THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^- r PRANCERI SELECT COLLECTION O F FUGITIVE PIECES, PUBLISHED SINCE THE APPOINTMENT or THE PRESENT PROVOST OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, Ntxla milk modis lacerabltur umbra j tuafque JEacm in punas ingen'mfui erit. In ti tranfcribet veterum tormenta reorum ; Manibus entiquis caufa quietit erit. OVID, DUBLIN: MDCCLXXV, (PRICE, fewcd 2?. 84. h.) ERRATA. P. 14 1. 19 for unveiled read unnoticed. 6z 1. a6 after pouos tibi Fortuna ludos facts ? Fads enim ex profeffo- ribus fenatores, ex fenatoribus profej/ores. PLIN. EPIST. TO THE FELLOWS AND SCHOLARS OF TRCNITY- COLLEGE. * T F the motives which might draw you afide J[ from your duty were extremely forcible, if there were no eyes upon your conduct except your own, if the truft repofed in you were lefs facred, if your refentment had been iwakened by a {lighter indignity than that which you have fo lately futfered, I Ihould ftill exped that you would aft as B ftould * It is obfervable that the late Dr. Andrews was the firft in- ftance of the Provoft of the Univerfity of Dublin obtaining a feat in the Houfe of Commons, as Mr. Hutchinfon is the firft example of a member of parliament being appointed Provoft of that Univerfity. But we find from Juvenal as well as Pliny, that there is nothing new under the fun. Si Fortuna volet, fa de rbetore cottful, Si volet bac eadem, fet de confule rbttor. 2 PRANCERIANA. Ihould become you. You will foon be called upon to decide whether a man, with whom a connexion or an intimacy would lately have been a condemna- tion, has become, by any change of circumftance,. a fit perfon to nominate your reprefcntatives. If your alma mater has derived any advantage or dig- nity from his appointment, if his own publick conducl willjuftify your credulity in thofe whom he may recommend, you will reward his difinte- refted attention to your concerns, you will mew every refpecl to the choice of a chief governor, to whom nothing has appeared fo important as the education of the youth of Ireland. But if your fo. ciety has been confpicuoufly infulted ; if the flighteft minifterial arrangement has been preferred to your honour, to your interefts, and to the virtues of pofterity ; if your right of returning members to parliament has been amongft the foremoft induce- ments to this outrage againft your privileges ; will it be very fanguine in this nation to expedt that you will not be acceffary to the ruin of Jrifh literature, that you will not enfure future injuries to your fo- ciety by a gratitude for the pad ? A government borough fo readily corrupted, will never be in- trufted to any but the moil confidential hands. The motives to fuch a corruption are almoft beneath computation. Who are fo independent as the fel- lows ? The fcholars of the houte neither owe their appointments to Mr. Hutchinfon's partiality, nor hold them by his favour. To a tranfgreffing indi- dividual his feverity may be formidable; againft your united indignation, his malice would be im- potent. PRANCERIANA. 3 potent. What then are thofe powers by which he is to corrupt the young, and to frighten the inde- pendent ? Powers of injuring, which women would defpife ; powers of rewarding, by which a Cornilh borough would not be corrupted. Without any connection except that of the undoer with the un- done, Mr. Hutchinfon expects to dictate to you, where the conftitution has made you free. Two months ago, a political recantation would hardly have procured him toleration amongft you. You are now to confider how a new crime can recom- mend him. If, contrary to the jult expectations of the pub- lic, to gratitude, and to the truft repofed in you, you mould betray the interefts of that fcciety which fupports you, be not ignorant that all other infamy would be obliterated by yours. Not the miferable mechanick who throws away that confti- tution which he knows not how to eftimate, not the poor, the ignorant, the flattered, or the deceived elector, but the learned, the independent, the young, the injured will monopolize the publick in- dignation men will then fay, it is not Harcourt, it is not Hutchinfon that has undone our univeriity but its own guardians Not the general who cor- rupts the garrifon but the foldier who betrays it, is the moft infamous of men. Lord Harcourt gave them but one Hutchinfon ; all his fucceflbrs who fhall referable him are appointed by the fervility of Trinity College. That flight eftimation in which he held them, and in which he was not miftaken, B 2 rather 4 PRANCERIANA. rather does credit to his capacity For it is certain, that very few at that time, knew them fo welL Rather let every father return him thanks for hav- ing made known the true character of our Univer- fity. The body, wkich in fuch circumftances, could reject an Hujfey,never can produce another *. V&BBSH^^ No. 2. Wednefday, November 16, 774- Diu Lateque vifirices cater*v