J f/o* nii'^fi'; f '^>7'i'' '^^.^•-■i ' 5' Ij^h ^A " 1 Mr\\ ¥o\"' -^^®^ t^lw i-jL'GHlJI.OIf \vi-^r^v-l^**^^=T7/&// v^^^^j^ >$X^86^i^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF il alter Rothraan n THI CATALOGUE -OF 'im — LEESER LIBRARY. co.MPii.i'.i' i;y CYRUS ADLER, A. B. PHILADELPHIA: 1883. /';'('.(■ i- of Eihcard HirscJi or' Co. _;o Son/// Fojirth Street, Philadelphin. / -/. The Leeser Library was bequeatheil to the Hebrew Education Society of Philadelphia, by the Reverend T^^aae Leeser. A few additidns have been made by tlie ^^ociety. 8H9R24. OFFICERS OF THK HEBREW EDUCATION SOCIETY, OF PHILADELPHIA, President, ISAAC ROSSKAM. Vice-President. ISAAC SALLER. Treasurer, LEVIMAYKIl. Secretary, I) ST'LZBERGEK. Librarian. CYRUS .\I)J.EK. BoarJof Officers. LEVI M.VYER, JACOB MUHR, LOUIS E. LEVY, GEORGE WIENER, JACOB SULZBERGER, SAMUEL sterxbp:rger, WM. GERSTLEY^, M. C. LIGHTEN, 11. FRIEDI'.ERGER, AARON LIGHTEN. LOUIS M. FKANK. ExECL'fOKS EsTATK OF ISAAC LEESER. HE/EKIAII W. ARNOLD. WM. B. HACKEM'.ERG, { MAYER SLLZBERfiER. A AARON OF PISA. (?) ni'^UD ram n"nn ^t:',t:in 8° Venice, 5351, 1591. AARON SIMEON BEN JACOB ABRAHAM. 8vo .Amsterdam, 1769, 5529. ABRAHAM, A, Tales for the young of the Hebrew Faith. 8° London, 1846. ABRAHAM BELAISCH, from Tunis. (Kabbalistical.) Livorno, 1840. Folio, ABRAHAM ISRAEL ben DAVID COHEN. 4° Hamburg, 5559, 1799. ABRAHAM ben JUDAH SFEDY. m:3-ipn 4° Amsterdam, 5544, 1784. I ABRAHAM ben MEIR ABEN EZRA. 8° Furth, 5577, 1817. Edited by H. Edelman. 12° Koenigsberg, 1845. ABRAHAM ben NATHAN YARCHI. "ip» nQD Nin- • • • j*n:on "i5d D^:init:n '?:: nion 'd;^d '?'7iDn (On Rituals) with notes by M. A. Gold- berg. 8° Berlin, 5615, 1855. ABRAHAM ben SAMUEL bar CHASDAI, 8° Frankfort on the Main 5527, 1767. ACRELIUS, ISRAEL, A History of New Sweden, . .translated from the Swedish by Wm. Reynolds, D. D. 8° Philadelphia, 1874. ADAM, ALEXANDER, L L. D. Rudiments of Latin Grammar, 12° Troy, 1811. ADDISON, JOSEPH, Esq. Miscellaneous AVorks, 3 vols. 12° London, 1746, AGUILAR, GRACE, The Women of Israel. 10 vols. 12° London, 1845. Sabbath Thoughts and Communings. 12° Charleston, 1850, AIME, MARTIN L. The Education of Mothers,. .. .trans- lated from the French by Edwin Lee, Esq. 8° Philadelphia, 1843. AINSWORTH. English and Latin Dictionary abridged, by Thos Moull, D. D, 4° Philadel- phia, 1812. AKIBA ben JOSEPH, Rabin, NDp;^ ^an '?c nvniN* 4° Cracow, 1576. ALBO, Rabbi JOSEPH. Dnp;^ nSD Buch Ikkarini, Grund und Glaubens- lehre der Mosaischen Religion. Ueber- setzt von Dr. W. Schlessinger und Dr. Lud. Schlesinger. 8° Frankfort a M. 1844, ALEXANDER, J. Hebrew Ritual. 1819. 4° London, 5579. ANSPACH, J. Paroles d'un Croyant Israelite. 8' Paris, 1842. Woorden van ein Geloovig Israeliet. 8° s' Gravenhage, 1846. ARMSTRONG, EDWARD A. M. Correspondence between Wra. Penn and James Logan. 8° Philadelphia, 1872. ASHENHEIM, LEWIS, M. D. On Precipitate Burial among the Jews. 8° Kingston. B BACHMAN, JOHN, D. D. The doctrine of the Unity of the Human Race examined on the princi- ples of Science. 8° Charleston, 1850. BACHYA BEN JOSEF IBN BAKODA. Another edition. 12° Amsterdam, 5538, 1778. Aus dem Arabischen, . . , .nach der he- briiischen Uebersetzung des Ebn Tabun in's Deutsche iibersetzt und commentirt, von R. I. Fiirstenthal. 8° Breslau, 1836. BAER, PEREZ. d;^ '?'?^'7 Mp new* n)^)pn ni Wien, 1810. Another edition. 8° Wien, 1828. BAILEY, NATHAN. English-German and German-English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8° Leipzig, 1810. BALBI, ADRIEN. Abr^g^ de Geographic. 8° Paris, 1834. BALCH, THOMAS. Papers Relating to the Maryland Line during the Revolution. 8° Philadel- phia, 1857. BARASCH, JULIUS. Conlinens fundamenta omnium scien- tiarum. 8° Wien, 1856. BARBERI, J. P. Dictionnaire portatif Franfais-Italien et Italien-Franyais. 16° Paris, 1822. BARCLAY, JAMES J. An Address. 8° Philadelphia, 1841. BARNARD, SAMUEL. A Polyglot Grammar, phia, 1825. 8° Philadel- BARNES, ALBERT, The Position of the Evangelical Party in the Episcopal Church. 8° Philadelphia, 1844. BASNAGE, M. Histoire des Juifs. 14 vols. 12** Haue, 1716. BAUER, GEORG LORENZ. Entwurf einer historisch-kritischen Einleitungindie Schriften des alten Testaments. 8° Nuruberg, 1806. BEATTIE, JAMES, L L. D. Poetry and Philosophy. 12° Philadelphia, 1809. 10 vols. BEER, Dr. B. Das Buch der Jubiliicn und scin Ver- hjiltniss zu den Midraschim. 8vo, Leipzig, 1856, BEHR, ALEXANDER Dr. Lehrbuch der mosaischen Religion. 8vo. Munchen, 1826. BELISARIO, MIRIAM MENDES. Sabbath evenings at home; or, Familiar conversations on the Jewish religion, 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1856. BEN LEVI, G. Les Matinees du Samedi. 2 vols. 12° Paris, 1842. BEN RABBI. Die Lehre von der Beschneidung der Israeliten, in ihrer mosaischen Rein- heit dargestellt und entwickelt. Svo. Stuttgart. (?) BEN USIEL. Neunzehn Briefe iiber Judenthum. 8vo. Altona, 1836. Mittheilungen aus Naphtalis Brief- wechsel. 8vo. Altona, 1838. BENISCH Dr. A. Bishop Colenso's objections critically examined. 8vo. London, 1863. BENJAMIN, ISRAEL JOSEPH. Acht Jahre in Asien und Afrika, von 1846 bis 1855 .... nebst einem Vor- worte von Dr. Berthold Seeman. 8vo. Hanover, 1858. • • • ■ Npntij^i n^DN nivnxn nN*o nnn;^ nt:t^♦S pn;^j fNi"iin "7}; DHW^m Edited with many additions by Isaac ben Meir of Pfalsburg. Furth, 5527, 1767 fol. BERLIN, NOAH CHAYIM TSEBI. mv:: nit^y ti^bc*) mj^t: c'c* nnnn Snn---D.Tcn"i*5 d;^ 4to. Rodelheim, 1804. BERTHOLLET, C. L. and A. B. Elements of the Art of Dyeing transla- ted from the French by Andrew Ure, M. D., F. R. S 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1824. BETRAM, CORNELIUS. Comparatio Grammaticte Hebraicae et Aaramaicae. 4to. Apud Eustataium Vignon, 1574. BETHUNE, GEORGE W. A Sermon on the death of the Presi- dent. 8vo. Philadelphia 1841. The Eloquence of the pulpit, with illustrations from St. Paul. Svo. Andover, 1842. BIBLE. (First nine pages wanting.) 8vo. Amsterdam, 5419, 1661. The Hebrew cbronostic gives a date two years earlier than the Latin. BibJia Hebraica, secundam ultimam editionem Jos. Atliiae a Johanne Leusden. 8vo., 2 vols Anistelaedami, 1705. 8vo. Amsterdam, 5484, 1724. A new translation by Anthony Purver 2 vols.j London, 1764 fol. [Cotton in his work on the English translations of the Bible, says that but eightcopies of this edition are known.] OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT. 8vo. Oxford, 1808. Another Edition. 8vo New York, 1870 Biblia Hebraica without points after the text of Kennicott with the chief various readings selected from his collation ot Hebrew MSS, from that of De Rossi, and from the Ancient Versions with English notes by B. Boothroyd. 2 vols., Pontefract, (1810?) fol. 8vo. Londini, 1822. Old and New Testaments with par a I lei passages. 2 vols, 12° Philadelphia, 1825. Die vier unci zwanzig Biicher der Hei- ligen Schrift, . . . .unter der Redaction von Dr. Ziinz iibersetzt von H. Am heim, Dr. Julius Fiirst, Dr. M. Sachs. 8vo. Berlin, 1838. The Holy Scriptures translated .... by Isaac Leeser. 4to. Philadelphia, 5614, 1854. PENTATEUCH. or DHD-n i:iiD2 Nnpn Edited by Asher Puninice. (Title page wanting.) 8vo Venice (?) 1591 (?) (pn Nnm niin 'c*r2)n niynn 5 vols., Amsterdam, 1745 fol. ay ■•■■ n'2'f2n mn» mm nnDsDH 5 vols., 8vo. Amsterdam, 5519, 1759. ppn d;^ nmn 'c^D)n nc*r2n '^3 'D^oiinn ^t^"7t^n • • • • oniDio 7r:i 'N")U^ p}< D"2cn "^cn • •njDp niDtDVpHi^ nn7ini D'Ti m?i^ tt^illl The writings of the Holy Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.) 4° Leyden, I82'.t. BIELFELD, BARON DE. Institutions Politi«|ues. 3 vols., Svo. Leyde, 1768. BIEN, HERMAN M. Samson and Delilah or Dagon stoops to Sabaoth ; a Biblio - Romantic Tragedy. BIOGRAPHY. Lives of Eminent Persons Galileo, Kepler etc. Library of useful knowledge. Svo. London, 1833. Petite Bibliotheque des Dames. 40 vols. (9 wanting). 12mo. London, 1834. BLAIR, HUGH, D. D., F. R. S. E. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles- Lettres. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1826. Abridgement. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1849. BLASSIERE, J. J. Institution du Calcul Numerique et Litteral. 2 vols., 8vo. Haue, 1770. BLOCH, S. La foi d'Israel. 8vo. Paris, 1859. BLOGG, SAL. EPHR. Aediticium Salamonis. 2 copies. 4to. Hanover, 1831. BOARDMAN, H. A. A Sermon occasioned by the death of Wm. Henry Harrison. Svo. Philadelphia, 1841. BOCHART, SAMUEL. Opera. (Including his famous work on the animals of the Bible also the one on sacred Geography). 3 vols. Londini, 1663, fol. BOEHMER, .J. Beitrag zur Chaldiiisch-Rabbinischen Lexicographic. Svo. Berlin, 1855. 8 EOLIN, ELEAZER BEN JACOB. On the Calendar. Oflenbach, 5482, 1722. BOND, W. H. A concise view of Ancient Geograpliy. 12mo. London, 1826. BONNET, CHARLES. Essai Analytique sur les facultes de I'Ame. 2 vols. 8vo. Copenhague, 1769. BONNYCASTLE, JOHN. Introduction to Algebra. 12mo. London, 1805. BORROW, GEORGE. The Bible in Spain. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843. BOYER, French-English an. CLASSICS, LATIN AND GREEK. Poetae Minores. Svo. Londini, 1739. CLERICE, JOANNIS. Opera Pliilosophica. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1704. COUPON'S New Orleans Directory. Svo. New Orleans, 1854. COHEN, B. S. Kurz gefasste theoretisch-pracktisclie deutsche Sprachlehre. 12mo. Minister. 18:12. COHEN, HENRY, ESQ. A Discourse. Svo. Philadelphia, 560o, 1840. COHEN, SOLOMON JACOB. jmp li-iN*- -iTiar pu*'? r\'-\^n Vol I. 8vo. Dessau, 1807. 8vo. London, 5577, 1817. Elements of the Jewish Faith trans- lated from the Hebrew. Svo. Richmond, 5577, 1817. COMSTOCK, J. S., M. D. A system of Natural Philosophy. 6mo. New York, 1850. CORNEILLE, TH. Chefs-d'Oeuvre. 12mo, Paris, 1823, CRABB, GEORGE. Introduction to the French Language. 12mo. London, 1813. English Synonymes, Svo. New York, 1830. C'RESSON. WARDER. The good olive tree Israel. 12mo. London, 1844. ■Jerusalem. Svo. Loudon, 1844. The great Restoration and Consolida- tion of Israel in Palestine. CROWE, EYRE EVANS, History of France. 3vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831. CURTIS, GEORGE TICKNOR. History of the origin, . . . .of the Con- stitution of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1854. 11 D DAGLEY, R. Takings, or the Life of a Collegian. A Poem. 8vo. London, 1821. D. ALLEMAND, J. Hebriiische Granimatick. 8vo. M (inch en, 1837. DA COSTA, ISAAC. Paulus, eine Schriftbeehouwing. (On the Epistles of Paul.) 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1850. DANTE, ALIGHIEKI. La Divina Commedia. 16mo. Firenze, 1818. DANZIG, (Abraham ben .Jehiel.) '?'?"):: Nim nc":: nmn nor nsD IJmo. Pressburg, 1859. 8vo. Frankfurt-on-the-Main, 18(J0. DAVENPORT, B. A chronological table of remarkable events, discoveries, inventions, &c., from the creation of the world to the year A. D. 1830. 12mo. Wilmington, 1880. DAVIDS, ARTHUR LLMLEY. Grammaire Tnrcque : Pr^cedee d'un discours pr^liminaire siir la langue et la Litt^rature des Nations Orientales. Traduite de L' Anglais par Madame Sarah Davids, Mere de L'Auteur. 4° Londres, 1836. DAVID BEN ABRAHAM MENDES. FRANCO "|'?on c*ironseigneur le Mareclml Prince. Dictionnaire de la Provence. 4to. Marseille, 178o. DELACOUTURE. L ABBE. Le droit canon et le droit Xaturel dans I'Afl'aire Mortara. 8vo. Paris, 1858. DeLANCASTKL, M. BETTING. Considerations siir I'etat des .luifs dans la society Chretienne et particu- lierenient en Alsace. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1824. DeLaMOTTA, JACOB M. D. Discourses. 8vo. Savannah 1820. DeLEON. R. ISHAC. Avizos Kspirituaes e Instrucioens Sa- gradas para Cultivae o Engenho da .luventude, no amor et Temor divino. 8vo. Amsterdam, 5526. DeLOLME, J. The Constitution of Kngland, 24mo. London, 1822. DePRADT, M. De las Colonias, y de la Kevolucion ac- tual de la America. 2 vols. Svo.Burdeos 1817. DeROSSr, AZARYA. Triitina Argeuti siva Dissertatio Cri- tica nunc priniuni publici juris facta e codice Autograplii Anni 157t), qui asservatur in collectione Michae- lis in Bibliotheca I?odlecana Oxoniensi a Herschel Filipowski ex auctoritatc Societatis Antiquitatum Hebraicaruni. 8vo. Edinburgi 1854. DeROSSI, G. B. Historisclies Wrulerbuch der .liidi- scheii Schriffsteller and ihrer Werke aus (leiii Italioiiischen iibersetzl von Dr. C. II. Ilaniliiirger. 8vo. Bautzen. DeSAINT, Pierre-Jacijucs-IIenri. Etudes de la Nature. vols. 12nio. Paris ]7'.M. B. DeSOLA. ABRAHAM LL. D. The Sanatory institutions of the He- brews. Part I, 12 copies. 8vo. Montreal 1861. Biography of David Aaron DeSola. 2 copies. 8vo. Philadelphia 1864. Valedictory Address to the Graduates in .Vrts of the Universitj- of McGill Col- lege. 8vo. Montreal 1864. The Righteous man — A Sermon comme- morating the bestowal of public honors on Sir Moses Montefiore. 8vo. Montreal 5625, 1865. DeSOLA, D. A. The Blessings. 8vo. London, 5590, 1829. Jets over Isaaco Reggio. 8vo. With copious MS. notes by Isaac Leesei-. DeSTAEL, MADAME. Corinne, ou L'ltalie. 12mo. Paris, 1857. DEUTSCH, Dr. S. Gottesdienstlicher Vortrag. gehalten am crsten Tage des Neujahrsfestes 5t)20 und auf Verlangen veroffentliclii. Philadelphia, 1859. DIBDIN. THOxMAS. (iuiltj' ()!• n.it Guilty : A Ciuiiody. 8vo. London, 1804. DISPECK, DAVID ben .lOEL. Sulzbacli 1786 fol. DODDHKtE, PHILLIP I). D. The Family Exi)osit(U' on the NewTes- tament with a memoir oftheautlior ))y Prof. N. W. Fisko and introductory essay by Prof. Moses Stuart. 4to. Amherst. 1834 DORINC;, F. W. Anleitinig ztiiii Uebersetzen aus dem Dcutsclu'U ins Lateinische. 8vo. Leipzig, 1817. (Jerman and Latin Ivxcrcisp IJook. 8vo. Leipzig, 1820. 13 DRAMA. The original and ri-jec-icil Tlicatrc. 8vo. London, 1814. Zeuiire und A/oi-, oin Sinirsjiiol in vier Aufziigen, aus ileni Ki'an/.rvsiclien iilior- setzt, 8vo. Fraiikfmi-aii-Main. 177'i. DROPSIE, MOSES A. Uiscoui'fie (lelivereil at the ssynagogue Thanksgiving Day Nov. 24lh 1864. Philadelphia Panegyric on Isaac Leeser. 6 copies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. DRYDEN. JOHN Es.i. Poems, Plays etc. vols. 12nH). London 174.;. DUKES. LEOPOLD. Zur Kenntniss dei' neuhebriiisclien re- ligiosen Pocsie. 8vo Frankfurt-ani-Main, 1842. DL MAS, ALEXANDRE. Crimes Celebres. 8 vols. 8vo. Pa; is, 1842. Emmanuel Philibert. Part II. 8vo. New York, 1854. DUNLOP, JOHN. History of Roman Litci'ature. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. DL'SCHAK, Dr. M. Umriss des biblisch- talmudischen Synagogen-Rechtes mit Riicksicht auf diejetzige Stellung der ostereichisclien Juden. 8vo. Olniiitz. 1853. EDGE WORTH, M-AKIA. Collected works, 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1823. EDREHL (Moses ben Isaac). 4to. Amsterdam. 1809, 5569. • E:DREHI, Rev. Dr. M. Account of the ten tribes settled be- yond the river Sandatyon. 8vo. Philadelphia, 5613, 1853. EDWARDS, BRYAN, Esq. F. R. S. S. A. The History of the British Colonies in in the West Indies. To which is added a general descri)i- tion of the Bahama Islands by Daniel McKinnen. 4vols. 4to. Phihulelphia, 1806. EICHHORN, IS. GODOFREDUS. Abulfedae Africa (with Mss. notes). Svo. Gottingae, 1791. EIDELS. SAMUEL. (on (littiii. Kidushin, Baba Kam.-i, Baba Mezia, Baba Batra, Sanhedrin, Makoth, Shebuoth, Abodah Zarah, Chulin, Bechoroth, Nidah). 8vo. Berlin, 5514, 1754. EINHORN, Dr. DAVID. Antrittspredigt gehallen im Tenipel des Hai--Sinai-Vereins. 8vo. Baltimore, 1855. ELEAZAR ben NATHAN, R. DVt:'? niN^n '?DC'n n!:N*,t: n£)D 8vo. Rodelheim, 1804, 5564. ELIAKIM ben JUDAH. n£3D ^7^ nix*n- • •n"ON-i.-is3D 4to. Ofen. 1837. ' ELIJAH ASIIKENAZI. (With text). 4to. Amsterdam, 16',l5. Another edition. 4to. Berlin, ')5o5, 1755. ELIJAH ben ASHER, the LEVITE. Vocabida Hebraica irregularia. . . .per S. Munsterum ex Hebraismo in Lati- nam Linguam Versam. 16° Basilae, 1536. u ELIJAH ben ASHEK. the LKVITE. 'yi 1\X^3D •••• CrO 3V0 lt3D 16mo. li;isiliii'. 1539. I61110. nasiliie. 1539. ELIJAH ben CHAYIM H( )ECHHEIM. '?'?o Nim • • • ■ cnnn cmv ^*nL*"i p^rnn r\'2:in'2 nvp 8vo. Prag, 1784. ELIJAH ben SOLOMON ABRAHAM the PRIEST. 5571, 1811. ELIAKIMben ABRAHAM. niin -i;*D onSn'? •••• nc*p 8vo. London, 5454, 1691. ELIAKIMben ABRAHAM of LONDON. mjDpm n")'?T!jn .nu'ii'^n 8vo. Berlin, 18G3. pnpin 8vo. Rodelheim, 1803. ' ' ELIZABETH, CHARLOTTE. Israel's Ordinances, 8vo. London, 1843. ELK ALT, RABBI JUI>AH. An address to liic .Jewish Nation. 8vo. London, 5612, 1852. ELSHECH, K. MOSES. pnL*'n Svo. Safed (?) 5323 (?) 15G3 (?) EMDEX. .IA( Ol! I.'-iRAEL ben TSKBI. niw mot: ny"^p^ '^\^2 nsD •J vols. Aliona, 1761. tol. The colophon is dated 1768. KMMP:RICH, AARON. m':^u::n i:*2n ^7;* 4to. Ihinilmrg, 5525, 17()5. ENGLISH, GEORGE BETHUNE A. M. The grounds of Christianity examined to Avhich is added a review of the Sermon on the Mount by Rev. Dr. Zipser. 8vo. Boston, 1852. ENNERY, J. he Sentier D'lsrm'l, on Bible des .Jomes Israelites. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843. The I'atli .d" Israel. .lewish Publication Society of Phila- delphia. 8vo. 5607. 1847. EPIIRAIM ben A AR( )X '-f LKNCZVZ. 3 pai'ts. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1779. EPICTETUS. To Ti'U E~u~r^~u'j HYxecfxucou ex editione .Joannis Upton, With La- tin Transhitiini, 12mo, Pliiladelphia, 1792. EUSEBIUS PAMPHILIUS. Ecclesiastical history of. . . .translated by Uev. C. F. (^rus^ A. M. and a His- torical view of (lie Conncil of Nice. . . . ... .by the Kev. Isaac Boyle. 8vo. Boston, 1836. EUTROPIUS. Breviariuni llistmiae lidinanae, 16mo. I>ipsiae. 15 EVKRKTT, i:i)VVARI>. A defence of Clirisliiiiiity ng;iiiisl the work of Geo. 15. lMionil)ardier, NovcUe. 8vo. Philailelphia, 1869. IIAI, ben SHERIRA, GAON. 1'?'?:):} ic^ ^^*2*2n) np'^n nsD 4to. Venice, 5362, 1602. HAINDROF, Dr. A. Berichte iiber den Verein zur Befur- derung von Ilandwerken unter den Juden. 4 Tols. ]2mo. Miinster, 1827. HALLEZ, M. THEOPHILE. Des .Juifs en France. 8vo, Paris, 1845. HAMILTON, ELIZABETH. Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education. 12mo. IMiila.lelphia, 1804. IIANNAY. JAMES. King Dobbs : a satirical Romance. 8vo. London, 1856. 19 HARE, ROBERT M.D. ('omi>en*m 8vo. Frankfurt-on-the-Main, 1845. HEILPRIN, JEHIEL ben SOLOMON. nmo^ '?;/*••• nnnn "no nso jTOL** Nvomav nnnn n-iDi Carlsruli, 1769, fol. HEILPRIN, M. Selection of articles contributed to the New American Cyclopaedia. (Pi'inted for private circulation.) HEINEMANN, Dr. .J. Svo. Berlin, 1842. HEKSCH ER, EPHR AIM ben SAMUEL. mD'?(i 'ti*Mn \n nn'? nsD 'Dim '"O '^2 d;^ mpio;^ Altona, 1733, fol. HELLWITZ, L. L. Die Organization der Israeliten in Deutschland. Svo. Magdeburg, 1810. HENRY, Rev. H. A. Six Discourses. 6mo. London, 5606, 184?. Antiquity of Freemasonry in General. Svo. Cincinnati, 1850. HERBERT, HON and Rev. \Vm. Attila, King of the Huns. 8 vo. London, 1838. HERDER, JOH. GOTTFRIED von. Siimmtliche AVerke znr Religion ami Theologie. 2 vols. 8vo. AVien, 1819. HERXHEIMER, S. Sabbath, Fest und (tclegenheifs Pre- digten. Svo. Leipzig, 1857. HERZFELD, L. Geschichte des Volkes Israel, 2 vols. Svo. Nordhausen, 1855. Predigten. Svo. Nordhausen, 1858. HETZEL, M. WILHELM FRIEDER- ICH. .Vrabische Gramniafik und Chresto- niathic. Svo. .Jena. 1776. 20 HEZEKlAlibfii DAVID DE SILVA. 2 copies. Amsterdam, 1706, fol. Amslerdiuii, 1706, fol. J I ILL, THOMAS. Geometry and P'aitli. 12mo. New York, 1859. HILLHOUSE, .JAMES A. Dramas &c. 2 vols. 8v(.. Boston. 1839. HIRSCH. Examples on the Literal Calcu- lus and Algebra. Translated from the (ierniMii by the Rev. .J. A. Ross A. M. 8vo. London, 1827. JIIRSCH, Dr. SAMPSON RAPHAEL. Versuche iiher Israels Pflicliten in der Zerstreiiung. Svo. Alt(ma, 1837. Another Copy, 4 vols. Zvveite Mittheilungcn aus einem Brief- wechsel iiber die neueste jiidische Lite- ratur. Svo, Altjna, 1844. HIRSCH, Dr. SAMUEL. Die Messiaslchre der .liideii in Kanzel- vortriigen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1843. Reform im .ludenthuni. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844. HIRSCHFELD, Dr. II. B. Ilalachische Exegese. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Exegese and zur Me- thodologie des Talnuids. Svo. Berlin, 1840. HISTORICAL SOCIETY, of Pennsyl- vania. Minutes of the Committee of Defence of Philadelphia 1814-15. Svo. Philadelphia, 1867. . HLSTORY. The Secret History of Persia. 12nio. London, 1745. 12mo. Amsterdam, 5516, 1750. History of the German Empire. London, 8vo. 1761, Moshemii Institutiones Historicae Ecclesiasticac. 4to. Helmstadii, 1764. Histoire des Etablissements. . . . des Europ^ens dans les deux Indes. 7 vols. l2mo. Haue, 1774. Histoire Litteraire des Troubadours. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1774. History of Greece. Svo. London, 1829. Robespierre, mit Beziehung auf die neueste Zeit dargestellt von tinem Walirheitsfreunde. Svo. Leipzig, 1837. Histoires des Papes crimes. .. .des Rois, des Reiiies et des Enipereurs. 10 vols. Svo. Paris, 1842. Die Jiiden in Oesterreicli vom Stand- f)unkte der Geschiclite des Rechts und des Staatsvortheils. Svo. Leipzig, 1842. Oder Bibiische Geschichten der Kin- der Israel. 4vo. Posen, 1844. Two Prize P]ssays on the Post Bibli- cal History of the .Jews. Svo. London, 5612, 1852. HOCHHEIMER, H. Fest und Fasttag Predigt. Zwei Re- den. Svo. Baltimore, 1861. Israel, der wandernde Prophet. Svo. Baltimore, 1865. HOCHSTAETTER, BENJAMIN, Predigt. Svo. Wiesbaden. 21 HODGE, HUGH L. M. I). An introductory lecture to the course of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and children delivered in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1838. HOFFMAN, A. O. AUgeiueine P^ncyclopa^die der Wis- senschaften und Kiinste. (Only the articles on Judaism). 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig 1851. HOG A, STANISLAUS. Eldad and Medad. A dialogue be- tween a converted and a modern Jew 8vo. London, 1843. HOLDHEIM, Dr. SAMUEL. Ueber die Autonomie der Kabbinen und das Princip der jiidischen Ehe. 8vo. Schwerin, 1843. Predigten iiber die jiidische Re- ligion. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. HOLLAENDERSKI, LEON. The History of the Israelites of Po- land translated from the French, by the Rev. Dr. H. A. Henry. 8vo. San Francisco, 1865. HOMER. '^Oijyjf>ou IXca(; (The Iliad). 2 vols. Leipsia, 16mo. HORATIUS, L. FLACCUS. Opera. 12mo. Vinariae. 1821. Another Edition. 16mo. Lipsiae, 1823. flORNE, THOS. HARTWELL M. A. The doctrine of the Trinity stated and defended. 12mo. London, 1826. HOTTINGERO, JOH. HENRICO Cippi Hebraici : sive llebraeorum, tarn veterum, Prophetarum, Patri- acharuni quam recentiorum Tanna- eorum, Amoraeorum, Rabbinorum monumenta, Hebraicae a Judaeo qno- dam, teste oculato, tuni etiam extni terram Sanitam observata conscripta, nunc vero Lalinitati donata notisque illustrata. 8vo. Heidelbergae, 1662. Orientalis, Exhibens I. Compendium Theatri Orientialis II. Topographiam Ecclesiasticam Orientalem. 8vo. Heidelbergae, 1662. HOWARD, NATHANIEL. A vocabulary of English and Greek. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1810. HUEBNER, JOHANN. Zeitungs und Conversations Lexikon ...erweitert von F. A. Riinder. (German Cyclopaedia). 5 vols. 8vo, Leipzig, 1824. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER von. Kosmos, Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1845. HURWITZ, HYMAN. The Elements of ihe Hebrew Lan- guage. 4to. London, 1829. HYNEMAN, LEON. The origin of Freemasonry. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1858. Worlds Masonic Regi-ter. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860. A Review of Freemasonry in England from 1567 to 1813. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. HYNEMAN, Mrs. REBEKAH. The Leper and other Poems. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1853, 99 IKEN, CONRADUS. Antiquitates Ilebraitae. 8vo. Bremae, 1741. INGERSOLL, JOSEPH K. Memoir of Saml. Breck, Vice Presi- dent of the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania. 8vo. Philadeipliia, 1863. IRONSIDE, GEORGIUS A. M. Epitome Historiae Sacrae. 12mo. Novi Eboraci, 1826. ISAAC ben ABRAHAM, (called R. T^^aae the Proslyte). 4to. Amsterdam, 5549, 1789. ISAAC ben ABRAHAM CHAYIM YESHURUN. 4to. Prague? 1650? Attributed by some to Samuel ben Abiaham Aboab. nn^n f^N '?;^} nopn op"? "i£:d 8vo. Hamburg, 1714 (?) Attrib ited to Moses ben Jacob Ciuigiz (The title page gives the date as 171 1 but it appears from internal evidence that the book was printed after 1713)^ Another copv. 8vo. Wandsbeck, 5487 1772. ISAAC ben ABRAHAM OF TKoKI. n:v.:N* pirn i5d 12° Amsterdam, 1705. (?) (A controversial work.) ISAAC BENJAMIN WOLF. ■ • -pcNn p'?n p^jD n'^m "i^d Amsterdam, 1682, foi. ISAAC CHAYIM COHEN CAXTA- RINI. i? ^y (On the restoration of Israel.) 4to Amsterdam, 5470, 1710. ISAAC OF CORDOVA. Cinco Libros de la Ley Divina. (Incomplete.) 8° Amsterdam, 5465, 1705. ISAAC ben ISAIAH AUERBACH. 'p^1pl '?;*••• -mDin-i "ind isd n-nnn '"cn 4to. Fur„h, 5522, 1762. Another copy. ISAAC ben JACOB ALFASL 4to. Leghorn, 1771, 5541. 3 vols. 12^ Amsterdam, 5459, 1699. ISAAC ben JOSEPH CARO. ni)nn 4Lo. Amsterdam. 1708, 5618. ISAAC ben JUDAII ABARBANEL. 8° Venice, 5305, 1545. Liber de Capili lidei. . .et in Latinum sermoaem transUita par Gulliehnum Vorstrum. C. F. 4to. Amstelodami, 1638. 23 ISAAC ben JIDAII ABARBANEL. On tlie Biblical prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel. 4to. Amsterdam, 1G45, 5401. 4to. 1G48. 8° Amsterdam, 5oG9, 1749. ' nvrii]")!: nwoD nvjipn 4to. Eoedelheim, 1828. ISAAC ben MEIR OF DUEREN. ir^n ^nxn m^on Dn^'?^*>i With additions by Modecaiben Abra- ham Yafeh edited with a preface and appendix by M. ben M. Dessau. Jessnilz, 1724 fol. ISAAC ben MOSES ARAMAII. "ijiSDin- • • -nun nc*p mrn i^d 8° Pressburg, 1849. ISAAC ben PE3ACH HAHN. (Up to 1894 in jndisch-deutsch.) 8° Altona, 1819. ISSACHAR BAER ben ARYEH LOEB. 4to. Altona, 182G. ISAIAH b.n ABRAHAM HORWITZ. nn^n mm'? »:r nsD Naiah ben Abraham llorwitz. pnnN* not: nsD inNm A ben M. Thomim. D^D5 DJinD "I2D -inN*m 4to. Amsterdam, 5455, 1695. nnnn nim'? ^^t:' -nrp "i5d fPN* new*- • • -Nnm iSmintD or □nnDN* 'n p '^yj '?N^n^ 'D Amsterdam, 1701, 5461. v^^iN* nnnn mm'? ^it:* mv^p 4to. Fiirth, 1753, 5513. ISAIAH ben CHAYIM HOCH- STEDTER. oijnm ^iDV '?'?:)!:t Nnr;; pNi 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1827. ISRAEL ben AARON KALMANKAS YAFEH. "?:; cnn'5----'?Nn::'^ ")\\* "isd p'?nm •••nm?n ntDKt: an (■no 5'T) n"N* ;;"t:^ '?;; '^rr mi:iNi '!::i Dnxint: D:)ina"i Frankfurt a. (). 1702, fol. J J A.CK50N, SAMUKL M. D. An introductory lecture to tlie course of Medicine for the season 38-39 de- livered in the University of Pa. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. JACOBS, FREDERIC. Greek Reader. 8vo. New York, 1834. JACOBS, Rev. SOLOMON. A Theological Refutation of "An affec- tionate address to the Jews of Jamaica . . . .by Rev. Thomas Pennock." 8vo. Jamaica, 1847. Dedication of the New Synagogue Beth-el-Emcth. 8vo. Philadeliihia, 5618, 1850. JACOBS, WILLIAM. The Jews Reasons for believing in One God only. 2 copies. 8vo. New York, 1848. JACOB de ALBA, 4to. Venice, 536'J. IGO'J. •TACOBdaLEHU. niN*o D''?'?iD DnnN onnn 8vo. Leiden, 5(113, 1853. JACOB ben ASHKK of TOLEDO. '*2};d dhv- n"nnn cnTS 4(... Kiirlli. 175-J. JACOB ben ELIEZER of SCIIIDLO- WITZ. 8vo. London, 1770. JACOB ben ISSACHAR BAER CLEVE. '?;;") n"i!J '?;*•••• p*pn p::^ "idd 7'jn 4to. Altona. 5522. 17G2. -|"i-iS;,v...TH^nt:D"ii]D 4to. Altona, 5522, 1762. JACOB ben MOSES MOLIN. 12mo. Frankfurt-on-the-Main, 1687. JACOB ben SOLOMON CHABIB, R. ^pr r^ "^^D "^^^^ • • •"^''^'^* ^"''^^^"'^ 8vo. Amsterdam, 5512,1782. JAIR CHAYIM BACHRACH. 4to. Frankfurt-on-the-Main, 545',t, IG'.K). J ASTRO W, Dr. M. Vier Jahrhunderte aus der Geschichte der Juden. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1865. Gegenerkliirung auf die ''Erkliirung" des Herrn I. M. Wise in der Deborah No. 17. 8vo. Pliiladelphia, 1867. JEDATAH ben ABRAHAM BAD- RASH I. • ••max mi3V---D'?u^ nrnD LKxamen du Monde (Heb. ct Fr.) Sentences morales des anciens H^- lireux (Heb., Fr., et Ital.) et Ics treize modes descjuelles ils se servaient pour interjireter la Bible (Heb. et Lat.) Traduits en Franyois par P. D. Aquin, 8vo. Paris, 1629. 25 JTEDAIAH ben AKRAMAM BADKA- SIII. (by S. Hamburger and C. H. 8chwa- bachen). 12mo. Furth, r,-)*)!, 1807. Bespiegelingen over de Wereld.... door L. Bostel. 'Svo. s'Gravenhage, 5615, 1855. JEFFKRSON, THOMAS. Notes on the State of Yirgiuia. ■Svo. Philadelphia, 1794. Memoir, Correspondence and ISIiscel- lanies edited by Thomas Jefferson Kandolph 4 vols. Svo. Charlottesville. JEHUDAHHALEVI. Das Buch Kusari. . . .nach dem heb- raischen Texte des .Jehuda Ibn-Tibbon . . . .iibersetzt. . .von Dr. David Cassel. 8° Leipzig, 1853. JTELLINEK, ADOLPH. crnit:' ncni >n*2'r2n 'n nnin R. Mose ben Nachmans Dissertation, . . . .nach der seltenen Prager edition, w. J„ 1595, verbessert und niit erliin- ternden Anmerkungen heraiisgegeben von A. J. S° Leipzig, 1853. Thomas von Aquino in der jiidischen Literatur. ••8° Leipzig, 1853. DnnnN* n'? D10 d:^* nno >'?i "71 np)^n T:D'?n N*^Ji'?ipi .\us\vahl kabbali^'ticlier Mystik enthiilt Tractat iiber die Emanation. Das Buch der Intuition. Sendschreiben Abra- ham Abulatia"s. Ueber das Tetra Granimaton von .\braham aus Coin. . . , nebst historishen Untersuchungen und Charakteristiken. 8° Leipzig, 1853. Philosophie und Kabbala. Erstes Ilet't enthiilt : Abraham Abulatias Send- schreiben iil>er riiilosophie iind Kab- bala. Thomas von Aquinos Abliandlung "de animal facultatibus," nach Hand- schriften der K. Bibliothek in Paris. 8° Leipzig, 1854. Der Mikrokosmos, ein Beitrag zur Religions-Philosophie und Ethik von R Josef Ibn Zadik. 8° Leipzig, 1854. r]'-\)r\r\ "i:; c:*^*^ Commentar zum Pentateuch von R. Josef Bechor-Schor nach einer Handschrift derKonigl. Hofbibliothek in Miinchen herausgegeben von A.J. 8° Leipzig, 1856. Kohelet, Predight gehalten, am. 20 Oct., 1859. 8° Wien, 1859. JOEL ben SAMUEL SIRKES. Frankfurt a. M. 1697 fol. 2 vols. Frankfurt a. M. 1712, fol. cnn no •••D'^n n"i\v "no (See Jacob ben Asher of Toledo.) Frankfurt a. M., 1714 fol. cm no •••n;n niv -no (See Jacob ben .Vsher of Toledo.) Frankfurt a. M., 1762, fol. JOHANNEN A LEKT. Schediasma Historico Philologicum de Judaeorum. 4° Herbonae, 1697. 2(3 JOHLSON, J. Unterricht in clerMosaischen Religion 8° Frankfurt a. M., 1814. Instruction in tlic Mosaic Religion translated by Isaac Leeser. 8° Philadelphia, 5590, 1850. JOHNSON, W. R. Introduction to the Greek Language. 12° Philadelphia, 1829- JONAH ben AMATIA. 8vo, Leipzig, 1843. JONAH ben ELIJAH LANDSOFER. 4to. Prague, 5516, 1756. JONA ben GANNACH, (Abonl Walid Merwan.) ^D"i;* pc''?n nan n^Dp'):! "isd Edited by S. Goldberg, corrected by Raphael Kircheim, wiih notes by !S. Baer and Prof. S. D. Luzzatto. 8° Francfort, 1856. JONATHAN ben NATHAN EYB- SCHUETZ. n'nin'?----nTT;,^ mm'? nsD nnna in i^r npc* ^:d mNnn'?i (A vindication of himself against the attacks of his enemies.) 4to. Altona, 1755. JONES, J. WINTER. Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in tlic British Museum. 4to. London, 1867. JONES, THOMAS P., M. I). Conversations on ('hcmistry. 12° Philadelphia, 1845. JOSEF BECHOR-SCHOR. Commeutar zuiii Pentateudi,. . . .nach einer llandsdiiift der Koiigl. Hofbi- bliothek in Miiuclien, lierausgegebne von Adolph .Jellinek. JOSEPH ben ABRAHAM GIKATILIA. (Abridged by I^liakim ben Abraham.) 8° Berlin, 1803. JOSEPH ])en CHAYIM JA BEZ. 8° Amsterdam, 1781. JOSEPH ben EPHRAIM CARO. "i?;^n pN* "iiDt: -|nr fn'?::* 12° Amsterdam, 1502. Another edition. S° Amsterdam, 5422, 1002. Another edition. B° Amslordam. 5458, 1098. Another cdiiiou. 12° Amsterdam. 5490 17:U). niw* '?>*•• ••T!:n n'?u* i5d nn::' m^'^n ir "inSnnt: D'^n nDu* n'^u' N^'ip^ *-3L** p'^m nnn .NT'-jJi t;* nnc* m::'?n:: Anistenlain, 1G31 iol. 15D HDin npn nmn nxn Xijnn k^*'?5'^2 •■•Dpr pn 4to. Dessau, 1090. p in 'nvj:3 nnn "icn nnr TX*: p ^IDL" 'HTtD HD^ Amsterdam, 1711 M. 27 JOSEPH hen KPHKA'.M CAKO. 8° Aiiistenlam, 5 ITS, 17! 8. "Ill 'nt:3 n"n m p^: ira^n (Title pnge waiitliij;'. ) Dylicanfurtli, 1692 fol. Another edition. Aiustenlaiii, 1720 fol. By Hezckiah lien David de Silva. Ani.- Hollands Staatsverfassung. 8vo. Hof, 1795. KAYSERLING, DR. M. Moses Mendelssohn's philosophischc- \ind religiose Grundsiitze mit llinblick. auf Lessing. 8vo. Leipzig, 1856. Sephardim-Komanische Poesien der- Juden in S})anien. 8vo. Leipzig, 1859. 20 KAVSERLING M. Menasse hen Israel. 8ein liCben iiml Wirken. 8vo. Beiliii, 1801. KEAN, EDMUND. The Life of 8vo. New Yolk. 183-5. KEEN, ROBT. lleniark.s on the i'luverh-- of Solomon. Svo. London, 1867. KERKOUX, L. G. F. Abreg^ de I'Histoire de la Hollande. 4 vols, 8vo. Leide, 1778. KILBOURN, JOHN. The Ohio Gazetteer. 12mo. Columbus, 181 D. KIMCHI, R. DAVID. (Gram mar.) 8° Furth, 5553, 1793. ^)^^*2 "15D KIRSCKBALM, DR. Der jiidische Alexandrinismus. 8° Leipzig, 1841. KISTEMAKER, L H. Griechische Sprachlehre. 8° Munster. 1816. KLEV, G. Chatechisnui!? der Mosaischen Religion. 8= Berlin, 18 14. rredigten iu dem neuen Israelitischen Tempel in Hamburg gehallen. 8= Hamburg, 1820. Another vol. of Sermons, Hamburg, 1S26. (Incomplete.) Another copy. Die Ruhe der Religion mitten in der Welt Unruhe. Fiiiif Predigten. 8° Hamburg. KLOPSTOCK, M. Oder Notiz und ICrinnerungs Buch fur Haus und Familie. 8° Wollstein, 5604. 1844. KOHLRAUSCH, FREDERICK. A History of Germany. 8vo. London, 1844. KONIG, JOSEPH. Mathematische Voriibungen. 8vo. Munster, 1818. KRAMER. SIMON. Der Hofagent Maier, der .lude des neunzehnten .Jahrhunderts. 12mo. Nordlingen, 1844. L LAMBERT, L. M. Histoire des Hebreux dcpuis le Patri- 4irche Abraham j usque 1840. Svo. Paris, 1841. LANDAUER. M. II. nin* und D\n'?K Oder BegriflF dieser Gottesnaracn bei den alten Hebriiern, 8vo. Stutigart, 1836. LARDNER, Rev. DIONYSIUS, LL.D. F. R. S., &c. Outlines of History. 12uio. Philadelphia, 1831. History of Switzerland. 12rao Philadelphia, 1833. 30 LA YARD. AUSTEN HENRY, D. C. L. Xineveli ami its remains. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1S4'J. 2 copies, LEBRUN, PIEGAULT. Les Barons de Felslieim. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818. LEE, NATHANIEL, GENT. Sophonisba : Or Hannibals Overthrow A Tragedy acted at the Tlieatre-Royal by her Majesty's Servants. 12mo. London, 1722. LEEDES, EDWARDO. Nonnilli .... Dialogis. Svo. Londini, 1726. LEESER, ISAAC. Tlie .Jews and the ^Mosaic Law. 8vo. I'hiladelphia, 5594, 1834. 3 copies. Catechism for younger children. 12mo. Philadelphia, 5599, 1839. The Occident. 25 vols.. Duplicate of Yols. I and Y. Wanting, Yols. XYI and XYIII. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843—1807. Thoughts suggested by Bible Texts. If.nio. Philadelphia, 5621, 1861. 2 copies. The Law of God translated by I. L. 6 vols. 6vo. Philadelphia, 5605, 1845. Another copy. (2 vols, wanting.) Form of Prayers according to the cus- tom of the Spanish and Portuguese .Jews. vols. (Yols. 1 and IV wanting.) 8vo. Philadelphia, 5624, 1864. Discourses on the .Jewish Religion. 10 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1867—1868 Another edition. (Incomplete.) LEGAL. The Charters and Acts of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, in two volumes. Compared with the Public Records. Printed V»y Peter Miller. Philadelphia, 17G2. Laws of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania. 8vo. Philaddpliia. LSlO. LEMANS, M. Gebeden der Nederlandische Israeliten 8vo. Amsterdam, 1822. LENZ, D. CARL GOTTHOLD. Encyclopadie der lateinischen Clas- siker. 16mo. Braunschweig, 1796. LEON, GOTTLIEB v. Rabbinische Legenden. 12mo. AVien, 1821. LESSING, GOTTHOLD EPHRAIiM Schriften. 30 vols. IGnio. Berlin, 1771—1794. LEVI, DAVID. Lingua Sacra, Ileln-ew Grammar and Dictionary. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1785. 'D'p jn:!!:D niDD'? ni'?i]n niD Translated from the original by D. L. Svo. London, 5549, 1789. 2 copies. 8vo. London, 5553, 1793. Svo. Lodon, 5551, 1791. A defence of the Old Testament, in a series of letters addressed to Thomas Paine. 8vo. London, 1797. 31 LEVINGK, SIR RICHAKD (J. A. BART, M. P. Echoes from the baekwooils. 8vo. London, 1859. LEVINSON, J. L. Mental Culture. 12mo. London, 1833. LEVINSOIIN, .J. P.. (A treatise on morality.) 8to. AVilno, 1828. Efes Daniim conversations concerning tlie malicious charges against the .Jews of using Christian Blood. Translated by Dr. L. Locwe. 4vo. London, 1841. 6 copies. LEVIZAC, M. De. French Grammar. 12mo, New York, 1820. LEVY, EABBI Dr. J. Chaldaisches Worterljuch iiber die Targumine und einen grosseu Theil des Rabbinischen Schriftthums. Leipzig, 1866—1867. Fol. LEXICONS. Le Jardin des Racines Grecques. .8vo. Paris, 1741. A new Pocket Dictionary of the Eng- lish and Dutch languages. 16mo. Leipsic. Dictionnaire abrege de La Fable. (Title page wanting.) LEWIS, THOS. M. A. Antiquities of the Ilpbrew Republick. Bvo London, 1724. LKVDKCKEN, MECHIOR. De Statu Reipublica Hehraeoruni. 2 vols. Amstelaedami, 1710, fol. LIBRA RY of rSEFUL KNOWLEDGE, Art of Brewing. 8vo. London, 1820. Life Insurance. Natural Philosophy. 8vo. London, 1838. Botany. 8vo. London, 1808. Mathematics. 8vo. London, 18oGi Historj- of France. 8vo. London, 18o(). History of England. 8vo. London, 1840. The physical and political Geography of Great Britain and Ireland. History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. 8vo, London, 1840. History of Rome. 8vo. London, 1830. LIEBER, FRANCIS. Encyclopaedia Americana. 13 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1829. LIEPMANNSOHN, S. L. Israelitische Predigt-Bibliothek, nebsl Aufsiitzen iiber Cultus Angelegenhei- ten. Bvo. Lippstadt, 1842, LIGHTFOOT, JOANNIS. Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae Im- pensae 1 In Chorographiam ali(iuam terrae Israeliticae II. In Evangelium S. Matthaei, 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1658. LILIENTHAL, D. THEOD. CHRIST. Commentatio Critica sistens duorum Codicum Mstorum Biblia Hebraica. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1770. :}2 LINDAU. IIARUCH "kii JLDAH. nv-Ti::*':^ rmt::3nn -an^^L*' nvyyo 8vo. Berlin, 1788. LINDO, A. A. A Retrospect of tlie ]ia«t. :50 copies. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. LINDO. ABIGAIL. A Hebrew English and Knuli^li He)iie\v Dictionary, (Not rublished). 4to. London, oOOi!, 181(;. LINDO. E. H. Histoi-y oftlie Jews r,f Spain and l'.,i- tugal. 8vo. London, 1818. LINGARD, JOHN D. D. History of England. 14 vols. 8vo. Prais, 182G— :!]. LINZ. IL^KALDOTHMAR. (Jenieinniitzige Xaturgeschichte nacli H. <>. L. von S. J. Abramowitcti (witli an introduction by J. Fiirsl.) 8vo. Leipzig. 18f52. LIPMAN of MUEHLHAUSEN. opnv ^^;J'7 pnvj isd D*:i'?j'?t:i Dnr lint: Dniiji IGmo. Anistenlani, •")471. 1711. LITERATURE. The Si)ectator. 8 vols. 12mo. Dublin, 1778. Oeiivres Choisies de IJiuyeys et dc Palaprat. 2 vols. ]2mo. Paris, 1812. LITKRATURE. Melanges Litteraires. 8vo. Paris, 1827. A Fathei's Le«;acy to his daughter. 8vo. London. LITURGY. i; voN. 8vo. Amsterdam, ')428, lf)(;8. A copy of Passover prayers same edi- tion. DnirnD t; vols. ^v.i. Amsterdam, li;il8. 5428. Ildited }iv Abraham ben Isaac Auer- bach. 8vo. Amsterdam^ •J437, 1077. Prayers and Blessing witli a Spanish translation. It'imo. Amstcrilani. ■")447. 1087. Another copy. 8vo. Sultzbach. lt;88. ,\nother edition by Joseph ben Closes Israel Mello and Abraham ben Sol. Levy -Maduro. 8vo. Amsterdam, ;>j27, 17(u. imtDD- • •r'?iD jnJt2D- • •mn''?D 4to. De>^sau, IH'.m'-. 12mo. Amsterdam, 17H'). '»47t>. Another edition edited by Sanniel Ko- derigo Mendes. 8vo. -Vnisterdani, ")48t'ij 172G. LITIK(;Y. KJite.".<»). 1740. ]'-dited by Samuel Roderigo Mendes da Silva, Moses Safferty of Gevona and David Gomez. 8vo. Amsterdam. ooO'^ 174(). Edited by S. K. Mendes and Jjicob De Sola Mendes. 8vo. Amsterdam, So.'il, 1770. cnTsn D^* nD£) ''-'C "no nun f.il. Fiirtli, o')3?,, 1773. A collection of rites and ceremonies probably extracted from Q^^pJ n")n"){^ of -Varon the Priest by Slieniariali Ijeii Simcliah. Furth, 1782, fol. jnJt:D njL*'n '?d:: ni'?2n niD Dn*i:'iNG^'?;D'np'?"i£3 4to. .Amsterdam, 5453. 17tt3. LlTUKtiY. mrp^i m'?3n '^v 'Dip'? nao nu*i3L-n jn nr '^i'^n n"n p (First cullecled liy Tsebi ben Cliayim of Wilmersdorf.) IGmti. Siiltzbacli, 5556, KDO. .\notlier edition. 12mo, Amsterdam, 5559. 1799. Another edition. 5 copies. 8vo. Wien, 1823. yni'^D .... njL*'n ':^:^^ m'?£in (''?i2i nD::\v ir.mo. Siiltzbach. 5558, 1798. nvnw* or HD^"? nun -liD □nv >; D^T m'?nj 8vo. Amsterdam. 5564, 1804. no-:'? niyn nco 8vo. Amsterdam, 5565. 1805. Dn")5D p"p ;inj::D m':'5n nno Sv.i. l^ondon, 5570, 1810. onn^D p"p jnj::^ m'?i:n niD IGmo. Amsterdam. 5.588. 1828. Dmrnt: 5 vols. 8vo. Amstertlam,1828. "1*5 mcpai n"i:nr-i n-io (For Jewish women.) 8vo. Rodelheim 1833, Agende zum Gebrauche beim Israeli- tischen Gottesdienste von Dr. .Abraham .Alexander AYolft". 8vo. Copenhagen 1839. ]^1M:*' ni:D m^nn Prayer book for women and girls in jiidisch-deiitsch. 8vo. Furth, 1840. LITURGY Prayer Hook editcil by Solonioii Lon- don. ■8vo. UrMlollieim 1840. Gott sicht iiis Herz Gebet fiir IVonuiie Israelitinnen von .1. A. Jacob- son. 8vo. P.rcslau. nxD n^c'n'? mrp (Title page wanting.) IGnio. odd" Gebete fiir alle Sabliatlie do.« Jalires Hebrjiisch nnd Deutsch iiber- setzt von H. Arnheini. Bvo. Glogau, 1840. Synagogen-Ordnung fiir die Synago- gen des Grossherzogthiinis Mecklen- burg-ydiwein. Scliwerin, 1843. n!:N* Jiiir "no Bvo. Eudelheini, 184o. jn ^'?^'?'? ])p'r\) ni^np -no 12ino. Amsterdam, 5610, 1850. 2'? n^N Prieres dun Cocur Israelite. 12mo. Paris, 1853. nDC'N* :inJ!3D DN*n nx'cn "no 8vo. Uoedellieim, 1853. 24nio. Pvoedcllieim, 1856. Private Devotions. Edited by Rev B. II. Asclier. 8vo. London, 5622, 1862. Gottesdienstlielie Onlnnngfiir die Sab- bate and die drei Fcste. . . .Enl worfen fiir die Gemeinde Kodef Slioleni. 8vo. Philadelpliia. 1866. LITL'RGY. Hj-mns Written for the use of Hebrew Congregations. 12mo. Charleston, 5627,' 1867. Edited Viy Samuel Uoderigo Mendes, 2 copies. 8vo. Amsterdam. 8vo. Furth, (Title page wanting.) 4 copies. 8vo. (Title page wanting.) (Title page wanting.) 24mo. Another edition. Another edition. Title page wanting. LIVERMORE, HARRIET. Address to the Dispersed of Judah. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. LIVY. Liviana Excerpta a Car. Lud. Bavero \. M. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1813. LOCKE, JOHN GENT. An essay concerning Human L'nder- standing. 4to. New York, 1824. Thoughts on Education. 8vo. Boston. 1830. LOEB. DR. HENRI. The Hoad to Faiih. Tranlated by Moses M. Nathan, 2 copies. 8vo. Kingston, 5600, 1840. 35 LOEWE, DK. L. vnn D'cnp A iliscourse ilelivert'il in the Spanish and Portuguese Jev.s synagogue in Bevis Marks on tlie day of funeral of H. R. H. Prince Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex. 8vo. London, 1843. LONG, ISSAC LE Ue Koophandel von Amsterdaui, 8vo. Rotterdam, 1853. LOREVZANA, D. FRANCISCO AN- TONIO. Historia de Mejico. 8vo. Neuva York, 1828. LOEWE, FRIEDR. ANTON. Die OflFenViariing und die Fragen der Zeit. 8vo. Hamburg, 1842. LOWENSTEIN, DR. W. B. Ueherzeugungen eines Israeliten ge- geniiber dem I'roselythenthuni. Er- widerung auf die Sclirift des Herrn Dr. M. B. Frankel. 8vo. R(jdelheim, 1842. LOWTH, ROBERT P. D. Auszug aus. . . . Vorlesungen iiber die heilige Dichtkunst der Hebriier niit Herder" s und Jones's Grundsiitze ver- bunden. 8vo. Danzig, 1793. Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. Translated from the original Latin by G. Gregory F. A. S. 4to. Andover, 1829. LOEWY, DAVID. D^!:Dn p^"? Worterbuch enthaltend hebriiische Wdrter und Redensarten die sich ini Talmud befinden. 8vo. Prag, 1845. LOKWY, M05KS A. Worte zur Beherzigung an die Israe- litischen Gemeinde-VortJtiiudc in Un- garn. 8vo. Pcsth, 1841. LUDLOW, Rev. JOHN D. D. An address delivered on the occasion of his inauguration as Provost of the University of Pensylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834. LI ZZATTO. EPHRAIM. (Poems.) 4to. Londini, 1706. UN*'? \\*i' • • • • Dnu*.3n on n'?N* (Poems). 12mo. YVien. 1839. LUZZATTO, JACOB ben ISSAC. mc'p m-ijn '?::'? iin^d- • -n-^^i a^ ^*:'?cnTi ^'?dd d'^o 8vo. Amsterdam, 1709. Another copy. LUZZ.\TTO, MOSES CHAYIM. T^^ '?'?iD nnc n'?^DD "i3d 8vo. Luneville, -5506, 1806. LYNCH, W. F. U. S. N. Narrative of the U. S. expdition to tlie River Jordan and the Dead Sea. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. :l« M MACKAV, ANDREW, LL I)., F. K. S. A Collection of Matheninticiil Tables. Svo. London, 1804. MAC(7UER, M. Klements of the Theory and I'mcticc of Clijmisitry. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1758. MAGINN, WM., LL. D., (Attributed to.) leather Tom and the Pope, or a night at the Vatican. Svo. Baltimore, ISofi. MA HON, LORD. History of England. II vol. Svo. Paris, 1841. MALTE BE UN, M. Universal Geography. 3 vol;?. 4to. Boston, 1834. MANNHEIMER, MOSES. Die Jiiden in Worms, ein Beitrag ziir Geschithte der Juden in den Rhein- gegenden niit einem \'orwort von Dr. J. M. Jost. Svo. Frankfurt a. M., 1842. MANZONI, ALESSANDRO. II C'onte di Carmagnola. Svo. Milano, 1820. M.\RETZEK MAX. Crotchets and (Quavers. Svo ^'ew York, ISol. MARRYAT, CAI'T. C. B. Diary in America. Svo. Philadelphia, 1840. MARTIN, R. MONTCiOMERV. History o the British Colonic'^. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1834. MARTINET, DR. ADAM. Oder Hebriiisclie Chrestoinathie der biblischeii und nenern Literaliir. Svo. Bamberg, 1837. 2 copies. MAURY, M. F., LL. D. The Physical Geograpliy of the Sea. Svo. New Y'ork. 1855. MAYOR. WM., LL. D. Chatechism for the .Vniinal Kingdom. 12mo. London. Chatechism to Arts and Sciences. 12nio. London. MAXIMUS, VALERIUS. Factoruin dictorumqtie inemurahiliiiin ' 12mo. Londini, LSlli. MAXON, WM. B. .of the Weekly Sab- 8vo. Schenectady, 18:')G. A discussion, bath. MAYER, CHAS. F.. A. M. First disconrse before the Maryland Historical Society. Svo. Baltimore, 1844. MAYER, NATHAN, M. D. The Fatal Secret. Svo. Cincinnati, 1858. McCULLO<'lI, J. R. A Treatise on Commerce. Svo. Ix)ndon, 1832. MEANS. ROBERT, A. M. Considerations respecting tiie gen- uineness of I he Pentateuch. Svo. Columbia, 1834. 37 MECHILTA. p*2D*J Amsterdam, 1712 fol. MEELFUEKRERO, M RC^DOLPHO MAKTIN Jesus in TalnuKle. 4to. Altdortii, KJOIt. MEIGS, CHARLES D M. D. The Augustan Age. 6mo. Philadelphia, 1841. MEIE ben GEDALIAH of LUBLIN. Sulzbach, 1753, fol. MEIR ben ISAAC at EINSTADT. nmnn '?;^-- ci< hind "isd ncli}^ ncnsD '?dd---- Furth, 17Gf) fol. MEISNER, A. G. Erzahlungen und Uialogen. 8vo, Leipzig, 1781. MELDOLA, Rev DR. RAPHAEL. njiDN "in The way of Faith. Translated fi-om the Hebrew by Rev. D. Meldola. 8vo. London, 5(109, 1848, MENACHEM of RECANATI. 4to. Amsterdam, 5547, 1787. MENACHEM de LONSANO. • •••nxDn: n'?u' min mcp Krkliirung von Frenidworten in den Talmuden. .herausgegehen von Adolpli Jellinek. Bvo. Leipzig, 1853. MENACHEM MENDEL ben TSEBI of WENGROW D"C2C D\ni2n DHQi^D Berlin, 1719, fol. MENASSEH ben ISRAEL. De Resurrectione Mortuorum. l6mo. Anistelodami, 1636. bi^'\c' mpD Hoc est Spes Israelis. r2mo. Amstelodami, 1650. The title page contains the autograph of Menasseh ben Israel. The book con- tains a written copy of the atlidavit of Menasseh ben Israel affirming his be- lief in the reports of Montecinos. It also contains IMS. account of his arg- ument in England with the Lord Pro- tector and with the various ministers as well as many interesting quotations in relation to it. Humas cinco Libros de la Ley Divina, Juntas las Aphtarot del ano. rimo. xVmsterdam, 5415, 1655. De Verlossing der Jooden .... met eeu Voorreden door Moses Mendelssohn. Bvo. Grauenhage, 1782. The Conciliator, translated by E. H. Lindo. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 5602, 1842. 4to. Leipzig, 5622, 1862. 88 MENDELSSOHN, MOSES. Jerusalem oder iiber religiose Maclit und Jiidenthum. 8vo, Berlin, 1783. Morgenstunden oder Vorlesungen iiber das Dasein Goties. 12mo. Berlin, 1786. Der entlarvte Moses Mendelssohn oder vcillige Anfkliirung des riithselhaften Todverdrissis des M. Mendelssohn iiber die Bekantraaclmng des Lessing- schen Atbeismus von Jacobi. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1786. Phaedon or the death of Socrates translated into English by Chas. C"l- len (Written in imitation of the Phae- don of Plato ; life of Socrates pre- fixed.) 8vo. London, 1789. M. !M"s kleine philosophische Schrif- ten iiiit einer Skizze seines Lebens und Charakters von D. Jenisch. 8 vo. Berlin, 1789. Philosophische Schriften. 2 vols. 12mo. Reutlingen, 1790. Ritualgesetze der Juden, betreffend Erbschaften etc. in so weit sie das Mein und Dein angehen herausgege- ben von R. Hirschel Lewin. 8vo, Berlin, 1799. .Jerusalem. .. .translated by ^I. Sam- uels. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Gesammelte Schriften. . . herausgege- ben von Prof. Dr. G. B. Mendelssohn. 7 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1843. MESHULLAM, ben SOLOMON. jnn*2 ninic*m m'?N*::* nsD ynn^ ni:D'?n ^mnn n^in^ p'?rf Nini poji N;'*vt: ndd ':^r Furth, 18(17, I'ol. METASTASIO. Opere Scelte. 12mo. Avignone, 1819. MICHAELIS, JOANNIS DAVIDIS. Spiciligium Geographiae Hebraeorum. 4to, Goettingae. 1759. MICIIELETet QUINET. Des Jesuites. 2 copies. 8vo. Paris, 184.5. MIDDLEMAN, KABBI JUDAH. Paths of Truth, being a defence of the Talmudic traditions, Translated into English by M. H. Bresslau. 8vo. London, 1847. MIDDLETON, CONYERS D. D. A free inquii-y into the miraculous powers supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church.... by which it is shown. . . .that we have no sufficient reason to believe. . . .tliat such powers were continued. . ..after the days of the apostles. 4to. London, 1749. MIGNET, A. F. History of the French Revolution. 8vo. London, 182H, MILLER, EDWARD (attributed to.) Views of Prophecy by a Laymann^ 12mo. Philadelphia, 18f)6. MILLER, J. R. The History of Great Britain from the death of George II to the Coronation of George IV. 8yo. London, 1828. MILLER, MATTHEW R. Identity of Judaism and Christ! a nity 8 v.). New York, 1850. MILTON, JOHN. Familiar Letters translated finm the Latin with notes by Juliu Ihill. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829. 39 MILTON, JOHN. Trciitiyc o!i Kiluciitii)ii. 8vo. Boston 1830. MIRABEAU, MAKQUI.S de. L'Ami dcs Hoiunies, on traite de lii ropulation. 7 vols. 8vo. Havre. 1758. MISHNA. Amsterdam. 1711. »pji ap nT£) Di*----nvjc:!: 6vols. 16mo. Amsterdam, .")4B3, 1703. Another edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1716. Berlin. 5476, 1716. 8vo. Berlin, 5477. 1717. With an Knglisli translation. I (Title page lost.) Sabbath and EruTin, Two titles of the \ Misna or Code of the traditional laws which were observed by the Scribes and Pharisees (Translated by AV. Wot- ton D. D.) [ 8vo. London. 1718. i 4to. Sulzbach, 5511, 1751. i The sentences and proverbs of the an- ancient fathers, .translated with some of the comments of Maimonides. By a primitive Ebrew (Abraham ben NaphtaliTeny.) Svo. London, 1772. Lemberg, 1799, fol. MISHNA. 6 vols. 4to. Slavita, 5565,1805. Title page wanting.) 4t'i. ny wc: "noi >n^^n'c "iid liDDinj 'i'?Nn • • • ■ D*:"iN*:in ^^n^a prtDC nT"in::---cz)'mn---- 4 vols. 4to. Flirt h, 5574, 1814. 6 vols. 4to. Berlin, 5592, 1832. Eighteen treatises from the Mishna translated by the Rev. D. A. DeSola and the Rev 'M. 3. Raphall. 2 copies. 8vo. London, 1843. 8vo. Berlin, 5608, 1848. Wien, I860, folio. MITCHELL, J. K. M. D. Indecision. . . .and other Poems. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1839. MOCATTA, MOSES. The inquisition and .Judaism. A ser- mon to Jewish Martyrs. . . .in 1705. . by the Archbishop of Cranganor and a reply by Carlos Yero. Svo. London, 1845. MOELLHAUSEN, BALDWIN. Der Piraten-Lieutenant. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. MONTANUS, AUGUST SCHULZ. Handbuch der Geometrie. 8v(). Berlin, 1822. 40 MOMTEFIORE, LADY J. Notes from n Private Journal of a visit to Egypt and Palestine. (Not Published. 8vo. London. 1844. MOOS, H. M. Mortara. . . . A Drama. J2mo. Cincinnati, I860. MOQDARD. Nouvelles causes celebres, on Pastes du Crime. 6 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1842. MORAIS, Rev. S. Gratitude to God — A Sermon. 8vo. Philadelpliia, 5612, 1852. Report of the Building Committee of the " Mickve Israel" together with a Sermon on that occasion. 8vo. Philadelphia, 5619, 1859. MORPURGO, SAMSON ben JOSHUA MOSES. Venice, 1743 fol. Edited by Moses Chayim Shabthai Morpurgo. MORREL, A. V. Die Arabischen Aktenstiicke iiber die Ermordung des P. Thomas iind seines Dieners in Damaskus. 8vo. Niirnberg, 1843. MOSES, MYER. Oration before the Tammany Society, May, 1831. 8vo. New York, 1831. MOSES ben AARON of MYR. qj;/*n ny'2r( d"i"^3 "isd r\^:;'o*2 ^'^y nc'?c*- ■ ■ ■ pc\snn r\i:'*2 ^>**o*j Dco 4to. Amsterdam, 1842. MOSES ben ABRAHAM MATH. 'p^D "ID-It:- •••nrtD not: "1i:d DHDH r)t''*2}^ niiD^n 4to. Cracow, 1591. MOSES ben ISAIAH the PRIEST. ^mn "iiDH Nim ni:**2 ^jd 4to. Wilhelmsdorf, 5476, 1716. MOSES ben ISRAEL ISSERLES. p'?^ "iSDtD n^'^i):: mj mD'?.i 4to. Cracow, 1569? 4to. Hamburg, 1711, 5471. MOSES ben JACOB CHAGIZ. m'?NC":: ^^):'p n*2pn •op'? "icd 8vo. Amsterdam, 5467, 1707. MOSES ben JACOB of COUCY. Dn)ip fn^c'i-is or Praecepta Mosaica sexcrela atque tre- decim eo succinta. . . . Kabinorum ex- jiositioni (Edited by S. Munster.) ir.iiio. Baslia, 153:5. Venice, 1547 fol. 41 M0SE3 ben JUDAH of MINSK. 4to. London, 5532, 1772. MOSES ben MAIMON. d;^ r\))i*2n "i3d • • • • nnin n^c*^ rnp'H '?;^ 'nm;^n'^5 nr nNiist: D'nn^ mn:in t:nnn 2 vols. Venice, 1550—1551, fol, Dyenfurtd, 1809, folio. Constitutiones de fundamentio Legis. . Latini redditae par Guilielnmm A\irs- tuim C. F. 4fo. Amstelodami, 1638. nu*i r^^:i'?n Sive Canones etliici....ex Hebraeo in Latinum versi, uberioribusque notis illustrati a Georgio Gentio (with text.) 4to Amstelodami 1640. DID DC' t:'"n^t3----DOi:}: nnit: Jessnitz, 1742, fol. DOiDJ nyr2 Doctor perplexorum translated into German and commented upon l)y K. I. Fiirstenthal witli text. Svo. Krotoschin, 1839. Le guide des Egar^s, traits de Theolo- gie et de Philosophie par S. Miink (with the Arabic text). 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1856. MOSES, ben MAIMON. ' iu^d:: 'Dim "ic*N----n"nn Venice, 1742, fol. vm:ic*nn pm "in ncD "i:n") mn^n □::• X"ipT xnn'n 4to. Frankfurt-on-the-Main, 1756. n:2n N*i'?n ym ins ")5d (Translated from the Arabic by M. ben .J. Thanah.) 4to. Amsterdam, 1765. r\i?'2 "iixn '?'?o- ■fmn pN 4to. Berlin, 5549, 1789. Svo. Frankfurt-on-the-Main, 5606, 1846. Das jiidische Traditionswesen. . . .ins Deutsche iibersetzt von R.J. Fiirsten- thal. Svo. Breslau, 1842. Analekten aus den Schriften des Mai- nionides iibersetzt von David Otensos- ser. Svo. Furth, 1848. MOSES ben XACHMAN. (Yom Tob ben ^S^'OOnH ^^TH- • • • Abraham.) nU*"^^^^* '^*^ ^^ 4to. Livorno, 1779- 42 MOSES ben NACHMAN. • cmr ncn-^ n'2'*2r\ 'n nnn Dit^seitjiiiuii ul)er die Vorziigeii der Mosaisclien Lelire, gelialteii in Sara gossa vor Koiiig Jakob von Aiagonien. 8vo. Leipzig 1853. MOVERS, FRANCISCUS C A ROLL'S. Loci Qiii(bun Ilistoriae Canonis vetoiis Testanienti illiistrati. Svo. Vratiblaviae. MOSS. CELIA. Poems. 4to. MUDGE, Rev. WM. B. A. The tabernacle of Moses. 12nio, London, 1843. MUNK, S. Cours-des langues HebrUique, Chaldai- que, et Syriaque au College de France. Svo. Paris, 1865. MUNSTEA, SEBASTIAN. Catalogus omnium praeceptonim legis Mosaicae. 16mo. Basilae, 1.533. Vide Moses ben .Jacob of Cimcy. MURPHY, ARTHUR ESQ. Translation of Tacitus. 12mo. London, 1830. MURRAY, LINDLEY. The English Reader. 12nio. Philadelphia, 1827, Sequel to the English Reader. 12mo. New York, 1831. MYERS, M. H. and I. H. Questions and answers on the Kible. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1845- N NAPHTALI l)eu ISAAC. Drt:Dn ny*2D n*2ipn) 'nnrjn^ (m:D'na '0*2 ^7;* n:)im r\i:*Mp Frankfurt-on-the-Main 1706, fol. NAPHTALI l)en .lACOB GOSLAR. pm nj*DnD----n!:xn n*2^n 4to. Amsterdam, 1762. Dinn mc* rt:n:3 -)s:d 4to. Amsterdam, 1762. NATHAN, Rev. M. N. A Sermon. 5 copies. 8vo. Jamaica, 1843. A defence of ancient Rabbinical inter- pretation of the Proliibitorv law of Deut. XXIII: 3. 18 copies. 8vo. Kingston, 5621, 1861. NATHAN ben JECHIEL of ROME. nnn ic*n '^)ipn yiy "^^c' 4tife liriefly considered. 8vo. I'liiladelphia. 1839. PATSICK. A critical Commentar}' mid Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha by P., Lowth, Arnold, AVliitby and Lowman. 4 Tols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1846. PEIXOTTO, DANIEL L. M. M. D. Discourse. 8vo. New York, 1830. PEIXOTTO, SIMHA C. Elementary Introduction to the Scrip- tures. 12mo. Philadelphia, 5600, 1840. PENNINGTON, JOHN. An examination of Beauchamp Plan- tagenets descri]ition of the (iroviiice id' New Albion. Svo. Philadelphia, 1840. PENNOJK, THOS. An affectionate address to ihe .Jews of .Jamaica. Svo .Jamaica, 1847. PERIODICALS. Olla Podrida: A l\>riodical Pajiei- pnJdished at Oxford. 12mo, Dublin, 1788. The Philanthrope. Svo. London, 1798. Monthly Magazine or British Register for 1814. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1814. ni<):in n^ an D*n;*n n^DD llrste Fruchte der Zeit (Edited by S. .J. Cohen afterwards by M. 1. Landau, I. S. Reggio, .J. .Jeitteles) Hebrew and German. 11 vols. 1 more published. Svo. Wien, 1820—1830. Der Bibelsche Oiient. Eiiu' Zeitschrift Svo. Munchen, 1821. The Edinburgh Review. A few numbers for the vears 1821, 1822, 1823, and 1824. Svo. Boston. The Jew being a ilefence of .Judaism (1824—182-5). Svo. New York. The Boston .Journal ol Philosophy and the Arts conducted by .John AV.Wel)- ster :\I. D. John AVare M. D. and Mr. Daniel Tredwell. Svo. Boston, 1S24. AVcstminster Review. Svo. London, 1825. The Quarterly Review. 8vj. Boston, 1828. The Quarterly .Journal of ICducaiion. Svo. London, 183.'5. mnjN* "7^)^ Tjn DnD -)3d 47 PERIODICALS. Uriefe und Abliandlungcii die jiidis- cheii Literatur und Wisseiischafi betretteud: von den bekanntcstcn jetzt lobenden jiidischen Gcleluien. Edited by Samuel .ludali lob (iol.lonbcrg. 8vo. Wien. 1833. Vols. 3, 5, (5, 7, 8, d. Svo. Prague, 1838. Edited by Senior Saclii^. 8vo. Berlin, 1854— 185(i. The family Magazine, 1833—1834. By Origen Baclicler. New York. Archives Israelites de France. . . .sous la direction de S. Cahen. From 1840—1853, complete witli the exception of a few number missing in 62 and 53. 8vo. Paris. Volks-Kalender fiir Israeliten auf das Jahr 5404, 1844, Herausgegobcn von K. Klein. Svo. Breslau, 1843. Kalender und .Jahrbucli fiir Israeliten 5603. 1842—1843. 8vo. Wien, 1843. Konstitutionelle .lahi'biicher. Ileraus- gegebeu von Dr. Karl Weil. 8vo, Stuttgart, 1844. .lahrbuch fiir Israeliten, 5618. Her- ausgegeben von Joseph Wertheimer. 8vo. Wien, 1857. Another Xumber. 8vo. Wien, 1801. Jahrbucli fiir die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. Ludwig Phillipson, Dr. J. M, Jost, Dr. A. M. Goldschmidt. Svo. Leipzig, 1860. Jahrbuch .... herausgegeben von Dr. L. P., Dr. A. M. 0. and Dr. L. llerzfeld. 8vo. Leipzig, 1863. Jahi'buch fiir Israeliten, 5624. Her- ausgegeben von Josef Wertheimer uiul Dr. Leopold Kompert. 8vo. Wien, 1864. Another Number. 8vo. Wien, 18Gt). PKUIODICALS. Allgemeines Archiv des Judenthums /eitsclirift fiir Religion, Kultus, Ge- schichte und Literatur, lierausgegeben von Dr. I. Meiiiemau. 8vo. Berlin, 1842. lil.ukwooil's Kdiiil)urgh Magazine. Coiitainiim- an article on Benjamin of Tudela. 8vo. 1S42. The tirsi fruits of the West . . .a perodi- cal devoted to Jewish interests. Edited by Rev. M. N. Nathan and L3wis Ashenheim, M. D. t) copies. Svo. Kingston, 1844. ^Monatsschrift fiir Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. Z, Frankel. For the years 1844, 45. 52, 54, 56, 57. 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, (incomplete.) 8vo. Leipzig and Breslau. L'Univers Israelite. Journal mensuel Religieux Moral et Litteraire par S. Bloch. 8vo. Paris. For the years 1845, 50, 59, 60 and 61, (incomplete.) Sabbath Leaves by Dr. L. Loewe. Svo. Loudon, 1845. myiJ^*' DID Cup of Salvation: Monthly Jewish Orthodox Magazine. Edited by Rev. D. M. Isaac and Mr. Moses Samuel. 10 numbers. Svo. Liverpool, 1846. The Jewish Chronicle edited by John Lillie. 5 numbers. 8vo. New York, 1847. D^£jDN*tD 12D The Anglo-Jewish Magazine. 5 copies. Svo. London, 1848. ( )nlv 3 numbers. 48 PERIODICALS. The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review. Edited by Rev. Chas. Hod)ers. 8vo. London, 1855. Sinai, Ein Organ fiir Erkentniss und Veredlung des Judenthunis. Ileraus- gegeben von David Einhorn. 3 numbers. Svo. Baltimore, 185G. Bulletin de lAlliance Israelite Uni- verselle. 8vo. Paris. From (1862 to 1871), also English an.l French translations of reports etc., during that time. Sheniah Israel folleto dedicado a los intereses del culto hebreo. 10 numbers. Svo. Curazao, 18G4 Le Foyer Israelite, Journal d'instruction Religieuse sous la direction de Isaac Levy. G numbers. 8vo Verdun, 18G4. The Guide. A Monthly Magazine devoted to the diffusion of knowledge. Edited by Raphael DC. Lewin, .3 numbers. Svo. Kingston. 18G5. Tracts >)y the Jewish Association for the diffusion of religious knowledge. 40 numbers. 8vo. London, 18G5. Unsere Zeit. Deutsche Revue der Ge- genwart. Herausgegeben von Rudolf Gottschall. 1 number. 8vo. Leipzig, ISGo. PERIODICALS. Sippurim . . . von Jakob W. Paschules. 8vo. Prag, 1865. Der Israelitische Volksfreund. Eine- Monatsschrift. Herausgegeben von C. M. Colien. 8vo. Cincinnati. PERROT, A. Musical Manual. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. I'ERSirS, FL \CCUS AULUS. Satirae. 8vo. Phila.lelphia. 1814. PHILLIPS, NAPHTALI. An Eulogium on Rev. Gei'shom Mendes Seixas. 8vo. New York, 1816. PHILLIPSOX. Dr. LUinVIG. Die Israelitische Bibel enhaltend den. heiligen Urtext. die deutsche Ueber- tragung. . .mit mehr alsSOO englischen Ilolzsclinitten. 3 Tols. 4to. Leipzig, 1844. Siloah : Eine Auswahl von Predigten. '2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1845. Die Israelitische Religionslehre. 8vo. Leipzig, 1862- Tlie Crucifixion and the Jews. Trans- lated from the German by Maurice- :Mayer. 2 copies. 8vo. Philadclpliia. 5626, 1866. PHILLIPI a. LIMBACII. De Verifate Religionis Christianac' Amica collatio cum Erutlito Jtidaeo. 4ta. Goudae, 1687. PHILOSOPHY, NATURAL. Library of useful knowledge. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. 40 PHILOSOPHY, NATURAL. An account of Lord Bacon" s Novum Organon Sciciiiiavinm, or New Metliocl of Stuilj'ing tlie Sciences. PHOENIX, JOHN. Sketches and Buvlesques. I2mo. New York, 1856. PICKET, A. and J. W. .Juvenile Expositor. 3 copies. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1S31. PIERPONT, .JOHN. American First Class Book. 8vo. Boston. 1832, Another copy. PLESSNER, S. Religiose Vortrlige zuii-ichst fiirlsrae- liten. 8vo. Berlin, 1840. Religiose Yortriige Zunucht fiir Israel- iten. (iehalten theils in Berlin, tlieils in Brcslau. 8vo. Berlin, 1841. PLINIUS, C. CAECILIUS. Epistolae et I'anegyricus. 12rao. Londini, 1821. PLUMER, WM. S. • The substance of an argument against the indescriniinate incorporation of ("hurches. 8vo. Baltimore, 1847. POETRY. Christophe Colomb on LAmeriqiie decouverte, Poeme. 8vo. Paris, 1773. POETRY. The Battles of Talavera. Svo. Pliiladelphia, 1811. PoLAK, GABRIEL ISAAC. 8vo. Amsterdam, 183G. (A collection of divers essays, ancient and modern, such as Maimonides, Mendelssohn, Luzzatio, etc.) 8vo. Amsterdam, 5611, 18ol. POLAK, (Meir ben Gabriel.) '?'?iD ]r^*'?r\ yn: "i\s*!: -i-jD 4tu. Amsterdam, 1812. POLLARD, EDWARD A. The Lost Cause. 8vo. New York, 1867. POTTER, E. R. School Report of Rhode Island, 1854. 8vo. Providence, 1855. PREVOST, ABBE. Histoire de Guillaume le Conqtierant due de Normandie et Roi DAngleterre, 8vo. Amsterdam. 1784. PRIESTLY, Dr., (Attributed to.) Index to the Bible. 8vo. Philadelpliia, 1804. PYKE E, Scriptural Questions. 3 copies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 5617, 1857. C^UILL, CHAS. The American ^leclianie. 12mo. riiiladelphia, 1839. Q QUILL, CHAS. The Working Man, 16mo. Pliiladelphia 1841. 50 R RACIXES. IIebrai(|ues sans Points-Voyelles on Dictionaire HebiaiViue par Raciues. Svo. Paris, 1732. RAFAEL ben JACOB JOSEPH, (lui- Levi,) called Hanover. A manuscript copy of Q*,^J^*,1 ilJI^H and of "IID'I*;"? "IID •''"^^ -i'^" Dnyijn m'? Appended are taUes for tlie cak-ulation of tlie calendar and diagrams of eclipses. This wiiter was one of the most celebrated of Leibnitz's pupils. His works are as follows : Tables for the knowledge of the Jewisli Calendar, laid before the Academy at Levden. Printed Lej-den-Hanover, 1765,' 4to. On Astronomy and knowledge of the Calendar, especially commenting on Talmudicand Rabbinical utterances iiii that subject. Amsterdam, 1756, 4to. The MSS. heretofore known to exi.-t are as follows : - 1. ma^n iiD ''?'?D Cod. Mich, 345, Svo. nj'i:Dnn r\*2^n Cod. Mich.. 301, 4io. Same as printed copy, but more elaborate. Cod. Mich., S47, 6vo. This newly discovered M.S. is in jiidisch-deutsch characters, and the first part is apparently in the author's own hamlwriting. The taVdes and dia- giiun?^ have been written by a Sopher The first book D^tDCH ^\^^^il is dated 5494. (1734,) and the last D*")>lJn m'? i* inscribed. Finished Wednesday, 3d of Ab., 5497, (1737.) It contains 73 pages quarto, is bouml in leather; the one cover bears the initials G. L., and the other the date> 1737. RAMliACPI, JACOB THEODOK FRANZ. Anleitung zur mathematischen Erdbe- schreibung. 8vo. Frankfurt-on-the-Main 1814. RAMSEY, Rev. WM. Church Debts : their origin, evils and cure. Svo. Philadelphia, 1851. America ; her destiny among the Nations. Svo. Philadelphia. 1852. The future Glory of the Christian. l-2mo. Philadelphia, 1854. » RA PI FALL, M. J., M. A., Ph. Dr. .Judaism defended against the attacks nfT. J. C. of Oxford. Sv... London, 1840. Post-Biblical History of the .Jews, till the destruction of the second temple. 2 v.ds. 6nui. Philadelphia, 1856. The Con>ianoy of Israel. A Discourse delivered before the Congregation Siiearit Israel, Charlestown, 8. C. 2 copies. Svo. Charleston, 1850. KAFHALL, M. J., M. A., Ph. Dr. nit: '?N* yna The Path to Immortality, as hehl by the lionse of Israel . . .after the ] lebrew of Maimonides and other eminent Rabbins. 3S copies. 8vo. New York, 1859. Bible View of Slavery. A Discourse. 8vo. New York, 1861. RAUMER, FRIEDEICH von. (leschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit. vols. 8vo. Rentlingen, 1828. RAYNAL, ABBE. A. ...history. . .of the Europeans. ... in the West Indies. Translated from the French by J. Justamord. 5 Vols. 8vo. London, 177G. READER, LATIN. Lateinisches Lesebuch. Kimo. Munster, 1798. REED, WM. B. Address before the Historical .Society of Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. REGGIO, ISAAC. n:::nin!: £i]\n'?N* n"nn -)£id niNO n^'?N n^'?^^ n^p'?o\s* 8vo. Vienna, 1818. La legge di Die. . . .tradotta in Lingua Italiana e illustrata con un nuovo commento. 5 vols. Svo. Vienna, 1821. 51 REGGIO, ISAAC. T'tr"^ r\iy*2 8vo Wien, 1819. Examen traditionis duo inedita et l)oene incognita Leonis Mutinensis opuscula complectens quae nunc pri- mum edidit. 8vo. Goritiae, 1852. REMAK, STEPHEN S. La Paix en Amerique. 8vo. Paris, 1865. REUBEN. SELIG ben ISRAEL ELIEZER. pn;-*) n"3JiD DHtDm om^'ni (n"n!Dn r\)'2y N*t3V nm D^noD Livorno, 1777 fol. RICHARDSON, CHARLES. Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1839. RIESSER, G. Besorgnis?e und Hoflhungen fiir die kiinftigeStellung der Juden in Preus- sen. 8vo. Hamburg, 1842. RINTEL, (Meir M.) '?^DD'? n^:;*2 nwop nmo n:it:N* 't:nco '?rtD 8vo. London, 1817. RIVINUS, EDWARD FLORENS. Atlantis. 9 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1827. ROEST, M. Catalog der Hebraica und Judaica aus der L. Rosenthal' sclien BibliotheU. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1875. 52 ROLLIN, M. Ancient History. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinl.urgh, 1828. ROM EL, C. Tlieophrasts Charaktere iiberset/.t mit Annierkungen nebst einigen Char- akteren. 12mo. Leipzig, 1809. ROMILLY, SIR SAML. Life and Correspondence of. 2 vols. 16mo. London, 1842. ROSENBERG, D. Explication of an engraving called the Origin of the rites and worship of the Hebrews, translated from the French by Max Wolff. Svo. New York, 1809, 5619. ROSS, ARTHUR A. Discourse. . . .on Rhode Island. 12mo. Providence, 1835. RO.ST, VALENTIN CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH. Griechische Grammatik. Svo. Gottingen, 1821. ROUSSEAU, J. J. Oeuvres completes. 33 vols. 12mo Lvon, 1796. ROWE, N., ESQ. The Royal Convert. 12mo. London, 1819. A Tragedy. ROWSON, MRS. Reuben and Rachel, or Tales of Old Times. 8vo. London, 1799. ROZANES, (JUDAH.) Venice, 1743 fol. RUPP, I. DANIEL. History of the Religious denomina- tions of the United States. Svo. Philadelphia, 1844. RUSH, RICHARD. Washington in Domestic Life. Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. RUSSEL, WM. The History of Modern Europe. 6 vols. 4to Philadelphia, 1822. RUTHERFORD, T. G. The Laws of God or the True prin- ciples of the Divine Government, contrasted with the false principles of Human Governments. 2 copies. Svo. Philadelphia, 1861. SA ALSCHUTZ, .JOS. LES. Ph. D. Zur Versiliinung der Confessionon oder Judentlnim und Cliristenthum in ihreni Streit und Einklang. Svo. Konigsberg, 1S44. d( Form und Geist riiischen Poesie. Svo. Konigsberg, 1853. bilillscli-hcb- .SAINT, REAL. Conjurations des Espagnols conlre la republique de Venlse. 12mo. Paris, 1813. SALLUSTIUS,CRISPU3, C. Opera. . . .cum notis. Svo. Philadelphia, 1814. Catilinaria et Jugurthina Bella. 12mo. Paris, 1817. SALOMON, DR. G. Predigten in dem neuen Israel itischen Tempel gehalten. 2 vols. 8vo. Hamburg, 1826-1827. 53 SALOMON, DK. G. ()\'r Deutsche Volks mid Scliul liibel. 8vo. Altona, 1838. Twelve sermoiiB deli veroi . ...iit Ilaiii- l)iir<;;, ti'iinslatei by Anna Maria Goki.sinid. 6vo. Charleston, S. C, 1841. SALOMON, Rev. DR. LOUIS. The Mosaic System. Gmo. Philadelphia, 5G01, 1841. SADxMON A BEN VERGA. Cmtinens calamitates et exilia qiiibus JuJael a va'iis gentibiis vexati aunt, namiiones de aliquot Kseudo-Me- ecirumque poeiiis. Edited by Dr. M. Wiener. SALVADOR, J. Histoire de la domination Romaine en Judee et de la mine de .Ji5rusalem. Svo. Paris, 1847. SAMUEL, Rev. JACOB. The Rfmnant found. Svo. London, 1841. SAMUELS, M. Memoirs of Moses Mendelssolin. — including tiie correspondence. . . . with J. C. Lavater. Svo London, 1825. SAMUEL ARCHIVOLTL Hebrew Grammar, Prf>sodv. Rhetoric and 2 copies. Svo. -Vrasterdam, 'J4!tO, ITI'.O. SAMUEL ben ABRAHAM ABOAB. ni^s^L*' \s**i!:c' nDi itiD With a preface by .Jacob ben S. A. Venice, 1702 foL SAMUEL b-n ABRAHAM TSActFATHL "tnid::' nm nan (Annotations on the Talmud.) 8vo. Amsterdam, 1(509. '?KTt:c' ^pi^DJ VDNnpi ^nnnn '?r pt:"im '"cn '?>♦ '?;'* nini'j nimcnn nninn vnniVji D"Nnn rl^^cn '?r n)ycn DnD:np it}iDDi Amsterdam. 17iO fol. .SAMUEL ben AZRIEL. 'Din HD'?.! 'c*)yn iS*n;*o::oi D'r*n '?D '?;* D^oip*'? 4to Berlin, 5501—1741. SAMUEL ELIEZ?:R ben .lUDAII EDELS. mD'?n 'C^i'n N*rnn^ n^D Amsterdam, 1755 fol. *n"i?,!:n ^7;* ni:it:*m nnin 4to. Furth, 17f)4. SAMUEL, IBN THIBBON, R. 8vo. Pressburg, 1837. Another copy. o4 SAMUEL ben MEIR, K. d;^ mic'kVn m>s*'? xr Commentar zur Kolielet und dem Holien Jjiede zum ersten Male.... herausgegebea von Adolpli Ji'llinek. 8vo. Leipzig, 1855. SAMUEL ben MOSES de AVILAII. (With introductions to eacli sernion by H. ben Iben Zicliri.) Amsterdam, 1715 fol. "iDit: n^n n^)n "inD "iSD 4to. Amsterdam, 5485, 1725. SANDBUCHLEK, ALOYS. Abhandlnng iil)er die z\veekm:lssi<;en Mittel den hebriiischen und grieclii- schen Grundtext. 8vo. Salzburg, 1791. SAUL LEVI MORTEIRA. 4to. Amsterdam, 5405, 1(545. SCHILLER, FREDERICK. Historical Works. Translated by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M. A. 8vo. London, 184G. Siimmtliche Werke. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. SCHILLER, IMM. JOII. GERT. Lateiniscii-deutsclies und deutsch- lateiniriches llandelexicon ver- bessert (lurch G. II. Liinemaun. (Latin-German and German-Latin Dictionary.) 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1820. SCIIIRNDING, FERDINAND GRAFEN. Die .laden in Oesterreich, Preus en und Sachsen. 8vo. Leii)zig, 1842. SCHLEGEL. FRIEDERICH. Ueber die .Sprache und Weislieit dcr Indier. 8v(). Hcidelbei'g, 1808. SCHLESINGER, DR. LUDWIG. Ilistorische Einleitung zu R. Jos, A 1 bo's Buche Ikkarim. Svo. Frankfurt on-the-Main, 1844. SCHNEIDER JOHANN GOTTLOB. Griechisch-Deutsches Worterbucli. (Greek-German Dictionary.) 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1849. SCIINELL, 1. Das Israelit.ache Recht in seinm Grundziigen dargestellt. Svo. Rase', 185:]. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. Travels through America. 8vo. Albany, 1821. SCHROEDERO, CEL. Appendix Institutionum ad Funda- menta Linguae Hebraiehrbuch derjisraelitischen Religion,, zuni Unterriciue t'iir die .Jugend. Svo. Bayreutb, 1853. .SCHAVARTZ. R. J. n^'l'-'^n "1i:d i-rn ^^dv n^-i nsD 8vo. .Icriisaleni, 5f;03. 184.'!. .)0 SCHWARTZ, K.J. ^vt>. .loiiisaleni, odO). 1S4"). ■Svo. .K'rus;ileiii, .")()05— 1S45. .T);is licilijie I.ainl, Deiitsrli Uearlicitct vonfDr. Israel ydiwart/.. 8vo. iM-ankfmt a-M.. ISol'. SCIENCE. Kxplauaiiiiii u[' 'reriiis iiscil in I'lito- niol'igy. Title i)aji'i' wanting. . .\nisterdani. 1682, 5422. SELOMOH (le oLIVKYRA. n*t2iN* Din:) Deelaraciiin de las palabras C'aldaieas (pie so hallan en la sacra Kscritura print: vtjj;*::* |'?\v Viicaliulariip da Lingu.a roi'tugnesa. explicado en lleln aico. .Mphalieia llebraiei). derlarado en Por- tugue/.. Das palavras da ^lisna etc. ''-^y an^'cn nmc't:! '?p::vt:a Dnn'?in Anoilier copy. nnt:N on D;nj oni i3d N*^'? □^'?'?:3n nn£3,t:"i miino -ntDSin n::^'? nyc nniD '?x 12mo. Amsterdam, -5448, 10G8. Calendario Facil y Curizo de las Tablas Lunares Calculadas con las Tablas Solar es. Amsterdam, .J486, 1720. SERMON. . Bibliotek deutscher Kanzel l>ei-edsam- keit. Loffler, Reinhard. etc. 8vo. New York, 1827. SIIABTAl ben JOSEPH, snrnamed Bass. 4to. Amsterdam, 5440, 1680. SHABTHAI ben MEIR COHEN. n^n:\n or- • nri nnv -no '?;* 'inD "in^n nc'x pnx nnrj ncrt: p jinx i'erlin. 1767 fol. 56 SHAKSPEARE. Schauspiele von Johan Hemrich Voss und (lessen Sohncu. (Vol. I wanting.) 9 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1818. SHEM TOB ben JOSEPH PALQUERA nn: fcXini c^pn^n ncD (Edited by M. ben 1. Thamah.) 8vo. Amsterdam, 177J. Another edition. 8vo. Hague, 5532, 1772. pp in nni!:n n1^*2 n^D An adverse review of Moreli Nebuchim 8vo. Pressburg, 1837. SIFRA. ly^y^ Nnni ]ini< ]T)p nso 2 parts. Dessau, 1742 fol, SIMEON KARA, R. 2 vols. 8vo. Zolkicw, 18S«. SOHAR. Dni2K 'Hit::: D:3nn'? icnoco Furth, 1701 fol. Another edition. Furth 1710 fol. A Judisch-deutsch translation of the Sohar, (incomplete,) folio. 3 vols. Svo. -Vmsterdam, 5485, 1725. SIMEON ben TSEMACH DURAN. n:DD*:'? cnn^izi n:t:*n c^n D*:p 4to Livorno, 1741. SIMONIS, JOH. Lexicon manuale llebraicum et Clial- daicum. 8vo. Magdeburgicae, 1771. SIMONSON, Rev. M. H Holy Convocations r Rabbins. Svo. London, 5604, 18-44. Holy Convocations regulated by our Rabbins. BINDING, Rev. PAUL C. History of Scandinavia. 8vo. New York, 18G0. SKREINKA, L. Heitrilge zur Eiitwlcklungs-Ciesdrichte der jiidischen Dogiuen und des jiidis~ chcn Cultus. Svo. Wicn, 1801. SMITH, GAMLIEL, ESQ. Not Paul but Jesus. Svo. Lojxdon, 1823. 57 SMITH, HORACE W. ( Nuts for Future Historians to onick. | 8vo. Philadelphia, 185G. i SMOLLET, T., M. D. The History of England, fruiu tlie I Revolution in 1(388 to the death ol| George II, 8vo. Loudon, 1828. I SOLOMON N. ben ABRAHAM ALGAZI n^jiDi m:iN* j^j;^'? n'y'c*n 4to. Furth, 5452, lt>92. D*Dip'? DH'SD r\i:'?:;*2 isd 8vo. Amsterdam, 5463, 1703. ! H;^ cnTsD---DnnD on'? "I3d| 4to. Argenlorati (Strasburg,) 5537, 1777 SOLOMON ben ABRAHAM PENIEL. Oil the r>i))le. 4to. Venice, 5317, 1557. SOLOMON ben ABRAHAM COHEN. Wilhelmsdorf, 1720 fol. SOLOMON ben ABRAHAM of IRBINO A Dictionary of llel)i-e\v Synonyms. 4to. Venice, 5308, 1548. SOLOMON ben JACOB ALMOLI. (Imperfect.) 8vo. Constantinople, 1550 (?) SOLOMON ben JACOB ALMOLI. 'D *?;; "iD'»r::....m::i'?n '^^^Di: 8vo. Cracow, 1580 (^) SOLOMON ben JEHIEL LORIA. Oflenbach, 1718 fol. OflFenbach, 1718 fol. i Altuna, 1739 fol. r.crlin, 1761 f-il. SOLOMON Jl DAH LEON TEMPLO. Nnp'? D^jnijc* ppnn "no Svu. Amsterdam, 5487, 1727. SOLOMON ben JUDAH of HANAU. '?D '?'?iD • • • nynn inr^ n^o pnpin n!::)n (Incomplete.) 8vo. Berlin, 5510, 1750. SOLOMON MOLCO. 4to. Aiiistt'rdam. .')469, 1709. r>^ SOLOMON nf PIN'CZOW. Livorno, 1786 fol. SOMMERFELD, DR. HERMAN. Leitfiidcii beiin Uiiterrlcliic in ilcr l.-jraelitischen Religion. 12nio. Elbing;, 1S44. SOrHOCLES. Oeilipus 'rvriiinns. . . . wiili notes bv 1. W. Smart. 8vo. New Yori<, 1837. 8PIN0Z.\, B. D. 'I'l-iiite ties Ceremonies siiperstitieuses f former days, from oil ])aintinjis by Prof. M. Oppenheim. (I'^nglisii and (iernian.) 2 copies. 8vo. New Yoi-k. STEINHEIM, DR. S. L. Sinai, Gesjinge von ()l.;idiali age wanting.) Io„„,. ilMHover, 5586, 1820. '1 nVjn'^tD "13D G copies 8vo. Fr;inktini, 18G2. 59 STLZBEKCiER, MAYER. 'I'Ue Occitlent, Vol. 26. Svo. Philadelphia, 186S. SURENHUSIUS, GUILIELMUS. 4i... Aiiistelae.laiiii, 1713. SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL. Life of 12in(). RostoiK 1831. SZ()LI>. BENJAMIN. The divine origin and latiunality i»f the Decalogue. Svo. Baltimore, 1803. (With translation.) Svo. Baltimore. 180(5. D^^nn "i-DD T TACITUS, C. CORN ELI IS. Opeva. . . .cum notis selectis. 3 vols. 12"io. Bo-^toniae, 181S. Another edition. lOmo. Lipsiae. TALMUD 4to. Amsterdam, 5-10O. 1040. .Vmsterdam, 1003 folio. N*!:V rs2D*2 Aiiisterdain. 1710 folio. Svo. Amsterdam, .")481, 1721. 8v... Am-icrdam, .)4S1, 172'. 'IDT ''rn '5 or nrjn n^o:: 8vo. Amstci-dam. o.")04, 1744. TALMUD. Svo. Amsterdam, 1745. Amsterdam, 1704 folio. Another edition. Wien, 1842 fol. 2 copies. *rn '^ d;* m: root: S;vo. Met/., .5530, 1770. Svo. Metz, .5.540. 1780. AiMsicvd:im, 18<»G folio. D'C'J "not: 'd^'CT\' m^n Amsterdam, 170."), folio. t;(i TALMin. I TALMUD. 12 vols. AVicii. 1841— 44 lol. S'J (lucomplclc, 5 vols, wanting.) Fill. Ainstenhun. '"722 -ntDSi p niD-iD n:DD!: *pD-:"i -i::'N* ly^-n mSDin 4to. Berlin, IStJo. N*t:p NDD f*'?"in Title page w anting. I Meir hen Jacob Scliiff (?). Ifoinhurg (?). ]74r, (?). Fnitli, ]7(i6 folio. 2 vols. ,Svii. Ki)". Svo. Philadelphia. 1832. (;•_' TYSON, JOB E. Discourse delivered before the His^tor- ical Society of Pennsylvania, on the Colonial History of the Eastern and some of tiie Southern Slates. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. UIHLEIN, JOSEPH. Deutsh-Lateinisches und Lateiniscli- Deutsches Worterbuch. 8vo. Frankfurt-ani-Main, 1811. VANE, LIEUT. GENEKAL, CHAS. WM. War in (lei-nianv ami France in l8i:; and 1814. 12mo. Pliiladelpliia, 1831. VENTURA, (Shabthai ben Abraham.) Amsterdam, 1755 fol. VENTURE, MARDOCHEE. Prieres Journalieres ji lusajio dos Juifs Portugais ou Espagnols. 12mo. Nice. 1772. TUSK A, SIMON. The Stranger in the Synagogue. 12mo. Rochester, 1854. U V VERRI, ALESSANDRO. Le Notti Homane. 12mo. Fircnze. 1823. VERTOT, ABBE de. Revolutions de PoHuo^^iT, 8vo. Paris, 177.3. Ilisloire dcs lU'vohitions dt^ Siir-d»-. 12mo. Paris, 1811. VERGILIUS, P. MARONIS. Opera. l()mo. Lipsiae. 1820- Another edition. Selections fnuu ilir (Jeorgics. (Title page wanting.) VOLTAIRE. Theatre. 9 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1813. VONIIEISTER. KARL. Die .Jiiden. 8v(i. Naumbiirg. 18G3. W WADDINGTON, Rev. GEO., M. A. A History of the Church.... to the Reformation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833- WAGENSELIUS, JOII. CHRISTO- PIIORUS. Telaignea Sataiiae. lloc est Arcani et liorribiles, .lud.ieorum adversus Chris- tum Deum et Christianaiu Religionem Libri .'hstcUOTOi. WAUL, Dr. SAMUEL I'RIEDKU IF GUNTHER. l)cr Koran oder das (icset/. dcr M' lemen durch MuUanimcd. 8vo. Halle. 1828. W.VLKER, JOHN. Critical I'rontwuncing DictionarY. 4to. New V..vk. 1825. 2 vols. 4fo. Altdorf, 1081. 63 WALKER, S. C. Interlinear to Caesar, Ovid, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1823. WAMOSTEOCHT, N., LL. 1). Grammar of the French Language. 8vo. Philadelpliiii, 1842, WATSON, ROBERT, D. D. History of the Reign of Philij) II. 8vo. New York, 1818. WAY, Rev. LEWIS, A. M. Reviewer.'* Reviewed. (On tlie con- version of tlie .Jews.) Svo. London, 1819. WEDEKIND, ANT. CHRIST. Chronologisches Ilandbuch dcr Ncuern Geschichte, (l?40 -1815.) 2 vols. Svo. Liineliurg, 181.5. WEIL, JACOB. ItJiiKi. .\uisteidam, 5497, 1737. WEIL, (Netlianeel ben Naplitali.) 'c*"i. Loniloii, 1852. ZSCHOKKE, HEINRICH. Des Schweizerlamls (lescliiclitc f'iir das Schweizervolk. 8vn. AaiMu 1834. ZIJNZ, Dr. Zeitschrift fiii- ilic \\ isscnscliaft des .Tiidenthums. 2 copies. 8vo. licrlin, 1822. Die gottesdieiistliflicu Voitr-iso der Juden. 8vo. IVrlin. 18;J2. I>ie synagor^alc Pucsie des Mittdiiltcrs 8vo. F>erlin, 1855. Naclitrag zuv Li teraturge.s(dii elite ilor synagogalen Poosie. 8vo. Berlin, ]8(i7. ITY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. THE LIBRARY JJ3VIIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA: .. ^~- LOS ANGELES Ai. Lee.ser 7070 Catalogue of the LE^lc Leeser library UCLA-Young Research Library Z7070 .L51c y L 009 555 157 8 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 269 916 Z 7070 L5lc fev ml