Bb7b IbeOAA iuTimitttfttitiJUUitwnfusti£uituunLJtnhK£i[('iitiini tiiiri'nniin:' WILLIAM BULLOKAR THE AMENDMENT OF ORTHOGRAPHIE TOR ENGLISH SPEECH EfeiS^:<-';;;!i»*-5 LONDON 1580 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES NUMBER 24 THE ENGLISH EXPERIENCE ITS RECORD IN EARLY PRINTED BOOKS PUBLISHED IN FACSIMILE WILLIAM BULLOKAR THE AMENDMENT OF ORTHOGRAPHIE FOR ENGLISH SPEECH LONDON 1580 DA CAPO PRESS THEATRVM ORBIS TERRARVM LTD. AMSTERDAM 1968 NEW YORK The publishers acknowledge their gratitude to the Trustees of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, for their permission to reproduce the Library's copy. S. T.C. No. 4086 Co I I at ion : A-S^ . ?s *'^A Published in 1968 by Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd., O.Z. Voorburgwal 85, Amsterdam & Da Capo Press -a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation - 227 West 17th Street, New York. 10011 Printed in The Netherlands 1F,85)7r^i ^ullokars Booke atlarge/or the ^mend-- mem of Orchografhie for English fpecch: wherein, a mon:perfc>51 (iipplic is made, for the wantes and double foimdc of letters in the olde Orthographie, with Examples for the laT.c, with the caiic cont-crcncc .uul vie oFboth Orthoc^raphics, tu f-iue e\penccsiii HjlI^s for achne i vtaHl t'uif a.-nntdnient grow to a ger.tii'.H "jft^for the calie, fpccdie, and pcrfcft reading and writing oFEneliiL, (thefpctch not ch.inv;cd, as fome vntiuly an! malicn-unVjOr at the tcaft i^norar.thr blows abrojdc ) hy'the which ameiuicmcni the fame Authoiir hath alfo framed ax!'lerl Grammar, to be impiitucd hecrcafter, for the lame fpeech, to no fmail commodicic ct the Hngljlh Nation, not only to come to cafic, fpccdie, and peife£lvfeofoijr ownc language, but alfo to their cafic, fpeedic, sni readic entrance into the fecrcres of other Languages, and ealic and Tpecdie pathway coall Straimgcrs, to vfe our Language, hccretofore very hard vntothcm, to nofniall profitc and crcdite tothis our N.4rion,nnd flay thercvnto in the weightieil caufes. There is alfo inv.ninted with this Orthographie a iliorc Pamphlcc for all Learners , and a piioicr agrccin{j to the fame, and as Ic.irncrs lli.ill go forward there- in, other nccclfarie Bookcs lliall fpcdilv be proui- dcd wjch the fame Orthographic. Hecrcvnto n re alfo ioyncd written Copies with ihcfamc Orthographic. GiiicGod the praifc^that teachedi alwaies. When truth tricth, crrour lliech. Scene r.nd aHowcd according to order. Imprinted at London by Hcnrie Denha?n, I N 8 o . ^ '^uUoJ^rtohisCountrie, His Treatife of mine;, I didmeane to put in Print abouc two yeares paft, had I not then vnderftanded byafuicndc of mine that the like was already handled, and in Print, by ^'> Tho' Sir Thomas Smith, and MailterCherter,©^ ^''*'^^-'.'^''*- whole works (nor the like done by any other) '}c-rcCc' Ineuer vnderftood vntill then : if it had pleafed God that they jierswv.\' had bin lining, I would haue offered to them my leruice in •^"V'"'»« chis point for Ortography , and I trull: it uili be no offence to JJ f " ■'^"'" their friends to fee their workes confirmed, though not in the fame order, yet to the effed of their meaning, which is no- thing contrary to their willes, as may appeare by their Bookcs of the fame, in which they declare, that time will bring truth, and corred errors, which,at the firft, are thought impoffiblc, and vnmeete to be reformed. Whole workes after 1 had perv- (ed, I reioyced that men of fuch calling, learning, and experi- ;-nce, had trauelled in the like purpofe. And in perufing the fame,I found our arguments to one ef- ieCt,iO'.iching the great abufes in writing atul printing of Eng- iifli fptach 5 and therefore 1 leaue out of this Treatife many of my arguments, which 1 had purpoied to enlarge, for the lati(- ft^ing of euery mans doubts and obie(5lions : but now, turning Uich as are not fatiffied with my perfwafions , to perufe their workes, whereof many of the learned fort arc not ignorant , and fully refolued , that a perfcd amendment were right ne- ceflary for many caufes. My doings did, and doth differ from theirs, only in the a- ivhereJn mcndment ofthofe abnfcs. For Sir Thomas SmiJ:h,and May- "'^= " "''^"V ftcr Cheifer, left out of their amendment diiiers cf the letters '^''^"'* now in vie, and alio brought in diners of new figure and falTii- on, hauing no part in figure or failiion of the old, for whole foundes tiiey were changed in figurc,or newly deuifcd,fLrangc to the eye, and thereby more ftudie to the memoiy.-fecing tlie vfe of both Ortographics mufl: be had during one age, and af- ter uards Bul!oI{ar to his ^ountrie, tervvards(by rcafon of records,eii;deaces,and fuch likcjiiot to beakciedb3rPdnting)theolde miiftnotbc much ftrungCjbiic in eafic v(cr, bycaufe nccelTitie allovvcthrLicheLiidences5&:c. with the fame letters as they now arc, which is one of the chiefcftpointcs to be regarded in any amendment of Orto- fraphie, whereof M. Chefier greatly fayled , as appeareth y his workes printed with his Ortography. And (I doubt)if Sir T.Smith had written or printed matter in fentence, as he iTiewed it only by fingle word, (as touching any thing that CL>er came to my fight)to Hiew his Ortography it would haue bin of the like efred: to M. Chefters : excepting this point only, that is5for eafie conference of the old and new togither, (and paitly , for that they had notprouided feuerall letters ynough tor euery feuerall dcuifion of the voyce vfcd in Englil n fpcech) I liad left off mine owne entcrprife, and alto- gither, to the vttermofl of my power, aduanced one of their doings/or that(by too much experience)! found the lacke of the liTke, by handling of learners, whofe memories and dili- gence 1 found very apt,but brought into a Labyrinthus,(in re- Ipcdottheplayneand perfect way to reade and write Eng- lil"h fpeach,) though I vfcdall mcanes to inllrud them moil: K/yi« e^fily? by giuing warning to them of this turning and of that nnt "ftijfi" turning, of this blocke and of that flough, of this oypath, and *«w. that narrow bridge,ot this marke, and of that bound, 1 meane by giuing to double and neb'e founded letters, their double and treble names, agreeing to their foundes in words : alfb, what letters w ere fupcrfluous in fome words, and where fome were mifplaced , with fome helpe of rules to deuide fil'ables, and fuch like mcanes, which did greatly comfort and further them in learning, with more fpeede and pleafure , than any ^tmcZ'y learner could doe by any ordinarie teaching, or as I my felfc fn'Mitih was taught. covfemin Butyct I hauc founde by handling of mine owne chil- 'tl^cc\nd ^^'^" (whome Ihauevfed to mine owne liking in teaching ta.c. ' them auc Ortography wnttcn^for lacke of the printed) that reading BuUokar to hk f^cuntrle, reading and writing may be had perfe6tly5in the time that my helpes before vfed could be perfediy conceyued and halfefo- lovved, by reaion that in true Ortography, both the eye, the voycejandtheeareconfent moft perfcdlly, withoui: any let, doubt^or maze. Which want of concord in the eye;Voice,and eare,I did perceyue almoft thirtieyeares pall: ,| by the very voycc of children, who guided by the eye with the letter, and Th<^ ^"yc^ giuing voyce according to the name thereof, as they wcvcf''''^^^"'^ taught to name letters, ycelded to the eareof the hearer a/f^/e^j, cleane contrary found to tlie word loolced for. Heereby grewe quarels in the teacher,and lothfomneile in the !earner5and great payne to both ; and the conclulion was, that both teacher & learner muit go by rote,for no rule could be followed, when of xxxvii. partes, xxxi. kept no fquare, nor ofxxxvij. true ioint. For xiii. parts greatly needefull,lacked altogither,or ^^.' I'/i"^ were furnilliedwitli the other xxiiii. partes, by peecingand contraiy hewing of wJiich xxiiii. (ii they be well viewed) they are fb mangled, that there are but fixe partes in pcrfedvfc: whereof (as occahon hath offered) I haue complayncd to di- ners of the art of learning, wherevnto fbme haue ycelded, fom.enot conceyued of ic^ fbme loth to giaunt it, and fbme old cuffomaries could not abide to hearc of^any fpedic way to Ivnovvledgc, v\ ere it neuer fb good. Thus being lef[:alone(though Sir T.Smith, &:M.Cheflcr, r/;«y?.v-. made tiie like complainc^but vnknown to me as I faid before ) '^"^'-'"■^ • I did many times lament t-iC fame, williingthat God would "^ '"'"'" fcndc mc fomc time ofleyfure, to ihew fbme remcdie. In tlic end, about fcuen yeares pail, pcrceyuing more and more tlic great want of amendment, 1 withmy fcKe to lay my priuat doings afide, \\ liich my abilitie was •'• able to beare, to prouide fbme remejie in a thing fb needful! in my Coiin- trie : f]nce which time,! banc endeuored to linirn mine enter- prife,Lhinkingat the firlr, to h.aue rellreyned mir.e owne biiii- iicfle forhalf ayeare,or liichlike time. But when I had cnticd into the fccretcs thereof, I found diat I Iiad taken a weightier. B. thing "XuUok^r to his ^ountrie, thing in hand^and being entred thcrinto, could notgiuc oucr, vntiff I had finifhed the worke herein {hewed. I muft confefle, I receyued commoditie in one pointc by AfMYthe- Sir Thomas Smith , and Maifter Chefters woorkes . For r^" to tint xhou^ my chiefe regaid (from the beginning) was, to fol- 5Vr ThomL ^^w the figures of the old letters, and the vfe of them (bycaufc Smith and of confcience in time to come) as much as pofTible might be MsheHer. bringing my purpofe to paflc (that is, to make true Ortogra- phy) yet furcly I had not bin fo careful] and painefull therein, if 1 had notknowne the like already in print by other : whofe The hindt' workcs being not receiued in vfe (the chiefe caufe whereof, I ranee of Sir thinke, was their differing (o farre from the old) 1 lliould haue T.Smith,and (Jq^c motc hurt thangood, in fhuffeling in a third, if it were MxheHerj ^^^^ tliroughly pcrfcdcd, to continue for euer, and thereby t o ^^ "' giue fome that will carffle againft it, the more aduantage, ot rather delighting affections, to reproue the fame, which w ere noteafie for all good mindes, taking fome care toperufemy doings, to defend in anfwering therevnto. So'that the fingular gift from God, for the better infh-udion of man , might by mans vnthankefulnefle haue repulfe from time to time, and the pretious iewell of true vnd€rrtanding,\vhich muft begin to take roote in youth, be greatly hindered, and this fingular far- therer of the famc,I meane true Ortography, fb dafhed out of countenance, that hardly any man would attempt the like a- gaine, which were the enemies triumph . For what thing is,was,or euer fhall be,that will like all men > yca,though it be to their great profit, fogready preuaileth the ancient enemie of truth,that is,the Diuefl himfelf,who deligh- ted with mans ignorancc,feeketh alwayes to delude him with his illufions,which are many, and of diners coloured goodlike perfwafions : but in the cnde, truth wafheth all away, and ma- keth cuery thing appeare plaine as it is. It is now a yearc pafl and morc,fince this Booke was figncd and allowed to be irr^rinted,whcrin I haue bin willing to take fome leifurc for two caufcs : one,thatIwouldhauejtgo for- ward BuUok^.r to his Qountrk, ward in fiich ibrt , that if any woulde fhew caufe of better a- mendment^ I would gladly haue accepted it, and ioined with the lamejand to that ende haue bin willing not onely to heare other mens iudgments that are able to giue iudgement herin, but alio haue publifhed a Pamphlet heereof in diuers places into the Iiands of men ofvnderiianding,who well conceiueof the fame, and mofl: of them confefHngit a thing veiy necefla- lie and profitable^willieth good iiiccefle thereof In Vv nich trying of other mens iudgements , I haue found a hinie. that Sir T. Smith, and M.Chefters, but chiefely Sir Thomas ""ff^^ '^ Smithes former works, do rather hinder than further my do- t^orbysir ings herin, bicaufe it finketh into many mens minds,that ice- Themxt ing they,being of fuch great learning,calling5cxperiencc, and smithand credit , could notpreuaile heerein, that it is not like, that any ^^^/;"' other fhoulde preuaile in the like meaning : but this doubt is (bone anfvvered, and reiblued by common experience . For in all ages and times,things are brought to paflejnot as cod only mcnthinke, DutasitpleafethGod, who maketh his inftru--^*'^^'^"'''/ ments (oftentimes of themoft vnlikely, that we might be^"" ' '"^' thankfull vnto him for working our prohte, and not ro impute the fame vnto any mortall man, of what countenance foeuei' he be , in the eye of the world . Yet that creature,by whome God miniftreth his goodnefle toward vs, deferucth to be wi- fhed well vnto, not onely for our profites fake, but alfb that it hath pleafed God to workeinhim things profitable for vs •* yea, tlie vertue of the limplell: in wordlings eyes being defpi- fed,is not only a wrong to the partie, but a manifeU: vnthank- fulnefle to the giuer ot thofc giftes. Neither ought we to forget the manifolde bleffings oi^°^'*°rk^ Godfhewed to this our Nation in this laft age, which con- f^^^^^""' trarie to th e expecftaiion of man (yea before it came to pafle, ^'* '*^'* thought impoffiblc and vnmeete) he hath mercifully poured vponvs, among which, this change is not of the leaft impor- tance, though It fcemc a triPe in fome mens iudgements. So that I truil(al things con{ideLed)tlic learned wii content them- Bi^illokar to his (^ountr'ie, thcmfekies to thinke well hccrcof, and giuc caiifc to the vn- learnccijto make their entrie into learning heercbv.-wherein is fuch concord of the eye, voycc, and eare, tliat it will yeelde to the mind a moft plealant harmoniejand guide the fame to the place ofeternallielicitiejwhfch is, and iTioiild be the end of all exercifes and eftates in the lite of man. And u hat may be co- pared to knowledge, the guide of all theie, v. hen ignorance runneth headlong into the pit, yea at the nooneday ? And for that 1 would glauly haue contented all men (which is a t]:iing impofrible)or at the leail vnderilanded die commo- ner opin.on of the greater number ,^1 did inA uguil la ft fet ip inthisCitieofLondoninthe moft publike places tliereof, a briefe ihew ot my intent , readie to haue llic wed good proof e of the fame, if men would fo haue accepted of my good will, but chiefly,that by occafion offered therby, I might either go- forward with my intent, or ftayfor a time, or for reafonable caufe to giue ouer the fame . And in confidering of thefe points , though the multitude (dirough light ouerpalTing thereof) are ofleaft iudgement, &: nocauTe tobringme intodeipaire : fo is nocthe iiibicltieof the peruerfe enemies to knowledge, nor their foundings in mens eares lb fearful! to me, but that through the good i ope that 1 haue in the Magiftratc (vnto w hole eaies Ibmc of ihofe notes no doubt haue founded ) bearing indiffcrcndy with n:y doings vpon further trial!, I haue not flacked my trauell nor charges, to go forward in fo necefTaiy hL commc,n cau!c,defi- ring euciy mans the equitie ol the cau/c reqiii- redi : an.d that eucry man viewing the fame,will confider that the chiefe point to vnderftand this w oikc is, to haue perfedly the names of the iingle letters : according to their names in the Table,fol.2 1 . and alfo before the written hands : \\ ithcut which,they can not iudge of the ortcgraphy, nor vnderftand tlie left of this worke. W. B. ^ The Prologe, C£)nfent at t!i)C bcginmng U);50ugl}t bv <5oti& gift in manfetnDe, ^ man f tooman ftrtt create, bp fpeccb fl^oulD t5etD tbeir minDe : 0nD 6r(t of aU,bp fpdccl) to i^eto, to ecb otbcr, boto bee ticligbteo is, toben tbcp confcnt, ann to bis toill agree : ^nD bp confent to giuc all p?aife, to bim tbat tbem fo mabc, ano not as b^utifi) beaff es o;: tpo^mes, tubofe memo^ie Dotb tiaDe, 22!I(tboat regard of tbc time patt, of time to come mucb lelle, ano of tbeir p;cfent Hate tbcp bane, a fmall ano foible gelTe. anD tub^n tbeir life Dotb paffe alnaPjtbcp are mere Dirt ano eart^ ; remembrance of tbem ootb oecap, as it tuere but a b?eatb. )15ut man cbanging tbis mo;taIl life, bp picture leaues in minbe, tbc fpeciall gifts of ©oo moft bigb, to tbem tbat biDe bebinbe. ^0 ^ time palt,fams p?cfent notD,tbings pet to com man bnoiof : fucb is c^oDs toill, giue tbanbs tberfo;e, ano giue no ouertb;:otoj, jSTo letters, tobicb fo? picture true, of fpeecb,toerefirffDeuifD, in all times guiotng man arigbt, toben fpdtcb is balfe DifgijD. if 0? letters once in perfect bfe, map fo continue 0(11, to teacb,anD put all men in minDe,tbe too^loes enb tsntill : if rom tobence toe came,tobf rto toe l^al,tobat is our p^efent cafe, to ©oD ano man, botb bigb ano lotoe,to liue bnber (1I5ods grace. lanD tbat all too^lolp tbtngs no cbange, $ turne as botb tbe toinbe, iwto bie,noto loto,noto ricb,noto pco^e, noto (Tient)lp,noto trnfeinbc* as bp repo;t in letters mabe, of manp oeao ano gonne, tobo left tbe fame fo; otbers bfe, a glaffe to loohe bpon : Cberebp to teacb otber to come, tbeir Duties boto to fenotoe ; to; ignorance erronrs ootb b;a^De,to trutb it in a fo : 0no malutb manp one to miflfe, tbe marbe, tobereat be C^ot : tobicb C^oulo be onelp at tbe but, tbat to ill guioetb not. ^itb letters be cbo^fe ffap of all, in ecb time, in tbefe points, let perfectnetTe, in lingles be, anoconco^Din tbeir ioints. ;©f tobicb Default, complaine toe map, in tbe olo a.B.C : toberein be letters ttocntie fotoer, tobereof but Gre agret, 3in perfect t)fe, of name, ano founo, beCOes mifplacing fome, otbcr arc to^ittentjnfounoeD, toberein conco^o is none. ^ut be tbat toill in B^ngltO^ bnotoe, Diuiitons in boice, d^all ftnoe tberem fo;tie ano fotoer, toitbout anp mo:e cbcice. ^bnreof are Confonants ttoentie Cre, of botocls eigbt tbeit be, ano oip^tbongs feuen, ano libetoife, tiaife botocls tberc be t^;ee : TheProIogc. it>t femrall founds, atiD perfert tjfe : ano ktttu to; flje fame, are nolo p;»mocti tn tW tDo^be, ant) none tatl) Double name* ^0 t^at a cliilDe of tcnoer age, bp tbifi, (^all Icarne mo.:e, (n one balfe poere^ tban be tucU mtgl)t, in tbiife tbc time before. M ttrangers tbat bcfo;ic baue bene, in great oifpaire to learne, our BDnglil^ fpacb,befo;e patcbt t)p,come notD,i feme pour turne» 33n all (Europe, 3 oare W\i fap, (fo; true o^tograpbp) no nation batb fo plaine a toap, to Incite tbeir fpaecb trulp : ^bieb iieing t}feD in t\\is lano, at mp banns (ball not lacbe^, 8 ruleo cE^rammer fo^ 3lnglifl[j, ano tbcn oare t)nDcrtafee, ^U nation? tuilt eonfeffe mo?e fault, in letter£(,tbat baue bd^ne, tbcn in our fpcecb fo mucb abufo, as bp tbis map be fcene. pit Dotb not tbis netD Uio;iU of mine,mahe (!range p olD to bnotu, but tbat tbe fame confero map be,to faue cbarge tbat migbt groto, if 0^ no nelD letter is b;iougbt in, no? anp olD left out, tbe Double founoeo baue a (tribe, to put pou out of Doubt Cbe afpiration (b ) ioineD, after confonants fine, fs noto incluDeD, but as one : tbeir names ano founos be rtue« ^nD as confent in fpeeeb toas eaufe, to mabe a perfect founD, in t)oice,U)berbp menings are bnotDn,tDberof letters taHegrounD, Cbe lifee confent, muft be in tbefe,to mabe a picture plaine, fo;i euerp t)oice,U)bicb ioino toitb mo, all 1do;ds true map remaine : if 0? euer (benceffl);ttb) time to come, ano nolo in p^efent life, lobicb in time pa(},batb bene patcbt tp, no man can it ercufo* a libe confent inE)ictionarp, (to (H5rammer ioino bereto,) toill caufe tbat SingliC^ fpacb (ball be, tbe perfectea i bnotoe ; if 0? perfect letter, perfect too^D, ano perfect fcntence tco, tb;:ougb perfect art,anD perfect tjfe, great gaine fo? bigb ano lotoe : if 0? iubp,tbe poj^e at feuen parcs,map bis natiue language, toell reaDe,anD lu?ite,bijs Dutie learne, before bis 0rengtb of age, )15e apt fo? otber ererci(e,tbe minoe noto tnell enclinoe, loill fo?ttfie t^t boDp mucb, tbe parents (ball it finoe : if 0? tbat obeoience Due Dotb grotD,in poutb tbus b?ougbt bp toel, ano tuill baue fmatcb tbereof in age, erpericnce Dotb bs tell, !^olu fauage,rnDe,anD barbarous, are tbofe people ioe fa?, tbat baue aiDe,but of eie,anD eare, from tbem tbat fauage be. s:be libe, ano mo?c gaine is to; tbofe, tbat be ricb,anD in tceltb, to|io(e cl)ilD?ens toanton life Dio palle, atuap tl)cir padres bp ff eltb : ICtiat The Prologe. KW Utile game, (o? none at all) toas got, in tt}i& Darbe maje : fo; tenoer frlcnos, anD Uianton poutl), tjDc (t, bat as a ga^c : ano mol! of tljem, did lofe theit time : tol)o better (31 Tap) mIgM, Ijaue bene, to run m meCTage toffe, o; tuait m parents figbt ; ©2Ill)ere gcoD erample fo;i tbe e(e, anD toi tbe eare alfo, is C^oUjd, fo^ among iDlc poutl;, tljere is no fucb 3 bnotue, 31n fcbojleSjtuljcre fire o? feuen pares, Dotb not tbe turne fuffice, to reaD anD to2ite,at ttoelue pares age : fucb fdeme,but be not toife. 215ut tuberas plame,anD perfect rules,arc taugbt,$ learnD plamlp, tl)c teacl)cr tabtb tberebp DeUgbt, tlje fcboller gaimb t^erebp. 0nD as tbts true o;jtograpbp is grounD, to builDings great, fo it fuffictb tbe po3:e mans turne, to Udepc bim from tbe beat, iDf furious rage, anD colD Defire, from DdepeDifpaIre alfo, as Dotb W cotage bim DcfenD, from l)eat,colD,anD Deepe fnotuc. WUho fo in greater builDings tuill, p?ocdeD (as fome mutt necDes) mutt tabe tbis grounD, fo^ perfe(tne^,anD conco^D, in fucb DccDes ; ^otb fo? i}is fpeeDe in toojbmanC^ip, fo; ttrengtf), anD faier fl^otu, toitbout p?op,(^o?e,Dog,tr)eDge,o? bep^toitb fner grounD beloto. <5oJ} grant toe all map builD t)p?igbt,in confcience,tx)itb gooD toill, tj^at (0OD be pleafeD toitb our tuo?fes, anD tue continue ttill, 3Bn one boul^olD (of Diners fo;ts) ecbone in l^is Degree, foitbout gruDge, in tbe lotoer fo?ts, tuitbout DffDaine in liigf^^ K[)tn fl^all toe babitations, celettiall, fuer finoe : tobere iop, anD true felicitie, i^all neuer liaue an enDe : tanto tbe toti), tbat toe map come, let tjs all frame, miO t^ti, Ut dDoD be p?aifeD,fo? ^is giftcs, Ijereto fap all ;amen. cfpOVDCt ? tVDcnttc Icttcra be notfuffin- cnt topics tiicc Jng- m '^V*^^ C-/^^^ ^ s T M 'A M foDemnet) of flran^ barbacoujor anb bttcr= Ob tut ton refoiiteQ f Plots m^. iEaiJiecon- fecnng of tl)f olCc tDttU ttJC nero. ^ The firft Chapter, Jheyving the old e^. 2. C. and caufeof amendment, and that both may be yjed for a time. The old A. B, C. l^cre are in tlje olDe a. 515. C. (fo? fo 3 call tljc o?^ tograpt)vtfcDbcfo:ctl)tfl amcnbtncntOwip.letter^, of jc]ntt).fcucraU namc0,iDi;tc^ aretljcfe foUoicims. %. b. c. D. e. f. s* ^' t« H. i. m. n. o. p. q. r. f. t* a, Sd« ic. p.j. 5»tt!)t^cirpaicr0. TOl;tct) f owcr ano tiventte lcttcr0 , arc not fuflPictctit to picture 3Bngltfl; (paci) : ^o;i in 3Ingiin) fpercl),arc mo Dt- (hn(tion0 anD Diuifion0 in totce , t^en tljcfc fewer ant> twcntfe letter© can fcucraJIpfigmfie,anDg!Ucncl)t fount) tjnto : li5prcaron Soli^reof, SveisereD^iuen, to t)fe to fome letters, ttoofounDe©, tofome,tl)jtee fountie0, i^auing in tl)em no Dtfference.o; marbe,tn figore oji fa{^ton,to Qjeive i)oir t^e fame Double, o;t treble founOeD letter©, f^oulD be founbcD, toi^cn tl)ep Soere joined iDttliotljer letter© tnioo^De© : iDl^icI) ioa© ticrp tctiiou© to t^e learner C tljougl) Ije couIDe tpcabe anD bnHcrftanb ptrfertlp ^rigUQ? fpacl) bp nature ano continuall tfe ) muc^ mojie tcbioua 5»a0 it,to tljcm of anotljer na= tion not aiDcD bp fuclj tjfe:w!)cn our S»?iting ant p?inting,notl)ing agrceD, ■S^mfln chefler, (oj, tljeir pain= full faking remcbp Ijcrcin : ftt complaining grcatip of cnimic© tl)at IjinbereU tljeir gojb meaning© : irijicljmigljtttiuclj Difcourage me, ^ being of fimplei: calling,bnoi»lcb5c,anb ejcperience)l)ab not mp great painc0,(in tljc lihe point tcudjing ojitograpljp ) b;iougljt to paflTe ( a© 31! tljmlic ) an inbifferent pcrfe* i»o?be : not onlie fbj true o?tograpljpfb,z 31nglifb fpaclj, butalfo framing tlje fame, fo nerre tlje (AD ojtograpljp, tljat tijc toant anb abnfe© in tljeolb.arc not onclp l;crcbp plsinlj fct foo^tlj, but alfo , tijat tljc fame olb Sojiting, anb piin- tinj. The amendment of ortography. i tarc agon ,0; thereabout : anD at ^^'"'{^^ tbtfl J)ap, tbc &)?itten bolumc0 arc infewe places to beCecne, but aljnofl; m no Sjit?ng^ place in bfe, tl)j.ouQ\) tbe faireneffe of tbe p;inteD Dolumc0,anD mojc perfftt= fo fpccc^ ncflTetbercm : J>ctt0nottbefamefopcrfcct,(fojlacbc of traeo;tograpbp) but anDpcrfett tbatbincrfe men iojttc, ano alfo pjintjbiuerfelp : ano not one.trneip as 31ng= l5^'^'"2 ijQ) fpeeclj requiretl),(if pe iuillbauc a true,pcrfc£t, anD plainc picture tbcreot) 2^ cSe a0CbaHpleth the xoants^^ahufes^ andynferfeBneJfe^ofthe olde ortography for Inglifh fpcech^ac this day in vfCjand how it is amended by perfeci letter, of perfe^ name, pcrfeftly agreeing to the founde in \oice. 3trfl note &cl,tbat of tljofc jcjdtq.lctter© before &?ittcn,t!jere be but tennc of tbcm irljofe namc0,(bcmg fmglcioitboat anp otljer letter)anB feljofc founb©, (being lomcb iritlj otljerlet* ter© in Soijjbe ) mXi rigbtlp agree , feitljout anp otbcr founbe bfcb to tbe fame letter at another time : toljicl) tcnnc letter© be tbefe : a. b. b. f. b. I. m.n.r.ic. febicb 3 call perfect letter©, of perfect name anb founb agreeing : c)ccepting tljat I. m. n. r. being to be bfcb fo; l)alfe bowels (as tl)cp be often, anb muft be bfcb in beebc) are not to be ac= countebperfectlp perfect, bicaufe I. m. n. f^aue eitbcr of tbcina© itS»erett»o biffcrtng foanbs,pet I)3ue no perfect figiie,no;i marh,to fbcro iwljs tbcp be mere confonant©,anb feben tl)cp be balfe borpcls(a0 is alfo t\)iB letter o? figure:^: oftenttme0founbeb fo? e0.anb fomcttme fo? ©.alone, %Mo toe giue to :pb:com= ming togttber(in one fillable)t!je founb of :f: fo are t^crc but fljcc ittters,per3 fectlp perfcit, tofjicl) arc tljefe : a. b. b, f, ft, )c, 9nD The amendment of ortography. 4 %ntiintl)e examples foUocoing to fljco? Ijow letters; are Double o? treble founteD, tl)e abafe© in founDmg tljofc letters are to be notcD $ not t'oe pb?afe tp matter tn tl^e fentcntes put fo^ ejcample, atiD iDl)cre 31 tfe tbe llattne %t>u^ ttiT? o?togrnpbp,it 10 onclp toBjtvo ejcamplc ^oro fe)e3ingliQ;fcunDtljefamcat tl)i0Dap, not minting to alter tbc ojtograpbp foji JLatme, foj manp caufe/s, tl)ougl) in iLatine f.t.t. be Double founDcD : as map nppeere bp cpamplciBf follotoing. 3 call t^efcc. c. g.t.o.f.t.b.p. bnperfett letters of name anD founD :bicanft lOnpcrfett cuerp of t^cm Ijauc but one name , anD fomc of t])tm Ijauc two founDes, anD ^"^^ fome baue tb^ee founDes'.alfo :p: lOincD in tillable before ^,batttng tl;e founD of tJ^ie "* f : as IS bcfo?e fl^cweD. founccD Cbatl; tcpo founDs.anb confonanto boti? : fojt it batl) alwap tljc founD of b, ijc. p.aDBeD c;cccpt :c:o? i: followc it in tlje fame finable. "25 ut bef o;ic;r.o;t:i; in tbc fame fib ^«e*nto, rable,tt b^tb alwap tbe founD agrettng to tbc founD of biS olDe name (fee) nerc agreemg to tbe founDe ofcf: faumg tt batb of it f clfc,a longer founDe tban :f:bi= caufe tbe botoell of tbe name of :c:Cfcbtcb is :c :o? cc after tbc fe^itmg of fome of latetimc)»B founDcD after : c : anD tbe toowjell of tbe name of : f : (iubicb i^s jcaerp e : flat anD fbo;t)is founDeD btfo;tc : f. if 0; no confonant can be nameD,i»ttb= conOmmt out ioming a bowell bnto it, in tbc founDe of bis name : lubicb a^c : c • fljarpe batb a bo^ 0^ :a: fonnDcD after t^e bc,ce,DC, ba, ^C. o;^: c : flat founDe D be= d^h tS!^ fb?e tbe confonant : as : ef,el,cm, ?c. name. C. bfeD fo;i :b: tbus : Come call tbc crabbc, cut of tl)ccr€cbe, to climbc tljc cliflfCjto cut tbc curbc,fo^ craf tp cloroncs rcictt colDe caufcs . wbicb 31 io?ite tt)us( I Com cat ft)t crab oyt-of d)t creb,t(D clpm ^z cUf, tco cyt t^e cyrbjfoKrafticIoyn^rctcctcdfDcay^cC, C . 'bfcD toitb tbc founD of bis olD name tbus ; except fpices be fufiFicicntIp facrccD, it fo;icctb mace to be of p?tcc, in great perceo, i»bicb 3 ^?itc tbus : erccpt fppce^ be fytfpcicntlp fcrrcco, it fo;cctt) mac tco be of p;^c in gcactpece^. we^ngunjbfcC in two founDs,tntbcJLatinealfoattbtSDaptbus : Ci- cero rethorica fingulos vicit,coruus non \occ cucullum : auD after mp OJtogra= C.founbcJJ. pbp tbus: Ciceroretlioricafinguloz vicit,corviis non vocccuculluin. *'^ 2-atmr. Cb3tb alfo twofounDcs,anD toorocls botb, tbc one flat,agreeing tob'S olD anD continuco name : anD tbe otbcr founDe mc;c fbarpe bctrocne tbc olD founD of tbc OlD name of :e.* anD tbc name of :i: fo; fucb Difference tbc bcff irjitero DtD bfc :ea: fo? :c: flat anD long: f ca,ec,ic,eo,fo? :c:lbarpc:but tbc comoncflbfing ^'^'^'^^ of :e: i»asbnccrtame,tbus:'S'bebcaucnlpfatbcrfofingtbatobcDirobrDient ^c^L ^^ in eartb, Deliucrctb tboc into tbcbanDcs of iDifecD pcopIe,anD into tbcfncnD= hukD, IcfTe ficlD, to regenerate j rencto tba',as be bed hbctb to be moft nccefraric foji tbp DegrcF,giuuiq tbcr bts grace Sebcu be feetb nrt Dc : S»bicb 3 i»?«tc tbus : ti)cl)eutilp fatljcr feingil;e too be Dif-obriDtcnt tncrtl), ucluierc^ ^e (ntcD tl)cbanDt of toichcD pepf^ani) intco tt)cfrenD Ics fcio, tai re^ Q;cncrat ant) renetu ttie, aj be bed UHictii , to t c moft-necclTarp fo^ 5)P Dcgrejgcinng d;e tjij grac>l)cn ^c fectl) neo, we 5 The amendment of ortography. c get nothing bj> ^our gapmg, pc fo;^get pour great gcioing. ^ol^icl) 31 %:tc,tiju0 : (0cp gjpo-man gilberD,U)it|);co^^r gdlDn girDE,j2e getno- tl)t^gbp;(^o^rgaptng, ;i2ef02gct;i20urgi:aet gelDing. (B. Ui not foanDeti after l)i0 olb name (ger), but in ccrtainc &o?DC3,fo1^ere : e: oj, :i: folloto it in t\)Z fame GUablc : a0 m tljcfe iooioc© anb certame otljer : 3J gentle iuBge,Dot^ not rcucngc, fejljcn ageb gples bcgencratctb to tlje gibbet : feJjicij 3j!Q)^ite,tijn0 : a gentE iuDg Dfflt^ not rf uf nfi Vtjen ^cjeo gpli Oeg'eneratct^ tcB 4)^ S^tbbct. 4S>.in'Uc^ we bfe «, anb berp late in reaning an olD cl^jyter granteb The amendment of ortography. 6 bp bing (CDgar 35 founo :p :to?tttcn in JLatine fo;t tt)C founD of,fe,an^ in ffcctic of,iD : anD OgneD bp mofl part of tl)e 2i5in)opfl of t\)e rcalntc : namclp, U)C 25 1= fl)op0 of wincljcftcr, anD of wilton ( fince tl;at time tranflatcD to ^ alfburp) tl)t iDO?OCff Su^itten tI)U0, Yintonien(is,Y)ltonienfis, attD f)crcbp appcerctlj t^at attl;o£e batcii:?: £030 wjwttcnanDfounDcD foj : i»; i»l;ici arguct!), t^at 3 t^aiie Done ngi^tlpe, to name : So : as t^i0 (illable, io^ee, agreeinsto l)is fonnbe. y.tjfcDfojaconfonant,tl)tJS : pca,tI)epoungpouti)bfcD]?oupcacrbapf6? y.Cons VOnrpeUott)eparnc,pctveiDercnotpofecb,no?^oelbeD tofuc^ apcoman:5»^icl) "'«*"f« 3! ft)?ite,ti)a0 : i|)e, tl;e ^ung^cutl) t)5CD;B3y ;i2efferDap fo? ;i20ur;celotD ;j?^rri j2Ct ;pe luacr not jjobeo no/ jacioeo tm fy d) a ^eman. :io}, Spijici; confonant fouuDcb in:p, 31 bfc tljeramc,p,ttirmn5 bacUwarb tlje craibcb fate tljeccof , like a iojct^c a0 je fee : anb iuljerc it 10 a XjowcM , 3] tofc tl)c accuSo^ tticD figure,inaUp;nntin50 anb 5»);iiting0,not£l;angeb. 7. 10 brcD in all ot^cr placc0 S»itlj tl)c founb of, i. a0 pe mat> percctn: cucrp y. botocK. Severe in tljcolbeir^iting anb pjiinting , c^cccptin fome auncicnt iDjitingeji SDl;cre it 10 bfeb fo^fe.a© afojefaibe in i^ing (Bbgarj time. 4>, \)itlf alfo tl)itt founbe0,anb all of tljcm tooroel0 : tlje one founb agreeing ©.oftijjee tal>i0 olbeanbconttnacb name, anot!)erfomib,betwcfnc t^c arcaftomebitame fountie^, of,o,anb tljc olD name or,t),anb tl)c fame founb long,fo? i»l)ici),tl}C better lear= nebi».iite 03.(30 3B bo alfo,bttt giuing it ap?oper namc,aeco?bing to tljc founo tI)ereof ) tlje tl)irbc founbei0a0,'b, flat ana n)0?t,tl)at i0 to Tap, ae t\)is fillablc oa,(l)ojit founbeb : foj ioljtclj fome of tbe better icarncb, nit manp timc0 t)fe,a). anb,)i,acco;bing to tljetr founb0,but moH time0 intl) fuperflaon0 lettcr0. jD. oftl)?«erounbefitifcbintl)cfc&ojbe0, anb fncl) liHc, tbu0: mpfonne loUeb bpon t\)t fonnc beamc0, anb^cfec \)is bobe ant of l)is bofomc a0 fone aaf 31 S»a0 come ont of oar cozue iuljicb i»jittng,ti)c firtt ij?;ittcn(fonnc) mcanztl) f agnifietlj l)lm,tbat 31 am fatljer bnto : tlje feconbe &);ittcn (fonne) meanctb anb fignigctlj the greatcftligbt in tl)c firmament : tlje tl)irbe St);iit= ten (fone) meanetl) anb fignifictl) t\)t time S»ljcn be tofec t^e boke out of l)i0 bofomciroj tlje icijicl? 3 i»?ite tlje firft (fonne)tl)a0 : fon : in ILatine filius : in iPrcncI;,^y/c^j(jljc feconbe t^u0 : fyn : in ILatine Sol .- in fnnc\)foleil.Zl)t tl)irbc tlja0 : fcon : w JLatine cito : in :f rencl) toft . Cljc Soljole fentencc 3f &?tte,t^u0 : mp fon IcDfeeD tpon d)c fyn-bsmf , anD tmb Ijfj btofe oyt- t^tt0 : Iniiiziis mizer non dcleftatur placidis ir.uzis. 7 The amendment of ortography. T.roun^iet) • 'c anb continucb name, is fo foan^ beb, ioljen it i0 a finable bp it fclfc , o? &!?cn it is t!)e laft letter in a finable, oj, iol)cn it commctl? btfo;e one confonant, anb : e : enbing ncjt after tljat confo^ nanr tn one Cnable,tlju0 : t?nitp,bnmerfnnp pjccuretl) tfc to be occuptcb,anD letfure aUuretl) tbe tonrulp to tbc lute : fcbtcb 3 io?ite, tljus : tinitptjmucrfal'lp procured) tc tobc occuptcDaiiDlcijurallurctf), t^ctin-rulit(Dtl;clut. iD.flat. td flat i0 bfeo alroaies^ftcr : a : e : o; o : inbipl)tl)ong,o? ncict bcfo;ic a fin* gle confonant in one finable , Ijatting no : e : after t^at confonant, oj, before a Double confonant, oj two confonant0 nejct after it : t\}Ouq}) :c: folloroettjat Dcuble confonant, o; two confonant0 all m one o; biuerfe fillnblc0, t\)us : tl)t bniuft arc bnlucfep,not feo?t!j a button oj, ruOj^tntrufip.tpljclDms trumpet rp at tljeir fun luQ : i»l)icl) 31 &?ite,tl)U0 : djc tm-tyft ar tin-lyhi , not U)g;t|) a bytn o;: ry^,i3p-bofoing trymperpat djeir fu! lytt. lo.roims we 3ngua) bfc all tbcfc tl)ja fonnbc* in:\): accojiDing to t^e place0 afo^c= Dct)m:L85 faio^,rtfij(;^QtmealfO,tl)UC: vnus veftnimciimulauichuncacei'uum: 0-acnip ""^ o?tasrapl)p,t^u0 : vnus veftrum cumulniiic hiinc aceruum. ^ainDf^; 0'.u:= Ding of finable0,marbe rule0 foj fpeUing foUovotng. *) w ? aBo^eouer, J account : tj : n : ^ : 5 : ( alfo • ? • a^^ H f^^^^ bcfoje.fol.^. ) to /Aii be twrtgljtlp namcb f o? 3nsltfb fpeeclj, bicaufe : b : q : & : p : ^ab no founbe meo. ogramgtotbcirolbenamc0. foi : q : being namcb 30 t^i0 finable : Uu : if 'we cbange tbc boaeU of m '' ' *^ " name The amendment of ortography . 8 mmc (%lfic^ 10 : b : )(nto : a : ioljat otljcr name o; founD can it !)anc,bttt ad tljc : b : i»l;icl; name ano founDc , migljt caufe fir Thcmas smith to t^mfee : q : fupcrflttous fo; JIngltQ) fpeEcl),afl appet rctb m l)t0 bcnbc fo? o;tograpI) 3Hfo It mtgbt b^ occafion tbat ^^aiftcr chefkr aboIifbcD : q : -quite out of bitf o;tograpbp.^ut 31 unbrace : q : in mv o;itograpbp,not onelpfoj conference tn tbe olDe piitnting, but alfo btcaufe it batl) a founDc in 3]nsliCb fpeecb of it fclfe, (iujtbout : b : abbcD bnto it ) tbat no otber letter o? letters can perfcttlp ejc- p^eflTe : tbercfo^e 31 glue tt a name acco;H)inglp(a0 t\)is finable : qna:)anD bc= tngfonamcD, tbe ; b : bfeD to be fct after : q : m tbe oIDc p^intmjg t0 fuperflu^ cu0,asintbcfe toojlies : ^quarterncofqumces&iUquicfeipqucncbaqniU in a quarnc : ioi)ic\)3i^^itt,t}}us : qarterri Of qtnce^tuilqiblpqend) a qilinaqarii 3In ILattne : b : 10 altt?atc0bfeb after : q : onb founbcb of b0 lnslifl;,a0 &c Sji'^^JS boefounbetljcmin3ngUfbfpGfcb,buttbe:(Frencb in tbeir oiune language ftcnc^. founbc : qu ; 00 : U : founDing: qua,que,qut,qno,quu,a0 iue 3nglifb fcunbe : lia,be,bi,feo,feu : am foe Jnsli^ founbe quo a0,bo : anD quu, Sue founbe flat anDn)O3^t,a0mpbu. W.3I account alfomtfnamcb.tocanitbouble : b: fo? tljcn fl^ouIDe&e fonnbe it : b : b : but bi0 founoe agrectb to t\)c olDe name of : p : (i»bicb 10 i»p)ano if Sdc change tbe boroeli of tbc name of : p:(i»bicb 5»a0 : i: ) into :e: njarpe,ani) boraell to tbe name0 of all otber confonant0 , febofe botocll of tljcir name 10 founcco after tbem, ( ejccept tbat : b : batb : a : founDcD foj tbe borocll of bi0 name) tbcn is : Sd : named a0 tlje founbc of t\)i8 fillable, feee, S»btcb founbe is not in tbe JLatine.nettber tbe founDc of : v t confonant. 3lnD it 10 like tbat fir Thoniss Smth,m'^ S^aiftcrc^f/?e^.acceptcD nottbcfe, 30 letters mtbcir o;to= grapbp, bicaufe tbcir name© anD faunDe0 agrceb not, ne itbcr coulb tbcj? finbc fit namc0 agreeing to their founDe0 , fcbicb name© being neto p;touibcb,botb : So : anD : p : arc neccHTar^ fo;i 3nsltfi) fpcfcb , cnb maHetbe caficr conference jbttb tbc OlDe pointing irbcre tbtp be mucb bfeo. y .mifnamcb 00 appcEretb,fol.s. 1^. i0 alfo mifnamcD to be calleb n0 tbt0 fiUaWe, acbe, ( 02 rntl^r ad), after inp o;itograpbp^fo;^ it ia no confonant : bicaufe tbe founD of it 10 not tn tbc bfe of tbe Dmifion of tbe; lippe©, neitbcr i0 it a botrcll : bicaufe of it fclfe It mabctb no Dtuifion of note oz founDc,flat, fl)arpe, 01 meane, a© otber bowels Doc : anD tbcrcfo^e is not calico a letter of fomemen, but a fignc qj, marfee of afpiration o;i b^catb , fozfebici) br.catb 0? afpiration abDcD before a bottjcu, oj after tbe letter : r : tbc (©recUe b?tb a pr.che o;i note ouer tbc bo«)= ^ n a ell oj : r : afpircD, but fucbaCptrnttonfolloroing tbe founDc of tbeir letter,!', X'+';^ > > iDbicb tbcp namc,cappn,tbcp inclusc bof b founDs in one lcttcr,tbus: v ,tDbicb f^^^^^ S»c lUitglifb name a© tbis fillable, bbi.but founDc it as. b, alfo tbe d^rffhe,!;, »7 f^j Rl^ S»blcb ^e name as tbicv fillable, fp. is in founD to tbc ^reefecas tbe letter:f: tt) , gns? in tbe JLatme ot Jn^M) : but in ioozDco DcriucD from tbc d^reebctbc iLntine lib}. C« fee3^nglia)from tbc lLatinc)brc,pb, fo; tbc fame founD of:f:^bcre,p,batb loft bis ou?nc fonnfie : tberefo;eit is better to mabeonc fiaurefo? tije fi-mc, tyu5rjI),onD guic ittijt name of tl;i0 fiUable,pb^,acco^Diiig to bw foynb.aiiro ti)e p The amendment of ortography. t\)t (15reb0!jattc tW Utter, '),'wl)kl) iot namc,t!)u6:thcta,f m mine,tl(jutf:tl), naming it asi tl)is fiilablc,tJ)af,(f, being bnfouDeD.) 3InD if fee lUngliQ) name rigl)tlp tl)t (Efrake letter, (A, t^u0 : chclta,fottnDrti,a0tn t!;3t,tl)cfe,tlji0,tljofe, rtttff: t!?en Dotl>tl)c<0teefeee)campleconfirmee]cp?cflpmf, jj^, d), t|), ano aUo«jbpc]i:ampIcmp,(l3, bp t^tif, 0<, ann fo of tlje otl)cr two, ^, anb \^, 5fo;i in t\}e fonnD of,t!j,t,liati loft ^Ijb; proper founUCjas Ojail appare bp C)»ms ple0 in, tl), following , feljerc, \) , l;atl; no part of tbe founoc of ^is o!Df name,acl)e,Co? afl 31 p?tnt rather, ad),but bicattfe,^jtfl a perfect figure tfeb in . tlje olDc pjinting, 31 retaine it ftill before ano after Doi»cl0 , giaipg it a name S tt) tb^ 80 tlfiB, but 31 fcill neaer bfe it after anp confonant m one Cllable, tDb :'nra), a0,c^,pl),flj(tl;,of Double CounQe) no; 'ix>\),but incluQc t\)Z olbe bfing of tl^cm in ^jifSy onclctter, a0fl)3ll appcerein tlje Cable foji tljetr names : gimngtocuerp th'di\h ^^^ ^Snve o; letter a rigt^tnamc , agreemg to tijc fouuo thereof in 3Infilt(§ ci.l^atl) a fonnb in 31nglitlj,in tbc io^hiclf none of tlje fonnb0 of,c, (&l)en it 10 feitI)oat,b, after it)i0 fonnoeb : fo; if tl)e fonnb of .Htivere in it, it feere tJi^ett to be rounoeb a0 tl7i0 nilable,kl)e,anb if tl)t founo of ,f,tt)ere in it,it fnere tlttn to be fonnbeb a0 tl)i0 fUlablc, Dje, febici) fonnbe ( of, Ibe,) fo?,cl?, tlje Jprenclj Ctf, in bot^ rigbtlp giue a0 it iDerc, fl), but fee 3!ngliQ) baue a tbiroc founbe fo?,cl|, ^cencb,a0 tfeb in t^e olD p?tntmg,anb now is figureb,tbn0 r d) :a0 map appeerc bp ti)efe g-m3n3- feo?bc0:31 cl)angebc!^afeanbcl)icHenfo;cljcriC0anD articljobe0, anb cljopt ^* fncl^ fo? a cl)urle: feljicl? 31 5o?ite,t^u0 : 3 djarigeu d)e> anD d)iben fo? j^cV cb.notn rp^ anDarttdjob^ anD djopt fyd) fo^adjyrt. wijic^ founbe fo?,cij,ij8 d). in all common anb cafie to \>s 3IngliO),b«t ^arb to fome ftraungcr0 (e;ccept tbe 3= 'nette talian)a0 are t^e rounbe0 of ,tl^ , anb, feb. 15nb no feap fo perfect anb cafie fpj tomSi ftraunger0,anb our oronc nation alfo,a0 to baue tljofe founoc0 inelubeb in one ^ letter,feitb a rigbt name, ( agratng to tlje founbe tijereof ) giuen to euerp of tijem : fel^tel) being perfect feljen ll)ep be fin0le0 are eafilp founbeb feitb oi^tt letter0tnfeo;be0. Cl).t)reb m JLatinealfo,anbCof tfjelaft agepaftXonn^^ ^^*^"oafoun3 ^ ^ ttfiin Jnq\i^ fp«eci),(bttt of late) founbeb a0,fel),(f fomettme,fe)acco?bing^o Xatine tljc (15rabe lctter,X ,from febome ioo^ns fo feiittcn arc bo^oweb, 30 in,char~ fomtOeb ta , chelidonia : chirothcca : charicas : fel^Ofc 31nglin) (cbaritp) 10 founbeb aca ffartb*^ cobbing to t^e 3Inglifl) founbing abouc faibe , anbfe;itten bp mp o?tograpl)p, flSbeDc^ d^aritp: 80 are ail metre 3!ngiia)feo>be0 (Tjaning,cl^,in tlje olbe pjinting)to wiicafrom bcfounceb: e>:ceptfeo?b0bo;rott)ebfrom tl^e(ffilra!ie,anbfe;titten of b03!nff= tbegtctte. iiiJ)SD(tlj,cM0,C^>ift our ^auiour cljoler, one of tbc fowcr I)umcur0in tbe «. - , complcjcton of man,anb fuel) lifee not meere 3;ngliaj,febtclj 3 fe;ittc feitl),cl),in S*a0,h?' nip o?tograp!jp,founbing tljcre tl)e,cl),a0,fe,alonc,f not a0 31 founb mp,d),anO tijen beiiibe tljem into two letter 0,00 10 l)cre fljewc b. ^^.batb tic founbe in ifngliflj a0,f, fo;i febicb J mahe ibis figarc,}9, gf. ttingit tbc name of tbefounbe of tlj!0 Dllnblc,pl)ec.o? ftt,febtcb name 10 agree* tng to \)is founb in feojbe0,a0 in tbefe feo?b0: |2>btllip tljc ^3l)ilofopl)er goetli lop^Eficbc fo; t!jc plj;enf2.Wl;ic!j 31 tJfe,tlju0 : jfetllip ^t i^Mo^p gocti^ to The amendment of ortography. I o tat 1^X0 fO? tt)e jl;;cn?p. i»l)icl),pl;,i0 onelp Wco m ioo^DfS bo?rotrcO of t\)i |£)^.is ncucr in ILatinc,but in &>o?De0 bojowcD from tl)t (15r8cUc,anl> tljsn lOD. foims ijBfounl»eD,a0 : f ; of i»l)icl; fcunD,t0 onclp,a) ,in t^c tI5ralie. ^^^^^ ^- Ci)-biJt^tTOofounl)esm3ingIifl), notmucljnotcDcf ntanp men : yctfo ^ij.ofttoa founDcD of moft,o;i all foutbfajcons ; faumg, tijat tljc common people tjnlcar= fcunuesf. neD,in tijc eaft part of &)airt]c ano 3itnt,&oe fpcafec ^o^ns 9x>ptttn ioitl; :t!) : ajs tijougt) in tl)c feme place, D, Socrefe^ittcn, ajo fo?,tl)«fl;,tljat,tl)ofc, tl^umbe, tD^bufcD tl)oj,w: ti)cp fap,ti0,D8t,Dcfe, Dnmbe, Doj^ne, 5^031 &l)ic^ 31 bfc : tl;{S, ti;at, ^*'''*^* d)dj,tl)umb,tl)«^;fn-Ci)e firft ti^^ee 5(oo;i)c0,(4)is4jat,idj)i»!5£rinsfo»«e== Soljat m founti,from t^ c two latter, (t|)^mfa-,d)d;nj) an?) tl;ercfo?e 31 maHc a commajtnDcr t\)z Jatter,o; otljer turncD DiflFercncc . wl)Grefo?e 31 S>«c to,ii), ^^^i^e^ a name of this finable, tl;ee, tl;c accufatiue cafe of, tljou : a0 tn tijcfe i»o?Dc0 : rctijffotit li5otl;etl)pfatJ)cranatIjpmotl)crlotl)etha,fojt^t0tl7)j b;ica:l)tn5 on tijcm : 1^* SDi)ici)3!iojitc,«;a0; bdit)#fatl;erp anttl)pniotl;et:ldtl;4)e,fo?tfei0 ' 31 giae to,t^ ,a name of t\)t founD of tl;ifl fUlable,tl)etf : (tljc fonnD of ,f,!jeiu3 left out) tn ti)t fame name , tlje reft ( tl)cc) being full? foiml>el> : a0 in tl)ore S»c?l)0 : ^ rt;oufaiil5 arc lotlj to Ijane tljc tcntlj tljiftle ojt tljo^ne, tl)at tljou l;aft in tl)p tijumbe : ?et tljou tljmfeeft , to bloioe tl)emtl}?oa5b tljicHe ann tljinnc, 9oit\) a bicat^ in t\)inc anger. VDljic^ 31 io?itc,t!)U0 : fl tbojailD dr ioti) tCD ^-cttcr^of lim 4)e tend) d)iSl 0; mmMt i)n Ijaft in i)y ti)vm'j ; ^ct tl;y i]\\v ^^'^J^' fecttjt© falolD d)2m iyM) tl)iU,anD t^tn,in i^vn angcr,tiiit|) a b;ctl). nctD,tt),tf> 3tappecret!)bji {itThomas'smithet,Qni^ii\tttTCheJIeys, bn)be0of o?togra= i£iiet^m^ pbp, tl)attl)crel)at^benct)fcbof olbettme, ti»olctter0fcrui«g to tl;cretioof'''"^atiji^ fbun^e0,anu figureii,tbu0 : p,^, naming «)c lflft,tI)c,t^o?ne,D,i»l)tcl) Ijauing m\oml% t})c ftrihc tl;o;ougl) tbc I)caD tljcrcof, migljt tocll Ijane bene namcD a0 mp, tl), mtjotcc, anD bp negligence of tlje io^itcr.tljc frnbe not maDe , 0; a (Jraunger tcacljing "^^ ^f^D tl)e fame,(anD coulD not founac it rigljtIp)bfeD tlje founDc,t!jat 9ve anD aran= Sancn?. gcrs gtae at tl)iB Dap to, D,iDt)crebp tf)e f ounbc of ,Dt0,J)at,Dofe, Uqmbe, Do^ine, * . afo?€faiDc,infomeplacc0grcajinl)rc. CI)clihealjufcoftbciD;i(tcr, map fee Otoeft, p S»cll gclTein t^e figurc,p,i»bo ianerc tlje Ubcncffc of t^is ftgure,p,rijatquicfe J) =5inhe Sojiting foitl) a tnrncD fn?te,bp bfc in time,mal)c one figure (tljat i0,p, ) fcrne "« a t])Cturncofbotl)etfjcfoimi)0:a0inapappccrcbpabb?tuiatton9,6gitrcbbp,p; P Of P. anDrcrtaincbovuel0,fillafalf0,£monote0,rctoncrit,iDl}tcbpttlDnopartof tt^e iT)i», i'f founDe of tbe olbe name of,p, (febtcb i0,i»p) no; otljcr founDc of,p,i»l)Gt^er it ua S»cret)o\»e!lo2conronant,butpceiiiCDapcrfc(tfotinDeofmp,tt),anD ofUjcolDc t'Jitibc P figure, ^>,a0 map sppeere bp tbefc&o2B0 : p ^ t^infe^ p of p , f ^ man 10 p of p.. iobome p fecbeft, agreeing bp no reafon to be fc?ttten &itb, p, mtgl)t berp ttetp, &cllbe&:itteno?p?inteDfcitb,p,tI;n0:p p=5inucp ofl'/v P man 10 p ^^^^-'^^ fe^ome p fe^ueft : fo; I,creia tl;at olDcK ietter,p, fc? i0 bfcD i„ tl,c rfj'f .. «I5c,ann 31 bfe,tl;, ) foonDf D ngl^tlp, cnD, p, miQl^ be abufcD in tl,i0 place bp {|«/. I I The amendment of ortography. firatigefjBfjfcljo tijotigfjt little o? no MflFcrcnccbctrceenc tl)c figurcjai of,p,fln& p, ano betojcrncU, anD'5_, fpcctallp bicaufc tl^ofe tcuo foutiDe^;, of,y,otH),^, 5»cre IjarD to be founDcD,o? tjrtciip left out bp t^m : as i»c mapfee (bp C)cpctic«cc) nmong ftraunger© at tljis Dap, iwljo cannot fwmbe tljofe lettcv0, tljougl; t^ep liue among tj0 ( fjeoring b0 foani»e tijcm baUpe ) manp pans, but arcnoto greatipljolpcn bp true o;ttosrsp!)p. vot 3Ingliaj tofc tf^efounbc of,tl?,(n 3Lattnc,a0 t\)t Counbe of mp,t|)jOneip,aj8 in t!;cfe ioo?bfl:Thraro,thales,thcirali3^nofucl) liUe bojotDCb fro tbe (0rarfee, ti).foimi anbl)fcb in (15reebc, fettfj tljc (25recbe Utter, 6, V)fcb bptnp ojtogrnp^p, tl)U0 : tme!" "^^^ riii'azo.riialesjthellalia: in &^ic^ feo?b0mp,tt), anb t^e (0reebe,6,agra m founbe : abufcD of letter time ^iti), t^, noticing agreeing tl)crel9nto, confibc* ring tljefcuerall olb name0,of,t,anb,^,pttlc no fuel; fonnb. S>'^ofe Dowcll of tl;eir name ts fct laft, a0,b, men. f, b, ?c. nameb, bc,CC,Oe,f C. anb notnamcb,bca,ceb,beD ; t^crcfcjejC fliucit t\)t name of ii)C fotinb of tW fillablc,5ce : agreeing to l;t0 foaiib in &3O?Dc0,aD= bmg to eucrp confoncint.onelp one boroelljto giucljt0 namc,i»l;icl; bowcll bc= ing bnfoonbcD,feben anp confonant 10 iomcb m ioojilifl ioit^ anp ot\)et towel, $Dl)at otJ^crfounbe can be gtucnbnto it, but of tl;c confonant ttfclfc onelp, nnb tl)at truclp.3nb(3! fuppofc) inc ta)be tije name of : 5 : from tljc i^rencl), ioljo name It :jjbDe : turning tbe: t : inzcta,(ttrc(i5raKename)into :D:anbbfmg c : fo? : a : fcljicl; : e : tl)e ifrencl) founo ncrrcr : a ; ^^ai fee 3!ngUQ) boe, arb foe ( tabing tl)c nnme tljcrecf from t])t :ff rencl) ) nnmc it : 5eb : fo? fee jtng- T^v^t m^ UQ) fdDome founoe : e : at t\jt cnbc of fuel) feojbeo 0? fillable0. ^p tl;cfc mmg of reafon0,3 commenb better of our 3!ngljfl? naming of letter©, to abbe no mo?e [f^g^o^^'J to anpconfonant,tbanoncbotpcll.l6utintl)enamcof nicftoftl)e(0rccbclct= ^f itfeitc, ter0,nre tcoo 0^ t^?a fillablc0 : in feljiclj muft nabee be tljC founb0,of oiueife 0% aouti) t)Owjcl0,anDconfonant0,fe^icl) mud neebobe troublefome, to oncCtbat ncucr toaconfoa learncb tljename of lettcr,in Qjojter o?ber)to giuc tijc fmgle anb pctfctt founb "'^"** of letters. . w- ' ' Jl : m : n : r : f : 0; ratljcr : t, : arc accotintcb of biuers learneb, to be l;alfe l',"^ jihV, l)Ott>el0 : fe!)icl) 31 feiU grattnt\)nto,intefpe(t of Jinglifijfpeecl): but l^it^erto bnif^to- tljcrc l)at\) not bene bfcb of tlje lcarncb,anp mnrfe o? Difference to anp of tl;cm, ^^^* toQ)ea»fel)entl)cparcmareconfonantC0, ojfebcntljcpare to be fonnbcb a0 ^alfe bowels : but ala?aie0,feljen tl)ep fecre to be bfeb as ^alfe bOtt)Cl0,one 0} otljet fuperfluou0 botocU(of toncertamcfounbe) fea0 ioincb, fometime bcfoze tljcm , anb fometime after tljcm : feljiclj greatlp becciucb tl;c learner : fo;i rcmebp feljcreof, jO feiU fl;ero(bp cjcample© of e ucrp of tbcm) tbc oloe abulcs, anb t\)t neco ameTibment : anb tbougl) tbe bon?cll fouuoct) m tJKtn fea0 bn= ccrtainc,Ctbiougf) tbe^aJfe founbtnc of tbat botueH, mt tbcljaffttounbingof Cttcrp of t^ofc)c)cccpt : r:pct 3! fetll tahc t\)c bon?(n,feI;ici) 10 ncercft,anb com= tl)t fonnbe in cuerp of tl)cm,a0 follorocti), % : being a Ijalfc bOtt?cl,t0 to be namcb r-S tlje fl;o?t founb of t!)to fillcblc :t;I: 3i,c!,iii, anb to bauc a turn cnerrc il)ctopoftt,tbn0: l': anbt!jcbnperfc^bcrrell,be= ic, now fo;i€ time ioincb before oi after it, to be nbolin)cb : ss m tljefe feo^bc : Cbc f carle Ijntl) a bablcmtbe liable, maoe of appletree o;i maple, anbabunbcll of mantle0,o? fel)ittlc0,in tl)c crable.u^bicl) J bft tf)n0 : ti)C carC tjad) H bafaU tn d)effabl',maD of apMrc o;:mape,anD a bynDJof niaiitr^,o? )^ttr| tn tl)e craDC. Tct pc mud note,tbat feljcn 1 1 : coir.metl;bf trrccne : c : at tl}C cnbc of a finable.ano another bororii ncrt before : I : t\m : e : 10 fupcrfluous, anb fuel) : I : (commonlp > rcmainetlj a confonant , anono IjalfebowcU , r^p in tbefc feo;tbc0 : Clje bile fccle Dlb fccic tljc fol:,fe!tl) n fiJr ,5nb a flfule.febfcl; be aolc,feitI;ottt rale.wl;icl) 31 fe;ite,tl)tis : i)t \^vl fml, DID fcl tijc fol>lt{) a I 3 The amendment of ortOQ;raphy. a f^l.anu a tta)l,\J)id) l)c ad!,toitJ^out ruUtijc ^oicc tt fcifc feii guitie pou. mc^no\» ^.bcing al)alfc towel!, 10 to be naniGD,as tlje 0)0?t fount) of tbt0 fiHabie : '"• tim : Ijaaing a ftrtKe oucr t\)z initDle thereof , tlju0 : m : anD tl;e tonpcrfe* borvril : c : bcfoic time tfcD after : in: abollQjcD : as in tl)ctc i»o?DC0 : Come Soarme your b?cDme,anD get poti borne, tuitb pour bolme, anD maBe t)0 rcome, toCnsa^falmc,tbctr)moei0calme:TOljjclj3!ijj^ttc,t}ju0 : com ioarni j^oyr b;{mni,anD get;coy !}dm,toitt) ;i^o^r [jdlm, ano mali b5 roim tco fing a fafm,ti;c topno ij cal'm. 23ut t^is i;aifc Dowcii 10 fciDome Dfeo, ^ . after an? letter, faue : ! ; o? : r,in otbcr i»o?Dc0 : c : 10 fupcr fluou0. ne noS ^-^^ ^"S a Ijalfe tooa)ell,i0 to be namcO a0 ii)z Ojojt founD of tl)i0 rillab!e;t)n: j| ' Ijautng a firikc oucr tl)c miODIc of it,ttju0 : n ; ano tbe bnpcrfcrt Doa>cn,befo?c time tfeD,to be aboUfijcD : 30 m tljefc ixjo;D0. Ctjep burne burDcno of capon0 anb bacon.m t\)c garbcn, but ioarne, to Heepe co;ine m tbe barne, ano a ftit ba= rcnint9eiDarcn:ia)btc]i3]fe?ite,tI)U0:tl;cplJVirn bur Dm of capri^anD bacri in 4)e garori : byt toarii tjo fecp com m tt)C barri^ ano a fat bar^ ren in ^e tuarren. Tctfomctim'c in tbe olbe o?tograpb?, tljc towell tefcjc It : 10 fuUpfounbeb, anb t})e fa)ner,tf a Double confonantircrc nejct before tl^at; re notu *onjeU,bat : e : after : n ; at tbc cnDe,maUetb : n : a balfe totrell. r,o> rtfe': IS.beinga balfe t)oi»cll,ijatb ratber tijc name of tlje fouutic cf t\)i0 fiUablc : c : tBttb an er: tbatt of : t)r : fo; ti;at :e:fet after : r : at ti^e enbc of a nuablc,t0 mod timrg ^"^/^ fuUfoanbeb, 'a0tboug^:e: feerefetbcfo:c:r: cjcceptanotljcrborocUcome ucc tbc"* "^^ ^tiopt *. 1 1 fo? tl)cn : c : 10 not founbcb,but caufctb tl)Z bowcU nejct before: toxDeii r : to be of a longer founbe : ivl^tcb long f onnbe, being encreafcb bp one of tbc ncjtt be* accent p?tcb0,in mp o;itograpbp,oj boubJc boroell bereaftcr fct fcD;itl),fuc!j : c : Cojctt. 10 fapcrauou0 : but fo? conference i»ttb t\}t olDc piinttng, (iobcre tbc : c : 10 tnilplaceD after : r : tbat tc founbcb before : r : ) 3! SuiU allow : r : $»itb an ac= cent,tlju0 : r : fo;t a balfe tiowell, of tbe full founbe of : cr : but in mp new 0;= tograpbp, 3D *0}*l ratbcr feztte : cr : foi tbc fame founte , cicccpt tt be fo; tlje Ijclpe of equiuoce0,o;i otber fpe ctall caufe0 : a0,tn tl>cfe ioojbi; : pc fuffer pour battre,to gutter in tbe fire, 5»bctfo?e remcmb;e bereaftcr to confilt^c mp care, laboureano fenfire. XD\)izh^ i»?ite, t\}vig : ^^z f^iffcr^oyr buttcc tJD Qi^U tet in i)c fpr r,^i)c^l:-fo? remember [jarr-aftcr tco confioei: m^ car, la^ bg;: ano Dejrer. iC.fitpct-, ' 0.Co^ratbcr: tttJfcb in time pa(t,fometjmefoj : es: attl)ceno offt)o?be0 fliioii;?. ' SBcrctbcntobecallcbabftlfetOtt>cll,bicaureitioclHbcDtbcfounDof tbebot»= cU : e : anb tbefounbe of : f : bnber one figure: anb fomettme tbougb :e: Svere &jtittcn before : s : pet : e : lo^s not founoeb : a0 in tbcfc icojueo : carc0, las boure0,&arc^ingc0, anb t)n:iutctne0, mabeicerp bonrc, iuCuHc iiiinDcs, fee= s. «ni> I. jrtc mJmb?c0,anb tbo?tcime0.wl)icb 31 ^fe, tbus : citj,hb^;i,\s&td)[V.Q^-, fom! and ti!t qietnc0,mab totr rp bon^, toacfe mpnu^, fcbr menibcrf, ano $0?tl^U^. iit!oteliKett?ifet]jat:0:anb; ^: arebrcbattljccnDcoE olbcl»;itt= ten to62DC0 in tbe founbe of : j : fometime(a0 Sotllas : f: ist fomctime founbcb tjie mibble of i»o?be0,a;5 10 (hcweb befo?e,foU f jtograpI)P,as fljall npprerc tn tJjc bQng of tijcm Ijctcaftcr, foj : j : onc= Ipfijall be ti fcD after : I: tn:n: t: being l)alfcboa)Cl0,ojconfo: iiant;5,anli after boirGljD anu OipljiljongsCtjamng jjiu Oc= clmatiuen:rtUe)attl^ecnDofaDecUnatmc. ^The fourth Chapter^ jheweth that hut fixe Utters are ferfeBly ferfeSi in the olde ortography , and perfwadedi change for rea- fonable and great caufis, y tl)ck abufcsafoje n)cwcD,pem3p perccinc platnlptljat tfjcrc jFo;i ti)itt^ arc in tljeoioe, 31, l!5,C, oneJpfijce letters, tljat arc perfectly rcncnu- pcrfcct,of perfect uame,agrmng to one perfect founoc onelpjin {,'0';"^^^^ 31nnun) fpofcl) : Wljicl) fiiceare tl)cfe,a,b,D,f,b,]c,^l)cra0 tl)ere gj^c onii^ are m 31"BlsQ) fpeecfj, y^ciiij .feucral Diuifions in botce,bcfiDC0 letters ui r .. lt})cfcuerallfounO0of tl;;abaIfct)OttJCl0,J^,m,ri,(fo?,r,b2Jfc peefcdr jorocl isfcunoeD n0,er)\i)l;icl) maUe tl)c number,ofjc]cjcbij.feueral anD Diftmct ^*^* foanDc0 m boice, fo; 3ingliQ) fpeecb, befiDc© tijc founDe0of bipljtbongs : a0 G)aU platnlp appecre,bp tup new?, ai,llB,C,foj ttjc p;itofc tbercof, l^atb not tijen our olDci»?itingano pointing nrcDc of amenanicnt :' Suljcn of,]C]e]cbi). partc0, onip fijce part0 arc perfcct'p perfect : bcfiac0 tbe Diro^Her of mifplaccD anb bn= founoco lctter0,anD fame letier0 not iQj;titten,anb pet founbeb in 'tDO?ti0.l^ow can it be otf)erwife,but t^at a learner muft(of nece(rttp)rcquicrfower 0? fine time0 tl}e time to rcat)c,ano &;tite,tl;i0 Dcfojmeb olb bfc f tljat mtg^t be Iear= neb in a quarter of tf)ctimc,o;lcire, iol^en tljcfamcicinbucfo^tne, true, anb pcrfcctbfc,caac,fp0eDie,comfb?tablc,anD moft profitable. ILct bal^nglifbnot ^"ffJc'f ^v be afi)3meb, to5»tpe atoap, tbe Dirt, filtlj, anbbufl, negligcntlp fuffcreb iong d^j, oi^e time en tbc picture of our fpoecb » ^O}, beafratb to correct tbe bnfbilfuli linia= picture tnent0,coaler0, anb lbaDoit>e0, laieb tfjcrcon bpftraunger0,i»bo ncncr couIDc tbcrcof* cuter into tbe perfect Dmtfiona of tlje founbco of our fpeecb , anb nwci) Icffe inabc perfect Qguix0, anb IctterofoMl^cfnme : bp5»btcl) negligence of our fclue0,o?bnfii'.lfHine(reoff?rciurigrr0,oi botl),tbi0bcfo?nhtic citbcr began, o;^ i)atl) crept in.CbmUe no time tcu fconeto amcnb ifauit0 0; ccro?05 noj t!)at anp f^o time time,i0 tolate,toboeanpg(Dbtlr'ng.Cbccommobitp of tbi0amcnbmentiDiU to^e,oj appecrein a little timc,ba«yg put in bfc, i»I)creof J, ii;auc great fjcpcruncebp UQcgJ^ " triall in mine ovrne tl)i\tj.en , foljomc ( 31 tljinfec ) 35 map infi ruct after mine cwnc liKmg, in Ijanbling of inbomc 31 banc founlc fucb otibcB m tbe bfing of boti) ^aic0, tljat 3 call (Bom to iuitncfTc, if it fccre not latcfull to bfc tbe beft tncanc0,3fcnoroetl)cir)O?fefotn, tbattbougb3lo"Cfnpcbtiri;tcnBc?tlp,ana Saifli m tbcm a0 mucb bnowjlcbge (fobicb 3 account tbe fruite grotomg/rom tlie graffc of learning ) as anpnnn can feill) in WcW^itn : ratljcr tl}an 31 fboulD traine tljem in tbctraDc of tljatblinbe majeof learning to rftibeanb SD;iite 3ngitQ) C after tbe olDc o;togr8pl)p, ) i^bicb among-cur nation mnU be tbefounDationtofuc^a0bertre farbcr learning, fozt^^it our otone language fcruetlj cucrp mati0 turnc in e«erp caatc anb ficdling > 3i iooulDc tratnc tljem 1 5 The amendment ofortography. ill otI)f r cjccrcifcfo? Diucrfc fpcciall caufc0,(tl)OU2O J niuit anD Suill confcfTe, t.'iac no i»ap to UnocDict)3C,n)Ouroc be fo l;arD anD painfuli,but tljot ice OjoulQ ciiocuour to come to tljc cnD tl^crof, anD to fpare no timc.coft anD pamc on tl;e famc)roinucIj,lIjauclamcntcDtl)crougl)pan"agctl)crcbnto, faiugt^eapt= ncdcof pouti;, nnDpitttcD tl)cga3DnaturconnDi»illmgtninDC0 of parents, t!)U bcljolDing tl;e Ictte of tl;cir furl)erauncc0,t!)c mo?c 3 IcuUc on tt,t Ije mo?e jt lotl;c tijc rainc,anD djitflp to; confcicncc faUc,l)auc tnKcn bpon mc tljis cn= tcrp^ifc of amenomcnt. 2tnD 31 truO tl)at tl)C picture ot our fpacf) irill Ijaue £5ic Tho- (t'P t^'s ntp amcnDmcnt)ruc{) tauo;i f bcivtic tl)erin,tljat ir!)craci,bcfo?c tljtcf 1...1S m,ti-,s, timc^ttucrrc bcljolomg fir Thomxs Swihc>,at\'d ^aiftcr (/;> j ii)o;bc, in tljis ant) ftiar- pjintofo^tograpbp,*? conferring it loitb tl)C olo(pca,in3np of our oa>nenati= ttcc c he- on )l)aue ben con rcnteDtDitl^Deto^miucfljfcring no perfect anienbmcnt mfucl; tojraSVr 5Q)ifc, but tl;attl)c accepting cftbeir new, tcdUeairapgrcatlptbcDfc of ba)bc0 vurrc bait) tn tf;eolDe pointing : fojtfjatin tbr fame ncujamenDing DeuifeDbp fir robr con- Swth^mb klj^aiftcr r/jo7fr,iDere manpftrangelettcr0 bjougbt in,f fontof tl)C frrcD^-mfi) qIdc left out,ani) tljougb fomcfupplpiDa0nialictnirc?Dcs, pctitniucb Diffc= tijcoicc. rcD from tl)c olDc : tobcrcbptljcbarccr conference icoulD be m time to comr, anD tljcrbp tl)e cbargco of t\)C olbe bcuKcc mD;ie tban Ijalfe loft: nou? ciicrp man fcvmccVi ^t'lfO'-'fe'fceafic conference, bccaufe^ljaueb^ougbtm no new letter : but ti)t5 nciuc ^l^crc anp letter 'ijoas Double O), treble fountcb,! giue a little ftriUe tl)ercbn= vuiri) t\)c to,fo? true anD perfect Difference,neitbcr banc JE left anp of tbc olD out of tjfc , die- no; altcrcD tbe placing of t^em : but,i»!;cre it 10 mo;c perfect tljerebp, leauirg out fupe tflucu0 letter0, m iDo^Des patcl^eD Dp fo? laclie of true ojtcgrapbp. ^otl)at.bptbt0mpneainmcnDmcnt, cafie conference map be mabf, anbtljc iSotb ncvD olDe in tfe ftillDntill men nnp at tbcir eafc, p?ouiDc tl;c new p;imttD. |3;out= f-.inonc DcDaIa)atC0, tbataUlcanier0\?fctbc nero, tntill tbtp be tl;?ougljlp perfect ImTfrtbt'" tberein,iDbtel)rcquirctbatjervfmalltimc,tnrefprctoftbcolDctroDenma5C. time, t!)at anD af terrcarDc map ( in bcrp little mo?e time ) reaDc tljc olDc p?inting,fo? fn= ri)c oit) can mng of cbarge0 tn bcobe© of great p;ncc : anD botbc t^efc map be Done m tbc be icarnco tljtrDe part of tbe time 0; lelTe , tbat tbe olDe couioc bauc bene learneD m time mTqua?- Pa^l '^»t*)0"t tbe nex» : fo tunc irill b?ing t!)C new onclp in bfc, anD tf t\)t olDc tec of ti)c come tn banDcs tennc generation© !;cnce , pet map tbe fnmc be bnDcrff anDcO» rtrtte VDtrb bp tljc cor fctnicc of tbio iDO;Uc,fo perfect anD plaine,tbat not onelp our oirnc ' goot) con= natu)n,but ttraungera map Dcligljt to acquaint tl)emfcluc0 t^crcatt^, to tijcit t(f The fift Chapter, t)m"cSce fiiTivetb the fupcrfltioiis letters not founded:, the to Icnt^ iniiplaccd.and fomc founded not written, and tSs mv- ^^'^'^' al'breuiutions arc nllo-^'ed. '"'^ft";*^rt ^^^fP^l ^««c * njcroco pou before, ti)emifnamtng,t!)e Double f treble foun- KS f/" K^D(ng,an5 tbc feant of letter© in tbc olDc, Z,TB,€y anD tbe amcnO- mi> not ^ l^ mcnt tbercaf , anD nowioill (bet» pou bow feme iocre mifplaceD, xu^irrrn. ^^J^^ crmatiue0 ojcoinpofis ^E-mifiiUs: tmc0)fct after tijis conConant; r : ts fomctmic mtfplaccD,tl;at is to fap.ougljt ^p^g^' ''*^ to l)aucbcnefetbcfo?c:r:(but after otl;crconfonant0 :c: 10 mod time© fu= ^ ""** pcrfluou2,t!)at istofnp, notfounbcDataU ) 05 tn tljcfc S»c?l»c0 : 3inmfurc tljcrc arc niezetljcnfoi-rzctcn bare potbangcrc© oucrtbcfirc, oj tennepcu)= trc fpoincc l)poii tl)c (l^clfe m tbe cl}amb?c : i»ljtcb 1 fe?ite, tljU0 : 3 nni fucc tl)tTr ac mo: i)c\\ foluucu bar pot-hanger^ ciicr tl)c ficr, o^tcnpctutcrfpon? bpon ti)c ficlf m tl)c rf^ambcr. Sinbfoji^cipeofc^ jD,ffcrcnce r,u!uocc0,3! \3fe : v : l}alfe\joi:»3Cll,anD : er : ( iDljcrebot!;e arefullp founHcb) f"? cquu inDiffcr^ntip. "^f*"*^' 310 toucbingfupcrfluouo letters,!^ finDc,tIjat : a : nc)ct after : e: (n one fil- ^ Iablci0\3nfouncicD,anot^at ;c: isondpfounDcbtbcrc, anDt0nioattmc0Of ^ ' long fount) : tnacoccfS»bJtb: ea: of long founD, 3; bfc :(T: btpl}tbong:n0 "-'^ns^oj in tl;cfe Siio;DC0 : tjcauen : m 3latinc,CxIiim, ltait3n,Ciclo, m fxcnQl), Le 0,^1, .p!'^ c/V/; fartb,in Jlatine J crrajjtalian, Icrra^m :fircm\),u ime.- a bcane,m La= bcmg of tmc,raba,Jt8lian.Faua,in;(frcncl),xw/iZ'«e. lcanc,intatine,Macer,3[tali= 0)o?t a;i,Magro,in ^ tent}:), Maigre mcnne, m lLatine,Mediocris, Jtaltan Medio- ^ounD. crc,m;jf rcncl;,//'^'^*'^"^ 3111 ^W) J 5»?tte,tlju0 : |)CUlf, Clri), bflcn, la:n, JllfTll. :3;ifo : : after : e : o;i : t : \)Ovocl\ before : c : fn one finable, are tinfonnfiel) in Prcte.m :^tcnc\),Vrcfire! ^\)ic\) J iD^itc,tlju0 : pcp£,fdD,p;eff.5i:o : c : 10 ]^c^„ccr^ often DoublcD,t})UO : ee : niofl tnnc0 fo;i tljc like fcunbc of :c : pet manp tinjC0 fainc,fom:: tt 10 tD?tttcn ar.b p^mteb fo;i tbc founbc of fmglc : e : anb of fl)o?t anb flat J""^ • c ^ founbe,bntill of i uc mo;e bfebfo^ tljefounbe of: c • onclp. fon'timt 3llfo:ail: (DfU)'irpcfounb)t0fcIDomefounbebinbip!jtbongcommingbe= ^* fojcnnotljerbotccll m ttjefame fillable, 30 m t^icfe &-«bco bertucb of t^e ^•'"fl^o"* :f rcncl) : to guibc,tn ilatine,Duccre,3ftnltan,Condurrc, in Jfrencb,G«/rt'fr .• tmhJboM gmfe, m Jlatujc, Modus, Jtaltan, Modo, m :f rencb, Cf*'fi. w\)k\) j &?itc, t\)UD : gpD,gp?.EI)ongb &c 3Cnglini founbc : b : in tbe iuo?be,guifc,fignifi= ing anb meaning a ouHc bautng tljat title o;i name m jfFiaunce, 30 f»e founbc tl)c fame : )j : (rather : t) : ) m tf)cfe i»o?b0 following bojoweb of tlje irrencfj, tl)Ui0tofap: Ianguagc,mlLatinc,Icliomj,'Jtalian,Idioma,inifrenfb, ^^ri. g'*rge: anguifl)(of mmbc^m Lattne, Angor, 3ftaUan,Doglia,in iFi encb, -•>'«- go.-jfe: tolangutfli. tn ilatmcLangtierc/jtslianJ angucrc, m ^renc^,r nilit, a fpn of rail, beta; Dav-U^t, dizoU) a boVo, tljat gtco) ipp-ritit. i:^cui)er jDcimr.ti- grc raignc ojt fignc to be befnn)CDi»cU,t)?ittcn Jn jTngliQ). to fijcuc tl)cp are c"^'jcrij bo;oiucDfjomtUcllatinc'»»o?D0,Rcgnum, Italian, Regno, :{rrcncf),/vf5*.e.anD gmc nu Signum/JtalianScgiio, jFrcncl),S;;g«f: fo; DiffercvC or cViUUioccs ^itij rc:tnc,m ciii.cro itatinc,riujia, ltauan,Pioggia,tn irrrucl), P%f. ':f 'witl) fin, m i^atme Ptc- baiY from catum,30fali3n,Pcccato,m jrrcncl),Ptc/;f. u^l)cn tl):rcmap be better Diltcrcn= tmt^ ^f ' f ^^ f'''^ f ^J*^'^ fignificatiou0,bp apt letter© ano paicr0,o;i Ijalfe pnicr© \n Utter©, 3t)ijii'3j. tooit>cl0 ^ bipl}tf)ong0,a0 rcm anD fun : mozc cafic to be pcrceiueD bp perfect anD ejcpicfTc figure befo;ic ti)t nc, tljan bp rule, to be learnct) i»tttjoar l;clpc of ptrtutc, mapratJ)er nltogctijcr bp rote, ioitljout pi(tiuc 0: rule : Mnc\] rcqui- retl) long time foj tbepoung Jmp tl)atlearnctl), anu inucl) longer tunc foz tlje ftraungcr0, not accuft-omcl\to our fpcrcJ^ : iabo tljc mo^cDiligcnt tl^cp arc to followc t\)C founlic of t'oc pictnrc, ti^e f.^rDcr of tljcp be frctn tl)c true founDc of tlje i»o;tD0,*a^icb ^auc not tl)C pcrfert founDc of tlje letter© contemeD in tl;<:m, So!;cn tl)t^ be finglc,anD tljcrcfojc tljouglj tljcp fpell toit!) lettcrs,pet iljcp mutt p^ionouncc bp rotc,anD ef tl)i0 lafl: tbc ftrangcr 10 Ijcipcleffc. tooubic ^iSllfo i»ebfe Double confohantot:rpoftcn,torjcrcoftl)e one tfifupcrfiuou©, Snfonaiit ^nD bnfomiDeD,S»!jen botlje ftanD m one finable ; i»l)icb 10 mucl) ^fcD,to mabe not to" be t\)e founD of tljc ^ccocll nejct bcfojc tbcm, to be of Q)0?t faunDc ; tl)e fame Dou= tu^tttcn, blcconronantl)atJ)alfomanptmic0aDDeDtmtotl)cm tbelettcr:c: fcljicbifl toljeee but gif^ fuperfluou0,anD tonfounDcD m tl)3t place: as m t})cfe ixjo;tD0 : J, 0;0ttc at foimicD ^ ''""^ ' ^5^"^ ^^'^ pinnc,anD fell 6;itte bpon tljc bortonie of a tubbc. xvijich 31 iDjiitc, ti?u0 : 3 5ot at a byt, anD t)tt rijc pm, ano frl fiat tjpon djc boj- torn of a tub. ' Wc brc(fsutn3 a fco? of '.atc,mucl) rcfiflcD bp olDc cniTomnric0)to founD : n: Jv "^ (tjnvx>;ittcn)bcfoie : g : iobcn :g before : n : arc bor!;c voiittcr. tojctljcr m one ' aS vet' iiMJjQf . but DeuiDCD in finable , anD a botucll conuning bcf j?c : g : a0 m tUfc foimico. iD3;Dc0 ( bo?orocD from tl;e Jlatine.) ^i)c ignorant magmfie ti)c tgncmim^ OU0:in Jlntinc, tbu0: Ignorantes magmficaiuignominiofos: tn mecrc3!"5' lia)ph;iarclioUcn tl;u0r(S:i)Cbnfbtifull maUcmucljof fuel}, aofjauc an ill iiamc^ 115ut bccaufc no IcfTc t0 tD;nrtcn m Latinc, ( m otiicr ico?!) r© ) tljan is founDcD,3; fcill ratljer confcfTc tnat ire 3 ngliH) ^alD a ii>;iong founD,in foun= Dmg another : n : before : 5 : ( a© tljougb it \i)a-c irjttten : Cl)c mgnojant flbb^cuta- m.^ngmfi^t!)cmgnonuniouo)t})3^lf&«eDlDfGt^^Delt &?tti)0iit tl;c fjinc :n: ttxjnaaio: agrctring to tl)exD;iituig of botbc languages LatuiearD 3nglin):fo?tl)C 3La- ttinbiccjCi |.j,^(. ijgtjj j,o letter mifplaceD, no? Icffb.ifounDcD, no? linio;tttcn if it be foun= b?hci"foi ^^^ • ^^--^^ inbfing atbb;caiationc. foi tl;c piopcr name© of men, conntnc©, icamcps. anu citic©, anD mattctjs 5»;ittcn m lawe ; bljicl; come not to fiulj IjanDc©, but tl)0(e The amendment of ortography, t 8 t\)0^c t}j^t\)iac qutcb capacitp, anD bauc tl)?oagl)lp"palTcD t(;C ^pitinz tljcrcof at large : anDfojfuclj, gcncrall ano common abb;cuiation« map be allococD, ano alfo p^taatc abbjcaiations fo; a man© otonc ftuDp. Z no b.caufc tl)t0 trea= tifei0c^aflp, ttjat a trucpittureof 3!nsii^fpa^ct)bcmatie, agramg in all points Sritl) tl)e fcuerall anD Didinct founDC0,in ti)t Moke of tfjc fame (pcEcl):3l Sotlilcaue tbcaccuftomcb abb?cuiations,a0 tljcpalrcatitcarc: notbifalovomg otl)cr ncccfranc, fo tl^attbcp bei)feDa0littlca0mapbe, intsolumcs, pam- flet0,anD ieo;b0,ncccfrarp foj learner© : fo], a fmail fticbc,ftone,o? otljcr lette^ Ijurtct^ anb Difcoaragctl) one tijat iearnctl) to go:tDl)o,in timc,t0 able to Icapc ^^j^^ met great biocU0.Difee0,anD ljcagc0, pca,tocltmbe o? mabe plamc t\)t foalle© oucctootos of bultoarfee0,tocFer0,anD cattle© . li5ut31t)ttcrlpbifalloa» tlje accuftomcD tie aboit* ftriUc(Duer toaicl0)figurcl) foj : m : anb fomctime fo> : n : tt)U0 : - : anb fuc^ 0)eD,c^c^r lifec, in tD^om is fuel? bnccrtamtp : tl)crefojc 31 aUooj now onlp tljt© ; - : p?o^ [JJ^^" • |)erta:n:onclp. ^* i^ere 10 to be noteb,t!jat 35 boe not bcrcbp affirmc,tl)at tl^c afpirationC^)f 0= lotting anp of t\)c confonant© : c : p : f : t : t» : m tlje olbe o?togravl)p,ftjoalbc Blwap be fonnbcb togctljer, a© one letter, Dnbcr t^e name© bef oj^e Cbcwcb, but tljat : cl) ; m ^jib© boiowcb of tl}C (35reElic,bc foanbcb a© : b : anb tljat fomc= ^j^^ . ^ ^ time : I) : 10 bcmbcD in fillabie.from : p : f : t : & : fpcctallp feljcn : I) : map bcs 10 not au gm a Citable, in a S»o?b of perfect Ggntfication in it fclfe, i»itl)out iommg \)nto ^ar tot^ It anp letter gomg before : ^ : a© in, l)am, i»bicb, 31 ta^c, to be an ancient anb r^^.*"?'* gcncrallnamcofapari(^,?c.a©,waltl)am,2i5oa)am, ;a^ountl)am,Clap!)am, (.5. "^ anBin,l^urft, 5»l)icl) (infomccotintric©) figniBctlj a riringgrounti,notto tl^c tn"; tntbt i^cigl)tof a!)ill, aflli5ellinaiutft,li5?ofec!)urft,i»entI)urft, anbin!)aU:a©in o\oe^ il^otijall,TDintcrfl)al,anbfttclj libe,being tlje proper name© of mcn,countric©, partn)c©,lanb©,f 'isYficl) : ^ : i© (fo? tlje mod part) beuibeb in finable from t^c confonant going befo;ic it, 0? elfc not founbeb at all, anb to^ere it ougl)t to be Dcuibeb in finable in tlje oloc o;itograpl)p, tt l^all be benibcD m letter in tljtsf ncTX> amenbmcnt,ano tijerebp beuibeb in fillablc,anb,bp tl)i© mcane©,it is caf? fo;anpofinbifferentiabgcment, to correct anp olbe pointing, fojiljceafe of tljem tijat fljall Icarnc t^e fame Ijcrcaftcr , gtuing tbc learner to tjntierftanbe, tbatiDl^cre :^: foUotoctl) anp of tlje confonant© before fijcojeb, tbcp be to be founocbtogctljer a© one letter, bp tlje meanc© afo^e Cbci»cD , anb i»l)cre tljci? oog^t to be bftilbeb (a© in foci) proper names bcfo;te Djcroeb) to b:aaie a little ttnbe,a© m compofition of ico?bs, tobicb fclbome btferctlj from t\)c rigljt fig= mficationtl)ercof>^enitSx)a3&)itl)Outacompofitiacfiribe : anblf t^erebe alfoabbcbtoboableanb trcbJc founbeb letter©, t^eftribcsanb turneobfcbin tl)i© netD amenbmcnt,anb Torac note gtuen of fopcrfluooa letter©, 0? t^atfuc^ fuperfltwa© letter© Ijauc a little ftribe ioitb a pen, a berp cljilDe map rcabc tljr olbe oztograpb?, after terp little occrcife. 3n libc maner^ftcr a dprammcr fop jTnglifl) fhall be publiQjcb fucb a© are fHilfull m ti)e fame (0rammer,mapCaf- ecr anp of tbc olb p;intcb ojtograpljp i© t\)ua co;re£teb)t3fc tbc firiKc©, pj'Cfe©, «nb notes, bfcb mtlje new fo; <5vammev rule©, iu^icb frrtbe©, piicbe© , anD note© fo? (!5rair.mcr,toucl) in no part t\)t name of tlje letter, noji founbc of t^ boicc, but Ijclpe our nation grcntlp to learnc t\)c latme anb ot^cr Lingoagc© , anb as grcatlp ^clpctb (Irangcr© to cwnc to cafic tjnberllanbtng Qty^ncUd)^ IP The amendment of ortography. ^ The fixt Chapter, perveth the yfc 0/ the old in time to comeydndthat other nations arc not oncly throughly holpcn in Inghlli fpecch, hut fATtly aide din their owne language bj this amendment, flicwing the names of the new U tteriydeuiding the vo n- tls,a)id diphthong i,a/id how diftcrciicc in letters, mjy ir.ake aiitc- nace ofjigH/^Cittion tn equiuoces. Z\>t abjt= IVk^^^l '^"'^ ^ ^^^ njCTOCH pou fufficicnrtp(bcfo?c) t^e ijfeCrca: ratljct tesbcxrui ki^ fi&l ^^'"sburc0)o{ tijc olDeo;ttograpljp, at tfjis Dnpm \)ic,anD tljat pe great, a^ pl^ ^iU ^""^ ^'^ pcrfcoaDcli m tljcni, l)auing now toill to pjocrcoe to tlje mS^C^ te^i&m PCffcttamcn&mtnttljcrcof, anJjtljatpcalfopcrcciue , tbateafje PjoutDci). J et'^'^f i ^ conference of botlj map be mate, fo tljat tljc olDe map be \jfeb, to fauccj;penfeflmb(Dbf0ofbaluc, bntiJltl)cnerufupplptfjercDmc: fo^iritcJj caufe of conference, J to;ote tlje abiifc0 , anD iuante «i luzxv fcucrnil letter, pon nnrbemij. aOoubtof tracfounbingofanp&o^be, anpmanmaprcfo?t to tljetoubtfall letter tcnne generations Ijcncc, anb tljcrc Bnbc tljc l)fc, botl) of tl^c olbc, anO cauf£ of tl)c f Ijange foj 3!nglifb fpwcl), anb fo; tlje Jlatmc alfo , a0 fee Inglift fpcafee tijc fame at ti)t0 bap. ^'nonotufoUoroctb mpamcnbmcnt«f tl)eo;ito= grap^ptntl)e,ai,'J15,C,l)auingintI)C fame jrjc^btj.fcpcrall anb bifttntt letters, fiQ BW) ^" figw«,o? matbc,ljautng joqcbtj.fcue rail 5 bittintt namc0, agreeing to wbg. \etttt fcaerall anb btftmrt fonnt a of \30!ce,bfcb in tbcm fo? 31ngUfl) fpecc^.feitl) t^ieir brought patcr0,among fel)omc no ncn> no; bnaccudomcb letter ( not tjftb in tlje olbe) i"fconfc Qjallbeb^ougbtin : buttljc&ljole fupplpmabc bpabbmg a little ftnbe o> wtue turnmg,to,o; narc one of tlje olbc lcttcr0, (moft agreeing foj conference S»itl> tlje olbe pointing.) 3nb agatnft tljc obtfrtionotljat fomc (perabticnturc) f»ill mabc . i^l^H, fc^w%\i 31 bfe tlje olDc figurc0 feitlj abbition m mp amcnbmcnt, pet tljat abbt= tton mabetlj a letter not bfeb of anp otljcr nation) J anftoere,tljat in tljcboa= ble foanbeb lettcr0,ronic of them Ijatie boublc founb0,a0 tocll a0 fee, anb fom= time tijc fame founbc0, anbfeljcrefeeljaucanpfounbf0 mboicc nottjfcbb^ tbem, t^cp^anetljcmo;enrcbf of abifffringfignrefojtljat ftraungefounbe, to gmbc tljctr boicc tl)ercbp,fo; tf tljepfeUl bfc our fpccclj,tljcp mod bfe tljc Xii- niriono of ilje botcc bfcD tbcrcm, zn^i tljcp fliall be better gtiibtb bp perfect 6= gure tljercof in \i ftl(e,tfjan if itfecre pr.tcljeb bp feitljbmerfe letters, feljofc (ingle names, anb founbC0mfeo?bc0, notljtng agree to tljcfounbc tljatfucfj patcljerp fcractlj fo?: anb to be tteb to a gencralitte,fettlj otljcr natton0,feljcn cuerp nation bfctlj afpecialttp in t)Oice,mo?e 0? IcflTCjiscontrarie to all rnleani* reafon,t!jcrfo3ic it xs lawful fo; cucrp nation to ^aue W p?opcr lcttcr0,felierc The amendment of ortography. 2 o i\)C kttixs comon iculj odjer nattonc not not fufftce, anD tljat ioitfjont blame, fo; It 10 ccrtatne tl;at tl)C mticrs DtmGons of fonnDcs in toicc , caufcD Dmcrfe letters to be mabe, ? \jc tbat Srft Dcuifcb tljcin, iea© a© icilling to furniQ; cnc Deuifion , as an otf)cr,ano it 10 UHe it ioas fo bone, fo;t tbc lanauogc proper to t\)t muentcr© of Uttcr0,ti)cugb not fufficicnt anb mate in all points loj, otijet ian5Uiigc0,anD if fomc of our fprcial figures oji kttcrs,map be bfcb alfo of anp natton,in t^c fame foiinb,(fo? feljicb t^c? Ijaae now fome patcl)ctp)tbc^ nccDe not to be aQj;imct),to tbtnHe tljis our amenbmcnt rcabpfo;^ t^cm to feci Sobcrc i»c agrct feitl) tbem m foanbe,a0 S»bcf efee ^auc fomc fpcciall founb in lJoice>l)icl) tljcp Ijaue not , Cl;c fmglc letters be tljcfc ncjct following : anb in ti)c fqunrcs of tlje Cable.bnDtr tljc n)o;t flnbe in cucrp fquare after foIow= ing,tbcir names nppterc , bp tl;c letter o;i finable fet ouer tbat fl)o;t ftriKe, lea= nmg out,f,in tbe5»o:be tljisek, anb turnmg,a,tnto,e, in t^c finable, ga, foj t^c nameof mp,g , tljc fingle letters are tbcfc. a. b. c\ c. d). D. c, t, f. 3. g. ^. i, I r. m, ifi. it. ri. 0. cd. p. q. r. f. 0. t. 4). zDen«^ il^otc farbcr tbat tljefe two letters :b: onb : f^ ; encrcafc tlje number of iet= S"'^^^* tcrsanb names , but cncreafe not tije number of founbcs : lopib: l)at\) tl;c meere founbc of : c : anb : 1^ : l)atb tbe founbe of : f : feitb n little biffcrcnce of k,}!),^ t, lengtl) in founb. Itlfo : r : is founbeo as : er : as is fnibe b:fo;e, anb as (^all encrrafe be mo>e plamlp (l^cvocbbcreafter : anb in rcfpcttof tljeir names , t!)cfetb?cE nimibevy fljallbefigurebanonamcbin tbelqaares, among tijcot^cr ?:)C)ct3y.anbm3hc tvcatcno tbc number of fo?tp fingle figures, as followctlj. 5llnDtr one of iDl}tcl) letters foimfie. op figures, is cucrp tbe icaft bmifton of boice, \)feb m 3CngliQ5 fpeecb , fuSict= cntlp ano plamelp fct fro;irtj,bp giumg rigbt anb perfect name to cucrp of tljofc Ictters.agreemg to t\)C ngbt founbe of tljem,iDben tbcp be lotneb tcgctl;cr m i»o?bes, ano lirtlebtffcrmg from tbe letters of tl;eolDeo;itograpbp : fo? tot!;c letters of tbe olb o;t9grapbp,of fingle n.ime(anb pet of bonble oj. treble founo, Soljcn tijcp are lomcb 5»itb otber letters m too^bs) J! abbe onclp a little ilnbe 0; turntng,to fljero tl;ofe feuerall founocs : anb ioljereas tbc afpiration, b, ttf iomcb after anp confonant in one finable, to patcb bp fpcciall btnifions of tl)c l)Oice,(bfeD mod p?opcrlpin 3lnglin),anb fome of tbcm tjfcb in fctD,o; no otber language) J tberebp two letters foz one founbe, (iubtcb tiro letters being fin= gle, bauc ( fo; tbe mod part ) no part of fucb founb as is m tbetDo;ibc) J. bauc noxo retemeb tbe figures of botbtbffe letters, anb iomcb tbem dofessonc letter, tbit eafie conference toitl) tbc olDc , anD tbts amcnlmcnt mnp cafilp be nrit)c,tbe boice anD fpeccb not cbaungtb, but, bp tbis amenbmcnt mofl furclp ftaieo, anb bereaftcr moft pcrfcftlp continueb : anb tbc mozetbxs Cable fers mctb to pou ftraungc at tbc firft figbt,fo mucb tifc mo:e fctll appEci e tjntopott tbc bcfo;tmitp nno bntrutl) m tbc olDe,(fo: 3;nglt(h fpcrcr))if pc abutret)ip con= fiDcr of botbc, nn^ let pour ovv>nc botcc be pour lu&gc, Suben pc fbaU trp botbe inpourfeojfics: but firft be perfect of tbc names of tbc fingle letters: fo;iin tatnc,an& firUfiilp , be lotnctb 01 compounbctb anp tbmg,i»bicl) l?atl? nctbnott*lcDgcintbcfinglcoanbnmpic0,*«rljicl;l;c SdouIO ioinc o^compoanb togctl^er. 21 The amendment of ortography. uetall Ut^ tetjBf of iierall tovnteff-, tiVbfb: ia aUfb^tv. CIjc names of tl)c Utters noct before fl)ctceD, apparc tn tljia Cable foUoojing. . a b ca boe ctiae 1 e:ca ee a b c? c 4) c:« c 1 ga f f gee 1^ g tiicna tntsD e. b b bl ^ bettoen m tjni n tjtt : 1 : to p Pbes m m n n (D p J6 qua^ r tt f C^ae t tliae tbaf q c V ( $ t 4) * t) OM tja toae iD^de X pa n t? tj to ~C y- J2 ? I _ 1 — ^ Unto i»l)lcl) letters before fljcioeD, are ot^et letters o;i fisureSjagrafng to one o; otl)er of t^efe letters before 1cD;itten,tn name anb fonnoe : all Sol^tcb a^^ grcrtns in one name anbfounb, 8reiJD;ittentosetl)er,as foUoiretl), betwsne t|)eboubIep?lcbe. ^^^ jaa:Bb:€'(?:Cc: (H^d): 2DD: CBeaet ee:iff: (I5'3Itc(t abyomaj:m'titt:?»KtD:t^\i:¥r:^i|2:^?. ' iRote'tbat t^cre is in t^e firft pjintcb ^3 ampl^icts anb j2>?fmers,anotbet fi= gate fo?,tl),tljus,'^,anb another fof,t|),t^ttS,'fj,alfo,jj^,paicr to,?, SoaHtctl; in tlje fame firft pointings, ©f t^e fb;Hp letters af o?efaiO,)gct)it|.are calleb conronants,bicanfc tbep peelD fottSttS" ^ ^'^^"^ ^" ^°^^ ''^ fUlabIe,nojt can be nameb feitljont a bowell fowibeb feit^ X\flxx : anb arc ttjcte feitlj tbctt paters : b. ^. c, d). D, f. g, g, y» b. I, m. n» p.]Jb.q.rJ,$.t,4).ti)»'o.Ui.t^.p.j2.!. The amendment of ortography, a 2 2?nD otljer cigljt : a. C. C. 1. 0. m. t), t). arc calico \?ou?cl0, bccanfc cucrp of buj.borai tl>tm palDctl) founD oj, tjoicc of tljcttifduec, anJ) cawlcfounu to Uc iomcB iaitlj els'' t^c confonant0 : aDt»c bcrctonto tljnr patere. Jlaftlp remainc tl);a ; f ,m>ri.caUcD fjaUe ljow3Clff,bccaufcfn t!)ctr fottiitc Jfl( tttj.ljaife IncIulicDbotljatJOttjcllanDaconfonant : but ntbcr of tI;emfonjo?ttoijd)cri, ^o^'^i^- tljat botl)C peclDc but t^e time of a long l)Oj»cU : to tfjefe n&lic,r,'-^ ttb lji0 pat= cr, 80 10 bcfo;cfaiDe : tl)i0,r, is of no great ncccffitp, but fo? conference ioitl? t^e olDc : re : at tljeenDc of a rillabic,anD!)clpem cquiuccp. ^otc tl^at tljefe tjoroelg : a. C. i. p. 0. t). y . q. m. a? : arc aUMic0 of n)c^t ^^]^'^°^ (bttno in fpefcl),C)cccpt an accent point be fet oucr: a. e, i. p. o; O,t}ju0,a.a.a. ojo^t gjittjat: a,c,o;p.beDoubleDtIju0 :nn,cc,ip,pi:anli tijen to tljcirfounn longer. foimDct IJ?i)ic^ilitffcrenccflma^bcbfeDof oncfounO nntitimc, fo^ljclpetn cciutuocp, a,r,!,Oj^ calling : i',a,mtl) finglc accent : a t a, feiti; Double accent : an& : a : a, iDitl> eyccpt^jc. fo^bcD accent : anb calling : aa : boublc,n : aiib fo of otl)cr boroel0 fo figurco. ^j^^^^ 3lnb t^>efc : e, CD, t), an^ U,are cucr of long founb in fpccclj : a0 are alfo tljc boiocitf lialfc boa?el0, anb.cX, callel),cC,tttpl)t^ong . 3nb S»bcn two bon?cl0 of biuerc f ^^^ founli0 com together in one fillQblc,tbep mafec a bipl)tl)ong,tljiit to to fap,tl)ep !? ^^^l arc botb toucljcD fl)0?t in fonnD togctbcr:but t\)C founb of tbcm 10 longer lijan v5^' * tlje founD of a finglebowell: anb are tl)efc : at : ap : at) : au : atD : av : am: ^^^l^!^^ • an : ti : cp : et) : cy : cU) : oa : 01 : op : ot> ; oy f oId : (d\d i on ; (Dp : ft|o?c fo>* e U), of tbe founbe of , tj ; otD : 3D bfe : io : 00 in Dtpl;ti;ong after : a : C : e : ""'c of 0:0:9: bccaufe of Ijia olDc tjfein tbe olDc ojitograp^?, not bifagrccing novo tn foi. :j>. tal?i0 name gmcn bp mc : alfo tbe biffcrcncc of Dip!jtl;ongs of one founbc, map »^. tfeb- Ijclpcmuclj mcquiuocp,fo? tljcir btffcring figm6catio0./i^otc tl^at : ^jP^tJ^y, [ijonasf ncuer begin bipbt^ong: anbtl^at: \):u: felbome begin bipl)tbong,erceptm n?o\xifiaff Sao;be0Denuebof tbe:JFtencb, anbfcwotl^cr : alfo : c: felbome bcginnctb fcit>omeo> tMpijtbong,ctcept fo? nccelTitic tn cquiaorp^© in tijcfe S»o?D0:to ^eac : m 3La- gfnifjjip tine, Audire, Italian, Vdir, in ifrencl),o«/V,!)apr(of man o?bea(l.) in3La= ti;ona. tine, Crinis, 3Dtalian,Ciinij tn jfrencl;, t»o/4 Ijec : in JLtttinc, Hie, ^talian^ Qui,in:(Frcncl),/9'. 3tnb 31 Sf^fic, if ourcoontrp continue innuietnexJ manp pares toitljoutfi)^ atatia- teine trouble, ( (oj, i»l)icl) all true JCngliH) iotll p?ap ) tljat our language &ilL ^^ ^nia come to nioftpcrfectne0.a!nbtl)erefo;c if 3! be of councell,in maHinganpblcti= be pccfctt, cnarp bcrafter to be p;iinteb fo;i 3RngU8), tfjerc Qioulb be meanc0 fo; biffcrcncc Perfett ■» 3 99 wicDy ea CcE e e tj c y ill etu ar atri » at)m > an atjn on ot)n lip fclDom mtfe. flwoofe ofhijbe Voioets. flPM>oft of (mta ^bat tljcct bcrtgbtboxoclff of biflfertngfoanbstn ^fngHfhfpercb : mapaps pare bp tbcfe iDe;tbesfollotctttg , i»l)erein are etg!^t notes in t^oicejbtflrertng one from another, as bttiers notes in mnficbe : tCD lab : (n 3Latint,Carctc,3Ctalian,Eflcre Cenzz,ftet\cl),Juoirfaulte dttucunt chafe. tCD Ifefe : in ILatinc,Perflucre,3Dtalian,Gocciare,:f rcnc^,S"«m/fr. a le'b ; in Eatinc,Porrum,3!taliait,Porro, fxtntl),f^nporteau. t(D fpfe : in llatine,Laiijbcrc,3BtaUi4n,Leccarc,;:f rcttc^jZjV^fr. alob : iniLatine,Scra,3[itaUan,Serratura, jFren(^,5"mwr^. CO) IcDft : in JLatinc,Afpiccrc,3taltan,Guardare,iFrencl)A<'S''»^f''. lyft o; fojtiin : hi 3Latin«,Fortuna,31talian Aduentura,Jf renc^j,H*wr. Iab,a mans name : in 3Latine,Lucas,3Italtan,Luca, ;:fFrenc^,i«c. ^nbt^at t^crc befeaenbtpbtljongs of fcficr3ilnotesinboicc,ah;)btfirfrtn3 ftom tbe notes of eacrp of t^ eig^t y)0wel9 afojiefeibe , map appeere bp t^fp £Do;bes follotvmg. a-ffaVyO^nct: in ILatinc, Plaga italian, Retedapig'iar-mmaliraluati- The amendment of ortography. 2 4 Ije^ : in 3latme,Fafnuni,3BtaIian,Fieno, iFrencl),D»/o;n. a bop : in ILatinCjPucr, 3!taIiart,Garzone, frmc])fiarfun. tjonjrf a b(Dp,tljat t0 fflftcncD to an anferr feitlj a rope to fectgl) tlje anbcr : in 5ta= t>iffecma Uan,Amoinare. ^J^^fjf alja^, in t\)cm : in 3Lat(ne,Vnguis,:ffrenc^,P4;//f. ai^otocw. tffibfy^*"^^'"**"^^^'"'^' Concidcre, Italian, Tagliare minutanicnte, JfttnClffHachermenu. aboto : tn JLatine,Arcus,3ItaIian,Aico dzCacttztCyfieiK^^Jrc, 3SDDe to tl)Cfe : up : fclDomc m Dtpbtfjong,a0 10 afo^cftjiD. 3 bCc : io : m Dipljtbong after a tjoiocll , botl^ fo? tljc oiOG bfc of !;(m, l)i0 founD.'anD new name agreeing t^creDnto, as appeerct^ befejc tn i^c Cable of Dipl;tljong0(tl)ougl) bebenumbjrD among tbeconfonants.) iDt^er mpljtijongs not fljctDcD before mtl^c fquarc©, arcpatcrff to one of tl)cfclaflbcfo;c Q;ct»eD, o?paicrto fome one of tf)e eigl)tUowcl0 : among SDl)ome,note tljat fc^cn : i» : ta tn Dipljtbong Sxjitb anp Dowtll btfo;e it, tl)cn ist^etJocDGUperfcctlpfounDeD, anD :So; i0lig^tli)toucl)tD,c;cccptm: tioi &I)cre bottle are like (ounDcD. ^0 map be faiti,tljat in Jlngliflj fpercl),are fiftcrne fcuerall notr© in tl)c fotm^ of tjjeboice, (aDDing!)erebntot{)etljjecl)alfcl)Ott3Cl0:l!,nMT.) bntieroneof tbe i»l)icb, all fillableo In &o;dc0 mnft be founbeD : fo are there m tbe irljcle, )cUU).btuifioneinboicefoj jrngliQ)fpac^ : it>!)ereof,wtj. arc confonants : bici.areboiDel0: bij.areDipl)ti)ong0: an{),tt;.arel;alfeboix)et0: &Dl;crct?nto abbe : np : a Oipi?t\)ong (elbome tn bfc. ^ The feuenth Chapter. ff?evpeth example ofr^'ordes^ with this amended ortogro- phy/or the helpe of the ltraungcr,ancl right vfe of the vowels, halfe vowel,jand diphthongs, £D;tlje better bCng of tl)cbox»el0, anb bpl)t!jonge0 befo;c ^i^'«Ji>»= fbeireD,anb tl)cir paicr©, and t\:)Z "but tune of tbeir Uuxibts, J Soic "fa"* ujtll fct fo;itl) iDo;ibe0 fo? e]camplf0 tljcreof : abbing tberr)mio jngti;^ t^ic 3latine,jlFrencb,anD 3:tahan,ii3o;b0of tljefame figRi6ca= fpccrt), tton, fe!)crein 31 crane parbon, iuljcn 3; fnilc of meete anb J'M.cipb- ^ptiDO?iDe0, agreeing mall tl)cfelanguagcg,fo;i tbatrnprbrit^ mclu^D. tp botlj not fuffire,to mp gcob i»iil,bcmfter(^]5ob tDtHmg)fl>cfe langH»ges fcal acco?b m perfect 02ber, tol)tcl) now 31 l;aucbaftcl): bfrD fo; Ijtlpein eauiuoce©, izx&m- anb biffcrcncc of nccre agrering foiint)o,arb fo;t f l)c better ^dpc in cciuiuor C0,3!I plcjx % Soillbfc fome of t^em mcomrofitton ( an crccltcnt, fafie,nnb common rule fo? "fffifc of 3lnglia) fpcf cb, 80 diall apperrc in tbc (lUr jinmer fo? tlje ftime ) at t%z cnbe of J.|| J°JJg tl)efccramplc0, Srbcrfin Rotelpe!l>tbntfeIDoineanptrrpl)tborgtfffobrtfeb boucltf, in3rng!in):f02ittonottnt) cintbcelbrpztnrirg, intnefreilnglifb ttJcnOf0, anotipb- no? in manp otljtr i»o?os DrriucD of otljcr linguagcgcaA m t';i0 5oo?b,benutp: t^jonss. in 2 5 The amendment of ortography. in iLfltin,Forma,m jfvcnc)),Beauiu: fo;5Df)icl)31 i»?itc: beytp,e)t«ptingt^t J,rit,map malic a tripljtljong ioitl> anotber bococll before tl)cni,a0 m: caf lii : in 3latmc,Tranquillus^n Jf rencI),ca/OTe: efifi-trCjtn 3Lattn,vlmus,in ifrcnclj Om*; I)dfrti,tn Jlatinc,llcx,tn iFrnicI),r««/f .• batt^cbotceOot^ ratl;erpertO, i: in,elifi-tre,anD (n,t)dIiti,ltHtb accent oucr : 0. Trutina. a baUanc\ yne balance. ynabilancia. Pila. abaL Vne filttOH ttanf, Pila. Apiaftrum. baultii ; erb. MeUffc. Melifiajcedronclla. Laurus. bap-tre*. LauritTt Alloro. Maccr. bar,o;l£en* Mature. Magro. Sterilis, barren* Sterile. Sterile. Merx,cis, iD^r, Iji marchandJ/i. Mcrcantia. Meretricula. acaIlet,o;j!qngqaea yneputain. Puttanella.' Reticulum. Vnt cotjfe defytt Kecicella. a bdl of lDdD,o; q^cr baal,fa?0 goo at^t merdianoif. ' affirtanjj. rmbaU. Bala. Vadimoniuin. bail,o;matnp2i^ Caution, (guidicicK Obligo di coDiparire ia Caluus. baft»ontt)e|ieD* Chautue. Caluo. Pefliilura. bar of a Dd^ Vne barre,ou vetrettU, Stanga. Vrfus. abar,abce(t. yn ours, Offo. a )15aron,(n tiegre,beV Bcllum. ttoena ^d;D anD a tear. BaaJ. Balfamum. batrir ; ointment* Du baulme. Balfamo. BaliuSjbadius, cacfius* bapofcglo^ Bx)ie. Baiov Nudus. ba'r,o?naUc0,. NudojCfcaIzo, Horrcum. a b^rn,fo? cd?iu yn Crenitr, Granaio. yn bartitt Baronc. Moncre. t(D tD^riT* lldmonefier. AmmonJrc* Vocare, |(Dca£« ^ppeler. Chiamare. Omentum. (WCOUnt. G'*frre. Guerra. Cunicularium. atDarrcnofcomf. ynegarenne (^^igli* Luogo campcftrc per co TranquiUus, cafifi* CaliKe. Bonarcia* Caufa, catDlaboyt^ebqtp^ ca^^ La coife, ^([^^ La caufe. Stufiia. Cagione. Scmita The amendment of ortography. 25 Scniita conllruda. Cauillari. Ruptura. acatDfptojgoon* t(D cautljO; te(t« a brak* Vm chaujjee. £!4r7, ^^wf/Tlf, Sacchaggiarc. Bcrlina. Stiua. HcmorrhoideSjdis. PaJus. Acicula, appUntl^cfunomlt appl,o2graet0^b« a ptn* Hemerrhoidet. yn pilot tk. E/pingle, Hemorrhoidcs. Palcu Spilla. Langucrc. Exilis,gracilis. Tuus. toppn. 4)tn,aenDer» 4)ptt* i.angiur. Dfiio. Titft, Languirc Sottilc. Tuo. Lucrari. Vinum. Ventus, fffltotiijO^get topm iDptlD. Gaigner, P« vin. ;^i?«t. Gaudagpare. Vino. Vento. Glomerare. Intorqucre. Ventofus, &.^ {O z J The amendment of ortography, tcDtbrnOinbotqmj* tcDtDpnoin. iDpiiDi. Deducider. Entort/Z/er, Ventcus. AggomitoJare. Torccre, Veniofo. FeneRra. Glomerator. < • ^ aUjpnDdz, tajgeii atrt>nDo;:,t|)atU)rnlJ^ ^"''?'l?-^'°^ '^^ ffw/Trf. ' ^iiijt^ Ded»'ideur. ^ft^). 0? tnurumcnt to Aggomitolanre. ' i«i»««»» *.»!«« Fincftra, Trochlea. a U)ptnDla0,o; pylt VnefouUt. Carrucula. Duo. ttuajjtn nymbcr, Veux, Due. Stuppa. toto. Efioufe. >4antelum. Digitus pedis. a to of d)c fiDt. Le orteildufiecL Dito del pic. Lentus. tO\i), Sou^U. Ad. ta),ap?rpo5fciom A. ta),afp3ioftl;c31nft' ' mtium(DO, , , . Etiam. ta),tncomvojicioto(4)ta),atucrb,cctMnctm* an aoicctm: aj : t©- i^^g^ i,ji„g o^^n t©. g(pD,t(D-long. Illicere. a tgfcDcljto) to^p lDft|). ^m totol, o^ cntpc\ TouaiUe a mains. ^Uichtr, Touaglia. Indrumentutn. Laborare. ata)I,|(Dtuo.:hiDttl^. tcDta)tl,o?Iabo;l)arD. bot^,mal}o;0 Vcdigal. XqX, 0^ tallajj. Teage, Datio, o gabella. Vcrmina,um. Outil Stromcnto. Phalelus- abdtjtcorotufn, Btr^antinc^ Supcrne. abqu,not benact^. I nhault. Sn, non giu. Ramus. abo\})ofatre* Ramea'^, Ramo. Sed. ijyt,acomynccion Maif, TrauailUr. Trtncheet Affaticar fi grandcmente Ocrea. abcDt B'jttet. Sciuale. Arcus. abo\s),ta)^cDt\x)\^, to bqtD,o^ benD. f^n arc. Courber, Arco. Piegare. Einptus,& venditus. Papilio Circa. aboyt,p;cpojtc!on, ^pres, Intorno. Curuare. bo\l)t ano (olulD^ ./Achate (^ ijtndu, Comiato,e,vcnduto, Meta. abyttjtDOmtat. yn but a quoi on tire. a boyd),o; tent Vafillon, Padiglione. Arietare. ta)bcpt,aja5t'p* Hurttr. Ml The amendment of ortography. Ma. - - .. Doll urn. al3gt,o?ticfffojtopn. Vn Voinfon, Botca. 23 Vifcus/is. a bqtpel, o; gut. La freffure. Vifcerr. Excufare. tO) CICCUJ. Excufer. Ecfufare. AciduSjaccrbiis. fgUjcr, o; (jarp. Sur, aigret, Accrbo. EmilTanum. a feU)rr,o; Oucf. Cutara5}es,eH efclitfe, Suauis'. ftuct. "Doulx, Siuue. lurare. ttDfUjaer,o;tabi5tl). Giurare. FairuSjiionvcius. fat0,nottra. Falfo, non vcro. Vermis. a tDonu. Vn ver. Vcrme. Roma. rcDifi, a citp. "Rome. Roma. Gubernaculum.. Berfaglio. Crater. abotDl,fo?ti^un&* ynhona^, Napo. Taurus. a by!,a barlT* Torreau. Toro. FideSjdis. a lut too plap on* Vnluc.^ Liuto. Seminator. afolug;,offeD^» ynfemcur. Scminatorc. Omentum. fuct,o; IjarD fat 5«/yi OH grfijje, Tumcre. tOjftDCl, c enfi'e, Enfiarfi. Culpa. a faf t» Faulte, Colpa. Inlilirc equo. CJ3 t>aylr,on a l)o;0. Voltigtr. Voltigjare. Tcpidus. toarm,notcj5lD, Chault. Tepido. Vagari. Cozzarc. Globus. abo^L,t(DcattfnpIap» Vne boule, Bordla. Saccarum. fugar, Sucre. Succhcro. Ccrto. fuer,o? oyt-of toyt Seur. Ccrro. A6tor. afuo:* Demandeur. Sudor,ris. fUjct,cf4)cbotip, Sildore. Adurere crines. tojftDaclj ojbyrn-of GriUer. (J^sCV, Cafura* afaf. Chcute. Fallo. Fornicare. tajtiaytjO^mabtiayt^. Coulter, Locus. arcDm,o;pla'(^ I/V«. Luogo. Scopa. tm roU)m,o; toanuer. a b:a>m,ta) ftocp tu(tf) ya^uer. Vn bslay, ou ramon, Andarvagabundo. Sfoppa. reXjCis. Sporta. to 19 The am Legouemxil. i^\^* Timoncdellanaue. Andcla. ananDp:n,o?l^onD- Granum. GraiH. Grano. Tunica. a cot. Vtifajft^ Sayo. Ailatus,geftatus. i}o;t^,o;car: f : are mecrippaier© of name anu founO: }Jb : callcD : jjb : <15rcfbe : anD: f: ijaifcpats ca!IeD : f : (Cnglin>: t^i0 laft xb bfeo in tbc fingular numbcr,^bcn tl)e plurall "^'*' tiumbcr,anD dB^cnitiue p;op;tetaric in bot!) number© , change : f : into : U(^ : ;ci)c tfc of 80 : mp Ujpf anD gtl;crU:ini^,Uj£nt tajmptopu^ mother. Infitium. agraf,pluc,graf^ ^«e ente. Incllato. Radulphus. RupcSjis. aclif,pIur.cUf^« 'Precipice. Precipicio. lofcph . Capillare. acoif,^» yne coefe, Cuffia. Phdippus. a^apb,sen(tiu.Hajfe; lo^CT^^^mt^o^ti^T^ ^{ip,^tnit0ipia aman^ndm. amanfn^m. man^nam: lofeph. fel§,fing.(nfompojcl0 , e)cccpt:(: betljencyt letter in ll^cfamc fiUable : butg: 1^'^ ?<' '^'^^^ al«jaie0 m tt^t n)lie of finable^ anD i»o?Dr0,an5 tn t^c beginntttg befo?c name. " t:g(:iStobccallct)petfcct::i: mh :t:tobecaUeDbOioro«) :g(-.«)^: 3!.anb: y :aremeprlppaier0rfnameanbfonnb,tobct)fcl)inOiffcrc«t!p,e;c« paiccflf, ' cepttng tljat ; p : i0 to be moft placed at t\)e enb of Sx)o;tb3, anD next : m : onb : ti)tit piai: n : gn^, fpcctallp among mimim0 : y : to be calico crtofeeo : t : anD : t : to be cals tSfl*?' ^^^ ^^?* • ^ • ^*^° ^^^^ • * * *'"^P*'^ *^^^ ''" ^'^^ ^^ **^"^ of 8DDttion0 tn Dcri= nam". *" ttatme0,anb not : p : to be lifeD t^erc.UnD : p; 9x>Ul) an accent onclp to be t)fcO fojtljcirlongrounD. ^Dtffcccnce iS .map be calJeD t>p;iig^t:r :anD : j, : map brcaUeb r ounbir-^^canfe itifS pla^ of aDDttio ceD after ; o : anD ot^r roanbc letter©. Jjnamc, f. g. ^ ate mcerlp p6kV0 of name anD founD : f : callcD long:f: ali»a tbcitpiai onclp at t^e cnDc of &)o?be0: ^, caHcD ^, beclinatiue : to be placcD onclp at tbe teg, 9 aDc cnDc of &o;De0 in t^e pluraU number, anb in tt)c gemtiue p^op^iietarp in UotI; hiHong in number0,a0 is allotocD bp tbe dprammcr. Sw bial f 30 Wfe paier to :f :0: T : bccaufe of l)i0 IjiiTrng founb,anD.placeD eucri» paicr to foijere inDiffercntlp, accojbing to l}i0 oornc fbunDe, anb alfo fupplietl; tljc libe ^? fiSf ' P^^f^^ of :^ (in Dcclinatiue0)alt»aic0 at tl)e enbc of 5Do;b0,8fter all tjowelF, fetaiiiF. bipl)tliong0, anbl^aife Uowcl0, aub after tljcfe confonants, I : m : n : r : ana moft agreeing to l)l0fctinbe, after fuel;, 80 apparet^ bp tlje erer. Sotrile,non^roflb. Tc tltl.anD ,u,arc marlppatcrtf, in name anD foanl)C,inl)iffcrcntlp to beplaccli r ^ ann ,r» faning in pointing, b, w to be yjfeD alwap at tbt bcsmning of i»o?DC0 , ana tn patera, &?tting ncjct ,m,n, anD otber minnms, to be moft tjfcb of mcane SD^itcro. M, tJjcicpias^ to be caUc5,fb?c,u: anD,u,to be caileO,niinum o? niiCDlc,t). Sctr "^ « 22, y, 0, (p, CD, are meErclppaier0 in.namc anb founbjiuljicb , q, anb, to : ,„ name. 31 mabc paier0 to,tl,anb,9,fo? \)clpc in cqaiuocp: but c];crfl|p bccaufc,o,anl) o), (ii,e, q^ are Double fonnDcb m tf)c olD p;inting,fomctintc i»itb founbc agreeing to one of f^ 'f^\ tbcirnamc0,anbfomctimcfc)itlnl}cfcun5cof,'l),tn5Dl)icl)founbc, tl'ccomma paJgr^ * p^iciie map be fct bnbcr, o, anb, qj, ( if anp olDc pointing be cojrccteb) to gme tDett pia^ tl?cm a rigbt foanb : t),to be caUcD,fo;c,y : anb y^to be calico minum,b; anb,g, '^^r^^ to becaUcb,tl,ronnbe : anD,cp,to be, couple D : anb,ro, to be callcb, i, mnamef l)cnuatiuc,bccaafc tt^atb tlje bcriUcittuc p?icfee, anb feructb onclp foj. Dcriua= tine0,inti;e firtt letter of tijcir abbitionm tbat founbc,a0 : of,^{rl,5afln30. Ii'.anb,!!, aremfcrlppatcr0 in name anb founb: ti,to be calkb,fo;e, :uanb,u» ^:> ^ W * to be canco.mtnum^ tl)c of tfjcm placcb a0 10 bcfo;c nic«x>co of ,to,anb,u. ^"^ Canb : gr : arc mecrclp pater© m name anb founb,but not m time : t : to be ^^^^ callcb fbo?t : e : anD,cC : to be calicb long,ar, o?,af jbipbtljor.g. aooltionjj i]^otefarber,tb2tccl© from tljcconfonant©, ant)^auing tljctrue found anfi time of t\)Z bon?el0,f)alfe bow?cl0,anD Dtpl)tl)on20, map(aftcr little tcacitng)nu:)p bp}jimrclfc,ir)itij mucl) bcligl)t,anD p;o6tnio;e in one monct^i, tl;<"in l)c coult) after tl;c oiae mancr of 5»?tttng ant) pjinting in one S»I)0le perre. 3!nD for tl?at, no man fcr tng mp o?tograpl)p , flioult) be in anp Doubt of tl)c true foonomg of tnp letters accozcing to tbc name© gturn tfjem in tl)C Cable, let \)im note iccl^t^e letters t^at fjaac anp ftnbe 0; turning,bccaufe tfjrp i»ere Double CEfecrc tDo;iDcaf brmoCt of t\)an ofonc&li lablc. iDbatitf a suable. Oi"bct of fpclUnj l?elpctl) P^Hiatc mu:l) in a learner. The amendment of ortography. tiottbic fount)£t) in tlje olDc o^tograp^p, anD alfo tfje accent© fo? t\)c long time of t)oro£l0 : ano i»l)crc an? otljcr ftri&c oj pjiicfee tja(, fuclj cl;angctlj no founDe of t!)c letter, but l^clpctl) grcatlp cttmologc m 'ixxtpttcis, i»l)tcl) 10 a great Ijclpe bp (2>rainmcr rule, to finbc oat Oiucrx; 5»o?Dc0, bp tlje figljt of one too^Dc, t|)e c^ecfe notes anD marUes be tl^efe ( - ) callcD t^c compofituic ftriHc, (.) callcD t^c Dcrioatuic p?tcl%c ; ant) ( ' ) calleD tljcDeclmattue ftrifec : anD qis t\)C fig^t of tljcfcncE-Dcnot off cnD tbc bnlearncD in(5ramntcr, togiue ttgl)t founDeto cucrp letter,fo naDctl) not fuel) to bfc tljefc dSrammer notc0 in tljcir i»jiting, but tf tl)clcarneD tfctljefc notc0 fo;Kl5ramnicr,l)Cl)urtct^ not l)imfclfc, but map p?o5t otljcr mud), anD b?ing our language into great creDIt : anD t^crcs f o;ie fomc crampicfi Qjall bcgittcn of t^cfc now (f Ijcraftcr mo?c in t^e (©ram* ttier)a0foUottJCt^ 5« Sculpcre. t(D grnii. Crauer. Scolpire. Sculpit. fjcgr^itctj). Jlgraue, Colui incdglij. a grtiucr, an fnffra^^ mcntcDgraiitui4). InFirument i grausr, Sculpcbam, 3 grauf D. le graMois. 10 Icolpias. Purgarc. T?urger. Mondare, Purgac. l3etnct5),o;Da)^trp. Jlpuige. Coluy purga. Purgabat. ljctr(cD,o;Dlotrp. 11 purge oh. Coluimondaua. Pitrgatus. trifb. Sculpo. 3 0ra«. le grai'.e. lo intaglio. Sciilpcns. 0r^uing,parficip. Cranant. Scolpendo. Sculptiis, graiifn. GraJte. ScoJpito. Sculpcbas. tt)^i graucDjt. Tu grauois. Pur go, le purge. lomondo. Purgabam. 3tricD,o;motr?* lepurgeois. lo mondaua. Purgans. trping,apart(c'ip. Turgeant. Moiidatorc, Piirgator. atrio^jtljcpafn. Sculpis. t()ugrauc(f. Th graues. Tuincagli. Sculptor, agrto^ Cnueur. Scoltorc. Cselatura, gr^uing,ti)carL CroMeure, Scoltora. Sculpebac. Ijegraiico, llgrauoit. Colui fcolpiua, Purgas. Tu f urges . Tumonda. Purgabas. Tupurgeoif, Tu tnondaui. Purgatura. trping,tl;ee]ccrc'ij. Tftrgemcnt. djattnctj). 37 The am "Purge. Purgaco. Purgaur. 3l)autncD» lay f urge, ' lohomondato. Purgaueram. 3!)aiitr(£D» rauots purgf. lo haueuo mon^aio. Purgabis. 4)ylart^?tnattr^ TupurgerM. Tu mondarai. Facills. ^ffe. Ageuole. Diffidlis* Dijfidle. Dificile. Honeftas* onettt. HoneFitte, Honeftade. Inhonefte.^ tn-oneftlp. VtfhonneFiement. Dc(honcihmcnte; Impotcns. t)n-ab?» Impuijfant. Non potcnie* Lapideus. Defierre. Dipiccra. SapicnSjtis. Saggio endmcnt of ortography. ^ifurge. Purgauifti. t^ypafttrictj, Tu (U purge. Tuhaitnondato. Purgaueras. ^9paDatrtcO» Tu auoit purge. Tu haueui tnondato. Purgct. Ictijtmtrp, "^i^'Upurge. monda colui. Facilitas. aefmc0,o?a^» .Aifance. Agcuolezza. Difficiliter. Malaifement. Dificilmcntc» Inhoneflus. t)n-onctt,o?Dtf-oneff. DehoneFlt, Difhoncfto, Potcns. ^b£,o;ofmfl)t, Tuijfdnt. ValcntCjpotcntc. Impotentia. tn-^b9iie0» Impuijfanct. Impotcnza. Lapidofus. 0dn|,o^f9loflfiin5. "PifrretiX, Sanbfojpicrrofo. Sapientior. Tluffage. Piufauio* Purgauit. l)ei)atf)tr(eD. li a purge. Coluihamondato. Piirgabo. 3$aE,o?tutltrp, lepurgeray. lo mondaro. Leuamen. a^^,Dif-a;5,4)Ccotrarpr SouUgement. Alkuiatnento. Facilitcr. jitfement, Agcuolmcntc^ Honcttas, onett, Honefie. Honcfto. Inhoneftas, btf-onrfft. ' VijhontFlete. Dilhonefta. In contemptu ducerc. t(DDtr-db£,o;Otf-p^aif, hijprifir. Didionorare. LapiSjdis, affon, y/ie pierre. Vna pietra. Comme pierre. Conic pietra. Sapientiflimus. tupf f ft,o? mdft-to^. Treffage. Sapientiffimo. Sapientia, The amendment of ortography. Sapicntcr. Infipientcr, S^gement. Totement. Sogaccmentc. Scioccamcnte, Pertotum. Quare. tl):g^;-oyn tt)afr-fa?,o?fo?\i)ar Tar tout. Tomquoy, Pertutro. Pcrchc. f Wo?D0of t!)ri)arDeft fount)0 m CngliO) fp««l),toO)Ctt)\jntoftranget0t!)« tfcoffucl)iatcr0a0arct)rcDoffcr»,o?nonc, but of tljcCngUQ> nation, bc« caufeCnglifl) Ijattjfountt© ml)oice,'bfeD of fcuj o;ino otljcr nation, S»^ic^bc? ing Hnorocn bp angle lctt£r0,arc tl)e cafilur founticD inS»ojD0. 38 Saplcntla. SAgeJJk! Sagacita. Inlipicntiffimc, Tref-folement. Cafligare. tcD djaffii Chaflier. Caftigare. Foucrc. 2{ourrir. Accarczzarc.. Elc(5lus. EJleu,oM choiju Eletto. Mifer. a to? erf). Jkialheurtux. Da pocojfimplice.. Pala. a §quP. Pala. Carduus, adiiilf. Chardcn, Cardo. T.ertiufciecimus* tl)(rtcnt|). Tre\icme. Dccimo terzjOr Vicefimus. ticcntidi. Stalprum. ad)e?f. Cifeau. Scalpelloi Puerilitas.. Vuerilite. Excantarc. t(D rf)anft^ Enchanten Strcgarc. Obiurgatuy. rf)pDDn. Tanfe. Pucrilita,fanciulle22a. Riprefojgridato, Mutabilis. lUiberalis. d)ang(abC. a d)urE* Mutable,variabU» Chiche. Mobile.varia'cik. . Ghietto.. Puclla. a tDcnd). TJl/ette.garce. Vnagiouanc. Canoms, 'Rjfonnant. Acuto. Digitalc. at|)imbL Vn doigtier vn de, Dedalcjdctalt. Tricefimus. Trentieme. Tientcfimo. bgVbofatre, (na t()tng^pohang4)er« EtuaffcTni a ^jp^-qtol,. Cheuefclfe, Striga. Areator. atl)?c5o?;^ Battehr de hie* Colui che nccta la bia ja* Millefimus. 4)q^anii4T« Millkme. Millcfimo. Crus,ris. ad)jfj. 3 9 The Vingtltme. VigcfimOjVentefimo. Quanquam. Ctmbiencp4e. BcnchcjAncor chc. Minari. t(D ^liXxi. Menacer. ^4^nacciare. Luclah. Luicler. Lottarc. Molatrufatilis. a q^rn» Moulin a main. Moladamano. SaliXjCis. aiDitiip, Salicc Saga. atDitfi). Strega. Per. Tarmi. Pcr,pc. Verticillum. attjerf, yerttil. Filatorc del fufb. Iratus. Courrouce. Adirato^Sdegnato. TerebelJum. atDtmb?. ynfortt. TriucUo. amendment of ortography. La citijft. La cofcia. Solicitudo. Inipicarc. d)ot^t» tcDd)\i)tteiDtd)abn^f» Soulcy. Jlguifer. Penfiero, cura. Kadcrc. Cing. Faflidire. t(DbeIod),o?tin-tiHl^ tCD lotl;. 2\(5in z/o/fr voUntieri, .^«o;V f « horreur. Scifarc. Viuificarc. Extingucre. tcoqifeif. tCDqend). Vmifier. Efiemdre. Viuificarc. Eftingucrc/pegncrc. Ingenium. Cum. U)lt. told). Entendement. ^«*c. Ingegno. Con. Albus. Quo. ^Pt. tt)i4)0r. B/bicl)t)fe,fpctci)(of itfclfe) U3;tttng. can m no iotfc baue,fcitl)out tl;e I;clpc of letters : tljercfoze tl)anb0 be giuen imcrsf t nto (Pod ,fo? t\)Z e]cccUcnt gifts of botl) anD be that contmuctb m abufing anp ^^^ ^f^^ of tljem OmDcretl) otl)er,but is mcft Jjurtfull to hunhlk in the cnDe. LnCtnoS 3nD toucbmg true ojtograpljp, pe plameippcrcciue tijefoants anD abufes fence \ait\) in tl)C olDc i»;iting anD p?mttng,cinD tlje perfect re mcDicng of tlje fame bp tl)is fiicucc. net» amenDmcnt : iolicrcbp onetliat^atij IcarneD tbcolDcma? cafUpbfc t\jc ^oficcon^ ncttj fo; tlje petfcctncfTc thereof, for no ncrtc letter 10 bjong})f in, but a little [^^f^f *^ ftrihc 02 turning aDDcD. to tbcolDct^at^B Double 0; treble founDcD, anD a tottbtVe true name giuen to fomc letter 0,bcfo;cmifnsmcD (fo; CngliQ; f}.Ecclj)bp fom ncvo. at 4 1 The amendment of ortography. at^Ijofcl)3nDcsi»c rrcciuco tljcm : W)!;o not anting il)e trucbioifionfitn l);iccfoiuiDconi(JHri3lirt) fprecl;,pjtcf)cO rtjelamc \3p (IS todlaa tl)cpcoulo,o]^ at tl;e k:aft,ns tucii na tIjcpluoulD : ai\h tl)c q'.U bfe of,lj,nu(ntintcJ),'U)afl tint- tcD malfo.Cttjiougl; tijc li^c i»ant) after Diuerlc confonanti), anDnon? rcme= mcD otl)criuirc,fcp perfect figure of name anD founo sgi cting: anO ail fupcrfius ouB Icttcis aboUQ;cD,nculjCc 10 anp mifyloccD,o^ lounDcD being not i»?ittcn. Xcarne yet t!;e bfc of tijc olDe p;niitcD bfuUca, w nor 10 be offcri b to an^ learner, bc= K"^'^ fo.:e \): be prrfcct m tljc new, (l}ovofccucr pt co^recr tijr oioc fo; I)i6 eafc) niNc'-mii ^"^ ^^''^'^ '^^ '^^^^ IcarncD tl); ncn? pcrfcrtlr,(ot«e will be of that captintp, t^at bcfoonc' String t};ctn to UnbCt Ilanb, ti)at,lj,aftcr tljoic couConanto lcfo:c fbcxreb is to icdrnci. bcfounJ5eDtoge:})cr5»itl; tljatcojUonant,acco?bingtotbe fmgle figure tb\l\ fojne concctue anbbfc ba)Hc0 of tlje clbc pointing, to faue cjcpcnccfi fo^^ tunc : but tl)e IcfTc l}c to troubled ix)rt^ t\)C oloe, tbc prrfccter be i»il ti^ttc t\)Z ncoj.anD tf^at truelp,fo? t^c fpeecb anS names of lcttcr0,p?uitcb fo? tbcfamc, ifietDir to ^3f cc m fouubc,i»itbout anp Difference 0? cl^angc ; but i)C tbat toiU neto p?int be pnmca tbc olDc, mufl correct tbe Tame tl)o;ol^lJ^, Icafl-lje fal! into fome f riult, contrarp tniiQ: be to tijc meaning of tins amcnbtncnt : foj i»l)Cre pcrfcctnclTc uwp be in a t^mg ^'^'^'rt D ^° ncccfl"arp,lct earcbe taUcn tijcrcof acco?&tnglp. co;rcttcD^ 3liro tfjc i»?umgs, cmbenccs, anb re combes alrcnbp paft, map rcmainc a0 JDittmgtf, ^'^'^P be>bccaufc t^cp arc not p;ioutbeb fo? conmian Mk : nnD fo map ILatmc t- eviuicntosl uiDciuefl,8ni! rcco?be0,m time to comc,bcfpe tijc acculTomeb letters anb ab= ^ r^eco7.t)e3 bjeutatiens fo;t tljat none l>auc t!)C bfc no? mterp;ictation of tl)cm,bnt fuel) as pafi, map arcnoco, anbl)erc.^ffcr Oiallbclearncb, anbfbailbeablctot)fctl)em,tl)oug^ aniSfct) t^c?'«'?itct>fl'. but one proper anbfelfe thing,anb of late mod holpf" bp,alias Did.feh'tJ) ^c- Alias Dia. mg notu iojittcn plBinelp anb perfcttlp ixjtth th's ncroc amenbment , as tl;c. fame is founocb anb callcb at this bape , i»tth abbing thercbnte, alias Script, Alias Scrip . <^husi,oj, t^us.iff OS ttttt 3 faliwfo^pfrfcrt coBtmuancc foj cwr, of fchtcli ncx9 The amendment of ortography. 4 2 new fe^iting an& pnn ting(bcing once m tfc) t\}c commoDttp iyill be fc manis fcft to all men, tijat S»l)crc noa? a tromcD tt)?cl) cnn (lap a tfjotifantie from ti;c tJfc of tt : Ijcrcaftcr a tccmcof oictn toiUfnnt plucUc one to t\)C olDecojruptib ano tjnperfcit tjfc agune. ^The 1 1. Chapter, fieweth a briefe collect ion of the ^vhole with the amended ortography. f Mje fym anu cftc d of 4)e fu;mf r jE:ra;tij,i?,tl)at ti)cr c ±^'^^ toant^ anfab-uWc of 4)C oC&,a,l5,C,anD4)tfincU) toigc^er, let a,„j„j,^ ^imre?02tt(Dtt)efd2mcrpart of rf)is lErcietl^ ; V[)acr-bp ^c map be ^^^f^t^^ fpllp fattffirD m aF Doyt^, anD ercr ci? of tl)e oFo anD ne to » 3 n d)c oUo ^j^ r^^xUd (5 p^c^cnt faumg of fgm djarg ( t© fyd) a| t)au bcoh^ al'reop) toitl>out j ^ ^^ bptngofd;eneto. anotnti)c neto ij failing of gract tpm, \J)id) ij'^ ^^ '^ ino>p?ccioysd)and)efmat' p^pcof ba)l5^jbeTpDd;cgractd)ars( t^jat rncraccctt)(n tpme fpcnt bp;cytt) , anb dje oiicr-tl);otuof manpgqjD iD(t^,\i)ff» faring intm Difpair at ttjefirft, ^r^inocrcD ti^acr-bp, anD manp tpm^ tj'ttcrlpcattof/rom manp gmo anDp^ofitabf crcrcije^ if 0^5 t|)i0 3 am abf too fap(bp tm-myd) erpcrienc ) t^at ^\^y\ti\itu tng tinoer cglcr of larrning,tj aftertoarD iyt md; -tin-toiling anb tm- totoarDte litE p?o6t anD qict cffat of d;e comon toeIt|),oftn-tpm5 4)aer-bp. I|)e0ngEIettmb0d)ac^ folbfojng* a. b, t c, d), D, c. e. f. g'. g. f). i, I F. m. m, n. n, 0. cd, p. q. r. f. ^. f . ^. 4). t). t). t). to. %. r, ;i2. ^.tinto) 4)aD5 ar aoeb :fe: of d;e foynu of; c ; anH affo : jfe : of ti)e foynb of: f : anu : r : of ti;e foynb of ; er, tl^td)rn:tt|»lettcrf Ijaiipaier^ tcoeiierpof djcm, (tljat ijtmfap) trtJ;ec letter^ 0; fignr^, Vbmagreing in nam anDfoynb tmeucrpof Hytm , bcD apper bettot'n t^ DobF p?ib folotoing ; anb fo^ t^eir iiam^febcfo^,foUi» ;©.;. jaa; 4 S The amendment of ortography, j^ll^J^ <2?S:l^l):3tp:^b: JLl: 5:spm:ift: ipin: n:£)o: (D:|Dp: Pli^f: ^q:Hr?: r: ^fs^:g$:li:t: Itj d; : £1) tl) : ;ia tj n : fonant^ j©f ti^c rl. letter^ bcfd: 6etDrD,n;t)iO'.of tl;cm, and ti)c(r paterf told) tfteij ar caFro confonant", ^id) at d)cY^ : b. c\ r. d). D. f. i. g, I> b. I, m. n, paicr^. p. T^, q, r. f. $. t. dj, d). ti. to. tt). f. ^b. ^ \3UI,\iotD^ <2Dd)cr,t)ii;. a. c. e, i. o. m, tj. t?. ar cal'eU'dqtDclf ,ii)ld) djdr pafcr^. ^h i2L)d;f r,<^. I', rft. ri. ar carcD balf "UDtof l^ : ao to djar^ : r : aiiD to^n* til. f)arf tcD a? d)ts fillaW : cr : ano fo nameo alTo. 'tJoUjelj, * sljae^ vioUjel^ : a. e. t, p. o. ti. y. o. 9. © : iir artoap of 6o?t foynD : i.^xr- crccpt :a.cJ.l)cDi3bFptt)y0:aa.fe.! ojdjatdnofdjar^acc'ent tntm ac^ pointy :'::': be fett oiier : a : c : p : : fo? t^cn be d)oc^ of lowgcc CO. fcunD,to?vtntt)^M;:a:a:a: anDfoofd)crcff,fo?ljctpmfqfuoc>.' tigtuel? 3 far d;c^firft, a: a, \jo\^ ar ctnt : djc fcconD,a:a,lDiti) trabf accent : of 5o;t d)c d)lro,a : a, toit|) fo?bco accent : anD fo of od)er tjgtoel? fo ndtrO, foynD,er^ btcatij it map bdp mydj in cqiuoc>. ceptjfc. 0nDtt)ac^^ araCfcuapof rongfo9nD,aut©d;a"f,a',anJ) affo 2l)cnam^ tt)el)alf^gtuel5,E.tft,n.r. ar of longer foynD,d;cnanp'ugtDelof $o?t flfd;a:^ foyno. accent^ tl^en tiocD tiotDel^(o? baff "tigtDel^)cgm ta)gcd)cr in on Cllabf ,d)ep tigtocl^ it caf cD a Dijfc^ong, Vbarr-of d)er be In numbcr^tJij.el.ay .ct.c y.oi. of long otD.CQV : abing bacr-trntm : ui ; fclDom tn l3c\ foyno. &o aoing d^ac^ feiin mfrt foynD^' (carcb ttji^diongO bcTd? to?pttf, tJiLDtjib^ ^cr ar in englt^ rped),rhti|. fciicral foynoi; in"Liotc, "bnoer Vtimiit aC tt)ong V cngltf) tooiDC ano fillabr^ ar foynoeo ano fpdfen ; aojng bacr-tmtcD phi! j nniv t^e r ar tij^diong : nv* ?ion^ in sI}it^ titjbdjong^ bau paicrf tn foynb, anb t|)er be af fo g^cr ti^* tjoi^, fo;r diong^ , by t d;ep bait d)e foynD of dn of ^c \iq\j)t\} bcfd; faiD , aC engliO ^id^ ^aX be tDjptn to3ged)cr m fqi^r^ nert bnwr : byt fo; d;etpm in iped), bX i^xj, ndt d;at ciierp Dijbt^)ong tj of aj long tvm 0? longer:, t^cn anplongtiDlDcl : aDbfft-'bntajtbat baCf tigtoel^ mapmab a nii^^ diong Qfter',a,o; o,f at paicr^ tm d)c Ollabl^ iu d)eir fq^r^ folofeing. ane bTC-in ij ten be noteD,d)at fo? la:rng?^,d)fr ij t $8f be a |i)am* jblct imp;inttD,'contetning b;cf(p d)c effect of d)i0 ba»fe,ftruing aCfo fop confcrenc^ boid) djc dlb o^tograjfep \\tt- after, iDtji^^ The amendment of ortography . Dt Wong^ aiiD 'ogtoelf of dn foynu* 44 opo^ at ap aba^t atp Ct £P to doa 1 mop oto otoqptD 99 oaf ©p ea cct t\3 ey af arfi aii on UP e t u at}l atjm atin otjn felDom CfcD (ntfe. 3 bo;:oUj, to, ten mab Dijfettjong after tiolocl^, bdti; fo; Ijij oCd nam anD t)c,ano fo;r d;at f)lj nm nam i? foynoco tl;arr-in,ano map l^tlp in tqfiiocp. 06t 4)at,f,p,ti,u,anoanpofrt;e!)alf xiotod^ncucrbcgfnijiii^* t|)ong. arfo,t,u,fclDom begin anp Dtjj^tliong. atfo,c,fcIt)om o; ne^ Iter bcgmnrtl) Dijfei^ong,crccpt fo^ tlje Ijclp in c qiiiocp. i^dt djat t|)cc ij no trip^diong in met cnglil) tno?D^, d)cTr-fo; Vtim ^).:e "uotDd^cpm tajgctl;cr,DeupD dn of d;em,anD mab d)e oi)ct ttom aoiji)t{)ong: Vljarr-in ndttucl \i;at tigUJcI^ bcgtn nooi}i)tl)ong(tQ3 fpcl anDfo^niDtDOiD^ ti;e better }erccpting t^iat ttoco ^atf tiotucif coming togr d)cr,anD,a,o;,o,nert bcfd; tl;em map maft a trifbd^ong (rfjat (j)foynDf trngciixr f n on fillabr : aj m caf ifi^boFm, i^otD rc0fti) tcD UnoU) bob) to) dciipD tuo;D^ intm fillabFf : fo? d)t ^id) .firtt hnoW^oyr confona'nt" from ti)c liqUjcI^jano balf tiotocl^ ano tl)CD(i:^d)ong:^ afd,2-faiD,cnD tljcn marh tije rul^ folotoing; Vl)ffr- fn ndt,tl)at curp tiotDel anD balf "ngluci cauj a fillabl' : crccpt ri;cp be fpe!fD bp it-fcl0,anD;cctDepcnD^ cd) fo tpon d)c confonant ncrt befo; it In our fpcd; , d;at it fcmcd) tjo be ioincD in fillabriDid) d)at confonaiit. i|5ot faroer djat tDO^D^ %iA) it mcr CAqMt) ar mod of d^em of dn 0llabl': crccpt it be a Dcrpiiati li o; Declpnatiu,o,2 compoynrcD : \Jit(t) compojitiu ^ Dcrpiiatiii^ \ Dcclpnatfu";, ar nrnlp Dcii^DcD in fpclmg bp d;c natiii cnglip,d;at ^alicrrSjbicaiij t;c i? acqcintcD U)id) d^e p;i'' mitiii b3, bo^ rotDcD tm m^kDi{i^^ d)ong. OglDClf bcgining noDijj^* d)ong. illio trrj&^ tl)ongln mcr cng^ Ii0too;D^, crccpt, rifi : after a,o?:o. DQJ DCltpD miabl'f in a tuo^D caFcD fpciing. mdfT cng* Ii5 U)o;d^ ar of n nilabrrrr^ ccpt It be 45 The amendment of ortography. compoyn mi'tiu anD toiil) tt;c CunpC of ciierp U3o;:d, f Uutt) tl;r compojf cVon^ af* DcD,Der^* fo : b^it a Icrnioi UnolDPd) not tt)c mttning of Ocrpiiing", &f diiniir^, u?D,o;De? anD compo^iiiciiig of lbo:ti^, tiittii IjC 'ijau IcxrucD fqm parf of tijo dprteo grammar ^Vl)irij bp C'oD^ grac^ ano n\v abilitp being fyrmljCD,(aj 3 from an t)au gqiD Ijdp) 3 am fyllp py rpo-cD to) fet fy ril) (n p^int , $ tljat fpeoi* otl)er Ip) : ^et map ti)c tcxd^o; fmn acqcint t](m ti)cTr-U)itl), $ctutng !jnn die iDojD. p;ilJ ano ff;ph^ tjr D f'oi tl)cm,aj in t|)e cranipr^,t cauj Inui tco Df lipa perfect cucrpcomp"oyno,p;i»utiu,tfimpr,ajbc!tTrncri)ta)ra:o,a'cco2Ding o;togra' tcott^erul^ fo^rpclmgfolotutng. 15uttoiti)oyt truo;tngrajl)p,no jfepaiDcd) perfect grammar n;apbc,f d)(Tr-fo?3ifrdm'rul^of diupdi igfilla^ dDranp bl^ in Ido^d^, in fud; o;jDer, djat d;c dn map aiD t confirni d;c oii;cr : mac ano d;acr-l)pon a perfect Dtccionarp mao acco;tiiiiglp, tol ttep bod) tnyd). tojged^cr a? a diiro contynecion,fo fucr agrcing ta3gedyer,d)at \J>icc jyD^togra^ befo>tpm engliO fpcd)tDaj patdjeD anopeceo, anD\j?eo fomtpm }3^p,gram djistoap,anD fgmtpm d)at lDap,U map(at tt)c Iengd])com t© a pep mar, ano fect,plain,anUtC5iV)c:t(Dd)e grartcqmfo;jt,crj,anD profit of oyr oturt Dicciona* nation, ano d^e Delist of qd)er, befo; amd?f D, ano toarrp at d)e firft rp aiD on fil)t. \:^iA) rul^ fo;? fpeltng (d;oVtj d)ep fern at ^e firft filit not tm be (|)e gtt)cr, fo perfect anu plain aj oyr fped) reqircdi) ($e $aC tMioerftanD) j tij it Wo^D^ plainjp tm it)e larrncD. anofo? d3e ^elp of 4ie tin-larrneD, tDpj 'it)en 3tiJil1)?tl;i0ttr^&,'-: bettoen euerp compoynocD tog/D , anD fo.: Dye fped) cuirpaojcion in aDeclpnatiud)isttrpb,S anDofDerpiiattusd^i^ mi^t bxt vnK * anD affo tinDer eiierp letter in gi^icr Ido;d^ d;at begined) a fo? ^ in CllabEjContrarp t© d)e rul^ anD ercepcion^ tjcrr-in getitf fo; fpel'ing:^ :cept : r : wino tco 4)e \iotuel bcto : §>o nidtt tpni^ : to : inDijbtlj^jng fet^e mytt, tnlcTi! tl3at ; be ; bcfd; it, ttanD in ttd;. 8 3f confonant^ ttoco in miDff of tDO?o^ be, Dcii^D 4)em apart, tt)cn fpel^gc trulp* ^ 3 f confonant^ due tnmioH of too;D^ ffano, Dciipo t^c fivtt dn, lep ttoco in on bano, erccpcionf, I o l^ct in tf)cTf,U)(rt)OMt,ii>itt)in,anD,bpotT: in J oyt, ano on, at fpelco trn aldu. I I r, after confonast, trid) it ij joinp, ano fo l^b-top^ I, molt tpmj toe ijaj f^nO^ 1 2 3f Diuer^ fiUabl^ be in a Uio;rD, iet Qllabf , be, iuitli ndn elr acco?o. 1 3 n'i m dx wntl),t£D d)e graetcomoDt<» tv of af i:ffatC,t)iitcD Vbojm it tf ncccirarp,d)at rt;cr be a bnotolcDgof t^cir Dutp, tintcD Cgd djcYIp, ano d)cii d)cir cutp on tos an odjr r : fii bnoUung of did) outp , connifcd) iX)t bapi rlfat cf nian^ !vf : fo; ig^ no;anc cayjcd) manp tco go ciit-of d)£ Uiap, anD d)atof al' rUa't*,ni Vl)a3m tgnojaric ocodi rear Wapr-bp CcDi? grcrth'Dif-plar^r?) , d)e comon qtetncs of men ijinoerco : grdt comon U?cl4)^ ottipccD, ma* The amendment of ortography. 4 8 Biffrat* tiif-oUcifD,taiD Infcrto;^ Defpv^eo: p^mat gain anD ir?fo\J)t, ano tl)arr-bp a comon luo tD;o\i)t. 0nDajtljeiy?)gmcntof tl;ccomonlDdd)anD tuo, ijoDdjnotlpfn p.ifuat pcrfon^,(anD fpc cial'lp of tl)e infcrto; fo;t)^ct eUit rt;cc tea be In eiicrpo ti a car of b: j Dutp,rt)at bi? pjiiiat (pf be not contrarp tc tlje comon qictnrs,anD \Jot\^ of bE men o[eneral'|p,(anli fpectaFlp of ri)C tDflminDct)ro;t,\i)a)artcDbe bd;n \s)i^al in romrcfpect^fo^tljeir igno;anc,vl)cn tt raed)ctt)'not ten ti)e geiiing occajton of Ipfe off cnc in ott)et ; fo.2 tbo can toati \)i} banti^ clarn of al' faft^ f ' anDfncrlp (in mp opinion) a|faftCbau4)cirbcgfning of r[)cfirlf 3gno^ Cal' of :a05m, fo t^ t^ fam r ncrer crt bp igno?anc : tbo\i) fom tDOulD ranc cay* term it to) be t{)e nigrl)er of godlines : fo; if men tearr notigno;nnr, ?ft^ of* byt Bm bnoU) vl)aer-in tru felicup i>iD canSff, tl)cp \uoylD not fal' in? fence^. tfl)fomanpero?5, t(Dwr-qiet4)eipnpnD^, anu enDangcr tl;e!r bo« tpj,fo; tranfitb;p tl)mg^, ana fom-tvmf fo?t»f rp trifr^. 115yt fgm tell fap, af ri)ing^ iu 4)t0 tDo;FD dr traitfiro:p, 'djulj 3 U)il confcs, a^ tcyd)ing al'c ra:ttir| ano crereiff ^ in tt)e fani. J^it tt)c gift of fped) anD lu?ptutg, i-? Iphlirff cm conf inu Icitl) d)t laa,aj longa^ t^cr t? anp being of man : aiib fo; tt)at,it 15 tl;c fpx ciaE Hettcrf gi "t of 0oD,\i)xr-bp toe be niffryttr D of our Dutt? from tpm tm tp.n, mytt be' bod) nqUj,bauben,anD ^al'be a? long a? tt)£r i? anp being of man, let pcrfet "Ub t)j tl)c fam in d;c perfetctt t3c,fo: ffi^p2ofit,anD eontinuanc'iV^irf) botf) foi i)is amentmcnt \uil pr rfo:m in engli^ fped) , ano IjinDerert) not d;c ar^,p;ofit, ra'DinganDU);ptmg of qtbcr langat^c:; : fo; 3 baii kft oytno letter anD eon^ befo; m be. ^nc d)oVb utc cm fom-\i]3t tiarv from ct\)(t nacion^ in tmuanc. ibe naming of fom Ictteii , ( fpectarip \%^t tr e l;aii Differing foynD^ £l;is neto in\iaic;x'et djer i? no fait m it,a? long ajujetsj nam^ agreuigtcn o\ir amcnD* oU)nlangag( : anDinqdjcrlangage^, let ti3 b? nam^ aeeo2Djng tm ment bin# rijefounDof riicfamlangag ,d>ittueiDculolo, ciigli^ foynOeo,ignaru8,a5,ingnarys : magnus, a^ mangny g. affo lignum,ajlingnym,anDroofgd)ertoo?D^, Hjccr a tigtuelcam ncrt befdz : g : in on OUabl',ano:n ; began an gtlx-r fillabS folotomg : al'fo ttie tin-perfct letter^ of ogbl' o;i trebl' fbyno in llatin , tjao oh of ii)6^ foyrior, agreing tco i)c nam of d;em, fo d;rr toantcD byt fitio; fir fi^ 0ur| 0; letters tcofurnt^eiierp fciieral' Diui?ionbf djctioic ind;e jiatin,a5 toe engliO foyno rtje fam : '^yid) be t^ae^,c c(. i, t). ti. (tm be iHiycJlHi fy|jpiijcorsdjcrab-u5rObpd)an9of tpm, d)anfot>n-cer'tein at t^ tinbnd) bcgining)beTpt)^ d)f0,t{)c llattn t)att) tt)e afppracion 0; letter (b) "oa not ri/ rp felDom after anp confonant in dn fillabE, ano tt)St after : t : in d)t fo^no^ foi;ino of : ti^ : dnlp ano after : c : in t^ie fcyno of : fe : dnlp,ano after : tjcD in r:intf)ef09noof:r: dnlp,inafetoU)o;Oi; oerpucofromdje grek: etrgli^ neitjjcr bad) tt)cilatin tt)e foyno of,d).e.(D.54)to.\i).;c(^o? dje fO(.mD fpcTfj. Dfti;e tl);e baff "dotoel^, f . ui. n. in d)e pcrfet fo^no of englifi fpc'd)) , neidjerinfingElettfr, fillabJ, no^founointoojo ; ai:%d)ar\ierp ^ng!i^ comoninenglififpcd). ' patdjrD tC^aer-fo; ti)e JLatin tcTdio.:^, tof^) Latin e^tograjJ^P, tiio not ( no? tjp in to;p coylb)fyffpcientlp furni$ engfifi fpc'd) toit^) lctter^,but patdjeo ft tp t|"? ano a$ toel aj tgep coylo (0; at 4)e largp^it? toe I aj djicp tooylD) by t rioAirig P;^nt|ng, ^.;. jjcrfet 5 I The amendment of ortography. ptvUt fo.i cngli^ fpcd) : a? appereth bp djc fcymcr trftti^, fo ^ of, dnlp 0)c m;ti0.fcucra£ aiuijion^ in tioic' fo? engluj fpec^, dnlp ^x^ Cf, a.b.o* letter! ^-^^i^* ^a:r perCf rip pcrfct^^no tt)arr-bp icpriDiiiijion^ m "oolc tjnpep perfetlp ^^iP fMnU^eo : \i]kTr-of fgm artttcrlp manting, fqtn cobf o? trebC perfet : a. fo^ncco.ano fgm mif-n^meD,bEfpD font mtf-placeD,fgm'tD;pt^,anO b,D.f. bj, "°^ foynocD, anD fgm foynOf D, d)at ^V not to^ptii.' Xipid) tn^-perfct!* nr0 mao tt)e nariii engUO t«D fpeno long tpm m larntng t© raeo ant tnii-per* ^^ - ^ ^^ ^^'" ^^"^ ^^^ ,^^^-^P ^'P '^'^^ ) ^^P^ *^P continuac'eFercii be"* fet fo;^ t35 ^''^ ^^^ '" ^'^ ^"^^^ *'? Rearing oti)cr , ano bp bij oton \)i of fpert^mg, e rigUn ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^" ?® ^''''" ^^'^ tintcD, ttjan to 4)e gpDing of tl)e olti o;:^ murb bar ^°Sra}Jbp,fo far tJn-perfct fo?Vnghf}fped) ; \i)iiijVlpof ercrcpjbeV tier t(D ^^ ^*^^^^ ^" ^^ "^^'" cngli5,d)e llrans'er tea? titterlp uoiD of,bcfpft ftraii' ^^^ ffrang Diw^ion^ of fcyno^ fn traic lit engli^fpedj, among ffraiv dcvL ^^^hW^^lV ^" "??^ ^^l>M)^^ljaD parent^ ofgrartab^litp: tl)©! parent^ {^;o'^ ^' tenDer lou)coylD net ^ari>lp enfo;c' tt)em m tratD djat painfyl mi? : ant) tt)f ^yd) fpncmg it ^rb, aiiD d)ffr-bp bau no Delibt djarr-in, toft anp d;c lieft ceca/ion ccd be oceopieo gdjcrtup? ; tbanr-bp fenotojeDg' toaf lahjuginfyd), in\i)fflm tl)e eomontDeltj) (fo?d)elr abtlitpano ercoitjreqpieDni^tt, anDfudjajbpaFrac^n niiljtbe liljtc t^^pbg^ t^er ,anii ftel^ tco tip-bofo gd)cr, baii ben Dnmf manp tpm^ tm be gp* tci) bp o^:v djcirfar-inferio;!: \i)a> (fo: nr ceffitp o; gdyc oeeafion) iiianp tpni^ ab-uj Dmtngr p;iuat,anD fgmtpm pertaiiij ng toj t|)e co# llBpriling mon tor Idi , ^(jid) iM)cTlp maintcineD bp Urr jitng ( cDoo^ grac befdj tt)eqiet afdjing;; p^cfcrcD) ; Vlild) Lxnimg in d;c infcrio?!, cayfctftDu obet* fiep of aC Dtenc totoaro d)e fapcrio;^,anD being in d)e fa^rio;:^ tffdirdjDn gg^ comon tternment,anD finaflp tdcdycih at eilat^ tto liu in on tMittp of ci)c tftdt to^'^C* of tt)e comon toeld), "c ucrp c W in 4)eir oegre ani? caEtng, not toitf)< oyt The amendment of ortography. 5 t o^t ^e particular p;ofit^ictnc0,anD faf-garo of eucrp cffat : Vljaer- tintcD if 3 tiaii aocD anp t^)ing fap tt)t« mp amcncmcnt of oiftograitp, f 0? 4)e tie aiiD profit of Urrno;f , anD ti)c Urn acce'ptcD accojoinglp, 3 U)tlnotdnlpfpcDUpimp^(nt4)cC'rammar, butaFfopyt mpbclp» ing Ijand tintoj a ncceffarp SDicrtoiiarp, agrcmg to tljc f^m, if <1^D icno me l^f ,anD 4)at 3 map be cr^r D m 4)c lycon,ti)at D«tp bp natu< compd^^ me fpc^taf Ip to taK car cf» ^The 1 5. Chapter, fievpeth the yje of this amendment^ by matter in verle with the fame ortography. AC grtctett ^ingC Dcpcno of fmaF,tt)€^ngcft tl)ing^ il b?coti : ^cD ^ctoin tpm, \|)at ttcot!) befae, tl);g\i) fatt^ tco-l^t cfppD. " ;a^ tpm^ anu fa^rif bau rt)cir coyrc\anb map not be rnutbt : fo cucrp t^tng,a5 tpm m\ fcrii, m^tt \^m bi j ca^rc ano Idt. Slje barbourcD feo,in rrdilp bcD, ix\ tmnter ffearc apperi : tl;c rp;jng begun, it ffrctd)etl) fyrtb, ano grotoctf) tcD encracc. '^)t fomcr com, it fir toctl) plain, bi? natur ano bJ? bpnl> : anD fp^arDctl) fyrttj, after bi| fo;t, a?ct) dnng aj^e map fpno. Hjen aMtym 0; tt)c rpping tpm,V^:n aed; tt)(ng pjcfit;celD^ : Da»t^ biD 4)c barurll bp bJm fiilt, to) no cl)df frutful felD^. 0nD a^ tt)cp be,;ce muft tbr iii tafe, contcnteb hMtb ti;cir fe^nn ; dje tpm i^ palt,^e map not imli, foj od:)er djan^ fpntJ, djcncgligcnc,ofd)ctpmpa&^annotrfcouerpbc: Ijgto grcTtlp 4)cn, cff era tue D\j[)t, at d) tpm,' toe plainip fc. i!)e tocDC intcD gqpocd:n c^,m no top^ map be tyrno : 4)at in tpm paff, tocl tocDeo mtbt, baii ben, anD alfo burifo. Eljat aftertoarD,nofcDrt).Tr-of,mibtfaEint£Dt|)egroynD: ' ano Diicrcom d)c purr grain, d;at djdlJcD e!c i? foyno. £l)i3rcQ 3 marn crampri^VbT^c-of fgrnmari Ubt fo':c : Ybid^rantUYri) U)o:5,d;JJi ptD djc toeD,\J)rit bao mdt! bijcovr^; SlnD font toc'Dc^ ar, fo : pfe gq)D grain, barDip t© be Difccrno : ^ntil d)cp fccxt d)c co:i'i atoap, d}e topli for ij coudjcD. f £po cnfampl'^ of man^ natur, Vbid) Dad) mudj-mo: Digre^ : from bij tru f^ap, toirf) rejri boFp, tban DoD D© noi,ard) tpm bcr-in Direct. 2ljts trc 4)ffr-fo? fueco;:D myft be, bicauj it ij of p:pc i iQ} dDoD bim-fe!f mo graf djc fam, t© grolD in peraDpc. fl ilno aj member? in Diuerj part^, fo; neccffarp \j c ; ano qd)er d)ing^ fo; cqmlinrs, of boDp aor t) ij. 0m) erd) part bad>bij proper gift, anD fcueraEU^q:bing ; anb aed)on q4)eri3©Depfnb,U)id)oytanpfcunng. ^olcttj^afcontenteb be,li)id)oytgryDcio; Difoain j; fo; no cftat of C^ob i? mao, a? djoVlj it toffr in tiain. jainlilf t tfl af of ^ijat cftat, focuer d^attoe be : fct tjelping banD,anb lulling ftep, t'bp-bofo djis gqiblp tre. te(^ man amcnoing firft bim-fclf , t© qd)er Inifi no U ; not dn 3 mi5, 3 fparb to aE, t© liu in crtf) t^at toiU j?fglcct The amendment of ortography. 5 4 ^eglcrt not Dutp in^oyr li§, 3 fap.bponanD on : at' ^r incluHcD, marfe it tucl, t^co can ti;cn liii aldn i tj^at emperoy;,!ung,o? p;tinc t^ t^er, ti)a)^ gqiiernmet can ni(0 a pcpf , ti)at !)c goucrti map, C(d ficto \iat l}ij pqlDcr i^ ano^ljet tt)oii) ^e^neirt (DoD fctt be', on erttilp d)lng^ tco rem ; |)oto can Ijc fc, cr ccpt be baii , mo tp^ ^lan ar bi? otun : ' ant) £cr^ al'fo, tDit|i fct,anD banD^,anti moytfjcs 4)at tjaii f btl j tcD fpPjtcD bear,ta) go,tcD run, tm c recut bi! Uitl. a pepf can a rulo: laU, no md; tl;an $ep a bar rD : Vl)© labing, tl)ep'fcatterp mytt be, ^m fpoU my0 neD^ tljcn b?eo. Sljc tDylf,ti)c for,ti;c grap af fo, anb od;cr,tDer fy I boCo ; tbc O^'p-bPrru being at bt? reft, if no nog hep tt)c fof 0, 3nDbarb,\i)cntbat4icp5a)ap?od),anDfo 5)e$ep-bncrD toaria : ^{ be ato^b, map from bt? reft, ten fau \i^ ^ep from barm. ^0 ^at tlje $ep bereft be not, of t|)c jjyng tcnoer lamb ; no^i^t tt)c Iamb mix^ Dc?olat, of bi? natural bam, l^a£!r-bp graft lamcntacion, iottlnn tt)c fof D map rp? ; fpt^ aj bail petp toil tl)cn fib, t® bear tbe toofyl nofc. eoD grant oyr €icn Ujitf)tn bir relifi, fo goiicrn map antj rnl : ti^at long fje map remain tuitji t)S,an0 toe bir fybiett^ tra. ano d)it ce(^ dntuiti) otbrr map, fo laeD a goDlp lif : t^at perfct lou,ani) freno^ip bdtl),map x^^ivi atoap aC ftrpf. SJjen $aE djis pE of gr^t ^;ritain,be t|)?ic' bUft at €5oD(banD : toi^ bt^ grac,tocltl),ano qictncc, ano lou,of t|)tT^ i)t bano. FINIS. K./. ^ A Tabic declaring rhc contents and fpeciall points of this Amendment of ortogrnpliy. Tl^e Hra Ctjaptcr, fcl. i . f^clrctlj iVjt olDc, ^, 15, C, anD caufc of auicnDmcnt of ti:c o^togi aphy , anD ttiat botl; jiiap be \3fcD fc; a time, anD caQlp confcrrrD any time !)crcaftcr. SLtc 2.C()ap.fol.2.1^cU)ct!) tljat latinc tuo^ts IfcD in tijig tooihc, iDitl; nt tu o;tograpl}[',i5 not to ctjangc o^tographp fo? iLatinc ( o: 0=- tficr langungc ) but fo: tramples faUe , i^oU) lye CnghUj fountc tlic fame, anDtl)atma:reCnghII)U3o.:Des,aretcbcmcffacceptcDofiis Cnglil^/afiett to be ruleo bp ©rammar fo; Cnglif^. jCS)e3.Ct)ap.fol.3.fijetoet[) tbe\i3ant5,abnfcs,anDtr!pcrfeit!ies of tt5e clDe 02tograpi)P foj engliPg fpn[c}),at tljls Dap m tfe, aiiD IjoU) it is amenDeD bp perfect leltcr,of perfect name,p£rfcitlp agramg to tljefounDmtoice, anDtJjatbp eramplcs giuen bpcn eucrplettec part(cularIp,anD !)oU) lue C2iiglifl^ fousTDc tt;ofc letters in 3;atinc at tljis Dap, 2:13c 4, C!)ap.foI.i4.(^etDctf)ttatbut fire letters arcperfettip perfect in t[}c oloe o;jtograpbp, tbat is to fap, all tlje otljer are tuber Double founDeD d;i mifnameD.anD perfuiaDett) epngc fo;: reafonablc anD great caufes, anD tljat learners of tl;is amenDment map tfe tl)e olDe,tl);}Ougl) tljc eafie conferrnee of botb necre agreeing. jtTfje j^Ctjap.fol.i J. fljeUietl) tije fupcrfluous letters not founDeD : flicmifplaceo, fome founDeD anD not u^itten, anD Ijotu ab;euiations are to be allolueD : anD tl)2t, I), is fome timt feucreD frcm tlje eonfo* nant fct bcfojc it,anD fomctime t3jifounDCD,in tl)e dIdc o,:togrfipl}p. ir(;e 6.Cbap.fol,i9. l!)eU)etlj t}2to ti]e olD Oitogvapbr map be l)feD in time to eome,tuitl) Ijelpc to ffraungers, aifo (lirtyetl) t[)c a,li5.C\ of tt'is amenDment, ioitljtbetr names, anDivlncI)nic esnfonnnts, anD luljicl) are IdoIdcIs, stiD ft)eto£tb of Dipbtl}ong?, 1 :{)ni DiffereiTtc of paicrs of letters, map mahc Difference m figure foi ii):itmg oj pointing equiucces, tuittj cramples fo; tlje p.:cDfc cf nglji: tJoUjclc in CBngliO) fpcecf?* a l)c!.24, fijeUictb tramples of lro.:Di; tintl7 tljis aanen^ DeDD?tograpbp, anDtlieng(}tt)fcof t()et3oiuelrv,balfe \)0luels,anD fipljtljongSjbotii bp equiuoees,t»o:De5 of nr:TC fonnDe,anD ot^er : a great cafe to tlie il rannger tbat tuoulD learnc C\\^\\^), S:(jc8.( paicrs, ^aIfcpaier6,a:iD as fialfc patera of letters, auD tljc placing of paiecs, loltlj tijcir aDDitions m name, The Table. namc,anU ^o:m& fo; cramples of cucr^ of tJjcm •particumrl^. 2DtjC9.Cl)ap,foL3v fpcakctb of rulcsfo;; fpclltng , foHolijing, fol.46* 1 fljcluctl) Ujo?Dcs fo: r ramplc cf r onipcfatiics, Drriantmr s, ann DcclinatiucB ,luitl) tbc notes m figure fo; tl)c fame : lulabr tUt part of ttjc CI5rammar calleD Ctimo[ogc,(s3 giTCt Ip opcncD foj Cng* UG) fpa:c!),U)itl) cramplcs of luo:De3 of t^c IjarDca founDcrs to Uran* gcrs t3ff D in CiTglift) fptrcb. 2:i)Cio.CI]ap.fol.4o.ll)ctoet!)tl)CcomnioDttpof lcttcr£5,anDi!)c f j^Hc conference cf tt;is amenDment initl) the oloc onograpbp , antr tl3atreco:D0/mDer;CC03^c.niapreninuicnst!)ci'bc,anDfcconiiiUico ftill inXife : a coniparifon belluccne fpctcf) anD iDziting : ano Ijclu :JjC oloeanD neU) Cl)oulD be tangfjtni learning of tl;em. JDtc 1!.42. is all pointed to:ttj tl;is anicnt)ment,anD djc^ iDCtl) a buiefe collection of tl)e UjIjoIc tuo,:!ie : t!)at is the a. X5.C'. auD fo2 tbiir names Icnhc m t\}c table befo,:c,fol.2 1 . concUiDuig tbat all re? ffctljuitljctruenajning office Icttcrs.anti to hnotutl)etotue!3jMirc totoels, ano Dipbtl)ong£5,luitl;tficlr times in fomiD of tl;rtiotfe:luU{) rules fo? fpelling: anD tbat o:tograpl)i%grammar,ani3 r ict!onan>,bc tl)20eftrong coniunctions : U)l)ereof, o:togra|3l;iMnu{I befirlT, tljc grammar alrcaop p;omifcD bi> tljis auttljo?, luitl; Ijis r.iDc to a mctU onarr. '£[}€ i2.Cliap.fol.47.fl^cti)ct[)t!)e bfe of tf^i^amcntimeni in p:ofc^ iDitl) tl)e amenncQ o:tograp':n, tuitlj tljC \)fc of notes an5 pzicfecs \^C' celTr.vp in grammar, luliercm are conteincD arguments fo: t!)c p:e? milTes, anD tbat no otber language islnnDereDoz cljaungetitntle I)crebp : anDtbecaufclunpllatinc lunscaficr tolearnetban Cng^ M) : anD tl]at in CBngUll; are rr. founDesm toiec, notttfeoni tlje lattne ,anD tlmt fpa cb iuns tbe caufe of lettcrSjanD tljerro;c letters muil foHotDc tbe fpctclj.anD notcontrarilp. jfi»alli',tbc i3,vIbap.fol.p.n^clnetS)t!}ctrecftlji3 ametiDeD c:to^ grap^p bp iDerff , piinteD luitb tbc fame o:tograplir.:tln0 tiicretjntoisioinfDcramplesofd-jiting oftl/Cfameo;tograpl)p. •c C^;cnamcffoft!)Clrttfrf:;ncco:t»(nc5to tl)?6niiirri"5mcnt of oitogrnp^ip, letters m t!je tojittcn C opicfl {u!!o«?ing. a b ccic feff cbtt D c:ca ft a b c c d) e:a ' e ga 1 f gee g ff(C i h I bl f a t\\u\ a intm c. \} i U I I' bctlucn tn m t m n n tn n (D P P pbdc ^ qudj r ct f m t ttiae rtj*f q t r f $ t d) "tir t) ou t3QJ tDJe tub^ r J^ii? 5ft t) V ti to "%~ F J2 ? H(iBre Ijancf e, gentle lRcat)cr, ti}t bfc of tijiflf aiitctiDtt) ojtograpljp , in tlje Romaine, Italian, Chauncerie, anD Secrctaric ljanbC0, bp tl;c CfC.tttplCB cf fe)l)icl), onp otljct Ijancc map cafilp be framcD fcitl) tijts o^itosraplip : nffurmB pou tl;at tlje fame IjanDp, bnng i»iiitten feitl^ tljc pen, toe ejcccll ttjrfe pjtntcD. ■Saj^ic^ fcjtttcn ^ana^, anD tl;c C ourt Ijano alfo, pou m.ip at anp titnc l;cr aftct fec,at tijc Jjoafe of t^c ^^mtcr of tbts i»c?fec,tof)o(afi alfo tfjc :a!uctIjo;i of tl)tjE{ fajojbc) tcfirctlj to be bo?nc S»itljall fo; a time, if anp figure o; letter be not m t)i0 perfcttnclTc, fo^ tlje cljarge iis not fmall, t^at b^mgetb all tljingcai to pcrfcttncs mf«c^ cares. l^crcaftcr(bp tlje grace of <0oD anD ponr gajb accepting of tl)is)greatcr cl)ar= geg njall not fcant to tbc'fuil pcr= f((ting hereof ^.b.c.c.di.d:e.^.e.t,g.g.h.i.K.i.lM.m,ri,'n,c.m.;y; ^\lJii:ac3:llxfS./:s.j:^.ill./S:Ttn^.illTlA.lh: u .o. oo.^.V'^:W.yi^Mi.^Xx:Xv:Z.z^^ T^eljrkadidionzar vzeclfn lliisudw amendlment^ Widi Jj^'notjarso.wit}! lykveofaa^rtt, Jnwrytn kacl o^m-dieprmt no-tJiTiig want-di,l>iit cofctit^ r^-* o>r> r»»-» v*-> «^^, c^. '^i TTidj scvn^yTT^ ^ im ^iJ'^ibey cfo nojnr -way ran^ Trom 0e ouCvz(forfop^af/)y^r(ff^(vyn izfntSc Sa^^ Jneyn-UrjiaCsor^Tnqy^^ excaze/ r*o. o*r*> «>» ''irgf rtd^enf^ oirigf ffj^XTi;^ ^il-r/^ox tjomma pit J7^ro\^_, University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. Form L9-Series4939 ocsouig^- RtooN^;^, l\i^^^l hG^^^.^ ^I\«i«-l007 . 6<^ 3 1158 00232 3003 simm^ Universi South Libr