THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CHEMICAL AND MICROSCOPICAL ANALYSIS OF THE URINE HEALTH AND DISEASE DESIGNED FOR PHYSICIANS AND STUDENTS BY GEO. B. FOWLER, M.D. EXAMINER IN PHT8IOLOGY, COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, NEW YORK, VISITING SURGEON TO THE NEW YORK DISPENSARY, FELLOW OK TUB NEW YORK ACADEMY OP MEDICINE, MEMBER OP THE NEW YORK COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY, ETC. Second Edition REVISED AND ENLARGED, WITH EIGHTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS 182 FIFTH AVENUE 1876. Jmtmf Kenneth Mackenzie 879 Comteh Drive San Diego, California 92107 U.SA, Planet Earth COPYRIGHT. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. 1876. PREFACE. IN this, as in the first edition, the object has been to present the most practical and important features of the subject. The book has been carefully revised, and somewhat enlarged by the introduction of new matter, but the same general arrangement is preserved. The decimal system of weights and measures has been adopted, also the new chemical nomenclature and notation. To meet the requirements of those not familiar with the decimal system, equivalents in grains or ounces are usually given in brackets, and a table of comparative values is inserted on the last page* OCTOBER, 1876. PART I. 1. CHARACTERS OF NORMAL URINE. 2. EFFECTS OF REAGENTS UPON NORMAL URINE. PART II. CHARACTERS OF ABNORMAL URINE. PART III. URINARY DEPOSITS. 1. THOSE WHICH ARE NATURAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE URINE, EITHER SEPARATELY OR IN COMBINATION. 2. THOSE WHICH ARE FOREIGN TO ITS COMPOSITION UNDER ANY FORM. PART IY. ACCIDENTAL INGREDIENTS WHICH DO NOT FORM DEPOSITS. PART Y. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. PART VI. CALCULI AND GRAVEL. ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. PART I. CHARACTERS OF NORMAL URINE. THE Composition of the urine per thousand parts is as follows : Water ....... 950.00 Urea 26.20 Creatinine ...... 0.87 Sodium and potassium urates . . 1.45 Sodium and potassium hippurates . . 0.70 Mucus and coloring matter . . 0.35 f Sodium biphosphate .... 0.40 I Sodium and potassium phosphates . 3.35 -| Lime and magnesium phosphates . . 0.83 I Sodium and potassium chlorides . 12.55 I Sodium and potassium sulphates . . 3.30 1000.00 These proportions are not invariable, but as in all animal fluids, greatly depend upon diet, age, sex, occupation, etc. A glance at the above table is sufficient to reveal 6 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. the fact that the urine is practically a watery solution of urea and inorganic salts, the chlorides being espe- cially abundant. UKEA CH 4 N 2 O. This is the most important, and next to water, the most abundant ingredient of the urine. It is present in the urine of all animals in large proportion, except that of birds and scaly amphibians, where it is almost wholly replaced by the urates. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. TJrea is a crystallizable substance, and has the chemical composition given above. The crystals are white, delicate needle-shaped prisms, very soluble in water and alcohol, but sparingly so in ether. It is neutral to test-paper, has a cooling taste like saltpetre, and is without odor. It never appears as a sponta- neous deposit in urine. If kept protected from the atmosphere, or in a pure watery solution, urea does not decompose ; if, however, it is boiled for a long time in pure water or a few moments with an alkali, or heated with water in a sealed tube above 100 C., a change is effected whereby ammonium carbonate is produced by the appropriation of the elements of two molecules of water, thus : Urea. Water. Ammonium Carbonate. CH^NaO + H 4 2 = (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 . The same phenomenon occurs when a watery solu- tion of urea is brought in contact with decomposing organic matter. Hence the ammoniacal odor of stale urine. ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 7 A peculiar interest is attached to urea as being the first organic product which was artificially produced. It was obtained by Wohler by mixing the vapors of cyanic acid and ammonia : Cyanic Acid. Ammonia. Urea. CHNO + NH 3 = CH 4 N 2 O. The first result of this process is the formation of a neutral cyanate ; but on heating this is converted into urea. To-day urea is artificially obtained by several methods from cyanogen compounds, and by the action of oxydizing agents upon albuminous mat- ters and upon uric acid. A method which yields it in great abundance is the following : Equal quantities, by weight, of potassium cyanate and ammonium sul- phate are dissolved in a little water, and then evap- orated to dryness over the water-bath. The residue is boiled with strong alcohol, which dissolves out the urea from the potassium sulphate and ammonium sul- phate. The alcoholic solution is now filtered, con- centrated, and allowed to cool, when the urea will show itself as a crystalline deposit. To obtain urea from urine involves a much less satisfactory process, in that it requires more manipula- tion, and necessitates the employment of an immense quantity of urine to commence with, in order to secure an appreciable amount of the substance sought. The process is as follows : Urine is evaporated to a syrupy consistency, the deposit of phosphates and urates being filtered away as they appear, and about one-quarter of its volume of strong nitric acid added. A crystalline deposit of urea nitrate is immediately 8 ANALYSIS OF THE UEINE. formed, which is made still more abundant by cool- ing. The whole is then to be thrown upon a filter and the crystals dried between folds of bibulous paper. They are then dissolved in a little warm water and the solution heated with an excess of barium carbonate. The nitric acid quits the urea, setting it free, and unites with the barium to form barium nitrate ; the liberated carbonic acid manifesting its escape by effer- vescence. A little concentration will cause the barium nitrate to crystallize, when we get rid of it by filtering. Now evaporate our watery solution of urea to dryness over the bath and extract with as small amount of alco- hol as will dissolve the residue. On cooling the urea will crystallize out. Urea behaves in some respects like an organic base. It unites readily with nitric and oxalic acids to form the nitrate and oxalate respectively. Both of these products may be obtained from the urine, it being only necessary to evaporate this fluid down to about one-fourth its volume, allow it to cool and add an excess of the acid. In the case of nitric acid there will be a very abundant precipitate of urea nitrate in the form of flat six-sided scales more or less colored by the urine pigment, and overlying each other to such an extent as to almost conceal their true form. Urea has a much greater affinity for oxalic than for nitric acid, and if we add a strong solution of the for- mer to the deposit already obtained the nitrate will be decomposed, and a copious fawn-colored mass of urea- oxalate crystals appear. The crystals of this latter for- mation are very similar to those of the nitrate, being ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. rhombic plates and prisms. The}' may however be distinguished by their somewhat smaller size and the appearance among them of a few rather thick four- sided prisms. PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL RELATIONS. TJrea is the product of the retrograde metamorpho- sis of the nitrogenous constituents of the body. It is not formed in the kidneys, as once supposed, but ex- ists in the blood of the general circulation in the pro- portion of about 0.16 parts per thousand. It has also been discovered in the lymph and chyle, the humors of the eye, and in the perspiration. Whether urea is produced in the solid tissues or in the blood is not determined, but it is quite evident that the kidneys simply serve as eliminators of it ; because it is found that the renal veins contain much less urea than do the renal arteries ; and if the latter vessels be tied there is a very marked increase of urea in the blood. Urea is excreted at the rate of about 35 grammes (525 grains) per day. But this process depends very greatly upon several conditions which are never to be overlooked. The most, important are age, sex, bodily weight, food and muscular activity. Women and children produce less urea than men, though in children there is more in proportion to the weight. (Harley. Scherer. Becquerel.) Large people excrete more urea than small ones. The pro- portion is about .5 per thousand parts of the weight. All observers agree that the excretion of urea is aug- mented under the influence of a nitrogenous diet, and 10 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. diminished to a minimum by the use of food strictly non-nitrogenous. Five-sixths of all the nitrogen ingested has been found in the urinary solids ; and the entire quantity is to be detected in the urine and feces. 1 Practically urea represents all the nitrogen excreted. Whether muscular exercise affects the amount of urea discharged has been long a mooted question and the subject of numerous careful and laborious experi- ments. Liebig promulgated the doctrine that the tissues consume their own substance with the result to eliminate an amount of nitrogen proportionate to their activity. This view, however, has lately been assailed and in turn supported by many eminent observers. According to Parkes there is no increase of nitro- gen i. e., urea during unusual muscular exercise, but after such a period the increase is very striking. 1 Tick and Wislicinus, 8 two German experimenters, estimated the amount of urea discharged by themselves before, during and after the ascent of a high mountain on foot, the diet consisting of n on -nitrogenous food. The results obtained showed that there was less urea eliminated for a given time during the work than be- fore. At night, having arrived at the top, they par- took of a mixed meal which had the effect to augment 1 Parkes. Proceedings of the Royal Society, June 20, 1867, and Lehmann, Physiological Chemistry. Am. ed., vol. 1, p. 151. 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society, Jan., 1867. Vol. xv. Id. vol. xvi. Id. March, 1871. 3 " On the origin of muscular Power," Philosophical Mag. (Supplement) vol. xxxi., 1866. ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 11 the nitrogenous discharge, but it did not with either individual equal that excreted before the work. The most extensive and conclusive experiments on this sub- iect, however, are those performed upon the pedestrian Weston, by Prof. A. Flint, Jr. 1 In these observations the greatest care was taken in all the details. The amount of nitrogen in the food was calculated as well as that excreted, in order to avoid any error which might arise from the variation in the diet. Weston was under observation fifteen days five days before, five days during and five days after the walk. The result was that the increase of urea discharged during the period of exertion was very marked. These results have very recently received additional support by experiments upon the same individual, du- ring a recent trial of endurance in London, conducted by Dr. Pavy, 2 who had never accepted Prof. Flint's conclusions, but who. on the contrary, held quite op- posite views. It then appears settled that nitrogen- ous food and muscular activity increase the discharge of urea. But whether in the case of food the result is due to an excess of nitrogenous material in the blood being directly transformed into the excretion or whether the tissues are stimulated to more active metamorphosis by this- excess, is a question as yet un- decided. The excretion of urea varies with the different periods of the day, being less in the morning and greatest at night. Indeed we have seen specimens of urine passed late in the afternoon and evening which 1 New York Medical Journal, June, 1871, p. 669. 8 London Lancet, 1876. Vol. I., No. ix. et seq. 12 t ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. gave an abundant precipitate with nitric acid (urea nitrate) without previous manipulation. As a general rule an excessive discharge of water by the kidneys is accompanied by an augmentation in the amount of urea, and a diminished flow by a de- crease. Urea is formed and excreted as long as the vital functions are performed, whatever be the diet, and even when all food is withheld. In disease the production of urea may be both in- creased and diminished. It is increased in most febrile and inflammatory diseases such as pneumonia, perito- nitis, etc., but during convalescence sinks below the normal average. In diabetes mellitus, where the patient takes enormous quantities of food, the total daily quantity of urea may be 60 or TO grammes, (900 or 1050 grs). In diabetes insipidus it is also increased, evidently on account of the excessive amount of water ingested. The excretion of urea is diminished in renal dis- eases, cholera, phthisis and all other chronic affections accompanied by impaired nutrition. It is, however, evident that these deviations are not all due to the same cause. In diseases which interfere with the func- tions of the kidneys, the same amount of urea may be formed as in health, but the kidneys being impaired it accumulates in the circulation ; while in diseases char- acterized by a chronic torpidity of the vital forces the metamorphosis of the tissues and food is retarded but the small amount produced is properly drained away from the blood by the kidneys. In Bright's disease the failure of the urea to be ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 13 separated from the blood causes it to collect there in great quantity, and also to appear in every tissue and fluid of the body. Thus confined it acts as a poison upon the nervous system inducing what is known as uraemia. Retained any length of time in the urinary organs urea is decomposed into ammonium carbonate, which is absorbed and gives rise to a diseased condition called ammonmmia. Whether urea is thus changed in the blood and uraemia and ammonaemia are identical is not known. The method of estimating the quantity of urea will be given in another place. This is another excretory product closely resem- bling urea in that it is crystallizable, contains nitrogen and has the properties of an organic base. Yery little is known concerning it further than that it exists in small amount in muscle, and that it can be obtained from creatine of muscle, by the separation of the elements of water, as follows : Creatine. Water. Creatinine. H 2 - C 4 H 7 N 3 0. Both creatine and creatinine exist in the urine to a very small extent. They are probably intermediate formations in the metamorphosis of nitrogenous mat- ters towards urea, uric acid, carbonic acid and water. The remaining ingredients of the urine which have a practical interest will be considered under " urinary deposits." Color. The tint of healthy urine is liable to va- 14 ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. riation, though a yellow amber is about the standard color. The coloring matter of urine is a peculiar organic constituent which though diligently studied is not yet perfectly understood. Its proneness to decomposition renders it very difficult of separation in a pure state, and on this account a variety of substances have been described, differing somewhat in color and general characters, and christened accordingly. This is the reason we see so many names applied to the urine pigment. The most important results were obtained by Har- ley, 1 and Thudichum." Harley succeeded in obtaining a "bright red. non- cry stall izable compound " which when fresh closely resembles red sealing wax. After a while it gradually becomes darker and more brittle, but does not lose its general characters even after twelve years keeping. He describes it as being insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, chloroform and ether with a rich port wine color, according to the amount dissolved, and soluble in fresh urine imparting the characteristic tint of normal high colored specimens of that fluid. To this substance he gave the name Urohcematine ; for he believed it to be but the altered and eft'ete blood pigment, and its proportion in the urine to be directly connected with the metamorphosis of that substance. Urohsematine contains both nitrogen and iron. Ac- cording to its discoverer it is this material which is set free and manifests itself in the darkening of color when nitric or any strong mineral acid is added to urine. 1 The Urine and its Derangements. Phila., 1872, p. 96. 5 British Med. Journal, Nov. 5, 1864. ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 15 Urochrome is the name by which Tlmdichum designates the pigment which he succeeded in extract- ing from the urine, and it is perhaps the best term to remember. When separated, it presents itself as a yellow, uncrystallizable mass ; very soluble in water, to which it gives a yellow, urine-color. Whichever the pigment is, it is present in the urine in something like definite amount and depends upon the proportion of water whether it imparts a deep or faint color. Excessive indulgence in water, malt liquors and wine, and diminished activity of the perspiratory ap- paratus, will cause an increase of the watery element in the urine, and consequently more or less dilution. Under these circumstances we would find the color light ; in some cases resembling pure water. The converse of these conditions will produce a contrary result. Urine voided by nervous and hysterical pa- tients is in large quantity and almost devoid of color. Transparency. Normal urine is perfectly clear, with the exception of a small collection of mucus and epithelium which nearly always collect at the bottom of the vessel, but may entangle a number of air-bub- bles and float as a feathery ball just below the surface. Reaction. Healthy urine has an acid reaction, which is due not to the presence of any free acid, but to an acid salt, sodium bi-phosphate. This reaction may be decided or faint. But it should not be under- stood that unless the urine is acid it is abnormal. Indeed, the reaction may vary within healthy limits, between well-marked alkalinity and acidity ; the irregularity being to a great extent due to diet. The urine of carnivorous animals is acid, that of 16 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. herbivora is alkaline, while in omnivora the reaction can be said to occupy a position between the two. It has been ascertained that a vegetable diet will cause the disappearance of the acidity in the carnivora, and a regimen of flesh induce an acid condition in the urine of herbivora. Consequently in omnivorous man we are not surprised at the unstable reaction presented by his urine, and can account for the changes by refer- ence to his food. According to most observers the urine is alkaline after a mixed meal, but soon begins to grow less so, until the acid state is restored. The acidity increases during fasting, and reaches its greatest degree of in- tensity after about twelve hours abstinence from food. (Roberts.) It is well to note that this variation is not due to any diminution in the acid salt present, but simply to a sudden accumulation of alkaline ingredients, the re- sult of digestion. For during this process, all the salts of the organic acids, such as tartrates, malates, citrates, and lactates are transformed into alkaline carbonates, and as such appear in the urine. Substances contain- ing these organic compounds are in daily use, either as food or medicine. Many fruits and vegetables offer familiar examples, and carbonated mineral waters are a common cause of a temporarily alkaline urine. Specific Gravity. The specific gravity of nor- mal urine varies from 1018 to 1025. These limits may be extended in individual cases, and in fact, depend greatly upon the quantity of urine voided. In other words, the specific gravity bears an inverse ratio to the daily quantity. Should we have au increased flow of ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. 17 urine from unusual indulgence in drink, or from the action of any diuretic, we would not expect the densit}* to equal that where the same quantity of solid material is present in a less amount of water. For in diure- sis, except in a few instances of disease, we merely have the water increased, and not the solid constitu- ents. In such cases we should not be surprised to find the specific gravity as low as 1010 or even 1005. On the other hand, where the individual has taken little or no fluid, or has perspired freely, or is suffering from diarrhoea, the urine would be what we call concentrated that is, the normal amount of solid ingredients, salts, urea, etc., would be there dissolved in a small propor- tion of water. And under these circumstances, the specific gravity would be high even 1030 would not indicate disease. Daily Quantity. The total quantity of urine voided by a healthy individual during twenty-four hours is estimated to be about 1200 cubic centimetres. This is subject to variation, depending upon the quan- tity of fluids drunk, the activity of the perspiratory functions, etc. ; for it is evident that should there be a small proportion of fluids taken into the system, there will be less secreted by the kidneys, and vice versa. And should perspiration prevail to an unnatural de- gree, we would be getting rid of the water by another channel, and would not expect to find the same volume of urine ; the same may be said of watery discharges from the bowels. The kidneys act as regulators of the water-supply of the blood ; they take from it any ex- cess, and when there is an insufficiency, they demand only enough to dissolve the solid constituents of 18 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. the nrine, and to facilitate their discharge from the body. The estimation of the daily secretion of urine is one of the most important points connected with its stud} 7 . But it will readily be seen, from what has been said, that it depends greatly upon the specific gravity wheth- er the quantity voided has a clinical significance. In fact the daily quantity and specific gravity of urine are so closely related that it is difficult to treat of them separately. The solids, urea especially, are increased under the influence of muscular exercise, and an animal diet ; while the watery element is augmented by indulgence in drink, the action of diuretic medicines and by nerv- ous or hysterical conditions. Variations in specific gravity, ranging from 1005 to 1030, cannot be constant, and not excite suspicion regarding the integrity of the kidneys, or some pathological condition of the economy. To entitle them to be considered under the head of normal, they must be only temporary and easily re- ferred to some such cause as has been mentioned. 2. EFFECTS OF REAGENTS UPON NORMAL URINE. Cold. Cold has no visible effect upon urine of a specific gravity at or below about 1020. But in con- centrated specimens, after cooling, there will be a pre- cipitate, more or less colored, which consists of the amorphous urates, they being only soluble at an ele- vated temperature and in an excess of water. This precipitate first appears as a cloud throughout the whole volume of urine, but will gradually collect at ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 19 the bottom and adhere in specks to the sides of the vessel as a tine powder. Such a deposit or cloudiness will disappear upon again raising the temperature to that of the body. Heat. Normal urine of a decided acid reaction is unaffected by the application of heat. But should the reaction be faintly acid, neutral, or alkaline, heat will cause a cloudiness, due to the precipitation of the earthy phosphates of lime and magnesium. These two phosphates are insoluble in a neutral or alkaline fluid, and are less soluble in warm than in a cold medium, and therefore will be precipitated by heat if the reaction ofurine is even slightly acid. Acid. Vegetable acids have no immediate visible effect upon healthy urine ; but strong mineral acids deepen the color. If nitric or hydrochloric acid be added, in the proportion of about one-fourth, after several hours minute but distinct dark brown crystals will be seen clinging to the sides of the test-tube or vessel, and collected at the bottom. These are the crystals of uric acid which have resulted from a decom- position of the urates by the acid. If the specimen be concentrated, voided after abstinence, a copious pre- cipitate of urea nitrate in the form of white shining scales will follow the addition of nitric acid. Alkalies. When urine is rendered alkaline, the earthy phosphates of lime and magnesium will be precipitated. Silver nitrate solution added to urine precipi- tates the chlorides. But it is necessary to previously acidify the urine with a few drops of nitric acid, other- 20 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. wise silver phosphate will come down in addition to the chloride. It is sometimes expedient to estimate the compara- tive quantity of the chlorides, inasmuch as it is pretty well established that they are subject to great fluctua- tions in certain forms of disease. In pneumonia, pleurisy, and cholera, the chlorides almost disappear from the urine, and the silver salt produces little or no effect. But when the attack begins to subside, this reagent will detect the return of the chlorides. The precipitate is a very copious white cloud which turns black on exposure to the light. Barium chloride solution throws down the sul- phates from the urine. It is well first to add a little nitric or hydrochloric acid to the urine as some barium salts, other than the sulphates, are thereby dis- solved. The variations in the daily excretion of the sul- phates have little clinical significance as far as known. Basic acetate of lead and silver nitrate pre- cipitate the mucus and coloring matter. Many substances taken by the mouth or injected into the circulation subsequently make their appearance in the urine. Such are potassium ferrocyanide which can be detected a few minutes after administration by the blue color which it strikes with ferric nitrate; iodine given either in the free form or in combination is easily shown to be excreted by the kidneys. It, however, never appears free in the urine, and therefore will not give the characteristic reaction with starch until liberated by a drop or two of nitric acid ; quinine passes out by the urine and many articles impart their ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 21 peculiar odor, as ether, cubebs, copaiba, turpentine, peppermint, etc. CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE IN URINE AFTER BEING DISCHARGED FROM THE BODY. If a specimen of urine be kept for observation, the following changes show themselves: At first, after a period varying from two da} y s to a week, the acidity becomes more marked, the color is darker, and crystals of uric acid and lime oxalate make their appearance. Even should the urine be faintly alkaline, to commence with, and cloudiness exist from the precipitation of the earthy phosphates, it will become acid, and the cloudiness clear up, when the process continues as in the other case. The acid- ity increases up to a certain point, and then begins to grow less. It may continue two, four, or seven days; and Lehman states, he has observed the acid reaction to increase for two or three weeks, and then not disappear al- together until eight weeks. This is the ACID FERMENTATION of urine (Fig. 1), which although not constant, will be observed in the majority of cases. The acidity gradually j . e ' j Acid Fermentation : Uric acid, octahedra becomes fainter and of lime oxalate, and amorphous urates. fainter, and at length the urine is neutral. Now, marked changes will be noticeable. The urine is 22 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. cloudy ; myriads of vegetable organisms in rapid motion are visible under the microscope (Bacteria). Neutrality gives place very soon to alkalinity, which is advertised most emphatically by a putrescent, am- moniacal odor. The uric acid crystals disappear, and others of the ammonio-magnesium phosphate are pro- duced. These crystals are large prisms, and can be seen glistening on the surface of the urine where a layer of brittle fatty matter has formed. Dark, round crystals of ammonium urate may also be seen with the microscope. This state of things continues until the decomposi- tion is complete. . Then the ammoniacal odor will no longer be detected, and the urine will have lost most of its color. This constitutes the ALKALINE FEKMENTATION which is constant (Fig. 2) The chemistry o f these two fermentations has been differently ex- plained ; but that offered by Scherer is generally accepted as correct. He says that the or- ganic matters, the color- Alkaline Fermentation : Crystals of am- j n g matter and milCUS, monio-magnesium phosphate, ammo- nium urate and deposit of amorphous &Ct as catalytic bodies, lime phosphate. and i nduee t ] ie fermenta- tion whereby lactic acid is produced. Just how lactic is formed is not well understood, but it is certain that it makes its appearance in urine when allowed to stand, ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 23 in which it could not be detected when fresh. The presence of lactic acid then decomposes the urates, whereby uric acid is set free and makes its appear- ance as crystals. At the same time, oxalic acid must be produced, for crystals of the oxalate of lime show themselves. This oxalate of lime is very insoluble, and could not have existed in the urine before without detection. Therefore the supposition is that oxalic acid is formed and immediately unites with the lime already present, for which it has a great affinity. Theoretically we can account for the production of oxalic acid from uric acid. For when this is subject to oxidizing agents it is decomposed, among other substances, into oxalic acid. So much for the acid fermentation. Now, we have seen (p. 6) that urea is converted into ammonium carbonate when in contact with a de- composing organic substance, by the addition of two equivalents of water. Here then in the urine we have the conditions of this decomposition. The mucus gradually loses its power of producing lactic and oxalic acids, and begins itself to decompose; and surrounded by water, the arrangement for the transformation is complete. It accordingly takes place, and the first effect of the pres- ence of ammonium carbonate is to neutralize the acid reaction, and then to induce the alkaline. Now, of course, the earthy phosphates are no longer soluble, and render the urine opalescent by their precipitation ; the uric acid crystals are dissolved ; a scum of animal matter intermixed with the amorphous phosphates forms on the surface, and very soon glistens with 24 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. crystals of a new formation, ammonia-magnesium The urea continues to be decomposed, and ammo- nium carbonate to unite and form these several new substances, until there is nothing more for it to com- bine with. Now it escapes as gas, and the odor re- minds us of that common to public urinals, where, indeed, the same process as just described is going on. At length, all the urea is decomposed, and the evolu- tion of ammonia ceases. The other substances either remain unchanged or pass off in the form of other These are the important facts concerning normal urine, and a knowledge of them is indispensable, in that if we are' not acquainted with them, we certainly shall not be prepared to detect and appreciate the variations which constantly present themselves, and constitute an abnormal condition. PART II. CHARACTERS OF ABNORMAL URINE. Odor. The odor of urine is frequently affected, and is likely to attract the attention of both patient and physician, and lead to its examination. Many articles taken as food and medicine impart to it an odor peculiar to themselves. Such are asparagus, onions, turpentine, cubebs, and ' copaiba. An am- moniacal odor tells the story of decomposition, and urine containing pus, blood or albumen very soon decomposes and emits a putrid odor. Color. The color of urine is subject to many changes depending simply upon the degree of concen- tration. In febrile diseases, where we have a partial suppression of the watery element, the secretion is high-colored. In diabetes mellitus, a disease charac- terized by an inordinate flow of urine of high specific gravity, and containing sugar, the tint is light and of a peculiar straw color. In diabetes insipid ns the urine sometimes resembles pure water. In albuminuria, es- pecially of long standing, there is a peculiar whitish, albuminous appearance which is highly characteristic. But we should never rely upon the color as indicating the presence or absence of albumen. Certain articles of food and medicine affect the color of the urine. Strong coifee heightens, rhubarb 2 26 ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. imparts a deep yellow, and logwood gives it a reddish hue. Santonine renders it an orange red when alka- line ; when acid, a golden yellow. Creosote and com- pounds of tar have been known to cause the urine to become almost black ; and, lastly, blood and bile may be present in such quantities as to be readily recog- nized. The presence of bile may be distinguished from the effects of rhubarb by the addition of a little liquor ammonia, when the deep yellow of the latter will be converted into a crimson. Blue, green, and UacJc urine is occasionally seen. These remarkable pigments occurring in this situation were long in being understood. But it is now gene- rally acceded that they are due to the presence of in- dican, a colorless substance, identical with the vegeta- ble product from which the indigo-blue and indigo- red of the arts are obtained; and that they represent but different stages of oxidation of this substance. These peculiar colors never appear in freshly voided urine, but are always observed in that which has been allowed to stand exposed to the air. It depends upon the amount of the coloring-matter whether the entire volume of the fluid will be affected. Sometimes its presence is only manifested by the affinity which it has for small solid particles, such as epithelium debris, crystals and extraneous matters, when these substances will be seen under the microscope deeply stained red, blue, etc. The addition of mineral acids will precipitate these pigments in urine in which indican exists. Whether these extraordinary appearances have any ANALYSIS OF THE IJRTNE. 27 clinical significance is not decided. Indican has been detected in many specimens of healthy urines. * Transparency. If a specimen of urine under examination is not clear and transparent, it should be first ascertained whether there was any turbidity when first voided; for we have seen that perfectly healthy urine, when kept for any length of time, will undergo changes and a marked opalescence exist. And abnormal urine may be at first perfectly clear, but on cooling or standing exhibit a cloudiness or de- posit. It is possible for urine to be abnormal, and yet remain free from turbidity or deposit. For example, albumen and sugar are perfectly soluble, and can not be detected by simple ocular inspection. Substances which interfere with the transparency of recently discharged urine are, pus, blood, phos- phates, urates (if the specimen is cool), chyle, sper- matozoa, and epithelium. The reader is referred to each of these under the head of " Urinary Deposits." Reaction. After what has been said concerning the variability in the reaction of normal urine, it is sufficient to add now that when we meet with a patient whose urine is habitually or most of the time neutral or alkaline, we should regard him as a subject for treatment. Remember that the alkalinity may be due to the presence of the fixed salts of sodium and potassium, or 1 Literature : Hassall, Philosophical Transactions 1864, p. 297. Harley. " Urine and its Derangements." Phila., 1872, p. 107. In Thudiclmm, " On the Pathology of the Urine," Lon- don, 1853, p. 328, a very full account is given. 28 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. to the volatile one of ammonium ; that the former are derived from the blood and the latter is the result of the decomposition of urea. These two conditions can easily be distinguished apart by the ammoniacal odor which betrays the presence of ammonium car- bonate, and the fact that the blue color which it imparts to reddened litmus-paper fades away. And also, if the reaction be due to this alkali, we shall n'nd crystals of the ammonio-magnesian phosphate under the microscope. (Fig. 6.) Where either the fixed salts or the volatile one is present, of course the urine will be turbid from a precipitation of the earthy phos- phates. And this precipitation occurring in the blad- der is likely to give rise to a calculus ; yet it is pretty well established that the urine can remain alkaline a long time from sodium and potassium carbonates, and a stone not form. It is crystalline deposits which we have to fear in this regard, and as the volatile alkali induces crystalline formations, calculi or concretions are apt to accompany it. Then, too, we may have the urine abnormally acid, producing a scalding sensation during micturition. Now, we know what the result is when an acid is added to the urine outside the body: uric acid crystals will be precipitated. So it is in the bladder under the same conditions. These crystals then accumulate and form gravel, which may lodge in the kidney, ureter or bladder. In either situation it is easy to comprehend how their presence and increase in size will cause re- tention and decomposition of the urine and growth of the original uric acid concretion by successive layers of earthy phosphates. ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. 29 Daily Quantity and Specific Gravity. We have seen, in the case of healthy urine, how closely the specific gravity and daily quantity are related, and that as one increased, the other decreased ; or, in other words, that they bore an inverse ratio to each other. In certain diseased conditions, however, both are increased and decreased together. The specific gravity may be 1030, and the daily quantity 2 litres (60 oz). Here we would recognize the fact that there is a double waste of both water and solids. And, again, the specific gravity may be 1006 to 1012, and the quantity not exceed 400 cubic centimetres (12 oz). In this case, there is a suppression of both elements, and from retention of the chief solid constituent, urea, the most fatal results may follow. There is also a disease diabetes insipidus where the daily quantity of urine is enormous, and the specific gravity much below the normal standard. This state of things robs the sys- tem of its proportion of water, occasioning great thirst, whereby nature endeavors to counteract the drain. Here, then, as a general rule in abnormal urine, the specific gravity and the daily quantity are in direct ratio. When the amount of water is increased, the solids will be also, and vice versa. The specific gravity of urine will be increased by abnormal ingredients, such as pus, blood, mucus, albu- men, and sugar. Great care is necessary in collecting urine for ex- amination. The patient must be made to pass the entire secretion of twenty-four hours in one clean vessel, and from this total quantity a portion must be selected for examination, especially as regards the specific gravity. PAKT III. 1. URINARY DEPOSITS. THE urine is subject to deposits, or collections of solid and semi-solid substances, which, on account of their weight, subside when undisturbed. These de- posits consist of various materials, some of which are normal constituents of the urine, either separately or in combination, while others are foreign to its compo- sition altogether. It will be 'convenient to study urinary deposits by dividing them into these two classes. To THE FIRST CLASS BELONG URIC ACID, THE URATES, HIPFtfRIC ACID, THE PHOSPHATES, LIME OXALATE, EPITHE- LIUM, MUCUS, AND PIGMENTS. Uric Acid. CsH^Og. This is another nitro- genous excrementitious substance very closely resem- bling urea; its chief difference being that it is not so prone to decomposition, and does not exist in the body in a .free state, under normal conditions. Uric acid as soon as formed unites with a portion of the alkaline bases of the phosphates in the blood, and appears in the urine as sodium and potassium urates. It appropriates the sodium base in greater propor- tion and thus results the formation of sodium l)i- phosphate and the acid reaction of the urine : Sodium phosphate. Uric acid. Sodium urate. Sodium biphosphate. Nag [IPO* + C5H 4 N 4 8 = NaC 5 H 8 N 4 O 8 + KaH 2 PO 4 . ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. By oxidation uric acid is converted into urea and oxalic acid. There are various pathological conditions, not well understood, which give rise to free uric acid in the urine. Slight derangements in the digestive process, an excess of nitrogenous food or a want of alkalies will cause it to appear. "When free it invariably presents itself as crystals, in most instances of a brown color. We have seen that uric acid is set free during the acid fermentation of urine, and that it is caused by the development and action of lactic acid, which decom- poses the urates. We can accomplish the same result by adding any strong acid to a test-tube containing urine, and allowing it to remain quiet for several hours. Then the characteristic uric-acid crystals will be seen attached to the sides and collected at the bottom. The dark brown color which almost invariably dis- tinguishes these crystals is derived from the coloring matter of the urine, for which they have a great affinity. Yet we some- FIO. 3. times see almost colorless and pure crystals of uric acid ; and these are apt to be small square plates and diamonds. The formation of crys- tals of uric acid may take place in the uri- nary passages, not only as a result of fermen- tation, but spontaneous- uric Acid, ly. as just indicated. In either case, gravel and calculi i)Z ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. are likely to result. It is very important to know whether a deposit in a specimen under observation has taken place previous or subsequent to its discharge. A deposit of uric acid is of a dark brown co- lor, or if pure, it is a white, glistening sedi- ment, and under the microscope presents the greatest variety of crys- talline forms. In fact, so numerous are the shapes and arrangements of these crystals, that it UricAcid> is very difficult to de- scribe them. Yet when familiar with urinary crys- tals, they are not likely to confuse one. For it is only necessary to be able to recognize the other crystalline deposits, which vary little or none ; and then when a brown crystal of an unusual form is seen, it is pretty safe to pronounce it uric acid. 1 The most common mi- croscopic appearances are represented in Figs. 3 and 4% TESTS. Uric acid is insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether. It is soluble in an alkali, especially at a high temperature, and in sulphuric acid without de- composition, for it can be reprecipitated simply by the addition of water. There is a beautiful test for uric acid called the 1 Where any doubt exists as to the identity of a colored crys- tal it should be dissolved in a little warm alkali and then treated with hydrochloric acid ; when if it be uric acid minute colorless plates will be detected after some hours, under the micro- scope. ANALYSIS OF THE UKIXE. 33 murexid test. Place the uric acid in a clean white porcelain capsule, and add a drop or two of nitric acid ; then evaporate over the flame of a spirit-lamp. When the nitric acid has been driven off, there will a pink stain show itself, which on the addition of a little liquor ammonia, assumes a beautiful purple color. Urates. We have just seen that uric acid, simul- taneously with its formation, unites with a part of the loosely combined sodium and potassium of the phos- phates, and forms sodium and potassium urates. (It is a question whether the urine contains lime and ammo- nium urates.) The urates constitute the most frequent deposit met with in the urine. They appear as a dense cloud, which collects at the bottom of the urine-glass, and at the same time dusts the sides over with a powdery film. The color of the precipitate varies from a white to a red, according to the concentration of the urine, these substances having a great affinity for the coloring matter. The urates have very much the same characters, being soluble in an excess of water at a low temper- ature, and soluble in very small proportion of this medium under the influence of heat. It is this reason that, however concentrated the urine may be when voided, it is never turbid with the urates : but in a short time, the temperature falling, a cloudiness is visi- ble, followed shortly by a copious deposit. Knowing, then, that the urates are precipitated when the urine is deficient in water, we can under- stand how abstinence from drink, profuse perspira- tion, a watery discharge from the bowels, or any influence which lessens the normal quantity of water 34 ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. in the system, or turns it away from the kidneys, will have the effect of concentrating the urinary secretion, and causing the urates to appear when the urine cools. Yet, a deposit of the urates is not on all occasions due to a suppression of the watery element ; there are various disturbances of the system wherein their pro- duction and excretion is enhanced. In fevers, heart and liver diseases, the urates are deposited and are high colored. Irregularity in the digestive apparatus often induces their precipitation, and we often encounter a copious white deposit of them in the urine of teething children. A deposit of urates is almost always amorphous, though sometimes crystals of sodium urate are formed, and in the alkaline fermentation, ammonium urate. Crystals of sodium mate are met with in the chalky concretion common in the bodies of gouty persons, and also in the urine of such. In the concretions they are needle-shaped, arranged in rosettes of various s. degrees of perfection : while in the urine they assume a globular form, with irregular projec- tions along the surface. (Fig. 5, J.) Ammonium urate crystals appear as very dark, spherical masses, anc ^ as dumb-bells. They form during the alka- . Ammonium urat;e. ,. -, . . b. sodium urate. line decomposition, and can only be seen under that condition. (Fig. 5, a.) The ANALYSIS OF THE URTNE. 35 pathological indications of the crystalline urates are much more important than those attaching to the amorphous deposit, in that the former are deposited in the urinary tract, while the latter seldom are. A urine showing a precipitation of urates is always acid. TESTS. The urates disappear at a temperature of 100 F. They are soluble in an alkali. The addition of an acid decomposes them, with the liberation of uric acid which very soon crystallizes. This pro- cess is very interesting to observe under the micro- scope. The murexid test for uric acid is applicable to the urates. Hippuric Acid. CgHaNOa. Hippuric acid was formerly believed to exist only in the urine of her- bivora ; but it is now generally conceded that it is quite constant, in small proportion, in the renal excre- tion of man. It increases under the influence of a vegetable diet, and can be made to appear in large amount by taking benzoic acid by the mouth this substance being transformed into hippuric acid. Hip- puric has very similar characters to uric acid, and their compounds possess no important distinctions. The hippurates owing to their solubility never appear as deposits in urine. 13ut they are readily de- composed by acids, when the hippuric acid will form a crystalline deposit in very concentrated solutions. Crystals of hippuric acid may then be encountered during the acid fermentation of urine or as a result of the addition of an acid in our manipulations. The acid is easily obtained from the urine of the 36 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. horse, or by administering a quantity of benzoic acid to a man or dog. Then upon evaporating and adding hydrochloric acid, a visible deposit of hippuric acid is obtained, which under the microscope is seen to con- sist of long transparent prisms and needles. TESTS. These crystals may be mistaken for those of the phosphates. In such a case a drop of hy- drochloric acid will decide the question; the phos- phates being thereby dissolved and hippuric acid un- affected. To the taste they are bitter. The watery solution reddens litmus paper, showing it to be a stronger acid than uric. Phosphates. The alkaline phosphates of sodium and potassium, owing to their solubility, are never met with as deposits in urine. It is the earthy phosphates of lime and magnesium with which we have to deal as precipitates, and which are so frequently encountered. They present them- selves in three forms : the amorphous lime phosphate, the crystalline lime phosphate, and the ammonio-mag- nesium phosphate. Amorphous lime phosphate, with a small amount of magnesium phosphate, is the common deposit of urine rendered alkaline by a vegetable diet or the administration of vegetable acids and their salts. It frequently becomes abundant after nervous exhaustion, as loss of sleep, mental application, etc. This deposit renders the urine milky when voided, and subsequently subsides as a not very abundant white collection at the bottom of the vessel. Crystalline lime phosphate is sometimes met with. ANALYSIS OF THE UHINK. 37 The crystals are perfectly colorless needles arranged in radiating bundles. They are sometimes called the stellar phosphate. Roberts considers their presence indicative of some grave disorder, having discovered them in diabetes, cancer, and phthisis. It may, however, appear in normal urine when much lime has been introduced into the system. The ammonio-magnesian phosphate is a crystalline deposit, the result almost alwa} T s of the alkaline fer- mentation and the decomposition of urea. This de- posit very seldom takes place inside the body, and when it does, it is the result of retention of urine. Under these circumstances, decomposition takes place, and the ammonium, which is one of the results, unites with the magnesium already present, and the deposit* is formed. The ammonium normally present in the urine is seldom sufficient to constitute this deposit without the decomposition of urea. The earthy phosphates are only soluble in an acid fluid, the acid salt sodium biphosphate holding them in solution in the urine. Whenever the urine becomes neutral or alkaline from a diminution in the quantity of uric acid or from an excess of alkaline ingredients in the blood, or from retention and consequent de- composition, the earthy phosphates will be thrown down. "Notwithstanding the great amount of literature on tiie subject, "phosphaturia," with the exception of that induced by the alkaline decomposition, has not much clinical significance. Under the micro- scope the phosphates appear as amorphous gran- 38 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. Ammonio-maguesian phosphate. ules and, in the case of the ammonio-magnesian, large glistening prismatic crystals. When crj-stallization takes place rapidly we of- ten see beautiful feathery forms like those represent- ed in the lower portion of the accompanying figure. TESTS. The earthy phosphates are soluble in an acid solution; and are less soluble in hot than cold media. A drop or two of any acid will cause them to disappear. Lime Oxalate. Lime oxalate is found in urine as a result of the acid fermentation, and also in per- fectly fresh and undecomposed specimens. Indeed, the formation may take place in the body. It is claimed by many that oxalic acid is a normal constitu- ent of the urine, and that it, like the other ingredients, is subject to variation, and when furnished in a little more than the usual amount, it unites with the lime already present, and the oxalate is the result. It is probably derived from uric acid by oxidation. It appears as a whitish powder, and never is very abundant. A great deal has been said concerning the signifi- cance of oxalate of lime in the urine, under the heads of " Oxaluria " and Oxalic Diathesis." A long train of symptoms were attributed to its presence in the urine, such as nervous prostration, despondency, loss of sexual power in the male, etc. ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 39 And although there is not as much interest in the sub- ject now as formerly, I 'have reason to believe that the doctrine is not altogether false. But the chief significance which attaches to this deposit is the possibility of the formation of a stone ; and as this variety is very hard and rough, it is espe- cially dreaded. TESTS. A deposit of lime oxalate is always crys- talline, and the microscopic appearances are sufficient to distinguish it. The crystals are of two kinds, octahedra and dumb-bells, each being colorless and transparent. The octahedra, which are by far the most common, consist of two pyramids placed base to base and vary- ing in size from about 10 1 o0 of an inch to that which may be seen by the un- aided eye. The dumb-bells are highly characteristic. Occasionally an oval mass is seen which ap- pears to be a dumb- bell in process of forma- tion. Lime oxalate is solu- ble in strong mineral j Lime oxalate : Octahedra and dumb- acids. bells> Epithelium. Every specimen of urine contains some epithelium, which in certain diseases of the kid- neys and urinary passages is greatly increased. In the healthy state, we find that from the bladder in the greatest amount ; and in the female, vaginal epitheli- 40 ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. um will be mingled with the urine, if great care is not exercised. As the gerii to-urinary apparatus is lined with epi- thelium of different forms throughout its extent, it is well to know what are the peculiarities which distin- guish that of one region from that of another. Vaginal epithelium is very common in the urine of women, especially when there is any discharge from the vagina or uterus. It is easily recognized by its large size, thinness, wa- vy outline, and disposi- tion to fold upon itself. (Fig. 8, 5.) The female urethra contains very similar forms, but they are somewhat smaller. The urethra is lined by epithelium, which differs in the spongy and prostatic portions. Epithelium : a, Bladder : 6, Vaginal : - Cf Ecnai. From the meatus to the prostatic region, the cells are round and oval. About the prostate, they are spindle-shaped, caudate, and irregular. In the Uadder, the size is increased, and they are often seen still united by their edges. (Fig. 8, a.} Those from the ureters possess the same characters, only are of smaller size. The pelvis of the kidney contains small round and oval cells, of the flat variety, which are a little larger than tubular epithelium. The epithelium of the kidney tubules is a very ANALYSIS OF THE URIXK. 41 complicated one, but it is sufficient for our purposes to know that it is spherical, about twice as large as a blood-globule, from which it may be distinguished, should any doubt arise, by its nucleus. It usually comes away from the kidney adhering to fibrinons moulds of the tubes, but may often be seen floating free in the urine. (Fig. 8, c.) When epithelium is present in abundance, it will be accompanied by an increase in the natural amount of mucus, and the two substances settle to the bottom of the urine-glass, intimately mingled. Under the microscope, patches of epithelium-cells will be seen bold together by the adhesive mucus. Epithelium appears in the urine as a result of any inflammation or mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Mucus. There is always a small amount of mucus in healthy urine, especially in the first passed in the morning. It is to the presence of mucus, however limited in quantity, that the decomposition of urine is due. For if the urine be filtered, it may be kept for an indefinite time without any change manifesting itself. (Scherer.) Mucus appears as a deposit at the bottom of the glass, or may entangle air-bubbles and float just below the surface. It has the color of the urine contain- ing it, and when separated on a filter, is perfectly transparent and glairy. All amorphous and crystal- line deposits, blood, pus, casts, etc., become mingled with it and interfere with the transparency, or may mask its presence. Excessive secretion of mucus may be the result of 42 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. mechanical irritation, ammoniacal decomposition of the urine in the bladder, or chronic inflammation. Sometimes there is such an amount produced that the whole volume of urine will be rendered semi-solid, and will rope like the white of egg. TESTS. Mucus is liable to be confounded with pus, especially when colored by amorphous deposits. It may be distinguished from pus by its ropy and viscid nature, and, best of all, by its appearance under the microscope, mucus having no corpuscular ele- ments. Pigments. We frequently encounter peculiar little bodies under the microscope, possessing indefi- nite shapes and appearances, and attracting the atten- tion of the observer by their high color, being either red, dark brown, or yellow. They sometimes resemble epithelium, but show no nucleus; again, they may be an irregular mass, unlike any thing we are familiar with. What their origin and significance is, is an unsettled question. They are likely to occur in any specimen of urine, but Roberts states that in several cases of chronic JBright's disease, he has noticed a great increase of them. It has been thought that they might be epithelium- scales, stained by the coloring matter of the urine, as this is known to undergo changes whereby other colors are produced. The oxidation of indican probably has something to do with the matter. One other source, and a common one, of these col- ored specks under the microscope, it is important to guard against : it is that they may exist in the glass slides or covers; for these articles are polished with ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 43 a red powder, particles of which become imbedded in its minute irregularities. II. SECOND CLASS OF DEPOSITS : those which are foreign to the composition of the urine under any form. This class differs from the preceding in that most of the deposits have a pathological significance. The following are included under this head : BLOOD, CASTS, PUS, OIL, CHYLE, SPERMATOZOA , CYSTINE, KEISTINE, CONFERVOID VEGETATIONS, and BACTERIA. Blood. Blood may be mingled with the urine from either of the organs through which it has to pass. Urine containing blood may or may not give evidence of it when first passed. It depends upon the quanti- ty of blood present whether there will be any distinc- tion as regards color. If the quantity is small, we probably will not sus- pect its presence until the urine has remained undis- turbed some hours in a urine-glass, when a red line or layer will be discernible at the bottom. (It must not be confounded with uric acid, which is of a dark brown color, instead of a blood-red.) The deposit consists of the red corpuscles. We may have urine stained with blood, and yet containing no corpuscles, or at least a very few. Thus the blood may be represented in the urine under these two conditions : hcematuria, where the elements of the blood are present under their natural forms; hcematinuria, where the red corpuscles appear to have disintegrated or dissolved, and only a few per- 44 ANALYSIS OF" THE URINE. feet ones can be found. It is necessary to consider these apart. Ifcematuria. In hrematuria the red corpuscles are present, and impart to the urine a more or less red or smoky hue. The corpuscles have escaped from the circulation as a result of ruptured vessels some- where in the urinary tract, which may be due to vio- lence, as falls or blows, Bright's disease, temporary congestion, ulcers, abscess, and the lacerations attend- ing the presence of stone and gravel. Hsematuria is common in some irruptive fevers, notably scarlet; it is very frequently induced by the administration of turpentine and cantharides, and it may occur vica- riously for menstruation and a hemorrhoidal flux. The urine of women is extremely liable to contain blood during the menstrual period, from admixture outside the body. Hcematinuria. This curious affection is charac- terized \>y a chocolate-colored urine, due to the pres- ence of haemoglobin, which had transuded through the blood-vessels, and appears independent of the blood corpuscles which are thought to have dissolved. Dark granular and hyaline casts are frequently found, as well as amorphous matter and octahedra of lime oxalate. The occurrence of the blood coloring matter in the urine independent of the corpuscles characterizes a disease which has recently received considerable atten- tion. The chief features of hsematinuria are first of all, its intermittent character; and second, the total absence, in the majority of cases, of symptoms attrib- utable to disorders of the urinary apparatus. ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. 45 In short, the general opinion is that it is a form of malarial poisoning, and it is consequently fre- quently spoken of as malarial or paroxysmal haema- turia. Whether there is a marked absence of the red corpuscles in this disease is a question upon which authors disagree. In a case under my own observa- tion there was never any scarcity of them during the attacks. Dr. Legg 1 attributes the failure of some to find them to their rapid disappearance in urine when kept for some hours. The urine contains albumen during the paroxysms, but is generally entirely free from it in the intervals. TESTS. A rupture permitting the escape of the blood corpuscles will, of course, allow of the passage of albumen, arid consequently we always find this sub- stance in haematuria. The corpuscles themselves are albuminoid, and were there no free albumen present, would respond to the heat and nitric acid tests. But the most positive proof of the presence of blood is furnished by the appearance of the sediment under the microscope. This instrument, with a -inch lens, will reveal the corpuscles. They are bi-concave discs, about -joW f an i nca in diameter. By careful focus- ing, their form can be distinguished, the outline and centre never being equally distinct at the same time ; then if a current be excited in the drop under the eye, by touching the side of the thin glass cover with a bit 1 On Paroxysmal Ilammturia : St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. London. 1874. Here a full resume of the subject is given. 46 ANALYSIS OF THE UEINE. of blotting-paper, the corpuscles will roll over and FIG. 9. over and show their thin edges and concave sur- faces. All these points are illustrated in Fig. There are changes, however, which blood corpuscles undergo when subjected to unnatural influences. In the blood serum, they maintain Blood Corpuscles : a, Normal ; b, Swol- t ] le j r snape an( J g j ze ^llt len by absorption ; c, Shriveled from lack of water. immersed in a watery solution like urine, they immediately begin to absorb water, and very soon have swollen to twice their natural size, lost their color and bi-concave character, and have become spherical. When allowed to dry, they shrivel and become so irregular that should one not be familiar with the fact, he might not suspect their presence. When in this condition, the addition of a drop of water containing a little common salt will cause them to assume something of their original shape. In the event that we should fail to detect any corpuscles when blood is suspected, they having dis- solved or never having been present, it is only neces- sary to apply heat and nitric acid. Then if there be haemoglobin present, it will assume a very dark color, become entangled with the coagulated albumen, and if allowed to rest, will collect at the bottom of the test-tube as a chocolate-colored mass, with the trans- parent urine above. ANALYSIS OF THE DEINE. 4:7 The spectroscope will detect exceedingly small quantities of haemoglobin in solution, and should any doubt exist as to whether blood is present in a speci- men of urine, this instrument will very readily determine. 1 Casts. Casts are moulds of the uriniferous tubules. The kidney is largely supplied with capillaries, which form a complex network about the tubules, and any congestion of the organ is very apt to result in an exu- dation from the blood-vessels into these little canals, of a peculiar substance, the composition of which is not well understood. This substance has the property of spontaneous coagulation, and thus adapts itself to the shape and size of the tube, and the urine collecting be- hind, washes it out, and it subsequently appears in the urine as a cast. The pressure which induces this exu- dation is also sufficient to cause a transudation of the liquid portion of the blood ; and it results that albu- minuria always exists where casts are formed. Casts are not all of the same diameter. One reason for this is, that the tubules themselves vary in size in different parts of their course. Another cause de- pends upon the fact that in certain affections of the kidney, the epithelium lining the tubules is detached arid voided with the urine. Now, a tubule thus de- nuded is larger than it was previous to the shedding of its lining, and consequently will afterward form a larger cast. Casts differ as regards appearance. The coagulable 1 See Dalton's Physiology. Phila. . 1875. P. 248. And a paper by the author, The Spectroscope ; its Value in Medical Science. Trans. N. Y. Academy of Medicine. 1876. 48 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. matter which transudes into the tubules is perfectly transparent and structureless, so far as has been ascer- tained. The theory is, that this material when col- lected in the tubules fills and distends them ; this dis- tention causes pressure upon the epithelium lining which adheres to and sinks into it to a certain extent. Now, when the cast is washed out by the pressure of urine from behind, it pulls slightly upon its epithelial attachments, and if the cells be detached or detachable, through degeneration, they must come along with it. It follows, then from the above description that if the kidney is not diseased to such an extent as to allow of desquamation of its epithelium, or, on the other hand, if the epithelium has been previously shed, leaving the tubule bare, the cast will come away and appear in the urine unaltered as regards its structure, and will appear as a transparent mould of a renal tubule. These we call hyaline casts. It is not necessary, after the above explanation, to say more than that when the epithelium does show itself adhering to the cast, we recognize another va- riety namely, epithelium casts. And suppose these epithelium cells to have under- gone a fatty degeneration, we should then have fatty casts. Go a little further, and imagine the epithelium to have suifered what is known as a granular degene- ration, then we should lind granular casts. Besides these varieties, we meet with several others, having nothing to do, however, with the epithelium element. These are Hood, pus, and waxy casts. As it is my purpose to give a few hints respecting the practical bearing of the subjects treated of in this ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 49 manual, it will be necessary to glance at each one of these casts separately. Hyaline Casts, as their name implies, are struc- tureless and transparent. They vary in diameter from the width of one blood corpuscle to that of three. Their length is not definite. Being transparent, they are difficult to find, and on this account are often overlooked. The mode of formation of these casts has been stated above ; and therefore when they are small, it is fair to suppose the kidney yet to be comparatively sound, and the cause of the symptoms which led to the examination of the urine, not of long standing. At any rate, we meet with small hyaline casts in acute Bright's disease. But what does a large hyaline cast signify ? It tells the story of a more advanced dis- ease, and its transparency is not due to a refusal of the epithelium to come FIG. 11. off with it, and thereby asserting its healthiness ; but, on the contrary, its very size bears evidence of the previous shed- ding of the epithelium, and of the present nudity of the tubule whence it came. A cast of this last va- riety may be perfectly > Hyaline casts ; b, Epithelium casts. transparent, or it may be dotted over with a few specks of granular matter, and perhaps here and there a broken-down epithelium cell. 3 50 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. It is evident that in chronic disease of the kidney, both small and large hyaline casts will be found in the urine, because the organ is not equally diseased in all its parts. (Fig. 11, a.) Epithelium Casts. We have seen that the effu- sion of n'brinous material into the uriniferous tnbules undergoes spontaneous coagulation, and is afterward washed out by the urine which collects behind it; and that if the epithelium lining the tubules be detached or detachable, it will adhere to the mould, and be afterward found in that situation in the urine. The cells may be scattered upon the surface of the cast or may present a regular arrangement, the same which existed while they yet occupied their normal place in the kidney. At the same time, there will be found free epithelium in the urine. Epithelium casts are found in the urine of persons convalescing from scarlet fever, and in acute Bright's disease. In pneumonia and severe inflammatory dis- eases, they are the prevailing variety of cast. (Fig. 11, &.) Fatty Casts are epithelium casts in which the epithelium has undergone a fatty degeneration. The cells appear to have been filled with fat and to have burst, discharging their oily contents into the tubules, where they have adhered to the h'brinons effusion. The cast will be more or less covered with these minute oil-drops and epithelial cells, which are also full of oil or fat. At the same time, fatty cells and free fat will be seen floating in the urine. (Fig. 12, a.) Casts of this description are found in chronic affec- tions of the kidney, and their presence in the urine is a very grave sign. ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 51 Granular Casts represent the epithelial element in a state of granular degeneration. What this granu- lar material is, is not very well understood, though supposed to be fat in a state of fine subdivision. The cell may have entirety disappeared, or may remain, filled with these granules. These casts, appearing in abundance, are indicative of serious changes in the kidneys, and their presence determines an unfavorable prognosis. Fig. 12, b, no. 12. illustrates the granular cast. It will be noticed that they are dark, and have ragged extremities. Blood Casts. If there is a hemorrhage in. the kidney when the conditions are present which induce the for- mation of casts, the blood-globules will attach > Fa y casts ? 6 - Granular casts - themselves to the mould, sometimes very regularly, and form what is called a blood cast. At the same time, they will be present in a free state in the urine. Blood casts are common in scarlet fever and any form of acute Bright's disease. They do not gen- erally present themselves for any length of time, being the result of a hemorrhage which is not apt to continue. Pus Casts. These are rare. They are met with where the kidney is the seat of abscess. Yet cases where abscess was found at post-mortem examina- tions, and furnished no pus casts during life, are re- 52 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. corded. When present, they have the appearance of pus corpuscles adhering to the fibrinous cast. The urine will at the same time contain more or less pure pus. To prevent confounding pus corpuscles and epithelium, it is well to note that they are smaller, and the addition of acetic acid will render the cell- wall of the pus corpuscle transparent, and reveal a distinct granular nucleus. Amyloid or Waxy Casts are the large, transpa- rent, and waxy-looking objects which are occasionally seen, and are thought by some to denote a correspond- ing condition of the kidney. But nothing definite is yet known concerning them. They sometimes present a few transverse markings and fissures, as though they were very brittle and had been broken. This completes the list of casts, and it may be use- ful to sum up their clinical significance. The appearance of a few small hyaline casts may be, and probably is, the result of a congestion in the kidney of recent origin. Epithelial and hyaline casts are very frequently found in the urine of patients recovering from scarlet fever, pneumonia, bronchitis, and congestive diseases generally. Fatty, granular, and waxy casts have a grave signif- icance ; yet the appearance of 'one or two of them should not induce us to pronounce too certainly the fatal termination of the case. It is the continuance of a prevailing kind of cast which is most to l>e relied upon in the way of diagno- sis and prognosis. DETECTION. We depend upon the microscope al- ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 53 together for the detection of casts, and considerable skill is sometimes necessary to distinguish between them and certain extraneous matters. The most fre- quent sources of confusion in this respect are cotton fibres and feathers. Cotton fibres are striated, and are apt to be folded or twisted. A particle of feather or hair has de- finite anatomical char- acters, which should be too well known to allow of a mistake. The ap- pearances of these acci- dental substances are shown in Figure 10. As a guide, it mav be . ", a, Hairs ; b, Cotton fibres ; c. Starch Said Ot CastS, that thej grains ; d, Air-bubbles ; , Feathers. are generally rounded at one extremity, have parallel sides, and are not flexible enough to allow of folding or twisting. Casts are liable to disintegrate, and may become so changed as to escape detection if allowed to remain in decomposing urine. Therefore it is important to look for them before decomposition begins. The lightest cast will have fallen to the bottom of the urine-glass in ten or twelve hours. Then gently pour away all the urine except about two drachms, and from this, with the aid of a glass tube, take up, from the bottom, a drop or two for microscopic examination. (See last page for detailed directions for microscopic manipulations.) Pus. The're are various causes giving rise to pus 54 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. in the urine. Cystitis, pyelitis, gonorrhoea in fact, an abscess or ulceration communicating with the urinary tract at any point. In women, purulent discharges from the vagina are likely to confuse us as to the ori- gin of the pus found in their urine. Urine containing pus is turbid when voided, and, on standing, deposits a whitish cloud of a ropy consisten- cy, which distinguishes it from an inorganic deposit. It decomposes very readily and emits a nauseous odor. TESTS. Pus consists of a fluid and a corpuscular element. The fluid is albuminous, and will be acted on accordingly by heat and nitric acid, although puru- lent urine never gives a marked coagulum; and this fact serves as a good test, the turbidity not disappear- ing with heat and nitric acid, and at the same time scarcely becoming more marked. Liquor potassa causes a semi-solid, gelatinous pre- cipitate. The microscope will reveal the pus corpuscles, and FlG - 13 - this is conclusive evi- dence. These bodies are a little larger than the blood corpuscles, color- less and spheroidal. They are made up of cell-wall, granular con- tents, and nuclei. By the addition of a drop of acetic acid, the cell-wall is rendered t r a n s p a- a, Pus corpuscles ; b, Effect of acetic , , . acid ' rent, and the nucleus is brought sharply into view. (Fig. 13.) ALALYSIS OF THE URINE. 55 Oil. It has been asserted that oil is a constituent of normal urine in very small proportion, and only detected after a careful analysis. It, however, sometimes makes its appearance in quantities sufficient not only to be recognized under the microscope, but visible to the unassisted eye. It may present itself either as distinct oil-drops, as granules, or as a very fine emulsion, each particle of which appears as a mere point under the microscope (this latter condition we have in chylous urine). If either of these forms of fat are in the urine, we shall have a layer of it on the surface when allowed to rest. In the case of granular fat, the layer will appear creamy ; where the globules are of any size, a yellow, oily layer will be seen. Oil globules \vere detected in the urine of a man who was taking cod-liver oil by Roberts. Fatty de- generation of the kidneys is accompanied by oil in the urine. Much speculation has been indulged in concerning the source of oil where there is no recog- nizable affection of any organ. It is known that during digestion, the blood is loaded with chyle, and may, under circumstances not understood, permit it to escape into the urine. (See " Chylous Urine.") A frequent source of oil-drops in the urine is the vessel in which it is collected, or the bottle in which it is brought to the physician, and, in many instances, the passage of catheters and sounds, which are always oiled before being introduced. TESTS. Oil is soluble in ether. But if it be in small quantity, it often becomes necessary to first 56 ANALYSIS Ofr THE URINE. extract it with ether, and afterward evaporate almost to dryness before any traces of it can be seen. Under the microscope, oil-drops are distinguished by their perfectly circular outline, difference in size, and solubility in ether. As seen in urine, the glo- bules are never very large, and might be mistaken for blood corpuscles. But their sharp-cut, bright outline, absence of color, and peculiar properties mentioned above, can scarcely fail to identify them. Chylous Urine. Chylous urine has ever been one of the most interesting, and at the same time puz- zling conditions with which we have to deal. In appear- ance, it is milky, and on standing collects in a creamy layer on the surface. There is always more or less blood, fibrine, and albumen present. Sometimes it coagulates spontaneously when passed, and very closely resembles blanc mange. Cases are related where it coagulated in the bladder and complete^ blocked up the urethra, from which it was extracted in long flakes. It is a rare affection, and but few cases are reported. "Writers disagree widely concerning its pathology and symptoms; but without going over the history at length, the following are the "main points regarding this peculiar disease : It is most common in warm climates; makes its appearance suddenly, and as suddenly ceases, to re- appear again after \ionths or even years. Sometimes it coagulates spontaneously, like lymph, and again does not undergo this change. The rnilkiness is more marked after meals. The older authors considered the kidneys and the assimilative functions -of the system to be at fault and diseased. But casts have ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 57 been searched for in vain, and several post-mortem examinations of individuals who were affected with this disease have failed to afford evidence of altera- tions in any organ. So that now it begins to be stated that the chyle and lymph are discharged directly into the urinary passage from the lymphatic vessels themselves ; and Hoberts especially advances this opinion, having noticed, in patients voiding chylous urine, appearances which indicated disease of the lymphatics. We had an opportunity recently of examining a specimen of chylous urine, the history of which it may be well to relate. The patient had resided in the South most of his life. About ten weeks before, he had attempted to pass his urine five times within an hour. This necessitated great straining, and he was suddenly alarmed by a severe pain and a discharge of blood and milky urine. (The pain was located in the prostatic urethra, and as he had undergone an op- eration for stone a few years before, it and the hem- orrhage were referred to that cause.) This condition came and disappeared several times until we saw the urine. The patient stated that the milky fluid some- times was perfectly free from any urine. He was able to know this from the fact that the uriniferous odor was entirely absent, and, moreover, the bladder had just been emptied only a few minutes before. This urine did not coagulate spontaneously. It contained blood, and had an alkaline reaction. TESTS. Besides the characters above stated, other tests are scarcely necessary. Chyle is oil in a state of emulsion. 3* 58 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. Under the microscope, the granules appear very minute. Spermatozoa. The spermatic elements some- times become mingled with the urine in sufficient numbers to form a deposit. As a deposit, they re- semble mucus and pus, though never so abundant. Their presence may be accounted for as a result of coition or an involuntary discharge of semen. This latter may be continuous and constitute spermator- rhoea. With the exception of this last-named condi- tion, the presence of spermatozoa in the urine is without significance. TESTS. The semen is albuminous, and will be ren- dered cloudy, to a more or less degree, by heat and nitric acid. But the microscope will decide whether the albuminous reaction is due to the presence of semen, in that it will reveal the characteristic fila- ments or spermatozoa. If the specimen be recent, they will be in active motion. Spermatozoa are possessed of a head and tail-like extremity, the former being slightly flattened from before backward. Their length is about ^ of an inch. Fig. 14, a.} Cystine. This is a substance but rarely met with, compared with other deposits. Its source is not positively known, though supposed a, Spermatozoa; b, Bacteria. to be the liver. Are- markable fact concerning it is its liability to run in ANALYSIS. OF THE U II INK. families. The most important clinical significance attaching to it is its liability to form a calculus ; other wise eystine may appear in the urine of an indi- vidual for years and not depreciate the health. Urine containing cystine has usually an oily ap- pearance, and deposits a light, rose-colored powder. Decomposition takes place very soon, and according to Dr. Bird, the color changes to a green. Cystine contains sulphur, which in the process of decomposi- tion is evolved as sulphuretted hydrogen. TESTS. Acetic acid will cause a further precipitate to take place. It is insoluble in the vegetable acids, and is not dissolved by heat. It is soluble in am- monia and mineral acids. The crystals are six-sided plates, and colorless. If a solution of cystine be placed in a shallow dish with a little ammonia, evapo- FIG. 15. ration will cause a de- posit of the pure crys- tals. Cystine crystals are easily distinguished from uric acid by their solubility in nitric acid. (Fig. 15.) Keistine. It was at one time thought that the urine of pregnant women offered peculiari- ties by which the pregnant state could be diagnosed. It was stated that there would form upon the surface of such urine a layer of cheesy matter unlike any ap- pearance presented when the subject was not pregnant. Cystine. 60 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. The name keistine (cheesy) was given to this forma- tion. The results of observation, however, have been so conflicting that the profession, to-daj, do not regard the formation as a distinct one, but attribute the phe- nomenon as one and the same thing as the alkaline fermentation, which is hastened in pregnancy by the presence of an increased amount of animal matter, such as epithelium and mucus from the vagina and bladder. VEGETABLE FUNGI. There are several microscopic vegetable growths which invade the urine. The most important are the Penicillium, glaucum, or common mould, and Sac- charomyces, or sugar fungus. Penicillium Glau- cuxn. This is the com- mon mould so frequently seen on old leather and articles kept in damp places. It is apt to ap- pear in urine when left exposed at ordinary tem- perature, but whether there will be a visible deposit depends upon Pemcillium Glaucum. the extent of fche growt h. This fungus as seen under the microscope con- sists of two distinct parts: the mycelium and the spores. The mycelium or vegetative portion is an irregular interlacement of fibres which are immersed in the ANALYSIS OF THE CRIME. 61 urine. From these arise slender stalks which shoot upwards towards the surface, and on reaching it de- velop the spores upon their extremities. It is chiefly by the arrangement of the spores upon the stalk that we are able to distinguish the different fungi having a mycelium. In the variety under con- sideration they are disposed in diverging rows and have a peculiar whitish-green color; hence its name. (Penicilus, brush-like, and yAawcoc, sea-green.) The spores ripen and fall into the urine or are blown away to other quarters. In either case, if the locality be a favorable one, they immediately begin to elongate and then to branch, until very soon a myce- lium of new growth is formed. There are other varieties of vegetable fungi very similar to penicillium liable to be encountered in a microscopic inspection of urine, but none of them have any special interest, their presence being due to the ubiquitous nature of their spores. Saccharomyces. This is the term applied to the variety of fungus found in solutions undergoing the vinous fermentation conversion of sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid. It will make its appearance in any 'saccharine mixture containing albuminous matter and subjected to a temperature of about 70 F. Saccha- romyces is therefore especially interesting to the phy- sician in that its appearance in urine is a certain indi- cation of the presence of sugar. This plant consists 'simply of cells of about 10 micro-millimetres (-g-gVe of the cells; that of beer-yeast is known as " Saccharomyces Cere- visiae." Saccharorayces multiplies by budding, and FIG'. 17. during the active state the cells present appear- ances indicative of the process ; from the young bud just beginning to emerge from the parent cell, on through the vari- ous stages of its growth until it has attained an equal size, and finally separates. Occasionally Saccharomyces cerivisi*. the new ceU putg forth buds before it becomes independent and gives rise in this way to a chain or irregular collection of cells, as seen in the figure. 1 Bacteria (little rods). This is the general term given to the minute vegetable organisms invariably present in putrefying animal and vegetable matter. They consist of simple cells filled with a colorless fluid and presenting several varieties of form : spheroidal (mierococcus), curved (vibrio), twisted (spirillum), and oblong, (bacterium). The varieties most common to decomposing urine are bacterium termo, vibrio, and mierococcus; but unless we employ very high powers of the microscope 1 For an elaborate description of these and similar fungi, see Botanische untersuchungen iiber die Alkoholgarungspilze. By Max. lleess, Leipsic. 1870. ANALYSIS OF THE TJKINE. 63 these last will not be detected, on account of their very minute size. Bacterium termo measures about -^-^ mm. (y^f^ of an inch) in length by about T ^ w mm. (^-OTT of an inch) in breadth. Vibriones are of about the same width, but three or four times longer. The most remarkable feature connected with these bodies is their active motion, which is seen to consist of rapid vibrations with the effect to propel the cell with considerable velocity through the fluid. The appearances presented by bacteria of two cells connected together is due to their mode of multiplica- tion being by division ; if closely watched the sepa- ration will very soon be seen to be complete. PART IY. ACCIDENTAL INGREDIENTS WHICH DO NOT FORM DEPOSITS. THERE are certain abnormal substances frequently present in urine, but which are in such perfect solu- tion as to afford no evidence of their presence by way of a deposit, and with the exception of bile may have little or no effect upon the natural color. Such are albumen, sugar, and bile. Albuminuria. We have seen that urine con- taining pus, blood, or semen will necessarily be albu- minous, but we come now to consider albuminuria which is not due to the presence of either of the above but which is occasioned by the escape of the albumin- ous constituents of the blood through the kidneys. This phenomenon may result from 1. Mai-assimilation of albuminous food. 2. Mechanical obstruction to the renal circulation. 3. Chronic degeneration of the kidneys. We know that in order to be assimilated albumin- ous substances must first be converted into alburnin- ose, and subsequently into blood-albumen. Now it is a well established fact that if this process is not carried out and albumen enters the circulation imperfectly digested, it is immediately eliminated by the kidneys. It is therefore easy to understand how deranged diges- ALALYSIS OF THE URINE. f>5 tion or excessive indulgence in albuminous food will be sometimes followed by albuminuria. Mechanical obstruction will include all of those conditions which interfere with the normal circulation of the kidneys and induce congestion. The cause may be an inflammation of the kidney itself as in nephritis (Bright' s disease) ; it may be due to passive congestion from hepatic or cardiac disease or the pressure of a tu- mor, and it is induced by the specific poisons of many general affections, as rheumatism, gout, scarlet, yellow, typhus and typhoid fevers, and malaria. Increased blood-pressure is also brought about in the kidneys by lesions of the central nervous system. In these the vaso-motor filaments are paralyzed. Chronic degenerations of the kidneys are, as a rule, the result of prolonged congestions ; and the albumen which escapes them is principally due to a continuance of this condition and the frequent attacks of inflamma- tion to which they are especially liable. Albuminous urine has certain characteristics appre- ciable by simple ocular inspection. In the first place it froths more ihan normal urine, when violently agi- tated ; and if the disease be of long standing the color will be light and the specimen present a peculiar hazy appearance due to the presence of casts, fat granules and epithelium. In nephritis there will be more or less blood present. The specific gravity of albuminous urine is low 1004-1015 on account of the deficiency in solids, especially urea. It is of the highest importance to subject urine in which albumen has been detected, to a microscopic ex- 66 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. amination ; for it is by the presence or absence of casts and certain other debris that we are able to judge of the morbid conditions which prevail. (See "Casts.") Albumen always exists in urine where casts are found, but casts are not necessarily present in every instance with albumen. TESTS. Albumen is coagulated by heat, alcohol, the mineral acids and by a solution of acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide. Other methods do not con- cern us. A test-tube is one-third filled with the suspected urine, and held in the flame of a spirit-lamp until boil- ing is fairly going on. If any perceptible opacity has ensued it can be due to two things albumen or the earthy phosphates. The question is determined by the addition of one or two drops of nitric acid ; if it be albumen the opacity is slightly increased, if the phosphates it entirely disappears. When the amount of albumen present is very small it is necessary to proceed very carefully and have an equal quantity of the same specimen, which has not been manipulated, in another test-tube for comparison. Nitric acid alone is a delicate test for albumen. The test-tube should be inclined and the acid allowed to run down the side and gain the bottom, where it will be seen as a clear layer. If albumen be present there will appear an opaque stratum where the urine and acid come in contact. There are two fallacious results which are likely to follow the addition of nitric acid to urine containing an excess of either urea or the urates, which might mislead a novice. With the first there rnav be a crvs- ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 67 talline precipitate of nrea nitrate; with the second an amorphous deposit of uric acid. Neither of these, however, should be taken for albumen, for they both disappear when heated ; and besides the urea salt pre- sents definite crystals as will the uric acid if allowed to stand a few hours. The most delicate test for albumen is with acetic acid and potassium ferroeyanide. Render the fluid to be tested distinctly acid with acetic acid and add a few drops of a solution of potassium ferrocyanide; the presence of albumen will be indicated by an increased opacity. There is one fact to be borne in mind in testing with heat alone where no evident effect follows its ap- plication. It is that a strongly alkaline condition will hold albumen in solution against heat ; hence the im- portance of always employing nitric acid after boiling. A convenient, and for general purposes a sufficiently accurate, method for estimating the quantity of albu- men from day to day, is simply to coagulate with heat and nitric acid and allow the coagulum to collect at the bottom of the test-tube and compare its mass with the amount of urine used, as J, , etc. For greater accuracy a graduated tube may be used. Sugar. There is a grave disorder chiefly charac- terized by the excretion of enormous quantities of saccharine urine of high specific gravity, 1030-1060, known as diabetes mellitus. The pathology is obscure. "We know that one of the functions of the liver is to produce sugar, and that this process is carried on in- dependent of saccharine and starchy food. But what is the particular lesion or class of lesions which causes 68 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. the fluids of the body to be saturated with sugar is not determined. It has been suggested that diabetes mellitus may be due to two distinct conditions : An excessive pro- duction of sugar by the liver, and a failure of the sys- tem to assimilate that normally produced. Experimentally sugar can be made to appear in the urine by various operations upon the nervous system and by any means which accelerates the portal circulation. The ingestion of large quantities of sugar or food containing it, especially after fasting, will induce a saccharine condition of the urine. Disease of the liver is not, then, necessarily the primary cause of diabetes. Sugar appears in the urine, temporarily, during the course of various affections, as, disease and injury of the nervous system, mental shock, amputation, pregnancj 7 , etc. Saccharine urine presents a peculiar bright straw color. Albumen is frequently present. A drop pluced upon the fingers and allowed to evaporate leaves a sticky molasses-like residue. TESTS. If saccharine urine be boiled with liquor potassse, it will assume a dark brown or molasses color. This is known as Moore's Test. It is unreliable in that any urine of high specific gravity will give the same result. If a little yeast be added to urine containing sugar, fermentation will ensue, whereby carbonic acid gas and alcohol are produced. The gas escaping in bub- bles can be collected and tested. This is a good test, but not a very convenient one. It is not necessary to ANALYSIS OF THE UKINK. OU add yeast except to hasten the result, for if sugar is present in urine the yeast fungus, saccharomyces cere- visice, will be spontaneously developed and the decom- position proceed as in the former case. A convenient apparatus with which to apply the fermentation test to urine is constructed as follows : Procure a glass jar or test-tube capable of standing upright, and provide it with a tight-fitting stopper. Through the stopper let a glass tube descend almost to the bottom of the jar. Half an inch of the lower extremity of this tube should be bent upwards, and that portion which is outside the jar curved so as to have its extremity di- rected downwards. Fill the jar with the suspected urine, add a small lump of German yeast, and adjust the cork and tube. The whole is now to be kept in a moderately warm place, 70 F., for about 48 hours; and if sugar be present, except in very minute amount, the decomposition into alcohol and carbonic acid gas will take place. The gas accumulating at the top of the jar and unable to escape, presses upon the urine below, and drives it out of the long glass tube. Hav- ing collected a quantity of gas, the cork is carefully removed and the usual tests for carbonic acid applied. Trammer's Test. This method of determining the presence of sugar in a solution is based upon the fact that sugar possesses the property of immediately reducing the salts of copper in an alkaline solution at the boiling-point. The usual mode of applying this test is to add two or three drops of a solution of copper sulphate to a quantity of the suspected fluid in a test-tube, and then pour in an excess of liquor potassic. If sugar be pros- 70 ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. ent, the whole now assumes a deep, transparent blue color. 1 Upon boiling, copper oxide will be thrown down as a bright yellow precipitate (in some cases an orange red). When this change occurs, the blue color disappears entirely, and the mixture becomes perfectly opaque. Unfortunately when applied to the urine after the above manner, these phenomena do not present them- selves. Having added the copper and potassa. there will appear the usual transparent blue color, but when boiled we almost invariably fail to see anything like a yellow or red precipitate. Either the blue color is entirely destroyed, and a dark, transparent, molasses color appears, .or there is a dirty green precipitate. Considerable has been written concerning the in- applicability of Trommer's test to the urine, the expla- nation being that the organic constituents, urea, color- ing matter, etc., interfere with the reduction of the suboxide of copper. Directions have therefore been given to get rid of these matters by filtration through finely-powdered animal charcoal. This process is an efficient, but as a general rule, not a convenient one for the practicing physician. 1 If a solution of copper sulphate be treated with potassium hydrate there will be a pale blue precipitate of copper hydrate formed ; but if we add a small quantity of tartaric acid previous to the potassium the precipitate will be redissolved on the addi- tion of an excess of the latter. Sugar has a property similar to tartaric acid in this respect, and the very fact that on the addition of the reagents of Trom- mer's test to a fluid results in the production of a perfectly clear blue color, is in favor of the presence of sugar. We should never be satisfied however with this evidence alone, especially in deal- ing with the urine. ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 71 Therefore, because I believe this method to be the most simple and reliable one, I submit the follow- ing hints and rules for the application of Trommer's test to the urine ; they being the result of a series of investigations on the subject. 1 In the first place, it is necessary to have a great excess of the test, because if the urine be in too great quantity, the precipitate is dissolved ; and on this fact depends my method. Proceed as follows : Place about 4 c.c. (1 3 .) of the urine in a test-tube, and to it add about 4 drops of a copper sulphate solution made in the proportion of 1 part of copper sulphate to 8 parts of water. To this mixture add liquor potasses until the milky precipitate first formed is dissolved and the whole assumes a per- fectly transparent blue color. The conditions now are such that the precipitate of copper oxide will be in such amount as not to be to- tally dissolved by the small quantity of urine employed. Therefore when this blue mixture is boiled the reaction is as satisfactory as with a watery solution of sugar. If there is no immediate reaction set the test-tube aside and wait ten or twenty minutes. There is no change if the urine is free from sugar. If albumen is present the color resulting from the mixture of the test fluids will assume a purplish hue, and may interfere with the process. It can be removed by coagulating and filtering. Do not mistake the flocculi of the phosphates, thrown down by the alkaline test fluid, for a precipi- tate of the suboxide of copper. This latter is dark 1 New York Medical Journal. June, 1874, p. 632. 72 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. red or yellow, and soon subsides to the bottom of the test-tube, and is seen there as a compact little mass. The test with FEHLING'S SOLUTION (for composition, see p. 75) is based upon the same principle ns the foregoing, and if we have the solution, it is a very easy and reliable test. But it has to be prepared, and when kept for any length of time, is liable to undergo changes which unfit it for further use. The way to use it is to take a test-tube a quarter full and boil it. To this add a drop of the suspected urine if much sugar is present; if little, add ten or fifteen drops. Here we have the same principle as advised with Trommer's test namely, a small quantity of urine and a great excess of the test fluid. If any change occurs in the Fehling liquor when boiled alone, it is unfit for use. Bile. The coloring matter of the bile is frequently excreted with the urine, imparting to it a more or less greenish-brown color. It occurs in jaundice even before the skin has be- come perceptibly colored, and continues a little while after the natural color is restored. The biliary salts, glykocholate and taurocholate of soda, sometimes are present also, and it is frequently important to know whether the bile is represented in the urine solely by its coloring matter, or whether these more important ingredients are there too. TESTS. The coloring matter of bile can be detected by pouring a little of the urine into a white plate, and allowing it to come in contact with a few drops ANALYSIS OF THE UKIXE. 73 of nitric acid. As the two mingle, a play of colors will be observed, varying from a violet to a green. Any oxidizing agent, tincture of iodine, or the atmo- sphere, will produce a grass-green color. Instances may occur when the bile pigment is present in such small amount as to render its detection difficult. In such cases the urine should be allowed to remain at rest several hours at a low temperature to favor the deposition of the u rates. If these constituents are precipitated they will, appropriate the bile color and by separating them and dissolving in a small amount of water with heat, we can then apply the nitric acid test as above. To detect the biliary salts we must resort to "Pet- tenkofer's test" as follows : If the color of the urine be very marked it should be mixed with animal char- coal and filtered ; then take about 10 c.c. (3 ii) of the clear liquid thus obtained and to it add a few drops of cane-sugar (one part to four of water). Sulphuric acid is now to be added very cautiously, the test-tube being occasionally dipped in cold water to keep the tempera- ture thus developed at about 60. When the acid is first added if the biliary salts are present there will be a whitish precipitate of cholic acid, which subsequently disappears on the continued addition of the reagent. The next change consists in a cherry-red color which appears at the bottom of the tube. Cease, now, to add the acid and observe that the red gradually changes to a deep purple. It is this play of colors which constitutes the most characteristic feature of the test. If the urine contains albumen it should be coagu- 4 74: ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. lated and removed, as this substance will imitate in some degree the behavior of the biliary matters with Pettenkofer's test. ' 1 See Dalton's Physiology, 1875, p. 212, for other precautions to be observed with Pettenkofer's test. PAET V. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. SUGAR UREA. SUGAR and urea are the only substances of which it is frequently of practical importance to estimate the amount in urine. Sugar. There are two methods by which the phy- sician can readily determine the quantity of sugar in a given solution ; one necessitating considerable skill in chemical manipulation, and the other remarkable for its simplicity. The first of these is based upon the reactions with Trommer's test, the only conditions being that we must use a graduated solution, it having been found that a certain amount of sugar will reduce a definite quantity of copper sulphate. The solution commonly employed is known as " Fehling's liquor." This investigator, having dis- covered that 5 parts of sugar decompose 34.64 parts of copper sulphate, advised the following solution : Pure crystallized copper sulphate . . 34.64 grammes. Neutral potassium tartrate . . . 150 Solution of sodium hydrate (sp. gr. 1.12) 650 " The potassium tartrate is dissolved in the solution 76 ANALYSIS OF THE HEINE. of caustic soda, and the copper sulphate in a little pure water. The two solutions are now mixed and the whole diluted with water until the volume amounts to 1 litre. 10 c.c. of this solution will be decolorized ,by .05 grammes of sugar. The objection to Folding's solution thus prepared is its liability to spontaneous decomposition when kept for any length of time, some of the copper being reduced by the tartaric acid which is set free. The following method is therefore gener- ally employed and is much preferable : 1st. Pure dry crystallized copper sulphate, 34.64 grammes. Distilled water, 1000 grammes. 10 c.c. of this solution correspond to .05 gramme of sugar. 2d. Solution of potassium hydrate (sp. gr. about 1050. 3d. A saturated solution of potassium bitartrate. These three solutions are to be kept in separate glass-stoppered bottles, and are not mixed until used. They therefore do not deteriorate by keeping. The apparatus necessary for this analysis consists of a glass chemical flask of 250 c.c. (8 oz.) capacity ; burette graduated to cubic centimetres and tenths ; spirit lamp and stand upon which to place the flask to boil its contents. The process is as follows: 10 c.c. of the copper sul- phate solution are first put into the flask and diluted with about four times as much water. About 10 c.c. of the potassium tartrate solution are now added and well mixed, after which pour in the solution of potas- sium hydrate until the whole assumes a clear blue color. ALALYSIS OF THE URINE. 77 Our test-fluid is now ready. Set it to boil. Then take 2 c.c. of urine and dilute it with 18 c.e. of water ; ' the mixture now consists of T V urine. By this time ebul- lition has commenced in the flask and we proceed to add, drop by drop, the mixture of urine and water and closely watch the result. As the saccharine urine comes in contact with the boiling copper solution some of the latter is decomposed and appears as a red pre- cipitate. A time will at length arrive when the whole mixture changes to a brick-dust red, and no blue color remains. The entire operation should cease every little while to allow the red copper oxide to settle, when it will be easy to determine whether any blue color remains in the supernatent liquid. During the last part of the process great care is necessary in order not to add any more urine after the blue color has disappeared ; if we do not stop at the right time, the mixture will suddenly assume a mo- lasses color, the result of the action of the boiling alkali upon the sugar, and our analysis is worthless. By a little practice proper skill is readily acquired. Suppose then the blue color has entirely disappeared from the mixture and we find that 30 c.c. of the di- luted urine have been used ; but this only contains -jV or 2 c.c. of urine. Therefore 2 c.c. of the urine contain .05 gramme of sugar. The percentage is easily cal- culated with this system" of weights and measures : 2 : .05 : 1 100 : x = 2.5 per cent. Perhaps the best method to determine the quantity 1 This is in order to add the saccharine urine more gradually. If the sugar is not abundant this dilution is not necessary. 78 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. of sugar in urine, adapted to the busy physician, is that recommended by Roberts, 1 which is based upon the dif- ference in specific gravity before and after fermentation. The specific gravity of the specimen is taken and written down; a bottle provided with a perforated cork is then about half-filled, and a lump of German yeast added, about the size of a walnut, and the whole placed where it will remain at about 80 F. for eighteen hours. At the end of this time the decomposition into alcohol and carbonic gas will be complete ; and now every degree of density lost indicates 2.188 milli- grammes of sugar per 'cubic centimetre before fermen- tation, (one grain for every fluid ounce). Urea. The daily quantity of urea excreted fre- quently becomes of importance, and various methods of estimating it have been advised. None are so simple as the one proposed by Dr. Davy, of England." Doubts having arisen as to its accuracy, we undertook a series of experiments in order to ascertain if they were well-founded. The results of these experiments 3 seemed to show that the method is in every respect sufficiently accurate for practical purposes, and it is therefore introduced here as the one best adapted to the physician who wishes to perform the analysis for himself. This method depends upon the decomposition which ensues when urea is brought into contact with sodium, potassium, or calcium hypochlorite. Nitrogen gas is evolved, and being collected and 1 Urinary and Renal Diseases, p. 198. Philadelphia, 1872. Philosophical Mag. 1854. a New York Med. Jour., Sept. 1872. ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. 79 measured, the amount of urea originally present is estimated. The following are Dr. Davy's directions : "A strong glass tube, about twelve or fourteen inches long, closed at one end, and its open extremity ground smooth, and having the bore not larger than the thumb can conveniently cover, holding from two to three cubic inches (50 c.c.), each divided into tenths and hundredths by graduation on the glass, is filled more than a third full of mercury, to which afterward a measured quantity of urine to be examined is poured, which may be from a quarter of a drachm to a drachm or upward, according to the capacity of the tube. Then, holding the tube in one hand, near its open ex- tremity, and having the thumb in readiness to cover the aperture, the operator fills it completely full with a solution of Bodiuin-hypochlorite (taking care not to overflow the tube), and then instantly covers the open- ing tightly with the thumb, and having rapidly inverted the tube once or twice, to mix the urine with the hy- pochlorite, he finally opens the tube under a saturated solution of common salt and water, contained in a steady cup or mortar. The mercury then flows out, and the solution of salt takes its place, and the mixture of urine and hypochlorite being lighter than the solu- tion of salt, will remain in the upper part of the tube, and will therefore be prevented from descending and mixing with the fluid in the cup. A rapid disengage- ment of minute bubbles of gas soon takes place in the mixture in the upper part of the tube, and the gas is there retained and collected. The tube is then left in the upright position till there is no further appearance of minute globules of gas being formed, the time being 80 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. dependent upon the strength of the hypochlorite and the quantity of urea present. But the decomposition is usually completed in from three to four hours ; it may, however, be left much longer, even for a day if convenient, and having set the experiment going, it requires no further attention ; and when the decom- position is completed, it is only necessary to read the quantity of gas produced oif the scale on the tube. In cases where great accuracy is required, due attention must be paid to the temperature and atmospheric pres- sure, and certain corrections made if these should de- viate from the usual standards of comparison, at the time of reading off the volume of gas; but in most cases, sufficiently near approximation to accuracy may be obtained without reference to those particulars." It has been found by calculation that 1 cubic centi- metre of gas corresponds to 2.5 milligrammes of urea (1 cubic inch to .64 grains). There are one or two sources of error to be avoided. Ammonia and uric acid will give rise to nitrogen and thereby increase the apparent amount of urea. It is the former which is most likely to exist in quantities sufficient to cause confu- sion ; but as it only occurs in appre- ciable amount during the alkaline de- composition we can always avoid its FIG. is. eftect .by using fresh urine. The apparatus necessary to perform this analysis is shown in Fig. 18. The graduated tube can be pro- cured of Benjamin & Co., No. 10 Barclay street. Sodium hypochlorite is preferable, to either that ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 81 of calcium or potassium because it is easily pro- cured, being an article in general use under the name " Liquor Sodse Chlorinatae," or Labarraque's Solution. But there are various preparations of this solution, both foreign and domestic, which do not cor- respond in strength, and are not universally kept on sale. We are in the habit of employing a preparation of reliable manufacture, and one most generally sold in the United States, namely, " Squibb's Liquor Sodae Ghlorinatse," and advise its use in connection with this analysis. PAET VI. CALCULI AND GRAVEL. WE have seen that the urine is subject to a variety of deposits. Now, under certain conditions some of them are precipitated within the urinary passages in a manner to form solid masses of considerable size. When the masses are sufficiently small to pass through the ureters or urethra they are called gravel and sand / when too large to admit of this passage they are designated as calculi. It is important to be aware that the predisposing causes of the small concretions conduce alike to the formation of the larger. Calculi. By a urinary calculus or stone, we mean those solid concretions found in the bladder and kid- ney, and which vary in size from that of a pea to a hen's egg. They differ in composition as well as in general form and texture. As regards composition, the most common are uric acid, lime oxalate, urates, phosphates, and cystine. A stone is rarely composed of one substance alone ; T)ut is made up of alternating and varying concentric layers of different deposits. In the first place the center of almost every urin- ary concretion consists of either uric acid or lime oxa- late with a little mass of mucus ; and the rest is corn- ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 83 posed of layers of the same, alternating occasionally with the earthy phosphates. And if the process is uninterrupted the stone will finally become encrusted with successive deposits of this last named ma- terial. Calculi originate in various ways. A little mass of retained mucus or blood will induce the acid decompo- sition, and determine the formation of uric acid and lime oxalate crystals in the substance of the mass, and thus constitute the nucleus of a stone. Foreign sub- stances as hair pins and pieces of slate pencil are not infrequently found to have originated a phosphatic stone. Finally, as already mentioned when studying deposits, we may have a spontaneous precipitation of crystaline or amorphous matter taking place within the body as a result of retention, and consequent decom- position, or on account of a derangement in the natural proportions of the urinary constituents. Whatever be the origin, the subsequent history of calculi is soon told. There are alternating layers of various materials until the mass begins to act as an irritating foreign body. The bladder now becomes inflamed ; retention and decomposition ensue, and thus the very presence of the stone conduces to its own rapid growth. Although we are not likely to meet with a stone composed entirely of one material, yet this may happen, or at any rate, one particular substance may predominate and impart its own characters to the mass. This is especially true when removal is effected early, prior to the alkaline decomposition. Uric Acid. Uric acid is the most common of all deposits going to form calculi. The nucleus of almost 84 ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. every stone is composed of crystals of this substance, and not unfrequently we see it constituting a stone almost entirely, especially if it be removed before the alkaline fermentation ensues. When this is the case, the size rarely exceeds that of a pigeon's egg. The color ranges from a brick-dust red to a fawn, and the surface is generally covered with little tubercles ; if, however, there were more than one stone in the bladder, their surfaces would be worn smooth by attrition. They are usually spherical, and slightly flattened. When sawed in half, their concentric laminae are very distinctly seen. When a stone of this composition exists in the bladder, the urine is acid. TESTS. The murexid test is the most direct and characteristic. Place a fragment of the stone in a clean porcelain capsule, and add one or two drops of nitric acid ; now evaporate the acid by gentle heat over the flame of a spirit-lamp, and a pink color will appear, which changes to a purple when a little am- monia is dropped in. Uric acid is soluble in an alkali from which it may be precipitated by hydrochloric acid and its character- istic crystals seen under the microscope. Under the blow-pipe it is converted into a black or very dark-brown coal. Urates. Stones composed wholly of the urates are rare, though this deposit frequently alternates with others. When pure, they are small, and are apt to originate in the kidneys. Most frequently these calculi are met ANALYSIS OF THE UKINE. 85 with iii children. These formations are of a red or brick-dust color. The urine will be acid. TESTS. The fact of their solubility in warm water will prove the presence of the urates. Lime Oxalate. Like most other deposits, the lime oxalate more frequently forms a stone by alter- nation than alone. When this substance exists alone or predominates, the stone is exceedingly hard and rough ; in fact, it has been called the mulberry cal- culus, from its warty and irregular surface. When the concretions of this formation are small enough to be classed as gravel, and are voided with the urine, they may be smooth. Here, however, there is a mixture of the urates, and the formation has proba- bly taken place in the kidneys, and by their number the surfaces are worn. In color, these stones are sometimes dark brown or even black, and again almost white. Most mixed calculi contain layers of oxalate of lime. The urine will be strongly acid. TESTS. Oxalate of lime is soluble in the mineral acids. Under the blow-pipe, it is reduced to a dark ash which turns moistened red litmus-paper blue, caustic lime being the residue of the combustion. PHOSPHATES. We have seen that an alkaline condition of the urine will precipitate the earthy phosphates, and that the alkalinity may be due to two causes, only one of which is concerned in the formation of phosphatic cal- culi. We have said that the alkalinity of the fixed 86 ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. salts may continue for a length of time without a stone being found ; because the phosphatic precipitate will then be amorphous, and has little tendency to form concretions. But when putrefaction occurs from re- tention of urine, or the action of inflammatory pro- ducts anywhere in the urinary passages, then we have ammonium carbonate developed, and now crystals of the ammonio-magnesian or triple phosphate are thrown down, as well as the amorphous phosphate of lime. It is the ammoniacal decomposition, then, which most influences the formation of phosphatic calculi. Sometimes, however, after prolonged administration of alkaline medicines, and as a result of high living (in- dulgence in wine) where the urine is kept alkaline by the fixed salts, concretions of AMORPHOUS LIME PHOS- PHATE may form. These stones are light colored, easily broken, and present an earthy fracture. They rarely alternate with other forms. TESTS. Lime phosphate is insoluble in water; soluble in a weak acid, and is practically infusible un- der the blow-pipe. Mixed Phosphates. Deposits of this nature are the result of the ammoniacal decomposition of urine, and consist of the crystalline ammonio-magnesian phosphate with the amorphous lime phosphate. They rarely constitute the whole or interior of a stone, but are generally added as the result of the presence of a pre-existing calculus, the irritation of which has in- duced the decomposition just mentioned. And it is a fact, that almost every stone, if it remains long enough in the bladder, will be encrusted with several ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. 87 layers of the mixed phosphates. These calculi some- times attain to enormous dimensions. ' They are chalk-colored, and have a glistening ap- pearance on account of the presence of the crystals of the phosphates on their surface. TESTS. Under the blow-pipe, the mixed phosphates readily fuse into a white enamel (and they have there- fore been sometimes called the fusible calculi), and give off ammonia and water. They are soluble in weak acids. Cystine. This substance sometimes forms calculi and gravel. The number of cases is very limited, and very few specimens of the concretion exist. The stone is quite small, not larger than an almond, and of a dirty brown or greenish color. There appear to be no distinct laminas, but rather a radiating structure. The pathology is obscure. TESTS. Cystine is soluble in the mineral acids, and in caustic ammonia; insoluble in water, acetic acid, and ammonium carbonate. If a piece of the calculus is dissolved in a little caustic ammonia, con- tained in a shallow dish, upon evaporation the char- acteristic hexagonal crystals already described, can be detected under the microscope. Cystine burns with a bluish flame, emitting a pe- culiar, unpleasant, acid odor. SCHEME FOR EXAMINATION OF URINE. Proceed in the following order : 1. Odor. 2. Color. 3. Transparency. 4. Reaction to test-paper. 5. Specific gravity. 0. Daily quantity. 7. Any deposit ? Character of. 8. Apply reagents. Heat. PRECIPITATES. DISSOLVES. \ Albumen. 1 Phosphates. Urates. Nitric Acid. ( Albumen. j Urea. / Uric acid. Phosphates. Liq. Potassae. Phosphates. Albumen. Acetic acid. Cystine. Albumen. Silver nitrate. Chlorides. Barium Chloride. Sulphates. There are certain precautions to be observed with these reactions, for which reference must be made to the text. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. URINE intended for examination should be placed in a conical-shaped glass vessel, such as an ordinary ale- glass, in order that any deposit which may appear shall be concentrated in a comparatively small space * for if there is a very minute quantity, we otherwise might not be able to secure a specimen for the micro- scope, or detect its presence by ordinary inspection. After the specimen has stood for six or eight hours, very gently pour oif all but about half an ounce. This is done in order to prevent the deposited crys- tals, casts, or whatever is there, from becoming again mingled with a great quantity of urine when it is agitated by our subsequent manipulations. Now, having provided yourself with a drop-tube, which be sure is clean, place the finger over the large end, and direct the other end to the bottom of the glass; raise the finger, and the urine ascends in the tube ; replace the finger, and we have it confined there. Touch the point of the tube thus supplied upon a clean glass slide, and a drop will escape, which is all- sufficient. A thin glass cover is placed over this drop on the slide in a manner to exclude air-bubbles, as follows : place one side of the cover on the slide and allow it to come gradually down. If the cover floats, there is too much urine, which will overflow it, and obscure the lens. Under such circumstances, just absorb the surplus urine with a little blotting-paper. We need a good ^-inch lens for the examination of urinary deposits, and sometimes a -inch in order to distinctly discern small hyaline casts. LIST OF APPAEATUS AND REAGENTS REQUIRED. Absolutely necessary. APPARATUS. \ doz. 4-inch test-tubes. Test tube rack. Alcohol lamp. Small glass funnel. Filter-paper to fit funnel. Red and blue litmus paper. Urinometer. $2.00. f Glass flask SOO.c.c. (8 5 ). Cubic centimetre meas- Special ap-J ure. paratus. j Glass tube graduated to (^ cubic centimetres. Quantitative an- alysis of sugar. Quantitative an- alysis of urea. $2.00. REAGENTS, IK GLASS-STOPPERED BOTTLES. Nitric acid, 4 Acetic acid, 4 . Sulphuric acid (pure), 4 . Solution caustic potassa (20 gr.-l 3 ), 8 . Sol. copper sulphate (1 3 -1 5 )> 4 3 . Sol. silver nitrate (10 gr.-l 5 ), 4 3 . Sol. barium chloride (10 gr.-l ), 4 ^ . $3.50. COMPARATIVE VALUES OP FRENCH AND ENGLISH MEASURES USED IN THIS BOOK. 1 gramme = 15.434 grains. 1 cubic centimetre = 0.061 cubic inch =0.27 3 . 1 litre = 61 cubic inches = 33.8 . 1 millimetre = ^j inch. 1 micro-millimetre = inch. INDEX. PAOK Acid, Effect of, upon Normal Urine 19 Acid Fermentation 21 Albumen 45, 64 Abnormal Urine 25 Alkalies, Effect of, upon Normal Urine 19 Alkaline Fermentation 22 Apparatus and Reagents required 90 B. Bacteria 62 Barium Chloride, as Reagent 20 Bile 72 Blood 43 Black Urine 26 Blue ..26 O. Calculi 82 " Cystine 87 " Phosphates 85 " Lime Oxalatc 85 " Urates 84 " Uric Acid 83 Casts 47 " Blood 51 " Epithelium 50 94 INDEX. PAGE Casts Fatty 50 " Granular 51 " Hyaline 49 " Pus 51 " Waxy 52 Changes in Urine on Standing 21 Chlorides 19 Cliylous Urine 56 Color of Normal Urine 13 Color of Abnormal Urine 25 Cold, Effect of, upon Urine 18 Composition of Urine 5 Creatiuiue 13 Cystine 58,87 D. Daily Quantity of Normal Urine 17 " Abnormal Urine 29 Deposits 30, 43 Directions for examining Urine 89 E. Effects of Reagents upon Normal Urine 18 Epithelium 39 Bladder 40 Renal 40 Urethral 40 Vaginal 40 Extraneous Matters in Urine 53 F. Feliling's Solution, Composition of 75 Used as Qualitative Test 72 Fermentation Test for Sugar 68 Fungi, vegetable 60 95 . PAOE Gravel 2 Q reen Urine 2(i H. Haematuria 44 HjBinatinuria 44 Heat, Effect of, upon Normal Urine 19 Hippuric Acid 85 K. Keistine... L. Lead, Basic acetate of, as Reagent 20 Lime Oxalate 21, 38 Calculus.. . . . 85 M. Medicines, Reappearance of in Urine 20 Moore's Test for Sugar 63 Mould Fungus 60 Mucus 41 N. Normal Urine, Characters of 5 O. Odor of Abnormal Urine 25 Oil in Urine 55 P. Penicilium Qlaucuin , .. 60 Pigments 42 96 Phosphates ...................................... 19, 22, 28, 36 " Ammonio-magnesian ...................... 22', 37, 86 " Earthy, Precipitated by Alkalies ................. 19 Stella ......................................... 36 Calculi .......................................... 85 Pus ........... ............................................ 53 Q. Quantitative Analysis ................... ................... 75 " " of Sugar .............................. 75 S' " of Urea. . . . . 78 R. Reaction of Normal Urine 15 " " Abnormal Urine 27 Reagents, Effects of, upon Normal Urine . 18 Required 90 Saccharomyces Cerevisiae 61 Scheme for examining Urine 88 Silver Nitrate, as Reagent 19 Specific Gravity of Normal Urine 16 " " Abnormal Urine 29 Spermatozoa . . . 58 Sugar, Tests for 67, 68 " Quantitative Analysis of 75 " Fungus 61 Sulphates, Precipitation of 20 T. Transparency of Normal Urine 15 " Abnormal Urine 27 Trommer's Test for Sugar 69 adapted to Urine 71 INDEX. 97 u. PAOB U rates 18, 33 " Calculi 84 Urea 6 " Nitrate 7,8 " Physiological and Pathological Relations of 9 " Quantitative Analysis of . 78 Uric Acid 19, 21, 30 " " Calculi 83 Urinary Deposits 30 V. Values, Comparative of French and English Measures 91 Vegetable Fungi 60 Vibriones -. . . . 62 5