THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES /<•//,•,• ////.■ \'o/ / ^^^*v6iv'' OtcXLa ^ \<.^Oof^ t» O -vvv^J -5>->. -^J r ^ -Jk-V^-V-^VVN /;; o-z^ MEMOIRS OF SIR THOMAS MORE, wmi A NEW TRANSLATION OF HIS UTOPIA, HIS HISTORY OF KING RICHARD III, AND HIS LATIN POEMS. % ARTHUR CAYLEY, the Younger, Esq. Like Cafo firm, like Aristides just. Like rigid Cincinnatus nobly poor, A tlauDtless soul, erect, who smil'd on death. thoj«sok» IN TWO VOLUMES. Vol. I. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY CADELL AND DAVIS, STBAND. 1808. I'rintidtj lUwiJlll, D>A CONTENTS. CHAP. I. Biograpliers of Sir Thomas More. . . . Mr. Roper. . . , Mr. More. ... The knighfs ancestry Sir John More. . . . Sir Thomas* mother. .... His birth. , , . Anecdote of his infancy.. . . . His school-education. .... Cardinal Morton. . . . More's early talents. . . . Specimen of his early wit and rejection. . . . He is sent to Oxford, . . . His first ac- quaintance with Erasmus. . . . JVolsey. . . . More studieth the law. . . . He is made reader at Furnival' s-inn, and reads a public lecture. . . . His verses on Elizabeth, queen to Henry F"!/. . . . He discovers some inclination for the monastic state. . . . Erasmus' early high opinion of him Dean Colet. . . . More's letter to him Colet's Iiigh opi- nion of More. . . . More marries Jane Colte. . . . His family by her. . ... He renews his application to the law. . . . Henry VII. . . . More't early patriotism. ...He offends the king Henry's revenge. . . . More escapes Dr. Fo.t'x xnarp. . . . His application in retirement. ... . Four juvenile poems by him 3 CHAP. IL Accession of Henry PUT. . . . Consummation of his marriage with Catharine of Arragon More re-appears in the world and writes verses on the coronation. . . . Anecdote of Emson and Dudley More's attucltment to Erasmus. . . . He is made one of the under- sheriff's. . . . His high estimation as a laivyer. . . . He replies to Dor- pius His second wife. . . . Henry desires to engage him in his ser- vice: . . . He accompanies Tonstall to Flanders His letter to Eras- mus on hti embassy Buslciden and JEgidms More's letter to Jt^arham He pleads a cause for the pope. . . . Is knighted, &c . . . 12fA)571 Ti CONTENTS. His account of hhjirst advancement. . . . Henry\s earlier court. . . . T/ie /ling's intimacy tvilh More. . . . Luther. . . . Erasmus persecuted. .... More expected the reformation. . . . Edivard Lee attacks Eras- mus. . . . More defends him. '. .' . Brixitis attacks More. . . . Erasmus defe'uls him. . . . Morels letter to the university of Oxford. , . . He is made speaker of the commons: . . '. His speech on the occasion. . . . Anecdotes of IVolsey and More. . . . IVolscy wishes to send, him to Spain. . . . Progress of Luther. . . . Henry writes agaiiisL him, and More is suspected. . , . Luther's reply and Ross' rejoinder^ . . ^ Eras- mus writes against Luther. . , . More is exhorted to ivrite. . . . His character in the Ciceronianus. . . . He is made chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster. . . . Anecdote of the king and More, . . . More is sent on foreign e7nbassies. . . . His success at Camlray. . . . His loss hyfire, and letter to his wife 59 CHAP. m. Cardinal IVolsey. . . . His advancement, and quarrel with the emperor Charles. . . . Anecdotes of More and Wolsey. . . . The kings scruples regarding his marriage. . . . His inconsistency. . . . More's conduct in tlie matter. . . , fVolseys fall. . . . More made chancellor. . . . The duke of Norfolk's speech and Mores on the occasion. . . . More's im- provement in the office. . . . His respect to his father, aud impartiali- ty to his family. . . . Anecdotes of his chancellorship. . . . He clears the chancery of causes. . . . He is offered money by the bishops for his writings. . . . Is again importuned by Henry on the divorce. . . . He determines to resign the seal. . . . JVhich he at last effects. . . . Henry' s promise to him. . . . More's contempt of worldly grandeur. .... His wife is more concerned. . . . Anecdotes of her. . . . More provides situations for his attendants, and calls together his family. .... His poverty. . . . Death of hvs father, and his filial affection. . . . His letters to Erasmus on his resignation. . . . His monumental inscrip- tion. . . . His buildings and charity at Chelsea. , . . The remarks of CONTENTS. Tu Fox and otJieis on More's persecution of heterodoxij. . . . State of the Unies. . . . Mon's own rafutation of his calumniators g5 CHAP. IV. Morf:^s anticipation of his fate. . ..He withdraws from public business. .... His remark on Henry's second marriage, and advice to Crom- nell. . . . His behaviour io the bishops. . . . Malignant scrutiny on his conduct. . . . The nun of Kent. . . . More's letter to Cromivell, and a curious anecdote. . . . More accused of misprision of treason. . . . Cou' duct of the committee for examining him. . . . More's firmness. . . . His letter to the king., < . . He is accused of ingratitude. . , . His re- ply. . . . Anecdote on his return home. . . . The king's conduct. . . , More's name erased from the bill. . . . Acts passed in parliament. . . . Henry's triumph in his new titles. . . . Opinions of the Romish party, and of their adversaries. . . . More refuseth the oath of succession. . . . He is cited to appear at Lambeth, . . . His foreboding, and letter to Jiis daughter. . . . Cranmer's arguTnent, and his curious letter. . . . More and Fisher committed to the Tower, and attainted. . . . More's sentiments on the king's marriage, and the pope's primacy 141 CHAP. V. Henry FHI atid Constantius More' s firmness. . . , Anecdotes. ..." Mrs. Roper visiteth him His pains to meet his fate in a becoming manner. . . . His rejection on the execution of Reynolds, &c. . . . His verses on Cromwell's promise Lady More visiteth him, and some of the privy -council. . . . His two letters to his daughter His books taken from him. . . . Rich's conversation with More. . . . More arraigned. . . . The commissioners and jury More's answer to the indictment His answer to Rich The jury find him guilty His arguments as to the insufficiency of the indictment The chan- cellor's answer, and More's reply Sentence passed upon him Farther proceedings More's courage and constancy. . . . His meet- r> viii CONTENTS. ing with his children. . . . Anecdote. . . . His last letter to his daugh- ter. . . . Sir Thomas Pope sent to him. . . . More's preparation for death. . . . His last jokes, and execution. . . , His burial 19 CHAP. VI. Anecdote. . . . Queen Ann and Cranmer indolent in More's cause. . . . Effects of More's execution. . . . Sentiments of the Emperor Charlei^ Cardinal Pole, and Paulus Jovius. . . . More's religion, bigotry, &c. .... Not so extravagant as some, in his notions of the papal power. .... His pr opens it 1/ to jesting, and witty sayings. . . . His behaviour at his death natural. . . . His disinterestedness, and integrity while chancellor, and virtue as a patriot minister. . , . Queen Catharine's opinion of More. . . . His greatness of mind, excellent temper, and good management of his family. . . . Other traits of his character. .... His learning, modesty, and benevolence. . . . His Utopia, History of Richard Ul, epigrams, letteis, and controversial writings. . . . Jiumet's character of him as a writer. . . . The editions of More's English and Latin works. . , . His pergonal peculiarities. . . . His fa- mily, . . . Erasmus' encomium on More's house. . . . Mrs. Roper. . . . Her letter to her father in prison. . . . Her daughter Basset. . . . More's letter to Gonellus. . . . The death of Erasmus and view of Mi character. . . . More's remonstrances with him misrepresented. . . 25f APPENDIX. Erasmus R(4. Vlrtco Hulteno 2^7 Erasmus Rot. Gulielmo Budico 306 Gulielmus Covrinus Nucerinus Philippo Montano 310 Clarorum et Doctorum Virorum vnria Epigrammata in laudem Thomct Mori 328 MEMOIRS OF SIR THOMAS MORE. Vol. I. B MEMOIRS OF SIR THOMAS MORE. CHAR I. Biographers of SirThomas More Mr. Roper. . . . Mr. More Tht knight's ancestry. . . . Sir John More. . . . Sir Thomas' mother. . . . His birth. . . . Anecdote of his irfancy. . . . His school- education. . . . Car- dinal Morton. . . . More's earli/ talents. . . . Specimen of his early wit and reflection. . . . He is sent to Oxford. . . . Hisfirst acquaintance with Erasmus. . . . JVolsey. . . . More studieth the law. . . . He is made reader at FurnivaP s-inn, and reads a public lecture. . . . His verses on Elizabeth, queen to Henry VH. . . . He discovers some inclination for the monastic state, . . . Erasmus^ early high opinion of him. . . . Dean Colet. . . . More's letter to him. . . . Colet^s high opinion of More. . . . More marries Jane Colte. . . . His family by her. . . . He renews his application to the law. . . . Henry VII. . . . More's early patriotism. , . . He offends the king. . . . Henry's revenge. . . . More escapes Dr. Fox's snare. . . , His application in retirement. . . . Four Juvenile poems by him, B 2 4 MJ'MOIRS OF J.F examples of the most rigid integrity, with the sacrifiee of life itself in the cause of supposed truth, deserve the at- tention of mankind, few characters op record can have a higher claim to this attention than our celebrated country- man Sir Tliomas IMore. Our most authentic sources of information respecting him are, his Lite written by William Roper, Esq. who mar- ried his favourite daughter Margaret ; that written by Tho- mas ]\Iorc, Escj. his great-grandson ; and a letter or two by Erasmus relative to his friend's domestic histor}'. The other extant accounts of Sir Thomas arc little else than copies from one or other of these, and throw no new light on his histor}'. Mr. Roper, naturally the more likely of the two bio- graphers tp be well-inl'ormed upon the subject, hath been accused of allowing his affection to prevail in some mea- sure over his judgment on this occasion, and of writing a panegyric rather than a history. Habits of long intimacy with a character of great domestic worth, it is true, attach us to it in a degree of enthusiasm, and one so long enjoy- ing the intimacy and esteem of such a character as the knight, had, we must allow, peculiar difficulties to encounter in this way, when he afterward became his biographer. As to his qualification in point of information, however, we may allow his own words to be imanswerable, — knowing hi? do- ings and mind no man living so well, by reason I zc-as con- SIR T. MORE. ibiually resident in Ids house hij the space of sixteen years and more. And for the respectability of his character, though tombstones too often exaggerate, let his epitaph, as pre- served by Mr. Somner, be allowed to speak. Hie jacet Vencrabilis vir Gulielmus Roper armiger, Filius ct hasies quondam Johannis Roperi armigcri; Et Margareta, Uxor ejusdcm Gulielmi, Filia quondam Tlioma; Mori militis Siimmi olim Angliae cancellarii ; Graecis Latinisque Uteris doctissima. Qui quidera Gulielmus patri suo in officio Prothonotarialus suprema; curias bauci Rcgii successit ; in quo cum annis liv Fideliter ministrasset, idem officium Filio suo priraogenito Thoraae reliquit. Fuit is Gulielmus domi forisque munificens, Mitis, raisericors ; incarceratorum, Oppressorum et paupcrum baculus. Genuit px Mnrg.irpla nxore, quam unicara Habuit, filios duos et filias tres ; ex iis Vidit in vita sua nepotes et pronepotes. Uxorem in virili a!tatc amisit ; viduatus uxore, Castissime vixit annis xxxiii. Tandem completis in pace diebus, decessit In senectute bona ab omnibus desideratus Die IV mensis Jan. ann. Chr. Salv. m.dlxxvii iEtatis vero suae lxxxii. Mr. More, whose account of the knight is fuller than that of his predecessor, may be presumed from his direct « ME.MOIRS OF relationship, to have made his additions with authenticity. He is said to have been a person of respectability, and to liave been employed by the English clergy as their agent in Spain and at the court of Rome. On his death, the English Roman catholic clergy erected a monument to his memory, as a testimony of their respect and the sense they had of his services. A celebrated protestant divine of our country pronounces him, however, a narroK-m'indtd zealot and a very fanatic ; while Anthony Wood says of his Life of Sir Thomas, that it is incomparably well written, a judgment to be expected from "\^'ood — similes hahent labra lactucas. His bigotted attachment to the religion of his celebrated an- cestor is indeed too apparent in his work ; and his biogra- phical follower hath moreover frequent cause to regret his neglect of chronological order, he having pretty imi)licitly followed the indiflerent arrangement of Staplcton. ^\'e will add his epitaph as preserved by AVood. D. O. M. S. Tlioma' Moro (Hoc. cbor. anglo -Alagni illiiis Tlioma IVIori Anglic canccllarii L't martj ris proucpoti alque liarcdi ; Viro probitatc et pictatc insigiii ; Qjii, raro admodum apud Britanuos exempio, In fratrein natu minorein amplum transcripsit Patriinoiiium, et presbyler Romae factus, Inde jusiu scdis apostolica; in patriam Projcctus, plu!^cuios arinos strenuam fidei Propagaiidap iiavavit operam. Postca cleri angUcani negotia tii annos RonicE Et in Hiipaiiia P. P. Paulo v et Gregorio iv SIR T. MORE. ' Surama integritate et industria Suisque sumptibus procuravit- Tandem de subrogando anglis episcopo Ad Urban, vni missus, negotio eo felicitei Coufecto, laborura mercedem recepturus, Ex hac vita migravit XI Apr ; Ann : m.dcxxv ^tatis suae Lix. Clems anglicanus msestus P. The modem biographer of Sir Thomas More, as all of his intermediate biographers have done, must rely on these two writers as his safest guides. We shall find their ac- counts to admit of considerable amplification as we pro- ceed ; and should either of our conductors occasionally make what appears to us a false step, we must endeavour to use what circumspection we can at this distant period in avoiding his error. Respecting the knight's early ancestry, both of our guides have left n*; ill infunued. From the great-grandson, how- ever, we learn that Sir John INIore, knight, the father of Sir Thomas, bare arms from his birth, having his coat quar- tered. By reason of Henry VIII.'s seizure of their evidences, he adds, the family could not make out their ancestry ; but he had heard that they proceeded from the Mores of Ire- land, or the latter from them. Sir Thomas himself informs us in his epitaph, that he sprang fi'om no noble family but of an honest stock. Sir John More appears to have been born about the year 8 MEMOIRS OF 1440.* lie is said to have been a lawyer of disUiigiiished talents and integrity, and was one of the justices of the King's Bench in the reign of Henry VIII. f He is described by Sir Thomas in the epitaph already alluded to, homo ci- vilis, suavis, innocens, niitis, miscricors, cquus et integer ; an- nis quidem gravis, sed corpore plusqtiam pro atatc vivido. He lived to a eieat ao-e, and had the singular fortune of seeing liis son Chancellor of England, as will appear by an anec- dote hereafter to be related. Camden, in his Remains, relates a bon-mot of Sir John which will not preposses the fair sex in his favour. He com- pared a man choosing a wife, to one who dipped his hand into a bag which contained twenty snakes and one eel — it was tzienttj to one t/iat he caught the eel. After this, we are surprised at finding that the old gen- tleman had the resolution to take three dips himself; for we learn that he was thrice married. The maiden name of his first wiic, the mother of Sir Tliomas, was Ilandcombe, of Holywell in Bedford- shire. The age of portents was not yet gone by ; and Dr. Clement, a famous physician of the time, and the intimate friend of More, reported of her, that, on the night after her marriage, she saw, in a dream, engraven on her wedding ring, the number and characters of her children, the face of one shining uith superior brightness. She had Jane, mar- * Erasmus to Budteus. f More> SIR T. MORE. S ried to Richard Stafferton, Esq. whom Mr. More calls a noble gentleman ; Elizabeth, wife of John Rastell, Esq. the father of Judge Rastell ; and Thomas, the celebrated subject of these memoirs. Of Sir John's other wives we only know, that the christian name of the last was Alice. She lived on her jointure in Hertfordshire, at a messuage then called jNIoreplace, but since Gubbons, in the parish of Northmimes, and outlived her son-in-law. Being de- prived of her possessions in Henry's fury, a little before her death, she died at Northal, about a mile distant, and was buried in that church.* Thomas, the only son of Sir John More, was born at his father's usual residence in Milk-street, London, in 1480, i46o. the twentieth year of the reign of our fourth Edward. An- other presage of the child's future eminence, related by his nurse, is, that one day as she was riding with him in her arms over a piece of water, the horse slipt by accident in- to a deep and dangerous hole. To give the infant, a chance for his life, she threw him over a hedge into a field, and having afterward, with much difficult}-, made her own escape, she found him, to her no small surprise, not only unhurt, but sAveetly smiling upon her. f The school of S'. Anthony in the parish of Bennet-fink, in Thread needle-street, belonging to an hospital of the same name, which had been in high reputation since the time of Henry VI, and, beside other eminent persons, numbereth * More. t More. Vol. I: C 10 WE.MOIHS OF archbishops Heath and AVhitgift among its scholars, aflord- cd More hkewise ihc rudiments of his education.* Here a learned man named Nicholas Holt was his master, under whom, to use INIr. More's expression, he rather greedily de- voured than lehuvcly chezved his grannnar rules, and far sur- passed all his schoolfellows in understanding and diligence. By the interest of his father, iVIore afterward became an inmate of the house of Cardinal Morton, f of whom he hath transmitted us a high character, as well in his Utopia as in his History of Richard HI. His authority in the state, saith More, was not more weighty than were his wisdom and virtue ; his eloquence was polished and convincing, his skill great as a lawyer, his understanding incomparable, his- memory very extraordinary. The king and state relied up- on his counsel, for it was his policy which placed the crown of the usuipcr Richard upon the head of Henry, and unit- ed the houses of York and Lancaster. Henry VIII made him archbishop of Canterbury and chancellor of England, to which the pope added the honour of cardinal. Mr. Roper informs us, that while More was in the car- dinal's house, though he were young of years, yet would he at Christmas suddenly sometimes step-in among the players, and, never studying for the matter, make apart of his ore n there presently among them, zchich made the lookers-on more apart than all the players beside. The cardinal, he adds, took sreat deliirht in his wit and towardness, and would * Roper and Newcourt* + Utopia and Ropfr. SIR T. MORE. 11 often say of More to the nobility who happened to be din- ing witli him, this child, here waiting at the table, zvhosoever shall live to see it, will prove a marvellous man. The following curious specimen of More's early wit and reflection, is extracted from his English works. ' 2^, 'CiomaSi S^xt in his youth devised in his father's house in London, a goodly hanging of fine painted cloth with nine pageants and verses over every one of those pageants, which verses expressed and declared what the images in those pageants represented. And also in those pageants were painted the things that the verses over them did in effect declare. Which verses here follow. In the first pageant was painted a boy playing at the top and scourge, and over this pageant was written as fol- loweth. CHILDHOOD. I am called Cliildhood, in play is all ray miud To cast a quoit, a cokstcle and a ball, A top can I set and drive it in his kind ; But would to God these hateful bookes all Were in a fire burnt to powder small ; Then might I lead my life always in play. Which life God send me to mine ending day ! C 2 JS> MEiMOIRS Of In the second pageant was painted a goodly fresh young man, riding upon a goodly horse, having a hawk on hiu fist and a brace of greyhounds following him. And under the horse's feet was painted the same boy that in the first pageant was playing at the top and scourge. And over this second pageant the writing was this. IVIANIIOOD. Manhood I am, therefore I me delight To hunt and hawk, to nourish-up and feed, The greyhound to the course, the hawk to the flight, And to bestride a good and liisfy steed—— These things become a very man indeed. Yet thinketh this boy his peevish game sweeter, But what, no force, his reason is no better. In the third pageant was painted the goodly young man. (in the second pageant) lying on the ground. And upon him stood Lady Venus, goddess of love, and by her upon this man stood the little God Cupid. And over this third pageant this was the writing that followcth. VExNUS AND CUPID. Whoso na knoweth the strength, power, and might Of Venus and me her little son Cupid ; Thou Manhowl shalt a mirrour be aright By us subdued for all tliy great pride, My fiery dart pierccth thy tender side. Now thou who erst dispisedst children small Shall wax a child again and be my thrall. SIR T. MORE. 14 In the fourth pageant was painted an old sage father, sitting in a chair. And lying under his feet was painted the image of Venus and Cupid that Avere in the third pa- geant. And over this fourth pageant the scripture was this. AGE. Old age am I, with lockes thin and hoar, Of our short life the last and best part, Wise and discreet } the public weal therefore I help to rule, to my labour and smart. Therefore Cupid withdraw thy fiery dart. Chargeable matters shall of love oppress Thy childish game and idle business. In the fifth pageant was painted an image of Death, and under his feet lay the old man in the fourth pageant. And, above this fifth pageant, this Avas the saying. DEATH. Though T he foul, iigl>, lean, and jiilshape, Yet there is none in all this world wide, That may my power withstand or escape ; Therefore sage father, greatly magnified, Descend from your chair, set apart your pride. Vouchsafe to lend, the' it be to your pain, To me, a fool, some of your wise brain. In the sixth pageant was painted Lady Fame, and un- der her feet was the picture of Death that was in the fifth a MEMOIRS OF pageant. And over this sixth pageant the writing was as followetli. FAME. Fame I am called, marvel jou nothing, Though with (ongucs am compassed all round, For in voice of people is my chief living, O cruel Death, thy power I confound. When thou a noble man hast brought to ground, Maugre thy teeth, to live cause him shall I Of people in perpetual memory. In the seventh pageant was painted the image of Time, and under his feet Avas lying the picture of Fame that was in the sixth pageant. And this Avas the scripture over this seventh pageant. TIME. I whom thou sees with liorologe in hand, Am named Time, tho laid of pvery bour, I shall in space destroy both sea and land. O simple Fame, bow darest thou man honour, Promising of his name an endless flower ; Who may in the world have a name eternal W^hen I shall in process destroy the world and all. In the eighth pageant wa« pictured the image of Lady Eternity, sitting in a chair, under a sumptuous cloth of state, crowned with aji imperial croAvn. And under her SIR T. MORE. 15 feet lay the picture of Time, tliat was in the seventh pageant, and above this eighth pageant was it written as foUoweth. ETERNITY. He needeth not to boast, I am Eternity, * The very name signifieth well. And mine empire infinite shall be. Thou, mortal Time, every man can tell, Art nothing else but the mobility Of sun and moon, changing in every degree ; When they shall leave their course, thou shalt be brought, For all thy pride and boasting, into nought. In the ninth pageant was painted a poet sitting in a chair; and over this pageant were there written, these verses in Latin following. THE POET. Has fictas quemcunque.juvat spectare figuras ; Sed mira veros qui putat arte homines, Ille potest veris animura sic pascere rebus, Ut pictis oculos pascit imaginibus. Namque videbil uti fragilis bona lubrica mundi, Tam cito non veniunt, quam cito pretereunt. Gaudia, laus et honor, celeri pede omnia cedunt,^ Quid manet excepto semper amore Dei ? Ergo homines, levibus jam jam diffidite rebus, Nulla reccssuro spes adiiibenda bono. Qui dabit icternam nobis pro munere vitam In pcrmansuro ponite vota Deo.' 16 MEMOIRS OF About the age of seventeen, Cardinal Morton commit- ted his charge to the university of Oxford ; according to '^^'ood to St. Maryhall, but other writers agree to Canter- bury (subsequently Christchurch) college. Mr. Hearn was of opinion that he had a chamber at St. Maryhall and studied there, but that he belonged to Christchurch.* He remained two years at the university, and profited exceed- ingly, saith Mr. Roper, in rhetoric, logic, and philosophy ; proving, addcth the great-grandson, what wonders wit and diligence can accomphsh, when united, as they seldom arc, in one painful student. That auspicious event in More's history, his intimacy with the good and learned Erasmus, probably had its origin 149;. about this time; the great scholar being at Oxford in 1407- f It was probably by his advice and that of other learned friends, assisted by his own taste, that More was led not to neglect the Greek language in his classical education, for it was not commonly studied then in our country. He acquired it, we are told, t under the auspices of "William Grocyn, at that time professor or public teacher of Greek at Oxford, and Thomas Linacer the celebrated physician ; and he continued to be a warm friend to the cultivation of that noble language, as we shall find by his letter on the subject to the university of Oxford. AVolsey also, was at this time bursar of IMagdalen col- lege, and, as well as Colet and Pace, probably enjoyed the * Edit. Roper. f Jortin. t Erasmus, ep. 511. SIR T. MORE, 17 intimacy of More and Erasmus. He was as yet too young and humble to liave materially manifested the character of the cardinal ; and it is probable that More in early life con- ceived too favourable an opinion of Wolsey, which we know that his friend Erasmus certainly had done. At the age of eighteen INIore is said to have written some 1498. of his epigrams, and to have continued to utter, in the manner we have already seen, many reflections on the va- nity of this life, not commonly made at his age. By way of exercise he translated the Tyrannicida of Lucian into Latin, Avhich he called \\\s first fruit of the Greek languao-e. He also wrote a declamation in answer to this piece, with such force of argument, saith his partial great-grandson, that it seemeth not to give place to Lucian either in inven- tion or eloquence. From the university, which, accordmg to the same writer, i45§. he must have quitted in 14.99, he removed to New-inn to study law ; where, saith Roper, he very rsell prospered for his time, and Avas soon afterward admitted of LincolnVinn. At this age his father allowed him so little money that he could not dress with decency, and exacted from him a most particular account of his expences. Yet this conduct was apjilauded by More in his riper years, as having preserved him from idleness, gaming, bad company, and vice in ge- neral. Having been reader at Furnival's-inn, by Roper's ac- Vox. L D 18 MEMoms or count, above three years, ]\Iore must have obtained that 1-500. situation about I.jOO. For some time he also read a i)ublic lecture on S'. Austin de civitate Dei, in the church of S«. Lawrence in the Old Jewry; ivhcrcunto there resorted, saith his son-in-law, Dr. Groci/n an excellent cunning man, and all the chief learned of the city of London. We also learn from Erasmus that More had a numerous auditory at this lecture, and that neither priests nor old men were ashamed or repented of having derived sacred wisdom from the young layman.* 1503. The death of Elizabeth, queen to Henry VII, in 1503, afforded More another occasion for the exercise of his ju- venile muse. The following curious specimen of the poetry and language of that age, is extracted from his English works. • SI rueful Hamcntattou written by Mr. Thomas jNIore in his youth, of the death of queen Elizabeth, mother to king Henry VIII, Avife to king Henry VII, and eldest daughter to kino- Edward IV ; which queen Elizabeth died in child- bed, in February in the year of our Lord 1503, and in the 1^* year of the reign of king Henry VII. * Epist. to Hutten. SIR T. MORE. ]fi O ! je that put your truat and confidence In worldly joy and frail prosperity, That so live here as ye should never hence. Remember death and look here upon me ; Ensample I think there may no better be. i'^ourself wot well that in this realm was I Your queen but late, and lo now here I lie Was I not born of old worthy lineage, Was not my mother queen, my father king, Was I not a king's fare in marriage, Had I not plenty of every pleasant thing ? Merciful God, this is a strange reckoning ; Riches, honour, wealth, and ancestry, Ilath me forsaken, and lo now here I lie. If worship might have kept me, I had not gone. If wit might have me saved, I needed not fear, If money might have holpe, I lacked none, But O ! good God, what vaileth all this gear ? When Death is come thy mighty messenger, Obey we must, thr-rp is no rptTiBdy, ]\Ie hath he summoned, and lo now here I lie. Yet was I late promised otherwise, This year to live in wealth and delice ; Lo whereto cometh thy blandishing promise, O ! false astrology and devinatrice, Of God's secrets making thyself so wise ; How true is for this year thy prophecy, The year yet lastetb, and lo now here I lie- D 2 «0 MEMOIRS OF O brittle wealth, aye full of bitterness, Thj single pleasure doubled is with pain ; Account my sorrow first and my distress In sundrywise, and reckon thereagain The joy that I have had, and I dare saync, For all my honour, endured yet have I More woe than wealth, and lo now here I lie. AVhere are our castles now, where are our tewers ? Goodly Richmond soon art thou gone from me ; At Westminster, that costly work of yours, Mine own dear lord, now shall I never see. Almighty God vouchsafe to grant that ye For you and your children well may edify ! My palace builded is, and lo now here I lie- Adieu mine own dear spouse, my worthy lord, The faithful love that did us both combine, In marriage and peaceable concord Into your handes here I dean resign, To be bestowed upon your children and mine. Erst were you father, and now must you supply The mother's part also, for lo now here I lie. Farewell my daugtitcr, Lady Margaret, God wot full oR it grieved hath my mind. That you should go where we should seldom meet, Now am I gone and have left you behind. O mortal folk that we be, very blind ! That we least fear, full oft it is most nigh, From you depart I first, and lo now here I lie. SIR T. MORE. 21 Farewell Madam, my lord's worthy mother, Comfort your son and be you of good cheer, Take all a worth, for it will be none other. Farewell my daughter Catharine, late the fare To prince Arthur, mine own child so dear. It booteth not for me to weep or cry, Pray for my soul, for lo now here I lie. Adieu Lord Henry, my loving son adieu, Our Lord increase your honour and estate. Adieu my daughter Mary, bright of hue, God make you virtuous, wise and fortunate. Adieu sweet heart, my little daughter Kate, Thou shalt, sweet babe, such is thy destiny, Thy mother never know, for lo now here I lie. Lady Cicyly, Anne, and Catharine, Farewell my well-beloved sisters three. ! Lady Bridget, other sister mine, Lo here the end of worldly vanity ! Now well are ye that earthly folly flee, And heavenly thinges love and magnify. Farewell and pray for me, for lo now here I lie. Adieu my lords, adieu my ladies all, Adieu my faithful servants every chone. Adieu my commons, whom I never shall See in this world ; wherefore to the alone Immortal God, verily three and one, 1 me commend ; thy infinite mercy Shew to thy servant, for lo now here I lie.' 52 MEMOIRS OF Tiic religion which then reigned in oui counli7 hud al- ready made a very powerful impression on the mind of More, and he discovered about his present age of twenty - three, some inchiuition for the monastic state. lie lived four years near the Charter-house, and without a vow fre- quented thiiiy the spiritual exercises of the Carthusians. Once he inclined to become a Franciscan friar, and is said to have been deterred from his purpose only by observing that the siricfncss formerly prevalent in this country had been considerably abated. After this he had an intention of becoming a priest in association with his faithful com- panion \\ illiam Lilly ; but God, exclaims his great-grand- son, had allotted him to another estate— not to live in so- litude, but to be a pattern to the married in bringing-up their children, in loving their wives, and devoting every en- deavour to the good of their country ; yet excelling withal in piety, charity, liumility, obedience, and chastity. ij06. In 1506, Erasmus Avas in England and dedicated the Ty- rannicida of Lucian, as well as a declamation of his own in answer to it, to Richard Whitford, chaplain to bishop Fox. llie high opinion he had already formed of More, whose declamation on the same subject hath been before noticed, "we fmd thus strongly expressed in that dedication. — Latine declamare capi, idque impuhore Thoma Moro, cujus itti sets tanta est J'acmidia, ut nihil non possit persuadere vel hosti ; tanta autem Jiominem caritate compkctor, ut etiam si saltare me, rest-imque ductaiejubeat, si7n non gravatim oh- sni T. MOIIE. 23 temperaturus. — iSeque enbn arhltror, niai inc vehemcns in il- ium falllt amor, unquam natuvam fuixisse ingenium hoc una prccsentius, proinptiua, oculatiiis, argutius, breviterquc dotibus omnigenis absolutius. Accedit lingua ingenio par, turn inon/m mira festivitas, salis plurimum sed candidi duntaxat, ut nihil in CO desideres quod ad absolutwn pertineat patronum. PVom the same sreat scholar we leani that More cou](i not shake-off" his inclination for marriage, and he therefore preferred being a chaste husband to an impure priest.* He held in view at this time, it is said, as a pattern of life, the virtuous and learned Johannes Picus of Mirandula, whose life, letters, and precepts he translated into English, and published them, f For his ghostly-father, adds his great-grandson, he chose Colet, Dean of S«. Pauls ; Avhose celebrated foundation of S'. Paul's school More compares in one of his letters to the horse of Troy, from which many, issued to subvert and overthrow ignorance and barbarity. Stapleton hath preserved a letter from More to Colet, which confirms the respect in which he held the dean, and is a good picture of the state of his own mind at this time. It is here translated. THOMAS MORE TO DEAN COLET. ' As I was w'alking lately in Westminster-hall, and musing upon other people's affairs, I encountered your boy. When I first saw him I rejoiced, for he was alway a favourite of * Epist. to Hutten. f Eng. Works. 24 MEMOIRS OF mine, but more especially because I thought he could not be here without you. But when I learnt from him that you were not returned, and would be absent for a long time, 1 cannot express to you from what joy into what sadness I was cast. ' For what can be more grievous to me than to be depriv- ed of your sweet intercourse, whose most wise advice I was accustomed to enjoy, with whose most delightful familiarity to be recreated, by whose impressive discourses I have been roused to goodness, by whose life and example I have been amended, lastly, in whose very countenance and approba- tion I have found contentment. Having under such au- spices once felt strength and confidence, deprived of them I naturally feel as it were in the wide world and unsup- ported. And as lately, treading in your footsteps, I had escaped almost from the jaws of hell, now again like Eu- ridice, but by a contrary law (she, because Orpheus look- ed back upon her, I, because you look not back upon me), I relapse, I know not by what impulse or necessit3% into my former obscurity. ' For what is there in this town to incite any one to a good life ? Or rather, Avhat is there which doth not, by a thou- sand devices and allurements, draw him from the arduous path of virtue, Avould his disposition guide him never so well in it ? "N^'hcrever you go what do you hear but, in one })lacc, the hum of feigned attachment or the honied poison of flattery, in another, fierce hatreds, quarrels, strife, and SIR T. MORE. 25 litigation? Wherever you cast your eyes, what can you see but victualling-houses, fishmongers, butchers, cooks, pud- dingmakers, fishers or fowlers, who administer to the belly, the world, and its prince the devil. The very houses seize a good part of our light and suffer us not to behold the sky ; and it is the altitiule of our buildings, not the extent of our horizon, which boundeth our view. ' From these causes I can the more readily foigive your loving to abide still in the country. There you have sifn- plicity, free from city craft. Wherever you turn your eye the face of earth cheereth your view, the grateful temper- ature of the air refresheth, the very aspect of heaven de- lighteth you. Nothing occurs there to your view save the bounteous gifts of uature and tokens of sacred innocence. Yet would I not have you so enamoured of these delights as not to return to us as soon as you can. If the city dis- please you, yet Stepney (of which you are bound to be al- so solicitous) may afford 3'ou comforts equal to those you now enjoy. And thence you can occasionally visit the city, in which you have so great opportunities for the exercise of your goodness, ' For since those in the country are harmless in them- selves, or at least liable to less wickedness, any physician will answer there. But from the height and inveteracy of the disorder in town, any but the most skilful shall attempt the cure in vain. It is true, there sometimes come into the pulpit of S». Paul's those who promise a cure. But af- A' OL. I. E 26 MEMOIRS OF ler having appeared to preach with phiusibiliiy, tlicir hfe is so much at variance with their precepts, that tliey heighten more than they alleviate the complaint, Bi'l'iJ' themselves sickest of any, they cannot persuaile others tiiat they are fit persons to cure thern ; tbr io i)e l>andled by the diseased, fills the diseased only with Cut Fox, bishop of ^\^inchestcr, urged it, and the pope's dis- pensation surmounted every objection. It was no great wonder that the pope readily granted what was so much for the interest of the papacy, though some cardinals and divines opposed it. Julius II was an enemy to Lewis XII, and wished to strengthen alliances against him. Moreover, his consent on this occasion obliged, as he thought, the succeeding kings of England to main- tain the papal authority, since from it they derived their title to the crown. But it is remarkable that by a mio-htier decree than that of any temporal power, this act of Julius, instead of strengthening, occasioned the very extirpation of the papal dominion in this country. Upon this bull Henry and Catharine were contracted. But there is reason to believe, that though he had approv- ed it as a politician, Henry VII repented of this step be- fore he died. More incurred Henry VII.'s displeasure, who wanted to ruin him. He had been elected a burgess (by what means doth not appear) and sat in tlie parliament in Avhich Henry, yielding to his ruling passion, demanded a subsidy for the marriage of his eldest daughter to the king of Scotland, 32 MEMOIRS OF rather in a view to his own cmohinient than to the rcpay- nuMit of tlic dower whieh he had given with his ehiUl. On this oceasion More gave an admirable instance of his in- tegrity, patriotism, and courage, by the strength with which he ariiued against the demand at that early aoe, undis- mayed by the servile senate which surrounded him. Mr. Tyler, a gentleman of the pri\'3'-chamber who was present at tiie debate, hastened to inform the king that a beard- less boy had frustrated his purpose, and Henry, incensed by such an opposition to the darling propensity of his mind, determined to lose no opportunity of revenge. The means he employed were worthy of his avarice and rapacity, and unworthy of his princely station. More's poverty exclud- ing him from a reasonable prospect of gratiticaiion, the king devised a groundless quarrel with his father, and Sir John More was imprisoned in the Tower until he had paid a fine of one hundred pounds. More, shortly after this, met bishop Fox, a privy-coun- sellor, who called him aside, and, pretending great kind- ness, promised that if More would be guided by liis advice he should soon be restored to the king's favour. But it af- terward appeared, that the prelate's design was to inveigle More into a confession of his offence, that a punishment might be inflicted upon him with the semblance of justice. More had, however, the prudence or good fortune to, escape this snare. AMiitford, the bishop's chaplain, was More's intimate friend. On consulting him, he advised More by no means to follow Fox's counsel, for my Lord, to sei've the SIR T. MORE. 3S king's turn, will not stick to agree to his own father'' s death. More, of course, returned not to the bishop.* His abode in England was indeed rendered so unplea- sant to him by the king's anger, that he meditated a voyage abroad, a design which was prevented by the death of Henry VII in 1509.f In the interval he lived in retirement, yet, as might be expected from a mind like More's, not without profiting of the occasion by the cultivation of his intellectual talents. We are told that he studied the French language, history, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music, and became a practical proficient on the violin, ij: His chief assistant in these pursuits was, probably, his ex- traordinary memory, to which, he once expresscth a wish that his wit and learning were equal. § In his English woi'ks are preserved four more things which Mayster Thomas More wrote in his youth for his pastime, and which therefore belong to the present chapter. The first of them hath been supposed to "iiave suggested to the cele- brated Cowper the idea of his popular tale John Gilpin ; but Mr. Hayley, the poet's biographer, disavo\\s the claim, on grounds which perhaps many readers will deem suffi- ciently satisfactory. This piece proves, what an attentive reader will, in perusing our old writers, frequently remark, that the familiar and colloquial part of our language, be- ing disused among those classes which had no ambition of * Roper and More. f Roper. t More. J Epist. pref. to Utopia. Vol. I. F ■A ^iJiMOIRS OF idhieuient or atYectatioii ol' novel Ly, Imtii suffered very little cliaiiiro.* Our lan^uaoe was then in a great degree formed and settled ; and it appears from Ben Jonsoii that More's poems, as well as his prose, were considered by his con- temporaries as models of elegance and purity in language, though in general, like all the compositions of his age, they are censurable on the score of languor and difi'useness. The three last of these pieces recommend themselves more pe- culiarly to our notice on the present occasion, from the picture they afford us of the early impressions of More's mind. ' 9 mcrrg 3iC0t, hon' a Serjeant uould learn to play the Friar Wise men .ilway Adirm and say, Tbat best 'tis for a man, Diligently For to apply * 'J'Lc business that he can ; And in no wise To enterprise Another faculty. For he that will And can no skill Is never like to theeh.t • Johneon. ■}■ Thrive. SIR T. MORE. 35 He that hath left The hosier's craft, And falleth to making shone. The smith that shall To painting fall, His thrift is well-nigh done. A black draper With white paper, To go to writing school, An old butler Become a cutler, I ween shall prove a fool. And an old trot, That can God wot Nothing but kiss the cup, With her physic Will keep one sick Till she have soused him up. A man of law, That never saw The ways to buy and sell, Weening to rise By merchandise, 1 pray God speed him well. A merchant eke That will go seek, By all the means he may, To fall in suit Till he dispute His money clean away j r 2 56 MEMOIRS OF Pleading the law For every straw, Shall prove a thrifty man With 'bate and strife, But by my life I cannot tell you whan. When an hatter Will go smatter la philosophy, Or a jjedlar W^crc a meddler In theology. All that ensue Such craftes new, They drive so far a cast, That evermore They do therefore Beshrew themselves at last. This thing was tried And verified Here by a serjeant late That thriftly was, Ere he could pass, Rapped about the pate, While that he would See how he could Tn God's name play the frere ;. Now if you will Know how it fell Take heed and vou shall hear. SIR T. MORE. 37 It happed so Not long ago A thrifty man there died, An hundred pound Of nobles round. That had he laid aside. His son he would Should have this gold For to begin withal ; But to suffice This child, well thrice That money was too small. Yet ere this day I have heard say, That many a man certes Hath with good cast Been rich at last That hath begun with less. But this young man So well began His money to employ, That certainly His policy. To see it was a joy. For lest some blast Might overcast His ship, or by mischance, Men with some wUe Might him beguile And 'minisU his substance, 3S MEIVroIttS OF For to put out All manner doubt, He made a good purvey For ev'ry whit By bis own wit And took auotber way. First fair and well Thereof much deal He digg'd it iu a pot, But then he thought That way was nought And there he left it not. So was be fain From thence again To put it in a cup ; And by and by Covetously He supped it fairly-up. In his own breast He thought it best His money to inclose, Then wist lie well Whatever fell He could it never lose. He borrow 'd then Of otlur men INIoney and merchandi^, Kcver paid it, I'p he laid it In like manner wise. SIR T. MORE. 39 Yet on tlie gear That Ue would wear He rought not what he spent, So it were nice, As for the price Could him not miscontent. With lusty sport And with resort Of joly com[)any In mirtli and play Full many a day He lived merrily. And men bad sworn Some man is born To have a lucky hour, And so was he, For such degree He gat and such honour. That without doubt When he went out, A Serjeant well and fair Was ready strait On him to wait As soon as on the may'r; But he doubtless Of his meekness Hated such pomp and pride And would not go Companied so But drew lumsell aside. 40 MEMOIRS OF To Saint Cath'rine Strait as a line He gat him at a tide, For devotion Or promotion There would he needs abide. There spent he fast Till all was past And to him came there many To ask their debt But none could get The value of a penny. With visage stout He bare it out Even unto the hard hedge, A month or twain. Till he was fain To lay his gown to pledge. Then was he there In greater fear Than ere that he came thither, And would as fain Depart again But that he wist not whither Then after this To a friend of his He went, and there abode, Whereas he lay So sick alway He might not come abroadc SIR T. MORE. 4gt It happed than A merchant maa That he ow'd money to Of an officer Then 'gan enquire What him was best to do; And he ans'red " Be not afraid Take an action therefore I you behest, I shall him 'rest And then care for no more." I fear quoth he It will not be For he will not come out. The sergeant said " Be not afraid It shall be brought about. In many a game Like to the same Have I been well in ure, And for your sake Let me be bake But if I do this cure." Thus part they both, And forth then go'th Apace this officer And tor a day AU his array He changed with a frere. Vol. I. G 4f MEMOIRS OF So was he ilight That no man might Him for a frerc deny I le tlopp'd and dook'd He spake and look'd So religiously. Yet in a glass Ere he would pass He toted and he peer'd His heart for pride Lept in his side To see how well he frer'd. Then forth apace Unto the place He goelh in God's name • To do this deed ; But now take heed, For here begins the game. He drew him nigh And softily Straight at the door he knocL'd And a damsel That heard him well There came and it unlock'd. The friar said God speed fair maid Here lotlgcth such a man It is told me ; Well Sir, quoth she, And if he do what than ? SIR T. MORE. 43 Quoth he, mistress No barm doubtless, It 'longeth for our order To hurt no man, But as we can Every wight to farther. With him truly Fain speak would I. Sir, quoth she, by my fai He is so sick You be not like To speak with him to-day. Quoth he, fair mai Yet I you pray This much at my de>ire Vouchsafe to do, As go him to And say an Austin friar Would with him speak And matters break For his avail certain. Quoth she, I will Stand you here still Till I come down again. Up did she go And told him so As she was bid to say. He mistrusting No manner thing Said, maiden go thy way G 2 11 MEMOIRS OF And fetcli liim liithcr That we together May talk. Adown she go'th. Up she him brought No Lami slie thought But it made some folk wroth. This ofBccr This feigned frcre When he was come aloft He dopped than And greet this man Religiously and ofl. And he again Riffht fflad and fain Took him there by the hand, Tlie friar then said You be dism.iy'd With trouble I understand. Indeed, quoth he, It hath wiih aie Been better than it is. Sir, quoth the frerc. Be of good cheer, Yet shall it after this. For Christ his sake Look that you take No thought within your breast : God may turn all. And so he shall I trust, unto the best. SIR T. MORE. 45 But I would now Commune with you, la counsel if you please, Or elles not, Of matters that Shall set your heart at ease. Down went the maid, The merchant said Now say-on gentle frere, Of this tiding That you me bring I long full sore to hear. When there was none But they alone The friar with evil grace Said, I 'rest thee, Come on with me, And out he took his mace> Thou shalt obey Come on thy way I have thee in my clutch Thou go'st not hence For all the pence The may'r hath m his pouch. This merchant there, For wrath and fear He waxing-well nigh wood, Said, whoreson thief, With a mischief, Who hath taught thee thy good 46 MEMOIRS 01' And with liis fist Upon the list lie gave him such a blow That backward down Abnost in swoon The friar did overthrow. Yet was this man Well feardcr than Lest he the fri'r bad slain Till with good raps And licavy claps He duwdc him up again. The friar took heart And up he start A nd well lie laid about And so tlierc go'th Between tlicm both Many a lusty clout. They rent and tear Each others hair Vnd clave together fast Till with lugging And with tugging They fell down both at last. Then on the ground Togctlier round With many a sad stroke They roll and rumble, They turn and tumble As pigs do in a poke. SIR T. MORE. 47 So long above They heave and shove Together, that at last The maid and wife To break the strife Hied thetn upward fast. And v?hen they spy The captains lie Both weltring on the place The friar's hood They pull'd agood Adown about his face. While he was blind The wench behind Lent him laid on the floor Many a joll About the noul With a great battledoor. The wife came yet And with her feet She holpe to keep him down And with her rock Many a knock She gave him on the crown. They laid his mace About his face That he was wood for pain The friar frap Gat many a swap Till he was full nigh slain. 48 MEMOIRS OF Up they bim lift And witli ill thrift Headlong along tlie stair Down Ihcy liim threw And said adieu, Commatd us to the mat/r. The friar arose But I suppose Amazed was his head He shook his ears And from great fears lie thought iiim well afled. Quoth he, now lost Is all this cost Wc be never the near, 111 must he thceh That caused me To make myself a frcrc. Now masters all Here now I shall End there as I began, In anywise 1 would advise And counsel ev'ry man, His own craft use All new refuse And lightly let them gone Play not the frere ; Now make good cheei And welcome ev'ry chone. SIR T. MORE 49 ' €8c tt)Oct»0 of i?ortune to the People. Mi.VE liigh estate, power, and authority If ye ne know, eascarch and ye shall spy That riches, worship, wealth, and di<,'nity Joy, rest, and peace, and all things finally That any pleasure or profit may come by To man his confort, aid, and sustenance, Is all at my devise and ordinance. AYithout my favour there is nothing won, Many a matter have I brought at last To good conclude that fondly wixs begun, And many a purpose, bounden sure and fast With wise provision, I have overcast. Without good hap there may no wit suffice, Better 'tis to be fortunate than wise ! And therefore have there some men been ere this My deadly foes, and written many a book To my dispraise. And other cause there n'is But for me list not friendly on them look. Thus like the fox they fare, that once forsook The pleasant grapes, and 'gan for to defy them Because he lept and yet could not come by them. But let them write, their labour is in vain ; For well ye wot, mirth, honour, and riches Much better is than penury and pain. The needy wretch that ling'reth in distress W ithout my help, is ever comfortless, A very burden, odious and loath To all the world, and eke to himself both. Vol. I. H JM» MEMOIRS OF Uut he tliat by my favour may asccnil To njiglity pow'r and excellent degree, A commonweal to govern and defend, O 1 in how bless'd condition slandeth he, Himself in honour au in a rout. Like swarming bees, come flickermg her about. Then as a bait she bringeth forth her ware, Silver and gold, rich pearl and precious stone, On which the amazed people gaze and stare And gape therefore as dogs do for a bone. Fortune at thenr laugheth, and in her throne Amid her treasure and wavering riches Proudly she heaveth as lady and empress. Fast by her side doth weary Labour stand Pale Fear also, and sorrow all bewept, Disdain and. Hatred on that other hand Eke restless watch, from sleep with travail kept. His eyes drowsj and looking as he slept. Before her standeth Danger and Envy, Flatt'ry, Deceit, Mischief, and Tyranny. About her cometh all the world to beg ; He asketh land ; and He to pass would bring This toy and that, and all not worth an egg ; He would in love prosper above all thing ; He kneeleth down and would b • made a king ; He forcetli not so he may money have, Tho' all the world account him for a knave. H 2 52 MEMOIRS OF Lo thus ye sec, divers heads divers wits, Fortune, alone as divers as they all, Unstable, here and there among tiiem ilits, And at a venture down her gifts tliey fall ; Catch whoso rnnj', she throweth great and small, Not to all men as comcth sun or dew, But for the most part, all among a few. And yet, her brittle gifts long may not last. He that she gave them looketli proud and high, She whirl'th about and pluck'th away as fast And giv'th them to another by and by. And thus from man to man continually She iis'th to give and take, and slily toss One man to winning of another's loss. And when siic robbclh one, down go'th his pride. He wecp'th and wail'th and curscth her lull sore. But he who receiv'th it on t'other side Is glad and bless'th her oftentimes therefore. But in a while, when she lov'th him no more. She glideth from him, and her gifts they too, And he her curseth as other fools do. Alas ! the foolish people cannot cease', Nor 'void her train till the}' the harm do feel. About her alway busily they press ; But Lord ! how hcdolh think himself full well That may set once hts haiKi upon her wheel. Tie holdcth fast ; but upward as he sty'th. She whipp'th her wheel about, and there he li'th SIR T. MORE. 53 Thus fell Julius from his miglity power, Thus fell Darius, the worthy king of Perse, Thus fell Alexander, the great conqueror. Thus many more than I may well rehearse. Thus double Fortune, when she list reverse Her slipp'ry favour from them that in her trust. She fli'th her way and li'th them in the dust. She suddenly enhanceth them aloft And suddenly mischieveth all the flock, The head that late lay easily and full toft Instead of pillows li'th after on the block. And yet, alas the most cruel proud mock The dainty moutli that ladies kissed have She bringeth in the case to kiss a knave. In changing of her course the change shcw'th this, Up start'th a knave and down there fall'th a knight, The beggar rich and the rich man poor is, Hatred is turned to love, love to dcspight ; This is her sport, thus proveth she her might. Great boast she niak'th if one be by her pow'r Wealthy and wretched both within an hour. Poverty, that of her gifts will nothing take, With merry cheer looketh ujjon the press And seeth how Fortune's household go'th to wreck. Fast by her standeth the wise Socrates, Aristippus, Pytliagoras, and many a leash Of old philosophers. And eke against the son Baketh him poor Diogenes in his tun. 54 JIEMOIRS OF With her is Bias, whose country lack 'J defence And whilom of their foes stood so in doubt That each man hastily 'gan to carry thence And asked him, why he nought carried out ? / bear, quoth he, uU nmc zcilh vie about. Wisdom he meant, not Fortune's brittle tecs, For nought he counted his which he might lecsc. lleraclitus eke list fellowship to keep With glad poverty. Democritus also. Of which the first can nevtT cease but weep To see how thick the bUnded people go, With labour great, to purcliase cure and woe. That other laugh'th to see the loolisli apes How earnestly they walk about their jap«s.* Of this poor sect it is common usage, Only to take that nature may sustain, Banishing clean all other surplusage They be content and of nothing complain. No niggard eke is of his good so fhin But they more pleasure have a thousand fold The secret draughls of nature to bi'hold. Set Fortune's servants by them an ye wull. That one is free, that other ever thrall, That one content, that other never full. That one in surety, t'other like to fall. Who list to advise them both, perceive he shall As great diff'rence between them, as we sec Betwixt wretchedness and felicity. • J«t«. SIR T. MORE. 53 Now have I shew'd ye botb, choose which ye list, Stately Fortune or humble poverty ; That is to say, now li'th it in your fist To take here bondage or free liberty. But in this point an ye do after me, Draw ye to Fortune, labour her to please f that ye think yourselves too well at ease. And first upon thee lovely shall she smile And friendly on thee cast her wandering eyes, Embrace thee in her arms, and for a while Put thee and keep thee in fool's paradise ; And forthwith all, whatso thou list devise, She will thee grant it liberally perhaps, But for all that, beware of afterclaps. Reckon you never of her favour sure. You may in clouds as eas'ly trace an hare, Or in dry land cause fishes to endure, And make the burning fire his heat to spare, And all this world in compass to forfare. As her to make by craft or engine stable That of her nature is ever variable. Serve her day and night, as reverently Upon thy knees as any servant may, And in conclusion, that thou shall win thereby Shall not be worth thy service I dare say. And look yet, what she giveth thee to-day With labour won, she shall haply to-morrow Pluck it again out of thine hand wth sorrow. 56 MEMOIRS OF WLereforc, if tliou in surety list to stand, Take Pov'rty's part and let proud Fortune go, Receive no tiling that cometh from licr hand. Love manner and virtue, they be only tlio' Which double Fortune may not take thee fro. Then mayst tliou IjoUlly defy lier turning chance, Siie can tliee neither kinder nor advance. But an thou wilt needs meddle with her treasure. Trust not therein and spend it lib'rally, Bear thcc not proud, nor take not out of m'.'asurc, Build not thine house on high up in tlie sky. IS'one fallctli far but lie who climbeth high. Remember nature sent thee hither bare, The gifts of Fortune, count them borrowed ware.' ' '2DSoma0 i^cit to than nho seek Fortune. Wiioso delighteth to proven and assay Of wavering Fortune the uncertain lot, If that the answer please you not alway Blame you not me, for I command you not Fortune to trust ; and ckc full well you wot I have of her no bridle in my fist, She runneth loose and turneth where she list. The rolling dice in which your luck doth stand. With whose unhappy chance you be so wroth. You know 3 ourself came never in my hand. Lo in this pond be fish and frogs they both, Cast in your net, but be you lief or loath, Hold you content as Fortune list assign For it is your own fishing and not mioe. SIR T. MORE. 9f And though in one chance Fortune you offend, Grudge not thereat but bear a merry face, In many another she shall it amend. There is no man so far out of her grace But lie sometime hath comfort and solace ; Nor none again so farforth in her favour That is full satisfied with her behaviour. Fortune is stately, solemn, proud, and high, And riches giv'th to have ser\'ice therefore. The needy beggar catch'th an halfpenny, Some man a thousand pounds, some less, some more. But for all that she keepeth ever in store From ev'ry man some parcel of his will, That he may pray therefore and ser^e her still. Some man hath good but children hath he none, Some man hath both but he can get none healthy Some hath all three, but up to honour's throne Can be not creep by no manner of stealth. To some she sendeth children, riches, wealth, Honour, worship, and rev'rence all his life. But yet she pincheth him with a shrew 'd wife. Then forasmuch as it is Fortune's guise To grant no man all things that he will aksj But, as herself list order and devise. Doth ev'ry man his part divide and tax ; I counsel ye, each one truss-up your packs And take nothing at all, or be content With such reward as Fortune hath you sent. Vol. I. 58 MEMOIRS OF AU things ■which in tliis book that you bhiill read. Do as jou list, there shall no man you bind Them to believe as surely as your creed, But notwilhslandiiig certcs in my mind J durst well swear, s true you shall them find In every point cacli answer by and by As are the judgments of astronomy.' SIR T. MORE. 59 CHAP. II. Accession of Henry VIII. . . . Consummation of his marriage with Catharine of Arragon. . . . More re-appears in the world and writes verses on the coronation. . . . Anecdote of Emson and Dudley. . . . Morels attachment to Erasmus. . . . He is made one of the under- sheriffs. . . . His high estimation as a lawyer. . . . He replies to Dor- pins. . . . His second wife. . . . Henry desires to engage him in his ser- vice. . . . He accompanies Tonstall to Flanders. . . . His letter to Eras- mus on his embassy. . . . Busleiden and ^gidius. . . . Mare's letter to Jf'arham. . . . He pleads a cause for the t)ope. . . . I nighted, &c His account of his first advancement. . . Henry's earlier court. . . . The king's intimacy with More. . . . Luther. . . . Erasmus persecuted. .... More expected the reformation. . . . Edtvard Lee attacks Eras- mus. . . . More defends him. . . . Brixius attacks More. . . . Erasmus defends him. . . . More's letter to the university of Oxford. , , . He is made speaker of the commons. . . . His speech on the occasion. . . . Anecdotes of JFolsey and More. . . . JVolsey wishes to send him to Spain. . . . Progress of Luther. . . . Henry writes against him, and More is suspected. . . . Luther's reply and Boss' rejoinder. . . . Eras- mus writes against Luther. . . . More is exhorted to zvrite. . . . His character in the Ciceronianus. . . . He is made chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster. . . . Anecdote of the king and More. . . . More is sent on foreign embassies. . . . His sicccess at Cambray. . . . His loss iyfre, and letter to his wife, I 2 60 MEMOIRS OF r EW princes have ascended a throne with the more de- cided satisfaction of their subjects than did Henry VIII. In the place of a monarch sinking deeper in jealousy, avarice, and severity, as he advanced in years, men beheld a prince ^ young, handsome, accomplished, wealthy, and prodigal ; who, in the eye of experience, gave flattering promises of future conduct, much more in that of popular cnthusiasmi The nobility, humbled by the policy of his father, crowded to gain his favour and to share his profusion. Tlie pleasures and gallantry of the age were assembled at his court. His father, to remove him from the knowledge of business, had engaged him in literature. The proficiency he made was no bad prognostic of his parts, and lie became a lover of learning and the learned. His vehemence and ardour (wliich in time degenerated into tyranny) were interpreted as the failings of youth. The contending titles of York and Lancaster were united in him, and that impartiahty of administration was expected which had long been unknown in our country. In a word, the English rejoiced in the death of Henry VII, and had great expectations from his son ; but alas ! he lived to disappoint these hopes and prov- ed a tyrant. One of the first measures which engaged the new king's attention, was the celebration of his marriage with the widow of his brother. Lord Herbert informs us that the king's graver counsellors told him, the same reasons which induced Henry VII to the match with Spain, first in tlie SIR T. MORE. 61 person of Arthur, and after his premature death in young Henry's own person, were still in force ; that his preten- sions on France made an alliance with that power unne- cessary, while they rendered the united opposition of Spain desirable ; and that there were natural causes of good neigh- bourhood sufficient to maintain him in friendship with Maximilian the emperor. Catharine, moreover, declared herself to be still a virgin, and had given many proofs of her virtuous and amiable character. Ferdinand, her father, had given ample com- mission to his ambassador here, and the lady's presence would save time as well as expence ; but should she depart the kingdom, a large dower must be yearly remitted iiom the country. That scriptural authority might not be want- ing, this passage was quoted ; If brethren dwell together and one of them die and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without imto a stranger, her husband's brother shall go in unto her and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her : and it shall be that the frst-born which she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put out of Israel.* The dispensation formerly obtained from the pope was also urged ; and in fine, about six weeks, after his fa- ther's death, the consummation of Henry's marriage took place with Catharine of Arragon, his brother's widow. More, now about thirty years of age, re-appeared in the * Deuter. xxv. 5. m MEMOIRS OF general reanimation at the commencement of the reign in which he was destined to be so great and so unfortunate ; and probabl}' to greater advantage than before, from the cultivation of his character and his acfjuircments in soli- tude under the royal displeasure. His classical pen Avas called-forth on the coronation, and the poem * he wrote in Latin is an elegant compliment to Henry and his queen, and a severe satire on the reign of his rapacious father. The dedication concludes with the cmphatical words vale princeps illustriasime, et, qui nevus ac varus rcgum titulus est, amatissiine. When Emson and Dudley, those vile ministers of Henry VII.'s rapacity, were leading to execution, in consequence of their attainder by the young king in his infant populari- ty, though at the expence of his father's fame. More, \vith his usual archness, though without his accustomed huma- nit}', is said to have interrogated Dudley, Iiaie not I doixe better than you ? Dudley is said to have congratulated More in reply, that he did not ask forgiveness of Henry VII as he had been advised to do.f The character of the good Erasmus, though it was as yet but little celebrated, had, it seems, its due influence on the discernment of More. The acquaintance they had formed at college, cherished by the similarity of their minds and their studies, appears by this time to have lipencd in- to a strong attachment, and they now corresponded by let- • Vol. ii. of this. t More. . SIR T. .MORE. 63 tcr whenever they were apart from each other. When tlic great scholar agaui visited Enghmd in 1510, he is saiil, on ijio. his arrival, to have lodged with More. Dr. Jortin and others are, however, mistaken in ascribing to this meeting the composition of the celebrated Praise of Folly by Eras- mus in a week, to divert himself and his friend, as we have akeady seen in the preceding chapter. Soon after Henry's accession ]\Iore was appointed one of the under-sheriffs of the city of London, by which office and his profession he was heard to say that he now gained, without scruple of conscience, above ^400 per annum. There was at this time no cause of importance in which he was- not retained on one side or the other; and ybr his learning, wisdom, knozvledge, ^and experience, men had such estimation, continues Mr. Koper, that bejore he came into the service of king Henry VIII, at the suit and instance of the English merchants, he was, by the king's consent, made twice ambas- sador in certain great causes betwixt them and the Jiierchants of the Stilyard. Erasmus, in his letter to Hutten, also gives us a high character of the request in which the talents of his friend were held, as well as of his integrity and modera- tion. Thus More, persevered for the present with assiduity in his profession, and he was twice appointed reader at 1512. Lincolns-inn, viz. in the third and sixth years of Henry ^^^^' VIIL* But his heart was too disinterested, and his mind too ex- * Roper and Dugdale. M MEMOIRS OF pansivc, to confine him rigidly to tlie duties of his pro- fession. Thus Ave find him in the hitter of these years en- listing in the cause of fiiendship and replying to Dorpius, a divine of Louvain, who had written against the Praise of Folly. While others contented themselves with reviling the good scholar over their cups or in private, Dorpius was the first who wrote against Erasmus. He condemned the Mo- ria? Encomium, as a satirical work in which the author ri- diculed all orders and professions ; not excepting even the ecclesiastics, who have commonly pretended that their function should serve them for a passport. He moreover endeavoured to dissuade Erasmus from imdertaking the New Testament, but graciously permitted him to publish S*. Jerom. Knowing his youth and ductility, and that he had been inveigled by others into this attack, Erasmus replied with his usual mildness. He clcared-up some points to Dorpius, continued in the true charity of his heart to live on good terms with him, and even lamented his death. His friend More also replied to Dorpius in a long and laboured epistle, which is preserved among his Latin works. In this letter More proves the necessity of studying the Greek language, of which Dorpius had spoken with contempt ; and he ex- poses in civil language the ignorance, impertinence, and malevolence of the attack upon Erasmus. Whatever mo- tive influenced Dorpius, he was highly culpable for treat- ing of subjects which he understood not, and for being the first in such an attack. A nuilignant mind and a mean SIR T. MORE. M spirit must have prompted him to condemn writings which he could not imitate, and to endeavour to make the man odious who was affording the pubhc important instruc- tion.* More's first wife, as we have already remarked, survived their union only about six years ; and two or three years after her death,f which brings us to our present period, he mai'ried Mrs. Alice Middleton, a widow with one daugh- ter, by whom he had no children. More used to say of this lady, that she was nee bella, iiec puella, and the great- grandson's account of her and of her mairiage with More are curious. * This (he writes) he did not of any concupiscence, for he would often affirm that chastity is more hardly kept in wedlock than in a single hfe ; but because she might have care of his children, which were very young, from whom of necessity he must be very often absent. She was of good years, of no good favour nor complexion, nor very rich ; by disposition very near and worldly. I have heard it reported, he wooed her for a friend of his, not once think- ing to have her himself But she wisely answering him, that he might speed if he would speak in his own behalf, tell- ing liis friend what she had said unto him, with his good liking he married her, and did that Avhich otherwise he would perhaps never have thought to have done. And in- deed her favour, as I think, could not have bewitched, or * Jortin. + More. Vol. I. K 86 MEMOIRS OF scarce ever moved any man to love her. But yet she prov- ed a kind and careful mother-in-law to his children, as he was alway a most loving father unto them ; and not only to his own, but to her daughter also, who was married to Mr. Alin^ton and mother to Sir Giles Alington.' The same writer informs us that More taught this wife music with a view to render her less worldly. "NVoIsey was already high in dignity ; and More's fame having by this time attracted Henry's attention, the king desired the cardinal to engage him also in his service. Wolsey, we are told, acted honestly at least on this occa- sion, and endeavoured to accomplish the king's wish. He represented to More the importance of his services, and as- sured him (for perhaps then he understood not Henry's character) that royal bounty could not but repay them with liberality. More was not, however, to be prevailed upon, for the present at least, to exchange the independent sta- tion which his ability as a lawyer now gave him, for that of a courtier ; and the excuses he made were for this time admitted.* No man ever strove harder, says Erasmus, to gain admittance at court, than More strove to keep out of it.t He accepted, hmvever, a diplomatic appointment in as- 1516. sociation with Cuthbert Tonslall in the year 1516; and pro- ceeded with him to Flanders, to meet the ambassadors of • Roper and More. -f Epist. to Hutten. SIR T. MORE. m Charles prince of CastUe, on affairs, as he informs * us, of no small importance. Yet even this service appears to have been protracted longer than was perfectly agreeable to More, though it produced him, on his return, the offer of a pen- sion. To this offer, perhaps, the king's desire to retain More in his service may have materially contributed. In a letter written to Erasmus soon after his return, and pre- served in his Latin works, More gives a very agreeable ac- count of this expedition. ' Our embass}' (he writes) for this too, as all else which concerneth me, interests you, hath proceeded happily enough, save that the affair was drawn into greater length than I either expected or wished. For, on leaving home, I looked for an absence of hardly two months, but con- sumed above six on that embassy. Yet a conclusion suf- ficiently agreeable was the result of this long delay. But seeing the business on which I went brought to an end, and other matters arising one out of the other which appeared the initials of still greater delay (a circumstance never want- ing on diplomatic occasions), I wrote to the cardinal for leave to return, and used, among other friends, the assist- ance of Pace chiefly on the occasion, who had not 3^et left England. On my way home I met him unexpectedly at Gravehnes, and in such a hurry that he could hardly stop to greet me. ' This office of ambassador never pleased me. Neithei* • Utopia. K 2 G8 MEMOIRS OF is it likely to suit us laymen so well as it doth you eccle- siastics, who either have no wives and children at home, or find them Avherever you come. We, when we have been a Jittie while absent, long to be home again on their accounts. And again, when an ecclesiastic sets-out, he may take his whole family whither he will, and maintain them abroad at the expence of kings, wlicn he must have done it at home at his own. But when I am absent I have two families to support, one at home and one abroad. The provision made by the king for those I took with me was sufficiently li- beral ; yet no regard was had to tliose who must be left at home, none of whom, you will conceive, I could desire to feel any want during my absence, as you know what a hus- band, father, and master I wish to be. * Lastly, princes can repay such as you without any cost to themselves ; but with regard to us, this is not so easy. Nevertheless, on my return, a pension would have , been given me by the king (an offer, in point of honour or profit, not to be despised), but I have hitherto dechned it, and think I shall continue to do so. For if I accept it, my present situation in this city, which I prefer to a higher one, must either be relinquished, or, which I should be very much against, be held with some dissatisfaction to our citizens ; with whom and their prince, should any question arise as to their privileges (which sometimes occurs), they would think me less true to their cause because I was in- debted to the king for my pension. SIR T. MORE. ay ' For the rest, some occurrences in my embassy gave me peculiar delight. And first, my long and constant inter- course with Tonstall ; than whom no man is better inform- ed in every elegant attainment, no man more correct in his conduct or agreeable in his conversation. Then I formed a friendship with Busleiden, whose fortune gave him to treat me magnificently, and his goodness, courteously. The ele- gance of his house, his excellent domestic economy, the monuments of antiquity he possesses (in which you know I take peculiar delight), lastly, his exquisite library, and his still more eloquent breast, completely astonished me. — But in the whole of my peregrination, nothing was more agreeable to me than the company of your friend ^gidius of Antwerp ; a man so learned, merry, modest, and tmly friendly, that may I perish if I would not freely give a good part of my property only to enjoy constantly his in- tercourse." Hieronymus Buslidius, here alluded to, an ecclesiastic of the Low countries, died very soon after this period, and bequeathed his property to the academy of Louvain, to erect a college where Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, should be taught. This noble institution gave offence to the illiterate divines who harboured there, while Erasmus, a living water in the desert, extolled Busleiden's liberality. They are vexed, he writes, that three tongues should be in request, and had rather remain as they are, double-tongued ; indeed there is no teaching a new language to such old parrots,* • Epirt. 338. 7a jMEMOiRs or To iEgidius of Antwerp, also commended in this letter, More addressed his Utopia, which celebrated piece was written about this time. In the prefixed epistle the reader Avill find an agreeable picture of More's present avocations; but, he complains, they left him no leisure for literary pur- suits. The good Warham, choosing rather to retire from public employment than to maintain an unequal contest with AVolsey, resigned his office of chancellor. Stapleton hath preserved a letter written to him by More on this occasion, and accompanied by a copy of Utopia, which is interest- ing on account of the subsequent similar resignation of More. It is here translated. Thomas More to Archbishop Wai^iam. * I have ever, good father, reckoned yours a happy lot. ] 'irst, while you discharged with so much celebrity the of- fice of chancellor, and now still hapj)ier, when, having re- signed that office, you have betaken yourself to a desirable repose in which you may live to God and yourself- a re- pose, I say, not only more agreeable than were those oc- cupations, but in my opinion more honourable than were all your honours. Many, and sometimes the worst of men, may be in office ; you held the highest, and one which car- ries great authority in the execution, and which is obnoxi- ous to sufficient calumny on the resignation of it. To lay it down then, as you did, of your own accord (the permis- SIR T. MORE. 7i sion for which I know cost you much trouble), none but a modest man would have wished, none but an innocent one have dared. ' You have many to appreciate and admire your con- duct, and myself am not among the least strenuous on this occasion. Indeed, I know not, whether most to applaud your modesty in voluntarily relinquishing so high and splen- did an office, your greatness in dispising dignity, or the in- nocence of your administration in being fearless of the con- sequence. Your conduct was certainly most exxellent and wise ; nor can I express how strongly I congratulate this your singular felicity, how much I rejoice for you, when I see you, good father, remote from secular employment, re- ceding from forensic tumult, enjoying the honourable fame, the rare glory, of your well administered and Avell-resigned office ; and, joyful in the consciousness of your past life, calmly devoting your remaining time to letters and philo- sophy. ' My own comparative misery makes me think daily more and more of this your happy condition. For, although I have no occupations worth the naming, yet, as weakness is easily overcome, I ara so busy, that I have neither time to pay my respects to you in person, nor to apologize by letter for my omission. Thus I have hardly time to write you this, with a view of recommending to your favour this ill-finished httle book, which a too partial friend of Ant- werp, precipitated as it was rather than polished, thought 73 MEMOIRS OF worthy of the press and printed it •without my knowledge. Although I think it unworthy of your dignity, experience, and learning, yet, satisfied as I am of your kindness and candour toward every endeavour, and having individually felt your goodness, I have the boldness to send it you ; and hope, tiiough the work prove of little worth, its author shall find some favour with you. ' Farewell most worthy prelate.' An incident not long afterward occurred, which drove More into the distinction he had so studiously avoided. A valuable ship of the pope's coming into Southampton, and being claimed as prize by Henry Vlil, the legate applied to the king, that his master might have counsel assigned him learned in the laws of this kingdom, to defend his cause ; and, as his majesty was himself a great civilian, it was requested that the cause might be tried publicly, and in his presence. More had the honour of being chosen, as the propcrest lawyer of the time, to be counsel for the pope, and to report the arguments in Latin to the legate, A hearing of the cause was appointed before the chancellor and the judges in the star-chamber. Our advocate plead- ed with so much learning and success, that not only was the ship restored to the pope, but himself, adds Mr. Roper, among all the hearers, for his upright and commendable de- meanour therein so greatly renowned, that for no entreaty would the king from henceforth he induced any longer to for- bear his service. SJR T. MORE. 73 Having no better place at that time vacant, Henry at first made More Master of the Requests, and a month af- terward knighted him and made him a privy-counsellor. The precise date of these honours is not very certain, but we may safely limit them to the year 1517* Weston, 1517. treasurer of the exchequer, dying some time afterward, the king without sollicitation gave that place also to More.-f- Of his first advancement the knight afterward wrote this curious account in a letter to bishop Fisher, which is here translated from Stapleton. ' I came most unwillingly to court, as every one know- eth, and as the king himself sometimes in joke tells me. And to this day I seem to sit as awkwardly there, as one who never rode before sitteth in a saddle. But our prince, though I am far from being in his especial favour, is so af- fable and kind to all, that every one, let him be ever so diffident, findeth some reason or other for imagining he loveth him ; just as our London matrons persuade them_ selves that our Lady's image smileth upon them as they pray before it. I am neither so fortunate as in reality to perceive such favourable tokens, nor of so sanguine a tem- perament as even to flatter myself that I do so ; yet such are his majesty's virtue and learning, and such his daily in- creasing industry, that seeing him the more and more ad- vance in good and truly royal accomplishments, I the less and less feel this court life to hang heavily upon me.' * Lord Herbert. f Roper. Vol. L L 74. MEMOIRS OF Nor was More singular in this his favourable opinion of Henry's earlier court, although royal favour may be sup- posed to have had some influence upon his judgment. The fragrance of her honourable fame, saith Erasmus, smellcth sweetly everywhere ; for she hath a king possessing every worthy, princely attribute, a queen his fellow, and a num- ber of worthy, learned, sedate, and discreet subjects.* Wc arc now therefore to behold More in a very dilferent situation from those in which Ave lately viewed him. We find him taken from his practice as a lawyer, and from the condition of a private gentleman, to become an officer of state and the favourite of a king — taken we may truly say, for he certainly acquiesced in the royal favour, rather in obedience to the king than to gratify any passion of his own for power and grandeur. His simplicit}' of heart pro- babh' gave him a disrelish for the courts of princes and their intrigues, and it is possible that he may have already sur- mised from Henry's character the j)robable inconstancy of his favour. Under every advancement, we shall find that he still preserved the plainness and integrity which distin- tinguishcd him in private life. A superior station served but for a time to call-forth his superior talents ; and in the end it displayed his superiority of character under the se- veiest of human trials. In the first years of his promotion, ^ve are told Henry was in the habit of frequently sending for Sir Thomas and * Epist. to Guilford. SIR T. MORE, 75 confening with him in private in his closet on astronomy, geometry, divinity, and other subjects, as well as on af- fairs of state. They sometimes even ascended together in the night to the top of the house to observe, as well as converse of, the heavenly bodies ; * a trait worthy of the early and more innocent 3'ears of Henry VIII, and a strik- ing contrast to his subsequent character. The kino- holds More in such intimacy, saith Erasmus, that he never suf- fereth him to leave him — if he wanteth him in serious mat- ters, he hath not a better adviser ; if to relax his mind, he knoweth not a more festive companion.f The company of Sir Thomas was indeed, it seems, so agreeable, that the king and queen frequently sent for him in the evening about this time, to he merry with them, saith Mr. Roper. This went so far, that the affectionate prin- ciple which the knight retained in his advancement, I must chat ziith }nij wife and prattle with my children, % was ia danger of usurpation. His conversation became so enter- taining to the king and queen, that he could not once in a month obtain permission to spend an evening with his fa- mily ; nor could he be absent from the court two days in succession without being called for. More, however, just- ly considered the claims of his family in this particular as superior to those of his sovereign. Restraining, therefore, the natural vivacity of his disposition, he caused his con- versation in the roj'al presence to become by degrees less * Roper. f Epist. to Hutten. % Utopia. L 2 76 iAlEMOIRS OF and less attractive ; and tlie consequence M'as, that his time became more his own.* Leo X was at this time everywhere pubUshing his imlul- gciiccs, to raise money under pretence, of waging war with the Turks say some, of bui ding S'. Peter's church say others. The dominicans being employed by him in Germany on this occasion, the augustinians, who pretended that the of- fice belonged to them, were irritated. Martin Luther, pro- fessor of divinity at AVittenberg, and an augustinian, among others, examined this doctrine of indulgences. Finding it, as he thought, full of error, and being gifted by nature with an independence and intrepidity of character which would not allow him on such an occasion to remain a silent or in- active spectator, he publicly refuted it in 1517. From this time, Erasmus began to be most maliciously persecuted by the ecclesiastics. They loudly complained that his bold and free censures of the monks, their pious grimaces and superstitious devotions, had opened the way for Luther. Erasmus, they said, laid the egg, and Luther hatched it. The religious disputes which opened the scene produced religious wars and cruel persecutions, a state of affairs sufficiently afflicting to More's mild and gentle friend, who often complained that his endeavours to reconcile the opposite parties, only drew upon him the resentment of both.-j' The minorite brethren, he said, deserved to be * Roper. t Jortin. SIR T. MORE. 77 complimented as wits for their joke, but he laid. a hen's egg and Luther hatched a yery different bii'd.* With his strong attachment to the church of Rome, it -< seems from the following anecdote that Sir Tliomas expect- ed one day the success of the reformation in this country, and perhaps his knowledge of Henry's temper contributed to the surmise. Mr. Roper says, when he commended to More the happy estate of this realm, which had so catholic a prince that no heretic dared to shew his face, so virtuous and learned a clergy, so grave and sound a nobility, and so loving, obedient subjects, all in one faith — the knight replied, truth it is indeed son Roper, and even exceeded him in commendation ; and yet son Roper, he continued, J pray God that some of us, as high as we seem to sit upon the mountains, treading heretics under our feet like ants, live not the day that we would gladly he at league and composi- tion with them, to let them have their churches quietly to themr- selves, so that they would be contented to let us have ours quietly to ourselves. Edward Lee began also about this time to attack Eras- mus, and to stir-up the divines against him. He not only treated the good scholar as one of little erudition and no judgment, but as an heretic and an enemy to the church ;. and did all he could to run him down and ruin him. Eras- mus in return hath often said, the earth never produced an animal more vain, arrogant, scurrilous, ignorant, foolish, * Zpitt. 719- 7S MEMOIRS OF and malicious, tl)au Lee. Yet this man was advanced at court, lie was chaplain and ahnoner to Henry VIII, was afterward employed by the king on several embassies, and lastly, was made archbishop of York. IVIore, though a constant friend to Lee, was much dis- 1^19- pleased at his quarrelling with Erasmus. In 1519, and subsequent years, he wrote three letters to Lee, which arc reprintetl by Dr. Jortin in the appendix to his life of Eras- mus. They inform us that he would have dissuaded Lee from publishing his censures of his friend, that he was very sorry when they were published, that lie thought him far inferior to Erasmus as well in knowledge and ability as in credit and interest with the learned world, and that he judged this exploit would draw infamy and contempt upon the writer, and even an odium upon the English. Thus our Lee (adds the Doctor), who, had he kept the fool with- in doors, might have passed for a tolerable divine, chose rather to purchase renown, such as it was, by heading the clamorous half-learned censurers of Erasmus and of all re- formations. Among those indeed he might hope to make a figure though not among more eminent persons, and it is no wonder that an ambitious man should choose rather to be the leader of a paltry sect, than to be lost among scholars of the second or third class. Lee was ever an enemy to the reformation, and is ex- tolled, as might have been expected, by Wood, Stapleton, SIR T. MORE. 79 More's great-grandson, and others. Bishop Burnet gives us a juster account of him. Soon after this vindication of his friend, Sir Thomas was himself attacked. Brixius, or, as his contemporary Rabe- lais calls him, de Brie, had written a poem in 1513, intituled Chordigera, describing an action of that year between the English ship Regent and the French ship la Cordeliere. As he had given a false account of the engagement, and in- sulted and calumniated the English, More wrote several epigrams in derision of the poem. Brixius, picqued at the aftront, revenged himself by an elegy which he intituled Antimoi-us, in which he severely censured all the faults which he thought he had found in the poems of More ; but this piece was not published till 1520, and then at Paris in compliance with the wishes of the author s friends. *^ Erasmus, in a very good letter to Brixius, civil]}^ though freely, insinuated to him that he was a very child compared to More, and launched out as usual in praise of his English friend.f- More at first despised the poem, and wrote to Erasmus that, to prove to the world the contempt in wliich he held it, he had a design of reprinting it himself. J He, however, afterward wrote an answer to it ; Avhich was no sooner puljlished, than he received a letter from Erasmus, wisely exhorting him to pass the matter in silent contempt, for that alone was the conduct which the attack deserved. Sir Thomas soon saw his error, and, following his friend's ■* La Moiinoye, Menagi^n iii. 115 > + Epist. 511. % Latin works. - 1520. 80 MEMOIRS or advice, he immediately recalled the publication, so that very few copies of it escaped into the world.* Yet Eras- mus, although he was capable of giving his friend this good advice, had certainly himself too nmch of this very sensi- lii-lity when attacked by malicious and inconsiderable ad- ^ ' versaries. Such characters require a friend to advise them, ^. •■ leave these men to themselves, they cannot live in their own jp»* writings, why should they live in yours ? and it is, after all, no such terrible matter to be misrepresented as a dunce, when time and truth must put folly to tlight.-f- To this period also. Wood ascribes the proof which More gave of his zeal for learning, by his letter to the university of Oxford on the study of Greek. i\fter Grocyn came thither to teach Greek, a serious opposition was manifest- ed to his progress. A faction of the students, denominat- ing themselves Trojans, and who had their Priam, Hector, Paris, (Sec. declared themselves enemies to what they called the new learning, and one of them had the impudence to attack the Greeks trom the university pulpit. More wrote a well-timed letter ;{: in Latin to the universit3> and observ- ed that even Cambridge, ever her inferior as a seminary, promoted the study of Greek ; that her own chancellor Warham, Cardinal Wolsey, nay the king himself, wished to encourage it; and that therefore it was probable these ri- diculous Trojans, the enemies of useful learning, would in the end have the old proverb applied to themselves, sero sa- inunt Phryges. * More. t See Jortin. J Printed at Oxford in 4'°. l633. sm T. MORE. 81 In the parliament holden at Blackfriars in the year 1523, 1^23. Sir Thomas More was chosen speaker. He was very desir- ous of being excused from this office, and addressed the king to that effect in a speecli which hath not been pre- served.* His remonstrance, however, proving ineffectual, he was obliged to comply, and he made the following speech upon the occasion, preserved by Mr. Roper, which is here presented to the reader as a specimen of the eloquence of the knight, and of the manner of the age. Sir Thomas Mare's Speech on being appointed Speaker. ' Since I perceive, most redoubted sovereign, that it standeth not with your pleasure to reform this election and cause it to be changed, but have by the mouth of the most reverend father in God my lord legate, your highness' chan- cellor, thereunto given your royal assent, and have of your benignity' determined, far above thai I may bear, to enable me, and for this office to repute me, meet ; rather than you should seem unto your commons that they had made an unfit choice, I am therefore and alway shall be ready, obe- diently to conform myself to the accomplishment of your highness' pleasure and commandment. ' In most humble Avise beseeching your most noble ma- jesty, that I may, with your grace's favour, before 1 far- ther enter thereinto, make my humble petition for two low- * Roper. Vol. I. M ^a MEMOIRS OF Iv petitions; the one piiviitely concerning myself, the other the whole asscniljjy of your conunon-housc. ' For myself, gracious sovereign, that if it mishap me, in anything hereafter that is on liie behalf of your com- xnons in your high presence to be declared, to mistake my message, and, in tiie lack of good utterance, by my mis- rehearsal to pervert or impair their prudent instructions, it may then like your most noble m^ijest}', of your aliundant grace, with the eye of your wonted pity, to pardon my simpleness; giving me leave to repair again to the common- house, and there to confer with them, and to take their sub- stantial advice, what things and in whatwise I shall on their behalf utter and speak before your noble grace, to the in- tent their prudent devices and affairs be not, by my simple- ness and folly, hindered or impaired. Which thing, if it should so happen, as it were like to mishappen me if your gracious benignity relieved not my oversight, it could not fail to be, during my life, a perpetual grudge and heaviness to my heart. The help and remedy whereof, in manner afore remembered, is, my gracious sovereign, my first low- ly suit and humble petition unto your noble grace. ' My other humble request, most excellent prince, is this. Forsomuch as there be of your connnons, here by your high commandment assembled for your parliament, a great number, who are, after your accustomed manner, ap- pointed in the common-house to entreat and advise of the common ati'airs among tliemselves apart; and albeit, most SIR T. MORE. 83 dear leige lord, that according to your prudent advice by your honourable writs everywhere declared, there hath been as due diligence used in sending-up to your highness' court of parliament the most discreet persons out of every quar- ter that men could esteem most meet thereunto, whereby it is not to be doubted that there is a very substantial as- sembly of right wise, meet, and politic persons ; yet, most virtuous prince, since among so many wise men neither is every man wise alike, nor among so many alike well witty every man alike well spoken, and it often happeneth that likewise as much folly is uttered with painted polished speech, so many boisterous and rude in language see deep indeed and give right substantial counsel ; and since also in matters of great importance the mind is so often occu- pied in the matter that a man rather studieth what to say than how, by reason whereof the wisest man and best spoken in a whole country fortuneth, while his mind is fer- vent in the matter, somewhat to speak in suchwise, as he would afterward wish to have been uttered otherwise, and yet no worse will had he when he spake it, than he had when he would so gladly change it ; therefore, most graci- ous sovereign, considering that in your high court of par- liament is nothing treated but matter of weight and im- portance concerning your realm and your royal estate, it could not fail to let and put to silence from the givino- of their advice and counsel many of 3'our discreet commons, to ihe great hinderance of the common affairs, except that exeiy one of your commons were utterly discharged of all M 2 81 MEMOIRS OF cloubts and fears, how anything that it should happen them to speak should happen of your higlniess to be taken. ' ' And in this point, though your well-known an. Vol. I. S 130 xAIEMOIRS OF All inviclissimo rci^c Ilcniico Vfll (Cui uni rcgtim oiuiiiuin gloria prius iiuiulilu coiiligil Ut FIDEI DEFENSOR, Qualcm el gladio sc ct culaino vcrc praDslitit, Mcrito vocaretur) Adscitus in aiilam est Delcctusque in consilium ct crcatus cqiics, ProqujEstor primum, post caiiccUarius Lancasliiaj, tandem Angliie, Miro principis favore factus est. Sed interim in publico rcgni scnatu lectus est orator populi ; Praetcrea legatus regis nonuunqiiara fnil, alias alibi, Postrenio vero Camcr.,(;i, Comes ct collcga junctus priricipi IcgaUouLs (Juthberto Tonstallo, Turn Londinensi mox Dnmlemenii cpiscopo; Quo viro vix babet orbis hodie quicquara eruditius, prudcntius, melius. Ibi inter suramos orbis cliristiani monarclias rur.sus refecta foedcra, RtdditamqiiP mundo diu desideiniam pucem El lietissiiims vidit ct legatus interfuit. Quam sui^ri pacem (irment faxiutquc pcrennem ! la hoc ofliciorum vel hononiin cursu quum ita versarctur Ut neque princeps optimus operam ejus improbaret Ncquc nobilibus essct invisus, nee iujucundus populo, Furibus autera, hoiuicidis, hicrcticisque molestus, Pater ejus landem, Johannes JNIorus, eques, Etin cum judicumordinema piincipc cooplatus qui regius consessus vocatur, Homo civilis, suavis, innocens, mitis, miscricors, .-cquus ct integer, Annis quidam gravis sed corpore plusquam pro ajtate vivido, Postqnam eo productain sibi vitam vidit L t iilium videret Angli;e canccllarium, Satis in terra jam se moratum ratus Libens raigravit in coelum. At filius, defuncto patre, Cui, quamdiu supererat, comparatus et juvenis vocari consucverat Et ipse quoque sibi vidcbatur, Amissura jam patrcju requirens sill T. MORE. 131 Et editos ex se libeios quatuor ac nepotes undecim lespicicus, Apud aiiiraum suum ca-pit pcrscnesccrt. Auxit liunc afl&^^ctum aiiimi Siibsecuta slatim, velut appetentis senii signum, Pectoris valctuc^? deterior. Itaquc morlalium haruiTi rerum sattir, Qu; rem a puero peiie st-mper optaverat, Ut ultimos aliquot vitaj suaj annos obtincret liberos, Quibus hujus vitae negotiis paulatim se subdacens Futura? possit immortalitatem meditari, Earn rem (aadcm (si cccptis annuat D'us) Indulgentissinii piincipis incomparabili beneficio Resigiiatis bouoribus impetravit : Atque hoc sepulcbrum sibi Qaod mortis cum nunquam cessantis adrcpere quotidie commoncfaccret, Translatis Luc prioris uxoris ossibus, Extrucndum curavit. Quod ne supors^tc's IVustra sibi tecerit Neve ingruentiim trepidus mortem horreat, Sed desiderio Christi libcns oppetat, Mortemque ut sibi non omniao mortem Sed jaimara vi(a3 fciir ioris invcniat, Precibus eiim piis, lector optirae, Spirantem precor defanctumque prosequere. Chara Tboma; jacct hie Joanna iixorcula Mori, Qv't tuniiilum Alicia; hunc destine, quique milii. Una mihi dedit hoc conjuncta vircntibus annis Me vocet nt pucr et trina puella patrem. Altera privignis (qu;e gloria rara noverca; est) Tani pia quam gnatis vix tuit uUa suis. Altera sic niccum vixit, sic altera vivit, Charior inccrtum est h«c sit an h»c fuerit. S 2 132 MEMOIRS OF O ! simul O ! juncti potcramus viverc nos trcs Quam bene, si fatum rcligiocjuc siiiaiit ! At socict tumulus, societ nos obsccro ccelum ! Sic mors, non potuit quod dare vita, dabit. Tbomas More, Bora in the city of London, of no distinguished but of an honest family, Somewiiat of a proficient in literature, When, in iiis youtli he luid pleaded at the bar some years And discharged the olhce of under-slieriff in that city He, by the redoubted king Henry VIH (To whom alone of kings accrued the glory, before unknown, Of being deservedly entitled nEFENDEn Ol' THE FAITH, As indeed he provetl himself by the sword as well as the pen,) Was ciilied to court Chosen a privy-counsellor, knighted, and made Sub-treasurer, chancellor of Lancaster, and chancellor of England In succession, by his king's great kindness. ]Mcantimc he was chosen speaker of the commons And appointed ambas-sador to various courts ; Last of all to Cambray, Being associated with Cuthbert Tonstall, the chief of that embassy. Then bishop of London and since of Durham, A man than whom the world can scarcely boast one more learned, wiser, or better. There he had the pleasure to see and to negociate The renewal of the leagues bitwcen the chief princes of Christendom And the restoration to the world of long, wished- for peace. Which jxace may heaven confirm and long preserve! When he had so acquitted himself in these duties and Iionours, That neither could his good king arraign his conduct Nor the peers or commons disapprove, Though he had been severe to thieves, murderers, and heretics, SIR T. xMORE. ISS At length his father, Sir John More, Appointed by his majesty a judge of the king's-beiich, A man of courtcousand pleasant manners, harmless, gentle, full of compassion, just and uncorrupT, Old indeed in years, yet fresh for his age in bodily strength, After living to see his son chancellor of England, Thinking he had tarried long enough on earth, ' Passed willingly to heaven. The son, on the death of his father, Compared to whom, while he lived, he was called a young man, And indeed seemed so to himself, Wanting now his best parent And beholding four children of his own and eleven grandchildren, Began to fancy himself growing old. And this fancy was strengthened By the immediate succession of a disorder in his breast, A symptom as it were of approaching age. Having then tasted plentifully of this world's pursuits, The thing which he had wished for from a boy. That he might enjoy some of his last years free, And withdrawing himself by degrees from tliis life's business Might have leisure to meditate on his future immortality. That thing at last (if God approve) By the incomparable kindness of his most indulgent king, Having resigned his honours, he hatii obtained. And he hath erected this monument, Having removed hither the remains of his first wife, As a constant memorial of his ever-approaching deatli. That he may not have done this in vain while yet he lived, That he dread not the approach of death. But meet it cheerfully from the love of Christ, And that he find death not his extinction But the entrance of a happier existence. Do thou good reader assist him with thy pious prayers As well now while he liveth as after his decea:>e. I'M MEMOIRS OF Here lies ray Jane, dear wife of Thomas More, And here my Alice and myself »oulJ Ue « Tlucc girls, a boy, my Jane her pailuer bore, M'ith rarest !>tep«.laiues may my Alic« vie. Sj bless'd the Oral my jouthful ycius . ith love, So sooths the sccoud my matiuer day, Each seems in viun superior \vortb to prove For each divides my heart with equal sway. Religion's laws had they allow'd, or lu,tc, Here brac'd in triple concord could we live ; (■'rant grave, grant lieavcn that bless'd united stale, And death all'ord wUiit lilt; couJkl uever give I To the elegant pen of tlie Reverend Francis AVrangham the reader is indebted lor the following additional translation of the verses. Within this tomb Jane, wife of More, reclines : This, More for Alice and himself designs. The first, dear object of my youthful vow, Gave me three daughters and a son to know ; The next, — ah ! virtue in a stepdamc rare ! Nursed my sweet infants with a mother's care. With both my years so happily have past. Which most my love, I know not — first, or last. O ! had religion, destiny allow'd. How smoothly, raix'd, had our three fortunes flowed! But be we in the tomb, in heaven allietl : So kinder death shall grant, what life denied. More had now for some years made Chelsea the place of his abode. No less than four houses in that parish have SIR T. MORE. 135 laid claim to the honour of liis residence ; of whicli, that subsequently belonging to Sir Robert Cecil, and more re- cently called Beaufort House, appears to have the best pretension. * A good distance from his house,' says Mr. Rojicr, ' builded he a place called the New-building, where- in Vv^as a chapel, a library, and a gallery.' Mr. More adds, that Sir Thomas built a chapel or chancel in Chelsea-church and furnished it liberally with plate, &c. saying, good men give it and bad men take it arcay. This is said to have been the south chancel ; in the east Avindow of which, his arms remained until it was repaired about eighty years ago. lie also hired a house for the aged, in this parish, and supported them ; delegating to his favourite daughter, Margaret, the office of seeing that their wants were sup- plied.* Before we leave this period of More's chancellorship, it will be proper to advert to the allegation made, of his fu- rious zeal while in office in persecuting heterodoxy. Of our martyrologist Fox, it hath been justly said, that neither his facts nor his temper are to be relied upon. His relations of More are, however, followed by Burnet and Strype ; and Mr. Hume, in a later day, following these au- thorities, hath told us that Sir Thomas, though adorned with the gentlest manners and the purest integrit}^ carried to the utmost height his aversion to heterodoxy. Tiiis man, saith the historian, whose elegant genhis and familiar ac- * More, 1S6 MEMOIRS OF quuintance with tlie noble spirit of antiquity liad given him vei ;v enJargcd .sailinicnts, anil who had in his early years advanced principles wlucli even at i)resent would \)C deeni- I'd somewhat too free, had in the course ot" events been so irritated by polemics, and thrown into such a supersitious aitaciunent to the ancient faith, that few inquisitors have been guilty of greater violence in their persecution of heresy. Zeal lor religion hath, it is true, been able in many in- stances to render the sweetest dispositions ferocious, nay, to inake man worse by grace than he was by nature ; and the religion in which More had been educated, the igno- rance and superstition, witli the usual progress ot" men's sentiments, during the age in which he lived, might, had lie not himself given the lie to these calumnies, have been adduced at this day in extenuation of his conduct. There \\ere moreover so many of corrupt minds and evil prin- ciples, who abused the reformation to serve their own vilest purposes, that it is not to be wondered at if More, as well as others, entertained strong prejudices against it. Germany was a scene of uproar, the commonalty acting as if all was their own, and plundering whoever they pleased. Who l[OIRS OF vince him on tliis point. But the kniglit was immoveable, probably because the preamble of the oath implietl, that the marriage with Catharine was unlawi'ul ; and whatever we think of his persuasion on this head, the integrity of his conscience we must admire. Mr. Roper relates that the duke of Norfolk said one day to More, — ' b}' the mass Mr. More, it is perilous striving Avith princes ; therefore I would wish j'ou somewhat to in- cline to the king's pleasure, for, by God's body! Mr. More, indignaiio principis ?nors est.' ' Is that all my lord ?" re- plied i\Iore ; ' then in good faith the difference between your grace and me is but this ; that I shall die to-day and you to-morrow.' About a month after the law for the oath was passed, certain clergy of London and ^Westminster, and More, were cited to appear at Lambeth before Cranmer, Audley, and CroniAvell, who were appointed to tender tlie oath unto them. More, as was his custom on important occasions, Avent to mass that morning ; a7id zchereas, continues Mr. Roper, he evermore used before, at his departure from his wife and children, whom he tenderly loved, to have them bring him to his boat and there to kiss them and bid them all fare- well, then woidd he suffer none of them forth the gate to fol- low him, but pulled the wicket after him and shut them all from him. His countenance, adds Mr. Roper, who accom- panied him in the boat to Lambeth, bespoke a heavy heart ; SIR T. MORE. 17i and sitting still sadly azvbile, at last he suddenly whispered to him, son Roper, I thank our Lord ! the field is won. As his mind appears to have predicted, More was not permitted to return home from this summons ; and he wrote his favourite daughter an account of the proceedings at Lambeth, whicli here followeth. Sir Thomas More to Mrs. Margaret Roper. ' When I was before the Lords at Lambeth, I was the first who was called in ; albeit that ]\Ir. Dr. the vicar of Croydon was come before mc, and divers others. After the cause of my sending-for declared unto me, whereof I some- Avhat marvelled in my mind, considering that they sent for no more temporal men but me, I desired the sight of the oath ; which they shewed me under the great seal. Then desired I the sight of the act of the succession ; which was delivered me in a printed roll. ' After which read secretly by myself, and the oath con- sidered with the act, I shewed unto them, that my purpose was not to put any fault either in the act or any man who made it, or in the oath or any man who sware it, nor to condemn the conscience of any other man ; but as for my- self, in good faith my conscience so moved me in the mat- ter, that though I would not deny to swear to the succes- sion, yet unto that oath which there was offered mc I could not swear, Avithout the jeoparding of my soul to perpetual Z C 172 .AIEMOIRS OF damnation. And that if they doubted, whether I did re- fuse the oath only for the grudge of my conscience, or for any other fantasy, I was ready therein to satisf)- them by mine oath : Which if they trusted not, what should they be the better to give mc any oath ? And if they trusted that I would therein swear true, then trusted I, that of their goodness they would not move me to swear the oath which they offered me, perceiving that for to swear it was against my conscience. * Unto this my lord chancellor said, that they all were very sorry to hear me say thus, and see me thus refuse the oath. And they said all, that on their faith I was the very first Avho ever refused it ; which would cause the king's highness to conceive great suspicion of me, and great indig- nation toward me. And therewith they shewed me the roll, and let me see the names of the lords and the commons, who had sworn and subscribed their names already. AVhich, notwithstanding, when they saw that I refused to swear the same myself, not blaming an}' other man who bad sworn, I was in conclusion commanded to go down into the gar- den. ' And thereupon I tarried in the old burned chamber which looketh into the garden, and would not go down be- cause of the heat. In that time saw I INIr. Dr. Latimer come into the garden, and there walked he with divers other doctors and chaplains of my lord of Canterbury. And very merry I saw him ; for he laughed, and took one SIR T. MORE. 173 or twain about the neck so handsomely, that if they had been women I would have weened he had been waxen wanton. After that came Mr. Dr. Wilson forth from the lords, and was with two gentlemen brought by me, and gentlemanly sent straight unto the Tower. AVhat time my lord of Rochester was calicd-in before them, that can I not tell. But at nio-ht I heard that he had been before them ; but where he remained that night, and so forth till he was sent hither, I never heard. I heard also that Mr. vicar of Croydon, and. all the remnant of the priests of London who were sent for, Avere sworn. And that they had such favour at the council's hand, that they were not lingered, nor made to dance any long attendance to their travail and cost, as suitors are sometimes wont to be, but were sped apace to their great comfort. So far forth, that Mr. vicar of Croydon, either for gladness or tor dryness, or else that it might be seen quod ille notus erat pontijici, went to my lord's butter3'-bar and called for drink, and drank vakle fomiltariter. * When they had played their pageant and were gone out of the place, then was I called-in again. And then Avas it declared unto me, what a number had sworn even since I went aside, gladly, without any sticking. Wherein I laid no blame in no man ; but for mine own self, answer^ - ed as before. ' Now as well before as then, they somewhat laid unto me for obstinacy ; that whereas before, since I refused to 174 MEMOIRS OF swear, I would not declare any special part of that oath vhicli grudged my conscience, and open the cause where- fore. Tor thereunto I had said unto them, that I leared lest the king's highness would, as they said, take disj)lca- sure enough toward me for the only refusal of the oath. And tiiat if 1 should open and disclose the causes wlvj, I should therewith but farther exasperate his highness. Which I would in nowise do ; but rather would I abide all the danger and harm which might come toward me, than give his highness any occasion of farther displeasure, than the offering of the oath unto me, of pure necessity constrained me. liowbeit when they divers times imputed this to me for stubbornness and obstinacy, that I would neither swear the oath nor yet declare the causes why, I declined thus far toward them, that rather than I avouUI be accounted for ob- stinate, I would ui)on the king's gracious licence, or rather his such commandnient had, as might be my sufficient war- rant that my declaration should not oflend his highness nor put me in the danger of any of his statutes, I would be content to declare the causes in writing. And over that, to give an oath in the beginning, that if I might find those causes by any man in suchwise answered, as 1 might think mine own conscience satisfied, I would after that, with all mine heart, swear the principal oath too. ' To this I was answered, that though the king would give me licence under his letters patent, yet would it not serve against the statute. Whereto I said, that yet if I had them, I would stand unto the trust of liis honour, at my peril for SIR T. MORE. 175 the remnant. But yet thinketh me lo ! that if I may not declare the causes without peril, then to leave them unde- clared is no ohstinacy. ' My lord of Canterbury, taking hold upon that that I said, that I condeynned not the consciences of them who swear, said unto me, that it appeared ^ve\\ that I did not take it for a very sure thing and a certain, that I might not law- fully swear it ; but rather as a thing uncertain and doubt- ful. Hut then,' said my lord, ' you knoxv for a certainty, and a thing zvithout doubt, that you he hounden to obey your sovereign lord your king. And therefore are you hounden to leave-of the doubt of your unsure conscience in refusing the oath, and take the sure zeay in obeying of your prince, and swear it. ' Now all was it so that in mine own mind mcthought myself not concluded, yet this argument seemed me sud- denly so subtle, and namely, with such authority coming out of so noble a prelate's mouth, that I could again an- swer nothing thereto, but onl}^ that I thought myself I might not well do so ; because that in my conscience this was one of the cases, in which I was bounden that I should not obey my prince. Since that whatsoever other folk thought in the matter, Avhose conscience or learning I would not condemn nor take upon me to judge, yet in my con- science the truth seemed on the other side. Wherein I had not informed my conscience neither suddenly nor slightly, but by long leisure and diligent search for the matter^ 176 MEMOIRS OF And of trutli if that reason may concliule, then have we a ready way to avoid all perplexities. For in whatsoever mat- ter the doetors stand in great doubt, the king's command- ment, given upon whether side he list, solvcth all the doubts. ' Then said my lord of Westminster to me, that howsoever the matter seemed unto mine own mind, I had cause to fear that mine OAvn mind was erroneous, when I see the great council of the realm determine of my mind the contrary ; and that therefore I ought to change my conscience. To that I answered, that if there were no more but myself up- on my side, and the whole parliament upon the other, I would be sore afraid to lean to mine own mind only, against so many. But on the other side, if it so be that in some things for which I refuse the oath, I have, as I think I have, upon my part as great a council and a greater too, I am not then bounden to change my conscience, and conform .it to the council of one realm against the general council of Christendom. * Upon this j\Ir. Secretary, as he who tenderly favoureth me, said and swear a great oath, that he had leaver that his own only son (who is of truth a goodly young gentleman, and shall, I trust, come to nmch worship) had lost his head, than that 1 should thus have refused the oath. For surely the king's highness would now conceive a great sus- picion against me, and think that the matter of the nun of Canterbury was all contiived by my drift. To which I said, SIR T. MORE. 177 that the contrary was true and well known; and whatsoever should mishap nie, it lay not in my power to help it, with- out the peril of my soul. ' Then did my lord chancellor repeat before me my re- fusal unto Mr. Secretary, as to him who was going unto the king's grace. And in the rehearsing, his lordship re- peated again, that I denied not, but was content to swear unto, the succession. Whereunto I said, that as for that point, / would be content, so that I might see my oath in that point so framed, in such a manner as mi;^ht stand with my conscience. I'hen said ni}' lord, mary Mr. Secre- tary mark that too, that lie will not sxaear that neither but under some certain manner. Verily no my lord, quoth I; hut that I will see it made in suchzeise first, as I shall myself see that 1 shall 7ieither be forstcorne, nor swear against my conscience. ' Surely as to swear to the succession, I see no peril. But I thought, and think it reason, that to mine own oath I look well myself and be of counsel also in the fashion ; and never intended to swear for a piece, and set my hand to the whole oath. IJowbeit, as help me God ! as touch- ing the whole oatli, I never withdrew any man from it ; nor never advised any to refuse it ; nor never put, nor will put, any scruple in any man's head ; but leave every man to his own conscience. And methinketh in good faith, that so were it good reason, that every man should leave me to mine.'* * English works. Vol. I. A a F7b MEMOIllS OF ^Vc scarcely know whetlicr to be most surprised, that such an argument of mere sound as wc have heard should liave proceeded from Cranmer, should for a moment have influenced More, or should have had any weight with Bur- net. Every man, saith S'. Paul, should be fully persuaded in his own mind, — and though nothing be unclean of itself yet to him zoho esteemeth anything unclean, to him it is un" clean ; a)id he who doubtcth is damned if he eat. Thus, though obedience to the king and the laws Avas a thins: right in itself, and the duty of eveiy subject ; yet if it ap- jieared to More that the oath Avas contrary to the laAV of God (to which another laAV had restrained the power of the legislature), he was so far from being obliged in conscience to take this oath, that he Avould have violated his conscience and been self-condemned had he taken it. Others who saw nothing in the oath Avhich they thought contrary to the law of God, Avere not blamed by ISIore, it is true, for taking it, for they had only done their duty ; but Cranmer's conclu- sion, that More Avas only doubtful in this matter, by no means folloAved. He Avas, on the contrary, well persuaded, Ihat it Avould be sinful in him to take the oath, Avho thought it contrary to the laAv of God.* On tlie abbot of "Westminster's reasonino- there needeth no other reflection than Burnet hath made, — it Avas very fit for so lich an abbot, and discovered the temper of his oAvn conscience. •■ Srt Warner. SIR T. MORE. 179 For four days, More was committed to the custody of this abbot ; during which time, saith Mr. Roper, the king consulted with his council what order were meet to be taken with him. Cranmer, foreseeing the ill effect of contending with persons so highly esteemed over the world as More and Fisher, and who were of such a temper that severity would have no influence with them, wrote a curious letter to Cromwell on the occasion, which is preserved in the Cotton library, and places More's estimation in too strong a light, not to demand a place in the present work. Archbishop Cramner to Secretary Cromwell. Right Worshipful Mr. Cromwell, After most hearty commendations, &c. ; I doubt not but you do right well remember, that my lord of Rochester and Mr. More were contented to be sworn to the act of the king's succession, but not to the preamble of the same. What was the cause of their refusal thereof I am uncertain, and they Avould by no means express the same. Neverthe- less it must needs be, either the diminution of the autho- rity of the bishop of Rome, or else the reprobation of the king's first pretenced matrimony. But if they do obstinately persist in their opinions of the preamble, yet meseemeth it should not be refused, if they will be sworn to the very act of succession, so that they will be sworn to maintain the same against all powers A a 2 180 MEMOIRS OF and potentates. For hereby shall be a great occasion to satisfy the princess dowager, and the lady Mary, who do think that they should damn their souls if they should abandon and relinquish their estates. And not only it should stop the mouths of them, but also of the emperor, and other their friends, if they give as much credence to my lord of Rochester and ISIr. More speaking or doing against them, as they hitherto have done and thought that all others should have done when they spake and did with them. And peradventure it should be a good quietation to man}' others within this realm, if such men should say, that the succession comprised within the said act is good and according to God's laws. For then I think there is not one within this realm who would once reclahn against it. And whereas divers persons, either of a wilfulness will not, or of an indurate and invertible conscience cannot, alter from their opinions of the king's fnst pretenced mar- riage (wherein they have once said their minds, and per- ease have a persuasion in their lieads, that if they should now vary therefrom, their fame and estimation were dis- tained for ever), or else of the authority of the bishop of Rome ; yet if all the realm with one accord would appre- hend the said succession, in my judgment it is a thing to be amplccted and embraced. Which thing, although I trust surely in God that it shall be brought to pass, yet hereunto miaht not a little avail the consent and oaths of these two persons, the bishop of Rochester and Mr. j\Iore, SIR T. MORE. 181 with their adherents or rather confederates. And if the king's pleasure so were, their said oaths might be suppress- ed, but when and Avhere his highness might take some com- modity by the pubUshing of the same. Thus our Lord have you ever in his conservation. From my manor at Cro^'don, the 17'* day of April, Your own assured ever, THOMAS CAXTUAR. But this wise advice was not taken. The king (exasper- ated by queen Ann, if Ave may credit Mr. Roper), was much irritated against them, and resolved to proceed Mith them according to law. They were both indicted on the statute and committed prisoners to the Tower. It being- apprehended that if they were allowed the use of pen and paper they would write against the marriage or supremacy, these were after a certain time denied them. AVhen the. king sent a general pardon, More and Fisher were not only excluded by general clauses, but by two particular acts they were attainted of misprision of treason. More in .par- ticular, was, by an invidious preamble, charged with in- gratitude, for the great favours he had received from the kin2:? and for stud vino- to sow sedition among the kino's subjects, and refusing to take the oath of succession ; the king's grants to him were therefore declared void, and ho was attainted as already related.* • Roper and Burnet. 192 MEMOIRS OF Severe and revengeful as was this treatment, some thought it necessary in so important a crisis ; lest indulgence to him who had enjojed so great authority, might encourage others to revolt and be corrupted in their affection to the king. IMore was certainly not wanting in loyalty, and was willing to take the oath of succession however he disapproved the second marriage. His treason consisted in a point of con- science, and if the severity shewn him was not unjust, it was probably impolitic. If his reputation was high before, his present persecution for a mere opinion, and an opinion which the king and his suljjects had so lately favoured, was likely only to raise it higher. "VVe have in his English works another letter from More to Cromwell, written probably while he was in the custody of the abbot of ^^'estminste^, from which we will extract what he writes concerning the king's marriage and the pope's primac}', and therewith conclude the present chapter. ' Upon a time at my coming from be3'ond the sea, where I had been on the king's business, I repaired, as my duty was, unto the king's grace, being at that time at Hampton- court. At which time, suddenly his liighness, walking in the gallcr}', brake with me of his great matter ; and shew- ed me, that it was now perceived, that his marriage was not only against the positive laws of the church and the Avrittcn law of God, but also, in suchwise against the law of nature, that it could in nowise by the church be dispens- sill T. MOKE. 1S3 able. Now so was it, before my going over the sea I had heard certain things moved against the bull of the dispensa- tion, concerning the words iii the law Levitical and the law Deutronomical, to prove the prohibition to be dejure div'mo. But yet perceived I not at that time, but that the greater hope of the matter stood, in certain faults which were found in the bull ; whereby tlie bull should by the law not be sutficient. And such comfort was there in that point (as far as I perceived), a good season, that the counsel on the other part were fain to bring-forth a brief, by which they pretended those defaults to be supplied. The truth of ■which brief was by the king's counsel suspected, and much diligence was thereafter done for the trial of that point. Wheiein what was finally found, either 1 never knew, or else I not remember. ' But I rehearse you this to the intent you shall know, that the first time that ever I heard that point moved, that- it should be in such high degree against the law of nature, was the time in which, as 1 began tell you, the king's grace shewed it me himself, and laid the Bible open before me ; and there read me the words which moved his highness and divers other erudite pei'sons so to think, and asked me far- ther what myself thought thereon. At which time, not pre- suming to look that his highness should any thing take that point for the more proved or improved for my poor mind in so great a matter, I shewed nevertheless, as my duty was at his commandment, what thing I thought upon the words which I there read. AVhereupon liis highness, ac- 184 MEMOIRS OF ccpting benignly my sudden unadvised answer, command- ed me to comnmnc' farther witli Mr. J'ox, now his grace's ahnoner, and to read with him a book which then was in making for that matter. ' After which book read, and my poor opinion eftsoons tleclared unto his highness tliereupon, his highness, hkc a prudent and a virtuous prince, assembled at another time at Hampton-court a good number of very v^^ell-learned men. At which time, as far as ever 1 iieard, there were, as was in so great a matter most likely to be, divers opinions among them. IJowbeit, 1 never heard but that they agreed at that time upon a certain form, in which the book should be made ; which was afterward, at York-place in my lord cardinal's chamber read, in the presence of divers bishops and many learned men. And they all thought, that there ajjpearcd in the book good and reasonable causes, which might well move the king's highness, being so virtuous a prince, to conceive in his mind a scruple against his mar- riage. A\ Inch, while he could not otherwise avoid, he did well and virtuously, for the acquieting of his conscience, to sue ; and procure to have his doubt decided by judgment of the church. ' After this the suit began, and the legates sat upon the matter. During all which time, I never meddled there, nor was a man meet to do ; for the matter was in hand by an ordinary process of the spiritual law, whereof I could little skill. And. yet while the legates were sitting upon the SIR T. MORE. • 185 matter, it pleased the king's highness, to send me, in the company of my lord of London, noAv of Durham, in em- bassy, about the peace which, at our being there, Avas con- cluded at Cambra}^ between his highness and the emperor and the French king. And after my coming home, his high- ness, of his only goodness, as far unworthy as I was there- to, made me, as you well know, his chancellor of this realm. Soon after which time, his grace moved me again, yet eft- soons to look and consider his great matter ; and Avell and indifferently to ponder such things as I should find therein. And if it so were, that thereupon it should hap me, to see such things as should persuade me to that part, he would gladly use me among other of his counsellors in the matter. And nevertheless he graciously declared unto me, that he would in nowise that I should other thing do or say therein, than upon that that I should perceive mine own conscience should serve me ; and that I should first look unto God. and after God unto him ; which most gi-acious words, was the first lesson also that ever his grace gave me, at my first coming into his noble service. ' This motion was to me very comfortable ; and much I longed, beside anything that myself either had seen, or by farther search should hap to find for the one part or the other, yet specially to have some conference in the matter with some such of his grace's learned council, as most for his part had laboured and most had found in the matter. Whereupon his highness assigned unto me the noAV most reverend fathers, archbishops of Canterbury and York, with . Vol. I. B b ISG 5IEM0IRS OF Mr. Dr. Fox now his grace's almoner, and Mr. Dr. Nicholas the Italian friar. Whereupon 1 not only sought and read, and, as far forth as my poor wit and learning served me, well weighed and considered, every such thing as I could find myself, or read in any other man's labour which 1 could get who anvthino; had written thereon, but had also diligent conference with his grace's counsellors aforesaid. \\ hose honours and worships I nothing mistrust in this point, but that they both have and will report unto his highness, that they never found obstinate manner or fashion in me ; but a mind as toward and as conformable, as reason could in a matter disputable require. * "Whereupon, the king's highness being farther advertised, both by them and by myself, of my poor opinion in the matter, — wherein, to have been able or meet to do him service, I would, as I then shewed his highness, have been more glad than of all such worldly commodities as I either then had or ever should come to — — his highness, graci- ously taking agreeabl}^ my good mind in that behalf, used, of his blessed disposition, in the prosecuting of his great mat- ter, only those (of whom his grace had good numbei-), whose conscience his grace perceived well and fully persuaded up- on that part. And as well me, as any other to whom his highness thought the thing to seem otherwise, he used in his other business. Abiding, of his abundant goodness, nevertheless gracious lord unto every man ; nor never was willing to put any man in rufHc, or trouble of liis con- science. SIR T. MOIIE. 187 ' After this did I never nothino- more therein. Nor never any word wrote 1 tlierein to the impairing of his grace's part, neither before nor after. Ijiit setthng ni}' mind in quiet to serve his grace in other things, I would not so much as look nor let lie by me any book of the other part, albeit that 1 gladly read afterward divers books ^vhich were made on his part. Nor never would I read the book which Mr. Abel made on the other side, nor other books which were as I heard say made in Latin beyond the sea, nor never gave ear to the pope's proceeding in the matter. Moreover, where I had found in my study a book which I h id before borrowed of my lord of Bath (uhich book he had made of the matter, at such tinie as the legates sat here thereupon) which book had been by me negligently cast aside ; and that I shcAved him, I would send him home his book again ; he told me, that in good fiiith he had long time before discharged his mind of that matter, and, having forgotten that copy to remain in my hand, had burned his own copy which he had thereof at home. And because he no more minded to meiioul{l have o. treasonable interpretation put upon them, that fliey dared not to oxen they ever slept. If we except the history of Henry's own. family, perhaps no stronger instance occurs in his reign of the justice of the compari- son, than liis sacrifice of Sir Thomas More. Neither irritated by persecution, nor dismayed in the least degree by kingly power, in a mild though firm man- ner, the knight maintained his resolution ; and the accus- tomed facetionsness of his disposition forsook him not even in his way to prison. It was IMore's custom to wear a golden chain around his neck, and he now had it on as usual. His conductor to the Tower advised him to send this ornament home to his wife, or to some of his children. Nay sir, replied More, that will I not ; for if I were taken in the f eld by my ene- mies, I would they should somewhat fare the better for me. At tl^e Tower-gate, the porter demanded of More his upper garment. The knight presented him his cap, and was very sorry it was no better. "Wit was, however, not current with Cerberus, who soon disrobed the knight of his gown. "When !More was conducted to his appartment by the lieutenant of the Tower, he called his servant John Wood, who was appointed to attend him, and who could neither read nor write, and brought him to his oath before th« Sm T. MORE. 195 lieirtenant, that if he should witness that the knight spoke or wrote against the king, the council or the state, he should immediately declare it to the lieutenant, that it might be communicated without delay to the council. The lieutenant, adds ]\Ir. Roper, soon afterward acknow- ledged his former obligations to More, and his wish now to afford him good cheer ; but since by so doing he should hazard the king's displeasure, he trusted More would ac- cept his good will and such poor cheer as he dared to af- ford him. ' Mr. Lieutenant,' replied More, ' I verily be- lieve, as you may, so are you my good friend indeed, and would, as you say, with your best cheer entertain me ; for the which I most heartily thank you : And assure your- self Mr. Lieutenant, I do not mislike my cheer ; but when- soever I so do, then thrust me out of your doors.' Such indeed was More's mind, that his punishments, as they were called, only afforded him opportunities for the display of that superior patience and constancv, which the ordinary occurrences of life were hardly sufficient to aj)- preciate. ^Vhen he had been in the Tower about a month, Mrs. Roper by earnest entreaty at length obtained permission to visit her father. After some time spent with her in prayer, according to his usual custom, ' I believe Meg (said More, among other things), that the}' who have put me here ween they have done me a high displeasure. But I assure thee Cc 2 ]9G MEMOIRS OF on m}' faith mine own good daughter, if it had not been for my a\ ifc and ye who be my children, I would not have failed long ere this, to have closed myself in as straight a room and straighter too. But, since I am come hither without mine own desert, I trust that God of his goodness will discharge me of my care, and with his gracious iielp supply my lack among ye. I find no cause, I thank God i INIeg, to reckon myself in worse case here than at home. For methinketh, God maketh me a Avanton, and setteth me on his lap and dandleth me.' * In the course of his imprisonment, INIore seems never for a moment to have lost sight of the end which it was probable he should come to. He owns that he was of an irritable habit by nature, and weak against bodily sufter- ing. Yet the whole force of his mind appears to have been exerted at this time, in preparation to meet his fate with constancv and composure. He withdrew himself by de- gi-ees from every Avorldly interest, and dwelt with daily in- creasing delight on his hope of a better state. Tliough few men have ever had more substantial ground for confidence in iheir own merits, he looked forward to the great judg- ment with trembling, but with every hope from his Maker's mercy and the merits of Christ. We shall find that the effects of his endeavours, even to human eyes, were won- derful ; that no man ever overcame worldly suffering in the end more completely, or met so severe a fate with less dread of the stroke. • Roper. SIR T. MORE. - 197 Looking out of his window in tiie Tower one da}' when Reynolds, a father of Sion, and three monks, were leading to execution, on the affair of the kind's marria2;e and su- premacy, ' Lo dost thou not see ]\Ieg,' he exclaimed to his daughter, ' that these blessed fathers be now as cheer- fully going to their deaths as bridegrooms to their marriage. Wherefore thereby mayst thou sec, mine own good daugh- ter, what a great difference there is between such as have in effect spent all their days in a straight, and penitential, and painful life religiously, and such as have in the world, like worldly wretches, as thy poor father hath done, con- sumed all their time in pleasure and ease licentiously. For God, considering their long-continued life in most sore and grievous pennance, will no longer suffer them to remain here in this vale of misery, but speedily hence taketh them to the fruition of his everlasting deity. Whereas thy silly father, Meg, who like a wicked caitiff hath passed forth the whole course of his miserable life most sinfiilly, God, thinking him not worthy so soon to come to that eternal > felicity, leaveth him here yet still in this world, farther to be plagued and turmoiled with misery/ * Secretary Cromwell came to More one day in the Tower- from the king, as Mr. Roper informs us, and pretending great friendship for the knight, told him that his majesty would be good and gracious to him, and not trouble his conscience in future with any matter wherein he should have cause for scruple. But More understood Henry and * Roper i 19S MEMOIRS OF liis court too well, to fix the smallest reliance on such a pro- mise ; and to prove what little credit he attached to it, he wrote these verses so soon as Cromwell was gone, Avhich ard ])reberved in his English woiks. Ey fluttering Fortune, look tliou ne'er so fair Or ne'er so pleasantly begin to smile, As though thou wouldst my ruin all rep.tir ; During my iifi'lliou sliult me not iK-guile. Trust shall I Gocl, to enter in a while "Ilis haven of heaven sure and uniform. Ever, alter thy calm, look I for a storm. Lady More at length procured permission to visit her husband, and soon exclaimed in her usual worldly manner. ' I marvel that you, Avho hitherto have been taken for a wise man, Avill now so play the fool to lie here in this close filthy prison, and be content tluis to be shut-up among mice and rats ; when you might be abroad at your libert}', and with the favour and good-will both of the king and his council, if you would but do as all the bishops and best- learned of this realm have done. And seeing you have at Chelsea a right i'air house, your library, your galler}^ gar- den, orchard, and all other necessaries so handsome about you, where you might in the couipany of me your wife, your children and household be merry, I muse what a God's name you mean here still thus fondly to tuny.' More ask- ed her if his present habitation was not as near heaven as liis own iiouse ? And since, if he were buried seven years, and then rose and came to his own house, he should not fail SIR T. MORE. 199 to find some therein who would bid him get out of doors and tell him it was none of his, why he should love a house which would so soon forget its master ? How long, he add- ed, do yoii think we mai/ live to enjoy it ? Some twenty years, she replied. If you had said some thousand, answered More, it had been somezvhat ; and yet he were a very bad merchant who would put himself in danger to lose eternity for a thou- sand years. IIozo much the rather, if we be not sure to en- joy it one day to an end ! * It is possible that the good lad}^ may have been an in- strument employed by the court, to endeavour at prevail- ing on her husband to meet the wishes of the kino. At least, no attempt appears to have been spared, toward the completion of an object which was evidently deemed of no small importance. For, not long after the meeting al- ready described, the chancellor, the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, Cromwell, and others of the privy council, came to More at two distinct times, by all pollicies possible pro- cto'ing him, saith Mr. Roper, either precisely to confess the supremacy, or precisely to deny it. At either of these times. More wrote confidentially to his daughter ISIargaret, describing to her what had passed, and the letters are pre- served in his Endish works. As these letters o-ive us the best account we have of the proceedings, they are here, presented to the reader. • Roper and More. 200 MEMOIRS OF Our Lord bless you nvj dearhf beloved daughter ! ' I doubt not but, by the reason of the king's counsellors resorting hither in this time, in which (our Lord be their comfort!) these fathers of the Charterhouse and Mr. Rey- nolds of Sion be now judged to death for treason (whose matters and causes I know not), may hap to put you in trouble and fear of mind concerning nie, being here pri- soner ; specially for that it is not unlikely that you have heard, that I was brought also before the council here my- self. I have thought it necessary to advertise you of the very truth ; to the end that, you should neither conceive more hope than the matter giveth, lest upon another turn it might agrieve your heaviness ; nor more grief and fear than the matter giveth on the other side. * Wherefore shortly you shall understand, that on Friday the last day of April in the afternoon, Mr. Lieutenant came in here unto me and shewed me, that Mr. Secretary would speak with me. AA'hereupon I shifted my gown, and went out with Mr. Lieutenant into the gallery to him ; where I met many, some known and some unknown, in the way. And in conclusion, coming into the chamber where his mis- tership sat with Mr. Attorney, INIr. Solicitor, Mr. Bedyll, and i\Ir. Dr. Tregonwell, I was offered to sit-down with them ; which in nowise I would. ' Whereupon Mr. Secretary sliewed unto me, that he SIR T. MORE. 501 doubted not but that I had, by such friends as hither had resorted to me, seen the new statutes made at tJie last sit- ting of the parhament. Whereunto I answered yea verily; howbeit forasmuchas, being here, I have no conversation with any people, I thought it little need for rae to bestow much time upon them ; and therefore I re-delivered the book shortly, and the effect of the statutes I never marked, nor studied to put in remembrance. Then he asked me, whether I had not read the first statute of them, of the king being head of the church ? whereunto I answered yes. Then his mistership declared unto me, that since it was now by act of parhament ordained, that his highness and his heirs be, and ever of right have been and perpetuall}' should be, supreme head on earth of the church of Eng- land imder Christ, the king's pleasure was, that those of his council there assembled, should demand mine opinion, and what my mind was therein. ' Whereunto I answered, that in good faith I had well trusted, that the king's highness would never have com- manded any such question to be demanded of me, con- sidering that I ever from the beginning well and truly, from time to time, declared my mind unto his highness ; and since that time, I said, unto your mistership, Mr. Secretary, also, both by mouth and by writing. And now I have in good faith discharged my mind of all such matters, and neither will dispute kings' titles nor popes'. But the king^s true, faithful subject I am, and will be ; and daily I pray for him and all his, and for you all who are of his honourable council. Vol. I. D d 505 MKMOIIIS OF ami for nil the realm. And otherwise than thh I never in- tend to meddle. ' ^Vliercunto Mr. Secretary answered, that he thought this manner of answer should not satisfy nor content the kind's hiijrhness ; but that his grace would exact a more full answer. And his mistership added thereunto, that the king's highness was a prince, not of rigour, but of mercy and ]jity. And tliough that he had found obstinacy at some time in any of his sul)jects, yet when he should find them at another time conformable and submit themselves, his grace would shew mercy. And that, concerning my- self, his highness would be glad to see me take such con- formable wa3's, as I might be abroad in the world again among other men, as 1 have been before. ' Whereunto 1 shortly, after the inward affection of my mind, answered, for a very truth, that I would never meddle in the world again to have the world given me. And to the renmant of the matter I answered in effect as before; shew- ing that I had fully determined with myself, neither to study nor meddle with any matter of this world ; but that my whole study should be, upon the passion of Christ and mine own passage out of this world. ' Upon this I was commanded to go forth for a while, and afterward called-in a<2;ain. At "which time Mr. Secre- tary said unto me, that though I were a prisoner condemn- ed to perpetual prison, yet I was not thereby discharged SIR T. MORE. 203 of luine obedience and allegiance unto the kind's hishncss. And thereupon demanded me, ^vhether that I thought, that the king's grace might not exact of me such things as are contained in the statutes, and upon like pains as he might upon other men ? Whereto I answered, that I would not say the contrary. Whereunto he said, tJiat likewise as the king's highness would be gracious to them whom he found conformable, so his grace would follow the course of his laws toward such as he shall find obstinate. And his mis- tership said farther, that my demeanour in that matter, Avas a thing which of likelihood made others so stiff therein as they be. ' Whereto I answered, that I gave no man occasion to hold any point, one or other ; nor never gave any man ad- vice or counsel therein, one way or other. And for con- clusion, I could no farther go, whatsoever pain should come thereof. lam, quoth I, the king's true faithful suh- ject and daily bedesman ; and pray for his highness and all Ins, and all the rcabn. I do nobody harm, I say none harm, I think none harm, but zcish everybody good. And if this be not enough to keep a man alive, in good faith I long not to live. And I am dying already y and have, since I came here, been divers times in the case, that I thought to die within one hour. And, I thank our Lord ! I was never sorry for it ; but rather sorry when I saw the pang past. And therefore, my poor, body is at the king's pleasure ; would (Jod my death might do him good I D d 2 504 Ml'MOIIlS OF ' After this Mr. Secretary «aid, rccU, youjind no fault in that statute, Jind you any in any of the other statutes af/cr ? W'liercto I answered, sir, zchatsoever thing should seem to me other than good in any of the other statutes, or in that statute either, I ivould not declare what fault I found, nor speak thereof. AVhereunto finally liis niisterslii|) said full gently, that of anything which 1 had spoken there should none advantage be taken. And whether he said farther tliat there was none to be taken, I am not well remember- ed ; but he said, that report should be made unto the king's highness, and his gracious pleasure known. ' ^Vhereupon I was delivered again to Mr. Lieutenant, -who was then called-in ; and so was I, by Mr. Lieutenant, brought again into my chamber. And here am I yet, in such case as 1 was, neither better nor worse. That that shall follow, lieth in the hand of God. "\\ honi I beseech, to put in the king's grace's mind that thing which may be to his high pleasure; and in mine, to mind only the weal of my soul, Avith little regard of my body ; and you, with all yours and my wife and all my children, and all our other friends both bodily and ghostly, heartily well to fare. And I pray you and them all, pray for me, and take no thought whatsoever shall happen me. For I verily trust in the goodness of God, seem it never so evil to this world, it shall indeed in another world be for the best. Your loving father, THOMAS MORE, KX^. SIR 'J'. MORK. 205 ' Our Lord bless you and all ijours ! ' Forasmuch, dearly beloved daughter, as it is likely, that you either have heard, or shortly shall hear, that the council were here this day and that I was before them, I have thought it necessary to send you word how the mat- ter standeth. And verily, to be short, I perceive little dif- ference between this time and the last. For, as far as I can see, the whole purpose is, either to drive me to say precisely the one way, or else precisely the other. ' Here sat my lord of Canterbury, my lord chancellor, my lord of Sutlolk, my lord of Wiltshire, and Mr. Secre- tary. And after my coming, Mr. Secretary made rehearsal, in whatwise he had reported unto the king's highness what had been said by his grace's council to me, and what had been answered by me to them, at mine other being before them here last ; which thing his mistership rehearsed, in good faith, very Avell, as I acknowledged, and confessed, and heartily thanked him therefore. A\ hereupon he added thereunto, that the king's highness was nothing content nor satisfied with mine answer ; but thought, that by my de- meanour 1 had been occasion of much grudge and harm in the realm, and that 1 had an obstinate mind and an evil toward him, and that my duty was, being his subject and so he had sent them now, in his name, upon mine al- legiance, to command me ■ to make a plain and a ter- minate answer, whether 1 thought the statute lawful or not; , 206 MEMOIRS OF and that I should cither acknowledge and confess it lawful that his highness should be supreme head of the church of England, or else utXer plainly n)y malignity. ' Whereto I answered, that I had no malignit\', and there- fore I ct)uld none utter. And as to the matter, 1 could none other answer make than I had before made ; which answer his mistcrship had there rehearsed. A'erv heavy I was, that the king's highness should have an}' such opinion of me. liowbeit if there were one who had inlbrmed his highness many evil things of me which were unti'ue, — to which his highness for the time gave credence, — I would be very sorry that he should have that opinion of mc the space of one day; howbeil if I Mere sure, that other should come on the morrow l^y Avhom his giace should know the truth of mine innocency, 1 should in the meanwhile comfort myself Avith consideration of that. And in likewise now, though it be great heaviness to me that his highness hath such opi- nion of me for the m hile, yet have I no remedy to help it ; but only to comfort myself with this consideration, that I know very well that the time shall come, when Cod shall declare my truth toward his grace before him and all the world. And whereas it might haply seem to be but small cause of comfort, Ijccause 1 might take harm here first in the meanwhile, I thanked Cod that my case was such here in this u)atter, through the clearness of mhie own con- science, that tht)ugh I might have pain, 1 could not have liarm ; for a man njay in such a case lose his head, and have none harm. For 1 was very sure that 1 had no cor- SIR T. MORE. 20r rupt afllection, but that I hud alway from the beginning truly used myself, looking first upon God and next upon the king; according to the lesson which his highness taudit me at my first coming to his noble service, the most virtu- ous lesson which ever prince taught his servant. Whose highness to have of me now such opinion, is my great heaviness ; but I have no mean, as I said, to help it. But only comfort myself in the meantime with the hope of the joyful day, in which my truth toward him shall well be known. And in this matter farther I could not so, nor other answer thereto I could not make. ' To this it was said, by my lord chancellor and Mr. Se- cretary both, that the king might by his laws compel me to make a plain answer thereto, cither the one wa}^ or the other. Whereto I answered, that I would not dispute the king's authority what his highness might do in such a case ; but I said, that verily, under correction, it seemed to me somewhat hard. For if it so were tliat my conscience save me against the statute (wherein how my conscience giveth me I make no declaration), then I nothina; doino- nor no- thing saying against the statute, it were a very hard thing to compel mo to say, either precisely with it against m}^ conscience to the loss of my soul, or precisely against it to - the destruction of my body. ' To this Mr. Secretary said, that I had ere this, when I Avas chancellor, examined heretics and thieves, and other malefactors ; and gave me a great praise above my deserv- 908 MEMOIRS OF ing in that behalf. And he said that I then, as he thought, and at the leastwise bishops, did use to examine heretics whether they believed the pope to be head of the church, and used to compel them to make a precise answer thereto. And Avhv should not then the kins;, since it is a law made here that his grace is head of the church here, compel men to answer precisely to the law here, as they did then con- cerning the pope ? ' I answered, and said that I protested that I intended not to defend my part or stand in contention ; but, I said there was a difference between those two cases. Because that at that time, as well here as elsewhere through the corps of Christendom, the pope's power was recognised for an undoubted thing; which seemeth not like a thing agreed in this realm, and the contrary taken for truth in other realms. ' Whereto Mr. Secretary answered, that they were as well burned for the denying of that, as they be beheaded for the denying of this ; and therefore as good reason to compel them to make precise answer to the one as to the other. "Whereto I answered, that since in this case a man is not by a law of one realm so bound in his conscience, where there is a law of the whole corps of Christendom to the contrary, in a matter touching belief, as he is by a law of the whole corps, though there Jiap to be made in some place a law local to the contrary, — the reasonableness or the unreasonableness in binding a man to precise answer, SIR T. :\IORE. 209 stantleth not in the respect or difFerenee between heading and burning; but, because of the ditFerence in charge of conscience, the difference standeth between heading: aud hell. ' Much was there answered unto this, both by Mr. Se- cretary and ray lord chancellor, — overlong to rehearse. And in conclusion, they offered me an oath, by which 1 should be sworn to make true answer to such tliiniis as should be asked me, on the king's behalf concerning the king's own person, \yhereto I answered, that veiily I never purposed to swear any book-oath more, wliile I lived. Then they said, tliat I was very obstinate if I would refuse that ; for every man doth it in the star-chamber, and every- where. I said, that was true. But I had not so little fore- sight, but that I might well conjecture what should be part of mine interrogatories ; and as good it was to refuse them at the first, as afterward. ' Whereto my lord chancellor answered, that he thouo-ht I guessed truth, — for I should see them. And so they were shewn me ; and they were but twain, — the first, whether I had seen the statute ; the other, whether I believed tliat it were a lawful-made statute or not. \Vhercupon I refused the oath ; and said farther by mouth, that the first I had before confessed, and to the second I would make none an- swer. Which was the end of our communication, and I was thereupon sent away. Vol. I. E e 'IW SIE^rOIRS OF ' In the communication betbre, it was said, that it was marvelled, tliat I stack so much in my conscience while at the uttermost I was not sure therein. Whereto I said, that I was very sure that mine own conscience, so inlbrmed as it is by such diligence as I have so long taken therein, may stand with mine own salvation. I meddle not with the con- science of thcni who think otherwise ; every man suo damno stat aut cadit, I am no man's judge. * Tt was also said unto me, that if I had as lief be out of the world as in it, as I had there said, why did I not then speak even plain out against the statute? It appeared well I was not content to die, though I said so. AVhcreto I answered, as the truth is, that I have not been a man of such holy living, as I might be bold to ofl'er myself to death, lest God for my presumption n)iglit sufter me to fall ; and therefore I put not myself forward, but draw back. How- bcit if God draw me to it himself, then trust I in his great mercy, that he shall not fail to give me grace and strength. ' In conclusion, Mr. Secretary said, that he liked me this day much worse than he did the last time, lor then, he said, he pitied me much ; and now, he thought, I meant not well. But God and I know both, that I mean well ; and so I pray God do by me ! I pray you, be you and mine other good friends of good cheer, whatsoever fall of me ; and take no thought for me, but pray for me, as I do and shall for you and all them. Your tender, loving father, THOMAS MORE, KK^. Sm T. MORE. §11 It xvas soon after this that Rich, then newlj made the king's sohcilor, Sir Richard Soutliwell, and one Palmer, servant to Cromwell, were sent to More to take his books from him.* Tlie knight had sometime previously, saith his great-grandson, begun a divine treatise of the passion of Christ; but when he came to expound the words they laid hands upon him and held him, these gentlemen took from him all his books, ink, and paper. More hereupon de- voted himself wholly to meditation, and closed his chamber windows. And when the lieutenant of the Tower inquired of him his reason for so doing, More answered, xislien all the wares are gone the shop-windows may be shut. He still, however, contrived to procure scraps of paper, on which he now wrote with a coal ; and one of these scraps, a pre- cious jezoel, as he calls it, his great-grandson inherited. It hath been supposed by some, tliat Rich was sent on this occasion with a view to entangle More if possible in a dispute ; and if nothing could fairly be deduced from their conversation to the knight's prejudice, that the solicitor was at any rate to have accused More falsely. But a design of this kind, although it be by no means inconsistent with the character of Henry's court, must now rest upon our con- jectures only, antl cannot be expected at this distant day to admit of tresh proof. Certain it is, that while Southwell and Palmer were pack- ing the books, Rich, pretending familiar conversation with * Roper. Ee 2 21 'J MEMOIRS OP More, said to him, since he was learned in tlie law and otherwise, uiight he put the (juestion to iiim, // there xvas an act of parliament that the realm should take me for Icing, zioiild not you take mc for king ? Yes sir, replied More, that zvould I. I put the case farther, said Rich. TVcre there an act of parliament that all the realm should take me for pope, would not you then take me for pope ? ISlore replied, the parliament might well meddle with the state of temporal princes, but to answer the other case, he would put this case. Suppose the parliament would make a law that God should not be God, would you then Mr. Rich say that God were not God ? No sir, replied Rich, that would I not ; since no parlia- ment may make any such law. Here, according to Mr. Roper, the conversation ended. But Rich when called upon at INIore's trial falsely reported, that the knight rejoined to this answer, no more could the parliament make the king supreme head of the church. When More was arraigned at the King's-bench bar, he had been for above a year in prison. His bodily strength had been materially impaired, having experienced returns of the complaint in his breast, and new attacks of the SIR T. MORE. 213 gravel and stone.* Weak and emaciated, he leaned on a crutch Avhen he went to this trial, yet his couiiieadiice was firm and cheerful. He was tried, probably by special com- mission, before Cliancellor Aiidlcy, Chief-justice Fitzjanaes, Sir John Bildwin, Sir Richard Leister, Sir Jolia Port, Sir John Spilraan, Sir Walter Luke, Sir Anthony Fitzherbert. His jury, for their names too deserve to be recorded to their infamy, were Sir Thomas Palmer, Sir Thomas Peirt, George Lovell, Thomas Burbage, Geoffrey Chamber, Edward Stockmore, William Browne, Jasper Leake, Thomas Billington, John Parnel, Richard Bellame, George Stoakes.t Esqrs. ^Gentlemen; The indictment was so long, that More declared he could * Eng. works, p. 1434. ^ More. tH Mr.MOIRS OF scarcely vemcmbcr a tliml part of what was objected against him.* Ilis chief" crime was, his refusal of the oath as we have already seen ; wliich was termed ma/iciotis, trriito7-ous, ond diabolkal. IJis two examinations in the Towit, with the declarations he then made, were adduced in proof of the charge. And it was allesjjeil, that he had written letters to bishop Fisher, to bias tliat prelate likewise ; for his an- swers resembled those made l>y More. Upon the whole, it was concluded, that the knight was a traitor to his j^rince and to the irahn, for denying the king's supreme juristlic- tion in ecclesiastical government. The reader who hath marked the character of Henry's reign, will already have anticipated the result of this trial. For he needeth not to be told, that this prince made his will a rule forjudges and even juries ; that he sported with law aiul common-sense on all occasions ; that his parlia- ments followed his caprices with servility ; and that they as well as himself were lost to all sense of shame. The fate of Sir Tiiomas More is a striking, among many other la- mentable cxemplihcations of these horrid truths. After the indictment had been read to him, the duke of Norfolk said to More, you iee now how grievously you have offended his tjiajesty. Yet he is so merciful, that if you will lay aside your obstinacy and change your opinion, we hope you may obtaiu pardon of his highness. * Pole. SIR T. IVrORE. 215 To this, continues the great-grandson, the stout champion of Christ repUed, most noble lords, I have great cause to thank your honours for this your courtesy. But I beseech Al- mighty God, that I may continue in the mind I am in, through his grace, unto death. For the former part of More's defence we are indebted to Stapleton, from whose Latin we will translate the knight's words. ' When I recollect the length of my accusation, and the weight of what is objected against nie, 1 am apprehensive that my understanding, my memory, and my power ot ut- terance, may fail me in making due answer to the w Ik;!.- ; so am I still affected by the bodilj^ weakness which I iiave suffered from my imprisonment.' Here a seat was ordered to be brought the knight. Ii ing seated himself, he thus proceeded. ' There be four divisions, if I mistake not, of my indict- ment ; which I will answer in order. ' To the FIRST, that I was averse to his majesty's second marriage, I candidly own, I ever disapproved this marriage to the king. Nor am I noAV inclined to say or think other- wise of it than I have done, for the dictate of my con- science is still the same. This dictate I was neither inchned of my own accord to conceal frgm bis majesty, nor ought €19 MrMOmS OF I to have clone so wlicn the triilli was domandecl of me ; and no suspicion of treason can on this occasion attach it- self to ine. On tlie contrary. IxMn"- asked a (iue>li(jn of Mich moment by jny prince, on which his lionour and the tranquility of his kingdom de|)endcd, hail 1 spoken with more regard to comj)liance Aviih his wislies than to truth, I should then with justice have been accused of what I am now accused, of malevolence, wickedness, treachery. * But even for this fault of mine, if it be a fault in man to speak the truth to his prince when he asks it, 1 have al- ready surt'ered se\ere punishment. I have been proscribed from all intercourse with mankind, and continually innnur- cci in prison lor nearly hlteen months. ' A SECOND head of my indictment is, that I am amen- able to punishuicit tor the violation of an act of parlia- nietit. lor, when in jnison, of n)y malevolence, Avicked- ness, treachery, I sought to detract Irom the honour due to his majesty as recognised by that act in his new title, szf- j)iij)!t htad oil earih of the church oj E/ighuuL ' AVhat opinion did I utter regarding this act, when twice questioned in piibon by Mr. Secretary and others of his majesty's council, that I hould be said to have detracted frou), or to lia\e denied, this new authority? I would give no otlier answer ihun, that the act, just or unjust, pertain- ed not to nie, who was dead in law, and was no longer bomid to answer to statutes A\liich 1 should never more use; SIR T. MORE, 217 yet that neither by word or deed had I ever done anything derogatory to the act, and therefore I could not with justice be condemned for a Jaw against which it could not be ob- jected to me that I had either acted or spoken ; that, re- jecting every other care, I wished to turn my thoughts for the time to come to the bitter passion of my Saviour, and to my own passage from this life. ' I own I made this ansAver. But I maintain that this law or act was by no means violated by such answer, nor any capital offence committed by it. Neither your laws, nor those of the whole world, can criminate mere silence. They are made for words and actions; God alone can judge of secret thoughts.' Here the king's counsel remarked, that More's silence was a sure sign of his evil disposition and a certain proof of his malice ; for no man in the kingdom well-affected to- ward his majesty, being interrogated as to this act, would refuse to declare his opinion categorically. ' My silence,' replied More, ' is neither a sign of any evil disposition in me, as his majesty may know b}- many proofs, neither doth it bear any conviction of a breach of your law. It is to be taken for assent rather than dissent, witness the lawyers' phrase, who is silent seemeth to consent. As to your inference respecting the duty of a good subject from the example of all England, I am of opinion, that it is the duty of such a one, uliless he would be a bad chris- VoL. I. F f 218 MEMOIRS OF tian at thf^ same time tliat he is a good suliject, to ol)cy God rather thafi man ; to have more care of his conscience and the preservation of his soul, than of any other thing wliatever. Especially when, which is certainly my case, his conscience is such, as to produce not the smallest of- fence, no scandal, no sedition to his 'prince. For 1 solemn- ly athrni, that I never opened this conscience of mine to any mortal living/ ' I come now to the third head of my indictment. By Avhich 1 am accused, against the constitution of my my country, to have violated an act of parliament ; having maliciously endeavoured, wickedly contrived, and treacher- ously practised, so saith the indictment, to interchange eight letters in prison with the bishop of Rochester, where- in I persuaded him against this law and incited him to op- pose it. * I earnestly desire that these letters may be produced and read, for they will either condemn or acquit me. But since you say that the bishop burnt then), I will not hesi- tate to repeat to you what they contained. Some of them Avere full of our private aft'airs and related to our old and intimate friendship. One contained my answer to his let- ter of inquiry, what reply I had made in prison to the king's counsellors on this new subject. 'Jo this I made no other answer, than that I had made-up my own mind, and he might make-up his. So God love me and preserve my soul as 1 wrote him nothing else, and as God is my witness sill T. MORE. afS this and nothing else is the truth !• Thus is there nothing in this instance neither which I have conimittcd, contrary to law and worthy of death. ' The FOURTH and last allegation against me is, that when I was examined concerning this law in prison, I said, it was like a two-edged sword ; who opposed it destroyed his body, who consented to it, confounded his soul. From which kind of answer, because the bishop of Rochester likewise made it, it was asserted that we had evidently con- spired in the matter. ' I answer that this expression was more qualified on my part. Namely, that I said, in either case there was danger, whether I approved or disapproved the law, and therefore it was like a two-edged sword, which wielded cutteth both ways ; and the condition seemed peculiarly severe in ex- tending to myself, who contradicted it neither by word nor deed. These were 7ny words ; how the bishop answered I know not. If his reasoning agreed with mine, it hath arisen from no collusion, but rather from our similar thouo-hts and studies. In short, ye ma}' rest satisfied, that I have never spoken to any mortal living against this constitution, al- though perhfijis some false reports may have been made on the subject to the king's most merciful majesty.' Though no farther answer was now made to More, the word malice, saiih Ins great-grandson, Avas in the mouth of the whole court. And as a final proot of the knight's "uiit, F f 2 220 MEMOIRS OF Rich was now called, lo relate upon oath the conversation which we have already noticed. Mr, Roper hath preserved the answer of More upon this occasion in his very words, as reported to him by credible eye witnesses. ' If I was a man my lords,' said the knight, ' who did not regard an oath, I needed not, as it is well known, stand in this place, and at this time, nor in this case, as an ac- cused person. And it" this oath of yours Mr. Rich be true then I pray that I never see God in the face, which I would not say were it otherwise, to win the whole world.' Here More gave the court the true account of his con- versation with Rich in the Tower ; and then he proceeded, thus. ' In good faith, Mr. Rich, I am sorrier for your perjury, than for mine own peril. And you shall understand, that ntither I, nor no man else to my knowledge, ever took you to be a man of such credit, as, in any matter of import- ance, I, or any other, would at any time vouchsafe to com- municate with you. And I, as you know, of no small while have been acquainted with you and your conversa- tion, who have known you from your youth hitherto, for we long dwelt together in one parish. Where, as yourself can tell (I am sorry you compel me so to say) you were esteemed very light of your tongue, a great dicer, and of no commendable fame. And so, in your house at the SIR T. MORE. 221 Temple, where hath been your chief bringing-up, were you hkewise accounted. * Can it therefore seem likely to your honourable lord- ships, that I would in so weighty a cause so unadvisedly overshoot myself, as to trust Mr. Rich, a man of me alway reputed of little truth as your lordships have heard, so far above my sovereign lord the king or any of his noble coun- sellors, that I would unto him utter the secrets of ray con- science touching the king's supremacy, the special point and only mark at my hands so long sought-for, a thing which I never did nor never would, after the statute there- of made, reveal unto the king's highness himself, or to any of his honourable counsellors, as it is not unknown unto your honours, at sundry several times sent from his owa person to the Tower to me, for none other purpose ? Can this, in your judgment ray lords, seem likely to be true ? • And yet, if I had so done indeed, my lords, as Mr. Rich hath sworn, seeing it was spoken but in secret fami- liar talk, nothing affirming, and only in putting of cases, without other displeasant circumstances, it cannot justly be taken to be spoken inalidously . And where there is no malice, there can be no otlence. And over this, I can never think my lords, that so many worthy bishops, so many honourable personages, and so many other worship- ful, virtuous, wise, and learned men, as at the making of that law were in that parliament assembled, ever meant to have any man punished by death in whom there could be 222 MEMOIRS OF found no malice ; taking malitia for malcvoleiiiia. I'or if vialitia be generally taken for siu, no man is there then who can excuse himself; qiihi si dixcrimus quod pcccatum 7wn hubemus, nosmct ipsos scducemus et Veritas in nobis non est. And moreover this word maliviously is in this statute material; as the term /o/t/Tj/c is in the statute o^ forcible cnir^sse. By which statute, if a man enter peaceably and put not his adversaries out /b;"c/7>///, it is no oti'ence ; but if lie put them out ^"oj-c/Y»/y, then by the statute it is an of- fence, and so shall he be punished by this term forcibh/. ' Beside this, the manifold goodness of the king's high- ness himself, — who hath been so many ways my singular good lord, and who hath so dearly loved and trusted me; oven at my very first coming into his honourable service, to the dignity of his honourable privy council Vouchsafing to admit -me, and to oflices of great credit and worship most liberally advancing me ; and finally, with the weighty room of his grace's high chancellor (the like whereof he never did to temporal man before), next to his own royal person the highest officer in this noble realm, so far above my qualities or merits able and meet therefore, of his own incomparable benignity honouring and exalting me ; by the space of twenty years and more shewing his continual fa- vour toward me; and (until at mine own poor suit it pleasdd his highness, giving me licence with his majesty's favour to bestow the lesiduc of my life for the provision of my soul in the service of Cod, of his special goodness to discharge and disburthcn me), most benignly heaping ho- SIR T. MORE. 223 nours continually more and more upon me, all this his highness' goodness I say, so long thus continually extended toward me, were in my mind, my lords, matter sufficient to convince this slanderous surmise, by this man so wrong- fully imagined ag linst me.' Rich now desired that his companions, Southwell and' Palmer, should be examined relative to his conversation with More. When they had been sworn they either o'f them deposed, that being employed in conveying away the knight's books as they had been ordered, they paid no at- tention to the conversation which was passing. The jury, however, speedily found More guilty ; and the chancellor, More's immediate successor, was 'proceed^ ing, as chief commissioner, with no less' hasty servility to pronounce judgment upon him, when the knight observed, that in his time it was customary in such a case, to ask the prisoner before judgment, what he could say why judgment should not be given against him. The chancellor hereupon demanded of More wiiat he was able to say m this in- stance to the contrary ? and More, according to Mr. lloper, thus replied to him. ' Forasmuch, my lords, as this indictment is grounded upon an act of parliainent directly repugnant to the laws of God and his holy church, — the supreme government whereof, or any part thereof, may no temporal prince pre- sume by any law to take upon him, as rightfully belonging 224 MEMOIRS OF to the see of Rome, a spiritual pre-eminence, by the mouth of our Saviour liimsclf, persoually present upon the earth, only to S'. Peter and his successors, bishops of the same see, by special preroj^ative granted it is therefore, in law, among christian men, insufficient to charge any chris- tian man.' The knight added, that as the city of London could not make a law against an act of parliament which bound the whole realm, neither could this realm make a particular .law incompatible with the general law of Christ's universal catholic church ; that it was contrary to the unrepealed statutes of the country, for, by Magna Charta, ecclcsia Anglicana, lil»a sit, et liabeat omnia sua jura integra et il- l(csa : that it was contrary also to tlie oath taken by Henry and every other christian prince at his coronation ; that no ziiorc might England retuse obedience to the see of Rome, than a child to its natural father ' for, as S'. Paul said to the Coiintliians, I have regenerated ye mij children in Christ, so might S'. Gregory, pojie of Rome (suice by S'. Augustin, his messenger, we first received the christian faith), of us Englishmen tiuly say, ye are my children, be- cause I have, under Christ, given to ye everlasting salvation, afar higher and better inheritance than any carnal father can leave to his children, and by regeneration have made ye spiritual children in Christ ' The chancellor here repeated the old remark, that since the bisliops, universities, and best learned had subscribed SIR T. MORE. 225 to the act, it was wonclcit'ul that he alone would oppose them all and argue so strongly against it. ' If the number of bishops and universities be so mate- rial/ replied More, ' as your lordship seemeth to take it, then see I little cause, my lord, why that thing in my con- science should make any change. For I nothing doubt, but that, though not in this realm, yet in Christendom about, of those well-learned bishops and virtuous men who be yet alive, they be not the fourth part who be of your opinion therein. But if I should speak of those who be dead, of whom many be now holy saints in heaven, I am very sure it is the far greater part of them, who, all the while they lived thought in this case that way which I now think. And therefore am I not bound, my lord, to con- form my conscience to the counsel of our realm, against' the general counsel of Christendom.' The chancellor at length asked the opinion of the chief- justice, if the indictment were sufficient. Fitz-james re- plied with his usual oath, my lords all, by S'. Julian, J must needs confess, that if the act of parliament be not unlawful^ then is the indictment in my conscience good. An answer upon which More's great-grandson remarketh, that it re- sembled that of the Scribes and Pharisees to Pilate ; if this man were not a malefactor^ we would never have delivered him unto you. The chancellor now proceeded to pronounce the usuiU^ Vol. I. G g S26 MEMOIRS OF sentence of" liani;ing, chawing-, and (luarU-riui; ; loi- wliicli llcniy VI 11 lialli been pronounce- ; a sul>iect which still afforded the undismayed knight an opportunity of jesting. forlr'id, he said, that the h'nts; slionld use ant/ more siicfi inero/ unto unt/ of mji fiunuh^ and God /dess all nnj posferifi/ from such yardons.*' If we may credit Stapleton, ^Joic said after his judg- ment was passed, that since he stood condemned, how jnst- ly God knew, to disburthen his conscience lie would now freely speak what he thought of the late proceedings. When he perceived that the state of this kingdonj retpiired the investigation "v^hence the power of the Roman pontiff was derived, he directed his' attention and study for seven whole years to the subject. But to this day could he never dis- cover in any learned writer approved by the church, that a layman ever had been, or ever could l)e, head of the church. Tiie chancellor is said here again to have remarked, that the knight arrogated to liimself more wisdom and integrity than the whole realm beside ; and More again to have re- plied, that against one bishop he could name him an ijun- dred, and against one realm the consent of all Christendom for more than a thousand years. ]>ioro Sir Thomas, exclaini- • More. SIR T. MORE/ 227 ed the duke of Norfolk, you shew your malice; to which More answered, that he only discharged his conscience.* The commissioners now offered ]\Iore a favourable hear- ing, if he had anything farther to offer in his defence. ' More have I not to say my lords,' replied the knight, ' but that, like as the blessed apostle S'. Paul, as we read in the Acts of the Apostles, was present and consented to the death of S'. Stephen, and kept their clothes who stoned him to death, — and yet be they now both twain holy saints in heaven, and shall continue tlierc friends together for ever so I verily trust, and shall therelbre right hearti- ly pray, that though your lordships have now here on earth been judges to my condemnation, we may yet hereafter in heaven all meet together, to everlasting salvation.j- Tlius did the knidit receive the sentence of condemna- tion with that equal temper of mind v.hicli he had discover-. ed in either condition o[' life ; and Jie now devoted himself ■wholly to prepare lor death, which we shall find proved little terrible to him. Sir "William Kingston, a tall, strong, and comely knight (as Mr. Roper calls him), and Mora's very dear friend, at- tended the knight, as constable of the Tower, on his re-, turn thither. At the Old Swan, with a heavy heart, tears running down his cheeks, he wished More farewell. • More. t Roper. G g 2 ^ifS ]\[t:.MOIRS OF ' Sir Thomas More,' continues Mr. Roper, ' seeing him so sorrowiiil, comforted him with as good words as he could, saying, good Mr. Kingston, trouble not yourself, but be of good cheer. For I will pray for you and my good lady your ZiiJ'e, thai we may meet in heaven together, zchere zmc shall be merry for ever and ever. Soon afterward. Sir AVilham Kingston, talking with rae of Sir Thomas More, said, in goodfaihli Mr. Roper I zcas ashamed of myself, that, at my departing from your father, I found my heart so feeble, and. his so .strong, that he was fain to comfort me, who should rather have comforted him.' A scene 3ct more tender occurred before the knight reached the Tower, and which a])|)earcth not unworthy of the artist's jiencil. IJis affectionate daughter Margaret, fearing that this would be her last opportunity of seeing her dear father in this world, awaited his coming, at the Tower-wharf, and on his approach, pressed forward to him with an ardour nearly frantic, which neither the crowd nor his guards could restrain. Having reached him, she clung round his neck and kissed him, with the utmost ardour of filial affection. More seemed pleased with her manner, and blessed and comforted her. After she had gone from him, she was again seized with the same enthusiasm, and re- lumed once more to rc-act the same tender scene, amid the tears of many of the spectators. 'Jhe knight's son, it appears, also prrsentrd hinreelf to his father and asked his blrssing.* • Roper an More. SIR T. MORE, 229 Between Mores condemnation and the execution of his sentence, about a week intervened ; which he passed in prayer, and in such disciphne as his persuasion induced him to beheve would tend to his acceptance with his Maker.* Yet his usual facetiousness in worldly affairs forsook him not even at this awful crisis/ A light-headed courtier, as More's great-grandson calls him, having come to the knight, not to talk of serious mat- ters but to urge him to change his mind. Sir Thomas, wearied by his impertinence and importunity, at last replied I have changed it. The report of this soon reached the king, and More was commanded to explain himself. The knight now rebuked the courtier for troubling his majesty with what he spoke in jest ; his meaning he said was, that whereas he purposed to have been shaved, that he might appear as usual at his execution, he had now changed his mind, and his beard should share the fate of his head. Two of More's last letters, written with a coal, are pre- served in the volume of his English works. The former is in Latin, to Mr. Anthony Bonvyse, a rich merchant, who appears to have been an old and constant friend of the knight, and of whose kindness this is his last grateful ac- knowledgment ; adding after his signature Thomas Morus, friistra fecero si adjiciam tuus, nam hoc jam nescirc non potes qutim tot benejiciis emeris, nee ego nunc talis sum tit rcferat cujus sim. The latter, to his daughter IMargaret, was writ- * See More. '230 .MK.MOIRS Of 1335. ten on July o''> 1535, Ihc very day before his execution, anil is here presented to the reader. Sir Thomas More to ^[rs. lioper. * Our Lord bless yovi good daughter, and your good hus- band, and your little boy, and all yours ; and all n)y ehdd- ren, and^U my god-eliildren and all our jiiends. ' Recommend me when you may to my good daughter Cicily, whom 1 beseech our Lord to conil'ort ! and 1 send hei my blessing, and to all her children, and pray her to pray lor me. 1 send her an handkerchiel ; and God coni- tbrt my good son her husband ! ' ]\Iy good daughter Daunce hath the picture in parch- ment which you delivered me Irom my Lady Coniers ; her name is on the back side. Shew her that 1 heartily pray her, that you may send it in niy name to her again, for a token from me to pray for me. ' I like special well Dorothy Coly. I pray you be good unto her 1 1 would wit whether this be she whom you wrote me of? If not, yet I pray you be good to the other, as you may in her atHiction, and to my god-daughter Joan Aleyn too. Give her, I pray you, some kind answer; lor . she sued hither to me this day, to pray you be good to her. ' 1 cumber you, good Margaret, much ; but I v.ould be SIR T. MOKiJ. r^I sorry if it should lie any longer than lo-niorrow. For it i.^ S'. Thomas even, and the Utas of S'. Peter; and therefore to- morrow long I to go to God, — it were a day very meet and convenient for me. I never liked your manner toward me better than when you kissed me last; for I love when daugh- terly love and dear charity hath no leisure to look to world- ly courtesy. Farewell my dear child and pray for me; and I shall for you and all your friends, that we may merrily meet in heaven. I thank you for your great cost. ' I send now to my god-daughter Clement her algorism stone ; and I send her, and my god-son, and all hers, God's blessing and mine. I pray you, at time convenient, re- commend me to my goodson, John More. I liked well his natural fashion. Our Lord bless him and his good wife my loving daughter ! to whom I pray him be good, as he hath great cause; and that if the land of mine come to his hand, he break not my will concerning his sister Daunce. And our Lord bless Thomas and Austin* and all that they shall have/ ' :.' ' •' For the reasons which he gives in this letter, it was pro- bably at More's particular request, that the following day was that fixed upon for his execution. Early in the morn- iiig of Tuesday July 6'^ 1535, his friend Sir Thomas Pope came to him Avith a message Irom the king and council, • * John More's children. 293 MEMOIRS OF that he sliould suflfcr death on that mornnig before nine of 4he clock, and tluit he might prepare himself accordingly. * Mr. Pope,' saitl Sir Thomas, ' for your good tidings I lieartily thank you. I have been alway much bounden to the king's highness for the benefits and honours which he hath stilj, from time to time, most bountifully heaped up- on me. And yet more bounden am 1 to his grace, for put- ting me into this place, where I have had convenient time and space to have remembrance of my end. And, so God help me ! niost of all, Mr. Pope, am I lx)vinden to his highness, that it pleaseth him so shortly to rid me from the miseries of this wretched world. And therefore will I not fail, eainestly to pray for his grace, both here and also in the world to come.' ' The king's pleasure is farther,' added Pope, ' that at your execution you shall not use many words.' ' Mr. Pope,' replied More, * you do well to give me warning of his grace's pleasure ; for otherwise, at that time, had 1 purposed somewhat to have spoken, but of no matter wherewith his grace, or any, should have had cause to be ofi'ended. Nevertheless, whatsoever I intended, 1 am ready obediently to conform myself to his grace's commandment; and I beseech you, good Mr. Pope, to be a mean to his highness, that my daughter Margaret may be at my burial.' ' The king is content already,' said Pope, that your wife SIR T. MORE. 233 and children, and other your friends, shall have hberty to be present thereat.' ' O ! how much beholden then,' said More, ' am I unto his grace, who unto my poor burial vouchsafeth to have so gracious consideration.' * It Avas not without reason that Henry's command, he should not use many words, accompanied the message of death. He was not ignorant of More's ability as a public speaker, and how great his authority was among the people. He was sensible too of the provocation which he had given his prisoner ; and, judging the knight's temper by his own, he feared that he should be treated with the most vindictive and offensive freedom. But the subject on this occasion proved too good for his prince ; and the circumstance only serves to add to our contempt of Henry's conduct. Pope now took leave of More, and could not retiain from tears. * Quiet yourself good Mr. Pope,' said More, ' and be not discomforted ; for 1 trust that we shall once in heaven see each other full merrily, where we shall be sure to live and love together in joyful bliss eternally.' More now put-on his best clothes : which, when the lieutenant of the Tower saw, he advised him to take them • Roper. Vol. I. H h 554 MEMOIRS (3F ■off again, saying he was but a rascal who sliould have Ihcm. * AVhat. Mr. Lieutenant,' said the knight, ' shall I account him a rascal who shall do me this da}' so singular a bene- fit? Nay, 1 assure you, were it cloth of gold I should think it well bestowed on him, as S'. Cyprian did, who gave his •executioner thirty pieces of gold/ 'J'he lieutenant, however, persuaded him to re-change his <]ress. Yet, of the little money which was left to hinj, the knight sent his executioner an angel.* At the appointed time, he was conducted from his prison •by the lieutenant of the Towei' to tlie place of execution ; his beard bting long, ?ays his great-grandson, his face paie and lean, carrytng in his hands a red cross, casting his eyes often toward heaien. Yet his facetiousness remained to the last, of which three instances are related to have passed, even uj)on the scaftold. On ascending this structure, be Ibund it so weak that it Avas ready to fall ; upon which he said to the lieutenant, I pray see tm tip safe, and for my coming donn let me shift for myself As Henry had so pru- tJently imposed silence upon him at this time, More only desired of his spectators that they would pray for him, and bear witness that he there suflered death in and for the faith of the catholic church.-f- • Roper. i Roper. SIR T. MO [IE. 233 This said, he knelt, and repeated a psahn with grcatde- votion ; perhaps the 51", the 56"", or the 57'^. lie then rose cheerfully, and the executioner asking his forgiveness. More kissed him and said, thou wilt do me this day a great- er benefit, than ever any mortal man can be able to give me. Pluck-up thy spirit, man, and be not afraid to do thy office. My neck is very short ; take heed therefore that thou strike not awry, for saving thy honesty. \A hen he laid his head upon the block, he desired the executioner to wait till he had removed his hedixd, for that had never committed treason. ' So with great alacrity and spiritual joy,' adds his great- grandson, ' he received the fatal blow of the axe ; which no sooner had severed the head from the body, but his soul was carried by angels into everlasting glory, where a crown of martyrdom was put upon him which can never fade nor decay/ More's behaviour in this last scene hath been censured by some as hght and indecent, and partaking more of the stoic than of the christian. The more candid, however, have allowed that that manner having been so natural to him on all occasions, it was not peculiar upon this ; but proved that death by no means discomposed him, and could not even put him out of his ordinary humour. His head remained for some time fixed upon a pole on London-bridge, until the piety of his daughter Margaret found an opportunity of purchasing it. She is said to have preserved it in a leaden box, and to have ordered its inter- Hh 2 256 MEMOIRS OF meut with her o-wn bod} in tlie Roper-vault, under a chapel adjoining 8'. Dunstan's, Canterbury.* Ilislx)dY was buried in the chapel of S'. Peter in the 'J ower, probably near bishop Fisher, who, like More, had appointed himselt" a tomb in his lifetime, Avhich his body never occupied. Some of our antiquaries have asserted that More's body was afterward removed to Chelsea by his daughter Maigaret ; but this is by no means satisfactorily made out, and appeals to be im- jirobable for more reasons than one. • More and Wood- SIE T. MORE. 237 CHAR VI. jinecdote. . . . Queen Ann and Cranmer indolent in More's caitse. . , . Effects of More's execution. . . . Sentiments of the Emperor Charles, Cardinal Pole, and Paulus Jovius. . . . Morels religion, bigotry, i^c, .... Not so extravagant as some, in his notions of the papal power. .... His propensity to jesting, and witty sayings. . . . His behaviour at his death natural. . . . His disinterestedness, and integrity ivhile chancellor, and virtue as a patriot minister. . . . Queen Catharine's opinion of More. . . . His greatness of mind, excellent temper, and good management of his family. . . . Other traits of his character. .... His learning, modesty, and benevolence. . . . His Utopia, History of Richard HI, epigrams, letters, and controversial writings. . . . £urnet's character of him as a zvriter. . . . The editions of More's English and Latin works. . . . His personal peculiarities. . . . His fa- mily. . . . Erasmus' encomium on More's house, . . . Mrs. Roper. . , . Her letter to her father in prison. . . . Her daughter Basset. . . . More's letter to GonelliLS. . . . The death of Erasmus and view of his character. . . . More's remonstrances with him misrepresented. 1 T is said that when Henry received the report of More's execution he was playing at draughts, and Queen Ann was looking~on. Casting his eyes upon her, lie said ihou art the 238 IIEMOIRS OF cause of this maii^s death ; ami soon afterward he left the game. He betook himself, it is added, to his chamber, and fell into a fit of melancholy.* ^Vhatever credit may be due to this anecdote, those writ- ers who assert that Ann was instrumental to More's execu- tion, have probably been guided by it. Yet she was per- haps rather an approver of the execution than an instigator to it ; for it is certain that the temper of her consort, irrit- able and impetuous as it was, seldom stood in need of in- stigation to lead it to extremities. After having opposed the divorce and second marriage, INIore became an opponent of what was then termed he- resy ; of which Ann was a patron. If then only to remove an enemy to herself and her cause, we have no reason to doubt that the queen's voice was in favour of the execu- tion, ^ay, if she found the king at any time wavering in his resolution, she may have endeavoured to confirm him ill it, and thus have given ground to Henry, in the first mo- ments of his uneasiness, to charge her with having caused the knight's death. O' Cranmer, as well as Ann, had, we know, very consider- able influence on Henry's purposes ; and had they now ex- erted all this influence, they might perhaps have saved More's life. But it is pretty clear that the queen never made such an attempt, or Henry could not have reproach- * More. SIR T. MORE. 259 ed her in this manner; and it is too probable that neither her majesty nor the bishop used every endeavour in their power to prevent an execution, Avhich fixes an indehble odium upon all the reformers who consented to it. We have at least very ample testimonies remaining to us, that the sacrifice of More made an impression, far be3'ond the limits of his own country, and of deeper stamp than it hath often been in the power of an individual to leave, who, like More, hath been conspicuous chiefly by his vir- tues in civil life. ]Many learned of Christendom, protest- ants as well as catholics, who neither feared Henry as their tyrant, nor hated him from private motives of animosity, have animadverted strongly on the cruelty of the knight's execution. Upon his friend Dr. Lark, at that time rector of Chel- sea, More's death is said to have had so much influence, that he soon afterward suffered death also, for denying the king's supremacy.* Mr. Roper relates, that when the emperor CharJes re- ceived intelligence of More's execution, he sent for Sir Thomas Ehott, the English ambassador at his court, and said to him, we understand that the king your master hath put his faithful and gi-ave counsellor to death. Eliott re- plied, he knew nothing of the matter. JVell, said the em- peror, it is too true. And this uill u'e say; that had ue * More and Stow. 940 MEMOIRS OF been master of such a servant (of whose doings ourselves havt had these many years no small experience), zse would rather have lost the best city of our dominions, than have lost such a worthy counsellor. This anecdote, Mr. Roper adds, Sir Tho- mas Eliott reported to himself, to his wife, and to other friends. CarcUnal Pole, to whom Italy, notwithstanding his rela- tionship to Henry, was the seat of safety, in his book pro unitate ecclesiastica, written in answer to Dr. Sampson's justification, by royal authority, of Henry's proceedings, compares ^Slore's death to that of Socrates. I have seen, saith Pole, even the greatest strangers, who never knew him, never shared his favour, so much affected by his death, that when they read the history of it, they could not withhold their tears; and they wept at the fatne only of his fate. And I at this distance, when writing oj his death, although I was not bound to him by any private ties, but loved and esteemed him j-ather for his virtue and probity, and because I knew his service to his country, yet God is my witness that I shed in- voluntary tears, which so impede my pen and blot my letters, that I proceed with difficulty."^ Erasmus, without naming Henry, remarks on the occa- sion, Plato went unhurt by the iEginans, Diogenes by Phi- lip of Macedon ; Antony is hated for the murder of Cicero ; Nero for the death of Socrates.-f* * Lib. iii. t Ep'st- Nucer. SIR T. MORE. 2H We uill add one, among many more similar testimonies, by Paulus Jovius, in his own words. ' Fortuna impotens, et suo more instabilis, infaustaque virtuti, si unquam superbe et truculenter jocata est, sub Henrico VIII nuper in Britannia immanissime desa^viit; prostrate ante oculos Th. Moro, quem rex, paulo ante, praeclarus, eximine virtutis admirator, ad summos honores extulerat, ut inde cum, fatali oborta insania mulatus in feram, crudeli mox impetu praicipitem daret, quod ipsius furcntis tyranni nefariaj libidini, vir omnibus religionis at- que justitiae numeris longe optimus atque sanctissimus, adu- lari noluisset. Dum enim ille uxorem repudiarc, pellicem inducere, filiamque (Mariam) magno probro abdicare pro- peraret, Morus, scrinii maglster, pietatis ac innocentiaj suae reus, causam ad tribunal dicere coactus, impio judicio ita damnatus est, uti latronum more, teterrimo supplicii ge- nere, necaretur ; nee fas esset dilacerata membra, propin- quorum pietate, sepelire. Sed Henricus, vel hoc uno fa- cinore Phalaridis tiemulus, eripere non potuit, quin ad sem- piternam inusitati sceleris memoriam Mori nomeu in Uto- pia perenni constantia? laude frueretur/ * The features of More's character are too strongly mark- ed and prominent, to permit us to have gone thus far into the memoirs of his life, without being pretty fully acquaint- ed with it. In a general view, however, of the biography of even so peculiar a character as this, some traits will be * Elog. doct. tiror. Vol. I. li am MEMOIRS OF found to have less strongly impressed our attention as \vc proceeded, than tiic weight and worth of them may on a closer view appear to demand ; and we may here be aliow^- ed to devote a few pages to a n)ore particular review of certain points in that which is under our present considera- tion. More's icligion naturally presents itself as a prominent feature on this occasion ; in reference to which he hath been pronounced a \CTy priest, and that here his faculties •were so enveloped, as to render him a weak and credulous enthusiast. The assertion may perhaps, however, be allowed to be little hazardous, that ]\I ore's bigotry hath proved a foil to his character, and that without it, he might have appeared less interesting on the whole in the eye of posterity. Born, as he had the misfortune to be, in an age of ignorance and superstition, at the very dawn of learning in our island, his ideas of religion, as Avell as those of his contemporaries, naturally | artock of the times in which he lived. And to those limes, and to the genius of the superstition in wliich he had been educated, Ave may very clearly attribute this part ot the knight's chaiacter. Erasmus saith of More in one place, that he was rather superstitious than irrelgious, and in another place, that he was extremely remote Irom all superbtiuon. SIR T. MORE. 2^3 It hath frequently been remarked of the knight also, tliat in his youth he was free from that degree of bigotry, which grew upon him as he advanced in years. Yet we know that such was his addiction early in life to monkish discipline, that he wore secretly a hair-shirt next his skin, frequently fasted, slept on a bare plank, and some- times even scourged himself. These practices he continued even when he was chancellor, though, as Mr. Roper in- forms us, he zooiild appear like other men in his apparel and oiitzmi-d behaviour. His daughter Margaret was his sole confidant in these peculiarities. She was in the habit of washing with her own hands this hair-shirt for her father, and he sent it to her the day before his execution.* ' His accustomed manner alway was,' saith Mr. Roper, ere he entered into any matter of importance, as when he was first chosen of the privy-council, when he was sent am- bassador, appointed speaker of the parliament-house, made chancellor, or when he took any other like weighty matter upon him, to go to church to be confessed, to hear mass and be houseled.' The great-grandson adds, that being once sent for by the king upon urgent business while he was at mass, More re- fused to stir till it was over, saying he inust Jirst serve God and then the king. ^Vith which conduct, Ave are farthe;- in- formed, that Henry had the merit to be pleased. * Roper and More. li 2 eu MEMOius or The private devotions of More, as well at lionic as in his chapel, were also observed with the strictest regularity. His family and servants were re(|uired to participate in them daily, and with peculiar attention upon particular occa- sions. These oliservances appear to have brought those blessings upon his household, to which the true piety of them was entitled. A marked good forttine, saith Erasmus, attends the servants of that house. And his biographers have gone so far as to assert, that the pra^'ere of the knight, when his favourite daughter was at the point of death in the sweating sickness, produced the liappy effect of sug- gesting to his miud a remedy, which very unexpectedly led to the re-establishment of her health. Although a part of More's piety may have been in com- pliance with the manners of the age, it is sufficiently evi- dent that he had a natural propensity to devotion. Tliis, with all the virtues of Christianity in liis deportment, gave a pleasing uniformity to his public and private life. And before we decide that his austerity, under the notion of re- ligion, derogated from his general good sense, let ns advert once more to the times in which he lived, soon after the re- surrection of letters, when ignorance of scripture and bi- gotry to the catholic church had overspread the world. More inflicted not his penances upon hiniself with the ab- surd view of commuting them lor wilful vices ; his inten- tions were certainly good, and all that we have to excuse is, his manner of complying Avith his religion. It is true that he appears to have had dilierent sentiments in his SIR T. MORE. 245 youth when he wrote his Utopia, and we are nowhere in- formed why he thought more superstitiously afterward ; but we must remember that were there no shades in this great character, it would no longer be that of man. Bur- net observes of this conduct in More, that it can only be accounted-for by ascribing it to the intoxicating charms of that relio-ion, Avhich can darken the clearest understandings and corrupt the best natures. Notwithstanding More's strong prejudice against the king's supremacy, he was certainly not so extravagant as some were, in his notions of the papal power. In his Con- futation of Tindal he writes, that he never considered the pope as a part of the definition of the church, but that he defined the church to be the common known congregation of all christian nations, under one head the pope. Nay, he af- terward atiirmeth that a general council is above the pope, and that there are orders in Chrises church by which a pope may he both admonished and ametided, and hath been for in- corrigible mind and lack of amendment finally deposed and changed* This is the very conclusion maintained by Wic- lif, and which was condemned by the council of Constance. More seemeth to have thought that a pope was not of the essence of the visible church, but that that church mio-ht subsist without a pope, under the government of provincial patriarchs or archbishops. * Eng. works, p. 615, 621. 246 MEMOIRS OF The maxim of Horace ■ ridcntem diccre vcruni Quid vetat ? was SO stedfastly embraced by More, that his propensity to jesting hath frequently been censured by those, who had evidently a very small portion of his wit. One of our chro- niclers, Hall, with more ill-nature than wit, hath even gone so far as to call him on this account a wise foolish man, or a foolish wise man ; which severe sentence occasioned the i'ol- Jowing epigrams in vindication of the knight. Halle, tibi Morus stultus sapicnsque vidctur : Stultus crat mundo ncmpc, Ueo sapiens. Wise foolish, foolish zcise. To More be (illcs given Lei earth (lie fool despise His wisdom found liini Jjeaven. We have the satisfaction to learn from a letter of his friend Erasmus, that More did not love an ill-natured jest w hich gave another person pain. It is also related of him, that he never lauglicd at his own jokes ; but spoke on tl)ese oc- casions with so much gravity, that lew could discover by his look whether he was jesting or serious. The witty sayings attributed to More Avould form an ex- SIR T. MOIIK. 217 tensive collection, if we attempted to embrace all of them which are now extant. An instance or two, in addition to those which have already occurred to our notice, may here amuse the reader. When one of the family of Manners said to More ' Jio- nores mutant Mores,' the knight readily retorted upon him, that it was true in English ; lor then it applied to Man-^ ners. When a debtor to the knight, upon being asked to dis- charge his claim, expatiated on the uncertamty of this life, and the inutility of money in the grave, concluding pomp- ously, memento morieris, More answered him, memento Mori arts. When one of his friends brought More an ill-written work, to receive his opinion of it previously to its publica- tion, the knight told hun gravely it would be better in verse. The man took home his book, versified it, and brought it again to More. Yea marry, said the knight, now it is some- what, for now it is rhyme ; bejore, it zc/as neither rhyme nor reason. When an arrogant fellow at Bruges had given it out that he would aivswer whatever question could be proposed to him in any art whatever, More caused to be put-up utrum averia ca[jta in Withernamia sunt irreplegiabilia ; adding, that there was a person in the retinue of the English am- 248 Mi:.M(>n{.s or bassador who wouUl dispute with him on the ijucslion. These hiw terms were worse than Coptie to the bragga- docio ; who knew not what reply to make, and was laugh- ed at. As to the following anecdote related by ISIore's great- grandson, sitjidcs penes auctores. From what wc have seen of the early acquaintance of More and Erasmus, the cir- cumstances do not appear to be very proijable. It is reported that he who conducted Erasmus to Eng- land, contrived that More and he should first meet in Lon- don, at the lord mayor's Udjle, neither of them knowing the other. At diimcr-time they fell into argument, and Erasmus was so shar])ly opposed by More, that at last he exclaimed with some choler, aiit tu Morns es ant nidlus. More readily replied, ant tu es Erasmus aut Diabolus. This story hath also been related thus. More being at the lord mayor's table, word was brought him that a fo- reigner inquired for liim. As dinner was nearly over, the lord mayor ordered one of his officers to take care of the gentleman and give him what he liked best. The officer took Erasnms into the lord mayor's cellar, where he chose to eat oysters and drink wine (drawn, as the custom then was, into leathern jacks). On coming to More he saluted him in Latin; More, — U7ide venis ? : y-- SUl T. MOllB. -ij^ Erasmus, — Ex inferis. More, — Quid ibi agitur ? Eras. — Vivis vescuiitur et hibunt ex ocreis. More, — An tu me noscis ? , X'- ' .Eras. — Aut tu es Morus aut nullus. More, — Et tu es aut Deus aut Dc£mo7i, aut incus Erasmus. One of More's ludicrous actions was, to employ a cut- purse to rob a justice while he sat on the bench, who had expressed an opinion that none except careless fools could be served so. More was also delighted whenever he found wit in those with whom he conversed. Strype, who, as we have seen, hath repeated more than he could have proved of the knight's cruelty to the reformers, tells us, in his memorials, he had read in an old manuscript, that More, examining a protestant whose name was Silver, told him in his jesting way silver must be tried in thejire. But quicksilver, replied the culprit, will not abide it. With this ready answer, adds Strype, the knight was so delighted, that he dismissed him. And the anecdote certainly proves, against Strype's own hypothesis, that More's cruelty was at least not such, as to be propitiated with difficulty. Vol. I. K k 250 MEMOIRS OF More's behaviour in the last scene of this lite, hath been censured by some as too hght and ludicrous lor the occa- sion. But the fact probably is, that tliis behaviour was so natural to him, and the consciousness of his integrity gave him such satisfaction and courage, that the scene was even- less mournful to the criminal than to many of his specta- tors. M. de S'. Evremont dwells on the courage and con- stancy of Pctronius Arbiter in his last monjcnts, and thinks he discovers in them more firmness and resolution, than in the deaths of Seneca, Cato, or even Socrates. Our own Addison hath observed on this, that tf he was so pleased with gaiety of humour in a dying man, he might have found, a much nobler instance of it in Sir Thomas More. • This gi-eat and learned man,' observes that chaste and' correct writer, ' was famous for enlivening his ordinary dis- courses with wit and pleasantry ; and, as Erasmus tells him in an epistle dedicatory, acted in all parts of life like a se- cond Democritus. lie died upon a point of religion, and is respected as a martyr by that side for which he suffered. That innocent mirth which had been so conspicuous in his life, did not forsake him to the last. Pie maintained the same cheerfulness of heart upon the scaffold, which he used to shew at his table ; and, upon laying his head on the block, gave instances of that good humour with which he had alway entertained his friends in the most ordinary oc- currences. His death was of a piece with his life, — there was nothing in it new, forced or affected. He did not look upon the severing liis head from his body as a circumstance SIR T. MORE. 251 which ought to produce any change in the disposition of his mind ; and as he died under a fixed and settled hope of immortality, he thought any unusual degree of sorrow and concern improper on such an occasion as had no- thing in it which could deject or terrify him. There is no great danger of imitation fi-om this example, — men's na- tural fears will be a sufficient guard against it. I shall on- ly observe, that what was philosophy in this extraordinary man, would be frenzy in one who dotli not resemble him as Avell in the cheerfulness of his temper as in the sanctity of his life and manners.'* More was charitable to the poor, he despised riches, and though he had opportunities, he had no inclination, to lay- up for himself treasures on earth. On his disinterested- ness Mr. Roper in this manner expresseth himself. ' Thus did it, by his doings throughout the whole course of his life, appear, that all his travail and pains, without respect of earthly commodities either to himself or any of his, were only upon the service of God, the prince and the realm wholly bestowed and employed. Whom I heard in his lat- ter time to say, that he never asked of the king for himself the value of a penny.' Of his integrity when chancellor we can have no strong- er proof, that that Henry had nothing to allege against him; and we can hardlv entertain a doubt that the kino- would have embraced such an opportunity with alacrity in * Spectator, N°. 349. Kk2 iJi32 ME^fOlRS OF .^lore's adversity, had the knight aftoided him one. Mi. JRopcr rchites an instance or two of attempts to criminate him in this particuhir, all of which, we sluill find, Scl'vctl only to fix more strongly the character of his integrity. He had made a decree against Parnell at the suit of Vaughan, and was accused of having received a gilt cup, as a bribe, of Vauohan's wife. Beino; summoned before the council, More gravely confessed, forasmuch as that cup was, long after the aforesaid decree, brought him for a new~ year's gift, he, upon the importunate pressing upon him there- of, of courtesy refused not to take it. Here Lord Wiltshire, i\nn Boleyn's father, exclaimed in triumph, Lo, did t not teU ye my lords that ye should find this matter true f More desired their lordships, as they had heard him courteously tell one part of his tale, they nould vouchsafe, of their ho- nours indifferently to hear the other. He then declared, that although he had indeed with much difficulty received the cup, yet imnicdiatcly thereupon he caused his butler to fill it with wine and he drank to the lady. When she had pledged him, he gave her the cup again, that she migl)t gi\e it to her husband as a new-year's gift from him ; and, at his urgent request, though much against her will, she at last received it. Vaughan's wife, and other witnesses present, confirmed his statement. l\!rs. Croker, a widow, for whom with much difficulty he made a decree in chancery against Lord Arundel, brought him for a new-year's gift a pair of gloves coutain^v SIR T. MORE. §53 tng forty pounds in angels. Mistress, said More, since it zvere against good manyiers to forsake a gentlewoman's nezi)- year's gift', I oni content to take your gloves ; but as for your money, I utterly refuse it. A Mr. Gi'esham also, having a cause depending in chancer}^ sent More a gilt cup, the fashion of which the linight greatly admired. He therefore ordered one of his own cups, Avhich was inferior in beauty, yet superior in value, to be brought to him, and desired the messenger to present it to his master ; on which condition alone he would receive the other. Of More's confidence in his integrity, and his contempt' of slander in his prosperity, Mr. Roper relates this instance. * The water bailif of London (sometime his servant) hear- ing, where he had been at dinner, certain merchants liberal-- ly to rail against his old master, waxed so discontented, therewith, that he hastily came to him and told him what he had heard. And zcerc I, sir, quoth he, in such favour and authority uith my prince as you are, suc?i men surely should not be suffered so villainously and falsely to misreport and slander me. Wherefore I would zvish you io call them, before you, and to their shatnefor their letvd malice to punish, them. More replied, with a smile, rt/??/, Mr. Watcrbailif xvould you have me punish them by whom I receive more benefit than . by you all who be my jricnds? Let them in God's name speak- 954 MEMOIRS OF as lewdly as they list of mCy and shoot never so many o/rozk^^, at me ; as long as they do not hit me, zc;hat am I the worse ? But if they should once hit me, then would it indeed a little trouble me. Howbeit I trust, by God's help, there shall none of them once be able to touch me, — I have more cause, I as- sure you Mr. Waterbailif, to pity them, than to be angry with them. More appears in fact, either by nature or religion, to have attained to so correct a conduct, that neither the hope pf profit or popularity, nor the fear of loss or of evil tongues, could allure or deter him in his duty. In all his fortunes, good and bad, he seems still to have enjoyed one and the same equabilitj'. In his mind, no minister who was inno- cent of a charge alleged against him, would treat his ac- cusers with insolence or persecute them Avith power. In- stead of exercising his authority, when he had it, in crush- ing or even silencing those who opposed or slandered hini, he thought, that when their arrows did not hit him he re- ceived more benefit from them than from the caresses of his friends. And here let us pay the tribute of respect so justly due to More's early and disinterested pubhc virtue as a patriot minister. In him we have an instance of a man of the first abilities in the kingdom, who, without patrimony or any other subsistence than that derived from his profession, had the courage and integrity to oppose the measures of the king and his ministers, when he deemed those measures SIR T. MORE. 2S5 prejudicial to his country. And this in a reign, in which such opposition, so far from being customary or conducive to advancement, Avas seldom seen, and almost as seldom went unpunished. His motive loo, -was solely to prevent oppression and in- justice ; and no bribe or advancement could bring him to change his conduct, as is too often done,, and promote the measures which he had before condemned. When places ■were conferred upon him without his solicitation, he stiU retained his integrity to his country, though his prince was one of the most impatient of contradiction that ever filled our throne. The idea, as well as name, of patriot, sunk uot in him so soon as he had attained to affluence ; nor did he crowd the posts of public service with his relatives. Neither wavering between the measures of the king and people, nor, under colour of serving his country, intending only to acquire power and promote private interest, pa- triotism shone in him with a real lustre, not, as it too com- monly doth, with a temporary and uncertain blaze. Queen Catharine used to say, that Henry had only one sound counsellor in his kingdom, and that was More ; the rest either spoke as the king would have them, or were in- ferior to More in. judgment; and as for Wolsey, who was then the first subject in the realm, to answer his own ends he cared not what counsel he gave the king.* f More, 256 JIEMOIIIS OF The dignity which More had borne with so mucli temper, he resigned with unfeigned jo}'. Although he might not have objected to have seen the pope's illegal Jtnisdiclion in England cut off, and therefore might go cheerfully along with the suit of Praemunire, yet when he perceived how far the king's designs went, and that a total rupture was likely to follow, he retired from office with a greatness of mind hardly inferior to what the ancient philosophers have pretended on similar occasions. The cause too of the king's divorce he might think just, and therefore favour it while it was agitated at Rome ; but when he saw a breach with that court likely to follow, he at once relinquished his lofty station. His retirement to private life might have been deemed a fall great enough ; and t\^e extent to which Henry cairied his resentment on this occasion, is certainly one of the foulest leproaclies of liis reign.* But More's sentiments were those of a mind sublimed above all i'cehngs of sense. Liberty, riches, nay, even life, were dross in his esteem, compared with peace of con- science and eternal salvation. Christian and philosopher, he viewed the ol>jects of sense with supreme indifference, and having set his affections most stedfastlj' on the things above, he ardently desired his translation to them. His great example affords us a very superior lesson of fortitude vmder suffering for conscience sake, of contempt of a life of flesh in itself short and transitory, and of resignation to « See Burnet. SIR T. MORE. 257 the will of heaven under the most trying afflictions of hu- manity. Mr. Roper informs us that in the sixteen years cluriuf^ which he was an inhabitant of his father-in-law's house, lie (lid not once see More in a fume. Margaret Gigs, who was brought-up with More's children, said that she some- times committed a fault for the purpose of hearing Sir Tho- mas chide her, he did it in so grave, and at the same time in so moderate, so loving, and so compassionate a manner. Erasmus likewise informs us of his intimate friend, comi- tate toiam familimn moderatur, in qua nulla tragcedia, nulla rixa. And though More was obliged to maintain many servants, he is said never to have suffered any of them to be idle. He ever invented and assigned some avocation or other to each of them when they were not attendant upon him, that they might avoid sloth, gaming, and those pro- tlio;ate habits in general of which idleness is the source.* Should any incline to infer that More at any period of his life became austere and splenetic, given wholly to de- votion and philosophy, and without amusement or a taste for pleasure, they will greatly misconceive his character. His pleasures, it is true, were innocent and rational, be- coming a christian and a philosopher ; yet he had a heart for friendship and conviviality, and for every social feeling of our nature. ' Some,' Erasmus writes in one of his let- ters to More, ' take great care not to be cheated by coun- * More, Vol. I. LI 258 :mi:-moii{s of teifeit jewels ; but you, despising such trifles, account your- self rich inclecd if you can find u true friend. No man taketh so uuich delight in cards, dice, diess, hunting, or music, as you do in conversing with a well-infornied and pleasant companion.' * From IMorc's great-grandson we learn, that he seldom feasted the great, but his poor neighbours often ; nlioin he would visit in their houses and bcstoio upon t/uiii his large li- beraliti/, not groats, but erouns of gold ; and zv/ien he zcas a private lazcyer, he zcould take no fees of poor folks, zcidows, nor pupils. The ignorant and the proud, even in the high- est stations, were those to whom he was observed to shew the least respect. On the other hand, he was a friend and patron to every man of letters, and he maintained episto- lary correspondence with most of the leained in Christen- dom of his day. His chief foible is said to have been an affectation of sin- gularity ; and he is even accused of having worn his gown awry, that one shoulder might appear higher than the other. Cranmer also intimateth, that More was so desirous of esteem, that having once spoken his mind, he would never deviate therefrom, for fear of injuring the credit of his judgment. But these alleged weaknesses sound too nmch like the invidious censures which ever attend u})on distinc- tion ; and if they be with truth attributable to More, they must after all be pronounced to be of too trivial a nature * Farrag. £pi$t. p. 536. SIR T. IMOUr. 259 for our serious atiimaclvcrsioii, when opposed to the nobler features of his sterUng character. To what study soever Sir Thomas applied himself, saith his great-grandson, he grew in short time most famous therein. He then coniplimenteth the knight's talent for poetry even in his youth, his skill in rhetoric, the purity of his Latin style, and his patience for such a wit in stud3'ing the law. Yet the same characteristic which distinguished ]\lore in other respects, and which induced him to appear to the world like his neighbours whatever his private habits and opinions might be, marked his talents also. Arrogance or overbearance were strangers to him ; and he ever seemed more desirous of concealing, than of ostentatiously display- ing, his talents. His own opinion of his writings was humble in the extreme. Praise, vain glory, lucre, or worldly advance- ment had certainly no influence on his pen, whatever Tindal and others asserted. So that envenomed hooks might be once suppressed and abolished, he wished his own on a light and fair Jire. Of his Utopia he wrote, that he judged it no better worth, than to remain hidden in his own island, or to be consecrated to Vulcan ; and of his epigrams, you well know, dear Erasmus, they never pleased me, and if others had not liked them better than I do, they should never have been published. Powerful as he was in arguing upon any subject, it is re- lated of him, that when he found a young opponent who was unable to maintain his ground against him, rather than LI 2 2oO MK.MOIRS OF to discourage rising merit, he would with ingenuity divert the conversation into a difl'ercnt channel. Vet was this man freciucntly appointed by the king, on account of his ready talents, to make answer to the compliments paid to his majesty when he visited his universities ; and whenever More visited a university in his own country or abroad, he not only attended their public disputations, but entered in- to them himself. When Henry went over to meet the French king, and when Charles V. landed in England, More was appointed to make the gratulatory addresses.* His celebrated political romance, Utopia, he wrote in Latin about the year 1516. It speedily gained him great applause over Europe, was translated into French, Italian, Dutch, and English, and hath now stood the test of nearly three centuries as a masterpiece of wit and fancy. It hath, however, ex])erienced somewhat of a severe fate, in being better known and more admired abroad, than by the au- thor's own countrymen ; a circumstance which may in some measure sanction its re-appearance in an English dress of the day, though its merit is greater than to allow of its de- living any advantage by translation. It can hardly be questioned, that under this ingenious fiction of a commonwealth, all his own notions of govern- ment were promulgated by More. He creates a kingdom in a new world, and obliquely ccnsureth the detects which he had observed in the old one. More probably wrote this * Roper and More. SIR T. MORE. 261 piece before he had heard of Luther ; and the Wicklevites and Lollards were the only heretics then known in our country. He gave his mind full scope in" it, and consider- ed mankind and religion with the freedom of a true j)hilo- sophcr. It i-> easy to collect from it, what his thoughts then were of religion, the constitutions of the church, and of the clergy at that time. Had he died then, he would probably have been numbered with those, who though they lived in the communion of the church of Rome, yet saw her errors and corruptions, and only wanted fit opportuni- ties of declaring themselves more openly for a reformation. Upon farther knowledge, and more experience of men and things, he appears to have materially changed many of his sentiments ; and it is now not very easy, as we have already remarked, to account how so great an alteration was etfect- ed in him.* More appears, by this piece, to have been an enemy to the severity of our laws, and to have thought in this par- ticular in the same charitable and reasonable way with his mild and gentle friend Erasmus,-j' and with many others even of our own da}^ The History of King Richard III was written about the year 1513, More being then one of the under sheriff's of London. He wrote it in Latin as well as in Enahsh, but it was never finished by liim. In the volume of his English works it is printed from a copy said to have been • See Burnet. f Tom. v. c. 167. 962 Mi:.>rOIR.S OF in liis own liaiulwriting ; and iVoni tluit vohune it is re- printed in the incseut work, as a record of our history which is httlc known, aiul which is certainly vahiablc if on- ly on account of the writer. More's great-grandson observes of this history, ii is so well penned, that if oi/r chronicles of Ensiland uerc half so xvell set-out, fhci/ noitld entice all Englishmen to read them over often, adding somewhat extravagantly, that iio one over adventured to finish the work, for the same reason that the Venus of Apelles remained unfinished. Above a century after More's death, George Buck took- up the cudgels tor Richard, which of course made him More's opponent in this work ; and above a century later, came a noble speculator in our histor}-, who seconded this advocate for a monster, and proved himself at least Buck's cfjual in the love of paradox. The tbrmer's censure of More's learning, and his other remarks, smell so strongly of party, and he hath found so little credit as a writer, that he cannot now be deemed worth}-^ of a serious repl}'. The latter opponent, after allowing More's composition to be a beautiful one, and the writer of it to be one of the honest- est statesmen and brightest names in our annals, supposes he wrote the tract, as he did his Utopia, to amuse his lei- sure and exercise his fancy. He took-up a paltry canvas and embroidered it with a jiowing design, as his imagination suggested the colours ; and in the end, the honest statesman is found gmlty, not only of invention and romance, but of SIR T. MORE. 203 palpable, material, nay, wilful falsehood. At one moment, the great knight speaks truth ; in the next, he propagates the most abominable lies. All writers, of whatever credit, are respected or condemned, as tkey confirm or oppose the. doubter's hypothesis ; and throughout the piece, the same author from whom he produces exhibits to prove one asser- tion, he challenges as foresworn to make M'ay for another. Yet these conceits, however ingenious, have had little or no effect in shaking the authority of More. The most popular historian of our dixy pays him every respect ; our judgments have not been convinced by flippancies ; and Richard still remains the monster he was. By a passage in this tract, it appears that More once thought also of Avriting the history of Henry VII and of Perkin Warbeck ; but it is probable that he either never found leisure for accomplishing such a design, or felt that the freedom of his pen might be in some measure fettered, by the favour which he experienced from Henry \'11I. Sir Thomas, although not to be numbered with Sanaz- zaro, Fracastoro, Vida, and othere of his time, is allowed to have been no indifferent poet ; and a more assiduous ap- plication to the muses would probably have made lum a superior one. His epigrams are highly commended by Rhenanus, as will be seen by the epistle prefixed to them ; and many authors beside Rhenanus have borne testimony to their merit. Our own coiTcct and classical Jortin pro- 2(54 MEMOIRS OF nouncos the porni on ;i lady ol" whom Move liad been deejv ly enaiiiourccl in his youth, to be the most pathetic and elegant in the collection; the reason is obvious, his hand was secretary to his heart. The short lines to Candidus, on the choice ol" a wile, have also been greatly admired. For the following translations of these poems, which cannot but be acceptable to the reader, 1 am indebted to the same distinguished hand which favoured me with the additional translation of More's epitaph ; and I have added a version or two of the knight's epigrammatic stile for the amuse- ment of the merely English reader. To Candidus. EiNOUGu by vagrant love. Dear j otitli you've been misled : O ! rise (licac joys above, And quit the lawless bed. Some consort in your arms, Heart link'd to lieart, embrace ; Wbo with transmitted charms Your lengthening line may grace. So did for yoayour sire : The ilebt, with interest due, Postcrily require, My Candidus, from you. Nor be it chief your aim, p'ortune or tace to seek ! Slight love attenils the dune, Sought lor her yursc or cheek. SIR T. MORE. 265 No purer love can bear Tlic flame, which fortune fires ; It vanishes in air, And ere it lives, expires. Nay, fortune's courted charms Fade in the miser's grasp. When doom'd within his arms An unloved spouse to clasp. And beauty's vaunted power By fever's tooth decays ; Or time-struck, like a flower Beneath the solar blaze. Then vows are urged in vain With beauty's passing hue, Bound singly by that chain, Affection passes too. But genuine is the love Which reason, virtue rears — — All fever's force above, Above the assault of years. First scrutinize her birth ; Be sure her mother's mild : Oft with her milk her worth The mother gives her child. Next in herself be seen Good temper's gentlest tone : Still placid be her mien. Unruffled by a frown ; Vol. I. Mm SOS AIEMOIIIS OF And still, ber check's best charm, Be hcr's sweet modesty ■— — No lover-clasping arm, No love-provoking eye. Far from her lips' soft door Be noise, be silence stern ; And ber's be learning's store, Or her's the power to learn. With books she'll time Ijeguile, And make true bliss her own ; Unbuoycd by fortune's smile, Unbroken by her frown. So still, thy heart's delight And partner of thy way, She'll guide thy children right. Where myriads go astray. So, left all meaner things, Thou'lt on her breast recline ; While to her lyre she sings Strains, Philomel, like thine: While still thy raptured gaze Is on her accents hung, As words of honied graaj Steal from her honied tonguo- Words they, of power to soothe All idle joy or woe With learning's varied truth, With eloquence's flow. SIR T. MORE, 2QT Such Orpheus' wife, whose fate With tears old fables tell ; Or never would her mate Have fetched her back from hell. Such Naso's daughter, she Whose muse with Naso's vied ; And such might Tullia be, Her learned father's pride. The Gracchi's mother such. Who train 'd the sons she bore ; Famed as their mother raucli, And as their tut'ress more. • But what to distant days My lingering glance confines One girl, of equal grace, E'en in this rude age shines : Single, worth all, she stands By fame through Britain flown, Hail'd — gaze of other lands, Cassandra of her own. Say, would a maid so rare Within thy arms repose ; Were she, nor rich, nor fair, Could'st thou decline her tows i Enough of beauty her's. With whom a husband's blest : Enough of wealth she shares, To whom enough's a feast. Mm2 968 .MKMOIRS 0^ So lov'd, were she (I swear) Than soot of darker die ; I'd think her far, more fair, Than e'er met mortal eye : So lov'il, were she (I swear) Than poverty more [xmc ; I'd think lier richer far, Than kinsrs with all their store.* 2o Eliza, whom he loved in youth. Thou livest, Eliza, to these eyes restored, more tlian lite in life's gay bloom adored ! Many a long year, since first we met, has roU'd : 1 then was boyibli, and 1 now am old. Scarce had 1 bid my sixteenth summer hail, And two in thine were wanting to the taJe ; When thy soft mien — ah mien for ever fled ! — On my tranc'd heart its guiltless influence shed. When on my mind thy mucli-Ioved image steals. And thy swett long-lost former self reveals ; Time's envious gripe appears but half unkind : Torn from thyself, to me thou'rt left behind. The grace, that held my doting glance, thougli flown, Has flown thy cheek — to make my breast its throne : And as by gentle blasts the flame is fed, And 'mid cold ashes rears its languid head ; So thou, though changed (ah ! changed indeed) to vie Kindlest the love, that once was thine, anew. Now on my memory breaks that happy day. When first I saw thee with thy mates at play : • See vol ii, p. 308. SIR T. .AIORE. 269 On thy white neck the flaxen ringlet lies, With snow thy cheek, thy lip with roses vies. Thine eyes, twin stars, with arrowy radiance shine, And pierce and sink into my heart through mine. Struck as with heaven's own bolt, I stand, I gaze ; I hang upon thy look in tix'd amaze : And as I writhe beneath the new-felt spear, My artless pangs our young companions jeer. So charm'd me thy fair form ; or woman grown, Or from it's ripen'd grace as woman known. AVhether the glow, that thrills our early frame, Lit in my breast the undecaying flame ; Or some kind planet at our natal hour, Deign'd on our hearts it's common beam to pour : For one, who knew with what chaste warmth you burn'd, Had blabb'd the secret of my love return'd. Then the duenna and the guarded door Baffled the stars, and bade us meet no more. Sever'd, ourdiiferent fates we thence pursued, Till this late day my raptures has renewed : This day, whose rare felicity I prize. Has given thee safe to my delighted eyes. Crimeless, my Iieart you stole in life's soft prime ; And stQl possess that heart without a crime. Pure was the love, w hich in my youth prevail'd ; And age would keep it pure, if lionour fail'd. O may the gods, who, five long lustres past, Have brought us to each other well at last, Grant that — when number'd five long lustres more Healtliful 1 still may hail thee, heahhful as before ! * * See ToL »i, p. 350. 270 MEMOIRS OF Epigratns. A squall arose ; the vessel's toss'd ; The sailors fear their lives arc lost. Our sins, our sins, dismayed they cry, Have wrought this fatal destiny. A monk it chanc'd was of the crew And round him, fo confess, they drew. Yet still the rcsllcss ship is fossM And still they fear their lives are lost. One sailor, keener than the rest, Cries, with our sins she's still oppressM ; Heave out that monk, who bears them all. And then full well she'll ride the squall. So said so done ; with one accord They throw the caitilF overboard- And now the bark before the gale Scuds with light liuU and easy sail. Learn hence the weight of sin to know, With which a ship could hardly go.* While Brag was out, his wife, so frail, To Hodge, (he rustic yields. Retum'd the cuckold hears the tale, And storms into the iields. Poor Hodge he finds, and draws his sword A stone Hodge singles out Wretch, with ray dearest wife you've wbot'd I have, replies the lout. • See vol. ii, p, 321. SIR T. M01{E» 271 You own it do you then, Brag cries, 'Tis well you speak the truth ; By Jove, if you had told rae lies, I'd hewn you limb from tooth !* When the sun shines, but ope those rows Of teeth, with all your power. And then with that enormous nose You'll gnomon-out the hour.+ In the Leyden edition of the works of Erasmus, in the appendix to Dr. Joitin's Life of Erasmus, and in the edi- tions of More's Latin works, are to be found several of the knight's Latin letters. It hath been justly remarked of them, that though they be valuable on several accounts, they have one small blemish, — they are more in the style of orations than of epistles, and the peiiods are too long^ and too embarrassed. Of all More's writings, the controversial are indisputably the most reprehensible. But in those days, as we have al- ready had occasion to remark, the object was, not only to endeavour to refute the arguments of the adversary, but likewise to equal him in abuse. If ever More appeareth to disadvantage, it is upon these occasions. The fact is, when religion was the subject in agitation, he was no long- er himself. His bigotry overcame every j)rinciple of good sense, of decorum, of humanity. Like his adversary Luther, * See vQj.ii, p. 314. f Ibid. p. 339. 272 MEMOIRS OF his zeal and impetuosity were too hard-mouthed horses, M'hich ran away with the chariot and the charioteer, Fruslra rclinacula tendons Fertur equis auriga, neque audit currus habenas. Thus it is remarked by bishop Atterbury, that, in his an- swer to Luther, ISIorc forgot liimselt' so far, as to throw out the greatest heap of nasty language which ever was put to- gether ; that the book throughout is nothing l)ut downright ribald r}', without a grain of reason to support it, and gave the author no other reputation, than that of having the best knack of any man in Europe at calling bad names in good Latin. More's English tracts against Tindai, Barns, ^c. deserve a similar censure, though he certainly wrote with as much wit and eloquence as any writer of that age. lu Lis Apology, printed in his English works, More endea- Youreth to extenuate this conduct, by the bluntness of his nature, and the example given him by his adversaries ; but, one of his understanding doth not stand vindicated by such arguments. Burnet sailh of More that he was no divine at all, nor conversant with the critical learning upon the scriptures ; that his peculiar excellence in writing was, a natural, easy expression, and he presented all the opinions of popery Avith their fair side to the reader, disguising or concealing the darker side with great art. He was also no less dexter- ous in exposing all the ill consequences Avhich Avould follow SIR T. MORE. f78 on the doctrine of the reformers, and had pleasant tales ready on all occasions, which he applied wittily to his pur- pose. He wrote ratiier for the rabble than for the learned , adds the bishop. More's English works were published at London in a thick folio volume in the year 1557, by order of queen Mary ; in whose reign it was given-out as an extraordinary circumstance, that king Edward died and she succeeded to the crown on the anniversary of the knight's suffering on the scaffold. More's nephew, William Rastell, then Ser- jeant at law and afterward a judge, was patronised by her majesty as editor of the work ; and had he written a Life of the knight (as hath been supposed), it would surely have been prefixed to the volume. As this book is now become very scarce it may not be improper to recapitulate the con- tents of it in this place. Four short tbings written in his youth for his pastime. The life of John Picus earl of Mirandula, translated out of Latin. The history of king Richard III, unfinished. A treatise (unfinished) upon these words of holy Scripture, memorare no-dsm sima, et in eternum non peccabis. A dialogue concerning heresies and laatters of religion. The supplication of souls. The confutation of Tindal. Vol. L N n i»74 AinMoms or A Icfter impu!!;nin£; tlic erroneous writing of John Frith against the blessed srjcramcnt ol tlie iiltar. The apolo^'y of .Sir Thomas More, kniijht, made by him Anno 1533, after That he had given over tlie office of lord chancellor of EiyUnd. The Dcbellacion of Salem and Bizancc. A treatise upon the blessed sacrament of the altar. A dialogue of comfort against tribulalion. A treatise to receive the blessed body of our Lord sacranicntally and virlual- ]y both. A treatise upon the passion of Christ, unfinished. An exposition of a part of the passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Certain devout and virtuous instructions, meditations, and prayers, made and collected while he was prisoner in the Tower. Letters, his epitaph, &c. Of More's Latin works, three editions have passed the press. The first was printed at Basle in 8'", in 1563; the second at Louvain in foho in 1566 ; the last and best was published by C. Gensch in folio at Frankfort on the INIaine and Leipsic in 1689. So few copies of the last edition are to be found in this country, that a recapitulation of its con- tents may be acceptable to the reader also. Vita et obitns T. Mori e Thomae Stapletoni Tribus Thomis.. Doctorum virorum varia epigrammata in laudem et mortem T. Mori. Historia Richardi Anglia; ejus noniinis IlL SIR T. MORE. S75 T. Mori responsio ad convitia M. Lutlieri conpesta in Henricum regem Auglix ejus uumiiiiii V'lli, sub Gulieliui Itossci numinc edua. T. Mori ex posit io passionis Cliristi. Quod pro fide mors fugienda iioii sit. Pncalio tx Psalmis. T. Mori Utopia. T. IMori Poemata, quibus praemissa sunt quaedam ipsius et Guiielmi Lilii progj mnaimata. T. Mori dialogi Lucianei e Grsecis in Latinum sermonem conversi, adjecta declaniatione qu;i Luciain TyrauniciiiaB rci'pondetur. T. Mori et Erasmi episiote. Of More's personal pecularities we are told, that though his table was ever well supplied, he eal only of one dhh himself, which was coninKjnlj salted meat. He used coarse brown bread, and was toud of milk, cheese, eggs, and fruit. \\ hatever disli he hrst tasted sc rved liim for his meal. In his youth he is said to have abstained wholly from wine ; but he w(juld taste it in his later years when diluted with water, or when he pledged his friends. To recreate the mind at the same time with the body, or perhaps to allow more leisure and digestion to his meals, he employed a person to read aloud while he sat at table, and he made occasional remarks on the subjects which occurred.* His dress never occupied his thought. M hen his secre- • More. Nn 2 876 MHMOIRS OF tary, Harris, once tokl him that his shoes were torn, Moie desired him to tell his servant, who bouglit and ordered all his apparel at his own discretion, and whom he called his tutor, to buy him nexc ones. In matters of the utmost im- portance we arc told he would consult his trusty Harris, and that More olten submitted to iiis opinion, though his own judgment might have led him to vary from it.* More's great-grandson adds, that though low in statuic, the knight's person was well-proportioned, — his complexion tending to phlegmatic, his colour xchite and pale, his hair neither black nor yellow but between both -j- ; Ids eyes grey, his countenance amiable and cheerful, his voice neither big nor shrill, but speaking plainly and distinctly, — it was not very tuneable, though he delighted much in 7nusic ; his body reasonably healthful, only that toward his latter end, by us- ing much writing, he complained mucli of the ache of his breast. Holbein painted several family pieces for Sir Thomas, most of which appear to have been presented to the knight's friends abroad. One of the best of them is, however, at present in this country, an heirloom in the family of Sir Rowland Winn, which is allied to the Ropers. It is pro- bably still preserved at the family residence, Nostal, in Yorkshire. More's family, as we have seen, consisted of three daugh- * More. t Probably chesnut. SIR T. MORE. 277 ters and a son ; with whom he brought-up Margaret Gigs, afterward married to Dr. Clement.* Margaret, his eldest daughter, married William Roper, Esq. of Well-hall, Eltham, Kent, and had issue, Thomas, manied to Lucy, daughter of Sir Anthony Brown, master of the horse, and privy-counsellor to Henry Vlll ; Anthony, of whom we have no farther informatitjn ; Khzabeth, mar- ried to Stevenson, Esq. and afterward to Sir Ed- ward Bray, Knight; Margaret, married to William Dawtry, Esq. ; and Mary, married to Stephen Clarke, Esq. and af- terward to James Basset, Esq.-f- Elizabeth, the second daughter, married John, son and heir of Sir John Dancy, and had issue John, I'homas, Bar- tholomew, William, German, Alice, and Elizabeth.^ Cecilia, the third daughter, married Giles Heron, Esq. of Shacklewell, Middlesex, and had issue John, Thomas, and Ann.§ John, the only son, married Ann, daughter and heiress of Edward Cresacre, Esq. of Baronborough, Yorkshire, and had issue Thomas, Austin, Edward, Bartholomew, another Thomas, and Ann. || It is said that the first wife of Sir Thomas, having had three daughters, prayed most earnestly for a son. This son * More. f Ropet by Lewis, J More. j Ibid. || Ibid. . 97 S MEMOIRS OF proved one of the heroiim jUii who are seldom equal to their fathers, and tlie kniglit wunkl say, she iiad prayed so loiig for a boy, tiiat she produced one at last who would be a boy as lung as he live. I. lie was certainly less ornamental to Flore's family than his sister Margaret ; but he had every advantaf, whose reason distm- guisheth his nature from the brute, api)lieth to either sex, I say science, by which that reason is cultivated, and like a field beareth good corn under due tillage, equally becom- eth either, liut it the soil in woman be bad by nature, and more productive in weeds than corn (by which opinion many deter that sex from letters), I, on the other hand, think the female genius ought on that account to be the more dihgently cultivated by letters and good discipline ; that the evil of nature ma}', by industry, be corrected. Those wise and holy men, the fathers, thought thus. Of whom, to omit the rest, Jerom and Augustin not only ex- horted ladies of the highest rank and worth to the acqui- sition of letters, but, that they might the more easily ac- complish it, they diligently expounded to them abstruse passages in scripture, and wrote long letters to young maid- ens with so much erudition, that old men of our day, and professors of divinity, can scarcely read, so far are they from understanding them. Which works of holy men, my learned Gonellus, you will of your goodness take care that my (laughters read. From them they may best know the scope their learning ought to embrace, and they Avill teach them to esteem the consent of God, and a good con- .science, the best fruit of their labours. So, placid mid esc RiEMoms of tranquil in themselves, they will neither be set-up with tlie praise of the tlatterer, nor I'cel any bite iVom the unlearned scufl'er. ' But T hear you long ago cxchiiniing, that these precepts, tliough true, are too hard for the tender age of my child- ren ; for who is there, however old or learned, whose mind is so strong and well-poised, that he hath not the smallest inclination for glory ? But, my friend, the more diiKcult 1 see it to shake-off this pest of pride, the more endeavour do I deem necessary, even from infancy. Nor do 1 think there is any other cause why this unavoidable evil sticketh so fast in our breasts, than because almost as soon as we are born it is sown in our minds by our nurses, next che- rished by our masters, and lastly, fed and brought to per- fection by our parents. For no one teacheth us any good, without the expectation of praise as the reward of merit ; whence, being long accustomed to tiie love of praise, it cometh to that at last, that while we study to please the majority, and therefore the inferiority, wc grow ashamed of being good. ' That this plague may be driven the farther from my children, do you my Gonellus, their mother, and all my friends, chant, inculcate, na}', bellow in their ears, tliat vain glory is abject and disgustful ; and that there is no- thing more excellent than the humble modesty recommend- ed by Christ. This your prudent kindness will inculcate by teacliing them good ratiicr than blaming their faults ; and Sm T. MORE, 287 you will conciliate their love, not hatred, by your admoni- tions. And nothing can conduce more to this end, than the reading to them the precepts of the fathers. These, they knoAv, are not angry with them; and, from their ve- nerable sanctity, their authority must have great weight. ' "Wherefore, if you will read some such things, beside their lesson in Sallust, to my Margaret and Ehzabeth (for their understandings appear to be riper than those of John and Cecilia), you will increase my own as well as their ob- ligations to you, which are aheady great. And my child- ren, first dear to me by nature, then more endeared \,y their letters and virtue, shall become by their superior growth in learning and good manners under your auspices, superlatively dear indeed to me. ' Farewell. At Court, Whitsuneve.' ^Vhen INIore resigned his office of chancellor, he made a disposition of his landed property ; reserving to himself his estates for the term of his life, and after his death as- suring a part to his wife, a part to his son's wife as a jom- ture, and a part to Mr. Roper and his wife, with divers re- mainders over. Though this was settled long before the l^night's attainder, the conveyance was then made void ; and the inheritances allotted to his wife and to his son's wife were claimed by the crown. But it had so happened, that two days after More had settled his deed, he altered 288 MliMOIRS 01" his first inlcntiou ; iitid instead of reserving that portion to himsch' tor his ht'c, hkc the rest, he gave Mr. Ropi-r and his witc their share in possession immediately, l.i c(iiise- queuce of this, as the statute went only to annul the first conveyance, tlie Ropers jeserved their share without mo- Icstiition. Lady More was driven from the liouse at Chel- sea, her effects were taken from her, and Henry, of his mercy, allowed her twenty pounds a-year. John More and Mrs. Ixoper were for some time imprisoned, but in the end they obtained tlieir liberty.* Erasmus survived his friend ]\Iore only about a year; and concluded, in July 1.536, his long and laborious life, devoted to the opposition of barbarous ignorance and blind superstition, ;ind to the promotion of useful literature and true piety. These glorious objects he endeavoured to ac- complish in a mild and gentle manner, attacking not the persons of men, but the faults of the age ; till necessity compelled him to reply to those who assaulted him with the ^utmost disingenuity and malice. Early in life he perceived, and disclosed to the world, that the religion of the ecclesiastics of his day consisted in minute observances and formal grimaces, with which ~the wicked could comply as well as the good. He, on the other hand, made religion to consist in what the worthy alone observe ; in the exercise of those christian virtues, which ■are formed in the mind from a knowledge of our duty and * Roper and More. SIR T. MORE. 289 a conviction of its importance. In vain he afterward act- ed the pacifier ; exhorting on one hand the court of Rome to proceed with more mildness, and the Lutherans, on the other, to behave with more submission and modesty. The pretensions of the former were so exorbitant, that nothing but capital punishments could support them ; and the re- formers were so shocked and provoked, so convinced that no compliance would be made with any of their requests, that they accounted it betraying the cause of truth to speak submissively to such incorrigible rulers. Erasmus hath been justly censured for his weakness in flattering a party, whose sentiments and conduct he in many points disapproved ; and in finding fault with those ■whom, on the whole, he resembled much more than he did their adversaries. But they who compelled him to this conduct, Avho hated the name of reformation, and treated as vile heretics all who dared even to wish for amendment, were far more blameable. If he wanted courage by na- ture, they who took advantage of his infirmity, far more "wanted honesty and piety. A certain pious craft and an innocent time-serving, which however we must so use as not to betray the cause of reli- gion, ^-c. was the gospel which Erasmus preached to the Lutherans ; for he imagined that they and their cause would go to ruin, and that a worse condition of things would en- sue. Had they met his wishes, Ave might still have been involved in all the darkness which overspread the christian Vol. L P P 590 MFMOIKS OF ■world in tlic fifteenth century, and for previous ages. So far would the popes and ecclesiastics have been from aban- doning their beloved interests, founded on ignorance and superstition, that a bloody inquisition would luive been established in Italy, Spain, and all christian countries, which Avould have extinguished for ever the lights then te- ginning to shine. Lutheranism, by gaining more stability than he expected, prevented the tyranny of an inquisition in Germany ; and the reformation of Calvin secured the hberty of other countries. Had all (Jermany submitted to Leo and Charles, in compliance with his timorous counsels, Erasmus himself would undoubtedly have been one of the first sufferers. The court of Rome, no longer apprehensive he should join the heretics, would have otFered him, a sa- crifice of a sW'eet-smelling savour, to the monks, who did a thousand times more service to tliat court, than a thousand such scholars as Erasmus. Had he lived sixteen years longer than he did, he would have seen an amazing change in the affairs of Charles, as well as in the religious state of Ger- many. The apprehension of losing his revenues, the reputation he still enjoyed in the court of Rome, and was loath to re- linquish, and possibly the fear of being excommunicated and proscribed, nay poisoned or assasssinated, might work together upon one of more courage than Erasmus, and re- strain him from speaking freely of the controversies then agitated. He still, however, maintained the truth, though cautiously and obliquely. I'hough he frecpiently censured Sm T. MORE. 291 Lutlier, he heartily wished he might carry his point, and extort from his enemies some rcfoi-niation of doctrine and manners ; but, as he could not imagine that Luther would succeed, he adhered outwardly to the stronger party. The fear of want cannot have intiuenced him to say and do what he thought unlawful ; but the fear of disobliging his best friends, as Henry VIII, Charles V, the popes, George of Saxony, Wolsc}', W'arham, More, Campegius, Bembus, Sadolet, and others, might influence his judgment though he was not aware of it. There is no necessity to suppose, that he acted ao-ainst his conscience in adhcrino; to the church of Rome ; no, he persuaded himself that he did as much as piety and prudence required, in freely censuring her defects. The bold and resolute will greatly prefer the conduct of Luther ; who, as the apologists of the good scholar must allow, acted far more like an apostle or pri- mitive christian, than did Erasmus. Concord is undoubtedly a valuable blessing ; yet it is not to be purchased at the price of truth and liberty. These are infinitely more estimable than a sordid trancpiillity be- neath the yoke of falsehood and arbitrar}- dominion, under which the christian republic becomes a base faction, soli- citous only of enjoying the present, and neglecting every thing laudable, under the pretext of preserving peace. And, had the pacific schemes of Erasmus been pursued, such would probably have been the present state of Christianity. Though divisions in general do much harm, thej' have at least produced this good ; the truth of the gospel, and a Pp 2 S92. ME^rOIRS OP christian liberty wliich acquicscetli onl}' in the decisions of Christ, arc not entirely banished trom the earth, as they would liave been -without the struggles ol' our ancestors^ I'hey jModuced no snudl benefit to the uien)ory of Erasmus himself; who having his works condemned by theological cabals, and mangled by inquisitions, which struck out the most valuable part of his writings, would have been stig- matised through succeeding ages, if a party had not arisen in Europe, Avhich willingly forgives him his weakness and irresolution, for the sake of his iisetul philological and theo- looical labours ; and gave him a second lile, and recom- mended him to the christian world, by an elegant and faith- ful edition of his works. Erasmus, it hath been said, was not rewarded in i)ropor- tion to his merit. Yet, if we consider how many presents, invitations, and favours he received, how many he refused, and how little inclination lie had for ecclesiastical prefer- ments (more of Avhich he might have obtained), we cannot class him with the inj dices literati. In him we have a Tery remarkable instance of a man, avIio, with numerous disadvantages of birth and education, friendless and j)oor, overcame every obstacle, and, by dint of talent and in^ dustry, became one of the first scholars of his age, ac- quiring the patronage of princes, nobles, and prelates, of the greatest names in church as well as state.* It is a pleasing circumstance in the history of two great * See Jortiu's Life of Erasmus. SIR T. MORE. 293 men like More and Erasnuis, that the bond of fiiendship into which thej entered in early Vit'c, appears never to have been broken ; though, if we contrast the freedom of spirit disphiyed by the one, and the prejudices of the other, such an infraction may appear to have been sufficiently hazard^ ed. As l«te in his life as he could, the knight still corre- sponded with his friend, and shewed him to the last the same esteem which he had ever entertained for him. In one of tl;ese letters he gently admonisheth the great scholar, not to recant or retract anything ; but merely to conde- scend as far as he could to the infirmities of some honest and weak brethren. 'J'hus the bigotted advice which ]More hath been said to have given his friend is a misrepresenta- tion, though the use made by the reformers of the theolo- gical works of Erasmus might perhajis not unreasonably have contributed to diminish the knight's affection for him ; since he could not be well pleased to find himself pressed by such arguments.* We will add, by Avay of appendix to these jMemoirs, three letters by Erasmus relative to More. The first, to Ilutten, in drawing a portrait of the knight, will be found to describe minute particularities of his mind and bod}-. That to Budaeus contains a farther account of his manner of living and managing his family, and of the excellent dis- positions and uncommon erudition of his daughters. The last, published under the name IS ucerinus, gives us an ele- gant and pathetic account of the deaths of More and * Jortin. 294 MEMOIRS OF SIR T. MORE. Fisher, and tliougli not acknowltdged by him, hath been commonly, antl with some probabdity, ascribed to Erasmus- As much ot" the spirit of tlicse letters would be lost by translation, they are given in the original language; and we will add a lew Testimonies, by the learned of his day, re- lative to ]\lore and his writings, Avhich appear to demand a place on an occasion like the present. APPENDIX TO THE MEMOIRS, APPENDIX. Erasmus Rot. Ulrica Hutteno S, D. QaoD Thomx Mori ingenium sic deamas, ac pene dixeritn deperis, nimi- rum scriptis illius iniiammatus, quibus ut vere scribis nihil esse potest neque doctius neque festivius, istuc mihi crede clarissime Huttene tibi cum multis commune est, cum Moro mutuum etiam. Nam is vicissim adeo scriptorum tuorum genio delectatur, ut ipse tibi propemodum invideam. Haec videlicet est ilia Platonis omnium maxime amabilis sapientia, quae longe flagrantiores amores excitat inter raortales, quam uUs quamlibet admirabiles corporum formae. Non cernitur ilia quidem oculis corporeis, sed et animo sui sunt oculi, ut hie quoque verum comperiatur illud Grxcorum « 15 i^Hf yMict iti^diTron l^iv. Per bos fit aliquoties, ut ardcntissima charitate conglutineutur, inter quos nee colloquium nee mutuus conspectus intercessit. £t quemadmodum vulgo fit, ut incertis de causis alia forma alios rapiat ; ita videtur et ingeniorum esse tacita qusedam cognatio, qu5e facit ut certis ingcniis impense delectemur, cae- teris non item. Cseterum, quod a me flagitas, ut tibi totum Morum velut in tabula depin> gam, utinam tarn absolute pneslare queam quam tu vehementer cupis. Nam -mihi quoque non injucundum fuerit interim in amici multo omnium suavisfimi Voir. I. Q q 208 APPENDIX. conlcmplationc vcrsari. Scd priinum i T«»]i5 i>}(it i/ur omncs Mori dotes pcr- spexisse. DeinJc Iiuud scio an illi- luturus sit, a qtiolibct artifice depingi scsc. Sec cnim arbltror Icvioris esse opcrK Monim eflingere, quain Alexandrum Magniiin aut Arliiileiii, nee illi quam hie iiostcr iinmortalitate digniores crant. Tale argumentijin prorsus Apcllis cujuspiam inanum dcsiderat ; at vcreor, iie ipse Fulvii Rutiibaeque similior sini quam Ajjellis. Expcriar taincn tibi totius hominis simulacrum dtlineare verius quam exprimcre, quantum ex diutiua domcsticaque consuctudine vol animadvertcre licnit wl mcminissc. Quoil si quando fiet ut vos aliqua Icgatio committat, turn demuin intelligcs quam non probum arlificem ad hoc negotii delegeris, vercorque plane nc me aut invi- dcntix incuses aut cxcutientiae, qui ex tarn multis bonis tarn pauca vel vidcrim lippus vel commemorarc voluerim invidiis. Atque ut ab ca parte cxordiar qua tibi Worus est ignolissiraus, statura mo- deque corporis est infra proceritalem, supra taracn notabilem humilitatcm. V'erum omnium membrorum tanla est symmctria, ut nihil hie omnino dcsi- deres ; cute corporis Candida, facies magis ad candorem vergit quam ad pallo- rcm, quanquam a rubore procul abest nisi quod tennis admodum rubor ubique subllicct, capilli subnigro flavore, sive mavb sufllavo nigrore, barba rarior, oculi subcaesii maculis quibusdam inferspersi, quse spix;ics ingenium arguere solct fclicissimum, apud Britannos etiam amabilis habetur, cum nostri nigrore magis capianlur. Ncgant ullum oculorum genus minus infcstari vitiis. Vul- tus ingenio respondet, gratam et amicam fcstivitatem semper prse se ferens, ac nonnihil ad ridenlis habitum compositus ; atque, ut ingenue dicam, appositior ad jucunditatem quam ad gravilatcm aut dignitatem, etiamsi longissime abest ab ineptia sciirrilitatcque. Dexter humerns paulo vidctur eminentior Isevo, prcscrtim cum incedit, id quod illi non accidit natura sod assuetudine, qualia permulta nobis Solent adharrers. In reliquo corpore nihil est quod offendat, manus tantum subrusticae sunt ; ita duntaxat, si ad reliquam corporis specieni' conferantur. Ipse omnium qus ad corporis cultum attincnt semper a puero negligentissi- mus fuit, adeo ut nee ilia magnopere curare sit solitus, quae sola viris esse cu- randa docet Ovidius. |Fonnx venustas qux fuerit adolescenti, nee otiam APPEiVDIX. 209 licet atlSf Kit^dfiiii conjiccrc; quanquam ipse novi liominera non majorem annis viginti tribus, nam nunc non multum excessit quadragesimum. Valetudo prospera magis quam robusta, sed tamcn quse qnantislibet laboribus sufSciat honesfo cive dignis, nullis aut certe paucissirais morbis obnoxia. Spes est vi- vacem fore, quando patrem liabet admodum natu grandem sed mire virenti ve- gelaque senectufe. Niminem adbuc villi minus morosum in delectu ciborum. Ad juvenilem usque setatem aquae potu delectatus est, id illi patrium fuit. Vc- rutn hac in re ne cui raolestus essef, fallebat convivas e stanneo poculo cervi- siam bibens, camque aquse proximam, frequenter aquam meram. Vinum, quoniam illic mos est ad idem poculum vicissira invitare sese, summo ore nonnunquara libabat, ne prorsus abhorrere videretur, simul ut ipse communi- bus rebus assuesceret. Carnibus bubulis, salsamentis, pane secundario ac ve- hementer fernientato libentius vescebatur, quam lib cibis quos vulgus habet in deliciis. Alioqui ncutiquara abhorrens aJj omnibus qux voluptatem innoxiara adferunt etiam corpori. Lactariorum, et eorum foeluum qui nascuntur in ar- boribus, semper fuit appetentior ; esum ovorum in deliciis habet. Vox neque grandis est nee admodum exilis, sed quae facile penetret aures, nihil habens canorum ac molle sed plane loquentis est ; nam ad musicam vocalem a natura non videtur esse compositus, etiamsi delcclatur omni musices gencrc. Linn-ua mire explanata art iculataque, nihil habens nee prseceps nee htesitans. Cuitu simplici delectatur, nee sericis purpurave aut catenis aurcis utitur, nisi cum integrum non est ponere. Dictu mirum quam negligens sit ceremoniarum quibus hominum vulgus aestimat morum civilitatem ; has ut a nomine exigit, ita aliis non anxie prxsfat ncc in congressibus nee in conviviis, licet harum non sit ignarus, si lubcat uti. Sed niuliebre putat viroque indignum, cjusmodi ineptiis bonam temporis partem absumerc. Ab aula princifnimque familiaritate olim fuit alieuior, quod illi semper pe- culiantcr inrisa fuerit tjrannis quemadmodum squalitas gratissima. Vix au- tcm rcperies ullani aulam fcim niodestam quas non muKum habeat strepitus at- que ambifionis, multum luci, multum luxus, quaeque prorsus absit ab omni specie tyrannidis. Qiiin nee in lienrici VJil. aulam pertiahi poluit nisi multo negotio, cum hoc pcincipe nee optari quicquam possit civilius ac modcstius. Natura libertatis aiqne otii est avidior, sed quemadmodum otio cum datur lu- bens utitur, ita quoties poscit res, nemo vigilantior aut patieutior. Ad ami- Qq 2 300 APPENDIX. citiam natus factusque videtur, cujiis et sincerissiraiis est cultor, ct longc ten;i- cisbimus est. Nee ille mctuit t«ai/?»a/«> ab Hcsiotla * paruru laudalain. Nulli non patct ad iieccssitudinis foediis. Ncqiinqiiain moiosui iu dcligcudo, coiu- modissimus in alcudo, constatitissiinus in rctinendo. Si foris incidit in queni- piani, cujus vitiis mcderi non possit, hunc per occasioncin diiniltiU dissucns araicitiam^ non abrumpciis. Quos sinceros repcrit, et ad inyeniuiu suum ap- positos, horum consuetudiiic fabulisque sic delectatur, ut in Lis rebus prseci- puani vitse voluptatcni ponere videatur. Nam a pila, alca, cliaitis, cxU-iisqiic lusibus, quibus viilgus proccruni tenipom txdiiim solct fullere, prorsiis ah- horret. Porro ut propriaruni reruni est negligciitior, ita nemo diligentior iu curandis amicorum ncgoliis. Quid multiij ? si qu'is absolutum vene amicitise rcqnirat exemplar, a ne- Hiine recfius pctierit quam a Moro. In convictu tarn rara comifas ac morum snavitas, ut nemo tain tristi sit ingcnio qucm non cxbilaref, nulla rc> tam atrox cujus (sedium non disculiat. Jam indc a pucro sic jocis est ddcctatus, ut ad bos natus videri possit ; sed in his nee ad scurrili(a(cm usque progrcssus est, nee mordacitatcm unquam araavit. Adolescciis comoediolas et scripsit et e^it. Si quod dictum csset salsius] etiam in ipsum tortuni, tainen amabat ; usque adco gaudet salibus argutis, ct ingcnium rcdolentibiis ; mule ct cpigram- niatis lusit juveiiis, et Luciano cum primis est delectatus, quin et milii, ut Morias Encomium scriberem, hoc est, ut canielus saltarcm, fuit auctor. Nihil autcm in rebus humanis obvium est unde ille non venetur voluptatera, etiam in rebus maxime seriis. Si cum eruditis ct cordatis res est, delectatur ingcnio ; si cum indoclis ac stuKis, fruitur illorum stultilia. Ncc offenditur morionibus, niira dextcrilate ad omnium aiiectus sese accommodans. Cum mulieribus fere, atque etiam cum uxore, non nisi lusus jocosque tractat. Diceres altcrum quen- dam esse Democritum, aut potius Pylhagoricum ilium philosophum, qui va- cuus anirao per raercatum ol)ambulans, contemplatur tumultus vendentium atque ementium. Nemo minus ducitur vulgi judicio, sed riirsus nemo minus abest a sensu communi. Prxcipua illi voluptas est si)ectare formas, ingenia ct affectus diversorum animantium ; proinde nullum fere genus est avium quod domi non alat, si quod aliud animal vulgo rarum, veluti simia, vuipes, vi- » E?Y. 715. APPENDIX. 301 Terra, mustcla, et bis consirailia. Ad hsc si quid exoticum, aut alioqai spsc- tanduin occurrat, avidissime mercari solet, afque liis rebus uadique dooiuin habct itibtructam, ut nusquani non sit obvimii quod oculus ingredientium de- morclur ; ac totics silii reiiovat voluptatem, quoties alios conspicit oblectari. Cum astas ferret, noa abhorruit a puellaruin. amoribus, sed citra iufainiain, et sic ut oblatis magis fuerctur quani captatis, ct aniino mutuo caperetur potius quam coitu. Bonas litcras a priinis statim annis hauserat. Juvenis ad Giaecas liieras ac philosophise sfudium sese applicuit, adeo uon opitulaate patre, viro alioqui prudenti proboque, ut ca conantem omni subsidio destitucret ; ac pene pro abdicato haberet, quod a patriis studiis desciscere videretur, nana is Britanni- carum Icgum peritiam profitetur. Quse protessio, ut est a veris Uteris alienis- simn, ita apud Britannos cum primis babentur inagai clarique, qui in hoc generc sibi pararuut auc(ori(atem, ncc tcmere apud iUos alia via ad rem ac gloriam paraiidam magis idonea. Siquidem pleramque nobililateia illius iu- sulae peperit lioc sludiorum genus. In eo negant quenquam absolvi posse, nisi plurimos annos insudarit. Ab hoc igitur cum ij«n injuria abhorreret adole* scentis ingenium, melioribus rebus natum, tamen post degustatas scholasticas disciplinas, sic in hoc vcrsatus est, ut ncque consulerent quenquam libentius litigatores, neqne qusestnm uberiorem feceret quisquam eorum qui nihil aliud agebant ; tanta erat vis ac celeritas ingenii. Quin ct evolvendis ortbodoxorum- voluminibus non segncm oix?ram impendk. Augustiiii Jibros De Civitate Dei publice professus est adhuc pene adolescens autlitorio frequent!, nee puduit nee pcenituit sacerdofes ac senes a juvene profano sacra discerc. Interim et ad pietatis studium totum animum appuiit, vigiiiis, jejuniis, prccatienibus aliis- que consimilibus progymnasmatis sacerdotium mcditans. Qua quidem in re uon paulo plus ille sapiebat, quam pleriquc isti qui temere ad tam arduara pro- &ssiouem ingciuut sese, nutlo prius sui pcriculo facto. Neque quicquam obstabat' quo minus sese huic vitse generi addiceret, nisi quod uxoris desiderium non posset excutere. Maluit igitur raaritus esse castus, quam sacerdos impurus. Tamen virgincm duxit admodum puellam, daro ge- nere natam, rudem adhuc, utpote ruri inter parentes ac sorores semper habitam, quo magis ilU liccret illam ad suos mores fingerc. Hanc et literis instruendam 50? APPENDIX. , curavit et omiii Musiccs gcncrc dodam reddidit, planequc falein pene finxcrat quicum lubuissct iiniversam xtafem cxigere, ni mors prematura puellam siis- tulissct c medio ; scd cnixara liberos aliquot, quorum adhuc supcrsunt pucllx Ires, Margarda, Alojsia, Cecilia, puer unus Joannes. Neque diu codebs vi- vere sustinuit, licet alio Tocantibus amicorum consiliis ; paucis mensibus a I'u- iiere uxoris viduam duxit magis curandae familix quam voluplati, quippe nee bcUam admoduin ncc puoUam, ut ipse jocari sold, sed acrcm ac vigilantcm matrcm, quicum tamcn perinde comiler suavi(erque vivit, ac si pucUa ford forma quautumlibet amabili. Vix ulhis raaritus a sua tantum obsequii impetrat imperio atque severitudine, quantum hie blandltiis jocisquc. Quid cnim non impetret, posteaquam eflecit, ut mulicr jam ail senium vcrgens, ad hoc animi minimc mollis, postremo ad rem attcnlLssima, cilliara, tcstudine, mo- nochordo, tibiisque canere disceret, et in liisce rebus quotidic praescriptnm ojK'rx pensuni exigenti marito redderet ? Consiniili comitate totani familiam modera- tur, ia qua nulla tragxdia, nulla rixa. Si quid exstitcrit, protinus aut mede- tur, autcomponit. Neque quen quam unquam dimisit ut inimicum, aut ut inimicus. Quin hujus domus fatalis qua'daiu videtur felicitas, in qua nemo vixit qui non provectus sit ad raeliorem fortunam, nuUus unquam ullam fiunae labem conlraxit. Quin vix ullos rcperias, quibus sic convenerit cum matre, ut buic cum noverca, nam pater jam alteram induxerat; utramque non minus adamavit ac matrem. Nuper induxit tertiam, hac Morus sancte dejerat se nihil unquam vidisse melius. Porro crga parentes ac liberos sororesquc sic affcctus est, ut nee amet moleste, nee usquam desit oflicio pidatis. Animus est a sor- dido lucro alienissiraus. Liberis suis semovit e I'acultatibus quod illis satis esse putat, quod supercst laigiter efl'uudit. Cum advocationlbus adhuc alerdur, nnlli non dedit aniicum vcrufnquc con- silium, magb illorum commodis prospiciens quam suis ; plerisque solitus per- suaderc uti litem coniponereiit, minus enim hie fore dispendii. Id si minus impdrabat, turn rationcm indicabat qua possent quam uiininio dispendio li(i- garc, quando quibusdani liic animus est ut litilwis etiani ddectentur. In urbc Londouiensi, in qua natus est, annos aliquot judicem egit in causis civilibus ; id munus, ut minimum habet oneris (nam nou sedetur nisi die Jovis usque ad prandium) ita cum primis lionoriticum babdur. Nemo plures cansas absolvit, nemo se gessit iutegrius, remissa plerisque jwcuaia, quam ex praescriplo dcbent «.. APP£x\DIX, 303 qui litigant. Siqiiidcm ante litis contestationcm actor depoiiit Ires drachmas, totidem reus, nee amplius qiiicquani fas cbt exigcre. His moribus cffecit, ut fivitati suae longe cliarissinius cssct. Dfcreverat autem bac fortuna esse con- tentus, qua; ct satis babcret auctorilatis, iiec tanieu cssct giavibus obnoxia pe- riculis. Semel atque iterum extrusus est in legationem, in qua cum se cordatissime gessissct, non conquievit serenissimus rex Henricus, ejus iioininis octavus, do- nee honiineni in aulam suam pertraberef. Cur enim non dieam pcrtrabcret ? NuUus unquam vcbeaientius ambiit in aulam admitti, quiui bic sluduit cffu- gere. Verum cum esset optinio regi in aninio fumiliam suam eruditis, gravibus, cordatis et integris viris diifertam reddere, cum alios permullos, turn Morum in prirais accivit ; quern sic in intimis babet, ut a se nunquam patiatur disccdere. Sive seriis utendum est, nibil illo eonsultius ; sive visum est regi fabulis amas- nioribus laxare animum, nullus comes festivior. Sxpe res arduae judiccm gra- vem ct cordatum postulant, bas sic Morus discutit ut utraque pars babcat gra- tiam. Nee tamen ab eo quisquam impetravit, ut munus a quoquara acciperet. Felices res publicas, si Mori similes raagistratus ubique praeficeret princeps ! Nee interim ullura accessit suparcilium. Inter tantas negotiorum raolcs, et ve- terum araiculorum meminit, et ad literas adamatas subindc redit. Quicquid dignate valet, quicquid apud amplissimum regem gratia pollet, id omne ju- vandx reipublicse, juvandis araicis impendit. Semper quidem adfuit animus de cunctis benemerendi cupidissimus, mireque pronus ad misericordiam ; eum nunc magis excrit, quando potest plus prodesse- Alios pecunia sublevat, alios auctoritate tuetur, alios commcndatione provehit ; quos alioqui juvare non po- test, his consilio succurit ; nullum unquam a se tristcm dimisit. Diceres Morum esse publicum omnium inopum patronum. Ingens lucrum sibi putat accessisse, si quem oppressum sublevavit, si perplexum et impeditum explicuit, si aliena- tum redegit in gratiam. Nemo lubentius collocat beneficium, nemo minus ex- probrat. Jam cum tot nominibus sit felicissimus, et felicitatis comes fere soleat esse jactantia, nullum adiiuc mortalium mihi videre contigit qui longius abes- set ab hoc vitio^ . Sed ad studiorum commemorationera redco, quae me Moro, mihiqne Morum potissimum conciliaruut. Primam aetatcm carmine potissimum exercuit, moz J04 APPENDIX. diu luctatus est ut prosam orationcm reddcrct moUiorem, per omne scripli go nus stylum exerccns, qui cujusmodi sit quid attinct commemorare ? lib! prae- sertim qui libros ejus semper habeas in manibus. Declamationibus prsecipuc dclcctatus est, ct in his, materiis adoxis, quod in his acrior sit ingeniorum cxercitatio. Unde adolcscens ctiamnum dialogum moliebatur, quo Piatonis communitatem ad uxores usque defendit. Luciani Tyrannicida: respondit, quo in nrgumenlo me vohjit aiitagonistam habere ; quo wrtius pcriculum faceret, ccquid profccisset in hoc genere. Utopiam hoc consilio edidit, ut indicaret quibus rebus fiat, ut minus commode habeant respublica? ; scd Brilannicam potissiinum eilinxit, quam habct peiiitus perspectam cognitamque. Secundum librum prius scripserat per otium, mox yter occasionem primum adjecit extem- pore; atque hinc nonnuUa dictionis inaequalittis. Vix alium reperias qui felicius dicat extempore, adco fclici ingcnio felix lin- gua subservit. Ingenium prxscus et ubique prxvolans, memoria parata, quae cum omnia liabeat velut in numerate, promte et iiicontanter suggerit quicquid lempus aut res postulat. In disputationibus nihil fingi potest acatius, adeo ut summis ctiam theologis ssepe negotium facessat, in ipsorum arena vcrsans. Joannes Coletus, vir acris exactique judicii, in familiaribus coloquiis subindc dicere solet Brilannu non tiisi unicum esse int^cniuni, cum hiec insula tot egrc- giis ingeniis floreat. Verx pietatis non indiligcns cultor est, etiamsi ab omni superstitione alienissimus. Habet suas lioras quibus Deo litet prccibus, non ex more sed e pectore depromtis. Cum amicis sic fabulatur de vita futuri secuh", ut agnoscas ilium ex animo loqui, neque sine optima spe. Ac talis Morus est ctiam in aula. Et postea sunt qui putcnt christianos non iiiveniri nisi in mo- nasteriis. Talcs viros cordatisslmus rex in familiam suam atque adeo in cubi- culum non solum admittit, vcrum etiam invitat, ncc invitat modo verum etiam pertrahit. Hos habet arbitros ac testes perpetuos vitae suae, hos habet in con- siliis, hos habet ilinerum comitcs. Ab his stlpari gaudet, potius quam luxu perditis jnvcnibus aut mulierculis, aut ctiam torquatis Midis, aut Insinceris of- iiciis ; quorum alius ad volupfatcs incptas avocet, alius ad tyrannidem in- flammct, alius ad expilaudum populura novas technas suggerat. In hac aula si vixisses Hultche, sat scio Tursnm aliam aulara describeres, et ?7rfjoKfos esse desincrcs, quanqnam tii quoque cum eo principe vi^is ut irite- APPENDIX. 305 griorem nee optare possis. Neque desunt qui rebus optimis faveant, veluti Stromerus ac Coppus. SeJ quid ista paucitas a 1 (aiitma examea insigtiiuna virorum, Monfjoii, Linacri, Pacsei, Coleti, Stocschleii, Latimeri, Mori, Ton- stalli, Clcrici, atque aliorum his adsimilium ? quorum queincumque norainaris, mundum omnium virttitum ac disciplinarum semel dixeris. Mihi vero spes est haudquaquam vulgaris, fore ut Albertus, unicum his temporibus nostrx Ger- manise ornamotitum, et plures sui similes in suam allegat familiam, et ceteris principibus gravi sit exempio, ut idem et ipsi suae quisque domi faccre stude- ant. Flabes imaginem ad optimum exemplar a pessimo artifice non optime delineatam. Ea tibi minus placebit, si continget JVIorum nosse propius. Sed illud tamen interim cavi, ne mihi possis impitigere quod tibi minus paruerim, neve semper opprobres niraium breves epistolas. Etiamsi hacc nee mihi scri- benti visa est longior nee tibi legenti, sat scio prolixa videbitur; id faciei Mori nostri suavitas. Verum, ne nihil ad postremam tuam epistolam respon- deam, &c. Antwerpiae, X. Cal. Aug. Anno 1519. (Epist. 447). Vol. I. R r m APPENDIX. JErasmiis Rot, GuUclmo Budteo, S. D. Est quoil JMoro gratuleris. Niim rex Iiunc, ncc aiu- bientem nc(? flagitantem, munerc magiiifico honeslavit, atldito salario ncqiia- quam posnUendo ; est cniin priacipi suo a thesauris. Ea functio apuil Bri- tannos, ut est splcndida cum priinis atf]ue honoriflca, ita non adinudum est obnoxia nee iiividix riec molestis nej^otiis. Erat competitor, lioino sat gralios- Tis, qui sic ambiebat Iioc muiieris, ut non gravarelur suo victu ciboque gcrerc. At rex optiinus hie ccrtissininm in Moruni favoris argumentiim dedit, qui non ambienti snlariimi ctiam addere malucrit, quam gratuitiim magistratuni ad- inittcre. Ncc hoc contentiis princeps benignissiinus, equitis aurati digni(atcni adjecit. Ncqiic dubitandum est qiiin illiim sit amplioribus ornnmentis ali- quando cumulaturus, quum scsc oiFerct occasio. Siquidcnx caclibes cveherc longe procllvius est principibus. At Morus sic est admixtus ordini conjugum, ut nee uxoris obitu sit emancipandus. Priorcm enim, quam virginera dux- erat, extubt ; et banc viduus viduam duxit. Sed hunc principis animum hoc magis gratulor IMoro, quod quicquid huic accesserit vel autoritatis vel gratias, id existiraem bonis sludiis accc<)ere ; quibus illc sic favet, ut si pares cssent animo I'acultates, non decsscl apud Britannos feiicibus ingeniis candidus ac beiiignus Maecenas. Solent aulie principum idem facere quod mcdici, qui cor- pus sibi (raditum primura inaniunt, niox implent ac vegctant. Nee diibito quin Moro noslro simile quippiam acciderit hactenus. Quid libi venerit usu, tute melius ncsti. Ef tamen illius bciiignitatem scnsenmt ingcnia, quum adeo non abuiidaret illi quod largiretur, ut sere gravaretur alieno. Nee hac parte solum ornat studia, quod ipso doctissiraus candide favet doctis omnibus, verum eliam quod universam familiam honestissimis literarum studiis excolendam curat ; novo quidem hactenus exemplo, sed quod brevi plures ni fallor sint imitaluri, adeo felicitcr succedit. Habet filias Ires, quarum maxima natu Wargareta jam nupta est juveni, primum beafo, deindc mori- bus integerrimis ac modest issim is, postremo non alieno a nostris stndiis. Om- nee a teneris annis curavit imbuendas, primum castis ac Sanctis moribus, deinde politioribus Uteris. I'iliabus tribus quartam adjuuxit puellam, quam benig- APPENDIX. 30T n/tatis gratia alit, ut illis sit soJalis. Habct privig^am mira forma raroque ingenio pudlam, annos j;iin aliquot nuptam juveni iioa indocto, sed cujus moribus nihil sit niagis aureum. llnbet filium ex uxore priore, natura annos plus minus Iredecira, ex libcris natu ininimii:Ti. An(c annum visum est i\loro milii specimen aliquod exhibere, quantum in lileris profecissent. Jussit ut omnes ad me scriberent, et quidem suo quisqiie Marte. Nee argumentum est suppedilatum, nee in sermone quicquam est correclum ; eteuim cum illi schedas obtulissent patri castigandas, ille velut offensus incommoda scriptura, jussit ut eadem accuratius ac purius describerent. Id ubi factum est, ne syl- laba quidem mutata, literas oljsignatas ad me misit. Credc mihi, Budae, nihil asque sum admiratus. In sensibus nihil erat ineptum aut puellare; sermo talis, ut sentires esse quotidie proticientium. Hunc chorum amabilem una cum sponsis duobus domi habet. NuTlam illic videbis otiosam, nullam ineptiis muliebribus occupatam. lliis T. Livius est in manibus. Nam eo progressa; sunt, ut auctores hujusmodi legant ct intelli- gant citra interpretem, nisi si quod incidat verbum, quod me quoque fortassis aut mci similem fuerat remoraturum. Uxor, ingenio magis ac return usu quam eruditione valcns, mira dexteritate moderatur omne collegium, l^yoJiaVlK cujuspiam vicibus fungcns, pcnsum cuique prasscribens aique exigens, neque sinens ccssare qucnquam nee frivolis occupari. Soles in Uteris tuis subindc queri, quod tua causa male audiret philologia, quae tibi duo mala conciliasset. Valetudinis ac rei familiaris dispendium. At Moiiis noc agit, ut omnibus no- minibus, et apud oniiJcS l)ene audiat ; hoc Uteris debere se prasdicans, quod prosperiorc sit valetudine, quod optimo principi, quod suis et extcris charus et gratiosus, quod re lautiore, quod sibi quod amicis jucundior, quod patriae quod cognatis et affinibus utiUor, quod ad aula; commcrcium quod ad pro- cerum convictum quod ad omnem vitae consuetudinem accommodalior, deni- que quod superis gratior. Primum male audicbant studia, quod sensum com- munem adimerent addicto cultori. Nulla est profeclio, nulla negotia tarn mulla tam ardua, qux libellos Moro de manibus exculiant ; et tamen vix alium reperies qui magis sit omnibus omnium horarum homo, qui ad obscquium fa- ciltor, ad congressus magis obvius, in coUoquio magis alaccr, quique tantum verae prudentiae cum tanta morum suavitate conjunxerit. Quibus rebus factum est, ut quum ante paucos dies litera^m amor ad omne vitae vel praesidium vel \ R r 2 n03 APPENDIX. ornamcnlmn liaberdur iiiutilis", nunc nemo pcnc sit magmlum, qui lii)cro5 ul majorum imasiiuibus ilignos agiioscat, nisi bonis lilcris criulitos. Quiii ct mo- iiarciiis ipsis b )na rcgalium di-conim pais abcssc viJotiir, in quibus litcrarum l»eritia ilesulcretur. Jam nemincm fere niorlaliiim non liabebat luce pcrsuasio, scxui fueminino litcras ct ad caslitatom ct ad fainaiu esse inulilcs. Nee ipse quondam prorsus ab iiac abliorrui scntciilia; vcruiu lianc luilii Moms peaitus excussit aiiimo. Etcniin quuni duabus rebus potissiniuni pei iclitetur puellaium castitas, olio ac lascivis lusibus, ab horum utroque litcrarum arcet amor. Nee alia res melius tuctur famam iutegram, quam mores incontamiiuUi. Nee ulla: firmius casta sunt, quam qua; judicio casta2 sunt. Nequc vero improbo consilium corum, qui manuariis opcris prospiciunt pudicitia- (iliarum. Verum nulla res sic , qucm illi cancc4L»rium appellant. Qua dignitatc non est apud cam gcntem alia major, cxcepto rege ; coque qunm proiiil, aurcum sccp- trum imposila corona cxsarea gcslalur ad unum lams, ad alterum hbcr. Qux vero sum narraturus, parlim e scbedis Galbce scriplis, quae Jiic circumfcrun- tur, desumpsi, partim c rumoribus ; nam nihil burum vidi. ISed priust^uura aggrcdiar, paucis dcscribam L/ondoniciisis urbis situni. Civitas in latum angusfa, ad Thamysim flumcn sic in longnm porrccta est, ut videatur non posse desinere, mide et nomcn videtur inditum; siquidim apud Flandros loca mari vicina Dinien appellant. Indidem dictum videtur Gal- iiarum Lugdunum, quasi dicas fo/igas ripas. Ad orienfem in extremo habet arccm bene munitam, qua regcs interdum utuntur, vulgus Turrim appellat. Sed in cadem servari solent yiri nobdi s, auf alias dignitatc quapiam prxmi- nentcs, qui videntur aliquid adversus rcgiam majeslatem deliquisse. In allero extremo ad occasum insignc monastermni est Benedictinorum, vulgus appellat Wcstmonastcrium : ct buic proximiim regis palatium structune vcteris, sed quo nunc regcs parum delectantur. Palatio adjuncta est domus spaciosissima, nullis fulta columnis, in qua sedent judiccs. L'trumque xdUicium ilumini im- minet, ut bine illinc cymba vebi possint. In hac arce Thomas IVIorus posteaquam raultis mensibus fuisset captivus, calend. Jul. ann. Dom. m.d.xxxv productus est ad modo diclam curiam, ca- pitis causam dicturus apud tribunal judicum a rcgc delegatorum. Ibat reus baculo innixus tarn longam viam, corporc gravi aegrotationc in carcere dcbili- APPENDIX. 311 tato, nihil tamen perturbationis vuUu prse sc ferens. Primum reciUiti sunt ar- ticuli criminum quae illi objicicbantur. ISIox cancellarius qui Moro successit, acdux -Nortfolciij hunc in modutn rciitn appcUarunt. * En vides Magister More (sic appellant mediocri dignilate proeditos) to graviter deliquisse in regiam majcslatem. Atlamen spcraraus tc, si niodo rc- sipiscas, et abjures istam obstinatam opinioncin, in qua liactcnus tarn procacitcr |)erstitisti, veniam a regis dementia consequuturum.' Ad hsec Moras ' Domini mei, ego summo cordis afFectu ago vobis gra- tias pro ista vestra arnica erga me voluntate : tantum illud oro Deum orani- potentem, conftrmare dignefur mc in hac qua nunc sum sententia, ut in ea perseverem usque ad mortem. Cseterum quum reputo quam prolixi quamque graves arliculi sunt quibus oneror, vereor ne mihi nee ingenium suppetat, nee memoria, ncc oratio qux sufficiat ad respondendum omnibus ; praesertim quum in carcerc tam diu fuerim detentus, in quo gravi xgrolatione contraxi corporis debilitatem, qus me nunc ctiara babet.' Turn jussu judicum allata est sella, in qua sederet. Ubi consedisset, prosc- quotus est institutum sermoueni hunc in modum. • Quod ad primum attinet articulum, qui conafur osteiidere meam in re- ■ gem malevolentiam in ncgotio posterioris matrimonii, contiteor ingenue, me Semper restitissc illius serenissimx majcstati. Nee est animus super hoc nc- - gotio quicquam aliud dicere, quam quod hactenus semper dixi, ad hoc urgente me conscientia : per quam ut non debebam, ita nee volcbam princiiM;m meum celare veritatcm. Nee liic est ulla proJitio qnx infenditur; quin potius, ni id fecissem, prxsertim in re tanti momcnti, untie pendebat mea sententia, et prin- ' cipis houos, et regni tranquillitas, turn vere fui.sscm, quod nunc objicitur, ma- levolus, perfidus ac proditor. Ob hoe delictum (si modo delictum appellan- dum est) gravissimas dedi pa.>nas, exufus omnibus facultatibus meis, ac pcr- petuo addictus carccri, in quo menses jam quindecem totos fui detentus. Sed his omissis tantum ad ca respondebo quse sunt liujus ncgotii prsecipua. Quod objicitur, mc incurrissc in poeoara violatas constitutionis, qu« proximo con- • 312 APPRNDIX. silio proillla os(, mc jam in carcere agonto ; quasi malitioso anioio, ]iorfitliose, ac proJitoric rcgix majestati dctraxerim famam, honorcm ac dignitatem qux illi per diclam constiditioncm erat (ributa, videlicet quoJ ibi declaratnr snb^ Jesu Ciiristo supremnm caput ecclesiw Anglicanx : inprimis res|iondel)o ad hoc quod milii ol)jicitiir, quod Domino Secretario llcgis ac veneral)iii raajesta- tis illiiis consil oiftu^ qux mea esset do hoc edicto sententia, nihil aliud voluerim rcspondcre, quam me jam mundo mortuum esse, nee istiusmodi n&«! godisnmplius ^olicitari, sod tantum metlitari in passione domini nostri Jesu ChrisH. Dico me per islam vestram constitutionem ob hoc silcntium non posse (1 .;5in;iri ca|>itis, co quod nee vestrum cdictum, nee uUx leges mnndi possuiit qtieiiqnam ob silenfium a.lilicere morti, sed tantum ob dictum aut perpetratuni faciuus. Dc occullis enim solus judical Deus.' Ad haec respondit procurator regius interpellans : at tale silentium, inquit, cvidcns argumentum est animi male senticntis de jam ilicta constitutione. Nam omnis subditus sinccrus ac fidWIs regix majestati, si de dicta constitutione in- terrogetur, tenclur ct obligatur citra omnem dissimul itionem respondere cate- goric : cgium cdicium esse bonum, justum ac sanctum. Ad qux IVIorus : ' Si verum est quod habetur in legibus, eum qni tacct videri consentire, meum silentium confirmavit potius vestram constitutionem quam improbavit. Jam quod dicis, omnem subditum fidelem obligari ut re- spondeat caterorice si inlerrogclur, &c. rcspondeo, bonx fidci subditum magis obligatum esse Deo, conscientix, et animx sux, quam ulli alii rci in boc mundo, maxime si talis < onscicntia, qualis est mea, nihil ofi'cndiculi, nihil scditionis pariat (i.minosuo. Nam illud pro certo vobis aflirmo, quod nuUi raortalium unquam detexerim hac in re conscieutiam meam. ' Vcnio nunc ad secundum accusationis caput, quo arguor contra dictam constitutionem molitus ac machinatus fuisse, eo quod ad Kofii-nsem scripserim octo pariaepislolarum, quibus ilium animarim adversus istud cdicium. Kqui- dcm vehementer optarim epistolas hie proferri ac recitarri, qux me vel con- vincerent vel liberarent. Cxierum quando illx, quemadmodum prxdicatis, per episcopum exustx sunt, ipse non gravabor recitarc sententiam earum. In earum quibusdam agebatur de uostris privatis negotiis, pro vctcre nostra ami- APPENDIX. 313 cida ac familiarUato. la ua;i qu:ulam conliticbatur responsum atl cpiscopi li- (eras quibus scire cupicliat, quLl et quo pacto rcspon.lissL-in do ista coastitu- tioiic. Ad id iiilul aliud lescripsi, nisi me jam meam composuLssu conscicrt- tiain, i.>sc compoiiertt suam. Aiiiiiia; mese periculo, ac teste Deo vobls asse- vcro, nii)il aliud ill illls Uteris a me scriptiim luisse ! Haniin igitur caiissa noii possum iKf vestram coiisiifutioiicni addici mi)rti. ' Superest tcrtiiis arficulus, qm intendif, nno.I quiiin de vpstra constitutiono examinarcr, dixeriiu earn esse similcm gladio iitrii.qiie secanti, proptcrea quod si quis vdlet cam scrvare, [x-rderet aiii.uain ; si contradicere, pcrderet corpus. Idem q.ioniam, ut dicilis, re.poi.dit cpiscopiis Iluftbiisis, perspicunm esse infer nos fuisse conspiratio.iem. Ad Uxc respondeo, me uu.iquam fuisse loquutum, nisi coiiditionaliter : sic videlicet, si (ale asset cdictum, quaiis est ghidius utrin- que incidcns, quo pacto posset quis evitare, quiri in allerum incideret pericu- lura. mea fuit oratio. Qiiomodo rcsponderit episcopus, ncscio : si il- lius oratio cum mea congruebat, id ncquaquam accidit ex conspirationc, sed potius ex ini^eniorum ac doctrinaz similitudine. Brevitcr: illud pro certo ha- betotc, menunquam qnicquam raalifiosc fuisse loquutum advcrsus vestram con- stitutionem : at fieri potuit, ut ad benignam regis ciementiam aliquid malitiose fuerit deiatura.' Post hsEc vocati sunt per quondam ex ostiariis duodccim viri, juxfa gentis illius consuetudinem, quibus traditi sunt articuli, ut super illis consultarent, ac post consultationcm judicarcnt, ac pronunciarent, utrum Tliomas Morus mali- tiose obstitisset prjcdictx constitution! regis, an non. Qui quum per horx quartam partem secessissenf, reversi sunt ad principcs ac judiccs delegatos, ac pronunciarunt guilty, hoc est, dignus est raorte. Ac mox per Dn. Caucella- rium lata est sententia juxta tenorem novas constitution is. His ita peractis Thomas Morus hunc in modum orsusest loqui: ' Age, quan- do sum conderanatus, quo jure Deus novit, ad exonerandam conscientiam volo liberius eloqui quod sentio de vestra constitutione. Primum illud dico, me septem annis intendisse animum studiumque meum in istam causam, verum hactenus in nuUo doctorum ab ecclciia probatorum repcri scriptum, quod lai- VOL. I. S S •514 APPENDIX. cu», aut ut vocant, sccularis, possit aut dcljcat esse caput status spiritualis aut ecclesiastici.' Hie canc«;llarius intcrrumpens Mori sermouem, Dominc More, inquit, itanc tu vis haberi sapicntior, nieliorisquc conscicntia: omnibus episco- pis, tota nobilitate, toto denique regno ? Ail qnx Morus : Dominc, inquit, Cancellarie, pro uno episcopo qucni iiabcs tux opiniouis, ego sanctos ct ortbo- (loxos viros liabeo plurcs centum, mecum sentientes, et pro unico vestro con- cilio, quod tale sit Deus novit, pro nie habeo omnia concilia generalia annis ;ibbinc luiilc celebrata : et pro uno regno, babeo Franciam cseteraquc orbis cbristiani regna omnia. Hie Dux Nortfokii interpelians : Nunc More, inquit> pcrspicuc liquet tua malevolcntia. Ad qu2 Morus : Mii/ Lord, (sic Angli compellant insigni dignilate prx- stantes) ut hoc loquar non incitat nialevolentia, sed cogit necessitas ad exoner- andam conscientiam meam, teste Deo, qui solus scrutatur corda hominum. Prxtcrea dico et illud, constitutionem vestram esse, pcrpcram factam, eo quod V()> professi estis, ct jurcjurando vosmetipsos obstrinxistis, nihil unquam moli- turos adversus sanctum ccclesiam, qux per universam ditionem christianam unica est, Integra et individua, neque vos soli ullam habctis anctoritalera citra aliorum christianorum consensum condendi legem, aut instiluendi concilium adversus unionem et concordiam christianitatis. IVec rae fugit, qnamobrcm a vobis condcmnatus sim, videlicet ob id, quod nunquara voluerim assent ire in negotio novi matrimonii regis. Confido autem de divina bonitale ac niiseri- cordia, fore ut quemadmodum olim Paulus Steplianum pcrsecutus est usque ad mortem, et tamen iidera nunc unaninies sunt in coelo, ita nos qui nunc dis- cordes sunius in hoc mundo, iu future seculo paritcr simus Concordes, et per- fecta charitate unanimes. Hac spc frctus precor Deuiu ut vos scrvet una cum rege, cique dare dignetur bouos cousultores ! His ita pcractis, Thomas Morus reductus est in Turrim. Hie obiter accidit spectaculum ipsa condemnatione miserabilius. Margareta filiarum Mori natu maxima, mulier prxter cximiam formae venustatem cum surama dignitate cou- junctam, judiclp, ingenio, moribus et eruditione patris simillinia, per mediam populi turbam, pcrque satclUluin n.rma semet injecit, ct ad parentcra peuctravit. Quuui et mulier esset, et natura cumprimis verccuuda, tamen et metum et pvidorera omtiem excusscrat impoicns animi dolor, cum audisset patrem in APPEND X. 51b curia morti addictum esse. Hoc accidit priusquam Morus arcis portam in- gredcretur. Ibi in carissimi parentis collurn irrucns, arctissimo complexu ali- quandiu tcnuit eum. Cseteruin ne verbuni quidem ijiterim potuit proloqui. Cur^e, inquit tragicus, Icves loquuntui, ingentes stupent. Movit stipatores, tameisi duros, boo spectaculum. Horum i(aque permissu Morus his verbis consolatus est filiam : Margareta, patienter feras, nee te discrucies amplius ; sic est voluntas Dei; jampridem nosti secreta cordis mei : simulque dedit osculum ex consuetudine gentis, si quern dimittunt. At ilia cum digressa esset ad decern vel duodecim passus, denuo rccurrit, et amplexa parentcm rursus in- lixsit collo illius, sed elinguis prse doloris magnitudine. Cui pater nihil lo- quutus est, tantuni erumpebant lacrjmae, vultu taraen a constantia nihil di- moto. Ncc aliud supremis verbis raandavit, quam ut Deum pro aiiima patris deprecaretur. Ad hoc pietatis certamen plurimis e popular! turba lacrynijc excidere. Erant et inter satellites, ferura et immite genus hominuni, qui la- crymas tenere non potuerunt. Nee mirum, quum pietatis afFectus adeo valida res sit, ut immitissimas etiam feras raoveat. Hie apud se quisque rcputet quam valido ariete turn pulsatum sit Thorns Mori pectus. Erat cnim erga suos omnes adeo (piAoVo^fos, ut non alius magis : sed earn filiam ut erat eximiis praedita dotibus, ita diligebat impcnsius. Morum fortiter cxccpisse sententiam mortis, aut etiam carnificis securim, minus admirandum existimo, quam pij- tatcm erga suos potuisse vincere. Nihil enim addubito, quin hie doloris gla- dius crudelius vulneravit Mori prseordia, quam ilia carnificis securis, quw collum amputavit< Die Mcrcurli scquente, hoc est septimo die Julii, productus est in planiciem, qu^ est ante arccm. Mos est illic ut afficicndi supplicio, de ponte plebem al- loquantur. At Morus paucissimis verbis est usus, tantum orans qui aderant, ut pro ipso Deum orarent in hoc mundo, se vicissim in altero mundo precaturum pro ipsis. Mox hortabatur atquc instanter rogabat, orarent Deum pro rage, ut illi dignaretur impertire bonum consilium, contestans se mori fidelem ac bonum regis ministrum, ac Dei inprimis. Uxc loquutus prompte constanti- que vultu flexis genibus cervicem posuit securim exeepturus, non sine gravi multorum gemitu. Erat enim bonis omnibus carissiraus. Quae hactenus narravi, fere continebantur in scbeda apud Parisios jactata, Ss 2 .516 Ari'KNDlX. :tc yxr inanus honiiaum vuUtaiUe. Quisqtiis au(om sciipsil, videtur ac(u> iii- (crfuissc. Qux deinccps refeiam, pardm ex amicoriiiu Uteris, partini e riiino- libus arco]ii. I'aucis ante ilicbus, li. c. XV. t'al. Julias Joatiiu's Fi>c)icrus, cpiscoptis liulloiisiii, qui tuin vitx sancliiiiuiiia alque au:>(ci'ilali*, (uni aiimi- iiistraiulLs sacramcntis, turn assiJuitato docciuii voce siinul et sciiplis, deniqiic mira libcralilatc in egcnos, bciiignitate in studiuiius, vcruQi a^cbat cpi'icu]mni, ex urcc dicia in qua captivo:} (enebatur, pruductus est, ct ad curiam, qua: ut ante dixi, Wcstmonastcrio proxima est, fre(|uciili sati-llituin arinntorum sti- patu jierduclus est, partiin navigio, parliiii cqiio, ob corjjusculi dcbilitatcm, quam prxter xtalem auxerat carccris iricommodilas ; licet ipse valetudincin suam semper ct jejuniis ct vigiliis ct studiis et laburibus ac lacryinis vebemcntcr altenuasset. Jllc vero taroetsi non igiioraret ejus co^iiitiunis cuitum, nihil ta< men porturbatus est, sed i^acido, ac prope ctiam ad bilaritatcm composito vultu ad tribunal evocantil)US paruit. Ibi juxfa niorem ejus rogionis qui-ni antea descripsi, sentcnlia capitali daranatus est, sujjplicium daturas, simulatque rcgi visum csset. Hoc adjectum suspicor, si forte spc veniae ac supplicii nielu j)osset a sententia deduci. Mortis genus oral ct fxdnm et Lorribile, quo tamen fuerant aflTecti Cartnsiani aliquot, quos aiunt fuisse quindecim : quod ut crc- (lim vix possum adduci. Carlusianis adjunctus est Keginaldus monaclius Bri- gitlcnsis, vir aiigelico vnllu ct anselico spiritu, sanique judicii : quod ex illius coUuquio comperi, quum in comitatu Cardinalis Campegii versarer in Anglia. Nam Cartusianorum novi neminem. Aiunt ex his quosdam fuisse jjer viam tractos, dein suspensos laqueo, ac spirantibus eliamnum exsccta iiitcstina-s quosdam eliam exusfos igni, sed omnium incrcilihilcm fuisse constantiam. Solet rumor rebus tristibus aliquid addere. At si liic vcrus et, vidctur Jioc esse consilium eorum qui rcgio obsecundant aainio, ut immanitate suppliciorum cxteros absterrcant. Nam facile divinabant, instituluin plurimis improbatum iri, prxsertim ccclesiaslicis, ct rcligioiiis studio deditis. Sed ad Roffensem epis- copura rcdco. Is accepta tam horrendac mortis scntcntia, quum satcllilibus stipatus rcducc- relur in arcem, ut ad ostium ventum est, versus ad satellites hilari placidoquc vultu, Plurimam, inquit, optimi viri, vobis babco gratiam ))ro officio, quo me euntcm et redeuntem deduxistis. Dixisses homiiicm ex Lilari suavique rc- dire convivio, adco et color crat jticuiidior, ct ipse toto corporis gostu, quatenus APPENDIX. 317 ]jcr gravitatein licuit, Ixtitiam quaiidara prx se furebat, ut neoiiiii non essct pcrspicuum, sarictissimum virum, ecu portui vicinum, toto pectore ad illara bcatam (ranquillitatem aspirate. Ncc din dilata est mors. Ad decimum Cal. Julii producfus in planicieni, quani Angli vulgo dicunt furris coUera, vultu non solum conslanti, verum uliara alacri, paucis alloquutus est populum. Primum regi regnoque bene precatus est. Mox ardcnti magis quam prolixa precatione seipsum Dei misericordiae commendavit : simuJque procurabens ia genua, gracili et exliausta ccrvice securim excepit. Ntquc enim apud Anglos carnifices gladio cervicem inciduut, sed damnato in truncum ad id apparatum inclinaiiti, securi caput amputant. Quaiito cum animi dolore viderint iioc sjjectaculiun quibus religio pietasque cordi est, et qui Ciirisli spiritura in pas- tore operantem expcrti fucrant, facile quivis ex scse potcrit aestimare. Cxte- rum quod mitiore poena affectus est, quam minabatur judicum sententia, sunt qui in causa fuisse putent, quod nietucrint, tic scncx ct exhausto corpusculo, si per viam tarn longam rlicda Iralieavc tractus fuisset, sponte cxpirareU Ego suspicor, ob hoc mortis genus atrocius denuntiatum, ut iumianitate supplicii Jerritus mufaret scntentiani. JVec desunt qui praedicant, ob hoc ipsum acce- leratam mortem, quod Romanus pontifex Paulus tertius episcopura Koflcusera ob iiisignem doctrinam ac pirtatem in cardinaliilm ordincm allegissct.- Ex ami- corum literis cognovi, in Germania inferiore sparsum rumorcin, quura cpiscopi Koffenhis caput csset in pontc Londoniensi de more exposilum, non solum non cmarcuisse, verum ctiam magis effloruisse, vivoque factum similius, ut multi crederent fore, ut etiam loqui inci[)cret : quod in quibusdam niartyribus fac- tum legimtR. iJa res, seu fama, quum vulgo increbuisset, sublatuni est at- qne abditum. Populus enim credulus txpe icvi quupiam occasione turbas in- gentcs excitat. At veriti ne idem cvcnirct in oapitc IMori, pnusquam exponc- letur, aqua fervenli decoctum est, quo plus habcret horroris. Usee aliaque multa his similia pcxscribuntur e Flaiidria liritannis viciriiore : penes alios sit fides. Utinam hue jjervu'nissent acta Hoffensis, qucniadmodum acta Mori pcrvenerunl. E\ Mori responsis facile liquet, ilium ikstmasse mori citius, quam sua; seutentix canere palinodiam. Quo animo videntur omucs fuisse qui ante Morum cxtincti sunt. Morum ac Rofiensem ct ilhid movit, opinor, quod qui bene natos, laute cducatos, in honore babitos, in carecre dednct, non dat vitam, sed longiorem SIS- APPENDIX. ct accrbiorcm mortem. Ego si regi ftiisscm in consilio, pro mca stultitia cona- tus fuisscm illi pcrsuadcrc, ut pro sua solita cIcmciUia cx(crisquc virtutibiis, per quas nomcii ipsius linctcnus erat apud omncs nationos o;ratio!>um et amabile, ab iliis Oritannise luminibus, (otiqiic orbi notis abstiiicrd, aut ccrte pa?na mi(iore coiileiitus cssi-t. Rursus, si qui pcrieruiit me adiiibuissciit in consilium, sua- sisscm, nc se irruenti procella; paiain opponerent. Violenta res ira regum, cui si incommode resistas, graviorcs cxcitat lumultus. Equi feroces, quemadmo- dum ct tonitrua, iion vi scd popysmate Icniuntur. £t nautse non pugnant ad- versus impotentem temjx'statcm, sed vel quictc vcl obliquis cursibus utentes expectant coilum commodius. Multis rebus medetur tempus, quas nulla vi possis eniendare. Res humans semper quidem fluctuant, sed quoties incidit insignis aut fatalis rerum mutatio, midti pcriclitantur qui non cedunt turbini. Veluti quum Julius Caesar aperiret januam tyrannidi, et triumviri junctis copiis imperiurn orbis occiiparent, laudatissimi qniquc viri jierierunt, quorum erat I't JVI. TuUius. Qui monarchis serviunl, iis quxdam dissimulanda sunt, ut si jion qneant obtinere quod judicaverunt optimum, saltern aliqua ex parte mo- derentur principum aflectus. Dixerit aliquis, pro veritate mortem oppeten- dam. At non pro quavis veritate. Si tyrannusjubeat, aut abjura Christum, aut pone cervicem : ponenda cervix. Sed aliud est silere, aliud abjurarc. Si fas est tc dissimularc chiistianum cifra grave scandalum, raulto magis licuisset hie esse taciturn. .Sed ineple facio, qui de rebus tam arduis disputem, qui nunquam inter- fucrim monarcbarum consiliis. Itaque de tola causa judicium aliis relinquo. Illud satis constat, eos viros si quid j eccarint, nulla in regem malevolentia pcccasse, sed simplici sinccraquc conscientia ernisse. Hoc sibi jicnitus per- suascrant, hoc mcduUis intixum habebnnt, sanctum, pium, regi honoriticum, ren-no salutare esse quod tuebantur. Arguinonto est, quod nullus illorum af- fectarit regnum, aut alteri asserere conatus sit, nee uUam molitus sit seditionem, aut ullas conlraxcrit copias, ac nc vcrbum quidem excidit odium conspira- tionemve rcsipiens. Silen- cupiebant si licuiss< t, sed jiatienter ac placide mor- tem exceperunt, nihil aliud quam regi regnoque bene prtcantes. At in atro- cibus etiam criminlbus magnam cuipx partem excusat simplex ac pura con- scientia, animusque non Ledendi, sed bene raerendi cupidus. Turn apud efleras etiam nationcs frequenter cximix virtuti prxstantiquc doctrinae honos APPENDIX. Sl» est habitus. Plafoni apud Aci^inelas juxta civKatis conslitutioncm capite plec- tendo, profuit philosoplii cognomen. Diogenes impune penetravit in castra Philippi regis Macedonum, ad quein pro expioratorc adductus, libera expro- bravit regi insaniam, quod non contentus suo regno, semet conjiceret in peri- culum ne perderet omnia. Non impune tanfura, scd cliam cum muncrc di- missus est, non ob aliud nisi quod esset philosophus. Qucmadmodum rao- narcharum in eruditos benignitas pluritnum honcsti nomiiiis iilis conciiiat, i(a durius tractati plurimum invidiae eonflant illis. De liis pra^cipue loquor, qui scriptis inclaruerunt apud omnes nationes, et quorum memoria videtur apnd postcros futura gratiosa. Quis nunc non execralur Antonium, qui Ciceroneni ferro peremit ? Quis non detcstatur Ncronem, qui Scnecam occiderit ? Ncc minimum gratis decessit Oclavii Cajsaris nomirii, quod Ovidium ad Getas re- iegarit. Uxc nequaquam eo milii dicuntur, ut regera cliristianum cum impiis prin- cipibus confcram, aut de negotio cujus circumstantias non novi pronuntiem, quod etiamsi periculum abcsset, temcrariuin csset : sed ut ostendam quibus rationibns fuerim conaturus persuadere, ut rex parceudo viris pietatis et erudi- tionis commendationejam immortalitati cotisecratis, suo quoque nomini con- suleret. Plausibilis semper est praepotentum dementia : sed turn clarissimos fort applausus, qiioties viris illustribus ac dc rrpublica bene meritis impeudifur. Omne solum forti patria est: et exilium fortibus ac pfaclaris viris ssepe cessit feiiciter. Mortis invidia gravis est. Quum rex Galiiarum Ludovicus Xlf, regnum adcptus pararet divortium cum Lodovici regis XJ, filia, Maria, ni fallor, nomine, res displicuit quibusdam bonis; ex quibus Johannes Slandocli, et hujus discipulus Thomas, in concione nihil aliud dixerant, nisi Deum oran- dum esse ut regi inspirarct boniim coiisiliutn. Qnx apud populum dicuntur, ad seditionem spectaiit : et lii deliqucrant advcrsus regis cdictum. Rex tamen nihil aliud quam vertere solum jussit, nee qiiicquam aderait faculta(um : at idem negotio quod agcbat confccto, revocabat eos. irric moderatione rex ille et suo consuiuit institute, et gravem invidiam cvilavit, quod uterque csset theologus, uterqu&saiictilatis opinione commcndatus. At Thomac Mori mortem dcplorant et ii, quorum institufo pro viribus ad- versabatur; tantus erat hominis in cranes candor, lauta comitas, tanlaquc 3^0. .\PPi:\DlX. beiiignilas. Qumi illc \\\ mc(li<>criler eni.Iiluin ab se diiuiait iiulonaliim ." Ant qiiis fiiit Jam alicnus, ilc q Turba Poetarum quern cecidisse gemit. Dum regum docte metuendos aduionet enses, ilium caruificis rex jubet ense mori. Ilium amor et cbaritcs dcfleiit, dcflentque Camoenx : Nee damnum credit, qui sapit, esse leve. Gallia quid possit, testisque Britannia ; testis Italia, et semper Grscia testis erit. MAXIMILIAN: WIGNACURTII, ATREBATIS. Quae fuit integritas, qux vis, qux copia fandi, Quae mens, JNlore, tibi, sat tua scripta docent. ^ui Cbristi fuerit transAxum pectus amore, Tradita tcstantur sat tua membra necu APPENDIX, 333 Scilicet ut rairis vixisti dofibus auctus, Te decuit miro pectore, More, mori. Vita tibi fucrat feiix ; feiicior at mors, ^tcrno vitam munere quae peperit. Ordo tuus per te micat uno lumine : sed sunt Instar multorum luraina multa virum. lOANNIS WHITE, EPISC. VINTONIENSIS, IN DIACOSIO MAHs TYRION. Quin etiam partes vulgato codice nostras Propugnat scripfor maximus Utopix. Fcssus ad authoris melius te scripta remitto ; Rarus in orbe liber ; nee tamea Utopiae est. lUius similes, imo multo meliores Invenies libros, lector ; at Utopis. Et Mori similes, imo multo meliores Scriptores vidcas, lector; at Utopiae. ALANI COPI, LONDINENSIS. Quis vivente velit Thoma non vivere Moro ? Quis Moro nolit sic moxiente mori ? ALIUD, EJUSDEM. Mortuus an Morus, qui sic in mortis agone Vixerat, ut mors sit victa coacta mori ? Imo piis morum meritis nunc vivit et orbi. £t pura mentis relligione Deo. JOANNIS FOULERI, BRISTOLIENSIS, IN MORI EFFIGIEM. EfEgiem quamcunque tui sic fingimus ; at non Tam facile est mores fingcrc, More, tuos. 331 APPENDIX. Quam vcllem pictor milii tain pcrfcctus adcsset, Pingere qui vcrc posset utramqiic simul. Turn quoqiic qui vilain totam mori-squc rcferrct, Ille magis inulto doctus Appellc foret. • •' f-ii:- - HENRICI HOLLANDI, VIGORNIENSIS. Ergo quid ? ad nostros siculi venere tyranni ? ^■<. An terris nostris Africa monstra dedit ? Nam furit Lie Gotthus, dum Symmaclius afque Joannes Aniiltiint carum luortc fureiitc caput ! Dum jacct Albinus, dumque urbc Hoetius alma Expulsus Ticini tristia fata gemit ? Sjevit Alexander Magnus ? Clitumquc fidcloin Enecat ? et vitam Parmcnionis bahet ? An Nero sanguineus nostris dominatur in oris, At que tibi vitam, Senncca docle, rapit? Hoc facit Ilcnricus quod tunc Nero pcssimus cgif, Dum te, More, nccat, dum tua colla sccat. Senneca niorte perit, quia vult Nero ; tu qnoque More, Dum vult Hcnricus, spicula mortis habes. Arbitrium pro lege fuit, quod Senneca luxit ; Arbitrium, quod te, More, perire facit. Ut non est mirum, si sic Nero tollat amicum, Qui matrem fato sustulit ante suam ; Sic non est mirum, si rex te. More, nccarct, Qui Icrus in matrem saeviit ante suam. Non mirum est, aliis si vipera sxva nocerct, Cum propria malri vipera sreva nocet. Ilenrici mater sancta est cccle&ia Christi, Hanc prius afllixit, quam tibi. More, nocet. Et quia communem nolles pessundare matrem, Fata sub innniti rcgc cruenta subis. Quod genus hoc monstri ? cur sic rex barbare, frendis ? An, quia vult matri parccre, Morus obit ? APPENDIX. 335 Non licet iiigenuis nalis dcfcndcre raatrcm r Aa scelus est veram non violare lidem ? Scilicet Henrico placuit proportio prava : Non parcit membro, dum premit illc caput. Qui graviora patrat, non illc minora tinicbit, Et scelus audaces ad mala plura facit. Culpa trahit culpam : comitatur abyssus abjssum : Poena est peccati pessima culpa sequens. Cum rex legitimse fecit divortia sponsse, Venit et ad thalamos Anna Bolena suos ; Cum rex Volssum rerum de cardine movit, Fecit et afflicta sorte perire virum ; Cum rex schisma novum deformi crimine fecit, Sedis apostolicse debita jura negans ; Cum rex pontificem prsescripsit, j usque papalc, Non passus libros nomen habere papx ; Cum rex in sacris voluit caput esse supreraum, Assumsitque sibi pontificale decus ; Cum rex lege nova sacratas diruit sedes, Solvit et c claustris quos pia vota ligant ; Cum rex divorum spolians opulenta sepulcbra, Lusit imaginibus, diva Maria, tuis ; Cum rex damnavit clerum de crimine falso, Presbyteros mulctans pontificesque suos ; Cum rex omne malum fecit : tunc, More, necaris : Horrebas oculis tanta videre mala. Virtus sic Moro placuit, quod vivere nollct. Si non virtuti vivere posse detur. Dum pietas floret, floret quoque Morus ; at ilia Quam primum coepit spreta jacere, jacet. Rex plus in sumniis bunc pro pictate locavit, Impius afflictum pro pietate necat. Moro vita fides. Nam dum manet ilia, manebat, Stante fide stabat : qua percunte perit. Vita sibi pietas : pictate cadcute cadebat, 33G APPENDIX. Quam pius est Morus pro pietate codens 1 O rex (lebucras insiijni parcere IMoro, llara avis est Moms sic super aslra volans. O rex si niultos homines tua sceptra regebaiit, At mnltos Moros non tua sceptra regujit. Millibus e muitis vis Morus ccrtiitiir unus, Tarn ductus, prudens, tani bouus atque pius. Quanta labc tuum regnum popuiuniquc notasti, Quum ferit insoatcm barbara pla<;a Moruia ^ Quis tibi jjeisuasit tarn clarum tollere fidus, Qiix mens, qux ratio, consiliiunquc luit i Qua; tua relligio parili sic jure nccare Igne Lulheranos, Catliolicosquc cruce ? Hoc liber ille tuus promiserat ante Lconi ? Hoc tituhis, regno quern dedit ille tuo ? Defenilisiie tiiicm veros tolkndo (itleles ? Cubtodem legum legibus ipse necas ? Justitianine colis justos feriendo securi ? Judiciumne facis judicis ora premens ? Consilium curas, et consiliarius iste, Maximiis absque uUo criraine morte perit ? Incidis ncrvos, ut corpus fortius csset ? Exlinguis lumen, clarius ut videas ? Ut sit perfectuni, scititlis de corpore membrura ? Evulsis oculis cernere f'rontem cupis ? Ecquis arare solct (erram non usus aratro ? Aut sulcare fcrura, s<»d sine nave, fVetum ? Et tamen ista facis, dun» Morum funcre toUis, Quem nidlus sana tollere mente Telit. Scd frustra aspeias tenebras offunderc Moro. Morus ubique volat docia per ora virum. Fortior Henrico Staplelonus : penna securi ; Ilia mori fecit ; vivere penna facit APPENDIX. 'S37 ALIUD, EJUSDENf. Quseiis, Arislidcs cur pulsus ab urbe fugatur ? Altera non causa est, quam quia Justus erat. Qusris, cur Socrates truculenta venenii bibebat ? Id fiiit in causa, vir fuit illc bonus. Qujcris, cur magnus fuit ille IJueiius cxul ? Nempe quod ille bonus, veriloquusqire fuit. Qujeris, cur Morus submittit coUa securi ? In promtu ratio est : optimus ille fuit. ALIUD, EJUSDEM. Quando tuam mortem recolo, celeberrime More, Tunc venit in mentem TuUius ille meam. Ille fori lumen, facundo clarus ab ore ; Tuque fori lumen, tuque disertus eras. Ille pator patriae, patrum dccus atque senatus ; Tuque pater patrise, tuque corona patnim. Dum furit Antonius, fetis occiditur ille ; Dum furit Henricus, tu quoque fata subis. Dum cadit ille, sua cum lingua Fulvia ludit ; Dum cadis ipse, tua morte Bolenacanit. Dum pcrit ille, caput rostris affigitur illis, In quibus liic casus dixerat ante suos ; Dum peris ipse, tui capitis damnaris in aula, In qua pro regno dicere jura soles. In muUis ambo similes, p,;r laus manet ambos ; Dispar at in muitis gloria, dispar honor. Dicitur ut Cicero Roraanos vincerc scripto, Moras sic Angios puriloquente stjlo. Plurima scribebat Cicero, sic plurima Morus, Plura tamea Mori quam Ciceronis erunt. Vol. I. X X S38 APPExXDIX. In niultis vicit Ciceronem Morus : in ipso Vicit subjecto malcriaque libri. Vicit iQ ingenio : quis par in acurainc Moro ? Vicit iloctrina, jiidicioque gravi. Vicit honorc loci ; nam cancellarius istc Uiio anni uniiis consule major erat. Vicit in ardenti verae pietatis amorc : Vicit et in mortis nobilitate suae. Morus erat vates festivo carmine ludens, Insigniquc potens arte poeta fuif. Morus erat jurisprudens, vL\ major in orbe : Piiilosophus summus, si quis in orbe fuif. Morus erat custos Icgum, princepsque scuatus, Supremus judex, consiliique caput. Nee latuit Morum divini pagina verbi, Sic ferit haerelicos : sic legit ille fidem. Morus erat speculum vitse, fideiquc patronus, Insignis : martyr dciiique Morus erat. Tindallus, Trithns, Barnosius atque Lutherus A Mori calamo vulnera magna ferunt. Non sat liabct scriptis tales coiifundcre pestes, Sed pia confirmant sanguine scripta suo. Plura quid hie dicara ? vix haec bene singula dixi, Vincor ab ingenio, More diserte, tuo. Londinense decus, decus Oxoniense luisti : Urbs fuit ilia parens, ista niagistra fuit. Tu decus Angligenfim, rcgalis tu decus aulas, Tu decus Europse, tu decus orbis eras. Tu monstrum ingcnii : miracula sunt tua dicta, Delicise juvenuni, dclicixque senum : Obruor ingeiili ni;igiMriini poiiclere rerum : Laus Mori nostro carmine major erit. Qui nunor est Moro, non novit pingere Morum : IJoc si quis pot^iit, tu Staplctone, facii. APPENDIX. 339 T. STAPLETONI EPIGRAMMA AD EFFIGIEM MORI- Talis erat Morus quum causas dixit in urbe : Talis quutn populi jura tuetur, erat. Talis erat pleno quum fecit verba s.-natu, Orator populi lingua decusqu<> sai. Talis erat ludens epigraramata, sei ia scribens, Talis quum doctam scriberel Utopiam. Talis in liaereticos quum docta volumina format, Dum sacra defendit dogmata, talis erat. Talis erat Gallis et Belgis foedera pangens, Legati fungcns munere talis erat. Talis erat torquatus eques, prudensque senator, Pertracfans regni scrinia, talis erat. Talis erat tibi quum factus Lancaslria judex Ducatus tenuit jura suprema tui. Quum cancellarius Britannica sceptra tencret, Primo post rcgera munere, talis erat. Talis erat Morus, quum tctro carcere clausus Dogmate pro sacro vincula longa tulit. Talis erat dirx submittens coUa sccuri. At nunc non talem regna beata vident. N. GRUDII EPIGRAMMA. MORUS LOQUITUR. iSe lugetc meo confusae funere natae ; Ipse ego mutari non mea fata velim. Truncum terra tcget, si rex non abnuat urnam ; Et mea jam tcrris noraina nota volant. Libera mens supcros repetet, ncque serviet unquam, In partem hanc quod agat nulla securis habet. X x2 340 APPENDIX. Tu quoquc sjiectalor, tranquillum si cupis xvum Exigere, ct lelho fur(ior esse tuo, Qui tibi membm cadant nullo in discrimine pone ; Quum sint natural lege caduca sux. J. PALUDANI RHETORIS LOVANIENSIS IN INSULA M UTO- PIANAM EPIGRAMMA. Fortes Roma dedit, dedit ct iaudata discrtos Gnecia, frugales inclyta Sparta dedit : Massilla integros dedit, at Gerniania duros. Comes ac lepidos Attica terra dedit : Gallia clara pios, quondam dedit Africa cautos, IMuniiicos olim terra Britanna dedit : Virtutum ex aliis aliarum exempla petuulur Gentibus, et quod huic dcsit Luic superat. Una semel totam summam totius houesti Insula tcrrigenis Utopiana dedit. GERARD! NOVIOMAGI EPIGRAMMA. Dulcia, lector, amas ? sunt iiic dulcissima quseque Utile si querisj nil legis utilius. Sive utrumque voles, utroquc hxc insula abundat, Quo linguam cxornes, quo doceas aniraum. Hie fontes apcrit, recti pravique disertus Morus, Londini gloria prima suse. CORN. GRAPHiEUS AD LECTOREM. \ is nova monstra, novodudum nunc orbc rcperto?- Vivendi varia vis ralioiie modos ? APPENDIX. 341 Vis qui virtntum fontcs ? vis imde malorum Principia ? et quantum in rebus inane latct ? Hsec lege, quae vario Morus dcdit ille colore, Morus, Fiondinae iiobilitalib honos. HEXASTICHON ANEMOLII POETJE LAUREATI, HYTHLOD^I EX SORORE NEPOTIS, IN INSULAM UTOPIANAM. Utopia priscis dicta, ob infrequentiam. Nunc civitatis xmula Platonicse, Fortasse victris, (nam quod ilia litteris Delineavit, hoc ego una praestiti Viris et opibus, optimisque legibus) Eutopia merito sum vocanda nomine. EJUSDEM TETRASTICHON. • Utopus me dux ex non insula fecit insulara, Una ego terrarura omnium absque pbilosophia Civitatcm philosopliicam express! mortalibus. Libenter impcrlio mea, non gravatim accipio raeliora. C. GOURADI DISTICHON. Morus amoris amor, morura quoquc Morus araator Utopiam scribens tradidit Eufopiam. JO. LELANDI MORIADES. Desine facundas nimium laudare discrti Natas Ilortcnsi maxima Roma tui, Cuiidicla trcs cliaiitcs nam iMori cura pcliti Obfcurant mullis nomina vc&lra modis. Non illis stiulium Jlilcsia vcllera dcxtra Carpcrc, non facili duccrc fila niaiiu : Fed jiiv:U cluquii crcbro monumcnla Lalini A'crsarc, ct doclis pingerc vt'rl)a uatis, Ncc miiiiLs aiilliorcs G'rxcos cvolvcrc, Homcrum Et quem dicendi gloria prima manet. Ul nee Aristotclis dicam quo pcctore libros Scruleiitur, so[)liiie m^'stica dona dex'. Tiirpc viris postbac crit ignorare Mincrvx Ar(cs, grcx adco quas niulicbris amct. EXD OF THE FIRST VOLUME. ^lufideU, Doig, and Stevtnton, printtrtt Rd'tuhurgh^ 3 1158 00746 7813 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIHRARY Los Aiigi'lcs This book is DUE on the last date- stampwl Ijelow. ^^i 2 1 1970 ^ MAR 1 5 197) HECD timi mi a82 Sa!E»J»*i"^ ■OV 1 TtWir » Form L9-Seri^T44 -2."l^M2-^ , , ijTMERN REGION*!. lIBWm f ACILir* iiliill D 000 663 632 DA 33k M8C29 v.l imZTTT • — n 1 — rrwwr ^ rA- m^^