m tsaavz&titffi c 'u^. wM? QUARTZ OPERATOR'S HAND BOOK. WHEELER & RANDALL. SAN FRANCISCO: Mining and Scientific Press Job Printing Office. 1865. I Ibwry QUARTZ OPERATOR'S HAND ROOK. In the preparation of this Hand Book, the object has been to make it a reliable and practical guide to the Quartz Operator. No pains have been spared in gathering the material and in rendering the subjects discussed as concise and plain as their nature would admit. Mindful that science and practice go hand in hand, the authors have confined their investigations to useful and established facts, leaving untouched all that is doubtful and chimerical. No claim is made to originality, unless it may be in regard to the discussion of the tractory and the grind- ing effects of differently formed plates — a subject of great importance to every quartz miner. To what extent the authors have succeeded in their object, is submitted with no little diffidence to the decis- ion of the public. WHEELER & RANDALL. San Francisco, April 26, 1865. 4 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S BLOWPIPE. The Blowpipe is an instrument used for directing, by a current of air, the flame of a lamp or candle upon a mineral substance to fuse or oxydize it. The flame consists essentially of two parts — the oxydizing and reducing. 1st. The oxydizing part is the outer and slightly luminous flame. 2nd. The reducing part, which is hottest, is the inner blue flame. The reagents mostly used in making blowpipe tests are charcoal, carbonate of soda, cyanide of potassium and borax. The charcoal performs the part of a cupel as well as that of a reagent. The best charcoal is made of young hard wood. The cupel or support consists of a sound piece of coal sawed or broken lengthwise, having a small cavity made in its plain side near the edge to hold the sub- stance to be tested. The borax is prepared by being melted or vitrified and pulverized. (A) Blowpipe Assay of Silver Ores containing sul- phur and arsenic. 1st. Roast the pulverized ore within a shallow cavity on the coal support. To do this, direct by the blowpipe the oxydizing flame, that is, the extreme point of the outer flame upon the powdered ore; turn the specimen HAND BOOK. 5 occasionally to expose all of its parts to oxydation. Let the blast at first be gentle, then increased and con- tinued till the sulphurous odors cease. 2nd. Pulverize the roasted ore and put it upon the charcoal within a prepared cavity ; cover it over with carbonate of soda and direct upon it the reducing flame, that is, the inner blue flame; let the blast at first be gentle, and chiefly employed in fusing and bringing to- gether all parts of the flux, then increase the blast, shaking the support or coal, so as to gather the metal in one globule, which cool and extract from the slag. 3rd. Cupel the button thus obtained, adding to it three parts of lead in a bone-ash cupel. To do this, employ the oxydizing flame by using a very gentle blast. Cool, weigh the button and compare its weight with that of the original ore. (B) Place within the cavity, on the charcoal, a mix- ture of Powdered Ore, (not necessarily roasted) . . 1 part. Borax- Glass, (pulverized) 1 " Lead, (Litharge is often preferable) 3 " and direct upon it the reducing flame till all the metal is gathered in one button. Let the blast at first be gentle and chiefly directed to the borax, then increased and continued till the object is attained. Extract and cupel the button as in example (A.) BLOWPIPE TESTS. " When common borax of the shops is heated, it 3a 6 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S forms, at first, a white spongy mass, and if we continue to heat it, pressing it down into a clay or Hessian crucible, it melts at a brown-red heat into a clear trans- parent glass. This glass, when powdered fine, is the substance which we make use of in blowpipe experi- ments. When we heat a platinum wire to redness, and dip it into powdered borax, it will, when heated again, form a globule of borax-glass at its lower extremity. This globule is brought in contact with the hot specimen to be tested, and the flame applied ; it will now absorb some of the hot specimen, dissolve it, and show by its color what kind of mineral is under examination. " This test must be made by means of the spirit lamp or alcohol flame. The color of the glass formed, when cold or warm, when in the oxydizing part of the flame, or in the reducing flame, is, in many cases, a decisive test, if it forms metal in the latter, or merely changes its color. "Lime is infusible by' itself, but gives a strong light ; with borax, it melts into a colorless glass. It is not soluble in carbonate of soda. Both, when heated together, are absorbed by the charcoal. Magnesia acts like lime. Alumina is infusible by itself; it melts with borax into a colorless glass, and if much alumina is present the glass is opaque ; carbonate of soda does not dissolve this substance. " Oxyd of Antimony sublimes by itself, and colors the flame a greenish-blue ; with borax it forms a yellow glass when hot, and colorless when cold, in the oxydiz- HAND BOOK. 7 ing flame. In the reducing flame, it forms a gray, vitrious mass and shrinks. With carbonate of soda, or a mixture of cyanide of potassium and soda, it forms a metal which easily evaporates in white smoke in the flame. The metali s very fusible and brittle. • " Oxyd of Bismuth is fusible and forms on wire a dark-brown glass while hot, and a yellow glass when cold ; it forms metal on charcoal, and with borax it melts into a colorless bead. With carbonate of soda, it forms metal on a coal support. " Oxyd of Chrome does not change in the flame when alone ; it forms with borax a bead which is red while hot, but changes into green when cold and under the oxydizing influences ; when the mixture is exposed to the reducing flame it is always green. With carbonate of soda it melts to a dark-orange glass when hot and oxydized, and becomes opaque when cold. In the reducing flame it is always opaque and orange, changing to green when cold. " Oxyd of Cobalt is unchangeable by itself, but it forms a characteristic deep-blue glass with borax. It is reduced on charcoal when mixed with carbonate of soda, forming a gray magnetic powder. " Oxyd of Copper fuses in the oxydizing flame ; in the reducing flame it forms metal ; with borax it forms a green glass in the oxydizing flame, and in the reducing flame brown-red; with soda it is reduced on charcoal, giving malleable metal. " Per- Oxyd of Iron is unchangeable in the oxydizing 4a 8 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S flame; in the reducing fire it blackens and becomes magnetic oxyd. It forms a bright-red glass when heated with borax, which changes to a pale dirty-red when cold, in the oxydizing flame ; in the reducing flame it forms a bottle-green, often black-green glass. With soda or alkaline flux, it forms metal on the charcoal support, which appears as a dark magnetic powder. " Oxyd of Lead shows at first a clear blue flame, after which it fuses to an orange-yellow glass ; on a charcoal support it is reduced to metal. With borax it forms a yellow glass when hot, which is nearly colorless when cold. When this oxyd is mixed with alkaline flux, it forms metal instantly on charcoal ; in the alcohol flame, on wire, it forms a transparent yellow glass with car- bonate of soda. " Oxyd of Manganese is infusible alone, and changes its colors to brown ; with borax it melts to a black glass when much manganese is used ; when little oxyd and much borax are melted together in the presence of carbon, the result is an amethyst colored glass, and if brought within the reducing flame on charcoal, it is colorless, and remains so when quickly cooled. With soda it melts to an opaque green glass in the oxydizing fire, and on a foil of platinum. This test is characteristic of manganese. " Oxyd of Nichle is not changed by heat; with borax it melts to an orange-red glass, which is almost colorless when cold. In the reducing flame, on charcoal, this glass becomes gray; this color is caused by reduced HAND BOOK. 9 metal. With soda, it forms a magnetic powder of metal on charcoal. " Oxyd of Silver is instantly reduced to metal when brought within the flame. It forms a white opaque glass with borax, and is partly reduced to metal in all instances ; with alkaline fluxes it forms metal directly, when brought in the flame. "Oxyd of Tellurium imparts to the flame a green color, fuses and sublimes ; on charcoal it is easily re- duced to metal. With borax, it melts to a colorless glass in the oxydizing flame ; in the reducing flame the glass is gray. With carbonate of soda it acts as with borax but less distinctly. " The Oxyds of Tin are converted into sesqui-oxyd, becoming dirty-yellow in the oxydizing flame ; it forms metal after protracted heating on the charcoal support and in the reducing flame. With borax it forms a clear glass, and with alkaline fluxes it is easily reduced to metal on charcoal. "Titanic Acid is not altered in the flame when ex- posed to it ; with borax it melts to a colorless glass, which becomes opaque in cooling. In the reducing flame it becomes first yellow, then amethyst, and dark- ens in cooling. With carbonate of soda it dissolves with effervesence, forming a faint yellow glass, which becomes gray in cooling. It forms no metal on char- coal. "Zinc. — The oxyd of this metal forms a strong whitish- green flame ; it is slightly vellow when hot but turns 5a 10 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S white in cooling. With borax it forms a transparent glass, which becomes milky by an intermittent flame 5 in the reducing flame it forms metal .which is quickly evaporated. Alkaline fluxes do not alter it in the oxydizing flame ; it is reduced on charcoal, and in the reducing flame. The metal burns readily and forms a white floculent oxyd, which is yellow when hot." — Overman's Treaties on Metallurgy, pages 154 — 157. CHEMICAL TESTS. Reagents or tests, usually in liquid form, are sub- stances for indicating the presence of other bodies. In the following examples the reagents are arranged at the left hand side of the page, and the precipitates or pro- ducts at the right. The proper solvents are indicated by the name of the solution holding the substances sought : TESTS FOR GOLD IN SOLUTION WITH AQUA-REGIA. Sulphate of Iron gives .... Metallic Gold as a purple powder. Oxalic Acid gives Metallic Gold in large flakes Potash u Yellow Precipitate. Soda " " " TESTS FOR SILVER IN SOLUTION WITH NITRIC ACID. Potash gives Dark-Olive Precipitate. Soda " " " " Plate of Copper gives .... Metallic Silver. Muriatic Acid " White, Curdy Precipitate. HAND BOOK. 11 Common Salt gives .... White Curdy Precipitate. Tincture of Nut-Gail gives, Brown Precipitate. TESTS FOR COBALT IN SOLUTION WITH NITRIC ACID. Potash gives Blue Precipitate. Soda " " " Ferro-Prusiate of Potash gives Green " Carbonate of Potash " Red " TESTS FOR BISMUTH IN SOLUTION WITH NITRIC ACID. Pure Water gives White Precipitate. Gallic Acid " Greenish Yellow. Potash " White Precipitate. Soda " " " TESTS FOR LEAD IN SOLUTION WITH NITRIC ACID. Sulphate of Soda gives . . . White Precipitate. Sulphuric Acid "... " " Infusion of Nut- Gall gives, " * TESTS FOR COPPER IN SOLUTION WITH NITRIC ACID. Plate of Iron gives Metallic Copper. " " Zinc " " " Potash " Green Precipitate. Ammonia " Azure-Blue Color. Infusion of Nut- Gall gives, Brown Precipitate. TESTS FOR ANTIMONY IN SOLUTION WITH FOUR PARTS OF MURIATIC ACID AND ONE PART OF NITRIC ACID. Pure Water gives White Precipitate. 6a 12 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Plate of Iron gives Black Powder of the Metal. TESTS FOR MERCURY IN SOLUTION WITH NITRIC OR MURIATIC ACID. Plate of Copper gives .... Metallic Mercury. " " Iron " .... Dark Powder. Gallic Acid " . . . , Orange Yellow. TESTS FOR IRON IN SOLUTION WITH MURIATIC ACID. Infusion of Nut- Gall gives, Black Precipitate. Ferro-Prusiate of Potash gives Blue " Ammonia gives Brownish Red Precipitate. EXPLANATION OF CHEMICAL TERMS. Aqua Regia. — A fuming liquid composed of nitric acid and muriatic acid, viz : One part of the former and two of the latter. This mixture readily dissolves gold and platinum. Sulphate of Iron ) c Green vitrioL Proto- Sulphate of Iron . . ) rr ■ Sulphate of Copper Blue \ itriol, Blue- Stone, Blue Copperas. Nitrate of Potassa ....... Nitre, Saltpetre. Sulphate of Soda Glauber Salts. Chloride of Sodium Sea Salt, Common Table Salt. Nitric Acid Aquafortis. Sulphuric Acid (Concen-) 0il f y itriol trated) j Hgdrochloric Acid Muriatic Acid. HAND BOOK. 13 Oxalic Acid. — Sorrel Acid. — It is commonly manu- factured by the action of nitric acid upon saccharine and farinaceous substances. Gallic Acid. — An acid obtained from nut-galls or oak- apples. It is also obtained from several other vegetable astringents. Nut- Galls. — Oak apples, which are excrescences pro- duced by small insects depositing their eggs in the tender shoots of a species of oak. Potassa. — Pure Potash, when refined by heat, is called pearlash. It is a vegetable fixed alkali. Aqua- Vitae. — A liquid much used for precipitating hombres, properly called aquamortis, alcohol. Chloride of Ammonium. — Sal-Ammoniac. Catechu. — A dry, brown astringent extract obtained by decoction and evaporation from the acacia catechu in India. It contains a large portion of tannin or tannic acid. ASSAY. Assays are three kinds — Mechanical, dry and humid. I. Mechanical Assays consist in washing or otherwise freeing, without the aid of chemical agents, the metallic substances from sands and other impurities. " Panning out" or separating the gangue (earthy matter) from the metallic substances, by washing in common mining pans, also, " winnowing" as practiced on rich, dry sands, are familiar examples of mechanical assays, and require no explanations ; the former of which often furnishes safer 14 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S and more practical data for extensive operations, espe- cially in gold mining, than either the dry or humid way. II. The Dry way of assaying ores, usually requires fluxes for separating the gangue (earthy matters) from the metallic substances. Assay of Galena. — Fuse in an earthen crucible, at a bright red heat. Powdered ore 6 parts. Black Flux, 9 " Iron, in small pieces, 2 " Extract from the slag, and weigh the button of lead thus obtained. Assay of Iron. — Fuse in a covered crucible, about one hour, a well triturated mixture of Powdered and roasted ore, 2 parts Fluor Spar, 1 " Charcoal,: 1 " Common Salt, » 4 " Extract and weigh the button of cast iron thus ob- tained. Various other fluxes, as lime, clay, etc., may be em- ployed instead of the above. No general formulae can be given, as their application depend upon the nature of the ore. Assay of Copper Ores, containing no other metals besides iron and copper : Heat gradually, at first, in an earthen crucible, and afterward increase the heat to bright red, which continue fifteen minutes. HAND BOOK. 15 Powdered Ore, 1 part. Black Flux, 3 " Extract from the slag, and weigh the button of cop- per thus obtained. Assay of Copper Ores containing sulphur, but other- wise similar to the above : Fuse in an earthen crucible, at a dull red heat, equal parts of the powdered ore and dried borax. Extract from the slag the matte (crude copper) button, which pulverize ; roast slowly in an earthen crucible, and stir, in the meantime with a steel rod, till sulphurous acid ceases to be evolved ; then increase the temperature to a white heat, which continue for several minutes. Next mix in the same crucible : The Roasted Matte, 1 part Black Flux, from ... 3 to 4 " Cover the mixture with a layer of fused borax, and subject it to a cherry heat for twenty minutes, in a wind furnace ; then extract and weigh the button of copper. Assay of Copper Ores containing arsenic and various other metals : Obtain and pulverize the matte as in the preceding case, then roast with it powdered charcoal, till the gar- lic odors of arsenic cease to be exhaled. Reduce the matte thus obtained, as in the last case, with black flux and borax. Cupel the button in a» bone-ash cupel, with pure lead. Throw a little borax glass over the globule when its rotation ceases and brightening occurs ; cool and weigh the button of copper. 16 QUARTZ OPERATOR^ ASSAY OF GOLD OR SILVER, OR GOLD AND SILVER ORES Fuse in an earthen crucible : Powdered Ore, 4 parts. Litharge, 4 " Black Flux, 3 " If the ores contain much oxyd of lead, add only black flux. If the ores are very rich in pyrites, add litharge and nitre. If the button obtained be an alloy — for instance, of gold, silver, copper and lead — make additions to it of silver and lead, so that the prepared alloy shall contain as near as may be, of Gold, 1 part. Silver, 3 " Lead, 16 " First fuse the lead in a bone-ash cupel, within a muf- fle ; then add the gold and silver inclosed in a piece of paper, and continue the heat till the button brightens and becomes tranquil. Cool and weigh the button. To separate the gold from the silver, called " parting of gold," anneal, beat the button into a thin plate, make it into a roll, which is termed a cornet. First heat this plate or cornet in dilute nitric acid as long as the acid acts upon it, then in concentrated nitric acid till all of the silver is dissolved. Thoroughly wash, dry and ignite the cornet. The weight of silver is equal to the weight of the button before " parting," less that of the refined cornet. HAND BOOK. 17 HUMID WAY OF ASSAY — ASSAY OF GALENA. 1. — Digest the powdered ore in equal parts of nitric acid and pure water. 2. — Filter and digest the residual several hours with a strong solution of carbonate of soda. 3. — Filter and digest the second residual in dilute nitric acid, and again filter. 4. — Add either a solution of the sulphate of soda, or sulphuric acid to the collected filtrates, as long as any precipitate takes place. 5. — Filter, then wash and dry the residual. 6. — Reduce the residual, with powdered charcoal, in an earthen crucible ; cool and weigh the button. ASSAY OF COPPER ORES. 1. — Digest the powdered ore in dilute nitro-muriatic acid. 2. — Filter the solution. 3. — Add ammonia in excess to the filtrate. 4. — Filter and wash residual in ammonia. 5. — Evaporate the filtrate to dryness. 6. — Dissolve the dried filtrate in muriatic acid. 7. — Add clean iron or zinc plates to the solution much diluted. 8. — Wash dry and weigh the copper precipitate. ASSAY OF SILYER [ORES.* 1. — Digest the pulverized ore in nitric acid. * Chloride of Silver,^ as found native, is called horn-silver ; it is completely insoluble in nitric acid. It is readily dissolved by 18 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S 2. — Add muriatic acid or solution of common salt to the silver solution as long as any precipitate takes place. 3. — Filter and dry the residual. 4. — Reduce the dry residual with carbonate of soda, or black rosin in an earthen crucible, then cool and weigh the button of silver. It also may be reduced with chalk and charcoal. ASSAY OF GOLD ORES. 1. — Digest the pulverized ores in one part of nitric acid, and four parts hydrochloric acid. 2. — Dilute, filter and evaporate the filtrate to dry- ness. 3. — Digest the dried filtrate in pure water, then boil the solution with a solution of sulphate of iron, which precipitates the gold as a dark-purple powder. 4. — Filter and heat the residual with hydrochloric acid. ammonia, and can be precipitated from this solution by the ad- dition of nitric acid. It is also soluble in a strong, hot solution of common salt, (see Augustin process) from which it may be precipitated in its metallic state by a clean plate of copper. Quicksilver partially decomposes the chloride of silver forming a silver amalgam; this is attended, however, with a loss of quicksilver, and should be avoided in practical operations. Silver may be revived from its chloride state by being kept from twelve to twenty -four hours in contact with clean iron, copper or zinc plates. Bromide of Silver, in almost every respect, resembles chloride of silver ; it is, however, less soluble in ammonia. Iodide of Silver, found also native, is readily converted into chloride of silver by muriatic acid, and then may be treated as above described. HAND BOOK. 19 5. — Filter, wash, dry and weigh the gold powder. Oxalic acid substituted for the sulphate of iron pre- cipitates the gold in large flakes. ASSAY OR ANALYSIS OF IRON ORES CONTAINING MANGANESE. 1. — Digest the roasted and pulverized ore in dilute hydrochloric acid. 2. — Filter, wash residual and add washings to the filtrate. 3. — Add muriate of barytes until no farther precipi- tation takes place. 4. — Filter, wash and add washings to the filtrate. 5. — Evaporate the filtrate nearly to dryness and to it add sufficient nitric acid to transform the sulphate of iron to per-oxyd. 6. — Add solution of caustic ammonia in excess to the solution. 7. — Filter and reduce the iron to the magnetic state by heating the residual with resin in an iron crucible — then cool and weigh. 8. — Precipitate the oxyd of manganese from the filtrate, by expelling the excess of ammonia with heat. When the ores contain much alumina or silex, flux them with three or four times their weight of caustic potash, then digest in hydrochloric acid and proceed as above. 20 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S ASSAY OR ANALYSIS OF ORES CONTAINING GOLD SILVER, COPPER, LEAD, IRON AND SULPHUR. 1. — Digest well the pulverized ore in nitric acid. 2. — Filter, wash residual (1) and add washings to filtrate (1). 3. — Add to filtrate (1) hydro-chloric acid, or a solu- tion of common salt, which precipitates the silver as a chloride. 4. — Filter, and digest residual (2) in hydro-chloric acid. 5. — Filter, wash residual (3) in warm water, and to filtrate (3) with the washings add filtrate (2). 6. — Reduce the chloride of silver with carbonate of soda by fusion, and weigh the button of silver. 7. — Add to filtrate (3), sulphate of soda-in solution, which precipitates the lead as a sulphate. 8. — Filter, and add the residual to residual (1). 9. — Evaporate filtrate (4) to any desirable extent. 10. — Add, in excess, to concentrated filtrate (4) am- monia, which precipitates sesqui-oxyd of iron. 11. — Filter, wash residual and add washings to filtrate (5). 12. — Dry and heat the residual in hydrogen gas within a glass tube as long as any vapor of water is dis- engaged, then weigh the iron. This powder, with glass as a flux at a high heat, becomes a button of iron. 13. — Treat filtrate (5), after evaporating it to dryness with hydro-chloric acid, then add clean iron or zinc HAND BOOK. 21 plates to the solution diluted. Wash, dry and weigh the copper precipitate. 14. — Treat residual (1), first with a strong solution of carbonate of soda, then with dilute nitric acid ; and to the combined filtrates add -sulphuric acid, or a solution of the sulphate of soda. Wash, dry and reduce the pre- cipitate with powered charcoal in an earthen crucible ; then cool and weigh the button of lead. 15. — Digest the last residual in nitro-muriatic acid ; add chloride of sodium in solution, filter, precipitate the gold from its solution by the addition of sulphate of iron in solution ; wash, dry and weigh the gold. 16. — If the gold may be alloyed with silver and copper, precipitate the copper from the last filtrate by the addition of iron or zinc plates ; wash, dry and add the weight of the precipitate to the copper already obtained. Heat the residuary ore in a strong solution of chloride of sodium, filter and precipitate the silver with a clean copper plate ; wash, ignite and add the silver to that already obtained. 17. — Burn off the sulphur and weigh residuary ore. The sum of the weights of the gold, silver, copper, lead, iron and calcined ore taken from the weight of the original ore, leaves the weight of the sulphur. EECIPES. Mack Mux. — Black Flux is prepared by introducing gradually in small quantities, into a crucible heated to a 22 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S very dull redness, a mixture of either two parts of cream of tartar and one of nitre ; or equal parte of cream of tartar and nitre. White Flux is similarly prepared ex- cept that the mixture consists of one part of cream of tartar and two parts of nitre. Iron Rust Cement. — To one hundred parts of pow- dered and sifted iron borings, add one part of sal-am- moniac. Moisten the mixture with water to a pasty con- sistency for use. Lead Cement — Red or white lead in oil, four parts ; iron borings, two to three parts. Makes a good cement for steam boilers, steam pipes, etc. Solders, for Lead. — Melt one part of block tin, and when in a state of fusion add two parts of lead. Resin should be used with this solder. For Tin. — Pewter four parts, tin one part, and bis- muth one part ; melt them together. Resin is also used with this solder. For Iron. — Tough brass with a small quantity of borax. For Iron, Copper and Brass. — Spelter, that is an alloy of zinc and copper in nearly equal parts, is used. Quicksilvering of Copper Plate. — First thoroughly cleanse the surface of the plate, and rub it over with quicksilver, or with the nitrate of mercury. — The surface is sometimes cleansed by simply scouring it with wood ashes, brick dust, or fine sand ; and some- times by washing it with dilute acid or strong alkali. When acid is employed, its corrosive qualities should HAND BOOK. 23 be neutralized before the application of the quicksilver. Nitrate of mercury, when crystalized, is readily con- verted to a liquid by heat, in which state it may be ap- plied as a wash to the plate. ROASTING. Boasting is employed to dissipate the volatile parts of ore by heat, and is effected in heaps or furnaces. In Heaps. — Alternate layers of fuel and ore, usually as it comes from the mine, are heaped up to the depth of several feet. The lowest or ground layer is of wood, arranged by cross-piling so as to afford a free circulation of air. The upper layers may be of wood or coal. The ratio of fuel in volume to that of ore varies from 1 to 6 to 1 to 18. Fine ores and those rich in sulphur require less than coarse ores and poor in sul- phur. The fire is kindled through vertical openings or chimnies which extend to the ground layer. These openings are closed when the fuel has well taken fire. The roasting should be slow and uniform in all parts of the heap. The heat may be regulated by opening or closing the draft holes and chimnies. Several days and even months, sometimes, are required for roasting one heap. Ores similarly piled with fuel are sometimes roasted in walled inclosures provided with side openings. Furnaces, — There are a great variety of furnaces. Those mostly approved for the roasting of ores embrac- ing also calcining and chloridvzing are the reverberatory. The interior walls of the furnace should be of the best fire brick laid edgewise ; the outer walls may be of com- 24 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S mon building brick or stone. The furnace must be well tied with iron rods, and carefully dried before being used. The Reverbreatory Furnace is constructed sometimes with one and sometimes with two hearths or soles one above the other. In the double hearth furnace, for in- stance, in the treatment of silver ores the roasting and sulphatization are effected on the upper sole, and the calcining and chloridizing on the lower. The ore pul- verized fine, is charged upon the upper sole to the depth of from two to four inches, and is kept well stirred du- ring the roasting. The heat should be at a low temper- ature, not exceeding brown or dull red. The access of air should be free. A small jet of steam into the fur- nace assists in regulating the temperature and also fa- cilitates oxydation. The addition of powdered charcoal in small quantities may be made to advantage when the ores contain arsenic. If the ores are poor in sulphur add from two to three per cent, of the sulphate of iron. The first operation of roasting and sulphatizing is accom- plished in four or five hours. Then through an opening in the upper hearth the ore is let fall upon the lower, where it is heated for some time at a temperature not much higher than that above. The heat is then gradu- ally increased to cherry red, at which it is kept during the time required for calcining and chloridizing. The heat should never exceed bright red. The ore is fre- quently stirred. When calcination is complete a mix- ture of common salt melted and pulverized and seven HAND BOOK. 25 parts of cold calcined ore are added to the hot ore, esti- mated at fifteen parts, and quickly and thoroughly mixed with it by stirring. Calcination is usually effected in four or five hours, and chlorination in fifteen or twenty minutes. PURIFICATION OF MERCURY. Mercury for the purposes of amalgamation should be pure. Any foreign substance such as lead, tin, zinc, or bismuth diminishes its properties of combining with gold and silver. To free from these and other impuri- ties, 1st. Distil the impure mercury. A retort for this process may readily be made of a common quicksilver flask and iron pipe of syphon form. The short leg of the pipe, a few inches long, is attached to the flask i n the place of the removed stopper. The long leg, three or four feet in length, inclines downward from the bend. The retort should not be jver two thirds filled with mercury. The heat ought first to be applied to the short leg of the pipe and upper part of the retort, then to all parts of the flask alike. The long leg of the pipe must be kept cold. This may be effected by wrapping it with cloths and pouring on cold water. The discharge end may also be immersed in cold water, kept in the receiver. The heat should be uniform, and the distillation slow. The common covered retort is far preferable to the one described. 2. Heat and frequently agitate the distilled mercury in thin sheets, with one part of nitric acid and two parts 26 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S of pure water. The heat should be kept at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, for several hours. Repeat these operations until satisfactory results are obtained. Then pour off the mercury for use. 3. Digest the crust (nitrate of mercury and impuri- ties) in nitric acid. Then dilute the solution, filter, pre- cipitate the mercury by metallic copper, and add it to the mercury already obtained. Or the nitrate of mercu- ry may be converted to a liquid, simply by heat, and the metal then precipitated by copper plate. EXTRACTION OF GOLD BY THE PAN PROCESS. 1. The rock, as it comes from the mines, is usually crushed wet by stamps, to a fine granular state, and run into large tanks. 2. Charges of the reduced ore, with sufficient water to form a thin paste, are thoroughly ground in iron pans. As gold found in rock exists almost without exception in a metalic state, friction alone is required to fit it for amalgamation. 3. Quicksilver is ordinarily added to the pulp, as the pans commence running. To avoid grinding the quick- silver excessively, the addition is sometimes made with the muller slightly raised, after the reduction of the ores 4. The charge is then drawn off and washed, leaving the amalgam in the separators. 5. The proportions usually observed, for instance, in the Wheeler & Randall grinders and amalgamators, are Ore to the charge, 1,200 pounds. Quicksilver to the charge of ore, .... 75 " HAND BOOK. 27 Revolutions of muller, 60 to 75 Time of reducing, 2 to 3 hours. As gold-bearing rock is seldom found sufficiently rich to render it advisable to treat the entire mass in pans, the above method is subject to various modifications, of which the following are a few : 1. The heavier and richer portions of the rock, as crushed, are concentrated by revolving-blankets, buddies or other machinery, and then pulverized and amalga- mated in pans. 2. Amalgamation is commenced in the batteries during the crushing operation, and is carried on through a series of shaking tables, riffles, and copper plates. The richer portions of the tailings are then concentrated and treated in pans. 3. Grinding and amalgamating are effected in pans while the reduced ores are flowing continuously through them. 4. The sulphurets or concentrated tailings are some- times roasted in a reverberating furnace, before being ground and amalgamated. 5. Thin layers of the concentrated sulphurets or tail- ings are spread in inclosures open to the sky, and allowed to remain a long time, for instance, a year. The tailings are occasionally turned with shovels and the lumps broken, so as to expose as much surface as possi- ble to the action of the air. Common salt mixed with the tailings assists in their oxydation. When quite 28 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S thoroughly oxydized, they are treated in pans. This is very economical and effectual, and by it the yield of gold, (especially if very fine) to the ton is frequently much greater than was obtained at first from the same ores. EXTRACTION OF GOLD BY CHLORINATION. 1. Pulverized Ores, containing gold, having been well roasted, cooled and moistened with water, are put into closely covered wooden cisterns, whose bottoms are so constructed that chlorine gas can permeate the mass from underneath. 2. Chlorine gas produced by heating sulphuric acid, per oxyd of manganese and common salt, in a suitable generator, is caused to enter the cisterns at the bottom? through leaden pipes. The effect of the chlorine on the gold, is to produce terchloride of gold. 3. Pure water, after the chloride has done its duty> which takes from ten to fifteen hours, the covers being removed, is added sufficient to keep the cisterns even with the mass. The effect of the water is to dissolve the terchloride of gold. The solution is then drawn off into glass vessels. 4. Sulphate of iron, in solution, is used to precipitate the gold, which may then be gathered as a powder. EXTRACTION OF SILVER BY THE PATIO PROCESS. 1. Patio signifies a yard. For amalgamating pur- poses, the floor of the yard is made level, paved with brick or granite blocks, surrounded by high walls, and HAND BOOK. 29 usually left open to the sky. On this floor circular batches of silver ore, reduced to an inpalpable paste by stamps and arastras, or other machinery, are spread to the depth of seven to twelve inches, and inclosed by low close curbs. 2. Salt, varying in quantity according to its quality and the richness of the ore, is well mixed with the pulp by treading it with horses, mules, or oxen, and turning it with shovels. The effect of the salt is to desulphur- ize the sulphurets, and produce chloride of silver. The batch is then left one entire day. 3. Magistral, that is, roasted and pulverized copper pyrites, varying in quantity with its quality, the richness of the ores and season, is well mixed with the pulp after it has been subjected to the treading and turning opera- tion one hour. The ultimate effect of the magistral is to revive the silver by depriving it of its chlorine. 4. Quicksilver is added, usually in three charges to the mass, by being sprinkled in minute particles through cloth or other porous substance. After the addition of the first charge of quicksilver, the batch is thoroughly mixed, thrown into heaps of about one ton each, smooth- ed and left at rest one whole day. The treading, turn- ing and heaping operation is performed every other day, occupying five or six hours, and is found much more effective in a morning than an evening. The second charge of quicksilver is added and similarly treated when it is ascertained by washing a small quantity of the mixture, that the first has been well incorporated. b3 30 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S After the second charge has performed its work, the third charge is added to take up any stray particles of silver, and to fit the amalgam better for separation. 5. Lime is added to cool, and magistral to heat the mass, according as it may be too hot or too cold. Too much heat is indicated by the quicksilver becoming ex- tremely divided, and of a dark color, with occasional brown spots upon its surface. Too little heat is indica- ted by the quicksilver retaining its natural color and fluidity. A proper degree of heat is indicated by the amalgam's being of a greyish-white color, and yielding readily to a slight pressure. 6. The proportions to the ton of ore, valued at fifty dollars, are : Sea Salt, of good quality, , . . . . 80 pounds. Magistral. — When containing ten per cent., of the sulphate of copper, in summer, 20 " in winter, 10 " Quicksilver — First charge, ... 14 " Second charge, 5 " Third charge, 7 " Lime. — More or less, see section 5th,. . .15 " An excess of magistral, quicksilver, or lime is inju- rious. An excess of salt causes a loss of quicksilver but is not otherwise injurious. The time employed in treating a batch of ore varies from twelve to sixty days. Light and good weather greatly facilitate operations. 7. The separation is accomplished by agitating the HAND BOOK. 31 pulp or mixture with abundance of water, in a large, deep, circular vessel, and causing the lighter portions of the mass to flow slowly off, until the amalgam is gath- ered by itself. EXTRACTION OF SILVER BY THE FREYBERG PROCESS. 1. This process takes its name from Freyberg, a place in Germany, where it was first practiced. The ores, if possible, are assorted so as to contain not less than twenty-five per cent, of sulphurets. When they contain less, the sulphate of iron is added to make up the deficiency. When more, then a sufficient quantity of the richest in sulphurets is roasted without sea-salt to make good the ratio : the ores are crushed dry. 2. Sea-Salt and crushed ores are thoroughly mixed together, roasted in a reverberatory furnace, and then re- duced to an impalpable powder in a suitable mill. The salt and heat transform the sulphurets of silver to chloride of silver. 3. Wrought Iron, in small pieces, with a pasty mixt- ure of the reduced ores and water are put into German barrels, which, making twenty revolutions a minute, are run two hours. The effect of the iron is to revive the silver to its metallic state. 4. Quicksilver is then poured into the barrels, after which they are run sixteen hours continuously, except the time taken to regulate the consistency of the pulp, by the addition of ore or water. At the end of the time run, the casks are filled with water and revolved quite b4 32 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S slowly for one or two hours, when the mass is dis- charged into lai ge vats and the amalgam separated by washing. 5. The Proportions to the ton of ore valued at $75.00 per ton, are Sea-Salt, added before the roasting process, 200 lbs. Wrought Iron, added to the ton of roasted ore 200 " Quicksilver, added to the ton of roasted ore.. 1000 " EXTRACTION OF SILVER BY THE VEATCH PROCESS. The only essential difference between this and the Freyberg process consists in the employment of tubs instead of barrels, and the use of steam directly in the pulp. Vertical plates of iron or copper, for reviving the silver from its chloride state, are fastened to the muller arms, so as to revolve edgewise through the pulp or mass. The operations are greatly hastened by the application of steam, so that not more than five or six hours are required for the treatment of a charge of ore. EXTRACTION OF SILVER BY THE PAN PROCESS. 1. The Ores, as they come from the mines, are usually crushed wet to a granular state by stamps, and run into a series of large settling tanks. To crush wet, and at the same time fine, is very objectionable, as much silver thereby is carried off by the water. 2. Charges of the reduced ores, with sufficient water to form a soft, pasty mass, are put into iron pans con- HAND BOOK. 33 structed as grinders, which are run from two to six hours, according to their reducing properties. Water is occasionally added during the grinding process, as the condition of the pulp may require. 3. Quicksilver is ordinarily poured into the pans as they commence running. Sometimes, to avoid grinding it excessively, the muller is slightly raised and the ad- dition made after the reduction of the ores. 4. Chemicals, differing in kind and proportions, to almost an indefinite extent are employed. As to their practical value, a diversity of opinion prevails among the most experienced and intelligent amalgamators and mill-men. In pans of slow motion and of little grinding capacity, certain chemicals, in the treatment of some ores, have been used to advantage. Their em- ployment and proportions, in all cases, depend upon the composition and character of the ores. Experience thus far, chiefly goes to show that the chemicals in pans, which grind rapidly, are not only valueless but in many instances injurious to amalgamation. In pans of this character, the sulphurets of silver ores become not only mechanically divided, but chemically decomposed. The heat of the steam contributes to the attainment of this desirable object ; the iron of the pans serves also to revive any silver existing as a chloride. The proportions usually observed in operating the Wheeler & Randall grinders and amalgamators, are : 5b 34 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Ore to the charge, 1,200 lbs Quicksilver to the charge of ore valued at $50 per ton, 200 " Revolutions of muller per minute, 60 to 75 Heat, to nearly the boiling point of water. Time of working charge, , 2 to 3 hs. The charge is next drawn off and separated by wash- ing. The grinders and amalgamators should be well cleansed before being recharged. 6. A few of the chemical recipes employed in Nevada, to the ton of ore, valued at $50 : recipe I. Sulphuric Acid, 3 pounds. Sulphate of Copper, 2 " Common Salt, 15 " rec. ii. Sulphuric Acid, 2 " Alum, 2 Sulphate of Copper 1.5 " REC. III. Sulphate of Copper, 1.2 " Sulphate of Iron, 1.0 " Sal Ammoniac, 0.8 " Common Salt, 2.0 " REC. IY. Catechu, 2 " Sulphate of Copper, 2 " Common Salt, 25 " HAND BOOK. 35 REC V. Sulphate of Iron, 1.5 " Nitric Acid, 1.5 " Common Salt, 15.0 " KEC. VI. Muriatic Acid, 30 ounces. Peroxyd of Manganese, ... 8 " Sulphate of Copper, 10 " Sulphate of Iron, 10 " The salt is applied half an hour before the other chemicals. SEPARATION OF SILVER FROM LEAD BY THE PATTIN SON PROCESS. 1. This process is founded on these facts: If a melted alloy of silver and lead is stirred while cooling slowly, crystals of lead form and sink, which may be removed with a drainer. A large portion of the lead may thus be separated from the silver. 2. Cast-iron pans, capable of holding about five tons each, and provided with fire places, are arranged in a series, as A, B, C, D, E, F, G, in a straight line. 3. The metal of ores containing silver and lead as it comes from ordinary smelting works, is melted, for in- stance, in pan D, and then allowed to cool very slowly. The metal while cooling is stirred, especially near the edges of the pan, with an iron bar. As soon as crystals form and sink to the bottom, they are taken out with an iron drainer raised to a temperature somewhat higher b6 36 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S than that of the metal bath. From one half to two thirds of the charge is thus removed to pan E, and the balance taken to pan C. Other charges of D, are simi- larly treated and disposed of. The charges of C and E are treated and disposed of in like manner, except that the crystals of E go to F, and the balance to D, and the crystals of C go to D, and the balance to B. Thus, after successive meltings and drainings, the alloys rich in silver pass to A, while the lead, almost entirely de- prived of silver, goes to G. The alloys obtained in pan A are then subjected to cupellation. An alloy contain- ing over six hundred dollars of silver to the ton should not be treated by this process. SEPARATION OF SILVER FROM COPPER BY THE LIQUA- TION PROCESS. 1. This process is founded on these facts : Lead and copper fused together form an alloy, which, if rapidly cooled, maintains an intimate admixture, but if slowly cooled, separates. An alloy of lead and copper slowly heated to near its point of fusion, also separates. Silver, if contained in the alloy, goes with the lead. 2. Either an alloy of copper or silver, or matte (crude black copper reduced, but not refined from sulphur and other impurities), containing silver, as it comes from the smelting furnace, is melted with lead of about four times its weight, in a cupola furnace, and cast into plain circular plates which are suddenly cooled. These plates, called " liquation cakes," are arranged on their edges, HAND BOOK. 37 with alternate layers of charcoal, in a liquation furnace. The charcoal is then ignited, and a degree of heat pro- duced somewhat below that of the fusing point of cop- per. The lead and silver melt and flow into a receiver, while the copper, in a porous state, retains the forms of the original cakes. If the separation may have been imperfect, the cakes are farther treated by being raised to a higher degree of heat in the " sweating furnace." The silver is then separated from the lead by cupella- tion. SEPARATION OF SILVER FROM LEAD BY THE PARKE PROCESS. 1. Lead, containing silver, is fused in large cast-iron pots. Melted zinc is added and well stirred in the alloy. The fire being withdrawn from under the pot, the whole is left at rest for a short time. 2. The silver and zinc separating from the lead, form an independent alloy, which is skimmed from the sur- face of the metal bath, as long as it rises. 3. This scum alloy, containing some lead, is heated in a liquation retort. The silver and lead fuse, and, to a great extent, flow into prepared moulds. The alloy thus run off is then cupelled; the alloy of zinc and silver remaining in the retort, are partially separated by dis- tillation. The silver thus obtained is freed of its im- purities by cupellation. 4. The proportions are : 38 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Charge of argentiferous lead to the pot usually from 6 to 7 tons. Charge of zinc to the ounce, of silver by estimation, 1.5 to 2 pounds Quantity of silver to the ton of lead. . 10 to 15 ounces Time of stirring alloy, after the addition of zinc, from 10 to 15 hours. The alloy prepared for cupellation contains, of silver, to the ton, about 1,000 ounces. SEPARATION OF SILVER FROM LEAD BY CUPEL- LATION. 1. The Alloy of silver and lead is melted in a circular reverberatory furnace provided with openings through its sides for the admission of metal, heat, currents of air, and for the escape of vapors or litharge. The escape is opposite the blast opening. The roof or top of the fur- nace is of dome-form and movable. At each cupella- tion, the hearth, usually of hollow form, is broken up and replaced by one made of clay, sand and carbonate of lime. 2. Blasts, or currents of air, are blown continually during the operation upon the surface of the fused alloy, promoting oxydation of the lead and causing the litharge to pass out through the escape opening. The gate-way of this opening is kept level w T ith the surface of the metal within. The silver thus separated from the lead remains on the hearth of the furnace in nearly a pure state. It is deprived of what lead it may contain by the humid way of assay. HAND BOOK. 30 EXTRACTION OF SILVER BY THE AUGUSTIN PROCESS. 1. This Process, employed thus far chiefly in the treatment of matte, (impure copper) containing silver, is founded on the solubility of chloride of silver in a hot, concentrated solution of common salt. 2. The Matte, as it comes from the cupola or high furnace, is crushed dry by stamps, pulverized in suit- able mills and bolted. The coarser portions thus obtained are taken to the copper works. 3. The Roasting of the powdered matte in a reverber- atory furnace is commenced at a low temperature with a free access of air. By careful, uniform roasting, at a dull red heat, the sulphurets of silver, iron and copper are produced. The heat is then increased to cherry-red which decomposes the sulphates of iron and copper, but not the sulphate of silver. 4. Salt, previously melted, pulverized and mixed with cold calcined matte, is added to the hot matte in the furnace and thoroughly mixed with it by stirring. The sulphate of silver is thus transformed to chloride of silver. 5. The Apparatus for the humid operations consist of a large heating reservoir, a series of dissolving tubs, two large settling cisterns, four precipitating tubs to each one of the dissolving tubs, and two large receptacles, arranged in the order here given on descending steps. The dissolving and precipitating tubs are nearly cylin- drical. They are provided with filters made of small 40 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S sticks and straw, covered with cloth ; a vertical parti- tion, resting on the filter, divides each tub into two unequal compartments. 6. The Ghloridized Matte being put into the larger compartments of the dissolving tubs, sufficient of the hot salt solution from the heating reservoir above to com- pletely immerse the matte, is let into the tubs ; they are then left at rest one hour. The discharge cocks of the heating reservoir and tubs then being opened, the hot salt solution is filtered through the contents of the tubs, and run off from the smaller compartments, at openings at first above the level of the matte, afterwards at open- ings near the bottoms of the tubs, into the settling cisterns, until a test with clean copper plate shows no trace of silver in the filtered solution. 7. Copper (copper cement) is put into each of the upper two precipitating tubs in the several series of four, and iron (wrought scrap iron) into each of the lower two. The chloride solution from the settling cisterns is then slowly filtered through the several series of precipitating tubs, and the filtered solution run into the large receptacles below. The silver is precipitated by the copper in the upper tubs, and the copper in solu- tion is precipitated by the iron in the lower tubs. The silver is taken twice a week from the precipitating tubs and refined. The copper precipitated in the lower tubs is transferred to the upper tubs. The filtered matte is washed and taken to the copper works. The filtered HAND BOOK. 41 solution, in the receptacles, is pumped into the heating reservoir and used again. 8. The Proportions usually observed are : Matte, before roasting, should con- tain of sulphur, not less than, 20 per ct. Charge of Matte, to the furnace, for roasting and calcining,. . 500 pounds. Charge.— Melted Salt, 35 " Roasted Matte, 220 " Add same for chloridizing. Time. — Roasting on the upper sole of Furnace 4 to 4J hs. Calcining on lower sole of Furnace 4 to 4£ " From 8 to 9 " Time of chloridizing, from 15 to 20 minutes. Charge of chloridized matte to the tub, from 1000 to 1200 lbs. Salt — In the solution, in reference to the water, from 20 to 25 per ct. Degrees of Heat of salt solution. . 131° Fahr. Time of dissolving and precipita- ting, from ... 20 to 24 hours. Solution of Sah y run through each tub to 1000 pounds of matte, from 200 to 250 cubic ft. Depth of Copper in precipitating tubs, about 6 inches. Depth of Iron in precipitating tubs, about ... 6 " 42 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S EXTRACTION OF SILVER BY THE ZIERVOGEL PORCESS. 1. This Process, employed thus far chiefly in the treatment of matte (impure copper) containing silver, is founded on the solubility of sulphate of silver in hot water. 2. The Matte, as in the Augustin process, having been thoroughly pulverized, is carefully roasted and calcined till the sulphates of iron and copper are com- pletely decomposed, but none of the sulphate of silver. When small quantities of the roasted matte, thrown hot into water, give only a very slight blue color, the cal- cination is regarded complete. 3. The Sulphatized Matte is then treated, in all respects, the same as the chloridized matte, (see sec. 6, page JJ^) in the Augustin process, except that pure water is em- ployed instead of solution of salt. 4. The Proportions usually observed are : Matte, before roasting, should con- tain of sulphur, not less than, 20 per ct. Charge of Matte to the Furnace, . 500 lbs. Time. — Roasting on upper sole of Furnace, « 4 to 4J hours. Calcining on lower sole of Furnace, . . ............. 4 to 4£ hours. From 8 to 9 " Charge of sulphatized matte to the tub, from 1000 to 1200 lbs. Degrees of Heal of the water for HAND BOOK. 43 dissolving 149° Fahr. Time of dissolving and precipita- ting, from 20 to 24 hours. Hot Water run through each tub, from 200 to 250 cubic ft. Depth of Copper in upper precipi- tating tubs, 6 inches. Depth of Iron in lower precipita- ting tubs, « " EXTRACTION OP SILVER BY THE PATERA PROCESS. 1. In this Process the ores are thoroughly pulverized and chloridized by roasting with common salt. 2. Hot Water to dissolve the chlorides of various base metals is filtered through the chloridized ores put in tubs similar to the dissolving tubs in the Augustin pro- cess. The ores are then cooled and transferred to similar, but smaller tubs. 3. Hyposulphite of Soda, in cold solution, is then filtered through the ores and run into precipitating tubs until all the chloride of silver is completely dissolved. 4. Poly sulphide of Sodium, sufficient to produce a neutral liquor, is then added, which precipitates the silver as a sulphide in sacks fitted to the inside of the tubs. This neutral liquor is preserved for lixiviating purposes. 5. The Sulphide of Silver thus obtained, after being washed in warm water, pressed and dried, is heated under muffles with free access of air till nearly all the 44 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S sulphur is expelled. The metallic silver is then re- refined. MECHANICS. Force. — That which produces or tends to produce mo- tion, or change of motion, is termed force. Work. — The product of force and the distance through which it is exerted, is termed icork — mechanical work. Units. — The units of force, distance, and time are re- spectively one (1) pound, one (1) foot, and one (1) minute. Horse Power. — Thirty three thousand (33,000) units of work constitute one (1) " horse power," that is, thirty- three thousand pounds raised vertically one (1) foot in one (1) minute, or its equivalent. TO FIND THE HORSES' POWER IN A GIVEN TIME. Rule. — Divide the product of the weight in pounds and the vertical distance in feet through which the weight is to be raised, by the product of the time in minutes and thirty-three thousand. (33,000.) Ex. 1. — Required the horses' power necessary to drive forty-five (45) stamps, each stamp weighing six hundred and forty (640) pounds, falling ten inches, and making seventy-seven (77) drops per minute, allowing twenty- five per cent, for friction. Cat 45X640X77X10--12=1848000. 1848000X1.25=2310000. 2310000h-33000=70 horses' power. Ans. Ex. 2. — How many horses' power are required to HAND BOOK. 45 raise water three hundred (300) feet by a single acting pump seven (7) inches diameter, thirty (30) inches stroke, making fifteen (15) lifting strokes per minute, allowing thirty -five (35) per cent, for friction ? Gal. 15 X 30— 450 inches, column of water raised. 450-=- 12=37.5 feet, column of water raised. 7X7X,7854-f-144=,2672 area of end of column of water. ,2672X37.5=10.02 solid inches in column of water. 10.02X62. 5=626.25 pounds in column of water. 626.25X1.35=845.4375 pounds with friction added. 845.4375 X 300-^-330000=7.68 horses* power. Ans. Ex, B. — The slant depth of the hoisting shaft of the Eureka Mine, Sutter Creek, is one thousand (1000) feet ; the dip of the lode being sixty (60°) degrees ; how many horses' power are required to raise one ton (2,000 pounds) of rock to the surface in five minutes, allowing fifty per cent, for friction ? 90°— 60°=30° complement. 1000^-2=500 feet side of right angled triangle op- posite 30° 1000X1000=100000; 500X500=250000; 1000000—250000=750000. "l/750000= : 866.0254 perpendicular depth of mine. 866.0254X1.50=1299.0376, with friction added. 1299.0376X2000=2598075 ; 33000X5=165000. 2598085-^-165000=15.75 horses' power. Ans. Remarks. — 1. It is found by experience that it re- quires to reduce by stamps hard quartz rock (frequently 46 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S called by miners, live rock,) from the size usually fed into batteries to the ordinary granular size coming from the same, about one horse power to the ton in twenty- four hours ; and to farther reduce it from the granular state by the common pan-grinders and amalgamators to a " slum " or slime of economical fineness, about one horse power in the same length of time. 2. That the Wheeler & Randall Grinder and Amal- gamator, four feet diameter, making sixty-five revolu- tions per minute, will reduce from the granular to the slime condition, five tons of rock per twenty-four hours. Note. — It is estimated by those using the Wheeler and Randall Grinder and Amalgamator, that it requires to run each four foot machine sixty-five revolutions per minute, three (3) horse power. This is somewhat less than the inventors were ready to believe, on account of the extraordinary reducing properties of their invention. 3. That it requires to run a Separator seven feet di- ameter, (not grinding,) about one half of one horse power. VARIED MOTION. Laws of Uniformly Varied Motion. — 1. In uniformly varied motion, the path described at the end of any time is half that which the body would describe in the same time if it were to move uniformly with the velocity ac- quired during this time. 2. In uniformly accelerated motion, the paths de- scribed at the end of any two times, are to each other as the squares of these times. 3. That these paths are to each other as the square HAND BOOK. 47 of the velocities acquired at the end of the correspond- ing times. Let one second be a unit of time ; then will the times of a falling body, in vacuo, be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc., etc. The corresponding fall during each second, will be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, etc., etc. The fall during any number of seconds, will be 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, etc., etc. And the velocities acquired at the end of each second, will be 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, etc., etc. Now, a body at the equator falls, in vacuo, as deter- mined by experiments, 16.0904 feet in one second of time. The resistance of the atmosphere does not much retard the velocity of heavy falling bodies. Let then, sixteen feet represent the distance which a falling body will describe in one second of time, when impressed by gravity alone. The velocity acquired at the end of the first second of time, is called the "initial veloc- ity," and is found to be 32.1808 feet; that is, twice 16.0904 feet. This velocity, due to the force of gravity, is usually denoted by g; that is, g=32.1808, which, for most practical purposes, may be taken at 32 feet. TO FIND THE DISTANCE A BODY WILL FALL IN TERMS OF THE VELOCITY. Rule 1. — Divide the square of the velocity by sixty- four (64). 48 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Example. — The velocity is 256 feet, what distance has the body fallen ? Calculation. 256X256-f-64=1024 feet. Ans. TO FIND WHAT DISTANCE IN FEET A BODY WILL FALL IN A GIVEN TIME. Rule 2. — Multiply the square of the time in seconds by si teen (16). Example. — What distance will a body fall in one minute ? Calculation. 60X60X16=57600 feet. Ans. TO FIND THE VELOCITY IN FEET, IN TERMS OF THE TIME. Rule 3. — Multiply the time in seconds by thirty-two. Example. — What velocity does a falling body acquire in seven seconds (7)? Calculation. 32X7=224 feet. Ans. TO FIND THE VELOCITY IN TERMS OF THE DISTANCE. Rule 4. — Multiply the square root of the distance by eight (8). Example. — What velocity will a body acquire by falling one hundred and ninety-six feet (196) ? Calculation. 8|/i96=112 feet. Ans. TO FIND THE TIME FALLEN, THE VELOCITY BEING GIVEN. Rule 5. — Divide the velocity by thirty-two (32). Example. — The velocity is 1920 feet, what time has it fallen? Calculation. 1920-7-32—60 seconds. Ans. HAND BOOK. 49 TO FIND THE TIME A BODY HAS FALLEN, THE DIST- ANCE BEING GIVEN. Rule 6. — Divide the square root of the distance fal- len by four (4). Example. — How long will it take a body to fall one hundred and forty-four feet (144) ? Calculation, j/ 144 -^-4— 3 seconds. Ans. WATER POWER. The theoretical velocity with which a liquid issues from an orifice in the bottom or side of a vessel that is kept full, is equal to that which a heavy body would acquire by falling from the level of the surface to the level of the orifice. The rules, therefore, under the head of " Varied Motion," apply equally well to falling bodies and to hydraulics. The practical velocity estimated for the entire open- ing, is considerably less than the theoretical velocity owing to oblique currents and to friction. These oblique currents produce a contraction in the vein or stream. The minimum transverse section of the contracted vein, is the plane at which the velocity is nearly equal to the theoretical velocity. The quantity of water which will be discharged in a certain time, depends upon the form of the opening, as well as upon the head. Tlius, by means of a conical tube of the form of the contracted vein, the velocity at the opening or smaller end of the tube, is nearly equal to the theoretical velocity. The theoretical velocity per second (rule 4, varied motion), 50 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S is eight times the square root of the head in feet. The actual velocity estimated for the entire opening, as ordi- narily constructed, is five and four-tenths the square root of the head. Water, as a power or force, is exerted on water wheels by its weight and by its impulse. Weight and impulse are combined on the overshot and breast wheels. The theoretical work accomplished by weight is the product of its force and the vertical distance through which it is exerted. The theoretical work accomplished by impulse, is the product of the force produced by weight of the flow of water, and the vertical height or head necessary to produce the velocity with which the weight moves. The available work depends not only upon the mag- nitude of the force exerted, but upon the direction of that force in reference to the direction given to the re- sistance ; also upon the form of the floats or buckets of the wheel, friction, losses by leakage, etc. The average efficiency of various water wheels, run- ning under favorable circumstances, as found by expe- rieuce, is as follows, to wit : Undershot, having flat, radial floats 33 Poncelet, improved undershot, , 60 Turbine, for example, the " Jouval," 68 Reaction, for example, the Scotch Turbine, .... 66 Overshot and Breast, the efficiency of that part of the fall acting by weight, is about 78 HAND BOOK. 51 And of that part acting by impulse, 40 The best velocities of the various water wheels, as compared with the supply velocities, are as follows : Undershot and Low Breast, at circumference, . . 50 Turbines, at the middle of ring of buckets, 65 Reaction, at circumference, 97 Overshot, at circumference, .50 The velocity of the overshot wheel at its circumfer- ence, should be about six feet ; which is due a head of 2.25 feet. Let the vertical distance from the centre of the open- ing in the gate, to the surface of the water in the flume or reservoir, be termed the head, and the vertical dis- tance from the centre of the opening in the gate to the lower edge of the wheel, the fall 2c 52 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS FOR ESTIMATING THE HORSES' POWER OF WATER WHEELS. Head. Head. Head. Head. ft. in. coefficient. ft. in. coefficient ft. in coefficient. ft. in coefficient. r 12 1 7 54" 3 2 76" 9. 128 2 17 1 8 55 3 4 78 10. 135 3 21 1 9 56 3 6 80 12. 148 4 25 1.10 58 3 8 82 14. 160 5 28 1.11 59 3 10 84 16. 171 6 30 2 60 4 85 20. 191 7 33 2 1 62 4 3 88 25. 213 8 35 2 2 63 4 6 90 30. 233 9 37 2 3 64 4 9 93 36. 256 10 39 2 4 65 5 95 49. 298 11 41 2 5 66 5 4 98 64. 341 1 43 2 6 67 5 8 101 81- 384 1 1 44 2 7 69 6 104 100. 426 1 2 46 2 8 70 6 6 109 121. 469 1 3 48 2 9 71 7 113 144. 511 1 4 49 2.10 72 7 6 117 4 169. 554 1 5 51 2.11 73 8 121 196. 597 1 6 52 3 74 8 6 124 225. 639 TO FIND THE HORSES 7 POWER FOR VARIOUS WATER WHEELS. Rule, — Multiply the product of the tabular coefficient opposite the given head, the area of the opening in the gate in square inches, the entire head in feet (head and fall in case of overshot and breast wheels), by the effi- ciency of the class of wheel, pointing off six figures as decimals. Example 1. — The dimensions of a stream are two inches by two hundred inches. What is its horses' HAND BOOK. 53 power, applied to a breast wheel affording a fall of ten feet? Calculation. 2 inches by 200 inches=400 square inches opening. Tabular coefficient opposite 2 feet 3 inches, .... 64 Efficiency of wheel, arising from impulse 40 Efficiency of wheel arising from weight, 78 Head, 2 feet 3 inches =2.25 2.25X40=90, product of efficiency and head. lOX'8—780 product of efficiency and fall. 90+780=870 sum of products. 870X400X64=22.27 horses' power. Ans. Example 2. — The dimensions of the stream are ten inches square, the head twenty-five feet, what is its horses' power applied to a good turbine ? Calculation. 10X10=100 square inches opening. Tabular coefficient opposite head of twenty-five feet, =213 Efficiency of turbine =68. '100X213X68X25=36.21 horses' power. Ans. STEAM POWER. Steam, as a force, acts by elastic pressure. The law " that in compressing the same quantity of air, or of a - perfect gas into smaller spaces, the volumes occupied by it are inversely proportioned to the pressures," does not hold good in relation to saturated steam. In the follow- ing table, P denotes the total pressure in pounds per square inch ; T the corresponding temperature, and V 3c 54 QUARTZ OPERATOR S the volume of the steam compared to the volume of the water that has produced it. TABLE OF PRESSURES, TEMPERATURES AND VOLUMES. p- T. 1 i02.r 5 162.3 10 193.3 14.7 212.0 15 213.1 20 228.0 25 240.1 30 250.4 35 259.3 40 267.3 45 274.4 50 281.0 V. P. T- 20582 60 292.7^ 3813 65 298.0 2358 70 302 9 1642 75 307.5 1610 80 312.0 1229 90 320.2 996 100 327 9 838 110 334.6 726 120 341.1 640 135 350.1 572 150 358.3 518 165 366.0 V. P. T. 437 180 372.9 405 190 377.5 378 200 381.7 353 210 386.0 333 220 389,9 298 230 393.8 270 240 397.5 247 250 401.1 227 260 404.5 203 270 407.9 184 280 411.2 169 300 417.5 V. 155 148 141 135 129 123 119 114 110 106 102 96 HAND BOOK. 55 TABLE FOR ESTIMATING STEAM FOR A GIVEN THE MEAN PRESSURE OF CUT-OFF OF STROKE. TJNJACKETED CYLINDER. JACKETED CYLINDER. cut-cff coefficient, correction. cut-off. coefficient. correction. A .177 12.098 A .186 11.966 A .244 11.113 A .254 10.966 A .303 10.246 A' .314 10.084 i .356 9.467 i .370 9.261 A .407 8.717 A .417 8.570 i .496 7.409 i .505 7.297 i .572 6.290 i .582 6.145 A .639 5.307 A .648 5.174 A .697 4.454 A .707 4.307 t .748 3.704 1 .756 3.587 A .797 2.984 A .800 2.940 T .833 2.455 T 2 .840 2.352 H .869 1.926 11 ¥0 .874 1.852 9 3" .894 1.558 I .900 1.470 It .923 1.132 it .929 1.044 A .945 0.808 7 ITT .945 0.808 1 .960 0.588 3 4 .960 0.588 t .976 0.353 t .976 0.353 ft .986 0.206 H .986 0.206 A •997 0.044 A .997 0.044 c4 56 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S By the table of pressures, temperature and volumes, it will be seen that the volume of steam under a pressure of thirty pounds to the square inch produced from a cubic inch of ice-cold water is 838 cubic inches ; while under a pressure of ninety pounds to the square inch, the volume is 298 cubic inches. Thus the ratio of the two pressures is as 30 to 90, or as 1 to 3, while the inverse ratio of the respective volumes of steam is as 1 to 2.81. The mechanical effect deduced from the above data is as follows: 838X30-^-12=2095, and 298X90—12=2235. Then 2235—2095=140 differ- ence of mechanical effects, and 140-^-2095=,0668 ; showing an advantage of nearly seven per cent, in favor of using steam at the higher pressure. By the table for estimating the mean pressure of steam for a given cut-off of stroke, the coefficients for one-fourth (J) cut-off are 572 in the unjacketed. cylin- der, and 582 in the jacketed cylinder. Then 582—572=10, and 10--572=,0175; showing an advantage of one and three-fourths of one per cent, in favor of the jacketed cylinder for the given cut-off of stroke. The back pressure of steam in the cylinder of an engine of ordinary structure is found, by experience, to be about four pounds to the square inch above the atmospheric pressure ; the velocity of piston being three hundred (300) feet per minute. It is also found by ex- HAND BOOK. 57 perience that the excess of the back pressure above the atmospheric pressure varies nearly as the square of the velocity of the piston. Thus, if the velocity of the piston be four hundred (400) feet per minute, the back pressure will be 7.11 pounds. Calculation. 300X300=90000; 400X400=160000; 4X160000^-90000=7.11 pounds. TO FIND THE MEAN PRESSURE OF STEAM FOR A GIVEN CUT-OFF OF STROKE. Rule. — Multiply the excess of the pressure of steam above the atmospheric pressure per square inch as it enters the cylinder by the tabular coefficient opposite the given cut-off, pointing off three figures as decimals, and deduct from the product the tabular correction for the same cut-off. Example. — What is the mean pressure of steam entering the cylinder at a pressure of ninety pounds to the square inch, and cut-off at three- tenths stroke? Calculation. — Tabular coefficient, unjacketed cylinder, for, T \ stroke=,639 Correction for same, =5.307 Then, ,639X90=57.510 57.510—5.307=52.203 pounds. Ans. And, jacketed cylinder, ,648X90=58.320 58.320—5.174=53.146. c5 58 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S TO FIND THE EFFECTIVE HOKSES ; POWER OF A NON- CONDENSING STEAM ENGINE. Rule. — Multiply four times the square of the diame- ter of the piston in inches by the product of the number of revolutions, length of stroke in feet, and the differ- ence between the average forward pressure and the back pressure of steam in pounds per square inch? pointing off five figures as decimals. Example. — What is the effective horses' power of an engine, the diameter of the piston being sixteen inches) the length of stroke three feet, the number of revolu- tions fifty per minute, and the average forward pressure, above the atmospheric pressure, seventy-five pounds per square inch? Gal. — The back pressure =4 pounds. 75—4=71 pounds. Then, 16X16X4X50X3X71=109.05 horses' power. Ans. Ex. 2. — What is the effective horses' power of an engine, the diameter of the piston being twelve inches, the length of stroke two feet, the pressure of steam, as it enters the cylinder, sixty pounds in excess of atmos- pheric pressure, cut-off at one-half stroke, and making seventy-five revolutions per minute? Gal. — Back pressure 4 pounds. Tabular coefficient for J stroke=,833. " correction for same =2.455. 833x60—2.455—4=43.525 effective pressure. HAND BOOK. 59 Then, 12X12X4X43.525X2X75=37.60 horses' power. Ans. MECHANICAL POWERS. There are three classes of mechanical powers, viz : — the lever, pulley and inclined plane. The wheel and axle belong to the first class, and are sometimes termed the perpetual lever. The wedge and screw belong to the third class. Weight signifies the resistance to be overcome, and power the force which overcomes or tends to overcome the resistance. THE LEVER. The arms of a lever are the portions of it which are intercepted between the power and fulcrum, and be- tween the weight and fulcrum. There are three kinds of levers, in which : — 1. The fulcrum is between the power and weight. 2. The weight is between the power and fulcrum. 3. The power is between the fulcrum and weight. Assuming the lever itself to have no weight, and no friction, the condition of equilibrium or balance, is as follows : The product of the power and the length of arm to which it is applied, is equal to the product of the weight and the length of arm to which it is applied. Ex. 1. If one arm of a lever be ten feet, and the c6 60 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S other two feet, what power must be applied to the longer arm to balance a weight of 1000 pounds? Gal. 1000X2-^-10=200 pounds. Ans. Ex, 2. If the radius of the axle, of " the wheel and axle," be six inches, and the radius of the wheel forty- eight inches, what power must be applied to the circum- ference of the wheel to balance 2400 pounds at the circumference of the axle? Gal. 2400 X 6^48=300 pounds. Ans. THE PULLEY. Assuming the pulley (as commonly arranged) to be without weight and free from friction and stiffness of cordage, the condition of equilibrium or balance is, that the weight is equal to the product of the power and the number of cords at the movable block. Ex. — What weight will be balanced by a power of one hundred pounds, there being three movable pulleys, or, in other words, six cords at the movable block? Gal. 100X6=600 pounds. Ans. THE INCLINED PLANE. Assuming that there is no friction, and that the direc- tion of the power applied is parallel to the plane, the conditions of equilibrium of a body sustained by any force on an inclined plane, is as follows : The product of the power and the length of the plane is equal to the product of the weight and the height of the plane. Ex. — What power would be necessary to sustain a HAND BOOK. 61 rolling weight of 1,200 pounds upon an inclined plane of 10 feet length and 6 feet perpendicular height? Gal— 1200X6-^-10=720 pounds. Ans. If the power acts parallel to the base of the plane, then the product of the power and the length of the base is equal to the product of the weight and the height of the plane. Ex. — What power would be necessary to sustain a rolling weight of 1200 pounds upon an inclined plane whose base is 8 feet and height 6 feet ? Gal 1200X6^-8=900 pounds. Ans. Ex. 3d. — Omitting the consideration of friction, what power applied to the back of a wedge of the form of either a single or double inclined plane, and in the di- rection of the base of the inclined plane, will raise a weight of 2400 pounds, the back of the wedge being 3 inches thick, and the base being 48 inches long? Gal 2400X3-^-48=150 pounds. Ans. Ex. 4. — Omitting the consideration of friction, if the threads of a screw be 2 inches apart, and a power of 500 pounds be exerted at the end of a lever 84 inches long, what weight or force will be produced at the end of the screw ? Gal. 84X2X- 2 T 2 -=528 inches, base of inclined plane. Distance of threads apart=2 inches, height of in- clined plane, 528X500-^2=132000 pounds. Ans. THIN CYLINDERS. To determine the thickness of a thin hollow cylinder ; 62 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S the internal radius, pressure, and the tenacity of the material being given. Rule. Multiply the internal radius in inches by the fluid pressure in pounds, and divide the product by the tenacity per square inch of the material. Ex. — The internal radius of a cylinder being 30 inches, the fluid pressure 250 pounds to the square inch, and the tenacity of the material of the cylinder twelve thousand pounds per square inch, what is the thickness of the cylinder ? Cal. 250X30=7500. 7500^12000=| inches. Ans. To determine the fluid pressure, the internal radius, thickness of cylinder, and tenacity of material being given. Rule. — Divide the product of the thickness of the cylinder and tenacity of the material, by the internal radius. Ex. — The thickness of the cylinder being one-fourth of an inch, the tenacity eighteen thousand pounds., and the radius six inches, what fluid pressure will the cylin- der withstand per square inch ? Gal. 18000X^6=750 pounds. Ans. THICK HOLLOW CYLINDERS. To determine the thickness of thick, hollow cylinders, the internal radius, the fluid pressure and the tenacity of the material of the cylinder being given. Rule. — Subtract one from the square root of the quo- HAND BOOK. 63 tient of the sum and difference of the tenacity per square inch of the material of the cylinder, and the fluid pressure per square inch, and multiply this differ- ence by the internal radius. Ex. 1. — The internal radius of a thick, hollow cylin- der being nine inches, the tenacity of the material of the cylinder ten thousand pounds per square inch, what is the requisite thickness of the cylinder ? Cal. Sum of tenacity and fluid pressure, 10000-^8000=18000 Difference of tenacity and fluid pressure, 10000—8000=2000 Quotient of sum and difference, 18000-^2000=9 Square root of quotients, -j/9— 3 Difference between root and one, 3 — 1=2 Product of radius and this differ- ence 9X2=18 inches. Ans. To determine the fluid pressure per square inch, which a thick, hollow cylinder will withstand, the inter- nal and external radii, and the tenacity of the material of the cylinder being given. Rule, — Divide the difference of the squares of the radii, and multiply the quotient by the tenacity per square inch of the material of the cylinder. Ex, 2. — The internal and external radii of a thick, hollow cylinder being respectively nine inches and twenty-seven inches, and the tenacity per square inch of the material of the cylinder ten thousand pounds, 64 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S what fluid pressure per square inch will it withstand ? Gal. Square of external radius, 27X27=729 Square of internal radius, 9X9=81 Difference of squares, 729 — 81=648 Sum of squares, 729 + 81=810 Then 10000X648-^810=8000 pounds. Ans. SUSPENSION RODS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. To determine the transverse section at any point of a suspension rod of uniform strength : Rule 1. — Divide the constant weight to be raised by the uniform tension per square inch, due the tenacity of the material in the rod, and multiply the quotient by 2,71828, raised to a power equal to the product of the length of the rod in inches, and the weight of one cubic inch of the rod, divided by the intensity of the tension per square inch. Ex. — The weight to be raised being 27000 pound?, the intensity per square inch of the working tension 3,000, the weight of rod per cubic inch j\ of a pound, and the length of rod 600 feet. Required the trans- verse section at the upper end of rod ? GaL — Weight divided by intensity of tension, 27000^-3000=9 Product of length in inches and weight of cubic inch, 7200X A=2000 This product divided by intensity of tension, 2000—3000— =§ HAND BOOK. 65 Product of 434295 and last quotient, ,434295 X§= ,289530. Number corresponding to loga- rithm, 289530=1,94887 And 1,94887X9=17,5983 inches. Ans. TO DETERMINE THE WEIGHT OF THE ROD THE SAME DATA BEING GIVEN AS IN EXAMPLE UNDER RULE ONE. Rule 2. — Multiply the transverse section by the in- tensity of the tension, and subtract from the product the constant weight to be raised. Ex. — The transverse section being 17,5983 square inches, as determined by solution of example one, the intensity of tension being 3,000 pounds per square inch, and the constant weight to be raised 27,000 pounds, what is the weight of the rod ? Cal 17,5983X3000=52794.9 52794.9—27000.0=25794.9 pounds. Ans. WATER PIPES. To determine the velocity of water per second, flow- ing through long pipes, the head or hight of reservoir above the point of delivery, the length and diameter of the pipe being given. Rule. — Multiply the product of the head and diame- ter of the pipe in feet by twenty-three hundred. Divide this product by the sum of once the length and fifty-two 66 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S times the diameter of the pipe, and extract the square root of the quotient. Ex. — The head is six hundred feet ; the diameter of pipe nine inches ; the length of pipe six thousand feet ; what is the velocity of the water per minute ? Cal. — Diameter of pipe =9 inches=,75 feet. Product of head, diameter, etc., 600X2300X>75= 1035000,00. Sum of length and product, 6000+52X,75==6039 Quotient, 1035000-^6039=171,386. Square root ^/i7i,386=13,09 feet, velocity per sec. Per minute, 13,09 X 60=785,4 feet. Ans. Plane Circular Plates. — To determine the grinding effects by one revolution of a plane circular plate of the usual ring form, of uniform hardness, about its axis per- pendicular to the grinding plane — the greater and less diameters and pressure per square inch being given. Rule. — Multiply the difference of the fourth powers of the radii by the product of the pressure per square inch, and the square of the ratio between the radius and circumference of a circle, and divide the product by the greater radius. Deduced from formulas 4 and 5 Discussion of Tractory, etc. 6 Ex. — The greater diameter of a plane circular plate (muller) of the usual ring form, and of uniform hard- ness, being forty inches; the less diameter sixteen inches, and the pressure per square inch five pounds, what is the grinding effect by one revolution ? HAND BOOK. 67 Cal. 48-v-2=24 greater radius. 16-=-2=8 less radius. 24X24X24X24X=331776 fourth power of greater radius. 8X8X8X8^=4096 fourth power of less radius. 331776—4096=327680 difference of fourth powers. 22 22 327680XyXyX5--24=674307.47.* Ans. Conical Plates. — To determine the grinding effect by one revolution of a conical plate (muller) of the usual ring form, of uniform hardness, about its axis perpen- dicular to the plane of the base, the greater and less diameters of the frustum, the height of the cone and the pressure per square inch, parallel with the axis of revo- lution being given. Ride. — Multiply the square root of the sum of the squares of the greater radius, and height of the cone by the difference of the fourth powers of the radii, and this product by the product of the pressure per square inch, and the square of the ratio between the diameter and circumference of a circle, divided by the square of the greater radius. Deduced from formulas 9 and 10. 7 7 Ex. — The greater diameter of a conical plate (muller) of the usual ring or frustum form being forty-eight Remark. — The unit of grinding effect here taken is the result of a body impressing one square inch of another body, with on pound pressure, and moving, under these circumstances, on inch. See Laws of Grinding, Discussion of Tractory, etc. 68 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S inches, the less diameter sixteen inches, the height of the cone twelve inches, the pressure per square inch, parallel with the axis of revolution, five pounds, what is the grinding effect by one revolution ? Cat 48-f-2=24 greater radius. 16-^2=8 less radius. 24X24=576 square of greater radius. 12X12=144 square of hight of cone. j/ 576 + 144=26.8328 square root of sum.* 24X24X24X24=331776 fourth power of greater ra- dius. 8X8X8X8=4096 fourth power of less radius. 331776—4096=327680 difference of fourth powers. 327680X26.8328X 2 y 2 X 2 y 2 X5--576=753875.77. Ans. Tractory Conoidal Plates. — To determine the grind- ing effect by one revolution of a tractory conoidal plate (muller) of frustum form, of uniform hardness, about its axis perpendicular to the plane of its base, the greater and less diameters of the frustum, and the pressure per square inch parallel with the axis of revolution be- ing given. Rule. — Multiply the difference of the squares of the radii of the frustum by twice the product of the greater radius, pressure per square inch, and the square of the ratio between the diameter and circumference of a circle. Deduced from formula 5. 4 Ex. — The greater diameter of a tractory conoidal HAND BOOK. 69 plate (mullerj being forty-eight inches, the less diame- ters sixteen inches, and the pressure, per square inch ? five pounds ; what is the grinding effect by one revo- lution. Cat. 48-4-2=24 greater radius. 16-^-2=8 less radius. 24X24=576 square of greater radius. 8X8=64 square of less radius. 576 — 64=512 difference of squares. 5l2X24X5X 2 7 2 X 2 T 2 X2=1213753.47. Ans. Remark. — Since, in this style of plate, the wear is perfectly uniform, the grinding effect will be the same, whether the central opening be large or small, providing the weight of the muller be the same in each case. MENS UEATION. Prop. 1. — The square root of the sum of the squares of the base, and perpendicular of a right-angled triangle is equal to the hypothenuse. Ex. — The base of a right-angled triangle is eight feet, the perpendicular fifteen feet, what is the hypothenuse ? Gal. 8X8=64 15X15=225 64+225=289 i/att±±l 7 feet. Ans. Prop. 2. — The square root of the difference of the squares of the hypothenuse, and one of the sides of a right angled triangle is equal to the other side. 70 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Ex. 1. — The hypothenuse is thirteen feet, the perpen- dicular twelve feet ; what is the base ? Cal 13X13=169 12X12=144 169—144=25 j/?7=5feet. Ans. Ex. 2. — The hypothenuse is thirty-seven feet, the base twelve feet ; what is the perpendicular ? Cal. 37X37=1369 12X12=144 1369—144=1225 1 /ITiT=35 feet. Ans. Prop. 3. — The circumference of a circle is equal to twenty-two times the diameter, divided by seven ? (nearly). Remark. — The true circumference of a circle lies between 3|J and 3}f times the diameter, which is nearly 3.1416. This ratio is usually represented in formulas by the character n. Ex. — The diameter of a circle being ten feet, what is the circumference ? Cal 10X22--7=31.428, or 10X3.1416=31.416. Ans. Prop. 4. — The length of an arc of a circle containing any number of degrees is equal to the product of the number of degrees in the arc, diameter of the circle and 3.1416 divided by three hundred and sixty. Ex. — What is the length of an arc containing seventy- five degrees, the diameter of whose circle is twenty-one. Gal. 75X21X3.1416--360=13.74feet. Ans. • Prop. 5 — The length of an arc of a circle is equal to HAND BOOK. 71 one-third of the difference between eight times the chord of half the arc, and once the chord of the arc. Ex. — Required the length of an arc whose chord is ten feet, and the chord of one-half the arc is 5.177 feet ? Cal. 5.177X8—10=31.416. 31.416-5-3=10.472 feet. Ans. Prop. 6 — The diameter of a circle is equal to the sum of the hight of any segment of the circle, and one third the square of half the base of that segment. Ex. — The base of a segment of a wheel is fifty -four inches ; the hight of the segment three inches ; what is the diameter of the wheel. Cal. 54--2=27 27X27-5-3=243 243 + 3=246 inches. Ans. Prop. 7. — The length of the common cycloid is equal to four times the diameter of the generating circle. Ex. — What is the length of a common cycloid, the length of whose generating circle is five feet ? Cal. 5X4=20 feet. Ans. Prop. 8. — The hight of a common parabola is equal to the square of half the base, or the square of the ordinate divided by twice the parameter. Ex. — The base of a common parabola is eight feet ; the perameter four thirds of a foot ; w T hat is its hight ? Cal 8-5-2=4 4X4=16 4X2-^-3=8-r-3 16X3-5-8=6 feet. Ans. 72 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Prop. 9. — The length of an arc of the common para- bola, measured from its vertex, is as follows : Length of arc. =y |/ p2 + y2 +p_log ( y + i/p2+y2 -) ~2p "2 , ( p Ex. — The half base or coordinate (y) being twelve feet, and the half parameter (p) being five feet, what is the length of the arc of the parabola, measured from the vertex ? Cat. 12X12=144 5X5=25 144+25=169 j/I^IS 13X12-5-10=15.6 13 + 12=25 25-1-5=5 Naperian log, 5-.1.61 1,61X5-^-2=4.02 15.6 + 4.02= Prop. 10. — An ordinate of an ellipse is equal to the product of the minor axis, and the square root of the difference of the squares of the major axis, and the co- ordinate divided by the major axis. Ex. — The axes of an ellipse are seven and ten feet An ordinate is six feet ; what is the coordinate. ? Cal. 10X10=100 6X6=36 100—36=64 !/64=8 8X7-^-10=5.6 feet. Ans. Prop. 11. — The circumference of an ellipse is as follows : 2 4 6 Circumference =2 11 A (1 — f — }f~ jftfgSr— etc )- Remark. — In the above formula, A denotes the semi- major axis ; E the eccentricity ; that is, the distance HAND BOOK. 73 between the centre and one of the foci of the ellipse, divided by the semi-major axis. 2 4 Ex. E-h4=,01. EX3-^64=,00G075. EX45-t-2304=,000001. .01 +000075 + ,000001= 010076 1_.010076=,989924 .989924X2X20—2X3.1416=62.1989 feet. Ans. Prop. 12. — An ordinate of an hyperbola is equal to the product of the conjugate axis, and the square root of the difference of the squares of the co-ordinate and transverse axis, divided by the transverse axis. Ex. — The transverse axis of an hyperbola is four feet ; the conjugate axis three feet, and an ordinate on the transverse axis and hight of the hyperbola ten feet ; what is the co-ordinate ? Cat. 10X10=100 4X4=16 100—16=84 y'(84)=9.165 9.165X3^-4=6.874 feet. Ans. Prop 13. — The length of an hyperbola is as follows, to wit : =iiA[l-i(2-E 2 )-A(2-EV-rffe(2-E 2 )* ] Remark. — In the above formula, A represents the semi-transverse axis ; E the eccentricity ; that is, the distance of the center from one of the foci divided by the semi-transverse axis. Ex. — The difference of the distances of a point in the curve, from the foci, being twenty feet, and the distance D 74 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S from the center from one of the foci, fifteen feet, what is the length of the hyperbola ? Col. 20-r2=10. 15-^10=E. Eccentricity. — (2— E )-Ht = + ,1875 ; 3(2-E 2 ) 2 --64=-,0264 2 3 —45 (2-E ) -^2304= + .0082 1.+.1875+.0082 —,0264=1.1693 1.1693X10X3.1416=36.7347 feet. Ans. Prop. 14. — The length of the spiral of Archimedes is as follows : Length.^ and having found the perpendiculars AD = 50, a 2 e 3 = 55, a s e 3 = 80, a 4 e 4 = 100, a 5 e 5 = 120, a G e G = 110, a 7 e 7 = 115, a 8 e 8 = 130, a 9 e 9 = 128, «io*io = 90 > 011*11= HO, a u e u = 108, a iz e u = 75 feet, what is the area of ABCD ? Cal. 540-^-12=45 distance apart of perpendiculars. 45-^3=15 one-third distance between any two per- pendiculars. 50+75=125 sum of extremes. 55+100+110+130+90+108=593 sum of even ordinates or perpendiculars. 80+120+115+128+110=553 sum of uneven or- dinates or perpendiculars. 593X4=2372; 553X2=1106. 125+2372+1106=3603. 3603xi5=Area of ABCD,=54045 square feet. Ans. Prop. 29. — The area or convex surface of a right d4 80 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S prism, or of a cylinder, is equal to the primeter of the base multiplied by the altitude. Ex. — What is the convex surface of a cylinder whose diameter is seven feet and length ten feet ? Col. 7X22-^7=22; 22X10=220 square feet. Ans. Prop. 30. — The area or convex surface of a right pyramid or cone is equal to the perimeter of the base multiplied by one half of the slant height. Ex. — What is the area or convex surface of a cone whose slant height is twenty feet, and the diameter of whose base is seven feet ? Gal. 7 X 22—7=22 ; 22 X 20-r-2=220 square feet. Ans. Prop. 31. — The area or convex surface of a spheri- cal zone is equal to the altitude of the zone multiplied by the circumference of a great circle of the sphere. Ex. — The height of a zone is eight feet, the diameter of the sphere twenty-five feet. What is the area of the zone ? Cat. 8X25X3.1416=628,32 square feet. Ans. Prop. 32. — The area of a sphere is equal to the pro- duct of the diameter and circumference. Ex. — What is the area of a ball ten inches in diam- eter ? Cat. 10X3.1416=31.416; 31.416X10=314.16 square feet. Ans. HAND BOOK. 81 Prop. 33. — The area or surface described by revolv- ing a cycloid about its base is sixty-four thirds of the generating circle. Ex. — What is the area or surface described by the revolution of a cycloid about its base, the diameter of the generating circle being seven feet ? Cat. 7X22-^4=38.5; 38.5x64-^3=821.33 square feet. Ans. Prop. 34. — The area or convex surface of a parabo- loid is as follows : Area=i^jA+^Y--il} 3 IV 4A 2 y 8A 2 ) Remark. — In this formula b represents one-half the diameter of the base, h the height of the paraboloid, and ii=3.1416. Ex. — The diameter of the base of a paraboloid being six feet, and the height two feet, what is the surface of revolution ? Cat. 4X6-f-2x2X3.1416-f-3=25.1328. I v 3. (-4) 125 27 27 125 27 98 64 8X8 64 64 64 64 25.1328 X98-v-64=38.48 square feet. Ans. Prop. 35. — The area of an ellipsoid described by re- volving an ellipse about its major axis, is as follows : 2 4 6 Arearz4nAB ( 1 -±-±—±— &C.) \ 6 40 113 / »5 82 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Ex. — The major axis being twenty feet, and the eccentricity four-tenths of a foot, what is the area of the ellipsoid? Gal. B^zj/(100 — lG)n9.1G5 semi-conjugate axis, 4X3.1416X10X9.16SX(1— .0167— .0064— &c.)= 1113.59 square feet. Ans. Prop. 36. — The convex surface of a hyperboloid is as follows : Ayw=— J x j/( x* — a 2 ) — A !/( A 2 — a 2 ) +aHog [ A+ 1 /(A 2 - a_ 2 ) | Remark. — In the above formula, (A) represents the transverse axis} (B) the conjugate axis; (x) an ordi- nate on the axis of revolution; and, (a) equal to the square root of A 4 A 9 +B a " Ex. — The transverse axis (A) is four feet, the conju- gate axis (B) three feet, and the hight six feet ; what is the area of the hyperboloid ? Gal. 0=4+6=10. a=J£. a 2 =W. 15X3.1416 (94.7 4 2.-9.6— 11.397)=217.31 square feet. Ans. Prop. 37. — The solid contents of a prism, or of a HAND BOOK. 83 cylinder, are equal to the area of the base multiplied by the altitude. Ex. — The diameter of a cylinder is twenty-one inches and its length forty inches ; what are the solid contents ? Gal. 21--7X22=66; 6 6X21 --4:= 346.5 346.5X40.-^13860 solid inches. Ans. Prop. 38. — The solid contents of a pyramid, or of a cone, are equal to the base multiplied by one-third of the altitude. ]$x. — The square inches in the base of a cone are 346.5, and the hight forty inches; what are the solid contents ? Gal 346.5X40-^-3=^4620 solid inches. Ans. Prop. 39. — The solid contents of a frustum of a pyra- mid, or a cone, are equal to one-third of the altitude of the frustum, multiplied by the sum of the two bases, in- creased by a mean proportional between them. J£x. — What is the solidity of the frustum of a cone whose lower diameter is ten inches, upper diameter eight inches, and hight twenty-four inches ? Gal. 10X10=100 8X8=64 10X8=80 100 + 64+80=244; 244X,?584X24--3=1 533.10 solid inches. Ans. Prop. 40. — The solidity of a sphere is equal to one- third of the area of a great circle, multiplied by the radius ; or, it is equal to the cube of the diameter, mul- tiplied by ,5236. d6 84 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Ex. — What is the solidity of a ball fourteen inches in diameter? Gal. 14x22-^-7=44; 14X44X14-^-6=1437.33 cubic inches. Ans. Prop. 41. — The solidity of a spherical segment is equal to one-half the hight of the segment multiplied by the sum of the areas of the two basis ; and this pro- duct increased by the solid contents of a sphere whose diameter is equal to the hight of the segment. Remark. — If the segment has but one base, the other is to be regarded equal to (zero). Ex. — What is the solidity of a spherical segment, the diameter of the sphere being forty inches, and the dis- tances from the center to the bases sixteen inches, and ten inches ? Cal. 20X20=400; 16X16=256; 10X10=100; 400—256=144; 400—100=300; 144+300=444; 444X4=1776; 1776X,7854=1394.8704; 1394,8704 X3=4184.6112 ; 6X6X6X,5236=113.0976 ; 4184 ,6112+113.0976=4297.7088 solid inches. Ans, Prop. 42. — The solidity of a regular polyedron is equal to the cube of one of its edges multiplied by the solidity of a similar polyedron whose edge is one. HAND BOOK. 85 Table of Regular Polyedrons "whose edges are one. Names. No. of Faces. Surface. Solidity. Tetraedron. . . Hexaedron. . . Octaedron. . . Dodecaedron . . Icosaedron. . . . 4 6 8 12 20 1.7320508 6.0000000 3.4641016 20.6457288 8.6602540 0.1178513 1.0000000 0.4714045 7.6631189 2.1816950 Ex. — What is the solidity of an icosaedron whose edge is twenty inches ? Cal. 20X20X20X2.1816950=17453.56 solid inches. Ans. Prop. 43. — The solidity of a solid, generated by the revolution of the cycloid about its base, is equal to five- eighths of a cylinder whose length is equal to the base of the cycloid, and whose diameter is twice that of the generating circle. Ex. — What is the solidity of a solid, generated by the revolution of a cycloid about its base, the diameter of whose generating circle is seven feet ? Cal 7X22-^7=22 length of solid, 7X2=14 diameter, 7X22=154; 154X22X5--8=2117.5 solid feet. Ans. Prop. 44. — The solidity of a paraboloid is equal to one-half of the solid contents of a cylinder of the same hight, and same base as the paraboloid. 86 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Ex. — What are the solid contents of a paraboloid, the diameter of whose base is twenty-eight inches, and height forty inches ? Gal. 28X22^-7=88; 88X28--4=616; 616x40-^-2=12320 solid inches. Ans. Prop. 45. — The solidity of a spheroid is equal to two-thirds the solidity of a circumscribing cylinder. Ex. 1. — What is the solidity of an oblate spheroid whose major diameter is twenty-eight inches, and minor diameter twenty-one inches ? Gal (28X88--4)X(21X2--3)=8624 solid inches. Ans. Ex. 2. — What is the solidity of a prolate spheroid, the diameters being as in example 1. Gal. (2lX66-=-4)X(28X2--3)=6468 solid inches. Ans. Prop. 46. — The solidity of an hyperboloid is as follows : Solidity.^ (—^- A2a Remark. — In this formula the transverse and conju- gate axes are respectively represented by (A) and (B), and the ordinate on the axis of revolution by (#). Ex. — What is the solidity of an hyperboloid whose transverse axis is four feet, conjugate axis three feet, and hight six feet ? HAND BOOK. 87 Cat. 6 + 4=10; 3.1416X94-16=1.76715; 1000 + 128=1128 ; 1128--3=376 ; 376—160=216 ; 1.76715X216=381.7 solid feet Ans. Remark. — The relations of the co-ordinates to each other in the tractory curve, the length of the curve, the quadrature of the meridian plane coinciding with the axis, the surface of revolution of the tractory conoid ; and the solid contents of that solid will be found under the heading " Discussion of the Tractory and differently formed Grinding Plates." INVOLUTION. Involution is the raising of quantities to any proposed power. The power of any quantity is that quantity multi- plied any number of times by itself. Thus, 3X3=9 is the second power of 3 ; 5X5X5=125 is the third power of 5. The power is sometimes expressed by writing the quantity with the number of the power a little above it, and at the right hand. Thus, to express the power, write 3 2 =3X3=9 square of 3. 53=5X5X5=125 cube of 5. 27=2X2X2X2X2X2X2=128 seventh power of 2. The number of the power, as 2, 3, 7 above, is termed the exponent or index. EVOLUTION. Evolution is the extracting of roots. 88 QUARTZ OPERATOR^ The root of any quantity is a quantity which, if mul- tiplied by itself a certain number of times, produces the original quantity; and is called the second or square root, the third or cube root, etc., according to the num- ber of multiplications. Thus the second or square root of 9 is a quantity whose square or second power produces 9 — that is 3. And the seventh root of 1 28 is a quantity whose seventh power produces 128 — that is 2. Roots are sometimes represented by the symbol j/, with the number of the root written within the angle of the symbol, and sometimes by exponents or indices. Thus the square root is represented 2 — 1 |/9— 9^=3 and is read square root or half power of i j!K9i 25=1 25^=5 and is read cube root or one-third power of 125. 7 1 -j/ 128=1 28 =2 and is read seventh root or one- seventh power of 128. The number 2 within the angle of the symbol in ex- pressing the square root, is usually omitted. Both involution and evolution are sometimes expressed by fractional exponents or indices. 3 Thus 32^ The numerator shows that the quantity is to be raised to the third power, 32X32X32=32768, and the denominator shows that the fifth root of that 5 1 power is to be extracted — ^32768=32768 =8. HAND BOOK. «y Or the denominator shows that the fifth root of the quantity is to be extracted j/32=32 F =2. And the numerator shows that the root thus obtained is to be cubed or raised to the third power, 2 X 2 X 2=8. TO EXTRACT ANY ROOT OF A POWER OR QUALITY. Rule. — 1st. Point off the given power or quantity into periods, containing each, except the left-hand period, as many figures as the required root indicates, beginning at the units place and pointing to the left in integers and to the right in decimals. 2d. Find by trial the first figure of the root and set it to the right of the quantity or power in the quotient's or root's place. Also place its first power at the head of a column on the extreme left, and its successive higher powers (regularly increasing the exponents by onej at the heads of columns following in order toward the right ; thus forming as many columns as there are units in the exponent of the power whose root is sought. The highest power of the first root figure falls under the left- hand period of the quantity, and is to be subtracted therefrom, and with the remainder the next period is to be brought down. 3d. Add the root figure to the first column, and mul- tiply this sum by the root figure, placing the product in the next right hand column and adding it thereto. Mul- tiply this sum by the root figure, placing the product in the next right hand column, which add thereto, and thus proceed adding and multiplying until the number of 90 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S additions shall be one less than the exponent of the number whose root is sought. The number thus found is termed the trial divisor. The root figure is to be added to the first column (the successive multiplications and additions following as above, except that one multiplica- tion less is made each time) as many times as there are units in the exponent of the number whose root is sought. 4th. Find how many times the trial divisor is con- tained in the remainder, with the first left hand figure of the next period brought down, and place the quotient as a second root figure. Also add this root figure, removed one place to the right, to the first column. Multiply the sum thus obtained by this root figure, adding the product, removed two places to the right, to the second column. Thus continue to multiply and add to the suc- cessive columns, removing the product at each addition one figure further to the right, until the product, falling under the quantity whose root is sought, is to be sub- tracted therefrom, and the remainder with the next period brought down as before. 5th. In a similar manner the successive figures of the root are determined. HAND BOOK. 91 Example 1st Required the side of a square inclosure containing 55225 square rods. Ans. 235 rods. Cal. / / / 55225 [235 2 4 2 152 43 129 3 2325 465 2325 Ex. 2d. Required the side of a cubical reservoir con- taining 9663597 solid inches. Ans. 213 inches. Cal. 9663597 [213 2 4 8 2 8 - 1663 4 1261 1261 2 62 402597 61 1323 402597 1 1899 62 134199 1 633 92 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Ex. 3d. Required the fifth root of 6436343. Ans. 23. Cal 6436343 [23 2 4 8 16 32 2 8 24 64 4 12 32 80 3236343 2 12 48 278781 3236343 6 24 80 1078781 2 16 12 927 8 40 92927 2 309 103 4309 DISCUSSION OF THE TRACTORY AND DIFFERENTLY FORMED GRINDING PLATES. The discovery of the Tractory Curve was long at- tributed to Huygens, an eminent mathematician of the seventeenth century. That the curve, however, was known long prior to the discovery of Huygens, is proven by recent excavations in the ruins of Pompeii, where has been found a mill whose grinding surfaces are of trac- tory conoidal form. HAND BOOK. 93 What properties of the curve Huygens may have in- vestigated does not appear. D'Alembert says that the e volute of the curve is the common catenary. Dr. Peacock says that the Tractory is an inverted semi- cycloid. As the term cycloid here used is not qualified, it must be inferred that the common is meant. Now, D'Alembert and Dr. Peacock cannot both be right ; for the involute of the common cycloid is similar and equal to the evolute, that is, the cycloid itself. But the cycloid is essentially dissimilar and unequal to the catenary. Therefore, the cycloid and the involute of the catenary cannot both coincide with, or be the Tractory. Again, as the equations of the Tractory, Catenary and cycloid, are essentially different, it is evident that neither D'Alembert, nor Dr. Peacock has correctly demon- strated and set forth the properties of the Ttractory. The discrepancy of the above named authors, and the unsatisfactory and unreliable manner of laying down the curve mechanically, as adopted by C. Schiele, of Oldham, have led to the following discussion, the cor- rectness of the result of which is not only certified to by several distinguished mathematicians, but is farther con- firmed by numerous and carefully made experiments. A tractory is defined to be " A curve whose tangent is always equal to a given line." The directrix of the tractory here investigated is parallel with one of the axes, and the point of origin of the curve is in a line at right angles to the directrix. 94 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S 2'iq.l. Let A Fig. 1 be the point of origin. Lay off on the axis AY the constant tangent AF=a. Draw the directrix FD ; parallel with the axis AX. Draw CD=a tangent to the curve ACC at the point C Produce BC in a right line intersecting FD in E. Let x and y be co-ordinates of the curve at any point C, and let z denote the length of the curve AC. Then CE=BE— BC=a— y, and EDS(cB— Cl)* : r a C'\ 1. By similar triangles 2. By similar triangles] = {2ay-f) d X ^Z^\ a—y dy dz= a ^ a—y l v Putting u=(2ay- tffi 2 2 . Squaring Eq. l x , u 2 = 2ay — y 2 3 r Differentiating Eq. 2 lf 2udu=2ady — 2ydy udu 4 X . Dividing Eq. 8 2 , by 2 (a—y) dy=- 5 V Transposing Eq. 2 l? y 2 — 2ay~- a—y HAND BOOK. 95 6^ Completing square to Eq. 5 1? y 1 — 2ay-\-a 2 =a 2 — u 2 l v Extracting sq. root Eq. 6 19 y — a=±^/(a 2 — u 2 ) S x . Or, a— y=± v /(a 2 — u 2 ) 3. Transposing Eq. 7 19 y=a + i/(a 2 — u 2 ) 9j. Substituting value of (a — y) Eq. 8 l7 in Eq. 4 l9 7 udu ^~zt 1 /{a 2 -u 2 ) 4. Substituting values of y / (2ay — y*) Eq. l l9 (a—y) Eq. 8 lf and dy Eq. 4 1? in Eq. 1, 7 n 2 du dx= a 2 — u 2 5. Integrating Eq. 4, x= | u J a 2 — u 2 u 2 " 2 1 2 . By division . = — 1-j- or — vr a z — uf 2, Decomposing a 2 A a 2 —u 2 a — u a-\-u 3. 2 . Reducing to common denominator a 2 Aa-f- Au-\-Ba- -Bu a 2 — u 2 a 2 — u 2 4J. Clearing Eq. 3 2 of fractions a 8 =(A+B)a-j-(A— ■ B)u 5 2 . Transposing Eq. 4 2 0=(A-fB)a+(A— B)w— a 3 6 2 . Eq. 4 2 being true for all values of u, is true when u=0 ; hence A — B=0 ; 7 2 . And A+B=a 96 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S 8 2 . Adding Eqs. 6 2 and 7 2 ; and dividing by 2, A= - Z 9 2 . Subtracting Eq. 6 3 from Eq. 7 2 ; dividing by 2, B=_ Z 10 2 . Substituting values of A and B a 2 a a in Eq. 2 3 a 2 — u 2 2 (a — u) 2 (a + u) 11 2 . Substituting value of a 2 . ^ - u 2 1 a a in Eq. 1 2 = — 1+- a 2 — u 2 a 2 — u 2 2 (a — u) 2 (a-\-u) 6. Substituting value of u 2 . w - C j x C adu i r ^ w in Eq. o ; £== | — du-\- 1 -f- I «, a 2 — u" J J 2 (a — u) J 2 (a-|- u) When #=0, w=0 also C=0 ; 7. hence, #= — u — _7(a — w)-f--Z(a-|-#) 8. which may be rendered x== — u-\-^l ( —£- ) 9. Integrating Eq. 2, «— f^ =— al{a— y) + C J a—y When 3/=0> z=0 and C=ala HAND BOOK. 97 10. hence, z—ala — at {a — y) 11. which may be rendered z=al( ) \a~ y' Z, in the above calculations denotes the Naperian logarithm. TO FIND THE AREA OF THE MERIDIAN PLANE COIN- CIDING WITH THE AXIS OF REVOLUTION OF THE TRACTORY CONOID. (b) . Differential Equation, c?(area) =ydx (b) v Substituting value (dx) Eq. 1; ydx=\/ [2ay—y i )dy (5) 3 . Putting y=a — n; ydx— — \/(a 2 — n?)dn (b) 3 . Decomposing and integrating, fydx^—Ccfia*—?! 2 ) ~ %dn+C?i 2 {a*—n 2 ) " %dn (5) 4 . Second term of Eq. (b) 5 ; CtficP—tf) " %dn=—n l / (a 2 — n*)+fdn yV— r?) (b) 5 . Substituting in Eq. {b) s , —C{a*-rfT$dn= ^Ca%a 2 -nT^dn^n(a'^n^+C(a 2 ^n^dn (5) 6 . Transposing, E 98 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S (b) 7 . But, _ I _— -=-^™s ( - ) (b) & . Hence, -C(c?-n*fidn==^cos- f 7 ^ -^{cf-r?) + C (5) 9 . Restoring value of n, I -|/ \2ay~y i )dy r= 2 V a J 2 Making #=0; Then C=0. (b) 10 . Uence,j l /(2ay—y i )dy= ^cos-( a Ziy\-J^ V {2ay^) 2 V a J a (5) n . Making y=a. Area=__ (0)=__^_== _ (5) 13 . Makingy=2a. Area =-^ cos" (-1)=— X-^=^- T 4a Making y=—<, as adopted in one of the inventions of Wheeler & Randall, viz : in their grinder and amal- gamator having the greater base of its muller upward. Making a =1, or unity. Area == lcos~ (,6) — ?(,8)=,2232 half plane of muller. 2 2 HAND BOOK. 99 lence, area =,4464 entire plane of muller. 10 FIND THE SURFACE OF REVOLUTION OF THE TRACTORY CONOID. (c) v Differential Equation ^(surface) = (a — y)dz (c) 3 . Substituting value of dz JEq. 2, ds=2nady (c) 3 . Integrating s=2nay (c) 4 . Making y=a s=2na 2 Making y=,4, as adopted in that grinder and amal- gamator of Wheeler & Randall, having its greater base upward. (c) 5 . Surface of revolution =s=2,5028 TO FIND THE SOLID CONTENTS OF THE TRACTORY CONOID. Cj. Differential Equation, d (solid contents) =n(a--yydx e z . Substituting val. dx. eq. 1, dC =n(a^y)y / (2ay-y 2 )dy e s . Put a~y=,n then y=a — n e 4 . dC = — iiai/ (a*-^n?)dn ds e 5 . Put s=d l — w 2 , then ds= — 2ndn, and — = — ndn A € 6 . Substituting in Eq. e 4 dC =~ — - e 7 . Integrating Eq. e Q C = e2 100 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S e 8 . Restoring (a 2 — ri 2 ) for s, C = — - — . L e d . Restoring (a~y) for n C = — — f"^ ' o e 10 . Making y=a n lice C„=— e n . Making y = J^ == . ,4 when a=unity C = ,5362 10 ♦ The following table is computed by making the tan- gent a — 1, and assigning different values to u, not greater than a as shown in column marked u. That is, these values are substituted in equations 8, 3 and 11, and the co-ordinate values of x and y, and the length of the tractory curve z, thus determined in terms of the tangent or unity : TRACTORY TABLE. a I :n ; o u ,100 X y r z \ ,00501 4 ! 005027 No 14 u x y z i ,000336 ,725 193102311251 368505 2 ,150 ,001136 ,011316011379 15 ,750 222956338562 413293 3 ,200 ,002732 ,020205 029412 16 ,775 2577301368039 458928 4 ,250 ,005415 ,031756 032260 !7 ,800 298611 400000 510827 5 ,300 ,009514 ,046063j047157 18 ,825 347276434867 570796 6 ,350 ,015454 ,063252 065571 19 ,850 406153 473297 641118 7 ,400 ,023648 ,0834851087178 20 ,875 479027.515878 725418 8 ,450 ,034699 ,106972 113137 21 ,900 572220564109 830367 9 ,500 ,049304 ,133976 143842 22 ,925 697603620033 967651 10 .550 ,068381 ,164835:180127 23 ,950 881785687751 1,163903 11 ,600 ,093146 ,200000l223144 24 ,975 1,209723 777795 1,504152 12 ,650 ,125296 ,240065 274523 25 ,99011,656677 858933 1,958518 13 ,700 ,167304 ,285857'336672 26 ,999*2,801 193 955289 3,107543 HAND BOOK. 101 TO CONSTRUCT THE TRACTORY BY THE PRECEDING TABLE. Draw , the rectangular co-ordinate axes AX, AY, Figure 2. On AY, lay off AF, equal to the given tangent, and draw the directrix FD, parallel with the axis AX, through the point F. f; 3 .2. Multiply any tabular A. quantity in column x by the B given tangent, and lay off B , the product as AB or AX. „ Draw BE parallel with AF. ,„ Multiply the quantity in column y, horizontal with the quantity taken in column x, by the given tangent, and lay off the product as BC on the line BE. The point C is in the curve. In a similar manner determine the points C, C", C", C"", etc., etc., in the curve. Multiply the quantity in column z horizontal with the quantities thus taken in column x and y, and the pro- duct will be the length of the curve A C, A C C, etc., etc. e3 Y F E (?/ £' .z___ J?" C7 E !r / can M rrm I 1 102 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S When the points A, C, C, C", C", etc., are not far apart, the arc of a circle drawn through any three of them taken consecutively, approximates the true curve sufficiently near for most practical purposes. ; . Ex. — Let it be required to find the values of x', y\ and z', when the tangent a = 24 for the point C. Now since C may be any point of the curve, let the co-ordinate x be taken in the table opposite No. 17. Then, 2±x = A B' =24 X ,298611 = 7.166664=^ 24 y = B' C =24 X ,400000 = 9.600000 =y' 24 z = ACC =24 X ,570827 =12.259848 =*£ Laws of Grinding. — 1. The measure of a unit of grinding effect is the "result of a body impressing a unit surface of another body with a unite pressure, and moving over a unite space. 2. A body impressing a unite surface of another body with a unite pressure, and moving under these circum- stances over a unite space, producing thereby a uniie of grinding effect, (the pressure being uniform and the nature of the surfaces of contact being the same) pro- duces as many units of effect as there are units in the distance passed over. 3. The wear or distinction to the moving body per- pendicular to the surfaces of contact, bears a constant ratio to the distance passed over. HAND BOOK. 103 M S .3. To prove that to grinding plates coinciding, of uniform hardness, and of tractory conoidal form, the wear paral- lel with the axis of revolution is the same at all points of the grinding surface. Let A F D" C" represent one half of a meridian plane of a tractory conoid taken through the axis or directrix F D". Draw C D =■. a, and C D' = a each tangent to the curve at any points C, C ; also draw the radii CE = r and C E' = r' parallel with A F. Let w = o c denote the wear perpendicular to C D, and w f = o' c f the wear perpendicular to C D'. Let P = C c and P' = C c denote the wear re- spectively at the points C, C and each parallel with the axis F D". h- Then by law 2d, w' = HU T r 2s. By similar triangles, P = a w r 3 3 . By similar triangles, P' = aw f e4 104 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S 4 2 . Substituting value of w K Eq. 1 3 a w r 1 in Eq. 3 3 P = -^r- 5 3 . Reducing 2d member of Eq. 4 3 P' = — 6 3 . Substituting value of — in Eq. 2 3 P' =P 7 3 . That is, C'c' = Cc (a) Hence, as the wear is the same at any two points as shown- by Eqs. 6 3 and 7 3 , it is the same at all points parallel with the axis, of revolution. (b) And hence the curve A' c c' c" is similar and equal to the tractory ACC C". Again, plates whose grinding surfaces are of tractory conoidal form, alone passes the property of uniform wear parallel with the axis of revolution. To prove this proposition Put (Fig. 3) a' = C D' 8 3 . Then Eq. 5 3 becomes P' = r 9 3 . From Eq. 2 3 and 8 3 we have P : P' : : — : — r r 10 3 . Reducing 2d couplet P : P' : : a : a f Proportion 10 3 shows that the wear P is equal to P' only when tangent a is equal to d ; but when a is equal to a! the line or curve is a tractory. Q. E. D. HAND BOOK. 105 TO DETERMINE THE SOLIDITY OF A HOLLOW TRACTORY CONOID. Jfy.4* J> &'G' e a. Jj I . L C ' AL JS> I' .A V C"l / / J) A C" I r" r Let AFD'C" represent one- half of a meridian plane taken through the axis F D'. Draw the curve A' c c' c" c'" similar and equal to the tractory ACC C" C", and at the dis- tance A A', C" c" from it. (See conclusion {b). Draw A'EjC'E^E", par- allel with A F, also G c through C, GV, through C, G'V, thro- ugh C" parallel with F D'. Since the curve c' c" is similar and equal to C C", and the line C c' =- C" c", and C I' = c'C", and the angle c'C"c"=the angle CTC"; it follows that the triangle c" c' C"= C" C I', and also similar to it. And since the conoidal triangle C" c' C is common to the parallelogram C" c' C V, and to the conoidal section c" c' C C", it follows that the conoidal section c" V C C" is equal to the parallelogram C" c' C I'. Again, since c'C' = A / A = LG', and C"c = IL, it follows that the parallelogram c'V = the parallelo- gram L G". Hence the conoidal section c" c' C C" = the parallelogram L G" ; and since its position, in all respects, is at the same distance from the axis F D', it s5 106 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S is evident, if it be revolved about F D' as an axis, it will generate a conoidal ring of the same magnitude as a ring generated by revolving L G" about the same axis. In the same manner may it be shown that any oo- noidal ring, under similar circumstances, is equal to the ring generated by revolving the corresponding paral- lelogram taken in ^AFE around the axis F D'. Hence the solidity of a hollow tractory conoidal is equal to the solidity of a cylinder having the same base and same height as A' A, c" C", measured parallel with the axis of revolution. Tractory Plates, — To determine the grinding effect of hollow tractory conoidal plates of uniform hardness. Let, as in Figs. 1 and 2, the tangent or greater radius sss a. Let x and y be co-ordinates of any point, C, etc. Let z denote the length of curve A C, etc. Let P denote the wear parallel with the axis of revo- lution, by one revolution under a unit pressure to a unit surface. » Let S denote the grinding surface. Let ii denote the ratio of the diameter to the circum- ference of a circle. 1 4 . Then, d$ = 2n(a— y)dz 2 4 . Substituting value of dz of Eq. 2, io Eq. 1^ da » 2uady HAND BOOK. 107 3 4 . Then, by one revolution, 2nP(a — y)ds b 4n 2 Pa 2 s* 6 4 . By making y = a in Eq. 5 4 ; Grinding effect = 2n 2 Pa 3 Plane Plates. — To determine the grinding effect of plane circular plates, increasing in hardness from the center to the circumference in the ratio of the increase of the radius. Let a =ss= the radius of the plates. Let y = any radius of the plates less than a. Let P = the wear at the circumference, perpendicular to the grinding surface, under a unit pressure to the unit surface, by one revolution. Let ii = ratio of diameter to the circumference of a circle. 1 5 . Then ds = 2nydy 2 5 . By one revolution, 2liPyds = 4ii 2 P^ dy S 5 . Integrating Eq. 2 5 , f 2nPycfe = - n*Ff J 3 4 5 . By making y = a in Eq. 3 5 ; Grinding effect = - n 2 Pa 8 3 sC 108 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Plane Plates. — To determine the grinding effect of plane circular plates of uniform hardness. Let a ==s the radius of the plates. Let y — any radius less than a. Let P === the tendency to wear at the circumference, perpendicular to the grinding surfaces. Let S = the surface of which y is the radius. Let ii == ratio, etc. 1 6 . Then ds = 2 n y dy Now, it is evident that when the tendency to wear at the circumference and at the distance a is P, that the tendency to wear at the distance y from the centre will be 5? 2 6 . Then by one revolution 2ll ^ yds = 4n2p ^ a a 3 6 . Integrating Eq. 2 6 fl^yds = *5-3? 1 4 6 . Reducing 2d member of Eq. 3 6 — ; p .yds a 5 e . By making y = a in Eq. 4 6 , Grinding effect = n 2 Pa 8 Conical Plates. — To determine the grinding effect of hollow conical plates of uniform hardness. J3AND BOOK. 109 Fig. 5. Let, in Fig. 5, the right angled triangles ABC and A' B' C> similar and equal, and at the A' distance AA' = CC apart, be revolved about the axis B C Then will the solid generated by A A' B B' be equal to the solid generated by C A' A O Let a — the radius B A. Let h tsz height of cone BC=B' C. % Let P = tendency to wear at A, parallel with the axis of rev- olution, by one revolution of the plate under a unit pressure to a unit surface. Let x and y be co-ordinates of any point P. Let z = C P the slant height of that cone the radius of whose base is y. Let S = the surface whose slant height is z. Let ii = ratio, etc. 1 7 . Then by similar triangles hy %. And (Euclid, Book 1, Prop. 47) ar 2 + y 2 = z> 3 7 . Squaring Eq. 1 7 x 2 rz —JL a 4j. Substituting value of x 2 of Eq. 3 7 in Eq. 2 7 110 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S 5 7 . Extracting square root of Eq. 4 7 6 7 . Surface of cone whose slant height is z 7 7 . Differentiating Eq. 6 10 ds = 2 n -j/ fE + l\y dy When the tendency to wear at A is P, it is evident that the tendency to wear at P is ^ parallel with the axis. 8 7 . Hence differential of effect 1±U? ds = t2L*jL{»+ l\ f dy a a \a 2 y 9 7 . Integrating Eq. 8 7 Cl l lE^ds= l £E(£ + l)y* 10 7 . By making^ — a in Eq. 9 7 . Grinding effect = n 2 P \/f-; + l^a 3 11 7 . By making h =_ in Eq. 10 7 . Grinding effect = 1L _ i/o" 2 Y 12^ Removing surd sign from 2d member of Eq. ll r . Grinding effect « 1.118 ll 9 P a 8 HAND BOOK. Ill Comparison. — Let a comparison now be instituted between the grinding effects of plane circular plates, in- creasing in hardness from the center to the circumfer- ence in the ratio of the increase of the radius, plane circular plates of uniform hardness, " Randall's Patent Grinding Plates," conical plates of uniform hardness, and tractory conoidal plates, and all of the usual ring, form, same diameter, same weight, and running at the same velocity. 1st. Plane circular plates, increasing in hardness from the center to the circumference in the ratio of the in- crease of the diameter. Making y less than a. For example, y = J and o substituting this value for y in Eq. 3 5 , and we have 1 8 . Grinding effect (the radius being f)= J-ii 2 Pa 3 O Li sin S ->) = o 2 8 . Subtracting Eq. 1 8 from Eq. 4 5 . 32 Grinding effect (ring) = — irPa 8 3 8 . Or expressing decimally. Grinding effect (ring) == 1,1852 II 2 P a 3 2d. Plane Circular Plates of uniform hardness. Making y less than a. For example, y = a ' and o substituting this value for y in Eq. 4 6 , and we have 1 9 . grinding effect (radius being 2_) ii 3 P a 3 8 81 112 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S 2 9 . Subtracting Eq. 1 9 from Eq. 5 6 , n . ,. ~ l, . . v 80 ii 2 P a 3 Grinding enect ( ring) = . 81 3 9 . Or expressing decimally. Grinding effect (ring) == ,9877 n 2 P a 3 3d. Randall's Patent Grinding Plates. — These plates consist of two or more concentric rings of different hard- ness. The softer plates are arranged nearer the center where there is the less wear, and the harder plates more remote where the wear is greater. This arrangement remedies in a great measure the otherwise fatal defects of plane circular and conical plates. For Example. — Let a = the greater radius of the plates. Let - rr the radius of the opening. 2a Let — the greater radius of the inner ring. 3 1st. Making y=-, and substituting this value for y o in Eq. 4 6 , and we have n 2 Pa 3 1 10 . Grinding effect ( radius - j 81 v 2a 2d. Making y ■zz — , and substituting this value for y in Eq. 4 6 , and we have 2 10 . Grinding effect ( radius -q) — — ^r — HAND BOOK. 113 3 10 . Subtracting Eq. 1 10 from Eq. 5 6 ; 80 Grinding effect (ring) ^ — n 2 Pa 3 V oJ 81 4 i0 . Subtracting Eq. 2 10 from Eq. 5 6 Grinding effect (ring) = - u 2 Pa s 5 10 . Comparative weight of the outer ring, 2 _4a 2 = 5^ 2 9 T 6 10 . Comparative weight of entire plane, less the opening, . 3 __ a 2 ^^ 2 9" ~9~ - rp, 5a 2 . 8a 2 65n 3 Po 8 104n 2 Pa 3 7 10 . Inen : : : : 9 9 81 81 8io- Or grinding effect of outer ring, = — n 2 Pa 3 81 9 10 . The loss sustained by plates of uniform hardness, 104* 2t> . 80 9n , 24 ,„ o == n 2 Pa 3 — _ n 2 Pa 3 = _ n 2 Pa 2 81 81 81 Let it now be assumed that the inner plates or rings are one-third as hard as the outer plates. 10 10 . See Eq. 9 10 . Loss sustained, 81 81 114 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S Subtracting Eq. 10 10 from Eq. 8 10 , gives for "RandaWs Patent Grinding Plates, viz, : Grinding effect = . 81 1 2 10 . Expressing decimally ; Grinding effect = 1.1852ii 2 P« 3 . Subtracting Eq. 2 9 from Eq. 11 10 , and dividing the remainder by Eq. 2 9 , gives the per centage of " Ran- dall's Patent Grinding Plates," both over plane circular, and conical plates of uniform hardness, as follows : 13 10 . Per centage in favor of " Randall's Patent Grind- ing Plates," ( 96 nW __80ii W) £_81_ 2Q v 81 81 J 80n 2 Pa 3 4th. Conical Plates of uniform hardness and of ring form. l n . Making y less than a, for example y=-, and substi- o tuting this value for y in Eq. 9 7 , and we have the grind- ing effect ("the radius °L\ = ^^f *L+ 1 ^S 2 n . Subtracting Eq. l n from Eq. 10 7 . n - v t * f - \ 80n*Pa 3 ,># . ,\ Grinding effect (ring) = j/( — -p 1 J 8 1 V« 2 J 3 U . Making h =," in Eq. 2 n . Grinding effect (ring) = S ln 2 F aYf-^) 81 v4>/ HAND BOOK. .115 4 n Expressing decimally. Grinding effect (ring) = 1,1042 n 2 P a s 5th. Tractory Conoidal Plates of uniform hardness. 2 a Making y less than a. For example y = —'as is 5 the case in the Wheeler & Randall muller or grinding plates. 2 a 1 12 . Substituting . for y in Eq. 5 4 . 5 „. „ . 32n2Pa3 Kino; effect = J 25 2 12 . Making the tractory conoidal plate of the same weight or solidity as the plane circular or conical plates, and Eq. 1 13 becomes Grinding effect (ring) = — if P a 5 3 12 . Expressing decimally. Grinding effect = 1,7778 n 2 P a 3 Recapitulation. — To express the relative grinding effects of* the differently formed plates now considered, the literal factors n 2 P a 3 , common to all their formulas, may be omitted. Omitting the literal factors, and the relative grinding effects of differently formed plates become as follows, to wit : l l3 . Eq. 3 9 . — Plane circular plates of uniform hardness = ,9877. 116 QUARTZ OPERATOR'S 2, 3 . Eq. 12 10 . — Randall's Patent Grinding Plates = 1,1752. 3 13 . Eq. 4 1]L , — Conical plates of uniform hardness = 1,1042. 4 l3 . Eq. 3 12 . — T ractor j conoid al plates of uniform hardness == 1,7778. Hence the conclusion that tractory conoidal plates not only differ materially in form from plane circular and from conical plates, but also differ essentially from, and are greatly superior to them in their grinding properties. HAND BOOK. 117 PRORERTIES OP BODIES. NAME. Specific Melt'ng Rates gravity points of'h'rd- at ;J2 Q f h. at fahr. nes s . Tenacity in lbs. per sqr. inch. Crush'ng force in Ibs.sq. in Volatile at 20.336 3^80° very high ht. very high ht. do drawn wire 21.042 22.069 19.258 19.361 34000 do plates .... Gold, cast do liammered. 2016 1.8 18000 moderate ht. do wire 28000 36000 Silver, cast. . . . do hammered 10.474 10.510 1873 2.4 high heat. high heat. do wire 34000 17000 30000 ( 42000 \ 55000 4000 117000 92000 103000 high heat, high heat. > high heat. Copper, cast. . . do hammered 8.788 8.910 1996 2.8 do sheets . . . do wire Tin, cast do hardened . 7.291 7.291 442 1.2 15500 do wire 6000 Zinc, cast 6.200 7.191 11.352 773 1.6 white heat. do sheets Lead, cast 1600 3000 2200 7730 white heat. do milled. . . . do wire Mercury Iron, cast, gray. do do white. 13.598 7.248 7.500 7.788 I —39 2800 680° any deg. 4.7 j very high ht. do forged .... do wire, 1-20 120000 1 182000 \ 72000 ) 86000 J 54000 to 1-30 in. diam Iron, wire, 1-10 inch diameter.. Iron bars, Rus- i \ \ sian, mean Iron, American gun metal Iron, American gun motal.mean Iron. English Stirling Iron, English Stirling, mean. . \ 147803 129000 119550 90833 I I 1 s f 118 QUAl'iTZ OPERATORS PROPERTIES OF BODIES. — CONTINUED. NAME. Specific gravity at 32° f'h. M*H'ng Rntes points ofh'ru- at fahr. ness. Tenacity Crush'ng in libs, per force in sqr inch, lbs sq, in Volatile at Iron, American 1 . .... 83500 65200 198944 373041 295000 wrought, mean. Iron, English, 1 wrought, mean. Steel, cast, ) soft S Steel, cast, 1 tempered. . . . ) Steel, cast, ) tern p'd, mean ) ) 7.833 7.816 88000 17.600 7.824 155916 146000 164800 1900 c 16000 8.396 Nickel, cast. .. . 8.279 9.880 6.702 5.763 8.600 8.600 2.716 2810 476 932 400 very high ht. white heat. Bismith 2.0 Antimony Arsenic ....... white heat. 356° Cob 'It very high ht. 600° 550 Stone, mar- \ blc, white . . . ) * Stone, marble 8000 2800 10382 23917 22702 12624 11200 5340 3319 3065 Stockbridgg. . . t Stone, marble J 1 East Chester . . Stone, marble, ) \ Lee, Mass Stone, marble, ) \ Italian Granite, Pa- ) tapsco ) t Sand Stone, / Aquia Creek. ) Freestone, Con. ) 2.613 2.956 i s Limes! one .... 2 . 386 ♦Same as that of Ciiy Mall, Mow York, f Same as that of General Post Office. VVashington. % Same as that of tho Capitol, Treasury Department, and Post Office Department, D. O. HAND BOOK. 119 PROPRTIES OF BODIES — CONTINUED. NAME, Specific gravity at 328 fh. Melt'ng points at fahr. Rates ofhr'd- ness. Tenacity in lbs. per sqr, inch. Crush'ng force in lbs. sq. in Volatile at Mica. 2.650 Quartz tt:m::e* s. CORNISH PUMPS of all sizes, with Gearing and Pipes made to order. HOISTING MACHINERY, for Shafts or Inclines of every variety. We are sole manufacturers for the State of California of WINHAM'S HYDKAT7LIC COUPLING. All orders promptly filled at the shortest notice, and at reduced prices for cash. PRESCOTT & SCIIEIDEC A. C. GIBBS JOHN NATION E. S MORGAN. A. C. GIBBS & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM EN(HNES,B0ILER8 AND ALL KINDS OF MILLS. * it * ®M Separators OF THE MOST APPROVED KINDS. COOKING RANGES, PUMPS, ETC., ETC. HP 5 * PATTERN MAKING in all its forms connected with the Establishment. 03*- Plans and Specifications for Mills and all kinds of Machinery furnished to order, by an experienced Draughtsman. THE WHEELER & RANDALL &riad$r tit) Amalgamator. GOLDEN STATE Iron Works, PALMER, KNOX & CO. Proprietors, MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS AND MACHINERY Best Adapted to Mining and Milling. QUARTZ MILLS, combining all improvements made to date. STEAM ENGINES of all sizes. WHEELER & RANDALL'S GRINDING AND AMALGAMATING PANS. KNOX'S AMALGAMATORS, with Palmer's Steam Chest. HANSCOM'S CRUSHERS, designed to prepare Ore for batteries. TYLER'S PATENT IMPROVED WATER WHEEL. DUNBAR'S PATENT PISTON PACKING. A FULL SUPPLY of WHITE IRON CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Parties desiring anything in our line, are invited to a personal interview, or to communicate by letter. Nos. 19, 21, 23, 25 &27 First Street, SAN FRANCISCO, UNION IRON WORKS. HENRY J. BOOTH. . .GEO. W. PRESCOTT. . .IRVING M. SCOTT H. J. BOOTH & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF (L S$atp5m©i> acn^l StftttofUMTjf dKg'S^os. FLUE, TUBULAR, CORNISH, AND MARINE BOILERS. HOISTING MACHINES, PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY, ALL KINDS OF STAMPS and MORTARS, AMALGAMATING PANS AND SEPARATORS, Of the most Improved Patterns. ALL KUN-IDS OF SOIRJBEISrS, PATTERNS AND PATTERN MAKING, OF ALL KINDS, CARRIED OX. PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS for Mills and all kinds of Machinery furnished free of cost. H. J. BOOTH & CO. FIRST STREET, Between Market and Mission, SAN FRANCISCO. WHEELER & RANDALL'S ZEN.AS WHEELER'S Patent Self-Regulating QUICKSILVER DISCHARGE APPARATUS. The structure of this Machine is simple and sub- stantial. Its practical workings complete, requiring but little attention. ...* Its superior settling properties are readily acknow- ledged by the most intelligent and practical amalga- mators and millsmen. WHEELEE & RANDALL, Inventors. fpimjj mi $ tkntxlu gta*; PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY PATENT AGENTS, No. 505 Clay Street, corner of Sansome, SAN FRANCISCO. Each number of the Press contains sixteen pages of sixty-four columns, (size of Harper's Weekly,) embracing- a variety of reading of direct value to the progressive citizens of the Pacific Coast. Our columns contain a liberal discussion of the different methods of s.A/vi3sra- g-old, All new discoveries in the treatment and development of precious ores and metals, and illustrations of new machinery and inventions. Commencement of Eleventh Volume, July 8th, 1865. Terms, in Advance.— One year, $5 ; six months, $3. Back vol- umes, to January 1, 1864, furnished at $3 per volume. OUR PATENT AGENCY Is conducted in a competent, thorough, reliable and strictly confiden- tial manner. Inventors on this coast having their applications for patents made out through our Agency, can sign their papers at once, and thus secure their rights at least three months earlier than by trusting the same to distant agencies, situated in New York or Washington. Job IPr-inting-. We have a large and well established Office for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING — in Plain, Fancy and Ornamental Style. Especial atten- tion given to ail work for Mining Companies and managers. *&■ Prices ULiOXTC". -«*