H75 Wfi'MK W/" THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. BY A PROFESSIONAL PLAYER, Author of "The Violin: Holu to Master It," do. COZsTTEIsr'X'S. Experts — Some hard words about Collectors — Model — Why one Violin excels another — How to get a good Violin very Cheap — Amber Varnish, a collection of Facts and Theories— How to make Amber Varnisli — The names and addresses of eight makers of Amber Varnish for Violins — How to Colour Amber Varnish without the admixture of Colouring Ingredients — Charles Reade and Ole Bull on Amber Varnish — Some plain words about Old Violins — A Heavenly Message — The Tubby Tone — Fractures — Wolf Notes — Worm-eaten Violins — The best substitute for an Old Violin — The dififerent qualities of Wood and Tone — Training the Eye — The Italian Tone — Power against Sweetness — How to test Experts — Reliable Experts — Beginners' Violins^The kind of Violin to buy — Tone dependent upon the Player — Ladies' Violins — The Violin Case, The Bow, and the Strings — ■ THE ACOUSTICS OF VIOLIN MAKING- Startling revelations of a Skilled Violin Maker — A sure method by which the Tone of any Violin may be Copied and the Bass Bar adjusted to the requirements of the JNIodel and the capabilities of the Wood — The long sought Secret which was withheld by Savarb, Vuillaume, and Otto— Every part of the Violin Tuned to Modem Concert Pitch in course of Con- struction — A LIST OF LIVING BRITISH VIOLIN MAKERS using Oil Varnish, the Models they follow, the Colour of Varnish they use, and a Copy of the Ticket inserted in their Works. PRICE ONE SHILLING. EDINBURGH: E. KOHLER & SON, MUSICSELLERS, NORTH BRIDGE. LONDON: FOOLSHAM & CO., 4 PILGRIM STREET; and DUNCAN & CO., 1S6 FLEET STREET. A^^ # i know. Its real value is about £10 at the outside. I was once told of 8 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. an old fiddle for sale in Nottingham, and went to see it. The old man to whom it belonged asked £10 for it, so I bought it. Then he told me that two of these experts had been to see it, and both said they would come again, but their chance was gone, as I took it with me, and when it was done up I sold it for £60. It was a grand old Amatise Strad, but badly out of order. After I bought it, I soon had a note from one of these experts to know the price of it, but I gave him no reply. He could not depend on his own judgment !" Whatever opinion the reader may form from these cases, it can do him no harm to gather all the knowledge he can on the subject. ^fLj *SsJ^ THE VIOLIN, now TO CHOOSE ONE. CHAPTER II. Some Hard Words about Colloctors — Model. The ear and the eye of the player ought to be the sole guide, but as both ear and eye require training, a few hints on how violin players may become their own experts may not be unwelcome. Here the vastness of the subject is enough to appal any but the stoutest heart, and I fancy I hear a host of questions showering in on me, such as "What maker do you recommend mosfcf "Are Italian violins really the best in existence V " How are we to know a real from a fraudulent copy T' "Would a well made new- violin not be as good as an old onef' &o., &c. To answer these and a thousand similar questions I have to refer the reader back to the reply of the simple person — the ear and the eye must decide for you. For reasons which I have already given in " The Violin : How to Master It," and " The Secrets of Violin Playing," I think it may be taken as established, that an old violin, well made and well preserved, with a large and telling tone, is better for all purposes than the best new violin that can be made. By old, I mean about 150 years of age, as under that a violin is not generally at its best. Old violins may be had by the bushel for from £5 to .£300, which, alas, are not worth buying. There are husky, diseased, patched, and fractured wrecks of violins, by eminent Italian makers, selling and reselling which would be better thrust into the fire. They are kept in existence merely by the rapacity of experts and dealers, the folly of collectors, and the ignorance of players. At a high-class concert recently I heard Vieuxtemps' Concerto in D minor performed by a soloist whose powei-s fell little short of genius, but who — oh, fatal folly — had chosen to use an old wreck of a Strad beautifully fitted with gold-mounted pegs, but having a tone which I have heard brilliantly outshone by an old English fiddle, with no purfling, a miserable scroll and a wretched oil varnish, and which was sold for £4. When — oh when— will players realize that it is not gold mounted pegs for which 10 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSF OXE. listeners sigh but Gold-Mounted ToxeI The extraordinary prices which these wrecks bring can be traced to the same folly. Collectors have thus become the curse of violin players, not so much on account of these wrecks which they keep in the market as of the really grand violins which they keep out of use, and have thus forced up to such outrageous prices. The Rev. Mr. Haweis says that the collector has been a blessing to the world in " preserving " so many matchless gems from the wear and tear of constant use, but the remark is more sentimental than sound. A strange peculi- arity about wood is that in use it wears very little, but set aside it begins to mould and decay ; so many of these violins are damaged rather than benefited by being kept from use by ■collectors ; and, as a matter of fact, no such noble ambition as "preserving matchless gems to the world" fires the soul of the collector. He simply wishes his vanity flattered by possessing articles which others with more musical ability and less money cannot get. Again, even when the collector -chances to be a violin player, he cannot w^ell play upon more than one instrument, and violins, notwithstanding all the gush that has been written about them, are not lovely objects except to a select few. Grand pictures will please thousands, but a violin to the masses is "only a fiddle." Old china is sometimes beautiful to look upon ; old coins are full of interest and of history ;• old books are also worthy of being collected, and no one is wronged by these being sought after and preserved as curiosities, but with old violins it is very difierent. Those who play upon violins sufi'er grievously ; and as it was for them and not for collectors that violins were made, it is not surprising that they look upon the collector as worse than a crank. To keep good violins out of use they declare to be a crime, for the collector cannot use them himself, and cannot often have them admired, as good players have no time in a cursory trial to get acquainted with the powers of such violins, and great soloists usually shun them for fear of upsetting their fingering of their own instruments. My own view is entirely in sympathy with this one. Old pictures, china, coins, and books are usually placed in a position in which they can be admired ; valuable violins are invariably entombed in boxes, fittingly made to resemble coftins. IS^o one can admire them ; scarce a being can play upon them ; there they may stick in voiceless stillness and darkness till they rot into dust. Sometimes Death steps in THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 11 and makes their owner relax his senseless and greedy fingers, and then, hey, presto ! the violins are all scattered to the cheerful chip of the auctioneer's hammer, but at prices entirely prohibitive to the best, players, who can simply look on and groan and gnash their teeth, and see them again entombed by a fresh crop of wealthy vandals. The pure selfishness which prompts violin collecting ought then to be hooted from the earth in common with all selfishness, until it shall cease to exist. Scatter them ! scatter them ! Let the world hear them while they have voices to thrill ! What I preach I have all my life practised. When I have ceased to use a violin I have always sold it, generally at the price I paid for it, sometimes at a slight gain, but frequently for less than it cost. I have never sold a violin to a collector, and would not do so at any price. To keep a spai'e old violin for an emergency is nscessai-y and commendable ; to collect old violins as curiosities, and shut them off from the glorious world of brightness and joy, for which they were created, is detestable. Mi'. Ed. Heron Allen takes the middle course of declaring that every man has a right to use his money as he pleases. Exactly, but many men, quite within the law and their own right, use their money in a manner which calls forth the disgust of all unselfish men ; while others are beloved for tlie way in which they administer this great trust for the good of the world and themselves. While denouncing violin collecting, I am bound to admit that all the violin collectors whom I have met have been singularly amiable and obliging men, but these have all been players. There are scores of others who are not players, but coffiners. It is the practice I denounce, not the men individually, and as no one who really loves the violin is past praying for, let us hope that they will all "tak' thocht an' mend." Nor am I to condemn the disease without pointing out a remedy. If men of money will collect violins, let them collect NEW ONES. This suggestion I make in all seriousness. A new violin, inade of grand wood by a genuine artist, and slowly and patiently covered with a fine amber oil varnish is a beautiful object to look upon, which an old violin generally is not; and a collection of violins by the different makers now living would not only be full of interest in itself — and a much-needed encouragement to struggling talent — but an investment which would increase enormously in value as years rolled on and time did its mellowing work on these 12 THE VIOLiy. HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. perfect violins. Why did the Messie Stradivari bring j£2,000'? Simply because it had been kept to look at from tlie hour it was finished ; and vras varnished full, and has not even a chin mark on it at the present moment. Begin this new form of violin-collecting at once, then, ye million- aires, always distinguishing between the violin which is made and that which is merely manufactured, and the blessings of hundreds now living and millions to come shall crown your memories. The extraordinary prices up to which the best Cremona violins have been forced, is the least sin for which the collector of old violins is accountable. He deprives good players of the use of them ; but, worst of all, he robs thousands, nay, millions, of the rapture of hearing them. With voices in them which might rouse many of us like the call of angels, these violins are doomed by the collector to eternal silence. JIaledicite I JIaledicite J THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 13 CHAPTER III. Model. This brings us to consider -what model or shape of violin produces the best tone, and here I mean to utter lieresy upon heresy, so the man whose mind is already made up on this trifling point had better read no further. The real violin player who has preserved his judgment amid such shoals of nonsense and oceans of gush as have been written on this subject should not care one straw what "the lovely curves and waves and lines" of his violin may be, or what "re- splendent amber sheen " may glow from its varnish, so long as the tone is grand and thrilling. And whyl simply because there are violins whose model would send some gushing cranks into hysterics, the tone of which equals or outshines that of many of the violins of Stradivarius or Guarnerius for which high prices have been paid. The truth is, there are fashions in fiddles as there are in ladies' bonnets, and just now the fashion is Strads and Josephs, just as last century it was Stainers and Jacobs and Dukes, and before that Amatis ; and the gaping crowd of wealthy connoisseurs hearing the cry blindly follow, exclaiming, "Ye gods, what fiddles!" Here and there, however, a great violin player has been found who has retained enough sanity to stand aside from this scrambling and panting crowd, and say, " I think you are mistaken." Paganini was one, when he preferred Guarnerius to Stradivarius, when Stradivarius alone was the fashion ; De Beriot was another, when he preferred Maggini to both Stradivarius and Guarnerius, when both were the fashion ; Vieuxtemps was another, when he preferred coarse, clumsy- working Storioni to all these ; and Ole Bull was another, when he set Gasparo da Salo above them all. A skilled judge of violins writing to me, remarked — "An old dealer in violins once told me that ' when a player once took to using a Mu(j'jini, nothing else would suit, as the combination of crisp, clear tone and depth as well is so satisfying to the performer.' Notwithstanding the fine qualities of the sue- 14 THE VIOLIX: now TO CHOOSE ONE. cessors of Gasparo da Sa1o, he has pi'oduced the largest tone of anv maker, the most powerful, perhaps, being the one used by Ole Bull, who told me that he used it in a large hall at Moscow where nothing else would tell, and ti'ying in suc- cession the Strads and Josephs in my possession, the violins of these Cremonese masters sounded rather efleminate, though very fine." The reason Ole Bull gave for preferring his Gasparo da Salo to all the Cremonas in his possession was, that it was " a violin, the tone of which could be graded in all colours," while of the violins of Sti-adivarius he said, " Though the tone is wonderfully even and full, it is tinc- tured with a peculiar nasal quality ; for this reason, though I have owned several fine specimens of this maker, amoug them one of a quartette made for the Court of Spain, I have never played upon them in public." By " wonderfully full," he meant " pretty full," for no more can be said of the tone of the best Stradivarhts in existence. Por penetrating brilliance and sweetness, they are rarely excelled, but in largeness and grandeur of tone they are frequently excelled. The best violins of Joseph Guarnerius certainly equal them in sweetness, and as certainly excel them in power ; more, there is often in these violins a mellowness and easy response which we frequently find absent in those of Stradivarius. Mr. E. J. Payne, himself a worshipper of Stradivarius, in a jjaper on that maker read before the Cremona Society said — ■ " It cannot, I think, be denied that a greater voluQie of sound can be produced from the violin of Joseph Guarnerius. Whether the same sustained force of tone Avhich Spohr is said to have drawn from his Joseph Guarnerius violin could be ])roduced on a Stradivarius may well be doubted. It is said of Spohr that in playing an adagio he had the powder of filling the concert-room with the sound of a long-sustained note, while the movement of his bow was so slow as to be scarcely perceptible to the eye. Against this reserve of force, however, is to be set a certain deficiency in flexibility and readiness of speech, and a want of delicacy in the finer shades of sound." This last remark only applies to some Guarnerius violins, and equally to some Strads. It is a ]jopular idea that the tone of the Strad comes easily : it is a delusion — the tone is often very diflicult to get. The violins of Guarnerius in turn are inferior to those of Maggini in largeness and grandeur of tone ; and those of Maggini in turn, as proved by Ole Bull, pale somewhat before those of Gasf)aro da Salo. THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. 15 Why one Violin Excels Another. This brings me to another startling statement, which I fear will elicit a howl of disapproval from certain enthusiasts and interested persons. It is — The model of Sti'adivarius,; com- pared with those of Gasparo da Salo and Maggini, was a retrograding, not an improvement. Joseph Guarnerius seems to have detected the mistake, and set himself to amend it ; and had he lived longer and more temperately, he would probably have created the perfect violin for all time. As ifc is, the work is nearly all yet to do. The model has yet to be found which shall combine the gi-andeur of the Brescian makers — Gasparo da Salo and his pupil Maggini — -with the thrilling sweetness of Stradivarius. As foV the Amatis, their whole life-work was a mistake, which Stradivarius tried latterly ta correct in his own works. They give a toy-like tone, often hard as a steel wire, and their violins are fit only for small rooms or for the glass cases of museums. To copy their woz-ks is a sheer waste of time and talent. The usual order in which these makers are rated is this : — 1. Stradivarius. 2. GuARXERius (del Jesu). 3. Amati (Niccolo). 4. Maggixi. 5. Gasparo da Salo. I would alter the arrangement thus : — 1. Gasparo da Salo. 2. Maggini. 3. Guarnerius. 4. Stradivarius. 5. A MAT I. The primitive model of Gasparo da Salo, rising almost from the purfling, was not so stupid as it now appears to our warped judgment. It gave a gi-and, rich, and large tone. Maggini worked more neatly, and flattened the model some- what at the edges, still leaving capacity for a large tone, and no further in that direction at least ought that reforming to have gone, but then came the Amatis with the fatal scoop at the edges, and the diminished size and toy-like tone ; and IG THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE ONE. their beautiful workmanship, though it was nothing but neat guitar making, set every one raving. What cared they for tone when they got beautiful work and pretty varnish "? So that insane period lasted. Stradivarius, that marvellously neat- handed guitar maker, followed, and got rid of the scoop only after forty years' thinking, and the tide began to roll back in the right direction. Joseph Guarnerius followed, and got a little more tone back, and there the struggle ended. Yiolin makers since that time, with scarcely an exception, hfvve exercised only their hands ; they have all forgotten that they have brains, and have meekly dwindled into a flock of sheepish copyists. Wlio is to begin where Joseph Guarnerius left ofi, and give to the world the perfect model for all time 1 That model, I feel convinced, lies somewhere between those of Guarnerius, Maggini, and Gasparo da Salo. Violin makers should look a century forward instead of a century backward. The cultivation of music is advancing at a rapid pace, and before long the concert halls which we now boast will be too small for the populace which will crowd to fill them. For threepence, or perhaps for one penny, it will be possible to hear a concert which now costs twice as many shillings — and what will be the result ? The halls will be made larger, and at once the Stradivarius model will fail to fill the buildings, and soloists will seek violins of grander proportions and larger tone. Look forward, ye violin makers, who would be the Stradivari of the twenty-first century ! look forward ! Having thus almost driven the breath out of the reader, and certainly startled him into thought, I shall now continue the work by asserting that, with violins which are truly great — the kings and emperors of their kind — model has very little to do. Leaving out Amati as too trifling, it may be considered proved that great violins have been produced by Gasparo da Salo, Maggini, Stradivarius, Guarnerius, and even Storioni — that is, violins which could satisfy the most exacting ear and the greatest genius in violin playing ; and as these men all worked on diflerent models, it is clear that greatness in a violin does not depend on model, or on varnish, or upon fine workmanship, or finish, but chiefly upon the wood of which it has been made. This is proved by the fact that all the violins of Stradivarius and Guarnerius were not great violins ; the diff'erence was not in the workmanship, for the carefully finished ones are often inferior in tone to those carelessly put THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 17 together : it was solely in the wood. Nay, even when these men made many violins out of one log of wood, the violins so made varied in sonority and sweetness, even when of exactly the Fame model and finish. These makers selected their wood with an instinctive knowledge of acoustics which can only be called genius, but after all the result was a speculation — a lottery — for many of the Cremona makers seem to have i been unable to repeat their best results by a fixed method such as that given at the end of this book. The work of I a fine guitar maker goes for little in the production of tone in a violin. Ole Bull, in noticing the brothers Amati, said — "The violins of Hieronymus Amati are of larger pattern and flatter model than those of his brother, but are not so finely finished. Their tone, hovvevei', is much finer." The roui^hly-finished violins had the finer tone ! and yet we have to listen to gushing writers going into hysterics over the fine work of Stradivarius, and attributing the ethei'eal tone of his instruments to that ! Let me give another ex- ample. The late Rev. "NYm. Blow, of Kelvedon, Essex, ]iossessed a fine Stiruiivarlus violin which sold for £400 at his deatii. He also possessed a violin made in the year 1789 by Laurentius Storioni, the last of the Cremona makers of any merit, which he preferred to that Stradivarius violin, and constantly used in his magnificent solo playing, though it was sold by a London firm for £12. This violin is of Guarnerius' model, with purfiing coarsely and carelessly put in ; beautiful but somewhat hard varnish, and grand wood. You may buy Storioni violins by the dozen at from XIO to ,£20 ; but this one was sold by Mr. Blow's widow for £40, and, after passing through the hands of several expei'ienced judges of tone, was sold two years ago for £80. Its special value lies in a few ounces of sonorous wood and some subtle and happy relation between these parts. The Mirecoiirt manufacturers of fiddles every year put out thousands of fiddles, with work on them positively perfect compared with that on this violin ; but where is the tone 1 or, rather, where are the few ounces of magic-sounding wood'? I know two British violin makers now living, one of whom puts out work of which Stradivai'ius himself would not have been ashamed i the other is a coarser worker ; yet he, coj)ying the same models, produces violins with a far grander tone than the fii'st. He has the instinct for selecting the right kind of Avood, and often chooses pieces two and three hundred years old. Any violin maker, there- 18 THE VIOLIN: 110 W TO CHOOSE OXE. fore, who has the acumen to select wood Avith the same care and judgment, and will test it during construction for its acoustical properties by some, such method as that hereafter described, and use a good model and a fine amber oil vai'nish, may produce instruments which, 150 years hence, will shine out resplendent as the best of the Cremona or Brescian violins. Even in our own day violin makers occasionally startle themselves by hitting upon a violin of extraordinary tone, and get a higher price for it, though it has cost theui not a particle more labour. The buyer of a cheap violin, if he have a knowing one to guide him in his choice by trying over a dozen or more of the horrible Mirecourt fiddles, like as peas in a plate, will often secure one immeasurably superior to the rest. The wood has chanced to be that part of the log where the best tone was to be got and the relation of the parts has been a happy hit. Let me here, therefore, throw out a hint to those who would buy A Good Violin very Clieap. Look over a number of these Mirecourt fiddles " in the white" — that is, without varnish on them, in which state they may be bought from any important dealer at from 15s. to 30s. Have them strung up, and test tliem for the tone Avhich pleases you best. Then having picked out the best, have that violin varnished with a good amber oil varnish of the colour Avhich you most admire. Be in no hui'ry to get the violin back, and let the varnish be applied in a great many thin coats, at such intervals that each has time to dry thoroughly. Be in no hurry to get bridge and strings on it, but let the violin hang up in an aiiy room for six months or a year. Tlien string it up carefully, and you Avill probably have a fiddle as good as many costing <£20. The reason for buying your cheap fiddle "in the white" is that the horrible spirit varnish used on these factory fiddles is clapi)ed on the bare wood, which sucks in the shellac like a sponge, and no amount of scrubbing Avith ammonia and a hard brush will altogether remove the impediment. I do not recommend this as the best course for every one, as it takes time and patience and some knowledge of tone ; and the gauging of the thicknesses in these violins is often very imperfect ; but when a man has not the money to buy a first- THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 19 class violin by an honest Britisli maker, that is his next best course, and the result is often astonishing. Indeed, I have heard it whispered that some of our home makers when jDressed for time buy these violins in the wliite, touch theni lip a little, clap in tlieir own ticket, varnish them carefully, and sell them as tlieir own. Good oil varnisli made from fossil amber is such a grand seller of a violin, both in regard to appearance and tone, that I may now be excused for de- voting an entire chapter to that subject. 20 THE VIOLIN- HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. CHAPTER IV. Amber Varnish — A Collection of Theories and Pacts. I HAVE frequently had the question put to me — " Is the grand tone of the Cremona violin caused by the varnish with which they are covered 1" to which I emphatically answer " No." The tone is in the wood and the harmonious relation of the parts, not in the varnish ; nevertheless, it is easy to spoil the tone of a good violin by putting on a coat of hard varnish, whetlier that varnish be an oil one or a spirit one. A new violin is certainly improved in tone by being covered with a varnish of the right kind — the tone is neither increased nor diminished, but a certain tincture or quality is imparted to it which it had not "in the white." Curiously enough, however, a violin one or two hundred years old, which has at first been proj^erly varnished, seems to need no varnish, for many valuable old violins are almost bai"e, yet their tone is ravishing. A friend of mine owns a violin by Vincenzo Panormo, wiiich, through being long ex- posed to tlie sun in a shop window, became denuded of every particle of varnish with which it was originally covered. It is as bare as tlie back of my hand, yet it is full, round, and mellow in the tone as any varnished violin which can be placed alongside of it. The owner, however, is of opinion that there is still varnish in the wood, though not visible to the eye. I once tried a Stradivarius violin somewhat worn in varnish alongside of one which was whole in varnish, and am bound to say that the worn one sounded better ; but here again the difierence in favour of the worn one might have arisen from the violin having been more played upon. How- ever, seeing that varnish does tincture the tone of a new violin, it is well that the tincture should be a good one. A very skilful violin maker in England, who uses a very slow drying oil varnish, once declared to me that amber was too hard a gum to be used in a violin varnish, but he was mis- taken. The varnish which he himself makes and uses is so THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. 21 soft and sticky that it is scarcely dry enough for comfortable handling of his violins a year after the violin is covered with it, and I used to fancy that this very soft varnish (though a trial to the patience) by allowing of great expansion or con- traction would be as helpful of the tone as an amber varnish, though not nearly so transparent and beautiful to look upon, but a curious accident led me to alter this opinion. I was asked to select a violin for a reader of my books, and wrote for one of this maker's, the back of which, through leaning on something, had got spoiled in the varnish, and looked so bad that there was nothing for it but to have it revarnished. To send it back to the maker for that purpose would have occu- pied a year and risked the same spoiling in transit when done, so after carefully testing the tone I handed the violin to a local maker, who washed off the varnish with a little turpen- tine, and then covered it with Whitelaw's amber varnish, a very beautiful and elastic mixture, discovered by a Glasgow chemist. The varnishing and drying occupied two months, but the result amply repaid the delay. The tone was de- cidedly improved — that is, whereas before it had been soft and characterless, it was now glassy, clear, and firm. As every little tells, therefore, and a thing of beauty is a joy for ever, I should say to the buyer of a modern violin, which has any pretensions to merit, see that it be covered with a fine amber oil varnish, the beauty and transparence of which arise from the fact that it can be coloured to various hues solely by the method by which it is melted, and without the admixture of colouring ingredients, such as dragon's blood, logwood essence, &c., which always give a streaky and paint- like appearance. Charles Reade, in his letters on the Ken- sington Exhibition of Violins, declared that amber could not be made into varnish. But in making this statement, and also in declaring that the Cremona varnish was a spirit varnish on top of an oil one, he erred signally. Exactly the reverse is the case, the grounding of the Cremona violins being probably gamboge dissolved in spirit and the varnish an oil one. Amber has been made into varnish for at least 150 years — probably much longer — and applied to various purposes, but for covering violins it has been made by Dr. George Dickson, Edinburgh; James Whitelaw, 496 8t. George's Road, Glasgow; James Hardie, 117 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh; C. & Wm, Caffyn, 30 Chaplin Road, Willesden, London ; Alfred Rath- bone, 20 Alfred Place, West, South Kensington, London; 22 THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. Gilbert Graham, chemist, Girvan, Ayrshire; Frank Devoiiey, 63 Milburn Street, Blackpool; Dr. Wm. Inglis Clark, of Messrs. Duncan tt Flockhart, Chemists, 101 South Canon- ,£;ate, EJinljurgli : and 1)y Wm. Bradley, C3 Bowker Street, Manchester. There is also in existence a manuscript book dated 16G0, once the property of an English earl, in wliich the recipe iised by old Foster for making "oil amber varnish" according to the Italian method is clearly laid down, and this recipe is nsecl by Mr. Caffyn. Mr. Bradley, with wonderful frankness^ gives this as his own method of HOW TO MAKE AMBER VARNISH. " Get a long test tube, sa}' S inclies long, or a small hard glass flask with a long neck, from the chemist's, tie a piece of wire round the neck to form a handle, then, having broken up some amber — to be had at the pipemaker's — put in as much as will fill one-fourth of the vessel. ISTow, holding it by the wire handle, cautiously heat the flask over a gas flame till the amber froths up and finally melts into a brown, oily- looking fluid. Have ready some hoilccl linseed oil, heated in a separate vessel (two pai*ts to one of amber) and gradually pour that into the melted amber. Keep tJie mixture quietly sim- mering for some time until a little taken out on a knitting wire, on being touched with the fingei', can be drawn out like a thread. After allowing the varnish to cool a little, add one part of turpentine. The varnish is now made, and after subsidence can be used. It is of a brown colour, not very deep, but l)y a process, which I do not feel inclined to divulge, can be made any colour, from olive brown to ruby red — three coats being sufficient to give great depth. If the amber were placed in a shallow vessel, it would char and carbonise, but not melt. Of course, the method of making the varnish which I have given is only in a very small way to illustrate that amber can only be melted when the air is kept out by a heavy vapour of succinic acid — which is generated — or else in closed vessels at a high pressure, which comes to the same thing." Mr. Rathbone, writing to me, says — " The colouring of amber varnish is, as you say, only a matter of manijjulation in the melting and mixing." Mr. Bradley, in the same strain, writes to me thus — " On the same day I compared a piece of wood varnished with my amber varnish with that on a genuine Slrad, and could not THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. 23 detect the smallest difference. I have given my reasons for supposing that the old masters used this self-same amber A^arnish, and no colouring matter. If you look over a lot of pieces of amber at a wholesale pipe shop, you will find many bits of exactly the same colour as Strad's varnish. No doubt Stradivarius would notice this, and strive to get the same result which had been worked out by nature. To say that the secret of melting amber was not known till after the death of Stradivarius, is no argument, as the method is so simple that in all probability the ancient Egyptians knew how to do it. Evolving the colour is another matter, but even that is simple, though exceedingly tedious." Dr. Dickson, though very reticent, has hinted the same to me ; and Mr. Wliitelaw declares that there are no colouring ingredients put into liis varnish. Such a concensus of testimony and opinion is surely good enough for all practical j^urposes, but since the publi- cation of the above, Mr. John Thomson, 72 !New Bridge Street, Kewcastle-on-Tyne, has given the following method of HOW TO COLOUR AMBER VARNISH. " The varnish I have made from the recipe of Mr. Bradley, and I think I have been very successful, having got two or three diiferent colours, from pale and ti'ansparent to ruby red. I have just put on the first coat of the pale varnish on my violin, as it dries more quickly than the other. As you have revealed the secret of amber melting, I shall state how the diftei'ent colours are to be got. The method is extremely simple. When you want the red, just as soon as complete fusion takes place in the amber, put in about half the quantity of oil, and keep it there until by tilting your tube to one side you can see the colour you want ; then put in the remainder of the oil, and work as described in your article. That is for the dark colour ; now for the transparent. When your amber is melted, keep it on the heat for abotit five minutes more, then add the whole of the oil gradually, then the rest of the ingi-edients, as laid down in your article. Please to warn readers that making amber varnish in a house is very dangerous, even with the smallest quantity, as I have had two accidents with my little experiments, which might liave ended very seriously." Dr. Dickson's varnish, which I have already described, is not for 24 THE VIOLIX: 110 W TO CHOOSE OXE. sale ; but Mr. Whitelaw's is quite equal to the Doctor's, if not superior, and is sold at 4s. ])er small bottle (enough for one violin). Mr. Rathbone's mixture is of a line yellow colour, inclining to golden brown, and a violin which I had covered with it for experiment had quite an antique Cremona- like appearance ; indeed, the resemblance to the varnish on Mr. Orchars Amati was very striking. The y)rice is 3s. (ample for one violin), or two bottles 5s. For varnishing a violin Mr. Rathbone charges £\. Mr. Gilbert Graham's varnish is of a fine golden yellow, and he sells it at 3s. per bottle, or, with a bottle of gamboge sizing, 4s. 6d., enough for one violin. At my suggestion Mr. Graham bought a common factory fiddle in the white and covered it with his varnish, and on testing it I found that the tone was really such as might have been considered good in a £10 violin. Mr. Bradley does not see his way at present to manufacture his varnish so as to sell it with a profit ; but as it is a lovely mixture, and of various colours, I hope he may be able to strike up a partnership with some chemist with the necessary apparatus and buildings so as to get some return for his years of patient experimenting. Mr. Hardie sells his varnish, which is most successful in the yellow colour, at 5s., or he will varnish a violin for 10s. Dr. Clark's mixture, which is of various hues, from golden yellow to deep red, costs Is. per ounce, three ounces being enough for one violin. This is a very beautiful varnish. Messrs. Caffyn's mixture, which is of a lovely golden coloiir, with great fire and beauty, costs 4s. per bottle (sufficient for two violins), or the makei's will varnish a violin for 21s. Ko human being could wish for a finer violin varnish than this. All these varnishes are A PRICELESS BOON TO THE VIOLIW MAKER, I as a violin covered with amber varnish charms the eye at once, and therefore sells more readily. "What the maker of a violin varnish has to aim at is to produce a mixture which shall soften the woodiness of a new instrument — force it to vibrate in smooth lines, as it were — yet be so elastic as not to bind the violin in a tight coat or impede its vibrations, and at the same time beautify the instrument. That this can be done with real fossil amber I have clearly shown. I have also proved that amber varnish imparts a beauty of appearance, THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 25 and a fine quality to the tone of a new violin, which is given by no other mixture. It does not give the tone, but it smooths it into a glassy-like clearness — imparts to it a certain tincture to be got from no other varnish. So careful have I been to test this thoroughly that in no case have I taken the word of the varnish maker alone, but have seen the mixture and had it applied to a violin with endless tests and comparisons of the quality of the tone, and in every case where fossil amber was the gum of the varnish, the same glassy clearness, combined with softness, was the characteristic of the tone. Seeing that the method of making this varnish is now known to at least nine men, I venture to ])redict that before long every first- class new violin will be covered with amber oil varnish, and with no other. A violin maker has only to try it once to use it always. Having stated this opinion concerning amber oil varnish, and given my reasons for adopting it, I may now give a few facts connected with the amber theory supplied by jMr. Whitelaw, but before doing so I must state that I have no interest in the sale of this varnish, or of any article noticed in my works, and that I have never met Mr. Whitelaw, or been asked to look at or notice his varnish, a specimen of which I came upon by the merest accident. " Was amber used in the varnish of the old Cremona masters, or was it not ? It is allowed by all that this question is almost unanswerable ; and after putting briefly the argu- ments against the amber theory, mostly based on conjecture, I shall bring forward evidence of it based on facts. " Charles Reade, as his strongest reason against the amber theory, says — 'Surely amber was too dear.' The fact does not seem to be generally known, that within a short distance of Cremona important amber deiDosits have been woi'ked from time immemorial, and as the smaller pieces were of no use for carving, etc., they would be cast aside, and covild probably be had for the lifting of them. "1st. Perkins, the great English Chemist, detected amber in varnish scraped from a Joseph Guarnerius violin. " 2nd. T])at amber can be got cheaj^ly and plentifully I have already shown. " 3rd. That no other gum will sive the fine yellow colour and characteristic sheen. The peculiar ' sheen' called by Charles Roade ' the hidden fire,' is the result of the very high re- fractive power of amber, the highest of any gum substance, and almost equal to rock crystal among minerals. 2G THE YIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. "4tli. TJiat it has always been amber with which the great experimenters worked, when attempting to make the varnish. '•5th. That the amber theory was believed in by English makers, contemporary with the Italian makers who v/ei'e then using it. That Lupot tried it, and that the great Vuillaume made many trials with amber in search of the true varnish. " Gth. That at the present time it is a current belief among ,1 large class of professionals and amateurs here, on the Con- tinent and in America. "The fact seems to be tliis. Innumerable attempts to make varnish with amber having failed, the conclusion arrived at was that amber had never been used. " Recently an idea has been mooted by Charles Reade that it was not an oil but a spirit varnish with which the old violins were coated. This idea was founded on the fact that in some instances the varnish could be removed with spirits of wine. Against this it may be stated that there is a letter written by Stradivarius to a patron, in which he apologises for the delay in sending home his violin on account of the varnish taking so long to dr^^ This shows that it was an oil varnisli. One thing is certain. Spirit varnishes have been used and countless experiments made with them by great masters during the last 100 years, and yet no results obtained can be for one moment com])ared with the old varnish ; and besides, during such general use of sjiirit varnish, it is only reasonable to suppose that if the old masters had used it, the secret would have been rediscovered long ago. "If I may be allowed to express an opinion, the theory which has suggested itself to me is, that the secret of the varnish was not the secret of the old violin makers at all, but of one man or family, in wliich the recipe of the varnisli was handed down from generation to generation, otherwise it was hardly possible for it to have been so completely lost. Possi- bly the violin makers gave ujd using the oil varnish, owing to the great advantage the spirit varnish oftered in drying at once.'"' A more plausible reason is advanced by Ole Bull, the great Norwegian violinist, with whose statement I may conclude this chapter : — " Three facts present themselves — 1st, this varnish was used by the very earliest Italian makers as well as the later; 2nd, its use was common only in Italy ; 3rd, it ceased to be applied to violins after 1760. In texture this \'arnish is extremely supj)le ; it will yield to pressure. It is THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 27 entirely transparent, and of all shades of brown, red, and yellow. The vehicle in which the gum was dissolved is an oil. Applied to the violin, it comjoacts the tone without rendering it shrill or harsh, and gives additional beauty to the wood. Turning to Germany, France, and England, and examining the productions of their violin makers contem])or- aneous with the Cremona school, scarcely a trace of the Italian varnish is to be met with. In German instruments the varnish is distinguished by extreme hardness, a glazing lustre, and an absence of all delicate shades of colour. In France the colouring was too pronounced. The varnish of old English makers lacks transparency. For a period of 200 years, from the time of Gasparo da Salo to that of Bergonzi, the varnish Avas common to every Italian maker. Cremona had no mono- poly, for the knowledge and use of it extended to Padua, Venice, Home, and Naples. It is impossible, therefore, to say that the selection of ingredients, or the methods of pre- paration employed in the manufacture of this mixture, so well known and widely used, were in any sense a secret ; but later quite a change is observable. From a hundred Italian violins of this later date only a notable few can be selected as possessing the true varnish; from 1745 to about 1760, then the manufacture of this varnLsh may be j^roperly called a secret, as being confined to a chosen few. As a knowledge of the varnish became at last confined to a few, instances are not wanting of the prosecution of such by their less fortunate fellow-workmen. It is quite evident that, apart from any considerations of beauty, the importance of the varnish as an acoustic element was well recognised. How was the secret lost % A careful study extending over a vast number of objects, reveals the fixct that this varnish of the Italian violin makers was common to the painter, the varnisher, and the gilder as well. Generally it is colourless, then the quality and texture are the indications ; but occasionallj' it is of brilliant hues, and then it proclaims itself to the eye at once. Let an ancient piece of Italian furniture — a chair, a cabinet, the case of a spinet or hai'psichord — be examined, and pro- vided it have escaped modern retouching, the varnish might be by Stradivarius himself. Let specimens of a later date — say 17G0 — be examined; here is no such varnish. This is smooth, fairly lustrous, hard, and durable. The chair of 1725 presents a surface broken and worn away : that of 17GU one comparatively smooth and fairly able to endure further 28 THE VIOLIN: llOW TO CHOOSE ONE. vicissitudes of time. Between 1740 and 1760 great changes in the manufacture of varnish were introduced. The old soft gums and their menstrua were discarded. The old fashion of ornamenting all articles of furniture with carving had given place to a more sober style. Broad, unrelieved surfaces, depending on the intrinsic beauty of their material, were found a relief to the eye, tired with unravelling the mazes of complex carving or painted arabesque. The old, soft, badly- wearing varnishes no longer sufficed for the protection and covering of such surfaces, hence the new processes. The hard copal gums hitherto undissolvable, or only partially so, were found to yield entirely on proper heating and fusion, and the problem of durability, hardness, and unchangeableness was soon solved ; but with the laying aside of the old receipts, the Italian varnish became a lost art, and the knowledge of its composition, naturally confined to general manufacturers, was forgotten. Moreover, the days of violin making in Italy were over. England, France, and Germany were eager competitors ; the stolid build of the first, the gaudy colour of the second, and the baked wood of the Mittenwalder, and the general cheapness of all, held the market. And so it has happened that the art of the old varnish is not lost, but buried under the wheel of progress, and it would be absurd to say that persistent enquiry must fail to unravel a skein of so many ends." T^^E VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 29 CHAPTER V. Some Plain Words About Old Violins — A Heavenly- Message — The Tubby Tone — Fractures — "Wolf Wotes — Worm-Eaten Violins. Having followed me thus far, the reader will not be sur- prised or startled when I assert that the value to which Stradivarius and Guarnerius violins have risen is purely fashionable and fictitious, and has been brought about chiefly by our unhanged criminal, the collector and connoisseur. For one grand violin in existence by tliese makers there are a dozen either very poor ones or wholly and irreclaimably bad ; and for one real one in existence there are twenty false, even outside of the cheap Mirecourt frauds. In estimating the price at which a genuine Stradivarius or Guarnerius violin should be sold dealers talk learnedly of the state of preserva- tiou, the history of the instrument, and, above all, of the amount of varnish which still clings to its body. There is little or nothing said about tone by these wise men of Gotham ; yet all the purpose of my argument is to declare that tone, and tone alone, ought to be the criterion of value in a violin, no matter what the model or who the maker. The violin player in search of a grand violin should keep before him that simple word of four letters, TONE, and resolutely shut out everything else as so much palaver. And here I have a heavenly message for hiui — it is that there are numbers of old violins in existence, whose makers cannot be named by the most skilful expert, which, nevertheless, are often better than many Stradivariuses and Guameriuses for which from £300 to £500 is asked. They are known as "nameless violins," and often do not bring above £5 or £10 on that account. They are violins which have been " hit upon," as I have described, by makers who perhaps made few 30 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. such hits in there lives, and they are often built on a model whicli makes an expert or a crank (the words are often synonymous) turn up his nose like a reaping-hook. They may be old German, old French, old English, old Tyrolian, or old Dutch (for if a violin have tlie faintest resemblance to old Italian, your clever dealer will soon find a father for it, and clap a spurious Italian ticket into it, and sell it at a good price), and they are often in such bad order tliat they do not get half a chance to show what is in them, but they have age and tone, rich, full, and telling. These violins, which are Avorth searching for with all your eyes and ears, may be picked up here and there by the knowing ones. Supposing such a gem to be discovered, the first test to be applied is to the tone, which should be clear, full, and equal on every string. The violin should be tested at home, and in a large and heated hall ; also in orchestra. This last is a sure test for ex- posing a new violin supposed to be old : in orchestra under the ear, the new violin even when torn at tooth and nail is not heard well by the player himself, while the old instrument rings out above all with scarce an efibrt on the part of the player. Practiires. Next, the buyer has to consider the state of preservation — the fractures of ribs, back or breast, and the varnish. In regard to fractures it is a fixed rule among dealers and experts to fight shy of any violin which has been badly fractured, as they know that it is against it finding a ready buyer. If the fractures have been badly mended and strengthened inside with patches of wood they will scarcely look at it, always supposing the violin to be not Italian, and with good reason, for patches generally produce huskiness or wolf notes, or hardness on a particular string; but we have agreed to set' these clever men aside for the present, and think for ourselves. Twelve years ago, though I am neither a violin maker nor a violin mendei', I ventured the opinion that most fractures could be mended without patching, by using fresh glue skilfully apj)lied, and since then I find the idea has been adopted by many skilful repairers. Generally speaking, then, fractures are not to be seriously dreaded unless they m?.y be at that part of the breast pressed on by the chin, or near those parts THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 31 of the back and breast pressed outwards by the sound jjost. Longitudinal cracks are also less to be dreaded than those across. What, after all, is the join usually found up the middle of the breast or back of a violin, but a fracture skilfully repaired 1 I might say more, that many ordinary fractures will make a firmer joint than that up the middle of the violin, inasmuch as the edges are often serrated and fitted into each other like teeth. I have seen three difierent violins by Italian makers which Avere even fractured above the sound post, and yet were so skilfully repaired that the tone was not affected in the smallest degree ; and the worst mended violin can be taken down, the straps and patches removed, the badly- joined fractures undone and reglued fairly and squarely by a patient and artistic repairer, and the instrument made practi- cally as good as if never broken. To buy a violin damaged thus, and badly r-epaired, is certainly a kind of speculation, as I have known a violin which sounded bad when in bad order, sound worse when put into lirst-class order; but that is exceptional. Many of these violins, however, are very little fractured. I came upon one a few years since, made 130 years ago, which had never been opened, and was perfect as it had left the maker's hands. The varnish was slightly worn under the chin, on the wrong side of the tail piece, but the edges were as sharp as when newly made. When it had been set back in tlie neck, and fitted with a proper bass l^ar, the tone was as grand as if it had cost £100, for the wood was exceedingly fine, and the model large enough to give a full ringing tone. It was a grand violin, and a poor thin-toned Stradivarmis which I once tried, and for which forty years ago, when prices were lower, £150 was cheerfully paid, would not compare with it for a moment. Tubby Violins. Sometimes the model of an old violin, otherwise good, is so high and bulging that the tone is hollow or internal — in jilain woi'ds, "tubby" — which defect may also arise from the back being too thin of wood. Dread word ! to whisper it to the owner of a beloved violin is to crush his heart, possibly to make him your enemy for life. The tubby-toned violin is avoided by the experienced for several reasons, but chiefly because its tone does not carry well. It takes a stranger to 32 THE VIOLIX: now TO CHOOSE OXE. detect the tubby tone, and, as a rule, it is best for the chooser of a violin to cling fast to his first im])ression of a violin tone, so quickly does the ear get accustomed to the tone and forget its faults. The tubby tone, however, may frequently be remedied by lining the back with a thin layer of sycamore, or by removing the breast and fitting it with a deeper bass bar, when, lo ! the violin, instead of a viola-like tone, gives forth pure treble. Tubbiness is seldom found in modern violins, which are usually copies of good models, but when it is, the cause is invariably the back being too thin, or the ribs being too thin or too deep. It is a defect which only a practised ear can detect, and in any case where there is the faintest suspicion of its existence, the buyer should either consult another player or avoid the violin altogether. Very often the old violin is too straight for our modern concert pitch, in which case it can be re-necked and set back to the proper line by a skilful repairer. The test for this may be roughly set down thus : — Place a straight-edge along the inside of the projecting edges of the back, when it should run in a line with the upper edge of the ear of tlie scroll, or perha])S a quarter of an inch above that. Scrolls vary so much in straightness or curl, however, that this is not a sure test. The set of the neck should always allow of a reasonably high bridge, and in any case of doubt it is best to refer to a skilled violin repairer. The idea that the bridge should be fitted to the finger-board is utterly erroneous — it is the neck and finger-board which should be fitted to the bridge — that is, to the proper height of bridge which the violin demands. Wolf Notes. A wolf note in a violin is a horror which cannot be easily described, but which always startles one the moment it is discovered. Some players have never heard one ; some could not detect one though it were sounded full in their ears. Sometimes the defect called a wolf note is slight, sometimes it is so utterly unbeai'able that the violin has to be set aside, if the owner be too conscientious to sell it to another. In its mild form a wolf note is a sound suggestive of two notes an eighth or a quarter tone distant from each other sounding alternately but not jarring painfully. A light pressure of THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 33 the bow brings out one ; a strong pressure the other. This form may sometimes be cured or modified by a slight alter- ation in the position of the sound-post from its usual place. The Avolf note in its worst form is a jarring and throbbing as of two notes a quarter of a tone distant fighting each other like fiends. This defect must not be confounded with a certain stage which nearly every new violin has to pass through, which I may name THE DISTEMPER, and in which the whole instrument seems to have gone wrong, or got loose and rattly. When a new violin is first strung it sounds well ; but when the owner settles down to practice hard upon it, it very often clianges suddenly, and sounds so bad that he fancies the bass bar has got loose. The cure for that is persistent hard playing, when it slowly rights itself, and never again takes the same trouble. That, however, is not a wolf note, which is caused by some disagreement in the proportions of the back and breast of the violin, or by unequal gauging of the thick- nesses, or by a defect in the wood, such as a knot, which may be invisible from both sides. When the wolf note ai-ises from the thicknesses being unequal, there is no cure but patching with thin slips of wood to make up the required thickness. If the cause be a knot in the wood, the defective part must be cut out and a better piece inserted. Sometimes, but rarely, a change in the line of the bass bar effects a cure — that is, putting it at a line rather more acute than that of the 4th strinii. Worm-Eaten Violins. Sometimes the old violin is worm-eaten — in vi'hich case shun it as you would a pestilence. Do not take it as a gift, or put it near other violins ; let it go to the collector or the fire or the dust bin. As a rule, it will be no loss, having been made originally of wood cut at the wrong season of the year, or the wrong side of the tree. There is no cure for worm, as you can never be certain of reaching the pest, even by injecting acid at the mouth of the hole, for the worm might be comfortably eating away at the other end of the instru- 34 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. ment. To steep the whole violin bodily in benzine, and afterwards let the sj^irit evaporate might reach the pest, but as that Avould loosen all the glue and necessitate the re- making of the whole violin, it is a remedy that few would care to try. I once had an old Russian violin which was badly worm-eaten under the left foot of the bridge. The fiddle was of no value, and I wanted to make an experiment with it, and cut out the Avorm-eaten part of the breast, a strip about four inches long and half an inch broad, when I found the worm in the centre — a black-headed, grey creature, about ^ *\V5^ THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 35 CHAPTER VL The Best Substitute for an Old Violin— The Different Qualities of Wood and Tone. To those wlio have not patience to search for the really grand old violin I should say that the best substitute is a nevv A-iolia made of old Avood by a skilful violinmaker. Such wood is worth searching for, and is frequently worth more than its weight in gold. The pine is more easily got than old maple or sycamore. Vuillaume, the French copyist, when he was young and enthusiastic, got a deal of his wood from old Swiss chalets, and these earlier violins are now bringing high prices — from .£25 to £50 — as his work was very pretty, if somewhat mechanical or characterless. The weak point about Viullaurae's violins is the varnish, which is poor-looking stuff, and so friable that it soon rubs off and leaves the wood bare. Those who ought to know even whisper that it is only a soft spirit varnish, like that used by some of the second class Italian makers. Ten years ago a violia was made for me of very old wood by Hardie, and lent about by me among professional players to be ground at day and night, and now that violin is as good as many fifty years old. The beams and rafters of old buildings sometimes give very good pine for the purpose, which should be white and even in grain, and absolutely free of knots. E-ed and yellow pine contain too much resin, and give a smaller tone. The maple or plane tree must be sought in old furniture, old bedsteads, and chests of drawers. The wood, however, might be two or three hundred years old and yet make a very poor fiddle, as all wood is not resonant, which ex- plains why very old violins are frequently very bad; but that could easily be tested before the violins were made, if the violin maker be worthy the name. Vincenzo Panormo, a wan- dering Italian, who made very fine copies of Stradivarius, about the end of the last century, is said to have got the backs and 3G THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. ribs of the best of these out of an old billiard-table, and these violins are now very valuable ; but Panormo was a genius in violin making, and on some of his instruments vised an oil varnisli which for brilliant lustre, transparence, and elasticity, will compare with that on the best Cremonas, ay, even with that used by the elder Joseph Guarnerius. He had also the rare wisdom to leave his violins very thick in wood, and they will shortly rank with the best violins of Stradivarius. His only fault was that of occasionally breaking the varnish by rubbing it down at the corners to give the violin a picturesque appearance ; but as Stradivarius is said to have done the same at times, Panormo is in good company. Nicolas Lupot had more wisdom. Stradivarius, I may observe in passing, fre- quently erred in his thicknesses, and generally on the wrong side — that is, in leaving the wood too thin. In some cases he tried to amend the error by gluing on a thin slip, but that is a limping expedient. Guarnerius at times erred in the same way, but in some of his violins he left enough wood to satisfy the most exacting, and these violins are now the most valuable of his works in existence. To every violin )naker I would therefore shout — ^" Leave plenty of wood in your violins." Some violin makers reply- — " Oh, we dare not leave much wood in our violins, or they would not sell well." That is a mistake. I have indeed tried new violins which were thick of wood and which sounded harsh, but that to me was invar- iably a proof that the wrong kind of wood had been used, particularly for the breast ; for I have tried violins very thick of wood and fresh from the maker the tone of which was fault- less. The wood was of the right kind. It must be noted, however, that if the wood be left thick the model must be large. To put thick plates into a narrow-waisted Amati or early Strad model would be like fitting a lady with a ploughman's iron-shod boots, the wood could not have room to vibrate. A deal board twenty feet long and one inch thick will bend easily ; but saw olf a piece a foot long and you cannot bend it. It is the same with the plates of a violin — the thickness must always be proportionate to the size — feminine thickness for a feminine model and tone ; masculine thickness for a masculine model and tone. Thin wood gives a thin tone. If the wood be hard as well as thin, the tone will be both thin and shrill. It is always a hazardous experiment to put hard wood into the breast or back of a violin, but the effect may sometimes be neutralized by making the opposite plate of very THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE ONE. 37 soft wood ; thus a violin with a back and ribs of hard wood and a breast of very soft pine will at times produce the happiest etiect in tone, just as two persons of extremely different temperament sometimes produce the happiest blend in marriage. Some violin makers leave the Avood thick in the centre, but thin it rapidly towards the sides. That is another mistake. For a rich round tone of penetrating quality as well as of softness the wood must be left thick all over, and may be left so with the best results if the wood only be of the right kind. A little experience soon teaches the violin maker what wood to reject as unsuitable. If old Italian Avood could be got, Tyrolian pine and syca- more, which three hundred years ago drank in the warm sun on the southern slopes of the Italian mountains, and was harped into resonance by storms and zephyrs, and was then stored and stacked, and fashioned into beams or porticos or panels or furniture — the violin thus formed would probably have that exquisite quality known as " the Italian tone." The texture of the wood in relation to the quality of the tone is worthy of the closest study. For a violin which is desii'ed of that smooth, mellow tone peculiar to many of the best Italian violins, very close-grained pine, somewhat soft in texture will be found to be best ; for one wanted brilliant and penetrating in tone, pine of a wider grain, say -j^fth of an inch, and of the same width at the edge as at the centre, will usually give the best result. For a violin wanted very soft and rich in tone, the pine of the breast may be chosen very wide in the grain- — that is |^th of an inch, or even more. A violin maker was one? showing me over his workshop when he brought out a fine old piece of pine suitable for a violin breast, but pointed out to me how very wide in the grain it was, and added that he was afraid to use it on that account. I told him to have no fear, as the width in the grain, showing a rapid growth in the tree, ensured the wood being the more free of resin, and therefore promised a very soft tone. The violin was made, and, as I had predicted, the tone was delightfully soft and free. I have now seen two valuable old violins very Avide in the grain, and in both cases the tone was exceptionally soft and rich, so much so that the sound post had to be kept quite close to the back edge of the bridge. I have a great favour for this quality of tone myself, as what- ever pressure may be put upon the bow there is never a break in the tone or a harsh note, and the tone not only comes 38 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. easily, but can be graded into an infinite variety of shades, with scarce an etFort on the part of the phiyer. The fibres of the breast of my own solo violin measure exactly seven to the inch. It must here be noted, however, that a tone which comes with difticulty and seems hard to the player, frequently seems perfect to the listener. Once, when my own violin was under repair, I played two solos in a large hall upon an old German fiddle, the model of which seemed a cross between a Stainer and a Maggini, the tone being very large and clear, but of a somewhat hard quality. I found it very hard work, and noticed many harsh notes ; but a skilled violin player, who sat among the audience, afterwards said to me, " I don't know what you have against that violin ; to me in front it simply sounded exquisite." The same rule as to the width ot the grain applies to the sycamore. When the wood is soft it may be left thick ; when it is hard it must be left thin ; but very hard wood should never be put into a violin. Having got the wood, see that it be made u]} into a good model of full size, which shall give a large and telling tone — tliat of Maggini preferably, but certainly not smaller than the full proportions of Guar- nerius — and that when finished it be varnished full with a good amber oil varnish. James Hardie, 117 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, or AVm. Dickie, Wentworth, Yorkshire, are both geniuses among violin makers, and may be safely entrusted to make up old wood into grand instruments to order. I must say the same of Archibald Eitchic, Si Commercial Street, Dundee, who produces magnificent violins, extra thick in wood, and very large and free in tone. Frank Devoney, 63 Milburn Street, Blackpool, whose system is so freely given at the end of this book, must also be noticed as an honest man, who ]>roduces violins with a, tone exceptionally free and pure. Hardie uses an oil varnish, the gum of which is amber ; Dickie uses a very soft slow-drying varnish, the gum of which is not amber, but would apply amber varnish if desired. Ilitchie uses Whitelaw's amber varnish. Devoney uses either his own amber varnish or Whitelaw's. I notice the work of these makers because it is known to me, and their honesty is unimpeachable, but there must now be makers in nearly all of our large cities who turn out fir.st- class work, honestly executed ; and that I may not be THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 39 nccvisecl of favouritism, I have given a long list of British violin makers at the end of this book. Twelve years ago I strongly advocated the patronage of our British violin makers, using oil varnish, instead of the horrible German copyists, and I am pleased to know that this refined art and delicate industry has not only sprung into life again, but is in a fair way to bring honour and profit to the really talented among its followers. To Train the Ear. Let two violin players test the tone of a violin, and one may pronounce it perfect j while the other may say, " It is powerful and equal, but quite raw and woody. It is too now ; it will be a grand violin 100 years hence." Both may be sane men and skilful players, yet they come to opj^osite conclusions. The cause of the ditierence is simply that the ear of the first has not been trained by playing upon first- class old violins. Nothing else will train the ear. And it must be violins not a violin, continually tried and tested, for there are subtle differences of quality of tone in even the grandest of old violins, which are detectable only by the ear most perfectly trained by this process. There is the large, full tone, which carries like a trumpet, and by sheer force demonstrates its superiority, and there is the moderately powerful tone, as heard in many Strads, which makes the hearer catch his breath with a kind of startled gasp, and asserts its supremacy rather by crystalline sweetness than volume. They are both gi'and, but they do not suit every taste. Then there is the tone that only comes with a strong pressure of the bow, especially at the upper part of the finger-board, even in fine old violins, and the reverse of that Avhich comes with the lightest pressure at any part of the finger-board, and so can be diminished to a perfect whisper without degenerating into a mere fizzle. This last quality is known as " freedom " compared with " stiffiiess." Then there is "mellowness" of tone — that oily smoothness which is so often found in the Gaarnerius or i\\c. Gayliano ; which, indeed, in some violins seems to run to seed and take all the assertive ([ualities out of the instrument ; and the reverse of this is that hard and piercing quality, which admits of so little shading, so often found in the tStainers, Jacobs, 40 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. and Alhanis. Who but the man with the trained ear can decide at what point these qualities must meet and mingle to produce tlie perfect violin? To train the ear, then, the player should constantly test every violin which he can lay his bow upon. The faculty is to a certain extent inborn, but it may be developed by constant practice. ,c-^* V THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE OXE. 41 CHAPTER VII. Training the Eye. There is no other method of training the eye but to constantly examine every violin, old or new, which may come in the player's way — the varnish, the build, the tickets, the wear, the state of preservation, and the internal patching, which may be revealed by using a small reflector, fastened to a bent slip of cardboard inserted at the y holes, or by removing the tailpiece peg and looking through the hole in a strong light. The first stage in that training is to be able to detect the modern German or Mirecourt tiddle, with its varnish scraped off at the corners and in the centre of the back, as if with the nails of the maker ; its sooty appearance between the /' holes ; its harsh, hard tone, and cleancut build, as if turned out of a mould. It generally has a wildly incoherent Cremona ticket inside, and though only the veriest tyro is thus deceived, it is high time that the law stepped in and made the selling of any violin falsely ticketed a crime. The next stage which the embr3'0 expert will reach is that at which he can tell without a ticket something near the age ot a violin, and also whether the whole of the original violin be before him. Good old violins are frequently met with the breast at least 50 or 100 yeai'S younger than the back and ribs and scroll. The breast in olden times was most exposed, the violin being hiing on the Avail instead ot kept in a case, and being of softer wood was moi'e liable to injury, and violin repairers 50 years ago often tossed aside an old breast and made a bran new one. In the same way, an old scroll was often thrown away instead of being carefully "bushed" and mended, and a new one put on — a matter of regret, but not so serious as the throwing away of an old breast, which seriously affects and changes the tone. These violins may be named " mongrels," and the true violin lover simply puts them aside with a sigh, though tJie amateur may thus get a violin for £10 which with the orifjinal breast would bring £50. The tone of these 42 THE YIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. mongrels is curious, and sometimes not so modern as one would expect. It is a mixed tone, and very puzzling to all Lut the trained expert. The third stage is that at which a carefully made copy of a Cremona, much worn in the varnish, and apparently dirty and rubbed with long years of use, with a dingy ticket, pretty correct in wording and dating, can be detected at a glance. Few amateurs reach that stage, and I may give a case in point. A friend of mine, in England, happened to be in a very musical city on the east coast, and saw an old-looking violin without bridge or strings lying in a second-hand book-shop ; went in, asked to see it, and found inside a ticket bearing the familiar inscription — " Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis facebat anno 1721." Wild visions of clearing <£1,000 by a successful deal floated through his brain, and he tremblingly asked the price. ".£30." "Oh, ridiculous! Who would give so much for that old thing V The seller brought out an old catalogue of the auction at which he had bought the violin some years before, and showed that it had been sold along with several other Cremona violins undoubtedly genuine, the property of a medical man deceased. In this catalogue the real violins were guaranteed — this one was inserted without remark, but people in haste to grasp a grand Strad are apt to overlook trifles. The seller did not know anything about the violin except that those who had seen it had said it was worth hundreds of pounds. That settled it. After a good deal of haggling the violin changed owners, price £22. The buyer aftersvards learned that the price paid for it at the auction was only £13, though some of the other instruments brought high prices. Back to the centre of England to his home he went, got it strung, and then imagined he heard " Cremona " in every whisper. A paragraph of the extraordinary windfall crept into the papers as usual, and for a time he was the happiest of men. Then he took it up to London and showed it to a violinist of some note, claiming to be an expert, who first jironouuced it a real Strad, and then changed, and hurriedly wrote that he had " very grave doubts of it being genuine." At last the owner took a trip to Scotland, afraid to trust the precious gem by rail or post, and showed it to me, exclaiming, as he opened the case — " Kow look at it ! Isn't it lovely!" I said, without lifting it — "Yes, Mr. Sanguine, it looks very well, but it is not a Strad" Then. THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE ONE. 43 I took it out of tlie case and tried the tone, and wondered how any one with a trained ear could ever have been in doubt, for the tone was full of " wood," and the violin certainly not more than 50 years old. The varnish was quite common, and a good deal scaled o&, and the violin iiot unlike one of those copies made by Crask, of Manchester, or possibly by Jacob Fendt. The ticket also was transparently spurious, as I proved to him by comparison Avith two genuine labels, dated 1714 and 1717 Still he was not convinced, and I took him to the music rooms of a young pi'ofessional player who is privileged to play upon two first-class Strads, but as we could not see him we left the violin, without a word, for his inspection. As we turned away, I said — " Now, Mr. Sanguine, when we go back you will find his first words will be, 'It's not a Strad?^" "When we did get back we found that he had taken out the violin and tried it, but he did nothing but discant on the beauty of the bow (a fine Dodd), which he oflered to buy. '•' Dut what do you think of the violin?" was the owner's impatient remark. ''Oh, it's very good, but, of course, it's not a Strad," was the answer, and I fear that to this dny Mr. Sanguine believes that I secretly ])rompted the words. The^fidl value of the violin was not .iliove £5. Another case amused me greatly. A broker had an old violin in his window for which he would gladly have taken 10s., as it had cost him only a few shillings. There was no price marked on the instrument, but it chanced that above it was hung a silver Avatch marked £o, and the ticket from that Iiad fallen down and lay on the top of the violin. One day a gentleman stopped at the window, looked at the violin long and earnestly, and then went in and said — " You have a '.inlin in the window marked £5 — let me see it, please," The ker started and examined the window; noticed the mis- -.':■ of the fallen ticket, but said nothing, and showed the lin. "I'll give you £4 for it," said the gentleman, who iiied to know what he was about. Instantly the broker !ited the secret, and ])romptly declined to take less than No bargain was made, and the broker took the violin out )1 the window intending to get my opinion of its value, but II .1 few days back came the gentleman and said — "Will you take less than £5 for that old fiddle?" "No," answered ■ broker. " I am not to sell it at all now." " I'll give you -7, 10s. lor it," said the stranger, getting excited. Again the 44 THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. broker refused, and they parted, never to meet again. A fe^ days later the broker told me the story, and then brought out the violin. I looked at it, imd instantly said — ■ " Eh, what a pity you refused such an offer. It is one of the cheapest of modern Genuan fiddles, and not worth more than 5s." The face of the broker on hearing the heart-breaking news was a study for a painter. THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 45 CHAPTER Yin. The "Italian Tone" — Power against Sweetness — How to Test Experts. To know violins is the study of a lifetime, but it is one which well repays itself, not only in the innocent pleasure which it affords, but in the fact that the player, with an ear and an eye so trained, usually manages to get hold of a violin for his own use which startles every hearer into hushed silence the moment it is sounded, and that too without giving an exor- bitant price for it. Are ITALIAN VIOLINS SUPERIOR to all others 1 is a question frequently asked by the puzzled chooser of a violin. It is not easy to answer this question in an off-hand manner, players differ so much in opinion as to what is " superior ;" but no one of experience and proper training can deny that the best of the old Italian violins have a subtle and thrilling sweetness of quality of tone which is rarely found in those of any other country. This is due almost entirely to the wood of which they are made, as the same ethereal and crystalline quality of tone is found in instruments covered indifferently Avith oil and spirit vui-nish ; but it is possible that it may be due in some degree also to the manner in which these violins were matured after they were made, the fine warm sun and clear air of Italy being allowed to count for something, especially as violins before the present century were not usually shut up in boxes, but hung on the wall like pictures. All Italian violins have not this quality, and the reason why that magical bit of wood was not always hit upon by Italian makers was sometimes ignor- ance, but more often pure laziness. It has been known for centuries that the wood taken from the sunny side of the ancient pines and sycamores found on the Italian side of the Alps, known as the Southern Tyrol, possesses the finest acoustic properties for the making of violins. All the Italian makers knew that, but they were often too careless to exert 4G THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. themselv^es to search for the best kind, and took what lay- nearest their hands, consequently the tone suffered somewhat. Nor must the tincture to the tone given by the Italian varnish be altogether forgotten \ and if a skilled violin maker would but use the best Italian Avood of mature growth, and make a good instrument, and cover it with a fine amber oil varnish, and that violin were exposed for years to warm, dry air, instead of shut up in a box, I have not a shadow of a doubt but it would have the Italian tone, no matter where it were made. In the last paragraph lies the whole SECRET OF THE CREMOXA MAKERS, and any fairly skilful artist following up the hint may pro- duce the same results, for it must be distinctly borne in mind that the great Cremonas when newly made did not sound as they sound now. They were new and woody ; and it is a historical fact that a consignment of violins by Stradivarius, sent to London, to be sold at the modest price of i;6 each, ■were returned as unsaleable. This seems astonishing to us, but it must be remembered that these violins were new, and a Strad with the red varnish whole has rather a vulgar look, and could not be distinguished a few yards off from a cheap French fiddle, while the players who looked at them had the choice of old English and old German violins by the score, and the love of the subtle sweetness of the Italian tone had yet to be created. By the time that education had been accomplished, the violins of Stradivarius had also improved and matured and grown picturesque in appearance with wear, and so found a ready sale. A dishonest violin maker — in other words, a quack — may hint darkly at some mystery in his method which turns his new violins into old ones, and invite you to pay him an enormous sum for his works on that account ; nay, seeing that he has not to play upon his violins, but to sell them, he may even go further, and declare to you that his works give, when fresh from his hands, the same tone which came to those of Stradivarius only after 150 yeai's of time's mellowing power and of hard playing — in both cases write him down a liar. To return to the Italian Tone. Good and grand violins have been made in many other countries, but with the best of them this subtle quality of tone, which THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE OJVE. 47 can scarcely be described in words or weighed in the finest balance of criticism, is usually conspicuous by its absence. Two notable instances are the violins used by the great artists Johannes Wolfie and Tivadar Nachez. The first uses a black-looking instrument, which cannot be placed, but which looks and sounds like old German. It has a tremen- dous volume of tone of a somewhat viola-like quality, and seems (like the favourite Strad of Sar-asate) to rattle badly on the fourth string, but it suits the powerful arm of M. Wolffe perfectly, and by sheer force carries all before it. The violin of M. Nachez, on the other hand, is a fine Stradivarius, which seems as nearly perfect in quality of tone as a violin can be. and from the first impact of the bow conquers the listeners by its engaging sweetness. Who shall say winch of these is the superior violin? A man conquers by power, a woman by sweetness ; so we might waive the question by calling the one violin masculine in tone, and the other feminine. 13ut both men and women are necessary to the perfect equilibrium of the world ; so violins of both qualities are necessary to the full and complete satisfying of difierent temperaments and tastes in the musical world. Many players cannot distinguish the " Italian tone " at all, and grow furious and abusive if you hint never so gently that their ear is imperfect or untrained ; but the evidence of the actual existence of such a distinguish- ing tone is too overwhelming to be thus set aside. It can be proved by a scientific experiment that there are some notes so high that no human ear can distinguish them, or even hear them, but the point of the scale at which difierent ears fail to catch the sound varies considerably, even among trained musicians — sometimes as much as a whole octave. Take two persons thus different in their powers, and you will find the one Avhose highest note has been passed by the instrument loudly declaring that it gives forth no sound at all, while the other as loudly declares that he hears it distinctly. It is the same with some in speaking of the " Italian tone." They insist that they do not hear it, and we must believe that they do not, and simply let them alone. Reliable Experts. It is possible after having read thus far that some one may still be doubtful of his own powers, and say — "But I wish 48 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. to buy a renlly good violin, wliich I am offered at a high price, say £150 or £20U. How am I to be sure that it is genuine T To this I answer that the onus of proof does not ]ie with the buyer but with the seller ; and in such a case I advise that if the tone of the violin be quite satisfactory, the buyer should ask a guarantee of authenticity from the seller, and a written opinion from Messrs William E. Hill ik Sons, 38 New Bond Street, London. All experts and dealers natur- ally lie open to a deal of unmerited abuse, but I have never heard. the greatest grumbler utter a whisper against the honesty of this firm ; while for experience and knowledge they occupy the foremost place in the whole Avorld. That is enough for any prosj^ective buyer who cannot depend upon his own judgment; but, in addition, I may notice a precaution taken by an old friend of mine when buying a violin, which must make assurance doubly sure. This old gentleman had been struck with the extraordinary prices set down in the lists of the London dealers, and having also heard whispers against their honest}^, he adopted the plan of selecting a suitable violin from one firm, and then submitting the in- strument to a rival firm for an opinion of its genuineness and value. The result was astonishing, and a fine study in human nature, and made the buying of a violin rather a serious undertaking for one advanced in years, but the result was generally the purchase of a good violin at its lowest market value. A whole volume might be filled with the tricks of fiddle cheats. Some obscure foreigner, who knows the weakness of humanity, advertises "a fine Lupot violin — price £20." A country amateur nibbles at the bait, knowing that the value of a good Lupot is about £100 ; the violin is sent ; the ticket seems all right; the varnish just fresh enough, but the model and tone are fair, and the fiddle, worth thirty or forty shillings, changes hands. It is clear that in such a case the rapacity of the buyer quite equals the dishonesty of the sellar, and both deserve our contempt. False Lxqwt violins seem to swarm just now; indeed, any oldish violin of Slrad model, with soft-looking red varnish, can be doctored into a " Lupot " to deceive the unwary. Some years ago 1 was shown a violin supposed to be about 100 years old, and which sounded rather well under the ear ; but when I took it to an orchestral practice, I had not played througli one piece Avhen I had to groan out — "Oh, how 1 wish I had brought my own fiddle. I can't hear this thing at all, however strongly I tear THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE ONE. 49 at it." I became convinced from that moment that the violin was not above 50 years old — -probably not so much ; and this conjecture was afterwards confirmed. Some time afterwards a slight alteration was made in the lie of the neck, and the breast had to be removed, when it was discovered that the whole instrument had at sometime been soaked in oil, probably by the ingenious forger in an insane attempt to counterfeit the mellowness of old age. Let not the fiddle buyer expect any wondrous bai"gain, and he will have less chance to be cheated. Beginner's Violins. Any German violin below £2, 10s. in price may be con- sidered a cheap beginner's violin. A very common price is £1 for violin, bow, and case — surely low enough. The beginner has usually no knowledge whatever of violins ; and though it is scarcely possible for him to be cheated at these prices, it may be to his advantage to give a small fee to some professional player, and get him to try over a dozen or two of these cheap fiddles, out of which one of very fair tone may occasionally be picked. Such fiddles are only for those who cannot afford better, or who feel doubtful of continuing the study. All others should from the first get a good violin by a British maker. When his tone-producing powers have been drawn forth and developed by playing for ten years upon that, he will find himself all the better able to draw forth the powers of a fine old violiu, and jii'obably sell the one he has used for double or treble what it cost him, as such an instrument is bound to improve steadily. The time spent upon a new violin is thus not lost ; it develops the violin, but, more important still, it develops the player, and those who in early life have had to grind away and tear at new violins, are frequently noted for the largeness and breadth of their tone. 50 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. CHAPTER IX. The kind of Violin to Buy — Tone Dependent on the Player — Lady's Violins. Before buying a violin you must decide for what kind of work the violin is to be used. Is it for fii'eside playing — that is, for use in an ordinary-sized room, or for orchestral playing 1 or for solo playing ? or for all three ? If for fireside playing any sweet-toned instrument will be suitable, such as those of the Amati or Ruggeri families, or their copyists, Richard Duke, Edward Betts, and others. If for orchestral playing, the model of Maggini, or the full pi-oportions of Guarnerius, will give most ."satisfaction. If for orchestral and solo playing, the full proportions of Stradivarius at his best period, or those of Guarnerius may be chosen ; but as no model gives fixed results in tone, the player must decide chiefly by the vojume of tone required for his work and the quality which he most admires. Perhaps the searcher for a violin wishes an instru- ment powerful enough to fill the largest hall, yet sweet enough to adapt itself to the smallest drawing-room. Aha I that is just the violin for which the greatest players are continually searching, and they do not always succeed in finding it, though willing to give £1000 or more for the violin. The ideal violin, like the perfect woman, is always to be found. As a general rule, however, it may be laid down that the Stradivarius model gives a very silvery, sympathetic, and pretty powerful tone ; the Guarnerius gives a sympathetic and more poAverful tone, though sometimes accompanied by a slight huskiness ; the Maggini model gives a larger tone than eif.her of these, with great clearness and crispness, but it is of a somewhat melancholy character, and inclined to hollowness. The sum of all, therefore, is that model goes for little, and that the taste and requirements of the buyer are everything. It must be clearly borne in mind also that every player cannot command the same tone out of the same violin. Some plnyers can make almost any violin sound well, so masterly is their style of fingering and bowing ; while THE VIOLiyf: now to choose one. 51 others, like an amateur of ray acquaintance, make every violin they touch sound poor, though it sliould be a Cremona of the first water. Instead of drawing the tone out they push it in, and bow and fingers alike act as dampers or mutes. I know a fine player in the heart of England who deals in violins, and who can sell the veriest wreck of a violin at a good price simply by playing a few solos on it in public. Some trustful amateur hears him play, and foolishly imagining that the tone is in the violin buys it straightway, but never gets the same effect again. The violin thus sold is like the famous parrot sold by the ventriloquist, which spoke with amazing eloquence and wisdom till it was sold, and then became for ever dumb. A Lady's Violin. In advertisements of high-priceJ violins we frequently notice the phrase "a nice instrument for a lady." When this instrument is examined, it is generally found to be a small-toned insti-ument of the Amati tribe, perhaps very fine in quality, but so weak and thin that no man wo\;ld buy it. Now, .why should a weak-toned instrument be foisted upon a lady 1 Is the lady-player gifted with so powerful a muscle that she can bring a large tone out of any weak instrument Avhich may be placed in her hands ? It is exactly the reverse. The tone produced by the lady player is smaller than that produced by a man, all other things being equal, and her muscles are weaker. Physiologists indeed tell us that there is one muscle entirely absent from the female arm, and that that is the reason why a woman throws a cricket ball in a fashion so peculiarly her own. The violin, therefore, for the lady player ought to be the most powerful in tone that can be got compatible with freedom and ready response. This last quality is most important, as there are many gi-and violins which yield their best tone only to the most muscular arm, but these are the exception. The vioiin with a large, full tone, which comes easily, is therefore the violin for a lady player. The Price to Give for a Violin. The price of an old violin is a varying quantity, dei:)ending on the needs of the seller, and also upon his conscience, which 52 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. is usually of an elastic nature sufficient to take in the entire jnirse of the buyer. The price of a well-made new violin by a British maker also varies according to the demand upon the maker's time, and also, of course, according to his conscience. There are dealers who have in their list new violins at £10, £15, £20, and £25 ; as a matter of private opinion, I do not tliink that the violin of some of these men, sold at £10, will be a whit inferior to that which they sell at £25, but I do not wish to force this opinion upon any one. " You pays your money and you takes your choice," so you may adopt my opinion, or that of the advertising list, as you please ; but be sure that you try the two violins against each other, and judge them solely by tlieir tone, instead of by the price tickets tied to them. In the same way the common German fiddles may be had at prices from 15s. to 5Us.; but the keen- witted judge of tone tries over a dozen of these, all at diffei-ent prices, and probably picks out one, by no means the highest in price, which immeasurably excels all the others. " Oh, cer- tainly, give us the best you have," says the easy and trustful buyer, and so he buys by the ticket instead of the tone, which is simply an encouragement to a species of dealing not far removed from robbery. Seriously, I think that as good a new violin as it is possible to make may be bought for from £5 to £10, if you only go about the matter in the right way. The only conceivable reason why a new violin should occasionally cost a little more than this sum is when the maker chances to hit upon two pieces of wood of such great age and grand acoustical quality that the violin so made commands a higher price as naturally as a genius rises above his fellows, but such an occurrence is rare, and when it does happen, it needs no advertising list to tell its value. The tone of the violin will speak for itself, and the others will simply be nowhere beside it ; which brings us back to my original statement, that tone and nothing but tone ought to be the real criterion of value in a violin. Believe no price list or statement attached to the different prices — believe your own ears and those of your friends whom you call in to your assistance. There are several foreign makers now living who have the audacity to advertise their new violins at prices from £100 to £150, but I hope, for the credit of humanity, that this is a mere advertising fiction. The man Avho gives such a price for a new fiddle is worse than a fool. Is o new violin ever was worth such a sum — not even those THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE ONE. 53 of Stradivarius, which sold steadily for £4 a piece, and produced a handsome competence to their maker. Stradi- varius was not an impudent man, and he never advertised, and he said nothing of his violins being made according to "the secret of tlie Cremona violins;" for, alas, there was no secret in it that he ever grasped. There may have been a certain method known to the Brescian makers, Gasparo da Salo and Maggini, which was lost by the sudden death of the latter, but if so Stradivai-ius never re-discovered it. He came upon good pieces of wood occasionally, which would mellow into gx'and sounding boaixls in 150 years; and he covered his violins with a good oil varnish, and so may any violin maker ; and there is no more in it. 54 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. CHAPTER X. The Violin Bow, the Case, and the Strings. A VIOLIN bow sliould be chosen to suit not only the weight of the player's hand, but the instrument upon which it is intended to use it. A fine old Italian violin, with a tender and delicate tone, which comes with the lighest touch, would be quite overpowered by a heavy bow, while a full-toned instrument, however old, ought always to be matched by a heavy bow — that is, one weigliing 24 ounces. No bow should weigh less than 2| ounces, even when it is intended for a lady's use ; indeed, the bow used by a lady ought to be heavy rather than light, as the extra weight in the stick compensates to a certain extent for the deficient muscular power in the female arm. The difl'erence between hard work with a light bow and with a heavy one can only be understood and appreciated hy those accustomed to play for hours every day, and never for less than one or two hours on end. With a light bow the thumb and fore-finger of the right hand get terribly tired ; while with a heavy bow the same amount of practice is accomplished with comparative ease, as the weight of the stick does part of the pressure. Again, there are some kinds of bowing — notably that which 1 have named the "Bastard Staccato," in which the bow is simply thrown on the string and allowed to pick out the notes of a long run with scarce any control fi'om the fingers of the right hand — which cannot be executed with anything like cei'- tainty with a light bow. The bows of the French maker, Tourte, which are really splendid works of art, and as such have risen to enormous prices, are generally far too light for modern violin ])laying. Those of Dodd have frequenth^ the same fault, but here and there one may be picked up weighing 24 ounces. Those of the greatest living maker, James Tubbs, may sometimes be had of this weight, Avhicli, be it remarked, not only gives more pressure, but a firmer stick — that is, a stick which, when brought down smartly or suddenly upon the strings does not quiver, and so disturb the tone. I have THE YIOLIK. HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 55 seen several of Tubb's bows, liowever, which have become warped after being for some time in use. Many new bows by good makers are indeed warped from the tirst, as any one may prove by trying a dozen at any dealer's — screwing them \Tp till nearly straight, and then looking along the top of the stick from the nut to the point. Sometimes not one in a dozen will stand this test. The cause of this warping is sometimes bad or unsuitable wood, but more frequently pure carelessness or laziness on the part of the makers. The best material for a tirst-class bow is Pernambuco or Brazil wood, which gives both weight and a lasting spring. It is a ^wpular idea that a bow is cut out ot the wood in its curved form ; on the contrary, the bow is made from a piece of wood not only perfectly straight, but which should also be perfectly even in the fibre, the necessary curve downwards towai'ds the hair being afterwards given to the stick by means of dry heat. It is at this most important stage of the work that the careless or lazy bow maker gets in his shoddy work ; for if the wood be not heated equally and to the very heart, those fibres which remain cold always tend to return to their original form, so the bow after a little use becomes either springless and straight or warped. It is to be regretted that so many bow makers use a dark or muddy varnish to cover up bad wood. Tourte and Dodd, who were unquestionably the greatest bow makers the world ever saw, did better, for they left the wood pale, and used a clear varnish, so that every fibre could be distinguished ; and if a fault had been in the wood it would have been detected. To make a first-class bow, simple though it may appear, is more difficult than to make a violin ; and there certainly is a grand opening for good artists at the present time — artists who will exercise acumen and honesty in the selection of the wood, genius in the shaping, and unwearied patience in the forming of the graceful downward curve — that curve which has done so much for the development of violin playing as compared with the clumsy upward curve of bows two centuries ago. This curve and the artistic shaping of the wood give what is known as " balance " to a bow ; for as it is well or ill done, so must the "balance" turn out — all other things being equal. A well-balanced bow, which lias a strong downward curve, falling exactly in the middle of the hair, and which is not warped — that is, bent to one side or the other, and is of the full weight and length, is a treasure to the earnest violin 5G THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. player. Any kind of stick is good enough for the trifler who never plays foi* above ten minutes at a time , but the player who works for hours on end should have every advan- tage which wisdom or experience can suggest, or skill and art supply. The Nut. The width of the nut from the stick to the hair should be carefully adjusted to the size of the player's thumb. A large thumb calls for more space, but the space should never be large enough to allow of any slipping or shoggling after the back of the thumb has been turned out against the hair. The slide of the nut against the stick should work so closely that no movement from side to side of the nut is possible. A good bow is frequently warped by a loose fitting nut ; and a bow appai-ently warped is frequently cured by the substitution of a closer fitting slide screw in the nut. A Warped Bow. A bow which is really warped may be cured by the appli- cation of dry heat as already described in "The Secrets of Violin Playing" (price Is., Edinburgh: Kohler & Son, ISTorth Bridge), but as few players have the necessary skill and patience for the task, it is better to hand over the bow to some patient and conscientious artist, such as Edward Brook- field, 1 Railway Street, Southport, who makes a speciality of such work. Brookfield's charge lor an ordinary bow is 2s. 6d.; for a fine one 5s., the carriage both ways being paid by the owner. A bow may be sent in a small wooden box, or tied against a piece of wood, quite safely by parcel post for 3d. The wrapping of SILVER THREAD round the stick is a fashion which dies hard among bow makers ; it looks pretty, and so helps to attract the eyes of those who admire pretty things not specially useful, and therefore may be said to help to sell the bow. It also helps to sell to a certain extent the buyer, for after a little wear it comes curling off, and is a source of much trouble and THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. 57 annoyance. It was placed originally upon bows to prevent the thumb and fingers slipping from their place, and that nothing else was thought of at that time is proved by Louis Panormo's bows having on them a fine wrapping of whale- bone. We have grown wiser since then, for we have learned that not only something to prevent slipping is required but something soft and comforting to the thumb is necessary, and so the knowing one, when he gets a fine bow, at once cuts off the pretty silver thread and substitutes a carefully applied Avrapping of soft and thick kid leather, reaching close up to the nut, bevelled off" at each end, and neatly glued on. With a bow so fitted the hardest Avork becomes a pleasure rather than a toil, and there is no reason why the bow maker should not so fit up his bows from the first. Hard, smooth, and thin leather is of no use — it must be soft and thick, like that used for the upper part of ladies' boots. An influential firm informed me lately that a bow maker positively refused to so fit up his bows, till they threatened to withold a large order, when he grudgingly complied with their wishes. Mounting. The best mounting of a bow, nut and screw and point, is silver. Gold-mounted bows may be had, but the gold has a brassy look, and does not contrast well with polished wood, while silver does. Gold-mounting on a bow, like gold- mounting on the pegs of a violin, is only a vulgar indication of the wealth of the owner, and plainly shows a lack of the finer artistic instincts. A very fine contrast is sometimes introduced by making the nut of tortoiseshell, silver-mounted, which goes well with a dark stick. The Violin Case. Many ingenious violin cases of leather, partially stiffened, have of late been produced, which are very convenient for ladies, or for players who do not use a valuable instrument ; but the moment a player becomes the owner of a really grand violin, his first consideration is liowto carry it about in absolute safety. The ordinary black wooden case does very well, but many object to its coffin-like appearance, and soar at some- 58 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. thing prettier. The best substitute is a case of the same shape, made of common pine, and covered with walnut or rosewood veneer. Some makers in their zeal for tui-ning out a really line case make the body of walnut and put a walnut veneer of finer veining on the top of that, which results in the case being so frightfully heavy that it would almost be necessai-y to employ a poi-ter to carry it about. These so- called "superior"" cases are even fitted with wooden boxes and inside corners, all adding to the weight and to the price. A violin case made of pine and veneered with walnut weighs only 4J- lbs. ; or, with the violin and bow, resin, strings, and tuning fork, 5^ lbs., but that is quite enough for any one to carry about with the hand, especially when the muscles are to be kept unstrained for solo playing. The heavy and expensive case ought to be avoided even by the owner of the valuable violin. They are often given as presents, silver- mounted, and sometimes cost as high as ,£8, 8s., and they are little better than white elephants. An angular-shaped leather case has lately been brought out, which is strong, and not so coflin-like as the black wooden case, but as it is quite as lieavy as the ordinary case, and hardly so safe for a very valuable violin, the only advantage to be gained by its use is that a fe%v sheets of music may be carried inside along with the violin. A very light and neat case of American leather, of the ordinary shape, has been brought out by R. R. Shields, 69 Burlington Street, Manchester, under the title of "The Eureka." This case opens at the broad end, in which there is a compartment for strings and resin, holds two bows and the violin, and a sheet or two of music, is secure from rain, costs 12s. 6d., and weighs only 2 lbs. 6 oz. Another case by the same makei', named the " Excelsior," costs 7s. 6d., and weighs only 1 lb. 6 oz. For the boy or girl or young lady who goes to learn the violin principally because it is fashionable, or as a means of "showing ofl"," and who generally wallops the cheap instrument about like a school satchel or a jiair of old boots, any kind of case is good enough, and it is of no importance whether music crammed into that case should fracture the "factory fiddle" or not; but to makers of wooden cases I may here throw out a hint on this point. It would be an easy matter to make the ordinary violin case with a false bottom and side, leaving an opening at the top of the front side — say |- an inch wide and 14 inches long — into which a few sheets of music could be slipped without being THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE ONE. 59 doubled. The music would thus lie outside the violin case fittings and round the back of the violin, and the case would not be materially increased in size. The case of a violin ought always to fit somewhat wide of the violin — say half an inch all round, and the space round be filled up with a soft padding of wadding, the reason for which is, that should any accident befall the case, or anything go crashing through the sides, the probability is that the case alone would suffer, whereas if the violin Avere fitted tightly, both violin and case would suff'er. I once was shown a valuable Guarnerius violin so tightly fitted into elaborate wooden fittings that I could scarcely get the instrument out, and noticed that the edges of the violin were becoming worn v/ith the friction. The slightest concussion to that case might have injured the violin irretrievably. I see no reason why a fine veneered case should not be turned out strong enough for any violin, and to weigh only 4 lbs., or even 3i lbs. The only difficulty is to get the makers to move in such matter. Like violin makers, they seem to have forgotten that they have brains. The Handle. The handle should always be on the top of the violin case, not only because the case carries better thus, but as a protection against a shower of rain, which will penetrate when the handle is fixed to the side. The handle ought also to be long enough to easily admit the four fingers of the hand. A very comfortable and thick handle of stitched leather, with metal fastenings, has been brought out, which may be had through any musicseller, and fastened to any violin case. Good "Violin Strings — where to get them, and how to distinguish them — T have already written of fully in "The Violin: How to Master It," and "The Secrets of Yiolin Playing" (price Is. each: Edinburgh, E. Kohler & Son, North Bridge), but I may here briefly .set down that the best Second and Third strings which I have been able to get anywhere are those sold by Mr. T). L. Thompson, ISTethergate, Dundee, price 6d. each; the best silver Fourth strings are those named Florentine silver, sold by Edward Withers, Wardour Street, London, price 2s. 6d. each, 60 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. and the best First strings, named Neapolitan unpolished strings, are those sold by Mr. Edwin Race, Douglas, Isle of Man, at 8s. 6d. per bundle of 30 strings. Whether gut as a material is a dear article I do not know, but I find that many makers of first strings at a fancy price have a craze for making them up no thicker than a thread of sewing silk. Any one who would give 9d. for such a string is a poor simpleton, for it is bound to be sawn through in a few hours, or less — most often less. Violin strings should never be oiled, no matter what advertisers, eager to sell quarter-ounce bottles of oil at a shilling each, may say to the contrary. If a string maker cannot turn out his work read}" for use, he should be let severely alone, or told to learn his business over again. The first string should always be left unpolished, as polished strings have some of the strands ground through, and so fray out sooner ; they are also more liable to play false. A good unpolished first, which is firm and dry to the touch, gives a brilliant tone and lasts well ; a greasy and soft string gives a dull tone and is rarely durable. I have had strings from some of the best dealers in London which were soft as a bit of twine, and which had a wretched tone, yet they were said by the sellers to be the best in the world. The violin player who believes everything that dealers tell him will soon have more in his head than he can conveniently carry. My last advice then is, believe no one ; test for your- self; compare one thing with another without compunction ; avoid the faddist ; shun the violin maker who is a crank, and more especially if he declare that he is the man who can make a violin, and that all other living makers are worse than imposters. If he chance to be an advertising man, the louder he may blow about his wonderful violins and his marvellous secret methods of putting them together, the more rigidly and sternly avoid him. He is generally a liar; sometimes a monomaniac ; good for the world if he be not a rogue as well. Some one has written that " Truth is mighty and shall prevail ;" if so, surely that must come in that far distant golden age when GLOWING ADVERTISING shall be no more. THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 61 CHAPTER XI. The Acoustics of Violin Making— Revelations of a Skilled Violin Maker — A sure method by which the tone of a Violin may be copied. The plan of testing wood intended for violin making, by cutting slips to a certain size, and setting them in vibration with a heavy-haired bow, and so ascertaining the density and resonance by the notes given out by the different specimens of wood, has long been in use with thoughtful and scientific violin makers ; but I am not aware that any attempt has yet been made to classify the notes given out by the plates of a well-made violin when set in vibration in the same way at different stages of dissection, and so laying the basis of a system by which the tone of a violin might be imitated with certainty. It is well known that the density and i-esonance of wood vaiy so much, even with pieces taken from the same log, that the tone of a violin copy, even when the model and thicknesses of the original have been followed with mathe- matical accuracy, often is as different from that of the violin copied as night is from day. If, however, a system such as that which follows Avere adopted, and the exact notes given out by the plates of the violin copied were studiously and patiently got at the different stages of the nu\king of the copy, it seems to me reasonable to suppose that something very near the character and body of the tone given by the violin copied would be got — allowing, of course, as the wi-iter of the following treatise wisely explains, a slight margin for difference likely to be caused by the drying and withering process of the years to come. One of the most experienced violin experts in England, himself a skilful violin maker, to whom I have written of this treatise, sends me the following reply : — "The treatise to which you refer will no doubt be interesting, especially if having a really practical bearing on the subject. It has always seemed strange to me that after so many experiments and positive assertions by both Savart and Vuillaume, the 62 THE VIOLIN: BOW TO CHOOSE ONE. latter did not (so far as my own judgment from repeated trials, as also that of other players go) get the Italian quality of tone. I have had Vuillaume's violins here and in London for careful trial, and the conclusion to which I have invariably come has been that in each instance, whether made according to the Savart discoveries or theories, Vuillaume was as far off as any one else. Can the writer of the treatise produce the tone of Gasparo da Salo or Maggini 1 I think their tone more difficult to get near than either that of Strad or Joseph, and am not quite certain that those giants did not think more of him than of themselves. As the true Brescian tone appears to have died out before 1700, a question arises — why? The most admired specimens of Strad and Joseph are those that in their tone appear to me nearest in quality to the two Brescian masters. Did they try unsuccessfully for many years to get near that tone, or was it fashion made thera alter?" So far as any one, not a violin makei', could test statements such as those of my esteemed correspondent, I have done so, and found them correct, and I may add that the violins made by the writer of the treatise bear out his statements, for they are, though exceptionally thick in the plates, large and free in tone, equal on all the strings, and just such insti'uments as a grand soloist will delight in when age has crowned and perfected the work of the maker. Although the facts and figures here given so frankly for the benefit of violin makers and the world at lai-ge are evidently the result of a life study, the writer has with great difficulty been persuaded, by me to give his name, which only confirms what I have long most firmly believed, that the genuine violin enthusiast is as modest as he is unselfish. Long may Devoney live to practically illustrate his discoveries and researches, and be crowned, if not with riches and honour, with the blessings of those thrilled by the sweet strains which shall owe their being to his studious toil. THE ACOUSTICS OF VIOLITT MAKING, a method by which the body and character of the tone of any violin may be accurately copied. By Frank Devoxey, C3 Milburn Street, Blackpool. The violin seems to be the only instrument which nine- THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE ONE. 63 teenth century men cannot impi-ove. Strange that we, who speak of the hills and what they tell us of their age and formation, as revealed by themselves, will not listen to the voice of the violin, which can as certainly tell its own story, and reveal the whole secret of its formation. There does not exist to-day one violin which will refuse to tell its story — ay, even though strings were denied it. Surely the giant minds that could throw the Forth Bridge across a raging sea, and measure the millionth part of an inch, and even weigh the stars, cannot be defeated in the copying of a fiddle, even though that fiddle be the work of a giant mind. Some say — "Oh, it is hopeless to ti-y." I say it is not — their tone may be copied, to any given peculiarity of tone or string, and I shall now shovv how it may be done. I shall give no measurements here. Measurement has kept the violin in the rut of chance long enough, and is continually at war with the diff^erent density and resonance and age of diiferent pieces of wood, even though the wood be of the right kind, and unless by what is called a happy hit, mediocrity generally claims the modern violin as her own. I am not a dreamer, but a very practical man, who can paint a picture, or make a brass-railed fender for the fireside, and I wish to impress on all how true and certain is the result of my studies. It is ten years since I began to note down what I am about to give, and for five years I have been able to copy the tone of any violin. I taught myself French to see if M. Savart mentioned how the i)lates were held when he got the notes during his experiments ; but no — absolute silence. It was a mean omission, if intentional ; though I do not think he knew all the notes, or he would not have made a trapezoid violin, knowing it to be so very bad. Perhaps Vuillaume knew, but never revealed the knowledge. Otto, who writes on the construction of the violin, may have known, but, with a selfishness quite unworthy of a real lover of the violin, he coolly says that there is something more which he will nob tell. When I think that the commonest in the land — the man in the bothy or the shieling — who fills up his time with the fascinating work of violin making, may get the best tone that is in the wood he is using, and ])roduce a work as thrilling to the musical ear as the most finished worker, I am more than rewarded for the study and toil of ten years' research. Violin makers will not know what they have got until they make one or two this way. It is not possible to 64 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. make one witli a, bad tone if they keep to these notes. They must not vary above or below even a quarter of a tone. It is a grand thing when a maker knows that he is getting the best tone that is in the wood. The violin maker must first provide himself with a stout bow, such as teachers of natural philosophy use in the experiment with a plate of metal or glass and sprinkled sand to show the sphere of vibration. A double bass bow does very well. This bow is our callipers. Suppose now "we have a Guarnerius violin, a great Joseph; let us hear its message. We affix a violin cramp in the centre of the upper bout thus — Bow the point of the cramp strongly, and we get these notes, G sharp — E — and A — i 7) ^=g^ Now, w^e cramp the lower bout at Fig. 2, bow again, and we get these notes — G sharp and A — - $ -1^ THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 65 Now, affix the cramp as neai- to the tail piece as it will go. and bow the cramp, and we get E and A, thus — _r, L^- W These notes have the same timbre as if they came from the strings. Now, why have we such a sameness in these notes? — whence do they cornel I fancy I hear some one answer, "Oh, there is nothing in that, they vary so," But wait and see how in those very variations there is a gi-and harmony. "We now unstring the violin, and in our search take off the breast, and see what sounds it gives out now. We dispense with the cramp, and bow strongly across the edge of the sides — first in the centre of the upper bout, and we get these notes — E, E, and G sharp thus — 122: Surely a great change in position, yet still the sameness ! Here let me state that in a new violin the higher tones come most easily, the lower octaves by pressure ; in an old violin the reverse is the case. Now, with the ribs still on the back, bow the edge of the ribs in the centre of the lower bout, and the note produced is B flat, thus — w Q6 THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. Next grasp the neck firmly, with the bottom resting on the bench, and bow the under edge of the lower block, and you get E, thus — Then rest the ])ack on a bit of wood or cork about opposite to where the sound-post should be, and bow on the outer edge of the lower block, and we get the notes A and A, not as a chord, but separately with difi"erent pressure of the bow on the same place E ^ .s. Next, to get at the foundation of these, we take the back from the ribs, and see what it has to say for itself. Pirst rest the back on a bit of cork or wood, vesting on a bench, opposite to where the sound-post should be, the thumb keeping it firmly in position thus — Bow the lower, that is the tailpiece, end of the back. This for reference we may call Xo. 1 ; held in the same position, but bowing at the button, will be 2s o. 2 ; the button end held on the bench thus — THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. G7 and bowing on the lower end will be No. 3 ; the lower end held in this ])osition, bowing at the button will be No. 4 ; the back held in the finger at the button, resting on a bit of wood in the centre and bowincr at end thus — will be No. 5 ; and the back held by the lower end and bowed at the button will be No. 6 (Fig. .5). The same positions for the bi-east may be named Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. The violin dissected will now give these notes — No. 3 gives two notes easily, the upper note naturally ; and they can be controlled individually. You may lower No. 1 or raise No. 2, and I shall show how, but in passing, I may remark, that it is here that good wood may be known. With good wood these notes are got quite easily ; hard, high- toned wood requires heavy pressure, but KEEP TO THE XOTES is the only sure guide. It will be observed that the notes of the back circle about A and E, that is, an octave lower than the First and Second strings ; the back of the violin, therefore is for the First and Second strings, the vibrations being con- veyed from the bi-idge, and direct through the sound-post. The four-footed bridge only lengthens the circuit to unite the vibrations lower down. The violin has a peculiar reflex vibration, which may be demonstrated thus : — You can lower Nos. 1 and 3 by scraping some wood from the button end, G8 THE YIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE OXE. and Nos. 2 and 5 are the same in reverse. When No. 1 is at B natural — thus — _j, look sharply for inequalities witli a strong light behind your work, as the back is near the finish, and don't be content with any other notes than those I have given. The wood for back and breast must be f of an inch thick to allow for the rise, which continues fairly from the place where the purfiing will be. Get the best wood you can, in the selection of which experience will soon guide you, and begin to record your notes when the wood is \ of an inch thick. Bv the time vou are at these notes you will know how to bring them out and govern them. If you are copying the tone of an old violin the copy should be thicker in wood, to allow for the shrinkage of years. I believe the air space of a violin that is made perfect in- creases slightly and sinks about a semitone, which brings a nasal tone to many violins whose air space was right at first. By bringing No. 2 down to D you may produce this nasal tone. Now let us begin with our weaker and better half, the breast of the violin. The one before us with the /' holes cut, the bass bar on, and the purfling in, gives the notes G, D, C sharp, G, E, D sharp thus — • ' V '^ / II ^^ —'S>— — H —c:?- ^^- Purfiing is an unknown quantity not always affecting the notes to the same extent. At positions Nos. 4 and 10 the purfling may send up the note a tone ; sometimes only a semitone. I believe the edges of 3Iaggini are a tone higher than those of Stradivarius owing to the double purfling. Supposing the violin maker to have a violin breast fairly worked out, with a rise requiring wood | of an inch thick for its production, the ai'ch coining fairly out to where the purfling will be, the edges shaped thus — not rounded oft" but finished smooth. He should have these notes, G, D, D, G, - D, thus— THE VIOLIX: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. G9 tt -2^" Now, let liim cut the /' holes from the best model he can get to copy. Let them be li- inches apart between the upper turns, for part of their work is to deflect the vibrations from the back. Examine the notes now. With the F holes cut the breast gives F, D, C, G, E, D, thus — $ 22—^ a "a:;?" Here we see only these notes which are given at the lower end. This phenomenon is worth the violin maker's attention in toning the breast. Now, let him put on the bass bar. That brings the affected notes into line again, and we must reject the modern bass bar, going nearly the whole length of the violin, and put on one only 6,^ or 7 inches long, about f of an inch deep and -f\ thick. This will be found to have sent up the notes again to about A, E, E flat, A, G, and E, thus — f=l -9 G> iS>- Observe, again, that it is the lower notes which are affected. Let him take more wood off the upper end of the bass bar, even to depress the lower notes, and get them to G, D, D, G, E, and D, thus— __ ^^_ No. 8 will be found to have lost an octave since the _/ holes were cut, and No. 11 one tone. Nos. 5, 6, 11, and 12 are peculiarly sensitive. When No. 1 is B, thus — 70 THE VIOLIN: now TO CHOOSE ONE. No. 11 is D, thus- They are all like pointers for the others. Let the violin maker now start to work with the edges fairlv thick ; the notes will make him thin them — how much they (the notes) will tell him. The lower notes are governed by the centre ; the upper (or bottom end) by the edges, and this is really the only certain way to measure a violin so as to know what sort of tone it is to have when finished. The man who knows the finger-board a little has a great advantage ; the man Avho does not must get a chromatic pitch pipe. With the sides of the pipe in sympathy with the mass of air, here are the notes of a Guarnerius' co^^y, made by John Lett — G sharp, D, T> above B flat (not as a chord), C, B flat, C, F sharp, C sharp, A above D (not as a chord), E, A, and C, thus — -^ — ' -.'. 3 4 5 « * — ^ . _ n '' 8 9 10 11 12 7^ —=^- ^ ^^=^- ^^. <^ 1 1^ 1 1 The sides or ribs, fastened to the back, give these notes — D above D (not as a chord, but produced at the same place by diflerent pressure of the bow), B, D, G, G sharp, thus — I do not believe that we have yet heard the best tone which a violin can produce, because the best of the Cremonas are only patched up in a way and re-adjusted to suit our modern pitch and modern music. The enlarging of the bass bar is a clumsy expedient. The real remedy must be applied in a new violin TEE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 71 by making the plates thicker. They may thus be tuned to our modern concert pitch, and at the same time made strong enough to bear the increased pressure — -which is only another singular proof that music and science always harmonise. The breast of a Strad, all finished and with the / holes cut and a modern bass bar, gives at positions 7 and 8 these notes — i w- 't^~ With plates of the proper thickness and my bass bar, the notes will be these — tt "z:p" Without the bar the notes will be these- V with the bar they are these — Vincenzo Panormo seems to have realised this fact, for though he worked nearly a 100 years ago, when the pitch had not risen quite so high, he certainly made the plates of his violins thicker than those of Stradivarius, whom he copied so beauti- fully. The notes of the back of a Strad, or Maggini, or Guarnerius may be got without taking the violin to pieces, by taking a firm grip of the neck and bowing on the peg of the First and 72 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. Second string. A Strad treated thus will give, I think, from the First peg these two notes The high note will come easily; the low note by pressure. The peg of the Second string will give this note i^ The fixed nodal lines in a violin are the six blocks ; the most important is the lower block, as the neck helps the upper. The movable nodal lines are the edges of the centre bout and bass bar. The centre of the violin should be exactly as much in front of the bridge as the sound post is behind it. I made a violin once with the centre to be at the sound post — that is, inclining to the trapezoid, and it was an utter failure ; so let us respect the great Dieffopruchar and give glory to the man who gave the violin its present shape. T think he must have got a suggestion from the tie;ares of Chaldini. Here is The Finest Comeixation' which I have yet struck upon, outside of the regular models and thicknesses, and using an ordinary Guarnerius outline. Working the thicknesses so as to give at the various positions the notes given below produces a violin with a lovely tone, very full and rich, quite free of the nasal quality, and with the chords coming clear and bell-like. The notes of the back— _^ THE VIOLIX: now TO CHOOSE OXE. 73 The notes of the breast, with the f holes cut and no bass bar — '-B' :^S2; W^^ The notes of the breast, with the bass bar on and the breast entirely finished — _fl_ 7 8^ 9 10 11 12 w \--—r::^— :22: =1 When the breast is finished outside, and the inside still flat wood and quite untouched, it gives this note — tr- -^ — (Owing to its thickness it is a little hard to set into vibra- tion.) The upper bouts, at the centre, give the same note. The back, at the same half-way stage of finish, gives this note — i5: 7) The centre of the lower bouts gives this combination, not as a chord, but one note coming easily and the other by more pressure on the bow — [I suggest that this example should be known as "Devoney's Modern Cremona."— W. C. H.J How to Distinguish Wood. Hard wood is usually high-toned wood ; soft wood low- toned ; but should the maker be in doubt he may distinguish 74 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. them by this test. When the first note which he will get at position No. 7 is F natural, thus — the wood he is working on is high-toned wood, and before he will have got all the other notes correct at the other positions the plates will be comparatively' thin. If, on the contrary, the first note which he gets at position No. 7 should be D natural, thus — the wood is low-toned, and he must work very cautiously in taking off more, as he may be at the other notes before the finish is all on the plate. It is true that even if he chanced to take oft" too much wood he could patch it up again to a given tone ; but it is better to leave it on from the first. In copying the tones of an old breast it is well to look care- fully for double notes, one of which will come easily, the other by hard pressure of the bow, as these are a double guide to the exact quality of tone. When it is possible to do so the Bass Bar should be removed from the old breast and the notes jotted down; then the Bass Bar put on again, and the notes in their altered condition again recorded. The result should be an exact copy, but as 1 have hinted, the whole school of tone for modern violins adapted to modern concert 2:)itch and modern requirements has yet to be created, for it is clear that the plates must be made thicker, to bear the increased pres- sure, which will allow of the Bass Bar being left smaller and lighter, and that in turn will not only allow the breast to vibrate more freely, but distribute the pressure more equally over the whole instrument. Here then is a chance to dis- tinguish yourselves, ye violin makers Avho love the labour and do not grudge thought and study and ceaseless experi- menting. Think not that I wish to grasp the earth, or keep any secret or lord it over any one. There is the way ; a sure way— a fixed and scientific method — follow it and the Avorld shall bless you and the result of your labours through all time. But, mark you, SECRECY IS KOW DEAD. THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. 75 There can now be no hiding of a particular tone or quality of tone in a violiii; for the best violins that can thus be constructed may now be taken to pieces, their exact notes recorded by the acute copyist and the same effect repeated by the humblest in the land. The Shakespere of Aiolin makers was undoubtedly this Dieftbpruchar, the man who grasped the true theory that the strings do not vibrate indiscriminately over the plates but are confined to that part which either gives its own tone, as in the case of the back, or its own tone and harmony as in the case of the breast. That man must liave had this very system or he could not have designed the violin to give the perfect fifths which the plates do give. Then came Gasparo da Salo, the Burns of violin makers, and by altering a note in the plates he j^erfected the Avork of his master, and had our concert pitch not risen so much we could not have done better to-day than copy his work. But after him came men who either did not understand his system, or cared only for beauty of outline, and shape, and lovely finish, and by leaving out the notes got at the positions which I have numbered 2, 4, 7, and 9, their work falls away in tone no matter how nice their outside finish, until Maggini pulled them up shar[)ly and thought the notes out again or got them from his master. After Maggini, who is said to have died suddenly of the plague, and so perhaps had not time to give the secret to another, there is a weary blank in violin making. Every maker seems to have been groping in the dark for a system hopelessly lost. They all try different notes and fail Even Stradivarius thought and thought till his life was nearly gone, and failed, because the beauty of his outline is got at the expense of sacrificing some of the best notes which the plates demand. Then came Joseph Guarnerius, the saddest and most admirable of all violin makers — most admirable, because he tried hard to fit his outline to the best echoes and tones of Brescia — and the saddest because he lived next door to a popular maker, and all the time felt that he himself was making grander works. No crowds came from every foreign court to keep him busy at the bench rather than sitting in the wine shop to ])ass the time or shut out regrets and despair. Sadder still we see him foi'ced at times to sink his superior knowledge, and make a violin for bread which, in appearance and tone, can scarcely be told from one by his successful rival — as if some imperious patron had said "Make 76 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. me one like those of Stradivarius or you don't get my money." From Guarnei'ius to Vuillaume is a long jump, but there is really nothing worth noting between them. Vuillaume de- pended more upon his wood than his notes — that is, he only knew to take the notes from the lower ends of the plates. He and Savart knew some of the notes but not all, for had Savart known that the front of the plates give a fifth higher in tone than the lower, he never would have gone to the trapezoid, a form- of viol which is perfect only for two strings. If a plate of any standard model be taken, and the button cut off the upper end, you soon get at the octave of the lower end; take off a little more and all sound from the u])per end is lost. In the face of that will any one assert that Savart knew all about it 1 Take a violin and sing at the _/ holes, and it will echo about D (first space below the treble stave) or C sharp. Men Avill say, That is the mass of air. It is not — it is simply the upper end of the breast putting the third string into vibration. The mass of air will be found nearly two notes lower, and may be felt in a silent vibration, or heard by closing the f holes, and blowing in at the tail pin hole as in sounding a flute, and it will be found to be more in sympathy with the back than the breast. What I think Savart did, was to compare the sound of No. 3 and No. 7, but omitted to say that one was a seventh lower than the other. The Stainer model, with its high rise in the centre of the plates and scoop towards the edges, gives these wonderfully low notes — • r. I 2 7 8 9 10 V / fl\ \-- ' _^. -9l5.- MAKER, Merton, Surrey, s.W. THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE OKE. 87 OuMOND, Jumes, Kirkbuston, Stromness, Orkney. Model, Stradivarius. Yarnish, Wliitelaw'.s, yellow. Ticket, printed in written characters upon pink paper — - Patersox, James, 9 Richmond Terrace, Edinburgh. Model, Stradivarius. Yarnish, amber oil, made by Dr. Clark, Edinburgh; colour, reddish-yellow. Ticket, printed in Roman characters from an engraved plate, and bearing white monogram, J. P., on round black seal at right side — James Paterson, Edinburgh, i8gj. Pethertck, Horace, 25 Havelock Road, Croydon. Model, original, combining those of Gasparo da Solo and Maggini. Yarnish, Brescian brown. Ticket, printed from an engraved block, with dark border, showing two satyrs, feet to feet, the hands holding the ticket, and the heads peering over each end — HORACE PETHERICK, Fecit, IN CROYDON, 1891-3. Mr. Petherick is a skilled expert and judge of violins. Raeburn, John, Largoward, St. Andrews. Models, Guar- nerius, Stradivarius and the Aviatis. Yarnish, Caffyn's ; colour, golden-yellow. Ticket, printed from types, with a border — JOHN RAEBURN. MAKER, LARGOWARD, ST. ANDREWS. 88 THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. Ritchie, Ai-chibald, 84 Commercial Street, Dundee. Model, large Guarnerius. Varnisli, Wlntelaw's ; colours, yellow, reddish-yellow, ruby, and Strad red. Ticket, hand-written, iu Old English characters — %. Ilxttbic, Also stainjicd on each side of the inside of the back "A. Ritchie." Smillie, Alexander, 514 Victoria Road, Crossbill, Glasgow. Models, Stradivarius and Guarnerius. Varnish, Whitelaw's ; colours, yellow, reddish-yellow, and dark orange-red. Ticket, printed from an engraved copperplate, in written characters — Smith, John, 28 Cockburn Street, Falkirk. Model, Stradivarius. Varnish, Whitelaw's ; colour, reddish-yellow. Ticket, printed from types on yellow paper — MADE BY JOHN SMITH, F A L It I li k:. No 1893. Withers, Edward, 22 Wardour Street, Loudon, W. Models, Stradivarius and Guarnerius. Colours of varnish, light and dark amber, red, and brown. Ticket, printed from an engraved block, the inscription on the back of the wings of a fantastic bat — Edward Withers, 22 Wardour Street, London. THE VIOLIN: HOW TO CHOOSE ONE. S9 WiTHEns, George, 22 Leicester Square, London. Model, Stradivarius. Varnish, yellow. Ticket, printed from aa engraved block, the inscription placed on the back of the wings of a fantastic bat, same as that of Edward Withers — • LONDON. BELI. OMD BAIN, LIMITED, PRINTERS, GLASGOW, READ *' BROUGHT TO BAY" (FIFTEENTH EDITION). ''HUNTED DOWN" (FIFTEENTH EDITION). "STRANGE CLUES" (TWELFTH EDITION). "TRACED AND TRACKED" (NINTH EDITION). Pripp 7^ M "SOLVED MYSTERIES" rnue A^. OU. (sixth edition). OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "Kowhere in tlie Eiiglisli language, so for as we know, are there any detective stories whicli can equal these for interest and genuine ability." — Scotsmrni. ' ' That trutli is stranger than fiction is daily proved by the episodes which come under the notice of the detective force ; and the experiences of ;i detective, as detailed by Mr. M'Govan.may vie for variety and excitement with the most startling creations of a sensational novel." — The Graphic. " Here and there we get a sketch of the humorous, and then some pathetic storj', which sliows how well Mr. M'Govan has gauged the depth of human feeling. The stories are graphic, vigorous, and intensely fascinating. We have taken the book up again and again ; nor have we been satisfied with one perusal, but many sketches have invited a second inspection."' — Pictorial World. " So f;)scinating, indeed, have we found these stories, with their alter- natives of the tragic, the humorous, the pathetic, and the graphic and occasionally eloquent style which characterises the method of their relation, that we have found it diiEcult to lay the book down without reading it straight through." — Liverpool Albion. " Many of the incidents recorded, like that of the 'Harvest Mystery," or poor little 'Aileen O'Reilly's Task,' are of a character to awaken the best and kindliest feelings of our nature, to draw out our sympathies towards the characters described, and our admiration towards Mr. M'Govan for his sense of humour, his insight into human nature, his mastery of pathos, his graphic descriptions, and the lot of good human nature with which this keen-eyed Edinburgh detective is charged. It is the best book of the kind I have ever read." — Newcastle Chronicle. "M'Govan possesses much literary ability, many of his scenes being highly realistic ; and it is quite evident that he must have been personally brought into contact with the characters whose lives he so vividly portrays. The stories are intensely interesting; in pathos and humour Mr. M'Govan is equally at home." — South Atistralian Advertiser. EDINBURGH and GLASGOW: JOHN MENZIES & CO. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON & CO. 31st EDITION, WITH NEW APPENDIX, ts.; Cloth. U. 6i. THE VIOLIN: HOW TO MASTER IT. BY A PROFESSIONAL PLAYER. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " To find a really plain and practical guide to any branch of study is quite a rarity, for generally so-called guides are so filled with technical terms and ambiguous phrases, as often to puzzle the most skilful expert. In the present work, however, the author places his instniction in such a way before his pupil as to render his meaning clear at a first glance. To all who love the violin, but do not know how to master it, we would say, procure this little book, and many of the difficulties will be instantly smoothed away." — Pictorial World. "The writer of this book has accomplished a task of no common difficulty with uncommon ability and singidar success — that of giving such verbal in- struction in an art as the student can clearly understand and put to practical use with certainty and safety. He leaves no point untouched. The reader feels as if being talked to by a teacher whose sympathies are keenly alive to every possible doubt and difficulty ; as if a violin and bow were being put into his hand, and his every act therewith under strictest surveillance. It is a book that ought to be, and indeed will be, in the hands of every one who either plays or means to play the violin, being the most comprehensive, the most precise, and withal the least costly of any book of instruction in violin playing ever issued." — Dundee Advertiser. "The work deserves to be known by all players. Teachers will do well to put it in the hands of their pupils. It will enable them to teach more intelligently, while the pupils will be more apt to receive instruction, and to profit largely by it." — Norivich Weekly Journal. " A very handy, sensible book, furnishing much valuable infonnation about the ' king of the orchestra. ' The observations on bowing are most clear and to the point. ' Harmonic playing,' too, is dealt with with admirable lucidity. The choice and preservation of an instrument, and many other topics connected with its mastery and care, are equally well handled. " — Musical Standard. "The very questions students constantly desire to ask are here more plainly answered than in works of the greatest authorities upon the instru- ment. There are good observations on the choice of an instrument ; salutary cautions against the tricks of unscrupulous manufacturers ; many practical hints respecting holding, stringing, tuning, bowing, &c. ; and some very useful directions as to the course of study to be pursued, the standard books being recommended in systematic order. Many students will thank the author for his labours on their behalf." — Musical Times. " Full of shrewd practical advice and instruction, and a very valuable supplement to the regidar manuals, such as Spohr's and Loder's. The author has contrived to make his work readable and interesting as well ao instructive. He treats his theme with real enthusiasm." — Scotsman. "It is wonderful, well packed, comprehensive, and thoroughly practical. " — Lady s Pictorial. " It is violin teaching popularised by one whom we know to be a pro- ficient and skilful player, and whose understanding of the instrument is as nearly as possible perfect. To this he adds a style of lucid exposition which enables him to make every line and sentence understood The work is thorough in treatment and exhaustive in scope, and should be in the hands of all who desire to become really proficient players." — Evening Telegraph, EDINBURGH : E. KOHLER & SON, NORTH BRIDGE. 9tli ■Edition, with 20 Engravings from Photos, Is.; Cloth, Is. 6d. THE SECRETS OF VIOLIN PLAYING, BEING FULL INSTRUCTIONS AND HINTS TO VIOIJN PLAYERS For the Perfect Mastery of the Instrument. By the Author of " The Violin: How to Master it," &c. CONTENTS. Chaptrr I. — The purpose of the Work — Violin Players — The Trifler — The Showy Player— The Model Player— Holding the Violin— Chin-Rests (Illustrated)— The Spoon, Double Ridge, Spohr, Adjustaljle, Voigt's Shoulder, and New Vulcanite Chin- Rests — Their Advantages and Disadvantages Analysed and Explained. Chapter II. — Holding the Violin — Variations of the Position of the Left Hand (Illustrated) — I'he Normal Position — The Firm Position — The Free Position — The Anticipating Position. Chapter III. — The Management of the Bow — The Action of the Fourth Finger (Illustrated) — The Position of the Thumb — The Left Hand — Flexible Fingering: How to attain it — Cork Stretching (Illustrated) — New Finger Stretching Exercise — The best Exercise ever written for the Violin^Stretching the Thumb. Chapter IV.^How to Judge and Select Strings — How to Keep and Improve Strings — The Points of a Good String — The Fourth String: How to use it — Preparing Strings for Solo Playing — The ' A ' Spring Catcher. Chapter V. — Adjusting the Violin — The Bridge — The Sound Post — The Strings — The Bass Bar — Resetting the Neck and Finger Board — Lining or 'Sandwiching' — The Pegs— The Patent Holdfast Peg— 1 he New Peg Turner. Chapter VI. — Violins, Old and New — The Adjuster — Rusty Cremonas — Frauds for the Experienced — Mixed Cremonas — False Tickets and Real — The most reliable Experts — How to Judge C.d Violins. Chapter VII. — Frauds for the Inexperienced — Frauds in Bows — How to Judge, Select, and Preserve a Bow — Restoring the Spring of a Bow — Cleaning the Hair of the Bow. Chapter VIII. — Tone, Forced and Developed — Getting beyond Rules — Consolation to the Solo Player — The Close Shake: How to Master it. Chapter IX. — Concluding Advice — The Earless Scraper — Common Faults of Advanced Players — Duet Playing — Orchestral Playing — Solo Playing — List of Effective Solos — The Powers of the Violin. — Appendix Women as Instrumentalists, &c. " A book which we confidently recommend to both amateur and profes- sional performers. The subject is dealt with very fully, and the first part contains a large number of practical illustrations. The chapters dealing with the sale and purchase of old violins are amusing, and the whole work will be found both interesting and instructive." — Whitehaven News. "A book which will be greatly relished by violin players everywhere, and which conveys its ' tips ' and hints, and cautions and lessons, in such clear, forcible language, and in such a felicitous style, that the book may be read with interest by any one, though no violinist will scan its pages save with both pleasure and profit." — Dundee Advertiser. "The author well understands the method of making a technical subject interesting. Violinists will find the book a complete repertory on the most approved styles of holding the violin, the management of the bow, the selection and care of strings, the best method of practice, iS:c." — People's Friend. EDINBURGH : E. KOHLER & SON, NORTH BRIDGE. Twenty-First Edition, Now Ready. Full Music Siz2. Prl33 2;. THE YOUNG VIOLINIST'S TUTOR DUET^BOOK: A Collection o( Easy Airs, Operatic Selections, and Familiar Jlelodies, harmonised as Duets for Two Violins, with simple Scales and Progressive Exercises, and full directions lor Parents, Pupil, and Teacher ; the whole arranged on an entirely new principle, in a pleasing and attractive manner, for the use of Beginners. BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE VIOLIN: HOW TO MASTER IT," ETC. The principles upon which this book is arranged may be summarised thus — I. Giving the young pupil more practice than theory. — II. Teaching him the notes alphabetically and only to the extent required at each stage. — III. Placing only the two strings most easily reached by little hands and short fingers — the first and second — before him at first, and taking him gradually backwards on the strings till he can command the whole four.— IV. Giving him the easiest scales in fingering and for setting well the hand. — V. Training him to use the fourth finger without shifti- ness of the hand by always giving him a grip of the violin with the first or second finger. — VI. Giving him more melodies and pleasing airs than exercises.— VII. Accustoming him from the first to play concerted music, thereby training the ear and laying the foundation for future firmness, power, and tone in orchestral playing. — VIII. Making him early to play upon the shift by giving him easy melodies, intro- ducing the Third and Fifth positions, thus setting the hand and thumb properly to the upper as well as the lower part of the finger-board. The book is arranged as a First Tutor or Primer, to teach the art of playing the Violin and the reading of music by the simplest and surest steps ever devised, and though specially designed for the young, is eminently suitable for beginners of any age. The Duets, which form a leading feature of the work, are adapted for teacher and pupil, for two pupils practising together, or for one pupil more advanced than another superintending the younger player's studies. Even advanced students will find many of the Duets an agreeable means of passing a pleasant hour. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION — Hints to Parents and Beginners. Open String Exercises. First Scale, A Slajor. Diagram of Finger-Board for First Scale. F'irst Melody. Indian Air. Tlie Blue Bells of Scotland. Rouseau's Hymn. Cuppie Shell. Study in Notes and their Equivalent Xlests. John and Ann. Scale of D Major. Nelly Ely. Ex- tended Scale of D Major. Diagram of Finger-Board for Extended Scale of D Major. Coal Black Kose. AVest End Hornpipe. Be Kind to thy Father. First Exercise for the Fourth Finger. First Exercise in Slurring. Grandfather's Clock. Scale of G Major. Diagram of Finger-Board for Scale of G Major. Scale Exercise in G JIajor. Ten Little Niggers. Swing Song. Home Sweet Home, with Easy Variation. Mermaid's Song, from ' Oberon.' Andante from the 'Surprise' Symphony. Second Exercise in Slurring. A Highland Lad. Annie Laurie. Wae's Me for Prince Charlie. First Exercise in Shifting. Easy Jlelody, introducing the Third Position. Exercise in Slurring Fifths. Extended Scale of D Major. Exercise in Shifting on Two Strings. The Wounded Hussar. Exercise in Sharply Defining Semitones. The ' Blue Bells of Scotland (arranged as an Easy Solo, with Va.riations). Ye Banks and Braes. To Mary in Heaven. Daily Exercise. When the Kye Comes Hame. Olg.j Waltz. Little Liza's Hornpipe. Exercise in Linked Dotted Notes. The Keel Row. Lannigan's Ball. First Study in the Shake. Staccato Study. Legato Study Meditation. Toddum's Polka. Extended Scale of G Major. First Study in crossing the Strings. Second Study in the Shake. I Know a Bank. First Scale of C Major. Easy Melody on the First Scale of C Major. Extended Scale of C Major. German Song Exercise in Fingering the Imperfect Fifth of C Major. Second Study in Crossing the Strings. Blucher's March. Daily Exercise in Legato Bowing. Silver Bell Schottische (introducing Melody by Spohr). Duet from ' Rigoletto.' Extended Scale of D Major, introducing the Fifth Position. Easy Melody on the Third and Fiftli Positions. Pleyel's First Duet. Scale of F Major. Life Let us Cherish. Melody from Loder (Harmonised). Daily Legato Exercise. March of the Men of Harlech. Scale of B Flat Major. Easy Melody for Setting the Hand to B Flat. Duet from 'Don Pasquale.' Flora M'Donald's Lament. Duet from 'La Traviata." First Scale of E Flat. Shells of Ocean. Plxtended Scale of A Major. Exercise oa the Extended Scale of A Major. Second Study in Stretched Notes. Conclusion. EDINBURGH : E. KOHLER & SON, NORTH BRIDGE. Seventh Edition. Full Music Size. Price Is. Postage lid. THREE EASY FANTASIAS ON SCOTTISH AIRS For the VIOLIN, with ati Accompaniment for the Pianoforte. By a professional PLAYER. Author of "The Violin: How to Master it," "The Young Violinist's Tutor and Duet Book," &c. No. I, introducing "To Mary in Heaven," "There's nae luck about the Hoose," "Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon," and " Rob Roy Mac- Gregor, O!" No. 2, introducing "Logic o' Buchan," " Hielant Lad," "Auld Robin Gray," and "The Keel Row." No. 3, introducing "Comin thro* the Rye," "The Flowers of the Forest," and "The Fairy Dance." Price of the whole, with accompaniment, one SHILLING. Just published, a Second Violin Part to the above Fantasias. Price 6d. " Admirers of easily-set popular melodies will be pleased with these Fantasias. " — Graphic. "The arrangement is pleasing, and the fingering well within the capacity of young students of the violin." — IVonuich Weekly Journal. "Young violinists in search of easy compositions in a popular style will find suitable study in these Fantasias." — Glasgow Mail. "The selection is excellent, and will prove good practice on both instru- ments for iuveniles. " — Daily Review. "Delighl.ful exercises for young violinists, and capital pieces for per- formance either in public or the family circle." — Peoples Friend. "These Fantasias are well adapted for players at an early stage, as they are carefully marked throughout with technical directions." — Courant. Second Edition. Pull Music Size. Price Is- Postage IJd- THREE BRILLIANT VIOLIN DUETS On Scottish and Irish Airs, arranged for the use of Amateur and Professional Players. {Without Accompaniment). By a professional PLAYER. Author of "The Violin : How to Master it," &c. JVoie by the Atithor. — The music capable of being prodyced by two violins is delightfully sv/eet and pure, and less distracting to the untrained ear than much of that having a pianoforte accompaniment. Little has been done as yet in this direction by composers, and I have been induced to publish these duets by the enthusiasm with which they have invariably been received when perlormed in public by myself and my girl. In intro- ducing the novel and pleasing eflects of two quartettes, a flute accompanied by a harp, a tenor singer accompanied by a harp, &c., I have only shown feebly the power of two violins, and indicated how others with more time and ability than I can command may follow up my efforts. With such pieces players are also quite independent of a bad accompanist and undis- mayed by the absence of a pianoforte. EDINBURGH: E. KOHLER & SON, NORTH BRIDGE. WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Just Published, Full Music Size, Price One Shilling. Tmo Easy Violin Solos OK SCOTTISH AIRS, "With an Accompaniment for the Pianoforte* DY THE AUTHOR OF "THE VIOLIN: HOW TO MASTER IT," dc. The extraordinary success of " Three Easy Fantasias ON Scottish Airs," and repeated requests from Players in all parts of the Country, have induced the Author of these Popular Pieces to Compose and Arrange another Set, which will be found to be even more brilliant, while well within, the powers of ordinary Amateurs. No. 1. — Introducing " John Anderson, my jo," " I ne'er lo'ed a laddie but ane," "The Braes o' Gleniffer," and " Neivie-Nicknack," a New Reel. No. 2.— Introducing "The Blue Bells of Scotland," "Charlie is my darling," "Jessie, the Flower o' Dunblane," and "The Wind that Shakes the Barley." "The violin part has been carefully fingered throughout and noted with expression marks, and the pieces are thus made intelligible to any industrious student. When it is said that these pieces have been arranged by the author of "The Violin : how to master it," the musical reader will be able to appreciate their value either for exercise or display." — Dundee Advertiser. EDIXBURGII: E. KOHLER & SON, NORTH BRIDGE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. UBS ^^^ l4)AN26lb/2 REtTD LD-ORf ''■■■ 6 1981 AUG 1 5 i Form L9-75m-7, '61 (0143784)444 for readings or recitals. They are well calculated to excite merriment in those to whom they maybe narrated." — Banffshire Jottmal, " Screamingly comical, brimful of humour and broad farce, and eminently suitable for fireside and public entertainment." — Leith Burghs Pilot. EDINBURGH and GLASGOW: JOHN MENZIES & CO. LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 851 918 3 MT 3 1158 00129 9899 M mm