Wi <'. I M .•v\ <\ ■ii ;v>j ' ' f I I : I , ( ■ - 1 . ■■ ■■ ■ , ^ GIFT OF Dr, Horace Ivie Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/englishofxivthceOOchaurich ENGLISH OF THE XIVTH CENTURY. ENGLISH OF THE XIV™ CENTURY, ILLUSTRATED BY NOTES, GRAMMATICAL AND PHILOLOGICAL, ON Gmttf^ prologue anti Migljl's Cale* DESIGNED TO SERVE AS • AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. » • • . » ^ • * » ' * . • ■, » • ' ^ • •' •> o , , • • • J > ' • , > ' J ' "> > STEPHEN H. CARPENTER, A.M., FROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND ENGLISH LITERATURE IN THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY GINN & COMPANY. 1886. Entered according to Act of Congress, m the year 1872. vy STEPHEN H. CARPENTER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Wasbmgton. f.DUQATipN DEPT GIFT OF PREFACE. This book has been prepared with the design of afford- ing the means of a critical study of the EngHsh Language to a younger class of pupils than have hitherto been able to pursue it profitably ; and, as it is only from a careful study of literature that a thorough acquaintance with a language can be gained, the work is also intended to serve as an introduction to the study of English Literature. I have therefore endeavored to render the Notes and Glos- sary sufficiently full to remove every difficulty that would meet a student of average ability ; intending, if erring on either side, to err on the side of giving too much rather than too little assistance. Particular attention has been given to the grammatical construction, in the belief that the true way to study a language is not from the dead rules of grammar, but from the living forms of liter- ature. I see no reason why the English, studied with the same care and thoroughness which are given to the ancient classics, may not afford equal mental discipline ; especially if an author be studied whose archaisms will prevent the common error of mistaking familiarity with forms and idioms for a critical knowledge of the structure of the language. vi PREFACE. To Chaucer is assigned the third place among Eng- lish poets, only Shakspeare and Milton ranking above him ; and yet, to the mass of English readers, he is as much a stranger as yEschylus or Virgil, the slight archaism of his language being sufficient to repel all but special students. It is no credit to our scholarship that our own language has been thus neglected in our higher courses of study, whilst such ample provision has been made for the study of ancient and modern tongues. If this volume shall serve in any degree to awaken a more general interest in the critical study of a language which need not fear comparison with any, either ancient or modern, and familiarize our students with an author who for five centuries has maintained his place among the great poets of the world, its object will be fully realized. The text here given is mainly that of Morris, in the Clarendon Press Series, to whose labors I am much indebted ; occasionally, however, I have given a different reading, for reasons given in the Notes. I have refei'red to Morris's edition by the letter M. ; to Tyrwhitt's, by the letter To My first design was to include extracts from the Vision of Piers Plowman ; but as the diction of that poem dif- fers so materially from that of Chaucer, — representing rather the language in its transitional state, — I have deferred an edition of that Poem until some future time. University of Wisconsin, October, 1872. CONTENTS, Introduction The Prologue The Knightes Tale . . . . Notes to the Prologue , . Notes to the Knightes Tale Glossarial Index IX I 26 93 191 253 INTRODUCTION. LIFE OF CHAUCER. Of the early life of Geoffrey Chaucer, but little is known. Even the date of his birth is uncertain. Ac- cordins: to some authorities he was born at London in the year 1328; by others this event is placed as late as 1340. His writings reveal but the merest glimpses of his personal history, so that the only authentic data for an account of his life are a few scattered allusions in the public records. Both Oxford and Cambridge claim the honor of his education, but there is no certain evidence that he studied at either. He seems to have been of gentle blood, as we find him at a very early period of his life attached to the royal household. In 1359, Chaucer joined the army of Edward III., which invaded France in November of that year. In the campaign which followed, he was taken prisoner, but was probably released upon the conclusion of the Great Peace in 1360. In 1367 he received a pension of twenty marks, in consideration of past and future services. From 1370 to 13S0, Chaucer was in the royal service, being employed on various diplomatic missions, which X INTRODUCTION. he discharged so successfully as to receive additional tokens of favor. In the prosecution of these duties he travelled extensively, visiting the Low Countries, and Italy, — then the resort of learned men, — and where he formed the acquaintance of Petrarch, then in the full splendor of his fome. Chaucer's wife was PhilipjDa de Roet, whose sister Katharine was afterwards wife of John of Gaunt, the founder of the powerful House of Lancaster, to whose fortunes the poet was thus naturally attached. While Richard 11. was under the influence of this powerful nobleman, Chaucer enjoyed the royal favor, but, as the Duke's influence waned, the poet was reduced to poverty. Richard 11. came to the throne upon the death of his grandfather, in i378« Being but twelve years of age, the government was placed in the hands of a council composed of his three uncles, the Dukes of Lancaster, York, and Gloucester. The insurrection under Wat Tyler was hardly quelled, when a contest arose between the nobles, which did not end until Henry Bolingbroke, son of John of Gaunt, ascended the throne from which Richard had been deposed by the act of Parliament. For a time Richard continued the favor which Edward III. had shown the poet; in 13S6, however, Chaucer was dismissed from all his offices, and his pensions were reduced, for some reason which has not been very satis- factorily explained. It is probably owing to this fiict that we possess the Canterbury Tales, — the work by which he is best known. His active and cultivated mind, relieved from the cares and duties of public life, sought a more congenial employment in literature, which he had already cultivated to a degree remarkable for that age. INTRODUCTION. xi Chaucer was admirably fitted for his future eminence by this varied hfe, so rich in adventure, — now with the chivah-ous hosts which conquered the armies of the French, and captured their king, — now in the En^-lish Court, at the head of which was Edward III. and his no less illustrious son, the Black Prince, — now in diplo- matic service abroad, or sitting at the feet of the greatest scholars of the day, — now an interested witness of the troublous times which ended in the dejDosition and tragical death of Richard II. ; and finally in aged and honorable retirement, writing from the rich fund of his varied experiences these inimitable Tales, which still, after the lapse of five centuries, are as fresh as a spring landscape after a shower. On the return of Henry Bolingbroke from Spain, Chau- cer had once more a powerful protector. His grants were restored, and, upon the accession of Henry to the throne, largely increased. His enjoyment of this pros- perity, however, was brief. In 1400, a little more than a year after the son of his old friend had been raised to the throne, the poet was gathered to his fathers, full of years and honors. GRAMMATICAL OUTLINE. Chaucer's English is substantially that of the present day. It difiers from Anglo-Saxon in being analytic or uninflected, although it may fairly be questioned whether the spoken Anglo-Saxon ever fully conformed to the cumbrous inflections of the written lansfuasfe. The fol- lowing brief sketch gives an outline of the grammar of Chaucer. xii INTBODUCTION. NOUNS. Singular. — The no77iinative answers to the modern nominative. The genitive answers to the modern pos- sessive, and regularly ends in es ; sometimes this case takes no inflection, and sometimes it ends in e. The dative denotes the relation expressed by the prepositions to or J~or ; it regularly ends in e. The accusative an- swers to the modern objective, and regularly ends like the nominative. The Plural regularly ends in es ; remnants of the old n-declension are also found ; some nouns take no inflec- tion in the plural. PARADIGMS. Sin^. NoM. lippe hors wjf l^dy assche man Gen. lippes horses wyfes ladye assches mannes Dat. lippe horse wvve ladje assche manne Ace. lippe hors wjf lady assche man Plur. lippes hors wyfes ladies asschen men ADJECTIVES. Adjectives have two forms, — the Definite and the In- definite. The Definite, preceded by some definitive word, terminates in e; this termination is usuall}^ dropped in words of more than one syllable. The Indefinite takes no inflection in the singular, but the plural ends regu- larly in ^, which is usually dropped in predicate ad' jectives, and in words of more than one syllable. INTRODUCTION. xiiJ PRONOUNS. Sing-. Tst Pers. 2d Pers 2d Pers. NOM. I, Ic thou he she hit, it Gen. min, mi thin, thi his hire, hir his DAT. ) Acc. 5 me the, thee him hir, hire hit, it Plural. NOM. we je thei, they Gen. our, oure joure, jour here DAT. > Acc. 5 us JOW hem The usual relative is the indeclinable t/iat^ but this pronoun is often conibinecl with the jDersonal, thus : that Jic = who ; t/iat Jiis = whose ; tJiat him = whom. Who, which, wJiat, are regularly interrogative, but tvho is sometimes used indefinitel3\ The7'e and where are sometimes used as dative neuters of the and what. Me and 7nen are used indefinitely, like the Ger- man man. VERBS. In the inflection of the verb, final n denotes either the plural, the infinitive, or the past participle. The so- called regular verbs need no further explanation. The irregular or strong verbs change the vowel in the pret- erite ; some make a further change in the preterite plural : as, pres. inf. sfnitcn; pret. sing, smoot, pi. siniten. The subjunctive in both tenses takes e in the singular, and en in the plural ; but n readily drops. The imperative sing- ular is the root of the verb ; the plural usually ends in eth. The infinitive ends in en; the n frequently drops. The gerundial infinitive, or dative case of the infinitive with the preposition to, occasionally occurs, as to see7ie^ to see. XIV INTRODUCTION. PARADIGM. F 'res. Pret. Tnd. Subj- Imp. Ind. Suhj. Sing. I. helpe helpe halp holpe 2. helpest helpe help halp holpe 3- helpe th helpe halp holpe PL helpe (n) helpe (n) (2) helpeth holpe (n) holpe (n) Inf. helpe (n) Pres. Part. helpinge P. Part. holpe (n) Occasional irregularities will be fully explained in the Notes and in the Glossary. PRONUNCIATION. Vowels. — A. a, a as in French; ?i\ ■==: ah-ee, z.^ aye ; au == ah-00. E. e like French e; e as in met; e final indicating oblique cases, feminine gender, plurals, adverbs, inflec- tions of verbs, to be lightly pronounced ; but regularly elided before a vowel or h ; also in the pronouns hire^ he7'e^ oure, yoiire. This rule is liable to exceptions. Ea as in break ; ee = e ; ei = ai; eo = e ; eu = // ; ey = ay. I. Izz:^ ee ; I as m pit. O. 6 as in oar; 6 (i) = French ; (2) = ii, as so/me; (3) = 00 as in 7;wz'e. Oi = 00-ee, as French om ; 00 = 0. Ou (i) = 60 as loud (lood) ; (2) = ^, as 021s (us) ; (3) =^ a-00, as soul (sowl). U. u = u ; u as i-n hut. Consonants as at present, except, — Gh ■=. German ch^ sometimes softened to a "hissed j." This sound is represented in the text by an italic v, or gh. H final was also a guttural, first softened and then silent. If it is found too difficult to give these sounds, read as in modern English, adding the final e when necessary to the metre. CHAUCER. CHAUCER. THE PROLOGUE. Whan that Aprllle with his schowres swoote The drought of Marche hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertue engendred is the flour ; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breethe 5 Enspired hath in every holte and heethe The tendre croppes, and the j^onge sonne Hath in the Ram his halfe cours i-ronne, And smale fowles maken melodie, That slepen alle night with open eyhe, » So priketh hem nature in here corages : — Thanne longen folk to gon on pilgrimages, And palmers for to seeken straunge strondcs, To feme halwes, kouthe in sondry londes ; And specially, from every schires ende is Of Engelond, to Canturbury they wende, The holy blisful martir for to seeke, That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke. Byfel that, in that sesoun on a day, In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay,-. Redy to wenden on my pilgrimage To Canturbury with ful devout corage, At night was come hi to that hostelrie ao 2 TEE PROLOGUE. Wei nyne and twenty in a companye, Of sondry folk, by aventure i-falle 25 In felawschipe, and pilgryms were tliei alle, That toward Canturbury wolden ryde ; The chambres and the stables weren wyde, Ant] wel weweven esed atte beste. And schortly,, wli«,'(;n the sonne was to reste, 30 •So hadde! I spoken with hem everychon, TTiat 1 'Was' bf -hbr©' fehiws'chipe anon, And made forward erly for to ryse, To take our weye ther as I yow devyse. But natheles, whiles I have tyme and space, ss Or that I forther in this tale pace. Me thinketh it acordant to resoun, To telle yow al the condicioun Of eche of hem, so as it semede me, And which they weren, and of what degre ; 40 And eek in what array that they were inne : And at a knight than wol I first bygynne. M A Knight ther was, and that a worthy man, That from the tyme that he first bigan To ryden out, he lovede chyvalrye, 45 Trouthe and honour, fredom and curtesie. Ful worthi was he in his lordes werre. And thereto hadde he riden, noman ferre. As wel in Cristendom as in hethenesse, And evere honoured for his worthinesse. 50 At Alisandre he was whan it was wonne, Ful ofte tyme he hadde the bord bygonne Aboven alle naciouns in Pruce. In Lettowe hadde he reysed and in Ruce, No cristen man so ofte of his degre. 55 In Gernade atte siesfe hadde he be Of Algesir, and riden in Belmarie. At Lieys was he, and at Satalie, THE PROLOGUE. 3 Whan they were wonne ; and in the Greete see At many a noble arive hackle he be* 60 At mortal batailles hadde he ben fiftene, And foughten for oure feith at Tramassene .In lystes thries, and ay slayn his foo. Tliis ilke worthi knight hadde ben also Sometyme with the lord of Palatye, 65 Ageyn another hethene in Turkye : And everemore he hadde a sovereyn prys. /And though that he was worthy, he was wys, And of his port as meke as is a mayde. He nevere^it no vilonye ne sayde 70 In al his lyf, unto no maner wight. He was a verray perfi^/^t gcntil knight. But for to, telle _)'Ou of his array, His hors was good, but he ne was nou^y^t ^iiy- Of fustyan he werede a gepoun 75 Al bysmotered with his habergeoun. For he was late ycome from his viage, And wente for to doon his pilgrimage. With him thcr was his sone, aj/ong SquYER, A lovyere, and a lusty bacheler, 80 With lokkes crulle as they were leyde in presse. Of twenty j^eer of age he was I gesse. Of his stature he was of evene lengthe. And wonderly delyvere, and gret of strengthe. And he hadde ben somtyme in chivachie, 85 In Flaundres, in Artoys, and Picardie, And born him wel, as in so litel space, In hope to stonden in liis lady grace. Embrowded was he, as it were a mede Al ful of fresshe floures, white and reede. 9° Syngynge he was. or floytynge, al the day ; He was as fressli as is the moneth of May. Schort was his goune, with sleeves longe and wyde. 4 THE PROLOGUE Wei cowde he sitte on hors, and faire ryde. He cowde songes make and wel endite, 95 Juste and eek daunce, and wel purtraye and write. So bote he lovede, that by nightertale He sleep nomore than doth a nightyngale. Curteys he was, lowely, and servysable, And carf byforn bis fadur at the table. 100 '*' A Ieman hadde be, and servantes nomoo At that tynie"", for him luste ryde soo ; And he was clad in coote and hood of grene. A shef of pocok arwes brighte and kene Under his belte he bar ful thriftily. 105 Wel cowde he dresse his takel j^omanly ; His arwes drowpede nou^//t with fetheres lowe. And in his bond he bar a mighty bowe. A not-heed hadde he with a broun visage. Of woode-craft wel cowde he al the usage. no Upon his arm he bar a gay bracer, And by his side a swerd and a bokeler, And on that other side a gay daggere, Harneysed wel, and scharp as poynt of spere ; A Cristofre on his brest of silver schene. us An horn he bar, the bawdrik was of grene ; A forster was he sothly, as I gesse. Ther was also a Nonne, a Prioresse, That of hire sm3dyng was ful symple and coy ; Hire gretteste 00th ne was but by seynt Loy ; 120 And sche was cleped madame Englentyne. Ful wel sche sang the servise divyne, Entuned in hire nose ful semely ; And Frensch sche spak ful faire and fetysly, After the scole of Stratford atte Bowe, 125 For Frensch of Parys was to hire unknowe. At mete wel i-taught was sche withalle ; Sche leet no morsel from hire lippes falle, THE PROLOGUE. 5 Ne wette hire fyngres in hire sauce deepe. Wei cowde sche carle a morsel, and wel keepe, 130 That no drope ne fil uppon hire breste. In curtesie was set ful moche hire leste. Hire overlippe wypede sche so clene, That in hire cuppe was no ferthing sene Of greece, whan sche dronken hadde hire draughte. 135 Ful semely after hire mete sche raughte, And sikerly sche was of gret disport, And ful plesant, and amyable of port. And peynede hire to countrefete cheere Of court, and ben estatlich of manere, 140 And to ben holden digne of reverence. But for to speken of hire conscience, Sche was so charitable and so pitous, Sche wolde weepe if that sche sawe a mous Caught in a trappe, if "It were deed or bledde, 145 Of smale houndes hadde sche, that sche fedde With rosted fleissh, or my Ik and wastel breed. But sore wepte sche if oon of hem were deed, Or if men smot it with a 3'erde smerte : And al was conscience and tendre herte. 150 Ful semely hire wymple i-pynched was ; Hire nose tretys ; hire eyen greye as glas ; Hire mouth ful smal, and therto softe and reed ; But sikerly sche hadde a fair forheed. It was almost a spanne brood, I trowe ; iss For hardily sche was not undergrowe. Ful fetys was hire cloke, as I was waar. Of smal coral aboute hire arm sche baar A peire of bedes gauded al with grene ; And theron heng a broch of gold ful schene, 160 On which was first i-write a crowned A, And after. Amor vincit omnia. 6 THE PROLOGUE. Another Nonxe with hire hadde sche, That was hire chapelleyn, and Prestes thre. t A Monk ther was, a fair for the inaistrie, 165 An out-rydere, that lovede venerye ; A manly man, to ben an abbot able. Full many a deynte hors hadde he in stable : And whan he rood, men mighte his bridel heere Gynglen in a whistlyng wynd as cleere, 170 And eek as lowde as doth the chapel belle. Ther as this lord w^as kepere of the selle, The reule of seynt Maure or of seint Beneyt, Bycause that it was old and somdel streyt, This ilke monk leet olde thinges pace, 17s And held after the newe world the trace. HejKaf nat of that text a pulled hen, That seith, that hunters been noon holy men ; Ne that a monk, whan he is reccheles Is likned to a fissch that is waterles ; 180 This is to seyn, a monk out of his cloystre. But thilke text held he not worth an ovstre. And I seide his opinioun w^as good. What schulde he studie, and make himselven wood, Uppon a book in cloystre alway to powre ; 1S5 Or swynke with his handes, and laboure, As Austyn byt? How schal the world be served? Lat Austyn have his swynk to him reserved. Therfore he was a pricasour aright ; Greyhoundes he hadde as swifte as fowel in flight ; 190 Of prikyng and of huntyng for the hare Was al his lust, for no cost wolde he spare. I saugh his sieves purfiled atte honde With grys, and that the fyneste of a londe. And for to festne his hood under his chvnne 195 He hadde of gold y-wrought a curious pynne : THE PROLOGUE. 7 A love-knotte in the grettere cnde ther was. His heed was balled, and schon as eny gUis, And eek his face as he hadde ben anoynt. He was a lord ful fiit and in good poynt ; 200 His eyen steepe, and rollyng in his heede, That stemede as a forneys of a leede ; His bootes souple, his hors in gret estate. Now certeinly he was a fair prelate ; He was not pale as a for-pyned goost. 205 A fat swan lovede he best of eny roost. His palfray was as broun as is a berye. p, A Frere ther was, a wantoun and a merye, A lymytour, a fid solenipne man. In alle the ordres foure is noon that can 210 So moche of daliaunce and fair langage. /He hadde i-mad ful many a mariage X)f j/onge wymmen, at his owne cost. Unto his ordre he was a noble post. Ful wel biloved and famulier was he 215 With frankeleyns over-al in his cuntre, And eek with worthi wommen of the toun : For he hadde jDower of confessioun, As seyde himself, more than a curat, For of his ordre he was licentiat. 220 Ful sweetely herde he confessioun, And plesaunt was his absolucioun ; He was an esy man toj'eve penance Ther as he wiste han a good pitance ; For unto a poure ordre for to _yive 225 Is signe that a man is wel i-schrive. For if he j^af, he dorste make avaunt, He wiste that a man was repentaunt. For many a man so hard is of his herte. He may not wepe although him sore smerte. 230 Therfore in stede of wepyng and preyeres, 8 THE PROLOGUE. Men mootjKive silver to the poiire freres. His typet was ay farsed ful of knyfes '^ And pynnes, for to jj/ive faire wyfes. And certaynli he hadde a mery noote ; 23* Wei couthe he synge and pleyen on a rote. Of jeddynges he bar utterly the prys. His nekke whit was as the flour-de-lys. Therto he strong was as a champioun. He' knew the tavernes wel in every toun, 240 And everych hosteller and tappestere, Bet than a lazer, or a beggestere, For unto such a worthi man as he Acordede not, as by his faculte, To han with sike lazars aqueyntaunce. 245 It is not honest, it may not avaunce, For to delen with no such poraille, But al with riche and sellers of vitaille. And overal, ther as profyt schulde arise, Curteys he was, and lowely of servyse. 250 Ther nas no man nowher so vertuous. He was the beste beggere in his hous, For though a widewe hadde noght 00 schoo, So plesaunt was his I?i frincipio^ let wolde he have a ferthing or he wente. 255 His purchas was wel better than his rente. And rage he couthe and pleyen as a whelpe, In love-dayes couthe he mochel helpe. For ther he was not like a cloysterer, With thredbare cope as is a poure scoler, 260 But he was like a maister or a pope. Of double worstede was his semy-cope, That rounded as a belle out of the presse. Somwhat he lipsede, for his wantounesse, To make his Englissch svvete upon his tunge ; 205 And in his harpyng, whan that he hadde sunge, THE PROLOGUE. 9 His eyghen twynkeld in his heed aright, As don the sterres in the frosty night. This worth i ly my tour was cleped Huberd. ^ A Marchaunt. was ther with a forked herd, 270 In motteleye, and high on horse he sat, Uppon his heed a Fhmndrisch bever hat; His botes elapsed fiiire and fetysly. His resons he spak ful solempnely, Sownynge alway thencres of his wynnynge. 275 He wolde the see were kept for eny thinge Betwixe Middelburgh and Orewelle. Wei couthe he in eschaunge scheeldes selle. This worthi man ful wel his wit bisette ; Ther wiste no man that he was in dette, 280 So estately was he of governaunce, With his bargayns, and with his chevysaunce. For sothe he was a worthi man withalle. But soth to sayn, I not what men him calle. )i - A Clerk ther was of Oxenford also, aSs That unto logik hadde longe i-go. As lene was his hors as is a rake, And he was not right fat, I undertake ; But lokede holwe, and therto soberly. Ful thredbare was his overeste courtepy, 290 For he hadde geten him yit no benefice, Ne was so worldly for to have office. For him was lever have at his beddes heede Twenty bookes, clad in blak or reede, Of Aristotle and his philosophic, 295 Then robes riche, or fithel, or gay sawtrie. But al be that he was a philosophre, \ Yet hadde he but litel gold in cofre ; But al that he mighte of his frendes hente, On bookes and on lernyng he it spente, 300 And busily gan for the soules preye lO THE PROLOGUE. Of hem thatjKaf him wherwith to scoleye, Of studie took he most cure and most heede. Not oo word spak he more than was neede, And that was seid in forme and reverence 305 And schort and quyk, and ful of high sentence. Sownynge in moral vertu was his speche, >. And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche. J A Sergeant of Lawe, war and wys, That often hadde ben atte parvys, . 310 Ther was also ful riche of excellence. Discret he was, and of gret reverence : He semede such, his wordes weren so wise, Justice he was ful often in assise, By patent, and by pleyn commissioun ; 315 For his science, and for his heih renoun, Of fees and robes hadde he many oon. So gret a purchasour was nowher noon. Al was fee symple to him in effecte. His purchasyng mighte nought ben enfecte. 320 Nowher so besy a man as he ther nas, '^ And yit he seemede besier than he was. In termes hadde he caas and domes alle, That fro the tyme of kyng William were falle. Therto he couthe endite, and make a thing, 325 Ther couthe no wight pynche at his writyng ; And every statute couthe he pleyn by roote. He rood but hoomly in a medle coote. Gird with a seynt of silk, with barres smale ; Of his array telle I no lenger tale. 330 A Frankeleyn was in his companye ; Whit was his berde, as is the dayesye. Of his complexioun he was sangwyn. Wei lovede he in the morwe a sop in wyn. To lyven in delite was al his wone, 335 For he was Epicurus owne sone, THE PROLOGUE. II That heeld opynyoun that pleyn delyt Was verraily felicite pcrfyt. An houshaldere, and that a gret, was he ; Seynt JuHan he was in his countre. 340 His breed, his ale, was alway after oon ; A bettre envyned man was nowher noon. Withoute bake mete was nevere his hous, Of fleissch and fissch, and that so plentyvous, •' Hit snewede in his hous of mete and drynke. 34s '\Oi alle deyntees that men cowde thynke. •_/ After the sondry sesouns of the j^eer. So chaungede he his mete and his soper. Ful many a fat partrich hadd ; lie in me we. And many a brem and many a luce in stewe. 350 Woo was his cook, but-if his sauce were Poynaunt and scharp, and redy al his gere. His table dormant in his halle alway Stood redy covered al the longe day. At sessiouns ther was he lord and sire. 355 Ful ofte tyme he was knight of the schire. An aulas and a gipser al of silk Heng at his gerdel, whit as morne mylk. A schirreve hadde he ben, and a countour ; Was nowher such a worthi vavasour. 360 An Haberdassher and a Carpenter, A Webbe, a Deyere, and a Tapicer, Weren with us eek, clothed in 00 lyvere, Of a solempne and gret fraternite. Ful freissh and newe here gere aplked was ; 365 Here knyfes were i-chaped nat with bras. But al with silver wrought ful clene and wel, Here gurdles and here pouches every del. Wel semede ech of hem a fair burgeys, To sitten in aj^eldehalle on a deys. 370 Ever3'ch for the wisdom that he can, 12 THE PROLOGUE. Was schaply for to ben an alderman. For catel hadde they inough and rente, And eek here wyfes vvolde it wel assente ; And elles certeyn were thei to blame. 37s It is right fair to ben yclept madame^ And for to gon to vigiles al byfore, And han a mantel riallyche i-bore. A Cook thei hailde with hem for the nones, To boyle chyknes with the mary bones, 38« And poudre-marchaunt tart, and galyngale. Wel cowde he knowe a drau^/^te of Londone ale. He cowde roste, and sethe, and broille, and frie, Maken mortreux, and wel bake a pye. But gret harm was it, as it thoughte me, 38s That on his schyne a mormal hadde he. For blankmanger he made with the beste. A ScHiPMAN was ther, wonyng fer by weste : For ought I woot, he was of Dertemouthe. He rood upon a rouncy, as he couthe, 390 In a gowne of faldyng to the kne. A daggere hangyng on a laas hadde he Aboute his nekke under his arm adoun. The hoote somer hadde maad his hew al broun ; j And certeinly he was a good felawe. 395 Ful many a draughte of wyn hadde he ydrawe From Burdeux-ward, whil that the chapman sleep. Of nyce conscience took he no keep. If that he faughte, and hadde the hei^/^er hand, By water he sente hem hoom to every land. 400 But of his craft to rekne wel his tydes. His stremes and his daungers him bisides. His herbergh and his mone, his lodemenage, Ther was non such from HuUc to Cartage. Hardy he was, and wys to undertake ; 405 With many a tempest hadde his berd ben schake. J THE PliOLOGUE. 13 He knew wel alle the havenes, as thei were, From Gootlond to the cape of Fynestere, And every crykc in Bretayne and in Spayne ; His barge y-cleped was the Magdelayne. 410 Ther was also a Doct qur of Phisik, In al this world ne was ther non him lyk To speke of phisik and of surgerye ; For he was grounded in astronomye. He kepte his pacient wonderly wel 41s In houres by his magik naturel. Wel cowde he fortunen the ascendent Of his ymages for his pacient. He knew the cause of every maladye, Were it of hoot or cold, or moyst, or drye, 420 And where engendred, and of what humour ; He was a verrey parfi^/^t practisour. The cause i-knowe, and of his harm the roote, Anon hejK^f the syke man his boote. Ful redy hadde he his apotecaries, 425 To sende him dragges, and his letuaries, For ech of hem made other for to wynne ; Here frendschipe nas not newe to begynne. Wel knew he the olde Esculapius, And Deiscorides, and eek Rufus ; 430 Old Ypocras, Haly, and Galien ; Serapyon, Razis, and Avycen ; Averrois, Damascen, and Constantyn ; Bernard, and Gatesden, and Gilbertyn. Of his diete mesurable was he, 43s For it was of no superfluite. But of gret norisching and digestible. t His stiidie was but litel on the Bible. In sangwin and in pers he clad was al, Lined with taftata and with sendal. And_yit he was but esy of dispence ; 440 14 THE PROLOGUE, He kepte that he wan in pestilence. For gold in phisik is a cordial, Therfore he lovede gold in special. A Good WiF was ther of byside Bathe, 445 But sche was somdel deef, and that was skathe. Of cloth-makyng she hadde such an haunt, Sche passede hem of Ypres and of Gaunt. In al the parisshe wyf ne was ther noon That to the offryng byforn hire schulde goon, 4so And if ther dide certe3'n so wroth was sche, That sche was out of alle charite. Hire keverchefs ful fyne weren of grounde ; I durste swere they wey^/^eden ten pounde That on a Sonday were upon hire heed. ass Hire hosen weren of fyn Scarlett reed, Ful streyte 3^-teyd, and schoos ful moj^ste and newe. Bold was hire face, and fair, and reed of hewe. Sche was a worthy worn man al hire lyfe, Housbondes at chirche dore sche hadde fyfe, 460 Withouten other companye in youthe ; But therof needeth noug-ht to speke as nouthe. And thries hadde sche ben at Jerusalem ; Sche hadde j^assed many a straunge streem ; At Rome sche hadde ben, and at Boloyne, 465 In Galice at seynt Jame, and at Coloyne. Sche cowde moche of wandryng by the weye. Gattothed was sche, sothly for to seye. Uppon an amblere esily sche sat, Ywympled wel, and on hire heed an hat 470 As brood as is a bocler or a targe ; A foot-mantel aboute hire hi pes large. And on hire feet a paire of spores scharpe. In felawschipe wel cowde sche lawghe and carpe. Of remedyes of love sche knew parchaunce, 47s For of that art sche couthe the olde daunce. %., fH THE PROLOGUE. 1$ A good man was thcr of religioun, And was a poure Persoun of a toiin ; But riche he was of hol}^ thought and werk. He was also a lerned man, a clerk 480 That Cristes gospel trewely wolde preche ; His parischens devoutly wolde he teche. . Benigne he was, and wonder diligent, And in adversite ful pacient ; And such he was i-proved ofte sithes. 48s Ful loth were him to curse for his tythes, But rather wolde he j/even out of dowte, Unto his poure parisschens aboute, Of his oftrynge, and eek of his substaunce. He cowde in litel thing han suffisaunce. 490 Wyd was his parisch, and houses fer asonder, But he ne lafte not for reyne ne thonder, In siknesse nor in meschief to visite The ferreste in his parissche, moche and lite, Uppon his feet, and in his bond a staf. 495 //This noble ensample to his scheep hej^af, 1 That first he wroughte, and after that he taughte," Out of the gospel he tho wordes caughte, And this figure he addede eek therto, That if gold ruste, what schal yren doo ? 500 For if a prest be foul, on whom we truste. No wonder is a lewed man to ruste ; And schame it is, if that a prest take kepe, A [foul] schepherde and a clene schepe ; Wei oughte a prest ensample for to j/ive, 505 By his clennesse, how that his scheep schulde lyve. He sette not his benefice to byre. And leet his scheep encombred in the myre. And ran to Londone, unto seynte Foules, To seeken liim a chaunterie for soules, 510 Or with a bretherhede to ben withholde ; lb THE PROLOGUE. r ^ \j But dwelte at hoom, and kepte wel his folde, So that the wolf ne made it not myscarye. He was a schepherde and no mercenarie ; And though he holy were, and vertuous, . 515 He was to sinful man nought dispitous, Ne of his speche daungerous ne digne, But in his teching discret and benigne. To drawe folk to heven by fairnesse, By good ensample, was his busynesse:. .^ 520 But it were eny persone obstinat, ^ What so he were, of high or lowe estat, Him wolde he snybbe scharply for the nones. A bettre preest I trowe ther nowher non is. He waytede after no pompe and reverence, 525 Ne makede him a spiced conscience, \ But Cristes lore, and his apostles twelve, j '' He taughte, and first he folwede it himselve. With him ther was a Ploughman, was his brother, That hadde i-lad of dong ful many a fother, 530 A trewe swynkere and a good was he, Lyvynge in pees and perfi^/^t charitee. God lovede he best with al his hoole herte At alle tymes, though him gamede or smerte, And thanne his neighebour right as himselve. 535 He wolde threisshe, and therto dyke and delve, For Cristes sake, with every poure wight, Withouten hyre, if it laye in his might. His tythes payede he ful f\iire and wel, Bothe of his owne swynk and his catel. S4o In a tabard he rood upon a mere. Ther was also a Reeve and a Mellere, A Sompnour and a Pardoner also, A Maunciple, and my self, ther were no mo. The Mellere was a stout carl for the nones, 545 Ful big he was of braun, and eek of boones ; THE PROLOGUE. 17 That prevede wel, for overal tlicr he cam, At wrastlynge he wolde have alwey the ram. He was schort schuldred, brood, a thikke knarre, Ther nas no dore that he nolde heve of harre, sso Or breke it at a rennyng with his heed. His herd as ony sowe or fox was reed. And theito brood, as though it were a spade. Upon the cop right of his nose he hade A werte, and theron stood a tuft of heres, sss Reede as the berstles of a sowes eeres. His nose-thurles bhike were and wyde. A swerd and bocler baar he by his side, His mouth as wyde was as a gret forneys. He was a jangler, and a golyardeys, 560 And that was most of synne and harlotries. Wel cowde he stele corn, and toUen thries ; And yet he hadde a thombe of gold parde. A whit cote and a blewe hood werede he. A baggepipe cowde he bio we and sowne, 56s And therwithal he broughte us out of towne. A gentil Maunciple was ther of a temple, Of wdiich achatours mighten take exemple For to be wys in beyying of vitaille. For whether that he payde, or took by taille, 570 Algate he waytede so in his achate, That he was ay biforn and in good state. Now is not that of God a ful fair grace. That such a lewed mannes wit schal pace The wisdom of an heep of lernede men? 575 Of maystres hadde he moo than thries ten, That were of lawe expert and curious ; Of which ther were a doseyn in that house, Worthi to ben stiwardz of rente and lond Of any lord that is in Engelond, sSo To make him lyve by his propre good, 20 THE PROLOGUE. And prively a fynch eek cowde he pulle. And if he fond owher a good felawe, He wolde techen him to han non awe In such a caas of the archedeknes curs, 6ss But-if a mannes soule were in his purs ; For in his purs he scholde punyssched be. * Purs is the erchedeknes heile,' quod he. But wel I woot he lyede right in dede ; Of cursyng oghte ech gulty man him drede; 660 For curs wol slee right as assoillyng saveth ; And also war of him a signijicavlt. In daunger hadde he at his owne assise ThejKonge gurles of the diocise, And knew here counseil, and was al here red. 665 A garland hadde he set upon his heed, As gret as it were for an ale-stake ; A bokeler hadde he maad him of a cake. With him ther rood a gentil Pardoner Of Rouncival, his frend and his comper, 670 That streyt was comen from the court of Rome. Ful lowde he sang, Com hider, love, to me. This sompnour bar to him a stif burdoun. Was nevere trompe of half so gret a soun, This pardoner hadde hcer as yelwe as wex, 67s But smothe it heng, as doth a strike of flex ; By unces hynge his lokkes that he hadde, And therwith he his schuldres overspradde. Ful thinne it lay, by culpons on and oon, But hood, for jolitee, ne werede he noon, 680 For it was trussed up in his walet. Him thoughte he rood al of the newe get, Dischevele, sauf his cappe, he rood al bare. Suche glaryng ey^/^en hadde he as an hare. A vernicle hadde he sowed on his cappe. 685 His walet lay byforn him in his lappe, THE PROLOGUE. 21 Bret-ful of pardoun come from Rome al hoot A voys he hadde as smal as eny goot. No herd ne hadde he, ne nevere scholde have, As smothe it was as it were kite i-schave ; 690 But of his craft, fro Berwyk into Ware, Ne was ther such another pardoner. For in his male he hadde a pilwebeer, Which that, he seide, was oure lady veyl : 695 He seide, he hadde a, gobet of the seyl That seynt Peter hadde, whan that he wente Uppon the see, til Jhesu Crist him hente. He hadde a cros of latoun ful of stones, And in a glas he hadde pigges bones. 700 But with thise reliques, whanne that he fond A poure persoun dwellyng uppon lond, Upon a day he gat him more moneye Than that the persoun gat in monthes tweye. And thus with feyned flaterie and japes, 705 He made the persoun and the people his apes. But trewely to tellen atte laste, He was in churche a noble ecclesiaste. Wei cowde he rede a lessoun or a storye. But altherbest he sang an offertorie ; 710 For wel he wyste, whan that song was songe, He moste preche, and wel affyle his tonge. To Wynne silver, as he right wel cowde ; Therefore he sang ful meriely and lowde. Now have I toldjvou schortly in a clause ^"^^ 715 Thestat, tharray, the nombre, and eek the cause Why that assembled was this companye In Southwerk at this gentil hostelrie. That highte the Tabard, faste by the Belle. But now is tyme to yow for to telle 720 How that we bare us in that ilke night, 22 THE PROLOGUE. Whan we were in that hosteh-ie alight ; And after wol I telle of oure viage, And al the remenaunt of oure pilgrimage. But first I prayj/ou of your curtesie, 725 That^e ne rette it nat my vileinye, Though that I speke al pleyn in this matere, To telle you here wordes and here cheere ; Ne though I speke here wordes properly. For this ye knowen also wel as I, 730 Whoso schal telle a tale after a man, He moot reherce, as neigh as evere he can, Everych a word, if it be in his charge, Al speke he nevere so rudelyche and large ; Or elles he moot telle his tale untrewe, 73s Or feyne thing, or fynde wordes newe. He may not spare, although he were his brother ; He moot as wel seyn 00 word as another. Crist spak himself ful broode in holy writ. And wel ye woot no vileinye is it. 740 Eek Plato seith, whoso that can him rede, The wordes mote be cosyn to the dedei Also I praye ^ou to foi^eve it me, Al have I nat set folk in here degre Here in this tale, as that thei schulde stonde ; ~ 74s My witt is schort, jKe may wel understonde. Greet cheere made oure host us everichon, And to the souper sette he us anon ; And servede us with vitaille atte beste. Strong was the wyn, and wel to drynke us leste. 750 A semely man oure boost he was withalle For to ban been a marschal in an halle ; A large man he was with Qyg-JiQn stepe, A fiiirere burgeys was ther noon in Chepe : Bold of his speche, and wys and wel i-taught, 7ss And of manhede him lakkede right naught. THE PROLOGUE, 23 Eek therto he was right a mery man, And after soper phiyen he bygan, And spak of myrtlie amonges othre thinges, Whan that we hadde maad our rekenynges ; 760 And sayde thus : ' Lo, lordynges, trewely 2e ben to me right welcome hertely : P'or by my trouthe, if that I schal not lye, I ne saugh thisj^eer so mery a companye At oones in this herbergh as is now. 76s Fayn wolde I don jkow mirthe, wiste I how. And of a mirthe I am right now bytliought, To doonjvou eese, and it schal coste nought. 2e goon to Caunturbury ; God jkou speede, The blisful martir quyte_you _youre meede ! 770 And wel 1 woot, asj^e gon by the weye, 2e schapen jvow to talen and to pleye ; For trewely comfort ne mirthe is noon. To ryde by the weye domb as a stoon ; And therfore wol 1 makenj^ou disport, 77s As I seyde erst, and do j^ou som confort. And if j^ow liketh alle by oon assent Now for to standen at my juggement ; And for to werken as I schal jkou seye. To morvve, whanj^e riden by the weye, 780 Now by my fadres soule that is deed, Butjve be merye, smyteth of myn heed. Hold up j-'oure bond withoute more speche.' Oure counseil was not longe for to seche ; Us thoughte it nas nat worth to make it wys, 785 And grauntede him withoute more avys, And bad him seie his verdite, as him leste. ' Lordynges,' quoth he, ' now herkneth for the beste ; But taketh it not, I prayejvou, in disdayn ; This is the poynt, to speken schort and playn, i^ That ech of jkow to schorte v/ith j^oure weie. 24 THE PROLOGUE. * In this viage, schal telle tales tweye, To Caunturburi-ward, I mene it so, And horn-ward he schal tellen other tuo, Of aventures that whilom han bifalle. 79s And which of j^ovv that bereth him best of alle, That is to seyn, that telleth in this caas Tales of best sentence and most solas, Schal han a soper at jvoure alther cost Here in this place sittynge by this post, &» Whan that we come ageyn from Canturbury And for to maken_)/ou the more mery, I wol myselven gladly with jj/ou i"y*^^' Right at myn owen cost, and be_youre gyde. And whoso vvole my juggement withseie 80s Schal paye al that we spenden by the weye. And if _ye vouchesauf that it be so. Telle me anoon, withouten wordes moo, And I wole erely schape me therfore.' This thing was graunted, and oure othes swore 810 With ful glad herte, and pray den him also That he wolde vouchesauf for to doon so, And that he wolde ben oure governour, And of oure tales jugge and reportour, And sette a souper at a certeyn prys ; 815 And we wolde rewled be at his devys. In heygh and lowe ; and thus by oon assent We been acorded to his juggement. , And therupon the wyn was fet anoon ; We dronken, and to reste wente echoon, 820 Withouten eny lengere taryinge. A morwe whan the day bigan to sprynge. Up roos oure host, and was oure alther cok, And gadrede us togidre alle in a flok. And forth we riden a litel more than paas, 825 Unto the waterynge of seint Thomas. TEE PROLOGUE. 25 And there oure host bigan his hors areste, And seyde ; ' Lordes, herkeneth if yo\\r leste. 2e vvoote joure forward, and I it you. recorde. If even-song and morwe-song accorde, 830 Lat se now who schal telle tirst a tale. As evere I moot drinke wyn or ale, Whoso be rebel to my juggement Schal paye for al that by the weye is spent. Now draweth cut, er that we forther twynne ; 83s Which that hath the schorteste schal bygynne/ * Sire knight,' quoth he, ' my maister and my lord, Now draweth cut, for that is myn acord. Cometh ner,' quoth he, ' my lady prioresse ; And ye. sir clerk, lat bejoure schamfastnesse, 840 Ne studieth nat ; ley hand to, every man.' Anon to drawen every wight bigan. And schortly for to tellen as it was, Were it by aventure, or sort, or cas, The soth is this, the cut hi to the knight, 84s Of which ful blithe and glad w^as every wight; And telle he moste his tale as was resoun. By forward and by composicioun, As jKe han herd ; what needeth wordes moo.? And whan this goode man seigh that it was so, 850 As he that wys was and obedient • To kepe his forward by his fre assent, He seyde : ' Syn I schal bygynne the game, What, welcome be thou cut, a Goddes namel Now lat us ryde, and herkneth what I seye.' 855 And with that word we riden forth oure weye , And he bigan with right a merie chere His tale anon, and seide in this manere. THE KNIGHTES TALE. Whilom, as olde stories tellen us, Ther was a duk that bighte Theseus ; Of Athenes he was lord and governour, And in his tyme swich a conquerour, That grettere was ther non under the sonne. s Ful many a riche contre hadde he wonne ; That with his wisdam and his chivah-ie He conquerede al the regne of Femynye, That whilom was i-cleped Cithea ; And weddede he the queen Ipolita, lo And broughte hire hoom with him in his contre With moche glorie and gret solempnite, And eek hire _yonge suster Emelye. And thus with victorie and with melodye Lete I this noble duk to Athenes ryde, 15 And al his host, in armes him biside. And certes, if it nere to longe to heere, I wolde han told jj^ow fully the manere, How wonnen was the regne of Femenye By Theseus, and by his chivalrye ; z 77//; KMdllTF.S TALE. 35 W'ost thou nat wcl the olde clcrkes sawe, 30$ That who schal^cvc a lover eny lawe? Love is a grettere lawe, by my pan, 'J'hen may be^cve to eny erthly man. Tlierfore posityf lawe, and such decre, Is broke alday for love in ech degree. 3«o A man moot nucdcii love maugre his heed. He may nought flcn it, though he schulde be deed, Al be sche mayde, or widewe, or elles wyf. And eek it is nat likly al thy lyf To stonden in hire grace, no more schal I ; 31s For wel thou wost thyselven vcrraily, That thou and I been dampned to prisoun Perpetuelly, us gayneth no raunsoun. We stryve, as dide the houndes for the boon, They foughte al day, anrl^it here part was noon ; 3*0 Ther com a kyte, whil that they were so wrothe, And bar awey the boon bitwixe hem bothe. And therfore at the kynges court, my brother, ^Ech man for himself, ther is non other. Love if the list ; for I love and ay schal ; 325 And sothly, leeve brother, this is al. Here in this prisoun moote we endure. And everych of us take his aVenture.* Gret was the stryf anrl long bytwixe hem tweye. If that I hadde leyser for to seye ; 130 }5ut to theffect. — Tt happede on a day, (To telle it^ow as schortly as I may) A worthy duk that highte Perotheus, That fclawe was unto duk Theseus Syn thilke day that they were chihlren lyte, 335 Was come to Athenes, his felawe to visite, And for to pleye, as he was wont to do, For in this world he lovede noman so: And he lovede him as tenderly agayn. 36 THE KNIGHTES^ALE. So wel they lovede, as olde bookes sayn, 340. That whan that oon was deed, sothly to telle, His felawe wente and soughte him doun in helle ; But of that story lyst me nought to write. Duk Perotheus lovede wel Arcite, And hadde him knowe at Thebes jKeer by _yeer ; 34s And fynally at requeste and prayer Of Perotheus, withouten any raunsoun Duk Theseus him leet out of prisoun, Frely to gon, wher that him luste overal, . In such a gyse, as 1 you telle schal. 350 This was the forward, playnly for tendite, Bitwixe Theseus and him Arcite : That if so were, that Arcite were yfounde Evere in his lyf, by daye or night, o stound In eny contr^ of this Theseus, 3ss And he were caught, it was acorded thus, That with a swerd he scholde lese his heed ; Ther nas noon other remedy ne reed, But took his leeve, and homward he him spedde ; Let him be war, his nekke lith to wedde. 360 How gret a sorwe suffreth now Arcite ! The deth he feleth thurgh his herte smyte ; He weepeth, weyleth, cryeth pitously ; To slen himself he wayteth pryvyly. He seyde, ' Alias the day that I was born ! 36s Now is my prisoun werse than biforn ; Now is me schape eternally to dwelle Nought in purgatorie, but in helle. Alias ! that evere knew I Perotheus ! For elles hadde I dweld with Theseus 370 I-fetered in his prisoun evere moo. Than hadde I ben in blisse, and nat in woo. Oonly the sighte of hire, whom that I serve. Though that I nevere hire grace may deserve, THE KNIGHTES TALE. ^ 37 Wolde han sufficed right ynough for me}> 37s O dere cosyn Palamon,' quod he, ' Thyn is the victoire of this aventure, Ful bhsfully in prisoun maistow dure ; In prisoun? certes nay, but in paradys ! Wei hath fortune y-torned the the dys, 380 That hast the sighte of hire, and I thabsence. For possible is, syn thou hast hire presence, And art a knight, a worthi and an able, That by soni cas, syn fortune is chaungable, Thou maist to thy desir somtyme atteyne. 38s But I that am exiled, and bareyne Of alle grace, and in so gret despeir. That ther nys erthe, water, fyr, ne eyr, Ne creature, that of hem maked is, That may me helpe or doon confort in this. 390 Wei oughte I sterve in wanhope/ and distresse ; Farwel my lyf, my lust, and my gladnesse. Alias, why playnen folk so in comune Of purveance of God, or of fortune. That jKeveth hem ful ofte in many a gyse 39s Wei better than thei can hemself devyse? Som man desireth for to han richesse. That cause is of his morthre or gret seeknesse. And som man wolde out of his prisoun fayn, That in his hous is of his mayne slayn. 400 Infinite harmes ben in this mateere ; We witen nat what thing we prayen heere. We faren as he that dronke is as a mows. A dronke man wot wel he hath an hous. But he not which the righte wey is thider, 40s And to a dronke man the wey is slider. And certes in this world so faren we ; We seeken faste after felicite. But we gon wrong ful ofte trewely. 38 THE KNIOETES TALE. Thus may we seyen alle, and namelyche I, 410 That wende and hadde a gret opinloun, ThatjKif I mighte skape fro prisoun, Than hadde I ben in joye and perfyt hele, Ther now I am exiled fro mj^ wele. Syn that I may not sen_yow, Emel3'e, 415 I nam but deed ; ther nys no remedj^e.' Uppon that other syde Pahimon, Whan that he wiste Arcite was agoon, Such sorwe he maketh, that the grete tour Resowneth of his j^ollyng and clamour. 420 The pure fettres on his schynes grete Weren of his bittre salte teres wete. ■ ' Alias ! ' quod he, ' Arcita, cosyn myn, Of al oure strif, God woot, the fruyt is thin. Thow walkest now in Thebes at thi large, 425 And of my woo thouj/evest litel charge. Thou maist, syn thou hast wysdom and manhede, Assemblen al the follv of oure kynrede, And make a werre so scharpe on this cite, That by som aventure, or som trete, 430 Thou mayst have hire to lady and to wyf, j For whom that I mot needes leese my l^'f. For as by wey of possibilite, Syth thou art at thi large of prisoun free, And art a lord, gret is thin avantage, 43s More than is myn, that sterve here in a kage. For I moot weepe and weyle, whil I lyve. With al the woo that prisoun may mejvyve, And eek with peyne that love me _yeveth also, That doubleth al my torment and my wo.' 440 Therwith the fyr of jelousye upsterte Withinne his breste, and hente him by the herte So wgdly, that he lik was to byholde The box-tree, or the asschen deede and colde. THE KNIOHTES TALE. 39 Tho seyde he : ' O cruel goddes, that governe 445 This world with byndyng of jKOure word eterne, And writen in the table of athamaunte 2bure parlement, and jKOure eterne graimte ! What is mankynde more unto j^ow holde Than is the scheep, that rouketh in the folde? 450 For slayn is man right as another beest, And dwelleth eek in prisoun and arreest, And hath seknesse, and greet adversite, And ofte tymes gilteles, parde. What governaunce is in this prescience, 455 That gilteles tormenteth innocence ? And j)/et encreceth this al my penaunce, That man is bounden to his observaunce For Goddes sake to letten of his wille, Ther as a beest may al his lust fulfiUe. 460 / And whan a beest is deed, he hath no peyne ; . But man after his deth moot wepe and pleyne, Though in this w^orld he have care and woo : Withouten doute it may stonde so. The answere of this I lete to divinis, 46s But wel I woot, that in this world gret pyne is. Alias ! I se a serpent or a theef, That many a trewe man hath doon mescheef, Gon at his large, and wher him lust may turne. But I moot ben in prisoun thurgh Saturne, 470 And eek thurgh Juno, jalous and eek wood, That hath destruved wel neyh al the blood Of Thebes, with his waste walles wyde. And Venus sleeth me on that other syde For jelousye, and fere of him Arcyte.' X^\j"^^^ 47s Now wol I stynte of Palamon a lite, And lete him in his prisoun stille dwelle, And of Arcita forth I wol you telle. The somer passeth, and the nightes longe \ 40 THE KNIGHTES TALE. Encrescen double wise the peynes stronge 480 Bothe of the lover and the prisoner. I noot which hath the wofuUere nij^ster. For schortly for to seyn, this Palamon Perpetuelly is dampned to prisoun, In cheynes and in fettres to be deed ; 4Ss And Arcite is exiled upon his heed For evere mo as out of that contre, Ne nevere mo he schal his lady see. 2ow loveres axe I now this question, Who hath the worse, Arcite or Palamon.'^ 490 That on may se his lady day by day, But in prisoun he moste clwelle alway. That other wher him lust may ryde or go, But seen his lady schal he nevere mo. Now (ieemeth asj^ou luste, j/e that can, 495 For I wol telle forth as I bigan. Whan that Arcite to Thebes comen was, Ful ofte a day he swelte and seyde alas, For seen his lady schal he nevere mo. And schortly to concluden al his wo, 500 So moche sorwe hadde nevere creature, That is or schal whil that the world may dure. His sleep, his mete, his drynk is him by raft, That lene he wex, and drye as is a schaft. His eyen holwe, and grisly to biholde ; 505 His hew^e falwe„, and pale as asschen colde. And solitary he was, and evere alone. And waill3^ng al the night, making his moone. And if he herde song or instrument, Then wolde he wepe, he mighte nought be stent; 510 So feble eek were his spirites, and so lovve. And chaunged so, that no man couthe knowe His speche nother his vois, though men it herde. And in his geere, for al the world he ferde THE KXIGIITES TALE. 4I Nought oonly lyke the lovers maladye 515 Of Hereos, but rather Hk manye Engendred of humour melancolyk, Byforen in his sella fantastyk. And schortly turned was al up-so-doun Bothe habyt and eek disposicioun 52° Of him, this woful lovere daun Arcite. What schulde I alday of his wo endite? Whan he endured hadde a _yeer or tuoo This cruel torment, and this peyne and woo, At Thebes, in his contre, as I seyde, 525 Upon a night in sleep as he him leyde, Him thoughte how that the wenged god Mercuric Byforn him stood, and bad him to be mury e. His slepy jerde in bond he bar uprighte ; An hat he werede upon his heres brighte. 530 Arrayed was this god (as he took keepe) As he was whan that Argons took his sleepe ; And seyde him thus : ' To Athenes schalt thou wende ; Ther is the schapen of thy wo an ende.' And with that word Arcite wook and sterte. 535 ' Now trewely how sore that me smerte.' Qiiod he, ' to Athenes ri^7^t now wol I fare ; Ne for the drede of deth schal I not spare To see my lady, that I love and serve ; In hire presence I recche nat to sterve.' S4o And with that word he caughte a gret myrour, And saugh that chaunged was al his colour. And sauofh his visas^e al in another kvnde. And right anoon it ran him into mynde, That sith his face was so disfigured 545 Of maladie the which he hadde endured. He miofhte wel, if that he bar him lovve, Lyve in Athenes evere more unknowe. And seen his lady wel neih day by day. 42 THE KNIGHTES TALE. And right anon he chaungede his aray, sso And cladde him as a poure laborer. And al alone, save oonly a squyer, That knew his pryvyte and al his cas, Which was disgysed povrely as he was, To Athenes is he gon the nexte way. sss And to the court he wente upon a day, And at the jK^te he profrede his servyse, To drugge and drawe, what so men wol devyse. And schortly of this matier for to seyn, He fel in office with a chamberleyn, 560 The which that dwellyng was with Emelye ; For he was wys, and couthe sone aspye Of every servaunt, which that servede here. Wei couthe he hewe woode, and water bere, For he was_yong and mighty for the nones, 55 And therto he was strong and bygge of bones To doon that eny wight can him devyse. Aj/eer or two he was in this servise, Page of the chambre of Emelye the brighte ; And Philostrate he seide that he highte. 570 But half so wel byloved a man as he Ne was ther nevere in court of his degree. He was so gentil of condicioun, That thurghout al the court was his renoun. They seyde that it were a charite 57s That Theseus wolde enhaunse his desrree, And putten him in worschipful servyse, Ther as he mighte his vertu exercise. And thus v^ithinne a while his name is spronge Bothe of his dedes, and his goode tonge, 580 That Theseus hath taken him so neer. That of his chambre he made him a squyer, And _yaf him gold to mayntene his degree ; And eek men broughte him out of his country THE KXIGIITES TALE. 43 Fro yeer to j/eer fiil pryvyly his rente ; 58s But honestly and sleighly he it spente, That no man wondrede how that he it hadde. And thre_yeer in this wise his lyf he Ladde, And bar him so in pees and eek in werre, Thcr nas no man that Theseus hath derre. 590 And in this bhsse lete I now Arcite, And speke I wole of Pahimon a lyte. In derknesse and iiorrible and strong prisoun This seven _yeer hath seten Pahimoun, Forpyned, what for woo and for distresse. 595 Who feleth double sorwe and hevynesse But Pahimon? that love destreyneth so, That wood out of his wit he goth for wo ; And eek therto he is a prisoner Perpetuelly, nat oonly for a _yeer. 600 Who couthe ryme in Englissch proprely His martirdam ? for sothe it am nat I ; Therfore I passe as lightly as I may. Hit fel that in the seventhe j'eer in ]May The thridde night, (as olde bookes seyn, 605 That al this storie tellen more pleyn) Were it by aventure or destine, (As, whan a thing is schapen, it schal be,) That sqone after the mydnvght, Palamoun By helpyng of a freend brak his prisoun, 610 And fleeth the cite faste as he may goo. For he hadde j^ive his gayler drinke soo Of a clarre, maad of a certeyn wyn, With nercotyks and opye of Thebes fyn, That al that night though that men wolde him schake, 615 The gayler sleep, he mighte nou^//t awake. And thus he fleeth as faste as evere he may. The night was schort, and faste by the day, That needes-cost he moste himselven hyde, 44 'J^IiE KNIQHTES TALE. And til a grove faste ther besyde 620 With dredful foot than stalketh Palamoun. For schortl}'' this was his opynyoun, That in that grove he w^olde him hyde al day, And in the night then wolde he take his way To Thebes-ward, his frendes for to preye 625 On Theseus to helpe him to werreye ; And schortehche, or he wolde lese his lyf, Or wynnen Emelye unto his wyf. This is theffect and his entente playn. Now wol I torne unto Arcite agayn, 630 That litel wiste how nyh that was his care, Til that fortune hadde brought him in the snare. The busy larke, messager of daye, Salueth in hire song the morwe graye ; And fyry Phebus ryseth up so brighte, 635 That al the orient laugheth of the lighte, And with his stremes drveth in the greve^ The silver dropes, hongyng on the leeves. And Arcite, that is in the court ryal With Theseus, his squyer principal, 640 Is risen, and loketh on the merye day. And for to doon his observance to May, Remembryng on the poynt of his desir, He on his courser, stertyng as the fir. Is riden into the feeldes him to pleye, 645 Out of the court, were it a myle or tweye. And to the grove, of which that I yo\N tolde, By aventure his wey he gan to holde. To maken him a garland of the greves. Were it of woodebynde or hawthorn leves, 650 And lowde he song aj^ens the sonne scheene ; ^May, with alle thy floures and thy greene, Welcome be thou, wel faire freissche Ma}^, I hope that I som ^rene gete may,' THE KNIGHTES TALE. 45 And fro his courser, with a lusty herte, 655 Into the grove ful hastily he sterte, And in a path he rometh up and doun, Ther as by aventure this Palamoun Was in a busche, that no man mighte him see, For sore afered of his deth was he. 660 Nothinof ne knew he that it was Arcite : God wot he wolde han trowed it ful lite. But soth is seyd, goon sithen manyj/eres, That fold hath eyen, and the woode hath eeres. It is ful fair a man to here him evene, 665 For al day meteth men at unset stevene. Ful litel woot Arcite of his felawe, That was so neih to herken al his sawe, For in the busche he sytteth now ful stille. Whan that Arcite hadde romed al his fille, 670 And songen al the roundel lustily, Into a studie he fel al sodeynly. As don thes lovers in here queynfe geeres, Now in the croppe, now doun in the breres, Now up, now doun, as boket in a vvelle. 67s Right as the Friday, sothly for to telle. Now it schyneth, now it reyneth faste, Right so can gery Venus overcaste The hertes of hire folk, right as hire day Is gerful, right so chaungeth sche aray. 680 Selde is the Fryday al the wyke i-like. Whan that Arcite hadde songe, he gan to jjke, And sette him doun withouten eny more : ' Alas ! ' quod he, ' that day that I was bore ! How longe Juno, thurgh thy cruelte, 68c Wiltow werreyen Thebes the citee? Alias ! i-brouW^t is to confusioun The blood royal of Cadme and Amphioun ; Of Cadmus, which that was the firste man 46 THE KNIGHTES TALE. That Thebes bulde, or first the toim bygan, oyo And of that cite first was crowned kyng, Of his lynage am I, and his ofspring By verray lyne, as of the stok ryal : And now I am so caytyf and so thral, That he that is my mortal enemy, 69s I serve him as his squyer povrely. And yet doth Juno me w^el more schame, For I dar nought byknowe myn owne name, But ther as I was w^ont to bote Arcite, Now hoote I Philostrate, nou^/^t worth a myte. 7°° Alias ! thou felle Mars, alias ! Juno, Thus hathjKoure ire owre kynrede al/ordo, Save oonly me, and wrecched Palamoun, That Theseus martyreth in prisoun. And over al this, to sleen me utterly, 705 Love hath his fyry dart so brennyngly I-styked thurgh my trewe careful herte. That schapen was my deth erst than my scherte. 2e slen me with j^oure eyhen, Emelye ; 2e ben the cause wherfore that I dye. 710 Of al the remenant of myn other care Ne sette I nought the mountaunce of a tare, So that I couthe don aught toj^oure plesaunce.' And with that word he fel doun in a traunce A long tyme ; and afterward he upsterte 71s This Palamon, that thoughts thurgh his herte He felte a cold swerd sodeynliche gljde ; For ire he quook, no lenger nolde he byde. And whan that he hadde herd Arcites tale, As he were wood, with face deed and pale, 720 He sterte him up out of the bussches thikke. And seyde : ' Arcyte, false traitour wikke. Now art thou Jient, that lovest my lady so. For whom that I have al this peyne and wo, THE KNIGHTES TALE. 47 And art my blood, and to my counscil sworn, 725 As I ful ofte have told the heere byforn, And hastbyjaped here duk Theseus, And falsly chaunged hast thy name thus ; I wol be deed, or elles thou schalt dye. Thou schalt not love my lady Emelye, 73«* But I wil love hire oonly and no mo ; For I am Palamon thy mortal fo. And though that I no wepen have in this place, But out of prisoun am y-stert by grace, I drede not that other thou schalt dye, 735 Or thou ne schalt not loven Emelye. Ches which thou wilt, for thou schalt not astcrte/ This Arcite, with ful dcspitous hertc, Whan he him knew, and hadde his tale herd, As fers as lyoun pullede out a swerd, 740 And seide thus : ' By God that sit above, Nere it that thou art sike and wood for love. And eek that thou no wepne hast in this place. Thou schuldest nevere out of this grove pace. That thou ne schuldest deyen of myn bond. 745 For I defye the seurte and the bond Which that thou seyst I have maad to the. .What, verray fool, think wel that love is fre ! And I wol love hire mawgre al thy might. But, for as muche thou art a worthy knight, 75° And wilnest to dereyne hire by batayle, Have heer my trouthe, to morwe I nyl not fayle, Withouten wityng of eny other wight. That heer I wol be founden as a knight, And brvnsren harnevs ri^^ht inousfh for the ; 7SS And ches the beste, and lef the worste for me. And mete and drynke this night wil I brynge Inough for the, and clothes for thy beddynge. And if so be that thou my lady wynne, 48 THE KNIQHTES TALE, And sle me in this woode ther I am irine, 760 Thou maist wel han thy lady as for me.' This Palamon answerede : ' I graunte it the.' And thus they ben departed til a-morwe, When ech of hem hadde leyd his feith to borwe. O Cupide, out of alle charite ! 76s O regne, that wolt no felawe han with the ! Ful soth is seyd, that love ne lordschipe Wol not, his thonkes, han no felaweschipe. Wel fynden that Arcite and Palamoun. Arcite is riden anon unto the toun, 770 And on the morwe, or it were dayes light, Ful prively two barneys hath he dight, Bothe suffisaunt and mete to darreyne The batayle in the feeld betvvix hem tweyne. And on his hors, alone as he was born, 77s He caryeth al this barneys him byforn ; And in the grove, at tyme and place i-set. This Arcite and this Palamon ben met. Tho chaungen gan the colour in here face. Right as the honter in the regne of Trace 780 That stondeth in the gappe with a spere, Whan honted is the lyoun or the here. And hereth him come ruschyng in the greves, And breketh bothe bowes and the leves, And thinketh, ' Here cometh my mortel enemy, 785 Withoute faile, he mot be deed or I ; For eyther I mot slen him at the gappe. Or he moot sleen me, if that me myshappe : ' So ferden they, in chaungyng of here hewe, As fer as everich of hem other knewe. 790 Ther nas no good day, ne no saluyng ; But streyt withouten wordes rehersyng, Everych of hem help for to armen other. As frendly as he were his owne brother ; THE KNIOHTES TALE. 49 And after that with scharpe speres stronge 7qs They foynen ech at other wonder longe. Thou myghtest wene that this Pahimon In his fightyng were as a wood lyoun, And as a cruel tygre was Arcite : As wilde boores gonne they to smyte, 800 That frothen white as fome for ire wood. Up to the ancle foughte they in here blood. And in this wise I lete hem fightyng dwelle ; And forth I wol of Theseus jkovv telle. The destyne, mynistre general, 80s That executeth in the world over-al The4Durvcauns, that God hath seyn byforn ; So strong it is, that though the world hadde sworn The contrary of a thing byj^e or nay, 2et somtyme it schal falle upon a day 810 That falleth nought eft withinne a thousend j^eere. For certeynly oure appetites heere, Be it of werre, or pees, or hate, or love, Al is it reuled by the sighte above. This mene I now by mighty Theseus, 81= That for to honten is so desirous. And namely at the grete hert in iSIay, That in his bedde ther daweth him no day, That he nys clad, and redy for to ryde With honte and horn, and houndes him byside. 820 For in his hontyng hath he such delyt. That it is al his joye and appet\'t To been himself the grete hertes bane, For after jSIars he serveth now Diane. Cleer was the day, as I have told or this, 825 And Theseus, with alle joye and blj-s, With his Ypolita, the fayre queene, And Emelye, clothed al in greene. On honting be thay riden ryally. 4 50 THE KNIGHTES TALE. And to the grove, that stood fid faste by, 830 In which ther was an hert as men him tolde, Duk Theseus the streyte wey hath holde. And to the launde he rydeth him ful righte. For thider was the hert wont have his flighte, And over a brook, and so forth in his weye. 835 This duk wol have a cours at him or tvveye With houndes, swiche as that him lust comaunde. And whan this duk was come unto the launde, Under the sonne he loketh, and anon He was war of Arcite and Palamon, 8^0 That fougfhten breeme, as it were boores tuo ; The brio:hte swerdes wente to and fro So hidously, that with the leste strook It seemede as it wolde felle an 00k ; But what they were, nothing he ne woot. 845 This duk his courser with his spores smoot, And at a stert he was betwix hem tuoo. And pullede out a swerd and cride, ' Hoo ! Nomore, up peyne of leesyng of youv heed. By mighty Mars, he schal anon be deed, 850 That smyteth eny strook, that 1 may seen ! But telleth me what mester men ye been, That ben so hardy for to fighten heere Withoute jugge or other officere, As it were in a lystes really? ' 855 This Palamon answerde hastily, And seyde : ' Sire, what nedeth wordes mo? We ban the deth deserved bothe tuo. Tuo woful wrecches been we, and kaytyves, That ben encombred of oure owne lyves ; 86q And as thou art a rightful lord and juge, Ne _yeve us neyther mercy ne refuge. And sle me first, for seynte charite ; But sle my felavve eek as wel as me. THE KNIGHTES TALE. 51 Or sle him first ; for, though thou knovvc it lyte, 86s This is thy mortal fo, this is Arcite, That fro thy lond is banyscht on his heed, For which he hath deserved to be deed. For this is he that com unto thi gate And seyde, that he highte Philostrate. 870 Thus hath he japed the ful many a j^er, And thou hast maked him thy cheef squyer. And this is he that loveth Emelye. For sith the day is come that I schal dye, I make pleynly my confessioun, 87s That I am thilke vvoful Palamoun, That hath thy prisoun broke wikkedly. I am thy mortal foo, and it am I That loveth so hoote Emelj^e the brighte, That I wol dye present in hire sighte. 880 Therfore I aske deeth and my juwyse ; But slee my felawe in the same W3se, For bothe han we deserved to be slayn.' This worthy duk answerde anon agayn, And seide, ' This is a schort conclusioun : 8S5 lour owne mouth, byjKour confessioun. Hath dampned j^ou, and I wil it recorde. It nedeth nought to pyne yow with the corde. 2e schul be deed by mighty Mars the reede ! ' The queen anon for verray wommanhede 890 Gan for to wepe, and so dede Emelye, And alle the ladies in the companye. Gret pite was it, as it thoughte hem alle, That evere such a chaunce schulde falle ; For gentil men thei were, of grot estate, 895 And nothins: but for love was this debate. And sawe here bloody woundes wyde and sore ; And alio crvden, bothe Jesse, and more, ' Have mercy, Lord, upon us worn men alle ! ' 52 THE KNIQHTES TALE. And on here bare knees adoim they falle, 900 And wolde han kist his feet ther as he stood, Til atte laste aslaked was his mood; ( For pite renneth sone in gentil herte. And though he first for ire quok and sterte, He hath considerd shortly in a clause, 905 The trespas of hem bothe, and eek the cause : And although that his ire here gylt accusede, 2et in his resoun he hem bothe excusede ; And thus he thouglite wel that every man Wol helpe himself in love if that he can, 910 And eek delyvere himself out of prisoun ; And eek his herte hadde compassioun Of vi^ommen, for they w^epen evere in oon ; And in his gentil herte he thoughte anoon. And softe unto himself he seyde : ' Fy gis Upon a lord that vvol han no mere}', But be a lyoun bothe in word and dede, To hem that ben in repentaunce and drede, As wel as to a proud dispitous man, That wol maynteyne that he first bigan ! 920 That lord hath litel of discrecioun. That in such caas can no divisioun ; But weyeth pride and humblesse after oon.' And schortly, whan his ire is thus agon, He gan to loken up with eyen lighte, 925 And spak these same wordes al in highte. ' The god of love, a ! benedicite^ How mighty and how gret a lord is he ! Agayns his might ther gayneth non obstacles. He may be cleped a god for his miracles ; 930 For he can maken at his owne gyse Of everych herte, as that him lust devyse. Lo her this Arcite and this Palamoun, That quytly wcren out of my prisoun, THE KNIGHTES TALE. 53 And mighte han lyved in Thebes ryally, 935 i\nd witen I am here mortal enemy, And that here deth Hth in my might also, And jKet hath love, maugre here eygh^n tuo, I-broLight hem hider bothe for to dye. Now loketh, is nat that an heih folye? 940 Who may not ben a fool, if that he love? Byhold for Goddes sake that sit above, Se how they blede ! be they nought wel arrayed ? Thus hath here lord, the god of love, y-payed Here v^agres and here fees for here servise. 945 And yet they wenen for to ben ful wise That serven love, for ought that may bifalle. But this isjKet the beste game of alle, That sche, for whom they han this jolitee, Can hem therfore as moche thank as me. 950 Sche woot no more of al this hoote fare, By God, than wot a cuckow or an hare. But al moot ben assayed, hoot and cold ; A man moot ben a fool or_yong or old ; '» I woot it by myself ful _yore agon : 955 For in my tyme a servant was I on. And therfore, syn I knowe of loves peyne, And wot how sore it can a man destreyne. As he that hath ben caught ofte in his lace, I you forj^eve al holly this trespace, 960 At request of the queen that kneleth heere. And eek of Emelye, my suster deere. And ye schul bothe anon unto me swere, That neveremo ye schul my corowne dere, Ne make werre upon me night ne day, 965 But ben my freendes in al that ye may. I ^ow for_yeve this trespas every del.' And they him swore his axyng fayre and wel. And him of lordschipe and of mercy prayde, 54 THE KNIGHTES TALE. And he hem graunteth grace, and thus he sayde : Q70 ' To speke of real lynage and richesse, Though that sche were a queen or a pryncesse, Ech of _yow bothe is worthy douteles To wedden when tyme is, but natheles I speke as for my suster Emelye, 975 For whom ye han this stryf and jelousye, 2e wite j/oureself sche may not wedde two At oones, though ye fighten evere mo : That oon of _yow, al be him loth or leef, He mot go pypen in an ivy leef; 980 This is to sayn, sche may nought now han bothe, Al be ye nevere so jelous, ne so wrothe. And for-thy I you putte in this degre, That ech of j^ou schal have his destyne. As him is schape, and herkneth in what wyse ; 985 Lo here your ende of that I schal devyse. My wil is this, for plat conclusioun, Withouten eny repplicacioun. If that you liketh, tak it for the beste, That everych of you. schal gon wher him leste 9^0 Frely withouten raunsoun or daungeer ; And this day fyfty wykes, fer ne neer, Everich of jkou schal brynge an hundred knightes, Armed for lystes up at alle rightes, Al redy to derayne hire by batayle. 99s And this byhote I you withouten fayle Upon my trouthe, and as I am a knight. That wdiether of jow bothe that hath might. This is to seyn, that whether he or thou May with his hundred, as I spak of now, 1000 Slen his contrarye, or out of lystes dryve, Thanne schal I j/even Emelye to wyve, • To whom that fortune j/eveth so fair a grace. The lystes schal I maken in this place, rilE KNIGETES TALE. 55 And God so v>'jsly on my sowle rewe, 1005 As I schal evene juge beii and trewe. Th schul non other ende with me make, That oon of j^ow ne schal be deed or take. And If you thinketh this is wel i-sayd, Sayeth _youre avy^s, and holdeth j^ow apayd. loic This isj/oure ende andjvoure concUisioun.' Who loketh hghtly now but Pahimoun ? Who spryngeth up for joye but Arcite? Who couthe telle, or who couthe it endite, The joye that is maked in the place 1015 Whan Theseus hath don so fair a grace? But down on knees wente every maner wight, And thanken him with al here herte and miht, And naniely the Thebans ofte sithe. And thus with good hope and with herte blithe 1020 They take here leve, and hom-ward gonne they ryde To Thebes with his olde walles wyde. I trowe men wolde deme it necligence, If I for_yete to telle the dispence Of Theseus, that goth so busily 1025 To maken up the lystes rially ; That such a noble theatre as it was, I dar wel sayn that in this world ther nas. The circuit a myle was aboute, Walled of stoon, and dyched al withoute. 1030 Round was the schap, in maner of compaas, Ful of degrees, the heighte of sixty paas, That whan a man was set in o degre He lette nought his felawe for to se. Est-ward ther stood a gate of marbel whit, 1035 West-ward right such another in the opposit. And schortly to conclude, such a place Was non in erthe as in so litel space ; For in the lond ther nas no crafty man, 56 THE KNIOHTES TALE. That geometry or arsmetrike can, 1040 Ne portre}'our, ne kervere of ymages, That Theseus nejK'if hem mete and wages The theatre for to maken and devyse. And for to don his ryte and sacrifise, He est-ward hath upon the gate above, 104s In worschipe of Venus, goddesse of love, Don make an auter and an oratorye ; And v^^est-ward in the mynde and in memorye Of Mars, he hath i-maked such another, That coste largel}^ of gold a fother. 1050 And north-ward, in a toret on the walle. Of alabaster whit and reed coralle An oratorye riche for to see, In worschipe of Dyane, of chastite. Hath Theseus doon wrought in noble wise. 1055 ButjKit hadde I forjeten to devyse The noble kervyng, and the purtreitures. The schap, the contenaunce and the figures. That weren in these oratories thre. First in the temple of Venus may stow se 1060 Wrought on the wal, ful pitous to byholde, The broken slepes, and the sykes colde ; The sacred teeres, and the wayment3'ng ; The fyry strokes of the desiryng. That loves servauntz in this lyf enduren ; 1065 The othes, that here covenantz assuren. Plesance and hope, desyr, fool-hardynesse, Beaute andj^outhe, baudery and richesse, Charmes and force, lesynges and flaterye, Dispense, busynesse, and jelousye, 1070 That werede of yelwe guides a gerland, And a cukkow sittyng on hire hand ; Festes, instrumentz, carols, and daunces, Lust and array, and alle the circumstaunces THE KNIGHTES TALE. 57 Of love, which that I rekned have and schal, 107s By ordre wereii peynted on the wal. And mo than I can make of mencioun. For sothly al the mount of Citheroun, Ther Venus hath hire principal dwellyng, Was schewed on the wal in portraying, 1080 With al the gardyn, and the lustynesse. Nought was forj/ete the porter Ydelnesse, Ne Narcisus the fayre of yore agon, Nejvet the folye of kyng Salamon, Ne eek the grete strengthe of Hercules, 108 s Thenchauntementz of Medea and Circes, Ne of Turnus with the hardy fiers corage. The riche Cresus caytif in servage. Thus mayjve seen that wisdom ne richesse, Beaute ne sleighte, strengthe, ne hard3'nesse, 1090 Ne may with Venus holde champartye. For as hire lust the world than may sche gye, Lo, alle thise folk i-caught were in hire las, Til they for wo ful often sayde alias. Sufficeth heere ensamples oon or tuo, 1095 And though I couthe rekne a thousend mo. The statu of Venus, glorious for to see. Was naked fletyng in the large see, And fro the navel doun al covered was With wawes grene, and brighte as eny glas. xioo A citole in hire right hond hadde sche, And on hire heed, ful semely for to see, A rose garland fresch and wel smellyng. Above hire heed hire dowves flikeryng. Biforn hire stood hire sone Cupido, 1105 Upon his schuldres wynges hadde he tuo ; And blynd he was, as it is often scene ; A bowe he bar and arwes brighte and kene. Why schulde I nought as wel cek telle you alle 58 THE ENIGHTES TALE. The portraiture, that was upon the walle mo Withinne the temple of mighty Mars the reede? Al peynted was the wal in lengthe and breede Lik to the estres of the grisly place, That highte the grete temple of Mars in Trace, In thilke colde frosty regioun, ms Ther as Mars hath his sovereyn mancioun. First on the wal was peynted a forest, In which ther dwelleth neyther man ne best. With knotty knarry bareyn trees olde Of stubbes scharpe and hidous to byholde ; 1120 In which ther ran a swymbel in a swough. As though a storm schulde bersten every bough : And downward on an hil under a bente, Ther stood the temple of Marz armypotente, Wrought al of burned steel, of which thentrc 1125 Was long and streyt, and gastly for to see. And therout cam a rage and such a vese, That it made al the gates for to rese. The northen light in at the dores schon. For wyndowe on the wal ne was ther noon, 1130 Thurgh which men mighten any light discerne. The dores were alle of ademaunrz eterne, I-clenched overthwart and endelong With iren tough ; and, for to make it strong. Every piler the temple to susteene 1^35 Was tonne greet, of iren bright and schene. Ther saugh I first the derke ymaginyng Of feloyne, and al the compassyng ; The cruel ire, as reed as eny gleede ; JThe pikepurs, and eek the pale drede ; 1140 V^The smyler with the knyf under his cloke ; The schepne brennyng with the blake smoke ; The tresoun of the murtlieryng in the bed ; The open werre, with woundes al bi-bled ; THE KNIOHTES TALE. 59 Contek with bloody knyf, and scharp manace. ii4s Al ful of chirkyng was that sory place. The sleere of himself jet saugh I there, His herte-blood hath bathed al his here ; The nayl y-dryven in the §chode a-nyght ; The colde deth, with mouth gapyng upright. 1150 Amyddes of the temple sat meschaunce, With disconfort and sory contenaunce. 2et saugh I woodnesse laughying in his rage ; Armed complaint, outhees, and hers outrage. The caroigne in the bussh, with throte y-corve : 1155 A thousand slain, and not of qualme y-storve ; The tiraunt, with the prey by force y-raft ; The toun destroied, thcr was no thyng laft. 2et sawgh I brent the schippes hoppesteres ; The hunte strangled with the wilde beres : "60 The sowe freten the child right in the cradel ; The cook i-skalded, for al his longe ladel. Nought was forj/eten by the infortune of Marte ; The cartere over-ryden with his carte. Under the whel ful lowe he lay adoun. "6s Ther were also of Martz divisioun. The harbour, and the bocher, and the smyth, That forgeth scharpe swerdes on his stith. And al above depeynted in a tour Saw I conquest sittyng in gret honour, 1170 With the scharpe swerd over his heed Hangynge by a sotil tvvj^ne threed. Depeynted was the slaughtre of Julius, Of grete Nero, and of Anthonius ; Al be that thilke tyme they were unborn, 1175 T^t was here deth depeynted ther byforn. By manasyng of Mars, right by figure. So was it schewed in that purtreiture As is depeynted in the sterres above, 6o THE KNIOHTES TALE. Who schal be slayn or elles deed for love. nSo Sufficeth oon ensample in stories olde, I may not rekne hem alle, though I wolde. The statue of Mars upon a carte stood, Armed, and lokede grym as he were wood ; And over his heed ther schynen two figures uSs Of sterres, that been cleped in scriptures. That oon Puella, that other Rubeus. This god of amies was arayed thus : — A wolf ther stood byforn him at his feet With eyen reede, and of a man he eet ; ngo With Sotyl pencel depeynted was this storie, In redoutyng of Mars and of his glorie. Now to the temple of Dyane the chaste As schortly as I can I wol me haste, To telle jKOU al the descripcioun. nos Depeynted ben the walles up and down, Of huntyng and of schamefast chastite. Ther saugh I how woful Calystope, Whan that Dyane agreved was with here. Was turned from a womman to a bere, 1200 And after was sche maad the loode-sterre ; Thus was it peynted, I can say no ferre ; Hire sone is eek a sterre, as men may see. Ther sawgh I Dane yturned til a tree, I mene uoug'ht the goddesse Dyane, "05 But Peneus dou^/^ter, which that highte Dane, Ther saug^h I Atheon an hert i-maked, For vengeaunce that he saugh Dyane al naked ; I saugh how that his houndes han him caught, And freten him, for that they knewe him naught. 121(7 Tit peynted was a litel forthermoor, How Atthalaunte huntede the wilde boor. And Meleagre, and many another ino, For which Dyane wroughte hem care and woo. THE KNIGHTES TALE. 6l Ther saugh I many another wonder storye, 1215 The whiche me list not drawe to memorye. This goddesse on an hert ful hyhe seet, With smale hoimdes al aboute hire feet, And undernethe hire feet sche hadde a moone, Wexyng it was, and schulde wane soone. 1220 In gaude greene hire statue clothed was, With bowe in honde, and jrwes in a cas. Hir ey^-^en caste sche ful lowe adoun, Ther Pluto hath his derke regioun. Wei couthe he peynte lyfly that it wrou^/5te. With many a floren he the hewes boughte. 1230 Now been thise listes maad, and Theseus That at his grete cost arayede thus The temples and the theatre every del, Whan it was don, hym likede wonder wel. But stynte I wil of Theseus a lite, 1235 And speke of Palamon and of Arcite. The day approcheth of here retournynge, That everych schulde an hundred kni^/^tes brynge, The bataille to derreyne, as I you tolde ; And til Athenes, here covenant to holde, 1240 Hath everych of hem brought an hundred knightes Wel armed for the werre at alle rightes. And sikerly ther trowede many a man That nevere, siththen that the world bigan, As for to speke of knighthod of here bond, 124? As fer as God hath maked see or lond, Nas, of so fewe, so noble a companye. For every wight that lovede chyvalr3'e, And wolde, his thankes, have a passan t name, 62 THE KNIGETES TALE. Hath preyed that he mighte ben of that game ; 1250 And wel was him, that therto chosen was. For if ther felle to morwe such a caas, Tq knowen wel, that every lusty knight, , ^, That loveth paramours, and hath his might, Were it in Engelond, or elleswhere, 1255 They wolde, here thankes, wilne to be there. To fighte for a lady ; benedicite I It were a lusty sighte for to see. And right so ferden they with Palamon, With him ther Wente knyghtes many oon ; 1260 Som wol ben armed in an habergoun, In a brest-plat and in a light gypoun ; And somme woln have a peyre plates large ; And somme woln have a Pruce scheld, or a targe ; Somme woln been armed on here legges weel, 1265 And have an ax, and somme a mace of steel. Ther nys no newe gyse, that it nas old. Armed were they, as I have you told, Everich after his opinioun. Ther_maistow sen comyng with Palamoun 1270 Ligurge himself, the grete kyng of Trace ; Blak was his herd, and manly was his face. The cercles of his eyen in his heed They gloweden bytwixe j^elwe and reed ; And lik a griffoun lokede he aboute, 1275 With kempe heres on his browes stowte ; His lymes greete, his brawnes harde and stronge, His schuldres broode, his armes rounde and longe. And as the gyse was in his contre, Ful heye ujDon a char of gold stood he, 1280 With foure white boles in the trays. Instede of cote armure over his harnays. With nayles jKelwe, and brighte as eny gold. He hadde a beres skyn, col-blak, for-old. THE KNIQETES TALE. 61, His longe heer was kembd byhynde his bak, 128s As eny ravens fether it schon for-blak. A vvrethe of gold arni-gret, of huge wighte, Upon his heed, set ful of stoones brighte, Of fvne rubies and of dyamauntz. Aboute his char ther wenten white alauntz, 1290 Twenty and mo, as grete as eny steer, To hunten at the Ij'oun or the deer. And folwede him, with mosel faste i-bounde, Colers of golde, and torettz fyled rounde. An hundred lordes hadde he in his route 1295 Armed ful wel, with hertes sterne and stoute. With Arcita, in stories as men fynde, The grete Emetreus, the kyng of Ynde, Uppon a steede bay, trapped in steel, Covered with cloth of gold dyapred wel, 1300 Cam rydyng lyk the god of armes. Mars. His coote armure was of cloth of Tars, Cowched w^ith perles whyte and rounde and grete. His sadel was of brend gold newe ybete ; A mantelet upon his schuldre hang^nig 1305 Bret-ful of rubies reede, as fir sparclyng. His crispe heer lik rj-nges was j-roime, And that wasj/elwe, and gliteryng as the sonne. His nose was heigh, his eyen bright cytryn, His lippes rounde, his colour was sangwyn, 1310 A fewe freknes in his face y-spreynd, Betwixe jKelwe and somdel blak y-meynd, And as a h'oun he his lokvnsr caste. Of fyve and twenty j'eer his age I caste. His herd was wel bygonne for to sprynge ; 1315 His voys was as a trumpe thunderynge. Upon his heed he werede of laurer grene A garlond freisch and lusty for to sene. Upon his bond he bar for his deduyt 64 THE KNIGHTE8 TALE. An egle tame, as eny lylie whyt. 1320 An hundred lordes hadde he with him ther, Al armed sauf here hedes in here ger, Ful richely in alle maner thinges. For trusteth wel, that dukes, erles, kynges, Were gadred in this noble companye, 132s For love, and for encres of chivahye. Aboute this kyng ther ran on every part Ful many a tame lyoun and lepart. And in this w^ise thise lordes alle and some Been on the Sonday to the cite come 1330 Aboute prime, and in the toun alight. This Theseus, this duk, this worthy knight. Whan he hadde brought hem into his cite, And ynned hem, everich at his degre He festeth hem, and doth so gret labour 133s To esen hem, and don hem al honour, That^it men wene that no mannes wyt Of non estat ne cowde amenden it. The mynstralcye, the servyce at the feste, The grete j/iftes to the moste and leste, 1340 The riche aray of Theseus paleys, Ne who sat first ne last upon the deys, What ladies fayrest ben or best daunsynge, Or which of hem can daunce best and singe, Ne who most felyngly speketh of love ; 134s What haukes sitten on the perche above. What houndes liggen on the floor adoun : Of al this make I now no mencioun. But of theffect ; that thinketh me the beste ; Now comth the poynt, and herkneth if jkou leste. 135a The Sonday night, or day bigan to springe. When Palamon the larke herde synge, Although it nere nought day by houres tuo, T'\t sang the larke, and Palamon also TEE ENIGETES TALE. 65 With holy herte, and with an heih corage uss He roos, to wendeii on his pilgrymage Unto the bhsful Citherea benigne, I meiie Venus, honorable and digne. And in hire hour he walketh forth a paas Unto the lystes, ther hire temple was, 1360 And doun he kneleth, and, with humble cheere And herte sore, he scide as j/e schul heere. ' Faireste of faire, O lady myn V enus , Doughter of Jove, and spouse to Vulcanus, Thou gladere of the mount of Citheroun, ■ 1365 For thilke love thou haddest to Adeoun Have pite of my bittre teeres smerte. And tak myn humble prayere to thin herte. Alias ! I ne have no lang^ag-e to telle Thefiectes ne the tormentz of myn helle ; J370 Myn herte may myn harmes nat bewreye ; I am so confus, that I can not seye. But mercy, lady brighte, that knowest wele My thought, and seest what harmes that I fele, Considre al this, and rewe upon my sore, 137s As wisly as I schal for evermore, Em forth my might, thi trewe servaunt be, And holden werre alway with chastite ; That make I myn avow, so yQ me helpe. I kepe nat of amies for to j'elpe. 1380 Ne I ne aske nat to-morwe to have victorie, Ne renoun in this caas, ne veyne glorie Of pris of armes, blovven up and doun. But I wolde have fully possessioun Of Emelye, and dye in thi servise ; 1385 Fynd thou the maner how, and in what wyse I recche nat, but it may better be. To have victorie of him, or he of me, / So that I have my_ kidy in myn armes. 5 66 THE KNIGHTES TALE. For though so be that Mars is god of armes, 1390 loure vertu Is so gret in heven above, That if you Hst I schal wel han my love. Thy temple wol I worschipe everemo, And on thin auter, wher I ryde or go, I wol don sacrifice, and fyres beete. 139s And if ye wol nat so, my lady sweete. Than praye I the, to morwe with a spere That Arcita me thurgh the herte bere. Thanne rekke I nat, whan I have lost my lyf, Though that Arcite wynne hire to his wyf. 1400 This is theffect and ende of my prayere, T\i me my love, thou blisful lady deere.' Whan thorisoun was doon of Palamon, His sacrifice he dede, and that anoon Ful pitously, with alle circumstances, 1405 Al telle I nat as now his observances. But atte laste the statu of Venus schook, And made a signe, wherby that he took That his prayere accepted was that day. P'or though the signe schewede a delay, 1410 2et wiste he wel that graunted was his boone ; And with glad herte he wente him hom ful soone. The thridde hour inequal that Palamon Bigan to Venus temple for to goon, Lp roos the sonne, and up roos Emelye, 1415 And to the temple of Diane gan sche hye. Hire maydens, that sche thider with hire ladde, Ful redily with hem the fyr they hadde, Thencens, the clothes, and the remenant al 1 hat to the sacrifice longen schal ; M20 The homes fulle of meth, as was the gyse ; Ther lakkede nou^//t to don hire sacrifise. Smokyng the temple, ful of clothes faire, This Emelye with herte debonaire THE KXIGHTES TALE. 6*J Hire body wessch with water of a welle ; 1425 But how sche dide hire rite I dar nat telle, But it be eny thing in general ; And j/et it were a game to heren al ; v JTo him that meneth wel it were no charge : But it is good a man be at his large. 1430 Hire brighte hcer was kempt, untressed al ; A corone of a grene ok cerial Upon hire heed was set ful faire and meete. Tuo fyres on the auter gan sche beete. And dide hire thinges, as men may biholde 1435 In Stace of Thebes, and thise bokes olde. Whan kynled was the fyr, with pitous cheere Unto Dyane sche spak, asje may heere. ' O chaste goddesse of the woodes greene, To whom bothe heven and erthe and see is scene, 1440 Qiieen of the regne of Pluto derk and lowe, Goddesse of maydens, that myn herte hast knowe Ful many a yeer, and woost what I desire, As keep me fro thi vengeaunce and thin yre, That Atheon aboughte trewely : 1445 Chaste goddesse, wel wost thou that I Desire to ben a mayden al my lyf, Ne nevere wol I be no love ne wyf. I am, thou wost, y\t of thi companye, A mayde, and love huntyng and venerye, '\ t'y.^^A.Ajr^^Mso And for to walken in the woodes wylde, Now help me, lady, syth ye may and kan. For tho thre formes that thou hast in the. 145s And Palamon, that hath such love to me, And eek Ai'cite, that loveth me so sore. This grace I praye the withouten more. As sende love and pees betwixe hem two ; 68 THE KNIGHTES TALE. And fro me torne awey here hertes so, 1460 That al here hoote love, and here ciesir, And al here bisy torment, and here fyr Be queynt, or turned in another place ; And if so be thou wolt do me no grace, Or if my destyne be schapen so, 146s That I schal needes have on of hem two, (As sende me him that most desireth mejj Bihold, goddesse of clene chastite, The bittre teeres that on my cheekes falle. Syn thou art mayde, and kepere of us alle, 147° My maydenhode thou kepe and w^el conserve, And whil I lyve a mayde I wil the serve.' The fyres brenne upon the auter cleere, Whil Emelye was thus in hire preyere ; But sodeinly sche saugh a sighte queynte,-\ 1475 For right anon on of the fyres queynte, / And quykede agayn, and after that anon That other fyr was queynt, and al agon ; And as it queynte, it made a whistelyng, As doth a wete brond in his brennyng. i4So And at the brondes ende out-ran anoon As it were bloody dropes many oon ; For which so sore agast was Emelye, That sche was wel neih mad, and gan to crie, For sche ne wiste what it signifyede ; 1485 But oonly for the feere thus sche cryede And wep, that it was pite for to heere. And therwithal Dyane gan appeere. With bowe in bond, right as an hunteresse, And seyde : ' Doughter, stynt thyn hevynesse. 1490 Among the goddes hye it is affermed, And by eterne word write and confermed, Thou schalt ben wedded unto oon of tho That han for the so moche care and wo ; THE KNIGHTES TALE. 69 But unto vvliich of hem I may nat telle. 149s Farwel, for I ne may no lenger dvvelle. The fyres which that on myn auter brenne Schuln the declaren, or that thou go hennc, Thyn aventure of love, as in this caas/ ~\ And with that word, the arwes in the caas 1500 Of the goddesse clatren faste and rynge, And forth sche wente, and made a vanysschynge, For which this Emelye astoneyd was. And seide, ' What amounteth this, alias ! I putte me in thy proteccioun, 1505 Dyane, and in thi disposicioun.' And hoom sche goth anon the nexte waye. This is theffect, ther nys no more to saye. . The nexte houre of Mars folwynge this, vArcite unto the temple walked is 151° Of fierse Mars, to doon his sacrifise. With alle the rites of his payen wise. With pitous herte and heih devocioun, Right thus to Mars he sayde his orisoun : ' O stronge god, that in the regnes colde 1515 Of Trace honoured art and lord y-holde, And hast in every regne and every londe Of armes al the bridel in thyn honde, And hem fortunest as the lust devyse, Accept of me my pitous sacrifise. 1520 If so be that my j/outhe may deserve, And that my might be worthi for to sei-ve Thy godhede that I may ben on of thine. Then praye I the to rewe upon my pyne. 1525 70 THE KNIGHTES TALE. 1530 For thilke sorwe that was in thin herte, Have reuthe as wel upon my peynes smerte. ^ I am jKong and unkonnyng, as thou wost, 1535 And, as I trowe, with love offended most, That evere was eny lyves creature ; For sche, that doth me al this wo endure, Ne rekketh nevere wher I synke or fleete. And wel I woot, or sche me mercy heete, 1540 I moot with strengthe w'ynne hire in the place ; And wel I wot, withouten help or grace Of the, ne may my strengthe noughte avayle. Then lielp me, lord, to-morwe in my batayle, P'or thilke fyr that whilom brente the, 1545 As wel as thilke fir now brenneth me ; And do that I to-morwe have victorie. Myn be the travaile, and thin be the glorie. Thy soverein temple wol I most honouren Of any place, and alway most labouren 1550 In thy plesaunce and in thy craftes stronge. And in thy temple I wol my baner honge, And alle the armes of my companye ; And evermore, unto that day I dye, Eterne fyr I wol biforn the fynde. isss And eek to this avow I wol me bynde : My berd, m}^! heer that hangeth longe adoun, That nevere y'lt ne felte offensioun Of rasour ne of schere, I wol the j/ive, And be thy trewe servaunt whil I lyve. 1560 Now lord, have rowthe uppon my sorwes sore, 2"if me the victorie, I aske the no more.' The preyere stynte of Arcita the stronge, -/-^*^ The rynges on the temple dore that honge, ( {A^ "^ THE KNIGHTES TALE. 7 1 And eek the dores, clatereden ful faste, 1565 Of which Arcita somwhat hym agaste. The fyres brende upon the auter brighte, That it gan al the temple for to lighte ; And swote smel the ground anon upj'af, And Arcita anon his hand up-haf, 1570 And more encens into the fyr he caste, With othre rites mo ; and atte histe The statu of Mars bigan his hauberk rynge. And with tliat soun he herde a murmurynge Ful lovve and dym, that sayde thus, ' Victorie.' 1575 For wdiich he j^af to Mars honour and glorie. And thus with jo3-e, and hope wel to fare, Arcite anoon unto his inne is fare, As favn as foul is of the brighte sonne. And right anon such stryf ther is bj'gonne isSo For thilke grauntyng, in the heven above, Bitwixe Venus the goddesse of love, And INIars the sterne god armypotente. That Jupiter was busy it to stente ; Til that the pale Saturnus the colde, 1585 That knew so manye of aventures olde, Fond in his olde experiens an art. That he ful sone hath plesed every part, '^s soth is sayd, eelde hath gret avantage, In eelde is bothe wisdom and usage ; 1590 |Men may the olde at-renne, but nat at-rede. ^Saturne anon, to stynte stryf and drede, Al be it that it is aga3'ns his kynde. Of al this stryf he gan remedy fynde. ' My deere dou^/^ter Venus,' quod Saturne, 1595 ' ]My cours, that hath so wyde for to turne, Hath more power than woot eny man. Myn is the drenchyng in the see so wan ; Myn is the piisoun in the derke cote ; 72 THE KNIOHTES TALE. Myn is the strangle and hangyng by the throte ; 1600 The murmure, and the cherles rebellyng. The groyning, and the pryve empoysonyng ; I do vengeance and pleyn correctioun, Whiles I dwelle in signe of the lyoun^ Myn is the ruyne of the hihe halles, 1605 The fallyng of the toures and the walles Upon the mynour or the carpenter. I slowh Sampsoun in schakyng the piler. And myne ben the maladies colde, The derke tresoun, and the castes olde ; 1610 Myn lokyng is the fader of pestilence. Now wep nomore, I schal don diligence That Palamon, that is thyn owne knight, Schal have his ladv, as thou hast him hijjht. Though Mars schal helpe his knight, yet natheles i6is Bitwixe jj/ou ther moot som tyme be pees, Al bejj/e nought of 00 complexioun. That causeth al day such divisioun. I am thi ayel, redy at thy wille ; Wep thou nomore, I w^ol thi lust fulfille.' 1620 Now wol I stynten of the goddes above, Of Mars, and of Venus goddesse of love, And telle jKOu, as pleinly as I can. The grete effect for which that I bigan. Gret was the feste in Athenes that day, 1625 And eek the lusty sesoun of that May Made every wight to ben in such plesaunce. That al that Monday jousten they and daunce, And spenden hit in Venus heigh servise. But by the cause that they schulde arise 1630 Erly for to seen the grete fight. Unto their reste wente they at nyght. And on the morwe whan that day gan sprynge, Of hors and herneys noyse and claterynge THE KXIGHTES TALE. 73 Ther was in the hosteln-es al aboute ; 1635 And to the paleys rood ther many a route Of lordes, upon steedes and paUVeys. Ther mayst thou seen devvsvng: of hernevs So uncowth and so riche, and wrought so wel Of gfoldsmithrv, of browdynof, and of steel ; 1^40 The scheldes brighte, testers, and trappures ; Gold-beten hehnes, hauberkes, cote-arniures ; Lordes in paramentz on here courseres, Knightes of retenu, and eek squyeres " Naylyng the speres, and hehnes bokelyng, 1645 Gigg};iig of scheeldes, with layneres lasyng ; Ther as need is, they were nothing ydel ; The fomv steedes on the golden bridel Gnawvnor, and faste the armurers also With fyle and hamer prikyng to and fro ; 1650 Yemen on foote, and communes many oon With schorte staves, thikke as they may goon ; Pypes, trompes, nakers, and clariounes, That in the batai'^* blowe bloody sownes ; The paleys ful of peples up and doun, 1655 Heer thre, ther ten, holdyng here questioun, Dwynvnof of thise Thebane knigrhtes two. Somme seyden thus, somme seyde it schal be so ; Somme heelde with him with the blake berd, Somme with the balled, somme with the thikke herd ; 1660 Somme sayde lie lokede grym and he wolde fighte ; He hath a sparth of twenti pound of wighte. Thus was the halle ful of devvnvnore, Longe after that the sonne gan to springe. The grete Theseus that of his sleep awaked 1665 With menstralcve and novse that was maked, Heldj'it the chambre of his paleys riche. Til that the Thebane knvsrhtes bothe i-liche -^ Honoured weren into the paleys fet. 74 TEE KNIOHTES TALE. Duk Theseus was at a wyndow set, 1670 Arayed right as he were a god in trone. The peple preseth thider-ward ful sone Him for to seen, and doon heigh reverence, And eek to herkne his hest and his sentence. An herowd on a skaftbld made an hoo, 1675 Til al the noyse of the peple was i-doo ; And whan he sawh the peple of noyse al stille, Tho schewede he the mighty dukes wille. / ' The lord hath of his heih discrecioun Considered, that it were destruccioun 3680 To gentil blood, to lighten in the gyse Of mortal bataille now in this emprise ; Wherfore to schapen that they schuhi not dye. He wol his firste purpos modifye. No man therfore, up peyne of los of lyf, 1685 No maner schot, ne poUax, ne schort knyf Into the lystes sende, or thider brynge ; Ne schort swerd for to stoke, with point bytynge, No man ne drawe, ne bere by his side. Ne noman schal unto his felawe ryde 1690 But oon cours, with a scharpe ygrounde spere ; Fpyne if him lust on foote, himself to were. And he that is at meschief, schal be take, And nat slayn, but be brought unto the stake, That schal ben ordeyned on eyther syde ; 1695 But thider he schal by force, and ther abyde. And if so falle, the cheventein be take On eyther side, or elles sle his make. No lenger schal the turneynge laste. -^ God spede you ; go forth and ley on faste. 1700 With long swerd and with mace fi^//t your fiUe. Goth now jKoure way ; this is the lordes wille.* The voice of peple touchede the heven. So lowde cride thei with merv Steven : THE KNIOHTES TALE. 75 ' God save such a lord that is so good, 1705 He wilneth no destruccioun of blood ! ' Up gon the trompes and the melodye. And to the lystes ryt the companye By ordynaunce, tliurghout the cite large, Hangyng with cloth of gold, and not with sarge. 1710 Ful lik a lord this noble duk gan ryde, These tuo Thebanes upon eyther side ; And after rood the queen, and Emelye, And after that another companye, Of oon and other after here degre. 171s And thus they passen tliurghout the cite. And to the lystes come thei by tyme. It nas not of the day j/et fully pryme, Whan set was Theseus ful riche and hye, Ypolita the queen and Emelye, 172° And other ladyes in degrees aboute. Unto the seetes preseth al the route ; And west-ward, thurgh thej^ates under Marte, Arcite, and eek the hundred of his parte. With baner red ys entred right anoon ; 1725 And in that selve moment Palamon Is under Venus, est-ward in that place, With baner whyt, and hardy cheere and face. In al the world, to seeken up and doun, So evene withouten variacioun, 1730 Ther nere suche companyes tweye. For ther nas noon so wys that cowthe seye, That any hadde of other avauntage Of worthinesse, ne of estaat, ne age, So evene were they chosen for to gesse. 173s And in two renges faire they hem dresse. And whan here names rad were everychon. That in here nombre gile were ther noon, Tho were the j'ates schet, and cried was lowde : 76 THE KNIQHTES TALE. ' Doth now^your devoir, jj/onge knightes proude ! ' 1740 The heraldz lafte here prikyng up and doun ; Now ryngen trompes loude and chirloun ; Ther is nomore to sayn, but west and est In gon the speres ful sadly in arest ; In goth the scharpe spore into the side. 174s Ther seen men who can juste, and who can ryde ; Ther schyveren schaftes upon scheeldes thykke ; He feeleth thurgh the herte-spon the prikke. Up springen speres twenty foot on highte ; Out goon the swerdes as the silver brighte. 1750 The helmes thei to-hewen and to-schrede ; Out brest the blood, with sterne stremes reede. With mighty maces the bones thay to-breste. He thurgh the thikkeste of the throng gan threste. Ther stomblen steedes stronge, and doun goon alle. 1755 He rolleth under foot as doth a balle. He foyneth on his feet with a tronchoun, And he him hurtleth with his hors adoun. He thurgh the body is hurt, and siththen take Maugre his heed, and brou^/^t unto the stake, 1760 As forward was, right ther he moste abyde. Another lad is on that other syde. And som tyme doth hem Theseus to reste. Hem to refreissche, and drinken if hem leste. Ful ofte a-day han thise Thebanes twoo 1765 Togidre y-met, and wrought his felawe woo ; Unhorsed hath ech other of hem tweye. Ther nas no tygre in the vale of Galgopheye, Whan that hire whelpe is stole, whan it is lite, So cruel on the hunte, as is Arcite 1770 For jelous herte upon this Palamon : Ne in Belmarye ther nis so fel lyoun. That hunted is, or for his hunger wood, Ne of his prey desireth so the blood. THE KNIGHTES TALE. 77 As Palamon to slcn his foo Arcite. 1775 The jelous strokes on here hehnes byte ; Out renneth blood 011 bothe here sides reede. Som tyme an endc thcr is of every dede ; For er the sonne unto the reste wente, The stronge kyng Emctrcus gan hente 1780 This Palamon, as he faught with Arcite, And made his swerd depe in his fleissch to byte ; And by the force of twenti is he take Unyolden, and i-drawe unto the stake. And in the rescous of this Palamon 1785 The stronge kyng Ligurge is born adoun ; And kyng Emetreus for al his strengthe Is born out of his sadel a swerdes lengthe, So hitte him Palamon er he were take ; But al for nought, he was brought to the stake. 1790 His hardy herte mighte him helpe nought ; He moste abyde whan that he was caught, By force, and eek by composicioun. Who sorweth now but woful Palamoun, That moot nomore gon agayn to fighte ? 179s And whan that Theseus hadde seen this sighte, Unto the folk that foughten thus echon He cryde, ' Hoo ! nomore, for it is doon ! I wol be trewe juge, and nought partye. Arcyte of Thebes schal have Emelye, 1800 That by his fortune hath hire faire i-wonne.' Anoon ther is a noyse of people bygonne For joye of this, so lowde and heye withalle. It semede that the listes scholde falle. What can now fayre Venus doon above? 1805 What seith sche now? what doth this queen of love? But wepeth so, for wantyng of hire wille. Til that hire teeres in the lystes fille ; Sche seyde : ' I am aschamed douteles.' 78 THE KNIGETES TALE. Saturnus seyde : ' Dou^/zter, hold thy pees. 1810 Mars hath his wille, his knight hath al his boone, And by myn heed thou schalt ben esed soone.' The trompes with the lowde mynstralcye, The herawdes, that ful lowde j/olle and crye, Been in here wele for joye of daun Arcyte. 1815 But herkneth me, and stynteth now a lite, Which a miracle ther bifel anoon. This fierse Arcyte hath of his helm ydoon. And on a courser for to schewe his face, He priketh endelonge the large place, 1820 Lokyng upward upon his Emelye ; And sche agayn him caste a frendlych ^yg'ke, (For wommen, as to speken in comune, Thay folwen al the favour of fortune) And sche was al his cheere, as in his herte. 1825 Out of the ground a fyr infernal sterte. From Pluto sent, at request of Saturne, For which his hors for feere gan to turne, And leep asyde, and foundrede as he leep ; And or that Arcyte may taken keep, 1830 He pighte him on the pomel of his heed. That in the place he lay as he were deed. His brest to-brosten with his sadel-bowe. As blak he lay as eny col or crowe. So was the blood y-ronnen in his face. 1835 Anon he was y-born out of the place With herte soor, to Theseus paleys. The was he corven out of his barneys. And in a bed y-brought ful faire and blyve, For he was y'lt in memory and on lyve, 1840 And alway crying after Emelye. Duk Theseus, with all his companye, Is comen hom to Athenes his cite. With alle blysse and gret solempnit^. THE KNIGHTES TAlE. 79 Al be it that this aventure was falle, 1845 He nolde nought disconfortcn hem alle. Men seyde eek, that Arcita schal nought dye, He schal ben heled of his mahidye. And of another thing they were as fayn, That of hem alle was thcr noon y-slayn, 1850 Al were they sore hurt, and namely oon, That with a spere was thirled his brest boon. To othre woundes, and to broken armes, Some hadde salves, and some hadde charmes, Fermacyes of herbes, and eek save 1855 They dronken, for they wolde here lymcs have. For which this noble duk, as he wel can, Conforteth and honoureth every man, And made revel al the longe night, Unto the straunge lordes, as was right. i860 Ne ther was holden no disconfytyng, But as a justes or a turneying ; For sothly ther was no disconfiture. For fallynge nis not but an aventure ; Ne to be lad with fors unto the stake 1865 Unyolden, and with twenty knightes take, O persone allone, withouten moo. And haried forth by arme, foot, and too. And eek his steede dryven forth with staves, With footmen, bothej/emen and eek knaves, 1870 It nas aretted him no vyleinye, Ther may no man clepe it no cowardye. For which anon Duk Theseus leet crie. To stynten alle rancour and envye, The gree as wel of o syde as of other, 1875 And either side ylik as otheres brother ; And yi\{ hem j^iftes after here degre. And fully heeld a feste dayes thre ; And conveyede the kynges worthily 8o THE KNIGHTES TALE. Out of his toun a journee largely. 1880 And horn wente every man the righte way. Ther was no more, but ' Farwel, have good day !' Of this bataylle I wol no more endite, But speke of Palamon and of Arcyte. Swelleth the brest of Arcyte, and the sore isss Encresceth at his herte more and more. The clothred blood, for eny leche-craft, Corrumpeth, and is in his bouk i-laft, That nother ve3^ne blood, ne ventusyng, Ne drynjs:e of herbes may ben his helpyng. 1890 The vertu expulsif, or animal, Fro thilke vertu cleped natural, Ne may the venym voyde, ne expelle. The pypes of his longes gan to swelle, ^nd every lacerte in his brest adoun 1895 Is schent with venym and corrupcioun. Him gayneth nother, for to gete his lyf, Vomyt upward, ne dounward laxatif ; Al is to-brosten thilke regioun. Nature hath now no dominacioun, 1900 And certeynly ther nature wil not wirche, Farwel phisik ; go ber the man to chirche. This al and som, that Arcyta moot dye. For which he sendeth after Emelye, And Palamon, that was his cosyn deere. 190s Than seyde he thus, as jj/e schul after heere. * Naught may the woful spirit in myn herte Declare a poynt of alle my sorv^es smerte To yow^ my lady, that I love most ; But I byquethe the service of my gost 1910 To yaw aboven every creature, Syn that my lyf ne may no longer dure. Alias, the woo ! alias, the peynes stronge. That I iox yow have suffred, and so longe ! THE KNIOHTES TALE. 8 1 Alias, the deth ! alas, myn Emelye ! 1915 Alias, departyng of our companye ! Alias, myn hertes queen ! alias, my wyf ! Myn hertes lady, endere of my lyf ! /What is this world? what asken men to have? ! / Now with his love, now in his colde grave j 1920 Allone withouten eny companye. Farwel, my swete foo ! myn Emelye ! And softe tak me in _youre armes tweye, > For love of God, and herkneth what I seye. I have heer with my cosyn Palamon 1925 Had stryf and rancour many a day i-gon, For love of j/ow, and for my jelousie. And Jupiter so wis my sowle gye, To speken of a servaunt proprely, With alle circumstaunces trewely, 1930 That is to seyn, truthe, honour, and knighthede, Wysdom, humblesse, estaat, and hey kynrede, Fredom, and al that longeth to that art, So Jupiter have of my soule part. As in this world right now ne knowe I non 193s So worthy to be loved as Palamon, That serveth jKou, and wol don al his lyf. And if that evere ye schul ben a wyf, Forj/et not Palamon, the gen til man.* And with that word his speche faile gan ; 1940 For fro his feete up to his brest was come The cold of deth, that hadde him overcome. And yet moreover in his armes twoo The vital strengthe is lost, and al agoo. Only the intellect, withouten more, 1945 That dwellede in his hcrte sik and sore, Gan faylen, when the herte felte deth, Dusken his eyghen two, and foyleth breth. But on his lady jit caste he his ye ; 6 82 TEE KNIGETES TALE. His laste word was, ' Mercy, Emel3-e ! ' igso His spiryt chaungede hous, and wente ther. As I cam nevere, I can nat tellen wher. Therfore I stynte, I nam no dyvynistre ; Of soules fynde I not in this registre, Ne me ne list thilke opynyouns to telle 1955 Of hem, though that thei writen wher they dwelle. Arcyte is cold, ther Mars his soule gye ; Now wol I speke forth of Emelye. Shrighte Emelye, and howleth Palamon, And Theseus his suster took anon 1960 Swownyng, and bar hire fro the corps away. What helpeth it to taryen forth the day, To tellen how sche weep bothe eve and morwe? For in swich caas wommen can han such sorwe, Whan that here housbonds ben from hem ago, 1965 That for the more part they sorwen so, Or elles fiillen in such maladye, That atte laste certeynly they dye. Infynyte been the sorwes and the teeres Of olde folk, and folk of tendre yeeres ; 1970 For him ther weepeth bothe child and man In al the toun, for detli of this Theban ; So gret a wepyng was ther noon certayn, Whan Ector was i-brought, al freissh i-slayn, To Troye ; alias ! the pite that was ther, 1975 Cracchyng of cheekes, rending eek of heer. 'Why woldest thou be deed,' thise wommen crye, 'And liaddest gold ynowgh, and Emelye?' No man ne mighte gladen Theseus, Savyng his olde fcider Egeus, tcSo That knew this worldes transmutacioun, As he hadde seen it tornen up and doun, ^e« wise, and are more desirous to have them mainteine the name then the nature of a gentleman." Euphues, Arber's ed. p. 34. To gon= to go, infinitive. The A.S. inf. ending was an, which changed to en; then dropped the ?/, and finally the e, which brings us to the present form. 13. ^palmers, strictly persons who had made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and brought back a palm branch as a token : here used as synonymous with pilg-rijn. A palmer was one who made a business of visiting shrines, while a pilgrim was one who made such a journey in pursuance of a vow, and then returned to his usual avocation. for to seeken. The A.S. verb, besides the common infinitive, had another substantive fonrj of the verb, answering to the dative case of the infinitive, which is called the gerund, and which was always preceded by to, while the infinitive wanted this prefix. This gerund denoted the action rather than the act. Having lost the power of distinguishing cases by terminations, the construction was indicated by prepositions, as in the case of nouns; the infinitive taking the prefix / V' coii-di-ci-oiin. t i » 3 i 3 30. hem = them. / "■ ^ > ' ■ ■ . ' « ^„ = SO as: so limits to telle; as (also) is 'a, cop jpnJc^ibn it semede me = \t seemed to me. Me, dative. 40. which (A.S. hivy-lic, like what) here means -vhat sort of persons, noting an indirect question. de£'re = degree, station in life. This word originally denoted the steps, or seats in an amphitheatre arranged in the form of steps, and came, as here, to denote rank, from the custom of as- signing certain seats to the different classes of society; ci. de- grade =\.o seat one lower; cf. also K., 11. 576, 1032. 41. %vhat array that. The relative that is added because of the interrogative force of %vhat: it is also added to all cases of ivho, zvhich, -what, to form the relative. The full construction would be, " In what array it was that they were in." Inne, adv. In O.E. the prep, is in, the adv. itine. 42. knight. "It was a common thing in this age for knights to seek emploj'ment in foreign countries which were at war." M. thati = then. ^y^/««^ = begin ; inf. e final is sounded as sign of the inf. By has been corrupted into be in several words; e.g., because for bycause. I02 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 43. t/icr, indefinite pronoun, and like it used to anticipate or designate the subject, which is usually introduced subse- quently : the expression here is equivalent to, " Ther was a knight," but poetic license has restored the order, although the word which denotes the inversion in prose is still retained. Ther acts like a demonstrative, calling attention to the subject, if already introduced, or anticipating it if placed after the verb ; and its use is best explained by that (see note, 1. 19) when used to call atten- tion to a leading element, either by way of emphasis, or for the sake of clearness. That there in such cases is a pronoun, and not an adverb or an expletive as it is sometimes called, may be seen by a comparison of the two words thus used, viz., it and there, as the same reasoning will apply to both; cf. " Thaer weard geworden micel eorthbifung." A.S. "^5geschah ein grosses erdheben." Ger. Matt, xxviii. 2. Cf. also, "These are times that try men's souls," and, "There ai-e times that try men's souls." The first expression = " These times try men's souls;" the second = " Certain times try men's souls." The first is a definitti stat^mei't; -vhe 'second is indefinite: the difference is, of course, due tc bhe s'u'bject, which in one case is a definite de- rconstrat^ve, and- in the other an indefinite demonstrative. '•iind'i/^(^t'^=2ind th'at- t>rie'(he). The demonstrative is used to emphasize the word to which it refers. Cf. Gr. kol tovto, Eph. ii. 8. "We still use ' and that' to give emphasis, and call atten- tion to an additional circumstance; e.g., 'He was condemned, afzd that unheard. ' " Abbott, Sh. Gr., § 70. 44. that=\\\\o\ to be construed with he in next line. We also find that his = vfh.osQ. K., 1852. That ///;« = whom ; ruho being used interrogatively, and that being a general relative was rendered definite by the addition of the personal pronoun, which could not be used relatively without some relative word. We have obviated the difficulty by using %vho as a personal relative, retaining the indefinite relative that. 45. c>^)'r'(7/;'ve = the profession of a knight. Y. chevalier. The Lat. caballiis has passed into English as cob, with a singular change in meaning, not denoting a spirited horse, but the re- verse. 46. honoiir, frcdom, accented on the ultimate. curtesie = courtly manners. "I take thy word. And trust thy honest offered courtesy, NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 103 Which oft is sooner found in lowly sheds With smoky rafters, than in tapestry halls And courts of princes, where it first was named And yet is most pretended." Comus, 322. 47. lordes., ^Qn. of lord, — lord's, — the apostrophe marking the elision of the vowel. 48. hadde, pronounced kad. rideti, p.p. = ridden. ferre, comp. of far. Thus, also, ^f?r;'/ys = a superior renown : the highest praise. 68. though that = though. This expression is perhaps best explained by considering it as elliptical, and supplying it be^ as in the expression " if so be that." 69. of his port =^ in his deportment; an imitation of the A.S. gen. of part or relation. See March, A.S. Gr., § 321. mayde = a maiden. This word in the A.S. has a variety of meanings; e.g., maid, daughter, family, relation, tribe, people, country. From the ~oot magati, to be able, whence also the form maeg; in the masculine, denoting son, relation, neighbor. The literal meaning would therefore be "the strength of a family," a designation peculiarly applicable to children when each family composed a clan, which would be strengthened as well bv the matrimonial alliances of the daughters, as by the number of the sons. 70. no — 72e. In E.E. as in French, the noun and the verb were each negatived, the two negations not making an afiirma- tive. We have here three negatives, never — no — 7ie. t'/7f>«j'e = conduct unbecoming a gentleman. "The word villain is, first, the serf or peasant ; villanus, because attached to the villa or farm. He is, secondly, the peasant, who, it is fur- ther taken for granted, will be churlish, selfish, dishonest, and generally of evil moral conditions ; those having come to be NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 107 assumed as always belonging to him, and to be permanently associated with his name, by those higher classes of society who, in the main, commanded the springs of language. At the third step, nothing of the meaning which the et\inology suggests, nothing of the villa survives any longer; the peasant is wholly dismissed, and the evil moral conditions of him who is called by this name alone remain; so that the name would now, in this its final stage, be applied as freely to peer, if he deserved it, as to peasant." Trench, Eng. Past and Pres , 262. The villain or villein in England was a feudal tenant of the lowest class, and hence the transfer of meaning in the word had probably a better foundation than aristocratic pride. 71. mancr w/'^/i^/ = manner of wight; sort of person. In E.E. g 11= fairly, well. Any adjective in A.S. could be used in the dative a.s an adverb; having lost the inflection, we restrict the adverb to the form in ly, A.S. lice. 95. make, endite, juste, dauiice, puriraye, and -write, are infini- tives depending upon cotvde. 96. /wr/raje = draw, sketch. We restrict the noun portrait to a painting of a face or person. ivriie. To be able to write was a rare accomplishment; cf. clergy = clericus = clerk. 97- w/^-^/^r/a/e = night-time. "A.S. nihtern-dael. Lj'd- gate uses nigktertyjne." T. Morris explains as night tale = the reckoning or time of night. 98. sleep = s,\eY>\.. The addition of t changes this verb to the weak conjugation. It was a useless addition* nygktyngale =^ mghtingoXQ. A.S. nihte, by night; gale, a singer, from gala n, to sing; cf. I^at. gall/is. 99. Curteys. See note, 1. 46. servysable^ willing to render service. 100. carf^^^ carved, — pr. of kerven, to carve. loi. Teman. "Yeman, or yeoman, is an abbreviation of yeongeman, as yoiithe is oi yeongthe. Young men being most usually employed in service, servants have, in many languages, been denominated from the single circumstance of age. The title of yeoman was given, in a secondary sense, to people of middling rank, not in service. The appropriation of the word to signify a small landholder is more modern, I apprehend." T. More probably, a countryman. Frisic, gaeman, a villager. he, i.e., the knight. servantes, dissyllable, accented on ultimate. no moo = no more. An abbreviated comparative of many. Afo, moe. are common in Shakspeare. 102. ki>]i luste = \t pleased him. Hiin maybe construed as dative after the impersonal construction, or, perhaps better, as in A.S., as ace. after impersonal of feeling. '• Impersonals of appetite or passion, in A.S., govern an accusative of the person suffering." March, § 290. So hunger, thirst, list, long, loath, irk, rue, dream, tickle, smart, game. Ryde, inf. subject of luste. 103. ^^c?^=hat, Ger. hut. Hood now denotes a covering 112 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. for the head worn bj women. It literally means a protection, or covering. Grene was the favorite color of hunters. " Immediately he clothed the chiefest of his men in Lincoln green, with black hats, and white feathers, all alike." Robin Hood in Thom's E. E. Prose Rom., p. iii. 104. ;pocok arives, arrows feathered with peacock feathers. Aschain in his Toxophilus (p. 129, Arber's ed.) says: "And trewelye at a short but, which some man doth use, ye Pecock fether doth seldome kepe vp ye shaft eyther rj'ght or leuel," to Avhich bad reputation Chaucer evidently alludes in 1. 107. arwe5=^ arrows. A.S. arcive, arive, froin ar (ore), copper, and therefore equivalent in meaning to " the weapon," — as we say " the steel " for " the sword." Copper, being found pure and easily worked, was the earliest metal made use of by man, and in most langu2%es has given the generic name for metal. Thus Hesiod says (Op. 149): "The ancients had copper implements (weapons) and copper houses, and they wrought (dealt) in copper, for they did not have the black iron." Thus the Greek term for copper, ;ta/i/c6c, was used by Homer for the general term weapon and also metal. So A.S. ar, O.N. or, Eng. ore, Ger. erz, Lat. tes {aer-s), all point to one and the same metal, — cop- per; and as the Greeks called the sword Xf^^f^^d and the Latins designated weapons by aera (" Ardentis clipeos atque aera mi- cantia cerno," Virgil, Aen. ii. 734), so our ancestors used the same word to designate their chief weapon. Wedgwood, how- ever, refers the name " to their ivhirring through the air." brighie. Formerly applied to sounds as well as to objects. " Heosong so schille and so brihte." O. and N. 1654. " The phenomena from whence all representative words are im- mediately taken must, of course, belong to the class which addresses itself to the ear; and we find accordingly that the words expressing attributes of light are commonly derived from those of sound." Wedgwood. 105. thriftily, carefully, with the air of a man who under- stood his business. 106. yomanly, in a manner becoming a yeoman. 107. 'With fetkeres, because of the bad adjustment of the feathers. This use of Tvith is common in Skakspeare. "With (which like by signifies juxtaposition) is often used to express the juxtaposition of cause and effect." Shak. Gr., § 193. NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 1 13 loTve, adv. modifying drowpede. 109. Not-heed^ a head with close-cut hair. T_\rvvhitt's Glos- sary explains as " a head like a nut." 111. bracey, armor for the ami to protect it from the recoil of the bow-string. "A bracer serueth for two causes, one to saue his arme from the strype of the strynge, and his doublet from wearynge, and the other is, that the strynge glydynge sharpelye and quicklye of the bracer, may make the sharper shoote." Toxophilus, Arber's ed., 108. 112. bokeler, a dissyllable. 113. t/tat other ^=^ the other. The neuter of the A.S. demon- strative, which we have taken as the definite article, was thact, and in E.E. was often used where we would now use the posses- sive pronoun. The same usage prevails in Greek. daggere. " The syllable ^a^ or rt'/^ represents the noise of a blow with something sharp; then the instrument with which the blow is given, or any thing of similar form." Wedgwood. 114. Harneysed^ equipped; fitted with hangings. 115. Cristofre, an image of St. Christopher, patron saint of the weather and forests, and especially reverenced by the lower orders of society; it was worn as a brooch, and was considered as having power to shield the wearer from hidden danger. 117. forster, a forester; one who had charge of a forest. 119. symple. Elide final e before a vowel. The original meaning of simple lacked the idea of stupidity which we gen- erally attach to it. Simple has come to us through the French; while complex, from the same root, has come from the Latin direct, 120. gretteste. Final e denotes definite declension. Ne — biit=^on\y. Still used in England in the form «C(^/^/. Wright's Die. The second negative is here supplied by but, which has a negative force. " The thief cometh tiot but for to steal." Gr. d /z^. Jno. x. 10. Cf. also, " There were but ten " ;^ there were no more than (only) ten. See Abbott's Shak. Gr., §§ 1 18-130. Z,^V = Eloy, i.e., St. Eligius. Tyrwhitt reads: " nasbut by St. Eloy." 122. sang the 5^rT;/5e = intoned the service. "And bi tlie weie ase heo geth, go singinde hire beoden " (beads, prayers). An. R., 424. Servise, prayers, — not mass, which could be celebrated only by a priest. 8 114 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 123. E?iiii?ied I'ji her nose. The notion that there is a peculiar solemnity in a nasal tone is not jet extinct. semcly, becomingly : trissyllable. 124. From the time of William the Conqueror, who filled all offices in Church and State with Normans, and thus made French the aristocratic language, until nearly, if not quite, to the time of Chaucer, familiarity with the French language was esteemed a mark of high breeding and education. Gower, a contemporary of Chaucer, wrote one of his long poems in French, one in Latin, and one in English. The confusion of the speech of the different classes of people ISetween these three tongues — Latin being spoken by ecclesiastics, French by the nobility, and English by the common people — is admirably shown by the specimens given in the " Political Songs of Eng-^ land," edited by Thos. Wright for the Camden Society, 1839. " En seynt eglise sunt multi saepe priores; Summe beoth wyse, multi sunt inferiores." p. 251. Robert of Gloucester (i. 364) gives the following account of the introduction of French : — " Thus come lo ! Engelond into Normannes honde, And the Normans ne couthe speke tho bote her owe speche, And speke French as dude at om and here chyldren dude also teche So that hej' men of thys lond, that of her blod come, Holdeth alle thulke speche that hii of hem nome. For bote a man couthe French, me tolth of hym wel lute; Ac lowe men holdeth to Englyss and to her kunde speche yute." That is : Thus came England into the Normans' hands; and the Normans could not then speak any but their own language; and they spoke French as they did at home, and so taught their chil- dren ; so that the nobility of this land that descended from them all (hold to) continue to use that language that they received of them. For, except a man understood French, one made but little of him; but the common people continue to use English and their native speech yet. Prof. Earle, in his " Philology of the English Tongue," says: " During this long interval (from the 12th to the 14th cen- tury) the reigning language was French ; and this fashion, like all fashions, went on spreading and embracing a wider area, and ever growing thinner as it spread, till in the thirteenth and NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 1 15 fourteenth centuries it was become an acknowledged subject of derision." p. 65. 125. scole of Stratford, after the style spoken in the rural districts of England, rather than that spoken in Paris. 126. Frcnsch of Paris. Of the various dialects spoken in France, that spoken at the capital early became the standard. For a most interesting account of this subject, see Brachet's Historical French Grammar. " Chaucer thought but meanly of tlie English French spoken in his time. It was proper, how- ever, that the Prioress should speak some sort of French, not only as a woman of fashion (a character which she is repre- sented to affect), but as a religious person." T. u7tk}ioive, p.p. = unknown. The tendency to drop final n, which has prevailed in the case of the infinitive, is here ex- hibited in the case of the participle, where it has in inost cases successfully resisted. 127. at inete=^ at the table. ivithalle, besides, with all her other accomplishments. 128. Falle, inf., to be construed with/ee/(pr. of let). 129. Ne xvette hyrc fyngres. The use of knives and forks at table is one of the refinements of modern civilization; cf. '• He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish." Matt. xxvi. 23. 130. keepe^ sc. cowde sche = she knew how to take care. A.S. cepan^=\.o take, to attempt, to regard, heed, keep. To take keep = io take care. " He that keepeth [i.e., careth for] Israel shall not slumber nor sleep." Ps. cxxi. 4. See K., 1380. 132. leste = pleasure, that to which she gave attention. The verb as well as the noun lust in E.E. simply denoted pleasure, and was not restricted to base passion as at present. With the second meaning given above, cf. listless. i2,-\. fcrtki?/g, literally, a fourth part; hence any small por- tion. For the same tendency to restrict a definite part to mean- ing a small part, cf. t it /ie = tenth. wo/V/y = one-half. 135. dronken. p.p. drunk. A.S. drincan, p. dratic, p.p. drun- cen. The pret. and p.p. of this class of verbs should be carefully distinguished. 136. Fill scm-e-ly., very prettilv, becomingly. ^««^<^^e = reached, pret. of reche. This old pret. is obso- lete, and a new one has been formed after the analogy of weak verbs. Il6 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 137. of grei disport, attributive genitive; cf. "He is a man of means." She was very fond of gajetj. 139. peynede hire = took pains. The reflexive use of this verb is obsolete. to countrefete cheere = \.o imitate the manner. The idea of imitation for a fraudulent purpose, which now attaches to coun- terfeit, is wanting in E.E., where counterfeit not unfrequentlj denotes a portrait. 140. estatlich, like one possessed of an estate ; hence stately, high-bred. court. " CoJiors or Cors was first used in the sense of a hur- dle, an enclosure, a cattle 3'ard. The cohortes^ or divisions of the Roman armj, were called by the same name; so many soldiers constituting a pen or a court. Thus cors, cortis, from meaning a pen, a cattle-yard, became in mediaeval Latin Curtis, and was used, like the German Hof, of the farms and castles built by Roman settlers in the provinces of the Em- pire. Lastly, from meaning a fortified place, curtis rose to the dignity of a roj'al residence, and became synonymous with palace." Max Miiller, Sci. Lang., 269. 141. to bc?i koldefi=^to be considered. ■ 142. ^/^/ = still further, indicating simply a change in the point of view. But is in A.S. buta?i for bi-uta?i, that is ^j/- out ^:= without = near- but- out. It gradually loses its adversative force, and becomes a simple conjunction. for to speken, the gerund or verbal noun. We would now ^^y speaki}ig, &c., using the independent participial construction. 144. If that = 1^ so be that; if it happened that. Accord- ing to this explanation, that is the sentence article, belonging to the sentence she saw, &c., which is the subject of the sup- plied verb. This explanation will also apply to the other cases where that follows a conjunction. 146. of smale houndes, a partitive genitive; cf. A.S. " Ic haebbe his her" = I have some (of it) here. Perhaps, however, this is an imitation of the French idiom. The A.S. generally uses the genitive, sometimes the preposition of. 147. wa^/t'/ <5rce(f^ fine white bread. Dogs were usually fed on coarse lentil bread baked for that purpose. 148. But = Sir\d; it is equivalent to an emphatic conjunction, its adversative force calling especial attention to the new partic- ular. NOTES TO THE FROLOGUE. 1 17 Scan : But so | re wepte | sch' if oon | of hem | were deed. 149. me?i, the indefinite pronoun {one), now unfortunately obsolete. It is also written me, which must be carefully dis- tinguished from the dat. and ace. of/. smoL pret. singular; the plural would be smite. So in A.S. he smot, we smiton. yerde^^a. stick, a rod. A.S. gyrd, geard. This word means : (i) an enclosed place (Goth, garda, a gard or fold, gards, a house), a garden; (2) the means by which such enclosure is effected, i.e., palings or sticks; (3) finally, the word comes to denote a lineal measure determined by the usual length of such palings. So, also, rod has passed to denote a measure of dis- tance ; and rood, a measure of area. 152. /r'5:= slender, well-proportioned. " Her face gentil and tretise." Rom. R., 1016. Eyen = e.yes. A remnant of the n declension of nouns; cf. oxen, chicken, kine. 255. a spanne broad, ace. of measure. troive^^ih'xnk, should think. 156. hardily, assuredly, certainly. Hard originally denotes strength (cf. /tardy), thence reliability. 157. I -was tuaar, I was aware, I observed. 159 peire^=ii set; used to denote anything, the parts of which, or the natural divisions of which, are equal to each other. bedes = heixds,, a rosary. Bead is derived from the A.S. bid- dan, Ger. betoi, to pray; it means: (i) a prayer; (2) a string of balls upon which the tale or tally of prayers was kept: hence the phrase " to tell one's beads "= to say one's prayer*. gauded al zvith gre7ie, with green gaudes. The gaudees were large beads upon the rosary indicating a Pater Noster. 160. broch^^'-' brooch, signified: (i) a pin; (2) a breastpin; (3) a buckle or clasp ; (4) a jewel or ornament. It was an orna- ment common to both sexes. The ' crowned A.' is supposed to represent Amor or Charity, the greatest of all the Christian graces." M. 162. Amor vijicit omnia. Love (charity) conquers (surpasses) all things. 163. Another Nonne. Tyrwhitt says: "No nun could be a chaplain." Probably a nun who assisted her in her duties aS prioress, and called a chaplain from the analogy. Il8 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 164. chapelly7i. This word maj' be used here as equivalent to assistant. Tjrwhitt, however, rejects these two lines as interpo- lations, because of the difficulty mentioned above. According to Spelman, the word chapel has passed through the following significations : (i) a chest or coffer, in which the relics of martjrs were preserved; (2) a building in which these capellae of relics were kept; (3) a place of praj'er, because of the peculiar sanctity of such places. Accordingly the word chaplaui would pass through corresponding changes, and would mean : (i) a keeper of such a coffer of relics ; (2) one whose duty it was to superin- tend the building in which the coffer was kept, or that part of the building in yhich the shrine was erected ; (3) one whose duty it was to read prayers. Inferior clergv can read prayers, while no one but a consecrated priest can celebrate mass. Hence the idea of inferioritj^ would naturally attach to the w'ord chap- lain, and the word might come in time to denote a servant in a religious house.- The same idea of inferiority attaches to a chapel as compared with a church. Webster's Dictionary gives another derivation of chapel: "Originally a short cloak, hood, or cowl, a sacred vessel, chapel. It is said that the king of France in war carried St. INIartyn's hat into the field, which was kept in a tent as a precious relic, whence the place took the name capclla., a little hat. and the priest who had the custody of the tent was called capellaftus, now chaplain.'' Wedgwood says, and we think with good reason, alluding to the foregoing derivation: "But we have no occasion to resort to so hypothetical a derivation. The canopy or covering of an altar where mass was celebrated was called capella, a hood. . . . And it can hardly be doubted that the name of the canopy was extended to the recess in a church in which an altar was placed, forming the capella or chapel of the saint to whom the altar was dedicated." 165. a fair for the maistric = ?i fair one for the position of master. " The phraseybr the maistre is equivalent to the French four la 7naistrie, which in old books of physic was applied to such medicines as we usually call sovereign [specific] or excel- lent above all others. In the same sense the monk is said to be fair for the maistrie — above all others." T. 166. A}i Oid-rydere ^ox\Q. who rides after the hounds in hunt- ing. Out in composition often denotes to a great degree, intensi- fying the word to which it is joined ; cf. ^«/ = because, for the reason that; cf. "by the cause." K., 1630. In compounds where ^/precedes, it is changed to be ; as, before, behittd, beside ; where it follows, it retains its form; as, thereby, hereby, t&c. The prefix be, in English verbs, stands in the place of three prefixes originally distinct: (i) be, the intensive prefix, as bereave (Goth., biraubon) ; (2) the inten- sive or collective prefix ^e, as believe, Ger. glauben (Goth., ga- laubjau); (3) the preposition by, as hecovae^^ by-come. Be in the ist and 3d cases was undoubtedly originally the same, de- noting nearness, hence intensity. that refers to catcse considered as a noun ; cf. "In the place that the tree falleth '= where the tree falleth, or, as it would be in E.E., xvhere that; cf. also therefore ^^^ior this, that. somdel= somewhat. We still say " a good deal." 176. trace. Other readings are space, pace. To hold the trace ^=to follow the track. 177- of that text. That which suggests a mental state is in A.S. put in the genitive. The statement of the act in this case is but an expressive way of showing his utter contempt for the strict discipline of the early monks. Of is here equivalent to concerning. a pulled he7t. "A moulting hen, a worthless hen, because neither laying eggs nor fit for food." M. " The French poulet, which then meant a ^^oung child, is Anglicized into something which looks like the participle of the verb to prill in the Prol- ogue, 177." Earle's Philology. Neither of these explanations appears to me satisfactory. I think it means a hen reduced to a NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 121 mere skeleton, — as we say, "mere skin and bones." The word is variously written pulled, peeled, pilled, pollid, and is probably allied to French piller, to plunder, and hence figuratively = poor. "Thou must not pil and powle the tenant." Latimer, vii. Ser. 51, Arber. '"Thus ye derid hein unduly with droppis of anger, And stonyed him with stormes that stynted nevere, But plucked and pulled hem anon to the skynnes, That the ffresing iTrost ffreted to here hertis." Dep. Ric, 12. "A nation scattered and peelled." Is. xviii. 2. Some derive the word from depilatus, bald. "And if it is a foul thing to a womman to hQ pollid, or to be maad ballid." Wiclif, i Cor. xi. 6. "As pyled as an ape was his skulle." C. T. , 3933. "With skalled browes blake and piled herd." P., 627. 178. That seith, that. First that, rel. pron. referring to text ; second that, sentence article, modifying the sentence which is the object o{ seith. fioon = not at all, in no case: an emphatic negative = no one. It must be explained as an adverbial accusative. 179. r^cc^e/^5 = reckless : regardless of the laws ofhis order. Tyrwhitt supposes Chaucer to have written 7-eghelles (A^S. regol, rule) = without rule, but the other explanation suits the context better. iSo. is likened= is to be likened to : is like to. 7va/er/^5 = out of water. Words in less are now used only subjectively. 181. This is to 5^r« = that is to say. Philosophicalh', it is more correct to use the near demonstrative in such cases, but our present idiom is fixed otherwise. to seyji, predicate with is. a monk, &c., sc. is likc7ied. \^2.-^worth, an abbreviated form of worthy, which in A.S. was followed by a gen. of price. W^e have retained this construction with 'worthy; with zuorth, however, we use, as here, the ace. of definition. 183. T seide=\ should say. Subj. pret. opiniouii, trissyllable. good. The usual etymology refers this word to the same root as God, with the original meaning of moral excellence. It is, however, probable that the resemblance is only accidental, and 12 2 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. that the original force of good is given more nearly in this pas- sage, — an opinion that 'tvill hold. 184. J^V/«/ = why, wherefore, Lat. ^z^/'^. Common in Shak- speare. studie, inf. The auxiliary verbs are followed by the infini- tive, although they have degenerated into hardly more than modal or tense signs. himselven^ ace. sing. For dative, see 1. 528. As we inflect self on\y in the plural, v does not occur in the sing. ivood, crazy, mad. This root is preserved in Wednesday (Wodensday), so named from the A.S. god Woden, — the Raging one, — an appropriate designation for the god of war. Scot, ivud, mad, distracted, wild. " An' just as wud as wud can be." Burns. 185. To pow re = to -^ovQ, to he. construed y^'xth studie. "Why should he devote himself (study, cf. Lat. studere) to poring over books in a cloyster, and make himself mad.'"' 186. 57X^^'«/('e = labor, inf., construe with xvhat schulde, 1. 184. This word is now obsolete, although used by Milton. 187. Hozv schal, &c. A fine bit of special pleading, or sar- casm. This whole passage is punctuated differently; some place an exclamation point after what, and only commas until byt ^ Morris points a full stop after poure. With the first pointing, which seems to give the easiest reading, the sense would be "what! should he study, &c., how shall the world be served." With this pointing, sdmlde and swyjike will be subjunctives. With the pointing given in our text, " How schal," &c., is rather an assertion under cover of a question = if he should study, «&c., the world could not be served. 188. "Let Austin keep his labor for himself." \'$>c). ;pricasour^=2i hard rider. Literally "a spurrer," one who rode with " whip and spur." aright ^= 0)1 r/^///= indeed. We now use dovjnright with a similar force. 190. Scan : Greyhoundes ] he hadde | as swifte [ as fowel [ in flight. foxvel, pi. = birds. Now usually restricted to domesticated birds. 192. Was al his lust=^ his pleasure was wholly. for no cost, &c. = " for no expense would he abstain from these sports." ISI. Perhaps, better, "he would on no account refrain, — for no reason. The verb cost is sometimes used figu- NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 123 rativelj as nearly equivalent to cause; e.g., " Slaverj'- cost the country a four years' war." So also ncedes-cosi = {or the reason of need; on account of necessity. 193. purjilcd, embroidered. Purfil (subst.) signifies the em- broidered or furred trimming of a dress; hence the verb comes to have the general meaning to ornament. atte = at the. 194. that, sc. which was. Or atid that may be explained as an emphatic conjunction = aitd that too. 195, Hood. "With an hode on his hed, a lousi hatte aboue." P.P. v. 195. 197. love-knot, an intricate knot, typical of an indissoluble union. Such minute touches of description reveal the charac- ter of the monk with a wonderful life-likeness. 198. balled =^h2i.\di. ''The original meaning seems to have been: (i) shining; (2) white." M. "Smooth as a ball." T. ''Besides signifying void of hair, bald is used in the sense of having a white mark on the face." Wedgwood. Cheap whiskey which fires the face is called bald-face (see Bartlett's Diet. Am.), in which the O.E. bal, a blaze, is clearly recognizable. 199. And eek connects_/ace with the subject o{ schon, as though it had been separately expressed. ««, pedibus acger. 230. He may not wepe^^he is not able to weep. The literal meaning o{ may is to be able. A.S. magan. " Thei schulen not mowe." Luke xiii. 24, Wiclif. They shall not be able. A. V. So also in the preterite : " His felavv Aristippus hight Which mochel couthe and mochel might." Gower's Con. Am., iii. 160. although, emphatic form of though, which is a derivative of the demonstrative pronoun ; the ugh is the intensive pronominal NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 1 27 particle; Goth, tik, Lat. ce. Though is therefore equivalent to Lat. quanquam. him sore smerte= it might pain him severely: he might be trulj penitent. Him, ace. after smerte. 231. in stede=^ in place. Now usually written together. 232. Me?i moot = orxQ van^t. 233. typet. " When the order degenerated, the friar combined with the spiritual functions the occupation of peddler, huckster, mountebank, and quack doctor." Brewer (quoted by Morris). 234. ivyfes, dat. pi. of ^cvif. 235. 7iooie=\oice. for singing. Note (Lat. notus) is: (i) a mark by which anything may be known ; (2) (in music) a mark designating certain sounds; (3) by metonomy, such a sound; (4) a musical voice, — a voice capable of making the notes. 236. couthe he 5)'«^e = knew he how to sing. Synge and fleyen, inf. depending upon couthe. rc>/e = a musical instrument. " Notker savs that it was the ancient psalteriujn, but altered in shape and with an additional number of strings." T. 237. yeddynges (dissyllable) = romances or poetic tales, pop- ular songs. utterly = from every one : wholly, to the utmost. 238. Jlour-de-lys= lily. 239. Therto = besides, literally = to this. 240. He kneiv the tavernes -wei, a recommendation as a fellow traveller. 241. ta_p_pestere ^ tapster. The termination stere, ster, denotes a feminine agent, although in the fourteenth century it was not always thus used ; this may have arisen froin the gradual trans- fer to men of certain avocations which in more warlike times belonged exclusively to women. The gradual loss of the idea of gender in this suffix would indicate the decadence of that state of society in which the husband was styled theivaepman (weapon- man), and the introduction of a higher civilization. We have also formed a class of words by analogy, in which, however, something of the original idea of feminine inferiority is pre- served; 2iS, you7igstcr. We find in O.E. hrezustere, ivebbestere (mas. zvebbe)., forestere, huckstcre, &c. We still use spinster as a feminine. In the case of S07igster we have made a double feminine by adding the ]?'rench suffix ess. This termination is 128 NOTES TO THE PBOLOGUE. by some referred to the Sanskrit siri, meaning woman : but the ending ^er in all languages of our fainilj signifies the agent or doer; e.g., Sansk. peiar, Lat. pater, Gr. iraTTjp, Goth, fadar, Ger. vater, Icel. fadir, A.S. faeder, Eng. father ^=\.\\q. one who feeds or supports. It is not impossible that an inorganic s may have been added, thus giving rise to a masculine ster. 243. zvortki here refers to social standing; cf. the expression, " worshipful sir." as he, sc. was. 244. Accordede 9iot=\t did not comport with his dignity. The subject of accordede is to hati, Sic, in the next line. as by hisfaculte=^ as tending to lessen his influence. by here = against ; cf. "I know nothing by myself." i Cor. iv. 4; i.e., against myself. 245. sike, pi. of sick. This use o{ sick is now called an Amer- icanism, the English restricting the meaning of the word to nausea. , 246. " It is not becoming, it may not profit one to associate (have dealings) with such poor people." This is in explanation of 11. 243, 244. honest is here used in its Latin signification = /lonorable. 247. Scan : Fo-r | to del | en with | no such | poraille. Deleft, to share, to have intercourse with. A.S. daelati, to divide. Hence, as in all commercial transactions there is a sharing of values, the word easily came to have its present meaning of doing business. We ^£?a/ with the grocer; that is, we give him 2^ part of our money for a part of his goods. For in this construction seems only to indicate the gerund : it has not the force of a preposition, as to deleft is the subject of the sentence. It may possibly be construed as a conjunction introducing the sentence, but thrown out of its natural place by the exigencies of the metre. 248. a/= altogether. ^/c//e=the rich, pi. adj. The language, because of the loss of inflection in adjectives, does not allow the omission of the article in cases like this. sellers of vitaille = those who would give him his livelihood. Sellers here means givers; cf. " Syle tham the thd bidde." Matt. V. 42. Give to him that asketh. 249. Scan : And o | v'ral ther | &c. schulde = inight, subj. pret. NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 129 arise = come hack. A figure taken from the "coming up" of seed. He was courteous where it would pay. 250. iotue/y of service = humble in performing his services. 251. Notice the negatives n'as no man novohcr. Ver^uof^s =^ active, energetic, diligent. From Lat. vir, a man. Virtue is therefore manliness, or manhood, which at first was synonymous with physical bravery, afterwards applied figura- tively to denote moral courage in resisting evil, and finally it has been applied to the spirit which resists the sins to which one is peculiarly exposed. What a revelation of character is given by the employment of this word ; as, virtuoso^ to desig- nate one skilled in ornamental arts; or vertu, to denote articles whose only use is ornament! 252. beggere, beggar. That is, a man with a hag, which was the usual sign of a mendicant. It is a curious and instructive fact that this word is not from the A.S. ; cf " Scheome, ich telle. . . . uorte beggen ase on harlot." An. R., 356. 253. Oo sckoo = Q. shoe. Some read a sou, a half-penny. Scan : For though | a wid | ew' had | de noght | 00 schoo. 254. Ift principio. The beginning of St. John's Gospel in the Vulgate. 256. purchas — /?(?;/^6 = proceeds of begging; regular income. nvel better = much better. 257. rage and fleyen are inf. depending upon couthe. 258. love-dayes. Days appointed upon which differences might be settled by arbitration, without recourse to law. These arbi- trators were usually chosen from the clergy, who thus had a fine opportunity of enriching themselves, — an opportunity of which they were not slow to take advantage. "Mr. Kitchin sug- gests that these private days of peace are analogous to the truga dei, — truce of God, — so often proclaimed by bishops between A.D. 1000 and 1300. This truce lasted from 3 p.m. Saturday to 6 A.M. on Monday." M. Perhaps, however, the word may be nothing more than a corruption of law-days, — the days on which sheriffs held their courts. "They [the lawj'ers] follow Sises and Sessions, Letes, Lawdays and Hundredes." Latimer, vii Ser. ^;^, Arber. I^etes^=^io\wr\ courts : kundredes = co\xvt?> for the hundreds. The fact that Lawdaj^s, or days upon which terms of court opened, were usually determined by the festivals of the church, would facilitate this confusion. " It was ordered by the laws of King Ed- ward the Confessor, that from Advent to the octave of the Epipha- 9 I30 NOTES TO THE PROLOQUE. nj, from Septuagesima to the octave of Easter, from the Ascension to the octave of Pentecost, and from three in the afternoon of all Saturdays till Monday morning, the peace of God and of holy church shall be kept throughout all the kingdom. And so extravagant was afterwards the regard that was paid to these holy times that . . . Britton is express that in the reign of King Edward the First no secular plea could be held, nor any man sworn on the Evangelists in the times of Advent, Lent, Pente- cost, harvest an'd vintage, the days of the great litanies, and all solemn festivals. But he adds that the bishops did nevertheless grant dispensations . . . that assizes and juries might be taken in some of these holy seasons. . . . The portions of time that were not included within these prohibited seasons fell naturally into a fourfold division, and, from some festival day that im- mediately preceded their commenceinent, were denominated the Terms of St. Hilary, of Easter, of the Holy Trinity, and of St. Michael. . . . There are in each of these terms stated days called days in ba)ik ; that is, days of appearance in the court of coinmon bench. They are generally at the distance of about a week from each other, and have reference to some festival of the church. On some one of these days in bank all original writs must be made returnable. . . . But on every return day in the term the person summoned has three days of grace, beyond the day named in the writ, in which to make his appearance." Black- stone, iii. 276. 259. Uier^= on such occasions; i.e., in putting in pleas. There, being the dative of the demonstrative, may mean either itt that flace, or at that time. 261. maister, chief, or head of a religious house. 263. That rounded, &c. = that kept its shape round as a bell in a press or throng, — alluding to the shortness of the garment, which, upon the full figure of the friar, resembled a bell; and to the quality and abundance of the material, which kept its shape even in a press or crowd. 265. To make his Englissch szvete, &c. To those ecclesiastics whose native language was French the English must have seemed harsh. We have rendered it much smoother than it was in the time of Chaucer by silencing the gutturals. 266. i^«;-^j';/_^ probably = playing on any musical instrument. See line 236. 268. don, pi. for doen. This use of do is common,' but improper NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 131 Do can be used in place of the verb only by ellipsis, in which case the verb omitted can be restored from the preceding clause. We evidently cannot say "do twinkled," but we can say "We love because you do." Originally do could only be followed by the infinitive; we have relaxed the rule so as further to allow the infinitive to be suggested by a diflferent mode. The force of this rule is, that do must not be employed as an auxiliary and as a leading verb in the same sentence. 269. cleped, called, monosyllable. Still retained in archaic English in the p. participle j'c/c//. 270. forked herd. A forked beard was the fashion at this time. 271. high on kors^=&\'Qci upon his horse; cf. "He carries a high head." We say "on foot "or "a-foot;" but 07i horse is obsolete. We use the preposition with the gerund with the omis- sion of the article or relative word, as a-huntuig. 272. c/(7^5e(f= clasped. Connected with c//^, to embrace. The word clip is still used to denote an iron passing around the axle of a wagon. The tendency to shift the position of the letter s appears in A. S. ; e.g., asce^ or «c5^, ashes ; ascian or acsia7i,\.o ask, which is still vulgarly pronounced ax. /aire and fetysly^=WQ\\ and neatly. 275. " Always having reference to the increase of his gains." Sownynge = ho2i?>\\ng, sounding-^ having reference to ; cf. the legal phrase " Sounding in damages." tkencres = th& increase. The article (definitive) frequently coalesces with the defined word when such word begins with a vowel. The case endings of nouns were originally definitive words, which have coalesced with the stem form, in the same manner as the verbal endings, which were originally pronouns, have become attached to the stem. So long as the original force of these endings is felt, the subjects of verbs, when pronouns, are omitted, and definitive words are in like manner omitted in the case of nouns. In Early Saxon there is no article; in Early English it is quite sparingly used : but when the real force of the inflectional endings was lost, the article and other definitive words have been introduced to supply their place. From this tendency to unite the article and noun in pronunciation, — a sort of inflection at the beginning of the word, — several curious forms have arisen; e.g., nonce, the initial n being the ace. ter- mination of the article ; so also, nokcs (oaks), nale (ale). But one 132 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. of the most curious instances is the Turkish name for Constan- tinople, — Siamboid, which is a corruption of the Greek dq rfjv 7roAiy= to the citj. The Turks frequently hearing this phrase, and not knowing its meaning, quite naturally took it to be the name of the city. 276. 'zvere kept^=\\& wished the sea to be watched or guarded " so that he should not suffer from pirates or privateers." M. for e?iy t/ii?ige = ixt all hazards, by all means. For here has the meaning m comparison tvit/i, in preference to. He wished the sea to be guarded in preference to any thing else. Morris, however, explains for by for fear of which does not seem to me satisfactory. 277. MiddelburgJi, a port in the Netherlands. Orewelle, a port in Essex. 278. " He knew how to give French crowns in exchange ; " that is, to act as a money-changer, a class of extortioners. 5c>^t'e/^e5 = shillings (skieldings). French crowns marked with a shield. 279. /lis xvit bisette=^ employed his wits. Wit is here used somewhat as we still use the word to denote the mental faculties, but with a dash of contempt, as though they were put to an un- worthy use ; cf. "A clerk had beset his while," Millere's Tale, = A clerk had employed his time. 280. JVo man iviste, &c., a fine stroke of description. 281. "So stately was he in his demeanor in his bargains, and in making his arrangements for borrowing money." Mor- ris explains so steadily, probably an error of the press. The idea is that he had such a confident air that, even when borrowing money, no man suspected that he was in debt. 282. bargayns. " O. Fr. barguigner, to chaflfer, bargain, or more properly (says Cotgrave) to wrangle, haggle, brabble, in the making of a bargain. The proper meaning of the word is contest, debate, and it was frequently used in O.K. and Scotch in the sense of fight, skirmish." Wedgwood. 283. zvit/ialle, in spite of all, nevertheless. The original force of with = against, which is still retained in compounds; e.g., zuithstand, -vithhold. Withalle is simply an emphatic form of with, and will vary in meaning as with varies. 284. But introduces an unexpected clause : one would expect that being a worthy man his name would be known. J not^^^l ne wot. I know not. The negative frequently com- NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 1 33 bines with the following word; as, nam^^ ne am, »a5 = ne was, nath^= ne hath, nolde ^ ne wolde. me?t /iim calle^^wh^Li one might call him, — what his name was. 285. Clerk = a scholar, an educated person. This word affords an admirable illustration of the changes which the meaning of a word undergoes corresponding to certain changes in the objects designated by it. Clerk is originally the Greek KhjpiKog, — literally, chosen by lot. It was in very early times applied to the clergy, because, as is supposed, Matthias was thus selected to be an Apostle. The word clergy is the same word derived through the Latin clericatus. During the Middle Ages the ecclesiastics were possessed of all the learning in the world, so that the word clerk became synonymous with learned person ; and, as the estimation of learning fell, it signified any one who could read; while clergie was used to denote learning, or men of learning. The word now signifies one whose chief employment is writing, or an attendant in a store, probably because writing was deemed an accomplishment essential to a shop-keeper, in keeping his accounts. Oxoiford =^ Oxford, "as if the ford of the oxen (A S. Oxjia- ford), but the root ox (esk, oiise) is of Celtic origin, and signifies ivater.'" M. Oxenford therefore means "the ford of the (river) Ouse." 286. That unto logic, &c. Who for a long time had given his attention to logic Literally, who had gone into logic, &c. We stiW speak of going into law or any other profession. The condition in which the study left the student is a satire upon the method of teaching logic then in vogue. 286. He ; that is, the Clerk. 288. right fat^=^ very fat. This use of right is a vulgarism at present, or confined to colloquial use. We say " right oft'," "right away." "A Southerner would say, 'It rains right hard.'" Bartlett's Diet. 291. gctcn, p.p. = gotten, got. hitn, dative = for himself. be)iefice=^?^x\ ecclesiastical living. This word is the same with benefit (Lat bene, facere^, and originally signified an estate in lands granted for life only, and held at the good-will of the owner. It afterwards technically signified the grant of temporal authority hy the Pope as a fee of the Roman see. Finally, 134 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. upon the extinction of feudalism, it was restricted to religious livings. 292. 50 wo;'/^«5c?z^r = prosecutor. Probably refers to his acts as king's counsel. 319. fee 5y;;?//^ = possession without restriction. Fee origin- ally denoting property, — that to which one had the right of possession, — naturally came to have the meaning of possession ; simple (Lat. sine j)lica^ without a fold) means without any com- plications : hence fee symj^le would mean possession or a title, without any of the many complications to which real-estate titles in England are often subject. These courts of assizes were held for the purpose of trying landed questions, and the meaning here is, "No title was to him more difficult of decision than a case in fee-simple." 320. His fiirchasyng, 8zc. " His prosecutions might not be tainted with any suspicion of collusion." M. enfecle, as a legal phrase, means to contaminate with any illegality. . 323. lu tcnnes=^ai the sessions of the court. See note, 1. 258. Caas and domes alle = He had full knowledge of all the cases and decisions rendered in the courts from the time of King Wil- liam ; i.e., William the Conqueror, a.d. 1066. 324. ifjcre falle = were fallen or happened. Intransitives often form an aorist perfect with the auxiliary de. " When he was set." Matt. v. 2 (A.V.). "When he hadde sete." lb.; Wiclif. fane = happened. " Sit still until thou know how the matter will fall." Ruth iii. 18. 325. endive = tell a story. make a i/ii}zg-=^\VY\ie a poem. "A poet is as much as to say a maker. And our English name well conformes with tl.e Greeke word; for of iroidv, to make, they call a maker poeta." Putten- ham's Arte of Poesy, cap. i (Arber). Prof. Earle, Philology of the English Tongue, p. 200, certainly against the weight of authority, explains this line thus : " In such a sense it is said by Chaucer that his Sergeaunt of Lawe could endite and make a THYNG, meaning, he could make a good contract, was a good conveyancer." Cf. Ger. dino-cn, to bargain. 327. ;pleyn by I'oote, plead from memory. 328. hooinly^ dressed plainly, in the manner one would be dressed at home. The word implies the absence of ornament, and is analogically applied to the features. NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 137 329. Gird=g\\-ded. Chaucer frequently contracts the preter- ites of verbs ending in d or /. 330. telle I no leiiger tale = I make no further account. " Litel tale hath he told Of eny drem." Nonne Preestes Tale, 298. Little account made he of any dream. Telle and tale are from A.S. iellatiy to reckon, 331. Fra?ikeley?i ^=^ ^ wealthy freeholder; the only real dis- tinction between him and others of his class being the largeness of his estate. 332. dayeseye = d^\^y : literally ^rtj ''5 eye, Chaucer's favorite flower; upon the etymology of which he dwells with a lover's fondness. "Now have I than eke this condicioun That of alle the floures in the mede, Than love I most those floures white and rede. Such that men callen daisies in our toun." Legende of Goode Women, 40. "The longe day I shope me for to abide For nothing elles, and I shall nat lie But for to look upon the daisie That wel by reason men it calle maie The Daisie or els the eye of the day." lb., iSo. " Those who transferred the title to our little field flower meant no doubt to liken its inner yellow disk or shield to the great golden orb of the sun, and the white florets which encircle this disk to the rays which the sun spreads on all sides round him." Trench, St. of Words, 44. 334. Scan : Wel lov | ede h'in | the mor | w' a sop | in wyn. sop 171 wyn, bread dipped in wine. Bacon says that sops in wine inebriate, quantity for quantity, more than wine itself, which probably accounts for the Frankeleyn's fondness. 335. To lyven in dclite=^\.o live in luxury. "The gratification of the appetite for food is the most direct and universal of all pleasures, and therefore the one most likely to be taken as the type of delight in general." Wedgwood. 336. o-ixme is used to heighten the idea of personal relation. The verbs to ovjn and to ozve are generally referred to the same root. A.S. agan (cf. Gr. Ix^lv'). The original verb took diff"erent forms to express different meanings, — the one denoting pecun- iary liability, the other moral obligation. "It may sound odd 138 NOTES TO TEE PROLOGUE. to speak of a man as ozvnmg y^h^t he ozves ; jet, if we will think of it, there are few things that can rightly be said to be more a man's own than his debts : thej are emphatically ^ro^t^r to him, or his proJ)criy, clinging to him, as they do, like a part of him- self. Again, that which a man owns in this sense, or oives, is that which it is proper for him, or which he has, to perform or to discharge (as the case may be) ; hence the secondary mean- ing of ought as applied to that which is one's duty, or which is fitting." Craik, E. of S., p. 134. 337. pleyn delyt= perfect physical enjoyment. 339. afid that^ emphatic conjunction, — that particularizing and thus emphasizing the added notion ; cf. Lat. cumque. See note, 1. 43. 340. Sey/it jfulia?! ''' vf?is eminent for providing his votaries with good lodgings and accommodations of all sorts. In the title of his Legende, he is called 'St. Julian the gode herberjour' (entertainer)." T. 341. rt/zy«>' ^//er sc/^/rrez'e = sheriff, i.e., reeve of the shire or county. A.S. gerefa, Ger. Graf. " He [the sheriff] is the first man in the county, and superior in rank to any nobleman therein dur- ing his office." Blackstone, i. 343. coimtoiir^=^^\x6\.\.o\', — one appointed to manage the fiscal concerns of the county. The former office indicates his popu- larity, this his reputation for honesty. 361. Haberdassher. " Haberdashers were of two kinds, — haberdashers of small wares, sellers of needles, tapes, buttons, &c., and haberdashers of hats. The first of these would be well explained from O.N. hapurtask, trumpery, things of trifling value. . . . The haberdasher of hats seems named from some kind of stuff called hapertas, of which probably hats were made." Wedgwood. Carpetiter^=?i worker in wood. This word is from the Latin, through the French. Lat. carpentarius irova carpentum., a wagon, — literally, a wagon-maker, hence a worker in wood : so we have house-carpenter, ship-carpenter, &c. 362. lVelfde=^ a weaver (masculine); %vebster would be the feminine : there is, however, a confusion in the use of the termi- nations, — either word being used to denote either sex. 363. /yz'^re' = livery. Livery denotes what was delivered by the lord to his subordinates, whether it were money, food, or clothing. As regards clothing, it hence easily came to denote external marks of distinction, whether of servants, officers, or tradesmen. As regards food, it came to denote an allowance of food for horses, and thus a place where horses were kept. The acctnt shows the word to be still considered as French. Scan : Weren with | us eek ] clothed in | 00 lyv | er6. 364. yratemite ^= guild. Each trade had its guild (Dan. gilda, feast, see note, 1. 370) supported by a tax levied upon the mem- bers. These guilds were incorporated by the government and exercised great influence. These mechanics v(^ere masters* NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 141 365. apiked='ke^t very neat. The word probably denotes that nicety of cleansing indicated hy pickifig off particles with the fingers. " Too \nwc\\ pi ckediiess is not manly." B. Jonson. 366. knyfes. As the gentleman had a dagger (1. 357) the master-mechanics wore knives. t'-c/iapcd= fitted with silver hooks to the scabbard. The noun chape is used by Shakspeare. 367. silver' The fact that the scabbards, «S:c., worn by these mechanics were trimmed with silver, indicates that they were of a superior estate. Wrought fill c/c«e = wrought very delicately; of fine work- manship. 368. pouches. The French form {pocke) of an A.S. word pocca, which we still use as poke ; cf. " Buy a pig in a poke,'' i.e., pocket. Pocket is a French diminutive of poke. The verb poach is from the French form ; e.g., " to poach eggs " = to cook them in a small dish like a pocket; to poach, i.e., to rob game = to put it in a pocket. The verb to poke, and the noun poke, de- noting a contrivance worn by animals to prevent their breaking out of an enclosure, is from another root, allied to Lat. pungcre, to prick. 370. yeldehalle=?i. Guild-hall. "The primary meaning [of guild] is a feast, then the company assembled; and the same transference of signification will be observed in the word com- pany itself, which, signifying in the first instance a number of persons eating together, has come to be applied to an association for any purpose." Wedgwood. deys = dais. Dais denotes first a canopy placed over the heads of persons of distinction, then the raised platform at the end of the hall upon which sat persons of distinction. As the table was usually placed upon this platform, the term dais soon came to designate it; and, finally', the word included in its significa- tion all the ornaments of such platform; as, hangings, &c. 371. Everych^^ Q.Q.ch. of them. Every is now used only as an adjective. that he can = that he knows, — is master of. 372. schaply = ^t. From the verb to shape, hence adapted. 373. c<7ife/= property. " Our English word cattle is derived from the Low Latin catalla, a word of unknown etymology, sig- nifying movable property generally, or what the English law calls chattels." Marsh, Lect. E.L., 246. The origin of the word 142 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. is undoubtedly Lat. caf>italc, the principal sum in a loan, as dis- tinguished from the interest, and hence denoting movable prop- erty. See note, 1. 317; see also 1. 540. /;/!C»«^'^ = enough. Go\.\\ gajiohs^ in which ^<7 is the intensive particle, which leaves naich (Ger. tiocJi) stiil, yet, as the original word, if this be not an emphatic form of na {jiaha7i^ to suffice) ; cf. Gr. valu — hpu> valov uyyea^ the pails were filled with curd. Od. ix. 222. rettte = \ncovc\e from business or investments. See note, 1. 256. They had property enough to entitle them to hold the office of alderman, 374. //, dative = to it. 375. T{;erijiue?ice, jovial, &c. Trench says that " whenever the word influence occurs in our English poetry, down to a comparatively modern date, there is always more or less remote allusion to invisible illapses, skyej', planetary effects, supposed to be exercised hy the heavenly luminaries upon the lives of men." Eng. Past and Pres., 240. The same thing may be familiarly illustrated by the retention of the anatomical diagram and the column for the moon's place still retaijied in most almanacs. 416. kcpte = watched, took care of 417. houres. "The houres are the astrological hours. He carefully watched for a favorable star in the ascendant. A great portion of the medical science of the Middle Ages depended upon astrological and other superstitious observances." Wright. Magic Naturel. These practices are alluded to in the " House of Fame," iii. 175 : — "And clerkes eke, which konne wel, Alle this magike naturel. That craftely doon her ententes To maken in certeyn ascendentes NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 147 Images, lo ! ^hrugh which mngike To maken a man ben hool or sike." 418. yinagcs. See previous quotation. 420. hoot, Szc, the four humors. Of denotes the gen. of source. 423. i-htiotve = known. The prefix ge had in A.S an inten- sive force, which may have caused its retention in certain expressions. His harm = his malady ; usually denotes a contagious disease. 424. Anon = in one (instant) = immediately. " But ever in oon y-like sad and kynde." C. T., 8478. 5oofe = remedy. From this sense it gradually passes to the idea of compensation, — making good a loss, — as man-bot = t\\e penalty for killing a man. We retain this force in the colloquial expression to boot ; i.e., to compensate for the difference between two things to be exchanged. 426. dragges = drugs. The original idea of drugs seems to have been something powdered. The O. Fr. is dragee, which had the meaning condiments or spices ; but I think it more likely that this was a secondary meaning. Pepys in his Diary, Feb. 3, 1665-6, says, " did carry home a silver drtidger for my cupboard of plate." That is, a box for spices. The dredger still in use in our kitchen is a vessel with a perforated cover to scatter condi- ments upon articles of food. 427. other ; we say the other. 425. Here, gen. pi., of them, their. A.S. heora. 429. Esculapius, the Greek patron of medicine. 430-434. The persons here mentioned were the medical authorities of the Middle Ages. Rufus was a Greek physician of Ephesus; Haly, Serapion, and Avicen were Arabian physi- cians and astronomers; Rhasis was a Spanish Arab ; Averroes, a Moor; Damascen, an Arabian; Constantyn, a native of Car- thage: all these flourished from the ninth to the eleventh cen- turies. Bernard Gordonius. professor of medicine at Montpellier, lived about the time of Chaucer; Gatesden was a physician of Oxford, in the early part of the fourteenth century; Gilbertvn is Supposed by Warton to be the celebrated Gilbertus Anglicus. Condensed from Wright's note. 436. of no SHperJluite. This must be construed as a genitive 14^ NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. limiting a noun; the A.S. attributive gen. denoting quality. Cf. " a man of means." 437- digestible. Accent third syllable as in French. The use of this adjective indicates the qualitative force of the preceding phrases with of. 438. This line affords a good illustration of the manner in which Chaucer paints a character with a single stroke. 439. sangzvin and iti j)ers, cloth of deep red and bright blue colors. 440. taffeta = a fine smooth stuff of silk with a wavy lustre. sendal= a kind of thin rich silk. " His stede with sa?idelle of Frise was trapput to the hele." Anturs of Arthur, xxx. 9. "There was mony gonfanoun [banner] Of gold sendel and siclatoun." Alexander, 1963. The names of the cloths mentioned are French. 441. but esy of dispejice = hut moderate in his expenses. 442. /// Pestilence ; alluding to the great pestilence of 1348-9, in which, of course, his services were in great demand. 443. gold in Phisik. Erastus, combating the prevailing notion, says, " that gold makes the heart merry, but in no other sense but as it is in a miser's chest." Burton, Anat. Mel., P. 2, Sec. 4. Mem. i. Subs. 4. 444. Tkerfore^=ioY this reason: t/ier refers to the previous statement, probably to be explained by the remark of Erastus quoted above. in special = especially. 445. of bvside Bathe = from a place near Bath. 446. skatke = misfortune. We still use the verb to scat/ie, and the adj. scatheless. The noun is used by Spenser and Shak- speare. In like manner we have lost the noun ruth., but we retain the adj. ruthless. Cf. Ger. Schade. 447. cloth- making. "The west of England, and especially the neighborhood of Bath, was for a long time celebrated for its cloth. Ypres and Ghent were the great clothing marts of the continent." From Wright. she. Observe change in orthography. 449. parisshe = parish. Parish is from the French paroisse., from the Greek 'napokta, dwelling near. Parishioners are liter- NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 149 ally persons dwelling near each other. We preserve the Greek form \n parochial. 450. to the ofryiig. "An allusion to the offering on Relic Sunday, when the congregation went up to the altar in succes- sion to kiss the relics." M. Schulde = ought = had a right to go. Schuldc is here used in its original sense of propriety or moral obligation. 453. kevcrchefs^==Vc.\'cX\\Q.i%. Literally, coverings for the head. Our handkerchief is therefore an incongruous word. grounde = warp, foundation ; i.e., not of a cheap material in the warp, covered with a more costly. Grund is used similarly in German. Morris explains "of a fine texture." ten poufide, probably with the ornaments added. 457. Fill streyt yteyd, very closely tied. schoos fill moysie, soft, supple; cf. 1. 203. 458. reed of hezve = of ruddy complexion. 459. zuorthy =^0^ high social position, with no reference to moral character. So worship (worthship) originally signified honor. 460. Housebondes = husbands. A.S. hiisbanda, from hus, house, and banda, one dwelling in {buan^, with the idea of ownership, thus = house-master. By an easy transition, the word came to signify a married man. The same word appears in husbandry^ where the original force is preserved, — that of dwelling upon the land for the purpose of cultivating it. The word boor is from the root biean, and means one occupying the land. The common derivation from house and bond is untenable. at chirche dore. The priest married the couple at the church porch. Hadde = had had, plupf. 461. Withouten = besides; without taking into account. 462. needcth nought = there is no need. The subject of tieed- eth is to speke. 463. It was considered an act of great merit to make a pil- grimage to Jerusalem to the Holy Sepulchre. 466. Galice. The shrine of St. James at Compostella in Ga- licia, whither the body of the saint was said to have been carried by a ship without a rudder. Coloyne = Cologne, where the bones of the three wise men from the East were buried. 467. co'tvde = knew ; had experience in. I50 .VOri:.^ TO THE FBOlOGUE, ^- : usually expuimed as = tt-trWt-rxjrjj". alluding to the u .Uv......cs of making a pilgrimage in thoc>e da_v«, betbre the great lines of travel u-ere established : but if I might haiard & conjecture, it may = T.amdntm^, trouble, suffering; cf. rttrWrtrAl, sorrow. But the word may be taken as ^ tr-sfts^yrssij'H in a moral sense. See Wif of Bathes^ Frol. 655. " Women that . . . wol go oa pfl- grimage more for sporte than for deuocion." Kt. La Tour- Landry, 54- 46S. Gii-ix-l^Jy with projecting teeth. " Some men there be that put them [the lips] far out, by reason that they are gag-toothed.* Holland's Plinie, L 336> L. Sff/Miv f<>r tif sity*t = to speak truly, to tell the truth. 472. /v^i-mttJtUi =^ " a sort of riding-petticoat, such as is now used by market women.** T. 474.. /I'i^'vscAi/^ = company. See notes, U. ^6, 395. 475- ^^^ n'mciivts . . . Ai.? ^«m" = she knew [the virtues] of the remedies for love- A partitive geniti\-e. AVurar is followed bv the ace. or gxni. : by the ace- when the action of the verb is expressed without restriction : by the gen. when the verb is lim- ited to a part of the object. 5i»f Jtm^nz' tji^ rttmt'Jits would assert that she understood the nature and composition of the remedies ; Ai*r ijf^TS" ofti^ tn^m^'dztts means she knew what \vere remedies for love; cf. " I know the man*' and '*I know of the man."* The verb with «»/'" appears to be equivalent to the verb and a substux- tive ; i.e. = to have knowledge of. ^irrej4tr««c^ = by experience. She was not a professional, but had g-^lined her knowledge by experience, as she herself sa\-« in her Prologue, II. i, i. ** Experience, though non auctoritee Were in this world, is right ynough for me.* 476» «ri refers to Ovid*s Art of Love, as rcm^tdy^ refers to his Remedv of Love, — two standard works upon the subject. ctj>«if.h' = Nvas master of. tJkf ifiiia liaMMc^. **To know the old dance** is a proverb meaning to know the old customs. 477' *if' t^ii;P'<^'tM =of a religious order, — iu ho^y orders. 47$. Am J a"tf5 = who was; and he was. The relative pro- noun, bv virtue of the relation it expresses, serves as a conneo ti\-e ; in this case «rW connects the two ^-erbs. and the subject is omitted as usual in such cases. It /«MirY Pfn^MM <>fu T\\G.di to preach. 482. parischens = parishioners. devoutly wolde = he most earnestly (devotedly) wished to teach. 455. such; i.e., benigne, diligent, and pacient. This presents us a vivid picture of his parish, wherein was such frequent oppor- tunities for the exercise of these virtues. 456. Pul loth xi'ere him = He was extremely unwilling. to curse is the subject; loth is the predicate with ////« in the dative; were, pret. subj. to curse = to excommunicate. Curse is another form o{ cross, and means to imprecate the displeasure of God by the sign of the cross. He would not excommunicate those who failed through misfortune to pay their tithes. tythes. The tithe or tenth was that part of one's income in kind set apart for the service of the church. "And behold I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance." Num. xviii. 21. '-Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed that the field bringeth forth year by year." Deut. xiv. 22. Hence tithe = any small portion. 15^ ^OTES TO THE PROLOGUE. ii>7. emi of d^aiie = witlioat doobt. In A.S. mi4i.m. governs the geujij »£- 4Si9. Of his »0^ry'B£re = c(S has in^oine £rom contribations ; par- smbsiamm€^= ihs -prcrp^Ttj he. had acqtaired, or the income of h3* bcTjefice- ^yi. //>>/ /i/if^^ ]5lije-, as opposed to abundance. Tiimg {A-S. 3f. ; '_ is properfy tbat 'irlhach can be seen^ anj thing visi- ble ; beinice substance, tbat which has weight. It is here used coliectivel j^ and not distribiotiTel j, as is now^ the common usage- Tkimg 3S renfenred bj sonne to timm^ to do- ^91 . Scan : Wrd was \ his parisch \ and boos | es fier | ason- der. J.},; . But ig mt J/affe mot= he ceased Bot. ^ for fear of; SJikrallj, in frcnl rf: ci.fcrf, ' ^= -^ - ''■ A-S- r€g€H ; tJae ^ 3* first sojPtened to jr, then to /, a' rDt; cf. i/a IT from dat;g. ^ ' r ;] me Saft II e not | for T^rne ° r? Ihonder. -1 - -^ lit€ = gieat and sms • '.. — : . _ rank and loir. ^}--. ijj'-"'' '■■-' fi^^ = o^-fi>ot. He 'isras too poor to keep a ± ■/ s^ierp, pi. AS. Beiiiteiv of the first declension fonn tibe ^ . :■]- alike. 497. TIjI jfirsff, iuc Thai is tie seiatence articJe referring ie -sstrorngki^ - mplc. After a general statement iJio/ introduces ap:-- ajzir laai. Th ~1 here reffr? to 1* s^roMgiU as to a noun. 501. ffful^^ s.ijjt. a SyW/, &Qitla.yirZ#- Tiae primitiTe mean- ing seeiD? to bave bee^n fmirid. 302. A^i> -TTcnd^.r is. k.c~ = It is no wonder that an ignorant man sboasld "k^fjoms fillhj. Tiff* rmsle is the subject of is; le^ed. mam is the aoc snbrject Oi i& rmsie ; is'&vd'cr is the predicate. leived=^ igijoraint- as opporsed to the clergy or educated per- soBs; froTu A-S. I'fpdf. people, hence comimon people., and as an adjectf ve : ' z tie jiDaBnejs of the common people : the same idea id2t - --.iced im villain, boorish, heathen. "That leTvd, •wh\ch Tneaint ai one tiiDe no njore than lay or uul^armrd^ should come to - ' '^i, the ricious, is not a little worthj of note. Hoiar j^rc-x-.j ^r are reiminded here di that sajing of the Pharisees of old, ^ This people which knoweth not the law is NOTL'S TO Till': PROLOGUE. 153 cursed ! ' liow much of their spirit must liave been at work before the word could liavc acquired this secondary- meaning! " Trencli. From its jirimitive meaning, rjr;wr to have; so that the use of the auxiliary have, as above mentioned, is based upon the same conception as the use of the word ought. In this passage the meaning inclines towards the common signification of o've : a priest owes it [to his pro- fession] to give example to his flock. 506. hozv that^=^\x\ what way it should be that. — how. ILnv is onl}- another form of tc7/»', the instrumental case of what. That is added with an original reference to the noun, implied by the interrogative; but as the pronominal force of how was lost, that was nevertheless retained with the iiloa of securinir irreater dollniteness by the use of the definitive. The true construction is seen in since that — A.S. s/'ththau the, in which case that is plainly relative, after the demonstrative involved in si'uee, sith- thau. In all such cases, it is best to suppose an ellipsis of the proper mode and tense of /t> be. 154 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 507. He sette not, &c. He did not let out his parochial duties to some poor curate, and go up to London to seek a more lucra- tive position. sette, causative from sit, hence ^to cause to sit, to place; cf. also lecgaji from licga7i^\^y, lie; drencan, from drincan = drench, drink. benefice, originally, a grant of land to a Roman veteran; an ecclesiastical living below that of a bishop. to hyre, a gerund ; cf. to let, to rent. 508. /ec/=let (pret.) = leave. Laetan (let) is often to be construed with to be or to go, understood. " Laet thaer thine lac beforan tham altare." jNIatt. v. 24. Leave there thy gift before the altar. 509. seynte Ponies, sc. church, — the metropolitan cathedral church of London, which the king and nobility attended. In E.E. the diphthong an was sounded as in German, and the word Paul is here spelled as it was pronounced. 510. hi'jn, dative of advantage. chaujiterie for soules = an endowment for the payment of a priest for saying masses for the soul of the founder. The orig- inal pronunciation of soul (A.S. sawel) is here indicated by the rhyme : — " Persones and parisch prestes pleyned hem to the bischop, That here parisches were pore sith the pestilence tyme, To haue a lycence and a leue at London to dwelle And syngen there for symonye, for siluer is swete." P. P., Prol., 85. Latimer (vii. Sermons) severely denounces the chauntery Priests of his day. 513. myscarye = \.o misbehave, to carry one's self amiss. 514. w^^cnour = a su mmoner ; an officer employed to sum- 158 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. mon delinquents to appear in ecclesiastical courts, — now called an apparitor. Pa/'^^;/o^^_v appearance of the muscles when largely developed. 550. heve of harre = lift off the hinges. Gower uses the expression '■'■ out of herre" which Dr. Pauli leaves unexplained; may it not be explained as "out of gear" or " oft" the hinges," as the colloquial phrase expresses any disorder.? heve; from this word we have ^ea^/ (A.S. heafod). the part which is lifted up; heaven (A.S. heafon), that which is lifted up, — the sky. 552. sozve or fox. The wild hog is of a tawnj' red color. 553. brood =^ broad, indicating a disregard of the prevailing fashion. See line 270 and note. 554. Upon the cop right =:^ right n^onihQ top » We retain the ♦ NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 159 word cof> in cob= a head, the receptacle of Indian corn; so also in copings that portion of a wall which forms the top or finish. hade = hadde = had. Tlie orthography and the pronunci- ation are changed to accommodate the rhyme. 557. nose-thurles = nos-trils. (A.S. tkyrel, a hole). Spenser uses intermediate forms : — "That flames of fire he threw forth from his large nosethrill." F. Q^ i. II, 22. "Where proud Encelade whose wide nosthrils burnd." lb., iii. 9, 22. The modern orthography conceals the etymology of the word, and could only have come into use when the real meaning of the compound word was lost. 55S. sxverd and bocler. Seel. II2. 559. y(;r«^j'5 = furnace. See 1. 202. 560. jaiigler^= a great talker. From this word we h.'A.^Q. jangle to quarrel, and perhaps /V//^/^?. golycirdeys =^ ■a. buffoon (Skeat), a teller of ribald stories. "The primary type of jollity is eating and drinking, an idea expressed in caricature by a representation of the sound of liquor pouring down the throat. . . . Fr. godailler, to guzzle, to tipple, . . . faire gogaille, to make merry, to drink merrily. . . . The latter half [of gogaille, Eng. coW. guggle'] seems to give rise to the term gaillard, one making inerry, enjoj'ing himself, a good fellow. The word is closely allied in form and meaning with the O.E. goliard, a loose companion ; from Fr. gouliard, a greedy feeder." Wedgwood. Tyrwhitt says : " This jovial sect seems to have been so called from Gclias, the real or assumed name of a man of wit, toward the end of the thirteenth century, who wrote the Apocalypsis Goliae, and other pieces, in burlesque Latin rhymes, some of which have been falsely attributed to Walter Map." It is now gener.ally believed that Golias was a fictitious character, invented hy the jolly father Map, who named his imaginary bishop G'olias, as the hero of Gluttony, with an allusion to Goliath the Philistine." See Skeat's note, P.P., p. 98. 561. And thai was = and one who was. The antecedent of the relative must be supplied froin the preceding line. Alost = the greatest, a master. Master is from Lat. magnus, and hence will aptlj' translate most as here used. of syntie, Sic, genitives of specification. See 1. 83. l6o NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 563. a thomhe of gold. Tyrwhitt sajs : "If the allusion be, as is most probable, to the old proverb, ' Every honest miller has a thumb of gold,' this passage may mean that our miller, not- withstanding his thefts, was an honest miller; i.e., as honest as his brethren." The skill of the miller is shown by the fineness and evenness of the flour, to secure which required constant test- ing, which was secured by rubbing the flour with his thumb, so that the line may more probably refer to the miller's skill and not to his honesty, which would hardly bear any very flattering notice. 565. bagge/pife., quadrisyllable. 566. Ther-iX'ithal= therewith (wholly with this). This use of therewithal is now obsolete. In this class of words, al is added simply for emphasis. 567. Gc«^// = well-bred. See 1. 72, where it rather means well-born ; although with the further idea of good-breeding. temple limits maunciple. The headquarters of the Knights Templar were in London, and went by the name of " The Tem- ple;" subsequently they were appropriated to the chambers of the two Inns of Court, or Colleges in which students of Law reside, and receive instruction, the chief of which are the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple. Scan : A gen | tie Maun | c'ple was [ &c. 568. Of zuhich = o^ whom; of. "Our Father which art in Heaven." 569. For governs the infinitive clause following. Buyers might take example i?i regard to buying victuals. 570. xvhetJicr /-^rt-/ = whether it were that; whether. As an interrogative %vhether^=yN\nQh. of two ; from this meaning comes its force as a so-called conjunction, used to introduce the first of two alternative clauses. These uses of w^hether are unfortunately becoming obsolete. " Whether of them twain did the will of hiS father.?" Matt- xxi. 31. We now say iv/iich : we usually omit the interrogative or alternative zvkether. took by /«///(? = bought on credit. Taille = tally (Fr. tai'ller, to cut). Before reading and writing were such common accom- plishments, accounts were kept by notches cut into a stick. Thus one meaning of tally is to count; to keep tally = to keep count. When there was a running account with debts and credits, each party kept a tally-stick, and as, if the accounts were kept correctly, these sticks would be the same, to tally = to NOTES TO THE PEOLOOUE. l6l agree. This method was in use as late as the Restoration, for Pepys in his Diary frequently mentions borrowing money on tallies. 571. waytede so = was so attentive to his business. 572. (J* //b /v/ ^= before (others). A.S. bcforan. We have cor- rupted this bcfora7i into beforehand^ which again has been altered to forehanded. 573. a fill fair grace = an exceedingly great gift. Grace has acquired a theological meaning = the favor of God. 574. /eu'^«/, whole, hale ; we thus distin- guish the two significations by the orthography. governy nge == contvo\. The literal meaning of ^c)r^c;'« is to Bteer a ship ; Lat. giibernare., Gr. Kv^epvuv. It then denoted the control of public aflfairs, — the ship of state, as we still say, 164 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. unconsciously maintaining the old figure; and finally it denotes control in general. 601. /orcf = master, employer, A.S. klaford. This word is usually derived from hlaf^ loaf, bread, and ord^ author, giver; thus /or^= bread-giver. Others derive it from hlaf-tveard ^:= the bread-warder. Lady is also derived from an assumed fem- inine hlaf-weardige. But these etymologies are extremely doubtful, if not untenable. " Thorkelin in his Glossary to Beowulf, under the title Rex, refers the word Hlaford to an Icelandic origin, considering it as a corruption of Ladvard, a term denoting power and responsibility. His words are: Hlaf- ord, rectius Ladvard, Icl. Lavardr, a Lad, terra, et vaurdr, custos, adeo Hlaford est, revera, custos terrae, ie., patriae." Pref. Ormulum. So also lady, Icl. lavdi, also written in A.S. hlavedi. The older forms of the words are the simpler, which would seem to indicate that the resemblance to Jilaf is only the result of corruption. 605. ^c/^e = pestilence. Trevisa calls the Great Plague of 1349 " the grete deth." 607. flace, i.e. of residence, — used also to denote a collection of dwellings, as a village; hence the collection of buildings for the use of a family. 609. i-stored j)rively = full richly stored was he privately : his private property was large. 610. 5/^3////y = craftily. The figure is that of a thread spun to exceeding fineness, implying great skill and cunning. 611. To geve and lene = to give and lend. of his ozvne good = partitive gen. 612. thank, now used only in the pi. From A.S. thencati, to remember. 613. mester= trade. " The Greek /j.vaT7jpiov meant originally the secret doctrines and ceremonies connected with the worship of particular divinities. In the middle ages the most difficult and delicate processes of many of the mechanical arts were kept religiously secret, and hence in all the countries of Europe, those arts were themselves called mysteries, as mechanical trades still are in the dialect of the English law. Thus, when a boy is apprenticed to a tanner or a shoemaker, the legal instrument or indenture, by which he is bound, stipulates that he shall be taught the art and mystery of tanning or shoemaking. After- wards mystery came to designate, in common speech, any reg- NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 1 65 ular occupation, so that a man's mystery was his trade, his employment, the profession by which he earned his bread; and as men are most obviously classed and characterized by their habitual occupations, the question which so often occurs in Old English writers, 'what mester wight is that?' means what is that man's employment, and, consequently, condition in life." Marsh, Lect. Eng. Lang., 251. "Artificers Which usen craftes and mestiers Whose art is cleped mechanique." Gower, Con. Am. iii. 142. See K., 1. 852. This word must be distinguished from mai'sh-ie, Lat. viagis' ieriu7n, craft, skill, power, and from mister., Lat. ininisterinm, need, necessity. " To put him out of all daungere That he of mete hath no mistere" (need) R.R., 5614. 614. a xvcl good^=^2i very good : so also ful good. 616. kig/ite = \ii\.s called: properly a reduplicated passive form of the verb. 618. a rusty blade, for show, — being rusty it was evident that it had not been habitually carried ; a fine touch of humor, admi- rably illustrating the character of the Reeve. 619. A'c/-////^//^ = Norfolk. The two kingdoms founded by the Angles in England were called Northfolk and Suffolk, or north and south folk or people. These names still survive in the names of counties of England. 620. Byside = ne^\' to, by the side of. men is here pi. of man, and not the indefinite pronoun. 621. Tukked, Sic. He was clothed [tucked about] as is a friar; i.e., in a long blouse or frock. 622. hyiidreste = hindmost. Hiiidmost is a double superlative ; est, the modern supl. termination, being added to the old supl. term. ma. 623. Somp7iour. See note 1. 543. in that place. See 1. 20. 624. cherubynes face, a round, full, ruddy face, such as paint- ers give to cherubim. 625. sarvce_/iein==^2in indefinite skin disease. Tyrwhitt quotes the following from the Thousand Notable Things: " A saws- fleame or red pimpled face is helped with the medicine follow- ing; " two of the ingredients are quicksilver and brimstone. lOO NOTES TO TEE FROLOQUE. eyg-heji =eyes. Chaucer gives the following variations in orthography : Ejen, Ejghen, Ejhen, Eghen. 627. skalled, having the seal! or scab; scurfy. "If a man or woman have a plague upon the head or the beard; then the priest shall see the plague; and behold if it be in sight deeper than the skin; and there be in it a yellow thin hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is a dry scall." Lev. xiii. 29, 30. blake, light-colored — j-ellowish (as from leprosy). See " yel- low thin hair" above. A.S. blac, pale, pallid, blac-Zdeor, pale- faced. Blue, pale, and blaec, black, are both from blica}i, to shine, to dazzle. "The original \ne-^n\x\goi black seems to have been exactly the reverse of the present sense ; viz. shining, white. It is in fact radically identical with Fr. blajtc, white, blank. . . . Then as white is contrasted with anj' special color, the word came to signify pale, faded. . . . Again, as colors fade away, the aspect of the object becomes indistinct and obscure, and thus the idea of discoloration merges in that of dim, dusky, dark on the one side, and in that of pale and white on the other. . . . When the idea of dimness or obscurity is pushed to its limit it becomes absolute darkness or blackness." Wed^vood. "'To make his brows blake,' or turn pale, was a common poetical phrase equivalent to to vanquish him.'' " Wright, Prov. Die. "As blake as a marygold " is a proverbial simile in dialectical English. " Some on [pleaseth] for she is pale and bleche." Gower, C. A. ii. 210. Morris, however, explains blake as black. piled berd = ■a. thin beard. See note, 1. 177. "And the man whose hair is fallen off his head (margin 'head is pilled).'"^ Lev. xiii. 40. 62S. <7/^re<^= afraid, frightened. "Be not afeard ; the isle is full of noises." Tempest, iii. 2, 137. This pronunciation is still common in some parts of this country. 630. oille of iartre = '^ preparation of white tartar, used as a cosmetic. '• Oy\e of tartar is said ' to take away clene all spots, freckles and filthy -wheales.' These last, I suppose, are what Chaucer calls whelkes." T. 632. Of his whelkes = that could relieve him of his whelkes. "She was healed of that plague." Mk. v. 29. So in A.S. with the idea of separation, " alys us of yfele," deliver us from evil. Morris explains "to help oft';" but hclf governs him in the NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 167 dative as in A.S., while help-off must be construed as a com- pound verb governing whelkes. 633. 5////?/^ = staying — in spite of remedies. 635. Scan : And for | to drink | e strong | &c. to drhike^ inf. to be construed as a noun after /b^. 636. as he -were = as if he vv^ere. The subjunctive, when indi- cated by the termination, did not require the conjunction to designate tlie mood. 637. ivhan ///^/3:A "That thou mayest know how that the earth is the Lord's.' Ex. ix. 29. 643. Can clepen Watte = can call Watt, just as parrots say Poll. 644. so is the pronoun, added (cf. Lat. quis-quis) to render the interrogative indefinite. other thin^= other matters. £-rope = try, test; literally', to feel with the hands. The orig- inal force of this word is still maintained in the south-western States; as, to " grabble potatoes," is to thrust the hand into the hill, and select the largest, leaving the small ones to grow. 645. Thanne hadde he spent. All he knew was the phrases which he had picked up. l68 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 646. ^iiestio quid Juris. The question is, what is the law in the case. "This kind of question occurs frequently in Ralph de Hingham. After having stated a case, he adds ^iiid Juris, and then proceeds to give the answer to it." T. 648. noght. Wright reads no'vher, — a better reading. 652. To pulle a fynch =to pluck (pill) a finch; i.e., to cheat one out of his money. 654. Jiim^ — to hail. Double ace. after verbs of teaching, &c. awe = dread. We use the word to denote that degree of fear inspired by something great or sublime. 655. In such a caas. Morris reads '* in such caas." Archedek/ies = archdeacon's, — an ecclesiastic next in rank below a bishop, with authority to hold court and try and punish ecclesiastical offences. It is worthy of note that the titles of manj' of the officers of the church were assumed from words meaning various grades of servants ; e.g., pastor, deacon, bishop, &c. 656. But //"= except^ if his soul were not in his purse. mannes ^= man's. The old full form of the genitive. We indi- cate the elision by the (') apostrophe. 657. These four lines may be paraphrased thus : "He would, in such a case, teach him to have no fear of the Archdeacon's curse, unless his soul was in his purse, for he should be punished only by a fine." 658. ^uod he = quoth he (pret.) Now used only in the ist and 3d persons pret. to give an archaic effect; as, quoth /, quoth he, sometimes corrupted into quotha. 659. right =^]\xst. Right IS still used colloquially to empha- size the following Avord ; as, right away, right here, Just noxv here. In dede => indeed, to be construed as an adverb, limited by right. 660. Him drede = ^^ Each guilty man ought to be afraid for himself of excommunication." Him, dative after o?/^7//f; evidently here used with the sense of ozve, — a guilty man owes it to him- self to be afraid, &c. Wright reads, " oweth ech gulty man." 661. curs used in the abstract = cursing. 662. And connects tvar and tcchen, \. 654, from whence xvolde must be supplied. VV^ar of him = war him of, — warn him against. signijicavit = a writ of excommunication, which usually began, " Significavit nobis venerabilis frater." NOTES TO TEE PROLOGUE. 169 663 Itt dau7iffcr =\\\t\-\\n his jurisdiction. The history of the word dafisrer is most curious and instructive. " In Mid. Lat. dam?iictn was used to signify a fine imposed bj legal authority. The term was then elliptically applied to the limits over which the right of a lord to the fines for territorial offences extended, and then to the inclosed field of a proprietor. ... In this sense the word was often rendered domage in French. Damage then acquired the sense of trespass, intrusion into the close of another, as in the legal phrase damage-feasant, whence Fr. dainager, to distrain or seize cattle found in trespass. From this verb was apparently formed the abstract domigerium^ signifying the power of exacting a damnum or fine for trespass. Then as damage is written damge in the laws of William the Conqueror, the fore- going domigerium and the corresponding Fr. domagcr or dam- ager would pass into damger, danger. . . . The term ^a;^^e;' was equally applied to the right of exacting a fine for breach of terri- torial rights, or to the fine or the rights themselves. . . . To be in the danger of any one — esire en sou danger came to sig- nify to be subjected to any one, to be in his power, or liable to a penalty to be inflicted by him or at his suit, and hence the ordi- nary acceptation of the word at the present day. As the penalty might frequently be avoided by obtaining the license of the per- son possessed of the right infringe.d, the word was applied to such license or to exactions made as the price of permission." Wedgwood. Littre derives danger from M. Lat. dominium. assize = assize, court ; properly a court composed of a number of judges. "The word assise is derived by Sir Edward Coke from the Latin assideo, to sit together; and it signifies originally the jury who try the cause, and sit together for that purpose. By a figure it is now made to signify the court or jurisdiction which summons this jury together." Blackstone, iii. 1S5. Tyr- whitt reads "owen gise "=own way, pleasure. 664. g/i7'/es = young people of either sex. "Grammar for gerlys I garte firste to write." P.P. Cf. A.S. ccorl, a churl, a freeman of the lowest rank. These two lines = he had the young people of the diocese within the jurisdiction of his own court. 665. al here ;-^(7/ = though it be that, although. «/ ^/e>7z^ plainly. Plain literally is level (^flane)', hence without obstructions : " Lead me in a plain path." Ps. xxvii. 11. Clear, without obstruction to the sense: -'They (words) are all plain." Prov. viii. 9. Easy of approach, without formalities: "Jacob was a plain man" (Gen. xxv. 27), here means without being checked by the proprieties of societj'. 729. properly^ according as each spoke them. Sec note, 1. 581. 731. schal is the oldest future auxiliary, and is always used except where it would be ambiguous, implying constraint as well as futurity. In the authorized version of the Bible we often find shall where usually will would be more idiomatic, while will is quite generally used in the sense of willing or wishing. " If thou wilt thou canst make me clean." " I will, be thou clean." Mark i. 40, 41. In the languages derived from the Latin, the future is formed by means of habeo (have), implying the same idea of necessity. The Gothic uses have in this sense, while in our present idiom, as, an auxiliary, it implies constraint. The original force of shall was that of obligation, in which sense the preterite is still used. It implies duty, and henceynecessity of a moral kind, equivalent to to o've, ought. Will denotes simple volition, and thus simple futurity. It is worthy of notice, that one class of languages have formed the notion of futurity from the idea of compulsion, and the other from that of choice. 176 NOTES TO TEE PROLOGUE. " The assertion of will, or of duty, seems to have been considered as implying, to a certain extent, the power to will or to impose a duty. As a man has power to will for himself only, it was only in the first person that the verb ivill could be used with this signification. Again : the power which overrides the will, to impose a duty, must proceed from external agency, and conse- quently 5//«// could not be employed to denote such power in the person." Dr. Guest, quoted in Craik, E. of S., 218, "I shall, yon ivill, and he -will, are generally simply future predictions; and 7vill and shall are true auxiliaries. I -will, you shall, and he shall-, are expressions of determination; and will and shall are not true auxiliaries. No very satisfactory explanation of a dis- tinction apparently so arbitrary has been given, though some ingenious suggestions as to the origin of it have been offered; but, whatever foundation may once have existed for this nicety, it now answers no intellectual purpose. There is little risk in predicting that, at no very distant day, this verbal quibble will disappear, and that one of the auxiliaries will be employed with all persons of the nominative exclusively as the sign of the future, and the other only as an expression of purpose or authority." Marsh, Lect. Eng. Lang., 659. 732. rehercc^ rehearse. "To rehcrcer, to go over again like a harrow (Fr. hcrce) over a ploughed field." Morris. Webster's Diet, says, "Probably from prefix re and hearsay.'^ as evere he can. Ever (A.S. aefer from «) denotes continuity in time; but in such colloquial expressions the word rather denotes continued endeavor. The expression = as he may be able to at all times. Ca7i is not an auxiliary here. 733. charge ^='a.n undertaking. l^^.i. carrus, a car; whence cargo, a load, and Fr. charger, to load ; also carricare, to load (whence caricature). From this root come car, cart, chariot, carry, &c. A charge is therefore something to be carried, — a burden, a commission, a solemn injunction; also cost, debt, &c. ; also an accusation of crime, the disgrace of which one car- ries like a burden. 734. Al speke ^^ = although he may speak. The verb being subj. needed no conjunction. nevere so. Having abandoned the profusion of negatives, we usually write " ever so." large = coarse, vulgar. Compare the similar meanings of gross. NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 177 736. tvordes «ewe = unfamiliar words. 737- spare = refrain ; i.e., from rehearsing as nigh as ever he can. ke were his brother. He here refers to the original teller of the storj. 738. He moot, &c. = He must as well say a word that is im- polite as one that is refined. 739. Crist s_/>ak himself. This arrangement is still used for emphasis as, " He told me so himself." /ul broode = sivoiding the niceties of speech. ISIany of the words used to denote vulgarity originally signified greatness of size, e.g., gross, coarse, large, broad; while words denoting neatness on the contrary were taken from those implying little- ness ; cf. clean, Ger. hlein, little. wr/V= writing, that wliich is written; used at present only in the expression "Holy Writ;" and to denote a legal instru- ment, as a "writ of error." 740. ye, nom. ; dat. and ace. yoii. See 1. 743. The use of you in the nominative is comparatively recent. Vileiuye = depraved discourse, which breaks the rules of good breeding. "In our modern language it [depraved discourse] is termed villainy, as being proper for rustic boors, or men of coarsest education and employment, who having their minds debased by being conversant in meanest affairs do vent their sorry passions in such strains." Dr. Barrow. 741. whoso that can him rede = if that any one can read him. Who and whoso are used indefinitely. "As who should say." Rich. H. V. 4. "And am as who saith loves knave." Gower ii. 131. "After the flood fro which Noe Was sauf, the worlde in his degre Was made as who saith new agein." lb. ii. iSi. 742. cosyn=related to, in keeping with. 743. foryeve it me. Me dat. of indirect object. In A.S. the usual construction after gifan, forgifan was the dative of the person with the accusative of the thing. "And forgyf us ure gyltas, swa swa we forgyfath urum gyltendum." Matt. vi. 12. 744. Al have I nat^= although I may not have set, &c. 745. as that ^:=vi\\e\-e that, how that. The pronominal force of as allows of its use instead of which and where, as even now in some dialects. 12 178 NOTES TO THE PROLOQUE. >» " That gentleness . . asl was wont to have.' Jul. C. i. 2. tJiei schulde stonde = they ought to stand. Chaucer forms all the oblique cases of the plural of the personal pronouns from the Southern form /ii ; while the nominative, as here, is formed from the Northern ^/lai: We have extended the use of the demon- strative, and write ^/lem instead of /lem, which we still use in col- loquial speech, — pronounced em. 746. 5c-//(?;'/ = deficient, wanting. Still used in this sense, as " short of funds." 747. us evericJion = each one of us, — dative of indirect object. ^Z't^/'zV://(?« = ever-each-one, gives us a distributive force. 749. atte des^e = in the best manner. See note, 1. 29. 750. afid ivel to drynke us leste = and to drink pleased us well ; i.e., it pleased us well to drink. Lcste takes to drmke as its subject, and u^ as its accusative object. 751. our-e koost he, redundant pronoun. After a subject which has been introduced some time before its verb, or after a subject with appositive clauses, or (as in this instance) when both predi- cate and subject precede the verb, the subject pronoun is often introduced immediately preceding the verb. See Abbott, Shak. Gr. §§ 242, 243, for illustrations of this usage in Shakspeare. Our host was withal a man suitable to have been, &c. 752. marsc/ial =^ marshal of the hall, — whose duty it was at public festivals to place each person according to his rank. We still use the word in this sense when we speak of the marshal of a procession, and to marshal an army, a host, &c. 753. eyghen stepe. See 1. 201 and note. 754. fairere bHrgeys^=2^ more respectable citizen. C>^g^g = Cheapside in London. To cheapcti meant to buy, Pepys in his Diary speaks of cheapening goods in the market; cheap-side^ literally = the market place. 756. ma7jhede = va2i.n\\oo6.. Hede (hood, head) denotes charac- ter or condition; e.g., childhood, knighthood, godhead. him lakhede^ there lacked to him right nothing. Tl/fn is dative after verbs ofwatit. 757. right a mery man = just one merry man, — a right merry man. 758. playe?t = to make sport; inf. after bygan. 759. a;;zo«^t'5 ^ amongst, among. A.S. on mang, from meu' gian (Ger. mengcn^, to mix; on mang would therefore literally NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 179 = /;/ a mzxttcre. The superlative termination seems to have been added for the sake of emphasis. It is worth while to note the termmations of the prepositions, and observe whether they are comparative or superlative; as, primarily, the comparative degree expresses relation between two onlj', while the superlative ex- presses the widest possible relation ; we may observe the appli- cation of this rule in all relational words. E.g. comp. ovey, after, tinder, for, fore, before. Sic : supl. amidst, amongst, alo7igst^ also from (old supl. ?na) : also words derived from the pronouns ; e.g., other, either, xvhether, hither, thither, &c. 760. hadde maad our rekenynges = had made our reckonings ; i.e., had paid our accounts. " Howbeit there was no reckoning made with them." 2 Kg. xxii. 7; i.e., there was no formal set- tlement. 761. Lo, an exclamation to call attention, usually ho, A.S. la. Halloo is probably a combination oi ho and la, or it may be k-la- la, eala ! 762. Te ben. The plural form aron (^earoji) is rare in A.S. It seems to have arisen from a stem ar instead of is, whence we get in the plural aroti in place of sindou. The influence of the Danes, in whose language r is quite frequently substituted for 5, would naturally fix this plural in use. right welcome hertely ^ right heartily welcome. 763. if that I schal Jiot lie=^\i so be that I must not lie. Schal is here used with its primary meaning of obligation. 764 this yeer^=di\xr\ng this year, ace. of time. 766. ivolde I don you^\ would wish to cause to you. To cause is the common meaning o{ do in A.S. and E.E., and is still retained in certain phrases : " I do you to wit "^I cause you to know. "Which some hath put to shame and many done be dead." Spenser, F. Qj, v. 4, § 29. That is, hath caused many to be dead. don (inf.) takes mirthe, direct object in ace, and you indirect in dative. xviste I hoxu =^d\d I know how = if I knew how. IViste is subjunctive. We still use the subjunctive in such constructions without a conjunction. " O had I the Avings of a dove." " Hadst thou been here my brother had not died." Jno. xi. 32. 767. by thought = hethought, reminded. The prefix be gives an active signification to many verbs otherwise intransitive. l8o NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 768. To dooii you eese. Gerundial infinitive phrase depend- ing upon jnirtke. * 769. God you speede = m^y God prosper you. "Speed the plough." 770. qnyte you youre mcede=^may the blessed martyr grant you your reward. martyr, literally = a witness : early applied to those who gave testimony to their religion by their death. 771. by the 2veye = on the way. "Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way.?" Luke xxiv. 32. 772. 2c5c^^/^;?j'^?x'= you get yourselves in readiness to tell stories, &c. 773. Scan : For trew | ely | comfort | ne mirthe ] is noon. For indeed there is no comfort or mirth in riding, &c. 774. Scan : To ry | de by | the weye | Sic. To rydc, inf. subject of /5. 775. vjol I make7i=^\ am willing (wish) to make some sport for you. 776. ^/w == himself. The A.S. had — and consequently the Eng- lish has — no reflexive pronoun. We change the personal pro- nouns into reflectives by the addition of self, which was origi- nally an emphatic but not a reflexive form. 797. That is to seyn. That refers to the previous sentence ; to seyn is predicate. in this caas = under these circumstances. 798. sentence and most solas =^t\\Q most instructive and the most amusing. Sentence here refers to the ideas, or thought of the story. A grammatical sentence is so called because it ex- presses a complete thought. 779. at youre alther cost = at the cost of you all. Toure, gen. pi. of you J alther gen. pi. of a//. NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 183 800. Here in this j)lace ; i.e., at his hostelry: the idea is re- peated for emphasis. j)ost. See note 1. 214. The doorpost of his inn, or perhaps the post in front of his house. Dealers chalked the debts of their customers upon the doorposts; hence the phrase "to post ac- counts." Sheriffs had posts before their doors upon whicli proc- lamations were affixed; hence the phrase "to post a person as a coward." 801. ive come = v^e. shall come. The A.S. has no inflected future tense, but regularly used the present instead. 802. the more mcry. The is here the instrumental case of the demonstrative, and corresponds to how ; it is usually called an adverb. It is equivalent to the Lat. co, by that, by so much. It is hardly necessary to say that this the must be carefully distin- guished from the article. 803. /Tf^a^ = which ; whoever it may be that. 83S. ner for nerre^= nearer. Near is strictly the comparative of A.S. neah, nigh, as next is the superlative. We have taken this comparative as a new base, and compare it as though it were a positive ; so that nearer {neah-er-er) is really a double compar- ative, while next (A.S. neahst) has lost all conscious relation with near. 840. lat he, &c. = cease your shamfastness ; cf. the colloquial expression " let me be." schainfastnesse= modesty. It is to be regretted that we have given a false idea to this beautiful word by a vicious orthography, — shamefacedness. The termination \s fast, fixed, as in stead- fast =^ fixed in place, ya5^ asleep = fixed in sleep. The Old Eng- lish soothfast, truthful, is also unfortunately obsolete. Shajue- fast = fixed in modesty. 841. iVe = and not, like Lat. ne. ley to. In modern English when verbs and prepositions are compounded, the preposition usually stands last, like the sepa l86 NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. rable prepositions in German, unless the two have coalesced into a new idea, so that the force of the preposition is no longer dis- tinctly recognized. Such prepositions are usually erroneously classed as adverbs. Inattention to the true construction of the preposition has occasioned this error, and not infrequently an entire misconception of certain expressions, as " and all to-brake his skull." Judges ix. 53. Here all (properly alle, adverbial dative) is an adverb emphasizing the verb. To adds the idea of completeness in this case. In other cases it has its true prepo- sitional force; e.g., " He that hath received his testimony hath set to (set-to) his seal that God is true." John iii. 33. Set-to = affixed. Ley-to is here the A.S. to-lecgati, and is used pre- cisely as set-to in the passage quoted. There is here a fine touch of humor in the implied fact that all except the Knight, the Prioress, and the Clerk, pressed for- ward to "draw cuts," while these three hung back through a native modesty. 846. ivkich refers to the fact stated in the former sentence, and not to any particular word. 847. as tvas resou7i = as was reasonable. 848. By = according to. composicioun = agreement. " I crave our composition may be written." Shak. Resoiin and Composicioun are still French words to Chaucer, as is shown by the accent. 849. ivhat needeth xvordes moo = w\\:ii need is there of more words.? literally, as to what (why) does it [to show this] need more words.'' tv/iat, ace, used adverbially like Lat. quid. needeth, impersonal. *' The impersonal needs [needeth] (which must be distinguished from the adverbial genitive needs') ... is often found with xvhat, where it is sometimes hard to say whether what is an adverb and need a verb, or ivhat an adjective and need a noun." Abbott, Shak- Gr. § 297. In this case the termination (changed in Shakspeare to 5 and dropped) indicates the verbal character oi needeth, and the construction is clear. 851. As he that zvys xvas ; i.e., as he who was wise and ready to keep his promise of his own free will would say, so he said. 854. TF-^a// an exclamation. P^F>^j/ is used similarly. a Goddes name = in God's name ; a = in. 855. herkneth tvhat^^- listen to what. This use of hearken as NOTES TO THE PROLOGUE. 187 a transitive verb, although frequent in Milton and Shakspeare, is now obsolete. 856. rviih has here nearly its original force of immediate jux- taposition. riden-for/h, to be taken together. Cf. forth-going. lueye, ace., of cognate signification. Cf. " to go a journej," " to dream a dream." 857. right a inerie chere^^'x'C^ a right merry countenance. " This usage [inserting a] is found in the earlier text of Lay- amon (a.d. 1200), 'long a time (longe ane stunde),' ii. 290, where the adjective appears merely to be emphasized and not used adverbially. In the later text the adjective is placed here and in other passages in its ordinary position." Abbott, Shak. Gr., § 85. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 2. duk^=duke, king; literally, leader. Titles of rank were nearly all of military origin. 5. That grettere, &c. =that there was none greater. 6. Contre. See note, p. 216. Accented here on the first syllable; in 1. 11, on the last. 7. That refers to swi'c/i, 1. 4. 9. C/V^ca = Scythia. 10. /ic. Subject inserted, although the sentence is connected to the preceding by and. When a proper name is separated from the verb, or when from the number of conjunctional sentences the connection would be obscure, the redundant pronoun sub- ject is often inserted. See Abbott, Shak. Gr. §§ 242, 243. 12. 7noc/ic glori'e^^^ great glory. Muck when used alone has now rather a collective sense, a great number, a great amount. 14. Scan : And thus | with vie | tor' i'and 1 &c. 16. ^05/ = army. Lat. j^^5//5, an enemy. «;'w^5 = weapons. "As the arm itself is the natural weapon of offence, it is possible that the word arm in the sense of weapon may be simply an application of the same word." Wedgwood. See note P., iii. 17. A^ = too, in addition. To and too are differences in spelling the same word. From the idea of «^-dition implied in to., we gain the idea oi too. To heere. Gerundial inf. 21. for the vo7ies. See note P., 379. 26. Tempest, a time specially to be remembered. See note P., 406. Tyrwhitt reads temple. hoom comyjige. Can be construed as a comp'ound noun. 27. as now = for the present, however; cf. Lat. utcunquc. 192 NOTES TO THE KNIQETES TALE. 28. God -wot = God "knows] a mild form of asseveration. e/-e = plough. Earth is from this root. "I have a rough valley which is neither eared nor sown." Deut. xxi. 4. "I have an half acre to erje." P.P. vi. 4. 29. hi my ^plough = attached to mj plough. We use on in similar constructions. 31. I ivol not lettc, &c. = I desire not to hinder any one of all this company. Lette, inf. after wol. eek nan = none at all : literally, " also no one." 32. aboute = in his turn. 33. lat see = \Qt us see. Pronoun omitted, or coalesced with verb, as though lat s'see. 34. ther I lafte = where I left off. 37. moste ^ryde =^ greatest pride. 38. He was war = he was aware. War denotes those habits implying caution, as looking around, also the results of such circumspection, knowledge ; cf. aivare, beware, wary. caste, pret. Verbs ending in t are often thus abbreviated. 39. /lye weye = highway. High refers not to altitude, but to prominence, — opposed to hy-y^ay. So A.S. heah synn = a great sin, and English high sea. 40. tweye and tzveye = two and two ; by twos. 41. Ech after other = (each) one after another. Other is not now used in such constructions without the article. Other is in form comparative and strictly means the second of two, and thus in A.S. is frequently used where we use second; cf. Lat. alter = secutidus. 43. creature, trissj'llable. 44. That herde = that ever heard. such another = another such. We say such a, but not such another, because of the duality implied in another; if the dis- tributive force of another had been retained, the old form would be more correct; cf. many a. See note, P. 168. 48. Pertourben — disturb. We have retained the noun J>er- turbation, but the verb is obsolete. 50. that thus = that ye thus, &c. That correlates with so in the preceding line. 52. telleth, imp. And tell me (what is the matter) if it is any thing that may be amended. 53. And xuhy — tell me why. NOTES TO THE KNIQHTES TALE. 193 al in blak = wholly in black. 56. I?ou^//e = sorrowful; UteraUy sofrozi/. I^u^/i/ess is current, but rii//i is obsolete. Jbr to seeft or heere, gerundial inf. triste visit, audiiuque. 57. Fortune. Personified as the goddess of Fortune. 59. Nought =^ 710 tu/iit =^ in no respect, ace. of measure, 62. thurg =^ through. 63. xvrecchede = wretched. A.S. ivraec, banished, ivraecca., an exile. What an intense patriotism is summed up in this designation of the exile as the wretch ! As these women had been banished, the word retains its original force. 65. That sche = who ; cf. that he, P. 43-45 ; that his = whose, K. 1852. This use of the demonstrative with that is common in A.S. ; e.g., ///c we? = we; thu the = \\\\o\ the ^^ = who; the his = whose; the him, to whom, &c. See March, A.S. Gram. § 380, 2. 66. it is vjel scene = it is easily seen, — it is easy to see. 67. Wheel. The -wheel of Fortune alludes to the mutability of her favor. 68. Who assures no condition to continue prosperous. 69. <7^/^'uf=i\-\ey ie.\\ flat on the ground. Gruf^= on the ground. "On the grofte" = flat on the ground. We find also grubblings = with the face downward. The root is probably to be found in the Danish grabbeleji, to crawl, Eng. grovel. 94. courser ^= horse; literally, a runner; hence, a fleet horse; also a horse used in hunting. " Un cheval coursi'er, c'est a dire un cheval reserve a la course, par opposition aux chevaux de trait." Brachet, 165. 96. Him t/iougkt = it seemed to him. See note P., 37. 99, he hem alle up hente = he took them all up. 100. in fill good e7itente = with very kind intention. 102. He ix'olde don = he would endeavor. Do is here used causatively. ferforthly his might = according to his might. Might must be construed as dative after the implied comparative. 104. That, correlative o^ so, 1. 102. 106. As he that = as one who. He that = who. For this in- definite use oi who see note P., 741. 108. bancr = banner. " The origin is in all probability Goth. bafidvo, bandva, a sign, token, an intimation made by bending the head or hand. The original object of a standard is to serve as a mark or sign for the troop to rally round, and it was accord- ingly very generally known by a name having that signification." Wedgwood. desplayeth = displays. Displaying the banner was the signal for the troops to assemble for military service. 109. byside = nesir ; with him. Here used adverbially, unless we supply the pronoun. 111. Nor take his ease a whole half da^^ 7^////y qualifies half used adjectively. 112. But onward =hut at a distance on his way. 117. Scan : The reed | e stat | u'of Mars | &c. 118. his; i.e., Theseus's. 119. Jecldes = the fields or open spaces of the banner. Some take the word to mean /bids. 120. pynoun = pennon. The banner was the standard of the army; the pennon was the personal signal of the leader. 121. Of gold fill riche. A.S. gen. of material; modifies i-bete. In which there was forged of gold full rich the Minotaur. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 195 ?-^^^5 = beaten. "Probably stamped; that operation being anciently, I suppose, performed by the hammer." Tyrwhitt. 124. And the flower of chivalry (rides) in his host. //^fl5/=host. Lat. hosiis, an enemy. 126. he t/ionghte Jigkie = \\Q. purposed to fight. Thought is from A.S. the?ican ; the intransitive thought, followed by the dative, is from thincan. 127. But, to speak briefly, he fought with Creon, who was king of Thebes. 129. as a knight =^ like a knight. As is a contraction o^ all-so, with the sense oi just as, Just so. 130. In pleyn battaille = in open battle. Putte, p. of put. 135. To don exequies ^=^io perform funeral rites. 136. al to longe= too tedious. 139. hodyes. A.S. bodig generally means stature, and is but rarely used to designate the body. "The primary sense of body is the thick round part of the living frame, as distinguished from the limbs or lesser divisions; then the whole material fraine as distinguished from the sentient principle by which it is ani- mated." Wedgwood. 146. as him leste^= as it pleased him. 148. streepe^io strip. A.S. be-strypan ; cf. stripe, strip, strap, strop. The original idea of the verb is to pull off" strips; hence applied to plundering the dead by taking oflf their cloth- ing; also figuratively to a stripping of the living, which leaves them equally bare. he rneys = iivmor. See note P., 114. we^e = clothing. Still retained in "widows' weeds," and from this restriction to mourning attire, noting also an emblein of mourning worn upon a man's hat. Weed, a noxious plant, is probably from the Dutch ivieden, to cleanse, although Trench says, " 'Weeds' were w^hatever covered the earth or the person." Eng. Past and Pres., 253. 149. pilours. See notes P., 177, 627. diden busi?iess and c«r^ = exercised diligence and care. To ransake, 1. 147, depends upon this verb. 151. And so byjil=2n\d so it happened. 152. Thurgh-girt = ^\ei'CQd through. An ox is said to gird with his horns. 153. by-and-by= close to each other, — one after the other. 196 NOTES TO THE KNIGRTES TALE, " Of that the planetes by and by How that tliey stonde upon the sky." Gower iii. 116. "By and by he is offended;" i.e., immediately. Matt. xiii. 21. Morris explains by mid by = separately, which seems to me erro- neous, as the original force of by is near. 154. iji oon armes = with the same armorial device. Anns in the plural denoting a singular idea is construed in the sin- gular. 155. that oon = the one ; in which case the retains its original demonstrative force : so that other = the other. 157. Nat fully quyke = not fully alive. " Let them go down quick (alive) into hell." Ps. Iv. 15. Ne fully deede= nor fully dead. Neither dead nor alive. 159. Hcraudes = \\eYii\d's>. An officer whose duty it was to record the arms of the nobility. From heri, an army, and wal- ten, to manage. 771 special = especially. 161. 5/5/re« = sisters ; still sometimes heard in vulgar use; of, brethren, an analogous plural in en. 162. torn implies rapid rather than violent action. 164. fill so7ie = very soon, at once. 166. he 7iolde = he would not (take) any ransom. Nolde = ne ivolde = wished not. 171. Terme of his lyf= to the end of his life. Lat. ter7m?ius, ■what 7ieedeth wordes moo = what need is there of more words. Literally, "As to what does it need more words.?" 176. Til it fel oo7ies = till it happened on a time. In a morzvc = on a morning. 177. to scene = to see. 180. with the rose colour = -with, the colour of the rose. J^ose is genitive ; cf. Ladye grace. P., 88. Sirof hire heive^^ vied her complexion. 181. I not = 1 7ie ivot = I know not. 183. redy. A.S. rad, quick, ready; comp. rather. So E.E. rathe, &7vc\y. " The rathe primrose." Milton. 185. The sesoun friketh ; cf. P., 11. 186. hitn, grammatically, refers to herte ; logically, to the per- son figuratively designated by herte. 187. do their observance = perform religious rites. Here spoken of as performed in honour of May. NOTES TO TEE KNIQHTES TALE. 197 1S8. "This caused Emilj to have remembrance (to remem- ber) to do honor to Maj." This circumlocution is frequent in the Bible. 190. for to devyse = to describe (her). The different descrip- tive clauses depend upon to devyse. Morris points — I-clothed was sche fresshe for to devyse. 192. yerde = a yard long. See note P., 149. 193. Sonne tipriste = the sun's uprising. Sonne is gen. 194. as hire liste=Q.?> it may please her. Liste is here used impersonally. See note P., 102. 195. ^ar/y = partly. Yv. en ;partie ; z{. particolored. 196. 6'c/// = subtle. The Latin, subtilis, dQnoted Jine xvoveti; hence delicately constructed, or denoting ingenuity, which is the meaning here. Metaphorically, it is used in a good sense «= acute ; in a bad sense = sly. g-erland = garland, a crown or wreath. 199. dongeouti — not noting a dark subterranean place of con- finement, as now, but simply a place of security. The origin of the word is the Lat. doninio for domi7iio. Sometiines spelled donjon; cf. the Celtic dun^ a fortress. 200. Ther as = where. 201. Of -which t &c. = of whom I have already told you, and shall tell more. 202. evene joynyng=^Q.yi2iQ.Wy joining, — so that the prison joined the garden wall. gardeyn ival. The genitive force of the first of the two nouns joined is shown by the reference of as to gardey?i — to the wall of the garden where, &c. 203. hadde hire pleyynge = had her play-ground, — was accus- tomed to take her exercise. 205. zvoful = full of wo, or sorrow. 206. dy leve of his gayler = by permission of his jailer. leve = \ea.ve, permission. A.S. leaf which is still the collo- quial pronunciation. , 207. romede = roamed. This word has a curious history : it /is derived from the name of the city Rome, and probably first I came into use as a noun, — Romar being one who was a pilgrim I to that Holy City. So in Pier's PI. iv. 120. we find : " And relig- ! ious romares recordare in here cloistres." The habits of these ) pilgrims were not generally very creditable, and hence the verb /o r(?a;» came to mean aimless and indefinite wandering. Saunter 198 NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. has a similar origin : it is from sainte terre, the holj land. Beg- gars roved about the country, and asked alms under the pretence of going a la saitite terre. Hence a saiinterer became the name of an idler, and to saiuiter^ to walk idly. Cf. also rummage^ spelled also romage. 20S. In zvkich = froin which ; being in which, he could see. 211. 'ivalk=o. going to and fro. A.S. ivealc, literally a revolving. The welkin denotes the sky, or more properly the clouds, which are in continual motion. The A.S. verb -wealcati = to roll, to return often ; hence, to walk. 213. romede ^= walked aimlessly. 215. He said full oft, alas ! that he was born ! 2i6. By avetiture or cas= by adventure or chance. See notes P., 25, 844. 217. thikke of many a barre = thickly (set) with many a bar. thikke denotes close together rather than the opposite of broad : of many a barre is an adjunct genitive, denoting the relation of the quality. 218. 5^//<7r = square ; i.e., as large square: here denoting size as well as shape. The bars were as large as a spar or light tiin- ber. 219. Caste, pret. Scan : He caste | his eyen | upon | Emil | y-a | 220. therzvitkal ^ at that instant. T/ier here = at that time rather than in that place. There is used by Shakspeare for then. This is simply an intensive fonn oi there. Bleynte, pr. of blenche, to start back. Blitik is another form of the word, meaning a rapid movement of the eyelids ; hence any rapid movement, sometimes for the purpose of deceiving. The figure here is that the beauty of Emily blinded Palamon like a sudden light. 222. ?/^ 5/^r/e = started up. We use the noun formed from this compound, up-start. 223. Cosyji WJ7/ = cousin of me, my cousin, il/ivz is genitive. eyleth the =■ ?i.\\e\)i\ thee. The difference in spelling between the and thee is an orthographic expedient for distinguishing these words. 224. That art = that thou art. When the subject of the verb is a pronoun, particularly of the second person, which is the most easily distinguished because of its inflection, it is quite often omitted in questions. The same rule holds good in Shakspeare. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 199 on to see=to look on. to behold. A.S. on-seon. We do not compound see with on, but we still saj see through, see into. 225. cr)Y/(?5/^iv = criedst thou. This contraction of the second person pronoun with the verb is common; and is interesting as illustrating the mannep of forming the inflectional terminations by the coalescence of the pronominal element. In most inflected languages the pronominal force of the termination was so strongly i-emembered that when the subject of the verb was a pronoun, no repetition of it Avas necessary; and when^ the pro- nominal subject was used, it was understood as an emphatic repetition. the^Xhce, dative. 226. Goddcs = God''s. The apostrophe in our possessive case singular marks the elision o^ e ; in the plural, it regularly marks the elision of final a ; but often it is not significant, but is used analogically with the singular. 227. non other =^x\Q otherwise. Other 'm used adverbially = in other way. 229. ivikke aspect =^ malign aspect. In the time of astrology, the position (aspect) of the planets at the time of one's birth, was supposed to have a controlling influence upon his destiny. Some of these astrological terms have passed into common use, 2i^ jovial, from Jupiter; saturnine, from Saturn, who was sup- posed to presage a hapless lot to one born under his influence; mercurial, from Mercury; lunatic from the moon: so also the word injluejice seems to allude to the same notion. •' The highest and aboven alle Stant that planete which men calle Saturnus, whose complexioun Is colde, and his condicioun Causeth malice and cruelte To him the whose nativity Is set under his governaunce. For all his werkes ben grievaunce. And enemy to mannes hele In what degre that he shall dele. Gower, Con. Am. iii. 116. 231. although ZL'e hadde it sworn = although we had sworn it otherwise, we must endure it. ^Morris punctuates this clause in connection with what precedes; it seems to me to make a better reading to connect it with the next line but one. Although 200 NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. must then be taken as an emphatic form of thoit-gh = though by all means, the emphasis implying a negative. See 1. 312, where though = though otherwise. Hadde is subj. " And walk I wold, as I hadde don biforn Fro lious to hous, although he had it sworn." Wif of B. 639. 232. So stood the heven=^^\xz\\ was our horoscope. 233. the schort afid pley7i = the short and plain fact, — as we say "the long and short of it." 234. ageyii^ in reply. Agaiii and agaiiist are from the A.S. gean, Ger. gegen, opposite. Gean is usually compounded with prepositions as on, to, &c. It gets the meaning " at another time" from the idea of juxtaposition in space. Cf. there = then; where = when. 235. for sothe = in truth ; forsooth. iT^i. ymagi7iacioun = conception. "To imagine certainly meant, in its original conception, to make pictures, to picture to ourselves ; but even to picture is far too mixed an idea to have been expressed by a simple root. Imago, picture, stands for mimago, as imitor for miinitor, the Greek inimeomai, all from a root ma, to measure again and again, to copy, to imitate." M. Miiller, Sc. of Lang. 358. 237. This prisouji = this imprisonment, — cause put for effect. 239. that refers to the idea of the antecedent sentence, — the hurt. 241. rome, infinitive. We would say roatnijig. 243. I iiot^^ I ne -ivot = I know not. Scan : I not | wheth'r sche | be wom | man or | goddesse. ivhether was sometimes pronounced and spelled like where. 244. Venus is it ; cf. it is I. It is used wdien the subject is indefinite or unknown. 245. o?i knees, equivalent to an adverb. We say aback, A.S. 07ibaec ; ahead, for on-head ; afoot, for on-foot, and why not a- knee for on-knees .'' 247. Thus to transfigure yourself in this garden. Y01V. There is no simple reflexive pronoun in English ; it is generally, but not always, formed by adding self, selves to the personals. 249. The usual construction in modern English would be, " Help us to escape," &c. The construction in the text is an imitation of the Latin. 5ca/e = escape. The original of this word is probably allied NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 20I to A.S. camp, battle; so that escape would originally mean to escape from battle. 250. if so be = if it so be. schape = shapen, shaped, fixed. " There's a divinity that shapes our ends." Shak. 252. lyna^'e = linea.ge, race. Fr. lignage, Lat. linea, a line. Lyniage is here in the genitive after have compassioun = pity. 254. gan espye = did see, saw, looked. See note P., 827. 256. httrte = wounded. The original meaning seems to be ivoicnded by something throxvfi, cf. hurtle. 237. if that = if it be that, if. 262. mercy = Y>\^y. Fr. merci, literally ^aj, Lat. merces. 263. atte leste xveye = at least; cf. colloquial least-ways. 264. I nam but deed = I am dead; literally, I am not except dead, — I am only dead. No but was frequently used in E.E. for except. " No but a man schal be born agen." John iii. 3 (Wiclif). ther nys no more to 5c>'e = there is no more to say; there is nothing else to say. 268. byjny fey =^hy my faith. 269. God hcipe me 50 = may God so help me. The verb is Bubj. ; cf. "God do so to me and more also." Bible. me lust ful evele pleye = it pleases me full ill to play. I^ul svele modifies lust. 270. gan knytte =^ knitted, knit. 271. It nere, &c. = It were no great honor to thee. 272. For to be fals. The infinitive is here construed as a substantive after the preposition. 274. i-swore ful deepe = very firmly sworn. Deepe, deeply seems to allude to the practice of binding a compact by drinking together. Eche of us to other = each of us to the other. We prefix the article to other. "Let each esteem other." Phil. ii. 3. 275. "That never for (fear of ) dying by torture," &c. That is here the sentence-article which in modern English is not used with the infinitive. For originally means /;/ front of ; hence it may be, as here, nearly equivalent to to prevent ; cf. : " And over that an habergeon for percing of his hert." Rime of Sir Thopas. The payne = torture ; to deyen in the payne = to die by tor- ture. 202 NOTES TO THE KNIOHTES TALE. ** It nedeth nought to pyne you with the corde." K., 888. " Me were lever die in the paineJ''' R.R., 3326. Morris renders this verse: "That never, even though it cost us a miserable death." 276. The decth = death. The article by its demonstrative force adds emphasis ; we can only use it w^ith an intervening adjective, as, " the inevitable death." Defarte = separate. De here is from di or dis, denoting sep- aration. The old reading of the marriage service was, "Til death us depart," which becoming unintelligible was corrupted into do part. " That he depart with me the eritage." Luke xii. 13 (Wiclif). 277. To hyndre7i^ to be construed with i-swore, 1. 274. 282. Thou durst it nat zvithsay?i = thou durst it not deny. With has here its primitive force, denoting opposition. 283. Thus ; i.e., by thine oath. Thus is the A.S. instrumental thys = by this. Of my coujiscil=^ my adviser. Cf. the legal phrase "to be of " counsel." 284. hen a3oute = ready to. The first meaning of about is around ; hence, metaphorically, to compass a matter in the mind, to intend; cf. "compassing the king's death." 2S6. ujito my7i herte sterve = until my heart shall die. unto = until. Now generally denotes space rather than time. sterve^^ die. Here used in subj. Notice that this subj. form takes, in modern English, the auxiliary shall. The idea of con- tingency involved in the subjunctive readily implies futurity, as futurity may also imply contingency. 287. thou schalt not so = thou oughtest not (to say) so. Schal, in Chaucer, often implies obligation, and must be construed as a leading verb. 288. the = thee: dative. 289. As to my counsei'l == as to my adviser : one bound in honor to assist me. Morris renders counsei'l by advice, which hardly seems admissible. The figure seems to be taken from the rela- tion of a legal adviser to a client. my brother szuorji to forthre me, in the same construction as counseil, and an elaboration of the same idea. Covmsel would be bound in honor to assist him; a brother would still further be bound by affection : to which he also adds his obligation as a knight. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE, 203 293. / dar ivel sayn = I dare with reason to say. 294. agayn = in reply. 295. T/ioii schalt be rather fals, &c. Thou art sure to be false before me, — sooner than I. On this use of sc/ial, cf. 1. 287. 296. itttcrly = wholly . Gower (iii. 230) writes oultrely^ as from Lrat. ultra. 297. par amoiir= with (human) love. See 1. 301. er t/iozv = hefove thou didst. 298 What xvolt thou sayn. Arcite here assumes the character of a special pleader (counseil), and goes into legal subtleties. It is worthy of note, how the poet has prepared the way for this scene by the use of the word coujiseil, 1. 283. 300. "Thine is the affection one may have for a saint." 304. I pose = 1 put the case; I suppose. Ci. poser, a puzzling question, such as are asked by lawyers in a cross-examination. 305. the olde clerkes sawe = ihe old writer's saying. The old clerk is Boethius, from whom Chaucer has borrowed largely. 306. 77/«/ refers to the saying quoted; cf. "Did he %^y that he would come .-* " 307. Ziy ;«j//«;/ = by my head. 308. be yeve to any, &c. = be given to any. Tyrwhitt reads of any=hy an v. 309. posityf lawe ^= QyiY>re?>?, enactment; statute law. such decre = such stipvilation. 310. in ech degree = in every rank of life. 311. «ay is ace. ; cf Lat. heu me miserum. 367. Notv is me sc/iape= now is it appointed for me. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 205 to d-ivelle is the subject of /5; me is dative. 368. Scan : Nought | in pur | gato | rie but | in helle. 373. Oojily qualifies sighte as a verbal = the seeing. 378. il/a/5/ozy = majest thou. See note, 1. 225. 379. paradys, to be pronounced par'dys. 380. ytorned the = turned for thee. 382. for possible /5 = for it is possible. The sentence begin- ning 1. 384, is the subject of is. 388. erthe^ water, fyr, ne eyr. Earth, water, fire, and air were called the four elements, as from them all things were supposed to have been made. Cicero sajs, " Omnia elementa sunt quatuor." " Of this four elements ech quik thing y-maked is, Of urthe, of water, and of eyr, and of fier, i-wis." Pop. Treat, on Science, p. 138. Wright. 389. creature, trissyllable. 390. 7ne helpe. Me is dative after helpe, as in A.S. .dooii cou/brt =^ afford me comfort. The termination here shows that doon is infinitive ; the final e in helpe indicates the same construction. 391. Wei oicghte /= I must indeed. See note P., 505. " Wei oughte we to don." 2d Nonnes Tale, 6. So also as an imper- sonal : " Wei oughte us werke." lb. 14. wrt;/>^ci^^ = despair. A beautiful old Saxon word, which is unfortunately obsolete. " Wanhope, — hope that has wholly waned." Trench. 396. ^cwz^t'/^^ themselves. Hem is here dative pi. = the self to them : so himself retains the dative form, which is now gen- erally used as an accusative, and = the self to him. 397. So7n man = one man. Som . . . som = one . . . another. Used indefinitely like Lat. ^uis. richesse — riches. This word is singular, although from the termination it appears to be plural. 398. "That is (proves to be) the cause of his murder." ■morthre = murder. Still a vulgar pronunciation. 399. "And another man would fain (be) out of his prison." After -would the dependent verb is frequently omitted. 400. That — /5 = who . . . after his wish is granted is slain by his servants. 401. /;//f;//Vg = unnumbered, — usually restricted to measure of wholes, and followed by a singular noun. 2o6 NOTES TO THE KNIQHTES TALE. 402. " We know not what it is that we pray for here." pi-ayen = pray for, ask. We pray /^^ = drunk : literally p.p. of dritik. as a mows, alluding probably to the motions of a mouse when caught by a cat. The bite of the cat is said to partially benumb or stupefy the mouse. 405. " But he knows not which is the right way thither." 410. ive seyen alle. The natural order would seem to be all we ; e.g., "All we like sheep have gone astray," Is. liii. 6; but " the unemphatic nature of the nominatives ive and they prevents us from saying 'all we.'" Abbott, § 240. "We offend all." Tames iii. 2. namelycke = especially, — mentioned by name, and hence prominent. So Lat. nominatim. 411. gret o;pinioun = ■a. strong conviction; cf. "the opinion (i.e. decision) of a judge." 413. Than hadde I ben = then had I been : had is subj. and we may read : " then would I have been." 414. Ther has here a double force = there where ; or, more fully, "who thought that I would be in perfect well-being /;/ that condition in -which I am indeed exiled from my weal." 415. I may not sen ^= I am not able to see. 416. nam — nys = ne am — ne is. 417. that other syde = the other side. We say " on the other hand." Either expression denotes opposition or contrast. 421. The pure fettres = the very fetters. So in the Duchess, 1. 5S2, " the pure deth." The Greeks used Kadapog, and the Latin purus in a similar manner. 423. myn of me, gen. "And God wot that is malgre min." Gower, Con. Am. ii. 3. 424. " In all our strife, God knows, the advantage is thine." 425. at thi large '^ at large, free. Large is here used as a noun; cf. " at his large," 1. 469; cf. French, au large. 426. And of my tvoo, &c. Thou givest little heed to my wo. 431. to lady and to ^vyf=^ for a lady and for a wife. This con- struction is an imitation of the A.S. and is common in E E. "We have Abraham to our father." Matt. iii. 9. "We habbath A. us to faeder," A.S. This construction with the double dative is also frequent in Latin. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 207 lady here means lover or mistress, as distinguished from wife. The root of this word seems to be the Icel. lavdi, written in A.S. klavedi, domina. The usual derivation from an assumed hlaf- ivardige is probably untenable. 432. ivhom that = whom. I mot fieedes leese my lyf; i.e., through the ardor of my affec- tion. 433. as by tvey of possibilitc = as being in the way to take advantage of circumstances. Your advantage is great as com- pared with mine, as there is a possibility of your success. by ivey of = because of. 444. box-tree; i.e., in color yellow, denoting jealousy. 445. O cruel Goddes, &c. Goddes here is plural. 447. Tvritett, past plural of write. The past singular is wrat, or -wrote. The past plural of most A. S. verbs had a different vowel from the past singular: e.g , sing, past singular satig^ past plural stingon. Hence the confusion in such verbs between the forms in a and u., — sang ox sung; drank or drunk. 448. parlement = decree, determination ; agent for act. I punctuate with an exclamation point here; Morris has a comma. The exclamation begins, " O cruel Goddes." What follows should be pointed as an interrogation. 450. rouketh = huddle, lie close. "But now they rucken in her nest." Gower, Con. Am. ii. 57. 451. right as another beest =^ iusi as though he were another beast. - 455. " What control (advantage) is there in this foreknowl- edge that tormenteth guiltless innocence.''" 456. torme?iteth Lat. tormenturn {torquere, to twist) an instru- ment for hurling missiles by the recoil of a twisted rope; hence an instrument of torture where the force is applied in a similar manner : as a verb, to cause severe pain. 458. to his observaicnce = to his religious duty. Observantia had in Latin the meaning religion. See 1. 187 and note. 459. to letten of his xville = to refrain from his will. 460. Ther as = where : in that case where. 463. >^«z'e= may have. Subj. 464. it may stonde so = it must be (remain) so. Afay some- times denotes moral possibility, when it is nearly equivalent to must. 2o8 NOTES TO THE KNIGETES TALE. 465. answer of this = the solution of this (problem). An- swer is usually followed by to. Ilete=zl leave. Allied to late ; as the slower of two bodies is left by the other, let comes to have this meaning. See 1. 459. Scan : Th' answer | of this | I let | e to | divinis. 468. tre'ive ?na?i = an upright man. Dative after doon, to cause. This use of '= prudently. "The O.E. sleigh, sly = wise, know- ing; and sleight = wisdom, knowledge. For change of meaning compare ciuining, originally knowledge, and craft, originally power." Morris. 557. That = so that. Hoxv that = how it was that ; from whence. Hoxv is properly the instrumental case of the interrogative. 588. j'^cr = years. Still vulgarly used. A.S. sing, and pi. gear. 589. bar him so = so conducted himself. The personal pro- nouns are often used as reflexives, without self. 591. lete = leave. A.S. laeta?i. Let, to hinder, is from A.S. let tan. 594. This sevcfi yeer. A period considered as a definite portion of time was construed in the singular; e.g., "a fortnight," "an eight days after." Luke ix. 28. scten p.p. of sitie — remained. Set, causative, A.S. settan, has p. sette, p.p. geset. Eng. set, set, set. 595. Tvhatfor woo, &c. = partly for wo and partly for restraint. NOTES TO TUE KNIOIITES TALE. 213 The following lines elaborate this idea. Supply w/iai with for distresse. Woo refers to his passion. "Till \vhat by sleight and what by strength." Gower ii. 388. //t = her followers. 681. " A writer in Notes and Qiieries quotes the following Devonshire proverb : ' Fridays in the week Are never aleek.' " Morris. 683. xvithouteji eny more = without anything further, imme- diately. 684. that day must be construed as ace. after the interjection, or for must be supplied. 686. Wiltoxv = wilt thou. The inflectional endings of the verb were originally formed from appended pron6uns, precisely in this manner. 687. ibrought is = is brought, has been brought. 691. kyng. "The Teutonic nations used the name konig, or king, and this corresponds to the Sanskrit janaka. What did it mean ? It simply meant father, the father of a family, ' the king of his own kifi,' the father of a clan, the father of a people." M. Miiller, Sc. of L. 272. 693. verray lyne = true line, direct descent. as = and. As is a contraction of also and here has its usual force when uncontracted. 694. ///;'/^g;'== either, correlates with or in next line. 740. lyoun. The article was omitted in comparative sen- tences, after as, like, than, as in our compounds; e.g., lion- like. 742. Ncre^=ne tvere^were it not. 745. of myn ko?id= by my hand. 748. verrayfool= fool indeed. " My very son Esau." Gen. xxvii. 26. //^/«yi' 7y^//=^ remember well. A.S. t/ieitcan, to think, to re- member ; the active form of ihincan, to seem : hence, to cause to come to mind. Think still = remember in colloquial language; e.g., "I did not think." The noun thank, which is from this verb, means " that given in remembrance of a favor." 750. for as w«Cy^e^ forasmuch as, since. For= in consider- ation of As }nuche=^?>o great (a fact), now generally followed by as. Tyrwhitt reads : "But for thou art a worthi gentil knight." 751. ^/>g = forher: dative. 753. Scan : En y'oth | er knight. 754. as a k7iight ; i.e., armed. 759. if so be = \^ it so be. "That thou my lady wj^nne " is the real subject of be. 760. ther I am /;/;2c = wherein I am. 761. as for we = so far as I am concerned; cf. the colloquial expression "for all me." 763. de_parted=^ separated. 765. out of = without. A.S. «/«;/ = without. 766. regne^^ king: literally, a kingdom, used by metonomy for king. 767. is seyd = is it said. The following sentence is the subject. 768. his thonkes = wi\Ung\y. The gen. was used in A.S. as an adverb; cf. «ee(^e5= necessarily. " For haveles (poor) His thonkes is no man alive." Gower, Con. Am. ii. 2ii. 771* ^^^ ^^^ morwe ; cf. a-morxve, 1. 763. NOTES TO THE KNIOHTES TALE. 219 Dayes light = the light of day. In compound nouns the first has the force .of a genitive or dative. 779. Tho cJi an gen gan = \.\\Q.n z\i-xr\^&di- G<7«^did. kereface= their faces : literally " in the face of them." The modern construction uses the plural, we having changed the genitive of the pronoun into a possessive. 782. ^c;'c = bear. A.S. bera^ probably from heran, to excel, the bear being the largest wild animal known in the northern regions. Bere, barley (cf. beer), seems to have the same deri- vation, denoting the grain which surpassed. The six-rowed barley is called in Scotland big, while the four-rowed is called bear. 784. brekcth. The subject is ''bowes and the leves." See 1. 18S5. Tyrwhitt reads brehing, and says: "The MSS. all read breketh ; but it is more likely, I think, that the first transcriber should have made a mistake in that word, than that Chaucer should have offended so unnecessarily against grammar." If we construe and as equivalent to as, the difficulty is avoided. " And heareth him come rushing through the underbrush, as the boughs and leaves break before him." 788. me myskappe^^=\i it go ill with me. Mishap is now used only as a noun. 790. As fcr as=^ as soon as : literally, when they were as far as, &c. ; or, as we would say, "when they were so near that each knew the other." 791. good day, the usual friendly salutation. 794. as he ruere^as though he were. "As it had been the face of an angel." Acts vi. 15. In which case had been is subj. 798. tvood lyoicn=^ixn enraged lion. 803. / lete hem = I leave them fighting : literally, I allow them to continue fighting. Fightyng dzvelle is an infinitive phrase, which must be construed as a noun used in the ace. like an adverb. 804. forth is here used with the idea of motion, — the advance of the story, like henceforth. 805. The destynd. Article used to correlate with that; cf. Lat. id . . . quod. mynistre ^c;/era/= minister-general, general nianager. In most instances in which the noun precedes the adjective, Chaucer follows the French idiom. 809. by ye or nay. "Yea and nay were originally the answers 220 NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. to questions framed in the affirmative; yes and no, the answers to questions framedin the negative." Bible Word-Book. Thus jea and naj acquire the force of certainty. " But let your com- munication be yea, yea, nay, nay" (Matt. v. 37) ; that is, definite. A.S. hyt ys, hytys; hyt ttys, hyt nys. "The promises of God are yea" (2 Cor. i. 20) ; that is, certain. Sio. It — ///rt'/=that — which; cf. "Art thou not it that (he who) hath cut Rahab.''" Is. li. 9. 815. "This say I now with reference to mighty Theseus." 818. " No day dawneth to him in bed ; " i.e., day-light never finds him in bed. 823. (5rt«c = destruction, death; cf. Goth, banja, U blow. 824. Mars, the god of war; Diane, Dia?ia, the goddess of hunting. After does not refer to time : his first choice was war; his second, hunting. 828. clothed refers to the whole party. "And I warne you that there be none of 3'ou but that he be well horsed, and that ye all be clothed in greene, either in silke or in cloth." Qiieene Guenever's orders for a Maying party in the Hist, of K. Arthur, iii. c. 129. 829. 0}i honthig. 0?i explains the force of « in similar con- structions, — a being an abbreviation of on, as a, the article, is an abbreviation of an- Chaucer uses both forms : aloft, o?i loft, abed, on bed, apart, on part, alive, on live. So in the Bible, a dying, a fishing. Earle, in his Philology of the English Tongue (p. 376), says, "I derive this a from the French prepositions, thus afoot represents apied,'' — a view which is refuted by nearly every instance in which it occurs in Early English. 833. lawide. " Lande : a Land, or Laund, a wild, untilled, shrub bie or bushie Plaine." Cotgr. " Whan they come to the laund on hight, The quenys pavylon there was pight That she myght se of the best All the game [sport] of the forest." Ipomydon, 383, Weber ii. 295. " Then went they doune into a launde These noble archeres all three ; Eche of them slew a hart of greece \_prize'\ -^ The best that they could se." Adam Bell, Percy's Rel. NOTES TO THE KNIOHTES TALE. 221 "For through this laund anon the deer will come." Shak. 3 Hen. VI. iii. i. In the first quotation latmd seems to denote a cleared hill ; in the second a cleared valley; in the third, an open space between two forests, — so that the leading idea of the word is a cleared space. /it'm. After verbs of motion the pronoun is often used reflex- ively, forming a middle voice. 834. t/iider^= thither, — the proper form with a verb of motion. Modern English incorrectly uses there, where, here, for thither, whither, hither. won^ have = wont to have. 835. Scan : And ov'r ] a brook | &c. 837. him lust comauude=^ it pleased him to order. 839. .i7«^^r = towards. Looking towards the sun, they would be distinguishable from a greater distance. 841. breeme = furiously. For an interesting note on this word see M. Muller, Sc. of Lang. ii. 232. *' And breres brimme for to pricke." R. R. 1836. "Neither bragger ne boster ffor no bremme wordis." Dep. Ric. IL p. 11. as it -were = as though it were ; as though they were. It refers to boorcs two ; the verb is plural to agree with the noun following; cf. "it nam nat I," 602. "ItamI,"87S. " It ben the schirrefes men." 844. " It seemed that the lightest stroke of either would fell an oak." as it ivolde = as though it would. // refers to strooh. 845. w//a/'=what sort of persons; who. What refers rather to rank, calling, or nationality. iiothing=^ in no respect. " For every creature [thing created] of God is good, and nothi7ig [by no means] to be refused." i Tim. iv. 4. 848. Hoo, an exclamation used by Heralds to stop the fight; used now to stop horses, whoa. 849. leesyng^ a verbal noun, hence followed hy of. 852. tvhat mestcy ;«£?« = what sortjof_men. See note P., 613. 855. (>^'?7"<'5 = lists. See note P., 63. 857. vjhat needeth = in what respect (why) does it need. 858. the deth. Death would imply a natural death, while the death — the noun being emphasized by the demonstrative — im- 222 NOTES TO THE KNIOHTES TALE, plies the death fixed by law, death as a punishment; ike death is also used to denote any remarkable mortality. bothe txvo. With pronouns both is usually construed sub- stantively; e.g., both of us: with nouns adjectively; e.g., both men. 862. " give us neither mercy nor protection.'* 865. y^^czre = may know ; subj. lj'te = not; literally, little ; cf. Lat. minus, minime, not, by no means. 867. <^«;/>'5c^2' = banished. Ban, banish, bandit, abandon, are all from the root bati, common to all Teutonic languages, which means a proclamation, an announcement. We have the word still in use in " the banns of marriage." In French bati became batidon with the notion of authority ; hence abandon is to bring under the control of any one, to subdue; and as bringing a per- son under the absolute control of one, necessarily destroys the previous authority, it acquired a secondary meaning of the sur- render of control. An "abandoned character" is a character which has thrown off moral control ; an '* abandoned tenement" is a tenement over which the owner has surrendered his author- ity. From ban^ bando, we have a Mid. Lat. banire, bandire, to proclaim, to denounce, to publicly order out of the realm, to banish ; bajidit, one so banished ; and, because thus put out of the pale of law, a robber, an oictla-v. 876. W(?/}i?/:^ unfortunate, full of wo. 877. ivikkedly^=^Q,x2SW\y,\iy using deception, — not implying any moral wrong. 881. y^w£5e_= judgment, condemnation. " Ther nas . . . Ne juge, ne justice, that jewis durste hem deme." Dep. Ric. II. 26, 10. 883. bothe we = we both; cf. 1. 858. 885. schort coticlusioun = a brief argument, a conclusion briefly reached. 887. r^cor^f? = record it, as the decision of the judge. 888. to -p yne yoiv vjith the corde, to put you to the torture, to extort a confession of the truth. " 8S9. schul be deed ^= ye vaxx^t die. Schul, ^\.\ sing, schal. 890. verray ivoinmujihede = simply because of her woman- hood. 893. as it thoughte hem alle^^ as it seemed to them all. NOTES TO THE KNIGETES TALE. 223 894. "That ever such an event should happen." 896. nothings adv. = for notliing. See note 1. 845. 897. And 5«Tfe=and when they saw. When the subject is readily supplied from the context, it is frequently omitted. Shak- speare takes the same liberty. 5or(? = severe ; cf. "It was a sore trial." 898. lesse and more ^^ho\.\\ low and high (in rank). Zr^55 and jnore are comparatives. The Early English was far stricter than the modern in requiring the comparative degree when there was even an implied comparison between two terms. So we have 'whither for where, ^vhether for which, either for or, &c. 905. in a clause ^= '\n one view; literally, in one enclosure. He considers not only the trespass, but the occasion as well. The word, in this sense, is sometimes spelled close, Fr. clause, Lat. claicsiis, from claudere to shut; hence an enclosed place; a sentence enclosed in another; that which closes an argument, a conclusion ; that which decides an argument. 906. /r^5jz^«5 = trespass. O. Fr. trans-passer ; cf. transgress. The idea of moral wrong is generally expressed by words sig- nifying a going over or beyond. 908. resouji = reflection, opposed to the hasty decisions of anger. 913. Of vjommen. Strictly genitive of origin of the feeling. The modern construction is " had compassion on women." Evere in oon = evQT: anon ; literally, ever in one (moment). 915. Fy, an exclamation implying disapprobation or disgust, — faugh. Fr.^f, Ger. pfui, Gr. e = 2^.% it has been determined for him. The ordeal of battle was a common method of appeal to the Deitv. 989. If that you liketh = if this pleases you, 990. w>^fr = whither. In E.E. whether and whither are fre- quently abbreviated into ivhere. The origin of our use of where for tvhither may be thus explained. 991. dauftger = fine. See note P., 663. 992. fyfty ivykes = a year. fer ne neer = further nor nearer, ^more or less; syncopated comparatives. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 225 994. Arjned — ?<;/ = uparmed, completely armed; cf. "used up." 995. See 1. 751. 998. ^vhcther^=^\\n(i\\. (of two). "Whether of them twain .did the will of his father." Matt. xxi. 31. 1000. spak of= mentioned. 1002. to ivyve=to wife. Wyve is dative. See note, 1. 431. 1003. ivhojn = to him, to whom. that^= it shall be that. That after conjunctions may usually be construed with this ellipsis. 1005. re-iVe = may God have pity. Cf. " me reweth" = I am sorry. 1009. ty you thi7iketh = if this seem to you. Ton is dative ; the nominative is always ye. " This is wel isayd " is the subject of thinketh. 1016. don — grace =^ diOno. (wrought) so fair a favor. 1017. on knees ^= on his knees. The old idiom which allowed the omission of the demonstrative or possessive pronoun, in cases when such omission would occasion no ambiguity, is preferable to the modern. inaner w/g/ii^^hind of man. Of is omitted after manner, as though used adjectively. 1019. namely = especiiiWy, worthy of mention by name. 102 1, gonne they ryde = did they ride ; they rode. 1023. men = one, the indefinite pronoun = the reader. 1025. go//i = goeth, goes. The termination et/i in Chaucer's time was passing into 5; in the northern dialects the pi. ef/i had passed into s. We use s only in place of the singular et/i, our pi. having come from the plural in en. 1026. to maken up = to prepare. Up must be construed with the verb as a separable preposition. From the idea high it readily acquires an intensive force. 1027. that, correlative of so, 1. 1025. 1031. i7i maner of compaas ^ in the form of a circle. Article omitted. 1032. degrees = steps rising one above another. " This maner of stage in half-circle the Greekes called theatrum, as much to say as a beholding place, which was also in such sort contriued by benches and greeces to stand or set upon, as no man should empeach anothers sight." Puttenham, 52. Arber. the height = to the height of. Accusative of measure. 15 226 NOTES TO TEE KNIGHTES TALE, 1034. Iette = 'he should not hinder, subj. 1035. Here begins a description of this circular theatre. On the north was the turret of Diana, with the oratory; on the east the marble gate, above which was the altar and oratory of Venus ; the south side was open ; on the west another marble gate, above which was the altar and oratory of Mars. Estward ; i.e., to one within. 1037. con-clud-e. infinitive. 1038. as = thus. " There was no such place in earth, that is to say, in so little space." The uses of as in E.E. are many of them difficult of explanation, but can generally be understood by a reference to the original meaning all-so. Tyrwhitt omits as, but according to the canon that the most difficult reading is probably the correct one, we have retained it. 1040. Who hiatus (was acquainted with) geometry or arith- metic. ■Mrsmetrike = arithmetic, derived by a false etymology from ars-meirica. Gr. uptO/iTjTiKT/. Gower writes arsmetique. 1043. dev^'se =^ \.o embellish. Devise means to contrive; hence to make that which requires skill. To make evidently refers to the construction of the building; while devyse refers to the more elaborate parts of the same. " To devise curious works." Ex. XXXV. 32. 1045. hath to be construed with don make, 1. 1047. 1047. Don make = caused (them) to make, caused to be made. Don pp., make inf. oratorye== a place of prayer. 1050. coste, pret. 105 1, on the ivall. The three oratories were built on the wall, so as to be in full view from all parts of the theatre. 1055. don TV rotight=vf Yowght, c?i.\\s>ed (to be) made. "This should rather be doji -work. The participle of the past time is improperly put for the infinitive mode. But the same inaccuracy occurs again : " These marchants have don fraught here schippes newe." Tyrwhitt. See 1. 1047. It would perhaps be better to consider wrought as the infinitive, with an ellipsis of to be. Cf. " He has ordered a house built," i.e. to be built. i7i noble tvise = in splendid style. 1056. forgeten = neglected. In modern English the expres- sion would be, " I have forgotten." Had forgotten refers rather to the time of the neglect than to the fact. NOTES TO TEE KNIGHTES TALE. 227 1058. sckap refers to the carving; contenaunce, to the paint- ings ; figures^ to the composition of the works of art. 1061. -wrought 071 the wal ; i.e., on the wall of the oratory. Morris says, "viz., over the gate and wall, i.e., over a sort of barbican;" but Chaucer is not describing the position of the oratory, but of the paintings, «&c., within the temple; of. 11. mo, nil. 1062. colde = sad. An epithet, descriptive of the effect, applied to the cause. 1063. sacred = devoted. Cf. Fr. sacre. " To destruction sacred and devote." Par. Lost, iii. 208. " The coming of their sacred foe" [i.e., Satan]. lb., iv. 7. ieeres = tears. From a root signifying to bite ; hence bitter. 1064. desiryfig = desire: a verbal noun. 1067. fool-hardynesse = the boldness of a fool. 1069. lesyyiges^r^YxQ,^^ falsehood. "Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing." Ps. v. 6. 1070. 5«5>'«e55e= anxiety. "Martha, thou art bisy and art troublid aboute ful many thingis." Luke x. 41 (Wiclif ). 1071. guides = marigolds : so called from their yellow color, the color denoting jealousy. 107^'!'^ Scan : And | a cuk | kow, &c. 1074. Z,«5/ = pleasure, in no odious sense. Array. See P., 330. circumstaunces = things appertaining to. We use the word surroundings in this sense. 1075. / rekned have atid schal = I have recounted and shall recount. Tyrwhitt reads : " Which that I reken and reken shall." 1076. by ordre = in proper arrangement. Lat. ex ordine. We also find the A.S. equivalent arexve. 1077. make of menciou7i = make mention of. loSi. lustynesse = pleasure ; here denotes that which occasions pleasure. 1092. " For when it pleases her, then may she turn the world." as^= when. Cf. " What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk." Luke xxiv. 17. Tyr- whitt omits thati, and reads liste, subj. 228 NOTES TO THE KNIQHTES TALE. 1097. Scan : The stat ] u of Ve | nus, &c. iioi. right kond. The right hand (Lat. rectus.^ from regere)^ means the controlling hand. So the left hand has nothing to do with leave, but is rather O.E. left. O.S. Icf, weak. 1 104. dowves =^ do\e%. "Perhaps from its habit of ducking the head." Wedgwood. It is strange that Wedgwood should have departed from his favorite theory here : it seems more prob- able that this is a true onomatopoetic word, — \ht Gqt. taube, A.S. duva, being quite an exact imitation of their note. 1 107. as it is often seen. It refers to the fact stated, and not to any particular word. 1 1 12. in lengthe a7id breede = in length and breadth, — on the sides and ends. \i\-T^. estres. " Les estres d'un maison. The inward conveyances, private windings or turnings within, entries into, issues out of, a house." Cotgr. 1121. swough. "And what soun is it [swough] lyke quod he Peter ! betynge of the see Quod Y, ajen the roches holowe." H. of F., ii. 523. 1122. sc hulde berstett =^ vfouXd burst; i.e., break by bending. S/iall, originally denoting obligation, easily passes into the notion of futurity, especially with the added idea of compulsion. The past tense implies an antecedent obligation, and in like manner passes into the idea of present or future action,*^epend- ing upon some previous obligation, or as the result of some previous compulsion. In this verse the sounds before mentioned indicate an accumulation of forces which will speedily destroy the forest. Strictly speaking, -would refers to an antecedent desire, should to an antecedent obligation. 1 123. downward ; i.e., below on the wall. under a bente = below a slope, — on a hill amidst the forests. 1125. ^/i!r«^(/^= burnished ; cf. A.S. byrtte, a coat of mail, as though from byrnan^ wrought in the fire, forged ; cf. also bran- uew, for which we find in E.E. fire-new. 1 129. northen light. Some suppose that this refers to the aurora borealis, but probably it denotes only the dim light re- ceived by a narrow opening to the north. This temple being situated on the west side of the theatre, — the south side being open, — the only access to it from the wall would be on the north side, which may have suggested this description. 1 133. y-c/assq nt = surpassing; a name passing from mouth to mouth; \.q., re-tioivned. 1250. q£^ that game ; i.e., one of, a sharer of that game; par- titive. 1251. ivel ivas him = weal was to him, well was it for him. ther to = to it. There in composition with prepositions re- tains its pronominal force. 1252. if ther felle such a caas = if such an opportunity should happen. 1253. lusty ;= vigorous; that state of body which gives pleas- ure. 1254. paramours = gallantry, gallant actions. Literally, " with loves." See 1. 297. What at first was a descr.ptive epi- thet came in time to be used as a noun, designating tl»e thing so described; thus par amour passed into the noun paramour, de- noting (ist) gallantry, (2d) lover, or the person inspiring gal lantry or love. Either meaning will suit here. hath his might ; i.e., is not sick or wounded. 1255. it, i.e., the opportimity. 1256. ivolde 7vilne^= would wish. 1257. To Jighte, infinitive, used substantively. 1258. were = would be. to see = to be seen. Gerundial ; cf. " a house to let." 1259. right so ; i.e., inspired by similar feelings. 1261. Sojn = one; cf. somme, pi. I. 126;?. Tvol = prefer. 1263. somme, pi. of sofn. 234 NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. ^eyre flatcs = armor for the breast and back; double plates, contrasted with breastplates, 1267. "There is no new contrivance that was not known of old," — as though defending himself from the charge of anach- ronism in arming his knights in the armor of his day. 1269. after his of)iniou7i = according to his choice. 1270. Ther tnaistoxv sen = there mayst thou see. 1274. T/icy, redundant. 1276. kenipe = coarse, shaggj. Kemps = hair among wool. From A.S. cemhan to comb; hence that which is combed, as hair; also that which is combed out, snarled or knotted hair. 1277. braivnes — the muscular parts of the body, particularly (as here) the calf of the leg, and the fleshy parts of the arms. 1283. nayles yehve ^= yeWow buttons, resembling the heads of nails. 1284. foy-old= very old. Morris. Tyrwhitt reads " for old" = for age. The former is preferable. 1287. w^6'/^^ = wreath. The A.S. verb has two forms, — wret/iian and -writ/nan^ — both of which are preserved in modern English, but with a divergence of meaning. 1289. rubies = 0. precious stone of red color. Lat. rubeus. ^V'«;;zrtz^«/fz = diamonds, — a corruption of adamant. We here see the word in a transitional state. 1290. alauntz=^?i species of dog. '■'■ Alajio is the Spanish name of a species of dog which the dictionaries call a mas- tiff." T. 1294. Colers, supply ivitk. fyled rounde, — so as to turn easily. 1300. clotk of gold ^^ cXo\h. with gold threads inwoven. ^0/^/'^^= wrought in flourishes, ornamented. "And it [the bow] was painted well and thwitten [carved] And over all diapred and written." Rom. R., 934. This word is from the Latin Jaspis, a jasper stone, — the colors of which are often in stripes and figures, whence it was much used in ornamental jewelry. The verb, derived from the noun, soon came to denote a species of ornamentation resembling the natural marks of the jasper; and from this verb, we have again derived a noun denoting cloth with a pattern inwoven, — diaper. Fr. diaspre. 1302. cloth of Tars= a kind of silk. " Tartarian cloths are so skilfully woven that no painter with his brush could equal, much NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 235 less surpasSj them." Quoted from Boccaccio in Longfellow's Dante, I. 283. 1307. ironne = arranged. Morris explains by " clotted." ** cheveicx annelez. Haire frizzled, curled, or twirled round, or into round knots." Cot. 131 1. y>e>^;/£?5= freckles. Probably another form o? Jiecken, spots. 1313. cas/e = threw around. 1314. ca5/e = should judge. There was no objection in Chaucer's day to using the same words as rhymes if their signi- fication was different. Gower frequently uses a noun and a verb from the same root 13 15. sprynge = to spring up, to grow. So spring is the sea- son in which vegetation sprouts. The original idea seems to be to rise up. 1320. tame. A tame animal is literally one subdued, one that will obey man. 1323. 171 alle jna7zer thinges ^= in all manner of things ; i.e., in all kinds of armor. 1327. 071 every part = on every side. 1328. lepart = leopard. " The leopard was not for the Greek and Latin zoologists a species by itself, but a mongrel birth of the male panther or pard and the lioness; and in its name 'leopard' (or lion-pard) this, its assumed double descent, is ex- pressed." Trench. 1329. alle a7id so7ne = one and all; literally, " all and one." For this use of so7)ze, cf. 11. 397, 1261-1265. " Summe other alle." An. R., 28. 1330. ^ee7i co7?ze = are come ; intransitive perfect. t/ie So7iday. Palamon escaped May 3d (1. 605) and meets Arcite : this day was Fridav, 11.676,681. Their duel was the next day, — Saturday, May 5th. They were to meet that day fifty weeks, which must be taken as meaning a year. May 5th the next year would be Sunday. 1331. pri7ne = six o'clock in the morning. " The first quarter of the artificial day." T. In the Catholic Church, the next ser- vice after matins, and hence the usual hour of such service. alight, to be construed with beeTi. 1334. everych at his degre = each according to his rank. 1336. T^/= anxiety, melancholy. So used in the Bible and in Shakspeare. *' Take no thought for the morrow." Matt, vi. 25. "Take thought and die for Caesar." J. C. ii. i. The verb to think is also used in the same meanings. "i-Z*!! ''^■~.^2!}foxih = to the extent of, according to ; literally, even forth. Em in composition denotes even, equal. 1379. 50 = provided that, if so be that. Sometimes that fol- lows as used in this sense. i^So.^yg/ ^g = bo ast. The meanings are: (i) to cry like a dog, (2) to talk loudly, (3) to boast. 1381. Scan : N' I n' aske | nat to | morwe [ to have | victorie. 1383. ^;V5 = victory in arms. blow en ; i.e., by the trump of fame ; by the heralds announc- ing the victor. 1386. ho-M = in what way. 1387. but it may better (^c = unless it may be better. "I care not whether I win the victory or he, unless as one or the other may be better for my suit." 1390. though so ^e = though it so be; in which case it refers to the sentence, " Mars is god of armes." 1407. Scan : But at | te laste | the stat | u of Ve | nus schook. 140S. iooy^ = conjectured, deduced. Still used thus in collo- quial language. '' You take me right." Bacon. There seems to be a connection between the words take and teach, — A.S. tacan, taecan, Gr. 6exo/mi, deiKvvut, — so that this colloquial use may be only a relic of a former well-recognized meaning. 1412. we;z/« = turned : pret. of tvende. Cf. " To wend one's way." 1413. thridde hour that = the third hour after that; i.e., the 238 NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE, first hour of Monday, and hence sacred to Diana or Luna. See note, \. 1359. ■\niej^uaL " In the astrological system, the day (from sunrise to sunset) and the night (from sunset to sunrise) being each divided into twelve hours, it is plain that the hours of the day and night were never equal, except just at the equinoxes. The hours attributed to the planets were of this unequal sort." T. By the use of this term Chaucer calls attention to the astrological hour, and indicates, without saying so, that this hour was sacred to Diana. 1418. Ful redily^= all ready for use. 1420. longen schal=^ ought to belong, properly belong. Schal is here used in its original sense of obligation. 1421. //or«leyn correctioun = full punishment. 1604. signe of the lyoiin = the constellation Leo. 1609. maladies colde = deadly distempers. 1610. castes olde = old contrivances; contrivances of old, — long in use, thus proving their efficiency. 161 1. Myn loky?ig^=xny look. 1618. 7"//<7/^ which fact. 1629. Hit=i\.. The third personal pronoun in A.S. was 16 242 NOTES TO THE KNIQHTES TALE. he, heOi hit, pi. ht ; the gen. his, hire, hz's. In the course of time the h dropped, and an anomalous gen. its was formed. Venus, possessive case. 1630. by the ca?(f5e = because. 5c^«/<^t' = must. The pret. implies an engagement already made. 1632. at night =^ as soon as it was night. 1640. brozvdyng=-Qvo}oxo\(\Q.xy. From braid^ hence worked with braid. 1642. Go/ be^n bv i:i± z-.'.z .=z. Of tie f>e«rple ; gen. of source. 1809. aschur: 1 = 7 _: td shame. iSiol 1W'^-: = i^ .riii^ ~f ~ ~es and aliv& Chancer uses infy^e^ alir^ s ' ^ ' ' 1S45. ** Although this aod - - "^ - " 1&I7. «c4«/ is here used pec. J . I: .: he will not die, because, from tiie cira::: - : - r - — .. - _ ; _ . 7 won his ladv — he onght not to lose the 1551. Al srere : 'r : , = although thev : 7 amd m^tmdy ^m- = i one especiallv. 1552. T: :.- — = r iKeastfaoiie. 1853* ^*' ^^ -'-'- ■ -'- —'-'■ •- -' 1S55. i«-^ = ^2re. — : :. -7 •' *"-'-"-= ren:efj. as its L;-."3 NOTES TO THE KXIGHTES TALE. 245 1S61 '-But there was held to be no defeat (as in battle) but as in a (friendly) joust or tournament; for, indeed, there was no defeat." 1S67. O persone allone = one person by himself. •• Bat for he may nought all him one In sondry places do justice." Gower, Con, Am. iii. 17S. 1S4S. ^«7r/Vf/ = roughly dragged. The origin seems to be shown in Fr. harer. to set on a dog. 1572. co-vardye = cowardice. Wedgwood refers to Fr. couard from Lat. cauda. tail : hence, one who turns tail. It may, how- ever, be from covjer, to hide. Ger, kauern ; cf. '"cowans and evedroppers."' '•Thanne cometh ther a cougioun with a grey cote As not of his nolle, as he the nest made. Another proud partriche, and precyth to the nest, And prevyh'che pirith, till the dame passe. And leveth the lurker that hem er ladde," Dep. Ric. ii. 16. 10. 1573. /^^^ cr/V = ordered (the heralds) to cry: let strictly = permit; here used by euphemism. 1875. The gree = tlie prize (to be) as well of one party as of the other. 1S7S. J'lilly modifies three. 1S79. " -^"^nd honorably accompanied the kings fully a day's journey out of his town. Worthily = for the sake of honor. iSSi. the righte -vay — by the straight road. 18S2. have good day ^^TS\2iy you have good day. Abbreviated into •• good-day." 1892. For thilke vertti, &c., by aid of that virtue. "The expulsive or animal virtue (power) cannot, for want of the aid of the natural power, expel or void the venom; " that is, neither bv the aid of medicines nor by the force of nature can he free himself of the poison. 1S97. '• Neither is vomit nor laxative of any avail to him." 1902. to chirche : i.e.. to his funeral. 1903. This al and sam = this is the end of the matter. 1904. For tahich = for which reason, wherefore. 1920. A^ow — now = at one moment — at the next. 1928. "And may Jupiter guide my soul so truly to speak." 246 NOTES TO THE KNIGETES TALE. 1933. ar^= the art or profession of knighthood. 1934. " So may Jupiter take the part of my soul; " i.e., favor me. 1945. "The intellect that dwelt in his sick and sore heart failed without any delay, only when the heart felt death; " that is, his affection for Emily ceased only with death. 1952. cam nevere, supply thence^ as indicated by ther = thither. 1954. registre = rezoxdi\ i.e., the " olde stories." 1955. "Nor does it please me to tell the opinions of others, though they may write where they dwelle," — alluding to Boc- caccio, who, in his version of the tale, conveys Arcite's soul to heaven. I 1956. ^c;«==them, those persons, others. 1957. //Jcr = therefore, may Mars take charge of his soul. " O that Mars would." Morris. Tyrwhitt thinks that ther has a peculiar force in this passage. Ther is here equivalent to for this, being the dative. So also Merch. Tale, 31. "This sentence and a hundred thinges worse Writeth this man, ther God his bones curse." 7'^^;' is here plainly equivalent to for this ; therefore, in the line under consideration, ther refers to what immediately pre- cedes, — " Arcite is cold." ^ 1962. to taryen forth the day = to stop for the rest of the day. forth after a verb of motion indicates direction or limit. 1966. For the more fart = generally. Grief must either find vent in lamentation or else they die. 1977. " Why wouldst thou die, when thou hadst gold enough and Emily .?" — a beautiful touch of nature. 1982. torjien, infinitive, after seen. 1984. likefzesse, similar instances. To be construed as a collective noun, as though from the French like richesse. 1992. And over al this = and besides this. 1999. he took conclusioun = he reached the conclusion. 2000. That ther as = that there where. 2003. he hadde^= he had had, had suffered. 2007. hakke and hewe = cut down and cut up. These two words are nearly synonymous, in accordance with the tendency of the language to strengthen an expression by duplicating similar words; cf. "time and tide." 2009. ivel arrayed = well arranged. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 247 2010. they, redundant. 2015. the same sute\ i.e., of the cloth of gold. 2019. bare the visage, absolute construction in imitation of the A.S. dative absolute. 2020. ptte = pity. The use of nouns for adjectives in such cases must be explained by an ellipsis ; e.g., it occasioned pitj to hear. 2021. people — «//(?= all the people, the people altogether- Cf. " In many things we offend all ; " i.e., we all offend. 2023. Thai roreth of^^ that resoundeth with, &c. 2027. " And Emily surpassing others in weeping." 2029. I7i as moche = in order that the service might be. 2046. The street was spread with black, and the buildings on either side were hung with the same. 2053. With fyr itt hond. It was the custom for the nearest friend to light the funeral pile. See 1. 2083. 3055. " Severe labor and very great preparation was put forth at the funeral service and the making of the funeral pyre." 2057. That — 7^/5 = whose; refers \.o fyr \s\\.\i the meaning funeral pile. 2066. for me — so far as I am concerned. 2069. vjoneden = used to dwell. ..." the wild beast, where he wons In forest wild." Par. L. vii. 457. 2076. a three = in three parts; i.e., finely split; cf. in two. 20S0. al so — the uncontracted form, of as, — '"the incense with as strong an odor as myrrh." 2087. jc-wels. From the same root as joy (Lat. gaiiditan), hence denoting what occasion or indicate joy. The putting off of jewels was a sign of mourning. 20S9. summe = some, plural, of som, one. 2090. were = wore. A.S. iverian is regular; this is one of the few instances in which we have, because of analogy, changed a weak into a strong verb. 2095. Keeping the fire on the left hand. 2100. liche-xvake = \.\\Q watch (wake) held over the remains of the dead. This custom is very ancient. 2102. -rt'rt'/^^-//(?ye5 = games plaved while watching the re- mains of the dead, —funeral games. The custom of making this an occasion of merriment is not entirely obsolete. 248 NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 2104. t'ji no disjoint = with no disadvantage. 2107. "But I will come from this point i^then') briefly to the conclusion." 2109. of certeyn yeres = by lapse and length of time. 21 13. poynt ; cf. "speak to the point." cas = a circumstance. Circumstances had brought up a cer- tain point for discussion; in the discussion that ensued, the matter of alliance with other nations — and particularly the rela- tions of Thebes, which state Theseus proposed more closely to attach to Athens by intermarriage — was brought up for con- sideration. 2119. Untvist of him — he being ignorant: absolute con- struction. 2121. in hye = in haste, hastily. 2126. "He fixed his eyes where it was his pleasure to fix them," — probably on his sister. 2131. theffect = the thing to be accomplished. We find this word used in two senses : ist, that which is to be done : 2d, that which has been done. 2141. "Although they may nevertheless easily abridge these days." 2142. "I need not cite anthorities, for it is proven by experi- ence, except that it pleases me to declare my conclusion." 2147. it be a fool = he be a fool. It is neuter to agree with fool. 2155. spices = species. "The spices of penaunce ben three." Persones Tale. 2157. lye = destruction. Fate. A.S. Ic^, or lae^. Tyrwhitt reads "withouten any lie," — an inferior reading. 215S. sen at eye = see at once. 2164. £-oon = walk. Go in E.E. means to walk, as to ride usually means to ride on horseback. "And some gone and some ride. And some prick here horse aside." Gower, Con. Am. i. no. 2165. />5/5 /^/«^= such things ; plural. 2170. nedes = of necessity. Morris reads Jiedeth. I have adopted Tyrwhitt s reading. The sense is : we also see plainly that, in regard to man and woman, that of necessity he must die. With fiedeth, we must read : " that it must be that." 2173. So}?i — som = one — another. NOTES TO THE KNIGHTES TALE. 249 2174. larg-e field ^='\n the open country, where one would apparently be the safest. 2175. Thcr heljbeth naught — Nothing is of any avail. 2177. What = what power, who. 2181. here agayns = against this. Here is dative. 2155. it — that = that which : like he that for who. 2156. namelyche that = especially that which. 2199- 77/^? rf;//r(7;'j'^ = the opposite opinion. 2207. " And yet they are not able to amend their desires that offend both his spirit and themselves." 2211. of al his grace = iov all his kindness. An imitation of the A.S. construction of dat. and gen. with verbs of granting, refusing, and thanking. See March, § 297, d. 2215. tvher ^^ in whom, in what person. Wher is here used with an evident consciousness of its pronominal force. "And see now to whom is most sorrow in this matter." 2221. Scan : and ev'r' | hath doon j &c. 2225. " Let I , now see a proof of your womanly pity." Par- titive gen. 2231. "For gentle mercy ought to surpass mere justice." 2242. Sejide = ma}^ God send; subj. Hath it deere abought = hath paid dearly for it. 2249. "Thus endeth (the story of) Palamon and Emelye." GLOSSARIAL INDEX. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. ABBREVIATIONS. A.S Anglo-Saxon. cf. compare. E.E Early English. Fr F'rench. Gael Gaelic. Ger German. Goth Gothic. Gr Greek. imp imperative. K Ivuightes Tale. A. A, one, P. 24. A.S. an, Ger. ein; indefinite article an, a. A- (prefix), in, on, P. 822; a-morwe, a-dat/,.K. 1765. A.S. an, on. Abbot, father. Hebrew abba, father, — a title given in the Syriac churches to bishops. Abide, Abiden (pr. abod, abood; p.p. abiden, abyden), to await, to wait, K. 69, 2124. A.'^. abidan. Able, capable. Lat. habilis. Abood, delay ( See Abide), K. 107. Aboughte (pr. of abye), suffered for, paid for, K. 1445. Aboughte treiveli/, K. 1445; deere aboiir/ht, K. 2242, paid dearly for. Some- times corrupted into abide. A.S. abicf/an. Aboute, in turn, in a circle ; cf. "round about," K. 32. Aboven, above. O.E. aboon, A.S. abufan. Abregge, to abridge, shorten, K. 2141. Fr. abreyer, Lat. abbrevi- are. Accomplice, to accomplish, K. 2006. Accordant, according to, P. 37. Lat Latin. O.E Old English. O.Fr Old French. O.N Old Norse. O.S Old Saxon. P Prologue. pr preterite. p.p past participle. W Welsh. Accorde, Acord, agreement, de. cision, P. 837. Accorde, Acorde, to agree, har- monize, please, decide, P. 244, 830. Lat. ad-cor. Achate, purchase, P. 571. Fr. acheter, Lat. acceptare, Eng. cater. Achatour, purchaser, P. 568. Acquaintaunce, Aqueyntaunce, one known. Lat. ad-cognitus, Fr. accointance. Adamauntz, adamant, probably steel, K. 1132. Diamond is a corruption of this word. A-day, by day, K. 1765. A.S. an. Adown, downwards, adown, P. 393, K. 245. A.S. of-dune, a-dun. Adrad, afraid, P. 605. A.S. on- dniedan. See A, prefix. Afered, Aferd, afraid, P. 628, K. 660. A.S. afaeran, to terrify. Affyle, to file, sharpen, P. 712. Fr. Jil, thread, an edge. After, according to, P. 347, K. 1877 ; for, P. 525 ; afterwards, K. 1201. Now usually restricted to time and space. Agast, terrified, aghast, K. 1483. Goth, geisan, to terrify. 254 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Agaste, p.p. of agaze, to be terri- fied, K. 1566. Agayn, Agayns, Ageyn, Agens, again, F. 801, K. 3-1 ; against, P. 66, K. 929 ; towards, facing, K. 651. A.S. on-gean, a-gen, gen = again. Ger. gegen. Orig- inal force that of opposition ; hence also addition ; cf ge, pre- fix, with cumulative ettect, ge-brothru. Ago, Agon, Agoo, Agoon, gone away, gone out, agone, K. 418, 1478. A.S. agan, gone, agangan, to go from. Al, wholly, all, P. 76, 150; alto- gether, K. 226 ; although, K. 1406 ; al he, al speke, al have, &c., P. 297, 734; K. 979 ; very (em- phatic), K. 183. Alauntz, Alauns, a species of dog, K. 1290. Al be, although, albeit, P. 297. The full form would be although it may be. Al day, every day, always, K. 310, 1618. A.S. ealle daege. Alderman, an officer in a city next in rank to the mayor, and often charged with judicial functions, P. 372. A.S. ealdor-man = Lat. senatov , Ale, ale," P. 341, 832. A.S. eale, ealo, from a root signifying to drink. Ale-stake, a stake wreathed with green and set up as a tavern- sign, P. 667. Algate, always, P. 571. A.S. geat a way ; thus = always. Aiighte, pr. alighte, p.p. alight, to ahght, P. 722, K. 125. A.S. allhtan. AUe, all (plural), K. 54. AUer, Alther, Alder, of all (gen. pi.) : with oure = of us ; Itcre = of them ; youre = of you, P. 586, 799, 823. AUone, Alone, only, alone ; per- sone allone, K. 552, 1867. Prom alle-one. Ger. allein. Al-redy, very quickly, K. A.S. hrathe. 183. Also, Als, as, P. 780 ; al-so, al simply emphasizing so. A.S. alswa, contracted also, als, as. Ger. als. The Ormulum gives all all swa. See As. Altherbest, best of all, P. 710. See Alther. Although, tl)ough {al emphatic prefix), P. 230. Alway, Alwey, in all ways, at all ' times. A.S. ealle ivega. Amblere, an ambling or pacing horse, P. 469. Fr. ambler. Amonges, amongst, P. 759. A.S. on mang, mengian, to mix; Ger. mengen. Amorwe, on the morrow, P. 822, K. 763. a ^^ in, on; cf. abed. Amounte, to signify, to amount to, K. 1504. Fr. monter. Amyable, pleasing, lovable, P. 138. Lat. amahilis. Amyddes, amidst, in the middle ; a = in. And, and if, K. 356. Sometimes written an, an if. Angwische, anguish, extreme grief. Fr. angoisse, Lat. angere, to strangle ; cf. anger, so termed from its choking effect ; cf also Lat. anguis, serpent, literally, the choker. Anight, at night, K. 184. Anlas, a knife or dagger usually worn at the girdle, P. 357. "Low Lat. a«e/«c/its, either from Lat. anellus or anulus, a ring, from one fastened to the belt by which it was carried, or from Old High Ger. laz, Lat. latas, side." Webster. Anon, Anoon, in one (moment), anon, P. 32,424 ;an=in,o?i=one. Apayd, satisfied, pleased. Fr. payer, Lat. pacare, Eng. pay. Ape, fool (metaphorical), P. 706. Apiked, adorned, trimmed, P. 365, — a neatness denoted by pick- ing ofi^ particles. Apotecarie, apothecary, P. 425. Fr. from Gr. Appalled, made feeble, K. 2195. So pall (as to pall on the taste), QLOSSARIAL INDEX. 255 to lose energy, — not connected with pale. Apparailyng, preparation. Fr. appareiller, Lat. par, hence to join like to like, to lit. Appetite, Appetyt, desire, ap- petite, K. 812, 822. Aray, Arraye, dress, outfit, equipage, appearance, P. 73, 330, K. 680. The root is A.S. raed, Ger. bereit, O.E. graijthe, ready. Araye, Arraye, to make ready, to set out with ornaments, K. 1188, 2009. A.S. geraedian, to make ready. Archdeken, gen. Archdtknes, Archdeacon or dean, an eccle- siastic next in rank below a bishop, P. 655. Arest, a support for the spear when couched for the attack, K, 1744. Named probably from the adverb == in-rest. Areste, to stop, to check, P. 827. Fr. areste, Lat, ad-restare. Aretted, imputed, K. 1871. Fr. arret er, to decree. Aright, indeed (on-right), P. 189; cf. a similar use of downright: exceedingly, very, P. 267 ; cf. right Honorable, right Rev- erend. Arive, landing, attack, P. 60. Arm, the arm, P. 111. A.S. carm, arm; the limb fitted or joined on ; cf. Lat. armiis the shoulder, ramus a branch. Arm-gret, as great as one's arm, K. 1287. Armypotent, powerful in arms, K. 1124. Lat. armipotens. Arreest, restraint, custody, K. 452 ; cf. arest. Arrerage, arrears, P. 602. Fr. arrerages. Arsmetrike, arithmetic, K. 1040. Art, a contrivance, K. 1587. So Lat. ars. Arwe, arrow, P. 104. A.S. oreive. As, accordiufi- as, P. 890 ; where, P. 407; as^if, P. 636, K. 1184; namely, K. 1245, 1499 ; as for, with regard to, K. 975 ; as noiv, for the present, K. 27. All the meanings are explained by a reference to the uncontracted form, a/l-so. Ascendent, that degree of the ecliptic which is rising at the moment of one's birth, and by which his fortune was astrolog- ically determined, P. 417. Aschamed, defeated, put to shame, K. 1809. A.S. ascam- ian. Aseged, besieged, K. 23. See Siege. Aslake, to appease, K. 902. A.S. aslacian, to slacken, to give way ; cf. slack, slack-lime. As nouthe. As now, at present, for the present, P. 462, K. 1406. A.S. 7111 tha, just now. Asonder, asunder. A.S. from sundrian, to sunder. Aspect, the position of the planets at one's birth, K. 229. Aspye, to discover, K. 562. Fr. cspicr, Ger, spdhen, Eng. spy. Assaut, assault, K. 131. Fr. from Lat. adsaltiiin, opposed to siege, that is a sitting. Assayed, tried, K. 952. Fr, es- sai/er, Lat. exagere, to drive. Asschen, ashes, K. 444. A.S, asce, ashes, dust ; Ger. asche. Assent, consent, agreement. Lat. assentire. Assise, assize, a court held by a number of judges. Originally an assembly of Knights, with a justice, for the transaction of public business, which is prob- ably the meaning in P. 314. Assoillyng, absolution, P. 661. Lat. absolntio. Asterte, to escape, K. 737. Allied to A.S. astyrian. Astoneyd, astonished. Fr. e'ton- iier, Ger. erstaunen, Eng. stun. Astronomy, astrology, P, 414. At, according to, P, 816 ; after, K, 1292. Lat. ad. Athamaunte, adamant, K, 447. See Adamauntz. 256 GLOSS ABIAL INDEX. A- three, in three, K. 2076 ; a = in; cf. in two. fiX oones, at once, — gen. used adverbially, K. 978. At-rede, to surpass in counsel, out-wit, K. 1591. A.^.atraedan; cf. t-wit. M-renne, outrun, K. 1591. A-tte, at the, P. 20, 193 ; atte bests = at the best, P. 29, 749 ; atte laste = at the last, at last, K. 902. O.E. at than. A-tteyne, to attain, K. 385. Fr. atteindre, Lat. ntlingere. Auctorite, authority, a quotation from some standard author, K. 2142. A-udit>our, auditor, a person ap- pohited to audit or examine ac- counts, — of course referring originally to tlie verbal state- ments of men who usually could not write, P. 594. Lat. audi- tor. A-ughte (pr. of to owe), ought, K. 2281. A.S. agan, pr. ahte. Aungel, angel, K. 197. Gr. uy- ysTiOQ, a messenger. Auter, altar, K. 1047. Lat. altus, a high place. Fr. autel. Avantage, opportunity, advan- tage, K. 435. Fr. avant, Lat. ah ante. Avaunce, advance, P. 246. Avaunt, a boast, to make avaitnt, to feel confident, to boast, P. 227. Lat. vanus. Avayle, to avail, to be able, K. 1543, 2182. Lat. ad valere. Aventure, chance, destiny, ad- venture, P. 25, 795, 844 ; an ac- cident causing death (a law term), K. 302. Avow, vow, promise, K. 1379. Fr. aveu, Lat. advocare. Avys, Avis, consideration, advice, P. 786; opinion, K. 1010. Fr. avis, Lat. ad videre. Awe, fear, dread, P. 654. A.S. ege, Gotii. agan, ogan, to fear. Axe, to ask, K. 488. A.S. acsian. Axyng, demand, asking, K. 968. A.S. acsung. Ay, ever, always, P. 63, 572. A.S a awa, Gr. atl, Lat. aevum. Ayens, towards, against, K. 651. Ayel, a grandfather, K. 1619. Fr- a'ieul, Lat. {avolus) avus. B. Baar, Bar, pr. (of here) bore, car- ried, P. 116, 158, 558, 618. Bacheler, a young man, one not yet attained to knighthood, one not yet married, P. 80. From a Celtic root. Bad (pr. of hidde), ordered, P. 787. A.S. biddan, pr. haed. Baggepipe, a set of pipes blown by a bellows shaped like a bag, P. 565. BaiUfiF, bailiff, P. 603. Fr. haillir, to govern. O.E. baili. Bak, back, K. 192. A.S. baec ; cf. Lat. tergiim, as though Gr. ripipo^ for OTspipog, from aTpi(pcj, to turn. Bake, -p.p. baked, haken. This verb was originally conjugated like take. *A.S. bacan, hoc, bacen. BaUed, bald, P. 198 (see note), light liaired, K. 1660. Bane, destruction, K. 239. A.S. bana, literally, a death-blow. Baner, banner, K. 108 (see note). Goth, bandwo, a sign. Banysche, to put under ban, to banish, K. 867 ; cf. abandon. Bar (pi. hare), bore, conducted, P. 105, 673, 721. A.S. heran, haer, horen. Barbour, barber, one who dresses the beard. Fr. barbier. Bare, bare, uncovered, K. 900 ; bare-headed, P. 683. A.S. haer, Ger. baar. Bareyn (e), barren, deprived of, K. 386, 1119. O.Fr. baraigne. Bargayns, traffic, P. 282 (see note). O.Fr. bargnigner, to traffic ; literally, to wrangle. Barge, bark, a small ship, P. 410. Baronage, an assembly of barons^ the barons as a body, K. 2238. Fr. baron, originally, man, hus- band ; cf. A.S. wer, Lat. vir. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 257 Barre, a bar, bolt, K. 217. The same root appears in sijar with an initial s; of. O.N. barr, a tree. Barres,the usual ornaments of the girdle, perforated to allow the passage of the buckle. They were frequently of the riciiest description, P. 829. Batayle, Bataile, Battaille, bat- tle, P. 61, K. 751. From the root bat, blow ; cf. beat, Fr. battre ; cf. bed, a club, batten/, assault. Baudery, license, K. 10G8. Bawdrik, baldrick, a belt worn over one shoulder passing under tlie other arm, P. 110. A.S. belt. Bay, bay color, K. 1299. Lat. badius, brown. Be, (1) to be, K. 1377; (2) been, P. 56, 60. Bade, pi. beJes, a bead, pi. a rosary, P. 159. See note. Been, Ben, to be, P. 1-10 ; are, P. 178, K. 317 ; been, P. 199. Chaucer uses three forms for the plural, been,aren, are. Beer (e), a bier, K. 2013. A.S. beran, cf. barrow, Ger. bahre. Beest, Best, a beast, K. 451, 1118. Lat. bestia. Perhaps from beon, to be ; cf. ammal from anima. Beete, to kindle, or make a fire, K. 1395. Literally, to make better. A.S. betan from bet. Begger (e), a beggar, P. 252. Literally, a man with a bag, the universal characteristic of a beggar. Beggestere, a female beggar, P. 242. BeUe, a bell, P. 171. A.S. from bellan, to make a loud noise. Belt, a belt. A.S. belt, Lat. balteus. Ben, see Been. Benedicite, ble«s him, K. 927, Lat. Benigne, kind, P. 483. Lat. be- nifjniis. Bent, a slope (a concave), a plain or level place at the foot of a hill, K. 1123. A.S. bendan. Berd (e), the beard, P. 270, K. 1557. Ger. bart, Lat. Imrba. Bere, a bear, K. 782. A.S. bera, hterally, "the great beast;" O.N. hiurn. Bere, to pierce, to bore, subj. bere, may pierce, K. 1398. A.S. bo- rian. Bersten, to burst, to break by bending, K. 1122. A.S.berstan. Berstles, bristles, K. 556. A.S. bi/rst, Ger. borste. Berye, a berry, P. 207. A.S. beria. From a root = to eat. The literal signification is there- fore food. Beseken, to beseech, K. 60. A.S. secan ; be intensive prefix. Best. See Beest. Besy, busy, P. 321. A.S. bisig. Bet, contracted form of better, P. 242. A.S. bet. Bete, (p.p. bete), to beat. Bettre, better, P. 524. A.S. betra, Goth, bats ; cf. boot, bote, advan- tage "what boots ItT' "to boot." Betwixe, betwixt, P. 277. A.S. beticjjx. From root tao ; cf. be- ticcen. Bever hat, a hat made of beaver fur, P. 272. Bewreye, to betray, disclose, K. 1371. Literally, to accuse, hence to point out. A.S. be- wregan. " Thy speech bewray- etli thee," Matt. xxvi. 73. Beyying, buying, K. 569. O.E. ber/ge. A.S. bijcgan. Bibie, a book ; by way of em- inence applied to the Sacred Scriptures, P. 438. Bi-bled, be-bled, covered with blood, K. 1144. Be intensive prefix. Bifalle (p-p. bifalh, bi fallen), to happen, befall, P. 795, K. 947. A.S. bffrallan. Biforn, before, P. 572. A.S. be- far an. Bigan (v. aux.), did, bigan areste, arrested, P. 827. Bihold (pr. biheld, pp. biholde, 17 258 GLOSS ABIAL INDEX. beholden), to behold, K. 1435. Literally, to hold one's attention to. Biloved, beloved, p. 215. Bisette (pr. bisette, p.p. biset), to employ, P. 279 ; to arrange, K. 2154. Biside,near, beside (gov. dative), P. 402, K. 16. Bisy, busy, active, fierce, K. 1462. A.S. bisig. Bite, to act as a caustic, to bite, P. 631. Bittre, bitter, scalding, K. 422, 1367. A.S. bitter from bitmi, to bite ; hence any thing pungent. Blak (def. and pi. blake), black, P. 557, K. 41. See note, P. 627. Blake, pale, P. 627. See note. A.S. Uac, pale. Blame, to blame, blamable, P. 375. O.Fr. blasmer, Gr. (3?iaG(j)7]/Liea). Blankmanger, a compound of capon minced with other in- gredients, P. 387. Bleynte, blenched, started back, K. 220 ; cf. blink. BUs, BUsse, bliss, K. 372. A.S. blis, from blithe, glad. Blisful, full of bliss, blessed, P. 17, 770. Blithe, glad, P. 846. See note. BUve, Blyve, quickly, K. 1839. O.E. bi-life ; cf. lively, quick. See note," P. 846. Blood, lineage, family, K. 472. A.S. blod ; cf. Ger. blUhen, bliithe. Bocher, a butcher, K. 1167. Fr. boHcher, from bone, a goat ; hence, literally, a goat-killer. Bocler, Bokler, a buckler, a shield with a boss, P. 112. Pr. boucle, Eng. buckle. Bodye, abody, K. 139. See note. Bok, pi. bokes, a book. Bokelyng, buckling, K. 1645. Boket, a bucket, K. 675. Fr. baquet, a pail. Bold, ready, prompt, P. 755. A.S. bald, bold ; cf . Ger. bald. Bole, a bull, K. 1281. A.S. bellan, to bellow. Bond, a bond, that which binds ; in law a sealed written agree- ment, K. 746. A.S. banda. Bond, pr. of binde, bound, K. 2133. Bone, Boon, a bone, K. 144, 319. A.S. ban. The word originally denotes support ; cf . Ger. bein. Book, a book, P. 185. A.S. boc, Goth, boka, letter, writing, usu- ally derived from A.S. boce, beech, as beechen boards were used instead of parchment ; cf. Lat. liber. Boon (e), a prayer, boon, K. 1411. A.S. ben. Boor (e), a boar, K. 800. A.S.&or. Boot (e), remedy, P. 424. A.S. bot ; cf. beete, to mend. Boot (e), a boot, P. 203. Fr. botte; literally, a bag of leather. See note ; cf . bottle. Boowes, boughs, K. 2059. A.S. biu/an, to bend, bow. Boras, borax, perhaps saltpetre, P. 630. Bord, table, P. 52. To begin the bord = to sit at the head of the table; see note. A.S. bord; cf. border. Bore, p.p. (for boren) born, K. 684. Born, p.p. (for bo7-en), carried, borne, K. 120; conducted him- self, P. 87. Borwe, pledge ; to borwe, in pledge, K. 764. A.S. borh : cf. borrow. A.S. borgian, to lend upon secu- rity. Ger. borqen. Bothe, both, K. 858. A.S. batwa : ba = both, twa = two. Bouk, body, — the same as bidky K. 1888 ; cf. hdge, bilge. Bracer, armor for the arms (tro.s), P. Ill, — in this case to protect from the recoil of the bow- string ; cf. bracelet. Brak, pr. of breke, broke, K. 610. A.S. brecan, pr. braec. Braun, Brawn, muscle, brawn, P. 546 ; cf braicni/. Bravinche, a brancii, K. 209. Fr. branche. Tlie root denotes a support ; cf . bi-ace ; hence an ana, bras ; also figuratively, the GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 259 arm of a tree, — a Umh as it is colloquially called. Breed, Bred, bread, P. 147. Ger. hrot. Breede, Brede, breadth, K. 1112. Fiom x\.S. brad, broad. Breeme, furiously, K. 841. A.S. breme, from bremman, to rage. Sanskrit bhram, to whirl vio- lently. See note ; cf. Lat. premere. Breeth, breath, P. 5. A.S. braefh, originally probably denoting steam. ^ Breke (pr. braJc, hroh, p.p. broh, ibroken), to break, P. 551. Brem, a bream, a fresh-water fish, P. 350. Bremstoon, brimstone, sulphur ; literally, the buriiltxj stone, P. 029. A.S. bri/ne. Brend, burnished, K. 1304. A.S. btjni'in, to burn : either from its shining, or because newly forged metal is bright ; so bratul de- notes a sword, because forged ; cf . brand-new. Brende, pr. of brenne, burned, K. 1567. Brenne (pr. brend, brent ; p.p. h^ent), to burn, K. 1473. A.S. baernan, pr. haernde, p.p. bnerned. Brennyngly, ardently, burn- ingly, K. 706. Breres, briars, K. 674. A.S. braer. Brest, breast, P. 115. A.S. breost (berstan), what swells or bursts beyond the surface. Breste (pr. brast; p.p. bursten, borsten), to burst, K. 1752. Brettul, brimful, P. 687, K. 1306. Bretherhede, brotherhood, broth- ers in a monastic order, P. 511. Bridel, bridle, P. 169. Wedg- wood suggests that the word is from bit, with r inserted ; hence that part of the harness hoMing the bit. Bright, bright, P. 104. A S. briht. Formerly also applied to sounds. Brocli, a brooch, P. 160. Yv.bro'-^e. This word means : (1) a pin ; {'2) a buckle or clasp; (3) an orna- ment fastened with a pin or buckle. Erode, broad, K. 2166. Broke, p.p. broken. Brond, brand, K. 1480. A.S. 6aer- nnn. Brood (e), Brode, broad, P. 155, 471, 549. Broode, plainly, P. 739. Ful hroode, verv plainly. Brother, brother's (gen.),K 2226. In A.S. this word took no in- flection in the gen. Brought, pr. ot'briiifje, conducted, accompanied, P. 566. Broun, brown, P. 109. A.S. brun. Fi'om brenmin, to burn. Browded, l)raided, K. 191. A.S. bredan, to weave. See note K. 1640. Browdyng, embroidery, K. 1640. Browes, evebrovvs, P. 627, K. 270. A.S. braew. Bulde, builded, K. 690. A.S. hi// dan. Burdoun, bass (in music), P. 673. See note. Burgeys, a citizen, a freeman in a city, P. 369. A.S. burg, Eng. boroiu/h. Burned, burnished, polished, K. 1125. Fr. brunir, to polish. Busche, Bussh, a thicket, K. 659, 1155 ; cf. bosk, boscage, Bushman. Fr. bois, Ger. Busch. The word now denotes a shrub with thick branches. Busily, attentively, P. 301. Busynesse, Bysynesse, occupa- tion, employment, care, P. 520, K. 149; anxiety, K. 1070. A.S. bysgian, to employ. But, besides, further, P. 142 and P. 154; except, P. 521, K. 262. This use is common in Chaucer and in Wiclif, and is the preva- .ent meaning in A.S. But, O.Sax. bi-utan (by-out), is formed exactly like with-out, and is parallel io' except (O.E. ■^r 'ke), by which its meanings A' y be explained. It grad- 26o GLOSSARIAL INDEX, ually loses its adversative force, and becomes a conjunction, like besides, excluding all except the point under consideration, from whicli fact it gains a neg- ative force. But if, urtless, if not, P. 351, 582. By, according to, P. 600. A.S. bi, near. By-and-by, close to each other, one after the other, K. 153 ; im- mediately. " By and by he is offended," Matt. xiii. 21. Bycause, because, P. 174. See note. Byde, remain, abide, wait, K. 718. A.S. bidan. ByfaUe, BifaUe (pr. bifel, byfel, byfil, impers.), to befall or happen, P. 19, K. 151. Byforn, byfore, before, P. 100, oil. Bygynne fpr. byrjan, bigan, p.p. byr/onne), to begin, P. 42, 52, 758, K. 690. A.S. beginnan. Bygge, big, large, K. 566. Ice- landic bolcja, a swelling ; cf. bulge, bilge, the bellij of a ship. Byholde, to behold, K. 505. A.S. behealden, literally to hold one to ; hence to hold or fix the attention, to see : " I am be- holden to you," ''behold and see." Byhote, promise, K. 996. A.S. be hat an. Byhynde, behind, K. 192. Byjaped, deceived, fooled, K. 727. " O.E./oyje, joke, lie; Fr.japper, to yelp. The root jap is con- nected with gab, jab, as in gab- ble, jabber," Morris. Byknowe, to acknowledge, K. 698. A.S. be-cnawan. By-loved, beloved, K. 571. Byndyng, control, K. 446. A.S. bindan, whence, bind, hand, bun- dle ; cf tlie "binding force of an obligation." Bynne, bin, K. 593. A.S. hinne, a bin, manger, — that into which something is put ; technically, an apartment in a granary in composition any receptacle , e.g., a coal bin ; cf. binnan, with- in ; inn, a tavern. Byquethe, to bequeath, K. 1910. A.S. quethan, to say ; cf. guoth. Byraft, p.p. of bt/reave, bereft, K. 503. A.S. bereajian, to deprive of; cf. reave. Byside, beside, near, by the side of, K. 109. Of by side, from near, P. 445. Bysmctered, smutted, stained, P. 76. A.S. besmitan, to defile ; cf. S}7iut, smudge. Byt, 3d sing. pres. of bidde, bids, P. 187, — an abbreviation of biddeth ; cf ryt = rideth. Bytwixe, Bytwoxen, between, K. 22. From the radical tiro, twain, hence the idea of sepa- ration ; cf. twynne, P. 835. c. Caas, Cas, a state of things, what happens or falls, an accident, chance, P. 585, 844; circum- stances, K. 2113. Lat. casus, from cadere, to fall ; a law term = cases, P. 323, Lat. causa. Caas, a case, quiver, K. 1222. Fr. caisse, Lat. capsa ; cf. caisson. Cacche (pr. caughte), to catch, select, P. 498. Calf (of leg), the fleshy part of the leg, P. 592. Collop is an- other form of the word. Cam, came, P. 547. Can, (1) to know, P. 210, K. 922; (2) to acknowledge, as in the phrase "can thank," K.^50. Ger. danh wissen. A S. cunnan, to know ; whence cunniyiq, ken. Cantel, a corner, K. 2150. " O.Fr. chantel, Ger. kante. Cape, a headland, cape, P. 408. Fr. cap, Lat. caput. Cappe, a cap, hood, a priest's skull-cap, P. 683. Care, sorrow, K. 631, 1214. A.S. caru. Carf, pr. of hei've, carved, P. 100. A.S. ceorjan, pr. cear'f. G LOS SARI AL IXDEX. 261 Careful, full of care or sorrow, anxious, K. 707. Carie, to carry, P. 130. Fr. carier ; cf. car, cart, chair, chariot. Carl, a churl, a man, particularly of the lower orders of society, P. 545. A.S. ccorl, a man. Caroigne, a corpse, K. 1155. Lat. cai'o, flesh. Carol, a song accompanied with dancing, K. 1073. Fr. carole. So ballad, from ballire, to dance. Carpe, to talk, P. 47-4. Allied to chirp. Carpenter^ a worker in wood, a carpenter, P. 361. See note. Carte, a chariot, car, K. 1183; cart, K. 1104. Fr. char, dim. charette. From same root with carri/. Cartere, carter, K. 1164. Cas. See Caas. Caste, device, K. 1610. From caste, to contrive. Caste, to judge, plan, calculate, K. 1314. A.S. costian, —perhaps alluding to the primitive method of calculation by pebbles. Catel, property, chattels, P. 373, 540, — the same word witli cat- tle. Lat. capitale ; cf. Lat. pecu- nia, from pecns. See note, P. 373. Caughte, took, P. 498. See Cacche. Cause, case, P. 423. This use of cause is now restricted to legal language. Lat. causa. Caytif, captive, wretcli, Avretched, K. 66,694. Fr. chetif, Lat. cap- tivus. As an adjective it de- notes that condition of body or of mind induced by captivity. Cercles, circles, of his eyen = eye- balls, K. 1273. A.S. eaganltrin- f/as, eye-rings. Cerial, a species of oak, cerriis, K. 1432. Certes, certainly, forsooth, K 17. Fr. certes, Lat. ceriiis. Certeyn, fixed, determined, P. 815. Fr. rcrfain. Certeynly, Certeyn (adv.), cer- tainly, indeed, P. 204, 375, 451. Ceruce, wliite lead, — used as a cosmetic, P. 630. Chamberleyn, a chamberlain, one having charge of the apart- ments in tlie royal residence, K. 560 ; cf . Ger. kdmitierling. Chambre, a room, P. 28. Lat. cairiera, Ger. karnmer. Champartye, partnership in power : literally, partnership in land, K. 1091. Fr. champ-parti. Champioun, champion, P. 239. A.S. cainpian, to fight; cf. Lat. campus. A.S. camp. Chapel, a shrine, chapel, P. 171. See note, Lat. capella. Chapellyn, a chaplain, a clergy- man in charge of a chapel or shrine, P. 164. See note. Chapman, a merchant, P. 397. A.S. ceapman, Ger. haufman; cf. cheap, chaffer (O.E. ciiap- fcire), and the proper name Chapman. Char, car, chariot. See note, K. 1183. Charge, care, any thing under- taken, P. 733, see note ; K. 426, harm, K. 1429. Literally : (1) a burden; hence, (2) busi- ness of importance, weighty matters ; (3) whatever op- presses the mind ; (4), what burdens the reputation ; cf. can/o, caricature. Charitable, kind, P. 143, — not restricted to alms-giving. Charite, charity, love, good-will, an act of kindness, P. 532, K. 575. Fr. charite, Lat. caritas. Charme, charm, K. 1854. Lat. carmen, a song, a magic incan- tation in verse. Chaunce, event, chance, K. 894. O.Fr. che'ance, from eheoir, Lat. cadere, to fall, alluding to the throw of dice. Chaunterie, an endowment for paying a priest to sing masses for the soul of the founder, P. 510. Cheef, chief, K. 199. Fr. chef, Lat. caput. 262 GLOSSABIAL INDEX. Cheeke, cheek, P. 633. A.S. ceaca, a jaw from ceoivan, to chew; cf. chaw, jaw. Cheer (e), Chere, countenance, air, manner, appearance, en- tertainment, P. 139, 728, 857, K. 1361, 1825. Fr. chere, the face: (1) the countenance ; (2) states of mind or body, — par- ticuhirly pleasant states, — as indicated by the face; (3) that which causes cheer, as good cheer; (4) outward demon- strations of such feelings, as " the clieers of the audience." Chepe, Cheapside in London, — the market, — P. 754. A.S. cea- pan, to buy. Cherl, a churl, K. 1601, See Carl. Chese, imperative, ches, cliesetli, to choose, K. 737. A.S. ceo.sa/?. Chesteyn, a chestnut-tree, K. 20Gi. Lat. castanea. Cheventein, chieftain, captain, K. 16'J7. O. Fr. chevetain; N.Fr. capitaine, from chef, head ; Lat. caput. Chevysaunce, a loan, an agree- ment or bond given to secure a loan of money, P. 282 Fr. achever, to bring to an end, to accomplish. Cheyne, a chain, K. 2130. Fr. chei/ne, Lat. ca-tena ; cf. tenere, to hold. Children, pi. of child, P. 628. A.S. ci/d, pi. ci/dra, from cennan, to beget, — an instance of mod- ern adoption of a plural in n ; cf. kin, kind, kin;;. Chirkyng, shrieking, K. 1146. A.S. cearcian, to croak; cf. chirp. In E.E. denotes the noise made by birds. Chivachie, military service, P. 85. Fr. cheval, a horse. Chivalrie, Chyvalrie, the pro- fession of a kniglit, knighthood, P. 45, knightly exploits, K. 7. Fr. cheralier, a horseman. Christendom, Christian countries, P. 49. Doni {deman, to deem), originally denoted belief, so that Christendom meant the body of Christian faith ; also the coun- tries within wliich such faith was held : from the second meaning of deman, to judge, the termination dom indicates jurisdiction, as king-dom. Churche, Chirche, a building devoted to divine service, P. 708, K. 1902. I see no reason to doubt the usual derivation from Gr. KvpiuKij. Chyken, gen. cht/knes, a chicken, P. 380. A.S. cicen, pi. cicenu. Cireumstaunces, things apper- taining to, K. 1074 ; attendant rites, K. 1405 ; matters which indicate one's station in life, K. 1930; cf "in poor circum- stances." Lat. circum-stantia ; cf. Ger. umstand. Cite (e), a city, K. 81. Fr. cite, Lat. civitas. Citole, a dulcimer, K. 1101. Clad (p.p. of clothe), clothed, clad, P. 103. 27i in the present is for dh. A.S. cladhian, Ger. kleiden. elapsed, clasped, P. 273. Ger. klappsen ; cf . clip, to embrace. Clarioun, clarion, K. 1653. Fr. clair, clear. Clarre, wine mixed with honey and spices and strained until it is clear, whence the name, K. 613. Clatere (n), to clatter, rattle, K. 1501. An imitative word. Clause — in a clause = in conclu- sion, K. 905. Lat. clausus, claudere, to shut ; cf close. Clear (e), c'ear, clearly, P. 170. Fr. clair, Ger. klar, Lat. clarus. Clemence, pity, K. 70. Lat. de- mentia. Clene, clean, cleanly, P. 138, 367. A.S. claene; cf. Ger. klein, small ; hence, neat. Clennesse, cleanness, purity, P. 506. Clense, to cleanse, P. 631. A.S. claensian. Clepen (p.p. cleped), to call, P GLOSSABIAL INDEX. 263 121, G43, K. 930. A.S. chjpian. Still used as an archaic partici- ple, yclept ; cf. clap, clapper. Clerk, an educated person, a scholar, a clergyman, F. 285, 480. See note. Cloke, a cloak, 1\ 157. Gael, cloc, a mantle. Clothred, clotted, K. 1887. From tlie root clot or clod, a thick mass; cloud is from the same root, denoting vapor drawn into masses. A.S. dot, Ger. Uoss. Cloysterer, one belonging to a cloister, and hence not accus- tomed to appearing in public, 1\ 259. Cloystre, a cloister, P. 185. Lat. claadere, to shut. Cofre, a coffer, chest, receptacle, P. 298. A.S. co/, a cave; Fr. cajfre ; cf. coffin. Cok, a cock, a leader, P. 823. A.S. coc, whence chick. Col, coal, K. 1834. A.S. col, Ger. fcohle ; cf. Lat. calere, to be hot. Col-blak, as black as a coal, coal- V)lack, K. 1284. Colde, cold, K. 444, sad, K. 1062, fatal (\vl Kit makes cold), K. 1609. A.S. cald, Ger. Icalt, Lat. gelu. Colerik, irascible, bilious, P. 587. Gr. X^^^V, bile ; cf. nulan-clioli/. Colers, collars, K. 1294. Lat. colliun, the neck. Come (pr. com, p.p. comen), to come, P. 671, 672, K. 497. A.S. cuman, com, cumen. Communes, commoners, K. 1651. Fr. commune. Compaas, a circle, K. 1031. Fr. com pas. Companye, company, P. 24. Fr. compii(/)ion ; Low Lat. conpanium, — panis = bread, — a messmate, hence an associate. Compassyng, means taken to ac- complish any thing, K. 1138. Comper, an associate intimate, compeer, P. 670. O.Fr. compair, Lat. con-par. Complexioun, complexion, P. 333 ; temperament, natural dis- position, K. 1617. Lat. com- ])lexio, a combination ; hence applied to the color of the skin, &c., as revealing health or mental characteristics. Compleynt, Complaint, com- plaint, K. 2004; armed complaint — riot, K. 1154. Compleyne, to complain, K. 50. Fr. complaindre, Lat. con-plan- gore, literally to beat the breast or hands in token of sorrow. Composicioun, mutual agree- ment, P. 848. Lat. compositio. Conith, Cometh. Comune — in comune, commonly, K. 393. Conclusioun, a legal term denot- ing the close of a ])leadinir, K. 987. Condicioun, condition, P. 88. l>at. conditio, putting together. Confort, comfort, P". 776. Fr. confort, Lat. con-fortis. Conforte, to comfort, to make strong or brave, K. 858. Conlus, confused, K. 1372. Lat. confusns. Coniusioun, ruin, K. 687. Lat. confundere. So used in " The city of confusion.'' Is. xxiv. 10. Conne, to know, to be able. See Can; cf. to " con a lesson." Conquerour, conqueror, K. 4. Fr. conqueiir, Lat. conquiri-re, to seek, to obtain by seeking, hence to get the victory. Conscience, feeling, tender-heart- edness, P. 142, 1-50 ; conscience, P. 526. Lat. conscientia (con- scire), what one knows with another : (1) joint knowledge ; (2) self-consciousness, — "no more conscience of sin," Heb. X. 10 ; (3) conscience, a recogni- tion of the obligation ; (4) the faculty by which such recogni- tion is had. In E.E. the first meaning is common = sym- pathy, — as though to know of affliction was to sympathize with it. 264 OLOSSARIAL INDEX, Conseil, Conseyl, secret counsel, F. 605 ; cf. " to keep one's counsel," an adviser, K. 283, 289; cf. "of counsel.'' Lat. cojisiilere. Conserve, to preserve, K. 1471. Lat. conservare. ConsteUacioun, a conjunction of stars as atiecting the destinies of men, K. 230, — not here used in the ordinary astronomical sense. Lat. con-stel/atio. Contek, strife, K. 1115. O.Fr. con- tencer, to strive. Contenaunee, countenance, ap- pearance, K. 1058. Lat. con- tlnere, to hold together. Contrarye, an opponent, K. 1001. Lat. contra. Contra Contrie, country, K. 6, 355, P. 216 ; see note. Fr. con- tree ; cf. Ger. ger/end. Conveye, to accompany, to con- vey, K. 1879. Fr. convoi/e?-, Lat. con-via ; the later use — to carry — seems to be from Lat. con- vehere, as when we call a wagon a conveifance ; cf. convoy. Coote, a coat, tunic, P. 103. The primary meaning is a matted lock of wool ; (2) a matted or felted piece ; (3) a garment made of similar material, and covering the whole body. Coote-armure, Cote-a., a coat worn over the armor, upon which the armorial devices of the wearer were embroidered, K. 158, 1282. Cop, the top, P. 554. A.S. copp, Ger. ko]\f, Gr. Kt^-a\ri j Lat. cap- ut. See note. Cope, a priest's gown which reached to the feet, P. 260; semi-cope, a short cape, P. 26 2. Corage, heart, spirit, courage, P. 11. Fr. courage, Lat. cor. Cordial, an invigorating potion, P. 443. Lat. cor. Corona, Corowne, a crown, K. 964. Fr. couronne, Lat. corona. Corrumpable, corruptible, K. 2152. Corrumpe, to corrupt, K. 1888. Lat. cor r ampere. Corven (p.p. of kerce), cut, K. 1838. Cosin, Cosyn, a cousin, kinsman, K. 272. Fr. from Lat. consobri- nus. Cost, cost, P. 213, 799 ; for no cost, on no account, for no reason, P. 192, Ger. kosten, Lat. constare. Cosyn, allied to, P. 742. Cota, a cell, cottage ; thence: (1) a place in which animals are confined, e.g. sheepcot; (2) a place in which men are con- lined, a cell, or, in sickness, a bed, K. 1599. A.S. cote, a cot- tage, bed, den. Cota, a coat, P. 612. Couched, Cowehed, trimmed, K. 1303; laid, K. 2075. Fr. cou- cher, to lay, Lat. collocare, to ar- range. Counsail, counsel, advice, P. 784 ; adviser, K. 283, of mij counseil, as in legal phrase " of counsel." Countour, auditor, one who man- aged or reviewed the fiscal concerns of a country, — now usually called a comptroller, P. 359. Fr. comptour. Countrafata, to imitate, P. 139. In E.E. the idea of fraud is wanting ; counterfeit often de- notes a painting. Fr. contre- faire. Cours, course, P. 8, a run ; K. 836. Fr. cours, Lat. cursus. Courser, a horse ; literally, a run- ner, hence a fleet horse, one used in hunting or on the road, K. 94. Court, court, P. 140. See note. Courtepy, a short cloak of coarse cloth, P. 290. Courtasia. See Curtasee. Coutha, Cowtha, Cowde, (1) could, P. 236, 326 ; (2) knew, P. 467 ; (3) p.p. known, renowned, P. 14, See Can. Covenaunt, a written agreement, P. 600. venire. Fr. covenant, Lat. con- GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. 265 Covyne, deceit ; literally, a plot between two persons to injure a third, F. 604. Lat. convenire. Cowardye, cowardice, K. 1872. See note. Cowde (pr. of can), could, P. 94, 106 ; knew how, was acquainted with, P. 110. Coy, shy, P. 119. Fr. coy, colt, Lat. quietus. Cracchyng, scratching^, K. 1976. We have added the intensive s. Cradel, cradle, K. 1161. A.S. cradol. Tlie original is found in crate, an open wicker case : hence, (1) any thing made of wicker-work, and (2) any thing made in imitation of it ; e.g. grate ; cf. cradle, a tool for cut- ting grain, so called from its interlaced frame. Craft, craft, calUng, occupation, P. 110, 401. A.S. craeft. (1) power, strength ; (2) that to which one devotes his strength, — his occupation. Crafty, skilled, KJ 1039. Able to use one's craft. Crispe, curled, K. 1307. A.S. cirpsian, to curl, Lat. crispus. Croppe, crop, P. 7, top, K. 674. A.S. crop, top, hence an ear of corn, a harvest ; cf. tlie " crop- ping out of the strata; " to crop, to bite off the top. Some derive crop from ge-rip, that which is reaped. Crowe, a crow, K. 1834. A.S. a^aiv, named from its note ; cf. ci'oaJc. Cruel, blood-thirsty, cruel, K. 799. Lat. crudelis, from cruor, blood. Crulle, curled, curly, P. 81. Ger. krUlJen, to curl ; cf. cruller, a curled or twisted cake. Crydestow, criedst thou, K. 225. Crye (pr. oy/de), to cry aloud, to shout, P. 636 ; cf. A.S. graedan [(je-raedan), Goth, ga-raidjan, to command ; Scotch, greet, to cry. Cryke, a creek, harbor, P. 409. Fr. crique, a little bay. Culpons, Culpouns, shreds, small bundles, P. 679, K. 2009. Fr. coupon, from couper, to cut. Cuntre, Contra, country, P. 216. See note, Fr. contree. Cuppe, a cup, P. 134. A.S. cup- pa ; cf. coop. Curat, a curate, P. 219. Lat. caratus, from curare, to care for. Cure, care, K. 149. Lat. euro. Still used in " the cure of souls." Curious, (1) careful; (2) wrought with care ; e.g., " curious works," Ex. XXXV. 32; (3), exercising care ; (4) careful to learn; (5) that requiring care to understand, P. 196, 577. Fr. curieux, Lat. curiosus. Curs, a curse, an imprecation, P. 655. An imprecation of evil in the name of religion, — the cross ; hence, any imprecation of evil. A.S. curs. Curteis, Curteys, courteous, P. 249. Curtesie, courtesy, favor, indul- gence, P. 46, 725. Fr. courtoisie, the manners of the court ; cf. Ger, hof-Uch ; boorish, from bauer, a peasant. Cuts, lots ; draiceth cuts, draw cuts or lots, P. 835 ; alluding to the practice of determining the lot by drawing straws from the thatch, or by drawing from the hand straws cut different lengths. The name and the act are common. Cytryn, a lemon-yellow color, K. 1309. D. Daggere, a dagger, P. 113; cf. dig, did}. Daliaunce, play, gossip, P. 211. Ger. dahlen. " From Lat. talus, the ankle-bone of animals, then a die to play with, came ap- parently the O.E. daly, a die, plaything." Wedgwood. Hence play, spending tmie idly. 266 OLOSSARIAL INDEX. Dampned, condemned, doomed, K. 317, 887. Lat. damnare, to cause to suffer loss. Dar (2d sing. pres. darst ; pr. dorste, durste), to dare, K. 293, 282, F. 454. A.S. dt/rran, 2d pres. dearst, pr. dorste. Darreyne. See Dereyne. Daun, Dan, lord, a title of respect, used as we use sir, K. 521. Lat. doinimis. Daunce, a dance, the olde daunce, the old game, P. 476. Daunce, to dance, K. 1344. Orig- inal meaning to stamp. Daunger, a dangerous situation, P. 402 ; jurisdiction, P. 663, see note; fine, K, 991. Lat. damnum, a fine. Daungerous, arrogant, sparing through arrogance, P. 517. Daunsynge, dancing, K. 1343. Dawen, to dawn, 3d sing, daweth, K. 818. A.S. dcujkin. Dayerie, dairy, P. 597. O.E. deye, a dairymaid. Dayeseye, a daisy, P. 332. The eye-of-day. Dayeslight, dayhght, K. 771. Light-of-day. Debate, fight, K. 896. Fr. debattre, to contend. From the root bat (beat) ; now restricted to wordy battles. Debonaire, gentle, K. 1424. Fr. de-bon-air. Decree, a law writ, P. 640. Lat. decretiim. Dede, a deed, P. 742. A.S. daed, a tiling done. Dede (pr. oidon), did, K. 891. Dede, Deed (e), dead, P. 145, 781, K. 147 ; death-like, K. 720. Dedly, Deedly, deathdike, deadly, K. 55, 224. Deduyt, pleasure, K. 1319. O.Fr. dedut. Deef, deaf, P. 446. " The mean- ing of the Gothic daubs, daufs, Ger. taub, Eng. deaf, seems founded in the notion of stop- ping an orifice," Wedgwood. Deemeth. See Deme. Deepe, Depe, deeply, K. 1782. Allied to dtp, dig. Deer, a deer, K. 1292, A.S. deor, a wild animal ; Ger. thier. Deere, dearly, K. 2242. GaeHc daor, bound, precious. Deeth, death, P. 605. A.S. death, allied to deaf; cf. " a deaf nut." Defye, renoimce, K. 746. Fr. defer, Lat. dis fidere. Degre (e), degree, rank, P. 40 (see note), P. 744 ; position, con- dition, K. 983 ; steps, seats rising one above another, K. 1032, 1721. Fr. dejjre, L-dt. gra- das ; cf . degrade. Del, part, portion, deal, K. 967, 1233 ; never a del, none at all ; som del, somewhat. A.S. dael, Ger. theil; cf. "a good deal," in which good has its original force of great. Delen, to share, to divide, to have dealings with, P. 247 ; see note. A.S. daelan. Delite, Delyt, pleasure, luxury, P. 335, K. 821. Lat. delectare. Delve (pr. delf, dalf, p.p. dolven), to chg, to toil, P. 536. A.S. delfan, to dig, hence any hard labor. Delyvere, active, P. 84. Fr. de- livre, Lat. liber. Deme, Deeme, 2d imperative deemeth, to judge, decide, K. 495, 1023. A.S. deman ; cf. doom, dooms-day. Departe, to separate, K. 276. Fr. de'partir ; cf. department. Departyng, separating, K. 1916. Lat. dis partire. Depeynted, depicted, painted, K. 1169. Dere, dear, K. 376. Gaelic daor, bound, held closely, hence pre- cious. Dere, to hurtj injure, K. 964. A.S. derian. Dereyne, Darreyne, to decide by battle, to contest, K. 751, 773. A Norman term, desrener, from Low Lat. derationare ; of. a/'- raign. GLOSSABIAL INDEX. 267 Dereyved, derived, K. 2180. Lat. denrere, to turn water from its main channel. Derk(e), dark, K. 1137. A.S. dectrc. Derknesse, darkness, K. 593. Derre (comp.), dearer, K. 5U0. Deryve (od sing, derivcth), is de- rived, proceeds, K. 2148 (Lat. de and rivus, a brook) : (1) (transitively), to divert streams of water into side ciiannels ; (2) (intr.), to flow into side chan- nels; hence, (3) to draw from, or aside. Deserve, to earn by service, to earn, K. 374. Lat. servire. Desir, Desyr, desire, K. 385. Lat. desiderium, a feeling of want of something. Desiryng, desire, K. 1064. Despitous, Dispitous, pitiless, severe, P. 516, K. 738. Lat. ^/,s pi etas. Despleye, to display, unfold, K. 108. O.Fr. desployer ; cf. deploi/, Fr. de'ployer. Despyt, maUce, spite, K. 83. O.Fr. d('spit, Lat. desjiicere. DestreinCj Destreyne, to oppress, K. 597. Fr. distraindre ; cf. dis- tress. Destraye, to destroy, K. 472. O.Fr. destruire, Lat. destruere, to scatter. Deth (e), pestilence, P. 605, a corpse, K. 1150. Goth, diwan, to die; hence, (1) the act of dying; (2) that which causes death ; (3) the result of death. Dette, debt, P. 280. Lat. debitum. Detteles, free from debt or obli- gation, P. 582. Devise, Devyse, to speak of, to relate, P. 34, K. 136, 100; to order, direct, K. 558 ; to em- belUsh (to contrive), K. 1043. O.Fr. deviser, to plan ; Lat. di- videre. Devoir, duty, K. 1740. Fr. de- voir, Lat. debere. Devoutly, earnestly, devotedly, P. 482. Lat. decotus, held by a vow. Devynynge, divination, K. 1668. Devys, direction, advice, P. 816. Lat. divisus. Devysyng, ad j ustment, arrang- ing, K. 1638. Dewe, due, what is due, K. 2186. Fr. dd from devoir. Deye (n) (pr. deide, dei/de), to die, K. 251. Goth, diican. Deyere, a dyer, P. 362. A.S. deuf/an, to die ; cf. dag, dag- gled. Deynte, dainty, excellent, P. 168. Welsh, dant, a tooth. Deyntee, a dainty, a pleasant rarity, P. 346. Deys, a dais, a raised platform at the end of the hail upon which persons of distinction were placed, P. 370, K. 1342. Fr. dais; cf. Ger. tisch. Diete, food, manner of living — not restricted as now to food, P. 435. Dight, dressed, arrayed, K. 183. A.S. dihfan, to set in order. Digne, -worthy, P. 141 ; proud, disdainful, P. 517 ; noble, K. 1358. Fr. digne, Lat. digitus. Primary meaning is ivortlu/; then being applied to great or noble men, it came naturally to sig- nify that which was peculiar in their bearing, — too often pride or haughtiness. Diocese, the jurisdiction of a bishop, P, 664. Gr. dLoiKelv, to keep house, to manage. Dischevele, with unbounded hair. P. 683. Fr. de'cheveler. Disconfiture, Disconfytyng, de- feat, discomfiture, K. 150, 1861. Disconfort, discomfort, K. 1152. Lat. dis conjojiis. ' Disconforten, to sadden, K. 1846. Discrecioun, discretion, K. 921. See note. Discret, discreet, able to distin- guish matters upon examina- tion, P. 312. Fr. discret, Lat. discernere, to separate. Disdayn, disdain. Fr. de'dain, Lat. dis dignari. 268 GLOSSABIAL INDEX. Dislieryt, disinherited, K. 2068. Lat. haeres, an heir. Disjoynt, disadvantage, K. 2104. Lat. disjunctus. Dispence, expense, profusion, P. 441, K. 1024. Fr. depense, Lat. dispensare.. Dispitous, j)itiless, P. 516. Lat. dis pietas. Dispitously, pitilessly, sternly, K. 266. Disport, gayety, sportiveness, P. 137 ; sport, diversion, P. 775. O.Fr. desport. Disposicioun, arrangement with regard to others, K. 22y ; men- tal traits, K. 520. Lat. disponere, to arrange. Distress, restraint, confinement, K. 595. Fr. detresse, Lat. dis- tringere, to bind fast ; cf . dis- train. This is the usual force of the term in law. Divinis, divines, doctors of divin- ity, K. 465. Lat. divinus, ap- pertaining to the deity. Divisioun, distinction, K. 922. Do (n), Doon (pr. dide, dede, p.p. do {n), doon, 3 pi. pres. don), to do, to perform, to do to, P. 78, 268, K. 141; to cause (aux.), P. 766, 768, K. 84, 697, 1047. A.S. don, Ger. ihun. Docked, cut short, P. 590. W. toe, that which is short or abrupt. Doctour, a teacher, a learned per- son, a doctor of medicine, P. 411. Fr. docteur, Lat. doctus, learned. Literally a teacher, or one qualified to teach ; re- stricted in common use to hon- orary titles and to those licensed to practise medicine. Domb(e), dumb, P. 774. A.S. duiab, foolish, mute ; Ger. dumm, stupid; cf. A.S. d/jni. Dome, decision, doom, P. 323. A.S. deman, to judge ; cf. deem. Dominacioun, control, K. 1900. Lat. doniinus. Dong, dung, manure, P. 530. Originally denoting that which is wet, — allied to dag, daggle. Dongeoun, the principal tower in a castle, — a dungeon or strong- hold, K. 199. Lat. doininus ; cf. Gael, dun, a fortress ; also don- jon. Dormant, fixed, ready, P. 353. Fr. dormir, Lat. dormire, to sleep, — hence dormant = in the sleep- ing j)osture. Dorste (pr. oidar), durst, P. 227. A.S. durran, pr. dorste. Doseyn, a dozen, P. 578. Fr. douzaine, Lat. daodecim. Double-wise, duplicate, similar, K. 480. Wise = manner. Doute, doubt, fear, P. 487. Out ofdoute = without doubt, doubt- less, K. 283, Lat. dubitum, from duo, two. Douteles, doubtless, without doubt, K. 973, 1809. Dowves, doves, K. 1104. A.S. duva, Ger. taube. Wedgwood suggests from its habit of duck- ing the head (dufan, to dive), but more probably formed in imitation of its note — as is so common in the case of animals — which the Ger. taube exactly represents. Dragges, drugs, P. 426, O.Fr. dragee, spices ; A.S. drijge, any thing dried or aromatic. Draughte, what is drawn, what is drunk at once, a swallow, P. 135, 382. A.S. droht, from dragan, to draw. Drawe (imp. draweth), to draw, P. 835, K. 1689; to bear bur- dens, K. 558. A.S. dragan ; cf. drag, dray ; Lat. trahere. Drede, one who causes dread, P. 1140. Drede (n), to fear, P. 660; to doubt, K. 735; (actively) to inspire dread. A.S. draedan. Dredful, full of dread, stealthy, K. 621 ; used actively. Drenchyng, drowning, K. 1598. A.S. drencan, causative of drin- can, to drink. Dresse, to put in order, arrange, P. 106, K. 1736. "And the GLOSSABIAL INDEX. 269 Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it," Gen. ii. 15. Fr. dres- ser, Lat. dirigere. Dreye, dry, K. 21G6. A.S. drir/. Dronke (n) (p.p. ot'drinke), drmik, P. 135, K. 403 ; (pret. pi.) drank, P. 820. A.S. drincan, dranc, druncen. Drope, a drop, P. 131. A.S. dropa; cf. drip, dribble, droop. DrougM, drought, P. 2, 595. A.S. drugath, from dnjgan, to dry up, Drowpede, drooped, P. 107. A.S. dropian, to drop. Drugge, to drudge, to drag, K. 558. Duchesse, feminine of duke, K. 65. Fr. duchesse. Duete*, reverence, K. 2202 ; cf. Fr. devoir. Duk, a duke, leader, king, K. 2. Lat. dux, from ducere, to lead ; now denotes the highest order of nobility. Dure, endure, remain, K. 378, 1912. Lat. durare, from durus, hard, therefore lasthig. Dusken, to grow dark, to become shaded, K. 1948. Dwelle (pr. and p.p. dwehl), to tar- ry, to remain, K. 115, 370, 1496 ; cf. A.S. dwelian, from the root dol, dull (immobile) ; so also dwelling = delay. Dyamauntz, diamonds, K. 1289. See Adamauntz. Dyapred, wrought in flourishes, ornamented, K. 1300 ; see note. O.Fr. diaspre, Lat. jaspis, a jasper. Dyched, surmotinted by a dike or rampart, K. 1030. Dyke, to ditch, to throw up a dike, P. 536; see note. A.S. dician; cf. Gr. rnxoQ. Dym, indistinct ; used with refer- ence to sight and hearing, K. 1575; see note. A.S. dim; cf. Icel. dumba, darkness. Dys, dice, K. 380. Dyvynistre, a diviner, K. 1953. Dyvynyng, predicting, K. 1657. Lat. diviaatio. B. Ecclesiaste, an ecclesiastic, P. 708. Gr. eKK?ijjaia, an assembly of citizens called out by the crier, — used to denote the church as being composed of the called — the elect. Ecli(e), each, P. 39, 369. AS. aelc, ylc. Formed from the weak demonstrative, as O.E. thilke, from the strong, whilk (which), from the interrogative, and swilc (such), from the rel- ative, by adding the sufiix lie (body). Echon, Echoon, each one, P. 820. Eek, also, besides, eke, P. 5, 41, K. 314. A.S. eac, eacan, to add, Ger. auch. Eelde, Eld, age, eld, K. 1 589, 1590. A.S. eald, yld. Eeres, Eras, ears, P. 556, K. 664. A.S. eare, allied to the verb to hear. Eese, Ese, pleasure, ease, P. 768. Fr. aise, Lat. otium, leisure. Eet, Et, ate, K. 1190. A.S. elan, pr. aet, p.p. eten ; Lat. ed-ere; cf. oat. Effect, result, K. 1624 ; in effecte, in fact, in substance, P. 319. Eft, again, afterwards, nought eft, not again, K. 811. A.S. aeft. Egle, an eagle, K. 1320. Fr. aigle, Lat. aquila. Elles, else, otherwise, P. 375, 735. A.S. elks, Lat. alius. El in A.S. means foreign ; e.g. el-land, for- eign land. Embrowded, embroidered, P. 89. A.S. bredan, to braid. Original- ly denoting a rapid movement, as of the hands in braiding. Emforth, to the extent of, accord- ing to, K. 1377. Literally even- forth, — em in composition sig- nifying equal, as em-cristen, a fellow-christian. Empoisonyng, poisoning, K. 1602. Lat. potio ; cf. Ger. gif. Emprise, enterprise, undertaking, Iv. 1682, Fr. entre-prise. 270 OLOSSARIAL INDEX. Encens, incense, K. 1571. Lat. incendere, to burn. Encombred, troubled, P. 508; tired (by a burden), K. 860. Er. encomhrer, Ger. kummer, trouble. Encrece, to increase, K. 457. Lat. crescere. Encres, increase, K. 1326. Ende, extremity, P. 1 5 ; portion, what pertains to one, K. 986 ; conclusion, arrangement, K. 1007. A.S. ende, a part. Endelong, endwise, lengthwise, K. 1133. Endite, to narrate, relate, P. 95 ; K. 522. Fr. enditer, Lat. in- dicere ; cf. indict. Endure, to remain, K. 327. See Dure. Enfecte, infected, rendered void by bribery, or collusion, P. 320. Engelond, England, P. 580. Lit- erally Angel-land, — the land of tlie Angles. Engendred, engendered, pro- duced, P. 5. Lat. in-gen-erare ; cf. kin. Enhaunse, to elevate, K. 576. O.Er. enhauncer, Lat. alte. Enhorte, to enhearten, encourage, K. 1993 ; cf. dishearten. Enoynt, anointed, K. 2103. Ensample, example, P. 496. Lat. exemplum. Sample retains the old form. Enspired, breathed into, inspired, P. 6. Lat. inspirare. Entente, intent, purpose, K. 142. Entuned, intoned, P. 123. Lat. tonus; cf. tune, tone. Envye, envy, K. 49. Lat. invidia. Envyned, furnished Avith wine, P. 342. line is from the Fr. vigne ; wine is A.S. win. Eny, any. A.S. aenig, — the ad- jective form of one. Er, before, ere, K. 182. A.S. aer. Erchedeknes, (gen.) archdea- con's, P. 658. Ere, to plough, K. 28. A.S. earian ; cf. Lat. arare. Erles, earls, K. 1324. A.S. eorl, man, noble ; originally a title of honor, afterwards denoting an office, and now again a title of nobility. Erly, Erely, early, P, 33, 809, K. 163. A.S. aerltce. Erst, first, before, P. 776. Erst than, sooner than, before, K. 708. Supl. of A.S. ae/-. Erthe, earth, K. 388. A.S. eorthe, eard, as though from erian, to till. Ger. erde. Eschaunge, exchange, P. 278. O Fr. exchange. Esen (p.p. eseil), to entertain, put at ease, P. 29, K. 1336. Esily, easily, P. 469. Fr. ais€; cf A.S. eathe, easily. Espye, to see, to spy out, K. 254 ; cf. Ger. spdhen. A.S. spi/rian, to track (cf. spur), to seek out. O.E. speer, to ask, is undoubtedly allied to spy, al- though espy is immediately from the Er. Est, east. Literally the icy region, according to Wedgwood. Estat, condition, state, P. 522; great estate, high condition, P. 203. State and its derivatives are abbreviated forms. Estatlich, stately, P. 140, 281. O.Er. estat. Estres, the interior parts of a building, K. 1113. Fr. estre, state, plan. Estward, towards the east, on the east side, K. 1045, 1727. Esy, easy, easy to deal with, P. 223 ; moderate, P. 441. Eterne, eternal, determined, K. 251. Lat. aevum. Evele, badly, evilly, K. 269 ; ful evele, very badly. Goth, ubils, Ger. uhel. Evene, medium ; evene lengths, medium height, P. 83; (adv.) in a self-possessed manner, evenly, K. 665. A.S. ae/en. Evensong, vespers, evening ser- vice. P. 830. Evere, ever, at any time, P. 732. A.S. aefer, from a, always. OLOSSARIAL INDEX. 271 fiiveremo, for ever, evermore, K. 174. Everich, Everyche, Every, every, P. 2, 2il ; each of tlieiu, P. 371 ; eoerifch a {on), each one, every one, P. 31, 733, 747 ; ht- erally, ever-each-one. Everydel, Everidel, every part, completely, P. 368. A.S. duel, part. Ewe, a yew-tree, K. 20G5. ^ Exequies, funeral rites, K. 135. Lat. exeqniae. Exiled, exiled; K 386. Lat. ev and solum, away from one's native land. Expert, skilled, experienced, P. 577. Lat. expertns. Eyhe (n), Eyen, Ey^hen, ye, the eye, eyes, P. 10, 152, 201, K. 38. A.S. eaje, pi. eagen, Ger. aiirie, Lat. oc-idus, allied to edge ; cf Lat. acies. Eyle, to ail, K. 223. A.S. egJian. Eyr, air, K. 388. Fr. air, Lat. aer, perhaps from aether. F. Faculte, dignity, ability, K. 244. Lat. facattas, ability to do ; hence also the character or bearing of an able man. Fader (gen. sing, fader, fadres), father, P. 100, 78i. A.S.faeder. Allied to feed. Fadma, fathoms. K. 2058. A.S. J'adhin, an embrace, a fathom ; literally, tlie space measured by the extended arms. Fain, Fayn, glad, K. 1579, gladly, 1^. 766. A.S. fiiefjn. Fair, comp. fiirere, upright, good, P. 754. A.S. faeger. Faire, fairly, well, P. 94, 124, 273 ; openly, K. 126. Fairnesse, uprightness, P. 519 ; beauty, K. 240. Faldyng, coarse woollen cloth, P. 391 ; cf ^f'k. Falle (pr. /?/(/), p.p. falle), to hap- pen, P. ■ 324, K. 810 ; betall, P. 585, to fall, P. 131, 845, K. 1808. A.ii.Jeallan, pr. /eo/ ; (Jer. fallen. Falwe, pale, yellow, sallow, K. 606. A.S. fealuoe, yellow, Ger. falb ; cf. fallow. Famvilier, familiar, intimate, P. 215. Yt. familier, Lat. famulus, a servant ; famiUa, a retinue of servants. Fare, affair, K. 951. A.S. faer] literally a journey, from faran, to go; cf. jjioceeding, and Ger. ver-fahren. Fare (n) (pres. pi. faren, p.p. fare {n), to fare, to go, K. 403, 637, 1578. A.S. Jaran, Ger. fahren; cf. welfare, farewell. Farsed, stuffed, P. 233. Fr./ar- cir, Lat. farclre ; cf. forced meat. Farwel, farewell, K. 392, 1496. A.S. /(?ra/i, an imperative. Faste, used for emphasis, /c^sfe hy, close by, near, P. 719; see note, K. 618. Fayn. See Fain. Feble, unstrung, weak, K. 511. O.Fr. feble, Fr. faible. Fee, money, reward, P. 317 ; see note, K. 945. A.S.fooh, cattle, Ger. vieh ; cf. Lat. pecunia, from pecus. Fee si/mple, full possession, P. 319 ; see note. The develop- ment of meanings may have been as follows : (1) cattle ; (2) property (proy9/-/(f»j) ; hence, (3) possession, or the right of pos- session ; cf. also peculium, pecu- latio. Feeld. Feld, field, country, (op- posed to town), K. 28, 664. In heraldry, the surface of a shield upon which armorial designs were blazoned ; that part of a banner upon which the peculiar device is wrought, K. 119. A.S. feld. Feere,fear,K. 1486. Allied to A.S. faran ; cf. Ger. ijefahr, O.E. ferly. Feith, faith, P. 62. Fr. fol, Lat fdes. Fel, Felle, cruel, fell, fierce, K. 701, 1772. A.S../;//. Felawe, companion, 395, 648. 272 OLOSSAEIAL INDEX. From/e", money, goods, and lar/, order, society, community ; cf. A.S. geferratden, O.E. Jeol aw red- den. Felawschipe, fellowship,?. 26, 32. Feld. See Feeld. Felicite, happiness, P. 337. Lat. fe/ix. Felle (p.p. fdd), to cut down, to fell timber, K. 844, 2066. A.S. fellan, causative of feallan, to fall ; Ger. J alien. Feile, fierce, K. 701. See Fel. Felonye, high crime ; literally a crime punishable with forfeiture of goods {fee), K. 1138. Femynye, the Amazons, K. 8. J^^t.femina, A.S. faemne. Fer (comp. ferre. fer ,^\x^\. ferreste) , far, P. 388, 491 (comp.) further, more, K. 992. A.S. fer as, as soon as, K. 790. Ferde (pi. ferden), proceeded, acted, K. 514, 789. A.S.feran, to go. Fere, fear, K. 475. A.S. fner. Ferforthly, according to, K. 102 ; liternWy, far forth-like. Fermacye, a medicine, K. 1855. Ferne, distant, P. 14. O.li.ferren, A.S. fearn, from, fer, far; Ger. fern. Ferre, Fer, further, more, P. 48, K. 1202. Ferreste, furthest, P. 494. Fers, fierce, K. 740. Lat. ferox, ferns, a wild beast. Farthing, a fourth part, a small portion, P. 134, 255. Literally, a fourfh-inr/ ; cf. fir-kin. Fast (a), a feast, a festival, K. 25, 1625. Fr.fete, Lat. festum. Fasta, to feast, K. 1335. Fastne, to fasten, P. 195. To make fast ; cf. Ger. fassen. Fat (pr. of fecche, brought, fetched), P. 8l9, K. 1669. A.S. fetian, pr. fette. Father, a feather, P. 107. A.S. fether, Ger. feder, allied to Gr. TTTspov, akin to fli/. Fettras, fetters, K. 421. From foot. ; cf . Gr. TTsdr]. Fatys, elegant, neat, P. 157. Fr. fait, Lat. factus ; cf Eng. feat, a noun. Fetysly, properly, neatly, P. 124. Fay, laith, K. 268. Fr. foi, Lat. Jides. Feyne (pr. p.p. fej/nede), to feign, to pretend, P. 705, 736. Lat. fnvjere. Fiers, fierce, K. 1087. J^:it. ferox. Figure, a conception represented in material form ; a method of speech thus representing a con- ception, P. 499. In astrology a representation or chart show- ing the position of the planets at one's birth, K. 1177. Lat. Jingere, to give form to. Fil, Filla (pi. fiJien, pr. of falle), fell. Fir, Fyr, fire, K. 644, 2093. A.S. fijr, Ger. feaer, Gr. T:vp. Fithel, a fiddle, P. 296 ; cf Ger. fitsctielu, to move to and fro. Fleeta, Fleta, to float, swim, K. 1539. A.S.feotan; cf. fleet, float. Flaisscha, Flaissh, meat, flesh, P. 147, 344. A.S.flaesc, Ger. fleisch. Flan, to flee, to escape, K. 312. A.S. feon. Flatyng, swimming, floating, K. 1098. Flikeryng, fluttering, K. 1104. A.S. fiiccerian. Flok, a flock, P. 824. A.S. floe. Perhaps by metathesis for folc. Floren, a florin, K. 1230. A coin so named from the city Flor- ence ; cf . bezant from Byzan- tium. Fiotery, slovenly, fluttered, K. 2025 ; cf . Ger. fagende haare, dishevelled hair. Flour, a flower, P. 4, 90, K. 124. Fr. flenr, Lat. flos. Floytynga, playing on a flute, whistling, P. 91. Lint. flatus. Folde: (1) an enclosure; (2) that which is enclosed, P. 512. A.S. fealdan, to fold up, to wrap. Folk, people, P. 25. A.S. folc, Ger. volk, Lat. vulgus ; cf . flock. Folwa (pr. p.p. folwede), to follow, P. 528, K. 1824. A.S. fohfian, Ger. fohjen. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 273 Folwynge, following, K. 1509. Folye, folly, K. 940. Fr. folie. Allied to fail. Feme, foam, K. 801. A.S. fnoni, /(tin; cf. Ger. fldum, what will Jlodt ; cf. fowl, from fljj. Fo (o), a foe, an enemy, P. 63, K. 732. A.S. fogan, fan, to hate ; cf. fend = one hated. For, as regards, as to, P. 142, 387; because, because of, P. 2G4, 443, K. 5G2, 930 ; for al, notwithstanding, K. 11G2; for al the world, in spite of, K. 514 ; for emj tldnge, by all means, P. 27G, for fear of. The original meaning of /or is in front of {he- fore, fore, Lat. pro), hence the ideas of (1) opposition; (2) pro- tection; (3) comparison; (4) attention. Also intensive and negative prefix. Ger. ver. Forbere, to forbear, K. 27. A.S. forheran. For = negative prefix, Ger. ver ; cf. forqive, forqet. For blak, very black, K. 1286. Fordo (p.p. /o/t/o), to ruin, to undo, K. 702. A.S.fordon, Ger. verthun. Forest, unsettled country, forest, K. 1117. O.Fr. forest, Ger. forst, Lat. foris, out of doors, denoting tb.e country without the enclosure of towns. Forgete (p.p. forqetin), to forget, K. 2196. A.S. forfitan, Ger. verqesisen. Forgive, to forgive, P. 743. A.S. for f fan, Ger. vergehen ; cf. Low. Lat. pei'-donare, Fr. pardunner. Forheed, forehead, P. 151. A.S. fore-heafod. Forme, form, proper form, in forme, properlj', formally, P. 305. Forneys, a furnace, P. 202. Lat. fo7iiax. For old, very old, K. 1284 ; cf. Ger. vendten. Forpyned, wasted away, P. 205. A.S. piiKin, to pine, from pin pain. For is here intensive. Pain is from Fr. peine, Lat. poena ; though A.S. pinan is no doubt allied. Fors, force, K. 1865. Lat. foi-tis. Forster, a forester, P. 117. Forth, henceforth ; with verbs of motion, on ; K. 804. Forther, comp. of fore, further, P. 36, 835. A.S. farthra. Forthermoor, further on, further- more, K. 1211 ; ct fortherlij , for- wards. Forthren, to aid, to further, K, 279. A.S. fijrthrian, Ger. fordern. Forth telle, to tell on, to con- tinue a story, K. 478. Forthi, for this, therefore, K. 983. Thi is instrumental of that ; cf. O.E. for-why. Fortunen, to make fortunate, to determine one's fortune, P. 417. Lat. fors. Forward, a promise, an agree- ment, P. 33, 829, K. 351, 1761. A.S.foreicord, a word given be- forehand. Fother, a wagon load, P. 630 ; a large mass or sum, K. 1050. A.S. fother, Ger. fader. Foughten (pr. and p.p.) fought, K. 841, P. 62. A.S. feohtan, feaht, fohten. Foul, P. 501. A.S.ful, Goi\\. fids, Ger. faul ; cf. flth. The prim- itive meaning seems to have been putrid. Founden, p.p. found, K. 754. Foundre, to fall down, K. 1829. O.Fr. fondrer, to sink. Fourtenight, a fortnight, K. 71. Fourteen-nights. Fowel (pi. fowles), a bird, a fowl, P. 9, 106. A.S. fiigol (ftigol, from fleogan, to fly), Ger. vogel, Fr. volaille. Foyne (n), to make a stroke with a sword or spear, K. 796, 1692. O.Fr. foigner. Frankelyn, a free-holder, country gentleman, P. 216. Properly tlie son of a vilein who has be- come rich and purcliased his fi'eedom. Frank = free. Fre, free, P. 852. A.S. freoh, Goth, frija; cf. Goth, frijon, to love, Ger. frei. iS 274 OLOSSARIAL INDEX. Fredom, liberality, freerlom, P. 46. A.S. doin = condition, Gf"* thuyji. Freknes, freckles, K. 1311 ; cf. Ger.Jieck; a spot. Frend, Freend, a friend, P. 299, 670, K. 610. A.S. freond, from freon; Ger.freuud, Goth. J'rijuii, to love. Free is allied. Frere, a friar, P. 208. Pr. fiere, Lat. frafer. Fresslie, Freissh, Freisch, fresh, P. 90 ; see note ; freslily, newly, K. 190. A.S. fersc; cf brisk, frisk, Ger. frisch, Fr. frais. Frete (n) (p!p. />e/e/<), to devour, to eat up, K. 1169. A.S.fretan, En a;, fret, Ger. fressen. Fro, from, P. 324, K. 213. A.S. fra ; cf. " to and fro," for- irard. Frothsn, to froth, foam, K. 801. A.^. frcothan, to Yuh, — ellectfor cause. Fruyt, advantage, enjoyment, fruit, K. 424. Lat. fractus, from frui, to enjoy. Ful, fullv, completely, very, P. 22, 47, "130. From,////. Fulfille, p.p. fiilfihl, to fill full, to gratify, to 'satiate, K. 82, 460. A.^.fiil-flllldn. Funeral, burial, funeral service, K. 2006. Lat. fnneralia, rites appertaining to the burial of the dead. Fusty an, a coarse clotli, P. 75. So called from Fostat or Fossat (Cairo), the place of its man- ufacture ; now used to denote pretentious speech ; cf. bombast, from bombazine, cotton cloth. Fyfe, five, P. 460. A.S ff, Ger. Junf, Lat. penfe, Gr. Trh'Te. Fyled, cut, filed, K. 1294. Fynde, to invent, 1^. 736, to pro- vide, Ko 1555. A.S. Jiudan, Ger. Jinden. Fynger (pi. Jinrjrcs), a finger, P. 129. A.S. finger, from famjan, to seize ; d. fang. Fyr, a funeral fire, a pyre, K. 2056 ; fire, K. 2084. Fyr-reed, red as fire, P. 624. Gader (p.p gadrede), to gather, P. 824. A.S. (/aderian. Gaf (pr. of gi re), gave, P. 227. Galyngale, sweet cyperus, P. 38L Game, sport, pleasure, K. 948, 1250. A.S. game ; cf. gamester. Gamede (impersonal), pleased, P. 534. A.S. gamenian, to sport. The noun retains its original signification, while the verb de- notes plai/ in the sense of gam- b/i)ig. Gan (v. aux ), did ; gan preye, did pray, prayed, P. 301 ; gan espye, did espy, K. 254 ; gan km/tte, knitted, K.270; began, K. 682. See Bigan. Gappe, an opening, a gap, K. 781. A.S. geapan, to gape, to open. An opening in a range of mountains, or in a fence, is colloquially called a gap. Gapyng, gapmg, Avith the mouth wide open, Iv. 1150. Gardeyn, a garden, an enclosed place, a yard, K. 193. AS. griird; see note, P. 149; cf.ijard. Garleek, garlic, P. 634. "A.S. gar, a spear, leac, a plant ; cf. gar-\vAs.e, hemlock. Gastly, terrible, K. 1126; cf. aghast. Goth, geisan, to terrify, gaze. So also gaste, to terrify. Gat (pr. of get), obtained, gat, P. 703. A.S. gitan, pr. geat^if Gate, a gate, a passage-way, K. 557. A.S. qeat, probably from geotan, to pour out ; cf . Hell- gate. Gat-tothed, having teeth wide apart, P. 468. Gauded, ornamented, fitted with gandes or large beads, P. 159, see note; cf. gaudy, Lat. gaudi- iim. Gaude-greene, light green, K. 1221. Gavides, large beads on a rosary indicating a pater nostcr, P. 159. Gay, fast, active, P. 74 ; cf Ger. jcthe, hasty ; ornamented, P. 111. Fr. qai. OLOSSARIAL INDEX. 275 Gayler, jailer, gaoler, K. 206. Irish (/((h/ia'il, to take prisoner. Gayne (n), to avail, K. 818. AS. fjegn ; of. gijiKin, to gain. From the idea of opposition comes tlip idea of juxtaposition, and hence the idea of addition. So also with. Geere, Ger (e), articles for use, — particularly clothing and weapons, P. 352, 865, K. 158, 1322 ; external appearance, de- meanor, K. 514. A.S. r/earwa, clothing, preparation, from //ear- ician, to make ready; cf. JE.E. yare, ready, Gentil, noble, well-bred, P. 72, 567, 669, K. 1681; affable, lib- eral, P. 617. Lat. (jenfi/is, from (JP71S. The following may have been the order of development: (1) high-born; (2) with the manners of those high-born, genteel ; (3) with the mental qualities of the high-born, gen- tle ; (i) by analogy applied to things. Gentilnesse, nobility ; hence also the mental traits which should distinguish the well-bred, gen- tleness, gentilit}^ K. 62. Ger (e). See Geere. Gerdel, a girdle, P. 358. Ger. giirfel, Goth, gairda, allied to ij(ird, an inclosure. Gerful, changeful, K. 680. Lat. gi/rare. Garland, a garland, K. 196. Primitive meaning = an orna- ment ; allied to gallant ; Fr. guir- lunde. Garner, a garner, granary, P. 593. Fr. grenier, Lat. granarium. Gary, changeable, K. 678. Fr. girer, Lat. ggrare. Gasse, to think, suppose, P. 82, 118. A frequentative from O.N. qeta, to get. Get, fashion, P. 682. O.Fr. get, contrivance. We use get-up in this sense. Gate (n) (pr. //a/, p p. geten), to get, acquire, P. 291 ; to keep possession of (cf. Lat. obtinere), K. 1897. A.S.gitan, geat, geten. Giggyng, making ready, moving quickly, K. 1646. Gila, guile, deceit, K. 1738. A.S. idle, Eng. wiles, wilij. Where the same word is spelled with w ' and gii. it indicates a Teutonic word which has come to us through both the A.S. and the Fr. Giltales, free from blame, guilt- less, K. 454. 9 Gipoun, a short frock or cassock, P. 75. Fr. gipon ; cf . jumper, a jacket. Gipser, a purse, P. 357. Fr. gib- heciere, a pouch, gihhe, a bunch. Gird, p.p. girded, P. 329. Girt, pierced ; thurg-girt, pierced through, K. 152. From the notion of striking implied in A.S. ggrd, a rod. Gladen, to cheer, to make glad, K. 1917. AUied to glitter, "And oil to make his /ace to shine," Ps. civ. 15. Gladere, one who makes glad, K. 1365. Glarjmg, staring, P. 684: (1) shining; (2) evident ; (3) large, easily seen. Allied to Lat. clarus, gloria, Eng. glare. Glas, gray amber or ambergris, P. 152; any thing made of glass, a glass case, P. 700. A.S.glaes. From the root glare, glow; cf. Ger. gleissen, to shine. Gleede, a burning coal, K. 1139. A.S. gled, from glowan, to glow; Ger. gliihen. Glowan (p. glowede), to glow, shine, K. 1274. Go (n), Goon (pres. sing. 70^^, pi. go», goon, p.p. qo (n), goon), to walk, to go, K."598, P. 771, K. 668, 2164, P. 377, 450, K. 1394. A.S. gan [gangan], p.p. gangen. Gobet, a small piece, P. 696. O.Fr. go}), a morsel. Still in colloquial use. Godhede, divinity, godhead, K. 1523 ; cf . mgrn-hood. 276 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Golyardeys, a buffoon, a glutton, P. 560. Gonne, pi. of gan (q.v.), began, K. 800; did (v. aiix.), K. 1021. Good, goods, property, P. 581. A.S. r/od (s. & pi.) ; Lat. bona, Gr. ayadu, are all used similarly. Good (e),g0()d, P. 850. A.S.//oc7, Goth, goths, Gr. uyaOog, Ger. gut. The resemblance between good and God is probably only accidental. Goost, a ghostf spirit, P. 206 ; see note. A.S. gasl ; cf. gaze, to terrify ; Ger. qeist, a spirit. Goot, a goat, P. 688. A.S. gat. Gooth, goeth, goes, K. 213. Gospel, the gospel, P. 481. A.S. god-spell, good tidings ; cf. Gr. svay-yeXcov. Goime, Gowne, a gown, P. 93, 301. W. givn; cf. Nor. Fr. goune, It. gonna. Governaunce, management, con- trol. P. 281, K. 455. Governynge, control, P. 599. See note. Grace, favor, P. 88, K. 262 ; gift, P. 573. Lat. gratia, that given without return ; cf. gratis. Graunte, a grant, concession, favor, K. 448. Graunte, to grant, to promise, P. 786, K. 762. Fr. granter, ere- outer. The two meanings have different origin. Grauntyng, permission, K. 1581. Gree, a prize, K. 1875. Fr. gre, Lat. gratum. Greece, grease, P. 135. Fr. graisse, Lat. crassus. Greene, Grene, green, P. 103. A.S. grene, from growan, to grow ; hence the color of grow- ing plants ; metaphorically ap- plied to persons to denote im- maturity ; cf. Lat. viridis, from virei'e. Grene, growth, prosnerity, K. 654. Gret, Greet (def. and pi. grete, grette, comp. grettere ; supl. gret- teste), great, superior, P. 84, 137; (comp.) P. 197, (supl.) P. 120. A.S. great ; cf. Ger. gross. Greve, a grove, pi. brandies, K. 637, 649. A.S. graef, from grafan, to cut. So grove is used in scripture for a graven image, a statute ; cf. grave, grub. Greve, to grieve, K. 59. Lat. gravare, to oi)press. Greye, gray, P. 152. A.S- graeg, Ger. grau ; cf. Gr. ypala, an old woman. " The original mean- ing is probably parti-colored," Wedgwood. Greyn, grain, crops of grain, P. 596. Lat. granum. Griffoun, a griffin, — a mythologi- cal animal, a lion with an eagle's head, wings, and talons, K. 1275. Grisly, dreadful, K. 505. A.S. grisJic, from qrisan, to dread. Grope, to try,'test, P. 644. A.S. grapian, to feel with the hand. Ger. greifen ; cf. grab, grabble, garble, grip, gripe, grapple, grasp, &c. Groynyng, stabbing, K. 1602. See note. Grueche, to murmur, grudge, K. 2187. Fr. groucher, to rumble. Gruf, flat on the ground, K. 91. See note ; cf. grovel. Grym, Grim, fierce, terril)le, gritn, K. 1184. A.S. grim , from grim- man, to rage ; cf. grnm. Grys, fur of the Siherian squirrel, P. 194. Fr. gris, gray. Guide, the marigold, K. 1071. Mary's flower. Gulty, guilty, P. 660. A.S. gglt, crime, — that which must be atoned for, from gijldan, to pay, — crimes being usually punished by fine ; hence guilt would sig- nify : (1) the money paid as a fine (cf. Ger. gelt) ; (2) the crime thus atoned for ; (3) an expos- ure to legal penalty. Gurles, young people of either sex, P. 664. See note. Gyde, a guide, P. 804. A.S. and Goth, ivitan, to watch over ; Ger. weisen. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 277 Gye, to guide, turn, K. 1092. Fr. yuidcr, — the same word as guide; cf. g'ii/-r()pe. See supra. Gylt, guilt, k.' 907. See Gulty. Gyngelen, to jingle, P. 170; cf. Ger. kUngeln. Gynne, to begin, K. 2160. Gyse, fashion, manner, (juise, cus- tom, K. 135, 350. Fr. yaise, Eng. wise, Ger. iveise. H. Haberdasher, a dealer in miscel- laneous articles, P. 361. See note. Habergeoun, Habergoun, a small coat of mail, P. 76, K. 1261. A.S. heals, neck, beorge, protec- tion ; Ger. haUherg. Habyt, physical temperament, habit of body ; also customary appearance, dress, K. 520. Fr. habit, Lat. habitus. Hadde, Hade, had, P. 554. Syn- copated form of haved. Hakke, to cut up, to cut with many strokes, K. 2007. A.S. hnccan ; cf. hatchet ; Fr. hacher, to mince ; Eng. hash. Haifa (adv.), half, P. 8. A.S. hea/fe, Ger. halb. See note. Halwes, shrines, saints, P. 14. A.S. haliq, holy, Eng. hallow. So AU-hallow-eve = All-saints- eve. Hamer, a hammer, K. 1650. A.S. hamor. Han, to have, P. 878. A syn- copated form oH haven (inf.). Happe, to happen, P. 585. Hap, luck ; cf. hapi»/, mishap, ])erhaps. Harde, firm, strong, K. 1277. A.S. heard, Ger. hart, Goth. hardus, Gr. mprog : ( 1 ) what is firm or strong; (2) wliat may be relied on ; (cf. hard//). Hardily, certainly, P. 156. Hardy, bold, daring, P. 405, K. 853 ; literally, strong. See Har- de. Fr. hardi, A.S. heard, bold. Hardynesse, boldness, K. 1090. The idea of rashness is now as- sociated with this word, ?iS fool- hardiness, hardihood. Haried, imrried, taken prisoner, K. 1868. A.S. heriau, Fr.harier. The origin may be Fr. harer, to set on a dog. Harlot, a youth, P. 617 ; later denoting: (l)a person of low birth, or one engaged in menial service ; (2) a person of bad conduct, especially a woman of bad character. It originally signified a young man. W. her- lod, a youth ; cf. Lat. adulter = adult. Harlotries, youthful pranks, rib- aldries, P. 561. Harrae, harm, evil, misfortune, calamity, K. 401, 1371. A.S. hearm, Ger. harm ; allied to gram. Harnays, Harneys, Herneys, armor, harness, K. 148, 755, 1282. Fr. harnais, Ger. hamisch. Probably allied to iron, although Wedgwood suggests a different derivation. It denotes: (l)iron armor worn by men; (2) the armor worn by horses ; (3) the usual equipment of a horse ; (4) that which serves the j)ur- pose of equipment. Harneysed, equipped, hung by straps, P. 114. Harpyng, harping, P. 266. A.S. hearpe, Ger. harfe. Named from tlie manner of playing it with a hook to pick the strings. So Gr. upTTi], a hook. Harre, a hinge, P. 550. A.S. heorra. Hauberk, a coat of mail, K. 1573. See Habergeon. Hauke, a hawk, falcon, K. 1346. A.S. ha/oc, from hebban (p.p. ha fen), to lift; cf. havoc. Haunt, skill, practice, P. 447. Fr. hanter, to haunt. Hawthorn, hedge-thorn, haw- thorn, K. 650. A.S. haga-thorn, Ger. har/edorn. Hede, Heed, head, P. 198, 455, 551. A.S. heafod, from hebban, to raise up. 278 GLOSSABIAL INDEX. Heeld, held, P. 337. A.S. heal- dan, pr. heold, p.p. healden. Heep, a large number, a large amount, P. 575. ' A.S. heap, a heap, legion, or company. Still so used in Southern States. Ger. haufe. Hear, hair, P. 589, K. 191. A.S. haer, Ger. haar. Heete, to promise, grant, K. 1510. A.S. hatan; of. best, behest. Heath, the open country, a heath, P. 6. A.S. haetli, Ger. heide, whence heathen, hoijden = rus- tic. Heigh, Heih, high, great, K. 207, 910 ; hei(/her hand, upper hand, superior, P. 398. A.S. heah, Ger. hoch. Hale, well-being, health, K. 413. A.S. hael, hale, whole; Ger. heil. Hala, to heal, K. 1848. A.S. haelan, to heal, to make whole; Ger. heil en. Halla, hell, the unseen world, the place of punishment, P. G58, K. 342. A.S. lielan, to conceal : hence, literally, (1) the place where the body is concealed, — the grave ; (2) the place where the spirit is concealed, — hades ; (3) the place of future punish- ment. Ger. Jiolle. Helmas, helmets, K. 1751. A.S. helm, from helan, to hide. Halpen (pr. halp, p.p. holpen), to lieln, to cure, when followed by of, P. 18, 632. A.S. heli>a7i. Ham, them, P. 11, 18. A.S. him. Hemself (Hemsalvan), them- selves, K. 39G. Hang (pr. oihonge), hung, P. 160, 3-58. A.S. hamjaa, pr. heng. Henna, hence, K. 1498. A.S. hlmin. Henta (n) (pr. hmte, p.p. hent), to seize, get, P. 299, (pr.) P. 698, K. 442, (pp.) K. 723. A.S. hentan ; cf. to hunt. Heraude, Herowd, a herald, K. 159. O.H.G. haren, to shout. Herbergh, a harbor, an inn, P. 403, 765. A.S. here-bsorga, a station where an army {here) encamps on its march ; hecrrgnn, to protect; Ger. herbergen ; cf. burgh, bo rough. Herd, haired, K. 1660. Herde, a keeper of cattle, P. 603. A.S. hijrde, a keeper ; cf. shep- herd, cow-herd. Wedgwood in- geniously derives herd from harer, the cry made to set on a dog. Herde (p.p. of Aear), heard, P. 848. Here, hair, P. 555, K. 530. A.S. liaer, Ger. hiar. Hera (gen. pi.) of them, their [eorum), P. 11, 366; here aller, of them all, P. 586. Hera (dat. sing.) to this, here agajjns, against this, K. 2281 ; her inne, in this, K. 2215. Here, to hear, K. 986. A.S. hi/ran, heran. Herinne, in this (company), K. 2215. Her is dative. Herkne, imperat. pi. herhneth, K. 1674, P. 788, K. 985. A.S. heorcnian, emphatic form of hi/ran. Herneys. See Harnays. Hart, a hart, a stag, K. 817, 831. A.S. heo7-t, Ger. hirsch. The female is called a hind. Herta, a heart, P. 150. A.S. heorte, Ger. herz, Lat. cor. Herte-spon, the navel, K. 1748. Hest, command, K. 1674. A.S. hatan. Hetha (see Heath), a heath, the open country, P. 006. Hathanesse, heathen lands, P. 49. Have, to heave, lift, P. 550. A.S. hebban, pr. hof, p.p. ha/en, Ger. heben. Haw (a), color (hence also) com- plexion. P. 394, K. 180; (pi.) colors, K. 12-30. A.S. hiw, form, color. Hawe, to cut, heiv, K. 564, 2067. A.S. heawan. Hider, hither, P. 672. A.S. hider. Hidous, hideous, K. 1120. O.Fr. hidous. Hidously, dreadfully, hideously, K. 843. Hight, promised, K. 1614. A.S. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 279 hatan, to promise. Tliis verb and the following are undoubt- edly allied, although in A.S. the preterites were formed dif- ferently. Highte, was called, is called, P. 616, 719, K. 333, 570. A.S. he/if, pr. of haUm, to call, to be called, to name ; Ger. heissen, Goth, /uiitan, pr. Iidikdif. Highte, in highte, aloud, on high, K. 926. Hihe, high, K. 1605. A.S. heuh, Ger. hoch, Iivhe. Him, himself, K. 2192. Himselve, Hiniselven, dat. and ace. of himself, P. 184, 528. See note. Hipes, hips, P. 472. A.S. hijpe. Hire (sing, fern.) her, P. 120. A.S. hire (gen. pi.) their, K. 25. A.S. heora. Hit, it, P. 345, K. 604. A.S. hit, gen. his. Holde (pr. held, p.p. hold, hoi den), to hold in esteem, P. 141, 182, K. 832, 1861, (p.p.) beholden, held, K. 449 ; cf . Ger. behuUen, also Lat. habere. Holly, wholly, P. 590. Holpen, (see Helpen), helped, P. 18. Holte, a grove, P. 6. A.S. holt, Ger. holz. Holwe, hollow, gaunt, P. 289. A.S. hoi, a hole; Ger. hohl. Holy, devoted to sacred purposes, P. 17, 479, K. 1355. A.S. ha/i(/, Ger. heilig. Home, Hoom, home, hooni-cominrj = return home, K. 26 ; homward, towards home, K. 1881. A.S. ham, Ger. heim. Hond (s. and pi ), a hand, hands, P. 108, K. 1245. A.S. hand. Honest, honorable, P. 246. Lat. honesVis. Honestly, honorably, suitably to one's station, K. 586. Honge (n), (pr. henrj), to hang, P. G76, K. 638. Honte (r), a hunter, K. 780, 820. A S. hunta, from hentan, to seize. Honte (n), to hunt, K. 782. A.S. huiitian. Honting, hunting, on hontinq = a- hunting, K. 829; cf. a-fishing. See note. * Hcod, hat, hood, P. 195, 612. A.S. hod, from hjjd, a skin, a hide ; alluding to the original material. Ger. hut. Hool (e), whole, P. 533. A.S. hal, sound ; cf irholcsome. Hoom, home, P. 400, hoom-coming, return home, K. 26. Hoomly, plainly, hovielike, in a manner suited to home, P. 328. Hoost, a landlord, host, P. 747, 751. Lat. hospes, one who treats another as a guest ; Pr. hofe. Hoot (e), Hote, hot, P. 687, 394. A.S. hat, Ger. heiss. Hoote, hotly, passionately, in- tensely, P. 97, K. 879. Hoppesteres, schippes hoppesterea, hostile or opposing sliiiDS, K. 1159. See note. Horn, a horn, a wind instrument, P. 116, K.820 ; a drinking horn, K. 1421. A.S. horn, Lat. cornn. Hors (s. and pi.), a horse, horses, 1\74 (pl.)P. 598, K. 1634. A.S. hors for hros, Ger. ross, O.N. hross. Hose (pi. hosen), stockings, P. 456. A.S. hose, originally denoting covering for the legs; Dutch, hose = boots. Host, an army, K. 16. Lat. hosfis, an enemy. " The term hostis, which primarily signified the enemy against whom the expe- dition was to be made, was com- pendiously used for the military service itself. . . . The expres- sion would easily pass from mil- itary service to the army on duty, and thence to any numer- ous asseml)lage." Wedgwood. Hosteller, an innkeeper, a hostler, P. 241. See Hoost, Fr. hofelier. Hostelrie, a hotel, an inn, P. 23, 722. Fr. hotel, Lat. hospitalis (hospes) ; cf. hospital. Hote, hot. See Hoote. 28o GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Hote, Hoote, to be called, K. 699. See Highte. Hounde, a dog, P. 146. A.S. hiDid, Ger. hu7id, Eng. hound. Houres, hours, P^416. Lat. /«ora. Hous, a house, a religious estab- lishment, a monastery, P. 252. A.S. hits, Ger. haus, Lat. casa. Housebond, a husband, P. 460. A.S. hus, and hnnda, one inhab- iting (buan, to dwell) with the idea of mastery ; hence a mar- ried man. See note. The word retains its original force in hus- bandman. Househaldere, a householder, freeholder, P. 339. How, literally, in what (way)? how that = how, P. 506, 642, K. 587. A form analogous to ivhi/. Howie, to wail, K. 1959. Ger. heiden, Lat. idulare ; cf. oivl. Humblesse, hmiiility, K. 923. Fr. humblesse, Lat. humilis, from hu- mus, the ground. Hunte (r), a hunter, P. 178, K. 1160, 1770. A.S. hunta. Hunteresse, a huntress, K. 1489. Hurte, to wound, K. 256, 258. A.S. hip-t, wounded; cf. hurl, hurtle. Hurtle, to push, to strike, K. 1758. Frequentative of hurt. Husst, hushed, K. 2123. An onomatopoetic word; cf. lust, ivhist. Hyde, to hide, K. 623. A.S. hjdan. Hye, haste ; in hye, in haste, has- tily, K. 2121. Hye, high, K. 39. Hye, to hie, to hasten, K. 1416. A.S. higan; cf. higen, diligent, from hgge, mind. The word would thus seem to denote : (1) mental activity; (2) physical activity ; cf. quick, blive {by-live). Hyhe, highly, on high, K. 1217. Hyndren, to hinder, keep back, K. 277. A.S. hindrinn, from hinder, back; Ger. hind em. Hyndreste, hinderraost, P. 622. Supl. of hind. Hyne, a servant, a hind, P. 608. A.S. hina (higna), a domestic. Hynge (pi. pr. o\i hongen),hung, P. 677. Hyre, wages, hire, P. 538. A.S. hyr, Ger. heuer. Probably allied to hijran, to obey, to hear. I. I, prefix, denotes the past parti- ciple. I-bete, beaten, hammered, K. 121. A.S. bcatan. I-bore, borne, P. 378. I-chaped, fitted with plates of metal, tipj)ed with metal, P. 366. I-clenched, strengthened by clinches, P. 1133. I-do (n), I-doo, done, ended, finislied, K. 1676. I-faUe, fallen, P. 25. I-fetered, fettered, K. 371. If, if; if that, if so be that, if, P. 144, 399, K. 257. A.S. gif, Goth, yabai. I-go (iij, I-goon, gone, P. 286. Now written, ago. I-knowe, known, completely known, P. 423. niche, Hike, alike. A.S. gelice. Hke, same, P. 64, 175. A.S. ylc. In, with reference to, according to, K. 2030. Inequal, unequal, Iv. 1413. Infinite, Infynyte, unnumbered, unmeasured ; hence tliat which cannot be numbered or meas- ured, K. 1969. Infortune, misfortune, malign fortune, K. 1163. Iniquite, injustice, wickedness, K. 82. Lat. iniquitas = inequity. Inne, an inn, K. 1578. A.S. inne. Inne (adv.), within, P. 41, K. 760. Inne,, to entertain at an inn; inned, lodged, K. 1334. Inough, enough, P. 373. Ger. gemig, Goth ganohs, from ganau- han, to suffice. I-pynched, plaited, P. 151. Fr. GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. 281 pincer, to pinch. It acquires the meaning to plait from the means employed ; cf. to jjitik. I-proved, proved, proven, P. 485. Ire, wrath, ire. Lat. ira. Iran, iron, K. 218, 1134. A.S. iren, iscn, from ar, ore, denoting also copper, Lat. aes, Ger. eisen : literally denoting ///e //, a knop, a button. Knotty, knotty, K. 1119. AS. cnott, from cnyttan, to knit, tie, knot. Knowe, pp. known, K. 345. Knyf, pi. l-nijfes, a knife, P. 233, K. 1141. A.S. cnif, Fr. canif; cf. nip. Knytte, to knit, K. 270. A.S. CHI/tan, to knit ; cf to knot, to net. Kouthe, known, P. 14. See Couthe. Kynde, nature, K. 543, 1593. See note. A.S. ci/nd, from cennan, to beget. Kynde, good-natured, kind, P. 647. Kyng, a king, K. 691. See note. A.S. cipiing, from cunnan, to know, to he able, cennan, to beget. Ger. kdniq. Kynled, kindled, "K. 1437; cf. accendere, allied to cennan. Kynrede, kindred, K. 428. A.S. ci/n-raeden, cyn, from cunnan, to know ; raeden, denotes state, &,c. ; cf. hatred. Kyte, a kyte, a bird of prey, K. 321. A.S. ct/ta, W. cud. Jjaas, a belt, P. 392. Fr. lacs, Lat. hiqneus. Lace, Las, a lace, net, snare, K. 959, 1093. Lat. laqueus, a snare ; hence: (1) a net, (2) what binds or fastens; (3) a fabric resembling a net ; cf. shoe-lace, lasso. Lacerte, a muscle, K. 1895. Lat. lacertiis, a lizard. Lad (p.p. ladde), led, brought, K. 688, 1762. Lady (e), (gen. ladii), lady, mis- tress, K. 431 ; lady's, P. 88. A.S. hlaef-dic/e, usually derived from hlaf, loaf, and iveardic/e, warden ; but this derivation seems doubt- ful. Lafte (pi. laffen, pr. of leve, p p. /a/0, left, ceased, P. 492, K. 34, (p.p.) K. 1158. A.S. laejan. Lakke, to lack, P. 756, K. 1422 ; cf. slack. Langage, language, fair langage, flattery, P. 211. Lappe, a lap, P. 686. A.S. lappa, a lap, border, hem, piece, — the original meaning is now ex- pressed hy flap ; cf. lapel, lapet, flmp, flahbip Large, freedom, at thi large = at large, free, K. 425, 434 ; at his • large, K. 469. Large, free, coarse, P. 734 ; cf. gross. largely, fully, easily, K. 1050, 1080 ; cf . Lat. large. Las. See Lace. Lasyng, lacing, fastening with laces, K. 1646. See Lace. Lat (imperative), let, P. 188; lat se, let us see, P. 831, K. 33 ; lai be, let it be, cease, P. 840. Late, lately, late ycome, lately ar- rived, P. 77 ; late ischave, lately shaven, P. 690. Latoun, a mixed metal resem- bling brass, P. 699. Pr. laiton Launde, a lawn, an open cleared space, K. 833 ; see note. W. Han, a clear spnce. Laurer, a laurel, K. 169. Fr. hairier, Lat. laurus. Lawe, a law, P. 577. From root /(/// ,• hence = what is laid down or fixed ; cf. Lat. lex (legs) Laxatif, a laxative, a purge, R. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 283 1898. Lat. Laxare ; cf. lack, slack. Lay, pr. of Lie, q.v. Laynere, a tliony, K. 164G. Fr. laniere ; cf. lantjard. Lazar, Lazer, a leper, P. 242, 245. A corruption of Lazarus. Leche-craft, medical skill, K. 1887. A.S. leche, a pliysician. Leeds, a caldron, P. 202. Irish, luclul, a kettle. Leef (pi. leeces, leves), a leaf, K. 980. Ger. lauh. Leef, dear, pleasant, K. 979. A.S. Itof, from lu/ian, to love ; Eng. lief, " Be him lotli or leef." Leen, Lene, to give, lend, K. 2224. A.S. lac.nan, Ger. leihen ; cf. loan. Leep (pr. oUeap), leaped, K. 1829. A.S. Ideapan, pr. hieop. Leesyng, loss, losing, K. 849. A.S. leosaii. Leet (pr. of let), let, P. 128, 175 (v. aux.) ; leet cn/e, caused to be cried, K. 1873 ; leet bnpige, caused to be brougiit, K 20ol ; leit comannde, commanded, K. 2007. A.S. laetan, pr. let, p.p. laeten. Leet, left, let be, P. 508. See note. Leeve, departure, K. 359; used only in " to take leave." A.S. leaf,lrfan, to permit, with faran, to go, miderstood. Leeve (def. of leef), dear, K. 278. Leeve, to believe, K. 2230. A.S. (jfledfan ; Ger. (jlauben. Lef (imperative), leave, K. 756. Lene, to lend, P. 611. A.S. lae- nan, Ger. lehnen. Lene, lean, poor, P. 287, 591. A.S. hlaene, from hlinian, to bend, hence = too poor to stand erect. Lenger (e), longer, P. 330, 821. A.S. lang, comp. lengra, supl. leii(/est. Lepart, a leopard, K. 1328. Lerne (p.p. lernede), to learn, P. 308, 575. A.S. komian. Lese, to lose, K. 357. A.S. leosan, pr. leas, p.p. loren ; cf. forlorn, lorn. Lessoun, lesson, a passage of scripture read in divine service, P. 709. Pr. le(^on, Lat. lectio, from legeje. Leste, pleasure, delight, P. 132. A.JS. /y.s7, lust. Leste, Liste, Lust (e), (imper- sonal with ace), please, P. 583, 750, K. 493, 495 ; rue liste = it pleases me ; him luste = it pleased him ; us leste = it pleased us. A.S. lystan, to please, to be pleased. Lest (e), least, K. 263; contr. for littlest. Lesynges, lies, leasing, K. 1069. A.S. leasung, Goth, laus, empty, vain. Allied to less, loose, lose. Lete, Lette, to leave, K. 4(J5, see note ; Utten of refrain from, leave off. A.S. of-iaetan, K.459; cf. late Lette, to hinder, K. 31, 1034. This word antl the preceding are from the same root, — late; in one case the slow-moving body is left ; in the other it hinders one that would other- wise go faster. Letuaries, electuaries, P. 426 ; metiicines to be licked up. Leve, leave, permission, K. 206. Lever (comp. of lief ), rather, him ivas lever have, he would rather have, P. 293. Lewed, Lewd, unlearned, igno- rant, P. 502; see note. A.S. leode, people, Ger. leute ; cf. laitjj, lay. Leye (p. leijde, p.p. lei/d), to lay, P. 81 ; leye-to, take hold of, begin, P. 841. A.S. to-lecgan. Leyser, leisure, K. 330. Fr. loisir, Lat. licere. Licentiat, one licensed to hear confession and grant absolu- tion, P. 220. Lat. liceiitiatus. Liche-wake, the watch (ivake) held over a corps^e, K. 2100. A.S. lie, Ger. leich, a body. Licour, liquor, P. 3. Lat. liquor, lajuere, to flow. 284 GLOSSABIAL INDEX. Lie (pr. lay, p.p. lain), to lie, P. 20. A.S. liajan, pr. /ae^r, p.p. legen. See Ligge. Lif, Lyf, life, K. 1918. A.S. Uf, from libban, allied to lie, body. Ligge, to lie, K. 1347; Uogijnfj, lying, K. 153. A.S. licyan, lig- gan. Lighte, bright, pleasant, K. 925. A.S. liht, Ger. leicht, Lat. lux, lucere, to shine. Lik, like to, K. 443. From A.S. lie, a body. Like (impers.), to please, if you liketh = if it please you, P. 777 ; him likede = it pleased hini, K. 1234. Liknesse, similar circumstances (coll. noun), K. 1084. Lippe, lip, P. 133. A.S. lippa, Lat. labium; cf. lap, flap, — the loose part. Lipsede, hsped, P. 264. A.S. wlispian, to stammer; Ger. lis- peln. Liste. See Leste. Listes, Lystes, lists, a space en- closed for combats, P. 63, K. 1231, 1687 ; combats in the lists, K. 994. Lat. lieium, a rope Avhich marked the enclosure. Litarge, litharge, protoxide of lead, P. 629. Lite (1), little, P. 438 ; moche and lite = great and small ; i.e. high and low, P. 494. Lite (adv.), little while, K 476. Lith, lieth, lies, K. 360. Live (dat. of lif), on lijve, in life, alive, K. 1840. Lodemenage, pilotage, P. 403. A.S. laedan, to guide, and Fr. menage ; cf . loadstar, loadstone. Loken, to see, look, K. 925. A.S. tocian. Lokkes, locks of hair, curls, P. 81. A.S.///cca?j, to pluck, hence locc, a handful. * Lokyng, sight, K. 1313. Lend, land, P. 14. A.S. land.^ Longe (n), to long for, to desire, ■ P. 12. A.S. langian (from lang), to stretch the mind after. Longe (n), to belong, K. 1420; cf. Ger. belangen. Longe (adv.), for a long time, P. 286. Longes, the lungs, K. 1894. A.S. lunge. Loode, a load, K. 2060. A.S. Jiladan, to load. Loode-sterre, a loadstar, the north star, K. 1201. A.S. laedan, to lead ; steorra, from steoran, to steer. Lord, sir, lord, — a title of honor, P. 65. See note on P. 601. Lordschipe, the authority or rank of lord, K. 969. A.S. hlaford- scipe. Lordynges, lordlings, sirs, P. 761. Ing is the A.S. diminutive and patronymic termination. Lore, doctrine, learning, P. 527. A.S. lar. Los, loss, K. 1685. A.S. las. Losten (pi. pr. of leese), lost. Loth, disagreeable, unpleasant, P. 486, K. 979. A.S. lath; cf. loathe. Love, lover, K. 1448 : a common synecdoche. Love-daye, daj^s for arbitration, law-days, P. 258. Lovyere, lover, P. SO: y from i. A.S. lufian, to love. Lowde, " loudly, P. 714. A.S. hhi.de, Ger. laut. Lowe (adj. and adv.), low, K. 253 ; O.E. lowe, law, lagh, which con- nects with A.S. licgan, to lie; Ger. liege n. Luce, a pike, P. 350. Lust, pleasure, P. 192, K. 892. A.S. lust. Lust (e), pleased, pleaseth, may please, P. 102, K. 493, 495. Lusty, vigorous, handsome, pleas- ant, ardent, P. 80, K. 1253, 1258. Lustynesse, pleasure, what occa- sions pleasure, K. 1081. Lye, destruction, K. 2157. A.S. leg, laeg. Lye, to iie, P. 659. A.S. leogan, Goth, liugan, Ger. liigen. GLOSSAJRIAL INDEX. 28^ Lyf, Hfe, P. 71. A.S. lif, from A.S. libban, Ger. lebm. Lyfly, life-like, K. 1229 ; cf. lively, = quick ; i.e. living, Lymes, limbs, K. 1277. A.S. lim. Lymytour, a friar authorized to ask alms within certain limits, P. 209. Lynage, Lyne, lineage, line of descent, K. 252, 693. Fr. lig- nfuje, Lat. Unea, a line. Lynd, a linden-tree, bass wood, K. 2064. A.S. lind. Lystes, See Listes. Lyte, little, K. 335; not, K. 865; cf. Lat. minus, minime. A.S. hjt, lytel. Lyve. See Live. Lyvere, livery, P. 868. See note. Lyves, alive, living, K. 1537 ; a gen. used adverbially. M. Maad, Mad, p.p. made, P. 394, 608, K. 747, mahcd. Maat, dejected, K. 97. Pr. mat, Ger. matt, feeble ; cf. check- mate = ^hah mat; i.e. the king is dead. Mace, a club, K. 1266, 1701. Fr. masse. Mad, stricken out of one's senses, insane, K. 1484. A.S. ge-maed, troubled in mind ; cf mod, mind. Madame, madam, P. 121. Fr. from Lat. mea doinina. Maist, mayest, K. 385. Maister, Mayster (pi. viaystres), master, chief or head (of a re- ligious house), P. 261, 570. Lat. magister from magnus, as minis- ter from minus. Maister (adj.), principal, maister streete, the main street, K. 2044. Maistcw", mayest thou, K. 378. Maistrie, skill, superiority, mas- terij ; for the maistrie = above all others, P. 165. Make, a mate, K. 1698. A.S. 7naca, a mate, one of the same make; cf. match. Make, to write poetry, P. 325; cf . Gr. 'KOidv. Maked (p.p.), made, K. 1666. Maladye, malady, P. 419. Lat. male-aptus, ill-fitted. Male, a bag, portmanteau, P. 694. Fr. malle ; cf. ?yj.a//, Gael. mala, a bag. Manace, a menace, threat, K. 1145. Lat. minaciae. Manasyng, threatening, K. 1177. Mancioun, a mansion, K. 1116. Lat. mansio, trom manere; cf. manse. Maner (e), sort, kind, manner, P. 71, 140, 858, K. 1017 ; mauer wight = sort of person ; Fr. ma- niere, Lat. manus : literally, a handling, the way in which a matter is handled. Manhede, manhood, P. 756. Mankynd, mankind, the family [kin) of man, K. 449. A.S. man-cyn. Manly, vigorous, masculine, brave, P. 167, K. 129 ; man-like. Mantel, a mande, P. 878. A.S. mentel, Lat. mantehim. Literally a hand-cloth ; hence a garment covering the hands. Mantelet, a short mantle, K. 1305. Manye, mania, K. 517. Lat. mania. Many con, many a one, P. 317 ; many a, P. 168. See note. Marbel, marble, K. 1035. Fr. marlive, Lat. mannor. Marchaunt, a merchant, P. 270. Fr. marchant, Lat. mercari, to trade. Marche, March (the month), P. 2. From 3 furs. Mariage, marriage, P. 212. Fr. marier, Lat. mas, a male. Marschal, marshal, one whose duty it is to assign places ; marschal in an halle, marshal of the hall, P. 752. O.Ger. marah- scalc {= horse servant), master of the horse ; cf. mare. Martirdam, martyrdom, death by torture, K. 602. 286 GLOSSABIAL INDEX. Martyr, a martyr, P. 770. Liter- ally, a witness. Martyre, to torture, K. 704. Mary-bones, marrow-bones, P. 380. A S. nimrg. Matere, Mateere, matter, P. 727, Iv 401. Lat. materia. Matrimoyn, matrimony, K. 2237. Lat. inittrimoiu'um, mother-hood. Maugre, Mawgre, in spite of, K. 811, 749, 1760. Fr. 7nal gre, Lat. male gratnm. Maunciple, an officer Avho had the charge of purchasing vict- uals for an Inn of Court, P. 544. Lat. manceps, the superintend- ent of a bake-house, — a baker. May, can, to be able, P. 230, K. 415, 966. A.S. magan, to be able ; cf . viight, mighty ; also Lat. mag lilts. Mayde, maid, P. 69 ; see note. A.S. maegdh, Ger. magd, Goth. mar/Its, a boy ; cf. Gael. mac. Maydenhode, maidenhood, K. 1471. Mayne, servants, K. 400. O.Fr. mesiie'p, Lat. minores natii. Maynteyne, to persist in, main- tain, K. 920. Fr. inaintenir, Lat. maan-tenere. Mede, a meadow, mead, P. 89. A.S. maed, originally wet land, that being especially adapted to grass ; cf. mud, Lat. madeo. Medle, motley, a mixed color, P. 328. O.Fr. medler, Fr. ?neler, to mix ; cf. meddle. Meede, reward, meed, P. 770. A.S. med, hire, Ger. miethe. Mete (adv ), becomingly, suit- ably, K. 1433. A.S. gemet; cf. convenient. Make, meek, P. 69. Goth. muTcs, mild, soft. Mellere, a miller, P. 542 ; cf. vieaJ. Memory e, honor, honorable men- tion, K. 1048 Lat. memorare, to make honorable mention ; cf. commemorate. Men, (me, P. 149, 232, K. 558. An indefinite pronoun ; cf. Ger. man, Fr. vn. Mencioun, mention^ K. 1077. Fr, mention, Lat. mentio, mens. Mene (pr. mente), to intend, wish, say, mean, P. 793, K. 815. A.S. maeuan, to tell, to have in mind ; cf. Lat. mens. Mereenarie, a hireling, P. 514. Lat. merces, wages. Mercy, pity, K. 60. Fr. merci, Lat. misericordia. Mere, a mare, P. 541. A.S. maere. Merie, Mery (e), Murye, mirth- ful, joyful, P. 208, 757, K. 641. A.S. mgrig, from mi/r/Uh. Meriely, pleasantly, mirthfully, P. 714. Meschaunce, misfortune, mis- chance, K. 1151. Mescheef, Meschief, misfortune, P. 493, K. 468. Fr. meschef, minns-chef, what turns out ill. Mester, a trade, occupation, P. 613, see note ; lience also kind : mester men, sort of men, K. 852. Mesurable, moderate, P. 435. Fr. mesure, Lat. metiri. Mete, food, P. 127, 136. A.S. mete, food, Goth. mats. Mete, fit, K. 773. A.S. gemet, metan, to meet; cf. convenient^ from con-venire ; also "help meei; for him." Mete, to meet, K. 666. A.S. metan, to meet, mot, an assem- bly. Meth, mead, a drink made of honey, K. 1421. A.S. medu, Goth, militli, honey. Mewe, a coop, an enclosure, P. 349. Litei^ally a cage for hawks while mewing or moulting ( Lat. mutare), hence, as a verb, to mew = to confine. Might, power, victory, K. 998. A.S. magan, to be able. Might (pr. of may), could, was able, P. 632. Mighty, strong, large, P. 108, K. 565. A.S. mihtig, Ger. vuichtig. Miracle, a wonder, Avonderful deed, K. 930. Lat. miraculuin, from inirari, to wonder at. Mirthe, Myrthe, amusement^ GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. 287 pleasure, P. 766 ; a mirfhe, a game, P. 707. A.S. mijrth. Misbede (p.p. misboden), to mal- treat, insult, K. 51. A.S. mis- heodan. Mo (o), more, P. 101, 544. A.S. ma ; cf. Lat. ma-gnus, ma-jor. Moche, much, P. 211 ; Jul moche, very much, P. 132. A.S. inycel. Mochel, greatly, much, P. 258, K. 1992. A.S. mijcel, Scotch, miclde. Moevere, a mover, cause, K. 2129. Lat. viovere. Mone, moon, P. 403. A.S. mona, Ger. mond, Goth, mena, Gr. Moneth (pi. monthcs), a month, P. 92, 704. The space of time measured by a revolution of the moon. A.S. nionath, Ger. moiiaf, Fr. mois. Moneye, money, P. 703. See note. Monk, a monk, P. 165 ; literally one who dwells alone. Lat. monachus. Mood, anger, K. 902. A.S. 7nod, mind, passion ; cf. Gr. dvfiog, also moody. Moone, moan, lamentation, K. 508. A.S. maenan. Moot (pi. mote, pr. moste, muste), may, must, ought, P. 232, 732, 735, 742. A.S. pres. sing. 1, 3, mot ; 2, most: pi. moton, pr. mosfe. Moral, correct in manner, P. 307. Lat. mos. More, greater (in rank), Jesse and more, high and low, K. 898. See note. More, delay, K. 1945. Scotch, ivith ontijn mar, Bruce iii. 793. Mormal, a cancer, P. 386. Fr. mort-mal. Morne-milk, morning milk, P. 358. Morsel, a bit, P. 128. Lat. morsus, from mordf-re, to bite ; cf. bit. Mortal, deadlv, fatal, occasioning great loss of life, P. 61, K. 732; cf. mortal enemy. Lat. mortalis, 7nors. Morthre, murder, K. 398. A.S. morther, morth, death ; cf. Lat. mors. Mortreux, a kind of broth or soup, mortrewes, P. 384. So named from a mortar in which the ingredients were brayed. Morwe, morrow, morning, P. 334. A.S. liiort/en ; cf. f/ood morrow. Morwenynge, morning, K. 204 ; lengthened form oi morwe. Mosel, a muzzle, K. 1293. Fr. maseaa. Most (e), greatest, K. 37, 1340; a leader, P. 561. A.S. maest. Mot (e). See Moot. Motteleye, motley, stuff of mixed colors, P. 271 ; see medle', W. mnd-liw. Mountaunce, amount, K. 712. Fr. monte.r, to go up ; Lat. mons, a mountain. Mowe, can. be able, K. 2141. A.S. magan. Mows, a mouse, K. 403. A.S. mus, pi. mys, Lat. mns, Ger. mans, Gr. ,ui»f. Murmiire, murmuring, K. 1601. A representation of an indis- tinct sound ; cf. Gr. iSdpjSapog. Murtheryng, murdering, K. 1143. A.S. morth, Lat. mors. Murye, merry, K. 528. A.S. mi/rig. Myie, a mile, K. 646. A.S. mil, Lat. mil/e, a tliousand (paces). Myn (gen. of /), of me, P. 782, K. 423. Mynde, mind, remembrance, K. 544, 1048; cf. remind. A.S. mijnan, to remember. Mynour, a miner, K. 1607. Gael. mrinn, ore, a mine. Mynstralcye, minstrelsy, K. 1339. O.Fr. menestrel, a workman; Lat. minist'-riian, service. Myre, mire, land so wet as to be impassable, P. 508 ; cf. moor, morass. Ger. moor, A.S. mere, a pool, lake. Myrour, a mirror, K. 541. Fr. miroir, Lat. viirari, to view, to admire. 288 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Myscarie, to misbehave, do amiss, P. 513 ; mis, negative, carry, to demean one's self ; cf . deport- ment. Myselven, myself, for myself, P. 803. Properly used only in the oblique cases. Myshappe, to go ill with, to mis- hap, K. 788. Prom mis and Jut p. Myster, mode of life, occupation (need), K. 482. O.Fr. mestier, from Lat. ministerium; Fr. metier. Myte, a mite, K. 700. A.S. mite, any thing small ; cf . mote. N. Nacioun, a nation, P. 53. Lat. natio, from nasci, to be born ; cf. A.S. ki)i, , from, cennan, to beget. Naker, a kettle-drum, K. 1653. Nam = ne am, am not, K. 2G4. Namely, Namelyche, especially, above all, K. 410, 817, 1851, 2186. A.S. nemlic. Narwe, narrow, close-shut, P. 625. A.S. nearwa, from neah, near. Nas = ne was, "was not, P. 251, 550 ; nas not, was not, P. 428. Nat, not, P. 177, 366. A.S. na- iviht, nat. Nath = ne hath, hath not, K. 65. Natheles, nevertheless, none the less, P. 35, K. 974. A.S. na- the-less ; cf. Lat. nihilomimis. Ne, not, P. 70; nor, P. 179; ne . . . ne, neither . . . nor ; ne . . . hut, only, P. 120. Neede, needful, P. 304. A.S. neade, Ger. noth. Needes, Nedes, of necessity, needs, K. oil, 2170. A.S. neades, gen. of 7iead. Needes-cost, necessarily, K. 619. See note. Needeth (impers.), needs; ivhat needeth, what is the need of, P. 849. A.S. neadian, to compel: ne-ead, not-happiness. Neer, near, K. 581 ; nearer, fer ne neer, more or less, K. 992. Neat, cattle, P. 597- A.S. nyt, neat, a beast ; by way of emi- nence, cattle ; cf. neat leather. Neigh, Neyh, nigh, wel ney'h, nearly, K. 472 ; as neigh as, as close as, P. 588. A.S. neah. Neighebour, a neighbor, P. 535. A.S. neahgebur, near-dweller. Nekke, neck, P. 238, K. 360. A.S. hnecca. Ner, Nerre, Neer, nearer, P. 838, K. 110, 992 ; comp. of near. Nercotykes, narcotics, K. 614. Nere = ne ivere, were not, K. 17. Newe, recently, newly, P. 365, 428. A.S. niive, Ger. neu, Lat. novus, Pr. neuf, Gr. veog. Nexte, nearest, K. 555. Supl. of near; A.S. neah; supl. nyhst, next. Night, a night, nights, P. 23. A.S. niht, Goth, nahts, Ger. nacht, Lat. nox, Gr. vv^, W. nos. Nightertale, night-time, P. 97. A.S. niht and tal, a reckon- ing. Noble, well-known, famous, illus- trious, splendid, P. 60, 496, 708, K. 1027. Lat. nohilis (for gno- hilis), that which is well known ; lience (1) conspicuous or illus- trious; (2) possessed of quali- ties calculated to render one illustrious. Noght, not, P. 253, 648. A.S. ne-aht. Nolde = ne wolde, would not, P. 650, K. 45. Nombre, number, P. 716. Fr. nombre, Lat. numerus. Nomoo, no more, P. 101. A.S. ma. Ndn, Noon, no one; (pi.) no, none, P. 178, 210, 594, K. 1038. Nones, for the nones, for the occa- sion, P. 379. See note, P. 523. Nonne, a nun, P. 118. Lat. non- nus, nonna, a monk, a nun. Literally, grandfather, grand- motlier : cf. j^^pe ; i.e., papa, father. Noot, Not = ne wot, know not, P. 284, K. 181, 482. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 289 Noote, a note, P. 235. Lat. notns {gnotus). a mark by wliich any thing may be known. Norisching, Norisschynge, nur- ture, P. 437, K. 21^'J. Pr. nourrir ; cf. nurse. Nose-thurles, nostrils, P. 557. See note. A.S. %/e/, a hole, from thfirUan, to pierce ; cf . thrill, triii, drill, throuf/h, thoi-oit(/h. Not = ne icot, knows not, K. 405. Not but, only, K. 1864; O.E. nobbut. Not heed, a head with close-cut hair, P. 109. Nother = ne other, neither, nor, K. 88, 513. Nothing (adv.), in no respect, K. G61. Nought, not, P. 74, 107. A.S. naht, ne-a-wiht. Nouthe, as nouthe, just now, at present, P. 462. Nyce, soft, foohsh, P. 398. See note. Fr. nice, or A.S. hnesc. Nys — ne . . . is, is not, there is no, K. 43. o. O, 00, one, P. 253, K. 354. Ab- breviated from one. Oath, Oth (e), an oath, P. 120, 810. A.S. ath from a {aye, ever) ; cf. ae, a law. Obedient, submissive to proper authority, willing, P. 851. Lat. obediens ( ob-audiens ) . Obeissaunce, obedience, K. 2116. Fr. oheissance , Lat. obedire. Observaunce, religious rites, K. 187, 1406. Lat. observantia. Of, concerning, in regard to, P. 177, 401 ; of is also the regular sign of the genitive case ; off, P. 782, K. 1818 ; out of, K. 1665 ; by, K. 2119. Ofifende, to injure, attack, K. 51, 1536. Lat. ojfendere. Offensioun, damage, K. 1558. OfiFertorie, a portion of scripture said or sung while the alms is being collected, P. 710. Oflace, a position involving duties, particularly of a public charac- ter, P. 292 ; fel in office, entered service, K. 560. L.a.t.officinm. Offryng, an offertory service, P. 450 ; alms, P. 489. Ofte sithe (s), oftentimes, P. 485, K. 1019. A.S. sith, time. Ofte tymes, many times, often- times, K. 454. Oghte, ought, P. 660. A.S.ar/an. Ok, Ook, an oak, K. 844, 1432. A.S. ac, wliich form is still pre- served in acorn = oak-corn. Old (e), old, P. 175. A.S. aid, Ger. alt, Goth, altheis, from alan, to nourish ; cf. Lat. alere. On, 00 (n), one, P. 148, et passim ; on and oon, one by one, each by itself, P. 679. A.S. an, Lat. iinus. On, against, P. 594. A.S. on, Lat. in. Ony, any, P. 552. AS. anig. Oones, once, at oones, at once, P. 765. A.S. anes. Oonly, only, K. 515, 731. A.S. anlic. Oype, opium, K. 614. Gr. bnog, juice of a plant. Opynyoun, opinion, doctrine, P. 337. Lat. opinio. Or, ere, P. 255, K. 771 ; or that, before that, P. 36 ; cf. Lat. antea, or ever, ere, ever, or . . . or, either . . . or, K. 627. Oratorye, a place for prayer, a small chapel, K. 1047. Lat. oratorium. Ordeyne, to ordain, K. 1695. Ordres (sing, order), orders, P. 210. Fr. ordre, Lat. ordo. Ordynaunce, a public order, K. 1709. Orisoun, a prayer, K. 1514. Fr. oraison, Lat. orafio. Oth, an oath, P. 810. A.S. ath. Other, either, K. 735 ; other . . . or, either ... or. A.S.oththe. Othre (pi. of other), othre thinr/es, other things, P. 759. A S. other, pi. othre. Ought, aught, P. 389. A.S. aht. 19 290 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. Ought (e) (pr. of oice), ought, P. 505. See note. Oure (gen. pi. of ive), of us, our, P. 695, 813, oure alther, of us all, P. 82a. Outhees, outcry, K, 1154. Mid. Lilt. Iiutesiuni, Fr. liuer, to shout. Outrage, excess, K. 1154. Lat. ultra . Outrydere, one who rides well up with the hounds in hunting, P. 166. Over, upj)er, ovet^ lippe, upper lip, P. 138. A.S. qfer. Overal, everywhere, P. 216, K. 349 ; above all, chiefly, P. 249 ; besides, K. 1992. Ger. uheral. Overeste (supl. of over), upper- most, P. 290. Over-ryden (p.p. ridden over), K. 1164. Overspradde (pr.), overspread, P. 678. A.S. spraedftn. Overthwart, across, K. 1133. A.S. t/iweor, crooked ; cf. queer, Ger. quer, athwart. Owen, Owne, own, P. 336, 804, K. 2219. A.S. a(7en,from agan, to possess. Owlier, any where, P. 653. A.S. ohivaer. Oxenford, Oxford, — the ford of the river Ouse, P. 285. See note. Oynement, ointment, P. 631. Lat. umjuenium. Oynouns, onions, P. 634. Fr. oignon, Lat. unio, A.S. yneleac. P. Paas, a footpace, P. 525 ; paces, steps, K. 1032 ; a paas, at a pace, hastily, apace, K 1359. Pace, to pass, P. 175, K. 2140 ; to Ijass on, proceed, P. 36, K. 744 ; to surpass, P. 574. Fr. passer. Paeient, a patient, P. 415, (adj.) patient, P. 484. Lat. patiens. Page, a servant, especially a youth, K. 569. Fr. J>age, Gr. TzaLdlov. Paire, a pair, a set, P. 473. Lat. par, equal, hence denoting any thing divided into equal parts. Pale, pallid, pale, P. 205. Lat. ]>allidus. Paleys, a palace, K. 1341. See note. Palfray, a saddle-horse, P. 207. Fr. pale/roi, Mid. Lat. veredus ; cf. Ger. pferd. Palmer, one who has made a pil- grimage to the Holy Land, and who wears a palm branch as a token, P. 13. Pan, the skull, the head, K. 307. A.S. panne, applied to the skull as holding the brain. Paradys, paradise, K. 379. Paramentz, ornamental furni- ture or clothing, K. 1643. Lat. parare ; cf. apparel. Paramour, gallantry, a lover, K. 1254, (adv.) with love, K. 297. Fr. par amour. Parchaunce, perhaps, P. 475 ; cf. par cas. Parde, an oath, P. 563, K. 454. Fr. par Dieii. Pardoner, a seller of indulgences, P. 669. Pardoun, a pardon, an indulgence, P. 687, — the Latin equivalent of forqiveness. Parfiight, perfect, P. 422. Fr. parfait, Lat. perfectus. Parischen, a parishioner, P, 482. Fr. paroissien. Parlement : ( 1 ) a meeting for con- sultation, K. 2113 ; (2) the de- crees of such a meeting, K. 448. Fr. parlement. Part. See Partye. Parte, a party, company, K. 1724. Fr. parti, Lat. pars. Partrich, a partridge, P. 349. Fr. perdrix. Party, partly, K. 195. Fr. en par- tie. Partye, Part, a party, K. 1588, 1799; part, K. 21-50. Parvys, a portico before a church, P. 310. See note. Passant, Passyng, surpassing, K. 1249, 2027. Fr. passant. GLOSS APdAL INDEX. 291 Passe, to surpass, P. 448, K. 2231. Patent, an open letter giving l)ublic notice ut some grant, as ofnobilitv, P. 315. 'La.t. patens. Paye, to pay, F. 539. Lat. pacare, to satisfy. Payen, pagan, K. 1512. Fr. paien, Lat. jMKjanus, a villager. Payne, torture, K 275. A.^.pin. Peire, Peyre, a pair, a set, P. 159. Lat. par, hence : (1) two tilings equal to each other ; (2) a num- ber of equal things. Ptijrt plutis, plates for breast and back, K. 12G3. Penaunce, penance, P. 223; Lat. poejuleiitia : pain, K. 457 ; Lat. poena; cf. Gr. (j)ov6^. Peples, people, K. 1055. Fr. peu- ple, Lat. jiupiihis. Perce, to pierce, P. 2. Fr. percer; cf. jjei'k, prick. Perfight, Perfyt, perfect, P. 72, 338. Fr. jxirfait, Lat. perfectus. Perles, pearls, K. 1303. A.S. jiearl. Perrye, jewelry, precious stones, K. 2078. Fr. perre, from pierre, a stone ; Lat. pffra. Pers, clotli of a bluish-gray color, P. 017. Persoun, a parson, P. 478 ; see note, P. 702. ■ Pertourben, to disturb, K. 48. Lat. pertnrbare. Peyne, pain, grief, K. 439. A.S. pin, Ger. pein, hat. poena. Peyne, to take pains, to endeavor, P. 139. Fr. peiner. Peynte, to paint, K. 1076. Fr. peine! re, Lat. pine/ere. Philosofre, a philosopher, an al- chemist, P. 297. Phisik, medicine, P. 433 Gr. (pvaiKog, natural, — a singular satire. Pighte, pitched, thrown head-first, K. 1831. Pitch and pick are different forms of the same "word. Pikepurs, a pick-pocket, K. 1140. Piled, stripped of hair, bald, P. 627 ; see piiHe. Fr. pele', a bald- head ; cf. piUarje. Piler, a pillar, K. 1135. A.S. pil, a stake, a pile, Lat. ^>//a. Pilgrimage, a journey to foreign lands, especially for religious purjioses, a pilgrimage, P. 13. Lat. pn-'f/ritnis, Fr. jieierinar/e. Pilour, a plunderer, a pillager, K. 149. Fr. piller, to rob. Pilwe-beer, a pillow-case, P. 694. Low Ger. heere, a pillow-case. Pine, to pine away ; forpjjned, pined away, P. 205. A.S. pin, pain. Pitanee, an allowance of appetiz- ing food, to be eaten with bread, hence a small portion, P. 224. Fr. pitanee. Pite (e), pity, K. 62, 893. O.Fr. ])ile', Lat. pietas. Pitous, compassionate, piteous, pious, K. 1437. Pitously, piteously, piously. Place, residence, P. 007 ; an open field, K. 1541. Fr. place, Ger. platz. Plat, plain, K. 987. Fr. plat, Ger. platt. Playen. See Pleye. Playn, clear, plain, P. 790. Lat. j>l(inus, level. Playnen, to complain, K. 303. Fr. plaindre, Lat. planc/ej'e. Plentyvous, plentiful, P. 314. Plesant, Plesaunt, pleasant, P. 138. Fr plaisant, pleasing. Plesaunce, pleasure. K. 713. Plese, to please, P. 010. Fr. plaire, Lat. placere. Pley (e), play, pleasure, K. 267. A.S. pler/a. Pleye (nj, Playen, to play, to make sport, P. 236, 257. A.S. plir/i(in. Pleyn, full, plenary, P. 315. Lat. plfnit.'i. Pleyn (adv.), plainly, P. 727. Lat. plane. Pleyne, to plead, P. 327 ; to com- plain, K. 462. Fr. plaindre, to complain. Pleynly, fully, K. 875. Lat. ple- nnin. Pleyynge, amusement, out-door exercise, K. 203. 292 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Pocok, peacock, P. 104. A.S. pawa, Ger. pfau, Lat. pavo. Point, gist of the matter, P. 790. Lat. punctum, a prick : lience (1) that which pricks; (2) the mark made by a sharp instru- ment ; (3) any small space or time; (4) the poiiit towards which discourse aims. PoUax, an axe fitted to a handle, K. 1687. A.S. pol, a handle, "an axe for knocking one on the poll or head.'' Wedgwood. Pomel, top of the head, K. 1831, O.Fr. pommel, Lat. pomum, an apple ; hence any thing shaped like an apple. Pomely, dappled, pomeh/ gray, dappled gray, P. 616. Fr. pom- mt, an apple ; spotted like an apple. Pompe, reverential manner, P. 525. Gr. Tco/xnTj, a solemn pro- cession, hence a stately man- ner. PoraiUe, the poor, P. 247. Fr. Pore, poor. Ft. pauvre, Lat. paii- pe7\ Port, demeanor, carriage, P. 69, 138. Fr. />y/to', Lat. portare; cf. deportment. Portraiture, a painting, pictures, K. 1110 Yr. pourtraire. Portraying, painting, K. 1080. Portreyour, a painter, K. 1041. Fr. portraire ; cf portrait. Pose, to suppose*, to put a case, K. 304. Fr. appospr. Post, a support, a pillar, P. 214 ; see note. Lat. positns. Pouche, a pocket, P. 368. See note. Poudre-marchant, a sharp sea- soning powder, P. 381. Poure, poor, P. 225. Fr. pauvre, Lat. pauper. Povrely, humbly, like a poor man, K. 696. Power, ability, authority ; po7ver of, authority to grant, P. 218. Fr. pouroir. Powre, to pore, P. 185; allied to bore. Poynaunt, pungent, highly sea- soned, P. 352. Fr. poignant, Lat. puugens. Poynt, the smallest particle, K. 1908; the gist of a matter un- der discussion, K. 2113. See Point. Practisour, a practitioner, P. 422. Praye, to pray, P. 743 ; to pray for, K. 404. Fr. prier, Lat. precari. Preclie, to preach, P. 481. Fr. precher, Lat. predicare. Preest, a priest, P. 164, an abbre- viation of presbyter. Prelat, a prelate, a superior clergy- man, P. 204. Fr. prelat, Lat. preferre. Prescience, foreknowledge, K. 455. Lat. pre-scientia. Prese, to press, K. 1672, Lat. preuiere, ])ressum. Preve, to prove, P. 547. Lat. probare. Preye, to pray, K. 625, See Praye. Preyeres, prayers, P. 231. Fr. prier, Lat. precari. Pricasour, a hard rider, P. 189 ; literally, a spurrer. Prike, to incite, P. 11, K. 185; to ride horseback, K. 1820. A.S. prircian, to prick, to spur. Prikke, a stab, a prick, K. 1748. Prikyng, riding horseback, P. 191. Prick, a spur. Prime, six o'clock, a. m., the first quarter of the artificial day, K. 1331. Li\t. prima hora. Prioresse, the Lady Superior of a convent, P. 118. Lat. prior. Pris, Prys, praise, prize, honor, P. 67, 237 ; price, P. 815 ; prize (in arms), victory, K. 1383; Ger. preisen, to esteem. Lat. pretium ; cf praise, prize, price. Prisoun, confinement, imprison- ment, K. 165, 237, 438. Fr. prison, Lat. prcheusio. Prively, privately, P. 609 ; secret- ly, P. 652. Lat. pririis. Processe, progress, K. 2109. Lat. processus. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 293 Properly, accovfling to the pecu- liarities of each, P. 729. Lat. proprie. Propre, pecuHar one'vS own; propre (juod, private property, P. 5^1. See note. Proude, valiant, K. 1740. A.S. ])riU: (1) vigorous, handsome; (2) feeling begotten by the con- sciousness of possessing such qualities. Prys, prize, P. 67, 815. See Pris. Pryve, secret, K. 1602. Lat. privns. Pryvyte, secret purpose, privity, K. 5o3. Lat. privatus. Pulle, to pluck, to pulle a finch, to phick a finch, to clieat a green- horn, P. 652 ; pulled, plucked, plundered, and so poor, a pulled hen, a worthless hen, P. 177. Fr. piller, to rob; cf. peeled. Pultrie, poultry, P. 598. Fr. ponle, Lat. pulhis. Punyssched, punished, P. 657. Lat. })iuiitKS. Purchas, receipts from alms, P. 256 ; any thing acquired by effort. Fr. poar-chasser, to hunt after. Purchasyng, prosecution, P. 320. See supra. Pure, mere, very, the pure fettres, the very fetters, K. 421. Purfiled, ornamented, embroid- ered, P. 193. Fr. pourfiler, to work on the edge, to ornament with gold thread ; cf. profile, to p}ni. Purs, purse, P. 656. Lat. bursa, a hide ; cf. bursar, a treasurer, bourse. Purtray, to draw, to portray, P. 96. Fr. portraire. Purveaunce, Purveauns, prov- idence, plan, foresight, K. 394, 807, 2153. Lat. providentia. Pye, a pie, P. 384, an abbrevia- tion of ^jcs/^ (pastry). Fr. paste, pate. Pynche at, to find fault with, to be captious, P. 326. Fr. pincer ; cf. " to snap up one." Pynche (p.p. i-pynched), to plait, P. 151. See I-pynched. Pyne, sorrow, pain, K. 466. A.S. l>in, Ger. pciii. Pyne, to torment, to pain, K. 888. A.S. pinan, Ger. peinigen. Pynne, a pin, P. 233. A.S. pinn, W. pin, Gael. ]nnne, a pin, — the radical idea is that of point. Pynoun, a flag, streamer, pennon, K. 120. Fr. pennon. Q. Qualme, sickness, K. 1156. A.S. cwealm, pestilence, death ; Ger. rpud. Queen, Quen, a queen, K. 10, 24. A.S. cAcen, Gotli. qens, a woman, — literally a mother ; A.S. cennan, to bring forth; cf. queem. Queynte (pr. oi quench, p.p. queijnt), quenched, K. 1453, 1476. A.S. cicencan. Queynte, quaint, odd, K. 673 ; strange, wonderful, K. 1475. Fr. coint, Lat. corjnitus. Quicksilver, mercmy, P. 629 ; live-silver. Quod, quoth, said, P. 658, K. 49, 376. A.S. cwedhan. Quok, Quook (pr. of quale), quaked, trembled, K. 718, 904. A.S. cwacian, Ger. quackeln ; cf. quaq-xmre, icaq, uyvifjle. Quyk, lively, quick.P. 306. A.S. ctrlc, Goi\\.ka-ius; cf. Lat. y/yus. Quyke, alive, K. 157. Quyke, to revive, K. 1477. A.S. cwiccian. Quyte, to requite, pay, P. 770; set free, K. 174. Fr. quitter, Lat. quietare ; cf. quit, acquit, requite. Quytly, freely, quite, at Uberty, K. 934. R. Bad (p.p. of rede), read, K. 1737. A.S. raedan. Kafter, a rafter, K. 132. A.S. raefier, from hrae/nian, to sup- 294 OLOSSARIAL INDEX. port, — hence the support of a roof. Rage, a raging (wind), K. 1127, Fr. rac/e, Lat. rabies; Chaucer also uses ragerie, wantonness. Rage, to play, to sport vigorously, P. 257. To act aimlessly as in play. Ransake, to search thoroughly, Iv, 147. Icel. ransaka, to ex- plore. The word did not imply a disorderly search. Rasour, a razor, K. 1559. Fr. rasoir, Lat. radere, to scrape. Rather, sooner, more willingly, P.487, K. 295. A.S. hmthe, oi one's own accord ; comp. of rath, soon. Raughte (pr. of reche), reached, P. 136, K. 2057. A.S. raecan, pr. raehte. Rauneeoun, Raunsoun, a ran- som, K. 106, 318, 347. Fr. ran- gon, Lat. redempflo. Real, Rial, Ryal, royal, regal, K. 160, 639. Fr. real, Lat. regalis; cf. Hind, rajah, a prince. Really, RyaUy, RyaUyche, roy- ally, regally, P. 378, K. 829. Rebel, a rebel, rebellious, P. 833, K. 2188. Lat. re-bellum, Rebellyng, rebelhon, K. 1601. Reeche, Rekke (pr. roghfe, ronghte, to care for, to reck, to heed, K. 540, 1387. A.S. reccan ; cf. reckless. Reccheles, reckless, P. 179. A.S. recceleas. Reconforte, to recomfort, to com- fort, K. 1994. Lat. fortis. Reeorde, to remember, remind, P. 829. Lat. recordari. Red, an adviser, counsel, P. 665. A.S. raedan, to explain. Rede, Reed (e), red, P. 90, 153, K. 889. A.S. read, Goth, rauds, Ger. roth ; cf. ruddij. Rede, to advise, K. 2210, 2213. A.S. raedan. Rede, to read, P. 709. A.S. raedan, Ger. redcn. Redoutyng, reverence, K. 1192, Fr. redouter, to fear. Redy, ready, P. 21, 352. A.S. raed, Ger. hereit. Allied to ridan, to set out. Reed, Rede, resource, plan, K, 358. Reeve, an overseer, a steward, P. 542, 599. A.S. gerefa, Ger. graf; cf. sheriff, i.e., shire-reeve. Refuge: (1) a place of refuge; (2) protection, Iv. 862. Lat. re- fngere. Refreische, to refresh, K. 1764. See Fresshe. Registre, a record, a register. Fr. as from Lat. re-gesta. Reyne, a kingdom, K. 8 ; by me- toiiomg, a king, K. 766. Fr. regne, Lat. regnum. Reherce, to rehearse, P. 732. Fr. rehercer, herse = a harrow ; lit- erally to go over tlie ground again with a harrow ; cf. col- loquial use of "to rake up old stories." Rehersyng, a rehearsal, K. 792. Reken, Rekne, to calculate, to reckon, P. 401 ; to recount, mention, K. 1075. A.S. recaw, to tell, Ger. rechnen. Rekenynge, account, P. 600. Reliques, relics, P. 701. Lat. reliquiae; literally, things left; cf. relict, a widow. Remedye, remedy, P. 475. Lat. remedium, re-niederi, to heal again. Remenaunt, a remnant, P. 724. Fr. remanant, Lat. remanere. Rendyng, tearing, K. 1976. A.S. rendan ; cf. rent, a tear. Renges, ranks, rows, K. 1736. Fr. renge. Probably allied to A.S. raecan, to reach, to stretch to, — the idea being that of a line; cf. raiige of a gun. Renne (pr. ran, ron, pi. ronne, p p. ironne {n), ronne {n), to run, K. 903, 1777. A.S. yrnan, pr. am, p.p. nrnen ; Ger. rennen ; cf, errand, rennet (vulgo, runnet). Rennyng, running, at a renngng, on a run, P. 551. Renoun, renown, wide-spread GLOSSARTAL INDEX. ^9S knowledge of one, P. 316. Fr. renoin, Lat. re-no men. Rente, regular income, revenue, P. 256, 579. Fr. rente, from rendre, Lat. reddere ; el*, render, r( turns from an investment. Rente (pr. of rende), threw down, K. 132. A.S. rendan. Repentaunce, penitence, K. 918. Lat. re-penitentia. R ;pentaunt, penitent, P. 228. Repplicacioun, reply, rejoinder, K. 'J6S. Lat. replicatio, literally a folding back. EepDrtour, a reporter, P. 814. Lat. re-port(tre, to bring back; cf. colporteur. Rescous, rescue, K. 1785. O.Fr. reAcoiis, Lat. re-excufere, to fetch a thing out of pawn. Res3, to shake, K. 1128. A.S. hrrosan, to shake, fall. Rssons, sayings, opinions, P. 274. Fr. raison, Lat. ratio. Resoun, reflection, reason, K. 908 ; reasonable, P. 847. Resowne, to resound, K. 420. Lat. risonnre. Respite, delay, consideration, Iv. 9). O.Fr. respit, Lat. respectus. Retenue, knights of, retainers, K. 1644. Fr. retinue, Lat. retinere. Rette, to impute, P. 726. See Aretted. Reule, a ride, P. 173. A.S. rcgol, Fr. regie, Lat. regulci, from regere, to direct. Reule, Rewle, to rule, P. 816, K. 814. Lat. regere. Reuthe, pity, K. 1533; cf. ruth- less. A.S. hreowinn, to be sorry for. Revel, a noisy gathering or feast, K. 1859. O.Fr. revel, Lat. rabu- Jnre ; cf. rabble. Reverence, respect, P. 141 ; in reverence, modestly, P. 805. Lat. reverentia. Rewe, a row, K. 2003. A.S. Taenia, Ger. reihe. Rewe (n), to be sorry for, to pity, K. 1005, 1375. A.S. hreowian, Ger. rcuen, Eng. rue. R3wfuUeste, sadde!ser. Tresse, a tress, K. 191. Fr. tresse. Literally, a braid of three strands. Trete, a treaty, K. 430. Fr. traits, Lat. tracfatus. Tretys, slender, w^ell-propor- tioned, P. 152. Trewe, trusty, P. 531. A.S. treowa, trust, Goth, triggws, true. Trewely, truly, simply, P. 481. Trompe, a trumpet, P. 674, K, 1316. Fr. trompe, O.H.G. trumba, a drum ; cf . trondione. Tronehoun, a staff, a spear han- die, K. 1751. Lat. truncus. Trone, a throne, K. 1671. Fr. troiie, Lat. tlironus. Trouthe, truth, P. 46, 763 ; troth, agreement, K. 752. A.S. treowth, that in wdiich one may trust ; A.S. treowian, to trust. Trowe, to believe, P. 155, 524, K. 662. A.S. treowian, to trust. Trussed up, tied up, P. 681. O.Fr. torser, Fr. trousser, Lat. torquere, to twist. Tukked, clothed, P. 621. A.S. tucian, to clothe, O.E. tuck, Ger. tuck, cloth. Tunge, a tongue, P. 265. See Tonge. Tuo, two, P. 639. A.S. tuoa, Ger. zwei, Lat. duo. Turneynge, a tournament, K. 1699 ; part, of tome. Twenty, twenty, P. 24. A S. twentig ; twen = twain ; tig, Lat. dec-em, Gr. df/ca, ten. Ten, O.S. tehan, Goth, iaihun = Lat. de- cern. Tweye, two, twain, P. 704, 792, K. 40, 270, 836. A.S. twegen, tiva ; ct. twin, to twin (separate), twine, twist,' twig, tway-h\side,twi- light, twelve, twenty. Twine (p.p. tivine), to twine, to spin, twined, K. 1172. A.S. twinan (from twa), to spin ; cf. twist (a cord). T Wynne, to separate, depart, P. 835. From two. OLOSSAPdAL INDEX. 307 Tyme, the proper time, K. 974. A.S. tima, time; yetimian, to happen. Typet, a hood, cowl (used as a pocket), tippet, P. 233 ; dim. of tape, a baml. Tythes, tenths, tithes, P. 486. A.S. teotha, from tijn, ten. u. Unces, small portions, P. 677 ; literally ounces, Lat. uncia, a twelfth part of a lb. = an ounce; of a foot = an inch. Uncouth, Uncowth, rare, un- known, K. IGo'J. A.S. uncut/i, from cunnan, to know. Undergrowe, undergrown, P. 156. Understonde, to understand, to venture, P. 746. A.S. under- standan, Ger. unterstehen. Undertake, to affirm, P. 288; lit- erally to take upon one's self; of. undertaking . Unknowe (p.p), unknown, P. 126, K. 548. Unkonnyng, ignorant, inex- perienced, K. 1535; cunnin;/ == knowing. A.S. cnnnan, to know. Unset, not previously agreed upon, K. 666. Unto, till, until, K. 286. Goth. xinte. Untresse d, unfastened, unbraided, K. 1431, See Tresse. Untrewe, untruly, P. 735. Unwist, unknown, K. 2119. A.S. icita n . Unyolden (p-p), imyielded, un- conquered, K. 1784. A.S. (/ijl- dan, to pay. Up, upon, K. 849. Up-haf (pr. of up-heve), raised up, K. 1570. A.S. hebban. Upright, lying upon the back, K. 1150. A.S. np-areht, erect. Upriste, uprising, K. 193. Up-so-doun, upsidedown, K. 519. iSo is the old relative sim^ cor- rupted into side by a false ety- mology. Upsterte, started up, arose, K. 441 ; cf. noun, upstart. Up-yaf (pr. of np-(jive), gave up, sent up, K. 1569. Usage, experience, K. 1590, Lat. vsus. utterly, wholly, K. 296, 705. A.S. utor, comp. of ut. Prom the idea of remoteness or extremity readily passing to the idea of completion. V. Vasselage, service as a vassal, valor, K. 2196 ; from W. gwas, a youth, arose the Mid. Lat. vassus, a retainer, a vassal. Vavasour, one next in dignity to a baron, P. 360. Allied to vas- sal, valet. Veil, a vail, P. 695 ; strictly the sail of a ship. Lat. velum {vehu- lum), from vchere, to carry. Venerye, hunting, the chase, P. 166, K. 1450. Lat. venari ; cf. t"e;»'sort = game taken in hunt- ing ; so used in Gen. xxvii. 3. Ventusyng, cupping, K. 1889. Lat. ventus, the blood being ex- tracted by atmospheric press- ure. Venym, venom, poison, K. 1898. Lat. venenum, poison. Verdite, decision, verdict, P. 787. Lat. vere-dictum. Vernicle, a handkercliief having upon it a picture of Christ, P. 685. See note. Verraily, truly, P. 338. Fr. vrai, Lat. vet-e. Verray, true, very, P. 72, Fr. vrai, Lat, veruni. Vertu, ability, power, K. 578, 1391, 1891. Fr. verta, Lat. vir- tus, from vir, a man. Vertuovis, active, energetic, P. 251 ; upright, virtuous, P. 515. Lat. vir. Vese, a storm, a rush of wind, K. 1127. Vestimentz, garments, vestments, K. 2090. Goth, wasti, Lat. testis. 3o8 GLOSSABIAL INDEX. Veyn, vain, K. 236. Fr. vain, Lat. vanus, empty, Veyne, a vein, P. 3 ; vei/ne blood, blood of the veins, bleeding, K. 1889. Lat. vena. Viage, a voyage, a journey by sea or land, P. 77, 723. Lat. viaticum, passage money, Fr. voyage. Victorie, victory, K. lo8L Fr. victoire, Lat. vincere, to conquer. Vigiles, vigils, a religious service held in tlie evening, P. 377 ; see note. Literally, watchitu/s. Vileinye, Vilonye, ungentleman- ly conduct, P. 70 ; see note ; low breeding, P. 726 ; depraved discourse, P. 740 ; to do vileinye, to cause disgrace, K. 84. Visage, countenance, that which is seen, P. 628. Lat. visas ; cf. Ger. gesicht. Visite, to go to see, to visit, P. 493, K. 336. Lat. videre, to see. VitaiHe, victuals, P. 248, 569, 749. Lat. victualis, from vivere, to live. Vouchesauf, to grant, vouchsafe, P. 807, 812. to vouch or guar- antee safety. Lat. vocare salvum. Voyde, to expel, evacuate, throw out, K. 1893. w. "Waar. See "War. "Wages, wages, promised reward, K. 945. A.S. ived, a pledge, Lat. vas, Mid. Lat. vadium, Fr. gage, gages, money paid to a person as a pledge for his ser- vices. "Waillyng, mourning, bewailing, K. 508. Icel. valla, to lament. "Wake-pleyes, funeral games, games played while watching the dead, K. 2102 ; wake = Avatch. A.S. tvacian. "Wal, a Avail, K. 132. A.S. weall, Lat. vallum. "Walet, a wallet, a knapsack, P. 681 ; cf Fr. mallette, dim. of vudle, bag. Walk, walking, K. 211. See note. Wan (pr. of wijnne), won, earned, P. 442 ; conquered, K. 131. Wan, pale, K. 1598. A.S. ivan, from ivanian, to wane, — the appearance of one in waning health. Wandryng, wandering, wanton- ness ; cf . Cant. T. 6237 ; sulfer- ing(?), P. 467. See note. Wane, to Avane, to decrease, K. 1220. A.S. Iranian, to diminish. Wanhope, despair, K. 391. Hope that has waned. Wantoun, free, unrestrained, P. 208. A. ^. ivan = un, itowen^=- educated, from teon, to train. Wantounesse, Avantonness, af- fected nicety that seeks to be different from others, P. 264. Wantyng, missing, lack, K. 1807. A.S. u-ana, deficiency. War, Waar, aAvare, P. 157 ; Avary, cautious, P. 309 ; / was waar, I Avas aware, I perceived, P. 157 ; he was war. Is.. 38. A.S. ivar ; cf Ger. wahren, to perceive. Ward, a suffix denoting situation, direction, P. 793 ; see note. A.S. weard, weardes ; cf. Lat. vert ere, to turn. >• Ware, to Avarn, to beAvare, P. 662. A.S. warian. Waste, Avasted, ruined, K. 473. A.S. iveste, Lat. vastus. Wastel-breed, fine Avhite bread, P. 147. A.S. loist, victual, O.Fr. gasteau, a cake. Wawes, waves, K. 1100. A.S. ivaeg, ivagian, to wave, ivag. Wayke, Aveak, K. 29. A.S. wac, from ivican, to give Avay, Ger. weichen. Waylle, to Avail, K. 73 ; to cry, wa-la, wo ! Waymentyng, A\'ailing, lamen- tation, K. 137, 1063. O.Fr. ivaimenter, to lament, cry, ivoe! Wayte, to Avatch for, look for, P. 525, K. 364; to attend to, P. 571. A.S. waeccan, Ger. zoachten. W^ebbe, a Aveaver, P. 362. A.S. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 309 wehha, a weaver, icefan, Ger. rceben, to weave ; cf. ivife. Wedde, a pledge, K. 350. A.S. iced, hence wedding, wedlock. Wedden, to wed, to marry, K. 10, 974, 2240. A.S. weddian, to covenant, to proniijfe. "Wede, clothing, K. 148 ; see note. A.S. waed. Weel, well, K. 68, 1265. A.S. ivael, icel. "Wei, full, very, K. 653 ; wel better, much better, K. 390 ; wel neyh, very nearly, K. 472. A.S. wel, Ger. rcold. "Welaway, alas ! K. 80. A.S. wa-la-wa, wo-oh-wo, sometimes spelled well-a-dcii). Welcome, a salutatory interjec- tion, P. 762, 854. A.S. wilcume, ivilcumian, to greet. Wele, weal, wealth, K. 37. A.S. wela, from well, Ger. wohl. Welle, a spring, a source, K. 1425. A.S. we(dl, from weallan, to boil, spring up. Wende (n) (pr. icente), to go, to wend (one's way), P. 16, 21, K. 1356, 1412. A.S. wendan, Ger. wenden. Wane (pr. icende), to ween, to vainly hope, K. 411 ; to sup- pose, think, K. 797. A.S. wenan, to hope, to think, Goth. icengan, Ger. icdhnen. Wenged, winged, K 527. Wepe (n), (pr. iceep, ivep, p.p. ivepen), to weep, to weep aloud, P. 144, 230, K. 1487. A.S. wepan, Goth, icopjan, to call, to cry, A.S. ivop, outcry; cf. whoop, war-ichoop, ichooping-counyv. Wepen (pi. wepne), a weapon, K. 733, 743. A.S. iraepen. Were, to protect, K. 1692. A.S. iverian, to defend ; cf . to wear. Were (pr. iverede), to wear, P. 75, 564. A.S. iverian. Werken, Wirche, to work, to act, P. 779, K. 1901. A.S. wifrcan, Ger. iverhen. Wern = weren, pi. of were, P. 591. Werre, war, P. 47, K. 429. Fr. guerre, A.S. ivaer, Du. werre. Werreye, to make war upon, K. 626, 686. O.Fr. werrier, from werre, guerre, war. Werse, worse, K. 366. A.S. ivi/rs, coinp. of weor, bad. Werte, a wart, P. 555. A.S. tceart, Ger. warze. Wessch (pr. of n-asache), washed, K. 1425. A.S. wascan, pr. irosc. Wette (pr. wette), to wet, wetted, P. 129. A.S. waet. Wex, wax, P. 675. A.S. weax. Wexe (pr. ice.re), to increase, to grow, K. 504. A.S. ivea.ran, pr. weoT, Ger. wachsen, Goth. ivahsjan. Wexyng, increasing, growing, K. 1220. Weye, a way, P. 34, 467, 771. A.S. weg, Goth, icigs, Lat. via. Weye, to consider, to weigh, K. 923. A.S. icegan, to move, to weigh ; figuratively, denoting mental action. Cf. po7ider, de- liberate. Weyle, to wail, K. 363. To cry, wa-la. Weymentynge, lamentation, K. 44. See Waymentynge. Whan (ne), wlien, 1^. 5; whan that ^^ when (it is that), P. 1, 801. What, why, P. 184 ; well then ! P. 854 ; in what respect, K. 171. Lat. rpiid; rchat . . . what, partly . . . partly, K. 595. Lat. quid . . . quid. Wheel, Whel, a wheel, K. 67, 1165. A.S. hweol, allied to Goth. icahvjan ; Lat. volcere, Eng. ical- low. Whelkes, pimples, swellings, P. 632. A.S. hwi/lca, a swollen vein ; cf . tcale, weal, ivheal. Wher, where, K. 1952. A.S. liwaer. Wher, whether, K. 990, 1394. Where, in what place, irhere as, where, there where, K. 255 ; where that, where (it is that), K. 39. 3IO GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Wherfore, for which, K. 710. Wherwith, with what, P. 302. Whether, whether that, whether (it is that), P. 570. "Whether, which of two, K. 998, a comp. form of ivhich. "Which, what, what sort of, P. 40 ; which that, who, P. 796, K. 1203 ; which, K. 138 ; which a, what sort of a, K. 1817. A.S. hwH/Iic htvylc = like what. Whii (es), whilst, P. 35, 397. A.S. hivil, time; cf awhile. ■Whilom, formerly, once, P. 795, K. 1, 1545. A.S. hwilum, dat, pi. of hivil ; ct. seld-oin. Whit, Whyte, white, P. 238, K. 195, A.S. hwit, Goth, hiueits, Ger. weiss, Sansc. Qvita. "Whoso, whosoever, P. 731. A.S. swa-hiod-swa. Swa (so) is a pro- noun ; cf. sucli, swilc ; Goth. swa-leiks ; cf. Lat. qn.isquis. "Widewe, a widow, P. 253, K. 313. A.S. widuwe, Lat. vidua, Sansc. vi-dhaoa = without-hus- band. "Wif, a woman, wife, P. 445. A.S. loif, from we fan, to weave : cf. wif-mnn, woman, ivaepman, weapon-man. The word origi- nally denoted sex rather than marriage. Cf. good-wife, house- ivife. "Wight, a creature, a man, P. 71, 326. A.S. loiht, Ger. ivicht ; cf. ivhit, aught. "Wight, weight, K. 1287, 1662. A.S. iviht, from wecjan, to weigh. "Wikke, bad ; physically weak, morally wicked, K. 229. A.S. wican, to be weak, sioican, to deceive; cf. iviccian, to bewitch. "Wikkedly, craftily (using the arts of the wizard), K. 877. See note. A.S. wiccian, to enchant ; cf. loitch. "Wilne, to desire, wish, K. 751, 1256. A. S.. wiinian. "Wiltow, wilt thou, K. 686. "Wilwe, a willow-tree, K. 2064. Wind, a breeze, wind, P. 170. Root wa, to blow. "Wirche (pr. icroughte, p.p. wroght), to work, P, 497, K. 154, 1901. A.S. wijrcan, pr. worhte ; cf. Gr. Ipyov, work. Wis = iwis, certainly, K. 1928. A.S. gewis. "Wisdom, "Wysdom, "Wisdam, learning, P. 575. A.S. wisdom. "Wise, Wyse, manner, mode, K. 480, 1386. A.S. wise, Ger. weise; cf. guise. "Wisly, certainly, surely, truly, K. 1005, 1376. A.S. wislice, Ger. gewisslich. "Wiste. See "Wite. "Wit, judgment, understanding, P. 279, 573, 746. A.S. wit, mind. Wite (I, he wot, thou wast, we iviten, pr. iviste), to know, P. 224, 280, 389, K 298, 305, 936, 976. A.S. witan; pr. wiste; cf. wittij. With, with, at the same time with, P. 856 ; by, P. 406, 705; in composition usually = a^rtms^ "Withalle, besides (with all the rest), P. 127 ; in spite of all, P. 283. Withholde (pp.), maintained, held with, P. 511. Withouten, without, P. 538, 783, K. 347; besides, P. 461. A.S. loithutan. Withsayn, Withseie, to gainsay, to speak in opposition to, P. 805, K. 282. A.S. wifh-saeg;,en. "Wityng, knowledge, iveeting. K. 753. A.S. witan, to know. "Wive, "Wyve, dat. of wife. K. 1002. Wodly, fiercely, madly, K. 443. A.S. wod, violent, mad ; cf. wadan, to go with force; Woden, Wednesdaij . "Woful (comp. ivqfullere), full of woe, unfortunate, K. 205, 521, ll98, 482. Wol (e) (2 pres. wolt, pi. woln, wolle, pr. wolde, pi. ivolden), will, P. 27, 723 ; wish, P. 803, 805, K. 31, 766, 1263; ivolde him schake (subj.), might (did) GLOSSAEJAL nWEX. 311 shake him, K. 615. A.S wil- lan, ic, he, wille, thu wiit ; pi. u'illatli ; pr. s. ivolde, pi, icoldon. Wommanhede, womanhood, wo- manly feeling, K. 890. ■Wonder, wonderful, K. 121.3; wonderfully, P. 483, K. 796. A.S. wundor, icundrnm, Ger. wunder. Wonderly, wondrously, P. 84. A.S. wundorlice. "Wone, custom, P. 335, K. 182. A.S. ivtme, wunian, Ger. ivolinen, to dwell. Wone (pres. p. wonynq), to dwell, P. 388, K. 2069. A.S. loiwian. "Wonyng, a dwelling, P. 606. A.S. iviniunq, Ger. ivohnmig. Woo, wailing, lamentation, K. 42 ; an exclamation of sorrow, P. 351. A.S. ica, Lat. vae. Wood, Wode, mad, furious, P. 184, 582, K. 471. A.S. icod, Scot. ivud. Woode, a forest, K. 664. A.S. ivndii. Woodebynde, W'Oodbine, K. 650. A.S. wuduhind. Woodecraft, hunting, P. 110. Woodnesse, madness, insane rage, K. 1153. A.S. wodnes. Wook (pr. of wake), awoke, K. 635. A.S. wacan, pr. icoc. Woot, Wot. See Wife. Worsehipe, honor, K. 1046. A.S. weorthsc/'/ie. Worsehipe, to honor, to pay re- gard to the ivorth of one, K. 1393. Worschipful, honorable, K. 577. Worstede, a woollen cloth, P. 262. So named from Worstead, the town where it was first manufactured. Worth, equal in worth to, P. 182; worth while, P. 785. A.S. ireortJte. Worthinesse, bravery, P. 50. Worthy, Worthi, of worth, de- serving of honor, noble, P. 43, 217 ; brave. P. 68 ; able, P. 579. Wost. See Wite. Wrastle, to wrestle, K. 2103. A.S. uvaesdian, from ivraestan, to writhe, to wrest. Wrastlynge, wrestling, P. 548. Wrecche, a wretch, K. 73 ; wretched, K. 248. A.S. icraecc.a. Wrecchede, wretched, K. 63. A.S. wntec. Wreke, to avenge, to wreak, K. 103. AS. wrecan. Wrethe, a wreath, K. 1287. A.S. trrath, what is twisted. Wrighte, a mechanic, P. 614. A.S. ivyrhta, from icijrcan, to work ; now used only in com- pounds ; e.g. ivheehcrif/ht. Writ, a writing, Hofij Writ, the scrii)tures, P. 739. A.S. writ. Wroth, angry, K. 321. A.S. trrat/i, from icrithein, to twist. Wroughte,Wroght. SeeWirche. Wyd (e), spacious, broad, P. 28; large, P. 491, K. 897. A.S. wid, Ger. weit ; cf . void. Wyke, a week, K. 681 ; fyfiy ivijkes ■= a year, K. 992. A. S. icice, Ger. icoche. Wymmen, women, P. 213. A.S. wifmen, loefen, to Aveave ; cf. Ger. iveib, from icehen. Wymple, a covering for the neck, chin and face, laid in folds, worn by nuns, P. 151. Ger. irimpel ; cf. gimp. Wymple, to cover with a wim- ple, P. 470. Wyn, wune, P. 334. A.S. win, Ger. wein, Lat. vinum, Gr. olvog. Windowe, a window, K. 1130, i.e. wind-door. O.Norse, vind- aurja, wind-eye ; the A.S. was eaffduru, eye-door. Wynne (pr. ican), to gain, win, P. 427, 442 ; to gain advantage of one, P. 594. A.S. winnan, to toil, get by labor. Wynnynge, gains, winnings, P. 275. W'yppyltre, the cornel-tree, K. 2065. Wys, affable, well-mannered, P. 68; (cf. guise, manners), wise, skilled, P. 309, 569. A.S. wis. Wyse. See Wise. Wyve. See Wive. 312 GLOSSABIAL INDEX. Y. Yaf (pr. of give), gave, P. 177. Yate, a gate, K. 557. A.S. gat. Ybete (p-P- of beat), beaten, forged, neioe ybete, newly forged, K.1304. A.^.beatan. Ybrent (p.p. oibrenne), burnt, K. 88. A.S. brennan; cf. bixmd, brown. Ybrought, (p.p ), brought, K. 253. Yburied, buried, K. 88. A.S. byrigan ; cf. Ger. bergen, A.S. beorgan, to liide, Eng. burrow. Ycleped, Yclept (pp. clepen), called, P. 376, 410. A.S. ge- clipod. Ycome, come, P. 77. Ycorve (p.p. of kerve), cut, K. H55. A.S. ceorfan. Ydel, idle, K. 1647. A.S. idel, vain, Ger. eitel. Ydoon-of, doffed, K. 1818. Ydrawe, drawn, P. 396, K. 86. Ydropped, bedropped, bedewed, K. 2026. Ydryve (n) (p.p. oidryve), driven, K. 1149. Ye, the eye, K. 1149. Ye, yea, K. 809. See note. Yeddynges, romances, poetic tales, P. 237. A.S. ykldian, to sing. Yeeldyng, the yield, return, P. 596. A.S. gyldan, to pay. Yeer, Yer (s. & pi.), a year, years, P. 82, 601. A.S. gear. Yeldehalle, a guild-hall, the room where a corporation or guild usuall}^ met, P. 370. Dan. gilda, a feast ; cf. company. Yelpe, to boast, K. 1380 ; see note. A.S. gelpan, Eng. yelp. Yelwe, yellow, P. 675. ' A.S. geolmve, Ger. gelb ; cf. gold. Yeman, a yeoman, P. 101. See note. Yards, a rod, P. 149; see note ; a yard long, K. 192. AS. gyrd. Yeve (n), Yive (p.p. yei^e, yeven), to give, P. 223, 487, K. 57. A.S. gifan . Yfovmd, found, K. 353. Ger. gefunden. Ygrounde, sharpened, ground, K. 1691. Yholde (p p. of hold), considered, K. 1516 ; held, K. 2100. Yif, if, K. 412. A.S. gif, Goth. yabai, ibai. Sometimes errone- ously referred to gifan, to give. Yifte, a gilt, K. 1340. A.S. gift. Yit, yet, in addition, besides, P. 70 ; hitlierto, K. 1056 ; yit now, just now, K. 298. A.S. get. Ylik, Yliche, alike, P. 592, K. 1876. A.S. gelic. Ymages, images, P. 418. Lat. imago [mimago), imitari {mimi- tari), to imitate. Ymaginacioun, conception, K. 236 ; see note. Lat. imaginatio. Ymaginyng, conceiving, plotting, K. 1137. Ymaked, made, K. 1997. A.S. qemacod. Ymet, met, K. 1766. Ymeynd (p.p. of rnenge), mingled, K, 1312. A S. mengian, Ger. mengen, to mix ; cf . mi)igle. Ynned, lodged, entertained, K. 1334. A.S. irinian. Yolden (p.p. of yeelde), yielded, K. 2194. A.S. 'gyldan. YoUe, to yell, to cry aloud, K. 1814. A.S. gyllan, giellan, to yell ; cf. galan, to sing. Yollyng, yelHng, loud crying, K. 420 ; vulgo, yowling. Yond, there, yonder, K. 241. A.S. geond, Ger. jeti-er ; cf. be- yond. Yong (e), young, P. 7, 79, 213. A.S. geong, Ger. jung, Lat. ju- venis. Yore, a long time, ful yore agon, a very long lime ago, K. 955. A.S. geara, allied to gear, a year. Youre (gen. pi.), of you, P. 783. A.S. eower. Yourself (pi.), vourselves, K. 977. Youthe, youtii, P. 613. For youngth, which form is used by Spenser. You (dat. and ace), you, P. 34, 38. A.S. eow. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Z^Z Ypayed, paid, K. 944. Yralt, bereft, plundered, K. 1157 ; see note. A.S. reajian. Yre, anger, ire, K. 14i4. Lat. ira. Yroiinen, run ovei', K. IbtJo. A. 8. be-j/rnan. Ysene, seen, to be seen, P. 592. A. IS. (jesuiven. Yserved, served, K. 105. Yslayn, slain, K. 1850. A.S. (jeslaei/en . Yspreynd (p.p. of sprenge), sprinkled over, scattered, K. 1311. A ^.spre)iga7i, to s\)vink\e. Ystert, escaped, K. 734. Ystorve (see Starve), dead, died, K. 1156. A.S. steorj'an, Ger. sterben. Yteyd, tied, P. 457. A.S. r,e-tead. Ytorned, Yturned, turned, K. 3«(), lliOl. Pr. tounier. Ywrought (p p. of icyrche), made, wrought, P. 196. Ywympled, decked with a wim- ple, P. 470. Z. Zephyrus, the west wind, a zephyr, a gentle breeze, P. 5. ;>V J Old and Middle English. [Anglo-Saxon.] Beowulf: An Anglo-Saxon Poem. ( Vol. I. of the Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry?) Contains also the Fight at Finnsburh. With Text and Glossary on the basis of Heyne's fourth edition, edited, corrected, and enlarged by James A. Harrison, Professor of English and Modern Languages, Washington and Lee University, and Robert Sharp, Professor of Greek and English, Tu- lane University of Louisiana. Second Edition, revised. i2mo. Cloth, x-j- 325 pages. Mailing price, 3i-25; Introduction, $1.12. This edition is designed primarily for college classes. It has been recommended by Professors Dowden and Nicoll to their classes in the Universities of Dublin and Glasgow. Private letters from Mr. Henry Sweet, Mr. Furnivall, Prof. \V. W. Skeat, Prof. Toller of the Owens College, Manchester, and many other scholars, heartily commend the work. P. A. March, Prof, of Anglo-Saxon, Lafayette College : The best there is for class use. {Nov. 2, 1885.) A. ^elia,rae, Maitre de Conferences a la Faciilte des Le tires de Paris .-An admirable book, which I shall often have occasion to quote, and shall be most happy to recommend, (fan. 23, 1886.) Dr. S. M. Shute, P?-of. of English in Columbian Univ. : The issues of the Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry are just what students need, and have long needed, and it is to be hoped that they will soon become indispenable text- books in a required course for a de- gree. . . . Since I have used your very successful and admirable edition of Heyne's Be6wulf, the results are much more satisfactory. {Jan, 19, 1886,) Hiram Corson, Prof of English, Cornell Univ. : This edition is altogeth- er the one best adapted to the wants of American students. I have used it in my post-graduate course in Anglo- Saxon, and shall continue to do so. {Feb. 1886.) The Nation, in a Review of the Second Edition : The editors have prof- ited conscientiously by the criticisms of their several reviewers. Wherever feasible, mistakes have been corrected in situ, by cutting the plates. Longer corrections are given in the supple- mental pages, 320-323. Pages 324-5 give " Recent Readings and Sugges- tions" advanced by German and Eng- lish scholars within the last two years. Thus revised, the American Be6wulf is a fresh evidence of editorial zeal and indefatigable industry. OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISH. CcBdmon's Exodus and Daniel. ( Vol. II. of the Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry.'^) Edited from Grein, with Notes and Glossary, by Theodore W. Hunt, Professor of Rhetoric and EngUsh Language in Princeton College. Second Edition, revised. i2mo. Cloth. 121 pages. Mailing price, 65 cts. ; Introduction, 60 cts. This edition is designed mainly for college classes, and includes 5S9 lines of the "Exodus," and 765 of the "Daniel," with Intro- duction, Notes, and Glossary. There is no part of our oldest poetry as good as Caedmon, which is so difficult of access in this country, and of which there is more immediate need. "It is a matter of honest pride," says Professor March, " to see American scholars publish a neat and convenient edition of it." notes in a sufficient number of instan- ces to convince us of their soundness and reliability. The Athenasum, London: The volume will be helpful, and we welcome it and the promised series heartily. The British Mail, London : It is in every respect admirably adapted to aid the Anglo-Saxon student. The Independent, N'ew York: An admirable addition to the series of Anglo-Saxon poetry. The Advertiser, Boston : The edi- tion is concise, accurate, and conven- ient, and commends itself to all practical students. The Schoolraaster, Lo?tdon : We have tested the vocabulary and the Andreas : A Le,^end of St. Andrew. ' (^Vol. III. of the Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry.') Edited with Critical Notes by W. jNI. Baskervill, Professor of English Language and Literature in Vanderbilt University, Text and Notes, viii + 78 pages. Paper. 25 cents. To be issued soon in Cloth, w'ith Glossary. Prof. Richard P. Wlilcker of Leipzig made, with his own hand, a minute and painstaking collation of the Ms. with the printed text. Soon after his return from Vercelli he sent the present editor (one of his former pupils) this collation, and on it the Ameri- can edition of the poem is based. Grimm's, Grein's, and Kemble's editions have been freely used. The chief canon of criticism fol- lowed has been to adhere to the reading of the Ms. wherever it was possible. This has led to a wide divergence from the other editors in several places, and it is hoped that in consequence thereof a better text is here griven than has heretofore existed. T. W. Hunt, of Princeton College : It is very neatly issued and in text and notes is highly satisfactory. Modern Languag-e Notes {J. W. Bright) : The editor's work bears the stamp of great care and industry. OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISH. An Old English Grammar. By Eduard SiEVERS, Ph.D., riofessor of Cermaric Philology in the University of Tiibingen; translated and edited by ALBiiRTS. CooK, Pii.D. (Jena), Professor of the EngHsh Language and Literature in the Uni- versity of California. Mailing price, ^1.25; for introduction, $1.12. It seems to be admitted that sound scholarship in Old English is at present impossible without the use of Sievers' Grammar, and the opinion is gaining ground that, without sound scholarship in Old English, there is none in English of any date. Professor Cook being a student of philology in the University of Jena when Sievers' Grammar was passing through the press, and having not only seen the Ms., but read the proof-sheets, was in a position peculiarly favorable for understanding the author''s views. In the translation, the original plan of the grammar has been left intact. With the exception of one or two unimportant re-distribu- tions of matter, the modifications are confined to excisions, addi- tions, 'changes in terminology, and changes in accent. Important supplementary matter has been furnished by articles in various philological journals. With regard to accent, the third edition of Sweet's Reader has been followed. Hitherto, Old English Grammars have virtually been founded upon the language of the poetical texts. This is to be deplored, especially when we consider that the manuscripts in which they are contained are uniformly late ; that the texts themselves were com- posed at an earlier period, and frequently in another dialect ; and that, in our present versions, ancient forms are jumbled with more modern ones, and specimens of the most widely separated dialects are occasionally united in the same composition. In the present treatise, on the other hand, the language of the older prose writings has, to a greater extent than heretofore, been chosen as the basis of grammatical investigation, since it is safe to assume that they represent in some measure a single dialect. The historical method has been followed, and the author has endeavored to discriminate between early and late forms. It is hoped that his version will be found not only to present in English the most approved text-book on the subject, but to present it in a form better adapted for the use of students, and in some respects more in accord with the views of the best authorities. OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISH. OPINIONS AND REVIEWS. American Journal of Philolo- gy : The well-recognized merit of Sievers' unrivalled Angelsdchsische Grammatik created an imperative de- mand for an English version. That this demand would be met was inevit- able ; how it would be met was doubt- ful. Delay and apprehension are now happily removed by the appearance of this volume. The characteristic feature of Sievers' work is its independence of preceding Anglo-Saxon grammars, and its de- pendence upon the most authentic documents of the earliest periods of the language, discriminated as to age and dialect. Prof. Cook's leading purpose has been to supply to our insthutions of learning a serviceable text-book. To this end the require- ments of a perspicuous and idiomatic style, and of a clear and consistent terminology, have been well met. In the distribution of the matter and the variety of the type, such an im- provement of the original is effected as might in itself almost justify the new version. Deserving of notice, moreover, is the care with which Prof. Cook has corrected many erroneous cross-refer- ences, his amplification of the Index, and his excellent modification of the system of accentuation. We need hardly add that the work is worthy of general acceptance. The Independent: It may be said to mark an era in the history of Old or First English, somewhat as did Thorpe's first edition of Rask's Gram- mar (1830). Upon no scholar among us could the work of presenting this grammar in modern English form have more appropriately fallen than upon Prof. Cook. The volume is a scholarly edition of a scholarly original, and is not only translated into English, but is made as English in spirit and method as such a work can be. The Schoolmaster, London : Both as a work of reference and as a text- book, this volume is a valuable addi- tion to the resources of the English student. Prof. Henry Johnson {Bowdoin College), in the ''Andover Review" : Every student of English owes a great debt of thankfulness to Prof. Sievers for making his Angelsdchsische Gram- matik. It was published in 1882, and was recognized at once as far superior in fulness and accuracy of treatment of the oldest English dialects to all preceding grammars of the language. It was founded on the prose literature. Since 1882 the most important contri- bution to Old English grammar is the publication of emendations of his grammar. Besides these materials, Prof. Cook has incorporated in the American edition the results of the work of other scholars up to the pres- ent, and has produced what is by far the best Old English grammar to be had. Charles F. Richardson, Prof, of Anglo-Saxon and English, Dartmouth College: Anglo-Saxon students have been waiting with interest for the work, and it is fortunate that it has been translated by a competent Am- erican scholar, himself a pupil of the author. W. D. McClintock, Director of the College of English, Chautauqua University : I am greatly pleased with Prof. Cook's translation of Sievers' Old English Grammar, and shall use it in our classes. OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISIL Chaucer's Parlament of Foules. A revised Text, with Literary and Grammatical Introduction, Xotes, and a full Glossary. By T. R. L(nJNSBURY, Professor of English in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. i2mo. Cloth, iii pages. Mailing price, 55 cts.; Introduction, 50 cts. The editor has collected all the facts that are known in regard to this work, and discusses the chief theories that have been advanced as to its production or character. F. J. Child, Professor of English Literature in Harvard University : It is so good a book that I am inclined to slight even better poetry for it. S. H. Carpenter, late Prof, of Eng. Lit., Univ. of Wis.: No work equalling this in scholarship has yet appeared in America, so far as I know, upon any Old English author. F. A. March, Prof of Anglo-Saxon, Lafayette Coll. : It has a great deal of good work in it. Surely any college or good high-school class can read Chaucer with ease and interest from this volume. Carpenter's Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Reader. An Introduction to the study of the Anglo-Saxon Language, comprising an Elementary Grammar and carefully graded selections for Reading, followed by Explanatory Notes and a Vocabulary. By Stephen H. Carpenter, late Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in the University of Wisconsin. i2mo. Cloth. 212 pages. Mailing price, 70 cts. ; Introduction, 60 cts. This book is designed rather to prepare the way for more ad- vanced works like those of Dr. March, than to supersede or come into competition with them. At the same time it lias proved satis- factory as a complete introduction to the study of Anglo-Saxon. Carpenter's English of the XIV. Century. Illustrated by Notes, Grammatical and Philological, on Chaucer's Pro- logue and Knight's Tale. By Stephen H. Carpenter. i2mo. Cloth. 313 pages. Mailing price, ^i.oo; Introduction, 90 cts. Prepared with the design of affording the means of a critical study of early English, to a younger class of pupils than have hith- erto been able to pursue it profitably ; and, as it is only from a careful study of literature that a thorough acquaintance with a lan- guage can be gained, the work is also intended to serve as an intro- duction to the study of English Literature. OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISH. Beowulf, and The Fight at Finnsburgh . Translated by James M. Garnett, M.A., LL.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature in the University of Virginia. With Facsimile of the Unique Manuscript in the British Museum, Cotton. Vitellius A XV. Second edition, revised. i2mo. Cloth. 146 pages. Mailing price, ^i.io; Introduction, ^i.oo. J. Earle, Prof, of Anglo-Saxon in the Univ. of Oxford, Eng. : It is a very complete piece of work, bringing the whole subject up to the very front line of its progress, and supplying not only a readable translation on a new plan, but also what was much wanted, a com- plete guide and index to all parts of the study of the poem. {Nov. 22, 1882.) W. W. Skeat, Prof of Anglo- Saxon in Cambridge Univ., Eng. : I am very glad to have it, as it contains so much that is useful. J. Schipper, Prof of English Philology in the Univ. of Vienna : An excellent translation. I read it over with the greatest delight at one sitting. F. J. Child, Prof of English Lit- erature, Harvard University : An ex- cellent version of Beowulf, a book which I am glad to have for many rea- sons. I think your idea as to the kind of translation desirable is entirely right, and you have carried it out with no wrenching of the modern dialect to suit the old. From your book no one can fail to get a large part of the im- pression which the original should give ; and I think that many, with it in hand, will be encouraged to try to make out the old sc6p's song, who would never have attempted this with- out your aid. {Dec. 3, 1882.) Francis A. March, Prof of Eng- lish and Comparative Philology in Lafayette Coll. : It seems to me to show great care and labor, and to be as complete and accurate as could be reasonably expected from anybody. A great part of it is happy, — gives the thought and rhythm both. This is the best translation so far in our language, and will do honor to American scholar- ship. William Hand Browne, Asso- ciate and Librarian in Johns Hopkins Univ. : I have succeeded in collect- ing in this library every edition of that work, every translation, and — except one or two — every dissertation on the poem that is known to exist. I have, therefore, from the point of information at least, some ground to go on when I say that in my judgment Prof. Garnett's translation is greatly superior to any that has appeared ; reflecting, as no other does, the form and color as well as the statements of the original. J. A. Harrison, Prof in Washing- ton and Lee Univ., Lexington, Va. : It meets, I think, a very decided want, and meets it well. The bibliography alone is of the greatest value to collec- tors and Beowulf students. The Nation, N.Y. : It supersedes the work of all previous editors, German or English. Professor Garnett's general remarks and criticisms are also admir- able. We congratulate American scholarship upon having at last achieved in our speech of to-day a thoroughly honest and intelligible re- production of our earhest great poem. -r V C: A.U ■'Sy^j Ly^^ r'''^L< —7 / / a-ir-ij , ^/- 9^ 'v-.CC'T' ONE MONTH USE PLEASE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EDUCATION-PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 1-month loans may be renewed by calling 642-4209 Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date, ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL 7 DAYS AFTER DATE CHECKED OUT. APR 3 1977 MAY 3 1 REC'D 4 .1 LD 21A-30m-5,'75 (S5877L) General Library University of California Berkeley ■'J -' ^ / THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY AO. M-.VW' ■,';■.,.'»;, N »^ .'t':; -M ■it i 1: ■ • '' ' ' ' :ia ^i ^ s . ■ ■ ■; I '' ' ' '. ;■. ^'Si , t 'iV I ' 1 ■ . ■ 1 ". I .N 'l ' '.' Jj I- .; \ < '■ ■ 11^ * v \^ .V ,' /v.. i *5 ';i ■ ' '■%' M I ' ^ 4 ' V ' ■ I '' •■,'■' •',■.1 ••■',' ^ >• . 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