C738 i^^' «»-' '^>?_ . ^ ^ ?^ *^'^ ORNAMENTAL DESIGNS -^^ ffll y'*^^^^" Ufa COMPILATION OF SPLENDID ORNAMENTAL DESIGNS, FROM FOREIGN WORKS OF RECENT PRODUCTION, ADAPTED FOR THE STUDY OF DRAWING— TO ASSIST THE ARTIST AND DECORATOR— AND TO AID IN THE VARIOUS MANUFACTURES, WHERE SUPERIOR ORNAMENT IS REQUIRED. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL. STATIONERS' COURT: AND J. WEALE, 5. HIGH STREET, BLOOMSBI RY. AT GLASGOW— BY A. RUTHEROLEN, 81, TRONGATE. o7?f A D U I! E S S. The Compiler trusts, in introducing the present Publication to the notice of a discriminating and enlightened Public, little need be said in recommendation, as it must occur to all, that a Woik calculated to improve the general taste, and impart to our Manufactures a superior elegance, must be as advantageous as it is pleasing and useful ; with this consideration, the objects have been selected with the utmost care, and are chosen for their peculiar beauty, immense variety, and the unusual taste in design and general arrangement. The Collection consists of Designs which were originally intended for particular purposes, and mostly have been executed upon the Continent ; it cxemi)lities the admired style of Percier and Fontaine, or what may be termed the modern French style, and contains various examples of Painted Panels — Carpet Patterns — Transparencies — Em- broidered Chair Covers — Enriched Entablatures — Ornamental Table Tops — Car\-ed-work Borders, &c. &c. Although in many instances these mav be inappUcable for precisely the same purposes as those for which they were at first intended, vet they will be found eminently serviceable for selection and adaption, this being the chief object of the Work ; and with the consideration, that they would generally be applied to other uses, it was thought unnecessary to state for what they were designed originallv. or to give letter- press descriptions of each, especially as it might rather tend to confuse the ideas when making selections and arranging nevf combinations. The style exemplified in this Work is, perhaps, above all others, most suited to embeUish British Works of Art ; it combines grandeur with delicacy in detail, which fits it equally for large designs, and for small and most fanciful objects. Its foundation is that ol the Grecian, and will therefore be less at variance with the general style of building ; hence it is peculiarly adaptcil to the present age, and to meet the encreasing demand for articles of superior ornament , by its chaste and classical combinations it is also greatly calculated to keep pace with modern improvement, the great progress of refinement, and the rapid advancement of taste. 19:21 SO-I * _v /- _x vy._yi/' .^'^ _ -^^ -.a &. a 5,5,s.ss ss s s^ II ■\ ^^^^^^^^^^^Q^Q^^^^^ ^^ ^j^ryf^f^f^'^/^m/s/^^/t^ •Cj ®"l^ l^.^\%^'"-i^ ^'^ ^ Q- ^k^ "■^i-. ^^,.^4 -■<^" IrU- "^^UifeV, £ l^lf^ # ,h-^ 1" • , . - ' 1 .^^^- ' ' .-' I-"' %-,:r^^5^s= Lianarmuxr, ^■^L-^i^^^^^, ^-^ V" ,^^: '7M':'^y^w'.(^'.MS}^c-w^^''.^:,^:r^'w:'<^A^:.'^ 7YYYVYYYyY'7'r/VY YYVy7'/YW «' 'A I •■»^ «^ v :<^^^ m '' Q> 4. _^:T■ T^T-TTr^ v^^^^ 'm^^. ■\y -s^^-g^ l[t^^ '^^^C^s^ i/ 'if///ifm/rr/////f////rff///ff///////'//f/////////////m///////mr 5 \Ji/\ -o- J >S' » t> * 1 ^, n n\ . / 'v/iiv > ■ '1 rr '.^:^K 'feT; ■^ B'■?^. £^ • *■ ir~ ■■■-■ -v^v .,i«jji w. ^ #^' / "~oxii3iAxr>- . (o^ ^ ;Kf?^|\^' -vv- -'Y ■"-A-^ ■ '\ h .. [)|%C^^^&-^^^# #^' ^^^^^ s=^--. 7 c -oC^3o^ ^ -iT "^'' ■<^^^^- / : ---..^^_.<„ _^.>..^.-^. _...-. --■-—---- -^— -----. — ^iL.;' 4 ^ '■'^~JM^ -"'^ M -)iiM:l ff^->^(: v.r-':^ m Ki -■^^i ^-. V .£^^ a ^S^^i ^^^|t:^r^ ^^^>r^ -^^ 5 :..-^-— '^ '^' "'''-. 'jj^ij^^^i.Jli!^y7Z \ .M f '■ f^ ^' ==:\>^>*'-«r /jjjs /T;!?!;^" vi^«^ ''—^^—^r'^.<'-'*^:S' ■?!> .'!£?'. ^p ; ^.c^r^- U^ 1 \ ,' ) < 11 s « 1 1 J I •, ' 1 •. » X t 1 ' \ 1 « » I J \ I ,1 ; > ( > \i^^)F^ x„ m $1 -1 ^r ^^ 4 ■J f i^-j 5. -»«&: =v^>- Y^- io ■A 1^- -- ^ . , , i •iW^ ^^i ■?'■ ° f rw%\ - /^ ^ fv^/^VV^ -'-^-=^- 5^ r-^ -e- ,->• ^^«$^ ul^v'v'.. I¥3- ^5 ■ . '-J /^ ,<5>- ,^1 -Q ,<-r> ipyiTTjiTrirj^r,-. ^Ak:^: ■ 1 ^ , o °^° o o °@° a. O W if. O o ^•^-^ xg^-? IK 0^050 /a. oKHo /x-wy,v.v>x/;^AWA^>;i^)W70^:^ : &WAVAWAVAWAWAWA'AVAWA^75;roKvW:gA\0 -;> w - a^ .vs=:j 4 o c '"^jy-^ A t-^:^ *^. ■^■', i'^ 'm. Mk r ■vrr £)fc H-.' ■*■ .♦tXi V.;\ '^ M-» r ' '''j':r 'ife^ ,^^,..4^. ,^ -^^'m m ■^ '5^''** ."■^' *iV -^' >/i /:^' '-#J 1.» 'M'^ jm f^i«