UC-NRLF B 3 b57 521 ( ^ ENGLISH - PERSIAN POLYTECHNICAL DICTIONARY Compiled by A.ARGANI AMIRKABIR PUBLICATIONS ORGANIZATION T«hT«a-XraB Y^ t' Q J anno ante christum; auto- absolute; acre; acoustics; matic amplitude control ampere; anode; antenna AASl ^ ( A I American Academy of Sci- ) absolute; acceleration; air- ence course; ammeter; atomic; ar- gon; annealing; amplitude; ^^ ^ arrest points, critical points ^. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^. ^'- ^^^ '^^ a.b. I a a I as befor anti-aircraft ABl AAA I airborne American Automobile As- sociation abaci i'f abacus ^>^-^ American Association for abahng <>> ^ - the Advancement of Science A battery /f Gbb abso abbi abbreviation abc 1 automatic brightness con- trol ab electrostatic unit AbeFs reagent aberration (-'■^'^ "-^'s/Tj! •u'"'-^. 'c^'^^ ablation J^,^ 'cM Abney level abnormal glow discharge abnormal steel jU^^U ^Vjj A-bomb 1 ^^^^ atomic bomb about sledge Ob^r ^ above ground jl^j cl^^^-l above ground level abradant oU- ^^r abrasion c/*V.l- abrasive abrasive band (jjlToL:- oJ abrasive belt abrasive cloth .^L:- a>-jU abrasive disk oL.^- <»Jua 'iS^f^ tiCi^ abrasive paper oU- Jc^lT abs i absolute; absorption abscissa t^^ j^^*^ -4a^"i J^ abs. E 1 absolute error absinthin joSi <^^bU- .^ absinth(e) oil absolute jU»* absolute advance absolute alcohol ^3ili^ J^3l absolute capacity jiia>» cJ^ absolute density jila>» J15C>- absolute electromagnetic unit absolute error jil»^ cfLia^i- absolute heating effect abso a.c, absolute humidity ji^i*^ ^\^j absolute permeability absolute temperature absolute unit crU^) jlU o^.!^ (ou; ^ r^ J> cT*^' t^u^i^ absolute value J^ ->^ absolute zero jlJa> >- t^'-*^ absolutely dry vibj. liiu idi-ip- '>ur absorbency of paper Six ^vili^ J\ o>xi absorbent oil (c^) oiU-^>^^j absorber absorption of condenser cha- rge oj^ j> ^^ v^ absorption of gases UjlT oo^ absorption of heat by evapo- ration ^r^>«r'' c^'^. f JV ^sJ'^ absorption plant absorption tower (c-iJ ) v-»a». 0^1- .v-xi5- C^. absorption tube abs.t i absolute temperature absorber shock absorption v^i g- absorption apparatus >dur absorption bottle absorption capacity absorption coefficient absorption coil absorption dynamometer absorption marker (to) abstract (C^)J^^T^J^ abtl about abutment (pier) Jt sM Hit abutment stone (^^) JIL ^\. ii5Lu- abyssinian gold ^^^-^ ac I acre; accumulator a.c. > a-c I alternating current A.C.I alternating current ac accu Ac I -OU:* J actinium (^^i'jy) OLiJ I J J-*::-! J ol — i-l (^L* Aci 3UI t^U^) iVy JvA-J i»Uj jl ,^jC Ac2 ^Vy J^v" i»lAJ jJ ^i Ac 3 iV> Jo-j i,Uj jl ^, AC4 t^U^) iV> JvV •i'U; jl JCj^ acacia ^.^ e*^ acacin(e) ^^^^^ c:*^ ^^cademy of Sciences Acad. Sci 1 Academy of Sciences ace i acceleration ACCl automatic chrominance control ACCCl American Coordinating Committee on Corrosion accel i accelerator accelerated ageing test accelerating electrode acceleration v'-^^ acceleration rod c^^ aL.. acceleration space accelerator ((J-jy^yl) jlf JIa, ^r^J I' IT foOo Li .ftcXj [iJL:iyS3 1 accelerometer (U-^I^a) ^-oUi acceptable quality level acceptable reliability level acceptance test acceptance trial access man way ^j •il-^ accessory rjij) «^ra. accessory minerals*^.— ;»(^Uj IT access-ramp methode access road ^J .U i,^^r-^ .Ij accident boat oU; j^U accoloy c^^^T (^Vy) accumulation Ct^^ajI «crl^" accu 5 acid accumulator isj^. ••j^jI acetylene gas oU^' 3^ J^ojU-.^ !(dl))(^^^l» .t^loLjl acetylene lamp accumulator metal ^jl v^ acetylene welding .c^^- j^o^^^- accurate position finder 0>-ri ^ ^^-1 L c^jlC^^ Ac. H i acetaldehyde ACCW i alternating - current conti- achromatic lo.^-. ^ .L- nuous- waves transmitter /. \.\ ^. - A.C, D.C. receiver •^^^ A rh S i ( ^J^. i ^^ t^iii'-' «c^y^ ^ ^^ American Chemical Society ) A.C, D.C. converter American Concrete Insti- ACE I tute automatic computing equ- ipment acicular iron aceration ^ I^^.Vy ^^i^^j^r structure .Jh- ^^L- Acetal (^Oo^.^ou^^ acetic acid ^cid 'V-l acid bath acetate rayon (^j^--l c^J^^r^^' «(^^V-I c^*^ O^ij •es'L^I c*-^?.^.' 3cid Bessemer pig acetate silk r«k «, c^o,-! ^y*— j v>a>- 051J *J^'^ {^^^^.j>} ^cid Bessemer process acetic acid t^^-^l ^j*^. J'^j (IX^ ji^i iK'f ^ jt>y>- acid brick t^^v*' ..^^ acetylene cA-^l acid brittleness oT ^ouO acetylene flame o^-' ^^ (j^*) Jhj'^t'^ ,f'^^-^^ -^^^l acid ac.oh acid bronzes ti^^l ci^^>> acid clay is^ wj acid converter acid core solder acid corrosion ^^-1 J'^j^ acid dipping «v-l j^ cd>^^y acid dyes (JT) t^ju-! <^l^^ acid embrittlement acid etching *v-> '^. o^^ acid heat test acid lining acid open-hearth pig acid pickle -a^I L ^^^^ A*Li acid process <^ou-i (S}L. ^Vy acid-proof ou-l jui. acid proof paint o^l jl^ tiX;^ acid proof wire j^\ o^i j,^ acid pump acid refractory acid resisting alloy acid resisting steel acid room ^--1 oj^* jju-I jUI acid Siemens-Martin steel acid slag (v->ji *->J^) t^'^-'' •-^^^^ acid sludge ^cid steel (^w>^l ^V*i .^y^i iVy acid sulphuric putty acid treating acid treatment acidic value c^a^l jat acidifiable .a;yiju«.| acidifier .ou^ou-t acidity j^a^I c.>xi acidizing (of wells) acidulated water i^vJu-l oT aclinic line j^-JpUu t^fy-l Jo- ACMi Association for Computing Machinery acme thread c^'^Jji •j^^ Ac.oh 1 acou actu acetic acid Acoustical Society of Ame- rica fc^l ^^Uir^-*» ^ Jl acoustic fatigue J^-^ ^^^^^-^ acoustic feedbac cj^^oi\jy^\^ acoustics di-ji-^T ,v:>Lir>-» ACRl approach control radar acre ^»I^> «c^ ^=^b) ^J A. C. receiver a-c. rel 1 alternating current relay ACSi American Chemical Society ACSR I Al Cable Steel Reinforced J^^y. actinic balance actinic paper {^^^) cr*^^ ^^ actinium (^.L^-j:. ,.r-»-^) c^r^^T actinon (Oj^ljoy^j*J)u>^i5'T actinouranium action of terrestrial magne- tism Cj^J u**-^^*'" S^^ activated alumina activated carbon *a^ J Us Jlij activated charcoal ftU- JLj JUj activation overpotential activator (^iU:-.>»3J) ^^l--5^ active J w>*> «J^^ active component (dii) ^.> l.]> active conductor ,^^^^^^ active corrosion active current (^iii) ^»> o^-i active E. M. F. active gases o^ijy^ Oly actual J^> . J-^ 'c***'-? actual breaking load actual gas ^yJli jlf actual horsepower actual velocity ^'l^ c-^^ actu 8 adj actual weight ^^\^ Ojj actual working pressure AcUi actinouranium acyclic machine adl addenda; advice; aerodrome adl air-dried; average depth a/di after date ADi air defence ADAi Al Development Association; Applied Data Automation adamantine drilling adapter (^^aJ^J) J.o-j adapter bolt v^i ^^> . jUi^ ^-j adapter flange adaptive metallurgy AD cell i air depolarized cell added metal isj^^^ ^ addenda ^J l.^ addendum «ao^w jasUo adder (^'^-^LT) Oj*-*^ adding machine oL-*. ^^-U additional tank (^^^) c^^' ^J^^-" addli additional adjustable back adjusting bolt (J^> ^-> addnl i additional adii automatic direction finder ADFi automatic direction finder a.d.g. i amalgam-decomposition grade adhesion ,j>*^ cAk-^ (Sj^ ADIi American Documentation Institute adiabatic wall U^ J».U jl^^ adit 0Vb« Jl*I Ji^; .Oo*^ jJU^ adji Gdja admi adjacent; adjustment adjacent sound (Or,y,j^) j^^ Jli^ c^'*^ adjustable ^A c^' «,.yt^^ adjustable angles adjustable combination pliers adjustable condenser adjustable coupling adjustable pipe pliers adjustable pipe wrench adjustable reamer adjustable saw set pliers — O' — >■ •' — CiL-.^ «©jl jjS' C— I J Sr*^ adjustable screw adjustable spanner *-il^ jt>-T adjustable speed motor jy>* adjustable thermostat adjustable water pump pliers adjustable wrench *-il^ jl:>-^ adjustable wrench with dou- ble ended head adjusted decibel adjuster iL^lj^ *(J^^ adjusting rod J-#U U^ adjusting screw adjustment ad lib i ad libitum ad libitum • l^aJoj a. d. m. I '^^ cti-ijtevl?t. amalgam - decomposition material ADMAi American Drug Manufactu- rers Association admedium lampholder admiralty brass admiralty metal j^^ ^ ^ « ^_ U j3 ^ ^^ admission valve ^.j^ admittance adob ^0 aere (J^J ^>Uaf .t^^Ui Colo* Assistant Engineer adobe ^U- c.Li- adp crystal | ammonium dihydrogen phosphate adsorption ^^LiT^ ^^/>^ yo^ adv i ad valorem; adverse ad valorem J-jA '^J^. advanced integrated landing system advance (-diameter) ratio advance signal Advisory Group for Aeronau- tical Research & Development Advisory Group on Reliabi- lity of Electronic Equipment adz(e) Ai^ Aei aerial AEi AEAi Atomic Energy Authority AECi American Engineering Co- uncil; Atomic Energy Co- mmission; Atomic Energy Corporation AECB i Atomic Energy Control Board AEI 1 • *"^ ' Association of Electrical Industries Ltd .il aemu t absolute electromagnetic unit aerate O^b ^l. i Oy^^ *i.yy^' ^y^. «*^^'^--' Oy^ aerodrome *^^j^ aerodynamics aerometer (\^^ J^) c-^*-'^* Aeronautical Research Labo- ratory o*^* oliji»JolO.|^L»jT aeronautics ,, t^^jyUi aerostat p^U AESi ^' American Electrochemical Society; American Electro- platers Society; Audio En- gineering Society AESCi American Engineering Standards Committee aesu i ab electrostatic unit AEWi aircraft early warning afi audio frequency All full annealing AFi audio frequency a I ai audio (-frequency) ampli- fier v.- • \M^^ AFAi ale 12 agei audio (-frequency) ampli- fier a f ci automatic frequency con- trol AFCi automatic frequency con- trol AFCRC i Air Force Cambridge Rese- arch Center affluent a^ ]j,j AFOSR i Air Force Office of Scienti- fic Research AFTi automatic fine tuning aft Ol^l .j^^^S" ij^ ^.-^Ji aft castle afterblow (^r*-i *-'/^) c5i'-^-' >-^ ^^w^ after-damp (»ou«» after date .^.y o>L>» jl o^ti after effect <^y ^ ^1 after glow '{Oy,ji^*) oU-* after hatch after heat .o^ U ^^U^ a gi air gap air bed airport beacon Agt argentum AGAi American Gas Association AGARD 1 Advisory Group for Aeron- autical Research & Develop- ment A-gas 1 aviation gasoline a gel automatic gain control AGCi automatic gain control age hardening ( ji*) <^j'-^^, ageing (j^) <^jL ^, ageing of magnet ageing of transformer 0^^^^ agen 13 aiha agent j>^l> «J*U agglomerate Advisory Group on Relia- bility of Electronic Equip- ment agricultural steel agglomerated coal agglomerate roasting agti agent agglomerating plant (c^T^^ ji) ,5-iu ^^ .ir^ir agglutinate o'i*«^->-^ AGUl American Geophysical Union aggregate «^ aggregate cement ratio -■■-----'-a nhi ampere-hour OU--- Aj» A-U c--— J AGIi American Geological Insti- tute agitation ^y*j^ iO:>^^ i.^5i-» ^O^j^ <», agitator •a^ri,y.3L* iOj*> AGLl above ground level agonic line ^i^'^*. ^^ ogri agriculture AGREE i AIA I Aircraft Industrial Asso- ciation; American Institute of Architects AICi American Institute of Che- mists AICEl American Institute of Che- mistry Engineers; Ameri- can Institute of Consulting Engineers aided tracking *i9^-r> iS^^^ AIHA 1 American Industries Hy- one 14 aire giene Association AIIEl American Institute of In- dustrical Engineers AlLl airborne instruments labo- ratory oils i advanced integrated land- ing system aiming point air blower Oj^l ,^^ airborne ^Jy^ airborne instruments labora- tory airborn radio installation airborn range only air box Jy* o^^ air brajce air-break S ^y '* '-lS^^.J ^y air brick JU- ^^T airburst bomb jy^ .^^> air cataract air cell battery ^^^U y <^^rU air classifier (^ylT (^U*Jb) ^Jy» •ai-:r (»---i; air cleaner 1^ ^L* air compressor (\y^) jy^^^ air condenser ^yJ^* ^-'^ air cooled motor ^ iSjy^ air cooled transformer ^^* air core .4^^,,* clU^ aircourse ly* 0U_;?- aircraft armement aire 15 airm aircraft carrier ^U^ly^ ^li aircraft early warning Aircraft Industrial Associa- tion Aircraft Radio Laboratory - aircraft radio mechanic aircraft radio regulation aircraft radiosight air dash-pot air defense ^J>* ^^^ air depolarized cell ^.l>^ J** air dielectric air dried 1^ j:* •^^ lii-^J- air dried brick c^^^ air duct **.>«> AIRE I t - i! American Institute of Ra- dio Engineers air eliminator t^^ly^ (^) airfield •^^^J airfield runway •^^^J *^^ air filter oil ly^ ^yL» ^>^jj air foil ( U^ly» J^ t^a^^) v>^'^ Air Force Cambridge Resear- ch Center ^y ^^^i^' S^^ Air Force Office of Scientific Research ,^^ oU-,i9j yi^ air furnace (U.S) .^.Ujl* S-?^ (^Vy s-^^S) ^jjj ijj^ air gap ^^ «^^ air gas ly^ 3^ oL-jlT jlf 1 i air (pressure) gauge air gun c^->^ '^*^' air hammer air hardening {:M) t^il-^*- air hardening area air hardening steel air humidity ^^ ^.^-> air jet (•jj^) ^y^^'>^^ air - lift air lock 'i^ ^ air - locked v^ ioo^- o>a-~^ air machine c5^.->«y .'»^1* airu 16 aiwm air natural cooled Air Navigation Development Board (j^j^ly* **-y ^^ air normal pressure air outlet \y^ rL^j>- cxiU^ air resistance ly* o-*jU-« air rifle t^^^ '^'^ air route surveillance radar air route traffic control center air screw ^ly^ c^ air separator <(^^U (^oii ^ib air space paper core cable air speed indicator 5*^3 U air starting valve air suspension air tight ^^oi-j* -> alarm bell J^ *^i alarm gauge <^^jT ^^l>* albatra alloy t^'UT ^j^ Albion metal O^T <^U4*^^ ale i alcohol Al Cable Steel Reinforced alclad c^l^j^) ^>^J» ((»,».u^^T ^i^ t^ljb c^^ alcohol burner Ji^IJi ^l^>- alcohol lamp J^l ^'^ alcoholimeter c^- J^3' alcomax ^U^3I ^^U^» aid i ^*^* •*" aldehyde Al Development Association A Id ip process vi^' o^^-' Aldrey t^j^T <►--- Aldurbra \^.jy^\ ci^. alfa alfenid ^T t^u^j^ alfenol J^T ^J,L:^ alfer >1T,^1^ Alferieff process •-*i>J^ <^->^ <*t!^*^>3^ Al-f in process -•i\^ _ii^ c*^^^^ iSj'^^tJ algol i algorithmic language algorithmic language alidad '^/3I^ i^^i^^ align (to) *o:>J' jy^* ^ aligned-grid valve aligner il-Ji>-» aligning punch <^^^' v^- aligning tool (^1^^ jW^ alignment alitizing ^^ •->>>- (^*^^ ' alive wire alizarine 0'.-''>-^^ 'ct^j-' ^•i^ alki alka 18 all-u alkali; alkyl alkali-proof steel .Li* aj, ^Vy alkalimetry ,^^ U^ alkaline ^Li* alkaline attack alkaline bath i^i^^* r^^ alkaline battery ^.Li* t^^'U alkaline corrosion alkaline earth metals alkaline salt ^}Sa dU alkalinity 0:^^. o'-^^' alkali treatment Allen wrench alligator clips (_^jU-»^ ^1 .^J^ jl^^ alligator effect ci^.i^l alligator wrench l^jU^y ^\ «4l^ jl>-l all-in aggregate all-level sample o*^^ *^>** all-metal type tube all-mine pig iron (Cw-I oOu*! C—i A» a Homeric j^. (^ allomorphous J^ ^^ allotriomorphic allotropy ^e^J^^'' . J'jlj^^ allowable bearing value (O^.-loSy) allowable pile bearing load *i^i >^ "^-^'j 3U.J* jLi* allowable pressure jU«>» ^Uj allowance JU^^-^" JU«^> ^yj alloyed cupro-nickel jUT alloying Alochrom process A Iodine process Alodizing process aloft aloof ^l*. c^i> j^ alpaca ITUT yi-j^ Alpax (c^^^iT) ^UT jUT alpha alloys liJT c^UjUT alpha- beta brass U^-UlT ^^ alpha brass liiT ^i^ alpha bronze UJ T ^^ alpha iron UiT ^T Alplate process c-JUl ^^^ Alsifer >-:-JT ,_^Ui^ altl alteration; alternating; al- titude alteration c^jISjl-^ .cM-»I «.,;-r-H^ alternate-immersion test alternating v^Lu.* alternating arc alternating current alternating-current continuo- us-waves transmitter alternating current generator ^y li alternating current magnet alternating current motor alternating current relay ^ alternating stress alte 20 am alternation c:>» ^ a Iternator . jy Ij ^ T altimeter »r^y-^'^ 'c^ t^j^ altitude ( ^,j^ c^ -^' ) d^'-'' aludip v**.^^T iVy alum ^- ci3 alumilite process alumina 0*^^T aluminium (^*>iiT aluminium alloys aluminium-anode cell ^_^-^-^y 1 Okj I li ^L.>- aluminium bearing aluminium brass aluminium bronzes aluminium cement aluminium-copper alloy aluminium cupro-nickels aluminium iron bronzes aluminium-magnesium alloys aluminium manganese bronze aluminium-nickel bronzes jbJ^J ^^^i^'\ iS^J^*' aluminium-silicon alloy aluminium soldering aluminium-tin bearing aluminize ^ Li^* <^-:^j)T aluminizing <^jt^ (.^ri*-^^ aluminothermic process alumrock c.-Jj3T ^clj «^- alum-stone c'3 <^-' alundum «j^ amalgam-decomposition ma- terial A^J» Sou-i5 4j_j^; S^U amalgam retort tujSj^ ^}^\ 3 tJ amber ^,^ Am, Chem See 1 y^nt-, American Chemistry So- ciety American Academy of Science American Association for the Advancement of Science American Automobil Asso- ciation ^,y^\ uljL.L-^yl ^>.>ut American Chemical Society American Chemistry Society American Concrete Institute ■i »^-^twr*' v>^' ^i^' Oy-^. <^J--: American Coordinating Com- mittee on Corrosion American Documentation Ins- titute ^,^\ 3U-I <^>:-j:-;I American Drug Manufacturer Association American Electric Railway Engineering Association .^ American Electrochemical So- ciety ^^1 Ulj^. I A*>1;> American Electroplaters So- amer 22 amer ciety '^w^' OU'C. 1 Aiu»U» American Engineering Coun- cil l^i^i ^ ish^^ American Engineering Stan- dards Committee American Gas Association American Geological Insti- tute bl»^l ^^u^^. -:-»-? (_gjX.JI>Mj il American Geophysical Union American Industries Hygiene Association '^wT*' (j^-'Ji tl^ t*^^?^ American Institute of Archi- tects '^^ ^ ' C^-> '■•^^ C^i^^s^^-i ' American Institute of Che- mists 1^^^ I (j ^ I ^^-«-s^ (^^--^^ ' American Institute of Che- mistry Engineers American Institute of Consu- lting Engineers American Institute of Indus- trical Engineers American Institute of physics American Institute of Radio- Engineers 4 H»A American Institute of Steel & Iron ^:^l ^Vy j ua>. (^^^.x^l American Institute of Steel construction American Institute of Weigh- ts & Measures American Management Asso- ciation JC^I Cj.^.a^ v>^' American Medical Associa- tion ^,^1 ^^Ji **>l^ American Patent American Petroleum Insti- tute IC^I c-a; cp>^jl-jI American Physical Society American Radio Association American Radio Relay Lea- gue ^l^^ (♦^t— i'. *i:>l»«^l American Radio Telegraphis- ts Association American Railway Union American Rocket Society amer 23 ompe American Society for Metals American Society for Testing Materials American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mecha- nical Engineers American Standard American Standard Associa- tion ^_^l cfl^^jl-^i^l oUjL American Standard buttress thread ^♦i (_fU#ai^ v^'.'^^' ^jlaiLL-l American Standard thread American Statistical Associa- tion IC_yl jUT OUjL American Terms Ail* ^.^^ ^-^ ^U^*> American War Standards IC^I ,^5^^ (^l»^ J I a: It-* I American Welding Society American Wire Gauge ^^. c— ^^ Amer Std I American Standard amiant (hus) o>-i <--i* amidships amine treaters (c.ii);if amiralty (brass) amm 1 amalgam ammeter ammeter shunt ammonia ^U'^'T ammonia gauge ilU^T^^^tti ammonia spirit ammunition ship amor 1 amorphous amorphous j^Li^^ 'J^^^* amorphous materials amorphous wax ^15C-^ o^b^ amortissor winding amp i ampere; amperage amperage (<^^.) ooi j'ai> ampere ampe 24 anal ■ampere balance Ojl^ ^z^^^l ampere-hour c-frl- j> ^^T (AZ;,^yS3\ j\o.AM Jl^ <^i^l^) ampere-hour efficiency ampere per square feet ampere per square inch ampere-turn nmp-hr I ampere-hour Am Phys Soc I American Physical Society «mpl i amplifier; amplitude amplidyne ^3^) ^,os>VT amplification amplification factor amplifier amplitude (cj*) -T Jlj and so on •^3 anemograph aI> CJ i^ oU ijlCi iU anemometer ^*-^ iU aneroid t^jLi^u-jLJ angi angle angle u^ v>*^ '*t^'i angle bar ^(c^T) angle iron .^(^T) angle block u^^r- **ij\j '^-^ S^./*' *iS^y^ S^iwr- angle steel ,^ (o*^) quqI 26 anod angle washer c^j>^ ^h Angstrom unit ^ji^l (j^.L. 1o-A^,|^ J^^l^) angular cutter *i^l j jj angular displacement angular frequency angular velocity c^l*>^l3c^^ anhlyd) 1 anhydrous; anhydride anhydride ^,j^ i anhydrite e^ ^^^^ anhydrous «ii^^ i^^* V^cji aniline oJ^' aniline dyes ,^jl ^^Uoj-Xij animal electricity animating electrode anion O^T anisentropic flow anisotropic ^jUa>U anli automatic noise limiter ANLI automatic noise limiter ann 1 annals ^,^, ^ annals 4*LJL annealed in vacuum annealing ( ji> ) isJ^. ^ anno ante christum annular magnet <^^iL-(jL^*T annulus pressure annunciator jl^l «i^j anode (J^J oiT.c-Ji^ ^ anode battery B isj^. 'B J^i anode breakdown voltage anode dark space anode efficiency ^T ;^jU anode fall ^iT jb.» cil anode glow <^aiT aL^ anode metal <^y^ ji> anode ray anode region ^*\ U^ ant I ^, antenna 4 anta *cuLi antenna (U,S) antenna array antenna attenuation antenna capacity ^T c^J^ antenna coil :^T di^i :c^ c^-' ' vy. cT*^-^ (**-' antenna gain antenna ground o^^ antenna matching unit ,y:j 1 (3 Mail .Id-^^ antenna switch ^^ToJlT anthracite anthracite coal c^^\yi I anti-aircraft ^Jy* ^>-i anticathode oriT^T anticlastic curvature •y. L^^l J^(^ anticorodal ^.ojU^i (^^^^--.^T) anticorrodant xOr)c5l^^ Ol>^tiiT antimony golden sulphide antimony regulus antinode (o») (*^- anti-parallel feeding antipit agent anti-pitting agent antirot material ivi^joL^ S^U antirust paint ^' antiskid treatment antisqueak J^<^ *^y anti-submarine detection in- vestigation committee j^ o ULi. ^ jU >- JJ L-^ J--X; ) Uh U j^^,-i. j antitarnish paper anvil ^'*^^ anvil bed olo^ anvil block c^'^^^ ^' anvil chisel ^.3 ^.^* ao i and others AO AOG AOVl automatically operated valve AP i American Patent; airplane; airport; aiming point; arith- metical progression api apex; apothecary a/pl authority to pay; authority to purchase Api a pa appl A-pole 4PAi available phosphoric acid apatite (J^) ^W^J u p c i automatic phase control APCl automatic phase control aperiodic circuit ol^y ^. jl*^ aperiodic current aperiodic phenomenon aperture mask (^') cU-j;-* i»^-* aperture plate c^^J^,^ apex ^ i*l» -c^J <^r rhE5f APF I accurate position finder AFFCi automatic phase & frequen- cy control api I air- position indicator APU American Petroleum Institute A-pole a^UA.lToC; apothecary ** l9"^jl^ apparatus; appendix appar I apparatus apparatus apparent density ^^=:«^ ^ ^ apparent depth <^^^ J^ apparent dip uk C>»jli^ apparent slope t^^Ui .^--^ I^^^lj apparent surface apparent total porosity apparent velocity iS^^^^a" apparent viscosity \%u0si ^^Ui C:>JJ^ 'c5^«'^ <^J^*^ application printing Applied Data Automation applique (d) (^'^''. ) c^i^^*^' appr arc appr i (iq sol i approximate aqueous solution approach control radar jbU (ipprox 1 approximate aqua fortis 'v'^' aquanol ^T o^ S^U) J^I^^T aqua regia ^lU-^l^- appx i ^ appendix apron apron conveyor ^s^*^*^ apsi i ampere per square inch apt i -^- automatically programed tool; automatic picture tra- nsmission aql aniiiqqE aqua; aqueous aqli acceptable quality level aqueduct fl^oTI aqueous corrosion J\ ^o^jy- a r I analytical reagent 4. Kl analytical reagent \RA i American Radio Associa- tion arable gum ^^y^ i^-' arbitrary unit ol^U ^^-Ij arbor ^dsj^^j) ^^^ J** arbor press a^C^ arborescence o^'-^'i^ 'c*^-^ arborescent powder (jLj^ <^^^^^ '(^^»«^ (S^^^ arc (li^.) *9^^ «o-y ciqreg I aqua regia ARC! automatic range control; arcb n arl automatic remot control arc-back arc blow arc-cathode arc dam .^f y. arc deflector <^j>' f^'^ ^->L^> arc drop (cJj) <^1**,^ o%'! arc furnace arch u-y •c*'.^ «^^ archimedean screw architrave oy-^^ (jyj ^^^^ archivolt J^'^ ^^ arch stone ' v>^V arc light projector a re- loss ti •<»,/»• vJ^'l arc machine ^>. c^jlsii^ c^L. Arco microknife Arco proof meter arc rectifier ns^*ijf ••^-uT ^-Xii, arc-through loss of control arc welding (^'*»^ ^iJ^>^ ARDC 1 Air Research &Development command areal map ^1^*^ liii areal velocity ^/»«1»- c^^^ area of conductor ^;-. ^Jai^ ^J«- .(►-y- ojloil areometer 7;^~' >^ argental Jliiljj'i >2,jj argentan o\^\jj^ y^JJ argent francais argentum »y^ argon (^.U- ) O/.i argon arc welding J*jfj\ >- J*^ <^->>. c5^^ arl I arl 32 aro aerial; acceptable reliabi- lity level ARLi Aeronautical Research Labo- ratory; Aircraft Radio La- boratory arm <:-i «aL»a ojU ARMi aircraft radio mechanic; aviation radioman armada ^^>- j^ armature ijy^J\ armature band ,y>!f^J^ ^^^ armature bar ^r?*^jT iL^ armature binding ^r?^->T ^*^ armature binding wire armature coil armature core ^=5^->T li--* armature core plate f L:*.^ *jj^ armature duct armature end-play armature interference armature pocket y^^S^ ->^ armature reactance T^urT^ armature reaction ^j^^A j:jS\^ armature shaft ^r^y»->T jy>^ armature slot v^^^jT jL^ armature spider y>p^j\ lS> armature stand .r?*-->T lU armature tape^^ ^jj ^^..^ j\y armature tooth yf^j'\ cr*i armature varnish y^^jT filVb armature winder ^^.^r'^J^ Armco iron j^Ac^T armed cruiser ^^jj arm file yZ-^J^O^y armour •JJ 'Cr'yi' armoured cable ci^j,ir armoured glass ^'^ ,4j^r OLi ll.i armour piercing cartridge vil; iidij armour-plated sh ip j\oj^j}(ji^) arm stirrer . ^\\i^jf^^y^ urmtr i armature Army-Navy Design (^.^l)ol ^J^ lSJ^ C> AROi airborn range only arom ^ as cirom i article; artificial aromatic aromatic (oL^^J A R T A 1 ^^iU (oL^^-) .viUU^jl American Radio Telegra- phists Association ^«R^ artccl aircraft radio regulation ^. j. ^^^^^ ^^.^^^ j^, ^^^^^.^1 array J-*!^ cr-*\ *u^'*^ .lO-^ center arrest points artesian water oijijT (•U) ^T (iVy oU^U)J a^- irlii article J^-»^ .oU arris (OU^U) ^^j articulated conrode J^j^ oyl^ A R R L i articulated type American Radio relay Ji^^ oy^^, ^x-^ League artificial ^^^ arrow head ^jj ^i-*» .0^. artificial ageing (J^) c^JU^^ ^ p g I artificial dyestuff aircraft radiosight; Ameri- iJ^J^ t^U^j can Rocket Society artificial magnet arsenic (^dW^ ^r^*^) ^^^j\ j^^^^ cr^^^ arsenical amalgam artificial silk arsenical copper j\oSi^j\ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ arsenical lead alloys arsenopyrite American Railway Union as i a rs r i * • i .„ asymmetrical air route surveillance radar Asl ci r t i arsenic as 34 aso ASi Academy of Science ASAi American Standard Asso- ciation; Acoustical Society of America; American Sta- tistical Association; Atomic Scientists' Association asbestos asbestos-cement pipe asbestos fibers asbestos-mica asbestos yarn jy^ (vh -^') c' asbolite ^l^- cJLT .cJ>~-l ASCi automatic selectivity con- trol; automatic sensitivity control as cast {(Sj'^^j) **!>» A S C E i American Society of Civil Engineers ASDICi anti - submarine detection investigation committee asfi and so forth n/s. f I ampere per square feet ash ji^^ ash corrosion «c^^- J'^Ji^ ash determination ashing Jl^^i:>l i^^i-^U- L ^^'•>^ ashlar (stone) ashpit ^.i^U-Jb^ a/s. i 1 ampere per square inch ASH air speed indicator ASMl American Society for Me- tals ASMEl American Society of Me- chanical Engineers a.s.o i and so on aspc 35 assi ASP CI air space paper core cable aspect ratio (^) 4s«L* (J'^ A> J^) C---i asperities ^«i^-^ asph i asphalt asphalt ^ ,cJlx-I asphalt-base petroleum asphalt brick ^^^T^T asphalt coating ^ U-T J^^j asphalt-concrete Oy^ _ cJU-*l asphalten j^^^ asphalt felt ^r^^^ "^ asphaltic bitumen ildiBaaYS^ asphaltic cement ^l^-T oU-^ asphaltic concrete asphaltic emulsion asphaltic gum asphaltic matter ^'^ asphaltic oil ^^li-T cJii asphaltic sand ^^^^-^ ^^ asphalting ^^^tJli-,! asphalt lacquer asphalt-lined tank eu asphalt macadam c?^ ^^blTU asphalt mastic t5^» v— =r asphalt mortar .ui^T ^i asphalt powder cJU-T ^^f ^u-T.b (S^ tlCu. <-»u asphalt road asphalt sand asphaltum asphalt vein aspirator aspirator pump aatB/*n8 aspiring pump A/sq.fi ">: ampere per square feef"^^ A/sq. in I ampere per square inch assay crucible u^.L*j' ♦'r. assaying *^\j^ 'o»«^->U<» assembled battery "'^'^^ assembling assembly screw Assistant Engineer . r'^^-A* clUT assn 36 at assn i association associated minerals Associate Member azwIj ^j«p Association for Computing Machinery (IC>^^I) ^y^^ OlT'AiiL- i*>»U- Association of Electrical In- dustries Ltd oUjU Association of Industrial Sci- entistes assocn 1 association asterism *iSJ I of. asst 1 assistant assurance factor uu-. s^»-^- AStl American Standard thread astatic dLjU-T (».-^ f^ij-^XAUj^-*- astatic couple astatic galvanometer astatic meter ^jU-1 W:- asta tic needle ^CjL-Tii^ Astatine (ty.U"**^ ^•-^) c^l^T ( W^ j^) (^l.jl^ ^1 4 S T M I American Society for Tes- ting Materials Aston process j^^ J'^j asymmetrical ujlii-*li asymmetrical cell oj\i^^ J** oT ^^*i .J^-l» 3' uT^ ^J' *^- -^-^ asymmetrical conduction asymmetrical crystal asymmetric system •Id-^ Oj^AijfcU *IC:Lm>^ i(^^Lj) v->t^A«» asynchron(ous) motor at I atomic; atmospheric ati ampere-turn; air tempera- ture; assay ton; apparent time Ati astatine A/Ti ate m atum American Terms atci air traffic control 0/ffffDJitl ATCUatct aerial tuning condenser; automatic tone correction; automatic tuning control athermai transformation at ht i atomic heat atm i atmosphere; atmospheric ATMl aerial tuning motor atm chgs i atmospheric changes atmosphere fading atmospheric absorption atmospheric corrosion atmospheric corrosion test ^_l — »}\ i^—>- ^^jy>- o-i' — •-'^ atmospheric electricity atmospheric head atmospheric humidity atmospheric interference atmospheric re-run atm pr 1 atmospheric pressure at. no I atomic number atomic ^1 atomic battery ^1 J-ti atomic bomb ^1 v^. Atomic Energy Autority (Lil::,^)^lci?3^l:^rir Atomic Energy Commission Atomic Energy Control Board Atomic Energy Corporation Atomic Energy Research Es- tablishment ,j^ oU-A»j jr^ atomic heat ^^1 c^i^^ atom 38 audi atomic-hydrogen welding atomic-mass unit^,>> ^1 a»lj atomic number (^^-.AiP- til* (_^ULir>- {jl atomico(a)te j^) o^^C^*^! Atomic Scientists Association atomic ship c**"'' ^^ atomic size factor atomic weapon ^\ a^I Atomic Weapon Research Es- tablishment oUjAsJ jT^ atomic weight ^1 Oij atomic weight unit ^1 Oj^ o^\^ atomisation J^^^J' atom i sed f ue 1 (S^J" c^>- atomizer .*uxr3^ .^l^^ atonic interrupter ^ <*J«5 ^xJiT ATPl apparent total porosity Atrament process at rest i^^. •l^^^) cM attached foundry attachment plug (J^.) J»Lijl o-U>> attachment screw attack attack-polishing method attemperator l^>*^' 'c^^eL*^ attrition ^^.^ at. vol i atomic volume at.wt i atomic weight a u 1 Angstrom unit Au yt A Ui arbitrary unit; Angstrom unit audibility audio (-frequency) amplifier «jj — >IC-jiJL*<»l oL-jj^ io«A-i<:5'cj ^aJ Audio Engineering Society audi 39 auto audio frequency ^^^^ oi^L-i audio oscillator ^">-» j^^^^\ audio transformer auditing ,^^L^ auger (bit) Ik ^. C5'.^i' angering aural test U auriferous ^b^^ ^^^ austempering ^^^y ^ austenite (ji> uU^^U) c^-ix-jl austenitic alloy ^^t^^ji :>Vy austenitic grain size austenitic steel austenitizing Austrian cinnabar (rPbCrOf.Pb(OHK authority to pay c^'^^ j>*L* authority to purchase t. autoclave test J^.^j^ autocrane ji^ U j U; I ^^ autodiffusion iS:>^<»,^y^ ':>y» autodyne reception (..o 3i^\j) c^H^y' »^^ autofrettage j:.y>y>j»j^ ^y. autogenous hardening autogenous ignition tempera- ture (jjty»J^) CfiJ^. ^^^r^^ (S^^ autogenous welding auto glass J^t^y' a^^-^ autoheterody ne automatically operated valve automatically programed tool automatic amplitude control automatic arc welding automatic block system automatic brake J^^y> j^J automatic brightness control automatic buffing machine J^^y' sZ^S^ji, .Id-i automatic cat head automatic change-over switch automatic chrominance con- trol 40 auto trol ^. li^ J J^:^^ ,*Ji^' automatic circuit breaker automatic direction finder j^^y- y^lji^>- (^i^lj) automatic doser automatic feed(ing) (jjrl^ •lxjLu»i) j€^^y>- C-*^yU-j automatic fine tuning automatic flasher automatic focucing jS'^^j automatic forger j^:>^ vi^ automatic frequency control O^L-i J^^y^ ^^^la^J automatic gain control automatic lathe automatic noise limiter automatic phase & frequency control ouiL->j jU jITi^ (»-jkj automatic phase control automatic picture transmis- sion ^* y.jL^ *i-»I^Jai; (»i--s- ^^J ^->-* «-r*H t^'^. automatic pipe wrench automatic range control automatic record changer automatic remot control automatic selectivity control automatic sensitivity control automatic shift automatic spark advance automatic steel J'\j^^ ^Vy automatic time switch automatic tone correction automatic tuning control automatic voltage regulation automatic volume control automobi le J^r^^y ' auto 41 aver automobile engine automobil grease J--*yi cr*iw^ autoploker autoradiography (^jl5^y^ i^:;- autorich auto-starter ^U> available heating value available horsepower available magnification available phosphoric acid A.V.C; a V c automatic volume control avdp i avoirdupois av eff i average efficiency average depth ^yz^ j^ average efficiency average output 1*^^ oJy average produce average sample ,>t^L-* *^y^ aver 42 axia average value v>^U> average voltage average weight X^y^ Oj^ avg i average avgas ^'y* cy.J^. aviation channels aviation gasoline U-aly^ ^:^.>^ aviation radioman e aviation spirit ^Jy^ jij^. avlbl avoirdupois pound avmeter ?^,jt*^^ avoir i avoirdupois; average avoirdupois (Oi^ ^^b) J*^^->->* avoirdupois pound avometer ^.^^^U)^ a vri automatic voltage regulation; automatic voltage regulator a w i actual weight; all width a.w , a/w i atomic weight AWi airway; atomic weapon; auxiliary winding awash ij^^) v^ ^c^ (** aweigh ^^ J^X O^xi oU AWG I American Wire Gauge awl jjj^ a w p i actual working pressure AWREi Atomic Weapon Research Establishment AWSl American War Standards; American Welding Society a w u i atomic weight unit ax ^ ax 1 axiom; axis axial-flow compressor axial segregation axial vector cf->>*^ J^^. axis 43 azur axis jy>^ axle (y\) J-TT ,aJL» ,jy>^ axle box uUl;i> axle casing J-r-Jl>ii ^^^y* axle oil ^^'•^u^.^.OUL'L,^-*^^ axle pin tj^ jy^ c** axle pressure axle shaft ^^^ ^U axletree (yl) J-S'T o^»*. az i azimuth AZi Air Zero azel 1 azimuth-elevation azimuth ^i o-y «(c^^.^^) azimuth-elevation ^liijl-c^^ azimuth only azo-dyes oj^.jjTt^U^j^j Qzon i azimuth only azotic acid dX^}\ a^l .o>i ^>> azotometer ( Uj>^jjj^) ^^ ojl azure copper ore azure quartz azure stone ^j>>V (iCli. azurite .,^-* >J>^V ^mm^ sixs i XA ^-i^-tif mm^ :i:^k moli&a B bl battery; bearing; barn; boi- ling point Bi baggage; Baume; best; brea- dth; brightness; British; Magnetic induction B/i bag; bale bai bridging amplifier Bal barium BAJ British Association thread Babbitt metals Babcock & Wilcox process BABSi beam approach beacon sys- tem bac cJ««— J>1» Bachelor of Chemistry bachelor of science back f ^iClJ U j aTj j^ J*. L» jj^ back & front pitch of a win- ding tr?*?**-' f ^ backbone (o*^*^) "-^^ back conductance Kf^^ J^ ^Jj^. *^3^^ Oil^ back crank pumping back-current cr.^^^ <^k>^ back draft (^^->) cr,>^^ v^ back electromotive force back feeding back 46 baff backfire back flow valve background element background noise <.v j Vi-^^ backhand welding backing earth (4iaw^) v--)l* C-^i i-U backing iron of plane g,->.' -«.Mt* 4»*^ ooi J ^J o^ backing metal {•aiyi-j^jIcT jU backing-off (J^^»k) J^i cri backing-off lathe backing sand >^ (4Zai» j) v--il» C-ia 4-U back kick ' ; " ^/^ ^^J^rt backlash (^3t». c^W- ic^^Lif i^yti backlog cil^;-* back pitch ^^^^ f ^ back porch (0^.>.^)v^ Ol^v back pressure j^u-i back-pressure steam «o^ ^U» back pressure turbine ^^*cri cr^'wT'' v^'.-^y back reflection X ray exami- nation (<^J^ **!•>) o^.^.v^ back resistance C*^^) ->5' ^jy back saw (c^->l*^ ) ^ UT ;^l back sight (i^ •o^U ,^1^ li^ j3 aT ^J bacterial corrosion badigeon ol^^ ^'^ .^Ipj^ BAEA I — British Atomic Energy Au- thority BAEREi British Atomic Energy Re- search Establishment baffle (plate) .o^ J^^-:^ *».i^ bag 47 balq bag i baggage BAGi baggage baggage & mail baggage express messenger ^,j^ <^jL ^IL» baggage train baghouse bail bailer bailing drum baily furnace bainite (<^^« oU^l-) c^^-Ui baked carbon J\i.j ^j:S3\ baked core (^^,j) *^ ^^U baked electrode *i^ ^^r^l baked-out ^^r^' •^^ bakelite (j»> ^y) cJ^^'L baking (^*) *::-=« baking enamel ^^ vl*i baking soda ball balance balance ol^ '-^J^J o'^' balance coil J^J ^«» balance controle nn:^ balanced armature unit J^LcL* ^j^yf cjUli .Id-i balanced cable J^Ut* J^IT balanced load J^L^ (J^.) j\ balanced steel fIjT ^ ^Vy balanced transmission line (J^) Ojt^i> jUiil i«^ balanced -unbalanced trans- former Jy U j^i-J I J balancer balancer set (J^ *^>*) ^il^' balance transformer balance weight balance wheel balancing lever balancing network balancing potentiometer balancing resistance for ge- nerator Uaj^ e5^^^«-« t^M^ balcony o\y\ ^i^^. bald head O^^U ^ Jf:>^. (^r^) bale 48 band bale (vh) J^ bale breaker (^ojl^^j) ^^Cijot ball *^t- ball& socket joint ball anode (<^jfc.T) :>J' a:T ballast {(ob) *-V (iC:- ballast lamp (J^.) ,_5^V c^UJj ballast resistor j^:^^ c-^jU^ ballast road J^ (^V) .b ballast suction pipe J^ aJ^ ballast weight Jil*^' *ii^ ball-bearing tiXi*^^. 4*.«^L- a-JT ball-bearing steel ball burnishing c^ I <^l-c^ I i^ ball-check valve ball ciay tsj"*}^ cK *i>r ball crusher t^l^J^ jC:,*^^ ball hardness balling balling furnace ballistic galvanometer ballistic missil early warn- ing system ball-mill ^lO^^^uT ball peen hammer ball pointed hammer ball race 4-*>-L<^U" 4ii» ,^j*.^L» ball sizing (ji») ,y^:-<*^U ball socket is\<^^ oUlrU ball-type anode ball valve i^I<*j>-U v^^ BALSi blind approach landing sy- stem balun 1 balanced-unbalanced trans- former balustrad (oUi^U) ^jM ,»>J band (J^) **-->' •-''y bandage *^^ ^J^i^ band clay A^^j-j v>*^ '^^ band conveyor banded structure .•l->*bOUi:J- L- band filter (^-i^j^) ->'^i ^^ J band iron *^^ u^ band loom ^U^^jj^U-.lJCi-A band 49 barr bandoleer bandpass amplifier band saw o\^^ (S^^ji* •J^Crt^^ B & S gage i Brown & Sharpe gage band spectrum iS^^y ^*J^ Banka tin fc L^Ji banked battery banked fire Banox process bar (stock) bar I barometer barbed-spring lock barbed wire jb->^ (**- barbotine ^^•'^^ jt:^ bar crow ^^ bar drawing ( jU) v^ t^^j J^ .,jiOyU* bare electrode *^^ ^^^i bare cable -u*^, j^s** «c-aJ ^^^ barefoot well jl*.^ ^^ barff ing (^) •J-^^ - ->^^vrj-> barge *^.i^ «^«^ 'o^^- u^^-^^ v/^'C-^'*. bar generator (*iAJ) jUjIy barges on board o^ ^, c5l»<»^* barium (^jlW^ ^r*^) rt-^^. barium concrete (a**' ci^) *^-J^ *^^. barium getter (^^.->^) t^l*.-^ i^ bark J*.^ «cr^->^ '^^.ysi '^^-'^ bar keel *j^ JUa-^" ,^1^ *^^ ^j^ J-*' 0,^ Barkhausen effect Barkhausen jumps barking drum iSy.^y ^^^^ barkometer «^^ii^ J-'\ ^Wl^ bark stripping machine bar mill (^) c^iL-^L^ ^jy barn barograph barometer ^y^^jjlj i^s-:--!^ 4jw-jLl» barometric pressure ly«» jLii barque J^^ <- ^y^^ barrage balloon ,^^^0^1* barrage reception barr 50 base Barr-Bardgett creep test barred box barrel cJu c^l^ (*a*» o^l^) aCi* barrel anodizing ^aCii j^ ^oiT barrel arch ^_^ JU. barrel cleaning ^iji-U^ barrel electrode position barrel enamelling barrel finishing ^^^>^, barreling oI^^a; ly-^lj^ (Sj^J barrel plating barrel polishing c^l*^ barrels per calender day barrels per day aCi. ^joij barrels per stream day barrel vault ^.^ ^^ barren sand barreter barrette file barrier layer ^^^^31 o^ bar rolling Jjxi^ 3^y Li %jU barronia barrow bar solder bartizan cy^.^'H-^ tr^. barye (C .G .S ILJu ji jUi o^l j) (^jU baryta (Ba O) <*ijU o^l .c^ jU baryta water co jU v^ barytas (^^--i^ Ba SO^) o*^,jl. basal plane •^f'U ^^.a^ basalt (^yUjtirT(iCL-)c-iljlj bascule bar c^lojIjjiOlJ bascule bridge base fv«-j»V a,L lO^i^ ajL !4»L baseband Ji^l oil. baseboard (oUi:i-U) .jljl base bullion v^r- «^ v./- base course cajlj j^^^J ^iV base line (v^) t5-^ -^ basement ^>^ «^ base 51 bate base metal i>iai| gi^^iw base of a die c>^^ (S^" BASG British Association Screw Gauge basic brick J^ ^^ basic capacity basic cupola JL\i J>^ »j^ basic dye (jT)^'Ui:^^ basic emf «^*> ^U'^ ^^^ basicity ratio J^^ >^ basic lining Jlii ^r-T basic open hearth pig o^ basic open hearth process basic pig Jljs uj^ basic pig iron basic process Jljs t^jL^Vy basic refractories ^'Lks c^Uj^-J basic slag v^'Ll' •-'^^^ basic solution ^'Lii J>)b^ basic steel oo^i Oi-j) ^'Lii ^Vy basis v^UI .Luj» 4A,l» basis box(,3-l>c^l^. <^b) J>u-# basis metal t^>> J^ basket (c^-^lSI'J) ^^K^ '^\y^\ bas-relief <^^-^^. J^ '^jk bass compensation ^ ' ^ bass response z.^.t'. , bastard cut of file bast fibers (...^ur .our) ^Lf vjy I bast silk c^ r^.^J batch batch bath cM^ iSj^\^ c^^ batch cell batch filtration (iSJ^J fUi>-) <^ft^ ***-** batch furnace bat chg i battery charging batch process -* - ^ - ^ batch processing batch still (C-AJ) ^j) batten .jui .JU; batten holder batter pilet^^^^^*^ ^(S^j^ aiU battered *^>- battery jUjT !(dU) J-a .(^^'L battery acid battery ammeter (Sj L r*^ .vT battery box cf^rL L*». battery capacity ^Jk ^J^ battery carbon iSjk Jl^i battery carrier iSjV cs-^ battery charger (.ISCi-.) (S^k jj^ •iCi- '^ ^c^^.^Jk battery charging plug J^^ J iS^ ^. *>'L2»>> battery charging rectifier J^^i ^^ ;L IojjS yj:L battery charging rheostat «vj — ^^. ^"^ S-^' battery ignition S^y\ sy^. battery isolator ^Jk ^v battery jar <^^r L ^> battery lead <^w^"^. V^ battery oven iSjV (o^J jU^I^.) Ij^ battery plate ^^U A»uL* battery receiver <^yk ^ ^-■^'-> batt 53 bed battery red lead iSj^. ^^ battery solution battery steamer battery syringe (Sjk *^^ battery turntable battery wells (a-^' dXi^Aj J-«^^) (iG-) c-^-T^* bauxite cement c---^^. OU-^- bay Cj^^ ^ f^\.f^^ ,^ \ ^ t^j^ ^y. beaded texture ,y*«— *' AJl:>cit beading r^,M!^^3J bead of solder (Sj^^^ (S^^t^- bead weld ((sJ^yr) Jy^- ^ B. E. A. I. R. A I British Electrical & Allied Industries Research Associ- ation beak ^^ ^^^^ *j^ »3^ beak iron o\o^^ £Ui beam .(»>» «tiC:*Li .i>*T^ beam approach beacon sys- tem iy.^--^'-> i^. l)eam current beam ends ^*^ v^ t^U^i beam-power tube beam-power valve beam -press c-^^^ .^Gj»U ^^ beam pump ^C^b LJj beam span o*^^ ** ^^ beam warping c>»>. ,y^ *W bearing iOULrl* bear 55 bell bearing bronze oliiit ^>^ bearing cap o^^^.'^'^^ bearing capacity ^^ c^jU^ bearing cone bearing cup a-^U bearing deviation indicator }\ ^1^3 bearing friction ^CJlp^U bearing journal Ji-»l j>^ bearing loss ,/^^^. ^>^'l bearing metals uUUU ^^UjUT bearing oil **^U ^-IT ,_riJ' bearing pile J>»L>t,U t^jU^ ^.^e oU?" '(c-~-« 4>-*J ji) bearing race ^j a^^L, bearing stratum ^^liU LV bearing value flU- o>jliL« bearing wall JU^ ^1^.^ beat V 'o^3 'C*^) ^^3 beaten gold Mi» «3jj beater 4:.^ '-^.^ ^V j^^v. 0>> beater in .iI^jIT beat frequency (dU) asj ou,L> beat frequency oscillator beating up mechanisme (^03 L) ^^i bed 4iV .t^^ Beilby layer ( Jli) ^^ az--^ bell oL^I tiXiJ ijj'y^ bell & hopper bell & plain end joint *S^ aj Ai ^^ Jl-*rl bell & spigot joint 4S^ AT JLjI bell 56 bend bell bath dsj^J) ^^^l; olj bell cap (cJii) ^oL>. J-y^^ bell crank ^^^ *^ ..T) ^yU olj bell metal o-yl^ tJ^ bell mouth iSJ^r^ (asU^) bellows ^--S' ,^^ li 4,^2-^ f> bell push bell shaped magnet bell transformer (jL>-l) (£^3 Jju^ belleville washer ^MC^ ^Ij bell wire jL^I <^j <^ belly i'or-*-' K^. •Jj^) <^^ belly guy^5^^JUJl^^l^^^j belonite o'-^>-' t^'^-'^^. below proof belt Jb^ oljJ .' " belt brake t^l<^--; >»^' «^ICJ l}elt conveyer belt drive c^r^p- (^l^^-j JUxsl belt driven machine belt driven pulley ^^f 4..^- asCJj belt furnace ^j>c^ ^^ l» «j>r belt grinding (^l-u-.i jj^^^^^ belt-pulley o^-iU ^^ belt road ^^o^^^r ob belt Sander ^j t^Lw^ BEMi baggage express messenger BEMF li b e m f i back electromotive force bench ..K^^ >• bench engine lathe benching (olj) ^^ -^ Ol^ bench mark bench mounted hand vice bench moulding bench saw bench shaping machine 6j>^ l)ench shears bench stop bench wall benchmarking bead bending bend 57 best bending & unbendeng test .Li) O^^S' c — -b J ^ oL.;! bending brake (olCi-^) ^^ bending moment bending rigidity bending rolls bending stake bending strain Bendix type starter InBd(ing) testO)^-^^>3T Benedict metal c^*,a^ c^^^jj benefication Bengough-Stuart process Benson boiler bent caliper ^y ji^^, bent cathode »o^^ oils' bent gun ion trap bentonite (0^-«) c^-j^^. benzine OiJ^. benzol recovery oil berkelium berm (^U) ^^1 (^3^ berth ^^^ o^^ ^ .olf^^^^ berthing beryl J»^. beryllia <^^. ^--^Tl berylliosis ^^3 *' (**^-^. t)eryllium (^iL*-;^ ^;-»-i^) cJi^. beryllium bronze^l^cJj^. £>* beryllium copper alloy beryllium-nickel berylometer (O^*-*) ^^ (J^->y. BESAl British Engineering Stan- dard Association Bessemerizing ^^ best bar •^^ ^->j' cr*-^ best-best ^^^ ,^^ J •a3,ij^ ^yT ^->^ ^->^ best-best-best ^-'^ best m bias ^1 U n^it^^JkViit,^ best coal «£^:-Jlpj ^if j^. A*Jai best cokes Vi^^ es^^ ^^^ best selected copper oU ^^ best tool steel o-LJI ^V^i beta brass ^, beta iron beta particle beta rays beta-ray gauge betatron between centers between confort & disconfort beVl billion electron-volt bevelling machine Ojc* c^L. bevel gauge bevel gear J^^y^-* •^^ c^rr bevel protractor ^^jUj aJU bevel scale ^Li> ^1^ bevel square ^y^hiS^y^ ^j\3 iS^^jf «^,.r*i^ (S^3^ bevel vice ^ i^ bezel v^ bfl band filter; beat frequency; blast furnace; board foot BFl blast furnace B F li b f o I beat frequency oscillator bgl bag; bearing; bevel gear BGi beacon ground; Birming- ham Gauge BHl Brinell hardness B/H curve B/H loop bhpi brake horsepower b h p-h r i brake horsepower-hour Bi (c^.^^*^ ^-«^) *^>— tK bi-electrode Jj=r3^ ^^J' bi-angular cutter c^l*^^^^ jj bias (cHi) o\*y A^-i cJ^ «J*t* «vj>* bias 59 bini bias distortion O^Ui^U c^^i biaxial crystal biaxial stress iSjy*^^^ j^. biaxiality lSj.^^^^^ ^ ^ biaxing J^ bib J^^ ^ bib-cock washer ^ ^ ^Ij B.I.C.E.R.Al British Internal Combus- tion Engine Research Asso- ciation ^^'^^^ bichromate cell bidet (r*^^) •^. bifilar suspension bifilar winding bifurcating box cj U^J I J L«r I bight v->Ul» liL>- bilge j>=iji bilge blocks {»l_.^!x*» 4j I^ j:iL5'*; aT ■iU^'A bilge board ^IJC^ *j ^r c^jl^l billet .cH^ ,>^ (iV^J) cXj »or^ jl^ »_;t*-i billet mill vil-- ^- ^j^ billheads halves Ji^-j C^l^.) (^1*^1^ •>'>• S^oji^;*^ binder heddle (^O^L) 4^-^jiJJ binder warp binding ol^ «c^^^ 'o*^'*-* (S^ji^^o^ .(^ji- o-^lr ic^oij binding post JL^'' s*i binit L5 ^'-^ bioc m bl biocorrosion J'^J (Sy-^k biological corrosion biotite ft^ c^'^ '^*''>*» bipolar ' o^^ -5^ bipoiaT electrode ,^la? j:> yj^^ «4k-!j i^^::53l Birmabright Birmetal J^,^. c?*^«*^»v>JT Birmingham Gauge Birmingham platinum Birmingham wire gauge BISi British Interplanetary Soci- ety bismuth (^t^^-^ .r-*^) ^>— **. bismuth glance cj^^^^^ j^y- bismuth ochre o>*-o ^s^j>-\ bistable ciirciut c^jIj^A j^ ->'^ B.I.S.R.Ai British Iron & Steel Rese- arch Association bit *^^ ^ «*^ i-j bit brace !^j^ ^ «*^ ^' bit file iS^*^^ 0U>- bit stop *^^^ soL^r i^«A»«j» ^h'. bitumen cable is^ J^ 3j V J>.^ bitumen concrete u>^— cJU-T bitumen enamel bitumen macadam bitumen sand jI:>^« ^L. bituminous coal i$^ JUj iiiU- (ix.i^3Uj bituminous mastic ^l blackening O^i .U- dU^ black gold c^ black head blackheart malleable black induction ^1 ^y blacking (sJ'^^^j c^^J" blacking holes ^J^^J" <^U^ blacking mill black japan .L- flV black lead ^lo^ o-il^ black letters (v^) ^^ ^^^ black level (O^.ji^") •L- Jly black light lamp black mud oL- O^ black ocher •L-'<^1>-' black oil o^jL* .©U- cJs blackout 3^. J-^^ c^ black oxide of manganese black pitch Ol^U black powder •L- o^jl. black sand i*^-* ol«^l^3 <-L» black sheet iron .L- ^J 3j^ blacksmith ^*T black tin ^Ji ^A^ «f U- ^i» blade »^ «•->' ^t* '**^ blanc de perle blanc d Espagne blanc fixe (**.-> ^ oUi>- blank (t^-^^^.^^ v^) *^»«^ blank assay J^>^^ c^'^. *iJ>«" blank bolt E^*ic/^ .oos^oja* ^-i blank carburising blank cover (j^^') o^^j^ blanked-off pipe a^-^^. asU^^^ blanket (jy-^'^j) ^^^ •^^ blanket course blank flange j^ S*'^ blanking J^y. blanking bars blanking signal — blan 62 bloc blank test Jjj^ i blasting operation (Cm*a) c^jiof c-^Lj^ oUUfr blast roasting ^^ I. A,yj blast room cs'-'C^'^ *^^*'*-* blast test m^^tLUi »^ I* l) ^ij L»3 blau gas O^y^ <^^J^ c^Ujl^ i?^ifli^ bleaching bleaching clay (S^. ^j ^ bleaching powder j^*>-Xi C^^^yS y^t^ 1 •»xu,i «Jui<«. -^.^ bleeder j ^ bleeder current bleeder resistor t^jl^ c->»jUL» bleeding ^J*- ** ^ c*^ *o-u blende oJu blended grease J,,^!*^ ^v,*^^ blind ♦•,.;*^ (jLo L- blind approach landing sys- tem (U-f*ly») ^\j^ jy^ ^ij^ ^»T.».».* blind coal aI^^l^ (iCuJUj blind blocking blind flange j/'jjyi ij^ -^ blind lode (Oj^) j^ aTj blind riser ^^A,ai; 4!^ blind stitch j>r La« blind test sS^j^ c^l^. J^i^^jT blind vein (o^m) j^ Ifj blind weaver oL». ^^^ blister (^^i->) ^J Jjl*' blister anode blister bar o/'*^J ^Vy blister coating jI^aLT ^U blister copper 0^<1*T ^^^ blister steel Bloch band e^ j\y block »i blocked impedance blocked route ax--* .b blocking ^J«J^ blocking bias ^^5 j^^ blocking condenser blocking oscillator blocking period blocking section block pattern (<:^.->) c>l^ J^ block plane block printing block pully block sequence c^'*^^ -X^ ^'^ ^j>i •l^z-^ bloomery o*^^ cT^ ^'>y »^^^^ bloomery furnace bloomery iron oyr J^-^ ^ ^^^ blooming u«X^ t/-*^ •^-'^ blooming mill w bloom of an oil o^^-> t5>*^ blotter press t^jLiJ ^U blow-back tiC:*; u^j ^^ blow-by 1^* jUi ^>(;l blow-down (Sj^:^ .^J^" blow-down pipe blow-down pit blow(ing) engine graogsB blower blow holes blowing blowing- in blowing-out blowing through ^^^^^ ^j^|^ blow(ing) iron ((sj"^^^) <^ blow lamp iSJ^«^ t^j^ blown casting ^ t ■ blown glass o*^^ ^^^ blown metal •*v»i ^ blow 04 bn blown oil ooj. ju-^l ^&^j blown point blown sand <^^U LU blow-off valve aJlc^; ^ blow-out {cJb .l>-) uby blow-out magnet ^y?- ^J^\xi^ blow-out preventer (oii ftU-) jl^A ^:. blowpipe cSL'y i^^j^ «^^ aJ^ blowpiping c^j>> aJL-^ At^y^ blow torch t^jlsU-pJ ^l>>- blow-up o^^^^-^. 'l$^-^'^ (^-^ B.L.Ri British launderers research association blue annealing blueback o^Jl-'-^ iS^ blue beam magnet blue billy ^.^, ^>ir blue brittleness blue copperas ^>^^ olT blue dip blued steel ^J ^Vy blue gun (>10 ^.T yl^'^ *1^ blueing <^^T iSo^i ' '«-3jL» o^^-> blueing salt o^<.^f Vo ) ^V^Su^r ^T/J.; (oT ^J dU j:. JL^L Sj^ ^^ r>ii>-' blue metal tiCj^^T jJi ,,_^ oU blue mud ^.Tjr blue print i^J ^-^ J-^ -^^ ^^) ^J v^ blue steel .(i^^T :>Vy bluestone ^yS d^ blue vitriol 3^-5* olT blue water gas v' -'^ blunt file w>- 0\>y bml bench mark; bending mo- ment BMl baggage & mail J B.M.E.Pi imd brake mean effective pres- sure B M E W S i ballistic missil early war- ning system fiooid bnl ^^n^ b.n.f.m. ifc boil beacon B.N.F.M.R. A. i British non-ferrous metals research association bOi branch office board ^/^ s^. 'c^ '*^^' board & board(,,,i^) ^e. *^. >^« board arbor( ^=^S) o^, Li j^^ board foot ^r*^ ^^Ij) ^y ^jy. y j^)y. ^|^« c^'^. c5-^' ( 1 r X 1 r X 1 = ) f f vr-*^ c^J board machine t^iU l>i* i>s^L. board measure . o^ c-^Lw» Board of Control ,^->3L» •->'^l board of trade J ^jj^, 3ll»l Board of Trade Unit board running (J--^yl) v-^IT^ boart i^'^.J^ *^jy. 'i/*^-* u"^' boat davit j:^ j^ <^U>.>^ bobbin o*'.^'. 'o^l-* '^^^ bobbin case ^^ bobbing bobbin winder bod body body capacity (li^i) Oo* o««^ body-centered cubic body centered structure body of plane .a: j aJjT boghead aT^ dCi-J l^j bogie steering system bog iron Jl^'l*. o^T boiled oil ,^^f,^ j]g^ •*^>> O^^-^ **-*«^' O^-'-' boiler j^ -^^. *^-^ ^^' boiler feed water ^; j[>ii ». «-r*' boiler house , _4iUiC|^ boiler plate jUw 4 jUw dC^ ^T boiler pressure jd boiler water j^, *^,:> ts^y. v^ boiling nitric acid test boiling-off *3bfloa boil 66 boos boiling point boiling range ^^^^ ^U^ s^l^ boiling water reactor boldface (v^) •^ ^^y*- bold thickness type bollard (jl^AJbL U ,^i^)jl^^ bolometer y^j^y. «g^--^.^" bolster ••^i^ *U^ J*l>- «dliiJU bolt jl^^^ ^H KJ**) *5^-^ bolted bonnet •^ c»i u^^-^^ bolter o^ J'y. is\^.) Jj^ •->♦ bolt pin j[>- «j>*ti «(J-«-^' bolt-screwing machine y,y^ c^^ «tr'^ s*i •^^^^^ bolting machine ^^O*^ ^1 bond J^li C-- ». ^ bond-course J'*^ a^^^ l)onder ^/^ ^^^ k ^^^T l)onderizing co->^>». c^->*^'U-J bonding ^s-^ ^ J^*' bonding agent bonding strip xj Bondur alloys j^'^y c^UjUT bone black J^yp-J^j bone-dry «i^^^ M^'^ bone glass («^->) is^ *^^ bone seeker ? bonnet bookbinding ^^^^ book clay 3jy^ o--> ^^ book mo(u)ld (a^^.j) ^.^^*^->^ book sewing machine book structure 3jy^ c^^^ boom (^^;>«^) c5j3li boom jib ^^U JUJl^ (fJ^x.) ,^^jl boom table ,^^ J^t^^ *^.^ booster ija^y. j(^) c^l ;>' cJj booster anode t/^*^ ^'^ booster battery ,/^ ^sjV booster brake j^,^'* >^' boos trap j\^\»h ^y>- booster brightener booster pump booster transformer boos 67 bott boost pressure difference boot ^*y^ boot jack *ii^ boot leg {<^^.A j^. Cma iil^-l* boracic acid *^».->j^ ^^i-' borate glass kJ^^sk *^^ borax ^j-^ «^ \ji\ o^^' «o>» borax bead test border-line conditions iS'jj^ -k'^ 't?^^ -k'^ bore j0^^c'->>- ^^j borer 0^c'->>- «<^ boring (cJu) <^->li^ 'O^jy^. boring bar (cJu) <^jU:»- aI^ boring lathe borolon .a^U o^^T boron carbide jy, Jy.^ boronization (jii) jh^jy Iwron nitride jy j^^ boron saturation ^ ^^ bort 3^^.^ i^yi^ji^ 0-U3I «oj^. bosh (^, •J^) Ol>>i^ «(Xa BOTi board of trade Botany .^Uj 4>-jL bottle filling machine bottle screw bottom(s) ij^ bottom board Joui ^. j a^-A-* bottom box bottom casting ^ bottom dead center io bottom gear (cW^yl) lii* Soi^ bottom hole .U- *: bottom hole choke bottom hole pressure bottoming tap ^y.W ,>-i>^ bottom pouring <5l4*Xl>- (^l*.*^ c?^->-^^. bottom pouring ladle bott boxr bottom sediments bottom settling Bottom settlings & water bottom stamp Cjiy,^ criJ^ bottom-up bottom water c-ii ^.i yT *» V boulder crusher boundary adsorption boundary cementite boundary conditions iSJ^ ^J^ '^ •O^^a Bow^r-Barff process bowl fU> bow lathe ^ Ur ^l>- .iCx^^ bow line Ot^U oUL bow saw ciyr Sjl ..jly ijl bow sprit •*J^t*'^ J^i bow string ^ UT azj. box box annealing boxboard v^ S^ boxcar •jua^^^ ^I^ box carburizing box casting i^ij j^ isj'^^^j box connector (clU) <-.»;> ix»b box coupling box-culvert i^Ias^ju-* Ji box cyaniding ( jii) iX^U- tSJ^Jy U- box express •) *?"->^ *J^ box pass u-^*^ •^-'i* **^ •^-'^ box rheostat boxs 69 brak box spanner tj^ J^^ ♦cT^. -'^^ box tenoner box thread ^^U i^jj «,^b eaj^ box tumbler .c^->l^j^ <^. box wrench C^rT ->M 'c/-^'. ->WT bpi back pressure; barometric pressure; below proof; boi- ler pressure; boiling point; by-pass BPi back pressure; barometric pressure; British Pharmaoo- poeia; British patent j B/Pl blue print bpcd 1 barrels per calender day bpdi barrels per day; boost pressure difference bp sdl barrels per stream day brt boiling range Br I bromine BRl book of reference brace «e-.^ .^ ((<^^Uu) U^T braced joint Jy. 0>^. JL-;I bracket j, ,imw:^. brackish water j>i yT ,yljyi braid Jy* *^'^. lO^.^i^ braided wire ^9[> ^ ^»*-- ,J*ir braider braize dir y brake band lining j*^» cJ brake drum ^J I-IT brake horsepower , \ brake horsepower-hour brake lining >y cu) brake mean effective pressure «_^^^^jiL<»l >- {0^4^ jy*-*' ->^ Jx-#_j-x-« brak 70 brea M.I) brake shoe j*j j^f ,jjkj jj, brake spring j^^i ^ Brale indenter Jl^. j\^J\ branch circuit ^.^^1 J^ branch cutout yLcijI j^ branches ^> aJ^3 i(4]^)oVU;I branch gate branching o^UoUljI branching road branch line branch office branded oil brass brass furnace brass-plater brass plating ^^ u-»T brass-solution cJ ^j:S3 1 Bravais lattices (->A) C$1 ^* *^^ 'Ol^. ^^^ brazer ^^ braze welding ^J^>^(**»J brazier Juu^ '-^'^^ JL-j^U- brazing t^jiC^ ^^ brazing solder ^^. J'^ S-)^ B.R.Ci British reinforced concrete breach ilj v:u^<. ^^^iT (j^il:>^^. break (^^.)5^^ breakdown voltage breaker ^^ break ground ^J i>^'->^ breaking of emulsion breaking-out ,^^vJli breaking point J^z=^^ Uai breaking stress c/->^i -'^ break-out tongs aL^ s^jj^-T break-out vice *L>» s*e->W^ breakwater ^iC-l ,jC:^^ break wheel el»i c^rr breast beam breast drill breastplate breather u^u-^ (lilj L') ,^5-«i:; A:^^^ .(4i>, j) breather opening h^' t^L*** brea n brig u'^i-r' breather roof breccia S^. breech-block OoCJi' breech-loading gun ^ *J l* jl^ bridged tap (cSU) J* yU^I bridge foundation J» S^^) U bridge girder bridge rectifier bridging '(vji •-?^) ^^3Ji bridging amplifier bridging capacitor (clU) iUu, OJU- bridle c^ bridle track brig o^^-5^ c$^^ bright annealing *3I^ (sJ^.^ bright anodizing JI^j o^^T bright coating Jl^. ^/S'^j bright dip bright dip bath a^j brightener ((^->J^T) .a.urjl^. brightening ^ L*--i c.>-b^ brightening agent brightening bath c-^-b^ Jj^^* bright hardening ( Jij) Jl^ O^UT brightness m^^ bright plate «il^. c^->^T bright plating c3l^. <^jl^.T bright-plating bath ^sj^i^Jj\^ bright solution U .^^M; .^jllip-j^ brilliancy M^ .^M^ iJ''XjL^j:, brimstone ^^ ^f^ brimstone acid brine brine cell y^^jL) ^ic^^ Briti British British Association Screw Gauge British Association thread British Association Unit British Atomic Energy Au- thority U^^. ,^-rl iSJj>\ :fy^ British Atomic Energy Rese- arch Establishment Li Uj ^ t^"^ C?3^ I oL-jUaj* ^ ^ British Branch of Radiation Laboratory csiU^^i^. ^^-^ British Cast Iron Research Association ^y^»^,^. o^^j^ British Electrical & Allied In- dustries Research Association »->Lji ^^^^,J>. v^-o-^^ oli-.a»BJ (jL»jL» British Engineering Standard Association Li U> ^ ^J'■>^'^ (^U^jIooLl-I SjUI British Institute of Welding Li uj ^ (_^jlxi_^ (_$^ji-ji*J I British Internal Combustion Engine Research Association British Interplanetary Society ^* Lis (^U^ ^^Li L*^ c-**j> British Iron & Steel Research Association oULi^j ol^jL •>^>9j 0- ijL ji Li Lj^ ^^jJU British launderers research association ^^<^s^ oliJU; oL»jL- ^J^yi'^J ^1^ «jL Ji Li Lj^ brit 73 broc British non-ferrous metals research association British patent Lj Lo ^ oUI^^;i:>-l C-J British Pharmacopoeia British reinforced concrete ^ (SJy L« J I L ) Li Lj^-j ^Juu» O^ British scientific instrument research association «^L) J^ Li Lj^ 4.5*J^ OuuiaJ OL»jL» British shipbuilding research association ^^ oU-J*j oUjL British Standard Dimension Li Lj ^ ^jlcXi L«,| ^^LL* British Standard Fine(Thread) Li Lj^ y>_) (^UaiAi^ ijloi L-l British Standard Gauge British Standard Institution Li Uj ^ (^U>3j|«Ai li«.l Au..^^ British Standard Pipe ^ ~ LiL^jj. iS^ (^U»ai^ 3jlai li-l British Standard Specification Li Lj^^ c^U'ijl>^ u— I oLisiw* British Standard Whitworth thread Li L3 ^ v^jjc-i^ (^U»aii ijlaj L-,1 British steel castings research association ,^Ji^ oU-^r oLjL t^iVy oULi SjL,ji LiL>^ British Thermal Unit British welding research as- sociation iSJ^5>-j^ oLLjisj ^Li Lj^c-iX^^j- brittle boundary technique (jjL) oox-cOj^ dLxsCj brittle crack oOiJCi £l^- brittle failure .ouxO f}^- brittle fracture .jLi^i ^j brittleness ^Jix^i broaching u^^cb>- ^*^b) <>l^^. J^ broadcloth Li^jV^^ oy^U broad cold chisel o«i r-^ c^ broad glass f W- aa-^- broad tuning J-J^^ <^JL-ilj-->» brocade «<^i^.it^jj broc 74 brus Broca galvanometer ^^^l^lf brockie cX>^ X^ ^s\^ ^^j broiler JevW^ broken hardening broken quenching bromid paper bromine (^_L*-Ji ^-»^) cJ^r*. bromine number bronze ^^^^ bronze alloys O- ^ c?U^>^ bronze disease tJ^ 'sS^t?. bronze welding ^^ L» iS^^^ bronzing (jii) O^^oj^j^. brought forward brought up 3I. j-js J\y^ ^y brow jl^W^ c^ Brown & Sharp gage brown coal brown iron ore c^y^ brown oil of vitriol {'X^j:> Vo) c^'o^ ^^j^ ^"^^ brown-red tempering Brownsdon-Bannister jet test brown stone ^th^^jH «U*-^*^ Br P I British patent B. R.S.I building research station brush <(j-J^. *^^J brush cleaning brush discharge brush displacement brush-dyeing brush finish 0>^ 03^riJa=i* brush friction loss brush holder brushing a>-^ U 0^3 <^-> brushing coating 4>-^ U t^jfc.T brush lag brush lead brus 75 bu brush pig-tail (^) Jl^J (^ BSGi brush plating British Standard Gauge ^J» Ij * (SJ^. ' bshi bushel brush pressure (^) Jl^j j^ brush rigging (^) j^3 c^. brush rocker (cfU) JUi^ BSIi brush shift (dU) JUi Jl^l British Standard Institution brush spring «^.j->l^ ^ brush wheel ,J^^ ^J B.S.I.R.A. i British scientific instrum- brush yoke J 1^3 *^1^ ents research association BSi bachelor of science; British Standard; bottom settling BSPi British Standard Pipe B.S.R.A. i B/Si both sides British shiplwilding rese- arch association BS&Wl BSS 1 Bottom settlings & Water British Standard Specif ica- BSci a^ASA ^-'■ bachelor of science B S W thread i British Standard Whitwo- B.S.C.R.A. I rth thread British steel castings rese- arch association B th u i BritishThermal Unit BSDi British Standard Dimension BTUi Board of Trade Unit BSF UBSFT 1 ■-"— British Standard Fine Thr- bul ead bushel; butyl ( bu ae 76 bull Bu Aer I ^^^^'■>^c,^«t5^,^'^^-*^ *^^l->^ Bureau of Aeronautics ^ dliaU bubble cap (oij)^L>- J-y^^ buffability ^^ l^. t^^^J^b^, bubble overvoltage buffer u:>U-- 1^ .^i L* bubble point J-s^ 3i^T cfU^ buffer action bubble potential (^sJ^^) ^^ ^^ (c^jis^J) J^\ j^3 ^^^ buffer capacity bubblex ^sj^, T ^ ( j_^^ ) ^j L^ ^^^i bubbling 0^^^:> buffer condenser bubbling through (oo^r^^J ^ U OjU- (J^L^ L Ai^J^lofjijj^) ^bjif buffer mixture ^i U i,^;... Buchner funnel buffer solution buck {(S^,^3^ ^^ buffing ^ c^b^ ic^l^^ o^ bucket ^^^ ijk- ^j> buckle ol^T .dIO buffing composition buckley opener -^l-*^ ^r*^ {^j^ ^-^U) (^l4i-,7 Soz^rjL buffing compound buckling i^s^^^^ ^^^^^^^ .jcr^ j:^^^ «*--J^i < J«J^,_r^ buffing lathe i^ojuS" c^b^ c^r?- buckram jbjUT ^L»^ ifJa» oo^rc^l^^ <^.>r*^' bucksaw ^^^^^ ^->j^. *j1 buff wheel buckshot toj^^j^ C^:^'^^ c^l^.) cs*^ '^^^ JTjiCi t^l^ A-^L .c-.ij^ ^*^L buggy ci/'lj buckskin Oj^ c-^ «>»T c-^* buhl work jl^ U^Jo^ L ^jICjU- budding (u^j^) ^.yj-ATU- buhrstone y^ (£^ buddle e5i>^>^ 'c5i>^>^ ^^^" builder huddling ^y^^^*^ *^^ <^yLi--i (^^jlcT) c-Jj,>:5C3l ,^1 sj^ buff «jI^>I^^j3 f^?- 'cr^^^l^c-rr building mechanism bull 17 bull building research station building stone ^l>sJ^L> (S^^^ build-up (t^j'^J) iS^*^, built-in j^ iSy <» built-in aerial J^'^ o^T built-up beam built-up concrete built-up girder ^^ (c^T) ^' bulb J>-^ .v-^ bulb-type electrode bulk activity bulk bar ol^ bulk cargo bulk carrier ^^aU ,^i^ bulk charge density bulk concentration «^y«^5^^ ciiJi^ bulk concrete ^Ju^.^ Oy^ bulk density er*^^^ l5^^ bulk electrolyte bulk floatation ^♦^ c^jLj^L^ bulk freighter ^/ii ,^1^ bulkhead ioj\^^^ oI«a^ bulking bulk moisture ^1 jT c^^j bulk modulus a:.......7.^VI v^,^ bulk oil c-ii jli bulk resistance bulk specimens JlT ^^U aj^ bulk volume t^^l^ (^^^^ bulk weld process bull block ( J^.l^) -^yr 'oJJ bullet *3^^ .<£^1:^ bullet envelope diois^^ bullet perforator bullet-proof glass aJ^o^ a-:^ bullion bull ladle (<^ij) ^jy. y,JJ^. bull pump J^i iS^y>s^ A--0I; bull rope bull's eye bull 78 burn bull wheel bulwark « J^L- ->l^„^ bump e^li* ol^ bumper «(^' iS:>'^'^) ^^ bumpy road jloilc--^ ^ ^U bunched cable o Lii I J>X buncher ^3 J*) c^-^J^J <^^*•^*>• ^'i^^ buncher space bundle Jl:j ,Ai— j <4xU «AaL>- «oy «J«A*- bung aCij i4--oo^ bunk ^j^ •ICI^:^ bunker .olO»Ui fjUl «^L- ^_^r c^^- 0^5^ bunkering (^^5^) ^s^fS^y- bunkers ,jJ^ c.^>- Bunsen absorption coefficient ^^^l,^y2>^ jVS (»^=»-) OjijJ ^"«i:> v--J,j-*» ( JM>. ^:> ^, Bunsen cell Oj^^, J-> bunt oLiU oL> c-.«>-i buoy 4j^. ojL^i (^Uzftb «jjl^ buoyage v>s-* buoyancy c?->jl^ ^^yljl^ buoyancy center buoyancy correction buoyancy force burden «>->^ jt. Bureau of Aeronautics S^bl Bureau of Standards burglar alarm c^^i^ ^jT burgy ^J Jl^J 'J'^J -i^ burin o^'^c^ burlap W CM-^r^se c^'^. o-^^ burling (v/^'O iS^r^J burned gas a^^^j- jlf «»^^ jlT burner 3^^^ « J*^ burning burning oil ^l^>-cis 'i^^^^ burning period aj>i; oju* burning quality Jl^^l c^^JiS burning rack t^^L^li burning test ,^^ji*L.iT burnish(ing) ,<^jLil^ burnishing ball burnishing barrel c^jITj^^j aO- bum 79^ butt burnishing bath burnishing machine j^i^X^X-* oIxJLm*^ 'v^^'-i^ ©Ix^i*-^ burnishing wheel c^b^ dXAc. burnover brick c^^^^' burnt ammonia AX^y^ ^Lj^T burnt brass ^^>-^^. burnt deposit A^y^ O^j burnt lime •as 3 di* 1 burnt metal •OLlJL--ri jU burn-up Cp-^ a-»ji Bur (of) Stds I Bureau of Standards burr (jii) ^J^ burring burring machine burst <^j it-iU^jfc cU burst gate bus bar (.^^.).A^ «o^' o^ bus bay «-r^.y' ©l^i-->.l bus drainage ^J^\ j^ j\ J^< bush hammer bustiel o'^. c-i^ ^»^lj) J^>! bushi ng ( Ji^-n ) c^^^. bushman's saw ^ '" bus reactor ^^^^ J^^ c-«jU>» buss ' k e5* ^->-^^. c5^^ busy hour JU;i,l ^rios-oUj busway l/^-*^ butt ^'^. Kv^^ ^'-*) *'.^^. bush i bushel butt chisel Buttler finish butterfly valve butter of tin butter of zinc butt joint button button cell ^s\^:> cU button lac tiU-j> ilVU button plug iS^ '^^ buttress (->l^_^) O^jc:^^ 'Ji *»^ buttress thread butt 80 bz oh butt welded tube J^jj^ ^^3 associatioD butt welding J^ ^^^ isJ^yi- buzzer jj*> <^ J b x i buzz saw jy^ (S^^s>ui^ ij\ box bvi brick veneer; by volume bwl bell wire; butt-welded BwGi Btrmingham wire gauge B WOi backward wave oscillator b wr i boiling-water reactor BWR Al British welding research B X (M) i box express bye-channel bye-wash by-pass (o\j) J^\^^i^^ *3^ by-pass condenser j^^ 03 1>- by product by road ^J S^W- Bz UCj'Hj.) Oj^. Ax-j^ (C^H^^CO-) JJjj^. OU* Bz oH '^jy^. ^ M ci candle; cathode; centi; cu- rie; cylinder; single cotton covered; cubic; coefficient CI capacitance; capacitor; car- bon; cell; centigrade; chan- nel; coefficient; collector; coulomb; crown; modulus of shear; modulus of rupture c a i air-cooled Ca (^y- W^ ^>^^) (^^ CAl cellulose acetat C A A R C 1 Commonwealth Advisory cabinet maker jL-J^ i'J^^j cabinet rasp \0\^y^) i^_^X_«^i »w»L-o_^ cabinetwork cable li .y_k->->^J (*--- «JjX (to) cable ^^^T (^l^J^-. o^i^. cable attachments J^IT^^iU-;, cable box J^X ^t^'l cable clamp J.lrc*-»j. cable cleat J^X ^^^ cable clip J^X Ji cable core J^JT c?>-* «J^X (**- cable distribution head Aeronautical Research Co- cable drum J^.^ 'OJ uncil cable fan y^^ ^ cab 'C^J^ cable fittings j,ir^^u^ ^^-r jU^c^L> .C115L-I cable grease J^.^ ^il cabinet ^1^1 i^^^ «(^3>») c-^i^ls' cable grip j^.^ jk:^ cabl 82 cal cable guard J>X ^^=>^ ^J^ cable head J>ir L*:> cable iron J* IT ^V^ cable lacing •>>» j^ J>.^ c^jU^C cable lug J^l^' a2L> cable oil cable railway j^) aT (^jiy cable rig ^1J» (^jU^ olSCz--^ cable sheating alloys cable shield oU* J.ir « J>1$' 43^ cable support J*X '^^■^^. cable terminal box cable-tool drilling (cJii) ^.Ld» (^jliL> caboose cabotage ^l^^i^l j^ ^ i^i^:^^ cabtyre cable cadmium (^y^L«M-i ^r-»-^) ^^ cadmium(alloy) bearing cadmium cell cadmium copper cadmiilm meter ^y>^:^ -^^^^ cadmium plating C):^^' cage ^--ii «cr^ cage aerial t^UfyL-l ^;^xiT cage construction c^J^ oUj:>-L CaHi calcium hardening caique S^ udJ-^^ t5^«*^i^ caisson caisson wall ( Je «^^) c^i^^jo.:-^ ^ cake of cinder •j^^- *=^*« (to) cake together caking caking capacity O^x--^ j*^ ojoi cali calorie Cali Calorie cala 83 calo cala it •hjt^ calamine calcar ^^SCs ij^ «c^jedUT »j^ calcareous film calcareous scale ^^\ <^y, «t5^' iS^^ calcareous sinter calcination u-J^ calcined pyrites calciner ^.rJ^' •->^ «*i>^' •-^/^ calcite cluT <£Cl- calcitrant calcium (^L^^ ^^^js^) ^^.^ calcium boride c^-J^ j^j^, ( -^J-^c^* calcium hardening calcium molybdate calc-s inter calcspar '^T^ >* «^^ calf's skin <1U^ ^^ «c:W calibrate 0^^ cj^* calibration marker oU/L^li calibre ^^^ '^'^ calico -?'^ *^jl» California bearing ratio californium caliper-gauge calipers «tpl*^l> ->l^^ calking .(^jIT^^ calking iron «<^^^^J (^ Callaud cell ^^^^ cU calomel (Hg^Clx) ^^ calomel electrode JJiT jl ^^\ .JiJlT:.^! calomel half-cell calomel reference electrode calorie *:iW^c^J'^ Calorie <^->>. t^^'^ calo 84 cano calorific capacity oj>.j iS^^J" calorific power calorific value calorimeter t^^ »y «<^liL»3 calyx drill a.oj>-L U ^SJ\j^ cam i>*Li .ui-*bl» camber «jWc^ ^(dUU) jy ^^^rjuA>- «A^^ o'y j«j^. •-j^ (»^^ camber beam o^^*^ ^ cambered spring cambric weave cam disc dUbU a^jl* camera i^^y^jt^ •cj-'^) c«^.->j^ camera control unit camera tube ,Jy.Ji^^ o*^.->-?^ cam follower *^I^L.j^y*i cam ground ,j-i-j ^Jai^* l* 0>:--** cam lifter tlUbU idUbL» ^^^ cam lobe (J-j-^yl) ^3^ ^cr^ camphor jylT comshaft dlj»bU J-u. «v^>- J^ cam sprocket cam type regulation cam wheel ^^r*^ c,>=r Canadian patent canal rays candle (j> ooi ^J^b) -(£^^lpj candle-power CANGO i committee for air naviga- tion & ground organisation Canifield reagent cannery c^jU ^,,,-^r *; U-jir canning materials ^^Ji ^^r^^ (c5^) c5W»y ojAil ^ Ji^ *f^. canonical four momentum cano MB capi canonical momentum C^^>» C^^s^ jI«aL« canopy jL-j U .ubj^L- Can PI Canadian patent cant o^->^ *i^l-^ 'lt?^ cant file ^^l 0U>>- «f:>j^U^ cant hook cantilever «jl^»^^ cantilever bridge j\^ ^J^. Jt canvas *^'»'>^. caoutchouc y^y^ cap o'^-'^ iiiUyr ..^IT cap i capacitance; capacity; capi- tal; fools-cap capacitance ^^J^ c-»jU> capacitive circuit capacitive component of sp- ark {^ ) *s^r^ ur^w^ cP^ capacitive coupling capacitive reactance capacitive time constant {^^. ) "^^.^ ^y UJcjIj capacitor OJL^i- capacitor motor ^Jj^ jyy> capacity (oUI) cJiJ^ capacity ground (dU) ^wu.3 <^L>4. oj^ capacity of condenser capacity of the furnace (c.ff.L j^) oj^ «-J^S Oj«A9 capacity table c^J^ Jj^^ cape chisel ^^--1 capillarity ^^y^ capillary attraction o-i' — *.-> ♦il/id^* •'-> 3' v^ — ^ capillary desaturation ^ capillary imbibition i>t*>* t^U^-> ^y^^«^ S^ capillary percolation i>J>* t^U^J t5l'-?^w^" capillary power capillary pressure «^^0-i^ojoi Cj4y (S^JJ^ ->Lii capillary rise ^^'^ capillary tension capi 86 carb capillary tube ^y* ^^ capital dU>(r .Oy^^ capital ship JC!^ jits' cap nut ^^j^ olvA*>ir s^,^ capped steel «(^Vy) jb^ ^i cap plug J^^j^ .dU>*Jw>'. ^^ «u-LJI car battery Ji-^yl c^^'-^ carbide -fy.J^ '^.j^ carbide carbon carbide etch (jii)Uij^_^dU^ carbide forming elements carbide line jyj^ ^ carbide stabilizing (j)j) M^ jy/ (^^) carbide tools ^^s^^.J^ jIj»I (^) •^^. ->ij'.l carbide-to-water acetylene ge- nerator jLJLjl-I olx^j^ carbon diamond j^Uj^S' iOj>» 'J=^^ cr^JI carbon dioxide .dL^_^a,jajl Cy S^ j^ vX-y*-5' I ^_j» «clL-L)^S'.^ carbon filament lamp Wbd carbon fixed Cil* ^>•^ carbon holder carbon-hydrogen electrode carbonic acid dX^J'j\f carbonic acid hardening carboning (a lamp) carbonitriding c^jlTjyL- carbonization t^JL- viir carbonizing flame carbon monoxide cj*.^ y^ ^x^\ carbon paper *^ J^IT o'.-'^ carbon pencil ^j-^^S '*^^^^ carbon pile regulator carbon ratio c^U j^^ ol^j^ carbon residue carbon resistor Jlijc^jlL* carbon rheostat «JUj<^!i-,/j carbon steel J>o^ ->'^i^ ^Vy carbon temper ^>,^ ou»ji carbon tetrachloride 1^" carbon tetrachloride fuse jUi t^l^.) jj^ J^^ 1^ J^ 3^ carbon tool steel carbon treatment carbonyl iron J^j^.^a*^ Ca rbonze ^ ^. ^ c? w^. carborundum ^ ^Ai I j^ ^r carborundum brick carborundum stone e^L:- ^^^i-* carbu retted water gas ,_^ oT jiT «c^jylj>>.^^ v^ -^^ carburettor carburettor adjustment carb 88 cart carburettor jet j^^O carburization 0^jijy,J' carburization material carburizing ,^iJ'(Sj\'^^ carburizing by solid matter carburizing flame •o.^^L^IaL^ carburizing steel ^.^J^ ^V> carcass *t^^ card O^^jl^Jy^ <^'^.) ^' ^ Li Cardan joint ObjlS' Jiil Cardan shaft(J-^yl) Ol^jlTJ--. cardboards iJJ^ <^I>a* card clothing j\^j\^ j^y carded cotton •^j^^ U Lxj carded cotton yarn carding engine ^jlT^^^U carding willow machine cargo intake certificate cargo net c^l^. jy (j^i^) «:il:>-^ (^UW' ^^J carpenter's pincers u^=^ ^^^ carpenter's square (^ J 1^ iS^^ carpentry (S^.^y^ carpet J'J^ 'J ^ carriage pole a^JU carriage road jjOU-^^ »'-> carrier (diijjI^^jUjStJ^U i-^bl carrier aeroplane carrier-free J^^ O^^, carrier wave J^^ ^^ carrying power (c.-.Jj^.i^JI U ('U:>) c^jlCiT o^^\J ^0:^J'<^^ carvel-built cascade cascade amplification c?3^J3* (dij) fir A. (.If vjut^i- .(.IT*, (.ir cascade control cascade converter ^yj3^ cascading J'>.-? case iJjo^-» cased beam case-hardened case-hardening c^jLc---^ o=i- case hardening bath case hardening furnace case-hardening steel casemaking machine "^^-^ case mate oy oUGbU casement j^M^ casement cloth c?'*^^ ^jl* case-shot •j^ij^ cash on delivery (ViT) Ji^ ,_/»,* Ai •"^'•^^ cashmir .j^r^^ ^jk casing .ii^U^ aj^ ji (_f Us i(cJ6 (SJ^A^) (Sj\^*^^ casing cutter olCiAj^ '^.^^ casing float collar casing float shoe casing gun casing head *i^ ^ casing head gas (oiJ)^^^jir casinghead gasoline •^^^ ^ Oi^*. casing hook casing knife ^.*1>1 «vJICi*jy casing nail iO Id^ casi 90 cath casing of well casing rack J ^.^j «a3>J c-> casing shoe casing spear ^'^^ j'^J cassiterite co.>:^ir .^5 iiCi- cast i^>xi^^U fOi^c^ cast a 1 loy s isj'^^^ij <5 ^ J U T caster «^>'^5^ ^xi^ «t?jis c^rr casting isj^^^^j casting brass iS^^^^tJ ^^, casting copper ^sj^^^^ij ch» casting press (S^^ l* o-^ casting strain casting stresses <^l^^> cast in situ concrete Uj^ oy^\ cast-iron iS^*^^»,j o^ castle A- J. i , ^i^ dU L- 1 castle nut j^J-^il ^^^^ Castner cell ^j^Jl el5Ci-»> Castner process >::-l^ ^/jj cast of an oil ^>c^^ e?M^ Castolin castor oil '^J' u^3J cast steel cast structure ( jJLJ)4jJai (Sj^'^^^iJ uUl:>-L» cat .#Lir^> VU I J ^ aT ^. Li, Catalan furnace catalogue tiT^ ^^ catalysis jj l'*^ catalyst jj^JIj*^ «^0A-^ catapult J*-*^-* cataract ♦^^>M>>^' .^a^.^ cat boat jLf.clAjCciW^) ^J- catch •*^« '•.^ «^^ «*jL3 catch bassin catcher ^j^ (S^*^>- J^^y*^ catcher space (5lJu^-w->t--^lt^Ui catchment area >.^jJ <^y>- eaten ^^j cat gold jb>U, (^IC^ cathead ♦ (c-ajcI^^O^^^U* cathead line j^J dULt J^IT cathetometer s^^^iisj] cath m cath .r-^ ;ir • ( .^-jii L-» *x:>- U ) j_i.ij» t_^Ja9 iiAjD cathode cathode area cathode arm cathode bar cathode beam cathode border (dU) arts' j^ cathode chamber ^^ lS^^ cathode compartment cathode copper cathode dark space cathode deposit cathode efficiency ^^ J^jl*. cathode fall (dU) oiir jUi cil cathode film (^ojIT c— ^ i(_^ajlS' o^j cathode follower cathode glow a; IT ^>i^j t^U* cathode heating time cathode layer cathode lining tpojlT ^^^--T cathode paste i»y* «a; IT ^^^^ (arts' oUks Oo-j L— :>• t^l^.) li--'jl cathode-ray oscilloscope cathode-ray tul)e . J^^-^l v-^ cathode region oils' L^ cathode solution ^loilT , oJyir .(polls' J.>1»«^ cathode sputtering ^•^•^^'^ cathodic cladding ^i*>*> cathodic cleaning 3J^^)IJ>a;ir cathodic coating c^^rir ^^ cathodic corrosion iSuf. cathodic pickling cathodic protection cathodic surface c^ajir^^k* cathodization t^oJlTo^s-.ljjjy^ cathodolum i nescence cath 92 cbat catholyte caustic potash c^lylT .oIlx;!^ 4(^a;ir J_^L«^ 'i^**-* ^r^ o^i 3^ ^r^ cation 0^"ir caustic soda cationic brightener .oij^ ^^ ij^\jy^ 3^ «- c^jb-ir :jLur Jl^ caustic washing cation selective membrane ->j ' i^- ^^^ ^ >^i.i--i (,^jlcT) O^sits' 43iL^ fcLiP cave-in (Oo*^) u^^c>-~i5 catline sheave cavitation t^jL .^ip- .^13 '^ (> community antenna TV cavity magnetron system (^) ^,^^ ^l>u^U 0.,^U cat whisker ( U L^ ) .>^. 03>- ^^. ^y resonator cauliflower top (^) ^1^^^ ^f 1^^^ (^V> ^^) dU>ir ^^^.^y ^^jj ^^l^ijoo^ jl^.3 caulk .c^jir U circuit breaker; control bo- caustic dip ^ij>^ ^>- ji c5J.>^^ ^^ caustic embrittlement pi . > c5i.y^ ^iXi^Ci columbium caustic lime •^ j ^i^^T q battery caustic liquor *sLj^ c^^ ioy .ck cdU candle cell amperage cdl-ft i candle-foot cds 1 cell capacity ^SJ^i'\ .1^^ C-;*^ cell chamber single-cotton double-silk ' covered cell life CDTi cold-drawn tube Cel commutator end; compass error; cathode efficiency; current efficiency Cel cerium cell liquor cell tester ^jUI ^^Jj ^^J^i c^-^J cellular structure celluloid ^.^^ cellulose j^J^ cellulose acetat CEi chief engineer; civil engi- ^yli*-) {^->^J ijyy-- oU-l cellulose dope celt 9S cent celtium cement ^U*. ii,>U .oUy- cementation cement bound macadam cement channeling cement copper ^ U--* ,_;-> cemented carbide fc^ U- cement grout uUs- v^^^ cement gun ^yLiy:* «j_^Ljl*^^ cementing c^jICi U--- cementing material cement mortar ^J^*-^ J»y> cement retainer cement slurry uU--- oUj^ cement water ratio CEMFl counter electromotive force cen 1 central; century censer jy ^^ cent I centigrade; century center i^J-Sj c^^^) cSU^ center bits center drill * '^-•^ search Institute ^s:^^ isy^^^ cerin o'*^**^ f^ ♦W*>» (jl:* ji) c^jICj I %j\ij:i ^^As- oUJu»J cerium (^^.U-^ ^--^) (^^ Central European Time central installation central standard time CERNl Euro-council for Nuclear Research cerosin o'"^** c^^ «W»>» *^ c^jr^-(5c^.^) ^juu-.i uUi cert 1 central station certificate ^s:f^ •^i'->J «(^-->^) 0^3^^ ceruse c^-i v'^v^ central time ^aLl. ^^ oL*i cesium (^^U--i^.^) ,^^> Central Wirless Station cesspipe ^M-^li <3^ JL,I Sa^>.l5Cz^l cesspit 4c^JL .oM^U .l>- centrifugal ji^f ^r^ #^ «~i m ■ centrifugal compresser centrifugal cutout C.E.T 1 Central European Time Ceylon gelatin jlTT^jlfT Ceylon isinglass ^L<^T».jirT centrifugal pump cf J cubic foot centrifuge jij' :^ ^ .iCx-,^ centripetal ^\J:f^ (c^^>) Cfi centripetal force. l^jT^^pj^ cooled in furnace jT^ <3 ^^ ^S3^ Cfl californium centripetal turbine centroid ^^ js'^ CFi ceramic ^^ »»iU>J^ carrier-free; cathode folio- cfi 97 chai wer CFIl crystal frequency indicator elm 1 cubic feet per minute Cfoi cooled in open furnace C.F.R. i Cooperative Fuel Research Committee cf s i cubic feet per second cftl cubic foot eg I centigram cgl centigram; center of gravi- ty; conditional grant C.G.S. U cgs i C.G.S. system C.G.S. e (su) k cgs e|su) centimeter - gram - second electrostatic unit C.G.S.M k cgsm U C.G.S. emu I* cgs emu 1 centimeter - gram - second electromagnetic unit C.G.S. system .C.G.S .liCz-^ CHI choke i^^5 Chi chain; chapter chafing-fatigue J^,l^ .^^^-^ chain (^^L->j^ J^ *J^I^) ^*«*i chain block chain bridge ^3^^ J* chain drive cf^^iJl^^i chain hoist chain mortiser (^.,«r«3 c/f*^ chain pipe tongs ^^,-j>j3 jU-l iaJ^ jl>-l chain pulley block chain reaction ' chain stitch <^j^^.M» chain tong iS^rtpyJ j^^ chain transmisson ,.^3 aJLs-^. vJ^S'.r^ J^J chain vice t^,,;*>'ij j^^ choi 98 char chain wheel ^s^y^j jU* c^t chain winding chain wrench yj ->M chair *ai.>4-.*:>,((^a^jyU^T) fl>- chalcedony ^Uj >*-A5' chalcography chalk ^^^ J^ chalking ^ U OjujU^ ^(sJ^^ 'o^^s^ chalk line chalky rust J>-»>^) ^^ *^ J (Cu U Fe<^l->b iS^^>.J'J'^jy>- chambering •W t^i^^^j.^- chamfered kerb c.*> ^J chamfering vl^^^ <:^ chamfron ol>^^. chamois-leather ^7*=- chamotte Oy^ ^y) '^y'^ chamotte sand J^y^ *-'-' champleve chance error ^l^;! c^Ua>- chance glass chance process change point { Jii) JduJ li^ «Ja^" c^L^i channel K^i^'-') c>» J^"^ channeling OU*- O^^ *^j *^j channel selector chaplet (^^->) <>=s*l> Ji '^J^'^ chapmanization ;j^>^ ^J^j\ characteristic equation characteristic impedance characteristic radiation charcoal v^ J ^3 charcoal blast furnace charcoal electrode J Uj ^j^ I charcoal pig-iron .JI^Jcm>- charge t(xi^^») ^Lj^ 03>Ji J^/'^HwK '-^'^.^ ->^ -?->*i^ chaser J^ (ty) iS^T chasing ^J^ *J'^ chassis oli <,^b chat-K^ollers <^UIyL-l <^L-T chatter ^b check baggage a^U^I* checkered plate jIj^T ^T checker work t^jL^juT check in ,_;-:^ ^jj^ t^U>l checking with thickness pie- ce (*^.->) e'.'i^ f- *. JLS ^ check nut check out , check sample check screw check spring check valve cheek (^=^i->) Ja*»^ *?■->-> «cr^ ^. cheek brake ^b ^ y^j cheese cloth JJb» W->^ cheese head screw chem I chemistry; chemical chemical brick ^^--l ^^ jA chemical capacitor^. L^ OjU- chemical cleaning tsJ^yat^ chemical corrosion chemically pure ^ chemical metallurgy chemical milling ^. W^- ^'^ chemical polishing chem 100 ch m chemical-thermal treatment chief engineer ^^^x^ ^ ^,>^L^ Ol5^ chiffon 0>i-i *^j\ chemical wood-pulp Chilean mill Jl-i t^L-T L c-JJ>- J^ ^.) ^^ LfiW^ >-«^ chilex anode (b^ li J oU)^ jLJT) J^U^ ^ .oi isf^^K-) ^^ chemigold plating c^jiryi^T (^ ^ ^ Pb .Fe .Si b ^ ( J^ Oj^. ) ^.U*^ o^J-> ^. chill j(4X9iij) ^^y^ ^^sXSJ.^^^ chemi luminescence Aaw ^ ,(^^ ^J li olW^ ->^ «^Whs^ cr'^-*^*^^^ chill casting «*>«-> -^^ c^^^ *^i-> chemise ill^ i^^ ,.;X^ -'•^.^ t^^ vJ 15 J^ iS^^:k*^J chemisorption chill crystals ^^L^ (t5*^) V^?* ji aTj^jU t^Uj^L i(^lA>tt J <^U^^. chemoy process C— 1 oOl (Sj^^'^.J (SJ^ v' ^ ^.Ui^ztU^o^:,^ chilled iron •a^joT Ova>. chilling test chempure i chemically pure chequered plate jlo^T ^*T cherry coal Jt>U *i*-^ «il>- JUj chestnut coal J'^ JUJ Chevenard's dilatometer chevils ,3^^ *J^. Ci^i t^l^. jI>JI chevron ^^ ^d^ chill inserted in mo(u)ld chill mo(u)ld c^^ii vJU .a>mj chill nail (a::^*,^) .ju^^^ c** chime «e^.yUt ->U^' 'i^J '^3*^ chime tube (jU^I d5C;i) d5Cz>T :]^ chfi chimney (stack) u^^j^ centi metric height finder china clay j^ flU- chid I chamfered china wood oil «i^y ^>i^^-> Chinese white chgi chins c^*^T ic^^ITaj IL* i, charge; change chintz c-^ A>.jl, chip 101 chro chipping ^i^m***^ ^\jA»,ku» chipping hammer ^sj^^ ct^ chippings r A I: 6) «iC-, o>- chisel ^.^' .<:C-I ..^ ,»^ c«* *»J^ choke !(J-«^yl) oUU !^,^ choke coil ojU-J ^^ chordal pitch c^^o c^ chroma ^5^0 «V^ «*^-> ^i^^ chromate primer jl^^J' ^^^ chroma te treatment iSJ^^^J' chromating iSJ^^^J' chromatizing l$J^ ^^J' chromatography chrome iron ore chrome leather 4i^j ^ol:^^^ a^U (.ol j^Ij^ f^^ chrome-ma gnesite brick chrome-Ni -steel chro 102 circ chrome orange «f>^r ^jU ((£^j ^-T) jl^.^ f^^ chrome plating 0^1^ r^^v^ chrome solution c^l^. c-J^^^::^! chrome steel (31^^.^) ^Vy chromic acid cell chute jIJu^ ^ia^ <4 chrominance •l5^ UCj chromit brick j'-^^J' ^'\ chromium {^_\^j:> .j^^) ^3 J' chromium cast iron chromium coating J*\j3^ ^3^ chromium copper ^b ^j^r ^Jlj. chromium plating chromizing J \ j^ r j^ chronogram Ol^j 0-.1 <>j^ C H (J i centigrade heat unit chuck (►It; *^ chunck effect oljS ^1 ji j_)3 4*y j^ft ji ^^u ^>^j^) (^jb cf^i? oljS (»r| ja>- 4.rj^L«>» churn drilling Cil cast iron; core insulation; corrugated iron Cli colo(u)r index CI Al alloy cast iron CIEi Commission International de TEclairage c i f (jli \\^ 3 <^^. 'UO ^^ ciferisation cinder oLj^^ '•j\^ cinder concrete •S<»,^ j\ Oy^, cinder hole •■>\^ (rL3j>-) c^'^ys** cinder wool •jL_^ (^ .^jlj:. ^^ cinetic energy ^^^^-^ (^3^ 1 cinnabar 3^^-^ cir bkr I circuit breaker circle shears jb^^ ^^s^** circm 1 circumference circt i circ 103 clam circuit cistern ^LjIoT.O^^ circuit jl^^ r I T 1 circuit breaker v^ * x ♦ , . ,^ ^ , California Institute of Tec- *^ " "^ ^ hnology circuit closer J-»j ^-Is' ^o^ol^ circuitry <^>x:3jla> o^>* cit. a 1 circular arch <»U;j^^ ^/^ citric acid circular grinding citric acid circular loom Ji^ c^li city gas ^.L^^j J^ '^- jl^ circular mil ((^-r- e^**^) -^^^ J*^ circular pitch C*^^) ^^y c^^ ^^^ ^ circular saw ^^^^ , , 1, • I civil engineer o\^.::^\^ u"^^^ circular shears ^yb^^ ^y?^ circulating reactor L K. W i ,, , ^, clockwise circulation of a vector , Hb -> ^^' """^^ call; centiliter; class circulation of electrolyte > circumference oj^ « -!»-»«> center line circumferential gasket circumferential velocity chlorine ^\^ c^^ «o^»*'^ ^^^-^ clad alloys v^elo circumnavigation ^^3 ^, ^^^ (v-^:^) c^^^UT {j\jr^) iS^jy\^. ^^:>jy^\J cladding c^3L- J^5J> cir m i clamp circular mil (*^i->) *^->^ v^ <^*' '•-^^ "^ C-iron ^l^^li 0*T clamping c^j^^.>^ clam 104 clea clamping bolt <^jUi ^-^j clamping circuit clamping dies oTlixf cfU^^^i clamping screw jI«a^Cs ^-j clamp of the lug clamshell JU^I^^ diC-:>- clamp-type rod jlxu-^ Oy^ clapper ^i^jjsC^ clarifying basin dark Cf-^J '^^^ ^r^L:^ ^^j:> Clark cell Clark standard cell J-:* classified grinding classifier .(^a^jAJb *lC:-^ classifying cone class of finish claw u^^5==^ «^ claw coupling J^^^ s:>^^ claw hammer clay JT .o--> ^^ clay-&-8tpaw mortar jChir J,>U clay burner clay contacting clay gun Jif ^^ U aT ^y clay pipe o^ clay revivifying clay shale ^j iiS^ aA* clay treatment clay wall t^l*.^^ jl^i^ clay wash Jf l^. (cii) t^^Csj cleaner floatation cleaner's solvent iSJ^j J.A»^ clean flow 'cr^y^^. ol^ cleaning lyL^-^ nSJ^jt*^ cleaning bath cleaning, opening, blowing cleaning solution cleansing blower ^yj^-l^* o*^l>» clea 105 clos clearance oU> a^ clinker built clearance angle clinkering c^ju^^JiT .^sy. ^^ J-^ y c-ie *ijl3 clinometer c^ v^ cleared goods ^j.p ,ci5:^:ib clearing (c^jLol^ c^l^. ) ^^<^>. clipper jjou; ^^.r clearing-block mechanisme clippers U ^,>6^T) ^^ clear lacquer dips ^^i cleat .^.A.V../ clock brass c^L^i^. cleavage (j^) ci^ .c^ clock calm cleavage brittleness cS\^ i^l^ .<•! jT t^U^^ Uj^L j^ ji ^^f jl:^^ clock oil c-^U (^1^ j^^A^j cleavage fracture clockwise rotation ^, ^^^ a^xjuiS^ fl^ <^j j^ fl^ c-pL» *j^Aff^ <^-5^ j-> c-^j — >■ fC^Sj cleft *^ ciK-i clod crusher ^^^Ci^^— v^»^^ clevis {^s^^j) v^-> clogging climber ^- e* ^^^-^3^ J^ -^-^ *^^ '^'^-' *^ (^ jl ^.ijj VU (S^y) J€j cloisonne climbing ability ((^j^L:-^^ ^y) ^i'j\^ jyyA^tS tjyy^ ojoi close anuealiug a::-* (^jICjIj clinch hammer jSi>.^ (cP^) close contact clinch iS-^^ji, (A*ias j^) ciii.>ji ^"^^ * J^'^ o''^' clinching screw wire close control clinker «*T oji Sj/^ ojU^ «o^j:> ^ closed-circuit TV clinker brick *: •- ^z^^J\^m O^.^.y^" * 5- ^^T «<^^^5-T closed coil armature clos 106 cm 4X-«i j]>Xm L» ^^:^^jl oUlai C^jIS'j;^) j|^^>»^ ^^^..^U closed die 4i-> ^,J^ (t^^*i=«^ closed-open J-»j ^ cloud point (c^) CmzjjS' iLa closed sand cloud test Oo^joT ^.UjT OaI^ ^vT A^Ij* ,«,i^9 A-»U closed shelter clock clr 1 .0^3.^ li^ colo(u)r closed tester club footed magnet (jux^i :.i,ii ^^oui) ^, ;jL. iS^*^r^^ iS^.^ close-packed structure cluster v>' j^ »^^^ c^L (Aiaw j) 0^ ((^lo-b Ja>- J> jT close-up view ^oji jl <^Ui cluster gate iS^<^y^ .iC^I j <^U closing coil (ilU) Jl^'l dl:^^ cluster hardening cloth o^ftU .^jL (J\a2,^ t^JL-Za*- cloth beam *^->t^ ^j^.^s" cluster mill .^jOJU o^ ^^^ clothbinding cluster pile ^^,j\^ (^Isc^) t^|A;>->^, ^ clutch c>*5' clothing leather clutch collar cMT i5> (a^i-,^ 0-0 jl) ^^>- jH^ clutch finger cMT ^^i^l clothing wool clutch jaw cMr cOi (o^i^ J •I;/' ^^) ^jL c^l^ <»^, clutch mechanisme cloth lap <^Ai L. ^^l->^ c^^ ••XlS^j^ (—*il^ cloth-lined paper jb^-T ails' cloth polishing wheel cm 1 centimeter <>-jU L» C^s-b^i C^r?" cloth take-up roller Cm 1 ^/-^jk i^jy) curium cloudburst ing ^,^ 4*j>-L- (c^^^'-=^i-> 0Ua3 c^jIS'j^O ->b0^«^. Cmi cloudburst treatment cooled in muffle cm 107 coar CMl cooled in oil corresponding member coach screw .(5iL-4*ljl ^^ CMCi carboxymethyl cellulose coal (i^xJUi coal crusher J^^ ^j .lCi^> cmd I coalesced copper compound (_^io-^ir (^ixrir ^^^ cml i commercial coalescence - cmpr i computer coal pitch «i^l-J 1^3 o\J^ coal powder Jt^j ^^^ cmps i coal-supply ship jS3[i} jlzS' centimeters per second coal tar »iC:-Jl^i ul^U ^ 'j coal-tar dye J^J^ iS^J cmpy I centimeters per year coal tar oil «iCi-JU3 Ol>> coal-tar paint J\J^ ^j CMSi coal-tar pitch «iC:-J'^iOlJa» center-of-mass system coamings ^^L* ^r^^uJu O .J?L^ CN , C.N 1 ^^ jV-i t^U*_^_j3 <* v^ ■^->->^ ^^ coordination number ^^^J^ coarse cut COT (OU^) c^j^ c^ .^.j c' closed-open; company coarse cut drawing ^^^yJL» Coi cobalt coarse file 'coarse filter c^j:> ^\^-^ COI coarse finish ^^ coor 108 coef coarse grained sand coarsening coarse pitch coarse structure coarse texture ^ilox^^^ oUx^L coastal traffic coasting (S^jy^^^^ ns^jy ^^^ coated electrode coated paper coating coating ability coating coefficient coating pistol J^^j *^ >!--** coating ratio {^j) ^^v^,^ coat of nail .jj coax i coaxial cable coax dry load coaxial cable ^y»^t> J*X coaxing (^) 4*li5 Ova* jjj cob (i^li Aiib J^TLy* AT^^jiXij c o b i cleaning, opening, blowing cobalt (^,U^ ^^^) cJLT cobalt bloom (j^) cJLT ^^ c^\s ^1 cobalt blue cobaltiferous wad jIjcJLT ^ cobalt plating O^I^JLToT cobalt steel cob brick (^ U-) cji^ cock c^^^U- ^ cock bill ^J ,;^la^ jL.> cock boat viL- ^ca>-^ j^J'kJ'^ cockles ( J^) *J ^yj^ iXLy^ cockling (*^->y Oa-i ^^-^ cocoon (^.y} *J^ cocrystallization ->A^V CoDl cash on delivery codeposition «v-^^" (** code writing machine criy>->0^' coef(f) i coefficient coefficient coef 109 coin coefficient of compressibility coefficient of corrosion coefficient of cubic(al) expan- sion ^^- J,UjI v^^^-i coefficient of equivalence coefficient of expansion coefficient of friction coefficient of linear expan- sion ^Ja>^ i,U-J I v^^ coefficient of mutual induc- tion (dU) J,li:> (^UJI ^^^ coefficient of rigidity coefficient of self induction coefficient of superficial ex- pansion ^s'^ J:,U-J I «--i>r* coefficient of viscosity coefficient of volume expan- sion t5-^^ i,L.-jl v*i^ coercive force .^i U-* a^ li^ cofferdam coffin JjOi^ cog 03^jli*i^3 «i>»^ 4AsUi (to) cog down o^J'^jy cogging mill ^J^^^^;^^ ^jy cogwheel j\:>»^:itj^ coherency ^s^^^^i •e/'^*^-^ coherent light radar coherent oscillator Ll-^ ^^^L— ^1 • U--« ^;XJ L»^ coherent precipitation coherer (^.^'->) -'.^i^ cohesion 'o^^^^^ ^'•^^ cohesive strength coho i coherent oscillator coil ««J>^«^^?«i «^^^^^ (J-^yl) Ji^ ic^.y *»JJ coil antenna c?^*^ c>^ ' coil box coiler (v^ coil form coil pipe coil pitch coil spring (J*^/l) t^W^ (dU)dUM, coil-type method coinage UJI ur^J com 110 cold O:*}^^ *^j*^ «(*C-) ^^ coinage bronze ^J^ *^ jUT coinage gold coinage nickel coincidence ^ l>»>> ^.^ coining o^'j^^ ,^>C- i(aC*) o^ coin silver coke cfAT coke bed ^ Cj*. coke-breeze cUT aTU- coke cake car4i>j coke coal t^jUdlT (v-U^) ) cJj^^:^! coke liquor (5j;i*iir :j^ *-j>UU coke mill ^ c^U-T coke oven ^syP^ •->/' coke-oven effluent coke oven gas m*m\ \ coke powder ^^J" cokes ,/yt^l^--l5- coking c^jLdlT coking coal colcothar iSj>-\ J^ cold anodizing i^^- o*^ ^ cold blast pig ^^ ^V o^ cold cathode jis'^^- oiir cold chamber machine i^^ AlaA9«A U Ji J^ c>*-L« cold chisel » ^^-^ jU^ cold cracking ^jL^^fS^'^J cold cure o^ cP'^^^J cold-drawn •o^- c^-?'^^^- (**^) cold-drawn tube cold extrusion cold forming ^^w^jJlj cold galvanizing i^^lj]lf cold-hearth furnace cold-laps ji* iS^j j>. ^i-Lol cold light ^U:^^ cold metal •a,ooT Jl§ .^^jl^- ^ cold-mix asphalt ^^cJU-i cold-pressing (3^) t^j*^^ cold-rolled (.»xi)^^^ ^^y cold-rolling ^^ ^jy cold rubber dl^x-V cold-shortness ^ox-iCi 3^^ cold ll^ff colo cold shot cold shut cold soap c-ao o j^> Oy, t* cold vulcanization cold-welding ^^ J'^ cold work (3^) (Jj^^^t* COLIDAR i coherent light radar colli collector; colloidal collapsible bit collapsible ladder collapsible mast collapsing (cJb c^jl^i*-) g* collapsing load collapsing pressure collar c— ♦-» <*W *^^ *^^y. '*^^ collar bearing i^l^^^i* 0^1' I collating machine collecting mean collecting plate ^k* collector collector brush 'iij.jjL?- .JUj collector rings «OljiJ c^Uy>^^. collision excitation collision ionization collodion silk &> laa colloid "V'^l^ colloidal (S^^ colloidal clay .o^— :>- ^j colloidal electrolyte colloidal structure )o?- collotype (vl>-) ^>'^^ colophony OU^^ colo(u)r anodizing ^j u^T colorant ^/li-; i^l*. colo(u)r buffing iBOAitiioD colo 112 comb colo(u)r carrier reference colo(u)r gate colorimeter colo(u)r index colo(u)ring colo(u)ring power ( •^^ -> ) est ' v>^ -> O joi colorizing is'^y^ J^h colo(u)r killer (>L") ^j J\^ colo(u)rles8 lacquer colo{u)r mill com(m) i communication; commuta- tor comb ^lii ^^.- 4>-^ r(<»U) *X^>- combed cotton o^j^^i-^j b L^ combination current (dU) v^^Oli^ combination lock >j Jii combination socket combination square combination yarn ^s^J,s^^>^ combined carbon combined communication bo- ard oli»Lijl Oc^lj *C*jS combined load ^ ^ ->^ combined stresses combined water comb lightning arrester combs (^^'cuiU) AiU comb 113 coinm comb trap ;.Jt> (^^*J^)^^ i tdlclA» OyU-* combustible cr^>- .lj>- combustion Jl^ combustion chamber combustion gas combustion point iS^^ combustion surface Jl^y^^l c^ combustion temperature t^U^ combustion tube furnace come-along clamp Jji$' c-w Gomel J^>^ cr*^L^*^ come quick, danger commercial commercial alloys commercial aluminium commercial brass i^^*-^ti!^^. commercial efficiency commercial irons comminution Commission International de I'Eclairage Comite Consultatif Interna- tional ^ Ig^olLLjjl ^Jy^ ^=^ Comite Consultatif Interna- tional Radiocommunication Comite Consultatif Interna- tional Telegraphique Comite Consultatif Interna- tional Telephonique Committee for air naviga- tion & ground organisation ( Ls Ui ^, )^^i^iAC^^^^ U^l^bii^ Committee for Coordination of imperial Telecomnuni ca- tion oU^LJjI i»y.aP- tfjISU* 4i^ Committee on Space Research common lead cl>- v-*,^ common logarithm ji) t^jL^I (»iijlO «J>*^-* r^->^ ( 1 o ^\i^ common rafter U >- J* ^ ^ common return J^r c-iS*^. <*»- common salt comm 114 comp J\j^ viU .(»U1. dUi Commonwealth Advisory Ae- ronautical Research Council communication i>Ljji communication facilities communication range azi - muth communication satellite community antenna TV sys- tem ^ ^^. 1j ^>l^^' ••^.i:^^ Gommutating machine (caj) JbJyL^>^,>^U commutating pole {^) JLS J^ commutating pole generator commutating switch commutation t>i>*^" ^oy^^^y^ commutator (y^) jy'^yS commutator ammeter commutator bar jy^y*^' Ilj commutator cement jy U^r «jU- commutator compound |^|^, commutator end jyyi\S' c^- commutator pitch {^jy\^yS Ji) ai»-lj aL<»U comp i composition; component; comt)ound "^^^ COMPAC \sy^ y:> aT Jbir compact battery companion flange com par 1 comparative comparator compass UxJa» compass card U^* Aa.JL* i^LiT compass error U:JaJ ^s^^>>■ compasses jlf^ compasses- leg ->^^ *tk compass-plane ^x-^- ;a;j compass saw compa ss- w i ndo w compatibility c^jlTjL compensated semi-conductor comp 115 CO nip compensator complementary MOS completely self -protecting complex admittance complex aluminium bronzes complex bronzes *jtj (jU^>^ complex galvanic cell complex impedance complexing agent J-^^' l>^ complex power iJiiai^ uly complex salt bath .(^^^L-fU^- compliance (^i) Jii .^zijlj comp m 1 compound motor com pole i commutating pole component ^ J ^j^ «4i)j^ composing frame {j^ ^j^^) <-->^ composing machine composing stick composite (ship) ^ ^^I^^i^lT composite anode v^^ ^T composite cathode v^^ J^'iT composited circuit composite materials v*r^ ^1^ composite plate composite sample composition v^^' composition exploding composition water composi tor o^^^ -^ compound compound compressor compounded oil ^s^ J j^jj compound field winding compound motor v^^ jy^^ compound rest compound stresses ( jij) v>X^ t^l4^> «v^j^ <^1>J^ compound-wound motor comp 116 cone comprehensive beacon padar compressibility factor compression ratio compression-spring specimen compression test <5jLis ^.UjT compressive ^strength compressive stress compressor oil j>-^^ o^jj computer ^.^-^ i^'^-^IT comraz i communication range azi- muth comsat 1 communication K copp satellite con i concentration; connection; contra cone i concentration; concentrate concave compass plane coned I concentrated concealed joint h^f.^ ij^ }j^ concentration cJ^ 'J^^ concentration cell concentration(cell) corrosion concentration plant o*«-» (^yO^AV* -^'j^) -iaj^^ al^jlr *(SJ^^y^ concentrator ii-U; .If jIT concentric jT^ ^ concentric cable js'^ ^ J,ir conchoidal fracture ^o-* ^iai* conchoidal marking ^vx-, ,JaL. concrete Oy^, concrete coating ^y^-> ,^^-> concrete core concrete diameter concrete gun ^l^U--- concrete lining jy* ^^^T concrete mesh ,^--- jy concrete paint Oy^ f^^j concrete pavement c*- i-^ cone 117 cond concrete paving machine concrete-piercing bomb jjS^ 0»^ V^ ♦'-^i'^. V^ ^ v^ concrete pipe ^ L^*- *i^ concrete road cs'i^. •'-> concrete screw concrete slab ^ ^^. Jl^ concrete steel c^ ^>^- concrete worker >.-> 0^. concreting (^Ji-^O^^. concurrent boiler cond I condenser; condition; con- ductivity; conductor condensate ^ ^*^ c-ii condensation Ol*-» condensed gazoline condenser ^ojljS':,^ .uJU- condenser charge Oi^ j^ condenser foil ojU- ^>iy^ condenser plate O}^ c^^ condenser transmitter ampli- fier ^Jj^ oy^J^ i L-i ^ j^ condensing turbine condensive load •i^ ->k condensive reactance conditional grant J»j,^ iJU-i conductance conductance cell oi^^-><-U conductance curve ^, U L- j <> conductance titration conducting period conducting salt ^flsLjdUi conduction (clU) c^Joi^ .^ULj conduction band conductivity u^y (JU> ]>. ^.3 ^. U Li conductometric titration conductometry (,y,L*-i) a. >^' A>j^7 Ji-> conduit conduit box (di3) cond 118 cons conduit coupling o^L% ^^^^ conduit rodding condulet c--> cone i^j^'^ {(/"aJb) j^^ cone crusher cone(d) cutter ^j^=^^ 3> cone penetrometer ij^ cA^^T) J'^^'i^^ ^-i^J conforming anode ^^ vJoT conglomerat (i^.^L^yr conical crusher ^ ^Oj^ ^I>-^) J*^^-^ ^i<£^ conical wing-valve conic section J»^>^^ t^^ conjoint action connate water connect (to) connecting lx)x {dX]) oU^I connecting rod .(J-:-^yl) o^U connecting screw connection i^Uol .JU;! connector o>-L» ^^^^^ «ia> Ij connect to frame <^>«j^ ^. Jl^ajl fly ^-1 (cUJ) JU;l conol jLif ^-.I^Ua^ conrod ( J--^y I ) Oy b consequent pole conservative flux consistency cJiU .^ly consistency test consistometer ^^^kU console «J>-^r .^^J^ lil ^ consonance ^l^y^ nsjL^^ Const J const 1 constant constant c-:.l3 jlai.. ,1>U constant current constant current generator constant current motor constant current transformer constant filtration constant wave ^'^i^ ^y constituents jUT ^\yr\ constitution diagram cons Itt cont {^ odr continuous mill cont 120 cont continuous rating J^ ^J^.^^ continuous rating permitting overload *^^. e?*-' -^^ continuous roll mill continuous-successive induc- tion hardening continuous tapping continuous wave ol^^A^^ contour c^ contour forming c^j'Ci^'UA-^-r contour hardening contour interval contour line (oAO Jl^' ^ contour shaping contra ^l> li control instrument (^^rJi'Lj controlled atmosphere ^i-.*il controlled cooling ^Ji^ <^jL-^^ controlled rolling ^t> ^j^ controlled thermal severity test iSji'^yi' Jt^j^ controlled-volum pump controller Jl^^ .iCu-^ control panel iS^.^ control ratio o^J c---i control reil jlf Xai^ J^ cont 121 copp control room ol^J 3\i>\ control valve <**^' V^>- '(J^ ^ convection conventional stress i,j^\ j\ convergence o^U>' '^^1^;^^ conversion J»^' conversion coating <^ ^ ji^^ conversion efficiency conversion factor J*^ ^,>» converting 't^^^,^ convertor J^v •-^^ >jy^jy^ conveyor 3 •oi clU^ ^^j j^ .^loiT .(u^l*^.T) cooled in open furnace cooled Quickly cooling bath cooling coil .a^^^^^ viU-,j cooling curves cooling rate iU>.Jl c-f^^ cooling tower .vXixS dU^ ^^ coop dLL>- Cooperative Fuel Research Committee oli^i^' t^jisU* az^ coordinate oUia^.. coordination number C^->^. cT-J^^^ cop copal gum cope cope & cone J'J>=^ u-^j^ cope stone Uj_^ (IICl- «4^^ liC:-. coping ^j^ - cl3 copper bath i^j^ v^ (cp'wt'.) r^ copper bit (t^^lC*-^) Aiy* ^ copp 122 core copper bus (3^.) ^5-^ c^ dX^J'j\f U <^^Jl» copper cell copying cutter ^ jj ^ vT iSS^. J^3J^ ' -^<^^ copying lathe ^r j.\j ^.^u copper clad :>yr^,^^ .^^ ^j^ U ^ cor (r) i corrected Copper Development Associa- tion ^^'^^^ c^^^.^^- , , I I -...,. , corbeled vault copper equivalent -^ (JUT ..).,.l..l^ .U «^^bie steps copper fastner ^ c^Uw ^.c^l^.^^^. '.^ OlcL copper-lead alloys ^°^^ ..K-x-^ <^ copper lead bearing cordage Jj\J\ , j^ c^l^. U. o^.^c^l^sUUU cord drill JlS li. copper loss cord tyre copper oxide rectifier jU JB^ I «^^ 15 ULO •<> Li3 ^*«X >^ ^^ corduroy road .<^jl^l S^W- copper plate printing , , - , , core H->y>* '^>») *^--» copper piating u^b^^^i t- coppersmith Jl^ ,(^^ ^^.,) .^U ^ ,<^U copper solution .^ ^T fU^ (^ ^^U^j c^^as^j ..>. copper steel jb^ ^V> ,(^^4^=^, ^) <:^U *J J .4:^U ) ^.>» «jy •uiiT^ (*»«^) *^ core binder CO2 process (t^^^xaw^) Arj^U *.;,-*-> core 123 coro core blower machine core box {(S^ *^=*i-') *^**^ v^ core catcher ^^J*^ ^^.^ core catcher device cored carbon core drawing *^^\^ isy^ ^J^ core drill y^. ^ cored solder jbj^ (^ core extracting device core extrusion machine o^t* core insulation core iron «*^>») *^* o*^ core loss «(^) ^-* -><> ^>^"' core (making) machine core making core memory core oven <^^*^^l^ o^f core pin (^y>>» .oJ^) o--fi» .^ core plug iS^^ ^>' core print core print packing core refining core room .(^^4>:^U ^.^ core sand ^s^^:f^\^ *-U core shooter machine core transformer coring <^jl^»^>» coring gun cork VHv^T corkscrew corkscrew rule cork wheel cor mem i corresponding member cornering J^^y' cr->^ corner reflector antenna cornice snidi i^U^ *J^J corona{discharge) coro 124 corr corona effect (dU) t^MU ^1 corr i corrosion correction thermometer corresponding member (to) corrode cr^^ •33' corrosion at the waterline corrosion by atmosphere corrosion by fatigue corrosion by fluid j J'^j^ corrosion by gas Ujlf ^ojj^ corrosion by liquid corrosion cabine corrosion cavity ^:>j^ c^U^ corrosion cell J'^j^ J*i corrosion constant^/oij^ c^U corrosion-erosion corrosion fatigue life corrosion fatigue resistance corrosion inhibitor iai^bjL corrosion paper ( c/^' -^^ *A ^-^^ ^ ' ^. corrosion prevention corrosion probe ^as jy>- as Uf corrosion product corrosion rate ^^ jy>- c^^ Corrosion Research Station corrosion resistances^ ^.^U^i Corrosion Resistant Council corrosion stifling corrosion susceptibility corrosion test ^^Ji^- J-kS^j^ corrosion unit corr 125 conl corrosion velocity corrosive mercuric chloride corrosive sublimate <*J^>- corrugate O^b j^>- corrugated glass jb^^C^T a^^ corrugated{plate) iron corrugated sheet corrugation corundum <^^ajj^ corundum brick ^y^jf ^^T €OS i cosine COi-silicate process cosine u->^*-^ coslettising ci-T ^^jfc U-.» COSPAR i Committee on Space Rese* arch cost price oJLi<.U; c-^ cost record ^ j* oj^-* coll cotangent cotangent cotter key cotter pin cotton cottonade cotton-cake cotton covered cotton-factory ,^-t>'i *iU-jir cotton gin ^^c/^ C^rT 'O^^ O-s^l^ cotton-mill t^.>'i ajU-jIT cotton print c^ A>-jli cotton velvet ^ J*^^ cotton yam ^^l*^ e cotton yarn count i^l*^-> i^ »^ cotton wool cotty wool couch <^'^^ lAjUIT coulisse cr^^ coulomb -?l**^ *^b) o^^ Coulomb friction 'C^^/^cr^^ Coulomb's( torsion) balance J^^ 9^, KSiJ^J coulometer ^r^J^f coulometric method coul 126 cove (c^jlCl j^^i^ countershed (o^^^^) ^.3 ^je coulometry ^j^^^Js^ countersink t^jL- <^,^ Council for Scientific & In- countersink cutter dustrial Research t^l<^.j^ ai^^ ^^i*^^ J ^^U oU^A^J AiU-^^i countersunk head screw counter i->*^.J>- ^ ce» ^T ^Jx- jl aT^-iTv^ ^.5-^^«^ c-^ counterwedge ocuz^ U j\^ c^^lijis^ L^jS ^ j\j J^\ counferweight r u^iz^f ic^j (^i c^U-) o^^^ji^*^.>- couple corrosion counterclockwise rotation J^^ ^^j {JiSCzj j\ jy) J'^jy^ L->^ ♦jy^^. o*-*^ «v^ ^. Lr">^ coupler „;^^ CopL coupling counter-current boiler jLjI .c->-» .(^^Cxi*- «ei^>''v>^>'. ;^^--^*1;^Uj. '"-Hi coupling hammer countercurrent flow jiJC^ (c^^) J,Ui>Ol>^ coupling probe t^^rAo- aL. counter electromotive force coupling with fishing tap j^lji^Jv*. coupon A*]a5 .4^ counter floor (0Ui?-U) oSlT yJS' course c/W^J->^) '^.'k ^-^ counterfort i(01—j::^L) c-> '<-^rr "^-^ K<^^>-t counterpoise coursed masonry countershaft cover ^^^ ^ cove 127 crac cover coat ^j v^ ' J^' v^ covered electrode covered van oju^^^^ ^Ij covering power ^_A^^ ojoi CO2 welding cowl iiUa- .^^-^ .^3j3 dUMT cowl lamp ^j^liv-^^V cow mouth chisel ,^U f^ ^ Cowper's stove COW tail file c^jlT ^^ oU^ Cox process Cpi centipoise; coupling Industries cpm , c p m i counts per minute; per minute cycles cp s I counts per per second second; cycles Cql cooled quickly CQDl come quick, danger c r I cherry-red; common-return; continuous rating; copper resistance c p 1 candle power; center of pressure; chemically pure ; circular pitch; constant po- tential; constant pressure; change point C. P. I chemically pure CPAl colo(u)r phase alternation C.P.I I Chemical & Petrochemical Cri chromium CRi cathode-ray; cold-rolled; compression ratio crabbing crack ^^^ '^> crack arrester jC:>yJ\^ cracked ammonia cracked gas cracked gasoline iIU>-i crac 12B cree crackes-clink ^jr^ i^J crack-heal process *Iy c^jlS'*->W crack impregnation test I — ) ^^1,-^jl i^^Jljli 1 — » ^^-j.kv^ A*.i>5^^ iJ^^— I Cr^^, tp'./-'.) i>*'-'^ cracking cracking stock crackon cradle dynamometer cramp A*.iCil crane eCJlT .JUsl^ cranema n J U* I ^ JUu I ^ crane magnet JU*I^ crane motor JU>)^ jy^ crane post crane runway era ne sh i p -> j U-i J UJ 1 ^i> prank »^ *^d '^^XJ «^jU crankcase( JU->> I ) 0^>^jj *JJ^ jDsranked chisel j^j^ ^ cranking t^JI^UIj ♦O^iJ'-^^ cranking capacity of battery C--3^y^ <(^^^U i^jU»jl #0 OjiAS crank pi n ( S^* y 1 ) oy U ^ U- crank press (^Ia.^, UT^, .^\ ^.wTi crankshaft ^t^JJ*^ crankshaft sprocket crank throw ^i jU^-* craze ^5-* i^^' crazing <4tC;- il^' CR.C 1 Corrosion Resistant Coun- cil crease 0^' ^^ ^Cr^^^^j'.Cr:^ creasing machine creeling creep (J^) i-^>>^ creep ductility creeper j\ jsij VL c^l^) sJ^j creeping of electrolyte cree 120 crit creeping of wattmeter creep limit creep strength '^j^ ffc>ci-*) crepe <^,^J i' ^^k) v^ crepe de chine crepe rubber (iil,:u»V) s^J" ,^\ crest •^^ '^^^ crevice corrosion j:>^^j^ (^^yiliU ojU; J*e j\ j:>) l«> crimping machine i>iU cringle v'Ul^ aiU- crippling (vy"''^^' Jk y oi^ juji j^) ^^^»^ crit I critical critical critical angle oa-li^^lj ijritical compression critical cooling rate critical current critical damping ^l,/»w^a*iU critical grid current critical grid voltage critical humidity critical point ^j \j>*^^ j^U^ critical potential ;l Ui critical pressure critical range ^\j^:>i^\s>- critical resolved shear stress critical solution temperature critical strain J^j>^\ ^k j^ critical temperature ^l^^i 4iai 'y^'j^ critical velocity of hardening critical voltage parabola crm 130 crow CRMl counting-rate meter C R i cathode-ray oscilloscope crochet <^jj^>M* crockery ^-Is' 3^J^ «) ^-^ cropping t(^Vy) ^/^^ o^i^. (to)crop the end (^^y) S-^^r' ^^i^. cross ^'^^'^ K^^ '*b) *ljj^«>- cross arm 'u'-^j'^r' cross bar ^o-j^^J cross beam 'U'->:^J cross bow «(^iV^ OUT ^ J3^'j OUT .uUT AJ^ cross-compound UsiVj:> cross connection cross cut chisel A->^^.c^ ^ cross cutting saw .^iaj %j\ <^l\ cross file cross hatch pattern cross-head '.aL^ ^ i^^. A*ia5 (jU. c^U) il^,.^^ uUUU crossing file ^J^^ u Un- cross magnetizing cross member (J--^yl) ^r-^ c'-> cross-over ^J* ^^* c^ cross-over road (o*T 1^) ^U; cross peen J^>: 3*>' ^^ cross product <^j1:>^. v>»^^ cross-rolling c^^^^ :>j^ cross section ^«^ tr>J cross slotted screw cross stitch t^jlo:!^ .t^Jj^JM- cross talk {J^) '^'^^ >-i^' cross thread {J>^* ^) ^^ Crotorite alloys crow bar (Ju^ crow 131 crus crow-foot zinc ^>ir*>.^, J^^ crown ^^ ''(»^j) c^ti u-b crown block crown discharge J^^j^, *1^> crown glass crown octavo A crown pulley crown quarto crown wheel CRPOi continuous rating permit- ting overload crs i cross-section C.R.S. 1 Corrosion Research Station CRT 1 cathode-ray tube crucible (*^i->) ^>. crucible furnace *^^j o^ crucible induction furnace crucible (cast) steel <^I*J>: ^Vy crude acid crude antimony crude bottom ^^J^ «^ U--i crude copper o^ U-lj , ^-» 4oL-» . --A '<»^ crude distillation unit crude error i^jy plsJL] '^,r^^ c?li*^ crude lead^^l^li y.^ t ^ v.r- crude metal crude oil crude scale wax ^^j-> ^>*b^ crude spirit crude stabilization crushed steel t^^Vy oL^ ^\^ crushed-ston road ^-l-4-V#Ij crusher jl-^^ «U-' .^;^dX^ crushing roller erus 132 est crushing -rolls c s i ^b ^yCi^iiCi- ,^U ^::d5C^ cast steel; single- cotton; single-silk covered; carbon cry k cryst I s*®®^ crystal r S 1 cryogenics ^JjU^ .^L^U^ v.. . ♦ carbon steel cryolite (AlFr . rNaF) c-J^.^r q^ ^ cryostat (^^^-••> «lS^L«^^ cesium crystal j^^ CS 1 crystal detector , , c. crankshaft; cross-section; (^ ) JuA^. 3Lj^- « completely self protecting crystal diode ^^3 « (»a^r^-jC ) ^>i.>ji> o-^^J"^ Csc i crystal frequency indicator cosecant crystal growing C S G l ^j^i 'c^^.^^,^A casing crystalline coating crystalline fracture Council for Scientific & In- I L- dustrial Research crystalline wax j^Lz* ^\j[i c v. \ crystallography ^l^^A countersunk crystal pick-up Oi->j^. v'^si crystal pulling Csm J j^j^. '^fjj^iJs^* cation selective membrane crystal (lization) water critical solution tempera- cry stn 1 *"^®* central standard time crystallization ct 133 Cum ctl cuam i circuit cuprammonium solution ctl center tap; current transfor- cub. exp i coefficient of cubic (al) ex- mer pansion Ct 1 celtium CTi center tap; circuit; central time; current transformer eta I ■^ condenser transmitter am- cubic(al) elasticity cubic(al) expansion Cu Cm I cubic centimeter culage plifier cul-de-sac .,„ . ctgl cotangent cullet ctni cotangent CUlliS crJi^' culm -->^^ cup grease cupola A-.5 «^--:^ cupola furnace Ji>5' s^^ cupola malleable irons Je>^ jl>^ cr^^ t^U^^ cupola receiver J*^ •-?,?^^ cupola with oxygen enrich- ment of the blast cupping press cupping test cuppy wire jloilCi (»--- cuprammonium solution cupra (mmonium) silk cuprat silk ^^i-a^j»^_^l cupro-nickel cup washer ^ui a-IT cup wheel ^^^1 c-i^l^^ c>=r Curi current; currency curative SoxilC^j S^U (to) curb (^oxi/^U- 4(50^ >A:> (to) cure .OousW^j) cured sugar cured tobacco •^xi^^^-^^.a^i c^^Lj cure retarder curie (^i^^iT I ^^Ij) c?j^ Curie point (SJj^ ^ curing barn (/^L-j) ..r::*^^^' o^^ curing chamber i^lCJjjc>.._5 curium (^.^-^^ ^'-»^) o^.-'^^ curl field ^. ^^i^ currt current currency current current coil current concentration (d}^) Ol^:^ ^^^ J\^ current consuming device current consumption J^. o^^-m curr 135 cur-o current density J^ current efficiency current limiting reactor (dU) •J^lr dl:>c^, current log oT <5^ojlool ^1^1 current meter ^--^^T current price current ratio of transformer current recorder j\^^^'\ current-step electrolysis current strength current tap j^ o»Li^^ s^^ current thief t^l^. *^U^ current transformer (viU) ^-JLl JJU^ current- voltage characteristic current yield OU^ c;^^>- cursor •^J . (jyy^ ij^\) Jy^j curtain electrophoresis OljijI ofrlT Jjj (^_jj 3,>yj^i^]| curtain wall l?!*^^ jl^i^ curved mold caster curved needle nose curve plotter ^^..^oLj olCu^ curve templet curving o^bU>j| cusec I cubic feet per second cushion ->y'^^J j^ custom made i^sh^ ^s* cut lAiUir i(olj) cfjb^U- l(ila» Cw-I :»jl>. Too jUr 4^1^ cut acid cut-away view ^r^i^ t^*^ cut-back (bitumen) cut-in (i3^. Oli^,^") «>»j cutler ^ <^'r JL^jU- cutlery grinder cut-off '.m^^ u J(J^ Oli^r^) C^^ cut-off bias (dU) ^ jU3j cut of file oU^ ^T cut-off parabola cut-o 136 CWt cut-off point (^J^W*) ^^y Cj^\* {^{j. ^ jU. x^jy) ^ :Ui cutting off isJ^^. cut-off rest ^^ ou. .oj j Ui-^ cutting-off latiie cut-off voltage J-^J ->*^^^ j^^ (c^jfe^T) J€ uUU 'My cutting oil ^iS^^^^J J^y^ cut oil ^^^1 c-a; .ax^Llli>- ^ij> .^31 ^>^>j cutout oU^^ioJir cutting pliers a^^(c-^^ I) .^. . kr • • cutting-wheel cutout box J^ A-A?- cutout relay cutwater 3Cju\ .jj^S UUa c»5'^.<5^'k (•15:^>) ^^-^ (; \/ , c V t cut pile (^ai*L) .a>^ j^ calorific value cut point cut sheet ' " clockwise cutter fjw o^ .•J^ij G/W I Jf:. dl, L J L^L,^ cement-water ratio cutter grinding machine ^ "^^ earner wave; constant wa- cutter mill (olj^) ^^l^" ,>JiU ^g. continuous wave; cosi- cutting ne wave cutting by powder c.w.r. i cutting edge of a tool r- «; c i u-y. HJ'-? Central Wirless Station cutting head a* . A3«i-» oU^r^ »ld-.i Ojjh* CWT' cwt i cutting machine hundredweight cy 137 cype CY Lcyi cycle cyan ti^^^T cyanidation vat l-I {^^xi^j) (ifjjj j>yl? ij^yA^ cylinder boring machine cylinder grinding machine cylinder head cylinder linen ^uA^ j'y cylinder oil cylindrical cell cylindrical diffusion cylindrical drill shank cylindric electrode cyperus oil ^^i^j^\^l ^^j (m," D dl dag 1 density; depth; deci; deri- decagram vative ; deuterium ; dia- meter; distance dall decalitre Di density; draw; duodecimo; Dalic process ^J ^ ^sJ^^ deuterium dam i decameter D4I demy quarto damage line Del damage ratio ^sy.'h^r^ *^-^ ' demy octavo damascene steel jU^-^ ^Vy dai direct - acting; distributed amplifier ; double - acting ; drawn & annealed damascening ^.^->3 It .^ damask jl^ C^-^k) Damaxine alloys dabble ^j(^ ^w^Ub(^l^>* dacron i^y-^* oUI) O^^b dammar e^ c:*-^ dado (iSJ^) :^ '"^'^ damp(-proof) course *iV damp air blower (OLz^L. j^) J>,U ^j iC^^^j u-i (l^ft ^ data-processing machine damped needle OLji^^ ^.^ ^UT o:>b^-U damped sinusoidal quantity damp 140 dayw '^;*^ ^^y-^ ^-i^ dU jIj ^.^--"^ Aj>eA-* damper tube ••^^is' v-*V dark trace tube damper winding (^l;) dl>^l; ^^.:^ v-*^ (dU) .o^itir ^^^^ darning c^J'y-^ damping darning-ball ^.if^^ ^.^ ^J^.^r .£IM«::-I ij'^x^ darning-las ^.^^ ^.-^ damping capacity ^'^^^ o^oi darning stitch damping power ojoi D'Arsonval galvanometer D&C.l Drugs & Cosmetics D&SMi dressed & standard matched Daniel cell dash pot iS^'^5^ ^5^*^ data processing data processing machine daPl double-amplitude peak datum line*--ilA> c^ ''^^ n^ daub «(0Ui:i-L- ^Us) ^^z-T Darak iS^^^ W- u^^ c^ ) ^•-''^ O^jS'AiUai lO^J^I dark blue tempering dark burn JU:--*^ (»-^ J^^^-^ dark current ^,->^' 0^.>> dark oils cri-r^ darkroom ( ^^ ) ^ '^^^--^ ^* darkroom lamp ^l^CjUv-^V dark trace screen DAVC . d a V c 1 delayed automatic volume control Davis bronze u-i^-<» tJ^ Davy (lamp) O^v*^ ^1^;^ day-drift (0'-^*>») Jiy «v-*^ day eye (c^) v->>» ^^ day-labour ^y^ j^j J^ daylight lamp ^.li5T,_^V day-shift j^j f U ^^j^ day water .j*^ J\ «4--i>- o' db 141 1 d.c.re dbl D B W, dbw I decibel decibels referred to 1 watt DBi D B X li dbx i dry bulb decibels above reference coupling dbai adjusted decibel del damp course; dead center; dbki direct coupled; direct cur- decibels above 1 kilowatt rent ; double concentric ; double conductor , double D B M, dbm i cylinder; drag coefficient decibels referred to 1 mil- ^r liwatt DCl double-contact dbpl decibels above 1 pico d c c i direct current centering dbrn i ... ^f decibels above reference DCCi noise double cotton covered DBS process d. c. convergence j:, *_r ^^j) DBS J\j^ r^J' (^o o^.jij^o dUL-r^j^c^ .^--! J^-^ J^ -^' ^ ^1 C'J^ ^^ ' dbswr i standing wave ratio in de- cibels D B V dbv 1 decibels referred to 1 volt DCDi Directorate of Communica- tion Development dcpl ,- direct-current panel DC Pi differential computing po- tentiometer d. c. resistance <^y**»l oj»^U^ dcwv 142 dead 0U^_/> ^1^ j^ jlo* c-^jU. d c w V I direct current working volts ddi demand draught; direct de- flection? dominant draught d/di demand draught DDi double diode DDPl double diode-pentode DDTl double diode-triode DEi drive end deacidize deactivation (S^^J^^s>. dead air uo^ Sa^^r ^^ly^ dead air screw dead axle c^jSIj^ dead beat instrument dead center (Oy.^^J ^ ^^ \\J:> dead coil (dU) j^ dl:^ dead dip oU ^iCs- ^^l^ J>Ji»«> dead dipping oL« (_fjD ^♦J «oLa ,^IC>- dead end ^^--'.y. dead end eye J.. IT v_»M9 dead floor (oU::^l-) I^j^ o^-i ^-aT dead ground •oxaT^-j^J aj JU;I dead head ^J jjUi dead hook o^ aT ^^^V^ a^-j: dead-load o^ j^ «c^U oJ^ dead load moment dead matter (vW) •^^»^-t>- ^^r^ dead neap yT ,sjy>- j^ dead oil -^^^y. ^^ dead on end dead reckoning ,y*s^LLLi dead roasting »«Xi. l> ^^''^ 'tj-^o *t3^ deads «,^'T ^%'l dead soft steel fUT ^^ :>Vy dead space j^* <^lj»j dead steam ..a-'-J^^.^ jUo dead turn of armature dead 143 deck dead wall loL-,aj, jl^o dead water j^ *^ J} o^ J\ (. . . J j\.:k^_ <^,-^) *^^*i J^ '^^J^ dead weight (o^^ jU .c-/i> jL dead-weight capacity '^'^^ dead-weight tester dead wire J^. O^a. ^^-^ de-aluminification dealuminizing dean (C.G.S .l^Ii-i ji j^ *>^l^) v>i^ debarking {cJ^->^) ^r^^:^^ debutaniser decagram f ^ •^ decalcomania ^ U^3ir decalescence (jJ.J) (^^>^^ decalin es*J**^ •^^) O*^*^^ decalitre j^} *:> decameter ,^ •^ decantation «03^ 3*-'.^' decarbonization ^*}^'-^^kJ^ decarburization (jJ^O^J^Jo^.^ decay i^^^yzSl yJ^J) ^u decelerating electrode deceleration ^jL^ oLi decibel « J-r-^ (o^-* Oj«M 04>-|^) Jj ^i decibels above 1 kilowatt olj ^Lr dJi j\ ^'Vl) J-^j-'i iU*; decibels above 1 pico olJ,(1o-^^) decibels above reference cou- pling decibels above reference noise ^^ ^i' • decibels referred to 1 milli- watt decibels referred to 1 volt decibels referred to 1 watt decimal gauge <^jl^l Sjl^l deci-neper (<^^*) ^ o;-"^ deck [^^■^) Ji ^A-* <4r»Ja-. ^^y- deck beam -^-y^ c;^^ decking *^^y. deck 144 defl deck start deep hardening declination ,^U^ ^1^1 deep tank m jls\ .^T o}[^ declinometer decoder deep-vyell pump j^ .\^ l^ decolorizing clay deerskin disC(^,,,s5^c^U^c;^ (c-ii) (^^Cj flU- defectoscope (jii) Uiv--5tf^ deferred action type battery decompl ^^^zOI^^U decomposition definite combination decomposer j»:J-4uuU ,bj4*jJu .. ^ . decomposition , ^. ... definition decoppering ot'^Jur-* 't>--* J-^y. c^'> defl i decorative coating ^J J^yi deflection decrement J^.t^ ^>^^ deflagrator (^) ut^^ J^ decremeter J^^^ ^^ deflate decrepitate ^^^^j ^^^^^ ,o.J^^=^^ ^ ^^ ^ / c^ ^ deflection 14*^1^1^1 dedendum •^j^at deduster ^.U .^.J .ISC^. "-^ -^'--^' '^^^'--'^ -^ de-energize deep drawing ^j^J^ v^- deep etching deflection defocusing deflector deflector of lamp deep exploration j^j:>^Liiri c/^^jy ^^ ' deep gallery 3r^ J*y deflegmator oT U •o^s'viLi- defo 145 deli defoamer v-oTo-i i^U o^^^\y,^^^ ^>-j^ ,J'j\^^ <>-j^ defocusing ^^1 J Li,.^ degree of substitution defrost (J^-h) ^I^Tci ^^^^^ oM:^! '<^j> degree Twaddel deg 1 cJa\si lsrj:> «J^'y V->^ ^%^^^ degumming degasification (c^rH^J) esi^^C:-^ ^jUjlC^ 'cst'-^-^ -'^ 't^^i^ dehumidification degassing ^^^^.^j ^j de-ionization rate^bji^. ooi degenerescence ^j^^ delay distortion degreaser jl:»^l- cl^y^l cil>3.y. ^ -"^^^ ' '^-^.y. ^ -^^ delayed-action bomb degreasing bath i»-^i ^-^^■^ ' - ^>^^^^ delayed automatic volume degree Celsius control ^l" t lu- J^:,y. ^'i ^^^ooo-. o^ji .cTx^ ^^^ delayed (-action) detonator degree centigrade ^yu^L ^-^ ,^U- ^^,a^ ^^^ delayed elasticity degree Fahrenheit j;_^s^y^ ^ ob^l" W-^VI c-.l4i jl» *^->:» delayed fracture vb^L' ^^k degree Kelvin ^.i^^j:^ delayed pulse oscillator degree of freedom jb^t ^^^ \ j^M---^' (.5-^) (^^'i''' *>-->^ delayed yield degree of frost ( jLi) <^^l' (Jl-j (>- ^--^) ^^^^. *^->^ deliquescence degree of polymerization ^a^yC-i .<^^l^ deli 146 deox delivery pump jl^U ol^:^L> ns^r^ OUx^l- «3i->J^' k di3^* *^*^' dendritic powder ^^sj^ ^J" delta brass U3:>(^lg>j^, ^^ i^^^^<^ jJ^^jiCW ^J>A» delta connection iSy^^ (dlj) dAi. JUn dendritic structure o\^-^l>. delta iron ^-^^ .y^T) U3^ ^T ^^^^^ ^,^Li oU::^U .^^>^ ( )^r^_1f oo t^U^j^ denickelefication .^J^jJsCj delta metal U3^ ts^^. JQ i^UjLJT ^.Uxil J'^j^ (r o*' «fr (^jj .6<5 ^^-•) denier c^ ^^^^ J^ ^^^ i) ^ ^ delta-star connection <^ o o o^ Ojj, \.,j^^\>,,^^ ^,^\ demagnetization ^J3>^L^ Deni son cell c^l^.) o-o J^, demand draught jU ..^ ,/^ ^^^^^ ^^^^.^^ demi-gloss coating ^» ; ». ^ y.v^ J^n dense graded mix demodulation (^^^ ^ ,^X J^; ^j .j^}yji<^'> jgj^gg ^^j. surfacing demodulator l^j^^; j| Jai u^x^ demolition bomb ^h>> --^. densimeter (ly. J15C>-) e^l>- demulsification ^x5:iO:,^^-l densi-tensi meter demultiplication ^^ ^^j t5C>.-^Ui ^^ ^.j,; i(.a;:,) c.p^ Jjii density demy (^^1^^1.5 ..) ^ ^^_^ ^^ ..^.,^ ^X^ . jljC^ demy octavo density modulation demy quarto ^^^^.^y ^^ ^^^1^ den . dens i denuder j3^^^ «I^3^^ density deoiling Sj^^.^ *^,^^^^.J^ dendritic crystals deoxidised copper deox 147 dest deoxidiser l^iJJ^:-^' departure dephosphorisation ^yj^j J^ depilation (c^rr) t^j^s'^l^^ deplating depleted amalgam depleted brine ^Jl^ v'-^^* depletion depolarizer l3>i-ia* deposit o^W^ '^y-> o^^s' deposit attack ^'^'>->^ deposited-alloy coated pipe deposited metal .(jails' jU depot ship jjL^ ^^^ depropanisep dept I department depth gauge depth hardening JU^ O^I^J depth of pavement depth of tooth -v'li) t^^j^^ desmutting desorption (^^j «(^^jli destannification ^^j>c^ destroyer J^h^j\ ij^^^ dest 148 df destructive test desulfurisation J'/ desuperheater^i^jU. olSlu-^ detaching roller ojiJ" viilaU detail o>Lw«i: ,oL?j:> detector (dli) JU^^T .^lo^, detector treatment (c.Ai ) C*^;^1j L» <-rA^ detergent detergent soak jL-S'U J^l>tA ioOuj^ J>1^»«^ detergent strength detergent wax ^^1^ jJl^l* determinate (beam) determination J^^^ ^^^^^aJ detin(ning) iS^^ 'c^i'^-^e^ detonation o^y oUiil detonation force jUislojoj detonation inhibitor detonator ((iCli*) ^l>- detour road ^J^^^ ••^^ detritus chamber DEUCE i digital electronic univer- sal coengine deuterium f>i^^:> i^jS-^ «Jjjj«A-s* dev i deviation; device developed ore oObi^bT Isir developer (c?-^) -'W* t^'^^ development .I «*)^j <«IC:l-^ devil 4i^. •-j^ j.^^r v_J jy*J ^_ji^ jl r^xif LL^ ^U-'j -or-^ devitrification Dewar bottle a-^J Dewar (vacuum) flask Dewar vessel yj-y^J dewaxing (cii jl) c?^o**^^ dew-point ^y»-i--i 4^Ui O^*-:^ *la*i '^^■^-^^^ ^ia** dew temperature dextrosal helix ^^i-f j c**jt» dezincification dfi design formula ; diversity df 149 diap factor; direction finder DF . D/F 1 direction finder; direction finding dgl decigram dgl decimal gauge, double gear dhi difference in height; doub- le bung DHI direct heating dhow V^^ Dil didymium dial diagram; diameter diacritical current diadem diag i diagram diagonal side cutting diagram j^>y^ diagram of connection dial c:->^ dial lock c^^^l J^ *-l- diamond glass cutter diamond pyramid hardness test io-^^^ ^^ k ^3^ uri^J^ diamond pyramid number of hardness (j^*) o-^.j ^>^ >^ diaphase 3^j* diaphragm ^^^ '(^^Jk^ diaphragm cell diaphragm current diapositif ^^'' - ^^^^ -' diat 150 diff diathermancy <^^. U / diatomite dichroic mirror ^j 3^ WT didymium die U>^Al i*_JU •i.r*^'^ «»a*U:». die casting die casting alloy die casting machine die cover die forging die head jl^^C .0,0^ die holder jlo^ •0,0^ dielectric 0)1^ J*> ,dly:Q\ ^^^ dielectric absorption dielectric constant dielectric current dielectric hysteresis dielectric resistance dielectric strength dielectric viscosity dielectrode c**'^-?^ ^-r^ ' die rolling die screw •a,a>' Diesel Jji^ Diesel cycle Diesel index Diesel motor J>,3 jy^ Diesel number Diesel oil J^^'^jl^* die steel ^^^yU^Vy die stock ob^»a,^x» die work ^p^ICw^-U diff I difference difference of potential differential {J,:^y\) J*-Jl^ii^ differential aeration corro- sion ^Jy^^ (J*t) J'^jy^ differential attack differential booster diff 151 diod differential computing poten- tiometer (^Ia-o IjL» 5^ J^lij differential dilatometry differential floatation ,y UssI (^JL jjLi «^yi>^4»" c^jjUi differential galvanometer differential pinion differential selsyn :>J^*> differential spectroscopy differential titration ,y*i-jU (^|4-«>^Uj» (^«X::>- 4i3>w «i^|<.«j Ua differential transformer Jou^ diffraction 3j^ .o^l^ diff user .OLLiS^^/^i* Kv^") oj*-i diffusing glass oU li-^i diffusion c^ «S^ '^r^i diffusion annealing diffusion bonding ^':>y^ J-y> diffusion coating ^by^jii diffusion coefficient i^ v-i-r^ diffusion constant S>iJ coli diffusion metallizing diffusion welding <^S^ J-^ digital computer ^jjCL^ digital electronic universal coengi ne j :)j:Si\ I ^*.v ^ L^ dike y^J^^ «^i^ o^ dili dilute; dilution dilatancy ^sj'JkJ'J^ dilatometer E-^«-r. dildi c diluted diluent .oixTjJj dilute 0:>^3^^ dim 1 dimension dimension .jlojl .a*j dimer •^^j-i dimerization uo^^jle^^ diminishing bell butt joint U*]^ tJ^.'J^' Jl-^l dimmer bulb J-.-.>»y I ^>0 U ^1^;^ •V'^ ^'wTT dimmer coil .a^-^ro^ dU;^ •iXi-:5 •^^^ c^.^l '(v*^ ) dinging hammer t^j^U ,^,i5C:>- dinking die a^C^j. v^-* dinking machine *^C^ ^>^L» diode dip 152 dire dip '.•^j^ JA^-* 'ts**^^**-* Si-* dip brazing ^sJ^^ iSjy^^y- L^J^-^^ i^.L*^^ dip calorizing dip coating dip galvanizing di phase alternator «jUj^ i_jjLij» i^k-r?" *^ y^ ««3 diphase cleaning ol^j^ ^y^-.^:. diplexer (-''•>'->) j>-^*i diplex telegraphy dip needle dipole antenna dipping (jis) ^x^\ J\ j:> y . .: ....:. dipping compass dipping needle dip polishing ^U-^c^b^i dip stick i>^j-> Ai--r* dip transfer Ji^-IJUiil diri directed; direction direct-acting (*« direct arc furnace ^^ c5l*^. 'J^^ r direct cleaning ^^ Ud AX--WJJ direct colo(u)rs <.. direct coupled direct current ou ^ direct current centering ,.,{^,j:SiULj:.\)j^<^ direct current electrolysis direct-current panel (*-'*^-^ U^.^r?- <^A^' direct current working volts direct deflection ^^r*^^-^ J-^ direct dyes(tuff) if^ii^^ (S^^^j O^^ — \J^ ** j!^^^ ^^ ^■t^. c^J' directional antenna dire 153 disc diFectional drilling disappearing filament jlus^^t^jUfl- 'j^l.^' (SJ^^ •as^^fc^ tj^ji\ l> -^t^jsT directionality lSj^^^ disc Ufl*i 1 discard direction finder vU^^ iSji^h (^V^) ,^^ dic^ir .^>;i,*a!13 direction rectifier disc armature (dU) c^ 5cu^^> rC^ ^::-U (^) ^\^»Ju. ^s>^J\ directive sending •'^^'^y disc brake (vil3) jlui*- So-ii-^ o'ou.^ direct mixing j^ a^^ o^J'J'^ disc clutch is\'^ck^ s>^. (j^^j) c^y^ discharge ^_^JI aJ^- director (^^ M •'^'^■^ iS^ Directorate of Communica - tion Development Directorate of Signals direct reading galvanometer direct steam ^^ jUi. iaSij jUtj «oj1^ j'-^> direct stress (^i-^) ^.^w jU direct vision spectroscope direct wave dirt road disi discontinuity ^i^.t. discharge recorder (itlj) jICaJl^- olG-^ discharge resistance discharging arc .•3l^«^J:>iiU' disc mill t$lA^i-» t^U^T discontinuous precipitation discontinuous yielding disc plow discrete *iJ'>>>,-> discriminator (FMcl>-l)iU^^T ./lj>^ disc Sander disc saw 4p>*j^> SjI disc 154 dist disc-seal valve disc valve c^l'^A^^.-i .^sCU ^ disengage i{Jt^^\) O^J'u^^^ disengaging u^^u^M^ dished electrode dish vyrashing machine disk ^^ -^^-l^ disc *j dislocation dislocation climb ,y^l:>4.U-^^--* dislocation jog ^i l^-^j l> *: U--T dislocation locking dismantle 'C^r^'^ O^^^Jb^l dispenser cathode dispersion 0>--..>r-^.^ •^^'I^. dispersion hardening ^^jLiai- dispersion strengthening displacement displacement compressor displacement corrector displacement current displacement spike displacement volume display ^^iUi ia^'UI disruptive discharge disruptive voltage <^Ui^:> jU^ dissd 1 dissociated dissociation u^Ci .dL jl <-^U>» dist 155 dme distemper paint ^U ^j diurnal load u-M (^^T L cMi ,^>i---u c^ divergence ^.^J'^y distortion cl>»l) c/Lii^l di^ferging ^Uiil ^o^l; .cU->^' Kcsi^.^'-' diversion road ^J .U distributed amplifier dive screw .j^ ^^ ^v^ ^L-^ oiU U jLijji divided cell distributed capacity O.LJUL ^^^I.Kl-:. (caJ)^.3yc^> divident ^y^ distributed circuit divider ^.^-Ju ^If^ (dij) o>:-r jIju diving boat ^\y^ ^J distributing box (•^-i: v^?- division c-^-i i^.*-^' distributing station divorced pearlite .o^- lo^ cJ^ (dU)^>^, ■ V 1 distribution (3y^) ^.---i" .^.iy distribution panel dli decilitre {3y) tiV c?A^' distributor DLI dead load; duo-lateral (J^^yi) >^J^ *^^. (^-*^ distributor point DLMl dead load moment distributor rotor disturbance ^%^\ dmi decimeter; dry mixed disuse period .l.»U-oj3 D M E I ditch «ji^l>- t^l* ef^^J '^3-*^^ distance-measuring equip - (j\^z.S- J,) L^. ment dmy 156 dope dmy I demy deci-neper dobby loom dock dockage cii'^L^^ 3^ docking docks >XL. ji Vir <^UjLj I dock wet <=5=-i>> «t>^^^ •^^«^*^' dockyard t^jL- j,^:^ ^i Li-jir doctor i ( ^^ o U ) v-X ^ fl^^lT doctor! ng •o.j 1 ^ If jU ^^J^^^ Doctor of Engineering doctor sweetening doctor test dodging o^li Ai.L- d of c I diagram of connection doffer i^j^^ doffer comb (^o^-ij) ^UajU doffing (J'^ U ^J oJJ ^,5-J dog dlC:*- ^^9 «^/dIj dolly ajji .^-H.^. dolomite brick dolomite mass domain (tyi^->^) ,_^*~J»Uaj» aaJ*:^ domain walls 4ii.i* c^U^I^^^ dome *-i .ouxf dome lamp J*--«yl ^^aa- v*^V domestic sewage is^^ Oy^ dope ^'y» ♦^^'►. iS'^^*.Jj^ ^^ dopp 157 doub Doppler range Doppler velocity & position doran I Doppler range dore silver dory cc^O^ c^^^ dosage dot product jL:^by>^J-»U dot welding process O^bo^y?- *1»aJ .(^jlCi^ JU- double-acting below ^^ j^ (^^ double-acting brake J^,ji >^' double-barrelled gun double-acting pump double-amplitude peak double- angle cutter double annealing jji^ t^jlCl; double antenna *i\f^ijxiT double armature 4J IT^^ ^r5=<»*->T double bend (a1>J) f^j^ t^^lj double-bevel butt joint double boiler (,^*^) c^jU^ double branch double-button carbon micro- phone J Uj j3 O^^Jl^ double cloth V^jj UjU double-column manometer (U jCi 4.) <^|43^ ji J^y^ double concentric double conductor (^1*^::^^ j^J».'5' double-contact lamp double cotton covered double current generator double-cut file aaU^^oU^ double cylinder ^>'j^ j-^^^ double-deck ((^ (^J-> ->y>* J^>*) ^^^J-^ •l^X-'3 double diode oi^U^ ^.s^*^^^ double diode-pentode double diode-triode double drilling system doubled silk -i^. doub 158 dova double-ended boiler double-ended edging hammer double end spanner c*^" M'^ double-faced hammer double Flemish bond double flue boiler double gear t^Uai^j^ double half-round file double-handed saw double hook (^Ia^^-U^^ ^Mj double-hung VU 31 Art^ double-ply ^^si^^ 'c^Ih"^^-^ double-pole double-throw double-pole single throw double pole switch c^U j^ ^vj^ double-riveted e;^^, j^ double sash ^\ ^5 j^ »^r^i double sheave pulley double-shell boiler double silk covered double skin *i ^3^ ^>t double-stage compressor double story boiler A^.L ^s S >jS^L jUtj «£^>^ double strength cif^L^-* ^IGa-l double (-start) thread double throw switch double-track ^^-^ ^-^ '<»'->j^ double U butt joint double V butt joint double vibration double weft weave double winding ,j*--j^ tstic**- double-wound silk doubling (cO ^^^"^^^ doubly re-entrant winding (dU) (^^^-s-- ^^ s^^t-* doughnut o^ oa^fc-i^i; doughnut coil iS^rr^ '^^W, dovap I Doppler velocity & position dove 159 drab dovetailing ply; double-pole (t^jU*i ) (^jL4i L j J fIS' dowel i*WW c^ J^'' DPi t^^.c^ «5:^,6*^ degree of polymerization; difference of potential; dowel screw drill pipe; dew point ^ilo, ^, ,jjS ^^ dowel joint ^3>^ z^.* JL-«'I D.P.I downcast shaft -it^si ^\^ dew point down draft carburettor d p c i cr^ o*lk ->y'->^.^ damp-proof course down grade (»^^) cr«^'^ .^-^^ down-hand welding dpdtl ^1 t^jICi^ double- pole double-throw downhau 1 dpm. i desintegrations per minute j^ OU^^ O^^-i^ (^1^. v^ downpipe (oLi:i-L) ^yl^^li down-pour tube Ji^^'^^ D.P.N.H. 1 downspout ^\^^^ diamond pyramid number ■r^ i . 1 * of hardness Down's process o^h o-jj ^UC^ jJ^^I .1^ 31 ^ W) DPOl (4ii;-|af ^^i--U> o,^ ^ ^.->y>^ delayed pulse oscillator down warping (:> W) J>tr^-> .^^ ,.; (Ai^laf a, ^ rt>^ dri dark-red; double-riveted doz t dozen DRI dozzle <^^ dead reckoning; displace- ment corrector; distant rea- dpi ding >. diametral pitch; double- drabbler ,J^^ 0L»:>L. dral 160 draw draft ^Jz^S' jyi'i\ ijiiS'j^^\ draft gauge s^OU^ draft pinion draft regulator ^i^ (»tu drag drag & cope dsj'^^tj) <^j^ drag coefficient drag force j^ rjU.*) j^T^ ^^^ drag link ," v»J^" draintile jSi»>j^\^ drain valve dram apothecaries (^JL-^jl^ f->^ dram avoirdupois j>,^:>->jl c->^ dram fluid oU,U ^j^ dram troy c^^^' c->^ dr ap 1 dram apothecaries drapery i^-=^i^^ draught 1 ^^ ^'k^ ^^r-^^ ^^-^ draughts' man ^^^ «cl^ draughts* manship dr av i dram avoirdupois draw .^^w s*e :^ (to) draw fO^V^T a^uas jOju^lT draw-arch ^j>^^ J- «ili» drawback (c^^f^x^.j) ^^ i^^ draw-bar JjS J^ i J«^:» J--. draw-bench ,^J^^ j--% drawboy J^ •j^sL draw-bridge iJ^=*:^ J* draw cock drawer >^ draw harness draw 161 drif draw-head ^/^ :>jyi draw hole (ojS ojj^) iS^ o\ cb>- drawing ^^^^fi*. i^^LSt drawing a pattern drawing board ^iL5 A^^Lftj 41s«J tft^J ^^^I drawing frame drawing-in (^^^) j'-^'^c? drawing machine drawing press drawing reel ^j^ drawing wheel {is'j^^^) ^ draw knife *-J draw loom (^tXLiiJLAj olxJL*.>i •»^~-^-^ •IxJU*^ drawn & annealed drawn-bac (^i-*) -^ki c^wTs^T drawn-bac mo(u)lding draw on pins i*^*- ^ ,y^^ draw on turn-over jlsGju. draw plate .a»aa. draw shave *-J draw string draw-works (ciJ) (^jlis^ J^^ nr',^ dredging J^^'j ^^.^jl^ dressed 2 sides & center mat- ched 0*^\j L» JUu'J dressed & standard matched dressing ,y3->^T dressing plant drill dram fluid dried brick cjl:>- drift tCc^^**) iS^^ «v-Ai .Jiy drift boat drift punches round drif 162 driv drift space drift test j 1 >*^- ^. U jT drift tunnel J-r**«* - JjLi-- (Sj^ drilling cable (cii) c^jli:*- v^ drilling collar .ax* J>i» drilling fluid (c^;) c^jU^^ JT drilling line (cis) iSj^ J*.^ drilling mud (cJu) c^jli^ JT drilling mud reconditioning plant drilling pulley drilling rig <^jU:> iS^ drilling rod (cui) (^^U»- *La drilling rope (ciJ ) c^jtb- oU, drilling shoe *i* a^U drillometer i^ J.V (cii ) c^jljb- (Jj,.r^^ ^^o'^ ' drill out drill pipe drill point '^o^ *^^ ^y drill press <^jUi ax* ia^* ^>iU drill ship drill socket drill stem drim drinking fountain drinking water drip line drip mold drip stone drive drive bushing drive end (.1^1-^) cS^ c-^ drive fit drive head (aJ^3) o^^ driven-in pin ^j^ j^ driven wheel •'\^J' tj^ '^ ,p^ c>f driv 163 dryc driver's lamp driver stage j • ij^jL-ij^y-j *^.,^ *^j — • drive shaft Objis' J-t^ drive sTiaft & rods driving head- ways driving pulley **--; t^ '*^ fl ^^^ ->>»^ driving shaft driving wheel drogue ui^--^^-^^ drone aircraft drop 'v::-*' <»J^ drop annunciator jloJl .jU^ ^L:J-I »i^f drop corrosion - .A^lito drum armature drum brake t^lolT >^' drum cathode aoi^^farir drumming drum switch c^kl^x-.! jJLT dry accumulator dry assay ,S^^ J-^j ^ ^=*^-,jLc dry battery -<.^* dry bound macadam dry bulb ^^«jo» ^6.i-»U3 idXL>- ^t,u»L»^ dry bulb thermometer dry cell (.HJ)dU^J^, dry charged battery dryc 164 ds dry cleaning i^A) ey.j-^ii^ dry copper .<> I ^^^ j^ ,y^ dry corrosion dXjL>- ^/'osj^ dry density clli:^ J^ dry drilling dry electrolytic condenser dry element dry fatigue dry galvanizing dry gas ^ ATt^jlf «iiii3- 3 If dry ice '^^^^^ ci drying cupboard olCil drying oven iux^dl^J- Sj^T drying tower dry kiln ->I^I Sou^^dU^ o^ dryness factor dry pile .y . J-^ dry pint *^h) ^^A^l?- c-i»,^ dry puddling «i^^^ U*-?-? ^. <»^3^J ^ \ A-j^ dry plate J dry point dry preparation y^M ^^ ,^ .J^ (JOUJ»^ dry pt i dry pint dry rot V>^ c/'^V'^ dry-run test ^.^*'' J^i^^iT dry sand «cAi^y, ^^.V «cij^, a-»U dry sand mo(u)lding dry (saturated) steam dry taping o^^j a^ jJ ^uT dsl double sash; double stren- gth Ds -Dy DSl degree of substitution; Di- rectorate of Signals; discon- necting switch; Doctor of Science d.s. 165 dump D. S. I degree of substitution D, S & C M i dressed 2 sides & center matched DSC I double-silk covered D Scl Doctor of Science dsp i downspout DTI dark trace; double-track D T M , d t m i duration time modulation dual carriage way (^yi>) o^U- J^ U m\j dual ignition dual magneto .^^, j^ (^yuTU oiT^ •iUi-l t^yL) J^ jl dual-stage compressor duck o-VJ^ '^ j^. duct -^ .1 ductile cast-iron(U.S.A) Oo^ ductile coating ductile crack ooluXIiIj *I^" ductile iron ductility transition duct radiator J^y jy^,^\j dug well ~ j:^^ .In- ductile ^-^ Ju-iT 'f^ '^- j^oJ^ZAA dull j^ i'-A^ loU dull attritus Ou» .c-is- (^>l> ^T dummy rifle ,yli* j Durapor u^l^^ rli) j>*b^i duration time modulation Durehete Durex ,^->^^ e>» Durichlor J^i->j^ 0^ Duri met o*i->ji duri 167 dyna durionising r^J'^'^ Duriron f^l^) O^, ' j^:> ^Vy durometer (^w- jia^) yij^^j^^ dust arrester dust catcher ^^^ (Jli»l) dust coal dust-coke dusters dust-exhausted system dust extraction (S^j^ dust filter ^ ^j^ lS^^ ^^ dust floatation dustproof dust-tight «^.^^ ^^ ^» Dy i dysprosium dye (JT)^^S3U dyeing iSJ^'*^ dyeing roll JJ^j clUJU dye penetrant dyestuff ( JT) Jjj S:.U dynamic braking «^L:i^ j^J dynamic corrosion dynamic electricity dyna 168 dyst dynamic electrode potential JL» ^^1 J---J lie ^Mi^l dynamic equilibrium dynamic factor dL-»Uj^^^_^ dynamic loudspeaker dynamic modulus dynamic pressure c^U.^ jLii dynamic stress dL.Ui^jl> dynamic test loop c^l^. ^ii» dynamite »::-*• ^.^ dynamiter jldfc^lii^ dynamo ^>» «c^-^ dynamometer c-^-^'y dynamo sheet ^^;ICL- Wy »(»Uj^ A5^»j dynamotor dynatron characteristic dynatron effect O^^'U*^ ^1 dynode tSy ^» ^^ dysprosium dystetic mixture O^S C*aw \^^ ^ idXjflX— >i (.-*jP ,^ jLi^i E el eccentricity; efficiency; elasticity; electromotive force; electron; enamelled; error Ei earth; electromotive force; English; electric field stre- ngth; modulus of linear elasticity Eai earth EAESLEASl European Atomic Energy Society e a m 1 electric accounting ma- chine ear ±^ ,- eared screw J^iJ^ ^^, early warning J^ ^^\ «^jT earpiece ^jaL' j:.^ earth(dU)^>j*. JLjI filU .^^^j earth antenna ^^j u^'\ earth arrangement earth connection (dU)^>^j4,. JU-I earth current(s) f^^j J^ earth dam ^rU- cx^ iol:> earthed *j. JL^i .,>>j aj JLjI earthenware partition ^^c^l^y-> (»ri^ij^ «^^^x_--*i^^ o^ L-* earth fault ^^"^^ Cj^j ^. Jl-*^"l earth inductor earthing switch (liU) ^^j^xAS earth leakage current earth mover j\^y.^^ ojjvxJ^ earthmoving *ll:i- u^^ l^^^.ta- earthmoving scoop eart 170 ecoe {jyS'\j) J-^j^ earthnut oil ^^^3 f '^^. u^jj earth oil ci* earth pitch cJU-T earth plate ^>-»j <*, JL^'I *^«a^ earth potential ,>-u.3 J^ U* earth potential difference earth resistance earth retaining wall earth return ^^j^j aj JL»iI c^y^ (»---' earth road ^U-Sil:^ earth satellite vehicle *jl>>»U earth's gravity field ij^j AiSW- ul*^ earth's magnetic field earth wax c5* '**^ c>* • '^>' earth work earthy haematite easement curve tr?i->'^" "^i^e easy bilge (^y^^) ^J" j>=^J eau-de-javel J^i^^) JjU v^ eau-de-Labarraque J^lJ wT eaves c^. *^ cr*^^;* ebb current (vT)c^jj^ ^k^ ebb tide stream ebonit ^ •^->^^ tii-:::-'V) c-3>»l ebonize (vy? '^A o^\*^y> ebony cr>^J e. b. p 1 end boiling point EBUl European Broadcasting Union ebuUioscopic method eel earth current; electron coupling; electronically controlled; enamel single- cotton covered ECl executive committee ECCi electron coupling control eccentric jT^ jl c-?^ •'^^ eccentric cylinder ecce in efflyl eccentricity iS:^^ 31 ^j[^ cJl» ,^/lA eccentric press echo-sou nder ^J jT j I ^^ eddy current testing eddying flow ^ o\j^ edge cross lap joint (^ J (^ JL^ \ edge dislocation edge-planing machine edge ridge edging machine edging rolls a^^^ *J ^->y Edison battery 0,^.^1 t^^'k edition ^.^ 'V^ editor •>y<^^ ol^^^j eds i enamel, double-silk- cove- red I E E li e. e i errors excepted eelbuck-shaped aerial eff(y) \ efficiency effe 172 el effective current ^> ol^ eh V 1 effective electromotive force extra-high voltage J^ J^J^. ok^ E I A i effective head (oT) j^ jUj Electronics Industries As- effective horsepower ^> uly sociation; Engineering In- effective loading dustries Association; Engi- (0>-»ir) ^> c^J' neering Institute of Ame- effective radiant power rica J^>" Jy-0\r effective resistance EICi (dU),^^ltc^jU. Engineering Institute of effective signal radiated Canada J"^ Soi^-ii^ cU eight-wheel car effective value »jy^ ->W C^b (dU)^>OU^ Einsteinium effective work -xjL. jir (vy.U^^-»^) c^Ls^T effervescing steel EJCi ^\j\ ^. ^Vy .OLi>> iVy Engineers Joint Council efficiency ^yJ -''^ ••^-'^. ejector dliLiil ,(^loly ^-J^^ efflorescence i0^j»j^ ejector die ^j>^ **i»» (^.U^S^U) J^^^O (t^->UJ isJ'^^iJ O^^) effluents oM-^U ejector lug egg sleeker (t^jLli cP^Ai^Hj) **!»» i=-^ iiSj'^^ij) J^^ ^t. ejector pin E H F U ehf i (ijj\^ iSj'^^.j) ^' extremly-high frequency ejector pump (3i->>' *•^*^' 'c/^^^- V^^ ehpl effective horsepower; elec- ekgi tric horsepower electrocard iogram ehtl eli extra-high tension electric el 173 elec ell electric light ELi elastic limit; east longitu- de elaboration of raw material l^jIT c^iL- oUi elaeometer v>^j->^^^^ elastance (. . . jO}\^) c^^>,U5^. elastic ..lU-.VI .^»ai^ (^^ijUil^^ elastomer ^^w'jl viLii^c^l4i..-» elayl (CxH^^.U,- :^U) JljI elbow (^>J)c5*V-' ELci elastic limit under comp - ression elec I electrical; electricity a^ electric accounting machine electrical conductivity ^iiU>^. ,j:^,^\ Colo* electrical jumper c^ electrical lead c3^. (^ electrical made pig-iron elec 174 elec electrical resistivity electrical series electrical sheet iS^j^ electrical transcription electric amalgam o^U *-^ electric angle drilling ma- chine c^ J^. <^ electric arc electric arc welding isJ^yr electric balance (iiU),^::-^^ jj* electric blast furnace Jy. ^ o^ electric brake jyyA^jS^S ^J ,J^^ >.y electric breez electric bridge (dX])ji.^^Ji electric caliper electric candle ^«^. bio- electric current J^. ^k^ electric eye electric field ^,^]| olvv electric field strength electric flux Jiiy^\ SjU electric furnace ^5^. Sj^r electric grinding machine electric gun .Ji^. c/liji* electric heater ^ ^ii^ electric hoist Jy JUil^ ,J^^ ^VU electric horsepower .^^. Oly electrician jls3^ electrician* s pliers (•>^y) (3*^ c— 3^1 electrician's solder (^jlG^.<^ electric lead pipe electric light J>. ^y.U^j-> electric limit under compres- sion J^ y,j J^ 4I----JL-VI j^ electric low hearth electric motor oil electric pendant J^!^ ^t^jT y.y^ elec 175 elec electric porcelain J^.J^^ j,> ^^^ ..>» ^^^ electric potential electric power »iU^>:5GI (£jj\ electric pump J^. ^-J^' electric resistance pyrometer electric resistance strain gauges ^y-.jliu ^^.u^Oiu electric resistance welding ^5^^ IX. 1^ ^SJh.:,^ electric spray-gun J^, *), electric steel «^'^J^-- ^Vy electric strength electric thermometer electric thickness gauge electric tube caliper electric welding Jj>, ^JCl^ electrification electrn electrician electro J\ ^ .^^ J\) yj:S^\ J-^j (oUr *^JL>a 0^\i "r*^ electrobrightening ^^^'^^ electrocarbonization electro-cement ^^. ijy^ uUs- (•>y'o* ^^J J^. •-'^^ electrochemical ^_L*^^ electrochemical attack ^electrochemical corrosion electrochemical efficiency electrochemical equivalent electrochemical factor ,,l t^^. J-l^ electrochemical fluorination electrochemical machining electrochemical method electrochemical series Electrochemical Society elec 176 elec electrochemical unit electrode ^^^^1 electrode arm electrode base ^j^\ ^.^, electrode bias c^l^^i-l ^Lii electrode carbon electrode-current overage ing time O^^o^ U^ oL»j electrode dissipation electrode drop electrode efficiency S^JLi (U»jLil ji) ^j:S3\ c-i^ o,,;iXUl electrode fluid (^^^<^JI J^i-'-^' electrode gas electrode glass f^\tj:^ ^y^\ u^yA>,J^ A-1--1 electrode holder tiSJ^^yr ^ i electrode jib electrode mast ^^^3 1 J> U- a. U electrodeposition <^->ISoT electrodeposition of rubber electrodepositor j^T Electrodepositors* Technical Society C^.^O OljiC.T a*^L> electrode potential electrode spacing electrode support electrode tip ^^:J01 J Li fly electrodissolution ^j^l J>Uil electrodynamic (^^49- Ai^^_^3l electrodynamic loud-speaker electrodynamometer electroetching es^Jj^il J'^ «c5^T ^1^ electro-extraction .1 jjl Jl* a^jI-j electrofacing L ^^ Jij <^^lcT electroforming t^jLjC-i o^J-r^^' <^3L-*^C^ .^^j^^3l electrogalvanization ^jj^zC3i^ii^3ir electrogalvanized coating elee 177 elee electrogalvanizing electrogilding electrogranodizing electrography electro-hydraulic forming electroless nickel plating electroless plating c5->^T electroless solution rL^ electrolier c5^'^=?W jiJ^ electrolysis cilS^ ,yS^j'S3\ electrolysis cell electrolysis unit electrolyte electrolyte acid <5^-l> ou-l electrolytic bar electrolytic bath .cJ^^Jl electrolytic brightening electrolytic capacitor electrolytic cell electrolytic chloridization electrolytic chlorination electrolytic cleaning electrolytic condenser electrolytic conductivity electrolytic copper electrolytic degreasing electrolytic depolarisation electrolytic derusting elec 178 elec electrolytic detector electrolytic dissociation electrolytic electrode (S^yS3\ electrolytic etching L. J'^^ electrolytic gas ^,d»^l>.AJl j\f H (r/ *"• o"^-^^ electrolytic generator electrolytic grade of zinc electrolytic interrupter electrolytic iron electrolytic lead Ai aUw ^^ Vs^) fS^ ij*^^ *r*^ electrolytic parting S.^Ck: electrolytic paste electrolytic polishing electrolytic powder electrolytic protection electrolytic rectifier ••a^^s'^^* electrolytic refining electrolytic separation dLO; electrolytic tank ^^^Ol J> .>i^^i Ob electrolytic valve l^ssjS ySi>_ electroly^er *^:^^3j^^ electromachining ^^jICl^L. electromagnetic field electromagnetic interference electromagnetic seismograph electromagnetic surface ef- fect C^y, (,^-J»Ui^ J^^l) ^'1 electromagnetic volume elec 179 elec electrometallization electrometallurgy :© electrometer electromotance electromotive difference of potential electromotive force electromotive series electron affinity ^l^^^j^^il electron beam welding electron collector electron compounds electron-coupled oscillator electron coupling '.j'^.-r^' lsJ^=^ 'J^y^^^ J^'' electron coupling control ^_j^]l ^,jjr^' ^^. (^*t^' electron device ^^^^^Ol aL-^ electronegative potential V*. (H A. c^ ) ^^ J^i Uj electron emission electron gun O^^^l v^'^i ^^ electronically controlled electronic altimeter set oU^Ur^l i^j-^jy^}\ oL^LiJjl electronic-flash lamp electronics v5»J^r^' (^J^>^^ '^3^^^ electronics counter measure c^-J^ ,i53| electronic semiconductor Electronics Industries Asso- ciation ^Cij^OI <«jL:-^ e<^^^^=v electronic thickness gauge electronic work function electron injector ii^^ao'rin electron microscope elec 180 elem electron-ray indicator tube electron tube V ^.V .^j^Jl v^-V electroparting liLXi; electrophoresis .j^y^^il electrophoretic plating electrophorus electroplater jicT electroplating <^jls:*.T electropositive potential electrorefining aL-^. aJL^- electroscope electro-sherardising electroslag welding electrosol ^T j^ Jij ou?^ electrostatic c^^^^. electrostatic generator «^^U j--iU ifUii «i>rL J^ o3^A electrostatic precipitation electrostatic separation electrostatic unit electrostriction ^^. ai*--^jl-VI electrothermal J^. — U^ electro-thermancy ^y.U^_ J^ elec trot inning electrotype J\) yj^\ J-^j \>tAM> u^l.> o^^ yi j.r*-' J ^-^'"^ cT^ electrotyping c^jL-Jd - Apti^ (SJ^. ^ ) jy^^ J' J J electrotypograph electrovection electro-winning electrum U^ i^^yS3\ Elektron 0^jS3] dU jUT J^C:^ ,%) Y-^ r(»-^tt^j3T J <^, j^^ jl ) element c-j* J lib* ,»-«- «^^L»-j:» ,,r*i^ I j,3j^ I .lC=--i i(cib^J^)^^| elem 181 emer elementary analysis c5»>?' tsi W^- *iJ^" ',>aS' elementary semi conductor elephant boiler ^yT 43^3 jUj (iCi elevated jet condenser elevation (J 15 ^^y^ .Us .^Urjl elevator V.^^. o^uT elevator link ^.VU liL^ elliptic polarisation ^J^ elm Ojjb vy? elongation «,jt-i Oo^jbi Eloxal process JL-T^I J^'\ eloxation JUT^I ^>a;T elution j>^ v^ ^->l«^>» (y>-yir) o^i^jJ^ K*;^^) ^*J^'v* embossing ^ ^ c^^-? t^jloi l^^:** embossing calender (to) emboss the hole embrail O^^^ embrittlement c^^^' .^*ux^ embroidery «t^3ji **^ EMDPi electromotive difference of potential emerald >^j emergency cell emergency landing emergency set t^jl,.^! SiUs-> emery oL-^ emer 182 end emery belto emery brick emery buff emery cloth emery dust emery fillet emery paper oLu. d^lT emery paste •^Lu. ^j^ emery stick oLl- t£^ emery stone oLl- (iCu. emery wheel ««:>U^ tj^ emetic war gas j^J ^/-xs^j^ E M F U em! i electromotive force emi I electromagnetic interferen- ce emission «^^i .j>v-* emission efficiency »^'ls' s^i^ emission spectrum t^^ *-*-i» emissivity ,^5-—* y/*^.^ empennage U*>l^ ^^ emptying •^ *J^" EMTi European Mean Time EMU, emu i electromagnetic unit; elec- tromotive unit emulsifier jyiCJL-J^I .••aj^-^I emulsion opal glass emulsor jylC,i^>»l .•«Ai,>i*T E M V I electromagnetic volume enamel(ling) (sJ^.^ „sj^^ enamel, double-cotton-covered enamel, double-silk-covered enamel(ling) furnace V->l*J C*3«> Sj^ enamel kiln v^ ♦^-^ •->/' enamelled brick c^i^l ^T '^5^*5- (^T) enamelled cloth « Jl* a>-^1| enamelled leather Jjy enamelled wire enamel plating troiT enamel, single-cotton-covered enamel, single-silk covered encaustic painting encrustation k^.^jj 'C:tt^J end (^JuiL) jU endb 183 en-fi end boiling point S^ oi*i> c^L»> end cap J'y^^ *J'H'>^ *ij^y end cell ^l-^J uU end cutter end gap 3^J^^ end grain v>>- oUI cJ«** end lap joint endless belt ^'^ ->•> endless rope ^„;»«* v^ endless saw endless screw end mill ,^^^1 i> «^/-^* -'^ endo i endothermic endodyne reception endothermic reaction endothermic working end-papers end play jy^ JA 4^3^ '->>»^ ^ end point ,jji^ OUl* aI^ end-point gazoline O**^ cT^ <^^-* ^ v>.>^. ends center matched end skew brick c^v^ wr^T ends standard matched end-stone (c^L-) iiUl5^* «£^i- end thrust ^^j>>«> ->Ij .(5j>»«^ ->ti* endurance endurance limit endurance ratio ^Cx-:^ op- c.--i endurance strength Enduro ^A ^ ^ ) J-'^^* ' ^^^ Enduron ^.ajUCij) Oj->>^l cm^ end view c^A t^^ energy *^y*J^ ♦t^J^' energy gap between two bands S^y j^<^3^l *^^ energy level c^3^l j'^' energy of dislocation en-fire array J:^ J^.^ \ c^^T enfo 184 entr enforce ^^. *->>*>• OjOS eng I engine; engineer Engl England; English (to) engage clutch o^J'z^ engine c^^ '-'y>* engine clutch pedal engine distillate -fy^^* JiJ^. 'Jr^ ^^^ engineer cr'Oi^^ engineering *:^ts^> Engineering Industries As- sociation Engineering Institute of America IC^I ,^0,:^ t^y^jL-j| Engineering Institute of Ca - nada I ^ U IT.^a^g^ <^y^juj I engineering steel ^ U:::^L ^Vy engineering stress L?^Ui jl> engineer's chain engineer's hand file Engineers Joint Council engine house 4iU-jy^ engine oil ->y>» c^j-^ 'C^L* ^jj engine oil pan (J--^yl) j:jir engine room ^sU-^y^ engine support jyy* ls^» engine test facilities engine timing ->y^ c^jtJlj** ( i^ ij ^ o^ ^^ ^31* ,.^ 31 ) English (cross) bond ^.^j cSL English crystal ^^^ ti--i engrave t^^lToocT ij'^ engraver i'ls^ oI^'^juT engraving wax enlarger lampOUwoil^T »^^V enrich dy^-* •^'^) (Sj^^y^^ enriched reactor •^^ j^Tj entablature ol j\ i»Aj^ entablement 4*.-->u» t^yC- entasis (o,ji-) oosJ .^juT^ entering ( 4/'«x:» i*. )^y I juCw enthalpy (dl-^Ui^^^^-) ^IxiT entrance pressure J>i»-3 j^ entrance switch jyi^S oJif entropy entry timbering eod 185 equi eodl ment; equivalent every other- day EONRl eqnl European Organization for equation Nuclear Research eqpti epl equipment earth plate; end point equalizer EPD U. epd jL^I^. JU-I JUUC, earth potential difference equalizing pulse • (o^rjt^") *i ^^^ is^^.^ e P U equalling file extrem pressure lubricant J>"-* OU^ '^^jU^ ou^ E.P. lubricant equations of states ^UJ jLli ^1^ }\y^j (c^^r jU) l*3l» oV^Lo. epm I equator of magnet • T 1 ''' 1 1 equivalent parts per mill- lj^;X*l J^ «".^r^' (^'y^» ion; explosions per minute equi-axed crystal epoxy cement ',^^1 *-— >- (iSj'^^j) cri ^=- ->A ^H^ '^yJ ^-^ equi-cohesive temperature eppi I expanded plan position in- dicator ^Ui'jl J o^ u*'^*-'-^ EPS, e p s 1 electric power storage Epsom salt ^ Id (,j*«4») c^,>s^>^ oUJ^ epsomite ^^ oUJ>- eq I equal; equation; equip - equilateral pointed arc equilibrium J^l^J equilibrium diagram j\^y^ equilibrium potential equilibrium segregation equipment JtL-^ ♦ol^>a^ equi potential j^j^ equi 186 / esr equiv 1 equivalent equivalence factors equivalent jj ^^ equivalent circuit of a cont- act rectifier equivalent conductivity equivalent diode voltage equivalent parts per million equivalent Roentgen equivalent weight (^^^^ "r^J oj«--ri ^J" e r 1 earth return; equivalent Roentgen Erl erbium ERl engine room; external re- sistance erbium (^L^-^^^-*:^) f^j\ erection v-*-" «cr«-'^' «0^^ U> erector .(,>iU) ^^ J>^-«* Erichsen (cupping) test erosion ur*^^ «ur»^ erosion-corrosion «^^J ^ ERP l> e r p i effective radiant power e s i earthing switch; enamel, single-silk covered Esi Einsteinium ES li es I electrostatic ES. Electrochemical Society escalator ^J^, o^, escapement (c^L-)d^ic^ escape shaft ^^^J •^ escape valve ^J-> ^J"^ CA^J engine test facilities ■,^' ■ ■ • ■ ■ i' ■, . . '■ - ethyl alcohol diJLJl JsGI esti ethyne o^-l .6^1 estimated esterif ication .0^ iSj^^ ET. OH i JJ^ ,s^)isi^J^J^*o^^^,j\ ethyl alcohol (JOI ^. ou-l ..JL:-^ ^;l }\ J\ ETRl .,;. FSUUesul estimated time^ of return electrostatic unit E.T.S. I ESVi Electrodepositors' Techni earth satellite vehicle cal Society Et.alc i e. u. i ethyl alcohol entropy unit; etalon ^^ULl-I .^Uu ,Lh* ^-I'^iilCjt: etchant ^^ o^l ,»^j^ J^^L^ Eul etched glass oU li^ > europium etch figures ( Jl«) J^^j^ JlCil eucolloid ^51^ -^^^ etching .^IC^- .^JioL- eudiometer e^e^ etching microphotography etching polishing etching reagent t^jKjjis clU;. etching solution for zinc etch pits^fasj^(^j^)^U.>a" ETDi estimated time of departure EUR ATOM i European Atomic Energy Community European Atomic Energy Community European Atomic(Energy) So- ciety ^J-?i ^1 A*^U- European Broadcasting Union European Council for Nucle- euro 188 exc ar Research evaporating dishes > European Mean Time evaporating tower European Organization for evaporating vessel ^^ «i5^.^ Nuclear Research evaporation ^.p^- U^jl ^\ oU^sj uUjL evaporation concentration european process iron ^^^^; j^ ji jg^- o^ >» jly.i^x::>- Oa:r evaporator europium g^^^j ^j-^^ ,,ig^. .15-^^ (vjiWi.;-^) jHsi^j^l evaporator tower eutectic . . ,. i .. j|aO>> .clM^jl i^/l^I^jl eutectic change «^«^«^ ^°11«^ '^ ^'^- J^^ft^'jl J<^ ,^«i; ®^®^ fracture c^l>:5C> ^Uai^ eutectic graphite even load eutectic halt . J^-^-^l ^iij evenness .^l^ ^j\y^ eutectic point Everdur ->^i->^' (^U^>^ eutectic reaction g ^ 1 Ji^!t\ J^\y early warning eutectoid c^oJ^jCi^I .uJy^Cjl £ wave .a^UEc>* eutectoid reaction t , . eutectrol process c^^ldl^j ex i J^^ol O^Ui U 0,^-^1 example gY I ex & ct i electron volt excavate & cart-away evapn l* evpn i exc 1 evaporation exception; exciter excQ 189 expo excavate & cart-away exhaustion creep excavation ^->'^^. ^^ exhaust manifold excavator Oljjlf o^l a3^ Ji^^ J*> i^^ ^^^j'M^ exhaust pipe excess-acetylene flame aL^ ijj^t *i>J «**^' ^>J .((^jICi^) Jui-I^ ^i^-i ,»jll5'L:>-1 exhaust-steam turbine excess-oxygen flame , ^^J^ ->'^. ^i) lyb ^^_> U^i ,,uu<:ra---ri -iJl*::, exhaust strbdk^ « cj^ ^'.^ exchange forces exhaust valve jj^l v^>-' jL c-b (^l*j^ exit gas cr?"^^' 31^ excite (oJ^ o/^) ^>i:J-lajUb exciter ^ol::-! ol^l •!-> ^>* exo i exothermic exciter winding , . x. exothermic reaction exciting winding ^ exotic 'cr'^" ^. **J«* excitron exfoliate u^^ *:^je ♦^'^-^ **->-? expansion; experiment; ex- exfoliation ^s^\ ^->j ponent exhaust ^^J^ expanded metal J\^ .^5*-- jy exhaust blower .J^\^ expanded rubber ^-^r^^ •ouO Oj^.^iL: .o^C J=ii=^ (^^i>l^ «^J exhaust cam JjjS'l dUbU expander o^3^. ^>^-^. exhaust duct cA'y" oy--^. Scu-fi^--:^ exhausted steam .0^^ jU. expanding metals ^jj^c^U J LJT ^^i> ^A^i ^ ^\^^ ,^j^ ^^^^ jUo expansion J-j^^ .-UL-jI exhaust fan •J'-:C» 0>.^^ «cr^ expansion bit ^i^. a^* expa 190 extr expansion bolt ^h ^^^ expansion coef f icient(of heat) expansion joint (4J^) i,L^I <^y\s expansion reamer expansion strock «er**^' **.^ (j^^j^ jy^j:> j^) a-^AjS ^iCi^ expansion trunk expansion valve i»l--j I ^ expedient road ^>» s^W- experiment **^ 'criL-jl expert u'^-^'^ exploratory survey (ing) explosion force j\m\ oj^ explosion inhibitor S^U explosion proof jl^^ jUajI explosion strock oU^ijI**^ ( j^jji jyy»J^ j\f)j\M\ fid* explosive atmosphere explosive forming explosive welding exponent •>» *^* '^'y exposure interval ^UjJ-*»ly express boiler express line .l^aU express train ^Jl^jo^^ j\SJ expl 1 experiment exptl I experimental exsiccator ^ox^db^ ^\d^i extl external; extract extended dislocation extender ('^->) ->^ '•^.-' extension t5*>^wr^ J'*^ extensometer t^^J'o^ external armature external combustion engine external screw-thread s*i **^^ external snap ring pliers extinction voltage extinguisher o^*a>- oj,^ extr 191 eyes extract c'^^^^l extraction (cii) ^y ,^\^:kz^\ extraction tube gI^=^^' ^^ (^ 1^ If j:> Ojjj^V^) extractive corrosion ^'^^ ^aij^ '^.^'^l yS'^^i^- extractor t(t£^^") ul^*^^-:^ extract wool extra current ^^^ Oli^r^ extrados U-' U» extra hard steel cr^' ^s^ extra-high tension (UK) extra-high voltage jLi* extra lattens extra long staple jL^^. ^U- (^,i.Jl^ rrlr ji ^'^.) ^A. extra smooth cut of file extra strong paper oJl^ ^1^ extreme pressure lubricant extremly-high frequency extrinsic semi-conductor extruder c?' ^. ) J^J h^ • '^^^^ extruding machine o^l> extruding press t^jL-c^ o-^ extrusion (t^^^j^) ^J^S^h^ extrusion press tool ex_work price '\^^^j:> VIT c^ U> eye s-^ ^y*M ' ^-^^ eyebolt eyelet at end of spring eyeleteer eyepiece (y^^^J^) t$*^ o-^ eye screw fl farad; function; frequency Fl Fahrenheit; farad ; fighter ; filament; folio; foot; force; formula; frequency; frequ- ency meter; function; fluo- rine fabric '.-^t ^u^Ui «a>-jI* fabricant .aijL ,^0^1 fabricated fabricated steel fabric proofing o^^'j'-^'^ 4>-jU ^^lail cfi^i-V «*>-j^ fabric take-off facade (OUi^L) U face {(u-uj.) j^ h-t^ icj «^--?" J 1(^1 >■ face & side cutter face bend test facebrick (oUii^U) Ui face-centered cubic structure jiSr ^ ft5>-_5 U v_^j«.X.j» J^J^ AX_j>i face guard (to) face-harden .<^jld^JU faceplate <>i^'-) •^ ^i-* facer (lt'^' o^^) •^ '^='«*-' face shield isJ^^^ ^^^ face spanner ^^VJ- -'^^^ facet *^«i <(^'>?" u-l^") 6i facilities Ji^j facing ^ <>«*-• (v^lj) c^jl^^-> cli-::-V factor Ji-5'l5 «v*i^ .J>U factor of merit c.^^^ v^^ factor of quality c-^^^ vi>^'^ factor of safety oU-jJ^I ^^^ factory ^ ^J^ factory hand J'J^ factory unit ^r*-^ ^^b fading aLj Oj- Jo, failed element detection & location ^*; I jj^T I j j^ ^ l^z-^ fail-safe working ^^^^ ^*^ fairing ^o>r «<^^/ojJ fairway ^^^-t^^^ ,,«^ JUIT fall f(v->L-l) v-^T 1,^A- ^Ur^^l jJ-j-» «^>-.-Ji iC-Sl '.,^5^-^ JUjI^>- ^;-t>eij falling weight test fall of potential cJj cil false arch v^'^cry 'c^^.^-^cry false ceiling oils' .-ii- false core mo(u)lding (^^CJLj false key e^M^ jL^ false resistance .vSlT c-^^li* false set false stull ^y'^ iS3^ fan ^>.-^^. '•«J^^^ fan (-shaped) aerial fan antenna fan belt (J--^yl) a:!^^* a.*^- fan blower jiJ' :^ ^ f^ fan capacity fane 195 fati fan cooled \y^ U .o^ dl^ fan cooling (j/>*) O^J"^^ fan cupola «^^^^ J*^^ »j^ fancy alloy ,y^.j jUT fancy yarn iSj^^ iS^» fan drift (cw^) cA'y fang Oouc^^riyb fan out screw fan-shaped ingate faql free alongside quay fori Fraunhofer lines farad (oj^c^j^ ^s^b) ^bU faraday *^^h) •^l->L> faraday constant ol->l> faraday number •^Ijli Faraday's law of electrolysis faradic current jUil Oli>> «oljL* Ol*^ farmer well farrier's pincers jyUjT ^ I jlT f asi free alongside ship fascia ^^ fashioned iron J^^^ fast chopper fast-cutting tripoli fastener i^y^^J) ^^— *. fast ship jj-^" j^^ fast train ^^'ci^-'^ fat *^^ cA^j «Si «c5*.^ fat coal «t^^5 <£^^3U3 fathi fathom fathom s-^T j^ ^^b) J^^ .foi (U f'Xf'Xf' v^c^l^. fathometer (^^Uj^) ^Uj^ ,^c^l5jj fatigue (^0 J^^^-->- fatigue allowance fatigue crack J^=--=>- ^J fatigue limit (cij) ouu .u- «j*UA t^*-' "^ .^i-^ fati 196 fd fatigue range y^^>- ^*^\>- fatigue ratio (jU) t^jUL r-*--i f .b.p i final boiling point fatigue test(jLi) ^x-j- ^JoT f c U f c 1 fat lime foot-candle (^U- L*^") v>^^ '^ FCi frequency changer, foot - candle fat liquor fat sand ^3 L.U ,c-ij^ *-U fatty acid o^>- ou-l fatty oil j\^ cj^^j .^iU jk^j F.Ci fixed carbon faucet fL^ ^ .y.^^j-^ ^ faucet joint ^3^ ^y^^i^" JL-jI leap \ foolscap 1 fault current ^y:^ Oli>> fcap 4 to i fault electrode current foolscap quarto 3,y^i J^«^*.li oi*,>»- fault finding (Ji) ^l^v.-^ fcap 8 vo i fault localization ^y.kv^ Faur plate foolscap octavo {iSjV) iUj| feed K^) -'^. feedback feed coil ^i^^' cSl:5«s> feed-dog OL^ c^r) j^^.u^ feeder ^^^ ^1^ K^) *i^^ (►*-• feeder panel J>^ feed pump feeler t^^AJuoUiJui feeler blade feeler gage ^^^U.Jlj feeler gauge jLj feeler stri^ ; JiJ ^i^' feet-head U v-=^^. v^ t^'j' feet per hour c^^L- j^ U feet per minute ^'^ j^ U feet per second a-j i* j:> U fell o^;- ^1$' 'V.^ tiXx- felloe c^rT ^A Fellow of the British Aca- demy Li 'xi^ Ol:i— ^i*^ y^ Fellow of the Royal Society felt oui feltcover J-y^ a^ feltmetal jii oui felt polishing felt web ^.-J^ jl> female plug -'•^Ji^ *^Li j^ female screw .,^^ female stub ^^U L >» ^ir female thread •.j^ •^^'f '•^^^^ *'^-* femtoampere *^h) .j^^y^ femt 198 ferr femtovolt 3l:Jj ^^b) c^^yui fender Fermi - Dirac - Sommerf ield law (c^^r- tiiy ) o^ \s fermium (^,Lo^ .j-^'^) (^> Fernite ^.lj> ferrite UlT ^T) co.> ferrite ghost (jU) ^v^jJ:>^ ferrite-rod antenna ferritic cast-iron jl>^J Da>- ferritic steel ^^^ ^Vy x:>U j; O-^-wT' ferritization ferro-alloys ferro-aluminium jb^^^z-s^^T^^^T ferro-boron ->bj>. ^T ferro-chrome ^^^J'^j ferro-cobalt .oJLr^^ ferro concrete ^^-^ (j^ij ferrocrette c^j'^Ji oU--- (^^j3 '^'^ O^^^ ^/-y) ferrod 1 ferrite-rod antenna ferrodur j3^^J ferro-electric materials ferro-glass ^' ti--i ferrograph (,_^Ua^) j15Cj oa l*^ ferrolithic 'J^^J Of^, (^JT uy^ c^l^. cJ-^j Ferrolum ,^^ jJX U ^Vy c/^ ^^ ^^y ferromagnetic materials ferro-molybdenum «o^>*j> ferro-nickel .J^ j> ferro-phosphorous .^-.i^^ ferro-silicon ,(»^s--Jl--j^ ((^^AXa« j) jb(»^---J^ ^T ferrostan jl l.) ferrozirconium .^^^^jj^ ferry boat o^^-a^^ j, U) ^sJ (-^^^ »^^i"^ *-^^^ ^. ^'^ ^ (J*-^ festoon ^U ,^b fetl field-effect transistor fettling ui^j-^' 1^ j»l^b fettling hammer fettling-machine fettling out sand core fettling the furnace Ffoll foolscap folio F G U f -g i fine-grained Ihpl fractional horsepower F.H.P I friction horsepower fiber ,(^olu-»j) oU- iA:j:,j ^j^ ij\3 (l^>li) ^yf^li fiber grease fiber metals ^s^^jj:>j <^l*ji* fiber quality index fiber stress (jU) (^Iax^^ ^L fiber yarn c^ou&ir ^ fibril ^.^ ->^" «^j^' fibroin (<^_>»J) *^->^' fibrous c^Iai^j hsj^ 'J^ fibrous concrete j'^'^l 0>^ fibrous fracture ij\:>*^j c}^^ fibrous iron jlo^T ^T fibrous structure fiddle bow *iUr «4i>» oU5' fidelity {^y^ ol^i-^) ^aiU> iC-j-L.^ fidu 200 fill fiducial marks field (Ji> 'i^. ♦tr^'-^*^) ^'"^ field circuit Ol^x--% jlo^ field coil ^,C-J»Ua* cU^-* (. . • J ->y^ '^^^ ->^) field-effect transistor field flux 0\*i^ ij^ field form Ol^^^ jb>J field frequency field intensity field magnet field of force j^) ^^ Ol^x^ (a».3^^ j\J ^^ C^' l^o^i^r^' field pole field repetition rate field strength field telephone ^^o^j^ 0^" field winding .^L^^T^^^w- field wire :>J'oj3^ O^ <^ fifth-wheel steering system figure fighter c^jlC:. cpU*>l>» figurate stone Uj i£^^ figured fabric jloif l^jU figure harness figure of merit c^.^y vi>* figure warp {^^^.) ^^^ j^ filament ^ iS^^ '*^-> «o^>* filamentary cathode filament heated cathode filature ^^1 oU asU-jIs' file uU^ file cutter file hardness filiform c^Iai^j iJ^S filigree aLL. filing j^^uU^n^jfcU^ filing machine ^oU^ c^l^ filings nsj^^y^ *^J» filings coherer (^.ilj) C^lo^l^. ->^^ filler ..cXi^^ i.^i .JiG- ^^ oU A;a» filler material fill 201 lini filler rod {^jlCiy> JyJU fillet ol^ j\^ jlji »j\y *0UaJ fillet weld(ing) ^.^'-^ Cr>> «0^«^ L/i?" fill factor v^U ^^.f *^->^ filling Jll»l jl^.^K'^.^^-'^) -^^ filling frame filling metal (^jlC;^'^^ ^^yj^ filling station oij^. w/^w^ •^y^- fillister •j>y-\ v^ ->^ *^^ ^^ fillister plane Soij ,JCjlS ^ajj film (J^ «feLiA «Ai--^ .*>V film cutout (^'*^>t ^>«* film test t^o^Ax-^ cri^-'^ filter 0^^oL» i^U filter chocke .oolliT*,,!^- f)y>- t^^ l>*.^. 't5*^ *-*^ filter condenser •otL:5'4-,i-«; ojbi- filter paper ^L-» "AcIT filter-press c^jLii ^l- filter pump fin ««oJlj lAi^Cil «»^ final boiling point J-^ uliU t^Ui finder switch o^ J^>y^ j^IT fine adjusment j**^ ^^Ji^' fine bullion fine cloth «Ju J; ^^^ ^^^y fine-cut of file fine fit fine-grained fine-grained steel ^ibjij^Vy finely adjusting screw fineness u^^J^ «cil^ .jLp fine pitch '-Ai^ o3-> «^j «^3 finery .ISC^^VU finery furnace m^" ^-^^ fine silver ^Uft f I* ft^^ iv^lj »^^ fine solder UjL ,^Jl^ ^ fine-thread screw o^^y>,j^ii fine tuning J-*^ c^JL-ol j-s^ finger c^^ *jll^\ finger gauge ^- o>U^ finger nut J^^J^ oj^ finger screw J^i^ s^ finger-type contact fining \^^^^ ^'j^) S*-^' fini 202 firm finish Ob^ ,0^j flV .(^jlCU finish bright (e^jlcT) ^^jLil^ finisher (S^^.) Lji^ finishing H^^* - <^3^J-> 'C^l^^ «J**^' finishing drill v::-^'^^ ^ finishing drum c^b^ c;^L» finishing mill finishing rate finishing temperature finishing tool finish nail .^,--j ^s^ «J**^' ^^ finned heating tubes finned tubes J^»^. t^U-O^ Finsen lamp o--^ v^^ (^iij feb^U Axil t^bb) fire-ball dUijU firebox ajU^ljT.JLj-I fire-brick fire-brick lined fire cement j^ OU*- f ire-clay j>-i JT ijyicijj JT fire cracker fire cracking I fl fire damp oj*.^ «^3 cr*'T fire engine ^Uj^>"TLJb" fire extinguishing pump fire gilding o'^ c^^^ ^ \^st6j fireplug J [^jLiT J^S fireproof jlJ ^"T i^s^J firing battery Jt^yl <^^"L». firing cock of a gun firing order firing temperature JLcl^I c^U^ firmer chisel a^C-I firmer chisel with bevelled edge c-aii v_J ,'Uj» firmer gauge tst^ ->^ firs 203 flag first audio stage first class lever Jjl tr c^*^' first detector c^^;:^^* csjl^j^'^ first water •JUi 'y^lT (^l>>) fir tree crystals jl^U t^Uj^ •c^,^^ (^^->yj fish (c-ii <^jlA>-) ^j)>J fish glue ^L* <*w^^ fishing (cJb (^jli>) t^^jl^i fishing hook fishing socket ^^'jr^J fishing tap f^^^^JCL^U o>ti fish oil ^U ^jj fish paper ^^^ 3i^ fish-plate ^a^] ..i.».r^, fish wire e/^-sC^ Jyu* fissil material fiss mat i fissil material :.U Fitl fitting fitter J^^ *^^^T i^>-,^IC fitter's shops iS^^^ o\fj€ fitting-in fitting-on fittings (aJ^) oVUjI FlUl frequency-indication unit fixed abrasive laps fixed beam -?b^ ^^^ ^ fixed carbon fixed casement col* v.^^ fixed end on hacksaw fixed moisture fixed oil J^^ J^SJ *J^ CA^^ 'C:i^ cA^-f fixed weight ?) fixer (tr-*^) *^^-!^ t^'-?^ fixing (,^*^) ^^ fixture i((SJ^^j) ^^^ fixture wire ^.^T ^^ fizzing ;| fU fluid; full line voltage: full load flag fCt^J'As*,^) O^Ls- <»^^ flag 204 flas flagging o^J'JJ «£^ flag ore Jaiasij* C--JUjfc t3jj:iJ* C*-JU>* flag pole {o^M)(^^.J^ flagstone clCl- axz^j flagstone paving flail vj^C:^^ flake flake caustic ^_gJj ol j>- ^i- flake graphite ^^» C^\^ i<^|Ai--^ C->l^ flake nickel c5^^^ J^Ij «j_5*Jj (JjCj flake-white ^^ .-^laJL- flame annealing ^. ^^^ flanging U-->li .JiM* flannelette UJiX* *:>--> ^ flap *J'3i^-> «*j L. j flap valve ^Cli ^ flare t,^^ J*ilj» Aj U^ flaring tool aJ^ c^^s:^, flash (<5^f Aiaii J ..^-^) A^L, J ^iC^ flash butt welding flash casting ^j:^ j^ iS^^^iJ flash coating .(<*i»i) ^-liji* iljli ^L--J ^^^ flash drum flas 205 flat flashed filament ftOiaA" IJ3J\ flasher flashes per second flashing <^jir4Jli« .Jl*i^l flashing over (dX\) *y^z. j.^ flashing point JU^^I c^U^ flash lamp •y i\j^ flashless forging ^ ^ •OJlj iUr^l UjO^. (^jITdlli flashless powder *!*- ^. o^jL flash light ey e'-^^ flashline ..lOb ^ flash-over ^^j:S^\ LL^- f lash plate flash point flash radiography flash roaster ^U i^ ^ly^ »Jj^ flash roasting ^yJa- iiyu flash tower .(ci^) i,Ujl Oy:- flash tube (^_^l)^^u^>^ flash welding a5^ L t^^lCi^ lask (t5^41a« j) 4p-ji lask casting «4i--» (sJ^^^ij lask mo(u)ld lask mo(u)lding *?- j-> J-i iS^r^-^ ^ lask mo(u)lding machine lask pin ^j^ *L^ <£XS jj>xrf^;i>^:j «^^ 1A.0— J {(j^Jl^U) lat arch (oU^^L-) ^^1 (^>^ lat-back pattern ^y^M^ u> J f^ ^jj lat bar lat-billet lat bit latbloom lat cell lat chisel lat drill c^' ^^y. lat file *-»-i o\>y tc^ ul>>- lat foundry nail lat gate (*^j) c^> o\^\j -^W lj^^ lat head countersunk rivet flat iron ^y^A^ jsJ flat 206 floa flat mirror c^^-^ ^jT flat-mouthed pliers flatnose pliers ^>«i r^ o-^^l flat paint OU «£^J flat position welding flat projection ^/sl ^.^-«" flat spanner c^> jl^T flat spring flattener (c^^) 3jj :>j^ oLCx^^ flattening flatter flatting mill flat top antenna flat washer flat wood rasp flaw flax our flax oil ^->>. o^^-> flaxseed coal «£^^-i lij ^^f fid I field fleat charger iSjV 3j^^ ol^-^ flection o^^ fleece ^^(^ '(J^ •*^->^) v'>=*' Flemish bond'^:^lj *ir ^-^^^-l flesh split f^ ^.3 O^j: flex o^J' ^ flexible ^.^V*^ flexible pavement ^-- JlLxil s*i flexible pipe ^^J^ *^^ flexible stay bolt J^^ flexion flgl flange f/lgl focal length flicker effect flight J'^^e 'OlCii <^,ij flight engineer U*il^ u-^^^«^ flight mechanic l-^Jy* o*-- -*'^ flint ^ ^;T - (il^ flint glass i^ • • * * •• » flintlock gun ^U=^*£^i: flint wall ^C-..o^9 ^1^,^ flip-flop generator (^loL. o]^ flitch beam float floatation c^jjU^ nsj^j^i^ float-cut (OU^) c«ij^ cT floa 207 flow floating axle «j^U^ J--rT floating battery floating mark float shoe float test >^yj\S J-^y*'-^ float valve jjLi ^ float work flocculation .u^^xs^J (jo^ 4:>-^ir f^iritJ ,0«J^- ^^^^J flocculent Uif)^ ol:>il^ flock c-^ ^J^^ (to) flog t^^A^U flong ((^^*^ij) c^"^!^ J'^-* floodlight 0^5 1 j^ floor i^^-il floor drain ^s3^-^ floor mo(u)lding o^ <^^>X-Jl5 floor tile «^^T floor work floss ^JU; .ao^ jjj ^j«»T ojL._^ floss hole iS\oj^_^ ciU floss silk (-^i^-J *^^^' 'cr*^ flow o-Ai .^3 flowability ^bj «0M--- flow beam (v^S oj^) ib>H J flow-brightening (to) flow by heads ub> flow cell r flow characteristic flower of sulphur ^^/^ J^ flowers c^ -'^) U^^ .UaO flower wire ^ U j»--- f lowing ^xii ^r^j jii^lof flowing production N^*T^v flowing temperature (•^ J ^I^Hf ) flowing well (c-ij) jyl->^ ^U- flow lines ( jij) u^>- }^y^^ flowmeter flow-off jL-C^U (to) flow out flow plate (oji Sj/^) iIj>J j flow spinning ( JiJ) Olj^ J^^j flow sheet oLUc as^j flow 208 flus flow stress flow through (v_j|ij» jl? ^1 j^) K^[^ cri^ flow welding sjtJ jiaf ^^^^^ fluctuating power (dl]) ^-iy oly fluctuating stress ^-^ A* flue c»^^^j^ o->^./ flue boiler .(^^^^ *J>J ->Ui L- .^bj fluidizer jUsI^^^aJU- fluid metal fluid pressure ^^CJjjol^ jLi* h*jU jl-ij fluid steel (Sj'^^i.J iVy oVy ^^^^ ^\^jyi^ ^_Ui ,^^L^.i j_^ fining arch ^*^ ^y ,^J J 'J, flume ^^\ »j^ jj^^ 'l^r?^ flumping well (c-ii) ^U> ^:^»W fluores i fluorescent fluorescence ^^U-:-.- .^L^^'^ fluorescence particle inspec- tion fluorescent light fluorine (^.U*^ ^^^) ^y^^ fluorine cell fluoroscopy examination J> ^Jyy3 ^i Ui t— *p fluor spar flush bolt ^->*^i>" 5f*i flushed colours ^^^jj ^j :>J' flush formation flushing t^>ii-Ji «,y.>^Mi» flushing process ^jj (i^ij 4j ^.T (i^j jUiji flush kerb oiCjt -J flush production flush receptacle (lSU) jiry j*^ flush rivet J-^^y^ c^ flus 209 fna flush shoulder (o^U) cl*--» C^>^ flush switch J€y aJlr flush tank Z.\j:^0^ flush-type lock J^y^ flush valve cl^ ,iw. o^K^ ^j^\ flute •jL?- oW- fluted glass fluted scraper jbjLi - flux galvanizing fluxing iJL- ^J^l fluxing asphalt ^^ ^i fluxing oil jUljj ^^j flux injection cutting flux intensity flux linking a coil flux(ing) medium fluxmeter o^jL. ^^oc\* f^^-ojU fly ash flyback fly comb <^Ujl aiL fly cutter flyer .^\^^^ fly frame (^a.:-->j) Jjj oU^ flying shear ^^^ ,^5^ flynut J^^J- •^- fly press (^jLdUlj^ ^^, fly-shuttle ( J^^ U ) jl af^y. flywheel .-:>Li' c^>- flywheel effect flywheel release Fmi fermium FM I frequency modulation FM detector o^L. ^l^jL^:*^ fnl function F N A i fuming nitric acid fnp 210 foot fnp I fusion point foam concrete '^^^ 0>^ ^^>ai-.l Oy^ «^^ O^*. foam floatation foam material fob I free on board foci free on car focal distance ^ylT aL,1> focal length ^ylT ii^li focus Oy^ focusing O^b js'^ fogging J» \^J' j^ '^yj^i >^ fog quenching fog test (^) o^>3T foil <^J^ ^^^ fold -^^^ c^ folded dipole V^^ ^i»*j^ o^T folded yarn Vaz>- ^^ folding (*i^,^) J 31; folding iflachine folding rule ^^ ^r^ folding test (^) J-*^ u^>jT folia 6*' '<^^ '^^ ***-'-^ foliam ^^^ '^y foliate 0«^ ^j^ *»jj «v3jy folio (^^<^ e^) ^> follow board ^ t5 ^_ j L>.x^ follower i- «^^i'=^ «"^-> c^ following distance j^>c^ '^-^^ fo(u)nt (v^) -'-^^ ^^>^ c-^dU Foolner process foolproof ^Uzcl Jj»li «o^^ foolscap v^ ^'-r'.) v*^J^>^ e^ foolscap folio «v*^3^>^ (^ foolscap octavo (UK) Jills' J oliT c^^ ^. fool's gold (FeSxCu) ..^ c^^, foot ro/f v) li footage l> v'-^wr'. y^;'. ^wT-se footage indicator footage per round foot 211 fore fcx)t bellows footboard foot bridge foot-candle ooi oia-l^) ^Ai footing (j^y.^) ^ foot-lambert foot-lathe .^^U J''^- tj^ foot oil (c.Aj)^yJ»i: «asL-^ foot-pass .b oj^ foot-pound j^o ^^b) ^^^^e-^ foot-poundal ^J^b) Jl^^^ oy food-pound-second foot product (c-i) ^iai" SojU--, foot roller (^->y) U:*bdliU foot-ton ^^ ^xs^b) ^'_l> foot- treadle machine foot valve t^ij->^v^>- foot wall ,^i^,U l^ foot ware factory fori free on rail force j^ forced alternating current forced draught l>» ©^^ <^k>^ forced labor iSJ^^^, forced oscillations c^^^L^ force fit lUi L •j:b L> forceps ^J il^ I force(d) pump .c^UiaA^ v^L* forcing pump .^^i^lai-i L^ir Ford cup fore-&-aft rig forecastle j^ >W- ^--^j.^ forecourt OUli^ fore-grind *Jjl c:i-b^» forehand welding fore-hearth •J^^-ii foreman J'^'^^ forepump (cUl) «b forg 212 form forge (sj^>^ »J^ *(S^^'^ forge chisel ^,j^ (to) forge cold ^y.^ ^-^ forged steel (to) forge hot ^.j^-^J" forge pig i^J^z* J.*:, forge plane-fore wood forge scale .^jls3Ci> 4i-^> (^' ->^ ^"^y c>j->) ^'3 forge test «^y»^ cr^iL.3T forge welding j\ ^j ^2.., forging i^jK^ .(^j^^ftl «<^jlCijT forging brass forging heat forging induction heater forging range forging rolls ^>^'s/^^ •^-'^' forging temperature t^ jlCi; I (^j^U>») (^Ui forging tongs isj^-^ ^1 forging vice fork ->y- ^.^ ^ J15C:>- .dlST^ !(of^L) <£5o3 tj>: forked connecting rod fork joint (J-^yl) ub^lT Ji» fork(lift) truck form JU>- «^j9 t*J^ Jli fJSCi s formality f^J^>^ clL) aiJ Uy formation .JX^' 5(<,b) <►> formation in cutting formation level ^Ur;;-'^^ia- forme o-^ ^^3^^>- as«a^ ^f^ forme oil J>y)^'^ s^y. j^!>^ former k^^sj^^^J) '>'^3^^^ **^ form factor (dU) JCi ^^.^^ forming JjJv^^ '^.;^*J <^lUj^ li ii^^f J^-l J ( o l>- )t5cu. (»y (OUi^L) forming die Jy^^ ^iJ^ forming lathe forming puddle balls forming tool c> (J-' 'C,^ ->•>.' form 213 foun formulation {c^^jS3\) v_^ ^ formwar form work t^a^.^l5 form wound ^Jli (^l^^y-j^*^-, Forstner bit ,y ^^r- fortification oUls::»«i-l ,{^a^j:> fortisan «uljr^'->y ^^-^>« ^Lil forward combustion c^y.j^^ forward conduction ^.a: m.» ,<* IJ *^.^,«r*. *(*:.'*"■">* C^I«Ac» forward current forward direction forwarding forward lead forward shift forward wave c-s^:— c^ forward welding Foucault current found iO^lgiuL^. «0^^,,r*-'*j" foundation SM^ «c~-i t^^ ^^^i foundation bolt v^ ^^^ founder J'^^^j founder's sand ^sJ^^^j ^^ founding •^J^ '(SJiJO^ ,iS^r-^*^J i foundry «(^^*^-> -I^^^IT foundry blacking foundry bucket ^sy.jj^>. Js^k foundry hand ^*^-' foundry house foundry iron hsJ'^^.j o^ foundry ladle foundryology <^^*:^i-> clL^* foundry pig-iron foundry pit ^s^^^^,-)"^^ foundry stove ifiiiof foundry traveller fountain lour 214 frac four-ball machine four-blade screw fourble {l?jU>) ^>oU>- az^ four^centered arch four cycle engine Fourdrinier o^-L. ojIolJ U-I ) ^^.J >->>-» c^jl- a— cir ( )Aoo Jl- ^j<^ four high (rolling) mills four jaw chuck (. . . i(SJ^^J>) f^jU^ four-part flask ^.^j^ '^j^ four- point loading four-stand tandem mill fourth transformation four- way bit *(Sj^ ^^ ^6*^' four wheel car •jy^ j^ O^b four wing bit feed pump; fireplug; fire proof; flashing point; foot- pound; freezing point; fuse plug FPi fusion product F.P.I French Patent fphl feet per hour Ipm i feet per minute fpsi feet per second; flasher per second; foot-pound-second fqil fiber quality index Frl Fahrenheit; francium; franklin fractional crystallisation fractional distillating tube fractional distillation frar 2lS free fractional horsepower V^' 'S.j^ o\ y u jy y^ fractional pitch (g^J ^^ ^^ fractional recrystallisation fractional saturation method fractionating tower fractionation fractionator fractography ,\3) ^U^ cry. *^ \jj^ .Os4j» fracture ^-^.^Siz. ij'j\i ^J'^,^. fractured surface (^) Jj\, c^^u fracture mechanic (jii) J^k ^J^^ fracture on deformation ^y J A fracture stress ^jli A fragility J'^^-^^ fragmentation bomb frame •v'^^-'U^ frame aerial ^sy^ j^"^ frame antenna ^sy^ o^T frame construction frame frequency y C)y y y-^ ) ^.i^*-^ «J^ v-i«-i frame of a mo(u)ld frame of axes oU-^ai^ .LCt-^ frame plate '^j^ ^.3 ^i- framesaw j .^l^^ s^l frame shears t^UjI^j^ ^/^J frame tenoner frame work framing .c— jjI^ framing chisel franc ium *^y:^*^y ( ^. ^*^ -r-*^ ) ^y^^^^^ franklin C;*^'> {J^,yS:^\A:/^^y.^^^) Fraunhofer lines>^jl^ X>^ free alongside quay free alongside ship j^ ^ ^y^ c-l ^^ ^^ iljl J*A^. free alternating current free 216 treq free arc free-burning arc j^U' **^r^ free carbon (0^^^) ^) jT ^^f free cementit free- cutting brass free-cutting steel ^1^^ ^Vy free fit free gold ^^^ a^ ^ c^"^ free jet blast ^3^L. ^--lU free lime aoj j dl^T free-machining steel free magnetic pole free (cutting) metals free milling ore free moisture ^IjT o>^j free mo(u)lding free on board free on car free on rail y^^^Sj <», S.y*^ '->>' free wheeling v*^<^U^>>- >^' free wheel unit *»^^. ^>^ freezer burn :>U^il y^-^y freezer compartement (JU>cJ jU;> c— » freezing O'^ ^^^ .^U^sl freezing of tap hole o^^ ^^k freezing point freighter (^. >>-*-*) c^->^. ^r^ freight shed V^ jLsl French arc t^y^--^ "^It French boiler ^T ^^ M>, ^,> French chalk French lawn (*^->^) ^:^— ^'"^ frenchman o*^^!^^, o^SiU^- French patent French polish freon frequency a^^J ^J^y '^^ frequency changer ^^.^' frequency converter j^jy^ freq 217 frog frequency distortion (... tOy^Ji^ .^3lj)(^«A^^. urLli^l frequency doubler frequency-indication unit frequency indicator Uia^L> frequency meter ^^^ o^U. frequency modulation (^^^yl^\J C:'>»') L?"^-*^. J**-'**' frequency response t5^^«^ frequency-shift keying J,,*^' -j-j^ OU»L-* ijOocJ* ^y-rft*J Li c^^i^Lo fresco Jy.^ (S^j ^^ *j^j^ fresh-air intake fresh ash coal ^V ^i^^ Uj fresh metal ..o^i ^^^^^ Jij fresh spirit v>-Jr^ •^^i^.^r^ fresh water fresh water corrosion fresh water limestone fretsaw .^y,^^ ijl fretted lead ^_,- a*_: fretting corrosion ^oJj^ fretting fatigue fretwork <^Acu,-:^ .^^jITACji friable •oluO t^j friction fl^^^l .^U frictional electricity frictional machine friction hammer J'tL^) jsi^ friction horsepower frictionless flow friction lighter floui friction of motion <^,;V^^U ((»«-i> oL^i u^«Aj. cS j^ obi friction of rest o^ J^ U friction roll (^->y) ^IjTdliU friction socket v^V t^jLii ^^e^^ friction tape v-^->'> friction welding j^ U (^jlCi^ frieze {(oUx^^L-) k^ fritted sand o:i-^ a-U fritting (jji) ^.>>«**ja frog «(^>^l^') *^' c>^ Iron 218 ft-h front ^ Li^ «^ «c-> '*«^?- front plate front-sight guard (J^y,j frost blanket course ch. ^^ H^ frosted glass oU li^ frosted lamp ti^jc^^ v^^^V frost hoil frosting (*^^i^) O^^oU frosting finish frost lacquer frother froth floatation froth floatation concentration (_^jL.J_jUi AlyHi^ (^^Oio i'^) li::^ « J frozen j^.J' ,o^^^ low of the Royal Society frying arc ''■^^ ^>^ Is I foot-second FSl foolscap octavo F-SUJ/sl factor of safety f. s. d i full-size detail fski frequency-shift keying ill foot; feet F.Tl firing temperature !t-cl foot-candle fthl fathom fthdi feet-head F.R.Sl ft-HzOl Fuel Research Station; Fel- l* ^. d^'jl ** v^ ^y^- ft-l 219 full ft-li foot-lambert ft- lb 1 foot-pound ft/ mini feet per minute ft- pdl i foot-poundal ft/ sec I feet per second ft- tn i foot-ton fuchsine fuel t*>c^^ fuel-air ratio c^y fuel cell fuel-feed pedal fuel gas (^3 If c-^^ fuel in dust state ^s^J^ c^^ fuel-injection pump jyiTjil LJl; fuel oil fuel oil rotameter (. . . J ojjU iJJjjlT) jU-i^ 0^> fuel pump Fuel Research Station fuel system OUjc.:^-^ 010-^ fuel tank fuel transfer pump fulcrum^^ fy»\ felCrl Aiai fulcrum-loaded specimen as ^ full ageing J^IT c^jL^^ full annealing (^) J.^Js' ^^jlCl; fuller ^jji i^^^dl^;-^- ijy Fuller cell fuller earth .JL.a»j ilL>- fullering full flame converter blow full hardening J>»ir u:>Uj fulling iO.>^v^^ iJUdui fulling mill ^a full liner ^^^. vJUJ full 220 furr full line voltage full load ,jljS'\j^ full martempering full-mo(u)ld casting process full pitch full-scale mock-up full size idXi 4j dii ^Li^ full-wave jj^ (^ j^ 'J^^ c>* fully killed steel fIjT jL^i iVy fulmicotton ^^^j^. v^ fume cupboard ^^^^ fume red lead ^^r' -^^\ fuming (nitric) acid fuming sulphuric acid function u^jT jir i^^ I; functional design ^'1^1 c> function plotter fundamental units funicular ^. ^ funnel ^ fur JUyL t^^-:-'^ ol^jr-^ *^^ '>-^ fur i furlong; furnished furlong «^V^ furnace v^S ijyf furnace cooling furnace for gaseous fuel furnace hand furnace hardening furnace man mjf jy*^ ^j^^'>^ furnace-oil fuel j^c^ o^ furnace-pulverised coal furnace red lead ^jf ^^ furnace-top bell ^ ijj^^^^r^ furnace-top platform furnace unit •j^ jIj furniture furring 't/*.^*^^' •t^ij^>' furr 221 Iv Wi furrow furrowing fuse f(o-^L:o) 4L::s ((dll) j^ fuse block j^ H^ fuse board 3^ c5>^.^' fuse-carrier j>*i .^.^^ fuse cutout (»iA3) •a.:4»- j^ fused electrolysis fused sand ^c^y^ l-U fused zone Az^laT^iki^ fusee J-*l ^5 J^ (iiU ) i^^^l fuse-element 3 ^jju>- fuselage (U-^|^) aJir .^saj fuse-link «i^. 3^ fuse panel j^t^^ In- fuse plug ^^^^^jyj ,jZjiZ3}y3 fuse strip c^l*-^--; j^ '<^->l^i j^ fuse wire ^^*--- j^ fusible jl^ i^j fusible alloys Jlaf^^jc^UjLJT fusible alloy pattern fusible cone fusible mandrel ,>:::i- 1 ^^ri^'U fusible plug fusiform j^s ^j^ « JCi ^^^ fusing 'u^X'i^ *o:>J' v^S f us ing-f actor fusing point fusion fusion co.nes ^C J t^W^^^ys^ fusion cutting fusion heat il^ iS^J' fusion point jlof t^Ui «yjS (^Ui «OjS *i>Ai fusion product fusion welding (53l^ iSJ^yr fusion zone fustian ty>^^ ^^-''i fuzz iJ^ «'^*S' ^^ fuzzing (Otis') uoz ^^f fuzzy jloJ^ «^^^ Ivl femtovolt fw 222 fxd FW . f w I fxd I full-wave fixed ^..,,,IJ. Jlg^ (-^SJH, *-«■■ G gi gram; gravity; giga Gl gas; gauge; gauss; Geiger counter; generator; giga; grid; conductance gal gauge Gal gallium gabardine (^->k ciL.) cy,^j^.^ gable j\^^ ^"^l ^/h^ gable roof j\o^^ ^l ,j\^^ gable wall ijjyL:^ j\y_:i «o^^ -''^i^ gad i - general assembly drawing gad ^ I .o^ gad picker gadolinium gage ^c-T .yUoloil .o-j^ i.jlojl gagger c-. f(t^^4i=^j) JUsli gain K^^.) c/'.k '•.^ galena (^^ ^^^ jy^^) j^ ^ galliot gali gallon gallery (^Jlf i\^j^ f(Oa*^) v^ .Jiy gallery furnace J^yo>5' galley - ^k^j^.^ j'y) J^ galley proof (^b>-) ^y^- a;^ galley tray (v^) ^^'-^ gallic acid jiU ^^?- Gallimore metal ->>^l^ jUT galling «* » gall 224 gang galliot c^oJi* Ji^i dl* j>'J' gallium (cy.U*^ ^-«^) .» "^^'j) t>i^ gallons per minute galloon ^1^. gal/min 1 gallons per minute galv i galvanometer galvanic combustion galvanic corrosion galvanised pipe galvanization «o^--l j-j '^ IT galvanizing embrittlement galvannealing ^ I ^i If <^jlC, U (^1^ W*---j L^^V^ oULi (^jla^ ) galvanometer ,^^ 1^ If galvanoplasty Gamal (•--i J^ jL^. c«^^T) JUf gamma (constituent in) brass gammagen gamma iron c-xx-jl ,Ulf ^T gamma loop .L.lf4£i>. gammaradiography gamma rays Ulf 4*^1 gamma-ray fluoroscopy (j]i)ULf y^>. ^,L gamma-ray inspection (jU) Ulfy^e L ^,U gammon ^r £U3 J Jf^ ^w,. ^i ^ gang (jyiTlj:) di-o Ai--i gangboard «c5^^ ie aL^U gap grading <: — f(^a^j4sL garden wall bond garnet 0>L-^>«r>- « JJ garnet paper o^L^- opIT garnetting i^ ^\JV '-(Sj^J^ gas i^ gas-absorbent coal ^1.^-r^Jl^J gas absorber oil gas absorption plant gas amplification factor gasaver gas balance gas chromizing gas cleaner c^y^jlf (oLCz-^) gas coal gas cock j^^^ gas compressor jlf j^^^^ gas concrete £]_j> u_^. '^y**^*-*' ^j-^. f^-r^ ^y^. gas constant Ujlfoils gas cure gas-cut mud (c-is) jl^jlf Jf gas-cutting (SJ^^, jlf jjlfli (Sj^ji gas cyaniding iSJ^iSj'^jy* ^ gas dispersoid J-j^*l gaseity jCi^^jlfcJl*- .c^->ljjlf gas engine jy^j^jyy^ gas-evolution cs*^-'^ gas-expanded rubber gas fabrication oil jlfajy <^l^ ^fr^j gas family ^::ii t5^3^»->ly^ gas-filled tube gctsf 226 gass gas fittings gas freeing (c-Ai 31) c^^jlf gas gauge Ujlf^^^Lis .^i^^U gas generator jLjlfolGL-^ gas gun iSJ"^ J-kj^ gas hardening gas holder 31^0^=^^ gas-hole (c^^^ia^ j) t^jlfdU gasification Oo^<^Jlf «0^^(^jlf gasket ooOli^U i^^V «^lj .dlJo gasket goo gas lift gas-light gas-lighter gas lime duT duTv^T gas-liquid chromatography gas liquor ^l*i>*^ J.A^ gas lock JlTcJLi ujj^. «juj jlf gas mantle £1^ ^jy gas mask jlfa-i dLU gas-mask charcoal gas naphta ^sJ^^Cji^-K gas oil ^3J^ tj^cJLi gas-oil ratio C-ftJ Aj jifc.^ .iir gasoline ^j^ gasoline engine ^,y^. j^y* gasoline- proof gasoline recovery oil v>ij^. Ls'. k-^^ c^l^. cA^-> gasometer ^^jlf olf^^L^T gas plating iSJ^cSJ^J gas pliers *i>J^il gas producer jL jlf (•l5Ci-^) gasproof ftOLi (^a^jjlf gas purifier gas ratio a-L^' o-j^ .^Jia^- ol^>> gas reformer gas reservoir jlf u>^^ gas scrubber gas separator jlf «OLL:ria:> gasser ^^ jl^ .l^- gas siliconizing gassing .4>.jU u:>b^f •^'^i) ty'->-^^ «(^y^ ^^T u-i^ gas singeing machine gass 227 gauq gas spirit t^jlf cj*,y^. gas sweetening gas thread gastight •OLi t^o^ jlf gastriode gas turbine iSJ^ Cj^.jy gas voltameter gas washer ^.T lj c^li iojljj^ gated beam tube \i U «^5 gate saw yi-U Sjl ,.jl^ S^l gate stick •l^ji.lj i-laf^^ t^^i^i gathering ground >.^.T o^ gathering plate t^jjT^^-^ ,^x--- gathering rack gather way v^j^ ^^c^^ gating v^Li^ fci^ i4>-ji gauge cock <^^Ai^^ ^^ gauged arc •^J^'\j\ «iU» gauged mortar •^Ij^l^-^ i,>l» gauge glass gauge length 4j^ AjJa* J^ f^-'ljlji gauge of wire ^^ -^ gauge pressure gauge valve ^^fis^j ^ gauging (^^^^ojUl gauging glass U-o 1 AJ^ .Ui^Ujjl (^lA,ioj:.AJ^ gauging sheet .) jCi (SJy Jlij gavel «iCj> {^;:.I^O- li-.; Gay-Lussac tower GCIi ground control of intercep- tion gem i greatest common measure Ge/s 4 giga cycle per second GCT 1 Greenwich Civil Time ^ g/eu m i gbi gram per cubic meter gilbert gd o g d li g-d i gbl gravimetric density grid bias GBi Great Britain Gdl gadolinium Gei gel germanium gigacycle gear .^jj >»>m^ gear-box •aii v^:> ^^^J GCAi ground control of approach gearcase ,^-j^ ,o.\oLc> gear cutter g-eal i O^l^" oOJi tj=^'->j 'Jj"^-* JJ , gram-calorie gear cutting machine g.e.d i greatest common divisor gear drive c^Las^ JU;I gearing oos^ ^^ cS j^ d^^ 1 g.c.f I gear planet greatest common factor J'iy^ J'^J o"^^ ^j^^ gear 229 germ gear quadrant ^LU Soj^ ^^^ gear ratio .Uoos^ ±^ o,— i gear rotary pump gear sector ^Ua» Sai^ c^ gear shaper gear shifting gear shift lever gear train •a::) ^^>- oKL:-^ gear transmission gear wheel pump geel Ground Electronics Engin- eering Geiger counter ^Jfooi^Ui gelatification O^^c^Nj gelatin(e) ^Vj i^l^s=>--^ gelatine battery ,^V3 t^^- U gelatinization O^^t^Wj gelled vehicle gelling 0^^t^l*iJ general assembly drawing general corrosion general foreman •iTjITJjj--* general view J^iS^ generative fuel generator jy\j»j fjL-jir i^^lj «aj^ generator busbar generator cradle a)^ a,U generator e{ficiency (dU) a]^ ::>iL generator gas jLjlf Jlf generator loss (dU) aJ^ ^X;! generator output a3^ ^y^J>- gengelly oil ^^^ Cj^^j genuine soap c^.l«J^J oy\o geodesy g geoline c-ii .^jlj geometry of electrode geo-navigation \yiy.; v^V) ljj\f GeV cJjO^^il K^i3 geyser c^ 3 If J^J^\ \ ghost bands Ula:^ a^o ghost image (^") ghost signal (^r) aj If ^^ ^^^^' ghzl gigahertz gii gill gib o^-^ gib & cotter ju-jli. L. jU- gibbous •'^T^. o^f giga (1o^) ^Cj gigacycle (j^^i o^) JC--lC>; gigging O^jjl*- «^^->li u^bj^ gilbert o^^f C.G.S ^ I^^U^ c^^^ j^l j) "'-^' ( ^i^ ^ )o : )*7r ^.1^. gilding ^l^l->j «t^jUMia>i ^^.^J; gilding brass L5l la. I ->3 c*-^. 'v****^ ^'^. gilt ^jJoljj ,>(1m gimbals f(Ui-.L5) olij^ gimbals joint gimbals pivot gimlet gimp *-^ 'O*^ gingham ,^jU-,iA>-jU ginned cotton gin pole c^jUr^ Jf ^^ girder ^©b .©iTj^ «J*'^ 'Jl-o^^ girder armature ^^ ^^^^^A girder bridge ^^ Je g/1 1 ^ gram/litre; grams per litre gilding metal c*^. Gil glucinium glacier water glan 231 glob gland o^^J *(*^j^) "^^ gland cock iS^^^^J *t*5- ^ gland steam ^^S'^^^J^. glass ,_j-»^ .axJT .Owji, glass black glass blower glass-concrete glass-crete glass cutter glass formation glass furnace glass house glass lined steel glass liquid >l <^«x«» o 0»wJLk^ (,«_i L* glass making glass paper glass separator glass silk (^lo^i 4>.jl» glass soap L-..:^* ,(j^A,iwi 0^1-* glass soluble «(»i'^— o c^I^Jl..^ <-«_» L» glass spinning glass-transition of rubber glass-treating furnace glass water ^1.^,^^.:^ ifwrn^aig glass wool 4-1^ (^ glass works t^jL*^ a; U-^ glazed brick «»fncl ir^f^fo jIjoU^I ij_5» U ^T 1(31^, ^^T glazed powder ^^•i^ o^jU glazed tile isi^ie.: ^Jils* glazierr wK' glazier's diamond glazier's putty ^s^.*^^ ^l^. glazier's salt , fgolg glazing compound glazing furnace oU) c^ Sj^r glazing machine i^j>: o-^ glazing wheel c:^':>^, c^rr G.LCi - ^ gas-liquid chromatography glide bomb •^yi»c-il«» «--**■•. glide plane e/>i c^ glider ->y>*,^. t^Utily** o^,M^ g lobe loy ^s^. 5^ o^ globe valve" ■ ® glob 232 gold J^. globular pearlite t^J^ cJ^ .c^Ub globular powder t^Ubo^jL glo-crack glory hole gloss discharge gloss enamel gloss meter ^^ji>l; .5^M;> gloss oil ^li^^ilV glossy paper - vl>J «^U-<^U-sA i^lToU glost oven - ^,-^i,ol*J tj^ glow-discharge jC^JI A5^.il^L-LU; glow lamp O^ii v^V glow plug Jij^J^^ glow-plug engine Jji.^ jy>» glow tube :, Itsio J*i^ v**V glucine c^,^. ^^*-^' glucinium glue OjusL-^ ^*^,.^ 'v-^ glue water paint ^yU) <£^j gluten gum t*-* «t5*^v— =r glycl glycerin(e) glyptics «iC:->J ^Ksr-^Jy/ GMl gun metal g-mol i gram-molecule GMTl Greenwich Mean Time gnl generator S GND U gnd i ground gnomon <./^^ goad (Ju^ goat leather cW goffer «o^^*i-^^ '0^bji>- goggle ,y-ojl dU-jPicfjlCij?- dLU going barrel gold jj .^ gold amalgam gold beater y^yi* •v^^-'J gold bronze ^y ) ^y^ £>• ^^^T ;/ ^ I; r u ^b^^^Te> gold foil ijbaf >. -'-^^^ gold fulminat •vx*^ .^«^* <5M1» gold-lace spinner jUOy^M^' gold 233 grad gold leaf j3 diiT .Ml» 3j^ iS^] j{kM ,^^^ j\kM gold leaf electroscope gouvering screw ^,^ ^^i UJ^. .^^:^yX}\ government road ^lCo>ob Goldschmidt process governor ol j-Jj t^l-^l ^v^- J-^J goldsmith uck) go ^->j gpi gauge pressure gold solder G.Pi (^^iv ..^ rr .-^ ^o )>u,j»^ German Patent goniometer ^-^,^lj .vlt^i^lj go-no-go principle gpdi -UWi. li gallons per day ,xg good shed Vir^UI goose neck gphi gallons per hour goose neck machine (fsj'^^ij ) ^Jy^ ^.jj^ o^^ GPU ground-position indicator GOP I " ^^ ground observation post gallons per minute GORI gas-oil ratio gpsl gallons per second; grams per second Gordon electrode ^^^i Gothic arch oboj-s^" «3^ gouge i^J'^^ (J-' 'c3i.»^->^ «^^ gouge bit gouging chisel gri grain; gram; gear ratio; ge- neral reserve; gross grab :(JU.M^)cil5C^ .o^i grab crane ^^^CjIC* J** gradi gradient grad 234 gran gradiography c- gradation c^a^ a:>j^ gradient grading ») U *^-ji (to) graduate o^^ c-^^ graduated barrel e^-jij J^oo- grail (^jL^iUol*,^ grain j^ Ojj '^\^) jij' grain alcohol grain-boundary brittleness grain-boundary corrosion grain capacity ^jjiS ^c^^J^ grain distillery grainer grain fineness number grain formation j^' .^'Ijj^ grain growth j^ OLij graining -vT^Uj) u:>^ru^^ V^^-^i-^ '^ty ^-^) '^^ <^^^-^ C^^ graining comb (^jLU-o^ ( t5? >^ ^ (^ J^' ) *^ ^ graining solution grain leather grain-size (jli) j>i^. ^^^^^ grain split o-r^ I jj Oa^j: grain(ed) tin c?'v» :^isj^'^ gram-molecule f^^J^^ gram-weight j^i ^^j Gramme-ring armature ^ti(*t- ^. ^— =? Gramme-ring winding s^^S\ gran i granular granite c^l^ .IjU- (£iCi- gran 235 gray Granodine (^^j <*) t^jKrU-i granodizing (cr^j^)(^jfcU-» granosealing granular pearlite (^l^l^cj^, granulated glass iS^^*^ Aj 1 «.i Oo^«^ «Jl>-cr^ gravel road ,_5^ .b graver J'^ -jU gray cast-iron gray 236 gren gray goods gray slag jU.^ oL.^ gray sour 4>-jU j\jyi^j^\ gray tin ^s^r^^ (^ Gr Brit i Great Britain grd i ground; grounded grease grease box grease cup grease fitting grease gun greaser grease remover iS\:>J ^.J=^ (Si^) greatest common divisor greatest common factor greatest common measure great gross ^jy. o^^J great primer J-^i ) A ^j>> greave o^JL green bond green brick c-i?- green concrete (4ip-U).jl; Oy^ green gases green gold »J.» L*. >^ jUT green onyx marble ^^, j*^ green patina «>- u^i ij\^j green rot *iCij j^ ^^jy^ green rouge green sand flp- a-»U green soap green stock ,^U-*iLi^V green vitriol Greenwich Apparent Time Greenwich Civil Time Greenwich Mean Time Greenwich sideral Time Grenet cell grex 237 groi grex .^ cil> ^b) ^ J grey -* gray grii grid iAC-ji ,fJ>(> lA^a-* (dU)OU>*Cj:' grid bias *5C^cJj grid clip JUilil^l grid condenser aC-i o3^ grid-driving power grid-glow tube grid leak AjCLi^^LU c^jlx% grid leak condenser detector grid pitch a5C-^ ^ IT grid pulsating AJl-i<^^^_^ grid return v:^>». (»^s- gridsbar (^jlTos^U) ^li>l aL^ grief stem (iSJ^)^.j^ ^ gni gr ii ss grille iaC^^ < '<^->/ grille cloth ^^ W-^l* grind a drill grind blasting ^y-^O^ grinder ooii^rj-jji^i .0L3 «yi^ »i^.u» grinding ^t^jlTo^Lx- «^j,C:- (^1*3) t^jlC-ilS' iOi^^" grinding burn ^^y ^^-^ grinding flour ^J jL*-*. i^U- grinding paste •^Li- ..^s*^ grinding powder o^L:- ^^ grinding stone ♦^Llm. (iCu. «OLi grinding trueing .c5JU ojUl grinding wheel dresser grip \J^S^^*^ «0:>l3^ grit >.-> *i-^- t£Xi- 4^>l grit-blasting gritty paste -^l grm i gram grnd i ground grog groin vault nnum.% grom 238 grou grommet «c5*^i-». ^ O^iaJ groove i^^ ««3^ ♦f'^ grooved-& tongued joint Ai U 3 J ^IT J l-al I grooved glass grooving chisel grooving plane jIXjl^T »^j grooving tool j\j:>^^ ->I>J grooving-&-tonguing machine gros I gross gross i(a^^^ ^t'^.l^.) ^\J gross ton _, juj^, rrfo) gross tonnage .y^iTjirc^ Ji gross weight «»ii^li Oi^ ground {(dU) ^^j j^--- ground antenna ^^j ^T ground circuit ^ijo^j jl^ ground coat (c^jICjU j^) ^^T ground control of approach Usjlyb ^v^i--^ J^^r^ ground control of interception ground detector grounded neutral grounded primary (J^. Ji^j) lT^-*^-^ C^^^->J Ground Electronics Engine- ering 0\j^ A--.- ,3.«>i-~-- (^_iU cSUTAj c^^.jli ^ '""i '^) ground glass oU li-ji ground indicator grounding brush o^j J 1^3 grounding conductor jt*^ c^ ground level ground observation post ground plan (o.i:) ^l^^^-»3 *(J:*J ojj i(^_^y^jj ground wet ground wire ^ xd^^j ^^^ ground zero -iii'i ( ^^^ I v.,^ ) J UeAJ I *]aaj group frequency ^j^ju.L. grout i->Uj:> grouted macadam <^i^ ^bls'U grouting c^jij ^^^-^ Grove cell jl^cU Grove gas cell ^\J'isJ^J^^ '■a gr ss ^jL^j]^ Oi^*»/^ grub axe «£iCJtS' grubber grubbing up ^^j grub screw ^,-^. ^^ gr w i ground wet grwtl gross weight c^) Y'^o; gsi grate surface ■% Gsi German silver ' '■ ' r. G2S r -*- '*^'^' ' •- good two sides ■ fief if If GSTi '^tviJ^ Greenwich sideral time .ug gas thread; ton gas-light; gross GTI gross ton tnalnoD mm, r>sl miig g(u)ttiu^) guttia? -- ' ^ -m guaranty Olix:« l> *C-J U-i guarry waste UJ^Aj* 5^3 b gudgeon (^^::r|^-) j^.>: gudgeon pin ■- iiii'k Guerin forming Guerin process -5 frrrp guhr ^j^jS guide blade (oe.->y) ^.^ *-^ guide screw Jl-^I^^ «<^j>. s=*i guid 240 gyra guided-missile ship guide mill loj.s>^\j L ^j^ guide ring c-ilojb^li> guide roller L^b ^Jl^ .^-:i ^i^ Guillery impact machine guillotine j^ls't/^.o^^ ^c^yS gulch gold cx^^J s^ gum 0>-?v****^ •'T***^ «ir*-* gum acacia gum arable gum content gum elastic gum lac gum level gumminess gumming gummosity c^ji .^a.u->- gum water j^^ i— » J.A=*^ gun «^>^— fti ^v^ «*^^^" gun bronze v^ ^-^ gun cotton Ji:>\ ^^ gun-cotton silk ji^^^j^ gun grease <*l-l gunite i^^^LiU--- •iCs-i OU-- gun metal ^ v^ tJ^ gunning (^yLir)(^jLUjTr<^ai>Jj^ gunny csU ^/'i:>-jU .^/ gunny-bag j/*^ gun oil *»«i-l ^^^ gun-port Ji^j^ ,JJl^ isLiT gun powder .L- o^jU gunsmith jU ^^^iii gun-stick (vy «<'i^^") *--:- gun-stock *' «t^^i gutta jelutong gutta-percha gutter J\^^ krL.^^.T'^l^r^*-' gutter channel j^. ' guy -'^^^ guy wire jU^ ^^-^ '-'W* J*^ g. wt 1 gram- weight gymbals (U^^) v^J-^ gy psography ^iSiJ J >^ gypsum s^ <^^^ gyratory (cone) crusher gyro 241 gz J>^^r^ ^ ci^ gyroscope U^^ ^^^yyj gyrocompass ground zero guy rj. %■ bm& H hi heat; hecto; henry; hour; Hi hardness; henry; hydrogen H2i deuterium H31 tritium hai hectar Hal hardened in air HAi high-altitude hab tT^e v^^ •v*^^* j^ habergeon (ot'/'oj) hair (line) crack hair fibres ^ .fj^ hair hygrometer ^i^^^^o^.^i^j hair- like crack ^^->^ '^.^ ^^' hairline (v-^ ^pCU^) ,_;^U. hairpencil ^..^Jli hairpin ^^ «^r- (il^e^ hairpin bend hair seam crack il ^ri>^ '^.^^ ^^' hair 244 hamm hair-sieve ^^^dlJl half-silica brick hair spring (c^L) «iUUj >> ^^_L- ^ c^U^T half & half solder (^ half steel ,^*» Oo^ e^»^v-r- ^o-f-^o (^ ,UiL^^ half -stuff cU^ iJjl *^U half-boiled soap ^(^ O^U (joi ^j^L-jl j^) half-brick wall c^^T^^ j1^.^ half synthetic sand half-cell l^ :>^Jl i:>^U ^y-^ (^ ^^ half converting half-thickness half cycle j3^ (^* i^^j^s^ f^ ^. '-> half dislocation J^ ^i^^. ^ half-tone etching half hard ''"'^ Cr^j^ **.^ *^3 W *(SJ^ fi^' (Jj^^3^ a^b) ^T^j half-tone illustration half hitch j^i^ ' '^^^ 'Cr^j-^H^- ^^^ half-lap joint ..lU^r. half-wave dipole half-life (^T^^b ^^1^)^^-^ (^ half-white oil o^ ^^ c-ii half mercerizing Hall coefficient JUc-^l* •>-^^(^(c^) Hall constant JUcol; half period j^^ (^ Hall-Heroult process half-round chisel jjl-JU c^iL- c*-^-*^ ' :>J1^ ji^:> jU^ hall mark c^^ idCl half-round engineer's file halo (dU) <]U cJ^j:> cT L, yj^^.j uU>- Hamilton finish half-round hammer Oy^\» (>- U ^jJ) t^jlTXi^T :>^ £ly ,^:5::> hammer ^iilifl J^ half-round pliers hammer beam half-round wood rasp hammer blow :>Ji^ ^^,^ v' ^.^ 'Siy A>^ «^. 1 ur'.^ half shaft ( J*-»yl) c/*^^. J*>» hammer break bamm zm hand hammer crusher hammer drill (S>k cr^ hammered iron rf hammer face hammer head jSisz ^ hammer interrupter hammerman hammer mill ^^^^ o^ '^^-^ hammer shop ts^-^ c^ J^ hammer slag o^.ijj O^ •->^^ hammer Welding ?a.icu» ^' iS^-^'\ J-yi- *^^\ J-y!- Hancock jig hand ^^ c--*l^ ***.^ hand advance oUi ,^i-,3,^»^- hand-borrow 0^> .V3 hand brake jl.^ y,j hand burnishing hand button (Ju^^yl) oLL hand cart ^^^ c.r?' hand churn drill hand dolly <^j&L, <»l5C:*k) (ili^^ hand drill ji^:> l^ hand-glass handgrip o^,^^^^^ 441-.^ «A*iJ handhold ^-a^i «»i^ «»^,Xi**^ handicraft hand iron handiwork^^ ^^ *r ,^5::-^ J^ hand-knitted ciLz-^ hand ladle jI.>ai^^ >,->-> ^. hand lamp ^^o^^ ^l^r?- handle handle-bar *^,^j^ ^^^.> handling engine JUr- o^U hand loom j:^:> t/^^*^ •Id-^ hand made hand-mill ^^^(^L-l i^^li-i hand-picked c>*^ hand-pitching *-'>-' ^-> hand-rail ^-,. , -^^ hand-saw ,,XsjtylA^J^^^^J^ hand shank M «»0oj hond 246 hard hand-staff ^^,j^j>- ai-^ hand throttle oUU hand vice with wide jaw handwheel j\yc^:> ul*> a^ handy ship hangar U-ol^AiLil hanger ^s\^^--^ J*. ^ ^^*^ ' V^ hanging bridge ji*-' J* hanging paper SJ^y.^ '^^ hank «c' O^-^L-^i^l o^\y)'^^ happe ^j^ ^ ' harbor aIsC-I «A»«*i^ .olT^vxo hard ^^.i '^^^-^ hard-aluminium ^'-'y^*". hard bilge hard car *- *^j^ o/'l^ hard chromium plating hard coating (^^ A*iai (^^^ C-s^J^ o|iX« hard-copper ,c-5^,.r* hard core vt>"" c^^^ hard crajcking hard crown hard drawn ^^^ ^sJ^^^ hardenability (ji^) »^^.^vJ hardenability calculations o\^iJ c^^.^J '(^V» hardened in air hardened oil ^^J^Oj^j^v^ ^>^j-> hardened resin (o^) ^^l^ i*-** hardened state hardened steel hardener hardening t^i hardening bath hardening furnace »jf hardening in electrolytic bath cJ^^r^l J^ OiUT hardening kiln hardening liquid J^i^ hardening of fat hardening with electric con- hard 247 harm tact resistance heating c-^j^ j\)Jy,ju^ ^;,^ ^^^^j^^ r^ hardenite ^.Czai- jUT (oL-aU o.^ hard facing ,c*>:- ^i^ hard rubber .jiUdl^ji^V jU ola^ ^>-^J l^.) (^Us:u=i- ^^, e^^.^l) c^y\ 'o^Jj^, dLx-.V ((.^ LU (5JJ c-=^ hard soap hard fibre ^ if^i>^ ^ ((»i^^ <^U^ L) juiU- 0>»L» hard glass hard solder ico^ <^ hard grease hard spot -^ ((5^^*^j) ^-Ul o:^3l^^j .a-b> ^,J hard tin (,^ ;/o/f L)o>^ ^ hard lead .c^i^v^ hard tube hard magnetic materials hard valve A^^ L oljJii) ^^Li.. c^- ^1^ >^ ->U— . cjij^^J v^V ^\:>^^\:Ju. ol ji» KVU OS U-o oui hardware vi^VTjl^^ hard metal .,y^:a L- ^V^ hard water viu^ oT c^ou.jls'jl^l .ooj^. ^I>J hard-water soap jecti . Ol>i hardness test (^),^ia^ cril^jT hardy ill;>-^^^ '^.c^ *ir^i^ hardness tester ( jii) ^w- ^jji^ H-armature hard oil a^U a-IT j^I^ u-i^ ("^J ^y^^^ .;^^-?^ hardometer (ji*) ^c^ ^^i^;^ harmonic hard pitch ou»L.j t-ic^Uj .jL.*^ .dl-j^jU ou.L>(jl^ «ju.L>cJU-l harmonic current hard (-paste) porcelain (^3^.) ^^>^^ o\j>- harm 24a hdwd harmonic distortion illj^jU ^^/-Liifi^l «;5(ju»L-j ^J^[^sii■\ harness .o^U-ioJU harness draft ;^ ^5Ci» harness oil harp aerial J^yj^ ii^ * harp antenna J^^y^ J^ ' aC^ .^;i t^ harrow hasp HASRl high-altitude sounding rocket Hastings naphta c^-jL^^ J^i hasty road j^y "^>^ hatch {j^) iS^A ^.^^ hatchet (copper) hatch way ^j f ^ ' W.J* haul ^j^:-** .jt^ JbXi «o3l^ head cover t/^.r- header ^^"^ ^'\ '\^ headfast ^y^iT^l^^ heading chisel yj^ (!^ A* headlight headlight oil j^) ^1^ cii head loss oT jLii c.»l head metal Li5 4>«x- headphone (^.^Ij «0>ii) ^^^^ head plant head race i^^.jy t^VLj^ ol ^^k- headroom headwater head water head wheel (V*^ iv (fe?-;^ J^^) fcj^' *^^ heaid {Jo^,\.^)jS'j\3 healdshaft jS'j\3 *A^ heap roasting iS^o^y *i>^* «•^^'• *i>^ heart-cut ^yL> c—- s 'tyjil^* S^L ,^ L_^ ft^ .f^ *j 6jr ^^' hearth ^j^^ •JW't heart scraper J^ jCi *> ^, U heartwood ^^1.^31 wJi «vi^ >*>» heat-affected zone heat ageing (^y.^^) c^i^-w^ heat balance cj'-^-^-'L'' heat barrier Jj^j^j^si^ heat-bodied oil heat check ^^--^ ^^^^ ^J heat checking ^^s-^J^XaJ ^j heat(ing) coil heat 250 heat heat cdntent 'u^^^ heat cracking ^<^>- U^ *1^- heated bar <^jj^^ ^^jiA UJb- hysteresis hysteresis curve ^ U-a <*:J- nertz ioaxnfe i-m I il gy Agency inch; iso; inert (^.5-^-) J^^h vi^ iagc i instantaneous automatic I i gain control inertia; interpole; iodine lARl lA 1 ^ ^^^ Institute for Atomic Rese- international Angstrom arch lAB i lARU 1 Industrial Advisory Board International Amateur Ra- dio Union lACS 1 Indian Association for the i^s I Cultivation of Science; in- indicated airspeed ternational Annealed Cop. \^j^ j per Standard International Association for Testing Materials lAE I ;'^^ Institution of Aeronautical lAU i Engineers; Institution of International Astronomical Automobile Engineers Union IAEA i lAVC k i a V c International Atomic Ener- instantaneous automatic vo- iba 266 i«ru lume control ICC i International Chamber of IBAl Commerce; Interstate Com- Institute of British Archi- merce Commission tects I beam o*T^- iCEi Institution of Chemical En- IBMi ^ gineers; Institution of Civil International Business Ma- Engineers; internal - com- chines ^^ bustion engine (i c e) ••^a ice breaker 0^^^ ij^) I.B.P. 1 ice machine jL-^^^^U initial boiling point I.Cengine IBUl International Broadcasting j^^j^jyy^ «(J*-»yi jy>» ICU Union ?A -30! Bluiiiml doi& International Commission ici ionization chamber; inter- mediate circuit; internal combustion; internal con- nection ICANl International Commission for Air Navigation ICAOi International Civil Avia- tion Organization icbm i intercontinental ballistic missile on Illumination; Imperial Chemical Industries ICMi intercontinental missile ICOi International for Optics Commission ICRPi International Commission on Radiological Protection iCRUi International Commission on Radiological Units icsm 267 if ICSM i International Committee of Scientific Management ICSUJ International Council of Scientific Unions ICTi International Critical Tab- les ICWi interrupted continuous waves I.D. u i d I induced draught; internal diameter ideal gas jToo^ I 3lf ,J*^ j\f identification, friend or foe I.D.F. I intermediate distribution frame idiomorphic iSJy^ J^ idle adjustment screw idle coil {dX]) }^ dU^, idle current o^ Oli>> idle gear idle period idle pinion idler ^J'»jy' *^^ -^^c^ idle turn (d^^) s^--*--- j^ j^^ idle voltage of battery idle wheel idling reel t^ *^r- lEBi Industry Evaluation Board lECl International Electrotech- nic Commission lEEi Institution of Electrical Engineers IEEE I Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers lESi Illuminating Engineering Society IF U i-f i intermediate frequency iff I 268 iIJi iffi .. identification, friend or foe; if & only if IFIPSi International Federation of "Information Processing So- cieties IFPi i ntermediate-f requency preamplifier ifrl instrument flight rules IFT, 1 f t i intermediate-frequency "'-^transformer igi involute gear ign i ignition igneous metallurgy ignition j^^" «JUii' .Jl^^^^l ignition accumulator J-s--«y I ( o^ li- 1 ) (^^ U ignition alloy floLij «£5C:-, ;gT .A5^-T jy T ignition battery ignition breaker ignition coil (J-^^yl) J^^^ ignition distributor ignition electrode ignition lag ignition switch jyy> ^^y. ignition timing ignition wrench ^^ jl>-T iGyi international geophysical year ihi indirect heating I-head engine VL v^>- -^yy* IHP li ihp L i h p i indicated horsepower Ihridizing j\jy- ^y^^ Hi illinium ilfi infralow frequency illegal oil ^b c-ii .Jl^-l* c^ illinium llu 269 imp,8 Illuminating Engineering So- ciety ijL^^^J 0L-vJU4>i 4*j»L> illumination ^.l^jj .c^jL^jj illumination gas Li J J jir iir ILSi instrument-landing system image . *r— ^v ^ ' < ^ y^ image-converter tube 'v^\*t ^x ' ^ ^^ J»du; »^V image dissector (^^Ji^) ^>-" tJ*** v^^ image impedance ^^^.^-m;^) image quality indicator image ratio jL,l c-^j imaginary voltage jUj «i^ Jli3^ IM E U IMech E i Institution of Mechanical Engineers IMEP I imep I indicated mean effective pressure imitation iO^J" k^ ^yi>-\j^ JiUij* h£J\m cSL* imitation silk ^y^^ <^.^.' immadium alloy 'iS^jZfY Za^) (P^^LajI ^^ IMMEi Institution of Mining & Mechanical Engineers immersion hardening u^lo,! immersion oil vy-C-j^^Cu. ^^j immersion plating immersion pyrometer immersion solution ji» clA*j immersion test immunity tPo*A^-^(^^) impi imperial; impulse IMPi ,^> imperial Hi imp, 4to 1 imperial quarto imp, 8Vo i iihpa 270 impr imperial octavo impact ^.^ impact chisel impact extrusion impact mill impact number impact pressure impact resistance impact screen impact strength impact tube impact wrench impedance 'v^^ c-*jIa- (dU) ^_^l«v»l «(^^lli c-*^U^ impedance coil impedance triangle (dij) v^^ c^jUu cJuL. impeller v^s'.-'^ ♦'b^ impeller pump impeller ramming imperfect combustion imperfect dislocation imperfect gas Jla» jlTi^li jlf imperial olzT ^ Imperial Chemical Industries imperial gallon ,^--15^ I J^\^ imperial octavo imperial quarto e5*'.-^<:^^ Imperial Standard Wire Gauge i^U^jloili-rl impervious Iji^'^j «^^a^c**. i mpetus * ^^;>** « U^^-:i> u*^^ oS^^P- l-^i^S'L j^-«^ ^S'^i^^i impingement black impingement corrosion impregnation OouS L^ jc^olloT impressed voltage ^yk jlz3j '^i-* J [^ impr 271 mco impression cylinder v^ ^^^ improving of lead v-»^^ (^JL. j_/d Li- impulse AilCr «Aj^ impulse starter coupling i mpulse turbi ne <^ Ia,^ ,>o jy impurity semi-conductor incenter J,U^ :^b ^^ inception of knock jS j ^^j. IMUl International Mathematical Union ini inch Ini indium inactive alkali ^yi^ OL|^;Cj *oi^ J'yf in & outbond wall *^i-> J^ yy-^^ ^Tk^ ■>'>.* in & out furnace J^KZ.^ .jf ..jL5C, .^/- inbond wall *^ ,y-A r^TU jl^^ inc i inclusive; incorporated; in- crease incandescent lamp ^.Lij^y^V incendiary bomb I^-sjT ^j,*^ incense jy^, ^y. inch .r>-fj^ inch- tool ^yj^J ^ (c-l c^J dL l (J^ !> fij ^V> ^^ u^u;- ^\) incomplet hardening incompressible ^A^ <^'^" Inconel ^y^^ u^U- ^^1) Jj^C:*! inco 272 indu incorrodible ^_a>U^3 increment key incrustation indi index; industrial; industry Ind E i i Industrial Engineer indenter (ja^^^ Jt^j'\)J^J^ Independent TV Authority independent variable indeterminate (beam) index SjUl i^j-i^;! .v--*^ index map U-y^U lii Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science Indian paper <«J Lj ^ ^^ Indian Standards Institution indian steel <^^* ^Vy indicated airspeed c^^ c---J indicated horsepower indicated mean effective pre- ssure JL-yL« ,^^^1 ^Lli indicating switch ^: indicator indicator gate u«=^Li a:?*^^ indigo C\^H^oNxOx J*^ indigo copper J^ ^* indirect arc furnace indirect extrusion indirect heating indium (^_L«-Ji .j^^) (»i^' indoor corrosion induced coil induced current J\^\ Ol»,>> induced draught induced electromotive force induced magnetism induced voltage indu 273 infr inductance ^*UJI^_^ *s^^^ inductance component of spark (d\.]) ^jP- JiiU j:^ induction UJ1 induction alternator .^jUij* O^^^ es*^' 0.\yk induction coil induction furnace ^U3I Ij^ induction hardening induction heating induction machine induction motor J\i^\ jyy^ induction pipe induction port induction valve inductive reactance inductive time Constance inductivity (dU) <^J^U1I inductometer inductor inductor-generator ^Ull f\x\\ I oJ^ inductor- magneto Industrial Advisory Board industrial bath industrial controller industrial yarn ^.r^*-^ c^ Industry Evaluation Board inert anode inertia ^^ ,ajU .^.^ inertia gear drive starter inert material Oily tiCi- .J^Lj ii j^ inf i infinity infiltration J'i^J infinity plug c-il«^ c-^^U.. inflammable ^;-d;T .^dJUz^il inflow (v*J^") (^^j-^^ *^.j.> influence line ^1 ^ influence machine in force c^j^U- infra low frequency infr 274 moc infra-red rays j*J O^^U ^-1 infundibular J^-^ infusible j\ykL3\ Jl^^.^ infusorial earth ingate .l^^b (^U ingot (^V^') •^^i'.->t.A^ ingrain (ciLjl jl^J) ^ J:^j ingredient aJlCix^ i\y>\ if^y>- inhl inverted hour inhabited satellite inherent moisture j\j>z^\^ J\ inhibitive primer inhibitors l^U^ lUoajjbjU in/in I between inside wells initial boiling point J,yf. jUT t^Lii initial production (cJu .l>-) O^l (aJIj^j) dJy initial voltage (J^ (*---) J^ ^l» ->Li» initiating electron injection mo(u)lding injection plunger injection pump injection well t3t->^" -W injector inlay worker J^"^ ^ in-lb i inch-pound inlet port inlet valve in loc i in loco in loc cit 1 in loco citato in loco ^^ iS^ ->^ in loco citato .a-iAiiif (sW j:> inner race - inoculation ^^Jis inorfil t^>^-^ «->yj inorg i inorganic inorganic chemistry in phase (dlj) jUo> input Uob.Jjl is:>^j^ ins i inches; insulated; insula- tion; insulator insert ^>-u v^>*' ^^ *t^^>*^ inset mo(u)lding I.N.S. factor i iodine number & saponifi- cation factor inside calipers inside roughing chisel inside thread t^^^ l^^ insol i insoluble insoluble anode J^L«j»li Oil ijy\^^ ojT inspection hole .y^jJk '^.-^^ inspection lamp inspection light inspection window Inst i institution instantaneous automatic gain control jlo^ aS' ^blj j\ ^^1^ Jj,^r jIT^^ -^y^U *'.wr^ "^i — *^ instantaneous automatic vo- lume control instantaneous value Institute for Atomic Research Institute of British Architects Lo Ixj ^ o\ J L»ji-* (_^ «i-ju»j I Institute of Electrical & Elec- tronics Engineers Institute of Petroleum Tech- nologistes Institute of Radio Engineers Institute of Wireless Techno- logy inst 276 inte Institution of Aeronautical Engineers Institution of Automobile En- gineers (»^l OL-"J^-^j» A«j»b>- Institution of Chemical En- gineers ( Li lli ^ ) ^^^J^ L-»Ok,i^ A*j» l>' Institution of Civil Engineers ( Li Uj^ ^ ) LoJL>- L* L»'X..'.^.* <«.>• b> Institution of Electrical En- gineers o>» OL-o^^ i*j»l> Institution of Mechanical En- gineers «^^ (JL-jl:^ a*.^U- Institution of Mining & Me- chanical Engineers a-^1:> ( Lj lij ^ ) dXj ICj» j 0l>.l tyA>»^ C-e^?- instrument transformer ( dlJ ) A»U^ J Oo* (to) insulate ^^jL-iU insulating asphalt t^^lTjjU ^ insulating cement j»,U i,>U insulating primer j*.lii ^^^T insulating wax i^hk insulation insulator intaglio printing ^/^ ol>- intake ^i^' -^^^^ 'J^*^ intake cam jij^. v^^- «ii^l^^ intake manifold JIT aj^ intake-roar silencer li intake valve intake well J^j^' *l>- int.al 1 inter alia integrated intensity Jfoai integrating filter ••■XiXJ ^-•>>' 4j**-* integrating recorder intelligence signal ^s^ rU intensifier electrode - i ntens i ty i*^) 0^,^i> ocU inter i inte 277 inte intermediate inter alia Uj^ Li OL*ji intercarrier beat intercarrier sound intercepting ditch intercommunication system m ( J^l^) ^ v^ interchemical adherometer interconnected star intercontinental ballistic mi- ssile U-j •jls dU^ intercontinental missile intercooler ^ \^ i?^^ intercostal interdendritic graphite Interdepartment Radio Advi- sory Committee Jb^ ai--^ ^,^^) ^y.^^-> c^'>*^^ ti-^y interdiffusion interface iJ^r^-i^ o-j interfacial tension interference fit 0^>» OL-^r intergranular corrosion interior wall J^b jl^,^ interlaced scanning interleaving transmission interlock intermediary cooler intermediate circuit intermediate constituent intermediate distribution frame (O^Jj) ^L^ (^---i" v^ intermediate frequency (^lAja*»fj JuL-J «jJLj» »X*L-j intermediate-frequency prea- mplifier intermediate-frequency trans- former ^y La a^Lj JiV» intermediate (second) gear intermediate lampholder intermediate phase inte 278 inte intermediate product intermediate range ballistic missile Jx^y:^* ^^ l> dXj:,yk intermetallic compound intermittent current intermittent- immersion test ( ^^ J^) ^ U (SJ^^y^J^, U jT intermittent test ^l5C^^UjT intermitter intermol i intermolecular internal armature JJ-]^^y:f^jJ internal combustion internal connection internal diameter internal drilling machine internal firebox boiler internal flue internal-furnace boiler internal pipe size internal shielding internal snapping pliers internal stresses J^i-b <^U^; internal thread •w^** oi-> «»„r«* '^^ International Amateur Radio Union y^^\j j :. :■,;« " * ^il^^ ^^.^Uc;! international Angstrom ( ^jb c^ J^ ^ ls>. r^^r-^ ^ International Annealed Co- pper Standard International Association for Testing Materials International Astronomical Union OL-Ui^r^l 4^ U?- a^^UjI International Atomic Energy Agency ^1 ^sjJ^ jU^ ^UT International Broadcasting Union OU?- (^U»dLU-»^ Ai^^UJl International Business Ma- chines .fl .^. .c^T International Chamber of Co- mmerce ij^ ij ^^Jk ^^' inte 279 inte International Civil Aviation Organization International Commission for Air Navigation International Commission for Optics dLxj I ^ lg>- o^;,....;-,^ International Commission on Illumination International Commission on Radiological Protection International Commission on Radiological Units O^,--^ International Committee of Scientific Management International Council of Sci- entific Unions International Critical Tables International Electrotechnic Commission International Federation of Information Processing Socie/- ties ^\^:>- ^j\^>- Oy^\jo^* international geophysical year International Mathematical Union oUi> ulilou^U-; L^UjI International Organization for Pure & Applied Biophysics International Radio Consulta- tive Committee ^ft^^^^^-^ International Radium Stan- dard Commission International Standards Asso- ciation Uijiai [x^\ ^\^>- OUiL- International Standards Me- thod ^l^ (S^^^^^^^^ J'^J International Telecommuni- cation Convention International Telecommuni- cation Service International Telecommuni- cation Union ^\^\S iwljj ^yUi> AiiUjI inte 280 mve International Tin Research Council International Union of Crys- tallography International Union of Geo- desy & Geophysics International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry a,:>UjI International Union of Pure & Applied Physics l^U:l International Union of Theo- retical & Applied Mechanics interpass temperature interpole Ji^^^ interrupted continuous waves a;..,.m..j ^l«A>^L ^l_^l interrupted quenching tech- nique interrupter spring ^^jy* ^» Interstate Commerce Commi- ssion interval fatigue test intrados (^^ tJi) 3\l y^j intrinsic semi-conductor intubation ii*i>«^ a3^ .c-i; •i>- (^jur*]^] in vacuo test '>^ j^ cri^j\ Invar .i,L-i| ^^ jUT) jl^^l inverse chill(ing) inverse current w^-^ o^,j^ inverse photoelectric effect inverse-rate curve inverse segregation invert (a; l^^^^) Ji^.i vjT inverted arch *»^^bu'y inverted converter Ojjl^ ^,__d>a-J «A__ijjlj Jyjy^ inverted hour mw 281 ipy in w I 0?!^^ inches of water loi ionium iodimetric determination iodine (^U-ji^^^-a^) o,^ iodine coulometer iodine methode Oi^ L t^ou-TI (j\j^iS3 jiJl\^^^ iodine number iodine number & saponifica- tion factor iodine value ion 'iim0ooB isijioin-iiq^^ ion bombardment ObU^. ion bombardment etching ion exchange resins ion gun ^ eonslas^jl^lO^. ionic-heated cathode ^>».«^'is' ionic semiconductor ionium f^x ionization chamber j^y,j^ irreversible steel irro 283 isom irrotational field <^T' irrotational flow OU^ IRSCl International Radium Stan- dard Commission ISliisi internal shielding ISAl Instruments Society of A- merica; International Stan- dards Association isentropic process IS! i Indian Standards Institution I.S.I, i iron & steel institute isinglass ^y^U ^^^ I.S.I.R.C. 1 iron & steel industrial rese- arch council ISMi International Standards Me- . thod iso i isotropic; isomeric isobars jLiiU» ^y^ isocenter point isochromatic <^^. .cUC- isocline v^ <^ isodynamic line ^^ ^ ^^ isogonal line ^^^>^ OlC isogenic line lUi ^^^» Oi^ isohydric solutions isolated corrosion isolated crack isolated electric plant isolating switch jL^ oJlT isolation diode isoline isomax unit isomeric (,j*-i) jUj^ «dU^j^l isomeric transition isometric projection isop 284 lugg isopach o^Ls^jv* isoprene rubber ^^^>J (^y-^) iSy>-y^ isostasy (^jUlji** .^^^-...ojb isostatic isoth 1 isothermal isothermal l^j^t^ isothermal annealing isothermal hardening isothermal lines L»Ju>jb i,^laj- isothermal (change) process isothermal transformation diagrams Je.^' <^Ujb^ o-^b S ^?«^-» .T.T.T ^9«^ isothermal treatment ol*^ isotonic solution jlli**» (5>>--l J>J^=*^ lOil^^ J>*^»«* isotopic weight ^,yj>J cv^ isotropic ^^LC .^L^z^ isotropy c^^^ L-^. ITi interfacial tension; isome- ric transition ITA 1 Independent TV Authority ITCl International Telecommu- nication Convention iterative impedance ITU Illinois Technological Ins- titute I.T.R.C. i International Tin Research Council ITSi International Telecommu- nication Service ITUi International Telecommu- nication Union ITVl Industrial TV I type semiconductor lUCi International Union of Crystallography lUGGl International Union of Geo- lupa 285 iwt desy & Geophysics iv i independent variable lUPAC i International Union of Pure IW i & Applied Chemistry isotopic weight lUPAP i IWG i International Union of Pure Imperial Standard Wire & Applied Physics Gauge lUTAMi International Union of The- oretical & Applied Mecha- IWT i Institute of Wireless Tech- nology mcs )»T mm Boh^d 'f-^*?i mH .VM ] ->•>) J^i J->' (^ 'L.^f ^^^^ jjl ^ jack ^VL jL .dia- jack arch ^«l c^yui jack circle c^lAiloi^ lii>- U dU jacket c^^^-jti '^J^y^ jacketed still oIj^-^^ jlCj^ jack hammer jack latch t^^ Jii jack plane Jack screw t^l^^dU jack shaft 4*-!^ •-'^^ J,h» jack star Jacob's ladder jaconet jacquard loom jade ^■^>. , ii j .j^ ^,^ (ij^ jag •>: .Ailoj^ jalousie ^^^ jamming station >| jam- to-signal jam nut 'U pl wtI ' wK -'•^ c^*^*^ <^ !>• Japanese wood oil japan gilding Japanning japan tallow JU- <^U4ib ^p^j japan wax JU- (^U<3)i ^i^j jar (c^jli^) <^^ jar-mill ^^^^^ t^W-T jarring movement iSJ^^ i>*Li c-T^^ ,^ L^ 05"^^^ jat system Jj^^^^^z-.-^ Javel water Jjlj oT jaw brake J^ y.j jaw breaker ,} ^5 ^-1 d d^ jcar 288 ]igg JCARi Joint Commission on App- lied Radioactivity J.C.C.B.M. i joint committee on the co- rrosion of buried metals jean (<^^ t^'v^e *^-?^) i>s^ jeanette ^^ :j^ «cJij jellification u^^^-jVJ «Jl.U; jelly - jet (aircraft) fuel jet loom ^jt^^ o^^^ .lO-^ jet method jet mo(u)lding ,jiijjj" jet motor c?- -)y>» jet pump lyiJ^ A.;-ojj iooa^L A^Jj jet tapping jet test jetty ,^x?" 4.AiC-l oI^jI^U jewel ^I^ «(^^^^) '^^^ jeweller's rouge (FexOr)>^ ^^ .01 ^j3 S^U- jew's pitch ^>J»-^ ^ jib 0^1^ ^j'^ iSi'S^. jibbet levers ^^^^A*^ '^^i-^ jib boom ^y:^ jT^ ^ jig «i^«>- «^ij ^LlJJa:^ J-^ jig-boring machine jig bushing jyS'^ojS ^y jigger «c^Tja^ i^^^o^Tc^?- jigg 289 jonc •>v*J^ oak ^ VL aT t^|AxIa5 jigging .^jj ^Lulo^- jigging screen 'ty^3J JL:> jig sawji^^t^ jimmy JlpjJ/.:> ,>--iU fr^l -A^ job mix concrete L>j^ 0>^ job- to- job processing jog o^ir 0^^ li-»l^y*> joggle OsiCi . J^a,^ joggle joint ^^U ^ ^ JLjI jogs J'J>J joiner plane ^}j:>o^>j joiner slant grooving plane joinery iSJ^ 4<^iL.L> joining plane joint t^>il3 «V^ .O^^ ,}j:> ij-ai* (dli) jIju. jla, U JLjh(d5Clu.)cJb>. Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity ( JU OUjU) ^T^.:>lj joint committee on the corro- sion on buried metals joint efficiency Joint Electron Tube Enginee- ring Council iss} k^nglvGl ^j^iUU^V vi-i-- sa^^ (^b^ ointer (c-As t^jU^-) ^i^ An- oint face (c5^*^->)J^'' **«^ oint factor JL^'I v.^ oint filler 3->^ ^^. ointing cement dL2-,U ointing compound dX^^^Mi* ointing material i»>U ointing past UaI^ JLall c^OU-j 1 t^l^^ ^^^ joint line (ci^^Aiawj) JLjI Sap- joint welding joint yoke J^-»i^ o^U- joist 0^^(^>.J^ .il^ .'-ii- ^ jolly's apparatus 1^ jj*-**^ ^,J^ »lO--i jolt machine coremaking jolt mo(u)lding ^fc t^^CJli jolt-squeez mo(u)lding ma- chine t^jUi-^yfc t^^^Jli r^U Jominy end-quench test cj-i^^y?" (u^j->**) c^^.^J vA^-'^ jonction JUil «A»b ^^ «*0^1«r jonction box jour 290 jute JLjI journal jy>*M j*a «o^lj' 1j -iy^ *^^^ UIjU journal box 015U-U Jovignot test joystick U-ol>* OlC- i/si jam-to-signal j St i jamming station jumming co jbl> .cojbU jumper (dlJ) fl^l L JU;I .ci^ JLjI jumper bar (^jU» az^ jump spark distributor Jungner accumulator ( JUii cJ^^I J ^Tj J5Cj c^U Jungner-type of cell olid-i junk i,U-l jury mast (j^) cJy^ Jf^ justification (45Uil>-)(^4^^ jute yarn ^J wdb-be^ K kl kilo; knot; modulus of vo- lume elasticity iCi potassium; Kelvin's abso- .. lute scale of temperature; absolute temperature; ca- thode; kilohm; relay Kai kiloampere kahn (^n r o U A ) ,>«> ^' J^li Kaldo process kali u-^, '^' kandahar Kanigen process «^. c^jis'J^i'* kaolin J^^'*^ -^tr^ ^^ Kapp cofficient (^) w*s' v^.> Kapp line karat ^1^. (^^^ 1»I^0 J^*'^ rfoli c?>U7 .>U»jLp .('^^CJuj. foo C-o^ ^ cjlj'^U (5>^ J^-l i''^ kashmir (^^^ ^w»^) ^«:--^, kata - positive iilT c^jj »-isJ J^ iOpl^t^jj v**^ kathanode battery tmi^A kathion (^^.) 0^'i^ kawk *^^^' c^i^^'^i^ KC l> kc i kilocycle kcall kilocalorie m lo li^i^ kc/sl kilocycle per second kdl knocked - down KDi kdcl 292 kg-ca kiln- dried; knocked-down kdcli knocked-down in carloads KEi kinetic energy kedge j^ o^^ '^^ J^^ keel i^ JU:>^- ijSi\ Uj ^zj^s keel block (^1./"*;^ ^:S^}W9' 4X9u((olJuk UO^^iUjl ) keelson ijizS a;^ ,^1^ J-*l Oy:- «,^i^JUo- ^ Keene's cement ^ J»>U keep vif ^j,> ^^ , JL^I c:^ keep-alive electrode ^.^ oil keeper of magnet ' kelly (^jli> Ai>» .^jl^ 4L>» kelly rat hole ^jU>- *i-s> dUb>- Kelvin's absolute scale of temperature ot>J^ jii** t^l^^ kemp s^.i (»^ kenaf UlS kerb ^b *iLi .vL> kerf dl^-V cT .^ICi kerogen (c^) ojjj' keroseri t^^cJu ^OhJ' (3_^-i^> Jxii^ A;>ji f-^jl ^"VL ji) kersey (^^^*^*^-> ^^^-^-w^'J W->^) »J^ kettle (c?^Ai>^^^) Jj:U .j^^j^U kettle hour rate KeVi kilo electron-volt kevel ^j:>\ySC^ l^ key ^l;^ .ddr keyboard \»^^ y^^r^ C^^) Uy * " '^ *^>**«* keyhole saw key industry (^jL» ,y^[^ ti^-^^ o^L» <^U-« keying j(dU) ^jlx^^^i^ lO^J l>. keying force jLii L OijL> keyseating chisel ^\i ^ii keyseating machine keystone JU,^ d5C^ key way jl^i- L> kgi kilogram; kilogauss kg-ca 1 dTjji c^Jir kg-m 293 kirs kg-m 1 kilogram-meter kgpm i kilogram per minute kgps I kilogram per second khzi kilohertz kick kicking coil o'XLJiS' ^^Ou.^ ^^j^,o.- ^^«* kicking well (c^) JUi .U- kick of potential kier tank kies v:^.,^ kili kilometer kilderkin ( J Lf U o-i>A, dLi>.) o^joJuT killed spirit c^jl^(»-pJ ^>> killed steel ^\jT 2,)J^ killing (..o ^Vy) <^3L- (►IjT killing pickle yLx.^ kiln «^" oj^ ,(S^» ^\ Sj^r kilogauss o-^->lj* kilohertz kilomega ( ]o^) iCj kilovar kindling temperature kinetic energy ^^^l^jl^- ^jj\ king bolt Ju»l ^-^ king closer king leaf ^ -Ur king pin king-pin steering system king post king's yellow ^j} kinking kiosk ^yl^jW *^^^ i'^yS kip looo ^.1^. ^^ ^^Ij) v^ (jl_^ •^, S*-^^ ts*'^.'^ "--^^i 'v*^^ Kipp*s apparatus ^^ •l^Ci-^ kir c-a- c-ii i^^jO- c^ Kirsch test kish 294 knoc kish ^1^-^ kit jl^.l JiS fjlj^.l *^*^ kitbag *^- f^ ^, n y^^L. kitchen sink iSy^^J' kli kilolitre klm 1 kilometer kmi ] kilometer kMl kilomega, giga K M c/s I kilomegacycles per second kmps i kilometers Tper second kms/hr i kilometers per hour kni knot kneading machine kneeler (oUi^L) knife-edge attack knife file knife-line corrosion knife (-blade) steel knife switch c^l^V ^^ knitting ^»L-^ knitting machine oil knob ^"^ y. «^*^ knob insulator 'i^^ ^^ knob screw v^i*^ ^^e knock J-j-^yl ojjJi old ,(dCuJ) aO knocked-down in carloads knock down the oil «->! jl C*ii O^^I«A:> knocker OUil jJo knock inducer ^\^ oUtAil il^^p«^ «cr'.^ -^wT**^ knocking ->y^ ^^.^T knockings .oi^ t^^j j^Uocxi U knock-on-damage knockout t^^Js' *i; knockout bar knockout box jlTso^r la;^ knoc 295 kumi knockout drum ©ox^lo^ aj^^ knockout pins knock producer cs^^ knock rating knock reducer j^fo^ S^U knock suppressor ^j^o^ S^U Knoop hardness test knot ^l^,-J:^ji C.c^^ o^lj) o^ (c-^L jioy f'oA© L ^J^. knothoi mixer knotter ^{^'^ ^j^ jl) ^jS-^J' know-how J^ j o> .^IT 3^ knuckle <^.^li jOU^ c-.a5l* liiC- i<^^ ^jU knuckle connecting rod knuckle joint ^yliJ^'' knuckle post v^ knuckle press jlo^Ts ..;«^ O^ *u-i^ i-H. knurled nut knurling kodzo kohm kollergang Konal ./^YojO) JU^JU kopan Kovar *:i-^ aj Jl» ^^ j\^ jUT (^Ta^. ^r^ cJ.LT./^rD JO) Kr 1 krypton kraft liquor c^o ^U kraft mill ^^moiiit kraft paper J^IT .c-a;- dilT c^'wTl) t/'^^- <5'»>-6* '^^ «vlil^ kraft process kraft pulp ^'^>- j>J>i- Kromore Krupp triple steel krypton (^.W- ^r-=^) 0>v.^ ktl kiloton; knot K. truss ktsl knots Kumium U,^ ^(^ kutii 296^eSi kwhr (cJw^^o/r:>^^| kilovar-hour Kunial peak kilovolt ^^^ ^ I. I kilovolt ^^' ^ y kilowatt kva i kwdi kilovolt-ampere tlm^L kvar 1 kilovar kvarh i kilowatt-day kwhr i kilowatt-hour llBti K.\- >\9:1 hi' giK-'yv 1 I ^ ^J^y. Si.^ ,j\^ £ljU ^^ levorotatory; latitude; left; labile o^^^^ iC^-^ ,j\j^^[>\^ link; litre; lumen labile equilibrium ^i u .^ .1. .fT,. ix, labile form baf jsCi lambert; league; length, in- ductance; coil; alkaliproof laboratory ^l.xl^V ..1$:^>^1 steel; oxygen cell; levoro- labourer *i^ -o^^ ^->^ tatory; latitude; left lac O^j j5Cil ^ iJV .*1V lacebark ^rft-*^ ^"^ ^ lace machine ^L». ->y c^^ lanthanum , , lacewood ^^^-^^ IqJj I lachrymator ^^TdUl jlf laboratory lacing '^^V > fins?:' c— * -C^^) -^ -^'sX •(^-'y Laban process lacing course j^-^. j c^ a,^^ OUV ^j^ A, c^^lTj^ lacquer Labarraque's solution JjlJ ^^ j^i jsCJI ^ *1V i JsGI ^ ilV .iJV label c-Ol «v-=r^. lactofil label(l)er r^j^ jl ^>:-^ JLJI .^s^.Jls' ^ ' ^ "^^ ladar I label gummer l^ge^ detecting & ranging i label paper ladder cable ^M^ ^^.^J ladd 298 lamp laddering ladder rung OL^^ t^U^L laddie laddie bogie j^^^^ Ji->->^ laddie car for casting laddie crane Jt^^k Ji->^^ laddie sample olJu. aj^ laddie shank *;^. J*^ *L^ lagging «0«AxA c— J. o^ t^o^i t3il^ i^ji ^\J^\ ^h^^^ Ji^ lagging coil ^s^^ dX=K^^ lagging current ((!e.w^ :SL lag of brush (, (di3) jU ^t I ij^:> «UJI Sjji lag of phase lag phase o^^l lag screw laitance O _ ^_ lake asphalt laking U oU.3 o^l^ v>--^ lamir^ -•* * sf laminated lambert (^ U^j^ ^^1^) o^.^V lamellae aT ^ ,dlJ^ .j>V .-u-j lamellar cementite lamina iljli Ai^j ,Af ^ laminar flow laminar navigation anticolli- sion laminate o^J^^j^ as^j «Jjy laminated glass 'J^^. '^^^ laminated iron ^^ lamp bulb v^V lamp chimney lamp connector v_^Viwlj lamp cord ,^V ^^ lamp deflector v^^^V j^\jy lamp dimmer ^^ - strpa. lampholder lamp oil lampsocket lamp soot lamp wax lamp 2im laps lampwick ^l^lLii lanac i laminar navigation antico- llision Lancashire boiler jl=« ^J k^^'> landing-field runway • ^•^^^ ^^^ landing-place landings 0<->^ ^Jy ^^ landing-stage U^jlyb «lf:>j> .OI5CL :>^l> landside (j>:5'l^-) jl.x*L l> lantern gear lanthanum (^dW^ .r^>^) <^^^ lanyard j:^^ (*iV^U>-) vUl» lap ^c^\^^^ ^J lapi . lath & plaster taped microphone lapidary's mill tj^ lapis lapis divinus lapis infernalis lapis-lazuli lapis lydias lap joint lappet fabric jI«a^ ^ '*^A lapping <^^^^. ' lapping machine lapping tool lap scarf J^^^ J^'' lapse J>^" '^' lap seam welding laps 300 lath lap stone lap- we Id (^ iS3J v^ iSJ^^^ lap winding ^ ^^j ^^^^ lap wound armature lard oil fl^ *.* ^^^^ large calorie large coal JUj (if j>. A*ia> large iron bar (»>L i^jS-^^ J-*-^ laser 1 light amplification by sti- mulated emission of radia- tion laser detecting & ranging laser infrared radar lashing (^^L^) ^ 0U--ij last cut (c^) j^\ ^Jai; «^^Jai; ^^^sC:-. ^1^ last running (C-ii ) ^1 ^j^^ai^ «,jJaA; ^VjvCu- ^|^ latl latitude LATi local apparent time latch bolt (Ji5) <^^ AiLj latch lock ^^ Ai Li L. Ji3 latch-needle oloii:;- oj^- latdi latitude lateen Jis^ ^^.^^. latent defect latent heat ol«i c^U^ latent heat of evaporation latent heat of fusion latent heat of melting latent heat of sublimation latent heat of transition latent solvent ^1^. J^^- lateral pressure latex lath ^y.^^y 'J^y lath & plaster lathe lathe centre lath 301 Ibff J'\j .KIz-^) ^j^-4 iii^^ lathe chuck lathe hand jKj:>\j lathe jaw lathe pindle J-lj o*^U j.p«> lathe turner j^\J lathe-work <^jlCil^- latten-brass *ijj ^^, .^>» Jjj lattice ^^, A5C--i lattice distortion asCIj:, ji:^^ lattice parameter lattice truss dlj^ jy^ j=^J^'^ launching j:^ ^v^lo^l ^\aj launder '^.^ ^i^ laundry soap ^^.y^-^-' oy, L, lautering O^^ -jLji ^ olj {^j v->Ij Aj^^li lay-by oisy ^iJa^ .^iC^i'^L lay out .^IjTasJu* .c-TU lay out man jU c-TU .cl^ lay shaft *^J'*j^ jy>^ (»ai^ 4-*?-) 4k-lj J^»«>» lay the grain f^rT ^^^'^^ «r,^ o:>^ Jj^ lazaretto ^jjS .JU jUl laze rod (^ajljjlo^ jU lazulite ij>>V <£Cl- li ■il Ibi libra, pound lb ap i pound apothecaries Ibavl pound avoirdupois lb cal i pound-calorie lb CHIJ I pound-calorie Ib/cuft i pound per cubic foot Ib/cu in i pound per cubic inch L-beam ^^^ ^T lb ft \ „ Ilbete3»:>bs«l ^"\dl Ib-in 302 lead pound-foot LCCi -^ London Construction Code; Ib-in 1 London Country Council pound- inch Icdl lb mol i least common denominator pound-molecule 1 c m i L.B.P. i aitm least common multiple length in feet between per- pendiculars Idi levo-& dextrorotary Ibsi pounds LDi lethal dose lbs per bl i pounds per barrel L-D. process i Linz-Donavitz process lbs per sq in g i L.D.P process pounds per square inch .^,^J J J J Ai j^jL iVy J,s^' gauge cA-'^i ^^^, ^->^ ->^ cr^.^U j^ lb sq ft 1 lea ^->^ vy pound per square foot (^ji)ro ^^^\ ^A^^,roo our) Ib/sq in 1 leal pound per square inch league leaching ^^^^j^^ 'ji^ J^ lb/yd i lead icj-^-j U.^ ^.j^ ^. •Vw?*' pound per yard Ai^if fU^-l i3^. ^>,\j ij^^ c^^^ LCi (iXjiiS inductance lead accumulator i lei jc^Lo^^ iSj^. ' J>*^ c^^"^ lead-covered lead acetate lead 303 leaf lead-acid battery ^sJ\^ lead bath quench lead battery metal ^sj^. ^^ lead bronze 0Ul;Lfj|jb_^ ^^^ lead burning V^T-" J"^ '^^r- c*^ lead chamber process J-^j (dli_J^Aj^^ UU^I A-.^- ^^) ^^;-* Jill lead coating lead-covered ^ ^^ J-^y. k lead encased ^ ^ J^yi leader lead foil ^.,^ ^^ lead(ed) fuel olo^^ ^>i>^ Vw^ J^"' 'wT^' c^bl^ OiJ^," lead(ed} gazoline o'^.^-'Ch^^ ^.^ c^l 1^" <^ljb Oi>^. lead glance (PbS)v^^^L^^ij^.jir lead glass lead harden leading (v^) '^^'-l •VwT-' ^ <^"^'-^ ^r-*' leading current sucy leading-in wire oLjuI ^^^ lead-in wire lead minium ^^ lead monoxide (PbO) ^^»*^^ Oc ^5i>iC ;yo, c;. lead of brush - ^^ j lead of helix lead of phase lead patenting ^^ asai lead plating 0^1^ v^ ^T lead screw .oL. ^^ « Ji-*»lesi lead seal pliers v^ ->l^^ lead-shea ted, steel taped lead tempering bath \^\- lead vice e^r ,aJ leaf below main leaf ^ ^^j^ leaf bridge ^^r>*^ Ji leaflet bomb jloJL,_^ leaf in laminated spring leaf spring ^ . > . leag 304 lens league ^.k->^ »J>^ ^J^b) ^^O leak (age) jl^ «c-^ leaktight c-^ u^j^. lean clay ob*-l^ Jf lean concrete i,>U{^Oy^ lean gas j^\ L. jlT ,dLi:i- 3 If lean lime '^Jj-xxj^ dUT (^^^ b 3yi- V^ ->i) lean mixture jJj i,>]i^^ lean mortar ^V i,>U ...i-^ J,>U lean ore ^l^ (^ ^y*^ leap ^9 aT^ lear *^- v-»l; ij^ leash rod (^oiiL) j\o^ j\s least common denominator least common multiple leather ^j>- leather cup ^j>- ^-il^ leather flap beater •ouii aL-*j leather oil leatherworking ^5^',^ Leblanc process o%S Ai^ Leclanche cell ,*^>(5G J*> ledge ^^1^ ^yi ^^i ^- ledger JS' ,^ •U .U>- ^1 ^ lee (^^xjlT) .lOU>c^ leech (Jf^ jl) ob^L* ty-?w^. *^ leer a.^^-^ oU Sj^ lee shore jiiS .U ^L lee ivay jii^S Jiz^ a, jj c-^ left-hand screw «uJ^o^ s-* left regular lay cable (t^jUd.) ^^ v^>- JjIT leftward welding leg u^^i— t*t^ legal ohm ^^U^ (^1 '^.r*^-^ <^' legging t^^^s^ leg of angle j^ (c^T) U Lehigh cracking test lehr A.i^ oU oj^ lem I lunar excursion module length in feet between per- pendiculars .* lengthwise rolling **iai J^ C-4i> J^ ^J^ leno weave (ciL.) ,j-Ji5CjI jy lens >J i,j-a. d^'-'' levelling course ^ ^.Vl> lu>. levelling screw c^jLjl^- ^c** levelling staff (^^.^) aju^ level meter ^^>?- ^^x- ^Ur^l level section •b ^1 c.^^» level surface jl^- ^ lever ^^f leverage <^cu,^ y>» J^i^ « lifter {^sJ^=^,J) v^^ lifter rail •o^ibiVU lifter wheel Z-.V Li, li f t-gate c^-;>-i L-T j^ lifting bridge j^VU J* lifting gate t^l.Jbj^OLi lifting jack «iU lifting magnet ,^^Ui*JU*l^^ lifting plate .olliTVL a:>.Ju» lifting screw (^Las^dl^- lift truck obiiU o-^^ ^l^ light «*^i.J^ *^J3J *t^^ i^y light alloys dl^c^UjUT light amplification by stimu- lated emission of radiation ^^ light & buoyage light -ash .uM-J i>-j^ *^^^ light band galvanometer light creosote (oil) dC^J Uj Ol,^ iw^ 0^^-> light crude ^^^k *^ light displacement ,3 light distillate light drawn ^-- .p:^ light duty viir- J^ .(^ ji^ ligh 307 lime light-end products light ends ^ (S^ L-l lighter ^jl 4**^^ filo^ lightfast dlj\j '>Uir light-fast light fractions light gasolin dL- ^,j^ lighthouse ^l» *jtkj^*j'r^ lighthouse oil lighting gas lighting protector ^^>[ light load (cO)) fIjU light metal dL- ^ lightness ^yj lightning arrester .^^. lightning rod .jS^^. *J^ light petroleum ^ <^l^Ll (a^,l^ J-^ ^j^ f o Ij f o Jl) light signal L^U e'^ light soda ash light thickness type (ol^)iljli o^,^ light weight jU o^a, ,^ziro3^ light weight concrete (*t^^ cj**^*-' ^>^ «»^^ 0>:* lignit C--J «c^i»^ <£5Ci-JU3 ligroin *^^a^- il) ti^'^^J ( ) r o I; V o ^v^ ^y> U^ U cii limi limit Lim i limited limb 4^b «^i^ ^ 4»u^ limber hole limbrick .ciU ^^ <>-jU lime clUT lime boil J-^ «iUT lime chloride *1UT ^Ioujl. lime cream dUT ^ lime gas purification lime juice lime kiln . c^^ ^»T :^^ lime milk *il*T ^^ lime paste Az:i5' dUI lime pit c^j> vluT ij^ lime sludge lime stone «iUT tiC^- lime water ^iUT oT ,dUT ^ lime white dUT w^i limi 308 link limited <^^st U (^-j- ^1^) limiter (^i^'-') v^'^ v^^ limiting creep stress limiting range of stress limiting voltage limit of elasticity limit of proportionality J^ l> linac i linear accelerator linch-pin Si^\ line Oi^^r-^ '-^ lineage structure linear accelerator linear damage law ^^.j linear pitch J^^^ linear slotted lap joint lineas <5' ^\^tP^ ^j\:^ t^*-^*^ uri^,^ -^•^'-^ <>K line-block linecut (v^) ♦^-^ line drop (^J) ^ (jLi*) cJl lineman 0U>--' linen ^ur.ob^r linen weave <^*^' ciL line of position line radio ^^^, «<»^ ^ ^.^>-> line relay J^ ^j liners ^ ^>.Wi^^ line spectrum J^ ^J-J» line welding lin ft i linear foot lining >^ c-J Jc^ji^^r-T ,^1^3 lining-papers linisher oo:^ v:^'^^ olC:-^ linishing link "i — ^.1^. J> *^l j) **i^ ) o o V/^r ^.l>. ^ir ^^-.3 j:> .L>dl> JLjI \{S:>y A*-i>- <(c-^' linkage (5«^. r^l link connecting rod link 309 nth link fuse jU j>J linking (-up) linotype machine Vi L^ *Jt-> ^j^ i:;^ lineed oil linsey (^ -> c* *=r->^ lintel •y*H ^ J^ ^.^ OLiU i»\fj:i J*i Linz-Donavitz process lip angle J'^^ U I jlj lip kerb v^ (^ v^ lipolytic ci^^^j ij^jic.^j oU liquid, liquate O^^ V^i liquation liquefied gas ^^[^ jlT liquefied petroleum gas liquefier ^^^^^^J'J-y,^ liquid asphalt liquid chromising liquid-column manometer liquid corrosion (VjU J'o^jyi^ liquid cyaniding liquid honing liquid level controller jjUi (t^jlC 1 ) (^.L* ^^ (fctU it^jlCj I ji liquid limit Q>C- oo- «^y b-> o^ liquid natural gas liquid petroleum gas (cii)tiUiir liquid rheostat ^^\^^s^yj liquid soap liquid starter liquidus (^i*) u-^^J liquor finish «^L»*^(^^a^- liquor plant iS^.^.^ •^-'^ L-iron ,^i^ j^'\ list Jil^ C>Jyt> iC^ ^ .C— -J «J^. <*i- lixivation * ©»iA#iiij#it LLi> ,v longitude & latitude LLCi liquid level controller LM li Im I lumen 1 m t i length-mass-time LMTD i logarithmic mean tempera- ture difference Im/w 1 lumens per watt LN U In i lot number; natural loga - rithm L.N.G I liquid natural gas LO. loi .r-^ local oscillator load balance (3^) UjU J^U; load bearing wall JU^-jl^^^ load draught Jj^^jl U JZ^S'^s\y, oT ^jV J^ load factor ,d}S)jls^i^ loading c^^->^ loading apron (S^>.jk loading coil c^ij^bU load line (j^) ^fy^^ ^ loadstone ,^-J»U^ j^XuXj:^ load test j^c^y^j^ <*^ Jt L»3T loam {^J'^s^^j) £ll>- loam brick ^s^r^^ ^^^-^ loam mill ^sJ'^^^j ^^ c^W-' loam mo(u)lding j^^o-^s^^^^ loamy sand (^lo-^ LU lobe 311 logr lobe switching local action ^T^joJr (dU) c^^U ^y^^y^ aJL»J local annealing ^-^^(^jlCL- local apparent time local cell {J''^j}^) ,^y^ Jtti local corrosion ^»-^>- ^^^-^^ local element ,^y J*i local extension ^j^y ^^^^ local hardening ^^^y^ o^\^\ localized capacity (OjU-) jT^^^j:^ C^> local sideral time local standard time lock ^>»U .Jii locker ^j-LJ ouT.^^y^V^^ lock guard d^ *^Vj locking screw ^U ^-j lock nut lock pin 4^U jU- lock plate ^c^i **«^ locksmith lock washer locomotive steam crane locomotive steel loco type boiler J-O- Jili jla« 5 (^l^^U oLz^?- c^^.^lj lode i>j^>i aT^ lode-gold Mi. :r^ lode mining (lMa-) c^I^Tj tr'^r"^^' lode plot (O^J^) J^l ^-> lod(e)stone ^^^Iju^ ^T^lCl- loft(y) .a<:43- oLJ I tjbj^ log *iy^ Jjl^l "V^ •^^ log t^jLipl^jlCi ijiytjuk j»ii^lO logarithmic creep law logarithmic decrement logartihmic mean tempera- ture difference -"^ ^-^ \jk^ OjUJ Jaj0 y* (*^. c^^» ,-l i '^ longitude Ijb^ ^^S*^J^ J>^ long-play record long-primer J«s^ i© j^^ long-range accuracy system J*>^ (^^.^^ >»-^b r^-*- '^'-^^^ long-range navigation system (S^\3^ ^^^b (^^-s- 'Olj^J longshoreman 31^ I j^. ^-?^ long shunt (J^.) ck> -^^-^ long staple *^. **^ (^">,L» rrlr i; rA/ « JJu^ Ai LiT looping mill (SJ^f^^jj^ loop pile loose coupling loose fit (0^3) vy*" J^ v>^jW- loose goods *i» iS^ loose pinion :>j'jj>^ •^^tj=^ lopi line of position lorac i long-range accuracy system lorad Ob^t^l^l^ v^^^*?* ^y,^^^ loran i long-range navigation sys* tem lorry battery J«^yl (Sjk loss angle cHi^l c^^ J>(;l .vj^il i^b losses .oiU JlU «a*b3 .JU-T loss factor o-»l vt^ loss in melting y^S ->^ vJ>(rl loss m^ Ipgu loss of a property loss of circulation (cJu ^^ (^^li>- J^*) j>:^J 3^ lost head ^i^^ ^^ lost motion o^Uj) o^i^ c lost- wax casting J-iic5^•^^^ lost-wax mo(u)lding lost-wax process ^}^^^ cil,,;^ low gear (J^>yl) dl Sa;> low hearth (jjj) aJ^ »J^ ,o^^ ojj^ low machine finish low mill finish <*\jJ3J '^^ low pitch y,j o3-> «>,-> »^-> low (-carbon) steel low tempering (^ c^,.^T low tension (^) ^-K*^ j^ low tension coil low tension winding low voltage ^-*^-^ ->^ low voltage release low warp loom low water loxodrom v.-'' c^''-^*^^ L P k Ip i low pressure -wol r ! L.P.G i liquid petroleum gas LPG unit ^^Ujlf L^ .i^i-i Ipre 314 lugw Ip record i loDg-play record Ipw i lumens per watt LRl line relay LRNi long-range navigation system ^. . —■ Is I loudspeaker LSRi local sunrise Issti lead-sheated, steel taped LSTi local sideral time; local standard time Iti low tension L.Ti low-temperature LTaCi long thread & collar Jtdi limited 1th 1 lath Lui lutecium lube distillate ^^^j *^ jj^JJ i^xX.^ t(c^ Ji) luboil jjJ^ ^^j ,<,l^ ol^jj lubricant crlJ' 'CA^-> '^^JjJ o'^ijJ lubricating fluid oy, L» J\ lubricating graphite lubrication isJ^ji-^j iiSJ\y3j lubrication oil jyy, ^^j lubricator ^sXjihj K^ lubricity 0^^. o^ ,Ji-^\y^j luff ou^u jLp-b y lug .jl>i/ luggage van oy 0/*!^ lugger J ^ ol:>l I ^}i\i lug-sail J> ^;^3 0L.iL. lug strap <^l*-iaii .^fjL:5L.)ju=^^ lug wrench ^^-J-<»jL>-l tyjl^ jL>-l lumb 315 lyop lumber ^.yr^ '-^'^l lumen (^y.^^J ->^ ^^b) cy^ lumerg luminance ^jl^^-^ luminescence ^^.^jy 'J'^.^ luminosity c/^'.'-^ luminous flux ^ Lijj s^b luminous paint Ui--i t£^^ lumped circuit {^) »^^ jI^ lunar caustic (U«^ ^^^^ lunar excursion module lunette ^ii-^^^^ ^ lying side Oo*^ jl^t^ lyophilic properties lyophobic properties 'i -4' il -3- -<■ I W ■ 1 w\" giiiiBiibiilg*0^i M M , m 1 mass; marker beacon; max- well; medium; mega; me- gohm; meridian; metal; me- ter; micro; microphone; mile; milli: minute; modu- lator; module; malleable; molecular weight; molali- ty; mutual induction m 1 meta- ma I milliampere MA » ma 1 microampere; milliampere Mai megampere mAi milliangstrom MACl maximum allowable con. centra tion macadam macadam binding macadamize *o^J'^j \j machine aUCi-^ «i>t^U machine cast o^^-'-^c^^*^-) machine drill machine-finished (paper) machine- glazed (paper) machine man mach 318 magn machine i)aper machine puddling machinery oVT o^ U f ^^--j tC» Machinery & Allied Products Institute <^>«^ ' machine screw ji*(<^'^.)s^ machine shop machine steel machine tools j\j\\ c^W^^ machining ♦t^j'^l^" machining allowance machinist j^i>^^ *-^^ c^^ macrography macro-segregation (jii)jL-,I^^i-JLilo^.(£fj>. ,^.:-Ail^ macro-structure mad i magnetic airborne detector Madsnell process ^.> Ma El Master of Engineering magamp I magnetic amplifier magamp regulation magazine «->Wi' magazine in gun magic eye J-yy «>»''^. magma pump (^ ,^'' V^>*^ ^-?'^. ) Lr^ *^^^ magnaflux process magna gage ^^-J^Ui^ ^^c^U-i magnemotive force magnesia cement magnesia glass «<^,>ir^ *^^ (i->l^ C^>^ O^J^f U) v^V ^ J»^ magnesium magnesium cell magnesium oxychloride ce- ment J-?^-' OU-j-r iC^J-:^^ OU--- magnesodizing 0^1^ ^j^^ ^^ magn 319 magn magnet magnet armature .As\jiJUk /yi magnet charger ^jC^JLIju^ magnetic ageing magnetic airborne detector magnetically hard material magnetic anomalies magnetic attraction magnetic bearing magnetic blowout magnetic bridge ^^-.LLi^. J^ magnetic circuit j_5--J»Lij» jIju. magnetic compensator magnetic contactor magnetic core L j js>A Iz.^^ magnetic core memory magnetic coupling transfor- mer ^ Tjju^ magnetic creep magnetic cutout magnetic cycle oi L^ UL> magnetic declination magnetic density magnetic dilution magnetic dip ^.^-J^Lu^ J-^ magnetic equator magnetic explorer yL^^Lu^ magnetic field ,^-J,Li^ oIju^. magnetic field strength magnetic flux ,^-^Ui^ ob magnetic flux density magnetic force magnetic forming magnetic friction magnetic gauge magnetic induction magnetic inertia magn 320 magn magnetic intensity magnetic lines of force magnetic materials magnetic moment magnetic needle ^^U>l. L^ii majgnetic north ,^--J»Li> JLj; magnetic particul inspection magnetic permeability magnetic permeameter magnetic pinion shift magnetic polarity magnetic potential magenetic resistance magnetic rigidity magnetic screen ,^J>U>o. ^^ magnetic separation magnetic shell ^^-JULou 6J^ magnetic shield ,^--J»U;> ^^^ magnetic shunt .^-JpLu^ c-x^i magnetic stirrer ^y^lju>, Oj^ magnetic storm .^--i^Ui^ oli^ magnetic susceptibility magnetic-synchro magnetic tape magnetic thickness gage magnetic tick magnetic transformation magnetic vane meter magnetic viscosity magnetic whirl ,^--^l*L:i^ a:^ magnetization magnetization curve magnetizing current magnetizing force magneto ^*jI:> c?L._^T ,c^\a magnetoelasticity magn 321 maki magnetograph jl5Ci^^LA^ magnetometer ^^ juL*.» magnetomotive force magnetostriction magnet steel U^j^T^V^ «^.>*^ magniferous jb^^^^^ ^IT L^f '>y. magnification ^o^ ^, magnification factor c---i magnifier a^.oi magnifying glass v>^.»->^ magnifying power ^^U-^^ij^ magnometer .^c.:--^^,^Lii^ magnum rifle mahogany .^If^fcU jJITI ^^ i^ic- - «(jy»t* V>^ mails (J'^^k) ^->J 'C-> mail ship ju^^ j>li main anode ,Jl-»I osT main artery Ju.1 ^i»L;jl.lj main cut of file ,>-iU ^T main deck J^\ li^ main distribution frame (0>ii^) jj^-ol (►-—*; <;ji:> main drift (o*a*^)Ju,1 Jsy main girder J^\^ .JU^^" main leaf ys .b main level (Oo^) J^\ Jsy main-pipeline main road •^J'jy. main shaft main sail ^1^1 Olj^t. main steam valve maintenance ^jir^y-s.ojj maintenance division olf ,^^-^ major road major segregation make JUrl c^L- «J-9^ «0>aJ^ j^ (Oli^•i^) make & break cam ^:>^yjLZ> make & break ignition make-ready make-up ^ ti^j «c^L- *^r^ J» make-up lubrication system make up to volume ^.^^ ^. makeweight Soj^ malleability ^j\^kiSi^ malleabilization jl^=i^>- malleable jl^ai-i5C>- malleable brass jlyi^>-^j^ malleable cast-iron mallet ^^^ lilAij H^t^ C>^ «c3U.5*J mam i milliampere-minutes m&li material & labour mandrel manganese (^^L*^^,.Aic) ^Ci^ manganese black (MnOx) jr^^ ^^-S'l^. «L-.Uj» manganese steels oLjofb (^U^V^ ijbj^^>i (^U:>Vy mangle(r) .>! diiU .^r*^^ mangle wheel .^,>».x^ c^r?- mangling o^J jUT mangonel c^^^^s^ manhole manifold «»jixxr<*-,^ Manilla (J^U jl) ^Lr ^^i man in charge of throat manipulation c^jfc:-^ «iJ^,i^. manipulator ^^^^ ^^-^ man-made fiber ^y^-^ «->yj man-made static c».3ble manned orbiting laboratory manned satellite iMannesmann mill OL^-J U. ^^^s manometer manostat (^U jUi man-power ^y^^ .^^jir olT mantle d'-rr (SJy manual labour Cw-^ L j^ manual pinion-shift manu 323 mark manual volume control manufacture o^^- '^r^-^ ^i^' manufactured jL- o-^ .o^^^-.^ manufacturer eo^r^Jy manufacturer boiler 4S [sP-j^ L?'^. -^^. <^-^^ manufacturer steam boiler Ai bi-^IT (^1^ jl>cj dxLi manufacturer's trial manufacturing ^^^^-^ manus tester MAPI I Machinery & Allied Pro- ducts Institute maple 1^1 v>^ mapmaking c?->'^^. -^^ map paper ^^iTA^Lii d^lT m a r i mercury-arc rectifier; mic- roanalytical reagent M.A.R 1 microanalytical reagent marageing ,^-^'jU t^jL-^* mar-ageing steels maratre JU:> 4ii>. Marb-I-cote Uj^,/>(£^^^^ marble ^^ marble paper c^^.l ^^ marbling o^J' Uj^^ margin of safety oU^l^l s-i^ marine boiler > L«*» marine type boiler J^ L) J ,_5^^^' C^^^^ a3j_J jL:^_ tLX>_3 marine water tube boiler marker beacon ^^.^i^b o^. mark 324 mast marker block marking felt marking gauge marking machine marline V^^OUb-rd marling Vj^Olia-5 marquenching 0^^^,^ marsh gas mar-straining martempering ^i,--u;jU ol^J martensite c---:rjU martensite quench mass center ^j>- j^'^ mass concrete ^Ju^^ o>^ maser i microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation masking J^y^ ^^, masonite 0Ui:>-U ^jS ^^ o^ masonry drill <^^(iCi-. ax.. masonry sand i»y^ l-U masonry shaft ooi ^;^^<£Cu. •l>- masout ojjU mass •^y i^jf mass defect f^^ ^ U massecuit o^ c^^ mass effect mass percent ^ j^ a-«»ji mass production mass spectrograph mass spectroscopy mast mastaba *Ja.AA ,^^ master (form) ^ajyi ^j" Ajai master addition alloy master cylinder master gauge aJ l^-^b ^^y U «^yl«»l ^^ij»y U master oscillator power am- plifier jy>L-j! 01/^ ^^UJl^T master plan <^L> ^J^ master switch ^L»l oJiT master unit ^^L*! oo^lj mast house JliJl,>> 4*^ mast 325 mb mastic asphalt mastic block mast table JUjI^^^.U mat *^^-i O^^oU i_^--a:>' matchgrade cartridge matching jJa^ c^^^5CijL>. matching diaphragm matching machine ** L* J J r^o^ ^ matching stub JLkl J>:a> matchplate match rifle ^L^ti^^ij match wax c^^ro^^- t^l^ f^ material ^U^* material mass c^^U ^y> Materials Testing Reactor math 1 mathematics; mathematical mat plaiting ^L_y--.3i> matrix ^_rij^ '(SJtJ ^^ i^^^^j matt ( J5C^ ^ ^^) oU mattock ^j^ afUis' maturation ua:>- ^oxs Lj maturity index mat wax c>^bLi i»>Li* mat weave LUU ciU mat weaving ^l ^j.^^^^ mat well t^j^l* maul o*.>^ cT^ itiUaiJ max i maximum max cap i maximum capacity maximum allowable concen- tration j^»A c^fr J^^'^^ maximum continuous rating maximum permissible dose maximum permissible expo- sure jUt^ illj>:^ ^l^3o- maximum usable frequency maxwell jb o^^lj) J^^-TU mbl millibar; millibarn mbi 326 mean MBi mDl magnetic bearing millidarcy m bf i Mdl modulator band filter mendelevium MBSi MDi Mutual Broadcasting maintenance division System mddi mc i milligrams per squarede megacycle; megacurie cimeter per day mc i M.D.F I malleable cast-iron; mois- main distribution frame ture content; moving coil Mel MCFi methyl radical; metal mi lie cubic feet MEl MCFCD i magnetic-electric; Mecha- mi lie cubic feet per calen- nical Engineers dar day Mc-Leod gauge MEA i monoethanolamine mcps i megacycles per second meaconing I measuring & confusing mean effective horsepower MCRl J 3^ ^'y ^3^ maximum continuous rating mean effective pressure MCW, mew modulated continuous mean high water J\ OL^ -Lu-_^ t^J^ waves mean horizontal candlepower mean 327 mech mean indicated pressure mean length of turn (»--»*• J^^ 'ii>^ Ja— _^ij» J>*» mean low of water mean sea level l*.j^ ^k- S^^ mean spherical candlepower mean stress mean temperature difference measure analysis ^^.^^^^ \j^ measure expansion measurement unit measuring & confusing measuring screw mecca lac ^^^ ^^V .fIVli mechanical advantage mechanical analysis (^jl^asU mechanical efficiency S^jLj mechanical equivalent of heat .U^ ^^'s:^ j->l (^ ^^jOI^J^U^ ,Jjj J:>U-» .Jj3 3jI(*» mechanical hysteresis mechanical jack t^3j^ iii> .ejlooSi dip- mechanically ashed producer mechanical plating mechanical press mechanical rabble mechanical raking mechanical shaker mechanical shovel mechanical stoker mechanical stoking mechanical strainer mechanical treatment mech 328 melt i^jX^ICa oli^^j «j_^LjKj» oUUii mechanical twins mechanical wcx)d pulp Medi medium median average ia-^ ^^ medium d^l^^Li medium frequency medium frequency direction finder I Lmo L> v^Li^>- medium-lift pump medium soft steel medium staple 1^^ l^^y- (ju.A^ YA/d \S YY/r ^J medium steel medium voltage .Ja->u ^Ui (c^J 9Cio[j Ydo ^ l^^jz^jhiij medium wave Ix^yu^ ^^ ( ^^ 1 o o o U f o o J^ meehanite c^ [4^ 0^ meerschaum U j^ uir meeting AJiiuiJLj^y; meg I megohm mega- (. megacycle J5CL«IC>. o^^ 0^1^ megger ^t^^^^*^ megohm ((^1 0,^Jl^ dL )j»ib^j(, megohmmeter ^i^ ^^.Ji* megs i megacycles m e h p i mean effective horsepower mellowing (^j^-.^ mellow lime liquid melt c^^"^ iO^^^^y^ «yla^ melt down ^^^^^l^ .O^^o-?-^ melting o^'^ .O^^^ji melting cone melting kettle isj'^^^^j a;^ melting ladle melting point « jl^ ^ia^i o_jS (^L»^ 'V-ji *1«»^ ijluT {^Ui melting pot (c^^*^->) '^V. melting rate VJ^ c*p^;- melting stock jj^ i»j^ j\ melt 329 mend melting unit ^y:> %jf melting zone melt off melt out Member of the Institute of Builders Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers Member of the Institute of Locomotive Engineers Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Member of the Institute of Mining Engineers Member of the Institute of Petroleum Technologists Member of the Institute of Radio Engineers Member of the Institute of Registered Architects jL»^^^ (j\j\j^ju^ (^^. J J^ I ^Ja£. Member of the Institute of Transport Member of the Institution of Automobile Engineers Member of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy Member of the Institution of Naval Architects Member of the Institution of Production Engineers Member of the Institution of Water Engineers Member of the Iron & Steel Institute ^>»T o^s ^s^^..'^'* I ^^.^ Member of the National Aca- demy of Sciences Member of the Royal Aca- demy of Sciences Member of the Royal Institu- tion mend (to) J^^.^ J^ O^^cu; mend 330 meta (to) mend cast-iron mendelevium mensuration (^^olail «j^;t^ MexO 1 methyl ether MeOHl methyl alcohol m e p 1 mean effective pressure meq i milligram-equivalent mercantile iron Jyyju^o^ Mercast process mercator projection mercator sailing iS^j^^,j^ mercerization ^o^J'oji^^ merchant bar jj>**^ ^^ merchant iron J>**^ 0«a>- merchant ship J^jj^\ j^^ mercury »^^ mercury-arc rectifier mercury barometer *j^jjl lyt> (^lo>t^ ^r.i-^Ui <^^lyh mercury break mercury cell mercury gauge (^l<».^-r?-^r-*i^^ mercury manometer mercury-pool cathode mercury pressure gauge mercury vapor lamp mercury vapor rectifier tube merging (olj) ai_^ .JUJI merino wool w^^i^ (*^ mesh mesh analysis t^^lTou^ mesh connection ijJUuJLjI ((i^) jCi (^jy JLjI meshing O^^^j^ mesh iron dJL:^ ^T met I metallic meta- (^s-*^) ^ meta-anthracite c^^J' meta center .^^b J^^ meta 331 mev metal ^» metal anchor (sj^ -jUI metal & plastic coatings asso- ciation ^>^ I metal crucible c^^ aj^ metal d'apport ^jCz.yr J^iL. metal embosser 0>I> Metal Finishing Association metal fog t^jJi jL^ metal hardening o^looT metallic brush ,j»^ «<^j metallic cement metallicity <^^ c---» bi- metallic lustre (^^ c^Mi> metallic paint metallic soap metalliferous metallizing ^^ jLi metallograph jUCs^ metalloid jisls .jii kjl meta 1 loscope v^<-^ L^ metallurgical cement metallurgical coke metallurgy 5b:^ «c^->i^jii metal mist t^J^ ->L^ metal-oxide semiconductor metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor SiOx 31 c^lAiV J metal penetration ji^ S>i metal screw ^jo^T ^ti metal spraying ^^^ metal yarn iSj^ c* metastable J^^.k <^ meteoric iron ^ U-T ^T meteorological satellite meter O^iii ->>ur .^^ metering separator meter-kilogram - second sys- tem ( jik. iUT jl) siXm aUu meter oil (^1^ ^_yj iS^oj^^\ Ji.L-j ^j^,^ iUa*^- meth i methyl radical metric ton {^^^ ^ i o o o ) ^ MeVl million electron volts mew 332 mhw mew i manufacturers microwave early warning mg i raf 1 milligram; mile-gallons millifarad Mgl ra-f i magnesium medium frequency M.Gi mFl machine-glazed microfarad mg d 1 MFl million gallons per day medium frequency mhl M.Fi millihenry machine-finished M.Hi M.F.A i medium hardness Metal Finishing Associa- tion m he p i mean horizontal candle mfdl power microfarad; manufactured MHF 1 MF/DFl It J iJ J. ^ medium-high frequency medium frequency direc- mho o-^ ^^. •^^) >^ •^-* tion finder, or finding c^lojbj <^^^ vl^j la*b *x^\_^ iC^jliL* (o^.^l mfg 1 manufacturing m h s c p i mean hemispherical can- mfrl dle power manufacture m h w i Mfsi mean high water mhz 333 inidd MHzl megahertz mi i mile; minute MIAEi Member of the Institution of Automobile Engineers mica jy'J^*^ ^^^ «ji^ (iCu* ,ISL* mica under cutter ^.^ micro- (^^^Ju^ db) ^JL^^ micro-analyser microanalytical reagent microfissure microgroove record ^->- ^J microhardness testing micrometer j^i^^^ '^-^-^ micrometer screw micronex J^^^:> -^^^ microphone oj^^JLj. microphone button microphone pre-amplifier microphone stand microphonic (effect) microphonism microphony microradiography microscopy <^ji^^.j «-Ujl-« j^ L» To o o J J>»*>» j^ U micro-segregation microstructure ji^oUi:^L microtome ^>,j microwave c:>o^ microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radia- tion jytM microwave early warning ^' mid-continent petroleum middle benzine midd 334 mill middle box middle distillate middle fraction middle oil distillate JJjj\^ middle running JJ^J^ middling mid line JL-^s^ '^^ MIEEi Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers MIG welding (iC^ ^sj^yi- mild (carbon) steel O'.J'fS' :>Vy ,^J :>V> mile ^.1^. J>^b) J-. mileage recording mecha- nism (J*-»yi) jU^^x^^ mile of standard cable mile post milestone milk glass dCi j (^^ li^ milk of lime vil*T^ ,dUT^T mill j^ j^->y 1 AS U-jIT {^2^CLi d^-. tL-l milli million millbar Oj^ aJL» millboards ^y.^ (S^^ milled edge • A5C- .^,,C:r ol3.jC:rLj milled lead ^.^ «ij^ miller (hand) jl^i^» mill file ^^ ^^ dU (jl*>-» «^^^;C«-:i (jU^- mill for rolling section milli- (n'j* ^i) t5^ millibar -?kj^ (i^jL. 1 o^ ^.1^. «^ j^ *^lj) millibarn Ojli Jl^^ millidarcy ^j^^ J^ millifarad ^IjU ^L^ millimass unit ^1 ^j> ^^ij r->i> milling ((^jITdU j^jlTj^ milling shoe mill 335 mine millitex c^\Ji ^>h) ^^^I^ ( J^y^ ^ -"^ ^^y^-^*' j^y.y. • c^ mill saw file c^'i OU^ mill scale U ^Vy j*^-^ ^-^^^ millstone OLi o^s>^' ^^ <^^^ millstone t£^i-L-l ,L-ldCo- mill warping •jj L. ,^4L>- MILoco E i Member of the Institute of Locomotive Engineers MIME i Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers; Me- mber of the Institute of Mining Engineers mimeograph o^J^ ,»^L» MIMMl Member of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy mill i minimum; minute MINAi Member of the Institution of Naval Architects mincing machine mine car lm*^ c^^Ij mineral burning oil mineral butter ^c^Jb mineral carbon c-Jl^ mineral dressing mineral fat ^yV^^^ 'oJ-^b mineral hardness mineralogical hardness mineralogy ^^L^ls' mineral oil cii mineral pitch mineral resin c^^i^ c>u* mineral salt ^i^ *ii^ .^^^dUs mineral spirit Cj4^^^ mineral syrup ^^U^bU mineral tallow ^j^f^ ^^y mineral tar ^5*^^^*^ ^'^ mineral turpentine '^^ iyi?^ ^^ mineral wax mineral white mineral wool ojL._^ <,h1* mine surveying minesweeper c^c='^ u^ S-^ mmg 336 misi minge £^^ jUj mining Oo^ cJ>=:^t 'c^^ilT Mining & Metallurgical So- ciety of America minium PbrOv^^s^ minor mineral •l^,.*^ iilT minor road ^^j S:>1>- minor segregation M Inst PT 1 Member of the Institute of Petroleum Technologists M Inst RA i Member of the Institute of Registered Architects M Inst T i Member of the Institute of Transport M Inst WE i Member of the Institution of Water Engineers mint oOXLa^uk ^ minter *iUwl^ minting ^ J*^ «V-^** minus colo(u)r minute aI^:^ minute hand jU-iAiJ^A.^^^ MIOB I Member of the Institute of Builders mip i mean indicated pressure MIPEi Member of the Institution of Production Engineers mipor .jijosU^ MIREi Member of the Institute of Radio Engineers mirror backed screen (^^->->^") c^^r^^' ^_^J Aritft^ mirror extensometry mirror galvanometer mirror image a^^^,9 ^,>^^ miscibility miscibility gap misfire MlSIi mism 337 mmf,ni Member of the Iron & Steel MKS system I Institute meter-ki logram-second mismatch j>>li system misrun {^sJ'^^^^^j) **^' ^jy ml i mi ss ( J--^y 1 ) o^^'Mi '-i*-^ milliliter mist projector oU^T mil MlTl mid line Massachusetts Institute of Technology mLi miter vi^l J'y^ •^^.^. ^j^ millilambert miter box (c^jUtS) ^.^j^ <^^' mitering board ^.e*--^^ ^-^' mlt i miter joint ((^^^=^0 ,^j^ J^->^'' mean length of turn miter square ^jl* c^l-i/' m 1 w 1 mitis casting mean low water j\ yicZSj:^ C)<^ t^v^*^^^-' mitis metal j\yi.zSis^ o^ mm i millimeter mitring machine (di^ir) ^j>,j\y ,>-iU MM i mixed cycle JU^Li^ jlo.. magnetic -mechanical; me- mixed scrap ^-^l^ ^y^T gamega mixed semiconductor MMCi JailaitA <_jU Lw^^-J megamegacycle mixer lorry ^>:> mix-truck ^3^, (c«^^) m m c f 1 mixture strength millions of cubic feet ly. *3 c>^ c^ mm!; mmfd i mizen (mast) j^^ v^ Jf ^ micromicrofarad m-kg i meter kilogram MMF , mmf I mmn 338 modu magnemotive force mmn i millimicron mm of Hg (jUi)e^-j>. y.^.Xu^ MMSAi Mining & Metallurgical So- ciety of America MMSCFD i millions standard cubic feet per day mmu i millimass unit m mu I millimicron Mni manganese MNASi Member of the National Academy of Sciences m o i molecular orbit Mol molybdenum; morphine MOi master oscillator mobidic i Mobile Digital Computer Mobile Digital Computer mobility ratio (C-ai ) ^^j:>t^ V*i^ «cA-^ Vt^ mock platinum ^>s ^>U mock-up c.S'l'^ ijju mod i modulus modem i modu la tor-demodu la tor moderator modified rubber iS^y^ otxi ©ii^ ^^ (iX.jiJj 4»- modulator ->yVjou» ,jCLo.9j modulator band filter modulator-demodulator module ©os^ ^ir)»aj^JjaA li Jj^'i>^^ modulus of shear o^->^vr-i^ modulus of subgrade reaction modulus of volume elasticity m of i i moment of inertia mohair j^y W->1> mohammedan blue Mohs hardness (scale) pir ,^_^ cT"^ Mohs scale ^^ J^-^*^ 'U'y* k/^'^ moire j\<^^ ^5*-^_>t' ^-'k moisture allowance moisture content moisture regain A^JUiU c^.^^j mol i molecular; molecule m o 1 i manned orbiting labora- tory molality . J^ cJiSi- molar conductivity molar heat J^^y (S^^ molarity v— i-^. cJ^i^) <^^j^y mo(u)ld ((^^Ai:«j) ^li mold board j^ Ob^^. ill>- mold caster mo(u)ld crack mo(u)ld cure ^\s j:> j^^^^ mo(u)lder scoop >.->-> k mo(u)lder's rule ^c^^^j^ J^^ mo(u}ld-hardness mo(u)lding f)U- j^ i^v^sCi:.! molecular moisture molecular rigidity molecular spectrum mole fraction J^ ol-,j^ mollerizing J^ ^^jIT^^^T mols per liter mol.wt I molecular weight molybdenizing ^Ij^-O^-J^ molybdenum molybdenum steels moment fj^ .^^^ «0U» o^l^^ moment distribution moment of inertia moment of momentum moment of resistance j^li^ momentum cS^^ jloi* momentum engine «^j>« C^JU- vJ^CJ monarch Mond gas Mond process monitoring monkey chatter monkey wrench monobas \ mono 341 moto monobasic vom monochromatic optical pyro- meter ^\3 dl- j^jST monochrome ^d^jd\s monocl i monoclinic system monocl inic system •l?^^^ monocyclic alternator monocyclic system monolitic lining (o>5') 4:>.jL dl ^ monometric system monotype machine Mooney scorch L^y* ur Lh. ■y. i.^^.y:*.>y> >AP mooring .©IT^CJ a^ ,^i^ ^v>a-«j mooring anchor a*^. ^^^CJ mop-board (oU^^L) ojljl MOPA , mopa i master oscillator power amplifier mordant ((^j^ij)AjU^ Morse code ^jy, ^^UJI mortar X>%. tO^U mortice 6\s ,^^ mortise Jli ,^ir mortise & tenon joint (efjUs) ft^l^ mortising machine MOSi metal-oxide semiconductor mosaic (sJ^^y^ mosaic gold (SxSn)J^iri mos let i metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor mossy zinc ,(^U.oj>-L ^^j mote knife oUUTt^^l^- mother gate (Oo^) Jl-^Ic^JLT mother liquor J\ j^U mother oil ^\^ c^ mother water oT j^U motif iSJ^J^ j^b «c?->l^' c^ motion screw <^ motor book J--^yI oj^^U motor-brush starting switch moto 342 mph motor converter {_^^y-^ J^CL jy^j^ motor fuel oy>» cJ^y^ Jt^y' City-'. «J^^^yi c^^ motor gasoline ^^t^*y\ oiJ^. motor licence J-v^yl oj^^U motor oil jyy u^^j motor petrol J-^yl c^i^. motor racing circuit motor reducer J^^^ jj:> ^^^ motor road ^^.L-.^yl •!-> motor ship iS^y^^ 3i^ motor spirit J-y»yl c>iJ^. motor transformer jfjyS' motorway oljyl mottled iron Jal*^ 0*j^ mounting bracket jjl:L- a^^^ mounting gallery jloo^Jsy mounting metallurgical spe- cimen (iSJ^:;^) t^Lii 4J^ mouse-tail file ^>>* ^^ oU>- mousing oUl» v->>15 mouth of furnace mouth pi ece •o^* 1 3 i ,>a3 movable bridge f^^j^*^ Je movable hose «y»>^>- ^^ moving-coil galvanometer moving coil meter ji^ir moving-magnet galvanometer mower 0>ip ^>iU mowing machine 0>i^ o^ r^ 1 o ® ® ^ ji 4-r Jj)<^) > OT J^ ^^.^ j\ ^J ^^y. dl mrem i (OL^U »OLi millirem mst \ mrep i measurement millirep mti MRU megaton Member of the Royal Ins- titution m.ti ms (^^-;^)j> metric ton m s 1 MTi mtd 344 mult mean time mud gun Jf ii^f L aT ^y MTD 1 mean temperature differ- ence mud hog ^ij^ *-*i^' mud hopper (c^->li:>) Jf c^^ mudhose mtli (c^^ii- jr ^i^j ^» :3^ material mud-off m if X 1 (oii) •U- <^a^ij^3 - O^^^jasl Mtn i megaton . .. 1o ^Ur mud pitting J^ ^ ^^t^jUa. mud pump ^JJ^ v^" MTRi mud volcano (^j^) oUiJT Materials Testing Reactor mu 1 1 MTSi microfarad meter-ton-second (system) MUF , m u f i mu i micro; micron; millimic- maximum usable frequency mu factor ron (^j^]| v^^V) c^iUjJ^ ^„>» MUi measurement unit muffle furnace ^^ J oj^^ muffler .ij^l jUI JijU Jjfl 3li»l .^^A^ l*-^ mua, mu a i mule machine microampere (^ax--e.->) J,^t^ c?*^^ muck mill mulling 0^J'J>^9'(SJ^^A^* ^ muck roll multiluber harness *^J-?' ^Jy •^>^'s.r^^ ^-^y (j^\j) OL-->^ri^ .l^:> muck rolling (jJt-TU ^j^ multimeter ^j^^^ Aa*^ mud (^jU^ JT ijs^ multiple circuit mud apron J-^yl ^«XJ^ (iSJ^y* JL-»''> ^.) Ai^J^^ ->'^ mudguard J^y\ ^^ multiple connection mult 345 musi multiple coreprint multiple-disc cluch multiple drum winding multiple gate multiple impulse welding multiple key «0 "J^^ ©Ou^ multiple transformer multiple-unit steerable ante- nna ^•3J multiple-unit valve multiple well derrick multiplex telegraphy multiplex wave winding mulfiplication ^^-jiJCj multiplication factor multiplier o^^-uT c^_^- multi-speed motor multi tester (dU) olTo^^ a^*^ multivibrator t^l^^^^ ^^ij mu mu i micromicron Muntz metal i^-^y^ J^ musa , m u s a i multiple-unit steerable antenna mushroom-head rivet mushroom valve mushy stage (^^^^r*^ c3 1:> music wire yL> f,^ musl 346 mx muslin ((^Iv^^jU^p^) cjrX^y^ manual volume control muslinet ^-^ juij^ a>-jU Mutual Broadcasting System mw i J^.JiJ^ a5C^)J,Ux^ So^i-^j^-^ megavy^att; milliwatt (^.^T m w 1 mutual conductance medium wave (v_^V)JjUx^ Colofl* .JjliiA ^ji^l^J mutual inductance mW 1 (dU) J^liL^c^^UJI milliwatt mutual induction J^Ux^t^UJI Mw 1 megawatt mu V i microvolt MWi molecular weight mu w i microwatt Mwdt muzzle - vi^f^^ Mwd/t 1 i^iA* aJ^ 4i U>^ ji c^^j^ .Aiyif megawatts-day per ton mv I Mwei millivolt megawatt electric Mvl Mwhi mendelevium megawatts-hour MVi M wth i multivibrator; medium vol- megawatt thermic tage; muzzle velocity mx I MVC . m V c I maxwell ...a N ni net; neutron; number; re- fractive index; nano; nor- mal Nl ; number; numero; azote; nit- rogen; Avogadro number; normal concentration; mol fraction; modulus of rigi- dity; number of turns II a i neutral axis Nai natrium; sodium NA » N.A. i acme thread; neutral axis NACEi National Association of Cor- rosion Engineers nadir point nail ^c^ nail extractor J^^zi^ nailing is^^i^z^ '^'*y. o^^J'^h nailing machine >,jc^ c^\^ nail iron ^^^ aL>» ,^^ jl^ nail making machine -? nail polish paste nail polish powder nail polish remover nail puller J^'^ nail punch <^ji^u^^ (Ji nail rod ^^ IL^ «^^ (_r^A.-i nail rod iron ^^^ aL^ ,^^ ^^ nail set ^^^y ^ «v^ nail without head ^^-^. ^ NAMFi National Association of Metal Finishers nano 348 nati nano ^JLa J^ ,{) o^\) ^;U nap naphta naphta soap ju^ o>>. L* Napierian logarithm (e-r/vurA ^s^ Naples yellow napping narrow chisel j^,^ j^ NASI National Academy of Sciences NASA I National Aeronautics & Space Administration nati natural National Academy of Sciences National Aeronautics & Space Administration ojbl lUU ( 'So^^ I ) ^^ Liid o liui»«J _j iS^Jy ^ National Association of Cor- rosion Engineers ( 1^- j^ ' ) t5^^ J^o Uoi^-. ^U c-t**^ National Association of Me- tal Finishers National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors National Bureau of Standards National Committee on Ra- diation Protection Ju ^ j ) ^J-^Kjil ^ 1 ^ j3 cJ» U>- National Defense Research Committee National Electrical Manufac- turers Association National Electrical Safety Code (Js^i.^!) 3y, .jH^A Ju oT National Federation of Iron & Steel Manufacturers National Science Foundation native asphalt native copper o^ ^ ^^^ u-* native iron ^J^ ^ l>- ^ 1 nati 349 nbs native metal ^^^--i* u^ l^ ji* natrium (^.ou, natron -^^-j-^ ^^i^ «0j^ (COrNa^,l«HxO)^^ jUT natroncalc ,J^J^ *^T natsyn ->lxj^jjtl^y-^ <^>^y*^ natural ageing (j)i) 0^ ,^«ri natural alloy ^s*-r^^ jUT natural convection natural draft natural gas ubo. jlf .cii jlf natural gas liquid natural gasoline ^-O^^ ^^yi^ natural hardness !>«» j^ O^lo^J natural iron ^_^^^ u^ l^ O*^ natural logarithm (e-=r/viArA c^i^ nature paraffin L»^ nav i naval; navigable; naviga- tion naval brass J^^^^. naval ordnance laboratory battery -^^ ^^Ljii dlL>- ^jl navorho 1 navigation aid rho '^ nave uli--^ Kc^) ^^^ navigation . ->•>.• needle Oj>- needle bar £1^ 03>- needle bearing ^ j>- ,^^ needle bottom dl--i^i^ .-iT Needle bronze Joi^ jloo^^ £^ needled steel uj3>- -^V^ needle file ,Jjy^ Ol*^-' kS^^ JJ 0L»>-' needle gun t^^i^- *^^" needle lubricator - needle nose pliers 0^" ^yt^xi" c?l^. c-^^l needle roller bearing needle valve ^o>- ^ .diibuo neg 1 negative negative allowance negative bias ^^i^ a^^ cJj negative catalyst j^^^L'I^ negative feedback negative hardening negative pressure negative sequence power nega 351 neut negative temperature coeffi- cient J^J^) J^ ^.U^ vi^ jloiA I — fti ^j VL. ^1 j^ 01 j^ aT negative terminal negative transmission. ^^^^ NEMAi National Electrical Manu- facturers Association nemo 1 not emanating from main ^office neodymium neon (^. U**^ ^,-..^) oyti nep ^ a]^ nep J noise equivalent power nephoscope x* .oji^ net head (J\) j^ jLii net pay (cJc) ^j^ c^^Jy aIL:^ net reactance net tonnage (^^^2^) u^l^;- c^J^ network *5sl-i neut i neutral '^'♦y. neutral neutral axis neutral conductor -- — neutral density faceplate neutral equilibrium neutral line ^'^y. -^ neutral oxidation neutral point ^^ (^^Ij^^) ^\^y^ AiaAJ «^;i-<» ^iaiJ neut 352 nick neutral position neutral potential ji^ J-t-i i^i neutral reduction neutral relay ,^i^ ^J^ neutrals neutral wire Jy (*-- «f>- (»e- neutron activation analysis neutron cross-section ?i ly witia newel new lime liquor [mlif^ff (^Iji) *jLr oUJ .oil; o^l nfi nanofarad jf.:>!f Uii'.-) NFi noise factor NFBl negative feedback N.F.I.S.M i National Federation of Iron & Steel Manufacturers N.F.M.Fi , National Federation of Me- tal Finishers nhi nanohenry N.H.E 1 normal H electrode nhp i nominal horsepower m Nil nickel nibber machine <^C:>» j>^^ nibbing {6-^^^) tj^ J^^ nibbling ^^.^J niche UJ li nick (vW ^i^) o^b iiJl^^ nickel jsCj nickel black (NiOx) JJCj oL-^i5:j^ nickel-clad ^/^JiSC-j ^T J^j nickel-copper alloy O-fi-.. ^^/i>» *y^J^ nickel if erous ^JCj .jbj^^i nickel pellet ^i^^^u nickel plating 0^1 3 JCj ^J\ nickel silver ^J^ nickel steel cfci^, .V> nickel vitriol ,/ (NiSOf. VH^O) JCj oir nicker AZ^ >^- Nicrosilal JM-s-^^;^ Cm>- niello Ij c-iibU night glass (j^) ^ c^,^^^ night latch 0U--.i»l Jis night light ^\y- 1\^ night shift ^•=>iU4^- jl^ o^M Ni-hard ijl^-j^t^U*'^ niobium nip (SJ^, (S^ nS:>^ «,>i Niphos process nipper '-» ej^MiJ^; nipping v^ t^jloToJ nipple Ni- resist ^^^---ii-'-ty ^^ «3k-*»j^ 1 )* ^ '^"^^ ^-^y *^'^^-^^-') niti nitrate nital 0^1 jl J,>A^^) J^ '^^^^ (clLL>lj5C3l U caJuJl J^b 'iMJJ nitralizing (^)^'l^ c^ji^>»^' Nitralloy (steel) y,'^j\ ^Vy nitre ((»^^ ^'^) •->>^ nitre oven o^y- \j:^ c?l^> oj^ nitric acid nitriding 80fl nitrocellulose silk '^ nitrocotton ^^'j-^^. v^i nitroglycerine CrH£,{NOr)r ch W^ J^^ NLIat) I north latitude *^'-' ^^ nuclear magnetic resonance noi -^ number NO i -^ normally open -^ noble gases^*^^ '*^*%j noble metals I^jI^ oI^ «v^ ^'J^ noble potential ^.^ J---^^ node (c^) oj' '•'■^^ nodular cast-iron «c>lo^ 0^ nodu 354 none nodular graphite «(5j^c--il^ nodulous cementite Hogging O^^oli noil (^ o:>j^ *f^.y} ^'^^^ noise equivalent power noise-temperature ratio NOL battery 1 naval ordnance laboratory battery NO- mag (if U_y o^ nomenclature nominal «c^^b-)l^ i^j^\ nominal horsepower ^j*-»l j\ski »^->-l «,_y*-'l ul^ nominal rating ,^5*-! J^ nominal stress nominal voltage ,^*-l jUij nominal yielding stress non-ageing steel non-baking coal non-bituminous coal non-burning steel jlof ^.i :>Vy ijy^ iV^ non-caking coal fi Jxigin non-clinkering coal non-coking coal ooiq 8 non-condensable gas non-conductor non-corroding steel non-degenerate gas non destructive testing non-electrolyte cj^^3 1 U nonex glass non-g 355 norm non-gassing coal non-inductive load non-pinking spirit ^liilS jUciil ^JiJ^, non-polar relay jjs>^ aJj non-propagating crack non-reactive load non-regenerative oven non-return valve ^^^^la^. ^ non-scaling steel non-self-maintained discharge non-skid quality uT*^' U- non-synchronous motor non-woven fabric ^ i^i «cJL)^. ^j^ •(^'^^ *^j^i Nordhausen sulphuric acid noria •jy^U «oVj^ norm fj^ <^^9 oU^^ normal concentrationfiQi^^ti normal conditions normal element normal H electrode *"-^ {W^/^ normalizing normally open ^ "^^-^ teffoJoii normal pitch *^* (•*^^ c^rr) J>**^ c^ normal polarity normal pressure .^ dU jUi normal pressure & tempera- ture t>*^^{^jUx^ ia,l^ normal segregation normal solution JL.^ J^i^ normal stress t^ t^ ^^^^ •"(^^i-i?- ^^Juk ^Ja-^. •^>«»^) c?^>«»-^ 3^ normal sulphation of battery normal temperature >^ normal temperature & pres- nors 356 ntc sure ^j^'^^ -k^^ norse mill not (paper) ^Ui J^IT notation (^jlad>»>ip .(^jIoTasLu notch ^^ «ill>- iJli notch constriction ratio notch ductile steels notched bar test notch gun «a^o^^ ^_>^" jU A^^J^ 0^^ ijOw. (^1^. aT ^y notching machine notch rupture ductility ^^^ J A ^J notch sensitivity ^^J^ notch sharpness flb>- j^j^" notch strength ratio notch tensile testing J I oT L>- Ai _^^ L> ,_yii5' ^^ U j ! not emanating frome main office not to scale no- voltage release nozzle «dU Iz-o ^Ua*,U «J^^iXj3 t^J'^.^S*- y tojy^ n pi normal pitch npti normal pressure & tempe- rafure nr i number; numero nre i negative-resistance element ij s i near side; nickel steel N/Sl not in stock NSAi Stub acme thread NSFi National Science Founda- tion nti number of teeth NTC , n t c 1 negative temperature coe- fficient /iifldUiiuj if nip 357 nylo nt pi numerator jlai LjU- normal temperature & pre- numerical a] perture iS^^ ^^ ssure nut 0^^ NTRi noise-temperature ratio; Nu- clear Test Reactor; number nut & bolt nut & union nutates of theoretical plates >nut cap J'H->^ nut coke ^K:^ dXf N.T.Si nut making machine not to scale ♦0.05^ ,»^,^ ^^ nuclear fusion <^l> nugget ('y{i>j,^)Jji^\:> nuggeting ^y> Mt null electrode^J^L>L.^>:$CJI numbering machine jlosl.jUi number of kind number of teeth number punch o^Ui v^ number-unobtainable tone N.U. tone 1 -^-^ :*a*^^'^^^ number-unobtainable tone nut screw cap J'y.-f^ nuts egg coal Jiz^^ JUj nut tapping machine - nv i na novo It N.V.M 1 non- volatile matter nvt oL»i ->^.^ Oj^'^^Li' nw i nanowatt N.Wi narrow-widths nylon O^.U K,*Ij **^^«' dmun imlo li&a^Bm tfidlairn i9ggUfi 0^l> Odf: ciliwUlo i D\0 1 :> o latasifiifo itmnio n^o ^00 O 1 r- !- octavo; ohm, ortho- Oi > oxygen; octavo obii omnibearing indicator object glass ^ ^ .., ^,i iL^i» objective oblate (J^) ^s^'^ «t5^->^ o a d i overall dimension oak-apple ^j oak bark cIU U ou-,1 oblique-edged scraper e^ ^^"^^ oak-gall jjU oblique scarfing ,^ oblique '" jla.1^ .JiU .^ 17 oakum (<^«j^-».T<^I>'.) '-iiS'.a^i ^ oar oarlock ob|n)i observation O.B. alloy OBDi omi tern oblique system obliquity ^1^1 «JiUj .^^^^f oblong JJa:L-^^^ 'i^^ ->^«^ oblong iron ^ijl«>^ -wj ->'-V,-r' tJ^ obscured glass j6) ©gfid ifiJOK) il^Ui^Kyiiy ^U^^ 4X^ .oU A^^ observation balloon qnanibearing-distance sys- ^o^^ ^^^ [3 observation post ^^^l^c^. obelisk ft-. obsidian *^f?»*«^ _,Jx-l ^^ ^5^*^ O^i- «.^ '(J*-* C>i"^ a..-«> I <, Jl$' A^^^j 1 «(£xxa- O- obtu 360 offi obturator a^j*; U^ .oU^-« obtus angle iron jU 0/Cl on centers; open circuit oc c i open circuit characteristic occluded gas jU j^ ^j^^>» j^ occlusion ,(S^\t^jy^ f^o^LiT occupation crossing vi"*-^ OCEi open circuit electrode ocean navigation ^^U-,i^^lJl ocher . '^' Jf ..:iilii>ae 5^ pi mo octi octavo octadecimo octagon ^^c.A- .^.v octagonal bar ^c^ ^1-:^. octal base (cHJ) is^^k ^^^-^ v^*^ octane level ^ - . octane number octane rating .ol::^! ^o^ l::r^i^ octane ratio octane value iSJy^ cl->l '^J.i «U^I -sac octavo (J^f^ls' vijj _L ) oliT ^ ocular {^^jjsC^) ^^^ ^jr"^^ O.D. . od i observation data | o -odiio ,flixio ;ovBiDo ODi outside diameter - ^ oddside ((^^^*^>.j) c?U=*a^ Jju» odd threads (^jasLJ^sC; ^L^i odograph jlsCiciL^ odometer v«jLc.jL.a .^^.i^aLpIs ODR J - ^ i^sd iM> omnidirectional rangeg-^Bo oenometer iiuUm oersted off-center ( ^«^^r?-) J^ off color ->l:>t^»- ^'^^ off-gas o^^ya|j Aj«.^^ _5 l*Ji*a 01a-;A»:J Office of Scientific Research & Development ^ off-1 361 ohmi off-line working off-test product o^^^ J^.^^ off -odour v_;_^Uu.U sy. {^^. t^^*. off-peak load O.F.H.C. copper i , , ^ , , . N ,^ 1 oxygen free high conduc- tivity copper ^, . , off period . ^^^Am^ ^B.. offset j\:>y\j^^3^ oge^ , (to) offset ^o:>^ Oli-» ogee c^^^.^jU .fly .^i^^ :>.s:>^ J- J \J\ ^f.,^ Ogee height ejl aUU offset agreement JU^ ci9l^>. ogive vault .Aii^^.^ Jli» offset area Jl^ c<^L^ ^^=*C»;ft- e/l^ c/y offset bit :f ^j\ ^j^ (^^) c^ offset oil , . '■■*-^ - ohm ^ 01 offset printing c— H v^^ u • ^'^^ilC' offset production ^y^ open-hearth . '^ ^^^ offset rod ^r oyl- '0 offset screwdriver ' ' oil hardened; open-hearth offset well (c^iO ^y^^ ol>- offset yield strength OH & T \ (J--^' t^j^ '(«J--^' -^i oil hardening & tempering offshore drilling ^,j ^j\^ ohm (»»l offshore rig ohmic drop ,>^ ♦«r *a^*» ^^5^^ offstream j^^^, ^O^i^ 31 c:-'^ ohmic loss offtake (cjj\^ J\ j:>) c^jU^ cil c.ii o\s^ o^j l^r^Ai .^/Tlyb ohmic resistance i^j»-^\ c^jU>» ohmi 362 oilg ohmic value ,^-^1 o^^U^jUi^. oil JLjie-jj i^^j 'j^3J «v:-*i oil ageing >^ -^i^ oil asphalt ,_siii f^^j «cj^ oil bloom ^_^AJ j_;«j L^_^*^9 oil cake oil can oil carrier oil bonded sand ijJ6 L-U oil bunker c-is 0>i^ oil burner j^ c-A; J*jl> oil chalk test o«*'->^ ^. o^.kv^ oil circuit-breaker oil circulation gauge oi Icloth cr^^ oilcloth drier t*-i^ Sa^rdUrJ- oil coke . ^ I. cJu dXf oil cold test -^ oil colo(u)r ^^jii^j oil control ring oil conversion ^^^i^ajN oil crusher jL^lU^f olCx*-^ oil cup (Sj^^^J *•^^J^" oil-dag o^j-> j^ c-il^ (j>--J^I oil dash pot (J^-.^yl) ^p^j ^» oil dehydrating plant oil derrick c^ c5->li^ J^^ oil deterioration 0^^-> c^i^^i 't>^J-> O^J^ a-^-ri oil dipper oil drain valve ^jj ll=^s ^ oil drip ^^-tp- tj^ oSo^^j oil engine^^^^^ J>.^ jy>» oiler ulaxpjj oil field ^ ^>:>- oil-fired boiler > i^ier*r\|*iSBo j^ Ci> -^'^•i «i^^i> oil floatation C^^j ^^y. (SJ^ jjLii oil for motor car oil-furnace i^-ois ;j^ oil-gas burner ^'j3l^ J*^ oil gauge ^^j Vj^ oilg 363 oilt oil groove oil-hardened ^c.^j j:> ooi ©^loi I oil hardening & tempering oiliness ^J'^^^^ ^j=z oiling ^J^^ij oil-insulated self-cooled (tra- nsformator) ^^ jiU Jvv> oilite busher ^^j j^y oil jack ^^-> ^ oilless-type bearing oil line cis aJ^ ia?- oil menstruum ^ J>U oil of fir Cj^^.J ->^. oil of roses j^ c^^j oil of vitriol ^li^^j^y^ ou-l oil paint e*^^j-? ^j oil pan (J--^yl) ^i^^U jj€ oil pudding oil pulp i^3J J^ jJ^" oil pump ^^j voJu oil quench oil reclamation o^^-> (^^.k-^^. oil recovery j^^-> ij\j^. oil residue ojjU oil residuum o^JL» oil retaining felt washer oil rubber ^j-^sTli .^jj dLi-V oil sand «^y ji<^ ^Ml i^^ <-U oil saponification value oil screen ^^j ^U oil seal '^^^^^j i^x^kJ^ oil separating oil shale <^^ <£^ aJl^ oil ship ^ L- ,^j:X!zAj ^sjlT oil slinger oil sprayer oil stability ^a;y,ls ou-^l oilstone ^r j-j^i U- «£^ oil striker oil sump cii .l^ «,jiii *^^y> oil tanker ^Jl? .^5C::Ai jljiS' oil tester C-iJ Jl*i^l ^Jaii c^^-P o31*Ail aJL->j oil tight ^e.^jcJ^» oj» otli 364 ooze oil trap ^jj^ oil trough ■■■■ (^y^'i^ c^"' 0«A-wiL J-^j oleum ii-,U ^^f>f y^y*- .f>yJjl olifant gas Juil oligo constituent oligo element (^j ^CJji .^-^^ olive oil 0>:iJ ^>^jj Oliver ^Jy» ^;i5C>. oI^a.u jSi=. O.M.I organic matter omnibearing indicator omnidirectional antenna omnidirectional radio beacon omnidirectional range omnigraph j^ ^'^o»^^ on -'l'^'^. ->l^^ «*^ jl«J^-* ON, o n i octane number once-run once-run kerosene once- through boiler one brick wall iS^^^t j^h^ on-end ^T jl one-pole switch J^dU oJiT one-way road *«Ja5C ob on-line working ^^-.i^w ^IT on-side j^ J^j. j^ ,j^ <^L on site concrete . l>j^ oy^, OUJ^J^ AJLi -L* Oy-» on stream cy.n. onyx •ci^U-.L dC:- o/oi between outside faces oolitic limestone ^}j\ dXfi^J :»»3 op 365 open op 1 overproof opacity 0^>» oU ,(SJ^ opal JLjl opalescence <^jI^jI-^ tCjj^^S opalescent glass (S^ a^^-^ opaque oU o^aT opcom i optical communication uc opdar i optical direction & ranging open annealing open belt ^^J^C ^JUj open-burning coal opencast .jL^^ (^^az^j JL»^^ (^jlCiaAj* i<:?-JXJjOo i^^Aiaii^j open circuit characteristic open die jL. ^^.^"L» ^j\^,^^S open end wrench iL._^ jt>-T opener .^ Jv:* ^^^l^ open flow ^1 jT 0li^;5- open grain pig C^ J J^^ O^ «:^>i O-A* open half wave line open head open heap roasting open hearth ^yjl^ o>'^s' open-hearth furnace ^v>jjU_^_^.<>j j Sj^r open-hearth pig-iron open-hearth process open-hearth refining open-hearth steel open heater otj. j>>^jj opening ^^j^ «^Jj-> ic'-^^* opening out .ooju» t^jL o^uT cl^>- ciJLw ills' fiJ-J^j*^ ..Ir^^ open jawed wrench Ai>J jl:>-T open mortise ((^J^«^) Jl^ •c's' open pig (iron) Aj b c-i^i O*^ orW* open pit (mining) open-quarter wave-line ^y (<:..ig^^j:S^\)j\j c;>* t!-> Ja^ open riser jt^ a^^" a3^ open sand c-i-?^ a-U .fl^ l-L» open sand mo(u)lding open 366 opti open shelter deck J^j-> *^^ open steam •ajj jU, open-steam cure open steel open stope «-«*-' e^. ^^j^ open top(side) feeder open vulcanization open wagon •-j**-'^. O^b open water drilling open white pig •aJL- Oa>- jl^ open wiring jU J^^^-^^^ open work (A:>-jle)jl3 c^L. .j^jT open working 3U c^U^ j^ J^ operating condition ^^^'^ operating cycle '^\j>ci^\ ^\j^ operator {(^^Ijj^^Ciso (^o-jjis' jci,y>- <(oyi*) jS'^ opisometer ^^^-^*^1 (•^w>*^^ Oi^ I Ij oO^y^ji- iaiJ-c^l jb^) bpih I operation per minute opposing piston J^Uz^Oyu-a opposite phase J>Ui>» jli OPRDi Office of Production Rese- arch & Development "^^ opt i m^l-'^^^^■ optics; optical OPTi output transformer optar i optical automatic ranging optical altimeter Optical automatic ranging optical axis (S^-^K J^>^ i^^OP Jy>^ optical communication optical direction & ranging optical disc optical illusion optical index optical maser optical pyrometer ^*-i>- ^^^jS' 0|ilr^ 367 crew optic axial angle lodlio Optic axis ^sj^ J3>^ optics Jy Co«-^ optimum Ai*«> ^caJ^. O.Qi oil queDched o ri overload relay \ J^ii ■ U bio ORBi omnidirectional radio bea- con orbital inclination order W ^^li- .cSL- ordered solid solution ordering (j^) t^^^Jui UU orbital road t^iXi.^^rob> ordinary open riser ordinary steel ordinate .^laiJ o^y^ ordnance v>i .oU«^ ore *i Is' « e^ ^ » ^ tiC:*- ore assay (ing) .^LjU ore bearing jl^^ ^C:- .jUjLp ore benefication V^^ iiJuJ ore bin ^is' c-ii' «i)jV ore body jUilT ore breaking ^O. ^^IT ^Oo^* «iCu# o^^ ^^ ore carrier obniw^lMto 0<^*-* *lX^--> (3-<>.>- tj^y.d»>Uk ^i-^ ore concentration U^jIT iiJii; ore crusher o^* J^^ ^51:- ore deposite o^j^ »^^ ,j\^^ ore-dressing '(^J-?^ *^^ ore dust ^IT aTU- ore enrichment U^IT ii-Ui ore-hearth smelting "'^^ ^r' ore- leach ing ^»^^^ir ore level ore mining cl>^^' ore process «c*isii-^ t^jL iV> ore raising o^^^ c'^r*^' ore sintering l«Jir ^-i^».^j^ ore sizing *^^^ c^oooj (olcxil ^_..-^^) l^lTO^^j^?- ore sorting lU-jlT.^a^Aib (oil OS I ^_^.«d.^) I^IT i)^^ jy>- ore stamp ^IT j:.j^ ^s^y. Ojl» ore winning cl^p^-l orew 368 osmi origin ore working Orford process oj^jjl J-^j organdie c^oolfjl (*>-jli) organic matter - «^Jjj «AiUi orifice meter c^l-^jjj ^--ili^ orifice plate jI^p-Ij^ (^ji^ ^.i^ original mineral -I aJjI 0*Xa>» u Jy^^ orlon ORPAmp i ^ ^^ oxidation-reduction pbtW- tial amplifier orpiment c^jj Orsat apparatus Ujjl olJCi^^ ortho- (t5*^ -'■^) >'"-^-?' orthodrome orthographic project! on^l' e^''* orthorhombic system orthostate orthosymmetric system Os i osmium O.S. i old style; one side VtO osc 1 '^^ ^>^jl '^yjic^* «c53^>» oscillator oyM*-^l jLojJ ,^iU^ «(5l^>» «il-?->« oscillograph ->^ OU^ osc i 1 loscope L*ii Ly osmium (^y.W- .^-^) f.>*^j' osmo 369 outs osmosis c^>-^l uli>^ *^.h^J 0^,^ OSRD i otg ben* ts;- Office of Scientific Rese- arch & Development o t rl overload constant time-ele- ment relay OTRi overload time relay Otto cycle ounce 'c^ri/K^^yi,)^^! ounce metal jl (^jLJT) ^jljjij outage Ois:^! t^l^. ^IjT cpUs -^■^ ti^ *-^^' ^Oy>^ j^ (*j.U i»LwJ I J^j t-U^ i>^ k tj^^^-* outboard bearing ^j^ oUL"l> outburst (^L-ilT) ,^^j Oj^^. outcrop ( J U IS' ) J':>j Oj^i outdoor corrosion outer (core) barrel outer diameter j>j\^ J^ outer harbour ja.uA*> outer race \>Sj^ ^ ^y>jl^ c^jj 4-«j>-U «-L- 4-ir outer wall ^j\>- jl>i^ outfall outfit Ji^.? 'C-^J^ outflowing ^iaw outgas ^}^'-i y^ outgate {s^^tcj^iS) 4,ouj AJy outgoing side of rolling mill outlet (valve) outlet box (dU) ^:>j>- vu> outline c^ out of operation ^,.r-»>,y. out of repair out of work ^^r^^. output (wH>*^*s') 0^1^ jlj «t^j>-(^3^l output control output impedance output transformer outrigger ^j>'^ <^ji^ outside calipers ^jb- 5^ Jc^ iTLj\^ J^ ji outs 370 over outside diameter J^^. J^ outside-fired boiler outside view ^j^ t^Ui ov 1 overvoltage OVi oil of vitriol oval file c^^^OU^ oval fillister ja-^-^ ^J't^ ese oven (sk^:> *»j^ oven ageing oj^j:> t^jL-^^ ' oven coke ^sjj^^*^^ oven cure oj^j^O^j^^j^ '' pven dry VL t^U^ j^ O^^db^ oven test U^ L. ' .^^^.k-^l^ overcarbonation ■^'' ^jf^ ,>xa »^jJ^ ^}p'\^ ^^\J dXiJij^j\f o vercasti ng ( ^ l^-* ) <^i^^ ^ overconsolidated clay overcurrent device overdischarge of battery overdraft J'^^:*^ overdrive gear jyy^ Jy Soj^ over-feed stocker VU jl ^Ul>^ overflow pipe >.-^^ ^>J overflow well v^U 1:^1* overgauge hole ^lif t\jy^ overground overhand stope overhaul ^^^iwjjL overhead camshaft engine overhead cost ^y^ *^.j* overhead line (dU) ^Jy» ^^ overhead product overhead valve engine overheating J':>j ^b overhung girder ol^.>^T^- overinflating ^>" O^^^L.^ overload (dU) jUajUI overload constant time-ele- ment relay jL>UI aJj overload cutout (dU) jL^iUI i^ . over 371 ojcyg overman S -i^ ^ olT^lx-l overmantel iS^^.^ overnight test overpoint ^^^^ Uus overproof spirit ^Ip" JjGI ^3.*^ 2^V/)oU JS3I overquenched state overrunning clutch overshoot a.^ Jy overshot overshot wheel ^J <^^j v^^rr overstraining ( ji>) ^jL .i>-> overstuffed overtaking (^1^') C'.- overtaking lane overtaking sight distance overtime fSJ^^^\ overturning skip overvoltage OW . 0/W 1 oil-in-water optimum working frequ- oxidation inhibitor oxidation ite ^.UTI J^-»^ oxidation-reduction potential amplifier ^.^^J^T oxide (-coated) cathode oxide floatation oxidizing roasting oxyacetylene cutting oxyacetylene welding 0**2^l ^ c^jJ^y?" iOujjIjL (SJ^yf oxygen (^.L^,^,--^^) o>-ri oxygen-absorption corrosion oxygen cutting tube oxygen cylinder u>-ri jod^ oxygen free high conductivi- ty copper oxygen lance OJe-i'l «£5CJL-i^ oxygen-oil rocket fuel oxyg 372 ozok oxygen process of steelma- (jJl^'lT •b il H *L^y, COx c^Lp-J king Oa<^^ L (^jU ^Vy ^ ' . . ounce oxygen-reduction corrosion ,. , , . ^ .. . ozalid (jui- ^ .L- ^l>-) jJljjl •oll-5^1 t^U c^jlT^y L- packet templet ^.^ j:> mary winding; prime; pitch; phosphorus pa i picoampere Pai protactinium «a«i A-IT i(S^ — i^ I «Vir (^Oi ^ Ai^, Bneq PAI power amplifier; power amplification pace Ai-*» f(J>t» op-l^) (►iTifji pacecounter jU- ^If (ol5^:>) package Jo^^ pack annealing c^Iaz packing factor packing material <^ai,Ai^ ^l^ packing paper packing surface ^Uj ^^ pack-off assembly . .aIC pack- rolling ^^^J'^Jy pack carburizing ^il->^o<^ pack chromizing pacor 1 passive, (^|«lation ranging pad .^^^ ^J pada 374 pape padar I passive detection & ranging padding ♦il^^U . .o.:^^ .^y^V paddle paddle mixer jb»^ •o.LiS' i»yji* paddle noria paddle wheel ->i^»^ •'^^ c^rr padlock il^'«:^ Jii .la;> Jii pad lubrication pad saw ^/l-^ :jI paint O^J' •'i^^ paint base *iU .i^^ (to) paint black O^^^j^^sl paint drier painter j^ ^j t j»,l5 yUi» painter's putty (Sj^ ^ j as IL. painting nozzle (J^ij) *!>:---* «u'^^-' paint thinner J^" «>*>' pakfong >^-^j PAL system i phase-alternation line sys- tem palette knife il^jlT .43 U palisade .r*»«* ♦••>^ palladium (^y.U-*^ .r--'^) y.^'^k palladium plating pallet «^y.>>- a) U f(c^L) dU Ikji pallet jewel (c^L) dSCz- palm ^,CJ c^U^ PAMi pulse - amplitude modula- tion pan .^,>i flU- iljV panchromatic film ^Jui pane glass ^ I;?- 1^^ panel 'A^' '*^-^ 'V^ panel board (J--w»yl) ^j>-^1^ panel box (clli) ^l: a-.*^ pan head (^^ j s*i) C^.^ pantile r^ J^ panting c'>»' J^ ->^ .^^^^ ^^^ pantograph pan tome ter vk^.-?'-^ «v^*^«^ pap o^^^, 1 paper paper-hanging <^->l^.i oils' ^i dfi)^ pape 375 park paper-insulated J^ITL .oLtjiU paper mould t^J^ir vJ 15 paper web ^^ aJ^ oU^ papier-mache J^IT parallel :8«Bq C-A» pari precision approach radar parabolic reflector :rera drf J«^y' v>^b>i parachute oU.i paraffin-base oil jl^o**b^ paraffin test c^bl> ^ o'.kv-t^ paraffin wax Ju.b> v>^b^ parallax ^Vbl> . Ji^ JM^^i-l parallax-second r/r ^ ) dL,j[> parallel circuit parallel connection (dlj) (s}\^ JLjI it^JI^ jloo. parallel file - parallel folding para lie ling work 0U>> j^ parallel laps t^jl^ c$Wi-t>- parallel-series (connection) paramagnetic materials parametric amplifier t^^^bl* Jl-ij> 'c^^r^ljli paramp 1 parametric amplifier parapet » parasol ^^ iziT para tape ,yU-» v--^->'> parcel na annWi^ ^MT parcel plating ,^^ c^jJC,! parchment o^-'le parchment-insulated wire parchmentizing j^jk parchment pipe c^^jU jl aJ^ Parcolubrite process parent metal ((^->iCi>>) Ji^l ^ parent ship ^^Li A:y-i^ parget dUT L ^ L cjjITouL- Parian cement o^J»M* paring Oo^l^* paring chisel parkerizing park 376 I pate parking brake j^^ y^J parquet ^.^ J' J ♦wT-'^ t^rquetry parsec i parallax-second partial dislocation ^t Jyr ^^^.^ partial pressure partial pyritic smelting partial roasting Jyi- ^.^s**' partial solubility :>joj»^ J>Ui I parting compound :>^^ I parting line parting pouring parting powder parting sand partition coefficient party wall iI^,sA« jl^o passenger deck • - c^^L-* U v-.**-! t^U^ii passivity o^j «,jia-*liJ-<^ pass-out steam ^-i^ j^. J*}*^ J law <*a:* «J,^-«* J^. pass points v^^^. xMiki^ pass schedule (SJ^^jy ^^^^. paste Ooui Ic— ^ 'v-*?" 'cri^'*,^;**'^ pasteboards t^dilT t^l^ paste wood filler ^yt^ *i U« p-a system 1 public-adress system ^s^ patching ((cJU-l) c^^^TaO »^^c * . » ^^ytCji^ O^j^^ VL patent^ 4, 'e'^' ^^* patent-fuel ^j^ 'C^^t patenting O^U»T ^^) «fCuijU pate 3!^^t p.c patent log ^^iiS' (^U-izp^ path ob^J ..bo/' patina j\^j Patio process patrol aeroplane ,^i^(^U-alyb pattern A^s^^^^^S) J^ .u>LU OUx^L AiU^ .c^U ,^l pattern draft (v^U jl) ,^iOou. pattern draw (^J^ ii) ,^^^^ patterned shuttle weaving pattern generator jIs'^^**^' aJ^ pattern making pattern metal c^JUJou. jUT pattern miller ^1^" Jo* jj pattern mouldery Jju» L ^^^^ Is pattern shop ^^='1^' J^^ olTjlT pattern shrinkage allowance pattern store pattern warp c^jt; Pauly silk ^'^ >-L jloT lU:,! paved ford paved road ., pavement a-,^ pavement light ^iTti*^ pavilion oLi*- paving (i,L>li ^->.^L>)u^^oi> paving asphalt oU-cJU-T pawl ^.^Li^cOjll.^ P.A.X i private automatic exchange pay load viU^ dUMT pay load weight ouiU o'jy Pbi lead •fli^ P.B.X i private branch exchange Pc i rn piece; postcard; picocurie; picocoulomb IS p ci per cent; pitch circle ^y^^jiif -'^ ^^"^ <*--*- ^. PCI photocathode; pulsating cu- rrent; potential controller P.Ci Portland cement ' p/c 378 pear r/ci price current P-channel metal-oxide semi- conductor p c m i percentage of moisture PCM i ^wsq pulse-code modulation >^. PCTi percent PCUl pound centigrade unit pdi per day; pitch diameter: po- lar distance; potential di- I fference; pulley drive i palladium PDli pilot direction indicator PDMi pulse-duration modulation PDRi power direction relay PEi photo-electric; potential energy peak 0:>J'thr' J^ ^y cJTL ,ily peak cathode current peaker (caJ ) .ox*^ c^l peak forward anode voltage «t - peak inverse anode voltage peak inverse voltage peak kilovolt jUJj ^l.^^- peak power Oly cj' «cjJ Oly peak tanks ,>^ v^ uil^^ i! peak-to-peak peak-to-peak voltage peak traffic ^\j e^' peak voltage peanut tube ,y'^^ v^^ pearl ash solution v^ pearlite (t^'*»->j) v:^^ pear 37»aR pene pearl white ^. Ji5' ^sj pear push switch peat ,j-jli fcX^lpj «vjy pebble leather pebbling *^j^ ^^^h L')A, U !0>i- a* U pedestrian ^-^^^W pediment jo^Up j^^ ^/i^ pedometer jUi^lf peeling vyr 4>^'^"->'^ peen O^j J^ *-J^ ^y 'J^ c^ peened stretch hammer peening (^j1s'*a; pee-pee (jU ojS Sj/") ojL.^ vyl->J^ P®8 -j^ isianicnieii^q peg ladder pellet *^^ 1A..J5-L pelorus 4^.. ^, pencil gate t^:»loo. olCl j c?U pencil glide pencil pouring .(^^lou ^sJ»,J^k pendentive (oUzii-U) JU,U pendentive dome jL^ o^f pendulum pendulum annealing pendulum saw ^losL^i ij\ penetrameter c^v^ «e^ ^^ (x aa^I L» j^jb^^y-— O j^ (iSj^yr) penetrant flaw detection penetrant technique penetration penetration of hardness frac- ture ((S^^J^) o^^^J <-iaA^ Sj^ penetrator „ riyr pene 380 perm penetrometer ^w- s.^ «^*- i^ (x AAiil L» (^jb^^--«XIp ji «c^j^'i>>) pennyweight -^^b) co.^iyH penstock pent 1 pentode penthouse pentode ^V.^Jai pent roof penumbra per an i per annum per annum percent volume to volume JLj^ «AiVL percent weight in volume percent weight in weight perch s^ 'ft^ percolation S^ii i^Jji^' percussion cap ^^ percussion drilling iS^^^ percussion riveting machine perfect arch ^^j^^w^ perfect crystal ^j*^ j^i* perfect gas jT.oul jlf .J^ir 3 If perforate (dfrlT Li) o^^<^^-^ «u^^c'->>-' perforated brick ^C^l^ ^^T performance '^ peri metre road t^ox^^r.lj periodic reverse current pla- ting periodic table .^o^ J^op- (l51^^^*^ w^-'^^) c;*^^J' J-?^^ peripheral speed perlon permanent hardness of water permanent magnet :^ permanent mo(u)ld permanent set jI^.I* J^ ,.;«^ permanent white V^IOUA^ permeability 'J^K^J^^^ perm 381 pged permeability of sand permeability tuning permeameter {^^^liij^) ^^^yi permeance .,_^-J»UiA cjla*» permittance OjU- c--3^ permittivity dU ^^^ l(^^ c^ U perpend (-stone) J'^iS' li^j^ perron ^j^ ul^ Persian blinds iS^^J'J' o^^*.^ Persian goat (S^^^ tlX^ Persian sheep o^jl-^ c-^ persiennes •^^ '^^^ persistant slip bands personnel carrier ^.>i Pefsoz test perspective perspex ^^\yXl,^ ,J'\ XzL:, persuader >^l «-' Petersburg standard ^jloibL-l petro-furnace j^-juii Sj^ petrolatum Cj^Jh petrol engine 'cs^.^^ ->>•>• petroleum asphalt ciJ 31 ^ petroleum butter ,yuJ» ^J-^'j petroleum coke oiJ d^ petroleum jelly j^j\^ petroleum spirit oi>^ petroleum tailings petrol pump Pewter ^^o^) ^"^. 3LjT .^ lit, .,_r^a-p^i f tO\y>^ I i^-«-?^ A power factor PFi position finder pfil power factor indicator PFM , pfml ) pulse - frequency- 'ifaodula- tion pgi plain girder PGEDi mstiii ph 382 phos Professional Group on Elec- tron Device phi phase; phot; telephone phi per hour pH (-value) ^sv«-l o^^ ^Ui phantom circuit J^j^ ->'^ phantomed cable ^^^^j^J^.^ phantom line phantoplex telegraphy phase phase-alternation line system phase angle (^) 3^ h^'-> phase advancer 3l» (J^ o^^ phase controller j^ (^Jso j^l* phase diagram (jUT) ^yl^L- jb>*J phase difference ^^ phase displacement phase indicator ,j^j^ phonebooth O^i^ j^,^ phase inverter phasemeter ^-3^ «^r^3^ phase-modulation isJ^ J*^=« phase rule «c?jl5'^) Ujlio^sls (^^131 oW-j^^lo^i AJLil aj 3^—^^ phase space cell 31^ c^i-^s J-* phase splitter phasing link 3L-jLa^ JLjI Philips screw phon o>-» i(la-» (^oA;* ^^) o^ phonograph OyUI^ phonoplex telegraphy phosphate coating t^jlCU-i phosphatic slag ((^3L-.^Vy) ^.1^3 >-> ©-'kwr' phosphatizing ^^jbCjU-J phosphide sweat phosphor V ^v^ (•--^ phosphorescence «^ L>-» phos 383 phot phosphoric acid phosphoric iron phosphorized copper phosphoroscope phosphorus (^_L*--i,^^) ;yuJ phosphorus banding phosphorus printing phot (^y.Li^^^ jU Jol^) o^ photo-active jy <* u-L-^ photo-aquatint photocathode (»^j^ ^1$' ^oJlTyyi photocell k/^.j^^ (>^ «i3^, _ jy w^V photo-chemical cell phenolic-resin cement cJir u .,,--* phonomotor OyUl^jy^ photo-chemical induction photochromy ^j ^$-1^ photo-composition ^x-j>- oj^ photoconductive cell photoconductive effect photoelectric cell .y^J-a photoelectric photometry photoelectric pyrometer ■, photo-electrolytic cell q photoemissive cell photoflood lamp^^bCp^^;^^ photogrametry photographic barometer (v>^^ <^i>»->^ o^^*> photographic paper ^^-IsIp opIT photographic projection PPI photographic surveying phot 384 pick photogravure physical stress o^*^ -'^• ^^ v^ oj^i^yy o^'LJui k i»Wii •->^. di' o-i' ->^) photogravure printing (^^^^y ^J'J^ j:i ^daAA ^^ photo-lithography p i i jCp L id:- ob- paper-insulated; power in- put photoluminescence ^ Lu.i>u»^y ^ nSJy u^ L-^*-»y ill photometer e^-^.U .^^-^y Poi^t of intersection photometry ,j^.^y .,,^^^>j Piano feed regulating photomicrography ^'^^ (•J^" •^^^^ ,^3j^ ^,^ 31 c5jl:>^.--5G. Fiat furnace photomultiplier (^=" J'-^ ^>. ^•) ^- '^^ Oj^l •oa^roi^- 3^,-jy v*-v pica -^^^ ir ^j^ photophone Pick ^> . .^. , picker Kj'^'^^.->) '^ ^ photostat ^>:i pickeringit ,..^cb phototube P'^^'^^^S mechanism photovalve picking stick .Ot.^U piazza .^^.^ol^l.^l,. pickle brittleness J^.^ photovoltaic cell (^) ju-,1 oT ^a^iSCi ,^y. A*iai j^j^l*.^ J^.-j^ J-^ pickle liquor ou-l v^ o*^ photovoltaic effect pickling «c»'->^ **^ phreatic water cr^-'^--^ v ' pick-up J^^ ^s^^y) v^^^i physical metallurgy ^/C>,^j| 01^^*, b oyUI J^A^^iu, pick 385 pilo c^i>-jj «(^^^ J«v* pig-lead v^r- tr^-^ ♦v^ ^J pick-up tube piglet '^^ J-^^ «j»^s>',^ •'■^^-^^^^ O^.-'J'^ v^^ pig machine ^j^jio-i ©l^x-^ pico (lo-^^)yC:^^ pigment <;la^j ijCij ;3U picric acid pigmented glass ^j^jljl C^H^(NOx)rOHdU^^ o^l pigment gilding picture tube ^.^' s^V Ailai:^ L ._*d; piece a:>-j^ vy «**^ '^' P^^ mo(u)ld j^^ J^\» piece good .jly .AiU, Pig sow c^>.j^^ v^li ^OUiT piece of ordnance v^ pigtail (vil)) ^^ ^^ J-»A> piecer (J'^xl^^j) ^ ojoj" j\y\ pigtail splice piece up ^j f^^ £j -^^.^^ (j^^A>-jL^i, «0^^45C; dl>, pig tin - Oa>- aJi^ ,ooc^j^^ ^^'' (oJ c-j^ ji) jj^, j'^, pilaster Oyu.1 ,^^i- «(^^^rv pier pile '^.^=r ^.^ 'H^ -^' ^e*-^ pierce (j:>^ cl->^ pile warp (t>3^ cib) yl^ ^U picking ore ,>-^ c-^<;ir pilger mill . jGu* ^^^ .lCu.:> pierre perdue pillar j^,4,U«(j^s- (^lAijo.:^ ^^ .,^^0- ^> pillar file piezo-electricity J'/'j^ oU>^ i^LLx-o. oU^- J^ljL. .4i-jw_^l jj^ pillar post of battery pig (-iron) 0^ j^^ ^ (jy U^) L^O Jl^j pig-iron for puddling pilot cell (isjk) U^' j J-t> (^jlTdlij (^1^ ^;i pilot direction indicator pilo 386 pipe pilot lamp ^ v^V pilot plant oaiijst j^yioUjI oL-*-»Ij «,_^L»Ji 4* l>- jK" pilot-scale c^U Li-jIT (»-j ^Li> j^ pilot valve ,/iS ^ pin (J^^)> pincers JUu- «,_,«xi .^Ijlf pinch {Jyj^"^ v^V) 4ti^ ll* pinch bar *^ y. ^ c-^' pinchcocks <^U^ ^ pinch effect (j^) t^3U o3^ ^1 pinch pass rolling pin connection pincushion effect pincushion magnet lili-ii Lt ( \j^ j^ 1 ) ^*9%^ e/"~ ^*^ pin gear ^y Ij ;aji c^ pinholes ((^^4za« j) a-^- pinion li^^ «Ai»^l^ loi^ tj^ pinion shift starter pinking jL>.a]| pinking of motor jyy^ j^^f pinnacle Ai-aif pin of a mo(u)lding flask pin punch jTj^jU- ^U- pin spanner ^i^- ->^T pint (^ o/ov li J If) /A) o^^. pintle jy>t^ iaLj* .V^c^ pint^ch gas 0^,^^. «Cau jlT pin wheel ^. r*^C^ pipe ^j^^ dU .c^W^ dij. .aJ^ i^J'^. L^), ^y:^ dX^JjCjLa pipe closier ^^C^ pipe coupling ^^ pipe crown ^^ S^^ pipe cutter pipe cutting machine AJ^ lj\ oLGl-^ pipe die pipe dog pipe fittings pipeline a3^ jl:ri (AJ_^) oVLjI aJ^ S^ pipe lock C^W^ Ji5 pipe opener pipe sealing com pound pipe still (^IaJ^ ..^Jaij ©l^l-^ pipe-still heater pipe 387 pitg pipe tap *1^ jii^ pipe tongs pipe wrench a3^ jU-T piping {^sj'<:^,j) iS^^^ <^ piping system t^jlof*)^ aC-i pique ( ^-'^^iS^J»k^'>k)*^. pirn v>K>*. '•^-^^ pise wall c^l^^t^ ->1^.^ pistol ^LU{4J^i--j i^£jK^j:>'^\ pistol safety lock ^LL ^[^ piston *-:- «(J>x-.-a piston (ring) compressor piston displacement VJ->^ t^LiJ jr j»5*^ «0^. ■ ? *>■■■ > ci^ piston expander piston-pin piston-pin bosses piston- pin lock j:Jid\ JH piston-pin lock ring piston pump ^j? ■..;,> H V^^ >0^**» s i tft**^"^-* ' piston ring piston ring compressor piston rod a-Jj aL^ piston slap ( J-^j^y I ) 0>:-*> O^J piston-swept volume «ai y^^i?- jr^»>B:> .uy:--j c^jirj,fl*i> piston travel piston vris 0^^--* i^ pit cast o^.^r- (^^*^-> pitch o^lj ji i^^jL' S^ ojU-i pitch circle (o^^t^) r^ •s-^t'^ pitch diameter ^-^ Jx*-^^ij» ^_^j •C'^ „r^ pitcher (aJ^) oUa^ pitch of armature winding pitch of a screw ^4> ^IT pitch of a sound o^-» ^UjjI pit furnace pit gas oji^ pitk 388 plan pit kiln dir c^ %j/ 'is:^'^ •-^i^ pitman KcWy' 0U» ^jU pitman arm pit mo(u)lding oL.^ c^^;*CJ^ pitting pitting factor (^oJ j>-) iS^f vi>* pit top o^-J^^ PIVi peak inverse voltage pivot f J-«ij» .V^ i^Z\>\^)ei ijy>^ pivoting rest pivot journal ^^ li U" l* pivot pin jy^ j^ pivot point pkgi package pli plate P/Ll pipline placer gold ^^J c^>^ placer working plain end *3^ aJCj plain girder (OUs^L) (S^^^ J* plain jolter plain weave ^^ ^--^^ plaiting c^^ ,^L.>j^ plan cj» «^^ planchet oo^ o^ ^C- .^iU^ plane oJoj {Ap«i-tf f^_5>-* i^ia— • plane antenna (^l«>- 4>^ i plane away iOa>ajj plane girder plane iron o^j 6**" plane mirror ^^o--^ loT plane of easy slip cr>i ^'•^ plane off iOa,a;^ planer ,^I^A»«iu» •l^i-^ plane survey ^\ (^->l^^.*^^ planetarium U-ijU-T .l^l^^sT planetary gear plan 389 plat planimeter ^^ a^jj «»-> planimetric map ^'UJ»-^ a^ planing machine planishing .t^jlCiU ( ^j^ U t^jlCi5G>- L. ) 0^^ ^Ja— ^ planishing hammer plank i^,^si^li»j ,^ ol^l planking J**-«^ t^dujoao planning (^Ji->^^^. planographic printing piano-milling machine plan position indicator plant rubber ^y^ iSs^y^ plasterer JC^^ plastering ksj^-^ ^J^ ^^^ plastering trowel j^^zj^S a]U plaster kiln plaster mo(u)lded cornice plaster of Paris t^iL**..*.^ ^ plaster stone ,^^J .^^iSijj. plastic plastic bronze 0151:1* ^>>. plastic clay ^j); ^-j {^^) plastic coated metal plastic constraint ^/li-y> J^ plastic deformation plastic memory ^l^* c---»U- ^y>- U^l cK- o".^--^^.-^^ «^A plastics (^_a^l5 (s\^jiijj) l^Csi-M> plastifier plate o-^v-Ja5 iojT I9JU0 ijii J^j plate brass ^y. ^jj '^jj ^y. plate clutch ^^^^^^^^^ plate condenser t^l**.*-* oS^ plate current (^) c^-^ToU^ plated metal plate glass *^Ta; plate mill platen plate platt plate press ^loiT^j jU plat 390 plug plate puller iSj k ^^»««-»^ \ plate strap oo^ <«^' plate supply plate tower ^^Oy^ ^aCj^c^, platform • IxiZdu «4»ciBw (49«JU# i-^«^ platforming ,^M> jj>i Ills' <^jj ^i^j^\J platina ^J^ c^^i plating (5JL-^jj .<^-)ir^jj platinite df il t^jUT) c-^^'M* platinized asbestos (o*^) •^tS*-' tP^ C^A-I platinoid jl t^jUT) ou,>i^-y* r ^ J-^-j If .c^j^ yf .^ f o platinum v>«'^^i platinum block platinum solder v>*^'Mi (^ play c^^Lif t^jKi <^L> ,^ pleat t^jL <-Jb plexiglas JT a-^l^ i^yf^^^ pliers c—i^ I pliers for bending insulating tube OUT^ 4]^ ^^^ .l5Ci-i plinth .oljl plotting board ^yiO 4-^ 4i>o !(^jl^^j4luu A::a^ plotting paper plough plough-beam o»T,ir i)^.. plough-bottom ui^^ plough steel 0»Tjtr .Vy plough-tail ^y» 1 J If 41-^ plow (c^jl i>.l) jlU f,^:^ plow share u^> ^- plow stilt J^ ^u plucked wool ai^lT OU-^ j»^ ,o ^^ »x:a-^ (►^ plug oyjj <^> ' '(*^^) e/^,^^ ^^- ,j^> (to) f J^. A:»-Uj^«i»j^_^ ^lof plug cutter ^il» iz>^ plug drawing plug fuse ,f-^ J^ plug gauge plugging t^jlOkf^J^ «(^a^3j-> «C^,.;*^ij^ plugging chisel with three teet 391 pneu teeth ^j 4- ^lo^ plug-in coil ^/^^ '^^^^ plug tap (»^:> >^^M5 ,1^^ >^j>ii plug valve (^^) ^ey ^ plug vy^elding ^^, c?j^>>- plumb (-bob) .^j- -0^ plumber -^'^.^r- «u^^>i plumber's solder l«:LrX^ 0L---I; i(SJ^,,j^ (^J:S<^Ji plumbite sweetening plumbite treatment plumbline J>Li plummet ^^lijj .^U j^^ plump 'vl— ^ Ooi ^jy:^ plumping agent plunge battery plunger ^y i j^L^i plunger magnet plush o^ Plutonium ply uo^. U Vjc>- f.U ,V .A^V ,^ plymetal ^^j ^ ply-wood ^y^^^^ ^ p m i per minute; purpose-made Pmi promethium PM . p m 1 permanent magnet; phase modulation; photomultip- lier p m c 1 plaster moulded cornice PMOSi P-channel metal-oxide se- miconductor pneumatic chisel c^^U ^ pneumatic cushioning ( Js^y ,yj>* ^ 'ty-'^* <^^^ pneumatic hammer c?^U j^ pneumatic rodding (^aC*-u-) il> L ^ybof^i pneumatic separator .t5^L> (^OL^Aib el Ci-»i po 392 pole p o i power output Poi polonium POi ■;^ post office; postal order pocker bar {J's^ji^j) J'y^ aL^ pocket meter {dX\) ,^j--j> 4>t^ point i»i^ Vr) i>i^ lAlai; \6y O^'^ j(v>*T»b)Oj>-<(c-l^.l liU iO:>J' J^o^-^ii KJt«-*y^ <^>-^i^) point defects j^, «-i*-i i,Ui pointed arch ^isy.t^ «3^ pointed radiator V jCi Ai jy u ^1 J pointed screw j\^ y ^^^ pointer <<^ «jjlj^ v>>Li pointer gauge .jb^^^ ^«^ point hardening ^-^^ O^lobT pointing pointing trowel J^^^. ^iU point of intersection ti»Ui ^Li point of tangency o-l<^' ^ point potential effect pointsman (c^T.b) 0Lj3>- poise t^j^ 1^ 0:^1 j) 31^ poiser ^>: ♦^^XsU* poising agent >^. -,^W* poising solution jy. J.A*^ poison j^'j if^ poison tower oox^r^^^ xlj^. Poisson's ratio polar co-ordinate j_^ oL»i^-« polar diagram ^*.^-<*^ jb>.i polarimeter (c?*^) c^<_r^ polarisation (c?^"^.)0^---lj».jV^ polarisation microphotogra- phy i v^-t ->^^ \ iS^^y.j polariscope t^X-i^V^ .U,_^iJ polarity c.<«J«* polarity indicator Uic«-i>i polarized light .^ ^^^ j^ polar nets ^^ t^U^C-i polarograph polar wood pole pole drilling pole face c,^ *c*t^.>*^c^ pole 393 poor pole figures ^^ ^^^^ pole lathe - •IC--3 pole pitch (>?^^T) ^9 ^\f pole shoe ( -fyy^^j^ ' ) v-ia» tibJiT pole tip (^^,*:^jT) v-^ fl^i poling (,_^->» aJLj j^) (Sj^^^ poli8h(ing) jU^ .JiL- «c^l3^ polish etch polishing paper oL:- opIT polishing scratches polishing slicker ct/'jU^ *^'^ polishing stick l^^j^^yz- polonium polos ( uU^/ i ) cT^^. (J^ polybasic acid ^^ Ji o^ cy*r polyester fiber ^^Ij^^jQl (3^^ oJy U.^^1 .yi^^-ii (»*4j il) polyester resin y^^Jn i*-* '^r^' J^ v--^ poly form distillate ^^J»i' polygonisation^^^'i'i^^ ^ViJ polygon of forces polymer j^h '-'^. polymerisation polymorphic J^Ci o^ polymorphic transformation polyphase (tiU) JUa^ polyplexer t^Uou:^:-^ jL-^ jbl^ C-»l o^^ ^-r^ J «;M*-^^ polyrod antenna polyvinyl formal pontoon ^c^^i** c*^^ •'Ji *^^ pontoon bridge pony girder pony motor ofcXX*^ C^^ ^^^^.jS jy yM pony rougher pool cathode t»,U oJlT pool tube iS^ty^ ofcXiZJ ^«-Xj t^tft \^*J*y poop ^^i^lTaJLj^ «,^i^ *^.^ O^ poor solder poor viscose p.o.p 394 posi P.O.P I printing-out paper pop.gate POPl I Post Office Position Indi- cator pop joint a3^ 4; poplin cJ^^ ^^-'k poppet (-type) valve poppy oil ^Uul:i- ji-^j pop riveting pop-up (iSj'^^j) cr<^-^ pop-up spring •o^i«:^ ^ porcelain ,ju:>' porcelain bushing ,^:i^ iju porcelain calcining furnace ts-^^?" »^^-**i •Jj^ porcelain cement porcelain-crucible ,>:-s:>- a;^ porcelain enamel ^ji^ yU) porcelain insulator porch OI^J iJlj-? pore space J^Lii ,.»^ porosil o^^ ^^ porosi meter . ^^ Ja^JU; porosity J;^^- ,^^ porous j^^^i-l «il>> porous cell JaiU:^. ^L> porous filling past cf^J^J i»>^ porous plate Ja^L*-!^ J U- porous tile JfliJbt:^ JU- porphyry JU- d5C:-. port (i>-^^j^ -ty y^) *^,^^ porti portable portable hardness tester portable-lamp ^J'ojj^ ^l^/>- portal portative magnet portboard ^/i:S ,^ o^ Portland cement ^^*^^ OU^ pos i positive position finder jbU positive blower O^.^L. .^.^ positive column (slU )c.-jl. o>i- positive feedbac positive glow c^aiT positive post c^ posi 395 poun positive potential c-^ J*-iU> positive ray (^OoT A*-il ,c.-^ Axil 'ijl^^r^ **'-'' positive sequence power 01 positive termiiial .»JJ post i^ '^^.^ l^y^\ ,K^l post builder {(Sj^.) iL-iai postcard (paper) ,,,=--> ^^ post-deflection acceleration (dU) t^^U ^1::^ post-deflection focusing poster paper Post Office Position Indica- tor jl^.^i cl^' k cf-*-^^ ^,-><* c/j-> post-tensioning . pot (t^^Ai:« j) c^jiJ 1;^. potl potential; potentiometer potable water ^ju>bT oT pot annealing v^ j^ c^j^l*' potash hardening potassium alum Ui tulj potassium nitratevf t#L= .j^ potential c^ ^>^I . J^ U* potential controller potential difference potential energy J--i li> c^J^ I potential galvanometer potential gradient (AiaiJ ji ^;^) cJj Cil potential transformer potential trough J---i l^ •^ potentiometer .^q^ pot furnace pot hole ((5^4ia«j) ^ir 4Jl>- pot steel tjlA'V. (t^^Aia« j) ^Vy potter*s clay t^^»i^ J^ potter's lathe isj'^j^ tj=c pottery ^J^j^ «(^^li-- pound «^.^l j^ c^ *^^b) *^^ pound apothecaries pound avoirdupois poun 396 powc pound-calorie pound centigrade unit pounder pounds per square inch ab- solute pounds per square inch gauge pouring t^Ji->^^ pouring basin pouring cup pouring ladle J*.->->^. pouring trough pour point pour point depressant powder -^^^ o^ <*^^->^ powder burning powder calorizing powder cutting powder injection cutting powder metallurgy power 3y. ei^^-" foj^S ,oly power amplifier oou^c-i^" LS''-'^ .^T powder chamber b ij^ y^ o^x.jiiS^ c^yi3 ^^^__i ) 0'^* power direction relay power end power factor power factor indicator power feed ^^^^ ot-j 4-U power gas jLjlf jlT power hammer j^^b ,^yl^ «j Oly power lap power level indicator powe 397 prac power output j^i^ o^y power plant (^^.) •l^J^ power press J^, ^^ power pump Jy^iJ^ jy y Ij V*^ *v**^ -^y^* power rig t^jU^^ olG-^ power standing wave ratio power steering power stroke c>jcA f>^ power switch J^, ^^ power take-off (cOJ) oiy •0^*^ ••'s:i'y power transformer power unit «Oly o^u^c-i^' plan position indicator cr ppm I parts per mille; parts per million PPM i pulse-position modulation PPPIi precision plan position in- dicator q PPPPI 1 photographic projection PPI ppsl periods per second; pulses per second PPtl precipitate PPl pages; push-pull PPthi parts per thousand PPl peak power pr i pair; primary P-Pi peak-to-peak PPGl pounds per gallon PPli Pri praseodymium practical unit practice O^^J*^ ^o:>J'j>,^ ppac 398 pres practice bomb praseodymium PRE-AMP , preamp i preamplifier preamplifier aJjI SoixTca^i; precast ^ 15 t^s^^j jl^^ precious metals ^J^ ol Jl» precipitate c-jlj*; "r'>-'-' «■>->•> precipitation anneal precipitation hardening precision approach radar precision casting precision mo(u)lding prefabricated prefered orientation ^U ^^^y «^>». <-t?-y pre-formed part preheated chill •^ r^ Kisj^) vJl5 «f^ ^iJ preignition u-j^jJ ->U.isl preliminary pressure preload (c^^^'jA*) ^U- premium casting jbu>. UJ premium grade petrol j^y^ !>*->'. preparation plant iJiA; o*-J preparator (^O*^ ^1^) iJUj .Ifj^ preroast ^' Uoi^. a^ yu pre-screener ji->^<^jlCiy^**j^ press aJC^ i^^ press i pressure pres8(ed) drip t^lA^Cu ^yj «v^^ O*^-' pressed metal assembly presser dU LL^ press fit jUi L. o^^cJb> pressing a>-jL o^jcOiU .(^jlC-^^ pressing die ^^^ ^.J^ pressing wheel ^-^ dlJi^ press plunger jUi uy:--* pressure ^Li» pressure adjustment jUj ^^.b.-; pressure bar pres 399 pnc pressure blasting pressure blower OjoU pressure-compounded turbin pressure die casting pressure drilling pressure fan oj^^l pressure feeder pressure filter ::j^: ^ s^-' pressure foot pressure gauge >^^L» i^^^Ui pressure head j\j^ ^Uxjl pressure lift IoluToJu ^^i pressure mo(u)lding:^^^^^.^^ pressure of the rolls :>jy ^Ui pressure passage •^^ t^l^b ^jjj c^i^rV pressure pipe jUi o»J c^l^;*i- pressure port o^^ (S^^ ^JJ^ ^,J^ pressure pump «<^jLii L-L" pressure reducing valve pressure shoe (^l)^Uj dliiT pressure still installation pressure suit c^'> u-M pressure test «clUjja^ cAl>»iT pressure tight , '^ pressure vessel juL5 Coo Ouu Lk t_5J »1» pressure welding pressure well (cJu) JiJjJ ^l^- pressurized water reactor jUJ C-9M oj I*, j>^Jj press working isJ^^^ prestressed concrete •"■^-^ era* 0>^ pre- tensioning concrete Oj^, PRFi ^ ^ t pulse-recurrence frequency pn i .mill sia¥"s:^f ft $ml tf primary winding price curren^^^l^^^^^^^ price-list ' ' Jyj c^W?-^ o j^-* pricker ^^^^Ij^ «^j^ prick punch isoinq prim 400 prin (to) prick the molten metal 0^js_,*^ itS^y^ o:>y^ prim i primary primary .(^^^->j primary circuit primary colo(u)rs «^i-*l t^U^o primary constituent L:c-* ji^ primary creep ( ji») ^jt vt^ primary crusher primary current primary graphite primary jaw crusher primary metal Jjl c^^ ^ primary recrystallisation primary solid solution primary transformation primary winding prime j(0^j ^S) o^jj^ prime cut naphta aJ^I oAj prime mover ojU-l JlosUb primes ^i^. *>-j^ ^y^T Jj^ prime white oil ^^1 ci3 priming A^^) \s'-^-^ ji. J-^. priming spark plug primitive unit cell aJ^jI (^U-j» A^il^ principal axe ^L,! j^»«> j^L Jl»I j^j» f(^jl^^i>ii i>j->j^ principal plane aT ^_^ tUo* «dLilC» ji) ,^5-L^f cifl- principal rafter principal stress t^j^ J-^l jI^. (•^y^i^ ■^-''-' c^**' c>^ ^. ^s' principle of moments printed calico \^j^^ ^^^-^ printed electronic circuit printed wiring ^ ^ ->l^ printing-out paper prin 401 pro.1 '^ C^y^^ L>4j I:*- printing press prism Ji prismatic dislocation private automatic exchange private branch exchange private road ,^L.i^l .1^ probe ^LiiTI 1^3*^ UT f*!*-* .J--^ probe-microanalyser probing ijj*^^ *^JJ^ ^3*1^ .ill?- jl \»^jM process metallurgy process of coking oLL^ ^^j process of combustion process of hardening process of refining m-j J-^j process white o*'/' producer gas jLjlf jLT production production line oJy ^^-^3 production reactor •^j^, jy^\j production string productiveness ^s^y ^-j^ productivity j^^o^;^. Professional Group on Elec- tron Device c'^ ^^-^ dl^j^^Jl Jj.L-j SoijL i profile 'o^^v^.^** profile cutter J'\J ^ .liC:-.^ profile paper ^ss-^X^ ^^' profiling machine progressive ageing j_5>u JOJ t^3^,^ progressive fracture progressive wave progress report project ojj^, .c> projectile ^^^'^e projection ^.^ projection welding proj 402 PS 6y 4i 6y iSJ^yi- projector c^\jy oy^Tj^^ promenade deck promenade tile clL*J35^ promethium (*>*^^^ prony brake proof f t^^^^-sTiaip a; ^ f dUj. (c-l JsCJI ^^.^ proof bar <-* U^ aL« « U-^ aJu. proofreading tyl>»-4i>oJ proof stress ^^-i-j ^l propellant cUi^ c^^ .ajI^^ propeller propeller shaft propeller turbine proper roasting o^>-«a^ Ai>:J proportional counter proportional limit j^ proportion by weight ^ij o^ji .^jj j:«-j prospecting drilling prospecting licence prot I protected protactinium protective cover (y^s) o->*^ protective resistance j^i ^ <^3 li^ prototype prototype test c^.>^ ^>>jT protractor proved reserve ^5 ;^j prover <^^.JUI J^,^^ jl^l proving method Jj^^^ J^jj prow ^^LlT l^^ ,j:^S £U:> P.R-plating i periodic reverse current plating PRR . prr i pulse-repetition rate (to) pry out p s i per second ps I 403 pudd PSl postscript; post scriptum pseudo-galena pseudoscalar quantity psfl pounds per square foot P.S.I , p s i i pounds per square inch p s i a I pounds per square inch absolute p s i g i pounds per square inch gauge psri pressure p s w r I power standing wave ratio psychrometer 5^.:--^.^^ part; pint; point ptJ point of tangency Pti platinum PTI potential transformer p t m i pulse-time modulation PTO , p t o i power take-off P-to-P i peak-to-peak p u \ per unit Pul Plutonium PUi power unit public adress amplifier jLijjs .^l^yi>t- ^sySjAi jUsj^ public-adress system pudding JLi^i .^.V pudding-stone ^y^ izii puddle ^--Uj ^j J5'.o3l>»l>> Jf puddle(d) cinder puddled ball (•«^.jjj ^>*T) aj^ puddled bar •<^.ijj ^>*T j:.^ puddled clay oj^ c^^r^T pudd 404 puis puddled roll puddle slag •<^^jj^ j»>'\ h^,^ puddling ^y^Cyt. I «»«aj Jjj ^T 4*^ puddling fuj'nace puddling iron •^,jj^ Oo^ puddling works pug i>>T jr pugging .IdL^ (^*Jo J,, U i^^Li.. pulking pull f(A;U>U-) jL^;i Aj^ pull & push rod •li^oU^ J^ pull crack ^^^^jlT il^- pul led wool ^Ui(^ puller ^•oi^ pulley <^^ c^rT '^^ ••s^^ pulley block (hoist) pully check jU> «iC^ >j: pulley drive pulley shaft c'>^l •l^ pulling \xT\jicJ\ 0^^ J*Sy i(j«J^*^ JLi^Aj pulling tackle pull-over mill pull rod ^5 ^li pulp AXaio jy^ .Ofrlr ^j^ pulpboard fljlit^l^L. .Viil; <^lyL. pulp(ify)ing pulp mill (jfjUj^^ AiU-jIT pulp mill digester pulpstone (jjL J^ir (^L-T <£iCl- pulsating current pulsating screen pulsation dampener ^j *iUr pulsation welding pulsator classifier (_flAjlC; cUjAib i^UijI OJ^;- pulse <^ iasIC <4>^ pulse-amplitude modulation <»^ JjilT o* c5'»'-> Ja*** pulse-code modulation pulsed arc welding puis 405 push pulse-duration modulation pulse-frequency modulation pulse-position modulation pulse-recurrence frequency pulse-repetition rate pulse-time modulation pulse-width modulation • <»^ cT*^ Ja^^ pulverized fuel pulverulent mixtures silico- nizing '^^ ^ b>- c>-«-i*- pumice stone ^-^^ pump v-**^ iV^Ij pump-dale (j:^) v*^' ^>J pumper pump-house . *i Ip-vJj pumping 1 J15C. iS^^ *u-^ pumping beam v^ ^^•> pumping station AiU-vJj pump off <^JJ L. 0^^ JU- pump plunger v*»i 0>::--^ pump water »^ wT punch v^ f^iCiA punch clock v^^ -^y^^ '^^^'^ puncheon ^^ ajCi. !*l^_i fjl^l punching machine *.:Cu ^>iU punch pliers a.X^^I punch press ^'^^^ ^'*^' puncture ^^jS3\ ii^ ^Li- puncture test ^, U L- j li ^, UjT pup joint .U^ aJ^ JLjI pure metal ^31;^- jii «ol; ^ pure semiconductor purification <^:A^' .^J^^' purified cotton J^jj'-^^ s^i purlin <»V «(^l^^) ^r^^ puron o^^li «u^l^ o*^ purple ore •^ h>^' ^— ^ purpose-made .^jU- push bench tsJ^r^^r::^ push-button ,isA^ ^:> ',^-i push-button tuner pusher 1 push 406 pyro si •->^ pusher furnace pusher machine push-fit push nipple t^^Lij (^^>» push-pull c^^^. ^ *^-> push-up isj\^\jj *}^ (^Uap- (to) put in gear cr^L- J-^ putting in blast putty aC-UIj ,-»i^ .^cjj pyrex glass pyrite burner c-*^^ A>yL; s^^ pyrite (burner) gas pyrites c^_^ pyritic smelting pyro-electricity vi^-U^ pyrogenic distillation pyrolitic graphite pyrolysis pyromagnettc ^_^J,U^-U^ pyrometallurgy .t53->>i^^^*-^'T i^y^is* •iUi-l ojl^ il pyrometer pyrometric cone ^^, '^.^ ^^^\ ^y- J:>L. ♦Tt^L^U) t^l^u^'T j>L o^i*. jiT pyroscope pyronaphta jX^ ^*^ pyrostat pyrophoric alloy ^ (VL ^UU:> ,^1^.) ,^UU:> .U-^^" j^) *ij^-T jii .^^o^JUi^l 3LJi pyrotic .ai^^ (^^^^ ^^ ^. ^^» pyroxyline silk ^;jl ^^^l pyrophorous pyrotechnics t?jl5Ci;T V-\y Q ql Q-loaded J^^jl ^\C^ *j c-i^ quart; quarter Q-meter Q i c quarto; quenched; magnifi- Qo i cation factor quenched in oil ^|aiL.)c^L ^^^1 ij^ jlojLi ..J. {^^,^;:50l Qri quire; quarter Oa i '^rj> quenched again qti quart OB , qb i quick-break Qtoi quarto ODi quadded cable quadrant depression <.»^j\^>- JiJT «<^l4X^Jjl4>- JilS' quadrangular QEl ^y^^J^ 'Jj^J^ quadrant elevation quadrant <^». ^ • •^J -> e> .-' Q-external quadrant depression ,jP-jU- ^Ja- C-j^^ V**.^ ■>j> ^.^'3 «J-» . J,Ui quarter bent quadrupled thread ^jU>- ^^e _ J , . . quarter brick i)JLri^jl>- >:>1 quadruple expansion engine ^ .7- ^r - .rr^ ,1 , , , quarter-hard quadruplex telegraphy ^ "^^"^^ ^''^ '^ ^-^ . ., -^l^ .15^^ .^^^ olCi-.^ qualitative ^ , . quarter phase ,_ ..^, jU^^ qualitative analysis ^ ^^ ^fj,!.*. / , quarter rudder quality coefficient ^^ ''^"'^ ' quarto «y->'^ e4»* quality control ^'f^^'J^ ^'^^ ^^^ ^^ ''"^ ^-^ -"■^'^ quality factor c~.>j>v-.> quartz ^"jl^ quartzite 4it^ "iC:- •o.^'jI^ quant J quax iloiljU quantitative ^^^^^^^ \^iUbl,j^ quantitative analysis queen closer quaquaversal dip c^Im «(^a--:r . , t quench ( >») o^j:>^ lU^U I quarry ^ix-i- uo^*>» quench ageing quarry man's hammer . ,-,,., ., <^5 a*^ ^jy^ quench & fracture test quarry stone oV d^ ^^U^ c^^.^T^.UjT quarry tile *iA^j3>^ quench crackes O^Ujc^U^'^" quart ( Jlfl^sU^) o^I^ quenched Arc^:.Vy 1.0,0, T quarter quenched in water quarter beam ,^ quenched state Jf^lu,! cJL> quen 411 qw i quencher (uL-^^^) ^^y^\^ (to) quench hot quenching bath o^lobT^U^ quenching chocke quenching hardening quenching in two media quenching media quenching stress O^looT^^U-i^" quenching time O^l^x. I oo^ quenching troostite quenching with dipping quern uUaU ^1^-.^ quick-break ^L^ j^ quick cooling oo 0^1 ooT quick-drying paint quick-firing (guns) quicking ^sJ^^^^ quick lime ooijdUT quick-motion screw (•^^) >-->c«e quick raising steam boiler quick return ^pcjl^j^) ^^^. *^ (c-1 jlL^ cJ^y. c-p^aT iu^i^' quick-setting cement quicksilver ©.j*^ quick solder (;^>'4-) ^^ ^ quiescent current ^^5C1| 0^—>,J>- .C-:^^ cJj (jL_ j,^^ quiescent pouring quiescent state iSy^^. cJU- iO;^ cJli^ quiet arc c'->' **-r?" quill vJ>>e^ j^'*^ ♦•->^'-« quilting c^jjaiUJ «(5Jj^ v^ quire (oc-ls'Jjjrf ) a^. <*i--j tiii quoin *i^l3 ji* li «i^^ «cr^^r- quotation (a;UoU>-) olj^l^f Qwi quenched in water M ri iradical; radius; railway; rresistance; roentgen; race- mic •ratio; Reaumur; receiver; resistance; gas constant; rendering; rimming steel ra i radioactive r o i right ascension .. . ■ ■ -^bm-- Ra i radium rabban (jjA^ •V5' .^^^l M^ ra bbet . J-iL-*Ai , l^Tt j.l^ a ^liir^aai^ ra bb i t j ( ,^>f ^) ;>- rabble •:^^^V.>**':^*^:^JE5^^c4i#* R.ABP.CVMi ,,^ Research Association of Bri- tain Paint, Colour & Var- nish Manufacturers ' ' race 'tAm^L*iA^ '". . ' ■ . - Tace board (o^L> t^) ^^>>r^ ffacemic raceway ^'\is\^,>^'t{d^) ^i^:^ racing ->>>* ,j^b^,>j^ rack V %i>*k'4JLff* #j4^.s)J^^i'4^ rack & pinion •^^^^^*^^£^ Taok-&- pinion jack ^- -* ■ rack «bar (j 1 4i I oj^i ^^^^ L»;3 rack ' construction .j^y-.b- aU^JU rack 414 radi rack feed racking (0Ui:^L) ^^^^ o*.jV rack saw ^>«i ©j^^ SjI rad i radial; radical; radius radar i radio detection & ranging radar altimeter radar approach control U-.>l^ ^^^ Saz^r CjI>aa ^blj radar display A:>\j j^ *^l->' obi.) j^ j'^y-^ radar dome jI^Ij c^. radar image ^:>\j j^ ^iy^> radar map radar plot Radar Research & Develop- ment Establishment i-i-il radar signal spectrograph radar target .^bl^ v^^io- ^jyA jlj:. obb o-l J^ radial brick cy^^^^' radial drilling machine radial engine radial-flow turbine radial road o*^^ •'-> radial velocity ^y^^ ^^^ radian .oU^lj •^J^ ^^-^ ^.'^. c^-"^ *'. J'. ^ ^-?'-^ radiant flux OUIJ :jU radiant heater ^5^. c^j^ radiant power uL».U Jjl- radiation /oiicU . jIjI; radiation damping J^i ^ an^^ 'J-:^ ^>*4^' radiation hardening ^l^-^l ^^^^JLai- radiation pyrometer ^.^ J j^c^^Si '(SJy ^..sT radiation resistance w' [^'^ oi'^^:^ 'J^-^ iiy^l radiator (J^yi) jy U ^1 J radical j^. , t(^^)JM .uU> irU:>l. radioactinium radioactivation ^I'^^r^'^.^^-' radioactivation analysis radioactive ^i^'T^^^b radi 415 radi radioactive fall-out y^^ y,:i\j oVjjJ radioactive rays ^rT^^^b ^1 radioactive tracer radio aids ^^^ OU^ radio beacon c^y^ c^^i^lj «c^**. ^i-^'-' radio compass <^LiJ»9 radio detection & ranging radio detonator radio direction-finder Radio-Electronics -Television Manufacturers Association J. — »L«»j «^ — i'^'-' uIj«j* iJL» aaj»I :> radio frequency radio-frequency amplifier w^- 'tji^-- >lj aj»uo oOjuiS^i, •J>^yt^ radiogoniometer v^^:^^«^ t^^.^l-^ radiogram radiography Radio Industry Council radio-interference field-inte- nsity meter ^,y,^\j i^^ ^y radioisotope ,?^T^.ilj ^y^j^l radio magnetic indicator radio marker beacon radio-metal locator radiometallography radiometer ^^z-^io U radio position finding jb)^ radioprospecti ng radio range beacon Radio Technical Committee for Aeronautics radii 4ia^ mUi radio telegraphy t*^-a ^\jCh radio telephone ^^--r* (J>Ui radioteletype receiver radioteletype transmitter radio transmitter radiotrician radium (^^L<.>j: ^,.^f^) c^i^^b radius link ^r-J^ ^■^i'-i radius of gyration ^^^^r d^^ radius rod Ol^-^l^ J^^ c;^l radn i radian radome i radar dome radon (^i^-t^^^r^^) oj>\j RadStai radio station RAEl Roy a 1 Aeronautica 1 Estab- lishment raft '^^ rafter. f jL^ir .obdiir rag. «c<.>»-' iiXi^ ,^ Uip-L iiXj,^ rag bolt v-^i ^-.i rag pulp ( ufrl$' ) As^j l* Ai^^,*^ rail Jrj ,^\1^ ,^\o\j rail bu& uiJ^^ rail head (^v^Tolj) cUjftlj railing o^J rail-joint bar i>*Ub ojy rail lifter Ji^^l rail (rolling) mill Jy^j :>jy ©lCx-:> rail spike , J> J v>^i ( J^. c^'^-l^) Ji -> ^^ir*- ir rfiil tongue (i>*T»b) Oj^- railway a**^ -^ .^>*Ub ra i 1 way en gi ne ^ y!^^ railway-wheel lathe J'^Jtj^ raintight y,^y> o\ j^>. rain-water-pipe raised oil J-Tjl oai-. ^UjU ^^j^ raised top boiler VL j^ Ai Uaj 1 l> j^* <^„^ raising rake ^t^ '^.i^'^ .O^b 4*.:>b «Jihc^' rake angle a^v. ^ir ii^jlj ra k i ng bond J^ U>v ^-^ j>'\ raking cornice rail 417; rflfJb; rani jJU^;:; iw»_^Ajl> ..^^^^ raro cylinder rammer a.^s' ramming machine ramming material oj^ (SJ^^ ramming mixes ramming piston j^L2> oy-"^, ramming plate ^Ui w--» ramming scab ramp i^J'k 'v^ ram pump ^ ^i-^> LJb* ram side tilT c^* ij^ j\ j^^pr ram-up core ^^^^-^l^ L. Jou% r & m 1 repair & maintenance random paving radio & panel range i(jbtj^3) AUli^o^*, range & sensitivity extending resonator .>^, l^xjiAJ^J'SyuJ^'- range boi ler ^JL T u^?^^ range-finder (^l^b) v-^L-du^U range-height converter range-height indicator range marker U:AL,li range of instrument range of stress (^)-'W^i^ oU fir range selector -Ol^U ^.*j oJir range switch Rankine cycle cjS-'^^j j\^ Rankine scale ^yU^^Uu Rciobi radar observation rap 418 rati rap iJij^i'>iij^j[i Ifo oM^' ratchet brace ratchet drill ^:>y^ ^^^ ''^*P^^" ^ , ratchet wheel c^L fl^ radar approach control , ratchet wrench -Upti5-jb>-l rape oil ^-^^^ c^^ c^^-^ rapid hardening ^5^^jj(«jU^) C.£^^^ «Aj l» iA:>ji ,c^^ <«3laj| rapid quenching _ ^^^^j^^^^ ■■ ' ^^. ^_^ -r ^ rated candlepower rapid steel ^.^-^" ^V> / , . . . \ i . ^P ^ rated horsepower rapping bar (o-l .o^ ^^.JUI ^^. rapping hammer >j>- l/" (^lo^) ,^1 ^j\^ jl rapping plate ^^ji '^^ ^^^^ ^^ combustion rarefaction (1>») jUi ^^^IT ;i -_i - ,. ;i - i - . rarefying pump ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^^ oOjUi Uij Jy> U:^; ^^L- ^^^ ^^^ ^.^ ^^^ , , rate of feed radar signal spectrograph (^^^^^) -*^i -^^ -^'^^ rate of flow (oU, U) ^:> .^a; raser i rate of solidification range & sensitivity exten- iU»wl c^^* ding resonator rate weight (of wind) rasp (uU>-) o^ o^V'-^ <^'^ ^-^-J • 'y* -''^^^ •'^. Cwi^^ ^T L. oU^ «(5L-o>>- rating plate ratchet .oOS^j ^li- (^>-s^U t^^j) oLaai^iw. A»«A-* **^?- ^^y>- .jI-xlaU* c>=r ratio vi^ «c^ «Oljr*^ «cu-.-i ratchet bit brace ratio of forging reduction rati 419 «I ratio of regulation ^^^j c-^ ratio of rolling 1^^- ju,j^ ratio of transformer rat-tail file ^J" o^y^ rattler <^^ <^|4ily:-,| (^L-1 rattler test (jA') <3->>'' cA^^T raw copper .W- cr*^ t^ ^r^ raw materials cl^il^ <4j^lil>^ raw mine ^a.! (iCc- raw ore O^^ T raw zinc ^l->u^ <^-?-> itj^JU-b s^j .fU- (^^j rayon ((^j^^^^--m oyi)0^i-> razor blade J^^Ju^.-> &^ razor steel ^ crt-> (^s^ i^- :>Vy rbl roller bearing veness ^* rani A R Biii radiobeacon Rci radio components; radio - compass; reaction-coupled; reinforced concrete; remote control; resistive-capaciti- ve; rough cutting; rubber- covered RCA I Radio Corporation of Ame- rica r e b i rubber-covered braided r c b w p I rubber-covered braided, weatherproof RCSl reverse colo(u)r sequence r c >vp i rubber-covered weather*^^*^ proof Rbi rubidium rdl rod; rutherford RBEl relative biological effecti- RDl Research Department nvAac 420 rebo RdAci radioactinium i^^i^nM^f: RDF , rdf 1 : radio direction-finder .ReU thenium; ^Reynolds' mum- ber «-■>•: -h.. ■■ reach ot crane reactance 'csj^^ c*^>li^ reactance coU^(i3^)4^^^:^W reaction J«>)1,_,Xp i^^^^lj reaction chamber reaction key reaction motor reaction tubes >remilk:ve eomponent peacli^ijGonductanjee ,5, reactive current '^^-a^. oUj^?- reactive factor ' react igve Uoad '^i^a'A^J^. ireaqtivie power i^^ j^ o\y reacticve resistant® reactive voltrampece rceactor jj^'^j reader (( vk") ol;>^> *i ><^ . t^»«a^ i reagent di^ ^^^^ realgar vx:^.jj^jj real gas J-*^.j^ -i^h-j^ real strength jiSTlos^ jU ream «jj^J^ ^, f (J^ jfr^A © ;) .oftKo^, reamer - s i(C^ .ft^-;) v^l^ Jljt^ [^^ rear axle rear axle rbanjo housing (0>--*lr) j-jw l^jjbo *i.|^x^' receding bow ( ^^^z^i' ) \S\ ide receiver receiver tank («jU c-^^. 0>«* receiver- transmitter receiving, di-um (^^jT<;-*i>' uj^ receiving house (^jjT<*^*»*-uji^ receptacle ^\j>:JL\ji rec i proca ting com pressor ^y^j^^ «cr^j--^. -?'^^^— '>**->«^ rcci proca ti ng k-ni f e reciprocatingrmill? >3y j 11^ reciprocating sieve reclaimed oil' •o^^U^Ucju reclaiming & conveying screw reclaim rinses rec leaner ♦«u^ xx^i^iR^; recoil checking v-^y aSDi^i^ recombination centers recombination coefficient V (^;^;^ii:> v*i>^ 'Ci-^v^ VtO-* reconditioned sandi ^UJU A«i>U» ««Jl£»' L*>?T Aii»-ti' reconnaissance satellite recorder ^fj\^, Xi^ o \^z^^ recording truck record^ paper ^^^j 3U-I J^lf record^ player OjiUI ^ recovered acid recovery (cis) recovery time »»Xi >U^l» OU/uil Lua>cXwl LJL (-''•^'-') ^^ly ^^^'^ recr i receiver recrystallization aJIf.: •ji^.^^ -^isU^' 5^.. rect-i rectifier rectangular billet <^-j^^io-i rectangular waveguide rectification .j^jL^^^ rect 422 redu rectification column ^Jai" c^t rectification tower ^^ c^. rectifier ((i^ ) ^^IajJlTj «jL^*X> ,J^j:^\j recti gon recto v-^liT c— Ij c-*- a^uI^ recuperation ^\^^, recuperator recycle .O^l^^b recycling ratio ^^^J'J^. '^.^ red -?l^>'. ^ ^^. .e>* red-caster 'Ji-^^^-* red clay c^* ^^ reddle red fuming nitric acid red gun ^l;^ aJ^ red hard red hardness ji^i^l.J' redistilled zinc red lead (PbrOf)^s^ red ooze t^ ^^ red oxide (FexOf)*^*.^ ^^-^^ red oxid of copper Jj o^l red-short (ness) • ^J'j:> •o.i-^Ci red silver ore reduced crude (j>>,^-Jai; Sos U-> reduced fuel oil reduced level .^'li jf,y^ reducer (*i>J) JiV reduce roll ^v^I^,-jl- ^jy reducing \^ys^ Jj»^^^^^:^^\^\ reducing agent ao.:^ Lj>I ;^U reducing die ^ou^l^^^^^'U reducing flame reducing roasting reducing tee (a^^) J>^ -Ij *- reducing valve ;_^j}\za^ reduction J^^ .L»^l reduction gear c^^ J^"^ ioo^ reduction in area reduction potential U>IJi--slie reduction valve ,>djUj^ reea 423 refr REEAi Radio & Electronics Engi- neering Association reed i^U ^^J^s^^'.oJy>\^ <^ reed-counting system reeding reed maker reef >U» ^j reef band t^lA»Ju^ ifj red oxide cement ^^ IC-UI3 reel <,j^h e* c./r 'cr^c^.^J reeled silk (—i^. I ..JLJli' r-l^'. reeler U*]^ JolliT oU> :>^y* reeling machine ^y^-* -^^ ^-iU reeling mill u*j^ Sju^r iju. ^^^ reface Ui^>-' c?^^ ' O^^c^jlT^j reference gauge reference phase (to) refine <^iU»li «^.Vl> .Vl> .a^A-«j refining flux refining pig ^^-^^ c^^«i^ refining plant cr'VU ^IClw^ refining puddling reflecting galvanometer ;l3<^^ ! J^y reflecting stud > (•1^) Uz-ji c-^y* «^^ <«^ reflection altimeter ^-.-^Uol reflector reflector lens - ^Zi^^UU reflector space reflux ob^ -r'. c^. u.-, ^.«r-e reflux condenser reformed gasoline c^J^Jl^.oiJ^. reforming (-J OW- ri^Ir 44E14 n^la refractory clay }^i ^i^ ^u^ ^ U ^if ^ <^^-^*:>i i ^ i> U jL^ refmctoEyoipessiijg c^j^j^^ registering refractory enamel i^ wOiJ (^^f^=>- 0^,^) - i^^^.> o^ o^i Oo^ regrinding 0:>^^0l>>» .cM-l rrefractoFy materials regular-head wrench U>j^w tjL_pc^j I il^-6 05-j .^l^ )»^>^>» j-bfT refuelling aircraft regular lay wire-rope refuge ;t.U)^ ..l5:L.Ui regulating (,b) c^j^L,!^*^ refused i'ti--l .^^jl^ regulating valve Reg , reg i ^J^'^ ^i.'> ^cJi^> v'-i>- regulation; regulator regulation box <^ii W regenerated gas ^a^.^^^fjlT regulator ,»Ji^> ^ regenerating anneal regulus ^ Jj^-^ regenerating treatment regulus metal c^^'^ v^ regeneration regulus of antimony regenerative braking ^reheat regenerative detector reheating furnace regenerative receiver reinforced concrete regenerator o'. k-^^. •-'^ reinforcement (oUi:i-L-) c->>iJ {»^'^) J>y[Jj'> ^'^AjJ^ ^reinforcing shoe region of melting (cJ^J iSJ^) fl^»«^l cUtiT ^js>- relative efficiency ^^s <»:>jl. jL»fr i^jL. c-^--i -^Jjj^ ->yy ->^) ( ^. I ^j U» j^ J i tfO, 1 ;33 Ua. ^^' jl ^^ relative humidity relative permittivity relaxation ^J^JJ-^'* 'J^^'> ^9' relaxation oscillator (^Ui*^ 3Lj>_^ .(_^lL-^l relaxation time .^r 09 1 o*-!^-* y. ' ^'^^' OU. relaxation treatment relay (J^y) di^l i^J^ relay magnet ^^1^^' aJ^ relay regulator relay selector c^l^V^ ^,^CL relief relief valve .-^s^^^jl relief well ^Ciir.U relieving anode jU-^bi oi^ relieving arch . »j»y^i , O Li i- C*?^^ . J It- f ^^jSj3 '^ relieving lathe ^»Lr^w^U relieving temperature relieving valve ^^^xji-jLij ^^y--i lUl-:■:r*••^^>^;--- I^lining (the furnace) reluctance ^-J,U^ o^jU>» reluctivity u^_^..*ap;^ c-^^^U^^ -J, _5 vA>» L» Ok^l Roentgen equivalent man remagnetizer ^C-J,Lu^ remaking ^/t*^ remanence ^_j— -Js u*.-* (_^ jl dkj L » ftOkj L» ^ Li) I remote control remdt control switch t^ijia^ remot-cut-off tube j*j ^,'^. (*^'' v-t^ Vv^ remote position control remove the flask render, float and set sj^f) rendering (oUiJ-L) t^jlTflils rent 426 resi rent ^'^Cl Aj t^'CL repulsion-start induction mo- tor ^*b jlojlolj I. ^^> liil jy^ rep i Roentgen equivalent phy- sical; representative; report repairing repair ship ol^ repair shop repeated blow test repeated impact test o > I O-i u;i repeated tempering repeater (^I^L-) a^^^Ij repeating coil u^iJj J-^>» repeller ^a^A'jL ^j:S^\ replacing pattern with mo- (u)ld ((sj^'^^ij) iS~^^y. o^J replica ^^^1 «o^^^^«0l^^^. report J^J-j^:^ repousse work (ji^) c^ji^^^^-^^. repps jImT J cJL. ,Af j reproduction repulsion-induction motor c9^-, ,*U3l repulsion motor ^b jy^ >U<;) o rerunning ( C-AJ ) ^ res i research; resistance; restric- ted Research Association of Bri- tain Paint, Colour & Varnish Manufacturers oU.tt^j ol^JL research reactor ^jj> j^^TIj reserved road ^y..^^^ s^U- reserve piece ,^a> i^oo -ulai reservoir v_^Tdbl; ioy^^ reservoir engineering reservoir pressure reshaping c^r*^ ^'^' residual (oil) residual elements (jLJT) •l^;*^ ,^Up iJU-li ^^Kis- residual flux density residual magnetism residual stress residue ©ojUJI) i^Jaii- *ailo--.> resi 427 reti residuum ©^UJL. *^;J^ 5a; l>--^ resilience .^cUj.I c^iJi resin ols^f^^i ^c^i^j -i-^-* resin-cored solder ^b>>» ^^J resintering ^a=^^ ^.?^^^* ^^ resist t^-'i^^V ^yij ^^1^} 4^^l c^ljr'. (^>-* resistance ,^X^^f K^V.) -:^^'4> j!^^ resistance alloy resistance butt welding resistance flash- welding 1^? IgS I 0l*iai ,_^9lS' 0001 ^^ jl JL*,) (oxis.: Lii _^a5C At resistance forging resistance wire resistant ^ jIa>» .,)la> L resisting moment resistive-wall amplifier ■*. ^i resistivity resistor resonance ^>i^ «aj_a^ .^J^^ resonance potential resonant frequency l>i^ ^uLo resonant line ^\^ 1^ C-s*^ J U3 I a5"_5^ J liiS t S»>- ^y ) J Uij 1 Ja:>- C— I o<-X-i ^;;iiJ«J 1 c^l ^, <^ resonant line tuner resonator J\ rest >::-l .. i 0L.1J « Jo ^ A^>kAm9 y^ resting frequency restitution .cO-^lC) c-iTjL rest mass oyC- c^;?- rest period ijy^ restricted flow t^^lo-jloU^ restriking ret (»^ J v^?") ^^ W^ retail price ^-^^ »^^ t^W; retaining pin ^U. ^U- retaining wall OL^ jl^,^ retentivity ^y^l>^ ^jjo^l reticulation t^jL aC-i retm reve Radios Electronics- Televir sion Manufacturers Asso- ciation retort' tJ retort carbon e^ J^j retort furnace ^J •^f retort graphite retorting *sj^3^^ytJ retrace blanking ( ^- ) cJ^j U i»^ ,s^y^ retrace period c-if 3l> •js-^ retracting coil J^ •J J retrochoir ^^j*^ •^-^ return-airway JS'} ^ return bend rietiirn call system vU^ .i^^> return-flame boiler return-flue bioler return scTftp j^ j^^ 0^*j^\a. return shaft^ jS'\^ rettirn-lube^boilerr ■ rev I reverse; revolution reverbera tion '^y^ ^^J reverberatory furnace. reverse bend test^ ^^ u^i reverse colo(u)r sequence reverse current cutout reversed brassr. cr>3Ki*^ e^^ reversed polarity ^^.. ,/-i^ reversed sertes generatorr reversed' stresses ^ ^y Ux>. ^ U j b reverse flow forging reverse pulley ^^\y*'>jj reverse reduction tgear^ n reverse relay cc:?^**^^^^.^ ^ reverse si gnai^ ^^^if ^ fU reversible cell •*«r J* reversible elemeott , reversible rolling; '^Ji^.y^.'^.yt: reversing cogging mill t reversing gear( j^^^^i )ui*Sa>3: reversing key ^ii^ ^ reversing mill 4»J»>^i^^ r^ve 429 n fBt! reversing plate mill ^j^jy 3jy ^9j>^:i :>jy «^i? j-^s^jri-j- reversing switch J>lAi>. oAf reversion c-^i;U revet ^^^ k J^'^ ^. c^-'J'^^-^ revolution counter- ^A^^ ^y> revolving furnace revolving roll oifitfn revs 1 revolutions revs per min i^ revolutions per minut Reynolds' number b^y^iJ >^ IffVrf , ivfi > radio frequency; range-fin- der rardio^fi^qiiency amplifier render, float and sett ?; ■^■ relative humidity; right- hand Rhi hot- rolled rhodium ^Arf. iSi'*^#3; radar homing beacon -?►''•**> radio^frequency chocke red fuming nitric acid^ pup-,. ■ : . ^'miiMUtum^^ range-height converter rhenium ( ^ U^i.^^^:) >I> y rheolaveur coal- washing- ^ plant L^i^^^T ^ ^>yLlU:^ oif jl$' Theology or3>i>>'^ .^-Lj^i u ^^ rheostat rheostat ic braking ^^mL^x ^j rheostatic starter 31^l»b rheostriction; ^^ rheotropic brittleness RHIU range-he i ght i ndicator '^ -^ '"^ r.h.m 430 rich r.h.m I Roentgens per hour at one meter R.H.N. 1 Rockwell hardness number rhodanizing o^\ :> (^,^jj S\ rhodanometry f^i^Jj oL-jT^ ix^y ^^^tt^ts*- *i3^ rhodazing «^ ^y,f>.^^j ^_^o_jj v*^ ^ k c^J^ ^'^ 0<^ L^>> rhodium (,_j)^l-_o^^^ic^) ^.i^j^ rhombic antenna J^ c^i^ i>^T rhombohedral system rhomb spar (aj^^)c^y^^ rhumb (^1 .^ ,^i .^ RU rubber insulation rib *^ f^l i^f J ribbed armature ribbed bar jloi>-T ^T ribbed flat bar jlo^T ^T ribbed glass jlojLi; <-i^ ribbed plate ^lo^T ^Tjjj ribbed roller ribbed tube ^^s\*^^ ribbed tyre j\os>-\ dl-JLwV ol az^U; rich clay <^j:^ ^j rich colour ^j^yj^j rich finery cinder •^^.^ rich fining slag rich gas jlocui jlT «^^jir rich low brass tj^ *t^ s*^. rich mixture ^ i^^Ju.. ^c— I <^jI>-' ^)^^ ridge '-Jt^J ^k '^^ '^^J^ ridge capping ol^^l^ S^-J ridge pole rifi meter i radio-interference field-in- tensity meter rifle *i^^" rifle barrel * OU^ rifling «i^^" Oi^ rifling machine rig «l^x-^ <(^jlAr>- (S^^ rig builder (^^li^jT^ jl^'jU^^ (to) rig down rigging C^,^^^) cr-^'>' right and left screw j v->- ^-^ right-angle branch right-angle gauge right ascension right-handed thread right-hand rule ^^^Cz-^O ^opl* right-hand screw •oi^c-lj ^^ fight ward welding *i^ t*?*^ rigid coU ,c.=i- .^.L- rigid axle c.>ij^^:h^ *c-.l5 ,_L^T rigid body v^L-» rigidity v: rigidity modulus (to) rig up o:>fj\y. (_^jLft3- •IC:^-^ jl~>>* <(^^Uj>- #l5Ci-*^ rim ^iy«»3 '^^^ v^ «4*^ rim brake c^*- **A ^^^ y^J rimer jj rim lock *^»^ "^ c^jl^^i Ja> rim magnet c^b^ilou^ t^b^;^! rimming steel rim of wheel (J«-»yl) c.rr ^^^i* ring ring balance ^^^U:?^ (j^jl^' ring bolt tpU^)^^^^^ ring core Fing 432 rive ring gate Fing gauge ring gear ring heart (wJji Oj^) t^yll^ L- ) (iXJ j c^.^ ^^ ring spinning ^^^.j ^ou^j iring test c^>iL> c?^lCi^ ^, UjT ring transformer ring washer t^y^^ij ring weight ring wire c-«^<»-r- (to) rip (a5jl)^^ jii^ ripe wood db^>>. ^ »«>- ripping saw J_^ Sj! ripple current ripple noises (J^O ^ivii; Z^^o.^^ ripple ratio '^^.^ ^i^ ripple weld :l ■^^ ts J ^:. rip-rap (Jo^^:>- aCij^ ,/^^<>-4>d;^ ripsaw c/^. ojI «^:^!j^il rise t^jU^ ^^^ «^5':>^:> rise heading A^^:^ ^J*- riser f((^^dj-:>;,^) <,ai; ^\^ riser head rise ring riser main c-f^. ^y^ riser pipe Jl^^l aJ_^ ,c$>^*^^i;?i rising pouring c^U-^ <^jt->jt» rising steel (^ju^-TJ oY^j rising stem valve risque Of cracking on harde- ning A^ias (jrjb.^r^J JUi^l a->j^ river terrace tv/e 4499 ivmA river i transport rriv^t c^ riveted casing (Cii (_fjU5^) oOi ^^> AJ^ riveted steel c^^i ^"^y JiPlveter t^jL^^ J^^^ rrivet head ^^.^ rivet header i^^^e^ rivet heading tongs s:^ j^-T -rivet hearth ^j^^^ %jf riveting clamp riveting hammer riveting knob <^jl^^i jIj^J .riveting pressure (^^^^, jUs riveting tongs c5->l^^^ ^^^ rivet plyers ^J^^^i jljri' trivet point 5:^ l?^ .rivet set e^ ^-^^ « JL-c^i^ rivet wire RKT 1 rocket r 1 1 random length Radio Manufacturers Asso- ciation RM eelU Rubern-Meilory cell Fiiii i radio magnetic indicator rmm i Roentgen-per-minute-at-one -meter RMSi root-mean square 01 R:M.S value i root mean-square value ■O'l iRni radon road road asphalt roadbed road bridge »b Je road clearance road hugging ability /..nn road marking *b (_^jldd^M^ road mastic road 434 roen Aj^JL) oj^ <^aJa road oil road pack road station road system roaster roasting roasting furnace roasting in heaps roasting kiln roasting plant l«-jls' aj^^-i; olf j1$' roast reaction process robber iI^J3 J^. robot satellite cj^^^\ S^ly^U rock bit ^xU az>»^ rock boring bar (^jU:> ax^ rocker arm rocker pin ^^JTVI (S^j^.jy^* rocket cS\j .dl^^.. rocket propellant rock-gas c^s 3 If rocking -^.^xi cS ^ rocking feeder jUiUyoUjA-U rocking furnace ^losU^ .j^ rocking \eweT^iy^^j>^\*oV^^S3Jk rocking shaft rock pressure ^^^J a^^ ^Ui ;L- <£^. rock soap rock tar cis (to) rock the well o\s^ o^losfc _j J5Ci(^^AjL?- (^Li9 A, U^l — :ij») c.aS <^j -> J 1 5_5-«» ^^1^ ^Li.9 cl^>f^^l c^UaJ^^J Rockwell hardness number rod :>^j f J^iAA «Ai*^ ,J^ rod assembly rod coupling J^^^l^'A rodding ^bcxf^s <^bdf aL^ C.J ii J i-ftij I i ^ j'^-iJ^ i ( O^^ ^j:Sij„^^ ) rod grinding wheel rod heddle *J^^J .dULo.L^ rod mill rod pass rod pump ^^o^ LJj rod rolling rod wire ©oii^^ (»*^ Roentgen equivalent man roen 435 roll Roentgen equivalent physical Roentgens per hour at one meter o^^U dl> j^ ^^^Cii^j jloi* Roentgen -per - mi nute -at-one- meter 4L»l3j^ 4aJ^j^ ^^^^^j dU (Ulf 1^1 roentgen rays (to) roll Tollable ^M^-^y roll breaker ^1^ <^L-T .,^/I:Jj» (^L-i roll caliber :>jyj^ .dl^i^ ^i^" roll camber (j^i*) ^^^ 3y roll casting machine .LCi-i roll compacting 0^3 ^i^ roll crusher ^1^ c^W-T .,^,CJ^ <^M (to) roll down (^J) 0:>J'^Jy roll drafting ^->y ^' J* rolled asphalt rolled gold >^ o^jj rolled steel section roller <»^^ <^->^ idUU iU-» ^-idC:-. roller printing ^J^^ ^^ roller straightening roll face width cUiU J^ (to) roll in rolling (^->li) <^^ir<*-L.j(oljU) isJ^:>jy rolling angle rolling cutter rogk bit rolling machine foni 436' rose rolling mill ^->J ^J^ i:>J^ ^;J^J^^iX;^y ©15^1^^; rolling stand :>jy iS^ rolling texture •'^,^jy (^fe*^^ roll-jaw crusher roll (^turning) latKv (to) roll on '^^' j^o^J^^jy rolls roll scale o> roll welding ^^y\ (Jj^^ roily oil oT^s::^ ^iJ» jj^^ Romain mosaic U^j^ dL*l J^ roof ^^-u^n''^^' roof & pillar system roof impregnation asphalt roof 1 ng ^£}L,^^aI^ ^ U*A roofing felt roofing f Iiix f V^ roof rafter ku^ Ji ^;^' root' (4iU«) a;uj i('^-5i) A»L- root cutter (jy^^ly):/*^^ rooting J'\j^'o^^^jj^ root mean-square value root rolling ^^, a»U ^jy root run > »,lCi*»i rope^ ladder ^\A>^lyj rope railway aT^jU.*^ rope roll c'^r^^^i •s^.^' ropery.' csi.^r'^^ ^'^-'^ rope sheave j^ ^.;^t^» rope speed et^^**^' c^C^ ropihess t^^^^j^^ '^^u-^- ropy structure ->Ivx?^3j»»oUj:>'U^ rose J'^J^ ,dXji,'){9'^[J\ rosebit (cutter) rose countersink bit' rose-cut diamond (^ui)ca.Mi rose head <^h rosette oUiit .ljUuI s rosette copper ^y. rosette graphite «^>> c-il^ tfOfSl 437 rotci rosin .0^^. «<«-•-• rosin core solder rotagra vure p r i nl ing -^if .*^W rotameter is^j\j>) ^^^^-^jl .rotary array -t'*r^-^ji>b,p^ir rotary beam antenna,^ d^/.?*?? rotary b lower = . . . , • t)b^^ rotary boiler tsri^A^^ir liCo rotary breaker n ^ .rotary compressor rotary converter ,ub^>^:j^r rotary .crusher , V-i -rr rotary current .&?'-> UJ^kj?" jrotary dryer rotary ifield .motor .^l^^i^'nr^ .rotary forging ub^45u>S^ rotary furnaee j\i^ ^^ lO b^ 4i^jf rotary hardfining; ^ uti hah: rotary i jar ucr rotai\yiQven olj^ «^^ U b^^>x* US' U ,♦ j»j^ «(jb^ vijf.^ rotary performing pressu /i>i rotary < phase converter ::CiiU,)ob^jU jy^_^r .rotary punip J:^ js'^ ^*^" rotai^y saw < 4tW ^^ ^ ^h^i^^ )) notary strainer iTotary swaging rotary switch .ul.>^a.K rotary transformer .rotary transmitter rotating bench »*« rotating-bending test rdtating crystal diffraction rotating crystal method rotating field , >*vU4 b^^ t^la-* rotating plate ; biiai^^ii^jii rota 438 roun rotating top 0\:>J'^S% isj^ rotational flow rotational slip ui* *^-?^ »-''>^ rotator rotor <(->^"^j^iO -J^j-? rotor core rotor plates rottenstone J^^i-r^' flL^ rough (paper) ^^Ju^^ rough burning (jLXi_b C-:J-_^ «c/29li C^^- rough-cast oOuI-l^-J -ulaJ 4^L?- Is.k9 roughener jL^loil ^j^*4^ijb^^: rougher ^>5Cil^^- ^j^ .f^. ^j^i roughing O^' o^'^' «0^^^l^il roughing lath J-^Jc^^^^ roughing mill O^l ^^^ roughing stand roughing tool O^l J'\jj\y} rough-machined ^)i\ J'\j roughneck roughness meter roughness tester rough rolled O^l ^^y rough rolled ingot cir. O^ '>J^. rough surface a^^ rough turned rough vacuum ^ *>^ rough work ^^J^ «*Jjl jls' round about (^IaCU .Ij jl4>- round about island ulo^^ .aCJlj round bar ^^J^ round boiler t^Ul^x^l jUi<£x>_^ round edged scraper y,^ l^j round engineers file round-faced flat hammer round file ^^OU^ round head countersunk rivet i^^,:^ ^^ ^V"^^. round headed screw :>^ ^ 5^^ rounding (^r'^) ^sJ^^^^ round iron >^d^ round nosed pliers round nosed trowel roun 439 tea round-off file :>^^-^ <^^>=r round point chisel :>J'^^ (Ji round rivet ^o^*^^ ^ c^ round trip C*aJ ob>- aJ<» 4i>» \Z.JiS ^ ^ C->^ round wood rasp ^^ c?^^ route JiZS ^^.^.^ i^-ia^ fab router A-.J «^U routine teste routing machine OUij fl^oi-U routing plane rove ^li^^ ^ i^J^ roving roving frame ^^iLALxi /^U rowing Jh^k ^^sA revolutions per minute rps i revolutions per second ^ rr i reverse relay ^'5l RR , rr 1 railroad; railway; reclaim rinse RRDEi Radar Research& Develop- ment Establishment r s i relay selector; reverse sig- nal; ringing set; riveted steel; rolled steel; rotary switch Royal Aeronautical ? ^U Establishment ^U^l> c^^x^jl^I RSi radio station; radio set RPi rocket propel lant r sdg i rustic siding RT , R/T , rt 1 RPCl remote position control radio telegraphy; radio tele- phone; radio telephony ; receiver- transmitter; rota- RPFi radio position finding ry transformer; rotary tra- nsmitter rpm i RTCAi 4t0 robf^ Radio Technical Committee for Aeronautics Ktoi ratio radio transmitter radioteletype receiver RTT i radioteletype transmitter Rui ruthenium (to) rub 0^-:iL- rubber ^y^ «dLjLwV rubber acid -^^^^ ^.^^ rubber asphalt yry^ ^^ rubber cement J^^^"^ v— =r rubber conduit rubber coupling rubber dough ^^V dl^::-U .^C^V ^:r rubber file c^-j^ oU^ rubber finger stall rubber gasket J^--^ ^b rubber insulation rubberize i«il-j:L«V L. o^jT jS^j rubber meter jijj ^^>-^=^ rubber mill ,(^jL dU-V ^j> rubberphilic rubberphobic y^J' dLx^)! rubber seal J^-^^ ^^h rubber solution .sCz^V >>-^i rubber solvent rubber substitute dl^^V rubber tape ^^^-^ ^-^jly rubbing W^ O^^U-1 '^-'^ rubbing fastness .(j:'-'^i^^y uTi ^ -^'. ' y. ^^ <" -* '*'' '-^ ^*^ ' rubbing-off the rust rubbing over s^"^ 3j «^5'4U rubble ^,^> c^ ^-»^ '^"^ *^--' rubble concrete Rubern-Meilory cell rub fastness ^>_a> li^_^* U i3,^L' «vL-c.=^ (to) run hot jy^O^^^ rubric 3-*^^ c-iU.^ run idle ruddetT' ^x^ O^ .^ runiin ^laf L?- .0^^ :>jb rudder stern (to)'riin li^t ruddle runner «(c^.->y) ^i-o^ ruggedized construction (^1^;^ Ko*' ^^^) ^^^ «W-'* oiJ> rugosimeter e^-c^^.i runner-stick ol^^^l^ ^^ ^ rugosity c^jl^^^^b «(^^.i running rule Jl«Ar^^^ <.^^ j($' jjp f4>ai; o^^ •(v^=r)^i^^. -^ f^Ja:;- running free ruling price jj^ o-cJ :y y^ o^^^ J^^'^^^ run f(_5^A;:3i>j i jx3« J jAjoiJ running gate .lCa.|j(^U f^O^^Jl^ A^U L fe^jLoldj running-out fire :>jL loo U ^.1^ IC^>»T j^<^sx^l^ running time o^s'jls' ocx> jiT i^i^ .jls' '•^:>\ ^^. j^ e^ c^ running to coke iL jif j:>) jUj j^joU^ i(olCx-.^ running winding (to) run a swab runny paste 3^>^ ^^^^ oi: o^ j:> (jj>T,....> 0^^ J:J-b run of casing run-down Ji,^^' *^^ (^-^^ *^) <^-^'^^*^^>^ oLUt run-down battery run off ^'.^ '»-^ ^^^ Lipij .4^Uj (^^-L run-off syrup (cs^Luus) c-^.^ runo 442 ry run of mine fl^ Jl^j runout C):>J c^i .0^3 0^^^. runs ^^1^ -^^o .^sls' jloi* run steel sJ'^^ij -^V^ run- tank *^b Oj:=^> runway }(U.J^ib) jl^^ as L rupture ^Ci^^^-i" .^f jU rupture ductility ruptured zone ^^->k ^^-^ rupture strength j:jl^ ji.^ rupture stress Ruse lite ^^-,^^T) ^i"^}^j rush hours ^\j cj' rush periods ^^\J cjl rust u^j w^ij ioljU *i5Ci j rust about j^U iJ'J^ :>J'^ rust cement rust grease d^ j a-;, ^ri^^ rustic siding rust inhibitor rustless Jlii a^i^ajUSCij rust preventive rustproof ing o^^ w^.^i^^^^ rust-proof paint dCijo^X^j rust remover ^.^J rut c,^ -^-J «-^ ot-- ruthenium (^y.U.-^ .;-^^) ^3-> rutherford jI^ ♦•^^ sulphur; saddle reef s a i SAE i sectional area; self acting Society of Automobile En- gineers; Society of Automo- tive Engineers safety belt ^*ii -^.^ sacchari meter ^^ ^,z^_^V^. ^ i. . . 1 1 ^ i • i • safety catch uU-^l aj Uj .^>«i-* Sai samarium saccharometer 5;x^-JlC>-.^-0L;i safety code (5^^^:^^^. <^Uj^i-i sack cell c^j s\^) j\>»^ ^^ ** j i» •. ♦.! ^ safety dog ^y^J».r»«*^ •^^ - safety factor uU-^l v^.^r- sacrificial anodes t^Uoi 1 O.i ^Cj il ^^^ c^i.>) ^^y safety fence .U .ur.LeOU (c^oJ^s' c^U^ ^^^ j:> ol di safety gap sad-coloured cii U^- ^ ^ .cii U^- ij U> «^ «iC3^ .^,--- 'tC>j safety glass -^ n* ** saddening «^ij' tfjlT^iiz* ^jL^li^ji ^J^^*^. *^^ safe 444 sand safety lamp o^a £I^ safety load (^^.) j^«> j^. safety post JjjLf oL:>ol> safety regulations c^Uj^^^^ safety rod (jySJj) ^^ aJl^ safety screw uU-oJ»l ^ safety valve oli^^\ ^ sag <('^V k cf^^ j<^) O^li^^Ci sag rod (oUzri-u) ^_5^U- UW* sailing c?-?ij^l t^k-^i; 'ciiWek^ «ai ling ship j Ml> ^5^^ salamander salamander wool «c*-*-^f'T- salr^mmoniac eell: ; ^;: sfiiiient pole " 4ijib-^i \i-iaii saline pond ■'&•.) A»^>i> sal inometer • l^^i-i «^eiJ4Sslij .sflilt t2ell -'"-^ ^!^>--i- salt fog test i *' / /li; salting-in salting-out uL^jl(^l>t) o*.)^' saltpeter ojy^ salt resistance '^^ y. ' wTi ->-^ r-? ^*^ ( ^i^. ) salt spray test ( ^^^ j^) ^ li ciA^^T^ UjT salt water ylj^^;;, «lij^v»T salvo latch «i^i; ^>^lf SAMi surface-to-air missile :samarium sampling t^jb^/i^ ,(^j^4;_^ sampling test <^l-o^*i^UjT Sampson post dl;^ j^^^U^ sand ' ' ^U isa nd ac id ^i^y >i» j-^^M^ "V* • ,j8and& slimes , process ' - '^'''' sand asphalt !?«and Ibaih ( ^^^^^^s) ^-w U^ U^ sand 445 sapo sand belt j^^X, sand-blast barrel mill sand blasting ^->J-' j,^^j^^) v-i** sand scab {iS'^^^^j) c-5i-*-*-U sand sheave ^ sand sieve grading A-U O^^C^-J^.^i li sand sling mo(u]lding sand thrower machine sand-water blasting <^'^. c?^*^-> oUlai) ^jiT oLii sand-water cleaning c^-^lTj^^J sandwich coat ic^U.Va- ^^ f J^-J^-C^^ *> Va- JIA^ sandwich effect ^bi^du.:Ci sanforise sanitary wall paper SAPi sintered aluminium powd- er sapo II I saponification sapo 446 sawy sapond i saponified saponification sapphire ^^^ ^y *i sapwood (c—^ ->^^^) v>^ •^-^ *^^"*-* sardonyx ( J^J ) ^' ^^-> J*^ sash '^y*^ ^^ ••>^H v^ sash clamps ((^->^«i) **^^l «*^ sash plane **»! j j^ i-^-^ ♦J*'. •'^-^ sassolite «^y^* •-^^>'. ^^^-'^ (BOrHr) cJ>-L- SQti saturate SATAR 1 SATellite for Aerospace Research said I saturated SATellite for Aerospace Res- earch J^ C^\Im a^lyfcU satg I saturating satin cy^ '^^ (^^A) satining finish satin leather satin paper c5--H^.' '^^ satin weave ^^i c-iU ^-'») l^^^i^'^T sain I saturation saturated air saturation saturation index saturation temperature Satylite saw •->' saw-dust concrete saw-file saw horse (^•->') ^>' saw ing-s tone (S^^-^-^ •->' sawmill i^>»vyr^^->^ saw set pliers saw tightening screw sawtooth current iS^»j\ 0\^> o^ji- sawyer ^.vyr sb 447 scar Sbl antimony SB , sb 1 simultaneous broadcast; si- nglebraid; switchboard S.B.P.M 1 Society of British Manufacturers Paint SBRl selective beacon radar scl scale; science; scientific; screw sc I short circuit; silk covered; single conductor; single con- tact; , standard conductivi - ty; spherical candle-power Sci scandium SCi standard conditions scaffold bridge ^^i-^. oy>- Jj scaffolding •->^ 0^^ »->yi Jt^jltiTcw-jjb scagliola J^ISL.1 .Ui^^ scalar product jL:i-b v^,->iL,l^ scalar quantity (S^^ scale scale breaker jCj:, ai-^ ^jy scale deposit u-<^ scale-paper scaling «o«xi ^^Jii scaling rate a^^^ J^^^ c^^ scaling temperature scalp (^jU 4i^ ^^1^ (o*T) J^j scalping ^Vy ju^ ^^ o^i scan(ning) (<^>:>.>^') e^4»A; scandium scapement opL dJCi^ Cv=?' SCA , seal i steel-cored aluminium scab {^sS scaffold ».->; y^ iC— *JI^ SCAR i Special Committee on Ant- arctic Research scarf t^^U ^^ ,^^j\ j^ scar 448 sera scarfing &:^^(^ J^-«*^ scarf-weld ^^ (»-J isJ^y> scavenger {Jj0^j'u^\^)^y^, scavenging scavenging floatation sec J silk-covered cord; single cotton covered; short-circu- it characteristic s cei single - cotton-over-enamel; standard calomel electrode SCFMi subcarrier frequency mod- ulation ScHi scleroscope hardness schedule Jj*^ schem schooner J^^j^ Ji.^ Schoop process Scii science SCIi Society of Chemical Indus- try scintillation ^j J^j:> scissors ^yy** scissors junction scissors maker J^^/^ sclerometer scleroscope hardness test scoinson arch JIU (^ scorif ication <^^^ ^ scorifier ^^U; '^y, scotch J^^J^^ W Scotch boiler aJ^) jU« (iio^ Scotch dressing ^yJjUT scour « 0^i>». Li « (^ j Li I ^ scourer •ou^flU^^L-T scouring ^Jo^l--:- !^ ^^^^juj:. sc r i silicon controlled rectifier scragging ^ 0<^.ijj scram rod (jy^^j) OLuU»l aL. scraper jU^ .^iLi,<-J scrap iron A-il^ ^ykl (A^\ J o<^ sera 449 scro scrapping tool •'^-> scrap process 9»o i^ scratch awl u^j^ .^Ja^ Ojy scratch brushing '(Sj^^J scratcher scratch filter v'^ o*^ scratch hardness scratch test J'\j>- *^y t5^=*-' cri^-^' screed (->'^.^) isJ^^^^^ scree n ( 0^. y,j^ ) ^.^ ***-» < '^ .r* screen grid ('>Ip- »_^V) (^Ifti^ *^ screening 0^^*^}^^ screenings (.b) «i^ ^iU; screw s*i screw adjustment screw cap ,y^ c/^->^ screw center ^^9:** «iU^ screw clamp ^/y-* "^ screw conveyer screw-cutting die •a*.a^ screw-cutting lathe screw-cutting on ^\jt>oJ:> screw dislocation §. screw down (^Ji^s^ screwdriver j^^ s*i->^^ screwed nipple jboai^^^^ screw extractor jTj^s*i->'^J screw gauge ^*i t^l* ojl*^ I screw gear ^j^^j^^^^tyr screwing brass •„?«* js*i c^ ^. screwing die .a,a> screwing machine screw jack screw pitch gauge screw plate •Jbaa- screw steamer screw-stock die .juo;*-* screw tap o-^.^ scribble v^l* c^^^^jti ^5?"^ scribe awl scriber u^i>^ O'jy^ «jla;lia;^ scroll ->L«^ scroll gear O^^jU .oJi scroll saw scroll snip jU^^y^ scru 450 seas scrubbers ^. T ^sy^ i l^ • l^^:> scrub resistance scs i silicon controlled switch sculptor JL 4*--.>,j»,^I^^;JC*> sculpture scupper (^^)o^.^>Uli^l^^ scutcher ( ^oj^j) j^ I r^ U scuttle ^->c^Ta:^^^^ tc w 1 standard copper wire sdi seasoned sdi soft-drawn SDi solid-drawn; standard de - , viation s dev i standard deviation Sei selenium SEi r secondary emission SiEi surfaced one edge S2EI surfaced two edges sea dike Ji^^u jl^,^ sea gauge v^ij^ .^w-ljjj sea-going ship seal o_^A^^ iJo^ ((ji^ * ,j^ sealing coat sealing compound sealing compression sealing wax tPJu-^T ilV seam a-^ ,^y '(S^Sjj:> *jj^ seamless casing j^a^ aJ^ seamless tube seam welding ,^}j:> (^jK^>> seaplane c^^^ c^U-aly* search coil searchlighting season cracking (c'^. ^J) J-^ iS^J seasoned .j^^^ i.0Li ^tXz.>- seasoning ji, seaw 451 sedi sea water bronze jliS'^^aa sea worthiness sec i secant; second secant ^U ij^ «cJlC- second aj l: secondary (J^.) ^j>- .t^>iU secondary battery ^^J L *; Ip-db secondary coil secondary colo(u)rs secondary creep c^^^ u^^- secondary current ^^j^OU^ secondary emission secondary generature secondary hardening secondary ingot crj-^ section (profile) iron Js»^^ section mill (^jl-j«*j^ ^jy section rolling mill J-i^^^j^ sediment J^< y^--? ♦ ((^^ l» ) ^j^ sedimentation (^^loOU 452 self seed fibers tpkboUl seepage see-saw motion segment jy\3ySli^ (aaU segmental arch segregation ^iLCi; ,^*^lo^ sein (^^^^^s^^U ^b seizing selected fill ^J IV selection of test pieces selective annealing selective beacon radar selective corrosion selective floatation selective hardening selective leaching ^Jyl;^^ selective quenching selective ringing selective single-sideband re- ception ^^^jf^oj^ selector (0^iii)j,jiXlJu .^ojU- selector forks selector plug selector switch selenium (^U-ji-^,-*^) ^»-JL self-acting valve ^ir^^^^ self-actor mule self-adjusting arc welding self-annealing ^.Jui ^'-^^^^ self-excited jlosUb^^ self-excited generator self-feeding a;b>>-i>> self-guided bomb self hardening l>*->^ tP^.^T self-hardening steel self-induced current self'lnductance f UJb^^^,^ self 45t semi self-iDduction J UJ by^ self locking bolt ^^3^ c*i self maintained discharge self priming ^^'^y^jt.^^ self-recording unit self-sealing coupling v->a>.^ C*i>- JLjI «,3fti^ c^jiS^iii> self servo-action t^l^byi-^^" self synchronous ^Ji^ .IC^-^ self-synchronous device ^iT^yi- ^^^.4^ ol^i-^ self-tapping screw t^->Ui 5*-^ self-tempering selsyn i self synchronous selvage (^jLi»L») oL»:>^ selvedge aJl>. .^U^ SEMAl spray equipment manufac- turers association semaphor U^b semiacid brick Jo^l f^j>''\ semi-automatic advance semi-chilled (cast) iron semi-circular arc ^^^ Jll» semiconductor c?^U^ •liL-^'^-i semiconductor of type N semiconductor of type P semidiesel engine J>.^(*^->y^ semi-gloss coating semi-Goliath crane semi-killed steel (^bT^^^Vy semimild steel (»^ ^V^ semi-permanent mould semi-permeable semi-remote ^ semisteel ^y^ ua>- semistor ^IsU^y^ co^^Uj* semi-transparent »-^li^(»*»T iljli J^^) ^j^^j OL- sensitivity c---U> sensitivity time control sensitized paper sensitizer (^U^^^) J1^Lj> seiitinel o^o* Art^lAL-j)JU-j:J U separable spark plug separated tank separately excited generator separating plant separator f ( c^^' U ) ^^-X^ U^ separator box sepn I separation septic tank jLiI .J** «iils Ij clA-fi-- septum Ulc- <-/•>>->■> ser i series serge •5^ cil I a>-jU series connection series drum winding series-parallel series-parallel dimming series-parallel control series transformer series winding J^^ s*r»^ series-wound motor serrate "O^l^ cri^" serrated chisel a, U ^ serrated vertical pulse service loUa^ serviceable life serv 455 sf service area service capacity .^^*-l c^Ji service entrance oU-ul c— * service message service rifle service road service shaft ^JLS .l>- service stress jlTjU olTjUi servo action y^J o^.oi; servo-amplifier servomechanism ,^-^IC.j^^^ servounit ,^^lC^j^ sessil dislocation jL^ ^5*-^.^ set 0^^^ ijljH. Ic— i iol5Ci-:> set hammer iSJ>^^J^ set screw ^, , «^ setscrew (^>> e*i « o^Li ^-^ setscrew wrench c^>> e^ji^T set-square Ls^ set steel CH^a-^jio/AV^U^Vy set stoping L «lf jir set timbering iS^^y^ setting i<,j\0:>J' setting out setting point .^^z--. liai setting screw setting stick (^^'^j>>) iL-->j setting test .y^:^ yj J-*!^'^ settlement v>--> <«^W-c i^ settling tank (cJ^) sett-paving sett system set-up c-TU .a;^ .Jju severe atmosphere ooj^^^^jl^- I sewage v->>lili sewer ^^Jjaf.yM-il> sewerage system sewing-cotton sewing machine ^^Lj^- tj^ sewing thread J»U- ^ sextant (vk^.jli ♦y'^) Olx-X- sfi self-feeding si 456 shan sii square foot s.f. i ^ semi-finished SF i ' signal frequency; superso- nic frequency; sunk faced sferics i atmospheric interference SG , s g 1 screen grid; screw gauge; sheet gauge; single gauge; spark gap; specific gravi- ty; standard gauge; steam gauge SGM , s g m i suppressor-grid-modulated shi * shunt sh8 .13 sheet steel shackle 1 j^r^. v>^ •3l^->^ 0>^^» shade (d^^) ^ly .*tU. shaded jb*i L A:>-jl> «JW- ^-'^ shaded pole motor ^^ : . ^_5--^ 4iL> 0L> J^\^lei dUAT^y^Uj shade-lit glass shadow i ng < ^y. ^^ a^-;?-^. shadow mask shaft fo^U «j^9«> .J^ shaft furnace (^lAsl^i-l J^^ shaft hoist 0^^*^ j:^> J^l,^ shaft horsepower ->^^ 0\y shafting shaft journal j>*.^ <^jj Ol5lrli shaft kiln ^1>. c^j* *ii*' •->/" shaft tunnel ObjlTJ-^ a-.*:?. shagreen leather isj-^ ^^ shake-proof washer shallow hardening shammy ,^^6?- shank «*U» <*^ r^ shank cutter ^r^^ • ^J shank-end mill shan 457 shel shantung shaped drying plate for core shape mill J**^^^ ^-'^i shaper u*'^ 4p«iu» shaping o^W- ^*Ja*j i^^l^" ^^i^ shaping lathe u^l^ou» .Id-*^ shaping machine share ^j.^ ti^ «cr«=*" v>*T sharp bilge j^:^^ ->>^J shatter-cracks ^_^ t^W^^' shatter-proof glass shaving <^^il (^l^.)c,^ c^->^Cil^- shawl .^jLil .JL shear Oo^JuT i^^U .^r^. shear box test shear force ^jk ^ vt^ shears ^^^^^ shear strain o^->^i ^ jc^s**' shear strength ,^^->^ ^IC*i-l shear stress ^^. ^r^' ij'jk ■^^. shear test J^jkiJ-i^^^ sheathing o^ ,uir t^UAxa;; sheave ^^^ k *^J^ shed A^t «^ ci>:>j >e (** 31 jlJ shedding harness shed rod (^jl:sL) j:zy. *^J'^. sheep*s-foot roller sheer v*^ ^ .A^ o*-Ji t?U»l C-sL ^^ J »-^*^ ^^k {4il»^ sheet fj^lT A;»tA-*» {^y»T fljU Jjj Ol *-^^ t^'^. O^^k ^.5■^•^ w-jU1» sheet bar ^.tP^ a*-J .<^U.,^- jlJ^, sheet billet ^>«i a,.--J sheet brass ^^. Jj^ •Jjj ^y^ sheet gauge sheet glass fl^ sheeting f(cJb •!;>■) (^jIoTa]^ {(^U^Jlr A:>-jl> i^^ J^'\ i^yS^Mi sheet iron ^y^T J^^ sheet-iron with projection sheet metal work .c^jL- ,^4^ sheet steel ^^Jl> «il3U ^V^ 3jt sheet steel single riveted shell vi>t^ .*i-ji shel 458 shoe shellac ilVU shell bit t5i>^ *^ i^jjiili Ai^ shell casting shell-end mill shell innage shell mo(u)lding shell plating shell pump j\ j:> 4--U b JT LJu shell transformer ^la^->^ J^^ sherardizing ^^ ^\j^ U ^^ shift 4jl^ c-»^ shifter pin oou^rocL j[>- shifter spring .aurjJb ^» shifting fork o-Li j^ i^iUU shifting spanner <-*!> ->1>-T shim (^) oV .^.V shingle JUy iO^J'Jy^ Aia^' shingling (^^Cifbl ,(^jIs^:l; 1 ship canal j^,::^Jl:^ ship draw o-^^ ,>--lioT ship fitter .^c^l^ shiplap (ax^- J^) ^> jU^ iSJ^^^ shippers C^>-Xj _5 ^ >\y^\^ ^r^l «t5^^^ ship's inertial navigation system '<:>Ju> dlS L iS^jy I, j^ J (^Oj 1 — * Cj 1 la*» _j v^,*_C-^^j Col* jU^ #ld**i ship way ^Uj^ o\j shipyard ^SJ U-;i^ *S Ui- jlT shli short length shlpi shiplap SHMl simple harmonic motion shoal water nlBiJaitftis ^yS' f^<^\ idUlol <«^lil* shock absorber ^» li^ shock concrete shock resistance i^s^M ^.^ shoe 459 shot shock wave t^l**.^ c>* shoddy 4^«r ^^ shodop i short-range Doppler shoe icjl^jliji^j ^i-iU !*::^^o S. hook oui U S vMJ shooping v>^ ltj-? ^.^s-^^^J^* Shoop-plating shop •IT^IT shop drawing ^iT^ir^^Lis shop foreman .If jl$' J}^ shoran i short-range navigation shore -L)<«^ shoring up short brittle iron .o^^Ci oo^- short circuit short-circuit characteristic short-circuited rotor shorted ha If- wave line shorted quarter-wave line AX— J C>* t*.-^ '**^ shortening condenser O^ I C^ Sails'© Ij^OJU- shorterizing ^y^^ 0^1 jo T shortness (ji>) ^ooxsCi short-range Doppler short-range navigation (^^^yUji *yi,^\j *!--->» t^^J^ Ail^ short rifle .l;^(iCa; short staple oli^UU- (,^i..JL^ yy/y }\^\^'^) short stick J^ t<>-j^)»\sjS':ijl short-time duty •U^jIT short-time rating j\^^^ J€ short ton ^.^1 j^) clL- ji short wave •^^rzy^ (JJC-j-^ roooo I; )f'oo short-wave choke shot ij^ ^y. f-U shot-blasting machine shotcrete J'J^.^U u>o shot drilling 4.«^LL <^^Ui> shot 460 sick shot-kick ^jUijll.^^ shot peening shotty gold cjlA;b^>U» shoulder shovel ilailjiflp- .. cT^^ '^^y^J^ J's^ shp i shaft horsepower shredder •ox^r^^ .dl^j^-^u v_^L-T shrinkage «>Lil iC— :ij shrinkage cavity .^5x--ij di>» shrinkage crack iji.^\ ^j shrinkage hole IJ^ «^?.....:.s dU shrinking-on <^jlaf AiL> ^.^ shrinkproof (^j^) ^^y. ^^v^ shrink rule .c-^ ^5'ki- shrink tear shroud J>U>c?l^, Li» f^Ld-o^^y sh. t. I short ton sh. tn i short ton shunt loUiil «CwJ!. (<^^.) c^i'i^ J^^"' shunting o^J' j^ L» shunt winding ^j s^r^^^t- shunt-wound motor shut-down 4i L^jl$' JJa^i ij^^ly shut-down periode shut off ,o^^<^<-x^.T shut-off valve J-»j ^ <«Ja5 ^ shutter shuttering t^-^v shuttle •j>-'U shuttle armature shuttle box ^l-* shuttle dumper iS^y^ cS\^ shuttle guide ^j^^ Sii silicon s i c I specific inductive capacity sickle 4iU-l^ ,^b sickle pump t^U^ *-.J^' sick 461 sili sick ship ^^^J J^ j^ sidearm (^^ l^ f^) c>^^^^i-l sideband isty.^^^ ^^y^ ) ^ ^ ^ ^. side-circuit side-contact (^.^b) v^^V dl^U side-cutter w/'^r^. -^^ side-cutting nippers side-cutting pliers ^.J*j>^^^' side-pressure siderurgy t^ij^j'-^- «t5jlCybT side-skew brick ^i ^ ^^ side-tilt stability side-tracking o*'^'*'' (^->iis^ side wall ^.^jI^^ «^j-i^ jl>i^ Siemens '0-=^.-^ Siemens-Martin process sieve (^*-'.^>» t^U^u^ ^^1 sifting 0:iJ'^U sight u ^^^ (<£^li;) ^j^ sight distance sight rule SIGMA I shielded inert-gas metal- arc welding sigmoid a^j^ «oui U S signal JUC^ .c^>^ i^^ «fL* signal frequency f>Lo^U signal generator iL-^Lj .Kl-i signal-meter f L* oo^i 4>u- signature oi^ C-^ signet ^.^ signet maker u''j'w;«^ sili silver Silal ^c^^J^ %9) J%^ 0^ .>j ^o/r .jXu ^o/v *c^,^Zr silencer JiU .^^TaA^I-a-* silent arc v::-rL a*^^ .c-TL^y silica (SiOx)^rJ-- silica gel o-J^ v*--=r silicat process silicon (^i^^r^c- ^-^--) f>^-l^ silicon controlled rectifier silicon controlled switch siliconeisen ^U^^^^L- ^T siliconising ^b^^^--«J^ sil] 462 sing silicon steel (^^"Is^-ri-- ^V^ silico-spiegel S 1 1 R (.JLi ^ I silk-covered ^y^»,^>l J^jj L:<^-- si Ik-covered cord silk screen printing silk throwing (»^-^j c'^^y <^'^. J ^. — '.^ silk yarn (v^.^J c^ sill .If j:> ^-iT (U>- ^-j UJU^^ silmanal JlsUL-^_^bu silo ^ silt J3j^ .Jf .tiV ij».l > L,.) f^ -^ silting Jl:aJ'is)l silver •^ silver bullion aC--^ ..^ u^^^ silver plating o^b*^ oT silversmith ji^«^ •^^^^^s- silver solder f'/f o^J •^ (^ silver steel :>Vy) fl>o^ ^V^ loir js\^^ ^j^ loic, j^\^ similar poles f Lu> <5W4»* simple harmonic motion simple machine .^L^^U simple semiconductor simplexed circuit simplex winding ©^L ^^-.--- simultaneous broadcast J^ simultaneous- successive in- duction hardening sill 1 sine sine *i.jiJ o'i-^^r- sine galvanometer singe(ing) a>-jU o^l^jT singing arc '^^^^ **^ single acting single-bevel butt joint single-braid ^tj^ ^^ single-button carbon micro- sing 463 smn phone o^iji^ single carriage way road single-column manometer single conductor ^^^ dl; J^IT single cotton covered single-cotton double-silk co- vered J^ iJ ^,k single cut o.bdL single deck c^l*^^ dli^^z^ single-head wrench ^- dU jU-T single-iron plane c=^ dU .oi^ single-phase v^ ^'' <3U^' single-phase circuit breaker single-phase double-throw single-pole JiclL ..^clL' single-pole circuit breaker single-pole double-throw single pole single throw single process J-»i^ o^>^ single-pulse voltmeter Single-screw ship single-sideband modulation «j;«4il I » Jul) ^|4,I>»I^ J^b4.90 single-silk covered single-silk over enamel single-stage compressor -^ single-stage gear-shift starter single (-start) thread single throw jj^\^ -^M^r^ single-track ^ J» dU .^^^-cU, single-U butt joint single-V butt joint sinistrosal helix ^^f-^ s^->L. sink J^^ij^ 'C^ '^^^^J- 'C^ sinna knot ^-jlj o^ sins 464 skip sins i ship's inertial navigation system sintered aluminium powder sintered carbides sintering .^^^^^^^ sinusoidal jh^y^^ ^^y-i^ si phone sisal JU*-^LJI six-wheel car ^j^^^ ^ ^\y size «Ui^»jlaSl ««jlai I size paint ^yU ^j size-stick <^^<,jla:l ^JU sizing i(^>-jli)0^jjUT sizing mill jLoloil ^j^ sizing pass t^jL ojloj I sizing screen S.j.l - soldered joint skein *^^y}^ (^ c*)^^^ (^jb j> ijU r^f' ^jy, yS^ skein dyeing oMT iSJJ^'^j skeleton construction skeleton drum oozjlCiri-t^L^sCiU skeleton type piston tr ^^^ O j^' -^M. ^ * fc* Oyi*m* : » skelp 4]^ cijj sketch ,^J> sketching board j ^ skew oj^ K0^.>.^") ^^,y^ skew bridge 5»rj> skid «(^ji> ^i.->^ **c^' skid-polishing ^*^ U c.:i-b^ skiff liU-^^.^jU ^^^ .4,^^ skillet 4;^ (to) skim jfU-c^i jl Oj^^o^j^ skim-basin skimmer (^^i)^^Xir «^fo^U^ skimping ^Lijla>. skin ^^'-'^ '^^^*^>j skin effect (^^Jc.-^ ^1 skin friction (oVL-) Ai^^, ^JU skin-pass OU I* ^j^ .«ii-^ ^^^ skin-rolling OLL^jy .ctL- ^^y skintled brickwork u^ skip (y^S ij^) ^jjl> o^ skip 465 sley skip distance skirting »^^J^ skirting board skiver sky-light skyscraper url^U-l sky-wave-synchronized loran S.L.I sea level slab *u^\^jj J-^ slab concrete slack bilge (,^i^J slack wax ^--.i-^j v>>'->^ slag u-b «4>»Uj J «o-^L.-j-; 'oIj,/*- slag-cement tS^^->^,^ Ot»--» slag dump toj^..^- ->^' slag off tP^ol*.^ slag patch slag puddling slag wool (^'•->l*.^r- (^ slaked lime a^^ ^il* I slam-proof {cj^^) C>^J'J^^J slap brick c^ v--J ^^-ilT slasher lS^^ ^u>- oI slat cfjii j\y «*:^=^" ij^y slate c>J <^-^ slave valve ^> *^,^i slay _ sley sic 1 straight-line capacitance sldi solid sledge hammer sleeker sleekers (t^^Aiai* j)v-J li (SJ^ y::^ ->'>J sleeper <(o*T.b) u-->^J^" sleeper beam iS^jL^ ^ sleeper screw sleeping bag s^\y>'*^ sleeve o^ i v>i-T tj^y, .vJ>^ sley ^J^i^ ffl^jt^ sley sword t^l**]^ «,,y»^i-»-i a«»^^ cS^ \j.,.^ yj^^ «A;b aT htf? sif 466 slop sIf i straight-line frequency slice J-^^ slickers slicking (c^^a^^j) ^--Jli iSj^^j slide «Jk-^ Ai-J lO^oOjj A9cA^ tyS slide bridge (.U slide rest ul^^o^.*«j^jj slide rule v-^^ jSXx^ slide-valve tsiy^^.-'^ ;' vj^*^ ^^-'•^ H-^^'. ^>ft*'^) slide-valve chest sliding gauge u-J/" sliding.gear transmission sliding resistance slime (cJj,>:53l) ^ «Jf slimy c^ sling ^^ft>«ii f(iC:iu JO. lJ-C> (»-s-» A__aL> fjjlTiljO ,j-r>^j i^.tS'^^JJA slinger ^^*j" <^^^<>t->U .I^Il-^ slip oUj^ K->>^.) c/>^ *c5i^. ^ slip bands J-jiS i>^>- slip casting ^>i t^^<^j slip joint Ai^LliiTy JL^'I lOl^ J--iAA slip joint grip (Ford pattern) slip nipple li^tii^^y^ slippage slipping clutch Azci-^ e>^ slip plane C^-j^.) u-yi ^^a--' slip rings slip socket slit gate slitter vifrlT (^l^^i-tf Sjl slitting cutter ^/x--lj i> slitting file Oi JU Ol*^ slitting gauge ^ oil ail slitting saw (iSJ^) ^.*^1 J :ji .^roj :ji sliver (^jIT ^-,-U ,J'^^^j) aL:j sliver lapper ^^Vc— ^. slope ^^ jh^ •(^^.-^'wT' «v^ slope deflection method t^^b^^--JCp)l^lC. ^^ij J Ul^j Jjj (^J>* slope of cutting ci^l ^^l^^'b^ slope of embankment isy,J'^ Jh^ slop sink ^>^>u^ slot 467 smel slot iIL>- *^^ slot cutter ^^j }J slot-headed screw slotter jTj:> jL^ iOj^^ •l^z-^ slotting machine Jj^ c^^ slotting tool j\j^6\^ j\y) slot(ted) washer J^^^h slow tensile test stub ij'^^^,^) ^ slubbing frame (^a:...^j) *Jui5 o^U sludger f^l j^^-U U JTa-^Jj sludge value Ol^ vi>-r-^ slug Kv*i^>^-^) •^^^-^ wT^ slug flow c^lAiflJ Oli^ sluice valve ^jiy^^ «*^^ slump test slurry OU-t- j3-:*-> i»M* «<-^Ipj^ slush oljU <£^ jo-i ^^j slush casting slushing oil sluggish sluice sluice gate slush pump (<^->li>-)^3J5' s*J^> si w I straight-line wavelength s-m I signal meter Sm 1 samarium ', . . ,^ small arch dlsU* small-bore rifle small calorie •^^^s'^^^l^ (c.g.S .l^Ju.^ j^ U^jloi* o^l^) small iron bars cJLo itfOPUjI^^^ ^J-^ «viL-' t^-*-"" small nail bit ts*-^^-' *^ small round file ^y c^ 0U>- smalls 0<-^-^ ^s'U- .J Uj *r di- smal 1-scale test smalt ^^ J}*^*^ smash O^^^j^ii- iO^J'^jy>- smectite c^jlTo^ Jf .JUo^ Jf smelter coke (^3^^ b:^ <:lAr smelting (^^3'^ smelting house t?^*^-> •^j'^ smelting works o«»To^S a; \^J€ smenogenic smit 468 snap smithing isj^^ .(^jITdUi smithing coal (S^^^^\ oj^ (S\y, y^y^ Jl^j smoke black o^^ smoke curing smoke drying smoke jack uli^^=>^^ smoking coal smooth bore OU-^y, tiCu; smooth core armature ^y>^^j^ (^jloS f!l>- Ol 4I-*») smoother *) U smooth file smoothing chocke ^>sJ>». smoothing plane ■%& smoothing rolls smoothing tool c^b^jl^l smoothing trowel ^jlTax^ aJL. smoothness smooth plate SMPEi Society of Motion Picture Engineers SMPTE i Society of Motion Picture & TV Engineers (to) smudge ooJ U^ smut •L-c^l«5G^, smutty residue .L- c^UsG^ Sni "^^^ tin SNi saponification number S/Nl signal-to-noise snagging belt ((S^^^^^j) ^ JoUCaU A.O-J snap ^Jis %^ snap 1 system for nuclear auxili- ary power snap flask mo(u)lding snap gage snap head (c^) ^^^^>^^ snap 469 soap snap header snap-on tong t^jl>-T «<^,^^jl>-T snappy rubber .oojjdLjL-V snap ring v>»L.i j^^i UU- snap switch (v3^) c?^ ^^ snatch block dX>-^ tJJ v^ S/N Curve i stress-number curve sneak current {3^^)^s^^ ol^ sn earl ing iron iSj^^\^:> j»>T snifter valve ^j^ ^^^i^^ snip is^. ^^ ^ sniper's rifle j\^c^,jj^ ^'^ SNMl Society of Nuclear Medicine snow dozer snow fence snow white soak soak away soaker soaking soaking charge soaking drum soaking pit soap soap ashes soap boiling soap-cutting machine 0^ l-* %j\^j^\m Ol,- 0>» L-» soap-cutting table soap die soap drawing *:tli^ ,_^iX3^xi> soap drawn wire a> ^T^^jyu^. soap factory c?j^O>^. L-» as L^-^ir soap floatation «-iS' L(^jLjjL^ soap frame 0>^. L^ v*^ l» soap framing soapiness (j>>L* ^^jl:>^ ojai soap mo(u)lding u^U. ^>Jli soap paste 0>>L>^j,U .o>»U»^n-*^ soap stamping press soap stock soapstone jL- cCl- soap works c^^0>» U» *) \^J^ soapy clay <.^ er-> «Vwrr l/-> socl 470 sodi Soci society Society of Automobile Engi- neers (IC^I) (J-rt^yl 0L-- Society of Automotive Engi- neers ti^-^-* oL-'tu^ aj^j»L> Society of British Paint Ma- nufacturers Society of Chemical Industry Society of Motion Picture & TV Engineers ^^^ Society of Motion Picture En- gineers Society of Plastics Industry socket i^-^V s-i,^ -^ 015 IjU « *1^,^ <^^ J^^ socket wrench 'csV^ ^ 1^1 soda ( ->>i-^ ) ^^^ j^ ^-^ ^ J^ soda alum (^--•^T o-^ ^1 j Na^SOf, Alx(SOf)r.rfHxO(^.^ soda ash v W. ^^^^ ^^-^ soda_ash roasting soda boiling soda-lime glass Ojl^AZ-i soda lye .Ui soda-niter ^}^ h^ '^y^^J' »->>-^ soda process j^^ j^ soda pulping J^^i- ^^e sodar i sound detecting & ranging, sound radar soda salt ^^-j-^ ^^^ soda soap 8*,^*j a- o>* L-» soda wash *^ j>- i>- ^, c?->l^,>-:*^ soda water oo^-)!:*^!^ o' sodium (t5iU*^^?*'»^) (*i^^ sodium bicarbonate (NaHCOr)oi^c/>^ sodium-chloride salt bath sodium-silicat mo(u)lding soft 471 sold soffit ^>i o^^ i3^^^j ,Lo-:ilI» soft annealed J^ITt^jIClJ soft carriage dL Ip-j^ ^f I^ soft clay ^ji'^^^ J^ soft coal softening .^^jU^^ softening annealing softening of lead .v^r- cri^^ softening point softening temperature softfat soft fibers soft magnetic alloys soft mud process softness soft paste porcelain ^j ^-:-:>- soft petroleum ointment soft porcelain .. ^^s ^^=^ soft soap ^i^ u>>U «^l>« u>>l.-» soft solder .^^ <»^>.3 soft spots ((Sj'^^^ij) f^ i»lii soft spring «a.ai oT^j soft steel c^^J'fS' ^V> .^^ ^Vy soft valve '>U-<^ ^^^1 v<^V soft water ^^ ^'\ softwood ^j v>>- soggy £JLus .v>^ soil-cement oU----±IIp- i,^L^ soil corrosion l^TU- ^^j^ soil pipe o>Uli aJ^ solar colors t^ou-*l ^jT <^l^^ solarization solar oil cWji^ solar salt ^^*:»^i •bJI) Uj^^iUs solar scarlet is^^y'S^ y^j ^j solder (»-3«3 soldered joint ^^^ JL»>"I soldering ^sJ^-^^ soldering acid soldering copper *i>^ ^ ^j^ soldering flux soldering gun (^sJ^*^) *i>* soldering iron *ty* sold 472 solu soldering pewter c^jl^*-pJ eli soldier course ^.>» {SJ^jf\ solene c>iJ^, solenoid (^ «s*^«- sole plate jl\ US' f(^ToU)dbJU sole weight .3^ Oh '^,y solid solid bearing solid-belt pulley *>■ solid blue 4;>-jLsCj O^Jli'^. «^>» jLx.> 4«w^j c,^ solid carbon ic^lySC^ ^^ JUj S.lS\^ SojUJUji UaJ^jir solid carburizing solid cyaniding o^W- t^jl^^y U- solid diffusion Ju» l;> cJ l^ ^. S^ solid-drawn 3^«x.» solid-drawn tube Jj^v a1^ solid fuel a^l:>C^>- solid geometry ^'Ui 1-»x:p» solidification range ^.U^aL,^ (^U) ^IoJ>cJ1 ^U^ *-:"^l^ oUool solidifying point solid lubricant <^W" J^y^j solid of revolution ^yl^^^(*>«^ solid oil ->>^^ cri-7^ solid(ification) point solid rubber ^^y) solid shaft ^y j^^-* solid skirt piston ^*,y 0>:--i solid solution ^^l^ J^»- solid steel ax^lTj^V^ .^►bT ^Vy solidus (curve) .^-^^^ -l*^ solidus line ^o'i^^ ^ solid tyre ^.y.^.^' solid wire <^Iax^jl1L" j»--. solion t solution ion soln i solution solox ^Jiio J53I sol rubber y>:y'€ ;a;yd:> ^j^ solubility cJ^l^- solute aojyd^ solution J^Jb^ solution annealing solution coating solu 473 SOUD solution heat treatment •Ju» l>- J^i»«j» jJ-XjljL ^yjl^;^ \Z>\3^^ solution ion solution treatment solv i solvent Solvay's (ammonia soda) pro- cess ^y^:> ^^.^^ o^^ solvent J>^ solvent dewaxing sol vex ^^JyJ' solvus (jjii) jy*il 3^ •u'jA- soly i solubility sonar I sound navigation & ranging sonic barrier ^*>- j^y,> sonic testing soot o^^^ sorbite (j^) ^-:i\j-' Sorel's cement sort 0^^<^*>^>»3j 4^^ sorting o^^t^*^.^'> .<^iL-j^ sorting screen it^J^* AJb Jl*^e sorting table S.O.S ^Iv^' >^ ^*>^ sough Oo^ **'>»T sound altimeter I ^^^ ->'>i^ sound barrier sound bars *Jy^ t^U^V sound boarding .*i3;j l> <^axjla^ sound casting c^^ f^ **^ sound cement sound detecting & ranging J^^y^ *ijy^ J^^^J sounder »u>i Uf sounding c5*A«3*^ ijlo;^ i^jAiUT sounding lead v^.J«> <^«^lijj sounding rocket ,^LliI^ db^ sound navigation & ranging •^y^-? c^>* c'>»i *^>* ii-^x5L«^i soun 474 spar soundproofing sound radar jl^^ «^y^^ jl^b source <*^ .» sour crude j\:>^J'^ %o^j^ cii sourdine \^^ o^*^ «^^ sour gas ^liiH^S I jlT sour oil >^b^^>f ocxi^^ cJti sour sulphur SOW (iron) c/*^- J^^ s p i series-parallel; singlephase; single-pole; soil pipe; stan- dard pitch; steam pressure Spl spirit SPl self-propelled S.P.I standard pressure space charge space factor space lattice spacer space ship spacing washer ^^^ ^i^ spall jA J '^^^ ^^ spalling i(ol^) 0^<5l^^^ spalling resistance span (^bi-? «v>*^^) *i^^ spandex Ol^jjl J^ ^IJl spandrel *i* v^ fi3U» <^-^ spandref step spandrel wall 3\i> iS^j Jx^ spangle gold >^ ^i>> spanner •■^^ *jW^ spanner wrench .c-^.U J^ITjUT spar !jf:i '^j' 'V^i^' ^^^ spar drier spare part ^^. iJa* spark advance ^ji- f^^' spark condenser ^^ OJl>- spark gap («3^.) **^ ^^ ^-^ sparking alloy *)ou* «i^ j'jT spark machining spark-over J^.J^^ '*^^ spark(ing) plug jyy^ e^ sparrged spat 475 spec c5!yr cfU^j^-* ^^ (^-^-'>^ specif ic emission spdtter jlisj\ v*i,^ «j^<^-? vi.-r^ Ol^^ Jf .lCi-:> iOl^<^U oi5Ci-^ specific gravity J\^ spatter pipe specific heat •Ji^c^'-/ ^^j'^ J'^j \ ^-u cl^pc:^! ^y specific humidity spatula 4] l^ .iJi^ir ^^-«^ ^.^-^ specific inductive capacity ^ P ^ 1 series-parallel control *^-'' "^ "^^^ specific resistance SPCB . spcb i O-^ c-^jU^ .u*,^-^.^ c->»jU* single-phase circuit breaker, specific surface single-pole circuit breaker ' (a-U) .j^j c^ specific tenacity SFDT , s p d t i (^) .j,^ ^^u u single-phase double-throw; „^^„ifi^ „^i„™^ ®, *^ , , , specific volume ,u^ya:>tA f,»i>- single-pole double-throw / • ^ ^ \ speaker /ouL ^-^ ^ ^^^) -^-^ ^ spear .-.L- :L. specific weight u->^ ...X^ spear head wrench specimen ^>;i c.1^. Ai^ , . , T spectral line ^iJ» J*^ spear-shaped chisel spectrograph ^\.J^ ^\s .^:^U ^ii ^^ ^^. '^^ -^ spectrophotometry,.5=?^->^-^^ spec i spectrophotometry by absorp- specification; specimen *io^ ^.^i^-cy^^--^^^- «-^ Special committee on Antarc- spectroscope tic Research Sjij a^^^ ^ '-M' o^, ^4^ ( oo.^ jUo Ui L ) 8^. >:^ o liLi^J spectroscopy specialties oj*,^ ^yui oUs.i>» oi^ '-**^ •c?=*^-' ^*^ specification ^i oLw^-:^ spectrum yUo .^iJ* specific damping capacity spectrum analysis spec 476 spin speculum (metal) i^Jj ^^i* speed governer speedometer ( oW^y ' ) -> '>♦*- y^^ ^U^' speed reducing gearing speed-up operation speis(e) <^i«C^ I.^.») ^^_Lil speiss v-r*^' spellerizing spelter '^\^ iS^j i^\^i'* (j^j spelter bronze ^sJ^^^^ tJ^ spelter solder ^y, <^ spelter works nsy^j tJ^ •^ ^^ sp » sp gr i specific gravity spherical candle-power sphericone cJu jl>^ 0^^* spheroidal cementite spheroidal graphite (^Uli c--*i^ 'c?^^ v:^'^ spheroidizing spht i specific heat SPIi Society of Plastics Industry spider lou» ^iU-j* *iJb>- spider gear J--J l>,3 3^ SoJi c^ Spiegel (eisen) spigot *i>l ^ spike *L> c*^ spike disintegrator spillway spin luij^ t.j^ «OkV-»-> 'O^-^ '^'^^ J*,/ ^v- • <^^^^ spindle fi)^^ fc^oC^ (aza \:s spindle beadstock ^J'»j^ U^ spindle press Spindle speed spin 477 spli t5-i^ tj^ spindle temper steel spine yUr sj^ spin flip J-^j^ v;-«?* ^^is** spinneret oL ai^j oLjl; (i^y^^ ^UO tri->->^' t^'^v spinning i(S^^^ i^^^xji^j spinning frame spinning funnel spinning wheel spinning whorl spin out K^^.j*^ spiny lock process spiral conveyor J 3:^ ^^ spiral flute reamer spiralling spiral spring spirit ^^ *3^ *J^1 spirit colo(u)r J53I j^ J^ (i^j spirit dye J<3I j^ J>L** > spkr i speaker splat .lf*-Xj i,^:Jia splay o^^ ^,j\ *jf.^j^ «ci splaying arch ^ cry 'c^* ^^ splice y^^J *(^j(^ JL-Jl splice box <*--iJ *-*:>- spline splines (J^^yl) jU- jl^ splinter-proof glass split Jl» ..JiCi f J^ £j split brick oi^r^^r^T split bushing aCj^ oliUL split core box aJCt^^ ^^^^U v^ split gate JL-«'l A9«i-*, <^jj .lC*b split lock washer .(^^ ^b split pattern split phase motor spli 478 spre split pin J^^^ split run splitter w«:^' ^y^ splitting tank c>^-> *iJ>"' *-i^ spoke (c^) '^ spokeshave j^ losjj^ Soij sponge metal sponge paste J>>. ^L* «J^, ^^--^^ sponging agent spool •jS^ .•->^l* spoon bit ^^ *^ 6^' spoon tool ,^O^l* aJ U sporting gun c^j^^^ ciC^i; spot analysis spot cure *iL::-'V ^y^>» J^'^ii spot facing cutter ct'^'c^ 3> spot facing tool c/'^'c^ 3> spot hardening t,*-^^* O^l^J spotter aeroplane spot-test spotting rifle 3>^-> ^^-^^iJ spot welding spout (vji»->^) t5*'^^^ spouter (c-Ai) o^^-i^ (jl^y #1^ sp ri specific resistance spray AjLifl >cj3 spray oil js-^j jS^^^ spray transfer t^lAjUil Jliuil i(^^L^ JUsil spray weld process spreader {(t^^rAiaw^) ^_Jli A^^^:> Jl^l *»«i-* spreader bar .•o^s' ^U *9.i-<» spre 479 spvm ((^JL* dfrlT) oO^r j\y.^ AiaiJ spreader calender spread foundation ^^^^^^ spread ing-spring lock sprigs ((^^4iiw^>) JUili spring ^i springback O^^^U. .^^y spring balance <^^9 c^j^ spring beard needle spring bow •l^z^^ 6f spring brass ^-^ ^ (•oi i^^ ^j^ (j^j To,^^^ Vo) spring buffer u11jl-VI 0.^*^1? spring chaplet ^^^^l^ ^^^^ spring clip (J^-.yl) ^,^ spring coiling machine spring constant (^ou*^:> v-.^ (>* J>^ Ji^" J J^ ^>v.c-^) ^ spring cushioning springer JU» ^^y ^J «£5Lu» springing (^^y\) iS^,J» spring leaf spring manometer spring of arch ^^ JU, ^^^ spring post ys ^•^ ,^ i»U spring shackle spring steel (SJ^y* ^Vy spring (lock) washer ^L, ^Ij ,isy^ ^b sprinkler system OLsujT A5C-i sprit ^^ J^:> sprocket -'^^.^s^i^^-^c^^ sprue (t^^Aia^^^) <^jLi5 olsCfclj sprue cup (<^^Aia«^) ^L ^:^y>- sprue pin .lOb <3^ ^l:^- sprue post .lC*bAJ^jl^ SPST , spst i single pole single throw spudding ( It J^ ^--i. ->3 <^->li> c?^-) c^^l-J^ spudding shoe spun casting spun silk •*Ju-u -> c^. ^. I (c— ly c—* •«A-^.li <*^>»J 3') spur >.4.. spur gear (^Ulji-I Sa:^ ^j>. spur gear bob spur wheel ^^^ .oj^ SPVM i spvo 480 squi singe-pulse voltmeter sp vol I specific volume sq I square S.Qi squint quoin sqfti square foot sq in i square inch sq m i square meter sq mi i square mile square ^^^ '(^.w^ 0'*^-^ square bar y.j{^ js^A square butt joint ©^L- t^j^^ ij^^ squaring squeegee cjl-^^J^/^^ squeeze job squeeze machine coremaking squeeze mo{u)lding squeleton girder dl^-io.(^T)^ squinch ^ijll' <^t^i .JUr^ squint quoin j^ ^J ^-I^ squirrel-cage crane squirrel-cage mill ,^*> C/^J^^- *^^ •uT*** L^L>^T squi 481 stab squirrel-cage winding SSCi ^^ ^^^ single-silk covered s ri SSEl sending-receiving single-silk over enamel Sri SiS,Ei surfaced one side & one strontium edge SRI selective ringing; self-recti- S2S2E 1 surfaced two sides & two fying; sliding resistance; edges slip ring; specific resis- ss loran 1 tance sky-wave-synchronized lo- ran SRUl sssr 1 self-recording unit sheet steel single-riveted ssl SSSR I sections selective single-side-band reception ss i screw steamer; spindle spe- sst i ed; superheated steam; sin- supersonic transport gle-signal; stainless steel; solid-solution; short stick St 1 stable; station; stationary; S,Si stone; stretched; standard surfaced one side temperature and pressure S2S1 surfaced two sides ssb modulation i single-sideband modulation s t i single-track ST I standard temperature stability test stab 482 stam stabilizer stagger tuning jLAijI^ K^^v5^ ^ ^'>» ^.J^' staging v:u->o>>- stabilizer of humidity stagnation pressure stabilizing anneal stained glass ^^ja^^ ^i^u t^jfcU staining 4>-^ L. o-^ u^'J^^-' stabilizing treatment stainless steel stable equilibrium jloiU J^U; stair(s) ul5CL stack ^T ^ < <- \ St air i "^ • ^ . :r wT- standard air ^ "^ ^ " ^' "^ "^"^ "^ "^ staircase reaction stack gas . , . . stake *(o^^)^.>r6^ stack mixing ' "^ stalagmometer stadia rod c^^l^^>^ '^--^ ^^vi . i .- ^ stadia work ,3*jl>- ^Lx>Lo» ofoii, «* „ «««« i '^^^ "^ stalk 01 a core *^9=-*L» a-.*;> ^*^^^ ^ stalling force ^^^^ 'c^'.^^ s^" 'u-^^ K*^^) stalloys ^-ICJu- ^U:>V> staffman J.^. a^ dUT ^^^^p .jCs^O> stage .OI^J .aL .^U ^^ .^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ili .aL.^ iaM- f>^ .u-l^- stamp battery stage floatation ^^^^ ^^^^^ i^^^ ^j:>^ ^}l^j^^ gt^j^p breaking stage hardening ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ (» slam 483 Stan stamp duty stamping s^ 'JjJ^ stamping press stancheon t^^Vy J^- stanchion <^^Vy 0>l- standard .owxjUl-I «ijla;li-l s^^ ^^j>- a^l_j I Uv» tcJ->l*^-* standard air standard atmosphere standard calomel electrode standard cell (c-lcJj I/O \ Arr o^j:> r o ^U:> standard conditions standard conductivity Standard copper wire ^jlOki ls-i*l yy^ (**^ standard deviation standard electrode standard frequency standard gauge standard gold standard linemen's pliers standard malleable iron standard mix ^->^-» i.^Li>. (*^»3 -'W^^ ^L»^i ,.jU-;« standard solution standard tar viscometer standard temperature standard temperature & pres- sure J^ s^^) t5*->^*^ -^i'-^- standard wire gauge Stan 484 stur stand-by battery ^J'^^^sJ^. stand-by equipment j^jo oiCi--i .^_jC^r »iCi-»^ stand-by pump standing panel .:>U-*,I ^\s standing pier J> c^^Ur ** U standing wave •^U-j.I c^ standing-wave detector standing wave ratio in deci- bels oiU-M* I c:^ "t^,,^ standing-wave voltage ratio stand-off insulator J^\ »^ stand pipe jyjj ns^y^ i3^ stannary ^ Oo^ stanniferous ^y^is ola*.i5 staple Kt^J*^ J^) ^^^-^ k •-^-^ (to) staple (^oa>^iJ» L o:>^ jy>- staple fibers J^Ai>(^U4i-j staple length (^LJI) iw_^ J^ stapler iiftir c^^ Aasw «(o^i^) C^ji C^^ starboard ,^i^ c-b c^— (^^r ol^ ^ ^. *^ C5* ^^) starch ^^^ Lu starch gum star connection star head screw ^iLJc>-^- ^-.j J. » Jty starter coil starter gap starting battery J-^yl <^^>'l> starting box starting coil starting crank (J--^yl) J^^^ starting current starting electrode starting handle Str^y^ J--^^ starting motor ^-W^y' ojlx-l starting punch oUj*-^ starting rate ksJ^. o:>J'^^, c>- starting relay jIojLI^aJj starting rheostat o^^Li^v^ starting sheet ^il^T star 485 stee starting (advance) signal starting torque static static balance static electricity static fatique static friction 0^ J^ "^ static generator c^L- 3^. ^>^ static load c-^.U jL. static machine J^^^^. ^^** station to^^ «o>-;-'li-l«old*-»,l stationary (moving) plate (t^^Aiao j) ^^l» A^Jl^ stationary wave .3li-->J ^^ StatOr ijy\xM>\ tjyy* *^^^ statuary bronze (^il-*,,;^^ ^^ STCi sensitivity time control stdi standard stead's brittleness steady current col5 0^,y> steady-state creep steam yl jU:> steam coal ©l;^ aI*^ U JIpj steam desaturator^>S' dU^ ^U^ steam distillation J Laiw (_^ l^ L^ aJU-*^^ ^ > l a ft J steam drier steam engine jU« ^^-iL. steamer (^->la^'. ^^^ steam gauge steam generator jU^ ^^^.^ steam hammer (Sj^», J^^ steam-jet pump steam line jUi* *i^ i>^ steam main j^ J^l ^>J steam pressure ^U^ jLi* steam riveting machine steam ship c?^^ ^^' steam superheater steel iVy stee 486 ster steel-bronze steel converter steel-cored aluminium steel dowel pin c^>* j^ steeled cast-iron .^W O^ steel fretworker j^ *0. steeling oljii ^I^^^V^ steel taper pin steel wire rope steel wool c^Uol^) c^^Vy <»^ steelyard 0L5 steen •^ -''x^ ^5^^*^^^ steering box steering control arm steering drop arm uU> f>^l steering gear OU^ ftld-.^ tOL*^ A*^^ steering knuckl steering screw ol»^ s-^ steering spindle c-oC- J«^ steering wheel stele J^ njy^\ stellite (^V» cJl::-! stelliting J ^h c^^^ stem o^^-^ .^^e^^ stencil paper stenography c^-ty*^' stenter .^^^ii^>jt^->jT^^-U step-by-step selector ^iTa,^ ^if ^^Ju .fir*, f If v^b" step-by-step switch step-down transformer jisJ^ ;daAir j^A step fatigue test stepped quenching o^lo^i step pouring ^y^.^-^ ^^.^^V step-up transformer step-V belt ^>il> -'^^ c^" *^^ steradian ^^^ O^i^l-? stereogram t^o^*- ^^ stereographic triangle stereometry J ^ ster 487 stop stereoplanigraph stereotype ^^ sterling silver stern stern oar ^,/^) ^LJ:> ^i:>\ sternpost rudder stern-way ,,^ j^-> sJ^^y sterny ** loxij^ stibium Ol>*-t^' stickful ^\^jy^, stick lac iJVb stickle Lr'-> stick phosphorus ^^ stick plaster ,^.^ stick sulphur 4^ ^^Jf sticky oil iiJiPc-^i.^l^ c-^ stiff stiff clay c^ ^ ^ stiff fiber dli^^UI stiffness stile ^ (•.;*^ y -^^) ^^. still Jft^bey still coke tj S^'-i still gas .IJCliiVU ilf still grease •^ ^j^ cri^ stilling well ic^l^ ^^.U- stillman »»lCi»Vl* ^;;,j-«s^ Stillson wrench still wax stirrup v^-> stitch o^i4-=« «v»". stitching mechanisme stitch welding «t^ls3« t/>*«^^ ^ *iA»^js <^^ICiy> J Li- stock I»»*- stockroom foreman jLil^^ou* stocks *^.>^T ns^ ji^ stock-yard cij ojU^ aL^** stoker J-^^y* stone 14^ I j^ 11* ^J^. v^-^-J stone tile ,j^ stoneware *iW»>^ ',>^ Jm stop ^lofrlC; fc— *l stopcock stop 488 stra stop down lens aperture stop light (J-^/1) j^J el^>- stop-of f Jl» ^^ dL o:>j ilV stopped mitre stopper ^y *J'y.^^ stopping-off 0«A*^ Jjy iS^^ stopping sight distance stop valve oU> U uU^^^- ^^ ^ storage battery (^l»->UI (^^"L» storage cell storage element storage temperature storage time store ^',>«^^ ^^ store capacity stored energy #^5 t^j^ I stove (isj'^^ij) c^vi^=?«*^ '-^/^ STP4 standard temperature & pre- ssure straight carbon steel straight flash welding straight flute reamer straight-grained wood straight-line frequency straight-line wavelength 1^^ O--* J>^) (^*^^— c:>-^ J>^ ^^ Uoi 1 ^^^ — ^ H^^-^ ^. v**'^'* straight piping Straight polarity straight run (c^)^^J»a; ^>si-^i straight run pitch (Cii) ^^Jai'' ^>^jl aJUT straight scarfing strain J^^ i^^^^rt^' 'J^-^ .^«^ strain ageing (ji*) ^5^- ^^h strain anneal ^^^ j^^. v^ strainer J^ <^^l strain gauge e^-^*. ..^^r** strain hardening c^-^lT^^ j^:^ strain insulator •a^rio?-*^ straits tin l^'VU^ o^lCu.^ stra 489 stri strand ^yU^Hji ,*C^y, ri Sy.->J^ <*^-> stranded conductor ^.Vdl; J^IT stranded wires (^^ oUi» Strang ler oL-L l^ia^ strap j\ ^J {*■*—> «C-— J strap hinge (.^.,^^.)V^ strapping machine (^Ia-o-^J CJ^I^^ olGu-3 strap wrench J^ jW\ strass (*-r=^^ AZ^ stratified (i^y:^ h^Ia3j^ stratum ^ .AiV stratum of air lyh A»V il^ ij^yi strawboards ^^ iS\^ tf^ir*^ C^l^ straw pulp afrlT ^ir^^-^^ stray corrosion stray current («i^.) J^l O^jf stray field 3^ ul*v stray flux j^ Ola->» stream gold ls^^J t^^ stream hardening streamline flow (oU U) ^\J\ 0^,y> street yj»'^:> ^.y^^ streetcar C^^^^O ^^^J strength flC>a-l strength deck j^Ji c^^'^k stress (^) ^^" »J^ o^. stress concentration stress corrosion stress deformation diagram (jii) ^-li' ^b^: stress-number curve stress raiser i:,^) <^l>J->^ stress ration ^^. ^^^^ stress-relieving tempering stress-strain diagram stretcher ^^^^^ >r^ «*::-*l-> j>'^ stretcher bond ^g stretcher strain strickle board strickle mo(u)lding strickle pattern ^A^^^ strike (deposit) striking (J^.) (5^**^ stri 490 s.t.v. string stringer stringer bridge strip strip fuse strip iron strip mine stripping f(0i stroboscope stroboscope thyratron stroboscopic tube OjC^ ^^^V strobotron i stroboscope thyratron stroke 0>i--> t^iL> O^^-ei cij stroke of the press jLiitUU strong sand ^^lo-^r LU strong solder c^si- <»*9J strontium strop {((^jU:>) vjld^^^Aii:*- structural steel •t5^ 'C^^ ^'^) US'' — ••^^l- ^V^ structural stresses structural wrerch strut stub acme thread stub axle stub nail •^j^^^ stucco stud bolt •^:> ^3^ C*» 'S^sJ J** studding t^^^^ stuff stuffing box S.T.V. i standard tar viscometer s-twi 491 suma S-twist sub (•oi*.!^) Jj.vA-j subatomic particles subbase ^ cj subcarrier (g:I>*I) t^^l* J*^ subcarrier frequency modula- tion subdrain subereous subgrade sublimation .^1 w^.-> submerged arc welding submerged plunger machine submersible pump submicrostructure substantive color 4a-l^. dCj substantive dye ^i*-!^. «^l> i^>Us-*l substitutional solid solution subtraction phase (jUT)^ls ^j suburban railway <>•>> v>>T.b sub-zero treatment ( jji) >*^.j ^'"-'•wr^ oli^; sucker rod *-J^ ^ suction «^/^ ♦'^ suction basket .^^-i^' ^i U^ <^->y suction fan suction pump suction stroke .,>^' **^ (jy^-*) u^C« *j^ «^A^ ^lC:> sudden sag (oUi) ^gii^ .U:iT sugar of lead sulfinuz process sulling c^jlTolCj sulphating t^^; L o^^ ^y U3^ sulphating roasting sulphation isj^. 0^ J^^ sulphur printing ou-l v^^ sumach tanned summ 492 edge summer draught ( ^^^■^ ) Li-«* I* J-«* ji -^y^. ^ summit ^y^ ^y*^ j^ kAj sump dUU- i^3j W^^ sundial ^, b^T^^Li i^liiTc^L sunk faced ojl^^ (i^- sunk screw ^i.Jr*'^^' s*^. sun wheel (J--^yl) ^L,l :asi superalloys UjLJI ^^ oloT^^^ (^UjU 1 supercalendered (paper) supercharge « joJi-r- a,^ supercharging pump supercooling ^Ua*Jl ^\^ superelevation (^oJu^ «(W^H ->•>) ♦•^W- jLi^" ^^ superfine file ^^ jL— * Ol«>>- '^/^ Ol^^*- superheated steam ^ b j U* superheterodyne radio c^^.^Ij super-high frequency superintendent .Ifj^ Jyt-^ superlattice .Jij t^-ji superplasticity superposed circuit J^J-locu jlou. superposition \^J\ ^L.^^! supersaturated solution supersonic frequency supersonic transport superstrength alloys support •ir4-,5C; ,c--» support for bogie pivot supressor grid surface density ,^- J l^>- surface deterioration surfaced one edge surfaced one side surfaced one side & one edge surface dressing surfaced two edges surfaced two sides surfaced two sides & two edges surf 493 s-w surface finish surface gauge jI3a,^U j^S^p- surface hardening ij>^0:>\ooj iSJ ld5GU •<^-> Lc '>i surface leakage o^ ^.^^^^i*- c-^ surface metal raceway (^^.) ->^cPJ-> c^J^y*^ surface mining surface pin o\^J' ^.wr^» surface rolling ( ji«) ^^ :>jy surface tension surface-to-air missile clU^ surface water gully surface wave surfacing <(Jl*) ^1^' <».*-» surfacing lathe •l^x-^ surfactant ,^*^ iLJUf S^U surge 'cy *»^«->^»^ surge electrode current ^y^\ H^-r^'. '^k^?" surge pump ^^l^u^L*!: surging discharge surplus water surrosion survey! ing) survival aids susceptance susceptibility susceptibility of gasoline suspension suspension bridge ji*^ Je sustainer engine dXj:.y> jyy. s v 1 specific volum sw i switch s-w » s w i short wave; specific weig- ht sw 494 swee SW i sweep short wave; switch Jk^. '0^>^j '{Oy,y,^)j^.^j SWAi single-wire armoured sweep amplifier swageing .^ ^^C:»T„^.lf.^ sweep board Bwageingdie (^j-«^.^) 0^ U ^- 0*:J- ^li .O*:^ ^-o^U -r c^ ->• sweep breast swages hammer {^J^,,)0,lMkk sweep generator ••^j-> ^>» swallo-tail AUi>-^iJLjl ,. - i sweeping machine ^^, <^^->W- -^ . ^ / ^ sweep oscillator swash plate (^..O.) .u u^ U^ ^^^^ ^^^pj^^ »olo^^^;G>j^ i«a^.jj jyMft-jl sway Ol*y tO:ijy- ^^ (t^^AXai«^)Oy^.Li AiaiJ sway bar ^ , sweet crude swaying OUy •Oij>>-V^' . • sweetening SWC i " ^dX»\ (^(Ju# C'si"*** ^— ' *^^ (_g^. * . 7 .«M» short-wave choke ' ' . ' ., , . g^Q I sweeten off ^J^^ '^'^ standing-wave detector oJc-*^ t^^^j:-^ .oJ c^^jl sweating aweet oil AilaJ^ .O^jTJ^ .O^loui sweet roasting .o^-iT a,^ sweating of ore (^j->vy v>*.-^' ^^^f^") ^,^^- iloufc^j^o >Jl* o'Jb;: sweet tan liquor swedge sweet water ♦axels' ij^ ,^;^Cil^^,-i- i^y ,aJ c-*^ (^ y .. ? ,...:.oT i^^y-JToi swedge fitting (^I.^^UJLjI oJ c^.^ tyJ^^^T^ V' swel 495 swp swell (•Oi o IJ swing axle .(^lol^J-S'l swing bridge jL^. J* .Ob^J* swing crane Ob^JUil>^ swing door u'^^oj^ swing frame grinder swing hammer mill swinging cross swinging of flow swinging screen J^y J^^ swing saw isj^ Sjl swing sledge mill swirl chamber (Jji^ ->y>«) «3I^ i3U swirl gate y.J':f y^ ^^" switch <(J^>»yi '^>:)©.>- '^^ switch blade «3^. oulT av switchboard J^. (^>^.^' switching switching-off .jIj^^ o^J" ^ switching-on ij\^ O^J'J^^ switchman (o*^»b) OUi^- switch oil J>» odr ,_^.^ switchtender (^Tob) oUi^- switch tongue swivel ob^J-«i^ «*::> *^ swivel base A:^Ol^^*ili swivel-pin swivel plow swivel tightner swivel vice sword .dU-i lilijIT S.W.P 1 square wave polarograph s w r i '* -^ ^^^ standing-wave ratio; steel wire rope swvr 496 syst S W V r i ^ JiOuJ ^Jc^j* 4, \j ^jLi> Oly> standing-wave voltage ra- (^5- ^° synchronous generator „ , 0U>> ^,^^ tOl^j^ jyU^JI sy I ^ square yard .^k^ '^*^ ^. v-^^ Ol c^^) sym i synchronous machine symmetrical ^^^) ^u>^ jy^ .0U>> oJ^ symbol J^^ oUi .c^^p .AiU; j^, j^ ^j^ ^^ ^^^ ^j ^^ symmetrical system (^-^j OjUi- (^Uili,^ synchronous phase advance . ^. , synchronous speed synchronization; synchro- nizing ^^-^ ^' '^^ ''^ ^^^" ^--^ synasol ..J^" J53I .^^^^ Ola_^ c^^ .o,U^ synchro i synchronous telegraphy synchronous cj Ui Jo. ^j^) 0L.>.. ol^' synchronization ijil-jU>» (ajjliOL.>* synchronizer ;l,^.I^,,^U>. gy^^jhroscope synchronizing (^^ ^l.^_^.^ ^ ^1^,^) l^ L.^ synchronoscope ^^^ .^^ .^^ synchronous synthermal Uou« synchronous condenser ^^_^^ ^j^ _^^^^ y^ synchronous converter syst i c-Ai-> Oli^) system syst 497 powe ,»:l-m-- i<*>ix:>» t,^ c5**' iS,.^ «>• table joint table saw <^lo«i-* ij *^sj^ •->! tabli ng o^^t?^ ^ J ^ tacanl tactical air navigation tacheometer j>^--* Cj^.j^^ tacheometry ^LziL^.j^^^ytTL" (,y»-U. ^^jil oU^I 0>^.),^*-i^ tachometer ^<^j^3 tack io^oU^U liJ^ tack bolt JUjI s^ tack coat o^^ ^>^l i^;::-T tack coating ^\^ (S^j ^^k^ tacking iiSJ^yt^ J^ tackle iji^^J[ii\^ tack weld tacky (v^ k w5Cij) cJL- .iUiP taffeta (*>.^l>) <:»U' taffrail log ^^x^t^Uop^ tagi tongued & grooved tagger ajCj ,,^ tagg 500 tank tagging {j->^) O^loTy tail (front & tails) («^Jb) viL.-.o Ui-1j» idL** (^U.^jjI^ tail (heavy & tails) t^U.^j^l^ (viJi> ) ^^j^S^ji^ cj^AzZtA i^^jJy^jijft tailings A]\is ioS\^j loV^ iJU-T tail pump (SJyy* ^^ v*^ tail race ^s\^r^ o->^^ tails oJljjioVv^J iJU-T tail shaft Ob->I^J-s>»<^l^l c.*-J tail water take off «^j-^«u-*-^ -^' 0'j^l>j^ take off angle crj-^ *ijl 3 (to) take the thickness (<5^*^->) o'.k^^ take-up spring TALBE i Talk & Listen Beacon Equ- ipment talc jL- Talk & Listen Beacon Equip- ment ^y} talk between ships tall road ^jly^ U .\j ol>c^ •!-> talysurf (jii J^^jfcU c>^) ^^^c^^.i tamping machine tamping roller c^Ji^^ '^^^ tampon ,ax--iLj»«u_>-^U tan I tangent tandem drive tandem mill J>-i^j ^->y tandem pistons tangent cjIjjI; tangent galvanometer tangential casting tangent screw tank .dliU .0>^ (^^.) o^J^ v-^^ «^^" tankage 0>-viii,S^S<<^3U»^S tank battery .(^^ cj:^ OjU^ (ciJ) OJlfl^ o^ tank bottoms Oy^^ j^ tank breather tube tank circuit j^y ^Iju tank 501 tapo tanker jSi:Ju .^l; tanker aircraft tank farm (c-Ai) OJU^ ^^i>y^A tank outage 0^^^ j:> cJu Jr^ I tank sheet iron u>^ j^^^-y^ tank strapper tank thief tank wagon jSizj:^ 0^\^ ij^ ^ tannery *iU^Ui«t^iLw»^ ^[^j^ tannin ^jU tanning -r-l::JU- Jj,>^ - tapering charge j\*x^O^J'^, taper tap J**'^^ J*.J>^ O^Ar* >-^>^ taper thread o^j..;^^ -^-^ taper washer ^^j=^ J^h tapestray k}^.^ tap hole gun taping tr?*i->'^ (to) tap off the slag tap-out l}ar ^ ^s\^ tapp 502 tb tappet dUbl tappet screw tappet slab core tappet valve v^^- tappet wrench ^J'<\S' jl>-T tapping tapping attachment tapping bar ^^j:> ^ t^l^ ^^o* -^^. '-> ^. •-^^ (^^/->^ tapping cutting threads in ho- les O^J'y^i^ tapping interval tapping machine tapping sample s^^y^ tapping screw •OiO^^ tap water ^ J\ . Jl*I ^T tap wrench jijM» «>.jM5 *x-^ tap ^ «ol^U» tar boiler o^J^ cai* JC^ tar coating ^li Ol^ tared pipe target i^uT ,ol^ target rod tar-lined paper ^s^i opIT tar macadam ^IJ»>i^ ^^^* tarnish-resistant •;*^^ J'^ '^A^ OjjoT tar paper tarpaulin ^j^U«» ^-'k «t^^* 0*^^ tar-pot Ol^ c^> <^.i tar still Ol>» 5^, jtf T.A.S i true air speed task wage ^J'j^^^^^. ^> TATl twist-against-twist taw(ing) iO^^ctT tawed leather ^1 3 c^ taxiing weight t^l>«»Ojj taxitrac • l^^j> ^ l*. taxiway • ^:>ij ^ U Tbl terbium TB » t b i tbev 503 tech time base; triplebraided T.bevel ^.is^-f^ iS^jS' raph Department; Teleph- one Department TBGi T.D. I tubing theoretical density; theore \ tically dry TBS I talk between ships t^lcl top dead center t b w p I triple-braided weatherproof TDF , t d f i trunlc distribution frame tci teracycle tej totaly enclosed; tractive tcl effort; triple expansion temperature coefficient Tel Tci tellurium technetium ..■„: ,;-.*.- • TCi temperature coefficient; time closing; total carbon TCC ' tcci triple concentric cable; triple-cotton-covered TCIi terrain clearance indicator T-cracking test T (sJ^yf iA^3' TDi technical director; Teleg- TEi transverse electric; twin- engined teaching reactor ^i^^Ji j^h tea drier ^^dX:s- t^l>- j^U tea pot ladle jCi ^sjj^ y.'>jk tear.gas bomb j^Tdbl ^^-^ tear-proof ^oJiU .jb ,^i — fu teaseling (^^k) O^ijU- teaser oi^ ^Li teat screw di; li--* techl technical; technics tech 504 tele technetium (j^L*--i.^y-A:p)j»---^ technical ^/^^ «tr^ technical director ^i ^.oo. Technical Information Bureau technical manual technics Tee Kc^-^) T i<^^c,*T Tee iron iSj^c^^ teeming \o^ *ij telemeter ^^aL-1» telephone cord O^L' ^ telephone exchange O^iiJjS'^ telephone interference factor ,Jy^ J>-la; ^,^ telephone jack telephone receiver Oy^ ^f telephone repeater o^ k/^h telephone ringer Oy^ Sj^'j telephone set 0^i> .1^::-^ teleprinter iSyij>^ vjl^^' iv^i.!;*!; teleran i television radar air navi- gation telerometer J^yj^^ cA^ telescopic ladder ^.y^^^^J teletype ^ ^I^^Oj .v^.U'aL- teletype writer 4_f^^pJ <-ii,^^-*j <(^IjaJJ television oyy,^ tele 505 temp television broadcast television camera television converter television interference television radar air naviga- tion dlS Aj (S^jy\y> ,0\Jj tell tale J^, ^jT tellurium (<^iU--i .j-^^) j^ telpher ^^VL. .^aJj tem 1 temperature TEMi transverse electromagnetic temper (jli) v^ tempera painting ^U<£^j temperature o^l^ a;?-^^ lU^ temperature barrier temperature coeffieient temperature colo(u)r scale UU^i^jO J (_/»^Li «Ulj»^ t^^-' o*Ua^ temperature inversion temperature-time cycle temper brittleness temper carbon temper colo(u)rs tempered ^o^i <^^^ 1 (jli) tempered again «ai (S^r^\ \ i^oc*^ aT (c^^) temper hardening tempering i(^) iS^>^ {iS^^) c^iL-^/t*^ ic^jL-jT tempering martensite tempering metal tempering to sorbite tempering troostite temper mill eOi^^Uoj^ temper pass mill .oxxT^U^j^ temper rolling (^jL-x^^ ^^y temper screw iS^J^^ s^ temper stressing template temp 606 tern temple j\o^[C> U«e templet temporary hardness of water tenacity JUI oy .t^jl^.U tender ^ ^ ^1 yi- 1> U- ^s^^^ tenon O^j^Tj^ aj U3 ja; L j tenon & mortise joint tenoner OjajLj^^^U tenoning c^^.** ^3 tenon saw J-^^ tj\ .as U j ^ ^ir»jl tensile strain j^j^S^^ ^\^;^'> tensile strength ^ji^ ^K»ci^\ tensile stress tensile test J^ J^}*'S\ i^^ j^^ tensimeter tensiometer ^^J^ «s tension o^ *J^ tension shackle tension/under tensometer ^^^sx^ tens str i tensile s strength tenter .^^:ii^j c^jjT^ ^;^u :^cH^A>-j >U ©iCu.^ «(^^jTj_^oli tenting (^->y c^i->->w tera Oo^^)|^- teracycle j5C^i5::^io .j5C^!^- tera-electron volt XcJjOj^l terbium (crf.^*-*^.;-^) (^.,^" terebenth o^VJ term i terminus terminal fJL^-*^"i(^jS'^ ©l^i^J (i3^, ) v-Ja» ifly t^ terminal binding post terminal cable terminal screw ,^5*=-^^^ terminal solid solution terminal velocity 05^ op,^ terminal voltage ^J\4 JbJ^ terminus ^^'\ JU^y ternary alloys aj If a- t^UjUT terneplate .^L-- ^^-1> .^.^ ^^-1> ^6^ ^ o ) ^.^ c/^J-^ y Cj-^ \ ^->^ ten- 507 ther terracing ^i^ c^ terry .t^,>iL> £J' tertiary colo(u)r tertiary creep f>- ^^-^ cr>- tessellated pavement tessellated plate (^>*T) Jj^Uu 3j^ tessellated stresses tessera 1 system .^t*^ •1^;^-^ test clU- .Jj^r^ .u^.L.3T test bar ^.L.jT Jj^^ testing transformer test piece ,^.^3^ *i>o^ test pressure j^.UjTol^jj^ jt^ tetragonal system ^^_;^«lCi-i tetrah 1 tetrahedral tetrahedral structure tetrode *^U.->U^ V^^ *t5<^ -^W?" V**^ TeVl tera-electron volt text u^ «oili 1^ textile ^^►L-j .^/a^l*. textiles ^^ ^'^^ «*:uil textural stresses ,^,>«-s c^UjU texture cJl .a-^j^j .cJ» '^r^ TG , t g i track gauge thi thermal; threshold Thl thorium thallium (^,L*--i ,^,--uc) Nu- thatch 0:>^jOir ,J^^ theoretical density ^sJ^J^^ theoretically dry gnril therm i thermometer thermal activation thermal-agitation voltage ther 508 ther thermal analysis thermal barrier J^^j=>^ J^y,^ thermal capacity ^i^J' c.^J> thermal centers ^S^J' :f^^ thermal conductivity ^j\^ Co. la* .^^IsLjU^ thermal convection thermal device •^^jjS'^^ *L-^ thermal effect thermal efficiency thermal etching ^,^J'iS->^'^^ thermal expansion thermal paint UsU^ti^j thermal resistor oy^---*^' ,y^^>i '^J^J' ^^^^^ «cr^^^^^'' thermal shield thermal shock cst^^^.^ thermal spalling .^.U^fl^" thermal straightening ^J o J I ^aJL-.^ Axioi t^ j L-i-- U icp3 U'i-' I J thermal stresses ^U^t^U^^" thermionic cathode thermionics ^y>y^J' c.^.^ thermionic tube ^.li^-H-^v^V thermistor 1 thermal resistor thermite process thermocouple thermocouple pyrometer thermoelectricity thermo-galvanometer J^. ^J' ^^J V ,^^1^15" thermogen c^lJL.^ thermoindicator paints thermolysis thermomagnetic alloys thermometer thermonisation 0>-t-l^^^" thermonuclear reaction thermopile ther 509 thre thermoplastic ^j \j^J' cSLi->^ thermosetting c.>^U^ clLz-y> thermospray process thermostat thickener Jijl« .iCs-i thickness c^\iit^ thicknesser ^^^^ •^-^ thickness gage i^-cwU-i thickness gauge ^^^--c-U-i thicknessing Oa«as^ thick slab J^^ ^ji.ji thief fliji J^ thimble v>-'>i thinner (*i^->) J^ loo-uTjJj third brush generator third-class lever third rail (^j^, Oj) cSluS'Ji^j third root ^y^ li»^ third wire thki thickness thorium jId ^^ ^^ ^^jy thoron oy^j,!) Oj->y thorough fare .l^b thread -f-j-* OUa-* «c^<»^ij i**.,;^ ••^i 1^-* thread chaser •a»a> thread-cutting lathe 11 o^ly^, .IC-^I thread die •a>a>' thread dop •^•^^ uTi^ thread gage •aS3 •Jloil thread gauge threading 0^^ #013 Thomas steel thong threading casing (Cii t^-?li>) •Jk-i .Oji ^J^ threading machine threading speed iC>xji,^,^c^^ thread rubber separator thread take-up lever thread tap >.j^ three high housing .n three-high (rolling)mill three high shape thre 510 thwa three jaw chuck three-part box three point loading three-pole J>a- juIt three quarter brick c^as^- ^^^-T three square file J-^*^ o^y three way bit three-way switch olj*- aJT t.hreshing ^Jiu^j^ threshold • iTj^ ,a; Is-T throat {(oJl) Sj^^) asU^ ^iSjSj^ » ^-'^ throat depth throat flame throttle 0:>J'^i:^ foUL .^.^ throttle control j:^^ jlf «oUU throttle linkage ^^i^c^' throttle plate ^^^oU^ throttle valve «OiJ^. v^>-' throttling Oi^c/>*^ through beam dXj^* c^U>- through hardening 0^1 Jb. I through road t^H^^^"*'-' through-stone through street ^.J^'j-ob through water to oil quen- ching Cj^^j}^\ ^^ o^l^.T throwing throwing power sJ^^^ ^-'^ thrown silk i-^. throw of pumpe throw-over switch ^.V^ o-If thrust i(^->>>«-» ->L^ thrust ball t^jLis a1^ thrust bearing J^^^, o^ciT thrust block ^^^'k o^^iT thrustor ->y^ J ->^ thulium (^L».-^^^-*ift) (^y thumb bolt thumb-marked fracture thumb nut J^iJ^ •^^ thumb rest c-iC;l c?b> thumb tack o«i-r- c^ O'^ thwart J>1» j^ 0^3^ J l> c^i?- thyl btm time thy la 1 resin thyratron thyristor -^'! mint c thzi terahertz Tii titanium TIBi Technical Information Bur- eau ticker-in cylinder (^l»jl ajI^l-I tickler Jj dUc^, tidal traffic OjUi^^dLil^- tide mill cPo-LiToL-T tie t^^-^**' ^*^ «»^ oU^ .oJ tie bar ^^ '^- a;^^ ^T tie beam L^ c^-^U^v*'" tied foundry ,_5--a> c5^<=^-> tie line (t^jb^A-iii) c-«»Ja5i- tier *Jb tjo^j tierce tie rod «>!?- J-TT «^>. j^^.^ TIFl telephone interference fac- tor, 'immii wmii. tige (*>U^ o^x-^;- o^^) O^i-- ^i»w tight fit j\^ I 0:>J' J^\:> tight sand TIG welding >-^" I ^^ t? jIsj:.^:> tile ^IT .^T .dUlj^ tiler ^t^^ JL-Jirir tiller f^l «^yi^ Oi^ tiller oar {^->U ^y^y ) t^^^ tilt tilt boundary ^ j^ tilted gun ion trap ^^ c^^^^ tilt hammer ^/IjKj^ jiSCs^^ tilting furnace tilt mo(u)ld •ai^ ^ ^li timbering timber mill (Sy.^y^ **^J^ time base (oscillator) time closing (' OUj ifl^l OUJ time of receipt time quenching ou>-03laiT (Jii) ^ak:^ Uiloil i(^IaL>^ timer iL-iU^^ i^^^iUj time sheet J€ c»^r^> c/->' j^* time switch ^\^ ojLT time tabulation t^o^Uj time- temperature transforma. tion curves Jo-j t^Ujb^ ol^ S ,j.:>^ .T.T.T ,>»^ time under load timing sprocket ^^rt^'j •^^ cS j>- Jliiil ,j^j •tj>: tin ^ tin-copper plating £J^ ^T tin cry ^ <^ldu» tinder jX^T i*i^'T tin foil ^ opIT tinker it-^>- tin-lead solder tinman j^^^^ tinman's shears tinman's snips for hole tinman's solder .UjU^^Jl> ^ {^ 9C^ ^ ^^ Td ) j\^:>^j (*-pJ tinned iron ^^J^ tinned sheet ..^J^ tinning ,^b^'^(i^ ^^ tinning vat isJ^c)^ ^J^ tin pest j^^ tin plague aJ»- ^J^) ^i^ o^U» tin plate ^^S^ iaCj tinplate works tin plating ^.I^^I^^Ji «(^jls'aJL- tin research institute tin roofer tinsmith Jl-t*^^ tin snips ^.^^oW tin-stone ^ (iCu* .ca^^^s^-IT tins 513 tofr tin sweat tin-wocxi ^v>?^ c^ tin-zinc electroplate tip cleaner - ^Ojy tipper test (^) AZ^ J^ cTi^-'^ tipping bridge ji— J» tipping open-hearth furnace tip skid ^^l JU»^ tire c,yr*^'^^ •^>" tire chain ^iLi-V j^s^, ,^a*«i J tire gage tire heater ..iLi-V vi-^i* dC^ tire mill «**-*' ^>»T 3^^ jll^ tire stock tire welder j^ 1^3 ^^ .iCi-^ tire work t^jL dLi-V a; U-jir T-iron <^vr- C^T tissue-paper ^^-H^i' *J^J^'Jjj-^i titanium (^Wi v-*^) 01^*: Tii thallium TLMl telemeter -j, Tml thulim TMt technical manual; time mo- dulation; transverse mag- netic tni ton Tni thoron T-network J^* *^- TNTi trinitrotoluene TOl turn over TODi time of delivery; time of departure toe J-«A> 1^ .4,1^ j^ toe-nailing ^ 00^. >r ^ toe of a G cramp ToIRi togg 514 topp time of receipt toggle oi^'3 eM> '^.y^J toggle lever press toggle press Jla,U ^.^U^-^, toggle switch ^y*^' *^J^ toli tolerance; tolerable tolerance tommy screw jloiU ^^ ton Jds»T f ((»^^Lr ) o o o )^- ton bar (jL^I ^'»j) *iCi*T iLu. toner '-^j A^ j^ J^^ tongs ^ I tongue tongue & groove joint tonguing cutter OJ *i b j i^ tonnage ^> v-o-^ ^^^^lT ^.UoT tonnage steel tool .l ^V^ toothed-bolt lock oU^ toothed ring armature J\^ 4}|aS^ (^^aL> js^^j\ toothed sector ^Uai :jiS3 c^=r toothing plane J^*^j top & bottom process ->^. ,;— i-^ — ^^^-^ O^-?-' *^^i* -'j' U^J-' topaz -^^.3 top blowing J li> iJJ>^ii top-cap top casting VL jl c^ji->jo top cradle VU .jl^r top dead center topped crude topped oil topped petroleum topping ns^ '^^ '(Syr ^rJai; topping plant *-X-i-fil> ♦lxJL«»3 ((C-Ai) c^^-p topping tower ^^M" O^:- top pouring Vljl iSjtJjk topp 515 towr top print *:**»^ ^^ top roll :ijy il jT dUU tops !((5^Ais« j) ^Ujj top sawyer ^y.VL. ^ol top secret ^i ^j>^ 'V^^ topside j!-iS ajoo j>»-^L. top timbering ^^^loCc*^ top water torch ((^jlCi^) ^1 fj*^* torch burning l>* U t^^lO^* torch cutting I^U (Sj^^^. torch tip t^->l^^. J*^ *^ toroid { Us ^^r^J • ) (^^r^^ •^. ^ torque .,^2^5^ ^^ •a^'=*c* ->^ls^ torque converter torque spanner with rating scale c-^^ cT^. *^^ torque tube Ol^jlT J-^^ Iz-^ torque wrench «>^ jW^ torsion ^:*s* torsion balance J^-^t^^ ^s^J^J torsion balancer dCJ J^ ^ .3^ torsion bar suspension torsion dynamometer torsion galvanometer torsion strength torsion stress torus <^^ai:> AX-jfcU JjUA tossing of tin <^ O^I^^L ToTi twist-on-twist total analysis Jj»ir ^L^ *» j»J total carbon J^Cj^.J^ total electrode capacitance total make oJy^*^ ^JTaJy total weight J^'Ojj totaly enclosed <:--> 'X^-IT touchstone cSUj. UiJ • IopIT I C5^^ *uir track ^->J^ •^W ••bj'J .>J track arm (J«^/l) v^-^*^ track bond A*ki oa>.j„^ track circuit track foreman track gauge •!-> ij>*J tracking C^Jll ♦C^^^-' iiS^:>J track rail ^^. »>*T.b JtJ track return track rod (»-^J^ track spike J»-> yM* . Ji^ c**^ track time J^^^ fl*«>l cJ^ traction tractive effort tractive force tractive magnet tractor trade effluent ^y:*x^ v->T trad 517 tran trade iron i^Ux^L^Vy trade-mark traffic ci^j vx»T .o^Toi .dLil^r traffic-control bar ^^.^b ^ traffic-control tower traffic density cijj«x.T ^^l^- traffic (guide) light traffic peak traffic stud <>U c^>^ 6^^^ traffic volume ci->^ ^T ^.s*:.- tragacanth gum \j^ trail cM-Jii' *Ja* ul-^ji.! ..b •j^ trailer ^r^^*^. '^5^^" train ^jy «-^t:>^ «^j^* -?li»> training boiler training reactor J^jy^j^\j training ship J\^>^ j^ training spark tester train of waves trajectory *^y^^rs^ ^ tram lines iSJ^y* c^W^^^- trammel point j\^^j^. ->^^ transadmittance transconductance transducer transfer resistor j^^^^Sj transformation transformation point (^Vy) J*X-J (^Ui iJ»xJ ^iaiS transformer jyL*->yi-»l^' 0*^- transformer plate transformer substation transient creep \j'^J'y>' transistor i transfer resistor transition curve ^s^.j^ ^yA transition ductile-brittle transition elements (,^w«i) Ak-b ,^<^ transition heat J*V t^U^ transition lattice ^lo«l»li *0. transition length transition point ^>*«^ transmission unit J-^^^ transmitter transmitter-receiver transom(e) cr^^l^ S^^>a> it^j^ transonic barrier ^y >-» -^1^.^ transonic flow Jy^^^ytd okyi^ transparent ^^ transponder (->'ib) j^^>^k transport number transverse electric wave •jh H c>* «^^ ,^^..r^'c^ transverse electromagnetic transverse magnetic wave transverse modulus ij'-fk J^*^ 't/'-'^ vi^ transverse strain ^^>- JO ^^--^ transverse stress ^^l^jI transverse test ^/^cA^-^^ trap (fitting) *xu.T .0>*- trass cement cS)iy^3i uU^ trass concrete o^l?- u>^ traveller (^jl:--*^) clbUa^ travelling block ,yiiL-JUJl^ travelling crane Jil^ J^'^r?- travelling ladle *^j^ ->U^ <^^->^. >.-^j^. travelling wave travelling wave(tube) ampli- fier t^j>*^ 0» So^-i^ ^*y^ ^>*«^ 0» i^ j3* travelling wave tube traverse '^^^^ ^y^ *k^j^ >j^ traversing «vy.k trav 519 trim travertine i?->!>^J '^^^ trawl t^^X->U (s\<^ jy TREi telecommunications Rese- arch Establishment tread dLjL-V J'j- j*!* J^ treading ^;^i:^j>- treadle J'va* «v^^ treadle-board treadle-lathe ^^ J»>>- c^ treadle-press ^.l> v^ v>^^ treated oil .^x^ sa--"' ^j-> treating plant .iCi^^VU treatment o'Ju^ .ol»^ treatment plant treble ^J tplou* tree doger ^>^>l c-:i-j^ -^i^^^*. treeing 0*xi c^,>»ti trellis c-ojb.4C-i trembler .J^ ^,i5C>- trench ^^-^ 'o^*^.^. '^^^^ trepan *»««-* il O^^ji j^ ^^J^ trestle bridge ^^^, v->yr J> TRF , t r f i mm tuned radio frequency TRIl tin research institute triad (O^.j*.^") ^*^ J»^ '^k^ trial closing t^-^'^^, ^^^ triangle of current triangular thread .jiU* :aii triangulation ((^jb^. *.!£) S"^^. <-^*'* triaxiality t/t^^*- ^^. triaxial stress system (JLJ) ^b-ojli triaxial test trickle charge iSjy *=-*^ '-'^^ wH trickling filter .oa^>- ^U triclinic system .i>^l>^A- .Id-^ tricot ^.^* .ciLiLT 4>-jl> trigger ((iCuj) oU triggered spark gap jb OU A»^ 4iUi trigger guard oU ^U trilateration '^'^^^ (<^^b^. Oil) ,yJU<^a^, Z^ trim :, vj!- c , J^ J^}^ 'J^ ^^^ trim 520 troy trim i trimetric trimetric trimmer condenser trimming trimming machine (^U^) c^b^j (^jIXjL» ^>-j:.U trinitrotoluene CHY'.C^Hx(NOr)r c^j^y^^(Sj trio ( ^i ->0>i3i ^' ) ^ii *- i» U: triod 4i U<- y^V .^^^a*^ v*^V trip coil ^i^ ^^^i?*i triple-braided triple-braided weatherproof triple concentric cable tri ple-cotton-covered tri pie-paper-covered triple point (o* jli .>>>^ Ot*^ ^UJl* U> triple-pole double-throw triple-screw ship triplex board Vo ^^1^ triple expansion ^y.^p- i,Lj| tripoli .t^lA^y Ui flU- iMp- (i5Ci- trip-proof ^cuU a^ tri-tet 1 triode-tetrod tritium ^y^.y triturate O'J^^ (iCl- t^iU a>M-*» trolley icu/'l^ «^/^ j>:5Cir •-^ j> ^jy. C/^^ **^w^ -^^ trolley bus trolley frog J^, oj <^ <^^^ trolley wire Jy oj f^ Tropenas converter ij^ .^L-^ij^ ty 3' jy^jy^ L/^^w^ .^h*^ *cr^,^J J*V» tropically packed tropkd i tropically packed trouble light ^J" oj^ el^ «^^. ^yi-^ £1^ trough girder jyl^jl^ o*^ trowel iA*JLi .aJL. ,<:^ troy ((^^->J(^l*Aiij) t^^^" trpt 521 ^ttr tr pt I truss i^M- ^ «k^ transition point truss bridge TR switch .a;^-#ocu-> oJi" t5*A^ Ji «c^jJ^ cl^-l J» truss-girder ^-i-* (5k>- ^rt 1 truss head rivet ^J o^ Jj^-> 'o^ -^-^ '^J^. •^^ ^ir^r cJ/b tyy square truck mixer ^^. o^l- ^^ ^U^ ob -^ x^W/ true air speed ^U ^\ic^^ -^- -- - ^__- trueing J:^-^ .c^,:*-*' .c>^' t s I ^'^ true resistance tensile strength ^ • / - . M Ts i . ed0l V ^. c^ -^ twists per inch; Thomas true ultimate stress ^^^^1 true yielding stress TS i ^^^Ji-^ ->^ «,>**^ c5*«^->^ top secret trumpet v^^j^' •J^'^ ciJ u-jfclj ^»->^ *(t5^*^^-i-^) tsi i trumpet arch ^u-y 'J^i «^^ ^^^^ P®^ square inch trunk T square T jS'i^i- (.---•Li !(*;Uiu^AiJ) (►--# j^L* fAja* trunk distribution frame TT » it i ^^) >l ^ W ^- cAL^- teletypewriter (OyJj T.T.T curve -U^^Uj ^.^.^ trunk piston '^^ ^* ^^^ ^' ^^ ^^'^'^^ '-'^' ^Ivcv 0>:-- JUaI Uy:-- '^'^ ^ ...^.T.T.T .^>^ trunk road m . cijj a>T^, .b .^1 .b thulium trunnion .^1 ^^^ie .^1 J-«^ ^; rub 522 turb transmission unit tub Ob tube .^.iljt-^V3 j^^- jLii tube heater C5i^ J dU-V . ^ 15C3 cr'^J^^ tube insulator (^1<)^ 5^ tube mill c^IaJ^ c^L^T tube of force tube punch j^^ l;C:>. tube sheet a3^) Jj^ tube tester (^.^b) c^Ujl v-^V tubing .t^jlafA)^ tubing pump j^L^i a^Jj tubize silk (SJ^jL>^y^ c^.^J tubular rivet iS^*^j^ s:^i tucked fabric jb ,>>- W-^k tuff vjy i«iC:-. US' tug(boat) ^ ilo. ^^ ttiii' (Sjy «Jy tumble 0^^ c-^'^^ «0^l-> >^ tumbler ^J iL> .(Jis) cOilk^ tumbler catches tumbler gear tumbler lock o^ tumbling barrel ^(Sj^j^ *^ tundish (<^^*^->)->k ^ tuned-plate tuned-grid «jLi Ol^)-?* aXIj-1 j oj I u tuned radio frequency tuner (•ai^) ^^ bL-^lj** tune-up {jy^3\j:s>'\)iS^\ji:^ tungstenizing ^\jj9' ji^.^ 't5*'-'>^ r'w^^ tunic *^y «v*iw>^" tuning c^3L-ilj-> iO^J'ii^ tuning coil tuning indicator tuning meter (^.^Ij) c-^-ilj^ tunnel J^y ♦^^. •jj^ ^->k tunnel driving tunnel effect (J^.) Jl^y io^.j^ turbine fuel turbine meter -j^^^ jy^*^ turbo blower Jb^^' j>-^^ turbo dynamo ^'^.->y ^>* turb 523 twin turbogeoerator ^-^.^y ^^y turbulent flow ^'i^ o^y^ Turk's head rolls turn ^^1^ ''0^\^J^j^, ,0«A-ib^ (to)turn a thread ^^J ^^^ turnbuckle hs\^^.j^ <:^— >. turner j^Sii.\j .Up- turning J^^^ ,(^^l^^l^' turning crane turning fit turning moment J^j>: j:^\^ (to) turn into steel ^b^^V^ (to) turn off the blast (to) turn on the blast •j^j:> Oou>i.> «»->^*f t5*'^'>^ turnout ^^^ lis Ui .(^yfcljj) ^\j^> turnover mo(u)lding turnover rate J^^ c^^ turnpike road ^Ij^U .b turntable (OyUI^) dL-*^ turntable feeder i^ <>JU4> ijL-J 4-U turpentine c^^.J turret lathe turret tuner tutty J^Jiaii^ t^jj .^5=^^' t^^-^ tutwork j> Jj^ .c5l<*i,ljL» jir tuyere ( Ji^»->^) ^jy,>j TY I J8iwi television tvil television interference tw i - -- twisted TW , t w i travelling wave; twin wire Twi degree Twaddel tweed (t^jls^s* ,j^ *^jli) ^.y tween-deck (j^) J^ '^y tweendecker ^L. li^ <^ljb j^iiT twill binding ^^L:> ciU twill weave .J,^ c^U twin cable ^^^ J»ir twin carbon arc welding twin crystal ^^^ ^^ .JTU twine •^,^' c* ^^ c^ twin elbow jb ^^^ .b *- twin 524 type twin-engined ^>^V ^^c?'-^'-^ twinning (j^J ^.^^:> twin rolling mill twin-screw ship twin wire ^y>"^^ J».'^ twist-against twist twist bit ^JyJ^ *^>» twist drill ^Ji:^^ *^ Ioj IJ AX>» ( V5=^,^ U Ai> twisting V^ ^.^='^>^. twisting doubling \^ ^>"Vj^ twisting moment twist-on-twist (^JUI) yl; (^jj yl; two-brick wall ^j>-'\3:> j^y,^ two cyclic engine two-deck oven ^ ^^ J^^ two-high rolling ^^^^^ ^3 3j^ two-high rougher two-leafs door two-man plane (Sj^ ^^ Soj j two panne 1 door two-piece spark plug two-stage attack two-stroke cycle (engine) two-throw crank shaft two-way plow two-way plug TWTi travelling wave tube TWTA i travelling wave (tube) am- plifier twx yo I; *\s aL^^ *5' ^y. L> twyer (J>^ %j^) 6jy^j tying course (oUz^U) jLi tympanum type v^ ^3^ type body ^ l>- o^ ^ type-foundry i^J»>^>»* type line (v^) o-'-;^'^ type metal jUT .<^ji>Jj^ ^ o^'L-AJ) U^iJ^. Jul «v->L>- \^3y>- type setting ^.>- ^^^ type 525 tyre type setting machine typewriter ^_pj^>^U Ji->>- O^^ typography J^^ ^U>. type test ol^l-^ dl, j^y J-'J^j^ tyre-*tire ii? ?'V u_ I dg [ I aiji li u 1 O^-Cy.-^-?' J'^'>^. ultra UHF » uhf , u h f I U i ultrahigh frequency uranium U iron J^^^s^ Cj>^ Ubbelhode drop point U.boit United kingdom ^^j ^e .^y ^. .^ Ur ^c^, ullage dLL- 0^^. Jbi^^ Jai> u/ci under construction ult i ultimo ultimate load U/Cl unclassified ultimate production UDPi ,^1 oijjl^ iJ\^Sy^>^ Ubbelhode drop point ultimate set j^ j^ ^^ ^j^ uf ^blij J^^ J\^ J^ ^^,,^- c^j:> i^r^-^ OUj LFl urea-f orma Idehy de ultimate stress UG . u/g i (j)j)^iiaiila^ .^i-^->l^. 'e/^li^^ underground ultimo ^l.Uj^ Ugine-Perrin process c5JL-^Vy ultor t^^Uoit ^U>- ixi.^ i*JutiU oJu* o^ ultr 528 unde ultrahigh frequency (^sj^ ^jj^ ^T^Uo^I^ ^X^* jLuu.j ^U^ iJcdb I v^^l '^.^^»>J ^Vy ^,>:. jgT.dL- .U, JUT unbalanced line ultramarine ..>>V ^^^-^ ^^^^ ^^' ^ ultraportable unbleached paper c—l co-IjoT J.0^ ,oh '^^ IX 1 . I- ^ I unbleached pulp j^)^f\^ «-> ultrashort wave .U^jL^ c>^ *« " f f -^^ . . M <- ^ , , X unblistered steel ultrasonic cleaning . ^ c- ^ , , , , , ^ . unbreakable metal ^^ix^JC^ jU ' . ^ unburned .aiU ^-JlsC; ultrasonic detection H^C I c:l>*l^.c5'.k s-^ 'c/^-*'-^* o'.k^-^ unified coarse thread ultrasonic soldering unci , unclass 1 L_,. ^.^^ .^r>-Ui c^.l5C^J unclassified j , j j unconfined compression test ultrasonic testing '^^ -^^ -^-^-^^ El^l U ^. li v.^ .^->-l>^. li v^ unctuous clay ultrasonic thickness measure- undamped oscillation ment^a ,. ^^-I^er^^si-^U^ Ja>UoU^ oUL ti:>- ultraviolet o^'> 'c;^ &'->^^ undamped wave jUU ^^ U-magnet ,^1 J*i c^bj^T underannealing umber ^Ij <^jl^l; .^ l:>- (^jlXj I; J,^*^) ^>-JiU JT ,^laj'L_:>- C---U underbead crack j.^ y} 6j unde 529 unf under construction undercooled graphite undercooling iU»j|^t undercracking undercut undercutting of commutator underdeck tonnage ,^^1^ ^1 li^ ^J t^Ui» underdigger dl ^ L5 1 ^ (to) underface the mo(u)ld underfeed furnace ^y'y^ oT^jl^ t>fti^-^' -^^.*^ (^'•-'^ under girder iS^j^.o ^ undergraded product underground underground surveying 0*\»j*j\ iS-i^^J*. ***** underhand stope under inflated ^U ^^ (^.U) underlay paper Jb^.io^lT underload circuit breaker undermining ^j^^- v^ undermining corrosion underpinning *iO*^*H,^ underproof ^^iU^^U c — . (to) underream under repair ,^«-*« c-^ j^ «b undershot wheel understressing AjJaS {^jL» »0o^ (AiJa^ 0«A» j^^ undertunic v*>^"^.3 undistorted power output undulatory current undulatory discharge LNESCX) i United Nations Educatiou nal Scientific & Cultural Organization unevenness iSj\y»j^^ UNFi unified fine thread ungi 530 univ unginned cotton ungraded iron uniaxial j^j^dJG unidirectional current ^^^*, Oks^ *isy^i ^k^ unified coarse thread J5C;uiU c«i^^ »^^ unified fine thread unified special thread unifiner unit uniform corrosion uniform hardening o^looT uninterrupted duty union .^^-.U.^,^^ Unionmelt process unipolar machine unit aCj ,IC «*l^jL-:> .a:>lj unit cell (->A) ^^ *^^ unit die ty>*^*^ cri^"^ United Kingdom United Nation Atomic Ener- gy Commission United Nations Educational Scientific & Cultural Orga- nization ^^ y. United Nations Organization United States Bureau of Stan- dards c^Ujyir ^jloo U-,1 lj\^\ United States Patent United States Patent Office unit-injector l5Ci^^l5 j a-Jj unit of crucible capacity unit power c^jlCi-jiU or^l^ unit price (Vir) a;>b<^l^. unit rate ^«oo-lj^ jloL* universal bath ^y^ r^^^ universal iron universal joint ubjlT Jii universal mill universal motor k} ^. ^^ ->y >*' ' J ^->^ ^1 ->y >• universal output transformer univ 531 uppe (^-^l->) 4y>«^ c/>^ J*-^ unstable u universal pipe wrenches unstable ^la,l>U ^ aJ^ unstable equilibrium universal plats ^lo^UU J^U; universal receiver **P ♦ ., - , underproof universal time ^p ^ .^.j ^^^ , J IC* oUj .^^.^ OU; ultraportable universal-tinmen*s shears upcast universal train updating c^JUy V . ^-^^ -> updraf t carburetor unkilled steel ^^_;..... jy\jyj' ub^ ^V> .cbT^ :>V> upending test United Nations Organiza- upgrade ^.Vb^ tion upgraded ^^^ *-ti-«i ^yls' unopened seam uphill casting unoxidized blowholes uphill teeming upholster JS'jj «o^ UNS i upholstery (jUL> unified special thread ^.pipe Oy^ i3^ .^Lr^:> ^J^J unsized paper / ,r- ^ i if-. upkeep (ol^i--^) (^jlcXfl^lQ v_>UJ^_5j dpIT .4j»lj J^J JUj undistorted power output upper bainite ^.VL o--^j unst 1 upper box ^^^j Wj:> uppe 532 uvva upper tension used sand .^J€ i-U OLJ- 1^) V^ J^ ^^ U.S.NAVY tear test upright *^^y^^ i^i^x o^ J-^j^, iSJ^^jS J J^,\j^j\ upright boiler ^nijl^ d^o l^SP 1 • u* J -IT I.. United States Patent upright drilling machine f^^^^u^^ USPOi upset (^) ^sj^^SZc^l 0:>J'3\s>- United States Patent Office upsetting ^(^I^.^c^il-^-j lO^iW- u^^ .uv USW i upset welding ultrashort wave upwind landing UTS i (L^lyb) jU^ csl^*-'^ -ij^ ultimate tensile strength uranium (^.W^- ^r-»^) (^I->j> urea-formaldehyde UT 1 ^oM.J,»j^\ dui^%^ universal time uses i ^Y , ^y J United States Bureau of ultraviolet Standards V i valve; versus Vi vacuum tube; volt; voltmeter; volume; vana- dium VA , va i volt-ampere vac 1 vacancy; vacuum vacancy vacancy jumps c?^«ft^'i^Uj-> vacancy pair jii:*' ^s^t^ vacu-blast vacuum cleaner J^^ iS^j^ vacuum coating vacuum column ^U-ji^^yJaiJ ^^ . M^-^i ^rs^ Oy^ vacuum concrete <.xSij. o^. Vacuum Coordination Depart- ment vacuum cutout vacuum deposition vacuum distillation unit vacuum drier vacuum extraction still vacuum flash distillation vacuum flask wy^J vacuum gauge ^^"^9^ vacuum manometer ^^'y^i- vacuum melting 'M^-^^ jiaf vacuum pan ((^jL oJ) wfli> (iC»^ vacuum plating vacu 534 vapo vacuum pump vacuum tar »^ *-r«J o\J^^ vacuum tower />^j3^^,J«aJ c^. vacuum trapM^ *ij" /M^ 0>^ vacuum treatment vacuum tuble vacuum tube detector vacuum-tube voltmeter VAHi vo It-a m pere-hour vali valve value j\'^^ ij'jj\ valve «*v.->^ valve guide .->U^- J--» c^U-ci^b valve inhead motor valve keeper valve lap UiU>- Oo^UjU OjU? valve lifter vk>- Jv» valve port valve rocker valve rotator Ol^^v^^- valve spindle v^^ *^-^ valve spring v^^- -r^ valve spring compressor valve stem ^hy *^'^^ valve washer v^^ -r^'-? valve wheel t^^ ^-^^ vanadium (^.U*ri^ .^-*^)(*i^^'j vanadium steel j\^ c**^^ b ^"^y vanadizing ^•-'^rt^^b Vandyke dUUb ♦<^'»^ vW- vane '-^ vane meter ^Uo^ Jy^ «->t^o^ 4>e-:« vane pump c^l.^ vJj vanishing point vanner (00*^) iSy- y^ Cj^^ vantit j\:> (^.ili \y 0^ vapl vapo(u)r vapo(u)r ->l*» vapo(u)r blasting vapo(u)r degreasing (j^jl) jU.L. ^.bj ^.,^ vapo 535 vc vapo(u)r density jl^. yJtS\sCs vapo(u)r galvanizing vapo(u)r lock 0^^ *i-o vapo(u)r-phase corrosion vapo(u)r-phase inhibitors vapolu)r plating c^jlf t^-?^^^.! vapo(u)r pressure jJ^j^ ->Li» vapo(u)r rectifier (^'•^j-r?" ^^x_l-i»lj «c5l»,^i>" os■[i^ jU^ variable-elevation beam j»Ja-:j (Js.*^ *i^l3 ^Lj j — ) ^Tt^y^^ variable-frequency oscilator variable-mutuale conduc tance ^,a> ^J^ .^^L .^V variable resistor variable-time fuze variable-voltage transformer ^d> j»-;laiJ J«^-5-* variance ^-'^ «cr^^.-''^ variant oilijljtj>> variation ,_5-J»U>l. (^l^il^l varicap LojU- .^^z^jli^ OjU- variocoupler variometer aj^ «^r^^.->'j varistor 1 variable resistor varmeter ^^r"'-^. ^'y ^^ varnishing Jou. t^jlTilV vaseline v>Jib vat dye ^^^si- uCi^ .t5l*^^:>- d^^ vault V-belt V-block ou^r JO, variable Capacitor; volt- coulomb vcd 536 vent VCDl velocity compounded turbine Vacuum coordination C-^^^ oU-.i9U ,yt»,jy Department velocity constant VCIi volatile corrosion inhibitor velocity factor YD I vd i velocity modulation vapour density (cl^l) ^=^^ ck-^^" vdcti volts, direct current test velocity ratio ^^^^ ^^-^ velvet J^^- vdsl variable-depth sonar velveteen veneer *^y^ 'V^ ^3^ ^3jj ve(l) I velocity 0:>J' cr^J-> «cr^J-^ «VJ^->'y veneering machine VEBl variable-elevation beam veneer process ^yTJ\ c^^.^'y Venetian blinds oJ'J'^^^^ vec i Venetian shutters oJ'J'»:>^^ vector vent ^^^^ iSkjiM,jS\y> vector J^U ob^. vector product vent 1 tf y ventilating; ventilation; ^ jU- V> J-^ U. (^ jb^. o>» J-. u- ventilator veering vent cap j:iJiS 0^)^ 0«:> ^^JJ^U c^^- ^^ (t^^*^i->) cA'y (^ *i^ vehicle cJT .Ojl ii^^ , J>U ventilating shaft vein (Ooa..) aT j t - r. - veining ventilation a>^«>" Axiai 0^j\^^J <(->^. ) ^-^ ventilator 0^.3 U velocity (t^jl^^. c^^^) c-p^ venting <^jl^ u^'y* veot 537 #ft- vent on mo(u)ld joint cr^\^ vent pipe Venturi tube vent valve ,^--i^: U, j^ vent wax vent wire veranda «ib^ .Ol^J verdigris (CHvCOO)rCu ^^ oli-l ) j\Ci} verg (opL) dU LL^ ^^^ vermeil ■>jj^j^^<>. yi*^ (^y?- (^i^, vermilion 3j^ versatile *^ ^* *^ ot^*j^^ vernier ^jj^^l:^ verso • * • I <- • • 3^ A^bA^ n^liJ Vj^ C»*-' A3«A-* vertex ^1^ ,Jli» U o^f ily vertical curve vertical (turning) lathe vertical-lift bridge j->Vl.Je vertical milling machine vertical rudder / vertical takeoff & landing aircraft *r ^\j^\^ very-high frequency 3 U J J L— J ou» L-o very-high frequency omni- directional range very low frequency ^ ^ l^^«M> Jut LmJ very short waves vestibule jJ^->o^b vestigial sideband \ F , vf , v-f i video-frequency VFi voice-frequency telegraphy v f ai video frequency amplifier VFO . vf oi variable-frequency oscilla- tor; video-frequency oscil lator vfri visual flight rules cv vhf 538 visb VHF , V h I i very high frequency VHNi Vickers hardness number VI i volum indicator via i by way of ^^ij viaduct j^jj J. .t^loi J> vibrated concrete oo^^jj o>:> vibrating arm vibrating feeder vibrating squeez mo(u)lding vibration u^UjjI.uL-^ «u^ij vibration isolator ^••^J vibrator J'»-Jj vibratory screen vice (vise) ^ ^^^ Vickers hardness number Vickers pyramid hardness Vickers test (jA*) i^iJ o=^^ video >?a..j video-frequency ya,jou.Lo video frequency amplifier •txuj c»»^^ *y'^»i wXj»l-.o ^ U Jl»a 1 video-frequency oscillator videomagnitrophon video tape recorder viewing screen vinegar naphta oU-l J-Ji vinegar salt oLl-I ^^-JlT viniflex ,_;JCLl^^^ ,J>L; v.^.--^ virgin metal Jjl c— ^ ^ virgin oil oAs «(^^ cM-.- oii virgin olive oil virgin sand virgin stock virtual cathode kSJ^ ^'i^ virtual image <^j^»^ ^.>-" virtual work vis j^ visbreaker unit •l5C!:u-> (S3^*^ oJlIaIT «lCx*»^ «4>^^ cJoifr vis-breaking «,>^<^^^l^ vise 539 vo vise i viscous viscidity viscoelastic behaviour viscose viscosity viscosity index as^J^S'^i^ viscosity temperature coef- ficient iSiJ>^^ ^5-^-^ Vi^ viscous ^^,c-ai3 o^i^^ viscous creep c-aJ J^^- viscous flow .^bl o^jy- vise vxJ .o^.f vis feed screw ^ s^. visor Uj .4J visual acuity iS^r^. ojo- visual flight rules visual photometry j^^L ^5*,^- l;>3 vitreous enamelling vitrification vitrified stoneware vitriol otr ,^13 vitriol oilcSL j^^Ju-l,c:yicj j vitriol plant vitriol salt ^jj d^ (Zn SOf. VHxO) vitriol works VLF , v 1 f 1 very low frequency v m i velocity modulation; vola- tile matters v/m I volt per meter '?-? sj Unv VM , v m 1 voltmeter v. max i vrai maximum vitr I vo i VOIC 540 vort verso voice-frequency telegraphe void (^^«^'*>>^ void moisture ^liT c->^j volatile corrosion inhibitor volatile matters dL- jL-^ :^y* 'JL'h u-j^-aJ ^1^ volt ^i voltage • J«-i ^ oM^l voltage doubter voltage drop iUJ^ cil .^Liic->l voltage factor voltage loss Jliijc-Jl oLi» o«1 voltage multiplier jUJj oo^r ^j^. »^>- voltage ratio ^^ tj «^b c«^ voltage regulator (J^) jUi ^\^ ,cJ^ (Jili voltage standing-wave ratio voltage transformer J*v voltameter ^^ J^^ volt-amper ^^^^ volt-ampere-hour c^U-^lxJj volt-coulomb J^.v^J. voltmeter e-J, volt-ohmmeter ^^ ^1 - c*lj voltohm-milliammete r volt per meter J^^. ^^ volts, direct current test j€ Jb>j^ (►-rii-** Ok^ c^UjUJ volts per mil volume c>y^ <^«J^. ^ CMC- volumetric analysis volumetric solution J.>i^«^ volum expander j^ c>y^ volute volute spring Jpj^^^i VOMi volt-ohmmeter vomitting of silver .^£l>2-l VORi very high frequency omni- directional range vortex (-type) flow vous 541 vulc (dXJ^jj^) ^.b^ (jli^ ratio voussoir j5C-i (^U^ »-^-u» «4iU»^^ wC:-. vt i ^^^ vacuum tube VP i vent pipe VTl vacuum tube; visual tunn- VPCl ing; voltage transformer vapour phase corrosion \7nnrv -, * j i VPHl Vickers pyramid hardness VPU vapour phase inhibitor vpm i volts per mil VRi ^ voltage regulator vrai maximum VSi volumetric solution VSBi vestigial sideband VSW , V s w I wery short waves; vitrified stoneware VSWR , V s w r i voltage standing-wave vacuum tube detector vt fuze 1 variable-time fuze V-threaded screw ^^/» *^:>^:h vtol aircraft t vertical take-off & landing aircraft VTR ,vtri video tape recorder VTVM , v t v m i vacuum-tube voltmeter vu i volume unit vulcacite -J vu leaf or vulcalock process vulc 542 v/v vulcanisation ^yry^ 0^-^^^. VV i '^^^t:^V ^i^iaii t^\^\^j vice versa vulcanite c^-j^l .c.ai'5CJj^ (.^/^dl^VjIjiU) v/v .v/v percent volume to volume 'K w '-l^) jo^ib water; watt; wattmeter; wailinc wolfram; (J^O c^jliL. w/ i wainscot(ing) ^ d ikBv wale (c^L.I-'y^) .1^ °. ,. ^ walking beam weight percent * (cii) (^^lis». ^>->Li WA , w a i walking furnace wire armoured ^\.j\^^ .j^ ^^ _ walking saddle c^^U9-^>s* Li i,U wad punch ^. ^>> (^^) ^^ ;^ ,^. ,j^ ^j^^^ wafer socket wall boards waffle cloth .3^ ^.>x:r ciU wall box (J^J ^^jl^^^ v^ waffle ingot (^r^j>'\ J^ wall bracket J^^ ^agon o/b wall crane ^->U^JUsi^ wagon balance wall hook c^jl^.^ V^i wall 544 wash walling ( cJ»i ) • l:>- O^^ijoj 1 wall outlet >.^, wall paper iSJ^y,^ '^^ wall plate li>- JU^ ^ wall plug (J^.) isj\y.^ *P-U^^ wall rim (JL^^^L^jl) .1>-a5_^ wall scraper (ciJ) .l>- t^y^. wall socket c^->'^-^ Jt^, wall thickness of the casting walnut oil s:>J' c^^j walterizing ^l^t^^Ujli-i ward .^ KcU*) <^^ warding file :Ua^" ijii (j\»y^ ware beam J^. ^^y j€ijy i^y^jy i{^\A^^i^) warehouse M\ ware-housing j l^ U^ <^jl*.>^^ war gas J^il^ warhead [^y. .J^j\) ^Uijl t>.li ^ warmed chill T^^ ^.^ (iS^^^^^j) f^c^^--^^ warm hardening <.^jK. ^.U^c^i^-^- warm water rinse f ^ oTj:> (^y)^yL::^ warning color ^,»u-U^ d^j (o^^ ^l • ^.^ t^L-^j^) warp j^\:>^. v^' K^cUiL) ^U warpage warp beam warp diverting beam .IT^ warping warping frame (^a^iU) 0^ii>- warping peg o^^W c*^ warping winder r warp reps (^jll jI^aTj ciU «(^jlJ ,^^j warp weight (^0,:-^^) fl^^ JiT warp winder v^oj «s^ cJ washability yij^^ oJb I3 washboard ol^l c— ^ wash boring i^.T t^jIT *s^ washburn core wash column washed graphite washed leather «a-i-* (»^^ washer j#a:>yi f^ij «cHl^ washer-head screw jl^^l^ s^ washery water wash 545 wate wash heat jy^ c>j\j>- wash heating U^l o^J^^-^^ (to) wash-in washing classifier washing soda ^^-^^ ^L^^f oLii t(NaxCOr , ^ ° H^O) j>U^ washing tower wash-leather .t^^l^^b^ r^ washmarking jU?-^ c^- wash oil c^ ^*' (to) wash-out wash primer (<^j) Jj' ,>^^ wastage J^' ioUiU» waste JU-T .oU>U» waste casting waste-heat oven waste water v>Uli waste water treatment plant watch glass (^s^) c-pL- ^-s-:^ watch spring steel watch tower water (o>^'>?") ^^- water acid dk,^j^y^ o^ water & sediments ( c^ ) *^ ^. >-'->-? V ^ ^' 3** water ballast water bath (^5*^) (^->^v>. water bearing ->'^.T water boiler (reactor) waterbound macadam water cement tiU^^o-j^ oU-j- water-cement ratio water color v ' -^-^ J.A^»^ •-^ -^ water column v^ ^>^ water conduit oT *J^ «vl ts^j**^ water cooled cupola ^^ waterline corrosion test water cure 'c^J ->^ ^/i l^^^ water cured concrete wate 546 wate water cut oii ^, yT ^--J ^^J Sj/" ,cS\j j\^ ij^ water disengaging water-jet pump J^L.T LJj ^l ^lo^ .iCi-i water knock out water drill ((^^4i3«j)v_>Tli (A*ia5) t^jL a^^ ^T Jjuir cb^ i^yj ^ waterleaf paper water-drive Ob v^ ^dXL»^\ i J-ij^o^ a^lT water drop test water-level ^T }\j ^s\•J^ t/^ ->>=*- cA^-^' water level gauge watered silk U-^T a]^ »Uijl^" aJ^ *^r, ft . . jlop.^ t5*-^.>'J *^->li water-lime water equivalent ici^.^.TjjIj^ dyj>x-jb oU^ ,,yToU-- 4^^^i»> Jir>xp waterline water factor ^^Jcri^l -^ ij^-^iS^J^. ^ *j^ jy^J water-fast (color) J^l* «;Cjj waterline corrosion water flush systeiaT}f:»f^ ■-^*^ watermark water-gas ; J\ jlT watermarking water gauge (^J^^) v^i ur*i^' U-:>T a]^ .Ui jl^" a3^ water meter >J\ jyjS' water-gilding (S^^j^ v^<^^' water of constitution water glass (^>^iy» c:->l^ r-^il *i>->^ i(JiJlp ^ ju. oLjCJu-) <^.L^ U^ water of crystallization U-^ I AJ^ . Uiil^ AJ^ j^Lj oT water hammer water-power station ^J J^.^ 'V^ \^ '5:^ ^.> clli^ibjjL> jT^ water-hardening water pressure gage water jacket waterproof ^.^Lu^ wate 547 waxe waterproofing course waterproof paint water pump v->T I-Jj water purifier v' *^*-^' •^^^ water quenching water ratio v^ ^^-'■^ water-repellent ^A^^. ' water rheostat ^l<5U-y^ water-ring pump urL*l LJj water rolling water separation watershed water shut off equipment water softening J\ (^iLX-^ water-space -?Lil v^ .^T Oj>»> watertight .^ t^^^'J water tube boiler ^T *J^ jUio t^ water wheel vL- «v^^ waterwork ^T (e»iy) e?^ watt («3^. vJ^;^ oa-b) ob wattage rating wa tt-hou r c-^ L . o I j watt-hour meter wattless (current) wattmeter «3^. ->.>x^ i^^\i watt-minute 4iLii-olj watt per candle cf^ ^.*^b watt per candle power wave c^ waveband c>* "^ k wave front o» A^^ 'C>* M^ waveguide wavelength c^ J^^ wavemeter ?:^-^ c>* wave soldering ^>» c^jiC^-pJ wave-train g>* ->^ wave trap ^.->c:>» wave winding jlvx:>>* s«^*^ waviness 0^>» jl^>:>>« ^_U c^ «0^>> ^^>^ t(*^-^) wax r^ <^l->^ wax cotton covered wire ^y>. t^l^ ^/S'jJ I* f,^ waxed kraft KS^y ^ Ia3 v-* "Jt^i^ waxe 548 webd waxed wire ^^ 3i^k c«- wax for cardboard wax for iron ^\ c^l^. j^h^ wax insulated wire wax (ed) paper wax pattern ((^^*^->) ^^ J^ wax tailing ^^ibU oojUJI wax went wax wire ^^ j,U L ^^^ ways (^jKil^- ^^[j, y^ way shaft ^LJ-b»l>- .^^ol;^ w c i water-cooled w/c 1 water-cement ratio; watt per candle wd i wiring diagram wdg i winding weak roasting ^ A»yj wear J^.^J* 'eri^ wear hardness ^^S^^.^ uri^ ^J^.J-> c^ji*^^ .j^Lia;- wearing course ^,j->^U-l ^.V wearing depth ^.L- jU«^ a:> wear off .yiTo^Lu-l cfjU.jlojl wear resistance '^y.^^.^ j_^L» ^'^.J^ t^jl«^'J i^L-iaw weather boarding weathercock stability weathered constituent c^^/-»L^ weathering UObi o-li iflU- (joi^ ilj* weather mo(u)lding weather-proof weather-resisting JbUI A«U «i5Cs j weather station^j-l^ly^.l^is-*! (to) weave ^L weave binding ^^^. weaving l^e. ,J» Li* f ^a^» L weaving distance weaving section <*J»li; L^Li web f*>-jU ajU. 1^ jl^ «AiL webbing 0^l^^t^li> web divider spinning webe 549 well weber (^_,-J»Lu> (^UJI wx>lj) ^^ web girder jiaj U- ^» I ^ web paper Jjj o^1$' «*i>i ^1^ wedge '^ 'O^ weep hole j^y^^j^ ^l •'-> cl->^ weft (^^^.) ^>t weft reps fS:>y^ jb aT ^ cJl* '/» Ja^^a^ weight horsepower weighting S^j^ ^j^ 0^^ c^*^^ weight percent Jh^^-^^ weight per foot ( J» ^y -^^. ^-'-^ weight ring weir C«^^' •^^ (to) weld 0^1^ c/^ weldability (^) c5^.V^j>^ weld bead ^^jlCiyj-yUU weld decay (SJ^yi- J'^j^ welded casing J'^ jj:> *J>i welded gas tube J-yrh^ ^^ (OU--i U ^ aJ^) 3lf (^1^. welding iSJ^yr welding burner welding hammer t^jlCi^^>- welding flux ^SJ^y!' ^J welding gun c^j^>> ^1 welding heat isX^^ iS^^ welding helmet isJ^^ *^^ welding material welding mill isJ^y^r c^l^CiU welding motor-generator ' fSJ^y> ^y y* weld ingot Ajb^ib^i welding pass J'y> ^ welding regulator welding rod ^JC^yr J^i^ welding seam J'y>- ^ welding tip i welding torch weldrun - ^\jy- well ,j^ *^^ jl*. c^Li* ^ftl^ well chamber .^L; well head o^^ well log (cJu ok-il) 4i>*i well 550 whee well logging well rig j}^lS»\^^:> well water •l^ yT welt iij'^^.) *^ wet analysis xl'II wet assay ^ U-^ 4, j>j wet concentration wet corrosion J ^/'^j^ wet dock *=?-^>* V^ 3'^ 'Ij ,.Mr*^ '(.5^^ ,.;«*^ wet dressing «^.T t^jL *iUT wetness (<^jL- ^Is')^.^ «co^j wet puddling Sa>3j^ ^^T wet storage (sj^.) iS^^^J wet-strength wettability c^^.^Lxi^j «t^^-^. ^ wet table wetted perimeter wetting agent joOlliT^-^^^ S^U wetting power j^ju^^ ojoi wetting quality wet vacuum distUation wet vacuum pump WG , wg i wire gauge WH , w-h , whr 1 watt-hour wharf Jifl-Ljl^^i .jlaibL .ibC-l Wheatstone bridge wheel wheel & axle wheelabrator wheelbarrow wheel cutter wheel cutting machine wheel dresser ^>r ^ \s^ ^^- wheeler slab wheel hub tj^ ^^ *tj^ ^y wheel iron Jjju. wheel lathe o^l^" tj=^ •IJCx-^ wheel mill wheel path radius X.:A» (^L-l whee 551 whit wheel spider t^ ^^ wheel spoke c^r -^^ whetstone whiff letree Ja-^ouJU whim jiU •t^.^r?-' whip .^ i^U oU- ^ whip & -derry •^^^ ^L^ whipcord .J^ Is^ji* whippletree ia-^ jlu3U whip saw ^>ir Sjl ..jly ijl whipstitch O^^t^ij^ J' J whip stock vJl^*^! 4*^13 whirlgate whirlgate dirt trap whirlgate feeder whirling whirling runner whiskers J*^ whistler (c^^*^->) cr^^^^ white ol.v.;.*** foju* white acid j^jy^ J>U>. white annealing jl^ fsJ^, U" white antimony o^-uziVlj white arsenic .?-^->l a,^.x^I white book muslin (f)jli ^l4--L3 ^jU) ^>^ white carbon ^j-ja-* J^j^ «cr-Ay white cast-iron ^m- 0^ white caustic j^T 3^ ^^ white copper 0^\jj^ Lr white damp white gold o^^s^ white heart malleable iron white iron c.^j^ i^^ O^ white latten *^" ^o^ white lead ^^ v-^lo^ whife metal ol^l^'l* JUl iC^\ whiten (^^.^) c— ^ u^^ ^^i- white paraffin j ^^ : . - white pickling white phosphorous ^jj J^ white products ic^r// whiteruss e^L. ^jl^ white rust .*aJl- <£Xii whit 552 wind white scale white soda ash ^^^^oU^^ white Spiegel looking pig- iron iJasi* JLjA-. 0' white substitute white tin (^^^U-- white wash .dUT U ^foU^^ white water (<^3L oftlT^i) j^y, ^T white zinc (S^j ola-.A- whiting <_j|oui- iix^ Jf Whitwell stove J^c-i^ ->3^"'^^-> Whitworth thread ,j>=^J •^^ whizzing whole working ^j\o^s^^ whorl W/ll 'Svr ought iron wick *^ wicket ^^jy^'j c— ^.j c^ ( ^^^ j3 OLu» (^^i) *^->^ *i^y^->^ wide-band antenna wide flange beam wide flat steel ,>«* t-^' wide meshed sieve z^j^ dUI widening .^b> u«^ Widmanstatten structure widthwise rolling -^--^^ ^"-^ wild-cast well ^s— -=?> c^-^U^ wild gas oJl. s^^ jlf wild metal .0Uy> jii wild steel Wilfley table winch ftlCu,^ i^yL-^ JU5l^ ,^1^ jLjI A^^i -s^^ 'l^b^ (to) wind ,^^^se(^- '^^^^ c^ windage ly«» c^jU* '^^i^U (^^.) .r^**-'' o^^-;^ ^J^. ->^ wind belt l>* ^^y*^ «•>* v^ wind box lys*^ «•>» "^^r*^ wind bracing (oU^^L) t^oo^U wind charger wind-driven generator wind 553 Wire winder ^ oOouTj^MS' «l^x-»^ winders wind furnace winding winding gable winding drum .JjIT S^^ c^ «c ,i:5ai winding machine. ^yj^^e^^^jiU winding pinion ^^5^^ Soi^ winding road ^^j ^r^^ .b winding rope ; v, ,; winding shaft cjii ob>- winding-up .*— > dU J>Uil windlass window glass (»U- li--i window-pane f U- a^u^^ windrow a--*^ wind screen (J,-^yl) ^ *^-i winds wiper J-^yl ^:/'*Il>^^. (to) wind up cl^,=ii-I.Oo^,r9=^-jji wind vane -''^•^ c^U^U windward ,y^ :>L.a, ^^ cS^p- wing -^ .JV wing auger ^^ wing bit winged nut wing radiator wing screw winning level .^l^^aix-l Jsy (Oa*>.) cl^^-l ^ij^\j winnings 3^ t^^y ->Ij^ winnower ^My. v>^^ winnowing machine winter-grade gasoline winter skins aT ^"Ul^^:*- y^ winze ^^^l^- dl* ol^- iJi^J-b .l>- wipe 40Ju;lsli:i- Cjyo ]ex^ j\y d^^^\\ wipe contact distributor wiper (^foxiU /^U) dUbL wipe spark ^j^l 4»^r^ wiping contact ^>i c-ru^f wipple hammer ^b>> ,ji5C>- wire ^^^ if^ (to) wire J^^^^*^ wire bar ,^:lC^^ wire broadcasting wire cloth .ji wire-cut brick .ou^l^-^^T wire rswm *wm wire cutter o^ 6*^ '^. (»^ wired glass wired radio '^i^'-? c^/^-^. wire drawer wire drawer bench ^J^J^ >* wire drawer plate yj^ ^'j J^ wire drawing .ru:* wired wireless «^.il->(^^^. ^»^^ U ^^'j «(**-'^ ^J^^^ wire end cutting nippers wire finder wire flattening ^^.!^i^'^.!^ ->-> wire gauge ^^^c^UoIvasI wire gauze .^^-o-- W-^^ •i.j^^ jy wire lead Jtix.\ ^^^ wireless (»----t> wireless order ^^ifj <^Uj^i^3 <^^.^'v' c^U^Uj wAi^less station .>- vji.^'^'-' •O.U- z-> .ISCxwl wireless telegraphy I eifv^ Wireless Telegraphy Board wireless telephonic commu- nication <*---> ^y»^ ^}iJ wireless telephony (»---j Oy^i^ wire-mesh oven wire mill <^iL.»^ ^^y wire nail {^sj'^^i^) t5U«JU wire pliers ^^.cx,a» jlf wire rolling ^^.i^yuL. .t^jL---- wire rope <^^V^ J^l^ wire rope clip J^X ^•-'. wire saw ^.>« •->» wire stripper ^cM^^ wire table ((jjL- iiir) (^^y j-^ wire way •^^^^ wire welded mesh wire works (^3^--^- wire-wound liU-^ i^^*--- wire wound resistor (^^.) o^^ C-^^li* wiring cleat ,^..J^Ij>U wiring diagram UjIvJl* (»l^l*i «Uj|vXj» j\^y^ withdrawal roll oox^dUU withwise rolling WL , W/L , w 1 . w/li wavelength wm 1 wattmeter wmo 085 WOOt WMO i jesg . World Meteorological Or- ganization WOi wireless order wobbulator •^^.^j'^y* wolfram (^L*^ ^j^a^) cr-^ *f^^^ wood ^.yr »iU^ «fJ** *^y^ wood alcchol «v>>- J^i {CHrOH)caJui.J53l wood auger ^hj^ ^^ '^^^ *^ wood carver j^ ^^-f^ wood cement wood-cut print wood-distillation methanol dLL^ JsGI .v>?- J^l wood dye ^Lf (i^^ •^Li' i'jS^j wooden float ^^l^>^ a)u wood engraving t^jlTc-^-:^ wooden handle ^.>>- o^>t wooden peg (^^U) ^-:> aU- wood of short staple wood opale ^-^-^.>r J^^' woodpecker welding isJ^^y!- wood peeling machine wood-plan i ng mach i ne {^tm wood pulp olpIT ^^ ^^ woodrock ^/^^ ^y^ woodruff key J'^ j^ wood screw jjvi^c«i't^^s«i wood separator isfyisfl iiow Wood's lamp wood spirit dlJl^ J53I ,v^ J53I Wood's metal snHiow .v-*^ Yd .o>— — wo ^o) 3JJ 3LJT (^:>^ K/^ jfiJi ir/^ wood tar o>>- Ot ^ wood tin ^y:- c^ wood turning J''^' wood wool Ks'.y^ «^ woodwork iisi^ gi iSJ^ wood -working machines t^jUti (^l^^U tiSjX^^j^ (^l^z-JiU woody structure WOOf (^duiU) i^ wool ^ wool dye .^^ oUI c^l^. «i^j wool fat o*^>V wool grease cJ^^ wool wax c^^'V Wootz process ^^^ t^jU ^Vy work 556 wpfg work .IT worm gear workability ^Jj^ ^^^y. •^^tj^ *0^^j\j*i^^tj^ worker worm hob (<^jL diiir) diiU .^b ij'j^ ^/^.'>^ '^-^ t^ Jji jj work function ^°™ «"«^ work hardening worm thread Oj:>->U 5a;:> iSJ^^^ ^iSJ^^^ j^ worm wheel ^->>^U Soi^ e>^ work lead j^^^ .(.U- ^^ worsted ^ ^l» working jir J> Worthington pump working drawing jyj <^->vA-J-^^i L-^ ,oy^^j^ ^ds working face (uo^) j^ lu- ^ **. >W working head oT ^ j^ jUj wound pole v^^ v-JJ working load ols' flC:**j jUi wound rotor motor ^ ^ , jiT uUi ji ,_^ •^y^ aaL>l ^uji ^y>* working place .If^^ ^ I working pressure wall plug; working pres- ^\^jj»A» jLii 1(43^ j^ ^T) c^jIT ^Uj sure WPi working standard weather-proof working too hot W.P. 1 i.j^) r^jLp- j^ j> waterproof; working pres- 1 . . sure workman ju>»^lj^l workmanship t^^lx-l «ojU^ w d c 1 World Meteorological Orga- watts per candle nization ^^U^ily^ ^l^:> oUiU wpcp i worm conveyer \: watt per candle power worm feeder wpfg i ^ ^^ ij Ui» .,^^, i3 U; waterproofing wpm 557 wyec wpm i words per minute WRl rectangular waveguide wrapping test ^^5.^ J>:i>»^, U jT wrecking bar wrench j\s^'\ wrench with adjustable head wrinkle *}^^ .^^ 'O^ wrinkle proofing wrist pin ,^i^l .^>> ojT wrought alloys wrought iron wrought iron pipe WSl wireless station wti watt; weight WTi water-tight; wireless tele- graphy; wireless telephony W/Tl watch tower W/TBi Wireless Telegraphy Board w t c i wireless telephonic com- munication Wt hpi weight horsepower wt per ft 1 weight per foot Wt Stn 1 weather station Wurtz flask w/v i percent weight in volume w w i wire- wound w/w i percent weight in weight W.W.R. i warm water rinse wj^e (piece) asj^y^ •b*- *?-J^f ^oIjA- i^ Xc I capacitive reactance x-cut iil»^OIjj^ ^^) X J^, XRAi X-ray assistant X-ray jC::j^jIj:,\ ,^jJC\ Ljl] X-ray absorption Xi-il X-rayogram X i*-l l*. cr^ X-ray pattern X **-! L. cr^ Xs . -^L. xenon ( ^. L-^ ,r-»^ ) 0^ jf xerography dUJ-^>:f '^r^^ ^.i X-unit X y^. c^ J> (r^^^r-^l o/oo ) ^1^) xylography .^.>>- v^ xli inductive reactance xplnl explanation xylonite ^VA- xylos oyr J^ # fm-X DOitqio«i*i ^81-X ^■f -1- -.-^A (vi _^ r^A^ I i ^^^ -<:iV j-^hj J^l u ' ^wl ^>, -^■v. I si V3f l«^ aolvx ttt'f ms flHT «^U h\r : ^H^vi •>^U di^kzi' •^ Li. ■:: i J'-' ' \Wi ^\.Uh\' 0*f 4^.-?* ik^} .Hh.»<-\.'' 5.10 ^1»X^^ biBi^i ^.\^' aseite {gii i)bl^jY -^ix j<.ljU^» **^ 'wiv"^ > ^\i^.. }nl(K| falsi •/ •«X*^C%u*iii»!i.j. ileb •i«.-\ iU=^^- 1 ^^) - Yl yacht ^i>- ji^S' yard I ^1^. J> ar^b) ^^U ft^iUjLlT 4iU-jir <(^;^..L^ s Iff yard (arm) (,>::i^) o^ ^sy-^:> yarn '|- .o-j I; ^j yarn count ^ s^ yarn number ^ ;^ yarrow boiler ^U> dC^ yaw .^_^3I ,^ijLr ^1^1 ^ji^ OU^^ ^^yjS o:ijy^ <»«* yawing L.^ly^ k ,>:^ Ol5C; yawning crack yawl JT^ viU U t^ji>l uL^U y. axis l^^ ^>»«j» Yb i ^ ytterbium y-branch .t^^I^ •\j <- y connection (J^) •^U- JUrl y-cut ^^ f j^ ydi yard yeark-line o\jJ J^X yearly make *;VL- Jj yearly product <;VL J^ yellow arsenic- ' '^^ ^j} yellow brass J>*^g^^. yellow copper ^^ yellow-earth yellow metal i^^ iZfo ^^j ,%9o ^) ^y. JUT yellow-metal founder yels 562 yttr yelsh 1 yellowish yield J^J'*^\>- 0J3 «^^ •^^, yield(ing) stress *jl:^J'j\, yield point .^^iLii; Y juDCtion ^T ^s^yi>-y Y network ( J^ ) .^ U-- J U; I yoke e^. .o^b^ Young's modulus »T i^) a^Iv <- ytterbium (^.U-Ji^,.^) ^^^^J yttrium (^L^^,-up) ^.^J «^<*«. v« u^; ■ tauoo max cPi r^ laliod W01[UBY t^ -^wCO ~2; ^ hm xoa 1 880 it ctais, DHKi "^ y^ ia^ '-.*-^v .r.r ■^' , V / -0 *-v«-^ Kiiv*) zero; zone r-«^\jj^) Zl iot iCJ^r-*.) o*J->^^ •u-'^'V' zenith (t^jlC-» j:U zein *5' ^^o^ JLJI) ^>si3 Zernicke microscope zero-current ammeter zero method ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ >-• Jjj fS^J 4, ^ aT ^y Ui aT^^^I*^ 1 ^i If) zero-point energy (3^^ ,y*-» (S^^J^ iSJj*^ jloi* zero potential zero strength ^^->k zero-zero (^jujU) 0*0*^.4^ ZF , z-l 1 '^^ '^ Z.D.A i rr^ 5* zero frequency Zinc Development Associa- ziberline jl jl*") c/.^^.-^ ^-'^ tion oiJomv (^ <^3J ^^^ t/>^.^ (^ Zeeds (J3)^^^jlj zigger (ji>)^^^cy^ zig-zag connection Zamak alloys fJUIj t^UjLJT Zamboni pile J^J(Sj^. Zam metal o-'>-«=^ f^)c'-^ ^U ' zapon Oi'3 ilV Z-bar (^)^j^t5^ z -cut jA ^ c^v*. (c— I c^-^*. ^>*^ ^ -^>*«^) zigz 564 zymu zig-zag dislocation zig -zag road <>^ s*iw^ •^-' zinc (^,W^^'-^)(5j-> (to) zinc o^-lj^l^lT .u^l>3l^ zincate treatment zinc box jj ^.\.V«^ c^JI^aT ^jj t(Sjj v^-> zinc solution z^ 4s^) zinc-spraying i; , . ^^ o*^^ •^'^ t^^-' zinc tinsel t zinc white zinc yellow .<5j-> *^^^^ (ZnCr0f)<5^j^VJ ^^i zinking (Sj^.^j zirconium Z-iron (^)^^i j:^ Zni zinc zone melting process zone refining zoning (S^ !^>» <*U»->^) f^i Z.P.b.A 1 Zinc Pigment Development Association Zri zirconium Z-twist v^' v^ zymosi meter zymotic d\^J « zymurgy J3^Ji> nj.l kSjSj^ (^lAoJfwiGI 4) (^.l^.j*f (5Ub6 jfjuf JlJ^'S yard foot inch (USA) inch (Engl.) mil yd. 0.91439m ft. *^»'^« '^^ 0,30479m in miB ..tl> 25.400mm in. " 25.399mm 0,0254mm Square yard Square foot Square inch Square mil Cubic yard Cubic foot Cubic inch ,^9«k- c5^oJfaif Sq.yd. 0,8361 m2 Sq.ft, 0,0929 m^ Sq.in. 6,4516 cm2 Sq.mil 6,45.10-«cm2 ,jta!f> iS^»J^^\ Cu.yd. 0.76456 m^ Cu.ft. 0,02832 m3 Cu.in, 16,3871 cm^ gallon (imperial) gal. 4,5459 L gallon (USA) gal. 3,7853 L ounce, fluid fl.oz. 0,02957 L dram, fluid (USA) fl.dr. 3,6966 mL ton (Engl.) tn. 1016,047 kg ton.long (USA) l.tn. 1016.047 kg ton.short (USA) sh.tn. 907,185 kg hundredweight centumweight ■% K hw. 1 cwt. / 50.802 kg pound, avoirdupois lb., Ib.av. 453,592 g ounce, avoirdupois oz., oz.av. 28,3495 g dram, avoirdupois dr., dr.av. 1,77184 g grain gr. 0,06480 g pound, troy & apothecaries Ib.ap. 373,267 g ounce, troy & apothecaries oz.ap. 31,1034 g dram, troy & apothecaries dr.ap. 3.8879 g carat Engl ^^!^*-' c. 205,5 mg penny weigHt '" * p.wt. 1,5552 g Knm mm,e ^ma^-or.SI^J im,pB tJ^fV^^^J^ •*^^. ■IMD '^K^h '^^P^* loo!^ D fAsm hi^m !>. a/sq.ft. 0,108 a/dm2 ^.^ 0,155a/cm^ li 15,55a/dm2 ^l^i a/sq.in 0,305m/sec 2,288g/m3 14.26g/m3 17.12Mg/L 62,5g/kg 0.3183g/m3 0,004394kg/cm2 3,232mmHg/cm 0.043394 ^:u^ U 8,24cmVL 7,7cm VL 6,236g/L 7.5g/L 7.3g/L 8,2g/L l,0kg/m3 2,853kg/m3 16,0184kg/m3 wH. -^J>». ft. /sec. A-oU^joy gr./cu.ft. v^xC^ o>^ ^_^ gr./Imp.gal Jli^>»Ul^^.oi^ gr./gal.USA ^.^IJlT^.oi^ OZ./Ib. ^i^^> (jl^^-^^1) cro' oz./sq.ft. (2^.^ ^y^.(f»u-i^l oz./sq.in. ^^J^. (>.^^->jl)u-^^i oz./sq.in. s^J^.(ji>i^j^l)^ijl oz./sq.in. e^J^.(jt^^jjl)^^l oz./gal. Jir^. (tiU) ^jl oz./gal. ^.^1 ^^^^.(ti^)^^^^' oz./gal. Jlf^. {jir,:^J^\)cr^^\ oz./gal. oil^^. (^.ii^Jjl)crijl oz./gal. (^.jjli J t^^^-) ^^1 oz./gal. (^.jjl^ J t^j^") ^^' oz./cu.ft. v*^ ^y^^. uT^j' Ib./bbl. J->^^. ^^ Ib./cu.f t.( ls:> ^ I ) w.xCiOy ^oj ^ 16,0115kg/m' 0.1198kg/L 1 ^iL *^- ' 0,09983kg/L 27.7g/cm3 0.0004882kg/cm2 0,3591mmHg/cm = 0,004882 ju^ U dl ^. vT,^ 0,0004725 >^-| 0,07031kg/cm2 51712mmHg/cm 0,70307 ju^ U cO, ^ oT^ 0,06804 >mJI 0,5425kg/m2 ■Ti,pa\j^ 0.5kg/c/ k-x,^ -'"S MLpA.s.o *^^i! ^1-.. (*^.■ j8g\.S0 -..-^J*^-)x '^^ " -■4 .'..,, 4 .. -, ■■' " i ■l^^M.^w^ :w ^-1 » .'-a.'^^ u^.^ ■-• .ts.)^:''^-.: „ .|Hg\.SO ^t -_. ( H-fh t ^-'ct ■.''iv. !-^^i. ^ -isgX.so k^-. .l!,ii0\.2?9 ^ Jdcf\ Jl ,.U-..^^^).ft.'tf3Vcfl Ib./cu.ft. v**^ oy^ ai^ (.rJ^I) Ib./gal. ^.^' J'^-''. "^"^ Ib./gal. ju^i jir^. ^y. Ib./cu.in. ^*C» ^.1^. ^Aj^ Ib./sq.ft. t'.w^ ^y^. ^^i Ib/sq.in. e'.^e^J^. ^^ £., ^ lllki \ Ib./sq.yd. ' '^i*.-;* ^->^.w^. "^^ Ib./t. .U^C^V. ^ii *^Tv ' S^JiS,^>f- ■- dVm^t^B '.Agaes.o J\8e,t -raXl^iO.r yJt 4) O^ Jl'-*^ lft=0,30479m o^ J^ o>5 jX^ oy >u j o^ J^ 1 0,305 47 14,326 93 28,346 139 42,366 2 0,610 48 14,630 94 28,650 140 42,671 3 0,914 49 14.935 ^5 28,955 141 42,976 4 1,219 50 15,240 96 29,260 142 43,280 5 1,524 51 15,544 97 29,565 143 43,585 6 1,829 52 15,849 98 29,8S9 144 43,890 7 2.134 53 16,154 99 30,174 145 44,195 8 2,438 54 16.459 100 30,479 146 44,499 9 2.743 55 16,763 101 30,784 147 44,804 10 3.048 56 17.068 102 31,089 148 45,109 U 3,353 57 17,373 103 31,393 149 45,414 12 3.657 58 17.678 104 31,698 150 45,719 13 3.962 59 17.983 105 32,003 151 46,024 14 4,267 60 18,287 106 32,308 152 46,328 15 4,572 61 18.592 107 32,613 153 46,683 16 4.877 62 18,897 108 32,917 154 46,938 17 5,182 63 19,202 109 33.222 155 47,243 18 5,486 64 19,507 110 33,528 156 47,852 19 5,791 65 19,811 HI 33,832 157 47,548 20 6,096 66 20,116 112 34,137 158 48,157 21 6,401 67 20,421 113 34,441 159 48.462 22 6.705 68 20,726 114 34,746 160 48.767 23 7,010 69 21,030 115 35.051 161 49,072 24 7.315 70 21,335 116 35,356 162 49,376 25 7.620 71 21.640 117 35,661 163 49.681 26 7,925 72 21,945 118 35,965 164 49,986 27 8,229 73 22,249 119 36,279 165 50,291 28 8,534 74 22,554 120 36.575 166 50,595 29 8,839 75 22,859 121 36.880 167 50,900 30 9,144 76 23,164 122 37,185 168 51,205 31 9.449 77 23.469 123 37.489 169 51,510 32 9.753 78 23,774 124 37,794 170 51,815 33 10.058 79 24,078 125 38,099 171 52,119 34 10,363 80 24,383 126 38,404 172 52,424 35 10,668 81 24,688 127 38,709 173 52,729 36 10,973 82 24.993 128 39,013 174 53,034 37 11,278 83 25.298 129 39,318 175 53,339 38 11,582 84 25,602 130 39.623 176 53,643 39 11.887 85 25,907 131 39,928 177 53,948 40 12,192 86 26,212 132 40,233 178 54,253 41 12,497 87 26,517 133 40,537 179 54,558 42 12.802 88 26,822 134 40,842 180 54.863 43 13,106 89 27,126 135 41,147 181 55.167 44 13,411 90 27,431 136 41,452 182 55,472 4$ 13,716 91 27,736 137 41,756 183 55,777 ^,i ^14,021 92 28,041 138 42.061 184 56,082 ^>» J^ oy y* oii >* 0>J ^* 185 56.387 238 72,541 291 88,695 344 104,849 186 56,691 239 72,845 292 89,000 345 105,154 J 87 66,996 240 73,150 293 89.304 346 105,458 J 88 57,301 241 73,455 294 89.609 347 105,763 J 89 57,606 242 73,760 295 89.014 318 106,068 190 57,910 243 74,065 296 90,218 349 106,373 191 58,215 244 74,369 297 90,523 350 106,678 J 92 58,520 245 74,674 298 90,828 351 106,982 193 58,825 246 74,979 299 91,133 352 107,287 194 59,130 247 75,284 300 91,437 353 107,592 195 ; ■ 59,435 248 75,589 301 91,742 354 107,897 196 59,739 249 75,893 302 92,047 355 108,202 197 60,044 250 76.198 303 92,352 356 108,506 198 60,349 251 76,503 304 92,657 357 108,811 199 60,654 252 76,808 305 92,962 358 109,116 200 60,959 253 77,113 306 93,267 359 109,421 201 60,263 254 77.417 307 93,571 360 109.726 202 61,568 255 77.722 308 93,876 361 110.030 203 61,873 256 78,027 309 94,181 362 110,335 204 62,178 257 78,332 310 94,486 363 110,640 205 61,482 258 78.637 311 94,790 364 110,945 206 62,787 259 78,941 312 95.095 365 111,250 207 63,092 260 79.246 313 95,400 366 111,554 208 63,397 261 79.551 314 §5,705 367 111.859 209 63,702 262 79.856 315 96,010 308 112.164 210 64,006 263 80.161 316 96,315 369 112,469 211 64,311 264 80,465 317 96,619 370 112.773 212 61,016 265 80,770 318 96,924 371 113.078 213 64,921 266 81,075 319 97,229 372 113.383 214 65,226 267 81,380 320 97,534 373 113.688 215 65,530 268 81,684 321 97.839 374 113,993 216 65,835 269 81.989 322 98.143 375 114,297 217 66,140 270 82.294 323 98.448 376 114,602 218 C6,445 271 82.599 324 98.753 377 114,907 219 66,750 272 82.904 325 99.058 378 115.212 220 67,054 273 83,208 326 99.363 379 115,517 221 67,359 274 83,513 327 99.667 380 115,821 222 67,664 275 83,818 328 99,972 381 116.126 223 67,969 276 84,123 329 100,277 382 116.431 224 68,274 277 84.428 330 100,582 383 116.736 225 68.578 278 84.732 331 100,887 384 117.041 226 68,883 279 85.037 332 101,191 385 117,345 227 69,188 280 85,342 333 101.496 386 117.650 228 69,493 281 85.647 334 101.801 387 117,955 229 69,798 282 85,952 335 102.106 388 118,260 230 70,102 283 86,256 336 102,410 389 118,565 231 70,407 284 86.561 337 102.715 390 118,869 232 70,712 285 86,866 338 103,020 391 119,174 233 71.017 286 87,171 339 103.325 392 119,479 234 71,321 287 87,476 340 103,630 393 119,784 235 71,626 288 87,780 341 103,934 394 120,089 236 71,931 289 88.085 342 104,239 395 120,393 237 72,236 290 88,390 343 104,544 396 120,698 o>» J^ o^ J^ ^^ -i o>f y* 397 1 121,003 436 132,888 475 144,777 5500 1676.356 398 121,308 437 133,193 476 145,082 6000 1828.752 399 121,613 438 133.498 477 145,387 6500 1981,148 400 121,917 439 133.803 478 145,691 7000 2133.544 401 122,222 440 134,108 479 145.996 7500 2285.940 402 122,527 441 134,412 480 146,301 8000 2438,336 403 122,832 442 134,717 481 146,606 8500 2590.732 404 123.136 443 135,022 482 146,911 9000 2743,128 405 123.441 444 135.327 483 147,215 9500 2895,424 406 123.746 445 135.632 484 147,520 10000 3047,92 407 124.050 446 135.936 485 147,825 10500 3200,316 408 124.354 447 136,241 486 148,130 11000 3352,712 409 124,659 448 136.516 487 148.435 11500 3505.108 410 124,964 449 136,851 488 148.740 12000 3657,504 411 125.269 450 137,156 489 149.045 12500 3809,900 412 125,573 451 137,460 490 149.349 13000 3062,296 413 125,878 452 137,765 491 149.654 13500 4114,692 414 126,183 453 138,070 492 149,959 14000 4267,088 415 126,488 454 138.375 493 150,264 14500 4359,484 416 126,793 455 138,679 494 150,568 15000 4571,880 417 127,097 456 138,984 495 150.873 15500 4724,276 418 127.402 457 139,289 496 151,177 16000 4870,652 419 127.707 458 139.594 497 151,482 16500 5029,048 420 128,012 459 139.899 498 151.787 17000 5181,044 421 128.317 460 140,203 499 152.091 17500 5333,836 422 128.621 461 140,508 500 152.396 18000 5486,256 423 128.920 462 140.813 600 182,875 18500 5638,652 424 129.231 463 141.118 700 213,354 19000 5791.016 425 129.536 464 141.423 800 243,834 19500 5943.442 426 129,841 465 141.727 900 274,313 20000 6095,836 427 130,145 466 142.032 1000 304,792 20500 6248,232 428 130.450 467 142.337 1500 457,188 21000 6400,628 429 130.755 468 142.642 2000 609.584 21500 6552,924- 430 131.060 469 142.947 2500 761.980 22000 6705,420 431 131,364 470 143.252 3000 914.376 22500 6857,816 432 131,669 471 143.557 3500 1066,772 23000 7010.212 433 131,974 472 143.862 4000 1219,168 23500 7162,608 434 132,279 473 144,167 4500 1371.564 24000 7315,004 435 132,584 474 144,472 5000 1523,960 24500 25000 7467,400 7619,796 B to to to to s to to CO to CO o CO h^ CT> CO r^ lO CO § CM t-t OJ C^ CO io to^ °°L Oi o^ CM lO oi 00 r>- to* lO -rf CO* CO* CM* ^ 8 o II CM CO •^ IO to t^ 00 TJ (^ CO c^ > lO cr> t^ ^ <7i CO r^ in s '"f O^ t>- CM CO «— a f^ 00 CO rr b- 00^ o co^ rf CO t- to lO •<*^ CO s CM w—» O* cn 1— < CN CO 'Sf CO t^ 00 00 00 oo 00 oo 00 00 OO 00 00 00 Q ■^ OO CM to O rf oo CM to ^5 ^ oo CO »^ CM to ^5 lO c^ b- ^ to to^ 00^ OJ^ ^^ CM ■ ■«}• «3 b- Oi O^ CM^ CO ■^ CO r- lO -(f co CM cm" ^ o" en oo" b- CM CO 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804,514 22 141,935 59 380,644 97 625,805 135 870,966 23 148,387 60 387,096 98 632,257 136 877,418 24 154,838 61 393,548 99 638,708 137 833.869 25 161,290 62 399,999 100 645,160 138 890.321 26 167,742 63 406,451 101 651,612 139 895,772 27 174,193 64 412,902 102 658,063 140 903.224 28 180,645 65 419,354 103 664,515 141 909.676 29 187,096 66 425,806 104 670,966 142 916.127 30 193,548 67 432,257 105 677,418 143 922.579 31 200,000 68 438,709 106 683,870 144 929.030 32 206,451 69 445,160 107 690,321 145 935,482 33 212,903 70 451,612 108 696,773 146 941,934 34 219.354 71 458,064 109 703,224 147 948.385 35 225,806 72 464,515 110 709,676 148 954.837 36 232,258 73 470,967 111 716,128 149 961.288 37 238.709 74 477.418 112 722.579 150 S67.740 If^ = 0.0283l7m3 ft' m^ ft^ mV ft^ m^ 1 0,028 50 1,416 99 2.803 2 0,057 51 1,4U 190 2.832 3 0.085 52 1.472 200 5.663 4 0,113 53 1.501 300 8.495 5 0,142 54 1,529 400 11,327 6 0,170 55 1,557 oOO 14,158 7 0,198 56 1 ,586 600 16,990 8 0,227 57 1,614 700 19,822 9 0,255 58 1 ,642 800 22,653 10 0,283 59 1,671 900 25,485 11 0,311 60 1,699 1000 28,317 12 0,340 61 1,727 2 000 56,633 13 0,368 62 1.756 3 000 84,950 14 0,396 63 1,784 4 000 113,267 15 0,4:25 64 1,812 5 000 141,583 16 0,453 65 1,841 6000 169,900 17 0,481 66 1,869 7 000 198,217 18 0,510 67 1 ,897 1 8 000 226,534 19 0,538 68 1,926 9 000 254,850 20 0,566 69 1,954 10 000 283,17 21 0,595 70 1,982 20 000 566,33 22 623 71 2,010 30 000 849.50 23 0,651 72 2,039 1 40 000 1 132,67 24 0,680 73 2,067 50 000 1 415,83 25 0,708 74 2,095 60 000 1699,00 . 26 0,736 75 2.124 70 000 1982,17 , 27 0,765 76 2,152 80 000 2 265,34 28 0,793 77 2,180 90 000 2 548,50 29 0,821 78 2,209 100 000 2 831,67 30 0,850 79 2,237 200 000 5 663,34 31 0.878 80 . 2,265 300 000 8 495,01 32 0,906 81 2,294 400 000 11326,68 33 0,934 82 2,322 500 000 14 158,35 34 0,963 83 2,350 600 000 16 990,02 35 0,991 84 2,379 700 000 19 821,69 36 1,019 85 • 2.407 800 000 22 653.36 37 1 ,048 86 2,433 900 000 25 485,03 38 1,076 87 2,. 01 1 1 000 000 28 317 39 1.104 88 2,492 2 000 000 56 633 40 1,133 89 2,520 3 000 000 84 950 41 1,161 90 2.549 4 000 000 113 267 42 1,189 91 2.577 5 000 000 141583 43 1.218 92 2,605 6 000 000 169 900 44 1,246 93 2,633 7 000 000 198217 45 1.274 94 2.662 8 000 000 226 534 46 1.303 95 96 2.690 9 000 000 254 850 47 1.331 2.718 10 000 000 283 167 48 1,359 97 2.747 20 000 000 566 334 49 1.388 98 2,775 30 000 000 849 501 ft^ m^ ft^ m^ ft^ m^ 40 000 000 50 000 000 60 000 000 70 000 000 80 COO 000 I 132 668 1415 835 1 669 002 1 982 169 2 265 336 90 000 000 100 000 000 200 000 000 300 000 000 400000 000 2 548 503 2 831 670 5 663 340 8 495 010 1 1 326 680 500 000 000 000 000 000 700 000 000 800 000 000 900 000 000 I 000 000 000 14 158 350 16 990 020 19 821690 22 653 360 25 485 030 28 316 700 Icm3 = 16,387cm3 in3 cm3 in^ cm^ in^ 1 cm^ in^ cm^ 1 16,387 30 491.610 59 966,833 89 1458,443 2 32,774 31 507.997 60 983,220 90 1474,830 3 49,161 32 524,384 61 999,607 91 1 491,217 4 65,548 33 540,771 62 1015,994 92 1507.604 5 81,935 34 557,158 63 1032,381 93 1 523,991 6 98,322 35 573.545 64 1048,768 94 1540.378 7 114,709 36 589.932 65 1065.155 95 1556.765 8 131,096 37 606.319 66 1081,542 96 1573.152 9 147.483 38 622,706 67 1097,927 97 1589,539 10 163,870 39 639,093 68 1114,316 98 1605.926 U 180,257 40 655.480 69 1130,703 99 1622.313 12 196,644 41 671.867 70 1147,090 100 1638.71 13 213.031 42 688,254 71 1103,477 200 3 277 14 229.418 43 704.641 72 1179.864 300 400 4916 15 245,805 44 721.028 73 1196,251 6 555 16 202. 192 45 737.415 74 1212,638 500 8 193 17 278,579 46 753,802 75 1229,025 600 9 832 18 294,966 47 770,189 76 1245,412 700 11471 19 311.353 48 786,576 77 1261,799 800 13110 20 327,740 49 802.963 78 1278.186 900 14 748 21 344.127 50 819,350 79 1294.573 1000 16 387 22 360.514 51 835,737 80 1310.960 2 000 32 774 23 376,901 52 852.124 81 1327,347 3 000 49 161 24 393.288 53 868.511 82 1343,734 4 000 65 548 25 409.675 54 884,898 83 1360,121 5000 81 935 26 27 28 426.062 442,449 458,836 55 56 57 901,285 917,672 934.059 84 85 86 87 1376,508 1392,895 1409,282 1425.669 6 000 7 000 8 000 9000 98 322 114709 131096 147 483 29 475.223 58 950,446 88 1442,056 10 000 163 870 .)4)«qy,f^tf jjoj* lgal=3,78533L gal L gal L gal L 1 3,785 53 200,622 500 1893 2 7,o71 54 204,408 600 2 271 3 11,356 55 208,193 700 2 650 4 15,141 56 211,978 800 3 028 5 18,927 57 215,764 900 3 407 6 22,712 58 219,549 1000 3 785 7 26,497 59 223,334 2 000 7 571 8 30,283 60 227,120 3 000 11356 9 34,068 61 230,905 4 000 15 141 10 37,853 62 234,690 5 000 18 927 11 41,639 63 238,476 6 000 22712 12 45,424 64 242,261 7 000 26 497 13 49,209 65 246.046 8 0;)0 30 283 14 52,995 66 249,832 9 000 34 068 15 56,780 67 253,617 10 000 37 853 16 60,565 68 257,402 20 000 75707 17 64,351 69 261,188 30 000 113 560 18 68,136 70 264 ^./3 40 000 151413 19 71,921 71 2^\< 758 50 000 189 266 20 75,707 72 <:'/2,544 60 000 227 120 21 79,492 73 276,329 70 000 264 973 22 83,277 74 280,114 80 000 302 826 23 87,063 75 283,900 90 000 340 680 24 90.848 76 287,685 1 00 000 378 533 25 94,633 77 291,470 200 000 757 066 26 98,419 78 295,256 300 000 1 135 599 27 102,204 79 299,041 400 000 1514 132 28 105,939 80 302,826 500 000 1 892 665 29 109,775 81 306,612 600 000 2 271 198 30 113.560 82 310,397 700 000 2 649/31 31 117,345 83 314,182 800 000 3 028 264 32 121,131 84 317,968 900 000 3 496 797 33 124,916 85 321,753 1 000 000 3 785 330 34 128,701 86 325,538 2 000 000 7 570 660 35 132,487 87 329,324 3 000 000 1 1 355 990 36 136,272 88 333,109 4 000 000 15 141320 37 140,057 89 336,894 5 COO 000 18 926 650 38 143,843 90 340,680 6 000 000 22 711 980 39 147,628 91 344,465 7 000 000 26 497 310 40 151,413 92 348,250 8 000 000 30 282 640 41 155.199 93 352,036 9 000 000 34 067 970 42 158,984 94 355,821 10 000 000 37 853 300 43 162,769 95 359,606 20 000 000 75 706 600 44 166,555 96 363,392 30 000 000 113 559 900 45 170,340 97 367,177 40 000 000 151413 200 46 174,125 98 370,962 50 000 000 189 266 500 47 177,911 99 374,748 60 000 000 227 119 800 48 181,696 100 379 70 000 000 264 973 100 49 50 51 185,481 189,266 193,052 200 757 80 000 000 302 826 400 300 1136 90 OuO 000 340 679 700 52 196,837 400 1514 100 000000 378 533000 ytJ 4? 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234 112,22 288 142,22 127 52.78 181 82.78 235 112.78 289 142.78 X 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 3C0 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 143,33 343 143,89 344 144.44 345 145 346 145.56 347 146.11 348 146,67 349 147,22 350 147,78 351 148,33 352 148,89 353 149,44 354 150 355 150,56 356 151.11 357 151,67 358 152,22 359 152,78 360 153,33 361 153,89 362 154,44 363 155 364 155,56 365 156,11 366 156.67 367 157,22 368 157.78 369 158,33 370 158,89 371 159,44 372 160 373 160,56 374 161,11 375 161,67 376 162,22 377 162,78 378 163.33 379 163,89 380 164,44 381 165 382 165,56 383 166,11 384 166,67 385 167,22 386 167,78 387 168,33 388 168.89 389 169,44 390 170 391 170.56 392 171,11 393 171.67 394 172,22 395 172,78 173,33 173,89 174,44 175 175,56 176,11 176.67 177,22 177,78 178,33 178,89 179,44 180 180,56 181,11 181,67 182,22 182,78 183,33 183,89 184,44 185 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237,78 240,56 243,33 246,11 248,89 251,67 254,44 257,22 260 262,78 265,56 268,33 271,11 2V3,89 276,67 279,44 282,22 285 287,78 290,56 293,33 296.11 298,89 301,67 304,44 307,22 310 312,78 315,56 318,33 321,11 323,89 326,67 329,44 332,22 335 337,78 340.56 3i3,33 346.11 348,89 351,67 354,44 357.22 360 362,78 365,56 368,33 371,11 373.89 op °C op °C op °C op °C 74 23,33 128 53,33 182 83.33 236 113,33 75 23,89 129 53,89 183 83,89 237 113.89 76 24,44 130 54,44 184 84,44 238 114,44 77 25 131 55 185 85 239 115 78 25.50 132 55,56 186 85,56 240 115,56 79 26,11 133 56,11 187 86,11 241 116,11 80 26,67 134 56,67 188 86.67 242 116,67 81 27,22 135 57,22 189 87,22 243 117,22 82 27,78 136 57,78 190 87,78 244 117,78 83 28.33 137 58,33 191 88,33 245 118,33 84 28,89 138 58,89 192 88,89 246 118,89 85 29,44 139 59,44 193 89,44 247 119,44 86 30 140 60 194 90 248 120 87 30,56 141 60,56 195 90,56 249 120,56 88 31,11 142 Gl,ll 196 91.11 250 121.11 89 31,67 143 61,67 197 91,67 251 121.67 00 32,22 144 62,22 198 92,22 252 122,22 91 32,78 145 62,78 199 92,78 253 122,78 92 33,33 146 63,33 200 93,33 254 123.33 93 33,89 147 63,89 201 93.89 255 123.89 94 34,44 148 64,44 202 94,44 256 124,44 95 35 149 65 203 95 257 125 96 35,56 150 65,56 204 95.56 258 125,56 97 36.11 151 66,11 205 96,11 259 126,11 98 36,67 152 66,67 206 96,67 260 126,67 99 37,22 153 67,22 207 97,22 261 127.22 100 37,78 154 67,78 208 97,78 262 127.78 101 38,33 155 68,33 209 98,33 263 128,33 102 38,89 156 68,89 210 98,89 264 128,89 103 39,44 157 69,44 211 99.44 265 129,44 104 40 158 70 212 100 266 130 105 40,56 159 70,56 213 101,56 267 130,56 106 41.11 160 71,11 214 101,11 268 131,11 107 41,67 161 71,67 215 101,76 269 131,67 108 42,22 162 72,22 216 102,22 270 132,22 109 42,78 163 72,78 217 10'2,78 271 132,78 110 43,33 164 73,33 218 103,33 272 133,33 ill 43,89 165 73,89 219 103,89 273 133,89 112 44.44 166 74,44 220 104,44 274 134,44 113 45 167 75 221 105 275 135 114 45,56 168 75,56 222 105,56 276 135,56 115 46,11 169 76,11 223 106,11 277 136,11 116 46,67 170 76,67 224 106,67 278 136,67 117 47,22 171 77,22 225 107.22 279 137,22 118 47,78 172 77,78 226 107.78 280 137,78 119 48,33 173 78,83 227 108.33 281 138,33 120 48,89 174 78,89 228 108,89 282 138.89 121 49,44 175 79,44 229 109,44 283 139.44 122 50 176 80 230 110 284 140 123 50,56 177 80,56 231 110,56 285 140.56 124 51.11 178 81.11 232 111.11 286 141.11 125 51.67 179 81,67 233 111.67 287 141,67 126 52,22 180 82.22 234 112,22 288 142,22 127 52.78 181 82.78 235 112.78 289 142.78 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 3C0 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 143,33 143.89 144,44 145 145,50 146,11 146,67 147,22 147,78 148,33 148,89 149,44 150 150,56 151,11 151,67 152,22 152,78 153,33 153,89 154,44 155 155,56 156,11 156,67 157,22 157,78 158,33 158.89 159,44 160 160.56 161,11 161,67 162,22 162.78 163,33 163.89 164,44 165 165,56 166,11 166,67 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2800 1537,78 735 390,56 870 465,56 1050 565,56 2900 1593,33 740 393,33 875 468,33 1100 593,33 3000 1648,89 745 396.11 880 471,11 1150 621.11 3100 1704.44 750 398.89 885 473,89 1200 648,89 3200 1760 755 401.67 890 476.67 1250 673,33 3300 1815,56 760 404,44 895 479,44 1300 704,44! 3400 1871,11 765 407.22 900 482,22 1350 732,2 1 3500 1926,67 770 410 905 485 1400 760 3600 1982,22 775 412,78 910 487,78 1450 787,78' 3700 2037.78 780 415.56 915 490,56 1500 815.56; 3S00 2093,33 785 418,33 920 493,33 1550 843.331 3900 2148,89 790 421,11 925 496,11 498,89 1600 871, U! 4000 2204,44 795 423,89 930 650 896.891 4100 2260 800 426,67 935 501,67 1700 926,67 4200 2315,56 805 429,44 940 504,44 i 1750 954.44 4300 2371,11 810 432.32 945 507.22 1800 982.22 4400 2426,67 815 435 950 510 1850 1010 ! 4500 0439^22 820 437,78 955 512,78 ilOO 1037,78; 4600 2537,'78 825 440,56 960 515,56 2000 1093,33, 4700 2593,33 830 443.33 965 518,33 2100 1148,89! 4800 2648.89 835 446.11 970 521, llj 2200 1204,441 4900 2704,44 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2. 828 427 3.000 000 8.044 272 9.486 833 9.283 178 9.6.54 89* 10 11 ]2 13 14 100 121 144 169 196 3.162 278 3.316 G2.'i 3.404 102 8.605 551 3.741 657 10.00000 10.48809 10.95445 11.40175 11.83216 1 000 1 331 1 728 2 197 2 744 2.154 435 2.223 980 2.2S9 428 2.351 335 2.410 142 4.641 589 4.791 420 4.932 424 5.005 797 5.192 494 10.00000 10.32280 10.62659 10.91393 11.18C89 15 16 17 18 19 225 256 289 324 301 3.872 983 4.000 000 4.123 100 4.242 641 4.358 899 12.24745 12.64911 13.03S40 13.41041 13.78405 3 375 4 006 4 913 6 832 6 859 2.406 212 2.519 S-12 2.571 282 2.620 741 2.608 402 5.313 293 5.423 835 5.539 658 5.646 216 6.748 897 11.44714 11.6'J(}07 11.93483 12.16440 12.38562 20 21 22 23 24 400 441 484 629 676 4.472 136 4.582 576 4.690 416 4.795 832 4.898 979 14.14214 14.49133 14.83240 15.16575 15.49193 8000 9 261 10 648 12 167 13 824 2.714 418 2.758 924 2.802 039 2.M3 807 2.884 499 5.&18 035 5.943 922 6.036 811 6.126 926 6.214 405 12.59921 12.80579 13.00591 13.20006 13.38866 25 28 27 28 29 625 676 729 784 841 5.000 000 5.099 020 5.196 152 5.291 503 5.385 165 15.81139 16.12452 16.43168 16.73320 17.02939 15 625 17 576 19 683 21 952 24 389 2.924 018 2.962 496 3.000 000 3.036 589 3.072 317 6.299 605 6.382 504 6.403 304 6.542 1.33 6.619 106 13.57209 13.75069 13.92477 14.09460 14.20043 SO 31 82 33 34 900 961 1 024 1 089 1 156 5.477 226 5.567 764 6.656 854 5.744 5C3 5.830 952 17.32051 17.60082 17.88854 18.16590 18.43909 27 000 29 791 32 768 35 937 39 304 3.107 233 3.141 381 3.174 802 3.207 534 3.239 612 0.694 330 6.767 899 6.839 904 6.910 423 6.979 532 14.422."^ 14.58100 14.73613 14.88800 15.03695 85 30 87 38 89 1 225 1 296 1 369 1 444 1 521 5.916 080 6.000 000 6.082 763 6.164 414 6.244 998 18.70829 18.97307 19.23-)38 19.49:r)9 19.74842 42 875 40 m 50 0J3 54 872 59 319 3.271 0C8 3.301 927 3.332 222 3.301 975 3.391 211 7.047 299 7.113 787 7.179 054 7.243 156 7.306 144 15.18294 15.32610 15.46680 15.60191 15.74061 10 41 42 43 44 1 600 1 681 1 764 1 849 1936 6.324 555 6.403 124 6.480 741 6.557 439 6.633 250 20.00900 20.24846 20.49390 20.73044 20.97618 64 000 68 921 74 088 79 507 85 184 3.419 952 3.448 217 3.470 027 3.503 398 3.530 348 7.368 063 7.428 959 7.4S8 872 7.547 842 7.605 905 15.87401 16.00521 18.13420 16.26133 16.38643 45 40 47 48 49 2 025 2 116 2 209 2 304 2 401 6.708 204 6.782 330 6.855 655 6.928 203 7.000 000 21.21320 21.44761 21.67948 21.90890 22.13594 91 125 97 336 103 823 110 592 117 649 3.556 893 3.583 048 3.608 826 3.634 241 3.659 306 7.663 094 7.719 443 7.774 980 7.829 735 7.883 735 16.50904 16.63103 16.76000 16.S6S65 ie.9S499 •0 S500 7.071 068 22.36068 125 000 3.684 031 7.037 005 17.00076 (4)Ud) i^A:^^jj r oh> « r ^^j^ » n» ^^ V^ n« 83 357 911 4.140 818 8 921 121 19.21997 72 6 184 8.485 281 26.S3282 373 248 4.100 168 8 962 809 19.30079 73 6 329 8.544 004 27.01851 389 017 4.179 339 9 OOt 113 19.39877 74 6 476 8.602 325 27.20294 405 224 4.198 336 9.045 042 19.48696 76 6 625 8.660 254 27.38613 421 875 4.217 163 9.085 603 19.57434 76 6 776 8.717 798 27.. 50810 438 976 4.235 824 9.125 805 19 66095 77 6 929 8.774 964 27.74887 456 533 4.254 321 9.165 656 19.74881 78 6084 8.831 761 27.92848 474 652 4.272 659 9.205 164 19.83192 79 6 241 8.888 194 28.10694 493 039 4.290 840 9.244 335 19.91632 80 6 400 8.944 272 28.28427 612 000 4.308 869 9.283 178 20.00000 81 6 561 9 000 000 28.46050 531 441 4.328 749 9.321 608 20.08299 82 6 724 9.055 385 28.63564 551 368 4.344 481 9.3.59 902 20.16530 83 6 889 9.110 434 28.80972 571 787 4.362 071 9.397 796 20.24094 84 7 056 9.165 151 28.98275 692 704 4.379 519 9.435 388 20.32793 85 7 226 9.219 544 29.15478 614 125 4.398 8.30 9.472 682 20.40828 80 7 396 9.273 618 29.32576 636 056 4.414 005 9.509 085 20.48800 87 7 569 9.327 379 29.49576 658 503 4.431 fl8 9.546 403 20.56710 88 7 744 9.380 832 29.66479 681 472 4.447 960 9.582 8-10 20.64560 89 7 921 9.433 981 29.83287 7W 969 4.464 745 9.619 002 20.72351 M 8 100 9.486 833 30.00000 729 000 4.481 405 9.6.54 894 20.80084 91 8 281 9.639 392 30.16021 753 671 4.497 941 9.690 521 20.87759 92 8 464 9.591 663 30.33150 30.49590 778 688 4.514 357 9.725 888 20.95379 93 8 649 9.643 651 804 357 4.530 655 9.761 000 21.02944 94 8 836 9.695 360 30.65942 830 584 4.546 836 9.795 861 21.10454 96 9 025 9.746 794 30.82207 857 376 4.662 903 9.830 476 21.17912 96 9 216 9.797 959 30.98387 884 736 4.678 857 9.864 848 21.25317 97 9 409 9.848 858 31.14482 912 673 4.594 701 9.898 983 21.32671 98 9 604 9.899 495 31.30495 941 192 4.610 436 9.932 884 21.39976 99 9 801 9.949 874 31.46427 970 299 4.626 065 9.966 666 21.47229 too 10 000 10.00000 31.62278 1 000 000 4.041 689 10.0(KN)0 Si.6443S (A>Ud)Ufe4^>' * r ot^ 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 116 lie 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 120 127 128 ISO 131 J32 J35 iza 13V 138 139 liO 141 1Alijj f Ofy > » »» V7 VlOn »* ^ \!^io» ^100, 2S0 62 500 16.81139 60.00000 15 6?5 000 6.290 605 13.57209 29.24018 251 63 001 15.84298 50.09990 15 n3 251 6.307 994 13.50016 29.27911 252 63 504 15.87451 50.19060 16 003 008 6.316 360 13.60818 29.31794 253 64 009 15.P0597 50.20011 16 194 277 6.324 704 13.62516 29.3.5rt49 61.0.S816 17 779 581 6.300 G77 13.7fKS30 29.6r.2S5 262 68 644 16.180-11 r.I.18-)04 17 981 728 6.30S 828 13.785S6 29.70(173 203 69 169 10.21727 61.2SJ53 18 191 447 6.408 959 13.80337 29.73817 264 69 608 16.24808 51.38093 18 399 744 6.415 069 13.82085 29.77011 265 70 225 16.27S82 51.47815 18 009 625 6.423 158 13.83828 29.813C6 266 70 750 16.30051 51.57519 18 821 006 6.431 228 13.85.560 29.85111 267 71 289 16 34013 51.67204 19 034 163 6.439 277 13.87309 29.8^817 208 71 824 16.37071 51.7G872 19 248 832 6.447 300 13.80030 29.92574 269 72 361 16.40122 51.86521 19 465 109 6.455 315 13.90765 29.96292 270 72 900 16.43168 51.96152 19 683 000 6.463 304 13.92477 30 00000 271 73 441 16.40208 52.0-)7G6 19 902 511 6.471 274 13.04104 30.03609 272 73 984 16.49242 52.15362 20 123 648 6.479 224 13.05006 30 07339 273 74 529 16.52271 52.24940 20 346 417 0.4S7 154 13.97315 30.11070 274 75 076 16.55295 52.34501 20 570 824 6.495 065 13.99319 30.14742 275 75 625 16.58312 52.44044 20 796 875 6.502 957 14.01020 30.18405 270 76 176 16.61325 52.53570 21 0J4 570 6.510 830 14.02716 30.220(^0 277 76 729 16.643.'32 52.6;)079 21 253 933 6.518 6£4 14.0Ml'8 30.25705 278 77 284 16.673:^3 52.72571 21 484 952 6.526 519 14.0WJ0 30.29312 279 77 841 16.70329 62.82045 21 717 030 6.534 335 14.077G0 30.32970 280 78 400 16.73320 52.91503 21 952 000 6.542 133 14.00100 30.363S9 281 78 961 16.7f.305 53.00043 22 188 Oil 6.549 912 14.11136 30.40200 282 79 524 16.79286 63.103G7 22 425 7G8 6.557 672 14.12S08 30,43802 283 80 089 16.82260 53.19774 22 665 187 6.565 414 14.14476 30.47305 284 80 656 16.85230 63.29165 22 900 304 6.573 138 14.16140 zo.smi 285 81 225 16.88194 53.385.39 23 149 125 6.580 £14 14.17S00 30.54557 286 81 796 16.91153 53.47897 23 303 656 6.588 532 14.19156 30.68128 287 82 369 16.91107 53.57238 23 639 903 6.506 202 14.21109 30.6ir)58 288 82 944 16.97056 53.6G563 23 887 872 6.603 854 14.22757 30.65238 289 83 621 17.00000 53.75872 24 137 569 0.611 489 14.24402 30.68781 290 84 100 17 02939 53.85165 24 389 000 6.619 106 14.26043 30.72317 291 84 681 17.05872 53.94442 24 642 171 6.626 705 14.27GS0 30.75S44 292 85 264 17.08801 54.03702 24 897 088 6.634 287 14.29314 30.70363 293 85 849 17.11724 54.12947 25 153 757 6.6-11 852 14.30044 30.8L'S75 294 86 436 17.14643 54.22177 25 412 184 6.649 400 14.32570 30.80378 295 87 025 17.17.'>,50 64.31390 25 672 375 6.658 930 14.34192 30.80S73 296 87 616 17.20465 54.40588 25 934 336 6.664 444 14.35811 30.9^3> n n« v: VlOn n* ^ N^lOn i r ofy n n* VT vio»r n> ^ ■^1^ <^ S50 122 500 18.70829 59.16080 12 875 000 7.047 299 15.18204 32. 71068 351 123 201 18.73499 59.24525 43 243 551 7.054 OOi 15.19739 32.74179 352 123 904 18.76166 59.32059 43 614 208 7.060 607 15.21181 32.77285 353 124 609 18.78829 59.41380 43 986 977 7.067 377 15.22620 32.80388 354 125 316 18.81489 59.49790 44 361 864 7.074 044 15.24057 32.83480 355 126 025 18.84144 59.58188 44 738 875 7.080 699 15.25490 32.86569 356 128 736 18.86796 59.66574 45 118 016 7.087 341 15.20021 32.80652 357 127 449 18.89444 59.74048 45 409 203 7.093 971 15.2^350 32.027.30 358 128 164 18.92080 59.83310 45 882 712 7.100 588 15.29775 32.95^1 359 128 881 18.94730 59.91661 46 268 279 7.107 194 15.31198 32.98867 S60 129 600 18.97367 CO. 00000 46 656 000 7.113 787 15.32619 33.01027 361 130 321 19.00000 60.08328 47 0-15 881 7.120 367 15.34037 33.04082 862 131 044 19.02<130 60.1G(i44 47 437 92S 7.126 936 15.35452 33 08031 363 131 769 19.05250 60. 24048 47 832 147 7.133 492 15.368fri 33.11074 364 132 496 19.07878 60.33241 48 228 544 7.140 037 15.38274 33.14112 365 133 225 19.10497 60.41523 48 627 125 7.146 569 15.39682 33.17144 366 133 956 19.13113 60.49793 49 027 806 7.153 000 15.41087 33 20170 367 134 6S9 19.15724 60.58052 49 430 863 7.159 509 15.42489 33 23191 368 135 424 19.18333 60.66300 49 836 032 7.166 006 15.43889 33.20207 369 136 161 19.20937 60.74537 50 243 409 7.172 581 15.45286 33.29217 870 136 900 19.23538 60.82763 50 653 000 7.179 054 15.46680 33.32222 371 137 641 19.26136 60.90977 51 064 811 7.185 516 15 4S073 33 35221 872 138 384 19.28730 60.99180 51 478 848 7.191 9GG 15.40462 33 38215 373 139 129 19.3)321 61.07373 51 895 117 7.108 405 15 .50849 33.41204 374 139 876 19.33908 61.15554 52 313 624 7.204 832 15.52234 33.44187 875 140 625 19.36402 61.23724 52 734 375 7.211 248 15.53616 33.47165 376 141 376 19.3IK172 61.31884 53 157 376 7.217 652 15.54096 33. 50137 377 142 129 19.41049 61.400.33 53 582 633 7.224 045 15.56373 33.53105 878 142 884 19.44222 61.48170 54 010 152 7.230 427 15.57748 33.5G%7 879 143 641 19.46792 61.56298 54 439 939 7.236 797 15.50121 33.50024 880 144 400 19.49359 61.&J414 64 872 000 7.243 156 15.60491 33.61075 381 145 161 19.51922 61.72520 55 306 341 7.249 505 15.61858 33.64022 382 145 924 19.54482 61.80615 55 742 008 7.255 842 15.63224 33.67863 383 146 689 19.57039 61.88609 56 181 887 7.262 167 15 04.587 33.70800 384 147 456 19.59592 61.96773 66 623 104 7.268 482 15.65947 33.73731 885 148 225 19.62142 62.01837 57 Of.6 625 7.274 7^6 15 67305 33.76657 386 148 996 19.64G88 62.12S'J0 57 512 456 7. 281 079 15.6S061 33.70.578 387 149 769 19.G7232 62.20032 57 9t;o 603 7.287 362 15.70014 33.82494 388 150 544 19.69772 62.28065 58 411 072 7.293 633 15.71366 33.85405 389 151 321 19.72308 62.36086 68 803 809 7.299 894 15.72714 33.88310 890 152 100 19.74842 62.44008 59 319 000 7.300 144 15 74061 33.91211 391 152 881 19.77372 62.52009 59 776 471 7.312 383 15.75405 33.94107 392 153 664 19.79809 62.60000 60 236 288 7.318 611 15.76747 33.96009 393 154 449 19.82423 62.68971 60 60S 457 7.324 829 15.78087 33.90885 394 155 236 19.84943 62.76942 61 162 984 7.331 037 15.79424 34.02768 395 156 025 19.87461 62.84903 61 629 875 7.337 234 15.80759 34.05642 396 156 810 19.89075 62.92853 62 000 136 7.343 420 15.82092 34.0S514 397 157 600 19.92486 63 00794 62 570 773 7.349 597 15.83423 34.11381 398 158 404 19.94094 63.08724 63 044 792 7.355 762 15.84751 34.14242 899 159 201 19.97498 63.10645 63 521 199 7.361 918 15.86077 84.17100 400 160 000 20.00000 63.24555 64 000 000 7.368 063 15.87401 34.19952 (4)L)a) M^^^t ot^*t v>^>^ fl It* Vn ViOn n« > ..» »• Vn VlOn n» j r oty«r of>> n N» V7 VlOn »• Ud)i^^.jj r oty «r ot>» n Hi VT VlO.* n« <^ ^,0. \^I00» TOO 490 000 26.45751 83.66600 343 000 000 8.879 040 19.12931 41 21286 701 491 401 26.47640 83.72574 344 472 101 8.883 266 19.13842 41.23247 702 492 804 26.49528 83.78544 345 948 408 8.887 483 19.14751 41.25207 703 494 209 26.51415 83.84510 347 428 927 8.891 706 19.15660 41.27164 704 495 616 26.53300 83.90471 348 913 664 8.895 920 19.16568 41.29120 705 497 025 26.55184 83.96428 350 402 625 8.900 130 19.17475 41.31075 700 498 436 26.57066 84.02381 351 895 816 8.904 337 19.18381 41.33027 707 499 849 26.58947 84.08329 353 393 243 8.908 539 19.19286 41.34977 708 601 264 26.60827 84.14274 354 894 912 8.912 737 19.20191 41.36926 709 602 681 26.62705 84.20214 356 400 829 8.916 931 19.21095 41 38873 no 604 100 26.64583 84.26150 357 911 000 8.921 121 19.21997 41.40818 711 505 621 26.66458 84.32082 359 425 431 8.925 303 19.22899 41.42761 712 606 944 26.68333 84.38009 360 944 128 8.929 490 19.23800 41.44702 713 608 369 26.70206 84.43933 362 467 097 8.933 669 19.24701 41.46642 714 609 796 26.72078 84.49852 363 994 344 8.937 843 19.25600 41.48579 715 611 225 26.73948 84.55767 365 525 875 8.942 014 19.26499 41.50516 710 612 666 26.75818 84.61678 367 061 696 8.946 181 19.27398 41.52449 717 614 089 26.77686 84.67585 368 601 813 8.950 344 19.28293 41.54382 718 615 524 26.79552 84.73488 370 146 232 8.954 503 19.29189 41.56312 719 516 961 26.81418 84.79387 371 694 959 8.958 658 19.30084 41.58241 T20 518 400 26.83282 84.85281 373 248 000 8.962 809 19.30979 41.60168 721 619 841 26.85144 84.91172 374 805 361 8.966 957 19.31872 41.62093 722 621 284 26.87006 84.97058 376 367 048 8.971 101 19.32765 41.64018 723 622 729 26.88866 85.02941 377 933 067 8.975 241 19.33657 41.65938 724 624 176 26.90725 85.08819 379 503 424 8.979 377 19.34548 41.67857 725 Z2r, 625 26.92582 85.14693 381 C78 125 8.983 509 19.35438 41.69775 726 527 076 26.94439 85.20563 382 a57 176 8.987 637 19.36328 41.71692 727 528 529 26.96294 85.26429 384 240 583 8.991 762 19.37216 41.73608 728 529 984 26.98148 85.32292 385 828 352 8.995 883 19.38104 41.75519 729 631 441 27.00000 85.38150 387 420 489 9.000 000 19.38991 41.77430 730 532 900 27.01851 85.44004 389 017 000 9.004 113 19.39877 41.79339 731 634 361 27.03701 85.49854 390 617 891 9.008 223 19.40763 41.81247 732 535 824 27.05550 85.55700 392 223 168 9.012 329 19.41617 41.83152 733 537 289 27.07397 85.61542 393 832 837 9.016 431 19.42531 41.8,^58 734 638 756 27.09243 85.67380 395 446 904 9.020 529 19.43414 41.86959 735 640 225 27.11088 85.73214 397 065 375 9.024 624 19.44296 41.88859 736 641 696 27.12'J32 85.79014 308 688 256 9. 028 715 19.45178 41.90758 737 543 169 27.14774 85.84870 400 315 553 9.032 802 19.46058 41.92655 738 544 644 27.16016 85.90693 401 947 272 9.036 886 19.46938 41.94551 739 646 121 27.18455 85.96511 403 583 419 9.040 966 19.47817 41.96444 T40 547 600 27.20294 86.02325 405 224 000 9.045 042 19.48695 41.98338 741 649 081 27.22132 86.08136 408 869 021 9.049 114 19.49573 42.00227 742 650 564 27.23968 86.13942 408 518 488 9.053 183 19.50449 42.02115 743 652 Oiw 27.25803 86.19745 410 172 407 9.057 248 19.51325 42.04002 744 653 536 27.27636 86.25543 411 830 784 9.061 310 19.52200 42.05887 745 655 025 27.29469 86.31338 413 493 625 9.065 368 19.53074 42.07771 746 656 516 27.31300 86.37129 415 160 936 9.009 422 19.53948 42.09653 747 658 009 27.33130 86.42916 416 832 723 9.073 473 19.54820 42.1153? 748 659 504 27.34959 86.48099 418 508 992 9.077 520 19.55092 42.1341X 749 661 001 27.30786 86.54479 420 189 749 9.081 563 19.50563 42.15284 750 662 500 27.38613 86.00254 421 875 000 9.085 603 19.574.34 42.17183 (4ju^) u3 9.113 782 19.63505 42.30243 758 574 564 27.53180 87.06320 435 519 512 9.117 793 19.64369 42.32105 759 676 081 27.54995 87.12061 437 245 479 9.121 801 19.65232 42.33963 T60 577 600 27.56810 87.17798 438 976 000 9.125 805 19.66095 42.35824 761 579 121 27.58623 87.23531 440 711 t>8l 9.129 806 19.66957 42.37681 762 580 644 27.604.15 87.29201 442 450 728 9.133 803 19.67818 42.39536 763 582 169 27.62245 87.34987 444 194 947 9.137 797 19.08679 42.41390 764 683 696 27.64055 87.40709 445 943 744 9.141 787 19.69538 42.43242 765 685 225 27.65863 87.46428 447 697 125 9.145 774 19.70397 42.4.5092 766 586 756 27.67671 87.52143 449 455 096 9.149 758 19.71256 42.46941 767 688 289 27.69470 87.578,54 451 217 603 9.153 738 19.72113 42.48789 768 589 824 27.71281 87.03561 452 984 832 9.157 714 19.72970 42.50034 769 691 361 27.73085 87.69205 454 758 609 9.161 687 19.73826 42.52478 770 592 900 27.74887 87.74964 456 533 000 9.165 656 19.74681 42.54321 771 594 441 27.76689 87.80061 458 314 Oil 9.169 623 19.75535 42.56162 772 595 9,S4 27.78489 87.80353 460 099 M8 9.173 585 19.76389 42.58001 773 597 529 27.802S8 87.92042 461 889 917 9.177 544 19.77242 42.59839 774 699 076 27.82086 87.97727 4C3 684 824 9.181 500 19.78094 42.61675 775 600 625 27.83882 88.03408 465 484 375 9.185 453 19.78940 42.63500 778 602 176 27.85678 88.09086 467 288 576 9.189 402 19.79797 42.65343 777 603 729 27.87472 88.14760 469 097 433 9.193 347 19.80647 42.67174 778 605 284 27.89205 88.20431 470 910 952 9.197 290 19.81496 42.69004 779 606 841 27.91057 83.20098 472 729 139 9.201 229 19.82345 42.70832 780 608 400 27.92848 88.31761 474 552 000 9.205 164 19.83192 42.72650 781 609 961 27.94038 88.37420 478 379 541 9.209 096 19.84040 42.74484 782 611 524 27.96420 88.43076 478 211 768 9.213 025 19.848.S6 42.78307 783 613 089 27.98214 88.48729 480 048 687 9.216 950 19.85732 42.78120 784 614 656 28.00000 88.54377 481 890 301 9.220 873 19.86577 42.79950 785 616 225 28.01785 88 60023 483 736 625 9.224 791 19 87421 42.81769 786 617 796 28.03569 88.65064 485 587 656 9 228 707 19.88265 42.83588 787 619 369 28.0.5352 88.71302 487 443 403 9.2.32 619 19.89107 42 85402 788 620 944 28.07134 88.76936 489 303 872 9.236 528 19.89950 42.87218 789 622 521 28.08914 88.82567 491 169 069 9.240 433 19.90791 42.89029 790 624 100 28.10694 88.88194 493 a39 000 9.244 335 19.91632 42.90840 791 625 681 28.12472 88.93818 494 913 671 9.248 234 19.92472 42.92650 792 627 264 28.14249 88.9C438 490 793 088 9.252 130 19.93311 42.94458 793 628 849 28.16026 89.05055 498 677 257 9.256 022 19.941.50 42.96265 794 630 436 28.17801 89.10668 500 566 184 9.259 911 19.94987 42.98070 795 632 025 28.19574 89.16277 502 459 875 9.263 797 19.95825 42.99874 796 633 616 28.21347 89.21883 504 358 338 9.267 680 19.%061 43.01678 797 635 209 28.23119 89.27486 506 261 573 9.271 559 19.97497 43.03477 798 638 804 28.24889 89.33085 508 169 592 9.275 435 19.98332 43.05278 799 638 401 28.26659 89.38680 510 082 399 9.279 308 19.99168 43.07073 MO MO 000 28.28427 89.44272 512 000 000 9.283 178 20.00000 43.08800 (4jUd) u^^.jj r o»i> < r ofy » ifi VT V.0, Ml Vn -vAoT 1* ^ SXic \^100« 850 722 5-00 29.15476 92.19544 614 125 000 9.472 682 20.40828 43.96830 &51 724 201 29 17190 92.24906 610 295 051 9.470 390 20.41628 43.98553 852 725 904 29.18904 92.30385 618 470 208 9.480 106 20.42427 44.00275 853 727 600 29 20610 92.35800 620 650 477 9.483 814 20.43220 44.01996 851 729 316 29.22328 92.41212 622 835 864 9.487 518 20.44024 44.03716 855 731 025 29.24038 92.46021 625 026 375 9.491 220 20.44821 44.05434 85G 732 736 29.2574S 92.52027 627 222 016 9.404 919 20.45618 44.07151 8.'>7 734 449 29.27456 92.57429 629 422 793 9.498 615 20.46415 44.08866 858 736 IW 29 29164 92.62829 631 628 712 9.502 308 20.47210 44.10581 85'J 737 881 29.30870 92.68225 633 839 779 9.505 998 20.48005 44.12293 860 739 600 29.32576 92.73618 630 058 000 9.509 685 20.48800 44.14005 861 741 321 29.34280 92.79009 638 277 381 9.513 370 20.49593 44.15715 862 743 au 29.359,^ 92.84396 fvlO 503 928 9.517 052 20.50387 44.17424 863 74^: 7''.9 29.370S() 92.89779 642 735 647 9.520 730 20.51179 44.19132 8&4 74J4^ 29 393S3 92.95160 644 972 544 9.524 400 20.51971 44.20838 8C5 74S 225 29 4 5 OSS 93.00538 &47 214 625 9.528 079 20.52762 44.22543 866 749 950 20.42788 93.05012 6-J9 461 896 9.531 750 20.53553 44.24246 867 751 6S9 29 444*^6 93.11283 6.51 714 363 9.535 417 20.54343 44 25949 868 753 424 29.4(3184 93.10652 653 972 032 9.5.39 0S2 20.55133 44.27050 860 755 161 29.47S81 93.22017 656 234 909 9.542 744 20.55922 44.29349 870 756 900 29. 49-570 93.?7379 658 5a3 000 9.510 403 20.56710 44.31048 871 758 m 29.51271 93.327.38 660 776 311 9.5.-)0 059 20.57498 44.32745 872 760 3H 29 52905 93.38094 663 054 848 9.553 712 20.58285 44.34440 873 762 129 29 54 057 93.43447 665 338 617 9.557 363 20.59071 44.38135 874 703 876 29.56319 93.48797 667 627 624 9.561 Oil 20.59857 44.37828 875 765 625 29.5SW0 93.54143 669 921 875 9.504 0.50 20.60643 44.39520 876 767 376 29.59730 93.59487 672 221 378 9.508 298 20.61427 44.41211 877 769 129 29.61419 93.64828 674 526 133 9.571 938 20.62211 44.42900 878 770 884 29.63106 93.70105 676 836 152 9.575 574 20.62905 44.44588 879 772 641 29.04793 83.75500 679 151 439 9.579 208 20.03778 44.40276 880 774 400 29 66479 93.80832 681 472 000 9.582 840 20.64560 44.47960 881 776 161 29.68164 93.86160 683 797 841 9.536 468 20.65342 44.49644 882 777 924 29.698J8 93.91486 686 128 968 9.590 0-:i4 20.66123 44.51327 88:< 779 frS9 29.71532 93.96S08 688 465 387 9.593 717 20.66904 44.53009 8E4 781 456 29.73214 94.02127 690 807 104 9.597 337 20.67684 44.54689 885 783 225 29.74895 94.07444 693 154 125 9. COO 9.55 20.68463 44.56388 6^i 784 906 29.76575 94.12757 695 506 456 9.604 570 20.09242 44.68048 887 786 769 29.78235 94.18008 697 864 103 9.008 182 20.70020 44.50723 8S8 788 544 29.79933 94.23375 700 227 072 9.611 791 20.70798 44.61393 889 790 321 29.81610 94.28680 702 5'J5 369 9.615 398 20.71575 44.63072 890 792 100 29.83287 94.33981 704 969 000 9.619 002 20.72351 44.64745 891 793 8.S1 29.84902 94.39280 707 347-971 9.622 003 20.73127 44.68417 892 795 664 29.866.;7 94.44575 709 732 288 9. 026 202 20.73902 44.68087 893 797 449 29.88311 94.49808 712 121 957 9.629 797 20.74077 44.69750 894 799 238 29.89083 94.55157 714 516 984 9.633 391 20.75451 44.71424 895 801 025 29.91655 94.60444 710 917 375 9.636 981 20.76225 44.73090 896 802 816 29.933J8 94.65728 719 323 136 9.640 569 20.76998 44.74756 897 804 609 29.94908 94.71008 721 734 273 9.644 154 20.77770 44.76420 898 809 404 29.96605 94.76286 724 150 792 9.647 737 20.78542 44.78083 899 803 201 29.98333 94.81561 726 672 699 9.651 317 20.79313 44.79744 •00 810 000 30.00000 M.86833 729 000 000 9.654 894 20.80084 44.8140S (4)Lid) i^A^.jj r oijy«r o»y ^p n« V7 Vm n« ^ ■ r Of j)3 28.242054 28 614656 17210368 481800304 13.402029 37.780200 29 707281 20511149 694823321 17.249876 60.024641 X108 XlOi'' XlO'i 80 810000 24300000 7.200000 2.187000 6.561000 31 923521 28620151 8.875037 2.751261 8.528010 32 1048576 33554432 10.737418 3.435974 10.905116 33 1185921 39135393 12.914680 4.261844 14.004086 34 1336336 45435424 15.448044 5.252335 17.857939 35 1500625 52521875 18.382656 6.433930 22.518754 36 1679616 60460176 21.767823 7.836416 28.211099 37 1874161 69343057 25.657264 9.493188 35.124795 38 2085136 79235168 30.109304 11.441558 43.477921 39 2313441 90224199 35. 1R7438 13.723101 53.620093 X10» XlO'o XlO'i 40 2560000 102400000 4.006000 16.384000 6.553600 41 2825761 115850201 4.750104 19.475427 7.984925 42 3111696 130091232 5.489032 23.053933 9.682052 43 3418801 147008443 6.321363 27.181861 11.088200 44 3748096 164916224 7.256314 31.927781 14.048224 45 4100625 184528125 8.303766 37.366945 16.815125 46 4477456 205962976 9.474297 43.681766 20.047612 47 4879681 229345007 10.779215 50.662312 23.811287 48 6808416 254803968 12.230590 58.706834 28.179280 49 6764801 282475249 13.841287 67.822307 33.232931 50 6250000 312600000 15.626000 78.126000 39.062600 (^U>d),dfac( iSW^J^ n n« n» n« n^ n« XIO* XIO" X10i> SO 62r,0000 312500000 15.625000 7.812.500 3.9062.50 61 67r)r,20i 345025251 17.596288 8.974107 4.576794 62 7:ni61G 380204032 19.770610 10.280717 5.345973 63 78!)048l 418195493 22.164361 11.747111 6.22.-909 64 8.",030.-,6 459165024 24.794911 13.389252 7.2.30196 65 9ir.062r, 503284375 27.680641 15.224352 8.373394 66 9834496 550731776 30.840979 17.270948 9.671731 67 lOr.oGOOl 601692057 34 . 296447 19.548975 11.142916 68 ii.nr>496 656356768 38.068693 22.079842 12 . 806308 69 121173G1 714924299 42.180534 24.886515 14.68.3044 XIO' XlO'o XIO" XIO 'I «0 12900000 7.776000 4.665600 27.993600 16.796160 61 13815841 8.445963 5.152037 31.427428 19.170731 62 14776336 9.161328 5.680024 35.216146 21.834011 63 15752961 9.924365 6.252350 39.389806 24. 8 15 .-,78 64 16777216 10.737418 6.871948 43.980465 28.147498 65 17850625 1 1 . 602906 7.541889 49.022279 31 864481 66 18974736 12.523326 8.265395 54.551607 36.0^1061 67 20151121 13.501251 9.045838 60.607116 40.60<)768 08 21381376 14.539336 9.886748 67.229888 45.710324 69 22067121 15.640313 10.791816 74.463533 61.379837 XIO' X10"» X10'« X10>« 70 24010000 16.807000 11.764900 8.235430 6.764801 71 25411681 18.042294 12.810028 9.095120 6.457.535 72 26873856 19.349176 13.931407 10.030613 7.222041 73 28398241 20.730716 15.133423 11.047399 8.061601 74 29986576 22.19vl066 16.420649 12.151280 8.991947 75 31640625 23.730469 17.797852 13.348389 10.011292 76 33362176 25.355254 19.269993 14.645195 11.130348 77 35153041 27.067842 20.842238 16.048.523 12.357363 78 37015056 28.871744 22.519960 17.565569 13.701144 79 38950081 30.770564 24.308746 19.20.3909 15.171088 X10» XlO'o X1012 XlO't 80 40960000 32.768000 26.214400 20.971520 16.777216 81 43046721 34 . 867844 28.242954 22.876792 18.530202 82 45212176 37.073984 30.400667 24.928.547 20.441409 83 47458321 39.390406 32.694037 27.136051 22.522922 84 49787136 41.821194 35.129803 29.509035 24.787.589 85 52200625 44.370531 37.714952 32.057709 27.240053 86 54700816 47.042702 40.456724 34.792782 29.921793 87 57289761 49.842092 43.362620 37.725479 32.821167 88 59969536 52.773192 46.440409 40.867560 35.963452 89 62742241 65.840594 49.698129 44.231,335 39.36.5888 X10» XlOu X10>» XIO'* to 65610000 5.904900 6.314410 4.782969 4.304672 01 68574961 6.240321 6.678693 5.167610 4.702525 92 71639296 6.590815 6.063550 6.578466 6.132189 93 74805201 6.956884 6.469902 6.017009 6.595818 94 78074896 7.339040 6.898698 6.484776 6.095689 95 81450625 7.737809 7.350919 6.983373 6.634204 96 84934656 8.153727 7.827578 7.514475 7.213896 97 88529281 8.587340 8.329720 8.079828 7.837434 98 92236816 9.039208 8.858424 8.681255 8.507630 99 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