■^liillSHJAPANESE CONVERSATION DICTIONARY A. ROSE-INNES AMERICAN EDITION ( I ) ABBREVIATIONS AND SIGNS. ace. accusative adj. adjective aff. affirmative aux. auxiliary comp. compound cond. conditioned dat. dative dist. distinct expr. expressed fig. figuratively foil. followed intr. intransitive lit. literally n. noun opp. opposed p. Pfige tran. transitive v. i. verb intransitive v. t. verb transitive .Three points preceded by tlie first letter of the "principal word in a paragraph indicate the rc'jitition of this word: nbovo, a. . . A dash has been wod to indicate the omission of a word or sentence. tdberu A decimal point shows the way the verb has to bo conjugated. Seep. 12. / A slanting line follows and indicates the proper particle to be used in connection with the word translated: e.g. to take charge of wo/azukaru; to take charge of a parcel nimotau wo azukaru. [ 1 Within brackets will sometimes be found a serai-literal translation of the foregoing Japanese sentence. . ( ) Words are often placed in parenthesis to illustrate the meaning of the context. ( n ) PRONUNCIATION (approximate) a a in father ai ai in aisle au ow in cow ch ch in child e e in pen ei ei in rein g sometimes as in goat; sometimes tlie sound of ng in king i i in machine o o in more Ou ou in though « s in sat u u in put The other letters as in English Double consonants must be pronounced double; long vowels must be pronounced long 5, e, o, u; and short vowels (i, M)are hardly pronounced at all. In the very common case of verbal terminations in suf the u is practically silent: e. g. desu is pronounced des8. Japanese words are pronounced with an equal stress on each syllable except: 1) the syllable preceding a double consonant which has a longer sound; 2) the syllable containing a long vowel; 3) a short vowel makes the syllable short and as a consequence often throws an accent on a neighbour- ing syllable. EN6LISH=JAPANESE CONVERSATION DICTIONARY PRECEDED BY A FEW ELEMENTARY NOTIONS OF JAPANESE GRAMMAR COMPILED BY ARTHUR ROSE-INNES AMERICAN EDITION ( in ) PREFIXES honorific o big; pre at lo small; young of animals go honorific male me female SUFFIXES. ka means interrogation or doubt na added to noun to form adj. ni added to noun to form adverb ya shops; occupation of workmen mono concrete noun koto abstract noun aa added to adj. forms an abstract ndun gata plural (polite) tachi plural domo plural (less polite) CONTRACTIONS. da=dc '■ atu deau=de arimaaa daUa= -de atta deaiiita—de arimaahita desho- =de arimaaho daro=de aro ja=de tua ya—wa after indefinite form of the verb (2nd base) e. g. ahi ya ahi-nai cha=te iva; e.g. ahicha^shite wa chau= -te ahimau chatta- =te ahimaita: e.g. waaurechatta mon= mono nan=nani tc=to itte mo ; to iu ; to itla ( 5) PREFACE The compiler is indebted for the idea of this book to that very practical series of little dictionaries called Nutf s Conversatioii Dictionaries. Tho ex- ecution of tho work would have proved an inipossi- bility but for the excellent English- Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language by Hobart- Hai'.ipden and Parlett, mIucIi has been consulted continually. Frequent use has also been made of Imijrie's Etymology. This book is intended for the use of tourists and now residents who wish to speak a little Japaneio. The compiler has endeavoui-ed to mako the book as practical and simple as possible, at the sacrifice sometimes of other good qualities: he will l^a more pleased to receive the thanks of the beginner than the praise of the learned. It will bo found that the Japanese in this Dic- tionary is, on the whole, the ordinary, every -day, homo-like, middle-class, colloquial language that one generally hears: the very rude and the extra- polite ways of speaking have purposely been avoided. INDEX. Pages. Abbreviations I Pronunciation II Prefixes, Suffixes, Contractions Ill GRAMMATICAL INTROliuCTioN. * * Writing 7 Conjugation of the Verb 12 Voices of Verbs L5 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Ifi Compound Verbs 16 Observations on some Verbs 17 Adjective 19 Comparison of Adjectives 21 Pronoun 21 Article 22 Noun 22 Cardinal Numbers 23 Auxiliary Numerals 24 Ordinal Numbers 26 Fractional Numbers 27 Honorifics, Polite Words 27 Postposition 29 Interrogations 29 Order of Words 30 Homonyms 30 Weights and Measures 31 DICTIONARY 33 List of words with dialogues IV Common useful phrases V ( T ) GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION. WRITING. The Japanese characters are of three kinds: o) The Kan-ji, a collection of several thousand signs or ideographs of Chinese origin, in which each sign corresponds not to a sound but to an idea. Three or four thousand of these characters are known to people of moderate education, and this niimber is enough to read the newspapers and write about everyday matters. 0) The Hira-Gana, a collection of 50 cursive signs in which each sign corresponds to the sound of • syllaljlc. c) The Kaia-Kana, a collection of 50 angular signs in which each sign corresponds to the sound of a syllable. In the following table the first sign is Hira-Oana and the second Kala-Kana. 2047160 a hr e ^- ( i 8 ) o ^'^r u 5 :> ba \l.;^* ge tf^* gi r^ go C'^a' gU CiJ'' ha U^> he *^^^ hi ho li^. ka ii>^ ke \1^ ki |5 ^ ko C 3 ku < if ma ^ -sr me ^J mi ^\ mo ^^ mutf A na lli- ne ki^ ni i:- no O/ nu lO^ pa (jfvN pe •^ ^ pi (:A°t* po a-** pu J^7' ra ^ ^ re ^. IX ri i> J? ro hv ru S>'ix sa ?-3^ se i^-fe shi L^y so ^J s>\x "^ :^ taf2>S? te -Cr to c h tsuO 5^ wai) 7 Cw)e^:z: (w)i^^ (w> 5^7 ya J?3^ ye ;i^ yo l^ yu ^9 J. za ^r ze ^.^* zo ^y" zu -^^X final m or n A/ i^ (9) All Japanese writing begins at the top right-hand corner and is written in columns downwards. Odd words and short sentences are sometimes written in horizontal lines: they are usually, though not always, to be read from right to left. It is impor- tant to notice the little accents^^ (or °) wliich modify certain sounds; these modified sounds are called nigori These accents show us that in Japa- nese ga, for instance, is only a modified pronuncia- tion of ka and not a totally different sound. This may very frequently be observed when words enter into composition; thus, from akai (red) and kane (metal) we have akagane (copper). The following syllables are written by means of two kana symbols. cha sha cho sho chu ahu -f x/" i- ^ 'f ^ + -y 3 3 a, 3. ja JO JU f or ^-i r or '^ ^' or ^y + + a 3 3. 3. hya hyo hyu kya kyo kyu fc t t ^ ^ ^ ■Y 3 3. -V a zx. hya byo byu 9y<^ gyo gyu M M t^ ¥ ¥ ¥ •V 3 n. -^ -V 3 pya pyo pyu mya myo M tr tr i i ir 3 :i. -i- 3 nya nyo nyu rya ryo ryu =L s. — ^ 1} ^ + n .■3. + a 3. ( iw ) The double letters in Japanese are : kk, mm, nn, pp, as, tt, ssh (— shsh), tch (= chch), tts (= teU). Except ?nm and nn, they are generally written ia kana by replacing the first component by tsu (o or )!> ), thus : rippa is ^Titten ri-tsu-pa ^i ^ ^ dolchi is wTitten do-tsu-chi Y ^ ^ Double m or n would, of course, be written thus: mi-n-na i y -)- The correct wn.y to write long vowels is not easy to explain ; they m^^.y, however, be written by the novice by simply repeating the vowel : thus : Tokyo Y ir ii-3 ir Without pretending to go into details as to the Kan-ji, some of the simpler numbers are given* as they can frequently be recognised in the prices of things or the hours of trains. 1 — M -Y 20 n 30 H 70 -fc U7 2 - - + + -t- ^ 3 H 12 j; 20 iJ- 30 flf go ^-^ « 4M -21-400 + -b 5 3£ 13 -f -Y -t qn -I, «^^ - - 5oi ^'^orsimply l^ ''1 ''1 -t- 100^ H 8 A ^ 9 ii etc. 10 + etc. 60 ^.c 1000 =p ( 11) The numbers 1, 2, 3 and 10 ore abo written thus : 1 ^ 2 jj; 3 # 10 js> The following characters may often be seen : ^ gozen, (morning) X gogo, (afternoon) kudari, (for down-trains from Tokyo) nobori, (for up -trains to Tokyo) T z. ± ^ deguchi, (way out) '^ iriguchi, (way in) ;^ A;m, tanc, (monej% metal) E or p^ yen, ifj s/ii, (city) PJ" viachi, (town) ^ or ^ sen. m Tokyo Yokohama Kobe ^ Nihon, ^ banchi, (house- ^ Taisho, ^ (Japan) ^ nimiber) ]£ (year-name) ip ncn, (year) ^ getau, tsuki, Q nichi, hi, (month, moon) (day, sun) Bf ji, (hour) ^ /mm, (minute) i^ adma, (Mr) S ri, ( = 2-4 X cho, (=120 A. 'li'o. (human miles) yards) being) H otoko, (man) -^ onna, (woman) ^p. ko, (child) ■^ okii, (big) /]> chiisai, (small) ^Jc mizu, (water) ^ Tnaru, (suffix to names of ships) Jjt iori, (ice) When the characters are written with a brush, sometimes the form is the same as the printed characters, sometimes another form is employed ; just as in English the written letters are different to the printed ones. ( 12) CONJUGATION. The following is not an attempt at giving a com- plete or scientific conjugation of t^e Japanese verb; this is long and complicated. We have only endea- voured to show the easiest way of forming those parts of the verb in most common use. This book is only intended for begianers; and we believe that the novice will derive more benefit from learning a short abstract of the verb such as given here, than by trying to remember all the forms of the full conjugation. TABLE I. (Bases) 1 2 3 4 5 6 au bu ai bi att nd aw£» ba a b ao bo iu ku ii ki id itt it ga iwa ka g i k go iwo ko mu mi nd ma m mo nu ni nd na n no ou 01 ott owa o o aru an att ara ar aro eru en ett era er er5 e*ru iru e iri et itt e ira er ir eyo iro iru oru 1 ori it ott 1 ora ir or lyo oro uru su tBU uri shi chi utt shit tt ura sa ta ur s t uro s5 to uu m utt uwa u uo iku kuru SUTU 1 iki ki shi KREGUXA itt kit shit B VERBS ika ko shi ik kur sur iko koyo shiyo ( 13 ) TABLE II. AFFIRMATIVE. NEGATIVE. 1 yobu 1 yobu , 3 yondE IRU , 2 yoMMASC , 3 yondK laiSV 3 yondx , 3 yond'E ITA . . . . , 2 yoftlMASHITA 3 y07tdE IHASUITA . 8 yobo , 2 jtoWmasho . . . . , 1 yobu DESH5 8 yondE IRD DESBo 3 yoiutE 8 yonds ITE . . . . , 2 J/ofriMASHrTB . . . , 2 o yobi , 3 yonds , 3 yotidTj o KURE . , 2 O yobi NASAI . . . , 3 yondE kfbasai 2 o yobi kudasai . . 2 yobiTki , 6 yob'KBA. , 3 yonds IKEBA . . . . 3 yondARA. 3 yonds ITARA. .... 3 tfo*^*^5 , 3 ponds ITAKS . . . . , to call 4 yoba-'Sii call, or am calling called, or was calling shall call, or probably caU calling caUI wish to caU if call if called 4 yoba-TSKl 3 yondE I-NAl 2 2/o6iMASEN 3 yondE XUASES 4 j/06a-NAKATTA 3 yandE i-nakatta 2 yoftlMASEN DESHITA 3 yondE iuasgn deshi- TA 4 yoba-THkl DESH5 3 yondE I-NAI DESH3 2 yobiUASEV DiBHO 3 yondE IHASEN DESHS 4 yoba-'SAl DH 4 yoba zv KI 4 yeba-SAKVVS 1 yobu ft A. 4 t/oiXt-NAI DE ETTKl 3 yondE WA IKE-NAI 3 yondE WA IKEMASEH 4 yoba-V AI DE n 4 yoba-KAl DE KITDASAI 2 yobiliAKV NAl 4 yoba-V AKEViSBi. 3 yond& I-HAE^ZSA 4 t/oto-NAKATTABA 3 yondE IS AKAXTASLA probably 4 yofta-iTAKATTAR5 called 3 yoTids i-nakattaro ( 14) With regard to Table I, the column 1 gives the terminatioii of the verbs as found in the Dictionary, As the bases of all verbs ending in e.ru and iru are not formed in the same way, some have been dis- tinguished by a decimal point (cru; i-ru): be care- ful to note whsther the verb has or has not tloia point. Table IT shows what terminations are to be added and to which base they niust bi added. In order to conjugate any verb, first f&rm the bases as per Table I and then add to the proper base the termination shown in Table II. Take the verb yohu, for instance. According to the second line of Table I we shall have as bases 1 yohu, 2 yobi, 3 yond, 4 yoha, 5 yob, 6 yobd. 'Many tenses have in Japanese a simple form as yohu corresponding to the passing act and a com* pound foiTn (composed of the gerund and the au- xiliary verb i'ru or oru) as yonde iru which corres- ponds to the contmued act. Thus yobu means I call, yonde iru I am calling. Yohu and yonde iru have the same meanings respectively as yohimasu. and yonda inuisv. but the latter arc more polite. In each case in which a distinction is to be made, the polite forms will be found at the end of the tense. In the imperative, the forms in kudasai are the only really polite ones. The othera savour more or less of a command and should be used only. to inferiors. The meaning of the Japanese affirmative future tense is not so much futurity as uncertainty. ( 15 ) Besides the forms given of the probable past tense we may also obtain others by adding daro or desho to any form of the past tense. The gerund is often used for continuing sentences without the use of a conjunction. For instance : I bought a book hon wo kalmashiia; I bought a book and returned home hon wo katte uchi ni kacrimash'ita. The conditional serves not only to express a con- dition, but is often used to indicate other relations especially that of time. _ The present or past of the verb followed by n'ara, the 1st form of the present followed by to^ and the gerund followed by ■U'a, are often about equivalent to a conditional. The desidorative form of the verb is equiva- lent to a true adjective and has the inflexions of one. For instance: I wish to call, yobitai; if you •wish to call, yobitakereba; I do not wish to call, yobitaku nai ; etc. See pp. 10, 20. It is well to remark that the second base of a verb is frequently used by itself, and in this case it is generally equivalent to a noun. It is called the stem and is met with frequently as the first component of a compound. VOICES OF VERBS. The Passive is formed by adding re'r\i to the 4th base. In verbs ending in e-ru or i'ru, add rareru to the same 4th base. E.g.: korosu to kill, koro- aare-ru to bo killed; tahe-ru to eat, taberare-ru to be eaten. The subject of the Japanese passive is the person affected by the action of the verb ; 1 herefore not necessarily the direct object. The use of the ( 16) Japanese passive is very different from the English passive. The Causative voice is obtained by adding se-ru to tlie 4th base. In verbs ending in e-ru or i-ru, sasp'ru is added to the same 4th base. E.g.* kau to buy, hawase'ru to have bought (by somebody); koshirae-ru to make, koshiraesase'ru to have made; I shall liave a tal)le made lebdm wo koshiraesase- mavho. The causative may have two meanings : (a) to cause to do ; and (b) to allow something to be done. Tl'.e Potential: — The Passive does service as a Potential also. Besides this, most verbs (not those ending in e-ru or i-ru) have another form of potential obtained by adding e-ru to the 5th base. Passive, Potential and Causative verbs all end in e-ru ; they may be conjugated regularly. TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE VERBS. In English it often happens that the same verb is both transitive and intransitive: in Japanese such verbs have usually only the stem rn common. E.g. kowasu (trans.), koware'ru (intr.) to break. I broke the plate sara wo kowashimashUa; the plate broke sara ga kowaremashita. COMPOUND VERBS. Besides the compound forms of the simple ten- ses, of which we spoke above, the Japanese have a very large number of compound verbs: e.g. from noru to get on to, and kae'ru to change, we obtain nori-kacru, to change trains, carriages, etc. The first component is the 2nd base of the verb. ' 17 ) OBSERVATIONS ON SOME A^ERBS, The negative form of the verb aru to be, to have, must be earefuUy noticed and remembered. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE aru . . . . arimasu atta arimash'ii i aru . . . . arimash atte . . areba . . attara . attaro . infinitive present past future nai ariviasen nakatUi arimasen deshlta nai dexho arimasen desiio gerund nakitte confl. present nakereba cond. past nakallara probable past nakattaro The different contractions of the verb de aru are somewhat confusing to a beginner; as this verb is of such frocjueut use we shall give it in the form of a conjugation. AFFIKMATB'E NEGATIVE de aru, da = de aru desU = de arimasH . datta = de atta deshlta := de arimashila daro = de aro desho = de arimasho . . datlara = de attara . . . dattaro = de attaro. . . . infinitive present past futiu'e cond. past probable past de wa nai dewa nai de toa arimasen de wa nakatta dewa arimasen deshlta de tea nai desho de wa aritrtasen deshS de nakattara de wa nakattarS ( 18 ) Tho following list of forms of common verbs that are pronounced alike or nearly alike may be useful. He gerund of i-ru to be itte gerund of iku to go, of iu to say, of iru to need vru to be iru to need kacru to come back kae-ru to change oru to be, oru to break orimasu present of oru to be, present of oru to break, present of ori-ru to get o2 kiru to cut ki-ru to put on suru to do (irrecular) 8ur^ to shave (regular) toru to take tcru to pass imasu present of vru to be iitnasu present of I'm to say shite gerund of sitru to do ahitte gerund of shiru to know kiite gerund of kiku to hear kite gerund of kuru to come, kiru to wear kitte gerund of kiru to cut ii second base of iu to say ii colloquial form of yui, second base of yuu, to do up a woman's hair ii the adj. good. ( 19) AD J ECTXVE. Adjectives in Japanese, as in English, have no gender, number, nor case. There are three principal classes of adjectives: true adjectives, adjectives in na and no, presents and pasts of verbs. The adjective may be used in four ways: 1) as an attribute, in which case it is placed before the noun: e.g. high house takai uchi; kind man sh insets il na hito. 2) as a predicate in ordinary sentences: e.g. this house is high kono vxhi tea takai : that man is kind ano hito ua shinselsu de ariynasu [desu]. The verb 'to be' need not be translated when followed by a true adjective. 3) as a predicate in polite sentences with the verb gozaimasu: e.g. that tree is high ano ki wa iako gozaimasu ; that man is kind ano hito wa shinsetsU de gozaimaaH. 4) as an adverb: e.g. that tree has becorne high ano ki wa takaku narimashlta; that man behaved kindly ano hito wa shinsetsix ni ahita. True adjectives end in at", ii, oi, ui, their termi- nations according to the way in which they are used are shown in the following tables. attribute takai predicate takai predicate with \- tako gozaimaa adverb yasashii yasashii shiroi shiroi samui samui > 1 \ tako yasaahiu shird aamu u J takaku yasashiku ahiroku samuku ( 20 ) What remains after suppressing the final » of a true adjective is called the stom; it is ofto:i used as the first component of a compound. True adjectives have a kind of conjugation whicii is obtained from the adverbial forms; adverb takakv past taLa/:\Tri. was high future takai.AiKb will be high gerund takahi th being high cond. present takatKHEnx if is high cond.past takak\TTAiiA if wlis high probable past takaksTTARb i^robably was high The negative forms of the true adjective are obtained from the adverbial; they are illustrated in the following example: yoku well yoku nai not good yoku nalcu not well yoku nakatta was not good yoku nakaro will not bo good yoku nakide not being good yoku nakereba if is not good yoku nakatlara if was not good yoku nakcUlaro probably was not good No desu (sometimes abbreviated to n' desu or to desu) is often added to true adjectives used as predicates : e.g. this house is high kono uchi wa takai (no) desu. No desii is likewise often added to the final verb of a sentence. Adjectives in na (or no) change na (or no) into de when used as predicates, or gerunds, and into n» when vised as adverbs. ( 21 ) The presents and pasts of verbs are frequently used as attributes; but as predicates in ordinary sentences they again become true verbs. Their use will bo understood by this example: a fat woman fulotta onna; that woman is fat ano onna wa futotte imasu. COMPARISOX OF ADJECTIVES. The comparison of adjectives is geneitilly not ex- pressed but implied in Japanese: which is the cheap- er? dotchi ga ydsiii? dotchi no ho ga yasui? which is the cheapest? dore ga yasui? These sentences all mean: which is cheap? This is the clieapest (of two or more) kore ga ya- sui; (of two) kono lid ga yasui. The use of the word 'than' is shown in the Dic- tionary. The superlative may be translated by ichiban: this is the best kore ga ichiban ii. PRONOUN. The personal and possessive pronouns are seldom used in Japanese; the context and use of humble words or honorifics are usually enough to show which person is being spoken about. As the sentences translated in this Dictionary have no context, a much freer use of the personal pronoun has been made than is usual in ordinary speaking. There are no relative pronouns in Japanese: ex- amples of how sentences containing relative pro- nouns can be translated, may be found under the words That, Who, Whom, Which. ( 22 ) ARTICLE There are no articles in Japanese. NOUN Abstract nouns are formed by adding: o) koto to an adjective or to the present or past of the verb; Jiayai rapid, hayai koto rapidity; ki ivo tsukeru to be careful, kl wo tsukeru kulo attention; 6) sa or mi to an adjective stem; takai high, takasa height; amai sweet, atnami sweetness; r> kc to a noun: shio salt, ahiokr. saltncss. Concrete nouns are sometimes formed by adding mono to nouns, or to the stems of adjectives or verbs: e.g. inaka the country, inaka-iitono a rustic; aoi green, aomono vegetables; kau to buy, kaimono purcha.se. The names of Trades, Artisans, Shops and Shop- keepers are formed by adding ya to the name of the article dealt in: e.g. sakana fish, sakana-ya fishmon- ger (the man or the shop). The sex of the animal is seldom referred to; when it is necessary to do so, it can be done by prefixing oloko no or o for the males, and onna no or me for the females : e.g. ushi any bovine animal, oloko no uslii or o-usfii a bull, on>}a no nslii or me-ushi a cow. The plural number may be expressed by adding domo, lachi, or gata (which is more polite). These suffixes, however, are rarely neccssarj' and seldom used. (23) CARDINAL NUMBERS. This subject is somewhat complicated. In tho first ten numbers there are three different sets of numerals. 1 ichi hitotsu hii 2 ni jutatsu ju 3 aan mittsu mii 4 shi (or yo or yon) yottsu yb 5 go itsutsu ii (or itau\ 6 roku muttsu mu 7 shichi (or nana) nanatsu nana 8 hachi yatlsu ya 9ku koi konotau kokono (or / 10 ju to td 11 ju-ichi ju- ichi ju-ichi 12 ju-ni ju-ni ju-ni etc. etc. etc. 20 711-/5 100 hyaku 21 ni-ju-ichi 300 aam-byaku 22 niju-ni 600 rop pyahu 30 san-ju 800 hap-pyaku 40 shi-ju 1000 aen 60 go-ju 3000 aan-zen 60 roku-ju 10000 ichi -man 70 shichi-ju (or nana-ju) 100000 ju-man 80 hachi -ja 1000000 hyaku -man 90 ku-ju rei ( 24) The third set is used in counting over things, e.g. linen to be sent to the wash; one. two, three hii, fu, viii In otiicr cases the sot to be used depends on the noun to which tlio numeral refers: a) a few nouns, (units of time, money, weight or moasiiro), tako the first sot witliout any auxihary numeral ; in this case the numeral precedes the noun: e.g. two yen ni-ycn; fifty son go-jis-scn; three o'clock san-ji; six hours rokti-jlkan. h) most nouns take the first sot with an auxili- ary numeral; in this case the order is: noun, n'.imeral. auxiliary numeral: e.g. six men hito roku- nin; eiijht plates sara hachi-mai; three books hon ean-satsu. c) a good many nouns take the second set; the numeral is placed after the noun: e.g. two eggs ta- mago juiatsu; three chairs isu mittsu; four boxes ha- k9 yottsu d) a few nouns tako the second set after suppres- sing^ the final tsir. the numeral comes before the noim: e.g. two nights ftita-ban; three boxfuls mi- hako; eight months ya-tsuki. House numbers are expressed by the first set of numerals followed by ban if they refer to the Euro- pean part of tlie town, or banchi if they refer to the Japanese part. AUXILIARY NUMERALS. The auxihary niunerals are very numerous; we shall only name a few of the most common ones. In every cose we have followed the numeration far enough to show the irregularities there may be. ( 25) NIN fr>i' men: 1 hitori, 2 fulari, 3 san-nin, 4 yottarif or yo-nin, 5 go-nin, 6 roku-nin, etc. HON for cylindrical things, such as sticks, trees pens, etc: I ip-pon, 2 ni-hon, 3 sam-bo7i, 4 shi-hon, 6 go-hon, 6 rop-pon, 7 shichi-hon, 8 hachi-hon, 9 kti- hon, 10 jip-pon, etc. MAI for flat things, such as, shoots of boards, coats, rugs, etc: 1 ichi-viai, 2 ni-rnai, etc. DAI for rikishas, carriages, etc: I ichi-dai, 2 ni-daif 4 yo-dai ^ etc. HiKi for animals, excepting birds: 1 ip-piki, 2 ni- hiki, 3 sani-biki, 4 slti-hiki, 5 go-Iiiki, 6 rop-piki, 7 ahichi-hiki, 8 hachi-hiki, 9 ku-hik , 10 jip-piki, etc. WA for birds : I ichi-wa, 2 ni-wa, 3 sam-ba, 4 shi- wa. 5 go-wa, 6 roku-wa, 7 shichi-wa, 8 hachi-iva, 9 ku-wa, 10 jip-pa, etc. HAi for glassfuls, cupfuls, etc. 1 ip-pai, 2 ni-hai, 3 sam-bai, 4 shi-hai, 6 go-hai, 6 rop-pai, 7 shichi- liai, 8 hachi-hai, 9 ku-hai, 10 jip-pai, etc. FT7KU for scrolls, sips of tea, whiffs of tobacco, doses of m.edicine, etc. 1 ip-pulai, 2 ni-fuku, 3 sam- buku, 4 shi-fjikm, 5 go-fuku, 6 rop-puku, 7 shichi- juku, 8 hachi-f-uku, 9 kujuku, 10 jip-puku etc. 8ATSU for books I is-satsu, 2 ni-sat»u, 3 san-acit- au, 4 ahi-aaisu, 5 go-satau, 6 yoku-satsu, 7 $hichi- aatsu, 8 haa-satsu, 9 ku-aatsu- 10 jia-scUau, etc. SOKtJ for pairs of socks, boots, clogs, etc. I ia-ao- ku, 2 ni-aoku, 3 aan-zoku, 4 ahi-aoku 5 go-aoku, 6 rokusoku, 7 ahichi-aoku, 8 hcu-soku, 9 ku-aokUf 10 ji»-»oku,' etc ( 26) When yoii don't know wlDch is the proper auxi- iiary number to use you had better ennploy the second set of numerals. It may not be correct Japanese, but you will be understood; whereas if you use an incorrect auxiliary numeral you may not be understood at ?.ll. For instance, if instead of sara ni-mai [two plates] you say snra jutatsn, it is not right but it is intelligible, sara ni-hon is unintelligible. ORDINAL NUMBERS. The ordinal numbers are formed from the car- dinal. In cases a) and d) (page 23) you add me to the noun: e.g. the tiiird ho\iT aan-jikan-mc; the second night futaban-7ne. In the case of nouns belonging to class b) you fidd me no to the auxiliary numeral. The order of the words is: numeral, auxihary numeral, me no, noun; the auxiliary numeral can always be replaced by ham. E.g. the sixth man roku-nin-me nohito, roku- bam-m,e no hito; the third book san-aatsu-me no hon, ean-bam-me no hon. In the case of c) add me no to the numeral and put the noun at the end: e.g. the third chair "mittsu- me no iau. ( 27 ) FRACTIONAL NUMBERS. a half a third a quarter three quarters hambun aani-bun no ichi ah i -bun no ichi ahi-bun no aan three quarters of an apple ringo no ski -bun no aan _ B bun no A Miscellaneous numerical expressions will be found under the words : how, age, time, year, month, day, date, money, etc. HONORIFICS. POLITE WORDS. Honorifics are in constant use in Japanese. They largely take the place of personal and possessive pronouns of the second person: thus o tomodachi the honorable friend, means, your friend. The honorific particles are o and go; they are very frequently placed before nouns, and some- times before adjectives. In verbs it sometimes happens that there is a special verb for the action of the second person, if this second person is being treated with respect : I saw mimashUa; you saw goran nataimasM t a [deigned to glance]. When no special word exists, the verb may sometimes be rendered more respectful thus: 1) the honorific o; 2) the second base of the verb ; 3) naaaru, ni nam, or d« goxaru- ( 28 ) Besides this use of honorifics in verbs, which con- sists in distinguishing my act which is ordinary from your act, which is honorable, there are some polite forms of verbs and some special verba which are to be used when speaking to a superior, irrespective of the person who performs the action of the verb. The commonest example of this arp the forms of the verb ending in tnasa, etc: aruku [I walk, you walk, he walks] does when speaking to an inferior or a chum; but ariikiiyiasu. should be use when speaking to anybody to whom we owe respect. Likewise desu, dc.-^liita and d^sho are more polite than da, datta and daru. By fre- quently replacing the verb aru by gozaru, we can make our conversation still more markedly polite. Women as a rule, use honorifics and polite words much more freely than men It is not possible to put every sentence in this Dictionary in both the familiar and polite forms. The reader must mrxke the changes which the circumstances may demand. It has become the custom always to use an honorific prefix before certain words, as : o yu hot ■water; o cha tea; and in these cases the honorific means next to nothing. Indeed, in some instances, the honorific has become incorporated m the word and has etitirely lost its meaning, as: onaka [honor- able inside] the abdomen. Be careful not to mix up in one sentence polite and impolite expressions. Go hon wo kasJilte o kure lend me your book, would be wrong, because go hon is pohte and kashile o kure is a non-polite form of the imperative. (29) POSTPOSITION. A certain class of Japanese words are called post- positions because they are always placed after the word or clause to which they belong. They corres- pond generally to English prepositions or conjunc- tions. Wa or ga are used after the subject of a sentence; wo after the accusative case and ni after the dative. Wa is also used after a word or phrase, placed at the beginning of a sentence, to which it is desired to draw special attention. It is very diflficult to give a rule for the use of wa or ga after the subject of a sentence. INTERROGATIONS. Questions are expressed by putting ka after the verb. When there is already an interrogative word in the sentence, the final ka is not always necessary. Ikaga desu? or ikaga deau ka? are both correct. The Japanese 'yes' or 'no' refers not to the objective fact nor to what you have said, but to what they think is in your mind. You may often hear things hke th-« : Doko de katta no desu ka ? — lie, jihun de koshiracla no desu. Where did you buy it ? — No I made it myself ; i.e. your question supposes that I bought it somewhere, that is not so, I made it mj-self. The result of this custom is, that when answering a negative question they often, but not always, say 'yes' aayo de gozainvasu, where we would say 'no', and 'no' He, where we say 'yes'. Supposing you ask somebody : Kyo ikimasen ka ? 'areu't you going ( 30) today ?' If he does not intend to go he will say : Sayo de gozaimasu, and his meaning will be . 'The suggestion implied in your negative question is correct ; I am not going'. If on the other hand he does intend to go, he will answer : lie, and he means : 'It is not as you suggest ; I am going.' However, if the question is : Tetsudatte kndnsaima- sen f:n ? won't you kindly help me ? he will think you are counting on hi-s help, and his answer may be : K, trtsudattc agcinasu to mo. of course 1 will ; or lie. lets ltd a i.» as en no, I won't. The bogiuner will lind at safer always to answer que.stions by a verb in the affirmative or negative inflexion, and not merely by yes or no; and he had better always ask questions in the affirmative form. ORDER OF WORDS. In Japanese qualifying words precede the words they qualify; postpositions, of course, come after tho word or clause to which they belong. E.g. the red book akni lion ; of tho red book akai Hon no ; the price of the red book akai hon no nedan. The Older of a Japanese sentence is generally as follows: adverbs of time or place, or any word on which enphasis is laid; subject; clauses; dative; accusative; adverb; verb. HOMONYMS. The beginner must bear in mind that in Japan- ese homonyms are extremely numerous. A large number of the words of one or two syllables have several meanings; not a few of them have as many as ten or more. Even among words of three syl- lables homonyms are frequently met with. ( 31 ) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES With approximate equivalent in European units. Linear Measure 10 bu = 1 sun = 1-2 in. =0-03 metre 10 sun = 1 shaku = 11-93" =0-303 " 6 shaku =:1 ken = 5-97 feet = 1-818 " 60 ken = 1 cho = 119 yds. = 109 36 cho = 1 ri :=2-44: miles =3927 " 1 inch =0-84 sun 1 foot = 1-006 shaku 1 mile = 14-8 cho > metre = 3-3 shaku 1 kilom =9-2 ch5 Cloth Measure 10 bu = 1 sun = 1-5 in. =0-038 metre 10 sun = 1 shaku = 14-9 in. =0-379 " 10 shaku = lj5 = 12-4 feet =3-79 " 1 foot =0-8 shaku 1 metre = 2-64 " ISl.B. — The shaku of ordinary linear measure is called kane-jaku, that of cloth measure kujira- jaku. The latter is J longer than the former. 1 knnc-jnku- 08 kujira-jaku 1-25 kane-jaku=l kujira-jaku. Square Me.\sure (for land) 1 teubo =6 kane-sliaku 8q.r=3§ sq. kane-shaku =i3-05 sq. yards =3*30 sq. metres. 300 tsubo=l tan 10 tan=l cho. 1 sq. yard =0-253 tsubo 1 acre =1224 " 1 sq. metre=0-303 " ( 32) Capacity 10 shaku = 1 go =0-318 pints =0-18 litre 10 gr, = 1 sho r=3-lS " =1-8 " 10 sho = 1 to =r3-97 gallons =18 10 to = 1 koku =4-96 bushels = 180 " 1 pint = 3-15 g5 1 htre = 5-54 g5 Weight 10 fun =1 mome. =212 dram =3-75 gram IfiO momc.= l kin =1-32 lbs .=G00 lOOO mome.= l kan =8-27 lbs. =3-75 kilogr. 1 lb. =:121 mome. 1 ton ^271 kamme. 1 kilogr. =267 nnome. The picul equals 100 kin or 132 lbs. ENQLISH=JAPANESE CONVERSATION DICTIONARY. A There is no indefinite article in Japanese 1 A means one pleiirJ" p:vn nie a pear nashi no lutottn /.iidasai 2 A r.wans eacli how much a toot? shaku (de) ikurnf four times a month Isuki (ni) yo-tahi Abacus sorobun Abandon yaine'ru ; (a person) sUte-ru to a . . . hope omoi-kiru Abdomen onaka; hara Ability to the he?t of my a... de- kiru dake a man of great a. . . rikd na hlto Able See CAN to be a . . . deki'ru a. . . bodied iobu na Abortion (dead) ryilzan: (pre- inuiuio birth) Uukitarazu; (wilful) datai About 1 Ajpproximate amount: gu- rai; nodo; bnkari a... how nuicJi (quantity)? donn ijurai arima.sii ka? (price) ik:ura ourui dcsii ka? a. . . this much kano tjnrai a. . . ten sen jis-sen (lurai a. . . how long does it take? jikan wa dono gurai kakari- masii ka? it t;vkes a ... 2 hours ni-jikan niinti knkarimn.su a . . . as big as this ko)wi gurai okii ni.nke it a... so high kono iiurai no takasa ni shite mo- ra iud 1 liaven't seen him for a. . . 3 months mi-tsuki bakari ai- masen there were a . . . a liundred sciiolars hyaku-nin bakari srito ija iUi 2 A))proximate moment or date: (icrj come here at a. . . .5 o'clocV Ov-ji froro o-ide naani It was just a. . . tlii.^ time last year chiido sakunen no ima' i/uro dcfih'ita 3 Almost but not quite I have a . . . linislied the book hon ivo mo sukoshi d-e yonde sliiimtimasu that's a . . . it sonna mon' de- shO 4 Somewhere round a. . . (around) the house uqhi no mfuvnri ni he is looking a... (every- where) hobo mite imasC, have you got a pencil a... you? anata wa empitsU too motte imasu ka? I walked a . . . the garden ni- wa wo arukimashita where a . . . doko ira a . . . here koko ira; kono hen About 34 Absurd is there a house to let a . . . here? kono hen ni Icashi-ya ga arimasu ka? 5 Concerning, occupied with what is it all a. . .? do shUa no liesu? while you are a . . . it sotw tsuide ni I know nothing a . . . that sono koto loa nani mo shiri- ma sen he was talking a... you anaVi no koto too hanashUe ima.shit/i I spoke to your father a . . . goinz tomorrow o to-snn ni ashlUi iku koto wo iimashUa I'll speak to him a. . . it (and see what can be done) haiM- shU". miinusho I'll speak to him a. . . it (for him to dUcoiitinue the bad practice) .<''• iimasho I'll speak to him a. . . It (and see whoMier he can do it) kiUe. ■niiiruisho what a . . . the letter? tegami loa? what did you say a... the letter? (when one has heard only the word "letter" and not the rest of the sentence) tegnmi ga do shiUt to iu no desn! wnat can I do a . . . this? kore voa ri/i sureba ii desfio? there is no doubt a . . . it ^ore nt ckwii nai the carpenter has come and say- sometliing a. . . his not being able to come perhaps tomonow dailcu ga kite nxki- ta wa korare-nai ka mo shire- masen to ka nan to ka iima- shlta. t Near future I am a . . . to start dekakeru tokoro dfsu; dekakeyo to sum tokoro desii it began to rain just as I was a ... to leave chodo dekakeru tokoro e ame ga luri-da muri dem (font be a... (in Pii^ech* Absurd baka na koto wo iu-na dont be a... (in acts) baka na koto wo suru-na Abundance takOsan; dossari Abuse (bad custom) heigai; warui shUkan; (rude speech) akutai to a... (misuse) ranyo suru; (revile) akutai wo tsuku Accent hatsuon; on you have a very good a. . . anata no ImUuon wa taihen yd gozainiasit he speaks correctly, but he has a bad a. . . ar^o hito wa m'lcliiiitiva-nai dc haiaishi- nuisu i.eredomo on ga unrui Accept ukeru; (consent) iltochi suru; (a favour) osa.'ue ru please a. . . this dozo kore wo osamete kudasai not to a . . . kntoiiaru [to refuse] he did not a. . . my otfer to go with him trnttakfishi ga is- sko ni iko to ittemo kotauari- mashita Accident there was an a. . . lui na ko- to ga vkorimashlta; jihcn ga atta I have had an a... (wound) kega wo shiinashita free from a . . . buji it was done quite a...aiiy hoiUo ni soso deshita Accompany to issho ni iku [to go together with]; soe'ru to a ... a letter by a pre- sent okuri-mono ni legaini wo soe'ru documents a...ing a letter tegami ni snele aru shorui please a. . . Mr. Tanaka to the door chotto Tanaka San wo de-guehi rnade o nii-ukuri wo shite o kure [to see him off] 35 Account Accord of its own a . . . Mtori-de ni of one's own a. . . jibun-gatte ni of your own a . . . go katte ni in a . . . ance with no tori ni; no tori de in a. . .ance with my promise yakHsoku no tori ni this is not in a. . .ance with your agreement sore wa o yakUsoku to chinaimasCi, According a ... to ni yoru to; ni yotte a . . . to your letter o tegami ni you to a. . . to what this person says— ano hito no ha)iashi rfe tva — a. . . to tlie laws of this coun- try kono ku7n no horitsU de a ... to circumstances baai ni yotte; ttiki ni yoltr the postage differs a... to the weight of the letter tegami rw mekata ni yotte ykbin-zei ga chigainmsti a... to the Asahi Shimbun there lias been a great earth- quake in America Asahi Shimbun ni yorrUi Amerika ni o-jishin no hanashi de wa — 3 Reason on a . . . of wo tame ni I did it on a. . . of yonanata no tame ni shiinashlta I am leaving on a . . . of the bad food lafte-mono ga wa- rui kara demagA [because the food is bad I am leav- ing] 1 didn't go on a... of the rain ame ga jurimashUa kara ikimasen deshita everybody is in difficulties on a . . . of this war kotio senso ni wa minna komatte iru ou no ii. . . let anybody see my letter keshUe iegami too dare ni mo mise-nai de kudasai 4 Estimation you must take the circimi- stances into a . . . baai too kangae-nakercba nara-nai it is of no a . . . nan de mo nai koto desa 5 Verb that a. . .s for it sore da kara 6 Various does this include everything? kono kanjo ni minna haitte imasu ka ? what is this? kore toa nan desn ka? I know nothing of this item kore wa watakUshi wa shi- ra-nai 1 have only had three bot- tles of beer biiru wo sam- bon tottu kiri desU the charges are too high liedan ga taka-sugimasU I wish to see, the landlord shujin ni aiiai I shall not pay this kore wa ftaraimasen Accusation kitsiimon; togameru koto Accustomed (to be - a ... ) na- rete i'ru to be a. . . to using tsiUcai- narete i'ru to be a to eating tabe- narete iru to be a ... to hearing hiki- narete i'ru I am a ... to foreign towels toatakushi wa taoruwotsukai- narete imasu I am not a ... to Japanese food watakUshi toa Nihon no gohan wo tai>*-narete ima- sen Ache 37 Admission Adie I have an ear-a... mimi ga itai to a. .. iiamu my head a... 8 oAama ga itamimaiH; atama ga itai Acid (adj.) sui; suppai Acknowledge (admit) mito- me'ru Acquaintance shiite iru hito Acquire (obtain) e'ru Across a . . . the road miehi no muko he went a . . . the park ano hito wa koen wo totfe iki- mashita how can one get a . . . the river? do shiie kawa wo toatirimasii kaf I came a. . . a friend yes- terday sakujitsA tomodachi ni aimashUa Act (deed) okonai; shiwaza to a. . . suru; (of the bowels) tsuji ga aru; daiben suru my bowels have acted twice this morning kesa ni-do tsUji ga arimashUa in the very a . . . sono ba de Action (act) okonai; shiwaza; (gesture) miburi I will bring an a. . . (at law) again&t you anata wo uttae- masu Active kappatsU na; mame na Actor yakusha actress onna yakushx; joj/U Actual (true) makoto no; hon- to no the a. . . facts jissai the a. . . cost moto-ne the a. . . condition genjo Add (calculation) yose'ru; shi- ' me'ru ; (one thing to another) kuwaerru please add it up yosete kuda- sai Address (in words) tokoro; taku,' (in writing) tokoro-gaki; (of a letter) -ate-na what is your a . . . .' anata no tokoro wa doko desa ka? o ta-ku wa doko desa ka? this is my ft. . . (refering to something written) witakiishi no tokoro-gaki toa kore desa my a . . . is — watakUshi ruy tokoro wa - — desu give me your a . . . (written) please o tokoro-gaki wo kudo- sai please write down the a. . . in Japanese Nihon no ji de tokoro-gaki wo kaUe kudasai please a . . . this letter for me uwagaki too kaite kudasai a. . . it to — — ni atete kudasai to whom is ttiis letter a...- ed? kono tegami wa dare ni kita no desA ka? ask for his name and a . . . namae to tokoro too kiite kure For house-number see p. 16 Adieu saj/onara Admirable kekko na Admiral kaigun-taisho Admire (personal action, etc.)' kanskin suru la... that (somebody's art) kanshin shimashlta la... that building ano tatt- monowarippada to omqiriM- sd [I think that building splendid] la... the colour of that sash ano obi no iro wa taihen ii Admission is a... free.' tada desa kaf a. . . ticket ni/uiSken Admit 38 Admit (let in) ircru; (ac knowledge) milomerti Adopt (a-i a ^oii) voshi wo sum; (of a daiialiter) yojo wo suru a. . .ed cliild morai-ko Adult n/imi Adulterate mize-mono suru I ff.'l Kur? tli.Tt this milk is a . . .d l\'n)io /ji/uin/ri y:a tuini hi iiuize-r.iono ga aru ni chi- na i mil Advince (improve) suxumu; (p;iV out on account of another) tatek-neru to a. . . in price ne-age wo ■iitru to pay in a . . . saki-barai s'jru mu't I pay in a. . .? saki-barai dcsi't kat Adv.'intaKe rieki; toku there is no a... toku ga nai to take a... of the circum- '^tance^ baai wo riyo suru Adventure lo fiave an a... lik'^n ni au a.,.r (injiio-t'ir) jiiimashi Advert Iscitijnt '.'livha t 1 idverti^e h'lku'-n mru Ad .'Ice (counsel) chdkoku a IKtPr of a . . . annni-jo Advise whr.t do you a... (your opinion)? anata wa do onio- iiTi isU ka> I a. .. you to do it -w sum hi) ga a dcxli/i fparhaps it w.i'ijd lie better to do it| Affair ^ce KCSixr.ss Afford (spend without serious detriment) vovH ga aru [to have spare money) Afraid I to be a... 'in t'v sen=p of Afraid real fear), generally trans- lated by the aid of the adj. kowai ; sometimes the verb knuvgaru; osoreru, I am a. . . kowai I am not a. . .kowaku nai ynu (he) are a. . . kowai no de- sho you (lie) are not a. . . kotcaku nai no dcsho are you a ... of me? anata wa wn/'ikOthi ga kowai no den a kat dout be a.,, kowagara-nai de mo a 1 am a . . . of cro^fiiin; the river tViitnknshi wi kc.wa wo wut'tru no ga kowai 2 Anxi.'tv what are you a... of? nnni ga kizukui na no di'^u.' I am a... of spollinq my dres? kiiiumo wo lioim^n no ga aliiniijdi d<'.<:i I was a... Ill; wmild not like it vionhi-iia « ki ni ira- vai ka to omottf uliii/ipai shimush'iUi I am a . . . you are tired ki:t'iH- ri't/i dr'iko I am a... I j-liall nut arrive in time jikan ni mn ni aioa- nai dirro to oindimusn [I think that probably 1 AiaXL not arrive in time! I am a... lie will be anLn"y rtjio liUo ga okoru daro to omoiinnshilii I am a. . . it won't be ready dckini'ifiUDvii til onioiiiuixn I am a... lie will not come today ky'i wa ko-iiai to omoi- ruusfi he is a. . . he (his friend) will not come tc.d.iy /.'"> toii ko- Afraid 39 Again nai to omoimasii 'tie [he says he is a . . . etcj lam a... we shall be late osuku nam ka mo shire masen I am a. . . something has hap- pened nani ka alta no ka mn shire-nai don't be a. . . to speak A-awi«i"- niasen kara go enryo naku o hanaslii 7Hisai After 1 Witii verb he came live minutes a... you had gone anata ga dete kari: <,o-lun bakari tattnra ki- mashJla a. . . he arrived I went to bed watakiishi wa ano liiio gu Isu- ite kara nemashita. Wata- kiifihi ira ano hUo ga txuiia kura nnmiahita would mean: I w ent to bed because he ar- rived a... I have said something I never go back on my words ichi-do ii-dush'itit (sic) kara ni I'M afo e wa. hika-nai 1 shall go out a... dinner (a. . . I have eaten my din- ner) gohan tco tabete kara de- kakemasho how shall we manage a... tathei' is dead? chichi ga shin- da suki wa do shile ittara yokarof a. . . looking carefully into it I found it was a mistake yoku sliirubctara rhigatte iru tU) ga wakariinashita 2 With noun I came in a . . . you watakushi wa arw.ta no ato ni kimashita a . . . that sore kara; ato de a. . . that I went out sore kara dtkakemashita you ato kara I'll come a . . mairiniasho a . . . you (please go Qrst) dozo o saki e I can go any time a. . . the fifth itsuka sugi nara tteie de mo ikarcmusa 3 Duration a. . . three years san-nen ato; san-nea t^ilie 4 Past (of the hours) we won't arrive till a. . . four yo-ji sugi ni tsakimasU it is a. . . twelve now mo jUr ni-ji sugi da I shall go a. . .5 o'clock go-ji sugi ni ikiinasho 5 Various a. . . all toto; tmmari I went a . . . all toto ikimashita a ... a short while sukoshi tatte the day a . . . tsttgi no hi day a . . . day hi-bi; mai-nichi month a. . . mouth tsitki-zuki year a . . . year nen-nen to run a. . . a person hito wo oi-kakeru to ask a, . . t person hito no koto wo lazuneni a... whom are you enquir- ing? dare wo tazuneru no desvL ka? one a . . . the other jun-jun ni a. . .wards ato de Afternoon gogo; hirurkara good a . . . konnichi wa Again 1 Definitely, once more once a . . . mo ichi-do write it a . . . please (as I want one more copy) mo ichi-do kaite kudasai don't do it a... (not even once) mo shite wa ike-nai as much a . . . mo sore dake Again 2 Vaguely, another time or times please come a... mata o-ide nasai raininR a... I mala ante ya iuri-dash'ita are you Roiiig to Tokyo a. . . toinoirow? as/iita mo Tokyo e irai.ihaimasu ka? 3 Ketuni to former state to come hack a . . . kaeru to get well a. . . naoru: yoku naru are you quite well a. . .? vin yok-u varimush ita ka ! [already recovoredj 4 ]Jo a... so as to correct sld-nuonu write a . . . so as to correct kaki-)mosii write it a... f^lease (as this has some mi-takes) kaki- naotiltile kudasai 5 Various a. . . and a. . . iku-do (dc) mo; tubi-tabi read it a... and a... until you know it by heart sora de vhoeru nuide iku-do (nw) yonde f/oran now ;iiul a. . . tnki-duki Against we are gouig a. . . th»: wind kaze ni mukuttc ikimasu, 1 have notliing to say ". ... it sore ni taishUe iu koto tea ariinasen Age what a. . .are you.' o toshi tea ikutsii desii ka? I am eight years of a... UHitaku.iM wa yattsu desu When speaking of age, you use the .second set of nu- merals; see p. 15 'i'he Japanese count their age 40 Agree by adding 1 on the fir>t of January. A baby is 1 from birth until the New Year, it becomes 2 then, even if only one day old. Agent d,nri Ago mae a long time a... (According to circumstances this may mean in English anytliing from a few hours to several centuries. The first expres- sion given is more or less general: the other three cor- respond to different lapses of time.) zutto mac; shiba- raku mae: sen; mukashi he woke a long time a. . . (e.g. 1 hour) shibarnku mae me wo aahuishimashUa I lived in that house a long time a... (e.g. 2 year?) sen wutakiishi wa ano uchi ni tunde orimaskita a lung time a. . . a great bat- tle was longht here mukashi knku ni <'i-ii:i'is(i ija attu I knew tliat long a. . . mu sen kara s/iitie iiiiasu, my father died a long lime a... (e.g. 20 years) chichi wa zuUu nifte ni shiuimashita a short wliile a... (hours) Sfikki; senkoku a few days a . . . senjitsU; kv.- ncidn 3 years a. . . san-nen mae not long a. . . sonna id mae no koto de wa nai Agony kulsu; haimnon Agree do you a . . . to this.' sore de ymoshii ka? do you a... with me (my opinion)? anata mo so omo:- masii ka.' Agree 41 AU I cannot a. . . to that shochi ga dekimasen I cannot a . . . with you so de ma nai desho ■we had a...d to this and it cannot be altered yaku- soku shita kara kaeru koto wa dekimasen Japanese tea does not agree with me Nihon no o cha wa waVikHshi ni yolcv, arimasen Agreeable see NICE Agreement yakiisoku; yaku jo to make an a. . . yakujo sum Ahead (first) saki; (in front) mvko I will go a... c saki ye iki- inasu you go a. . . (to an inferior) saki e o-ide go straight a... massugu ni vmko e o-ide nasai I cannot see a... muko ga mie-nai Air kaki pure a. . . ii kiiki close a . . . wand kuki to a ... a room heya ni kaze wo ireru to a... a mattress ffiton wo liosi'i fto dry a mattressl a. . . (t\ine) jushi to put on a. . .s kidoru Alcohol anikoru Alight v.i.oriru Alike to be a . . . nite rru they are both a. . . ryoho onaji desH exactly a. . . sakoshi mo chigawa-nai Alive (to be a . . . ) ikiie on* (not polite) is your father a . . . .« anata tea tu-san ga arimasii ka! my father is a. . . but my mother is dead chichi wa ikiie ima&U ga haha wa nakunarimashila All mina; minna. all .lapanese houses are very clean Nihon no ie wa minna taihen ni kirei desU I don't understand it all min- mi ire nakariniasen in all minna de how much all together.' minna de ii.ura dem ka? taking it all together (on the whole) daitai kara ieba all of us mina all of you mina san all day long ichi-nichi'jii all night long yo-iit, all tlie year round nen-ju all one's life ixsho; shinu made all the time shijH all right (in answer to: may I do this?) yoroshii; ii; (in answer to: shall I do this?) e; (in answer to: let's do this) ttie verb in the future all at once (suddenly) /ct,amV (all at the same time) ichi- do ni once tV,r all mo kore kiri all the better nao ii all tlie worse nao warui not at all (none, by no me- ans) siikoshi nw with neg; kesshite with neg; (after: thank you) do iUtshimashite 1 am not at all angry sUko- sh2 mo okoUe im/isen I don't understand it all chit- to mo toakarimasen this will ' not do at all kore de wa totemo ikemasen nothing at all nan de mo nai at all events do shite mo; to- nikaku mo AU 42 Almost all over (finished) mo o shi- mai; (covering everything) ifhimfn: (in great ouantity) darake it is all over tno o shimai de^'i; mo shi-lcaUi ga nai [there is no Jielp for it] all covere ith snow ichi- men ni yUKi ga /urimashita all over mud dcrro-darake all over the place doko ni de mo all to pieces mecha-mecha ni for all that sore na nn ni he will come on Sunday if he comes at all moshi mo ano hi to ga kuru to mreba ni- chiijd ni kimasil it is all the same onaji koto detu all the same (nevertheless) keredo}no all four died yottari tomo shinda all know shira-noi mono wa nai [double negative]; minna thitte imasu all men love money dare de mo kane wa suki desi'i after all tsumari; tolo after all I foraot it tOlu want- rele shiniatia after all he's only a boy of fouiteen taka ga ju-shi 710 kodmno ja nai ka? by all means zehi it id all gone mo nakunari- mashita this is all there is kore kin nai it is all soid out uri-kire- mashUa thatV all sore dake I have all I want mo takHtan with all my heart knkorn knra throw it sway box and all Jtako no mama de sMete o kure I inquired at all the books- ellers' finbo no hon-ya de kiile mimashUa did you two go all by your- selves? jutari dake de ikiina- maslvta ka? I pulled with all my strength chikara '-.vpai tii hippatta it will take all next year raU nen ippai knkaHmasA there is all this konna ni takO- san arimasii fir^t of all mazu nearly all taigai Allow (permit) yuntsiX did your father a... you? o to-san w't yurushimashUa ka? will you a . . . me.' yurushi kudasaimasen ka? a... me to offer you — See ACCEPT ; FOOD, is smoking a...ed here? koko de tnbako too nonde mo kaniairivasen ka! la... him to do as he likes ano h'llo no sUki na yo ni sanenuisu don't a... that to prevent yon .^onna kuto u>a kamatoa- ntti de mo ii you must not allow him into tlie house kesxhite uchi ye irete wa nara-nai a. . . him to go ikasete yari nasai even a...ing that sore ni shite mo Almost I am a . . . ready md tuko- thi de dekimasu See NEARLY Alone 43 Ambassador Alone leave me a... please kuma- wa-ruii de ktidasai all a. . . hitori de leave it a... siltitt uite o kure; (don't touch) ijira-nai de kure are the childrei; all a...' kodomo duke desu ka? did you two go &. . J fUtuii dake de ikinwshita Kai^ are are going a . . . ? o hitori de o-ide nasu imasu ka? he a . . . can do it sore ga dekiru no wa ano hito bakari da Along a. . . the river kawa ni sote I knew it all a . . . ha,ime kara sore wo shitte orimasu come a. . . o^ide nasai 1 will go a.'. . with you wwo ni ikiinasho to bring a. . . witk o;.e ic person or anijnal) Umrete kuni; i-\ thing) itujtte kuru Aloud oki na koe de Already mo I A single act mo 1 have a . . . seen it toaUi- kdshi wa mo tore too mima- shita 2 Kei)eated act mae ni mo I have a... heard that sore wa mae ni mo kikiinashita Also mo Bend ttiis a. . . kore mo yatte hudasai I will buy this a. .. kore mo iairruisho not only — but a... — — bakari de naku — mo put in not only this but a . . . that kore bakari de naku sore mo irete o kure Alter v.t. (change) teerw; (cor- rect) naoxu I want this a . . . ed kore wo naoshite moraitai Although kcredomo; mo; no ni See THOUGH Altogether how much does it come to a. ..? minna de ikura desa ka? it is a . . . impossible do thite mo dekimasen it is a... wrong marude chi- guimasii he is not a . . . happy son- vo- ni onioshiroku nio nai sS desu See ALL Always (without exception) itsa dc mo; (without intenuption) shiju he is always out when I go wataknshi ga iku toki ni wn ilau de mo rusu desU the kitchen of that house is a. . . kept clean ano uchi no daidokoro wa itsd de mo kirei ni nalte, imatif< that child is always crying 0410 ko wa shijii naite iru are you a... in pain? shijii. itamimasit ka? have you a... lived in To- kyo (from the beK'inning)? hajime kara Tokyo ni o sumi desrX ka? has Japan a... been divi- ded into ken (from a long time ago)? mukashi kara Ni- hon wa ken ni wakarete in^U ka? are crows a . . . black (every one of them)? karasu wa minna kuroi mono desH ka? XmAtein shirdto Ambassador tniRJii America 44 America Amerika; (in com- pounds) liei I am an American wataku- shi wa Amerika-jin desO, the American legation Bei- koku koshi-kan Amiable yasashii Among 710 naka ni; no uchi ni a . . . friends, tomodachi no naka ni a. . . these people there's not one that 1 know kono uchi ni shi tie iru hUo wa hitori mo an ma sen please choose from a. . . these kono uchi kara erande kuda- sai there are some good ones a . . . them naka ni wa ii no mo am Amount taka; minna de what is tlie a....^ minna de ikura desu ka? :t depends on the a... of luggage nimotsu no taka ni yorimasu whole a . . . so-daka to find the a. . . shime'ru Amuse tanoshimaseru; aso- baseru; omoskirogarase'ru it is very a... iug taihen omn- shiroi those children are a . . . ing themselves over that game ano kodomo-tachi wa taiso omoshtro-so ni asonde imasu I am a...d at the monkey watakHshi wa saru ga omo- shiroi no desu to a ... a baby akambo wo ayasu Ancient mukashi no And The conjunction of nouns is expressed by placing to after each, but the last to i« generally omitted. Angry bring my hat and umbrella boshi to kasa wo moUe kite kure I have bought a pen, a pen- cil and some paper pen to, empitsu to, kam-i wo kaima- shita The conjunction between two clauses of a sentience is ex- pressed by putting the verb of the first clause in the ger- undial form. the boy caught a bird and gave it to his friend kodomo ga tori wo totte tomodachi ni yarii.-ishUa you ought to work and not talk hanashi wo ahi-nai de hataraku fiazu da The conjunction of adjective? may generally be expressed by putting all, except the last, in the gerundial form. a loug and interesting letter nagakixte omoshiroi tegami pretty and dear kirei de takai fat and dirty (Utotte kitanai the letter that came this morning was long and in- teresting kesa4ciUi tegami wa nagakute omoshirokatta Angry to be a . . . okottf i'ru to get a. . . okoTU he was very a. . . taihen oko- rimashUa are you a . . . ? okotte iru nd de- su ka ? 1 am not a . . . okotte imasen I am a . . . with you anata no koto da okotte imasti don't be a. . . with me wata- kHshi no koto wo okora-naide kudasai 1 hope he is not a. . . anohito ga okotte i-nakereba ii Angry 45 Another to make a . . . okorase'ru how &nnoyins komatta mon da I can't stand it tamara-nai; gaman ga deki-nai SOME DISAQREEABLB REMARKS TO THE SECOND PERSON : stupid donkey ! manuke ! you are a liar ! uso-t^uki ! you are a nuisance ! urusai t don't talk nonsense baka na koto ivo iu na you are a rude fellow shitsHrei na yatsH. da you are very lazy anata vxi namakemono da if you don't look out I'll call a policeman ki wo tsUke-na- Icereba junsa wo yobu zo shut up 1 damare 1 you are cheating me anutri baka ni shite iru what a noise! a yakamashii\ it is none of your business kore wa omae no shitta koto ja nni I don't want it soon (tadaima) I want it immediately toda- ii7ia ja nai 6-isogi da you are a slow-coach noroma you are very careless sosok- kashii I wont give you another cent mo ichi-rin mo yara-nai it's no use fyour talking, I wont give in) dame desu that's quite enough ; I don't want to liear anything more about it sore de ii, mo nani mo kikitaku nai ^ can't you understaiTT) that I don't want it when i say 1 don't ? ira-nai to itta no ni wakara-nai no ka ? get out of the way and let me pass doki nrntai SOME DISAQREEABtK REMARKS ABOUT THJ£ THIRD PERSON : he is a terrible liar osaroshii uso-tsUki da he is not to be depended upon ate ni narimasen he is not a very good sort of pereon amari yoku naihitoda he is a nasty fellow iya na hUo da he is a chatterbox zuibun o-shaberi da Animal dobutsfi Anniversary kinem-bi Annoy (cause inconvenience to) korruirase'ru ; (tease) tVi- me'ru to feel a . . . ed jireru ; (trou- bled) komaru Annual reinen no Another (one more) mo Mto- tsU; mo ichi-mai; etc accord- ing to what Ls referred to; see p. 24; (a different one) hoka no; betsii no; (in- stead of) hoka no; (separate) bctsii no Dring me a. . . peach nwmo wo nw hitotsU motte kite o kure a . . . bottle of beer please biiru wo mo ip-pon o kure 1 have not a . . . cent mo is-sen mo nai I want a . . . (different) news- paper hoka no shimbun ga hoshii he came by a . . . boat betsu no tune de kimashita k . . . two years mo ni-nen a. . . day (not today) itsuka; (not the same day) hoka no hi one after a... hUotsU zutsU; Mtori zutsU Another 46 Any a. . . time (next time) tsu{;i ni; kondo: (once more) niata one a . . . ( persons) o tagai ni Answer henji to a . . . fieiiji wo sum what is yoiir a....' fienjiMa ikaga desiif I want a w vlttem. . .tegami de hen'd wo shite o kure I wart a plain a... hnkkiri shlti henji uo flute o kure I want a plain a... yes or no inaya no henji wo ghite i kure please let me have an answer yes or no as 'ioon as po^-^ible dekirn-dake fiaynku inaya no heniiwo siiitc tudasai your reply is not an a. . . to my qucVtion go henji wa uatashi no kiifc yatla koto no henji ni natlc iituisen wait for an m... henji wo vwUe kuru no dcsii immediate a. . . sokvto I shall not a... henji wo shiiii(is7n I ciinnot a. . . henji tea deki- ma sen a... me henji wo sh'de o kure Europeans consider it very rude when a question i< leit with Mit any a. . . at all seiyo de w: henji wo shi-tuii no wa tai/icn warui koto desu that does not a . . . sore wa dame df^u 1 cannot a... for it trito- kfiihi wa kore wo ukeae- masen to a... back kuchi-hento suru Ant an Anxious (to b« a...) shimpai suru I am very a . . . about my friend watakushi no tomo- dachi no koto wo shimpai shite imasu I am a... to know watatd- shi wa shiru made wa shim- pai desu not to be a . . . anshin sura; shimpai shi-nai Anv have you any bread* pam ga arimnsi't ka? there is not any arimasen ha- any letter come for me.' wntnknshi ni tegami ga kimashlta ktf have you any money with you.' aiuila wa koko ni kartt u-o motte iiiiasen kaf hnven't you any money? kane iia i,a-nai Anyhow (at all events) tcni- kak-u; do shite mo; (in any way) do de mo; (notwith- standing that) sore de mo (hat won't do a... do shite mo ike-nai a... I shall go out tonikaku mo dekakemashA do it a... diO de ma o shi na- tai a... (notwithstanding that) sore de mo a . . . it is none of your busi- ness nani mo anata no shitta ko'o de wa nai a . . . it seems that he went himself nan de mo jibun de itta yo desa Anything a... will do nan de mo ii have you a... more to say.' mada iu koto ga arimasH ka? I do not need a. . . more mono- ni mo irimasen he refused to believe a... I said nani ivo itte mo sUkoshi mo shiniimasen deshita I wouldn't do it for a. . .donna koto ga atte tno shimasen it is a... but cheap yasui dokoro de wa nai to say a.„ that comes into one's head detarame wo iu is there a... in my eye? me ni Tiani ka haiUe imasu ka? Anywhere doko de mo; doko e de mo; doko ni mo a... will do doko de mo ii put it a... doko e de mo o oki TMtai theri- are nou-. to be had St. . doko ni MO gozaima- Apart to be a... Jianarete i'ru to be far a... kake-luinarete i'ru Aperient gezui Apologise ayfimaru the least you can do is to ' a... ayamaru gurai wa suru hazu desCi please accept my apolo- gies yurushite kudasai Apothecary kfisuri-ya Apparatus 48 Apparatus kiiai Appear (seem) mieru it a...s so to miemaga it a... 3 to mo toatakiifhi no omou ni tea See SEEM Appearance votii; (si^ape) kata- cki for »... ^ko nil* wo Juim tame ni to save a.. .8 taimen wo ta- motsu Appetite have you any a....» *n*ka ga gHkhnashita kaf I have no a... onaka ja suki- masen Apple ringo Apply ,. . ; to a... for a situation xuenx too tanomu to whom must la...? dare ni tanomimasho hat this does not a... to me kore toa watashi ni wa kanRei ga nai for farther particulars a... to num. 60 kuwashii koto wa roku-ju-bun de o kiki nasai Approve ii to omou I a... 6i wa mada kimafin ka? 1 have only just a. ..d by the train watahtshi tea ki- sha de iina tsuita bakari desd to a. . . safely buji ni tsuku to a . . . at ni/tsuku to a. . . from knra/kuru Arsenal heikiseizo-jo Art gijitsU fine a. . . (njitsU works of a . . . bijitsii-hin Certain things are coupled to- gether in Japanese art in sudi a way that if one is represent- Art ed the companion is almost invariably also to be found : take ni suzume ; bamboo and sparrow * matsiini tsuru; pine and stork O/me ni uguisu; plum-tree and nightingale shishinibotan; lion and peony yabuni tora; bamboo-thicket and tiger hotan ni eho; peony and but- terfly yanagi ni tsubam^; willow and swallow ine ni hotaru; stalk of rice and flre-fly tsUki ni usagi; moon and rab- bit ike ni funa ; pond and fish Article shinamono Artificial koshiraeta this is an a... thing koshi- raeta mono desa a. . . flower zoka is this true ivory or a....* Aonto no zoge desH ka tiso no desa, ka? [is this true ivory, is it false.*] Artist 1njitsi(,-ka;(pB,ixitcT)e-kaki As 1 (in the same way) tori; (similar way) yd as I have already said mae ni hanashita tori it is as you say o hanashi no tori desu do it as I tell you watakushi no iti tori ni sh ite o kure the same as usual itsa mo no tori just as I expected omotta tori as I have just said tadaima itia tori as you see goran no tori as per sample mihon no tori 49 Ag as follows koko ni kaku (Sri; tsugino tori I heard a noise as though something had broken nani ka kounreta yd na oto ga shi- mashita do as you please anata no ii yd ni nasai leave it as it is sono mama ni shUe o oki nasai tell it to me just as you heard it kiita mama wo o hanashi nasai you may go in just as you are with your boots on Initsu no mama de fiaitte mo yd gozai- masH 1 felt as if I were dreaming yume wo mile iiu kokoro-mo- chi deshita 2 AS (when) toki ni do the men-of-war always fire a salute as they leave port? gunkan wa minato wo deru toki ni Usa de mo shikuhd teo HchimasH kaf it began to rain just «* we itrrived iiome ehddo uchi e tsuita toki ni «m< ga furi- dashita 3 AS (while, (HI the way) gake ni I met a friend as I was going to the office mise ye iki-gake ni tomodacki ni aimashita as I returned kaeri-gake ni 4 AS (while, of two Actions carried on simultaneously) nagara he laughed as he spoke hana- shi wo shi nagara warai- mashita I wiU read as I go to the office mise e iki nagara yomimashd As 60 AS It struck me as we were speakini; havashUe iru uchi ni ki ga tsukimaxhUa 5 AS (opportunity) tntide ni as you are about it o tsuide ni as you are going to Tokyo you might get it for lue Tokyo e iku o tsuide ni sore too katte kite kudasai as I am going to Nikko I shall visit Cliuzenji NikkS e iku, tmiide ni Chuzenji e ikimasho 6 AS (because) I wl«li to pay my account to- night as I am leaviri;: tarly to-morrow iiuiniing mi/ojsa hayaku del.akcuixii ka;a kombun kanjd wo haTaimasu as you will not come with me anataoaissho ni ika-nni Inra as It has been raining the roads are in a bid condition ante (ja jvUe luichi o't- uanii I got up tliis momiiiK eiirlier tTian u^d.il as I wiinlcd to go for a \\alk krsa iia sampo tii ihi V^iiie ni Judan yon haynlu ol.in)f!x/iU/i 7 AS (httle by iiltle, by d<;g- ree?) as one grows old one's eyes get bad toi/ii. wu torn to dan- diip 1-ie ija warakit ncru as I climbed noboru vi Vmrete 8 AS — AS fc-onipi.ristjii aff/- you are as tall as T aruita v,a wataL-fisid to ovMii gurai sei 'ga takai is Vumoto r;3 high as Ashi- uoyu? Vuniotu wa Ashinuj/u to ona/i (jurai takai tokoro desit kai [sua high a place as] I have as much money as you wataki'ishi wa annUi to ODuji gurai karu ga arcmasd you hase as many oranges as I aetata uia watakushi to onaji gura mikan gr, ari- masu I go to Tokyo as often as you wafakushi wa anata to onaji gurai Tokyo e ikimant it is as cheap sitting as stand- ing to.Ue iru no mo kakete iru no mo nedan zva onaji I arrived as sc^jn as he did 0710 hlto to onaji gurai ni tsuki)iiashita about U3 big as iliis koiw gurai okii it IS as good as done mo sako shi de dfkimmni (nearly done] ♦ not as — as; not so — as (com- parison neg.) /lodo I don't go to Yokohama as often as I used to Yokotaima t Vi! sen hodo tabi-tali iki- rtiaxcn not as bad as that sor« Aodo uamku wa nui it is i;<)t as easy as yon think ansti: nooniou fiodo j/ii sa.':/iiku tra »>ffi; smina ni yasrishiku wa nai 10 AS--AS(s\;perLative degree) run to the house as fast as you can dfliru dale hayak-u uchi i! kokHe itte •> intre take as inncl; a-* you want iru dake u tori tiasai as many a» there are aru dake conif as sooti as possible dcki- rti duke hayaku o-ide nasai do it as soon as i)ossible dfkiru dake hayaku shite o kure as well as you can dekiru dake teinH ni is that man as big a cheat as AS 61 An all that? ano h%fo wa sonna ni zurui no desa ka? It is not as cold as all that sonna ni samuku nai 11. Various as a friend tomodachi to shite as a precaution nei\ no tame ni as for you anata wa as (example) Viioeba as yet muda; ivM mad* I thought as much sore mita koto ka; so dnro to omntta be that as it may sore wa so to as far as, see f.vr as much as, see much as long as, see long as often as, see OFTEN as soon as, see soox as well as, see well Ascend noboru; 4igaru Ascent (hill) nobori-zaka; saka Ashamed aren't you a. . . of yourself.' hazukashiku arimufen ka? 1 am a . . . to say o hazukashii hnnashi desn riii 1 feel a . . .(oi ii j.-mitl memboku ga nai; hazukashii; (shy) ki- mari tia aarui Ashes hai Ashore take me a. . . oka e agete k-ure Asia Ajia Aside waki; soba to iiut a... (in order) kata- zukeru; (t') keep) totte oku Ask (imjuire) kiite mi ru; Uizu- neru; (request) tc o oki nasni midit 1 a. . . for a few? dozo sukoshi kudasaimascn ka? I will a . . . somebody to cor- rect it for nic dare ka ni ruxo- nhifji moraimasho Askcp to be a. . . nem^tte i'ru; nete iru to J^all a. . . in one's seat ine- muri wo suru he is fast a. . . yoku nete imasu. Ass roha; (fool) t>aka Assist 82 AttentUn Assist tets&dau; (for more im- portant things) sewa wo suru; (ill case of absolute bodily need i tasukeru a. . . ance sewa thanks to your kind a. . .ance o seiva sama Association kumiai; kai Assure ukeau X a. , . you it is so maHaku so na no desii Astonish odorohasu; hikkuri sdt>eru to be a. . .ed odoroku; bikkuri suru I am a . . . ed bikkuri shima- sMta it is a . . . ing odoroita I am a . . . ed you should say such a thins anata ga sanna koto wo iwij to iva omoimasen deshlUi [I didn't tliink you could say such a thing] At (object) wo; (place) at which something is done) de; (place in which some- thing exists) ni 1 am looking a. . . tlie civstle shiro wo mite itnasd I bought it at Tokyo Tokyo de kaimnxhUa is your mother a. . . home? o kd-sanwa o uchi niorimasu ka? you will find me a... my friend's house tomodachi no uchi ni orimasho at your house o taku ae (or ni) stop at that watchmaker's ana tokei-ya no tnae de tomete kure to arrive at Tokyo T^kyo ni tsUku a. . . 3 o'clock san'ji ni a. . . 10 o'clock a. . . night ban no ju-'ji ni do you sell this a. . . the same price? kore tea onaji nedan de urimasu kaf I will buy these cups a. . . 10 seti each kono chawan wo jis-sen zutfiii de kaimashS a . . . your request I wrote to my friend o tanomi de tomo- dachi ni tegami wo kaki- mashita a . . . first hajime wa a. . . least siXkunaku nw a. . . all events do shite mo;to- nikaku mo a . . . the latest osoku mo a. . . any time itsa de mo a. . . most okiite mo; seizei a. . . once sum ni a. . . times toki-doki a . . . the same time (never- theless) keredomo; (not later) ddji ni Attack (a person) ni/utte kaka- ru; (lit. and fig.) kogeki suru to bo a...edby (a desease) nilkakaru Attempt see Try Attend will yon a ... to it please? dS ni ka shite kudasai I will a ... to it do ni to $hi- masho Attention please pay a . . . ki wo tsUkete thank you for the a. . . domo iro-iro arigato gozaimashita to attract a. . . hUome wo hiku to attract one's a... mx ni tomaru to pay no a. . . to wo mimi ni mo tome-nai; kamawa-nai de to call a, . . to something nen wo oaH Attorney 53 Back Attorney (lawyer) benaoshi power of a. . . iiiin-jo Attract hiku to a. . . attention hitome wo hiku Auction seri-ufi; okushon to -sell by a. . . seri-uri ni suru August hnchi-gatsU Aunt oba; oba san Author chonha Authority ken-i the a . . . ies tokyokHsha written authorisation inin-jo Autumn aki Available lor how many days is this ticket a... J kono kippu wa iku-nichi tsUkaemasii kaf this ticket is a . . . for 3 days kono kippu wa mikka tsUkae- rnasH every a. . . means aru dake no shudan all my a. . . money aru dake no kane there was no money a. . . kane wa sUkoshi mo dekimasen deshlta Avenue r.amiki; namiki-michi Average heikin what is the a. . . price.* heikin no nedan wa ikur* desu ka? on an a. . . how many n da yon walk a day< iehi-nichi heikin nan-ri arukimasH ka? Avoid you must a. . . getting into disputes kenka wo shi-nai yo ni sh^te o kure Awake (to be a. ..) m« ga samete i'ru is he awake.' me ga samete imasH, ka? See Wakb Away to be a. . . fusu de aru; or the neg. of oru when you came I was a. . . anata ga kimashita toki ni watakashi wa orimasen dS- shita a mile a. . . ichi-ri saki far a . . . zuttu gaki to go » . . . ittf shimau go a. . .1 atchi e o iki nasai\ get ^... (from that thing) sono soba ni ite wa ike-nai Awful osoroshii a . . . ly osoroshiku; taihen; see also VERY Awkward hetn na . it is very a . . . (inconvenient) komatta mon da Axle shimbo Babble shaberu b . . . r shaberi Baby akambo Back (of the body) senaka; (of a house) ura the garden is at the b. . . of the house ura ni niwa ga arimasH; niuM wa uehi no ura ni arimasu to come or go b... (home) kaent to come b... (to another place) kaette kuru to go b . . . (to another place than home) kaette iku I am going b... home uefd e kaerimasa has he come b. . . here.' ano hito wa koko « kaette kima- shita ka? when wiU he be b. . . .' ttsa ano hito wa kaerimasa kaf to Tokyo and b . . . Tokyo « dfUku how long does it take to go to the post office and b... Back 64 Batb Vubin-hyohi e ofUku done gurai kakarimasH kai to send b . . . kaem to carry a baby on the b. . . akambo too obuu to lie on one's b... tiomuke m Tie'ru Bad tParui a b . . . boy warui kodomo; ike-nai ko it is a b. . . one warui no da I have a b . . . finger wata- kHski wa j/tibi ga warui no desU that 'a. b.,. gore tea ikemasen it i* too bad (what a pity) oshii koto da b. . . language want-kuchi to go b. . . (of proviaions) wo- rukunaru Bag fHkuro hand-b. .. te-haban Baggage see LuaoAOX Bake yaku b . . . r pan-ya Balance (scales) hakari; (of an account) sashiJiiki Balcony nikai no engawa Bald liage-atama Bale kori Ball tama.; mari Ballo«n keikikyu; (toy) fUten Bamboo take Banana banana Band (of music) gakuiai Bandage hotai Bang v.i. (as a door) patan to oto ga sum Bank (for money) giriko; (of a river) kishi both b. . .s (of a river) ryo-hS no kishi opposite b... (of a river) hawa tnuko Bankrupt hasan shUa hUo Banquet go-chisd Bar (metal rod) hano'bli Barber toko-ya b . . . shop toko-ya Bare see nakei> Bargain (a cbe '.o thing) yasui kai-mono to conclude a b... (agree- ment) yakujo sum I will give you this into the b . . . kore wo o make ni agtr masho I did not b. . . for that son Wa. ammari da K) b . . . (haggle) neffint Barge temma Bark hoe'ru that dog b...B all night long ano inu wa yo-jU has- masu b. . . (of a tree) ki no Jeawa Barley o-mugi Barracks hciei Barrel (cask) tarn; (of a gun) tepvo no tsvisO, Barrister bengoshi Base (that on which a thing rests) dmi; (of a column) hashirm-dai; (fig.) moto b. . . (mean) iyatfni Basin (small) domburi; (large) hachi washing-b... kana-darai Basket kago; zaru wicker-work b . . . (for lug- gage) yansgi-gori wastepaper- b . . . kamUcuat- kago Bastard shiseiji; (recognised by father but not legitimised) shoski Batb (hot) yu; furo b . . . room yiidono; furo-ba to prepare the b . . . (hot) fvro wo taU'm to take a hot b... y« ni hairu Bath to take a cold b. . . mizu ni hairu is the b... ready^ furo wa wahimashita kaf please tell me as soon as the b ... is ready furo ga waUara sugu ni oshiete o kure I wish to b . . . e first watak^ shi wa ichi-ban saki ni furo ni hairUai when will the b. . . be ready? furo wa nan-ji ni wakimasH ka? please lend me a bath -robe and towel yukata to tenttffui wo kashUe kudasai the water is too hot yu ga atsu-stiffim please reduce the temperature sukoshi amete o kure I want an attendant to wash my back senaka. wo mrratte moraitai kara sansuke (male; jochU female) wo yonde kuda- sai please scrub my back a bit senaka wo sUkoshi kosutU o kure I wish to b. . .e In the sea; is there a good place.' ff>»Ua- k&shi wa umi ni hairiiai ga ii tokoro ga arimasH Irn,? where can J. leave my clothes.' doko ni yofuku wo okimasho kaf The Japanese bathe in very hot water about 110'-113°F (44°-45''C.) Jattle senso; ikHsm Bay iri-umi; (id compounds) — wan Tokyo b. . . Tokyo-wan Be (in speaking of things with life) iru; oru; (of in- animate things) am; (when foil, by a noun or pronoun 86 Be as a predicate) de aru, see p. 27; (when equivalent to: to become) nam; (when foE, by a true ad] as a predicate It is not translated) how are you.? iJcaga desH kaf I am ill byobi desQ. I am cold watakHshi itw samui I am not cold samuku ari- masen she is not very old sonna ni toihiyori de wa arimasen- who is this man.' kono hUo wa dare desU kat how much is it» sore wa ikura desU kaf is there any bread/ pan ga arimasU kaf to be in tuhi ni oru; oru to be out (from home) rusu de aru; or the neg. of »m I shall not be here tomor- row myonichi wa toko ni orimasen have you ever been in Na- gasaki.' anata wa Nagasah ni ita koto ga arimasH kaf let it be sfUete oke be careful ki wo tsUkete o kure be quiet shizuka ni shite o kure be a good child ii ko' ni o nari be so kind as to lend me a bath-robe dSzo yukata wo kashiU kudasai o« that as it may sore wa so to be here by ten o'clock j^ji made ni o-ide nasai I can not be there before 8 o'clock hachi- ji mae ni wa ikaremasen it is not there sokoni arimasen Be 56 Become he Ls much better now taihen yoku narimashita I wish to be called early tomorrow morning asMta no asa hapaku okoshUe moraitai it is wrapped up in a cloth furoshiki n» tsuUunde ari- masu what is there inside? sono naka ni nani ga haitte imasu kaf it is not a thing to be highly recommended ammari home- ta koto de u>a nai am i to register this letter? kono tegctmi wo kaki-tome ni sum no desu ka? this is where you are to sleep omae ma koko ni neru vo da if that be so so naraba what am I to do? do sKltara ii ka? it is all right isn't it? kore de ikemasen ka? is to hazu da the meeting is to begin at 3 o'clock kai wa san-ji ni karimaru hazu da be off atchi e ike I am going to be a doctor is?ia tii nam tsumori desu, [l)ecome a doctor] do you like being a soldier? luilai wa do desi ka? Beach umibe Bean mame; (broad b...9) sora-mame; (haricot b...s) dnizu; (french b. . .8) in- gen-mame Bear 1 cannot b... this tamara- nai I cannot b... to see such cruelty sonna mugoi koto wa mile irare-nai I cannot b . . . to be behind- hand okureru koto ga ichi- ban kirai I cannot b ... to see anything wasted nan de mo muda ni sunt no wa ichi-ban kirai b. . . this in mind oboete ite o kure See BORN Beard hige Beat (men or animals) 6a- tsii; (other things) titsU to b . . . down (in price) makesase'TU to be beaten by you anata ni make'ru nothing b. . .8 (is better than) a rikisha kuruma yori ii mono wa nai Beautiful kirei na; utsUkushii a b. . . woman bijin; beppin Because kara; ito tame ni; gerund I can't go b... of the rain ame qn futte iru kara ikare- masen; ame ga jutte ikarema- sen b . . . of him ano Mto no tame ni Beckon le-maneki sum Become r^oru it b . . . s dark very early hayuku kuratii narimasH my boots have b . . . uselesi watakvshi no kutsti wa uamt ni narimashita he has b... a painter ano hUo wa e-kaki ni narima- shita what has b... of my hat.' watakiishi no boshi wa dS shita ka? what has b... ol him.» ano Mto wa do shimashita ka? that sash D...S you sono obi wa anata ni yoku ni aimasti Bed 67 Before Bed toko prejwre my b. . . (Jap.) to- ko wo shiite o kure I wish to go to b . . . netai is my b. . . ready.' toko ga thikemashita ka? to go to b. . . neru [to lie down] to be in b . . . nete i'ru put away the b . . . toko t6o katazukete o kure b . . . clothes laton b. . . stead (foreign) ne-dai b . . . room ne-ma please let me have another quilt (blanket) kake-buton wo WW ichi-mai please let me have another quilt (mattress) shiki-bu- ton wo mo ichi-mai are these sheets' clean? shi- itsH wa araUe kara dare mo IsHkawa-nai no desH ka? [has any body used these sheets after the wash?] put the pillow on this side kolchi no ho ni rrutkura wo mukete o kure as I can't sleep on a Japa- nese pillow, please roll two or three cushions and tie them together Nihon no makura wa iy» da kara zabuton ni-san-mai himo de shibatte o kure please put in a hot water bottle yutampo wo irete o kure are there any mosquitoes here ? koko ni ktL ga imasH ka? put up the mosquito net kaya wo tsutte o kure there is a hole in the mos- quito net kaya ni ana ga aru good night o yMumi naiai Bee hacM Beef gyHniku Beer biiru bring me a bottle of b... biiru ip-pon motte kite o kure have you any Kirin or Asahl b...t I do not Tike the other brands Kirin ka Asahi ga arimasH ka? hoka no wa kirai desH bring me the b . , . imme- diately, I am very tliirsty nodo ga kawaite shiyo ga nai kara, swju ni biiru wo motte kite o kure Beet-root aka-kabu; biitsU Before mae; saki; (till) made; (in front of) no maeni; (for- merly) sen wa I shall go out b. . . 9 o'clock ku-ji mae ni dekakemasho you ought to have done it b . . . anata wa mae ni sore wo shite oku hazu da I have heard of this b... kore wa mae ni Jeiita koto ga aru as I said b. . . mae ni hana- shita tori the same as b... mae no tori b . . . hand mae-motte long b . . . zutto mae b . . . long chikai uchi ni ,b... this (in historical nar- ration) kore yori saki to go b... (ahead) taki t iku I didn't notice it b... he told me ano hUo no hana- shi wo kiku made thirima- sen desMta he was standing b . . . the Before 68 Believe shop ano hito wa mit* no mae ni taUe imashita I never understood it b . . . hajimete wakarimashita [I understood it for the first time] just b . . . I went out chSdo dekakeyo to sum tokoro e he died b... he had time to say a word Mto-hoto iu ma mo naku, shinunashita please mend it as b . . . moto wfl yo ni naoshiU kudasai I will have finlshod reading it b. . . he comes ano h'lto no ko-nai uthi ni yonde shimai- mashv b. . . it gets dark akarui uchi ni: kuraku nara-nai ucH ni Bes I b... your pardon gomen nasai to b. . . earnestly (to beseech) kongan turn lb... ged yoitnot to do it shi- nai de kvdasai to itta no ni Beggsr hoyiki Begin liajime/ru (trans.); ?td- jimaru (int.) %t what time does the school b....* gakko wa nan-ji ka- ra hajimarimata kal I am b . . . ning to unaer- Btand a little .Tapanese wain- bdthi wa sukoahi yihon-go ga wakatie kimashita it ha.1 begun t6 rain ame ga futXe kimashUa; ame ga ittri- daihimasfiita to b . . . to cry naki-fiasu to b . . . to walk aruki-dasu b. . . plea8e(to read) yotm-ha- rimete kudasai b.. .ning hayime at the very b...niiig idii- ban hajime b. . .ning of spring hatsu-ham b . . . ner (student) shogaMt' sha Behave you b . . . very badly omae uxi gtfogi ga warui behiaviour gt/offi Behind no ushiro ni; (further back than) ato ni b . . . that chair sono isu no Hshiro ni the other rikisha is a long way b... mo ichi-dai no kuruma wa zutto ato ni iniasd the train is b . . . time K> sha wa okuremam you must not do things b . . , my back naisho-goto wothitt wa ike-nai you were talking about mo b... my back anata im wntalci'iski no kage-goto U0 iimashita to be b . . . hand okureru Believe omou;shinjiru;honloni sum I b ... so so omo7ma»& r dou t b . . . it watabiUhi tta so omoimasen I cannot b . . . that $ore wa shinxirareniasen nobody b...8 such (t thing darf mo sonna koto wo honto ni shi-nai If you don't b. . . it ask any- body you like ffishir/i pa are^ ba dare ni de mo o kiki na»ai I b ... in my servant jo- chu wo shinyo shite imasil he wants to make me be- lieve that he is ill ano hito wa byoki da to iu no desH keredo BKLEBVB may be more or less equivalent to: tldnk. Believe 59 Best suppose; they say: e.g. I believe she is ill See THINK; suppose; sat Bell kane; (fire b...) Jiansfio; (caD b. . .) ifobi-rin; Tin ring the b . . . please yobi-rin wo nurashite o kure Belly hara; onaka Belong whom does this b . . . to.» kore wa dare no desH kat it belongs to me kore wa watakuithi no mono; kore wa watakushi no desQ does this 4id b . . . to this.' kono juta ,wa kore no desiX kal Below no shita ni; no shUa e he is b . . . shita desH b . . . the bridge hashi no shita ni that is b . . . cost price sore wa moto-ne yori yasui to be b . . . sample mihon yori ochite iru Pelt obi; (soft Japanese sash used by men and little girls) heko-obi; (man's stiff belt) kaku-obi; (two soft sashes used by ladies under the principal sash to hold up and keep the kimono in place) shiU-jim*; (soft sash used by ladies with little cushion placed in the bow of principal sash) obi- age; (naiTow belt used for securing and keeping the bis sash of a lady in place) obl-dome leather b . . . kawa-obi Bench nagai koshi-kake Bend (trans.) mageru; o kake'ru Better motto ii have you a b . . . room? motto ii heya ga arimasit kaf show me something b... (a b . . . one of the same Idnd) motto ii no wo mise- U kudasai «how me something b... (of another kind) nani ka motto ii no voo misets ku- dasai do it b. i . next time konJo wa motto voku tuisai tbk to b... than that kors wa are tfori ii I hope you will soon be b — jiJci ni voku o nari desho I am b . . . today Icyo wa su- koshi yd gozaimasu you liad b . . . not do it ana- ta wa sore wo shi-^ai ho ga ii desho you had b. . . stay here anata wa koko ni iru ho ga ii desho I think it is b . . . to write down everything minna kaki-tomeru ho ga ii to ortwimasH I like that b... sono ho ga sUki desH 80 much the b . . . sore wa nao ii that would be b . . . sono ho ga ii he is much b . . . at it than I ano hito iva watashi yori yop- podo jozu da are you any b . . . ? sOkoshi wa ii no desii ka? I know b . . . than that sore hodo baka ja nai there is nothing b . . . than this kore yori ii no wa nai he understands b... than he speaks hanasH yori mo kiku ho ga wakarimasu which is the h..J dotchi ga ii no desu kaf the fewer the b... sUkunai hodo ii still b... nao ii to feel b. . . voku nam Between no aida ni b . . . 5 and & go to roku no aida ni let tlus be b... ourselves kore wa tichi-uchi no ha- nas?ti ni shimatho Beyond no mukS tti; no mH ni Beyond 61 b... the bridge hashi no muko ni that is b... my strength sore wa watak&shi no chi- kara ni wa oyoba-nai koto da it was b . . . my expef^ations sore wa omoi-gake-nai koto deshita b... this I know nothing kono hoka ni rtani mo shi- rimasen Bicycle jitensha Big okii; oki na; In com- pounds or dai a b . . . bottle 6-bin; oki na bin about as b ... as this hmo gurai okii as b . . . as an egg tamago rrai okii b . . . of fare kondate-hyS See ACCOUNT Bflliards tama-tsUki Bind (tie) shiiHiru Bird tori a little b... told me haze no tayori de kiita Birth from b . . . Umareta toki kara Birthday tanjS-bi Biscuit kashi [generic term for cakes]; bisdketio Bit sUkoshi a little b. . . sAkoshi give me a b... of bread sukoshi pan wo kudasai wait a b... s&koshi matte o kure not a b... tHkoshi mo with neg. verb I dikaru: (inflate) tdkurasu; (by an explosion) hareisu S'lsfru: (of an exylosion) haretsa suru he knocked it down at one b... hlio-uchi de taoshi- mash'tta Blue ao; asagi; (very dark b . . . ) oi; (dark o . . . ) hana- iro; (sky b . . . ) sora^ro; (light b . . . ) miTU-asagi b... -bottle (ily) aobai Bluff gake; (at Yokohama) yamate Blunt (not sharp cdjre) kire- nai; (not sharp point) to- gatie i-nai Blush kao ga akaku ni nam Board (plank) ita; (food) maba- nai card-b... ita-gami; boru- gami sign-b. . . kamban to go on b . . . ^ ship fune ni noru to b . . . (at a place) geshiku wo suru Boarding (food) makanai b... house oeshiku-ya Boast V. i. jiman wo suru Bom Boat fune; hasMke ferry-b . . . tcalashi-hune b . . . man sendo Body karada dead b . . . shigai Boil dehimono to b. . . (trans.) niVJ: wakasH; (intr.) tiietatsU: waka to b... iu water uderu to b... in water aud salt ni'ru is the water b . . . ing/ o yu ga nietattc imasu ka? this water is hot but it is not b . . . ing o yu w^ atiui keredoino nieVxtte uxi iinnsen I want some b...in;; water niet'ttte iru yu ga hushii Bolt (oi a door) saru;uiie-o'.oshi; kannuki to b . . . saru u>o orosH Bone hojie Book hon: shomotsU illii>tr:itcd b... e ga haitte iru hon cliild's picture b... e-bon Bookseller lion-ya Boots kut\u brown leather b... akai kut<-u elastic side b.., fiUca-gomu- gutsu laced b. . . aminge-gutsu high b... naga-gutsu rubber b . . . gomu-gnlsni to clean the b... kutsu wo inigaku Bore it was a b . . . tailmtsu d'sMta what a b . . . a mendokasai to be b ... d taikutsxM suru Bom (to be b...) Umareru when were you b . . . .' anata wa itsa UmaremathUa kaf I was b . . . in TokTO TokyS de Umaremashita Borrow 63 Break Borrow kari'ru I wish to b. . . 10 yen ju-yen kari mushitai Both ryo-ho; in compounds ryo 1 want b . . . ryo-Iu'i fioshii they are b . . . alike ryo-ho onaji; dotchi mo onaji da b... this and that kore mo sore mo b... ?ides rii'i-Jiu; ryo-kaim b . . . hands ryo-te b. . . of us )utari (to mo) I musthparb. . . sides before I judge A"o«o koto rco k^rneruno ni ua ryo-ltii uo kika-iiake- rcba narimtiseji useb. . . hands you cannot do it with one ryd-tc de o shi nastti. kt'W-ii tlf na dnme you must d(; b... i_o-/io to mo s/ii->i(il:rrrOa nnra-nai that would he a loss for b. . . of us o Utgai no son "i nari- nuiDil let'.- b ... of us go fuMri de ikiincxlio the red ones and the white ones b... co^t the same price akai no mo sliiroi no mo nrdan ua onaji desU Bother dont b... me jama wo shi- nai de o kure ■what a b . . . iyn na koto drsU b. . . some urusai; niendokufoi excuse my b...ing you but go mm do desi( ga 1 fear I am always b...ing you ?t«jl de mo go mendo kakemasH I won't b . . . you any more mii kore de go mcndo kakemofen Bottle (of glass) bin; (earthen- ware) tokkuri large b . . . S-bin; oki na bin small b. . . ko-bin: chiisai bin empty b. . . aki-bin Bottom (inside) soko: (under- ne.ith part) sh'tta; shiri he is a good fellow at b... ne wa ii hilo da Bound ship h... for Ilong Kong Uon Kon yuki no tune you are I>. . . to do it (must) shi-nakereha ikemasen Boundary sakai Bow (of the head) o jigi to b . . . jigi wo suru Bowels eho to have a motion of the b . . . s tsu-ji ga aru ; daiben no suru Bow! domburi Box hako contained in a b... hako-iri no Boy otoko no ko: (servant) boi; (son) musxiko Brain nomiso; no; (kno-.viedgel diic Branch eda: (of a firm) shiten I) . . . -line shisen h. . . -road wnkare-michi Br.'.nd (mark) yaki-in; (trade mark) sliirushi Brass skinrhH Brave (of jiersons) yuki no nru: (of actions) isamashii Brazier hibachi Bread -pen new b . . . dekitcte no pan stale b. . . jurui pan toast yaki pan; tosUto Breadth haba what is the b. . .of the river.* kawa-haba wa dono gurai desu ka? Break (trans.) kowasu; (intr.) koware'ru: (for long things) oru; ore'tu Break 64 Britain you have broken my pen- cil anaia tea empitsu wo oriinasMta I have broken my arm itde ga oremash'ita dont b . . . that sore wo ko- wasa-nai de o kure if you are not careful you wUl b . . . that glass ki wo tsuke-nakereba sono koppu wo kowashUe shimau this thing is broken kore wa kowarete imasH b . . . of day yo-ake does thfe ticket allow me to b... the journey? kono kippu de tochu-gesha ga de- kimasil kat to b. . . a promise yakUsoku wo yaburu my rjkisha broke down ku- Tuma rti kosM ^a arima- ahita to b . . . to pieces (separat- mg parts which were pre- viously joined) bara-bara ni 8uru; ■ (destroying things which were solid) mecha- mecha ni guru to b . . . a law JiorUsH ni tonvuku Breakfast asa no shokuji Breast mune b. . .s (of a female), chichi Breath iki to be out of b... iki ga birent to t^ke b... hUo-iki tsUku without taking b... iki mo ts&ka-zu ni Breathe iki wo sum to b . . . with, difficulty iW- gurushii Bribe wairo to b. . . tMiro wo Uahau Brick /^Tt^a Bridge hashi to cross the b. . . hashi Wo wcUaru Bright (full of light) akarui; (of colours) hade na; (che- ery) yoki na Bring (thing) m-otte kuru; (per- son) tsurete kuru b. . . my luggage up to my room nimotsu wo heya ni moUe kite o kure b. . . your friend with you please o tomodachi wo tsu- reU kite kudasai have my things been brought* watakushi no nimotsU ga kiinashita ka? why does not the boy b . . . mj' things? naze boi wa nimotsu wo motte kimasen ka? tell the boy to b . . . my things immediately nimotsii wo sugu motte kuru yo ni boi ni itte kure who has brought this? dare ga kore wo motte kimashUa ka7 to b . . . back (a thing) motte kaeru; (a person) tsurete kae- ru; (something lent) kaesH b . . . my umbrella back soon watakushi no kasa wo sugu ni o kaeshi nasai to b.. . up (cause to grow) lodate'ru; (cause to know, educate) kyoiku sum a well brought up child soda- chi no it ko bddly brought up sodachi no warui to b . . . au action against ux>/uttae'ru Britain Great B... Dai Buriten Broad 65 Busy Broad hiroi; hdba this river is b... kono kawa wa hiroi it is an inch b . . . haba wa is-sun da Broil yaku Broker nakagai Bronze karakane Broom hoki Brother elder b . . . ani; niisan younger b. . . otito b . . . 3 and sisters kyodai Brown eha-iro Bruise n. uchi-kizu ; aza Brush (for writing) fude; (European) burashi; hake paiiit-b . . . e-bake; e-fude 8hoe-b . . . kutsu-bake hair-b . . . kami no burashi b. . . my clothes fuku no ho- kori wo haratte kure Bud tsut>om,i; me Buddha O Shaka Sama; Buddhi'jm Bukkyo Bug nankin-mu^hi- Build tatrru b . . . ing taiemono Bulb tama no yo na ne; kyUJcei Bulky kasabatta Bump (swelling) kobu to b. . . (\.t.)butsiikeru;(v.i) buts&karu Bunch lUsa Bund kaigan-dori [sea-shore street) Bundle tsutsumi; (of sticks, etc.) taba Bungalow (one storied house) hira-ya Burial o tomorat Bum (a wound) yakedo to b... (trans.) yaku; mo- sii; (intr:) yake'ru; moe'ru to b. . . up yaite shi$nau it wont b . . . moemasen b... this paper kono kami wo mosMte o kure I b...t my finger yubi wo yakedo shimashita it tastes as if b...t koge kHsai isn't there something b - Sng? nanikamoete iruno de wa arimasen ka ? Burst (of a bomb, etc.) hare- tsu sum; (of a boil) kuchi ga aku Bury (in the ground) Hme'ru; (a corpse) maiso suru Business (work, affair) yd; shi- goto; (calling, profession) sAo- bai pressing b . . . isogi no shigoto I have b . . . there asUko ni yo ga am I havecome on b. . . yogaatte kimashUa what is your b . . . ? (on what b . . . have you come?) nanno go yd desil ka ? that is my b . . . (my work you need not attend to it) sore wa toatakHshi no suru koto desH that is your b. . . sorewaanata no suru koto desii it is none of your b . . . koi'e wa anata no shitta koto ja nai it is not my b . . . (duty) vxUa- kushi rto knkari de iva nai although it is none of my b. . . yokei na koto da ga mind your own b . . . anata wa j'timn no koto dake shite ireba ii; jibun no atama no hai too Of [frighten away the flies on your own headj Busy isogathii I am very b. . . now ima wa taihtn isooouini Busy 66 Buy I am too b... to do it now irtw waisogashiikaraan ga kuru to omoUara ki- iiiasen deshUa alJ b. . . he ano hiio no hoka tninna I iiave b. . . one hitoUu shika nai I have nothing b... this kono hoka ni nani mo luii nothing b... a joke Hon no iodan tiiere is nothing for it b... to go iku yori hoka wa nai not only this b... al^o that kore bakari de nalru sore mo it is the last b... one 7110 kUotsu shika arimnKen I should iiave cone li... for him hoka dc mo nai iju ano hiio no tame ni ikare- inasen deshlta if I could butsee him my mind would be at ease ai sue sureba anshin shitnaxu haveyou^inotherliketliisb. . . a little larper ? kore to onaji mono de. sukoshi o/.ii )w ga | arimaxu ka t do not CO on purpose b . . . the i:ext time you are there buy sfime uaza-uaza ika-nakiiU mo kondo ittam katU kudasai ' b. . . stil! teredomo j Butcher niku-ya Butter bata fresh b . . . thioke no nai bata [not salted! tinned b . . . kamume no bata Butterfly eho ; chucho Button botan b. . .-holi; liotan no ana to b... the coat uwagi no botnu ito kiikeru plrase sew on this b... koiio lioUm no nul-tove tie no the one l>."iow sh'it'i no when can I have it.' itsii dekiiiiiisCt kn> I mn-t have it by Sntind.iy doiio-hi iii'idc ni kitto hoshi- rae'e murnUdi plca-c send this to my house kore wo uild ni todokete kiiddsiii my ;:ildri.-ss i VHilrkiiK/ii no tok'rro-gaki zrn -- disii 1 will p.iv vcjii wiien von -.end it /'.-/..( . lodof.rfr inuriitte ka- ra h'lriniiKisii plea-i- pack it carefully for nu; in a case ln'ko e intr yoku ui-zuhuri wo shite kudiiKiii 1 wi-h to «end some other tliin^^here to be packed with the-e hoka no mono no koko ni vnki's/iiinasi'i knrii. kore t/t issJii} ni txutsiniUe jiiurnitai have you not a similar ar- ti<;lc at a lower |)rice? motto yasui no de ku iu no ga ariiifisen ku! is thi- tlie lowest price? kofe kiri makani,mxen kn! I ilo -fiot like barsainiiig, please uive me your lowest jirice at, once ueijiiu nu wa iya i/ii knru ichi-lmn yasui neiliiii Wo Hie kiida^ni 1 wil! ii(er some- where else hoka dit wa motto yasui 67 By how rnncli all t'sether ' minnit de ikrira dear'i ka f sliow me somt'thiiiu' bettei (a licttcr one oi the saiiir kiliil) motto a ii'i icii mi^rt,- kuiUis::i: (s(nii("thuig more e\iic;i-i .'* oi .iiHitiicr kindi liiiiii ki ii.iitlo it >iu wo Irish- klidilxiii Jf n:i I'litL'iiii;: a .laiiaiios' shop there -hould be no- body in atli'ndance you mav call out; kuimichi wu juood day) By ait by me w':takushi no soba ni o kil:e nnsai I s!i,l| bi- P'ady by 10 o'clock ji'i-ii •unite fi shil'iku ya dekiiii'ixhO he was hitteii by a "dot; inn ni kui-tsHkiiTcVi by bo.it Itine de by |io-.t 'r'lhin de by land oka wo liy s(.:i jiiue lie [by boat I he entered by the window inado kara Iniitln I shall ii'tuiii by way •■>' !sibi':ia Shilieria wo U'tt'.' kuerimushu 1 pa>--eil by the temple o leal )in xol/u Wo U'liiiiii^li'Ui I yoii will hurt yourself by smol in« too iiiucli ainuri bilnilii wo nomu U> o karada I ni s-iwiniiuisii . this is loiigiT by j> feet i thai! fb.it koic wi are yori has-shaka hodo naiiui I 8 feet by y siin-Kiku ni has- ] shiku I by lar n\oie yoppodo 1 by far prettier yoppodokirei I by one's self (alone; hitori By 68 Can de; {■without help) hUori de wa by and by ato de: nockUiodo by tne bye toH ni; sore wa so to day by day himnshi ni it gets hotter diiy By day himaxhi ni aUuku 7iarimasii one by one hUotsu-zutsiX how did you come by that book? srmo hon wa do shite o te ni irimasMta? I want to engage you by the hour jikan de yaUy'dai by )i?a.it sora de Cab basha; see carriage Cabbage kyabetsU Cabin heyn Cabinet (furniture) tansu Cable (submariue) kaitei-dfn- sen Cage (for birds) tori-kago; (for animals) ori Cake okashi Calculate kanjo sum Calf ko-iiski Calico kyarako Call yobu c. . . the landlady (of the inn) uehi no o kami-san wo yonde o kure did you c...? o yobi nasai- mashUa ka? c. . . him back ano hUo wo yobi-kaeshUe a kure what do you c . . . this in Japanese? kore wa Nihon- go de nan to iimasii, kaf what is this town c.ed? koko wa nan to iu machi desu kaf I wish to be c...ed at C o'clock myoasa roku-ji ni okoshite kiuiasai to c. . . at (to go in while passing) yoru I shall c. . . at Mr. Naka- mura's on my way michi de Nakamura San no uchi e yorimasho shall I c. . . for you? wata- kushi ga yorimasho ka? does the steamer c. . . at Moji? fune wa Moji e yori- masU ka? to c. . . on (visit) tazune'ru I shall c. . . on Mr. Tanaka this afternoon gogo kara Tnnaka San wo tazunemc/- sho I would c. . . on him only I do not know where he lives ano kata no tokoro e ikitai no desH ga uchi ga ivakarimasen I will c. . . for it watahHshi wa jibun de kimasho I will c... again mata kima- sho I have c...ed to let yon know this watakOshi wa kore wo shirase ni kimo' shita please c. . . again mata o-ide nasai to c. . . out oHi koe wo dasi a man called Suzuki Suzuki to iuhito c. . . of nature; see watkr- CLOSET Calm (of the sea, weather) odayaka na Camel ia tsubaki Camphor shono c. . .-tree kiisu Can deki'ru c. . . foil, by a verb is ex- pressed by the infinitive foil, by koto ga deki'ru; or by special form of the verb c. . . you walk.< aruku i*to ga dekimasa ka? arukemasH kaf Can 69 Care can I have some hot -water (now)? o yu wo kudasai [hot water please) c. . . I have my breakfast at 5 o'clock to-morrow morning? myonsa go-ji ni shokuji ga u'rlhiui^m ka? c. . . you tell me if there is a steamer for Kobe to- day? konnichi. Kobe e iJcu hisen ga arimasU ka? [is there a steamer etc.] c. . . you speak English.' Ei-go ga dehimasH, ka? [not Ei-go wo] c. . . you do this? kore ga deldmasu ka? [not kore wo\ I c. . . dekimasu I c. . . not dekimasen: dekir nai if I c . . . dekireba what c... I do for you? (what do you need?) nani ka go yo ga arimasu, ka? how c. . . I get to Hakone? do sureba Hakone e ikare- masH ka? what c. . . that be? sore wa nan desho? do it as well as you c. . .• dekiru dake yoku nasai I wish I could go ikereba ii I wish I could have gone iketara yokatta I wish I could speak it ^- nasereba ii Canal hori-wari; unga Candle rosoku Canister dtU'tsUbo Cannon taiho Can-opener kan-kiri Zape (headland) mitaki Capital (city) miyako Captain (of a merchant ship) seneho Car I dinlng-c. . . shokudSsiia I sleeping-c. . . shindaisha I motor car jidosha I See MOTOR CAR, TRAMOAB I Card visiting-c... meishi playing-c. . . hana-fuda; karu- ta post^c. . . hagaki picture post-c... e-hagaki c. . .-boATdita-gami;b6ru-gami Care take c. . . ki wo tsOkeU o kure take c. . . (danger) abunai take c. . . of yourself daiji ni nasai if you dont take c. . . you will break that glass ki too tsUke-nakereba koppu W9 kowashUe shimau I shall take great c... of this picture kono e wo daiji ni shimasH I dont c. . . kamaimasen I don't c . . . for this flower kffno hana wa ammari sOki ja aAmasen I don't c. . .what becomes of it do naro to teataktlshi wa fthira-nai to give into the c. . . of nif azQce'TU to take c. . . (charge) of wo/ azukaru to give into the c. . . of the landlord shujin ni azuke'ru I will take c. . . Tcharge) of this parcel for you kotio nimotsU wo azukarimasho please take c. . . of this parcel for me dozo kono nimottH %to ankatte kuda- sai Care 70 Catch please take c. . . of the child a moment kodomo wo choUo mite ite kudasai fragile with c. . . (on packing- cases) kichohin Careful (of persons) chui-bukai you must bee... ki uo ii-uke- nakereba nara-nai if one is not c. . . ki wo tsxi- ke-nakcreba to be c. . . ki wo tsuke'ru; nen uo ireru c. . .ly ki wo Unikete; daiji ni Carele.io toki ni u;» yaku ni tata- nut Cash 1 shall pay c... for every- thing minna genkin dc harai- mas.'io I paid c. . . for it at toe time sono toki h'iraimashita -4.S there any reduction for c...? genkiu nara waribiki wo shimasu kaf Cashier kaikei-kata Castle shiro Cat neko he used my friend as a c ... 's paw ano hito wa watnkHshi iu> tomodachi wo dashi ni Vsukniinashlta CataloKue mokuroku Cataract tak-i Catch V. t. (an animal) tetl- kamaeru ; (as a ball) uke'ru shall we c... the train.' k'lsha ni ma ni aimasho kaf to c. . . hold of tsukamae'r'i to c. . . a cold kaze wQ hiku the child caught an Illness Kl.oki qa kodomo ni utsuri- nvm/t'tla Catch 71 Change the house caught fire uchi ni hi tja tsiikimashUa to be caught (like a fish) tore'ru to c. . . the eye me ni tsiiku I did not quite c. . . what you said anata no iu koto ga i/oku wakarinuisen de- sh'tta Cause (reason) u-ake : (purpose) tame what is the c. . . of that ? do iu wake de dead ka f nan no tame ni desU ka? I don't know the c. . . of it wake wa nhirimaaen; nun no tame ni da ka shirimasen -what c. . .d it ? do shite okotta no dext'i ka ! for this c. . . kono lame nl for what c....* nan no tame ni? without apparent c... nan to nahu to c. . . hiki-okosii Causative verbs; see p. 16 Caution (provident care) vojin Ceiling ten)d Celebrate (honour by cere- monies of joy) iwau; (re- ligious) niaimru c. . .d nadakai; yUmei na C...d place meisho c...d product meibiUsH celebration o iwai; o ma- tsuri Cement semenio Cemetery hakaba Cent sen See MONET one per c. . . iehi-hu two per c . . . , etc. ni-bu, etc. ten per c. . . ichi-wari twenty per c. . ., etc. m-unri, etc. Ceremony please do not stand upon c. . . dozo go enryo naku Certain on a c . . . day aru hi a c. . . man aru hito is it quite c....« tathlka desu ka? I dont know for c. . . tashika na kuto wa shirimasen I know for 0. . . taskUca ni shitte iiiuisH c.ly {v/ith c. . Ay) tashika ni c...ly (please do so) dozo; (it is so) mochiron C.ly not kesshile (foil, by neg. verb) are there any.2 c.ly aru ka? arirrtasH to mo Certificate shomeisho; m/mjd Chain tusari Chair isu sedan-c. . . kago Chance by c. . . giZjenni /(luckily) »at- wai ni I will give him another c . ano hito wo kondo wa yura- shite yaru if by any c... he should come moshi ano hito ga kitara I'll c. . . it ichi ka bachi ka yatle miyo Change v.t. (alter) hae:ru; (ex- change) tori-kae'ru ; v.fi hf- waru c. (money returned when paying a bill) o tsuri I liave no small c. koma' kai no ga nai c. . . this into small money please kore too kuiushit$ kudasai Change 72 Cheap to c... one's mind kangae naosu he^is very c. . .able anohUoiva taihen lei ga Jcawari-yasui he has c ... d very much taiheti kavariniashtta there is no c... kawari ga nai to c. . . to black kuroku nam [to become black] to t;»ke a c... of air for one's health tcnchi-ryoyo suru to c. . . carriages nori-kae'ru •without c. . . of carriages ncri-kae-nai de where must I c... for Ya- niada? Yamada e wa doko de iiori-kaeru no desu kaf must 1 c ... for Nara.' Nara e wa nori-kaeru no deaii kn'f at what tinio are we due there.* nan-ji ni tsuku hazu dem ka'f shall 1 have to wait there long.? nagaku matsu no desu kaH when does the Yamada train start.? Yanuida yuki no kisha wa nan-ji ni demasu ka? has the Yamada train ar- rived yet.* Yamada yuki no kishu wa mada isukimasen ka? •where is the train for Ya- mada.' Yamada yuki no kislia wa dotehi desH ka? which is the platform for Kobe.' Kobe yuki wa dotehi desu ka? on this side.* kotchi? on the other side.* muko! Character (letter) ji; (dispasi- tion) Umare-UiUci; (reputa- tion) hydban a, man of bad c... hyoban no warm h'lto Chinese c. . . (ideograph) honji Charcoal sumi Charge take c... of this parcel please kono .irnotsU wo azukatie kadusoi See CARE I ])Ut you in c. . . of this kore uu ancita 7io kaknri ni .yurti who i.-i in c. . . oi it dare ga sono l(i!cari deni ka? you have c...i] me too n;i;rh wnrhiqoUe iru [tliere is a mistake) to eive somebody in c... Mill wo iujisii »a h'iki-wa- tu.su how much will you c... to take me ashore.* oka made ikura desu ka? release c. . . it to my account vntnknslii no kanjo ni tsukete (lite kudaf:e c. . .ped kakete ,,'ru Chit cliitxi Choke (to be c...d) fsuJcaete iru Choose eramu; erabu si low me several to c... irom eramiiMsii kara mitsU Uut-'-u inisete kudasai please Iroin c... among these kono uchi kara eran- de kudanai there Ls not much to c. . . between tliem dolchi mo onaji da c. . . .vour own time anata no ii toki because I don't c... to iya da kara Church kydkai Cigar luamaki Cigarette maki-tabako Circiini. stance to take advantage of the c . . . s baai wo riyo suru according to (;...s baai ni yoru to: koto ni yoru to unavoidable c. . .s prevented me irom going yondokoro- nai wake de ikaretnasen desliila under no c...s nam ga nan de mo that depends on c. . .8 sore wo baai nt yoru Circumstance 74 Close Close 76 Come you must take the c. . .s into account baui wo kangae-na- kereba nara-nni under the c. . . s (conse- quentJy) yotte; (if that is the case) so iu wake nara as far as c...s may permit haai no yurusO, kagiri City shi the city of Yokoliama Yo- kohainti-shi Claim (demand as duo^ sri- kyu guru; (maintain) ii-haru I cannot admit your c. . . Q.nata no snki/u wo ireru koto uxi dekimaxcn I mii [has anybody used these sheets alter the wash?] they do not look as c. . . as j! would Wkc amari kirei nayo de wa ariiiiasen Clear (transparent) Duk-itotU iru; (manifest) wakirikiUe iru it is not c. wakara-nai- koto da I should line to iiave that c...ly put down in writing sore uo chaiilo kaite ilndal.itui c. . . the table teburu wo akete kure to c. . . away (di=hes, etc.) so- 9eru; katuzukeru Clerk jimuin; banto Clever riko na Climate kiko: jiko Cloak-room nimotsU wo azukeru tokoro Clock tokel 5 o'cKiik go-ii Sec TlMK ; WATCH CloKS geVi Close (near, for very small distanc -s! no soba ni; (near, for not sucli small dis- tances) no cJiikaku tii tlie ball is c..-. to the do? tama wa inu tw soba ni art many. tlie inn i^ c... to the po'?t- office yado-ya wa yubiM.- kyoku no chikaku ni ari- niam to jilace c... to ni/tsukeU oku place it c. . . to the wall kabe ni tsukete oite o kure follow c. . . behind me mw- takushi no ato ni tsuite o-ide to be c... at hand (lit.) te- jika ni am; (of time) chi- kazuku he lives c... by ano hito wa kinjo ni sunde imasu it k quite c . . . chikai desH to c . . . shime'ru please c . . . the door dozo to wo shimete kvdasai when do they c... the shop? ihi-ji ni mise wo yShimcmasu ka? the bank is c. . . d today kyo wa yinko ga yasuini dcsii the door doe.-* not c. . . right to ga chanto shimari- masen with c...d eyes n^e wo tsu- butte Cloth kire cotton c . . . momen woolen c . . . rasha Clothes (.lapani^jf) kimono; (Eurorioau) yoiuku (this docs not refer to under-clotliing) coat uwaiji vest dtokki trowsprs znbon See WASHING; DRESS Cloud kumo it is c . . . y kumotte imasu to become c. . ry kumotte kuru Clumsy bukitjo na' hrta na Coach baslia Coal sekittin Coarse (l)ailly m.Tdr) nomntfil rui; (rudo) knlij na; (rude in speech) kuchi no warui Coat (.lapanose) Ivaori; uwagi; (European) wvagi overc . . . gaila rain c... knppa; (European) ame no gaiio Cobweb kumo no su Cock ondori Cockroach abura-mushi Coffee kohii CoW (to the touch) tsumetai: (weather) samui this plate is c... kono sara _wa tsumetai 1 Wfint c. . . water not tepid nnmanuruku nai tsumetai mizu ga hoshii it is c . . . (weather) to-day kyo wa samui it has become very c . . . ho7ito 7ii samuku narimu- sh'Ua I feel c . . . samuke ga shi- do you find it e. . .f samuku ariiiia^en ka* I have caueht a c. . . iaze tno h'lkininsldUl Collar kara; eri Collect atxume'ru to c... by purchase kai- atminieru Colloquial (latiguaRe) zok-ugo Colour iro light c. . . Usui iro daik c . . . koi iro I want it of a lighter shade moUo Usui iro ga hoshii I doiit like the c. . . iro ga kirai does this c. . . fade? kono iro wa samemasiX ka? dues this c. . . wash well? kono iro wa aratte mo dni- joha dcvu ka? fast c . . . same-nai iro water-c... painting suiiai-ga c. . .ed illustration iro-dori no shlle aru e Comb kUshi to c . . . tokasH Come huru; (humble) mairu; (houorlflc) o-ide nasaru; irat- sharu Come 76 Common has he c.t ano hUo tea kimashUa ka? tell my boy tx) c . . . boi ni kuru yd ni iUe i> kure who came this morniut!? dare ga kesa kimasMUi ka? 1 c... from Kobe Kobe kara kimashlUi has anythins c... for me? rusni ka watakiishi ni ki- ■masbUa ka> I have c... to let him know thi< wainln'ishi wa kore wo shirase ni kinius/i'ttn c... here o-ide nasai; ko- c/iira e irasshai (polite) c. . . hnre about 5 o'clock ffo- ji ooro o-ide rtasai please c. . . again 7nata o-ide nasai please c... as quickly as possil;je dekiru dake hayaku o-idr ?i«sni if anybody c. . .?= let me know dare ka kitarn sltirnseteohire 1 am (joing to Mr. Smith's; if anybixly calls, c. . . tor me Smith Sun po tokoro e ikima- m'l, dare ka kitara yobi ni kite kure to c... back (home) kaeru; (to anotiier place) mata kuru c... back again soon suffu kaeri nasai 1 will c... back soon jiki ni l:artte kirrMsU will you c. . . with me? watakiishi to issho ni ikima- sen ka? C. . . on o-ide nasai ninlit is coming on kuraku nurimasu [it is becoming dark] to c... down ori'ru; (in priwV) makerii to c . . . down on somebody hlto wo s/iikaru C. . . in hairi nasai; o aga- ri nasai let him c... in kochira e it c . . . s to the same thing onaji koto desU what does it c. . . to? (in priced kanjo wa ikura desu ka? what does it c . . . to? (the result of all this talking) tsumari wa do nan desU? to c... off (lit.) deru; (be- come deUiched) toreru to c... out (lit.) dete kuru to c. . . by wa/te. ni vru how did you c... by that book? sono hon wa do shite o te ni irimasltlta! I have c . . . for the clock tokei wo tori ni kimuihlta [to take away the clock) to c . . . undone hodokeru Comfortable yukai na this is very c. . . kore toa inakoto ni yukai dfsil I feel quite c... honto ni kimoclii ga ii make yourself c... o raku ni Command • 1 c . . . you to do that do sh'ttp mo shi-nakereba ike- nai [you absolutely must do it] this hou^e c. . .5 a fine view kuno udii wa mi-harashi ga ii Commence hajime'ru Sec UF.Cil>f Commision (brokerage) tesi- ryo: koinisshon Common (between very good and very bad quality) nami no; (coarse) somatsii na; Common 77 Congratulate (frequent) fudan no; (gene- ral) aUtritnne no a c . . . fellow kalo na yatsCi it is a c . . . occurance Uibi- tabi no koto desu. out of the c... mezurashii c. . .-sense joshlki Company (firm) kaisfui; (vi- sitors) k>mku sama in c... (before people) hito naka de in c... with to issho ni Comparatively louri ni c. . . c!it?u|) to iri ni y:tsui Compare kural/eru Comparison there is no c... between 1 this :iiid tliat kore to sore | to WA in-irii (le ciiiij'iimnfii \ in c... to Lsii. .\',ikat-u is a large town I'sa ni kura- beru to yakaisil wa okii nwchi dcsti Compass (mariner's) jishaku Compel muri ni foil, by cau- sative Verb; see p. 25 be c. . . led me to go to Yokoliania wotakushi wo j muri ni Yokohanui e ika- semnshitu \ Complain (grumble) ytuu-guzu ' u< I what do you c. . . of ? (to ' an inferior* tiani ga ki ni I ira-nai no ka? I sliall c... to the police I /ansa ni h'in'ishii)Uisu ' Complete sorotta I is this 0...? kore wa sorotte '■ ii'iasii ka? I a c. . . stranger niaru de shira fiai hito c. . .ly maru de; sukkari 1 c . . . ly forgot it sukJcari \ loasureUi I Compliment pic.cse present my c. . .9 to your father o to-san ni yoro- sh Iku Compound (enclosure) yashiki- uchi Concern see BtJSiNKSS Condition (state) yosti; (clause) joken on c... that he conies with me ano hito ga issho ni ikelia [if he comes with niej tln^ nresent c. . . of affairs il)|'^ no yCiaCi ConJuloncc I am sorry to hear it (some- Ibiiig bad fur another per- son, not myseli) sore too ike-:nu koto dmi'i nt I am very ^orry utinyd; (al)-eiice of anxiety) an- ahin to have c. . . iu wo/shinyo suru to 'ose c... in wo/shcnyo shi-naku )iaru to inspire with c. . . anshin I'jseru Congratulate 1 c. . . you upon the birth Congratulate 78 Contrary of youi' son o ko-san m n Umare ni natte o medeto goMhnnm I c. . . you mfdetS I am r1.i(1 to hsar it sore wa ii koto dcst't ne that i^ very fortunate (for you) Lore wa yokkatla Connect tsugu; awaseru Connection (relation) kankei Conquer kaUu Consent v. i. shodii sunt Consequence it is of no c. . . (it does not matter) karruUmasen a matter oi no c . . . (of little importance) sonna ni taishita koto jn nai in c. . . of an advertise- ment kokoku de in c. . . of tliis konn wake de Consider I shall c... it katrjaete mi- mas'iio please c. . . it well yoku kan- gaete kitdasai I C. . . it necessary fore wa hUsuyo da to onunmasu I c... him thoroughly ho- nest ano hlto wa honlo ni shSjiki da to onwimam that is c...ed impolite in Euroi)e nore wa YOroppa de' wa shUsurci na koto da to shite arimasu c...inK he is a foreigner teiyo-jin ni shite wa c. . .ing the price, the quality of this cloth is rather good kono kire wa nedati no ivari ni shina ga yoroshU gozai- masxi Consignment okuri-ni Consist to 0... of de/nari-tatsii Consul rydji c. . . ate ryojikan British c...ate Igirisii na ryojikan American c. . .ate Amerika no ryojikan I shall complain to my c... ryoji ni harmshivi'isii Consult ni/ Sudan sttru you had better c. . . a doc- tor isha ni mite morau ho ga ii [be seen by a doctor] Contagious tttsnru a c. . . disease utsuru bydki Contain how much will that case c....' ano hako ni dono gurai hairu ka) this box c. . .9 one dozen kono luiko ni wa ichi-ddsiX fuiitte imasH to c. . . one's self gaynan suru I cannot c. . . myself tama- r'l-nai Content are you c. . .^ emata wa rrum- zoku shtU imasa ka? Continue (trans.) tsuzuke'ru; (iiitr.) tnuzuku still c. . .s nuida yama-nai [not stopped yet] Contract yakujo to c. . . (a disease) ni/naru; (diminish) chiigaku naru; (make an agreement) yaku- jo suru c. . .or ukeoi-nin Contradict hantai suru Contrary on the c. . . hantai ni; kaetu what is the c. . . of nagai (long).? nagai no hantai «a nan desiX kat you did it c. . . to my ^rfU omae xoa watakHshi no ii- Contrary 79 Cough tsUke ni somuite konna koto ■wo shita Convenient is it c... to-day .» konnichi tsugo wa ii desH kat a c. . . place benri nn tokoro a c... (handy) thing choho na mono if c... (to you) go tsugo ga yokereba when c. . . go timgo no iitoki ni Conversation kaiwa Convince tokishin saseru to be c...d that tushika to omou Cook ryori-nin; kokkfi san to c . . . . ryori suru cm you c. . . ICuropcan food.' anata wa seiyo-ryori ga dekimafu ka? too many c...s ppoil tile hiotli ge)idu ukus/iite June yama ni nolioru [too many boatmen will take the ship up a mountain] Cool (of temperature) smti- thii; (of things in general) tsumetai to c... samasH; ti>umetaku suru Coolie ninsoku rikLsha c... kuruma-ya, sha tu Copper akagane; do c . . . coin doka Copy V. t. utstisii c. . . this letter kono U:gami wo utsusltHe kure take two copies please utsu- shi wo ni-nuii totte kudasai Coral sangoju Cord (Uiin) ito; (thick) hoso- biki Corea Chon^rt Cork koroppu dra\v the c... korvppu wo nuite kure c... -screw kuchi-nuki Comer (external) kado; (in- ternal) sumi he was standing at the c. . . of the street ano li-^lo «w mnrhi no kado ni tiitte ijna- s/iita put my bag in the c. . . toata- kiis/ii no nimotsU wo eumi ni oite o kurr four c...ed clii-kaku na three c...ed san-kaku na round the c... magari kado to turn a c... kado wo nia- garu Corpse tltiiai Correct viachigai no nai [not inconeill to c. . . iiaoKfi my account is not c. . . kan- jo ga maciiigatte imasH my account is c... kanjS wa machiguttc inuisen. plea>e c. . . my mL-»takes in Xajiaire.se dozo wtilakushi no JS' i/io)i-(/o no niachigai too naos/iite kudasai Cost how much does this c.t kore wa il.-ura desti kat it c. . .sa^'reat deal leant gala- kusan kakaiimasd the actual c... moto-ne See BUY Costume (Japanese) kimono; (European) yo/uku Cotton (wool) wata; (cloth) Tnom.en c...-yam momen-Uo Cough seki to c . . . seki ga de'ru I have a c. . . to-day kyo w-.i srk-i ga dernatH Could 80 Crystal Could see can Count katoe'ru joti can c... upon it aai- jubu desu you mustn't c. . . upon me ate ni shiU ua ikemasen there c. . .ing my son musHko to san-niii Country (rural parts) inaka; (region, kinpdom) kuni all countries kahkoku I ■ivant to travel in tlie c. . . inaka tii ryoko shitai what is your native c. . J kuni tea doko desu ka't c...-man (peasant) inaka no Into fellow c. . . -man dokoJni-jin Couple IMfiU3o c... aniari iiui- no-:uki desu I am c. . . to know shiritai Current ncignre Curtain •; window) mado-kake; (the;itrc) nitiku Cushion (for sitting on) zabu- ton air-c... (pillow) kUki-maku- ra Custom shukan it is a Japanese c. . . Nikon no slvdkan da it is uot the c... here (in Japan) Nikon no shUkan tea I chigaimasu Custom 82 Dare bad c. . . warui shukan old c . . . furui shukan Customer hynku; o kyaku-san; (hnl.itual) tokui Custom-house zeikan wliere is the c. . J zeikanina doho deafi ka! this is my luggage kore w watakiishi no niinotsii desil must I open every one? minna ake-nakereba nari- munen ka? must I tiike tlie things out? mono wo dasa-nakereba ruiriiimsen ka? I do not tiiink I have any- thing to declare zrikin wo har,:u y,'ono ga ttui tu oitioi- I was not aware that this was subject to duty kore ni wi on hikm-u to iva oytwi- tmiarn df-ihUa it is U,v i;iy personal us^oi'hiin de Udkau no desii Cut (trans.) kiru; (intr.) Jd- Tli'TU, I have c. . . my finger witli a knife naiixl de yxihi wo kerjii shini/islnta to C... we)! !/oku kireru to c. . . badly kirc-nai the price anotlKT ha to c... iu half to " c . . . down ■iruikfru tlie hiiby has c tootli nkamlx't ni inata fjd hcciiianJiita a shoU c. . . chika-michi Dacgcr tnntZ Daily nHH-nifld d . . . wase nikkyH in d... vuie iiuti-iiicfii tuiikau this giass is in d... use ko- re wa mai-nichi tsukau kop- pu desu Damage (injury) kizu; (loss) son show me wliere the d . . . is (body, clotlies, book, etc.) doku ni kizu ga cucu no desii ka? show me where the d . . . is (liousc, etc.) doko ga itan- de iru no desu ka? I must claim for d . . .s wata.- ki'is/ii wa sorii}ni-!>ti>sho wo shite tnorawa-uakereixi na- ra-nni I sliall p\it in a claim for d. . .s songai-baisho no set' ki/H wo shinwm to d... kizu wo Uukfru to be d . . . d kizu O'l uru \ IS it d...d any wliere? kizu I q'l arimusu ku? this is d...d kore ni wa kizu ga arim.im Damp shiineppoi to become d... shimeppoku mn-u; sfiinieru to d ... en shimesu I Dance udori 1 a s:if:ri!il d. . . kagufa I Dauscrous abiini'.i I is if d...? aOunai desii kaf \ Darc ; now d... you ao out with- I out peitni> wo sltxiH^mH ka? 1 d.> iiai d . . . ask him do sk'itc tno hanasf'ian'n Id... say «i5 ta mo shire-nai 1 d. . . say It will rain to- day ante ga )uru ku mo Dare 83 Day shire-nai [it will rain but I am not sure] Dark (destitute of light) kurai; (colour) koi; (per- sons) kuroi that man is dark arvo hito wa iro ya kuroi it is d... at 7 o'clock In the evening ban iw shichi- ji wa kurai Date on what d . . . ? (what day.*) ikka ni? nan-nirhi? on what d...? (when en- quiring for montli and day) nan-gaisiX nan-nirhi! what is thed. . . of that letter.' sono teiiami no id-nichi wa nan-nicid desu ka ? this letter has no d. . . kono f.eynmi ni wa hi-nichi ga kai- te nai 23 of June 1912 Meiji shi-jU- go-nen rokii-gatsu id-jH-sun- nichi {Meiji 45 year 6 month -I'-i dayl 15 of .March l!)13 Taisho ni- nen san-galsH ju-go-nichi [Taisho - year, 3 month, 15 day J HOTE. The present era in Japan is callpd Taisho. It began on the 31st of July H)r.J. To pass from the Christian era to the era of Tai- sho and vice versa subtrnct or add 1911. j'.ofore tlie Taisho era was the era of Mnji, wliich besan in 1868 and ended at the death of the late Emperor on the 3()t.li July 1012. To pass from the Cliristian era to the era of Meiji or vi(-e ver*a subtract or add 18(57 Daughter musUme; (your d. . .) o jo-san d. . .-in-law musiiko no yome grand-d. . . nrngo-rnusurm step-d. . . giri am mumme adopted d . . . uojo eldest d . . . soryo-musUme second d . . . tsugi no rnitsii- me youngest d... sue no vm- sume only d... hitori-musUme Dawn yo-ake Day nichi; hi one d . . . irhi-nichi 2 d. . .s futiuka 3 d . . . s mi.'cka 4 d. . .s yokka 5 d . . . s itsHka d. . .s niuika 7 d. . .s namtka 8 d. . .s yoka 9 d . . . s kokonoka 10 d. . .s tuka 14 d. . .s jn-yakka 20 d. . .s hatmka 24 d. . .s ni-ju-i/okka All tlie others are formed with the fust set of nume- rals (p. 23) 11 days jA-ichi-nichi anotlier d... (nut today) iisukn: (not tii'e s;ime day) fioka no hi how many d...s? iku-nichi? what d... (of the week) is itto-ii.iv? kyo wa nani tfo-bi dex'i ka? svhat d... (of the month) Ls it t(j-day? kyo wa nan- nichi desu hi? what d... did you go.? turn nichi ni ikinms/iUa ka? d... by d... iiiiD'iKhi ni every d. . . mniidchi Day 84 Deal every other d . . . ichi-niehi oki to-d. . . kormichi; kyo to-morrow myonichi; asMta the d . . . after to-morrow rnyogcmicM; asatte yesterday saL-ujUsu; kino the d . . . oef ore yesterday iasaJnijitsU; ototoi d... time hiru during the d . . . hiruma midd. . . o hiru a few d . . . s ni-san-nichi [two or three d. . .»] a few d . . . s ago senjitgH the other d senjUtA; konaida twice ad... ffhi-nichi ni nir do good d . . . konniehi tea it takes a d . . . ichi-nichi kakarimasa by the d. . . hi 4e by tiiat d . . . sono hi made ni on ttiat d. . .sono hi ni all d . . . long ichi-niehi'ju all d... to-d... kyo ichi- nichi d . . . and hour jijitsU what d. . . and hour can I Bpeak to you? nan-nichi nan-ji ni v hirtashi ga de- himasM? let me know the d. . . and hour jijitsu wo oshieU kudasai d. . . and night hiru mo yoru mo during the next few d. . .s kore kara nv-san-nichi no aida within a few d...8 nirsan- niehi no uchi ni; $ono uchi ni it has been put oS from d. . . to d... until now kyo wa ashita wa to itU ima made nobonhUa the first d . . . of the month ichi-nichi; tsuiiachi the last d. . . of the month misoka first d... of the year gan' jitsU last d... of the year o-mi- soka in ten d . . . a from to-d , , . kyo kara toka-mt ni in the coiir«e of to-d... kyo no uchi ni one d... (a certain d...) am hi one d . . . (in future time) tajitm; iteii ka some d . . . tajitsu; itsu ka only the other d . . . tmii kotw aida the d . . . before sono mae no hi two d. . .s before sono jutg&ka mae the next d... sono tsugi no hi two d. . .8- after sono futsO- ka ato the feast d... (of a shrine) matsuri ordinary d . . . ludan it is already broad d. . .-light sukkari akaruku narimashxta Dead see die Deaf ad... person tsumbo d . . . and dumb oshi are you d..J (mockingly) mimi wa kazari mono kat [are your ears ornaments?] Deal a great d. . . taMsan; dosttui a good d... daUni; yohodo; y&ppodo Dear S6 Dear that fs d... sore wa takai wliat a d... (darling) ka- waii d-esH nef d. . . me! mdl Death shi sudden d. . . tonshi untU d. . . shinu made violent d . . . h^nshi Debt shnkkin; kari d. . .or kari-nushi I have d:..s waUak&shi vm kari ga aru to run into d. . . shakkin sttru Deceive damasu December ju-nirgatsU Deckle kime'ru most d. . .dly mochiron Ded< kampan on d . . . kampan ni Decrease (trans.) herasCi; gOJcu- naku suru; (intr.) fieru; sUkit- naku naru Deduct ?ilku Deep fHkai; (of colour) hoi is it d... here? koko tea fakai desho kat Deer shika Defend mamora Deficient (to be d. ..) tari-itai this milk is d . . . in cream kono gvStnyu wa huriimu ga tari-nai Degree (measurement) do by d. . .3 danrdan not in the slightest d. . . sUhoshi mo (with neg. verb) Delicate (of health) yowai; (fragile) kyasha na Delicious oishU: Umai Delightful ontoshiroi Deliver (rescue) tasilfce'ru (hand over) todoke'ru; tea- tasu Depend Demand seikyu guru it Ls in great d... ure-kuchi ga ii Dense fHkai Dentist tia-isha Deny Id... it ' well ano htto ica no/:u yatte imnxit, to do ;i room heii'i >la- zuke'rii: liffia no soji no Huru who did this i-oom? /.y.wo heyii u:a d'ire iic xnji sJiiiiutsli'iiit! when are you coinu to do my room? it; do!/d (end of .iulv ai'd beginning of Au- gust) to go to tlie d...s daraku sunt Doll iiinnud Do'iar (Japanese) yen; (for- cigu) dAra one d... note ichi-yen sa- tsU See MONEY Donkey roba; (fool) baka Door to; hiraki-do; (sliding) panel, if semi-transparent- fihi'iii; (slidiug-panel, if opa- que) /iis'iiihi; /.-'ira/.-.-fffii; (en- trance) iri-imc'ii shut the d. . . to wo shimete o kure open the d . . . to wo aketf kure you nuist not leave, the d . . . open akfipiuinshi ni shite oite wa ike-nai you must kinpok at thed... before coniimg in haim nine ni to uo tH'iku no dexA at wMiat tinie do ymi shut the d...? naii-ji ni to too sli'',neiii"^u ka? will it he ii|)(ned at any time hy la;ocUiiig? to wo tatakcba itt^d dc mo aketf- kuretnasu ha? in-d. . .s uchi no naka ni out of d. . .S SdU) small d... in large one Aru- the next d . . . tnnnri d... -keeper mohthan to go to the Iroiit d. . . (of a servant, to receive a guest) tori-tsu'ji ni dc ru Dot hii Double 1 ^v.'ll,t (I... as much tot hoilo litxlai tiii> i- d... as big kore wa bai no uki.ift da d. . .-Iieari^d futa-gokoro no Dniiht 1 d ... it so k(i Khira without d. . . ut/tgai mo naku tliere is no d... about it soie 7ii chifrai )tai I d... whether he will come ano hito ga kuru ka 91 Doubt do ka wakara-n.ii [whether he comes, how is it, I dont know] I don"t d. . . your word atiata no koloba wo uUigaiinasen Dove hato Down (below) xhita ni my boy is d . . . stairs loata- kiishi no hoi wa shUa ni ori»iami put it d... oki nasai d. . . the nver katva-shimo the road is d...hill niich wa knd'iri-zakn desij to got d . . . oriru Dozen ddsii Dragon {jil^fi; rtni Drain nejuii: dotiu Draught theie is a d... kazc ga ki- 7nasil I do not mind a d... kaze ga kite mo knmnimiisen Drav (drag I li'ilru; (a pirturc) kaku: (water) kumi:; (tuiids) hiki-da.m the time d...s near inj jiki j Drawer (rccei)tacle) }iikt-dn>ihi | Drawers (garment) zubon- : sli ita ; sh 'lUi-nn, m:>h iki chest of d. . . tmisu Dreadful osorosliii Dream yume to d. . . vitnie uv miru 1 d...t la-t night yO be yu- me wo miinnfltltii what did you d... about.' donna yume wo minuisUitt kaf 1 d. . .t about a dog inu no yume wo tnitnashita 1 never d. . .t of it yume ni mo shira-nai a nightmare kowai yume Drive to have a nightmare iouni yume wo nii'ru Dress fukii: (Japanese) kimono; (EuropeaTi) yofiiku to d... kimmio wo kiru T want to d . . . bring my clothes ti'jfiiku ir,i kiUti kara niolte kite o kure I want to cliange n>y d . . yofOku wo ki-kaetai assist me to d . . . ydfuku wo kiru kara tetsudalie o kure See CIOTHKS Drink (a beverage) nonil- hioiio: (to d. . .) nomu I want to d . . . some beer biiru wo notiiitid will you have a A. . J'ip-pai nomiiiiaaen ka? tlianks I will itadakiniasho no, tliank you iUuiakima- sen: takiisan wliat will you liave? navi wo noininiUKa ka? where can I got a bottle of beer? doko de biiru wo uri- mam'i ka? will you drink a glass o* bopr wit) I mo? biiru 7vo o txdldal niisniiiuisen ka? help yourself .7« jiyil ni; (drink what has been ser- ved yo.j) o aijori nami to d... too much nomi- SUi/i'TU a great d...er o-zakenom', your healtli go keiiku wo sMku nhiinasa See DRUNK Drive to d . . . a horse Uma wo gyo sum d . . . r gyosha to d . . . iu a carriage hatha ni no)-u Drop 92 Each Drop hUo-tarashi to d... (trans.) otosu; (in- tr.) ochiru a tiling d...ped (by mis- take) otoski-mor,c Drown (trans.) oborasu to be d...ed oboreru Drug kuguri d. . .gist kusuri-ya Drum taiko Drunk to be d . . . yolte i'ru ad en person yopparai to get half d... nama yoi ni nam Dry kawaita. to d... (trans.) kawakasu: (intr.) kawaku to be d . . . kawnite i'ru please d... this shirt kono shatsu wo kawakashUe kuda- sai it is not d... yet mada ka- wakimasen give me some d . . . socks kawaita kutsu-sMta wo moUe kite o kure \ to d... (with a cloth) /w/)i I d. . . this tumbler kono koppu i wo fuUe u kure I to d . . . in the sun hinata j de hosfi Duck ahiru Due I at what time is tlie train 1 d . . . .^ nan-ji ni kisha wu tsUku hazu desu ka'! it is d . . . at 5 o'clock go-ji ni tniku hnzu desd it may bed... to the wea- ther tenki no sei ka mo shire-nai Dull (stupid) nibui; (of places) omosfiirol.u ymi; inki na; (of tlie weather) kunwtia Dumb oslti Durable (wearing well) moch: ga ii During no aida ni d . . . the interval sono aida ni he died d... the niglit j/o- ru shinimashUa Dust hokori the road is very dusty mi- cfii (la hokori-darake desH please d... the table teburu . wo soji shite o kure d er sokin (which also means house-cloth) to d . . . hntnku: soji sunt; (with a cloth) fiiku Dutch Oraiida no D. . .man Oranda-jin Duty oiinu; tsutome: kakari it is your d . . . to do this kore wo sum no wa anata 710 gimu desii it is your d . . . to look after my luggage watakushi no nimotsu wo ban sum no wa annta no tsutome desH whose d . . . is it to attend to tills.' xore wa dare no kakari dexil ka? to do one's d... (limu tco tstikusil to neglect one's d . . . gimu wo okotaru to be on d . . . toban de am to be off d . . . hiban de aru custom-house d... zei d . . . -free viu-zei liable to d . . . zei ga kakaru Dye (dry) some-ko; (liquid) some-gusuri to d . . . some'ru Each mei-mei; zutsU he gave a dress toe... mei- mei ni kimono wo iehi-mai yarimashita; kimono wo ichi- Tnai-zutsU yarimashita Each 93 Edge give them one e . . . hUotsil- zutsU agele kudasai give three of these pears to e... child kono nashi wo mitlsic zulsu ano kodomo- tachi ni o yari nasai they cost a yen e . . . ichi yen ztitsU kakarimnsii I want two rikishas to go to the castle and back how much will it be.' kuru- ma ni-dai o shiro made no ofiiku ikura desu ka? one yen ichi-yen e... rikisha.2 ichi-dai de desii ka? e. . . time mni-do they are on bad terms with e... other ano hito-tiichi wa naka what e... do you want.' hnkn ni nani ga irinifisu km what e... did lie say.' hoka ni nan to iiinnshitn kaf did he say aiis thing e...f nani ka lioka ni hanashi- nuishita ka! U there anything e....» mo hfikii ni arimasen kaf Else 95 End if it is nothing e . . . mo sore dake naraha there is nothing e. . . to be done so ntru hoku shikata gu nai or e . . . de nakereba you had better write or else lie will not come tegami wo kaku ho ga ii, de nake- reba ko-nai |if you do not he will not come] Bomeonee. . . (not this person) dare ka hoka no hito : (an action which is repeated) mata dare ka Bomc one e . . . (one more per- son) has come mata dare ka kinui.th ita eometliing e. . . iiani ka hoka no mono Bomewliere e... doko ka hoka no tokoro e. . .where /if./.« ni; hoka e Embassy Viif^lii-kcn British E . . . Eikoku taishi- kun American E... licikok-u tai- shi-kan Embroider nuitori suru e. . .y nuitori Emperor KUtci Ileika; (of Japan) Tenno Heika; Ten- th i iyuma See KINO Empire teikoku Employ (use as a senant) yuluu e. . .ee yatoi-nin e. . .er yntoi-nushi Empre.ss Ayowu; (of Japan) Kogo Ecika Empty kara; (in comp. often) aki to be e. . . aite i'ru to be partly e. . . suite i'ru to e . . . ake'ru an e . . . bottle aki-bin the bottle is e... bin wa kara desii; bin wa aite ■ imasil Enamel shippo-ijaki Enclose kakou; (in a letter) ire ru e . . . (J I send you a money- order for '.io yen nt-jd-go- yen no kawuse wo irvte oku- ri)nasii Encourage (a iierson) ni/chi- kura wo tsftkete yam End owari; shimai; (of a place) hazure at tlip e... of the year to- shi no owari ni; Lnrc at the e... of tlie month tsOki-zue I will give you something at the e... of my stay watukfmhi no taUn toki ni nani ka agemaslio [wlien I deriart] t i> iiiipossilde to say what the c. . . will he kono owari wa do naru ka loakara-nai he will come to a bade... ii shiiii-yi) wa shi-nai [he Wont die a gooil dentli) there is no e... to tiiio A-or« ni kiri ga nai in the e. . . shiiiini ni I wonder how it will turn out in the e. . . shinuii ni wa do niiru deiihd? one e. . . kata-hashi to no e. . . muda ni to come to an e... owari ni naru; shimtti ni wjru to e... (iiitr.) owaru; owari 7ii naru; (cease) yamu; (conclude) sumu to e... (trans.) shimav; yame'ru; suniase'ru End 96 Enquire he will e... by breaking it ima ni kotvasu desho Endorse ura-gaki v:o sum e merit ura-gaki Enemy kataki; tcki Engage (to e... a servant) yatou are you e . . . d? (busy) o isognshii desu ka? I am e . . . d itna wa isoga- sMi [busyl is this seat e...d? koko wa a%te iviasil ka? the teleplioue is e . . . d at present denim toa ima o hanashi chu desO. to make an e...ment ya- kHsoku sum to fulfil an e . . . ment yakH- soku wo mamoru I have an important e . . . ment tliis evening komban daiji na yo ga am. See SERVANT Engine kikai; kikan locomotive kikansha pteam e . . . joki-kikan England IgirisO. English (adj.) IgirisH no; (lanpuase) Ei-go do you speak E....« Ei-go ga dekimasii ka? is tlieie anybody here who speaks E...? koko ni Ei- go no dekim hito ga imasu ka? in E . . . we say Book Ei-go de wa Book to iitnasH I am an E . . . man umta- kfishi wa Igirim-jin desu Engrave horu e . . . ing (picture) Mnga; e Enjoy (oneself) tanoshimu I e...ed tlie journey ryo^o via VinoshirokaUa how do you e . . . yourself here? koko wa do dem kaf I hope you will e... your- self o tanoshimi desu ne Enough lakiisan ttiat is e... sore de takHsan is tliis e . . . .* kore de taka- san desU ka? not e . . . sukunai; tari-nai I have liad e . . . mo takvsan have you e . . . water? mizu ga takilsan arimasO. ka? twenty yen woukl be e... ni-ju-ycn de Utkusan desho five yen will not be e. . . go- yen de wa turi-nai e. . . for two days fuUHkabun e . . . for one man Miori mat *e . . . of tliat sore de ii well e . . . (pretty well) kanari yoku it is not strong e. . . kore wa johu ja ruii that is not sweet e . . . sore wa satu on tari-nai he is not ricli e... ann hito tra sore dale no kane ten nai it i^ not nearly e... amari Uiri-nai that will do, you liave read e . . . mu sore de yoroshix lakiisan yornimashita you have not drunk e... yet motlo nonieru desho more tlian e . . . amaru hodo one would have been e . . . hito- isii de yokaita it will be time e... when I come ha.ckkaeilekaTademo i- e . . . — to hodo have we e . . . coal to last till next spring? raiharu made tsukau hodo sekiian ga am ka? Enquire see INQUIRE Enfer 97 Evening Enter hairu; (write down in a book) ni/icaki-iomete oku it has not even e...ed my head kangae mo shi-ruikatta is one obliged to take off one's boots on e...ing? ftairu toki ni ica kutsu wo nuga-nakcreba ike-nut no desH ka? will you e... my service? watakushi no tokoro de tsulnmemasen ka? Entertain (amuse) tanoshi- maseru e...ment (banquet) go-chiso Entirely mnru de; sukkari Entrance irl-rjuchi servants' e . . . kuUe-guchi how much !s the e. . .? nyii- joryo ?/'« ikura desu ka? Entreat kovgan suru Envelope (of a letter) jo-bu- kuro Environs kinjo are the e... of Yokohama interesting? Yokohama no kinjo wa omoshiroi desho ka? Envy I e. . . you urayairutshii [en- vious] Equal this is not e. . . to tliat kore wa sore to cliiiiuimasu; kore wa sore to onajl de wa arimasen divide this into three e... parti kore wo onnji ni miltsiX ni wakete o kure these two tilings are e... kore to kore wa onaji desu Errand tsUkai to send on an e. . . tsiikai ni ynru can you go on an e . . . for me? tsakiii ni itte kuremasen kaf Escape (run away) nigeU shimau it was a narrow e. . . abunai I koto deshxta Especially tokubetsu ni; betsU ni Esteem v. t. sonkei sum Europe Voroppa Even nw; de mo; (level) taira na e . . . if it rains I shall leave this afternoon ame ga lutte vw him karc dekakemnsii e ... if it did rain you ought to have come ame ga iuttatte kuru hazu desu I shall buy it e . . . if it is dear takakUte mo kaimasu who cares e. . . if it is danger- ous ? abunakUte mo kamau mono ka ? not e . . . once ichi-do mo e... the Japanese NUton no hito de nw e . . . allowing that sore ni shite mo f... my clotlies were burnt kimono made mo ynkita I c;in hear it e... now ima de mo kikoeru not e. . . a chair isu mo nai not e. . . I can do it uatashi de sae riekimnsrn can't you do it when e... a little child can? kodomo de sae dekirti no ni anata iva dekiinascn Ira? I haven't yet read e... half mtida hamhun mo yomimasen °. . . number gasii Evening ba?i come in the e... ban ni O' ide nasai I an> going out this e... komban dekakeyO to ornoi' musu Evening 98 Examine good e .. . . komban um yesterday e . . . sakuban; yuhe e... of the day before yes- terday iasakxthan to-morrow e. . . myoban e . . . of the day after to- morrow myoffonichi no ban will you come out with me this e . . . .» komban issho ni kite kudasaimasen kaf Event at all e...8 dS shite mo; to- nikaku mo a happy e... medetai koto Ever did he e... write to you.» ano hito tea anata ni tega- mi wo kaita koto ga ari- mam kaf I have hardly f . . . seen any amari mita koto ga nai I hardly e . . . go metta ni iki- ma^fn e . . . so far zutto toi e. . . so many times iiu-tabi mo e. . . so much ikura de mo for e . . . itgi made mo Just the same as e... tted mo no tori; chitto mo kawaro" nai Every mai; goto ni e . . . body dare de mo e. . . one (of a particular group) minna e... one of the children has a^ cold aehi no kodomo tea minna kaze wo hikima- thita e. .. time tamM ni e... time I go out in the evening I catch a cold t/oru deru tambi ni kaze too hikimatH «... day Tnai-niehi does it leave e . . . day* mair nicki detnasu ka? e. . . Sunday mainichiyo e . . . other one MtotsU, oki e... other day ichi-nicki oki e... third day jut-mka oki e . . . where doko de mo; doko ni de mo: hobo e . . . thing nan de mo; minna before e . . . thing else I must have foreign food nani yori seiyo-ryori ga tabetai are you willing to do e . . . thing.' anata u>a nan de mo shimasH kaf he will help you in e . . . way nan no sewademo thUekure- masa e. . . chair is occupied dono isu mo Isukatte iru Evident it is e . . . that nifchigai nai Exact please be very e... in your accounts kanjo wa kichd- men ni shite kudatai e...ly ehodo; tashika ni I dont know e...ly yoku sliirimasen it IS e . . . ly 8 o'clock ehodo hachi-ji deeH e...ly alike tHkoshi mo chi- gawa-nai; chodo onaji it is not e . . . ly the same c/to- do onaji de wa arimasen it is not e . . . ly impossible (but it is very difficult) deki-nai koto de. mo nai you caa't e . . . ly call him rich kane-moehi to iu hodo de u» arimasen e . . . ly 1 so desa Exaggeritt! ogesa ni iu ExAinine (inspect) shirabe'ru;- kensa wo sum; (in knovr- ledge) thiken wo suru Examine 99 Excuse I want to e . . . the class in English Ei-go no shiken wo thitai I want to e . . . that thing are wo mitai [see] will the luggage be e...d at Vladivostock? Urajiwo- sulokka de nimotsU wo shira- bemasU kaf Example for e . . . UUoeba please give me an e . . , rei wo hanashite kudasai good e . . . ii tehon give good e . . . ft tehon wo o mise nasai ■ [show a good e...] you are giving bad e. . . to youf brother anata wa ototo ni warui tehon wo misete iru Exceed sugiru not e . . . ing two feet ni- shaku ika; ni-shaku yori sOkunai not e...ing ten minutes jip-pun inai; jip-pun yori tiJ.-unai e . . . ly, see very Excellent (persons) sugureta; (thing) kekko na that is e . . . sore wa gOteki da Except no hoka take all the luggage e... the small bag chiisai nimo- taH no hoka wa minna motU o kure Exception without e... nokora-zu with the e . . . of my fa- ther chichi no hoka under e...al circumstances yamu wo e-nai baai de please make an e . . . in fa- vour of me watab&shi daki tokubetsi ni shite kudasai Exchange tori-kae'tu; (of mo- ney) ryogae suru please e . . . this dozo kore wo tori-kaete kudasai will you give me that in e . . . for this? kore to sore to tori-kaete kudasaimasen kaf. Bxcremeat daiben Excursion to make an e . . . asoM ni iku I want to make an e ... to Kamakura Kamakura ni asobi ni ikUai Excuse e . . . me gomen natai; gomen kudasai 1 beg to be e. . .d (declining a proposition) yurttshile ita- dakitai e , . . ♦ my rudeness kore wa shitsHrei; shitsHrei itashima- shiia e . . . me for having troubled you go mendo kakele sumi- masen deshUa e . . . me for not having been attentive to you o kairuii mo shimasen deshita; o somatsU sama; o sosS sama e. . . me for having kept you waiting o machidS sama e. . . me for saying so but — shitsUrei desU ga — really I am luable to offer you any e . . . makoto ni moshi-wake ga gozaimasen e . . . me for going first o saki e gomen kudasai Uiat is only an e . . . tore wa ii- tvakeda don't e . . . yourself ii-wake wo iunowao yoshi ^uisai e. . . me for beingsolateo(oX;it narimashUa Excuse 100 Experience e... me, what may be the name of this place? xhitsurri desil ga, koko wa turn to iu tokoro dexlio? c. . . me for interniptinft you when you were so busy u ino- gashii tokoro ivo o jnma aid- mash'ttn e... my back please us// (>o lo') mukcte govien misni. if anyone calls, e. . . me okija- ku ga kimashUara liyo ni ko- towatte kvre e. . . me I didn't do it on pur- pose tsui xhUa no ilesu kara gomcn nasai 1 am sorry to trou'DJe you go nifndo kakete viakolo nisunii- viaien ask liim please to e. . . ine a few moments shitsOrei. desii gasukoslito maclii kudasaru yd ni to iile o k-ure Exercise to tiike e... undo suru. Exhibition hakurankai Exist since when does tliis e...? itm kara kore ga arimasH kat Exit de-guchi Exorbitant h'igai na Expect 1 e ... "so so ommivaKU when may I expect it.? itsu dekimasu kaf as I e . . . ed omotta tori I shall e... you o machi moshimusho I am e...ine; some one in twenty minutes mo ni-jip- pun tatf.u to kyaku ga kuru hazu desu he does not e. . . me till flv*" o'clock gn-ji no yakusoku desu kara so?io mae wa betsu ni matte i-nai desho it is betterthan I e. . .ed omot- ta yori yoku dekiniaxhUa don't e... too much of him ajii/rri sfiiityo shi-sugite iva ikeniasen I e. . . it by tlie next steamer kovo tnugS 110 lunr de kiinasho I e... he i-i writinc letters trgmri wo kiiUf. inc doiho it was only to be e. . .ed that lie would KOt ill byoki ni vani hazu dii Expense kakaii petty e. . .s zappi t'ravellins e . . . s rj/ohi e...s for entertaining ko- mi III useless e. . .s mtida-zukai I doTit mind the e. . .kakari wa kamainmscn the e. . . is ton much for me amort o kane ga kakari- nias-u to cut down e...s kevyaku sum at your e... anata no kane de what are the e...a.' if:ura de-'^ii ka.^ [how much is it.»] at tlic public e. . . kohi dt rrjardless ot e... katie ni kumaiva-nai de to stand e...s (for some- body) ogoru expensive (dear) takai; (dear but wortii the money) o kane no kakatta Experience I have a iittlo e . . . sukoshi narete imaxu have you any e... of tra- velling in tlie country.* anata ua inaka wo ryoko s/nta koto ga arimasu kaf practical e . . . jikken Expert 101 Face Expert (a person) semmon-ka; kuroto Explain toki-akasu; oshieTu i please e . . . this to me dr)zo kore wo toki-akashite ku- dasai can you e. . . this.? anata wa kore ga icakarimaau ka? to demand an explanation about this iroin him a?(o hUo ni kore wo toi-tadasu Explode (intr.) haretsu sum Export yushilsii to e... yushitm sunt Expose (put out) dashite okw, (sliow) niisrru to be e...d to the rain amc ni dashite aru Express e... -train kyiiko-ressha to e... one's opinion iken wo iu I find it difficult to e... myself in Japanese Sihon- go de jibun no onwtte iru koto wo hakkiri hanase- masen I e. . .ly told you not to do it naza-wnza shite iva ike- nai to itta no ni e . . . ion of the face kao- isaki e . . . ion of the eyes me- tiuki it is a common e . . . ion yoku tsukau koto da a polite e...ion teinei na kotoha Exterior soto; (appearance) gaikci External soto nc e. . . use gaiyo Extinguish kesU Extra Is this charged for e . . . J kore wa bclsii ni harau no desil ka? what are the e...s.? betsu ni harau no wa nan desu kaf Extraordinary tliis is e. . . kore wa hen desii Extremely see very Eye nic: (of a needle) ana some dust has got into my e... me ni nani ka hairi- imtshita keep an e ... on my luggage walahii.-ihi no ninujtsu ni hi wo tsiikcte o kure it strikes ttie e... me ni tsuku before one's very e...s»n« no mae de the .sun is in my e...s hi ga me ni chiratsUkimasH it tries the e. . .3 me ni saivaru one e . . . kata-me both e. . .3 ryo-me naked e . . . nikugan e. . .-glass megane e. . .-brow mayuge e. . .-lush nuitauge e. . .-lid mabuta Face kao to my f... me 7io mae de i... to f,.. kao ivo mukir aivasete to f . . . V. t. (turn in any di- rection) ni/muke'ru ; v. i. (oftlieaspect of a house, etc.) ni/muile i'ru; (be opposite) ni/rnukau ; to make f...s karakai-zura tvo siiru to be f . . . upwards aonnik» ni imtte i'ru to be f . . . downwards (ol things) fuseie aru; (of per- sons) utsuimshi ni ne'ru; Face 102 Fancy (flat on the belly) ho/ram- bai ni natte iru Fact it is a positive f . . . tashU-a na koto da [it is a tnie tiling] in f . . . hmito wa; honto ni it is a matter of f... -iijitsu da as a matter of f honto wa; honto ni Factory ko-ba Fade (of colours) sameru; (of flowers) shibomu does this colour t...? kono iro wa samemaxu ka? Fail I must have my dress to- morrow without f . . . machi- gai naku myonichi kimono ga irimaiii my strenKth f...9 me chi- kara ga nuketa I will not f . . . to come ma- chiqai naku kinmsii don't f . . . to remember tliis u-asurele wa ikenuisen I must got'xhiy without f. . . zehi kfiCi Kii ika-}iakere'ja na- ra-nai Faint v.i. taore'ru; kizetsii suru: ki ija toku nam I feel'f . . tnemni ga shiiiicsa Fair (market) irhi: (\iT(ily) kirci }>!i: (just) tadasliii ; (of complexion) iro no ahiroi that is not f . . . sore wa luuri da by f . . . means or foul donna koto tvo rh'ito mo t... and prniier xolo na i. . . weatiicr it tenki f . . .ly (nithcr) kanari Fall (from the upriRht posi- tion, of persons) korohu; (ol things) taoreru; (from a height) ochiru; (of the wind) pamu to let f . . . otosH don't let it f... otosa-nai yo ni I fell on a stone ishi rurue ni korotnmasMta I fell on my hands te wo tsU' ite korobimashita to f . . . over a chair isu ni tsukkakatte korobu to f... asleep nemuru to f . . . out with him ano hito to kenka suru to f... into ni/ochi-koniu to f... throuch (fail of ac- complishment) dame ni nam False uxo no f . . . hair ire-qe f. . . teeth ire-ba seems to be f . . . usorashii f... -hearted jdta-gokoro no [two hearts! f...h()od uao (this word 13 oiU-'n used for "you are miitakcu") to say a f...hood uso wo tsiiku Family knzoku f... name (surniimc) myoji Famous yiimei na; nodakai j lor what is tliis town f....' I kuno ruachi de wa nuni ga yumei desfi ku? a f... man yiimei 7ia hUo a f . . . place iiieinho {. . .ly (finely) I'imaku Fan (non-toldiuii:) uchivoa; (foklinu) scttsti; Oiji electiii-f . . . seinpu-ki please f... me aoide k-uda- .S'rt (' Fancy to take a f... to ga/ki ni iru Fancy 103 Fast I f . . . I have met him some- where doko ka de a tin yo na ki ga suru If... lie will come kuru yd na ki ga suru only f...! ma odoroita Far toi; fmnarete how f... Is it from here to Asakusa.? koko kara Asa- kHsci made dono-gurai ari- masii ka? is it still f...? mada toi desH ka.' it is very f... tnihen toi is it f... from tlic .'-tation.* teishaha kara toi don'i ka? how f . . . have you cut? doko made? from f . . . tuku kara how f . . . off were you.' dono- gurai hanarete imus/iita ka? as f... as possible dekiru dake toku as I... as possiijle (if possi- ble) dckircda as f . . . as Tokyo Tokyo made as 1 . . . as I know he did not como wataki'islii nn shiUe iru t'ikoro de tvi una Ulto wa kuiiasen. deslntn as f... as circuni^t;xnce.s may pcrinit baai no yurunii kaijiri so f... as I am concerned wataku.s/d dake tva it is ainusinsi as f . . . as that goes omonhiroi koto wa omo- shiroi ga f... anil away zutto is f . . . superior ;utlo ii by f . . . more zutto by f... more beautiful 2Mfto kirei I. . . ttuin being cold, I am hot samui dokoro ka naka- na/ca atsui f... too "little amari suku- nai i. . . off zutto saki this is the best I have seen so f . . . ima made mila uchi de kore ga iciiiban ii Fare (charge for conveyance) i chinxen; (fooii) rh-lri what is the f... to Tokyo.* Tokyo made ikura dest'i kat I have f . . .d badly in Tokyo Toky'i de wa yoku ari- masen desluta Farewell sayonnra to bid f...wejl Uoinagoi wo suru Farm denji Farmer hyakHsho Farther see FURTHER Fashion hayari it is very f...able at pre- sent ima wa sore ga O-haya- ri desfi Fast hayni f . . .er motto /iniiaku do not go so 1. . . sonna ni liayiiku ika-nni de o-kure go f...er motto hayaku itie o kure go as f . . . as possible dekiru- dake hayaku itte o kure please don't speai; so f . . . sumiu ni hayaku /uinasa-nai de kudaxai don't go so f... down hill soitiia ni hayiku salca wo ori-iiai dt o kmc he is f . . . asleep yoku nete iriuisH f... colours same-nai iro f... train kyikO-resslui hold f . . . ihikkari tsukama- ete o-ide iMsai Fast 104 Feel it is raining f... atne aa don-dcm jutte imnsii my watcli is five minutes f... tvatnkushi no tokci wa go-jun siisunde irnastl to stick f... ^hikhari tsuku Fat intoUa he is f... fiitotte hnnsu a f... man /utotta hlto to set f . . . f II torn I do not lilce f... ahurami wa kirni desu Father o tfl-fcin; chichi Ctliia latter term is less respect- ful) f . . .-in-law sliTito grand-f... o-jii-san step f . . . miimd-rhirhi i... (of an adopted child) Fault it is not my f... watukushi no (lynmnrlii de wa nrivia- sen; watiiki'ishi ga wami no de tva ariiivisen tliat is your f... sore wn anuia no aijonmrln drsu; sore wa cinata ga tvarui no desit whose f . . . is it? dare ga wa- rui no dcsi'i Lai it is the I. . . of tlie weather tenici no n'i desi't 1 have no f . . . to find with him 0710 liHo ni nhfiki Korei Sai) Oct. 17 Harvest Thanks- giving (A'(/;i Naun' Sai) Oct. 31 Postponed celebration of Emperor's. Idrtbday {Ten- chosetsii iihuku.nl.su) Nov. 23 Second Harvest Pestival (Nii Aanic Sai) Tile loUowuig poi)ular holi- days are more or less uni- versally observed Jan. 15, 10 Servants' Holi- days (Yabu-iri) Mar. 3 tiirls' Festival (Dolls) Hina no Sekku Festival 106 Fin May 5 Boys' Festival (Flags and Armour) Tango no Sekku July 13, 14, 15 Feast in memory of the dead O Bon July 15, 16 Servants' Holi- days (Yabu-in) Dec. 31 New Year's Eve o-misoka Willi regard to the reli- gious festivals, we must remember that there are two religions in Japan, tlie Sliinto (Official) and the Buddhist. The temples of the fifnt are called o miya, of the second o tera. The miija liave each one or two big festivals a. year on fixed dates: these are vmUuri and they are observed in the district correspoiidiiic; to tlie tem- ple. They al.-o have mi- nor fe-tivali, called evni- ehi, three or four times a month, and occuring al- ways on the sjimo days of the month, ijorne o tera have eniiidti. others have not. Fetch see bring Fever (a passing condition) 7ietsu; (a disca.se) i<.ck-u-hyo I have a little fever icata kunhi iva siiLotflii )!Ctv« ya ariinasu to cure a I . . . iictsu uo toru Few siikoxhi; sfiL-vri'ii have you a t .. apples.- rini/o ga arimasu kaf [any jipplesi I have a i . . . sukoehi ari- masa 1 have a f . . . flowers m my garden tvatakHshi no niua ni liana ga sukoshi ari- masu there are but f . . . flowers in my garden watakushi no niva ni tea hana ga suko- shi shika arimasen a f . . . persons shi-go-n\n [four or five persons) f . . . Japanese are tall set no takai Silion-jin ua sukuno gozaimasu a f . . . at a time g&koshi- zutsu iu a f . . . days ni-san-nicfti no ucki ni in a f . . . moments mojiki Fidget V. t. moji-moji turu you f. . . me jirettai Fie!d hatake; (niieadow) na- na ra ! ice-f . . . tn Fifteen ju-go Fifty go-jU Fig icitijiku Fight (a row) i.nika; (a battle) senso to f . . . kenku sum; senso sriru two men were f . . . ing f atari no hito ga kenka shite ima- shita Japan fought against China Nihon to Skina to senso shimn-hita Figure (number) siiji; (form) katiichi; (of the body) «u- gntf; (rintt/:ni) nwyd I am bad at f...s kanjo ga kfta da [I am unskilful at accounts] File (tool) yasuri; (row) retoii rank and f . . . heisotsu Fill (trans.) ippai ni sum; (intr.) ippai ni naru t. . . this bottle with water kono Inn ni mixu tco ippai irete o kure FUl lo; Finish f . . . it up ippai ni shite o kure to f . . . with earth tsuchi de vme'ru Filth kitnnai mono f . . . y kitanai Final f . . .ly shimai ni; toto See LAST (at last) Find mitsukeru; miidasii have you found it.? mitsH- kemashita ka? I have found it mitsiike- mashita; arimashita; (ani- mals) imash'tVa if you f... a watch, it is mine tokei wo mitsukereba sore uxi wataini^hi no desu whoever f...s it and re- turns it to me shall have a liberal reward dare de mo sore wo nriisukeie xvata- kushi ni todokete kudasaru kata ni wa s60 no o rei wo iiashimasu I cannot f... my hat. have you seen it anywhere.? urn- taknahi no lioshi ga mie- masen, doko ka de mimashi- ta kaf have you found a servant yet? mu jochU ga mitsitkari- tauxhila ka? 1 f . . . this book ver>- interest- ina kono hon ua tnihen omo- shiroi to omoiinasu If... I cannot go to-day kyo wa ikaremasen [I can- not go to-day] try and f... \l sagashite mite kure plea.se f . . . my boy and tell him to come here \Batakiishi no boi wo saga- shite, kum yo m iUe kuda- tai f . . . out (by asking) kiite o kure; (by looking) mite o kure 1 will f . . . out kiite mima- sho; mile mimasho f . . . out at what time the boat leaves nan-fi ni fune fa_ demasu ka. kiite o kure to be f . . . out (in wrong doing), ashi ga t«li« I have found this, whose is it.? kore wo mitsUkemashita, dare no desii ka? it is mine, watakushi no desii I left it in the train kisha no TMka ye wasurete kima- shita I put it here (there) koko (soko) e okimashita I had it only, tliis morning kesa made atta I am afraid you willnevet f . . . it mo mitsukara-nai desho you wiH f...8ome on the desk tsUkue no ue ni aru de- sh» Fine (slender) hosoi; (minute) komakai; (pretty) kirei na; (very good) saijo no (in te.xture) me no komakai that's f... erai (slang) f . . . arts bijutsu f . . . weather ii tenki Finger yw6v ibi Beginning with the thumb, the fingers are called : oya-yubi (parent-finger) hilo-sashi-yubi (finger that l»Vints at people) ttnktt-yubi (middle-finger) kusuri-yubi (medecine-flDger) ko-yubi (little-finger) Finish (to end) shrmau; (to be ready, of a thing) d^rJci- •ru; deki-agaru; (to put the finishing touches) shi-age'ru Finish 108 Fit have you f...ed.» mio tMr maifnashita kai when will you be f . . .-ed? ttoii ihimaimasO, kaf ru be f...ed directly sugu ni shimaimasu when will it be f...ed.' itsit dekimasu kaf it is nearly f...cd hotondo dekimashita it isn't f...ed yot mada dekimasen it will soon be f...ed tw jiki ni dekimasH, to be f...ed (consumed) thimai ninani Fir matsa.; momi Fire hi; (a conflagration) kaji make the f . . . hi wo taki- tsUkete o kure a f . . . has brolien out at No. 2 ni-ban kara hi wo daskUa is the f . . . near here.* kaji wa ehikaku demi kat if you are not careful you will set the house on f . . . ki wo teHke-nai to kaji ni tMrimatH to put a f . . . out hi wo keen the f . . . has gone out hi ga kiemashUa to catch f . . . hi ga tsUku to be on f . . . moeru to f . . . a gMD teppo wo utsa i. . .-bell hansho f. ..-works handbi I. . . -wood maki t. . . -brazier hibachi Finn (adj.) shikkari »Mta; (commercial) shdkan First t. . . tell me mazu hcmashUe kvdaiai i... ol all (time) maoi at f . . . hajime ni I was there f . . . vxUak&shi wa ichi-ban hajime ni soko ni imashila f . . .sweep and then dost saki nihaite aw de hataite kure for the f . . . time hajimeU from the first hajime kara f . . . rate ichi-ban ii the f . . . train ichi-ban gisha in tiie f . . . place dai ichi ni; mazu on the f . . . floor ni-kai de [second floor] to go f . . . (ahead) saki e iku please go f . . . dozo o saki e excuse me for goia^ f . . . « saki e gomen kuda^ ii t class it-to; jotS Fish sakana boiled f . . . ni-zakana f . . . broiled with salt sakana no shio-yaki baked f . . . yakirzakana raw f . . . cut into slices «a- shimi fried f... tempura; sakana no iH-rai has it many bones.* kont ga takusan arimasH hat I eat it only if it is quite fresh atarashiku nakereba to- bemasen to feel like a f... out of water kappa ga oka e agatta yo da [like a kappa that has gone on to the land: the kappa is a fabu- lous fish] to f . . . sakema wo toru f . . . erman ryoshi f. . .monger aakana-ya f...ing-rod tsuri-zao f...ing-line tsuri-Uo 1. . .ing-book tsuri-bari Fit (convulsions) kyofH; (stitr able) tekiiS wt Fit 109 Food by f . . .8 and starts yattari yara-nakaUari BOt f . . . to eat t berare-nai that is no longer f . . . for use sore wa mS tsUkae-nai to f... au these boots do not f . . . kono kutsu wa yoku aimasen (o f... in (trans.) hame'ru; (intr.) hamarti it will not f . . . into this place koko.ni hairimasen Fhre itsutsU; go; itsit or ii Fix (determine) kime'ru I am in a f . . . taihen ni. ko- matte ivtasH f . . .ed prices teika tbere is no f . .ed rule kimari §a nai letusf... j,yhiwQlnvnema' tho Flas hai'% Flame hi Flannel fUranneru Flat (level) taira na; hiratai t. . . country hirachi to refuse f . . .ly kippari koUh want Flavour aji See TA8XB Flaw kisM Flea nomi tbe f . . .s tormented me last night yObe wa nomi nikurU' thimeraremaehita f... -powder nomi-yoke Flesh niktt Hoat v. i. uku Flood n. o-mizu Floor yuka ground f. .. thita first f... ni-kai [second floor] second f . . . tan-gai Flour kona; (imported) me- riken-ko Flower }Mna the irises are in f . . . now shobu wa md takimashUa f...-vase hana-ike; kabin artiflclal f. . .s zoka Ruently sura-sura Flute vokobue; fue (a kind of flute often used in the streets by divers vendors and masseurs) Fly (insect) hai; to f . . . tobu; (flee) nige-ru Fog kiri; moya Fold ori-me; (a pleat) hida; to f . . . tatamu please f... my clothes po- faku wo tatande kudatai Follow f . . . dose, behind nte woto- kuahi no ato ni tsuite o-ide from this it f . . .8 kore kara osu to as f . . .8 koko ni kaku tSri; tsugi no tori the f . . .ing day son* Uugi no hi two days f...ing IvUHka tsuiukete on the sixth and the thre« days f...ing muika iofa yokka-kan [N.B. not mikka- •kiin] Fond are you f . . . of appjes^ rfn* go ga atiki 4ts6 kaf I am very f.. . of you watO' kHshi wa anata. ga taihen saki desH See LIEB Food labe-mono; (Eiiropeaa f. ..) aeiyo-rydri morning meal aaa no sbokuji midday meal hiru no sh/h kaji evening meal ban no aha- kuri Food 110 Food may I offer you something? vniri ha aiicmnslio ka! (The .Ti-paiiese doiit usually ask tin's qnesticii. hut iiave tea and cakes iiroimlit in to a Kuest irrespective of tlie hour of the day or tlie time of tiie year) please help yourself (of food, etc.) (jn jiiiu ni; (eat what has been sorved yon) o uyuri nuKui can i fiave Kinopcan f...? sci'/o-rj/Ori qn ihlciitiiiau ka? I want' my hreakfast to- nionow morning at 7 o'clock myOus'i shicUi-ji ni shokuji ga shUfi III European style Hotels the Knglish names of the eatables arc cennrally under- stood: in higi) class .fapanesc Inns in the hitrgcr towns you can somctniies get a few sirnpli! I'.nropean dislies, badly iiroparcd. Wlien tra- velling in tlie country, you had bettor take a supjily of provisions and some sort of a cook with you. With regard to the towns that have no Knropean style Hotels, you will find beef, milk a»id tinned butter otdy in the most important; bread in those of i«cg more or less palatable: mi-to-shiru bean soup sakana no shio-yaki broiled fisli unogi-meshi layers of rice and eels with soy tamarjo-yaki sort of omelette tori-Hobe chicken cut up and stewed ushi-^nahe beef similarly treat- ed kusn'ittira si)onge cake snnbei thin biscuits yokan sweet bean paste sake alcfiliolic drink made from rice The followin;: expre.ssions may be uselnl; hill of faro kondale-hyo ct;g tamarjo new laid ej^g umitnte no to- wago soft boiled e.L'g tamago no hanjiku hard boiled egg ude tamago omelette omuretiu fish sfkana fried fish mkana no furai meat riku beef njiiniku fowl tori soup soppu; suimono breitd pan butter batti lard biUa no abura oil atnira olive oil orihwyu (Tlie Japane.se generally um goma no abura; the poorer class tane aburm. The Foreigner will probably pre- fer to avoid these.) boiled rice gohan; muhi potato imo Food 111 For sweet potato Batgu,ma-imo what a f...he is! nan to iu carrots ninjin baka daro! turnips kabii to call someboy af... Mto beet-root biitsU tro baka to iu beans mame to make a f... of him ano spinach horenso hUo U'o baka rti sum lettuce ckvfo,; rettam to make a f . . . of one's self cold water mizu haji wo kakv, ice water kuri wo irela mizu to be made a f... of baka boiling water o j/m ni sareru fresh miHv shiboritate no I do not like to be made a fyHnyu [just drawn]; nania f . . . of baka ni sareru no noijvanyu [raw milk] wa, iya desii boiled milk wakashita gyHnyii dont be a f . . . baka va koto tinned milk miruku u>o iu na [dont say f(X(lish tiiuird provisions kan-zume thingsl tin opeBcr kwi-kiri to i)lay the f . . . baka wo sum a tin can knn f...ish baka nn; tsunmra-nai wine budi'islM f...ish argument baka na beer biiru giron bottle bin Foot (of tlie body) aski ; corkscrew kuchi-nuki (measure) s/iaku tea clia I will go on f... aruite iki- black tea kocha mam coffee kOhii muddy feet doro-ashi sugar satu f...-step (noise) ashi-nto salt sMo f...-p.ith kuruma ga tore-nui glass koppu. michi cup ch^vnn f...-rule monosanhi knife vniju For fork lioku f . . . my sake waiakfiM no spoon aaji tame ni plate sara 1 bought this f . . . yon aiiata peijper koaho no iii kore ivo kuii,ta..uila curry karc-ko f... eating taberu tame, ni curried food rni/ni-kare big f... his age toxhi no frjing-pan iiirai-nube wari ni ukii saucepan nabe f... liim it is a large sum raw nayna ano hito ni totte wa taihen boiled wakashita na kane da fried /i/rai he runs fast f... (consider- large okii ing that he is) a child small chiisai kodomo ni shite wa hayaku Fool baka kakcm I'm not .--nch a f... as that i... a few days tii-san-niehi sore IwUo baka ja nai i. . instance tatoeba For 112 Foreign f . . . sale uri-mono f... two months ffita-tsHkino aida ^~ as f... my brothers wata- k&shi no kpodai tva f... fear of giving offence hi to oa waruJcu omou to ike- nai kara it is not f . . . me to say wata- k&shi ga kuchi wo dasA tokoro de wa nai I have come f... the clock tokei wo titri ni khnaxhUa [to take avay the clock] I went f... t)ie doctor but he was out iaha wo yobi ni iUa ga rusv datUi has be gone f . . . my watcli? tokei wo tori ni ikimasIAta kaf I will send f . . . it tori tii ya- rimasho will you give me that in exchange f... tliis? kore to sore to tori-kaeU kuda- saimasen kaf f... want of money kane ga (ari-nai kara once f . . . all mo kore kiri letters f . . . America Ame- rika yuki no yubin I will do the work f . . . you (in your place) watakushi wa anata no kavtari ni shigoto wo shimasho my mother wrote ttie letter f . . . me o kd-san ni tegami wo kaite morai/tnashUa that is inconvenient f . . . me sore wa watasJii ni fuben desU rice f . . . 5 men meski go- nin-nwe 1 want a key f . . . this box kono kako no kagi ga in- masa I bought it f . . . two yen ni-yen de kaimashita I paid eight yen f . . . the five itfnUsu hachi-yen de kainia- shUa three f . . . one sen mittsu de in-sen wha t is this used f . . . ? kore wa nani ni tsUkau no desu ka ? these boots are too small f . . . me kono kutsu wa watakOshi ni wa chiisai didn't a package come f... me? uxitakAsM no lokoro ni nimotsU ga kimasen deshita ka? this is f . . . me kore wa waiakH- shi no desu, I hadn't seen him f . . . three months wj-toiAt bakariaima- sen smear it with oil f . . . it not to get rustry sabi-nai yd ni abura wo nutte kure Forbid If... you to do this kore Wo sh'-!te wa ike-nai [dont do this J Force by f . . . chikara-zuku de; muri ni do not use f . . . muri na koto wo ghite wa ike-nai by the f . . . of circumstances 3/amM wo e-nai boat de; lioka ni shiknta ga nakf/le I am f...d to do it muri ni saserareta Foreign seiyo no; gaikoku no (the first expression means " occidental ", the second "of another country": this last therefore includes Chin- ese and other non-Japanese Orientals), f . . .er teiyo-nn; teiyd no hito Foreign 113 Free are there many f . . . ers in Moji? Moji ni seiyo-jin ga takHsan orimasH ka? you are charging me so dear because I am a f . . . watakushi ga seiyo-jin da kara sonna ni takaku kane »o torn no desho f . . . country yoso no kuni t. . . clothes yojUku f. . . goods hakurai no mono f... writing seiyo no ji in i. . . style seiyO-jvL de Foresee mi-losH Forest mori Forget wasure'ru dont f... it wasurete wa il:emasen. don't i . . . to call me at seven shichi-ji ni wasure-vai de okoxh'ite o kure don't f . . . to give my message kotozuke wo wasurete wa ike- masen [don't forget the mes- sage! I quite forgot it sukkari wasureinasMta I have forgotten it for the moment clwUo do-wasure shimnsMta are you sure you have not forgotten anything.*^ o wa- sure-rnono wd arimasen ka? I forgot to tell him ana hito rti knrmsu no wo wasure- maskita f...ful wasureppoi Forgive yitrum please f . . . me yurushtte kuda- tai f... me for saying so but — skitsiirei desi'i ga — I'll f... you this time kon- do wa yurushite a^gemasu See EXCUSE Fork hoku; niku-saski Form (shajw) katacM: (style) teisai for f . . .'s sake nen no tame ni it is a mere f... kU'i dake no koto desij. to f . . . an opinion kangae ga tsuku Former sen no; moto no put it back in its f . . . place moto no tokoro ni shimatte oite kure f . . . ly sen wa; moto wa Forth and so f . . . sono hoka iro-iro Fortunate shiawase na that is very f... sore wa yokatta fortune-teller uraruxi-slia f . . .ly shiaivase ni Forward to f . . . (goods) okuru please f . . . my letters to this address dozo watakOshi na tegami wo kono- tokoro-gaki e maunshde kudasai Four yottsU; ski; yo; yon i. . . days yokka t. . . persons yottari; yo-nin (Although you say san-nin for three persons, and go- nin, etc., for five persons, etc., you must never say shi-nin. The word shi is often avoided on account, tliey say, of the similarity of sound to shi, death) f... -cornered shi-kaku na f . . . -footed yotsu-ashi no Fowl tori; niwa-tori Fox kitsune Frame (of a picture) gaku-buchi France Fnransn French FUransu no Frenchman FuransH-jin Free jivH- na; (no payment necessary) uida de Free 114 Fulfill is it f. . .? tada desU kaf f... and easy buenryo na of one's own f... will katte ni to be f .-. . (at leisure) hima de aru I am f... to do as I like kimama desit I am f . . . to go or not itie mo ika-nnkute mo jiyii da f... of duty mu-zei f . . . ly /ijnt ni Freeze koru did it f... last night? yttbe wa kori ga harimashUa ka? [did the ice cover hist night?] Freight (goods). nu/ioteti; (cost of transportation) unchin Frequently labi-tabi Fresh (new, not i-tale) atara- shii: (not c(X)ked) namn: (just gatherL'im kara keep the child f... going near the fire kodomo ga hi no soba e ika-nui yo ni sh'Uc o kure Front otiiotv, in f . . . of the house ie no mae ni Frost shimo Frown v. i. hachi no ji too yoseru [to make the figure eight A]; kowai kao wo suru; shikame-tsura wo suru Fniit kudamono; mizugashi Fry tUrai ni suru; agent f . . . the fish in butter bata de sakana wo jiirui ni shUe o kure fried fish sakana no fUrai; tempura I. . . ing-pan f&rai-nabe; age- nabe Fuel taki-mono Fulfill to f... a promise gaJciXtoku wo mamoru Fulfill 115 Gate to f . . . one's duty gimu wo tsfikusi'i Full (filled up) ippai; (to be drunk) yotte iru is that bottle f...? ano bin wa ippai desH ka? this book is f . . . of funny things kono hon ni wa oka- shii koto ga ippai arimam write my account in f... komaka ni kanjo wo kaite kudasai the cherry-trees are in f... blossom snkura no harm wa sakari de.':u fill the bowl half f . . . domburi ni hambun bakari irete kuda- sai it is f... of holes ana-dara- ke desH f . . . up (of a tram-car) man- in Fun jodan. I did it in f . . . jodan desht'a I said it in f . . . judan ni iitnasMta I do not like to be made f . . . of jodan wo sareru no wa kirai desU this is f...ny kore wa oka- shii bow f . . . ny ! okashii I Funeral o tomorai Fur ke-gawa Furious to be f . . . hidoku okotte iru Furniture dogu Further I can go no f . . . I am too tired k-utabirete mo arukemasen how much f... is it? dono- gurai arinuxsu ka? for f . . . particulars apply to No. 78 kuwashii koto wa skichi-jH-hachi-ban de o kiki naiai f . . . back motto ushiro e it Is only a little f... mo jiki de.ii kat [what adviintage is tliere?) m order to g... time jikan wo habuku tatne ni Game asobi a g... of cards (Japanese) kariita-asobi how goes the g. . .? shObu wa do desH? Garden niwa public-g... koen; koenchi g . . . er ueki-ya Garlic ninniku Garrison chindai Gas gasi'i, turn off the g . . . gasa wo keski nasai is there any g. . . laid on (in tile house)? gasii. ga hiite arimasU ka? g. . .-liglit gasHto g. . .-pipe gasHkan by g. . . gasii de Gate mo7i; iri-;Tuchi front g . . . OMote-mon back g . . . ura-mon outdide the g . . . mon no $oto de Oate 116 Qe since I was pas=inp; your g... o l:ado wo toriniashita kara Gather (to oolloct, awonihle) alsume/ni; (iuif^r) sas>;/:li _ Generous kccf'i ;u nai Gentle 0!/ayaJi:a na; otnnashii a person of g. . . birth umare no yoi hUo Gentleman (one of <;ond family) ietjarn no h'lto; (well-to-do person) shhh<;hi; (polite term for mMn)o Iriitu; (m;m with- out ^iuy ^)rou■s^ion) iia'-xlivku; nani ino s.'iite i-nai It'do Genuine iiwjui no nai; honto no German Doitsu no; (person) G. . .y Dod. u Get (to lui'. l) aru; (to obtaiti) moruu; (arrive) tsuku; (to bocoiiie) mini I have got some paper kami ca arimnm have you got any fans,' uchiwa rja ariniastl ka? what lia'^ he pot there (in his hands)? na/ii no ittoitc iru no deahijf where can I ?... some breail.' pun v:a Uoko ni uri- riiasu kof whcve can I «... (buy) a bottle oi beer/ itoko cfe bUru wo ur'unasu hi! it is not to be ^'ot here koko ni I'fi nn! )tc> !/:;'S''( can I ea.-i!y k... rikislias at Isaliaya.' Imhitija ni kurvnvi ga tdkiisari urimasu ka? can you g... me somo chicken (now, soon)? tori ui« tottp, kite kudasainutsen ka? can you g. . . (order) one for me? tori-yosete kureinasen ka? where did youg... it from.' duko kura nwiaimashita ka? by what time can you g... it/ (tsS des/io ka! [when will it be/! wlieii do we s. . . to Tokyo* Tokyo e itsu IsiikitnasU ka? do we g... there Ijy day time or alter d.irk/ Uuku no wa hirumu deni ka yoru desu ka! I have got a cold kaze wo h'ikirimshila I am g. . .ting better dan-dan yokii narimasv. it g...s dark veiy early hnyaku kurulcu narinmsiX how do you g. . . to Hakone? Uakone e wa do shite iku no desxi ka! to g. . . ready shitaku wo sunt to g . . . done snse'ru to g... made koshiraesnse'ru g... it made for me koski- raeanspie o kure I shall <.:... him to go ano hito 'ni ate moraimaxho I want to g . . . my watch mended tokei wo naos/iiie inoraitui Causative verbs: see p. 16 g. . . away a.tchi e o iki nasai to g. . . in hniru to g... in (a train)-»ioru to g. . . in a rage okoru to g... into trouble kinnaru to g. . . into bed i'jko ni hairu to g... oft de'ru; (a traia) kara/onru Oct 117 Give to g. . . on (advance) susumu how are you g...ting on.? do dcsii ka! to g... on (a train) noru to g. . . on, well togetlier/.-i ga au how is he g...ting on in English? Ei-yo no dcki wa do ddsii kn? to g... over (an illness) naoru to g... out v.t. dasii ; v.i. kara/oriru on which side do we g... out.? dotc/u kara ori.ru no desi'c knf stop 1 wish to g... out toinrte kududd'nists) IJctoke Sa»ta goddess me-ganii Godown (ware-house) kura; dozo Gold kin g. . . coin kiiika g. . . colour kin-iro g...-sniitli kazari-ya g . . . fish kingyo g. . .-leaf kiinpaku Good yoi: ii' yoroshii g... child otonashii ko; iiko it will do you g . . . kore wa armta ni t« deshi; kusuri ni naru; tamr ni naru what is II le g. . . of that.' sore wa doko ga ii no desu? (no good) sore wa shiyo ga nni it's no g... going so early sonna 7ii luiyaku itte mo nan- ni mo nara-nai aood 120 Grass this is g . . . for the health lore wa karada no tume ni ii it is very g . . . taihen ii g. . .-natured yasashii he is ill a «... temper ano hito wa ima ligen ga ii g... -hearted kokoro no ii it isn't veiy g... sowna ni yoku ma nai it is neither g... nor bad yoku mo 'waruku mo nai it is no g... (useless) dame desu g . . . for nothing yaku in tata-nai g . . . (to the taste) oishii; t'lmai it is as g . . . as done dekita yo na mono desu this is just as g ... as new ata- rashii yo desU I have a g . . . mind to scold Taro Taro wo shikatte yard will you be g . . . enough to fetch Diy hat? dozo boshi wo totte kite kudatsaimasen ka? [please wont you take my lilt and come.*] g. . .-looking kirei na a g . . . deal daibu; yohodo; yoppodo a g . . . many (of people) kanari ozei a g . . . many (of things) kanari takusan na a g . . . while shiba/raku to go for g . . . (finally) mo kaette ko-nai 1 intend to settle in Japan for g . . . itsa made mo Nihon ni iru tsumori desu in g . . . time chodo ii toki ni; hayaku g . . . bye iayonara; mata o me ni kakarimasho [this last means: I hope to see you again; literally: I will hang on your eyes again! g . . . morning o-hayo g... day konnichi wa g... evening komban wa g... night yasund nasai Goodness will you have the g... to fetch my hat.* dozo boshi wo totte kite kudasaimasen ka? [please wont you take ray hat and come] See PLEASE Goods nimotsu; shinamono foreign g . . . hakurai no mono Goose iiaclto Gossip (person) o shaoeri to g. . . simberu Government sHfu Gradually dun-dun Graduate sotsunyo-sei to g . . . sotsufiyo sum Grammar bumpo Grand rippa na g. . .-cliild mago g... -father o-jii-san g . . . -mother o-bd-san Grant to take for g. . .ed daijobu to omou even g . . . ing that he didn't do it on purpose tatoe waza to shi-nakatta no de mo Grape budo Grasp (in the hand) nigiru; (with the hand) tsUkatnu to g . . . the meaning of imi ga iiakaru I do not quite g. . . your meaning anata no iu koto ga yoku toakarimasen (I do not quite understand what you say] Grass kiisa; (turf) shiba g . . . -cloth kuzufu Grateful 121 U reeling Grateful to feel g. . . arigntaku omou you ought to be g . . . for that arigutaku oinowa-nake- reba ikemasen it is a thing to be g . . . for wrigatai koto da See THANK 6ratis tada Gratuity kokorozuke; (drink money) sakate this is for you kore wu siiko- «Ai (fest't keredortw (tliis is only a little; nevertheless] you sliall have an extra g . . . if you serve me well yoku tsutomete kiirereba inisu ni o kane wo agemasA [if you serve me well I will give you some more money] I Shan give you something at the end of my stay toatakOshi »o tatsvi toki ni nani ka agemasho b it the custom here to give g...iest* kokorozuke wo yarn motto desho ka? to whom is it usual to give g . . . ies.* dare ni kokorozuke too yareba ii no desho what is it usual to give.' ikura-gurai yaru no desho? I have already given yon more thao enough, I sliall give you no more taktlsan parimaskHa, mo yarimu-sen if yon continue bothering ne I shall call a police- man itsa made mo guzu- gmu iu nara junsa wo yo- himasa, how much do you want.' ikitra boshii no desu kaf whatever yoa like to give oboskimeaki de yo gozt/imatd. no I want to know before- hand what I have to give ixye, saki e ikura da ka o ii nasai Grave (tomb) hnka g . . . -stone sekito g . . . -yard haka-ba Gravel jari Gray nezumi-iro g. . . hair skiraga g . . . -headed skiraga-majin no Grease abura g . . . spot abura-jimi greasy (of taste) aburakkoi Great okii; oki na it is a g . . . pity makoto ni oshii koto desa a matter of g . . . conse- quence iaiselsii na koto a g. . . TDAn erai hito a g. . . deal UtM^an; dossari a K... many (people) ozei; (things) takiisan Great Britain Dai BUriten Greedy (of food) iji no kiita- nai; (of gain) yeku no fukai Green midori-iro; aoi dark g . . . nwegi-iro he is very g. . . ano hito wa mada chiclii kOsai [he still smells of milk] g . . . -grocer yao-ya g . . . house muro g . . . s (vegetables) aomono; yasad Greet aisatsU anru Greeting good morning o-hoyo good day konnichi wa good evening komban wa how do you do.* ikaga desu* Remarks on the weather often take the place of greetings. See wbathsr; eeaIiTB Oreeting 122 Hair welcome yoku irasslMimasMta whom have I the honour of addressing? donata de iraS' shainuisii? please come in duzo o hairi kudasai I am very pleased to make your acquainUmce hajlMeU o me ni kakaririMsii it is a long time since we met last shibaraku deshita Grey see "gray Grocer shokuryokin-ya Groom bett/i Gross a g . . . mistake o-machigai g... amount so-daAa g . . . weight so-mekata Ground (surface of the earth) jimen; (reason) wake on what g...s? do iu wake de? Grow (increase in size) soda- isii; (become) nam to a; . . . bic okiku naru to g. . . tall nohiru a g . . . n up person otona Grudge to liave a g... against wolurande iru Grumble guzu-ftuzu iu what are you g. . .ing about? nani wo fuzu-guzu itte imasu kaf Guarantee (person) hosho-nin; (money) hosho-kin to g . . . hosho sum will you please be my g . . . ? hosho-nin ni natte kudasai- masen ka? Guard (of a train; shashS to be on one's g . . . yojin sum Guess (divine) ate'ru; (think) omou Quest o kyaku tama Guide (person) annaisha; (inter- preter) isfiben to g. . . aniiai sum. 1 want a g . . . who can speak English Ei-go no de.kini annaisha ga hoshii Guilty tsumi no am a g. . . person zainin Gulf iri-umi; (in comp.) — wan Gum (past-e) nori: 4 yen ni-yen go-jis-stn h . . . an hour han-jikmn one hour and a h »cAt- jikan han ti. . . past three san-ji han I've h . . . a mind to go iko ka to omou h . . . in fan omoshiro-ltambun to go halves iMmbun-zwUH ni iuru to be h . . . asleep uto-tUo shite iru h... moon hangetsu ">!... caste ai-no-ko to cut in h . . . fiUatsii ni sum HaH (large room) hiroi heya; (entrance to Japanese house) geaka ; (entrance in generfti) rri-gneki Hatwe V. t. futatsii ni sum Ham hamU Hammer k*nazucki to h . . . kanazuthi de utsu Hand te; (ef a tiMe-pie«e) h»ri light h... mi^ no te left h . . . hidari no te both h. . .6 ryo-te a good h . . . (skilful) joeu a bad h . . . heta empty -h. . .ed kara-te de open-h. . .ed omaka na by h . . . te de to be close at h . . . (lit.) te- jika ni am; (of time) chi- kazui:u on the one h. . . ip-p6 de wa on the otlier h . . . U>M de wa; sono kawari ni I have had no h... in this waiakushi wa nan no kankei mo arirnasen lend us a h . . . sUkoshi te wo ka shite kudasai to live from h . . . to mouth sotw hi gwrashi wo sum please- h . . . (pass) H»e that book sono hon wo totte kudasai h . . . these sweets round miiia-san ni o kashi tvo agete kudasai to li . . . over (deliver) todo- keru: watasu please h . . . it over to him, axo hito ni wataskite kuda- sai to clap the h...s le wo Uitaku h . . . s of f ! sat»aru na h . . . ful hUo-tsukami Handkerchief hankechi; (for wrapiiing tilings in) Inro- shiki Handle moUM tokoro; (of tools) e; (of a teapot, basket, etc.) te Handsome rippa no Handy (oi persoos) bi0o nay (of things) ckoho na Hanc (on a wall, peg) Jcakerm to h . . . ttp kake'ru tlang 124 Hardly it is h . . . ing up on a nail kugi ni kakete am h . . . my tilings up there watakushi no mono wo asuko ni kakete o kure wliere did you li... my coat? ivatakus/ii no uuxigi uo doko ni kakemashita kaf to h . . . on a strint? ni/'surusiX liappcn has anytliing h...ed in my absence/ rusu ni nani ka kawatta koto ga utla ka? how did it h. . . ? do uhlta no desu? what has h. . .ed? 7ian dtshita kai what has h. . .ed to you ? do nasaimashita ka ? what has h . . . ed to the cliild? kodomo tva do s/dla no desu? I do not h . . . to have any money with me ainik-u kane wo moHe imascn [unfortu- nately 1 have no money) if anyt-liing should h. . . moski nani ka okotlira if you should h . . . Xo see him o ai ni n'irimaskitara it h . . . ed one day that — aru H no koto de — it may h . . . (t)iough very improbable) tliat 1 shall not retam to-night nwsln ka shitara koniban wa kaette kimasen whatever h . . . s dorma koto ga atte mo whatever there may h . . . to be in the house will do ari-ai de ii a hammer which h...ed to be titere ari-awaseta kana- zvchi 1 h. . .ed to be there wattikii- ski ga t-MMuete to h . . . to pass by tori-awa- icru; tori-knkxiru does this frequently h . . . * tabi-tabi no koto desu kat it frequently h. . .s that ray letters are lost watakushi no tegami ga tabi-tabi nakunari- musu thi'< ought never to h. . . kes- sMte konna koto ga atte wa ike-imi Happiness saiwai Happy (U) be h...) tanoski- mu; yorokobri I am h . . . to say he arriv- ed safely ii ambai ni ano kilo ?m buji vi Uiikviutshita 1 shall be very h... to ac- company you tomo itashi- inaslio he is not h . . . amari yoku arimasen [not too well] a li . . . event medetai koto in a h . . . mood ii kiyen de Harbour minato; (in com- pounds) — ku Yokohama h . . . Yokohama no minato; Yokoftania-ko Hard (solid) kutai; (difficult) muzukashii you worli too h . . . anata wa hataraki-sugbrtAsu it is raining h. . . amegahido- ku futte imasH to try h . . . isshokcmmei yaru; sei wo dushiie yuru I am h . . . up watakHsii tea kane ni komatte intasH dont be too h . . . upon him taitei ni shite o oki nasai it is h . . . to know what to do do shite ii ka wakara-nai Hardly he is h... of any use betaH ni ]/aku ni tachimasen Hardly 125 Have h... any one says so so iu hito wa aniivari nai he is h . . . SO years old ano hito wa yatLo san-jH-gurai da he is h .-. old enough for that office ano yaku wo tsutomeni ni wa sdkoshi waka-sufjiru I had h . . . gone out when it began to rain dekakeru to sugu iii ame ga futte ki- inash'ita I h . . . ever go metta ni iki- mascn 1 have h . . . ever seen any amcri miti koto in nai 1 can h. . . understand itdo- nto watakushi ni wa wakari- nuiseii there is h . . . any nui ka- rai da tliere is h . . . any left ikun mo nokotte i-nai h...! (not likely) irMsaka\ Harm (to do h . . . ) gai suru tiiere is no h . . . in trying yatte mite mo ii desho Harness bagu Harp koto (Japanese instru- ment, 13 strings on a sounding board) Haste (to make h . . . ) isogu. ill h . . . isoide in great h. . . 6-isogi de make h. . . 6-isoi/i de; hayaku j make h... and bring my j hat hayaku watatushi no | boshi wo motte kite o kure | to hasten (somebody) sai- soku suru Hat boshi; shappo; (Japanese) kasa to take off one's h... boshi wo toru; boshi wo nugu Hate kirai de aru to li... very much dai kirai de aru I h. . . spiders kumo ga kirai desa I h . . . to see it sonna koto wo miru no wa kirai desU Have aru; see p. 27; gozaru (polite); (possess) motte vru; as an auxiliary verb it is expressed by the termina- tions of the priiicjpal verb. h... you a gun.? an'ita wa teppu ga arinvasiX ka? what has he got there? nani ivo motte iru no desho? h... you any money with you? kane wo motte imaiU ka? I h . . . a fever watakiishi wa netsu ga arimasu I h . . . a cold watakushi wa kaze wo hiile iiimsU I h . . . a cough watakushi wa seki ga d«iiuisu I h... a headaclie atama ga itdi to li. . . (give birtlito)a baby ko wo umu not wortli having tswaara-nai h... tlie goodness to fetcli my hat dOzo boshi wo totU kite kudasainuisen ka? [please wont you take my hat and come.'j h... you ever been in Nagasaki ? anata toa Naga- saki ni Ota koto ga arimasH ka? h. . . you done it.* shite shi- maimashila kaf h . . . some tea o cha too o agari nasai will you have some tea? o eha wa ikaga detH i Haire 126 Health what h . . . I to pay? iJcura desu ka? [how much is it.^] I shall h . . . (take) it kore ni nldmasho let me h . . . it for 2 yen »t- yen ni o ski nasai [make it 2 yen] it is not to be liad here koko ni im itai no desiX where are flowci* to be had? hana wa doko de utte imasu ka? to h . . . made koshiraesa- se'ru please h . . . it made for me koshiraesasete kudasai h . . . it mended naosasete o hure Causative verbs; see p. 16 I must have it by Saturday doyo-ln made ni kiUo koshi- raete moraitai to have to (inu^t) no desH, ar translate like MUST I shall h. . . to have one made hUoifu koshiraesase-7iakereba nariinasen you'll h... to change at Jf agoya Nagoya de nori-kacru no desH have you not been ill lately? kono-goro go byoki ja nakattx no dfsu-ka? how long h . . . you been living in Tokyo? Tokyo ni itsU luira sundc itnasit ka? haven't I often told you so? iku-do mo so ittu ja ivii kai Hay kare-kusa Hazardous abunai He ano hilo [that person]; koiio hUo [this person]; ano kata [that gentleman]; ano Otoko [that man, male] this last expression may be uaed when it is desired to lay Ftress on the sex Head ataxia; (chieo kashira; ichi-ban ue no hito from li . . . to foot atama kara aski 'ao saki vuide I will pay 2 yen a h . . . ni- yen-zuUu harainiasho it never eiitered ray h . . . yutiie ni nw shira-nai [even in a dream I did not know it] tue h. . . of the table kami-za 1 can make neither h... nor tail of it sore toa chitto mo wakarim/'xem [I don't understaud it at all] to lose one's li... awate'ru to say whatever coines into one's h . . . dclaranie wo iit to take into one's h... ortioi-tatsiX to be off one's h . . . kichi' gai de aru Heal (int.) tvaoru: (tr.) naosH Health kenko; yCjo for the sake of one's h... karada no tamr ni in good h . . . jObu in bad h . . . karada ga toarui to suffer from bad h . . . byoshin de aru to take care of one's h . . . (1st i)ers.) ki >vo tsftfxru; (2nd pers.) daiji ni sunt careless of h . . . fuyojo na your h... (when drinking) go kenkS wo shiku skiimui h...y (of persons) }db» no; (of food) kusuri ni nam; (of places) karada ni ii how do you do? ikaga desif 1 am very well thank yo« arigaio, jobu desii I am not very well o»w»ri jobu de arimtuen Health 127 Help are you better to-day? kyo tea aukos/ii ii desH ka ? are you quite well again? mo yoku nnriiiitixlntn ka ? I am a little lictter to-day kyd wa si'ikoxhi ii fid desn I am nuich better to-day kyo wa t'lilien ii ho desu how is your father? o to-san toa iknnii (/'■sh? how is everybody at home? mina san wa ikaga desH? Is everytliiug all riglit with you? o kawari zva arimasen kai you don't look well kao-iro ga o tvariii y'l desi'i I have cauyht a cold haze wo hikimitsliUa I have a lieadache atama ga itai It is only a sliaht indisposi- tion rhotto shitu byoki desu take care of yourself o daiji ni nasai Hear kiku did you h. . .? kikimashitn ka? •can you h it/ kikonriam ka? I h...d that he was ill ano hiio va bydki da id dexii bave you li...o otosH to take h . . . chikara wo e'ru h. . .less funinjd na Heat atsitsa: (febril h . . .) ncLia I suffer very iimch from the h . . . atsusa ni va tai/ien kmnarimasii to h . . . ah-iiku svru; (of water) tmknsu Heaven trvgoku: (sky) sora; ten Heavy oinoi; onioUii my head is )i... atama ga omoi the expenses are h . . . kakari ga oi h . . . sea u-nnmi h . . . rain 6-ame Hedge ike-mkl Heel kaliito Height lakaaa what is the h... of this inountain? kovo yama no Utkasa ua dono-gurai de.tfi kaf at tlie h... of 20 feet ni- jis-shaku no takasa de to be at its h . . . massaichU de aru Hell jigoku Helmet kubuto Help tetsudau; te wo kasH; (for more important things) setoa 2W suru; (in cases of absolute bodily need) tusiike'ru please h... me tetsudatte kudasai shall 1 h . . . you? tetsHdatte agemasho ka? h . . . ! tasuketel h . . . yourself please (of food, etc.) go nyv, ni; ^eat what has been served you) o agari nasai Help 128 Hilt it can't be h . . . ed sM-kata ga nai; shi-yo ga nai I can't h... it uaiakushi wa do sum koto mo deki-na\ how can I h... it.' do sure- ba a no dem? by your h . . . o kage de h. . . me move tliis table kono teburu no vi/okasU kara te- tsi'idittle kurc I won't so if 1 ran h . . . \tde- kiru-dike il:a-nni t>u please li . . . this a moment cliotto kore wo motte kudasai how mucli does this bottle h. . .? kono bin ni dono gurai hairiin/isii ka! [how much goes into tliis bottle.*] this rule still h...3 kono kisoku wa nuida kawara-nai [has not been changed] to catch h... t-iukamaeru to h . . . tightly shikkari tsUka' ■mae'ru to h. . . one's tongue damaru h . . . your tongue o damari nasai to h . . . up mochi-age'ru to h... back noko.ti'i; totte oku; (by force) osaera; (not to say all you know) kaktisu; (not to give up all) hikae'ru to h . . . on (continue) tsuzuktt to h ... on to a sticli bo ni siinaru to h . . . to an opinion ato e Idka-nai [not to go back] Hole ana tiicre is ah... in it arut-jga arimnxfi it is full of h...s ana dara- ke desii to make a h . . . ana wo akeru; (in the ground) ana uo horn Holiday o yasumi; (festival) matstiri; (national festival) hata-bi you can have a h . . . to- morrow myoniehi wa yasttn- de mo ii [you can rest to-morrow] See FESTIVAI, Holland Oraruia Hollow garando na Holy kiyoi Home taku; uchi at h . . . taku de; uchi de I shall dine at h ucfn de tabemasho is Mr. Tanaka at h....t Tanaka San wa o taku desa ka? he Ls at h . . . uchi ni ori- masH he is not at h . . . orimasen; rusu desii I shall go h . . . uchi e kae- rimasii make yourself at h... go jiyH. ni Honest shojiki na Honey hacld-mitsU Honour wiioni have I the h,.. of addressing ? donata de irat- shaimasa ka? Honour 130 Hotel upon my h... honto nil [truly] I I have been much h . . . ed j by your visit irashUte ita- daite l:un ni zonjimasu Honourable I Honofifics; see p. 20 Hook (to hang things on) ori-kuin duke ikura de.''!'; III! Khokuii tvo sureba betsii ni h(iroii)i>i::a I bring provisions with me. I shall only require ecg3 and yisli t/ihe-motio wa ntolte imasii hipi snkana to ta- mago duke moraimashij I'lense bring nie some hot water o yu wo motte kite o kure where is the lavatory (for washing one's self) kesho-beya wn doko desu, ka? plc.Tse sliow me the way an7iai sh'ite o kure plense liglit the lights akari wo tsvkete <, kure please bring a candle rosoku wo motte kite o kure See FOOD, UATU, bed, ac- count Hour jikan an h. . . ichi- jikan lialf an h... han-jUcan an h . . . and a half ichi- jikan han a quarter of anh... ju-go- jun (1.') niinutos] how many h...s/ luin-jikanf business li. . .s eigyd- jikan consultation h . . . (doctor's) shin s(i ts u -jikan he will he here in an h... ichi-jikan tatii-nai uchi ni kimusA [within an hour not ])as.sedl I will leave in an h. . ..'s time ichi-jikan taite kara dekake- rruisko to hire by the h . . . jikan de ^atou how many h...s does the train take to Kobe ? Kobe Hour 132 How made k'lxha wa nan-jikan kalcarimnsu Jra? h...ly ichi-jikan Soto ni to keep bad (late) h...s yo- fiikashi wo .turu House ie; uc/ii;-ya; (home) tain where is yoiir h. . .? o Uiku mi doko dem ka? a h . . . for sale uri-ya a h . . . to let kashi-ya two storied h . . . nikai-ya to keep h . . . tichi teo motm to move h . . . hikkoshi suru h. . . -holder uchi no shujin h . . . maid jochu; geio h... -keeper aina (this word is not Japanese in this sense, but it is understood at tiie Ports) How h... are you? ikaga desu ka? do desti ka? h . . . is your father? o tu-san wa ikiuja dem ka? h . . . do you do it.' do sum no desu ka? h . . . had it better be done? do surehii ii no dem ka? h . . . did that happen? do sfnta no desu? (reprovingly) do sli'itn mono da! h . . . is that/ do shite desho? do shita no desho? h . . . is business? sJiobai no keiJci wa do desu? tell me li . . . to make it sono koshirac-yB wo oshieie kudasai I dont know h... to do it sono ski yd wa shirimasen h... would this suit you? kore wa ikaga desu ka ? I want to see h . . . it looks donna ka mitai please sliow me h ... to hold the pen dozo pen no mochi- yd wo oshiete kudasai as this corridor is slippery take care h... you walk koiio roka wa suberii/iasu kara, ki wo tsiikete o aruki nasai this is h . . . it came about ko iu wake desH h . . . can I get there? soko e wa do shite iku no desu ka? I cannot tell you h . . . pleased I am doH)ui ni ureskii ka shi- remasen it doesn't matter h. . . it is do de mo yoroshii h. . . that child cries I anoko no naku koto ! h. . . awfully bad the road is! osoroshiku, dvmo michi ga varui / h . . . much smoke there isl zuibun hi dot kemuri desu ne h . . . beautiful nante kirei de- sho h... hot it is to-day I kyo no atsui kotol h . . . — must be sazo — desho h . . . anxious you must be sazo go slnntpni desho h. . . Ion;,' lie takes about ev- erythiii'j; doino nani wo sum ni mo H'loaku kakaru h... money goes in tips ko- korozuke bakari de mo zui- bun irimusu «e h . . . long is that stick? sono bo no tuigasa wa dono-gurai desu? h . . . long does the steamer take? June de u/a dono-gurai kakarimasa ka! h . . . long after he arrived did you go out? ano Mto ga tsuite kara dono-gurai tatte dekakemashita ka? h . . . long? (until when) itti made! How 133 Hungry h . . . long do you intend to stay here? ilsu nvide iras- sharu o tsumori de^ii ka? h . . . long have you been in Japan? Hsu kara Nippon ni irrasshninwsii ka? h... much? (quantity) dono- gurai?; (money) ikura? h . . . much « ater is there? mizu wa dono-gurai arimasH ka? h . . . much docs it cost? ikura desu ka? h. . . nuidi for one ? hitotsu ikura ? h... much longer does it take ? dono gurai 7tagal:u ka- karimasii ka ? h. . . much more have you ? mo dono gurai ariniasii ka? h... many (if refering to tilings that are counted kitoCsu, fnt'Jtfu, etc.) iku- tm; (if refering to tilings that are counted by the aid of an auxiliary nume- ral) iku or nan followed by the au\. num.; if refer- ing to tilings that are counted by ichi, ni, san etc. without an au.xiliary numeral) iku; nun. See p. 24 h . . . many eggs? tamago iJaUsH? h. . . many pencils? empi- tsu ik-u-hon? h . . . many persons? Mto iku- nin? h . . . many rikishas do you want? kurunui iva tian-dai irimasu? h . . . many hours? nan-ji- kan? h . . . many days? iku-nicki? h . . . many months? iku- tsiiki? h . . . many years? iku-nen? h . . . many years are you going to stay in New York? iku-nen gurai Njm Yoku ni iru o tsumori desH ka? [about how many years . . . ?] h... often? iku-t/ibi? nan-do! [how m;iny times?] h . . . old are you? o toshi wa ikutsu de.-n ka? h . . . far is it from here to Asakusa? Asakasa made dono-gurai aritruzsH ka? h . . . far off? dono-gurai hanarete? However (adverb) ikura — • mo; (nevertheless) kere- do7no h . . . dear it may be ikura takakiite mo )i... diligent one may be ikura benkyo shite mo h . . . much one might spend ikura kane wo kakete mo h . . . often he goes iku-taln ate mo Human ningen no h . . . being ningen Humbug v. t. gomakasH to be h. . .ged gomakasare'ru he is a h . . . ano hito wa nekokkaburi da [hypocrite]; ano hito wa usotsUki da [liar] ah... (in mercantile affairs) yamashi Hundred hyaku Hungry I am h . . . onaka ga suki- mashita; onaka ga fieri- mashita [my belly has be- come empty) are you h . . . ? onaka ga «fl- kimashita ka! Hant 134 If Hunt hari too sum h. . .er kariudo Hurrah banzai Hurricane o-kaze Hurry v. L isogu in a h . . . isoide h . . . up o-isoifi de; hayaku I am in a h . . . watakHshi ion isoide •imasu I am in a great h . . . watn- kushi wa o-isogi desu there is no h... betsu ni isogimasen I'm in no h... betsU ni mo- giTnasen don't h... (do it 3lowiy) yukkuri o shi nasai what ah... you are in tai- hen isogi desu tte Hart (intr.) iUtmu it h. . .s iXai my hands h... U ga iiami- maqii; te ga itai to h. . . one's self iUiku sum did you h. . . youTf,e\Vf do/co ka itaku shinmsen de^hita ka? I liave h . . . my leg ashi wo itaku sliimasUUa to h . . . (somebody else) ke^a too sase'tu to feel h JK ni sawant to h . . . somebody's feelings k-imoehi wo wanUcu sum it wont h . . . you daij6b^ deiU Husband my h . . . shujin; teishu (lower class) your h . . . go shujin; anata no Uisku flower class) h . . . and wife /u/u Hypocrite nekokkabwri Hypothecate teito ni guru 1 tcatakuski oft^n abbreviated to untaghi or eyen atas/U it is I wafaktlshi desu not 1 1 kessh'Ue ! (never] Ice kori i... -water kori wo ireta tnizu i . . . -cold kori no vo ni Uu- metai 1 . . . -chest kori-bako Idea kangae a good i . . . ii kangae a man of i...3 kangae no am hito I gave up the i . . . of going ik-u no wo yoshimashita I have an i . . . he is coming ano hito ga kum. yo tta k\ ga sktmasii have you an i... of how much that costs.' ii-ura-gurqi desu ka wakarimasu ka} I had not the slightest i . . . he was coining aiw hito ga kuru koto tea chiito mo shira- nakntta 1 had not the sliglitest i . . . it would take so long (but I had an idea, though mis- taken, of the time it would take) konnn m nagmku kaka- ru to wa omoimasen deahUa Idiot baka Idle an i. . . person namake-mono you are very i . . . omae u>a namake-mono da i... talk muda-banafihi i. . . and dirty busho na to be i... (to hive nothing to do) agonde iru; (when you ought to b« doing feomething) nsmakeU int to i. . . away the time fiJum wo rmida ni sum If The conditidnal mood 1r usuaity expressed by speoi&l forms of tfe Japanese verb It 136 or adjective (see p. 13, 20); sometimes it is expressed by adding nara, or naraba to the indicative, to a sub- stantive or to an adjec- tive. Moski is occasionally placed at the beginning of the sentence and tliis has the effect of naakiqg the word "if" about equivalent to " supposing." It is freqwently indifferent which ol the two tenses of the conditional mood is used. COND. PaESBNT APT. if you have a table please bring it tebum ga areba motte kite kudasai if you go I will accompany you o-^ide nasareba issho ni Unmasho if you should need it I ^vill lend it to you ircba kashHe agemasho if it rains I wont come ame ga fwreba kimasen If I meet him on the way ttvichi de aeba COND. PAST APT. if he has paid the money of course you must give him a receipt kane wo harcttara uketori too yam hazu devu you will never find it if you dropped it in the street michi' de olosUitara do sMte mo nai desJio if I had known I would not have gone shitte itara iki- masen deshitaro COND. I'Rr.SENT NEG. you'll breiik it if you don't take care hi too tnuke-nake- reba' towashue shihiou H you'll be late if you don't hurry isoga^nakereba osoku narimasfi you'll get wet if you don't take an umbrella kasa too motte ika-nakereba nuremasO, if there's none in the shop what sliall I do rnise ni nakereba do shimasho if he does not come ano hUo ga ko-nakereba if he is not otherwise engaged hoka ni yoji ga nakereba COND. PAST NEG. if you did not like it why did you buy it.^ o ki ni ira- i-utkctiara naze kaimashitakai COND. OF ADJ. if it costs too dear don't buy it ainari takakcreba katte kite wa ilcemasen if it is fine to-moiTow I shall go to Tokyo myoni- chi tenki ga yokereba Tokyo e ikimasu if you were comfortable there why did you return home.? soko de Isugo ga yokattara naze kaette kima- shita ka? if it is not cheap yamku nakereba if it was not good why, did you eat it.' yoku nakaUara naze tabeniashita ka'! COND. WITH Moshi if you want anything done pray let me know at any time moahi go yo ga areba itsu de mo itle- kudasai what would you do if it were to rain.' moshi ame ga futtara do shimasil ketf if that should happen mr'shi sonna koto ga attara If 136 Import if you dont need it moshi ira-nakerena COND. WITH Nara if you should need it I will lend it to yoii moshi v iriyo tuira kaslnl". agemusho •what shall 1 do if he is out nisu nara do shimasho if I were you I would not do it watak-ushi nara so iva skimuscn it you go I shall go also anata flit iku nara uatas/d mo iho if he is hiisy iHomshii nam if that he so so naraba if you wi^h to co ikitai narn please asU if tlie hathisrea'Jy yu fia waiUt ka kiite mite kvdasai a geisha called Tora if I re- member Torn to ka iu geisha who cares even if it is dan- gerous ? abujMkute mo ka- mau mono ka > T heard a sound as if some- thing had broken nani ka kbuvrcta yo nooto ga shima- sh'da If not de nakereba you had better write if not he will not come tcijami wo kaku ho ga a de nakereba ko-nai Ignorant inwjuku na i... and inc-xi»erienced per- son wlio atlects knowkUge tuimaiki na hiio IU are you i. . .? hyoki des& ka? I am i . . . watakunhi wa byd- ki desu 1 feel i . . . karada ga warui IU- treat v.t. hidoku suru Illegal ho ni luizureta lllcgftiniate (of a child) shi- soiji; (rea^nised by father but not legitimised) shoshi Illustration (picture) e coloured i. . . iro-dori no ihite arn e Image shozo he is the i... of his father ano hito wa o tosan ni sok- kuri desu Imagine siJzo sum; kanfjae'ru 1 cau't i... do kangaeie mo imkcira->iai 1 can't ! . . . why you think so naze sonna koto wo omou no desho just i. . .! md' imitation magai (usually placed after) i. . . gold kin-ma gar I... leather OTar/«!-'Wwa i. . . (couutcrieit) n-oiicy nisc- r.iine: nisi'-kin is it real ivory or \. . .'! honio no zogc desu ka' axn no dcsCi kn> to imitate somebody (to take oti) no/timnr no suru inimcdiateiy sjtgu ni it can't be done i... sugu ni wa dcki-nai i. . . after (future) kara sugu ni; (past) kara ma mo naku it is wanted i... o-isogi desu [a great hurry it is] Impatient to be i... (habitually) ki ga mijikai; (now) seilc i'ru to become i . . . tanki wo dasu to wait i...ly machi-kaneU iru Imperfect lu-kmizeri 7ia; lu-jO,- i/uu na Impertinent shitsurei na; burei na dont be i . . . shiisurei woiuna Impolite zoHzai na; shitsurei wa Import V. t. yunyu suru i . . . ed goods yunyH-hin Important Include Important daiji na Impossible tliat is not i . . . deki-nai koto wa nai that is i... deki-nai koto desu it is i... to prevent it do suru koto mn deki-nai it is absolutely i. . . for me to go da shit'' mo ikaremascn Impostor kaUiri Impression (mark) ato to be under ttie i... ki ga sum Improbable it is i... that lie will return kaera-nai drsh'i I not to returri prob.-.ble liel Improve kairyo suru; yoku nam that is a great i. . .ment sore wa t/iihen yoku nurimashila In de; ni; urhi ni in .Japan Nippon, de in the house uchi ni (here uchi means "house") in doors uehi »'o naka ni it is in the box hako no naka ni aritnasii in two or three days ni-san- uichi no uchi ni in (after) two weeks time I shall go to Kobe yn-shiikan tatte Kobe ni ikimasO, 1 was just in time yatto ma ni aimashiia I was not in time ma ni ainuisen deshita to be in uchi ni oru not to be in nisu de am; oi the neg. of om is Mr. Tanabe in? TaruibeSan wa orimasa ka? he is in orimasd he is not in orimasen; rusu desu the ship is not in yet fune ga niada tsukimnsen in 1917 Taisho roku-nen ni; see DATE • in town machi de in the country inaka de what is in it/ sono naka ni nani ga haittc intui-Ci k:r? say it in English please Ei- ffo de itte kvdasui in tlic morning am in the daytime hiru.mi in the alternoon o him kara in my opinion wutakUshi ru> kangae de tea iu short miiikaku icba in spite of that sore da no ni in tliat case sonnara in fact honlo ivu; honto ni in half an hour han-jikan tatte iii vain vnt^a ni; dame ni to go in hairu to put ii! ireru come in o huiri 7uisai; o aga- ri nnsai Incense ko stieU of i. . . scfiko Inch (Japanese) sun; see p. 31 l.y i. . .es dun-dan lnclin::tion l.atamuki against oTie's i. . . im da ga falthoMgh disagreeable] Incline (intr.) kutr.,HUku he is i...d to drink ano hitit wa sake wo tiomu I am i...d to tliink so do- irw sOrashii 1 am i...d to think that he will come ano hito ga kuni yo na ki ga shimasu I feel much i. . .d to stay two days more mo jutsuka itai Include ireru i. . . ing myself watakiiski ko irete Include 138 Ink everything i...d nan de ino irete I suppose this (charge) i...s everything kore ni minna haitte iru no desho Income sainyu; shotoku Inconvenience v. t. jama wo sum; (to be in the way) jajna de am, does this i . , . you kore via jama desiX kal to be i . . . d komtmi without i. . . sashi-tsHkae-naku if you can do it without i . . . sashi-tsukae ga nakereba Inconvenient fuben na; benri no loarui; guai no warui Incorrect machigaOa entirely i . . . sukkari ma- chigatta you pronounce i...ly ha- tsuon ga machigatte imasA Increase (trans.) (in quantity) luyasH: (in size) okiku sum; (in price) takaku suru to i... (intr.) (in quantity) lue'ru; (in size) okiku na- ru; (in price) takaku nam- Incurable naora-nai iMdeed (in fact) ?umto ni 1. . J so desa ka? I am very sorry 1 . . . domo o kinodoku sama desu ne Indemnity tsuffunoi-kin Independent dokuritsii no; (not subject to influence) toaga- mama na to be i . . . (not needing Help from anybody to support one's self) jUMUa shUe t°ru gentleman of 1 . . . means nam mo ahvte i-^nai hUo; mu-iftoku India Indo I. . .n (person) Indo-jin l...-ink «umi India-rubber gomu; (for erasing marks) keshi-gomu i. . . band gomu-wa Indigo (colour) kon Indorse see endorsb Inevitable yamu too e-nai Inexperienced keiken no nai he is i . . . ano hUo wa keiken ga nai i . . . person shiroto Infectious utsuru i. . . disease utsuru byoki Inferior i . . . quality kato [lowest class] the goods are i... to sam- ple shinamcno wa mihon yori wami Influence eikyo; (personal) kuiika through your kind i... o kage sama de Infonn shiraseru I shall i . . . the XKilice junsa ni shira^emasH I ought to have been i. . .ed oiit so itte kurereha ii no ni where can I get i...ation about that? doko e ikeba sore ga wakaru deshot [if I go where about that tiling will they know] Inhabitant how many i...s are there in this town? kono maehi ni wa dono-gurai hito ga imasii ka? Inhuman (cruel) mugoi Initial (letter) namae no ka- shira-ji Injure v. t. (person) kega wo sMVru ; (things) ilams'ru to be i ... d (persons) kega \oo turu ; (things) itamu Ink CE^iropean) inlei; (Japan- ese, i. e. Indja-ink) sumi Ink 139 Instead l...-box (Japanese) tuzuri- bako 1 . . . -stand inki-dre Inlaid zogan i. . . with silver gin zogan Inn yado-ya; see hotel Innocent tsumi no nai; (sim- ple) mujaki na Inquire ^'^^2« mi'ru; tazune'ru you had better i . . . kiite miru ho ga U I will i... about it kiite mimash/i I have i...d every~where in the neighbourhood kono kin- jo wa minna tazunemash'ita please i. . . for me (on my behalf) kiUe mite kudasai he i...d for (about) you amo hUo wa anata no koto wo kiite immshUa does Mr. Tanaka live here.' Tanaka San wa kochira desi kaf do you know his address.* bandd wo go zonji desu ka? do you know a gentleman of the name of Smith.' Smith Santo iu hUo wo go zonji desu. ka* is Mr. Tanaka at home.' Taruika tan wa o uchi desi ka? please tell him I have called umtakushi ga nuiirimashUa to itte kudasai when can I see him.' tteti o rue ni kmkaremasho ka? I will call again thi« after- noon mata gogo ni kimnsU I will leave a note for Mr. Tanaka Tanaka San ni chotto kaite ikimashd please give this to Mr. Ta- naka as soon as he returns o kaeri ni nailara sugu kore too Tanaka San ni agett kudasai to inquire about the way; see WAT Insect muahi i... -powder nomii/oke [flea preventative] Inside naka i . . . out ura-gaeshi to put i . . . naka ni ire'm a person's 1... onaka are you going !.../ naka ni hairimasd ka? Insist I i, . . on it dS thUe mo sM- nakereba ikemasen I must i. . . on your arriving at 7 o'clodc do sMte m» shiehi-ji made ni ko-nakerdkt ikemasen Insolent zuzHshii Inspect kensa turu i ... or kensa-nin instaOment (part pa7ment> wari-barai Instance for i. . . tatoeiM Instant kata-toki in an i . . . nvabataki suru ma ni [while you shut and open the eyes] on the 12th inst. hongetsU no jH-ni-nichi ni Instead kauxiri ni i . . . of me watakHski no kawari ni take this i . . . kawari ni kore wo mochi nasai i . . . of following my direc- tions he did something else waiakHshi no ii-tsOketa koto too shi-nai de hoka no koto tto skimashila i . . . of doing his work he sleeps all day thitotowo tkir Ttai de ichi-mehi mte imatH Instead 140 later pre ter J... of going to Yokohama he went to Tokyo Yoko- hama e ikanai de Tokyo e ikinmshUa you had better go to Hakone i... of Kamakura Kama- Icura yori Hakone e iku hu ga a dcaho Instinct tensei Instruct (educate) kyoiku sum; (teacli) oshie'ru; (order) ii-ts^iike'ru Instrument dogu; kikai Insufficient (of quantity) tari- mii; sukurtai Insult V. t. ni/shikkei na koto wo iu Insurance hofren fire i... kasai-hoken marine i . . . kaijo-lwken life i . . . seiinei-hoken i . . . premium Iwken-ryo i . . . policy hoken-sluJken Intelligent (clever) riko rut Intend tnwirwri de am; to onion ■what do you i. . . to do? do sum tsumori d£su kat I i . . . to go to-morrow ashUa, iku tsumori da; ashl- ta iko .p) onwimasu 1 (he) i. . . to buy a sash obi uo kau,tsunwri da I (he) do not i. . . to buy a eash obi uo kauHi-nai tsumori da [1 i . . . not to buy] does she i . . . to buy a sash ? obi wo kau tsumori desko ka f BO you i . . . (it seems) to t>«y a sash ohi wo kau o tsumori da so desu ne 1 hear you don't i ... to buy a sasli obi wo kawa-nai o tsu- mori da so dcsu ne do you J . . . to buy a sasli ? «bi wo kau o tsumori desH kaf I i . . . to write a letter this afternoon kyo gogo tegami wo kaku tsumori desu how many years do you i . . . to stay in New York ? iku- nen gurai Nya Yuku ni iru o tsumori desu ka } Intention tsumori I have not the least i . . . of doing so so mru tsumori wa sukoshi mo arimasen I have the i... of going to Tokyo to-moriow ashita Tokyo e iku tsumori desA Interest (on money) risoku to take (have) an i... in nilkyomi wo ■niotte iru I take a great i. . . in Japa- ese customs Nihon no shfikan ni taihen kyemi wo moUe imasu I fcike an i... in that man a no hito 7ii kyomi wo motte imasu it is to my i . . . sore wa watakushi no ioku desu Interesting omoshiroi Interfere (witli words) kuchi- basin wo ireru; (put an ob- stacle) yokei na koto wo sum; (involuntarily) sashi-tsukae ga dekiru; (of a thing that is in the way) jama ni nam don't i . . . yokei na koto wo ski-nai de o kure Interior (of a hoii=e) naka; nchi; (oi the couutry) nai- cfd Interpret tsuben wo sum please i . . . tliis for me tsii- Jten wo shite kudasai Interpreter tsiiben a good i . . . jOiu rux tsuben 1 want to engage an i... tsuben we yatoUai Interrupt 141 Jealous Interrupt no/jama wo sum; tomeru Intimate naka no ii i . . . friends naka no ii tomodachi Into to go i. . . ni/haii-u he went i . . . the garden niica ni lmirinw.\iritx to fall i... n'ilorh(-komu he went i... the tcMiiple o miya no naka ni ikiinaslnta Introduce (one person to anotlier) shOkiti sum may I i... you to Mr. Tanabe.? Tavahc San ni go shOkai shitnas/io ka? please i... nie to thiit gentleman a)io knta ni sl/ijkui sh'de kiidnmi a letter of introduction slio- kai-jo In the act introducing you may say, for in-tance: kono knta wa 'Jaiiahe San, kono katu loa Veda San Invent (discover) Iwtsumei suru a cle%'er i...iou hi jo na fiatsHniei it is a pure i . . . ion (a fabrica- ted story) koshirae-goto desH Inventory shina-gaki Invilc maneku; yobu; o nuineki suru although I i...d him he wdvild not come o inaneki shite mo kiinasen deshlta Invoice okuri-}0 Iron tdsa wrought -i . . . jukutctsU cast-i... chiiteUCi sheot-i. . . tthn-ita flat-i. . . (li*uopean) airon smoothfng-i . . . (Japanese) (large) hivoshi: (smalll kote i. . . pipes tekkan i. . . -foundry sei-tHsii-jo i...clad (ship) kutetstisen Irregular kimari no nai Island shima It sore it was not I that said it itta no wa watakiislii de wa ari- masen it is not Taro who is going iku no wa Taro de wa an- masen of itself hitori dc; (sponta- neously) shizen ni See KELF Italy Itnria Itch tiie verb to i. . . is usual- ly expressed by the adj. kaii Ivory zoge Jam (j're-erve=) jami January ^lio-(iuUii: ichi-galsO, Japan Xi/ioii; Si/ipon 1 like J . . . ythoii ga sUki di'xil how long have you been in J....^ Nihon ni dono gurai inasii kn> Ja;>ancse (person) Nippon-jin; Aihon no hilo; (laiiguage) h'ihon-go; (adj.) S'ppori no I canr.ot speak J... 2\ihon- go ga dckiniaseii 1 can speak J . . . a little yUiun-go ya siikoshi deki- Jar tauho Jealous yakiiHocJii-yaki na to be j . . . yakimochi-yaki de aru to be j . . . of no koto wo/ t/ wa he is a j . . . of paintings ano hlto wa c ga wakarimasH, Jug mizu-sashi Juice shiru July shichi-gatsU Jump tdbu to j . . . over tobi-koe'ru to j . . . a ditch dobu wo tobi- koe'ru to j... at (an offer) sugu ni shfirld suru [to accept imineiliateJy] Junction (railway) tetauJo no rcnraku-eki June roku-gatsU Junk wiifcn Just (impartial) kohei tia; ckohiiki no nai; tndashii; (exactly) citodo; (just now) tndaima j . . . right chodo ii j... tlie same citodo onaji j . . . like it chi'do onaji da I liave j . . . returned chodo ima kuerimn^lnta j . . . as it is sono tori ni it is j . . . what I wanted cJiodo hoahii to omotte ila nwno dfsfi he looks j . . . like a foreigner maru de seiyo-jin no yo ni mieru it seems j . . . like a dream to me maru de pume no yo d«sii j. . . as you like anata no ii yo ni as I have j . . . said tadaim* itta tori Jittt 143 Keep I j . . . missed the train ehotto no koto de kisha ni nori-okureta I was j . . . able to catch the train yatto kisha ni ma ni aimarhita j . . . come here a moment ehotto O'ide nasai j . . . by the Bank ginko no jiki soba ni j . . . this side of the bridge hashi no jiki temae j... next door sugu tonari j... behind tlie house uchi no suQu ufhiro ni j... after meals shokuji no sugu ato de j . . . out-ide the gate rrvon no sugu soto de I have j . . . been able to manage it yatto deki- masMta something I have only j... bought katta bakari no mono; kaitate no mo7io fruit ttiat has j . . . been pick- ed totta bakari no kudamono; toritate no kudamono I am j . . . going to begin ima hajimeru tokoro desU J . . . as I started dekakeyd to furu toki ni j... as tall as he chodo ano hUo to onaji aei I should j . . . think so to desu to mo j . . . a little siikoshi bakari j. . . so mattaku j... fancy! d! so desa kaf j. . . now tatta ima he was here j . . . now tatta ima koko ni imas/uta, j... wait a moment ehotto matte kud/nsoi it is j . . . at the top of tliat iiiU su(ju sono suka no ue da I'll j . . . try tp-pen yatte mimasho I'll j . . . write and ,see hltotsU kaite mimasho j . . . an ordinary house (not a shop, nor a public build- ing, etc.) tada no uchi that is j . . . about it conna mono desa Keep motsU; (have in one'a service) oUe iru ; (animals kau to k . . . house uchi wo motsA howlongwillthi.sk...? dono gurai moch'onasu ka? I k . . . two servants jochQ wo fiitari oite i»iasu k. . . this (doDt throw it away) kore uo totte oite o kure what has kept you so long T naze sonna ni osoku narima- shita ka f to k . . . back nokosu; totte oku; (by force) osaeru; (not to give up all) hikae'ru; (ndt to say all you know) kakusU better k... back the goods until the next steamer kono tsugi no k'l^eit mid'' nimOtsU wo nokosh'de okn hu ga ii k... back tluit dog ajjo inu wo osacie He o kure to k . . . watch ban wo suru be sure and k . . . strict watch shikkari ban wo shite o kure to be kept in by the rain juri-komerareru to k . . . off lusc'ju; the neg. of kuru (to come) please staud up a screen to k . . . off the wind kaze ga ko-nai yo ni soko ni byobu wojatete kudasai Keep 144 Kiss Kiss 145 k... off (don't come neai me) kite wa ike-nai to U . . . company with to/ tsukinu to k. . . (take charge of) azu- knru plea^ie k.. \\M till I come back kaer'i made kore wo azuknlte k'Khisni I will 1; . . . it for you o azu- kari slaiuasho to k . . . a v"omise yakiisoku vo niamoru when I promise anything I always keep my word yakiiffokii sunha iUd de mo marrwrimam to k . . . bad (late) hours yo-jitkashi wo ni^ru to k . . . in mmd kokoro- gake'm to k... silence damaru to k. . . up (continue) tsu- zukeru* to k . . . on Uuzuke'ru Kennel inu-bako Kettle (iron) tetsu-liin; (copper or bronze) yu-wakashi; yakan Key kagi k. . .-hole kngi-ana the k... wont fit kagi ga aimasen I want to have a k . . . made k'lm wo kos/iimete moraitui I leit it under lock and k. . . kagi wo kakcta shimatte oki- mas/iUa I have twistod the k . . . kagi ga mt'ijurimashUa I left the k . . . in tlie lock kagi wo ana ni oite kinia- shita Kick keru to k. .. out oi-dashUe shimau to k . . . up a row okoru [to get angry] Kidney jinzo Kill korosU to k . . . time taikutsu too sliitiogu to k... two birds with one stone ik-kyo ryo-tuku [one effort two ends) Kind (sort) sfiurui; (good- heaited) shinaetsn na what k. . .? do iut all k . . . s iro-iro no this k . . . oi kO in that k . . . oi so lU : a iu how many k. . .9 ? iku-irot any k . . . will do nan de jiio ii plea d(m what k . . . of a man is he? d'O iu, Into drsH? this is the k... of person I like ko iu kilo ga suki, desU that Ls the k . . . of person so iu Iiito one k . . . of li ito-iro two k. . .s of luta-iro a. k . . . person shinsetsU na h'lto will you be k . . . enough to fetch my hat? dozo boshi wo toUe kite kudasaiiruisen kaf [please wont you take my hat and come) King o-sama Kiss seppun; kisii to k . . . seppun sum; tisd wo sum Kissing is not a Japanese custom; it Ls hardly known except in tlie Treaty Ports Kitchen daidokoro k . . . -entrance katte-gucM Kite tako to fly a k... tako wo age'ru Knee /liza Knife (in general) vaitU pocket-k... ko-ijatnna kitelien-k . . . Itocho; debabocho a blunt k . . . kire-nai naifii have this k... sharpened kono naifii wo togashiie o Ictire Knock V. t. tataku; utsii; butsA to k. . . against v. t. butsAke- 'ru ; V. i. buUsOkaru to k . . . at the door to wo tataku to k... down bucJti-taosiX to k... in burhikomu to k . . . to pieces buchi-ko- wnsit, tliere is a k... at the door dure ka to wo tatuitc i7nasu you nmst k . . . at the door before coming in hairu mae ni to wo tataku no desu Knot muKUhi-me (may mean also a bow); komnmusubi (a non-slipi>ing knot) Know shim; wakaru; zonji'ru (a polite verb) 1 k... shitte irnasH; wakatU imasH I don't k . . . sMrimasen ; do desH ka skirimasen 1 k . . . notking about it watashi wa son)m koto wo shira-nai I don't k . . . where he is doko ni irk, ka shtrimasen 1 don't k . . . 1k)w to do it tono shi-yo wa skirimasen Know I don't k. . . what to say do ielia ii ka skirimasen I don't k. . . what to do with this child Aono ko ni ica ko- ynarinuisU of course Ik... shitte irtM' su, to mo he k...s all about it ano kilo wa minna shitte imasH as you k. . . shitte iru tori do you k . . . of a good inn* ii yado-ya wo shitte iinasU kaf do you k . . . whether he has arrived? t'^uita ka do ka shitte imasu ka? 1 should like to k . . . whether he has arrived tsuita ka do ka shiritai mono desH do you k . . . that gentle- man? ano kata wo shitte imasO. ka! I have k...n him for some time si'n kara shitte imasH 1 k . . . he has been ill ano kata no byokl dalta no wa skitte imasH I k. . . her by sight ano hito wa kao dake shitle imasH I don't k . . . whether it is so or not so de am ka nai ka shira-nai how sliould I k . . . ? do shite shitte iru mono desH kaf as far as Ik... he did not cofoe watakiishi no shitte iru tokoro de tva dno hito wa kimasen deshita he k . . . s English very well ano hito wa Ei-go ga yoku dekiru [he can English well] Ik... better than tliat sore ho4o baka ja nai [I am not such a fool] to let k . . . lU/shirase'ru let him k . . . ano hito ni shirasete o kure Know 146 Lantern thi8 book is not k...n yet kono hon . uw mada skira- rete imasen to becorne k...n (famous) nadakaku, nam to make k . . . n shirase'ru Knowledge (learning) chishiki without my k . . .uxUakUshi ga shira-nai uehi ni I iiave no k . . . of that matter sono koto wa ihirir ma sen Korea Chosen Label fuda to 1 . . . fuda wo tsUkeru Labour shigoto L.er rodosha; (coolie) nin- soku Lace (fabric) rewtl; (of a boot) himo Laoiaer urushi l...-ware nuri-mono Lad toaka-mono Ladder hashigo Lady (wdman of education) ki-fujin the 1 . . . with the blue hat dot boshi too kabutta kata (the person wearing the blue hat] do respectable I . . . ies visit the place? ki-iufin ga ikeru yo na tokoro diru kaf Lake mizu-umi; (in com- pouB(Js)-*o 1 . . . Biwa Bitva-ko Lamb ko-hittuji Laoie (a 1. . .person) Hkko to walk 1... bikko ivo hVm Lamp (European) rampu; (Jap- anese, square, non-collapsi- b\e)andon: (round, collapsible lantern) choekin the light from this 1... ia very poor kono rampu wa kurai the wick of this 1 . . . wants trimming rampu no shin too kira-nakereba narinmsen there is no oil in this 1 . . . rampu ni abura ga nai the 1 . . . wants cleaning rampu wo kirei ni sofi thi- nakereba ike-nai don't let tl>e 1... smoke rampu wo Iburasete wa ikt- nai 1. . .-chimney hoya 1. . .-wick rampu no thin Land (as distinct from the sea) oka; (ground) jimen by L . . oka wo to 1 . . . joriku sum I shall 1... at Kobe Robe ni jurika shimasu are we obliged to 1 . . . in a boat.' boto de joriku sum no dexu ka? tol. . . (goods,) riku-age wo guru Landlady (by her own right) see L.\NiiLORD; (wife oi the landlord of an inn) yado- ya no o kami-san; (of the inn in which the speaker n) ucld no o kami-san Landlord (of ground) ji-nushi; (of a house) oya; (of an inn) shuyin Landscape keshiki Lane ku-iuiehi Laneuage; koieba; (in com- poiiiiik) -go EnglibU 1. . . Ei-go Japanese 1 . . . Nikon-go colloquial 1. . . zotugo spoken 1. . . kogo written 1 . . . bungo rude 1 . . . burn na kotoba Lantern (round collRpsibto) clMchin; (square, Don-eol- lapsible) aruitn; (stone or metal te nple 1. . .) tSrS Lap 147 Late Lap hiza tknee] Lard rado; buta no abura Large okii; oki no.; (extensive) hvroi; (thick) IMoi about as 1 . . . as this kono gurai obi na as 1. . . as an egg tamago gurai ikii the coat is too i... utvagi ga oki-sugiru a 1 . . . bottle o-bin I... family tai-kauai Last 1 L. month sengetsU year sakunen; kyonen the year before 1... issaku- nen; ototoshi \... night sakuban; yiibe the night before 1. . . issa- kubun for the I... week is-shukan mne kara it has been very warm tliese 1 . . . two or three days kono ni-san-nichi ua Uiiso attakai 1 . . . train shuressha the 1 . . . time I went kona niae itta toki the place 1 went to 1 . . . time kono viae itta tokoro the book you promised roe the 1 . . . time you came kono mae Irita toki o yakHsoku no hon this is the I. . . time I shall come here mo kore k-iri koko e ko-nai when did you have (use) it 1 . . . ?itoM () tsiikai nasatta no desiX ka f I is the 1. . . letter z ga i/^i ban shimai no ji destl he came 1. . . iehi-bon ato ni kimashUa I remained to the 1 . . . shimai made rwkote imashita this is the I . . . (of a num- ber of things that have been enumerated) kore de shimai the very 1 . . . ichi-ban shi- mai no I . . . of all ttumari to 1 . . . (hold out) am; (con- tinue) tsu^zuku how long 'Will it I. . J nan- nichi gurai arimasH kaf [how many days \vlll it 1. . .] thii soap has l...ed a long time koTio shabon iva nagaku arimashita tliis gootl fortune cannot 1. . . koniui ii koto wa nagaku tmziika-nai the .--trirm 1. . .ed 2 days araahi ira futsCtku tsuzukimushita at I... (n> the last place) shimai ni; (result intended or wished for but obtained only after delay or diffi- culty) yoyij; (result not intended nor wished for) totS at 1 . . . we went to Shiba shi- nuii ni Shiba e ikimashita the dinner is ready at 1... shokuji ga yoyo dekimashita it is done at 1.. . yoyo deki- mashita at 1. . . he died toto nukunari- maghita Late osoi to be 1... (behind time) okure'm; osoku nam he is 1 . . . okureta I am afraid we shall be 1. . . osoku naru ka mo shire- masen am I too I. . J osoku nari- mashUa kaf the train is ten minutes 1... kisha ga jip^pun obu- rtmashUa to be too I . . . rtM ni atji}-atM% Ute 148 Lead it i3 too late now «w oso- suoiru: mo ma ni awa-nai it is getting 1 . . . hi ga kure- masu [tile sun is going down) it will be 1 . . . before wc arrive tsuka-nai uchi ni hi ga kureru desho how 1 . . . ? (until what hour.O nan-ji made? how 1 . . . you arei Oiihen osoi\ of 1 . . . konaida; kono-goro to arrive 1 . . . osoku t'^uku to keep I . . . liours yo-fickashi wo suru 20 years l...r ni-jH-nen tatU kara I shall call l...r ato it Jci- masii sooner or l...r osokare ha- lf aka re 1. . .ly koiiaida; kono-goro at 6 at the 1 ... est osoku mo roku-ji made ni the 1. . .est news saikin no shira/te the 1. . .est telegram saikin no dempo Lather sluihon no awa LaDgh wnrau I l...ed very much over it «w!0 koto de tailien warai- mashUa it is nothing to 1... about "carai-goto ia nai I cannot help l...ing oka- shikute tamara-nai he 1. ..s longei-t who 1. . .s last hajime no kachi wa kuso-gacfn fit i-s no use gaining the fiist victoryj to 1. . . at wo/warau to be l...ed at uarauureru to 1... manely baka-warai suru to 1... in one's sleeve hara no naha de warau 1 . . . able okashii 1. . .ter warai Launch (s-team) ko-joki Laundry xenM-u-ya l...-nian gentaku-ya See WASH Lavatory (place for washinj^' liands and face, etc.) kesho- licya; (pri\y) benjo; hahakari See W.\TKR-OLOSET Law lioritxu I have the 1 . . . on my side wat(ikuf:hi no hu ga horitsu ni knnatte inyisu. according to the 1. . .s of this country kono kuni no hori- tsU ne to go to 1 . . . sosho too okosU La\vyer brnrjoshi Lay (depc^it) oku; (eggs) umu to be laid up with illness byoki de uchi ni iru; bydki de nele i'm to 1 . . . (something) down shUa e oku to 1 . . . hold of tfukaniae'ru to 1 . . . the blame on some- body kitonitsuim wo kiseru; hUu no sei ni suru 1... the blame on me waia- kuKhi no sci ni shite o oki nasai is gas laid on (in the house).* gasu ga hiite arimasii kaf L.azy a 1 . . . person namake-mono you are very 1. . . omae wa namake-mono da 1 . . . and dirty busho na Lead (mmeral) namari 1 . . . -pencil empitm Lead (verb) h'lk-u; hipparu; (conduct) amiui .sura to 1 . . . an easy hf e raku ni kurashite iru I to 1 . . . astray mayoviatii Lead 149 Lea^e where does this road 1. . . to.? kore wa doko e iku michi desu ka? Leaf ha; happa; (of a gate) tobira; (of paper) kami ichi- mai how many leaves.? (of paper) kami nan-mai? to turn over a new 1 . . . Umare-kawaUa yo ni naru to turn over a 1 . . . (of a book) ichi-umi ake'ru Leak (a crack) mori-ana; (liquid oozing out) mori a 1... in the roof aina-mori [ame mori rain oozing out] to 1 . . . moru this barrel 1. . .« kono taru wa morimnm the window 1 . . . s mmlo kara ame ga hairimasii [rain cornea in through the window] Lean (incline from the vertical) (intr.) katamuku to 1... against (of persons) nilyori-kakaru; (of things) ni/tate-kakeru 1 . . . (tliin) yaseta Learn narau; (liear) kiku. wtiere did you learn it.' doko de naraimnxhita ka? I am l...uig Japanese Ni- hon-go wu naratte irnasU I wish to 1 . . . Japanese Kihon-go wo naraitai to 1 . . . to speak Japanese Nihon-go no kaivua wo narau [to 1. . . Japanese con- versation] l...ed person gakusfta Lease (of a house) tanauke-sho; (of land) shakxichi-shosho to 1... (lend) kasa; (hire) kari'ru Least (in size) ichi-ban ohii- sai; (in quantity) ichi-ban sukunai at 1. . . iiay half if you can't pay all minna deki-nake- reba MmJbun de mo haratte kudasai there are at 1 . . . 100 sUku- naku mo hyaku arimasu not in tlie 1 . . . sUkoshi mo; kesshUe (both are used with neg. verb) the 1. . . expensive ichi-ban yasui [tiie most cheap] at 1 . . . wash your hands te gurai aratte o-ide the 1 . . . you can do is to apologize ayamaru gurai wa sum hnzii da make at 1 . . . the necessary preparations shilalcu dake wa shite oile iMre I at 1 . . . tvatashi dake wa won't you give me at 1... half? semete hnmbun de mo kudasaimasen ka? the 1 . . . said the soonest men- ded kuchi,-kazu im sukunai hodo ii Leather kaiva imitation 1... magai-gatva Leave (permission) yurushi to take 1. . . itomagoi wo suru without asking 1 . . . kotowara- nai de without 1 . . . yurushi nashi ni did you give liini 1. . . to go? itte mo ii to yurushimashita ka? to take French 1. . . damatte itte shimau te ask 1 . . . yurushi wo uke'ru 1 beg to ask you for two days 1 . . . futsOka hima wo tto- dakiio gozaimasH to give 1 . . . v^iru*^ i.eav« 150 Leg to 1... (quit, depart) deru de!:ake'ru; (suffer to re- main) nohoshUe oku; (de- po>it) azun-fru: (chauge re- sidence) hikkoshi .vwrjt at what time does the steamer 1...;' ncn-ji ni June ga de- vfuisu ka? I lei't Kobe this morning kesa Kobe wo demaali'da has he left.' mo dekakeinash'tta, ka? lie left fi;i' Kobe yesterday kino Kobe e itimashUa 1 loft tlie steamer at Naga- salti ivataLiiKhi wa Haga- saki de June too orinmshUa [oriru to get off] I sliall 1. . . to-morrow tnj/o- nichi dekakemasho to 1 . . .* it tiU to-morrow ashiia no koto ni suru I left it (in dejwsit) at the station teu/iaba ni azuke- masfiita I wiU 1 . . . it to you to de- cide anata no kangae ni makasemasu 1. . . it to me, I will do it tcatakushi ni inafMseU kuda- tai, yatU minuislto I will 1 . . . ray card meishi too oHe ikima^Ci where can II... this.* doko e okimasho ka? 1 have left my purse some- wliere saifti tvodoko e ka oki- wamtremashUa I left it in my room ipatakHshi no heva ni okimashUa has anything been left for vaef toatashi hi nani ka oHe ikiimiuhUa ka* an there any left.' mada ttrimatu km there are only three left mo mittsu sfdka arimaxen there are none leit mo ari- niasen to I . . . alone sutete oku; utchatu oku 1. . . It alone Kiitete oit-e o kure, (don't touch) inra-nai de o kure 1. . . me alone please kamawa- nai de kudaxni to 1... behmd (by mistake) olci-wasureru tiling left bemud wasure- mono to 1... off (cease) yame'ru; yosu 1 . . . off (stop domg some- thing) yoshi nanai to 1... opeu akeppanashUe oku to 1 . . . hanc;iiig up kakep- panashiie oku to 1 . . . out (not shut up) dashippnvashUe oku; (in writ- ing unintentionally) kaki- otosH; (purjiDsely) nukasu i . . . it AS it id sono mama ni skUe • oki nasai Lecture kogi Leek nira Left hidari 1. . . side hidari no ho l...-hand hidari no U go to the 1. . . hidari e o-ide natai 1 . . . -handed person hidari-kiki \jet*»hi both 1. . .s ryo-ashi one 1. . . kata-tmhi table with 3 l...s sam-bon ashi no lUruru to pull another's 1. . . (slang) to haye one's I. . . pulled katsxigare'ru Legal 161 Let Legal horiUaijo no Legation kiJshi-kan Legend viukashi-rnonoyatiiri Legible yomi-yasui please write it very legibly yomi-ynmku kaile kudasai Leisure hima I am at 1... now ii)M wa hima defru at your 1... o hima no toki ui Lemon remon 1. . .ade ramum Lend kasA please 1... it to me kash'Ue kudasai 1 will 1 . . . it to you kashUe agemasho will you 1... me your book a moment.* cliotto hon too kaskiU kudasaiiiiasen ka? 1 . . . us a liand te wo kashite o kure Length ntigasa at I... (at last) yoyo; (in detail) komaka ni 2 feet in 1 . . . nagasa toa ni- shaku 1. . .en nagaku sum; nobasH L^ a little l...than an hour ichi-ji/can ni sidoshi siiku7ui% 1 . . . tlAn an horn- iehi-jikan yori sUkunai 1 have 1 . . . money than he toatakashi wa ano hito yori kani too sUkoshi shVca motU imasen A is 1 . . . studious than _B A wa B yori beiikyii shi-nai still I. . . motto sukunai a man 1 . . . hltori sUkunai not 1 . . . than 20 persons m-;u-ntu pari sulMnaku nai In 1 . . . than a year ichi-nen tata-nai uchi cannot you let me have it for 1 . . . ? motto yasUku dekimw- sen ka? more or 1 . . . gurai; tasho more or 1... the same OTUtji yu na more or 1. . . correct taiffai ii Lessee kari-nushi Lesson keiko; benkyo; mise- shi)ii.e to study one's 1 . . . benkyo wo stiru to Vnow one's 1. . . keiko ga wafcaru to take 1...S in Japanese Nihon-go no keiko wo suru thLs will be a 1. . . to me korimasli'ita it will be a good 1. . . to you anata u>a koritura ii desho Lessor kashi-nushi Ut 1. . . him Wait a moment sUko-ihi iruUase shite o kure dont 1 . . . a nyone come in dare mo irete wa ike-nai dont 1 . . . this get cold kore wo same-nai yo ni shite oki nasai 1 . . . it be siitcte oite o kure; tUchcUte oite o kure 1 . . . me alone please kamawa- nai de kudasai I... him go (allow to de- part) ikasete o yari nasai 1 . . . them laugh if they like tBarailainara warauashite oki nasai to 1 . . . go (loosen hold) te wo hanasu to 1. . . go of wo/haTMsH to 1 . . . in ireru; tosii to 1. . . (one) do ni/sase'ru 1... him do what he likes gji/.-i ni sashUe oite kure Let 152 Lie to 1 . . . loose hanasii to 1 . . . out (suffer to escape) dasu; (devuTge) rnorasu Bhall I 1. . . the dog out? inu uo dafiiimashd Jca'f I... us «o tor a little walk sukos?d saiiipo sMnmsIto 1. . . \\i go and see mi ni iki- masiio I . . . us go ikimasho to I. . . (iiire) kasu a house to 1. . . kashi-ya to 1. . . off (pardon) yurusu Letter tegami; (of ths alphabet) ■ji post this 1 . . . kono tegami wo dusliite kurc arc there any l...sforme? tegumi ga kite imam koi ] have not received a 1... Iritolsu mo trgnmi ga ko-nai 1 have receix ed a i . . . tegami ga kimushiia liow much will the poftnge on these l...s cost? kono tegami wn ikura dc ihimasu ka? ■will you please v.cigh this 1. . for me? kotio tegami loo ka- kete mite kudasai please forward my l...sto tliis address dozo waUikushi no tegami wo kono iokoro- gaki e niuimsU'dc kudasai 1... of introduction shukai-jo I-., .-box (in the cate or for posting 1. . .s) yubiii-bako l.-.-pujier tegami 7io kami; (Jaijanese in roll) maki-gami registered 1 . . . kaki-tome no tegami See POST Lettuce chisa; rettasu Level taira na; hiratai I. . . ground hlrachi 1. . .-headed man mono no waJcatta hito on the same 1. . . onaji takasa to 1 . . . taira ni sum Liable sekinin no aru 1... to duty zei ga kukaru Liar usotsUki (less cii'fcnsive than the English word) Liberal (generous) mono-oshimi Wo shi-nai Liberty jiyn at 1 . . . to do as one likes kalte shidai I take the 1. . . of asking you sliil-surei desil ga o taeune shiinasu [it is im])olite never- theless 1 ask yon] to t:ike 1. . .ies witli a woman onna ni lawn mare ru you are ;it 1... to mention it hanashile mo ii are you at 1. . . to do so? so s/iite mo ii no desd kaf Library (working room in a jirivate house) s/tosai; (public) toahokan Licence (written permission) nienkyo-jo Lick numeru Lid filta put on the 1... fiitawo shitt o tare take off the 1... liUa wo lotte o kure Lie (a falsehood) vso to 1... (utter a falsehood) ii.o wo tauku: (rest extended) ne'ru to 1. . . down ne'ru; yoko ni nam I am tiled I want to 1 . . . down kutabireniashiia kara netai as far as 1 . . . s in me chikara no oyobu dake Li« 153 Like to 1 . . . on one's back aomuke ni neru to 1 . . . on one's face utsH- bushi ni neru; (flat on the belly) harambai ni natte vru Life inochi is 1 . . . pleasent here? koko wa ii toko desU kaf [is this a nice plac«?] it is a ciuestion of 1 . . . and death ikiru ka shinu ka no mo7idai desii never in my 1 . . . kesshlte (followed by neg. verb) all my I . . . watak-ushi ga uma- reie kara [since I was born]; shinu made [until death] to lead an easy 1 . . . raku ni kurashite iru Lift ageru, mochi-age'ru Light (noun) ^i^•an,• '(artificial) akari the 1 . . . of the sun hi no hikari light the 1 . . .3 akari wo tsU- kete o kure put out the 1...3 akari wo keshite o kure the 1 . . . is bad kurai [it is dark} electric-1... denki gas-1... gasHtS to get in one's 1... kage ni naru to hold up to the l...hini kazashUe miru show me a 1... akari wo misete o kure give me a 1... nlease (for a cigar) hi wo kudasai [lire please] I...-I10USC todai Light (adjective) (not obscure) akarui; (not heavy) karui; (moderately coloured) usui; (easy) yasashii Light (verb) tsUke'ru 1. . . the lights akari wo tsikeie kure 1... the fire hi wo taki-tsukete kurc to be l.ed tsuitc i'ru to 1 ... en (make less heavy) karuku sum Lightning inabikari to be struck by 1... (of a person) kaminari ni utare'ru [to be struck by thunder]; (of things) kaminari ga ochiru [thunder falls] where did the 1 . . . strike? doko ni kaminari ga ochi' inashita ka? Like (adj.) yo na; yd ni (of the same kind) onaji; (similar) nita to be 1 . . . nitnite rru have you aivy more silk 1 . . . this.? kono yo na kinu git arimasii kat 1 want one exactly 1... this kore to diodo onaji na no ga hoHldi I want one something 1... this ko in yo na no ga hoshii have you another 1... this only larger ? kore to onaji mono de sukoshi okii no ga arimasii ka ? 1 want it made 1. . . tliis ko iu yd iii ku! o ki ni iri- mashita ka ! I like it very much d^i suki desH; taihen L-i ni irimashUa I do not 1 . . . this konna mono tea Hrai detiX do you 1. . . Japan.' Nihon ua tilki desu kai how do you 1 . . . it.' io desi ka? how do you 1... this beer.' kono biiru tea do desH ka? would you 1 . . . some? hoshii no desu kaf do as you 1 . . . anaUi no ii yo ni nasai 1 '^1 do as you 1 . . . anata no ii yo ni ihimasho whether you 1 . . . it or not the fling mast be done iya de ii!0 6 de mo shi-nakerdM ikemasen just as you 1... anata no ii yo ni anything you !... (anything will do) min d-e mo yoroskii anything you 1... to have van de mo o sUki na mono whenever you 1. . . itsi'i de ma if you I . . . o xaki nara if you dou't 1... it leave it kirai nara sx'det-, oki nasai would you 1 . . . to smoke? talmko oa nomiiai desu kat I should I . . . to buy a sash obi wo kaiiai I would I ... an umbrella Atom ga irimasii. II.. walking better aruiU iku ho ga ii T 1... staying at home best uehi ni iru no ga ichi ban ii do a3 you 1 . . . (and leave mo in peace) katie ni o shi nasai let tliem laugh if they 1... warailai nara warawashits o o!;i nasai Likely he is ) . . . to cxixnt ki so da he is not 1. . . to come ki a5 mo nai it is 1 . . . to rain ame ga furi so da 1 shall very 1 . . . go to-mor- row myonichi ikitnasho as 1. . . as not ka mo shire- nai (at the end of senteaca) not 1 . . . ! masakal Lily yuri Line sen; (ruled) kei; (in • book) gyo; (thread) ito; (rope) tsuna to place in 1... naraberu Line 155 Local straight 1. . . masmgu na sen curved 1 . . . mai/atta sen crooked 1 . . . yugande iru sen that is not in my 1 . . . sono ho wa yarimasen drop a I . . . please chotto ahirasele kudasni main 1. . . (railway) honsen branch 1. . . shisen double 1 . . . iukOsen single 1 . . . tansen Linen rinneiu Lining ura Lion shi shi Lip kuchibiru my 1 . . . s have cracked kuchi- biru ga wareta Liquid mizu no yo na mono List mokuroku; (of persons) meibo Listen ka-u; (attend) yoh^ kiku; (eaves-dropping) tachi- piki suru plea.se 1 . . . attentively yoku kiite kudasai he will not 1... to reason wake me kika-nai Little chiisai a 1 . . . child chiisai kodomo a 1 . . . sUkoshi; chitto a 1 . . . more mo sUkoshi a 1 . . . larger nio sfikoshi okii I know 1... about it sore um yoku shirimasen & I. . . at a time suioshi zutsU give me a 1 . . . bread please pan wo sOkoshi kudasai 1... by 1... sUkoshi-zuisH; (by degrees) dan-dan Live ()iave life) ikiru; (dwell) sumu; oru; (pass one's life) kurasi how c»n he maaage to 1...? (with aU his illnesses) dS shite Uif* iru'no deshSf how can he manage to 1 . . . .' (on what he o.ims) do shite kiiras}i'ite iru vo desfw/ is he still 1 . . . ing.^ niada ikite imnsii ka? where do you 1 . . . .' o taku wn doko deifu. ka? does Mr. Nakamura 1... in this street.? kono machi ni Knkamura San to iu kata ga imasU ka? does Mr. Nakamura 1. . . here.' Nakamura San no o uchi wa koko dfJiu ka! See .'VLIVE; APPpEPS is this a pleasant place to 1. . . in ? koko wa sumi-ii tokoro desU ka ? have you 1 . . . ed there long? soko ni nagaku o sumi desu ka? to I . . . alone hitori de i'ru to !. . . tocethcr issho ni i'ru to !... with to/issho ni i'ru to 1 . . . apart betsit ni iru to 1. . . in ease raku ni kura- shite iru as long as 1 1. . . sMnu made [until death] Lively (iiersons) yoki. na; (thronged with people) nigi- ya};a na Liver kimo Living (adj.) ikite iru is 1. . . dear here.' koko wa kurashi no takai tokoro desH ka? to earn one's 1... yo-voatari suru Loaf (to speBd one's time idly) namakeru; (loiter) bura-lmra aruku a 1 . . . of bread pan hitotsU Loan (lent) ktahi-kin; (borrow- ed) kari Local ehiho no Lock 156 Ldok Lock 70; ;Jmject) lu/ tame ni/basho wo tikeru m... room (on tlie road) michi wo akcte o kure the hot weatlier m...s me ill atsui to byuki ni nari- mam to be made deki'ru; dekir agaru 160 Make is it made' dclimasliita ka' dil:i-ai/arimasUita l:a! to ni... a bed (Japaiiese) toko wo s/ilhi: (!;uroi)ean) to'.o ICO ko^/iiri'fnc I will 1)1... you cat it muri ni nil) /■li/r-'i'isfiiiiisi'i lie made me do it watnku- y/ii ni sore wo safn-wdKliiUl t" ni . . . int.) nil-sura to 111... iiiiown Khiraxcru t') m. . . sure (leave absolute- ly .10 room for douiit) ttmli'il iiwerv: (feel subjec- tively com meed) kiUo — to on^uu I made sure lie would come tliis moniinc kitt.o kesa kuru tu oiiioim-isfiiUi Ui III... tea chn wo ire'ru to III . . . Ill) accounts kanjo wo sum tf) ni . . . Ill) one's mind krsshin sunt; timeru jDii will m... 70 sen shi- chi-jis-sen iiiOkaru daro to lu(\o made koshirae,sase'ru l:li':i-e have it made for me kvs/i I rn csa s pte kudasa i to m. . . ha, te isonu III. . . !ia.-to! 6-isoji dr; hnynku how do you III... that out ? sore ira do shite desii! 1 cant m... her out (wliat is the matter with her?) uno hito ua do shita no da ka v-akurimusf:i 1 cjui't III . . . out what she says ano hito ua ■unni wo iu ■no da ka ivakannuiscn to i!i... water (urinate) shiiben sum it m. . .s no difference kama- irnaseii 1 will m . . . it do ma ni awasemusho Make 161 Many of foreign m . . . kakurai no m. . .r, often expressed by -ya boot-m . . . r kutsu-ya Male; tlie male se.\ of animals is usually expressed by prefixing o: on: otoko no; as o-iiiu a iiiak; dog a m... child otoko no ko In Japanese, stress is seldom laid on the sex. Mamma see mother Man hilo; jin; (a male human being) otoko like a m... otokorashii old m . . . jii san this is not the m... kono hito ja nai m. . .ly otokorashlku Man-of-war ounkan Manage (to control) shihai sum I'll m . . . witii tills kore de ma ni awasemasho I'll m. . . somehow do ka shi- niasii he has m...d somehow or other to come do ka ko ka sh'ite kimaslntci can't you m . . . it in some way ? do ka dekiinasen ka ? 1 can m . . . without it na- kiite mo ii m . . . r shihai-nin Manner gyogi his m. . .8 are very bad gyogi ga warui well-m . . . ed gyogi no ii he is an ill-m...ed fellow burei na yatsu da in this m . . . ko; ko yatte: ko iu fU ni in a different m . . . chigatta fu ni in an entirely different m. . . maru de chigatta /m ni m . . . of acting shi-kata; yari- kata by no m . . . of means do shite mo (foil, by iieg. verb); kesshife (foil, liy neg. verb) Manufacture koshirae'ru; seizo sum m . . . r seizo-nin Many how m... (if rcfering to tilings ttiat are counted hitotfii, fatatsi:, etc.) ikutsu; (if reCering to tilings that are couuted l).y the aid of an auxiliary numeral) iku or nan followed by tlie au- xiliary iHinieral; (if refering to tilings that are counted by iehi. ni. san. etc. witliout an auxiliary numeral) iku; nan. See page Ki how m... eggs.' tamago iku- tsu! how m . . . pencils.? empitsU iku-hon? how m . . . persons.' Iitto iku- nin? how m... rikishas do you want.' kum.ma nan-dai iri- masii ka? how m . . . hours.? nan-jikani how m . . . days.? iku-nicMS how m... months? iku-tsUki? how m times iku-tabi? iku- do? m . . . times tabi-tabi how m . . . children have you.' aiwUi wa kodonw ga iku-fdn arimasu. ka! how m . . . years are you going to stay in New York? iku-nen (furai Nyu Yoku ni iiru tsumori desu ka? [about how many years.'] a good m . . . (of things) kanari takusan na; (of peo- ple) kanari ozei Many 162 Mat a great m . . . (things) takii- san; (people) ozei m . . . people ozei there are a great rn . . . (things) takusan arima^ii there are m. . . who think so «o omou hito wa ozei arimasu m... of the Americans have blue eyes Amerika-jin ni wa me no am hito ga ozei arimasH. there are not m . . . foreign- ers in Napasaki Nagasaki ni wa neiyo-jin wa ozei imasen too (n . . . ynkei you have as n\... oranges as I anata wa wutakushi to onaii oarai mikan wo motte imasu as m. . . as tliere are am dake take as m . . . as you want ikuOsa de wo hoshii dake o tori nasai Map c/hzu m. . . of Japan Nikon no chizu Maple momiji the M... (luh Koyokan Marble duiriseki March (month) san-gatsii; (dis- tance) michinori to m . . . susaimi Marine umi no Mark (sign) sliiruxhi; (trace of soraetliinpr that has ceased to be) ato to m... (affix a sign) ni/ shiruski wo tmke'ru please put this m . . . on the case hako ni koiio sliirushi wo tsiikete kudasai is it m...ed? shiruski ga tsuite itnasvL ka? this table has some m...8 kono telmru ni ato ga ari- Ttiasii f inger-m . . . yubi-ato trade-m . . . shohyo Market ichi-ba m . . . -price soba none in the m. . . skina-gire Marriage kekkon; see marry Marry (in general) kekkon sunt he (or she) is married ano kito wa kekkon shimash'Ua they are married (to each other) /m/m de-sH to give in marriage kekkon saseru that man is married (bride came to live in his house) ano hito wa pome wo morai- mashiia; (he went to live in tlie bride's house) ano hito wa mukd ni ikimnsk'ita she is married (slie went to the husband's house) ymne ni ikiniashlta; (the husband came to her house) muko wo moraimaskita Marvel iOskigi m . . . ous luskigi na Masculine otokorashii Mask o men Massage amma to m . . . momu masseur amma gan Mast hobaskira Master danna; skujin is your m... m! danna tan wa imasH kaf to be one's own m... hUo- ri-dachi shite iru M... Taro Taro San to m . . . yoku wakaru; yoku deki'ru Mat (on floor of Japanese room) tatami The outer covering of a mat is called tatami no omote; goza is similar in texture to this outer covering. Mat 163 May an eight m... room hachi-jo ma to re-cover am... tatami no omote wo kae'ru am... to place under some- thing (as lamp) shUi-motio a teapet m... dohin-sh'iki Match matchi to m... (procure the equal of) soroeru to be a m... for w aite de aru Matter wliat is the m....« da shita no dcsa? what is the m. . . with you.' do shlta no desi'i? there is nothing the m. . . nan de mo 'nui it doesn't m . . . kamaimasen it doesn't m . . . to me wata- kOshi wa kanmimasen it doesn't m. . . a bit sukoshi mo kamaimasen I don't know wliat is the m . . . do sihU'i koto ka shirimasen is. anything the m... with you? doko ka o tvarui no desu ka? it m. . .8 little betsu m kamai- masen DO m . . . wiiich nan de ma kamaimasen it will be a m... of 15 yen jH-go-yen gurai no koto desho no m . . . how often you go to see it you will enjoy it iku- do itte mite mo omoshiroi it is a m. . . of fact jijUsa da as a m . . . of fact jUsii, wa; jits a ni a serious m . . . daiji na koto; taihen na koto what does it m . . . to you.' tore wa anata no shitt/i koto ja nai Matting goza Mattress fiiton; shikirbuton May (month) go-gaisiA, m . . . he get up.' okite mo ii desho kd? he m . . . get up okite mo ii; okite mo ii dc^ko you m... put it either in the drawer or on tlie table hlki-dashi e irete mo teburu no ue ni oite mo ii m . . . I go out.' ilte mo ii desho ka? you m . . . go I'/te mo ii he m... go whenever he likes ano hito wa fibun no sOki na toki ni dekakera- remasH it ih . . . be tabun so desho he m . . . have lost it tabun nakusMta no desho possibly there m . . . be a iiouse to let in Kamakura tabun Kamakura ni kashi-ya ga aru desho I m . . . have seen 'nim mita, ka mo shire-nai it ra . . . rain to-night kom- ban ame ga iuru ka mo shirt nai he m . . . not have been tok yet mada kika-nai ka mc> shire-nai it m . . . be he iias been toW already mo kiita ka mo shire- nai be that as it ra... sore wa so to it m . . . hapi)en (though very improbable) that I shall not return to-night moshi ka shitara komban wa KoetU kimasen m . . . I ask you whether you have seen him.' sfutsiirti desu ga anata tea ano kata May 164 Measure ni o ai ni varimaahita kn? [it is impolite of me, but have you seen him?] m... I t^ike tlie liberty of shUsurei desic (/ii m. . . I offer you some milk? eiiic/ii iru fiririiirw iLn'c kite mo ii I told Taro he miplit go to Asakusa tliis afteriiiM)n 'J'aro ni kyo iu iviike desii? wliat does hatnha m...? hdtohri to wa nan no koto (!<-:'! ka! thatm...s in Japanese — fore w:i Nihon-go de — wliut do you rn... by that? sore wa do iu wake desa? wliat do you m... by not coming.' ko-nai 710 wa do iu wake dcsii? wliat i'^ the m...ing of this.* kore wa do iu wake desiif (what do you mean by this beliaviour'O nani wo sum no destl/ he does not m . . . what he says knchi to kokoro to chiijaUe iitiaau I m . . . what I say majime desii do you m . . . it.^ honto ni? I did not m . . . that so iu wake de wa ariiiutscn dcshlta I m . . . to have this house kept clean uchi wo kirei ni shite morawa-nakereba nara-nai I m... (intend) to go to- morrow ashila iku tUo dowasure shivMsliUa to have a Dad ni . . . oboe ga warui to lose one's m . . . oboe ga waniku nam in m . . . of Prince Ito 10 Ko no kinen ni Mend naosu please m . . . this dvzo kore wo naoshite kudasai can tliis be m...ed.' kore qa naoscni desho ka? what Would it cost to m... this.' kore wo naosfi no ni ikura kakariniasu. ka? to have tn . . . ed Tiaosase'ru to send to be m...ed nao- shi ni yaru Menses Uiiki-yaku Mental kokoro no: seishin no Mention (in writing) kak-u; (in speaking) iu; ha>iasu don't m . . . it d'l itashima- s/(i7e; (after being thanked for relreshmcnts) o somatsu sama to m . . . for form's sake ne» no tawf ni itte oku Merchant sho-nin; akindo foreign in . . . seiyo no «Ao- Tiiit wholesale m . . . ton-ya Mercury suiyin Mercy I am at iiism... watakOshi wa ano h'do no sum mama ni narimnsu Mere hon no; tada no a 10 . . . joke hon no jodan a m... ordinary liouse (not a palace) tada no uchi to buy for a m . . . song sUte-ne ni kau m . . . ly tada; bakari Merino nierinsu Merry ydki na Mess (medley) konzatsil to be in am... (covered with dirt) yoaorete vru Message (verbal) kotozuke to send a m . . . kotoivkt «M suru Message 166 Mind any m . . . for me? TMni ka kotozuke ga nrimashila ka? don't forget to give my m . . . kotozuke ivo waimrete wa ike- masen any m... for Mr. Smitli? (shall I tiike a message from you to Mr. Smith.') Smith San ni 7mni ka koto zuke wa ariiiiasen ka? Messenger tKukui please send a m . . . teukai wo yatte kudasai let me know by m . . . tsukai de shirasete kudasai special m . . . tokubetsu no tsiikai Metal kane article made of m . . . kaTia- mono Method hoho; kata witliout ni... darashi naku Meter nietoni Midday 'o hint m. . . izun don Middle luika the very m . . . mannaka m. . . class chufjo m... ace (of a man) ehU- nen; (of a woman) toshima about the m . . . of April shi-qatsiX no naka goro Midnight yo-naka Might see may with all one's m. . . and main isshokemmei Mile mairu; the correspond- ing Japanese unit of length the ri is equal to 2"4 mile. See p. 31 Milk chichi cow's m... chichi; yyUnyO. boiled m. . . toakashita i/yiinyii fresh m. . . (not boiled) tiamn no gyunyu; (recently drawn) shikoritate no gyHnyu sterlized m... shodoku gyu- nyu condensed m... miriiku Million hmku-man [100 times 10,000) hundred m...3 ichi-oku m...aire kimmanka Mind kokuro: (opinion) kangae that man does not know hia own m... ano hito u)a kokoro ga kimara-nai bear it in m . . . oboete iU kiire to change one'3 m... katt' gae-naosu I cannot call it to m... omoi-dasemasen to go out of one's m . . . kichigai ni nam [to become mad] 1 have a good m . . . to scold Taro TaTi'i wo shikatte yard to make up oue's m... kesshin sum: kime'ru to put in mind of wo/omoi- dasaseru that man puts me in m . . . of my lather ano hUo no yosii wo miru to chichi wo omoi-dashimasu what brought it to your m. . .? nan de sonna koto wo omoi- cUinhimashita ka ? to m . . . (attend to) ni/ki too Isukeru; (feel aimoyed at) ni/kanuiu m . . . you don't forget k-itto wasurete iva ike-nai m . . . the step dan ni ki too o txiike nasai never m... (dont worry) kai(iawa-nai de; (it doesn't matter) kamaimasi^ i dont m . . . watakHshi tea kamaimasen Mind 167 Misses do you m. . .? anata wa kamaimasen ka? never m... about folding up my clothes ydfiiku wo tatmna-nakvte mo karnawa- nai would yon m... passing me the s.ilt.' dozo shio wo totte ku(ln. cold at all y'limii 110 fca nan to mo omoiia-imi m . . . your own business an/ita wa jihun no koto dake $h'>te ireba ii; jibun no atanui no hai too oe [frighten away tlie Hies on yoiif own head] Mine wntakiinhi no th:it i.* m... swe wa wata- kihhi no desu Mine (pit) kozan Minister (cabinet) daijin; (di- plomatic) koshi; (religious) bokushi Minute /u«; after certain numerals -pun 1 m . . . ip-pun 3 m. . .8 sam-pun 6 m. . .8 Top-pun 10 ni. . .8 jip-pun II m. . .8, etc. ju-ip-pun, etc. how many m. . .s.' iku-fun? I wont be cone am... sugu ni kacite fiinasH [I will be back soon] See TIME Mischief itazura m . . . vous itazura na Miser kechimbo Miserable (wretched) komatte iru; aware na Misfortune sainan; fukd Misinform to be in . . . ed nwcMnafin koto wo oshierareru [to bo taught something wrong] Misjudge v. t. mi-sokonau Mislay oki-wasiire'ru Mislead (puritosely) damasH to be misled (purposely) da- masarrru ; ( misinformed) machifiatta koto ivo oslmiare- 'ru Miss (to m... a train) nori- sokonan- (to m... meeting a peixm) iki-chigai ni nam 1 m...e(l the train kls/ia ni nuri-aokonaiiiiasltiUi 1 m...ed him (failed to meet him) iki-chigai ni iturintashita I m... my pencil empitsU ga niir-nckn varimashita one panel is m...iiic nimo- tsi'i (in hitotsd iiukutiari- mash'tta [lost] there :ue some m. . .ing kazu ija tari-nai don't m... the opportunity II ori wo hazushite wa ike- masrn Miss Kiku O Kiku San Miss Sachiko Sachiko San When the name of a woman has tlirec syllables the prefix O is never used. San may always be replaced by Sanut when it is desired to show greater jiolitcness. The fol- lowing are in increasing degrees of politeness: Kiku; O KHi-u; Kiku San; O Kiku San; O Kiku Satna. Miss Tanaka Tanaka San no o jo-san (Mr. Tanaka's daughter) AlLsscs; see Mb. Mission 168 Atolst Mission (religioufl Institution) dendokai m. ..ary senkyoshi Mist Mri Mistake machigai torn... (trans.) machigaeru to rn . . . the meaning imi wo tori-c/iirjae'ru to make a m . . . rAachigau; (in compounds) sokonau in writing In seeing a m. . . machigai to make am... kaki- sokonau to make a m. . mi-sokmmu, etc. I have made machigaimasMta is there no m . . , «'« arimasen kaf anybody can make am... dare ni de mo machigai wa am there is no m. . . about it machigai hxl nai there fs some m . . . jtani ka machigai desho I may be m...n watakfishi no machigai ka mo shirema- sen you are m...n o machigai desu you have made a great m . . . 6-machigai desu excuse me but I think you are m . . . n shiUUrei desu ga ajuita ga machigatte irass/taru yo desH it was a m... on my part watakushi no machigai de- thita 1 took this by m... kore W6 ton-chigaemashiia perhaps somelwdy has taken it by m... for his own dare ka yibun no to machigaeU motte itta no detho I mistook A for B 4 wo fi to machigaeniashUa I mistook what you said kiki- chigaemashitu you have m ... n the day hi uo machigaemashita in order to prevent m...8 machigai no nai yd ni if I ni . . . not he said he would come kun( to ka lirm- shita a man called, if I m. . . not Suzuki Suzuki to ka iu hito he was angry and no m . . . okolta no okora nai no )a nai f\'is,HT San: Sama (more polite) Mr. Tanabe Tanabe San Alistress (wife of the master of the liouse) oku-san; (of an inn, etc) o kami san; (teacher) sensei; (paramour) mekake See Mr. Misunderstand (something saia) kiki-chigae-ru : (sometliing written ) omoi-chigaeru Mix mazeru m . . . it mazete o kure m. . .ed (confused) maze-koze dont m . . . them up maze- koze ni shUe um ike-nai Moat hori Model (example) tehon; (imita- tion of a structure on a small scale) hina-gata Moderate ii-kagen na; (medio- cre) nanii no; (of. price) kukko na m . . . ly kanari Modem kinsei no m . . . times kinsei Modest (not boastful) kenson na; (of a «oman) otonashii Moist shimeppoi torn. . .en shimtsu. Moment 169 Monopoly Moment kata-toki for the m . . . (at present) iyna wa in a m... (soon) s^/j/m nl, (a sudden result) soba kara wait am... chotto inatte kurc from the ni . . . I arrived kimnshiUi toki kara the m . . . he comes'let me know ano hito ga kitara sugu ni shinisete o kure I am expecliiiK him every m . . . inui tura ka oma kuru ka to matte iinasu Monday geUuyo-bi Money kane; oashi paper m.. . sotsrt ready m. . . genkin small m . . . komakai kane counterfeit m . . . nue-gane; nise-kin m... -changer ryogac-ya ni. . .-lender kane-kashi; (usurious) kori-kashi will you lend me a little ni... please.? kane wo su- koshi kashite kudusaimasen ka.' I have np m . . . with >ne kane wa inni nwHe imasen I am expecting m... to- morrow ashita tva kane ga kuru desho to be hard up for m... kane ni komatte iru out of m. . . kane §a nai to gain m . . . kane wo mo- ke'ru to lose m . . . kane wo son iiur» that man is free with his m . . . ano hUo wa kane- barjflre ga ii there's m... in it kane ga niokaru. you will get your m . . . when you have done the work shigoto wo shite shimaeba kane too a,genm>i(i, you can't get it for love nor m. . . kiisuri ni shitakiite mo nai m... can do anything ^ojhi no sata mo kane shidai [the decisions of even Hejl itsell can be influenced by money] people are willing to sell their soula for m. . . Amida no hlKafi yoii kane no hikari ga tuttoi Lthe glitter of gold is more precious than the refulgent glory of the Kternal Buddha] it is simply a question of m . . . kane shidai da 1 sen is-sen 2 sen ni-sen 3 sen san-sen 4 sen shi-sen; yon-ten 5 sen go-sen 6 sen roku-sen 7 sen n/iichi-sen; nana-ten 8 sen has-sen 9 sen ku-sen: kyU-ten 10 .=en )i>f-sen 11 sen ju-is-gen 20 sen ni-jis-sen 40 sen yon-jis-sen; shi-jit-aen 70 sen nana-jis-scn; shichi-ju- sen 1 yen ichi-yen 2 yen ni-yen 3 yen san-yen 4 yen yo-yen 5 yen etc. go-yen etc.* See note on n&t page Monkey saru Monopoly sembai; (exchiaivo right of sale) gembai-ken to monopolise (by buying ap) kai-skimierv, Month 170 Mere Month tsUki; getsU how many m . . . s? iku-tsHJn t 1 m . . . hito-tsuhi 2 m. . .3 fiUa-Uuki 3 m. . .8 mi-tsuki 4 m. ..3 t/o-tsuki 5 m . . . s itsu-tsUki 6 m . . . 8 mu'tsuki 7 m . . . s nana-tsuki 8 m. . .8 ua-tsuki 9 m...s ]fco/bo7io-teM/ti 10 m. . .8 to-tsuki 11 m. . .8, etc. ju-icAt-ifca-tetU-i, etc. thi8 m. . . kongetsu last m... sengetsO. next m . . . raigetsA m . . . after next saraigetsu the beginning of a m . . . teu^-i- hajime the beginning of this m . . . kongetsu tw hajime the end of a m. . . tsfiki-ztte Monthly mai-tsuki m . . . salary gekkyu m... courses tsiiki-^aku Monument kinen-hi Moon toiAri; o Uuki sama; getsu full-m . . . man^etsu half-m.». hangetsn new-m . . . mikazuki m . . . -light tsidi-kage m... -light nigiit teiifri-yo at what time does the m... rise.? tsuki no de wa nan-ji desO kaf eclipse of the m. .. gesshoku Moral (relating to morals) dotokujo no; (virtuous) katai More (additional) mo: (a greater quantity) motto; (the greater quantity) yokei once m . . . 7)io ichi-do a little m . . . mo sukoshi one m . . . mo hitotsft two yen m... 7no 7ii-yen we sliall need tliree m. . . rikishas kuruma mu san-^i iriinnsu which box holds the m. . . dochira no hako ga yokei hairu daro? still m. . . motta when are you going to put on m... men.'! ilsit kara motto shoku-nin wo iremasH ka! some m . . . (in addition) motta; (left) mada I want some ra . . . nails nuMo kugi ga iriniasH tliere are some m . . . in my room waUikiixhi no hcya ni mada arimfisil any m... (in aff. sentences) mada; (in neg. sentences) mo with neg. • The coins in common use are : copper ; 5 rin, 1 sen, 2 sen; — aickel: 5 sen; — silver: 10 sen, )iO sen, bO sen. Bank notes: 1 yen. 5 yen, 10 yen, etc : in travelling in the interior do not take larger notes than 10 yen. APPROXIMATE EQtnTALENTS. Japan G. Britain U.S. A Germany Franc© 1 Tin = 1/40 d = t/20 cent = 1/5 pf =:: H c 10 rin = 1 $en = J4 d = i cent = 2 pf = 2>s c 100 »en = 1 yen = 28 = 0.50 = 2 mk = 2,50 fr More 171 Most have you any ra . . . .» mada arimasu ka? I have not any m . . . mo arimasen I don't want ni... mo iri- masen no m... mo witli lies. there are no m... mo ari- masen I shall do it no m... mo shiTnasen I can say no m... mo nani mo iemasen and what is m. . . omdke ni 20 persons or m. . . ni-ju-nin amari ni... and m... wuwV-nuisfi the m. . . the better oi hodo ii m... or less gurai; tasho m . . . or less the same onafi yona m. . . or less correct taigai ii the m... I think it over the m . . . I like it omoeba omou hodo ii the m . . . I think it over the less I understand it kangaerebd kan'iaeru hodo uxtkarn-tiaku narimasii m... tlian 10 yen ju^en ijo no_m... than 30 persons san- jH-nin yori yokei wa nai I have ni... apples than pears nashi yori ringo ga takiisan arinutsu I have m. . . apples tlian you anota yori ringo ga takman ahrmisi) there are m . . . of that kind than oi the otliers sono hO ga ox m . . . than enough amaru hodo how much m . . . have you ? mo dono gurai arimasu ka f be m... ctirefu] mo siiioskiki wo tsuketc o Icure there is nothing m . . . to be said about it mo o yoshi nasai don't use m... than neces- sary yokei ni tsukatte wa iketruisen Morning asa; (forenoon) hiru mae; gozen thLs m... kesa; koncho to-morrow m . . . myiJasa early in the m . . . asa fuiyaku from m . . . till niglit asa kara ban made good m . . . Itnyo m. . . sun asa-ld the next m . . . (after that) Umgi no asa m . . . -glory asngao Mortgage teito ni sura Mosquito ka ni . . . -net kaya to be bitt«n by am... ha ni sasare nt to hang up a m... net Aaya tiX) tsuru there is a hole in my m... net ko'ja vi nvn ga arimasH .Most tiiujiii: toit'i ni. . . of the books taigai no /ton at tile m . . . oki'ite mo; seizei 10 minutes at m... seizei jip-pun to make the m. . . of it dekiru dake t.tvkan m. . . likely taigai the m . . . beautiful woman in Yokohama Yokoliama d« idii- han kirei na onna I understand m . . . of it taigai U'akannias/iita m. . .ly taigai which box holds the ra... dono hako ni ichi-ban hat- rimasii kat Motb 172 Much Moth ga Mother o l-d-san; haha (this latter term is less respectful) m... -in-law shutome 8tep-m. . . manm-haha m. . . (of ail adopted child) yobo grand-m ". . . o-bd-san Motion undo to have am... of the bowels tsuji ga aru ; daiben sum Motor car ji dosha 1 want the car at five o'clock go-ji made ni jidosha ga irimosrl I want a car to go to A ^ made jidosha ga hoshii can 1 go by car all the way to Hakoiie? Hakone made jidosha de ikaranasu !:a? I want to go to A and back A made ojukv sh'tUii I want to drive round the town wachi-ju tvo kembutsu sh'.Vti I suppose this charge includes everything kore ni minna haitte iru no desho where is the nearest bicycle shop? chikaku no jitensha-ya uu doko drsn'f where 'can I buy some jwtrol (kerosene)? kihaitu-yit (seki- yH) iva doko de urhnasu ka? the tyre is punctured pank-u ga (irimasu something is wrong with the engine kikai ga do ka shite iru Mouldy kahita to be ni . . . kabite i'ru to bi'cimie m. . . kabi'ru Mountain ynma; (in com- ponmls) ■san;-lake Mount Fuji t'uji-san to make a m. . . of a mole- hill hari hodc no koto wo bo hodo ni iu [to call a needle a stick] Mouse nezumi Mouth kuchi by word of m . . . kv^hi de it makes my m . . . wate yodare ya de so da Move (intr.) ugoku; (trans.) ugokasti to m... aside (intr.) doku; (trans.) dokeru to m . . . back (intr.) hik- komu; (trans.) hikkomeru to m... forward (intr.) mae ye deru; (trans.) mae e dasU to m . . . house (ciiange one's place of residence) hikkoshi sum nothing I could say would m . . . him watakHshi ga ikura itte mo kikimasen m.. .ment undo Mr. San; Sama (more polite) Mr. Tanabe Tanabe San Mrs. Tanabe (politely) Tanabe Sama no okH-sama [Mr. Ta- nabe's wifel; (referring to lower class people) Tanabe San no o kami-san; (my wife) kanai Much takusan; (with an adj.) yohodo; (in neg. sentences) amari with neg. m . . . better yohodo ti m . . . more yohodo Si m... less yohodo siikunai m . . . more than that sore yori yohodo oi m . . . less than that sore yori yohodo siikunai is there m. . . money in that box? ano hako no naka ni Much 173 Must kane ga tak&san haitte iinasa kai how m . . . ? (of price) ikura) (of quantity) doiw-gurai? I don't need as ni . . . as tliat sore kodo ira-nai as m ... as possible dekiru-dake takHsan as m . . . as there is aru-dake bring as m . . . as you like ikura de mo ii kara motie o- ide nasai I don't think m . . . of that so kanshin shiniasen to think m... of (attach im- portance to) wo/txiisctsu ni suru 1 am m . . . troubled about him domo ano hUo m wa ko- \ maritnasH there is not m... difference taishita diiijai wa nai too m. . . for me (beyond my control) tvatakHshi no te ni amaru that is too m... for me (I can't eat all that) sore de wa i/okei dc ijozaimasii twice as m. . . bai hodo three times as m... san-bai hodo very m . . . (in degree) taihen; (a great deal) daibu na I love you very m . . . aiuUa ga. taihen sUki desu , very m... money daibu na kane he is m . . . i)etter at it than I utiUts;,i yori yoppudo iu:u da I feel very ra . . . better tot- hen yoku narimashUa not m... ntiviri foil, by neg I dunt like sardines m... iwashi wa amari rukitnasen you must not drink so m. . . beer sonna ni biiru wo rumde wa ikemasen about tliat m . . . sono gurai 1 thought as m . . . sore mita koto ka; so daro to onwUa this m . . . is certain sore dake M« taxhlka desu. Mud doro the streets are very ni...dy michi ga doronko desu Muffler eri-maki Murder h'do-goroshi to ni . . . korosH Museum h(ikui>utsii-kan is it iree.' tada desu, kaf how much is the entrance.' nyujoryO wa ikura desu kaf Mushroom matsudake Music orif/aku I a in very fond oi m... onqaku t/a dai suki desd Miiilin inosi'irin f\uit, auxiliary verb, is expr. by the neg. conditional fHe^cnt loll. l)y mira-ruii or tiarinuisen lor tlio 1st person, and ike-nai or ikeinusen for the liiid and Hrd pei'sons. you m... do it shi-nakereba ike-nai I m . . . go ika-nakereba nara- nai I have some business which I m . . . do shi-nakereba nara- nai ydji ya aru the wick of this lamp m... be trimmed ramjw no ghinwo kira-iiakereba uarimasen I m... be otf now mv ika- nakereba ruiriinasen I m... see about that sore wo mite iniiiuisho [1 eliall see about that) Must 174 Name I m. . . look into this matter kono koto wa shirahele mima- sho there in.., be something the matter with him aru> hito wa do ka shila ni chigai nai m . . . I change trains at Maibata? Maihara de nori- kaeru no desu ka* It m . . . be true honto ni chigai nai jrou m . . . be right kitio so desho this m . . . belong to O Yuri San kore wa O I'un San no desho there m. . . be some mistake nani ka machiuai desho which road m... 1 take? dono micJii wo ikeba ii des/to ? you ni . . . rest awhile siikoshi yasumi nasai It is so pretty that I roilly m . . . buy it amiiuiri kirn da kara do shite mo kainuioho m... not, is expr. by the Deg. imperative, you m . . . not do that no thUe wa ike-nai [don't do that] Mustache hige Mustard karanhi Musty kat>i-k>isai Mutton maten; kitsuji no niku Mutual tagai no by ni . . . consent hanashi-ai de ro. . .ly tarjai ni My walakiif'hi no; (speaking of the persons of one's house) iwhi no my dog uchi no inu myself jihun by my.self hUori de See Si'XF Nail (of the body) tsume; (metal) kugi to n . . . whi-tsuke'ru n. . . up that box ano hako no ivta wo iwhi-tsukete o kiize to liit the II... on the bead zuboxhi wo sasii Naked hadaka nn to ftr.xt n . . . (trans.) hadaJea ni suru; (intr.) Iiadaka ni nam n . . . feet suashi; (out of doors) hadanhi stark n . . . nmppadaka the n... eye nikugan that is the "n . . . truth sore ga ari no nuinui no jijilsU da Name na; namae (for person's only) The .lapanese say first the tamily name (myoji) and then the i)er?onal name (na) e.g.: Taunbe Makoto; Naka- mura lane what is your n....» o namae toa? my n . . . is John Smith wat/ikushi wa John Smith to moahitnasH 1 know him by n... namae dake shitt-e iinaxd n . . . anti address namae to tokoro-gaki ask for ills n. . . and address namae to toloro-gaki wo kiite o kure I don't know anybody of that n . . . so iu na no hito wa ski- riniasen what is the n... of this place." koko wa nan to ii- Diasu kat n . . . of a book hon no hyodai III tlie n... of (in the place of) yiolhiwari ni a cood n . . . (reputation) hyolMU ga ii Napkin 175 Need Napkin napiikin Narrow seviai he had a n . . . escape yaUo tasv-kn rimash ita n. . .-minded kokoro no chiisai Nasty (of taste) mazui; (un- pleasant) iya na Nation kokumin; kuni n. . .al kuni no n. . .al customs kuni no fH n. . .al holiday hata-bi Native (opp. to foreign) naichi no n. . . country hono'ikn Natural ishiz.'n tiu: (le^titiniate) atarinuie no it is only n . . . tliat — — no ii-a/atJirii.irc r/rsil n... child (illegitimate) shi- seiji n. . .ly ihizen ni; (;i> a matter of course) atari ii>i(e Nature (sum of tjiialities) sei.^hlt.'ii; (natural objects) teniien human n... ningcii no sei- shitsu of this n. . . (kiu(I) koiina to relieve n... benjo e iku Naval hiigun no Navigation kokaijitsu Navy kiiiijim Near rhii.ai n. . . t.o ui/rhikai is it n... tlie jiier.' hntoba ni diil.ai no div.ii kiif the hall is n... (beside) the dog tama wa inu no s^)a ni ariniafu the post-office is n... (in the prn.\iniity of) the bank yiViin-kyokn wa gniko no kiiijo ni ariiiiaau to be ji. . at h;inil (lit ^ lejika ni am; (of time) ,hika:uku come n . . . me teatakOshi no soha ni o-ide nasai quite n . . . jiki chikai n . . . est ichi-ban cliikai Nearly it is n . . . 7 o'clock m5 siikoshi de shichi-ji desa I have n... a hundred fe)- tomlo hyaku arimagu he n... died shini s5 ni lUiHe imashiia I have n... finished the bouk hon wo mO sUkoshi de yonde Fliimnhnasd in... fell at this liill kono sakii (Ic k'Jivin ko ni 7tari- iHojth ita jt i.s riot n... euough amari tar i -nai he is not n... so old as A. ano hito wa A. yori ztUto wa/.ai n. . . all tftigai are they n... all ready.' Idigai (Irkitiuishila ka} Ncces'sary hit.suyo na is it II . . . '! nnkereba narima- sen ka ! it is absolutely n. . . (for him) that he should come aiu> hiUi ira do s/iite tno ko- nakfrrba nara-nr.i it is al)suliit<'ly ii. . . (for me) that he should come ano hito ni do shite mo kite mvraua-nnkerclHi nara-nai Neck kvbi; tri n... -cloth (Japanese) eri- maki n . . . -lie fri-kazari 1 have a ^tiff n... watakHshi urn ne-r/iiqaihiashita Nectarine zubai-mvtM) Need you n . . . not go ika-nakdte mo ii Need 176 Never you n. . . not ran away niffe- nakUte mo ii you n . . . medicine A-««Mrt tco noma-nakereba i/remnsen In. . . it very much nah-ereba komarimasU in time of n . . . masaka no toki ni I n . . . another chair isu ga mo hitoUu irirriasH See WANT Needle hari n . . . -work hari-shigoto N^iect V. t. okotani to n... one's duties gimu teo ckoinru to n . . . one's health luyojo guru Negro kuroTnbo Neighbour tonari no htto n. . .ing kinjo no Neighbourhood kinjo do you know the n... of Hakoue? Hakone no kinjo wo shitte imam ka? in the n . . . of Tokyo Tokyo no kinjo ni in this n . . . kono kinjo ni Neither 1 want n . . . dochira mo ira- nai n, . . is good dochira mo yoku nai n . . . good nor bad yoku mo tvaruk-u mo nai tliere were n . . . fleas nor mosquitoes nomi mo ka mo imasen desMta lie n. . . saw por heard any- thing mi ma ihi-nai kiki mo shi-nui he n . . . paid the price nor returned the goods ano fiUo too kane mo haravxi-zu shina- mxmo mo kaesa-tiai Nephew oi Nerve skinkei he has a great deal of n... daitan desi'i Nervous (easily agitated) lev- yotva na I am an... man tvatakHshi wa ki ga youxii [we^k spirit] Nest su an... of boxes ire-ko Net ami mosquito-n . . . kaya Nett n . . . weight shomi-mekata n . . . proceeds iun-eki n . . . pric« seika Neutral churitsU no n . . . ity chUritsn Never I have n . . . seen the Em- peror Tenno Beika wo mita koto wa arimasen I have n . . . been to Kobe Kobe ni iUa koto tea ari- masen 1 shall n. . . go back to Eng- land Igirim e wa mo kaeri- mxmen I will do it again mo hesshite iUishininsen he went out and n... re- turned ano hiio wa deta kiri ka'rimasen J n . . . tell a lie (a protest) kesshile uso wo iimasen In... ride first class it-to e wa norimasen did you n... understand it before.' ima tnade wakari- Tnaaen desldta ka? [hadn't you understood it until now.?! 1 liad n . . . been there until lately konaida hajimete iki- mashita if you put it in that place ft will u. . . ge( hot ioko de «M Never 177 Wfht itsa made mo atsUku nori- masen you'll n . . . find it without a light akari ga nakereba do shiie mo mitmkerare-nai desho [if you have not a light whatever you do you will not find it] In... saw such a silly book konna baka na hon wa mita koto ga nai n . . . mind (dont worry) ka- mawa-rmi de; (it doesn't matter) kamaimasen well I n . . . ! mA\ Nevertheless keredotno New atarashii is it n. . .? ataraskii no desa kaf I want an... one alarastni no ga hoshii n. . .•laid eggs umiiate no ttimago News shirage the latest n. . . taikin no skirase have you any n . . . ? betsU ni nani mo arimasen deshUa ka? I have good n . . . for you anata ni ii koto ga arimasH Newspaper shimbun English n . . . (printed in Japan> Eiji shimbim; (from England) IgirisU no shimbun New Year skinmn N . . . 's day ganjitsd N . . . 's eve o-nnsoka no ban N . . . 's gift o toshidama I wLsh you a happy N . . . akemashite o medeto gozai- masa Next tsugi no the u . . . station tsugi no tei- shaba the u . . . day tsugi no M u . . . week tsugi no shUkan n. . . time tsugi ni; kondo in the n . . . place (in enu- meration) tsugi ni wa what shall we do n . . . .» konda wa nani wo shimashof what n . . . ? (after that) sore kara ? (now) konda wa f come n. . . Monday getsHyo-bi ni o-ide nasai not that one the n . . . one sore ja nai, sono tonari desfi who was n. . . to y0n? nnata no tonari wa dare deshUaf n . . . mouth raigetsii n . . . year rainen the year after n . . . sarainen n . . . door tonari n . . . to nothing goku sUkoshi Nice (pleasurable) omoshiroi; (of persons) ii; (kind) skinsetsU na; (of eatables) umai; (pretty) kirei na that was not n . . . of you sore wa yoku nai desho this will do n...ly kore de kekko desa sweep and tidy the garden n . . . ly niwa wo kirei ni soji shi nasai Niece met Night yoru; yo t(>n . . . konya; komban last n . . . sakuban; yube the n . . . before last issakuban to-morrow n . . . myoban mJdn . . . yo^naka good n . . . (on retiring) o yasumi nasmi all n . . . long yo-jU one n . . . hito-ban; (a certain n . . . ) aru ban at n . . . yoru every n . . . mai-ban the n . . . train yo-gisha to work day and n. . . Mm mo yoru mo hataraku Night 178 Nose to pass an... at ni/tomaru n... -dress nemaki n . . . mare kawai yuvu to have a n . . . mare kowai Ifume wo mi'ru B. . .ly mai-ban Nine kokonotsU; ku; kokono; kono No tie no help for it shi-kata ga nai no matter kamaimasen have you no bread? pan wa drimaxen ka.> no I have not arimasen by no means kessh'iU (foil, by neg. \ erb); do shUe mo (foil, by nes. verb) I have no time Mma (ja nai there was no answer henji ga nai ho more mo (with neg.) I have no more mn arimasen there were no oranges in the market (not even one) ifhii)fi ni tea littotnu ma mikan ya arimaxen deslt'iia I«_ ca.-;es like this la<;t one hJlotsi'i must be replaced by ip-p07i; ichi-truii; etc. accord- ing to tlie noun referreil to. See. p. 15 lu answering a negative ques- tion tlie Japane.^ often use • yes ' where we would say 'no,' and vice-versa is'nt he coming.' kiniaxen ka? DO sapo de gozaimasu [yes i.e. it is so as the negative of your question implies] yes lie [no] Noble (liigh bom') koki na; (chivalrous) giki/6 na n . . . niaa kizoku Nobody dare mo (fell, by neg. ■verb); dare ni mo (when verb takes poetpos. ni) n. . . knows dare mo ihira-vtai 1 have met n . , . dare ni mo aimasen n. . . I knew was there shira- Tuii hUn bakari desh'ita Noise (sound) oto; (row) m- tvagi what is that n . . . .* ano oto tea nan daro} dont make so much n . . . sonna ni saioaide wa ike-nai; yakama!thii\ (this last is a reproof) noisy yakamashii None mi; (of persons) dc.re mo there is n. . . nai there are n... left mo ari- masen if there is n.... it doesnt matter nai nara. tuii de ii n. . .at all sUkoshi mo nai n . . . of these suit you dore mo niaimasen Nonsense bakarasliii koto dont talk n . . . baka na koto wo iu na n . . . ! masaka'. Noon hiru Nor mo (with neg.) I haven't ^-een A. nor B for a long time nhibaraku A. mo h. mo mima-Deu Normal nturintae no North kiUi n . . . -east higaxhi-kita n. . .-we.a ikaga dexii kaf he o...ed to do it sore wo ghiyS to mdshi-dashimaJihitn Office jimuaho; (shop) mite; (of a hotel) choba; (government) yakiuho branch-o. . . ghiten head-o.. . hotUen your kind o. . .s go gfnmetgii Officer ghxkan Official kan-in Officious de-sugiru an o. . . person de-gugiru hUo to be o. . . de-augiru Often tabi-tabi does this o... happea' tabi- tabi no koto dega kat how o.,.1 iku-tabif nan-do! as o. .. as tambi ni as o... as I meet him ano hUo ni au tambi ni 1 go to Tokyo as o... as you watakOnhi wa anata to onaji gurai T6kyd e ikinuuH yon are welcome as o as you please dozo iigH de mo he o . . . comes poku kimasH I have not met him very o . . . lately kono goro am- mari aimasen Oil abnra castor o_. . . Mmaghi no dbura kerosene' o. . . seki-yu olive o. . . oribu-yu o. . .-painting abura-e o. . .-paper abura-i a-ni o. . . of turpentine teremen-yu o...y (to the touch) ahura ga UtuiW iru; (to the taste) aburakkoi Ointment koyahu Old (things) iurui; (of persons) togkiyori o. . . times mukashi o. . . roan o jii-gan o. .. woman o bd-san o. .. friend furui tomodachi o. .. age ronen o. .. curios kotio-hin he is tlie same as of o. . , ano hUo wa cJiitto mo kawara- nai to grow o . . . toshi wo toru you are growing o. . . dan-dan toshi too torimasu how o . . . are you ? o toshi wa ikutsU desH kaf I am 8 years o . . . watakA- ski wa yaltstX desH how o . . . is your mother? kd-san wa o ikutsU detA kaf he is o...er than I am ano hUo wa uxUakOghi yori loshi- ue desa See AOE Olive kanran; oribiX o . . . oil oribH-yu Omekt omureUA Omit 184 One Omit otosfi; (pmposely) nukasu o . . . in writing kaki-otosu o . . . in reading pomi-otcsa Omnibus noriai-basha On no ue ni; ni on the table teburu no ue ni on the way michi de go on (after having stopped by my order) mo ii [that is enougii] on the 4th of May go-gatsii no yokka ni on the right migi ni a book on flowers hana no hon and so on ato wa sono tori on then! sd\ what is on to-night.' konya wa nani ga arimasu kal Once (one time) ichi-do; (for- merly) moto at o . . . sugu ni o. . . for all mo kore kin this o. . . only kondo dake o... in a way tama ni o. . . more mo ichi-do o... upon a time (the be- ginning of cliildren's tales) mukashi muknshi I have seen him o. . . before itsU ka mita koto ga arimasH 1 o. . . went to Tokyo by tramcar itsu ka Tokyo e densha de ikimashita I cannot give you an answer at o . . . chotto henji ga dekimasen One MlotsU; ichi; hii only o. . . tatta httotsU; hUotm dake another o... (one more of the same kind) mo hitolsH; mo ichi-mai; etc., according to the thing referred to; Bee p. 15; (a different one) hoka no o... person hUori o. . . day ichi-nirhi; (a certain day) am hi: (in the future) itsHka; tajitsu it is o. . . and the same thing onaji koto desA o... wayoranotherdo A-ffl ko ka o . . . (of a pair) katappo; (in compounds) kata — one eye kata-me o ... of my boots has a hole In it katappo no kutsu ga ynbuketa o. . .'3 self jifmn by o...'8 self hUori de o. . . by o. . . hUotsa zutsU o. . . third sam-bun no ichi o. . . side katappo: kati-kawa this o. . . kore that o . . . sore: are a good o . . . ii no a long o . . . nof/ai no a pretty o. . . kirci na no another o . . . hoka no an odd o . . . hampa no o... after the otlier jMn-j«j» ni o. . . and all minna o. . . of two things fiitatsil no uchi hitotsU any o. . . (person) dare de mo; dare ka; (thing) dore de mo; dore ka o. . . another tagai ni some o . . . dare ka; aru hUo it is o. . . of the best ships in the company kono kaisha de ii ho no June desti I bought the o... I saw yesterday kind mita no wo kaimashUa I shall buy o. . . of them dore ka kaimasho o . . . of you donata ka red c. . .3 will do akai no de One 185 Open either red 0...8 or black o. . .8 will do akai no de mo kuroi no de mo ii Onion negi Only tatta; dake; hakari; tada; - sMka (with neg. verb) o. . . one tatta hUotsu; hUolsH dake this' is the o... one kore dak£ itm 1 can o . . . read kana kana de nakereba yome-rmi [if it is not kana I cannot read it]: kana dake yoviemam; kana xhika yomemuKeii this one o. . . kore duke this once o . . . kondo dake an o. . . son Mtori viumko o . . . 5 yen tatta go-yen not o... — but also — — bakari de nak-u — _mo put in not o. . . this 6ut also that kore bakari de nalfu sore mo irete o trure I o. . . arrived yesterday kind tsuita hakari desH your letter o . . . reached me yesterday kino yoyo tegami ga todokiniashUn o. . . the other day tsui kono aida there are o. . . 3 left mo mittsU shika arimasen o. . . because bakari de I have come to Kobe o... because my friend 1-; iWtomo- dachi ga byoki de aru bakari de Kobe e kimnuMta if I o. . . could see him my mind would be at ease ai sae sureba ani^hin shimasU 1 would call on him o. . . 1 do not know where he lives cmo kata no tokoro e ikitai no detii ga uchi ga uakarimanen have you another like this o... larger? kore to onaji mono de sUkoshi okii no ga arimasen ka t it will o. . . take ten minutes jip-pun shika kakarimaaen I have o . . . seen it once tatia ichi-do mimashita after all he is o ... a boy ol fifteen, isn't he? taka ga ju- go no kodomo ja nai ku? he is o . . . a child mada ko- domo drsU thLs is a book used o. . . in girls' schools kore tva onna no gakko de bakari tsiikau hati deM'i there is o... a girls' school liere, there is no boys' scho( 1 koko ni tea onna no gakko bakari de otoko no toa arimasen it is to be found o . . . in Tokyo sore no aru no u» Tokyo dake desil this toy is not for yon o. . . kono omocha iva omae hilori no ja nai what I want to say is o. . . this — hoka de mo nai (la — o . . . one house was burnt uchi ga ik-ken uaketa dake desU it is o . . . little further, mo jiki desa ' Open (trans.) ake'ru; (intr.) aku pleasij o. . . the door to wo akete kudasai to o . . . a bottle bin no kuehi wo (tkeru I caiTnot o... my bag nimo- tsU wo akeraremasen when do they o . . . the doota# nan-ji ni akimasH kat will the Bank be o... to- morrow? ashtta wa ginko ga aru desho ka f Open 186 Or thia flower «iU o . . . to-day kono hana uxi kyo sakimasu to be o. . . aite iru to leave o... ak sit in tlie o... air goto de koshi-kake- tai o... -handed mono-osldmi ivo sAi-ruii o. . .ly obira ni Openine (aperture) kiichi; ana; (a space between) aida; (com- mencement) liajime; (of an assembly) kaikai Opinion kangae in my. o... uxUakushi no IcMngtte de um I am of o . . . that — — to kangaema.tu I am of the same o. . . onaji kangae desu to change one's o... kangae tto kae'ru; kan/pu: ga kaunru I have no o . . . on the matter hettH ni kanme tea arimasen o. . .8 differ hlto ni yotU kan- gae ga chigau what is your o . . . t do omoi- mtuu ks? to hold to an o . . . aio e hika-nai [not to go back] OpiuBi aien Opportuniy boat; tsuide; ori; toH to take AdvantaRe of the o. . . 6041* UM) riyo turn I take this o. . . to aay that Umidt fit iiiMuiX ga when you have the o... tsuide no toki make sure of your o. . . ori too hazusii na don't miss the o. . . tt ori voo hazu.^hUe wa ikemasen to watch for an o . . . ori wo ukagau favourable o. . . it ori; »• toH to wait for a favourable o. .. ii ori wo nial<:ii Oppose hantai sum U) be o...d to ni/hantai de am Opposite (facing) hantai no; (contrary) hantai no the o... direction har.tai no ho tlie house o... rrniko no uchi o . . . tlie post-office yubin- ki/oku no mukni the o. . . side muko Or k-a this or that kore ka are ka is it good or bad.' ii ka warui ka! I don't know whether it is a dog or a cat inu da ka neko da ka shira-nai will you go or not? Unmasa ka ilcimasen ka! he may go or not (it doesn't matter) ano hito wa itte mo ika^akvte mo ii two or three persons ni-san- niH five or six years go-roktiiten be wiU go to Kamakura or Enoshima ano hilo wa Kama- kura ka Eiioskima e iku desho which do you prefer tea or coffee? o chtL to kuhii to doeki- ra ga yoroshii de*H ka f make haste or you will be late itoga-nakereba osoku Or 187 Other narimasH [if yon don't hurry you will he late] or else de nakcreba Orange mikan Order (seiiuencc) jun; (for goods) chumon; (to ser- vants) ii-tsuke in rcmilnr o. . . jun ni I will give an o... chUmon shima^tho I want to n^rtccl tlie o... chOmon wo t,>ri-keshr'ai w mnke to c... chumon de kcshirae'ru when \vill you deliver the ijoods if 1 ?ive an o... ehuMon sui-i'o itni shina- mono wo tOKioketc kurenuisA ka? to o. . . from Nagoy-i Afinoya e c/tiiinon snru 1 did not o... this kore wa ehUinmi shiiuasen itisdilicrentfromwiiatlo. . .- ed korc wa chiiiiion to chi- oaimasti 1 cainiot give yon the money witliout a written o. . . kaki- Isuke ga miLcirlMi kana wo icatisam-nni by whose o. . .? diirrno ii-tsuke de? to o . . . (command) ii-tsfkeru wliy don't you do as l_o. .. you '.' naze ii-tcUkcta tori m shunasm ka? 1 o...i:d my boy to bring my bouts boi ni kutsu uo niotte kur^x yo ni ii-tsuke- mashila k) be in o... sorotte i'ru; (arranged) katazuite i'ru; totonoUe i'ru tliesb books are not in o... koru) hon wa soroUi i-nai please anange the books in o. . . hon ivo jun ni narabci.- kudaxai to put in o... katazuke ru; tototioeru put tlie loom ill o... heya wo kaUtzukete o kt^re to bo out of o... (t^ngs) aorniie i^ni; (ninch;r!*ry) audi ja variiku varu- kuruu in o ... to yo ni; tame ni; noni ino... to hpcoiiic a seliolar one must ^;tudy gakunhcni na- ru tu'.ue ni wa benkyo shi-na- /iercba na.iinasen in o . . . to finish soon Tiayaku shiiiiati yo ni in o... not to wake the child kodomo uv okosa-nai yo ni in o. . . tliat yo ni hi o. . . that you may under- stand anuta ga wakaru yii ni Ordinary utarimae no o. . . times )udan my o. . . clotlies will do hidan 710 yofiiku de ii an o . . . man (not an offlcial) tada no hi to Orient tHyo o . . . u! ioyo no Origin ntvto o. . .al (eccentric) kaicatta; (fir.it) haiinie no Ornament kazari-mono Orphan miuoi^i-go Other hoka no; mo kitotsii iw wlieie is the o... fieiici).' mw hitotsii no empitsu wa doko ni arimasu ka! buy si'nie o. . . i;i::d of fruit today kyo wa vuni ka kawut- ta iMdamono wo kuUe o-ide Other 188 Out o. . .s (people) hoka no hUo; kUo the o . , . s will be done in a week hoka no uxi is-shukan de dehimasH some of them are better than 0...S naka ni wa ii no mo am A and three o...s A to hoka san-nin the o . . . day konaida; seii- TitsU every o. . . day ichi-mcJii old every o... one fiUotm oki the o . . . side muico each o . . . o tagai o. . . wise (if not) so de nake- reba on the o . . . side iaho de wa; so)w kawari ni now you say it is too much o. . . days you say it is not enough kyo um o-sugiru to iiie itsii ka tia tari-nai to itla Bome . . . day itsu ka the o . . . way about abekobe Ought sometimes translated by hazu; sometimes equivalent to MUST (q.v.) one o ... to speak the trutli hita wa makoto too iu hazu da you . . . to go to-day kpo anata um ika^nakereba ike- nai you o . . . to be more care- ful me SHkoski ki too tsuke- nakereba ike-nai you o ... to h»ve been more cftFeful mo sUkoshi ki wo tsukereba ii tm m you o . . . to take some me- dicine kwuri too nomcba ii what o. . . I to a uxUa- kOshi no desH [mine) It is fpr my o . . . personal use Hbiifi de tsUkau no desu to o. . . moUH; (confess) hakujo sum o. . .ed by Mr. Tanabe Tw nabe San no motte iru O. . .er ^nochi-nusbi who is the o...er« mochi- ttushi wa dare dem ka? Oyster kaki Pacific Oceaq TaiAei-yo Pack tsulsumu; ni-zukuri sum; nimoisH nt ire'm tlease p . . . up these things kore wo tsutsunde kMUsai I am. going to my room to p. . .'nimotsa wo koshirae ni heya e ikimasd Package tsutsumi bow many p. . .« in all' tsutsumi tea minna de ikutsU arimasa ka? Pack-horse ni-Hma Paddy-field la Padock nankin'jS Past priji on what p. . . Is iU fMn-pHji desU kaf P«(toda to « uve storied p.. go-jH no tB Pail baketsU; te-oke Pain itami to p... itamu my foot P...S me asAx ga itai do you suffer p.. J itami- masa kaf to take p. . .s (to be very careful) yoku ki u>o tsiXkeru Paint penki to p... (of a house-painter) penki too num: (of an artist) e wo kaku; (one's face) a shiroi wo tsOke'm p . . . er (house-painter) penki- ya; (artist) e-kaki water-colour p. . .ing suisai-ga oil p. ..ing abura-e Pair (of boots, socks, etc.) is-soku; (of vases, etc.) it-tsui; (of animals, male and female) hiUhtsugai Palace Jfcyu^ Pale aoi; tisui p . . . face aoi kao to turn p. . . aejfcu nam p . . . c<^our usui iro Paim (of the hand) te no hxra; (tree) shuro Papa see father Paper kami; (newspaper) shimr oun please give me a sheet of p... kami wo ichi-mai. kudasai foreign p . . . teiyo no kami blotting-p. . . suiifiri-gami oil-p. .. abura-gami W. C. p. . . otoshi-gami saad-p . . . \faswri-gami wrapi^ng p . . . tiuUumi-gami. Paper-hanger ij«n-va p... -store to»»»-W» p . . . -weight kesan .p... -money satsA Papier-mache Aarito; ikkamtMri Paradise 191 Pa s Paradise tengoku ParaUel heiko shUa; (similar) doj/d na Parasol M-gasa Parcel tsutsumi paper p. . . kami-zutsumi p . . . -post kozntsumi-yvbin PaxAon.yurushi I beg your p... gomen nasai See EXCtrsB Parents oi/a; ryoshin your p . . . go ryoshin Park (public) koen; koenchi Parliament kokkai; gikai upper house kizoku-in lower house shOffi-in Parrof omu Parsley seri Part bun; bu 3 P...8 of water, 1 p... of salt san-bu tea tmizu, idti-bu too sMo 1 p. . . out of 10 jH-bun no iati for my p. . . watdkiXshi wa for the most p. . . taigai in p ... it is true Ocura Jca hento desH I will go p . . . of the Way with you toehU mads issho niikimasho to take in good p. . . ki m kake^nai to take in bad p... ki ni take'm; %taruku omou you must not take It in ill p. . . wanku omoUe %Da ikemasen -to divide into 3 p...8 mVttH ni wakeru to take p.. . in (be concerned in) ni/kankei sum to take no p. .. in ni/kankei sM'nai In what p... (of the town)? dotdii no hof I do n* like to p... with thus kore wa le-banas6 no waiya da to p. . . (of friends) Wakan'm p. . .ly ikura ka; hitotsU ni ua Particular (strict) kibisMi; (spe'cial) tokvbetsU, na; betsA na I have no p... reasons betsU ni wake wa nai I want it p...ly by* to- morrow asMta wu zeki iri- masH in p . . . tokubflsi ni ; bet-vA ni I am very p. . . about clean- liness in the kitchen uaftrffl- shi wa daidokoro no soji wa tailien ni kibishii p. . .akuuxishii koto I want full p...s kuuHtshii koto wo kikitai for further p...s apply to No. 78 kutpnuhii koto wa s/iichi-jit-kachi-ban de o kiki nasai Partner nakama Party (political) seito; (enter- tainment) enkai; -kai dinner-p. . . bajisankai evening-p . . . yakai garden-p. . . enyuJ:ai to give a p . . . etikai wo moyosA Pass torn to cause to p. .. 0sii to p... by torn to happen to p... by tort- awaseru to p... in front of no/maa wo tom to p . . . tluough the Custom* tsSkan saseru tap... time kurasH 192 Pay to p . . . the night at nil tamaru tlie stonn has p...ed arashi fja yamimashUa 1 will let it p... once more ima dake yurushimasfi 1 pari'.on you only now] kiBciiy p... me the thread pan wo totte l-udasai p. . . the sweets round viitia- san ni o kashi wo ayete ku- dasai p . . . -book kayoi-eho Passage (corridor) roka Passenger jokyaku Passion (emotion) jo to get into a p... okoru Passport ryoko-menjo (Pass- ports are not necessary in Jaijnn, though they may be convenient as a proof of one's identity.) Past after tliree years were p... san-nen tatU kara for some time p . . . higoro kara, is p . . . and done for tunde ghimatta in the p... ima made [until now] half p . . . one iclii-ji Iian p. . . 4 o'clock yo-ji sugi 5 n:iiiUtes p . . . 4 yo-ji go- fun auffi he started a little p . . . 3 ean-ji xukoshi sugi ni deka- hemashUa p . . . the Bank Ginko no saki Paste n«ri p... -board iia-gami; bom- garni Pastry o kasJti Paithtsugi to put on a p... ttusri wo aUnt Patent tokkyo p...ed &vt\c\(i tokkyo-hin Path ko-michi foot-p... kuruma ga tore-nai miehi Patient to be p... (under suffering) gamnn «Mr!/; (under provoca- tion) kamiin suru be p. . . with me kannin shite kudasai Patriot nikokiifha p...ibm aikokiishin Pattern (model) tehon; (sample) mihon; (figure) kaia; mayo dyed p... svme-moyo embroidered p . . nui-moyS woven p... oridasjii-moyo ftriped p . . . ehima-moyo according to p . . . mihon no tori ni Pawn V. t. shlchi ni ire'ru Pay harau; (a person) ni/kane wo harau I will p... loataktishi ga haraimasH p . . . t!ie milkman chichi-ya ni kauf, wo haratte o kure is this book paid for ? kono lion no dai wa mo haratie am no desU ka ? this bill is already paid kono kanjo wa mo haraimashiia it doesn't p . . . (no prolit) shobai ni naranai; soroban ga tata-nai to p . . . back kaesH to p. . . attention ki teo tsOke'ru to p . . . no attention to wo/ mimi ni mo lome^nai; kama- wa-nai de to p . . . a visit to wo/tazu- ne'ru to p. . . off (revenge) ni/ ishm-gaeshi wo suru Pay 193 Perhaps to p... in advance saki- how are your p....« mina barai san wa ikaga desU! p... (salary) kyUkin one'.s p. . . McAi no hUo p... (monthly wages) gek- like other p... hoka no hUo kyu no yd ni p. . .-day kanjS-bi p. . . wont believe it dare mo p . . . ee uketori-kata shinji-nai daro p...er harai-knla what will p . . . say.? hito wa p...ment liarai nan to iu daro kaf Pea endo I don't care what p... say p. . . in the pod saya-endo hlto no iu koto nanle kama- they are as like as two p. . .8 wa-nai «n wo fatatsa ni watta yo some p . . . say to iu Into da [Uke two halves of a mo am melon] Pepper kosho Peace heiwa; (reconciliation of Peppermint liakka enemies) waboku Per p... of mind anshin half p. . . cent go-rin; ichi-bu p...ful odfiyaka na; shizuka no liambun na 1 p... cent ichi-bu Peach momo 2 p... cent, etc. ni-bu, etc. Pear nashi 10 p. . . cent ichi-wari Pearl shinju 20 p . . . cent ni-wari mother-of-p . . . aogai p. . . annum nen ni casting of p. . .s before swine Perfect kanzen na neko ni kohan [giving gold p...ly (completely) mattaku; coins to a cat] (ia\i\t\G^i\y) sukkari ; (very) Peasant hyakiisho taiso Peculiar (strange) hen na; to understand p...ly yoku fusltigi na: okasliii; (special uakaru kind of) isshu-lolcubetsU na t(> be p. . .ly well known shi- Peddler akindo re-kitte iru Peel verb no/kawa wo muku it is p...ly plain what is (come off) mukeru meant wakari-kitta hanashi Peep V. i. nozoku da Pen (European) pen; (Japanese Performance (theatrical) kSgyo brush) fude Perfume nioi; (liquid) kosui Pencil empitsu to use p. . . kosui wo Isuke'ru Penetrate ni/iri-komu Perhaps tabun; expressed also Penknife ko-gatana by the future tense or by Pension (allowance) onkyH ka mo shire-nai placed at Peony botan the end of the sentence People hUo p... he will come kimasho; good p... ii hlto tabun kimasho poor p. . . himmin p . . . there are tabun aru a crowd of p. . . ozei desluj; aru desho Perhaps 194 PhotogUBph Photbgraph 195 Place It may p. . . be 30 tabun so desho p. . . the steamer will be in to-morrow ashUa toa johisen ya tsUhu ka mo tkire-nai p... it will rain to-night komban ame ga luru ka mo Mre-^nai See UAY Peimission yunuM to ask p . . . yurushi w6 ukeru to obtain p... yurushi wo era without p. . . yurushi nashi ni; (without giving notice beforehand) kototoara-^nai de you must not go out again without p . . . kotowara-nai de mS uchi wo deU wa ike- nai to whom must one apply for p...? dare no yurushi ga areba ii no desA ka? ■ with your p... go shochi nara ask p . . . to see the garden niuM too miU mo ii ka kiiU (hide do you need a special p . . . to go in? fiairu no vi tokubeUit no yurushi ga irimasH ka f Permit yurusH I cannot p. . . this yuruse- masen he is p...ted to do so ano hUo toa so shite mo ii no da a p. . . menjo Perpetual (without intermb- sidn) taema no nai; (eternal) eikyH no p.. .ly shijH Perplex tq be p . . . ed komaru Persevere shimbo suru Persimmon kaki dried p... hoshi-gaki Person Mto; nn;-nin one p. . . hitori two p. . .8 fOtari three p. . .8 san-ntn four p . . . 8 yottari five p . . . s, etc. go-nin, etc. that p . . . ano kata in p. . . iibun de he must come in p . . . ano hUo wa jibun de ko-nake- reba nara-nai Perspiration ase my clothes are wet through with p . . . kimono ga ate de bisshori desii I am covered with p . . . ase- darake ni narimashUa to perspire" ase ga de'ru to be in a cold p . . . (from fright) hiya-ase wo kaite i'ru Persuade eusume'ru I will p. . . him to write knku yd ni tusumemasho; do ka shite kaku yo ni iimasho Pet katvaigaUe iru mono to p. .. kawaigaru Petition negai Pcttv (mean) keehi na; {small) chiisai Phlegm Ian Photograph shasJtin to p . . . shashin Un torn I wish to have my p... taken shashin wo torUai p. . .er shashin-ya have you any . vipws of the town? koko no shashin ga arimasH kaf It ia. forbidden to take photo- graplis in the neighbourhood of fortified places without a special permit. Among the places frequertted by tourists where such a prohibi- tion holds good, we may mention : Miyajima. Nacn- saki, Shimonoseki, Mojl and Eamakura. Phrase hi idiomatic p . . . shoku Physician o isha Pick torn to p . . . out (select) erabu; (select and take) Unu to p... the teeth ha wo hojiru; (with a toothpick) ko-yoji wo tsiikau to p . . . np hirou; (between finder and thumb) tsumamu articles p...ed up hiroi- monn a p . . . -pocket suri Picnic yusan to go f or a p . . . yusan suru Picture e; (framed) gaku; (hang- ing scroll) kakemono p . . . -book e-bon p. . .-frame gaku-buchi p. . .sque e no yd na p . . . post-card e-hagaki Piece (formed by cutting) kire; (formed by breakmg) kake to come to p . . . s bara-bara ni nam to break to p...s (separating parts wiiich were previously joined) bara-tMra ni suru: (destroying tilings which were solid) media-mecha ni suru to knock to p ... 3 bucln-kotoasH to tear to p. . .s yabuku to tear into small p...s mecha^mecha ni yabuku to take to p. . .8 (a, machine) Utri-hazusH •what a p... of folly baka na koto da, nei Pier hatoba; (wooden) sam bfishi Pierce tsiiki4dsii Pig biUa Pigeon hato Pile (heap) yama to p . . . up tsumi-kasaneru Pilgrim jttnrei Pill ganyaku Pillar fyashira Pillow makura Pilot mizusaki-annai Pin tome-bari; pin P...8 and needlts (sensation) shibire hair-p... (European) soku- luUsu no pin; (Japanese) kanzashi Pinch tsuHeru; (squeze between two hard bodies) hasamu Pine (tree) matsU; mom% Pink toki^iro Pip lane Pipe kuda a p . . . (pipeful of tobacco) ip-1)uku to smoke a p . . . ip-puku nomu tobacco p... kiseru; (Eu- ropean) paipu to f Ul one's p . . . tabako un tsume'ru Piss V. i. shoben suru Pistol pisutoru Pity what a p. . . (when refer- ring to the second person as: I am sorry for you) kinodoku desii; (referring to anybody) oshii koto desH^ I p. . . you kinodoku ni omoi- masH J p. . . that poor child ano ko toa katvaiso desa ne itisap. . . the house is so far uchi .ga tokOte ikemasen ne Place tokoro in one (a certain) p... uru tokoro de Place 196 Please in the first p... dai ichi ni; mazu in the p . . . of nolhawari ni all over the p . . . doko ni de mo tt I were in your p . . . tcata- kiishi nara In its p. .. (in place of another thing removed) sono ato e put this away in its (proper) p. . . kore wo chnnto s/nmatte this is not in it-s (jiroper) p. . . kf>re iva basho qn chigau out of its p . . . basho ga chigau out of p. . . (not correspond- ing to surroun.dings) ni awa- nai the p. . . where he has gone 19 very cold ano hito no itteiru tokoro wa taihen ni $amui to lose one's p... (empioy- ment) yosastrareru to take p . . . (happen) okoru; aru when did that take p . . . « sore ica itm no koto d^nhila ka? from what p . . . are you? anata no o kuni wa doko desu ka? to p . . . oku to p . . . (the matter) in the hands of ni/tanoiuu Plasue yakubyo; pesHto Plain (level) taira na; hira- tai; (a level tract of ground) kirachi; (clear) Itakliiri shita; (not highly ornamented) jimi ni; (not ornamented with patterns) muji no: (of a woman) junin-nami no Ptan (diagram) zu; (scheme devised) ku/H; (metliod) iuiho the best p . . . will be to — — tio ga iehi-ban ii daro Plank ila Plant ueki to p. . . ue'ru Plaster (lime) shikkui; (mud) kabe; (medical) koj/aku; ban- zok~u p... of Paris xetfaj Plate (for eating off) sara; (sheet of metal) ita silver-p...d ghn-mekki Kold-p. . .d kim-mekki Platform piiraUdhoinU is this p... richt for Kobe? Kobe yuki wa koko de ii no dixu ka? which is the p. . . for Kobe? Kobe yuli wn dotehi desu ka? p. . . ticket nyiijoken Play a.tobu: (stringed musical instruments, piano and organ etc.) hlku; (musical instru- nients blown with the mouth) fiik-u to p . . . the fool baka wo sum he is a pood p . . . er (game or musical instnunent) ano hUo wa juzu desu Pleasant (feeling) kimochi ga ii; (pleasurable) omoshiroi; (of persons) ij; (of eatables) umat ,■ (pretty) kirn na Please PLEASE followed by an im- perative is generally ex- pressed by kudasai at the end of the sentence, and this is sometimes strengtlien- ed by dozo placed at the beginning. See the conjuga- tion of the verb p. 23 p... bring me my hat bothi wo niotte kite kudasai Plecse 197 Point-biank p... lend TT\e yoiu umbrel- la dUzo kdsti wo kashite kudasai p... do this for me dozo kore wo sliite kudasai yes, p . . . dozo I am veiy p ..d to hear it Sure ua yokntti I am p...d with my new house konda no uchi wa ki ni irimashila hard to p . . . ki-muzuknshii whatever you p. . . nande mo o s&ki na no whichevpr you p . , . dore de mo o st'iki na no just as you p. . . anata no ii yn in p. . . yourself artata no ii yo ni nasai I am p. . .eU ; see gt.ad Pleasure tanoshivn. with p . . . yorol.onde to travel for p . . . asobi de rynku suru Plenty takiiaan; juhun there are p... lakiisan ari- masH that is p. . . (enough) sore de tahusan Plum firm large red p... botankyo . large yellow p. . . hxUankyo Plural iiikutu (the Jaiwnese language makes very little distinction between singular and plural) Pocket kakiUhi; poketto; (Ja- panese use as pockets tlie bottom of the sleeve tamoto or sode; also the bosom of the dress fOtokoro) put this in your p. . . kor» wo anata no kat&shi ni o ire nasai it is in the left-hand p . . . of my trousers mbon no hidari, no kakHshi ni ari- masii p. . .-book tecJio p. . .-handkerchief hankechi p... -knife ko-omtana p. . .-money kozukai Poem ski: uta Poet shijhi Point (end) saki.; (gist of an argUMK'ut) shin; (meaning, as. ain p. . .s yoten to g.iin one's p . . . molndxki wo tassuru I make a p . . . of reading every morning mai-asa kiito hon wo yomimasil (I surely read every morning] that is not the p . . . sore wa betsii no koto desH that is the p . . . soko ga mondai da dont talk so much and get to tiie p... yokei na koto wo iwa-nai de kanjin no koto dake o ii nasai to p... (sharpen) logarasH p . . . ed logaUa to p . . . out (with the hand) wo/yubi-sasil: oshieru; (to draw attention to) nilehui wo suru Point-blank (with excess of candour) muki-da^ n^ (suddenly) dashintike ni: (flatly) kipp»ri Point-blank 198 Pool he refused p... ano hUo wa kippcri koiowarimashita Poison doku Police leisatau p. . .man junsa; o matoari-san p... -station keisatsti-sho chief of a p . . . -station kei- satsusho-cho call a p . . . man jwiga veo yonde o Irure if there is no p . . . man near run to the p . . . -station ehikaku ni junsa ga i-nake- reba keisatsu-sho t kakete itU kwe nin and fetch the p... hayaku junxa wo yonde o-ide where is the p . . . -station? keisattH-sho wa doko desiX ka? come and explain yourself to the p . . . iibun de junsa ni o hanashi nasai where can I find a p . . . man.'»doi-o ni junsa qa iru darof ttiis man has robbed me kono hUo ga niuunda no desu the thief was caught in the very act dorobo ga sono ba ie ttukamarimaskUa 6ome one has broken open my door dare ka to wo la- taki-yaburimaskita please come and see dozo kiU mite kndasai this man put his hand in my pocket kono hUo wa uxUakushi no poketto ni U wo iremashUa I request you to have him arrested dozo tsitkamaeU kxtdasai 1 had not the least idea of giving offence chitto mo ioann ki wa nakatta no detu I apologise for what has happened domo sumimasen, warui koto wo shimashita I shall complain to ray Consul Rydji ni uttaemasH Polish V. t., migaku Polite teimi na be p . . . teinei ni o shi nasai pbase take a seat (European style) dozo o kake kudasai; (Japanese style of room) dozo o shVci kudasai [please take a cushion zabuton] may I offer you something.' nani wo agemasho ka? (The Japanese don't usually ask this question but have tea and cakes always brought in to a guest irrespective of the hour of the day or the time of the year.) pray be at your ease o raku ni don't hurry away (when the guest says he must leave) go yukkuri please take a cup of tea o cha hxtotsu agari nasai please go first (aprfes vous) dozo o saki e please help yourself (of food, etc.) go jiyiX ni; (eat what has been served you) o agari nasai you are welcome to it dozo you are welcome to it as often as you please (fo^tfeu de mo if you want anything done pray let me know at any time go yd ga areba Hsu de mo itLe kudasai please do not stand upon ceremony dozo go enryo naku Pomegnmate zakitro Pood ike Pool (pond) ik» Poor 199 Post-Office Poor bimbo na; (inferior in quaUty) warui; (worthy of pity) kaivaisd na a p . . . man bimbo na hUo p . . . people himrnin p . . . fellow; katoaiso ni! to be a p. . . hand at galheta de aru Popular (In general favour) hyolmn no ii Porcelain setomono Pork buta no nikii Port (harbour) minaio at what p. . .s does the steamer call? doko to doko no minaio e iune wa yori- ynasii ka? Porter (gate-keeper) momban; (railway) akabo (they wear red caps whence their name); (baggage carrier) ninsoku p. . .age unchin Portmanteau haban; nimotsu Portrait shozo; (photograph) ifhisliin Portugal UonUogaru Position (place where an article is put) oki-dokoTo; (situation) iehi; (circumstances) kyogu; (of the body) mi-gamae difficult p . . . mtizukashii tokoTO Positive (definite) tashika na; (indisputable) shikkari shita I am quite p. . . tashika desu it is a p. . . fact tashika na koto desu a p... answer tashika na henji p... proof tashika na shoko p...ly hito Possible is it p . . . to do it? lore wa dekiru koto de»u ka! a f... Maru mtra ^ qnickly asp... deki.ru daie hayaku See AS it is just p. . . deki-mai mono de mo nai desho poisibly tabun; see pkrhaps C8nnot possibly tolemo I cannot tiossibly go totem» ikaremasen Post (pillar, when free at the top) kui; (pillar, when sup- porting something) hashira; (conveyance of letters) yu' bin to send by p... yubin de dasU to p... (a letter) yiMn ni dasu post this letter for me please kono tegami wo dashite kuda- saimasen ka! parcel-p . . . kozutsumi-yubin p. . .man yvbin^a p...-box yubin-bako p. . .-card hagaki picture p. . .-card e-hagaki p. . .mark keshi-in See POST-OFFICE Post-Offfce yubin-kyoku what is the latest time for posting letters to England* Igirisu yuki no yObin wa nan-ji made desu lea? what time does the mail arrive from Kobe.' Kobe kara yfir bin wa nan-ji ni tsukimasH ka? has the mail from Kobe arrived.^ Kobe kara yObin ga tsukimashiia ka? have you a letter for John Smitli.' John Smith ni tegami ga kite imam ka? In giving your name or address it is better to hand in youi card or write it down Post-Office 200 Praise on a piece of paper, how much is the postage on this letter? kono tegami wa ikura de ikimasu ka? is this Jetter overweight/ korw tegami wa onw-suffiirMsu ka? I wish to register this lelter, what is the postage* keno tegami wo kaki-tome ni shttai ga ikura desu kaf sny name and address are at the back ot the envelope namae to tokoro-gali ipt/. ura ni kaite arimasu I want to send » money- order for 15 yen to — — ni jH-go-yen no kawase wo furi-dashiiai if a parcel tor Englard is wrapped in paper (oil-i aper) will that do/ IgMsU e aasii ko-zutstimi wo kami (abura- oami) de tsiusunde mo kamai- masen kaf is It necesscry to sew it up in linen;'* kire de nui-tsuke- nakereba ikemasen kat 1 want two yen worth of ten sen stamps iis-sen no kitte wo ni-yen dake kudasai 1 want live ten sen stamps jis-sen no kitte wo go-mai kudasai don't put this into the letter box (in the street) but go to the post-ofllce yubin-bako e ire-nai de yvbin-kycku e dashUe o kure express delivery sokiUatsH- t/*ibin The Post-Offices, letter-boxes, etc. can always be recognized ^ the sign x 'VMtyone nobasH p. ..ment hi-nobe I Pot (small mouthed) tsubo; (larjge jar) kante; (for flowers) hachi; (cooking) nabe Potato tmo sweet p. . . satguma-ima new p. . . shin-imo Pottery yaki-mono Pound (avoirdupois) »121 mom- me; (sterling) pondo ; equal to about 10 yen. See p. 32 and 170 Pour (as, intoa glass) tsMfiTM/ire-m to p... water (on your body) mizu wo ainru to p. . .water (in other cases) mizu UK) kake'ru it is p. . .ing with rain o-amt ga futte imasH Powder komt gunp. . . kayahu tooth-p. . . ha-migaki toUet-p... kona-oshiroi to p. . . (the face) kona-oshiroi wo tsuke'ru Power chikara; (right) kenri beyond one's p. . . chikara no oyoba^nai it is not in my p. .. to do so (I have no right) waiakUsH ni sore wo sum kenri ga nai horse-p.. . hariki p. . . -of-attomey inin-jo p... ful chikara no aru to the best of my p. . . chika- ra no oyobu dake Practical jitsHyo no for all p. . . purposes jUsiiyo ni um; jissai Practice (as distinct from theo- ry) jitsnyo; (repitition) keiko in p . . . jiUM ni wa the usual p. . . jiitsU wa to be out of p. . . heta ni naru Pcxtise howMK to p.,. hmneru p. ..-worthy kamhin na Prawn •201 Pretext Prawn ebi Pray inoru p. . .er inori to say a p . . . er inori wo suru Preach sekkyo suru Precaution yojin; nen to take p. . .s yojin suru as a p . . . nen no tame ni Precious UttUri; daiji na p . . . stones hoseki P'recipice gake Prefer which do you p. . . ? dore ga yo gozaimasH .« I p . . . water mizu no ho ga ii which do you p . . . tea or milk? o cha to chicfti to dotchi ga sUki desU ka? (If offering both yo gozaiynasii kaf) I p. . . to travel by steamer fune de iku ho ga ii to omoi- masU Premium (of insurance) hoken- ryo Prepare rw/shUaku wo suru to be p...d for (a disagree- able contingency) kakugo guru Prescription (medical) shoho Present (now existing) imn rib in the p. . . instance kondo tea at p. . . ima; (as opp. to for- merly) ima wa for the p... tobun no uchi; ima wa tkis will do for the p. . . ima wa kore de ii to be p. .. oru to happen to be p.. . i-awa- se'ru there is no time like the p. . . onwi-taMa ga kichi-nichi Present (gift) okuri-mon*; (as a souvenir from a particular place) miyage; (given on a happy occasion) itoai-morw; (thrown in with a purchase) keUmtsA; (in return for a pre* sent made) henrei; (fare- well) sembetsU; (New Year's) o toshidama I made a p ... of it to my father sore wo chichi ni agemashUa he made a p ... of it to me ano Mta ga sore wo kuda- saimashUa; ano hUo ni sore wo itadakimashUa (I h£^ve received this from him] I received it as a p. . . sore wa itadaita no desu thanks tor your p. . . the other day senjitsU wa arigaio gozaunushita See GIVE Presently (immediately) ima su^ju ni; (soon) tadaima; sugu ni Preserve shimatte oku to p ... in salt shio ni tsUke'ru to p ... in sugar satoni tsUke'ru President (of a company) sha- eho; (of a Republic) Daitoryo Press V. t. osu;osae'ru; (squeeze) shimeru Pretend he p. . .s to be deaf tsun^ no iuri wo shinulsu he p . . . ed to be asleep ne- miitte iru Iuri wo shimashita it's no use p . . . ing not to know shira-nai Iuri wo shi- nakOte mo ii don't p. . . you are Ul byoki no iuri wo suru no wa o yoshi nasai I don't p... toiuderstand much about this kore wo shitte iru to tea tuu-nai Pretension nozomi Pretext n. ii-wake that is only a p . . . tore toa ii-wake da pretext 202 Private Private 203 Proper to use as a p . . . kakotsuJce'ru Pretty Idrei na; (fine) rippa no, p... little (as of a cliild) kawairashii rather p . . . kanari kirei na p... worn in (or girl) bifin; beppin I am p. . . strong kanari jobu desu Pfevent that shall not p . . . me from g(iing SOT", de mo ikinuisii I am p...ed from going ikare^naku narimashita I will p... it okora-nai yo td shimasu I can't p. . . it (to sunt kotA. via deki-nai don't allow that to p . . . yoq sonna koto wa kamawa-nai de mo ii did auythinc p. . . you? tiani ka sasliitsiikae ga alia no desii ka/ Previous mae no; saki no you must give one week's ■ p... notice is-shukan mat ni shirasete kvdasai witlioutp... notice A;rt(n«iro- nai de p. . .ly '-ae kara Price' nedan cost-p.. . mnto-ru nett-p. . seika what is the p. . .? ikura desii kaf the p . . . is too high nedan ga amari takai iiave you a similar article at a lower p. . . « motto yasui no de ko iu no ga arivunen kai fixed p...8 teika J do not like bargaining jdease give me your lowest p... at uuce ntyiru no loa iya da kara ichi-ban yasui nedan wo itte kudasai to sen at a reduced p... mUdtte uru to reduce the p... ■make'ru to rise in p. . . ne ga agaru Prick V. t. sasu Priest (Buddhist) bozu: (Shinto) 'kannushi; (Christian) bokHshi p. . .ess (Buddhibt) ama Prince (Japanese) Miya; (others) Kozoku P. . .ss (Japanese)'iZi/n€-wn2/a; (others) Kozoku, Principal omo na; (of a firm) shujin p . . . office hontcn Principle^ I cau't do it on p... ihugi to sh'Ue deki-nai Print (an impre^^ion) ato; (impression ol type) han foot-p . . . ashi-alo to be out 01 p . . . zeppan de ant to p . . . insalsH sum p. . .ed insatsU shUa p. . .ed fabric sarasa I want some envetopes p...ed with my address on the ba.c\L }6-bukuro no ura ni banchi uo itisatsu shila no Oa /loshii p . . . er insatsu-ya Prison Toya; kangolu Private: privacy is not much observed in Ja|)aii, and so tl)is word is diilicult to ti"anslate. a p... tiling jinot to be looked at) mite tra ile^nai mono; (not to be touched) sttioatte tea ike-nai mono a p... room (into which you must not go) haiUe wa ike- nai hcya s p . . . room (at a hotel, fpr myself alone) h'tori klri no heya; (as di«t. from a public office) skisIrUsH p . . . (a notice on the door of a room) shime-kiri in p . , . (secret) nn.isho d« a p. , . ' agri*>^mei)t aiiai no yakOsoku Privy bcnjo; hnbakari wherH is the p....« benjo tea doko rfwii k(tf Prize (reward) /lobi to p... (value highly) daiji ni sum; diincho mru Probable I think it is p... «o daro tfi ommmaiH hi p. . .y will come to-morrow tdbun myonichi hum desho he has p. . .y arrived by now md Onuta dnro Procure cru; tori-yosR'ru Produce (tr. exhibit) dasi'i; (show) mise'm.; (nianufactilre) sanxhittu suru: (cause) okosU Production mmbutsil specLil p . . . of * locality m^hntsu Profession (calling) ehobai Profej.ior dai-gaku no sensei Lteachrr at a upiversity] Profit rieki; to!ai the p . . . Li small rieki ga gCkunai to p . . . mokeru Programme (t)icatre) bamuke Progress n. susumi Promise yahisok-u to break a p... yakOsoku too yaburu to keep a p... yakOsoku wo mamoru dont break your. p.. . yakA- »oku too yabura-fimi de o kure p . . . to do so'4o guru to jraiW- goku shite kudasai I won't p . . . yakOsoku wa shimasen you gave me your p . . . now you are trying to back out of it yakOsoku shita no ni ima ni natte nigeyo fo suru I must keep you to your p... zehi yakusoku-dori ni shite moratoa-nakereba nara- nai verbal p . . . kudii-^i/akHsoku p... in .writing shomon to p.. . ydkiisokti sum I can not p . . . it yakiisoku ga dekiinasen when I p... anything I always keep my j?ord yakii- soku. sureba OsiX de . mo nwrnorimasd Prompt hayai p . . . ly hayaku I want it done p. . .ly hayaku shite nwraitai Pronoancc v-dasfi; hatmon suru please teach me how to' p. . . this; Tord kono kotoba no hattv/yo, wo oskicte kudastti prpnuncJii'ice is out of all p... to th' size, okisa no wari ni talcai Propose to p . . . to tsumori de aru; to omou what do yon p . . . to do? dO ihivQ to omoimasa ka t 8e« INTEND proposal itta koto: tnoshi-lomi Proprietor unochi-nusld Prospect (view) mi-luirashi; (expectation) mikmni Prosperous sakan na Prostitute joro p . . . -quarters yukaku Protect hogo sum to be p...ed by no/hogo wo ukete i'ru Protest V. i. jushorhi wo iu Proud koman na ; takabutta to be p . . . takaburu : ibnru to be p . . . of woljiman sum lhx)ve (establish by proof) shoko-dateru; (test) tnmesu p . . . it to me sono shOko wo kudasai can you p . . . it? shoko ga aTimasii ka? it p...d to be all in vain minna dame desMta; minna dame ni narimashUa Proverb kototoaza Provide (supply) yoi mru have you p. . .d for to-morrow.' ashUa no shitaku wo skima- shita ka? p...d that he keeps his word ano hito ga yakHsoku sae mamoreba [if he keeps etc.] Providence (divine) temm^i Province kuiii Provisions tabe-mono will it be necessary to take p... with us.' tabe-moTW wo issho m motte iku no desu kaf Provoke (to anijer) okorase'ru; (cause) hiki-okosu to p . . . a quarrel kenka wo shikake'ru p . . . ing komatta Public (not private) oyake no: (concerning the public) hokyo no m p . . . oyakr ni in the p . . . street orai de p . . . opinion yoron tx) make p . . otjnke ni sum the p . . . (general body of peo- ple) kushU is tliis open to the p. . .? dare de mo hairemasU ka? Publish (muke known) dyake ni sum; (a bix)k) shuppan sum Pudding kashi Pull hlku; Mppnm, to p. . . down (make fall) hiki- otosu; (of a house) kowasH to p . . . out hiki-dasu; (as a nail) nuku to p . . . up (a plnnt) nulru; (as out of a well) kumu; (that which is lying down) hiJci- ■^ okosH; (stop) tom^m. to p. . . to pieces hiki-yaburu Pulley rokuro; kasslM Pulse 205 Put Pulse myaku to f eel the p . . . m.ydku wo miru Pump pornpH Punctually jikan-dori ni; hUc kari why can't you start p....' naze jikan-dori ni dekake- inasen ka? p... at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning myoasa kikkari shi- chi-ji ni Punish bassum, p...ment (domestic) shioki; (legal) batsU Pupil seilo Purchase (thing bought) kai- mono Pure kirei na; (clear) sumi- kitta; (free from mixture) majiri no nai p . . . milk majiri rid na% gyu- nyH; junryO gyunyH p . . . gold junkin p . . . water (not dirty) seisui P'urple murasaki Purpose (intention) tgumori: (object) mokuteki on p . . . waza to ; waza -waza excuse me I didn't do it on p. . . tsui shita :io desu kara gomen nasai for that p . . . sono tame ni for the p . . . of no tam« ni for what p....' nan no tame ni? to no p. . . muda ni that does not answer the p. . . sore wa dame da Purse sailu; kane-ire Pus umi Push osu to p . . . away oshi-noke'ru Put oku to p . . . aside (in order) ka- tazuke'ru; (to keep) tolte oku to p... away katazuke'ru; skimau to p... back modosHt; kata- zuke'ru to p. . . down oku; orosH: (in writing) kaki-tome'ru; tsixfce'ru p... it down shita e oiie o kure I p... it down in my note- book chomen tsukete okima- shita to p . . . in ire'ru to p . . . in order totonoe'ru; katazuke'ru to p . . . in mind of wo/omoi- dasase'm to p . . . into ni/ire'ru to p . . . off nobasH to p . . . on (coat) ki'ru; (girdle) shimeru: (shoes) Itaku; (hat) kaburu to p . . . on (somebody else coat, girdle, etc.) kife'ru; shimete yam; hakaae'ru, kabuseru to p . . . on (tlie price) nednn wo ayeru; (sew on) mti- tsuke'ru to p . . . on (on to) ni/oku; ni/noseru to p . . . out (a light) kesii to be p. . . out (angry) okoru, (annoyed) komam to p . . . together awase'ru; (a machine) kumi-tate'ru to p. . . trust in shinyo turu to p... up (erect) tmle'ru to p ... up at ni/tomaru tup. . . up with ganuin sum to p. . . a stop to yamesase'ru to p . . . right (wliat is ill done) naosfi; (a clock) awase'ru I have nowhere to p . . . it oki-dokoro ga nai you may p... the trunk down here koko ye kaban Pnt 206 Question uv o oki nnxai please p... this down to my account lore wo kanio ni irete Irudasni I glial! p. . . off my departure until to-moiTow shuWitw tpo myonichi madt nobas/ii- masu 1 intend to p... uo at the Grand Hotel Gumndo Hoteru ni tor/uiro to omoimasi'i 1 have liad a i:re;it deal to o. . . up with Lorrieru koto qa takusan arimashU/i p... this book on the table kono lion wo tcburu. ni oite o kure tliat man p...s me ui mind of my father ano liilo no yom wa chirhi wo omoi- dnsasemasH ))... yourself it! my place •vutashi no itii vi natte kan- tjaete goran iii.s'ti Quack (dortoi) tjabtt-isha Qiiclity (of sood*) yhina; (fiood- aess or badness) yoshi-ashi; (kind) ire ] dont like this q... kono ■ifrbia wa kirai 1 dont understand about the q... of silk wuUikui>/)i n{ wa kivu no yoshi-ashi wa wakarimasen have you more than one q...? hUo-iro yori yokei ariinasu knf best q... ichi-ban jo0 guporior q. . . i60 medium q . . . nami iiifurior q . . . kato l;e lias some good q . . .ies ano hito ni wa ii teishitsu ga trimasH Quantity (sum) taka; (bulk) JunryS a q. . . of takusan this q . . . kore hodo what q. . .? dore hodof Quarrel kenl.a; (dispute) ii-ai to q . . . kenka suru: ii-ai wo sum no one will q . . . with yon for doing tliat anata ga sore wo shUe mo dare mo nani mo iiva-mii desho I don't want to mix up in the q . . . kenka no nukama ni hairitiiku nai Quarter (one fourth) shi-bun no ichi three q...9 shi-hun no san q . . . of an hour ju-ffo-fun [15 minutes] from all q. . .s hobo kara from wliat q . . . does the wind blow/ dotclii no ho kara kaze (la ifikimnsu ka? in which q... (of the town) does he live:' ano Into wa dotriti no ho ni sunde imasii ka.' Quay hatoba; (river bank) kashi Queen Nyowo; (of Japan) Kogo llcikii Queer hen na; fiishiffi na; okashii Question (interrogation) tot; (matter in discussion) mon- dai an open q. . . gimon the q . . . is whetlier he arrived before 9 o'clock or after ku-fi viae ni tsxiilci ka sugi ni iifuil'i ka ga, niondai desa wliat Ls tlie q. . .? mondai un nan desu? quite a different q... betsA no 7nondin it is beside the q . . . mondai no lioka desH Question 207 Railwaf out of the q . , , hanashi ni nara-ruii it is quite out of the q . . . to do so so iu koto wa tolcmo deki-nai it is simply a q . . . of money kane shidai da beyond q . . . mochiron to ask a q . . . kiku that is not the q . . . sore wa chigeimasH that is tlie q. . . soko ga mon- dai da q. . .able (suspicious) ayashii Quick hayai be q . . . hauaku q. . .ly hfiyaku as q...ly as possible dekiru dake haijaku q... tempered okorippoi q . . . silver SKiijin Quiet shizuka na.-ctonaxhii a q. . . place shizuka lut tokoro be q. . . shizuka ni shite o kure q . . . ly shizuka ni Quilt (beddini;) iuton Quite ni san-mai two first retm-n tickets for Kyoto Kyoto no it-to o/Uku ni-]Hai retuiii-tlcket o/iiku-gippu feiiiLle ( not return-ticket ) , kiHa-tnichi platiorni-ticket vynjoken 1 do not want a return-ticket I oldku de wa arlnvisen 1 want a sleepins-car ticket shiiiduisha no kippu wo kuda- sai for how many days i3 this ticket available.' kono kiprm wa iku-nichi tsUkaemasfi kaf Railway 208 Raise does this ticket allow nie to break tlie journey.^ koyio kippu de todiu-gesha ga deki- masii kn! porter akabo I have three pieces of lug- gage in all minna de nimo- ttH fia mittni arimnsu can I take this into the car- riage/ kono nimotsu tva khha no iial-n e isslto ni motte ikemasu kn.' put these tilings in a rikisha kcre wo kumma ni noscte o kure 1 want to olieck this luggage kono ■nimotsu tro azuketai cloak-room nimotsu wo azu- keru tokoro See LuoGAOE information office (nt some of the principal stations) tetsiX- do-ani)'us}io is this the train for Kyoto? korc wa Kyoto jiuki desU k noi.ii-mono; (received from another) 170 ckiso; (offer- ed to unotlier) mes/tiagari- mono Refuse kotowaru I r...ed to do so so suru no tva kotowarimashUa to flatly r. . . kippari koto- waru Refute ii-kome'ru Regard (for another's feeling) earyo give my kind r...3 to your family mina san ni yoro- sKiku he sent his kind r. . .3 yoro- sliiku iimashita in r. . . to ju tsuite Region (district) chiho Register to r... a letter tegami wo kaki-tome ni suru a r...ed letter itaA:i-to/«« no tegami please r. . . this lettfer kono tegami wo kaki-tonie ni shite kudasai receipt for r...ed letter fcati- toine no uke-tori hotel-r . . . yado-cho Regret (repent) kokai suru I r . . , it for your sake o kinodoku sama niucli as 1 r... it still — zannen de^a ga — I r... tliat he cannot come an*) liito gu korarc-nai de z'nineH dc.sil Regular (conformed to rule) kiiHiitlu; (usual) fuUm no; (securing at fLxed intervals) , teiki no at r. . . periods toki wo kifie \u I . . . older jun ni Regulation (nilf) kisok-u Reign v. i. kuui uo osameru itiirule over a country]; ku- mi ni iru I to be iu the tlirone) I Rein taziina Rejoice 21^ Remind Rejoice V. J. tanoshimu: yoro- kobu Relate (to tell) hanasiX Relation (kinsman) thinrui; (narration) hanashi; (con- nection between persons or circumstances) kankei is he a r . . . of yours? ano hUo wa go shinrui desu kat what r . . . is he to you? anata no da iu go shinrui desH ka! in r ... to ni tsuite to have r. . .s with to/tsukiau Relatively (comparatively) tea - ri ni Reliable (person) ate ni nam; (information) tashika na Relief (comfort) rakii; fof mmd)' anshin; (carving) uki-bori that is a great r . . . anshin shimashUa to give r... (of a medicine) ga/kiku to have r. . . (from pain) raku ni nam Relieve (give aid to) taniMe yaru; (give peace of mind to) anshin saseru: (eive comfort to) rak-u ni shite yaru to r... nature bcnio e iku ReliEion shiikyo the Sfiinto r. . . Skinto the Buddhist r. . . Bukkvo tJie Christian r. . . Kirisittokyo Rety to r. . . on (a person) wo/ate nisuru It... on you anata wo, ate ni ahimasu; anata ni makasemasH can I r. . . upon^ it? daijobu desi kai yoa can r... upon it daijobu tUsH Remain nokom; (stay) tomaru to r. . . behind (after others' departure) i-ttoitoru to r. . . in the same state sono mama ni natte i'ru to r. . . the night tomaru I shall r. . . here 4 days yokka koko ni tomarimashS r. . .der nokori it won't r... closed (al- though I have shut \t several times) ikura shimete modame 1 will r. . . in Nagasaki until September ku-gatsv, made Naqasaki ni imasho Remedy v. t. naosO, what can be done to r... this? kore uo naosu no niwa do shilara ii desho ? Remember (have memory of) oboete iru; wasure-nai [to forget not] to r. . . to have seen mi-obot ga am can you r. . . what he said? ano hito no itta kola wo oboete imasu ka? I cannot r. . . oboemasen; (can- not recall this moment) oinoi- dasenwseu 1 do not r... the exact num- ber tashika na kazu wo oboete imasen I don't r. . . saying so sonna koto wo itla oboe wa nut r. . . tJtLs well kore wo yoku oboete ite o kure please r. . .to call me at 7 shi- eki-ji ni wasure-nai de okoshite kure as far as I r. . . wataktishi no oboete iru tokoro de wa a geisha called Tora if I r. . . rightly r»r« to ka iu geisha r... me to Mr. Tanaka Ta- naka San ni yoroshiku he wished to be r...ed to you yoroshiku LimasMta Remind wasure-^iai yd ni w Remind 213 Resolve r. . . me to send off the letter tegami wo duini no tvo wasure- nai yd ni itic o kure that man r . . . s me of my father ano Mto no yosu wo miru to chichi tvo omoi-dasa- shitna.tH Remittance okuri-kin Renew .a dare no sekiidn dcxii krtf if auythHig is lost you are r... for it nani ka nnku- nareba sore wa anata no seJdnin da a r. . . person tislnka iin hito Rest (iom;iin(ler) nokori; ato; (jepo-e) o ycL^umi OA ior the r . . . cJo un I want r. . . yaxunuUii to r. . . y.iHUvvi r. . . a moment sukoshi o ya- sumi na^ai it T...'^ with you amitj dake no ki.tj degu Restaurant ryeri-ya; (for Eiinipean food) i/'ii/orj/dri- ya; (tca-hcuse) cha^a Restore (s;ive buck) kaem; (mend) )ia««u Result kekka as a natural r. . . thizen no kf-kka de final r . . . agdcH no hate without r. . . luuda ni to r. . . from kara/okoru Retail ko-uri Retire (withdraw) Mku: hik- komu Return (come back) kaem; (give back) kaeiu when will he T...f UsA kae- rimasu ka? he has not r...ed mada kaeriniasen I wiih to r... home udri e kaeritai when do you r... to your country.? ttetl a kuni e karrinMsa ka? please r . . . that pen sono pen wo kafr'iHe Irudasai please r... tiie book I lent you kaahile ageta hon wo kaeshile kudasai how much does it cost to go to KauiakUT-a and r...? Kam'ikura made ofuku ikura dcsu ka? I waiit a l.-t class r... ticket to Kobe )<-to no ofuku- ffifjpu ICO Kobe made ichi- mM kiidasai by r . . . of post sugu ni [im- jucdiatcly] in r . . . for ret ni on the r. . .journey kaeri ni r. . .-ticket oiuku-(rippu Revenge iahu-nnesld to r... (one's selO ni/ishU' gaexbi wu sum; (a person wronged) no/kataki wo uteti Review (milit.) kampeishiki; (inas-'azine) hyoron Revolution (political) kakumei Reward ii mukui; o rei; go hobi to offer a r. . . sho wo kake'ni to r. . . mukui'ru Rheumatism ryomachi Rib abnnirbone Ribbon rihon; himo Rice 216 Rlklsba Rfce (the plant) ine; (raw grain) kome: (cooked) gohan; meski to cook r... gohan tco taku r. . .-field ta r...-tub (for cooked rice) o-ftacJd Rich kanemochi na r. . .69 (wealth) tomt Rid to get r... of noke'ru; (a Bervant, etc.) yosase'ru I have not yet got r. . . of my cold mada kaze ga nuke- nai I wish to get r. . . of these things kore wo noketai I got r... of him by means of a lie uso wo iite kaeshiia \I told a lie and made him return] Ride Tioru; (a horse) ima ni noru he r. . .9 well jozu ni Htna ni norimasH do you know how to r...? uma ni noremasil ka? to go for a r . . . Uma ni notteiku Ridiculous bakarashii; baka na dont be r... baka na koto u>o iu na he made himself r. . . Mto ni tcaraivareru koto wo shima- shita Right (not left) migi; (correct. ju.st) moUomo; ?i desa all tbe s. . . (neverthelees) ken- domo Satne 220 Say Say 221 Screen at the s. . . time (neverthe- less) kerredomo; (not later) doji ni it is always the s. . . thhig itsU, de mo cmaji l.oto da not quite the s... mkkari onaji de um 7iai this is not the s. . . as that kore loa sore to chiyiiniAsu is tliis the s. . . cup I had last night? kono cliauan ua sa- kuban no to onaji no rfesa t*.- they are living in tlie s... house h'dMu no uchi -hi imasu tiie s. . . aiiirle onaji mono the s... thing onaji kcto tlie s. . . person onaji hlto tlie «... as before mae U> onaji the s... as pattern mifwn to onaji the s... as usual ilsH mo to onaji the s. . . sort of onaji yo na in the s... way o^iaji yo ni the very s . . . one magire mo naku onaji mono the very s... thing (exactly alike, but not the same individual) sukoM mo chi- gawa-nai mono do tlie 8... onaji koto wo o ihi nasai Sample mihon I want some 3. . .s mihon ga hoshii to be below a... mihon yori warui to be up to B... miJion-ddri de aru Sand suna B...-banl£ «u 6. . .-paper yasuri-gami e . . . y sunappoi Sandal zori Sardine iwashi Sash olii See BELT Satin shusii Satisfactory is it s...? ki ni irima- shlUi ka ? Cfln you alter it so as to make it s . . . ? Ai «i ira yd ni nao- semaau, ka ? Satisfy nianzoku sase'ru to be s...ied mcmzoku shite iru it does not s . . . me manzoku (ta dfki-nui are you s...ied with it? sore dr. a dfsu ka} Saturday doyO-bi Sauce MgU; kake-shiru; (soy) shoyu Saucepan nabe Saucer soia Savaxe (noun) yahan-jin Save (preserve from injury) tasHkeru; (put by) tameru s me! tnsuketel to s. . . appearances (aimen wo tamotsu to s. . . time jikan wo habuku to s... trouble fe wohabuku all 6. . . Iiini ano hllo no hoka mintM Saw nokogiri Say iu; hanasO,; miJsit; iu is probably the conunonest word but is often confus- ing for a beginner as many of its forms are rather like those of the verb iru, to be) what did you s...? nan to iimashita kai please repeat what you said mo ichi-do luitianhUe kudasai you said so anata ga so iitna' shita what did he s... then? sore de nan to iimashUa kaf everybody s. . .s so dare de mo so iimasH what do you s... to that? sore tva do omoimasu kaf ikaga desu ka? what did you s . . . to that? do iimashUa ka? I cannot s... that — — to wa ie-nai I cannot 8 . . . that she is pretty ano hlto wa kirei d to wa ie-nai he S...3 tliat — ano hUo no /lanashi ni wa — he S...3 that it is hot ano hito no lianashi ni wa atsui so desU he said " ■ - " ano hito wa " — " to iimashUa he said " Come with me " ano hUo wa insho ni o-ide nasai to iimashita I need not s . . . that — hanasu made mo nai I s . . . ! (exclamatory) md; (to call attention) -moshi moshi; ano ne; chotto it goes without s...ing iu made mo nai koto da it is said that — — 40 desa he is said to be rich ano hito vm kanemochi da so desu, 8... 10 yen tnazu ju^en 80 to s. . . iuMba that is to s . . . ii-kacrcba I am sorry to s... — kana^ shii keredomo — I have notliing to s. . . against it sore ni taishite iu koto wa arimasen as I have just said ima itta tori «... it in English please Ei-go de iUe kudasai Saying (proverb) kotowaza — as the s ... is — to iu koto- waza no tori Scales (pair of) hakari; (of a fisli) uroko Scandalous kegarawashii Sc^r kizu-vto Scarce ai'ikunai it is very s . . . taihen suL-unai Scarcely yatto I s . . . know yoku shiri- masen he s. . . liad left when I arrived ano h'lto ga tatta ka, tnta-nai ni W'llukushi wa tsukimashita there i;; s . . . any left ikurarno nokotte i-nai s. . . ever mella ni with neg. Scavenger (dust-man) gomi-ya; (of niglit soil) soji-ya Scenery (landscape) keshiki tlie s... is beautiful keshiki ga ii Scent (perfume) nioi; (liquid) kosui Scheme ku/H Scholar (student) seito; (learned man) gakHsha School gakko to go to s... gakko e itte i'ru s. . .-child seilo a. . .-teacher sensei public-8. . . koritsu-gakko Science gakumun, kagaku Scissors hasatni Scold shikaru; kogoto u)0 iu Scoundrel gorolsiifd Scratch (an itching place) kaku: (inflicting a wound, as a cat) hiklMku to 8. . . out kezuru Scream sakebu Screen (folding) bydbu; (one leaf) tsuitate; (in a Japanese house the sUding scieeoft Screen 222 See covered with translucent piper are called skSji; those covered with wail paper or cloth are called fusuma, or kara-kami) to set up a 3... byobu u>o tateru to s. . . (from puaishment) kakumau Screw neji; (propeller) puropera 8. . .-driver neji-mauxuM to s. . . neiiru Scrub kosiiru Sculptor horirtumo-sM Scuttle (coal) surm-tori (this is a basket or box for holdiiig charcoal) Sea umi at 9. . . umi de 8. . .-water umi no mizu to be s. . .-sick lune ni you i am 8... -sick fune ni yoi- mashUit is the s. . . generally smooth? umi wa itsu mo odayaka desu ka? the s. . . is rough umi ga areie imasH the s . . . is sometimes rough when there is a west wind nishi-kaze ga liiku to loki- doki umi ga aremam B. . .-breeze shio-kaze. 8... -side kttigan to go by s... tune de Hat heavy s . . . 6-nami Seal (signet) han to s . . . ni/han wo osu please s... this kare ni han wo oshite kudasai Search (look for) stHWcd Season jistinu at this 8... ima jUmn uxi oat of a. . . yiitd huure no to be in 8... (food) shun de aru rainy s... nyubai (about 3 weeks from about the mid- dle of June) Seat (chair) isu; koshi-kake; (bench) nagai koxhi-kake pray take as... dozo o kake nasai is this s . . . engaged? koko wa aite imam ka? keep this s . . . for me please koko ivo totte oite kudasai pardon me this is my s. . . shitsdrei desu ga koko wa watakiishi no tokoro desU excuse me but I ra'served this s . . . skiUurei desu ga koko ton uxdakushi ga totte oita tokoro desu is there still a s... free.' aite iru tokoro ga arimatu ka! shall we change s...a* basho wo kaemasho kaf Second (in number) ni-ban- me no; (measure of time) byo 8... time ni-do-me 8... diZ.y futsuka-me 8... day of the month juisuka 8 . . . class ni-to; ehOto Second-hand (urui I waut a s... one furui no ga hoshii as... book furu-hon Secret tiaisho no keep it s . . . please naisho ni sliUe kudasai s...Iy naislio de Secretary shoki Secure daijubu na to 5... daijobu ni sum Security (financial) teiio Sedan-chair kago Seduce kudoki-oU>sii See miru,- goran nasaru (polit«) I wish to s... if milai See 223 See 1 hav«* never s. . .n it mita koto ga arimasen I can't 3. . . it miemasen may I s. . . it* mirarema- sho ka? what is there to be s . . . n here.' konv kinjo de miru tuhrro wa doko desu ka? worth s. . .ing mini yd na 8... here goran nasai; (to call attention) ano ne did you s....* miinashita ka? let me s. . . your tongue shita too misete kudasai (show me your tongue please] let me s... o mise nasai; (when considering a question) e to please let me s . . . some better ones jMoao ii no wo misete kudasai please let me s . . . some cheaper ones vwlto yusui no wo misete kudasai I wish to s . . . your master shujin ni aitai can Is... Mr. Nakamura.' Sakamura San ni o me ni kakaremasu ka? I'll 8. . . you to-morrow myo- nichi o me ni kakarimashu I went to s. . . him ano hiro ni ai ni ikimashUa; (more social) ano h'do wo tazune- mashita when can Is... Mr. Tana- be? itsa Tanabe San ni ae- masa ka? 1 have not 8. . .n you for a long time shibaraku desMla you'll 8. . . ima ni lOfikaru detM yes Is... it now ^1 ima wakarimashiia I don't 8 . . . bow a thing I put here only a moment ago could disappear of itself ima koko e oiti mono ga hitori de nakunaru hazu wa tuti s . . . if you can open It akete goran tmsai touch it and s . . . whether it is hot or cold atsui ka ty.ume- tai ka te wo atete goran nasai s. . . if this will do? kore de ii desho ka ? 3 • • . after the luggage nimo- tsU ni ki ivo Isukcte o kure will you s... to it please? do ni ka shite o kure please s... to the child a moment kodomo wo chotio mite ite kudasai to s. . . about (inquire) sAira- bete miru ; (consider) kan- gaete miru; (arrange things) do ka sum 1 will s . . . about it shirabete mimasho to 8... off (on a journey) mi-okuru I'll go to the station to s. . . him olf tHshaba e itiiokuri ni ikima.sho to send and s. . . mi ni yam to go and 3. .'. ittc miru let us go and s... Ute mi- mas/io go .and s. . . if the mail steamer has arrived yubin- sen ga tsuita ka, it^e mite o kure I s . . . I naruhodo] to s... into (examine) sin- raberu See is often not translated. I s; . . that Mr. Smitli has returned Smith San ga kaette kimashUa \Mi. Smith has returned) Is... that your servant has come hack nnata xw iochU See 224 Send ga kaette kimasMia nef (the woM ne is about equivalent to: isn't that so?) Seed tune Seem mierti; also expr. by — rashn; so da; yd da it S...S so miemasu it 8...S dirty kitanarashii it 8... 8 true honloraskii it s . . . s good iiraskii a thing that s . . . s difficult muzuk-fishi-so na koto a face that s. . .s happy ure- shi-so na kao so it would s ... so da so da it 8...S as if it would ra;u ame ga ftiri so da it s . . . 3 as if there is going to be a quarrel kenka ni nari-so da the fire s...s to Tiave gone out hi ga kieta yo da no one s . . . s to be coining dare jiw ko-nai yo desu ne it 3. . .8 to me waiakuski no omou ni wa Seize (grasp) tsukamae'ru Seldom tama ni; metta ni with neg. he 8. . . comes tama ni kimasH often tran. by aneg. sentence I have s . . . seen any amari tniUi koto ga nai it 8 . . . SBOws yuki ga metta ni fttrimasen It 8 . . . happens $5 arimasen it very s . . . happens mezura- «^i koto desa Select (choose) erabu Self jibun; (ateo) mo be did it himself ano hito wa fibmi de sHmashita I want it mys. . . jibunno ni irinuuH go youis... jibun de o iJci nuai by ones. . . (alone) Mtori de; (without help) hitori de wa I can't do it by mys. . . MtorL de UM dekimasen I mys. . . can't do it waia- knshi mo dekimasen s . . . ish wagamama na Self-conceit imubore 8. . .-respect jicho Sell uru doo9 it s . . . .* UTemasH kat would you be willing to s... this? kore tea yuzvtte itada- kemasH ka? how much will you s . . . this for.' kore wa ikkra desU kat to be sold (for sale) uri-mono; (flg.) damasare'ru to be sold out un-kire'ru that's as... (hoax) ippai ktttta Send (a person, towards one) i/okosu; (a person, away from one) yam; (a thing, a long distance) okuru; (a thing, a short distance) todokeru; (by post) dasa 8 . . . the maid here please jochU wo kochira ni yo/bo- shite kudasai please s. . . a messenger tgfikai too yaiie kudasai please s... for the doctor o itha wo yobi ni i/atU lot dasai please s... to my room for my hat hey a ni hoshi too tori ni yatte kudasai I wish to s. . . somebody to Tokyo dare ka Tokyo e tsUkai ni yaritai. I will s. . . for it dare ka tori ni yarinuuho please s. . . this package to Tokyo kono nimotsU wo Tokyo e okutte kudatai Send 225 Servant how shall I 8... it.' io shite okurimasho ka? please a. . . this to my house kore wo uchi ni todokete kudasai please s... this package to Tokyo (by post) kono nimo- tsU wo ^ Tokyo e dashxte kudasai has anybody sent for me? dare ka yobi ni kimashiia kaf fcome to call me] he sent word to say he could, not come korare-nai to mo- shiie kimashita to s . . . away (dismiss from service) dasu; (drive away) nigasH; oi-dashUe shimau to s . . . back kaesH to 9 . . . by a messenger tsU- kai de yaru' to s . . . a message kotozuke wo suru to B . . . to the wash sentaku ni yaru to 8... to be mended nao- ski ni yaru Sense a man of good s. . . mono no wakaOa hito as... of inseciirity /tt-«mWn no kimochi common s . . . josMki (not In such frequent use as the English expression) have you taken leave of your s . . s? anata wa kidemo ehi- oaMa no desa ka* B. . .less (foolish) bakaraskii Sensible mono no wakatta Sentence (gram.) buraho; (judg- ment) senkoku Sentimental kanjoteki na Sentinel bampei Separate (of tiungg which nave jiot been umted) beUit no; (of things wh'ch have been united) hanareta to s... (intr.) hanare'ru; (trans.) hanasiX s. . .ly betsiX-betsO, ni the parts are not sold 8, ..ly betsu-bet.ni ni urematen September ku-gatsU Serious (grave in maimer) majime na a 8... man majime na Mto as... matter taihen «« kot» it is nothing 8 taitkita koto ja nai 8...1y majime ni. Serpent fiebi Servant koko-nin; (male in A hotel comm»idy caUe4) Wt; (female) jochU; gejo I want to engage a boy who can cook. European food and speak a little English seiyo-rydri gn dekite Ei'^ wo sukoshi hatuueru bSi wo yatoUai s...'8 agency kuchOre-ya: keian to engage as... (female) /o* ehU wo yatou where was your last situa- tion ? kono mae iea d»ko ni immshUa ka f how long were you there T dono gurai wfconi trrmshUa^ kat why did you leaveT' note d4» mashila ka t did you. leave of your owb accord or were you dismis* sed? jibun de deta no detHka soretomodasareianc desUktit What wages did you receiyef gdcjcyu wa ikura deshUa kit f are you married or single f kUori-mono dtmi kat [aM you single T] Servant 226 Several how old are you? toshi iva iku- tsUf you must give me a month's notice if at any time you wteh to leave hima go. toritai toki ni tva kUo-tsuki niae ni shirase-nakereba ikemasen Serve (work for) tsulome'ru to s . . . the purpose ma ni au to make s . . . the purpose ma «t aiense'TU I will make it s . . . the pur- pose temporarily kari ni ma ni cuvaienuuho if I can 8 . . . you in any way please let me know waUi- kilski ni detiru koto ga areba iiti kudasai it 8. . .s you right btichi ga atatta no da Service (assistance rendered) snva; (orrupation of a servant) ?i6k6 I want you to do me as... sOkoshi o negai shitai koto ga arimasH he his done me a great s. . . taihen setoa ni narimashita of no B . . . (use) yaku ni lata- nai is this of any 8... to you? kore ga irin%a»ii ka? will you enter my s...? tcatakiiski no tokoro de tsulo- meviasen kat Set (place) oku; (a jewel) hameru; (go below the horizon) hairu to 8 . . . a bone hone wo tsugu to 8,.. an example rei wo tnise'ru to s. . . down orosa to 8... down in writing kaki-tomeru; kaki-tomete ok-u to 8. . . forth (show) tftime- ti; miie'ru to 3... going ugokasu to a... up (erect) tateru to 8 . . . up in tnule shobai too haiimeru to s . . . apart totte oku to s . . . out on a journey tabi-dachi wo sum to s . . . on fire ni/hi too tsukeru to 8 . . . riglit naostX it S...8 my teeth on edge ha ga ukinuj.fu hurry up and s . . . ahout it hayaku hafimete o kure the sun has s... hi ga hai- rimashUa the 8.. .ting-sun iri-hi suns ... hi no iri as... (of things of the same kind) kumi Settle (fix) k-ime'ni to be s...d (fixed, establi- shed) k~imaru; (one's resi- dence) ochi-tsuite iru to 8. . . a bill Kirci ni kanjo wo sum; seuan sum let us s. . . this nfatter mo kore wa k-itnete shiinaima- sko that s. . .8 it sore de kimatta Settlement (of an affair) raku- chaku; (of an account) kanjo-barai Seven nanatsU; shtchi; nana Sew nuu to s... on nui-ts'ike'ru; (so as to lengthen) nui-tasu please s. . . on this button kono bolan wo nui-tsukeU kudasai Several iro-iro no; U.-utsU ka for 8. . . days gc-roku-nichi [5 or 6 days] 8 . . . persons iku-nin ka no hiio 8. . . times ik-u-labi ka; tabi-tabi Several 227 Shine I have told you this s . . . times kore wa tubi-tabihatM- shite okimashUa I asked at s. . . ^hop?! hut I could Hfit set it hobo no miu' wo tizunemashili ga, arimasen deshUa Sex sei (in Japane;es this stuff s . . . .* ko7u> hire wa chijimimasH kaf Shudder fume'ru it makes me s. . . kimi gawa- rui Shut shime'ru B. . . the door to wo shimeU o kure 3. . . np damari nasai to B. . . the eyes me wo tsuburu; we wo tofi'm to s... up (a house) shime- 'ru; (an umbrella) tsubome- 'ru; (a person, as in a room) tojikome'ru at what time do you s . . . (the shop).* iku-ji ni mise wo shimemasu ka? the door does not s . . i right to ga chanto shimarimaseii Shutter mxido no to Shy vbchirki na to feel s... kazukashigaru are you s . . . .* hazukashii no desH kat don't be s. . . hazukashigatte wa ikemasen I feel s . . , kimari ga warui Siberia Shiberia Sick bydki to be 8. . . (ill) byoki de aru to feel 3 . . . karada ga warui; (sickly feeling in the sto- mach) mune ga warui I feel s... watakiishi wa karada ga warui are you a....' anata wa go byoki desH ka? to feel 3... of ni/aki'ru to be sea-8. . . fune ni you I am sea-3... fune ni yoi- mashita Side (position, direction, etc.) ho; (of a thing) waki; poko this s... kono ho; kochira; kotchi that 8. . . sono ho; achvra; atchi one s. . . katap-po both 8. ..8 ryo-ho all 8. . .8 hobo ■the opposite s. . . mukS by the a. . . of (close to) no soba ni Side 230 Simple teatakfishi no migi-hi- — on the de wa — by my soha ni from 9. . . to ' darini on the one s. . other — ip-po t'l-lio de wa — on this s. . . o1 no teniae ni s. . . by s. . . narande this s... lip with care uwa- muki yojin on wliich a...? dotchi no ho ni? on the left s... hidari no ho ni the wrong s. . . (of a piece of cloth) ura the riglit s. . . (of a piece of elotli) omote to go tottie others... muho e iku on each 3 . . . ryo-nawa ni to s . . . with no/kata uo motsA sieve umgouhi Sigh tcDiieiki to s . . . Utmeiki wo sum Sight it is an unpleasant a... w(im no ica iya da I liate tlie s... of tiim mim no mo iya da as... worth seeing miru yd na mono s. . .9 (of a locality) meisho what S...9 are there to be seen in this place.? kono kinio de mini tokoro iva doko dem kaf to go about 9... -seeing kem- bulsu sum I only know him by s... kao dake xhitte imasfi a pereon one does not know by a. . . miUi koto mo nai hito my B . . . is bad me ga tMtrui to be in a. . . mie'ru out of s. . . mir-mn to lose s... of mi-ushinau to lose s. . . of somebody (to know no more about him) do sh'iia ka shira-nai Sign (visible mark) skiru.'-hi s. . .-board kamban to s... namae wo kaku please s. . . your name imnuie J'o kaitc kudami to s... and seal namae wo kaile lian wo oi»'i (tlie seal is generally of more import- ance than the signature proper) where am I to sign my name? doko ni na wo kaku no desA? Signal aizu; sJiinjo Signature jibun de kaita na- mae: (seal) han (the seal ia generally of mure importance tliaii the signature proper) Silence shiziika na koto B... jilease shizuka ni shite kvdiiwi be siltMit dnmari nasai Silk (woven) kinu floss s . . . muwata 8...-.'itore kinu-inmw wo ura misr 3. . .worm kaiko s...\vonn cocoon m/iyu Silly baka na dont be s. . . tuika na koto wo ill na (dont say silly thingsl Silver oin; (adj.) gin no s . . . money giJika s. . .-plated gim-mekki 8. . .sniitli kazari-ya s. . . ware frin-zaiku Simple (easy) yasashii; (plain, unadorned) kazari no nai; (simple-minded) mujaki na Sin 231 Sky Sin isumi to s... tvnnv. koto wo sum [to do something wrong] Since kara a... limn sono ioki kara; sono nnchi s... 1 iiave come to Yoko- kama I feel somewliat l>et- ter YokohrmM e k'te kara sUkoaki yokxi 7Mrimash'\t/i 8... I was passing your gate kado wo torlmashiUi kara s. . . you will not come with me anala ya issho ?u ika- rmi kara why don't you go 9. . . I told you ? iki nasai to itta no Hi naze ikimascn ka ? w. . ■ 3 Diontlis mi-tsitki mae kara it is long s. . . I had the pleasure of seeing you shiba- ratu o me ni kakarimasen desh 'ita it is ten minutes s. . . 1 met hiin ano h'do ni jip-pun mae ni aimasliUa Sincere vuikuto no Sing utau; (of a bird) naku to s. . . a song itta vm utau 8. . .ing-giil geisha Single hitotsU no as... man (unmarried) hitori- mono without a s... umbrella kasa ip-pon mo nashi de there is not as... one hito- tsU mo aritnasen s. . . (not return-ticket) kata- michi Singular mezurashii; hen na; Idshiyi na Sink V. i. shizumu Sister onna no kyodai elder s. . . ne-san younger 9 . . . imoto Sit (on a chair) kake'ru; ko- sh i.-kake'ru; (-iit on the floor crDss-legged like Japanese rn'-n) aijura wo kaku; (-it on tlie floor like Japanese wo- men, i e. kneeling and sitting on heels) suwaru pli-ase s . . . down (on a chair) dozo o kake kudasai please 9. . . on a cushion o shiki kudasai (you dont invite a person to sit on the floor in a Japanese room, but when sitting you invite him to draw a cushion under himsell) R.. .tiiiy-room i-ma Site (for building on) shikichi; (situation) basho Situation (site) basho; (employ- ment) kuchi; (circumstances) baai to look for a 3 . . . kuchi wo sagasH to lose one's s . . . yosase- rareru Six muttsii; roku; mu six of one and half a dozen of the other nitari yottari no koto Size okisa; (bulk) kasa according to s... okisa ni ycUe medium 3. . . chO, gurai no okisa wliat 8...? (number, as of boots, hats, etc.) nam-ban- wliat is al)out the a....^ okisa wa dono gurai desu kaf Skeleton (human) gaikotsU; (ol an animal) hotie Sketch (rough drawing) e-zu Skilful jozu na akin kawa Sky 8ora a. . .-blue snra-dro Slander 232 Smoke Slander to s . . . (somebody) no koto v:o/waruku iu Slate aeki-ban s. . .-ix'iicil seki-hilsu Slave dorci Sleep V. i. nemuru; ne'ru to be ;ililo to s... nerare'Tu I slept wtll yoku nemasMta I luivc not slept tlie wl>ole iii;ilit hito-txtn-jCi neraremanen I uiii s. . .y ncmiUai (colloquial ciiiitiuctioii of nemurUai) Sleeping-car ahindai-sha SIct.'vc .vof/c; tamoto to laugh in one's 3... ham no vata de wurau I ;;;\i sure he has got some- tliiiis up his s... hara «t mnii hi aru ni ehigai tiai \ S'-cj /.ire I Slide V. i. suberu Slight (of figure) hossori shUn Slip suberu s . . . pevy subekkoi SHppcr uwa-gutsu Sloping nnname ni natte iru Slovenly zoazai ni Slow (beliiiid the time) osoi; (not quick in motion) noroi to be s... (of H wat^h) oku- retf. iru; (in understanding) ivakari na warui s . . . !y noroku; (good sense) yukkuri; (bad sense) guzu- i/uzu; (of locon.otion, in a Kood sense) soro-soro; (of locomotion, in a bad sense) ■tioso-iioso; noro-noro please speak s. . .ly dozo yuk- kvri hanashiU kudasai lie SI loke too s . . . ly ano Mto wa amari noroku hanashima- shittt Sly zunii s. . .!y koso-koio to Small chH!r i Sinart fele;;ant in dress, witli forei'-jM t^mlencies) haikara vn; (iti a jiure Jnpaese way) o share mi; (clever) subashik- koi to s. . . shimiru i-'mash V. t. kowiisu to lie s...ed koivurde iru Smell nioi; (in a bad sense) whnt a s...! A-i'twi, kOsail wliat a fearful s...! nani ka hidoku kOfidi to s. . . nioi ga suru 1 can s... it nioi rja sMmasu )t S...S like an apple ringo no yd na nioi ga sliimasic it s. . .s of sweat ase-kusai Smile V. i. niku-niko suru Smoke keiiuiri to s... (emit smoke) knnuru; (use teak s . . . ly Misai koe de o hanashi nasai Soil (earth) Uuchi to B . . . yogosH; kiianaku sunt to be s. . .ed yogorete i'ru to become 8...ed yogore'ru; hUanaku nam 8...ed yogoreta; kitanai Soldier hedai Sole (of a boot) soko; (of tlie foot) ashi ru) ura StM (hard) katai; (not hollow) $H»iiu; (strong) jobu na Some I have 8. . . arimasC I want 8... water mizu too ktidasai please buy b. . . of them dore ka katte ktidasai there must be 8. . . reason for it sore ni tea nani ka toake ga am ni ehigai nai at s. . . time or other itsU ha 8. . . time to-day kyo-ju ni B... time next week raishU no uchi ilsU ka s. . . i)ersoiis say — — to tu hUo mo am B. . . sayyes 9nd s. . . sayno so da to iu hUo mo ari, so de nai to iu hilo mo arimasH s. . . tables have three legs sam-bon ashi no tebum mo am s . . . of tliem are better than others naka ni tea ii no mo aru 8... went, others remained behind itta hito mo ari nokotta hUo mo arimashifa 8... of the singing-girls are very pretty geisfia -no uchi ni tea taihen kirei na no ga imasH there is s. . . (emphasised) not koto UM nai to s. . . extent mazu 8... one. See samkbody 8. . . other time ato de sprinkle s... there sukoshi soko e iuri-kakete o kure [sprinkle a little there] s. . . more (in addition) nu3tto; (left) mada I want s. . . more naUs motto ktiffi ga irimasU tliere are s . . . more in my room tiiatahuski no heya m mada arimasfi %... time shibaraku I have not been to Tokyo for 3. . . time shibaraku Tokyo e ikimasen Somebody dare ka; am hito 8 . . . else (not this person) dare ka hoka no hUo ; (an action whicli is repeated) mata dare ka 8. . . else has come mata dare ka kimasMia 8 . . . said so so itta hito ga am here is s . . . 's hat koko ni dare ka no boshi ga arimasH this belongs to s . . . kore tva Mio no mono desii he was speaking with s . . . hUo to hanashi too sMte ima- shita Somehow do ka 8 . . . or other (if not in this way, in that) do ka ko ka; (1 don't know in which way) do ka guru to I will do it s . . . or other do ka ko ka shimasho this must open s . . . or other but rMon't know how do ka suru to aku no desH ga do sum no da ka wakarimasen B... I don't feel well today nan da ka kyo toa guai ga voami Something nani ka 8. . . else nani ka lioka no mono take some fruit or s . . . kuda- mono ka nan ka o agari nasai I am afraid that s . . . has happened nani ka aUa no ka mo shire-nai tkere must be s. . . the mat- ter with him ano kilo uxi do ka shita ni ehigai nai I want to speak to you about s . . . o hanashi shitai koto ga am the carpenter came and said s . . . about his not being able perhaps to come to- morrow daiku ga kite ashita tea korare-nai ka mo skire nai to ka nan to ka iimashUa Sometimes toki-doki it is s . . . used 0ki-doki tsU- kaimas^ Somewhat ikura ka; sUkoshi Somewhere doko ka he lives s . . . in this neigh- bourhood doko ka kono kinjo ni sunde imasO, it must be s . . . kitto doko ni ha aru desho I want to go s. . . (W.C.) benjo tea doko desH ka? [where is there a W. CJ] 8 . . . about (place or time) atari 8... else doko ka hoka no tokoro Son musUko my s . . . uchi no musiiko your s. . . musiiko san 8. . .-in-law nmko Song xtia please sing a s . . . dozo tUa ujo utatte kudasai Soon (in a short time) jiki ni; (of days or longer periods) chikai uchi ni; (early) haya ku come back again a... yikini o kaeri nasai will the bridge be finished s. . J hashi wa ddkai ttchi ni deki-agarimasit ka? he ought to be back 8. . . mo kaette kuru hazu desH it will 3 ... he ready mo jiki dekimasH Soon 236 Sour Source 237 Speed as s... aa (with a future) past cond. foil, by sugu ni; (with a present or past) infinitive foil, by to sugu ni please send it as s... as it is ready dekitara swju ni okutte kudasai as s... as he came kuru to sugu ni as 8 . . . as possible dekiru- dake hayaku, as s... as convenient tsugu shidai B. . .er or later osokare;hayakare Sore D. kizu a... (painful) iiai Sorry I am s. . . (for that) oshii koto desu.; warui koto deshila ne I am s... (for you) o kino- doku desH I am 3... (filled with regret) zanncn da ga I am s... that we must part zannen da ga o wakare ihimaslio I am s. . . (for a fault) sumi- masen dcslnla I am s... to give you so much trouble o te-kazu wo kakete sumimasen I am not very strontr, I am 8..-. to say atnari johu de nakute kontarimasC 1 am s. . . to hear that sore wa ike-nai koto desu tie I gave away that book and now I am s. . . I did so ano hon wo h'Uo ni yuttx ga itiia de wa oshlkiMc lainura-mii I am s. . . to trouble you but would you please lielp me a moment? o kinodokn dfsu ga, chclto te wo kashlte kuda- saimasen kat I am s... but I "cannot let you have it by tomorrow o kinodoku desH ga, ashUa made ni wa dekimasen Sort (kind) shurui; (of persons) tachi what s...? donna shuruif do ill? all s. . .9 of iro-iro no different s. . .s of iro-iro no one of each s... chigatla no wo hUotsii-zutsU this s . . . of person ko iu hito that 9... of person I like so iu hito ga suki dcsti a good s... of fellow taehi no a hito tliat 3. . . of (i iu; so iu tliis s. . . of Ao iu what s... of man is he.* do iu hito desa? that is not the right s... so iu no ja nai the sajne s . . . of onaji yd na he is out of 9...s (it seems) do ka sh'itimsKii one s. . . hUo-iro two S...S iiita-iro how many s. . .s ? iku-iro f See KIND to s. . . yori-wake'ru Sound (noise) oto 8. . . (free from defect) kizu no nai; (healthy) jobu na to s . . . (appear) kikoe'ru that s. . .s funny sore wa hen ni kU:oemasu that S...S very pretty sor$ tva kirei ni IdkocmasH Soup soppu; sui-mono Sour suppai; sui this fruit is s... kono kudo- mono wa suvpci a s... face niga-nigashii kao to turn s . . . suppaku nam Source (of a river) minamoto: (origin) moto South minami s. . . wind viinami-kaze Spade saki (in^^tead of a spade the Japanese ccmimonly use a kind of lioc kiiwa) Spain Hiipeiti Spare (dcjirive one's self of by being frugnl) kenj/aku suru; (forbear to inflict hanu) yurusu can you s... this book for a little while.' koyio hon wo sUkoshi kashile, htdasaimasen kal [wi'nt you lind ine this book a little while?] can you s... tinie.^ o hiuta ga arimanu kaf not to s . . . pains hone wo oshiina-nai Sparrow suiume Speak hanasi'; iu please s... slowly dozo yuk- kuri haimshite kudami please s. . . louder vwUo oki na koe de hana shite kudasai 8... the tnith honto no koto wo /uniashi nasai to s... ill of wnrtiku iu to s... well oi yuku iu to s . . . of 710/ koto wo iu so to s. . . iwaha to s... (a lan<;uage) deki'rn I s... Jajiaue^e very im- perfectly yihon-ijo wa sukoxhi shika dtkiiiutto suru to 8... out something too/ haku Spite in s . . . of nilkamawa-zu; ni/kakawara-iu in 8 . . . of what he says there are some so iu keredomo am koto wa arimasu; so iu kere- domo nai koto wa arimasen in 8 . . . of ditilculties tutnoini kamavoa-zu in 8 . . . of that he went sore de mo ikimashila out of 8. , . tsurorou m s. . .ful jat«» na Splash (trans.) hanekasH Splendid rippa na Spoil sonji'ru; waruku $uru to be B. . .t dame ni nam my hat is s. . .t boshi ga dame ni natta s . . . t child dadakko Spoken Language (as different from the wiitten language, bungo) kogo Sponge kaimen to throw up the s. . . taji too nage'ru to 8. . . on another isoro sum to s . . . on another for one's entire livelihood no/sune wo kajiru [to bite the legs of] Spoon saji one s...fuU saji ip-pai Sport (jest) jSdan; (out-door recreation) undo Spot (place) basho; (speck) ten on the s . . . (time or place) sono ba de Sprain (verb) kujiku Spread (as a carpet) sMIm; (as butter) nuru to s. . . out (something folded) hirogeru Spring (season) ham; (of a carriage) bane; (spiral, as in a watch) zemmai s . . . (of hot water) onsen; (of cold water) immt; (of mineral water) kosen to s. . . (leap) tobu Spy kanja Sqtiare shikaku; (honest) iho- jiki na one s. . . foot is-s?iaku shi-k6 two feet s. . . ni-shaku shi-hS two s . . . feet is-shaku e progress of) tatneru; (cease) yame'ru; (cease motion) tomarv; (so- journ) tomaru; (wait) rnatsU s . . . I wish to get out tomete kudasai, orimasu stop 242 Street has it 8. . .ped raining? ame ga vamimasMta ka f how long do we s . . . here ? ikv-fun tomarimasU ka ? [how many minutes do we t^top ?] Ave minutes s . . . (called out at railway stations) go-fun kan Uishi does it (the train) s. . . at Kozu ? Kozu de tomarimasu ka? my watch has s. . .ped tohex ga tomarimashita aX what hotel did you s. . . in Nacasaki? Nagasaki de dono hoteru ni tomarintaskita ka .' please s... a few moments sukoski machi vasai to be s . . . ped up (choked, of a pipe) tsukaeUi'ru Store (shop) mine s. . .-house kura s . . . -room mono-oki Storey (of a house) kai a two s. . .ed house nikai-ya a one s...ed house (ba.-e- ment only) hira-ya Stork tsuru Storm arasfii ; (wind) o-kaze s. . .y weather are to be s ... y arete i'ru a s. . . is coming arashi t genko de butsu to 8. . . against (trans.) bulsu- ke'Tv; (intr.) biUi-ukam String ito," him» tioick b... !tJtoi himo thin s... fiosoi hitiio long s... iuujai himo to have two S...3 to one's bov. ryo-tembin wo kake'ru Strong Iswjoi ; (reliable, not easily broken) dnijobu na ; (healtliy) jobu va Is it s. . . ? daijobu desii ka? I want it made s...ly )obu ni koshiraete morailai "^ it is not 8 . . . enough kore yori motto jobu na no ga hoshii [I want a stronger one than this] Struggle (use great efforts) hone rvo oru ; (strive with contortions) mogaku Stubhorn ganko na Stud (of a shirt) shatsU no botan Student shosei ; seito Study V. t. na7au ; maTUibu; benkyo sum StumMe tsumazuku Stupid baka na, Style (manner) /« SiiitHect (that which is brought under dismission) mondai let us change the s. . . mondai wo ketema.-//o; hoka no Imivx- shi wo shimashd Submit shitagau Subscribe (to a newspaper) toru Succeed (as a son to his father) no/ato ICO tsuqu; (accomplish an object) seii-o swu; timaku dekiru Success will this book be a s... ? kono hon wa amaku iku drsho ka > I hope you will be R...ful go Seiko no itozontimasH; umaku o yar> 7ui:;iji Such sotina : so in yO na no s... thiny: ocrurrcd son- na koto wa nukutta s . . . as wo yd na s . . . is the c;ise ko iu betai desa tliere are no s... things as gliGsts yt'trei to iu yo na mono wa nai don't talk s. . . nonsense son- 7ia baka na koto wo lu na Such 244 Superficial Superior 245 Sure it is s. . . cold weather (very cold) amwari samui I have never f^een s . . . cold weather as thi-s konnn samu- $a ni ica alia Into on na i where can one buy s. . . cabi- nets as tliese ? konna tansu wa doko de kaemasu ka ? have you ever seen s : . . beau- tiful flowers as these? zuiburt kirei >ia liana ja arimasen ka? I saw s . . . a pretty pirl this mornins; kesa honfo ni kirei na rrmvume uo imm((f:hitn I saw s . . . a preti y sa'jh that I had to \my itnniari kireina obi vomiiiiiishila kara kaiva- zu ni irarcmascn dcshita Suck s?iabii7-u; nameru to s . . . the breast chichi wo noma Sudden kj/u na. all of a s. . . kyU ni s. . .ly kyu ni Suffer (be in pain) kurns?iimu; (eiidurr with paticnre) oa- man svru; (tolerate) yunisii to s. . . loss son ICO suru Sufficient iaku^an : jiibun na that is s. . . sure de taknsnn it is not s. . . tnada lari-mn will this be s. . .? kore dciakH- san desii ka ? See ENOUGH Sugar sato loat s. . . bo-zato; kaku-zatj white s . . . sainbonjiro Suggest (propose) ii-dasA ; (hint) tn-mau-nshi vi iu can you s. . . anything? nnni ka ii kangae ga arimasen leaf I B . . . we all go together issho ni iku ho ga ii desko I will do as you s. . . anata no iu tori ni shimasho Suit (of clothes) soroe tos. . . (tobebecomin2)7!t/n{- au; (to be perfectly satis- factory) ki ni iru does this s... Die? kore tea uvtakiighi ni ni-diiinisii ka ? it does not s. . . me (I dont want it) kore wa ike-nai that will s... me very well sore tea taihen ii dcsho he is not s . . . ed for such work sono yd na shigoto ni ua mu- kiiiiiixpn will fitlicT of these s. . . you? dotrhi ka o ki ni irimashUa ka? how would this s . . . you? kore lea iknqa desii ka ? you (the articles you have made for nic) have always s. . .ed nie until now i«i^e I hear the salutes) gunkiin ga kiin no daro s...in!,' he docs not come what shall 1 ilo.* ko-nake- reba do s/timashii? s... you sTe her to-morrow (a sugge.stion)«vKi(a ua asl/l- ta ano hUo ni attara ikaga de- sU? he is s...d to be a very clever person hyiJban no riko- mono desii Sure tashika na are you s . . . of it' tashika desO. ka? I am not quite s... tashrka ni ua wakarimasen are there any.^ to be a... there are arimasu ka? ari- masu to mo be s . . . to zehi (with im- perative) be s. . . to come early zehi ha- yaku o-ide nasni be s... to remember this uasurcte wa ikemasen [don't forj^etj make s ... of your opportunity ori wo hazusu. )ia this tia'M is s... to be late (greatly to my annoyance) dose kono klsha u>a okureru to be s... (positive) daijObu to omou to make s . . . (leave abso- lutely no room for doubt) Sure 246 Take tasMka me'ru; (feel subjectively convinced^ Mtlo — to orrum I made s... he would come this momina hitto kesa Iniru to ommmankUa I'm 8. . . I could not say konto ni shirimasen I am not s. . . what the man said nan to itta ka yoku tva- karimasen I aia g . . . I have made uo mistake kesshite mac/iigae- .vnasen be s. . . and liave them ready by Saturday doyo-bi made ni kiilo koshiracte kudaaai don't be too s... ammari amshiv ii:a narittMsen yo 8. . .ly kiMo s...ly you will go to-morrow kitto 7nyonichi wa iku no desho ne Surgeon fjekc-isha Surname myoji; see NAME Surprise v. t. odorokasu; bikku- ri saseru to be s...d bilckuri siint; odoroku I am s...d bikkuri shimaslnta I am s...d to see you here ma. knko ni ila n' dcm hi! I wouldn't be s. . .d if he fell ill ano hlt'j >ca byoki ni nam, ka. mo shiraiuiien to my s. . . omoi-gake naku to take by s. . . no/lui tro uUs'i to be taken by s... wa/fui wo utnrcru they wil! be s...d bikkuri xuru desho tliat is very s...mg sore wa fUshifii da Surround 'akomu Suspect (imagine to be guilty) ntagau; (imagine to exist) ki iia suru Swallow (verb) nomi-komu I can't s . . . that sonna koto wo shinjiru hodo baka ja nai [I am not such a fool as to believe tliat] Sweat ase to s . . . a^e go, deru Sweep haku: (clean) soji sura s... the room Iteya wo haite o kure Sweet (of taste) anvai: (of face) kawairnskii; (of disposition) yasasshii tliis fruit is s... kono kuda- mono wa arnai too s... nma-sugiru Swim oyrigu Swollen harcta to be t;. . . harete i'ru Sword katana SyrinRe chusha; (clyster) kan- cho-ki System IiiJM; kata witliout s. . . wecha-kiicha rti Table (European) tchuru; tsU- kw; (Japanese low little tables) tsiikuf; rluibudai tiine-t... jikanJiyu Tack (small nail) byo Tail shippo Tai!or (for Eurojiean clothes) yolitlai-ya: (for Japiinese clothes) shitate-ya Take torn: (airiy) niolsii; nwtte iku; (cost, need) kakaru; (accept) vMe'ru; morau: (eat, said of another) agani; (said of one's self) tabe'ru; (sup- pose) OJrtOM 1 took a photofrraph of the temple o tera no shashm wo torimashita pardon nie biit you have t. . .n my hat skiLsurei d^esU ga sore uu watufilii no bosM desii Take 247 Take t... this letter to Mr. Smith Smith San ni kono tegami wo motte ittc o kure t... my luggage to the hotel voatakH^h) no nimf.tsh wo hoteru ni iiint'e itte o kure who has t...ii my book? dare ga n'riinlnxhi no hon wo motte iklniaxh'ili kn? how long cl «^s tiie steamer t. . .? liDif de nn dono gurai kakarimnxt't ka? it t. . .s about 2 hoiuT? ni-jikan gurai kakaiimasil how much (money) will it t..J ikurn kakaru desho? let's t... that tram-car ano den-sha ni norinwsho to be t. . .n ill hyoki ni naru to t. . . along tsttrete iku to t. . . a walk sanipo suru to t. . . away (as dishes etc.) sageru: kataznke'ru; (carry off) nwttc itte shimau; (deprive oO tori-age ru to t... back (something be- longing to the subject of the Bcnteucc) tori-kaesu; (other- wise) motte ik-u ; (conduct back of a person) tsurete. iku to t... care ki wo tsiike'rti to t . . . care of wo/dalji ni xuru to t. . . charge of wo/azukaru to t. . . down orosH; (in writ- ing) kaki-tome'm to t. . . me hi ga tsnku to t... for (mistake) to/ mi-clrigae'ru to t. . . fright odoroku; Ink- kvri suru to t... from kara/tom to t... in (deceive) damasii I was Cf)mi)lcteiv t...en in ip-pai kuuasara.i to t. . . leave itnmagoi wo suru to t... notice ({nr one'3 future guidance) kokoroi-ru to t... notice of ni/ki wo Mike'ru to t. . . no notice (when siK)ken to) shtraji kao $ur7i; (not to obey) iu-koto wo kika-nai t;, as a matter of fact) hu)ito wa to t... tlio way michi ivo 0!>hie'ru please t... mo wliore tlic post-offioe is i/utnn-lri/ii/cu wn dnko ni nrimasii In I cjin't t. . . (I clout know) sihirimasfn can you t... me whether tlie train iroin Koho has arrived? Kuhr kara klsha ga kita dmliCi kn? t... us all ahout it dovna- deshttn ka ? T t. . . you what de tea ne to t... the difference (by seeinc) mi-wakr ru; (by hear- ing) kiH-wakeni Temper (inborn disposition) umare-tstiki; ki: (disposition of the moment) iigen t< t... pears naxhi yori riiigo ga taktisan arimasH I have more apples t. . . yon (ntdtd jiori riniio ga fei/tugan arimnsil it is better to ro t. . . to wait iruiUu yori il.~u ho ga ii I would rather walk t... rido noru yori arulu ho (ja ii uo more t... 30 persons Kan-jil-niti yori i'>'il,-ui:ni more t... lU yiars ju-n«n ijo not less t... 10 yeara jtZ- ncn yori nukuuaku nai a little less t... an hour ichi-iikan ni sUkoshi turi- noi lesst... an hour icki-jikan yori sfikunai in less t... a year icJii-nat tata-TUii uc/ii Thank t. . . yon arigatS t. . . you very much dBmo arigato t. . . you (to an inferior, for service rendered) oo-kwi mma Thank 251 Then t...s to your kindness go shinsetiiii ni ariguto t. . .s to your iufluenc* o-hage sama;- o-seioa suma t...s to your kind assistance o seiua sama t...8 (after ))artakin(? of any refreshment) go-chisCi sama don't mention it do ilanlii- nMshUe; (after heinp; thank- ed for ri'freshmeuts) o lomatsU sama it is a mere nothing anna numo; anna koto yea, t. . . you (I will take some) itadakvnasH no, t... you (I won't take any) lakilsan; itadakimasen no more, t. . . you mo lakv,- san t. . .8 for your khidness the other day sfnyiUiX wa ari- gato gozaimashlUi t. . . yon for nothing (wlien angry) oki na o Sfuxi give iiiin my best t...s arigato to iUe kudasai did you say t... you? ari- l/a^ to iimashitii kaf to be t...ful for arigataku omou t. . .less on wo shira-nai That (as noun) sore; (if more remote) are; (as ad j . ) sono; ano t. . . won't do sore *ca ike-nai what is i...t tore wa nan dcsH kat whose house Is t . . . .' are tea dare no uchi deshS! t.. . one tore t . . . one won't do tore d*. wa ike-nai for t. . . reason tono lame ni t... house ano uc/d the book t... you showed me Is very good anaU g» inisete kudns'Ua, hon wa tai- hm ii I tliotitjht t. . . he would come ano hilo ga kuru dtskC to omoiinasJiUa he sjiys t . . . there are ano hilo no hanathi ni tea am so desii I told the hoy that he was to go immediately boi ni sugu ikti yo ni iimtinhita iu order t . . . yu ni so t . . . yo ni t. . . way (of doing) so iu fH who told you t . . . / dare ga so iiiiinshUaf t. . . is the question toko ga mcmdai da t... Is au Interesting book fono hon wa wnoshiroi find out the names of those who came dare-dare ga kila ka shirabctc kudasai the light is so bad t. . . T cannot read akari ga kura- kUte yome-nai The There la no definite article iu Japanese, that is t. . . man ano kUo desU t. . . sooner t... better Aaj/ai hodo u t... older he grows t... worse he becomes toshi wo toru liodo waruku naru Theatre shibai Their ano hilo-tachi no t . . . 8 ano hUo-iucfti no Tbem (dat.) ano hito-tachi ni; (ace.) ano hUo-tachi wo Then (at that time) sotto toki ni; (after that) tore hara; (ut that point) sore de; (In tJiat case) tore de wa I will be here t. . . tono UAi ni watakOtki urn kolu m imathd Tben 252 TUn Thin 263 t. . . I called a rikisha tore icara kuruma teo j/obimashita what did you say t....' sore de nan to iimashita kaf t... I dont think you will find one in Tokyo »ore de wa Tokyo ni loa run desko and t. . . s&re de by t. . . sore made ni now and t. . . tokirdoki since t. . . sore ka/rd t... and not till t... tono toki hajimeie t. . . and there sono ba de till t. . . sore made now t. . . sdl There (in that place) soko ni; (less definite) sotehi ni; (in that place yonder) asoko ni; atcki fd; (to that place) soko e; asoko e; (less definite) sotehi e; atchi e t. . . he is sore, HmamasJiita t. . . It is asHko ni arimasU to go t . . . and back soko made itte kaeru t. . . I sora! sore goran! here and t . . . atcki-kotchi t. . . and then sono ba de is he t.. .? imasit kaf t. . . is aru he says that t. . . are ano hUo no /tarutthi ni tea aru «o des& t. . . are some Japanese who don't like European food Nifum-jin no naka ni tea seiyo-ryori tio kirai na Mto ga imasA t. . . are many Japanese who dpn't like European food teiyo-ryori ga kirai na NiJum no Mto wa ozei arimasi t. . . ore . no elephants in J^pan Sihon ni tea zo wa i-nai let's walk t. . . aruite ifoima- sho about t. . . asoko ira; soh« vra t. . .abouts (near that place) asoko ira; soko ira; (aproxi- mately) gurai 10 men or t. ..abouts }u- nin gurai Therefore da kara Thermometer kandankei what does the t. . . mark.' kandankei wa nan-do des&t 75 degrees shichi-jH-go-do Fahrenheit t... kashi-kan- dankei Centigrade t . . . sesshi-kan- dankei They ano hlto-tachi t. . . say thst — — s5 desH t... say that he is rich kanemochi da so desH t. . . say so so da so desi t. . . are mending the road michi wo ruwshUe irruisii (in sentences like this they is not translated) t . . . have (there is) very good tea in China Shirui ni wa ii o cha ga arimasH Thick (of flat things) atsui; (of round things) iOtoi; (of liquids, hair, etc) koi how t. . . is it? dono gurai no attOsa desHi dono gurai na fiUosa desut thi'ough t. . . and thin donna koto ga aXbe mo Thief dorob6 you are a t. . . omae uu dorobS da Thigh TtlOTHO Thimble pubirnuki Thiiv (of flat things and liquids) Usui; (of round tilings) fiosoi; (of persons) yaseta; (sparse as beard, trees, etc) mabara ni haeta to get t. . . yaseru you are getting t. . . anata wa yasemashUa Thing (abstract) koto; (concrete) mono; shinamono anyt. . . nan de mo everjrt. . . nan de mo; minna as t . . . s now are ima no tokoro de toa poor t . . . kawaiso ni that's the t . . . a sore nan da there is no such t. . . sonna mono wa arimasen take my t...s up to my room watakH-shi no mono wo heyu ni inotte itte o kure there are no such t . . . s as ghosts yCrei to iu yo na .imono wa nai jt is a t . . . that happens frequently tabi-tabi no koto desfi there are many t...s to be done sum koto ga takfisan arimasH that was a good t. . . ii ambai deshita Thiidt omou; kangturu what do you t... of it* do ommmasA kaS I t.. , it is not very good amari yoku nai to omoir masH It... so w omoimasA I don't t. ... ao sS ja nai to omoimasQ, [I tbinS it is nof so] I don't t. . . he will come to-day kormieki wa kotuii to omoimasH [I think he will not come to-day] I thought he was not coming ko-rmi daro to omoimasMta Tbink It... you had better write down everything minna kakir tomeru ho ga ii to omoi- mas'i I thought you were ill bydki da to omoitnashUa I don't t. . . much of him s8 ii hito da to omoimasen I thought you knew I was at home ucki ni iru no wo shitte iru to omoimashUa It... I heard footsteps asAi- oto ga kikoeru yo desu I will t... over it kangaett rnimasho I t ... I counted right kanjo toa machigawa-nai tsumori desu what are you t...ing of do- ing? do sum tsumori desHf I am t...ing of going to Tokyo Tokyo e iku tsumori desH; Hi more doubtful) To- kyo e iko ka to omoimasH what am I to t. . . of this; kore uxi do iu tmke desHf I should t. . . so (probably so) so omoimasH; (most cer- tainly) mochiron do as you t. . . best ii to orpou yo ni nasai to t. . . better of it (change one's mind) omoi-naosti, I often t. . . of you anata no koto wo tabi-iabi kangae- nuua did ^ you t... of it.« (remem- ber it) oboete imashUa kaf 1 did hot t. . . of it ehot0 wasuremashrta (1 forgot itl It... he must be ill byoki na no- daro I dont t.'. . you will like sakA sake wa sain de nai degho I dont t. . . yon will find intnk 254 Throw any bread there asoko ni pan wa nai daro I never thouelit of that so«o koto wa nukoslii itio kangae- masen deshtta a man called. It..., Suzuki Suzuki to ka in hito Third san-bav-me no t... time .fan-han-we t. . . day nn.H-a-jiie t... day 01 the month mik- ka t. . . class san-to Thirsty are yo« t. . ..» nodo ga katoa- kiinashita ka? I am t . . . nodo ga katoaki- inashiia this heat makes one t... kono atgi'tsa de wa nodo ga kawakimasu Thirteen ju-san Thirty san-jH This kono t. . . day konnichi t. . . eveniii? lomhan t. . . month konoetsU t. . . tinie Londo in t. . . maimer kono tori ni; ko iu IQ m; ko yatu on t. . . «iile kfili'lii no ho ni I have nothini; but t. . . kono hoha ni ?w nuiiiii mo nai t. . . one korc only t... one kore kiri Thorn loffe Thoroughly honlo ni t. . . honest lionto ni sJiojiki na I want it t . . . done yoku lun wo irete shite moraitai Though kered/ntw; mo; no ni t. . . he bought it he said he did not ano kUo ua katta no ni kawa-Tun to iimashUa I heard a noise as t . . . some- thin" had broUen nanikako- wareta yo na oto ga shima- shita Thousand sen ten t . . . man; ithi-man hundred t . . . jH-inan Thread ito to t. . . ni/ito wo iosii Threaten odokasu, Three mittsu; san; mii t... -cornered sankaku n« t. . .-legged sam-bon-ashi no Throat nodo to liave a sore t. . . nodo ga itai to clear the t. . . seki-barai wo sum Through (with a trans, verb) wo/idshite: (with an intr. verb) wo/lotte; (in between) no aida kara I saw a house t . . . the trees ki no aida kara uchi wo mimashita I got this t... my friend toinodachi wo- loski'e kore wo moraiDiashUa go to the station,, passing t. . . tlie gardens iMevfhi wo tutte leislta'Hi e ilte o kure pass the threao suru Throw 255 Time t. . . it away sOtete o shimai nasai to t. . . at ni/lmri-tsuke'ru to t . . . into ni/hori-komu to t. . . up (vomit) haku; (abandon) utchattf sHmau to t . . . up the sponge saji wo nagrru Thumb oya-yvbi Thunder kaminari to t. . . kaminari ga naru Thursday molruyo-bi Thus (in this manner) kono tori ni; ko iu iu ni; ko yatte Ticket kippu return t. . . oliiku-gippu single (not retuni-t. . .) kata- michi t. . .-office kippu wo uru loko- ro admission t... nyujokcn See RAILWAY Tickle kusuguru dontt... me kOsuguttai, o yoshi imsai Tide shio high t. . . michi-shio low t. . . hiki-shio the t. . . is rising shio ga agete imasii the t . . . is falling shio ga hiite imasu TWy kichin to shita to t. . . kata;u:;erit Tie shibaru; inal-u; (to t. . . a knot) mufidni to t... the belt obi wo shi- meru to t . . . up (a parcel) iwaku; (an animal) tfuiiayu please t. . . this up kore wo stdbatte ktidasai Tiffin hiru no shokuji where will you take t....' doko de hiru no shokuji wo skimasU kaf Tiger tora Tight katai; (of cloches) kyO- k-utsil na this coat is too t... kono uivagi wa aniari kyUkutsu desH to t...en kaUiku suru Tile (roof) kawara Till made t. . . now inia n'.ncii>. t. . . then sore nuide wait t . . . I come waUikiishi ga kuru made o machi nasai It was not t. . . ne told me that I noticed it cinn hUo no haiiashi wo kiku made shirii/iasen dcsMta I shall wait t... after I recover naotte kara ni shi- masho 1 can't go t . . . the letter arrives tegami ga ko-nai uchi wa ikari^nnasen I can't tell t... I've tried tumesh'ilc mi-nakerebc waka- rimasen Timber zaimoku Time toki; jikan; (personal leisure) hlma, (number) do; tabi; (o'clock) ji it reouu'es t... (long dura- tion) nagaku ka/.tiriniasU thcie isn't t... (ii;ort dura- tion) iikan ga nai is there t. ...' Hkan ga ari- nitisU ka? there is plenty of t . . . mada takCisun jiknu ja urivtasii the t . . . is too short jikan ^ a»iari mijikui how much t. . . have we before the train starts.? ki- sha ga dcru made ni dono gurai ar imasu ka? to kill t. . . tuii-utsU wo shi- nogu Time 250 Time to waste t. . . hima wo tsUhusH, to while away the t. . . jikan wo sugosU in order to gain time jikan wo hubuku Utme ni have you t . , . ? (leisure^ hima ga arimasu ka? have you t. . . now to so to the post-olflc? ? ima yuhrn- kyoku e iku hima ya arima- su ka f I haven't t. . . hima ga nni when I liave t. . . hima ga de- kihira it is about t. . . now mo jiki jikan desd you take too niucli t . . . anata wa aimtri noroi Lyou are too slow] how many t...s? iku -do ? iku-U'bi? any number of t...s (very many) iku-tabi mo once ictii-do twice ni-do three t. . .3 san-do lour t. . .8 yo-tabi five t...s, etc. go-tabi, etc. first t. . . hajimete second t. . . ni-do-me third t. . . etc. san-do-me, etc. this is the second t . . . 1 have Clime kcre lie ni-do kimashUi 3 t. . .s as bis Kam-bni Ckii; sain-bai hodo okii 4 t...s as h\ 1 minute ip-pun 2 miuntes ni-jun 3 minutes sampiin 4 minutes shi-!un 5 minutes go-fun 6 minute^', rop-pun 7 miiiutft* sliichi-fun 8 minutes hachi-lun 9 minutes ku-1un 10 minutes jip-pun 11 miiir.tes iH-ip-pun 20 minutes ni-jip-pun at one o'clock ichi-ii ni it is one o'clock ir/d-ji desU half past twelve ]u-ni-]i /lar a quarter past twelve ji'i-ni- ji jit-go-fun suyi 1 15 minu- tes past 12] twenty to three ni-ji sfii- jip-pun[U^o forty]; san-ji ni- jip-pun mae five minutes to three san-ji go-fun mae at three o'ciock san-ji ni It will soon be tour jiki yo-ji desH it has just struck four yo-ji utta bakari desii punctually at seven to- morrow nioriiinp i.iyoasa kikkari shlchi-ji fii Time 257 Time it is t . . . now to (jo to school TOO gakko e ilea jikan desfi It was just about this t... last year chodo sakunen no ima-goro deshila it is t . . . he came back mo kaeri-so na jibun desu to be in t. . . ma ni au shall we be in t....' mani aimasho kaf on t. . . jikan ni shall we arrive on t....' jikan ni tsUkiirmm kaf to be behind t. . . okure'ru the train is behind t. . . kls?ui ga okuremashita if, will be t . . . enough when you come back kaeile kara de mo ii to keep good t (of a watch) poku au a long t . . . nagaku: shiba- raku a short t. . . nHkoshi for a short t . . . sUkoshi no aida I haven't seen you for a long t. . . shibaraku desMta you have been a long t... about it nagaku kakarima- shita ni I will be back in a short t. . . jiki ni kaerimasu at the present t . . . ima wa for a t. . . kari ni miidem t. . .s kinsei ancient t . . . s mukashi once upon at... (the begin- ning of children's tales) mukashi mukashi another t. . . (next time) tsugi ni; kondo; (again) mata Bome other t . . . tUo de some t. . . or other ttoti ka some t. . . shibaraku any t . . . this week kono shU- kan nara itsU de mo ii some t . . . next week raishU no uchi itsu ka at all t. . .3 shim all the t . . . shijH since a short t. . . kono aida kara at any t. . . itsU de mo at the same t. . . (never- theless) keredomo; (not later) do-)i ni many t. . .s tabi-tabi any number of t. . .s iku-tabi to naku; iku-do mo a little at a t . . . sukoshi-zutsU a few at a time sUkoshi- zutsU at the t . . . sono toki ni at that t. . . sono toki ni by that t . . . sore made ni at t. . .3 toki-doki from t... to t... toki-doki by way of making up for lost t... sono ume-awase ni every t. . . tambi ni every t. . . I come kuru tambi ni bad t. . .8 fiikeiki for the t. . . being sashi-atari in course of t. . . oi-oi in 10 minutes t. . . jip^un tatte take your t._. . go yukturi t. . . is up jikan ni narima- shvta it is high i, . . we went mo ika^takereba nara-nai jikan da in t. . . of need masaka no toki ni ta pass t . . . kurasU a short t. . . ago (hours) sakki; (days) tsui kono aida a long t. . . ago zutto mae; shibaraku mae; sen; mukasM See AGO Time-table 258 Together Time-table jikarJiyo Timid okubyo na; ki ga chiitai Tin svzu t. . .-plate burikki t . . . receptacle kan t. . .-opener kan-kiri t...ned provisions kan-zume t...ed milk miruku Tip (end) saki; (gratuity) koko- rozuke; (drinlc-money) sakaU Tipsy see drunk Tire to be t...d UUkareru; ku- tabireru I am t. . .d tsukaremashUa t. . .d (languid) darui to be t...d of ni/akiru I am t. . .d of it sore ni aki- mcshiia I am t. . .d of telline him ano hito ni hanasfi no ni akite shimafta to be t...d out tsvkarete shimau Tiresome (wearisome) taikiitsfi na; (annoying of a person) shit^ikkoi: (trouitlesome, dif- ficult) vtfiidoktisai how t. . . vrvsai'. Tit-for-tat qobu-gohu To \motioii towards) e: ni; (as sign of the dat.) ni; (as sign of the infinitive) koto; (for the purpose of) ni; (after verl«s of command- ing and saying) yo ni 1 am going to Tokyo to- morrow myonichi Tokyo e ikinuisii come to me watakOshi no toko e o-ide nasai go to the doctor o isha e o iki nnsoi give it to that man ano hUo ni yatte o Irure I am not able to go iku koto ga deki-nai I went to see mi ni itla he has gone out to make some purchases kai-mono ni demashUa tell him to come ano hito ni kuru yd ni kanashite o fcure he sang to a samisen accom- paniment samisen ni awa- sete utatta a quarter to three san-ji ju- go-fun niae [15 minutes before three] from A to B j1 kara B made I am glad to see you (t-aid to gue.st) ynku irasshuimashita in order to tame ni 1 need some money to buy a book hon HO knu no ni siXko- shi kaiif ga iri»iasu it requires money to buy a house ie no kan ni tea kant ga irir.iasu be careful not to lose youi ticket kippu wo otosa-nai yd wi nasai Ls there anj-thing to eatl nani ka taberu motw ga arimasU ka' have you a book to read ? yoi)iu hon ga an'ynasii ka f to and fro acki-korhi to my great disappointm-^nt he did not coiiio nyio Itito ga kiwafen de^hUa kara gak- kari s/iiniashita to ttie best of my powei* chikara no oyobu dake up to ten ]il made Toast yaici-pan; tosfito Tobacco tahako t. . . pipi-' liseru To-day kminichi; kyo Toe ushi no yubi Together isalw ni all t... niinna; minna de Tgether 259 Tooth to add t. . . yoseru t... with to issho ni to live t. . . issho ni sunde vm to talk t... hanashi-au I gave it to him t. . . with the box hako to mo waUishi- mashiia they both came t... iHtari de kimashita Toll (tax) zei; (at a ferry) wa- tashi-sen; (at a bridge) ?iaski'sen Tomato tomato: aka-nasU Tomb haka To-morrow myonichi; ashUa the day after t. . . myogo- nichi; asaUe t... evening myoban to... morning myoasa Tongue sh'ita to hold one's t... damaru hold your t... o dantan naxai To-night komhan; konya at 10 o'clock t... konya ju- ji ni Too (also) mo; (excessively"! amnmri I will buy this t. . . kore mo kttimasho it is t. . . hot ammari ril'-"i When TOO qualifies an adj. in English it is often ex- pressed by the verb suniru suffixed to the stem of the adj. or by the geruiulial form of the adj. followed by ike-nai it is t... dear taka-sugimasi [it exreeds in pi;ce]; taka- ktite ike-tuii [being dear it won't doj; ammari takai it is t... long naga-sugiru [it exceeds in length); na- gakOU ike-nai [being lon^ it won't do) it is t. . . dark to see kura- ktite mie-nai [being dark you can't see] these clothes are t. . . old to wear kono kimvtw ua ammari lurukute kirare^nai it is really t. . . funny okashi- kitte s)iiyo ga nai you have brought me t... small a fork kmina chiisai hoku ua ikcmasen t. . . much ammari; takHsan; sugiru: yokei t. . . much for me (I can't eat it all) takiisan sugintasH; 6- sugimasu; (it is beyond my control) watakushi no te 7i,i amuni to drink t. . . much nomi- sugiru won't that be t... much salt? sore de va shio ga yokei ja uiimasi'H kn! t... many ammari lakusan there are t... many books on ttiat table sono teburu ni wa hon ga ammuri takOsari arimasn this LS a little too much aukoiihi o-sugimasU this is a little too dear sUko- shi taka-sugimasU it was my best one t. . . ichi- bati it no de atia no ni you walk t... fast anata na hayaku aruki-sugimasu Tool dogu Tooth ha false teeth ire-ba one's teeth ache ha ga itai it sets my teeth on edge ha ga ukimnsa to brush the teeth ha wo migtiku t. . .-brush yoji T««th 260 Tratncai Tramcar 261 Trouble t... -powder ha-miffaki i, ,.-pick ko^oji tbe baby has cut another t. . . akambo ni tnata ha ga haemaghita to piok the teeth ha voo ho- jiru; (with a tooth-pick) ko-yoji ux> UHkau Top tte to put on the t. . . of no/tu m oku pat this on the t. . . of the books hon noueni oiie o kure to pile one on the t. . . of the other tsumi-kasane'ru t. .. (toy) koma Topsy-turvy mechakucha ni Totrent kyii na nagare Tortoise kame;(smB.\l)kamenoko t, . . -shell bekko Total minna de; shimete what is thff t...? (money) mifma de ikura desH ka? t...y marude ToikIi saumru; ijiru; (be in contact) UvJcu dcMi't t. . . sawatte wa ike-nai t...in£ (pathetic) atcare na Toas^ katai: tsuyoi Tour ryoko t. ..ist kembutsH-nin Towards no ho ni; no ho wo bA had his back t Die uxUakushi no ho ni senaka vo mukeU imashUa be is looking t. . . the nK>un- tain ano hito tea yama no Uo too mite imasH Towei (Japanese) tenugui; (European) taoru » clean t. . . kirei na taoru a wet t. . . nureta taoru Tower to Town maehi; (capital) miyako Toy omocha t. . . shop onuxha-ya Trade akinai; shobai; boeki to t. . . akinai uo sum t. ..-mark shohyo Train kisha; ressha down t. . . (from Tokyo) kudari no kisha up t... (towards Tokyo) nobori no kisha express t. . . kyUko-ressha the first t. . . ichi-ban-gisha the last t. . . shO-ressha the night t. . . yo-gisha to enter the t. . . kisha ni nOru to get off the t. . . kisha kara ori'ru what t...t nan-ji no kishaf I leave by tlie 2 o'clock t ni-ji no kisha de dekokemasa I shall leave by the next t. . . tsugi no kistia densha wa • fieturu tickets can often be had' >m Japanese tramcars: two peisons making a siigle journey may use one return tidtet. Nihon-bathi voo vxUarimasO, kat please give me a transfer norirkae-kippu wo kudasai where must I change for Aoyama? Aoyama tea doko de nori-kaeru no desH ka? please tell me when we get to the place where I must get off oriru toki ni wa oshiett kudasai I have lost my ticket l-ippu wo nakOshimashita you have not given me my ticket yet kippu wo mada moraimasen I have already paid you mo haraimashita stop I wish to get out tomete kudasai. orimasi Transfer (a tram-car ticket) nori-kae-kippu Translate yakusii please t... tiiis into English for , me kore wo Ei-go ni yakushiie kudasai; (in writ- ing) kore wo Ei-go ni yaku- shiie kaite kiidasai t. . .tor tsOben t. ..tion yaku free t . . . tion iyaku literal t. . .tion chokuyaku Trap loana rat t . , . nezumi-tori Travel r/ioko sum have you been t. . .ling? ryoko shVf imashita ka? I am t...ling on business yo de ryoko Si'iUe imasii I am t...ling for pleasure asobi de ryoko shite imasU I am t . . . ling for my health karada no tame ni ■ ryoko shite imasH t. . .lh»g expenses ryohi t . . . ler tabirbOo commercial t. . .ler ehumon- tori Tray o ban; bon larse t. . . hiro-buta Tread fumu; (walk) aruku treasure takara Treat to t... badly somatsU ni sum; (persons) hidoi tne ni awase'ru to t. . . kindly shiruelsii ni sum Treaty joyaku Tree ki Tremble furue'ru to t... with cold $amukiite furue'ru Trial (testing) tameshi; (law) saiban to take on t. . . tameshi ni tsHkau Triantrle san-kaku right-angled t. . . chokkaku san-kakkei triangular sam,-kaku no Trick (mischief) Hazurn; (dodge) ghi-kctta; (a peculiar habit) kuse Trifle it is a t. . . (not serious) tot- shita koto ja nai it is a mere t. . . (don't mention it) anna iMno; anna koto I am not to be t...dwith baka ni suru nara shtle go- ran nastti Trigger hlki-gane Trip to go for at... asobi ni iku Trouble (bother) mendo; (an- xiety) shimpai excuse me for giving you t. . . go mendo kakete sumimtp- sen 1 am sorry to t. . . yoo. go Trouble 262 Truth mends kakeU tnakoto ni su- tnimasen it is no t. . . at all do Uashi- maskUe I am very much t. . .d about my friend tomodachi no koto too shimpai shite Imasu to give t. . . mendo u>o kak*'rn I am giving you a great deal of t. . . amari go mendo wo kakemarA I won't t. . . you any more »no kore de go mendo wo kakema- sen much obliged to you for your t. . . taihen go mendo wo kakemashUa it is not the least t . . . sukoshi mo mendo na koto wa arima- sen you need not take so much t . . . with it sonnrt ni teinei nitShi-nakule mo ii it, is too much t. . . ammari te ga kakaru prjvy Ao not take the t. . . ddzo kamai kudasara^nai yo ni dont t . . . any more about it mo ka)7iawa-nai de mo it I can't t. . . about it sonna koto ni kamatte irare-nai take care or you will get into t. . . ki wo tsUke^nakereba hidoi me ni airnasH. may It... you for the bread? pan wo Votte. kudasai what is the t. . . about? (dispute) do shita no desuf to be in t. . . komaru I am in t. . . komarimaskUa without t. . . zosa mo naku to dislike taking t... hone wo osMntv Ito spare your bones! o take t . . . issfiokemmei sum: hone wo oru [to break your bones] to save t . . . te wo hahuku Troublesome (of persons) shi' tsukkoi; (of things) mendo na; mendokftsax how t. . .1 urusaV. Trousers zubon True hovio no; makoto no t... story honto no hanashi at... square mnsshikaku at... circle manmam tT\i\y honto ni; makoto ni t'lat is not t... sore wa xtso desu my words have come t... waiakushi no itta koto ga alntta Trumpet rappa to blow one's own t.,. fiora wo fuku Trunk (tree) miki; (box) oki- na kiban Trust shinyo to receive in t . . . aeuharn to t. . . shinyo sum I cannot t. . . him ano hUo wa shinyo dekimasen to give in t . . . azuke'm to put one's t. . . in (a person) shinyo sum t. . . worthy tashika na Truth honto; makoto; (facts) jijitsA in t . . . honto ni; honto voa the t. . . honto no koto to speak tlie t. . . honto no koto wo iu tell the t . . . honto no hoto wooii nasai to tell you the t. . . (i.e. in fact, frankly speaking) honto tea t...ful (of peisoBs) tuo wo tgHka-nai; (of aa account) honto no Try 263 Turn Try (prove by experiment) tamesii; (endeavour) yntte mint I will have a t. . . yatte mirnasho just t. . . yatte goran nasai you cannot tell without t. . .- ing yatte mi-nai uchi tva wakara-nai desho to t... to mini (used after the gerund) to t... to do yatie mim (compare the Eu;;lbih " to see whethei you can do it"; to c... to see mite mi'ru to t. . . to read yonde mi'ru to t. . . on clothes yojuku too kite miru t. . . it please tameshUe goran nasai t . . . to do it if you have time tsugo shite yatte kudasai to t. . . hards^iifo dashite yam to t . . . the eyes me ni sawaru at one t . . . itchaku ni you could do it in this way if you tried ko sureba deki- masu [U you do thus, you will be able to do it] I willt. . . you a little longer mo tHkoshi tsOkatte mirnasho Tub oke Tube kuda; — fain iron t. .. tekkan lead t. . . enkan Tuesday kayo-bi Tumble to t. . . down (from the up- right position, of persons) korobu; (of things) taorem; (from a height) ochi'm Tumblei: (glass) koppu Tune (melody) iOshi; (correct note) ehothi out of t. . . ehoshi no hazureta, Tunnel tonnem, Turn (tran.) mawasH; (intr.) mauaru; (become) naru to t . . . a corner kado wo mayam to t. . . aside yoke'm to t... away (trans.) ot- dasli to t. . . back (trans.) kaesH; (intr.) kaeru t... back (to rlkisha-man) kaeshile o kure to t... inside out ura-gaesH to t... mto (trans.) ni/suru; (intr.) nilnaru to t... off (water) lome'ru; (gas, when alight) kesiX to t. . . on dasit to t... out (expel) oi-dasH; (a lamp) kesu; (manufac- ture) sanshitsu sum; (result) naru it has t...ed out fine (wea- ther) tenki ni narimashi- ta silk has t. . .ed out well this year kotoshi tea ito no deki ga ii it has t. . .ed out different to what I expected mikomi ga hazureta t. . . him out oirdashlte o kure the servant 1 engaged t...- ed out to be very good tpatakushi ga yatotta no wa ii jochU desO, [the servant I engaged is good] to t... over (in one's mind) omoi-mauHisii; (a leaf) akeyu; (one's self in b«i) ne-gaeri wo guru to t. . . over a new leaf Uma- re-kawatta yo ni naru to t. . . round (of a person) ituri-katru; (on an axis) Turn :g4 Uncomfortable mavxiru; (traas.) no/muki wo kaeru to, t... round and round (trans.) maKOfsd; (intf.) rna- tearu tot... up (roll up) mnlruru: (of a per,-i4-.n to riiakc an apj>earaii(*) ya yoko- ch/, ^(■'•j'.fl t... to tliC ri;j:lit ni- Ijan-me uo migi no pokocfto Turnip kaiw Turpentine matau-yoni 'jii of t . . . terenifni-yu Turtle k'vrrie Twelve /ii-rii Twenty ni-yu Twkx; ni-rfo t. . . as big hai okii; bai ho- do okii t. . . as much bai hodo t... Jol'.owjng ni-do ttuzu- \ Twiiijjht Cevening) yv/jaia I T»ine /io>,'/V yi/j Twins jxdn-'io Twist rujiru; (of a cord; yoru Two /tifcitn!/.- «t; !& ill one or t. . . days iekv^ieki tutt'ika no tichi. ni to divide in t... iHiaUrCi ni furu I t... men f atari; ni-nin Type (sort) toWji; (kind of I 1< tfcer-i in printing) ji ' i.i'/veable t... kaUuji . I Typhoon araahi; o-kaz: ; Lgly miuiiui Lmbreila i-ctM; (paj-ier) Z-ara- /•^««,- arna-gata; (i;uroren an u. . . Iom tro *W(i to Khnt aa n . . . kata wo Uuhoi.ifru tlie -I ring of an u. . . kata no hajiki-onne tin: r>\>i- of an u . . . kata no ho,!". L'mpjrs chumv^iin; (at wre»> tiin,,') ow'tii L'n. prolix to adjectnes i3 oft' n translated by «ai which v, added to the ad- veri'ial form of adjectives or to tiic 4th (negative; ba^ of v(.'riy=. uni;.ir Vidantuku nai urid(-c;de' "■-. fcwu) i iru «•« srw2 i 'hi "ami to fe«:l u, . . (mentally) kokoro- \ meyhi waruku ornou; shimpai turu u. . . to live »n i-gokoro ga ] warui , ■a... to sleep in ne-gokoro ga \ warui I n . . . to wear ki-jokoro ga warui \ L'ncornmon mezuraif.ti; liuhi(fi j rui; h'.ri, na j Vncf/rxitMS ki'fOni shJla [ Lncork korcrppu ho I'uku Lncover(taWt;ofIa !id) no/ful/t u'f U/fu; (take off a covering) t-'j/'jl xr-, toru I to u . . . the fiead t-ijthi wo toru Undecided kimara-nai Under no «/i'fei ni; no */«'ta ' plnce it u . . . the table &bi.ru | no .7/1 »M ni criU o kure it is u . . , the origin.il rrife tore va Tnutfi-rie yari yami I would notw-l! it u... fifty . yen tio-jH-yen thita de wa 1 uri}n/i*en n the circnrn^tano?-' (con- { sef;ii -iitiv) yfitU; l\i tliat is t the »o iu tcake nara Und.rciorhrnK thUn-fii \ LnJerdone narrta-yake Lnderhand naUJio no L.Tdtmtath no thita ni; no ' *hUii e put something u... $liitani\ nani ka shiite oite kure Understand wakaru do you xi...'f wikanrnoiu kai I don't u... wakarirruuen I u... quite well yfJni wa- karinuuu I don't guite u... yoht wa- karimagen I don't u, . . in the leaat «ii- kotfei mo uakaTinumen I don't u . . . wfiat you say anata no lu koto ga uMka- rioiwsen do you u . . . English? Ei-go ga wakarinuurd ka' I do not u . . . Japanese at al! Sitirm-'io wa guko»ki mo wukaritii/irfn ft is understood that — — tcakari-kitta koto da I cannot a long =eritenr*8; T4ea.se say what you want in a few and ea.?y words nagui /larunfti tea icjkarima- $en hnra, m/Ato mi/ikaku yasiatkii kotoha de itU kuda- tai In... tJiat Mr Yamada ar- riv(-'l l,i-t nitfht y'tb^ Ya- madfi Sun na tiuili Itazu da Undertake hiki-uhe'ru will you u... it' Atii-ut«- nuifU kai I win n ... it kiki-ukernatho diil'.rt you u. . . to do it.' fiiiota wn iore wo hlki-uketa ja rtai ka'- wliy did you u . . . rt if you foiild not do it' d.eii-na< kij't nara naze kiki-ukema- ishUa ka! Undo ro/jt-j no tori ni tyiru; fur.tie) hodokvi to cunie undone tuxUkeru Undress (one's* self) klrruyno wo nufu: faomcbody eU^) not kirnono wo nugateru Uneasy to be u . . . kohr/rr/mor.fri wa- ruk-u omau; shimpai rum to feel u . . . aixiut no tame ni/'kimpai rura Uneasy 266 Up not to feel u... anskin $hlU i'ru Unequal =rtunate fu-shiaicase na u. . .ly niniku Lnjcrateiul on vo ~hira^nai Unhappy tanoflnku nni; (bd- fortunate) Itt-tkiitrmn na Unhealthy (of person?) byoihin na; (bad for the health; dolru Unheard of UjtuU wo nai Uniform (bable) qtx to mo nai; (not likely to be true) uso mitai Unlucky 'unfortunate) /u-«Ai- OMxue na; (omeos; en-ji no warui Unmarred hitori-mnno Unpack nimr/Uu un ake'ru Unpleasant iya na; kinuy-M ga niTui Unreasonable wake no uxika- T'l-nai Uas-ifc nbunai; (not strong ;uid v-cure) jobu de nai Lnsatwfactory marizo'ru ga dfk'-nai Unsettled u . . . weather tadamara'nai Unki U) l>e u ... (of a country) doyo xhile i'ru to rniTiaiii u. . . (ct a qtiestion) nuid'x kimnrn-n/ti Unskilful heta na Lan-itable timoo na Untie V. t. hodoku Until 'V: TILL Unusual hi)6 na; (rare) mezu- TOJihii nrtriirig u... has happened kawatta koto ga rwi; mezu- Toshii koto vml arimaten a very u. . . thing tuJihigi na k(A/j Urrwell luai ga icarui Up ue ni up to the knec<« hita made X/) \i«i up to one's neck in debt thakkin de kubi ga mmicam'nai thi.s side up with care uioa- muhi y&jin tirne Is up yikan ni nari- mathita to be up (out of bed) okiU i'ru he B tiot tip yei mada okimaten to move up and down (lotr.) ai^atlan-tafeaarxtttru; (transj agetari'iaifetari tvru Lp Use to walk up and dowu ilturi- kiUirl yum up tl;e river knica-kami ni up and d'l'An (of an uneven road I dH'ili'tk') U[) there toko ni ftlicrc] stand up o Uichi natai a I'ttic h'glier up ino suko- nhi ue what .' up.' do shita no d'tu"! full up ippax ; (of a tramcar) Vinii-'m Upon ito ue iti u. . . my word /lonto ni S ON Upriefit ■ cr-c-t) l-ilt^ iru; (honest) ulioikl n-i Upset (tran^.) hikl-urirkaetH' Ontr.i hikhiri-k'n^j til'; c;ini.ic;i.- iias u. . .bmth'i ga hikku rikarntnayf' iOi Upside-down nahts'inm It 13 u . . . mkanutn'i di»(i ti) turn u... (trans.) hikku- ri-knexii: uikatiirrui ni tsuru; fiiitr.) /liiluri-kaeru Upstairs ui-kai nx u... in my rorim watakiuhi no heij'i )"•. ,iii my room] Urchin aal-i Urge V. t. 'wnimrru Urgent tn^xyt no Urinal thijijenjo Urinate sliohen sunt Urine thobfn Lis (dat.) uatakusJii domo ni; (ace.) Kfit/ilruthi d(/mo tco Use V. t. Umkau to u. . . up tMuiaOe fhimau timorfii or kokoromochi, which 13 u...d rnorit fre- quently/ kimocKx to kckoro- nuKtti to wa df/tehi ga yukei Irukatcare-niOiH kat wfiat U ttiti u...d for.' tore voa Ttan ni Igukau no derU kat I to u . . . every means te vo Is til-Hi li I u. . .d to ^formerly) sen ua : I u. . .d to do it sen tea shi- I mut/zi/ji ; to Ijc u. . .d to nurete i'ru ! to he n...d to u-ing teuiai mjTtie iru to \>t u...d to eat-ng tahe- \ voTt^e i'ru to t><: u...d Uj hearing kiJci- j narefe i ru I I am u...d to foreign I to».-U wnakmhi va taoru tco ttakai-tinreU; imoiu 1 aiH iiotu...d U) Jai»anesc lf nara-ruii ] it i-" of no u . . . sore tea yaku ni taeldnasm ii this of any u . . . to you? kore »«r o in.yfi dtm kaf daily u. . . mai-nichi ixubiu tliW glas.s Is in daily u . . kore ton mai-^iichi tsdkau k'/pvu, detQ to be in u... (and m) not available) tsukatte iru to be of u . . . yaktt ni uUsi; iru [to needl it is of no u ... to me korr tea irimasen it is (or BTiy pergonal u... jihun (Je uukau no dcmi to make u. . . of Isukau wfiat IS the u . . . of writmg to htm.< ano kUo rri 'Mtami tco das/lit^ mo darrut dfMio use 268 Vein Velvet 269 View that is no longer fit f9r u. . . sore wa mo tsukae-vai Useful yaku ni UUsu; choho na to be u . . . vaku ni taUi'i it is very u . . . taiken ni yaku ni Utchimasu Useless (fruitless) dame na; viuda na; (unserviceable) yaku ni 'ata-nai u. . .ly muda ni Usual atarimae no; fudnn no as u . . . every year reinen no tori ni in the u... way itsa mo no ton ni <;u.icker than u. . . ilsii mo yori kayaku the iianie as u. . . iisO. mo to onaji the same kind as u. . . but a little larger Usui mo .to onaji mono de si'il.oahi Ckii no the u. . . thing is to walk taioai arukimasH [generally walk) u . . . iy taiijai I u. . .ly rise at 6 taiyai roku- ji ni okinuisu Utmost I shall do my u... dekiru- dake shiinasho Utter (adj.) an u . . . stranger maru de shi- ra-7ioi hito u . . .ly nuiru de it is u...ly useless (to try) inarn de dunie di:su Vacant aUe iru; kara V . . .room aile iru heya Vague bonyari sh'Ua Vain (conceited) rMmaiki na; (inetlectual) muda no; dume na in v.. . muda ni; dame n« it was in v . . . dame deshUa my anxiety has been in vain s/iimpai ga muda ni narima- shlta my efforts are in vain hone-ori ga muda ni nurimashUa it proved to be all in v... minna dame deahUa; minna dame ni narimtishUa v.. . glory unuhore Valid lashika na; (having legal vahie) yilko no is tliis time-tabie still v...? kono jikanhyo wa mada ii no desu kaf [still a good one] Valise kaban Valley tani Valuab'e In'doi; neuchi no aru' (import.'itit) (laiji na V. . .s diiji nn n,ono V... tiling takara-mono Value at'ii; neuchi a ♦liiii? of no V... tsunuira- iiai inono to V. . (appraise) ni/ne u>0 t-iikeru: (think important) dxiiji ni nuru wliat do you v... it at.' (wliat do you thnk that is wort tin korc wa do7iO gurai dcxho.f V. . .less neuchi no nai Variable kawari-yasui; (fickle) akippoi Variety (various kinds) iro-iro for tiie sake of v... mesaki wo kiteiu l/ime ni Various iro-iro no Varnish (.Japanese) urushi, (Kuropean) tinnisH Very l/nriiru Vase (il:jwer) hana-ike; kabin Vegetable vasai-mono Veil (curtain) maku: (fcr the [ face) beru I Vein ao-suji Velvet hirodo cotton v... membirodo Ventilate ni/kaze wo ireru v.. . . tills room welltorio hcya ni ka:e uo yaku irtte o kure Venture I v... to think that — — to omnuMremum I will trust to fortune and v... it vn ni makasete yatie mimas^ho at a V . . . ichi ka bachi ha V . . . some daiian na Verify tasfnkanieru Vermin mu,^/ii [insect*]: kiianai iii"ilii [d.rty insects] Vertica! >a'e no Verv tiihen; goku; naka-naka; doino V . . . good taihen ii it was V... hot last night yiibe wa laihen atxnkati/c it is V. . . bad laihen warui it '3 V... difficult Jiate-7M7Aa muzukashii V. . . small children goku chit- sai kodomo V... much ('n degree) tai/V)i' (a great deal) daibu na I love you v... much annta ux) taihen mki dc.tu V . . . much money daibu na kane I fee! V. . . much better tnihen yoku narimnshita it i-! V. . . much like it yoku nite imasu in tlie V . . . act sono ba de this is the v. . . thing I want kore wa chodo omotte ita mono desu not V . . . ammari loll, by neg. it isn't V... interesting am- mari omoxhiroku Jiai they didn't seem v... sat's- fieil annniri manzoku shi-na- kntia yu dcshita not so V . . . sonna ni (with neg ) not so V . . . big sonna ni okiku 7iai tile V... same one numnf mo naku onriii mono the V . . . same thing (exactly alike Ij.it not the same in- dividnal^siitos/ii mo chigawa- vni iiumo Vessel (ship) iune sail:ng-v... homaesen Veterinary v . . . surgeon jUi Vex ijimeru to be V . . . ed mushakHsha suru Via via S'ber'a Shiberia kara; Shiberia too totte Vice wanii koto V . . . -consul 1iXku-Ty5,'i V . . . -versa abekobe Vicious taehi ga warui Victory (in warl kaclii-ikiUa View (prospect) keshif.i; (from a height, a^ from the top of a tower or hill) mi-hara- ski the V. . . is fine keshlki ga ii are there any fine v . . . s near here.' kono kinjo ni ke^htki no ii tokoro ga ari- rnasH ka? the 3 famous v. . .s (of Japan) san-kei* a piace from wliich one ob- tams a beautifu' v... mi- harashi no ii tokoro * The three famous views of Japan are: Matsushima, Mlya- jima and Ania -no-Hash idate. view 270 Voice have yon any v . . . s of the town/ koko no sshaskin ga arimasu ka^ from my point of v... VMtakii-thi no me kara mireba to be within v... mi^ra to keep m v. . . nifute ni sum witli a V. . . to 'anie »»» Vigorous oejiki na Vile iyaskii Village miira Villain ak~u-nin Vinegar »u Violence (wTong application of force) muri by V. . . muri ni violent rambo na Violet (flower) sumire; (colour) murasaki-iro Virgin ki-musiXme Virtue toku; (chastity) mixao y . . .oils katai V . . . ous woman teiio Visit tazune to V . . . vDoltazune'ru; (a monu- ment) e/HM when will you pay me a V...? ilw iraahitte huda- mimasu ka? v...or kyaku sama v...ing-card meishi If on arriving at a Japa- nese house tliere w nobody in the hall {genka) you may call out: Gom^n kudasai (ex- cuse me] does Mr. Tanabe live her^? Tanabe San toa kochira desu ?:a? is Miss Ito staying here? ltd San wa kochira ni o-ide desu ka? is Mr. Tanaka in? Tanaka San Ka o-ide desa ka t can I see him "> o meni kaka- rmuMv. ka ! See IXQUTRB what is your name? o namae wai my name is John Smith wntak-tl-ihi uxi John Smifh desH You had better hand the seivant your card than trust to her ability of re- pea^mg your name cor- rectly. Se<; GREETIVO please take a seat (Euro- )iean style) dozo o kake k-udasai- (Japanese style of room) dozo o shiki kudasai 'please take a cushion zabuion] may I offer you something? nani wo aijemasho f:a! (The Japanese don't usually ask thjs question, but have t^a and cakes always brought in to a guest irrespective of the hour or the day or the time 01 the year.) ^ pray he at your ease o raku nt dont hurry away (when the guest says he must leave) go yukkuri plea^e take a smoke ip-pvJM agari nasai p.ease take a cup of tea cha hUotni o agari nasai p'ease help yourself (of food. etc.) go )iyu ni; (eat what has been served you) o agari nasai please go first (apr^ vous) dozo saki e good bye xnyonara See DEPAKTUBK Voice koe loud v . . . oki na koe to speak in a loud grum- bling V. . . donaru in a low v . . . chiisai koe de Volcano Walk Volcano kazan Vo!i:rre 'lulk) kasa; (book/ salsO Voluntary kntte na Vomit hak-u Vote tohi/o to v . . . tCi/iyo tiuru Vow ckikai to make a v . , chikai wo sum Voyage (by sea) kokai to make a v... kokai suru Vulgar gehin na a V... person gehin na hito Waddin? wnta silk \v. . mawata Wages kyukin; (monthly w. . .) ge!-l:yu what w... should I pay per month.' gekk-yu wa dono t koshi w. . .coat chokki Wait matsa w . . . a moment chotto matte I. udn>:ai tell him to w... a little sUkoshi rnatsU yd ni itte kure shall I w . . . .» machimasho ka? please w... until 1 come kurv, made matte kudasai you had better w. . . matsU ho ga a don't w. . . for me mxita-nai de kudasai you had better not w... rrMtn-nai ho ga ii I shall w . . . for you matU. imasu I can't w... matt^ irare- mascn I can't w... any longer mo nmtte iraremasen what are yon w,..ing for.* vani tvo matte imasti? w . . . outs'de soto de matte o kitr» I uever make dthers w... for me, and 1 don't ,ik<» w... ng for others drire mo nuiUiKcta koto wa •ex^hite arii)iaxen kara, watakushi mo iitotsu no ua iya deaU w...ing and w...ing machi ni miitte to ketp another w...iEg; vujtaseru to w . . . impatient.y machi- kavcle i'ru to grow t.red of w...ing machi-kuUibireru to w. . . at table kyu)i wo sum Waiter box (irrespective of age^ Waitress onrui no boi [femaJe boyOl Wake (trins.) okosU; (intr.) vie ga sanie'ru please w . . . me at 6 o'clock nujoasa roku-ji ni okoshiU o kure uhy did you not w... me.' naze anata wa tvatakiushi tvo okoshimasen deshita ka? I woke at 7 o'clock shichi- )i ni me ga savieiiMshita tiie earthquake woke me lishin de me ga samemashUa Walk nruku 1 will w... arukimaiiho 2 hours w . . . aruite ni-jikan I w...ed all tl'.e way from the sUition teisJiaba kara arukiniaMta you w . too favSt anata u» hayaku aruki-suginiagu, please w... in ohairinaM,i to go for a w. . . sampo twru Walk 272 Warn I went for a w . . . in the afteruoou gogo vm sampc shimaslnCa w . . . ing-stick tsue; sutekki Wall kabe brick w... renaa-bei StoQH w. . . ishi-bei Want ofton expressed by iru [need]; or hoshii [desirable] I w. . . a rikislia at 8 o'clock to-morrow moruJna viyoasa f-ioM-ii ni huruma ga irimasu u.. you w... this? kore wa irimasen ka? anything you w... nan de mo hofhii mono I w , . . it larger motto okii no ga irimasu It is juu^twiiat I w. . .eichodo hoshii to omoitc ita mono desii 1 w . . . some bread pan wo kudasai wliat else do you w . . . » nani ka hoka ni hoshihu arimasen kai do you w... some bread.' pan ua ikaga desu ? take as much as you w... hoshii dake o tori nusai please make use ol it when- ever you w . . . it iri-yo no tok* vja itsU de mo tsUkai nasai WANT TO — '3 expressed by a special form ot the verb ending in — tot. See con- jugation of the veib, p. 23 I w... . to go to Kamakura Kamakura ni ikitai I w . . . t« ask you some- thing siUcoshi kikitai koto ga mrimasH do you kncrw of anyone who W...8 to. sell a korse^ ama wo uritai hito ga nai demo kaf I aui in w. . of money o katie :ja tari-nai lie cou.d not fin..sh the house for w... of money o kune ga tari-nai kara', uchi ux> tatete shimau koto -ja deki- masen deshiia what do you w...» (what have yon come for.') nan no go yo desu ka'> 1 w . . . somebody to write a letter for me dare ka ni tegami, too kaite moraitai one page is w. . .Ing ichi-mai tari-nai War senso; ikUsa to make w . . . sen w guru man-of-w... gitnkan Wardrobe (chest of drawers) tansu Ware-house Irura; dozo Warm utiakai it is gu'le w... to-day (said in winter) ky6 tea dttakai desu, ne it is very w... to-day (said in summer) kyo wa taihen atsui desu ne (ypry hot] it is too w... attaka-suyim the water has become w . . . (after being cold) mizu ga attakaku narimashita the water has become luke- warm (after being hot) o yw 17a nuruku narimashita to w . . . atiame'nt w . . . it up attnnute kure to w... one's self at the fire *t ni «tom w . . . yourself at the Are « atari naaai Warn imanhim'.'ru I w. . .ed you in advance mae kara kctouM^i shite arimasii Warn 273 Watch I w . . . you that he is very insincere in what he says o seji ga jozu na no da kara, sono tsumori de irasshai Wash arau I want to w... my face teo wo arailai to cause to be w...ed ara- toase'ru to w . . . clothes sentnkii sum to send to the w . . . sen- taku ni yarn have this plate w . . .ed please kono sara wo arawasete kuda- sai eend these things to the w.. . kore wo serUaku ni yatte kure has my linen come from the w.. .? seniaku-mono ga kima- shita kaf w...ing (tiie clothes them- selves) serUaku-mono I must have it (thn w. . ing) by Saturday doyo-bi made ni kitto aratte moraitai w...erman sentaku-ya chemise onna no jiban collar kara; eri cuffs kaliXsii; sode-guchi diaper (for children) oshime drawers zubon-shita; shUa- momoMki handkerchief ?uinkechi neck-cloth eri-kazari night-dress nemaki petticoat oJiTirt no shUa-gi pillow-case maf-Uia-bukuro shirt shatsv: jiban sf'irt-front jifinn no mune-ate socks kutf!u.-shita stocking* naiai hutsii-skUa towel tofiru. tenugui vest shlta-fihan waistcoat chof-ki white shirt sftiioi jiban cotton women no flannel /Uraneru no silk kinu no woolpn ke no m.xn's otoLo no lady'? fujin no cliild's kodonu) no woven otta crp.pe (silk) chLrimen; (cotton) chiiimi Waste muda ni suru dont w . . . the water mizuteo muda ni sh'de mw ike-nai I cannot bear to see anything w. . .ed na7i de mo mudani suru no wa ichi-ban kirai dont w . . . your time hima wo txubu.ihitc wa ihe-r.ai w. . .-paper kamikuzu; hogo w , . .-paper basket kamikuzu- kago Watch (timepiece) tokei; kai- chil-dokH to wind up a w. . . okei wo mak-u w . . . goes wrong tokei ga kuruite iru w . . . ia fast token ga susunde iru w. . . is slow tokei ga okwrele irv, w . . . is right tokei ga atle iru to put aw... right tokei Mto aipaseru w... does not go tokei ga tomarimashUa to tp on the w. . for ni/ki wo uakele i'ru tc w. . . (observe the actions of) ni/ki wo tsUkeru; »be evpertant) ukagau to JJeep w . . . ban voo suru to w . . . for an opportnnltgr oriwomiru w... maker tofc«i-va w. . .man ban-nin Watch 274 Way ni^ht w . . . man yo ban fire w. . .man hi-no-han Water cold w.. . muu hot w. . . yu: o yu teyid w . . . nurui yti drinking w. . . nctni-mizu clear w. . . Mrci va mizu frc-li w. . . maiiHTU vpry cold \v. . . Uumetai mizu iced w. . . lori wo ire'a mini hard w. . . ami mizu so't w. . . yannrahai mizu rain w. . . amn-hdzu; (caught n a barroli t'u.'iui w. . . laid on in a houje suido w... from a well ido no miru w. . . for washing the hands te wo arau 7n'zu Fait w. . . shio->,iim ?ea w... uii'iTio mizu mineral w. . . /.d'.in to go by w. . . h'.iie de iiu there ii no w. . . in my room watu'cUshi no heya ni mizu ga arimaxen bi the hot \v... ready? oyu ga witkiiimah'itii hit [l>as the hot water l either w... will do dochi- ra de mo ii any w... will Ao do de mo ii you must not do it this w... tM iu in ni shite wa , ike^nai ' you had better do it tliis w. . . ko iu /u tit suru ho ga ii there must be some w. . . out of the difllcnlty do ka shika- ta ija aru deshu the other w . . . about abe- kobe over the w. . . miilo Bome w. . . or(.tli'3r dokakoka; see SOMEHOW which is tlie shoite-t w. . . to »lie stiition/ tHshaba e wa dotc/ii (la idd-ban chika- michi desu .'ru? which is the w... to the hank; ninko e ik't michi Wft docldra dcsa ka.' is tliis the w. . . to the park? kore wa kuen e iku michi de.sii ka? it is a lonz w. . . off tui desH is on our w... tori michi da to be in the w. . . vima dearu is this parcel in your w. . ..« /o/?n nimotan wa o jama desu ka? to get out of the w . . . doku get out of the w... o doki nasai to take out of the w... dokeru to make w... for ni/miehi wo yuziiru to lose one's w... michi wo macliigae'ru to give w. . . (break) ho- ivareru: fsubmit) make'ru to have one's own w. . . kaUe ni suru to let one have one's own w. . . kiitte ni snse'ru to like to have one's own w. . . (expressed by the adj.) waiiamama na to try to get one's own w... 7if^un-(jiiU-' wo shield to suru cannot liave one's own w... omou I/O ni nara-nai to show the w. . . (tell) mieki tro o tsUkete o ski nasai; yoku o shi nasai this 13 true as w... kore mo honto dfsil as w... as (also) mo— mo; (equaJ.y well) »o ni yoku; yo ni jozu; (superlative degree) dake brmg tlus as w. . . as that lore mo sore mo motte kite o kure as w... as you can dekirv dake yof:u he speaks English very w. . . Ei-go ga jozu da this picture is very w . . . painted kono e wa naka- naka Umaku kaite aru it suits you w... yoku ni aimasH that's w... sore tea kek1:5 da very w. . .; see AH. (all right) w. . . then, don't do it de tw o t/osAi nasai w. .'. I must go home dore kaerimasho w... dooel Umai/ w... now hate na w... I never m& w. . . kaown ySmH no; itado' kai V... 'to-do kanemockina Well 27S What to be w... off iMuemochi de am West ) I ?'.?/• I w... wind nuhi-hnc w...ein iiU/k vc ho no; (Eiiroi)r;irO neii/O no Wet nureti diippiug w... hiishmi, nu reti to w. . . nurasn to be w. . . nureti i'ru to get w. . . nnrcru. w. .'. wojitl er anie-fiiri w. . .-nurse iiba Wliaif Itatoba- ■. wooden ■ saw- bashi What w... is tiw Japanese n.-'me for this? kore wi yUinv go de lum to (u/f/rsii Ictif w... is tliis made oU Korc- wa win de koHhiracta no dafO. ka? w... is this thing' kore uia nan desU ka? w . . . is a Iryo? by 5 'tte nan desu ka? w. . . is this for' kore wa nan n' Lfukaimasu l.n! w . . . oucht I to do/ ''J shltara yoharo! *... '\A he diiinc? nani wo shite imasu kaf w... are yfni waiting foi? nani wo matte inuisn' w... shall I do nr>t.' nani too saki e t^Mninshof w. . . are you tliinl-iiig of? (lit.) nani uo kdnmute iru no desu kaf (what do you mean by this behaviour.') do shUa no desU? w . . . are you looking at.? nani wo mite imasu to' w. . . is your business.' (what have yon come for.?> imn no no yo d'.'sii kuf w. . . is it all about.' do alula no desu! w. . . has hapiiened? nani ga Oi'.otta .' nan den/iiti? I don't know w. . . to say do ithii ii ka tia,\arimasc}i w. . . i- tlie niattor witli you.' do sluta 110 flei-H.' w... is tliiit to me.' wata- kiisl.i no fkitla koto de xva nai w. . . do you mean.' do iu imi desu ka> w... did .von say' nin to itta no d'su ka! w. . . do you say to this? kore iva ikaija den'i ka .' w... co\ild have been the reason.' do iu wike nnnn daro w... do y(,u propose to do' do shimas-u ka! w... shall I do.' (Speaking to one's self, do slmnnsl-d! w... should I ever do with- out you? anala r/a i-nakereba do h'liimasho do w . . . you like suki nu yd ni shi naiai do w. . . you will I will never consent do shite mo shochi si'iimasen at w... hotel did you stop m Kobe' Kobe dedono hoteru 7ii tomurihias/nta ka! at w. . . time does the steam- er arrive.' nan-ji ni kisen ga tsukinuisU kai Dart is 1 mi-ban w. . . is Mr. A's native coun- try l A San u'a doko no hito desho? w. . . is your name.' o namae VMt w. . . Dart is the coldest? doko ga iciti-ban samui des/io ? What 279 Whenever w . . . a fine day nante ii o tenkl desho w... a fool he is nan to iu baka daro w. . . a hurry you are in taihen o inoni dem ne w. . . an awfully bad roado«o- roshiku donio michi ga icarui w. . . he rsiid it>n koto from w. . . I lieard you have been ill aywtn wa go bydki da to kikiwashtta w...! is that man dead? nani, ano hito ga shinda to! I am very busy w , . . with one thing .nnd another 7mni ya ka jin. y5ji ga ariinnml I can't teli w. . . is the reason naze drxi'i ka wak'irimasen Whatever w... you (tlease'nan de mo o suki na no dow... you like si'iki va yo ni shi vasai w may happen donna koto ga alte mo w... you may say donna ni ifte mo Wheat ko-mwji w...cn iVnw kn-mu'ii no ko; (foreign) Mci-ik''ti-ko Wheel kuruma; tea When iU::'i: :oki w... did you arrive.' Usii tsUkimashiUt ka! w. . . will it he leady? itsii-de- kimasH ka ! w... can I liave ii'y coat.' n,aUtVwhi no uimgi tea Utu dekimasH ka! [when will my coat be ready.'] w... that Happened I was n England sore ga okolla toki IgirisH ni orimahh'i- ta the boy mistook the meaning w. . . I said it in .Tapauese uaUikushi ga Nihon-go de hannahibiraboi ga macliigae- masliU't excuse me for interrupting you w. . . you were busy o isogn.ihii tokoro uo o jama wo ita sh i m n . you have done dekilnra sugu ni ithirasctc ki'dasui he went hack I don't know w. . . itxu ka kaette shimai- mnshita \i\\ me w... you cm come itsH o-ide ni nareinasu ka shirnmte ludiisai VVhcnc\er tuwA ni; itsU de mo w. . . he comes kuru tambi ni w . . . f go he is not at horn.- it-fit it e mo i-nai Whenever 280 Which w . . . you like ifctl de nu> please make use of it w . . . you need it o iri-yo no toki toa itsA de mo o tsukai tuda- sai Where doko; dochira w. ; . are you going? dochira e iicimasu kat w... liave you been? doko e o-ide deshUa ka ? w... do you come from? dochira kara kimashUa kat w... are you from? (which Is your country?) o kuni MW? w . . . is my boy? watakHshi noboiwa doko ni orimasuka? w . is it? (a place, town) doko desa ka? (a small object) doko ni arimam ka? w . . . do you live? o taku wa doko desa ka? w . . . does he live? ano hUo no uehi toa doko desu ka? do you know w . . . it is? doko ni aru ka shirimasen ka? w. . . does this road lead, to? kore wa doko e iku michi desu ka? I don't know w . . . he has gone doko e itta ka shiri- masen I do not know w. . . he lives uehi ga ufakarimasen I wonder w . . . it is? doko ni am, no daro? w. . . to? doko e? w... from? doko kara? anyw... doko de mo; doko e de mo every w. . . doko de mo; hobo now... doko ni mo (foil, by a neg.) the place w. . . I was bom vmiakHshi no Umareta tokoro w. . . else? hola ni doko ka? is this w . . . we take the boat? koko wa fune ni noru tokoro desH ka? w . . . about doko ira Wherever doko — mo he smokes w . . . lie is doko ni He mo tabako wo rumde imasu go w . . . you like doko ni de mo itts irasshxti Whether I do not know w . . . I shall see my friend iomodachi ni au ka do da ka wakara-nai do you know w . . . there is any? aru ka nai ka shirima- sen ka? everyone w . . . Japanese or foreigner Nihon-jin de mo gaikoku-jin de mo it is impossible to Icnow w he made it koshira'ta ka, do da. ka. do mo wakarirrtasen [did make it? how is it' really don't know] w... you like it or not iya de mo d". mo you must do it w... you like it or not iya de mo o de mo shi-nakereba ike- masen do you know w . . . he has arrived? tsuita ka do ka shitte imasu ka? I do not know w. . . it is a dog or a cat inu da ia neko da ka shira-nai please ask w . . . he is going or not iku ka ika-nai ka kiite kudasai Which w. . . book? (of several) dotu> hon? (of two books) dotchi no hon? Which 281 Wbo w... is the better? (of two) dotMra ga ii desho? w. . . is the best* (of several) dore ga ii? w. . . do you prefer? dotchi ga ii to omoimasH? w. . . is the best hotel? doko ga ichi-ban ii hoteni desU ka? w . . . road shall we take? doko kara ikinuisho ka? w. . . shall I do first? dotchi wo saki e shimasho? do you know w . . . ? dotchi da ka shirimasen ka? w . . . do you like best tea or coffee ? o cha to kohii to do- chira ga yoroshii desu ka ? the doer w . . . I saw yester- day kino mita inu the train w. . . starts at 10 jH-ji no kisha [10 o'clock train] Whichever w . . . road oni* goes dono michi wo it'e mo w. . . you please dore de mo sUki na no w . . . way you look at It doko kara mite mo ^'hUe w... 1 was in America Amerika ni ita jihun a man called Kiniura came w. . . you were out ayviti no rusu ni Kimura to iu hiio ga kima.shit3 w... I was doing bo so shite iru aid-.i ni w . . . you are about it s'mo tsulde ni w. . . you are mending it you had better put in a new spring naosH Isuite ni zemmai tvo wri-kaeiu ho ga ii w. . . on the way (whfle going) iki nagara w. . . returning kaeri nagara it took a long w. . . /tima ga toreta a long w. . . ago gutto ma» ni a short w . . . ago sakki after a little w... «iU»«M uatte a little w... sUkoshi iu a little w. . . jiki ni a short w... chotto a good w... shibaraktt a long w. . . zuibun in tlie meanw . . . sono aida is it worth w...|jfc«i gaari- rnasH ka? it is not worth w... tot ga nai It was not worth w . . . go- ing to see mi ni itta keredo tsumara-nakatta. to w . . . away the time jikan wo sugosH Whip muchi to w. . . mueki de utsa Whisky uisUkii Whisper mimikosuri wo turu; r.aisho-banashi wo nufu (to i-peak m secret] Whistle (with the month) kui-hi-bue wo iuku; (of the wind> hyU-hyii fUku; (of a train) kit''ki ■;<•■ nam w. . . (the instrument) /im; (of a train) kiteki White khirvi w. . . liair shira-ga w...wasli yoiun w . . . of an egg shiromi Who (inter.) dare w . . . came thL« momingf dare ga kesa kimashUa kat w . . . has done this.* dare ga kore wo shimashita kaf Who 282 Will w. , . is he? are wa dare desii ka? w. . . are you? donata des-ti ka? the man w. . . came this morning kfxa l-iu; h'lto w. . . cares even ii it i.-; dan- gerous? abunakiite mo kamau niorw ka ? Whole minrca the w... body kamdn-ju the w. . . d.'iy ichi^nchi-ju the w. . . niglit yo-ju the w... time nhiiu the w. . . of tliis month kongetsu-ju the w . . . year ichi-nm- ju aw... year mam icld-nen on the w. . . daitai kara ieba; Uvmari I saw the w... thing sono koto ua hajivie karc, minia- shita to encafre tlie w... of a vehicle btis-lia tro kai-kiru Wholesale oroshi Whom w. . do you recommend? dftre ga ii to omoimasO. ko! to w... must I give thisj dare ni kore wo yaru no desU kat the , woman w... I saw watakualii ga mita oiuia Whose (interr.) dare no w. . . duty is It? dare no kakari iU. tect w... haha san-jaku Widow go'!:e: yamome w. . .er oiiiko-i/amonie Width hubii; hirosa Wife your w... (of an equal or ';u]pcr:or)o,',)f-4'r»,' oki'i-samn; (of an inferior) o kaini-san my w. . . kanai hi-; w... ano hUono okH-san; ano hito )io o kaini-saii Wild (tiiihnlent) rnmho na; (of ph.iit-1 yama no [of the mount. liiij Will (te-taniei!t) yuigon-)0 a.E:;>in--t one'.s w. . . kokoro iiara-!u mo; muri ni at w. . . katte to have one's own w... (v.ay) kattc ni sunt wii.i, i< tran-ilated by the future when stiitmg an oi>iiiki:i or one's purpose; by tlie j>rcseTit when there is the idea o! reitainty or detei 'lunation, also when ;n(inirint; into another's purjjoso. Will 283 Wish WILL NOT is translated by the neg. present. I w . . . call again mata kimas/io w... you go or not.* iki- masu ka ikimasen kaf I w . . . go even if it rains avie ga fuHe mo ikimasii I w. . . not go ikimasen, ika- mai that one won't do sore de wa ike-)iai that won't do sore wa ike- nai won't that do? sore de ii ja nai ka ? where there's a w. . . there's a way lokoroyisiii tute areba na- ni !J')u> de ino d<'kimasu Willin? to be w... to mo ii (alter gerund) I am w... to go itte mo ii he is w... to go wie ino ii so des-ii [he says he is will- wj to go] aie you w. . . to go? ikimasii kaf >\\ill you go?) Win torn (traus.); katsU (iatT.) to w. . . a prize hobi wo toru to w... a race kyoso ju kaim [to win in a race] to w... a battle senno ni kalsH [to win in a battle] Wind kaze contrary w... mukai-kaze fair w . . . oi-keze high w. . . 6 kaze to pet w... of kagi-uHke'TU nortli w... kH»-ka.ze south w . . . viinami-kaze cast w. . . hiqashi-kaze west w . . . nishi-kaze where is the w...» nani kaze desii ka? w. . .y kaze no tsnyoi to w . . . maku to w ... a watch lokei wo maku Window mado open the w... mado wo akele o kure shut the w . . . mado wo shi- mete o kure do you object to my open- ing the w...? mado wo akete mo kamaimnsen ka? w. . . shutters nuido no tn Wine bitdoshu \\... -irlass koppu W'ing liane Wink V. i. mabaUtki suiu; (•'> give a sign) inekubase suiu Winter fui/u for w. . . w^e fuyu-nmki no in w . . . iuyu W ipe fiiku w... t))is well yoku o Ivki va:(:i Wire hari-gane Wise chie no aru in no w... do sh'Ue mo with n g. of verb peuLy w... and pound foo)i--h Ichi-nion oshi>ifi no hyakii zon [save one and lose a hundred] w. . . man chie no aru h'Uo; (learned person) yakOsha Wish often expressetl by a special form of the verb: See p. 13 I w . . . to go ikitai do you w . . . to go.' ikitai desu ka? I do not w.., to go iki- taku nai I w. . . you to go to Tokyo Tokyo e itte moruitai 1 was j\u,t w...ing for one chodo hitotsA hoshii to omoUe imashita Wish 284 Without I w. . . I knew his address ano hito no tokoro ga waka- reba ii ga I w. . . I knew how to make this kono koshirae-kata ga wakareha ii ga I will do as you w..._ anata no siiki na yd ni shimasho 1 w... I could go ikereha ii ga I w . . . he were here ano hUo ga koko ni ireba yokaita I w . . . I could have gone iketara yokatta I w . . . you luck go kigen yd See WANT Wistaria fuji With (together with) to; issho ni; (by means of) de 1 will go_ w. . . you issfio ni ikimasho come w. . . me issho ni o-ide nasai I want to go for a walk w. . . you anata to sanvpo ni ikiiai he left w... my mother yesterday kino haha to de- r/iashila didn't a letter come w.'. . this box? kono hako ni te- ga'iyii ga tsuite kimasen de- shita kal wipe w... a (dirty) cloth tSkin de fuite o kurt I do not know anyone w . . . that name so iu na no hito wa shira-nai the geritlenian w. . . the red beard akai hige no haeta kata the lady w... the blue hat aoi boshi wo kabutta kata I am staying w. . . my frienls tomodachi no uise you to take a hot bath anata tea yu ni haittara yokaro [if you take a hot bath it would be a good thing] I w. .. go if I were not busy isogashiku nakereba ik-imasH w... you come if it rain- ed? ante ga futte mo kima- «u kaf [even if it rains] w. . . you come if my father asked you.' chichi ga o tanomi sureba o-ide nasai- masH ka! although I asked hfin he w... not come o tanorni tkite mo kimasen deshila I w... rather not go wala- kHshi wa ika-noA ho ga ii I w. . .n't do it for anything do shite mo shimasen I w. . . call on him only I do not know where he lives anu kata no tokoro e ikiiai no desO. ga uchi ga loakarimasen Wound kega; kizu to w... kega wo sase'm to be w. . ,ed kega wo sum tVrap tsutsumu please w. . . it up tsutsundt kttdasai w..,per (coloured cloth like a handkerchief used by Japanese for wrapping up bundles) furoshlhi Wreck to bc) w.,.ed (of a ship) nasen sum; (of a person) hasen ni au Wrestle sumo too torn ■w.. .r sumo-tori w. . .ing sumo; (another kind) jujxtsa Wring shiboru Wrinkle v. t. ni/shiuxi wo yo- se'ru ; v. i. shitea ga yoru Wrist te-kubi Write kaku please w. . . a letter for me tegami wo kaite kudasai please w... to me tegami wo kudasai I will w... to you tegami wo dashtmasho please w... another copy mo ichi-mai kaite kudasat please w. . . it again (cor- recting it) kaki-naosAite kttdasai please w... to your father to-san ni tegami wo dashi- te kudasai I wrote back at once tugu henji ux> dashimashita to w . . . down kaki-tomeie oku w...r (author) chosha w...ing (handwritmg) te; (what is written) kaita-mono in w. . .Ing kaite in his own w...ing jibun de kai'e Wrong (mistaken) mackigatfa: (bad) tcarui to be w. . . machigatte i'ru Wrong 288 Yesterday this is w. . . (Intorrect) hore UM maehigaUe imasH I was w. . . mackigatte ima- thUa you are in the w . . . ancaa ga mackigatte iru no dem I beg your pardon but I believe you are in the w. . . shitsurei desu ga awita ga mackigatte i-nai desho ka? it is altogether w . . . mani de ckigau to take the w . . . road mi- cki wo marhigae'ru the w. . . side uppermost sakasama to take by the w... end sakasamd ni moisU to do w . . . shi-sokomiu to hear w. . . kiki-sokonau to write w... kaki-sokonau the w... one ckigau no the w. . . side (of a piece of cloth) ura you set about it in the w . . . way sore de wa dame something is w. . . with me but I dont know what nan da ka shira-nai ga kimochi ga warui Bometlung is w... with the clock tokei no guai ga warui is anything w. . . with the bell ? rin no guai ga uxiruku natta no desiX ka f you were told w. . . mackigat- te oshierareta no desU Yacht yotto Yard (garden) naka-nitoa; (measure) j/ant; kaneno sari- ja/.u Yawn akubi to y . . . akubi wo sunt Year toshi; nen this y... kotoshi last y... kyonen; sakunen y... before last ototoshi; issakunen next y . . . rainen y . . . after next sarairun y. . .ly mai^nen no every y . . . mai-nen within the y... loaki my ucJd ni In former y. . .8 sennen all the y . . . round nen-jH end of the y . . . toshi no hire New Y . . . 's time sho-gatsU New Y...'8 day gavjUsu the new y... shinnen I wish you a happy New Y... shinnen o medetd goMimasH kotoshi mo ai- kawara-zu for y. . .8 and y . . .s iku-nen mo iku-nen mo for y...8 past go-roku^tn ' mae kara y... by y... nen^nen how many y . . . s? iku-nenf how many y...s old.« toski wa i/cutsHf two y . . .s old fUtatsii See Agb the y. . .1913 Taisho ni-nen See DATE Yellow ki-iro Yes sayo; sayo ie gozaimasH yes, please dozo I want a plain answer, yea or no inaya no henji too shite kudasai In answering a negative ques- tion the Japanese often use •yes' where we would say 'no.' and vice-versa: isn't he coming.* kintasen ka? no sayo de gozaimasH [yes, i.e. it is ~so as the negative of your question implies] yes He [no] Yesterday kind; sakujil»A y. . . morning k/inotio asa Yesterday 289 Zlac y . . . evening sakuban; yUbe the day before y... tssoifcu- jitsH; ototoi Yet not y . . . mada (vetbt if any, neg.) be has not y... come mada kimasen it - 18 not y . . . finished mO' da detimasen and y . . . desH ga y... (nevertheless) he would not come keredomo kimasen desMta Yolk (of an egg) kimi You armta (polite); omae (not polite) you (plural) anata-gata (polite); omae-tacki (not polite^ Young wdkai to be y...er tothi oa ghUa de aru two years y...er /iUart shUa y...est ichi-ban ihUa - when I was y. . . viakai USA ni my y...er brother otSto my y...er sister imotxt Your anaia no; anata-gata no; also expressed by the honorific prefixes o; go; and by the use of polita words y... brothers go kySdai y. . . house o taku y...self go jibun (polite); jibun (not polite) See SBLf yours anata no Youth (period) u>aka% toki (person) loakai hUo y . . . ful wakai Zeal nesshin Zero rei three, four, z .., sevett (3407) san, ski, rei, skichi Zigzag unekuns gkUa Zinc totan COMMON USEFUL PHRASES Yes sayo No He If you please dozo Have you? arimasu kaf Give me toataJcushi ni kudasai Show me misete kuiasai Thank you arigeto Don't mention it do Uatki- ■mashUe Good morning o-hayo Good day konnichi tea Good evening komban tea Good night (on retiring at night) yasumi nasai Good bye sayonara What do you call this in Japanese? kore wa Nifion- g<\ df nan to iinmstl kaf Do you speak English? Ei- go ga dekimasu ka? Do you understand English? Bi-ao ga, uxikarimasu kaf 1 understand nnkarimasu I do not understand teaka- rimasen I am an Englishman wala- kuihi wa Igirisu-nn desu I am an Amorican tcatakuthi wa Amerika-jin desH A rikisha kuruma How much? ikuraf How much to take me to the station? Uisliaba mad* ikuraf To the station and back fei- ihaba made Sjiiku Until 5 o'clock, how mucM go-ji made ikurat How long does it take? dono furai kakarimasH kaf Right migi Left hidari Stop tomeie Here is something for yoa (on giving a eratuity) sukoshi da ga Ticket lippu Two tickets kippu ni'mai Return ticket o/uku-kippu First class it-to Second class ni-to Two first returns Xyoto Kyoto no it-to ofUku ni-tnai Where is the W. C.r benjt tea doko desa kaf COMMON USEFUL PHRASES I am hungry o naka ga sC- Come here o-iie nasai kimashUa Excuse me gomen nasai 1 want some bread pan wo It doesn't matter kamai- kudasai masen A meal shokuji It can't be helped shi-kala A foreign style restaurant ga nai seiyo-ryori-ya It is no use (your trying to I am thirsty nodo ga ka%Ba- do that) dame dasH kimashUa Too dear awMri takai Bring me a bottle of beer Cheaper motto yasui hitru U)o ip-pon moUe kite o Get out of the way o doki kure nasai ImmedLitely su{;u nC Don't make such a noise Cold water mizu yakamashii Ice-water kori wo ireta mizu What do you want? nan Hot water o yu desii ka? Tea clia Take care ki wo isHkeU Cakes o kashi Tliat wont do sore wa ike-run Milk gyunyu Don't do that so shichd ike- Bread pan nai Waiter boi Hold your tongue o damari Servant (female) joc/m ?iasai What is the time? nan-ji desA Go away achira e kaf N.B.— These last sentences Please show me your watch are more or less impolite tokei wo misete kudasai and should be used only Make haste hayaku to inferiors. e.-v. ., University of California 4nl2V^"5?'^ REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. QL APR 1 8 PJECEIVED JM2 6 1994 EMS LIBRARY 1994 >^ .■!';: ■■::"^''--'Pf-*f"'^''>:^''^ So L