;ill)-S:: \J' trt \^ BS THE K TEXT OF JOSHUA i! I M.\X L. MARGOLIS I ■^_ •- . Reprinted for private circulation from The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures Vol. XXVIII. No. I, October igii GIFT OF HTH^ >i»>33 I'l 9« ati THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES (CONTINUING HEBRAICA) Volume XXVIII OCTOBER, 1911 Number 1 THE K TEXT OF JOSHUA By Max L.j/Margolis Dropsie College 1. With the letter K is designated Codex Tischendorfianus II of the Leipzig University Library which the famous discoverer of the Sinaiticus brought home from his first oriental trip in 1844. It consists of 22 palimpsest leaves of which 17 contain in uncial script under an Arabic text biblical fragments from Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges. Not only were some of the leaves in a bad condition, but the margins of most of them had been cut off or otherwise mutilated in the process of their employment as bindings for other codices. The fragments which Tischendorf assigned to the seventh century at the latest were published by him in the first volume of his Monmnenta sacra inedita, nova coUedio, 1855; the leaves containing all that is left of the Book of Joshua are found on pp. 161-70. 2. On the text of codex K Tischendorf expresses himself as follows (p. xxxiii of his Introduction): "Ipse vero textus horum fragmentorum admodum peculiaris et gravis est, a Vaticano quidem textu satis di versus neque magis vero simillimus Alexandrino. Inprimis discedit a Vaticana editione pariter atque ab Alexandrino ' A/ 452195 ,•...*,.•.••• •• 2 The American Journal of Semitic Languages codice per libros losuae et luclicum. ubi prae ceteris assentientes habet Holmesii cocUces 75. 54. 118. 44. 59. 74. 76. 84. 106. 134." He then gives a few instances. For e/cfj.co6a 165a, 10. he adduces eKfiada 75 as the nearest reading. He overlooked eKfiaOa 54 in Parsons. As for ixococrav 162a, 8, which he mentions as a singular readmg, ficooaav 118 comes pretty close, not to mention /Socoaav 75 ^(ocoo-av 54 which, considering the well-kno^^l graphic similarit}' of /3 and /* in the cursive script, are not so remote either. 3. As I am preparing for pubhcation an edition of the Greek Joshua according to the text of the cursives with which Tischen- dorf's uncial stands in affinity, I shall reserve for the preface to that edition an account of the attention which these manuscripts have thus far received, of the discovery that they constitute a group, and of the conjectures concerning the recension which they represent. I shall here single out only the latest contribution by Ernst Hautsch (Der Lukiantext des OJdateuch, Berlin. 1910) who recognizes hi the group, particularly m the smaller sub-group (54. 75), none other than the Lucianic recension. But whether Lucian' or not, it is certainly a recension, and it is just as manifest that it is not Origen's. 4. So far as the Book of Joshua goes, 59 st€ps out as a member of the group in question. This is at least my impression from the readings given by Parsons. The case is different in the Book of Judges (see Moore's Commentary, Introduction). On the other hand, Cod. Gr. 609 of the BibUotheque Nationale in Paris must be included: I find it to be almost a twin-brother of 44; but 106 with which they are both related excels them. 5. A still further witness of the text underhing our group may be found in the Old Latm of the Codex Lugdunensis. According to the editor, Ulysse Robert (Heptateuchi partis posterioris versio latina antiquissima, Lyon, 1900), its nearest relatives are 74, 54, 106, 134. My oa\ti examination, however, goes to reveal a closer affinity wdth 54. 75. 118. To mention but one example, the peculiar reading cKficoda adverted to by Tischendorf (see § 2) recurs in the Latin in the form ecmoth which, by the way, is the more correct, the final a being an error of dittography. There are also note- worthy deviations. Thus it occasionally reverts in a pronounced The K Text of Joshua 3 manner to the B type so far as its groundwork is ccnicerned, and some readings it shares with the Sahidic version (ef., e.g., 15: 27 asergarri with aaepyapei). The points of contact with 54. 75. 118 are, however, sufficient to warrant a collation. 6. In presenting on this occasion an edition of K ahead of my forthcoming edition of the entire text (see § 3) I am guided b}' the desire to take my bearings for the latter. The collation which accompanies the edition of the fragments makes it clear that of the group of cursives signalized l)y Tischendorf it is the smaller group (54. 75. 118) with which the affinity of K is most marked and among the three it is 54 that must be singled out in particular. For 118 stands somewhat aside, and 75 is a curtailed text, its omis- sions being not always due to errors, but obviously to a desire for condensation. To be sure, 54 errs on the side of amplification through the admission of matter which we may conjecture stood on the margin of the archetx-pe. Just how far 54 may be followed is revealed by a comparison ^dth K. It is furthermore clear that the recensional character of K. 54 is obhterated in the larger group (74. 76. etc.) into which matter from the cognate, yet distinct recension by Origen has been achiiitted. I feel therefore that I shall be justified in my future edition to make 54 the basis of my text, while the variants from the other ^^■itnesses may be conven- iently placed below in the apparatus. 7. I have supplied in brackets the lacunae of K which Tischen- dorf, barring exceptions (1656, 1; 1696, 3, 4, 5 in part, 6-10; 170a, 10, 23), has refrained from doing. As the reader ^dll see, there is room for grave doubt only in the fewest instances. Below the text I give in three sets of Notes the variants from (1) 54. 75. 118. Old Latin, (2) 84. 134. 76. 74. 106. Cod. Gr. Paris. 609. 44, (3) BA0G. 55. Lagarde's Greek text (the so-called Lucian), the Syrohexaplaris in Lagarde's edition, Dillmann's Ethiopic (codices FH), and Ciasca's Sahidic. For the uncials I have used the phototypic editions, while for the cursives I possess photographs which the authorities of Dropsie College have kindly secured for my use. My informa- tion is thus based on first-hand sources throughout. I say this, because I have discovered numerous inaccuracies in Swete's edition. Maes and Drusius I quote from the Critici Sacri; occasionally there 4 The American Journal of Semitic Languages will be found readings from Swete's and Parsons' apparatus, also references to Field and Eusebius (Onomastica, ed. Klostermann). While in the first set of my Notes I have recorded all divergences even of an orthographic character, the variants in the other two sets have in the main been confined to matters that count. A textual commentary accompanies the edition. 8. I use the folio-wing sigla: KB AG which require no explana- tion; is the Washington manuscript edited by Sanders; r = 54; = 75; s = 118; R = ros; 3L = 01d Latin; u = 84; 1 = 134; p=76; t = 74; u = ulpt; f = 106; i = Cod. Gr. 609; z=44; F = fiz; A = Lagarde; ^ = Syrohexaplaris ; efh=Ethiopic (codices FH) (€''- = Ethiopic, codices CG, occasionally referred to); (E=Sahidic. * = prima manus; ^= correction by the first or a contemporaneous hand; 2 = correction by a later hand; * = textus; '"(after a codex) = margo. For the hands of BA I use Swete's sigla as well as his information. Further sigla and abbreviations: |^^=the Hebrew text underlying the Greek version (Septuagint) ; ^^ = the He- brew text read by Origen; ?^™ = the masoretic text. (© = the original of the Septuagint; aV^'=Aquila, Symmachus, Theodo- tion; o' = the Septuagint column of the Hexapla; ast = asteriscus. In the Textual Commentary <( = from and > = leads to. Helbing = Grammatik der Se^ptuaginta von Dr. Robert Helbing, Gottingen, 1907. 9. Postscript. Thompson's Coptic Palimpsest, Oxford, 1911, reached me after the article had been set in type. As almost the whole book of Joshua is contained in that publication, I have collated Ciasca's fragment with Thompson's text and the remainder of the latter as far as it covers the Greek text here published with the apparatus in the third series of variants. I append here the results of my collation (€'= Ciasca's text, C^ and from 162a, 12 C = Thompson's text), leaving for the future a fuller discussion of them : 161a 1-3 drop ^''^ after C | 17 -aas C^ error, the scribe had in mind p. 536, 1. 31 1 22/23 yoaofjL C^ [ 161& 1 read tovtov^ C^'AG^] avrwv B\\€ : > C^ I Kat = C'l Kara €'' = A® | 7 a/Sts €, initial t dropped out by haplo^raphy in the Coptic text | 10 ixppiov C', see editor's note | 13 ^i<;^ C'' j 18 pa(3aa C^' I 23 (f)€va€v8(i)p C^ I, 162fl 2-4 evaiovs. cp(.^aiovs, lefiovaaiovs C' 1 6/7 Tors fTro The K Text of Joshua 5 rrjv eprifji.ov\>1^'^ \ 12 Xaos ttoAus cf. €, prob. iiiner-Coptic addition i! 1626 6 eyw is expressed in C^ 163a 1 eos post KareSttoKov, prob. inner-Coptic addition 1 4/5 fMia-epwv Bh<£] fjua.p(r€fx.(jiim.v ^ = fxja.apf.(iu) pxiv = fJiaape^xDO fxaiv j 7 Aov C (but initial and final letter doubtful) corrupt ; 15 enrev C | 16 tovs] prm /cai C I 10/11 (JTOfjxiTL It^ovs € 21 /?ao-tAeo)v C 'j 164a 3/4 Sg. C j 5/6 o-wera^ev] + ei €■<£ I 16 is C 23/25 kul uTrwAeta (= avatpwvl) aTrwAecrev avrous (+ v(ra v€vep7]v) €v (TTOfjiaTL ^L(f>ov<; ; the order, of course, may have been changed by the translator 1646 7 wcrarTws]>C, prob. as in <£ accommodation to the translator's idiom | 9/10 Kat— e7rotrjo-ev]>C, inner-Coptic omission tlii'ough homoioteleuton 18 vaye/3 C 165a 1 apa/Sa] prm art ; G 5 Tjp-icrecrti/] ■qpaau cjivXij'; puavaacrr) G 6 is] + nX-qpovop-Lav G , 8/9 ev rw Trepav tod topSavov] >G 1676 3 TTtto-av G I 5 avTwv G 16 TTjv] yr]v G < 168a 22 tov] terrae G |j 1686 16 lepews G ? ] G missing from apx^v — opyr?. 1686 20 — 1706 1, but through change of order the wds. Traarav ttjv [crwa]ywy7;v ltqX are extant at the end ]| 1706 2 arros] a-xa-p G j 3 /XTj fjLovo]o 1 KuOairep] pnn kul rs quod non dubito quin K habuerit in ultima linea folii praeeedentis: sic IS- et sicut ante fecit dabir transponenda sunt, ergo /cut >iL [ e-Troirjaav Krs] tiroL-qafv IL j 2 kofxva K] Ao/?va rs: Ae/xva IL I 4 ^ Kr ; 5 opivr)V Kr] op-qvrjv O* (opivrjv O^) : yrjv rrjv opuvqv 1L : yr}v T7]<; opeiVT)^ S I 6/7 Ktti T77V 7re8ivr?v Kat tov vorov [[votov Kr] vwtov o]] Kro] Kat ttjv VF 161a vs. 396] >iz 1 Kadairep sine Kat uf | 2 Ao/i,m] Xo/3va uf I 4 •^ ul I 5 opLvrj] yrjv Trj<; optivrj'i UF | 6/7 /cat vaytfi Kat rr^v TreStVT^v Kat tov votov Kai BciihAQAGS 161a 1-3 hA0AGS (absque signis) >B(it€"<^ (€ incipit a rw /3ao-tAet aDT?7s) I 1 Kadairep A®AGS] prni Kai h | eTrotr^crav A0G(v SUperscr.)^'] cttoi- >jo-e A I 2 tt; Xofxva] rrjv Xofxvav h: ttj XefSva ©AGS: tt) XejSfj-va A 4 "^ h A0G I 5 Trao-ai' BhA0] prm rrjv G (sub ^ )AS>{J-^) TTjv BhA0] >A opivrj] Textual 161a 1-3 The omission in is most probably due to homoioteleuton ommen ary ^^j^^ preceding clause ends in Kat tw (SaaiXei avrrj?). Where namely siL coincide with r in including a clause or word wanting in B, it is improbable to assume that o has reverted to B. Whether the omission in B is likewise due to error, it is difficult to tell. The error may just as well have occurred in IB/. On the other hand it must be owned that the clause rather lags in IS"". Or the omission in o (and perhaps also in B) is due to a desire for condensation; iz go still further by omitting vs. 396 entire || kui Kadajrep rsh = "I a;i<^1 M"" !1 €iroL7)(r€ AIL = niri'' P?"- The others assimilate the number T T _ to that of the verbs in vs. a 2 Xo/xva Kh< Xo^va rsuf possibly = nizb (comp. 'iZ.^); or o is an error for e (in uncial script); Xep-va lLovzj] UF I 10/11 KareA(€)t7rov fi] KareXnrev UZ | 14 ^o}v]-\-ei avTwv UF | yrjv T-qs op(e)tv77S B rell: yrjv ev (TTOfMiTi $L(• GS I 9/10 avTwv h (S"' a' a' avTwv)] avrr?? BCeA©AGS | 10 Kat] (from vs. 39 ?) between yrjv and ttjv opuvrjv shows an insight into the correct meaning of the Hebrew. It is possible, however, that the bad exegesis is to be charged to the account of ©; the text then underlying Kro which is preserved in its integrity in 1L imphes a correction based perhaps on the version from wliich voto^ was derived. In the immediate ancestor of Kro namely yrjv rrfv had dropped out, either by homoioteleuton, or because yrjv was miswTitten Trjv which naturally entrained the loss of ttjv. Hebrew nj5 was, of course, left untranslated by either version; Origen supplied, pre- sumably from Aquila, Trjv sub ast; what resulted was unreadable Greek: Trjv iraaav Trjv yrjv. hence the correction in A: Trjv -rraaav yrjv ' The Hebrew order M^i'lTll 23:ni is preserved everywhere except in Kro. Was Kat TOV votov an afterthought, i.e. an insertion from the margin which was put in the WTong place? Comp. uf with their doublet. Doublets are said to be characteristic of Lucian 233 was transhterated by <& as vaye/3 which was corrupted in Be into vajSai. The stages are as follows : vaye^ Kat > Fa/3ey (so 71) Kai>va^eK KaL>va^e Kai>va/3aL Kat. Kat has caused the omission of a final k in a preceding place name quite frequently; just as on the other hand ev led to the dropping out of the initial v of a name follo^\ang ': AccorcUng to 5", a' a' rendered ZIC by voto^;, hence the voros in uf by the side of vaye/3 and in Kro in the place thereof C apparently found \nl/ for ~;C 'I nazeb 3L is a corruption from nageb ' 6 uarjSwd] written in some copies uarj8w8 (spirantic pronunciation of 6 and 8) ; hence the confusion with io^^l in S; the reverse occurs like-nise ' Is aarjSad <£ due to tyjv? The tendency to change the plural into a singular may be witnessed elsewhere; comp. yaAtAa^ 168o, 21/22. Other examples are available 9 bj in front of □r;"2^"« which was wanting in the Kowrj was supplied by Origen i. 9/10 8 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 161a XeiTTOv e^ avTco X SiacTeaooa/xevov' Kat irav evirveov /cat ^(ov e^coXo- 15 dpevaev kul ave- OeixaTLcrev ov rpo- TTOV eveT€iXaTO /c? d§ IrjX' : " Kai €- 41 avTwv Kro ?L] avTrj? S | 10/11 KareA(e)i7rov Ks3L] KaTeXiirev ro 13 evrrveov K] €fnrv€Oi' R 14 Kut ^wvKr] ^wt/s {vitam; sequitur ef) 3L ? 14/15 e^wAo^pevo-ev K] etoAo^pevo-ev ro: e^wAo^peucre S : t^oiXoOptvaav ^ 15/16 Kat ave^€p.aTto-ev Kr] >3L I aveOefJuaTLO-ev Krs] ava^e/xario-ev O j 18 •[ K]>r j 18/19 xai CTrarafev Is 18 ^ 1 I 18/19 Kai eiraTaiiv is] kui aTrcKTCivev ai'roi^s ts uf : orvaTreKretvev aurors >omil i 10/11 icaT£A(€)i7rov BhAG] KareAeiTrav A : KartXifiirav 11 cv avrw h] avToiv B(£C: €v avTT) A0AGS (G ev — avTt] , sed ponendus est obelus ante ev ut in 5) I 12 Siao-ecrwo-p.evoi' A©] o-eo-wo-p.cvoi' BhAG j 14 /cai ^ojv] ^ojtjs BC(£A et sub — G* : ef uvtt^s A© : >h j 14/15 e^wAe^pevcrev B(f;] €^wAe^pei'o-av hCAQAGS , 15/16 Katai/£^e/>iaTto-£i/]>oinn I 18li^ABrell]>C | ^A© , 18/19 avTO)v Kro3tuFh=nri("^b«) = a' «■' according to S"; ® wrote ai;Tr7s = r;("-b"^). The translator saw the antecedent of the pronoun in the last place name mi'^i , riqv aar)8oiO; or, if we are charitable enough, in : — xn I 10 KuL KrILdf, an innocent addition, not warranted by 1?'" ; 10/11 KareAi- TTov (or the vulgar form KareAtTrav A; its consort © inserts a parasitic p. in front of the ir, see Helbing, 22). The singular (rouzh) = l?'" (subject Joshua) [j 11 avr;■? jBapiny Kat e- &)? ja!^i]^' Kat 7ra- crav ri]v yi]v 70- ^OV €0)9 77/9 7a- ^acov *'7ravTa1L ! cTrartt^ev Kro]+ai;Tovs S | 20 /cat Kr]>1L \ 22/23 yo^ov K] yoCofJ. V. yo/xot, o : yocro/i, S : yacro/A IL | 23 yr^s K] tt^s ro 3L : prm rr^s S ' 24 Travras Kro] prill Kut s 3L iz ■ 22/23 yo^oi'] yoaofj. UF ] 23 yr??] 7775 ufi : prm tt;? Z ' 24 Travras] prm Kttt UF I 25 — Kat tTraraitv is] Kai aTre/cTetvev avTOvs is A0AGS (absque signis) : >BhC(t^^ \ 20 K:ai]>omn 21 Kat] Kai rrjv A et sub •)«(• G (5 Kttt tantum sub •:>(• habet): >Bh€eA0 22 T-qv yrjv CA@] yrjv AGS: ttjv Bhe ; 22/23 yo^ov] yoaov €G cf. =S: yoo-o/x BbeA0A 23 yr?s 0] ttjs B rell 24 Travras] Traoras A (sic): prm Kai oran 25 — sing, and plur. as in the case of ""i^'l'r; ; but note how inconsistent the codices are 15/16 Kat ave^e/Aartcrev KrUF a doublet. ava^e/Liart^etv for □■"-^riri is more hteral than e^oAe^peveiv. Comp. EV. utterly destroyed with the margin: Heb. devoted avadqMiTicrtv ^nthout the augment which all the others have 18 l^X omitted only in C 18 19 The Hebrew Ul'^ "'I'ln* is resumptive of ""I'lri" m^'I at the head of vs. 40. A translator hke <& might condense the text if he chose. The clause is according!}' omitted in Bh(£€"'l.. It was then restored by the recensions. Origen wrote Kttt aiTtKTuvev avTov<; ts. Observe that the ast is wanting in GS. Is that the reason why the clause is retained in A0 ? Origen's wording pene- trated also into uf (iz omit Kat and write crvvairtKTuvev , so as to indicate that the verb is resumptive and that the clause is in the nature of a summarj'). In the recension underlying Kr the clause is rendered Kat eiraraUv ts; apparently from another source. Observe the difference in the verb and the retention or omission of the object. Aiv exegetical difference and perhaps even a textual variation underhe the two renderings. Origen read D"*^ with 1^" and took the suffix to refer to the kings mentioned in vs. 40. Accordingly he employs the verb airoKT^tvuv . The other recension possibly read ni"! and took as its object the afore-mentioned localities; hence iraTatjauv 20 The idiomatic 1 in "7" 1"1 is expressed in Kr, but left untranslated in the remainder of the witnesses. In this instance the 10 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 1616 TOV<; Kat [ttjv yrjv^ X avTCov [eA.a/Set'] t? et? aira^ [o 7ap] tf? ^9 o-i/t'[e7ro\e-] 5 /ici TO) ti7[X : 'e7e-] 1 XI 1616 4 o Kro]>s ; 6^ Ko] + ti7X rs3L ! 4/5 o-vvcTroXe/xr? o 5/7 eyevero 1616 1 Tovrovs] avTUiV ufi : >Z 3 o yap]ort UF 4 o 0'^ ulF]>pt ^s]+ 1616 1 TovTOv; AG5] auTcov BhCC TovTOVi Kat] avTOv (•) rows Kara A® ] 2 eAajSev €A©AGS] tiraraitv Bhef' 3 o yap] on BhA0AGS | 4 o ^s liC] + l^\ B0AGS: >{va.t,y]4> z)UF 14 tot;s]>P | 18 T-qv ] prm ets 21 -vepo)^ i (p)wv (£: joaSwv AQAGS I 12 o-o/Aopwv] aofJiepwv A0AG (S ^^j-i^a^) : a-v/xoaiv BhC: samo'an e"^ 13 a^[i0] ] a^eic^ Bhe: o-i<^ C: axtc^ A©: ao-xa<^ G5: Xaaacji A ^ 18 ttjv] prm ets Omn I a[/oajSa] h€AGS: pafia B(t^^: pajiaO A: pa(3a$a i 18-20 Kat irpos Tovi arro /Soppa cf . S™ a^ cr^ Kat Trpos rov of Origen (x"o-a<^ A is faulty) = ." CTS 1^"; but axa-acf), I beheve, was also written by <§. Owing to the similarity of pronunciation between was mis- written ax(Ta/3 and then by assimilation to the name n"7~55 = ax(Ti;8, a^t^ (which under Ues aiip. IL), a$L(j>, a^t^ {$ miswritten as 0- Through haplo- graphy after ySao-iAea, the initial a dropped out, the scribe having in mind ^'■4>, 7" ■ "■X'-i* A© is a cross between axo-a^ and u^t<^ 15/16 In ^.^, "in^l "ili^'J ^"^ appeared as "TiariZ^ "im - ; the current Greek text was retained by both recensions ' 18 eis which is omitted bj^ K alone should be restored ' The dropping of the initial a in apa(3a (B(£.^^) is not original, but proceeded from the mistaken interpretation of the a as the Hebrew article (n) which indeed would be redundant after the Greek article. pufSa T made certain scribes think of Rabbah (in Ammon) ; hence pa^aO A pajiaOa (with dittographed a; airevavri follows) ' 18 20 kul Trpos Tous UTTO fSoppa KrILl'f is derived, as we may gather from S™ (where read with Field l-»ii^,.), from a' a' and represents, in agreement with 1i?™, the parallel to Tovs Kara criSwva rrjv p.i.yaX.-qv <5. Note again that the second element of the The K Text of Joshua 13 K 1616 Kai njv a\^paj3a /cat J XI 7r/309 TOL'[? aTTO /Sop- J 20 /oa* aTreyfai'Ti ^e- 1 vepeO' ' K^ai ev rrj] ireSivrj- K^ai et?] erva£8[ajp] K] Kui ets evavedSo)p {et in faenanetdor) 31: aecfieva evSwp o: a€eava evScop r: 22 Kat ]prm Kai ei? aecfiewa (cre(f)€va fz) | 23 <^evvaeS[wjo] ] (pewaevSwp i : Tovs Kara fSoppav (1. }-»^r^^ ViiX)il.; cf. C''e)]>onin | 20/21 [xelvepe^ llC©AGS (^iJ-s): xev€pe6'^i A: /cev£pa)6l B(£ ! 21/22 [ev Tr;] TTcStVT?] et? to TreStov [[e6s]>A]l omn | 23 €vvae8[u}p] ] ^emeSSwp B: fenddar (t: cjtavavToip C: doublet comes in at a posterior place || 20 aTrernvrt = 13" |^" for QJo 1^""; left uncorrected by both recensions Ij 20/21 ni^!3 for rii"'33 KcvepcjQ B<£ (the K may be a test of originality; as the older pre-Septuagintal loan-words prove, D was transliterated as k, T) as t, and 5 as tt; comp., however, Xev€pw9 i); all the other texts have )(tvv€pS, the form singularized and accomodated to other passages. The double v (ro) is, of course, correct; X^vvapeO o with a is certainly defensible, but may be an inner-Greek variant due to similarit}^ of sound (a source of frequent error transforming a singular into a plural in verb-forms and vice versa); x^^P^^^' A is assimilated to X^P^Odi {Tr'3) II 22 TTthivTq KrILuf for irthov was apparently taken from one of the three, comp. l£^*^i:.iia!\o S'™ on Kai ets tt^v apaf3a li 22/23 ets €v- vaeSwp] For nn nii: ll"\ It?« probably read ^"n nSj , comp. 12:23. Origen wrote vaa by the side of ets ij 24/25 K shares with r an omission which is clearlj^ due to homoioteleuton. 6 joined the last word of vs. 2 to vs. 3; the translator's knowledge of Hebrew thus reveals itself as exceedingly poor. Certainly 14 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 1616 et? TOi/? ^TrapaXi-^ XI 25 ovi ■'^0|3/oa[iOi'9 /cai] 3 162a a/jiopp \aiove8wp A*G* : vacjiedSwp A^QAG^ {0 superscr) | 24 — 162a 8 €ts rovs TrapaXtous ^avavatovs aTro avaroAwv Kat ets tovs TrapaXtovs afxoppaiov; kul evatot's Kat te/Sovcratous Kat (ftepe^aLOv; rovs ev tw opet • Kat rovs )(eTTatov'i rovs vtto tyjv eprj/Jiov ets Tr)v fjM(Tf.vfjuiv [[evatovs. ujSovrruiois, U I CIS l*']>iz I TYjV l°]>p i /xjacriz | pjia- B<£] paaey^efx C : fjxi(Te.jXfiaO ll : iJiu<7rj(f>a h-J| BllCCC : ets rovs TrapaAtovs ;(avai/a60vs(") aTro avaroXwv ■ kul ets rous TrapaXiov; a/xoppatous ■ Kut tovs ;^errutot's(") kul cf)€pe^aLOv<;{-) kul i£/ffovcraiovs tovs £v tw opet • Kat tods evaiovs DTTO T77r aepixwv ei? tt/i' ixai^i pro U'^^^^yo) j 8 ij j 9/10 at TToiptiAlioXaL give what follows the Hexaplar form (with the readings acp/xwv and fjuaa- s IL UF fiao'evfj.ai' /xaae/xpLad ^tacrexe/x /xouiaav jSuioocrav iSouxrav fj-woaav fj.acrcroa/j. /xaacpo/j, IJ.aa{6)) which (see above) is found in uf in the first place by the side of the other form. The Hexaplar form may be paralleled elsewhere in the Greek Bible; in this book comp. 18:26 ixtLcra-qpja. (B), fiaaarjcjia (GA) (roILA© have, however, puu.cra6 U*f]] 9 1[ | 14 Trj<; OaXaa- crr^s ] prm Tj e-TTL to x^lXos [[r; ]>fi , €7rt ] Trupa p]] | 17 ^ , 18 [cn've]y8aAov ] o-wiyA^ov I 20 wapeye-] eye- iz atrrwv] aurot omn 12 avTw B rell]+Xaos ttoXus A et sub •>(• GS ' 14 [ttjs ^JoAao-o-r/s Bli€<£] prm r) em to xetAos [[ctti] irapa A]] A ©AGS \ 15-17 Kat — On the other hand, in the upper Une B with -av is correct, and C with -e/x corrupt. X is apparently a mistake for <^ to which the consonants of Bh in the upper line also seem to lead. p. stands for /?, and so does v; the latter interchange clearly points to the spirantic pronunciation of /3, and this shows that the original was <^. Hence we obtain p.aav Ko (and with v corrupted to yu, in r; v, however, should be deleted, comp. ?!-; it was introduced from the parallel passage where it belongs of right: accus. ending) in the lower line; /xao-^oa/x uf is a cross between p.aacf>ap. and pxtai^op. uf upper line; the a is, of course, correct; pxio-cmop l.a-ava 11 lower hnewvr)(Tav (comp. e»> 17 ^ 18 [o-we] /?aAov AGS] avvrjXOov B rell 19/20 ov[tol] hA0AGS] avTot B : avrmv ^^^ 19/21 oi'TOt kul 7rapeyevovTo]>C 21/23 ein TO av[To Ka]t Trapeve^a Aoi' BhC£]^ ALtS : Trpos avrov Kai -KapevefiaXov £7rt ro arro A : ctti to avTO 2-4 [/x]apwv] /juippwv BCl£ : fxappinp. b' : fxeppwr AAS (,=t-ic) : fjLeppw : fjieppMfji h*G ; 25 Trpos] Toj' omn (sed V^ - . T.' - 'i, S) 1626 1 ^ Bh A0 4 avpto[v] B rell] prm T-qv G 5 rrfv wpav TavTr)[v] [[t77v]>G]] A0AGS]v^Bh 6 irapaSiSwfjii] prm eyw omn 6-8 avrov; rerp. texts (B, UF, sit, also A0) liave o-wtjXOov. Hebrew Ti^TI 'i 19/20 avroi B (comp. avTwv (£■) undoubtedly an error for ovtoi B and its consorts place 1~r,"' after "l aL'-i ; so also the K recension. Origen changed the order to accord with l?". The uncertainty of position led some scribes to ^^Tite ein TO avTo tmce, both before and after /cat irapeve^aXov, so s and apparently the archetype of A0, only that A changed the first into Trpo? avrov, while © omitted kul Trapevef3uXov eiri to avTo through homoioteleuton I 24 The transliteration of C1"^"^ (comp. also 1626, 1. 17) oscillates between fuippw/j. (fuippiov, fxxipuiv) and ixeppwp. {jj-eppwr. jxeppw) . The former was wTitten by <§ and retained by Kro, the latter apparently' belongs to Origen. Either pre- supposes HT^- ; for the a of <§ comp., e.g., puixavapeO Deut. 3:17 B ", 25 Trpos lijk expresses the Hebrew more faithfully than tov IrjX which & wTote and which Origen apparently suffered to remain 1626 4 '5 avptov T-qv transposed in G, an error : 6 eyw was left out by 18 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 1626 T0U9 TerpoTTQ}- ^I fievov^ evavTio IrjX'' • T0U9 iTTTTOf? 10 avTMv vevpoKO- irrjaefi' kul ra ap- fjLara avrcav Kara- Kavcrei^; irvpL • ' teat 7 i]\dev Xao'i- Kai 15 TTa? \ao(• G : prm Travros h I 11, 13 -TTTjo-eis. -Kavo-ets] pi. <2& 13 irvpt] prm ev Bh© [ ^ BhA©G 14 o Aaos] is omn | 16 ctt arrovs BhCCA©] prm /xer avrov AG et sub -Xc ^ 17 p«pa)[v] ] iMippoyv BCeA : pxippwd © : ^=r^ S : pappiap. Ghi : p^tppoip. Ah* | 18/19 ETreo-ov] cTTCO-ai/ A : eTrtTrecrav B (pi. ee)AG(pl. 5)©^ : eTrcTTCO-ev h0* I 19 €7r auTOvs Bh (.001 .Ss Si) ] auTOis A0AG , 20 ev tij opiv??] SUb — the scribe of K " Travras was omitted by ©; Origen alone supplied it ii 7/8 TeTpoTrwp-evovs all but A is evidently an old error ("quod emendatum ita esse credo a sciolo nescio quo" Drusius) for rerpw/Aevovs (the reading is found in 16; 82; F; Aid.; Compl.; ^.^i°i S>^ apparently is meant for TerpoTrw/xevovs, while -'^^ i' ^ S™ expresses T€Tpwp.evovs) 9 vimv which G has sub ast is wanting in Ji?"". Did l^"" read "Z Tib ? Nor does Travros h correspond to an element in li)-" 14 o Aaos K is a clear error (the identical error 5, 9 C^) ; perhaps is was miswritten Z^A which is frequently paraphrased by o Aaos i 16 p£T avrov='\l2y was added by Origen alone || 18/19 The manner in which the codices divide %A'ithin one group on the question of number, shows that we arc dealing with individual vagaries of scribes. The vulgar form with a is apparently the original; the K recension substitutes the classical The K Text of Joshua 19 K 1626 "iC^ 20 ev*^ TT] opivT)- ^Kai 8 XT irapeScoKev avroi/<; /C1L 24 -^av Ks] -^ev TO 25 — 163o 1 avTOVS KaTcStwKov Kro3l]^S I 2 CTtScuvos Krs] (nSwSovos o ] 4 fuiaeprjfiwd Ks] fUKTipLfiwd ro: /Jua^epiDd IL 4/5 airo OaXaaar)3L' j 163a 4 pacrepeixwd 7 yuacrt^av ] fx/xd^oafx 12 Sia(re(7a)cr/Aevov uf GS : CK T779 op€iVT]<; omn ' 23/24 »cat eTrara^av avTovs]>omn I XOTTTOl'TeS B rell] KarCKOTTTOV Kttt h 163a 1 KareStwKOv] + avTov<; AAGS | 4/5 luiatprffxaid airo 6aXa(r(rr]^] form with o. The compound is manifestly right: cTreTr- became through haplographj' ctt-. 3L with its ^i»?or stands alone 20 ev r-q opeLvrj, sub obelo 0rigen, = "'n3 (after DHZ) 23 '24 /cat cTraralav avrov?,. pecuHar to the K recension, represents a pendant to kul /coTrrovres avrovs from some other version '25 — 163a 1 h coordinates kotttovtes avrovs /w0fjua(e ip. and fma-aep€wOpxiifi (av Ko] /xa(7<^a/A r : ixoaaS \ Kara Ko-s] Kar r | 10 KaraXei- Ks] KaraAt- r: KuraXrj- O \ 11 e^ avTwv Kr]>1L I 12 a-ea-diafjievov Ks] 8ia(r£(jo)(rfxevov r: saiwifs ?l : (reo-to(T/xevovs O I Kttt Kr]>11 I 13 SiaTre^euyoTa Ks3l] Sia7re<^euyoTas r: SiaTre^evywras O ] 13 Tre^euyoTa z | 14 ^ 1 ] cttoiei iz | 14/15 avTovs 1 | 15 Kadori ufi ] Ka^ws Z • _^ (tcov A) /Aacr/3e^w^(')j«.a(e)t/A (-/Aatv A) AQAGS : /xaacpoiv Bh€ \ 6 ttcSkov B rell (IZsi-os B rell 12 creo-wo-juievoi'] 8tao-eo-wo-)U,evov (-av h) omn 1 12/13 Kai 8ta7re<^ei;yoTa h]> B rell ! 14 ^ liA® | 14/15 avrots B rell] avTovi h 1 15 ti B rell] prm o A | Kadon A®AGS (ii^ -f^l) ] ov Tpoirov {juaifx. and that <^w belongs after /mo-epe (in h the final /a has been replaced by 6; at, of course, stands for e); hence B read fiacrep^ffiwOfMiifi, the e after a (unless a faulty repetition of o-) expressing the r ■ The lower readings of roiLuF, corrupt as they are, seem to go back to two variants: /Aao-epee^w^/mi/A (or -firjfji) ro?L and fiuapecftwOfiuLfji uf. In the present passage, utto daXaaar) (see above on 162a, 1. 8); if genuine, then M" read nV^Tl"- , comp. nV^T:; Jer. 31 (38): 39 ketib and transliterations in (P. IL with its pxiaepwd {z for s) comes nearer the original than the pMatpaw of BhCJ; it is apparently curtailed from pxiaeprjp.- (or )(od. U"2 has accordingly dropped out of the B texts || 6 Apparently TTcSitov was wTitten by ® (see above on 1616, 1. 22) |j 7 See above on 162o, 1. 8 1] 12/13 Ktti Sta7r£(^ei)yora of the K recension a reminiscence from the ground passage 8:22 I, 15 ov rpo-n-ov was apparently written by © j eiTrei/ The K Text of Joshua 21 K 163a avTU) «?• rov^ lit- XI TTOW avTCOv evev- poico7n]crev' Kut ra ap/xara avrcov eve- 20 irp-qaev irvpi: ^" Kai 10 €7r€crTpa(f)rj (?• Kai ira^ IrjX fier avTOv ev rat Kaipco eKei- vco- /cat Kareka- 1636 /Sero r^r^v acrfup'] Kai, Tov /3[acrtXea] avT7}r ] 17/18 evevpoKOTrrjaev Krs] evevpwKOTrrjae o: evevpoKOTTTjaav 3i- | 19/20 eve-Trprjaev I\.] ev€Trvpixre{v) r: eveirpTjaav (s. ev£7rvpicrav) cv ii- I 20 "^ Ks ; 21 €ireaTpacf>r) K] airccrr pa^-q R 24 — 163& 1 /careXa^iSero] obsedit 31 -ySero Kro] -/5e s ao-wp r] assor 3L (sed OSOr 3, 18; 164a, 15) I 3 avrr]? KR]+a7reKT€tvev ev po/JLipaui IL \ 4 Trpor- etTre ] everetAaro 16 tow] pnn Kai 1 19/20 eveTVp-qaev uf ] KaTeKavae iz | TTvpt] prm ev UF j 20 1[ ul ! 21 airecrTpaffiT] UF 1636 3 77[v 8e acrcop] ] 77 8e a(rcop r/v UF 1 8 -vav 1f] ve(v) upt , 8-9 7rav[Ta B rell i et7re[v] ] everetXaro omn 20 Trvpi] prm ev omn | ^ BAQGt I 21 €TreaTpa(j>r]] aTreaTpacf^r] Bli : eTreorpei/'ev A©G : aTreorpei/'ev A | 21/22 k B rell 1636 1 T[r)v] A et sub •)iC- GS]>B rell j 2/3 >li 3 avry]^] + areKTeivev ev pofX(f)ULa A et SUb •>(• GS I 77[v 8e acrwp] Bfi:AG] otl aawp r]v A0S j KrI. comes closer to the Hebrew than everetXaTo which Origen retained i| 19 20 For ""'^ we find eixiripL-n-pavciL. eyu.7rupt^eiv. and Kura/cavetv. The plural in IL is faulty 21 The active intransitive in Origen; the others have the passive. The forms with a are apparently origmal 21/22 The plus in the K texts and h introduced from parallel passages ,24 — 1636 1 obsedit IS. points to a variant r-qv which expresses rij< both in Origen (but not in A0) and in the K recension 3 ZTH riin which was missing in ?!?" or else left untranslated by <5 by way of condensation was supphed by Origen sub ast (hence omitted in A0) whence probably it found 22 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 1636 ^a(Tt\ew\^v roi/-] XI Twv ^^Kai [aTre/crei-] H vav TravT^a ra ev-] TTveovra [ey au-J 10 tt; ev ^o\v(o fta-J KUL €^(oXo[6peva-d^ avTov<; 7ra[t'Ta9] 15 KUL ov KaT^^eXei-^ (f)6r] ev7r\^veov ej avTTj- Ka\^L TT}v\ Krs] TrpojT- O i 6 ^aa-ikeiwv Krs] (iacnXuov O 8 [ev-] ] e/ut- R 10 ev Kos] c/a r 11 -vatpas Krs] "X^PlO-?! O [av€-] Kl's] ava- 11/12 Kat avcdcixaTtaav avTrjv Kr]>31- 12 -deixaTLaav K] -^e/Aartcrei' R 13/14 K?L]>R i 15/17 Kat — arr?; KrsiL]>0 15 KttT^eAet-] Ks] KareAt- r , 16 cvtt- K] efxir- rs : 16/17 [e] avTr] ra t.v]Trv€0VTa ] Trav efiirveov UF 10/11 cv <^o[va) fui];;(aipa?] ei' CTTOfULTi $l4>ov<: UF I 13/14 ] > UF I 15/17 Kttt — avTT? Uf ] > iz 16/17 ev7r[veov 6 /SacrtXeiwv B rell] PaaiXewv <£ 8 vav B rell] -ve(v) AA | 8/9 TravT[a ra ev]7rv£ovTa] irav £/x7rv£0v B rell 9 [ev] ] prm •)«(• o : G cf. € 9/10 [ev av\Tr] B rell]>A 10/11 o[vw fjualxaipaii] (JTO^mTi $L(f)ov<; A0AGS : $i<}>€L BhC 11/12 Ktti — avTr][v] ]>Omn 13 e$wXo[0p€V(7d] ] Sg. AA 14 7ra[^VTas] ] Sub — G5 its way to 11 on aawp r)v S (and so A0) faitlifuUy reproduces the Hebrew; AG (and so uf) go with B in reading tj 8e aawp -qv, of which r^v 8e aawp KrIL represents a graphic variety 8 In the matter of number again individual divergences 8/9 The plural and the article only in Kr3L 9 o G sub ast expresses n-^s 10/11 "^m "Sb appears as ev ^t<^et in the B texts, ei- arofuiTL ^K^ovs in Origen (also A® and uf), but ev c^ovw /m^atpas in KrIL which expression (with or without ev) is confined to @ in five passages of the Pentateuch (Exod. 17:13; Num. 21:24; Deut. 13:15 (16); 20:13; 28:22) I] 11/14 KaL av(.6f.pxxTLiL I 17 11 r I 18 eve [Trpr/cre] KJ eveTrvpLaev rs: eveTrupto-av o3t [ 19 ev Kr] >IL I 21 [toutw] r]>1L I 22/23 kul — a^rw] KrolL]>s | 23 avrov^: Kro]> 11 ' 24av[;Ta)v]KriL]>o 164a 1 -vetXev rs] -vrjXev o \ 3/4 e^wAo^pev^o-evJ EJr] €^oXo6p€vcrev ro: e ] avTT] ] ^ uf : 18 eve [TrpTjcre] ] €V€irpr)(Tav UF ^ 19 If U \ 22 aurovs] TravTas UF I 24 eXa/Sev ] crvveAa^ev UF I 18 £ye[Trpriai] B rell i 22 aDrousJ Travras A et sub •>(• GS : >B rell 164a 2 [o-To/Ajari ^k^ovs B rell] ^6^et e ' 4 [crev] heAOAG] -crav B rell | is wanting in l^."" all except it '<\ 18 Note again indi\adual divergence in the choice of number 21 The same may be observed with reference to (SamXewv and /SaaLXenov (comp. the same variation above, 1. 6); certainly the reading of the first hand of B ( = h1L | 12 [^tv]a)v K] OeLVMV a: drjvwv r | 13 eveirprjaely] K] eveirpLcrev R I 14 [ev Trjvpt K 164a 7 If 1 I 14 [ei/ Tr]vpi] > UF { 15 [aawp] ] prm Tfjv i ! ^ov7?v ] + 6 iX(x)(Tr)S G 1 7 ^ A I TrXrjv] aXXa omil ! 8-10 Ke;((. G (S™ .—..lai^LlLa^l:. z ^ziifli:^5 w» UliZ V:^ ^i^^ ]) 10-12 mi — characteristic of r to incorporate in the text (not, as we are informed by Parsons, in the margin) parallel renderings from the three with the express mention of the translators' names. The circumstance that the plus is omitted in K shows that its omission in o (not to mention s or 31) is not due to condensation, but that the matter was really wanting in the arche- type of ro, and that it is r to whose account the amplification is to be charged; it is quite possible that in the archetype it stood on the margin. Hence, in similar instances, when the testimony of K is not available, an amphfication of the same character found in r but wanting in o (s3L) will have to be excised; in my forthcoming edition it shall find a place in the apparatus but shall be cut out of the text. P'or, in the light of the informa- tion gathered in the course of this preliminary edition, it has become clear that r as the text which comes nearest to K must be made the basis of the larger edition in preference to o which, though the older text, is (aside from its bad orthography) in consequence of its propensity to condensation, ill- suited for the purpose. As for the uf, the data so far accumulated show that group to have been contaminated with the parallel recension of Origen; its variants therefore belong into the apparatus: in so far as they are not taken from Origen, they may exhibit readings of the K recension which ascend to a parallel archetype, and here and there may be preferred to those of the archetype of K and its consorts. Now, a case analogous to the The K Text of Joshua 25 K 164o [ev Trju/Of IrjX- aWa XI 15 [acr&Jiol fXQvrjv eve- [7r/07;crjei/ i?" ,'Vai 14 [Traj/lra ra ckv- \\a ai/r]?;!? Trpoeuo- ^fiev^aav €avroi<; 20 [ot uiojt l7]\- avrov<; >R 3L i 15 fiovr}V KrolL] + avT»7V S ' 16 -[Trpryo-jcv K] irpia^v R j 20 [oi] Krs]> avTrjv Uf 17 [7raj']Ta] > iz [ 18/19 CTrpovo/ievcrav Z 19 eavTOts] avTOis f | auTa)v]>omn 14 [ev Trjvpi ]>omn ; aAAa] 77X77^ omn 15 [ao-wp] j prm T-qv A et sub i^- GS P.0V17V] + avTTqv h 20 Ij;AJ + Kara to p-qfxa kv o everetAxiTo rw Iv [[tw Zij] Is A]] A present I am in a position to adduce from an earlier passage in this book. 3:13 at the end r alone adds: a a' o-o^pos eis- 6' ao-Kwfjui ev. I have also come across additions pecuUar to r which though introduced sine nomine must be estimated in the same manner. Comp. 3: 16 aoLKrjTov (after apa/Sa). On a different footing, however, stands eroiixwi ibid., 17 wliich is extant in UF hkewise. ck in a"s rendering is e\-idently an error for ein (comp. 5"°;. On the other hand, a' is fuller in r than in &'^. 6' (comp. S"*) is not quoted. There still remains a parallel anonjinous rendering (eo-rcoo-as t-m tw divwv avTwv) which all the K texts (except 1L) present as the second element of the doublet which is peculiar to the recension. Origen, on the other hand, proceeded in his usual mechanical manner by introducing from the parallel version just referred to the last word sub ast; the result (ras K€x 2'^"~ bbl' 18 n*^~zm was supplied by Origen sub ast (hence its omission in A0) 19/20 On Trpoevofxevaav and eTTpovofjievaav see Helbing, 79 20 The addition in Origen comes from 8 : 27 awrots in all the texts is, according to ^laes, an old error for avbv^ — avOpwTTovi 20 ff. The omission in iz is one of their extreme cases 26 The American Journal of Semitic Languages 1646 K 164a [^XodplevaeiJ i^ avat- XT Tpajt'] ev arofxa- \ti |t]^ou9- eft)? 25 I ajra^Xea-ev avrovi ov KareXwrrev e- ^ avTcov ovSeva evTTveovTa- ^'ov 15 rpOTTOV (TVV€Ta- 5 ^ev «vj KrIL] avepwv o:>S I 25 [a7rw]Aeo-ev Krs] airoXecrev O : aTrcoXeo-ar it 1646 1 KareAeiTrev Kro] KareXtTrev S | 3 evirveovra Ks] e/u.7rveovTa ro j 5 -^ev K] -$e R I fiwvar] K3L] yawo-r; r: tw /xwo-r; o: tw fjnovar] s | tw 2° Kro]>s | 7 /Awuo-r/s KslL] /Awo-r/s ro ] 7/8 wo-awws evcTCiXaTO Kos 3l]^r | 9 is ovtws Kr] 20 — 1646, 10 avTovi — e7rot770-€v]> iz | 25 -Xeaev ] -Xecrav Iptf 1646 1 KaTcXiTTCV Iptf] KareXiTTOV uiz j 5 to ] > Iptf | 9 ti outws ] et sub ^ GS> I 22 -[XoOp^evaev AGS] pi. B rell 1 22/23 is avaipwv]>omn | 24 £a>s>ai A ! 25 [a7ra>]X£0-£v BAAGS] pi. he© 1646 1 KaTcXeiTrev] pi. omn | 1/2 e$ Bh (cf. eS) ]>rell | 2 avrw] sub - G& 1 2/3 ouSeva evTTveovTa] ov8e ev efx-irveov [[ovSe €v]ov8ev A]] B rell 5 fiayva-r) {p-wcrr] G) ]prm Toj BhA0AG \ Ta)l>h ; 6 H ! KaijXeAGS 2/3 /xwvo-tjs (oo-avTws cvcTfiXaTO BhA0]^AG (/icocTr/s) S | 7 wo-avTCL)sl>e \ 9 lii h©AG] of condensation ii 22, 25, 1646, 1. 1 The three verbs are consistently singu- larized in Kr (is is added as an exphcit subject after the first, so also ILuf which therefore singularize the first verb), and just as consistently plural- ized in hC®; all the other texts are inconsistent in their choice of number '1 22/23 avaiptov to which nothing corresponds in Ii?™ only in the K recension 1646 1/2 (ti) avtwv not in |i?'"; obelized in Origen | 2/3 ov8eva eixirveovTa characteristic of the K recension || 7/9 Origen (not followed by A0) adopted the Hebrew order ' 9/10 On the other hand, here only the K texts deviate from the Hebrew order 11 pr)fjui = '^'2'l was added only by the K recension i 13/14 Origen, followed by A©, altered the text to accord with ri^TT mii The K Text of Joshua 27 K I64b 10 eiroiricrev ov ira- XI pe^j] ovOev pT]fia UTTO TraVTCOV (OV crvv€Ta^ev avTCO 15 Bei/ i? TTuaav ttjv yrjv Tr]<; optvr]S 3L | 19 vo- Kr] vw- o 'lO-Traaav Ks 3L]>ro j 21 yo^ofx •^Vf i 11 -p£/3r?] + Is iz j 14 ^ ul IS i'aye(3] prm Tr}v viz iraaav] > Z | 19 ev] prm t-qv UF ; 20 iraaav ] > z 20 21 rrjv yqv] > z | 21 yo^o/i.] yoaofx L-qaoL BA ' 9/10 Is ouTws e-Tronjaev]-^ omn 11 pT;/Aa]>omn | 13 avvtra^ev B rell] everetAaro h 13/14 uvru) jxoivarj^ Bh(£Aj ks tcu fjnovarj (/JLwarj G) A®GS> I 14^ BhA0G 15 Trao-av J prm Tr,v A et sub •:>(• GS I t77v]>AS ] 16 yyjv] + TavTr]V A et Sub -^jC* GS j ttjs op(e)Lvr]'i h] ttjv opuviqv B rell 17 Trao-av] prm t7?v AS et sub v^- G tt;v]>AS 1 yj^V] beA0AG]>BS : + T-qv A IS vaye^ hA0j aSe/3 BC : veye/3 AG(S) [ lS/20 Kat — votw h] rrr - rii^ 1^"; whereas <5 (B texts, K texts) read -"1"- imii 15 On ttjv see above on 161o, 4-6 16 Ta^'r77v = ^^^T^ added by Origen sub ast ' <§ probably wrote r-qv opeivrjv; see above (ibid.) ' 17 as line 15 y-qv properly omitted in B; it is simply a faulty repetition of T-qv I 18 The corruptions of mye^ admit of easy explanation: in B(&, the initial v dropped out by hap- lography (after rrjv iyrjv)), just as in 3L after ev (its text therefore read ev vaye/8, comp. ev TO) voroi); the change of y into S (BII j 21/22 TTao-av Kro]>S j 22/23 (itdaafi. K] jStTcrav r : ^er^wav O : ye^crai/ S [ 25 8i;o-/Aats Ks] 8vaiMi<; ro kIL 165a 1-14 afjifiwv — ^ao-ya]>S | 1 afx/xtDv K] a/x,/xav ro iL i 4 Kara K] kut Tjfi : yocrw/x Z | 21/22 iraaav rrjv yrjv ] > iz | jSedaafji] ^eOaav uiz : fiaidaav f | 25 S. Kat [to opos IrjX] ] > z UF 165a 1/2 appajia i I 5 rr^s] > iz j 5/6 da\a 1 | 6 T7?s] > iz | > B rell (cf. S™ Ulcu.Z jiJ^o wz]) [ 20 7rao-av]>h I 21 yo^oya] yo(ro/x B rell : yoo-ov G(^l.^ S) j 21/23 Kat — ySe^cra/i. h] > B rell | ySe^cra/x ] fieOaav h | 25 Sucr/xais] Sucr/xas ll BChAQAGS 165a 1/2 apajia ] prin 7] AG ! 3 x^^^P^^ BhA] x^eweptO A©G : x^v^P^l^ iraaav appears to be nothing recensional (KsiL have it against ro, uf against iz, B rell against h) jj 21 On the variants of yoaov see above on 161a, 22/23 || 21-23 The K recension (all texts except IL) as well as h introduces a parallel rendering of ycr«n V'^li^ 52 PU^I , that is to say, in reality a variant for yoaov. s has preserved the genuine reading yeOaav which itself is probably derived from yeo-ai/ (gesum ?l would then be a conflate of yecrap. and yoa-op.) comp. ^^5>. As for the interchange of y and (i, comp, yt9r}X A 12, 6 (1666, 8) for fiS-qX. The scribes naturally enough adjusted the name to that of Beth-sh(e)an 165a 1-14 The omission in s is inclusive of the following words which precede (in the text of r) : Kat to rjixia-v rq^ yaXaaS Kat Tov ;^et/i,appow ews La/3oK opLov vniiv. In this chapter (compare the other instances 23 — 1656, 7 and 1656, 23 — 166ff, 9; in the latter case the omission may be accidental, due to homoioteleuton, but it serves the same purpose) s begins to manifest its propensity to extreme condensation to which the geographical notices are sacrificed; it reaches its climax in chapters 13-21 which are not only abbreviated, but in part re-arranged in an order suitable to this process of condensation. As an adequate impression of the procedure of this codex The K Text of Joshua 29 K 165a Xacrcri]^ ;;^ei'e/3€^' XII Kara avaroXa^ 5 Kat e«»9 TTj] K]> ro I 8 aXwv Kr] eXwv o : nachor 31 | it^^ : prm Kat e 1 5/6 daXae'^ \ 6 T7;s]>omn 7 ^aAaoro-iys] OaXaacra cannot be obtained from the scattered variants in Parsons' apparatus, it is advisable to present here the aspect in toto. 13 ^ Kat is Trpecr/^vrepos irpo- f3e/3r]KO}'s rjfJ.€pwv • Kat enrev ks irpos tv ■ lSov yeyr^paKas crv ■ Kat r] yrj vrroXeXuTTTaL ttoXXt] €ts K\rfpovo/xtav ttoXXt] crt^oSpa • aA.A.a StaSos avrrjv rats (^vXiwi Tov IrjX ets KXrjpovofxiav • ov Tpoirov eveTeiXafjirjv (rot • '^ Kat 8t€p,eptcrei' ts rijv y^jv ravT-qv ev KXyjpovofxia rats evvea <^uAats • Kat tw 77p,tcret vXai<; Kat tw rifJua-u (f>vXr)^ fxavaaarj awo tov Trs.par tov lopSavov Kat 13 '^rr/ patp, 8uo ec^patp, Kat pxivaaa-q ■ Kara S-qp-ov; avTojv • KaTep.€piaavTO irao"as ras TroAets avTwv " Kat ras ku>/mx<; avTwv • Kara ra opta avTuiv 17 ^Kat rw o-aATraa8 vto) oc^ep • ovk -qcrav avTOi vlol' akk -q ^T'yarepes • ** Kat tfTTiqcTav evojTTtoj/ eAea^ap rop tepews " Kat evavriov iv viov vav-q • KUL evavTLOV rwv ap^i^ovroiv Aeyouo-at • o ^s everetAaro 8ta ;!(etpos p-wvar) • Bovvai 7]p.LV Kkrjpovop.iav ev p.t(T(D rwv a8eAwv t^/aojv • Kat eSoOr) uvrais Kkrjpo^ 8ta Trpoo-rayp,aTos kv • ev rots a8eA(^ots aurtuv • ^r; 8e y?; yaAaaS '^eytv-qdrj rots v'tots pxivaaar] rots KaraAeAetp.p.erots • 18 -"^ (as far as 8teAetv avrrjvj 8-lOa. 11 1 n 1- 10a. 17«. 24. 32. 40 \ ■ S "- ?■ iy Kat €KAr)poooTr]arcv aurovs ts Kara 07/p,ovs avrwv • Kara 30 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 165a \(ov oBou Trjv XII 10 Kara eKjxoiOa' UTTO Oaifxav Kai OTTO VOTOV VTTO a- arjScod' TTjV Ka- 10 CKfiwOa Kr] CKfjLwd H : eK/Juada O ! 11 airo Kro] vtto 1L | 6aLfJM.v K] 6efmv roil I 11/12 Ktti — VOTOV Kro]> 3L j 12 votov Kr] i/wtou o 1 12/13 axrrjSaiO KrlL] 10 eK/xwda ] KeSfxoid \ 11 datfmv Itfz] ^e/iav upi | 14 (fxLcrya ] afftaya iz ] 15 top] G: daXaaaav B rell | 9 rrjv B rell] rjvh* {riqv h^, r superscr) 1 10 Kara CK/xw^a] Kara aaeifioid B: kut acn/xoyd A: Kara laLfiwd h*(KaTa ^idcnfxoid h-)0 : Kara ^rjOaa-LfjLwO A : Kara firid(j<.LfJiU)6 G: Kara firjOaa-ifJiOiv S |11 otto] vtto A0 : prm Kttt AGS ; 11/12 Kai ttTTo vorov] Kaiairo votwv h ( = tr' S™) : > rell | 12 vtto] prm Triv omn \ 12/13 aa-qSwO A0] ?2|-a.1 S : /jLeaiSwd A : fji.r](Tr]B(j)0 G : ix-qhuiO B(£: ra opta avrtov ■ Tracras ras ttoAcis aurcov ■ Kat Tracras ra? kw/lius aurwv • ''^ Kai tTTopevdrjaav cfi/SaTrjaai rrjv yrjv ■ Kara ra opta aurwv • *^'' *' (with hav, keaefi, Xe(T£/xSav)-*'« 20-21 '-^" *' '^^'' *- '*"««-'' «-*^ '"-••". By means of this singular condensation, the scribe saved himself the work of reproducing the troublesome geographical notices and hsts of place names. Whether we are dealing here with a recension, it is difficult to tell. So far as the prin- ciple of condensation goes and especially the turning of the imperative 13 : 7 into an aorist, Gaster's Samaritan Joshua presents a certain analogy. I beheve, however, that the scribe of s had before him a Greek text which he manipulated to suit his own bent of mhid 1 afx/jxiv ro?L modernizes the name; but K shows that the archetj^pe read correctly afjLfxwv Origen in- serted 7) to express the Hebrew article (n) 3 For an explanation of the j3 in ■)(€v(.pt(i <£f'' see above on 1646, 18. All texts express n""" for mil" • The double v is, of course, correct - 6 rr;s characteristic of the K texts, but omitted again in iz !i 6^7 pa/?a IL see on 1616, 18 7 ^oAao-o-a or ^aAao-o-av loose construction; it is corrected in the K texts 8 va-)^wp IL admits of an explanation: the initial v is dittographed after rwv; x i^ ^^ error for A (a notable example of this interchange underlies the "seven rivers" of <£''' 16:3=, not CTrra TTOTUfjiOi Dillmann, but eirra x^Lix[appoL] = eTTTaXu/J. for aTTTakcLfi B; <5, of course, wrote laTrAaret (comp. TrraAt/i, C after opia; hence lairroA-ctp. preceded the reading u.7rTa\afi.) = 'dbZ' ', the Palestinian texts vary between uaK6L (A0), read i£<^Au^i, hence nearly with the same vowels as B, but in accordance with the later pronunciation £ is expressed by <^ which perhaps induced the substitution of ^for r, and ie0A.7;ra = -'Cib£" M""); The K Text of Joshua 31 K 165a ra ^acrya- * Kai 4 XII 15 Opiov wp' ^aaiXe- ft)9 ^aaav o? Kare- Xeicpdi] €K TCOV pa(f)aeiv o kutoi- aaiSoiO o I 13/14 rrjv Kara Kro]>lt | 14 •[ r | 14/17 Kai — KaTeXeiffyOr] Kro ] kul Tov toy (3a(rtXea (3a(ruv o? KureAcK^^r; S : kul coy jSacrtXcvi ^acrav KaTe\€Lav ro: yiyavTwv S | 20 eS/aaetv Ks] eSpatv r: wy I 18 paa€iv ] yiyavTtov [18/19 o KarotKtov] 09 KarwKet ] 20 eSpaifi u] /xrySwy h | 13/14 Tryv KaTa]>omn | 14 <^a(rya] prm Kat <£ ' 1[ BllA© 14-1656, 17 Kat — fjiavaa(Tr)]>h 15 opiov S"] opta A et sub v^- G : >BS rell toy omn [ 15 /3ao-tA€tos AG (= 01 y' sec S"") ] fSaa-tXedw; G : I3acn\€vB rell i 16/17 KaTeX€i(f)dr}] vTrtXecffiOri (vTroXiffiOr) G) omn 18 pacftaeiv { — (t' sec S™ >c-»j^S) ] yiyavTtov Omn j 19 acrrapuiO B rell] the final p stands for v, exactly as 17:11 /xayeSScop A stands for puayShmv, and conversely 12, 23a tXhiap. B is corrupted from e^oip (comp. evStov h and eScop e) II 10 ni-w'Ti ri"n is faithfully reproduced in GAS ( f3r)0aa€i/xw6 A, l3r]dacrLfjMv = /3r]9aaLiJ.(L = I3r]6aaiij.w6 &. /3r]6(TeLfJ.o>6 G) COmp. also jiiOcnfJUiiO h^ = ^rjOatiMwO) : in the B and K texts n"3 is wanting, either originally, or through haplography after Kara (the element is universally extant in the parallel passage 13:20). As for the second part corresponding to r\T2 -TI , the readings of the B texts and of A® are tolerabl}^ correct; not so those of the K texts which vary between ckimmO (thus apparently the archetype read with li) and Ke8fj.o}6 uf. kcS- may represent a miswritten I3ed-; but ek- remains a puzzle; contrast 13:20 11 vtto A© is an error for aTro. Kai of Origen = 'i l^"* 11/12 KrouF and h introduce a doublet which, according to S™, comes from a-' I 12 rrjv which the K texts excise treats '131 mn as an imphed relative clause I 12/13 The correct aayjhoiO in the K texts and in A©; firjSwd B {fjir)8wv h = fjir]8(I) = ixr]8ii)0) comp. vs. 8 A which it is not easy to account for; a conflation of the two readings underlies /xrjo-rjBwd (/xecriSto^) GA; on 50,^1 S see above on 161fl, 6; note that in 13:20 G reads aaSo) jj 13/14 Tr)v Kara the K texts (except 5L) 14 ff. The omission in h apparently due to homoioteleuton 15 The word blZI* which is represented both in the K recension (not 11) and in Origen (not &^) was wanting in ?^s; s , 23 TTttO-ets O I 24 Kara fiaaav Kr] KarajSacrccos O : /Saaav IL eSpaiv IptF ! 23 creA/ UF aaOapoiO G j 20 eSpaeiv B rell] eSpaet G : aSpat A : eveSpaeiv € ! 22 aep/xwv] ^-li:,.- S 22/23 airo aeXKa Kai]>G aeXKa] aeXx"- ^^ '■ ao-eXxa A : crepxa ®: acKxaL Bomn he left the current text intact, at least introduced a relative, which, of course, became a necessity in the K recension as well as in GA; the intro- duction of the relative should, wheresoever blZj had been ignored, have necessitated placing *,'-"- "^ the accusative (comp. vs. 2); this was actually done by s, but a trace thereof remains also in G, the scribe at first starting to write the accusative and then correcting himself; the texts incorporating optov or opia naturally wrote the genitive; the latter, according to u ySacri-] 1656 2 Twv Ko]>r | yep'^yeo-t] Kro] yapyaai, H | 3 fjua-^adi Kr] fxa)(a6r) O: niachit 3L | 3/4 Kat tt^s va^'tj Kro]>1l [ 4 xat Kro]>lL | 4/5 [tov rjfXLa-ovi 1656 1 T0Ji']>UF j 2 Tcov]>Z I yepyecrtv UF | 3 iJia)(a6t] /xaA^a^i 1 | 4 i'a;^t] 1656 1 Ta)v]>omn | 2 Ta)v]>omn j yepfyeo-t] = yepyeo-et Bat] yeaovpt A®: ytaovpf. A : yeao-oijpe G : il.*-^. S j 3, 4 tov sive rr^s] ttji'] omn j 3 p,a;>^[a^i] = /xa;)(u^(e)i AG : ^ nSSi ? S : /juxo-tl A© : iJxi)(aT C : p,tt;(€t B j 3/4 Kai rr;? i/u;^i]>omn I 4/5 tod 7;/xtcroi)s] to rj/Mcrv omil | 6 optoD <£] optwv B rell : prm an uncial Ij 22/23 The omission in G due apparently to homoioteleuton !! 23 o-eA/ca might be original with its k, but it is confined to K; in 0, A became p through mishearing (similarity of sound) ; aeKxm BaA.xa = ^aAx"- = eaAxtt = o-aAxu (in 13:11, however, IL has eo-xa r. o-eAxa) Ij 24 Kara pecuhar to Kro 1656 2 "iVr"i yeo-oDpet (or ytcrcrovpu, with a dittographed, or with inner-Greek doubhng, or with inorganic Semitic doubUng, comp. riiiib , ,—4^ , )_*J , fi(."jri''i over to the following which together the translator made 34 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 1656 \em eae [^cov:] XII TTUfi lev [/cat ot] 10 viOL IrjX' e[7raTa^e] avTOV^- /cTateSct)-] /cey auTr?^!' />tft)-j var}<; ev [/cXr^pco] Tft) (0OU/87;[v kul] 15 Tft) 7aS' /cTat Tcol rj/xiav (f)^vXr}<;^ /jiavacrar][: ' /catl 7 OuTOi oi /3[ao-tXet9l Tcoi' a/jL^oppaicov^ Kro] TO rjfjuav It I 5 yaXaaS Kr?i.] yaAaS O | 6 opiov Kro] optwv It | o-r/^wv] Kr IL] (Tiwv o ! 7 ea£[fioiv] K3L] co-cre^wv ro | 8 1[]>r | tovtous Kr]>^ | fjnaa-rj's ro I 9 ot K]>0 I 10 c[7raTaie] Kr] eirraiav OS | 11/12 eStoKC o ' 12/13 fj.uiarj'i ro I 14 Toj Kro] rots viois ^ : >s [ 16 rjfjuav Ko] rjfjivcn r: rjfjiuaeL s | 17 fjXLvaaarj Kl'o] ixawatra-q S^ j \ r 1 19 afjiwpaKDv S | 20 avT^Aev O j 21 oi]>o | va^^i U : avva^^di f : o-wtt;^t Z : uva^Orj i | 8 ^]]>ul | 9 o Trat? ki;]>Z | oi]>i | 10 CTraTa^aj/ UF I 11 uvrovsj^z [ 12/13 /aidvcttj? ei'KAi7pa>]^z lA pov/3{€)tfi cws A et sub v^c GS | criwv G (^=-*»^» S) j 7 -Aews B rell] w sup ras A*'' (-AcDS A*'°''*) 1 8 Toi)rous]>omn | yawo-Tjs G | 10 e-n-aTu^av omn I 12/13 fxwarr)<; G : + o Trais Kv A et sub -x- GS j 13 KXijpw A®] KX-qpovo/xia B rell ' 14 rw] >omn I pov/3r]X (St& j 15 tco l°]>omn i 16 rjfjuav G] TjfXLaei B rell i 17 ^ dependent on h'Z'2 under the force of the Q in the first half of the verse || T^-"'! fJuix('^${e)L or fuixaTt, the latter in the B texts and It in ch. 13, and in A© here (but machit 3L is apparently corrupt, possibly a conflate; see further on) ; here B (but not (£) reads /taxet which I take to be a corruption from pxixOl= T\Z^'2 • This B reading is introduced in the K texts (except 3L ; unless machit is a conflate of niachati and machi) as a parallel (doublet) ; further below (22/23) where the clause is repeated (perhaps from the margin of the archetype; then inserted in the wrong place as so often with marginal notes) the spelling is vaxoi in Kr, /xu;(aj in IL, vaOi in iz, but i/a^^t uf exactly as is read in u here) ; of course, v stands for p. !j 6 Note how the manuscripts divide in an arbitrary fashion on the question of number ' ews A and sub ast GS (so Lagarde's codex; there is no reason why the obelus should be The K Text of Joshua 35 K 1656 20 ov<; av€i[\€v l^ ] XII KUL 01 VLoll ir^X € 1 TO) 7repa\v rov t-l ophavov [/cat T779I va-^^of K^ai Tovl 166a [r]fjnao]v'i yaXaaB \^7rapa Oa^Xaaaav [aTTO ^a^aXyaB ev [t&) TrelStft) Tov 5 [XtySaz^Jof Kai ecu? 23-166fl, 9 Ktti- etpa]>s 1 23 ttjs Kro] ev IL j 24 vaxoi Kr] yax>; o: macho H | 24 — 166a 1 TOV r]/xiaov<;] to -qfjuav IL [ 1 rjixvaovi o 2 TrapaOaXaaatos O \ 3 airo (SaaXyaS Kro] balladon IL 5 KatK3L]>ro I 7 [xeA>x I^o] c/icZgra IL 8/9 o-?/- Upz : povfSiv Itfi ' Kai]>Z ' 12 ^ r 22 rov]>Z ' 23 rr7?]>f | 24 vaxoi] vadi \Z\ vaxOi rell 166a /ScuiXyaS U^ Itfz] jSaAyaS U* : yoaAyaS i ! 4 Tou]>f , 6 tou 1°]>UF | BI1A0G I 19 Twv afxoppaiwv BaJ^"^ rell] T7;s yi?s S 20 is SUp ras A*' (fjuovarj^ ^*fort) , 23 — 166a 1 -Ktti — yttAatt8]>omn ] 2 ^aAacrcrav] prm T7/V A 3 a7ro]>onill I yQaaAyaS ©AGS (r^^i^^) ] /?aAya8 A : /3a\aya8 € : /JaAayaSa B : yaAoaS h | ' ev B rell] ews h^ ! 4 tw A©AGr]>B ■ 4/5 toi; Xl/Suvov B«ehA©AG5] AiySavw adopted with Maes, the word not being found in the Kotv-q texts), hence ?l?" must have read ~>" , an error due to the aberration of the ej-e to blZI* 13? above !| 7 K shows that ta-cjiwv with one o- is the correct spelling. e=— || 8 TovTovi the K texts (all except E) resumptive Ij 9 Note condensation in z !| 10 The plural should be restored also in Kr 'i 13 The second riin* "23-" only in Origen KXrjpoi all the K texts and A© is certainly to be rejected in favor of KXiqpovoiJLui B rell ; KX-qpo^ = 5^13 , and K\r]povo/j.La = n iljl"' 11 14/15 ":n^5^ , ^i:< , © did not express the gentilic 16 rffitav is not mi's- wTitten for j^/xto-et; the difference is grammatical, see Helbing, 51 i, 19 '.""^xri only in S; all the other texts express "T^sn 166a 3 aTTO was wanting in (S; apparently "2 was missing in I&k; for the translator's exegesis comp. note on 1616, 24/25 Restore /SoaAyaS every- where; yaAaaS li (comp. youAyaS i) for ^aXaaS, see above on 1646, 21/23; )SaAAaStov 3L is gen. plur. of /SaXXaSa, comp. ySuAayuSa B = ;SaaAyaS 5 Kai 36 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 166a 10 15 Tov op^ov^ rov ■X^eX ] €')(' ' ava^ai- vovT^wv ei]>S ; 16 [cv] 7 [x^^J^X ^^ Ix^^^X ^P^- X^'^^/"' ^- X'^'^^X ^ ' ^/^ oretpa UF I 11/12 KXr]povop.iav B*'"^ 6 TOV 1°]>A0 i TOV 2° A©AG]>Bh ! [xeA]ex ] x^-^X" ^ : x^Aku h : XaAcK (s. x^Xex) ^''^ • aXoK A©AG : ■ iii Ns S> ] 8/9 ets (TTjetptt] €is creupa A©G: eis (TTjetp B(C : o-vyetp h : aaaeeupa A : i.*.".ifl.l:^ S ] 10 avT7]V hGJA©A] aurov BG^S j 11/12 KXrjpo[voix€]Lv Bh] KXr]povop.tav rell j Kara [kAtjp] ov uvtwv B rell] which ro alone omit was certainly present in the archet^TDe of KrolL l| 7 pbrn Origen wrote aaXuK or aAaK (without the Hebrew article) (hence ' T T IV A©), read in AG A© aAaK for aXoK, comp. 11:17 aAaK A aaAaK GA©; &, on the other hand, wrote (a)xeAK or (a)xeAeK = p;:r;(ri), comp. a' /xepi^ovros: 11:17 axeA (axaiA) BiChRUF "n-ith final k dropped in front of Kat, here x^Akc hlL (!L with y in the place of k) and (with k assimilated to x) X^'^X'^ B, a in either case dittographed (the next word begins in a), x^^^^X ^^^^ (x^'^^X ^P* with faulty doubling, still more corrupt x^^^H- ^)} X^^^X ^ comp. x«AeK <£-'^ II 8 acr- A = £s for tts; the word is missing in h | 8/9 While B(£li1l comp. S correctly ignore the locative element already rendered ets, the other texts include n " pleonastically in the transhteration ; r], of course, should be restored everywhere 10 avT-qv refers back to 'i"n>5ri ; avrov clearly an error in spite of the variant reading there, since the plural is used for the latter in Greek ]| 11/12 KrolL go with Bh l| IB KXrjpoi'ofxui o deviates from its archetype and is certainly \\Tong, even though KXrjpov is an inadequate ren- dering of npbn". (a' cr' 8tatpeo-ets) ;, 16 There is room in K for ev, though The K Text of Joshua 37 K 166a \aar]B}(o6^ ' Kai e XII [tt; eprj^^fiw Kai I yoTft)]- KUL [ey] 20 {vaJ€^^'• Kai ev TO) [ratov] Kai rov a- Ifjioppa^Lov Kai TO [')^ava^vaiov Kai 25 [rov (fi^epai^eov 1666 KOI Tov I evaiov'^ Kai TOV le^ovaai- K??L]>ro I 17 [a(r7?8>(? K] ao-q^uiB r: ahwO o: esehon H • Katl>o ' 18/19 Kai \voTw\ Ivro]>?i- 19 vcoTw O \ 20 [vaye^Ji K] nosefe i. : aye/? o: ayeu r I 20 21 Kai — n-eSio) Kro]>i!. | 21-1666, 4 twv ;(erratwv ' Kai tojv a/jLoppaidtv ' Kai Twv Yavavewv kul twv c^epe^ewv Kat rwv euaiwv tcov uf^ovaaLwv Kai twv yepye- (ratwv O I 25 ^epe^atov r 24 — 1666 1 Kai — emiov]>S ; 3/4 Kat tov yepy€o-aiov]>?l "^ r OKatKRl>1L | UF I 18/19 Kai voT fz I Ktti TOV yepyeo-aiov kui tov ie/?ot'0-aiov] > iz Kai 6°, 7°]>fj] KaTeKkripovofJi-qaa' avTOv; (cf. S" a' 0-' Ui^:^=) ]>omn I 19/20 ev vaye/3 G : ^ - ^1 ^ S (A=19 om Kai — XeTTaiov. sed cf. 108, veye;8 108. Compl.) : evaye;S A© : vaye/3 Be | Kai ev vaye/3] KaB rell 1666 1, 2 emiov. ie|8oDO-aiov]-^e 3/4 Kai tov yepyeo-aiov]>Oinn 4 tov ro omit it 17 aarjBwe See above on 16o5r, 12/13 'i eo-e^wv iL an error 18/19 Ktti voToj from a' a' (according to 5™) anticipates Kai ev vaye^, a doublet peculiar to the K texts (all except IL) 20 For the corruptions of vaye/3 See above on 1646, 18. KaiaTe/3 h the three words run together with corruptions 20/21 Kat ev tw TreStto KroUF is found also in S sub ast; either repeated from above, hence i goes on still further; or, which is more likely, read Kat ev rrj TreStvrj ]^->:' ^-°- s . see above on 1616, 22 ' 21 — 1666 4 UF deviate from the order found in all the others (which is that of 1^™) in that they place ".yi^ at the head of the hst; nevertheless it is 38 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 1666 ov Kai TOP jep- XII yecracov 'Wov /8a- 9 5 StXea lepi^co kul TOP fSaaiXea Trj31 I 9 T(x)v s I 1666 4 Tov z] prm km ufi j 8 /SedrjX i | 10 tov fSa(TLX€a]>i | 14 Aaxj?s u | prm /cat Bli © 1 post nomina oppidorum A et sub •>(• G S add eva | 8 (SaiO-qX] repeated once more (in the form of Kammto?) in the place which belongs to it !| 3/4 KM TOV yepyecruiov peculiar to the K recension (all except it; iz, however, excise also /cut tov ttliovaaiov; note the inverted order in uf); comp. Maes: "Monet hie Syrus in nonnuUis libris post tov teySouo-atov adscriptum fuisse Kat tov yepyaa-aatov, sed hoc in Hebraeo non habetur" || 4 /cat Bhditufi an inferior reading, induced by the sequel l| 5 ff . Origen alone added sub ast eva after each city name '\ The codices escape the tedious repetition of Kat tov fiaaiXta with each new name in a variety of ways; some begin condensing the text at an earlier, some at a later stage. It is safe to say that these contractions do not go back to <5. As for B, its archetype evidently had Kat in each instance (see below); moreover, ^aaiXca was written compendiously ^a (see below) !| 10/11 (^aatXea xe/Spwv dropped out in G through carelessness; the total was not affected, because G erroneously treated x^PI^^^ ^^- ^^ ^^ ^^^ name of a city |i 12 3L alone reproduces nT-1^ p?""; all the others presuppose n^'J"!"" or ri^"^"!"' or (if ov stands for w) ni"-"''' li 15 "libltj-" , introduced by Origen into his text as eyAwv (hence A® and also uf) in the place of the koivt] reading (as preserved in Bh€lL) atAa^; the latter apparently meant to Origen a hopelessly corrupt form which he could in no wise admit. Critically handled, atAa/A is equivalent to auyXa/x (the spirantized y omitted; comp. 17:3 da 1L and y in eyAa sup ras B ?) = aiyAav=eyAav. ^ which kept the KotFr; form added fSaaiXea gongola; whatever the y {g) may stand for, oyyoAa is manifestly a corruption from cyyeAa (comp. cyyeAa Compl. = nbr»y Jerem. 31 (78): 34; corrupted in the codices as ayyeAta(v, s) = eyy£Ad = eyyeAav. S likewise adds: Kai eyAwyu,,- but in the place of the Koivrj form, it reads with Kro o8oAfA)a/x. Here reveals itself a substantial difference between Origen and the recension embodied in Kr. a concordance of all the passages in which the name 'S'O'.'J occurs in Joshua shows that, though the three gave a form corresponding to the The K Text of Joshua 39 K 1666 rov ^aaiXea IXrjjJi^ XII 10 Kai TOP ^acriXea ')(^e/3pcL>v ^^ Kai TO 11 ^aatkea lepifiovd^ • Kai rov jSaaCkea Xa^^et?- ^' Kill Tov 12 15 fiaatXea oSoXafi^ 10 Kai KR]>iL 1 TOV l3a(nXea Kro1L]>s ! 11 Km Kn\>lL ' tov]>VO \ 11/12 TOV y8uo-tA.ea]>S | 12 lepifxovd Ks] cpL/xovO VO: upfjiOvO 1. 13 kui Kr]>1L | tov] >ro TOV |SttO-iAea]>S 14 Kat]>»?L | Tov]>ro 14/15 tov /SacrtAca]>S | 15 o8o- 15 oSoAa/x] atyXwjU, UF: + Kat tov epifxovO iz [ 16 tov jSao-iAea] > fi | 17 ya^ep] ytd'y]X A Kai]>omn 1 9 Tov]>Oinn I 10 Kat Tov]>omn ' 10/11 j3acnXea ;(e^pajv]>G , 11 Kat Tov]>oiiin upifjiovO] upip.ov A : uip-qp-ovO <£ cf. icirimuth Euseb "'" !j 13, 14 Kat rov] >omn \ 15 oSoXafj] atXa^i BhtfJ : eyAw/x AG: Hebrew (comp. for 10:5 a' o-' 6' 85" et sine nomine 58"; for vs. 23 a a', for vss. 34 and 37 a' S"; read, of course, everywhere eyAtuv), Origen con- servatively retained the (5 reading oSoAAu/u,; that is to say, if GS may be taken to represent the Hexapla (or Tetrapla, comp. the note in S at the end of the book). A0 naturally followed Origen (in 10:37 there is an omission in 0; comp. a similar omission in f). A doubt, however, may be raised as to what Origen really introduced in his text on the ground of the marginal note in 85 on 10:34 according to which both o' and a' read atyAw/x. This reading is extant in 15 (atyAwr). 64. Aid. (uyAwv); and so also in vss. 5. 23; while in vs. 3 aiyAco/A is found in the text of 58. It may therefore be argued that in one form of his recension (possibly the Tetrapla) Origen was emboldened to introduce the correction. Observe that in vs. 33 where 85 vindicates for o' the reading opap. we find wpa/x (the better spelling) in 64. Aid. (comp. apap. 58 and the still more corrupt reading ^'in of 5). The entire subject, however, cannot be prosecuted here at length. So much is certain that, when Origen was forced to supply an omission, he unhesitatingly took over from his source the Hebrew form of the place-name; so in 10:36 v^- avo eyXwp.: GS, sine notis A (with the form eyAwvin 19. Compl.). Whereas 58 presents the doublet a-n-o utyAwp, ohoXXap., it is interesting to observe that in he<=gRur the addition reads avo o8oAAu/x. Hence the other recension, while adopting the same plan as did Origen with reference to supplying supposi- tious lacunae in the current text, nevertheless held itself to the tenor of 6, a critical procedure which must excite admiration. A0, while accepting Origen's corrections, do not follow him in admitting asterisked additions. 40 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 1666 KaL Tov ^aaiXea XII ya^ep' ' ^^Kairov 13 ^aaCKea Sa/Setp' Kai TOV /SaaiXea Xxifi Ks] oSoAAa/i. ro : + kul eyXw/x s : gongola il [ /3ao-tXea] prm regem aelam 1L I 16 Kat]> It I TOv]>ro TOV ^ao-tAea]>3 | 17 Kai]>iL ] Tov]>ro ! 17/18 tov ^ao-iAea]>S 18 Sa^etp Krs] Saj3r]p o 19 K;atJ>l!. Toi' yiSao-t Xea] > S 20 y€cr(ret,p a^r)p ufi: a^ip Z 18-22 ordo oppidorum Klptr] yeo-etp. ep/Aa. apaS. 8a/?tp u: omn inserunt /3ai6r]X post apaS \ 18 8ay3etp] SajStp ulf: 8ta/8tp ptiz , *^ cyAwv 0AS ! 16, 17, 19 KUL TOv]>omn | 20 yeo-o-etp] aaet B : ruet h : gisl aaya after aa/xpan', and © inserts (SaiO-qX and Xeirapw (read Aeo-apw) and treats fmpptL in 20a as a separate locality. 1i?s apparently wrote XXIX; the number was reduced by the omission of jiaiO-qX and the contraction of vs. 18 (where ?&s omitted the second ",b « ; "j1"l'b was then correctly understood by the translator after the analogy of ^'Z^Zt 226, -^t; PS:': 23r;, b"b;.b— thus W read for br^br.b l^?™ — 236: © wrote £<^£k (or ae/<) ti;; o-aptov; the corruptions in BliClirouF may be readily explained: B, aside from the change of e to o, omitted one ?l | 20/21 y8ao-iAea]>s | 21 epfw. KrlL] epfMiv ro I Kat]>0 3L | 21/22 ;Sao-tXea]>S | 22 apaS Kr] aapaS H | /rolL | 22/23 j8ao-t\€a]>S I 23 Ao/Ava K] X.ofii'a ro: Aeyuva iL : + jSacrtAcu oSoAAa 3L I Kaij>rolL I 23/24 |Sa(7iA£a]>s | 24 pxiKrfia Krs] puKiha o: taageda 3L 20 yeo-o-ei/o] yeo-tp uiz : yaLO-rip f | 22 apaS] apaSi U ] 23 Xoftva \ inter Xo/3va et fjMKrjSa inserunt o8oAAa/u, (oSoAa/x f) yaSep A0AGS [ Ka6]>0mn I 21 cp/Au] ep/xa^ Bhtit | Kai]>omn I 22 apuS] atpa^ ySacriAea apa^ B : atpae /3. apadi h : upa^ € : aSep A® AGS Kui]>omn 23 Aop,va] Aep,vtt at : Xtfiva B0AGS : Ae/3p.va A : + (8. ohoXXap. AGS : + /3. o8. /8. |8at^77A © I Kat]>omn ! 24 /xuKTjSa A0AGS] T?AaS B : uT^AaS h : r?8ax Ot the sign of abbreviation was then overlooked; on the other hand, the initial K of the following Kai — the archetype apparently read Kai fiacnXca — was dittographed; h has crap(D$, as frequently with oj; in rouF the r of rr/s became y, and in ro the initial a was lost through haplography; in both the K of a(l>€K became y pronounced v before the following y, hence the v of uf; a(f)€eK(Tappov'i IL shows a dittographed t, ttjs is ignored, p doubled, w rounded to ov, and d (misread a) as in h); on the other hand, the omission of 19a (llT^ a mere variant of "."IS^i'^ 20a; see above on 161?>, 10) was offset by the breaking up of 20a into two (M^ read "pS^'^ ~^b'2 ]^^'2Z "p'Z) [ 17 UF stand with their a^r?p alone '! 18-22 u stands alone with its order f: 20 Correct raet h to yaet and that (comp. B and Ot) to yao-ei = yao-ctp comp. ya^etp IL and ye(o-)o-etp K texts. In all probability, <& wrote ya8rjp = ^~ji for 113 S?"" reproduced in Origen (and A©) 'j 21 epp,a^ of the B texts with archaic fem. ending pl^ !l 22 Bh clearly represent a doublet, which is proved not only by the omission of the first in ®, but principally by the fact that the count of XXIX is not affected, atpad (corrupted in h to atpae) = epa8 (e for — ) and apa^ (corrupted in h to apa^t)=apaS are clearly parallels; perhaps the former is genuine 'I aapaS IL with a dittographed after /SaaiXea \\ aSep Origen quite unUkely, unless M^ read "il •; ; it may have arisen through assimilation to yaSep jl 23 On Ae^Sva and variants see above on 161a, 2 || Through the insertion of ^aiO-qX in the wrong place, the order in vss. 15 f is shifted in uf. 0, not A, introduces (SaiOrjk in front of puK-qSa [ 24 © wrote 42 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 167o ^Kai TOt<; rjixtaeai (f)v\r]'i iiavacrarj eScoKev /jLcovarj'i ev Ti] ^aaav Kai 5 T0i9 rj/jit(T€(nv e- ScoKev (?• /xera TWV a8€\(f)(OV avTcov ev rco ire- pav rov lophavov 10 irapa OdXacrcrav Kai 7 XXII eU IL 167a 1 f r I tois rj/JiLcrea-i Kr] tw -qixuru viwv S fj-avaaa-r) Krs] fJMwaa-crr] o5L 3 cSmkcv Ks] 2 (^vXr?? KrolL] + tSoJ/ce ro ' ix(ovcrr]<; Ks IL] fiu)ar)<; r: i? o | 4 ev rr? Kro 31] ttjv S 4-6 kul — is Krs3l]>0 , 5 rots Tjfjiicrecnv Kxs] tco -qyncTU IL 8-10 ev — 9aXa(T(jav &s3L]>o 11/12 a:r€o-T€tAev ul(p)tF 167o 1-4 Kttt — jSa(7av]>F (sed (^vXtjs frnvatrarj f SUperscr) 1 r)ixL(Teai BffihAeAS 167a 1 1[A0 tois rj/xLaecrL ©A] rots r)fJ.Lcrei A : tco rjfXLcreL B : rw 77/u.to-i) h I 3 fjLOivarj'i B rell] Zs A ; 4 rr;] sup ras 3 circ litt A*' j ^aauv <£A05] j8ao-av(e)tTt8i BhA 5 TOts r]fJ.L(Te(nv 0A] Tots -qiMLcrLV A : toj -qfjiiau B : tw r?/xto-v h ; 8/9 ev tw Trepav tov lopSavov Bb<£0] irapa rov lopSavrjv A : > AS | yaa/cTjSa^: fxu was lost after ^a (as ^ao-iAea was WTitten compendiously), k was lost through haplography in another ancestor which omitted ^Sao-tXea and read in its source k^ ( = Kai) K-qSad: what remained became 77X08 (spirantic 8 in B) and, with a of fiaaiXea dittographed, ar/AaS in h; on the other hand, r)8a6 was misread (^ for A=8=^) as rjSax in <£. 167a 1-4 Omission through homoioarcton or condensation in f (but note the trace in f superscr); a similar condensation in (see the variants 3, 4-6, 8-10) which inconsistently retains ev T17 fiaaav 1 The plural all except BhlLu; Tj/xto-et A probably an error, comp. tj/iio-iv A in 1. 5 which is certainly an error; hu refrain from dechning; similarly 1. 5 ![ 3 is A is an error as it is in o, though there the error is coupled with condensation || 4 Bh followed by A Grecize the name; the K recension and Origen (the latter followed by A©) have the Hebrew form 8-10 The K texts as well as the B recension present the full Hebrew text; there is.no reason to assume that Origen had anything different; 5 (followed by A, but not by 0) omits the first part, A the second (hence vapa tov lopSavryv for ev tw Trepav tov lophavov) , 11/12 The form minus the e^ is pecuhar to Kjo !; 12, 13 o con- The K Text of Joshua 43 K 167a i-jVLKa airearei- XXII Xev avTOvf t? ei0 1 13 otKOvs KrslL]>o I 14 r^vAoyr;- K] evXoyr]- R | 16/17 tv] CUm iL -^pejMKTtv Ipt] r7)U,ton) U I 5 rjixicrca-iv ] r/jLtio-v U ] 10 f | 11 c^aTreo-TeiXev ultF | 14 rjvXoyri-] 10 Trapa ^aAao-crav B reU] Kara SahxiJiTav h : >A ] If B^-lhA© [ 11/12 e^aTTCO-TciAev omn | 14/15 T;vAoy77(Tev] Kut euAoyr/o-ev omn i 15/16 Aeywv A®] denses 14 The omission of kui in KruIL makes better Greek \ The temporal augment with tv- onlj^ in K, see Helbing, 75 ' 15 ff. In l?s vs. 8 apparently read: nn'i rc2i ii<- 2^ Hzp'^i Dn-bn^ b>5 ^zz D-z^ D-c::-^ Q-^rs D3? Q'r;"n\^ bbi^ ipb- nn^r; nv:bi"i (p"it:i). On n':;r:i which I have placed in parentheses see on 11. 22/23. The principal deviation from ?^™ consists in the reading 12- (minus the vowel letter) which taken as a perfect (121*) entrained the pointing ipb" or ipb~ and the change of the suffixes from the second to third person as well as the excision of ^"IS" 1"2Xb □"■'bs • A less important difference was the dropping of the prepo- sition in front of nip - and the following nouns which caused the translator to place the caesura at nri'bnX • Such is the text and exegesis under- lying Bh. A crude approachment to li?"" constitutes the introduction at the head in <£ of Kai u-n-e. Trpos avrovs, the rest remaining as it is in Bh. Not less mechanical was Origen's procedure who left the text of the kolvt] essentially intact except that he inserted after the first xai the words et7r£ Trpo? avTov<; Aeywv (Lagarde follows Maes in placing Trpos avrov; alone sub ast; his Syriac MS reads: j^] i-= ^.c^Zsli ^j^lo •)»(•; neither is correct; for if we follow the lead of A© which retain Aeywv and omit km we should have to place Kat ciTTc Trpos avTovs sub ast; if, on the other hand, B is our guide then cittc Trpos avTov; Aeywv should be put sub ast; the decision rests with the determination of the exact relation of A© to Origen into which question I am not in a position to go beneath the surface at the present writing) ; if he at all con- nected any sense with the text thus estabhshed (and certainly A© must have wrested some sort of meaning from the text as read by them), he took as the subject of the two verbs not the half-tribe of Manasseh, but Reuben and Gad (the 'presumable subject of uropevOrjaav in vs. 6). Accordingly, in 44 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 167a aiv ttoWoi^; ava- XXII \v€Tai et? TOf? OLKOV<; VfJiCOV 20 Kai ev KTrjveal 7ro\Xoi1L I 24 Kat xaA-Kov KR]>iL e.vXoyq- : pmi kui ItF | 20 KT-qvcal ] KT-qixxj.cn U | 22- Kai Bh : prm Kat uirt -n-po^ avrov^ CES | 17/18 avaXverai] aivqXOocTav BAA : aTvqXBov : tiarjXdov h: \itauu © : i^]] S ! 19 v[X(dv S] avrwv B rell 20/21 ev KTrfveal TToAAot? <£] Kat kxt^vt? TroAAa B rell ' 21 a4>o8pa\>h. 22/23 Kai (TiS-qpov Kat ;(aAKo]>-^G£AS : Kat aiBrjpov Bh : >A0 : SUb •)»(• S dismissing Manasseh, Joshua informs them that Reuben and Gad were gone aheady and that it therefore was now their part to go likewise. Tliis bit of harmonistic exegesis is on a line with that of Rashi who naturally was bound by the received text to introduce a minor modification. The K texts which \\dth A0 retain Aeywv go a step further in assimilating the text to 1^", though they diverge in details: Kruf introduce the imperative and the second person of the pronoun in the first half of the verse {arnXvere characteristic of this recension; it certainly did not come from a' who wrote ^zlbtx according to 5"=), while they leave the remainder substantially the same as in B (except that the preposition is restored in front of r'.p'Z ; ufi prefix Kat in front of SietAovTo so as exphcitly to dissociate the second half from the first; z left out Kat as it so often does) ; 3L, on the other hand, goes on with the impera- tive and the second person of the pronoun in the second half of the verse as well, but introduces in addition the Kotvr? form at the end in the reading of ufi II 17/18 ite 3L does not appear to reproduce avaAvere but probably aireX- Oere \\ 19 ^~-^.? S is probably an error for ^=-n.'.i^7 '; 20 KTr^paai u seems to have preserved the original Greek, though etjonologically the Hebrew might be rendered KT-qv-q S 22/23 places Kat ^^oXkov Kai aih-qpov sub ast; this accords well enough with A0 which omit the entire phrase; but Bh have at least Kai (Tih-qpov which reading is shared by iL; the other K texts go with Origen 'i 22 ff. z condenses The K Text of Joshua 45 K 1676 Kai ifia\^rtaijLov\ XXII TTOXVV 8\^L€CX0V- 1 TO* Traaalv j-qv 1 Trpovo/jilrjv t(ov] 5 e')(6p(ov [auTfoyl (^(ov avlrcov :] ^Kai e'J^op^ev0^]ad^ 9 OL ViOL polv^TjvA 10 KaL 01 viol I 7aS'l /cat TO 7;/irt(TU o8pa s | 3/4 8 leiAovJro Kr] StrjXovro (per compendium) o: BiuXavro s: dividetis 31 | 3/4 Trao-a'v t>jv] 7rpovo/A[T/i'J K] TVV TTpovofirjv Traaav 1". T-qv Trpovofju-qv (tt/oovo/xiv O*) iraaav o: T-qv Trpovofxrjv s: de praeda 3L | 5 [aurtov] Kr] v/xtav IL | 7 av[Twv] Kr] vfx.wv 3L : + Kat StetAovro tt/v TTpovo/x-qv fJiCTa Tcov a8eA(^(DV auTwv 3t | 8 ^ r | 9, 10 oi]>0 j 11 rw r | 12 vlmv Kl-sl/j>0 I 12/13 [puava(r\a-q Kr] pxivvaar) H | 14 ev K] €k rIL | [crr^Atu] Kr] 1676 2 Ktti — TToXvv (o-(f>o8pa) ]>z I 2 ttoAw] + a(f)oBpa \ 2/3 SieiAovro] prm Kat ufi | 3/4 Traaav r-qv Trpovofxrjv]^^ \ 6/7] >iz | 8 If ul | 9 pov^LV It : pov^(e)t/A uf j 9-13 01 — /xavaaar)] ovtol z j 14 ev i] ck rell | 16 Try] 1676 2 TToXvv] + acf>o8pa I 2/3 SteiAovro h] StetAavTo B rell 1 3 7ra(rav]>omn 5 avTwv €A0A : sub -^^ ^ : > Bh I 8 ^ liA© \ kul] prm kui airea-Tpeijjav <&A et Sub •>(• S | 11 rjfxiaeL h \ 12 i;twv B]>h[T?; St-] a 7rpoS I 6, 7 pov/3r)v, yaS Kro]-^3L | 6 oi]>o j 7 tw r j 8 vXr)'5 K?t] yr;v i 19-23 T^v — /AtuDO-?;] > z 19/20 (.Kky^povofJiiqiTav 168a 1 1[ 1 i rjX.Ooaav , 4-23 r; — io/3Savou]>Z | 6, 7 povfitjv, yaS]--^ | BhOJAS] €K A© ; ariXwfx h | 15 ck yr}} B] yrjv h(£"^AAS : +y^v ; 17 yaXoaS] prm tov | 17/18 yr/v Karacrxecrews] tt/v KaTa(r^e(TLV ^ \ 19/20 f.KXr]povoixiqaav omn 21 ev avTifj\ avrrjv B rell :!>A 168a 1 •; A0 riXdov B rell] r)\6oaav AA 1/2 yaXtXa^j yaXiXoid A0A (S ZN.N^) : yaXyaXa B : yaXaaS he j 4 •[ h A | 6, 7 povyS^^v, ya8 15 <@ manifestly wrote ev yr); ck yrjs is an inner-Greek variant (the stages are ey yrj, ck y?^, ck yr;?) ij 16 yr;v was written by <5 and then replaced by TTjv; or <@ wrote ttjv yr;v, yr;v then dropped out after rr/v || 19-23 z condenses || 19/20 The compound only in K !| 21 ev avrrj the K recension in accordance with IS""; A omits the 'a' id as superfluous in Greek 168a 1 The vulgar form in ufAA !j 1/2 nib"'br> 1^™ is reproduced exactly in A0A (but ^N*\^ S); the singular of the K texts stamps it visibly as the name of a locaUty; in Bh<£lL the name is corrupted (assimi- lated to other names: Gilgal, Gilead, GaUlee; the last not a bad guess). The K Text of Joshua 47 K 168a [lot povj^rjv Kai oi XXII \vLOL 7 |aS' Kat ro [r)fiL(T}v (f)vX'r]<; fia- Ivacrcr^r]' e«ei /3&)- 10 \/jiOV eJTTt TOV LOp- [ Savory ^(Ofiov [ jie'ya^v rco iSeiv [^^KaL r]^KOvaav ol v- I LOl IrjX' ] \€JOVTCO- 15 [v L8ov'^a)Ko8ofii]ad lot vto^c pov^-qv Kat I ot vco^L 7a8' KUL ro [rjfjiicr^v (f)v\r]'i fxa- [i^acrcrjT; ^(Ofiou e- 20 \(f) opc^cov tt;? %a- 11 + vLwvro I 8/9 fxavvaarj 1L | 11 /Swfjiov Kslt]>0 | 12 TwtSeivKr] tov iSetv s: in conspedu domini 31 : >o | 13 oi]>o \ 14/15 Xeyovrwv Ksr^] Xeywvrwv r* | 14-1686, 1 AeyovTwv— I^A]>0 | 16, 17 pov^-qv, yuS Krs]^iL ! 17 rw r | 18 vXr)s] + rtcuv S ! 18/19 frnvvacrrj IL | 19/20 e',<^ ] Ks] ctt r 1 20 tt?? K] yrj? rs pOv/?tV Iti: pOv(3{e)llX Uf I 9-11 y8cO;U,OV — 60p8aVOD]> 1 12 TO)] TOV I 13 H 1 I 15 wKoSofXTjaafxev U | 16, 17 pov/^Tjv, yaS]^ 1 pov/Siv Iti : pov/3{e)ifi ui | 20 rr/s] A0AS] ^ 11 Tw] TOV omn: prm em B (>B=''') | 13 "^ A | 14/15 AeyovT(uvl>e \ 15 t8ov>Ti ul I ; 4 as] ev i | 7 If 1 | 8-14 ot — yaAaaS] Trpos auTous iz eA©AS : €vyr)'h \ 21/22 tov yaAiAa^]> A : yaAiAa^] 2> N . N ^^ : ygAtAtu^ A© : yaAoaS Bll(i£ 23 airo pcpovs] £V rw Trepav omn 1686 1 rwv]>omn | 2 ^BhA© | /cat] prm xat rjKova-av ot Dtoi t^A €A et sub •)i(* ^ 3/4 ot vtot IrjX Travres] -^ omn | 4 ets] ev h [ arjXMfi h j 5 avafirjvat Kat] ava(3r]vaL AS : ava/Savras A : ava/Savres B rell | 6/7 eKTroXep-qaaL avTOVi] Tr)<; K is an error for y^ys Ij 21/22 See above on 11. 1/2 II 21-23 V:^^ z^^.N^ S = ev Tw yaAtAa^ evrt COmp. 15. 18. 64. 128 !| 23 aTro (or em) pepov^ all the K texts; comp. /Acpos = "'23'" Exod. 32:15 1686 1 Origen's recension alone (thence into 0 9-13 Tovi — nxLvaaarj] avTovi S | 10/11 Trpos tovs movs]>^ I 13 ^I'Ar/s] + vtwv V I fjxiwaarj 'i^ \ 14 to KIL] -(- re R ! 15 (^tves 5L | 17 8eKa] I TO^ I 19 TiDV ]>r 19/20 [j.£T avTOv ap^wv eis] ap^ovra eva fttT auTwv ?L ] 21 Trarptas] prm et IL | 20/21 airo olkov 7raTpias]>S 23 IrjX] prm vlmv ^ oiKwv] >0 pov^Lv It: pou;8(e)t)U, uf I 13 (f>vXr]s Itf] + vlmv U I 14 TTjv] yr/v | tov] + re | 16 -a^apov i: + vtoi; aapojv lepews U*] api^iepetos U™ltF 19 Tiov]^ \ 23 ir^X] prm VLO)V t ^A I 7 ^ A© I 12 TifxiaeL hA I to] tovs wous B | 14 tyjv] yrjv BhCAOS : tyjv yrjV A i to h] + tc B rell i 16 -a^ap] + vtov aapwv B. rell: + vlov aapwv h: sub — S I tepew? h(£AS] apxtepews BA® | 17 av8pas]>omn 19 twv A]> B rell (post apypvTwv ■/■ in 0j 20 apy^wv] prm Kai <£^'' A ; 21 TraTpias] + avTwv 0 | 5/7 pov(3r]v, yaSJ ^- 3L , 4-10 7r/30S — yaAaa8|>S [ 8/9 vtwv]>lL i 9 fxxivvaar] IL j 10 yrjv^ Tr)v 3L ] 13 •[ r 14 Xeyr] O ; 14/15 7] trvvaywyrj kv iraaa Kl'o] Trao-a (TvvayiDyr] kv S?L | 16 7rAr;/x/i,eAeta Ks] TrATj/A/xeAta ro j 18 -fJLeXrja-are VO^ 169a 3 ^ U i 4-11 irpos — eAaAr/iz ' 5/7 pov(3rjv, yaS\^ ! 6 >f | pov/3iv It] povl3{€)ifJi uf I 14/15 r; avvaywyr) kv nacra]^^ ; 14 77] >Z [ 18 -fXiX-qdaTi I 19 ^t'] prm TOD i 22/23 v/itv eavTOts 169a 1 TTttTpiw] + avTwv e (cf . a S™) ; 3 •" liA® 5, 7 povfi-qv. yaS A0]AS ^Bh© I 7/8 TO Tjjuicn; li0A ] TODS r?/xto-ets BA 8/9 mwv]>omn j rjfiLcrtLh.* rjixiarv h^ 10 yr7V llQAS] T77V B<£A 13 "^ hA0 j 14/15 77 o-vmywyrj iiv irah]] : + ot viot ii7A sub -^SC- 5^ | 18 -fieXrjaaTe omn I 18/19 evavTi 169a 1 avTojv <£ may be an innocent addition by the translator as so frequently elsewhere; but a' (according to S>^) had it, and it is found in 1?"" 'j 4-12, 4-11, 4-10 Various methods of condensation (o, s, iz) 6 f condenses ii 8/9 vL(Dv K texts (except il) not in ?^" 10 r-qv B<£A an error for yrjv l| 15 The addition 01 viot IrjX S) sub ast is shared by none else and is probably an error (the phrase may have been introduced from vs. 12) || 18 -/xcXrjaeTac I > > > '. ; , , J J « , • . '5 > ■ > . J The K Text of Joshua ' 51 K 169a 20 (f)r]vaL ai]/x€p6 XXII airo icv oiKoSo- fxrjaai auTOi<: v- /Miv /Scofiov Kac 1696 [jeveadai vfialS. 1696 1/2 yeveo-^ai u/iAas aTroo-Taras Kr] aTrooraras ii/i«s yevecrOai U 2 aTro] >0 ; S /xrj]r] (sed V. Robert) 3L 4 afuipn- O ! 5 ourt o | 6/7 KeKa'^^apto-/i,e]^a Krs] KCKaOaptaO-qfieOa o ; 10 TrXtyr) O* {-irXrjyr) O^) 13 | -r;a-eo-^e] Krs] -qutcrdai O | 1696 1-2 yeveo-^cu v/xas aTrooraTas] aTrocrraras v/xas yevecr^at i 5 z | A A] evavTtov B rell | ^i;] prm tov Bh® : prm kv tov A J 21 aTro] + o-rrurdev <£A et sub ■><< S | 21/22 otKoSo/xTyo-avres omn | 22/23 avrois v/xiv] ^ Bh: eavTois A0AS ! 23 Kai e]>B rell 1696 1-2 ytv€(j6ai vfjia<; aTroo-raras] aTTOCTTaTas vpuas yevecrOai B rell: ttTTOo-raTas yeveo-^at v/xas A : + a-rj/Jiepov <£A et Sub •)jC- S 3 kv] prm tov B j ^ A I 4 v;xiv lieA0A] r;/xtv BS' 6/7 K^KaOapur fi^Oa hA®] eKadapL(T6rjp.cv BA I 10 TrAT/yr;] prm t; A : irkrifJifJ.eXui h 1 12/13 aTroaTpacj>r)a-ea6e A©S] aTr€aTpacf>7]T£ K, a plain error for -fxtk-qaaTai \\ 19 ILA are isolated with their plus || 21 oTTLcrdev was added by Origen so as to express "T!>< (the asterisked word also in <£; naturally not in A©) \\ 22/23 Origen omitted v/jllv and retained carrots (so also A®) because the Hebrew had only one word ' 23 kul of <£ and the K texts (except 11) is not in the Hebrew 1696 2 (rr}fji€pov was added by Origen, =3'T'ri (also in (£■) [ 10 The article which is found in A goes back to Origen; comp. Z2\Z~ \\ 12/13 The c « c « * c c • « « « ».' < re' 52 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 1696 crffa7&)[777 «:£»] XXII ^^/cai i'/Lie[i9 aTTO-l 18 crrpa^ [ 7;crecr^e ] arjiiepov [aTTO «:{/] 15 /cai ecrT[at eai' a-1 7rocrT7^T[e o"7;/x€-] /9oy /cat aruptdj eiTi 7rav\Ta IrfK.] Tj opyr) ealrai:] 20 ''^Kai i^uv e[t fltKpa^ 19 KaTa(T')(^ r e<7€&)9 ] 14 o-r7/i€jOOv]>5L [kd] Kr] + Ov vfiwv 3L I 15-19 kul earai avpiov ctti iravTa IrjX rj opy-q o: /cat avpiov €7rt Traora tj^A eorat rj opy?; S | 15 e(TTatJ>3t | 17 pov] + ttTTO kv V% I 19 eo-rat -q opyr) rsH | 20 ^ rs | etjr; \ 21 7;]>o | 23 vfiwv Krs] >o: KV 3L 16 -7ro(TTpa(f>7]Te | 17 pov]+ ctto ki ' 19 r) opy-q eo-Tat]v^ | 20 ^ U Bh€A i 14 ttTTo] OTTto-^ev © | 15 •[ © eav] + v/,tets ®A et sub •>(• S , 16/17 ar}fJi€pov (airo) in mg et sup ras A'*' (o-r?jii£pov>A*"'^) : aTro Kw omn I 17 KatJ> ffih [ 19 7] opy-q eoratJ^B : eo-rat opy?; hA0A : \'\-^''> |o-nJ S 20 ^> BhA® i 21 v/xtv rj yr; li<£A© \-q yq v/xtav B : r) y-q A5 | 23 8ia(3qT€ ] + v/xtv ^ translator apparently wrote the aorist (whether 1^^ read QDZ w , or whether the translator not understanding that the clause was interrogative took the imperfect in the sense of an aorist, it is difficult to say); both recensions (note, however, that A goes with B) have correctly the future tense i| 14 o-ino-Otv of 5L 1 ttrrivl erit ?t 6 -iiriaaTe rs : -uto rarai (at corr in e) : + avrrjv 5L | 6/7 v/xiv V \ 8 aTrooTare r [ 9 yiveaSf. 1' : ye.vr)cr6e S | 7—9 Kat /x-q awo KV aTTOCTTaTat yi-vqadi. 31 j 10 v/xets KrILJ a<^ rjfxwv s: >0 ; 11 (rxTjre rs'] 170a 3 eariv] KaraaK-qvoi f.KU \ 6 -[xr)(TaT€ \ 6—12 rat — oiKoSofir)]^! | 7-9 Kai — yLveaOai] Kai fxr] utto kv aTTOoraTai yevrjdrjTe \ 10 Vjtteis] avo rj/Jiuiv \ 170a 1 eis] ETTt A ! 3 ou] ottov a I ecrnv] KaraaKiqvoL €ku omn [ 4 (TKTfjvr}\ Kt/StoTos A j 6 -fjirjcreTe B] -/A?ycraT€ hA0A5 7-9 Kai aTro ku /at; aTroo'TaTai yivecT^e cf. S] Kat ju.17 aTroo-rarai airo 6u yevqtrOe B : Kai /at; aTroo-rare arro ^u yevr)6r)T€ h: Kai /xrj aTro kv aTTOcrrarai yevrjOrjTe A® : aTro kv //,?; aTroo'TaTai yevr]dr)T€ A } 10 V/XWi B""^ superscrl-i(jjfhj ^^o ^^^^ A©AS I 11 UTTOaTTjTe 170a 3 eo-Tiv Kr(1L) against all the other texts and 1^™ !! 4 The reading of A is singular (or sub-singular, comp. 121) li 6 K goes witli B in reading the future !, avrrjv IL superfluous ', 7-9 Kr come nearest to S comp. A in that the order of the Hebrew is strictly adhered to; with A® (comp. uf) the witnesses mentioned share Ku = mri"' J^"; the essential difference between these two recensions (K and Origen) and the B recension consists in the name of the Deity {Ov in the latter) Ij 10 ^Dnj^ was expressed by Origen T only (it passed into A®, but also into suf); "M' probably read □ri>5 (hence vfiei'i of the other texts), which, of course, is an inferior reading; o merely condenses li 11 The addition in BhC due to the faulty reading discussed in 54 The American Journal of Semitic Languages K 170d » [r]fJL(o]v' '\vxei- 20 XXII [Sou a^')(^ap Tov ^^apa^ TrXrjfi/jLe- [Xtai^] eirXrjixpLe- 20 rXT/treli/* airo tov ^avadAeiJLaTO<; ' \^Kai, eJTrt rracrav ^Ti]v a^ivvaycoyrj 170b IrjX eyevrjdi] opyrj' KUL 0UT09 et? jJLO- volL I 19 -Xiav Kro] -Acta s: neglegens IL 1706 1 i7;A^>o 1 opyr]] -{- kv o \ 2 ovros Kr 31] owTws r: avros o ! 2/3 eis /i,ovos] WWMS 3L I 4 avTos Kr] ovtos s3L : >o | 5 tt/J rt o | eauTovs j 6 ^ rs i 16/17 oi>K tSov I 18-20 TrXrffJLiJL ■ CTrXrjiXfi .]^/^i 170b 1 ti^A]>z opyr; It] prm t; uf I 2 £ts ltfi]>uz I ; 4 avros ltfi]>uz | 5 £v]> I avTou ltF]>U I 6 ^ 1 I pov^tvMi: povy8(e) i/i,ufz I 8 ot]>fz i otmot]>i I A0AS] + ttTTo KV Bhe ] 16 II A ' ovx Ah* (ovk h») | 17 axap Befh rell] a^ftv AS I 18 ^apa] 'azor C' j 19 -A(eVv] kU\a omn I 20 -A7;o-evJ £ sup ras A"' I 23 Tr?v A0A 1706 1 eyevrfdrj] evrjOr] SUp ras B'' "' | 2/3 /tiovos Sub — S j 3 r7V A©] sub emnisco S : >BA ! /xrj />tovos]>B 3/4 yuovos avros cf B] /tovos ovtos A©: ouTos /Aovos A et sub — S | 5 evj > AA i aurov ©A] eavrov AB I 2/6 kui — the last note \ 17 axav = -^r:r H!™ only AS jj 19 The MSS waver between the dat. and accus. to express the inner accus. in Hebrew 1706 2-6 It is clear that the text of B is faulty; the words riv [ixj [xovo^ dropped out through homoioteleuton; thus barring minor points all three recensions agreed. Perhaps xb ?^™ goes back to "inS sb by the side of which "inxn 1^^ was a justifiable variant \ 10 vtwv not in 'W \\ 11/12 i con- T ■ i- denses || 13 Afyoj/res all, not in p?'", hence sub obelo Origen [[ 14-16 Origen's text which is identical with that of A© (comp. also s) was, as the obelus shows, substantially the same as the current text; the differences between it and B are slight (B transposes kk ta-rip and omits the last k?.- with the B text goes also IL, minor differences notwithstanding); the introduction of The K Text of Joshua 55 K 1706 ^rjv Kai ol vloi 708' XXII KUL TO rjfXLaV (f)U- 10 X?;? vKov fxavaa- (Tiy Kai eXaXrjad IrjX' Xeyoure^;- "^0 ^9 avTO^ ear IV 22 15 k^ 6^- KUL 6^ av- TOo gat iL 10 ncov Ks]>rolL | frnwaarf 3t | 13 Aeywvrcs O \ 14-16 O 6^' 60 , 16ot8ero 16-18 /cat — Stayi'wcreTat^>il 19 -cna R 21 pva-qrac K] pvaerai o: pvaero s: liberet IL 22 Taurrj KH-] prm tt; yjfxepa R j 20 *^ rs ! 23 (DKoSofXtjcra- R 9 (^vAtjs] prm rr;? i I 11/12 eXaXrjcrav rots ;(tXtap;)(ots] clttov arrots i 12 ;^iAtap;(ats U ; 20/21 evavri] evavrtov z: aTrevavri rell I 21 kv] prm rov t | 21 pvatTai 22 raiJTv;] prm tt; rjfiepa auTov]>h 6 ■^ hA® 9 rjiMia-ei hA 10mwv]>omn 13 Aeyovrcs sub — S) 14- 16 o ^S o ^s / A | eoTiv /cat] Sub — .S | o 4°] ^Aj] A0A^ : tti'Tos o 6'? ^s 6'? ai'Tos ecmv' kui o ks ks avTos otoev h : o KS ai'TOs £(rrt ^s Kai ks Kat ^s d^wv ai'xo? o k? otSev ®: o 6^ 6<; eaTLV k? Kat o ^^ ^s ai'TOs otSev B 17 Siayvtocrerat] yvwcrcrat omn 18/19 aTrooracrti A0 19/20 TreT!-Xr]fXfi.€Xi]KaiJ.€v 0] (.Trki^p.p.f.X-qcraiJif.v BhAA 21 kv] prm roi; Bh pvcrr/rat Aj pvaaiTO BA0 : pvcraTw h ( e COrr ) 22 rauTT; Bh] prm T-q r]fji.epa A0AS 23 ^ > ai'To? in the first clause distinguishes the text of KrouF from the others. All the texts err exegeticaljy in that the}' look in the first clause for a con- fession of faith. Properl}' rendered, the Greek should run as follows: o 6s o 6k ki o 0^ o Bi Ks uvros oi8er. Certainh' 10.^ and ?^™ were identical || 16-18 The omission in il probablj' occurred in a Latin MS 21 ll?^ read l!"""ri" which is certainly the better reading 22 K goes with Bhli; Tavr-q sc. TT] ■qp.f.pa; it goes without saying that Origen supplied the words (hence also in A0 and uf), but they are also found in r I 4a HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY This book is due on tlie last date stamped below, l-month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405. 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk. Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL 7 DAYS AFTER DATE CHECKED OUT. MAR 1.4 1975 X ^turmibis ,yr ^ ^(^-'Q 2i.MJiL NWii5l98S R£C Cfff Mi 1 5 '83 7, LD21- LD21 — A-40m-12,'74 (S2700I.) General Library University of California Berkeley f lU ^0/10m ^52J95 t UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY r.i.: p:i ,^