^•J?13DNVS0V^^ ^»,in^ANr,f[fr,^ ^J^ilJDNVSOl^^ '^/Sa3AINfl3WV •T /sj ^^IIIBRARY(9/ ^UIBRARYQ^ ^^WEUNIVERi"// >- '■L L vr ^ .v^ ^. >&AavjiaiH^'^ ^c' .^^ s^ aiH^ ^(JAHvaaiH"^' ^^Mf•UNIVERS/A ^-lOSANCElfj-y. ,vt: HDD ^nV/n. J» £2 ) - ■5, .^ vj,lOSANCElfj> / v^ »_' J 1 1 ' ^ J «y J I > f «/ Or > c^OF "^^^Aiiva^iiHv^ '^' <^- aWE-unt ^' .N' ^5^UIBRARY^/r ^MIBRARYQ/^ >» ^^' ^ ♦. \) so %JI1V3J0'«^ ,^.WEUNIVER% o >- ~" c •< --■ — or ? '■lJIJ'JNVi.Ul-^ A*' ^^^^OFTAIIFOJ?^^ ^^.OFfAIIFnp^/, ^-^WF l!fJ(VFR% ^v>;inSAMCFIfr.>^ ^^.^FCAIIF0% ,^0 ^ ^omnm ^<9A8vaan-# or. .^ ^^^•IIPRARY^' i ci: ^,MF(iMIVFRV//>, aV^O^'^ ^? ^ CJ ,. ^/5a]AiNn]v\v^ '^'^mmm^'^ ^"^mmyi^"^ < ^ < r V in^ KKT'^Wr ^ OFCAlIF.'vn.i '^. .^ XWEUN IXTDT/. ^-1 > rn A3t" y^- A^^-^ o "3 C3 ^.OFTA!^ •■, .^F-r^ r-n s > m -^p . ,- ._. 3V<^ -^ "^(^AavaaiH^"^' % ,v<^ — ' . _ ■ ,^ r-n - ■ -n <- ^ ^"^ ':^ \ '^^/smmi^ x- aMEUNIVERJ/a ^vlOSANCElfJV> ^OF-CAliF0%^ aWEU:- ■'" ^lOSANCElfj> < o Jl-"" •^ ■ ^4,OFCA1IFO/?^^ ^A:OF-CAl! ';ElIf^lVER% -C <: o= - Q\ -' ^ <>' ^ .';■ . r , n> Siissstoffe," ]»]). 145-108. Reichstag. Stenographische Berichte iiber die Verliandlun- gen des Reichstages. The principal material relating to sugar is the following: 1887, 7, Leg, I'er. I. Session. 2. Anlageband. Nr. 146. P^nt- wurf eines Gesetzes, die P.esteuerung des Zuckers l)etref- fend. pp. 1099-1118. Nr. 193. Bericht der XVII. Kom- niission iiber den Entwurf eines Gesetzes, botreffend die P>(>steuerung des Zuckers. i)p. 1394-1424, Nr. 224. Zusam- meiistellung, pp. 1480-1482. Nr, 235, Entwurf eines (Je- setzes, die Besteuerung des Zuckers betrefifend, pp. 1497- 1.505. sugar: general and economic 15 1890/92. 8. Leg. Per. I. Session. 4. Aulageband. Nr. 150. Entwurf eines Gesetzes, die Besteuerung des Zuclcers be- treffeud, pp. 853-881. Nr. 441. Zusammenstellimg, i)p. 2624-2644. Nr. 489. Entwurf eines Gesetzes, die Besteuerung des Zuclvers betreffend, pp. 2787-2796. 1895/97. 9. Leg. Per. IV. Session. 2. Aulageband. No. 112. Entwurf eines Gesetzes betreffend Abiinderung des Zucker- steuergesetzes, pp. 1029-1049. 3. Aulageband. Nr. 2:^4. Bericlit der XIV. Kommission zur Vorberathung des Ent- wurfs eines Gesetzes, betreffend Abiinderung des Zucker- steuergesetzes, pp. 1734-1765. 1900/1902. 10. Leg. Per. II. Session. 6. Aulageband. Nr. 018. Briisseler Vertrag iiber die Behandlung des Zuckers, &c., pp. 4008-4083. Zucker-Enquete-Kommission. Bericht der Ziicker-Enquete- Koniniission iiber die Griinde des finanziellen Riickgangs der Riibenzuckersteiier und die zur Abhiilfe geeigneten mittel . . . I iind Anlagen I-TIT. V.] [Berlin: Gedmckt in der Reichsdmckerei^ 1884.] ^ ^'ols. in h' 4° • * Goerz, J. Handel und Statistik des Zuckers. Berlin: SpHnger, 1884-1885. 2 vols. 8°. Gordon y de Acosta, Antonio de. El azucar como alimento del hombre. Hahana: Imprenta militar, 1899. (2), 32 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Greeley, Horace. Essays designed to elucidate the science of polit- ical economy, while serving to explain and defend the policy of protection to home industry, as a system of national cooperation for the elevation of labor. Boston: Fields, Osgood c& co., 1870. 384 PP- ^^°- "Protection illustrated— Sugar," pp. 186-198; "The harmony of interests— The Sugar industry of France invigorating other industries— Beet sugar on its triumphal march." pp. 199-213. Grey, [Henry George Grey], 3d earl. The colonial policy of Lord John RusselFs administration, London : Richard Bentley, 1853. 2 vols. 8°. The Sugar colonies: vol. 1, pp. 50-199. - . 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Grotewold, Chr. Die Zuckerindiistrie. Ihr Rohmaterial. ihre Technik nnd ihre volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Stuttr/art: E. 11. Moritz, [lOO}"]. 170, {2) pp. lUustrations. 12°. {Bihliothek der Technik unci Industrien^ Bd. 6.) Gunning, Jan AVillem. La sacchariinetrie et Timpot sur le sucre. Rapport au ministre des finances des Pays-Bas. Amsterdam: C. G. van der Post, 1875. (6), 66, xlix, (2) pp. Tables. Plate. Diagrams. 8°. Guyot, Yves. L'industrie dii siicre sur le continent. (In Societe de statistiqne de Paris. Journal, vol. 43, pp. 368- 386. 1902.) La question des sucres en 1901. Paim: Guillaumin et cie., 1901. 160 pp. 12°. Contents. — La legislation sur les sucres en Europe : Les resultats: Production et consommatiou ; Valeur relative de riiidustrie sucriere; Le problenie actuel ; Conclusion: Le debouche necessaire; L'impot mange par la prime; Le delit d'aebeter. The sugar industry on the continent. {In lioyal statistical society. Journal, vol. 65, Sept., 1902. pp. 419-446.) Contents.— Objects and results; A political industry: Tbe manufacturers' profit, rebates for colonial sugars and de- taxes de distance: Tbe effects of sugar legislation in France; The cartel system in Austria-Hungary : Tbe German cartel system ; A decisive experience. The sugar question in 1001. AYith a preface by Sir Nevile Lubbock. London: Thigh Rees, 1901. viii, I40 pp. 12°. Co.ntents. — Legislation in Europe dealing with sugar; Re- sults — Production and consumption; Relative value of tbe sugar Industry; Tbe problem of tbe day; Conclusion. The Hacendado niexicano's Mexican sugar report. Mexico: El Hacendado mexicano [1900-1904]- 2 vols. 8°. Hager, Carl. Die Ueberwalzung der Zuckersteuer uud die Priimie der Riibenzuckerindustrie in Deutschland und Frankreich. Berlin: Bvchdruckerei von E. Dreyer, 1893. (.4), 82, {2) pp. 8°. Das Zucker.steuergesetz voni ol. Mai 1891. Magdehiirg: A.Rathke,1892. xxxiv,250 pp. 8°. {Albert Rathke's Bihliothek filr Zucker-I nteressenten, Bd. VII.) sugar: general and economic 17 ^■'Hag'er, Carl. Das Zuckersteiiergesetz vom 27. Mai 1896 unci 6. Jan. 1903 nebst den Ausfiihrungsbestimmungen sowie der Briis- seler Konvention vom 5. Miirz 1902. Berlin: Putthaminer c5 Muhlhrecht, 1903. ori, 255 pp. 8°. Harang, Theophile. The national syndicates of capital and labor. A scheme for the rapid development of the agricultural and industrial resources of Louisiana and the new South. New Orleans: G. Miiller., printer^ 188 Jt. 3 vols. F°. No. 1. The sugar industry of the South. Havemeyer, Theodore A. Letters to Hons. J. R. Tucker and Jas. G. Carlisle, on matters touching the sugar tariff. Washington: The Globe printing and publishing house, 1880.' 19 pp. 8°. Helot, Jules. Le sucre de betterave en France de 1800 a 1900 ; cul- ture de betterave — legislation — technologic. Cambrai, F. d- P. Deligne, 1900. 220 pp. Plates. F°. Herbst, Carl. Billiger Zucker und Hebung des Verbrauchs durch Ilerabsetzung und Differenzierung der Zuckersteuer. Leipzig : F rankenstein & Wagner, [1907]. 11 4, (1) pp- 8°. Herzfeld, Adolf. Uber die "Wirkungen der Briisseler Zucker-kon- vention vom 5 Miirz 1902. Boma-Leipzig : Buchdruckerei R. Noske, 1906. x, (^), 59, {!) pp. 8°. " Literaturiibersicht " : pp. [ixl-x. Hesse, Alexandi-e-Andre. L'industrie sucriere en France et les pre- mieres tentatives de legislation internationale (1864—1877). Paris: V. Giard et E. Briere, 1909. (6), 162 pp. 8°. Bibliography, pp. 3-5. Homan van der Heide, J. Economische studien en critieken met betrekking tot Java. Batavia — 's Gravenhage: G. Kolff (& co. — TT". P. Van Stockvm <& Zoon, 1901. Jf03 pp. 8°. Over lie suikerindiistrie in vorband met belangen der In- landsche bevolking. pp. 9-39. Nasrbrift over de sulkerindustrie in verband met de belangen der Inlandsche bevolking, pp. 379-389. 87489—10 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hough, Franklin B. Report on the production of maple sugar in the United States and Canada. {In V. S. Forest service. Report on forestry, vol. 4, pp. 394- 412. Washington, 1884. 8°.) Humbert, Oustav. Agrarstatistische Untersuchnngen iiber den Einfluss des Ziickerriibenbau's aiif die Land- und Volks- "wirthschaft, iiiiter be?onderer Beriicksichtigung der Provinz Sachsen. Jena: n. Duff t, 1877. viii, 114 pp. ^°' {On cover: Samm- lung nationaIdJi07iomischer und stdtistischer Ahhand- lungen des StaatswissenscJiaftUchen Seminars zu Halle a. d. S. nrsg. von J. Conrad . . . 1. Bd.^ 1 lift.) * Hutcheson, J. M. Xotes on the sugar industry of the United Kingdom. Greenock, 1901. 127 pp. 8° Imbart de la Tour, J. La crise agricole en France et a I'etranger. [Xevers: Impiimerie L. Cloix, 1901.] (^), S72 pp. Charts. 8°. " Sucres," pi). 115-121. International conference on the question of sugar bounties, Paris, 187G. Conferences internationales sur le regime des sucres, tenues a Paris, entre les delegues de la Bel- gique, de la France, de la Grande-Bretagne et des Pays- Bas. Proces-verbaux. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1876. 188 pp. F^ ••o Paris, 1877. Conferences internationales sur le regime des sucres, tenues a Paris, entre les delegues de la Belgique, de la France, de la Grande-Bretagne et des Pays-Bas. Pro- ces-verbaux. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1877. 200 pp. F°. London, 1887. Conference Internationale sur le regime des sucres, tenue a Londres. 1887. Proces-verbaux. [r?. p.. 1888-] (,?), 68 pp. Fold. plan. F" . r.onnfl with this are "Documents . . . et Proces-verbaux" and "A|tpenclico aux documents" presented at the session of April-May, 1888. Contents. — 1. Depeche clrculaire de M. le marquis de Salis- l)ury (2 juillet. ISST). — 2. T.a U'jrislation sur les sucres. Re- cueil des nn'moires deposes 3. la Conference. — 3. Proces-ver- baux des seances. sugar: general and economic 19 International conference on the question of sugar boun- ties. London^ 1888. Conference Internationale siir le regime des sucres. Sessions d'avril-mai et aout 1888. Paris: I mprimerle nationale^ 1888. ci^ Jf.27 pp. F°. At head of title : Miuistere des affaires etrangeres. Documents diploiuatiques. — : Conference international sur le regime des sucres, tenue a Londres (deuxieme session, avril-mai), 1888. Docimients presentes a la conference et Proces-verbaux [et Appendices aux Documents]. [n. p., 1888^ 2 vols. Folded plate. F°. [With Interna- tional conference on the question of sugar bounties. Lon- don, 1887. Conference . . . Proces-verbaux] " Documents et Proc&s-verbaux " are printed also in " France. Ministere des affaires etrangeres. Documents diplomatiques. Conference Internationale sur le regime des sucres. Sessions d'avril-mai et aoilt 1888. Paris, 1888." Brnssels, 1898. Sugar bounties. Proceedings of the Confer- ence on the question of sugar bounties held at Brussels, June 7 to 25, 1898 . . . Prepared under the direction of the [U. S.] Senate Committee on finance. Washington: Government pi'inting office .^ 1901. 1S3 pp. 8°. {[U. S.] o6tk Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 171.) " Blue book commercial no. 6, 1898," from the British "Ac- counts and papers." Sess. 1898, v. 41. Command paper no. 8938. The " Procos verbaux," etc., are translated from the French (of the British document). Contents. — Correspondence relating to the Conference at Brussels on the question of sugar bounties. — Appendix : Proces verbaux of the International conference on the sugar system. Correspondence exchanged between the Belgian government and the governments of France, Great Britain, and Russia respecting the programme of the Conference. Notes handed by the delegations in regard to refining pro- visions in force in the several countries. Brussels, 1901-1902. La convention relative au regime des sucres, conclue le 5 mars 1902 a Bruxelles, annotee d'apres les pieces officielles par le baron d'Aulnis de Bourouill. Le Flaye: Belinfante freres; [etc., etc.] 1902. (8), 59 pp. 8". Primes sucrieres. {In Archives diplomatiques, vols. 79-80, Apr.-June, 1901-2, pp. 131-2.32; vols. 81-82, July-Sept., 1901-2, pp. S9-218; vols. 83-84, Oct.-Dec, 1901-2, pp. 115-251.) 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS International sugar commission. See pp. 146-148. * Jacquemart, Frederic. Sur ropportunite de la reduction des droits sur les sucres, avec I'etablissement dim inipot unique. Paiis. 1882. 8°. Jaensch, Tlieodor. Der Zucker in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Volks- ernahrung. BerNii: P. Parey, 1900. {2), 106 pp. 16°. Katzenstein, Willy. Die deutsche Zuckerindustrie und Zucker- be.steuerung in ihrer geschiclitliclien Entwicklung. Berlin: Haude & Spener'' sclie Buchhandlung.^ 1897. viii, 218 pp. 8°. *■ Kaufmann, Richard von. Die Zucker-Industrie in ihrer wirth- schal'tlichen und steuerfiskalischen Bedeutung fiir die Staaten Europas. Ein Vortrag zum Verstandniss der Zucker-Zoll- und Steuer- Parage. Berlin: Guttentag^ 1878. viii, 248 pp. 8°. Kaufmann, Wilhehn. Welt-zuckerindustrie (fiskalische Vorzugs- beliandlung. Kartelle) und intornationales und koloniales Recht. Berlin: F. Siemenroth., 190Jf. xoi^ 612 pp. 8°. "Abkiirzungen citierter Scluiften " : pp. [xiii]-xvi. Knott, Hermann. Die deutsche Zuckersteuergesetzgebung und ihre jiingste Gestaltung. {In Finanz-Arcbiv. Zeitscbrift fiir das gesamte Finanzwesen. Hrsg. von (Jeorg Schanz, vol. 11), pp. 248-260. Berlin und Stuttgart, 11)02. 8°.) " Koch, Paul. Deutscher Eisenbahntarif fiir die Beforderung von Rohzucker sowie von Zucker aller Art zur Ausfuhr. Magdeburg: A. Rathke, 189 If. 81pp. 8\ {Rathke's Bih- liothek fiir Zucker-I nterei^senten, Bd. 3.) Lahitte, Emilio. La industria azucarera ; apuntes de actualidad. Buenos Aires: Impr. europea de M. A. Rosas, 1902. 101 pp. Tables. Jf°. Lang, Johan. Om hvitbetssockerbeskattningen i Tyska Tullforen- ingen, Frankrike och Belgien. Lund: Ildkan OJdssons boktryckeri,.1873. vi, 259, {!) pp. 8°. {Siveden. Riksdagen. Bihang till riksdagens pro- tokoll. 1873. 2. samlingen, 2. afdelningen. Komite- hetdnkanden.) SUGAR : GENERAL AND ECONOMIC 21 Lapeyrade, Jfoseph] /. e. Pierre Antoine Joseph. La question des sucres envisagee an triple point de vue, industriel, finan- cier et economique. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1001. (6), 375 pp. 3°. "Bibliographie: '• pp. 365-^72. Lavison, A. de. La protection par les primes. Theorie et histoire ■ des primes . . . Primes a I'exportation des sucres. Paris: ArtliKr Rousseau^ 1900. {2) , SlfJ/. pp. 8°. League of domestic producers. The crisis in agricukure: being a statement of the peril to domestic industry, to agricul- ture, labor,, and capital involved in the relations of the United States to the tropics . . . prep, by Herbert ^Myrick. Chicago and Neic York: 0. Jucld co.. 1900. xxxli pp. Charts. Plates. F°. Leg-ier, Emile. Les lois sucrieres. Paris: Bur. de la sucrerie ind. et col.., 1909. 1867 pp. Jt°. La Martinique et la Guadeloupe ; considerations economiques sur I'avenir et la culture de la canne la production du sucre et du rhum et les cultures secondaires dans les Antilles frangaises. Paris: Bureaux de la Sucrer'te indigene et coloniale., 1905. {0)., 190 pp. Illustrations. Folded map. 8°. Lindquist, J. Alexander. Sugar and the tariff. New York: 1891. 173-180 pp. 8°. {Tariff Reform, vol. If, no. 10. Also vol. 5, no. 7.) * London. Beetroot sugar association. Rules of the clearing house department. London: 1888. 8°. * Refned sugar association. Rules and contract conditions for foreign refined sugars. London: 189 1^. Jf8 pp. 8°. * Wholesale sugar dealers'' association. Contract conditions for foreign refined sugars. London: 1890. 18 pp. 8°. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Loze, Ed. La culture duns la question des sucres a I'occasion des primes accordees en 1896 par les gouvernements alle- mands et autrichiens. Arras: ImpriTnerie moderns ^ 1896. 36 pp. 12°. * Lubbock, Sir Nevile. British sugar and French bounties. London, 1876. 39 pp. 8°. • Magdeburg. Ha.ndelskainnier. Die Revision des Borsengesetzes vom Standpunkte des Zuckergewerbes. i. Verhandlungen beteiligter Handelsvertretungen vom 19. Oktober 1907. II. Beschluss. Magdeburg: Die H andelskammer [1907^1. 1^0 pp. 8°. Manicke, Albert. Der Staud der Zuckerfrage in Deutschland. (In Finaiiz-Archiv. vol. 21, pp. 235-313. Stuttgart und Berlin. 19t)4. 8°.) [Martin, Robert Montgomery.] The sugar question in relation to free trade and protection. By the author of the " History of the British colonies.'' London: J. B. Nichols and son, 18^8. 21 pp. 8°. [With /lis Ireland before and after the union with Great Britain. 3d ed. London, 1848.] * Martineau, George. Free trade in sugar: a reply to Sir Thomas Farrer, London : Cassell, 1889. 180 pp. 8° How to countervail a cartel bounty. The economical aspect of the cartel bounty. Reprinted from The International Sugar Journal. 1902. [n. p. n. d.] 7 pp. 8°. Cover-tit It'. The statistical aspect of the sugar (juestion. (/*( lioyal statistical society. Journal, vol. G2, pp. 29G-347. London, 1899. 8°.) Mase-Dari, Efugenio] Lo zuccaro italiano e i premi indiretti. Mantova, Stah. tip. A. Mondovi e fig"., 1902. 33 pp. 8°. sugar: general and economic 23 Massachusetts publishing company, Everett^ Mass. The story of sugar [1891-1903], ilhistrated with diagrams showing the course of American sugar, common, from November, 1895, to September 1, 1903. Everett Station^ Boston: Massachusetts publishing com- pany, ^190o. {12) pp. Diagrams. 12°. " The comparative balance sheet is from the reports made to the corporation department of Massachusetts, and the figures are talcen from Willett & Gray's weekly statistical sugar trade journal." Matanzas {Province) Dipiitacion provincial. Seccion de fomento y estadistica. Censo agricola. Fincas azucareras. Ano de 1881. Matanzas: Imp. ^''Aurora del ywrnwr/," 1883. 11 pp. Table. 8°. Mathieson, George. Should sugar be shackled? London: '■"Confectioners'' union'''' o^ces, [18991. ^8 VV' ^°' The Sugar convention : its cost and consequences. London: Published by the writer, [1905]. 16 pp. 8°. ■ Sugar convention fallacies. An exposure. London: Published by the writer, [1905]. 1905. 20 pp. 8°. Memorial presented to the Committee of ways and means on the sugar tariff, advocating a uniform rate of duty up to No. 13 Dutch standard, with arguments in favor of same by John E. Searles, jr., and Edward P. Eastwick. January, 1880. Washington, D. C: T. McGill c& co., printers, 1880. 1^6 pp. 8°. Meyer, Conrad. Uber die Lage der Zucker-industrie zur Zeit des Abschlusses der Briisseler Kon vent ion im Febriiar/Marz 1902. Berlin: II. Walt her, 1902. 35 pp. ' 8°. Michelmann, Emil. Die Kartellbestrebungen in der deutschen Zuckerindustrie. Heidelberg : Burhdrucherei von K. Rossler, 1902. viii, J^O, (4) 2^P- ^ f^^^^- forms. 8°. " Literatur-verzeichnis " : 1 page at end. 24 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Moody, John. American sugar refining company. " The sugar trust." (In his The truth about the trusts, pp. 61-67. New York, 1904. 8°.) Moran, James B. Tables for determining vahies of beet tonnage. Detroit, Mich.: H7;m and Hammond, 190S. {3), 66 pp. F°. Moulin, Charles Desire. Droit romain. Des impots indirects crees par Auguste. Droit frangais. L'impot sur le sucre depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. Poitiers: Typ. Oiidhi et cie., 1894. {4), ^63 pp. S°. {Fac- ulte de droit de Paris.) New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries. Annual report, 1881-1885. SomerviUe, X. J. [etc.], 1881-1885. 5 vols. 8\ Contents : The state bounty : Sugar culture, 1881. pp. 279-286; Sugar from sorghum. 1SS2, pp. 210-226; 188.3. pp. ,321-327; 1884, pp. 361-373 ; The sugar industry, ISSo, pp. 327-348. New Orleans. Louisiana sugar exchange. Opening exercises of the Louisiana sugar exchange, of Xew Orleans, June 3, 1884. Published by order of the Board of directors. New Orleans: J. F. Burell & co., printers, 1884- 37 pp. 8°. New Orleans price current yearly report of the sugar and rice crops of Louisiana. By Louis J. Bright & co. New Orleans: New Orleans j^^^ce current, 1876-1878. 3 rols. 8°. In the introduction to the vol. for 1875/76 that vol. is called " No. 1, new series " ; the words " new series " do not appear again. New York free-trade club. The Spanish treaty opposed to tariff reform. Report of a committee of enquiry appointed by the New York free-trade club. New York: Ptih. for the New York free-trade clui, hy G. P. Putnarns sons, 1885. 31 pp. Folded diagram. 12°. {Questions of the day. — xviii.) Paasche, Hermann. Zuckerindustrie und Zuckerhandel der Welt. Jena: G. Fischer, 1891. iv, 442 pp. 8°. Zuckerindustrie und Zuckersteuer. {In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaft. TTrsg. von J. Conrad, 2 giinzlich ungearb. Aufl., vol. 7, pp. 995-1010. Jena, 1901. 4°.) sugae: general and economic 25 Paasche, Hermann. Die Zuckerproduktion der AVelt, ihre wirtschaft- liclie Bedeutiing iind staatliche Belastiing. Leipzig und Berlin: B. G. Teuhner^ 1905. vl, 338 pp. 8°. [Teithners Handhiicher fur Handel und Gewerhe., Jirng. von Dr. van der Borght^ Dr. Schumacher., und Dr. Stege- mann.) Palmer, Truman G., comp. The " deadly parallel " on Cuban tariff reduction. Washington: Government printing o-fjice., 1902. 186 pp. Folded table. 8°. {[U.S.] o7th Cong., 1st sess. Sen- ate. Doc. no. 439.) Running title : Cuban tariff reduction. Contents. — Tlie " deadly parallel " on Cuban tariff reduc- tion. — The American beet-sugar industry and the proposed Cuban tariff reduction. — The story of Cuban distress. — Pi-ess comment on the war of the sugar trust against American beet-sugar producers. Perris, Gfeorge] PIferbert]. The results of the Sugar convention. London: The Cohden club, [1905]. 38 pp. 8°. [Cobden club. Publications.] Peru. Ministerio de fomento. La crisis del aziicar. Informe de la Comision oficial. Lima: Imp. T. Aquirre union., 1902. 3^ pp- 8°. Commission : Antero Aspillaga, Augusto B. Leguia, Alejandro Garland. Petition and memorial of sugar refiners. Remonstrance of import- ers, and others, with refiners' answer to the same. [Philadelphia, 1869.] 2^ pp. 8°. Pilet, Otto. Der Zuckerhanclel. Leipzig und Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1905. 91, (1) pp. 8°. [Teubners Ilandbucher fiir Handel und Gewerbe hrsg. von . . . van der Borght . . . Schumacher . . . und . . . Stegemann . . . Die Zuckevindustrie. 11.] Poey, Juan. Informe sobre rebaja de los derechos que pagan en la peninsula los azucares de Cuba y Puerto-Rico presentado al ilustrisimo Sr. intendente general de hacienda. Hahana: Im.prenta del gobierno y capitania general por S. M.,1862. {2), 58, 29 pp. Tables. 8°. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Porter, Robert P. Appendix to the report on the commercial and industrial condition of the Island of Cuba. Washington: Government printing ofjice^ 1899. 302 jyp. 8°. " Reports juid testimony on the sugar industry," pp. 24S-272. Preyer, Wilhelm Dietrich. Die russische Ziickerindustrie. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Syndikaten. Leipzig: Duncker <£' HuniUot^ 1908. xiv, "215 pp. Folded diaqram. 8°. {Staats- nnd soziahcissenschaffliche For- schungen; hrsg. von G. Schmoller und M. Senng. Eft. 135.) " Literaturverzeiclinis " : pp. [xi]-xiv. Protest of domestic sugar producers against further reduction of duty on Philippine sugars. [Washington, 1902.^ 19, {2) pp. 8°. Covei'-title. At head of p. [IJ : 57th Congress, 2d session. S. G324. ^Jigned: Domestic sugar producers. Washington, D. C, Dec. 15, 1902. Reed, William. The history of sugar and sugar yielding plants, to- gether Avith an epitome of every notable process of sugar extraction, and manufacture, from the earliest times to the present. London: Longmans, Green, and co., 1860. viii, 206 pp. Folded tables. 12°. Table I. Imports of raw sugar into the United Kingdom from British possessions, 1845-1864; Table II. Imports of raw and refined sugar into the Vnited Kingdom, 1S45-1864; [Table III]. Net revenue yielded by sugar and average price, 1S01-1S64: [Table IV]. Rates of duty on unrefined sugar from 1801-1864. Kobinson, Herman Foster. Ship subsidies and sugar bounty stat- utes: their constitutionality. [New York: Evening post job printing house'] 1902. [525]- 535 pp. ^°. Reprinted from Columbia law review, v. 2, December, 1902. Roche, Jules. Allemagne et France. Paris: E. Fhnnmarion, [1898]. {2), 35Jf, (1) pp. 12°. " Les sucres." pp. 207-216. Root, J[ohn] W[illiam] The British West Indies and the sugar industry. Liverpool: J. 11'. /?nof, 1899. xvii, 159 pp. 12°. sugak: general and economic 27 Roth, H[enry] Ling. A guide to the literature of sugar; a bool^ of reference for chemists, botanists, librarians, manufacturers and planters, with comprehensive subject-index. London: K. Paul^ Trench^ Trubner^ & co., limited, 1890. xiv {2), 159 pp. 8°. * A report on the sugar industry in Queensland. Brishajie, Sydney, 1880. 118 pp. 8°. Roth, Hugo. Ueber den Einfluss des Zuckerriibenbaues auf die Hohe der lanclwirtschaftlichen Kapitalien besonders im Konigreich Sachsen. Leipzig-Reudnitz : Druck von O. Schmidt, 1892. Jf2, (i) pp. 8°. Routier, Gaston. L'industrie sucriere en Espagne. (//(- Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 26, pp. 132-142. Paris, 1900. 8°.) * Russel, J. The sugar duties. Letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. [London^], 1863. 31pp. 8°. Russia. Department of trade and manufactures ministry of finance for the Worlds Columbian exposition at Chicago. Manu- factures and trade with a general industrial map. Editor of the English translation, John Martin Crawford. St. Petersburg, 1893. {2) , ii, 281-570 pp. i°. Forms Vol. ii of the " Industries of Russia." Chapter xvii. The beet sugar industry, by W. N. Andreev. Rutter, Frank Roy. International sugar situation. Origin of the sugar problem and its present aspects under the Brussels convention. Washington: Government j^nnting office, 1901).. 98pp. Illus- trations. Plates. 8°. {U. S. Dept. of agrictdture. Bio^eau of statistics. Bulletin 30.) Sacher, Hermann. Die Kartellorganisation der russisclien Zuckerin- dustrie auf Grund des Steuergesetzes von 1895 und die vorangegangenen Bestrebungen. {1)1 Finanz-Archiv. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Finanzwesen. 19 Jahrg. Bd. 1, pp. 319-365. Stuttgart und Berlin, 1902. 8°.) Contents. — I. Die Krisis von 1884-86; II. Das Kiewer Syndi- kat — Das russische Zuckerkartell ; III. Das Gesetz von 1895. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Salviati, Karl Wilholni ITeinrich Ernst von. Zur Fabrikatsteiier- frage in Betreti' der spiritus- unci riibenzucker-Fabrikation in Prenssen. Die beziiglichen Verhandlnngen des Konig- lich preiissischen Landes-oekonomie-collegiiims im Mai 1860 nebst den dazu gehorigen Schriftstiicken. Berlin: G. Bosselmann, 1860. (6), 145 pp. 8°. Saylor, Charles Fremont. The beet sugar industry of the United States. (In La Follette, Robert M. cd. The making of America, vol. 5, pp. 227-235. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Progress of the beet sugar industry in the United States. {In U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1901, pp. 487-502, pi. Lxviii-Lxxi. Washington, 1902. 8°.) Schippel, Max. Zuckerproduktion und Zuckerpramien bis zur Briisseler Konvention, 1902 ; eine wirtschaf tsgeschichtliche und handelspolitische darstellung. Stuttgart: J. H. W. Dietz Nackf., 1903. viii, 419 pp. 8°. " Quellennachweise und Anmerkungen " : pp. [379]-419. Scholes, Theophilus E. S. Sugar and the West Indies. London: Elliott Stock, [1897]. 19 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Schuchart, Theodor. Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der tech- nischen Entwicklung der deutschen Zuckerindustrie. Leipzig: Werner Klinhhardt, 1908. (8), 267 pp. Tables. 5°. (Techniseh-volkswirtschaftUche Monographien. Hrsg. von Lndwig Sinzheimer, Bd. 1.) Reviewed, by Paul L. Vogt, in the Political science quarterly, vol. 23, Sept., 1908, pp. 54S-551. Schulz, Albert. Ueber die Detarifierung von " Zucker zur Ausfuhr " auf deutschen Eisenbahnen und die Ausnalime-tarifierung auf den preussischen Staatsbahnen. 2. unveranderte Aufl. Berlin: Puttkammer & Miihlhrecht, 1900. v. (^), 67, (1) pp. 8°. " Verzeichnis der zur Arbeit benutzten Quellen " : 1 p. at end. * Schwerin, 'SI. Statistische Tabellen der Zucker campagnen 1801/92-1894-95. Magdeburg: Shallehn d' Wollhriick, 1895. iv pp. 18 Tables. 8^. {Rathhe\'^ Bibliothek fiir Zucker-Interes- senten, Bd. 10.) sugar: general and economic 29 Scoff ern, John. Sugar — Beet -root suofar in France. (In his Stray leaves on science and folk-lore, pp. 241-258; 259-273. London. 1870. 8°.) Searles, John Ennis. American sugar. Un Depew, Chauncey M. One hundred years of American commerce, vol. 1. pp. 257-261. New York. 1895. 4°.) Smallwood, AV. M. Review of the sugar and rice crops of Louisiana, Avith vahiable suggestions and statistics. A^e^o Orleans: Published by J. Curtis Waldo, [1877]. 30 pp. 8°. * Smart, W. Sugar bounties; case for and against government inter- ference. Edinburgh: Blackicoods, 1887. 106pp. 8°. Spencer, Guilford L. Beet sugar. Un U. S. Twelfth census. Reports, vol. 9, Manufactures, pt. 3, pp. 543-555. Washington, 1902. F°.) Statistics of the consumption of sugar, melada, and molasses in the United States from 18G0 to 1873, inclusive. (In Royal statistical society of London. Journal, vol. 38, pp. 526-532. 1875.) * Stein, Arthur. Zucker, Erzeugung und Verbrauch der Welt. Statistische Lage am Anfang des xx. Jahrh. Kartelle und die sociale Frage. Prag: F. Rivmic, 1902. iv, 180 pp. 8°. Stubbs, William Carter. Sugar. (In American economic association. Southern economic prob- lems, pp. 6-25. New York. [1904]. 8°.) Reprinted from the association's publications, 3d ser.. vol. V, no. 1. Sugar cane and cassava convention. 3d, Brunswick, Ga., 1902. Proceedings of the third Sugar cane and cassava conven- tion, held at Brunswick, Georgia, on the twelfth day of April, 1902. \Brunsivick,Ga.: The Brunswick board of trade^ 1902.] 52 pp. 8°. The Sugar producing capacity of the Hawaiian Islands. [Washington']: Judd & Detweiler, printers [188-?] 11^ pp. 6 fold. maps. 4°. Cover-title. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Sugar trade of the United States. Annual review showing the import and consumption of raw sugar in the United States for the year ended December 31, 1002, compared with the previous four years. {In New York, Forty-fifth annual report of the corporation of the Chamber of commerce, part 2, pp. 5-19. New York, 1903. ) Sumner, William (iraham. Protectionism, the ism which teaches that waste makes wealth. ^ New York : Henry Holt and company^ 1888. a?, 172 pp. 12°. Sugar bounties, pp. 80-90. * Surface, George T. Story of sugar. A^ew Yoi'k: D. Appleton and co., 1909. * In press. Sweden. Betankande oclf forslag angaende beskattning af hvit- betssockertillverkningen i riket afgifvet den T April 1892 af dertill i nader forordnade komiterade. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt d' soner, 1892. 94, (1) pp. Folded charts. 8°. {Sweden. Riksdagen. Bihang till riksdagens protokoll. 1893. 2. samlingen, 2. afdelningen. Komite-hetdnkanden.) Underdfinigt betankande och forslag angaende beskattningen af hvitbetssockertillverkningen i riket afgifvet den 28 Sep- tember 1872 af dertill i nader forordnad kommission. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & soner, 1872. 51, (1) pp. 8°. (Siveden. Riksdagen. Bihang till riksdagens protokoll. 1873. 2. samlingen,-2. afdelningen. Komite-hetdnkanden.) Riksdagen. For material in the Riksdagens protokoll, both Chambers and the Bihang, consult the index " Sakregister till rikets stiln- ders protokoll med bihang," under the words Hvitbetssocker and Socker. Sykes, W. II. Contributions to the statistics of sugar produced within the British dominions in India. (In Royal statistical society of London, Journal, vol. 13, pp. 1-24. 1S50.) Tariff coniinission, London. Report of the Tariff commission. Vol. 7. Sugar and confectionery; with analysis and sum- mary of evidence and statistical tables. London : Puhlished for the Tariff commission hy P. S. King & son, 1907. 4°. Unpaged. sugae: general, and economic 31 Thacker, Orrin. Thacker's sugar chart, and other tables. [Rev. ed.] [Coh/mhus, 0.] '•1893. {58) pp. F°. United States. Bureau of statistics {Dept. of commerce ami labor) . Production and commercial movement of sugar. Letter from O. P. Austin, chief of the Bureau of statistics. De- partment of commerce and labor, transmitting tables showing the production and commercial movement of sugar for the principal countries of the world, including the leading sugar colonies, during the years 1895 to 1005. Washington: Government printing office^ 1906. 112 pp. 8°. {59th Cong.., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 250.) Prepared in continuation of similar tables published by this bureau (under tlie Treasury dept.) with title, '"The world's sugar production and consumption ... at the close of the nineteenth century," in the Sununary of commerce and finance for January 1902, and pub. also separately. Bureau of statistics {Treasury dept.) Customs receipts (March-June, 4896 and 1897) and imports of sugar and raw wool 1894-1897. [Washington: Government pri?iting office, 1897.'] 11 pp. Tables. Colored diagrams. 4°. Worthington C. Ford, chief of Bureau. Tables in regard to sugar and molasses, showing i. — Imports into and exports from the United States of sugar and molasses since 1789. ii. — Production and consumption in the United States and foreign countries of sugar and molasses for a series of years, iii, — Tariff rates imposed by the United States and foreign countries upon sugar and molasses for a series of years. Comprising state- ments nos. 17 to 34, inclusive, of the Quarterly report no. 3, series 1886-'87, of the chief of the Bureau of statistics. Washington: Government pinnting office, 1887. nV, 628-678 pp. S\ The world's sugar production and consumption, show- ing the statistical position of sugar at the close of the nineteenth century. [Washington: Government printing office, 1902.] iv, 2587- 2763 pp. Jt°. 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Bureau of statistics {Treasury dept.) The world's sii Ry G. L. Spencer": pp. GS5-752. Tariff hearings ])efore the Committee on ways and means of the House of Eepresentatives, 1908-1909. Sched- ule E, sugar, molasses, and numufactures of. Washington: Government printing office, 1909. v, 3249- 351S, iv pp. 8°. sugak: general, and economic 33 United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on relations with Cuba. Cuban sugar sales. Testimony taken by the Com- mittee on relations with Cuba [May 1-June 10, 1902] Under authority of Senate resolution of April 20, 1902. 57th Congress, 1st session. Washington: Government ynnting office., 1902. (i), Jt92 pp. 8°. Committee on the Philippines. Revenue for the Philip- pine Islands. Hearings [Jan. 20-Feb. 28, 1906] before the Committee on the Philippines of the United States Senate. March 19, 1906. — Ordered to be printed as a document. Washington: Government printing office., 190G. (^), 12Jf7 pp. 8°. {50th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 277.) " Public bearings in tbe Pbilippine Islands upon tbe proposed reduction of tbe tariff upon Pbilippiue sugar and tobacco, tbe extension of tbe United States coastwise navigation laws to tbe Pbilippines, and tbe general economic conditions in tbe islands, beld during tbe montb of August. 1905, before tbe secretary of war and tbe congressional party accompany- ing bim to tbe islands " : pp. 211-378. Revenue for the Philippine Islands. Hearings [Jan. 20-Feb. 28, 1906]. Washington: Government printing office., 1906. (2), 1209 pp. 8°. Tbis issue contains no index. — Depf. of justice. American sugar refining company. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of January 22, 1909, cor- respondence relating to an alleged violation of the act of July 2, 1890, by the American sugar refining company. [Washington: Government printing o^ce, 1909.] 66 pp. 8°. {60th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 687.) — Dept. of state. General index to the published volumes of the Diplomatic correspondence and Foreign relations of the United States. 1861-1899. Washington : Government printing office, 1902. 91^5 pp. 8°. " Sugar bounty conference at London, on November 24, 1887," pp. 204-205 ; " Differential duties on bouuty-fed sugar," pp. 273-274. 87489—10 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Laics, statutes, etc., 1893-189Jt {53d Cong., 2d sess.) . The sugar senators' new tariff and income tax law, enacted by the 53d Congress. New York: M. ■/. I vers c& co., <^189j!f. 9^ pp. 12°. Cover-title. Treasury dept. Report on rates of drawback to be paid upon exportation of refined sugars. By J. W. Davis, special agent, Treasury department. Washingtan: Govemment printing o-fjice, 1881. {2), 11 pp. 8°. Division of customs. Regulations governing the weigh- ing, taring, sampling, classification, and polarization of imported sugars and molasses. Washington: Government printing o-ffice, 1907. 28 pp. 8°. On verso of t.-p. : Treasury department. Document no. 2470. Division of customs. War dept. Public hearings in the Philippine Islands upon the proposed reduction of the tariff upon Philippine sugar and tobacco, the extension of the United States coastwise navigation laws to the Philippines, and the general eco- nomic conditions in the islands, held during the month of Ausrust, 1905, before the secretary of war and the con- gressional party accompanying him to the islands. [Washington: Government printing oifice, 1906.] 186 pp. 8°. (In U. S. Congress. House. Committee on ways arid means. Philippine tariff. Hearings . . . December, 1905. Washington, 1906. Appendix.) Founfl also in U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the I'liillppines. Revenue for the I'hilipi)ine Islands. Hear- ings . . . Washiixgton, Gov't print, off., 1906, pp. 211-378. Cuban census office. Report on the census of Cuba, 1899. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 786 pp. Plates. Maps. Diagrams. 8°. Sugar, pp. 524-533. Vetter, A. Th. Die Besteuerung der Zlickererzeugung aus Run- kelriiben und andern inliindischen Stoffen im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. 3. Aufl. Oedenburg: C. Roinwalter^ 1857. (^), 115 pp. 8°. SUGAE : GENERAL AND ECONOMIC 35 Vogt, Paul L. The sugar refining industry in the United States. Its development and present condition. Philadelphia: Puh. for the University^ 1908. viii, 127 pp. 8°. {Puhlications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in political economy and puhlic law^ no. 21.) Walker, H. de R. The West Indies and the Empire; study and travel in the winter of 1900-1901. London: T. Fisher Unwin., 1901. a?, 253 pp. Folded. Map. 8°. "The sugar iuflustry and some general considerations," pp. 1-49. Washington, H. Our surtax and the poor. [Ottawa, 1906.] 22 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Watt, Sir George. The commercial products of India; being an abridgment of " The Dictionary of the economic products of India." London : John Murray, 1908. viii, 1189 pp. 8°. " Sugar and sugar-cane," pp. 928-962. Wells, David A[mes]. The equities in the (customs) taxation of sugar. New York: W. J. Pell, printer, 1894- 6 pp. 8°. Cover-title. How Congress and the public deal with a great revenue and industrial problem. New York: J. Polhemus, printer, 1880. 26 pp. 8°. Cover-title. " Reprinted, with additions, from the Princeton review of November 1, 1880." Recent economic changes and their effect on the production and distribution of wealth and the well-being of society. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1898. xii, IidS pp. 12°. Bounties on sugar production, pp. 126, et seq., 295 et seq. 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Wells, David A[mes]. The sugar industry of the United States, and the tariff. Report on the assessment and collection of duties on imported sugar: on the results of an economic and financial inquiry into the relation of the sugar in- dustry of the United States in its several departments of production, importation, refining and distribution of product, to the existing federal tariff. New York, 1878. iv, {.5), 119 pj). 8°. Report made at the request of a number of importers, refiners, and mercliauts dealing in sugars, cf. Introductory letter to Mr. Wells, signed by Moses Taylor & co., E. I). Morgan & co., and other firms. * Wiener, M. A magyar czukoripar fijlodese. Bnda-Pesth, m2. Williams, Conde. The future of our sugar-producing colonies. ( /h Koyal colonial institute. Proceedings, vol. 27. 1895-96, pp. r.4-73. London, 1896. S°.) Discussion, i»p. 73-86. Williams, W. .M. J. The sugar duty. (//( A/n Tlu' King's revenue, pp. .39-46. London. 1908. 12°.) William.s, W. Rees. The .sugar question in 1902. ( In The Co-operative wholesale .societies limited. Annual for 1903, pp. 267-290. Manchester, Glasgow.) Woge, Richard. Einfluss des Zukerriibenhaues [I] auf die Land- Avirthschaft unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung einiger im fiirstenthum Calenberg gelegenen giiter. Leipzig -Reudnitz : Dnick von O. Schmidt, 189-2. (6), 6Jf., {2) pp. Tables. 8°. Wolf, Julius. Der deutsch-amerikanische Handelsvertrag; die ku- banische Zuckerproduktion und die Zukunft der Zucker- industrie mit zahlreichen statistischen Tabellen und Ex- kursen. Jena: G. Fischer, 1906. vii, 158 .pp. 8°. Zim.mermann, Richard. Der Zucker im Welthandel. Berlin: Piittkammer (& Miihlhrecht, 1895. 56 pp. 8°. AGRICULTURE The American sugar beet growers' annual for the year nineteen hun- dred and eight. Edited and compiled by Frank Roderus. Chicago^ III. : Beet sugar gazette company^ \^1908^. (2), 100 pp. Illustrations. F°. Pp. 85-100 advertising matter. Ashe, William Willard. The possibilities of a maple sugar industry in western North Carolina. Winston: M. I. d' J. C. Stetvart., 1897. 3^ pp. Ill ust ra- tions. 8°. {The North Carolina geological survey. Eco- nomic papers no. 1.) Aubry, Charles Eugene, comte. Legislation et production du sucre de canne. Paris: Lihrairie Challamel aine., 1865. 38 pp. Plate. 8°. " Extrait de la Revue maritime et coloniale, Juin, 1865." Barbados. Imperial dept. of agriculture for the West Indies. lectures to sugar planters. [London: Dulau <& co.], 1900. viz, 176 pp. Illustrations. 12°. Contents. — Lecture I. Tlie natural history of sugar-cane, by Daniel Morris. — Lecture II-IV. Soils and manures in rela- tion to the cultivation of the sugar-cane, by J. V. d'Albu- querque. — Lecture \. Hints on the planting and cultivation of the sugar-cane and intermediate crops, by John R. Bovell. — Lecture VI. The insect pests of sugar-cane and associated crops, by H. Maxwell-Lefroy. — Lecture VII. The fungoid diseases of the sugar-cane, by Albert Howard. Report of the agricultural work . . . carried on under the direction of the Imperial department of agriculture for the West Indies. By J. P. d'Albuquerque, J. R. Bovell. Barbados: T. E. King & co.., printers., 1901-1907. 6 vols, in 3. F°. Reports in 2 pts. : i. Manurial experiments ; ii. Experiments with varieties of sugar cane. 37 112847 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Barbados. Imperial dept. of agriculture for the West Indies. Report on the .siijrar industry in Anti Hnwaiian exjieriment stiitlon ; lSi)9-1901. Work of the IIawaii;iii cxijeriniciit sta- tion; 1902-03, Work on the ex])eriment station and labora- tories of the Ilaw.iiian sugar planters' association. Superseded by Report of the experini'^Mit station committee of the Hawaiian sugar planters' association. Report of the Experiment station committee of the Hawaiian sugar planters' association. 1905. Honolulu, 1905. {J,), 59 pp. Plates. 8°. sugae: agriculture 45 Hazard, Samuel. Cuba with pen and pencil. Hartford., Conn.: Published hy the Hartford puhlishing company, 1871. 584 pp- niustrations. Plates. 8°. Life on a sugar estate, pp. .337-371. Hedges, Isaac A. Sorgo, or Tlie northern sugar plant ; . . . with an introduction by William Clough. Sorgo culture. Cincinnati: 'Apple gate <& co.., 1863. xviii, 19-20 Jf pp- Hlustrations. Plates. 4°. Herzog, AA'ilhelm. Monographic dei Zuckerriibe. Haniburg: Verlag von Leopold Voss., 1899. (5), 170 pp. 8°. Hyde, James F. C. The Chinese sugar-cane; its history, mode of culture, manufacture of the sugar, etc., with reports of its success in different portions of the United States, and let- ters from distinguished men. Boston: J. P. Jewett & company; Cleveland., 0.: H. P. B. Jetoett, 1857. iv, [51-106 pp. Illustrations. 12°. Italy. Diresione generate dell' agriroltura. Coltivazione delle bar- babietole da zucchero e relativa industria, per B. Riccardo Debarbieri. Roma: Tip. E. Botta, 1886. 239 pp. 8°. (Italy. Annali di agHcoltura.) 1886. 101.) Jackson, Benjamin Daydon. Vegetable technology: a contribution towards a bibliography of economic botany, with a com- prehensive subject-index. Founded upon the collections of George James Symons. London: Pub. for the Index society., by Longmans., Green <& CO.., 1882. xii., 355 pp. 8°. (Index society. Publica- tions. XI.) Contains numerous entries on sugar. Consult index under " Sugar." Jamaica. Sugar experiment station. Kingston. Report. 1905, 190G-1907. Kingston, 1906-1908. 2 vols. 8°. Janasz, Stanislaus. Beschreibung einiger Zuckerriibenrassen. Merseburg: Druck von F. Stollberg., 1904. (4), -58, (2) pp. Plates. 4°. 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Jones, O. H. Vermont maple siiijar industry. Wnmi)if/ton, Vt.: Deerfield valley times print^ 1889. 21 pp. Illustrations. 16°. Joulie, Henri. Etudes et experiences sur le sorgho a siicre con- sider [e] aiix jwint de vue botanique, agricole, chimiqiie, physiologique et industriel. Paris: Etienne Giraud^ 186 J^. (4) '200 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8°. Kerr, Thomas. A practical treatise on the cultivation of the sugar cane, and manufacture of sugar. London: J. J. Gri-j^n & company; Glasgow: R. Gri-jjin dj CO.., 1851. ivs 139, 4 VV' ^^"^ - * Kiehl, A. F. Ertragreicher Zuckerriibenbau. Berlin: P. Parey, 1900. vi,60 pp. 8°. Kiev. Pridnieprovskaia meteorologicheskaea sTet. [The Dnieper meteorological service. Data on the condition of beet plantations in connection with weather. April-July, 1898-Nov., 1898.] Kiev, 1898. 7 nos. 8°. Kirsche, Bruno. I'ntersuchungen der Wachstumsvorgange bei ver- schiedenen Runkelriibensorten. Apolda: Duchdruckerei von Franz Gehhardt, 1905. Jf2, {2) pp. Tables. Plates. 8°. * Knauer, F. Der Iliibenbau. 8. Autl. neubearb. von M. Hollrung. Berlin: P. Parey, 1901. vi, 152 pp. Illustrations. 8°. {Thaer-BiUiothek, Bd. 19.) Kriiger, "VVilh. Das Zuckerrohr und seine Kultur, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verhiiltnisse und Untersuchungen auf Java. Magdeburg {etc.'\: Schallehn ct- Wollbrilck, 1899. viii, 580 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 4°- Lopez Tuero, Fernando. Cana de azucar. Puerto-Rico : Tipografia del " Boletin mercantil,''' 1895. 123, {5) pp. Plates. 8°. Loring, George Bailey. Sorghuin sugar industry, address before the Mississippi Valley cane-growers' association, Saint Louis, Mo., Dec. 14, 1882. Washington: Go rernment printing office, 1883. 19 pp. 8°. {U. S. Dept. of agri. Special report, 5Jf.) sugae: agriculture 47 Lovering", Joseph S. A detailed account of experiments and obser- vations upon the sorghum saccharatum, or Chinese sugar cane, made Avith the view of determining its vahie as a sugar producing plant, from September 28, to December 20, 1857, at Oakhill, Phihidelphia County, Pa. Philadelphia: Crissy & MarJdey^ printers, 1858. 27 pp. 12°. Luzuriaga, Jose K. de. Sugar cuhure. {Ill U. S. Bureau of the census. Census of tbe Philippine Islands, vol. 4, pp. 26-32. Washington. 1905. S°.) McMurtrie, William. Report on the culture of the sugar beet and the manufacture of sugar therefrom in France and the United States. W(/shington: Government printing office.^ 1880. {2) , 29It. pp. Folded plates. Folded maps. 8°. (U. S. Dept. of agri- culture. Special report — no. 28.) Malpeaux, L. La betterave de distillerie et la betterave fourragere. Paris: Gauthier-Villars [etc., 1903] 104, (^) PP- Illus- trations. {Encyclopedie scientifcpie des aide-memoire, piihliee sous la direction de M. Leaute) Marlatt, Charles Lester. The giant sugar-cane borer. {Castnia licus Fab.) {In U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of entomology. Bul- letin, new ser., 54. pp. 71-75. pi. iv. Washington, 1905. 8°.) [Millard, J.] Het wets-ontwerp ter nadere regeling van de op hoog gezag ingevoerde suikerkultuur. Amsterdam: Syielpers-Drukkerij van van Bonga & co.,1869. 30 pp. Folded sheet. 8°. Miiller, Alexander i. e. Karl Alexander. Ueber den Einfluss des Abblattens auf die Vegetation der Runkelriiben. [Leipzig : Druck von F. A. Brockhaus, 18511.1 21 pp. 4°. Same. Leipzig: Druck von F. A. Brockhaus, [185 Jf\ 39 pp. I^° . Myrick, Herbert. The American sugar industry; a practical manual on the production of sugar beets and sugar cane, and on the manufacture of sugar therefrom. New York, Spring-field, Mass. [etc.] : 0. Judd company, 1899. mil, 232 pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8°. In four parts; pt. 1, Economics of domestic sugar production, pp. 1-16; pt. 2, The cane sugar industry, by W. C. Stubbs, pp. 17-28; pt. 3, Beet sugar, pp. 29-220. 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Myrick, Herbert. The crisis in agriculture. The peril to domestic industry, to agriculture, labour and capital involved in the relations of the I'nited States to the tropics. A memorial to Congress from the farmers of America. New York \etc\\ : Orange Judd company^ 1890. xxxii pp. Plates. F°. For the League of domestic producers, especially on the beet sugar industry. Sugar: a new and jDrofitable industry in the United States for capital, agriculture and labor to supply the home market yearly with $100,000,000 of its product. A^ew York and Chicago: Orange Judd company .^ 1897. (4), lJf8 pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8°. Pt. 1. Economic aspects, pp. 1-16: pt. 2. Cane sugar, pp. 17-28; pt. 3. Beet sugar, pi). 2!J-143. Niccol, Robert. The sugar insect : '"'Acarvs saccharL'^ found in raw sugar. PJiiladelphia: De Arniond ;iiculture. Bureau of entomology. Bul- letin, new ser.. 54, pp. 34-40. Illustratious. Washington, 1905. 8°.) The sugar-cane beetle {Ligyrvs rugiceps Lee), with notes on associated species. {In IT. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of entomology. Bul- letin, new ser.. 54, i)p. 7-18. Illustrations. Washington, 1905. 8°.) Townsend, Charles Orrin. By-products of the sugar-beet and their uses. {In V. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, liM)S, pp. 443-i52. Washington, 1909. S°.) Curly-top, a disease of the sugar beet. Washington: Government printing office^ 190S. 87 pp. Platen. 8°. (U. S. Dept. of agricidture. Bureau of plant industry. Balletin 122.) Relation of sugar beets to general farming. {In V. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1903, pp. 399-410, pi, L-Lii. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Townsend, Charles Orrin, and E. C. Rittue. The development of single-germ beet seed. Washington : (rovernment printing office, 100'). 20 pp. Plates. 8°. {U. S. Department of agriculture. Bureau of plant industry. Bulletin no. 73.) Tracy, J. E. W. Sugar-beet seed breeding. {In V. 8. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1903, pp. 341-352. Washington, 1904. 8°.) United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. Dept. of land records and ngricidture. The sugar industry of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. By Saiyid Muhammad Hadi. Allahabad : Printed, hy F. Liiker at flte gooernnient pi^ess, 1902. (4), Hi, 112 pp. I/htstrations. Plates. 4°. "Ceremonies ;uul superstitions connected with the cultivation of sugar cane: " pp. 76-80. sugar: agriculture 53 United States. Departmjent of agm-uUure. Annual reports. Washington: Government printing ofjice^ 186S-1908. .}<§ rols. 8°. From 1S37 to 18G1 the annual report on agriculture formed a part of the report of the Commissioner of patents. For references relating to sugar, sonclon, 1873. 8°.) Association des chimistes de sucrerie et de distillerie de France et des colonies. Parity. Bulletin. Pans, 1891^-1908. 11^ vols. Illustrations. Tables. 8°. Balestier, J. Sugar manufacture at Singapore. The culture of the cane and the manufacture of sugar introduced at Singapore. (In Agricultural and horticultural society of India. Trans- actions, vol. G, pp. 96-103. Calcutta, 1839. S°.) *Bartz, AYilhelm. Tabellen zum Gebrauclie bei der Berechnung der Rohzucker-Rendements. Braunschweig : F. Vietveg und Sohn, 1893. (6) pp. 12°. Bass, W[illiam] L[ouis]. Azucar de caha (cane sugar) by W. L. Bass. V. 1. 2d ed. New York, 1901. xir, 9-U6 pp. Illnstrations. 8°. Cane juice defecation, 1905. Tr. by S. Fabian de Velasco, M. A. - [iVeu' York: P. Barnes company press, "1905] 230 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8°. Added t.-p. and text in Spanish (p. [911-205) Lettered on back : Cane sugar, vol. II. 58 sugar: chemistey and manufacture 59 * Basset, Nicolas. Guide pratique de fabricant de sucre. 2. ed. Paris: Librairie du dictionnaire des arts et Tnanufactures^ 1872-1875. 3 vols. 8°. * Lettre a un raffineur sur la situation reelle de I'industrie sucri^ere franyaise. Paris: Dentu, 1873. 8\ Bates, Frederick John, and J. C. Blake. The influence of basic lead acetate on the optical rotation of sucrose in water solution. Washi)igton: GovernTnent pnnting office., 1907. (2), 105- 113 pp. Diagram. 8°. {Reprint no. 52, from Bulletin of the Bureau of standards, vol. 3, no. 1.) [Bayley, Thomas]. Sugar. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott company, 1892. 18 pp. Illustrations. 12°. Reprint from Chambers's enclyclopsedia. Bell, James. The analysis and adulteration of foods. Part I. Tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, &c. [^London^^ : Chapman and Hall, 1881. (6), 120 pp. Illus- trations. 12°. Sugar: pp. 97-114. Berthelot, Marcellin Pierre Eugene. Action excercee par les acids et par les chlorures alcalins et terreux sur I'essence de terebenthine sur le sucre, sur Falcool et sur I'esprit-de-bois. {Paris: Bachelier, 1852.] 39 pp. 8°. " Extrait des Annales de Chimie et de Phys., 3. ser. t. 38." Ill a collection of pamplilets labelled : Chemistry. Organic, vol. 4. Bessemer, Sir Henry. On a new system of manufacturing sugar from the cane. [Lo7idon, 1852.] 61 pp. 8°. Sir Henr}^ Bessemer, r. r. s. An autobiography. With a concluding chapter. London: Offices of ^^Engineering,'''' 1905. xv, 380 pp. Il- lustrations. Plates. ^°. Improvements in sugar manufacture, pp. 86-95. Browne, Charles Albert, jr., and J. E. Hallig-an. Report on sugar. (In U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bul- letin 105. pp. 116-124. Washington, 1907. 8°.) 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Bryan, Albeit Huijhes. Methods for the analysis of maple products and the detection of adulterants, together with the in- terpretation of the results obtained. [Washhigfojt : Government printing office^ WOS] 13 pp. 8°. (U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Circular 40) * Buffalo agricultural machine works, Bujfalo. The American soriTo manual: the culture of the Chinese and African canes in northern latitudes and the manufacture of syrup and sugar. Circular of the iVjnerican cane machinery consisting of cane mills, evaporators and horse powers, manufactured by Buft'alo agricultural machine works. [Buffalo, lS(j^ liO pp. lUustrations. 8°. Cover-title. Cantero, Justo G[erman]. Los ingenios; coleccion de vistas de los principales ingenios de azucar de la isla de Cuba. Edicion de lujo. Hahana: Impreso en la litografa de L. Mavquier., 1857. 76 pp. Plates. Plans. F°. Claassen, H. Beet-sugar manufacture. Authorized translation from the 2d (ierman ed., by William T. Hall and George AVilliam Rolfe. 1st ed. 1st thousand. New York: J. Wileg d- sons; [etc., etc.] 1906. xiv, 280 pp. c9°. •• IJteratiire " : p]'. 12TO-2SO. Die Zuckerfabrikation, von Dr. H. Claassen und Dr. W. Bartz. Leipzig und Berlin : B. G. Teuhner, 1905. x, 270 pp. Illus- .traiions. 8°. (Teuhners Ilandhiicher fur Handel und Gewerhe, hrsg. von prdsident van der Borght . . . Prof. Dr. Schumacher . . . und Dr. Stegemann . . . Der Zuck- erindustrie 1.) Die Zucker-Fabrikation mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Bctriebes, Magdehurg und Wien: Scliallehn (& Wollhrilck, 1901. (.^), vii,3S5. (/) pp. 8°. " Litteratiir •• : pj). 332-335. Clough refining- company, f'incinnt/fi. ClouglTs refining & de- odorizing j)rocess as applied in the manufacture of sirup and sugar from sorghum. Cincinnati: Clough refining company, [1867]. Jf8 pp. Illus- trations. 8°. Sorghum. sugar: chemistry and manufacture 61 Cochraine, Charles H. Changes in sugar manufacture. {In his Modern industrial progress, pp. 573-578. Philadelphia and London, 1904. S°.) Collier, Peter. Sorghum ; its culture and manufacture economically considered as a source of sugar, syrup, and fodder. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & co.^ I884. xi, 570 fp. Illustrations. Plates. 8°. " Bibliography of sorghum " : pp. 42-49. Crookes, Sir William. On the manufacture of beet-root sugar in England and Ireland. London: Longmans., Green and co.^ 1870. xvi, 290, xii pp. Illn.strations. Tahles. 12°. Cull, Edward Lefnw. Beet-root and beet-root sugar: the descrip- tion of all the processes of manufacture, being condensed and simplified and adapted to the use of the farmer and the small manufacturer. 2d ed., greatly enl. and improved. Toronto: Glohe printing company.^ 187 1^. 16 pp. 8' ->o D'Aligny, Henry Ferdinand Quarre. The manufacture of beet sugar and alcohol, and the cultivation of sugar-beet. Washington: Goi^ernment printing office., 1869. 90 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Diagrams. 8°. (In U. S. Com- mission to the Paris exposition, 1867. Reports of the United States commissioners. \^1868'\-70. v. 5 [pt. 3]) Deerr, Noel. Sugar and sugar cane: an elementary treatise on the agriculture of the sugar cane and on the manufacture of cane sugar. Manchester: N. Rodger, 1905. riii,395,{l).xixpp. Illus- trations. Plates. Diagrams. 8"^. Bibliography: pp. [iv]-v. * Sugar house notes and tables: reference book for planters. factory managers, chemists, engineers, &c., as to manufac- ture of cane sugar. London: Spon, 1900. 194 PP- ^^ ?o A theory of the extraction of sugar from massecuites. Honohdv, T. H., 1907. 29 pp. Illustrations. Tables. 8°. {Report of toork of the Exj)eriment station of the Ha- waiian sugar planters'' association. Division of agriculture and chemistry. Bulletin no. 20) 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Denton, Albert A. Manufacture of sorghum sirup. Washington: Got'e?'nment printing office, 1899. 32 pp. Illustrations. 8°. {U. S. Dept, of agri. Farmers^ hulle- tin, 90.) * Duncan, J. and J. A. R. and B. E. E. Newlands. The alum process for purifying sugar. London, 1875. * Dupont, F. Etat actuel de la fabrication du sucre en France au point de \me technique. Paris: Mirhelet, 1889. 79 pp. 8°. ''' Ernotte, J. Les economies de combustible en sucrerie. Brussels, 1899. Frankel, Julius. A practical treatise on the manufacture of starch, glucose, starch-sugar, and dextrine. Based on the German of Ladislaus von Wagner, and other authorities. Edited by Eobort Hutler. Philadelphia: Henry Carey Balrd d- co., 1881. 344 VV- ^^' lustrations. 8°. Fress, O. Beitriige zur Zuckerfabrikation. Eine Sammlung der AVichtigsten, beim gebrauch des Ariiometers und Polarisa- tions-apparates vorkommenden Tabellen. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg und Sohi, 1863. viii, 56 pp. 8°. Fribourg, Charles. L'analyse chimique en sucreries et raffineries de Cannes et betteraves. Preface de Henri Pellet. Paris: II. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1907. oci, 390, {2) pp. Illus- trations. Tables. 8°. * Gallois, 7, v. 2. Achard's treatise was first published in Breslau, 1803. Lock, Cliarles Gfeorge] Warnford. Sugar growing and refining: a comprehensive treatise on the culture of sugar yielding plants, and the manufacture, refining, and analysis of cane, beet, maple, melon, milk, palm, sorghum, and starch sugars; with copious statistics of their production and commerce, and a chapter on the distillation of rum. By Charles G. Warnford Lock and G. W. Wigner & R. H. Harland. London., New York: E. & F. N. Spon, 1882. xxvii, 752 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Diagrams. 8°. " The chapters on refining, analysis, and patents are wholly written by G. \V. Wigner ... in conjunction with his partner, K. H. Harland." — Pref. " Literature of sugar " : pp. xv-xx. SUGAR : CHEMISTRY AND MANUFACTURE 67 Lock, Charles G[eorge] Warnford. Sugar: a handbook for planters and refiners; being a comprehensive treatise on the culture of sugar-yielding plants, and the manufacture, refining, and analysis of cane, beet, palm, maple, melon, sorghum, milk, and starch sugars: with copious statistics on their production and commerce, and a chapter on the distillation of rum. By Charles G. "Warnford Lock, Benjamin E. R. Newlands, and John A. K. Xewlands. London, New York: E. & F. X. Spon, 1888. xxiii, (1), 920' pp. Illustrations. Plates. Diagi^ams. 8°. An enlarged edition of " Sugar growing and refining," 1882 ; tlie cliapters by Wigner and Harland in tlie 1882 ed. have been entirely rewritten for the present edition. " Literature of sugar " : pp. xvii-xxiii. [McCulloh, Eichard Sears] Repl}" to the review by Mr. Avequin, of New Orleans, of M'Culloh's report on sugar. Pub. in De Bow's commercial review. Philadelphia: C. Sherman, printer, 1848. 41 pp. 8°. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating a report of scientific investigations relative to the chemical nature of saccharine substances, and the art of manu- facturing sugar; made, under the direction of Professor A. D. Bache, by Professor R. S. McCulloh [Feb. 2i, 1847]. [Washington: Ritchie <£' Heiss, printers, 18^7.'] 212 pp. 7 fold. pi. 8°. [29th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 209.] Caption title. Pub. also in Reports from the Secretary of the Treasury, of scientific investigations in relation to sugar and hydrometers ... by Professor R. S. McCulloh. Rev. ed. ... Washing- ton, 1848. (oOth Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 50.) Reports from the Secretary of the Treasury, of scientific in- vestigations in relation to sugar and hydrometers, made under the superintendence of Professor A. D. Bache, by Professor R. S. McCulloh. Rev. ed., bv order of the Senate. Washington : Wendell and Van Benthuysen, printers, 1848. via, 653 pp. Tables. Plates. Diagrams. 8°. Includes Reports of Feb. 18, 1845; July 20. 1846; Feb. 24, 1847 ; May 26, 1848. 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS M'Intosh, John Geckles. The technology of sugar. London: Scott^ Greenwood & eo.; iseic York: D. Van Xos- trand company^ 1903. xir, Jf08 pp. Illustrations. Dia- grams. 8°. [Mahy, Francois Cesaire de] liapport sur les condiments, les stim- ulants, les sucres et les produits de la confiserie. Paris: Imprimerie nationale^ 188k- (4)5 ^^^ VV- Tables. 4°. {Paris. Exposition iiniverselle, 1878. Rapports du Jury international. Groupe vii. — Classe 74-) At head of title : Ministero de ragriculture et du commerce . . . Special reports by MM. L. G. Adam, de Ma by, Goy, A. Lucas, A. Allain, Lombart, aud Jouin, submitted by M. de Maby. rapporteur general. Maquenne, Leon Gervais Marie. Les sucres et leurs principaux derives. Paris: G. Carre and C. Naud, 1900. ii, (^), 1032 pp. 8°. Maumene, Edme Jules. Traite theorique et pratique de la fabrica- tion du Sucre. Pans: Dunod^ 1876-1878. 2 vols. Illustrations. Folded sheets. 8°. Mayes, X. I., & co., Sweetwater, Tenn. Recipe for making sorghum sugar. Sweetwater, Tenn., [1879'] Sheet. 8°. Meriau, Carlos. Histoire de Tindustrie sucriere dans la region du Xord : ses commencements, ses progres, son etat actiiel, ses rapports avec I'agriculture. Lille: Impr. L. Ddnel, 1891. (4), 267 pp. Illustrations. Diagrams. 8°. At bead of title: Societe industrielle du nurd de la France. jyo 73tor_g„pp]^mg„^ .j„ ludletin u° 73. *]y[eyer, G. F. Zur Geschichte der Zuckerfabrikation. Braunschweig : E. Appelhavs, c& Co., 1905. viii, 116 pp. Illustrations. 8°. Mittelstaedt, Otto. Aus der Praxis der Zuckerindustrie. Ein Beitrag zur chemischen Betriebscontrolle in der Zucker- fabrikation. '). Aufl. Magdeburg : A . Rathkc, 1902. 95 pp. 8°. {Albert Rathke's Bibliothek filr Zucker-intei'essenten. Bd. 12.) sugae: chemistry and manufacture 69 * Moig-no, [Francois Napoleon Marie] Vabhe. Saccharimetrie op- tique chimiqiie et melassimetriqiie. Paris: Gauthier-Villai's, 1809. xxvii, 256 fj). 8°. Moore, Gideon E. Statement relative to the artificial colorin<>- of imported sugar. Washington: Government planting office., 1881. 26 jrp. 8°. {U. S. Treasury department document no. 223.) Morse, Irving H[askell]. Calculations used in cane-sugar factories. A practical system of chemical control for Louisiana sugar-houses and other cane-producing countries. 1st ed, 1st thousand. A^ew York: J. AY Hey & sons; London: Chapman ct- Hall., limited., 190 1^. viii, 75 pp. 12° . *Mosso, T'golino. Der Einfluss des Zuckers auf die Muskelarbeit. Berlin: Thormann 6i Goetsch^ 1901. 67 pp. 8"". Munson, Lewis Storms. Report on sugar. (In U. S. Dept. of jigricultnre. Bureau of chemistry. P.ulle- tin 90, pp. 8-10. Washington, 1905. 8°.) National academy of sciences, Washington. Investigation of the scientific and economic relations of the sorghum sugar industry, being a report made in response to a request from the Hon. George B. Loring, U. S. commissioner of agricul- ture, by a committee of the National academy of sciences, November, 1882. Washington: Government printing office., 1883. 152 pp. 8'- oo " Bibliography of sorghum " : pp. 148-152. CoNTKNTS. — pt. I. Report of the committee. — pt. II. Conclusion and summary. — pt. III. Appended papers. — — — Report on glucose, prepared by the National academy of sci- ences, in response to a request made l)y the commissioner of internal revenue. Washington: Government printing office., 1881^. 108 pp. 8°. Appendix E. Bibliography of starch-sugar: prepared by E. .7. Hallock: pp. [65]-102. (Arranged chronologically, 1790- 1883.) National board of trade. Report from the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce on the Beet-sugar industry. (In its Proceedings. 29th annual meeting, December, 1898, pp. 78-99. Philadelphia.) 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Newlands, John A. R. Sugar: a handbook for planters and re- finers, being a comprehensive treatise on the culture of sugar-yeilding plants, and the manufacture, refining, and analysis of cane, beet, palm, maple, melon, sorghum, and starch sugars; with copious statistics of their production and commerce, and a chapter on the distillation of rum. By the late John A. R. Newlands and Benjamin E. R. Newlands. London: E. & F. T. Spon^ limited; New Yorh: Span emical control, for use in the factories of the Cuban-American sugar company. Cha- parra, Xneva Luisa, Tinguaro, Unidad, Mercedita, refinery at Cardenas. New Yoi'k: The Cuban- Ameiican sugar company^ 1907. 20 pp. Tables. 8°. Eeport of experiments in the manufacture of sugar at Mag- nolia station, Lawrence, La., season of 1885-86-1888-9. Washington: Government printing ofice, 1886-1889. 3 nos. Folded plate. 8°. (U. S. Dept. of agnculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bulletin., no. 11., 15, 21.) Utilization of residues from beet-sugar manufacture in cattle feeding. {In U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1898, pp. 213-220. Washington, 1899. S°.) Spons' encyclopfiedia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and com- mercial products. Edited by Charles G. AVarnford Lock. Division V. London : E. d- F. Spon, 1882. Ji.°. " Sugar," pp. 18.30-1977. Squier, Geo. L., mfg. company. Illustrated catalogue 61-E of the latest and most improved machinery for sugar planta- tions . . . manufactured only by the Geo. L. Squier mfg. company. [Bu/falo: The G. L. Squier mfg. company., 1904-] 186 pp. Illustrations. 8°. * Stammer, Karl. Der Dampf in der Zuckerfiibrik. Magdeburg : A. Rathke, 1891-1894. 2 'vols. 8°. * Lehrbuch der Zuckerfabrikation. 2d ed. Braunschweig: Vleweg und Sohn, 1887. xxxviii^ 14^4 PP- 8°. * Taschenkalendar fiir Zuckerfabrikanten. Berlin: P. Parey, 1908. 291pp. 8°. sugar: chemistry and manufacture 75 Stammer, Karl. Traite complet theorique et pratique de la fabrica- tion du Sucre, guide de fabricant ... 3. tirage, augm. de deux supplements. Paris: E. Lacroix \187-'\ viii, (8), 1^95 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8°. {Bihliotheque scientiflque-industrielle et agri- cole des arts et metiers. 1 ) Premier supplement annuaire. Compte rendu des pro- gres de la science et de I'industrie sucriere . . . annees 1870 et 1871. Paris: E. Lacroix \187-'\ cxi pp. Illustrations. Tables. 8°. Deuxieme supplement. Compte rendu des progres de la science et de I'industrie sucriere pour les annees 1873 et 1874. Paris: E. Lacroix, 1875. (4), 95 pp. Illustrations. Dia- grams. 8°. Wegweiser in der Zuckerfabrikation. Vorzugsweise zum Gebrauch fiir Fabrikbeamte, Techniker, Siedemeister &c. Braunschweig: Vieweg und Sohn, 1876. xi, 296 pp. 8°. Stansbury, Charles Frederick. Chinese sugar-cane and sugar mak- ing; its history, culture, and adaptation to the climate, soil, and economy of the United States. With an account of various processes of manufacturing sugar. Drawn from authentic sources. New York : C. M. Saxton and company., 1857. 106 pp. Il- lustrations. 12°, Stewart, F. L. Sugar made from maize and sorghum. A new discovery. Washington, D. C: The Republic company, 1878. 102 pp. Tables. 12°. Stewart, James. Steam engineering on sugar plantations, steam- ships, and locomotive engines. New York: RusselVs American steam printing house, 1867. 138 pp. 12°. Steydn, Ernst. Die Untersuchung des Zuckers und Zuckerhaltiger Stoffe sowie der Hilfsmaterialen der Zuckerindustrie. Wien: A. IIartsleben\s Verlag, 1893. xvi, 397 pp. Illustra- tions. 12°. {Chemisch-technische Bibliothek, Bd. 206.) 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS *Stift, Ant. Leitfaden fiir Znckerfabrikschemiker. Wien: W. F nek; 1900. x, 168 pp. Plates. 8°. Stillnian, O. B. Installations of cane mills, multiple effects, vacuum pans, filters and cane sugar making machinery. Havana, Cuba, New York, 1901^. m pp. Illustrations. Diagrams. 8°. English and Spanish in parallel columns. On cover : Cane sugar machinery. '^Stohmann, F. Handbuch der Zuckerfabrikation. 4. Aufl. von A. Riimpler. Berlin: P. Parey, 1899. xvi, 64S pp. Plates. 8°. Stolle, F. Handbuch fiir Zuckerfabriks-chemiker. Methoden und Vorschriften fiir die Untersuchung von Rohprodukten, Erzeugnissen und Hilfsprodukten der Zuckerindustrie. Berlin: P. Parey, 190 If. xix,o8S, {!) pp. Illustrations. 8°. * Strohmer, F. Der Zucker als Nahrstoff. Wien,1899. 8°. Stutzer, A[Ibert]. Zucker und Alkohol. Die Eigenschaften von Zucker und Alkohol in physiologischer, sozialer und volks- wirtschaftlicher Beziehung. Berlin: P. Parey, 1902. {If) 60 pp. 8°. " Litteraturangaben " : pp. [59]-60. Tacanni, Alessandro. Fabbricazione dello zucchero di barbabietola. Milno: Hoepli,1901. x, {2), 228 pp. 8°. {LHndustria dello zucchero. Hi.) Tayler, Alexander James Wallis- Sugar machinery; a descriptive treatise devoted to tiie machinery and apparatus used in the manufacture of cane and beet sugars. 2d ed., enl. and extensively rev. London: W. Rider and son; New York: Van Nostrand c& co. [1909f^xi},S69pp. Illustrations. Tables. 12°. (Rider's technical series j no. 7.) Bibliography, pp. 355-35G. *Thielinann, L. H. Die Dnmpfkessel nebst ihrer wollstandigen Ausriistung fiir die Zuckerindustrie. Berlin: Muckenhergergeh., 1889. 202pp. Illustrations. 8°. sugar: chemistry and manufacture 77 Thorpe, Frank Hall. Outlines of industrial chemistry ; a text -book for students. 2d ed. rev. and enl. ^ -" New York: The Macmillan company^ 1908. 8°. " Caue sugar," pp. 387-401. Townsend, Charles Orrin. Methods of reducing the co.st of pro- ducing beet sugar. (In U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1906, pp. 265-278. illus., pi. xiii-xiv. Washington, 1907. 8°.) Tucker, J. H. A manual of sugar analysis, including the applica- tions in general of analytical methods of the sugar in- dustry. With an introduction on the chemistry of cane- sugar, dextrose, levulose, and milk-sugar. New York: D. Van Nostrand^ 1881. 353 pj). lUustra- tions. 8°. United States. Department of ugncuUure. Circular letter from the commissioner of agriculture relative to the manufac- ture of maize and sorghum sugars. Washington: Government printing office., 1879. 21 pp. 8°. Signed : W. G. Le Due, commissioner of agriculture. Treasury dept. Division of customs. Statement relative to the artificial coloring of imported sugars. Prepared by Dr. Gideon E. Moore. Washington: Government pn'inting office., 1881. 26 pp. 8°. " Treasury department, document no. 223. Secretary. Cus- toms." lire's dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines. By Robert Hunt and F. W. Rudler. 7th ed., rev. and greatly enl. Vol. 3. London: Longmans., Green., and co.., 1876. 8°. " Sugar," pp. 925-951. *Verzeichnis der Riibenzuckerfabriken und Zucker-Raffinerien im deutschen Reiche, sowie in Oesterreich-Ungarn. Frank- reich, Russland (mit Finnland), Belgien, den Nieder- landen, Danemark, Schweden, England, Italien, Spanien, RumJinien, Bulgarien, Serbien, Tiirkei und Nordamerika. XXV. Jahrgang Campagne 1908-09. Magdeburg: Albert Rathke''s Verlagsbuchhandhing., 1908. xxvii, If20 pp. 8°. (Albert Rafhke's " Bibliothek fiir Zucker-Interessenten^ Bd. 1.) The Library of Congress has the vol. for 1901-02. 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS *Wagner, Ladislans von. Die Stiirke-, Dextrin- unci Trauben- ^ zuckerfabrikation. 2. vermehrte Ausgabe. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg and Sohn, 1886. xxvi, 720 pp. 8°. Wagner, Eiulolf von. ^laniial of chemical technology. Tr. and ed. by Sir AVilliam Crookes. Xeic Yoik: D. Appleton d; co., 1900. Jf°. " Sugar."" pp. 684-712. Walklioff, Louis. Der praktische Eiibenziickerfabrikant iind Raf- finadeur. Ein Lehr- und Hiilfsbuch fiir Riibenzuckerfa- brikanten, Betriebsdirigenten Siedemeister, Maschinen- baiier, Ingenieure, Landwirthe und Studirende an land- wirthschaftlichen Lehranstalten. 4. neu bearb. und verm. Aufl. B raunschioeig : F. Vieweg unci Sohn, 1872. 2 vols. Illus- trations. Plates. 8°. Traite complet de fabrication et raffinage du sucre de bette- raves. 2. ed. frangaise. Tr. sur la 4. ed. allemande et con- siderablement augm. par E. Merijot et J. Gay-Lussac. Paris: F. Savy, 187 If. 2 vols. Illustrations. Tables. Dia- grams. 8°. Ware, Lewis S. Beet -sugar manufacture and refining, v. 1-2. 1st ed. 1st thousand. New York: J. Wiletj <& sons; [etc., etc.] 1905-1907. 2 vols. Illustrations. Diagrams. 8°. Contents. — v. 1. Extraction and epuration.^v. 2. Evapora- tion, graining and factory control. * A study of the various sources of sugar. Philadelphia, 1881. 8°. Wein, Ernst. Tal)les for the quantitative estimation of the sugars. Translated, with additions, by "William Frew. London : E. ct' F. T. Spon, 1896. xiv, 128 pp. 8°. Wiechmann, Ferdinand Gerhard. Sugar analysis. For refineries, sugar-houses, experimental stations, etc., and as a hand- book of instruction in schools of chemical technology. New York: John Wiley d' sons, 1890. {2), vii, {1),187 pp. 8°. Same. 2d rev. ed. First thousand. New York: J. Wiley <& sons, 1893. vii, 187 pp. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. " References to literature on sugar analysis " : pp. 110-112. SUGAE : CHEMISTEY AND MANUFACTUEE 79 Wiley, Harvey "Washington. Diffusion. Its application to sugar- cane, and record of experiments with sorghum in 1883. Washington: Government printing office^ 188 J^, 36 fp. Plates. 8°. {U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bulletin no. 2.) Experiments with diffusion and carbonation at Ottawa, Kan- sas, camj^aign of 1885. Washington: Government printing office .^ 1885. 20 pp. 8°. (U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bul- letin no. 6.) Methods and machinery for the application of diffusion to the extraction of sugar from sugar cane and sorghum, and for the use of lime, and carbonic and sulphurus acids in purifying the diffusion juices. Washington: Government printing office., 1886. 85 pp. Folded plates. 8°. {U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bulletin no. 8.) Record of experiments at Fort Scott, Kansas, in the manu- facture of sugar from sorghum and sugar canes, in 1886. Washington: Government j^rinting office., 1887. 6 If. pp. 8°. (U. jS. Dept. of agricidture. Bureau of chemistry. Bul- letin no. 14-) Record of experiments conducted by the Commissioner of agri- culture in the manufacture of sugar from sorghimi and sugar canes at Fort Scott, Kansas; Rio Grande, New Jersey, and Lawrence, Louisiana. 1887-1888. Washington: Government printing office., 1888. 118 pp. Plates. 8°. {U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bulletin no. 17.) Record of experiments conducted by the Commissioner of agri- culture in the manufacture of sugar from sorghum at Rio Grande, Xew Jersey : Kenner, Louisiana ; Conway Springs, Douglass, and Sterling, Kansas. 1888. Washington: Government pnnting office, 1889. 162 pp. 8°. {U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bulletin no. 20.) Record of experiments in the production of sugar from sor- ghum in 1889. Washington: Government printing office, 1890. 112 pp. 8°. {U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bul- letin no. 26.) 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Wiley, Harvey Washington. Record of experiments with sorghum in 1890-1893. Washington: Government printing office, 1891-1894' 4 nos. Folded table. 5°. {U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bulletin nos. 29, 34, 37, 40.) The sugar industry of the United States. Washington: Government printing office, 1885. 224 VV' Illustrations. Folded plates. Folded map. 8°. {U. S. Department of agnculture. Chemical division. Bidletin no. 5.) Contents. — Introduction. Part 1. Cane sugar ; 2. Beet sugar ; 3. Sorghum sugar: 4. Maple sugar. Sugar-producing plants. Record of analyses made by author- ity of the Commissioner of agriculture, under the direction of the Chemist, 1887-88. Sorghum: Fort Scott, Kansas; Rio Grande, Xew Jersey. Sugar cane : Lawrence, Louisi- ana; together with a study of the data collected on sor- ghum and sugar cane. Washington: Government printing office, 1888. 132 pp. 8°. {U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Bidletin no. IS.) Wilhelmy, Ludwig [Ferdinand]. L'eber das Gesetz, nach welchem die Einwirkung der Sauren auf den Rohrzucker statt- findet. Hrsg. von W. Ostwald. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1891. 47', {!) PP- Tables. 12°. {Ostwald''s Klassiker der exakten W issenschaften, nr. 29.) First published in Poggendorff's Annalen, bd. 81, 1850. " Wilhelmy's Lebenslauf" and " Vei'zeichnis des wissenschaft- lichen Arbeiten von Dr. Ludwig Wilhelmy," by G. Quinclje : pp. 45-47. *Woodcroft, B. Abridgments of specifications relating to sugar. A. D. 1 663-1 8GG. London, 1871. 442 pp. 8°. Wuthe, Wilhelm /. c. Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm. Ueber den Einfluss der Riibenmelasse und einiger ihrer Praparate auf die Milchsekretion. Breslau: Dr. R. GalWa Buchdruckerei, 1900. 88, (4) pp. 8°. sugae: chemistry and manufacture 81 Zabel's Jahr- unci Adressbuch der Zuckerfabriken Eiiropa's fiir die Kampagne 1909/10. Hrsg. vom " Centralblatt fiir die Zuckerindustrie." Magdehiirg : Yerlagsanstalt fiir Zuckerindustrie [1909~\. 8°. *Der Zucker, beurteilt von arztlichen Autoritaten. BeHin: C. Skopnik, 1901. IS -pp. 8°. Die Zuckerindustrie. , Leipzig und Berlin: B. G. Teubner^ 1905. 2 vols, in 1. Illustrations. 8°. ( Teuhners Handhucher fiir Handel und Gewei'he hrsg. von . . . van der Borght . . . Schumacher . . . und . . . Stegemann . . . ) Contents. — I. Claassen, H. Die Zuckerfabrikation, von Dr. H. Claasseu imd Dr. W. Bartz.— II. Pilet, O. Der Ziickerhandel. 87489—10 G UNITED STATES CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS Note. — The heavy-face numerals at the end of the titles are the serial num- bers used in the check list of documents, published by the Superintendent of documents. 1818. Rej)ort of the Committee on ways and means, upon the sub- ject of allowing a drawback on refined sugars exported from the United States. March 20, 1818. ^ 1 page. 8°. 15th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 16Jf. 11 1825. Eeport of the Committee of ways and means, on drawbacks on refined sugar. February 14, 1825. 2 pp. 8°. 18th Congress, 2d session. House doc. ?io. 67. 122 1828. Drawbacks on refined sugar. Report from the Committee on commerce, to whom the petitions of the sugar refiners of Philadelphia and Baltimore were referred. January 3, 1828. 5 pp. 8^ 20th Congress, 1st session. House reyort no. 51. 176 1830. Sugar imported. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, communicating the information ... in relation to brown sugars imported into the United States, from 30th Sep- tember, 1815, etc., etc. December 29, 1830. 6 pp. 8°. 21st Congress,- 2d session. House doc. no. 18. 206 1831. Report from the Committee on manufactures, to whom was referred the bill (S. 147) to reduce and fix the duties on sugars imported into the United States. February 16, 1831. 3 pp. 8°. 21st Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 56. 204 1831. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, relative to draw- backs on refined sugar, and attempts fraudulently to ob- tain the same. February 19, 1831. 3 pp. 8°. 21st Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 59. 204 82 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON SUGAR 83 1831. Brown and white sugar, imported. Letter from the Secre- tary of the treasury, transmitting a statement of the quan- tity and vahie of brown and white sugar imported an- nually from 1st October, 1820, to 30th September, 1829, &c., &c. January 15, 1831. 11 pp. 8°. 21st Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 55. 208 1831. Sugar cane, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, . . . upon the subject of the cultivation of the sugar cane, and the manufacture and refinement of sugar. January 19, 1831. G8 pp. 8°. 21st Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 62. 208 1831. Sugar manufactured in the United States, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting, ... a report upon the subject of sugar manufactured in the United States, &c. March 2, 1831. 7 pp. 8°. 21st Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 13If. 209^ 1832. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, ... in relation to frauds upon the Treasury in introducing sugar into the United States in the form of sy-rup. May 2, 1832. 18 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 139. 214 1832. Louisiana sugar refinery. [Resolution and report of the Louisiana legislature.] April 23, 1832. 2 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 220. 220 1833. Memorial of sundry sugar refiners of Baltimore, praying that the duties on clayed sugars may be reduced. January 31, 1833. 2 pp. 8°. ^ 22d Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 62. 230 1834. Documents relating to the " bill (S. no. 182) to repeal certain provision of 'An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties,' " approved 14th July, 1832. May 28, 1834. 3 pp. 8°. 23d Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. Jfi6. 242 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1838. Mulberry and su. I'.Mt. July, 1896, pp. 5.30-536. 1896. Beet-^sugar industry in France. Consul C. W. Chancellor, Havre, July 29, 1896. Vol. 52, no. 193, Oct., 1896, pp. 287-293. sugar: articles in u. s. consular reports 121 1896. Beet-sugar laws of Austria and France. Consul Julius Muth, Madgeburg, Aug. 13, 1896. A'ol. 52, no. 193, Oct., 1S96, pp. 294-295. 1896. Production of starch sugar from rice. Reports from various consular officers in rice-producing coun- tries. Vol. 52, no. 195, Dec, 1896, pp. 505-559. 1896. Beet-sugar crop of Europe. Consul Julius Mutli, Madgeburg, Oct. 23, 1896. A'ol. 52, no. 195, Dec, 1896, pp. 590-592. 1897. A new crisis in German sugar production. Consul-General Frank H. Mason, Frankfort, Nov. 28, 1896. Vol. 53, no. 197, Feb., 1897. pii. 167-170. 1897. German beet-sugar returns for 1895-96. Consul Julius Muth, Madgeburg, Dec 14, 1896. Vol. 53, no. 197, Feb., 1897, pp. 170-172. 1897. Sugar exports from Austria-Hungary. Consul Carl Bailey Hurst, Prague, Nov. 30, 1896. Vol. 53, no. 198, Mar., 1897, pp. 342-343. 1897. Sugar industry of the Dominican republic. Minister Henry M. Smythe, Macoris, Jan. 9, 1897. Vol. 53, no. 199, Apr., 1897, pp. 498-499. 1897. The sugar industry in the West Indies. Vice Commercial Agent Lewis H. Percival, St. Christopher, Feb. 13, 1897. Vol. 54, uo. 200, May, 1897, pp. 138-140. 1897. The beet-sugar crisis in Europe. Proposed legislation in Belgiinn. Consul Henry C. Morris, Ghent, Apr. 29, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 201, June, 1897, pp. 304-309. 1897. Effect of the German sugar law. Consul Julius Muth, Madgeburg, Apr. 30, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 201, June, 1897, pp. 309-310. 1897. Sugar-beet planting in Germany. Consul-General Frank H. Mason, Frankfort, May 6, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 201, June, 1897, pp. 310-311. 1897. Beet-sugar factory sites. Consul Julius Muth, Magdeburg, June 3, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 203, Aug.. 1897, pp. 524-526. 122 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1897. Cooperation in German sugar production. Consiil-General Frank H. Masou. Frankfort. Consul Julius Muth. Magdeburg. A'ol. 55. no. 20G. Nov., 1897, pp. 341-349. 1898. Sugar in the Xetherlands. Acting Consul Albertus Vinke, Amsterdam, Nov, 17. 1897. Vol, 56. no. 200. Feb.. 1808. pp. 2,36-237. 1897. Sugar in the HaAvaiian Islands. Consul-General William Haywood. Honolulu. Nov. 24, 1897. \o\. 56, no, 209, Feb.. 1898. pp. 238-239. 1898. The world's sugar production. Consul Henry W. Diederich. Magdeburg. Oct. 25, 1897. Vol. 56, no. 209, Feb., 1898. pp. 239-242. 1898. Sugar in British Guiana. Consul Andrew J. Patterson. Demerara, Jan. 19. 1898. Vol. 56. no. 210. Mar.. 1808. pp. 408-109. 1898. A German view of United States beet sugar. Cousul-CJeneral Frank H. Mason, Frankfort, Feb. 10, 1898. Vol. 56, no. 211, Apr.. 1898, pp. 492-493. 1898. The German beet-sugar industry. Consul-General Julius Goldsclimidt. Berlin. Feb. 12. 1898. Vol. 56. no. 211. Apr.. 1898, pp. 494-500. 1898. Sugar trade in Japan. Consul-General J. F. Gowey. Yokohama. Mar. 4, 1898. Vol. 57, no. 213. June. 1898. pp. 302-303. 1898. Beet sugar exports from German3\ Consul-General Julius Goldschmidt, Berlin. Vol. 58, IK). 216. Sept.. 1808. pp. 57-58. 1898. Competition of Cuban sugar. Consul Talbot J. Albert, Brunswick, Aug. 28, 1898. Vol. 58, no. 218. Nov.. 1898. pp. 421-422. 1898. Importance of good seed in the sugar-beet cultivation. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Magdeburg, Sept. 1, 1898. Vol. 58. no. 218. Nov.. 1898. pp. 451^54. 1899. Sugar in Natal. Consul-General J. G. Stowe. Cape Town, Sept. 14, 1898. Vol. 59, no. 220, Jan.. 1899. pp. 30-32. 1899. European sugar-crop estimates. Consul H. W. Diederich, Magdeburg. Dec. 1, 1898. Vol. 59, no. 222, Mar., 1899. pp. 460-461. sugak: articles in u. s. consular reports 123 1899. Beet cultivation in Italy. Consul H. Abert Johnson, Venice, Nov. 26, 1898. Vol. 59, no. 222, Mar., 1899, pp. 461-46.3. 1899. Germany's beet-sugar industry from 1877 to 1899. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Magdeburg. Apr. 20. 1899. Vol. 60, no. 226, July 1899, pp. 471-474. 1899. Consumption of beet sugar in German3^ Consul W. K, Anderson, Hanover, Apr. 24. 1899. Vol. 60, no. 227, Aug., 1899, pp. 655-656. 1899. Sugar in Paraguay. Vice-Consul W. Harrison, Asuncion, May 17, 1899. Vol. 61, no. 228, Sept., 1899, pp. 47-^8. 1899. Sugar industry in Trinidad. Minister F. B. Loomis, Caracas, June 14, 1899. Vol. 61, no. 228, Sept., 1899, pp. 61-62. 1899. The German beet-sugar campaign of 1898-99. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Magdeburg. Aug. 31. 1899. Vol. 61, no. 230, Nov., 1899, pp. 393-395. 1900. European sugar production. Consul W. P. Atwell, Roubaix, Oct. 17, 1899. Vol. 62, no. 232, Jan., 1900, pp. 88-89. 1900. Russian sugar prospects. • ' Consul T. E. Heenan, Odessa, Oct. 4, 1899. Vol. 62, no. 232, Jan., 1900, pp. 89-91. 1900. Estimate of the year's sugar crop. Consul Henry W. Diederich. Magdeburg. Nov. 1, 1899. Vol. 62, no. 233, Feb., 1900, pp. 154-157. 1900. Necessity for best seed in sugar-beet cultivation. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Magdeburg, Nov. 9, 1899. Vol. 62, no. 233, Feb., 1900, pp. 157-160. 1900. The German sugar markets. Commercial Agent Louis Stern, Bamberg, Nov. 11, 1899. Vol. 62, no. 233, Feb., 1900, pp. 160-163. 1900. Sugar crop of Hawaii. Vice and Deputy Consul-Genera 1 W. P. Boyd, Honolulu, Nov. 23, 1899. Vol. 62, no. 233, Feb., 1900, pp. 222-223. 1900. Packing sugar in Java. Consul Sidney B. Everett, Batavia, Nov. 14, 1899. Vol. 62, no. 234, Mar., 1900, pp. 345-346. 124 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1900. Maple-sugar industry in Quebec. Commercial Agent Felix S. S. Johnson, Stanbridge, April 10, 1900. Vol. 63, no. 238, July. 1900, pp. 290-291. 1900. Sugar as food. Vice-Consul George H. Murphy, Magdeburg, Mar. 21, 1900. Vol. 63, no. 238, July, 1900, pp. 321-324. 1900. The sugar trade of Egypt in 1899. Vice-Consul George H. Murphy, Magdeburg. June 21, 1900. Vol. 64, no. 241, Oct., 1900, pp. 159-100. 1900. German beet-sugar industry. Vice-Consul George H. Murphy, Magdeburg, June 13. 1900. Vol. 64, no. 241, Oct., 1900, pp. 160-164. 1900. Utilization of sugar-beet waste as manure. Vice-Consul George H. Murphy, Magdeburg, June 21, 1900. Vol. 64, no. 241. Oct., 1900, pp. 164-165. 1900. Germany's sugar exportation. Vice-Consul George H. Murphy, Magdeburg, June 15, 1900. Vol. 64, no. 241, Oct., 1900, pp. 165-166. 1900. German sugar in Japan. Vice-Consul George H. Murphy, Magdeburg, August 4, 1900. Vol. 64, no. 242, Nov., 1900, pp. 322-323. 1900. German sugar industry. Consul Talbot J. Albert. Brunswick, Sept. 14, 1900. Vol. 64, no. 243, Dec, 1900, pp. 450-451. 1900. Beet-sugar industry of France. Consul John C. Covert, Lyons, August 17, 1900. Vol. 64, no. 243, Dec, 1900, pp. 452-153. 1901. Sugar industry in Spain. Consul-Gener.il Julius G. Lay. Barcelona, Nov. 22, 1900. Vol. 65. no. 246, Mar., 1901, pp. 304-305. 1901. Beet and cane sugars in Europe. Commercial Agent Walter T. Griffin, Limoges, Jan. 30. 1901. Vol. 65. no. 247, Apr., 1901, p. 473. 1901. Production of sugar in Spain. Consul-General Julius G. Lay, Barcelona, Jan. 20, 1901. Vol. 06. no. 248, May, 1901, pp. 70-71. 1901. Sugar industry in Spain. Consul Benj. H. Ridgely. Malngn. Feb. 11, 1901, Vol. 66, no. 248, May, 1901, pp. 71-72. sugar: articles in u. s. consular reports 125 1901. Sugar-beet industry in Europe. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, Mar. 21, 1901. Vol. 66, no. 249, June, 1901, pp. 237-238. 1901. Utilization of sugar-beet waste. Consul Max J. Baehr, Magdeburg, Apr. 2, 1901. Vol. 66, no. 250, July, 1901, pp. 357-360. 1901. Sugar industry in Europe. Consul Hugo Donzelmann, Prague, May 3, 1901. Vol. 66, no. 251, Aug., 1901, pp. 513-514. 1901. Sugar industry in Italy. Consul Frederick W. Hossfeld, Trieste, Sept. 6, 1901. Vol. 67, no. 254, Nov., 1901, pp. 883-384. 1901. The sugar industry in Brazil. Consul-General Eugene Seeger, Rio de Janeiro, September 6, 1901. Vol. 67, no. 255, Dec, 1901, pp. 554-556. 1902. Maple sugar and sirup in Europe. Reports from various consular officers. Vol. 68, no. 256, Jan., 1902, pp. 78-82. 1902. The impending crisis in European sugar. Consul-General Frank H. Mason, Berlin, Oct. 14, 1901. A^ol. 68, no. 256, Jan., 1902, pp. 82-83. 1902. Sugar industry of Saxony. Consul Brainard H. Warner, jr., Leipzig. Oct. 10. 1901. Vol. 68, no. 256, Jan., 1902, pp. 83-84. 1902. Approximate production of beet sugar in 1901. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, Oct. 12, 1901. Vol. 68, no. 256, Jan., 1902, pp. 84-85. 1902. French sugar yield of 1901-2. Consul W. P. Atwell, Roubaix, Oct. 2.3, 1901. Vol. 68, no. 2.56, Jan., 1902, p. 86. 1902. Approximate production of sugar for 1901. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, Oct. 24, 1901. Vol. 68, no. 2.57, Feb.. 1902. pp. 238-2.39. 1902. Utilizing beet residue and sawdust. Consul Adolph L. Frankenthal. Berne. Nov. 5. 1901. Vol. 68, no. 257, Feb., 1902, pp. 240-242. 1902. German sugar production and the cartel. Consul-General Frank H. Mason, Berlin, Dec. 17, 1901. Vol. 68, no. 258, Mar., 1902, pp. 328-331. 126 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1902. Drying beet pulp in Germany. Consul Max J. Baehr, Magdeburg, Dec. 13, 1901. Vol. 68, no. 258, Mar., 1902, pp. 331-332. 1902. Sugar production in Europe. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, Dec. 16, 1901. Vol. 68, no, 259, Apr., 1902, pp. 564-565. 1902. Cane-sugar crop in Spain. Consul Benjamin H. Ridgely, Malaga, Feb. 21, 1902. Vol. 69, no. 260, May, 1902, page 141. 1902. Spanish sugar syndicate. Consul-Genera 1 Robert P. Skinner, Marseilles, Feb. 7, 1902. Vol. 69, no. 260. May, 1902, pp. 141-142. 1902. Brussels sugar convention. March 5, 1902. Minister I.. Townsend. Brussels, Mar. 6, 1902. Vol. 69, no. 260, May, 1902. pp. 142-147. 1902. German sugar interests since the Brussels conference. Consul-General Frank H. Mason, Berlin, Apr. 25 and May 3, 1902. Vol. 69, no. 262, July, 1902, pp. 416-421. 1902. The Brussels conference and Russian sugar. Consul Thomas E. Heenan, Odessa, Mar. 28, 1902. Vol. 69, no. 262, July, 1902, pp. 421-422. 1902. Freight rebates on Jamaica sugar for England. Consul W. B. Sorsby. Kingston, Apr. 7. 1902. Vol. 69, no. 263. July, 1902. pp. 511-512. 1902. West Indian sugar for Canada. Commercial Agent Joseph Haven. St. Christopher, Apr. 14, 1902. Vol. 69, no. 263, July, 1902, page 513. 1902. Cattle food from sugar cane in the West Indies. Consul George Sawter. Antigua. May 1, 1902. Vol. 69, no. 263, Aug., 1902, page 562. 1902. Production of sugar in Sergipe. Consul H. W. Fumiss. Bahia, Apr. rj, 1902. Vol. 69. no. 263. Aug., 1902. pp. 577-584. 1902. Sugar industry in Bahia. Consul H. W. Fumiss, Bahia, Apr. 19, 1902, Vol. 69, no. 263, Aug.. 1902. pp. 584-589. 1902. The sowings of sugar beets in Europe. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, May 25, 1902. Vol. 69. no. 263. Aug., 1902, pp. 634-636. sugae: akticles in xj. s. consular reports 127 1902. Sugar production in Spain. Consular Agent A. E. Carleton, Almeria. Vol. 70, no. 264, Sept., 1902, page 43. 1902. Sugar in Peru. Minister I. B. Dudley, Lima, June 20, 1902. Vol. 70, no. 264, Sept., 1902, page 107. 1902. Convention of sugar producers of Brazil. Consul H. W. Furniss, Bahia, July 5, 1902. Vol. 70, no. 265, Oct., 1902, page 155. 1902. Trinidad sugar industry. Consul Alviu Smith, Trinidad, July 11, 1902. Vol. 70, no. 265. Oct.. 1902, page 166. 1902. Sugar production in Cuba. Minister H. G. Squiers, Habana, Aug. 28, 1902. Vol. 70, no. 266, Nov.. 1902, page 385. 1902. Beet-root culture in France: sugar yield. Consul Thornwell Haynes, Rouen, Sept. 20. 1902. Vol. 70, no. 267, Dec, 1902, pp. 537-538. 1902. French sugar bounties. Consul Thornwell Haynes. Rouen. Sept. 11, 1902. Vol. 70, no. 267, Dec, 1902, pp. 538-539. 1903. Estimates of sugar crop for 1902-3. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, Oct. 18, 1902. Vol. 71, no. 268, Jan., 1903, pp. 106-108. 1903. National consumption of sugar. Consul Frank W. Mahiu. Nottingham, Oct. 16, 1902. Vol. 71. no. 268. Jan., 1903,, page 108. 1903. Cultivation of beet seed from imported mother seed. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, Oct. 10, 1902. A^ol. 71, no. 268, Jan., 1903, pp. 109-111. 1903. Sugar crop in Santiago de Cuba. Consul R. E. Holaday, Santiago de Cuba, Dec. 3, 1902. Vol. 71, no. 269, Feb., 1903, page 197. 1903. Beet-sugar manufacture in Ontario. Consul E. N. Gunsaulus, Toronto, Nov. 11, 1902. Vol. 71, no. 269, Feb., 1903, page 213. 1903. Estimates of European sugar production. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, Nov. 6, 1902. Vol. 71, no. 269, Feb., 1903, pp. 256-257. 128 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. Brussels conference and French sugar. Consul John C. Covert. Lyons. Dec. 20, 1902. Vol. 71, no. 270, Mar., 1903, pp. 382-584. 1903. Manufacture of sugar in France. Consul Thornwell Haynes. Rouen. Jan. o. 1903, Vol. 71, no. 270, Mar., 1903, page 385. 1903. European sugar production. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen. Dec. 15, 1902. Vol. 71, no. 270, Mar.. 1903, pp. 385-386. 1903. Sugar crop in Santa Clara, Cuba. Consul Max J, Baehr, Cienfuegos. Jan. 2.3, 1903. Vol. 71, no. 271, Apr., 1903, page 521. 1903. German sugar bill. Ambassador Charlemagne Tower, Berlin. Jan. 23, 1903. Vol. 71. no. 271. Apr., 1903, pp. 542-543. 1903. Sugar production in Spain. Acting Vice-Consul Harry H. Hallatt, Madrid, Jan. 12, 1903. Vol, 71, no, 271, Apr., 1903, page 575, 1903. Sugar refining in Japan. Consul-General E. C. Bellows, Yokohama. Jan. 28, 1903. Vol. 72, no. 272, May, 1903, pp. 102-101. 1903. Proposed sugar trust in Spain. Consul-General Julius G. Lay. Barcelona, Mar. 24, 1903. Vol. 72, no. 273, June, 1903, pp. 234-235. 1903. Sugar production of Cuba. Minister Squiers, Habana. May 29, 1903. Vol. 72, no. 275. Aug., 1903, pp. 507-508. 1903. Dried sugar beets as food for farm animals. Consular Clerk George H. Murphy. Frankfort, June 30, 1903. Vol. 73, no. 27G, Sept., 1903, pp. 108-109. 1903. Kussia's new sugar law. Consul-General W. R. Holloway, St. Petersburg. June 26, 1903. ^•(.l. 73. no. 276, Sept.. 1903, pp. 109-111. 1903. Sugar intki.stry of Austria-Hungary. Consul Ethelbert Watts, Prague, Austria, July 22, 1903, ^■()l. 73. no. 277. Oct., 1903, pp. 318-319. 1903. Government aid to West Indian sugar producers. Consul W. R. Estes, Antigua. June 1.5, 1903. Vol. 73, no. 277, Oct., 1903, pp. 320-321. sugar: aeticles iist u. s. consular reports 129 1903. Xew sugar regime in France. Consul Benj. H. Ridgely, Nantes, France. Aug. 20, 1903. Vol. 73, no. 278, Nov., 1903, pp. 529-530. 1903. Sugar in France. Consul Thornwell Haynes, Rouen, Sept. 1 1903. Vol. 78, no. 279, Dec, 1903, pp. 661-G62. 1904. German beet-sugar production. Consul Talbot J. Albert. Brunswick. Germany. Sept. 22. 1903. Vol. 74, no. 2S0, Jan., 1904, pp. 153-154. 1904. Sugar industry in Siam, Consul-General Paul Nash. Bangkok, Siam, Sept. 10. 1903. Vol. 74. no. 280, Jan., 1904. pp. 211-212. 1904. French sugar harvest of 1902-3. Consul Thornwell Haynes, Rouen, Oct. 21, 1903. Vol. 74, no. 281, Feb., 1904, pp. 411^12. 1904. Xew sugar bonus in Hungary. Consul Frank Dyer Chester, Budapest, Oct. 19, 1903. Vol. 74, no. 281, Feb., 1904, pp. .345-346. 1904. Beet-sugar production and consumption. Consul Walter Schumann, Mainz, Oct. 27, 1903. Vol. 74, no. 281, Feb.. 1904, pp. 478-479. 1904. German beet-sugar industry. Consul Brainard H. Warner, jr., Leipzig, Dec. 2, 1903. Vol. 74, no. 282, Mar., 1904, pp. 684-700. 1904. Decrease in export of raw sugar from Germany. Consul John E, Kehl, Stettin, Jan. 7, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 283, Apr., 1904, page 211. 1904. Sugar-beet crop in Europe. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, Jan. 2, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 283, Apr., 1904, page 212. 1904. Cuban vs. European sugar. Consul Urbain J. Ledoux, Prague, Dec. 21, 1903. Vol. 75, no. 283, Apr., 1904, page 213. 1904. Beet-sugar production in England. Consul Frank W. Mahin, Nottingham, Mar. 18, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, pp. 702-704. 1904. Beet-sugar statistics. Consul Henry W. Diederich. Bremen, Feb. 29, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, pp. 704-708. 87489—10 9 130 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Beet vs. cane sugar. Consul Frederick W. Hossfeld, Trieste, Apr. 6, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 2S5, June, 1904, pp. 944-946. 1904. Sugar-beet acreage in Europe. Consul Henry W. Diederich, Bremen, May lo, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, pp. 984-9S5. 1904. Beet-sugar institute at Berlin. Consul-General Frank H. Mason, Berlin, :May IS, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, pp. 1049-1050. 1904. West India sugar to Canada. Consul-General W. R. Holloway. Halifax, Nova Scotia. June 3, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, pp. 1052-1053. 1904. Beet sugar in Europe. Compiled in the Bureau of statistics from several European papers. No. 289, Oct., 1904, pp. 10-17. 1904. Beet-sugar production of Europe for the 1904-5 season. No. 290, Nov., 1904. pp. 106-107. 1904. Reduced beet-sugar crop in Europe. Consul-General Frank H. ^lason, Berlin, Nov. 5, 1904. No. 291, Dec, 1904, pp. 66-67. 1905. By-products from sugar factories. Consul Tbornwell Haynes, Rouen, Dec. 22, 1904. No. 292, Jan., 1905, p. 246. 1905. Sugar tax and sugar prices in the United Kingdom. Consul Frank W. Maliin. Nottingham, England, Feb. 1, 1905. No. 295, Apr., 1905, pp. 48-51. 1905. Treatment of sugar by " Redo." Consular Agent C. J. King, Lille, France, Mar. 0, 1905. No. 295, Apr., 1905, pp. 232-2.35. 1905. Sugar industry of Liberia. Consul-General Ernest Lyon, Monrovia, Lil)eria, Mar. S, 1905. No. 296, May, 1905, pp. 161-162. 1905. Growth of sugar in Mexico. Rapid development in Vera- cruz. Consul W. W. Canada, Veracruz, No. 298, July, 1905, pp. 19.3-190. 1905. Improved cane-sugar manufacture. Consul T. C. Jones, Funchal, Madeira. No. 298, July, 1905, pp. 128-130. sugar: articles in u. s. consular reports 131 1905. Sugar in Europe. Cousul Frederick W. Hossfekl. Trieste, Dec. 16, 1904. No. 292, Feb., 1905, pp. 159-160. 1905. Beet sugar. Output in Europe. Consul H. W. Diedericii, Bremen. No. 303, Dec, 1905, pp. 204-206. 1905. Australia. Growth of beets encouraged. Proposition to amend the bounty act. Cousul-General J. P. Bray. Melbourne. No. 303, Dec, 1905, pp. 206-208. 1905. Sugar beets. Canada. Large and profitable yield. Consul G. N. Ifft, Chatham. Ontario. No. 303, Dec, 1905, pp. 208-209. 1906. Sugar-beet industry. How conducted, and value of by- products in Germany. Consul H. W. Diederich, Bremen. No. 305, Feb., 1906, pp. 207-208. 1906. Great Britain. Beet sugar. Experiments that nia}^ lead to the production of sugar. Consul Frank W. Mahin, Nottingham. No. 306, Mar., 1906, pp. 166-167. 1906. Sugar. By-products from beets. Germany. Lessons to be learned from scientific German methods. Consul-General A. M. Thackara. Berlin. No. 307, Apr., 1906, pp. 188-190. 1906. Sugar. France. Scheme to increase prices by decreasing acreage. Consul-General R. P. Skinner, Marseille. No. 307, Apr., 1906, pp. 190-191. 1906. Sugar. Consumption. Per capita in Europe and the United States. F. O. Licht. Magdeburg, Feb. 16, 1906. No. 307, Apr., 1906, pp. 191-192. 1906. Cuba. Sugar crop. Operations the past two years. Consul-General Frank Steinhart. Habana. No. .309, June, 1906, p. 41. 1906. Sugar. The Cuban crop. Substantial increase in island's production. Consul-General Frank Steinhart, Habana. No. 312, Sept., 1906, pp. 99-100. 132 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1906. Sugar beet in Mexico. Plans for growing and manufac- turing on large scale. Consul-Geueral A. L. M. Gottschalk, Mexico city. No. 312. Sept.. 190G. w. 101-103. 1906. Sugar. Brazilian crop. Overproduction and prospective heavy losses. Consul George E. Anderson. Rio de Janeiro. N'o. 312, Sept., 1906, pp. 103-104. 1906. Sugar industry. Proposed reciprocity between Brazil and Canada. Consul-General George E. Anderson, Rio de Janeiro. Xo. 314, Nov. 1906, pp. 100-101. 1906. Sugar. Economical refining. Growth and factory methods in Madeira. Consul Maxwell Blake, Funcbal. No. 314. Nov., 1906, p. 102. 1907. Sugar. Xew cane pest. Becomes annoying only in wet sea- sons like present. * Consul W. W. Ilaudley. Trinidad. No. 316. Jan.. 1907. pp. 202-203. 1907. Sugar production. Present operations; in Cuba. The cost of manufacture. Consul Max J. Baelir, Cienfuegos. No. 317, Feb., 1907, pp. 123-124. 1907. British West Indian situation. Islands hope for continu- ance of Brussels convention. Consul W. TV. Handley, Trinidad. No. 317, Feb., 1907. p. 124. 1907. Beet sugar in Spain. Production during the past season. Consul-General B. H. Ridgely. Barcelona. No. 317. Feb., 1907, p. 12"). 1907. Sugar industry. Cuba. Consul Max J. Baehr, Cienfuegos. No. 31S, Mar., 1907, pp. 18-19. 1907. Canada. Duty on sugar. Preferential rate for British- grown. Consul-General John G. Foster, Ottawa. X.). .319, Apr., 1907, pp. 133-134. 1907. Sugar industry. Formosa. Increased production — govern- mental encouragement. Consul Julean H. Arnold, Tatnsui. No. 319, Apr.. 1907. pp. 21 6-21 S. SUGAR : ARTICLES IX U. S. CONSULAR REPORTS 133 1907. Sugar trade. Great Britain. Eesults of experiments in England [cultivation- of sugar beets]. Consul F. W. Mabin, Xottiugham. No. 320, May, 1907, p. 200. 1907. Sugar trade, Italy. United States greatest and South Eu- rope the lightest users. Consul J. E. Dunning, Milan. No. 321, June, 1907, pp. 136-137. 1907. Austria -Hungary. Heavy beet crop and large exportation of the product. Consul Urbain J. Ledoux, Pi-ague. No. 321, June, 1907, p. 137. 1907. Sugar. Mauritius. An increased production and decreased exportation. Consul Tbeodosius Botkiu, Port Louis. No. 321, June, 1907, pp. 137-138. 1907. Sugar. Canada's maf)le product. Government regulations for the handling of the product. Consular Agent A. E. Ingram, Montreal. No. 322, July, 1907, pp. 142-144. 1907. Japan. Law relating to drawbacks on sugar. Ambassador Lulve E. Wright, Tokyo. April 11, 1907. No. 322, July, 1907, p. 169. 1907. Mexico's crude sugar. Methods of manufacture — exporta- tion to United States. Vice-Consul-General Albert de Baer, Mexico City. No. 324, Sept., 1907, pp. 148-149. 1907. Argentine sugar shortage. Vice-Consul-General Otto Hollender, Buenos Aires. No. 325, Oct., 1907, pp. 114-115. 1907. Sweden. ^Manufacturers combine. Sugar makers and liquor distillers both form trusts. Consul R. S. S. Bergb, Gothenburg. No. 326. Nov.. 1907, pp. 19-20. 1907. Spanish sugar prices. Government restricts factories — high cost of native product. Consul-Geueral B. H. Ridgely, Barcelona. No. 326, Nov., 1907, pp. 1.50-151. 1907. Sugar production. China. Comparison of the Japanese make with the native product. Consul Thornwell Haynes, Nankin. No. 327, Dec. 1907, pp. 129-130. 134 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1908, United Kingdom. Per capita sugar consumption. Consul F. W. Mabiu. Xottiugbam. No, 328, Jan., 190S, p. 38. 1908. Sugar industry. Belgium. European discussion of the effects of Brussels convention. Consul H. Abert Jobnson. Liege. Belgium. No. 329, Feb., 1908, pp. 55-56. 1908. Mexican sugar industry. Special Agent Artbur B. Butman. No. 331, Apr., 1908, pp. 1.39-142. 1908. Sugar production. Mexico. Price of land and cost of prepa- ration for cane cultivation. Special Agent Artbur B. Butman. No. 332, May. 1908. pp. 85-86. 1908. Sugar production. Cuba. Reduced estimates of yield — poor business outlook. Consul-General James L. Rodgers. Habana. No. 332, May, 1908. p. 86. 1908. Japan. Xew sugar tax rates. Consul-General Henry B. Miller. Yokobama. No. 333. June. 1908, pp. 33-34. 1908. Sugar trade. Cuba. Consul-General James L. Rodgers, Habana. No. 3.34. July, 1908, pp. 78-79. 1908. Bohemian sugar-beet growers organize and secure conces- sions. Consul Josejtb I. Brittain. Prague. No. 334, July, 1908, pp. 96-97. 1908. Sugar. Egypt. Growth of the industry — present financial condition. Consul-General Lewis M. Iddings, Cairo. No. 335. Aug., 1908, pp. 107-109. 1908. Sugar. Xatal. Present development and importance of the industry. Consul Edwin S. Cunningbam. Durban. No. 335, Aug., 1908, pp. 109-111. 1908. Sugar. Ital^^ Value of the beet-sugar industry to the kingdom. Consul James E. Dunning, Milan. No. 335, Aug.. 1908, pp. 112-113. sugar: articles in u. s. consular reports 135 1908. Sugar. Formosa. Opportunities for builders and machine manufacturers. Consul Julean H. Arnold, Tamsiil. ^■o. 335, Aug., 1908, p. 114. 1908. Sugar. Russia. Crop yield for the present season and man- ufacturing results. Consul John H. Grout, Odessa. No. 335, Aug., 1908, p. 113. 1908. Sugar. China. Increasing consumption of sweets — trade changes. Vice-Consul Ernest Vollmer, Tsiugtau. No. 336, Sept., 1908, pp. 129-130. 1908. World's sugar industry. Convention of Brussels — crop and price fluctuations. Consul-General Henry W. Diederich, Antwerp. No. 336, Sept., 1908, pp. 132-134. 1908. Sugar production. Mexico. Excellent natural conditions are aided by cheap labor. Consul P. Merrill Griffith, Tampico. No. 337, Oct., 1908, p. 155. 1908. Sugar trade. Cuba. Government statistics of production. Consul Max J. Baehr, Cienfuegos. No. 338, Nov., 1908, pp. 102-103. 1908. Abandonment of beet sugar industry in Ontario. Consul A. G. Seyfert, Owen Sound. Ontario. No. 338, Nov., 1908, pp. 103-104. 1908. Korea. Development of the beet-sugar industry by the gov- ernment. Consul-General Thomas Sammons, Seoul. No. 339, Dec, 1908, pp. 123-124. 1908. Sugar industry. Brazil. Conflict between the producing and refining interests. Consul-General George E. Anderson, Kio de Janeiro. No. 339, Dec, 1908, pp. 118-122. 1908. China. Sugar production from beets grown around Harbin. Consul Fred D. Fisher, Harbin. No. 339, Dec, 1908, pp. 122-123. 1909. Cuba. Large forthcoming sugar crop — results for 1907. Consul-General James L. Rodgers, Habaua, Nov. 2, 1908. No. 340, Jan., 1909, pp. 51-52. 136 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS 1909. Cuba. Low per cent of saccharine matter — estimated yield. Consul-General James L. Rodgers, Habana, Dec. 16, 1908. No. 341, Feb., 1909, VV- 50-51. 1909. Russia. Quality and quantity of the beet crop. Vice-consul Alfred W. Smith, Odessa, Dec. 4, 1908. No. 341, Feb., 1909, p. 51. 1 909. Belgium. Production and resources this year compared with other seasons. Consul H. W. Diedei-icb, Antwerp. No. 341, Feb., 1909, pp. 52-54. 1909. World's sugar estimates. Belgium. Second report covering yield from beets and consumption. Consul H. W. Diederich. Antwerp, Dec. 23, 190S. No. 342, Mar., 1909, pp. 70-78. 1909. Sugar. Cuba. Season now opening presents optimistic out- look. Consul-General James L. Rodgers, Habana, Dec. 5, 1908. No. 342, Mar., 1909, pp. 78-80. 1909. Foreign sugar trade. Asiatic Turkey. Changed conditions in the imports at Smyrna. Consul-General Ernest L. Harris, Smyrna, Dec, 14, 1908. No. 343, Apr., 1909, pp. 124-125. 1909. Japan. Protection for sugar growers. Consul John H. Snodgrass, Kobe, Japan. No. 343, Apr., 1909, p. 125. BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ' Great Britain. Board of trade. British and foreign trade and industry. Memoranda, statistical tables, and charts pre- pared in the Board of trade with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and indus- trial conditions. London: Printed for II. M. Stationery off..^ hy Eyre and Spottiswood, 1903-[0Jt']. 2 vols. Charts {partly fold.) F°. ([Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers hy command'] Gd. 1761 of 1903 and Cd. 2337 of 190i) Index. London: Printed for II. M. Stationery off.., hy Darling c& sons, ltd., 1905. 53 pp. F°. {\_Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers hy command] Cd. 2669) Sugiir, See Index, p. 43. Sugar bounties. Return " of all correspondence since the date of last return, between the trade and the Foreign office and the trade and the Board of trade ... on the subject of the export bounties on sugar '\ Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 17 May 1881. iv, 118 pp. F°. (In Great Britain. Paiiiament. Sessional papers, 1881, vol. 83, 220.) Sugar bounties. Copy ''of Memorandum on the cor- respondence in relation to the sugar bounties.'' Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 24 August 1881. 11 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1881, vol. S3, 422.) Sugar trade. Copy of a report to the Board of trade entitled " Progress of the sugar trade ". Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 7 August 1884. 60 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1884, vol. 74, 325. ) 137 138 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Board of trade. Sugar bounties. Return " of all correspondence since the date of the last return between the trade and the Foreign office, between the trade and the Board of trade, ... on the subject of export bounties on sugar." Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 12 August 1884. vi, 184 pp. F°. (/« Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1S84, vol. 74, 345.) Sugar bounties. Copy of correspondence on the sub- ject of sugar bounties up to date. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, C December 1881. iv, 55 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1SS4-5, vol. 73, 39.) Sugar trade. Return " in continuation of certain of the tables respecting the production of, and trade in, sugar, contained in AjDpendix to Parliamentary paper. No. 325, of Session 1884 ". Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 1 September 1887. 19 pp. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 18S7, vol. 78, no. 312.) Sugar trade. Return ".(in continuation of Parlia- mentary paper, no. 312, of Session 1887), bringing the tables therein up to date, together with such later in- formation as can be given on the emplo^^ment of labour in the various sugar industries of the United King- dom, . . ." Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 10 August 1888. 29 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1888, vol. 93, no. 353.) Sugar trade. Copy " of report to the Board of trade, entitled ' Progress of the sugar trade,' with appendix in continuation of the statistical tables contained in Parlia- mentary paper, no. 353, of Session 1888, and other in- formation ". Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 27 May 1899. 66 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1889, vol. 72. 172.) sugar: BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS 139 Great Britain. Board of trade. Sugar (bounties, &c.). Eeturn " of all the bounties, direct and indirect, on the production or export of sugar given by France, Germany, and Austria, supplemented by a copy of the circular issued by the Secretary to the United States Treasury on the 12th day of December 1898, giving particulars of the sugar boun- ties, direct and indirect, given by the principal continental countries ". Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 2 June 1899. 7 pp. . F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1899, vol. 89, 209.) Sugar (cost) (Great Britain and foreign countries). Return " showing the price per pound retail of the kind of sugar most largely consumed by the working classes, whether refined or unrefined, on or about the 1st day of March 1905, in the capital cities of Germany, Austria- Hungary, Belgium, France, Holland, Eussia, Denmark, and Great Britain, respectively, together with the amount, in English currency, of the existing customs and excise duties respectively per pound in each case". Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 26 May 1905. 3'^pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1905, vol. 73, 174.) Sugar and sugared goods (import duties) (Foreign countries) . Return " showing the amount of import du- ties imposed on sugar and on confectionery, jams, biscuits, cakes, and other sugared goods in Germany, Austria, Hun- gary, Belgi-imi, Holland, France, and Switzerland; and also a return of the drawbacks granted on exports in these countries on all these commodities. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 26 June, 1905. 10 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1905, vol. 77, 207.) Sugar (Cost) (London, Paris, and Berlin). Return " showing, with regard to London, Paris, and Berlin, the price of sugar and the duty levied thereon at the 1st day of March, 1903, 1904, 1905, and 1906, on the lines of the Return No. 174, of Session, 1905." Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 25 April, 1906. 3 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1906, vol. 110, 132.) 140 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Board of trade. Sugar (Cost) (London, Paris, and Berlin). Return "showing, with regard to London, Paris, and Berlin, the price of sugar and the duty levied thereon at the first day of ]\Iarch, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, and 1907." Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 23 August, 1907. 3 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. 1907, vol. 81, no. 332.) Suirar. Return to an order of the honourable the House 'to of Commons, dated 22 July 1907 ; for, return " show- ing . . . for each of the years 1887 to 1900, inclusive, the estimated production of cane and beet sugar . . . the im- ports and exports of raw and refined sugar . . . from and to the principal countries . . . the total consumption and consumption per head . . . and the exports of sugar . . . from each of the principal British colonies and posses- sions ... (in continuation of similar particulars con- tained in Parliamentary paper, no. 353, of session 1888)." Board of trade, August, 1907 . . . Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 23 August 1907. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hi/ Eyre and Spottiswoode 11907']. 1^9 pp. F°. {[Parliament, 1907, H. of C. Repts. and papers] vol. 81. 33 Jf.) Colonial office. Reports received from Her Majesty's colonial possessions on bounties, other than those on shipping and navigation, granted by the governments of the various colonies. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1896. 61 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1896, vol. 58. C. 79(;0.) Colonies. Correspondence relating to the Sugar con- ference at Brussels, 1901-1902. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. April, 1902. xi, 69 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional iiapers, 1902, vol. 104. Co 87489—10 --11 162 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS McDonnell, Alexander. Colonial commerce : comprising an inquiiy into the principles upon which discriminating duties should be levied on sugar, the growth respectively of the West India British possessions, of the East Indies, and of foreign countries. London: J. Murray, 1828. xix, 302 pp. 8°. An examination into the expediency of permitting foreign sugar to be refined in this country for exportation. London: [Printed by Maurice & cc], 1831. 22 pp. 8°. Commercial pamphlets, vol. 11, no. 3. Macfadyen, James. On the botanical characters of the sugar cane, with remarks on its cultivation. {In Hooker, William Jackson. Botanical miscellany, vol. 1, pp. 95-116. London, 1830. 8°.) Marryat, Joseph. A reply to the arguments contained in various publications, recommending an equalization of the duties on East & West Indian sugar. London: J. M. Richardson, 1823. Ill pp. 12°. Marshall, J. A digest of all the accounts relating to the population, productions, revenues, financial operations, manufactures, shipping, colonies, commerce, &c., &c., of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, diffused through more than GOO volumes of journals, reports, and papers, pre- sented to Parliament during the last thirty-five years. London: Printed by J. H addon, 1833. 2 vols, in 1. Folded sheets. F°. The quantity of sugar imported From each British island & colony in the West Indies, and South America, in each year since 1813, vol. 2, p. 80; Total importation & re-exporta- tion, since 1806, p. 79; Rates of duty, and average price, since 1770, p. 78; Amount of sugar imported from British West Indies, since 1826, p. 141 ; from Foreign West Indies and Brazil, p. 140; from East Indies and Mauritius, p. 142; Amount of sugar re-exported since 1826, p. 152; Amount retained for home consumption, p. 154; Amount of refined sugar, exported, p. 122; Declared value thereof, p. 123. Martin, Samuel. An essay upon plantership, humbly inscribed to his excellency George Thomas, esq., chief governor of all the Leeward Islands, as a monument to antient friendship. 5th ed., with many additions. London : Pnnted for T. Gadell, 1773. xvi, aov, {1),62 pp. 8°. sugak: eaely literature 163 Martin, Samuel. An essay upon plantership, inscribed to Sir George Thomas, bart., as a monument to antient friendship. 6th ed., with many additions from experiments made since the last edition. ^ Antigua: 1767. xvi,60, {6) j)p. 16°. Melsens, Louis Henri Frederic. Novo processo para a extracgao do assucar da canna e da beterraba. Bahia: Typ. do Correio mercantil., de I. TI. Oojuewo., 181^9. {Jf),xi, 105, (3) pp. £4°. Morejon y Gate, Antonio. Discurso sobre las buenas propiedades de la tierra bermeja para cultura de caiia de azucar y sobre su excelencia respecto de la negra en determinadas cir- cunstancias; pronunciado ... en la Real sociedad econo- mica de amigos de la Havana. [Haha)ia'\: Impr. de la Capitania general, [1797?] (4), 44 pp. 12°. Moreton, J. B. Manners and customs in the West India islands. Containing various particulars respecting the soil, culti- vation, produce, trade, officers, inhabitants, &c., &c. With the method of establishing and conducting a sugar-plan- tation; in which the ill-practices of superintendants [ !J are pointed out. London: For TF. Richardson [etc.] 1790. 192 pp. 8°. Moseley, Benjamin. A treatise on sugar with miscellaneous med- ical observations. 2d ed., with considerable additions. London: Printed ly J. NicholU, 1800. (2) , iv, 3-276 pp. 8°. History, pp. 5-74, quotes freely from early writers. National agricultural society, Washington, D. C. Mode of man- ufacturing sugar from the corn stalk, and of oil and stearine from lard, &c. Washington: J. d' G. S. Gideon, printers, 1842. (2), 22 pp. Illustrations. 8°. Three articles by William Webb, C. Morfit aud Jobu H. Smith respectively. [Oaks, AA'illiam and Dodson, Thomas] fr?)i. On the manufacture of raw sugar by evaporation in vacuo, -and curing by the pneumatic process. London: Printed hy Harjette and Savill, 1834. l^t {!) pp. 12°. [Rnral economy pamphlets, v. 6, no. 4-] From the Royal gazette of British Guiana, Georgetown, Nov. 25, 1832. 164 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS Observations on the claims of the West-India colonists to a protect- ing duty on East India sugar. London: Printed for J. M. Richardson, 1823. 52 pp. W°. Olivan, Alejandro. Cartilla para gobierno de los maestros de azucar : dedicada al real consulado de la isla de Cuba, y publicada bajo sus respetables anspicios. Hahana: Lihreria de Cova^ 1832. 35 pp. 8°. [Orson, B. ?] Facts and experiments on the use of sugar in feeding cattle : with hints for the cultivation of waste lands. London : Printed for John Harding., 1800. xvi, 121 pp. 8°, Commercial pamphlets, vol. 13, no. 3. Oxholm, Peter Lotharius. De Danske Vestindiske oers tilstand i henseende til population, cultur og finance-forfatning, i anledning af nogle breve fra St. Croix, indrykkede i det Politiske og physiske magazin for marts og april maane- der 1797, hvortil er foiet beskrivelse om sukkerets fabrika- tion. Kiohenhavn: J. F. Schultz, 1797. 8 J/, pp. Plates. Tahles. 12°. Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3d viscount. Speech in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, May 19, 1841, ... on duties on foreign sugar. [London: J. Ridffway, 18^1.'] 23 pp. 16°. Commercial pamphlets, vol. 11, no. 4. Parmentier, Antoino Augustin. Aperc^u des resultats obtenus de la fabrication des sirops et des conserves de raisins; dans le cours des annees 1810 et 1811, pour servir de suite au Traite pub. sur cette matiere; avec une notice historique et chronologique du corps sucrant. Paris: Imprimerie imperiule., 1812. (4), Jf52 pp. 12°. Pedder, James. Keport made to the Beet sugar society, of Phila- dolphia, on tlie culture, in France, of the beet root, and manufacture of sugar therefroin ; with miscellaneous re- marks on the same, and on the culture of the poppy, and extraction of salad oil from the seed ; for the purpose of intro(hicing and permanently establishing these valuable branches of agricidture and manufacture in the United States. Philadelphia: The Beet sugar society ., 1836. JfO pp. 8°. sugar: eaely literature 165 A Permanent and effectual remedy suggested for the evils under which the British West Indies now labour. In a letter from a AVest India merchant to a West India planter. London: Printed for J. M. Richardson., 1808. Jf8 pp. 8°. Commercial pamphlets, vol. 11, no. 9. Perrin, William. The present state of the British and French sugar colonies, and our own northern colonies, considered. With some remarks on the decay of our trade, and the improve- ments made of late years by the French in theirs. London: Pfinted for T. Cooper., T/J^O. (4), 63 pp. 12°. Phillips, Henry. History of cultivated vegetables; comprising their botanical, medicinal, edible, and chemical qualities; natural history ; and relation to art, science, and commerce. London: H. Colburn and co..^ 1822. 2 vols. 8°. Sugar cane — Saccharum, vol. 2, pp. 232-275; Sugar maple, pp. 275-280. Porter, George Richardson. The nature and properties of the sugar cane ; with practical directions for the improvement of its culture, and the manufacture of its products. London: Smith, Elder, (& co.., 1830. 390 pp. Illustrations. Tables. Plates. 8°. ■ Same. 1831. Same. 2d ed., with an additional chapter on the manufacture of sugar from beet-root. London: Smith, Elder and co., 18^3. xiv, (2), 2^0 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8°. Premium, Barton, pseud. Eight years in British Guiana ; being the journal of a residence in that province, from 1840 to 1848, inclusive. With anecdotes and incidents illustrating the social conditions of its inhabitants; and the opinions of the writer on the state and prospects of our sugar colonies generally. London: \^c'tc.'\ Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans \etc^ 1850. xiii, \9y305 pp. 8°. The Present state of the British sugar colonies consider'd in a letter from a gentleman of Barbadoes to his friend in London. London: Printed for J. Wilford, 1731. 28 pp. 8°. 166 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Proposals offered for the sugar planters redress, and for reviving the British sugar commerce. In a further letter from a gen- tleman of Barbadoes, to his friend in London. London: Printed for J. Wilford, 1733. 35 pp. 8°. Reasons against the renewal of the Sugar act, as it will be prejudicial to the trade, not only of the northern colonies, but to that of Great Britain also. Boston, N. E.: Printed for T. Leverett, 176Jf. 19 pp. 12°. Remarks upon a book, entituled, The Present State of the sugar col- onies consider'd. Wherein some of the consequences and effects of restraining our trade are examined. London: Printed for J. Peele, 1731. 34 pp. 12°. {Miscel- laneous pamphlets, vol. 787.) * [Reynouard, Felix.] De la fabrication du sucre aux colonies fran- gaises et des ameliorations a y aporter. Paris: Mathias, 18^3. 95 pp. 8°. Marquis de St. Croix, pseud. Ritter, tlber die geographische Verbreitung des Zuckerrohrg (Saccharum officinarum) in der Alten Welt vor dessen Verpflanzung in die Neue Welt. (In Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Philologische und liistorlscbe Abliandlungen. 18.39, pp. 303^12. Berlin, 1841. 4°.) Robinson, S. H. The Bengal sugar planter ; being a treatise on the cultivation of the sugar-cane and date-tree in Bengal, and the manufacture of sugar and rum therefrom. Calcutta: Printed at Bishop'^s college press, 1849. viii, 248, pp. Tables. 8°. Roughley, Thomas. The Jamaica planter's guide ; or, A system for planting and managing a sugar estate, or other planta- tions in that island, and throughout the British West Indies in general. London: Printed for Longman., Hurst., Rees., Orme, and Brown, 1823. x, 420 pp. 12°. Rush, Benjamin. An account of the sugar maple-tree of the United States. Philadelphia: Printed hy R. Aitken c& son, 1792. 16 pp. 12°. sugak: eaely literature 167 Schomburgk, Sir Robert Hermann. The history of Barbados. London: Longman^ Brown, Green and Longmans, 181^8. {2), XX, {2), 722 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Map. Folded tables. 8°. Contains numerous references to sugar ; consult index. Scoff ern, John. The manufacture of sugar, in the colonies and at home, chemically considered. London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1849. viii, 160 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8°. A Short answer to an elaborate pamphlet, entitled. The Importance of the sugar plantations, &c. Compos'd of many words, much malice, very little argument, and abundance of false reasoning. [n. p. n. 6?.] M.Dcc.xxxi. 23 jpjp. 12^. {Miscellaneous pamplilets, vol. 787.) [Silliman, Benjamin.] Manual on the cultivation of the sugar cane, and the fabrication and refinement of sugar. Prepared under the direction of the Hon. secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the House of represent- atives of Jan. 25, 1830. Washington: Printed hy F.P.Blair, 1833. 122pp. Folded diagram. 8°. Soleau, A. Xotes sur les Guyanes Frangaise, Hollandaise, Anglaise, et sur les Antilles frangaises (Cayenne, Surinam, Demer- ary, la Martinique, la Guadeloupe). Paris : Imprimerie royale, 1835. 88 pp. 8°. Extrait des Annales maritimes, 1835. " Ces notes font partie d'un memoire plus etendu remis au ministere de la marine." — p. 5. Some considerations humbly offer'd upon the bill now depending in the House of Lords, relating to the trade between the Northern colonies and the sugar-islands. In a letter to a noble peer. [London], mdccxxxii. 19 jpp. 12'^. Colonial pamphlets, vol. 20. A State of the exports to and imports from the British sugar-colonies. [London? 175- f] 24 pp. 8°. ' 168 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The state of the sugar-trade; shewing the dangerous consequences that must attend an}^ additional duty thereon. London: Printed by E. Say for R. Willuck, 1747. i7, (7) pp. 8°. A Statement of the claims of the West India colonies to a protecting duty against East India sugar. London: Whitmore and Fenn, 1823. (4), 120 pp. 12°. Stewart, John, of London. A description of a machine or invention to work mills, by the power of a fire-engine, but particu- larly useful and profitable in grinding sugar-canes. To which is annexed a plan of a fire engine, the said machine, and a sugar mill and a boiling house. With an appendix. [Lo7idon, 1767.] 44? soviii pp. 2 folded plates. 8°. * Sugar trade of the West Indies. 1763. * Tracts against equalizing the sugar duties. 1823. A True state of the case between the British northern-colonies and the sugar islands in America, impartially considered, with respect to the bill now depending in the . . . House of Lords, relating to the sugar trade. [Londoji], M.Dcc. XXXII. 4^jjp. 5°. Trueman, and Cook. Remarks on the state of the sugar trade, &c. [Lo)idon: Southey and Cnthherf]^ February 1839. 22., (1) pp. 8°. Commercial pamphlets, vol. 11, no. 1. Turner, Samuel. A letter addressed to Charles Ro.se Ellis . . . chair- man of the standing connnittee of the West India planters and merchants, in consequence of the unanimous resolution of a sub-committee that it was not expedient to apply to Parliament for a reduction of the present duty on sugar. Antigua: Loving and H'dl, \I824-]. 42 pp. 8°. Tussac, F. R. de. Flore des Antilles, ou Histoire generale botani- (|ue, rurale, et economique, des vegetaux indigenes des Antilles, et des exotiques qu'on est parvenu a y naturaliser. Paris: Chez Pauteur, 1808-27. 4 vols. Col. plates. F°. " Saccliarum officinale " : vol. 1, pp. 151-182. sugar: early literature 169 Villa-Urrutia y Puente, Wenceslao de. Informe presentado a la Eeal junta de fomento, de agricultura y comercio de esta isla, sobre los resultados de la zafra que este ano ha hecho su ingenio en un tren de Derosne. Habana: Oficina del Faro industrial por D. V. de Torres, 184S. W pp. 8°. A Vindication of the use of sugar, the produce of the West-India islands. In answer to a pamphlet entitled Remarkable extracts, &c. &c. 2d ed. London: Piwited for T . Boosey^ mdccxcii. 22 pp. 8°. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca britannica ; or, A general index to British and foreign literature. Edinburgh: A. Constahle and CO., 1824' 4 vols. 4°. Under the heading Sugar, vol. 4, is to be found a full list of the earlier writings. [Webb, William.] Mode of manufacturing sugar from the corn stalk. Washi7igton: J. & G. S. Gideon, printers, 18^2. 22 pp. 8°. Rural economy pamphlets, vol. .5, no. 8. Whitehouse, W. F. Agricola's letters and essays on sugar farming in Jamaica. London: Simmonds d' Ward, 18Jf5. viii, 352 pp. 8°. Wray, Leonard. The practical sugar planter ; a complete account of the cultivation and manufacture of the sugar-cane, accord- ing to the latest and most improved processes. Describ- ing and comparing the different systems pursued in the East and West Indies and the Straits of Malacca, and the relative expenses and advantages attendant upon each : be- ing the result of sixteen years' experience as a sugar planter in those countries. London: Smith, Elder and co., 1848. xvii, {2) 415, {!) pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8°. Young, Sir William. The West India common place book : compiled from Parliamentary and official documents; shewing the interest of Great Britain in its sugar colonies. London, 1807. 256 pp. 4°- PERIODICALS The American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette, V. 1-10. Mar.. 1899-Dec., 1908. Chicago, J. H. Schicerzgen^ 1899-1900 ; Beet sugar gazette company^ 1900-1908. 10 vols. Illustrations {including portraits). F°. The Beet sugar gazette: a . . . journal devoted to the interest of the American sugar industry. V. 1-5, v. 6, no. 1-11; ]Mar., 1899-June 4, 1904. Chicago: J. H. Schwerzgen [etc.] 1899-1904. 6 vols. Il- lustrations {including portraits) . F°. Continued as the American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette. * Blatter fiir Zuckerriibenbau. Zeitschrift fiir die Kuhur der Zuckerriibe und ihre Verwertg. in der Landwirtschaft. 15. Jahrg. 1908. Berlin: R.FHedldnder & Sohii, 1908. 8°. Die Deutsche Zuckerindustrie. Wochenblatt fiir landwirtschaft, Fabrikation und Handel. Berli7i., E. Dreyer, etc., 1879-1908. 29 vols. Illustrations. Charts. Tables. Diagrams. F° 'o Beilage. Berlin: [E. Dreyer'], 1882-1908. 24 vols. F°. weekly. The International sugar journal with which is incorporated the Sugar cane (18G9-1808), a monthly magazine, devoted to the interests of the sugar industry generally. V. 1. Manchester [Eng.l J. Roberts (& sons, 1899. 1 vol. 8°. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Zuckerfabrikation. Begriindet von R. Stammer. Ilrsg. von Joh. Bock. 47. Jahrg. 1907. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1908. x, 342 pp. 8°. 170 sugar: periodicals 171 The Journal of the Society of chemical industry. Manchester [etc.] 1882-1908. 22 vols. Illustrations. Plates. Diagrams. ^°. For material on sugar see Collective index, 1882-1895. Vol- umes I-XIV. Comp. by F. W. Renaut. London, 1899; and the separate indexes in the individual volumes subsequent to 1895. The Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer ; a weekly newspaper devoted to the sugar, rice, and other agricultural indus- tries of Louisiana, v. 1^0. July, 1888-1908. New Orleans: The Louisiana planter and sugar manufac- turer CO.., 1888-1908. 38 vols. Illustrations {including portraits). Plates. Jf°. Neue Zeitschrift fiir Riibenzucker-industrie. "Wochenblatt fiir die Gesammtinteressen der Zuckerfabrikation. Hrsg. von Dr. C. Scheibler. Bd. 1-42, Aug., 1878-99. Berlin: Selhstverlag des Herausgehers [1878-99'\. 1^.2 vols. Illustrations. Plates. Diagrams. 4°- ' No more published. Patentnachrichten des Vereins der deutschen Zuckerindustrie. Zusammenstellung der veroffentlichungen in den nummern der " Deutschen Zuckerindustrie." 1.-13. Jahrg. ; 21. Juli 1893-10 Jan. 1908. Berlin: {Druch von E. Dreyer]., 1893-1908. 13 vols, in 1. F°. Bieblatt zur Deutschen Zuckerindustrie. Sugar: a monthly journal for planters, sugar refiners, and others connected with the trade. V. 1-12. Nov., 1888-1900. London: Cordingley&co., 1889^1900. 9 vols. Illustrations. F°. Library has vols. 1-A, 7-12. The Sugar beet. Devoted to the cultivation and utilization of the sugar beet. V. 1-24. 1880-1903. Philadelphia: [H. C. Baird & co., etc.] 1880-1903. 24 vols, in 9. Illustrations. Plates. F° . The Sugar cane: a monthly magazine devoted to the interests of the sugar-cane industry, v. 17-30, 1885-98. Manchester [Eng.] : Gait & co. [etc.] 1885-1898. H vols. 8°. Continued as the International sugar journal. 172 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Sugar planters' journal. Vol. 29-38. New Orleans, La.: 1898-1908. 10 vols. Illustrations. F°. Weekly. Weekly statistical sugar trade journal. New York: WiUett <£ Gray, 1895-1907. 13 vols. Tables. F°. Running title : Willett & Gray's weekly statistical sugar trade journal. West Indian bulletin. Barbados: Bo wen <& sons, 1900-1906. 6 vols. 8°. Contains numei'ous articles on tbe sugar industry. Zeitschrift des Vereins der Deutschen Zucker-Industrie. Hrsg. vom Vereins-Direktorium. Bd. 58. 1908. Berlin: Das Vereins-Direktorimn, 1908. 8°. *Zentralblatt fiir die Zuckerindustrie. Wockenschrift fiir Fabrikation. Landwirtschaft und Handel. Organ des Vereins deutscher Zuckertechniker. 17. Jahrg. 1908/9. Magdeburg : Verlaganstalt fiir Zuckerindustrie, 1908-9. 8°. Zucker-beruf sgenossenschaft. Beiblatt zu der Zeitschrift " Die Deutsche Zuckerindustrie." Berlin: [Druck von E. Dreyer^^ 1897-1906. 10 vols, in 1. F° . monthly. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1823. East and West India sugar. Edinburfjh review, vol. 38 {Feb., 1823) : 209-225. 1830. Sugar trade — duties on sugar. Edinhurgh review., vol. 50 {Jan.., 1830) : 1^26-^36. 1830-'31. A comparison of sundry methods for expelling the molasses and sirop from raw sugar. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 10 {Dec, 1830) : Ifi7-Jfi9; vol. 11 {Jan., 1831): 55-60. 1832. On sugar from the seckel pear. E. Durand, Joseph Scatter- good. FranMin institute. Journal, vol. 13 {Mar., 1832) : 187-193. 1833. An account of the important and successful results of experi- mental trials in Demerara to obtain native raw sugar from the cane juice. Abraham Booth. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 15 {Jan., 1833) : 4^-55. 1837. Cane sugar and beet root sugar. Edinhiirgh review, vol 65 {Apr., 1837) : 110-117. 1837. Sugar: — examined in its commercial and chemical relations. George Gwynne and James Young. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 2If {Sept., 1837) : 175-180; {Oct., 1837): 283-289. 1839. Beet-sugar manufacture. North American review, vol. 1^8 {Apr., 1839) : 4-i5-447- 1844. The sugar-trade of the world. Hunfs merchants'' magazine, vol. 10 {Feb., 18^) : 132-143; {Mar., 18U) : 232-UO. 1844. The slave trade and the sugar duties. W. K. Greig. Westminster i^eview, vol. 41 {June, 1844) ■' 4^6-515. 1845. On the different varieties of sugar, and allied substances, with reference to the practical application of their optical relations. Ventzke. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 40 {Oct., 1845) : 258-268; {Nov., 1845) : 332-341. 173 174 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1846. Louisiana sugar. J. P. Benjamin. De Bow's review, vol. 2 {Nov., 181^6) : SmSkB. 1347. On the crystalization of sugar. L. B. Stone. De Bow's review, vol. 3 {Mar., 1847) : 230-23^. 1847. Culture of the sugar cane as followed on some of the most successful estates. De Bow's review, vol. 3 {Mar., 1847) : 244-^49. 1847. A few notes for sugar planters. De Bow's review, vol. 3 {Apr., 1847) : 294-305. 1847. ^Manufacture of sugar in Louisiana. L. B. Stone. De Bow's review, vol. 3 {May, 1847) : 376-396. 1847. The cultivation and manufacture of sugar in Louisiana. De Bow's review, vol. 4 {Sept., 1847) : 128-137. 1847. Sugar — its cultivation, manufacture, and commerce. J. D. B. De Bow. De Bow's review, vol. 4 {Oct., 1847) : 152-159; {Nov., 1847) : 296-310. 1847. Cultivation of the sugar-cane. R. A. Wilkinson. De Bow's review, vol. 4 {Oct., 1847) : 229-237. 1847. Sugar culture and manufacture of Louisiana and West In- dies. Valcour Aime. De Bow's review, vol. 4 {Nov., 1847) : 383-386. 1847. Culture of sugar in the East Indies. P. L. Simmonds. De Bow's review, vol. 4 {Dec, 1847) : 511-525. 1848. Production, etc., of sugar in the United States. J. C. Dela- vigne. De Bow's review, vol. 5 {Feb., 1848) : 135-152. 1848. The sugar cane. McCulloh's report on sugar to the United States government, reviewed. J. B. Avequin. De Bow's review, vol. 6 {July, 1848) : 24-25. 1848. Sugar manufacture. William J. Evans. De Bote's review, vol. 6 {Aug.,- 1848) : 114-126; {Sept., 1848): 164-180; {Oct.-Nov., 1848): 265-284; {Dec, 1848) : 381-428. sugar: articles in periodicals 175 1848. The sugar-cane. Aveqiiin's review of M'Culloh, reviewed. Richard S. M'Culloh. Be Bow's review, vol. 6 {Oct.-Nov., 184S) : 33^-362. 1849. Sugar. X. Rillieux. De Boic^s review, vol. 7 {July, 18Jf9) : 56-59. 1849. Manufacture of sugar. Woods Baker. De Bow's review, vol. 7 {Aug., 1849) : 111-122; {Sept., 1849) : 240-246. 1849. The sugar cane. M. Payen. De Bote's review, vol. 7 {Xov., 1849) : 389-396. Translated by J. B. Reynolds. 1850. Melsens sugar manufacture. Translated from the French by Thomas G. Clemson. De Bote's review, vol.8 {Feb., 1850) : 111-122; {Mar., 1850) : 300-307. 1850. Contributions to the statistics of sugar produced within the British dominions in India. W. H. Sykes. Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 13 {Feb., 1850) : 1-24. 1850. Cheap sugar and slave-trade. Quarterly review, vol. 88 {Dec, 1850) : 129-136. 1850-'51. ^lanufacture of sugar. John Scoffern. De Bow's review, vol. 9 {Nov., 1850) : 521-528; {Dec, 1850) : 625-^38; vol. 10 {Jan., 1851): 25-47; {Apr., 1851): 386-404. 1851. Sugar. M. Rousseau's process of manufacture. R. S. M'Culloh. , De Bow's review, vol. 10 {Mar., 1851) : 252-257. 1851. The nature and properties of the sugar-cane, with practical directions for the improvement of its culture, and the manufacture of its products. George Richardson Porter. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 11 {May, 1851): 337-342. vol. 12 {Sept., 1831) : 201-207. 1852. Culture and manufacture of sugar, Leonard Wray. De Bow's review, vol. 12 {June, 1852) : 646-655. 1852. The sugar-cane plant, seed cane, «§;c. De Bow's review, vol. 13 {July, 1852) : 57-62. 176 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1852. Production and manufacture of sugar. De Boio's review, vol. 13 {Aug., 1852) : 176-181^. 1852. Sugar. De Bow's review, vol. 13 {Oct., 1852) : 391-396. 1852. Constituents of the sugar-cane juice. De Bow's review, vol. 13 {Nov., 1852) : o03-o07. 1852. Specification for the patent granted to George Gwynne, for improvements in the manufacture of sugar. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 51^ {Nov., 1852) : 353-359. 1852. The curative virtues of the sugar-house for bronchial, dys- peptic, and consumptive complaints. S. A. Cartwright. De Bow's review, vol. 13 {Dec., 1852) : 598-602. 1852. On the manufacture of sugar. Franklin institute. Jowmal, vol. 51^ {Dec, 1852) : Ifil-l^ll. Bessemer's process. 1852. Sugar: and the sugar trade. Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. 27 {Dec, 1852) : 671-685. 1853. Extension of the sugar region of the United States. S. A. Cartwright. De Bow's review, vol. H {Mar., 1853) : 197-208. 1853. On recent improvements in the manufacture of sugar from the sugar cane and the beet-root. Edward Stolle. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 1 {July 1, 1853) : 389-393. 1853. Sugar and the sugar region of Louisiana. T. B. Thorpe. Harper's new monthly magazine, vol. 7 {Nov., 1853) : 71^6- 757. 1855. The sugar product — process of manufacture. Leonard Wray . De Bow's review, vol. 18 (Feh., 1855) : 181-185. 1855. Sugar — its culture and consumption in the world. P. L. Simmonds. De Bow's review, vol. 19 {Aug., 1855): 236-2 J^l; {Sept., 1855) : 350-358. 1856. Examination of two sugars (Panoche and Pine sugar) from California. Samuel W. Johnson. American journal of science and arts, n. s. vol. 22 '{Nov., 1856) : 6-8. sugak: akticles in periodicals 177 1856. Chinese sugar cane; its value as a sugar, grain, forage, and producing plant. De Bow's review^ vol. 21 {Nov., 1856) : 523-527. 1857. The sugar crop and sugar duties. Miles Taylor, De Bow's review, vol. 22 {Mar., 1857): 320-327; {Apr., 1857) : 433-436. 1857. Sugar. Taifs magazine, n. s. vol. 24 {Apr., 1857) : 244-^ W- 1857. The sugar cane in Louisiana. J. B. Avequin. De Bow's review, vol. 22 {June, 1857) : 615-619. 1858. A detailed account of experiments and observations upon the Sorghum Saccharatum or Chinese sugar cane. Joseph S. Lovering. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 65 {Feb., 1858) : 125-136. 1858. A chemical examination of the commercial varieties of brown sugar. John H. Alexander and Campbell Morfit. American journal of science and arts, n. s. vol. 25 {May, 1858) : 393-395. 1858. Sugar: its production and consumption. Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. 39 {Nov., 1858) : 545-552. 1859. The sugar cane : its diseases, characteristics, &c. De Bow's review, vol. 26 {Mar., 1859): 291-299; {Apr., 1859) : 461-465. 1861. Sweets. All the year round, vol. 5 {June 8, 1861) : 246-249. 1863. Nouvelle phase de la question des sucres. T, N. Benard. Journal des economistes, 2. ser. t. 40 {Oct. 15, 1863) : 73-82; {Dec. 15, 1863) : 465-472. 1864. Sugar. John R. Jackson. Good words, vol. 5 {1864) ' 632-636. 1864. Sugar. John Scoffern. St. James's magazine, vol. 10 {May, 1864) ' 167-178. 1865. Sugar-making in Cuba. Henry B. Auchincloss. Harper's new monthly magazine, vol. 30 {Mar., 1865) : 440-453. 87489—10 -12 178 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1866. The manufacture of sugar, and the machinery employed for colonial and home purposes. N. P. Burgh. Society of arts. Journal, vol. IJ^ {Apr. 6, 1866) : 3 5 1^-36 3. 1868. Manufacture of beet-root sugar in the United States. John Birkbeck. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 85 {Jan., 1868) : JfJf-J^O. 1868. On the cultivation of beetroot, and its manufacture into sugar. W. A. Gibbs. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 16 {Apr. ^Jf, 1868) : 4^5-421. 1868. The sugar insect — acarus sacchari — found in raw sugar. Eobert Niccol. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 86 {Nov., 1868) : 327-333. 1868. Can we raise our own sugar ? H. W. Bartol. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 86 {Dec, 1868) : 410-415. 1869. Beetroot-sugar in France. John Scoff ern. Belgravia, vol. 8 {Apr., 1869) : 241-250. 1870-'71. Sugar. John R. Jackson. Nature, vol. 3 {Dec. 22, 1870): 150-151; {Jan. 19, 1871): 230-231. 1871. On the cultivation and uses of sugar-beet in England. Au- gustus Voelcker. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 19 {Mar. 10, 1871) : 307-316. 1871. On the different methods of extracting sugar from beet-root and cane. Ferdinand Kohn. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 19 {Mar. 17, 1871) : 338-343. Discussiou, pp. 343-S45. 1871. On the manufacture and refining of sugar. C. ITaiighton Gill. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 20 {Dec. 29, 1871) : 111-115; {Jav. 5, 12, 19, 1872) : 128-131; 140-144; 162-165. 1872. Question des sucres. Rapport presente a la Commission d'enquete sur les sucres au Conseil superieur du commerce et de I'agriculture, par Aug. Guillemin. Journal des economistes, 3. ser. t. 27 {Sept., 1872) : 351-364. 1874. Ireland as a field for the production of sugar. J. Sproule. Dublin university magazine, vol. 83 {Feb., 1874) •' 129-140. sugar: articles in periodicals 179 1874. On sugar refining. Frederick W. Griffin. Society of arts. Journal, vol, 22 {May 15, 187 k) : 611-620. Discussion, pp. 620-622. 1875. Production of sugar in Louisiana. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 100 {Oct., 1875) : 285-287. 1876. Varieties of the sugar cane. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 101 {Mar., 1876) : 218-215. 1879. Beet-root sugar. Franklin institute. Jowrnal, vol. 108 {Aug., 1879) : 119-121. 1880. Curiosities of commerce and trade. V. Sugar. Leisure hour, vol. 29 {Aug. 21, 1880) : 555-558. 1880. The sugar question. George Baden-Powell. Fraser's magazine, vol. 102 {Sept., 1880) : 367-375. 1881. Sugar culture in Louisiana. Edward Hogan. International review, vol. 11 {Dec, 1881) : 597-609. 1882. The sugar beet industry. Lewis S. Ware and Robert Grim- shaw. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 113 {Apr., 1882) : 292-298. 1882. The chemistry of sugar. Harvey W. Wiley. Popular science monthly, vol. 21 {Aug., 1882) : 500-506. 1884. Sugar. Saturday review, vol. 57 {May 3, 188 Jf) : 575-576. 1884. The sugar bounty question. ' Saturday review, vol. 57 {June Ih, 188k) : 780-781, 1884. The West Indies and the sugar bounties. Quarterly review, vol. 158 {July, 188 Jf) : 212-228. 1884. Sugar. G. Buchanan. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 32 {July 18, 1884) ' 814-818; {Aug. 8, 1884) - 908-909; {Aug. 15, 1884) : 938-939. 1884. Beetroot sugar industry in Germany. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 32 (July 25, 1884) : 854-855. 180 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1884. The extraction of sugar from the juice of the cane and the juice of the beet-root, viewed in its commercial aspect. Robert Gallowa}'. Journal of science, vol. 21 {Sept., 1884) • 517-527. 1884. The German sugar crisis. Nation, vol. 39 {Oct. 23, 1884) -' 349-350. 1884. Sugar bounties. Saturday revieic, vol. 58 {Oct. 4, 1884) : 426-^27. 1884. A last word on sugar bounties. George Baden-Powell. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 36 {Nov. 1, 1884) - 638-^48. 1886. Sugar. G. Buchanan. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 34 {Jan. 1, 1886) : 127-129. 1886. Sugar bounties in Europe. F. W. Taussig. Noition, vol. 42 {May 20, 1886) : 420-421. 1886. A lump of sugar. R. R. Bowker. Harper''s new monthly magazine, vol 73 {June, 1886) : 72-95. 1886. The sugar-fields of Louisiana. R. A. Wilkinson. Southern bivouac, vol. 2 {June, 1886) : 1-18. 1887. Protection for sugar. H. White. Nation, vol. 44 {June 9. 1887) : 484-485. 1887. Sugar bounties. Saturday review, vol. 64 {July 30, 1887) : 142-143; {Nov. 26, 1887) : 725-726. 1887. Why is sugar so low in price? Chamhers^s journal, vol. 64 {Sept. 24, 1887) : 617-618. 1887. Government bounties. Worthington C. Ford. Nation, vol. 45 {Sept. 1, 1887) : 164- Deals with the matter of sugar bounties. 1887. Sugar-making in Demerara. S. Bellairs. Month, vol. 61 {Oct., 1887) : 228-251. Living age, vol. 175 {Dec. 10, 1887) : 606-618. 1887. Sugar-making in Louisiana, Eugene V. Smalley. Century magazine, n. s. vol. 13 {Nov., 1887) : 100-120. sugar: articles in periodicals 181 1887. The sugar bounties conference. Saturday review, vol. 6^ {Dec. U, 1887) : 8P-848. 1888. The sugar-bounty conference. C. B. Spahr. Natio7i, vol. 46 {Jan. 19, 1888) : ^5-1^6. 1888. The sugar bounties. Saturday review, vol. 65 {Jan. 7, 1888) : Jf-5. 1888. The sugar bounties. Wallyn Poyer B. Shepheard. Time, vol. 18 {Feb., 1888) : 216-223. 1888. The proposed sugar bounty. C. B. Spahr. Nation, vol. 1^7 {July 12, 1888) : 2k. 1889. The sugar convention. Robert Grant Webster. National review, vol. IS {June, 1889) : 552-560. 1889. The sugar duties. H. White. Nation, vol. 1^9 {July 11, 1889) : 25-26. 1889. The production of sugar. Ward Coldridge. Knowledge, vol. 12 {Ang. 1, 1889): 201-202; {Sept. 2, 1889) : 223-225. 1889. The production of sugar. Science, vol. U {Sept. 20, 1889) : 202-203. 1890. Sugar-cane and sugar-making. William Hosea Ballou. Cosmopolitan, vol. 8 {Jan., 1890) : 280-287. 1890. Sugar. Richard Bannister. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 38 {Oct. 17, 1890) : 973-996. 1892. Is the bounty on sugar constitutional? William Draper Lewis. American laio register and i^eview, vol 31 {May, 1892) : 301-318. 1892. Something about our sugar. Harvey W. Wiley. Chautauquan, vol. 15 {June, 1892): 290-291} ; vol. 16 {Oct., 1892) : 36-kl. ' 1892. Cane culture. Notes from sugarland. W. Jennings War- rington. Frank Leslie''s popular monthly, vol. 34 {Aug., 1892) : 244- 249. 182 ■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1893. Sugar from sunbeams [The beet-root sugar industry], H. S. Adams. Cosmopolitan, vol. IJ^ {Feb., 1893) : 399-406. 1893. About the Daira Sanieh. Chambers's journal, vol. 70 {Mar. 4, 1893) : 137-lJfO. " The Daira Sanieh is a financial organization which was originated in 1863 by the Khedive Ismail with the object of monopolizing the sugar production of Egypt for his personal profit." 1893. Corn cane. F. L. Stewart. Science, vol. 22 {Sept. 15, 1893) : U3-U5; {Sept. 29, 1893) : 171-173. 1894. The sweet tooth. Cornhill magazine, vol. 69 {Apr., 189If) : 369-380. Eclectic magazine, vol. 122 {June, 1894) ■' 827-834- 1894. The beet-sugar industry in the United States. Harvey W. Wiley. Engineering magazine, vol. 7 {Apr., 1894) ' 85-95. 1894. Sugar-beet culture in southern California. Frederick M. Turner. Frank Leslie'' s popular monthly, vol. 37 {May, 1894) • 627- 634. 1894. The sugar schedule. H. White. Nation, vol. 58 {June 14-, 1894) • ^W- 1894. Sugar in politics. H. White. Nation, vol. 58 {June 21, 1894) ' 4^2. 1894. The French sugar duties. Board of trade journal, vol. 17 {July, 1894) • 15-18. 1894. End of the sugar-trust investigation. Public opinion, vol. 17 {Aug. 9, 1894) -' 4^7-438. 1895. Proposed establishment of a sugar industry in Persia. Board of trade journal, vol. 18 {Mar., 1895) : 282-283. 1895.* Foreign and colonial import duties on sugar. Board of trade journal, vol. 18 {Mar., 1895) : 306-311. 1895. United States: Regulations respecting sugar duties. Board of trade journal, vol. 18 {Mar., 1895) : 317-318. sugar: articles in periodicals 183 1895. The American beet sugar industry. H. S. Adams. Cassiers magazine^ vol. 7 {Apr., 1895) : 604-515. 1895. The sugar beet. G.H.Williams. Land of sunshine, vol. 3 {June, 1895) : 32-34. 1895. The sugar industry in Hawaii. H. P. Baldwin. Overland monthly, n. s. vol. 25 {June, 1895) : 663-668. 1895. Russian sugar syndicate. Board of trade journal, vol. 19 {Jidy, 1895) : 14-15. 1895. The sugar cane. C. A. Barber. Knowledge, vol. 18 {July 1, 1895) : 145-149. 1895. The sugar bounty case — a review of the decision of the Comp- troller of the treasury. H. Campbell Black. American law review, vol. 29 {Nov.-Dec, 1895) : 801-832. 1895. Peru. — The sugar industry. Bureau of the American repuhlics. Monthly bulletin, vol. 3 {Dec, 1895) : 352-362. 1895-'96. Beet-sugar industry on the Continent. Journal of the Board of agriculture, vol. 2 {Dec, 1895) : 292-301; vol. 3 {June, 1896) : 14-18. 1896. French sugar factories and their methods of production. Board of trade journal, vol. 20 {Feb., 1896) : 145-147. 1896. Sugar-making machinery in Cuba. A. W. Col well. Cassier^s magazine, vol. 9 {Apr., 1896) : 507-521. 1896. Costa Rica. Sugar industry — cost of production and profits. Bureau, of the Arnerican republics. Monthly bulletin, vol. 3 {May, 1896) : 617-626. 1896. The sugar industry of Formosa. Board of trade journal, vol. 21 {July, 1896) : 26-32. 1896. The sugar industry of Peru. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 44 {Aug. 7, 1896) : 751-752. 1896. An industrial opportunity for America [beet sugar]. E. Sowers. North American review, vol. 163 {Sept., 1896) : 316-325. 184 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1896. German sugar bounty act of 1896. Carlos C. Closson. Quarterly journal of economics^ vol. 11 {Oct.^ 1896) : 105-107. 1896. The "Sugar Bounty" cases: powers of Congress — public taxation for uses not public. Joseph Wheless. American law revieio, vol. 30 {Nov.-Dec.^ 1896): 847-862. 1896. The French sugar industry. Board of trade jommal, vol. M {Dec, 1896) : 675-677. 1896. Proposed French sugar bill. Board of trade journal, vol. 21 {Dec., 1896) : 678-679. 1896. The beet sugar industry in France. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 1^5 {Dec, 1896) : 85-86. 1897. Sugar: the outlook in the colonies. C. A. Barber. Science progress, n. s. vol. 1 {Jan., 1897) : 129-lJi.O. 1897. The doom of cane-sugar. A colonial problem. George Baden-Powell. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 61 {Feb., 1897) : 28^-291. 1897. Sugar trust investigations. George J. Manson. Independent, vol. 1^9 {Mar. 4, 1897) : 273-274. 1897. The taxation of sugar in the United States, 1789-1861. Charles S. Griffin. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 11 {Apr., 1897) : 296- 309. 1897. The diseases of the sugar-cane. C. A. Barber. Science progress, n. s. vol. 1 {Apr., 1897) : 297-316; {July, 1897) : 461-482. Bibliography, pp. 314-316, 480-482. 1897. Sugar — the American question of the day. Herbert ^lyrick. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 16 {June, 1897) : 673-677. 1897. The sugar trust cases: a legal comedy of errors. Joseph Wheless. AmeHcan law review, vol. 31 {July-Aug., 1897) : 560-568, sugar: articles in periodicals 185 1897. Sugar bounties and their influence. Harvey W. Wiley. Forum, vol. 23 {July, 1897) : 591-597. 1897. The sugar beet in France. P. P. Deherain. Chaidauquan, vol. 25 {Aug., 1897) : 52Jf-528. 1897. The Cuban sugar industry. Society of arts. Journal, vol. Jf5 {Oct. 8, 1897) : 1131^-1135. 1897. The choice for the sugar consumer. Hugh Chishohii. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 62 {Nov., 1897) : 766-777. 1897. Our proposed new sugar industry. Edwin F. Atkins. Forum, vol. 2I^ {Nov., 1897) : 313-318. 1897. West Indian sugar. Harold Cox. Economic journal, vol. 7 {Dec, 1897) : 599-605. 1898. Beet sugar in the United States. Board of trade journal, vol. 21). {Jan., 1898) : 32-33; vol. 25 {Aug., 1898) : 152. 1898. Beet-susar manufacture in California. Frederick M. Turner. Frank Leslie's popular monthly, vol. 45 {Jan., 1898) : 56-63. 1898. The test of loyalty. An object lesson from the West Indies. Nevile Lubbock. National review, vol. 30 {Jan., 1898) : 687-693. 1898. Egypt and the sugar question. Spectator, vol. 80 {Jan. 1, 1898) : 7. 1898. The true meaning of the new sugar tariff. Harvey W. Wiley. Forum, vol. 2k {Feh., 1898) : 689-697. 1898. Should the United States produce its sugar? James Wilson. Forum, vol. 25 {Mar., 1898) : 1-10. 1898. The cultivation of beetroot. Sigmund Stein. Land magazine, vol. 1 {Mar., 1898) : 1026-103^. 1898. The sugar crash and after? C. G. Walpole. National review, vol. 31 {Mar., 1898) : 162-163. 1898. The West Indies and the sugar bounties. Nevile Lubbock. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 1^6 {Apr. 1, 1898) : U^-Jf50. 186 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1898. The correspondence on sugar bounties. Harold Cox. Economic journal, vol. 8 {June, 1898) : 239-243. 1898. Free trade and cheap sugar. Charles S. Parker. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 6 If. {July, 1898) : If.Ii.-55. 1898. Beet sugar industry" in the United States. Journal of the Board of agriculture, vol. 5 {Sept., 1898) : 213-216. 1898. Beet sugar industry in Russia. Journal of the Board of agriculture., vol. 5 {Sept., 1898) : 217-218. 1898. Sugar growing in Hawaii. Frank H. Seagrave. Overland monthly, n. s. vol. 32 {Nov., 1898) : 4-^o-458. 1899. Sugar import duties in the United States. Board of trade jourmal, vol. 26 {Jan., 1899) : 58-54' 1899. The field for chemical improvement in the manufacture of sugar. Wilfrid Skaife. Franklin institute. Journal, vol. 147 {Mar., 1889) : 215-226. 1899. The opportunity of the sugar cane industry. Charles A. Crampton. North American review, vol. 168 {Mar., 1899) : 276-284' 1899. The sugar situation in Europe. John Franklin Crowell. Political science quarterly, vol. 14 {Mar., 1899) : 87-101. 1899. Additional import duties on sugar imported into British India. Board of trade journal, vol. 26 {May, 1899) : 575-576. 1899. La question des sucres. Historique; La crise actuelle; Les primes d'exportation. D. Zolla. Le Monde Sconomique, vol. 9 {May 20, 1899) : 010-612; {May 27, 1899) : 649-651; {June 3, 1899) : 681-682; {June 10, 1899) : 707-708. 1899. The moral of the Indian countervailing duties. Mayson M. Beeton. National review, vol. 33 {May, 1899) : 501-512. sugar: articles in periodicals 187 1899. Experiments in the growth of sugar beetroot in Great Britain. Journal of the Board of agi^ulture^ vol. 6 {June, 1899) : 1899. The statistical aspect of the sugar question. George Mar- tineau. Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 62 {June 30, 1899) : 296-3Ji.7. 1899. The Indian sugar duties. Sir Roper Lethbridge. Imperial and Asiatic quarterly, 3d ser., vol. 8 {Oct., 1899) : 255-263. 1899. Our sugar duties. H. White. Nation, vol. 69 {Nov. 30, 1899) : 1^0k-h05. 1899. The sugar situation in the tropics. John Franklin Crowell. Political science quarterly, vol. llf {Dec, 1809) : 606-627. 1900. Condition and prospects of sugar production. Protectionist, vol. 11 {Jan., 1900) : 581-58 J^. 1900. Les Indes Occident ales anglaises et la question des sucres. A. Barthelemy. Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 23 {Feb. 10, 1900) : 358-366. 1900. Le Sucre et I'industrie sucriere. Raphael-Georges 'Lqxj. Revue des deux mondes, vol. 370 {Apr. 15, 1900) : 869-893. 1900. Sugar as food. Scientific American supplement, vol. Ifi {May 19, 1900) : 20389. 1900. Irrigating the sugar plantations of Hawaii. Scientific American, n. s. vol. 83 {Aug. 18, 1900) : 99. 1900. The sugar situation in the British West Indies. John Frank- lin Crowell. Yale review, vol. 9 {Aug., 1900) : 191-215. 1900. Sugar engineering in Cuba. E. Sherman Gould. Cassier's magazine, vol. 18 {Sept., 1900) : 379-392. 1900. Sugar as food. Current literature, vol. 29 {Oct., 1900) : ^53-1^5^. 188 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1900. L'industrie sucriere en Espagne. Gaston Routier. Revue politique et yarlemeiitaire^ vol. 26 {Oct. 10^ 1900): 132-H2. 1900. The New Orleans sugar exchange. Harper's weekly, vol. U {^'ov. 10, 1900) : 1071. 1900. Sugar refining. Scientific AmeHcan supplement, > vol. 50 {Nov. 3, 1900): 20776. 1900. The sugar cane industry in Natal. James Cassidy. ^Vide world magazine, vol. 6 {Nov., 1900) : 198-203. 1900. La question et le marche des sucres, a propos de la proposition Rajon : le sucre : la production du sucre : la legislation sur les sucres. H. Loiseau. Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 26 {Dec. 10, 1900) : 452-Jf71. 1901. Some economic aspects of the sugar problem. George Mathieson. Econom,ic review, vol. 11 {Jan., 1901) : 19-31. 1901. Sugar-cane experiments. Nature, vol. 63 {Jan. 31, 1901) : 33q. 1901. Sugar beet and mangel wurzel. Henry H. Cave. Land magazine, vol. 5 {Feb., 1901) : 117-122. 1901. Sugar beet growing in the United Kingdom. Sigmund Stein. Land magazine, -vol. 5 {Feh., 1901) : 131-132. 1901. An object lesson from the West Indies. Mayson M. Beet on. New liberal review, vol. 1 {Feb., 1901) : 111^-123. 1901. How the beet-sugar industry is growing. Ray Stannard Baker. AmeHcan monthly review of reviews, vol. 23 {Mar., 1901): 32Jf-328. 1901. America and the West Indies. Sir Nevile Lubbock. Empire revieic, vol. 1 {Mar., 1901) : 206-210. 1901. Making maple sugar. Max Bennett Thrasher. Cosmopolitan, vol. 30 {Apr., 1901) : 623-630. sugae: articles in periodicals 189 1901. Britain's duty to British labour. Edward Rae Davson. Empire review, vol. 1 {Apr., 1901) : 332-338. On the sugar bounty question. 1901. L'industrie sucriere en France. Revue de statistique, vol. ^ {Apr. llf, 1901) : 213. 1901. A sugar cane reaper wanted in Hawaii. Scientific American, n. s. ool. 8 If {Apr. 6, 1901) : 213. 1901. La question des sucres en 1901. Emile Macquart. Journal des economistes, 5. ser., t. 1^6 {May 15, 1901) : 237- 243. 1901. Sugar plantation in Hawaii. Enos Brown. /Scientific American supplement, vol. 51 {May 11, 1901): 2120^. 1901. The Russian sugar bounty and the American tariff. Yale review, vol. 10 {May, 1901) : 1-1^. 1901. La question du sucre aux Indes anglaises. Daniel Bellet. Journal des economistes, 5. ser., t. ^7 {Aug., 1901) : 270-276. 1901. Sugar as food. Scientific American supplement, vol. 52 {Aug. 31, 1901): 21461; {Oct. 16, 1901) : 21581. 1901. Rapport et decret relatifs au primes a Texportation des sucres. Bulletin de statistique et de legislation comparee, vol. 25 {Sept., 1901) : 217-^21. 1901. The sugar tariff. [San Francisco Examiner, and New York Commercial Bulletin.] Protectionist, vol. 13 {Sept., 1901) : 286-287. 1901. A new industry for Canada [Beet sugar]. John R. Bone. Canadian magazine, vol. 17 {Oct., 1901) : 564-567. 1901. Le piantagioni di canna da zucchero nelle isole Hawaii. Egisto Rossi. Vltalia coloniale, vol. 2 {Oct., 1901) : 49-59. 1901. La production du sucre au Bresil. Revue de statistique, vol. 4 {Oct. 6, 1901) : 413-414' 1901. Sugar-growing in Behar. F. B. Bradley-Birt. Westminster review, vol. 156 {Oct., 1901) : 4^5-440. 190 LIBEAEY OF COXGEESS 1901. The cane sugar industry in Australia. Board of trade journal, vol. 35 {Nov. H, 1901) : 299-301. 1901. Sugar and the new colonies. Charles A. Crampton. Forum, i^ol. 32 {Xov., 1901): 283-291. 1901. La question des sucres et la conference de Bruxelles. G. de Molinari. Journal des economistes, 5 ser., t. 48 {Dec, 1901) : 342-357. 1901. Le developpement de I'industrie sucriere aux Etats-Unis. Daniel Bellet. Journal des economistes, 5. ser., t. 48 {Dec., 1901) : 411-4^0. 1901. The sugar tax. Outlook, vol. 69 {Dec. 7, 1901) : 856. 1902. Die Briisseler Zuckerconvention. Ernst von Plener. Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwal- tunff, 11 Bd. {1902) : 394-415. 1902. La conference de Bruxelles et la question des sucres. Maurice Vanlaer. Le Correspondant, vol. 206 {Jan. 10, 1902) : 168-183. 1902. Cuba and the sugar tariff. Gunton's magazine, vol, 22 {Jan., 1902) : 5-8. 1902. Can we raise our own sugar? J. S. Crawford. Gunton's magazine, vol. 22 {Jan., 1902) : 37-58. 1902. The sugar question in Europe. Yves Guy ot. North A7nerican review, vol. 174 {Jdn-, 1902) : 85-94- 1902. La question des sucres. V. Didier. La Reforme economique, vol. 11 {Jan. 5, 1902) : 15-16. 1902. Suikerconferentie. De Economist, 51 Jaargang {Feb., 1902) : 153-155; {Mar., 1902) : 234-247. 1902. Prospects of domestic sugar production. Joseph Biddle Wilkinson, jr. Gunton's magazine, vol. 22 {Feb., 1902) : 131-136. 1902. Some free sugar fallacies. George Gunton. Gunton's magazine, vol. 22 {Feb., 1902) : 137-146. 1902. The conjflict of sugar interests. George Kennan. Outlook, vol. 70 {Feb. 8, 1902): 367^70. sugar: articles in periodicals 191 1902. La question des sucres et les interets en cause. J. Hitier. Revue politique et padementaire^ vol. 31 {Feb. 10^ 1902): 3U-3J^8. 1902. Die Zuckerkrise und die Briisseler Conferenz. Guido Bunzel. Die Zeit, vol. 30 {Feh. 15, 1902) : 99-101. 1902. The sugar conference. Board of trade journal, vol. 36 {Mar. 20, 1902) : 637-542. " The text of the convention relative to sugar, signed at Brus- sels on the 5th inst. by the delegates of Great Britain, Ger- many, Austria-Hungary. Belgium, Spain, France, Italy. The Netherlands, and Sweden." 1902. The Cuban complication. Albert Gardner Robinson. Independent, vol. 5i {.Mar. 6, 1902) : 556-558. 1902. Abolition of sugar bounties. Nation, vol. 7 If {Mar. 6, 1902) : 181^-185'. 1902. La question des sucres. Un depute. La Reforme economique, vol. 11 {Mar. 9, 1902) : 357-358. 1902. Consumption of sugar. Scientific American supplement, vol. 55 {Mar. 7, 1903) : 22730. Table showing per capita consumption in principal countries in 1900. 1902. The sugar trade and the convention. Statist, vol. 1^9 {Mar. 15, 1902) : 578-579. 1902. De Suikerconventie. De Economist, 51 Jaargang {Apr., 1902) : 322-32 1^; {May, 1902) : 1^02; {June, 1902) : Jt99-502; {July-Aug., 1902) : 591-59Jf. 1902. Forty years of sugar bounties: and after. Lord Pirbright. Empire review, vol. 3 {Apr., 1902) : 253-273. 1902. Sugar and the convention. Benjamin Taylor. Fortnighthj review, n. s. vol. 71 {Apr., 1902) : 636-6^9. 1902. The sugar pandemonium. George Gimton. Gunton's magazine, vol. 22 {Aj)r., 1902) : 316-325. 1902. Export bounties on sugar in Europe. R. Hotowetz. International monthly, vol. 5 {Apr., 1902) : 1^89-1^96. Translated by A. L. Daniels. 192 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1902. Ziickeraiisfiihrpramien iind Briisseler Vertrag, Brukner. Jahrhilcher fiir Nationaldkonomie und &tatUtik^ vol. 78 {Apr., 1902) : >f56-492. 1902. Les elections et la question des sucres. J. Domergiie. La Reforme economique, vol. 11 (Apr. 6, 1902) : 515. 1902. La question des sucres en 1902. Fred. Vergauwen. Revue generale, vol. 75 {Ap7\, 1902) : 568-590. 1902. La conference de Bruxelles et ses resultats eventuels. G. Blondel. Revue politique et parlementaire., vol. 32 {Apr., 1902) : 43-53. 1902. The Brussels sugar convention. Theodor Bartli. Anglo-American, vol. 7 {31 ay, 1902) : 380-382. 1902. Consumtie van Suiker in de Vereenidge Staten van Noord- Amerika. De Economist, 51 Jaargang {May, 1902) : 413. 1902. Le mouvement agricole. L'industrie sucriere dans le monde. L. Grandeau. Jomnial des econo?nistes, 5. ser., t. 50 {May, 1902) : 186-199; 5. ser., t. 52 {Nov., 1902) : 187-204. 1902. The Brussels sugar conference. E. Castelot. Economic journal, vol. 12 {June, 1902) : 217-220. 1 902. Sugar and the sugar beet. John Waddell. Popular science monthly, vol. 61 {June, 1902) : 157-162. 1902. Le marche sucrier de ITnde. La Reforme economique, vol. 11 {June 15, 1902) : 882-883. 1902. L'impot sur le sucre en France. P. Sinceny. La Reforme economique, vol. 11 {June 22, 1902) : 920-924- 1902. L'industrie sucriere en France apres la conference de Bru- xelles. A. Souchon. Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 32 {June 10, 1902) : 431-473. 1902. Sugar industry in Bahia. II. "W. Furniss. Scientific American supplement, vol. 53 {June 21, 1902) : 22139. sugae: articles in periodicals 193 1902. De Sinker in de Parlementen van Europa. J. d'Aulins de Bourouill. De Economist^ 51 Jaargang {July-Aug.^ 1902) : 51o-6Ifi. 1902. The British colonies: The sugar question. R. G. Corbet. Imferial and Asiatic quarterly review^ 3d ser.^ vol. llf. {July^ 1902) : 101-109. 1902. La conferencia de Bruselas. Cuba y Ainerica, afio 6 {Aug. 2Jf^ 1902) : 265. 1902. The differential duty on sugar. Guntori's magazine^ vol. 23 {Aug.., 1902) : 177-178. 1902. The sugar question. C. Gopal Menon. Madras review., vol, 8 {Aug., 1902) : 29/f.-299. 1902. Beet sugar in Europe. Almost every country limiting pro- duction. Protectionist, vol. U {^^9; 1902) : 198. 1902. Le premiere sucrerie cooperative Hollandaise. Georges de Leener. Revue d^economie politique, 16^ annee {Aug. -Sept., 1902) : 715-733. 1902. Le nouveau regime des sucres. La Conference de Bruxelles, Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 33 {Aug. 10, 1902) : 213-229. 1902. Cuba and the Brussels sugar conference. Yale review, vol. 11 {Aug., 1902) : 120-122. 1902. Sugar industry in the West Indies. Harold Cox. Economic jout-nal, vol. 12 {Sept., 1902.) : ^20-421. 1902. The beet sugar industry. William E. Curtis. National reciprocity, vol. 1 {Sept., 1902) : 32-34- 1902. The beet-sugar industry. Charles Moreau Harger. Outlook, vol. 72 {Sept. 13, 1902): 128-131. 1902. The sugar industry on the continent. Yves Guyot. Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 65 {Sept., 1902) : 419-UO. Discussion, pp. 441^446. 87489—10 13 194 LIBE.\EY OF CONGEESS 1 902. Trade suirgestions from United States consuls. The outlook for sugar. Frank H. Mason. Scienti-fic American supplement^ vol. 5Jf {Oct. 1^., 1902): 22379. 1902. A pamphlet . . . published by the department of Fomento (public works) at Lima, Peru, entitled " La crisis del Azucar ". Bureau of the American republics. Bulletin^ vol. 13 {Nov.^ 1902) : 1J^9. 1902. Free trade in danger. George Martineau. New liberal review., vol. i {Nov., 1902) : 1,96-503. 1902. The sugar industry and legislation in Europe. Charles S. Griffin. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 17 {Nov., 1902) : 1-1,3. Contents. — 1. The rise of the beet-sugar industry ; 2. Beet and cane sugar as competitors; 3. Legislative forces in Eui'ope; 4. Bounty abolition — England's attitude. 1 902. The sugar question in the United States. Frank R. Rutter. • Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 17 {Nov., 1902) : 1,1,-81. 1902. La question des sucres. La Refomne economique, vol. 11 {Nor. 16, 1902) : 1528-1529, 1902. Sugar bounties. Saturday review, vol. 94 {Nov. 29, 1902) : 661,-665. 1902. The. debate on bounties. Spectator, vol. 89 {Nov. 29, 1902) : 821-822. 1902. Gli zuccheri e la convenzione di Bruxelles. Emilio Maraini. Nuova antologia, vol. 102 {Dec, 1902) : 499-521. 1902. La concurrence du sucre de canne. P. Vergne. La Refoimie economique, vol. 11 {Dec. 21, 1902) : 1728-1730. 1903. As to subsidies — ships and sugar, Amencan monthly i^eview of reviews, vol. 27 {Jan., 1903) : 18-19. 1903. The great business combinations of to-day: The so-called sugar trust. Franklin Clarkin. Century magazine, vol. 65 {Jan., 1903) : 4'70-477. 1903. The Brussels sugar convention. Thomas Lough. Contempoi'ary review, vol. 83 {Jan., 1903) : 75-85. sugak: akticles in periodicals 195 1903. La question des siicres. Francois Maury. Revue universelle, vol. 3 {Jan.^ 1903) : 8-10. 1903. The sugar market. Statist, vol. 51 {Jan. 24, 1903) : 202-203. 1903. United States tariffs on sugar since 1846. Trade register, vol. 20 {Jan. 3, 1903) : 11. 1903. The Brussels sugar convention. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 27 {Feb., 1903) : 1903. La convention de Bruxelles est-elle conforme au principe du libre-echange ? G. de Molinari. Journal des economistes, 5. ser., t. 53 {Feh. 15, 1903) : 161-171. 1903. The Brussels sugar convention. Matthew W. Ridley. National review, vol. 40 {Feb., 1903) : 976-988. 1903. Le nouveau regime des sucres. (Loi relative au regime des sucres.) La Reforme economique, vol. 12 {Feb. 1, 1903) : 152-153. 1903. La nouvelle legislation sucriere de I'Autriche-Hongrie. J. Domergue. La Reforme economique, vol. 12 {Feb. 15, 1903) : 211-213. 1903. Progress of the beet-sugar industry in the United States. Charles F. Saylor. Scientific American supplement, vol. 55 {Feb. 21, 1903) : 22692-22694. 1903. Improvements in sugar refining during the last twenty-five years. T. L. Patterson. Scientific American supplement, vol. 55 {Feb. 28, 1903) : 22706-22707. 1903. The sugar question. Magazine of commerce, vol. 2 {Mar., 1903) : 141-14^. 1903. The sugar convention — a reply. Robert Just Boyd. National revieio, vol. 41 {Mar., 1903) : 55-67. 196 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. La mise en vigiieur de la convention de Briixelles. J. Domergue. La Reforme economique, vol. 12 {Mar. 8, 1903) : 323-325. 1903. La convention de Bruxelles, T. Laloiivet. La Reforme economique^ vol. 12., {Mar. 15, 1903) : 369. 1903. La liquidation des primes sucrieres. P. Vergne. La Refomie Sconomique, vol. 12 {Mar. 29, 1903) : 436-437. 1903. Consumption of sugar. Scientific American supplement, vol, 55 {Mar. 7, 1903) : 22730. 1903. The French beet-sugar industry. G. Cerbeland. Scientific American supplement, vol. 55 {Mar. I4, 1903) : 22734-22735. 1903. Havemeyer on the sugar margin. Scientific American supplement, vol. 55 {Mar. 21, 1903) : 22756. 1903. La nouvelle legislation des sucres. Henri Truchy. Revue de science et de legislation fnancieres, vol. 1 {Apr.- May- June, 1903) : 225-281. 1903. The new sugar legislation of France, Germany, and Austria- Hungary. Board of trade journal {London) vol. 4I {May 7, 1903) : '259-261. 1903. The sugar beet in the United States. William R. Lighton and Charles E. DufRe. Cosmopolitan, vol. 35 {June, 1903) : 181-189. 1903. Bounties and the price of sugar. An economic note. George Martineau. New liberal review, vol. 5 {June, 1903) : 678-684. 1903. The beet-sugar industry. W. Frank McClure. Pearson'' s magazine, vol. 9 {June, 1903) : 553-557. 1903. Conditions affecting sugar-beet culture in the United States. Henry C. Taylor. American academy of j)olitical and social science. Annals, vol. 22 {July, 1903) : 179-187. sugar: articles in periodicals 197 1903. The sugar-beet industry. It languishes because of the pros- pect of competition with Cuban sugar. American economist^ vol. 32 {July 10., 1903) : 21. 1903. A new phase of the sugar question. Economist {London) vol. 61 {July 11, 1903) : 1217. 1903. The beet-sugar industry. Iron age, vol. 72 {July 9, 1903) : 51^. 1903. Zuckerproduktion und zuckerpramie, Paul Lensch. Neue Zeit, 21 Jahrgang, vol. 2 {July 18, 1903) : ^90-497. 1903. Les sucres de canne et de betterave en extreme-orient. VEconomiste fran^ais, 31. annee, vol. 2 {Aug. 29, 1903) : 303-304. 1903. The dear sugar bill. Thomas Lough. New liberal review, vol. 6 {Sept., 1903) : 147-155. 1903. Sugar supply of the United States. D. G. Purse. Scientific American supplement, vol. 56 {Oct. 17, 1903): 23239-23240. 1903. On a Cuban ingenio. Naranja Amarga. Longman''s magazine, vol. 4^ {Nov., 1903) : 71-81. Living age, vol. 239 {Dec. 26, 1903) : 809-816. 1903. The end of sugar bounties. F.W.Taussig. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 18 {Nov., 1903) : 130- 134. 1903. Une nouvelle pretention des Etats-Unis. P. Sinceny. La Reforme economique, vol 12 {Nov. 1, 1903) : 1333-1335. 1903. L'industrie et le commerce des sucres dans I'extreme-orient. P. Vergne. La Reforme economique, vol. 12 {Nov. 8, 1903) : 1367-1369. 1903. Des moyens de developper la consommation du sucre en France. P. Sinceny. La Reforme economique, vol. 12 {Nov. 29, 1903) : 1463-1465. 1903. The sugar situation in Austria, Francis Walker. Political science quarterly, vol. 18 {Dec, 1903) : 565-598. 1903. La consommation du sucre. J. Desmets. La Reforme economique, vol. 12 {Dec. 20, 1903) : 1574- 198 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1 904. L'organisation de riinion internationale des sucres. Revue de science et de legislation financieres, vol. 2 {Jan- Mar., 190 Jt) : 1-27. 1904. Garden cities in their relation to industries & agriculture. A. R. Sennett. Society of arts. Journal, vol. 52 {Feb. 19, 190^) : 282-305. Beet-sugar industry, pp. 295-303. 1904. The Brussels sugar convention. George Martineau. Economic journal, vol. llf {Mar., 1904) - 3Jf-46. 1904. La consommation du sucre. Ambroise Rendu. Moniteur industriel, 3P annee {A/y>\ 30. 100 4) : 273^74. 1904. The dear sugar convention. G. H. Perris. Economist {London), vol. 62 {Sept. 3. 1904) ' H50-1452. 1904. The dear sugar convention. J. Forbes Dalmahoy. Economist {London), vol. 62 {Sept. 10, 1904) ■ 1483. 1904. L'industrie sucriere et la convention de Bruxelles. P. Vergne. La Reforme economique, vol. 13 {Oct. 2, 1904): 1195-1198. 1904. Organization of the sugar cane growers. Leonora Beck Ellis. Gunton's magazine, vol. 27 {Nov., 1904) '• 4^^8-483 . 1904. The lesson of sugar. Spectator, vol. 93 {Nov. 26, 1904) : 824-825. 1904. The Hawaiian sugar product. Lewis R. Freeman. AmeHcan montJdy review of revietvs, vol. 30 {Dec. 1904) •' 701-705. 1905. [The growth of beet -sugar industry.] North American review, vol. 180 {Jan.. 1905) : 134-137. 1905. The causes of dearer sugar. Saturday review, vol. 99 {Jan, 28, 1905) : 102-103. 1905. Philippine sugar tariff: domestic production seriously men- aced by the proposed reduction of duties. American economist, vol. 35 {Feb. 17, 1905) : 75. sugak: articles in periodicals 199 1905. The success of the sugar convention. Thomas Lough. Contemporary review^ vol. 87 {Feb.., 1905) : 259-272. Sbows by statistics wliat the writer thinks evil effects ou Great Britain. Continued in Contemp. rev. June, 1908. Last article also reprinted separately. 1905. The making of beet sugar. Henry T. Mortensen. Elementary school teacher, vol. 5 {Feb., 1905) : 364-371. 1905. La question des sucres en Angleterre. Andre Delombre. Revue politique et pa7'lementaire, vol. 1^3 {Feb. 10, 1905) : 302-320. 1905. Sugar fallacies. Saturday review, vol. 99 {Mar. 4, 1905) : 263-26^. 1905. How we suffer under the sugar convention. H. E. Kearley. World^s work and play, vol. 5 {April, 1905) : Jf80-Jf.83. 1905. Encore le sucrage. T. Lalouvet. La Re forme economique, vol. H {May 7, 1905) : 632-63 Jj.. 1905. The beet sugar industry. Truman G. Palmer. American economist, vol. 35 {June 2, 1905) : 260. 1905. La crise du marche des sucres. Paul Leroy-Beaulieu. VEconomiste frangais, vol 33 {Aug. 5, 1905) : 197-199. 1905. La statistique de la production allemande. III. L'industrie du Sucre en Allemagne. C. Ballod. Revue economique internationale, vol. 3 {Aug., 1905) : 316- 330. 1905. Sugar. F. Mollino Perkin. Knowledge and scientific news, n. s. vol. 2 {Nov., 1905) : 267-270. 1905. Le Sucre de betteraves aux Etats-Unis.. Journal des economistes, 6. ser., t. 8 {Dec, 1905) : 344-352. 1905. Un marche des sucres au Havre. P. Sinceny, La Reforms economique, vol. 14 {Dec. 10, 1905) : 1521-1524- 1906. La production mondiale du sucre de betterave et de canne. P. Vergne. La Re forme economique, vol. 15 {Jan. 26, 1906) : 104-106. 1906. Sugar production in Britain. ' Saturday review, vol. 101 {Mar. 3, 1906) : 387-388. 200 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS 1906. La crise dii marche des siicres en 1905. Reinie de science et de legislation financieres, vol. 4 {Apr- June, 1906) : 395-402. 1 906. Les planteiirs sucriers de Tancien regime en Loiiisiane. Alcee Fortier. Revue de synthese historique, vol. 12 {Apr., 1906) : 205-211. 1906. The sugar convention and the sugar trade. Statist, vol. 57 {Apr. 7, 1906) : 650-652. 1906. Our beet-sugar industry. Truman G. Palmer. American economist, vol. 37 {May 11, 1906) : 219. 1906. La convention sucriere de Bruxelles. Un depute. La Reforme economique, vol. 15 {May 4, 1906) : 545-5^7. 1906. Le monopole des raffineries de sucre. P. Yergne. La Reforme economique, vol. 15 {June 22, 1906) : 774-776. 1906. Sugar making in Cuba. Da}' Allen "Willey. Scientific American, n. s. vol. 95 {Nov. 3, 1906) : 321-322. 1906. American sugar industry: address before the Trans-Missis- sippi commercial congress. Truman G. Palmer. American economist, vol. 38 {Dec. 21, 1906) : 296-298. 1907. The development of Indian sugar industry coupled with agriculture. Haridas Chatter ji. Indian revieiv, vol. 8 {Jan., 1907) : 35-40. 1 907. Beet sugar manufacture in Italy. Scientific American supplement, vol. 63 {Feb. 16, 1907): 26023-26024. 1907. Bemerkenswerte technische Xeuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Zuckerfabrikation im Jahre 1906; [im ersten Halbjahr 1907]. A. Stift. Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, vol. 322 {May 4-, H-, ^8, 25, 1907): 278-282, 295-298, 314-316, 326-329; {Sept. 28, 1907) : 614-617; {Oct, 5, 12, 19, 1907) : 635-638, 650-653, 666-669; {Nov. 16, 23, 30, 1907) : 730-733, 746-749, 760- 763. sugar: articles in periodicals 201 1907. Ein Beitrag ziir Kenntnis des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels von Beta vulgaris (Zuckerriibe). Siegfried Strakosch. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien. Sitzungsbenchte der Tnathematisch-natur-wissenschaftlichen Klasse, vol. 116 {June, 1907) : 855-869. 1907. Die Methoden der Zuckerbestimmung in der Riibe. Chemiker-Zeitung, vol. 31 {July 13, 1907) : 699-701. 1907. L'Angleterre et la Convention de Bruxelles. Jules Do- mergue. La Refomfrie economique, vol. 16 {June H, 1907) : 709-711. 1907. Utilisation des sous-produits de Tindustrie sueriere et des industries de fermentation alcoolique. E. Lemaire. Le Genie civil, vol. 51 {July 20, 27, 1907) : 199-202, 218-220; {Aug. 3, 1907) : 233-235. 1907. The sugar-tax and tariff reform. Outlook {London), vol. 20 {July 13, 1907) : 38-39. 1907. La convention sueriere de Brjuxelles. P. Sinceny. La RefoTjne economique, vol. 16 {Aug. 9, 1907) : 912-913. 1907. The Sugar convention and the West Indies. E. Cozens Cooke. Economic journal, vol. 17 {Sept., 1907) : 315^29. 1907. Sugar problem. Political science quarterly, vol. 22 {Sept., 1907) : 535-538. 1907. Das Zuckerrohr und die Bereitung des Rohzuckers in Siid- China. Das Tropenp-fianzer, vol. 11 {Sept., 1907) : 6Jf3-6^6. From " Ostasiatischen Lloyd, Nr. 15, 1907." 1907. L'impot de consommation sur le Sucre. P. Vergne. La Reforme economique, vol. 16 {Nov. 8, 1907) : 1172-1173. 1907. L'acte additionnel a la Convention sueriere de Bruxelles. P. Sinceny. La Reforme economique, vol. 16 {Nov. 8, 1907) : 1171^-1175. 1907. Sugar and the tariff. E. Cozens Cooke. Economic journal, vol. 17 {Dec, 1907) : 566-571. 202 LTBEARY OF CONGRESS 1908. Die Briisseler Zuckerkonventioii vom 5. Marz 1902 unci ihre Verlangerung im Jahre 1908. Otto Johlinger. Jahrhuch fiir Gesetzgehung^ Verwaltung vnd Yoll'swirt- shaft im deutschen Reich^ 32. Jahrgang (1908) : 1615- 1650. 1908. The most important sweet substances. Their manifokl use and occurrence. L. Haupt. Scientifie American supplement., col. 66 {Jan. 18, 1908) : 43-U. 1 908. Sugar : a lesson on reciprocity and the tariff. F. W. Taussig. Atlantic monthly^, vol. 101 {Mar.., 1908) : 33Ji.-3Jf^. 1908. Le regime de Tindustrie sucriere en Russie. Maurice Bellom. Le Genie civil, vol. 53 {May 23, 1908) : 55-58 ; {May 30, 1908) : 70-73. 1908. The price of sugar in olden times. Scientific American, n. s. vol. 99 {Aug. 29, 1908) : 138. 1908. Sugar testing in the Ujiited States customs service. Herbert T. Wade. Scientific American, n. s. vol. 99 {Sept. 12, 1908) : 168. 1908. Les Conventions sucrieres de 1907. Henri Trucliy. Revue de science et de legislation financieres, vol. 6 {Oct.- Dec, 1908) : li93-528. 1908. The amended Sugar convention. E. Cozens Cooke. Economic journal, vol. 18 {Dec, 1908) : 6^-653. 1908. La statistique mondiale des sucres. P. Vergne. La Reforme economique, vol. 17 {Dec. 11, 1908) : 1331-1334.. 1909. Beet sugar under protection. Walter J. Ballard. Protectionist, vol. 20 {Feb., 1909) : 523-52^. 1909. Sugar consumption in the United States and the sources of its supply. Scientific American supplement, vol. 67 {Jan. 23, 1909) : 62. 1 909. The conviction of the sugar trust. Outlook, vol. 91 {Mar. 20, 1909) : 610. sugar: articles in periodicals 203 1909. The duty on sugar, American economist^ vol. 4-3 {Apr. 2, 1909) : 197. 1909. L'industrie sucriere en Roumanie. Moniteur industriel, 36. annee {Apr. 10, 1909) : 226-227. 1909. Southern refinery for Cuban sugar. G. Wilfred Pearce. Manufacturers'' record., vol. 55 {May 13, 1909) : 1^7-1^8. 1909. The government and the sugar trust. Outlook, vol. 92 {May 1, 1909) : 13-1 4. 1909. The Tariff discussion. [Tariff on beet sugar.] Everett P. Wheeler. Outlook, vol. 92 {May 1, 1909) : 22. 1909. The case of the seventeen holes. Harold J. Rowland. Outlook, vol. 92 {May 1, 1909) : 25-S8. An account of the fraud practiced by the American Sugar Refining Company at the New Yorlc customs house. 1909. The sugar frauds. Outlook, vol 92 {May 8, 1909) : 55-56. 1909. The sugar case: fixing the responsibility. Outlook, vol. 92 {May 15, 1909) : 94-95. 1909. The burden of the sugar duty. F.W.Taussig. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 23 {May, 1909) : 548- 553. 1909. The secret of the six corset springs. Current literature, vol. 46 {June, 1909) : 590-592. 1909. A trust haltered. Nation, vol. 88 {June 17, 1909) : 596-597. 1909. Robbing by law. [Tariff and the sugar trust.] Nation, vol. 88 {June 17, 1909) : 597-598. 1909. A Tariff fallacy. [Tariff on sugar.] C. N. Riggins.. Outlook, vol. 92 {June 12, 1909) : 378-379. Reply by E. P. Wheeler : pp. 379-380. 1909. Caught again! [Sugar trust.] Outlook, vol. 92 {June 19, 1909) : 387-388. 204 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1909. The Roosevelt administration and the sugar trust. [Edi- torial.] Outlook, vol. 92 {June 26, 1909) : 1^20 ^-m-'' m 1909. The case against the sugar company. World's work, vol. 18 {June, 1909) : 11636. 1909. Sugar trust officers indicted. Independent, vol. 67 {July 8, 1909) : 57. 1909. The sugar trust and its Pennsylvania rival. Outlook, vol. 92 {July 10, 1909) : 579-680. 1909. Conflits entre la convention sucriere de Bruxelles et les traites de commerce. Fabien Thibault. Revue d'^economie politique, vol. 23 {July, 1909) : Ji97-517. 1909. The Japanese sugar scandals. The Times {London) {July 27, 1909) : 5. 1909. The Japanese sugar scandal. Nation, vol. 89 {Aug. 12, 1909) : 133-13 J^. 1909. The Brussels sugar convention. Benjamin Taylor. North American review, vol. 190 {Sept., 1909) : 3^7-358. 1909. The trail of the hunger tax. Charles P. Norcross. Cosmopolitan magazine, vol. 4-7 {Oct., 1909) : 588-597. Sugar trust. 1909. The sugar trust's fraud. American review of reviews, vol. J^O {Dec, 1909): 644-649. AUTHOR INDEX Page Abbott, Jo 105 Abel, Mrs. Mary Hinman 58 Achard, F. C 66 Acosta y Calbo, Jose Julian 43 Adair, John A. M 108 Adam, L. G. 68 Adams, H. S 182,183 Aime, Valcour 174 Albert, Allen D., jr 102, 108 Albert, Talbot J 122, 124, 129 Albuquerque, J. P. d' 37 Alderson, John D 105 Aldrich, Nelson W 99, 106, 109 Alexander, John H 177 Allain, A 68 Allen, R. M 95 Allen, William V 107 Allison, William B 105, 106, 107 Alquier, Jules 58 Amarga, Naranja 197 American beet sugar association 5 American economic association 5 Anderson, A. W 58 Anderson, Geo. E 132, 135 Anderson, James Forrester 5 Anderson, William 58 Anderson, W. K 123 Andreev, W. N 5,27 Argentine Republic. Ministerio de hacienda 5 Armstrong, James T 153 Arnold, Julean H 132, 135 Ashe, William Willard 37 Ashley, John 153 Ashley, William James 5 Atherton, Henry L 111,113 Atkins, Edwin F 185 Atkinson, George W 105 Atwell, W. P 123,125 Aubry, Charles Eugene, comte 37 Auchincloss, Henry B 177 Aulnis de Bom-ouill, Johan, baron d' - 6, 193 Auspitz, Rudolf 6 Austin, O. P 31,100 Page Avalle 153 Avequin, J. B 174,177 Bache, A. D 67, 85, 86 Bachia, Richard A 99 Baehr, Max J 125, 126, 128, 132, 135 Baer, Albert de 133 Baker, E. L 114 Baker, Louis 87 Baker, Ray Stannard 188 Baker, Woods 175 Baldwin, H. P 183 Balestier, J 58 Ballard, Walter J 202 Ballod, C 199 Ballou, William Hosea 181 Bannister, Richard 181 Barbados. Imperial dept. of agri- culture for the West Indies 37-39 Barber, C. A 183,184 Barnett, Claribel Ruth 6 Barry, M. de 160 Barth, Theodor 192 Barthelemy, A 187 Bartleman, R. M 120 Bartlett, Charles Ill Bartol, H. W 178 Bartz, W 58,60,81 Baruchson, Arnold 39 Bass, William Louis 7, 58 Basset, Nicolas 39, 59 Bates, Frederick John 59 Bay ley, Thomas 59 Bayne, Thomas M 104 Beckford, William 154 Beckmann, Prof 154 Beeton, Mayson M 7, 186, 188 Belcher, George C. W 64 Belgrove, William 154 Bell, Isaac, jr 113 Bell, James 59 Bellairs, S 180 Bellet, Daniel 189, 190 Bellom, Maurice 202 Bellows, E. C 128 Benard, T. N 177 205 206 AUTHOR INDEX Page Benjamin, J. P 39, 174 Benoit, J. A 39 Berg, Norbert Pieter van den 7, 8 Berg, Theobald 39 Bergh, R. S. S -v 133 Bernard, H 8 Berndt, L 65 Berry, James H 106 Berthelot, Marcellin Pierre Eu- gene 59 Bertrand, Henri Gratien, comte. . . 154 Bessemer, Sir Henry 59 Bijur, A 99 Birkbeck, John 178 Birschel, Hermann 8 Bittmann, Carl 8 Blachette, L.J 154 Black, H. Campbell 183 Blake, J. C 59 Blake, Maxwell 132 Bliss, Philemon 10 Bliss, T. H 99 Blondel, G 192 Blymyer, David W 39 Blymyer manufacturing company. 40 Bock, Joh 170 Bonicke, Arthur von 8 Boizard, E 8 Bone, John R 189 Bonham, B. F 114 Booth, Abraham 173 Bordeaux . Chambre de commerce . . 8 Botkin, Theodosius 133 Boucher, Henry 13 Bouchereau, Alcee 9 BouUaire, J 9 Bovell, John R 37 Bowker, R. R 180 Boyd, Robert Just 195 Boyd, W. P 123 Bradley-Birt, F. B 189 Brain, L. Lewton- 40 Bray, J. P 131 Breckinridge, William C. P 104 Briem, Hermann 40 Bright, Louis J., & co 24 Bristow, Joseph L 109, 110 Brittain, Joseph 1 134 Brown, Enog 189 Brown, Henry Alvin 9, 10 Browne, Charles Albert, jr 59 Bruknor 192 Brunet, L 41 Bryan, Albert Hughes 60 Page Buchanan, G 179,180 Buchanan, William I ,. 120 Buerstenbinder, R 40 Buffalo agricultural machine works, Buffalo 60 Bulkeley, Morgan G 109 Bunker, D. T 114 Bunzel, Guido 191 Burgh, N. P 178 Burke, David N 116, 117, 118 Burkett, Elmer J 109 Burlamaqui, Frederico Leopoldo Cesar 40 Burrows, Julius C 108 Butman, Arthur B 134 Caffery, Donelson 106, 107 Cail, Jean Francois 156 Campbell, John 154 Campbell, John Tyler 115 Canada, W. W. : 130 Candolle, A. de 40 Cannon, Joseph G 103, 104 Cantero, Justo German 60 Cappez, A. Royer-. See Royer- Cappez, A. Carleton, A. E 127 Cartwright, S. A 176 Casaseca, Jos6 Luis 156 Cassidy, James 188 Castelot, E 192 Caullet, Paul 10 Cave, Henry H 188 Cerbeland, G 196 Chales, Adolphe 10 Champomier, P. A 10 Chancellor, C. W 120 Chapman, George T 72 Chatterji, Haridas 200 Cheney, Elias H 118 Chester, Frank Dyer 129 Child, David Lee 154 Child, Jacob T 114 Chipman, N. P 40 Chisholm, Hugh 185 Chittenden, Frank Hurlbut 41 ( 'hurch, Edward 155 Churchill, James M 113 Claassen, H fiO, 81 Clapp, Moses E 109, 110 Clarke, Sir Simon Houghton, 9th bart 155 Clarkin, Franklin 194 Clay, Alexander S 108 Cleland, John C 155 AUTHOR INDEX 207 Page Clemson, Thomas G 175 Closson, Carlos C 184 Clough, William 45 Clough refining company, Cincin- nati 60 Cobb, Nathan A 41 Cochraine, Charles H 61 Coldridge, Ward 181 Coleman, H. Dudley 105 Colfax, Schuyler 10 Collier, Peter 41, 61 Colson, Leon Clement 41 Colwell, A. W 183 Comstock, J. Henry 41 Conger, Edwin H 103 Convention of the representatives of the Louisiana protected indus- tries. New Orleans, 1884 11 Cook 168 Cooke, E. Cozens 201, 202 Cooper, S. B 98,100 Corbet, R. G 193 Covert, John C 124, 128 Cox, Harold 185, 186, 193 Cox, Samuel S '. 104 Crain, William H 105 Crampton, Charles A 42, 186, 190 Crawford, J. S 190 Crawford, John Martin 27, 118 Creps, Francisco Gutierrez. See Gutierrez Creps, Francisco. Crookes, Sir William 61, 78 Cropper, James 155 Crowell, John Franklin 186, 187 Cuba. Departamento de estadistica . 1 1 Intendencia de ejercito y haci- enda 11 Oficina del censo 11 Secretaria de hacienda 11 Cull, Edward Lefroy 61 Cullop, William A 110 Cummins, Albert B 109 Cunningham, Edwin S 134 Curtis, William E 193 Cutting, Hiram Adolphus 42 D'Aligny, Henry Ferdinand Quarre 61 Dalmahoy, J. Forbes 198 Daubree, Paul 156 Davis, J. W 34 Davson, Edward Rae 189 Debarbieri, B. Riccardo 45 De Bow, James Dunwoody Brown- son 11,174 Page Deerr, Noel 61 Dehay, Timothee — /. e., Louis Timothee 156 Deherain, P. P 185 Delavigne, J. C 174 Delombre, Andre 199 DeMann, E. F , 11 Denton, Albert A 62 Derosne, Charles 156 Desmets, J 197 Didier, Y 190 Diederich, Henry ^^■ 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,130,131,135,136 Dietrich, Charles W 99 Dingley, Nelson, jr 103, 104 Dodson, Thomas 163 Doering, Emil 42 DoUiver, Jonathan P 110 Domergne, Jules 192, 195, 196, 201 Donzelmann, Hugo 125 Dorsey, George W. E 105 Drouineau, Leon Albert 58 Droysen, Karl Johann 42 Drummond , Victor 143 Dubief, L. F 156 Dubrunfaut, Augustin Pierre 11,156 Dudley, LB 127 Duffie, Charles E 196 Duke, J. Maurice 113 Dumon 158 Dumont, Alejandro 157 Dumoret, Marcel 42 Duncan, J 62 Duncan, J. A. R 62 Dunning, James E 133,134 Dupont, F 62 Durand, E 173 Dureau, B ' 12 Dureau, Georges-. 12 Eastwick, Edward P 23 Ebering, Arthur 12 Eckstein, D 113, 115 Edson, Hubert 42 Edwards, Bryan 157 Edwards, W. H 116,117 Ellis, Ellen Deborah 12 Ellis, Leonora Beck 198 Engelberts, E. C. W 7 Ernotte, J 62 Estes, W. R 128 Evans, David Morier 157 Evans, William Julian 157, 174 Everett, Sidney B 123 208 AUTHOR INDEX Page F., H. P 12 Fabian de Velasco, S 58 Falconer, W 158 Falkenbach, Joseph 114, 115 Fairer, Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baron 12 Faurot, C. S 42 Fernandez Umpierre, Manuel 42 Figyelmesy, Philip 112, 113 Fisher, Fred D 135 Fitzgerald, John F 106 Fleischmann, Charles Lewis 84 Fontana-Russo, Luigi 12 Ford, Clarence C HI Ford, Worthington C 31, 180 Fordney, Joseph W 107 Fortier, Alcee 200 Foster, John G 132 Foster, Murphy J 109, 110 Fox, William F 43 France. Chambre dcs deputes 13, 158 Conseil general de V agriculture . 13 Conseil superieur de Vagri- culture 13 Direction generates des douanes . 13 Ministere des affaires etrang- h-es 13,14 Frankel, Julius 62 Frankenthal, Adolph L 125 Freeman, Lewis R 198 Freret, B. G 43 Fress.0 62 Frew, William 78 Fribourg, Charles 62 Fruhling, R 14 Frye, William P 105 Furneaux, Charles 116 Furniss, H. W 126, 127, 192 Gallois 62 Galloway, Robert 180 Gamba, F 97 Gans, D. S 158 Gay, Edward J 103 Gear, John H 103, 104 Gebhardt, Paul, i. c. Johann Paul. . 14, 43 Gee, Joshua 158 Germain, Eugene 119 Germany. Reichsamt des Innern . . 14 Reichstag 14-15 Zucker-Enquete-Kommission.. . 15 Geschwind, Lucien 43 Gibbs, W. A 178 Gibson, Randall Lee 105 Gill, C. Haughton 178 Page Girard, Jos'eph, i. e. Marcel Marie Joseph de 62 Giribaldo, D 62 Given, Arthur 55 Glucose sugar refining co 63 Gmelin, Leopold 63 Goebel, Joseph 63 Goerz, J 15 Goessmann, Charles Anthony 43, 63 Goldschmidt, Julius 122 Gordon y de Acosta, Antonio de... 15 Gore, Thomas P .' 109 Gorman, Arthur P 106 Gottschalk, A. L. M 132 Gould, E. Sherman 187 Gould, John Stanton 43 Gowey, J. F 122 Goy 68 Grand-Court, Grivot 43 Grandeau, L 192 Grant, E. B 44 Great Britain. Board of trade... 137-140 Colonial office 140 Foreign office 141-150 India office 150 Parliament 150, 151 Select committee on sugar and coffee planting 151 Select committee on sugar in- dustries 151, 152 Treaty series 152 West India royal commission. . . 152 Gredinger, Wilhelm 63 Greeley, Horace 15 Green, J. Reynolds 63 Greene, Benjamin B 158 Gregory, James J. H 44 Greig, W. R 173 Grey, Henry George Grey, 3d earl. 15 Griffin, Charles S 184, 194 Griffin, Frederick W 179 Griffin, G. W 112, 113, 115 Griffin, Walter T 124 Griffith, P. Merrill 135 Grimshaw, Robert 179 Groger, A 63 Grosvenor, Charles H 103 Grotewold, Chr 16 Grout, John H 135 Grout, William W 105 Guillemin, Aug 178 Gundermann, Friedrich Wilhelm. 44 Gunning, Jan Willem 16, 63 Gunsaulus, E.N 127 AUTHOR INDEX 209 Page Gunton, George 190, 191 Gutierrez Creps, Francisco 44 Guyot, Yves 16, 190, 193 Gwynne, George 173 Hadi, Saiyid Muhammad 52 Hager, Carl 16,17 Hale, Eugene 105 Hall, William T 60 Hallatt, Harry H 128 Halligan, J. E 59 Hallock, E. J 69 Hammond, E. P. T 119 Hancock, William Neilson 44 Handley, W. W 132 Harang, Theophile 17 Hard wick, Thomas W 107 Harger, Charles Moreau 193 Harland, R. H 66 Harris, Ernest L 136 Harrison, W 123 Harte, Bret Ill Hastings, F. P Ill Haupt, L 202 Havemeyer, Theodore A 17 Haven, Joseph 126 Hawaiian sugar planters' associa- tion 44 Hawes, John B 91, 116 Haynes,Thornwell. 127, 128, 129, 130, 133 Haywood, William 122 Hazard, Samuel 45 Hedges, Isaac A 45, 64 Heenan, Thomas E 113, 123, 126 Hellig, Albert F 64 Hellsten, A. F 64 Helot, Jules 17 Henderson, David B 103 Herbst, Carl 17 Hering, C.J 64 Hermann, Binger 105 Herzfeld, Adolf 17 Herzog, Wilhelm 45 Hesse, Alexandre-Andre 17 Higgins, Bryan 158 Hill, Edward J 114 Hitier, J 191 Hoar, George F 105, 107 Hogan, Edward 179 Holaday, R. E 127 Hollender, Otto 133 Holloway, W. R 128, 130 Hollrung, M 46 Holt, Byron W 96, 98 87489—10 14 Page Homan van der Heide, J 17 Horsin-Deon, Paul 64 Hossfeld, Frederick W 125, 130, 131 Hotowetz, R 191 Hough, Franklin B 18 Hourier, Evariste 64 Howard, Albert 37 Howell, Joseph 107 Howland, Harold J 203 Hubbard, William F 43 Hudig, J 64 Hiining, William 112 Humbert, Gustav 18 Hume, Joseph 159 Hunt, Robert 77 Hurst, Carl Bailey 121 Huskisson, William 159 Hutcheson, J. M 18 Hutler, Robert 62 Hyde, James F. C 45 leery, E 65 Iddings, Lewis M 134 Ifft,G. N 131 Imbart de la Tour, J 18 Ingram, A . E 133 International conference on the question of sugar bounties 18-19 Italy. Comm. speciale 159 Direzione generale delV agricol- tura 45 Jackson, Benjamin Daydon 45 Jackson, Chester E 111,112 Jackson, John R 177, 178 Jacquemart, Frederic 20 Jaensch, Theodor 20 Jamaica. Chamber of commerce.. 159 Sugar experiment station 45 James, Ollie M 108 Janasz, Stanislaus 45 Jastremski, Leon 119, 120 Jelly, Thomas .*. 159 Jodidi, Samuel L 65 Johlinger, Otto 202 Johnson, Felix S. S 124 Johnson, H. Abert 123, 134 Johnson, Samuel W 176 Johnston, J. S 160 Jones, James K 106 Jones, Llewellyn 65 Jones, O. H 46 Jones, T.C 130 Jouin 68 Joulie, Henri 46 210 AUTHOR INDEX Page Judd, Thomas 160 Julia de Fontenelle, Jean Sebastien Eugene 154 Karel, John 120 Katzenstein, Willy 20 Kaufmann, Richard von 20 Kaufmann, Wilhelm 20 Kearley, H. E 199 Kehl, John E 129 Kelley , William D 104 Kellogg, James C 117 Kennan, George 190 Kerr, Daniel 103, 105 Kerr, Thomas 46 Kiefer, Hermann 112 Kiehl, A. F 46 Kiev 46 King, C.J 130 Kirsche, Bruno 46 Knauer, F 46 Knott, Hermann 20 Koch, Paul 20 Kohn, Ferdinand 178 Kriiger, Wilhelm 46, 54 Labat, Jean Baptiste 160 La Follette, Robert M 110 Lahitte, Emilio 20 Laird, Macgregor 160 Lalouvet, T 196, 199 Landolt, Hans Heinrich 65 Lang, Johan 20 Lapeyrade, Joseph, i. e. Pierre An- toine Joseph 21 Lasar, Henry S Ill La\Tson, A. de 21 Lay, Julius G 124, 128 League of domestic producers 21, 48 Le Breton, F 160 Le Clerc, J. Arthur 65 Ledou:;^ Urbain J 129, 133 Le Due, W. G 77 Leener, Georges de 193 L^gier, Emile 21, 65 Leher, Ernst 65 Lemaire, E 201 Lensch, Paul 197 Leon, John A 160 Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 199 Lethbridge, Sir Roper 187 Levy, Raphael-Georges 187 Lewis, W'illiam Draper 181 Licht, F. 131 Lighten, William R 196 Ligon, Richard 161 Page Lindner, P 65 Liiidquist, J. Alexander 21 Lindsay, William 107 Lippmann, Edmund Oskar von ... 66 Littleton, Edward 161 Lock, Charles George Warnford . 66, 67, 74 Loiseau, H 188 Lombart 68 London. Beetroot sugar associa- tion 21 Refined sugar association 21 Wholesale sugar dealers^ associa- tion 21 Long, John H 65 Loomis, F. B 123 Lopez Tuero, Fernando 46 Loring, George Bailey 46 Lough, Thomas 194, 197, 199 Lovering, Joseph S 47, 177 Loze, Ed 22 Lubbock, Sir Nevile 16, 22, 185, 188 Lucas, A 68 Lussac, J. Gay- 78 Luzuriaga, Jose R. de 47 Lyon, Ernest 130 McClellan, George B 98 McClure, W. Frank 196 McCuUoh, Richard Sears . . 67, 85, 86, 175 McDonnell, Alexander 162 McEnery, Samuel D 108 Macfadyen, James 162 M'Intosh, John Geddes 68 Mclvor, N. W 120 McKenna, Joseph 104 McKinley, D. A Ill McKinley, William 105 McLaurin, Anselm J 108 McMurtrie, William 47 Macquart, Emile 189 Magdeburg. Handelskammer ... 22 Mahin, Frank W 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134 Mahy, Francois C^saire de 68 Malepeyre, Fran 50 Ls 64 Malpeaux, L 47 Manderson, Charles F 95, 105 Manicke, Albert 22 Manson, George J 184 Maquenne, Leon Gervais Marie ... 68 Maraini, Emilio 194 Marggraf, A. S 66 Marlatt, Charles Lester 47 Marryat, Joseph 162 Marshall, J 162 AUTHOR INDEX 211 Page Martin, Robert Montgomery 22 Martin, Samuel 162, 163 Martineau, George... 22, 187, 194, 196, 198 Mas y Otzet, Francisco de 44 Masfe-Dari, Eugenio 22 Mason, Frank H 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 130, 194 Massachusetts publishing company, Everett, Mass 23 Matanzas {Province) Diputacion provincial 23 Mathieson, George 23, 188 Maumene, Edme Jules 68 Maury, Fran9ois 195 Maxwell-Lefroy, II 37 Mayes, N. I., & Co 68 Melsens, Louis Henri Frederic. . . . 163 Menon, C. Gopal 193 Meriau, Carlos 68 Merijot, E 78 Merritt, H. F 116, 120 Meyer, Adolph 106 Meyer, Conrad 23 Meyer, G. F 68 Michelmann, Eniil 23 Millar, Samuel Rolfe 114 Millard, J 47 Miller, Henry B 134 Mittelstaedt, Otto 68 Moigno, Franyois Napoleon Marie, Fabbe 69 Molinari, G. de 190, 195 Moody, John 24 Moore, Gideon E *. 69, 77 Moran, James B 24 Morejon y Gato, Antonio 163 Moreton, J. B. . 163 Morey, W 115 Morfit, Campbell 177 Morgan, William E 115 Morlan, Albert E 115 Morrill, Justin S 99 Morris, Sir Daniel 37, 39, 152 Morris, Henry C 121 Morrow, William M 105 Morse, Irving Haskell 69 Mortensen, Henry T 199 Moseley, Benjamin 163 Mosso, Ugolino 69 Moulin, Charles Desire 24 Miiller, Alexander, i. e. Karl Alex- ander 47 Mullen, D. M 116 Munson, Lewis Storms 69 Page Murphy, George H 124, 128 Muth, Julius 118, 119, 120, 121, 122 Myrick, Herbert 21, 47, 48, 184 Nash, Paul 129 National academy of sciences, Washington, D.C 69, 88 National agricultural society, Washington, D.C 163 National board of trade 69 New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries 24 New Orleans. Louisiana sugar exchange 24 New York free-trade club 24 Newell, William 117, 118 Newlands, Benjamin E. R.... 62,67,70 Newlands, Francis G : 98, 109 Newlands, John A. R 67, 70 Niccol, Robert 48, 178 Nicholson, W. G ' 48 Norcross, Charles P 204 Nunez, Joseph A 112 Oaks, William 163 O'Donnell, James 104 Olcott, Henry Steel 70 Olivan, Alejandro 164 Ontario. Dept. of agriculture 48 Opp, Frederick 120 Orson, B 164 Ostwald, W 80 Otto, Friedrich Julius 70 Owen, Robert L 108, 109 Owen, William D 103 Oxholm, Peter Lotharius 164 Paasche, Hermann 24, 25, 48 Palmer, Truman G 5, 25, 49, 98, 99, 100, 102, 199, 200 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3d viscount 164 Parker, Charles S 186 Parmentier, Antoine Augustin. . . . 164 Patterson, Andrew J 122 Patterson, T. L 195 Paul, B. H 70 Payen, Anselme 70, 175 Payne, Sereno E 106, 107 Pearce, G. Wilfred 203 Pearson, A. N 49 Peck, S. S 49 Redder, James 164 Peffer, Elwood S 71 Pellet, Henri 62 Peluffo, A 62 Penfield, Frederic C 119 212 AUTHOE INDEX Page Pennsylvania. Secretary of internal affairs 71 Percival, Lewis H 121 Perkin, F. Mollino 199 Perrin, William 165 PerrL*. George Herbert 25, 198 Perry, J. W 49 Peru. Ministerio defomento 25 Peters, Samuel R 104 Pfeiffer. Carl 49 Phillips, Henry 165 Pilet, Otto 25, 81 Pirbright, Lord 191 Plener, Ernest von 190 Poey, Juan 25 Porter, George Richardson 165, 175 Porter, Robert* P 26 Posner, T 65 Possanner, Benno Freiherr von. ... 71 Powell. George Baden- 179, 180, 184 Pratt, E. Spenser 119 Premium, Barton, pseud 165 Preuss, E 71 Preyer, Wilhelm Dietrich 26 Price, Andrew 104 Prinsen Geerligs, H. ( " 49, 71 Pm-se, D. G 42, 197 Putnam, J. H 112 Queensland. Dept. of agriculture . 49 Quincke, G ! . . . 80 Quivy, L 71 Raffard, Henri 49 Raine. F 113, 114 Reagan, John H 105 Rebello, Carlos 11 Reed, William 26 Reimer, Otto E 115, 117 Renaut, F. W 171 Rendu, Ambroise 198 RejTiolds, J. B 175 RejTioso. Alvaro 50 Reynouard. Felix 166 Ridgely, Benjamin II 124, 126, 129, 132, 133 Ridley. Matthew \\' 195 Riggins. C. X 203 Rillieux, X 175 Rio de Janeiro. Institute flumi- nense de agricultura 50 Ritter 166 Rittue, E. C 52 Robertson, Samuel M 98. 105 Robin.«on, Albert Gardner 191 Robinson, Herman Foster 26 Page Robinson. S. H 166 Roche, Jules 26 Roddenberry , W. B 55 Roderus, Frank 37 Rodgers, James L 134, 135, 136 Rolfe, George William 60, 71 Ronciere, St. C. de la 120 Root, Elihu 109 Root, John William 26 Rossi, Egisto 189 Rossignon, Julio 72 Roth, Henry Ling 27 Roth, Hugo 27 Roughley, Thomas 166 Rentier, Gaston 27, 188 Royer-Cappez, A 50 Rudler, F. W 77 Riimpler, A 72, 76 Rush. Benjamin 166 Russel. J 27 Russia. Dept. of trade and manu- factures 27 Russo, Luigi Fontana. See Fon- tana-Russo, Luigi. Rutter, Frank Roy 27, 194 Ryan, Thomas 103 Ryder, Henry B 113, 114 Sabath, Adolph J 110 Sacher, Hermann 27 Sadtler . Samuel P 72 St. Croix, Marquis de. pseud. See RejTiouard, Felix. St. John, Andrews A 115 Salviati, Karl Wilhelm Heinrich Ernst von 28 Sammons, Thomas 135 Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Es- cuela de oficios 50 Saunders, Edward W 110 Sawter, George 126 Sawyer, Moses H 116 Savior, Charles Fremont 28. 195 Scard, F. 1 65 Scattergood, Joseph 173 Schar. E 50 Scheibler, C 63, 171 Schiffner, Alfred 72 Schindler, A. Houtum 115 Schippel. Max 28 Schonrock, O 65 Scholes, Theophilus E. S 28 Schomburgk, -SiV Robert Hermann. 167 Schuchart. Theodor 28 Schutt, F 65 AUTHOR INDEX 213 Schiizenbach, Karl Sebastian. Schulz, Albert Schulz, C. G Schumann, Walter Schwerin, M Page 72 28 72 . 129 28 Scoffern, John 29, 167, 175, 177, 178 Scovell, M. A 55 Seagrave, Frank H 186 Searles, John Enni-^ 23, 29 Seeger, Eugene 125 Sellier, E 43 Sennett, A. R 198 Seyfert, A. G 135 Shepheard, Wallyn Poyer B 181 Sherman, John 105 Shier, J 73 Sicard, Adrien 50 Silliman, Benjamin 167 Silva Ferro brothers 73 Simmonds, P. 1 174,176 Sinceny, P ] 92, 197, 199, 201 Sinclair, James M 50 Skaife, \Yilfrid 186 Skinner, Robert P 126, 131 Slaski 73 Smalley, Eugene V 180 Smallwood, W. M 29 Smart, W 29 Smith, Alfred W 136 Smith, Alvin 127 Smith, James 11 118 Smoot, Reed 109, 110 Smythe, Henry M 121 ' Snodgrass, John H 136 Soames, Peter 73 Societe anonyme de raffinage spe- cial des melasses 73 Soleau, A 167 Sorsby, William B 116, 126 Souchon, A 192 Sowers, E 183 Spahr, ('. B 181 Spencer, Guilford Lawson 29, 32, 56, 73, 74 Spooner, John ( ' 103 Sproule, J 178 Squier, George L., mfg. company. 74 Squiers, H. G .' 127,128 Stahl, Augustin 43 Stammer, Karl 74, 75 Stammer, R 170 Stansbury, Charles Frederick 75 Stein, Arthur 29 Stein, Sigmund 185, 188 Page Steinhart, Frank 131 Stem, Louis 123 Stewart, F. L 75, 182 Stewart, James 75 Stewart, John, of London 168 Stewart, John W 105 Stewart, William M 105, 106 Steydn, Ernst 75 Stift, Ant -51, 76, 200 Stillman, O. B 76 Stohmann, F 76 Stoklasa, Julius 51 Stolle, Edward 176 Stolle, F 76 Stone, L. B 174 Stowe, J. G 122 Strakosch, Siegfried 201 Strohmer, F 76 Stubbs, William Carter 29, 42, 47, 51 Studer, A. G 115 Sturgiss, George C 108 Stutzer, Albert 76 Sugar cane and cassava convention. 29 Sumner, William Graham 30 Surface, George T 30 Sutton, Warner P 113 Swann, James V. R 112 Sweden 30 Swenson 89 Swezey, (Jtto II 51 Sykes, W. H 30,175 Taccani, Alessandro 76 Tanner, George C 112 Tardieu, H 8 Tariff commission, London 30 Taussig, F. W 180, 197, 202, 203 Tayler, Alexander James Wallis-. . 76 Taylor, Benjamin 191,204 Taylor, Henry C 196 Taylor, Miles 177 Teicke, Paul 51 Thackara, A. M 131 Thacker, Orrin 31 Thausing, Eduard 51 Thibault, Fabien 204 Thielmann, L. H 76 Thomas, W. W.Jr 118 Thorpe, Frank Hall 77 Thorpe, T. B 176 Thrasher, Max Bennett 188 Tiemann, W 51 Tillman. Benjamin R 107 Tingle, E. W. S 118 Titus, Edward Sharpe Gaige 52 214 AUTHOR INDEX Page Tour, J. Imbart de la. See Imbart de la Tour, J. Tower, Charlemagne 128 Townsend, Charles Orrin 52, 77 Townsend, L 126 Tracy, J. E. W 52 Truchy, Henri 196, 202 Trueman 168 Tucker, J. H 77 Tuero, Fernando Lopez. See Lo- pez Tuero, Fernando. Turner, Frederick M. 182, 185 Turner, Samuel 168 Tussac, F. R. de 168 Ullmann, M 40 L^mpierre, Manuel Fernandez. See Fernandez Umpierre, Manuel. United pro\dnces of Agra and Oudh. 52 L'nited States. Bureau of statistics {Dept. of commerce and labor). . . 31 Bureau of statistics {Treasury dept.) 31,32 Congress 32, 33 Dept. of agriculture 53-54, 77 Dept. of justice 33 Dept. of state 33 Laws, statutes, etc 34 Superintendent of documents ... 54 Treasury dept 34 Division of customs 34, 77 War dept 34 Cuban census office 34 Van Dine, Delos L 54 Vanlaer, Maurice 190 Varela, Rufino 5 Ventzke 173 Vergauwen, Fred 192 Vergne, P 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202 Versuchsstation fiir Zuckerrohr 54 Verzeichnis der Riibenzuckerfa- briken 77 Vest, George G 106, 107 Vetter, A. Th 34 Villa-Urrutia y Puente, Wenceslao de 169 Vinke, Albertus 122 Voelcker, Augustus 178 Vogt, Paul L 28, 35 VoUmer, Ernest 135 Voorhees, Daniel W 99 Waddell, John 192 Wade, Herbert T 202 Wagner, Ladislaus von 62, 78 Page Wagner, Rudolf von 78 Walcher, S. M 54 Walker, Francis 197 Walker, George Ill Walker, H. de R 35 Walkhoff, Louis 78 Wallis-Tayler, Alexander James. See Tayler, Alexander James Wallis-.' Walpole, C. G 185 Warner, William D Ill, 114,117 Ware, Lewis S 55, 78, 179 Warner, Brainard H., ;> 125, 129 Warrington, W. Jennings 181 Washburn, Albert H 1 17, 118 Washington, H ^ 35 Wasilkowski 73 Watt, Sir George 35 Watt, Robert 169 Watts, Ethelbert 128 Watts, Francis 38, 55 Watts. Henr\- 63 Webb, Alexander R 115, 116 Webb, William 163, 169 Weber, H. A 55 Weber, John B 103 Webster, Robert Grant 181 Webster & co 55 Wein, Ernst 78 Wells, David Ames 35. 36 Werner, H 55 \Mieeler, Everett P 203 WTieeler, Joseph 103 Wheless, Joseph 184 \Miite, H 180,181,182,187 WTiite, Stephen M 106 \^1iitehouse, W. F 169 Wiechmann, Ferdinand Gerhard. . 78 Wiener, M 36 Wigner, G. W 66 Wileman, H. St. J 55 Wiley, Harvey Washington 32, 43, 55-57, 79-80, 179, 181, 182, 185 Wilhelmy, Ludwig Ferdinand 80 Wilke, Franz i. e. Christian Fried- rich Franz .' 57 Wilkinson, Joseph Biddle, jr 190 Wilkinson, R. A 174,180 Wilkinson, Theodore S 103 Willett, William, jr 110 Willoy, Day Allen 200 Williams, Condi. - 36 Williams, G. H 183 Williams, Ramon O. . . . 113, 114, 116, 119 AUTHOR INDEX 215 Page Williams, W. M.J 36 Williams, W. Rees 36 Wilson, James 185 Wilson, James H 101 Wilson, John 112 Winter, H 54 Winterhalter, W. K 57 Wisconsin, University of 57 Woge, Richard 36 Wolf, Julius 36 Wood, Horatio G 116 Woodcroft, B 80 W ray, Leonard 169, 175, 176 Page Wright, Luke E 133 Wuthe, Wilhelm i. e. Ernst Fried- rich Wilhelm 80 Youmans, G. R 55 Young, James 173 Young, Sir William 169 Zabel's Jahr- u. Adressbuch 81 Zayas [y Jimenez] Francisco 50, 57 Zehntner, L 57 Zimmermann, Richard 36 Zoega, Frederif Salvatur 154 Zolla, D 186 SUBJECT INDEX Pagt African Sugar cane: See Imphee Agriculture 37-57 See also Beet sugar, Cane sugar Culture American sugar refining com- pany: Bass, W. L 7 Havemeyer, T. A 17 Hellig, A. F 64 Massachusetts pub. co 23 Moody, J 24 Palmer, T. G 25 U. S. Dept. of justice 33 Congressional documents — 1888 90 1892 91 1892,1893 92 1894 93 1909 102 Congressional record — 1897 107 Periodicals — 1894 182 1897 184 1903 194 1909 202,203,204 Anaheim cooperative beet sugar company: Congressional documents — 1893 92 Analysis and testing; Bates, F. J. and J. C. Blake... 59 Bell, J 59 Berthelot, M. P. E 59 Bryan, A. H 60 Fribourg, C 62 Landolt, H. H 65 Lock, C. G. W 66,67 McCulloh, R. S 67 Mittelstaedt, O 68 Morse, I. H 69 Newlands, J. A. R • 70 Peffer, E. S 71 Preuss, E 71 Prinsen Geerligs, H. C 71 Rolfe, G. W 71 Shier, J 73 Page Analysis and testing: Spencer, G . L 73,74 Steydn, E 75 Stift, A 76 Stolle, F 76 Tucker, J. JI 77 United States. Treasury de- partment 34 Wein, E 78 Wiechmann, F. G 78 Wiley, II. \\ 79 Congressional documents — 1845 85 1847 86 1890 90 Consular reports — 1888 114 Periodicals — 1858 177 1908 202 Bibliography — Wiechmann, F. G 78 Hydrometers — McCulloh, R. S 67 Spencer, G. L 73 Congressional documents — 1845 85 1848 86 Polariscope — Brown, H. A 10 Fress, 62 Landolt, H. H 65 Rolfe, G.W 71 Periodicals — 1845 173 Saccharometer — Gunning, J. W 16, 63 McCulloh, R. S 67 Moigno, F. N. M. Vabbe 69 See also Dutch standard Antigua: Barbados 38 Consular reports — 1886 112 Argentine Republic: Great Britain. Foreign office. . 149 Lahitte, E 20 217 218 SUBJECT INDEX Argentixe Republic: Page Wileinan, H. St. J 55 Consular reports — 1888 114 1896 120 1907 133 Artificial coloring: Moore, G. E 69 United States. Treasury de- partmen t 77 Australia : Consular reports — 1886 113 1905 131 Periodicals — 1901 190 AUSTRIA-HUNGARV ; Auspitz, R 6 Boullaire, J 9 Great Britain. Foreign office. . 142 Verzeichnis 77 Vetter, A 34 Wiener, M 36 Consular reports — > 1886 112 1888 114 1890 116 1895 119 1896,1897 121 1903 128 1904 129 1907 133 Periodicals — 1902 191 1903 196,197 See also Bounties, Austria- Hungary ; Tariff, Aus- tria-Hungary; Trusts, Austria-Hungary Barbados 37-39, 153 Ashley, J 153 Belgrove, W 154 Enquiry 157 Ligon, R 161 Littleton, E 161 Schomburgk, Sir R. B. 167 See also Great Britain, Colonies Beet sugar: Aulnis de Bourouill, J., baron de 6 Basset, N 39 Benoit, J. A 39 Blachette, L. J 154 Beet sugar: page Briem, H 40 Brown, H. A .'. 9 Buerstenbinder, R 40 Child, D. L 154 Church, E 155 Claassen, H 60 Cull, E. L 61 Doering, E 42 Droysen, K. J 42 Dubrunfaut, A. P 156 Faurot, C. S 42 Geschwind, L 43 Great Britain. Board of trade . 140 Gundermann, F. W 44 Herzog, W 45 Horsin-Deon, P 64 Janasz, S 45 Kiehl, A. F 46 Kiev 46 Kirsche, B 46 Knauer, F 46 ^Le Clerc, J. A 65 Lippmann, E. O. von 66 Lock, C. G. W 66, 67 Malpeaux, L 47 Melsens, L. H. F 163 Moran, J. B.. 24 Miiller, A 47 Newlands, J. A. R 70 Peffer, E 71 Pfeiffer, C 49 Porter, G. R 165 Royer-Cappez, A 50 Schuzenbach, K. S 72 Schulz, C. G 72 Stoklasa, J 51 Taccani, A 76 Thausing, E 51 Verzeichnis 77 Walkhoff, L 78 Werner, H 55 Wilke, F 57 Congressional documents — 1839 '. 84 1868 87 1890 91 1902 98 'Consular reports — 1889 115 1909 ". 136 Periodicals — 1837,1839 173 1853 176 SUBJECT INDEX 219 Beet sugar: Periodicals — Page 1868,1871 178 1879,1882 179 1898 185 1901 188 1902 192 1904 198 1906 199 1907 201 1909 203 Australia — Consular reports — 1905 131 Austria-Hungary — Consular reports — 1886 112 1896 121 1907 133 Belgium — Lang, J 20 Bohemia — Consular reports — 1890 116 1908 ' 134 Canada — Ontario 48 Consular reports — 1903 127 1905 131 1908 135 Periodicals — 1901 189 China — Consular reports — 1908 135 Denmark — Consular reports — 1886 113 Europe — Hellig,A.F 64 Ware, L. S 55 Congressional documents^ 1909 102 Consular reports — 1884 112 1891 117 1894 119 1896,1897 121 1901 125 1902 126 1904 129,130 1905 131 Beet sugar: Europe — page Periodicals — 1895-96 183 1902 193,194 France — Church, E 155 Greeley, H 15 Hager, C 16 Helot, J 17 Lang, J 20 McMurtrie, W 47 Pedder, J 164 Scoffern, J. 29 Consular reports — 1896 120,121 1900 124 1902 127 Periodicals — 1869 178 1896 184 1897 185 1903 196 Germany — Berg, T 39 Bittmann, C 8 Germany 14-15 Hager, C 16 Humbert, G 18 Koch, P 20 Lang, J 20 Roth, H 27 Salviata, K. W. H. E. von... . 28 Teicke, P 51 Versammlung 54 Woge, R 36 Consular reports — • 1882 Ill 1884,1885 112 1888 114 1890 116 1891,1802 117 1893 118 1894 119 1896 120 1897 121 1898 122 1899,1900 123 1900 124 1902 126 1904 129 1906 131 220 SUBJECT INDEX Beet sugar: Germany — Periodicals — Page 1884 179 Great Britain — Baruohson , A 39 Crookes, Sir W 61 DeMann, E. F.. 11 Great Britain. Parliament... 150 London 21 Consular reports — 1904 129 1906 131 1907 -.- 133 Periodicals — 1871 178 1899 187 1901 188 See also Ireland Hawaii — Periodicals — 1895 183 Ireland — Crookes, Sir W 61 Hancock, W. X 44 Italy— Taccani, A 76 Consular reports — 1899 123 1908 134 Periodicals — 1907 200 Korea — Consular reports — 190S 135 Mexico — Consular reports — 1906 132 New Zealand — Consular reports — 1885 112 Russia — Andreev, \V. N 5 Bonicke, A. von 8 Great Britain. Foreign office.. 150 Russia 27 Consular reports — 1893 118 1886 120 1909 13G Periodicals — 1898 186 Beet sugar: Spain — Consular reports — Page 1907 132 Sweden — Consular reports — 1894 118 United States— American beet sugar associa- tion 5 American sugar beet growers' annual 37 Brown, H. 11 9 Child, D. L 154 Chipman, N.P 40 Church, E 155 D'Aligny, H. F. Q 61 Gans, D. S 158 Goessmann, C. A 43 Gould, J. S 43 Grant, E.B 44 Great Britain. Foreign office.. 150 Gregory, J. J. H 44 McMurtrie, W 47 Myrick, II 47,48 National board of trade 69 Palmer, T. G 25,49 Saylor, C. F 28 Schiizenbach, K. S 72 Sinclair, J. M 50 Spencer, G. L 29,73,74 Townsend, C. O 77 United States. Congress 32 Dept. of agriculture 53 Ware, L. S 55,78 Wiley, II. W 55, 56, 57, 80 Winterhalter, W. K 57 Congressional documents — 1838 84 1868 87 1886 ' 89 1890,1892 91 1895, 1896 95 1897 96 1903 99 1908 100 1909 101,102 Congressional record — 1909 107,108 Consular reports — 1898 122 Periodicals — 1893,1894 182 1895,1896 183 1898 185,186 SUBJECT INDEX 221 Beet sugar: Page United States — ,, Periodicals — 1902 193 1903 195,196,197 1905 198,199 1908 202 Victoria — Pearson, A.N 49 Bibliography — Barnett, C. R 6 Claassen, 11 60 Geschwind, L 43 Congressional documents — 1909 101 Byproducts — Rumpler, A 72 Spencer, G. L 74 Townsend, CO 52 Consular reports — 1900 124 1901,1902 125 1906, 131 See also Byproducts Diseases and pests — Chittenden, F. H 41 Stift, A 51 Titus, E. S. G 52 Townsend, C. O 52 Periodicals — American sugar beet 37 American sugar industry 170 Beet sugar gazette 170 Blatter fur Zuckerriibenbau. . . 170 Neue Zeitschrift 171 Sugar beet 171 Seed- Spencer, G . L 73 Townsend, C. 52 Tracy, J. E. W 52 Ware, L. S.. ,. 55 Wiley, H.W 56 Congressional documents — 1890 91 Consular reports — 1898 122 1900 123 1903 127 Beet sugar institute, Berlin: Consular reports — 1904 130 Beet sugar technical school: Consular reports — 1894 118 Belgium: i-age Boullaire, J 9 Great Britain. Foreign office. 141, 142, 149 International conferences 18-19 Lang, J 20 Verzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1908 134 1909 136 Periodicals — 1902 191 See a/so Tariff ; trusts Bibliography: Barnett, C. R 6 Brain, L. L 40 Claassen, H 60 Collier, P 61 Deerr, N 61 Ellis, E. D 12 Gebhardt, P 43 Geschwind , L 43 Gmelin, L 63 Hering, C.J 64 Herzfeld, A 17 Hesse, A. A 17 Jackson, B . D 45 Kaufmann, W 20 Lapeyrade, J 21 Leber, E 65 Lippniann , E . O . von 66 Lock, C. G. W 66,67 Michelmann, E 23 National academy of sciences. 69 Newlands, J. A. R 70 Preyer, W. D 26 Roth, H. L 27 Schippel, M 28 Schulz, A 28 Stutzer, A 76 Tayler, A. J.W 76 Teicke, P 51 United States. Superintendent of documents 54 Watt, R 169 Wiechmaun, F. G 78 Congressional documents — 1909 101 Periodicals — 1897 184 Bohemia: Great Britain. Foreign office. 150 Consular reports — 1890 116 1908 134 222 SUBJECT INDEX Page 149 Bosnia: Great Britain. Foreign office Bounties General: Aulnis de Bourouill, J. haron d' 6 Beeton, M. M 7 Great Britain. Board of trade . 137, 138, 139 Foreign office 144,145,146 Guyot, Y 16 International conferences 18-19 Martineau, G 22 Mathieson, G 23 Paasche, H 25 Schippel, ^I 28 Smart, W 29 Sumner, W. G 30 United States. Dept. of state. 33 Congressional documents — 1901 97 1909 101 Consular reports — 1896 120 Periodicals — 1884,1886,1887 180 1887,1888,1889 181 1897 185 1901 189 1902 191 1902,1903 194 1903 196,197 Australia — Consular reports — 1905 131 Austria-Hungary — Great Britain. Board of trade. 139 Loze, E 22 Congressional documents — 1897 96 Brazil — Consular reports — 1890 116,117 Formosa— t Consular reports — 1907 132 France 13, 14 Great Britain. Board of trade . 139 Foreign office 144 Hager, C 16 Lavison, A. de 21 Lubbock, Sir N 22 Consular reports — 1902 127 Bounties: p^g^ Germany — Birschel, H g Great Britain. Board of trade . 39 Foreign office 144 Hager, C ig Loze, E 22 Congressional documents — 1897 96 Consular reports — 1887 114 1896 120 Periodicals — 1896 184 Great Britain — Great Britain. 'Board of trade 137,138 Huskisson. W 159 Consular reports — 1903 128 Periodicals — 1884 179 1898 185,186 1901 189 Colonies — Great Britain. Colonial office 140 Hawaii — Brown, H. A 9 Italy— Mase-Dari. E 22 Russia — Bonicke, A. von 8 Great Britain. Foreign office. 146 Consular reports — 1886 113 Periodicals — 1901 189 United States — Great Britain. Foreign office . . 149 New Jersey 24 Robinson, H. F 26 Wells, D. A 35 Congressional documents — 1838 84 1890,1891 91 1893, 1894 92 1894,1895 94 1895,1890 95 Congressional record — 1888 103,104 1889,1890 104 1890 105 SUBJECT INDEX 223 Bounties: United States — Page Periodicals — 1887 180 1892 181 1895 183 1896 184 Brazil: Raffard, H 49 Rio de Janeiro 50 Consular reports — 1883 Ill 1886 113 1894 118 1901 125 1902 126,127 1906 132 1908 135 Periodicals — 1901 .189 1902 192 See also Bounties, Brazil British Guiana: Dialogue 156 Premium, B. pseud 165 Consular reports — 1886 112,113 1888 114 1898 122 Periodicals — 1833 173 1887 180 British Honduras: Consular reports — 1888 115 Brussels sugar convention, 1902: Aulnis de Bourouill, J. barond' . 6 Auspitz, R 6 Birschel, H 8 Boullaire, J 9 Briisseler Konvention 10 France. Min. des affaires etranghes 14 Great Britain. Colonial office . 140 Foreign office 145, 146, 148 Parliament 151 Treaty series 152 Herzfeld, A 17 Lough, T 21 Mathieson, G 22 Meyer, C 23 Brussels sugar convention, 1902: Page Ferris, G. H 25 Rutter, F. R 27 Consular reports — 1902 126 1903 128 1908 134,135 Periodicals — 1901-1909 190-204 Bulgaria: Verzeichnis 77 Byproducts: Consular reports — 1905 130 Periodicals — 1907 201 See also Beet sugar, Byproducts California : Chipman, N. P 40 Wiley, H.W 56 Congressional documents — 1893 92 1897 95 Periodicals — 1856 176 1894 182 1898 185 Canada : Hough, F. B 18 Ontario 48 Consular report:^ — 1900 124 1903 127 1905 131 1906,1907 132 1907 133 1908 135 Periodicals — 1901 189 Canadian sugar combine: Ashley, W. J 5 Cane sugar: For Culture, etc., see Sugar cane Cartels: See Trusts Central America: Paasche, II 48 Consular reports — 1887 114 224 SUBJECT INDEX Ceylon: Consular reports — page 1S88 115 Chemistry and manufacture... 58-81 Chemnitz: Consular reports — 1885 112 China: Consular reports — 1907 - 133 1908 135 Periodicals — 1907 201 Chinese Sugar Cane: See Sorghum Colorado: Wiley, II. W 56 Winterhalter, W. K 57 Consumption: Brown, II. A 9 Gee, J 158 Great Britain. Board of trade. 140 Foreign office 149 Guyot, Y IG Statistics 29 Sugar trade 30 United States. Bureau of sta- tistics 31 Congressional record — 1900 109 Consular reports — 1899 123 1903 127 1904 129 1906 131 1908 134,135 Periodicals — 1855 176 1858 177 1902 191 1903 196,197 1904 198 1907 201 1909 202 See also Statistics Corn sugar: Collier, P 41 Great Britain. Foreign office.. 149 National agricultural society. . 163 Stewart, I'\ L 75 United States. Dept. of agri- culture 77 Webb, W 169 Periodicals — 1893 182 CosT.A. Rica: Periodicals — Page 1896 183 Cuba: Bass, W. 1 7 Cantero, J. G 60 Cuba 11 Derosne, C 156 Goessmann , C . A 63 Hazard , S 45 Leon, J. A 160 Matanzas 23 Olivan, A 164 Palmer, T. C. 25 Poey, J 25 Porter, R. P 26 Reynoso, A 50 Santiago de las \'egas 50 United States. Congress 33 War department 34 Villa-Urrutia y Puente, W. del. 69 Wolf, J \ 36 Zayas y Jimenez, F 57 Congressional documents — 1900,1901,1902 97 1902 98 1903 99,100 1909 101 Consular reports — 1882 Ill 1884 112 1886 113 1887 114 1889 115 1890 116 1891 117 1893 118 1894,1895,1896 119 1898 122 1902,1903 127 1903 128 1904 129 1906 131 1907 132 1908 134,135 1909 135,136 Periodicals — 1865 177 1896 183 1897 185 1900 187 1902 190,191,193 1903 197 1906 200 1909 203 See also Tariff, Cuba SUBJECT INDEX 225 Daira Sanieh sugar corporation: page Egypt 12 Periodicals — 1893 182 Danish West Indies: Oxholm, P. L 164 Delaware beet-sugar company: Congressional documents — 1886 89 Demerara: See British Guiana Denmark: Verzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1886 113 1887,1888 114 Dominican Republic: Consular reports — 1897 121 Drawbacks: Brown, H. A 9,10 Great Britain. Board of trade . 139,141 Foreign office 141, 142, 143 United States. Treasury dept. 34 Congressional documents — 1818, 1825, 1828, 1831.... 82 1840 84 1879 87 1884 88 1892 92 1897 96 Consular reports — 1907 133 Dutch standard: Bass, W. L 7 Bro^vn, H. A 9 Memorial 23 Congressional documents^ 1909 102 Congressional record — 1888 103 1909 109,110 See also Analysis Saccha- rometer; Artificial col- oring Early literature before 1850. 153-169 Economic 5-36 Ecuador: Consular reports — 1890 116 Egypt 12 Anderson, W 58 Great Britain. Foreign office . . 142 Tiemann, W 51 87489—10 15 Egypt: Page Consular reports — 1894 119 1900 124 1908 134 Periodicals — 1893 182 1898 185 England: See Great Britain Europe: Guyot, Y 16 Kaufmann, R. von 20 Ware, L. S 55 Consular reports — 1901 124, 125 1902 126 1903 128 1905 131 Periodicals — 1895-96 183 1899 186 1902 190,193,194 Fermentation : D'Aligny, H. F. Q 61 Green, J. R 63 Hering, C.J 64 Hourier, E., and F. Malepeyre 64 Stutzer, A 76 Fiji Islands: Consular reports — 1881 Ill 1885 112 1888 115 Florida : Cleland, J. C 155 Cultivation 42 Formosa: Great Britain. Foreign office . . 150 Consular reports — 1896...." '. 120 1907 132 1908 135 Periodicals — 1896 183 See also Bounties, Formosa France : Association des chimistes 58 Aubry, C. E., comte. 37 Basset, N 39,59 Benoit, J. A 39 Boizard, E 8 Boullaire, J 9 226 SUBJECT INDEX France : Page Caullet, P 10 Chales, A 10 Dubrunfaut, A. P 11 Dupont, F 62 Diireau, B 12 France 13, 14 Great Britain. Foreign office 141, 142 Greeley, H 15 Hesse, A. A 17 Imbart de la Tour, J 18 International conferences 18, 19 Lapeyrade, J 21 Legier, E 65 McMurtrie, W " 47 Meriau, C 68 Pedder, J 164 Roche, J 26 Verzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1896 120,121 1900 124 1902 125,127 1903 128,129 1906 131 Periodicals — 1863 177 1869 178 1872 178 1896 183,184 1897 185 1899 186 1900 188 1901 189 1902 191,192 1903 196,197 See also Beet sugar, France; Bounties, France; Tar- iff, France; Trusts, France Colonies — Avalle 153 Dehay, T 156 Perrin, W 165 Reynouard, F 166 French West Indies — Campbell, J 154 Daubree, P 156 See also Martinique; New Cale- donia Frauds, Customs: Congressional documents — 1831 82 1832 83 Frauds, Customs: page Congressional document — 1846 85 1889 90 1909 102 Congressional record — 1909 108 Periodicals — 1909 203 Georgia: Cultivation 42 Wiley, H. W 55, 56 Germany: Bittmann, C 8 Boullaire, J 9 Briisseler Konvention 10 Friihling, R 14 Gebhardt, P 14, 43 Germany 14, 15 Goebel, J 63 Goerz, J 15 Great Britain. Foreign office . . 142 Grotewold, C 16 Herbst, C 17 Humbert, G 18 Jaensch, T 20 Katzenstein, W 20 Koch, P 20 Leber, E 65 Magdeburg 22 Manicke, A 22 Meyer, C 23 Pilet, 25 Roche, J 26 Roth, H 27 Schuchart, T 28 Schulz, A 28 Teicke, P 51 Verzeichnis 77 Die Zuckerindustrie 81 Consular reports — 1882 Ill 1884 112 1886 113 1888 114 1890 116 1891,1892 117 1893,1894 118 1896 120 1897 121,122 1898 122 1899, 1900 123 1900 124 1902 125.126 1903 128 SUBJECT INDEX 227 Germany: Consular reports — Page 1904 129 1906 131 Periodicals — 1884 179,180 1902 191 1903 196 1905 199 1907 200 See also Beet sugar, Ger- many; Bounties, Ger- many; Tariff, Germany; Trusts, Germany Glucose: Frankel, J 62 Girard , J 62 Giribaldo, D 62 Glucose sugar refining co 63 Lock, C. G. W 66,67 Nationalacademy of sciences.. 69 Newlands, J. A. R 70 Otto, F. J 70 Wagner, L. von 78 Consular reports — 1896 121 Bibliography — National academy of sciences 69 Grape sugar: See Glucose Great Britain: Baruchson, A 39 Boullaire, J 9 British parliamentary papers 137-152 Crookes, SirW 61 Essay 157 Gee, J 158 Great Britain. Foreign office 141,142 Parliament 150 Select committee 151, 152 Hutcheson, J. M 18 International conferences 18, 19 Lubbock, -SzV N 22 Martin, R. M 22 Martineau, G 22 Scoffern, J 167 Trueman & Cook 168 Verzeichnis 77 Williams, W. R 36 Congressional record — 1909 107 Great Britain: Consular reports — Page 1904 129 1906 131 1907 133 Periodicals — 1871 178 1899 187 1901 188 1902 191 1905,1906 199 1907 201 See also Ireland; Beet sugar. Great Britain; Bounties, Great Britain; Tariff, Great Britain Colonies — Ashley, J 153 Comparison 155 Considerations 155 Great Britain. Select com- mittee 151, 152 GTey,B.G.G., 3d earl 15 Importance 159 Leon, J. A 160 Perrin, W 165 Premium, B. pseud 165 Present state 165 Proposals 166 Reasons 166 Reed, W 26 Remarks 166 Scoffern, J 167 Some considerations 167 State of the exports 167 True state 168 Williams, C 36 Consular reports — 1896 120 Periodicals — 1897 184 1902 193 See also Fiji Islands; India; Leeward Islands; Mauri- tius; Natal; New South Wales; New Zealand; Queensland ; Straits Set- tlements British East Indies — Cropper, J 155 Leon, J. A 160 McDonnell, A 162 Marryat, J 162 228 SUBJECT INDEX Great Britain: British East Indies — Page Marshall, J 162 Observations 164 Statement 168 Wray, L. , 169 Periodicals — 1823 173 1847 174 1900 187 British West Indies 37-39 Anderson, A.W 58 Campbell, J 154 Clarke, -Sir S. H 155 Cropper, J 155 Daubree, P 156 Edwards, B 157 Great Britain. West India < royal commission 152 Leon, J. A 160 Letter 161 McDonnell, A 162 Marryat, J 162 Marshall, J 162 Mathieson, G 23 Moreton,J. B 163 Observations 164 Permanent 165 Root, J. W 26 Roughley, T 166 Scholes, T. E. S 28 Statement 168 Sugar trade 168 Turner, S 168 Vindication 169 Walker, II.deR 35 West Indian bulletin 172 Wray, L 169 Young, Sir\Y 169 Congressional documents — 1846 85 Consular reports— 1903 128 1904 130 1907 132 Periodicals — 1823 173 1884 -. 179 1897,1898 185 1900 187 1901 188 1902 193 1907 201 See also Antigua, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad Greenock, Scotland: Consular reports — page 1884 Ill Guadeloupe: Legier, E 21 Consular reports — 1896 120 Hawaii: Brown, H. A 9 Colson, L. C 41 Evening bulletin 12 Hawaiian sugar planters' assoc. 44 Peck, S. S 49 Sugar producing capacity .... 29 United States. Department of agriculture 53 Congressional documents — 1897 95,96 1903 99 Consular reports — 1881,1883 Ill 1886 112 1890 116 1897 122 1900 123 Periodicals— 1895 183 1898 186 1900 187 1901 189 1904 198 History 153-169 Boizard, E., and H. Tardieu. . . 8 Cultivation 42 Ellis, E. D 12 Lippmann, E. O. vnn 66 Meyer, C. F 68 Reed,W 26 Holland: See The Netherlands Imphee: Blymyer, D.W 39 Buffalo agri. mach. wks 60 Olcott, H. S 70 India: Great Britain. India office. . . . 150 Robinson, S. H 166 Sykes,W. H 30 United Provinces of Agra 52 Watt, Sir George 35 Consular reports — 1888 114 Periodicals — 1850 175 1901 189 SUBJECT INDEX 229 India: Periodicals — Page 1902 192 1907 200 Indiana: Wiley, 11. W 56 International conference on DRAWBACKS, LondoH, 1864: Great Britain. Foreign office 141, 142 London, 1873— Great Britain. Foreign office . . 141 Paris, 1873— Great Britain. Foreign office . . 141 Brussels, 1875 — Great Britain. Foreign office 141, 142 Paris, 1877— Great Britain. Foreign office . . 142 International conference on ' suoar bounties 18-19 London, 1887— Great Britain. Foreign office 143, 144 Periodicals — 1887,1888 181 London, 1888— Farrer, T. H. F., Isl baron 12 France. Ministere des affaires elranghes 13, 14 United States. Dept. of state.. 33 Periodicals — 1889 181 Brussels, 1902— See Brussels sugar conven- tion, 1902 International sugar commis- sion : Great Britain. Foreign office 146-148 Iowa: Wiley, H. W Congressional documents — 1855, 1858 Ireland: Crookes, Sir W' Hancock, W. N Periodicals — 1874 , See also Great Britain Italy: Boullaire, J Fontana-Russo, L 66 87 61 44 178 9 12 Italy : Great Britain. Foreign office page 142, 148 Italy 45,159 Mase-Dari, E 22 Verzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1899 123 1901 125 1907 133 1908 134 Periodicals — 1902 191 1907 200 Jamaica : Beckford, W 154 Jamaica 45, 159 Jelly, T 159 Roughley,T 166 Whitehouse, W. F 169 Consular reports — 1902 126 See also Great Britain, Col- onies Japan : Great Britain. Foreign office . . 150 Consular reports — 1898 122 1903 128 1907 133 1909 136 Periodicals — 1909 204 See also Formosa; Tariff, Japan Java: Berg, N . P. van den 8 Great Britain. Foreign office.. 149 Homan van der Heide, J 17 Kriiger, W 46 Frinsen Geerligs, H. C 71 Versuchsstation 54 Zehntner, L 57 Consular reports — 1886,1887 113 1889 116 1900 123 Kansas: Great Britain. Foreign office . . 149 Wiley, H. W 79,80 Kentucky: Wiley, H. W 56 Korea: Consular reports — 1908 135 230 SUBJECT INDEX Leeward Islands: page Barbados 38 Enquiry 157 Liberia: Consular reports — 1905 130 Louisiana: Bouchereau, A 9 Champomier, P. A 10 Convention , . . 11 Crampton, C. A 42 Edson, n 42 Harang, T 17 Johnston, J. S 160 Judd, T 160 Leon, J. A 160 Louisiana planter 171 Morse, I. H 69 New Orleans 24 Smallwood, W. M 29 Spencer, G. L 74 Wiley, H. W 79, 80 Congressional documents — 1832 : 83 1842 85 Periodicals — 1846,1847 174 1853 176 1857 177 1875,1881 179 1886,1887 180 1906 200 Louisiana sugar exchange: New Orleans 24 Machinery: Buffalo agri. mach. wks 60 Schiffner, A 72 Squier, G. L. mfg. CO 74 Stewart, J 168 Stillman, O. B 76 Tayler, A. J. Wallis- 76 Thielmann, L. H 76 Weber, IL A 55 Congressional documents — 1895 94 Periodicals — 1866 178 1896 183 Madeira: Consular reports — 1906 132 Magdeburg sugar exchange: Ebering, A 12 Maize sucar: page See Corn sugar Manufacture 58-81 Armstrong, J. T 153 Art of making sugar 153 Benjamin, J. P 39 Blachette, L. J 154 Blymyer, D. W 39 Blymyer mfg. co 40 Bouchereau, A 9 Brown, H. A 9 Child, D. L 154 Church, E 155 Dubrunfaut, A. P 156 Essay 157 Evans, W. J 157 Gans, D. S 158 Grotewold, C 16 Hyde, J. F. C 45 Judd, T 160 Kerr, T 46 Ligon, R 161 Louisiana planter 171 McMurtrie, W 47 Melsens, L. H. F 163 Myrick, H 47 Oaks, W. and T. Dodson 163 Parmentier, A. A 164 Porter, G. R 165 Reed, W 26 Reynouard, F 166 Robinson, S. H 166 Royer-Cappez, A 50 Scoffern, J 167 Silliman, B 167 Webb, W 169 Wells, T). K 36 Wiley, H. W 56,57 Wray, L 169 Congressional documents — 1831 83 1847 86 1888 89 1893,1894 92 1895 94 Consular reports — 1884 112 1903 128 1905 ISO 1907 133 1908 135 Periodicals — 1830-31,1833 173 1847,1848 174 SUBJECT INDEX 231 Manufacture : Periodicals — Page 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852 175 1852,1855 176 1866,1868,1871 178 1874 179 1884,1887 180 1890 181 1896 183 1899 186 1900 188 1903 195 1905 199 1906, 1907 200 Maple sugar: Ashe, W. W 37 Bryan, A. H 60 Cutting, H. A 42 Fox, W. F 43 Hough, F. B 18 Jones, O. H 46 Lock, C. G. W 66, 67 Newlands, J. A. R 70 Phillips, H 165 Rush, B 166 Wiley, H. W 80 Congressional documents — 1894 92 Congressional record — 1890 105 Consular reports — 1900 124 1902 125 1907 .-7-. 133 Periodicals — 1901 188 Martinique: Bertrand, H. G. comte 154 Dumoret, M 42 Legier, E 21 See also France, Colonies Massachusetts : Goessmann, C. A 43 Massecuites: Deerr, N 61 Mauritius : Anderson, J. F 5 leery, E 65 Leon, J. A 160 Marshall, J 162 Consular reports — 1907 133 Medicine lodge sugar company: Congressional documents — page 1894 94 Melon sugar: Lock, C. G. W 66,67 Newlands, J. A. R 70 Mexico: Hacendado 16 Consular reports — 1887 113,114 1905 130 1906 132 1907 133 1908 134,135 Michigan : Wiley, H. W 56 Milk sugar: Lock, C. G. W 66,67 Tucker, J. H 77 Congressional documents — 1886 89 Molasses: Caullet, P 10 Peck, S. S 49 Prinsen Geerligs, H. C 49 Statistics 29 United States. Treasury dept. 34 Congressional documents — 1845,1846 85 1855,1879 87 Periodicals — 1830-31 173 Muscovado sugar: See Sugar cane Natal: Consular reports — 1899 122 1908 134 Periodicals — 1900 188 Nebraska: Congressional documents — 1892 91 Netherlands: Boullaire, J 9 Great Britain. Foreign office. 141, 142 Gunning, J. W 16 Hering, C. J 64 Hudig, J 64 International conferences 18, 19 Millard, J 47 Verzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1889 115 1898 122 232 SUBJECT INDEX Page Netherlands: Periodicals — 1902 191 Colonies, East Indies — Berg, N. P. van den 7 Hering, C. J 64 See also Java New Caledonia: Consular reports — 1889 115 New Jersey: Wiley, H. W 79,80 New Orleans sugar exchange: Periodicals — 1900 188 New South Wales: Consular reports — 1888 115 New York: Wiley, H. W 56 New Zealand: Consular reports — 1885 112 1888 115 Nicaragua: Consular reports — 1891 117 1892 118 North Carolina: Ashe, W. W 37 Wiley, H.W 56 Ontario : See Canada Palm sugar: Lock, C. G. W 66,67 Newlands, J. A. R 70 Congressional documents — 1871 87 Panoche sugar: Periodicals — 1856 176 Paraguay: Consular reports — 1899 123 Patents : Woodcroft, B 80 Congressional documents — 1887 89 Pear sugar: Periodicals — 1832 173 Page Pennsylvania 71 Levering, J. S 47 Periodicals — 1909 204 Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Company: Congressional documents — 1909 102 Periodicals 170-172 Articles in periodicals 173-204 Persia: Great Britain. Foreign office .. . 149 Consular reports — 1889 115 Periodicals — 1895 182 Peru 25 Consular reports — 1895 119 1896 120 1902 127 Periodicals — 1895,1896 183 1902 194 Philippines: Gutierrez Creps, F 44 Luzuriaga, J. R. de 47 Congressional documents — 1902 97,98 1905,1908 100 Congressional record — 1909 107,109 Consular reports — 1888 115 1889 116 See also Tariff, Philippines Pine sugar: Periodicals — 1856 176 Polariscope: See Analysis and testing Porto Rico: Grand-Court, G 43 Poey, J 25 Congressional documents — 1900 97 Prices: Berg, N. P. van den 7 Brown, H. A 9 Evans, D. M 157 Great Britain. Boardof trade. 139,140 New Orleans 24 SUBJECT INDEX 233 Page Prices: Reed,W 26 Congressional record — 1890 104 1909 109 Consular reports — 1905 130 1907 133 Periodicals — 1908 202 See also Statistics Production: Avalle 153 Great Britain. Board of trade.. 140 Foreign office 143 Guyot, Y 16 Myrick, H 47 Newlands, J. A. R 70 United States. Bureau of sta- tistics 31 Congressional documents— 1906 100 Congressional record — 1890 105 1909 109 Consular reports — 1898 122 1900 123 1902 125,126 1903 127,128 1904 129,130 1907 132 1908 134,135 Periodicals — 1848 14 1852 176 1858 177 1889 181 1900 187 1902 190 1903 197 1906 199 See also Statistics Queensland 49 Roth, H. L 27 Refining : See Manufacture Reunion: Colson, L. C 41 Rumania: Verzeichnis 77 Periodicals — 1909. 203 Page Russia 27 Bonicke, A. von 8 Great Britain. Foreign office . 142, 148, 150 Preyer, W. D 26 Sacher, H 27 Verzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1885 112 1893 118 1896 120 1900 123 1902 126 1903 128 1908 135 1909 136 Periodicals — 1898 186 1908 202 See also Bounties, Russia; Tariff, Russia; Trusts, Russia S ACCHAROMETER : See Analysis and testing St. Kitts-Nevis: Barbados 38 Salvador: Consular reports — 1886 113 Saxony: Consular reports — 1902 125 Servia: Verzeichnis 77 Siam: Consular reports— 1888 114 1904 129 Singapore: Balestier, J 58 Consular reports — 1895 119 Sorghum: Blymer, D. W 39 Buffalo agri. mach. wks 60 Clough refining co 60 Collier, P 41,61 Denton, A. A 62 Goessmann, C. A 43 Gould, J. S 43 Great Britain. Foreign office . 149 Hedges, I. A 45 Hyde, J. F. C 45 234 SUBJECT INDEX Sorghum: Page Joulie, H 46 Lock, C. G. W 66,67 Loring, G. B 46 Lovering, J. S 47 Mayes, N. I. & co 68 Nationalacademy of sciences.. 69 New Jersey 24 Newlands, J. A.R 70 Olcott, H. S 70 Sicard, A 50 Stansbur}', C. F 75 Stewart, F. L 75 United States. Dcpt. of agri- culture 53, 77 Walcher, S. M 54 Weber, H. A 55 Webster & co 55 Wiley, H. W 79, 80 Wisconsin, University of 57 Congressional documen ts — 1883 88 1886,1888 89 Periodicals — 1856,1858....- 177 Bibliography — Collier,? 61 National academy of sciences. 69 South: American economic associa- tion 5 Benjamin, J. P 39 DeBow, J. D. B 11 Harang, T 17 Stubbs, W. C 29 Sugar cane 29 Wiley, H. W 57 Congressional documents — 1871 87 See also Louisiana, etc. South America: Marshall, J 162 Consular reports — 1887 114 South Carolina: Cultivation 42 Spain : Boullaire, J 9 Cartilla 40 Routier, G 27 Verzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1901 124 1902 126, 127 Sp.ain: Page Consular reports — 1903 128 1907 132, 133 Periodicah — 1900 188 1902 191 Starch Sugar: See Glucose St.\tistics : Aulnis de Bourouill. J. baron d' 6 Brown, H. A 9 Cuba 11 Evans, D. M 157 Goerz, J 15 Great Britain. Board of trade 137-140 Foreign office 146, 149 West India royal comm 152 Guyot, Y 16 Lock, C. G. W 66, 67 Marshall, J 162 Martineau, G 22 Newlands, J. A. R 70 Paasche, H 24, 25 Reed, W 26 Schippel, M 28 Schwerin, M 28 Smallwood, W. M 29 Statistics 29 Stein, A 29 Sugar trade 30 Sykes, W. H 30 Tariff commission, London ... 30 Thacker, O 31 United States. Bureau of sta- tistics 31, 32 Dept. of agriculture 54 Weekly statistical sugar trade journal 172 Wiley, H. W 56 Wolf, J 36 Congressional documents — 1831 83 1840 84 1841,1842 85 1848 86 1894 94 1897 96 1898 97 1906 100 1909 101, 102 SUBJECT INDEX 235 Statistics: Page Congressional record — 1890 104, 105 1909 109 Consular reports — 1892 118 1898 122 1903 127 1904 129 1908 135 1909 136 Periodicals — 1844 173 1850 175 1899 187 1902 191 1905 199 1908 202 See also Consumption; Prices; Production Straits Settlements: Consular re-ports — 1889 115 Sugar as food: Abel, Mrs. M. II 58 Alquier, J 58 Blymyer, D. W 39 Gordon y de Acosta, A. de. . . . 15 Hellster, A. F 64 Jaensch, T 20 Mahy, F. C. de 68 Mosso, U 69 Orson, B 164 Strohmer, F 76 Stutzer, A 76 Wuthe, W 80 Zucker 81 Consular reports — 1900 124 Periodicals — 1900 187 1901 189 Sugar cane Culture: Aubry, C. E. comte 37 Barbados 37-39 Basset, N 39 Beckford, W 154 Belgrove, W 154 Cleland, J. C 155 Colson, L. C 41 Cultivation 42 Deerr, N 61 Fernandez Umpierre, M 42 Sugar cane Culture: Page Hedges, I. A 64 Hering, C. J 64 Johnston, J. S 160 Kerr, T 46 Kriiger, W 46 Le Breton, F 160 Legier, E 21 Lopez Tuero, F 46 Macfadyen, J 162 Millard, J 47 Morejon y Gato, A 163 Newlands, J. A. R 70 Perry, J. W 49 Porter, G. R 165 Reynoso, A 50 Robinson, S. H 166 Rossignon, J 72 Schar, E 50 Silliman, B 167 Stubbs, W. C 51 Versuchsstation 54 Wiley, H. W 55, 56, 57 Wray, L 169 Congressional documents — 1831 83 1856 87 Consular reports — 1890 116 Periodicals — 1847 174 1851,1852 175 1892 181 Diseases and pests — Barbados 37 Brain, L. L 40 Cobb, N. A 41 Comstock, J. H 41 Le Breton, F 160 Marlatt, C. L 47 Niccol, R 48 Swezey, O. H 51 Titus, E. S. G 52 Van Dine, D. L 54 Versuchsstation 54 Zehntner, L 57 Consular reports — 1889 116 1907 132 Periodicals — 1859 177 1868 •- 178 1897 184 236 SUBJECT INDEX Sugar cane Culture: History— Page Candolle, A. de 40 Stubbs, W. C 51 United provinces 52 Manufacture — Bessemer, Sir H 59 Deerr, N 61 Hedges, I. A 64 Higgins, B 158 Jones, L 65 Morse, I. H 69 Prinsen Geerligs, H. C 71 Rossignon, J 72 Soames, P 73 Spencer, G. L 73 Wiley, H. W 79 Consular reports — 1905 130 Periodicals — 1851 175 1853 176 1871 178 Varieties — Periodicals — 1876 179 Sugar trust: See American Sugar Refin- ing Company Sweden: Boullaire, J 9 Verzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1894 118 Periodicals — 1902 191 See also Tariff, Sweden; Trusts, Sweden Switzerland: Congressional documents — 1886 89 Tariff General : Great Britain. Board of trade . 139 Gunning, J. W 63 Kaufmann, R. von 20 Paasche, H 24 United States. Bureau of sta- tistics 31 Department of state 33 Congressional documents — 1909 101,107,109 Periodicals — 1895 182 1903 195 Argentine Republic 5 Tariff: Austria-Hungary — page Great Britain. Foreign office. 143 Vetter, A 34 Congressional record — 1909 107 Periodicals — 1903 195 Belgium — Great Britain. Foreign office. . 143 Congressional record — 1909 107 Canada — Washington, H 35 Consular reports — 1907 132 Cuba — Bass, W. L 7 Palmer, T. G 25 United States. Congress 32 Congressional documents — 1909 101 France 13-14, 158 Boizard, E 8 Bordeaux 8 Great Britain. Foreign office. . 143 Hager, C 16 Jacquemart, F 20 Moulin, CD 24 Congressional record — 1909 107 Consular reports — 1881 Ill Periodicals — 1894 182 1896 184 1902 192 1903 195 Germany 14-15 Briisseler Konvention 10 Great Britain. Foreign office . . 143 Hager, C 16,17 Herbst, C 17 Katzenstein, W 20 Knott, H 20 Salviati, K. W. H. E. von. ... 28 Congressional record — J909 107 Great Britain — Barbados 153 Considerations 155 Cropper, J 155 Discourse 156 Greene, B. B 158 Hume, J 159 SUBJECT INDEX 237 Tariff: Great Britain — Continued Page Huskisson, W 159 Laird, M 160 Littleton, E 161 Lough, T 21 McDonnell, A 162 Marryat, J 162 Observations 164 Palmerston, H. J. T., 3d vis- count 164 Reasons 166 Reed, W 26 Russel, J 27 State of the sugar trade 168 Statement 168 Tariff commission 30 Tracts 168 Turner, S 168 Williams, W. M. J 36 Consular reports — 1905 130 Periodicals — 1830,1844 173 1899 186,187 1907 201 Guadaloupe — Consular reports — 1884 Ill Italy- Great Britain. Foreign office.. 143 Congressional record — 1909 107 Japan — Consular reports — 1908 134 Martinique — Bertrand, H. G., comte 154 Netherlands — Great Britain. Foreign office. . 143 Gunning, J. W 16, 63 Congressional record — 1909 107 Philippine Islands — Protest 26 United States. Congress 32,33 War department 34 Congressional documents — 1908 100 Congressional record — 1909 107,109,110 Periodicals — 1905 198 Tariff: Russia — Page Great Britain. Foreign office . . 143 Sacher, H 27 Congressional record — ■ 1909 107 Spain — Poey, J 25 Congressional record — 1909 107 Sweden 30 Lang, J 20 United State.s — Aulnis de Bourouill, J. baron d' 6 Brown, H. A 9,10 Colfax, S 10 F., H. P 12 Great Britain. Foreign office. . 143 Greeley, H 15 Havemeyer, T. A 17 Hellig, A. F 64 Lindquist, J. A 21 Memorial 23 Petition 25 United States. Bureau of statistics 31 Congress 32 Laws, statutes, etc 34 Wells, D. A 35,36 Congressional documents — 1831 82 1833,1834 _. 83 1842 85 1854 86 1855,1858 87 1880,1882 88 1888 89 1889-1890 ^ 91 1894 ! 93,94 1895 94,95 1897 95,96,97 1908 100 1909 101,102 Congressional record — Speeches 103-110 Periodicals — 1857 177 1887 180 1889 181 1894,1895 182 1898 185 1899 186 1901 189,190 1902 190,193 238 SUBJECT INDEX Tariff: United States — Continued. Periodicals — Page 1903 195 1908 202 1909 203 Taxation, United States: Periodicals — 1897 184 Testing: See Analysis and testing Trinidad: Consular reports — 1890 116 1899 123 . 1902 127 See also Great Britain, Colonies Trusts General: Kaufmann, W 20 Stein, A 29 Austria-Hungary — Bureau, G 12 Guyot, Y 16 Bohemia — Consular reports — 1908 134 Egypt 12 Periodicals — 1893 182 France — Periodicals — 1906 200 Germany — Bureau, G 12 Guyot, Y 16 Michelmann, E 23 Consular reports — 1902 125 Russia — Preyer, W. B 26 Sacher, n 27 Periodicals — 1895 183 Spain — Consular reports — 1902 126 1903 128 Trusts: Sweden — Consular reports — page 1907 133 United States See American sugar re- fining company See also Canadian sugar com- bine Turkey: A'erzeichnis 77 Consular reports — 1909 136 United States: See American sugar refin- ing company; Beet sugar, United States; Bounties, United States; Tariff, United States; and names of separate States Uruguay: Consular reports — 1888 114 Utah: Wiley, H.W 56 Vermont: Cutting, H. A 42 Jones, O. H 46 Victoria : Pearson, A. N 49 Virginia: WUey, H. W 56 West Indies: Consular reports — 1887 114 1897 121 1902 126 Periodicals — 1847 174 See also Banish West In- dies; France, Colonies; Great Britain, Colonies Wisconsin : Wiley, H. W 56 Wisconsin, University of 57 o i; 3i>' #1 .in^-.- .^ lOSANCFlff^ ^ CO -, > - 1 inSA^CFlfj> \ %. 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