B10LOSY LIBRARY G LECTURES ON BACTERIA DE BARY HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.C. LECTURES ON BACTERIA BY A. DE BARY PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF STRASSBURG SECOND IMPROVED EDITION AUTHORISED TRANSLATION BY HENRY E. F. GARNSEY, MA. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford REVISED BY ISAAC BAYLEY BALFOUR, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. Fellow of Magdalen College and She rardian Professor of Botany in the University of Oxford WITH 20 WOOD-ENGRAVINGS AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1887 [ All rights reserved ] BIOLOSY LIBRARY G PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. THIS translation of Professor De Bary's ' Vorlesungen iiber Bacterien' has been prepared because there is at present no book in English which gives in like manner ' a general view of the subject ' of Bacteria, and ' sets forth the known facts in the life of Bacteria in their connection with those with which we are acquainted in other branches of natural history.' I. B. B. OXFORD, 1887. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THE present work is in the main a short abridgement of a number of lectures, some of which were delivered in a connected series as a University course, others as occasional and separate addresses. The form of the lectures has been occasionally altered to meet the difference between a written treatise and free oral delivery accompanied by demonstrations. Some things have been omitted and others added, especially some matters of general importance which were not published or did not become known to me till after the delivery of the actual course. The lectures were an attempt to introduce an audience com- posed of persons of very different professional pursuits, medical and non-medical, to an acquaintance with the present state of knowledge and opinion concerning the much discussed questions connected with Bacteria. They had, therefore, to give such a survey of the subject as would be intelligible to all who were not strangers to the elements of a scientific training, and especially to set forth the known facts in the life of the Bacteria in their connection with those with which we are acquainted in other branches of natural history. A survey of the present extensive literature of the subject, and of the almost daily additions to it, shows the existence of many serviceable and some excellent publications, but at the same time also of much that is mistaken and obscure. The scientific and semi-scientific converse of the day, if I may use viii Preface. the expression, is greatly influenced by works of the latter kind, and the chief reason for this, if I am not mistaken, lies in the absence of a general view of the subject itself and of its relations to other portions of natural history; we cannot see the wood for the trees. An attempt to give such a view would be no mere superfluous addition to existing works, and this consideration was a decisive reason in the judgment of myself and of those who gave me their encouragement for afterwards transcribing and publishing my lectures. The present treatise, therefore, must not be expected to be a Bacteriology, or even to report and enumerate all the details which may be of interest and importance ; it should rather serve only as a guide for the direction of the student through these details. Many readers, devoted to the study of the Bacteria, will be familiar with the literature or with the guides to it before they take up this book. For the sake of those who seek to gain some knowledge of the subject from its perusal, and also for the purpose of naming the most important sources of informa- tion which I have made use of along with my own investigations. I have added a few notices of publications at the end of the volume, and have indicated by numerals in brackets the places in the text to which the citation marked with the same number refers. So much by way of introduction to this little work. I trust that it may do something to clear up existing views on the subject of the Bacteria, and to lead the investigation of these organisms from its present stage of storm and pressure into the ways of quiet fruitful labour and increase of knowledge. The above with the omission of one sentence is the word- ing of the preface written in July, 1885, for the first edition of this book. The kindly reception which it met with can only Preface. ix have been due to the circumstance that the form in which the subject was presented in it was the one best adapted to attain the object proposed ; it could scarcely be that there was any- thing new in it. Hence the form and limits of the second edition which is now demanded are alike prescribed to me ; it must be made as like as possible to the first. This has been done ; the original frame is unaltered, and the old matter still appears in it in many places. On the other hand, much pro- gress has been made in the period which has elapsed since the work was originally composed, and some new views have been laid down which could not be disregarded. The new edition, therefore, will be found to contain not only some editorial improvements in the special descriptions, but also various important alterations. These observations apply also to the notes at the end of the work, except that I have introduced somewhat more critical and explanatory remarks than in the first edition. A. DE BARY. STRASSBURG, Oct., 1886. CONTENTS. I. Introduction. Bacteria or Schizomycetes and Fungi. Struc- ture of the Bacterium-cell . . . : . . . i II. Cell-forms, cell-unions, and cell-groupings .... 9 III. Course of development. Endosporous and Arthrosporous Bacteria . . . ...'*. . . 15 IV, Species of Bacteria. Distinct species denied. The grounds for this denial insufficient. Method of investigation. Relationships of the Bacteria and their position in the system 24 V. Origin and distribution of Bacteria . . . . . 37 VI. Vegetative processes. External conditions : temperature and material character of the environment. Practical ap- plication of these in cultures, in disinfection, and in antisepsis . . . . . ' Y Y . 49 VII. Relation to and effect upon the substratum. Saprophytes and Parasites. Saprophytes as exciting decompositions and fermentations. Characteristic qualities of Forms exciting fermentation . . . . . . . 64 VIII. Most important examples of Saprophytes. The nomenclature explained. Aquatic Saprophytes: Crenothrix, Cladothrix, Beggiatoa; other aquatic forms . . -. . .- . 7 2 IX. Saprophytes which excite fermentation. Fermentations of urea. Nitrification. Acetous fermentation. Viscous fermentations. Formation of lactic acid. Kefir. Bacillus Amylobacter. Decompositions of proteid. Bacterium Termo 83 X. Parasitic Bacteria. The phenomena of parasitism . . 107 xii Contents. PAGE XI. Harmless parasites of warm-blooded animals. Parasites of the intestinal canal. Sarcina. Leptothrix, Micrococci, Spirillum, Comma-bacillus of the mucous membrane of the mouth 115 XII. Anthrax and Fowl- cholera 122 XIII Causal connection of parasitic Bacteria with infectious diseases, especially in warm-blooded animals. Introduction . . . ' . Relapsing fever Tuberculosis Gonorrhoea Asiatic Cholera '.--.... . . ... \ Traumatic infectious diseases . . Erysipelas . . f . ; . . Trachoma and xerosis ; pneumonia, leprosy, syphilis, cattle-plague . . . . . ,, .. . 169 Malaria . . . . . . . .170 Typhoid fever and diphtheria . . . ' " ' ". ' - . 171 Infectious diseases in which the presence of contagium vivum has not been demonstrated . . . . 1 74 XIV. Diseases caused by Bacteria in the lower animals and in plants. Diseases of insects . . . v ..." . _ ,' . 174 Diseases of plants . -. - , . ; : : . - . . 177 Conspectus of the Literature and Notes ..'.'.. . 181 Index of Names . . . ... . . . 191 I. Introduction. Bacteria or Schizomycetes and Fungi. Structure of the Bacterium-cell (1). THE purpose of these lectures is to give some account of the present state of our knowledge respecting the objects included under the name of Bacteria. It is unnecessary to enlarge upon the manifold interest attaching to these organisms at a time when the statement urged daily on the educated public does not fall far short of saying, that a large part of all health and disease in the world is dependent on Bacteria. If we are therefore spared that customary portion of the introduction to a lecture which seeks to impress the hearer with the importance of the subject, it be- comes the more necessary to give prominence from the first to the reverse side of the question ; that is to say, to call special attention to the fact, that the problem presented to us can only be solved by quiet scientific examination from every possible point of view of the objects under consideration; and a study of this kind is dry rather than exciting, or to use a common ex- pression, interesting. But this should not deter any one who is really desirous of acquiring some knowledge of our subject. The order of our remarks will follow the natural arrangement .of the subject before us; and our first task therefore will be to ''enquire what Bacteria are ; in other words, to make ourselves acquainted with their conformation, their structure, their de- velopment, and their origin in connection with their development. Next, we have to enquire what they do, what good and what 2 Lectures on Bacteria. [ i. harm they occasion, that is, we must study their vital processes and the effects which these produce on the objects outside of themselves. We begin with the first question, and we will first of all bestow a moment's consideration on the name. Bacteria, meaning rod-shaped animalcules or plantlets, from the rod-like form which many of them exhibit, are also termed Fission-fungi or Schizomycetes. The two expressions are not, strictly speaking, of the same import. The reason of this is that the word Fungi is used in two senses. In the one it is the name for those lower flowerless plants which are devoid of chlorophyll, the green colouring matter of leaves, and hence exhibit certain definite peculi- arities in the process of their nutrition. We shall speak of these peculiarities at greater length in succeeding lectures; at present we will only make the preliminary observation, that all organisms devoid of chlorophyll require already formed organic carbon-compounds for their nutrition, and cannot obtain the necessary supplies of carbon from the carbon dioxide which finds access to them. The construction of organic compounds from this substance is bound up with the presence of chlorophyll and analogous bodies. Fungi in this sense are therefore a group characterised by definite physiological peculiarities the mark of which is the absence of chlorophyll, somewhat in the same way as birds and bats may be grouped together under the head of winged creatures. In the other sense, that of descriptive taxonomic natural history, the term Fungi denotes a group of lower plant-forms distinguished by definite characteristics of structure and develop- ment, and recognised at once when we see a mushroom or a mould. The members of this group are all as a matter of fact devoid of chlorophyll, but they might contain chlorophyll and yet belong to this group, just as a bird may have no apparatus for flight and yet be allowed to be a bird. To these Fungi, as i.] Structure of the Bacterium-cell. 3 defined by natural history and not by physiological characters only, Bacteria are as little related in structure and development as bats are to birds ; the relationship is even less, because there are a few, though only a few, true Bacteria which contain chlo- rophyll and decompose carbon dioxide, and which are therefore not Fungi in the physiological sense. For these reasons we shall be more strictly correct if we speak on the present occasion of Bacteria rather than of Fission- fungi ; but so long as we are quite clear as to the difference in the meaning of the two words, it is a matter of no importance which we use. The conformation, structure, and growth of Bacteria are extremely simple, if we put out of sight certain phenomena of propagation and consider only the vegetative state. Bacteria appear in the form of round or cylindrical rod-shaped, rarely fusiform, cells of very minute size. The diameter of the round cells or the transverse section of the cylindrical cells is in most cases about o'ooi mm. ( = i micromillimetre = i /z) or even less. The length of the cylindrical cells is 2-4 times the trans- verse section, rarely more. There are only a few forms with dis- tinctly larger dimensions. Putting aside, for later consideration, the forms from the group of Beggiatoa, Crenothrix and their allies, which differ to some extent in this and other respects from the rest of the Bacteria, the greatest breadth yet observed is 4 /a, the measurement given by Van Tieghem for the rod-shaped cells of Bacillus crassus. We are obliged to apply the term cells to those minute bodies, because they grow and divide like plant-cells, and also because all that we know of their structure agrees with the corresponding phenomena in plant-cells. It is true that their small size does not permit of our going at present very deeply into the minutiae of their structure. Cell-nuclei, for instance, have not yet been observed in them ; but this is the case in many small cells of other plants of a low order of growth, especially Fungi, and till recent times it was the case with respect to all fungal cells. B 2 4 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ i. Perseverance and constantly improving methods of research advance our knowledge as time goes on. The Bacterium-cell is mainly composed of a portion of protoplasm, which in the smaller and in most also of the larger forms appears as an entirely homogeneous translucent substance, but in some of the larger forms it is also often finely granular or shows a different kind of structure, which will be further described presently. It consists, as Nencki (2) has shown in a number of cases, chiefly of peculiar albuminoid compounds (mycoprotein, anthrax-protein) which vary with the species, and its behaviour, when the usual empirical reagents are applied to it, agrees in general with that of the protoplasmic bodies of other organisms the yellow and brownish-yellow coloration with solutions of iodine, and the absorption of, that is to say, the intense staining by, preparations of carmine and anilin dyes. Yarious specific differences occur in individual cases in the behaviour of the protoplasm to these colouring reagents, and supply very useful marks of distinction in certain cases which will be mentioned again on subsequent occasions. We have already alluded to the fact that the protoplasm of certain Bacteria described by Engelmann and van Tieghem, for example, Bacillus virens, v. T., is coloured by chlorophyll, being of a uniform pale leaf-green hue. In the very large majority of cases it is colourless ; most Bacteria, not only when isolated under the microscope but also when collected into masses, have a pure or dirty-white colour, and in the latter case show various shades of tint inclining to gray or yellow, &c., which the practised observer may even apply to the determina- tion of species. On the other hand, there are not a few Bacteria which exhibit lively colours when they are associated in masses, yellow, red, green, violet, blue, brown, &c., according to the individual. Schroter has collected together a number of such cases. How far these colours belong to the protoplasm itself or to its envelope, the cell-membrane, which will be described presently, or to both, cannot in most cases be certainly ascer- i.] Structure of the Bacterium-cell. 5 tained, because the individual cell is so small that it does not by itself show any indications of colour. In some comparatively large forms, those, for instance, grouped together by Zopf under the name of Beggiatoa roseo-persicina, it can be seen that the living protoplasmic body shares at least in the coloration, which in this case is a bright red. Some of the colouring matters in question have been submitted to closer examination and have even received special names, as bacterio-purpurin, &c. In their optical qualities they show various points of resemblance to anilin dyes, as is indicated by the above name ; but we must not infer from this that the chemical composition is analogous. Among other phenomena of frequent recurrence in the structure and contents of the protoplasm the starch-reaction claims special attention. Bacillus Amylobacter and Spirillum amyliferum, v. T., in certain stages of their development have this peculiarity, that a portion of their protoplasm, distinguished from the remainder by being somewhat more highly refringent, when treated with watery solution of iodine assumes an indigo- blue colour like starch-grains, or speaking more exactly like the granulose which forms a large part of their substance. The conditions under which this phenomenon makes its appearance and again disappears will be discussed at greater length below. E.Hansen'sMicrococcusPasteurianus also and usually Leptothrix buccalis show the granulose-reaction. We may also mention in this connection the occurrence of sulphur-granules in Beggiatoa, referring the reader to Lecture VIII for further particulars. The protoplasmic body of the Bacteria is surrounded by a membrane or cell-wall. This membrane in one of the species which have been examined, Sarcina ventriculi (see Lecture XI), possesses, as far as is at present known, the qualities of typical plant-cellulose-membrane; it is firm and thin, and assumes the characteristic violet colour when treated with Schulze's solution. But in the majority of cases there is no trace of the characteristic coloration of cellulose. In single specimens scattered about in a fluid the membrane appears under the 6 Lee hires on Bacteria. [ i. microscope as a delicate line drawn round the free surface, and forming the boundary between contiguous cells. It may even be seen distinct from the protoplasm in the larger forms by the aid of reagents which strongly contract the protoplasm and colour it at the same time without affecting the membrane, for instance alcoholic solution of iodine (see Fig. i, p\ It is plainly shown also in the formation of spores which will be described in Lecture III. This membrane, which lies close upon the protoplasm, is in certain forms at least, the species of Beggiatoa and Spirochaete for example, highly extensible and elastic, for it is seen to follow the curves often made by the elongated organism, and the protoplasm can alone be the active agent in producing these. But the membrane which thus directly covers the protoplasm is certainly in all cases only the innermost firmer layer of a gelatinous envelope surrounding the proto- plasmic body. This may be seen directly in not a few forms if observed attentively under the microscope, when the cells or small aggregations of cells lie isolated in a fluid. Large masses of Bacteria are always more or less gelatinous or slimy when in a sufficiently moist condition. When the cells are dividing, the outer layers of the membrane may sometimes be seen to swell up in succession. Hence, speaking generally, we may say that the cells of Bacteria have gelatinous membranes, with a thin and comparatively firm inner layer. The consistence of the mucilage and its capability of swelling in fluids differ in different cases, changing gradually, but this point will be considered again presently at greater length. The possession of gelatinous membranes of this kind is com- mon to the Bacteria and to various other organisms of the lower sort, of which Nostocaceae and some Sprouting and Filamentous Fungi may be quoted as examples. In Bacteria, as in the latter plants, the gelatinous membrane has been shown in a number of forms which have been examined to consist of a carbohydrate closely related to cellulose ; this is specially the case in the Bac- terium of mother of vinegar and in Leuconostoc, the frog-spawn- i.] Stricture of the Bacterium-cell. 7 bacterium of sugar factories. On the other hand, Nencki found that the membranes of certain putrefactive Bacteria not distinctly determined are in a great measure composed, like the proto- plasm which they enclose, of the mycoprotein mentioned on page 4. Lastly, a statement of Neisser (65) must also be men- tioned in this place ; he suspects, from the behaviour of the membrane or envelope of the Bacterium of xerosis conjunctiva in the presence of reagents, that it contains a considerable amount of fatty matter. Further investigation into these points is at all events desirable. The membranes of Cladothrix and Crenothrix which live in water are often coloured brown by the introduc- tion of compounds of iron. Many Bacteria are capable of free movement in fluids. They rotate about their longitudinal axis, or they oscillate like a pendulum and move rapidly forwards or backwards. Search has consequently been made for organs of motion, and these are supposed to have been found in certain very slender filiform appendages, cilia or flagella, which are attached singly or in pairs to the extremities of rod-shaped Bacteria. Such cilia are present in many relatively large cells not belonging to the Bacteria, and endowed like them with the power of free movement in fluids, the swarm-cells, for example, and swarm-spores of many Algae and some Fungi. In these cases the cilia oscillate rapidly as long as the movement continues, causing rotation round the longitudinal axis, and may consequently be considered to be the active organs of motion. In the swarm-cells of the Algae they are processes, projections as it were, from the surface of the protoplasmic body, and belong therefore to the protoplasm. When the protoplasm is surrounded by a membrane, the cilia pass out through openings in the membrane. But no such characteristic structural conditions have been observed in the Bacteria. Delicate thread-like processes have certainly been observed occasionally at the points above-mentioned in coloured specimens which have been exposed to desiccation. That they are really there and not, or at least not always, in the imagina- 8 Lectures on Bacteria. [ i. tion of the observer only, is proved by the fact that they appear in photographs. But in an overwhelming majority of cases no cilia can be seen, though the Bacteria are capable of independent movement and are examined with the best optical aids after being killed and coloured. Where they are found, they are as van Tieghem rightly says, not processes of the protoplasmic body, but belong to the membrane, as is shown by their behaviour with reagents, and must therefore be con- sidered to be thread-like extensions of the soft gelatinous membrane-layers. They have accordingly nothing in common with the cilia of swarm-spores of the Algae, and cannot therefore be regarded as organs of motion, since it was only from the analogy of the cilia in the Algae that this function was inferred. Such is the state of the case at least in the great majority of species. Whether there are any exceptional cases must be deter- mined by further investigation. It should be added, that among lower organisms there are some comparatively large forms, the Oscillatorieae, for example, the near relatives according to our present knowledge of the Bacteria a point to be further considered below which show similar movements, though no cilia or other distinct organs of motion have been observed in them. It follows that analogy does not require the discovery of cilia in the Bacteria. Vegetating Bacterium-cells multiply by successive division, each cell forming two daughter-cells. When a cell has reached a certain size, a fine transverse line makes its appearance in it, dividing the cell into two equal parts. This line is subse- quently shown by its gelatinous swelling to be the commence- ment of a cell-membrane. This agrees with the phenomena observed in the divisions of larger plant-cells, and there is nothing to prevent our assuming that the details of the process of division, which the minuteness of the object makes it impos- sible to observe directly, are the same in both cases. It must be acknowledged that the transverse wall which appears as the cell divides is often so delicate as easily ii.] Cell-forms. 9 to escape observation, and becomes visible only under the influ- ence of reagents which give a deep colour to the protoplasm and make it shrink, especially alcoholic solution of iodine. This must not be forgotten in determining the length of cells. The successive bipartitions are either all in the same direction, and the transverse walls are therefore parallel ; or more rarely the walls lie in two or three directions in space, so that they successively cut one another, and may actually cross at a right angle. II. Cell-forms, cell-unions, and cell-groupings. SINGLE Bacterium-cells, the simple structure of which has been considered in the preceding chapter, may appear in very various forms, the variety depending partly on their own shape and on that of their simplest aggregations, partly on whether they are united into larger aggregations or not, and on the peculiar characters of these aggregations. i. The shape of the individual cells and their simplest genetic combinations give rise to the distinction into round- celled, and straight or spirally twisted rod-like forms. A billiard- ball, a lead pencil, and a cork-screw, so exactly illustrate these three chief forms, that no one requires for his instruction in this case the costly models which are offered for sale. The figures on subsequent pages, which will be examined more closely in later lectures, will for the present give a sufficiently clear idea of the matter. These forms have received a variety of names in the course of the development of our knowledge. The round forms are at present most commonly known as Cocci (Figs. 3, 4), and are spoken of as Micrococci or Macrococci according to their size, or as Diplococci when they still remain united in pairs after a bipartition ; earlier writers called them monads, a name which they applied to a variety of heterogeneous objects. io Lectures on Bacteria. -[$ IT. The straight rod-forms (Figs, i, 2) have received the special name of rods, Bacteria, from the earlier writers. Short or long rods and other terms are obvious designations for subordinate peculiarities of shape, but have no other value. The screw or cork-screw forms are termed Spirilla, Spiro- chaetae. Those which are only slightly curved, that is, which form a portion only of a turn of the screw, being intermediate between the two preceding categories, have been called by Cohn Vibriones in accordance with the nomenclature of older authors. It is well that we should understand clearly that these and other names, which will be mentioned presently, are only used to define the shapes of the organisms. It would indeed be better to give them proper names expressive of their outward appearance, and to use terms like sphere, screw ; and it is to be hoped too that the jargon which prevails at present, especially in medical literature, will gradually be replaced by a rational terminology. The cocci and rod-forms are sometimes liable to a peculiar deviation from their ordinary shape ; single cells, lying between other cells which remain true to one of the typical forms described above, swell into broadly fusiform or spherical or oval vesicles several times larger than the typical cells. This has been observed in species of Bacillus, Cladothrix, &c., and with special frequency in the Micrococcus of mother of vinegar. There is some ground for assuming, though further proof is required, that these swollen forms are the products of diseased develop- ment, indications of retrogression and involution, and they were therefore termed by Nageli and Buchner involution-forms (see Fig. io). 2. According to the nature of the union or want of union of the cells, we must first of all distinguish between the forms in which genetic union and arrangement is maintained after succes- sive bipartitions, and those in which it is severed or displaced. When the cells continue united together in the connected sequence of the divisions we have IL] Cell-unions, Cell-groupings. 1 1 a. The cells arranged in rows in the direction of the succes- sive divisions. From their thread-like form these cell-rows (Fig. 2, &c.) are termed filaments in accordance with the traditional terminology; a strange confusion of ideas led to their being also called pseudo-filaments, objects which look like, but are not real, filaments. It is obvious after the foregoing remarks, first, that these filaments must be of different shape according as the individual cells are round or of some other form ; secondly, that the length of the filaments, measured by the number of cells, may be very various. It may be said specially of the rod-like and spiral forms, that the cells usually remain united into short rows in such a manner that the rod or spiral is actually composed of more than one cell, and then after a definite increase of the entire length and of the number of the segment- cells is divided into two at the oldest points of division. The words Leptothrix, Mycothrix, and others designate the longer filamentous forms. b. Cells united together and arranged genetically in a simple surface, or as a body of three dimensions, are of less frequent occurrence, as has been already said ; Zopf s Bacterium meris- mopoedioides may be given as an example of the former kind, of the latter the cube-shaped cell-packets of Sarcina ventriculi (see Fig. 14). By the side of these phenomena of genetic union and variously combined with them appears a series of groupings, as they may be briefly termed, which owe their character to a great extent to the mass, cohesion, and other specific qualities of the gelatinous membranes as these are formed, and next and in combination with these, to their own very various specific peculiarities, which cannot, as a rule, be shortly defined ; some explanation of the latter, though unfortunately only an imperfect one, will be given further on when we are considering vital processes. The nature also, and especially the state of aggregation of the substratum, may in certain circumstances have an influence on the grouping. 12 Lectures on Bacteria. [ n. Thinness of the gelatinous membranes and a high degree of capacity for swelling reaching to deliquescence will cause the separation of cells or of the simplest cell-unions from one another when growing in a fluid. Thick cell-membranes, and a narrowly limited capacity for swelling in the gelatinous sub- stance, will keep the cells united together in compact gelatinous masses in the same fluid. These, which are the extreme con- ditions, are actually found in nature, and all kinds of intermediate states also occur. The firmer gelatinous masses (see Fig. 3) are called by the old name Palmella, or by the more recent name now commonly used, Zoogloea. The less sharply denned Zoogloeae, as they may be shortly described, may naturally be termed swarms. It depends on their specific gravity whether a Zoogloea or a swarm will float on the surface or sink to the bottom of the same fluid, while their general outline and the grouping of the separate aggregates which compose them will be fashioned in accordance with their further specific qualities. To illustrate this point in passing by a few examples, let us take three flasks containing a similar 8-10 per cent, solution of grape-sugar and extract of meat in water. In one flask the fluid is pretty uniformly clouded with the short motile rods of Bacillus Amylobacter. In the second the surface of the slightly clouded fluid is covered with a thick wrinkled scum, dry on the upper surface, which is formed by Bacillus subtilis, the so-called hay-bacillus. In the third the filaments of Bacillus Anthracis, the Bacillus of anthrax which in other respects re- sembles B. subtilis, form a flocculent deposit at the bottom of the clear fluid. We can scarcely call this deposit by the name of Zoogloea, we may perhaps call it a swarm. The hay- bacillus-scum is properly a Zoogloea with a special characteristic form. Formations more or less like it are found often enough in fluids containing decomposable organic bodies. Highly characteristic Zoogloeae developed in a fluid are the frog-spawn- Bacterium of sugar-factories and the Bacterium of kefir. The former is a round-celled organism, Leuconostoc, with a thick ii.] Cell-groupings. 1 3 compact gelatinous envelope which may fill entire vats with a substance looking like frogs' spawn, and which will be con- sidered again in a later lecture ; the term kefir-grains is applied to the bodies employed by the inhabitants of the Caucasus in the preparation from milk of a sourish beverage rich in car- bonic acid. The kefir-grains are in the fresh living state white bodies, usually of irregularly roundish form, equal to or ex- ceeding a walnut in size. They have their surface crisped with blunt projections and furrowed like a cauliflower ; they are of a firm toughly gelatinous consistence, becoming cartilaginous, brittle, and of a yellow colour when dried, and are chiefly com- posed of a rod-shaped Bacterium. The small rods are for the most part united together into filaments, which are closely interwoven in countless zig-zags and firmly connected together by their tough gelatinous membranes. It must also be observed, that the Bacterium-filaments are not the only constituents of the granules ; numerous groups of a Sprouting Fungus like the yeast-fungus of beer are enclosed between them, especially in the periphery, living and growing in common with the Bacterium, but in much smaller quantity, and taking only a passive part in the formation of Zoogloeae. If Bacteria grow not in fluids but on some solid substance which is only wet or moist, the grouping into Zoogloeae is a frequent phenomenon even in those forms which separate from one another in larger amounts of fluid owing to the deliquescence of their gelatinous envelopes. The more limited supply of water on the merely damp substratum is not sufficient to make this gelatinous substance swell up to the point of deliquescence. On decaying potatoes, turnips, and similar substances we may often see small lumps of gelatinous matter of a white or yellowish tint or of some other shade of colour, and composed of these aggregations of Bacteria. These lumps deliquesce in water. We have a special instance of the kind in the often-described occurrence of the blood-portent, Micrococcus prodigiosus (Monas prodigiosa of Ehrenberg), pro- 14 Lectures on Bacteria. [ n. ducing on substances rich in starch, such as dressed potatoes, bread, rice, or wafers, moist blood-red spots which sometimes spread rapidly and widely. Their colour has given rise to a variety of superstitious notions when they have appeared unexpectedly on objects of household use. They consist of one of the chromogenous Bacteria which have been already mentioned. It was stated above that the grouping of different forms is different in the same fluid, and in like manner the conformation of the Zoogloeae on solid substances shows manifold variation of forms which differ in other respects also. These various facts connected with the grouping are them- selves calculated to afford very valuable marks for character- ising and distinguishing forms, the more valuable indeed in proportion to the difficulty oftentimes of discriminating in- dividual cells of such minute size under the microscope. It is precisely in the phenomena of grouping that specific peculiarities of conformation best display themselves, being collected together, as it were, in larger quantity; these characters must indeed be present in the single cell, but, with the means at present at our disposal, it is difficult or even impossible to recognise them there. But there is nothing peculiar in this. There are many cells of gigantic size in comparison with the Bacteria and highly differentiated, of which we cannot say with cer- tainty when we see them by themselves whether they belong to a lily or a tulip. But in their natural connection or grouping some of them form a lily, others a tulip, and by this we know that they are different. in.] Endosporous Bacteria. 1 5 III. Course of development. Endosporous and Arthro- sporous Bacteria. THE different conformations and groupings described in the preceding lectures indicate primarily nothing more than de- finite forms of one phenomenon marked in each case by a distinct name, such as present themselves at any moment of observation, and without reference to their origin or future destination. They are forms of the vegetative development, growth-forms as they may be shortly termed, and correspond to those which in the higher plants are designated by the words tree, shrub, bulbous plant, and the like. Forms which are determined only by their conformation correspond indeed only to separate members of a particular growth, such as woody stem, tendril, tuber, bulb, &c. If we wish to know the significance of a tendril or a bulb in the chain of phenomena, or indeed that of any other form of living creature, we must answer the above questions of its origin and destination, or, to use the customary form of words, we must learn the course of its development. For every form of living being taken at any one moment of time, though it may be present in millions of specimens, is only a member of a chain of periodic movements which coincide with a regular alternation of forms. If therefore we wish for a more intimate acquaintance with Bacteria, we must proceed to enquire into their course of development. As far as our present knowledge goes, this development is not quite the same in all cases. We must distinguish two groups, one of which contains the Endosporous, the other the Arthrosporous Bacteria. The former group consists of a number of straight rod- forms which will here receive the special name of Bacillus, and a few screw-twisted Spirilla. The phenomena, so far as they 16 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ are known, are essentially the same in both, and they have now to be described in detail in the case of Bacillus. See Fig. i. The Bacilli in the highest state of vegetative development are rod-shaped or shortly cylindrical cells with the characters already described, which either remain isolated or are united together into unicellular rods or longer filaments ; they are motile or motion- less, and display active growth and division (Fig. i, ac], Both growth and division at length come to an end, and then begins the formation of peculiar organs of reproduction spores. This process begins at the point to which it has been followed furthest back with the appearance of a comparatively very minute point-like granule in the protoplasm of a hitherto vegetative cell. This granule increases in volume and soon presents the appearance of an elon- gated or round, highly refringent, sharply-defined body, which attains its ultimate size rapidly, some- times in a few hours, and is then the mature spore (Fig. i, d-f}. The spore always remains smaller than its mother-cell, the protoplasm and other con- tents of which disappear with the growth of the spore, being doubtless consumed for its benefit, until at length the spore is seen sus- pended in a pellucid substance inside the delicate membrane of the mother-cell (Fig. i, r, h^. Fig. i. Bacillus Megaterium. a outline sketch of a chain of rods in active vegetation and motion, b pair of rods in active vegetation and motion, p a 4-celled rod in this stage after treatment with alcoholic solution of iodine, c 5-celled rod in the first stage of preparation for forming spores. d-f successive states of a spore-forming pair of rods, d about 2 o'clock fin.] Endosporous Bacteria. 17 The details of these processes disclose sundry variations of diagnostic value, especially in connection with the shape. In Bacillus Megaterium, B. Anthracis, B. subtilis, for example, the sporogenous cell does not differ in shape from the vegetative cell, but in the two latter the mature spore is much shorter ; in B. Anthracis it is slightly narrower, in B. subtilis often rather broader than the mother-cell, in B. Megaterium it is a little shorter but much narrower than the comparatively short mother-cell (cf. Figs, i and 2). In other species the spores are much smaller in every direction than the mother- cell, and the latter is distinguished from the cylindrical vegetative cell before or during the form- ation of the spore by swelling into a permanent fusiform or ovoid shape, either over the entire area of the cell or at the spot where the spore lies, and which is then usually at one ex- tremity of the cell. In the latter case, and also when cells that are still cylindrical are attached on one side to a mother-cell which has swollen up all over, the forms are produced which were once known as capitate Bacteria, cylindrical Bacteria with a capitate sporogenous swelling at the extremity. Ex- amples of this kind are Bacillus Amylobacter (Fig. 13), B. Ulna, and some others. In Bacillus Amylobacter and Spirillum amyliferum, v. Tiegh., the appearance of the spore is preceded by the formation of granulose described above, and the spot where the spore p.m., e about one hour later, /one hour later than e. The spores in /were mature by evening ; no others were formed ; the one apparently commenced in the third upper cell of d and e disappeared ; the cells in / which did not contain spores were dead by 9 p.m. r a four-celled rod with ripe spores, g- 1 five-celled rod with three ri;e spores placed in a nutrient solution after drying for several days, at 12.30 p.m.; g z the same speci- men about 1.30 p.m. ; g* about 4 p.m. h^ two dried spores with the mem- brane of the mother-cell placed in a nutrient solution, about 11.45 a.m.; h z the same specimen about 12.30 p.m. i, k, I later stages of germination explained in the text on p. 2 1 . m rod dividing transversely, grown from a spore placed eight hours before in a nutrient solution, a magnified 250 times ; the other figures 600 times. C 1 8 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ in. begins to be formed is marked by the absence of granulose. This spot looks in solution of iodine like a notch of a pale yellowish colour, occupying one extremity of the rod which elsewhere tends to be blue, and is moreover distinguished by its lower power of refraction even before the use of a reagent. As the spore grows in size the granulose disappears. Accord- ing to Prazmowski the granulose is not always present before the formation of the spore, even in Bacillus Amylobacter. In other Bacilli, the three, for example, just previously named, it has never been observed ; their protoplasm either remains un- changed before spore-formation, or at most becomes a little less transparent and in larger forms more evidently finely granular. A mother-cell, so far as can be positively stated, never pro- duces more than a single spore. This can be determined with certainty in almost all cases, and the few accounts which have been given of the formation of two spores in a single cell are doubtful, being unaccompanied by any guarantee that the boundaries of adjoining cells have not been overlooked or errors of other kinds admitted. I must, however, add that an exception to the prevailing rule has recently come under my own observation in the case of a species nearly allied to Bacillus Amylobacter (see Lecture IX), which usually follows the rule, but does also sometimes contain two spores in a cell which has swollen and become broadly fusiform. I have not yet succeeded in observing the further development of the twin spores. In cultures formation of spores usually takes place when other growth comes to an end because the substratum is no longer adapted to maintain it, being either exhausted, as we are in the habit of saying, or impregnated with the products of decomposition which are unfavourable to vegetative develop- ment. Formation of spores then spreads rapidly through the larger number of the cells and through the special aggregations, if the particular form is present in abundance. Some of these it is true do not produce spores, in some the process begins $ in.] Endosporous Bacteria. 19 but is not completed. All cells which do not take part in the normal formation of spores ultimately die and are de- composed, if they are not transferred in good time to a fresh substratum. In other Bacilli, as B. Amylobacter, the procedure is dif- ferent. Here spore-formation begins in single cells and spreads by degrees to more and more of them, while a number of other cells continue to vegetate and divide. We cannot therefore regard the unsuitableness of the substratum to the vegetative process as the cause which generally determines the formation of spores. By spores are usually meant such cells as are delimited from a plant to develope again under favourable conditions into a new vegetating plant. The commencement of this latter process is termed germination. The bodies to which we have here given the name of spores are so called because their behaviour corresponds to that of germinating spores. As soon as they are fully grown, that is, as soon as they are ripe, the membrane of the mother-cell dissolves gradually or swells, and the spores are thus set at liberty, retaining the characters which have been already described; that is, they are round, ovoid, or rod-shaped, according to the species, rarely of some other shape, with a dark outline and usually colourless, but with a peculiar bluish glistening appearance ; according to Cohn the spore of Bacillus erythrosporus is tinged with red. Round the dark outline may often be perceived a very pale and evidently soft gelatinous envelope, which either covers the spore uniformly all round, or is thicker at the two extremities and drawn out into processes. Germination shows that the spore is a cell surrounded by a thin but very firm membrane, defined by the dark outline inside the gelatinous envelope. Germination begins when the ripe spore is subjected to the conditions favourable to the vege- tation of the species, supply of water, suitable nutriment, and favourable temperature. As it begins the spore loses its high c 2 20 Lectures on Bacteria. [f "I. Vi l? refringent power, its lustre and dark outline ; it assumes the ap- pearance of a vegetative cell, and grows at the same time to the size and shape of the vegetative cell from which it sprang. With the completion of this process movement begins in the motile species, and this is followed by the growth, division, and grouping which have been described above as occur- ring in the vegetative stages, and which at length come to an end with a fresh formation of spores. In many cases a few hours only intervene between the first observable commencement of ger- mination and active vegetative growth. See above, Fig. i, h-m. With the first increase in size a mem- brane is often seen to split and rise from off the surface of the growing cell, being evidently lifted from off it by a swelling gelatinous outer layer surrounding the new membrane of the cell. The rent through the membrane is in the direction of the length, or across the middle, accord- ing to the species. The former is the case according to Prazmowski in Bacillus Amylobacter, and it occurs also in other species. The latter has been observed in Fig. 2. A Bacillus Anthracis. Two filaments partly in an advanced stage of spore- formation ; above them two ripe spores escaped from the cells. From a culture on a microscope-slide in a solution of meat-extract. The spores are drawn a little too narrow ; they are nearly as broad as the breadth of the mother-cell. B Bacillus subtilis. I fragments of filaments with ripe spores. 2 commencement of germination of spore ; the outer wall torn transversely. 3 young rod projecting from the spore in the usual transverse position. 4 germ-rods bent into the shape of a horse-shoe, one afterwards with one extremity released. 5 germ-rods already grown to a considerable size but with both extremities still fixed in the spore-membrane. All magnified 600 times. Fig. 2. $in.] Endosporous Bacteria. 21 B. Megaterium (Fig. i) and B. subtilis (Fig. 2, B)] the trans- verse rent either extends quite across, so that half the membrane is placed like a cap on each extremity of the cell, or the halves remain attached on one side, so that the growing cell must emerge from a gaping cleft (Fig. i , h-f). The ruptured mem- brane is usually delicate and pale. In B. subtilis only it retains at first the lustre and dark outline of the spore before ger- mination, and hence it is probable that these phenomena have their origin in the membrane. Sooner or later the membrane thus torn from the cell swells and disappears. It may be owing to the very early period at which the swelling sets in that sometimes, as, for example, in B. Megaterium and B. Amylo- bacter, the removal of the membrane is not perceptible in one germinating spore, while it is clearly seen in others, and that in other species, as in B. Anthracis, no removal of the membrane takes place at all. The longitudinal growth of the first cell in germination has always the same direction in space as the longitudinal axis of the spore or spore-mother-cell. This is the case also in Bacillus subtilis, which appears at first sight to behave differently in this respect. In this species the first rod-shaped germ-cell usually emerges from the open transverse rent in the spore-membrane in such a manner that its longitudinal axis crosses that of the spore at a right angle, but this is not caused by a corresponding divergence of the longitudinal growth, but by the circumstance that when the germ-cell has attained a certain length it bends through about 90, and thus projects on one side at a right angle from the rent in the membrane. The bending of the germ-cell is evidently caused by the resistance offered to the elongation of the cell by the spore-membrane, which in this species is highly elastic and is always ruptured on one side. When growth is very rapid the two extremities of the young rod may remain fixed in the membrane, and in that case the middle portion projects in a curve from the aperture. It is not till a later period, when the rods have begun to divide and 22 Lectures on Bacteria. [ in. separate into daughter-rods, that the latter straighten themselves out. Endogenous spore-formation, as it has now been described, that is, formation of spores taking place inside the previously vegetative cell, sharply distinguishes the endosporous forms from the rest of the Bacteria, which we have termed arthrosporous. The name is intended to indicate the fact, that in these forms members of an aggregation or of a series of united generations of vegetative cells separating from the rest assume the character of spores immediately without previous endogenous rejuvenes- cence, that is, they may become the origins of new vegetative generations. In a number of the forms comprised in this divi- sion, a more or less distinct morphological difference may be observed between vegetative cells and spores; in others, as far as we know at present, no such distinction is to be found. Simple examples of the former kind are supplied by Leuco- nostoc mentioned above and by Bacterium Zopfii, Kurth. The former (Fig. 3) consists, according to van Tieghem's descrip- tion, of curved bead-like rows of small round cells with firm gelatinous coats united together in large numbers into Zoogloeae (Fig. 3, a, b}. A large portion of the cells dies at the end of the vegetative period when the nutrient substratum is exhausted. On the other hand single cells irregularly distributed in the rows become somewhat larger than the rest, acquire a more distinct outline, that is, become thicker-walled, and their protoplasm grows darker (Fig. 3, c). They at length become free by the deliquescence of the gelatinous envelopes, and may claim the name of spores, because when placed in a fresh nutrient solution they develope into new rows of beads like those of the mother- plant (Fig. 3, d-h). Bacterium Zopfii was originally found by Kurth in the intes- tinal canal of fowls, and then cultivated partly in gelatine partly in suitable watery solutions. In the fresh substratum the Bac- terium vegetates at first in the rod-form. In the gelatine the rods continue united together into large filaments often twisted 1 III.] A rthrosporous Bacteria. into a coil ; in the fluid short and motionless filaments are formed only at a temperature of more than 35 C. ; at 20 C. the filaments separate into motile rods. At the close of their vege- tation when the substratum is exhausted, the rods fall asunder Fig. 3- into short roundish cells, and these again may be termed spores since in a fresh substratum they develope into new rods or filaments. Though their course of development is more complex yet the phenomena observed in Crenothrix, Cladothrix, and Beggiatoa, if ZopPs description is correct, closely resemble those just de- scribed. They will be noticed again below in Lecture VIII. Fig. 3. Leuconostoc mesenterioides, Cienkowski. a sketch of a Zoogloea. b section through a full-grown Zoogloea just before the commencement of spore-formation, c filaments with spores from an older specimen. d isolated ripe spores, e-i successive products of germination of spores sown in a nutrient solution ; sequence of development according to the letters. In e the two lower specimens show the fragments of the ruptured spore-membrane on the outer surface of the gelatinous envelope indicated by dark strokes, i portion of a gelatinous body from h broken up into short members, which have been separated from one another by pressure. After van Tieghem (Ann. d. sc. nat. ser. 6, vii). a natural size, b-i magn. 520 times. 24 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ iv. Examples of the other and simpler kind of arthrosporous forms are to be found, according to our present knowledge, in the forms described under the name of Micrococcus (Fig. 4). Each vegetative cell may at any moment begin to form a new series of vegetative cells ; there is no distinction between specifically reproductive F ' 1 S- 4- and vegetative cells. The entire distinction between endosporous and arthro- sporous Bacteria is required by the present state of our know- ledge. It remains to be seen whether and to what extent it will be maintained. Our knowledge is at present still so incomplete that we must on the one hand regard the discovery of endo- genous formation of spores as possible or probable in forms where they are hitherto unknown, even in the simplest Micro- cocci, and I say this to prevent all misunderstanding; and on the other hand we cannot say that facts will not come to light in course of time which will do away with any sharp separation between the two divisions. IV. Species of Bacteria. Distinct species denied. The grounds for this denial insufficient. Method of in- vestigation. Relationships of the Bacteria and their position in the system. HAVING now made ourselves acquainted with the course of development in Bacteria in its main features, we proceed to consider the much-debated question whether there are specifi- cally distinct forms, species of Bacteria, as these terms are used in descriptive natural history, and how many such species can be determined. Species are determined by the course of development. By the term species we mean the sum Fig. 4. Micrococcus Ureae, Cohn, from putrifying urine. Single cells and cells united in rows (= Streptococcus). Magn. noo times. 5 iv.] The question of species. 25 total of the separate individuals and generations which, during the time afforded for observation, exhibit the same periodically repeated course of development within certain empirically deter- mined limits of variation. We judge of the course of develop- ment by the forms which make their appearance in it one after another. These are the marks by which we recognise and dis- tinguish species. In the higher plants and animals we are in the habit of taking the marks chiefly from a single section of the development, namely, from the one in which they are most distinctly shown. We distinguish birds better by their feathers than, for instance, by their eggs. This abbreviated method of distinguishing is convenient, wherever one section of the de- velopment is so pregnant as to make the consideration of the rest unnecessary. But this is not always the case. The simpler the forms of an organism are, the larger must be the portions of development requisite for characterising and distinguishing it, and the demand is still greater when we have to compare the entire course of the development of the species, to use the same figure, from the ovum of the first to the ovum of the next gene- ration. We are pleased if we succeed in this way in finding any single mark to serve our purpose, but we must not be too con- fident of finding one. Experience has taught us that different species may behave very differently in respect of the forms which make their appear- ance successively in their course of development. In some the same forms constantly recur one after another with comparatively small individual variations. These may be termed monomorphic species. Most of the common higher plants and animals are examples of this, and also many of the lower and simpler kinds. They can be readily distinguished after a little experience even by single portions from the general development. We can re- cognise a horse-chestnut, for example, by each individual leaf plucked from the tree. Other species are pleomorphic and may appear in very unlike forms even in the same segments of the development, 26 Lectures on Bacteria. [ iv. partly from the effect of external causes which are known and may be varied at pleasure in our experiments, partly from internal causes which cannot at present be analysed. The white mulberry-tree, for example, in contrast to the horse- chestnut just mentioned produces foliage-leaves very unlike each other and with no certain rule of succession, some simply cor- date, others deeply notched and lobed. We should not recog- nise the species by a leaf of the latter kind, if we had before only happened to have seen the cordate leaves. This occurs frequently and to a still greater extent in the lower plants, though they need by no means belong, like the Bacteria, to the simplest and smallest forms. Many of the larger Fungi, for ex- ample, the forms of Mucor,and green Algae, such as Hydrodictyon and the remarkably pleomorphous Botrydium granulatum, exhibit phenomena of this kind in a very striking manner, especially when it further happens, as it often does happen in similar plants, that the successive members of the development do not continue in prolonged connection with each other, like the leaves of the mulberry, but separate and vegetate apart from one another. In this case if we happen to find the objects separate and alone, and are accustomed from our experience of the chestnut always to judge of a species by the individual form, we fall into mistakes such as the history of botanical study can supply in great abundance. But if we observe how each form developes and how it originated, we perceive that they have all the same course, the same origin, and the same return to similar beginnings, or as we may say, conclusions of the development. The pleomorphous species therefore differ from the relatively monomorphous species only in the greater number of forms and in the greater amount of differentiation in the course of development; the qualities of the species are apportioned in equal measure in the one as in the other. As regards then the species of Bacteria two views have been promulgated, which in their extreme form differ much from one $ iv.] The question of species. 2 7 another. According to the one view their case is the same as that of all organisms other than Bacteria, that is, of all other plants and animals ; like these they are distinguished into species. This was accepted as a matter of course by the earlier observers from the first discovery of the Bacteria by Leeuwen- hoek (3), to the more careful and extended observations of these organisms which was undertaken by Ferdinand Cohn (4) at the beginning of the period from 1860 to 1870. Cohn, following in the steps of his predecessors, especially Ehrenberg (5), en- deavoured to give a general view and classification of the forms which had become known to himself and others. It was im- portant to arrange the material in hand and waiting further ela- boration in some provisional manner, and to do this it was either allowable or necessary to start from the assumption, which certainly required to be proved, that a species was always characterised by a definite form, as is the case with the above- mentioned comparatively monomorphous kinds. The species were therefore distinguished by their shape and growth-form, with some help from their effects on the substratum, and then further classified. The names Coccus, Spirillum, Spirochaete, &c., applied above to growth-forms corresponding to such terms as tree and shrub, were used as names for definite natural genera like birch, chestnut, &c. ; such genera we may accordingly therefore term form-genera. Whether these form-genera and form-species did or did not really coincide in all points with natural genera and real natural species, was expressly left undecided by Cohn and reserved for further investigation. Cohn's view as expressed in his provisional classification was opposed by other writers, who went so far as to deny that there were any species of Bacteria. They considered that the ob- served forms proceeded alternately from one another, the one being convertible into the other with a change in the conditions of life, and that this change might be accompanied by a corre- sponding change in the effects on the substratum, though this point does not, strictly speaking, belong to the subject which we 28 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ iv. are considering. Full expression was given to this view by Billroth (6) in 1874 in a lengthy publication, in which he includes all the forms which he had examined, and they were many and various, in one species which he names Coccobacteria septica. N'ageli (7) and his school have supported the same views since 1877. Nageli indeed expresses his opinion on the one hand with circumspection and reserve, saying that he finds no necessity for separating the thousands of Bacterium-forms which have come under his observation even into two species, but that it would be rash to speak decidedly on a subject that is so imperfectly ex- plored. On the other hand he goes so far as to say : If my view is correct, the same species in the course of generations assumes a variety of morphologically and physiologically dissimilar forms one after another, which in the course of years and decades of years at one time turn milk sour, at another give rise to butyric acid in sauerkraut, or to ropiness in wine, or to putrefac- tion in albumen, or decompose urine, or impart a red stain to food-material containing starch, or produce typhus, relapsing fever, cholera, or malarial fever. In presence of this statement of opinion our practical interests require that we should obtain a decided answer to the question of species which we are here considering, for it certainly is not a matter of indifference in medical practice, for example, whether a Bacterium which is everywhere present in sour milk or in other objects of food, but without being injurious to health, is capable or not of being changed at any moment into a form which produces typhus or cholera. The scientific interest cer- tainly demands that the question should be set at rest. It may safely be maintained that continued investigation has at length arrived at a decision and it is this, that there is no difference as regards the existence of species and their deter- mination between this and any other portion of the domain of Natural History. Species may be distinguished provided we follow the course of development with sufficient attention. Some which are $ iv.] The question of species. 29 familiar to us through the researches of Brefeld, van Tieghem, Koch, and Prazmowski are comparatively monomorphous ; they make their appearance in the vegetative segments of their de- velopment as a rule in the same forms as regards their shape, growth and grouping. Others show a greater amount of variation in these respects; they display the phenomena of pleomorphy in varying degrees. Among the endosporous Bacilli described above Bacillus Megaterium is a particularly good example of monomorphy. A motile rod is developed from the spore and gives rise as it grows to successive similar gene- rations of rods, until these at length proceed to the formation of fresh spores (Fig. i). Bacillus subtilis when growing normally in a fluid differs to some extent from B. Megaterium; successive generations of rods moving about in the fluid proceed from the germinating spores, but the later generations which proceed from them re- main united into long filaments and are without motion, being grouped together and forming on the surface the Zoogloea- membrane mentioned on page 12. In this state they then form fresh spores. Here therefore we have a small amount of pleomorphy, two, or reckoning the spores, three distinct forms, and in a sequence also which is regularly repeated from one spore-generation to another. Moreover the special conditions of shape and size always remain the same within certain limits of variation, for variations in the direction indicated certainly occur in this case as they do everywhere in the organic world. Stunted forms may also be met with. I have for instance re- peatedly observed some of the rods in a group of Bacillus Megaterium, in circumstances unfavourable to its nutrition, sepa- rate into its cells which were themselves already short, and these cells round themselves off and in this way represent what may be termed Cocci. Other unusual forms also made their appear- ance with the Cocci. There was scarcely any or no formation of spores. Under improved food-conditions these stunted forms reverted to the normal state. 30 Lectures on Bacteria. [^ iv. The arthrosporous species, Crenothrix and Beggiatoa, which have been mentioned above, are particularly striking examples of pleomorphous species, if the accounts of them which we possess are correct (see Lecture VIII). But it is in these very forms that the course of development, as we have already pointed out, has not been so completely followed out and so clearly ex- plained as to exclude the possibility, that the apparently irregular pleomorphism is due in these cases to the admixture sometimes of several less pleomorphous species. And even if we accept very extreme statements with regard to Bacteria, it is nevertheless true that the most pleomorphous Bacteria show a very high degree of uniformity when compared with the lower plants mentioned on page 26, such as Botrydium, Hydrodictyon, and many others. Any one not familiar with the subjects and investigations in question will be inclined to ask how there can be such a pro- found difference of opinion as that between the negation and affirmation of the existence of species in Bacteria. The answer is, that the difference has its origin in the differences and to some extent in the mistakes in the method of investigation. I do not use the word method here in the customary sense of manual skill and practical contrivances in investigation, but to express the course of procedure in examining and judging of the observed phenomena. Species, as is acknowledged and as has been already pointed out above, can only be determined and recognised in and through the course of development, and this consists in the suc- cessive development of forms, one from another. The forms which appear later in the series proceed from the earlier forms, as parts of them, and are therefore at every moment in un- broken continuity with them, even when subsequently separated from them. The proof that they all belong to one and the same course of development can only therefore be established by proving this continuity. The attempt to establish it in any other way, for example, by ever so careful observation of the $ iv.] The qitestion of species. 3 1 forms which make their appearance one after another at the same spot, or by the construction of a hypothetical series of de- velopments by the most exact and ingenious comparison of these forms, involves a logical fallacy. We distinguish, for in- stance, a species of wheat by its seed, its stem and leaves, its flowers and fruits, and we know that these proceed alternately from one another ; but the latter fact we know only by ob- serving that the one of these members arises as part of one of the others, and by observing also how this happens. This is the only reason why we consider the grain of wheat to belong to the wheat-plant, whether it is attached to it or has fallen to the ground or lies thrashed out on the floor of the granary. That the stem with the leaves belongs to the grain we know by observing its origin as part of the grain, not because we have seen wheat-plants growing where wheat was sown ; weeds may grow at the same spot along with the wheat. This mode of viewing the matter sounds trivial ; its truth will seem obvious to every one, and rightly so ; and yet it cannot be too often repeated, for the logic which it is intended to illustrate is being constantly disregarded, and a mass of confusion has been the result of this neglect. This may be shown by means of the very example which we have chosen, for less than fifty years ago it was maintained that all sorts of weeds were pro- duced from the seed of the wheat-plant, and people (8) in other respects well-educated and intelligent believed that this was possible, because these weeds sprang up in the spots where wheat had been sown. But whoever examines at the right place finds that either wheat or nothing grows from the wheat-grain, that the weed springs only from the seed of the species of weed which may happen to be present, and that where the weed grows up instead of or with the wheat, its seed has found its way by some means to the place where the wheat was sown. Notions and mistakes like these in the case of the wheat- plant have appeared again and again in connection with smaller 32 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ iv. organisms, such as Algae and Fungi, both those of the larger kinds and the microscopically minute. The separate species were imperfectly known, and different ones were brought into genetic connection with one another, because observation of continuity was omitted or imperfectly made, and in its place was substituted the observation of the succession in time of forms at the same spot, or the comparison of them as they made their appearance there together. The smaller and simpler the forms, the greater certainly is the difficulty of satisfying our logical demand, and the greater the attention which must be paid to it. In small forms consist- ing of isolated cells of no very marked shape, such as some of the lower Fungi and the Bacteria, we must observe carefully whether the sowing contains the germs of a single species or of several mixed together. The latter is very frequently the case, as experience shows. Various species often occur together and mixed with one another at the spots from which the material for the observation was obtained ; during the investigation forms not desired, ' unbidden guests/ may find their way with par- ticles of dust into the material, and even when we are dealing with apparently quite pure material, a small quantity of micro- scopic weeds, as we may say in this case also, may be mingled with it. If every thing in the mixture grows at an equal rate, the different species may be kept distinct with comparative ease, and the character of the mixture is clearly understood. But the state of things may be different from this, and experience shows that it often is different. The one species develops vigorously under the existing conditions, the other feebly or not at all ; the more successful species gains the upper hand of the less successful, dispossessing it and even entirely destroying it. Further ex- amination shows that in some cases a weed has grown up in place of the wheat. This may very easily happen. We shall see further on that some Bacteria, for example, double the num- ber of their cells under favourable conditions in less than an $ iv.] The question of species. 33 hour. Those to which the conditions are unfavourable may be seen, if a single specimen is watched continuously, to be dis- solved and to disappear entirely in a few hours. By the com- bination of phenomena of this kind the character of any given mixture may be totally changed in a short space of time. It is obvious that difficulties such as these do not invalidate our postulate, but on the contrary bring it out into sharper relief. Those who altogether deny the existence of species in Bacteria, with Billroth and Nageli at their head, have in fact never undertaken a direct observation of continuity of develop- ment, and they are therefore not justified in denying their exist- ence. Billroth has accurately examined and compared the forms, but has never continuously followed and checked the changes in a preparation or culture ; the observation has been interrupted by intervals of sufficient length to allow of various things happening unobserved. Nageli, as far as can be gathered from his publications, has not closely examined the forms at all, but grounds his conclusions, even when they are morphological, on non-morphological observations with respect to phenomena of decomposition on the great scale. One instance of this mode of dealing with the subject may be mentioned. Nageli remarks that milk which has not been boiled turns sour when left standing for a time, but that boiled milk becomes bitter (9). He admits that the sourness is due to the presence of a Bacterium. He considers the bitterness to be the result of a change in the action of the same Bacterium caused by the boiling a ' trans- formation of the definite ferment-nature of a single Fungus into a ferment of another kind.' Here it is assumed that a single Bacterium-species is present in the unboiled milk ; the question is not asked whether there may not perhaps be several species in it, some of which predominate before, the others after the boil- ing, and whether the different changes in the milk may not be thus explained. But Hueppe's more recent researches have shown that such is really the true state of the case (10). Of the various Bacteria-forms present in the unboiled milk, Micrococcus 34 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ iv. lacticus is at first most active at a low temperature, and turns the milk sour by the formation of lactic acid ; it is killed by boiling, but the spores of Bacillus Amylobacter, the Bacillus of butyric acid, which is also present in the milk retain their vitality, and this Bacillus causes the decompositions in boiled milk which give it a bitter taste. Another instance of the same kind is the statement ema- nating from Nageli's laboratory, that the hay-bacillus, Bacillus subtilis, is identical with Bacillus Anthracis, the Bacillus of anthrax. The two species are very like each other, and Buch- ner' s observations certainly contain some true remarks about them, which will be discussed in Lecture XII. But the most striking characteristic of B. subtilis is the often-described ger- mination of its spores, the growing out of the germ-cell from the transverse fissure of the spore-membrane at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the spore. The Bacillus of anthrax does not exhibit this phenomenon, as Buchner himself tells us. But due regard has nowhere been paid to these differences, so that it is still doubtful whether Buchner has examined B. subtilis at all. In this case too the morphological statement is without certain foundation and justification. The increased attention bestowed by observers on this subject, beginning with the wheat-plant and going down through various larger forms of the lower plants to Bacteria, has done away one after another with the erroneous notions indicated, and led to the general adoption of the view above explained, that ques- tions of species are essentially alike throughout the series of organisms. In the case of the Bacteria much still remains to be done ; our knowledge of these is yet only in its infancy. I say that increased attention is leading to this result. I should wish at the same time to point out once more the con- ditions which have been and which are of the first importance. As might be expected, the aids to investigation, apparatus, tech- nical methods, reagents, &c., have been improved. To deter- mine the questions which we are at present considering, minute $ iv.] The question of species. 35 organisms have to be isolated and unceasingly watched in order to see what proceeds from the single individual, if it developes. This end can only be obtained by means of cultures which can be followed with exactness under the microscope. A spore or rod in the preparation must be permanently fixed under the microscope, and the phenomena of its growth must be observed without interruption. This is done by help of the moist chamber, a contrivance in which the microscopic object pro- tected from desiccation can be observed continuously under con- ditions favourable to vegetation. There are several varieties of apparatus of this description, which have their advantages and disadvantages according to the special case and also to the habits of the observer, but we must not enter into a detailed description of them here. Fluids are usually employed as the medium in which the ob- ject is placed for microscopic observation and for culture, on account of their transparency. Living and especially moving objects readily change their position in a fluid and become mixed together. A method which greatly assists the fixing of an object where continuity of observation is required, consists in the use of a transparent medium which allows of the conditions necessary to vegetation, and is soft but not fluid, so that dis- placement of the objects and disturbance of the observation are more or less perfectly avoided. Such media are gelatine and similar substances, especially the gelatinous substance known in commerce as agar-agar and prepared from sea-weeds of the Indian and Chinese seas. Gelatine, as I understand, was first employed by Vittadini in 1852 in the culture of micro- scopic Fungi (11), and has been frequently used since that time, especially by Brefeld. Klebs more recently in 1873 (12) re- commends it specially for the cultivation of Bacteria ; cultures of these organisms have been conducted in recent times in a gelatinous substratum, especially by Koch. Having thus glanced at the morphology and the history of the development of Bacteria, we have still to enquire what is their D 2 36 Lectures on Bacteria. [ iv. position in the organic world and their natural affinity to other orga- nisms. The question is of only secondary interest to us on the present occasion, and must not therefore be examined at any length. If we compare the structure and development of Bacteria with those of other known creatures, as we must do to answer the above question, the arthrosporous Bacteria are seen to agree entirely in all essential points with the members of the plant- group of Nostocaceae in the wider sense of the word ; only the Nostocaceae are furnished with chlorophyll in conjunction with another blue or violet colouring matter which is soluble in water, and are thus distinguished from the Bacteria which contain no chlorophyll. There is no reason why the arthro- sporous Bacteria should not be termed Nostocaceae which are devoid of chlorophyll. Structure, growth, occasional for- mation of Zoogloeae, more or less constant motility, especially developed in the Oscillatorieae, a division of the Nostoca- ceae, are the same in the two groups, so that apart from the absence of chlorophyll there is no greater difference between them than between the separate species of either of the groups. This may be illustrated by the case of Leuconostoc described on page 22. The name indicates that the plant entirely re- sembles in all respects the bluish-green species of the genus Nostoc which live in water and on moist soil, only it is colour- less and white. To this may be added, that most of the Nostocaceae attain to considerably larger dimensions than the Bacteria in their cells and in the aggregations of their cells, and that the members of the group which resemble the Bacteria are related to other forms of a more varied and higher differentia- tion and conformation. The Bacteria which we have distinguished as endosporous entirely resemble the arthrosporous Bacteria in every respect ex- cept the peculiar formation of spores, and resemble no other known organisms. We must therefore place them next to the arthrosporous division, at least for the present and in accord- ance with our present knowledge. $ v.] Origin and distribution. 37 Hence the Bacteria have been arranged in one group with the Nostocaceae, and this group has received the name of Fission-plants or Schizophytes ; the Nostocaceae which contain chlorophyll are Fission-algae, those which have no chlorophyll are Fission-fungi. The entire group of the Schizophytes is somewhat isolated in the general system ; a closer association with other groups can- not be established at present, and it would lead us too far away from our more immediate subject to enter further into the con- jectures which may be formed about them. So much however is beyond doubt, that most Schizophytes, the Nostocaceae especially, have all the characteristics of simple plants. They show a very slight approximation to the Fungi, in the sense in which that term is used in the natural system, as has been already stated in the Introduction. We can only say therefore that the Bacteria, together with the rest of the Schizophytes, are a group of simple plants of a low order. The old observers regarded them as belonging to the animal kingdom and to the group of Infusorial Animalcules, chiefly on the ground of their motility and in the absence of the basis re- quired for a more exact comparison. At present there is no reason for separating them from the vegetable kingdom, though it is merely a matter of convention in the case of these simple organisms where and how we should draw the line between the vegetable and animal kingdoms. V. Origin and distribution of Bacteria. WE commenced our survey of the mode of life of the Bacteria by explaining in what manner and from whence they make their way to the spots where we find them. If we adhere to the general result of the foregoing con- siderations, namely, that Bacteria are like other vegetable growths, 38 Lectures on Bacteria. [ v. we may at once assume that their origin is the same as that of other plants, that is, that the Bacteria existing at any given time have sprung from beginnings which proceeded from in- dividuals of the same species, and experience shows that this is really the case. These beginnings may be spores or any other cells capable of life; we shall here usually call them germs. The germs of living beings, especially plants, are extra- ordinarily numerous. They may be said to cover the surface of the earth and the bottom of the waters with an infinite profusion of mingled forms. The number of plants observed in the developed state gives no idea or only a very imperfect idea of this fact, because a much larger number of germs is in all cases produced from a single plant than can arrive at their full development in the space at their command, which is in fact always limited. The smaller the organisms are, the greater advantages they enjoy as a general rule caeteris paribus for the production and distribution of their germs, for it is so much easier for them to find space and a sufficient quantity of food for their development and for the production of new germs; the mechanical conditions for the transport of the germs from place to place are also more favourable in proportion as the volume and mass are diminished. For these reasons the number and distribution of the germs of lower microscopic organisms, espe- cially in the vegetable world, must seem astonishingly great to any one who is unprepared for the facts. If spring-water is allowed to stand in a glass, it becomes green in time from the growth of small Algae, whose germs were present in the water before it was placed in the glass or have been carried there with particles of dust. If a small piece of moistened bread is placed in the water a growth of mould soon makes its appearance, pro- ceeding from germs of Mould-fungi. Some time since I made researches with a different object into the Saprolegnieae, a group of rather large Fungi consisting of about two dozen well-known species, which grow in water on the bodies of $ v.] Origin and distribution. 39 dead animals, and it was found that germs of one or several species of this single group were present in every handful of mud from the bottom of every sheet of water from the sea-level to a height of 2000 metres. The actual presence of the germs may be shown in all these cases by microscopic and experi- mental examination, to the conduct of which we will recur presently. As these facts again would lead us to expect, among micro- scopic growths some are rare and some are common, some have a limited and some a very extensive area of distribution. The principle must be the same with these as with the higher and larger organisms ; climatic and other external causes must have a similar effect on the distribution, though for the reason stated above that effect is generally less powerful than in larger and more pretentious forms. The researches into this subject are not yet extensive enough to permit of the production of many details. But we know, for example, that a small Fungus, scarcely visible to the naked eye, Laboulbenia Muscae, which vegetates on the surface of the bodies of living house-flies in Vienna, and which appears to be common in southern Europe, does not occur in the middle and west of Europe ; at all events after careful search it has not yet been found. Instances of the reverse kind are more numerous. Our common species of moulds, Penicillium glaucum, for example, and Eurotium, are spread over all parts of the world and all climates, and the same is the case with other small Fungi and Algae. In this point also Bacteria are only special instances of the series of phenomena which have been shown above to occur as a rule in small organisms. Our knowledge of the several species, as appears from preceding lectures, is too imperfect to enable us to make precise statements with respect to the larger number of them ; at the same time we know that some species are comparatively rare, such as Micrococcus prodigiosus and Bacillus Megaterium, while others, like B. subtilis, B. Amy- lobacter, and Micrococcus Ureae, occur in almost every situation 4O Lectures on Bacteria. [ v. in which they find the conditions of vegetation, which are them- selves of very common occurrence. We shall make acquaint- ance with other illustrative instances in subsequent special discussions. Dispensing with an exact determination of the species in every case, we shall be perfectly safe in declaring, as the result of direct observations, that the vital germs of Bacteria are scattered abroad with such profusion in earth, air, dust, and water, that their appearance at all spots where they find the conditions* necessary for vegetation is more than sufficiently explained. The way to prove this, and at the same time to determine approximatively the number of germs within a given space, is ob- viously the same in the case of the germs of Bacteria as in that of other lower organisms, Fungi and others; both necessarily come under our observation at the same time, when they are present. It consists first of all and simply in microscopical examination. But in this method we encounter considerable difficulties. Sometimes the germs are not present in every smallest spot ; they must be sought for, and this is at all times a troublesome process, especially when it is intended to count them. Various devices may it is true be applied to lighten this labour. Pasteur (13), for example, employed an ingenious contrivance for finding germs in the air in the form of a suction-apparatus, an aspirator, which drew in the air through a tube stopped with a dense plug of gun-cotton. The plug allows the air to pass, while the solid substances in suspension in the air and the germs therefore with them are caught on or in the plug. The quantity of air passing through the apparatus within a given time can be easily determined. The gun-cotton is soluble in ether, and by taking advantage of this property the germs which have been intercepted in the plug may be obtained suspended in a clear solution, and collected within a narrow space for ex- amination and even for counting. But in this process the germs are very liable to be killed by the ether, and even in ordinary microscopical examination it is $ v.] Origin and distribution. 41 impossible to be quite certain whether we are dealing with dead or with living objects. Yet it is a matter of the first importance to determine whether germs capable of development are present or not, and this would require further and very complex modes of procedure. Hence various other methods have been tried with the object of making the investigation easier and more trustworthy in both directions. It was Koch who at length cracked the egg, like Columbus. Starting from the empirical fact that gelatine, com- bined with other nutrient substances easily prepared and in a state of solution, is a very favourable substratum for the develop- ment of most Fungi that are not strictly parasitic, and also of Bacteria, he distributes quantities of the substances intended for examination, earth, fluids, &c., in properly prepared gelatine, liquefying at a temperature of about 30 C., and then makes the gelatine stiffen by lowering the temperature. The quantities may be exactly determined. Each germ is fixed in the stiffened mass and so developes, and the products of the development are at least at first also fixed and not liable to displacement in the medium. If the transparent gelatine is spread in a thin layer on glass slides at the commencement of the investigation, the germs and the products of their develop- ment can be found with certainty with the microscope, and if necessary be counted. If the object is to examine the air, the best plan is to draw it in slowly by means of an aspirator through glass tubes, coated inside with a layer of gelatine. If the stream is properly regulated, the greater part at least of the germs which are mixed with the air sink downwards and are caught in the gelatine, where they may then undergo further development. If experiments of this kind are properly con- ducted and disturbing impurities excluded, distinct groups of Bacteria, Fungi, &c., will be found after a few days in the gelatine. Each group originates in a germ, or in some cases in an assemblage of germs, which made .its way to the particular spot at the commencement of the experiment, as may often 42 Lectures on Bacteria. [ v. be easily ascertained by direct observation. It is obvious that the purpose under consideration can be most certainly and most simply effected in the way which has just been described. The result certainly can never be more than approximatively exact, because the nature of the process does not ensure that all the germs capable of development which find their way to the gelatine in the apparatus do in any given case actually develope, or in the case of air-suction that all the germs without exception are always actually caught. No other method which has not this fault in an equal or even greater degree and without the advantage of fixing the germ has up to the present time been devised, nor is it easy to imagine one that would be practicable. It may be added here that Koch's method has the further advantage of making the sorting and selection of Bacteria for isolated culture comparatively easy. Each of the groups derived from a single germ in the experiments above described must contain a single species without admixture. To obtain a quantity of this species for a pure culture we have only to remove a sample from the group with the needle. To sort a mixed mass of Bacteria requires simply the spreading small quantities of it over a large amount of gelatine, and thus isolating germs capable of development. The groups formed from these germs supply pure species-material. Various other experiments have been tried with the same objects and on the same principles, but with less perfect arrangements and methods ; we must not, however, enter here into a more detailed account of them. The most elaborate are those instituted by Miquel and continued from year to year in the meteorological observatory at Montsouris, near Paris, intended especially to ascertain the distribution of germs in the air and in water (15). All researches hitherto conducted have given the general result described above, and a further one which might have been expected beforehand, namely, that the number of germs capable of development v.aries, other conditions being the same, with the place, the time of year, the weather, and other circum- v.] Origin and distribution. 43 stances. To give some idea of the approximate numbers it may be added, that the number of germs in the air caught on glass plates in a mixture of glycerine and grape-sugar in the aspirator, Fungi and Bacteria capable of development and in some cases dead being taken together, varied in the garden of Montsouris, in a single series of observations, from between 0-7 to 3-9 in December and to 43-3 in July in a litre of air. The most exact air-determinations have been recently carried out by Hesse with the aspirator and gelatine-process. These showed the presence of germs capable of development in a litre of air, as follows : In Sick-ward No. i, with 17 beds, Bacteria 2-40, Moulds 0-4. 2, 18 n-o, i-o. Cattle-stall for experimental pur- poses belonging to the Na- tional Office of Health : (a) 58-0, 3-0. W 2 3 2 '> 28 '- The air out of doors in Berlin was found to contain o- 1-0-5 germs per litre, of which about half were Fungi and half Bacteria. Miquel obtained thirty-five germs per cubic centimetre in rain-water caught as it fell, sixty-two in river-water from the Vanne; in that from the Seine above Paris 1400, below Paris 3200. We have no numerical determinations of the number of germs present in the soil; but we can produce growths of Fungi and Bacteria from every small pinch of soil taken from the surface of the ground. In lower strata, according to some preliminary researches made by Koch (14) in winter, the number of germs capable of development diminishes rapidly. A special interest attaches to the question of the presence of germs in and on sound living organisms. That they must remain hanging in profusion to the surface of such organisms is obvious from the preceding statements, and is proved by every investiga- tion. They can penetrate into the interior of the higher forms of 44 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ v. plants through the open slits in the epidermis, the stomata, which lead to the system of intercellular passages. It is probable that this actually takes place, but it is not yet quite certain and requires further investigation. The respiratory and alimentary canals in healthy, especially warm-blooded, animals are constantly acces- sible places for the entrance of germs with air, meat and drink, and it is these parts, especially the mouth and the intestinal canal, both in man and other warm-blooded animals, which are as a matter of fact always a well-stocked garden of vegetating Bacteria. They may also make their way into the glands which are in communication with these canals through their excretory ducts. Researches into their occurrence in the blood of healthy living warm-blooded animals give different results. Hensen, Billroth, and other observers maintain their presence there. Very careful investigations by Pasteur, Meissner (13), Koch, Zahn, and others give a negative result; the affirmative result may therefore be due to disturbances and errors in the experiment. But this conclusion is not unavoidable, for a series of experi- ments by Klebs (12) have placed it beyond doubt that both states may occur, and why they may occur. Klebs examined the blood of some dogs, and partly with a negative result. But in the case of one dog the result was affirmative, the fact being that putrefactive Bacteria had been injected into the blood of this animal some time before on the occasion of some other experiments ; it had sickened with them but had quite recovered long before the date of the investigation of which we are now speaking. It cannot be doubted that in this case germs capable of development but actually dormant had remained from the first experiment in the animal's blood, and we may conclude generally that Bacteria germs may be present in healthy blood, if they have once made their way into it through a wound or in some other way. The result of the above facts is to show the wide distribution and great abundance of Bacteria-germs, though their species are not at present clearly discriminated. They show also on $ v.] Origin and distribution. 45 the other hand that it would be an exaggeration to suppose that these bodies are everywhere present, that is, in every minutest space. Even Pasteur's earlier and famous researches show the inequality of the distribution by extreme examples. This may be briefly illustrated by the following account. A small quantity of germ-free nutrient fluid, very favourable for the development of lower organisms, was introduced into small narrow-necked phials of 1-200 ccm. content ; the air was withdrawn from the phials and the narrow neck hermetically closed. Subsequently the closed neck was reopened by in- tentional fracture of its extremity; air rapidly poured in, and as soon as this had taken place the neck was once more closed. From 1-200 ccm. of air were thus hermetically inclosed in the phial. The germs which they contained were at liberty to develope in the nutrient fluid, which, to use a short expression, remains unaltered if no germs are present. Of ten such phials filled with air in the court-yard of the Paris Observatory not one remained unaltered ; nine out of ten filled in the cellar of the Observatory, which was almost entirely free from dust, and nineteen out of twenty filled at the Montanvert near Chamonix were unaltered. The views here expressed with regard to the origin of Bacteria, and especially the fundamental axiom, that they are produced without exception from germs springing from species of the same name, have not been arrived at without trouble or without opposition, and the latter has not entirely ceased even at the present day. We must not pass by the view of the opponents without at least a brief consideration. It may be concisely stated thus : Bacteria may be formed at any moment from parts of other organisms, living or dead ; but it is allowed that they may afterwards multiply by their own growth and also produce their own germs. This view is a survival from the old doctrine of original production without parents, spontaneous or equivocal genera- tion. Plants or animals are often known to appear in numbers in places where they had never been seen before, and the super- 46 Lectitres on Bacteria. [ v. ficial observer is led to assume in such cases that they owe their origin to other bodies present at the particular place before their appearance there, no matter what these bodies may be, and not to germs formed from similar parents. Such views were not unnatural in ancient times. Virgil's (16) account of the pro- duction of a swarm of bees from the buried entrails of a steer furnishes an obvious illustration, and shows how utterly defective were the observation and reasoning which admitted of such notions. With a closer observation of nature it became evident in one case after another that the appearance of the particular organisms invariably commenced with germs which were the product of parents of the same kind, and that the point not observed was how these germs found their way to the place of observation. Generation without parents was step by step driven into a corner. The process began with large and coarse objects like the maggots of flies which appear in carrion, not by spon- taneous generation, but produced from the ova of flies which have been deposited in it. And as the adherents of the old doctrine were driven back on smaller objects, such as moulds, the lowest forms of animal life and the like, their refutation followed step by step with equal success in these domains also. Microscopic and improved experimental methods by turns sharpened the weapons. Thus we find ourselves face to face with the fact that the adherents of generation without parents, at least during the last hundred years, seek for support to their doctrine always in the minutest and at the time the most inac- cessible objects. The view has never been entirely given up, and for two good reasons. First, because an opinion once expressed or put into print, be it what it may, never totally disappears ; the second and much better reason is, that we must necessarily assume that organisms were certainly once produced without germs and without parents ; the possibility that this may happen again at any time must be allowed, and to prove that this does happen and to show where and how it happens would be highly interesting, and a really worthy subject for the efforts of the enquirer. $ v.] Origin and distribution. 47 Bacteria rank with the smallest organisms at present known to us, with the least accessible and the most imperfectly investi- gated. It is true that the question of actual spontaneous gene- ration has been in all essential points decided in the same way in their case as in that of other organisms, by the beautiful researches conducted by Pasteur twenty-five years ago at the instance of the Academy of Paris, and intended to test the doctrine in question in connection with the smallest and least accessible creatures; and every pure and trustworthy investi- gation has confirmed Pasteur's results. Nevertheless there are writers who still hold to the doctrine and who seek for fresh arguments in support of it. A comprehensive theory in this direction is contained in Be*champ's doctrine of Microzymes (17) published twenty years ago. The term Microzyme was applied by him to minute form-elements, such as occur generally in the shape of granules in the protoplasm of animals and plants, and are doubtless formed in them as parts of their substance. If these particles of matter are set free by any cause, especially after the death of the parent, they are supposed to undergo a further process of independent development and to become partly Bacteria, partly also small Sprouting Fungi. They not only outlive the organism which produces them, but enjoy a very prolonged existence extending over geological periods. Close scrutiny of the accounts given by Be'champ in a volume of almost a thousand pages shows no sharp dis- crimination of forms, and no sign that the continuity of the development has been strictly followed, and yet this is a point of the very first importance. The whole matter therefore is without any certain foundation, and is no longer a subject for discussion. A. Wigand (18) has quite recently published a preliminary communication, in which he arrives at the same results as Bechamp as regards the question before us. Small portions of living or dead organisms, the latter not being Bacteria, are said to separate from them under definite conditions and to 48 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ v. develope into Bacteria. The course of the observations, from which this conclusion is drawn, is in most cases not stated with sufficient exactness to allow of our forming a judgment upon them. Still one observation is mentioned which it was admissible and desirable to have repeated and tested. Wigand states, for the removal ' of all doubt about spontaneous forma- tion of Bacteria in the protoplasm of cells/ that motile Bacteria are found in the living healthy cells of the leaf of Trianea bogo- tensis and in those of the hairs of Labiatae. My attention had been directed to the matter from another quarter before I proceeded to examine into this remarkable statement. Trianea is a South American water-plant, which floats in the manner of our Frogbit (Hydrocharis). If living tissue from the fresh healthy leaf is placed under the microscope, we shall really see in many cells the prettiest representations of the appearance of Bacteria, small slender rods, isolated or attached together in short rows and actively following the movements of the proto- plasm and other cell-contents. An excellent representation, as I said, or model. But a drop of dilute muriatic acid destroys the illusion. The acid at once dissolves the rods in Trianea, which it would not do if they were really Bacteria ; they are simply small crystals of calcium oxalate, which often occur in vegetable cells and in the form of rods. Of the same kind are the much less beautiful rods in the young hairs of the leaf of Galeobdolon luteum and Salvia glutinosa, and so also in other Labiatae or lipped-flowered plants. The case is full of instruction, as showing how a preconceived opinion may lead even good and intelligent observers into the greatest absurdities. I should not otherwise have mentioned it, and I do not think it necessary to go any further into similar matters. Such things at all events are not calculated to weaken the proposition, that according to the observations which actually lie before us even the smallest organisms spring only from germs produced from ancestors of the same kind ; and to this we must hold fast in spite of what- ever may be thought possible or desirable. vi.] Vegetative processes. 49 VI. Vegetative processes. External conditions : tempera- ture and material character of the environment. Prac- tical application of these in cultures, in disinfection, and in antisepsis. IN passing on to the consideration of processes of vegetation, we must first of all remember that agreement in structure and development between Bacteria and other lower organisms neces- sarily implies also an agreement in the chief phenomena and chief conditions of vegetative life. In fact we have simply to do with special cases of phenomena which are of general occur- rence in all living organisms, and which do not differ more from those to be met with in other plants than these do from one another. It is specially true of the Bacteria which do not contain chlorophyll, that their vegetative process agrees essen- tially with that of other vegetable cells which do not contain chlorophyll, both those which belong to the higher plants, and more particularly those belonging to the Fungi. It is to the investigation of the Fungi, which are more easily studied, that we owe much of the advance that has been made in our knowledge of the Bacteria. It is perhaps scarcely necessary to observe that differences prevail from one case to another among Bacteria also as regards the phenomena and conditions of vegetation, analogous with those in the allied groups. Our present object, however, is not to give a complete account of everything belonging to the vegetative process, but only to call attention to the points most worthy of notice in connection with the subject of these lectures. The conditions of tempera- ture and the material character of the environment are chiefly to be considered. Every process of vegetation is dependent on the temperature of the surrounding medium ; it finds its limits within certain extreme degrees of heat, and its greatest activity at a fixed E 50 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vi. temperature between these extremes. The cardinal points of temperature are accordingly distinguished as minimum, maxi- mum, and optimum. Transgression of the limits leads at first to a cessation of the particular process going on at the time ; other processes may possibly persist. If the raising or lowering of the temperature beyond the maximum or minimum point of vegetation reaches certain extreme degrees, life is destroyed, in other words the death-point is attained. In all these respects considerable variations occur in confor- mity with every one's daily experience, according to the species, the state of development, and the character of the environment. The limits of temperature in the growth and multiplication of cells are the points which have been chiefly examined in the case of the Bacteria ; it being assumed with some reason that the rest of the vegetative processes, other conditions remaining the same, run proportionally with the growth. It appears from the data before us that non-parasitic species, if well and properly nourished, have a tolerably wide range and a high optimum of growth-temperature. The former lies in Bacillus subtilis, for example, according to Brefeld (19), between 6C. and 50 C., the optimum being at about 30 C. Bac- terium Termo, Cohn grows between 5 C. and 40 C., while its optimum is 30-35 C. (Eidam 20). Bacillus Amylobacter, according to Fitz (21), has its optimum in solution of glycerine at 40 C., its maximum at 45 C. The minimum of growth, according to present accounts, in Bacillus Anthracis in cultures in gelatine, on potatoes, &c., is at i5C., the maximum at 43 C., the optimum at 20-25 C. As a parasite in the blood of rodents it grows at about 4 C. ; at least, not less vigorously than in the optimum just given for specimens under culture. In the Spirillum of Asiatic cholera, according to van Ermengen (see Lecture XIII), the minimum is reached at 8C., the optimum at 37 C., the maximum at 40 C. That the species which are more strictly adapted for a para- vi.] Conditions of vegetation. Temperature. 5 1 sitic life in warm-blooded animals have a higher maximum and optimum is probable beforehand, and has been proved by Koch (60) in the case of the Bacillus of tubercle, in which the limits of temperature were found to be from 28 to 42 C., and its optimum 3 7-3 8 C. The optimum temperature for the formation of spores in endosporous Bacilli, as far as can be ascertained, approaches that of growth. The temperatures for the germination of the endogenetic spores are higher, at least in the case of the op- timum, being 30-34 C., for instance, in Bacillus subtilis, which however also germinates in the temperature of a room which is somewhere about 20 C. B. Anthracis does not germinate, as far as our experience goes, at 20 C. ; the minimum given for this species is 35-3 7 C., the optimum can scarcely be much higher. Other species, as B. Megaterium, grow and germinate quite well at a temperature of about 20 C. Transgression of the limits of temperature of vegetation in the downward direction without destruction to life is possible in the case at least of a large number of Bacteria, and to such an extent that in view of the phenomena which are known to occur we may even say that there are no limits. Frisch (22) found the power of development in the forms which he examined, and in their vegetative cells, unaffected when they were frozen in a fluid at a temperature of noC. and afterwards thawed again. Bacillus Anthracis is one of the forms which behave in this manner; in the case of other species the point remains undecided, but it is probable that in some of them the lower death-temperature is higher than this. The upper death-temperature, so far as is at present known, is about the same for the vegetative cells of the majority of forms, as for most other vegetable cells, 50-60 C. Similar figures are true also for the spores of arthrosporous forms, though this point requires further investigation. Exceptional cases will be mentioned further on. On the other hand, the endogenetic spores of the Bacilli are capable of enduring E 2 52 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ vi. extreme high temperatures. Most of them continue capable of germination after being heated in a fluid up to iooC. ; some will bear 105 C., uoC., and as much as i3oC. These are all general rules and are not affected by the modi- fications and exceptions which occur in different cases, and which in part depend on the species and individual, other con- ditions remaining the same, in part also are found in the same species, being then dependent on the external conditions, such especially as the length of the time during which they are heated, dried, or soaked, and in the latter case on the nature of the surrounding fluid. There are first of all species which develope vigorously at a temperature considerably above 50 C. Cohn and Miquel supply instances of this, but the best is that of a Bacillus described by van Tieghem (23), which grows and forms spores in a neutral nu- trient solution at a temperature of 74C.; growth ceases at 77C. The Bacilli obtained by Duclaux (24, 25) from cheese, and named by him Tyrothrix, are instructive examples on all the points above-mentioned. The vegetative cells of T. tenuis cultivated in a neutral fluid were only killed at a temperature of 90-95 C., in a slightly alkaline fluid they bear a temperature of over iooC., while the ripe spores remain capable of germin- ation when subjected to a temperature of 115 C. in a similar fluid. The most favourable temperature for vegetation in this species is 25-35 C. T. filiformis in the vegetative state will bear a temperature of iooC. in milk, but is killed in the space of a minute in an acid fluid at the same temperature. The spores of this species are uninjured at a temperature of i2oC. in milk, but are killed at less than 110 C. in gelatine. Duclaux gives similar accounts of other species. The vegetative cells also of Bacillus Anthracis are said by Buchner (28, p. 229) to continue capable of infection when heated for an hour and a half in neutral and slightly acid fluids up to a temperature of 75-80 C. Brefeld (19) found all the spores of Bacillus subtilis in a nutrient solution kept for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of $ vi.] Conditions of vegetation. Moisture. 5 3 iooC. capable of germination; if they remained in it at the same temperature for half an hour the majority still germinated, if for one hour a smaller number; none retained their vital power after a space of three hours. The spores were killed in fifteen minutes at a temperature of 105 C., in ten minutes at 107 C., in five minutes at noC. Fitz (21) found that the spores of his Bacillus butylicus (B. Amylobacter) bear a temperature of 100 C.for a time vary- ing from three to twenty minutes, according to the fluid in which they happen to be. But if the time of exposure is pro- longed, temperatures under iooC. are sufficient to kill them, 80 C. for example, when they are kept seven to eleven hours in glycerine solution. Spores, at least, are proof against still higher degrees of dry heat ; those of Bacillus Anthracis, B. subtilis, and others con- tinued capable of development in Koch's experiments (14, p. 305) in a chamber heated up to 123 C. Among the conditions connected with the nature of the en- vironment, the requisite supply of water must be mentioned first in this case as in that of all living cells. Withdrawal of water to the point of air-dryness not only stops the process of vege- tation but kills vegetative cells, at least in a number of cases, in a very short time, those of Bacterium Termo, Cohn, and B. Zopfii, for example, in seven days. But here, too, the effect varies in different cases ; Micrococcus prodigiosus, for instance, continues alive and capable of development for months in a state of desiccation. The resistance of spores to desiccation is greater than that of vegetative cells. The spores of the arthrosporous Bacterium Zopfii withstand it for seventeen to twenty-six days; those of the endosporous Bacilli on the average certainly a year, those of Bacillus subtilis, according to Brefeld, at least three years. Here, too, limits and modifications will arise according to other internal and external causes, but air-dry cells can hardly be expected to retain their vitality for centuries. 54 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vi. Oxygen is not equally necessary in all cases. Two extreme cases are distinguished in Pasteur's terminology as aerobia and anaerobia. The first require an abundance of air con- taining oxygen, as well as a good supply of nutrient sub- stances for luxuriant vegetation and growth ; of this kind are Micrococcus aceti, Bacillus subtilis, B. Anthracis, and Koch's Spirillum of cholera. The other kind does well on good food without oxygen ; free access of air reduces their vegetation to a minimum or to zero, as for example in Bacillus Amylobacter. Intermediate cases, however, are found between the two extremes, as is well shown by Engelmann's beautiful example which will be referred to again presently ; and according to the investigations of Nencki, Nageli, and others, Bacteria which excite fermentation, like the Sprouting Fungi which give rise to alcoholic fermentation, grow luxuriantly without oxygen, when they are in a suitable fluid capable of fermentation with them. If these forms are placed in a less favourable nutrient fluid in which they cannot incite fermentation, they will not grow with- out a supply of oxygen. Oxygen may impede and even destroy vegetation even in the case of aerobiotic forms if it takes place under high pressure. Bacillus Anthracis, for example, remained alive for fourteen days in oxygen under a pressure of fifteen atmospheres, but was dead in a few months' time. Duclaux contends that the germs even of aerobiotic forms, when withdrawn from the conditions re- quired for growth, lose their power of development more quickly under the continued effect of atmospheric oxygen than when oxygen is excluded. The facts on which this view is founded are in themselves remarkable. In some glass bottles which had been used in Pasteur's researches about 1860, and had been kept hermetically sealed with their contents decomposed by Bacteria, the germs of these Bacteria were found thoroughly capable of development after twenty-one and twenty-two years. Plugs of cotton-wool full of germs of all kinds, which had been kept dry and protected from dust during the same time, but not $ vi.] Conditions of vegetation. Oxygen. 55 from contact with the air, did not contain a single living germ. A few similar plugs which were only six years old contained germs still capable of development. Duclaux' interpretation of these facts may be correct, but it requires further proof, since we are dealing with matters in which many other things besides the supply of oxygen may have been unequal. Above all things it is necessary in these questions that experiment should be made, not with collective Bacteria, that is, with mixed masses which are possibly or certainly undetermined, but always with a single definite species. Oxygen is taken up as material for respiration or breathing, oxygen-breathing, to use a more precise term, carbon-dioxide being at the same time given off. Water, except in some cases which will be mentioned presently, serves as the agent and medium of the chemical processes of the metabolism. Neither of these bodies is properly a nutrient substance, that is, a sub- stance from which carbon-compounds, the constructive material for growth and cell-formation, are produced. With respect to the true nutrient substances which therefore supply building-material we must assume in the case of the few green Bacteria, if they really contain chlorophyll, that accord- ing to the analogy of all other plants containing chlorophyll, they assimilate carbon as their food and give off oxygen. Engelmann (26) has ascertained that a small portion of oxygen is given off by his Bacterium chlorinum, and this supports the assumption, while the employment of water also as a food- material in the case of these forms, as in all other plants con- taining chlorophyll, would also be probable. The Bacteria containing no chlorophyll, which are by far the greater number and almost the only ones which concern us at present, require, like all cells and organisms that are devoid of chlorophyll, carbon-compounds previously formed else- where for the supply of their carbon, and do not assimilate carbon-dioxide. The nitrogenous food-material may be furnished both by previously formed organic and also by inorganic sub- 56 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vi. stances, compounds of nitric acid or still better of ammonia. In addition to these a small supply quantitatively and quali- tatively is required, as in other plants, of soluble constituents of the ash. It does not fall within the scope of these lectures to go more deeply into the consideration of the value of the several com- pounds as food-material; on this point the special literature, especially Nageli's publications (27, 28), should be consulted. It is sufficient for our general guidance and for practical pur- poses to observe that according to Nageli's investigations a number of moulds and Sprouting Fungi as well as Bacteria also can find their food in solutions which contain nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous nutrient substances in the following compounds or combinations, the several solutions being arranged and numbered in descending order according to their nutritiveness : i. Proteid (peptone) and sugar. 2. Leucin and sugar. 3. Ammonium tartrate or sal-ammoniac and sugar. 4. Proteid (peptone). 5. Leucin. 6. Ammonium tartrate or ammonium succinate, or asparagin. 7. Ammonium acetate. But we must not seek to determine or judge of the optimum of feeding - quality for all species or forms of Bacteria from this table. The above scale is not even true for all moulds, though it was first drawn up from the study of one of that group, Penicillium glaucum. The requirements in the way of food of single definite species of Bacterium have as yet been little studied, and much needs more exact investigation. A number of prac- tical experiences, which will be partly noticed further on under the particular examples, point already to the great multiplicity of the actual relationships which have to be taken into account. Besides the amount of suitable food-material contained in the substratum, other chemical qualities in it are also of importance to the vegetative process in Bacteria. It is an old experience that most of these organisms^ in contrast to the reverse be- haviour of Sprouting Fungi and moulds, flourish best, other conditions being the same, in a medium with a neutral or vi.] Conditions of vegetation. Food. 57 slightly alkaline or at most with a slightly acid reaction ; should the reaction be strongly acid, vegetative processes are hindered or wholly stopped. According to Brefeld (19) the development of Bacillus subtilis, for example, is impeded, if 0-05 per cent, of sulphuric or tartaric acid or 0*2 per cent, of lactic or butyric acid is added to a good nutrient solution. But this, too, is only a rule which has its exceptions ; the Bacterium of kefir vegetates well, and, as far as our experience goes, best in milk which has been rendered strongly acid by lactic and even acetic acid ; the Micrococcus of vinegar vegetates in the same way in an acid fluid. Other soluble bodies also impede or destroy the vegetative process when mixed with the food-material. This is of course the case with substances which always act as poisons upon living cells, such as corrosive sublimate, iodine, &c., when present in sufficient quantity. But other bodies have a similar at least re- tarding poisonous effect on Bacteria. Fitz, for instance, found that the vegetation of his Bacillus of butyl-alcohol in a solution of glycerine and under conditions otherwise most favourable was impeded by the addition of 2-7-3-3 per cent, by weight of ethyl- alcohol, o'9-i*o5 per cent, of butyl-alcohol, or o'i per cent, of butyric acid. Since these prejudicial compounds are often formed by the vegetative process itself, the latter may even be stopped by the accumulation of its own products, as, for instance, in lactic acid fermentation in sugars by the accumulation of lactic acid ; if this is fixed, as by addition of chalk or zinc- white, the vegetation of the Bacterium which causes the fer- mentation continues. These phenomena are also found mutatis mutandis, in other plants beside Bacteria, especially in Fungi, and they vary in the individuals of different species. That which disturbs one species may be of advantage to others, and hence a change in the composition of the substratum may favour the supplanting of one species by another, which was previously perhaps present in the very smallest quantity. In such a case the first species has prepared the ground for the 58 Lectiires on Bacteria. [ vi. others by its vegetative process and its products. This must always be kept in mind in judging of processes on the large scale ; attention to it supplies the explanation of a number of phenomena which are at first sight puzzling. The influence of other agencies besides those which have been mentioned on the vegetation of Bacteria cannot in general be disputed, but in the present state of our knowledge it is of so subordinate importance, that a very short notice of it will be sufficient on this occasion. The dependence of carbon-as- similation upon the rays of light in the forms which contain chlorophyll follows of necessity from what we know of the function of chlorophyll. With respect to other effects of light we have only some uncertain statements by Zopf on the pro- bable promotion of the growth of Beggiatoa roseo-persicina by illumination, and an investigation by Engelmann (29) into the dependence on the rays of light of the movements of a form which, though named Bacterium photometricum, is possibly, to judge by the illustrations, not a Bacterium at all. Influence of light has not been proved in the case of the majority of Bacteria. The effects of electricity have been recently investigated by Cohn and Mendelssohn (30), and may be gathered from their paper. The dependence on the conditions of vegetation which we have been considering is true of all stages and phases of the normal vegetative process, not excepting its first beginnings, the germination of the spores. Of this it must be specially remarked that it occurs, as far as is at present known, only in a nutrient substratum favourable to the vegetation of the species. This agrees with the corresponding behaviour of some spores of Fungi, those for example of Mucorini. It does not agree with that of most other spores or with the seeds of flowering plants, which germinate, or at least can germinate, without nutrient substances, provided they are supplied with water, oxygen, and the necessary warmth. It has been already stated above on page 19, that in some cases, as in Bacillus Amylobacter, spore -formaf ion takes place vi.] External conditions of vegetation. 59 even while vegetation and growth are going on in a portion of the vegetative cells, and therefore while the conditions of vegetation are still in operation. In other and especially in the endo- sporous species it is true to say, that the formation of spores begins when the substratum is exhausted, that is, has become unsuitable for the vegetation of the species. Whether the latter condition is really due in every case to a consumption of the requisite nutrient substances or to an accumulation of checking products of decomposition, or whether the formation of spores is induced in this case as in others by internal causes when the vegetation has reached a definite height, are all questions which require more precise investigation, though they may perhaps be of only subordinate practical importance. Vegetation proceeds with great rapidity in most Bacteria under the co-operation of the most favourable conditions. Brefeld determined in the case of Bacillus subtilis, that with a good supply of food and oxygen, and a temperature of 30 C., a rod divides once in every thirty minutes, which means that it doubles its length every thirty minutes, the thickness remaining the same, and then separates transversely into two equal parts. The process goes on more slowly in proportion as the condi- tions recede from the optimum. If we assume that the increase directly observed in the way here described is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the mass, especially of the dry substance, an assumption which is not strictly proved but from the indications before us is certainly approximatively correct, then we have growth to double the former size in the full sense of the expression once in every thirty minutes. Similar results are arrived at from observations on many other species, as Bacillus Anthracis, B. Megaterium, &c. But here, too, there are exceptions. The Bacterium of kefir, for example, in the cases which I examined, required more than three weeks for growing to about twice its weight, more than 500 times the period observed in Bacillus subtilis. I am not able to say whether the conditions were absolutely the most favourable ; at 60 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vi. all events, they were those in which the kefir-organism grows best according to our present knowledge, namely, in milk at an air- temperature of 1 5-20 C., and with a supply of atmospheric air. The movements also of the Bacteria, as well as their growth and germination, are directly dependent on the conditions of vegetation in the species and forms which are capable of inde- pendent movement. The occurrence and the direction of the motion are specially determined by the influence of nutrient substances, and of oxygen. If a form of this kind, Bacillus subtilis for instance, in the vegetative condition in which it is capable of movement is placed in a drop of nutrient solution on a slide under a cover-glass, the motile rods are seen to collect at once round the margin of the cover-glass where the oxygen of the air has free access. The comparatively few which remain behind in the centre of the drop, and are there cut off from the atmospheric oxygen, become slower in their movements and finally lose them altogether. Aerobiotic forms enclosed in a drop of water in which there is no free oxygen along with Algae containing chlorophyll at first remain motionless. But as soon as the cells containing chlorophyll are induced to give off oxygen under the influence of light, the Bacteria begin to move actively, as Engelmann (31) has shown, and the movement is directed towards the spots where the oxygen is being given off. Here the Bacteria collect, and they may therefore be used as an extremely delicate reagent for the detection of quantities of oxygen of almost inconceivable minuteness. The frequent grouping of aerobiotic forms into films or membranes on the surface of fluids is no doubt partly due to the influence in question determining the direction of the movement. While the above-mentioned forms approach as near as pos- sible to the source of the atmospheric oxygen, there are others which, as Engelmann (26) found in the case of a Spirillum, always remain at a certain distance from it, the distance diminishing as the amount of free oxygen diminishes in the air which finds access to the Bacteria. This observation proves the $ vi.] Culture of Bacteria. 61 existence of intermediate cases, mentioned above, between ex- treme aerobia and anaerobia. Pfeffer (32) has further shown that chemical stimuli, exerted by other bodies in a state of solution, may influence cells which have the power of locomotion and organisms of very various kinds, hastening and determining the direction of their move- ment, and that the Bacteria supply special instances of this general phenomenon. The chemical bodies which have this effect on the Bacteria are those which were spoken of before as their nutrient substances. The direction of the movement is due, as Pfeffer shows, to diffusion-currents by the introduction of the solutions on one side, the axis of rotation of the cells being in the same direction as the currents and the movement in space in the opposite direction. Other conditions remaining the same the effect varies according to the quality of the body in solution and the concentration of the solution, and it must be particularly observed that it is not every diffusion-current that influences the direction of movement, but only the current from solutions determined in each case by the species of Bacterium. These facts explain a phenomenon which has been frequently observed, namely, that swarms of Bacteria assemble in water round solid bodies, such as dead parts of plants, pieces of flesh and the like, which gradually give off soluble nutrient substances. The practical application of these remarks on the conditions and phenomena of vegetation in conjunction with the ascertained facts respecting germs and their dissemination are in the main obvious, if the important points and conditions in each case are kept clearly in mind. We require always a certain amount of positive knowledge and careful consideration of the object which we desire to attain and can really attain in a particular way. The practical remarks therefore may, for the present, be summed up in a very few words. First, with respect to the culture of Bacteria, there is but little to be said. Pure extracts of animal and plant-substances, the meat-extracts sold in the shops, broths, the juice of 62 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vi. fruits, neutralised, if necessary, and dissolved in not too con- centrated (about 10 per cent.) watery solutions or in gelatine, are, as a rule and in accordance with general experience, good nutrient substrata ; the special choice must be made by experi- ment in each case. Fresh urine has been repeatedly used with success by French observers. The serum of blood has been found to be a very suitable substance, and is almost the only one that can be used in the cultivation of some parasitic forms, especially if made stiff by being heated up to 60-70 C. after the mode of proceeding described by Koch. Among the very first requisites are the securing the purity of the species under cultivation, the absence of unintentional ad- mixtures, on which point some practical hints were given in a former lecture (pp. 34 and 41), and the perfect control of the continued purity of the cultures. The possibility of different species displacing each other has been already discussed (p. 32). To obtain purity of a culture as well as for other practical purposes, it is often necessary to effect the entire destruction or death of germs present in it. In the conduct of cultures there is the special risk of these germs adhering to the apparatus to be employed, vessels, nutrient substances, &c., and they must be killed in order to provide for the purity of the culture. This process of destruction is known as sterilisation, an expression introduced by the school of Pasteur. Bodies poisonous to protoplasm, such as acids, corrosive sub- limate, &c., if sufficiently concentrated will usually effect the de- sired result, where the object is only to destroy, of course on the one condition that they are able to force their way into the proto- plasm which is to be killed. This is the case in most poisons but not in all. Absolute alcohol is a poison which is imme- diately fatal to protoplasm, and it must therefore kill the proto- plasm of endosporous Bacilli, if it reaches them. Nevertheless, the spores of Bacillus Anthracis, as Pasteur discovered, and no doubt also those of other endosporous species retain their vitality after lying several weeks in absolute alcohol. If the same ex- J vi.] Culture of Bacteria. Sterilisation. 63 periment is made with sound ripe seeds of the ordinary garden cress, Lepidium sativum, the same result is obtained ; they ger- minate if they are taken from the alcohol after four weeks' time, and washed and sown. The spores of the Bacillus and the seeds of the cress agree in being enveloped all round in a gela- tinous membrane into which the alcohol cannot penetrate, and thus the protoplasm, which in the cress-germ would otherwise be certainly killed at once, remains unattacked. But the application of poisons to cultures for purposes of sterilisation is attended with great inconveniences in all the many cases in which they must be got rid of again that they may do no injury to the culture itself. New impurities may be introduced in the process of washing the vessels and the rest of the apparatus. Hence much the most practical mode of sterilisation consists in. the application of extremely high temperatures, which must exceed iooC., if the object is to kill any spores that may pos- sibly be present; in dry vessels it is best to raise it to 120- 150 C. In the sterilising of fluids a heat of even 100 C. may not always be possible for practical reasons, as, for example, when it is necessary to avoid the coagulation of the albuminous sub- stances dissolved in the fluid. Since most vegetating cells are killed by a temperature of 50-60 C., the plan suggested by Tyndall (33) is the most effective ; the fluid is allowed to stand till whatever germs it contains begin to grow; if it is then heated to 60-70 C. and the process repeated at an interval of two days, the fluid will be in most cases free from Bacteria, always presupposing of course that the plug which closes the vessel is compact and clean. Lastly, in practical life all that is usually required is to render harmless any germs that may be present by preventing their further development, whether they continue capable of it or not. Here, too, complete destruction would be best and most desirable ; but the use of most poisons in the state of con- centration which is most certainly fatal, or that of a certainly fatal degree of heat, would also ordinarily lead to the destruc- 64 Lectures on Bacteria. [jj vii. tion of the objects intended to be protected from the Bacteria. We must therefore be content with what is within our reach. If, as there is no reason to doubt, the favourable results of the application of disinfectants at the present day, the splendid results of antisepsis in surgery, are due to the protection obtained against destructive Bacteria, there can be at the same time little doubt that this protection, partly due to the absence of germs through the increase of cleanliness consequent on these modes of procedure, is chiefly secured by staying the development of the germs and in a much less degree by their destruction. The elaborate experiments of Koch (14, p. 234) show that of the various disinfecting and antiseptic agents in the proper state of concentration or dilution, only corrosive sublimate, chlorine and bromine have the effect of killing the germs. Bodies like salicylic, carbolic, and other acids in the suitable state of dilution, and powdered cane-sugar can only be supposed to have the desired effect by stopping the growth of the Bacteria. It wou^d be highly important to enquire more closely into the specific sensibilities which may exist in the different species of Bacteria. The behaviour of a Micrococcus of ulcer or erysipelas in the presence of antiseptics may possibly be different from that of Bacillus Anthracis, which has been the chief subject of Koch's study. VII. Relation to and effect upon the substratum. Sapro- phytes and Parasites. Saprophytes as exciting decompositions and fermentations. Characteristic qualities of Forms exciting fermentation. THE vegetative process in organisms, which use organic com- pounds for their food, must necessarily effect changes in the substratum from which this food is withdrawn. To these changes are added other effects, more closely connected with the process of respiration, which lead to profound transforma- tions in the organic substratum. vii.] Relation to the substratum. Saprophytes. 65 This is especially the case with organisms whose mode of life is of the kind described and therefore with all that do not contain chlorophyll, Infusoria and Fungi as well as Bacteria. Fungi, especially in the narrower use of the word, Sprouting Fungi, moulds, &c. being comparatively easy to examine, have supplied the best and most numerous conclusions with respect to the phenomena in question, and we shall often have to make use of them as examples in the following remarks. The interest attaching to the Bacteria which are devoid of chlorophyll rests chiefly on their effects on their substratum, and after the foregoing introduction we must proceed to consider these organisms, and endeavour to give a clear idea of them by calling attention to the most important known examples. Organisms not containing chlorophyll are separated into two primary divisions, according as the organic substratum is a living or a dead body. Those which have their habitat on or in living fellow-creatures, and derive their sustenance from them are termed parasites ; the others which live on dead bodies are known as saprophytes. Different species are in fact differently adapted to one or the other mode of vegetation; some are known both as parasites and saprophytes, others only in one or the other character. We shall subsequently have to go more deeply into these distinctions and gradations, especially in the case of parasites. This brief mention of them is sufficient for the present. The particular account of these forms will be simpler and more intelligible if it begins with saprophytes. The organic compounds present in bodies inhabited by saprophytes are split up into simpler substances; in extreme cases total oxidation, rotting, takes place with the decomposition of non-nitro- genous carbon-compounds into the final products of carbon dioxide and water ; in other cases we have partial oxidations, not proceeding so far as the final products of combustion, ' oxidation-fermentations,' as for example in acetous fermenta- tion that is, the formation of acetic acid by the oxidation of F 66 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vn. ethyl-alcohol. Reductions are of rarer occurrence, as in the splitting of sulphates by Beggiatoa, which will be described presently. The last to be mentioned are the splittings which end in other than simple products of oxidation and are included under the general term of fermentations ; of these the best- known example in every respect is the alcoholic fermentation, which is the splitting of the different sugars into ethyl-alcohol and carbonic acid. If these splittings are accompanied with a development of offensive gas, especially in compounds containing nitrogen, the term putrefaction is used, an expression rather popular and expressive than strictly and scientifically defined. It is no part of our subject to enter further into the chemical nature of these processes, the purely chemical and physical sides of the theories of fermentation. With regard to the general history of these theories also, we shall only observe that it has been an established scientific truth since about the year 1860, that the entire series of phenomena of rotting and fermentation above mentioned are the results of processes of life and vegetation in certain lower organisms, especially Fungi and Bacteria. To Pasteur belongs the entire credit of having placed this vitalistic theory of fermentation on a firm basis, in opposition to other views which acknowledged no causal relations at all between it and living organisms or causal relations of a different kind, and of having extended it to all phenomena of a similar kind. It is true that the same vitalistic theory has been distinctly expressed in the case of alcoholic fermentation since the time of Cagniard-Latour (1828) and Schwann (1837), but it never obtained general accep- tation. The vegetative process of living organisms is then the direct cause of fermentations ; there is no fermentation if the organisms are destroyed. Organisms of this kind are therefore termed fermentation-exciters, ferment-organisms, or simply ferments in the terminology of the school of Pasteur. In that of Nageli they are known as yeast, and according as the ferment-organism viz.] Relation to the substratum. Fermentation. 67 is a Sprouting Fungus, a Fission-fungus, that is a Bacterium, or a Filamentous Fungus, it is shortly termed Sprouting Yeast, Fission Yeast, or Filamentous Yeast. The French system of terminology limits the application of the French word levure, which had originally the same meaning as the German Hefe and English yeast, to the Sprouting Fungi which excite fermentation. It is essential to the understanding of the literature to observe that the German Hefe, English yeast, is used in quite different senses ; it must be added also, that the same word is applied not only to the ferment- organism simply, or to the particular form of Sprouting Fungus which excites fermentation, but also to all forms of Sprouting Fungi whether they excite fermentation or not, thus often causing very needless confusion. We shall speak again presently of the different meanings of the word ferment. Since the vegetation of organisms sets up fermentation, the substratum in which the fermentation is to take place must contain all the nutrient substances necessary for the process of vegetation. A pure saccharine solution, for example, does not ferment if a small quantity of fermentation-exciting Fungi or Bacteria also in a pure state is introduced into it. The sugar, as we have seen, is a good nutrient material for these organisms. But it only supplies the necessary amount of carbon, the elements of water, and free oxygen, and is therefore imperfect as food. It is only when the compounds which supply the nitrogen men- tioned above and the ash-constituents are added to the solution that it is rendered capable of fermentation, and fermentation commences as soon as the conditions favourable to vegetation are secured. Bodies which in the natural course of things or when artificially prepared have finished fermenting, such as must or brewers' mash, are proper food for ferment- organisms. In every process of fermentation there is first of all a growth, a multiplication of the exciting organism at the expense of the fermenting substance. This can be seen by direct observation F 2 68 Lectures on Bacteria. [$ vn. when the smallest possible quantity of the organism is intro- duced in the beginning, and its weight exactly determined. The rest of the substratum is split up into the products of fermentation in consequence of the processes of decomposition which are connected with the vegetation, and which, as has been already said, cannot be further considered here. The best-known example of the kind is the alcoholic fermentation of sugar by the Sprouting Fungus of beer-yeast, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, though it certainly does not strictly belong to the subject-matter of these lectures. Pasteur states that in a suitable solution about 1*25 per cent, of sugar was used for the formation of yeast-substance, 4-5 for that of succinic acid and glycerine, the remainder, 94-95 per cent., was broken up into alcohol and carbonic acid. This example shows that the process of decomposition is complex, and does not simply consist in the breaking up of all the sugar into carbonic acid and alcohol. But these, in point of quantity and from their importance to human requirements, are the most prominent products of the fermentation in ques- tion. Accordingly, we distinguish in this and all other cases primary and secondary products of fermentations, and we name the particular process of fermentation from some characteristic primary product. It is known that the nature of the fermentations set up by Bacteria is in general analogous with that of the case just men- tioned. But in most of them the splitting-process is at present less exactly understood, and in many only the primary products are qualitatively known. Among these carbonic acid constantly makes its appearance, as in Saccharomyces. Further remarks will appear below along with special examples. At present we will only briefly call attention to the colouring matters which are observed not unfrequently in fermentations with Bacteria ; they were noticed before on page 4, and have given rise to the expression pigment-fermentations. Some, but not all, ferment-organisms give off into the fluid $ vii.] Relation to the substratum* Enzymes. 69 medium dissolved substances, which in the very minute quantity in which they are excreted are able to give rise to other changes in the substratum than those which belong directly to the process of fermentation. Analogous products with analogous effects are often obtained from other sources also, for instance in Fungi which do not excite fermentation, and on certain organs or in the cells of higher organisms, even of plants containing chlorophyll. The Fungus of beer-yeast, for example, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, excretes a substance which inverts cane-sugar in solution, as the phrase is, that is by absorbing water splits it into glucose and laevulose (grape-sugar and fruit- sugar). By means of a similar excretion Bacillus Amylobacter breaks up cellulose into products soluble in water. The cells of germinating seeds produce a body, diastase, which breaks up starch-granules into dextrin and maltose. Substances of this kind are known as enzymes or unformed or unorganised ferments, in German terminology simply ferments. The ter- minology of the French schools consistently carried out, especially by Duclaux, terms them generally diastases, and then for the separate cases invents special words, all having the same ending, as amylase, saccharase (' sucrase'!), casease, and so on, reserving the word ferment, as we have learned, for the living ferment- organisms themselves. Enzymes, as has been already intimated, are either unorganised bodies or bodies with a definite form, soluble in water, and are all allied as regards chemical character to the proteid compounds. They can with proper manage- ment be separated from the organisms which produce them without putting an end to their activity. Their characteristic mark as a rule is the power which they possess of causing chemical changes, chemical separations, without passing them- selves into the final products of these changes and so losing their active powers. Their effects are specifically different in every case, and they are accordingly distinguished, as in the examples cited, into inverting, sugar-forming, and other enzymes, to which may be added those that, like the pepsin of the gastric 70 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vn. juice of animals, convert albuminous bodies with absorption of water into easily soluble peptones, peptonising enzymes. After what has now been said it scarcely requires to be pointed out that every organism which sets up fermentation or de- composition displays a specific activity in the directions indicated, and it may be also a specific formation of enzymes. In the same saccharine solution one species excites alcoholic fer- mentation, another lactic acid or butyric acid fermentation, and so on. Again, the same fermentation, according to the primary products, may also be produced by dissimilar species under otherwise similar conditions, though in unequal quantitative amount. Alcoholic fermentation, for example, is excited in saccharine solutions by several species of Saccharomyces, and also by certain species of the group of Mucorini. The same species can also set up different decompositions in different sub- strata. The vinegar-bacterium oxidises the alcohol in a dilute solution, and converts it into acetic acid and this into carbonic acid and water when the alcohol is exhausted. The Saccharo- myces of beer-yeast changes grape-sugar by fermentation directly into carbonic acid and alcohol ; cane-sugar does not ferment, but is first ' inverted ' by the above-mentioned enzyme, and the ' invert-sugar ' formed of glucose and laevulose ferments as it arises. The Bacillus of butyl-alcohol of Fitz (Bacillus Amylobacter, see Lecture IX) vegetates in nutrient solutions of milk-sugar, erythrite, ammonium tartrate, salts of lactic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, &c., without exciting characteristic fermentations in them ; it produces fermentation in glycerine, mannite, and cane-sugar, with carbonic acid, butyric acid, and butyl-alcohol as the primary products, and small amounts of lactic and other acids as secondary products, the quantities of the primary pro- ducts varying much according to the nature of the substratum. The relative quantities of butyric acid, for example, under similar conditions of fermentation, are 17-4 in the case of glycerine, 35-4 in that of mannit'e, and 42-5 in that of cane-sugar. viz.] Relation to the substratum. Enzymes. 71 Many similar examples are to be found in works on fermen- tation. The production of enzymes may also vary in the same form according to the quality of the substratum. Wortmann (34) found in the case of a Bacterium which he does not further determine, that it excretes a starch-dissolving enzyme, and dissolves starch if carbon is presented to it in the form of starch-grains only. If the carbon is offered it in the form of a carbohydrate which is readily soluble in water, such as sugar, or of tartaric acid, the starch-grains which are offered to it at the same time remain untouched. Similar facts are recorded of Bacillus Amylobacter, which, according to van Tieghem, when fed with glucose, leaves the cellulose which is presented to it at the same time untouched, but decomposes it and takes it in as food if no source of more readily assimilable carbon is available. Lastly, the definite activity of a particular species in the way of fermentation or decomposition may be reduced to zero by a change in the external conditions within the limits of vegetation, even when the quality of the nutrient material remains the same. Examples of this are furnished by the Mucorini already men- tioned in passing, by the different species of Saccharomyces, and by Bacillus Amylobacter and other Bacteria. Bacillus Amylobacter, according to Fitz, loses the power of causing fer- mentation, without losing that of vegetation, when exposed to a high temperature, for instance, after the spores are boiled from 1-3 minutes in a solution of grape-sugar, or after being heated for 7 hours up to 80 C. ; the same effect is produced if it is cultivated during many generations with a copious supply of oxygen in a nutrient solution, in which it is unable to excite fermentation. The Mucorini present themselves in very dif- ferent forms according to the change of conditions, though the form is quite fixed in each particular case. Such a change of form does not occur in Saccharomyces and the Bacteria which have been more thoroughly examined as to this point, or only to an inconsiderable degree. That external conditions of every 72 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vm. kind should have some influence on the form of Bacteria is a legitimate a priori assumption, and may be directly observed from the facts stated on page 29. It is therefore highly probable, though further distinct proof is required, that the change of form of strongly pleomorphous Bacteria (see pp. 25-6) is to a large extent determined by changes in the external conditions of vegetation. In the natural course of things the processes of development and decomposition of which we have been speaking, seldom if ever go on their way purely and smoothly from beginning to end. Many of the organisms in question are so numerous that their germs find their way simultaneously or in rapid succession into a nutrient solution or other decomposable substratum. In that case they either develope simultaneously and the effects of their decomposing action appear side by side ; or some find a favourable substratum at first, but changing its character by their vegetation, which is thereby impeded, they thus prepare a highly favourable substratum for other forms ; in this way various de- velopments and decompositions make their appearance, one after another, in the same substratum. Examples of such combinations and successions of products of fermentation and decomposition are found everywhere in the natural course of things, and in matters connected with domestic economy. There is less need for me to dwell on them here, because many of them will have to be noticed in the succeeding descriptions of the several species. VIII. Most important examples of Saprophytes. The nomen- clature explained. Aquatic Saprophytes : Crenothrix, Cladothrix, Beggiatoa; other aquatic forms. IN proceeding now to the special consideration of a few saprophytic Bacteria, three remarks must first be made. First, .] Examples of 'Saprophytes. Nomenclature. 73 we cannot attempt to give an account of all the phenomena which have been described. We confine ourselves to such as are at present best known, and are at the same time of more general interest. It is to be presumed that many more will have to be added to these in the course of time, and that various changes will have to be made in the views at present enter- tained. We are still very much in the position of beginners as regards our knowledge of these matters and our investigations. Secondly, we do not propose to go any further into the details of the chemical processes attending the work of decomposition ; we are chiefly concerned with the morphological and biological points of view. Thirdly, we must keep clearly in mind that our knowledge of the morphology and biology of the Bacteria is at present very imperfect, or at least very unequally developed. So much is this the case, that we are not yet in a position to attempt a consistent classification and nomenclature on the principles of systematic botany. What at present seems like such a classification is only a temporary expedient. In such a case the only thing to be done is to agree upon a provisional arrangement and nomenclature for the time being. We will therefore, first of all, adhere to the primary division into endo- sporous and non-endosporous or arthrosporous forms proposed in Lecture III. Single better-known groups in these two divisions may and must then be constituted genera, and receive names capable of being precisely defined. We limit the use of the name Bacillus, and apply it to all endosporous forms and species with rod-like vegetative cells and cell-unions of the first order. Single arthrosporous forms, such as Beggiatoa, Cladothrix, Leuconostoc, Sarcina and others, may be separated from the rest and distinguished by characters which will be de- scribed presently. There still remain a number of forms, in respect of which we are reduced to superficial distinctions of shape, and their ultimate classification must therefore be deferred. Among these the spiral forms may be included under the name Spirillum. Some of these, according to van Tieghem, belong 74 Lectures on Bacteria. vm - to the endosporous division ; others appear to be arthrosporous, while there is a third group in which the point is not yet ascer- tained, but appearances are in favour of their being kept together, as at present, under the same genus. The rod-forms which are not known to be endo- sporous may all be termed Bacterium, and the coccus- forms (page 9) Micrococcus. It is obvious that no sharp line of distinction can be drawn between Micrococci and short rod-shaped Bac- teria, but it is convenient and customary to distinguish them. The species too, which are at present distinguished, require care in their deter- mination. Some of them are certainly known to be fully and clearly distinct ; of others this cannot be said, and their present names in all probability include two or more species which have yet to be studied severally. Thus it seems to me quite certain that more than one distinct species has been described Fig. 5. Crenothrix Kiihniana, Rabenhorst. n group of young filaments attached below, a, b older filaments ; at the upper end of b single cells are issuing from the opened sheath, c broad filament with flatly disk-shaped cells in its upper portion, which are divided in basipetal succession along the length of the filament into minute round spore-cells ; the spores are issuing from the uppermost extremity of the open sheath, d, c spores developing into young filaments. After Zopf. n magn. 450, a, b 540, d, e 600 times. $ viii.] Aquatic Saprophytes. Crenothrix. 75 under the name of Bacillus subtilis. Such collective names col- lective species, as we may shortly say have occurred in all branches of natural history and have been gradually dis- entangled ; here, too, they will ultimately be cleared up. We have only to keep an eye upon them, and not be induced by names to adopt premature conclusions respecting them (35). We will now proceed to give some examples. The comparatively large arthrosporous forms, which are described under the names of Crenothrix, Cladothrix, and Beggiatoa, are found often in injurious, or at least in very dis- agreeable quantities, in waters containing organic substances in solution (36). i. Crenothrix Kiihniana, Rabenhorst (Fig. 5), in the most highly differentiated stage of its development, forms filaments, accord- ing to Zopf, 1-6 p. thick and about i cm. long, attached at one end to fixed bodies, entirely unbranched, straight or less often slightly spirally twisted. The filament consists of a row of cylindrical cells, which are half to about one and a half times as long as broad. The outer layers of their lateral walls coalesce and form a delicate sheath surrounding the whole filament, which is colourless when young, but at a later period is often coloured from yellowish to dark brown or brownish green by salts of iron. The filaments not unfrequently break up transversely into pieces, which float free in the water and collect into flocculent masses. The segments of the filaments may pass by repeated bipartitions into the form of isodiametric cells which then round themselves off. In this way the cells of thicker filaments first take the shape of flattish disks, and then divide one or more times in the longitudinal direction of the filament into small roundish cells (b, c}. These ultimately escape from the sheath, either because the sheath swells up along its whole length, or because it swells up and opens at the apex only and allows the small cells to escape at that point ; the cells are either passive and are thrust forth by the continued growth in length of the lower portions of the filament, or have a slow movement 76 Lectures on Bacteria. [ vm. of their own. These minute cells may be called Cocci from their form, or spores on account of their capability of further de- velopment, for when cultivated in bog-water they develope into new filaments resembling the parent-filaments (d, e). ' On the other hand they may retain the Coccus-form and multiply, pro- ducing at the same time a large quantity of jelly, and in this state they form Zoogloeae, which vary in size from microscopical minuteness to more than i cm. in diameter. They also occa- sionally pass, according to Zopf, into the motile condition, and back again into the resting-state. The Zoogloeae are at first without colour, but like the sheaths of the filaments they gradu- ally become coloured by deposition of iron. The Cocci also may ultimately develope from the Zoogloea-state into the fila- ments as at first described. The external conditions for these formations are not certainly understood. Crenothrix Kiihniana is found in every kind of water, even in the water of the soil as far as twenty metres below the surface. It may become a formidable nuisance in water-pipes, drain- pipes, and the like, in which its tufts of filaments and its Zoo- gloeae increase to such an extent as to form dense gelatinous masses stopping up the passages; in reservoirs it may form slimy layers several feet in depth. The water is thus ren- dered unfit for drinking and for various technical uses, though no direct injury to human health has been traced to the Creno- thrix. We do not know that any other processes of decom- position are caused by Crenothrix. 2. Cladothrix dichotoma, Cohn is of still more frequent occur- rence than Crenothrix, especially in dirty water, such as the outflow from manufactories and from similar sources, and also in streams (Fig. 6). It often forms extensive films of flocculent matter of a grayish white colour floating near the edge of the water. Its delicate filaments, ensheathed as in the preceding species, are chiefly distinguished from those of Crenothrix in the full-grown state by being branched. Branching is effected by any single cell of a filament bending one of its extremities viii.] Aquatic Saprophytes. Cladothrix. 77 laterally out of the line of the rest, and then growing on in the di- vergent direction and dividing transversely. The divergent branch forms an acute angle with the primary filament, and in relation to the point of attachment or base of the latter the angle is usually open upwards, seldom the reverse. This form of branch- ing, which is of common occurrence in the Nostocaceae, in Scytonema, for example, and Calothrix, has been termed false branching, because the part which the individual cells take in it, morphologically speaking, is not the same as in most of the other lower plants which have filaments formed of a single row of cells ; it is false only in this sense, and is really a peculiar mode of branching. Whatever else is known of the structure and development of Cladothrix, especially since Zopfs researches, so far agrees with the accounts given of Crenothrix, that only a few remarkable particulars need be touched upon here; Zopfs monograph should be consulted. First of all it is not perhaps superfluous to re- mark that Cladothrix also receives a de- Fig. 6. posit of iron oxide in the sheaths of its filaments, and becomes Fig. 6. Cladothrix dichotoma, Cohn. a extremity of a live filament, which grew originally in the direction r p. The branches n, n have been formed by lateral divergence and subsequent growth of segment-cells in the new direction. The construction of the filament out of cylindrical segment-cells is clearly shown at the apex of the branches ; elsewhere it is recognisable only by the aid of reagents, b portion of a filament showing the segmen- tation and the sheath ; the latter is empty in its upper half, except where one cylindrical cell remains fixed in it. Magn. 600 times, but made a little too broad in the drawing. 78 Lee hires on Bacteria. [$ vm. coloured accordingly. The often striking accumulations of ochre-coloured slime-masses in springs and small streams which contain iron, the filamentous constituents of which are known by the old name of Leptothrix ochracea, Kiitzing, consist, according to Zopf, of this iron-containing Cladothrix. The filaments multiply by the abscision and further growth of portions, which form longer or shorter rods according to their size a mode also very common among the allied Nos- tocaceae and also, according to Zopf, by means of spores or ' Cocci/ that is, short rounded cells, which issue from the sheath and develope into filaments. The filaments, or single branches of them, instead of retaining the usual tolerably straight form, may become spiral with more or less narrow or open coils, and these spiral forms also may break up transversely into separate pieces. Both the longer and the shorter abscised rod-shaped and spiral portions of filaments, and the round spores and Cocci also, not unfrequently become motile, the longer ones creeping or gliding with a slow movement, the short forms displaying an active swarming motion, such as is described on page 7. Lastly, the four forms, the filamentous, the rod-like, the spiral, and the coccoid, whether mixed together or separate from one another, may remain united by a jelly into Zoogloeae, which sometimes appear as bodies of considerable size with shrub- like branching. The short forms may again become motile, and swarm out of a Zoogloea; but they may also develope again into the filamentous form, the typical form from which we set out ; this has certainly not been directly observed in the case of the spiral rods. If all these statements are correct, Cladothrix supplies the most complete example of a pleomorphous course of develop- ment. No more is known of injurious properties and decomposing power in Cladothrix than in Crenothrix. $ viii.] Aquatic Saprophytes. Beggiatoa. 79 3. The species of Beggiatoa (Fig. 7) agree closely, according to Zopf, with Crenothrix and Cladothrix in their pleomorphous course of development. Straight and spiral filaments, abscised straight and spiral rod-like portions of filaments, the latter pro- vided with cilia and described under the name of Ophidomonas (d), round Cocci or spores (e-k) and Zoogloea-aggregates of these, make their appearance in just the same alternation as in the two preceding genera, rods, Spirilla, and Cocci having in many cases a swarming motion. The distinction between them and the species of Crenothrix and Cladothrix lies chiefly in the presence of sulphur in their structure, and in the motility of the filaments which, like those of Crenothrix, are never branched. Beggiatoa alba, Vaucher, the most common species, has colourless filaments, attached when quite intact to solid bodies but easily breaking off from them and thus set free, and varying in thickness from i to 5 p. The filaments consist of cells of more or less elongate cylindrical to flat disk-like form, the latter occurring especially in the thicker specimens. They have no distinct sheath clothing the row of cells ; moreover, while the pro- toplasm of Crenothrix and Cladothrix is uniformly clouded or finely granular, in Beggiatoa alba it has disseminated through its substance comparatively thick round highly refringent grains, with a dark contour therefore, and composed of sulphur, as Cramer has shown. Similar sulphur-grains are also present in the non-filamentous states or forms assigned here by Zopf. Their number is not the same in different filaments ; in some filaments (c) but few are to be seen, and in parts of them they may even be entirely wanting. In most filaments they are present in large numbers, so large sometimes that they en- tirely conceal the structure of the thread, which looks like a rod having its uniformly clouded protoplasm traversed by a dense mass of granules with a black outline. It is only by the use of reagents which largely withdraw the water of the cells that it is possible to distinguish them (). Again, the filaments usually exhibit active movements, such as 8o Lectures on Bacteria. [$ vm. are known in the green Oscillatorieae, which have been noticed already several times, and which are undoubtedly the near allies containing chlorophyll of the species of Beggiatoa and of the arthrosporous Bacteria. The movements consist in progression in the line of the axis of the filament in one direction, or in opposite directions alternately, together with rotation in a path which forms the outline of a very pointed cone, or of a double cone such as is described in the case of rod-shaped Bacteria. These movements, when hastily observed, appear to be gliding in a forward direction, while the ends of the filaments swing hither and thither in the manner of a pendulum. Sometimes also the filaments become curved, and then often straighten themselves again with a jerk, showing their great flexibility throughout their entire length. Several other species of Beggiatoa are known : B. roseo-per- sicina, distinguished by its rose-red to violet colour, and also said to be pleomorphous, its Zoogloeae, according to Zopf, being Cohn's Clathrocystis roseo-persicina ; B. mirabilis, Cohn, known only in the filamentous form, a gigantic species 20-30 /A in thickness; B. arachnoidea, Roth, and some others. Apart from the differences indicated, all these agree with B. alba in the characteristic marks, especially in the presence of sulphur-grains. B. alba is one of the most common inhabitants of our waters. It is found in the water of marshes, in the waters that flow from manufactories, in hot sulphur-springs, and in these places often in company with Cladothrix, and in the sea on shallow coasts. B. roseo-persicina is less common in these localities ; the other species mentioned above are known only as coming from the sea. The species of Beggiatoa live on the decompos- ing remains of organised bodies, especially plants; they are, therefore, chiefly found at the bottom of water, where such objects accumulate. They form there, when largely developed, slimy membranous coverings or films of flocculent matter, which are either white in colour or vary from rose to brown-violet, as in B. roseo-persicina. viii.] Aquatic Saprophytes. Beggiatoa. 81 The species of Beggiatoa are said to have the peculiar power of reducing the sulphates contained in the waters which they inhabit, especially sodium sulphate and gypsum, setting free the sulphur and sulphuretted hydrogen. That the living protoplasm is the seat of this process is shown by the appearance in it of the sulphur-grains. The form- ation of sulphuretted hydrogen causes first the precipitation of iron sulphide in the slime inhabited by Beggiatoa, which is thereby turned black, and then the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen, either dissolved in the water or set free by evaporation, gives rise to the well - known odour, and may have a noxious effect on the animals inhabiting the water. The ' white ' ground in the Bay of Kiel, for example, covered by species of Beggiatoa, is also called the ' dead ' ground, because it is avoided by fishes, though not by all animals (37). These plants therefore play a peculiar and important part in the economy of Fi S- 7- nature and of mankind. According to the statements of some Fig. 7. Beggiatoa alba, Vaucher. a portion of a stout living filament. b fragment of the same after treatment with alcoholic solution of iodine show- ing the segmentation into cells, c a very thin living filament from the same preparation as a. d motile spiral form (Ophidomonas). e-h formation of spores ('Cocci') by successive division of the segment-cells of a stout filament (e). The lumen of each spore is nearly filled up by a grain of sulphur. Inf the division has advanced further than in e. g breaking up of the filament into groups of spores, h the spores isolated. *, k spores appearing to germinate ( ), in a state of motion, a-c magn. 600 times, but drawn a little too large, Id. in American Naturalist, 1885. E. Prillieux, Corrosion de grains de ble, &c. , par les Bacteries, in Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, XXVI (1879), PP- 3 T > 167. Reinke u. Berthold, Die Zer- setzung d. Kartoffel durch Pilze, Berlin, 1879. van Tieghem, Developpe- ment de 1'Amylobacter dans les plantes a 1'etat de vie normal, in Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, XXXI (1884), p. 283. INDEX. Achorion, 146. Arthrobacterium aceti, 86. Bacillus, 73. alvei, 174. Amylobacter, 5, 12, 17, 19, 21, 34, 39, 5, 53, 54, 5, 69, 70, 71, 99, &c., 104, 116, 179. Anthracis, 12, 17, 21, 34, 50, 51, 5 2 54, 59, 64, n6, 122, &c. butylicus, 53, 100. butyricus, 100. crassus, 3. erythrosporus, 19. lacticus, 94. Malariae, 170. Megaterium, 16, 17, 21, 29, 39, 51, 59, 104 154. Melittopntnorus, 174. of butyl-alcohol, 57, 70. of butyric acid, 100. of lactic acid, 94, 97. of leprosy, 170. of syphilis, 170. of tubercle, 51, 152, 158. of typhoid fever, 171. of typhus, 151. subtilis, 12, 17, 20, 29, 34, 39, 5, 5 1 , 5 2 , 54, 57, 59, I02 > I0 4, 124, 134. Ulna, 17. Ureae, 84. virens, 4. Bacterium aceti, 86. chlorinum, 55. merismopoedioides, u. of lactic acid, 97. photometricum, 58. - Termo, 50, 53, 105, &c., 119. Zopfii, 18, 22, 53, 116. Beech, 112. Beggiatoa, 3, 5, 23, 30,66, 73, 79,81. alba, 81. arachnoidea, 80. Beggiatoa mirabilis, 80. roseo-persicina, 5, 58, 80. Botrydium granulatum, 26, 30. Butyl -alcohol, Bacillus of, 57, 70. Butyric acid, Bacillus of, 100. Calothrix, 77. Capitate Bacteria, 100. Cholera, Spirillum of, 160. Cladothrix, 7, 10, 23, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79- dichotoma, 76. Clathrocystis roseo-persicina, 80. Clostridium butyricum, 100. Coccobacteria septica, 28. Comma-bacillus, 163. of mucous membrane of mouth, 120. Cordyceps, 109, in. Cornalian bodies, 175, 176. Crenothrix, 3, 7, 23, 30, 75, 76, 79- Kiihniana, 75. Cystopus, 113, 114. candidus, 113. Diplococci, 9. Dispora, 99. caucasica, 96. Drum-stick-bacillus, 105, 116. Erysipelas, Micrococcus of, 64. Erythema migrans, 169. Eurotium, 39. Favus, 146. Filamentous yeast, 67. Finger-erysipelas, 169. Fission-algae, 37. fungi, 2, 37. -plants, 37. -yeast, 67. Frog-spawn, 12. bacterium, 12, 90. Index. Galeobdolon luteum, 48. Garden-cress, 63, 113. Gonococcus, 156, &c. Hay-bacillus, 12, 134. Hydrocharis, 48. Hydrodictyon, 26, 30. Itch, 115, 146. Kefir, 13, 95, &c. Kefir, Bacterium of, 55, 95, 99, !54- Kefir-grains, 13, 95. Labiatae, 48. Laboulbenia Muscae, 39, in. Lacerta viridis, 123. Lactic acid, Bacillus of, 94, 97. Bacterium of, 97. Lepidium sativum, 63, 113. Leprosy, Bacillus of, 170. Leptothrix, n. buccalis, 5, 119. ochracea, 78. Leuconostoc, 6, 13, 22, 23, 73, 90, 91. mesentenoides, 23, 90, 91. Merismopoedia hyalina, 185. littoralis, 185. punctata, 185. Reitenbachii, 185. Micrococcus aceti, 54, 86, 87, 88. amylovorus, 178. Bombycis, 175. Gonococcus, 156. lacticus, 33, 94. nitrificans, 86. of diphtheria, 172. of erysipelas, 64. of fowl-cholera, 141. of tooth-caries, 121. of ulcer, 64. Pasteurianus, 5, 88. prodigiosus, 14, 39, 53, 94. Ureae, 24, 39, 84, 168, 175. Microspira, 189. Microzymes, 47. Monads, 9. Monas prodigiosa, 14. Mother of vinegar, 6, 84, 86. Mucor, 26. Mucorini, 58, 70, 71. Mycoderma aceti, 86. Mycothrix, n. Myxomycetas, 112. Naples Bacillus, 165. Nosema Bombycis, 175. Nostoc, 36. Nostocaceae, 6, 36, 77. Oenothereae, 112. Ophiodomonas, 79. Oscillatorieae, 8, 36, 80, 82. Palmella, 12. Panhistophyton ovatum, 175. Penicillium glaucum, 39, 56. Phytophthora infestans, 112, 179. omnivora, 112. Proteus, 183. Pythium, 112. Relapsing fever, 151. Rusts, 1 08. Saccharomyces, 70, 71, 90, 98. Cerevisiae, 68, 69, 98. Mycoderma, 89. of beer-yeast, 70, 90, 98. Salvia glutinosa, 48. Saprolegnieae, 38. Sarcina, 73, 117. flava, 1 1 8, 184. fuscescens, 185. hyalina, 185. intestinalis, 185. littoralis, 185. lutea, 1 1 8, 184, 185. minuta, 117, 184. of the lungs, 185. paludosa, 185. Reichenbachii, 185. Reitenbachii, 1,854 rosea, 185. ventriculi, 5, n, 116, 117, 118, 184. - Welcheri, 118, 184. Schizomycetes, 2. Schizophytes, 37. Sclerotinia, 112. Scytonema, 77. Sempervivum, 112. Index. 193 Spirillum, 10, 27, 50, 60, 73, 120, 151, 160. -'amyliferum, 5, 17. of cholera, 160. tenue, 82. - Undula, 82. Spirochaete, 6, 27, 189. buccalis, 120. Cohnii, 119, 120, 151. dentium, 1 20. Obermeieri, 151, 158. Sprouting yeast, 67. Staphylococcus, 168. albus, 168, 169. aureus, 168, 169. Streptococcus, 24, 168, 169. Syphilis, Bacillus of, 170. Tapeworms, 108, 115. Trianea bogotensis, 48. Trichina spiralis, in. Trichinae, 108, 115, 146. Tubercle, Bacillus of, 51, 152, 159. Typhoid fever, Bacillus of, 171. Typhus, Bacillus of, 151. Tyrothrix, 52, 104. filiformis, 52. tenuis, 52, 104. Ulcer, Micrococcus of, 64. Ulothricheae, 82. Urea, Micrococcus of, 24, 39, 84, 168, 175. Uredineae, 108. Vibriones, 10, 159. Vinegar, Bacterium of, 70, 94. Micrococcus of, 57, 86, &c. Zoogloea, 12. THE END. Clatenbon press, yforb SELECT LIST OF STANDARD 'WORKS. DICTIONARIES . . ... , . Page i. LAW . . . . , . v . . . 2. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, ETC. ... ,, 3. PHILOSOPHY, LOGIC, ETC. .... 6. 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