beautifully tooled in double line interlacing bands and floral scrolls, doublures of scarlet morocco with elaborate pattern of interlacing green bands and border and gilt tooled floreated scrolls, green silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1902. $350.00 One of 2.5 copies on Japan Paper, with a double set of the decorations and illustrations, colored and plain. THE MYSTERIES OF ANCIENT GREECE 78. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Les Noces Corinthiennes. Illus- trated with 20 very beautiful woodcut vignettes engraved hy Ernest Florian after the designs of Augusts Leroux. Svo, light gold col- ored crushed levant, inlaid borders of brown levant, enclosing elab- orate pointille tooled ornaments, yellow damask linings and fly- leaves, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in by the Club Bind- ery. Paris: Edouard Pelletan, 1902. $125.00 ©EORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Definitive Edition of France 's great poem on the ancient Grecian myster- ies. One of 20 copies on China Paper with the running title printed in red within old gold headbands. A Lovely Volume. 79. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). La Chaine D'or, Preface par Marcel Schwob. Illustrations hy Georges Rochegrosse exquisitely colored hy hand and illuminated, with an extra set of the proof il- lustrations, uncolored and without the text; etched portrait of the author on Japan Paper inserted. Royal 8vo, full olive crushed le- vant morocco, doublure of light brown levant morocco with a draped gilt chain, having an intertwining floral design of inlaid blue and red blossoms and green leaves, inside back cover with small spray of purple flowers in center, brocade silk end-leaves, gilt edges, with chamois lined protecting wrapper and also slip case. By Canape. Paris, 1896. $225.00 One of 200 copies signed by the illustrator. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE SWINBURNE ITEM 80. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Le Tombbeau de Theophile Gautier. With 4 extremely fine proof portraits inserted. Square 8vo, full purple crushed levant, the sides and back tooled with a mar- vellously rich floral design in mosaic, composed of orchids, mar- guerites and lotus flowers in white, in a border of crimson poppies with green leaves. On the forecover is a large panel containing the intertwined monogram of the poet enclosed within a rich memorial wreath of laurel and cypress in green levant and surmounted with a most artistic figure of the Gallic eagle. The monogram border is jewelled with 8 beautiful turquoise and the funeral wreath is studded with 16 brilliant amethysts. Doublures of emerald green levant with inlaid orchids and flyleaves of light green levant with gold frame borders, preserved in a green levant case inlaid with white silk. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1873. $450.00 First Edition of the greatest literary memorial ever dedicated to ANY poet. This wonderful collection of odes, sonnets and elegies was con- tributed to by Victor Hugo, Paul Arene, Theodore de Banville, Emile Bergerat, Leon Cladel, Jules Claretie, Francois Copp^e, Camille DoucET, Anatole France, Albert Glatigny, Ernest D'Hervilly, Ars^ne Houssaye, Jules Janin, Leconte de Lisle, Ernest Legouv^, Stephane Mallarm^, Catulle Mendes, F. Mistral, Marc Monnier, Armand Silvestre, Sully Prudhomme, Andr^ Theuriet, Auguste Vacquerie and other noted French men of letters of the period. The con- tributions of Swinburne extend over 15 pages and include his noted sonnet to Gautier on his Romance of Mile, de Maupin ' ' the Golden Book of Spirit and Sense, the Holy Writ of Beauty"; his splendid memorial verses on the poet 's death, both in English ; an ode and a sonnet in French ; a latin poem and a three-page poem in Greek. The Binding is a Masterpiece of Sanqorski and Sutcliffe's Jew- elled AND Mosaic Gold Tooled Work and is Appropriate in the Minutest Detail to the Incomparable Poems it Adorns. 23 (SEORQE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 81. GAUTIER (TITEOPITILE). Tine Nuit de Cleopatre. Il lustree de vingt-et-une compositions par Paul Avril. Preface par Anatolo France. Svo, full levant olive morocco, centre panel of front and back covers of inlaid calf, with chiselled Egyptian design, in gold, silver, and colors, doublnres and flys of silk tapestry, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in; special levant wrapper, by Meunier, Paris : Librairie des Amateurs, 1894. $210.00 One of 20 copies printed on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states. An etched portrait of the author, by Ad. Lalauze, in proof state, is inserted, and preceding the half-title is an original water-colob by Paul Avril. 82. GERBIER (SIR BALTHAZAR). A Sommary Descrip- tion, Manifesting that greater Profits are to bee done in the hott then in the could parts off the Coast off America: And how much the public good is concerned therein. Referring to the annexed Advertissement, For men inclined to Plantations. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges, moire silk doublures, by Pratt. Printed for Sir Balthazar Gerbier Kyt Douvilly, Anno 1660. $450.00 Extremely rare. This copy contains the "Advertissement" referred to in the title, with a separate title, imprinted Rotterdam: Printed by Henry Goddaeus, 1660. While issued without imprint, it was printed at Rotter- dam previous to his returning to England upon the restoration. The Church catalogue states that "this is not a translation of any of the au- thor's other publications in Dutch, tut is apparently an independent work prepared by some Dutch scholar with an imperfect knowledge of English." 83. [GILL (ANDRE).] La Muse a Bibi. Frontispiece. 12mo, full crushed orange levant morocco, richly gilt tooled, with a lyre inlaid in brown morocco in the center of the front cover, the back with a windmill inlaid in black morocco, gilt inside borders, dou- blures and flys of floriated silk tapestry, edges gilt on the rough, original covers bound in, by Affolter. In slip case. Paris, 1881. $60.00 One of 100 copies on large Holland paper. Extra-illustrated with 55 very interesting pen-and-ink drawings, some in colors, finely executedby Maurice Gaboriau. Autograph inscription on the half-title by the artist: "Souvenir of our happy nights at the Chat Noir." [Translated.] In- serted are also 3 fine etched plates. A perfect example of fin d'siecle French art in the production of a beautiful and unique volume. 84. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Poetical Works of. Il- lustrated hy wood engravings from the designs of Members of the Etching Cluh. Edited by Bolton Corney. 8vo, full levant morocco, 24 eEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK in two shades of brown, inlaid, with black tooled borders, and wide outer border of ivy leaves, inlaid in brown and various shades of green. The back has a single ivy leaf in each panel ; doublures of green silk, with inlaid border of green morocco on a brown back- ground, with a small crimson inlay in each upper and lower comer, gilt top, uncut. London, 1846. $75.00 85. GONCOURT (EDMOND ET JULES DE). La Lorette. Avec un dessin de Gavarni grave par Jules de Ooncourt. Square 16mo, brocaded silk, uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Carayon. Paris, 1883. $75.00 First Edition. Eare. One of a limited number printed on Holland paper. Extra-illustrated with 9 original and characteristic water-color drawings, finely executed by J. Berado. A MEUNIER INLAID BINDING 86. GOUDEAU (EMILE). Tableaux de Paris. Paris qui Con- somme. Fifty full-page plates, printed in colors after designs hy Pierre Videl, some heightened hy hand in water-colors. Imperial 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, back cover inlaid with figures of bats, front cover with lyre, grapes, game, fruit, gas lamp," inlaid in levant of various colors, inside borders with figures of birds, doublures and flys of figured silk tapestry, gilt on uncut edges, by Ch. Meunier, 1896, with original wrappers bound in. Paris : Henri Beraldi, 1893. $225.00 Only 138 copies printed on Papier Felin des Vosges. Presentation copy, inscribed by H. Beraldi. 87. GROLIER. Jean Grolier de Servier. Some account of his Life and his Famous Library. By William Loring Andrews. With 14 plates in colors and plain of Books in Grolier's Library, Auto- graphs, Arms, etc. 8vo, light brown crushed levant extra, sides tooled with a rich Grolier design, doublures of crimson crushed le- [ivant with broad Aldine gold borders, light brown silk fly leaves, original blue cloth wrappers and gilt end papers bound in, rough edges, gilt, by Chambolle-Duru. New York: The De Vinne Press, 1892. $200.00 Edition of 150 Copies only and one of the rarest of the Andrews Mono- graphs. In an exquisite binding by one of the greatest of modern French binderies. UNIQUE VELLUM COPY IN RICH BOZERIAN BINDING 88. GROSE (FRANCIS). Principes De Caricatures, suivis d'un Essai sur la Peinture Comique. Traduits de 1' Anglais de Francis Grose en francais, avec des augmentations. 8vo, blue 85 flEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT KVST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK strajfrht-prained morocco, richly tooled back and sides; pink watered silk linings and fly-leaves, gilt edges, by Bozerian. Signed on back. Paris: Renouard, 1802. $150.00 The onhi Copy printed on Vellum.. Illustrated with 28 plates, several folding, engraved by Grohman after Berggold, Grose, Newton and Wood- ward. The plates are printed on paper. In dark blue levant morocco slip case. 89. [GUIDE (PHILIBERT).] La Colombiere et Maison Rust- ique de Philibert Hegemon. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt back with tooled acorns in compartments, richly tooled covers, with a central cartouche within gilt panel and borders, decorated with acorns, thistles, roses, and daisies, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Duru 1858. In morocco slip-case. Paris: Chez Jamet Mettayer, 1583. $125.00 The extremely rare original edition, containing the "Cantiques" and ' ' Paraphrase sur 1 'Oraison dominicale. ' ' The Double-Desq-Halsey copy, with bookplates. The book is in sound, brilliantly clean condition, and may fairly be characterised as a matchless copy, both as regards text and binding. 90. HEINSIUS (DANIEL). Poematum editio tertia ; ita aucta et emendata, ut videri nova possit. Fine engraved title. Small Svo, bro-vvn levant, the sides richly tooled and gilt with a Gro- lieresque pattern of interlacings and arabesques, gilt back, gauf- fred and painted gilt edges, by Bedford. Lugd. Bat. Joannes Maire, 161S. $75.00 Beautiful Copy in a superb Bedford Binding. Bookplate of Sir Edward Sullivan. 91. HENRIOT. Napoleon aux Enfers. Illustrations par I'Au- ter. 12mo, full red crushed levant morocco, with a floriated gilt tooled design on sides and back, gilt inside border, gilt edges, by Riviere. Paris, 1895. $100.00 Presentation copy from the author with inscription, and a pencil and wash drawing of Napoleon on the half title. One of a few copies not for sale but specially issued for presents only. A BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN MS. 92. HAFIZ. (Shems-ud-Din Mohammed.) Divan. An XVIII century manuscript beautifully written upon 218 leaves of two columns each, surrounded by ruled and gilt borders, illuminated with floral fillets and compartments in colors on a gold ground. 8vo, in a very beautiful native lacquered binding covered both in- side and outside with painted designs of flowers and ornaments richly colored and gilt. In morocco slip case. $250.00 26 SEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK One of the most ornate and luxurious of bindings of the Orient. The heavy but transparent coating of lacquer has served to preserve the colors and material in all their original freshness — they are as brilliant to-day as when first executed. A perfectly characteristic specimen of a fine Oriental Manuscript. 93. HAKLUYT (RICHARD). Virginia richly valued, By the description of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour: Out of the foure yeeres continuall trauel and diseouerie, for aboue one thousand miles East and West, of Don Ferdinando de Soto, and sixe hundred able men in his companie. Wherein are truly ob- serued the riches and fertilitie of those parts, abounding with things necessarie, pleasant, and profitable for the life of man : with natures and dispositions of the Inliabitants. Written by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, [Ferdinand de Soto] emploied in all the ac- tion, translated out of Portugese by Richard Haklvyt. Small 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, blind-tooled border on sides surrounding a panel of conventional gilt roses and dots, gilt back, gilt edges, doublures of green silk, by Riviere. At London : Printed by Felix Kyngston for Matthew Lownes, 1609. $600.00 The exceedingly rare First English Edition, and one of the rarest of Hakluyt's works. The Portuguese original, of wliich there is certain knowl- edge of only one perfect copy, was printed in 1557 at Evora. 94. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Mariette. 40 compositions de Henry Somm. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled floral borders and back with inlays of red morocco, gilt inside bor- ders, orange silk linings and end leaves, gilt edges, by P. R. Rapar- lier. Paris : L. Conquet, 1893. $75.00 One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the illustrations in two states. Inserted is a portrait of L. Halevy, etched by H. Toussaint, signed in pencil. 95. HAY (JOHN). In Praise of Omar. An Address. Small square 12mo, brown polished levant morocco, gilt line border, gilt inside border, gilt edges, by Toof. Portland, Me. : Thos. B. Mosher, 1898. $15.00 One of 50 copies on Japan paper. UNIQUE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY IN RICH BINDING 96. HEPTAMERON, or Tales and Novels of Marguerite Queen Df Navarre, now first completely done into English Prose and Verse from the Original French by Arthur Machen. One volume bound in two vols. 8vo, crimson crushed levant, sides and backs richly gold 27 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK tooled ; doublures of blue levant studded with golden Fleurs-de-lys, pearl brocade flyleaves, gilt tops, uncut, by Ritter. London : Privately printed, ] 886. $225.00 Unique and Very Handsome Copy of the Best English Translation of these Famous Tales of Gallantry. The original volume has been extended to tu-o volumes by the insertion of 258 Extra-Illustrations including the Famoxis Frcudeberg Designs; the beautiful Champollion Vignettes; the set of masterly Etchings by Leopold Flameng, and rminy beautiful head and tailpieces. The title-page to the second volume is a charming water-color drawing by P. Tallerie, with figures of ctipids and flowers. 97. HERBERT OF CHERBURY (EDWARD, LORD). The Life of Edvrard, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Written by himself. With folding portrait {full-length) , hy A. Walker, after J. Oliver, view on title-page, and genealogical table {double-page) , of the j family of Herbert. 4to, contemporary red straight-grained mo- I rocco, gilt back, gilt edges. Strawberry-Hill : Printed in the Year, 1764. $50.00 A scarce volume, of which but 200 were printed. It was edited by Horace Walpole, who contributed the Dedication and an Introduction. From the collection of Wm. Simonds Higgs (dispersed in 1830), with his "Caxton bookplate, and with Ms. note signed "W. T. " probably Sir William Tite. 98. HEURES DE LA TRES SAINTE VIERGE. With 20 il- lustrations by Guillaume Dubufe. 8vo, embroidered binding of pink and green silks, silk linings, gilt top, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Asnieres-sur-Seine : Boussod, Valadon & Co., 1895. $25.00 An exquisitely printed and decorated French Prayer Book in a unique Binding. 99. HOE BINDINGS. Historic and Artistic Bookbindings dat- ing from the 15th Century to the present time. With 176 plrs hound in, bv Rousselle. In slip ease. Paris : G. Charpentier, 1880. $85.00 First EniTiON. Exceedingly scarce, especially with the wrappers. In- soribotl in the author's autograph, "a Monsieur Victor Fournel. Hommage de I'autcur. Guy dc Maupassant." Etched portrait of the author by H. Toussjiint inserted. rXIQUE EDITION DE LUXE IN BEAUTIFUL BINDING 157. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Contes Choisis. Publies et iinprime aiix frais par les Bibliophiles Contemporains Societaires de rAeademie des Beauxlivres. (1) Le Loup; (2) Hautot pere et fils; (3) Allouraa; (4) Mouche; (5) Maison Tellier; (6) Un Soir; (7) Le Champ d'Oliviers; (8) Mademoiselle Fifi; (9) L'Epave; (10) Une partie de Campagne, all splendidly illustrated hy Masters of French Etching. Royal 8vo, blue levant covered with a rich floral design of carnations, orchids and birds, tooled and inlaid in gold and colors, inside borders with sprays and blossoms, doublures and end leaves of figured silk, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Meunier. Paris: Imprimes aux Frais des Bibliophiles Contemporains, 1891-1892. $250.00 One of the Most Beautiful Specimens of Artistic French Book- Making Ever Produced. The superb Illustrations accompanying each piece are the best work of Paul A\'ril, Henri Boutet, Pierre Vidal, Georges JfiANNioT, Van Muyden and others. Special Copy presented to the well known Bibliophile and Author Octave Uzanne. Only a very few Copies were printed for the Members of the Society only, and there were no Copies ever offered for public saJe. 158. MAYNEVILLE. Chronique du temps qui fut La Jacque- rie. Illustratians de L. 0. Merson, gravures de Chessa lettres man- uscrites par Cossard. Large 8vo, full crushed dark brown levant morocco, Jansen style, doublures of light brown levant with a rich gilt-tooled ornamental design covering the whole panel, flys of dark brown, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. With a half levant morocco folder, richl.y gilt, in a case. Paris : Librairie de la Collection des Dix, 1903. $150.00 One of 25 copies on Japan paper with the 40 etchings in four states. 159. MENDES (CATULLE). Pour lire au Couvent. 60 des- sins de Lucien Metivet. 8vo, full crushed lavender levant morocco, gilt-tooled ornaments on covers in form of an openwork hinge, gilt 44 PERSIAN LACQUERED BINDING OF THE XVIII CENTURY [number 145] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK tooled inside borders, doublures and flys of fine floriated silk tapes- try, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Emile Rousselle. Paris [1887]. $40.00 First Edition. One of 25 copies printed on China paper. A RICH AND EARLY DEROME BINDING 160. MERE RIVALE (LA). Histoire de Temps, dediee le Due de la Rochefoucault. 12mo, contemporary red morocco, gilt over marbled edges, in silk drop case. Paris, 1672. $125.00 Mr. Gibson Craig in his "Facsimiles of Old Book Binding" describes the volume: " Eemarlcably fine specimen of the binding of the period, probably by one of the first of the fourteen Deromes." The sides ar» divided into spaces by a diagonal network, which spaces are filled in with the monogram of a former proprietor, "edsa, " also repeated down the back. [see illustration] 161. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Carmen. Frontispiece and 8 vignettes etched by A. Nargeot after S. Ancos, each plate in three states, outline, before letters and campleted, one state of each vi- gnette in text. 8vo, full orange crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled with flowers, scrolls, &c., on back, sides and inside borders, dou- blures and end leaves of flowered silk tapestry, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier, in silk case. Paris: Calraann Levy, 1884. $125.00 One of 30 copies on Papier Velin, with the illustrations in three statea A brilliant and striking example of this binder's art. [see illustration] 162. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Colomba ; Preface by Maurice Tourneux. With 63 engravings upon wood by Noel and Paillard from the designs of Daniel Vierge, duplicate proof impressions. Imp. Svo, full straight grained claret levant morocco, heavily tooled broad borders and back, to a "Romantic" pattern with doublure of straight grained olive levant morocco, gilt panels and borders, ffilt tops, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. In chamois lined slip cfise. Paris, 1904. $175.00 Edition de grande luxe upon Japan paper of which only one hundred copies were printed. The present copy is number 48 of the issue. TEXT ENGRAVED AND PLATES PRINTED IN COLORS 163. MERIMEE (PROSPER). L 'Enlevement de la Redoutc. Illustrations by Maurice Orange, engraved in colors by Dccisy. Royal Svo, red morocco, wide back and side borders tooled in hllcts, scrolls, and compartments thickly studded with small dots, gdt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Noulhac. Paris: Rouquette, 1902. $150.00 45 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT E.VST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK One of 125 copies on large vclhiin paper, with the illustrations in three stntoa aiul thr tcri enijravcd throughout. The most famous of all Meri- niee's Short Stories. 1(U. MICIIELET (JULES). Therese et Marianne. Souvenirs do Jounesse. Illustrations de V. Foulquier. 12mo, full green levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt panels and borders, corner ornaments, doublures and flys of green moire silk, gilt edges on tiie rough, original wrappers bound in with slip case by Ra- parlier. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1891. $65.00 One of ^O copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. An etched portrait of the author before all letters is inserted. MANUSCRIPT IN SPLENDID JEWELLED BINDING 165. MILTON (JOHN). L 'Allegro and II Pensecroso. A Manuscript, Executed by Messrs. Sangorski & Suteliffe. $1,500.00 Manuscript written out on vellum and elaborately illuminated with minia- tures, borders, and capitals in color and raised gold. Both poems are symbolized in the decoration of the binding. This is in brown levant, with leather joints, blue levant doublures and fly leaves, and witli the whole elaborately inlaid, gold-tooled, and set with 12 amethysts, 12 turquoises, 16 garnets, 8 moonstones, 12 chalcedonies, a ruby, and a number of pieces of Mother of Pearly in all 61 Precious Stones. The design of the front cover is an interpretation of the poem "L 'Al- legro, ' ' both in color and detail suggesting the joy and gladness, and the pleasure of gaiety and mirth depicted in this poem; birds, butterflies, and bees being shown amongst a wealth of roses and other floral decoration. In contrast to this the back cover is suggestive of the poem "II Pen- seroso. ' ' As the poet himself has interpreted with lyrical perfection of symbolic expression the twofold ideas of light and darkness, joy and sor- row, gaiety and contemplation, so the binder has endeavored himself in contrasting the decoration of the front and back cover to represent the same ideas. The back cover is sombre in tone, and night is suggested by a little moonlight scene, an owl being a prominent feature, and a bat is decoratively displayed in each corner. The design of this binding is entirely original and 1,330 Separate Pieces of Inlay are Used. A SIGNED COBDEN-SANDERSON BINDING 166. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Regained and other Poems. Large 8vo. London: Doves Press, 1905. $300.00 Only 300 copies printed, in black and red, at the Dove's Press. Choice copy bound in full blue crushed levant both sides covered with interlaced floral tooling of lilies of the valley, ornate inside borders, gilt edges, at the Dove 's Bindery, by Cobden-Sanderson, signed ' ' The Dove 's Bindery, 19-C-S, '06. ' ' A very fine example. [see illustration] 167. MINIATURE BINDING. Souvenirs of Madame Yigee-Le Brun. 2 vols., crown 8vo, beautifully bound in full Rose du Barry 46 an early derome rinding [number i6o] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-PIPTH STREET NEW YORK pink levant morocco extra, the front cover of each volume richly hand-tooled in gold, with 5 miniatures painted on ivory by Miss Currie, after pictures by Madame Le Brun ; morocco joints, inside borders tooled, white watered-silk linings and ends, gilt tops, other edges uncut, by Riviere. The volumes enclosed in a double slip- case lined with chamois. London : Bentley, 1879. $350.00 The subjects of the 10 miniatures are as follows: Volume I. Mme. Vigee-Le Brun, 1800; Duchesse de Polignac; Mar- quise de la Guiche, 1788; Comptesse Catherine-Vassiliewna Skavronsky, 1790; La Grand-Duehesse Elizabeth Alexlewna. Volume II. Princesse Anna-Alexandrowna Golitzyne, n^e Princesse Grouzinsky; Duchesse de Caderousse-Grammont, 1785; Princesse de Talley- rand, 1783; Mme. Vig6e-Le Brun, 1790; Princesse Tatiana-Vassiliewna Youssoupoff, 1797. 168. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). L 'Amour Medecin. Illus- trations de L. Ed. Fournier, gravees a I'eau forte par G. Pen- nequin. Small folio, full crushed blue levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt corner ornaments, fillet border, doublures of brown levant morocco, with elaborate gilt frame design, silk gros- grain flys, gilt over rough edges, by Chambolle-Duru in chamois lined slip case. Paris : Edition Ferroud, 1905. $100.00 One of 25 copies printed on Japan paper, with an original pen-and-ink DRAWING BY FouRNiER, and the etchings in three states. Each copy numbered and initialled by the publisher, the present copy being No. 21. 169. MOREAU (HEGESIPPE). Petits Contes a ma Soeur. 62 illustrations hy Dunki, engraved on wood hy Clement Bellenger. 4to, full light brown crushed levant morocco, handsome gilt floral border with decorative bands of red and blue, mosaic back, broad gilt inside borders, flowered silk lining, gilt over rough edges, wrap- pers bound in in morocco lined slip case by Ruban. Paris, 1896. $175.00 One of 25 copies, on old Japan paper, with two extra sets of the illus- trations, proofs on Japan and China paper, signed by Bellenger, and an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING by Dunki inserted. WITH THE ARTIST 'S ORIGINAL DRAWINGS 170. MORIN (LOUIS). Jeannik. Histoires d 'Autrefois. With 87 spirited and humorous illustrations hy the author. 8vo, dark blue crushed levant, doublures of olive levant inlaid with a rich Mosaic Floral Design of lilac and red levants, finely gilt, gray silk fly leaves, rough edges gilt, original pictorial wrappers bound in and in slip case by Rene Kieffer. Paris: Librairie Illustree, 1885. $175.00 47 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK First Edition. Unique and very Handsame Copy having inserted 29 of Morin 's Oriijiiinl Drawings for the Bool', in Water-Colors and Pen-and- ink and 19 Trial Skciehcs and Proofs. The Author's Own Copy in a Rich ami Appropriate Binding. 171. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Love is Enough; or, The Free- ing; of Pliaranioiul. A Morality. 8vo, superbly bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffo, in dark blue levant morocco, with an outside border of red levant with leaf sprays and flowers gold-tooled and the back- ground filled-in with gold pointille, in the center a heart shaped ornament inlaid in blue and red levant and gold-tooled in pointille and with Eight Pearls inset in the circumference of the heart, the intervening spaces filled-in with a design of lilacs inlaid in white and leaves in green and gold-tooled ; doublures of brown levant morocco with an outside border of blue levant with lilies inlaid in white and leaves in green, gold-tooled, in the center a diamond- shaped ornament, inlaid in red and brown levant, gold-tooled, with numerous flowers and sprays of leaves on a background of poin- tille, flies of blue levant morocco, edges gilt on the rough. In a blue morocco silk-lined case. London: Ellis and White, 1873. $450.00 FiEST Edition in a wonderful binding. 172. MUSAEUS. Opusculum de Herone et Leandro. Orphei Argonautiea. Eiusdem Hymni. Orpheus de lapidibus. Graece et latine. 2 woodcuts. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt over marbled edges, by Hardy-Mennil. Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1517. $30.00 Aldine anchor at beginning and end. The two wood engravings are interesting specimens of the Italian art of the period. The book clean, sound and very tall. 173. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). La Mouche. Preface par Philippe Gille. 30 etched plates by Ad. Lalauze, 25 being in three states and 5 in four states, including in each case, outline, remarque and signed artist's proof. Royal 8vo, full orange crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled back and lined borders, doublures of lavender levant inlaid with brown frame festooned with rose-sprays, cupid bows and conventional tools, flys of flowered silk, gilt edges, by .Mercier. Paris, 1892. $235.00 One of only 30 copies on Japan paper, with the plates as above. Extra- ILLUSTRATED WITH AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY LALAUZE. 174. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Les Nuits et Souvenir. Portrait d'apres David d' Angers. Inter prete par Florian. Illus- trations de A. Gerardin, gravies par Florian. Imp. Svo, full blue 48 -«fe-"*^ 1} : 1 w jr^EsSi^ ■ ^i^ -"■ hrim.iant binding by ra i'ar i.i i-k [numbhr i6i| GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 3rushed levant morocco, back richly decorated with pointille and burnished gold design in compartments, covers %vith central panel having elaborate pointille, corner ornaments, gilt inside borders, marbled flys, with doublures and linings of blue moire silk, full gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris: Edouard Pelletan, 1896. $250.00 One of 25 copies printed on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, on Japan paper, on Japan ancien, and on China paper. The set on Japan PAPER HAS BEEN INSERTED, as no Set was issued with the platea in all three states. 175. NAPOLEON, ABRANTES (Laure Duchesse d'; Mme. Junot). Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court and Family. Steel por- traits. 3 vols., 1883. — O'Meara (Barry Edward, his surgeon). Na- poleon in Exile ; or, A Voice from St. Helena. Portraits and view. 2 vols., 1822. — Warden (Wm., Surgeon to the Northumberland). Letters Written on Board H. M.'s Ship the Northumberland, and at St. Helena, in which the Conduct and Conversations of Napoleon are described. Portraits and facsimiles. 1816. Together, 6 vols., 8vo, handsomely bound in full crushed crimson levant morocco, extra, with green levant morocco dqjiiblures, elaborately tooled, and containing 12 large and beautifully painted Miniatures of the Im- perial Family, uncut, gilt tops, by Riviere. London, 1816-83. $450.00 The 12 miniatures portray Napoleon; his Father and Mother; his two Wives, Josepldne and Marie Louise; his Sisters, Pauline and Eliza; his Brothers, Joseph, Lueien, Louis, and Jerome; and his Son, the King of Kome. 176. NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with engravings on wood from designs of Fra Angelica, Perugino, Fra Bartolommeo, Titian, Raphael and others, thick 4to handsomely bound in full brown levant morocco, elaborately tooled, blue corded silk linings and ends by Riviere. London: Longmans, 1864. $40.00 Large paper copy of the most beautiful modern edition of the New Testament. Edition limited to 250 copies. VERY CURIOUS NEEDLEWORK BINDING OF THE TIME OF CHARLES I 177. NEW TESTAMENT and The Whole Book of Psalmes by T. Sternhold, I. Hopkins, W. Whittingham, with apt Notes to sing them withall. 32mo. Two volumes, bound in one witli reversed backs enabling the book to be opened two ways, in a contemporary 49 OKORGK P. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK embroidered bindiiifr of white satin with colored flowers, gauffred gilt edges, white silk markers. Loudon : R. Barker and the Stationers Co., 1630. $250.00 The binding is unfortunately worn and frayed but of such curious and unusual interest as to be well worthy of restoration by a skilled hand. With MS inscription "Madam Anne Thompson." BOOK OF GREAT ASSOCIATION INTEREST; FROM THE LIBRARY OF MARIE LECZINSKA 178. OFFICE de la Semaine Sainte en Latin et en Francois a Tusage de Rome et de Paris. Engraved titles, 6 plates and 3 vignettes hy Scotin. 2 vols., 8vo, old French red morocco, broad dentelle borders, the arms of Marie Leczinska, Queen of Louis XV, in the centre of the covers, fleurs-de-lys on the backs, gilt paper linings, gilt edges, by Padeloup. Paris, 1728. $175.00 A beautiful book — a rich contemporary binding — and of remarkable association interest. [see illustration] 179. OFFICIUIM Hebdomfe Sanctte. 18mo, contemporary binding in red morocco, gilt-tooled dentelle borders on the sides, ornamental centre-pieces, with emblems of the Passion and skulls, gilt back and edges, decorated leather and brass clasps. Venetiis, 1696. $20.00 A very unusual and interesting specimen of Italian late 17th century bookbinding. CHISELLED BINDING BY GRUEL 180. OlMAR KHAYYAM, Rubaiyat of. Rendered into English Verse by FitzGerald (Edward), Frontispiece. Fourth Edition. Small 4to, polished tan calf, with front cover chiselled to a design of vine leaves and butterflies, chiselled inside border, doublures and end-leaves of silk brocade, gilt edges, by Gruel. In case. Lond.: Quaritch, 1879. $125.00 A fine specimen of Gruel's workmanship. BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF JEWELLED BINDING 181. OMAR KHAYYAM, Rubaiyat of. Translated into Eng- lish Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. With an Introduction by A. C. Benson. Reproduced from a manuscript, written and illuminated by S. Sangorski & Sutcliffe. Printed throughout on fine quality Japanese vellum paper, with numerous heautiful full-page illumi- Tuitions and decorative borders and initials. Small folio, full blue 50 a signed cobdkn-sanderson 15inding [number i66] GEORGE D, SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK crushed levant morocco, the front cover most elaborately inlaid and gold tooled with a peacock design, its tail set with 31 garnets ; jew- elled clasps, doublures of dark red levant, with large ornament tooled and inlaid with blue levant, in centre of each cover, maroon watered silk linings, gilt edges, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. In a cloth case. [London, 1910]. $550.00 Beautiful specimen of jewelled binding. 182. ORIENTAL SERIES. Brinkley (Captain F.). Japan, its History, Arts and Literature. 8 vols.; China, its History, Art and Literature. 7 vols. Superbly illustrated with col- ored plates, photographs, outline plates, and SPECIAL WATER- COLORS, of scenes in China and Japan, the court, the industries, and the people, costumes, landscapes, arms, pottery, etc. Together, 15 vols., large 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, the sides and backs ornamented with gold tooling and inlays of various col- ored leathers, in rosettes and lilies; the front doublures formed by original drawings by native artists; back doublures of polished green levant, brocaded silk flies, gilt tops, uncut. Boston and Tokyo: (1902). $750.00 Special Extra-Illustrated Copy, unique in point of binding and illus- tration. Printed throughout on Japanese vellum, with frontispieces and other plates on satin and a large number of dainty marginal aquarelle paintings. [see illustration] 183. PADBLOUP BINDING. Nouveau Livre Paroissial con- tenant 1 'office du soir latin et fraugais, a 1 'usage du diocese de Sens. Part II. 12mo, contemporary binding in green morocco, gilt-tooled dentelle borders on the sides, with the arms of a noble French family in the centre of the covers, gilt back and edges, by Padeloup. With silk linings. Sens, 1760. $35.00 A fine specimen of Padeloup 's binding, and in good condition. WITH ORIGINAL WATER COLORS 184. PAILLERON (EDOUARD). Le Theatre chez Madame. Square 12mo, turquoise blue levant, tooled back, inside borders, rough edges gilt, original wrappers, bound in, by Chambolle- Dulu. Paris, 1881. $150.00 A unique and beautiful volume containing 24 higlily original wat^>r color drawings by Louis Morin. 185. PALFIN (JEAN). Description Anatomique dos Parties de la Femme, qui servent a la Generation; Avec un Traite dcs Monstres, De leur Causes, de leur Nature, & do leur differences. 51 OKOKGE n. SMITH EIGHT ELVST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Fnmtispicce a7id scve7ity-six engravings. 4to, citron levant mo- rocco, back and sides tooled in blue mosaic and gold, gilt top, uncut, by David. Leide, 1708. $200.00 With the fine old armorial ex-libris of Sir Joseph Mawbey Bart. The onpravinjjs exhibit a most extraordinary series of freaks of nature both in tlie human and animal. One of the most extraordinary books ever pub- lislied. 18G. PASCHA (JEAN). La Peregrination Spirituelle vers la terre saincte, comme en lerusalem, Bethlehem, au lordan, etc., composee en langue Thyoise, et nouuellement trauslatee, par ven- erable Seigneur, Nicolas de Leuze diet de Praxinis. Title and each page within woodcut borders, and green levant, blind-tooled bordei-s, doublures of red levant, gilt-tooled leaf-branches borders, gilt edges, bv Lortic, in a morocco slip case. Lovain: lean Bogardt, 1566. $185.00 A most curious and interesting volume containing amongst the prayers and spiritual orations, a detailed and very complete Itinerary to Jerusalem for the use of pilgrims journeying there. In a beautiful Lortic binding. A BEAUTIFUL AND CHARACTERISTIC SPECIMEN 187. PAYNE (ROGER). A Curious and Neatly-Written Man- uscript Book of Tables, "Shewing the Golden Number and the Epaet from the birth of Jesus down to the year 1840." (Inserted loosely is a MS. brochure, in the same writing, containing a Table for finding the Age of the Moon, A. D. 1400-1854, for any month in any year during the period.) Small 4to, bound in russia, back and sides richly gilt with moons and crescents, interspersed with other ornamentation. In case. Circa, 1760. $150.00 A charming specimen of the art of Roger Payne the greatest of the old English bookbinders and in very brilliant condition. 188. PERRAULT (CHARLES). Histoire de Peau D'Ane. Printed in red and black, with frontispiece, ivoodcut designs and ornamental initials by Lucien Pissarro. 8vo, full levant morocco, gilt backs and covers, gilt top, uncut, with original covers bound in. Lond.: Eragny Press, 1902. $25.00 One of 230 copies printed. 189. PETRONIUS. Introduction et Fragments par Jerome Doucet. With 8 very original designs by Louis Fournier exqui- sitely etched by Xavier Lesuer. 8vo, russet levant with large Mo- saic centre Panels of Arabesque Scrolls in light brown, red and maroon levant, brown satin linings and fly-leaves, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Rene Kieffer, Paris. Librairie des Amateurs, 1902. $75.00 52 ROYAL BINDING BY PADHl.OUP [number 17SJ GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK One of 25 Copies on Japan paper with the Fine etchings in three states and tints. One of the most Kemarkable specimens of the French Etcher's Art Produced in recent years. In a beautiful and appropriate Binding. 190. PHILLIPS (SIR CLAUDE). Sir Joshua Reynolds. WjU 9 plates. Royal 8vo, full green levant morocco, with charming min- iature of Miss Penelopy Boothby, painted on ivory by ]\Iiss Currie after Sir Joshua Reynolds; tooled with a design in gold to repre- sent a frame, Japanese silk ends and linings, gilt edges, by Riviere. In a case. London, 1894. $200.00 Large Paper Copy. 191. PRAYER. The Book of Common Prayer and Adminis- tration of the Sacraments. 12mo, contemporary English binding in dark green morocco, the sides richly gilt tooled in compartments with floral and other ornaments, gilt back and edges, in the manner of Charles Mearne. Cambridge, 1750. $35.00 Very favorable specimen of the "cottage" style of old English Bind- ing. FROM THE FAMOUS DE THOU LIBRARY 192. PRECATIONES MEDICORUM PIAE. Ad varios usus tiim studiorum tiim etiam operum artis Quarum multae aliarura quoq; artium studiosis vsui est possunt ... a lacobo Ilorstio D. Medicinee. Variegated pictorial borders to every page engraved upon wood. 12mo, old olive levant morocco, gilt edges. [colophon] Helmstadtii. lacobus Lucius, 1585. $100.00 The arms and crest of De Thou impressed on sides in gold and with his name beneath "Jac. August Thuanus. " Enclosed in a green levant slip case by the Club Bindery. A volume of the highest association inter- est apart from its curiosity as a XVI century religio-medical treatise. FROM THE LIBRARY OF LOUIS XIV 193. PSALMS. Le David Moderne ou la Traduction en vers des sept Pseaumes de dom Antoine Roy de Portugal, dediee au Roy par M. de Vertron. Manuscript beautifully written on 41 leaves of pure white vellum, title page in red, blue and gold, with border, also 18 beautiful head and tail pieces, gold ruled borders to every page. [Paris], 1703. $300.00 A beautiful manuscript highly characteristic of the period and having the arms of Louis XIV. to whom the volume is dedicated on the front and back covers. 53 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK JEWELLED "RO:\r ANTIQUE" BINDING BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE l!)4. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Emblems. Illustrated hy Charles Bennett and W. Harry Rogers. 8vo, elaborately bound in full crushed brown levant morocco with leather joints, green levant doublures, and silk fly-leaves with both covers, doublures and fly- leaves elaborately inlaid, gold-tooled, and set with fire opals, gar- nets, chalcedonies and a turquoise, and with clasps jewelled with sapphires and gilt edges, tooled and hand colored. In morocco case. London, 1861. $1,250.00 The design of the whole binding is emblematic in character. In an oblong panel sunk slightly below the surface of the front cover appears a golden orb (suggestive of the Sovereignty of Christ), embossed and richly jewelled with garnets, chalcedonies and a turquoise. This is surrounded by a wreath of thorns (suggestive of the Crucifixion), inlaid in black upon a closely studded gold ground, and is surmounted by a Dove (repre- senting the Holy Spirit), modelled in high relief. In the lower part of the panel is an hour glass, surmounted by a pair of wings, the whole modelled, in high relief, and suggestive of the Flight of Time. The background of the panel is decorated with the Vine (symbolical of the Blood of Christ), the leaves of which are inlaid in gold and the grapes in purple, appearing on a closely studded gold background. This central oblong panel is surrounded by a floral border, showing a decorative treatment of the Privet (suggestive of Everlasting Life), the berries of which are inlaid in red and the whole of the border is inlaid in blue. The central feature of the back cover is a conventional representation of a Phoenix appearing amidst flames and surrounded by 16 fire opals, and encircled with a wreath of butterflies. This whole device is emblematical of Everlasting Life, Immortality of the Soul, and the Eesurrection. It is surrounded by a rose design, the flowers of which are inlaid in white, and the leaves in green and the whole is enclosed by a border of dead rose stalks decoratively arranged and inlaid in purple. The contrasting ele- ments of this design: The living rose, with its vigorous growth and wealth of bloom and the dead entanglement of stalks, is suggestive of Life and Death. A number of emblematical devices also appear on the front doublure. In the centre appears a Cross inlaid in brown, and with the crown of thorns and the three nails represented, the whole suggesting the Cruci- fixion. This is enclosed by a border showing a decorative arrangement of peacock feathers (suggestive of vanity and pride), with a Dove in each comer (the Holy Spirit) and White Lilies (Purity) in circular panels inset into the border, this border being enclosed within bands of inter- laced strap-work, inlaid in blue. Butterflies, hearts, and a Spiritual Crown are also introduced into the decoration of this doublure. A similar border encloses the back doublure, but with a winged Scarabeus, emblematical of Eternal Life in each corner. A symbolical device appears in the center, composed of a sword and scales surrounded by Lilies repre- senting Purity and Justice. The fly-leaves are richly tooled with a diaper design composed of flowera and small hearts. The panels on the back are decorated with a rose design and with a butterfly and Spiritual Crown, alternately. 64 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED SET IN LUXURIOIS lUNDINCJ [number 182] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Seven Hunbred and Sixty-Six Separate Pieces of Inlay are Used IN THE Decoration of this Binding, and Over 22,000 Dots abe Tooled IN Gold on the Front Cover Alone. The designs of both covers and doublures are original, and have never been used before. 195. QUIVER OF LOVE, THE : A Collection of Valentines, Ancient and Modern. With illustrations in colors from drawings hy Walter Crane and Kate Greenaway. 4to, most tastefully bound in full dark blue levant morocco, both sides and back ornamented emblematically with a profusion of hearts, quivers and arrows, true-love knots, and roses, in a conventional design : within an irreg- ular gold border, hearts in red and green moroccos are placed at corners and sides ; a panel formed by roses and rose leaves inlaid in rose-colored and green moroccos is in the centre ; inlaid bands of brown and red moroccos and elaborate gold tooling complete the design ; on the back, three hearts, one on the other, surrounded with gold tooling, are on each panel ; inside borders of red hearts on gold lines upon blue levant; doublure and ends of crimson watered silk, gilt edges, original cloth covers bound in at end, by Riviere. In morocco silk-lined solander case. London, 1876. $350.00 First Edition with Crane and Greenaway illustrations. A SUMPTUOUSLY ILLUSTRATED RABELAIS IN GRAND BINDING. 195A. RABELAIS. Oeuvres de Maitre Frangois Rabelais, avec des Remarques Historiques et Critiques de M. le Duchat. Mag- nificent portrait hy Tanje; very fine engraved title-pages hy Ber- nard Picart; numerous charming head and tail pieces hy Picart; frontispiece and 12 superb plates hy Folkema and others, after Duhoug. 3 vols., 4to, red crushed levant, choicely gold tooled on sides and back, inside borders, entirely uncut hy Chamholle-Duru. Amsterdam: J. F. Bernard, 1741. $1,500.00 A superb uncut Large Paper Copy of this magnificent Edition, the finest Illustrated Edition in fact, that has ever been produced. Unquestionably the finest Copy in existence. 196. RONSARD (P. DE). Choix de Sonnets. Frontispiece, borders, initial letters with device at end engraved on wood by Esther Pissarro from designs by L. Pissarro. 8vo, full crushed pink levant morocco, inside borders with painted vellum panels, watered silk end leaves, gilt tops. The Eragny Press, Hammersmith, London W., 1902. $27.50 Only 226 copies were printed of which 200 were for sale. 55 GEORGE n. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 197. K0SS5ETTT (DANTE G.). The House of Life. Being now for the First Tiino given in its Full Text. With three borders and 11 f initwl letters by Bertram G. Goodhue, illumined in gold and colors. Square 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and sides, with fiilt inside and outside borders, gilt top, uncut. Boston : University Press, 1893. $37.50 One of 50 copies priuted. A very beautiful volume. 198. ROSSETTI (DANTE G.). The House of Life: a Sonnet- Sequence. Narrow 12mo, full dark green levant, gilt tooled floral design on both covers, silk doublures and end leaves, by Toof. Portland: Mosher, 1898. $27.50 Japan Paper Edition; only 100 printed. 199. ROSSETTI (DANTE G.). The New Life of Dante Ali- ghieri. Japan Paper Edition. Narrow 12mo, blue polished levant, gilt-tooled flowers on back and outside corners, gilt lined inside borders, gilt top. Portland : Mosher, 1896. $20.00 Only 100 numbered copies printed upon Japanese paper. 200. ROWLANDSON PLATES. Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France, Shortly Before the Revolution. Embellished with 17 colored engravings, from designs by Thomus Bowlandson. 8vo, full maroon straight-grain morocco, gold panel borders on sides, gilt back and inside borders, flies of green moire silk, gilt top. Uncut. London : R. Ackermann, 1821. $125.00 First Edition. Very tall, handsome copy, at end is Ackermann 's inter- esting priced catalogue of books and prints. 201. RUSKIN (JOHN). Of Kings' Treasuries; Of Queens' Gardens. Printed within woodcut borders, and with rubricated initials. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, full blue levant morocco, handsomely gilt tooled with roses and leaf sprays on back, panel comers and centres, and inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. In ease. JEdinb., 1902. $75.00 Ballantyne Press Editions, on hand-made paper. [see illustration] 202. RUSSELL (GEORGE). Homeward Songs by the Way. By A. E. Small square 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, wrappers bound in. Portland, Me. : Thos. B. Mosher, 1895. $20.00 One of 50 copies on Japan paper. 56 a handsome rivierf hindi nc [number 2oi| GEORGE D, SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 203. SACY (LOUIS DE). Traite de I'Amitie. 12mo, very fine old olive green French morocco, elaborate dentelle borders on side enclosing a Flower Vase in centres, tooled back, linings and fly leaves of white paper powdered with gold stars, gilt edges by DEROME. Paris : Par la Compagnie des Librairies, 1722. $100.00 One of Derome's most characteristic bindings and particularly appro- priate for this rare and curious old French essay on friendship. 204. SANDEAU (JULES). Un Debut dans le Magistrature. Illustrated with a fine portrait of the Author and 12 very beau- tiful little etchings hy Deville. 12rao, light green crushed levant with ten line mitred gold borders with Myrtle Sprays at Corners, finely tooled back, inside borders, marbled edges gilt, original wrappers bound in, by Lortic. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1887. $60.00 First Edition. One of 25 copies on Imperial Japan Paper in an ex- quisite Lortic binding. "THE GREATEST LYRIST OF ALL TIME" 205. SAPPHO. Memoir, Text, Selected Renderings and a Literal Translation by Henry T. Wharton. With the Beau- tiful Medallion Head of Sappho after Alma Tadema and a View of Mitylene after Glarkson Stanfield. 12mo, light bro\vn levant richly gold tooled, Doublures of Canary levant with elaborate gold tooled floral borders, rough edges gilt, by IMercier. London: John Lane, 1895. $75.00 Best edition in a very beautiful binding. Contains for the first time, "The Eymn to Aphrodite" as newly translated by J. Addington Symonds; Sir R. F. Burton's "Ode to Lesbia," and some versions by Professor Palgrave. At the end is Wharton's 18 page Bibliography of "Sapphic Literature. ' ' 206. SCHULZE (ERNST). La Rose Enchantee. Traduction de E. La Forgue. Triple set of the fine plates designed and etched hy Gaston Bussiere, one volume having text and one set of plates, the other with two sets and no text; frontispiece m five states, each colored and in different degrees of completion; also, double set of the ''encadrements," small folio, full dark-blue crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled lines on backs and sides (loub- lures of crushed red levant, elaborately gilt in scroll shields, end leaves of flowered silk, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris: Lahure, ca. 1900. ^JUU.UU One of 25 copies printed on Imperial Japan paper. 207 SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Works Complete with a Gen- eral Introduction by Sir Walter Besant, many photogravure plates 67 6E0R0K r>. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK and colorod frontispieces, 66 vols., 8vo, newly bound in full crim- son crushed levant morocco inlaid with blue flowers, doublure of red and blue levant and blue levant end leaves. London, N. D. $850.00 dearly printed library set in a handsome binding and on fine paper. JEWELLED BINDING, WITH MINIATUKES 208. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Lady of the Lake. Illus- trated hi/ numerous engravings on tvood from drawings of Birkett Foster and John Gilbert. 8vo. Luxuriously bound in blue levant morocco, the front cover almost entirely covered with inlays of vari-colored moroccos formingr a design of the Scottish Arms and Banners, embellished with 28 sapphires and other precious stones, set within solid gold mounts ; borders of blue morocco, upon which is lettered in gold the stanza beginning with : "W}ie7i last among its hanks I wandered Through groves that had hegmi to shed," the back cover with a somewhat similar design and center-piece of crossed swords and shield, inlaid in vari-colored moroccos, with borders of blue morocco upon which is lettered in gold the stanza beginning with : "The mighty minstrel hreathes no longer." gilt back with small inlays of red morocco, gilt edges gauffered to a floral pattern, the petals painted in green and red; the front doublure of green and blue morocco, with small purple and red in- lays surrounding a superb portrait miniature of Sir Walter Scott, painted by Miss E. B. Currie, T^athin a solid gold setting and a border formed of 12 emeralds, topazes, etc. ; the back doublure of blue and green morocco, with purple and red inlays and a center design showing Sir Walter's monogram inlaid in red and blue mo- rocco, surrounded by 8 emeralds, etc. ; flies of brown silk decorated with thistles, by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. In blue morocco case. Edinburgh, 1853. $500.00 RARE EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS 209. SHAKESPEARE. A Collection of Poems in two Vol- umes; Being all the Miscellanies of Mr. William Shakespeare, which were publish 'd by himself in the year 1609 and now cor- rectly printed from those Editions. The First Volume contains I. Venus and Adonis. II. The Bape of Lucrece. III. The Pas- sionate Pilgrim. IV. So7ne Sonnets set to sundry Notes of Mji- sic. The Second Volume contains One Hundred and Fifty Four Sonnets, all of them in Praise of His Mistress. II. A Lover's 58 €IEORQE D, SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK Complaint of his Angry Mistress. Edited by Charles G1L4DON. 2 parts in one vol. Small 8vo, dark red levant, the sides charm- ingly tooled with a design of Scrolls, poppies and small heart shaped leaves, light blue silk linings and flyleaves, gilt top, un- trimmed edges, by Morrell. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, at the Cross-Keys between the Two Temple Gates in Fleet Street, 1709. $90.00 Rare. Each poem has a separate titlepage with the Imprint "Londan: Printed in the Year 1609." Beautiful Copy. JEWELLED BINDING, WITH MINIATURES 210. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Posthumous Poems. First Edition. 8vo, beautifully bound in full blue levant morocco, almost entirely covered with a floral design consisting of green, red, and yellow inlays, with a border inlaid in red morocco, upon which is lettered in gold the tirst stanza of "The Triumph of Life" beginning with ''ISwijt as a spirit hastening to his task"; the front cover adorned with ten clusters of grapes, each con- sisting of 14 topazes set in solid gold mounts, doublures of cream morocco, each with a sunken panel containing an exquisite minia- ture portrait of Shelley, painted by Miss E. B. Currie; the Minia- ture in the front cover shows Shelley at the age of 26, the one in the back cover at the age of 20 ; each portrait is surrounded with a floral design consisting of 12 petals of turquoises and ruhies and 12 sapphires; wide border of blue morocco, the whole richly dec- orated with numerous floral inlays tooled in gold; flies of brown silk, gilt tooled, the back richly gilt tooled and inlaid with clusters of grapes done in purple morocco ; gilt top, uncut. London : Printed for John and Henry L. Hunt, 1824. $750.00 Bound by Messrs. Sangorski & Sutcliffe, after designs specially mafle for this volume. A veritable "Tour de Force" of Bibliopegistic Art. 211. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Cenci. A Tra- gedy, in Five Acts. 8vo, richly bound in full dark gi'oeu crushed levant morocco, the sides gold-tooled with floral sprays blind tool- ing gilt back, inside levant morocco borders, gilt edges, by Miss S. T. Prideaux, signed "S. T. P. 1897." In lined morocco pull- off case. Italy : Printed for C. and J. Oilier, London, 1819. $300.00 First Edition. Miss Prideaux 's elegant bindings are much desired by collectors. This is a fine example. 212 SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Revolt of Islam; \ Poem in Twelve Cantos. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, back and covers richly tooled with lotus flowers and sprays, gilt inside 59 QEOROE n. SMITH EIGHT BAST FORTY -FIFTH STREET NEW YORK border of same desifrn. doublures and flys of light brown China silk, gilt top, uncut, bv Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed for John Brooks, 1829. $85.00 The very rare issue consisting op the original sheets op "Loon and Cyniha" which was suppressed, with a new title-page bearing the Brooks' Imprint. The present copy also has the rare leaf of Errata. The original work was suppressed almost immediately after publica- tion, and several leaves reprinted in order to revise the objectionable pas- sages. In the re-issue Cyntha was described as an orphan brought up in the house of Laon 's parents instead of being his sister, as in this issue. 213. SIDNEY (SIR PHILIP). Astrophel & Stella. Wherein the Excellence of Sweet Poesy is Concluded. Edited from the Folio of :\IDXCVIII. By Alfred Pollard. Portrait. Square 8vo, handsomely hound in full blue levant morocco gilt tooled, gilt top, uncut, hy RivieIre. London: David Stott, 1888. $35.00 A beautiful book in a beautiful binding. STRANGE SCENES OF ARAB LIFE 214. SLIMAN-BEN-IBRAHIM. Mirages. Scenes de la Vie Arabe. Illustrated with 54 striking designs most beautifully printed in colors, illuminated title-page and Arabesque Ornaments, by Etienne Dinet, together with portraits of the Author and the Illustrator. 8vo, light brown crushed levant, the sides covered with an intricate interlacing Mosaic Pattern composed of red, olive green, and white levants, mosaic back. Doublures of plain brown crushed levant, brown, silk fly-leaves, rough edges gilt, original colored pictorial wrapper bound in, by the Club Bindery in slip case. L 'Edition d'Art. H. Piazza et Cie, 1906. $550.00 One of 40 Copies printed on Imperial Japanese Paper with a duplicate set in black of the 54 Colored Illustrations. At the end, the Author's note reads " Ce Livre, soigneusement prepare, contenant les Curiosites des Curiosites, a ete compos S dans la Ville Immense, Extraordinaire, de Paris, M^re des Sciences, aux Constructions Parfaites, au Climat delicieux. L'a ecrit Sliman Ben Ibrahim; l'a traduit son Pare Ami Etienne Dinet. L' Annie 1323 de I'Hegire. Sur son Prophete la, plus fervente Prihre et la plus pure Veneration." The Binding is one of the Grandest and most attractive Specimens of Mosaic Work executed by the Club Bindery and is signed by the Artist Leon Maillaed. [see illustration] 215. "SOCIETE DES AMIS DES LIVRES." Aspasie, Cleo- patre, Theodora. Par Henry Houssaye. With charming illustra- tions and ornaments in three tints and gold by A. Giraldon. 8vo, full citron levant inlai(? with a very elaborate design of Lotus leaves and Flowers of four d fferent colors. Doublures of citron levant 60 one of the finest bindings by the ci, it. bindi l<^ signed by leon maii.i.akd [number 214] GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK and damask silk fly-leaves, rough edges gilt, by Leon Maillcond volun.e conBists, «.tl. tho 65 «EORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK exception of "The Sleeping Beauty," of "Verses" published for the first time, inohnling tlie poem containing the well known lines: ' ' But O for the touch of a vanish 'd hand And the sound of a voice that is still!" 233. * TORTOISE SHELL AND SILVER BINDING. El Ofi- cio del Domingo, Devocionario que contience las Oraciones y Ejercieios para asistir al Sacrificio de la Santa Misa, las Vesperas, etc. Text printed within red borders and illustrated with fine woodcuts from the Antique. 12mo, Tortoiseshell inlaid with an ex- quisite tioral design in silver, silver hinges and clasps, corded silk end leaves. Tournai n, d. $50.00 An unusually Choice and Attractive Silver and Shell Binding. CHOICE VELLUM COPY OF "THE BRIC-A-BRAC OF LOVE" 234. UZANNE (OCTAVE). Le Brie-a-Brac de 'Amour. Pre- face par Jules Barbey d 'Aurevilley. With a charming Frontis- piece by Lalauze. 8vo, olive green levant, inlaid Floral ornaments at Corners and in the back panels. Doublures of gold colored levant inlaid with a wide band of blue levant finely gold tooled with Flower and Spray ornaments, olive silk fly-leaves, rough edges gilt, original pictorial wrapper bound in, by Chamholle- Duru. Paris: Edouard Rouveyre, 1879. $125.00 One of 4 Copies printed on vellum with the beautiful frontispiece in four states, one printed on rose paper and one on lilac paper. Inserted also are the Artist's three original pen-and-ink and water color designs for the Cover. Some of the titles of these charming Essays are Du Mourir en Amour — Une Femme qui saute — Un Curieux Malefice — Le Libertinage — Les Pulsations de I'Attente — Cupidoniana. The Preface is addressed "To the Honest Women of Paris. ' ' 235. UZANNE (OCTAVE). Dictionnaire Bibliophilosophique, Typologique, Inconophilesque, Bibliopegique, et Bibliotechnique a 1 'usage des Bibliognostes, des Bibliomanes et des Bibliophilistins. 31 plates, and decorative borders throughout. Svo, light green crushed levant morocco, inlaid with a border of brown morocco decorated with leaves and flowers, gilt inside border, doublure and end leaves of brocade silk, with three specimen wrappers bound in, vellum, paper, and Japan paper, gilt over uncut edges, by Canape. Paris, 1896. $100.00 One of 176 copies for members of "Academie des Beaux Livres. " 236. VAUVENARGUES. Maximes. (The original French and English translation on opposite pages.) 2 vols., square Svo, richly bound in full Rose du Barry crushed levant morocco, the 66 GEORGE D. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK sides and backs gold-tooled in conventional floral designs with straight lines, morocco joints, doublures of green levant, gold-tooled with an interlaced border of 4-line fillets, flies of green moire silk, gilt tops, other edges uncut, by Kiviere. London: Humphreys, 1903. $65.00 One of the rarest of Humphrey's beautifully printed issues, on hand- made paper. The binding is an unusually delicate one and clearly shows the influence of Cobden Sanderson upon the art. 237. VIGNY (ALFRED DE). Stello. Avec une Introduction de Jules Case. Many fine woodcut illustrations in two states, text and full-page, and other letter des'igns, all engraved hy Eugene Dete. 4to, full dark-brown straight-grain morocco, sides elabo- rately gilt and blind-tooled in panels, back and inside borders, doublures and end-leaves of brown silk, gilt over rough edges, by Canape. In case lined with chamois leather. Paris, 1901. $90.00 Large Paper. One of 130 copies printed on China paper. Printed for the ' ' Soeiet6 Artistique du Livre Illustr6, ' ' signed by the Directeur. The binding is a very beautiful and characteristic example of the "Ro- mantic" style. UNIQUE COPY IN A RICH MOSAIC BINDING 238. VILLIERS DE L 'ISLE— ADAM AUGUSTE. Premieres Poesies, Fantaisies Nocturnes, Hermosa, Les Preludes. Chant du Calvaire. 12mo, bronze levant, inlaid on covers with Orchid Flowers in mosaic, Doublures of light blue levant inlaid with Bees and Leaf ornaments in mosaic, silk fly-leaves, rough edges gilt, original wrappers bound in, by Meunier. Lyon: N. Scheuring & Cie, 1859. $150.00 First Edition of these charming poems. The only copy printed on gilt honey-comb paper and in a beautiful mosaic binding. Inserted is a fine two-page Autograph Letter signed of the poet's, on literary matters and referring to Madame Adam. THE FAMOUS ELZEVIR PRESS 239. VIRGIL. Polydori Vergilii Urbinatis de Inventoribus Rerum. Libri VIII et de Prodigiis Libri III. Engraved title. 12mo, full old red morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, Amstelodami : Danielum Elzevirum, 1671. $60.00 Tall, clean and sound copy of this famous volume from the Elzevir Press in a fine binding of the period and style of Derome. 240. VIRGIL. The Eclogues. Done into English by J. W. Maekail. Frontispiece. Narrow 12mo, light brown polished levant 67 GEOROK n. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK morocco, pilt tooled ornaments in centre and comers of covers, lavender watered silk doublure and end leaves, gilt top, uncut, by Toof. Portland, IMe.: Tbos. B. Mosher, 1898. $27.50 Olio of r->0 copies printed on Japan paper. VOLTAIRE'S FIRST PUBLICATION 241. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. AROUET DE). (Edipe. Tra- gedie. Devke on title, 8vo in fine contemporary binding of crim- son levant morocco, gilt over marbled edges. Paris: Pierre Ribou, etc., 1719. $90.00 Beautiful copy of tliis exceedingly scarce book — THE first publication OF THE FAMOUS FRENCH PHILOSOPHER. 242. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Zadig;oula Destinee, Histoire Orientale. Illustrated with 8 plates in colors after Gamier, Rops, and Rohaudi, engraved hy Oaujean. Royal 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, with an intricate inlaid design of narrow interlacing bands of vari-colored morocco, form- ing a broad panel border, doublures of brown levant morocco, with an elaborate conventional design composed of various colored inlays, brocade silk end-leaves, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Meunier. In case, with extra half morocco cover. Paris, 1893. $450.00 One of 50 copies with the plates in four states, showing the color process. Printed for the Membres titulaires de la Societe des Amis des Livres. THE DEDICATION COPY BOUND FOR LOUIS XV 243. VOLTAIRE (J. A. DE). Le Poeme de Fontenoy. Thin 4to, original red morocco, the sides studded with Fleurs de Lys in gold with the Large Arms of Louis XV superimposed in the centre of each cover by the King's Binder, gilt edges. A Paris de I'Imprimerie Royale, 1745. $250.00 The very Eare First Edition of one of Voltaire's finest poems written to commemorate the Victory of the French Army under Maurice de Saxe over the Allied English Dutch and Austrian Forces, at the Village of Fontenoy in Belgium. A Former owner has written an interesting note on the last blank leaf to the effect that he had bought the volume in Paris at the Annison Sale in December, 1795 for 750 livres in "Assignats. " The Binding is in the Choicest Possible State of Preservation. [see illustration] IMPORTANT WORK ON THE HISTORY OF THE DANCE 244. VULLIER (GASTON). La Danse. Illustrated mth sev- eral hundred full-page photogravure plates, half-tone text draw- 68 I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t^ f^ ^ f^ ^ ^ f^ f5|j» ^ •^ ^ f^ f^ f^ i^ ti ^ f^ «3|t» f^ ^ ^ ^ f*» 4* 4» ^' ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ f^ ^ f{ *^fe* •^ *A* *^ *^ <^ ^ ^ *4^ f^ v» «^ •A* f^j^ ^^i^^ftg^ ^ *4^ •^ ^ f^ ^ ^ ^^^^S^^ISr^ ^ ^ ^ i* «^ ^ ^ %^^^^^ «4e* ^ •i^ f^ ♦^ «A* **• ♦A* TjP^^* *^ ^ ^ ♦A* ^ *4^ ^ ^4^ *4^ *4^ *4^ •^ *5fc* •A* ♦i ^ ^ ^ ^ f^* fA» ^jlf^ •^ •^ *^ ^ *3fc* *5fc* *4^ ^ *4^ *A* ^ •A* •A* *5 *^ ^ *A» •A* ♦A* •A* 'A* *A» *A* •^ * •A* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ♦A* ^ bound for louis xv [number 243] GEORGE D, SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK ings, etc., some of which are colored ly hand. Folio, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, triple fillet bor- der on covers, doublures of maroon levant morocco, elaborate gilt panel, sides entwined with roses, a basket of flowers suspended from top, corner ornaments, marbled flys, with handsome brocaded silk linings, gilt edges on the rough in chamois lined slip case, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Hachette et Cie, 1898. $200.00 One of 10 copies printed on De Luxe Japan paper. A number of ap- propriate illustrations, some in color, have been laid in. One is by I. R. & G. Cruikshank. OF WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION INTEREST 245. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Norfolk, etc. Map (repaired in folds) and plates. 8vo, contemporary tree-calf. In a full crimson straight-grain morocco slip case. Norwich, 1796. $350.00 With the bookplate of George Washington Parke Custis, inscribed by him on lower part "Arlington House, Dist. Colum'a. " On the fly-leaf is a full-page inscription written and signed by Custis, in which he states: ' ' This worlc was presented to General Washington by Sir John Sinclair. — Presented to Francis Nelson Esqr., the grandson of a Patriot, a States- man, and a Soldier of the Revolution, one of those Washington most loved," etc. The upper margin of the title-page has been cut out and another piece of paper replaces it, on which is written the autograph of George Wash- ington. Sir John Sinclair, author of the Letters on Agriculture, was a fre- quent correspondent of General Washington. 246. WHYTE-MELVILLE (J. G.). Works Complete, edited by Sir Herbert Maxwell. Colored and other illustrations hy JIugh Thomson, H. M. Brock, R. Caldwell, Harrington Bird, and others, BEST LIBRARY EDITION, printed in large clear type, 24 vols., 8vo, newly and richly bound in full green crushed levant morocco, inlaid with maroon levant design of saddle and whip on both covers, gilt edges, crimson watered silk end leaves and doubi-uuks of crimson levant inlaid, in blue and green to a floral design, London, 1898. $425.00 A very choice set of these interesting sporting stories in rcMuarkably fine condition and binding. Best edition. THE JESUIT FATHERS IN JAPAN AND INDIA, 1570 247. XAVIER (ST. FRANCIS). Epistoloe Indicoe et Japanictc de multarum gentium ad Christi fidem, per Socictatem Jcsu con- versione. Item de Tartarorum potentia, moribus, et totius Asire 69 eEORGE n. SMITH EIGHT EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK rolifri<">iie. Borders to title pages. 2 vols, in one. 12mo, brown levant, the sides and back tooled with Rich Grolier desij^n of inter- lat'iiitr bands of black and brown levant f^ilt, doublure of green levant, tooled with gold Lilies, gilt edges by Cape. Lovanii : apud Rutgerum Velpium, 1570. $125.00 An excessively rare Collection of Letters relating the accounts of their Missions in India, Japan and Tartary by St. Francis Xavier and Melchior Nunez, Balthazar Gage, Cosmo Torris, Antony Quadri, Balthazar Diaz and others. In a magnificent binding. IMVERSITV OI CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Aiigi'li's This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. r \)V<''' ..o-cU^l DtCl^' 1979 - " •'Ooc tpfli* aygig Form L9-Series 4939 Iliilii j[!Sl'?,^.';!?.^^L LIBRARY FACILITY 11 I III I ' ll'i' AA 001 199 003 3