fori nail \ Vfe) V: r.^. fcl OKAIIF<%, ' * l( ^ -** ^-* U ? I 1 i I\!R SIC , . \\ I L L - ' 1 L i I M xf ~ /^ J. ^b A^E-tJNiVER.V/A v^lOSAVCElf ^1 ^-P*^- : O T q p^doicis 3JB P irei aip no 3QQ I 000 ! ^^l q 10 rn i-J JSJ *J ^ vS> .- vr .;, f L ' r ^. THE BIBLICAL LESSONS A CHAPTER ON BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY *mn tt*~>+-*9-* "tfi-*^***** **9ft.tyj* Mf*. ^*9'-^ *% a>t>*> sr-in i n ,n ja , ,1 IBD in ^K i?y^8 p om's p nis ^ () o^iann n^K p nis a () : naip pna ix tznn KI ,T> , / ,N nti : IK^ ^ bx ma 1 ? wi p nane ia (K>) nh^b ]a ,2,x Sy wann nn n^ip ,XD ,n ,p ,K onx ^ bx -JK^ ^ p nans "O (^) in *i ,K .cr ,na ,n p nans u ({i>) yti>2 ^n inn im pvan nn p^p [P. 2] p : 33 ^x pitan nan DV p np^pn d nnx ini mn DV wi IPK : naip J t^in t^xi ni ,1 ,33 , , : DDK o^a p ntr^s 13 () : nanp p^na ^^ np^ ^ ^x D^BSW p ' 1 '? p ,m ,a ^ ^tz> : nn ovn SK nK ^^x np^ ^ nrn ovn ja n^ns u ,x ,m ,na ,T [P. 3] ^ IB ,3 bx |Duan ^n DV ]a np^pn D^ : naip j ,3 ,x ,3 13 () I S .3 1 ,03 / ,n : nanp pn3 nn nn u>xi ,T ,x ,3^ ,1 nnx ^x -x s 3 s S 3 n\m p n&ns 13 () 84 THE BIBLICAL LESSONS: iwn : mson Jin nyiD ,n n ,i& ,3 : ,1 j QV p ,ns ,n ty wtpn nn riMip ,t^ ,1 .* ,T :nnB 13 t^ N'T mson Jin >DV nysr nst? (#) JD ,' ,NS ,M Mini myp^M ^ u>nn pap [P. 4] ID ,3 SK pntfin ^^in n^ 1 ? p np'pn o^ani n DV I^NI IM : nonp ,a ,a , ,T -a () : i 1 ? ^V f?M "a^ ^x |D n^ns -a () : nmp p^na ptwnD in MI n s , ^ ,3 : ,n DV ID ,n ,n *?y ^^Dt^n t^nn nMip .f ,1 ,ra .n : D13K \Tin fup [P. 5] p DV itt>jfi yti>n iji^ : ^^n n^^ p (!) DV Mini v^nn ti>in MI ,3 .ta 1 " ,K ,1 : |pr (!) D^SK *?M nps nin^i ne>iB is () : pnr mbin n^Mi ^K |pr DHISNI p nt^ns is () p ,no ,n ^N pnr mSin n^M p nis is () ^x i^jii spy s M^I | rims is (u>) spy! ^M nn xvni p n^iB is () ti>nn Mini nina t^in pisp [P. 6] nytys : bttyftw ns^QD 1 ? SI^MI nixo : ,ts ^nn KIHI : ns^n DV p nip^pn ]snns D^DS ti>in p D nnM Mini [win] APPENDIX 85 : piD 11 |a#na nans &nn PNII cina nn :IT^ spi'Si *? inn epv p nans is (0) : rvvan pv xa^i b IT^ spi^i p nans is () ,T ,N ,T . : naip jan^ WB nn iwm ,* rM p ,1 ,n by *vtw Pin nxip .IB ,a ,IB , *?N *? nn^n epi* na^j p nis ia () *IBD *in b ^H nxii n S p nuns ia (^) [P. 7] ID DV nt!>j; va^ iA ^t^n Di 11 |0 np^pi nn Kim naiwi oi 11 WKI *IK : p nans ia (u>) : niaoon npn nat!> nt IIHK bw bit ian s ^ p HIB ia () : ,a DV p ,ID,I ^y wy nn Pin ntop ji .nf? ,IB ,3 : nonp ppna aaty t^in ^K*I .1^ ,K .TB j tnna b pn 'TNI p nana ia (^) : nosn tznna p nis ia () ,na ,IB b j pap [ [P. 8] ^ ID np^pn Kini n^ttfn nv WKI i Jaaiy &nn p nDDa J njty s tm nann : yam : iann nn b* nann ^ inp^i p H*IB ia :nD ^K |rpi Sx lain nn p nt^is ia j ,1 n^ p ,a ,1 v *wy D S ^ in nxip .IB 5 o^ipn nx ty^i ^ nt^a 1 ? im p nti>iD ia (u>) ISD nn ^K o^ipn n ^ v i p nis ia (ti>) enn xini ^t^n y^ai t^in pap [P. 9] av NVTI ^^ann nv p IPK nn it>in p nosn ivia ia : D 86 THE BIBLICAL LESSONS: wo K mp*i p rwifi 13 t no* ptfns p'u Bnn ffm . ,B S ,3 ,t : Stntt^ -^3 DM 'iv bK bx 'iv |D ntene 13 () nosn nyio DV ,n^ ,K ,IB ,1 : ,1 ,n D^ ]D ,T ,a Sy jwion nn nip nt V ,3 , ,3 ,n p niB u rnnaipn y3 p Him : p *nn IND^ 2>nn p isp [P. 10] S^ p np^pi D^aini wan ov wi IK : ]D^ u>in p DV nnx ^ D3YYP31 K nn p nffis 13 oaTVpai p nis 13 : nonp prna "IN^N t!nn i DK ^ nyiD p nis 13 nnx 1 ? ^nipna DN p n"is 13 [P. 11] i^S mn rh^b p np^pn iy o^en *iy mn DV IKI n IN^K ti>in p DV DV ,133 ,TB ,3 ,3 in ICJ^D DV ,K^ .n 11 ,n ,n \yo trnn w*i , .D 1 " ,n ,n : nin3t!>n yzv nonn ^^^n n3n (ty) : nn p m s ivy s DV owbv Ki [P. 12] : a^i Kim v^ain in KI ,a ,1^ ,K j p ntzns lai : nn 11 pna non nn : nip np^i bx (!) 0) nip ,n ,aa ,ta ,r K nip np^i p nt^is ia (tr) DV p ,D ,1 ^N ^^ain ^in nKip ,y ,vi jo ,? : iryK p onrsj N JWD nM p n^isj ia M S< I ^K on^a p 88 THE BIBLICAL LESSONS: List of Parashiyot from Samaritan Calendar (God. 857). As actually read. The Calendar contains 14 months, i.e. from the 8th of the previous to the 9th of the next. p. jn prw ?M mp np^i ntPD nbw p DWB 26,3 JpTBjn* :vnpna DK : nmpD ^ : nSnp ^D Numbers 1,1 4,1 P. 9. 8/2 13,2 16,1 20/14 26/11 p. 10. 31/32 D cuter on : 1/1 4/5 7/1 P. 11. 11/31 16/18 22,13 26/16 P. 12. (!) [: nvSon 30/1 nten vn 8 na] D'BBW < np^ ^ ntn ovn niaon ^n 1,1 p. is. DiKm ?K ^ p. u. 17/1 21,1 24/1 25/19 \T>1 P m^n Genesis. P. 1. 4,1 8/2 l(b) 12,1 17,1 21,1 P. 2. 24,1 25,19 29,1 34/1 P. 3. 39,1 43,26 48,3 Exodus. 1/1 7,9 12,1 P. 5. 19/1 25,2 29/4 31,18 36,20 C Leviticus. P. 6. 111 6/2 9,22 DIN yn s ^ b* D1JSK IpB 1P HJH 9 10 Tlin )DV1 11 ev^ I 2a P. 4. 1HN pnn nonn nof? pnn 13 P. 7. 13,38 16,1 19/9 23,2 nnsn 4 5 6a 6b APPENDIX 89 Cod. 1150 (Page 1) Conjunction of the month Shaban, which is the Fifth Month hour 10 minutes of the sixth day, which happens to be on the 23rd Tammuz according to the Old Style, whose first is on Thursday and which is of 30 days. (The four columns are marked as follows.) 1. The day of the week. 2. The number of days of the month Shaban, which according to the Mohammedan Calendar is the seventh. 3. This column is the month of the Eumi [according to the Eastern Calendar (Old Style)] and the 4th is the modern calculation (New Style). This is here the month of Ab. [In the Jewish Calendar it was the month of Tammuz.] Friday. 1. 23. 5. This is the beginning of the month which is Shaban, the 5th August, 1910. Sabbath. On it the Parasha from Pinehas the son of Eleazar until the end of the book Bemidbar. (They read here evidently the whole of the rest of the Book of Numbers. Numb. 25, 11. to end. The Jews read on same Sabbath (August 6, Ab. 1) Masse. Numb. 33, 1. to end of the book.) Sabbath. On it the Parasha from " Ele ha-debarim " (Deut. 1, 1.) until " behold I have taught you " (Deut. 4, 5.). (August 13th, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 1, 1-3., 22.). Sabbath. The Parasha from "behold I have taught you" (Deut. 4, 5.) to "when he will bring thee" (Deut. 7, 1.). (August 20th, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 3, 22-7., 11.). This Sabbath is the Samot of Succoth. (Note. Samot, a peculiar calendar- istic term used by the Samaritans for a festive season, or rather a special Sabbath before the two festive seasons Succoth and Pesach, each time six weeks before the festival. They have special collections of prayers for these Samot (junction), but they do not seem to know the origin and true meaning. It is not here the place to discuss these Samot.) Sunday. 17. 8. 21. Proclamation of the New Moon (i.e. Full Moon) of the Fifth Month for Sunday and Monday from the night of Sunday. [August 21st.] Sabbath. Parasha from " When he will bring thee " (Deut. 7, 1.) till "for ye are passing" (Deut. 11, 31.). (August 27th, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 7, 12. to 11, 25.) Thursday. 28. 19. 1. New Moon of Elul according to New Style. [September 1st.] 90 THE BIBLICAL LESSONS: Sabbath. Parasha from "for ye are, etc." (Dent. 11, 31.) to "ye are sons" (Dent. 14, 1.). (September 3rd, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 11, 26-16, 17.) (Page 2) Conjunction of the month Kamadan, which is the Sixth Month on the llth hour 56 minutes of Sabbath, which corre- sponds to the 22nd Ab according to Old Style, whose first is on the Sunday and is of 31 days. The beginning of the third year of Shemittah. Sunday. 1. 22. 4. New Moon of the Sixth Month. (Jewish Elul. The Jews have two days New Moon, Sunday and Monday ; the Samaritans only Sunday.) Sabbath. Parasha from "ye are sons "(14, 1.) to "judges and officers " (16, 18.). (September 10th, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 16, 18-21, 9.) Wednesday. 11. 1. 14. First of the month of Elul Old Style. Sabbath. Parasha from "judges and officers" (16, 18.) to "let a man take a wife" (22, 13.). (September 17th, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 21, 10-25, 19.) Monday. 16. 6. 19. On it is the proclamation of the New Moon, 9 hours 58 minutes of the 2nd night. Sabbath. Parasha from " let a man take a wife " (Deut. 22, 13.) to "this day" (Deut. 26, 16.). (September 22nd, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 26, 1-29, 9.) Sabbath. 28. 18. 1. Parasha from " this day " (Deut. 26, 16.) until "when it will come upon thee" (Deut. 30, l.). a (October 1st, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 29, 10-30, 20.) \_ a Note. This is evidently the Samaritan reading of Deut. 30, 1.] And this is the first day of Tishri according to the New Style. [October 1st.] (Page 3) The conjunction of the month Shawwal, the Seventh Month 2 hours 42 minutes of Monday, corresponding to the 20th of Elul, Old Style, whose first is Wednesday and is of 30 days. Monday. 1. 30. 3. The beginning of the First Festival of the Seventh Month. This is Shawwal. [October 3rd.] (The Samaritans were one day before the Jewish Rosh Hashanah, for Jewish Rosh Hashanah was on October 4th.) Sabbath. No Parasha. It is the Sabbath of the ten days of Penitence. (October 8th, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 31, 1-31, 30.) APPENDIX 91 Wednesday. 10. 29. 12. The great awe inspiring Day of Atonement, the day of chastisement of the soul. [October 12th.] Friday. 12. 1. 14. First day Tishri, O.S. [October 14th.] Sabbath. The Parasha from " when it will come upon thee " (Deut. 30, 1.) to the end of the Law. (October 15th, Jewish Lesson, Deut. 32, 1-52.) Monday. 15. 4. 17. The Festive Season of the Feast of Tabernacles. The beginning of the Seven Days. [October 17th.] Wednesday. 17. 6. 19. The proclamation of the New Moon of the Seventh Month is 8 hours 29 minutes of the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. [October 19th.] Sabbath. That of the Seven Days of Tabernacles. On it no Parasha. [October 22nd. The Jews also no Parasha.] Sunday. 21. 10. 23. First day Tishri, N.S. [October 23rd.] Monday. 22. 11. 24. The Eighth Day of 'Aseret. [October 24th.] Sabbath. Parasha from " In the beginning " (Gen. 1, 1.) to "Adam knew" (Gen. 4, 1.). (October 29th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 1, 1-6, 8.) Tuesday. 30. 19. 1. First day Marheshban, N.S. [Novem- ber 1st.] (Page 4) Conjunction of the month Dul Kaddar, the Eighth Month 6 hours 56 minutes of the night of Wednesday, corresponding to the 20th Tishri, O.S., whose first is Friday and is of 31 days. Wednesday. 1. 20. 2. New Moon of Kada which is the Eighth Month. [November 2nd. This is the first of the two days New Moon of the Jewish Month Marheshvan.] Sabbath. Parasha from " and Adam knew " (Gen. 4, 1.) until "unto his heart" (Gen. 8, 21b). (November 5th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 6, 9-11, 22.) Sabbath. Parasha from "unto his heart" (Gen. 8, 21b) to "now the Lord said .... get thee out" (12, 1.). (November 12th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 12, 1-17, 27.) Monday. 13. 1. 14. First day Marheshban, O.S. [Novem- ber 14th.] Thursday. 16. 4. 17. The proclamation of the New Moon of the Eighth Month 5 hours 4 minutes of Thursday. [October 17th.] Sabbath. Parasha from " now the Lord said . . . get thee out" (Gen. 12, 1.) to "Abraham was" (17, 1.). (November 19th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 18, 1-22, 24.) 92 THE BIBLICAL LESSONS: Sabbath. Parasha from " and Abram was " (Gen. 17, 1.) to " and the Lord remembered " (21, 1.). (November 26th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 23, 1. to 25, 18.) Thursday. 30. 18. 1. First day Kislem, N.S. [December 1st.] (Page 5) Conjunction of the month Hijja, the Ninth Month 2 hours 26 minutes* of the night of Friday, corresponding to the 19th Marheshban, whose first is Monday and is of 30 days. Friday. 1. 19. 2. The beginning of the Ninth Month. This is the month Al Hijja. [December 2nd.] (New Moon of the Jewish month Kislev.) Sabbath. Parasha from " and the Lord remembered " (Gen. 21, 1.) until " and Abraham was old " (Gen. 24, 1.). (December 3rd, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 25, 19-28, 9.) Sabbath. Parasha from " and Abraham was old " (Gen. 24, 1.) to " and these are the generations of Isaac " (Gen. 25, 19.). (December 10th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 28, 10-32, 2.) [Note. It is to be noted the Parasha read to Jewish bride- groom on the Sabbath started from Gen. 24, 1.] Wednesday. 13. 1. 14. The beginning of the month Kislem, O.S. [December 14th.] Friday. 15. 3. 16. The proclamation of the Tenth (? Ninth) Month 4 hours 48 minutes of Friday. [December 16th.] Sabbath. Parasha from " these are the generations of Isaac " (Gen. 25, 19.) to "and Jacob lifted up his feet" (29, 1.). (December 17th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 32, 3-36, 43.) Sabbath. Parasha from " and Jacob lifted up his feet " (Gen. 29, 1.) to "and Dinah went out" (34, 1.). (December 24th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 37, 1-40, 23.) Sabbath. Parasha from " and Dinah went out " (34, 1.) to " Joseph went down " (39, 1.). (December 31st, Jewish Lesson, 41, 1-44, 17.) [This is the first of the two days New Moon of the Jewish month Tebet.] (Page 6) Conjunction of the month Muharram, the Tenth Month, the year 1329 of the Mohammedan rule, 10 hours 4 minutes of the day of Sabbath, and that is mouth (written by mistake) corresponding to the 19th Kislem, O.S., whose first is Wednes- day and has 31 days. * Written day instead of minutes in MS. by mistake. APPENDIX 93 Sunday. 1. 19. 1. Beginning of the month Muharram. Beginning of the month Tebet, N.S. [January 1st, 1911.] Sabbath. Parasha from "and Joseph went down" (39, 1.) to "unto Joseph were born" (41, 50.). (January 7th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 44, 18-47, 27.) Sabbath. 14. 1. 14. Parasha from "unto Joseph were born" (41, 50.) until "and Joseph came into the house" (43, 26.). (January 14th, Jewish Lesson, Gen. 47, 28. to end of Gen.) The first of the month Tebet, O.S. Sunday. 15. 2. 15. The proclamation of the Tenth Month 6 hours 6 minutes of the night of Sunday. [January 15th.] Sabbath. Parasha from " and Joseph came into the house " (Gen. 43, 26.) until "The god Shaddai appeared unto me" (48, 3.). (January 21st, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 1, 1-6, 1.) Sabbath. Parasha from "The god Shaddai appeared unto me " (48, 3.) unto the end of the Book of Genesis. (January 28th, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 6, 2-9, 35.) (Page 7) The conjunction of the month Saffar, that is the Eleventh Month 3 hours 56 minutes of the day of Monday, corresponding to the 17th day of Tebet, whose first is Sabbath and has 31 days. Monday. 1. 17. 30. The Eleventh Month. This is the beginning of the miracles. This is the month Saffar. (This is the name of the month in which the portions of the Bible are read containing the miracles in Egypt.) [January 30th.] (Jewish month Shebat one day New Moon.) Wednesday. 3. 19. 1. Beginning of the month Shebat, N.S. [February 1st.] Sabbath. Parasha from "and these are the names" (Ex. 1, 1.) until "and when Pharaoh will speak unto you" (7, 8.). (February 4th, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 10, 1-13, 16.) Sabbath. Parasha from " and when Pharaoh will speak unto you" (Ex. 7, 8.) until "and unto Aaron" (12, 1.). And this is the Sabbath of Mesabot. (February llth, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 13, 17-17, 16.) Monday. 15. 31. 13. The proclamation of the New Moon of the Eleventh Month 4 hours 46 minutes of Monday. [February 13th.] Tuesday. 16. 1. 14. Beginning of the month Shebat, O.S. [February 14th.] 94 THE BIBLICAL LESSONS: Sabbath. Parasha from " and unto Aaron " (Ex. 12, 1.) until "on the third month" (19, 1.). (February 18th, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 18, 1-20, 26.) This is the Sabbath of the Samot of Pesach. Sabbath. Parasha from "on the third month" (Ex. 19, 1.) to "and they shall take unto me a heave offering" (25, 1.). (February 25th, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 21, 1-24, 18.) Tuesday. 30. 15. 28. A half and a quarter. It means a half day and a quarter day to complete the solar year. [February 28th.] This is the first of the two days New Moon of Adar. (Page 8) The conjunction of the month Kabi I, which is the Twelfth Month, and is on the 5th hour 42 minutes of the night of Wednesday, which is the 16th of the month of Shebat, whose beginning is on Tuesday, which is of 28 days and a half and a quarter. The conclusion (!) of the third year of the Shemittah. Wednesday. 1. 15. 1. Beginning of the Twelfth Month Hadar, N.S. [March 1st.] (This is the second day New Moon of the Jewish month Adar.) Sabbath. Parasha from "and they shall take unto me a heave offering" (Ex. 25, 1.) until "this is the word" (29, 1.). (March 4th, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 25, 1-27, 19.) Sabbath. Parasha from " this is the word " (Ex. 29, 1.) until " and he gave unto me " (31, 18.). (March llth, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 27, 20-30, 10.) Tuesday. 14. 1. 14. Beginning of the month of Hadar, O.S. [March 14th.] Wcdmsday. 15. 2. 15. The proclamation of the Twelfth Month, 4 hours 32 minutes of the Wednesday. [March 15th.] Sabbath. Parasha from " and he gave unto me " (Ex. 31, 18.) until " and he gave the boards " (36, 20.). (March 18th, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 30, 11-34, 35.) Sabbath. Parasha from " and he gave the boards " (Ex. 36, 20.) to the end of the book Shemot. (March 25th, Jewish Lesson, Ex. 35, 1-38, 20.) (Page 9) The conjunction of Eabi II, which is the First Month on the 6th hour 46 minutes of Thursday and it is the 6th day, which is the 18th day of the month of Hadar, whose first is the APPENDIX 95 Tuesday and which is of 31 days. In this is the feast of the blessed Pesah.* Friday. 1. 18. 31. New Moon of the First Month, and it is Eabi II. [March 31st. This is the second day of New Moon of the Jewish Month Nissan.] Sabbath. 2. 19. 1. Beginning of the month Nissan, N.S. Parasha from " and he called unto Moses " (Lev. 1, 1.) until "command the children of Israel" (6, 1.). (April 1st, Jewish Lesson, Lev. 1, 1-6, 7.) Sabbath. Parasha from " command the children of Israel " (Lev. 6, 1.) until "and Aaron took" (9, 22.). (April 8th, Jewish Lesson, Lev. 6, 8-8, 35.) Thursday. 14. 31. 13. The day of the slaughter (of the Paschal Lamb). [April 13th.] Friday. 15. 1. 14. The day of the feast of the blessed Pesah. First day Nissan, O.S., the proclamation of the First Month is 9 hours 4 minutes from Thursday to Friday. [April 14th.] Sabbath. This is the Sabbath of the seven days of un- leavened bread (Massot). [April 15th.] Sunday. 17. 3. 16. The first day of the 'Omer. [April 16th.] Thursday. 21. 17. 20. The feast day of the festival of Massot. [April 20th.] Sabbath. The first Sabbath of the seven Sabbaths. Parasha from " and Aaron took " (Lev. 9, 22.) until " man or woman " (13, 38.). (April 22nd, Jewish Lesson, Lev. 9, 1-11, 47.) (Page 10) The conjunction of Djumada I, which is the Second Month 2 hours 46 minutes on the day of Sabbath, corresponding with the 16th of the month of Nissan, whose first was on a Friday and is of 30 days. Sabbath. 1. 16. 29. Beginning of the Second Month. Parasha from "man or woman" (Lev. 13, 38.) until "after the death "(16, 1.). (April 29th, Jewish Lesson, Lev. 12, 1-15, 33.) [This is the second day New Moon of the Jewish Month lyyar.] Monday. 3. 18. 1. Beginning of the month lyyar, N.S. [May 1st.] Sabbath. Parasha from " after the death " (Lev. 16, 1) to * Meaning the calculation is from 6 in the afternoon, evidently when according to the Jewish calculation the night of the 6th day had begun. 96 THE BIBLICAL LESSONS: "and when ye reap the harvest" (19, 9.). (May 6th, Jewish Lesson, Lev. 16, 1-20, 27.) Sabbath. Parasha from " and when ye reap the harvest " (Lev. 19, 9.) until "feasts" (23, 1.). (May 13th, Jewish Lesson, Lev. 21, 1-24, 27.) Sunday. 16. 1. 14. Beginning of the month of lyyar, O.S., and the proclamation of the Second Month 1 hour 24 minutes of the second day. [May 14th.] Sabbath. Parasha from " feasts " (Lev. 23, 1.) to " if in my statutes " (26, 3.). (May 20th, Jewish Lesson, Lev. 25, 1-end of the book.) Sabbath. Parasha from " if in my statutes " (Lev. 26, 3.) to the end of the book. (May 27th, Jewish Lesson, Numb. 1, 1-4, 20.) (Page 11) Conjunction of Djumada II, the Third Month 11 hours 12 minutes of the Sunday corresponding to the 15th of the mouth lyyar, whose first was on Sunday and it is of 31 days. Sunday. 1. 15. 28. Beginning of the Third Month, which is Djumada II. [May 28th. This is the first day New Moon of the Jewish month Sivan.] Monday. 2. 16. 29. The day of the Gathering. [May 29th.] Wednesday. 4. 18. 31. The day of the standing before Mt. Sinai. [May 31st.] Thursday. 5. 19. 1. Beginning of the month of Siban N.S. [June 1st.] Sabbath. The Seventh Sabbath, the conclusion of the seven Sabbaths. [June 3rd. Jewish Feast of Weeks, Friday and Saturday.] Sunday. 8. 22. 4. The Feast of the Festival of the Weeks, the conclusion of the 'Omer at the going out of the 50 days. [June 4th.] Sabbath. Parasha from " in the wilderness of Sinai " (Numb. 1, 1.) to " take the sum of the sons of Kehat" (Numb. 4, 1.). (June 10th, Jewish Lesson, Numb. 4, 21-7, 89.) Monday. 16. 30. 12. The proclamation of the Third Month 3 hours 4 minutes of the night of Monday. [June 12th.] Wednesday. 18. 1. 14. Beginning of the month Siban., O.S. [May 14th.] Sabbath. Paraslia from " take the sum of the sons of Kehat " (Numb. 4, 1.) until "speak unto Aaron" (6, 22.). (June 17th, Jewish Lesson, Numb. 8, 1-12, 16.) APPENDIX 97 Sabbath. Parasha from "speak unto Aaron " (Numb. 6, 22.) until " said " (13, !.) (June 24th, Jewish Lesson, Numb. 13, 1. to 15, 41.) (Page 12) The conjunction of the month Kajab, which is the Fourth Month 6 hours 54 minutes of Monday, which is (really) Tuesday, corresponding to the 14th day of the month Siban, whose first is Wednesday and has 30 days. Tuesday. 1. 14. 27. Beginning of the Fourth Month and it is Rajab. [June 27th. This is the second day New Moon of the Jewish month Tammuz.] Sabbath. 5. 18. 1. Beginning of Tammuz, N.S: Parasha from "speak unto the head " [this is here a mistake in MS., should be " said "] (Numb. 13, 1.) to " Korah took " (16, 1.). (July 1st, Jewish Lesson, Numb. 16, 1-18, 32.) Wednesday. 9. 22. 5. Proclamation of the New Moon (rest missing, left incomplete, evidently started by mistake, v. below). [July 5th.] Sabbath. Parasha from " Korah took" (Numb. 16, 1.) until " Moses sent messengers " (20, 14.). (July 8th, Jewish Lesson, Numb. 19, 1-25, 9.) Wednesday. 16. 29. 12. The proclamation of the Fourth Month 6 hours 26 minutes from Tuesday to Wednesday. [July 12th.] Friday. 18. 1. 14. Beginning of the month of Tammuz, O.S. [July 14th.] Sabbath. Parasha from "Moses sent messengers" (Numb. 20, 14.) until " Pinehas " (25, 11.). (July 15th, Jewish Lesson, Numb. 25, 10-29, 40.) Sabbath. Parasha from " Pinehas " (Numb. 25, 11.) to " and the booty was " (31, 32.) [In some MSS. there is a Parasha marked also at 27, 1.] (July 22nd, Jewish Lesson, Numb. 30, 1. to end of the book.) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA University of California SOUTHERN REG.O.AL ^0024-1388 \? IIFO% ^OFCAl!F(% & 3 3 \ I s 1 r>- o S I \ o fe ^ > " < " ' ,c< ' rni **i A 001 246131 ir ; ~*$-j y. V_^