l3AINn-3UV :^ ^AHvaaiH^"^ '^' '^OJITVDJO'^ ■CAIIFO/?;]^ .\WfUN!VER5'/A '^^ o ?3I ^lOSANCElfj-^ % mm-^ ""smmm^ %ii3AiNn-3\\v' .^.OFCAIIFO/?^ .^0FCAIIF0% 0= t\ / >»^ \ CD ^CAUviiani^ ^^^AavaaiH^' l3AINn-3WV > ^^HIBRARYQ/: ^l-llBRARYQ^ ' ^.!/0JllVJJO>' o >■ 3D ^/5a3AiNn-3\\v^ )SANCFIfj> I3AIN(1-3V\V ^OF-CALIFO/?^ 4^ OFCAIIFO% ^^AavaaiiiV^ ^;lOSANCElfj> >s^lLIBRARY6>/r -v^^HIBRARYq^ '^/5a3AIN(1-3WV^ %0JnV}-JO-^ '^(!/0JiTV3-3O^ ^ cs? CAIIFO/?;^ ^WEl]NIVERV/- v^lOSANCElfj> .iivaan-1^ SO -< .^IIIBRARY/^/:, ^^hibraryo^ , ^\\E UNIVERVa oe < ^ ^lOSANCElfX;^ o = ■< '^^ > i^^ ^^^ vj c 03 1^^ ^llIBRARYQr ^. ^■ 33 O ' ^0FCAIIF0% v^lOSANGflfj> %a3AINn-3WV ^^^UIBRARY(9/, ^.5/OJIlVDJO^ 33 aweuniver% < CO "JiUJWV v^clOSANCElfj> %a3AIN(l]WV^ ^^OF-CAilF0% > X! ''^om '.WEUNIVERS/^ -TilDNVSOV 3> r: — <: 9^ s^^lLIBRARYQr aMEUNIVer% ,,^vins/\Nr,Fif,r/^ 1 it^i : yv ^ . .in- C3 q: ADORN A COUNTRY DISTINGUISHED FOR BOTH. a3^;'oo8 PREFACE. The labor of compiling this Glossary has been greater than I could have anticipated, and the leisure that I have been able to devote to it has been less. Not only was the original collection of the material onerous, but the tabulation and summation of instances consumed a great deal of time. There were other difficulties, however, inherent in the nature of this particular task. The Northumbrian dialect is perplexed and confusing in many of its phenomena, both phonological and inflectional. The grammar of West Saxon could not be taken as a norm, and the variations from that dialect admitted of no simple and obvious classification. Hence the mere construction of the main forms or dictionary words, under which instances were to be cited, was a matter of considerable difficulty, involving as it did the virtual construction of the grammar before the glossary, while yet the glossary was the necessary foundation upon which the published grammar was eventually to be based. These obstacles, though serious, might yet have been surmounted at a much earlier date, had not the most engrossing professional occupations intervened. My election to a Professorship in the University of California brought with it a class of arduous duties which bore no perceptible relation to the completion of this undertaking, and no sooner had I begun to feel at liberty to devote my energies to it once more, when a call to Yale University entailed new problems, and a new series of unavoidable and engrossing cares. In a country where the serious study of the mother tongue is but just beginning, and where secondary instruction in all branches of English is in a very backward state, the College or University teacher of these subjects is not free to devote himself wholly to the advancement of learning, but must seek to insure such elementary training as will provide him with intelligent students, and himself do much teaching which, in a more satisfactory condition of things, would be regarded as elementary. If it be objected that, notwithstanding VI Preface. these impediments, I have managed to cany forward a certain amount of publication, my reply is that it has been of work which either grew immediately out of the necessities of my daily teaching, or which could be performed in odd fragments of leisure, such as would have been insufficient for calling my mind back to the intricate problems presented by the phonology and inflections of Northumbrian. But whatever palliations of my delay may be found in circum- stances which I have not been able to alter, I feel that I owe an apology to the scholars who have waited for my results, and abstained from setting their hands to the work I had undertaken. Especially do I consider such an apology due to Professor Sievers, who announced what we both hoped would be a speedy completion of my task in the first edition of his Angelsachsische Grammatik, and renewed it, with the utmost courtesy, in his second edition. The early stages of the work were carried on under his eye, and he has had the kindness, entirely unsolicited, to read one of my proofs, though he must be absolved from responsibility for any blunders I may have committed, since only in rare instances has he suggested a different main form, or questioned the accuracy of a reference. In dedicating the book to him, I have but imperfectly expressed the sense of my obligations, and wish here to bear testimony to his unfailing amiability as exhibited in personal intercourse, and to his watchful care over the progress of the work since we parted. Only the Glossary of the Gospels is now published, and this will perhaps satisfy the most immediate need. It might have been issued a year or more ago, had I not wished to prefix my outline of grammar. The copy of the last pages of the Glossary proper was sent to the printer on Sept, 8, 1890, but the proofs had still to be returned, and the Latin-Northumbrian Index, which I could not help thinking would be useful in various ways, to be added. Most of the grammatical sketch based upon this Glossary is ready for the printer, and I shall probably publish it soon, unless I am forestalled by some active investigator whose zeal for scholarship is paramount to all other considerations. The abbreviations will for the most part be obvious. Where the manuscript form is identical with the main form adopted, I have denoted it by a — ; the name of the mode or tense is not repeated where it remains unchanged in passsing from one group of citations to another: I indicates Introduction, and the references immediately following are to page and line, instead of chapter and verse; P (only in John) stands for page. Preface. VII The list of Errata and Addenda is a long- one, but 1 have not felt at liberty to withhold or curtail it. Great pains were taken to secure accuracy in the Glossary, but the measure of success is indicated by the Errata; and other errors, though 1 hope not many, must still remain. It should not be hastily assumed, however, that every discre- pancy between the Glossary and the printed text of the Gospels indicates an error in the former. A portion of my task consisted in the collation of Skeat's text with the manuscript. Not many mistakes were found; still, it is upon this collation that my forms are intended to repose, and in some eases this fact will account for an apparent discrepancy. When Skeat's edition of Matthew appeared, and replaced that by Kemble and Hardwick, it was necessary to renumber all the references to the Introduction of that Gospel. Here and there one may have escaped, but I hope there will not be enough to cause serious trouble. A word of recognition is due to the publisher, Herr Niemeyer, who has been patient under the numerous und protracted interruptions of the printing, and has done what he could to further the progress of the work, without becoming importunate. In conclusion, I trust that this book, though modest in its scope and pretensions, may do something to promote sound knowledge, and a continuance of cordial relations between the students of Germany and of America. Yale University, March 9, 1894. All)ert S. Cook. A. aa av. semper, Mt. 20, 11. Aaron p. n., gs. aaron L. 1, 5. abserna wv. accendere, pp. aberned L. 12, 49. abeada %'W.prcrdicare, evangclizare, pp. abodeu L. 12,3. 16,16. 24,47. Abel p. n., g-s. abeles L. 11, 51. Abia p. u., ds. abia L. 1, 5. Abiathar p. n., ns. abiathar Mt. 1, 18 mg. abida sv. renianere, expectare, sinere, siistinere, ind. pres. 1 pi. abided" L. 7, 10; abidas L. 7, 20; pret. 3 sg. abad J. 8, 9; imp. sg. abid Mt. 27, 49; pi. abidaS Mt. 26,38; pres. p. dpm. abidendu L. 12, 36. [See geabida.] ablonga sv. indignari , pp. np. abloncgne Mt. 26, 8. Abraham p. u., ns. abrab' J. 8, 52. 8,56; abra' J. 8.39. 8,40. 8,58; ab' L. 16,24. 16,25. 16.29. 16,30; gs. abrabames Mt. 1, 1. 3, 9. 22, 32. Mk. 12,26. L. 13,16, 16,22. 19,9. J. 8, 33. 8, 37. 8, 39; abraham L. 20, 37; abra' J. 8, 39; ds. abraham Mt. 8, 11; abraam J. 1 5, 18; abra J. 8,53; ab' L. 1, 73; as. abraham Mt. 3, 9; abraha L. 13, 28; ab'ha J. 8, 57; ab' L. 16, 23. acas sf. seam's, ns. — , Mt. 3, 10; acasa L. 3, 9. acenna wv. addere, nasci, parere, co/icipere, gignerc, edere, ind. pres. 2 sg. accennes L. 1, 31; 3 sg. acennes J. 16, 21; pret. 3 sg. (Jo ok, Noithiimliriau (ilossary. aeende Mt. I 2, 9. L. 1, 24. 1, 36. 1, 57; 3 pi. acendon L. 23, 29; opt. pret. 3 sg. aeende L. 2, 6; pp. aeenned Mt. 1, 20. L. I 3, 14. I 3, 16. J. 9, 34; accenned Mt. 2, 2. 2,4. 21, 19. 26,24. L. I 3, 13. I 3, 14. 1, 35. 2, 6. 2, 11. J. 3, 3. 3,4(2). 3^G(2). 3,8. 9,2. 9,19. 9,20. 16, 21(2).- 18, 37; aeeu J. 8, 41; upn. acen Mt. I 2,15. 24, 32; aeeuda Mk. 13, 28. [See eftacenna.l acennise sf. cojiceptio, nati7)itas, par- tus, ns. aceennis {=^)iatalis) Mk. 13,11; accenniseL.13,13. 13,18; gs. aecennisse Mt. 22, 13; acennise pariendi L. I 2, 16. 1, 57; ds. aceennise L. 12, 13; aecennisse L. 1, 14, J. 9, 1; ocennisse J. I 7, 15; as. aecennisse Mk. I 1, 15. [See frumacennise.] acerra wv. avcrtere, imp. sg. (?) acer- re Mt. 5, 42. [See ofaeerra.] acunniga wv. comprohari, teinptare, ind. pres. 3 sg. acunn Mt. I 1, 13 pp. acunnad Mk. 1, 13. aewojlla wv. interficcre, occidcre, perdere, af fie ere, crzicifigere, ind. pres. 3sg. accuelbes J. 16,2; 3 pi. acuoellati Mk. 10, 34. L. 21, 16; acuellas L. I 7, 12; opt. pret. 3 pi. acuoeldou J. 11,53; aciioeledon J. 12, 10; imp. pi. acuoellai^ J. 19, 6; inf. acuoeUa Mk. 11, 18. L. 22, 2; to acuoellanne J. 7, 19. 7,20. 18, 31; to accuellanne J. 8, 37; to acwceSa — fee acuellaune J. 7, 1. 7, 25; pp. aewelled (sie aewelled = moria- iiir) Mt. 15, 4. acwce(5a sv. diccrc, pp. acwedeu Mt. 13,55; acueden Mt.5.21. 5,27. 5, 31. 5, 33. 5, 38. 5, 43. 10, 2. 21, 4. 27, 9. 27, 17. 27, 22. 27, 33. 27,35. Mk. I 1,19. J. 9, 11. 19, 30 mg.; acuoeden L. I 4, 6. I 5, 15. 2,18. 2,24. 4,12. 9,7. J. 11,16. 21,2; dsm. acwoedni Mt. 26, 30. Adaming p. n., ns. a'ing L. 3, 38. adl sf. languor, pcstilcntia, dolor, plaga, ds. adle Mk. 5, 29. 5, 34. J. 5, 4; lip. adle Mt. 24, 7; adlo L. 21, 11; gp. adla Mt. 24, 8; dp. adlum Mk. 1,34. L. 4,40; adlu L. 6, 17. 7, 21; ap. aMo Mk. 3, 10. [See feberadl.] adlig aj. langiicns, asm. adligne J. 11, 1; gpm. adligra J. 5, 3. adoa auv. dcponcrc, inf. to adoanne Mk. 15, 36. adrifa sv. vetarc, opt. pres. 3 pi. adrifa L. I 9, 15. [See ofadrifa]. adrysna wv. compcscerc, cxtingucrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. adrysuede Mk. I 3,6; pp. adry sued Mk. 9,46. [See unadvysnendlic.j adAne av. dcorsui/i, Mk. 13, 15. L. 19, 6 ; adiina L, 4, 9. adi\neastiga sv. dcsccndere, ind. pret. 3 sg. aduneastigade L. 10, 30; aduneastag L. 3, 22. adiinegestiga sv. dcsccndere, ind. pret. 3 sg. adunegestag J. I 2, 1. adiinesenda wv. siiiinniffere, ind. pret. 3 1)1. adunesendon Mk. 2, 4. ridi'inestiga sv. dcscendcre, ind. pres. 3 sg. aduuestige& Mk. 1 5, 32; opt. pres. 3 sg. adunestige J. 4, 47; imp. sg. adunestig L. 19, 5; pres. p. aduuestigende Mk. 15,30. J. 1,32. adiistriga wv. dctcstari, inf. adiist- riga Mt. 26, 74. :n sf lex, tnsfntinent/tvi, ns. a) Mt. 7, 12. 11, 13. L. 16,16. J. 1,17. 7,51; ae Mt. 22,40. J. 7,23; gs. a38 Mt. 22, 35. 23, 23. Mk. I 2, 3. 1 5,3. 5,17. 10,25. 11,45. 11,46. 11,52. 11,53. 14,3; aes Mt. I 16, 14. I 21, 12. L. I 2, 10. I 6, 18. 2,27. 7,30; ds. — , J. 12,34. 15, 25; ii3 Mt. 12, 5. 22, 36. L. 2, 24. 10, 26. 16, 17. 24, 44. J. 8, 5. 8, 17. 10,34; ae Mt. I 14, 11. I 16, 15. I 17,5. L. 2,23. J. 1,45; a^e Mt. 12,13; as. — , J. 18,31; je L. 2, 22. 2, 39. J. 7, 19. 7, 49. 19, 7; iie J. 19, 7. tec cj. ct, vera, quidem, autcni, ergo, item, qiioqiie, vcl, etiaj/i, atqjic, -que, cniin, — , Mk. 8, 28. L. 13,4. 16,25. 17,26. 20,11. 20,32. 23, 25. J. 8, 19. 12,10. 12,26. 15,10. 15,20(2). 15,24(2). 1(3^9. i6, 10. 16,22. 17,11. 17,20. 17,23. 17, 25. P1885; iBC Mk. 8, 29. 9,13. 11,25. 11,29. 12,5(2). 12,6. 13, 28. 13,29. 14,10. 14,31. 14,70. 15,14. 15,40(2), 15,43. 16, 19; L. 12,11. 13,12. 14,13. 15,2. I 5, 7. I 5, 9. I 6, 14. I 7, 19. I 9, 4. I 11,7. 1,3. 2,4. 3,14. 6,13. 6,29(2). 9^8. 9,32. 10, 13. 11,4. 13.8. 16,1. 16,22. 17,10. 18, 1. 18.9. 18, 15. 19,42. 20, 12. 20,17. 21.12. 21,31. 21,37. 22,39. 22,54. 22,58. J. I 3, 5. 13,7. 14,2. 14,11. 17,5. 2,2. 4, 10. 4, 12. 4, 36. 4, 46. 5, 19. 5,21. 5,26. 5,46. 6,67. 7,52. 8,25. 9,27. 9,34. 9,40. 11,22. 14,9. 18,18; aecL. 16,7; ec Mt. 13,2. 13,8. 13,23. 14,30. 16, 26. 20,10. 22,8. 23,28. 24,44. Mk. 1,38. 2,13. 4,5. 4,41. J. 13, 34. 17,14. 17,16. 17,19. 17,26. 18,17(2). 18,25. 20,21. 20,25. 20,30. 20,31. 21,20; ec Mt. I 7, 7. I 9, 15. I 20, 1. I 21, 6. I 21, 17. 1,21. 5,23. 8,9. 13,8. 16,14. 20, 6. 22, 27. 26, 41. Mk. I 1, 7. 14,13. 15,5. 2,28. 3,14. 3, 19. 5, 25. 6, 15. 7, 18. 7, 28. J. 19, 6. 20,25. 21,3. 21,25; eec Mt. I 2, 1; ea;c J. 7,47. 11,37. 11,50. 11,52. 13,15; eac J. 1 1,11.3,23. 11,5. 11,48; aec L. 4,23. 9, 18. 11,48. J. 2,2. 5,18. 6,23; etec fecasaecga — aedeawa J. 12,2. 13,9; eaec J. 11,16; eca3 J. 9, 27. [See and jOc, ne fue, swelce ;ec.l sGcasjccg-a wv. rrfcrrc, ])p. a3e astegcl L. I 3, 18. jcc fordon av. propter quad, a)e I f e&ou L. 7, 7. ieege5reaga wv. coargiicrc , ind. pret. 3sg-. {oeg-e&reade L. I 7, 11. {6c mib' av. sinml, simulquc, ec miS Mk. 6, 22. 6, 26. SBC DC cj. ncque, aic ne J. 6, 24; aic ne Mk. 13, 19. £ecsa3Cga wv. enunh'are, ind. pret. 8 sg. ec ssegde :\[t. I 20, 12. {fee sona av. statim, ec sona Mt. , I 4, 7. jec su(5 av, qiiidem, etiain, autcvi, ergo, ffic so8 Mk. 14, 21. L. 3, 16. 10,11, 22,22. 23,41. 23,56; aec S0& L. 1, 1; ec sob Mt. 1,4. 1,7: ec sob Mt. 1, 12. 1. 13; ec so5 Mt I 14,8. 1,3. 1,5. 1,15(2). 2,1. 3,11. 20,23.25,33. Mk. 6,35; ec ^ sob' Mt. I 10, 2; ec sod Mt. 1 17,3. ajc soblice av. quidem, etiaui, aii- tem, aic sobli' L. 23, 10; icc sob' L. 12, 5; ec soblice Mt. 1,9; ec soblic Mt. 12,33. jectosaicga wv. adJiibere, ind. pret. 3 sg. ec tosffigdc' Mt. I 20, 13. {Gc 5a av. et, jec 5"a L. 16, 28. ;Gc bon av. qiioqiie, etiam, q7itde7n, a3c bon L. 15,16. 17,17. 18,3. 18,6. 18,10. I 10,11. 110,16. I 10, 18. I 11, 6. 3, 18. 14, 34. J. I 3,9. I 4,11. I 5,7. I 6,5. I 6,16; a3c to bon J. 2,15; ec bon Mt. 117,5. I 18,15. I 19,14. Mk. 10,39. J. 19,24. a^cced su. acetiim, ds. — , Mt. 27,48. Mk. 15,36; aecced J. 19,29; as. — , L.23,36. J. 19,30. aiceedwin sn. Diurratuvi vinum, as. roccedwin Mk. 15,23. uicruiftig aj. PJiariscriis, npra. ae- eneftigo Mt. 12, 24; dpm. a^cmoft- giim Mt. 12,38. fed-, see also wi-. a!d cj. that, Mt. 24, 48. Mk. 6, 55. fcdeawa wv. ostendere , apparere, Jieri , declarare, oriri, mani- festare, monstrare, de7nonstrare, par ere, revelare, pan d ere, edisse- rere, aperire , ind. pres. 1 sg. fedeaua L. 6, 47. J. 14, 21 ; a^d- eawe Mt. 13,35; 2 sg. a^deauas J. 14, 22; a^deaues J. 2, 18; 3 sg. fedeauab L. 22, 12; a^deuab Mt. 3, 7; {Bdeaueb J. I 7, 13. 5, 20(2); aedeawas Mt. I 18, 16; ledeawas Mt. 24, 27. Mk. 14, 15; a>deawes Mt. 24, 30; jcteawues Mt. II 4, 14; a^teawas Mt. I 8, 8 ; a'ieawes Mt. I 9, 19. I 14, 7; 3 pi. a?deauab J. I 1,10; adeauffib L. 11,44; pret. 1 sg. aideaude Mt. 17, 3. J. 10, 32. 17,6; 2 sg. sedeauades L. 10,21; ffideaudes Mt. 11, 25; 3 sg. ajd- eauade Mt. I 16, 2. Mk. 9, 4. L. 1, 11; a^deaude Mk. I 1, 9. L. I 3,13. 19,3. 2,15.4,5.9,8.20,37. 22,43. J.I 1,8(2). 18,6. 18,8. 2,11. 20,20: aedeaude J. 21, 1; aideawade Mt. 2, 19. L. 24, 34. 24,40; aideawde Mt. 9,33. Mk. I 1, 7. I 5, 3; aedeawde Mk. 16, 9; fedeude J. 5, 20 ; a;tdeawude Mt. 2, 7; ffitdeaude Mt. 1, 20; aetd- eaude Mt. 2, 13; a^teawde Mt. 16, 17; seteaude Mk. 16, 14. J. I 1, 5; a3teuwdie J. 21, 14; eatdeaude J. 21, 1; 3 pi. redeaudon ilt. 27, 53; a3teawdon Mt. 1 5, 4; opt. pret. 3 sg. aideawde Mt. 16, 1; imp. sg. jed- eaua L. 5, 14. J. 14, 8. 14,9; anl- eau"a J. 7, 4; ajdeew Mk. 1, 44; anl- eau Mt.8,4; ?edheaw Mt. 15, 15; pi. aideauab L. 17, 14; a3deauffib L. 20,24; a^deauas Mt. 22,19; inf. aideaua Mt. 11, 27. L. 10, 22; a^t- eaua Mt. 16, 21; jiethewene Mt. I 1, 11 ; i)p. jedeaiied Mt. 4, 16. L. 14,11. 17,30. J. I 4, 4. 3,21.9,3. 12,38; jedeauad Mk. 4,22. L. 12,2. 19,11; a^deawed Mk. II, 11. 14,15. 15,11. 15,14; a^d- eawad Mk. I 2, 10. L. 8, 17; a^d- eaud L. 2, 35; redeawd Mk. 16, 12; aedeauad J. I 3, 16; adeaiied sedeawnise — ^larwa J. 1, 31; ffiteawued Mi T 14,8; a3teuwed J. 21, 14. sedeawuise sf. maiufestatio, cxpcri- ffioihii/i, argiDiicnhnu, ostensio, rcvdatio, ns. sedeauuise L. 1 11, 8; aedeaimise J. I 8, 1; seteaiivnis J. I 1, 1; gs. ledeaimise L. 1, 80; aideaiiduise L. I 3, 18; ds. sed- eawnise Mk. I 3, 4; aideaimise, L. 2,32; ajdeaiidnise L. I 11,13; ap. jiedeaimise J. I 2, 1. a3dwita sv. iuiproperarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. jBdwuioton Mt. 27, 44. [See edwita.J ajfdjiell sn. descensus, ds. — , L. 19,37. ffifgnufa wm. exactor, ns. a'fgToefa L. 12, 58; ds. a^fg-roefe L. 12, 58. [efist sn. zehis, invidia. ns. aitista J. 2, 17; ds. — Mt. I 1, 10; as. — Mt. 27, 18. Mk. 15, 10. ffifre av. iinqiiavi , omiiiiio, jcfre Mt. 5,34; aefre J. 8,33; »fra L. I 2,3. 13, 11. 15,29 (ue lefra = nuviqiiani). 19, 30. J. 1, 18. 5, 37; iefra^- J. G, 35. [See njiifre.] jefsa^ega wv. refellere, ind. pres. 3 sg. a'ifscTgeb L. I 8, 5. setter prep. w. ace. post, sectuidufn, (6 times); left' (75 times); ieffc'r L. 17, 30; aefter (twice); aeft' (twice); aft' Mk. I 1, 19; w. dat. (5 times); ielV (35 times), jefter av. iteriim, rtirsum, ffift' J. 8,8; elV J. 12, 22. sefterfylga wv. seqiii , ind. pres. 3 sg. a^ft'fylges Mt. I 8, 16; 3 pi. gefterfylgeS Mt. I 7, 16; pret. 3 pi. ffift'fyigdon Mt. 21,9; pres. p. aBft'fylgende L. 13, 33; dpm. a^ft'- fylgendu Mk. 1 5, 14. L. 7, 9; p]). (?) a)fterfvlged (= consequcnter) Mk. 15,1." aifterfylging, see foreitfterfylging. jefter suna av. riirsus , iteruin, {X3ft'sona J.4,46. 4,54. 8,2. 9,17. 9,24. 10,18. [See eft sona, efter- sonn.] aefter ?)on av. deiiide, de/iinc, de- niqiic , exi'nde, demceps, post. postea, propterea, siqmdevi, (3 times); aeft' (^on (21 times): aeft' biem J. 5, 14; teft' tia J. 13, 7. 13, 36. 19,28. 21, 1; ieff 5isse (« ;//^^^) Mt. 26, 64. jefter Son ^.postquani , posteaqiiavi, L. 2, 22; ieft' Sou (14 times); «ft' Son be Mk. 14, 28. L. 22, 20; aeft' Son Mk. 15, 20. jefterra aj. scciiiidiis, seqjiens, vici- niLs, reliqims, nsm, a^ft'ra Mt. I 9, 4. 22, 26. Mk. 12,21; aefterra Mt. I 6, 7; aeft'ra Mk. 12, 31; nsf. a^ft'ra Mt. I 20, 16. L. I 9, 16; nsn. aift'ra Mt. 22, 39; aeft'ra Mt. I 8, 4. J. 4, 54; dsm. aeft'ra Mt. I 9, 11. I 9, 15. L. 9, 37; asm. aeft'ra L. 6, 1; dsf. a^t'ra Mt. I 22, 17; asf. aft'ra L. 12,38; — . Mt. I 3, 14; npm. — , Mt. I 3, 10. 15,7; npn. — , Mt. I 3, 1; aeft'ra Mk. 4, 19; dpm. aeft'ru Mt. 14, 8; apn. — , Mt. 14, 11. teg sn. ovum, ns. aig L. 11, 12. iOghwa'lc aj. onmis, dsn. jeglinoelcii t L. I 2, 9. [See egliwelc] ^E'gypt p. n., ds. Jegypt Mt. 2,19; segipt Mt. 2,15; as. a'gy pt Mt. 2, 13. 2, 14; egypt Mt. I 16, 5. ^'gypt sm. ^gyptius, dp. aegiptum Mt I 5, 6. ;cht sf. possess I'o, ap. aelita Mt. 19, 22; aehto Mk. 10,22. aehto num. octo, aehto L. I 8, 2. I 8, 4. 2,21. 9,28. 13,11. 13,16. J. 5,5; aebtou L. 13,4; aelituu J. I 8, 6; lehtu J. P 188'-'; aihtuo J. 20,26; ealitu J. 1 4, 8. [See hiindiehtatig.J {oliteSa num. octavus, nsm. eahteSa Mt. I 9, 8 ; dsm. jclitaSe L. I 4, 3. 1,59; asf. aehteSa Mt. I 33,17. I 16, 12. iGlarwa sm. PJiarismis, gs. aelaruas L. 1 5, 14. I 9,13; ds. jelarua L. I 7, 10; np. iclaruas Mk. 9, 11, L. I 5,5. J. 11, 47; aelaruuas Mk. 10, 2. J. 4, 1; ajlariiuas L. 5, 17; a-lnru' J. 7, 32. 7, 47. 8, 3. 8, 13; a^lar' J. 9, 15; aelar' J. 11,57; ae- laruas Mk. 8, 11. J. 7, 32; aelaru' ffilc — ?er J. 12, 10; gp. {darnas Mk. 8,15; dp. felaru J. 7,48; iclar' J. 9,16; aelaru J. 9, 40. 11, 46; aelavuu J. 9, 13; 18, 3; ap. ^elaruas ^Ik. 12, 13. L. I 9, 1 ; a4arunas J. 7. 45; ffilaru' J. 12,42. 'Mg pr. omnis, quisqztc, {smgnh"), nsm. ?elc L. I 'o^'^'^ iiil \j. 2, 3; aelc J. 2, 10; gsm. jclces J. 17, 2; gSD. jelces L. I 1, 1; asm. a^le J. 1,9; asf. felc L. 11,42. ieldamonn, see aldormonn. iL'ldo sf. actas, scncctiis, ds. a4do, L. 2,52; as. a3ldo J. 9,23; aeldo J. 9, 21; haldo L. 1, 36. jTildownta, see Jilda wuto. joldra sni . Pharisee us, senior, parens, pater, ns. aeldra Mt. 26, 3. L. 15, 25; np. aildra Mt. 27,20; ieldro Mt. 27, 1; aldo Mt. 16, 1; *ldo Mk. 2, 16; i&\ L. 11,42. 11,53; aldro L.2,27. 2,41. 8,56; aeldo L. 7,30; aeld' L. 16,14; gp. ajl- dra Mt. 16, 6. Mk. I 3, 15. 7, 5. L. 13,31; aeldra Mt. 15,2. Mk. 7,3; aldva Mt I 8, 2. 16,11. 16, 12; dp. jxildrimi Mt. 27,41; aeldra Mt. 27, 12; it3ldro Mt. 26, 47. 27, 3; a^ldru Mt. 28, 12; a?ldam Mk. 8, 31. J. I 5, 7; ffildu :\Ik. 14, 43. L. 9, 22. J. 16,13; a3ld' L. I 5, 10; aeldu W^. 15, 1; aldrum Mt. 10, 21; aldm Mt. 16, 21; aldril L. 21, 16; aldiim Mt. 12, 4; 'mV L. 11, 43; ap. aeldo J. I 6, 1; aldro L. 2, 43. 18, 29. .Elfred ]). n., gs. jelfredi J. P 185 ^'"g- iellef uum. itiideeim, — , Mt. I 22,9; aillefno Mt. 28, 16;. jellefno L.24, 33; d. lellefnu L. 24, 9. lellefta num. undeciiinis , af. — , .Mt. 20, 6. 9. lelmessa wf. clemosyjia, ns. aillmessa Mt. 6, 4; ds. jelm' L. 16, 3; as. — Mt. 6,2; ffilmiso L. 17, 16; admis' L. 12,33; allmisa Mt. I 17,6. ;ene av. sevicl, aene Mt. 11,7. jC'nig aj. quis, quisqiiani, ullus, ali- quis, niJiil, nsm. wnig ]\lt. 12, 29. 22,46. Mk. 11,16. 12,19. L. I 8, 15. J. 6,46. 7,48; nsn. wnig Mt. 10,26. Mk. 4, 22; gsm. umigcs L. 12, 15; dsm. ;cnignm ^It. 27, 14. Mk.8,30. 16,8. L. 0,21; a^ni- gu Mk.7,36. 9,9. L. 8,43. 8,56. 9, 36; a^ngu Mt. 18, 12; aingmn i\It. I 1, 4. ^I 2, 14; dsf. a^ngu L. 4, 26; asm. jenig i\lt. I 2, 14. Mk. 12, 14. L. I 8, 20. 8, 51. J. 5, 22. 18, 31; a3nigue :\Ik. 5, 37. L. 19, 8. J. 8, 15; asf. a3nige ]\Ik. 6, 5; asn. a^.nig Mk. 7, 12; aenig Mk. 9, 30. J. 3, 27; a^nihg J. 5, 19. [See ni€nig.] uenigmonn prn. aliquis, quis, quis- quani, oninis earo, ullus, iievio, nsm. ienigmonn ^Ik. 5, 3. 13, 20. J. 1, 18. 6, 44; ienigmon Mt. 12, 19; senigmonn Mk. 11, 14. L. 23,53. J. 2,25. 10,28. 10,29. 13,28. 15,24. 16,5. 16,22. 17, 12. 19,41. 21, 12; ainigmon J. 4, 33; aenigmon J. 3, 32. [See na'nigmgnn.] iGuigo^ing av. nequaquaiii, iunigu- (5ing L. 1,60. leniht sn. quid, quiequain, nihil, ullus, ns. a^niht ]\lk. 5, 26; ae- nelit J. 19, 11; as. a-niht Mt. 19, 10. Mk. 6, 8. 14, 60. 15, 4. 15, 5. L. 9,36. J. 6,63. 11,49. 14,30. 16,24. 18,9. 18,20; renight L. 20, 40. J. 5, 30. 9, 33; aenilit J. 16, 23. [See njGniht.] ffir av. prius, primus, prinmm, pri- 1110, aute, antea, a^r Mt. I 4, 10. 10, 8mg. 28.7. L. 2, 26. 23,12. J. 7,51; aer Mt. 1 2,15. I 7,7. J. 9,8; superl. jerest Mt. I 18,7. I 21,1. 5,24. 7,5. 10, 14mg. 12, 29. Mk. 12,1. 9,12. 16,9. L.I 2.9. J. 20, 8; iwist Mt. 6,33. 13,30. 17,10. 17,27. 20,1. 23, 26. Mk. 3,27. 4,28. 7,27. 9, 11. 13, 10. L. 9, 59. 9, 61. 10, 5. 14,31. 17,25. 21,9. J. 1,41. 2.10. 5,4. 6,62. 10,40. 12,16. 18,13. 20,4. P187-';aeristL.14, 28. J. 8, 7. icr prep, aute, prior, w. ace. ajr ^It. 6 £er — ageafa 5,12. 24,38. Mk. 11,4. L. I 2. 7. 11,88. 21. 12. 24,11. 24,22. J. 16,11. 1,15. 1,27. 1,3U(2). 3,28. 5.7. 12,1. 17,24. 10,14. P187»; aer Mt. I 7, 12; w. dat. m- L. 2, 31. J.I 3,3. 15,18. 11,55; aer Mt. 23,13. J. 13, 1. 'div cj. -cXiY J. 2, 4 rag. airsjccga wv. prccdiccrc, incl. pret. 3 sg. air sffigde ]\It. 28, 7. tjur (5a av. ^^//;/, ler (5a J. 19,41. ser (5on cj. priiisqiiani, antcqiiani, ajr 5on Mt. 26. 84. 26, 75. Mk. 14, 30. L. 22, 15. J. 1. 48; aer ?5on Mt. 1, 18. 6, 8. Mk. 14, 72. L. 2, 21. J. 8, 58. 17, 5; a3r Son \ J. 4, 49. 13, 19; pte a^r r^on L. 22, 61. ser (5ait J. 14, 29. airea area, as. jcree Mt. 24, 38. L. 17, 27; aerca jNIt. I 6, 3. iOrgehOra wv. prccnwncrc, pp. nsf. aergelered Mt. 14, 8. iering s. d Hit culm) i, ds. jering ]\rk. I, 35. 13, 35 (on iering = diln- culd). icrlice av. diluado, inane, turliee J. 8,2; arlice J. 21, 4. -airn, see -ern. iGrra aj. prior, dsn. trrra ]\It. 27, 64; asra. ;er (w. dat.) J. 15,18; dpra. jerr' 1^. 9, 19; dpn. jerrum Mt. 12,45; iorru Mk. I 1, 15; aerrii L. I I, 26; conip. usm. a^rrur (w. dat.) J. 1, 30; asm. ;erro (w. dat.) J. 15. 18; superl. nsm. arrest {= prior, primus,) m. I 4, 3. I 6, 4. I 9, 3. I 14, 1. I 14, 2; seresta (wk.) L. 14,18; airist Mt. I 2, 9. 10,2. I 22,18 {=pridic)\ nsu. merest Mt. I 9,14; asf. airiste L. 15,22. icsuemonn sm. nicrccimrius , ns. aesnenionn J. 10, 13. jet \>XQ.\s.juxta, sccus, apud, ad, in, w. dat. Mt. I 5, 5. I 16, 9. 7, 6 nig. 21,37. 26, 7. 26,60. Mk. 9, 33. 11,4. 12,39. 14,3. 16,14. L.I 9, 18. 2, 9. 5, 1. 5, 2. 7, 38. 8, 7. 18,5. 18,35. 20,32. 24,4. J. 3,23. 8,38. 11,20. 18, 16. 18, 18. 19,25. 20, 11. 21,1. P188'; aid L. 17,8. 1,10. 9,61. 11,5. J. 2, 10 mg.; a)tt L. 10, 39. 20,37; w. ace. m\ 1 21,11. 4, 18. 13,1. 13,4. 15,29. 20,30. 21,19. Mk. 1, 16. 10, 46. L. 8, 12. J. I 4, 3; a(5 J. 18, 18; aet Mt. I 6,9. ait(?awa, see sedciawa. 8et(-^ca wv. adjicerc, inf. aitece Mt. 6,27. aitgeadre av. siinul, paritcr, simi- liter , Mk, 2, 15. J. 4, 36; aid- geadre Mt. 13, 29. Mk. 6, 22. 14, 31. 15, 41. J. 21, 13; sedgaedre Mt. 14, 9; aidgffidre Mt. 9, 17; aet- geadre Mt. I 1, 6; aedgeadre J. 21,2; aidgeiedre L. 23,48; jed- ga3(5re J. 20, 4; mi(5 tetgeadre L. 7, 49. ffithriua sv. adJicerere, ind. pres. 3 sg. ' a'tbrine?) L. 16, 13; pret. 3 sg. ! aetliran L. 10, 11; ajtran L. 15, 15. I setliw()n iix.pene, aithwon Mt. 1 1, 13. tettern sn. (?) a]. (?) viper, gp. jett- erna Mt. 28, 88; jeterna Mt. 12, 34. L. 3, 7; a3tt'ua Mt. 3, 7. je(5ele ii]. pleasant, apf. {i3(5ela wyrta : arouiata, Mk. 16, 1. ^E(5ihvald pn., gs. leSihvald Mk. 11,2. afearriga wv. discedere, irap. pi. afearraS L. 13, 27. afirra wv. discedere, ejicere, ind. pret. 3 sg. aiirde Mk. 1, 34; opt. pret. 3 sg. atirrade Mk. 5, 17; imp. pi. afirres ^It. 7, 23. afulic aj. pcrvcrsus, nsn. afvlie Mt. I 2, 11. afyrhtiga wv. periclitari, terrere, ])p. afrylitad L. 8, 23; afyrhtad L. 12, 4. aga anv. habere, possidere, {debere) ind. pres. 1 sg. ah L. 18, 12; 2 sg. abt Mt. 18, 28. L. 16, 5. 16, 7; 3sg. all L. 12,44. 14,33; 2 pi. agon L. 12, 33; 3 })1. agan i\lt. 5, 3 mg.; i)ret. 3 sg. alite Mt. 13, 46. 18, 24. IS, 28. L. 7. 41; opt. pres. 1 sg. aga L. 18, 18; 3 sg. hage J. 19, 24. ageafa sv. reddere, tradere, locare, iinmolarcpricbere, ind. pres. 3 pi. ag6ata anoa ag-eafaS Mk. 14, 12; pret. 3 sg. agjcf Mk. 12,1. L. 9, 42. 20,9; agcf L. 4, 20; 3 pi. ag-efon Mt. 27, 2; imp. sg-. agef L. G, 29. 1(3, 2; pi. agefab L. 20, 25; iuf. ageafa Mt. 27, 58. [See otTigeafa.] ageata sv. cffitndcrc, fznidcre, ind. pret. 3 sg. ageaett Mt. 20, 7; agaett Mk. 14, 3; pp. agotten Mt. 9, 17. 26, 28. Mk. 2, 23. 14, 24. L. 5, 37 11, 50. 22, 20. agelda sv. reddcre, imp. pi. ageldas L. 20, 25; pp. agoldeu J. 11,13. agema wv. airarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. agemde L. I 5, 19. ageu 2^}. proprius , szitts, gsm. agaues J. I 3, 13; npn. agno J. 10, 12; dp. agnil J. 10,4; apn. agan J. 1, 11; agno J. 10, 3; liagen J. 19,27. agenlie aj. proprhis, asn. agenlic Mt. 25,15; apn. aganlicoMt. 1 17,12. aginna sv. cocpissc, incipcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. agann L. 11, 38. 23, 5. agnet sn. tisura, dp. agnettu L. 19, 23. aguiga yfN.possido'c, ind. pres. 1 sg. aguigo L. 18, 12; 3 sg. aguageS L. 11,21; agniget) L. 12,15; ag- negai(5 L. 12, 44; agniges L. 14, 33; 2 pi. agnegeti L. 12, 33; ag-nigat) L. 21, 19; 3 pi. agnegaS Mt. 5, 5; agnagat) L. I 10, 15; imp. pi. ag- neges ]\lt. 25, 34 ; inf. agnege Mi 10, 9; agnage L. I 7, 16. 10, 25. [See geagniga]. agvieta wv. cltderc, ind. pret. 3 sg. agroette L. 9, 42. all c'j. scd, nnmqiiid, Mt. (49 times). Mk. (43 timesj. L. (40 times). J. (110 times); ac Mt. 16,13. L. I 6, 18. ahne cj. iwiinc, muiiquid, -non, Mt. 5,4(3. 5,47. 6,25. 6,26. 7, 22. 10,29, 12,11 mg. 12,23. 13,27. 13,55. 13,56. 18,12. 20,13. Mk. 4,21C^). 6,3(2). 11^17. L. 4,22. 5,34. 6,39. 11,40. 12,6. 14,28. 14,31. 15,4. 15,8. 17,9. 17,17. 22, 27. 24, 26. 24, 32. J. 4, 12. 4, 29. 4, 35. 6, 42. 6, 70, 7, 19. 7, 25. 7,42. 8,48. 9,8. 10,34. 11,9. 11,37. 11,40. 18,11. 18,26. 18, 35. 21, 5; ahne ne {= non) Mt. 18, 33. all lme()re cj. scd, L. 13,5. 24,6; all luioe(^rc L. 16,21. 21,9. 22,36. ah hii cj. quoniodo, ah huii Mt. 26, 54.' all Sa^t ana nu av. tanhuiimodo, ah (5ii3t ana nu Mk. 5, 36. ahielda wv. dccUnarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. ahajldon L. 24, 5. ahtilda sv. tencre, pp. ahaldan J. 5,4. ahata sv. diccrc, pp. ahaten ]\It. 27, 16. ah bi'ita twea av. vcruni, ahbutean Mt. I 8, 17. aheawa sv. excidcre, opt. pret. 3 sg. aheawa Mt. 27,60; pp. aheawun 23, 53. ahebba sv. Icvarc, clcvarc, cxaltarc, profcrrc, tollcrc, cxfollcrc, cri- gcrc, ind. pres. 2 sg. ahefes Mt. 11, 23; 3 sg. ahefe(5 Mt. 12, 35. 23, 12. L. 6, 45. J. 13, 18; ahefes Mt. I 19, 16. 12, 35. 13, 52; ahebbab' L. 14, 11. 18, 14; ahebbeS L. 6, 45; 2 pi. ahefet) J. 8, 28; pret. 3 sg. ahof Mk. 1, 31. 9,27. L.I 8, 4. 1,52. 1,69.11,27. 16,23. J. 8, 7. 8, 10. 9,6; 3 pi. ahofon Mt. 17, 8. L. 17, 13. J. 10, 31; imp. pi. ahebbas Mt. 11, 29; ahebbab L. 21, 28; aliefaS J. 4, 35; inf. ahebba L. 18, 13; pres. p. dpn. ahebbeudum L. 6,20; pp. ahtufen Mt. 23, 12. J. 12, 34; ahefeu L. 10, 15. 13, 13. J. 12, 32; ahofen L. 18,14; dpf. ahefenii L. 24, 50. [See upahebba.] ahefgia wv. i^^ravarr, pp. npm. ahefi- gad L.21,'^34; ahefgade Mt.26,43. ahena wv. acciisarc, calcarc, ind. pres. 2 pi. alienas L. 23, 14; 3 pi. ahenas Mk. 15,4; pp. ahened L. 21, 24. ahoa sv. crucifigcre,Jigcrc, ind. pres. 2 pi. ahoas Mt. 23, 34; ;5 pi. ahoas i Mk. 15, 27; pret. 2 i»l. ahengon 8 ahongiga — nlcli)rmonn Mt. 28, 34 ; 3 pi. alieng'on Mk. 15, 24. 15,25. 15,27. L. 23, 33. 24, 20. J. 19, 18. 19,23; opt. pres. 1 Sfi,'. ahoa J. 19, 15; imp. se;. ahoh Mk. 15, 13. 15, 14. L. 23^, 21(2). J. 19, 6(2). 19, 15; pi. ahoaft J. 19, 6; inf. to ahoanne J. 19, 16; , pp. ahongen Mt. 26, 2. 27,38. 28,5; aliongene Mk. 16,6; npm. aliongne Mt. 27, 44; alioeu Mt. 27, 22. 27, 23. Mk. 15, 32. 16, 6. L.23,23. J. 19,16. 19,20. 19,32. 19,41; alioen' L. 24, 7. ahougiga \yy.pnidrrc, ind.pret. 3pl. aliougadon L. 23, 39. ahvda wv. ahscondcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. ahydde J. 8, 59. ala sv. parcrc, ind. pres. 3 pi. alaS L. 11,44. aid aj. vchis, antiqims, scncx, ari- dus, nsni. aid L. 1, 18, J. 3, 4; gsn. (vvk.) aide Mk. I 2, 16; dsn. alduni Mt. I 2, 13; aide Mt. I 2, 4. Mk. 2,21. L.23,31; (wk.) aide L. 5,36; aide Mt. I 1, 2; aldiim Mk. 2, 21; asm. aid Mt. 9, 16; asn. aid Mt. 9, 16. L. 5, 36; (wk.) aide L. 5, 39; gpf. aid Mt. I 2, 16; dp. aldum Mt. II, 5. I 2,5. 5,27. 5, 33. 9,17. Mk.2, 22. L. 5, 37. J.I 1,9; aldum Mt. 11,9; liaaldum Mt. 5,21; apn. alda Mt. 13, 52; (wk.) aldo (= itfrcs) L, 5,37; snperl. n]im. addesto (= scniorcs) Mk. 11,27. 14,53. L. 22, 52. 22, sS<^\ dpm. jeldestu L. 9, 22. 20, 1. [See leldra, efneald.j alda wuto m, Phariscriis , senior, ns. alda wnta L. 7,39; np. aldo uuto L. 5, 17; jelde wut L. 11, 37; aeldo uutu j\It. 22, 15; teldo uuto Mt. 21,23. L. 11, 39; dp. aelde uutii L. 7, 36; ap. ieldo wuto L. 7, 3. aldiga wv. vctcrasccrc, ind. pres. 3 p. aldagia(5 L. 12,33. aldor sm. princcps, parens, pater, senior, us. aldor Mt.26,62. 26,63 26, 65; ds. aldor Mk. 1, 44. 2, 26. 3,22. L.I 7, 5; aldur Mt. 119,3; as. aldor L. 11, 15; np. aldor Mt. 26,59. 27,1. 27,6. 27,41; aldro J. 4, 20. 6, 31. 6, 49. 9, 2. 9, 3. 9,20. 9,22. 9,23; dp. aldor Mt. 27,3. 28,11; aldrum J. 7, 22. 8, 9; ap. aldro J. 6,58. 9, 18. 9,21. aldor sn. age, ds. in aldre (= in senipiternuni) Mt. 21, 19. aldordom ^vaprimafus, prtncipatus, ns. aldoro Mk. I 4, 8; ds. aldor- dom Mk. I 4, 14. L. I 6, 10; aldor- dom {=^ principari) Mk. 10,42; aldord6m L. 20, 20. aldorleas aj. orphaniis, apm. aldor- Icasa J. "14, 18. aldormonn sm. princeps, ccnturio, archisynagogus ,publicanns , prac- ceptor, tribunus, arcJiitriclrnus, pontifex, phariscciis, ns. aldor- monn Mt 9, 18. 27, 20. J. 2, 9. 3,1. 12,31. 14,30. 16,11. 18,12; aldormou Mt. 1, 18 mg-. 2, 6. L. 8,41. 13, 14. 18, 18. J. 2, 9; al- dormd Mk. 15, 39; aldorm' L. 7,6. 19,1.23,47. J. 3, 4. 3,9; lialdor- mon L. 5, 5; gs. aldormonnes Mt. 118,10. 9,23. Mk. 5, 38. L. 7,2. 14,1. 22,50.22,54. J. 18, 10. 18, 15; aldormenu Mt. 26, 58; aldorm. J. 18, 13; ds. aldormenu Mt. 8, 8. 9, 34. 12, 24. 26, 57. Mk. 5, 35. 5,36. J. 18, 15. 18, 16; aldor- men L. 12,58; aldor' Mk. 15, 1. 15, 45; haldormeun Mt. 8, 13; aldormouu L. 8, 49; as. al- dormouo L. 1 9, 19; np. aldormenu Mt. 20, 25. 21, 15. 21, 23. Mk. 10, 42. L. 19, 47. 22, 52. 22, 66. 23, 35. J. 7,32. 12,10. 18,35; aldor- men Mt. 21, 45. L. 19,47. 23,10. J. 7, 26; aldorm' L. 20, 19. 22, 2. 24, 20; alldormenn L. 20, 1; lel- domenn Mt. 15,1. 15,12; aeldo- menn Mt. 21, 45 ; addom' Mt. 22, 34; d]). aldormonnum Mt. 2, 6. 16, 21. J. 7, 48. 12,42; aldormounu Mt. 27, 12. Mk. 6,21. L. 9,22. 23,4. J. 7,45. 18,3; aldormouu Mk. 11, 18; aldormon' Mt. 20, 18. L. 3, 2. 22, 4; aldormouno Mk. 10, 33; al- dor'um L. 23, 13. uldorsaccrd all aldorsi'iecrd sni. princcps saccr- dotiim, ^'8. aldorsuecrdas \\i. 20, 3. 2(3, 5 1 ; np. aldursaeerdas ]\It. 26,3. 27,02; dp. aldorsaecrduin Mt. 20, 14. 20, 47. Aldrcd p.n., iis. tildredus J.P 1 SS-'-'e-; aldied Mk. 11.2. J.P188-^; J.P 188 '••^. aleega wv. cxtcrrcrc, i)p. alegd Mt. 28, 4. alefa wv. liccrc , pp. alcfcd Mk. 2, 24. 3, 4; alefcd L. 0, 9. alesa wv. dcnicrc, ia J. 19,38; arimsT .Mk. 15,43; ramattba J. 19, 38. arisa sv. siirgcrc, cxsiirgcrc, con- siirgcrc, rcsiirgcrc, ori'ri, cxoriri, ascender c, rrsidcrc, ind. pres. 1 sg. ariso Mk. 14,28. L. 15,18; ari'so Mt. 27, 63; 3 .sg. arises Mt. 12, 42. L. 1(), 31; arisa-(5 Mk. 4,27. 13,8; ariset) L. 1.78. 11, 8(2). 11, 31. J. 2, 22. 7, 52; 3 pi. arisa?5 Mt. 24, 11. 12,23. 12,25. 12,26. 13,22. L. 7,22. 11,32. 20,37. 21,10; ari- sat) L. 18,33; arisas Mt. 11,5; arises Mt. 12, 41. 24, 24; pret. 3 sg. aras Mt. 1, 24. 3, 16. 9, 19. 26, 62. 27, 64. Mk. 2, 14. 4, 39. 5,42. 7,24. 9,27. 10,1. 14,57. 14,60. 16,9. 16,14. L. I 4,6. 1, 39. 4. 16. 4, 38. 5, 25. 5, 28. 6, 8. 7,15. 7,16. 8,24. 8,55. 9,7.9,8. 9,19. 10,25. 22,45. J. I 6, 19. 6,18. 13,4. 21, 14; aras ]\[t. 2, 14. 12,42. 28,6. 28,7. Mk. 1,35. 2,12. 4,17. 16,6. L. 4,39. 15,20. 23,1. 24,12. 24,34. J. 2, 22. 11, 29. 11,31; arras Mt. 2,21. 11,11. 13,6. 14,2; arras Mt. 9,25; 3 pi. arisoii Mt. 27, 52. L. 4, 29. 8, 7; ariosou Mt. 25, 7; arisson L. 24, 33; opt. pres. 3 sg. arise ^It. 17, 9; pret. 3 sg. (iuf.V) arisa Mt. 27, 64; arisse Mk. 16, 14; imp. sg. aris Mt. 2, 13. Mk. 2, 11. lb, 49. L. 5, 23. 5, 24. 6, 8. 7, 14. 8, 54. 17, 19. J. 5, 8; arris Mt. 2,20; aris Mk. 2,9. 3,3. 5, 41; pi. arisaf5 .Mt. 26, 46. Mk. 14,42. L. 22,46. J. 14,31; arisas Mt. 17, 7; iuf. arise Mt. 5, 45. L. 111,8; arisa L. 9,22. 11,7. 24,7. J. 20,9; pp. arisen ]\It. 13, 5. Mk. 4,6. 14,28. 16,2. L. 22, 45; arisjcn Mk. 4, 5. [See efue-, eft-, wiSarisa \. arisa sv. oportcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. arise(5 L. 9, 22. arlice av. inane, dilncnlo Mk, 11,20; arlice Mk. 16,2. 16,9. L. 24,1; arlic L. I 5, 5; arlig Mk. I 5, 16. arm sm. brachium, iilna, ns. — , J. 12,38; ds. arme L. 1,51; dp. armu L. 2, 28. armoriien av. nianc, J. 20, 1; ar- moi^geu J. 18,28. 21,4. ar^iiga, see geartiiga. arworc^iga wv. Jionorare, imp. sg. arwor?5ig i\Ik. 10, 19. [See gear- wyr?)iga.] arwyrbe aj. Jwnorandns, pins, nsm. arwyr(1e J. I 4, 10; nsu. arwyrtie Mt. 11,3. lirwyrblie aj. honor ificandus, asm. arwyr(5licne J. I 6, 16. 'asa3Cga wv. narrare, nuntiare, rc- ferrc, indicare, diccrc, cdicerc, inimolarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. asa;g- cas Mk. 14, 12; pp. asa^gd Mk. I 5, 12. I 5, 15 (asa3gd is = ex- plicit). 14,9. 16,20. L. 13, 12. 13,19. 14,15. 14,19. 16,3. I 6, 17. I 11, 5. I 11, 20 (asjDgd arou = explicinnf). 8, 20. 24. 53. J. P 187'; asjxiged Mt. 28, 20; asaegd Mk. I 2, 9. I 5, 11. J. I 8, 1. [See onaastiga.] i astignise sf. asccusio, us. astignise Mk. I 5, 13; ds. astignise L. 1 11, 17. astonda sv. stare, astare, assistere, ind. pret. 3 sg. astod Mk. 15, 39. L. I 11, 12. 6, 17. 8, 44. 10, 40; astod L. 6, 8. 24, 36. J. 18, 22. fistylta wv. stupere, ind. pret. 3 pi. astyltou L. 2, 47; astyltdon L. 4, .32. jistyriga wv. tiirbare, pp. astyred L. 10,41. aswelta wv. expirare, ind. pret. 3 sg. asuelte Mk. 15, 37. atea sv. educere , ind. pret. 3 sg. ataeh Mk. 14, 47. ata, atih sn. zizania, as. atih Mt. 13, 27; np. ata Mt. 13,38; ap. ata Mt. 13, 30. Titimbra, see eftritimljra. a?) sm. J7ira)neiitu))i , ds. — , Mt. 14,7; aab' Mt. 26, 72; a(^e Mt. I 21, 16; as. — , L. 1,73; aS Mt. 14,9. Mk. 6,26. aba uSer av. alioquin, a5'a o&er Mt. 9, 17. aSenna wv. extender e, ind. pres. 2 sg. abenes J. 21, 18; pret. 3 sg. abenede Mt. 8,3. 26,51. Mk.3,5. L. 5,13; abenide L. 6, 10; imp. sg. aben Mk. 3, 5. L. 6, 10. ab'wa sv. rigare, linger e, lavare, ind. pres. 1 sg. aboa J. 13,8; 3 sg. aboab L. I 5, 14; pret. 1 sg. abuog J. 9, 11. 9,15; 3sg. abuogli L. 7, I 46; abuog J. 9, 7. 12,3; abuoli L. 7, 44; abiioh L. 7, 38; opt. ])res. 3 sg. aboa J. 13, 10; ini]). sg. abuali J. 9, 7. 9, 1 1; inf aboa L. I 7, 38. J. 13, 14. I Augustus p. n., ds. aug' L. 2, 1. awa;cca wv. snscitare, resiiseitare, excitare, vigilare, resnrgere, ind. pres. 1 sg. auoeceo J. 6, 54. 11,1 1; 14 awseliga — aworSa auecco J. 2,19; aiieeo J. 6, 40; 2 sg. aiieeee?5 J. 2, 20; 3 sg. aujBCceJl J. 5, 21; awecces Mt. 22, 24; 3 pi. awieecas ^Mt. 11, 5; pret. 3 92:. awoehte J. I 6,8; auoehte X I 4, 10. 12,1. 12,9. 12, 17; 3 pi. awehton Mk. 4, 38. L. 9,32; awoehton L. 8,24; opt. pres. 1 sg. aueccae J. 6 , 44 ; aw^ecce L. 20, 28; imp. pi. aueceas Mt. 10, 8; iuf. awiecea Mt. 3, 9; auoecce J. I G, 9 ; awecce L. 3, 8 ; pres. p. aueecende L. I 6, 1; pp. awseht L. I 5, 18; awoeht L. I 5,20; aweht L. 1 5, 1 1 . [See eftawacca.] awffiliga wv. vcxarc, pp. auseled Mk. 5, 18. awselta wv. rcvolvcre, tollcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. awa^ltes Mk. 16, 3. pp. aua3l J. 20, 1. [See eft-, fromawRilta.l awaexa sv. cresccrc, (crihrarc), ind. pret. 3 sg. awox L. 2,40. 13, 19; opt. pres. 3 sg. awexe J. 3, 30; pret, 3 sg. awoxe cribrarct. L. 22, 31. aweg av. aivay, aueg J. 4, 50. awinda sv. involvcre, pp. auunden J. 20, 7. awinna, see awynna. awisniga wv. arcsccre , ind. pret. 3 sg. awisnade L. 8, 6. awoecea, see eftawoecea. awoeda wv. insanirc, ind. pres. 3 sg. auoede?5 J. 10, 20. awoemma, see unaw(x;mmed. awduuda wv. rcdirc, rcvcrtcrc, ind. pres. 3 pi. awoeuda?^ L. 17, 31; pret. 3 sg. awoende L. 19, 15; pp. awoendad L. 1,56; awoendat Mk. 1 1, 15 (awoendat were = vicrrat); u\m. awoende L. 2, 39; awoende L. 10, 17. [See efne-, eftawaMida.l awrsiinigo Mk. 2, 15; bairsyn L. 3, 12; gpm. ba;rsynnigra Mt. I 18, 8; baM- ! syuuigra Mk. 1 2, 15. L. 1 5, 2. L. 7. 16 biEstere — bebod 34; ba?rsuinnig-ra Mt. 11, 19; clpm. bsersynnigum Mk. 2, 16; ba3V- synnigu Mk. 2, 16; dpn. hxY- syiinum I\It. I 14, 2. bjEstere sin. Bapfista, ns. — , Mt. 3, 1; g's. bje&cere Mt. I 16, 5. balliee av. audadcr , l)allice Mk. 15,43. ban sn. os, as. — , J. 19, 36; dp. bauum Mt. 23, 27; ap. bauo L. 24, 39. Barabbas p. n. ns. barab' Mk. 15,7; bar' J. 18, 40; as. barabau J. 18, 40; bar' L. 23, 18. barm sm. si'niis, ds. bavrae L. 16, 22. 16, 23; beam J. 1, 18. 13, 23; as. barm L. 6, 38. basniga wv. spcctarc , pres. p. basuende L. 23, 35. [See ge- basuiga.j basnung sf. cxpcdatio, as. basnung L. 21, 26. bead sm. mcnsa, ds. bead Mt. 15, 27. Mk. 7, 28. L. 16, 21; as. bead L. 22, 30; ap. beadas Mt. 21, 12; beado Mk. 11, 15. beada sv. conimcudai'c, miutiarc, prcrcipcrc, ind. pres. 2 pi. beadas Mt. 5, 47; pret. 3 sg. bead :^Ik. I 4, 6. L. I 10, 19; imp. pi. beadas Mt. 10, 12; inf. beada Mt. 28,8; pres. p. beadande J. I 8,11. [See a-, be-, for-, ge-, inbeada. beafta wv. (?) lanicntarc, ind. pret. 1 pi. beafton Mt. 11, 17. beam smn. trahs, ns. beam Mt. 7, 4; gs. beames Mt. 1 17, 12; ds. beame L. I 5, 9; as. beam iMt. 7, 3. 7, 5. L.6,41. 6,42. [See fie-, celebeam.J beama sm. tiiha, ds. beam Mt. 24, 31; as. bema Mt. 6, 2. beamere sm. tibiccn, ap. beameres Mt. 9, 23. beanbadg sm. siliqiia, dp. bean- ba'lgu L. 15, 16. bear sn. steer a, as. bear L. 1, 15, [See gebear.] beara sv. portare, tollere, afferre, hajiilare, parere, ind. pres. 3 sg. beres Mk. 14, 13. L. 14, 27; bere& L. 1, 13; pret. 3 sg. ba^r J. 19, 17; 1 pi. berou Mt. 20, 12; 3 pi. beron L. 7, 14. 24, 1 ; opt. pret. 3 sg. bere Mt. 27, 32; imp. sg. ber Mk. 2, 9; pi. beraS J. 21, 10; inf. beara Mt. 3, 11; to bearanne L. 23, 26; pres. p. berende L. 2,o{pr(Pgua)is). 5,18. 22, 10. J. 19,5; dpf. be- re ndum {prcFgnantibus) Mt. 24, 19. Mk. 13, 17; pp. boren Mt. 19, 12, [See eft-, ge-, to-, ymb- beara; un-, woepenberend; blind-, welboren.] bearu su. iiatana (for natus\ as. beam J. 13, 9. [See wuscbearn.] bearna sv. ardere, ind. pres. 3 pi. berna& J. 15, 6; pres. p. bearnende J. 5, 35. [See for-, gebearna.] bcarscip sm. conviviiini, ds. bearscip Mt. I 18, 8. [See gebearscipe.J bebbisc aj., nsm. (wk.) bebbisca L. 18, 37 mg. bebeada sv. i/iandare, prcpeipere, eoiiuitinari, eonstitiiere, eovimcn- dare, drspojisare, ind. pres. 1 sg. bebeade Mk. 9, 25; bebiodo L. 23, 46; bebeado J. 15, 14; bebeodo J. 15, 17; 3 sg. bebeadas J. I 7, 19; pret. 3 sg. bebead Mt. 4, 6, 8,4. 9,30. 10,5. 11, 1. 12, 16. 19,7. Mk.1,25. 1,43. 3,12.5,43. 6, 8. 7, 36. 8, 6. 8, 15. 9, 9. 10, 3. 13, 34. L. I 5, 8. I 6, 1. I 6, 16. I 6,20. I 7, 12. 17, 15. 17,18. 18, 11. 18, 17. 4, 10. 5,14(2). 8,56. 9,21. J.I 1,4. 17,11. 8,5; bibeod Mt. 26, 19; bebeade L. 8, 29; pres. p. bebeadeude Mt. 11, 1; pp. bebodeu Mt. 1, 18. 9, 30. L.I 9,7; npu. bebodeno L. 17,10. bebod sn. viandatiim, prcpceptiivi, ns. — , J. 12, 50. 15, 12; ds. bobode Mt. I 21, 12: as. — , Mt. 15,3. 15,6. Mk. 7, 9. 10, 5. L. 15, 29. J. 10, 18. 11, 57. 12,49. 13,34. 14,31; dp. bobodnm Mt. 5, 19; ap. beboda Mt. 15, 9. Mk. 7, 8. J. 15, 10; bebodo Mt. 19, 17. iMk. 10, 19. J. 14, 21. 15, 10; bibodo J. I 7, 6. bebodiga — beforefara 17 bel)odiga wv. cormnciidarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. l)ebodadon L. 12, 48. bebregda s\. siiindarc , ind. i)ret. 8 pi. bebrugdou L. 20, 20. bebyega wv. vendcrc, voiuuidarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. bebyegec5 L. 22, 36; bebyges Mt. 13, 44; pret. 3 sg. be- bohte Mt. 13,46; 3 pi. bebohton Mt.21,12. L. 17,28. J. 2, 16; imp. sg. bebyg Mt. 19, 21. Mk. 10, 21. L. 18, 22; pi. bebycge(5 L. 12, 33; inf. to bebyeane L. I 7, 16; pres. p. gpni. bebycgendra Mk. 11, 15; bebygendra Mt. 21, 12; dpm. biby- cendu Mt.25,9; apra. bebyegendo J. 2, 14; bebyecendo L. I 10, 5; bebyecenda L. 19,45; bibyceeuda Mil 21, 3; bebyeendo Mk. 11,15; ])p. beboht Mt. 18, 25; bibobt Mt. I 22, 5. 26, 9. byrelie, see gebyrelic. bebyrga wv. scpclirc, ind. pres. 3 pi. beby rgab' L. 9, 60 ; pvet. 3 pi. be- byrgdon Mt. 14, 12; inf. b}'byrge J. 19, 40; to bibyrgeune Mt. 26, 12; pp. bebyrged L. 16, 22. bebyrguise sf. scpultura, as. ))ebyr- geunise Mk. 14, 8; bibyrignisa Mt. 27, 7. becniga wv, indicarc , annuere, iiotarc, iinutcrc, sigiiificarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. beene(5 L. I 3, 11; pret. 3 s^-. beenade L. I 7, 11. 8, 47. J. 12,^33. 18, 32. 21, 19; 3 pi. bec- uadon L. 5, 7; pres. p. becuende L. 1, 22. [See fore-, ge-, in-, to- beeniga]. becou sn. sigmcin, ns. beeon Mt. 12, 39(2). 1,]^ 4(2). 24,3. Mk. 8, 12. 13,4. L. 2, 12. 11,29(2). 11,30. 21, 7. J. I 1, 7. 4, 54; beeeu Mt. 24, 30; ds. becou L. I 7, 8; as. beeon Mt. 1 19, 5. 119,6. 121,19. 12, 38. 16, 1. 16, 4. 26, 48. Mk. I 3, 19. 8, 11. 8, 12. 14, 44. L. 2, 34. 11, 16. 11, 29. 23, 8. J. I 3,13. 2, 18. 6,14. 6,30. 10,41. 12, 18; beeen Mt. I 20, 1; np. be- ecno L. 21, 11. 21,25; dp. bc- cenu Mk. 16, 20; beenii Mk. I 5, Cook, Noi'tlnimbrian Glossary. 14; ap. beceno Mt. 24, 24. Mk. 13, 22. J. 4, 48. 6,2. 6,26. 7,31. 9, 16. 11,47. 20,30; becena Mt. K), 3. J. 12, 37; becno J. 2, 23. becuma sv. pronuiipcrc , 7)rmrr, iiicidrrc, ind. pres. 1 sg. bievmo Mt. I 7, 2; 3 sg. beeyme?) ML 11, 24; opt. pres. 1 sg. becyme Mk. 14, 31; pret. 3 sg. beeuu L. 10, 30. becwceba sv. rcdar^iierr, ind. pret. 3 sg. becuoe(5 L. 1 5, 3. [See eft- becwoe&a.] -bed, see gebed. bed(d) sn. lectus, stratum, ds. bed "^Mk. 4, 21. L. 5, 18. 5, 19; as. bedd Mk. 7, 30. 14, 15. L. 8, 16. 22, 12. [See wigbed]. Beda p. n., ns. beda J. 19, 37 mg. bedber sn. prahat7i]ii , as. bedber J. 5, 12; bedbeer J. 5, 8. bedelfa s\'. scpclirr, inf. bidelfa J. 19, 40. [faistad L. 2, 5. befjestiga wv. dcsponsarc, pp. be- befiestuiga wv. drspmisarc, pp. be- feastnad Mt. 1, 18. befara sv. prccterire, pres. p. asm. bif«rende Mk. 15, 21. L. 18, 36; dpm. bifierendum Mk. 15, 29. befiJa sv. caperc, dcprcJiciidcrc, inf. bifoa J. 21, 25; pp. befoen J. 8, 3. befoera wv. incidcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. befoerde L. 10, 30. befora prep, ante, coram, prior, w. ace., befora Mt. 17, 2. 25, 32. Mk. 5,33; before Mt. 11,26; befe Mt. 6,2. 7,6. 11,10. 17,14. Mk. 6,41. L. 1,75. 10,21. J. 1,15. 5,7. 10, 4; befa Mt. 27, 11. Mk. 1,2. 11, 4. 14,68. L. 11,6. 10,27. J. 1, 15. 1, 27; w. dat. befe Mt. 6, 1. 10, 32. 10, 33. 23, 13. Mk. 2, 12. L. I 4, 20. J. I 3, 5; befa Mt. 26, 70. Mk. 13,9. L. 1,15. 8,28. 12, 8. 15, 10. J I 3, 3; bef je Mt. 10, 33. J. 12, 37; bif a Mt. 27, 29. beforacuma ^v.prcccrdcrc, ind. pres. 1 sg. befa cymo Mk. 14, 28. beforecrist sm. aiiticliristits, ap. bif'ecrist ^It. I 6, 17. beforefara sv. prccirr, prccccdrrr, ■2 18 beforegecuma — behoflic ind. pres. 2 sg. befeffcres L. 1, 76; inf. bef efara Mi 14, 22. beforegeeiiiiia sv. pra-vrm'rc, ind. pret. 3 pi. bef'e geeuomon Mk. 6, 33. befreg'ua sv. inquircre, tnterrogarc, ind. pres. 2 sg. befregnes Mi 19. 17; 3 pi. befraignes Mi 6, 32. beg sm. corona, as. beg Mk. 15, 17. J. 19, 5; — {coccincam !), Mi 27, 28; (&a) lege Mi 27, 29. [See sigbeg.J bega wv. Inmiiliarc, flcctci'c, ind. pres. 3 sg. beges Mi 18,4; pp. beged Mk. 10, 17. [See efnege-, eftge-, ge-, fromge-, ofge-, under- bega.J begeatta sv. invcnirc, rcperirc, com- prcJiciidcrc, venire, viipctrare, ind. pres. 2 sg. begettes .Mi 17, 27; 3sg. begettes Mi 10, 39; 2 pi. begeattas Mt. 7, 7; pret. 3 sg. be- gfet Mi 12, 43. 12,44. Mk.l4, 3; inf. begeatta Mk. 14, 5. J. I 7, 11; pp. begeten Mt. I 20, 9. 13, 46; bigetten Mi 1,18; biegeten Mi I 4,7; begetne L. I 8,16; nsf. begetna Mi 13,46; gsf. bigetna Mi 119, 12; npn. bigetne Mi I 3, 11; apm. begetna Mi 4, 24. [See inn- begeatta.] begeonda prep, trans, ultra, w. ace.. J. 1, 28. 6,22; begeande J. 6, 25; bigienda Mk. 10, 1; w. dai be- gienda J. 3, 26. begeonda av. Jiinc, bigeonda J. 19, 18; beienda retro Mi 9,20. begeonga anv. to take care of, mi. to begeonganne Mi 1, 18 mg. [See misbegeonga.] begeonga anv. prccterire, prcEter- grcdi, transire, ind. pret. 3 sg. bieode Mi 20,30; 3 pi. bieodon Mk. 9, 30; pres. p. bigeongende Mk. 15,21. beger, see winbeger. beging, see enewbeging. beginna sv. ccrpisse, m\\^. ])]. be- ginnes L. 3, 8. begrioppa sv. reprehcndere, pp. asi begrippene J. I 5, 8. behalda sv. aspicere, servare, atten- dere, respiccre, cavere, videre, I intiieri, prce cavere, intenderc, j ohservare, considerare, evitare, respicere, ind. pres. 3 sg. behaldas L. 9, 62: 3 pi. behaldas Mi 5, 9; ! prei 3 sg. beheald Mk. 14, 67. I L. 14, 7. 20, 17. 20, 23. J. 1, 36: beheald Mk. 12,41; beheal Mi 14,19; 3 pi. behealdon Mk. 3,2. 15,40. 15,47. L. 6, 7. 14,1. 20, 20; beheoldon Mi 19, 12 (In'gdiglige beheoldon = castra- vernuty bihealdon Mil 6, 7; imp. pi. behaldas l\i. 6, 1. 6, 26. 7, 15. 10,17. 16,6. 16,11.23,3. Mk. 8, 15. 12,38. L.17,3. J. 14, 15; be- halda& L. 12, 1. 12, 15. 12, 24. 12,27. 20,46. 21,34; belial' Mk. 13,9; inf. to behaldenne Mi 16, 12. Mk. 13,20. L. 12,10; to be- haldanne L. 1 7, 15; to bihaldanne Mi I 17,15; to bihaldeune Mi I 21, 20; to behaldenua Mt. I 20, 2; to behaldano Mk. 15,8; to behaldane L. I 7, 12; pres. p. be- haldend Mk. 10, 21; npin. bi- haldendo L.4, 20; pp. npn. (?) bi- haldne {contentus) Mi I 8, 15. [See eft-, forebehalda.] behawia wv. considerare, imp. pi. behaues Mi 6, 28. behianda prep, retro, — , Mk. 8, 33; of bihionda de trans Mi 4, 25. behianda av. retro, bihianda Mk. 5, 27. L. 7, 38. 8, 44. behof aj. prodigns , npm. behofe L. I 8, 18. behofiga wv. indigere, expedire, ind. ])res. 3 sg. behofa& L. 12, 12. J. 3, 7. 16, 7. 18, 14; behofes Mi 5, 30. Mi 6, 32; behofas :\Ii 18, 6. J. 11,50; 2 pi. behofes Mi 6, 32; behofar)' L. 12, 30; prei 3 pi. be- hofadon L. g, 11. beh6flic aj. necessarius, -utile, ne- cesse {expedire, prodesse), nsm. behoflic Mk. 11,3; nsn. behoflic belda — beswica 19 Mi 5, 29. 15,5. 18,0. L. 18.1; belioflie L. 10, 42; bilioflie Mi I 14,15; booflie Mi 1 5,8; npm. behofiie' L. 14,28; dpiii. behufli' L. 11,8. belda, see g-ebelda. beleiug- sf. proditio . ds. behleing Mk. I 5, 10. belewa wv. prodcrc, opt. prei '^ sg. beleede iMk. 14, 10. belg"! SV'. iiidignc fcrrc, ind. ]ivet. o pi. bnlg-ou Mk. 14, 4. beliiiipa sv. coutiugcrc , opt. pros. 8 sg. blimpe J. 5, 14. beliora wv. trausirr, trans fcrrc, opt. pvei 3 sg. bileorade Mk. 14, 35; imp. sg. bileore Mk. 14, 36. bella sv. rtigirc , pres. p. gsm. bellende Mi I 7, 12. beliiea sv. claudcrc, pp. beloccen L. 11, 7. belyrta wv. illudcrc , pp. bilyrtet Mi 2, 16. Belzebub p. n., ds. belzebub Mi 12, 24. 12,27; as. beelzebub Mk.I3,l. bend sf. vinculum, ds. bend L. '13,16; np. bendo L. 8, 29; dp. bendum Mi 11,2. [See gebend.] beud sm. viouunicutiini, dp. bendu ^Mk. 5, 2. benioma sv. auferrc, coniprchcn- dcrc, dcprchcndcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. benimeS L. 16, 3; pp. benumen J. 8, 4; nsn. benumene J. I 1, 7. beorning sf. mcensuni, gs. — , L. 1,11. ber ^\i. grahahiui, fcretnivi, Icctits, ds. beere L. I 5, 11; ber L. 5, 18; as. ber Mk. 2,4. 2, 11. 2, 12; beer L. 5,24. J. 5, 9. 5,10. 5.11; bere J. I 4,8; bere Mk. 2,9; dp. berum Mk. 6, 55. [See bedber.J ber aj. Jiordiaciiis, dp. bere J. 6, 13; apm. bero J. 6, 9. bereafiga wv. dcspoliarc, ind. prei 3 pi. bereofadon L. 10, 30. bcreflor sf. area, as. bereflor L, 3,17. bereud, see woepenbereud ; beara. berern sn. Iwrrcuni, area, ns. berern L. 12, 24; as. berern L. 3, 17(2); berern Mi 3. 12. 13,30; ap. ber- ern Mi 6, 26; bererno L. 12. 18. beretun sm. area, as. beretun Mt. 3,12. berg sm, porcus, gp. berga Mk. 5, 1 1 ; bergana \i. 8. .32 ; d]). bergum Mi I 17, 13. 118,6. Mk. 5, 12. 5. 13. 5, 16; bergu Mk. I 3, 6. L. 1 5, 19. 8, 33; ap. — , Mi 7, 6: bergas L. 15, 15. berht aj. clams, varius, divcrsiis, nsf. berhto Mi I 9, 10; breht Mk. I 3, 4; asm. berht' J. 12, 28; dpf. brehtfi Mk. I 5, 7: apn. behrto Mk. I 2, 13. [See Ciibberhi] berhtniga wv. clarificarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. breht' J. 12, 28; prei 1 sg. berhtnade J. 12, 28; imp. sg. berhtna J. 17, 1. [See geberht- niga.J berhtnise sf. clarificatio , claritas, ns. - , L. 2, 9; ds. — , J. 17, 5; bre nise J. 7, 18; as. — , J. 17, 24; brehtnise J. 5, 41. [See ge- berhtnise]. beriga, see ge-, ingeberiga. berna wv. accoidcrc, ardcrc, com- " bur ere, ind. pres. 3 sg. berneS L. 15, 8; 3 pi. bernas Mi 5, 15; inf. to bernenne Mi 13,30; pres. p. bernende L. 24, 32; npm. beor- nendo L. I 7, 17; bernendo L. 12, 35. [See abserna]. -bernise, see deaSbernise. Bersabe p.n., ns. bersabe Mi l,6mg. bersta, see tobersta. besea sv. respicere, imp. ss'. besjeh L. 9, 38. 18, 42. [See eftbesea]. besenea wv. cEstuarci^T), pp.beseneed Mi 13, 6. besma wm. scopa, dp. besmum Mt. 12, 44; besmu L. 11, 25. besmita sv. coudire, contaiiiiiiare, pp. besmitten L. 14,34. J. 18,28. beswe(55a wv. l/o^arc, ind. i)rei 3 pi. bisuebdun J.'l9, 40. beswiea sv. dcluderc , illudcrc, defraudare, seduccre, ind. pres. 3 sg. bcsuicati J. 7, 12; prei 1 sg. 2* 20 beswinga — bifida besui'ie L. 10, 8; 3 sg. bisiiac L. 23, 11; iuf. besuiea. Mt. 14, 26 mg.; besnicaime Mt. 20, 19; pp. be- suicen J. 7, 47; bisuiceu Mt. 2, 16. L. 21, 8; npm. besuieeeno L. 1 2, 11. beswinga sv. flagrllarc , pp. asm. besuingene 'Mt. 27, 26. betiwea wv. dcsponsare, pp. betabt Mt. 1, 18. Betbania p. n., ds. betbania Mt. 26, 6; betbanie Mk. 14, o; bebauia J. 11, 1; betban' J. 12, 1; betba Mk. 11,11. 11,12; betbania Mt.21,17. Betblem p. u., ns. betblem Mt. 2,6; ds. betbleem Mt. 2, 8; betblem J. 7, 42; as. betb' L. 2, 15. Betbsaida p. n., beSsaiSa Mt. 11, 21; ds. betbsaitia Mk. 8, 22; bebsaida J. 1, 44; bctbsa J. 12, 21. betra, see god. betwien ])rep. ?>?/rr, {adaltcrutnim, ad Tiiviccin\ w. dat., bitwien Mk. 4,41; bituien J. 4, 33. 13,22. 15, 12. 21,23; bituen Mk.8, 16; be- twien J. 11,56; w. ace, bituen L. 22, 17. betwien av. ad tiiviccni, ah iin'icrfn, in i)ivicciii, r)ivicc»i, bituien J. 5,44. 6,43. 13,34. 15,17. 19,24. betwib prep, inter, intra, {ad altcnitniin, ad in^'iccn/, inviccni)^ w. dat., bituib Mt. 1 19, 11. 3, 9. 9, 21. 16,7. 21,38. 27,56. Mk. 1,27. 2,8. 6,51. 9,16. 9,34. 9,50. 14, 4. 15,31. 15,40. 16,3. L.I 7, 13. 1,25. 1,42. 7,28. 7,39. 7,49. 9,48. 10,3. 11,38. 12,1. 12, 17. 16,3. 17,21. 18,4. 20.5. 22,23. 22,24. 23, 12. 24, 14. 24,32. J. 15,6. 16,6. 4,31. 4,33. 10,19. 16,19; betuib Mt. 11,11. 18,15. 20,26(2). 20,27. 21,25. J. I 8, 10; bitwib Mil 1,2. 12,6. 118, 13. L. 11,51; w. ace., Mt. 23,35. Mk. 7, 31. L. I 11, 5. 2, 44. 16, 26. J. I 3, 14. 1 4, 20. I 5, 16. I 5, 18. 6,9; l)etuib Mt. 16,8. J. I 6, 18; (?) betuib (= intra, iiri]). sg.) Mt. 6, 6. betwdi av. infra, ad inviccm, ah inviccm, invicem, bituib Mt. 2, 16. 24,10(2). L.2,15. 4,36. 6,11. 7, 32. 8,25. 24,17. J. 5, 44. (>, 52. 13,34. 13,35. 16, 17. 19,24; betuib Mt. 25, 32. Mk. 12,7. betwihtoslita sv. intcrruniprrc, pp. bituibtoslitteu Mt. I 8, 16. betyna wv. clauderc, pp. betyned L. 4, 25; bityn' J. 20, 19; dpf. bityndil J. 20, 26. be5ecca, see efnebecJecea. be&enca wv. caverc, rccordari, ind. pres. 2 sg. be&ences Mt. 5, 23; inf. to bideneanue Mt. J 21, 20. bedorfa anv. indigcre , ind. i)ves. 3 pi. bef)orfeb L. 15, 7. biwa^rla wv. prceterirc , ind. pres. 2 pi. biwterlas L. 11,42; ])ret. 3 sg. biwa^rlde L. 10, 31. biweddiga wv. desponsarc, ])]). bi- woedded Mt. 1, 18. bewinda sv. involvcrc, ligarr, ind. pret. 3sg. bewand Mk. 15.46. L. 2,7; 3 pi. biuundun J. 19,40. [See iunbewinda]. bewteriga wv. proJrihrrr, ind. ])vet. 3 pi. bewoeredon L. 11, 52. bi prep, ad, dc, prcrtrr, snpcr, w. dat. Mt. 6, 26. 6,30 nig. Mk. 10, 11. L. 13, 4. J. 1, 47; w. ace. Mk. 12, 35; w. inst. J. 21,22. 21, 23. [See be.j bi- in verbal compounds, see be-, bid sn. rxpcctatio, gs. bides L. 21, 26. bida sv. expcctarc, sinrrc, ind. i)res. 1 pi. bidaa Mt. 11, 3; imp. pi. bidas Mk. 15, 36; pres. p. bideude L. 1,21; bidend L. 2,25; bidend Mk. 15,43; npm. bidendo L. 2, 38; bidende L. S, 40; g])m. bid- '), 3. [See a-, "? dendra J. geabida.] bidda sv. or arc, pctcrc , rogarc, qncrrerr, prccari, mendicarc, dc- prccari, obsecrarr, ind. pres. 1 sg. l)iddo Mt. 26, 36. L. 8, 28. 9, 38. 14.18. 14.19. 16.27. J. 17,9(2). 17, 15. 17,20; 3 sg. biddes Mt. 7, 8; 2 pi. biddes Mt. 21.22; bifiga — biscn 21 bidas Mt. 20, 22; 8 pi. biddus L. 18. 24; biddes Mt. I 21. 5; pret. 2sg. bede Mt. 18.32; 8 sg-. bsed Mt. 27, 58. Mk. I 4, 16. 1. 40. 5, 10. 5. 28. L. 5, 12. 18. 85. 23, 52; bfedd Mk. 10, 17. J. 19, 88. besedd J. 19, 12; baedL. 7.3. 11, 87; baedd L.9,40; 3 pi. bedou Mt. 12, 46. 15. 23. 16, 1. Mk. 5, 12. 7, 26. L.I9,5. 4,38. 7,4. 8,31. 8,32. 23, 25. J. 4, 81. 12, 21 ; be^on L. 8. 37; opt. pres. 2 pi. bidde Mt. 6. 8. 6,9; pret. 3 pi. bedon Mt. 27, 20; imp. pi. biddas Mt. 5, 44. 6, 33. 9.38. 24.20; bidda& L. 10.2; bidde5' J. 15. 7; inf. bidda Mk. 5, 17. J. 16.26; to biddanne Mt. 14,23. L. 19,12. I 10,19; pres. p. biddeude Mk. I 4. 6. 5. 10. 1. 10. 3,21; biddend Mk. 14,35; dsm. (wk.) biddenda Mt. 1 17, 13; dsf. biddende Mt. 120.20; npm. biddeude Mt. 17, 4; dpm. bid- deudiim Mt. I 20, 1. Mk. I 4. 18; biddendu Mt. I 19, 6. 7, 11. L. I 5. 10; biddendu L. 11,13. [See eft-, ge-, ofg-e-. to-, toge-, 5erli- gebidda.] bifiga wv. //r/z/'fvr, qiiati, iud. pret. 3 pi. bifgedon Mk. 14, 5; pres. p. bifiende Mt. 12,20. bigeng, see londbigeug-. bigenga wm. adtor, ds. bigeucga L. 13,7; bigeonle L. 13,7; dp. bigengu L. 20, 10. [See lond- ^ bigenga.] bigeong sm. stiidium, ds. Mt. 1 8. 13. Billfri(^- p. n., us. billfri(5 J. P 188 4. P188'2; gs. billfri^ Mk. I 1.2. bilwit aj. mitis, maiisuctus, simplex, nsm. biluit Mt. 11,29. 21,5; usu. — , L. 11.34. biuda sv. alligarc, iud. jires. 2 pi. bindes ]\It. 18, 18; imp. pi. biudas Mt. 13. 30. [See ge-, on-, nu-. ymbbiuda.] -biude, see wudubinde. binn sf. prcEscpiiim, ds. binne L. 2,12; binna L. 2,16; bine L. I 4. 2; binuiu L. 2,7. binna av. intus, Mt. 23, 25. 28, 26. 28, 27. 28, 28. J. 18, 15. 20, 26. biobread ^n./avus, as. biobread L. I 11,14. 24,42. biotiga, see gebiotiga. bird sra. pullus, ap. birdas L. 2, 24. birel sm. minister, dp. birilu J. 2, 5. birga, see gebirga. birliga wv. hmirire, iud. pret. 8 pi. birladou J. 2, 9; imp. pi. birle6' J. 2, 8. biscead sm. distinctio, as. biseliead Mt. I 9, 18. biscop sm. episcopiis , pontifex, sacerdos, ns. — . Mt. 1 8, 2. 1 6. 8. 16,18. J. 11,49. 18,18; biscopb J. P 188(0; Wscob Mk. I 2, 2; bisc' Mt. 10,8mg. J. 11,51. 18, 19. 18,24. P 188^5; bis' Mt. I 3, 3; g's. biscobas J. 18, 26; ds. bis- cope Mt. 10, 14 mg.; biscobe J. 18.24; bisc' J. 18,28. P 1888; biscobi J. 18, 22; as. bisc' Mt. I 3,2; up. biseopas J. 16.9. 19, 21; biscobas Mk. 15,11. J. 19.6. 19,15; bisco'as J. 11,47. 11,57; gp. biscopa Mt. 2, 4. J. 12,10; dp. biseopum Mt. 10, 8 mg:. [See forebiscop.] bisen sfn. exempliun, parabola, si- militudo, exemplar, norma, si- mile, sensiis, gratia (?), us. — , Mt. I 4, 4. I 7. 8. L. I 5, 4; biseno L. 8. 9; bisseno L. 8. 11; ds. bisseno Mt. I 18, 20. L. 1 8,5; biseue Mk. I 4, 15. L. I 9. 6; biseno Mk. 4. 34; as. — , Mt. I 3, 8. 18,14. I 19,11(2). I 20,18. 13,31. 18,88. 13.36. L. 14,7. J. 18,15; bisin Mil 19,9. I 19, 10. I 19,12. 121,6. 121,7. 121, 9. I 22, 1; biseua Mt. 13, 18: biseue L. 17.2. 8,4. 13,6. J. 17.1; biseno iMt. 18.24. L. 18. 1; bisina Mt. I 20. 13; bissen Mk. 7, 17; up. bissena Mt. I 1. 13; dp. bissenum ]Mt. 13,3; bissenil ]\lt. 13.13; bis- ouum :\It. 13. 10. 13,84. 18,35; bisenii Mt. 11,12. 18,34; ap. 22 bisen — blffidsiga bisseua Mt. 19.2; Inseno Mt. 13, 53. Mk. 7, 13. bisen aj. cceciis, up. bisene Mt. 0. 27; b'isena Mt.9. 28; biseno Mt. 11,5. biseniga, see gebiseniga. bisig aj. sollicitus, nsm. — . Mt. I 17, U- bisignise sf. sollicihido , as. bis- iguisse Mt. I 17, 10. bismer aj. irritus, asu. — . Mt. 15,6. bismeriga wv. liidcrc , illudcrc, dcridcre, ind. pres. 3 pi. bi- smerage6' .Mk. 10, 34; ind. ]n-et. 3 sg. bissraerede L. 23. 11; 3 pi. bismeredou Mt.27,29. 27.31; Mk. 15.20. L. 22. 63. 23,35; bisme L. 23, 36; bismerdon Mt. 27, 41; inf. bismeria L. 14. 29; pres. p. npm. bismerigende Mk. 15. 31. [See gebismeriga.] bismerlice av. trritmn, Mk. 7, 9. bispell sn. parabola, ds. bispello Mk. 4,34; as. — . Mt. 121.7. 15. 15. 21.33. 24,32. Mk. I 3, 3. 14, 20. 4. 13. 12, 12. 13. 28. L. I 9. 20. 12,41; dp. bispellum Mt.22.1. Mk. 3, 23. 4.2. 4,11. 4,33. 12. 1; bispellu Mk. 4, 2; ap. — . Mt. 21,45. Mk.4,10; ap. bispello Mk. 4,13. 4,30. bita sv. disccrpcrc, eliderc, ind. pres. 3 g. bites L. 9, 39; pret. 3 sg. bat Mk. 1,26; pres. p. bid- tende Mk. 1, 26. [See gebita.] -bitia, see gristbitia. Bithinia p. n., ds. bitliinia L. I 2, 4. bitterlice sv. amarc, Mt. 26. 75; bitt'- lice L. 22, 62. -bi'tnng, see gristbitung. bitwien, bitwlh. see betwien, betwih. blsec aj. nigcr, dsn. blaceii Mt. I 4,2; asn. blaec Mt. 5,36. blawa sv. hisiif flare, ind. pret. 3 sg. blefla J. 20. 22. [See for-, ge- blawa.J blawing, see inblawing. blind aj. cccats, ccccahis, nsm. — . Mt. 12, 22. 15, 14, 23, 26. Mk. I 4, 15. L. 18, 35. J. 9, 2. 9, 13. 9, 18. 9,19. 9,20. 9,25; (wk.) L. 6, 39; blind Mk. 10. 46. J. 9, 24; blinde (wk.) Mk. 10. 51 ; nsn. — . Mk. 8. 17; gsm. (wk.) blindes J. 11,37; blindics Mk. 8.23; dsni. blinde :\lt. 15. 14. L. I 9, 18. (wk.) J. 9. 17; asm. — . Mt. I 19, 2; blindne Mk. 8,22. J. 9,1; blindo (wk.) Mk. I 3. 20. 10, 49. J. 1 o, 19; blinde (wk.) L. 6,39; npm. blindo Mt. 20.30. 21. 14. 23, 16. 23, 19. 23, 24. L. 7, 22. J. 9. 39. 9, 40. 9, 41; blinde Mt. 9. 27. 9, 28. 15. 14; blindas Mt. I 21. 1. 23.17; gpm. blindra Mt. 15, 14; blinda J. 10,21; blindena J. 5,3; dpra. blindum L. 4, 18; blindu L. 7,21. 14. 13. 14, 21; apm. blindo ]Mt. 15. 30. 15. 31; blinda^. Mt. I 18, 11; blindas Mt. I 21, 3. blinda, see ofgeblinda. blindboren aj. (pp.) ccbcus nahis, gsm. blindborenes J. 9, 32. blindiga, see ofblindiga, blinna sv. cessarc, sinere, rcfri- gescere, ind. pres. 3 sg. blinnes Mt. 24, 12; ind. pret. 3 sg. blann Mk. 4, 39. L. 7, 45; imp. 3 sg. blinn Mk. 7,27; blifi L. 4.34; pi. blinna& L. 22,51. [See geblinna.] blibe aj. siviplcx, mansuetiis, nsm. bli&e Mt. 21. 5; nsn. bli&e Mt. 6.22. L. 17,9; bli&e L. 11, 34; npm. bli&o Mt. 10. 16. [See un- bli&e.] bli()m6d, see unbli&mod. bl6d sn. sanguis, ns. — , Mt. 16,17. 26, 28. 27, 25. Mk. 14, 24. L. 11, 50' J. 19.34; blod Mt. 23.35. J. 6, 55; gs. blodes Mt. I 18, 10. 9,20. 27,6. 27,8. Mk. I 3, 7. 5, 25. 5, 29. L. I 6. 1. 8, 43. 8, 44. 22.44; ds. blod Mt. 23. 30. 23, 35. L. 11.51('^); blode Mt. 23.35. 27.24; blode L. 22.20; as. blod J. 6. 53. 6,54. 6. 56; — . Mt. 27,4. L. 13,1; dp. blodnm J. 1,13. l)l,')diorn sn. profluvhini sanguinis, ds. l)lodiorne Mk. I 3, 7. bbOdsiga wv. bene dicer c, ind. i)res. blonda — breard 23 3 sg. bloedsa5 Mk. I 4, 11; 2 pi. blciltsiyas J. lo, 18; pret. 3 sg. bloedsatle Mk. 14, 22; 1 j)!. bloed- sade J. 8, 48; imp. pi. bloed.sas L. (5.28; pres. p. apm. blocdseude m. I 20, 10. [See, gebkedsig-a.] blonda. see geblouda. blouga. see ablouffa. f O i/ CD boc sfn. l/dcr, libcllus, vohmien, codex, us. boc Mt. I 2, 17. I 4, 3. Mk. 16, 20. L. 4. 17; — . Mt. I 7, 7. 1,1. L. 24, 53; ds. boc Mk. 12, 26. L. 3, 4; boec J. I 1, 13; boec Mil 20. 14. L. 20, 42. J. 20,30; as. boc Mt. 5, 31. 19, 7. L. I 4. 12. 4,17. J. II, 1. P1881; — Mt. 11,72. 16,11. Mk. 11,3. 10,4. L. 4, 20; up. boec Mt. I 1, 13; gp. boca Mt. 1 4, 1; bocana Mt. I 9, 12; dp. bocum Mt. I 1,9. 13,6. 1 4, 10; ap. boec Mk. I 2, 11; b6ec J. 21, 25. bod sn. mandatmn , prccccptum, cdictum, prccdicatw, legatio, us. — , Mt. 22,36. 22.38. Mk. 12, 28. 12, 29. 12, 30. 12, 31. L. I 3, 18. 14,6. 2,1; gs. bodes Mk. I l,ll;ds. — , Mk. 15,3. L. 11,32; as. — , L. 19, 14; gp. bodana Mk. 12, 28 mg. 12. 29 mg.; dp. bodum Mt. 22, 40. Mk. 13, 10. L. I 6, 2. I, 6; bodii Mt. I 7, 15; ap. boda Mk. 7. 7; bodo L. I 6. 14. 18, 20. [See be-, for-. forebod.J \)Q^txQ,'m\.f>rrcrdicatHriis, us. bodare L. 9, 33; ap. boderes Mk. I 3. 10. bodiga wv. prccdicare, prcedtcere, cvangrlizarc, iud. pres. 1 sg. bo- digo 1.. 2, 10; 2 pi. bodagned" L. 7, 22; 3 pi. boddages ^Mt. II, 5; pret, 3 sg. bodade Mt. I 19,6. 3,1. 4,23. 9,35. 11,1. Mk. I 1, 9. I 2, 9. 1, 4. 1, 7. 1, 14. L. I 3, 1. 3, 3. 3, 18. 8, 1. 8. 39; 3 pi. bodadon ^Ik. 7,36. IC), 20; opt. pres. 1 sg. bodiga j\Ik. 1,38; imp. pi. bodages Mt. 10, 27; bo- digas Mk. 16, 15; iuf. bodage Mt. 4,17. L. 16,15; bodiga Mk. 1 1,14. 1,45. 3,14. 5,20; bodia L. 4, 19. 4,43. 9,2; to bodnnue Mk. I 3,1. 13, 10; to bodiauue L. 4, 18. 9,2; pres. p. bodande Mk. 1, 39. L. I 5, 15, 4, 44. 20, 1; gsm. bodeudes (= commcntantis, for beadeudes) Mt. I 22, 2 ; upm. bodande L. I 6, 2. 9, 6 ; pp. bodad Mt. 26, 13; boden ]\lk. 13, 10. [Sec be-, fore-, gebodiga.] bodung, see forebodung. boecere sm. scriba, librarius, ns. boecere J. 19,37mg.; up. boecere Mk. 15,3; dp. boecer' Mt. 12,3. 27, 41. boege num. aiiibo, itterque, npm. boege Mt. 15,14. L. 1,7. 6, 39; boego L. 1, 6; dpm. baem L. 7, 42; apu. boege Mt. 13,30. boet, see eftboet. boeta wv. corrigcrc , rcstitucre , cmendarc , htcrari , iud. pres. 2 sg. boetas Mt. I 3, 13; boetes Mt. 12, 3; inf. to boetanue Mt. I 2, 14. 5, 22 {■=^ concilio)\ pres. p. nsm. boetend Mt. 18, 15. [See eft-, eftge-, ge-, togeboeta.] i bceting, see eftboeting. \ bogehte aj. artus , nsm. bogehte Mt. 7, 14. bolla wm. spongia, as. — , J. 19, 29. bolstar sm. cervical, ds. bolstnre Mk. 4, 38. b6sih sn. prcusepmm, ds. — , L. 13, 15. brad aj. latus, asm. — , Mt. 117, 14. braicsec aj. huiaticus, nsm. bneccec Mt. 17, 15; asm. brsecceic (?) Mt. I 20, 7; apm. — , Mt. 4, 24. brjGdo sf. extcnsio, ds. braeda Mt. I 17, 20. I brijeda wv. stenicre, iud. pret. 3 pi. { braidon Mk. 11,8. [See fore-, ge-, I ofer-, underbrjuda.] bratt sn. {j!)palliu)ii, as. — . Mt. 5,40. bread sn. pcvm's, buccclla, as, J. 6, I 23; bread J. 13. 27. 13,30. [See biobread-l breard sm. su)H)inis, ds. brearde . Mk. 13, 27; briorde J. 2, 7. 24 brecca — bn'ica brecca sv. frmigcrc, confriugcrc^ ind. pres. 8 sg. breced Mt. 12. 20; pret. 1 sg-. bnecc Mk. 8, 19 ; 3 pi. brecou J. 19, 83. [See for-, ge-, t6breea.] bred. s. bond-, wsexbred. -bred, see eudebred, endebredniga, endebrednise. breda wv. assarc, pii. gsm. brede- des L. Ill, 14. [See fore-, ge- breda.] breer, see heartbreer. -bregd, see gebregd. bregda, see be-, gebregda. brenga wv. duccrc, addiiccre,fcrrc, affcrrc , offcrrc, profcrrc , ad- hibere, ind. pres. 1 sg. brengo J. 19, 4; 3 sg. brenge?)' J. 15.2; breuges Mt. 19. 9 (■^).; J. 15, 5; 3 pi. brengas L. 8, 15; pret. 1 sg. brobte Mt. 17, 16. L. 14, 20; 3 sg. brobte Mt. 14, 11. Mk. I 1, 17. 10, 14. J. 4, 33. 19,39; 3 pi. brobton Mk. 10. 13. L. 23, 1. 23, 14. 22, 36. J. 8, 3. 9, 13; opt. pres. 3 sg. brenge J. 15, 2; imp. sg. breng Mt. 8. 4. L. 5, 14; pi. brenga 5" Mt. 14. 17. 17,17; brengerJ J. 2. 8; bringa5" J. 21, 10; brenegas Mk. 9, 19; brenges Mk. 12, 15; inf to breng- anne Mt. I 16, 15. I 20, 19; pres. p. brengende J. 15, 2; npm. breng- ende Mk. 2, 3; dpm. brengendiim Mk. 10, 13; apm. brengende Mt. I 20, 16. [See efnege-, eft-, for-, fora-, fore-, forr5i-, ge-, in-, ofge-, to-, togebreuga.] -brengnise, see gebrengnise. breost sn. pectus, uber, as. breost L. 18,13. J. 13,25; brest Mt. I 6, 14. J. 21, 20; np. breosto L. 11,27. 23, 29; ap. breosto L. 23, 48. breting sf fi'actio, ds. breting L. 24, 35. briord, see breard. brfjema wv. ferverc, frerncrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. bremmde J. 11, 33. 11, 38; pres. p. broemende Mt. 15,5. bro'me ^}.faino2is, nsni.(wk.) broe- ma J.'l9, 37 mg. l)rgnd sra. fax, ap. brondil J. 18, 3. brord sn. hcrba, iiatuiu , ns. — L. 8. 6; brord Mt. 13, 26. br6?Jer ^m.f rater, ns. broSerMt. 5,23. 10, 2(2).' 10, 21. 12, 50. 18, 15. 18, 21. 22,24. Mk. 3,35. 6,3. 12,19(2). 13,12. L. 6, 42. 15,27. 15, 32. 17, 3. 20, 28(2). j. i^ 40, 6,8. 11.2. 11,21. 11,23. 11,32; gs. brobres Mt. I 16,15. I 17, 12. 120,12. 7,3.7,5. 14,8. Mk. 6, 18. L. 3, 19. 6, 41. 6. 42; broSeres Mt. 18, 15; broSer Mt. 14. 6 mg. Mk. 6, 17; ds, broSre Mt. 5, 22. 5. 24. 22. 24. L. 6. 42. 12, 13. 20, 28; broeber Mt. 7, 4. 22. 24. 22, 25. J. 11. 19; broSere Mt. 5. 22. L. 3, 1; brober Mil 8, 12. 18,35. L.I 9, 4; broe(5re Mk.l2, 19; as. broSer Mt. 4, 18. 4, 21. 10, 21. 17, 1. Mk. 1, 16. 1, 19. 3, 17. 5, 37. 13, 12. L. I 7. 14. 6, 14. J. 1, 41. 11, 19; broder J. 13. 9; np. broSro Mt. 12. 47. 22. 25. 23, 8. Mk. 3, 32. 3. 33. 12, 20. L. 8. 19. 8, 20. 8. 21. J. 2, 12. 7.3. 7,5. 7.10; broSero Mt. 12. 46. Mk. 3. 31. 3. 34. L. 20, 29; brobra Mt. 12,48. 12, 49; brober Mt. 13. 55; gp. brobra Mt. I 21, 11. Mk. I 5, 2; brobero L. I 10, 9; dp. brobrum Mt. I 7, 2. 20, 24; brobru Mt. 25, 40. 28, 10. J. 20, 17. 21, 23; ap. brobro Mk. 10, 29. 10, 30. L. I 5, 17. I 11, 4. 14. 12. 14, 26. 16, 28. 18, 29. 22, 32; brobra Mt. 1, 2. 1, 11. 19, 29; brobera Mt. 4, 18; brobero Mt. 5,47; brobre Mt. 1 19, 7; brober Mt. 4. 21. Mk. I 3, 2. broberscip sm. caritas, ns. broberseip Mt. 24, 12; as. broberseip L. 11, 42. bruca sv. cdere, coiuederc, man- ducare, ind. pres. 1 sg. bruceo L. 22, 11. 22, 16; Ss^-. brucab L. 14, 15, J. 13, 18; brucea& J. 6, 56. 6, 58; bruceb J. 6. 57; 3 pi. brucas Mt. 15, 27; pret. 1 pi. bre- con L. 13, 26; 3 pi. brecon Mk. 6, brycl huta 25 44. L. 17. 27; iiuj). 8^'. hniee L. 12, 19; bruc J. 4, 31; inf. brucca Mk. 14. 14; briiea :\Ik. 3, 20; to briicaune Mk. 6. 37. L. 14, 1. J. 4, 32; pres. p. brucende Mk. 1. 6. [See gebriica]. brvd sf. spoiisa, gs. biydes ^[t. 22, 11; ds. bryde Mt. 25. 1; as. brydo J. 3. 29. brydguma sm. sponsiis, ns. bryd- guma Mt. 9, 15(2). 25. 6. 25, 10. Mk. 2, 19. 2. 20. L. 5. 34. 5. 35. J. I 4. 1. 3. 29; brydgum Mt. 25, 5; gs. brydgiimes Mt. 9. 15. J. 3, 29(2); brydgues L. 5, 34; ds. brydguma Mt. I 13. 15; brydgum L. I 5. 2; brydgila Mt. IG. 2; as. brydguma J. 2,9; brydgum Mk. 2, 19. brvdlic aj. nuptialis, asn. brydlic Mt. 22. 12. brvdlopa sm.pl. uiiptio', dp. brydlop- um L. 20.34. J. 1 1.8; brydlopii J. 1 1, 3; brydloppum Mt. 25. 10; brydloppil L. 17. 27; ap. br3'dlopa Mt. 22, 2. brvdreaf sn. vesti's miptialis , ds. "brydreaf Mt. 22. 11. biiend sm. ciiltor, coloinis, np. bu- eudo Mk. 12. 7. L. 20. 14; dp. bu- endu Mk. I 4. 20. L. 1 10. 7. 20. 9; ap. buendo L. 20, 16 [See lond- bi'iendj. bufa prep, supra, w. ace. Mk.I3, 14. bdga. see gebiiga. bund sn. fasciadiis, ap. buuda ]Mt. 13, 30. -brir. see uehebi\r. burug sfm. civitas, castcllum, ns. — . Mt. 4. 13 mg. 5. 14. 5. 35. L. 9. lO! 10. 13. J. 5.2; burg Mt. 4, 13 rag. L. 4.29. 10.13. 10,15. J. 11,18; bm-ng :Mt. 12,25; gs. — . Mt. I 0, 10; burge L. I 2. 1; burga L. 11. 30; byr' L. 11. 32; ds. — . Mt. I 18, 6. 23. 34; bvrig Mt. 1. 3. 2, 1. 2,16. 4, 13mg. 4,25. Mk. 1, 9. 5, 20. 6, 45. 8, 22. 9, 33. L. I 2, 4. 4, 23. 4, 26. 10. 30. 13, 4. 18,35. 19.29. 23,50. 23,51. 24. 50. J. 12, 1. 1,28. 1,44(2). 1^45. 2,1. 2,11. 4,5(=/r«'). L 30- 1- 4(^)- 1,5^). L60). 1. 7(^). 1,8(3). 1,90^). 1.10(3). 1.11. 1,12(2). 1, 13(3). 1, 14(3). 1, 15(3). 1, 16. [See a-, efta-. friim-, gecenna; an-, frumeenned.] cennise sf. iiativitas, riatalis, ns. " eennisse Mt. I 16, 2. 6,21; gs. eennisse Mt. 14, 6. [See a-, frum- jicennise.] centur sm. centurio, ns. — , Mt. 8, 5; cent' Mk. 15, 44; gs. centures Mt. I 17, 20; eent' L. I 5, 10. eeorl sm. niaii, ns. — . Mk. 12, 25 mg.; gs. eeorles Mt. I 2, 5. I 2, 6(2). 16,16(2). Mk. 12, 25mg.; gp. (?) eearla Mt. 1 2, 10. eeo(u)l, see eeawl. cepe sm. negotiator, ds. eepe Mt. 13, 45. cepemonn, see ceapemonn. eepiga. see eeapiga. eeping sfn. coiiiparatio, negotiatio, gs. c^pinees J. 2, 1(5; ds. eepinc Mt. 22, 5; eeping :\lk. I 2, 16, L. I 5, 3. Cephas p. u., ns. eepbas J. 13, 24. cerr — ciiopiga 20 cevr. see eft-, ofer-, ymbeorr. eerra wv. moi'rrr, rrd/rr, rcvcrti, (rh'crtrrc, rcccdcrr, cousuniinarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. cearro Mt. 12,44; 2 pi. eerras Mt. 10, 23; pret. 3 sg. cerde Mt. 21, 12: imp. jd. cerras Mt. 9,24; inf. eerre Mt. 12.44; pres. p. eerreude Mk. 15,29; Dpm. eerrende Mt. 27, 39; d])m. oerreudu (= mobilibus) ]Mt. I G, 4. [See a-, efue-, efnege-, eft-, eftge-, fr(»m-, frouiymb-, ge-, of-, ofa-, ofer-, under-, yiubeerra.] cest sn. loculus, as. eeiste L. 7, 14: ap. eesto J. 13, 29. ehannanese a], canano'tis , nsf. chauuanesea Mt. I 19. 18. 15,22: asm. elianuauesca Mk. 3, 18. Cborazaim ]>. n., ns. eliorazaim ^It. 11.21. Cliiiz p. n. CJniza, gs. clnizes L. 8, 3. ciecen sn. pullus, a]), cieeeno ^It. 23, 37. eida, see geeida. eild ^\m\.i)i/a lis yparvuhis , innocens, ns. - , Mt. 1 20, 10. L.1,41. 1,44; as. — , L. 2, 12. 2,16; np, cildas Mt. 19, 13; gp. eilda ^It. I 22, 16: dp. eildum Mt. 14, 21; ap. — , Mk. 14,11. 10,13; eildesMt. I 16,8; cildo L. 18, 15. eildelacJ ^m.paiiniis, dp. eildelaf)iim L. 2, 7; eildclac^u L. 2, 12. eildhad sra. iufantm, ds. — , Mk. 9, 21. eilic sn. cilicnint, ds. — , ^It. 11,21. eiriea sf. ccclcsia, synagoga, ns. ^. Mt. 15,15; gs. — , Mt. 16,7. J. 10.22; ds. eiriee Mt. 18, 17; as. — , Mt. 18. 17. L. 7,5; cirice Mt. 16. 18; gp. — Mt. I 6, 19. eirieeud sni. (])res. p.) ecclesiasticiis, d]). eirieendu Mt. I 8, 10. cirielie aj. rccl<'siastiats, gP-C'') C'irie- aliera'Mt. 19,4. ela'ue aj. iiiuiidiis, dignits, pitrits, nsm. elaMie ^\t K ►. 1 1 . J. 13. 1 0; usn. elanie Mt. 23, 26; dsu. ela^nii ^It. 27,59; asf. ela»n J. 1 3, 14; npni. cla^ne Mt. 5, 8mii'. J. 13, 11; elaeue Mt. 5, 8; eUeuo J. 13, 10. 15, 3; npn. elaMio I.. 11.41; •A\^\\ eheno Mt. 13, 11; sup. nsf. (V) elaenust ^It. 16, 14. [See unela'-ne.] chenliee av. pcrspiaic , ehenliee Mt. I 8. 8. ehenuise sf. purify, ds. ehennise Mt. 10, 8 rag.; elaennisse Mt. 1, 18 mg. [See uneheunise.J -eheno. see unclaiuo. chensiga wv. numdai'r, purgare, aiiiputarc, baptizarc , ind. pres. 3 sg. elainsias J. 15, 2; chensas Mk. 7. 19; ela^nse?)- L. 3, 17; 2 pi. el?ensas Mt. 23, 25; ela?nsa(y L. 11. 39; imp. sg. elaensig Mt. 23, 26; pi. ehensas Mt. 10, 8; inf. to ela^nsanue 31k. I 1. 19; pres. p. ckensande J. 1»). 4<>. [See ge-, f)erb-, unebensiga.] cbensung sf. cmiiudatin, piugaffo, p2irificafio, nuindatio, gs. cben- suuges L.2, 22; ds. ela^nsunge L. I 4, 14. 5, 14. J. 2, 6. 3, 25. cb('()a wv. opcrirc, ind. pret. 2 pi. ela?Mon j\lt. 25, 36. [See ge- ela'?>a.] ela5' sm. vcstimenhim, couniiissiira, as. cla5 Mt. 9, 16; ap. cla^as Mk. 14,63. [See cildela6-.l Cleophas p. n., ns. cleopbas L. 24, 18; gs. eleo' J. 19,25. ciiopiga wv. claiii^c, exclamarc, siicclaniarc, vocarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. cliopas Mt.'I 8, 20. 15, 23; clioppa?s Mt. 12, 19; clioppia5" L. 9,38; clioppac)' J. 1, 15; 3 pi. elioppoga^ L. 19" 40; pret. 3 sg. cliopade Mt. 14, 30. 27, 50. Mk. 9,26. L. 8,28. 8,54. 16.24. 18, 38. 18,39. J. 7, 37. 12,44; eliop- ])ade L. 23,46; eliopad J. 11,43; 3 pi. elioi)ad()n Mk. 3, 11. L. 1 10. 4. J. 12,13. 19,6. 19,12. 19,15; elioppadou Mt. 14, 26. Mk. 6, 49. J. 18, 40; eliopodan Mt. 27, 23; diopadun Mk, 11.9; cliiptatio, as. I 1. 16; dp 5,8. eiirsiga vix. plrcfcrc, pres. p. npm. curseDdo Mk. 15. 17. cursumbor su. (?) fh?is, as. — , ]\[t. 2, 11. cursimg sf damnatio, grJinuia, for- vuntiim, o's. cursuDges Mt. 23. 15; as. — , Mt.^5.29. 10,28. L. 20,47; gp. cursungra L. 16, 28. ciid" aj. adiiotus, notus, Diaiiifestiis, nsni. 011(5 J. 18. 15. 18,16; asm. cud .Alt. 26. 73. J. 17, 26 C^); apm. cu&o L. 2,44; apn. cu&a J. 15, 15. [See ham-, un-. imforcii6'.] t'li&amonn sm. cognafus, np. eu5"a- men L. 1.58; ap. curJomeun L. 14, 12. Cuf)berlit p. n., gs. cuclJberhtes J. P 188 6. P 18812; ds. cu&berhti J. P 1888; eum)erti P188'"; ci'i^berlite J. P 188'^; cu&berhto (Lat.) J. P 188 1:*. cii51iee av. (en&liee gesene = cog- nose ihtr) J. I 3, 11. Cook, Northiimbriau Glossary. ge- Mt. Alk. cimnimgiim Mk. I ciu^'liee cj. igilu)\ crqo, (uitoii, Mt. I 7,6. 1.17. 1.19.' 5,39. 12.28. cu5noma sm. cognoninituiii , iis. ('ii(5"noma Mt. I 6, 4. ewaciga wv. trcj)irrr, pres. i). cuae- ceude L. 8. 47. cwalm Bm.plaga, dp. eualmfl L. 7. 21. [See mcinncwalm.] -cwrdmnise, see mminewalmuise. ewen, see cwd'n. ewic aj. vthnis, nsm. ciiic J. 6, 51; asD. CLiic J. 4. 10. 4, 11; npn. cuico J. 7. 38. [See halfcwie.] cwicalmus sf. victima, ns. cuicalmus Mk. 9. 49. cwicfvr sn. sulpJnir, ns. cuicfvr L. 17. 29. cwiciga wv. vivijicarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. cwiead J. 5, 21; cuicaft J. 5. 21. cwiclae sn. holocaiisfoiiia, dp. cuic- lacum Mk. 12. 33. cwide sm. decree, np. cuido J. 19, 30 mg. [See fore-. s6&-, tean- ewide.] cwis (?) dicendo, cuis ds. L. I 7, 2. cwoecca, see geew(ecea. cwrella wv. intcrficere , inf. to ewoellanne J. 5, 18; to cuell' J. 8, 40. [See a-, geew rjella.] -cwoeme, see geewceme. ewoen sf. regina, ns. euen Mt. 12.42; coen L. 11. 31; as. cwoen Mt. I 19, 6; ciioen L. I 7, 8. [See port- cwd'n.] cwoenhiorde sm. nunichiis, np. cuoenhiordo Mt. 19, 12. cwo?(5a sv. di'cere, (inqiiit, ait), ind. pres. 1 sg. cuoebo Mt. (11 times). L. (15 times). J. (19 times); cue(!io Mt. (33 times). Alk. (13 times). L. 3, 8. 12, 51. J. (15 times); cuedo M. 17,20; cuoe?) Mk. 11,23. L. 12, 22. 19,26; cnet) Mt. 6.5; cuoedo J. 16. 26; elUG^■o J. 12, 49. 16. 20; eue(5i(opt.V).J.21.18; 2sg. cuei^estii M. 7, 4; cuoe(1estu J. 1,22; cuih'estu (= miffKjuid) Mt. 7, 9. 7, 10. 7. 16; cuoeSest L. 12, 41; euoe?5es Mk. 5. 31. 15,2. L. 18,19. 20,21. 22,60. 3 34 cwoeiSa 23. 3. J. 12, 34. 18, 34. 18. 37; ewoe- (5es Mk. 14, G8 ; cuoebas Mt. 24, 48. L. 8,45; cuoe&sBs J. 14, '.»; euo(5as Mk. 10. 18; eue^es Mt. 27. 11. J. 8. 33. 8, 52. 16, 29; euaties J. 8, 5; 3 sg. cuoetias Mk. 7. 11. 11, 3. 11, 23C^). 12.35. 13,21. L.12,10. 18.37 mg.; cuoe8esMt.25,40.Mk.l5.28.L.ll. 5. 13,27. 14.9; cuoeMiesL. 12, 45; cuoebebL. 13,25. 17,7. 17.8. 20, 5 ; cuoebat) L. 14, 10; cueSas Mt. 5, ' 22(2).- 15. 5. 21.25. 24.23. J. 19, 35; cuebes Mt. I 22, 6. 12, 32. 25, 34; cuetijcs Mt. 7.21; coe&esMt. 25, 41. L. 22, 11; eu?e&es J. (3, 42; 1 pi. euoe(5at) Mk. 11,31. 11.32; cuoe- bas L. 20.5. 20,0; cuebas Mt. 21. 25. 21,2(3; 2 pi. cuoebas Mt. 21,3. Mk. 7, 11. 8, 29. 14, 71. L. 7. 33. 11,18. 12.55. 22.70. .1.4,35. 8, 54. 10,36; cuoebab L. 4.23. 7. 34. 12, 54; euebas Mt. 15, 5. 16, 2. 23,16; cujybes J. 4. 20. 9,19; cuedes Mt. 21,21; eobas Mt. 17,20; euoabas L. 9, 20; cuoeb J. 9, 41; 3 pi. euosebas Mk. 12, 18; cuo;e- bab L. 6, 26; euoabas L. 23,29; cuoebas Mt. 5, 11. 11, 18. 15, 33. 22,23. 23.3. 25,37. Mk. 8, 27. 13, 6. L. 9, 18. 17, 21. 20, 41; cuoebab Mt.11,17. Mk. I 3, 9. 1. 30. 9, 11. 11. 28. 14, 12. L. 1,48. 17,23; cwoebas Mt. I 5. 11. 18,6; cusebas J. 7. 26; eue- bas Mt. I 21, 15. 16, 13. 16, 20. 17, 10. 21, 16. 21, 31. 21, 41. 24, 26; coebas Mt. 11,19. 23,3. 27, 13 ; euobab J. I 4, 20 ; pret. 1 sg-. euoeb J. 3. 7. 9. 27. 10, 34. 10, 36. 11,42. 14,28. 14,29. 15,15. 15, 20. 16,4. 16,15. 16,19; cuieb J. 6,36. 6,65. 13,33. 16,4. 18,8; eueb J. 3, 12. 8, 24; coeb J. 11, 40; 2 sg-. cuoede Mt. 26, 25; euede Mt. 26,(34. J. 4, 17. 4, 18; 3sg. cuoeb Mt. (70 times), Mk. (129 times), L. (323 times). J. (110 times); eueb Mt. (159 times), Mk. (16 times), L. (5 times), J. (64 times); cuoeab Mk. 7, 6; cuoieb Mk. 9. 35. 10, 5. L. 1(3, 5. J. 7, 36. 11. 11. 11, 51. 12, 22. 12. 44; eueoeb Mt. 12. 44; cuoeb' I.. Ill . 17; cwoeb Mt. I 5. 11. I 5. 13. 1 18. 15. 1 19. 8. 1 19, 17. 12, 48. Mk. 2, 10. 3, 33. 5, 34. (), 50; emeb Mk. 2, 27. 9,31. 14,16. 15,14. L. 14,25. J. (114 times); cwa;b Mt. I 17, 11; eweb Mt. 1 17, 18. 1 18, 8. I 20. 5. I 20.8. 121,18. 15,27. 21,31; L.24, 19 ; cwob L. 16, 3; coeb Mk. 12, 26. L. 9.59. 10,35. 10,40. 11,45. J. 18, 37; eueb Mk. 5, 19. 7, 29. 10, 14; coed Mk. 14, 22; cuaB L. I 9, 4; cw?p Mk. 4, 35 ; cuoe L. 1 11, 12. 15. 31; 3 pi. cuoedon Mt. (17 times), Mk. (29 times), L. (48 times). J. (74 times); cwoedon Mt. I 19, 3. 2, 2. 13, 51. Mk. 5, 31. L. 8, 24 ; cuoedon J. 19, 6; c"oedon Mt. 19. 10; cusedon J. 8, 57; cwedon Mt. T 10, 2. Mk. 2. 18; cuedon Mt. (30 times). Mk. 1,30. 1,37. 2,16. 4, 41. J. 2. 18. 2, 20. 4, 52. 6, 34. 6.42. 9,22; cuebou Mt. 15, 1; cuoederi Mk. 11,(). J. 8,4; cuoedun J. 18, 34; cuoede Mt. 12. 10; cuoebon Mt. 12. 38; opt. pres. 2 sg. cuoebe Mt. 19. 18; cuoeba L. 18,20; coeba Mk. 1(J, 19; coebe Mk. 1,44; 1 pi. coeba L. 9.54; 2 pi. cuoeba Mt. 23, 39 ; cuoebo L. 13, 35; 3 pi. cuoba Mt. 27, 64; pret. 1 sg. cuoedo J. 14, 2 ; 3 sg. cuoede Mk. I 3, 20 ; 2 pi. cuoede L. 17, 6 ; (?) cueden m. 21, 24; 3 pi. cuoeden L. I (3, 5 ; im]). sg. cuoeb Mt. 4, 3. 8. 8. L. 4, 3. 7, 7. 7, 40. 12, 13. 20, 2; eueb Mt. 18, 17. 20, 21. 22, 17. 24, 3 ; cujeb J. 10, 24. 20. 15. 20, 17; pi. cuoebas Mt. 10, 27. Mk. 11, 3. 14, 14. L. 17, 10. 19,31. 22.11; cuoebab Mt. 26, 18. L. 10, 5. KJ, 9. 10. 10. 11, 2. 13, 32; cuoaibab Mk. 16, 7; euebas Mt. 21, 5. 22, 4. L. 6, 28; cuobas Mt. 28, 7; euobab Mt. 28, 13 ; inf. cuoeba Mt. 3, 9. 4. 17. 13, 30. 21,3. Mk. 13, 20. 2,9. 10,32. 10. 47. 11, 31. 13, 5. 14, 19. 14, -cynia — cynn 35 65. L. 1 11. 5. :•}, 8. 5. 23. 7, 24. 12. 1. 13,2(3. 20,0. 23,30; cuoa3Sa Mk. 14, 09; euoaba L. 4. 21; cwoeba Mt. 26,22; cue&a m. 12, 32; cuatia Mt. 21,45; ouoeb'a L. 6,42; eoeSa L. 11,29; cwoeda ^Ik. II, 15 ; to cuoebaune L. 7. 40. 12.12; to ewoebenue j\It. I 8. 8 ; to eoeSanne Mk. 2, 9; to cosebanue L. 11,38; pres. p. cuoebeude Mt. (11 times). Mk. (32 times). L. (20 times), J. (6 times); cuoebeudo J^. 15, 9; cmebende J. I 7, 9; coebende L. 22, 19; cuoebeiid Mk. 14, 72; cuoebeu Mt. 13.35; cuoeb' Mk. 14, 60. J. 18, 22; nsm. cvvoeb'ende Mt. I 5. 1. I 8. 4; euobende Mt. 14, 27. 27. 46; euebende m. 9, 18. 9. 29. 15, 22. 21. 37. 25, 45; cwebende Mt. 27. 11; cuoben' Mt. 1 16, 14; nsf. euebende Mt. 15. 25. 17, 5. 21, 10; gsm. euoebeudes J. 1 4, 7; dsm. euoebeudeMt. 12,48; ewoebende Mil 18. 13; asm. euoe- bende Mt. 1. 22. 2. 15. 2. 17. 3,3. 27,9. Mk. 14,58; euebende Mt. 12.17; cuebendo Mt. 21. 4; npm. cuoebende Mt. 2. 2. 14, 33. 15. 23. 22,24. 26.17. Mk. 1.27. 2.12. L. 20, 5; cuoebendo Mt. 20, 12. 20, 31. 25, 44. Mk. 14. 57. L. 1. 66. 3, 10. 13. 25. 13. 31. 14. 30. 15. 2. 17. 13. 20, 2. 20. 21. 20, 28. 21, 7. 21, 8. 22, 64. 22, m. 23. 2. 23, 5. 23, 35. 23. 37. 24. 23. 24. 29. J. 6,52. 11.3. 11,31. 19,6. 19.12; cwoebeude Mt. 26. 8; cuoedendo J. I 4. 5; euebende Mt. 9, 27. 10, 7. 10, 12. 12. 38. 17. 10. 18, 1. 19, 3. 21, 23. 21, 25. 24, 3. 24, 5. 26. 68. 27, 23. 27. 29. 27, 63. 28, 13. Mk. I 3, 1; euebende Mt. 9, 14. 14. 26. 15, 1. 20. 30. 21, 20. J. 4. 31. 4,51; cwebendo Mk. 3, 11; euobende Mt. 27,40. 27, 41. 27,54. Mk.5,35. 12,18; npf. cuoebendo Mt. 25, 9; euebende Mt. 9, 33; cuebendo Mt. 25, 11; npn. cwebenda Mt. I 8, 6 ; cuoe- benda L. 4, 41; gpm. cuoebeudra L. 2. 13; dpm. cuoebendum L. I 10, 2. J. T 6. 13; cuoebendu L. 7. 32. 21,5; apm. cuoebende L. I 7. 5; cuebeubo Mt. 21, 15; pp. cuoeden L. 2. 17. 2, 20. J. 11, 28. 11, 54; cueden J. 20, 16; asm. cwoedne Mk. 14, 58; dpn. cuoednu Mk. 14, 26. [See a-, be-, eftbe-, for-, fore-, forege-, ge-, liarm-. mis-, sob-, tean-, wel-, wib-. wiber-, yflecw(eba.J -cyma, see wilcyma. cyme, see eft-, fore-, tocyme. -cynd, see gecynd. cynemonn sm. Jioino, rex, ds. eyne- menn Mt. 22. 2. cynig sm. rex, ns. — , Mt. 2, 2. 2, 3. 14. 9. 21, 5. 22, 7. 22, 11. 22, 13. 25,34. 25.40. 27,11. 27,29. 27, 37. 27,42. Mk. 6,14. 6,22. 15,2. 15.18. 15.26. 15,32. L.9,7. 9,9. 14. 31. 19, 38. 23, 37. 23, 38. J. 1, 49. 7, 41 (= Chrishis). 12, 13. 12.15. 18.33. 18,37(2). 19,3. 19, 14. 19,19. 19,21. 20,31; cynig Mk. 6, 26. L. 23, 3. J. 19, 21; cinig Mt. 1. 6; cyniug Mt. 16, 1; gs. cyninges Mt. 2. 1. 5, 35. L. 1, 5; cynlges ^It. 14 , 6 mg. ; cyniges Mt. 1, 6 mg.; cynig' (= census) Mt. 22,19; ds. cynige Mk. 6, 25. 15, 12. J. 6, 15; cyninge J. I 4, 15; cynige M. 14, 6 (= Ilerodi) ; cyni Mt. 18, 23; as. — , Mk. 15, 9. L. 14.31. J.9,22(=Orw/?//;0. 18, 39. 19,15; cynTg L. 23, 2. J. 19, 12. 19, 15; cyning Mt. 2. 9; cining Mt. 1,6; np. cyninges Mt. 17,25. L. 21, 12; cyningas L. 22, 25; gp. cyninga Mt. 11. 8. L. I 8, 15. 7,25; dp. c}niugum Mt. 10, 18; eyningu ]\lk. 13, 9. [See under- cynig.j cynn sn. geiieratio, geninieu, gens, genus, naf 10, progenies, tribus, us. — , Wi. I 20, 8. 3, 7. 12, 34. 17, 21. 24, 7. lAIk. 9, 29. 13, 8. L. 21, 10. J. 11,50. 18,35; gs. cynnes Mk. 7, 26. J. 18, 12; ds. — , Mt. 13, 47. Mk. I 1. 7. I 2, 1. 14, 25. 3* 36 eynnreccemse dgeg J. 11, 51. 11. 52; eymie :\rt. 12. 45. 21, 43. 20, 29. L. 21. 10. 22, 18; as. — Mt. I 14. 8. 11, 16. 23. 80. 24, 7. Mk. 13. 8. L. 7. 5. 23. 2. J. 11, 48; np. cynua Mt. 1 20, 15. (). 32. 12. 21. L. 3^ 7; cynno Mt. 24. 30; cynne Mt. 25, 32 ; — . Mt. 23, 33; gp. eynDaMt.4.15. 10.5. L. 2.32. 21. 24; cynno L. I 4, 9 ; — . Ut I 2, 14; dp. cynnum m. I 22, 2. 24,9; cvnnu Mt. 12, 18. 24,14. Uk. 11. 17. 13. 10. h. 24, 47; ap. cynno Mt. 28,19. L. 21, 24; cynna Mt. I 18, 1. [See eft-, iin-, iitacund-. wiidu-. wyrtcynn.J cynnreccenise sf. o^cnerafio , ns. cynnreecenisse Mt. heading" — .Mt. 1, 18 ; gs. cynnrecenisse Mt. 1 7, 11. cynreso sf. geiirrafio, ds. cynreswu Mt. I 14, 3; gp. eynnresiiu Mt. I 16, 1. [See also cneoreso.] cyrf, see ynibcyrf. eyrinisc aj. cxrcncais , cyrcncnsis, asm. cyriniscne Mt. 27. 32; cyre- nesce Mk. 15. 21; cyrinisce L. 23, 20. cyrtel smu. tunica, ns. cyrtil J. 19. 23; as. — , Mt. 5, 40. 24*. 18. L. 22. 30. .1. 19, 23; cyrtil L. 0, 29. J. 21. 7; dp. cvrtlum Mk. 0, 9; ap. cyrtlas Mt. 10, 10. L. 3, 11. 9, 3. cyssa wv. osailari , pres. p. nsm. cyssende Mt. 20, 48. 20, 49. Mk. 14,45. L. 15,20; cyssennde Mk. 14, 44. [See g-ecyssa.] cyst sra. virhic, dp. cy'stum ]\It. 10, 8 mg-. cy^ia wv. Tiotarr , frsfifjcarf. ind. pves. 3 sg. cy(5ab Mk. I 5, 5 ; 3 pi. ey(5a(5 Mt. 20, 02 ; ])ret. 3 sg. cydde L. I 7, 11. [See for-. gecy^a.J cybig aj. cogmtiis, notus , mani- fcstus, nsm. cyc^ig J. 10. 2; asm. eySic Mt. 20, 73; apn. cySigo .). 15. 15. [See uncA'^iig.] j cycling sm. coc^natiis, ns. cycling i ' J. 18, 20. cySnise sfn. testanicnhtm, testi- i}wnium, ns. cyftnise Mk. I 2, 8. J. 1, 19. 5, 32. 19, 35 ; cybnisse L. 22, 20. J. 5, 31. 8, 13; cySnis J. 8, 14. 21.24; gs. cy(5nisse Mt. I 0,3; ey Anises Mk. 14. 24; cy&nise L. 1. 72; ds. cv5nise Mt. T 2. 8. I L. I 10, 10. J. I 4, 12. I 5. 11. I 7. 3; cv^uese Mk. I 4. 10; as. cvr^nise Mt. 24. 14. Mk. 13. 9. L. 5! 14. 9. -5. 21,13. J. 1,7. 1,8. 2,25. 3,32. 3,33. 4.39. 5,32. 5.33. 5.34. 5,30(2). 5,39. 7.7. 8.14. 8,18. 12.17. 15.26. 15.27. 18. 23. 18, 37. 19, 35. 21, 24; cyb- nisse Mt. 8. 4. 10, 14. 10, 18. Mk. 1. 44. 0. 11. 14, 55. L. 4. 22. 22. 71. J. I 1. 4. I 4, 12. 1, 15. 1,32. 3,11. 3,20. 3,28.4,44. 5,31. 5,37. 8,13. 10,25; cy&- ness Mt. 1 14, 9; cy&neso L. 18, 20; cy&nesse J. 1. 34; cy5"nese J. 1, 7; ap. cy&nessa Mt. 27. 13. jSee gec5'5nise.] cv6"5"o sf. cognatio, ds. cyblTo Mk. ' 0.4. L. .1 01. D. -dsefenlic, see gedsefenlic. daifna. see gedaefna. dseg sm. dies, sahhahun (cf. also cntidie = eghwelc da^ge, d^ege geliwuimlice), ns. — . Mt. 0.34. 10,21. Mk. 0,21. 11.12. L. 0,13. 9, 12. 22, 1; daige L. I 4, 3. 21, 34. 22, 7. 22, 00. 23, 54. 24, 29. J. 9, 4; daege J. 19, 31; Runic symbol L. 22, 34; gs. dteges Mt. 20,12. L. 2, 42. 2.44; daeges J. 11,9; ds. da3ge Mt. 119, 5. 122, 9. I 22, 21. 11, 22. 13, 1. 20, 0. 22, 23. 22, 40. 20. 5. Mk. I 3, 11. 4, 35. 5, 5. 13. 32. 14, 2. 14, 25. 14, 49. 14, 62. L. I 3, 17. 1, 59. 2, 37. 2, 41. 4. 16. 4, 42. 0, 23. 9, 23. 10,12. 10.35. 11,3. 12,46. 13, 10. 13, 31. 13, 32. 17, 4. 17, 24. 18, 7. 18, 33. 23, 12. 24, 13. (UcgliWiein — (lt';;ul 37 24. 46. J. 2. 23. 5.9. (i. 44. (>, 54. 11. 24. 11.53. 14, 20. 16, 26. 19, 42 uig-.; — , Mt. 6.34. 7. 22. 10. 15. 11, 24. 12, 36. 13, '^{){= niessem). 14.6. 17,23. 20, \. 1(). H. [See be-, ge-, of-. <5erh-. underclelfa.J dene sf. vallis, chaos, ns. dene L. '3, 5. 16, 26. deoplice av. niysticc, deoplice 3Ik. 15.11. deupuise. see diopuise. deor sn. hestia , ns. dear Mk. 10. 25 mg-. L. 18. 25; ds. deare Mt. I 21. 16 ; dp. deor' Mk. 1. 13. [See wildeor.] deor aj., see di'or. deorwvr()e, see diorwyrSe. depa wv. rutiiigcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. ^■epe?5 Mt. 26, 23. [See indepa.] derling sm. diledus, ns. derling ]\It. 12, 18. derneleger sm. adulter uiiii , as. derneleger Mk. 10,11; np. derue- legero Mk. 7. 21. [lerneleger aj. adulter, nsf. Serne- leger Mk. 8. 38; npm. deruel'e L. 18. 11. dernelegere av. luxttriosc, derne- leger' L. 15, 13. dernelegerscipe sm. adulternun, ds. — . J. 8. 4; Sernelegerseip J. 8. 3. dernelicga wv. adulterare, opt. pres. '2 s. dernelic' Mk. 10, 19. dernunga av.. (ne lig dernunga = lion adtilterabis), Mt. 19, 18. dernuuge av. in occulto, J. 18. 20. de?5iga, see gedeSiga. dia wv. lactare, pres. p. gpm. diendra _ Mt. 21. 16. [See gedia]. diacon sm. levita, ns. — . L. 10, 32; ap. diaeones J. 1, 19. die sm. vallnm, ds. dieg L. 19, 43. Didimus p. n.. ns. didim' J. 11. 16. dihtiga wv. instii^are, ind.pret. 3 sg. dihtade L. I 2, 6. diobul sm. diaholns, dccinoniuni, dce- fnon, mains, niaiiiiiiona, ns. diowl Mt. 4, 11. 6. 24 mg. 12. 22. 13, 39. 17, 18. Mk. 3. 23. 7, 29. 7. 30. L. 8. 12; diul J. 6. 70; diobul ^\i. 4. 5. 4. 8; diubol Mt. 1 18. 11; biowl Mt. 13, 19; diwob' L. 4. 13; diab' L. 4,5; diob' L. 4,3; diul' J. 13, 2; gs. diablcs ^[k. T 1. lii; diufles L. 1 4. 11; ds. dioblc Mt. 1 I'.i. 3. I 19,18. 6.24. Mk.l3. 17. I 4.7; diowle Mk. 5. 15. 5. 18; diable Mt.4. 1; diwble Mt. 15, 22; diwle Mt.25.41.L. 13.32. 16.13; diule L. I 6. 8; diowlae L. 8. 29; diul Mt. I 16.8; diab' L. 4. 2; diabul' J. 8, 44; as. diowl Mt. 11, 18. Mk. 3, 23. 5. 16. 7. 26. L. 7, 33. 8. 27. 11.14; diowel L. 14. 16; dioul L. 4, 33. 4, 35; diwl Mt. 9.33; diul Mt. 9,33. J. 7. 20. 8. 52 ; diubul J. I 5,3; diobul J.I 5. 16; divl' J. 8. 48. 8. 49. 8. 52. 10. 20. 10, 21; diwl' J. 10,21; np. diowlas L. 4.41. 8.30. 8. 35. 10, 17; diowblas L. 8,33. 8,38; gp. diowla Mt. 10, 25. Mk. 3, 15. 3. 22. 5. 9 mg. L. I 5.19. I 6,16. 8, 36. 11,15; diobla Mt. I 19, 3. 12, 24. L. I 7. 5; diowbla Mt. 9.34; diola L. I 4, 17; ap. diowlas Mt. 9, 34. Mk. 3, 22. 6, 13. 16, 17. L. 8. 2. 9. 1. 11, 15. 11, 19; diowles Mt. 12, 28. Mk. I 3, 6. 16. 9; diobles Mt. 1 18, 6. 4.24. 12.24. Mk. 1,39; dio- bles Mt. 7,22; dioules Mt. 12. 27; diwlas Mt. 9,32; diules Mt. 10. 8; diowbla j\Ik. 1. 32; dioblas Mk. 1.34. L. 9, 49; diulas L. 17, 4; diowblas L. 11, 18. 11, 20; diow- bles (sing.?) L. 11. 14. diobulgftsung sf. manivwna, ds. diwlgittsung L. 16, 11. diopnise sf. niystermni, ap. diopnise Mt. 13, 11. diore aj. diledus, nsm. diora Mt. 17. 5. diomyrSe aj. prefiosus, nsm. dior- wyr(5e L. 7, 2 ; nsf. diorwyr5e ]\It. 13, 46; gsm. diorwyr^es Mk. 14, 3; gsf. diorwyrbe Mt. 2(), 7; gsn. wk. diorwyrbe {= nardi) J. 12. 3; dsn. diorwyrSe L. 7. 25. disc sm. nicnsa, catiniis, discus, calix, parapsis, gs. disces ^ft. 23. 25. 23. 26. L. 11.39; ds. — . Mt. 1 19.14. 14,8. 14, 11. 26,23. Mk. I 3. 12. 6. 25. 6. 27. 6, 28. 14, 20. L. 16.21. 19,23. 22.21; as.—, 40 (liscipul — dneg L. 22, 80; gp. disca Mk. 7, 4; ap. discas Mt. 21, 12. J. 2, 15. discipul sm. discipiihis, ns. — , Mt. 27,57. Mk. 11,6. L. I 2, 1. 6,40; disci' Mt. I 6, 11; np. diseipulas Mt. 26, 8; dp. disciplil Mt. 26.40. doa aw. facerc, agere , inferre, gerere, patrarc, fieri, prcrstarc, operari, ind. pres. 1 sg. doam Mk. 11, 33. L. 12. 18. 16, 4. J. I 7, 6; doa Mk. 11.29. L. 16,3. J. 14,14; doa J. 14. 13. 14,31. 17, 26; doom J. 13, 7; dom Mt. 20,13. 27,22. L. 20.8; doe J. 11, 41; doa Mt. 21. 24. L. 12, 17; doe Mk. 11, 29 (opt.?). J. 17. 26; doe L. 18. 11; do L. 20, 13; 2 sg-. doas Mt. 6,2. J. 3, 2; doa^s Mk. 11, 28. J. 6, 30; does Mk. 11, 28. L. 11. 45. J. 7.3; doest L. 14. 13. 20,2; do Mt. 21,23; 3 sg. doeS Mt. 1, 21. 5,19. 5, 45, 7.19. 7, 21. 7, 26. 26, 73. Mk. I 3. 3. 3, 35. 12. 9. L. 3,9. 6,43. 6,47. 7,8. 13,9. 17.3. 18,7. 18.8; doffiS Mt. 7. 17. Mk. 4.32. L. 12. 37; doa?5 L.3.11. 9, 24. 12,45; does Mt. 7,24. 8,9. 12, 50. 21. 40. L. 20, 15; doas Mt. 6. 3. 7, 17. 13, 23; &oes Mt. 24. 48; 1 pi. doab L. 3, 10. 3. 14; 2 pi. doaS Mk. 2, 24. 11, 3. 11. 5. L. 3, 13. 6,31.6.46; doe?5 Mk. 7, 9. L. 6, 2. 13, 5; doas Mt. 5, 47. Mk. 7, 13. J. 13. 15; does Mt. 23, 15; 3 pi. doaS Mt. 23, 5. Mk. I 2. 18. L.I8,2. 5.33. 6,33. 8,21. 12,4. 23, 31. J. I 7, 1. 16, 3; doeS L. 6. 33. 16, 30; doas Mt. 5. 46. 5. 47. 6, 7. 12, 2. 23, 3. L. 23. 34. J. 15, 21; pret. 1 sg. dyde J. 4, 29. 7, 21. 13,12. 13,15. 17,26; 2 sg. dyd- est Mt. 20, 12. L. 2, 48; 3 sg-. dvde Mt. 121, 5. 9.22. 12,3. 13,^28. 13. 58. 15, 36. 20, 5. 21. 31. 22, 2. 26, 12. 26, 13. 26, 27. 27, 23. 27, 42. Mk. 2, 25. 3. 14. 5, 19. 5, 20. 5,32. 5,34. 6,21. 7,37(2). 8,6. 10,52. 14,8. 14,9. 14,23. 15,14 (yfles dyde = vialefccit). 15, 31. L.I 3, 2. 1,25. 1,49. 1,51. 1,68. 2. 15. 3, 19. 5. 29. (). 3. 6, 49. 7,50. 8,1. 8,8. 8,39(2). 8.48. 9,43. 10,34. 10,37. 10,40. 11, 40(2). 12.47. 12.48. 13,22. 14, 16. 16, 8. 17, 9. 17, 16. 17, 19. 18, 42. 19, 18. 22, 17. 22, 19. 23, 22. 23, 35. 23, 41. J. 4, 54. 5, 11. 5, 15. 6, 11. 8. 40. 9, 14. 9, 26. 11,46. 15,24; byde Mt.25,5; Ipl. dydon Mt. 7. 22. L. 17, 10; 2 pi. dydon Mt. 15,6. 25, 40. Mk. 11, 17; dedon Mt. 25,45mg.; dvde Mt.25. 40. 25, 45(2); 3 pi. dfdon Mt. I 18.18. 11,20. 20,12. 21.6. 21,7. 21, 36. Mk. 6, 30. 9, 13. L. I 6, 3. 5,6. 6,23. 6.26. 9.10. 9,15. 11. 32. J. 5. 29; dedon Mt. 26.4. 26. 19. 28,15. Mk. 3, 6. L. 9, 15; de- don J. 6, 23; opt. pres. 1 sg. doa L. 18.41; doe Mk. 15. 12. J. 4, 34. 6. 38; doa Mt. 21, 27; 2 sg. doe Mt. 19,18(2). Mk. 10,35. L. 7, 4. 18,20; 1 pi. doe J. 11,47; 2 pi. doe ^It. 21, 21; pret. 1 sg. dyde J. 15.24: 3 pi. dydon Mt. 11. 21. 12,16. L.2.27. 19,48; dedon Mt. 12. 16. :\lk. 6, 12. L. 6, 11; imp. sg. do Mt. 8. 9. L, 4, 23. 7, 8. 15, 19. J. 12,27. 12.28. 20,27(2); do L. 10, 28. J. 13, 27; doo L. 10, 37. 23, 37. 23.39; doa Mt. 14.30. Mk. 15,30; pi. doab L. 9, 14. 16,9. 22.19. J. 2. 5; doeb Mt. 3, 3. 3, 8. 7, 12. Mk. 1. 3; do«S Mt. 12, 33 (2) ; doas Mt. I 7, 13. 3. 2. 4, 17. 5,44. 23,3; does J. 6, 10; inf. doa Mt.I 1, 11. 20, 15. 27, 42. Mk. 10, 17. 15. 31. L. 6. 9. J. I 4. 15 ; doe Mk. 14, 7; to doanne Mt. 1 17, 6. 12, 2. 23. 23; to doane L. 17,10; to doenueMt.121,15. L.l, 72; pres. p. doend Mk. 1 1. 6. L. 4, 1. 14. 32. 15. 10. 16, 8. 17, 16. 22. 23; doende J. I 4, 9; asm. doende Mt. 24, 46. L. I 6, 11. 12, 43 ; npm. doende L. 15. 17; dpm. doendum Mt. I 19. 1; apm. doende Mk. I 4, 9. [See a-, for-, fore-, ge-, mis-, of-, berh-, un-, wel-, yfeldoa]. dcug smn. dies, ns. doeg- J. 5, 1. 7,2; dcjegliwiPiulic — drihtcn (Is. (loeji'c Mt. 2(3, 17. 27,62. Mk. I 5, li\ 2, 20. L. 1, 20. 9, 37. 24, 7. 24,21. J. 4,45(2). 7,8 C-^). 7,10. 7,11; doeg Mk. I 5, 17. 10, 34. L. 14,5. J. 1.29. 1,35. 1,39. 2,1. 6, 22.0.39. 7,14; as. doeffe Mt. 26. 29. 27, 64. Mk. I 5, 8; doeg L. 17,22. J. I 1, 14. [See gioster-, simne-. symbel-. wodnesdd'g; ef. also dd'g'hwiemlie aj. cotiduDius , dsni. (av.?) doeghwiumliee Mk. I 5. 16. d(jema wv. jitdicarc , arbitrari, cxistiniarc, dispiitarc, iud. pres. 1 sg'. doemo J. 5. 30. 8, 15. 21, 25; doeomo L. 19, 22; doema L. 13, 18. J. 12, 47; 3 sg. doemet) Mt. I 7, 16. J. 16, 2; doemati J. 5, 22. 7. 51. 8.50; 8oema(5 {= homiufs) J. 7, 51; doemes J. 12,48; 2 pi. doemes M. 7, 2; pret. 2 sg. doem- dest L. 7, 43 ; opt. pres. 1 sg. doe- me J. 12, 47; imp. pi. doemas J. 18,31; inf. doeme Mt. 7. 1; doema J. I 3, 15. 8, 26; to doemenne Mt. 1 1, 4. J. I 6, 18; pres. p. doemeud L. 7,7; npm. doemeude Mt. 19,28; doemeudo L. 22. 30; pp. domad Mt. 10. 34. [See ge-, of-, t6d(Bma.] dderaa •&m. judex, arhiter, ns. doema Mt. I 1. 2. 5, 25. L. 18, 2. 18, 6; ds. doema L. 12, 58; doeme L. I 9, 13; as. doema L. 12, 14; np. doemo' L. 11. 19. dcemend, see fordd^meud. dcemere sm. judex, ns. doemere L. 12, 58 ; np. doemeras Mt. 1 2. 27. dcen, see fr^mdoen. dogor sn. day (in compounds sueli as biduum etc.), dp. dogrii ^It. I 22, 4. 26. 2. Mk. 14. 1; ap. dogor Mt. 15, 32. Mk. 8, 2. 14. 58. [See feobor-. feower-. ?^riodugor.] dobter sf. /ilia, puclla, ns. — . Mt. 9, IS. 9, "22. 14, 6. 14. 6 mg. 1 5, 22. 15.28. Mk. 5. 23. 5, 34.^5, 35. 5, 41. 6. 22. 7. 25. L. 2. 36. 8. 42. 8.48. 12,53. J. 12,15; doht' L. 8.49. 13, 16;ds. — , Mk. 7,26. 7, 29. L. I 5, 20; doeliter Mt. 21, 5. Mk. 13, 12. L. 12,53; as. — , Mt. I 18,9. I 19,18. 10,35. 10,37. Mk. 1 3,7; docter ]\[k. I 3, 17; np. dohtero L. 23,28; dp. doht'rii L. ■ dom ^m{x\)./udiciui//, t/uas/io, ns. — , J. 3. 19. '3, 25; dom .). 5, 30. 8, 16. 12. 31; gs. domes Mt. 1 19, 5. 10, 15. 11. 22. 11, 24. 12, 36. 13. 30. J. 5, 29 ; domfBs ]\It. 1 17. 1 1; dom' Mk. 14,62; ds. dome Mt. 5, 21(2). i 5,22. 5.25. 5,40. 7,2. 23.33. I L. 11, 32. 12, 58 {-= Judiccm). J. ' 17. 13; dom Mt. I 22. 3. 12,41. J. 5. 24; — . :\It. 12,42. L. 10, 14. 11.31; dome J. 16.8. 16,11; as. — , Mt. 12. 18. .Alk. 12, 40; dom Mt.12.20. 23.23. L. 11.42. J. I 5, 11. 5.22. 5.27. 7.24. 9, 39. [See aldor-. freo-. lialig-, Sea-, unwis-, wis-, witgadom.] domeru 'm.. prcEtorium, gs. domeru iMk. 15, 16. dor %vim.janua, ostium, gs. dores Mk. 12, 41; as. dor Mk. 11. 4. L. 13. 25 (2). [See also durii.] dorword ^m. janifor, ds. doruorde Mk. 13, 34. [See also durweard.] draga sv. trahcre , ind. pret. 3 sg. drog J. 21. 11; 3 pi. drogun J. 21, 8. [See eft-, gedraga.] -dreda, see ondreda. drenea, see ge-. ofge-. uuder- drenea. 4.- drifa sv. ejiccre, expellerc, ind. pres. 1 sg. drifo Mt. 12, 28; 3 sg. drifes Mt. 12. 24. 12. 26 ; drifeti Mk. 3. 22 ; pret. 1 sg. draf Mk. 1, 12. 1. 43. [See a-, for-, ge-. ofa-. to-, under-. iitdrifa.] drifnise, see fordrifnise. drihten sm. do/uinus, ns. — . Mt. 1 5.11(2). 1 8,7. 7.21(2). 11,25. 12,8. 13,27. 14.28. 15,22. 15. 25. 15.27. 16,22. 17,4. 17.15. 20,31. 22.44. 25.22. 25.37. 26, I 22. 27,10. 27,63. Mk. 5. 19. 7. ' 28. 12.29. 13,20. 16.19. L.1,28. 1.32. 2.11. 2.15. 6.5. 22.31. 23, 42. J. 6, 68. 21, 15; driht' Mt. 7, 42 flrihtenlic — dryge 22 C^). 8,6. 9,28. 14,30. 18,21. 20,30. 25,11(2). 2.5.19. 25,20. 25, 44. 28, 0. Mk. 12,36. L. I. 25. 1, 68. 10, 17. 12. 42. 13, 8. J. I 1, 9. 4, 11. 4, 15. 4. 19. 4, 49. 5, 7. 6, 34. 8. 11. 9, 36. 9, 38. 11. 3. 11, 12. 11, 21. 11, 32. II, 34. 11, 39. 12, 21. 12, 38. 13, 6. 13, 9. 13. 13. 13, 14. 13, 25. 13, 36. 14,5.14,8. 14,22. 20.15. 20.28. 21,16. 21,17. 21.20. 21,21; drih' L. I 3, 6. 19.17. 1.58. 2. 29. 5.8. 5,12. 6,49. 7,6.7,13. 9,54. '.). 59. 9,61. 10,1. 10,21. 10,40. 10,41.11,1.11,39.12,37.12,41. 12. 42. 12, 46. 13, 15. 13, 23. 13, 25. 14, 22. 14, 23. 16, 3. 17, 6. 17,37.18,41.19,8. 19, 20. 19. 25. 19, 34. 20, 37. 20, 42. 20, 44. 22. 33. 22, 38. 22. 49. 22, 61. 24. 34. J. 11, 27; drihter Mt. 8,8; g-s. dribtnes Mt. I 5, 15. I 6. 3. I 6, 14. I 7, 13. I 14, 7. I 17, 17. I 20, 16. I 22, 13. 1, 20. I, 24. 2, 13. 2, 19. 3, 3. 21, 9. 23, 39. 28, 2. Mk. I 1, 14. I 5, 17. 1,3. 11,9. 12,14. L.I3, 5. 14, 18. I 11, 3 (= dommiccE). 1. 9. 1, II. 1, 38. 1, 43. 1, 76. 2, 9. 2, 23. 2, 26. 4, 18. 22, 61. 24, 3. J. 12, 13; drihtes Mk. I 1. 10; drihf L. 1, 6. 1, m. 2, 39. 4, 19. J. I 4. 6. I 6. 11. 1,23. 5,4. 12,38; drill' L. I 4, 7. I 4, 19. I 5, 13. I 7, 18. 3, 2. 3, 4. 10, 39. 12, 47. 13, 35. 19, 38; driht'es L. 5, 17; ds. drihtne Mt. I 20, 3. I 21, 13. 1, 22. 2, 15. 5,33. 22,44. Mk. I 4, 2. 11,3. 12, 11. 12, 36. 14, 14. 16, 20. L. I 2, 3. 1, 16. 1, 17. 1, 45. 14, 21. 20, 42. J. 6. 23. 13. 16; drihtneu Mt. 21,42; drihten Mt. I 8, 12; drihtno L.I 10,10. 1,15; drih'- ne L. I 5, 15; drilit' L. 17. 5. J. 13, 8. 20,20; drih'e L. 2, 38; drill' L. I 4, 8. 2. 23. 7, 19; as. — , Mt. 16,8. 4. 7. 4. 10. 22, 37. Mk. T4, 5; driht' Mk. 12,30. 12, 37. L. 1, 46. J. 1 7. 2. I 8. 4. 11,2. 20,18. 20,20. 20,25; drib' L.4,8. 4,12. 10,2. 10,27. dribtenlic ?i].do}niniais, nsf.dribteu- liea :\[t. I 18, 2. Mk. I 5, 17; gsf. dribtenlieo L. Ill, 3. drinca wm. potus, ns. — . J. 6, 55; as. — , Mk. 9, 41. 15.36; dringe Mt. 10, 42; bringe Mt. 25, 37. drinea sv. bibcre, ind. pres. 1 sg. drinco Mt. 26, 29(2). Mk. 10, 38. 10, 39. 14. 25. L. 17, 8. 22, 18. J. 18. 11; 2 sg. dringes L. 17, 8 ; 3 sg. dringes Mt. 11, 19; drinca?) Mk. 2. 16. L. 7. 33. 7. 34(2). j. 2, 10 mg. 6, 54. 6, 56 ; dringaS J. I 5, 7; drinceS L. 1. 15; 2 pi. drinces Mt.20,23; drincas L. 5,30; 3 pi. drineab L. 5, 33 ; pret. 3 sg. drane Mt. 11, 18. 24, 49; 1 pi. drunccon L. 13, 26; 3 pi. druncim Mt. 24, 38; druncon L. 17. 27; druncon L 17,28; opt. pres. 1 sg. drinca Mt 26. 42; 3 sg. drinca J. 7, 37; 2 pi drinca Mk. 10, 39; drincga L 22,30; imp. sg. dring L. 12, 19 pi. drincas Mt. 26, 27. L. 10, 7 inf. drinca Mt. 20, 22(2). 25, 42 27, 34. 27, 48. Mk. 10, 38. 15, 23 L.12,45. J.4.7. 4,9. 4,10; dringe Mt. 25, 37; to drincanne Mt. 27, 34; pres. p. drincende Mt. 11, 18. 20,22; dringende Mt. 11,19; pp. ds. druuncen L. 21, 34 (= ebri- ctate) ; druncene (= cbrictatc) L. 1 10, 18; dpm. Sruncnu Mt. 24,49. [See ge-, indrinca.] drincere ^m.pofator, ns. — , Mill, 19. drcjefa, see gednjefa. drcefnise, see todroefnise. dropa wra. giitta, np. droppo L. 22, 44. druncenig aj. drunken, nsm. — , (^te se druncenig mebrian) L. 12, 45. druneniga wv. nicrgerc , viergi, inebriari, inf. druncnia Mt. 14,30; drnncgnia L. 12,45; pres. p. asm. ?5runenende Mt. I 19, 16. [See gedrnncuiga.] dry sm. magus, dp. dryfi Mt. 2, 16. dryga. see for-, ge-, ofdryga. dryge aj. aridus, nsf. drug(druig?) drysna — ealond 43 Mi I 21,4; gsf. diyge Mk. 1 2, 17; dsu. diygi L. 23, 31; asf. diyg-i Mk. 3. 1. 3. 3; druige Mk. 1 1. 20; asf. drui Mt. I 19, 1; dryi Mt. 12, 10; drygi Mt. 23, 15; drugi L. I 5. 4; dryge L. 6. 8; apf. dryi a Mt. 12, 43. drysna wv. cxtinguere, ind. pres. 3sg. drysnes Mt. 12, 20. [See a-, gedvysua.] -drysnendlie, see unridrysnendlic. duga auv. prodcssc, ind. pres. 3 sg. deg Mt. 16, 26. dumb aj. muhis, nsm. — , Mt. 12, 22. L. 1,22. 11,14; dum Mk. 4,39; diimba (wis;.) Mt. 9, 33; dumbe (wk.) Mk. 9, 25 ; nsn. — , L. 11, 14; dsm. dumbe Mk. I 3, 17. L. I 3, 17 (wk.); asm. — , Mt.I19,2. Mk. 7,32. 9, 17; dumba (wk.) L. I 7, 4; diimbne Mt. 9. 32; apm. dumbo Mt. 15,30. Mk. 7.37. diin sf. moiis, ds. dune Mk. 13, 3. [See a-, ofdiine]. dunasenda wv. suhmittere, ind. pret. 3 pi. dunasendon L. 5, 19. di'ineastiga sv. desccnderc, ind. pret. 3 sg. duneastag L. 4, 31. [See aduneastiga.] durehaldend sf. (pres. p.) ostiaria, ns. durehaldend J. 18, 17. durra anv. aiidere, ind. pres. 1 sg. darr M. 1 1. 9; pret. 3 pi. darston - L. 20, 40. [See gedurra.] duru sfn. ostiimi,janua, porta, fores , ns. — , J.I6,3. 10,7. 10,9; dura Mt. 25,10. L. 11,7; ds. — , Mt. 26. 71 (^). 27,60. Mk. 1.33. 2,2. 15. 46. J. 18, 1 6; dure Mt. 6, 6. J. 18, 1 6 ; duro 3lk. 16, 3; dura L. 16, 20; as. — , J. 16. 2. 10, 1. 10, 2; dure Mt. 7, 13; duro L. 13, 25; np. duro Mt. 1 6, 1 8. J. 1 8. 5. 20. 19; dp. durum Mt. 24. 33. L. 7, 12; duru Mk. 13, 29. J. 20, 26. [See also dor.] durweard smf. ostiarms, janitor, ns. duruard J. 10, 3; dureueard J. 18, 17; ds. duruuarda) J. 18, 16. [See also dorword.] dusidi av.? — , J. 21, 14 mg. ' -dustriga. see adustriga. dwina, see fordwina. dwoilla wv. errarc, pres. p. dwoel- ende (= erronccB) Mt. I 20, 12. [See gedw(£'lla.] dwola wm. error, ns. — , M. I 3, 6; duola Mt. 27, 64; dwala (= dubi- tmi) Mt. I 2, 8; ds. dwala Mt. I 3, 12; duala Mt. 24, 24. [See ge- dwola.] dwoliga wv. errarc, ind. pres. 2 pi. duolages Mk. 12, 27; duolas Mk. 12, 24; pret. 3 pi. duoladon Mt. 18, 13. [See gedwoliga.] dynt sm. alapa, colaphiis, as. — , J. 18, 22; dp. dyntu Mk. 14, 65; ap. dyntas J. 19,' 3. dyrstig aj. audax, u])m. (V) dyrstige Mt. I 7, 1. [See gedyrstig.] dysig aj. st^dtus , dsm. dvsge M. 7, 26. E. ea %i. fluineii, np. ea Mt. 7, 25. Eadfrib" p. n.. ns. eadfri(5 J. P 188 '. jP 188 12 ; gs. eadfrid Mk. 1 1 , 2. eadig aj. beatits, heatissuiuts, nsm. eadigM.11,6. 16,17. 24.46. L.I 7, 7. 7,23. 11,27. 12,43.14,14. 14, 15 ; nsf. eadigo L. 1, 45 ; nsn. eadig L. 1 7, 7; asf. eadigo L. 1. 48 ; nsm. wk. eadga Mt. I 4, 2 ; npm. eadge Mt. 5,3. 5, 3mg. 5,4. 5,5. 5,6. 5, 6 mg. 5. 7. T 5,']7 mg. 5, 8. 5, 9. 5i 9 mg". 5. 10. 5. 1'l; eadgo L. 6, 20. 6, 21('-i). 6, 22. 11, 28. 12, 37. 12, 38. J. 18, 8. 13, 17. 20,29: ni)f eadgo L. 23. 29; npn. eadgo Mt. ] 3, 16. L. 1 0. 23 ; apm. eadgo (wk.) L. I 5, 7. eadignise sf. beat it it do, ap. eadig- uisse .Mt.^I 16, 12. ealond sn. insula, ds. ealoud J. 1 44 eard — oac5e ruseg 1, 11; eolonde J. P 1881 eard '?>\s\. patria, terra, gs. eardes ^Ik. 13, 27; ds. — .Mt.l3. 57; earde J. 4, 44; as. — . M. 13. 54. eardiga wv. Jiahitarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. eardegas ^[t. 13. 32. eare su. auris, ds. eare Mt. lU. 27; as. eare L. 12, 3; up. earo Mt. 13. 16. Mk. 7, 35; dp. eariim Mt. 13, 15 ; ear' L. 1. 44(2); earu L. 4. 21. 7. 1; ap. earo Mt. 11. 15. 13. 9. Mk. 4. 9. 4,23. 7.16. 8,18. L. 8, 8. 14,35; eoro L. I 8, 15; hearo Mt. 13, 43. earlipriee ^i.miriaila, ns. earliprece L. Ill, (i; as. earoliprice Mt. 26. 51 ; earelipprica Ws.. 14. 47; earliprieo L. 22. 51; earli])prieeo L. 22, 50; earlippriea J. 18, 10; eorlipprie J. 18, 26; ap. earliprieo ]Mk. 7, 33. earn sm. aqiiila, ns. — . J. 1. 1 (head- ing); gs. earues Mt.I7.9. 17.15. 1 8, 5; np. earnas Mt. 24. 28. L. 17. 37. earniga wv. f/icrere, ind. pret. 3 sg. earnade Mk. I 2, 1. [See geear- niga.] carnnng sf. meritum, ds. hearnunge J. I 7, 10; ap. earnunga J. P 188 12. east sm. oricns, ds. easta Mt. 8, 11. 13, 29. eastdiel sm, oricns, ds. eastdael Mt. L. 2, 1. 2, 9. 8, 11. 24, 27; eastdael Mt. 2, 2. eastro sn. pas c ha, ns. eastro Mk. 14,1. J. 13,12. 14,14. 2,13. 11, 55; eostro L. 22, 1. 22. 7; gs. eastres Mk. 15.11. L.2,41. J.I6, 11. 13. 1; eostres Mk. I 5. 18. L.I 11, 16; eostre J. 12. 1; ds. eastro J. 6. 4. 18,39; eostro L. I 11, 1. J. 2, 23. 19. 14; eastrffi J. 11, 55; as. eastro Mt. I 22,3. 26, 17. 26,18. 26.19. Mk. 14, 12. 14, 14. 14, 16; eostro Mk. 14,12. L.I 11.2. 22,8. 22, 11. 22,13. 22, 15. J. 18,28; np. eastro Mt. 26, 2. castrosymbel sn. passovcr feast, ds. eastrosym))' J. 19, 42mg. eatta sv. cdcre, coiiiedere, Diandu- carc, prandcrc, ind. pres. 1 sg. cto L. 17. 8; 3sg. ettes Mt. 11.19. Mk. 2, 16; ete& Mk. 11. 14. 7, 33. 7.34. i.\i),Vd{=mactat)\ eta() L. 15, 2; etta(5 L. 14. 15; ettfes Mk. 14,18; 2 pi. ettas L. 5.30; 3 pi. eattas Mt. 15, 2. Mk. 7,28; eatas Mk. 7. 5; ettes Mk. 6, 36; eotaS L. 5. 33 ; pret. 3 sg. et Mt. 24,49. Mk. 2.16; ett Mt. 11,18; jx3t Mk. 2.16; Ipl. eton L. 13, 26; 3 pi. eton Mt. 15, 38. 24, 38. Mk. 4,4. 6,42. 6.44. L. 6, L 9,17; eton Mt. 13,4. Mk. 8, 8. 8,9. L. 17,28; ettonMk.7,3; ettoMk.7,4; opt. pres. 1 ])1. ete L. 15. 23 ; ette L. 22,8; 2 pi. etaL. 22, 30; 3 pi. ette Mt. 15,32; pret. 3 pi. eton Mk. 8, 1; imp. sg. ett J. 4,31; pi. eatas J. 21. 12; eattas L. 10, 7. 10, 8; eottati Mt. 26.26; inf. eatta Mt. 6. 31. 14.16. 15,20. 25.35. 25, 42. Mk. 5. 43. 6, 37. 14, 14. L. 8, 55. 9. 13. J. 4, 33. 6. 31; eata ]\lk. 7, 2 ; to eattanue L. 6, 4. 22, 15. J. 6,52; to eattanna Mk. 2, 26; to ettanne Mk. 6,37; til eot- tanne Mt. 26. 17; pres. p. nsm. etendende Mt. 11, 18; ettende Mt. 11, 19; gpm. etendra Mt. 14.21; dpm. etendum Mk. 14,18; etten- dum Mt. 26. 21; ettendu Mk. 14. 22 : apm. ettende Mk. 1 3, 15. [See geeatta.J eaBa txY. forte, ea(5a Mt. I 19,5. Mk. 11. 13; ea(?) Mt. 11, 24. [See eabe mseg.] eaSe aj. facilis, tolerabilis, comp. nsn. ■ eaSur Mt. 19, 24. Mk. 2, 9; ea(5or Mk. 10, 25. L. 5, 23. 10. 12. 10.14. 16.17. 18.25; eo?5or Mt. 10. 15 ; e&re ^\i. 10. 15. [See im- eaSe.] eabe raa^g. (msege. miclite) on. forte, lie forte, siquidciu , forsitan, alio- qiiin, eaSe m^g Mt. 4. 6mg. 6, 1. 25, 9. L. 12, 58. J. 8, 19; eaSa raaig Mt. 12, 33. 13,29; ea8e mj^ge L. 21,34; eaSe maege Mk. 14,2; ea(5a miege L. 14, 12; eatia mag L, 3, 15; eabaj mage Mt. 11, 23. eatielic — efneakl 45 L. 4, 11; eo(5e lua'g- Mi 27, 04; cot>e msege L. 14, 8; ea<5a uiffilite Mt. 11. 23. [See unease.] eatielic aj. possibilis, u])n. eacJelico Mt. 19. 20; e(5elic'o Mk. 10,27. [See imeabeliee.] eaSnise sf. fac7tltas, as. eb'nise L. I 9. 0. eawa wv. mam'fcstarr, inonstrarc, ostaidcrc, ind. pres. o sg. eauati L. 3, 7; opt. pret. 3 pi. sewades Mk. 3. 12; pres. p. eauande J. 14. 22. [See aid-, geeawa.] eawnise, see jedeawnise. eawimga av. pnlani, inanifcshnii, vianifcstc, eawuuga Mt. 12, 10. L. I 7. 20; eawunge Mk. 0, 14; ewiinga Mk. 1 . 45 ; eauuga Mk. 8. 32. J. 10. 29; eaung Mk. 4, 22; eoung {= publica) Mt. I 22, 15; eawimg L. 8.17; eaunge J. 7,4. 11.14. 11.54; euiiDge J. 7. 10. 10, 24; eauunge J. 7. 13. 7. 20; eauuDge J. 10. 25; eauuuga', J. 18, 20. ebolsiga. ebolsuag. see efolsiga, efolsung. ebrisc aj. Jicbrcciis, Jicbraicus, nsD. — . Mk. 5,41; dsn. — . Mt. I 0,5. Mk. 14.32. J. 0.2: ebrisce J. 20. 24; ebresc J. 19,20; ebr J. 19. 13; dpm. ebriseum Mt. I 2.9; ebriscu L. 23,38. ebrisclice av. hcbraicc, ebreselice J. 19,13. 19,17. ee, see iec. eca wv. addcre, inf. to eeeanne Mt. I 1, 9. [See 8Bt-, ecge-, ge-. to-. togeeca.] ece aj. cctcrnus, nsn. — . J. 12,50; a^ce J. 17.3; gsn. — . Mk. 3, 29; ece J. 6. 68 ; dsn. — . L.I 9. 10 ; ecce L. I 6, 19; asn. — Mt. I 20. 18. 18, 8. 19, 10. 25, 40 (2). .Mk. 10. 17. 10. 30. L. 18, 18. 18, 30. J. I 4. 3. 3.15. 3,10. 3.36. 4.30. 5,24. 5, 39. 6. 27. 6, 40. 0. 47. 0. 54. 10, 28. 12,2.5. 17,2; ace L. 10,25. J. 4, 14; JBce Mk. 9, 45; ece Mt. 5, Omg. 19,29; ecce Mt. 2.5.41; L. I 9, 17; eco L. 10. 9. (icgeeca vix.piiigrrr, ind. ])ret. 3sg. ecgeecte Mt. 1 19. 10. eeniga, see geecniga. ecnise sf. ccfcrmiin, snnpitennivi, as. ecnisse Mt. 5. 8 mg. 21, 19. Mk. 3. 29. L. 1. 33. J. 0, 58. 8, 35(2). 8, 51; ecnise Mk. 11, 14. J. 8, 52. 10,28. 11,20. 12,34; ecnisse J. I 5. 18. 14. 10; — . J. 0.51. 13. 8; ecnese J. I 7. 7; acnisse J. 4.14. ecniing sf. conccptio, ns. ecnung L. I 3, 13. ecsacga wv. cnarrare, pp. eco-esa^gd i\It. I 22. 0. ect(!)sacga wv. adhibcrr, ind. pret. 3 sg. ectosagde j\lt. I 20. 13. ede su. grcx, ovilc, ns. ede L. 8, 32. J. I 0,4; edas L. 12,32; gs. edes Mt. 26, 31; ds. edo L. I 7,15; as. edo L. 2, 8. edniwiga. see geedniwiga. edniwune: sf. rcgcneratio, ds. — , Mt. 19.^28. edwitiga wv. reprobare, ind. pret. 3 pi. eciwitadon L. 20. 17. [See pftedwlta; adwita.] efenmetig aj.,npm. efenmeti cocnaii- tes Mt. 26, 26. efennise sf. comparatw , ns. (?) — . Mt. 1 19,12; ds. efeunisse Mt. 1 17. 12. 1 17, 19. efern sn. vesper, sero, ns. efern ilt. 14, 15. 14. 23. 16. 2. 20. 8. 20. 20. 27,57. 28, 1. Mk. 1,32. 4,35; efrn Mk. 0,47. 11,11. 11,19. 14. 17. 15.42; gs. efernes Mt. I 22,8. efernlociga wv. advesperascere, ind. pres. 3 sg. efernlocab L. 24. 29. eferntid sf. sero, ds. efrntid ilk. 13, 35. Eifrem p. n., ns. eftV J. 11, 54. efne sm. JiyDimis, ds. — , Mt. 26, 30. efne aj. (rqiialis, apu. — , L. 6, 34. efne av. eve7ily, on efne (= e re^ione) Mt. I 4. 9. [See all-, unefnc] efneakl aj. eocrqiialis. dpni. efnii aldii Mt. 11. 10. 46 efnearisa — efnegetienca efnearisa sv. consurgerr, ind. ])re.s. 3 sg. efnearisas Mt. 24, 7; 8 pi. efuearisaS Mk. 13,12; opt. pres. 3 sg. efnearisa Mk. 3, 2(5. efneawcenda wv. convcrtere , pp. efneawenude L. 14, 25. efnebeb'ecca wv. cooprrirc, pp. efne- beSebt Mt. 6, 29. efneceiga wv. convocarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. efneeeigdou Mk. 15, 10. efnecuma sv. convcnirc, ind. pret. 3 sg. efnecwom Mk. 3, 20. 5, 21; 3 pi. efneeuomon Mk. 2, 2. L. 5, 15. 20,1. 22,66; efnecwomon Mk. 6, 30 ; opt. pret. 3 sg. (?) efneeuome L. 8, 4. efneesne sm. conscrviis, ds. (V) efne- esiie Mt. 18, 33. efueforcuraa sv. conin'nccrc , ]ip. efuef 'eumen L. I 10, 6. efnefornioma sv. comprcJicndrre, pp. nsn. efuef numeue J. I 1. 7. efnefr(efra wv. consolari, ind. pres. 3 sg. efuefroefres Mt. I 1, 10. efnegebega wv. conchidci-c, ind. pret. 3 pi. efnegebegdon L. 5, 6. efnegebrenga wv. conduccre^ coii- fcrrc, ind. pret. 3 pi. efnege- brohtun Mt. 1 20, 19; pp. efne- gebrobt L. 6, 38. efnegeceiga wv. convocarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. efnegeeeigati L. 15,9; pret. 3 sg. efuegeceigde Mk. 6, 7. L. 7, 19. 18, 16; efnegeceigede Mt. 15, 32; pp. npm. efuegeceigdo Mk. 3, 23; dpni. efnegeceigdum Mk. 8, 1; efnegeceigdu L. 23, 13. efnegecerra wv. convcrtere, con- vcrti, cofivincerc, convcrsarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. efnegecerrde Mt. 16, 23; efnegecerde Mk. 1 4, 11. 5.30. L. 7,9. J. 1,38; 3 pi. efnegecerrdon Mt. 17, 22; pp. efnegeeerred L. 22, 61. 23, 28. efnegecnma sv. convcnirc, ind. pret. 3 pi. efnegecuomon Mk. 14, 53; efnegecwomon Mk. 1, 45. efnegecunniga wv. comprobarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. efuegecunnes Mt. I 1 12 efnegecwoecciga wv. conqnassare, pp. efnegequoeccad L. 20, 18. efnegefsestniga wv. concludcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. efnegefestnade Mt. I 21, 7. efnegefregna sv. conquircrc , ind. pret. 3 pi. efnegefrugnon Mk. 9, 10. 12,28. efnegehaSriga wv. coangustare, ind. pres. 3 pi. efnegeba&rigas L. 19, 43. efnegebera wv. conscrvarc , ind. pres, 3 pi. efnegebere^ L. 4, 10. efnegeberiga wv. collaudarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. efnegelieredon L. I 4, 2. efnegeiorna sv. concurrcre, ind. pret. 3 pi. efnegeuurnim Mk. 6, 33. efnegela^eca wv. coviprchcndere, ind. pret. 3 pi. efnegelahton L. 22, 54. efnegebfeda wv. conducerc, ind. pret. 3 sg. efnegelffide Mt. 20, 7; inf. efnegebeda Mt. 20, 1; pp. efne- gebieded (= conlationc) Mt. 1 2, 16. efnegelic aj. ccqualis, asm. efne- gelic J. I 4, 9. efnegeraynd sn. coinmcmoratio, ds. — , L. 22, 19. efnegenehwiga wv. conseiitirc, ind. pret. 3 sg. efnegenebuade L. 23, 51. efnegesetta wv. constihicre , pp. efnegesettet L. 7, 8; nsf. efnege- settedo J. 5, 13. efnegesoeca wv. conquirere , inf. efnegesoeea Mk. 8, 11. efnegesi)itta wv. conspucrc, inf. efuegespitta Mk, 14, 65. efnegespreea sv. colloqui, ind. pret. 3 pi. efnegesprecon L. 4, 36. efnegestyriga wv. contiirbare, pp. npm. efuegestyredo L. 24, 37. efnegeswelta wv. common', opt. pres. 1 sg. efnegesuelta Mk. 14, 31. efnegetrymma wv. confirmarc, pj). efnegetrymed J. I 8, 7. efnege^enca wv. conse^itirc, ind. pres. 2 pi. efnegebeaehtas Mt. 18, 19; pret. 3 sg. efnegeSohte Mk. I 1. 20. efneget5onciga — eftbidda 47 efnegeftoneiga wv. congratularu ind. pret. 3 pi. efDeget^oncadoii L. 1, 58; imp. pi. efnegeboncaiges L. 15,6; efncgebongigas L. 15.9. efnegewor5a sv. coiigcrcrc, pp. a])ni. efnegewordena Mt. I 8, 15. efnegewyrca wv. condcrc, ind. i)ret. 3 sg. efnegeworhte Mt. 1 G, 11. efneiovna sv. concurrcrr, ]u-es!. p. dpm. efneiornendum L. ll.2!i. efnelie, see unefnelic. efnesseega wv. co)icordarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. efnesfficgas Mt. 1 3, 13. efneseeawiga wv. constdcrare, ind. pres. 2 sg. efneseeauas L. 6. 41. efueseuda wv. conDiiitfcrc, ind. pret. 3 ss'. efuesende Mk. 10. 11. efneson sm. consonans , dp. et'nu sonuni Mk. I 1, 13. efnespree su. confahulntio, as. — , L. 111.11. efnespreca sv. colloqui, ind. ])ret. 3 pi. efnepreeon L. 0, 11; pres. p. dpm. efnespreceudu L. I 11, 12. efneteam sra. conspiratio, ns. esne- team J. 9, 22 mg. efnebegn sm. conscnnis, ns. — , Mt. 18. 29; np. efneb'egnas Mt. 18,31; dp. efue?5eguu Mt. 18,28; efnu Segnfi J. I 7, 1. efneunrotnise sf. affliction, ds. efne- unrotnise (= coiifristafd) Mt. 1 18.11. efneuurotsiga wv. coutristarc, pj). npm. efneunrotsade Mt. 17, 23, efniga wv. make f■(•, iuf. eft [to] boetaune Mt. ii, 24. effcbii'tiuji- sf. restitutio, ds. eft- boeteug- ^Ik. I 2. 17. pftbrenga wv. referre, iud. pres. 3 pi. et'tbreuget) L. 8. 14: pret. 3 sg. eftbrobte L. I 0. 3. eftcerr sn. reversio. as. eftcerr L. " 18.18. efteerra wv. revcrterc, revcrti, re- dire, iud. pres. 1 sg*. efteerro L. 10,35. 11.24; 3 pi. efteenas Mt. I 7, 17; pret. 3 ss;. efteevde L. 1. 50. 8.37. 14,21;'^3pl. efteerdou L. 2. 20. 2, 43. 9. 10. 10, 17. 23. 56; efteerrdon L. 23.48; opt. pret. 3 pi. efteerdon Mt. 2. 12: efteerrde ]ilt. 2. 12: inf. efttoeerranne L. 10, 12; pres. p. efteerrende L. 8. 37: dpm. efteerrendiun L. 1 6. 15. J. I 8,3; pp. npm. efteerde L. 2,20. ofteoliga wv. refrioescere, ind. ]ire>^. 3 sg. efteoles Mt. 24. 12. efteimia sv. redire, iud. pret. 3 sg. efteuom L. 8,40: efteuo L. 19,15; 3 pi. efteiiomon Mk. 6, 31; opt. pret. 3 ss. efteuome L. 17. 18. eftevuu sxi.rege?ieratio, gs.eftcvnues M't. 19, 28. eftdraga sv. recalcitrare , pres. p. eftdrjeireud L. 1 3, 0. eftedwita sv. reprobare, ind. pret. 3 pi. eftedwidon :\lt. 21. 42. I'fterist s. resurrectio, ns. efterest 3It. 22. 23. eftersuua av. iterum, rursus, rur- s7(Ni. eftersona Mk. 8.25; eft'soua Mt. 20, 42. 20. 43. 20. 44. 27, 50. Mk. 2, 1. 2,13. 4. 1. 7. 31. 8, 1. 8. 13. 10, 1(2). 10. 10. 10. 24. 10, 32. 11, 27. 12. 4. 12. 5. 14. 39. 14, 01. 14. 09.14.70(2). 1.5.4. 15.12. 15.13. L. I 0. 9. 13.20. 23, 20. J. I 7, 14. I 8, 8. 1, 35, 4, 3. 0. 15. 8. 12. 8, 21. 9,27. 10,7. 10.17. 10,19. 10. 40. 11. 7. 11.8. 12.28. 12.39. 13,12. 14,3. 10.10. 10,17. 10. 19. 10.22. 10,28. 18.7. 18.27. 18,38. 18.40. 19,4. 19,9. 19, 37. 20.10. 20,21. 21, 1. 21,16; effsou J. 9. 15. 20. 26; eft sona :\lt. 5, 33. 13. 45. 18, 19. 19, 24, 20,5. 21,36. 22,1. 22.4. 26,72. Mk. 2.23. 3. 1; eft so Mt. 4,7. [See a?fters6ua.] eftfara sv. redire, regredi, iui]). sg. eftfiurL. 8,39; pres. p. eftfiereude L. 14.11. 17,6. 17,15. 24,33; up. eftforeudo L. 24, 9. 24, 52. (^ftfoa sv. reeipere, pres. ]>. apm. eftfoeudo J. I 4, 13. cftfiOra wv. rccedere, iud. pret. 3sg. eftfoerd L. 4, 13: eftfoerde L. 24,51. oftforliuda sv. {repreJienderc), pp. a])ui. eftffnudeno (= repre/ien- sores) Mt. I 18, 20. (^ftforgeafa sv. reniittere, iud. pres. 2 pi eftf'ii-efes J. 20, 23: pp. eft- f'gefeu 1.^12.10. J. 20. 23. eftforgefuise sf. reniissio, reconci- liatio, ds. eftf'egefuisse iMt. I 16, 15; eftf'gefnise Mk. 1 2. 14; as. eftf'2:efuise L. 24. 47: eftf o-efnisse .A[k."3, 29. eftforleta sv. rclinquere, iud. pres. 1 S2:. eftf'leto J. 16, 28; pret. 3 sg. eftfleort Mt. I 16, 8; 3 pi. eftfle- orton Alk. 7. 8; imp. sg. eftf 'let Alt. 5. 24 : pp. npm. eftf 'letno J. I 7.17. eftgebega wv. incli)iare, ind. pret. 3 sg. eftgebeg L. 2, 7. eftgebfC^ta wv. restitucre, enieudare, if era re, ind. pres. 3 sg. eftgeboetaS Mk. 9, 12; pret, 3 sg. eftgeboette L. I 11, 7; eftgebuedte Mt. I 18,5; pp. eftgeboetad Alk. 3, 5. J. 3,4; ui)u. eftgeboetat Mt. I 2, 2. oftgecerra wv. revcrterc, rcverti, converterc, ind. pres. 3 sg. eft- gecerre(5 L. 10,6: eftgeeerres Mk. 13, 16: eftgecerras Mt. 24, 18; 3 pi. eftseeerras Mt. I 2, 1; pret. 3 sg. ettgeeerde Mt. 21. 18. Mk. 14. 40; 3 pi. efto:ecerrdon Mt. 2. 12; opt. 3 sg. Mt. 10. 13: pp. eft- geeeiTed L. I 3, 16. eftgeiorna — eftSeuca 49 eftgeiovna s\'. rcnirrcrr, ind. pret. ;i sg. cftgearu Mt. I 1,G; ini]). sg;. cftg-eioru Mt. I 4, 10. eftgcineta sv. rcmctiri , p]). eft- g-emeten L. 6, 38. eftgemoua an v. rrcordan\ ind. pres. 2 pi. eftgemynas \\i. 10, !». eftgemyndig aj. rrcordatits , n.sni. " eftgemyndig' Mt. 26, 75. Mk. 14, 72. L. 22, ()1; gsf. eftgemyndig J. I 7,10; npm. eftgemyndig Mt. 27, Oo; eftgemvndigo L. 24, 8. J. 2, 17; eftgemyudgo J.2,22. 10,4. eftgeniwiga \N\-.rcsfiturrr, ind.])res. 3 sg. eftgeniues Mt. I 14, lo; eft- geniueges j\lt. 17, 11; pp. eftgeniu- a(5 L. 0, 10. eftgeraista wv. rcauubcrc, ind. pret. 8 sg. eftgera3ste L. 24. 80. eftgesa^ega wv. rcmintiarc , ind. pret. 3 pi. eftgesffigdon Mk. 6, 30. eftgescina sv. rcsplcndcrc , ind. pret. 3 sg. eftgeseean Mt. 17, 2. eftgesella wv. rctrihuerc , p]>. eft- gesald L. 14, 14. eftgewuta an v. rcscirc , inf eft- " guuta Mt. I 9, 17. eftgesouca wv. rcqiiiri, inf. eftge- soeca Mk. I 2, 4. eftgewfcnda wv. re dire, recederc, ind. pret. 3 sg. eftgewende Mt. 1 19, 7; eftgewoende Mt. 2. 14; 3 pi. eftgewoendon Mt. 2, 13; imp. pi. eftgewoendas Mt. 9, 24. efthOda wv. reducere, inf. eftheda L. 5, 3. eftla?iiga wv. reinvitare, ind. pres. 3 pi. efthla(1as L. 14, 12. eftliiiga wv. revivcre, ind. pres. 3 sg. eftliofe(5 L. 15, 24; pret. 3 sg. eft- lifde L. 15, 32. eftloeiga wv. respicere, ind. pres. 2 sg. eftloeas L. 6, 42 ; pret. 3 sg. eftloeade L. 1,48. 9, 16. J. 1,30; 3 pi. eftlocadon Mk. 10, 4; imp. pi. eftloea?5 L. 21, 28; inf. eftlocia L. 16, 13; eftloeiga L. 13,11. eftlesing sf redeii/pfio, redevifurus, ns. eftlesing L. 24, 21; as. eft- lesing Mt. 20, 28. Cook, Noi-tluuiibriau Glossarv. cftmyndig aJ. recordatus, nsm. eft- myndig Mk. 11,21; npm. cft- myndigo J. 12, 10. eftniwiga wv. resfitucre, eniendare, " inf. eftniwige Mt. 1 2,13; pi). cft- niuad Mk. 8, 25. eftoufua sv. recipere, resiiviere, ind. pres. 3 pi. eftonfoas J. 1 3, 3; effc- onfoaS L. 10, 4; pret. ',\ \)\. eft- onfengon J. 1, 12; inf. eft to ofoenne Mk. I 4, 13; eft to on- foanne J. 1 (3, 5; p]). asm. eftond- foende (= receptoreni) Mt. 1 18, 15. eftongeata sv. recogiwscere, ind. ]nes. 3 pi. eftongeattas Mt. I 15,3. eftreda wv. relegere, pres. p. eft- redende Mt. I 9, 18. eftsseega wv. reniintiare, ind. pres. 3 sg. eftsai'geS L. 14, 33; imp. pi. efts.Tcgas Mt. 2, 8. 11,4; inf. eftsiecga L. 9, 61. eftsceawiga wv. respicere, ind. pres. 2 sg. eftsceawes Mt. 22, 10. eftselenise sf. retrihiitio, gs. eft- selenise L. 4, 19. eftsella wv. retrilntere, ind. pres. 3 pi- eftsele?^ L. I 8, 12; inf. eft to seallane L. 14, 14. eftsenda wv. reviitfere, ind. pret. 1 sg. eftsende L. 23, 15; pret. 3 sg. eftsende L. 23, 7. 23, 11. eftsetta wv. resfitucre, ref>onere, ind. pres. 2 sg. eftsettes Mt. I 3, 13; pret. 3 sg. eftsette IMk. I 3, 17. L. I 9, 19. eftsitta sv. rcsidere, ind. i)ret. 3 sg. eftsfett L. 7, 15; eftsaet Mk. 9, 35. eftsoeea wv. repcferc, reqiiircre, ind. pres. 3 sg. eftsohtc Mt. I 6, 12; 3 pi. eftsohton L. 2, 44. 2, 45; pres. p. dpm.eftsoeeendnm L.I 3,0. eftsona, see eftersona. efttoslita sv. rescindere, ind. pres. 2 pi. eft toslitas Mk. 7, 13. efttotea sv. refra/iere, inf efttotea ^ Mk. I 1, 0. eft(^"enca wv. recordari, ind. ])ret. 2 pi. eft^ohto Mk. 8, 18; imjK sg. eft?)eneg L. 10, 25; eftfJenegaft L. 24,0; pres. p. eft?5encende Mt. 5, 23. I 50 eftwfec(c)a — ellSiodig eftwaBC'(c)a wv. rcsiiscitarc, pres. p. eftwcieeeeude J. I 4, 19; nsm. eft- w?eceeude Mi I 18. 9. eftwillnige wv. rcpctcrc, iud. i)res. 3 ])1. eftwilnati L. 12, 20. cftwuniga wv. rcmaiicrc. iiid. pret. 8 sg. eftwuuade L. I 4, 4. 2, 43. ege sm. tiDior, ds. ege jVIt. 28. 8; eg-o Mt. 28, 4. -ege, see auege. eggiga, see geeggiga. eghwelc aj. and indef. i)rn. oiimis, qidsqiic, lunisquisqur, nsm. eg- huelc Mt. 5, 22. 5.32. 7,8. 7.21. 7, 24. 7,26. 10,32. 13.19.19,29.24, 22. 20,22. Mk. 9, 49(2). 13,20. L.2.23. 3,5(2). 3.(3. 0.40. 11.10. 12, 8. 14, 11. 14. 33. 16. 18. 19, 15. J. 3.8. 3.15. 4,13.- 6. 40. 6.45. 7.53. 8.34; egliiuelc Mt. 5, 28. J. 12, 46. 1«, 37. eg- hiioelc L. 6, 47. 18, 14. 20, 18. J. 11, 26. 16, 2. 19, 12; eghwelc Mt. 3,10. 13,52; nsf. eghuelc Mt. 12,25. 15,13; egbulc^Mt. 12, 31; nsn. eiibuele Mt. 7, 19. 12, 25. 12,36.15,17. 18.16. 23,35. Mk. 9, 15. L. 3,9. 11, 17; eghwelc Mt. 7, 17; eghuiielc Mk. 1 4, 5; eghuoelc L. 1, 37; gsn. eghwoelces Mk. 13, 34; dsm. — . I\lt. 19. 3. 25, 15. 25, 29. L. 11.3. 11,4; eghuoelcum L. 12,48: eghuelcii Mk. 16,15. L.6,30. 19, 2(); fcghuelc Mk. 14, 49; dsf. eg- huelc L. 5, 17; dsu. eghuelc Mt. 13, 47. 18, 19. 23,27. L. 4, 4; eghwelc Mt. 4,4; eghuelcum Mt. 10, 8 nig.; eghwoelcura Mt. 5, 7 mg. 5, 9 mg.; egliuelcu L. 12,15; seghuoelcil L. I 2, 9; asm. eghuelc J. 1,9. 5,22; asf. eghuelc Mt. 18,32; asn. eghwelc Mt. 5, 11. [See an eghwelc] eghwelc an indef. ])rn. iinusqiu'sqiic, nsm. eghua^lc J. 2. 6mg.; eghuelc an J. 6, 7: eghuelc an J. 16, 32; ds. eghwelcum ami Mt. 16, 27; eghuoelcum auum J. 19,23. [See an eghwelc] eghwer av. iibiqiic, eghuer L. 9,6; eghuser Mk. 16, 20. eghwona av. toidiquf, eghuoua Mkl,45; eghuiionan L. 19, 43. egesa sm. tinior, as. egisa L. 21, 26, ego sn. oatlus, forai)icn, ns. ego Mt. 5,29. 6,22(2). 6,23. 18,9. 20,15. Mk.7,22. 9,47. L. 11,34(2); gs. ego j\It. I 12, 7; ds. ego Mt. 5, 38. 7,3(2). 7,4(2). 7,5(2). L. 6, 41(2). 6,42(^); as. ego Mt.I17,9. 5,38. Mk. 10,25. L. 17,9. 18,25; ege Mt. 18,9; np. ego Mt. 9, 30. 13, 16. 20, 33. Mk. 14, 40. L. 2, 30. 4, 20. 10, 23. 24, 16. 24, 31. J. 9, 10; —. Mt. 26.43; dp. egum Mt. 17,18. 18,4. 110,6. 13.15. 21, 42. L. 6,20. J. 11, 41. 17, 1; egum J. 12, 40; egu Mk. 12, 11. L. 24, 31; egu L. 19. 42; ap. ego Mt. 9,29. 13,15. 17,8. 18,9. Mk. 8, 18. 8,23, 8,25. 9,47. L. 18,13. J. 4,35. 6,5. 9,6. 9,11. 9,14. 9, 15.9,17.9,21. 9,26. 9,30. 9,32. 10,21. 11,37. 12,40; — , Mt. 20, 34. L. 16. 23. egber indef. \ix\i.iitcrquc, nsn.(f.V) egSer L. 5, 38; dsm. eghSer L. 7, 42; apn. egSer Mt. 13,30. eher sn. spica, ds. eher Mk. 4, 28; gp. ehera Mk. I 2, 16; ap. ehera Mt. I 18, 20. 12, 1; ehras L. 6, 1. -eht, see amb-, embebt, -ehte, see bogehte. -el, see bir-, cam-, cryp-, eyrt-, eastrosymb-, eor5cryp-, fotscdem-, gjef-, hwist-, id-, lyt-, mic-, midd-, nedgJL'f-, (e5-, reg-, saw-, sciem-, swa'b'-, symb-, temp-, wat-, yfel ; cf. sedl and -ol, -ul. -ela, see cun-, gegyrela. glcur nil av. ah'oqniii, elcuv nu L. 5, 36. 5,37. -eld, see fcereld. -ele, see ?e?)ele. Elizabeth ]). n., ns. elizabeth L. 1.5. 1, lo; elizab' L. 1.7; ds. elizabeth I.. I 3. 15. ell^iiodig aj. pcrrgrimis , alicnus, (ilit'ini^'om, (prrforr), nsm. ell- (^iodig Mt. 25,14. L. 17, 18. 24, 18; ell{Sio(li}?a — engel 51 gpm. ell?5iocli£iTa Mt. 27, 7; dpm. ell^iiodigiiiii Mt. 17, 2(). olir)io(lig-a wv. prqficisci, percgre proficisci, ind. pret. 3 sg-. ellciiod- egde Mt. 21, 83; eimiodade Mk. 13,34; ell5eodig-de L. 15, 13. eln sf. aibitus, as. elne Mt. 6, 27. L. 12,25; ap. elno J. 21,8. elmiiig sf. zclus, ns. elniing- J. 2, 17. -els, see fet-, recels. -em, see fse&eni. embeht sn. ministcriiun , of/icmm, obscquhi))i, gs. enibilites "L. 1,23; as. embelite L. 10, 40; embiehta Mt. I 5, 14. [See ambeht.] embebtere sm. inimstrator, ns. ein- behtere L. 22, 2(3. embebtig-a wv. niiin'strarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. embebta?1 L. 12, 37. 22, 27(2); embebtes J. 12,26; pret. 3sg. em- bibtade L. 1 5, 15. 4,39. J. 12,2; Ipl. embigto Mt. 25,44; 3 pi. em- bebtadon L. 8, 3; imp. 3 sg. em- bihta L. 17,8; inf. to embehtane Mt. 20, 28; pres. p. embehtande J. I (5, 16. [See geembebtiga.] embebtuioun sm. mitustcr, viini- strans, discipiihis, ns. embebt- monn Mt. 20, 26. Mk. 9, 35. 10,43. J. 20,24; embihtmonn :\lt.23, 11; gs. embebtmonnes L.l 7, l;ds. embeht- menu L.4, 20; as. embebtmoun L. I 11,4; np. embebtmeuu Mk. 14, 65. L. 1,2. J. 2.9. 18,12. 18,18; embebtmen J. 7.45; sembelitmeun J. 20, 25; dp. embebtmonuum J. 2, 5; embibtmonufi Mk. 14, 54; ap. embebtmenn J. 7, 32. embebtsumnise sf obscqiuum, as. embebtsiimise J. 16, 2. Emmaus p. u., ns. ema' L. 24, 13. -en, see ag-, bis-, bis-, blindbor-, byr&-, eicc-, dribt-, fac-, fell-, forrep-, gaifelsel-, gesel-, glser-, gyldsel-, h{e&-, lin-, nuegd-, mseg-, miesl-, mix-, monnmicg-, morg-, net-, niwcum-, oferawrit-, scrip-, seyldsel-, stiOn-, tieg-, ?^ign-, ()yrn-, unawritt-, nugclef-, ymbbnngeu. ende m\\w.fi)iis, novissimuDi, omega. ns. ende Mt. 24, 6. Mk. 13, 7. L. 1,33. 21,9. .1.11,12. 11, 13;gs. endes Mt. I 21, 19; ds. ende Mt. I 14, 14. 21, 37 (tut ende = no- vissiDie). Mk. 12, 6. L. 1 K). 13. 18,5. J. 2. lOmg.; ende Mt. 13, 40; as. ende Mt. I 4, 1. I 9, 12. I 22, 10. 10, 22. 24, 13. 26, 58. Mk. 3,26. 13,13. L.I 11,19. 22,37; ende J. 13, 1; np. endo Mt. 12, 45. L. 11, 26. endebredniga. see geendebredniga. endebreduiae sf. ordo, ordiiiatio, ns. endebrednis Mt. 1 2, 16; ende- brednise Mt. 14 1, 10. I 16, 1. I 22, 7. L. 1 2, 8; endebrednisse J. I 2. 4; ds. endebrednise Mt. I 14, 1. L. 1,3. 1,8; as. endebrednise Mk. I 1, 8. L. I 3, 11. J. I 8, 1; endebrednisse Mt. I 9, 12; ende- bred' Mt. I 6, 9. endiga wv. fcrjiccrc, cons^tininari, ind. pres. 1 sg. endigo L. 13, 32 ; inf. to endanne Mk. 13, 4, [See ge-, Serhgeendiga.J I eudung sfm. cousu))iiiiatio,pcrfcctio, ns. eudung Mt. 13,39. 24, 14; gs. endung Mt. 24,3; ds. endnng Mt. 13,49. L. I 2, 15; endunge Mt. 28, 20; as. endung L. I 3, 5. engel sm. angclus, ns. engel Mt. 1, 20. 1, 24. 2, 13. 2, 19. 28, 2. 28, 5. Mk. I 2, 8. L. I 3, 13. I 3, 14. 1,11. 1,13. 1, 19. 2,9. 2,10. J. 5,4. 12,29; angel Mt. I 16,4. L. 1,26. 1,28. 1,30. 1,35. 1,38; encgel L. 22, 43; gs. engles Mk. I 1,9; ds. engel Mt. 1 16, 2. L. I 3, 19. 1, 18. 1, 34. 2, 21. engle L. 2, 13; as. engel Mt. 11, 10. Mk. 1, 2. L. 7, 27; np. englas Mt. 4, 11. 13, 49. 18, 10. 22, 30. 24, 36. Mk. 1, 13. 12, 25. 13, 32. L. 2, 15; engles Mt. 13,39. 25, 31. gp. engla Mt. 26, 53. Mk. I 1. 17. L. 9. 26. 24, 23; dp. englum Mt. 16, 27. L. I 4, 1. 12,9; englu Mt. 4, 6. 25,41. Mk. 8,38. L.4, 10. 12,8. 15,10. 16, 22. 20,36; ap. englas Mt. 24,31. 4* 52 engellic — erist Mk. 18, 27; eng-les Mi 13, 41. J. 20, 12; augla J. 1, 51. engellie aj. aiigcliais, nsf. eugelica " L. I 11, 8. [See angelic] euglisc aj. EngiisJi, dsn. englis J. 20, 10 mg-.; englise J. P 1887. -enn, see byrgenn. enne, see an. eofot sn. debit itin, as. eofut Mt. 18, 25. eorodmonn sni. trooper, gp. eorocl- monna J. 18, 12 nig. eortio swfn. terra, ns. eol•^iu Mt. 2, 0. 4, 15. 27, 51; eor^o Mt. 5, 18. 24,35. Mk. 4,28. 13,31. L. 21, 33; gs. eorcJes Mt. 5. 13. 12, 40. 13,5. 24,30. Mk. 4,5. L.4,5. 10, 21. 11,31. 21,35; ean^es L. 12, 5(3; eor&u Mt. I 16, 12; eor&o Mt. 12,42. 17, 25; ds. eor()ii Mt. I 16, 9. Mk. 4, 31. 6. 47. J. 8, 8. 21, 8; eorcJo Mt. I 17, 9. I 18, 5. 6,10. 6.19. 11,24. 25, 18. 25,25. 28, 18. Mk. 2, 10. L.2,14. 4,25. 5,3. 5, 11. 5, 24. 18, 8. 19, 44. 23, 44. J. 3,31(:'). 12,32. P188"; eo]-(')e Mt. 10,15. J. 6, 21. 8,6; ean^u Mk. 4, 31; as. eor5"u Mt. 15,35. 16, 19. 18, 19. 23, 9. Mk. 4, 5. 4, 8. 14, 35. L. 22, 44. J. 3, 22. 9,6. 18,6. 21,9; eorrJo Mt. 2, 20. 5, 4. 5, 4 mg. 9, 26. 9,31. 10,29. 10,34. 13.5. 13,8. 13,23. 14,34. 18,18(2). 27,45. Mk. 4, 1. 4, 20. 4, 26. 8, 6. 9, 3. 9.20. 15,33. L. 8,8. 8, 15. 12, 49. 12,51. 13,7. 14,35. 16,17. 21,23. 24,5. J. 17,4; ear5o Mt. I 18, 14. 2, 21. 5, 35. 16, 19. Mk. 6, 53. J. 12, 24; eor&e J. 21, 11; dp. eor5um L. 21, 5. eor5crypel Bm. paralyticus, ns. — , L. 5,18; eor?)ery])pcl Mt. 8,6. Mk. 2, 4 ; ds. cor()eryi)i)le Mk. 2, 5. 2,10; eoi-dcryple Mk. I 2, 14. 2, 9; as. eor5'cryppel Mt. I 18,7; — , Mk. 2, 3. L. I 4, 20; ap. eor6- cryplas Mt. 4, 24. eorbhiv cruise sf. terrcr motus, ns. eor&hrocrnissc Mt. 28, 2; eoivV liroernis Mk. 13,8; as. eor^broer- nise Mt.27,54; np. eorMiroernisso L. 21, 11; eordhroevniso Mt. 24, 7. eor51ic aj. terrenus, apn. eorMico J. 3, 12. -er, see bism-, derneleg-, dobt-, eg()-, eh-, fa3d-, feb-, feow-, fe5-, fing-, forleg-, fot-, foM-, bid-, bang-, bwid-, bw(e&-, iu-, mod-, of-, 65-, seolf-, sest-, stjeu-, sum-, swcest-, timb-, ()id-, (5un-, und-, unw(ed-, lis-, wiet-, winbeg-, wiut-, wiber. -erd, see aldorsac-, bebsae-, blaf-, sacevd. -ere, see ba3St-, beam-, bod-, bcec-, cost-, cuuu-, doeni-, drinc-, em- bebt-, et-, fise-, fulwibt-, godspell-, lues-, leas-, leg-, lic&row-, i)iu-, reaf-, recc-, sceae-, sed-, sctn-, sett-, trabtere; cf. also mynetre and-are. erendwreca wra. unutiiis, legatio, missus, ns. erendureca J. 9, 7; erenwreca Mk. I 2,8; as. erend- ureca L. 14,32. 19,14; np. erend- wreco L. 7, 24; dp. erendwrecu L. I 5, 12; ap. erendureca L. 9, 52; erendureco J. 20, 12 mg.; erendraca Mt. I 18, 17. erfe sn. hereditas, ns. erfe L. I 7, 14; as. erfe L. 12, 13. erfe()e aj. molestiis, npm. erfedo Mt. " 26, 10. erfeweard sm. heres, ns. erfeweard " Mt. 21, 38; erfewaird Mk. 12, 7; erfewaerd Mt. I 5, 5 ; erfuard L. 20, 14. erfeweardnise sf. hereditas, ns. erfe- wearduise Mk. 12, 7; erfuardnise L. 20, 14; as. erfeweardnisse Mt. 21, 38. eriga w\'. ararc, pres. p. eriende L. 17, 7; berende L. I 9, 6. erist sn. resurrectio, ns. erest Mk. 15, 12(g-s.?). 12,18. L. 20, 27. J. 11,25; gs. eristes Mt.I21, 11. I 22, 7. Mk. I 5, 2. L. 20, 36. J. 1 8, 1; ds. erist Mt. 22, 28. 22,30. 22, 31. 27, 53. Mk. 12, 25 mg. J. 11,24; erest Mk.12,23. 12,25mg. L. 20, 33. 20, 35; as. erist L. I 10, -em — faeder 53 9. 2,34. 14,14; erest J. I 8, 13. 5, 20 (2). [See eftcrist. | -ern, see jutt-, ct-, fU'st-, lelitis-, ril)is-, seolf-, wcestern. -ern, see ber-, care-, dom-. gemot-, g-est-, hord-. mot-, sprceern. orming sm. captivus , d]). ermingii " L. 4,18. erniiig sf. dccursus, profluvhim , ds. berDiiig Mt. 1 18, 10; as. ernincg Mt. I 14, 7. Esaias p. n., ns. esai' J. 12, 39. 12, 41; gs. — , L. I 4, 12; esaies J. 12, 38; essaies Mt. 13, 14; esaie L. 4.17; ds. esaia Mk. 1.2; as. — . Mt. 3,3. 4.14; esaiam Mt. 12,17. -esc, see alexandr-, alexandrin-. channanesc. esceapa sn. couwiissura, ns. esceapa L. 5,3(3; as. — , L. 5,30. esne ■^xa.scrviis, adolcsccns , juvcyiis , ns.esneMt. 10,24. 18,32. 19,20. 19. 22. Mk. 10, 44. 14, 51. L. I 6,13. 7,2. 7,14. 12,43. 12.45. 12,47. 14,21. 10.13. 19,17. 19, 22. J. 17,2. 8.35. 13,10; esne L. 14,22; ds. esne L. I 9, 0. 17,9. J. 18,10; as. Mt. I 21,1. 20,51. Mk. i2. 2. 14. 47. 16, 5. L. I 7, 18. 2, 29. 7, 10. 14, 17. 17, 7. 20, 10. 20. 11. 22. 50. J. 18, 10; np. esnas L. 12, 37. 12, 38. 17, 10; esuajs J. 4, 51; esna^s J. 18, 18; dp. esnu L. 15. 22. 19, 15; esnum J. 18, 26; ap. esnas L. 19, 15; esues L. I 10, 7. [See efneesne.] espryng %.fons, /fnciis, us. espryngc Mk. 5,29; ds.espryugc Mt. I 2, 9; ap. espryuca jMt. I 8, 17. -est, see a'fest. -estre, see lo])estre. eswica win. Jiypocrita, rikniciis, ns. esuiea Mt. 7, 5. 18, 17; np. esuice Mt. 5, 47; esiiico Mt. (5,7; eswico L. 13, 15; esuicie i\It. (),!(). eswice sm. fallacia, ds. esuiec Mt. 5. 8mg.; np. esuiea Mt. 13,22. eswienise sf. dolus, Jiypocrists, ns. esuicnise L. 12, 1; esuienis Mk. 7. 21; gs. esuicnise L. I 7, 12; as. esuicnise L. 20, 23. -et, see agn-, tramet. et sn. eathig, gs. etes (= rnajtdu- candi) Mk. 6, 31. etere sm. vorax, dcvorator, ns. — , Mt. 11, 19; ettere L. 7, 34. etlic aj. eatable, nsn. — , (etlic se = manducetur) L. 24, 41. -e5e, see erfe^e. E&ilwald, s. QE5ilwald. e(5m6d aj. hnmilis, nsm. e5niod Mt. 11,29; apm. wk. e^modo L. 1, 52. efJmodiga wv. obtvdirc, huiniliarc, iud. pres. 3 sg. e5niodiges Mt. 18, 4; 3 pi. erlmodiga^ Mk. 1, 27; edmoda(J Mk. 4, 41. [See gee&- m6diga.] ed'modnise sf. Jiujiiilitas , as. e&- modnise L. I 6, KJ. 19,15. 1,48; edmodnise L. I 8, 10. Eusebius pn., us. eusebius Mt. 1 3, 2. 18,12; gs. eusebies Mt. I 8, 11. I 10, 5. ewerdla wui. daimiatio, as. eu"erdlu L. 23, 40. F. faeen sn. dolus, fraiis, ns. fjieon J. 1, 47; ds. facne Mt. 5, 8 mg. Mk. 14, 1; as. faceu Mk. 10, 19. L. 20, 23. fiicenleas aj. pure, unadulterated, nsn. faconleas J. P 188 ■•. fa?der sm. pater, ns. — , Mt. 11. 27. 23, 9. Mk. 11, 26. 13, 32. L. (12 times). J. (47 times); faeder Mt. (3 times). i\Ik. (3 times). L. (4 times). J. (11 times); fader Alt. (19 times). L. (13 times). J. (7 times); fade Mt. 6, 4. 11, 25; fted' L. 13, 25; fad' L. 12.39; fa' L. 13,25; gs. fjcdores :Mk. 1 3, 3; fadores Mt. 121,(3. 13,43. 16,27. 25,34. 26, 29. 28, 19. Mk. 8, 38. 11, 10. L. 54 faederlic — faestnung 14,5. 15,17. I 11, 14. 1,32. 1, 59. 2, 49. 9, 26. 11, 47. 15, 17. 1(3, 27. 24, 49. J. 1, 18. 2, 16. 5, 43. 6,39. 8,41. 8,44. 10,25. 10, 29. 10, 37; foderes Mt. 7, 21. 12, 50. 13,27. 18, 10; fadres Mt. 1 14, 12. I 16, 7. I 19, 8. 5, 45. 10, 20. 21, 31; fVidor ilk. 14, 62 mg., J. 14, 24. 15, 10; fador Mt. 20, 1{?). J. 6,40. 14,2; ds. federe Mt. 6, 18; faidir L. 22, 11; ftwler Mt. II 4, 14; — , Mt. (3 times). L. (1 times). J. (5 times); fedei* Mt. (10 times). Mk. (3 times). L. (13 times). J. (32 times); fader Mt. 4, 21. 10, 29. 24, 36. J. 8, 44; feder J. 20, 17; as. — , Mt. (5 times). Mk. (5 times). L. (4 times). J. (20 times); faeder Mt. (4 times). Mk. (3 times). J. (7 times); fader Mt. (8 times). Mk. 5, 40. L. (4 times). J. (3 times); ftieder Mk. 15, 21; faede J. 4, 12; ix J. 5, 45; up. fadoras L, 6, 23; fiidero J. 6, 31; fador L. 6, 26; gp. fa- doi-a Mt. 23, 30. 23. 32, L. 11, 48; dp. fadorum L. 1, 72; fadrum Mt. 1 14, 13. J. I 2, 2; ap. fadores L. 1, 55. fa^derlic aj. pat emus, dsf. faeder- lica Mt.' I 18, 4. faideroe5el sm. -patria, ds. fador- oeSel Mt. I 19, 14. ftela, see gefiela. fiell sm. (?) runia, us. fiell Mt. 7, 27; faell L. 6, 49; ds. feallo L. I 8, 3. [See gefjell.j fielnise, see gefteluise. ftema wv. spuniarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. ftomeb Mk. 9, 18; i)rcs. p. fjemen- de Mk. 9, 20. fier sn. iter, as. — , L. 10, 33. [See ofer-, tofter.] fterma wf. cccna, coiiviviu)ii, pi. )iupticc, ns. farma J. 13, 2; gs. fa^rme Mk. I 5, 11; farmes L. 14, 17; ds. fiermo J. 21, 20; farma J. 16, 19. 13,4; as. — , J. 12,2; farma Mk. 6, 21. L. 5. 29. 14, 16. 14, 24; up. ftermo Mt. 22, 8. 22, 10. J. 2,1; -, L. I 11, 2; gp. farmaua J. 11,9; farma J. I 3, 12; dp. fjermum Mt. 22, 3. 22, 4. L. 14, 8; ftermom Mt. 22, 9; farm- um Mt. I 21, 9. 23, 6; fiermu J. 1 3, 10; farmu Mk. 12, 39. J. 2, 2. f;urvvitfiill aj. sollicitus, npm. fter- witfulla L. 12. 26. fan'witgiornise sf. curiositas, ns. feruitgiornis L. I 3, 9. fiest, see hoga-, ofer-, sob-, stabol-, treow-, 5or-, ims65"-, wisf;est. ftesta wv, jcjiuiarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. fa^sto L. 18. 12; 2 sg. f;estas Mt. 6, 17; 1 pi. fa^stas Mt. 9, 14; 3 pi. fa3sta(:i Mk. 2, 18(2). L. 5. 33; faistas Mt. 9. 14. 9, 15. Mk. 2, 20; inf. fa\sta Mk. 2, 19(2); to faestanue Mt. I 17, 8; pres. p. faistende Mt. 6, 18. Mk. 8, 3 {= jcyiuws)\ npm. f?estende Mt. 6, 16; fiestendo Mk. 2, 18; apm. fjestende i\It. 15, 32 (== jcjniios). [See be-, ge-. gelif-, llttiesta.l faeste d^s. firmly, iiistantiiis, Mt. 27, 22; fjestMk. 15,44. J. I 7, 11. fiesteru 'nw.jcjiinhuii, quadrigcsinia, ns. fa'sten j\It. I 7, 3; ds. faist'rn :\[t. 116, 8; fa3st'u Mt. I 20, 8. Mk. 9,29(2). L. 15, 2. J. I 5, 8; as. f-est'u Mt. 17, 21. Mk. I 5, 16; feast'u L. I 4, 11; fa38t'rn Mk. I 1 16; dp. fa^st'uum L. 2, 37. fj^stiga wv. coninicudarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. fiesto L. 23, 46. [See be-, gelif-, ges6t>-, so^fjestiga.] fajstliee av. jam, etiam, autem, con- stantcr, qiiidcm, L. 7, 49. 8, 27, 9,5. 11,4. 23,10. J. 3,18.7.41, 9, 22. 11, 6. 13, 2. 16,9; fa3stliee J. 6, 17; ftestll J. 7. 44. fa)stniga wv. probarc, dcspoiisarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. ftcstnagiS Mt. I 7, 7; pp. fiestnad L. 1, 27. [See be-, efnege-, ge-, gesig-, getreow-, b'orlifsestniga.] I fffistnise, see s6?5-, ims6(5fiestuise. , ftestuung sf. cxJwrtatio, mojuc- [ moititm, gs. fiostnunges Mk. I I 2, 5; np. ftestnunga i\It. I 5, 4; taet — fealo 55 dp. fjcstnuiigii Uk. 5,5. [Sec ymb- j fjcstDung.l tYct su. 7'as, Jiydria, iiiodiits, plu'ala, alabastruui, ns. faett J. 19, 2!>; tls. _ Mk. 13,4; ftete L. I 5, 1 7 ; fatte L. 8, 16; as. — , Mk. 14, 3; faitt Mk. 4, 21; fact Mk. 11, 1(3; np. fatto J. 2, G; fato L. 17, 31; dp. fatuiu Mt. 18. 48; ap. fato Mt. 1 8, 2. 12, 29. Mk. 3, 27; fatto J. 2, 7. [See leht-, oele-, stanfjet.] ftett a), sai^inahis, asm. — , L. 15, 23. '15, 27. 15, 30, fseSem sm. sinus, ds. — , J. 1, 18. fti3X sn. capilli, ds. — , J. 11, 2. fageu, see gefag-en. fagiga wv. nitilarc, variarc, iud. pres. 3sg. fagas Mt. I 1, 11. 10, 3; 3 pi. fagas Mt. 11,2; fagegas Mt. I 1, 2. fagung sf. diversity, dp. faguugum (= divers is) Mk. 1 5, 7. fald, see an-, feower-, monig-, tea-, twu-, tirifald. falda, see gefalda. -faldiga, see geinouig-, niouigfald- 1 "'a. -faldlice, see nionig-, seofo-, twu-, ()"rifaldlice, -falliee. -faldnise, see monigfalduise. falla sv. cadcrc, -procidcre, plucre, ind. pres. 2 sg. fallas Mt. 4, 9; 3 sg. failed L. 11, 17. 14,5; falhe5 Mt. 10, 29; fallas Mt. 17, 15. 21, 44; fielles L. 8, 10; faelles Mt. 21, 44; 3 pi. fallas Mt. 15, 14. 24, 29; falles Mt. 15, 27; falla?) L. 6, 39; pret. 3 sg. feoU j\It. 18. 29. 2(3, 39. Mk. 4, 4. 4,5. 4,7. 4,8. 5, 22. L. 5, 12. J. (3, 31 mg., 9, 38, 18, 4 {== proccssit)\ feall L. 8, 5. 8. 5. 8, 6. 8, 8. 8, 41. 17, 29. J. 11, 32; feol L. 5, 8; 3 pi. feollon J. 12. \Z{=^ processcritnt'). 18,6; imp. pi. fallat) L. 23, 30; pres. p. fallande L. 4,7; fallende L. 10, 18. [See fore-, ge-, oftalla.J falletiga wv. coiicidcrc (^ cut!), pres. p. falletaade IMk. 5, 5. fam sm. (?) spuina, ds. famie L. 9, 39. fara sv. ire, ahirc, cxirc, prcctcrirc, transirc, ingrcdi, cgrcdi, rcgrcdi, proficisci, vadcrc, iiiccdcrc, pro- ccderc, transfrctarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. fairo J. 14,3. 16,7. 16, 17; 2 sg. faeris J. 11, 8; faires Mt. 8, 19; 3 sg. faires Mt. 15, 17. L. 1(), 30; faeres Mt. 8, 9. J. 13, 3; fajrjxis J. 12, 19; fajreti Mt. 5, 30; fffiraS J. 3, 8; opt. pres. 1 sg. fiere J. 16, 7 (2); 2 sg. fiere L. 9, 57; 1 pi. ftere Mk. 4, 35; faere J. 11, 7; imp. sg. fa^r L. 13,31. 14,23; faer Mt. 2, 20. J. 7, 3; pi. fairas Mt. 11, 4; faereS Mt. 8, 32 ; ficres L. 9, 4; fjera(5 L. 9, 5. 10, 10; inf. fara Mt. I 18, 6. 2, 22. 8, 18. 8, 21. 14, 22. J. 6, 67; fffira Mt. 19, 17; to fa^reune Mt. 2, 22; to fair L. 16,3 (to fier on lelm' =: nicndicarc); pres. p. fairende Mt. 20, 30. 21, 33. Mk. 1, 16. 2, 13. 4, 37 (wa3s fajrende = mittcbat\ 5, 13. 8, 27. 10,46. 12, 1. 13, 1. 14, 35. 16, 12. L. 4, 14. 4,30. 4,42. 8,27. 14,31. 15, 13. 9,4. 19,36. 22, 39. J. 7, 35(2). 1 8, 1 ; taereude Mk. 10, 17; frerend Mk. 1, 35. L. 4, 1; gsra. fa^rendes L. 9, 53 ; upm. fivrende Mt. 14, 34. Mk. 5,14. 6,54. 16,20. L. 14,1; fi^rendo L. 1, 6; ficreud Mt. 9, 32; fjerendum Mt. 20, 29. L. I 5, 11. [See be-, before-, eft-, tirr-, for-, ge-, in-, ofer-, togaegnes-, tierli-, ofer-, utfara.] farma, see fnn-ma. farr sm. taurus, up. farras ]\It. 22, 4. farra, see fearra. fas, fasn %. fimbria, as. fasne ^Ik. (3, 56. L. 8,44; fas Mt. 9, 20; fiis Mt. 14, 36. fater, see feotor. fatiga wv. diiccrc, ind. pros. 3 pi. fatas L. 20, 35. fea, see gefea. feaga, see gefeaga. j fealo, see feolo. 56 fearr — feortiung fearr aj, longinquus, longe,percgrc, nsm. — , Mk. 12, :^4. L. 7, (J. 20. 9; fean-a L. 15,20; nsii. — , Mt. 1(3,22 (feavr sie=:rt/5.v/'/); asn. — , L. 19, 12. [See unfearr.] fearr av. huge, pcrcgrc, Mt. 21, 33. Mk. 12,1. 13,34. L. 15,13. J. 21, 8; fearre L. 14,32; eom|). : tirr L. 24, 28. fearra av. a lorige, dc huge, — , Mk. 11, 13. 15, 40. L. lOa 17, 12. 22, 54; fearre Mk. 5, 6. 8, 3. 14, 54; feorra Mt. 20, 58. 27,55; fearra to L. 18, 13; farra to L. 23, 49. fearriga wv. disccdcrc, rcccdcrc, iud. pres. 3 sg. fearras L. 9, 39; 3 pi. fearrageS L. 8, 13; pret. 3sg. fearrade L. 1,38; 3 pi. fearradou L. 2. 1 5 ; opt. pret. 3 sg. fearrade L. 4, 42. [See a-, ge-, oft'earriga.J fearSa, see feor^ia. feber sm. febris, ds. feber Mk. I 2, 12; febere L. 4, 39; dp. febru Mk. 1, 31. feberadl su. febris, ns. feberadl' J. 4, 52; dp. feberadluni L. 4, 38; feberadlu Mt. 8, 15. febriga wv. febricitnrc , pros. p. febrcnde Mk. 1,;)0. feerlice av. repcntc, subito, Mk. 13, 30. L. I 4, 18; ferlice L. 9, 39; feerlie (=^ rcpciifind) L. 21, 34. feerstylt sm. (V) stupor, ds. — , L. 5,26. feerswigo sf. stupor, ds. feersuigo Mk. 5, 42. fegerlice av. splcndidc, L. 16, 19. fegeniise, see iinfegeruise. feh su. pccuiiia, prctiiDii, substan- tia, ns. — , Mt. 27, 6. J. P 188^; gs. fffies L. 15, 12; as. — , Mt. 10, 9. 25. 18. 25. 27. 28. 12. 28, 15. Mk. 14, 11. L. 8, 43. 9,3. 15, 12. 15,13. 15,30. 19,15. 19,23.22,5. fcligenefawm. :eld su. torvicntuvi, dp. iiond- geldii j\It. 4, 24. tiriuiga wv. pcccarc, iud. pret. 3 sg. tirinade i\lt. 27, 4. liiT. see fearr av. firra, see afirra. tirrfara sv. vcxari, iuf. tirrfarra L. first sill, spatiitiii, tcnipiis, gs. tirstes Mk. 9, 21; as. — , Mk. 6,31. fisc sm. piscis, gs. fisees Mt. I 20, 9. L. 1 11, 14. 24,42; ds. — , L. 11, 11; as. — Mt. 7, 10. 17,27. L. 11, 11. J. 21, 9. 21,13; up. fiscas ]\It. 14, 19. Mk. I 3, 18 (lytle liseas = pisciciilis). 6,41. L. 9, 13; gp. tisea Mt. 13, 47. Mk. 8, 7 (lyttelra 'i^%. t'eimued Mt. 1 15,2. foreucX see uuforeub. forcwoeb'a sv. argucrc, redargiLcre, iiicrcparc, cxcusare, cxprobrarc, vitiipcrarc , ind. pret. 3 sg. for- euojcti J. I 5. 11; fciioaiS L. 23, 40; fcuoeb L. I, 7, 6; fcue& Mk. 1 5, 8; 3 pi. fcuoedon Mk. 7, 2; inf. f'euoeba Mt. 11,20; t'euoede (opt. pret. 3 fiig.?) L. I 8, 13; pp. feuoeden J. I 6, 12; fciioedne J. I 7, 13; npn. f'euodeno J. 3, 20. forc}'(5a wv. argucrc, iiicrcparc, apprcJicudcrc , ind. preB. 3 sg. fcy&as Mt. I 21, 16. 1 21, 17; pret. 3 sg. f'e^^de Mt. I 21, 12; pp. fey tied Mt. I 15, 2. I 15, 3. Mk. I 1, 20 _(= rcprolms). fordcad aj. morhtus, npm. f'deadu Mt. 28, 4. ford(>a auv. pcrdcrc, afficcrc, dt's- siparc, suffocarc, ind. jires. 3 sg. f doeb Mt.10, 39. Mk. 12, 9; fdoat> L. 9, 39; fdoes Mt. 10,39; 3 pi. fdoati Mk. 13, 12 ; pret. 3 sg. f dyde Mt. 22, 7; 3 pi. f'dydon L. 8, 7; opt. pret. 3 sg. f'dyde Mk. 9, 22 ; inf. t'doa Mt. 10, 28; to fdoanne Mt. 2, 13. L. 4, 34; pp. f'doen L. _ 8. 33. fordijemend sm. (])res. ]).) accusator, dp. f doeniendum J. I 5, 9. fordrifa sv. cjicerc, pcllcrc, cx- pcllcrc, dcpcllcrc, cxprobrarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. fdrifo Mt. 12, 27; 3 sg. f drifes Mt. 9. 34; pret. 3 sg. f draf Mt. 9, 33. 21. 12. Mk. I 2, 12. 1. 34. 1, 39. 5, 40. 1(), 14. L. I 4. 16. 110.5. J. 2. 15; fdrAf Mk. I 2, 11, I 3, 6; 1 pi. fdrifon Mt. 7, 22; 3 pi. fdrifon :\It. 21, 39. Mk. 6, 13; fdriofon J. 9, 34; o])t. ])res. 3sg. fdrife Mt. 9. 38; fdrifa I\It. 12, 20; 3 pi. fdrife m. 10, 1 ; pret. s sg. fdrife Mk. 5. 10. 7, 20; 3 pi. fdrifen :\Ik. 9. 18; imp. pi. fdrifes .Alt. 10, 8; inf fdrifa .Mk. 3. 23(2). 9,28. 11,15; fdrife Mt. 17, 19; to f'drifenne Mt. I 20, 8; pp. fdrifen Mt. I 18, 11. 9. 25. 17, 21 ; npm. fdrifeno L. 13,28. J. 12,42; dp. f drifenii Mk. 5, 40; apn. (?) I fordrifena Mt. I 18, 1. fordrifnise sf objcctio, ns. f drifnise Mk. I 2. 15. fordryga wv. arcsccrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. f drugade L. 8, 6. fordwina wv. cvaiicsccrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. forduineb L. 14, 34; pret. 3 sg. f duide L. 14, 34. fore av. /oris, f e J. 18, 16. fore pret. ante, corai)i, prcr, pro, propter, ob, w. dat. — , Mt. I 8, 13. I 20, 17. 5, 16. L. 1, 17. 1, 20. J. I 4. 20. I 5. 1. 1, 16; f e Mt. (17 ' times). Mk. (10 times). L. (33 times). J. (36 times); f Mt. 1, 18 mg. 20, 13. J. 6, 31 mg. (cj.?). 16, 21; f'a3 L. 16, 15; w. ace. — , I Mt. 5, 10. 13, 58. 15, 3. 15, 6. 19, 29. J. 10, 32 ; f e Mt. (16 times), Mk. (19 times), L. (14 times), J. (14 times); fa) L. 4, 38; f Mt. I i 2. 14. 16. .5. 19, 9. J. P 188^; fore (= prccfcrcndiiui) Mt. I 17, 10. [See be-, onfore.] forea'fterfylging sf prosecutio, ds. f e a'ft'fylging J. I 7, 19. foreawri'ga sv. obscurarc, pp. fe- [ awrigen L. 23, 45. forebeada sv. proJiibcrc, prccciperc, ind. pres. 3 sg. forebeadas Mt. I 17, 3; pret. 3 sg. f'ebead Alk, 7, I 36. L. I 9, 15; pres. p. fe})eadend ! Mk. 4, 15. [See also forbeada.J ; forebelialda sv. prcccavcre, inf. f e to behaldeune Mk. I 3, 20; fe to bebaldano Mk. I 5, 8. , forebiscop sm. ovcrbisJiop , high I priest, ns. forebiscob Mt. 1, 18 mg. forel)od sn. prccdicatio, ns. f ebod Mk. 12,9; ds. f'ebod Mil 16,5. 12,41. forebodiga wv./r^<^zmr^, ind. pres. 3 sg. febodas Mt. I 16, 9, I 16, 11; pret. 3 pi. f ebodadou Mk. 6, 12; imp. pi. feboda^es Mt. 10, 7; I pp. f ebodan Mt. 24,^14. forobodnng — foregyrda 61 forebodung" sf. prcrdicatio, iis. fe- bodimg- Mk. 1 5, 15. forebni'da wv. ohnvihrarr, iiid. ])i'et. H sg-. f brade iMk. U, 7. forebrciiga wv. prcr/rrrr, ind. ]»ret. 8 sg. febrobte Mk. 1 5, G. L. 10, 35. forecuma '^s.prcrvcuirc, apprchcnd- ere, proccdcrc , iud. pres. 3 sg. feeyme?) L. 11, 20; 3 pi. f'eeyme?^ Mk. 7, 15. 7. 23 ; pret. 3 sg. f ecuom Mt. 17, 25. Mk. 14, 8; 3 i)l. f'e- cuomou L. 4, 22. forecwide sm. pradidmn, capitid- 11 »i, as. — , Mt. 4, 5: np. feeiiido Mk. I 1, 1; ap. fecwida Mt. I 7, 7. foreew(je<5a sv. prcedicrrr, prccdi- care, ind. pret. 1 sg. f'eciieh" ]\It. 28, 7; f'eciioe?5 Mk 13, 23; 3 sg. f'ecuoec:; L. I 9. 18. I 10, 13. 1 10, 27; f'eeuoa}(5 J. I 7, 12; f'eciie?5 Mt. 122, 3. Mk. 14, 14; pres. p. foreewoedeude JVIt. I G, 9; pp. foreewoedeu Mt. I 7, 7. forecyme sm. proccdcus, as. (V) — . Mt. I 4, 3. forefalla sv. procidcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. f'efeoll Mk. 7. 25. 14. 35. forefinda. see eftforelinda. foreflea sv. profiigcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. f efl«b Mk. 14, 52. forefa'ra wv. autcccdcrc, ind. jirct. 3 sg. f'efoerde L. 22, 47. foregearwiga wv. prapararr , ind. pres. 1 sg. f'egearuiga J. 14, 3; 3 sg, f egearwaSe L. 7, 27 ; pret. 3 sg. f'egearuade L. 12, 47; 3 \)\. (oi)t.?) f egearuadon L. 9, 52. foregearwung sf. prceparatio, para- sccuc, ns. f'egearuung L. 23, 54. J. 19, 14 ; ds. fegearuuns,- Mk. I 5, 10. foregebecniga wv. prafigiirarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. foregebeenade Mt. I 7, 14. foregecwteSa sv. pradicerc , \s\\. foregecueden Mt. I IG, 3. foregetua b\. prccsuiurre, ind. i)ret. 3 sg. t'cgefeng :\lt. I 14, 3. foregegearwiga Y^y.prccpararc, ind. pret. 3 sg. f'egegcaniuade Mt. 11, 10; i)p. t'egegearnuad Mt. 25, 42; f egegearuad {= proposition is) L. G, 4. foregegeonga anv. autcccdcrc, prad- crirc, ind. pret. 3 sg. foregeeade Mt. 2, 9: pp. f egeead iMk. G, 35. foregegyrda \y\\pr<('cipcrc, ])p. n]»ni. f'egegyrdedo foregebata sv. L. 12, 34. prcccipcrc , pro- VI if tc re, ind. i)ret. 3 sg. f'ege heht Mt. I IG, 13. 120,15; 3 pi. Vq^q- behton Mk. 14,11. foregebOra wv. prccniojicrc , ind. pret. 3 sg. f'egeberde Mt. I IG, 4;- pp. f egela^red Mt. 14, 8. foregelda, see forgelda. foregeliora w\. prcetcrire, opt. pres. 3 sg. fegeleore L. 16, 17. foregemereiga wv. prccfigcrc , ind. pret. 3 sg. f'egeniercade Mt. I 17, 14. foregeuotiga wv. nofarc, pp. f'e- genotad Mt. I 10, 1. foregeonga anv. prccccdcrc, prmrc, progrcdi, prcefcrirc, ind. pres. 3 sg. f'eo-aes Mt. I 9, 12; {'Q^'^^t) L. 1, 17;^fega3s Mt. 24,34; fe- geonges Mt. 21.31; ju'et. 3 sg. f'eeode Mk. 10,32: f'eeade Mt. 14,15; 3 pi. f'eeodon Mk. 11,9. L. 18, 39; f'eeadon Mt. 21, 9; opt. pret. 3 pi. f'eeode Mk. G, 45 ; inf. to f egeonganue Mt. 121,7; pp. f eead Mt. 21, 9. foregesa^ega wv. pncdcsfinnrc, pp. f 'egesa'gd Mk. 1 I, 9. foregesotta wv. proponcrc, pp. fore- geseted Mt. I 9, 18; f'egesettct L. I 9, 14. foregetcuea wv. prcemoncrc , iud. pret. 3 sg. f'egetahte Mt. I 16, 4. forege?5iostriga wv. obccccarc , pp. f 'egefiistrat Mk. G, 52. foregewa'xa sv. pro/iccrc. ind. pret. 3 ])1. foregewoxuu Mt. I 7, 16. foreglendra wv. pra'cipifarc, inf. f'eglendra L. I 4, 15. foregyrda wv. /A(-/^rrr, ini]). sg. f'egyrd L. 17, 8. 62 forehluta — foreSfem forehliita, see foreUita. foreiorna sv. prcecurrerc, procur- rrre, proniDipcrr, ind. pret. 3 sg. f'earn Mk. 10. 17. L. 10,4. J. 20, 4; inf. (V) foreiorne Mt. I 7, 2. foreljt'da wv. prastarc , ind. pres. 8 sg-. f elwdas Mt. 15, 14. forelar sf. prcedicntio , ds. f'elar Mil 16,5. fovelatwa Bva.prceccssor, ns. f elatnn L. 22,26. foreleta sv. prohibcrr, imp. \\. fore- letas Mk. 10, 14. foreliora -^v. prceccdcre, prmtertre, ind. pres. 1 sg-. f liora Mt. 26, 32; 3 sg-. f eliora(5 Mt. 28, 7; pres. p. npm. f eliornende Mt. 27, 30. foreluta sv. prociuiihcrc, pres. p. f'elilutciide Mk. 1, 7. foremercung sf. fituhts, cnpituhim, ds. femereinc Mt. I 0, 10; np. f'emercungo Mk, I 1, 1. forenionig aj. proriiultain (!), f'e- monig Mt' I 18, 12. forenndeta wv. profitcri, pres. p. npm. feoudetande L. 2, 3; p]). (V) f'eondete L. 2, 5. foreondfeng sn. (?) prccsitiuta , ap. f'eondfengea L. I 2, 13. foreonfong sm. prcrsnintio , ns. foreonfong Mt. 1 1,4. I 5,14. forerim sn. prologus, ns. forerim Mt. I 1, 1. foresacea sv. proJiibcrc, ind. pret. f'esoc Mt. 3, 15. foresjiucga wv. prcemmtiarc, pro- ponc7'c , prced/'ccrr , prcedicarc, pro7iuntiare , ind. pres. 3 sg. foresaigeb' Mt. 122,3; f'esjege?) L. I 8, 1. I 0, 12. 1 10, 2 ; f esaegeft J. I 5, 2; pret. 1 sg. f'essegde Mt. 24, 25; 3 sg. fesfogde Mt. I 20, 2. I 20, 4. I 20 10. 1 21, 20. 13, 24. 13, 31. Mk. I 4, 7. I 5, 7. L. I 6, 6. J. 16,4; 3 pi. f'esffigdon Mk. 6, 12; inf. to f'es.'egcane Mk. 13,10; pp. f'egden Mt. 1 0, 2. foresujgdnise sf. prccfa{io, pra'fati- loicnla, ns. foresaegdnis Mt. 1 2, 16; foresffigdnise Mt. I 8, 11; f'e- sjcgdnisse Mt. I 10, 5. foresaga sf prafatio , translafio, procviumm, ds. f'esaga L. I 0, 6. J. P 187 '2; forasaga L. I 3, 11. foreseending sra. con/iisio, ds. fe- scendiug L. 21,25, foreseyniga wv. prccccdcrc, inf (?) f'eseyniga (= prcecrssiira) L. I 10, 14. foresedl sn. rccubitiis, ap. f'esedlo Mt. 23, 6. foresenda wv. promittcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. f'esendet5 J. I 6, 16. foresetta wv. pi'oponcrc, ind. pret. '.^ sg. foresa3tte Mt. 13, 31; f'esette Mk. I 3, 3. L. I 5, 16 ; f sjett Mt. 13, 24. [See also foresitta,] foresitta sv. proponcrc, pp. f 'esetua (apn.?) Mt. I 10, 12; npm. f'esetne \^ propositioms)Wi. 12,4. [See also foresetta.] foresmeaga wv. prcecogitare, pres. p. f'esmeande L I 10, 14. fores6()seip sm. prolatio, ds. f'e- so^iseip Mt. I 17, 20. foresprec sf. cxcusatio, as. f'esprec J, 15, 22. forespreea sv. proloqui, ind. pret. 3 pi. f'esprecon Mt. I 0, 18. forestemma vfy.pro/n'brrr, ind. pret. 2 pf. festemdon L, 11, 52. forestonda sv. prcevalcrr, prodrsse, ind. pres. 3 sg. festondes Mk. 8,36; 3 pi. festondes Mt. 16, 18. forest vita wv. obsfttpcscere, ind. pre't. 3 pi. f'estyldton Mk. 5, 42; f estylton Mk. 16, 5. wv. obmiitcsccre , imp. L. 4, 35. foretacen 9,x\.prodigmm, ap. f etaeeuo Mt. 24, 24. foretacniga wv. iiiformarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. f'etaenas Mt. I 18, 14. foretreda sv. oppn'nirrc, pp. f'e- treden L. I 8, 3. foretrymma wv. profrsfart, ind. pret. 3 sg. f'etrymede J, 13, 21. fore()a, see forrion. fore?yji!m, see for^'on. foreswiga sg. feswige furetionca — forhycga 03 fore?5onca wv. prmcogitnrc, inf. f e- (leiice Mk. 13, 11; f'e?:»eucg;c L. 21, 14. forec)on, see fol■^'()ll. foreSy, see for&oii. foreworpa sv. projiccrc, ind. pret. 3 sg". forewoearp Mk. 10.50. foreworSa sv. prwdcstiiiarr , ind. pret. 3 pi. f ewurdou Mk. I 1, 20. forf s. fJifsaunis, as. — Mt. 10, 21. forfava sv. perdcrc, ind. ])ies. 3 sg. f fneras Mt. 10, 39. forg-jula wv. vttarc, ind. pret. 1 pi. f gjeldon L. I 3, 8. forgeafa sv. diniitfcrc, pcrmittcrc, ignosccrc, do /i arc, r esc care, ind. pres. 1 so-, fg-efo Mt. 18, 21. Mk. 15, 9. L. 23, 16 ; 3 sg. f gefes Mt. 6,14. 6,15. Mk. 11,26; T^^i^^i^ Mk. 11, 25 ; f gefe?5 L. 7, 49; 1 pi. fgefais L. 11,4; f'gef L. 11, 4; 2 pi. f geafas Mt. 6, 14 ; f gefas Mt. 18,35; pret. 1 sg. f'geaf Mt. 18, 32; 3 sg. f'geaf Mt. 18, 27. 19, 8. 27, 26. Mk. 15, 15; f'geaf Mk. 10,4. L. 23,25; f'gaef L. 7, 42. 7,43; 1 pi. f'gefonllt. 6, 12; imp. sg. f'gef Mt. 6, 12. 8, 21. L. 9, 59. 11, 4. 17, 3. 17, 4. 23, 18. 23,34; pi. f geafas Mk. 11,25; f gefes L. 2. 29; inf. f'geafa Mt. I 20, 13. 6, 15. Mk. 2, 7. 11, 26. 15, 6. L. I 6, 13. 5, 21. 5, 24 ; to f'geafanne L. 10, 12. 23, 17; to f'gefanne Mt. 9, 6; f'geafanne Mt I 17, 13; pres. p. dpm. f'ge- fendum Mt. 117, 8; ]>]). f'gefen Mt. (8 times). Mk. (4 times). L. (7 times). J. 20, 23 ; comp. (= re- i/iissiifs): forgefeuro Mt. 11. 22; fgefenre Mt. 11,24; f'gefenra L. 10, 12. 10, 14.. [See eftforg-eafa.] forgeatta sv. oblhnsci, pp. f'geten (5'e is f'geten = tibi dccsf) Mk. 10,21; lipm. f'getne Mk. 8,14. forgefnise sf vcnia, rcim'ssio, I'ndnl- gentia, miscratio , gs. f'g-efnise (= dinu'ftcndi) Mk. 2, 10; fgefe- nise (= dinnftoidi) Mt. 1 18, 7; f gefnisse (= diinittciidi) Mt. 9, 6 ; ds. — , Mt. 1 20,14. Mk. 1 5.17; f'gefnisa (= dimiltoida) Mk. I 4,10; as. — , L. 1 11.7. 1,77. 3, 3. 4, 18 C^); f 'gefnisse Mk. 1,4. [See eftforgefnise.] forgelda sv. rcddcrc, ind. pros. 1 sg. f'geldo Mt. 18,29. L. 10,35. 19, 8; f'geldig Mt. 18, 2(); 2 sg. for- geldes Mt. 5, 33 ; 3 sg. forgeldeh" Mt.6,4; f'geldeS Mt.6, 18; fgeldes Mt. 6, 6. 16, 27; W pi. i'geldes Mt. 12,36; fg-eldas Mt. 21,41; opt. pres. 2 sg. f'gelde Mt. 5, 26. L. 12,59; pret 3 sg. fgimlde Mt. 18, 25; f'egulde Mt. I 20, 15; imp. sg. f'geld L. 16. 2; pi. fg-eldas Mt. 22, 21; inf. forgelda Mt. I 19, 5; to f'geldanne L. I 10,8. forgeonga an v. prcetcrirc, carcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. f'gjcs Mt. 5, 18; 3 pi. f'gaes L. 1 7, 15; ind. pret. 3 sg. f'eade Mt. 5, 18. forgriop])a sv. apprchendcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. f 'grap L. 5, 26. ( forluela sv. abscojidcrc, pp. f'holen L. 8, 17. forhalda sv. prcetcrirc, ind. pret. i 1 sg. f'heald L 15, 29. forht aj. iiiuidiis, usm. — , Mt. 1, ; 20 ; npm. forhto Mk. 4, 40; frohto i Mk. 4, 40. : forhtiga wv. tcrrcrc, paver c, pavcs- ccrc, mctitcrc, pcriclitari, trc- mcre, ind. pret. 3 sg. forhtade Mk. 5, 33 ; inf. forhtiga Mk. 14, I 33. L. 21, 9; pres. p. frohtende I Mk. 1 2, 11; gsm. frohtcndes L. I 4, 18; npm. forhtende L. I 11, 12; frohtende {= timidi) Mt. 8, 26; dpm. frohtendii Mt. I 18, 5. L. I 5. 18; forohtaudum J. I 4, 16. [See g-eforhtiga.J forhwon av. qiiarc (cur), quid, ut quid, f'huon Mt. (9 times). Mk. (5 times). L. (9 times). J. (7 times); f'hwon Mt. I 2, 1. 12, 6. 27, 46. Mk. 2, 18; fhvon J. 12,5; f'hcm Mt. 16,11. L. 5,30. 7,25. forhyega wv. oiuittcrc, ncgligcrc, contcmncrc, condonnarc, accus- G4 forlcasa — fornioma arc, travsgrcdi, ahscindcrc, ind. pres. o sg'. f'hycg-a& J. 5, 45; fhogeb L. 10, 13; fogas Mt. 6, 24; 2 pi. f hog-as Mt. 15,3; pre! 3 pi. f 'hog-don Mt. 22, 5 ; inf. to fhyeganne L. 11, 42; to f'hyg- canne J. I 7, 12; to f'hyega Mt. 23,23; forhycganne Mi r2(), 11; pres. ]). f hyegende J. 5, 45. forleasa sv. pn-drrc, ind. ])rct. 1 sg. fleas L. 15,9; o])t. prct. 1 sg. f'lure L. 15, 1>; pp. f'loren (tovloren uosa = /(C;7>r, dfrssr) L. 15,32. 21, 4. 21, 18. forleger ^w. foriiicatio, ds. forleiger J. 8, 41. forleta sv. viittcrc, adniittcrc, per- imttcre , dimittcrc , cnu'ftrrc , prcrtcrniitterc, rcliucpicrr, dcrc- linqucrc , sincrc , laxare , iiid. pres. 1 sg. forleto m.. 1 2, 1 1; f leto Mk. 8, 3. 15,9; fleto L.23,22; f'letto J. 14, 27; f'lette L. 5, 5 ; f let J. 14, 18; 2 sg-. f letas J. 19, 12; 3 sg. for- letas Mk. 10, 11; f 'letas Mt. 5,31. 19, 9. 19, 29. Mk. 10, 12. L. 16, 18; f letes Mt. 5, 32. 18, 12. 21, 3. Mk. 11.3. 12,19. L. 18,29. J. 10, 4; f'lettes Mt. 19, 5; f'lettas J. 10, 12; forleites Mt. I 17, 3; fle- tafi Mk. 10, 29; f leteM Mk. 10, 7. L. 15, 4. J. 8, 29; 1 pi. f'lettes J. 11,48; 2 pi. f'letas J. 16,32; f- letes L, 22, 68 ; 3 i)l. f'letas L. 19, 44; prct. 2 sg. f'leortes Mk. 15, 34; f'leorte Mt. 27, 46; 3 sg. forleort Mt. 4, 13. 8, 15; f'leort Mt. (6 times), Mk. (7tinies), L. (5 times\ J. (4 times); f'leort' (opt?) L. 5, 28; 1 pi. f'leorton I\lk. 10, 28. L. 18, 28; forleortou Mt. 19, 27; 2 pi. f'leortun Mt. 23, 23; 3 pi. f'leor- ton Mt. (3 times), Mk. (7 times), L. (3 times); opt. ])res. 1 sg. f'lete J. 18, 39; pret. 3 sg. f'leorte Mt. 14, 22. 16, 4. Mk. 6, 45. 6, 46. 15, 11. L.I 9, 2; f'lerteC?)Mt. 15,39; im]). sg. f'let Mt. 14,15; f'lct Mt. (4 times). Mk. 6, 3('), L. (5 times), J. 12, 7; pi. f'letas Mt. 13, 30. 15, 14. 19,14. Mk.11,25. 14,6. L.6, 37. 22,51. J. 18,8; f 'letes L.2,29; inf. f'leta Mt. (4 times), Mk. (3 times), L. (3 times), J. (3 times); f 'letta Mt. 1 19, 4; f 'leitta Mt. 1, 19; f'lette Mt. 15, 32 ; to f 'letanne J. 19, 10; to f 'letenuo L. I 9, 12; pres. p. f'letende Mt. 26,44; npm. f'letende Mk. 4, 36; f'letendo Mk. 14, 50; pp. f'leten Mt. (7 times), Mk. (3 times), L. (9 times); gsra. f'lete- nes (= dcserti) Mk. 1 1, 16; nsf. f'leteno L. 16, 18; asf. f'leteno Mt. 5, 32. 19, 9; npm. forletue Mt. 16,4; f'letno Mt. 21, 17; npn. (?) f'letno L. 5, 11; dpm. fletnum Mt. 13, 36; f'letnu (fletril?) L. I 9, 17; f'letno L. 5, 28; dpn. f'letnu Mk. 1, 18. [See eft-, offorleta, foreleta, unforleten.] forletnise sf. remissio, desolatto, re- pudiuvi, iiisprctio, ns. f'letnisse L. 21, 20; gs. f'letnise Mt. I 20, 14; ds. f'letnisse Mk. 1 3, 15; as. f'letnisje Mt. 26, 28. forliora, see forcliora. forlong av. olini, f'long Mt. 11, 21, forloriga wv. pcrdcre, ind. i)res. 3 sg. f'lora(5 L. 15, 4. forlosig-a wv. pcrdcre, inf. to f'lo- sanne Mt. 2. 13. forma aj. primus, prior, nsm. — , Mt. 14, 3; f'ma Mt. I 6, 4. 16,8. Mk. 14, 12. 16, 9. L. 19, 16. 20, 29. J. 20, 4; nsf. f'ma Mt. I 7, 7. I 7, 9. I 14, 3. 26, 17. L. 2, 2; nsn. — , Mt. I 8, 4 ; f'ma Mt. 22, 38. L. I 8, 11. J. I 1, 7; dsm. — Mt. 19,15; f'ma Mt. I 9, 11. 28, 1; asm. — ,Mt. 13,8. 13,13; f'- ma J. 2, 10; asf. f'ma L. 14, 8; npm. f'mo J. 19, 32; apm. f'ma Mt. 23,6. L. 11,43. 20,46; apf. f'mo Mt. 23, 6 ; L. 14, 7; apn. f'- mo L. 20, 46. forma wm. prmcipiuvi, ds. f'ma J. I 3, 2. fornioma sv. coDiprcJtcndcrc, arri- pcrc, coiisumcrc, ind. i)ret. 3 sg. f'nom L. 8, 29; 3 pi. f'nomon J. forrepen — forweard 65 1, 5; opt. pres. 8 sg. f'ninie L. 9, 54; p]). apm. f iiuniena Mt. 4, 24. [See efnet'oivnioma.] Correpen aj. (])]). V) rcprchoidcrc, p]). asf. f re])eiie J. I 5, 8. forscrinca sv. shrink, pp. asf. f- seriuueen (= an'dus) Mt. 1 2, 1 0. foi'setta, see foresetta. forsteala sv. furari> incl. pves. 3 pi. fstealas Mt. 0, 19; f'stelati Mt. 6, 20; pret. 8 pi. fsteluu Mt. 28, 13; opt. pres. 2 sg*. f 'stele Mk. 10, 19; 3 pi. f steala Mt. 27, 04. fovstouda sv. rxpedire, prqficere, prodcssc, iiid. ])res. 3 ss,-. f stondes Mt. 19,10. J. 0, 03; 1 pi. f ston- des J. 12, 19. foi'stylta wv. obstupescere, ind. pret. 3 pi. f styldton Mk. 10, 24. fovswelga sv. devorarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. f'suelg-as L. 20, 47. forswi(*)ed aj. (pp.) volens (for vio- Ifiis't), pp. f 'suited Mt. I 20, 20. fortreda sv. coiiiprinicyc, 0})t. pret. 3 pi. f tredon Mk. 3, 9. for5awor(5a sv. perirc, ind. ])res. 3 pi. f Sawort)a(5 Mt. 26, 52. for(5breng'a wv. prodiiccre, ind. ])ret. 3 sg\ iortibrolite Mk. 4, 29. for(5c'uma sv. procedcre, ind. pres. 3 pi. f'bcymeS J. 5, 29. for/5d(')a anv. ad-fcrre, imp. sg. do fort) J. 20, 27. forbgeong sm. progress, as. — , J. P1881'. iox^^^i.'Wi^i^^x^N.prcrgrrdi, procedcre, ind. pret. 3 sg. f'tieode J. 18, 4; inf. 1'bgeonga Mk. 2, 23. forbhald aj. mclinahis, nsf. for5- liald L. 13, 11. forSiotiga wv. f^trari, opt. pres. 2 sg. forSiofe Mk. 10, 19. forbis av. propter hoc, I'Sis Mt.27,8. for&loc'iga wv. prospicere, ind. pret. 3 sg. locade f'(5 J. 20, 11. fortimest aj. primus, prior, nsin. — , Mt. I 14, 2; f'&raest Mt. I 14. 1. 20, 27. 22, 25. Mk. 9. 35. 10, 44. 12,20; (wk.) forbmesta Mk. 12, 28. 12, 29. 12, 30; nsn. f 'tiniest Cook, Northuuibriau Gloasnrv. Mt. I 21, 18; dsm. f Ernest Mt. 21, 28; f 'Ernesto L. 16, 5; ni)ni. for?)mest() L. I 8. 7 ; f'5mesto Mt. 19, 30(2). 20, 10. Mk. 10, 31(2). i^. 13,30(2); f'bmiesto L. I 8, 7; f'Smest Mt. 20, 10(2); dpm. I'tiinestum Mt. 21, 36; f'5- mestu Mt. 20, 8. Mk. 12,39; dpn. f'<5niestii Mk. I 1, 15; apm. i%- mesto L. I 6, 18; apn. f'&mesto Mk. 12, 39. forSmest ay. first, f 'Smest Mt. 10. 8mg. forS av. ad-, pro-, J. 20, 27; f 5 J. 20, 11. forbon ej. enivi, qiiia, q^ionimn, nam, ergo, ideo, propterea, itaque, igi- tiir, quippe, eo qtiod, ideoque, propter quod, vero, etenim, quod, for(5on Mt. (52 times), Mk. (3 times), L. 1, 1, J. (11 times); f'5on Mt. (271 times), Mk. (137 times). L. (242 times), J. (369 times); f'etion L. 7, 47. 23, 8 ; J. I 5, 5. 1, 31. 6, 60. 6, 61. 7, 1. 8. 47. 10, 17. 12, 18. 15, 19. 15,21. 17,9; foredon J. 2, 24; f Son L. 20, 33; f'5on 5e Mt. 27,3; f'5o Mt. 5,19. 24,21; feSoBm J. 5, 16. 5, 18. 6, 65; f'e Sa J. 9, 23. 10. 17. 12. 27. 12. 39. 13.11.16,15. 19,11; f'tia J. 7, 22. 12, 18; fe5y Mt. 13, 13. [See ^ec for5on.J fortiongeouga any.progredi, pres. p. f bougeonde Mt. 26, 39. forbor aj. (])1.) pliires, npm. f'boro L. 12,'7; f bor L. 12. 24. forbor aj. av. plus, amplius, viagis, ultra, adJiuc, pl/isquam, — , Mt. 10,37; f'(5or Mt. (13 times), Mk. (9 times), L. (14 times), J. (3 times). forbrycea wv. opprimerc, inf. f- brycga L. 11, 53. forweard s. principimn, capitulum, frons , ns. forwmird Mt. 1 14, 5; f'wiieard Mt. 1 16, 1; gs. f- ueardes Mk. I 1, 8; ds. foriuiard Mt. I 10, 1; f'liearde Mt. 1 9. 16; f'ueaid .Mt. T 21, 14. Mk. I, 5,4. L. 1 2. 7; np. f'uearda Mt. I, 22, 9; ap. f wiiearda Mt. 1 14, 3. 5 06 forweardiuercung — freod6m forwearclnioivuiig- sf. capituluui, u]». forueardraereima,a J. I 3, 1. forwered aj. (pp.) veins, f'liered Mt. 9, 10.' forword sii. wta, ns. f iiord Mt. 5, 18. forworpa sv. cjicerc, rcjicerc, ind. pret. 3 sg. i'warp Mk.'l4, 52; 1 pi. f worpoD ]\It. 7, 22 ; opt. pres. 3 sg. f'worpa Mt. 9, 38. 12, 20; pret. 3 sg. forwurpe Mk. 7, 26; imp. pi. fonvorpes Mt. 25,30; pp. f worpeu Mk. 9, 38. fonvorpnise sf. traiisnn'gratio, ds. f'worpuise Mt. 1, 17. forworba sv. evanesccre, ind. pres. 3 sg-. f'worhes Mt. 5, 13. forwost sm. pn'iiccps, pn'iinis, ns. pri}iiafiis, tnbuinis, t'uost Mt. 10. 25. Mk. I 4, 8. L. 19, 2. J. 18, 12 ; f'wost :\Ik. 6, 21 mg.; f'uuost Mt. 20. 27; d]). f'wostum j\[k. (3, 21; fwnostiT Mt. 20. 18. forwyrd sf. pcrditio, ns. f'wyrd Mt. 26, 8. fostratJ sn. rsca, panis, inau?m, ns. fostrad' Mt. 3, 4; as. fostra?) J. 6, 31. 6, 49. f()string sm. discipuhis, ns. fostring L. 12,1. I 2,2; dp. fosf L. I, 4. 4. fot ^m. pes, ns. — Mk. 9,45; fot Mt. 18, 8; as. fot Mt. 4. 6; np. foet Mt. I 7. 17. J. 11, 44; gp. fota Mt. .5,35. 22,44. Mk. 12,36. L.I 11, 13. 9, 5. 20, 43; dp. fotum Mt. 10, 14. 15, 30. Mk. 6, 11. 7, 25. J. 11. 32. 20, 12; fotu' Mt. (2 times). xMk. 5, 22. L. (7 times); fot' L. 15, 22; a]), foet Mt. (2 times). Mk. 9, 45. L. (6 times), J. (5 times); foet L. 24, 39. 24, 40. J. 11, 2. 13, 5. 13, 6.13,8. 13,9. 13,12. 13,14; foeta L. 7, 45. [See feoborfot]. f6tclii5' sm. eoiiuiiissura, as. fotelac) Mt. 9, 1(). fotiga, see gefotiga. foter sn. ztzama, as. (?) foter Mt. 13, 27. fotsccemel sm. scabelhiiii, ns. f(')t- scijumel Mt. 5, 35; ds. fotsca^mel L. 20. 43; as, fotsecjcmel Mk. 12, fregna 36; fotsconol Mt.22,44; fotscemel iMt. 22, 44. foMer sn. copJmnis, ap. fob'er Mt. 14, 20. fox sm. viilpes, as. foxe L. 13, 32; as. — , L. I 8, 8; np. foxas Mt. 8, 20. L. I 6, 12. 9, 58. fracoS sn. aho)iiinafio, contuiuelia, ns. — (aj.?), L. 16. 15; ds. fraeeSo Mt. 22, 6. friepgiga wv. vereri, ind. pret. 3 pi. fr;eppigdon Mt. 21, 37. [See ge- frjeppiga]. fragia, see gefregna. fraignung, see fregnuug. frasiga wv. conquirere, tuferrogare, ind. pres. 2 pi. frasias Mk. 9, 16; inf frasiga J. 21. 12; pres. p. d])m. frasendum J. I 3, 4. I 3, 13, 1 6, 6. [See gefrasiga.] frasung sf hiterrogatio, ds. frasung Mt. i 21, 10, sv. interrogare , sciscitari, ind. pres. 1 sg. fregno Mt. 21, 24; fregna Mk. 11,29; fra^gno L. 22, 68; pret. 3 pi. frugnon Mk. 13, 3. L. 3,14, 22, 64; fruguun Mk, 12, 18. L. 20,27, J, 8, 7, 9, 19; inf fregna L. 20, 3; to fnpgnanne L. 9, 45 ; pres. p. fraignende Mk. I 4,8. L. I 6, 19; fnegnende L. 1 10, 6; fraeguende L. 2,46; fregnende Mk. I 5, 3. I 5, 4; fr^egnend L. I 9, 9; npm. frtegnende L. I 10, 5; dpm. fraignendum Mk. I 4, 1; fregnendum Mt. 121,19; frsegnen- dil L. 1 10, 13. [See be-, efnege-, ge-, (Jerhfregna.] fregnung sf qnestioiiiig, ds. fraig- nung (mi(5 fraignung = iiiter- rogando) Mk. I 4, 19. fremma, see welfremmende. fremSe aj. peregriiius, extratieiis, aliemis, nsm. frem(5e L. 24, 18. J. I 2, 2. I 2, 3; asm. frem(5e J. 10, 5; gpm. freni J. 10, 5. frembiga, see gefremb'iga, freo aj. liber, n])m. freo Mt. 17, 26. J. 8^36; frio J.I 5,15. freodom sm. repudmm, gs. freo- freta — fruma 67 domes Mt. 5, 31; freodonias Mt. 19,7. freta sv. comederc, ind. pret. 3 p. freton Mt. 13.4; fretton iMk. 4,4. [See ge-, oti'reta.] fric aj. vorax. nsm. — , Mt. 11, 19. frieo sf. (?) usjira, ds. frico Mt. 25, 27. fri'ga wv. lib r rare, complect/', ind. pres. 3 sg. friab ^Ik. 1 3. 17; fre- we5 Mt. I 19, 3; pres. j). friende Mk. 9. 36. [See g-efriga.] frigedd'g ^m./rria J/., ns. frigedoeg Mk. I 5, 17. frioud 8m. (uni'cus, socius, cogna- tiis, ns. freond Mt. 11, 19. 20. 13. 22, 12. 2(), 50. L. 7. 34. 11. 5. 14, 10. J. 11, 11; friond L. 11. 6. 11. 8. J. 3, 29. 19, 12; ds. frionde L. I 7, 3; as. friond L. 11. 5; np. freondas Mt. 23. 30; friondas L. 23, 12. J. 15. 14; dp. friondum L. 12, 4; friondil L. 15, 6. 15, 29. 21, 16. J. 15, 13; ap. freondas L. 7, 6; friondas L. 14, 12. 16. 9. J. 15, 15; freondo L. 2,44. [See wiftViond.] friondleas vc^.orplianus, apm.freond- leasa J. 14, 18. fri(5 sm. pax, as. — , Mt. I 18, 14. 10, 34. [See Bill-, Eadfri?).] friSgeorn aj. pacificiis, npm. frib- georne Mt. 5, 9. 5. 9 mg. froecenlic aj. pcriculosiis, nsf. froe- cenlic Mt. I 1, 4. frcefra wv. consolari, ind. pret. 3 pi. froefredon J. 11, 31; inf. froefra Mt. 2. 18. [See efne-, gefrcefra.] froefernise sf. coiisolatio, as. froeter- nise L. 6, 24. fro for sf. consolatio , as. frofor L. 2. 25. froht, see forlit. frolitiga, see forlitiga. from pre]), a, ab, dc, ex, w. dat. from Mt. (32 times), Mk. (6 times), L. (3 times), J. (26 times); fro Mt. (135 times), Mk. (84 times), L. (186 times), J. (120 times); fra L. 12. 54; fro L. 13, 17; w. aee. from Mt. 1.21. J. 4. 9. 7,18; fro Mt. 18. 8. 18. 9. 21, 19. 21, 31. Mk. 14,21. 14,36. 16,11. l! 13,7. 22,16. 22,42. J. 5, 30. 17, 7. 17, 8; w. gen. from Mt. I 22, 8. L. 24, 24. fromawjelta (or eftfromawjelta) wv. revolvere, pp. froawjelted L. 24, 2. fromawrita sv. describere, ind. ])ret. 3 sg. froawrat Mt. I 6, 12. fromcerra wv. avertere, pres. p. fro- cerrende L. 23, 14. fromdcen aj. (pp.), ns. frodoen (= deliraDieiituiii) L. 24,11. fromfcera wv. abire, exire, egredi, disccdere, ind. pret. 3 sg. frofoerde Mk. 11, 19; 3 pi. frofoerdon L. 7, 24. 10, 30. J. 6, m. 8, 9. froragebega wv. decUnare, ind. pret. 3 sg. frogebeg J. 5, 13. fromgefcera wv. proficisci, ind. ]iret. 3 sg. frdgefoerde Mt. 25, 14. fromgenioma sv. diripere, inf. fro- i geuTraa Mt. 12, 29. ; fr()mgeonga anv. abire, exire, ind. pret. 3 sg. frueode Mk. 6, 24 ; fro- eade Mt. 16, 4. J. 13, 31; 3 pi. frdeodon Mt. 27, 66; inf. frogeonga J. I 6. 9. 6, 67 ; pres. p. frugeon- gende Mk. 14, 39; dpm. frugeon- ffeudum Mt. 11, 7. fromnioma sv. auferre, ind. pres. 3 sg. fronimeb Mk. 2. 21. fromslitnise sf. desolatio, gs. fru- slittnise Mk. 13, 14. fromymbcerra wv. evolvere, pp. fro- ymbcerred Mt. I 9. 15. fruma sm. pri)icipiuiii , iiiitiuin, priiiium, origo, ns. — , J. 1, 12. I 5, 13; frilnia ,1. 8, 25; friTa Mk. I 1, 8. I 1, 12. 1, 1. 13, 8. J. I 1, 13; ds. — Mt. I 7, 5. I 14, 13. 19, 4. 19, 8. Mk. 10, 6. 13. 19. L. I 2, 12. I 2, 16. J. I 3, 2. 1, 1. 1. 2. 6,64. 15,27. P 188'; frumma Mt. 15,3. I 7,6. J.I 1, 12; fru- ma Mt. I 2, 1. I 14, 9. 24, 21. Mk. I 1, 11. L. 1. 2. J. 8, 44. 16, 4; frua L. 1.3; as. frumma Wi. I 7, 14; fruma J. 2, 11 \\\). frumma 68 frumacennise — fylga Mt. I 5, 5. 24, 8; dp. friinimum Mi I 4. 6; frummil Mt. I 1, 5; ap. — , Mt. I 14,3(2). I 14^ 15 fruniacennise sf. iiativitas, dt^i. frnm- acenuise J. I 5, 10. frumcenned aj. (pp.) primoge-m'tus, asm. frumeende Mt. 1, 25; fru- cende L. 2, 7. fruinseeaft sf. genesis, ds. — , J. I 1,12. frniiisetnung- sf. coustitutio, as. fru- settiiung J. 17, 24. frymbo sf. coiistitiitio, ds. — , Mt. 25, 34. fugul sm. avis, volatile, ns. fugiil L. 13, 34; np. fu-las Mk. 4, 32. L.I 7, 15; ap. fuglas Mt. (3,26. fill, see unfi'il. full sn. ampJwi'a, as. — , L. 22,10; fiille (stsenna fiille = alahnstnini) Mt. 2»), 7. full aj. plonis, perfectus, nsm. — , L.I 2,4. 2,40. 4,1. 5,12.16,20; nsf. — , L. 1, 28; fulhe Mt. I 7, 18; USD. — , L. 11, 39. J. 1, 14. 16,24. 19,29; dsm. — , L. 13,4; asf. — , J. 21, 11; asn. (?) — , Mk. 4, 28. 14, 3 (stjenue itet full =- alabastnii)i). 14, 13 (ombor full = laguena)>i). L. 7, 37 (oeleCiet full = alabasti'um). J. 19, 29 (holla full =^ spoiigiavi). J. 19, 29 (co])]) Cull = spoiigia)ii)\ npm. fulle Mt. 23, 25. 23, 28; ui)u. fulla Mt. 23, 27; fulle Mt, I 8, 6; apm. fullo Mt. 14, 20; iulla ]\It. 15. 37; fulle Mk. 6, 43. 8, 19 ; apn. fulla Mt. 114, 15; fulle Mt. 18,4. [See iserwit-, geleaf-, georn-, hoga-, leaf-, syun-, ungeleaf-, uiiSonc-, wulifull.J -fulliee, see lustfullice. -fullnise, see ungelcaf-, unsceom-, w6hfulnise. fuUunga av. (V) fully (?), ap. — , J. 2, 6 ing. fultum sill. Jiclp, ds. fultuiiicT. J. P 188«. fultuniiga wv. adjuvare, opt. pres. 3 sg. fultuine L. 10, 40. fulwiga wv. hnptizare, ind. pres. 1 sg. lulgugia (i and first g above line) J. 1, 26; fulwa Mt. 3, 11; lulua L. 3, 16; 2 sg. fiiuhiuas J. I, 25; 3 sg. fiilwas J. 3, 26; i'ul- uuaS J. 4, 1; pret. 1 sg. fulwade Mk. 1, 8; 3 sg. iiiluuade J. 4, 2; opt. pres. 1 sg. fulgode J. 1, 33; iuf. fulguia J. 1, 33; fulguge J. I 4, 1; to fill' J. 1, 31; pres. p. ful- uaude J. I 3, 7. I 4, 1; fulwuande J. 3, 23; fulguande J. 1, 28. 1, 31. 10, 40; npm. fulwuande Mt. 28, 19. [See ge-. iuge fulwiga.] fulwiht sn. baptis)>ia, baptisniimi, us. — , Mt. 21, 25. Mk. I 2, 9; fiil- uiiit Mk. 11,30. L. 20,4; gs. ful- wihtes (= baptizandi) Mt. I 22, 10; ds. — Mt. I 16,6. 3,7. Mk. I 1, 5. I 1,14. L. I 4, 9. 7. 29; fulwihte L. I 7, 10; fulwuibt Mk. I 4, 19; fuluibt Mt. I 21, 6; ful' L. I 10, 6; as. — , Mk. 1,4. 10, 39. L. I 2, 15. 3, 3; fulwniht L. 12,50; fuluibt Mk. 10,38; ap.f"ul- wibta Mk 7, 4; fulwibta Mk. 7, 8. fulwibtere sm. baptista, ns. fuUwih- tere Mk. 6, 14; fuluibtere Mt. 3. 1; fuluibt' Mk. 8, 28; gs. — . Mt 14, 8; fulwibf Mk. 6, 24; fulwib' Mk. 6, 25; ds. fulluibtere Mt. II, 11. fylga wv. sequi, ind. pres. 1 sg. fylgo Mt. 1 18, 3. 8, 19. L. I 6. 12. 9. 57. 9. 61; 3 sg. fylge<5 L. 9, 23. J. 8, 12; fylges Mt. 10, 38. Mk. 9, 38. L. 9, 49; 2 pi. fylges J. 8. 21; 3 pi. fyl- ga(5 J. 10, 4; fylg;et) J. 10, 5; fyl- geb J. 10, 27; pret. 3 sg. fylgede Mk. 14, 16. 5,24. J. 6, 2; fylgde Mk. 10, 52. L. 18, 43. 20, 30. 23, 27. J. 20. 6; 1 pi. fylgede (foil, by we) Mt. 19, 27; fylgdon Mk. 10, 28; 3 pi. fyleg:dou Mt. 27, 55; fvlgedon Mk. 1, 20. 6, 1; fylgdon Mt. 8, 10. 12, 15. Mk. 2, 15.' 10, 32. 11, 9. 15, 41. L. 18, 28; opt. pres. 3 sg. fylge ]\Ik. 8, 34 ; imp. sg. fvlg Mt. 9. 9. Mk. 2. 14. 10, 21. L. 5, 27". 9, 59. 18,22; fylge Mt. 8,22. J. 1,43; fylging — galileus 69 fylig- J. 21,22; pi. fylge?) Mk. 14, 13. L. 22, 10; inf. fylga Mk. 8, 134, fvlge J. 18. HO; to fvlgeune Mk. 5, 87; to fylgenna m. 1 20, 5; to fylgeue (= scctandani) L. I 8. 10 ; pres. p. fylgende Mt. 9, 9. 26, 58. Mk. (8 times). L.(5 times); asm. fyl- gemli J. 21. 20; fylgend Mk. 1, m\ upm. fylgende Mt. 8, 1. 19. 2. 20, 34. Mk. 1, 20; fvlgendo iVIt. 19, 28. Mk. 1. 18. 2, 15. L. 18, 28. 22.89. J. 13,8. 1,87. 1,88. 1,40; fuilgendo J. 11, 31; npf f3'lgende Mt. 14, 13. 27, 55 ; dp. fyli>-endura Mt. 8, 10; fylgendil Mk.^16, 20. [See sefter-, ge-, of-, nnderfylga.] fylging. see foreafterfylging-. fylla WW adiniplere, implcre, inf. to fyllenne Mt. 5. 17; pres. p. apm. fyllennda Mt. I 17, 18. [See ge-, togefylla.J fyllnise sm. plenitudo, perfcctio, supplementum, ns. fylnise Mk. I 1, 18; ds. fylluisse J. 1, lii; as. — , Mt. 9, 1(). Mk. 2, 21; fylluisse Mk. I 1, 18. [See gefyllnisc] fyllo, see oferfyllo. fyr sn. ignis, ns. fvr Mk. 9, 44. 9, 46. 9,48. L. 9, .54. 17,29. 22,55; gs. fyres Mt. ((> times), Mk. (3 ti- mes); ds. fyr Mt. 18.40. L. 8, 16; fyre Mk. 9, 49. 14, 54. L. 8, 17; as. fyr Mt. (5 times), Mk. 9, 22, L. (4 times), J. 15, 6. [See ewic- fyrhtiga, see a-, gefyrlitiga. fyrhtnise sf. fimor, terror, ds. — , Mt. 14. 26 ; np. fyrhtnisso L. 21, ll! fyrhto sf. pavor, tiiiior, mchis, ns. — , Mk. 16, 8. L. 4, 36; ds. — , Mk. 4, 41. 9, 6. L. 5, 26. 8, 37; fy- rihto Mt. 28,4; as.—, J. 7, 13. fvst sf. alapa, colapJuis, dp. fystii " Mk. 14,65(2). 0. gaa, see geonga; tuset-, 5'erli-, upp-, lit-, ymbgaa. Gabriel p. n., ns. gabrihel L. 1, 19. ga3fel sn. trihiitinn, ds. — , L. I 10, 8; gaefel (gaefelselenna , with selenna underlined) Mt. 1 21 , 10; as. gsefel' (easeres ^-xi^X ^ didracJi- ma) Mt. 17, 24; gtelil Mt. 17, 25 ; geafel Mk. 12, 14. L. 20, 22; ap. giefelo L. 23, 2. [See ned- g-ajfel. -ga?gn, see ongfeg-n. -gaignes, see toga^gnes. giela, see forgtela. gfelso wm. (?) sollicitudo, ns. ga3lso Mt. 13, 22. gjers sn. fcrrinin, hcrba, Jtoliis, ns. '' — . L.12, 28. J. 6, 10; gers Mt. 6,80. 1H,26 (uiwe ^^x'^ = ]icrh(i)\ as. gers Mt. 14, 19. Mk. 4, 28. 6, 39; dp. gnesura Mk. 4, 32. gjBt sn. porta, jainia, ns. gaet Mt. 7, 14; geat Mt. 7, 13; ds. — , Mk. 1, 33; as. — , Mt. 7,13; gffitt L. 13,24; np. geatt Mt. 16,18. Galilea pn., gs. galilejies Mk. 6, 21; galileae Mk. 1,28; galiltes Mk. 1. 16. 7,31; galilie L. 1,26; gal'ies L. 4, 31; galir J. 6, 1; gall L. 4, 41. 5,17. J. 2 1,2; gal' J. 12,21(2); ds. — , .Mt. 4, 25. 27, 55. L. 2, 4. 4,14. 23,49. 23,55; galilea? Mk. 1, 39; galil' :\rt. 19, 1: gal'l' L. 23, 5; gall Mk. 15, 41. L. 24, 6; gal' J. 7, 52: as. galileam Mt. 26, 32; galilea Mt. 4, 12. Mk. 9, 30 ; — Mt.4,23. 28,7. Mk. 1, 14. 14, 28; gall L. 2, 89. 8,26. 23,6. J. 1,43; gal' L 14,12. galilesc aj. galikcus, nsni. galilesca L. 23, 6. J. 7, 52; galilesc Mk. 14, 70. L. 22, 59; dsin. galilesca Mt. 26, 69; npm. galilesco L. 13, 2. (wk.) J. 4, 45; dpm. galilescu L. 13,2; gall L. 13, 1. galileus aj. galilcnis, nsm. — . Mk. 70 galla — geasciga galla v^m./el, ds. galla RIt. 27,34. gast smn. spirihis, ns. — , Mt. 26, 41. Mk. 1, 12; gast (10 times); gaast (l;j times); gaast J. 14. 26; gaas Mt. I 7, 17. Mk. 18. 11. J. 6, 63; gs. gastes Mt. 12,31. 28,19. L. 4,14. J.P187>H"^); fls- gaasteMk, 9,25. L. 1, 15. 1,67. J. 3,8; gaste (15 times); gaast Mt. I 5, 8. 1, 18. L. 1, 17. J. 4, 23; gast (13 times); — , Mt. 12,28. 22,43; as. gaast (11 times); gast (9 times); — , L. 23,46. 24,37. J. 1.33. 14,17. 19, 30; np. gaastas Mk. 5, 12; gastas Mk. 5, 13; gast!:X3S L. 10, 20; gasto Mk. 3, 11; gp. gaasta Mt. 10, 1; gasta Mk. 6, 7; dp. gastum Mk. 1, 27. L. 6,18. 8,2; ga^stu L. 4, 36. 7. 21; ap. gastas Mt. I 8, 3. 12,45; gaastas Mt. 8, 16. L. 11, 26. gastlice 2L\.figHralitcr, gastlice Mk. 14,10. gazopbilac'iumZ(7/.,n. ns.gazophilae' Mk. 12, 41; as. gazophila Mk. 12, 41; gazopliir Mk. 12, 43. geabida sv. sitstinerc, ind. pres. 3 pi. geabidas Mk. 8, 2. geadre, see setgeadre. geadriga wv. colligcrc, congregarc, ind. pres. 2 pi. geadrias Mt. 13, 29; 3 pi. geadriges Mt. 13, 41; pret. 1 pi. geadredou Rlt. 13, 28; imp. pi. geadrias Mt. 13,30; ge- adriges Alt. 13, 30; pres. p. ge- adrigeude Rlt. 13, 47. [See ge- geadriga. ] geadruiiii,' sf. tcxtiis, ds. — , Mt. I 8, 17.^ geafa sfn. gratia, donum, corban, hostia, miiniis, obscqimirii, ns. — , Mk. 7, 11 (2). L. 2,40; Ji-efe Mt. 23, 19; gefo J. 1, 17; ds. — , Mt. I 5, 8. J. P 187 '3; gefo Mt. 23, 18 ; as. — , L. 2, 24. J. I 3, 4. 4, 10. 16. 2; gefe Mt. 23, 19; geafo {=sa- crijicimri) Mk. 9, 13; up. gifae(?) J. 21, 15 mg.; dp. geafii L. 21, 5; ap. — , Mt. 2, 11; geofa Mk. I 5, 6. geafa sv. offcrr, prccbcrc, adhibcrc, prastarc, diinittcrc, opt. pres. 1 sg. gefe J. 18, 39(2); 3 sg. gefe J. 16, 2; imp. sg. gef Mt. 5, 39. I 8, 4. Mk. 1, 44 ; inf. to geafanne Mt. I 16, 15. I 17, 19; to gefanne Mt. 1 1, 12; pres. p. dpn. geaf- endu Mt. I 16, 3. [See a-, eftfor-, I for-, ofageafa.] I geafel, see gccfel. I geana, see mi geana, (5a geane, wid j (5a geane. gean&e av. geande (from geanbe =^ \ dcorsum) Mk. 14, 66. ; geard, see middan-, wiugeard. ; gearSiga wv. honor ijicarc, pp. ge- I ar&ad Mt. 6, 2. ' gearliga, see gegearliga. . gearnfuU, see geornfuU. ' gearo aj. paratus, promptiis, nsra. j gearuu Mk. 14. 38; gearo L. 22, : 33; georo Mt. 26, 41; nsf. gearua J. 7,6; npm. gearua Mt. 24, 44; I gearuu L. 12, 40. gearwiga wv. pararc , stiidcre, cxiierc, ind. pres. 3 pi. gerua(5 L. Ill, 2; pret. 1 sg. gearuade Mt. 22, 4 ; 2 sg. gearuades L. 2, 31; 3 pi. gearuadon J. 19, 42 mg.; opt. pres. 1 pi. gearuiga Mt. 26, 17; gearuia L. 22, 9; imp. sg. ge- arua L. 17, 8; pi. gearua(5 L. 3, 4; gearuas Mt. 3,3. Mk. 1,3. 14, 15. L. 22, 8; gearrwas Mt. I 7, 13; inf. gearuiga L. 1, 76; pres. p. npm. gearwende Mt. 27, 28 ; ge- aruende L. I 8, 13. [See fore-, forege-, ge-, on-, ymbgearwiga.] gearwung, see fore-, mettes-, miS- gearwung. gearwungda^g sm. pa rase cue, ns. geruungdiBge J. 19, 31; ds. gear- uungdaeg J. 19, 42. gearwutol aj. austcrus, nsm. gear- uutol L. 19, 22; gearuutol L. 19, 21. gearwyr('5iga ww./ffuerari, p}). ge- arwyr5ed L. 6, 34. geasciga wv. ifitcrrogarc, sciscitari, scire, ind. pret. 3 sg. geascade Mt. 2, 4. Mk. 8, 5. 14, 60. 15, 2; geat — gebidda 71 pi. geascadon Mk. 13,8; pp. ge- ascad Mt. Id, 26. geat, see g;et. geata, see a-, of-, 5erligeata. geatta sv. rnfclligerc, ind. pret. -"> pi. getoD L. 18, H4. [See be-, oftou-. for-, inbe-, ongeatta.] gebasniga wv. cxpcctarc, ind. pret. 8 sg. gebasnade L. 23, 51. gebeada sv. prccdicare, pp. geboden Mk. 14,9. gebear sn. cojivwiuin , ds. gebear Mk. I 2, 15. gebeam sv. portarc, tollcre, haju- larc, coiicipcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. ge- biBrMt.8,17.L.1.24.11,27;gebaer J. 19,5; gbaer Mt. I 6, 14; 2 pi. geberon Mk. 8,19; opt. pret. 3sg. gebere L. I 7. 7; inf. gebeara L. 10,4. 11,46. J. 16, 12; pp. geboren Mt. I 6, 10 (= nationc). I 14, 11 (= uafiis). 1,16. Mk.2.3. 14,21. gebearua sv. accciidcrc, siiccciidcrr, comhircrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. ge- berua5' L. 11,33; geberneb' L. 3, 17; gebernes L. 8,16; pret. 3 sg. gebarn j\[t. 22. 7. gebearscip sm. conrnvhun , ds. gebearscip L. I 5, 2. I 8, 11. 1 8, 16; as. gebearsgip L. 5. 29; geb^er- sc'ip L. 14. 13; d]). gebearsciopii L. 2t), 46; ap. gebearscipo L. 9, 14. gebecniga wv. iiidicare, significare, signarc, immere, ind. pres. 3 sg. gebecnas Mt. I 9, 13. J. I 3, 10. 1 7. 16; gebecna5 J. I 8, 6; pret. 2 sg. gebeenades Mt. I 4, 10 ; 3 sg. gebeeuade J. I 7,3; gebecnade J. 13,24; 3 pi. gebeenadon L. 1, 62. [See foregebecniga.] gebed sf. (?) conjux, itxor, as. ge- bede Mt. 1. 20; gebed .Alt. I 17,3. gebed sn. oratio, petitio, obsccratio, dcprccntio, ns. — , L. 23. 24. J. I 2,2; gs. gebeddes Mk. 12,40. L. 19, 46; gebedes L. I 7, 2; — , Mt. 21,13. L.I 7.2; gbedes Mt 1 17, 7; gebedd Mk. ld7; ds. — , Mt. 120,8. 21,22. L. 13,4. 15, 5. 19.13. (), 12. 22,45; as. gebedd Mt. 17,21; — , L. 20,47; np. ge- beodo L. 1, 13; dp. gebeadiim Mk. 9, 29. L. 2, 37; a]), gebeodo L. 5, 33. gebega wv. dccliiiarc, i)icliiiarc, rrclinarc, procuDibcrc, flcctcrc, htDiiiliare, coardare, ind. pres. 3 sg. gebegat)' L. 14, 11; gebegeS L. 18, 14; gebeges Mt. 8, 20. 23, 12; pret. 3 sg. gebegde L. 24, 12; opt. pres. 3 sg. gebege Mt. I 18, 3; gebega L. 9, 58; inf. gebege L. 9. 12; pp. gebeged Mt. 23, 12. 27, 29 \=^Jlcx2i). L. 3, 5. 12, 50. 13.11. 18,14; dsn. gebegdum J. 19.30. [See efne-, eft-, from-, of- gebegu.J gebelda wv. cover (f). ind. pret. 3sg. gibelde J. PI 88^'. gebend sn. vinculum, ns. gebend Mk. 7, 35. geberlitniga wv. clan'/icarc, ind. pres. 3sg. geberlif J. 16,14; pret. 1 sg. geberhtna J. 17, 4; 3 sg. geberbtnade J. 13, 32 (2); ge- berhtade J. 16, 14; gebrehtade J. 1 6, 18; opt. pres. 3 sg. geberhtna J. 17, 1; inf. gebrehtnige J. I 6, 17; pp. gel)erebtnad J. 13, 31. 15,8; geberlitnad J. 13.31. 13,32. 17, 10; gebrehtuad J. 21. 19. geberlitnise sf. clarificatio, gs. ge- brelitnis J. I 6, 15. geberiga wv. vcxnrc, eliderc, pp. gebered Alk. 5, 15. 5, 18. 9, 20; npm. geberede Alt. 9, 36. geberga, see gebirga. gebida sv. cxpcctarc, sustiiicrc (?), pres. 3 ])1. ge))idas (?) Alk. 8,2; pret. 3 ])1. gebiodon L. 2, 38. gebidda sv. orarc, rogarc, peter c, dcprccari, post fi la re, ind. pres. 1 sg. gebiddo J. 14, 16; 3 sg. ge- biddeB L. 14, 32, 2 pi. gebiddas Alt. 6, 5. 6, 7 nig. Alk. 11. 21. J. 16.23; gebiddes Mt.6.6. J. 14, 13; gebiddat) L. 11.2: gebiddeS J. 15, 16; 3 pi. gebiddas Alt. 6, 5. I 6,7. 18,19. J.I 7,11; pret. 1 sg. 72 gebinda — gebrcca g-ebied L. 22, 32; 3 sg;. g-eh.^d Mt. 8, 5. 18, 29. 26, 44. Mk. 1, 35. L. 5.3. 5,1(3. 8,41. 9,29. 18,11. 22,41. 22,44. J. 4, 47; gebaidd Mk. 14, 35. 14, 39; gebeaed Mt. 26, 42; gebaed L. 7, 36^: 8.38; gebed Mt. 18. 26; 3 pi. gebedon Mt. 8, 31. 8,34. 14,36. Mk. 6,50. 7, 32. 8,22. L. 23, 23. J. 4, 40; gebedon Mt. 7. 4. J. 19, 31; opt. pres. 1 sg. ge bidde Mk. 14, 32; 1 pi. gebidde L. 11, 1; pret. 3 sg. gebede Mt. 19, 13. L. 9, 28; 3 pi. g:ebedon L. 18, 10: imp. sg. gbidd Mt. 6,6; pi. gebiddas Mt. 7, 7. Mk. 13. 18. 13, 33. 14, 38. L. 22, 40; gebiddaS Mt. 26, 41. L. 6. 28. 22, 46; inf. gebidda Mt. 26, 53. Mk. I 5, 9. 5, 18. 6, 46. 15, 8. L. 15, 28. 18. 1; gebida L. 16, 12; to gebiddanne Mt. 6, 5. Mk. 11, 25; to gebidda L. 6, 12; pres. p. gebiddende L. 11, 1; gebiddenda L. 9, 18; ge- biddande Mt. 26. 39. L. 21. 36; pp. g-ebeden Mt. I 20. 12. L, 17, 2. 1 7, 10. [See of-, to-, berhgebidda.] gebinda sv. znncirc, alligare, ligare, (Jingere), ind. pres. 3 sg. gebinde?) L. 11, 22; 3 pi. gebindals Mt. 23, 4; pret. 3 sg. geband Mt. 14, 3. Mk. 6,17. L.10,34; geband L. 13, 16; gebinde {= Jiiixit!) L. 24. 28; 3pl.gebundon Mk.15,1; gebnndvu J. 18, 12; opt. pres. 3 sg. gebinde Mk. 3, 27: gebinde iMt. 12, 29; inf. gebinda Mk. 5, 3; pp. gebundenn Mt. 27, 16; gebimden Mt. 16, 19. 21,2. Mk.5,4. 11,2. 11,4. 15,7. L. 8, 29. 19,30. J. 11,44. 18,24; asm. gebundene Mt. 27, 2; npf (?) gebundeno J. 11, 44; npn. ge- bundna Mt.l8, 18; dp. gebiindenu Mt. 22, 13. Mk. 15, 6. gebiotiga wv. imnmierc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gebiotate J. I 7, 19. gebirga y^s.giistarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. gebirgaS L. 14, 24; gebirge^ J. 8, 52; 3 pi. gebirge?5 Mk. 9, 1; ge- bergefi L. 9. 27; pret. 3 sg. ge- birigde .Mt. 27, 34; 3 i)l. gebirigdon Mk. I 4. 3. [See ingebirga.] gebiseniga wv. imiiari, pp. ge- " bisened L. I 6, 20; gebis' Mk. I 4, 15. gebismeriga wv. illudcrc, pp. gebis- mered L. 18, 32. gebita sv. alUdcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. gebites Mk. 9, 18. geblawa sv. flare, cxpuerc, in- siifflarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gebleuu Mk. 7, 33; 3 pi. geblewun Mt. 7, 25; gebleuiin Mt. 7, 27; gebleou J. 20, 22. geblindiga, see ofgeblindiga. geblinna sv. ccssarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. g:eblann Mt. 14, 32. Mk. 6, 51. L. 5, 4. 8, 24. 11, 1. geblnedsiga wv. bencdiccre , ind pret. 3 sg. gebloedsade (10 times); gebledsade Mt. 14,19. Mk.10,16; pres. p. gsm. gebloedseudes Mk. 14, 61; npm. gebloedsando L. 24, 53 ; pp. gebloedsad (9 times); ge- bleodsad Mt. 21. 9; gebledsad Mt. 23, 39. J. 12, 13. > geblonda sv. nnscere, pp. g-eblonden Mt. 1 3, 9. gebodiga wv. cvangelizare, inf. ge- bodage L. 1, 19. gebcieta wv. restituere, cmendarc, reficerc, ctirare, fccnitcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. gebeotes Mt. I 14, 13; pret. 3 sg. geboette L. I 7, 5; g-e- boeta Mt. 4, 24; 3 pi. geboeton I Mt. 4, 21; opt. pret. 3 pi. geboeton L. 10, 13; inf. giboeta Mt. I 2, 14; pres. p. apm. geboettande Mt. 1 3. 8; pp. geboetad L. 23, 16; ge- boetat Mt. I 2, 17. [See eft-, t6- geboeta.] gebrieda wv. strrncre, dilatarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. gebrtedas Mt. 23, 5; pret. 3 pi. gebraidon Mt. 21, 8; ge- bredon Mt. 21, 8; pp. gebneded J. 19, 13. gebrjiegd sra. fallacia, ap. gebrjeg- i das Mt. 13, 22. \ gebreca bw /ranger c, co7if ringer e, confricarc, confcrcre, commi- I niter e, intingerei}.), ind. pres. 3 sg. gebreda — geccasa 78 gebreceeS Mt. 21.4 1; 2 pi. ge- braecge^ J. 19, 36 ; pvet. 3 sg-. ge- braee Mt. 14, 19. 15 86. Mk. 8. 6. L. 9. 16; gebniecg J.. 22, 19. 24, 30; (ge)bra3cg :\[t. 26, 26; ge- bi-jvgc Mk. 6, 41; gebr?ec Mk. 14. 22. J. 18, 26; 8 \A. gcbreeon L. 6, 1; gebrecoD J. 19, 82; o])t. pret. 8 pi. gebreeo J. 19,31; ])p. ge- broeen Mt. 21,44. Mk. 14,3; apm. gebroeeno L. 4, 18. gebreda wv. broil, pp. gsm. gebred- edes {=^ assi) L. 24, 42. gebregda sv. cdiiccre, cxwierc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gebra^gd Mt, 26. 51. J. 18. 10. gebrehtniga, see geberbtniga. gebrehtnise see geberhtnise. gebrenga wv. affcrre, auferre, con- ferre, cffcrrc, rcfcrrc,ferrc, m- fcrrc, offerrc, addztccre, rdiicerr, tradttccre , deservirc , ind. ])res. 2 sg. gebrenges Jit. 5, 28; 3 sg. gebrengad J. 10.3; gebrenges Mt. 13, 23; pret. 3 sg. gebrohte (6 times); 3 pi. gebrohton (11 times); gebrohtim Mt. 4. 24. 9, 32. 22, 19. J. 2,8; opt. pres. 2 pi. gebreuge J. 15. 8; gebreuga J. 15. 16; pret. 3 pi. gebroliton Mk. 3.9 ; gebrobtim Mt. 9,2; imp. sg. gebreug Mt. 5, 24; pi. gebreDo-a(j J. 2. 16; inf. gebreuge Mt. l\ 19. L. 5, 18. J. 15, 4; gebrenga Mk. 2. 4; pres. p. dpn. gebreingendu Mt. 1 16,3; pp. gebroht Mt. 12. 22. 14, 11. 18, 24. 19.13. Mk. I 3.10. L. I 5,11. I 6,20; dpf. gebrobtu Mk. I 3, 1; gebroebtii L. [See efne-. ofge- l»renga.] i;'ebrengnise sf. victus, as. gebreng- nise Mk. 12. 44. gebrrica sv. cdcrc, couicdcrc, man- ducare , prandcrc, fiuigi, ind. pres. 8 sg. gebrncce5" J. 6. 50 ; ge- brueead J. 6,54; gebrucces J. 6, 51 ; pret. 3 sg. gelarec Mt. 12, 4. Mk. 1, 6. 2, 26. L. 24, 43; gebnec L. I 11, 13; 2 pi. gebrecon J. 6, 26; 3 pi. gebrecon Mt. 18,4. 14, 20. J. 6, 49; gebrecon J. 6, 58; gebreicon J. 6, 81; opt. pres. 2 sg. gebrucca Jlk. 14. 12; 2 jil. ge- brucce J. 6,53; 8 pi gebrucce J. (). 5; pret. 3 sg. gei)rece L. 1, 8. 11, 37; 3 pi. gebrecon J. 18, 28; inf. gebrucca Mt. 6. 25. L. 22. 15; to gebrucanne Mt. 12. 4. gebiiga sv. cccdcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gebeg J. 20,11; 8 pi. gebugun Mk. 11.8. gebiir. see nebebnr. gebya wv. habitarc, ind. ])res. 3 pi. gbyes Mt. 5. 4 mg. ; pret. 8 sg. ge- byde Mt. 2. 23. 4. 18. J. 1. 14; 3 pi. gebyedon Mt. 12.45; gebvdon L. 11.26. gebycga wv. cmere, appretiarc, negotiari , ind. ])ret. 3 pi. ge- buhton Mt. 27, 7. 27,9; opt. pres. 1 pi. gebygee L. 9, 13; pret. 3 pi. gebobte L. I 10. 1; p]). gsm. gi- bobta Mt. 27, 9. geby relic aj. congruous, Iiariiiont- 02CS, npm. gebyrelico (sint ge- byrelico = couhintur^ J. 4, 9. gebyriga wv. pertinere, contnigcre, ind. pres. 3 sg. gebvred J. 2. 4 mg. 12. 6; gebyres Mt.'l 8, 16; opt.(?) pres. 3 sg. geby re L. 15. 12. gebyrild, see nchebyrild. gec«lca wv. dealbarc, pp. geca?lcad Mt. 23. 27. geceapiga wv. negotiari, pp. ge- ceopad L. 19. 15. gecearfa sv. absciiidcrc, rxcidcrc, interficcrc, decollarc, ind. pres. 8 sg. gecearfas Mt. 7, 19 ; pret. 1 sg. geeearf Mk. 6. 16; 3 sg. ge- eearf Mk. 6. 27. L. I 9. 16; oi)t. pret. 3 sg. gecurfe L. I 11.6; inf. gecearfa Mt. I 17, 2. J. 8. 37. 8, 40; pp. gecorfen Mt. 7, 19. gcceasa sv. cligcrc, coapfari, ind. pret. 1 sg. geceas Mt. 12, 18. J. 6, 70. 15. 16. 15, 19: geceas J. 13,18; 3 sg. geceas Mk. 13.20. L. 6, 13. 10.42; 2 pk geceaso J. 15, 16: 3 pi. geceason L. 14. 7; gecuron Mt. 13,48; opt. i»ret. 3sg. 74 geceica — gecostiga geeease L. I 3, 6. I 7, 2; gecurc Mk. 18, 20; inf. geceasa Mt. I 5, 10; pp. geeorcn (= aptus, Chri- stiis, clcctus, JMessias, optiunis) L. 1 7, 1. 8, 15. 9, 20. 9, 62. 10, 42. 23, 35. J. I 1, 2; iism. gecoreue (wk.) L. I 2, 13. 1, 3; geeorena (wk.) J. 4, 25; gsm. geeoreues Mt. 1 2, 9 (= clectionis). L. I 3,5; gecoren (= clectionis) Mt. I 2, 18 ; asm. gecoreDe L. 2,2(3; npni. ge- coren Mt. 20. 16; iieeoreuo Mt. 22,14. 24,24. 24,31; gpm. ge- corenra L. 18. 7; dpm. gecorenum Mt. 24, 22; geeorenu Mk. 13, 20; apm. geeoreuo Mk. 13, 22. 13, 27. geceiga wv. vocare, convocarc, clam- arc, exclamarc, appcllarc, ind. ])res. 3 sg. geceigeS L. 14, 9. 15, 6; geceiges J. I 5, 3; 2 pi. ge- ceigas J. 13, 13; 3 pi. geceiges Mt. 1, 23 ; pret. 3 sg. geceigede L. 1,42; geceigde (17 times); 3 pi. geceigdoii Mt.^8,29. 10, 25. 14, 26. Mk.15,13. 15,14. J. 9,18; imp. sg. geceig Mt. 1,21. L. 14,13; geceige (opt. pres. 2 sg.?) L. 1, 13. 1, 81; inf. geceiga Mt. 23. 9. L. 1, 62. 14, 12. 19, 15; geceige Mt. 9. 13; pp. geceiged (27 times); geciged J. 1, 42 ; geceaed L. 1 10. 11; gecegid L. 19,13; geceigd Mt. 5, 9. 5,19. 28,8. Mk. 12, 15. 3,28. L. 2,21. 21,87; geceid L. 1,35; geced L. I 5, 1; npm. geceigedo L. 14, 24. 16,5; geceigdo Mt. 20, 16. 22, 14; geceigde Mt. 28, 10; geceigd Mt. 10, 1. [See etne-, togeceiga.) gecenua wv. par ere, nasci, cderc, ind. pres. 3 sg. gecennes Mt. 1, 21. 1,23; pret. 3 sg. gecende Mt. 1, 25; 8 pi. gecendon Mt. I 4, 1; pp. gecenned Mt. 1 14, 11. I 15, 1. I 16, 8. 1, 16. 2, 1. J. 8, 41 ; ge- cened J. 1, 13. gecerra wv. vertere, converter c, converti, divertcrc , revertere, reverti, riiovere, coinuiovere, con- vincere, mutarc, imnnitarc, rc- grcdi, redirc, ind. pres. 8 sg. ge- cerreS L. 1, 16. 23, 5; gecerres L. 12,36; pret. 3 sg. gecerde Mt. I 8, 1. 9, 22. Mk. I 4, 19. (gecerde ymb)8,38. L. 15, 17. 17.7. 19,7. J. I 3, 11; 3 pi. gecerdon L. 2, 39. 2,45. 7,10; opt. pres. 8 sg. ge- cerre Mt. 13, 15. L. 1, 17; imp. sg. gecerr Mt. 26,52; inf. gecerr;c L. I 3, 1; pp. gecerred Mt. I 2, 5. 18, 3. 21.29. Mk. 8.21. 4,12. L. 7, 18. 7,24. 10,88. 17,4. 22,82. J. 7, 53. 16, 20; gecjerred Mk. I 1, 6; gecer L. 15,20; npm. gecear- redo J. 7,58; gecerredo J. I 1,10. 12,40; gecerdo ]\It. 7,6; gecerde L. 2, 45. [See efue-, eftgecerra.] gecida wv. litigarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. gecidon J. 6, 52. geclicnsiga wv. i/iuiidarc, inundari (?), fcrgcrc, ind. pret. 8 sg. ge- cla^nsade L. 1 9, 8. 7, 44 ; geclaens- ade Mt. 1 17,20; imp. sg. (inf.) ge- chensiga Mk. 1,41; geclsensige L. 5, 13; geclsensia Mt. 8, 8; inf. gechensige Mt. 8, 2; geclainsia L. 5, 12; pp gecliensad (10 times); geclaensad Mt. 11,5; geckensed L. I 4, 19. gecki'&a wv. vestire, pp. gecladed Mk. 5, 15. geclio])iga wv. claiiiarc, exclamarc, convocarc. ind. i)ret. 3 sg. ge- cliopade Mt. 27,46. Mk.9,24. 10, 48. L. 4,33. 9,38; 3 pi. geclio- padon Mt. 11, 16; \\\i. gecliopad Mk. 8, 34. gecnceda sv. fcrmcutare , p|). ge- cuoeden Mt. 13, 38. L. 18, 21. gecnycca wv. to tie, i)p. gecnybt (= institis) J. 11, 44. geccela wv. rcfrigerare, opt. pres. 8 sg. geceola L. 16, 24. gecomp sm. agonia, ds. gecomp h. 22, 44. gecorenise sf. clectio, ns. gecoreniso Mk. I 2, 1. gecorenscip sm. clectio, us. — , Mt. I 14, 4. gecostiga wv. temptarc, torquere, prohare, vexare, satire (!) , ind. gecostung - gecyssa 75 pret. 2 pi. g-epostadon Mk. 10, 2 ; opt. pret. 8 Hg. geeostade J. G, 6; ])]). geeostad Mt. 4, 1. L. 4, 18 (wh;s geeostad = tcmtatione). 12. 50; gecosted Mt.8,6. L. 4, 2. 6, 18; gecostat) Mk. 9.49; gecost' Mk. 9. 49. gecostung sf. tvibiilatio, d8. — , Mk. 18, 24. gecrawa sv. ran fare, iud. pret. 3 sg. geerawffi Mt. 20, 74. geeuma sv. venire, adire, aecidere, convcnire, iud. pres. 8 sg. ge- eymeb L. 12, 88. 14, K). 18, 8. J. 4.25. 10,8. 18.2; gecynimes Mk. 13,80; geeymes J. 7, 27. 10,13; pret. 2 sg. gecuome J. 3, 2. 11, 27; 3sg. gecuom(lOtimes); gecuo J. 19,89; 8 pi. geeuomon (7 times); gecuomun Mt. 18, 81. 20, 9; ge- euouu Mt. 1, 18; gecwomuu Mt. 10, 5; geuomon J. 1, 89; gcuomou J. 4, 45 ; opt. pres. 8 sg. gecyme L. 22, 18; pret. 8 sg. gecuome (10 times); gecuome L. 15, 25. 19, 5; gecuoe Mk. 11, 13; gecwome Mt. I 10, 14; gecomje Mt. I 0, 17; 8 ]il. geeuomon L. 5, 7; gecuomo M4i. 10, 1; inf. geeuma Mt. 22. 8. Mk. 10, 14. L. 8. 19. J. 0. 05. 13, 38; gecyme Mt. 10,24. 17,10. L. 9. 28. J. 5, 40; gcum^e :Mt. 14, 28. [See before-, efne-, togecuma.] gecunna auv. eognoscere, ind. ]n'es. 2 pi. gecunnas ^Ik. 4, 18 ; inf. gie- cunna Mk. 4, 18. gecunniga wv. probare, teuiptarc, torqiicre, eonare, ind. pres. 2 pi. gecunna(5 L. 12, 50; pret. 8 pi. gecunuedonMt. 1 21.9; gecunnednn Mt.1 2, 7; gecunnadun Mt. I 21, 11; opt. ])res. 8 sg. gecunuia .Mt. 10, 14 mg.; inf. gecunuia L. 12, 50; pp. gecunned Mt. 1 21, 12. 4. 1. 8,0; npm. gecunnate Mt. 15, 2; gecunnad Mt. I 5, 9. [See efue- gecunniga.] gecwa'cca wv. vellere, ind. pret. 8 pi. gecoecton L. 0, 1. |See efnegecwa^cciga. geewcella wv. afficere, intcrjiccre, ind. pres. 8 pi. gecuoellas Mk. 18, 12; pp. npm. gecuelledo L. 28.i>2. gecwceme 2i]. placihis, up. gecuoemo J. 8, 29. gecwceSa sv. diccre, ajo, ind. jires. 3 sg. gecuoe&a?5 L. 28, 84; ge- cueBas J. 2,5; gecue^ies Mt. 12. 82; 2 pi. gecuedas Mt. 0.81. 28, 80; 8 pi. gecuoer)as Mt. 5, 11; pret. 1 sg. gecua3(5 J. 18, 21; 8sg. gecuoed Mk. 5, 28. 0, 10. 8, 21. 9.0. 12,12. L. 11,58. 18,0. 21. 10. 21.10. 22,8. 24,40. J. 9, 0. 18,22; gecuoa.^^ L. 11,27. J. 11. 18. 18, 88; gecuoed J. I 4, 8; ge- cwoeb Mk. 5, 80; gecuec)" Mt. 9, 24. Mk. 1,42. L. 18,17. J. 2,21. 2, 22. 20,20: gicue& J. 21.19; ge- cua)t) Mk. 9,24. J. 11, 13. 11,48. 18,21. 18,22. 18,1. 20,14. 20,22; gecoe& Mk. 12,35; 3 pi. gecuoedon Mk. 14, 81. 14, 50. 14, 70. 10, 8. L. 9, 30; gecwoedun Mt. I 4, 11; gecuedon Mt. I 9, 1. 18, 54. J. 4. ?>6. 4, 42. 0, 14; gecwedon Mt. I 10,4; gecuoedo L. 9,21; opt. pres. 2sg. gecuoeSe Mk. 8, 20; gecuoeSa Mt. 8, 4 ; 3 sg. geciioe5e L. 9, 88 , gecuoede J. 18,22; gecuede J. 7, 9; pret. 3 sg. gecuoede L. 5,14. 20, 19; 8 pi. gecuedo Mk. 8, 80; gecoedon L. 8, 50; gcnoede Mk. 7, 80; inf. gecuoec^a Mt. 11, 7. Mk. 10, 28. L. 7,49. J. 10,12; ge- cuoa^ba L. 5, 23; gcueada Mt. 7, 22; to gecuoei^eune L. 14. 17; pp. gecuoeden (10 times); gecuoe6en Mk. 15, 7; gecueden (9 times); gicueden J. 20,24; gecuedon Mt. 18, 35; gecoedeu L. 12, 3; dsm. gecuedne J. I 1, 13; npn. ge- cuoedno L. 19, 28; apn. gecuoedna Mk. I 2, 8. [See fore-, yflege- cwu'&a.] gecynd sn. natura, as. — , Mk. I 2. 4. gecyssa wv. oseidari, ind. pret. 3sg. gecyste L. 7,88; opt. pret. 3 sg. gecyste L. 22, 47. 76 gecySa — gedoema geeyclia wv. fcstari , coutcstari, cognosccre , manifestare , ind. pret. 8 sg. gecyb'de L. I 2, 14. J. I 1, 5; pp. gecv^ied L. 6, 44. 16, 28. J. I 1, 7. I 6, 19. gecyriniBe sf. tcstiDwnhuii, ns. ge- eySnise Mk. 14, 59; as. geeyduise Mk. lU, 19. 14, 56. 14, 57; np. ge- cy&niso Mk. 14, 56. geda'fenlic aj. hecommg, nsn. — , (uics gedicfeulic = oportcbaf) J. 4, 4; gedoefenlic (gedoefenlic is = oporlcrc) J. I 4, 1. gedsefna wv. dcbcre, oportet, decet, ind. pres. 3 sg. gedtefne5' L. 4, 43. 13,33. J. 16, 10; gedaifnab J. 3, 30. 9,4. 10,16. 12,34; ge- daefuab J. 19, 7; gedaefnet) J. 3, 7; pret. 3 sg. gedaefnade J. I 1, 9; gedsefnade J. 20, 9; pp. ge- diefnade J. 20, 9; pp. gedccfiiad Mt. 3, 15. J. I 2, 4. 4, 20. 4, 24; gedjBfned L. 19, 5. 21, 9. 24, 7. J. 13, 14; gedeafnad J. 3, 14. gediula wv. dividcre , part in', dis- cumhere, opt. ])res. 3 sg. gedsela L. 12, 13; pret. 3sg. geda^lde Mt. 15, 35; p]). npu. gedaelde J. 19, 24. [See berhgeda-la.] gedivrsta wv. feriiioifarc, pp. ge- diersted Mt." 13, 33. L. 13, 21. gedd sn. proverbni/n, as. gedd J. " ' 10, 6; dp. geddu J. 16, 25. 16, 29. gedduug su. parabola, siniib'tiido, ns. gedduug L. 1 5,14; as. geddung L. I 5, 16. I 6. 19. I 7, 14. I 8, 3. IS, 12. 18, 16. I 8,17. 19, 12. 13,6. 15,3. 18,9. 19, 11. 20,9; geddoug L. 10, 7; getdung L. I 7, 3; dp. gedduugu L. 8, 10; ap. (V) gedduuga L. I 5, 9. gedead aj. dcfunchis, nsf. gedead Mt. 9, 18. gedegla wv. absconder c, latere, operirc, occnlcrc, coutexere, ind. pret. 3 sg. gedegelde L. 1, 24. 8, 47; gedeigeldes Mt. 11, 25; inf. gedeigla Mt. 5, 1 4 ; pp. gedeglad L. 18, 34; gedegled Mt. I 7, 8. 10, 26(2). Mk. 4,22. L. 12,2; npn. gedegledo L. 19, 42. [See to- gedegla.] gedeglice av. occulte, gdeglice Mt. I 6, 1. gedelfa sv. fodrre, drfodcre, ind. pret. 3 sg. gedalf Mt. 25, 18; pp. dsn. gedolfene J. I 2, 1. gede&iga wv. iiiori, interficere, pp. gede5"ed Mk. 7, lo. L. 23. 32 ; ge- de&et J. 12, 33. gedia wv. siigere, iud. pret. 2 sg. gediides L. 11. 27. gedoa 2,\iyj. facer e, cfficcrc, agere, gererc, fingcre, ind. pres. 1 sg. gedo Mt. 4, 19. Mk. 1, 17; gedo Mt. 17, 4; gedoo Mt. 19, 16; gdom L. 12, 18; 2 sg. gedoe& L. 14. 12; 3 sg. gedoeS Mt. 5,32. L. 13, 9; gedojps Mt. 18,35; 1 ])1. gedoeS Mt. 28, 14: gedoab L. 3, 12; 2 pi. gedoa& L. 17, 10; 3 pi. gedoas J. 16, 2 ; pret. 3 sg. gedyde Mt. 13,26. Mk. 6,20. 15,8. L.24,28; gdyde Mil. 24; 2 pi. gedydon L. 19, 46; 3 pi. gedydon Mt. 12, 14. 12, 41; opt. pres. 1 sg. gedoe Mk. 10, 3(). 10. 51. L. 18, 41. J. 17, 4; gedoa Mt. 20, 32; 2 sg. ge- doe .Alk. 10, 19; 3 sg. gedoe Mk. 8,35. 8,36. L. 23.35; 2 pi. ge- doe Mt. 23, 15; 3 pi. gedoe Mt. 7, 12. L. 6. 31; pret. 3 pi. gedydon Mk. 6, 39; imp. ]>1. gedoa5" L. 3, 14; inf. gedoa Mt. 9, 28. 12, 14. 16,25. 23,3. Mk. 3,4. 7,12; ge- doe Mk. 8, 35. 9, 3. L. I 9, 20; gedo Mt. I 16, 9; pp. gedoen Mk. 6, 2. L. 23, 15. 24, 35. J. 6, 6. gedd'feulic, see gedsefenlic. gedoema wv. judicarc, arbitrari, condeHDiare, ind. pres. 1 sg. ge- doemo J. 8, 16; 3 sg. gedoemeS J. 12, 48; 2 pi. gedoema^ L. 12, 57; gedoemas J. 8, 15; opt. pret. 3 sg. gedoerade J. 3, 17; imp. pi. gedoema5" J. 7,24; inf. gedoema Mt.10,34. L.6,37. J. 7, 24; pres. p. npm. gedoemendo Mt. 20, 10; pp. gedoemed Mt. I 1, 5. 7, 1. 7, gedraga — geefolsiga 77 2. L.6,37. J. 3, 18(2). kiji; asf. gedoemedo J. I 5, 9. gedraga sv. pati, ind. ])i'et. 3 sg. gedrog Mt. 9, 20. gedrenea wv. dcNicrgerc, pp. ge- drencgad L. 10, 15. [See of- gedrenca.] gedrifa sv. agcrc, cjiccrr, jactarr, ind. pres. o pi. gedrifes Mt. 12, 27; pp. gedrifen Mt. 8, 12. 14, 24. L. 8, 29. gedrinca sv. bibcrc, ind. ])res. 3 sg. gedrincad" J. 4, 13; 3 pi. gedrineas Mk. 16, 18; pvet. 3 sjr. gedraue L. 5,39; 3 pi. uedriincon Mk. 14, 23; opt. pres. 1 pi. gedrince Mt. 6,31; 2 pi. gedriuge L. 12,29; gedrinca J. 6, 53. gedroefa wv. turbare, coiiturbare, coiicutcre , ind. pret. 3 sg. ge- droet'de Mk. 9, 20. J. 11, 33; imp. pi. gedroefab L. 3, 14; pp. ge- droefed Mt. 2, 3. J. 12, 27. 14, 1; gedvoefad L. 1,29; npm. gedroef- ed Mt. 14, 26; gedroefedo J. I 6, 1. gedrugia, see gedrvga. gedruneniga wv. inrrgi, ind. pret. 3 pi. gedruucnadon L. 5, 7. gedrvga wv, arcsccre, arefacere, cxarcscere, excrstuare , tergere, extergere, siccare, ind. pret. 3 sg. gedrygde L. 7. 38. J. 11, 2; ge- gedrngade Mk.4,6(2). 11,21; ge- drugde Mt. 21.20; pp. gedrugad Mt. 21, 19. Mk. 5,29. gedrysn(i)a wv. extiiigucrc, cvaiics- cere, ind. pret. 3 sg. gedrysnade L. 24, 31; pp. gedrvsued Mk. 9, 44. 9,48. L. 13, 4;''npn. gedrys- ned Mt. 25, 8. gedurra anv. audrrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gedarste Mk. 12, 34; gidarste J. 21, 12. gedwa'lla wv. crrarc, ind. pres. 2 pi. geduellas (duellas?) Mt. 22, 29. gedwola wra. nceni'a, ap. gedwola Mt. I 8, 9. gedwoliga wv. crrarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. geduolade Mt. 18, 12; opt. ]>res. 3 sg. geduologia Mt. 18, 12. gedyrstgiga wv. io presume, pres. ]). dpm. gidyrsgindvm {=prcr- siDiitoribus) Mt. 1 2, 2. gedyrstig aj. ausus, nsni, gidyrstig Mt. 22, 46. gee ^N.jain, ctiam, ctiaDtsi, adJiuc, Mt. (8 times). Mk. (7 times). L. (6 times). J. (16 times); gee i\It. I 10, 2. I 14, 8. I 16, 15. I 17, 5. J. 14,19. 21,6; gee Mt. 12,8. J. 16,16. 19,33; giee Mk. 15,44; ge Mt. I 6, 15. 26,35. 27,63; ge Mt. 11,9; gi J. 16,32mg. geeavniga wv. mcdrere (!), niereri, ind. pret. 3 sg. geearnade Mt. I 6, 15; 3 pi. geearuadon L. I 9,3. geeatta sv. comedere, edere, nian- ducarc, ind. pres. 2 sg. geetes L. 17, 8; pret. 3 sg. geett L. 6, 4; geett L. 4, 2; geet J. 2, 17; 3 pi. geeton Mt. 15,37. J. 6, 13; geeton Mt. 14, 20. L. 15, 16. J. 6, 23. 6, 31; opt. pres. 3 sg. 8; 2 pi. getta L. 13, geette L. 12, 22; gecte L. 12, 29; 3 pi. geette Mk. 8, 2; pret. 3 sg. geete L. 7, 36 ; inf. ge- eatta L. I 6, 1; geetta Mt. 12, 1. geeawa wv. dcrnonstrarc, wonstra- re, ostendere , ind. pret. 3 sg. geeaiule Mt. 4, 8; geeawde Mt. I 14,8; opt. i)ret. 3 sg. geeaiule L. 12, 17. geeca wv. addere, adjiccrc, siibji- cerc, augere, ind. pret. 3 sg. ge- eete Mt. I 22, 1; inf. geeee L.I 9, 5. 12.25; pp. geeced Mil 2, 15. Mk. 4,24; geeead Mt. I 2,3. [See ec-, togeeca.] geecniga wv. coiicipcre, pres. ]). ge- eenande L. 1,31; p]). geeenad L. 2, 21. geedniwiga wv. restitucrc, pp. ge- edniuad Mt. 12, 13. geefniga wv. assiiiiilarc, coinpararc, ind. ju'ct. 3 sg. geefuade ^It. 121, 17. L. I 8, 6.^1 9, 10; pp. geefued Mt. 7, 24. geefolsiga wv. blaspJicinarc, ind. pret. 3 sg geebolsade L. 23, 39; 78 geeggiga — gefea 3 pi. g-eebolsadon Mk. 15,29; e,'e- ebalsadon Mt. 27, 89. geeggiga wv. concitarc, ind. pret. 8 pi. geeggedon Mk. 15, 11. geembelitig-a wv. scrvirc , viini- strarc, ind. pres. 3 sg;. geembeli- ta(5 J. 12, 26; geembiht.-es Mt. 1 18, 2; pret. 3 sg. geenibebtade Mk. 1,31; 3 pi. geerabehtadou Mt.4,11. Mk. 15,41; geembihtatun Mt. I 5, 3; opt. ])re8. 3 sg. geem- behta Mk. 10,45; pret. 3 sg. ge- embehtade Mk. 10. 45; imp. sg. geembehte Mt. 4, 10; inf. geem- behta L. 10, 40. geeudebredniga wv. ordiuarc. ind. pret. 3 sg. geendebrednade jNIt. 13,3; opt. pret. 3 pi. geende- brednadon L. 1. 1; inf. geende- brednege Mt. I 5, 2. I 5, 9. geeudiga \^N.Jinirc, dcfinire, com- plcre , miplere , coiisiimruarc, committerc , pcrficere, pair are, cxtiiigiicrc, safitrarr, ind. pres. 1 sg. geendigo J. 4, 34; pret. 1 sg. geendade J. 17.4; 2 sg. geendades Mt. 21, 10; 3 sg. geendade Mt. I 21,5. 7,28. 11. i. 13.53. 19,1. 26, 1('^). Mk. 10,11. L. 15, 14; 3pl. geendadon L. 2,39; opt. pres. 1 sg. geendia J. 5. 36: inf. geendiga L. 14, 29; geendia L. 14, 30; 'to geendanne L. 14.28; pp. geendad kt. 17,4. 119,2. 8,17. 22,10. L. I 3.4.111,16. 2,21.4,2. 4,13. 12, 50. 13,32. 18,31. J. 19.30; ge- endat L. 22, 22. J. 19, 28; npm. geendade L. 2, 43; geendado J. 17,23; npn. geendado Mk. 13.4; geendedad(wk.) Mk. 1 1,18. [See Berbgeendig'a.] geebmckliga wv. liunuliarc , ind. pret. 3 sg. geeSniodade, jMt. I 20, 10. geftela (gefjella?) wv. astrucrc, de- stnicrc, ind. pret. 3 sii'. gefaolde Mt. 121, U. L.I 11,4.^ gef;ell sn. fall, ruin, ap. geftiello (= rm'turas) Mk. 1 5, 7. gefa!lnise(gef{)ellniseV) sf. riiina, ds. gefffilnise L. 2, 34. gefa3sta ^N.jejiinare, comviendare, locarc, ind. ]n-es. 2 pi. gefsestas Mt. 6, 16; 3 pi. gefsestad L. 5, 35; pret. 3 sg. gefjeste Mt. 4, 2. Mk. 12, 1; 3 pi. geftesdon Mt. 9, 15; gefeast' L. 12.48; inf. gefiesta L. 5. 34. gefaistniga y}\./irmarc, conjirmare, Jigere, munire, tcstari, ind. pres. 3 sg. gefsestnigeS Mt. I 18, 13; gef?estua(5 J. I 4. 3; gefsestnafte L. I 11. 13; gfestniar)- L. I 7, 19; pret. 3 sg. gefsestnade Mt. 1 14, 12. J. I 4, 13. I 5, 11; 3 pi. gefajst- nadon Mt. 27. 'o'q\ gefeastnadon Mt. I 22,6; pp. getYestuad L. I 10. 12. 16, 26. [See efnegefa^stuiga.J gefauen aj. gavisus, npm. — , Mt. 2,lo. gefalda sv. involvcrc, pUcarc, vol- iitari , ind. pret. 3 sg. gefeald' Mk. 9. 20; gefeald L. 4, 20; pp. gefalden fgefalden boe = voht- iucn) Mt. f 1, 7; gefalden J. 20. 7. gefalla sv. cadrre, procidere, dc- scendere ,irriierc ,procedere,proji- cere, ind. pres. 3 sg. gefalle?) L. 20,18; gefallas Mt. 12. 11; 3 pi. gefallas L. 21. 24; pret. 3 sg. ge- ifeall Mt. 7. 25 (2). 7. 27. Mk. 5,33. L. 1, 18. 6,49. 8,7. 8,14. 8,28. 8.47. 13,4. 15,20. 17,16; gefeoll L. 1, 12; 3 pi. geleallou Mt. 2, 11. 13,5. 17,6. L. 16,21; gefeoUon Mt. 13,4. 13,7. 13,8. 15,30. Mk. 3, 11. L. 1, 7; opt. pres. 3 sg. ge- fealla J. 12. 24; pret. 3 sg. ge- fealle L. 2, 36; inf. gefalla L. 16. 17; pp. geftidled L. 20, 18. [See nifJergefalla.] gefara sv. ire, Iran sire, decli?iare, progredi, ind. pres. 3 sg. gefa^res Mt.'l 9, 12. 17, 20; opt. pres. 3sg. gef»re L. 18,25; 1 pi. gefa?ra L. 9, 13; imp. sg. gefa^r Mt. 17, 20; inf. gefara L. 9, 12. gefe, gefo, see geafa. gefea sn. gratia, gloria, gaiidiiivi, ns. gefea Mk. 1 3, 10. L. I 4, 1. gefiiaga — gefonra 70 110,3. 1,14. 14,10. 1.^.7. 15,10. J. 1,17. 3,29. 8,54. 15.11(2). 16, 22. 16, 24; o-s. i>-efeas J. 1, 14; ds. ii-efea L. 16,17. 1,28. 8,13. 24.41. J. 1,16. 3,29. 16,21; as. gefea L. I 8, 17. 1,30. 2,10. J. 1,14. 1,16. 2,11. 17.13; ap. ge- fea Mt. 15, 36. gefeag'a wv. gandcrc, cxultarc, lii- crari, cxaltarc, rcsiiltarc, iud. pres. 1 sg. gefeo J. 11, 15; 3 sg. gefea?^ Mi 18, 13. J. 4, 36. 10, 20. 16, 22; gefeas J. 3, 29; pret. 3 sg. gefeade L. 1,41. 1,44. 1,47. 10. 21. 13, 17. J. 3, 14. 8. 56; 3 pi. gefeadon L. 19, 37. J. 20,20; opt. pres. 3 sg. gefeage Mt. 16, 26; imp. sg. gefajg (gefajg wel = euge) L. 19. 17; pi. gefeat) Mt. 5, 12. L. 6, 23. 10.20; inf. gefeage L. 10,20. 15,32. J. 3, 14. 5,35; gefea L. I 6,17; pres. p. gefeaude L. 13, 15. 18,5. 19,6; iipm. ge- feando Mk. 14, 11. L. 22, 5; ge- ieaude L. 10, 5. 19, 37; dpm. ge- feandil L. I 6, 16; pp. gifead J. 14, 28. gefeht sn. bclluvi , pra'lhim , ds. — , L. I 8, 14; gp. gefelitana Mt. 24,6; gefehto Mii. 13,7; ap. ge- febto Mt. 24, 6. Mk. 13, 7. L. 21. 9. gefeug sm. captura, ds. gefeng L. 5. 9 ; as. gefeng L. 5, 4. geferiga wv. fcrre, affcrrc, iud. pret. 3 pi. geferedon Mk. 1, 32; pp. geferedMt. 14, 11. L. 24,51. getera, see gefuera. gefiaga wv. odissc, ind. pre>\ 3 sg. getiweS L. 16, 13; getia5' J. 7, 7. 12, 25. 15,23; gefii()- J. 15. 18. 15, 19. 15, 23(2); o-efieS J. 3, 20; pret. pret. 3 pi. getiadou L. 19. 14. J. 15, 24 ; inf. gefiage J. 7, 7. gefinda sv. invenire, reperirc, effi- ccre, ind. pres. 3 sg. gefindes L. 15,9; pret. 3 sg. gefaud Mt. 18, 28; 3 pi. gefundun Mt. 2, 11; pp. gefunden Mt. I 20,9. 13,22; upm. gefiindena Mt. I 4, 10. getlea sv. fugcrc, iud. pret. 3 sg. geflit gefia3h J. I 4, 15; gefleli Mt. I 16, 4; 3 pi. getiugon Mk. 5, 14. 14, .50; gefiugun Mt. 8,33. 26.56; inf. getlea j\It. 3, 7. L. 3. 7; getleanne L. 21. 36. sn. conientw , disscnsio, scJiisina, tmnulhis, ns. — , Mt. I 2. 12. 27, 24; geflit L. 22, 24; geflitt J. 9, 16. 10, 19; as. — , L. I 11, 3. geflitta sv. contendere, dispiitare, ind. pres. 3 sg. geflittes Mt. 12, 19; pret. 3 pi. getlioton Mk. 9.34; inf. geflitta Mt. 5, 40. -gefnise, see forgefnise. gefoa sv. prendere, appreJiendere, coniprchendere, capcre, accipere, recipere, assumere, tenere, ind. ])ret. 3 sg. gefeng Mt. 4, 5; 2 pi. gifengon J. 21, 10; 3 pi. gef^ngou Mt. 6,2. 20,11. 21,39. 22,6. 25, 3. J. 18,12; gifengon J. 21,3; opt. pret. 3 pi. gefengo Mt. 22, 15. J. 7, 30mg. 11,57; inf. to gefoanne Mk. 14,48; pp. gefoen Mt. 21,39. 28,15; upm. gefoen Mt. 21, 35. [See foregefoa.] gefd'da 'ssw pas cere, lac tare, nntrire, saturare, ind. pret. 3 sg. gefoede Mt. 8, 30; 3 pi. gcfoedou L. 23, 29; opt. pres. 2 sg. gefoeda Mk. 7, 27; pret. 3 sg. gefoede L. 15, 15; pp. gefoeded L. 4, 16. gef(iela wv. seutire, ind. pret. 3 sg. gefoelde Mk. 5, 29. geftera wm. socms, condi'scip^tlus, conserviis, ds. gefero ^It. I 20, 14; up. gefoero L. 5, 10; dp. ge- foerum J. 11, 16. gef(L'ra wv. ire, abi're, ex /'re, trans- ire, egredi, progredi, procedere, secedere, a in bit la re, proficisci, migrare, ind. pret. 3 sg. gefoerde Mt.3,5. 4,18. 4,21. 9,9. 11,1.12, 15.13,53.14,13.15,21.15,22. 18, 28. 19,1. 20,3. 24,1.26.39. Mk. 14,17. 7,30. 8,13. 8,27. 11.11. 12,1. 13,1. 13,34; 3 pi. gefoerdon Mt. 8.32. 22, 10; opt. pret. 3i)l. ge- foerdon L. 8, 31; pres. p. gefoer- 80 gefonn — gefylga eude Mt. 25, 15. [See from-, ofer- o-efcera.l o-elouu. see wmciiietouu. geforbtiica wv. t'x/^a^u'scrrt', mf. sre- frohtio:a Mk. 1(5, 6. o;ef6tiira wv. acccrserc. p]i. <:'efotad " ML 15.44. gefra?pgiga wv. acciisarc, rrz'ercn', iud. pret. 3 pi. gefrieppegedou Mk. 12,6: opt. pret. 3 pi. iretra?p«i-edou Mt. 12. 10. o-efraa'ia. irefrai:i'ua. see gefreo;ua. gefrasiga wv. intirrogare, sciscifuri, iud. ])res. 3 sg. getVasas Mt. I 21. G: pret. 3 sg. gefrasade Mt. 2.4. 16, 13; pres. ]\ upm. u-etVasende Mt. I 21. 5. gefregua swv. iufcrrogare, cxgnir- ere, coiiquirerc, sciscitari. ind. pre?. 1 sg. gefregno L. 23. 14: ge- fraeiruo L. 16. 9: 2 sir. irefraignes J. 18, 21; 3 sg. gefraignas L. 19. 31; iretVea'ue J. 16.5: 2 pi. 2,"e- fraitruas Mk. i^t. 16: pret. 3 sii-. li-e- tn^u-u Mt. 22.3.5. 22.41. 27. H. Mk.^8. 23. 8, 27. 9, 21. L. I 9. 16. 18.18. 18.40. J. 4. .52: ^efraeo-u Mk. 15.4. 1.5.44. L.9.18; oefrais:ii Mk. 8, 5. 9. 16. 12.28. L. 8.30 23. 3. 23,6. J. 18.7. 18.19; ^efregu :Hk.5.9: getrii?gnade Mk. 15,2. L. 18. 36: getraignade Mt. 2.4; ge- fraiirnde L. 15.26. 23. 9: irefrairade Mt.2.16: 3 pi. o-efruiTDon Mt. 22, 23. Mk. 9. 11. 9^ 14. 9, 28. 9, 33. 10. 10. L. 3. 10. 8, 9. 20. 21. 21, 7. J. 1. 21. 1. 25. 5. 12. 9. 2. 9, 1-5; gefniirmin Mt. 17. 10. Mk. 7. 5. 7, 17. 10,2; gefraiguades Mt.12,10; gefraegnd'in Mk. 4, 10; gefregu- dou Mk. 1. 27: upt. pres. 3 sg. ge- fraigna J. 16.30; pret. 3 pi. ge- fruiraoD J. 1. 19; o^efruirno Mk. 9, 32; imp. sg. gefregn J. 18. 21: im]i. pi. irefraii:-naiS J. 9, 21; gefraiguas Mt. In.' 11. J. 9, 23; gefraignes Mt. 2.8: inf. ge- fraigne Mk. 12.34. J. 16, 19; ge- fneirne L. 20.40; gifni?gna J. 21. 12:"gefregna Mt. 22. 46. :Hk. I 2, 4 (lip.V); pres. p. ii'efraiji'ueude Mt. I 21. 13: gefraio-ueuda Mt. I IS. 4; gefra^gueude Mk. 14, 61. L. I 6, 4; gefraigeude Mt. 1 20. 3; pp. gefrogneu L. 17. 20. J. I 5, 12. [See efuegefregna.] gefremSiga wv. ajiatJicniatizarc, inf. gefremriiga Mk. 14.71. gefreta sv. coincdcrc, dcvorare, dc- ))ioliri, iud. pret. 3 sg. gefrett L. 15. 30; 3 pi. o-efreteu L. 8, 5; pp. gfreteu Mt. 6^ 19. gefriga wv. libcrare, coviplecti, ind. ])res. 3 sa*. i;-efriii-e(5 Mt. 27, 43; gefria^^ J. I^5. Id. 8. 32. 8, 36; pret. 3 sg. gefrigade Mk. 10, 16; im]). sg. gefrig Mt. 6, 13; inf. ge- friega Mt. 27, 49; pp. gefriud J. 8.33; gefreod L. I 8, 9. 12.58; ii'efreoiiad L. 1. 74; gefria5' Mk. 14. 7. gefneft'a wv. rejicere, consolare, ind. pres. 1 sg. gefroefre Mt. 11. 28; pres. p. npm. gefroefreude J. 11,19: pp. gefrueli-ed Mt. 5,4. L. 16, 25. gefrulitiga see geforlitiga. gefulwiga wv. baptizurc, ind. pres. 3 sg. £:efulii'uas J. 1. 33; ii'efulua& L. .3. \^; gefiilwas Mk. 1.^8; gful- was Mt. 3, 11; pret. 3 sg. geful- a-"ade J. 3. 22: a-efulwade Mk. 1, 4: iuf. <:-efulwia Mt. 3. 14; pp. ge- fulwiiad Mk. 7.4. 10.38. 10.:39(2): gefuliiwad (or gefulw"ad) L. 12, 50: crefului'ad J. ::>, 23; ii'efiilwad Mt. 3. 6. 3. 13. 3.16. xMk. I 2,9. 1..5. 1.9. L. 7.29. 7.30. 11,38: irefiiluad Mk. 16. 16. L. 3, 7. 3. 12. 3. 21 C^j: gefniilwad L. I 4, 8. [See ingefulwiga.] gefvlga wv. sequi, sedari, ind. pres. 3sg. gefylge5 Mt. 16, 24; 3 pi. gefylges Mt. 5, 7; gefylged Mk. 16, 17; pret. 3 sg. gefvlgede Mt. 26.58. Mk. 14,51. J. 18. 15; ge- fyigde Mt. 9, 19. L. I 2, 2. 22.54; gefuiliride ^It. I 3, 3 ; 3 pi. G'efvlir- dou Mt. 1 16. 10. 1 21, 2. 4. 20. 4, 22. 4. 25. 8, 1. 8, 23. 9, 27. 19, 2; gefyl' gefylla — gegeonga 81 Mt. 14, 13; imp. pi. .a-efvlffes L. 17,23; pres. p. g'cfyliieud J. 18, 15; npm. g-eiyiii-endo L. I 8, 14; upf. . 9, 12; pret. 3 pi. ge- moete L. 6, 7; pp. gemoeted L. 15, 24. J. I 4, 17; gemoetad L. 9, 36. 15,32. 24,23; gemoetet L. 17,18; gemoetat Mk. 4, 19; gi- moetid Mt. 1 3, 9. |Sce ingemceta.] gemoeting sf. concilnun, dp. ge- moetingu iMk. 13, 9. gcraona anN'. rccordari, memim'sse, rcminisci, ind. pres. 3 sg. ge- mynes J. 16, 21; pret. 3 sg. ge- myste Mt. 26, 75; opt. pres. 2 pi. (imp. pi.'?) gemyna J. 16,4; imp. sg. (inf.V) y-emona L. 16,25; ge- myne Mk.'l 1, 2. L. 23, 42; pi. gemynas (eorr. from gcmonas) J. 15, 20. [See eftgemona.j gemong sn. mixhcra, gs. gemonges J. '^19, 39; as. gemong L. 23, 56. J. 19, 39. genKjnigfaldiga wv. ahundarc, mu- ncrarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gemonig- faldade Mk. 12,44; pp. gemonig- falded Mt. I 20, 4. gemot sn. concilium, dp. gemotiim Mt. 10, 17. gemotern sn. prcctoriiivi, ds. ge- motern Mt. 27, 27. gemynd s. mcmoria, mcntio, ns. — , L. I 7,18. J. 13,26; as. — , Mt. 26, 13. Mk. 14, 9. [See efne- gemynd.j gemyndgiga wv. mcnwrarr, com- niCHiorarc, u/rfiiiiiissc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gemyudgade Mt. I 19, 6. L. I 7, 8 ; opt. pres. 2 sg. ge- myndga Mt. 14, 9; inf gemynd- ga L. 1, 72; pp. gemyndgad Mt. 1 19,2. L. 1,54; gemyndged L.I 3, 13. gemyndig aj. Dioiior, npm. ge- myndigo L. 17, 32. jSee eft- gemyndig.J genaeediga wv. inidarr, ind. pret. 3 pi. genaoedon Mk. 2. 4. gena'gliga wv. nail, opt. pret. 3 \A. genteglede Mt. 27, 31; pj). ge- 90 geneda — genioma n{eg:lad Mt. 27, 22; gensegled Mt. 27, 26. geueda wv. cogcrc, aiigan'arc, covi- pdlerc, iiivitarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. genedes Mt. 5, 41; pret. 3 pi. ge- ueddon Mt. 27, 32. Mk. 15, 21; imp. sn'. gened L. 14, 23; pp. ge- neded'Mt. I 6, 18. 17, 2. L. 14^ 8. genehwiga wv. adJiarcre, approp- inqiiarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. genehuacJ L. 16, 13; genehuas Mt. 19, 5 ; pret. 3 sg. genehuade L. 15, 15; geli- nehuade Mt. 10, 7. [See efne- geneliwiga.] geuemna wv. appcllarc , vocarc, di'ccrc , inincnparc , 7ionii'iiarc, cogno miliar c, ind. pret. 3 sg. ge- nemde Mt. I 16. 13. L. 6, 13; opt. pres. 3 pi. geuemna Mt. 23, 7; imp. sg. genemne Mt. 1, 21; pp. genemned Mt. 9, 9 (wjes genemned = notiiine). (9 more). Mk. (5 times). L. (5 times). J. (4 times) ; geneili J. 11.54; apm. genemnedo Mt. I 2, 12. geneoleca wv. accederc, appropin- qiiarc, propiuqiiarc, adJitrrcrc, accidcrc, appropiarc, conscntirc, propcrarc, ind. pres. 3 sg, ge- neoleeaS L.21,20. 22,1; geneolac- ab L. 10, 11; geneolece5" L. 12, 33. 21,8; geneolaceb" L. 21,28; geneoleeas Mt. 26, 45; geneoleces Mk. 10, 7; 2 pi. geneoleeat) L. 11, 48; pret. 3 sg. geneoleeade ]Mt. 8, 5; geneolacede Mt. 4, 3; ge- neoleede Mt. (15 times). Mk. 1,31. 6,21. 12,28. L. (14 times). J. I 4, 14. 2, 13; genealeede Mt. 8,19. 21, 30; geneleede^Mt. 1 8,21; gen eoleete L. 7, 12; geneolicde J. I 3, 12; ge- noelecde; 3 pi. geneoleeadon Mt. 13, 10; geneolecedon Mt. 5, 1; ge- neolecdon Mt. (17 times). Mk. 6, 35. 10,35. 11,27. L. (8 times). J. 12, 21; geneolecton Mt. 14, 12. L. 8, 24; genealeedon Mt. 15. 1. 15, 30; geneleedon ^It. 15, 12. 17, 19; pres. p. geneolecende Mt. 28, 18. [See tOgeneoleea.] generiga wv. crucre, imp. ss:. ge- nere Mt. 18,9; gener Mt. 5^,29. Genesareth p. n. g. genatzear ]\Ik. 6,53; ds. genesa L. 5, 1. -genga, see bi-, londbigouga. genioma sv. capcrc, accipcrc, ex- cipcre, suscipcrcfcrrc, auferre, sitfferrc, prcnderc, apprchcnd- crc, tcnerc , rctinerc, rapcrc, diripcrc, trahcrc, tollerc, stimcrc, assuiiicrc, vcUrrc, enter c , ind. pres. 3 sg. geniomat) Mk. 4, 15; geniomas Mt. 19, 12; genime6 Mt. 12,29. L. 6,29. 11, 22. J. 11,48; genimes Mt. 9, 16. J. 15, 2 rag.; 3 pi. genimmses Mt. 4, 6; geniomes Mt. 11, 12; pret. 2 sg. genoe J. 20, 15; 3 sg. genom Mt. (8 times). Mk. 5, 40. 'L.' (10 times). J. 5, 9. 12, 3; genom Mt. 13,31. 14,31. 20,17. 24, ''^Q- L. 18,31; geno Mt. 27,48. L. 24,43; 2 pi. genomon Mk. 8, 19 ; ginomun J. 21, 10; 3 pi. srenomon Mt. 14. 20. 15, 37. 27, 30. Mk. 6, 43. 8, 8. L. 5, 9. J. 2, 6. 10,31. 11,41. 12,13. 19,40. 20, 2; genomon Mt. 14, 12. J. 19, 23; genomim Mt. 25, 3(2). J. 4, 45. 8^,59. 19,16. 20,13; opt. pres. 1 sg. genlme J. 20, 15; 2 sg. ge- nioma; J. 5, 10; genlme J. 17, 15; 3 sg. geniome Mk. 13, 15; ge- mma; J. 6, 44; gem ma Mt. 16, 24; genime L. 12,58; pret. 3 pi. ge- nomo ^It. 22, 15; genome Mt. 26, 4; pret. 3 sg. genome Mk. 15,21. 15, 24. J. 19, 38; 3 pi, geuomo Mk. 6, 8. 12, 13. L. 20, 20. J. 6, 15; imp. sg. genim Mt.2, 13. 5,29. 9.6. J. 5, 11; pi. genimmeb L. 19, 24; inf. genioma Mt. 12, 1. 19, 12. 24,17. Mk. 3, 27. 11,23. J. 10,29; genime L. 12, 29; to geuiomaune L. 14, 28; pres. p. genimende Mt. 26, 27. 26, 37; npm. geniomende Mt. 27,6; pp. geniimmen Mt. 13, 12; genumen Mt. 9, 15. L. 4, 38. 13, 19; genumen Mt. (6 times). Mk. 2, 20. 4, 25, L. (7 times). J. 20,1; npm. genumeno J. 19, 31; geniSriga — gcnndwearda 91 DpD. g-eiiunieno J. 20, 23. [See from-, of-, t6i;'euionia.] geni5riga wv. dcmuiarc, condcvi- )iarc, acciisarc, coiitcmncrc, hii- ■miliarc, calcare, ind. pres. 1 sg;. i::cm8ro J. 8, 11; 3 sg-. geni(5rat) J. 8, 10; g-enitiras Mt/l2, 42; 3 pi. geuiSria^ Mk. 10, 33; gem()ra.s Mt. 12, 41; pret. 3 pi. {;-eui?5radon Mk. 14,64; genibredou Mt.20,18; inf. ti:ehni(5ra L. 6, 37; pp. g-e- uiSrad Mt. 12, 37. 27,3. 27,^2. Mk. 9, 12. 16, 10. J. 15, 9; ge- Imim-ad L. 6, 37. 14,11. 21,24. g-eniwig-a, see eftgeniwiga. genoli aj. sat, satis, sufjicit, usn. genoh Mt. 10, 25. 13, 33. L. 22, 38; genog J. 14, 8. genotiga, see foregenotiga. geuyhtsumiga wv. sufjiccrc, iud. pres. 3 pi. genytsumiat) J. 6, 7. geoc sn. conjiix, jiigiini, ns. geoec Mt. 11, 30; as. — , Mt. 1, 20"; 11, 29. [See undergeoc] gecetistiga wv. fcstinarc, iud. pret. 3 sg. geoefistade Mt. I 7, 15. geoebta WY.perscqui, iud. pres. 3 pi. geoehta?5 J. 15,20; geoebtas Mt. 10,23. 23,34; pret. 3 pi. geoelit- adon J. 5, 16; geoehtou Mt. 5, 12. J. 15, 20 ; pp. gewoehtat Mt. 23, 34. geofa, see geafa. geona nx.ad/iuc, — , Mt. 1 9, 20. 27, 63; geoDJC Mt. 12, 46; geaua ]\lt. 15, 16. 17,5. 18, 16; geaue J. 4, 35; ba geoue Mk. 5, 35. 14, 63; ba geou Mt. 24,6 (uis fJa geon =^ nondiim). Mk. 8, 17. 8, 'li (De ba geou = nonduni). 14, 43. geonda, see l)egeouda. geondeta \^N.fatcri, coiifitcri, ind, pres. 3 sg. geonditted" L. 2, 38; geondetas ]\It. 10, 32; pret. 3 sg. geondete J. I 3, 6; geoudate J. 1, 20; 3 pi. geoudetou Mt. 3, 6; oi)t. pret. 3 sg. geoudetate J. 9, 22; pp. geondetad L. 1 9, 7. J. I 3, 10; geondetat) L. 12, 8. geoudspuruiga wv. scandalizarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. geondspurnab Mk. 9, 47; geonds])urna.s Mt. 18, 6. Mk. 9, 42; ])rct. 3 j)!. geond- spuruedou ]\lt. 13, 57; opt. pres. 3 sg. geonds])yrne L. 17, 2; ]t|). geoudspurnad Mt. 13.21. 24,10. Mk. 4, 17. L. 7,23; geoudspvruad Mt. 26, 3;i Mk. 14, 27. 14, 29; ge- ondspyrned ]\Ik. 6, 3; npm. ge- ondspurnedo Mt. 13, 57; geond- spyrede ^It. 15, 12. geoudswariga wv. rcspondcrc, ind. pret. 2 sg. geondsuaredes L. 10, 28; 3 sg. geoudsnarede Mt. 26, 25. Mk. 15,9. L. 7,43. 8,50. 9, 20. 23,9. 24,18. J. 1,50. 4,13. 8,54; geondsuarade L. 22,51. J. 3, 10. 5, 19; geondsuearede J. 18, 23; geondsuearade J. 2, 19. 5, 11; geondsuartede L. 14, 5; geoud- suferade J. 3,3; geondsuau-de Mk. 12, 34; geondsuar :\Ik. 15, 5; geousiiarede Mk. 14, 61; geou- suarde Mt. 27, 12; 3 pi. geoud- suaredon L. 20, 7; geondsuearadun J. 7, 47; pres. p. geondsuarende :\It. 27, 25. geondwearda wv. rcspo)idcn\ ind. pres. 3 sg. geondueardeb Mt. 25, 40; pret. 3 sg. geonduearde Mt. (13 times). ]\Ik. (7 times). L. (6 times). J. (23 times); geondua- earde Mk. 6, 37; geonduarde IMt. (3 times). Mk. (2 times). L. (7 times). J. (12 times); geondua^rde L. 1 10, 13. J. 1,21. 13,26; geonduard J. 10, 32. 18, 20; geondiiav J. 9, 1 1; geondu J. 9, 3; geonduorde ]\lt. 20, 22. L. I 7, 7. J. 14, 23; geond- uorde ]\It. 12, 48; gewondwordc ]\lt. 22, 1; 3 pi. geondiieardou Mt. 21, 27. Mk. 8,. 4. J. 2, 18. 8, 48. 9,20. 9,34. 18,30; giondueardon J. 21, 5; geondueardun J. 8, 33; geonduardon J. 7, 52. 10,33. 18, 5. 19,15; geondua'rdon J. 8, 39; geouduordou Mt. 25, 9; gcwond- ueardon Mt. 12, 38. 14,'l7; opt, pres. 2 pi. geonduearde L. 12, 1 1; inf. geonduearde L. 14, 6. 92 geoneta — geonga geoneta wv. occtipare, ind. pres. 3 sg*. g-ionetaS L. 13, 7. geonfcDge aj. taken, nsf. geonfenge (geonfeuge biS = assiunctur) L. 17, 35. geong sm. iter, scmi'ta, direchim, ds. — , J. 4, G; as. — , L. 2, 44. 8,1. 10,33. 13,22; dp. geongo L. 3,5; ap. geougas Mk. 1, 3; geongces L. 3, 4. [See bi-, for??-, in-, ofer-, ut-, ymbgeong.] geonga anv. ire, abirc, cxirc, iutro- ircprcetcrirc, transtre, avibiilarc, ambiilarc, perambiilare, vaderc, inccdcrc, acccdcrc, intrarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. geongo L. 14, 39. J. 13, 33. 14, 2; geonga L. 15, 18. J. 8,21. 11,11. 14,4. 14,28(2). 16,7. 16,10; geonge J. 7.33. 8, 14; giungo J. 8, 21. 13,36; gae Mt. 21,30. L. 15,18. J. 8, 14. 16, 28; gae J. 8, 22. 21,3; ^^Jii J. 14, 12. 16, 16; gase J. 16,5; 2 sg. ge- ongas Mk. 8, 26. J. 16, 5; gast L. 12,58; gajes J. 13,36; gaes Mt. 8, 19. L. 12, 59; 3 sg. geonga?^ Mk. 14, 21; geonge?)- Mt. 13, 44. 18, 12; geongas Alt. 8, 9. J. 12, 19, 12,35; gaabMt. 12.43. L. 15, 4. J. 3,8; gaeb Mt. 26. 24. L. 7, 8. 11,5. 11,26. 12,37. 22,22. J. 8,12. 10,4; gai(5 Mt. 5,30. 13,44; gaasMt. 15,17. J. 11,31. 12,35; gai€S Mt. 1 7, 17; gaes Mt. 8, 9. 24, 27; 2 pi. gaas Mk. 6, 10. 6, 11; 3 pi. geonge?) L. 7, 22; geongas Mk. 7^5. L. 4,36. 8,14; ieonges Mt. 11,5. L. 11,44; gaa?)'L. 2,3; gajb Mt. I 7, 17; gaes Mt. I 5, 11. I 19, 18. 25,46; gtes Mt. 13,49; pret. 1 sg. eade Mt. 25, 25. J. 9, 11. 16,28; 3sg. eode Mt. 21,30. (7 more). Mk.^1, 35. (10 more). L. 1, 9. (8 more). J. 7, 1. (8 more); eodi Mt. 1 2, 7; eade Mt. 9, 7. 12, 45. Mk. 5, 2. 6, 35. 10, 22. 16, 10. L. 4,42. 8,5. 11,26. 22,39. 24, 15. J. 4,47. 4,50. 10,40. 11,31. 18,29. 19.5; 2 pi. (foil, by pron. ge) eada Mt. 11,7; eade Mt. 11, 8; eado Mt. 11, 9; 3 pi. eodon Mt.26,17. 28,11. Mk.3,6. 3,21; eadon Mt. 8, 32. Mk. 14, 16. L. 7, 11. 24,24. 24,28; eodiin Mt. 28, 8. J. 20, 10. 21,3; eadunj. 18,6; eado L. 24, 13; opt. pres. 1 sg. geonga L. 14, 18; geonge Mt. 26, 36; giunga J. 16, 7; 1 pi. geonga J. 11,15; gae Mk. 14,12; gfe Mk. 1,38. 5,12. 14,42; 2 pi. geongae J. 15, 16; geonge Mt. 26, 41; 3 pi. geonga ^ilk. 6, 36; g^e Mt. 28, 10; imp. sg. geong Mt. 4, 10. (7 more). Mk. 8, 33. 9,^25. 10,21. L. 5, 8. 5,14. 13,31. J. 14,9. 7,3. 8,11; gaa Mt. 8, 4. (5 more). Mk. 1, 44. (7 more). L. 13, 31. J. I 4, 7. (7 more); gaa Mk. 1, 25. 2, 11. L. 7, 8. J. 20, 17; gaa3 Mt. 8, 9; 2:aea J. 8, 11; gae Mt. 2, 20. 4, 10. 5, 24. 17,27. J. 7,3; ga Mt. 16,23; pi. geonga?5 L. 22,8; geongas Mt. 9, 13. 10,14. 21,2. 22,9 L. 7, 22. J. 12, 35; geonges Mt. 10,7. 11, 4; gaa?5 Mt. 20, 4. 20, 7. 28, 10. Mk. 6,38. 11,2. 14,13. L. 10, 3. 17, 14; gaa?) Mt. 28, 19; ga5- L. 13, 32: gaad Mt. 27, 65; gaas Mt. 10,5. 25,9. Mk. 16,15. L. 19,30; gaes Mt. 2, 8. 10,6. 25,6. 26,18; gae?5 Mt. 8, 32 ; inf. geonga Mt. 24,26. 26,46. Mk. 12, 3 (f 'leorton geonga = dimtseniiit). 12, 38. 14, 42. L. 9. 59. 13,33. 18,25. 20,46. 21,8. 22,33. J. 11,16. 11,44. 14, 31. 21,18; gae Mt. 8,28; gaa Mt. 8, 18; gse Mt. 8, 21; gaa L. 17,23. 24,28. J. 18, 8; geonge Mt. 8, 28. J. 7, 1; to geonganne Mt. 14, 16. Mk. I 3, 6; pres. p. ge- ongende Mt. I 19, 16. (5 more). Mk. I 3, 14. (5 more). L. 5, 15. 24, 17. J. 14, 16. (3 more); geong' (onf 'a W{i[3S geong' = prcecellcbat) Mk. 10, 32; dpm. geongendum Mk. 16, 12; geougendu L. 9, 34. 9, 57; geongen L. I 11, 10; apm. geongende Mt. 15, 31. [See be-, for-, fore-, forege-, forb'-, for?)'on-, from-, ge-, in-, inge-, misbe-, of-. geonwcTlda — gerisenlic 93 ofer-, ofii'e-, toset-, Serh-, Mona-, Souage-, under-, upi)-, ut-. ynib- geong-a.] geouwtelda wv. doniiiiari, ])p. ge- onwieldad L. 22, 25. geopniga wv. patcfaccrc, ind. pret. 8 pi. geopuadon Mk. 2, 4. georn, see fribgeorn. georo, see gearo. georne av. diligentcr, Mt. I 15, 4. 2,4. 2,7. 10, 8ing. L. 1,3. 15,8; ge Mt. 10, 14 mg.; giorne J. 20, 11. geornfull aj. atistcnis, sollicitus, Dsra. gearnfull L. 19, 22; nsf. — , L. 10, 41; npm. geonifiillu L. 12, 22. 12,26; gearufulle L. 12, 11. geornliee av. sollicitc, L. 7, 4. 12, 58 (= opcram /). -geotol, see ofergeotol. gepiniga wv. piinirc, pp. gepiiied L. I 9, 4. geplJBgiga wv. saltarc, iud. pret. 3 sg. geplaegde Mt. 14, G. geplontiga wv. plantarc, pp. ge- plontad L. 13, 6. ger sn. annus, ns. ger L. I 4, 6. 3, 1; gs. geres J. 11,49. 18,13; ds. ger L. 13, 9 (in (5a3m to weard ^Qx = ill fiitunini)\ as. — , L. 4, 19. 13, 8; np. gero L. 13,7; dp. geiTi L. 4, 25. 12, 19; gem' L. 13, 11. 13,16; ger L. 15,29; ap. ger Mt. 9, 20 ; gero J. 5, 5. ger^eca wv. extc7idere, porrtgcre, ind. pret. 3 sg. gerabte Mt. 12, 49. 14, 31. Mk. 1, 41. L. 24, 30. geriesa wv. irrucrc, ind. pret. 3 pi. geraesdon L. 5, 1. gera^sta wv. rcamibcrc, discuvihcre, rcqjijcsccrc , ind. pres. 3 sg. ge- hrestab' L. 22, 27; 3 pi. gebrestas Mt. 8, 11; pret. 3 sg. geraeste Mt. I 6, 14; girffisti J. 21, 20; 3 pi. ge- rajstun Mt. 9, 10; gehrajston L. 13, 19; gera^ston Mk. 2, 15. [See eftgera^sta.] gerd sf. virga, anindo, liyssopiis, "ds. gerde J. 19,29; — , Mk. 15, 19; as. — , Mt. 10, 10. 12, 20. Mk. 6,8. L.7,24. 9,3; gerd Mt. 11,7. gere av. ant cm, — , L. 18,24. J. 21,12. gereafiga wv. imdarc , diriprrr, exjinr, ind. pret, 3 pi. gehreaf- adou Mk. 15,20; inf. gereofa i\lk. 3, 27; pp. gehreafad L. I 4, 20. gerec sn. tiuiiiilhis, ns. gerce Mt. 27, 24. [See ungerec] gereda wv. legcrc, ind. pres. 3 pi. geredes Mil 15,2; pp. gereded L. I 11,16. I 11,17. gerela wni. gavDicnt, ap. gereliim (mib hneseii gerelum = mollibiis) Mt. 11,8. [See gegerela.] gereowiga, see gebreowiga. gereowsiga, see gelireowsiga. gerihta wv. eniendare , cor riper e, crigerc, ind. pret. 3 sg. u'eribSe L. 3, 19; inf. giribte Mt. I 2, 13; pp. gerelitad L. 13, 13; giribtad. Mt. I 2, 17; npn. (inf.?) ^giribtffi iMt. I 2, 2. geriord sn. praiidiuni, nuptio', as. gebriorda L. 11,38; dp. gebriord- um Mt. I 19, 13; geriordum Mt. 26, 7; gereordum Mt. I 19, 4. geriordiga wv. praiidcrc, cccnare, c pillar i , disciunbcrc, saturarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gebriordade L. 16, 19. 22, 20; geriordade (= pavcscciisf) Mk. 14, 6; 3 pi. gi- hriordadon J. 21, 15; opt. pret. 3 sg. gebriordade L. 11,37; imp. sg. geliriordig L. 12, 19; inf. ge- briordage L. 12, 37; gelnlurdage L. 17, 10; pp. gebriorded L. 6, 21. 15, 29; gehriordad Mt. 1 19, 15. L. 15,23; geriordad Mt. 14, 20; geriorded Mt. 5,6. gerisa sv. oportcrc, dcbcrc, ind. ])res. 3 sg. gehrise5- L. 12, 12. 13, 33. 17,25. 18,1; gelirise?^ L. 5, 36; geriseS L. 13,14. 22,37. J. 3, 7; gerises Mk. 13,10. L. I 3,8. 14, 5. 16,14; pret. 3 sg. geras Mk. 9,11. L. 11,42; geras L. 24, 26. gerisenlic 2J^. fitting, nsu. — , L. 2, 49 (= oportct)\ gerisnelic L. I 7, 10 (= dcbcrc). I 7, 17 (= deb- 94 gerisne — gesceoimga ere). 13, 16 (were gerisuelie = oportuif)\ gehrisnelic (gehrisnelie woere = oportebat) L. 15, 32. gerisne sn. digmivi, apn. g-erisno L. 12, 48. gerixiga wv. rcgnare, opt. pres. 3 sg. gerixage L. 19, 14. gerliga, see gegerliga. geroefa wm. pnrscs , procurafo?', vilUciis, Pilatus, ns. geroefa Mt. 27, 14. Mk. 15, 4. L. 23, 4. 23, 6. J. 18,31. 18,35; groefa Mk. 15, 5. L. 16, 3. J. 18, 37. 18, 38. 19, 1. 19,6. 19,8. 19,10. 19,12. 19, 13. 19,15. 19,19. 19,38; groefa J. 19, 4; groefo L. 16, 8; gerefa J. 19,22; greofa J. 18, 33; gs. gi- roefa J. 18, 28 ; groefa (= census f) Mt. 22, 19 ; ds. geroefa Mt. 27, 2. L. I 8, ] 9 ; giroefa3 Mt. 20, 8 ; groefe J. 19,21; groefa Mt. 28, 14; as. geroefa L. 16, 1; groefa J. 19,31; gr6efa J. 19, 38. [See feh-, beh- gercefa; cf. groefscir.J gerowa sv. iiavigai'c, ind. pret. 3 pi. gelirowun L. 8, 23. [See ^(lua- gerowa.] gers, see ga3rs. geryne sn. mysfcrhini, as. geryno L. I 11,2; ap. geryno Mt. 4, 13mg. gervpa wv. diripcrc, ind. pres. 3sg. gehrypes Mt. 12, 29. gesacca sv. disscrcrr , mtiifiarc, inf.gesa3cca Mt. 1 9, 2: gesaeccanue J. 18,4. gesseega wv. diccrc, mintiare, an- 7inntiarc, ciiitntiarc, riarrarc, indicare, refcrrc, refellcrc, asscr- ere , expoiiere , explicit, ind. pres. 3 sg. gessegeb J. 4, 25. 16, 14; gesaegeS J. 13, 6; gesseges J. 16, 13; pret. 3 sg. gesa^gde Mt. I 15,5. I 19,9. Mk. 16,10. J. 1, 18; gesaegde Mt. I 2, 12. I 6, 9. I 16, 3; isaigde J. 5, 15; 1 ])1. ge- saegdon L. I 3, 8 {=vif(n'ivi7{s)\ 3 })]. gesaegdou Mt. 8, 33; opt. pres. 2 sg. gesa3Cga Mt. 8,4; ge- siege Mk. 8, 26; pret. 3 pi. ge- ssegdon Mk. 9, 9; gesaigde Mk. 7, 36; pp. gesaegd Mt. I 10, 5. I 18, 18. I 19, 14. I 20, 6. 26, 13. Mk. I 2, 16. I 5, 14. L. I 4, 4. I 8, 1. J. I 3, 3; gesaegd Mt. I 16, 2. I 22, 9. [See eft-, fore-, ofge- saecga.] gesaigdnise sf. mysferijim, ns. ge- saegdnisse Mt. 7, 6 mg. ; ap. — , Mt. 13, 11. gesiblta wv. salire, pp. gesjelted Mt. 5, 13; gesiel' Mk. 9, 49. gesa3t sn. coiisessio, ns. — , Mk. I ^ 5, 14. gesaga sn. narratio, as. — , L. 1, 1. gesawa sv. semiJiare, piilliilare, ind. pret. 2 sg. gesaudesd L. 19, 21; gesaudes (1 sg.?) L. 19, 22; geseawii Mt. 13, 27; 3 sg. geseaw- de Mt. 13, 25; geseaw" Mt. 13, 24. 13,31; geseaw Mk. 4,4; 3 pi. geseawun Mt. I 6, 16; inf. gesawe Mt. 13, 3; pp. gesaweu Mt. 13, 19. Mk. 4.15. 4,31; gesauen Mk. 4, 15. 4, 20. 4, 32. [See ofer- gesawa.j gesaweliga wv. aniviare, pp. ge- saweled Mk. I 1, 11, geseead sn. dispositio, disfincfio, separatio, ns. geseead Mt. I 14, 10; as. geseead Mt. I 3, 5. I 15, 5; geseead L. 12, 51. gesceada sv. distinguere, excipere, expoiiere, describere, ind. pres. 3 sg. geseeadeS L. I 8, 15; pp. geseeaden Mt. I 4, 6. L. 13, 11; geseeadad Mt. 14, 21. geseearfa sv. sicccidere, imp. sg. geseearfa L. 13, 9. geseeawiga wv. consider, opt. pres. 3 sg. gesceanig[j Mt. 10, 14 mg. gescenda wv. comiiiipcre , coii- fundere, ind. pres. 2 sg. geseen- des L. 12,33; pret. 3 sg. gescen- de L. I 8, 10. gesceo sn. calceame^ihim, ap. gsceoe Mt. 3, 11. geseeoga wv. calciare, pp. apm. gescoed Mk. 6, 9. geseeomiga wv. eriibescere, vereri, ind. pres. 3 sg. gesceomigat) L. gesceortiga — gesea 95 9, 2G; gesceomia?) L. 9, 20; pret. 3 pi. gesceoDiadoii L. 13, 17. 20, 13. gesceortig-a wv. dcficcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. geseeortade J. 2, 3. gesceppa sv. condcrc , ind. pret. 3 sg. gesceop Mk. 13, 19. gescetJba wv. iioccrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. gescetieb L. 10, 19. gescilda wv. tegcre, protcgcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gescilde L. I 8, 8; 3 pi. gescildou ]\lt. I 5, 9. gescina sv. rcfulgcrc, hiccrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. geseine<^ J. 1,5; pret. 3 sg. gescean (swi^e gescean = rcfidgcus) L. 9, 29. [See eft- gescina.] geseira sv. villicare, inf. gescira L. 16,2. gescirpa wv. ves^tirc, pp. geseirped Mt. 11, 8. gescrenca, see geserinca. gescrinca swv. arcsccrc, airvarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. geserinngon Mt. 13, G ; pp. gescrynean L. 1 8, 4 ; nsf. ge- scriuncan L. 6,6; asf. gescrengc' L. 6,8; npra. gescreucde Mt. 13,6. gesciifa sv. cjiccrc, pp. gescyfen ^ Mt. I 18, 11. gescyld sf. dcbituvi, as. — , Mt. 18, 34. geseyrta wv. hreviarc, dcficcrc, pret. 3 sg. gescyrdte Mk. 13,20; gescyrte J. 2, 3; opt. i)ret. 3 sg. gescyrte Mk. 13,20; pp. geseyr- ted Mt. 24, 22 (2). [Cf. gesceor- tiga. | gesea sv. vidcrc, aspiccrc, rcspic- crc, ind. pres. 1 sg. geseom Mk. 8, 24. J. 4, 19; geseiii (geseu?) J. 9, 25 ; gesiil J. 16, 22 ; 2 sg. ge- siistu Mt. 7, 3(-); gesiist Mt. 7,5. Mk. 5, 31. L. 6. 41. 7, 44. J. 1, 33. 11, 40; gsiist Mt. 27,4; gesist Mil 10,3; gesiis Mk. 12,14. L. 6, 42 ; 3 sg. gesiiS Mt. 6, 4. 6, 6. 6,18. J. 15, 17. I 7,5('-^). 3,36. 6,40. 9,19. 9,21. 10,12. 11,9. 12, 45C^). 14,9. 14,17. 14,19; gesiit^ J. 9, 19; gesiis J. 3, 32; gesis Mt. 5, 28; gesea& Mt. I 1, 7. L.3,6. J. 8, 51. 9,21; 2 pi. ireseaft Mt. 13,14. 23,39. 26, 64. '28, 7. Mk. 8, 18. 13. 14. 14,62. L. 10, 24. 12,54. 13,28. 13,3.5. 17,22. 21, 20. 21, 31. J. 1, 51. 6, 62. 14, 7. 16,16(2). 16,17. 16, 19(2); ge- seas Mt. 13, 14. 24, 15. 24, 33. 27, 24. Mk. 13, 29. 16, 7. L. 10, 23. 21,20. J. 14,19. 16,10; 3pl. ge- seab Mt. 5,16. 11,5. 13,15. 13, 16. 28,10. Mk. 4,12(2). 9,1. L. 1 6, 18. 7, 22. 8, 10. 9, 27. 10, 23. 21,6. 21,27. J. 6, 19. 7,3. 9,39. 12,40. 19.37; geseas Mt. I 20,0. 5,7mg. 5,8. 13,13. 15,31. 18, 10. 24. 30. Mk. 13, 26. L. I 6, 7. 14, 29. J. 9, 39; pret. 1 sg. gesaeh J. 1,32. 1,34. 1,50. 8,38. 9,11. 9,15. 18,26. 20,18; gesaeli J. 1, 48; 2 sg. gesege J. 8, 57. 9, 37; gisege J. 20, 29; 3 sg. gesseh Mt. (20 times). Mk. (20 times). L. (28 times). J. (22 times); gesiegb Mt. 2,16; gesaeh Mt. I 6,8. 8,14. 9, 2. 9, 4. 27, 3. Mk. 6. 34. L. 9, 47. J. 6,46. 9,18. 11,32. 20,1; gi- sa3h Mk. 12,34. J. 21, 20. 21,21; 1 pi. gesegon Mt. 25, 39. Mk. 25, 39. Mk. 9, 38. L. 5, 26. J. 1, 14. 20,25; gesegrn J. 3, 11; gesego J. 9, 41: 2 pi. gesegon Mt. 21, 32. J. 5,37. 6,36. 8,38; gesego L. 7,22; 3 pi. gesegon Mt.^22 times). Mk. (16 times). L. (22 times). J. (10 times); gesegon J. 21,9; gi- segon J. 20,29; gesego L. I 6,7. I 6, 18; geseg J. 20, 20; opt. pres. 1 sg. gesii Mk. 10,51. 12,15. L. 18,41; gisii J. 20,25; gesie (ind.V) J. 16, 22 ; 3 sg. gesii J. 5, 19 ; 1 pi. gesee Mk. 15, 32. 15, 36. J. 6, 30; gesea L. 2, 15; 2 pi. gesee J. 4, 48; 3 1)1. gesege Mt. 5, 16; -esea Mt. 16, 28. Mk. 1 4, 4. L. 8, 16. 11,33; gesea3 J. 9, 39; pret. 3 sg. gesege Mt. 12, 22. 22, 11. 26, 58. :\Ik. 8, 23. 8, 25. 14, 67. 11,69. L. 1,22. 2,26(2). 5,3. 7, 13. 10,32. 13,12. 19,4. 22,56. 96 geselen — gesene J. 6,5. 8,56. 9,15. 9,18. 19,26; 1 pi. gesegen L. I 3, 9; 3 pi. ge- segon L. 20, 13; gesegeu J. 4,45; gesego Mt. I 20, 6. L. 24, 23. 24, 37. J. 12, 9; imp. sg. geseli Mt. 8,4. L. 11,35. J. 1,46. 11,34. 20, 27; gesseh Mk. 15,4; gesili Mk, 1,44*: 1:^,1. 13.2; gesffigli J. 7, 52; pi. e-eseab Mt. 9, 30. 28, 6. Mk.4,24^ 6,38. 8,15. 13,23. 13, 33. L. 8, 18. 12, 15. 21, 8. 21, 29. 24,39. J. 1,39. 4,29. 4,35. 12, 19; (ind.V) geseas Mt. 18, 10. 24. 4. 24,6. 24,39. Mk. 13,5. 13,9; inf. gesea Mt. (10 times). Mk. (3 times). L. (10 times), J. (4 times); to geseaime Mt. 28, 1. Mk. 5, 14. 5,32. L. 9,9. 19,3. 23,8; to ge- seau L. 23,8; pres. p. npm. ge- segende Mt. 13, 13. 13, 14; ge- seemle Mt. 26, 8. 27,54; pp. ge- segen Mt. 19, 11. 17,25. 22,17. L. 1, 3; gesegn J. 1, 50; gesege Mt. I 6, 12; geseen Mt. I 8, 17. 25, 29. L. 19, 37. 22, 24. [See also gesene.] geselen sf. (?) tnlnifuni, ds. ge- seleune Mk. I 5, 1. geselenise sf. traditio, as. geselenise Mk. 7, 5. gesella wv. dare, traderc, rcddere, trihicre, doiiarc, prcmfare, ind. pres. 3 sg. geselleS Mt. 7, 11. J. 13,21; geseled- Mt. 10,21. Mk. 9, 41. J. 16, 23; gesiled' J. II, 4; ge- sili ?> J. 11. 22. 14,16; geseallas Mt. 24, 10; gesellas Mt. 10, 17; ge- selhes Mt. 5, 25; geseles J. 3, 34; 3 pi. geseles Mt. 24, 9; geselleS Mt. 10, 19; geseallas Mk. 13, 9; pvet. 2 sg. gesaldest Mt. 25, 22; gesaldes Mt. 25,20. 25, 35. L. 15, 29. J. 17,2. 17, 6C^). 17,7. 17,8. 17, 9. 17, 12. 17,24; 3sg. gesalde Mt. (5 times). Mk. (3 times). L. (4 times). J. (8 times); gisalde J. P187"-^; 2 pi. gesaldon Mt. 25, 35; 3 1)1. ge.sealdon Mt. 27, 10; gesaldon Mt. I 5, 3. 24, 38. Mk. 15,10. L. 1,2. J. 18,35; o])! pres. 3 sg. gesella Mk. 14,30; gesellfe Mt. 5, 25; geselle J. 16,2; 1 pi. gesella; |J. 1, 22; pret. 3 sg. ge- salde J. I 3, 13. 4, 10; 1 pi. ge- saldon J. 18, 30; 3 pi. gesaldon Mt. 26, 59; inf. gesella Mt. I 15, 4. 22, 17; gesealla Mt. 7, 11. Mk. 14,11. 14,>)5. L. 1,73. 11,13. 12, 32. 22, 4. J. I 4, 18. I 7, 8. 4, 10. 6, 52. 18,30; geseall' L. 22,5; gsealla Mt. I 20, 9; pp. gesald Mt. (13 times). Mk. (13 times). L. (14 times). J. (4 times); gesald Mt. 119, 14. 4,12. 13,11(2). 14^ 11. 20,18. 21,43. L. 18,32. 21, 16. 24,7; gsald Mk. 10,33; npn. gesald Mt. 11,27. [See eftge- sella.l gesenda wv, mittcrc, committcrc, nuitfrre, ind. pret. 2 sg. gesendes J. 17, 8. 17, 25; 3 sg. gesende Mt. 11,2. Mk. 15,37. J. 3, 17. 4,34. 6, 57. 13,2; 3 pi. gesendon Mt. 4, 18. 13,48. L. 21,1. J. 1,19. 1,22. 5, 33; opt. pres. 3 sg. gesende L. 10, 2. J. 5, 7; iuf gesenda Mt. I 18, 15. L. Ill, 14. 12, 5; gesende j Mt, 18, 9. Mk. 9, 47; gsende Mt. 25, 27; to gesendanne L. 12, 5. 14,31: pp. gesended Mt. (10 times). j Mk. I 1, 10. 9, 42. L. (8 times). J. (4 times); gtesended L. 1,26; j gesendet Mt. 23, 37. J. I 3, 5. 1, I 6. 3,24. 3,28; gesendad Mt. 5, I 29. L. 13, 34. 23,25; gesendat L. 19, 32; gsm. gesendnes Mt. I 21,6; npm. gesendeno Mt. 22, 7; apm. ungesendena (= inmissis) Mt. I 5, 14. gesene aj. visible (gesene wosa = ■parere, apparere, videri)^ nsm. gesene Mt. 6,16. 6,18. 8,34. 18, i 12. 21,28. 22,42. Mk.10,42. 14, I 64. 16,11. L. 10,31. 10,36. 23, I 8. J. I 7, 14. I 7,15. 18,3. 11,14 (= ma7ii/esfe); gesene (cuSlice gesene = cogiioseifu?-) J. I 3, II; giseni J. 20,20; npm. gesene Mt. 6,5. 23,5. 23,28. L. 9,31; ge- seno Mt. 6, 1; upf. gesene Mt. 23, gesetniga — gesnitJa 97 27; npn. geseue L. 24, 11. [See also gesea, pp.] gesetniga wv. insidiari, ind. pret. 3 sg. ii'esetnade i\Ik. (>, \\). gesetnise sf. dispositio, stiidium, testuiioniuni, fraditio, gs. geset- nisse L. I 2, 8; ds. gesetuesa Mt. I 9,2; as. gesetnisse Mk. 7,5; gesetuessa Mt. I 14,9. gesetta wv. ponerc, componerc, ex- ponerc, iinpoiicrc, stahicre, con- st it ucrc, institucrc, rrstittiere, coiinuittcrc, condere, fundare, pastinare, plantare, transplant- are, ind. pres. B sg. gesettes Mt. 24.47. L. 12,42. 12,44; gesetes Mt. I 14, 13; pret. 1 sg. gesette J. 15, 16; gesett L. 19, 22; 2 sg. ge- settes J. 20, 15 ; 3 isg. gesette Mt. (13 times). Mk. ((3 times). L. (12 times). J. (3 times); gisette J. P 187*; gesjette Mk. I 3,4; 3 pi. gesettou Mt. (3 times). Mk. (3 times). L. 17, 28. J. (5 times); ge- seton L. 1.66. 23,26; opt. pret. 3 sg. gesette .Alt. 19, 13. L. 1,9; 3 pi. gesetta Mk. 6, 41; gesete L. 9, 16; imp. pi. gesettet) L. 21, 14; inf. gesette L. 5,18. 17,6; gesete J. I 6, 3; to gesettauue L. I 7,9. 14, 31; pp. gesetted ]\Ik. 4, 21. L. I 4, 2. 2, 12. 2, 16. 3, 13. 23, 55. J. 19, 41; gesettet Mk. 4, 21. 15. 47. L. I 6,lo. 6, 48. 23, 53. J. I 2,2. 19.29; geseted Mt. I 5, 15. 5, 14. 7, 25. L. 3,9; gesetet Mt. 1 14, 1.114,5.3,10. L. 13,6; npf. ge- settedo J. 2, 6 ; geseteno L. I 9, 6; dpu. gesetnu L. 22, 41; apn. gesettedo L. 12, 19. 24, 12. J. 20, 5 ; gesattedo J. 20, 6. [See efue-, forege-, ofer-. to-, togesetta.j gesigfjestniga wv. coronare, tri- timpJinrc, iud. pret. 3 sg. gesig- faestnade Mt I 14.12; pp. gesig- fa^stnad J. I 8, 12. gesilib smfn. visio, visus, conspectus, ds. gesiiibo J. I 8,3; gesig&e L. 9,52; as. gesihbo L. 1, 22. 4,18. 24, 23; gesili?5a Mt. 17, 9; gesilitJe Cook, Northumbrian Glossary. L. 7, 21; np. (ns. ?) gesili?5o L. 13. 1 2. gesihtinise sf. visio, ns. gesiliSuis 17,7. gesinga sv. cautarr, ind. pres. 3sg. gesingab' J. 13, 38; pret. 3 sg. gesang Mt. 26, 74. Mk. 14, 68. 14, 72. L. 22, 60. J. 18, 27; 1 pi. gesiingun L. 7, 32 ; opt. pres. 3 sg. gesinga Alk. 14, 72. L. 22, 61; pp. gesungen (gebed gesungen = oratione) J. I 2, 2. gesiniga wv. nubere , ind. pres. 3 pi. gesinig L. 20, 34. gesitta sv. sedere, discnmbere, re- cumbere, ind. pret. 3 sg. gessett Mt. (6 times). Mk. (4 times). L. (6 times). J. (6 times); gessedt .Mk. 16. 19; gestet Mt. 26, 69. Mk. 11.2. J. 16,13. 9.8; gesaet Mk. 10,46; 3 pi. gesetton Mt. 27, 36; geseton Mt. \ 18, 15. 13, 48. 23, 2; opt. pres. 3 pi. (inf.?) gesitta J. 6, 10; gesitta Mt. 20,21. geslaa sv. ccedcre, occidere, inter- ficerc, pcrciiterc, ind. pres. 1 pi. geslas L. 22, 49 ; pret. 3 sg. ge- slog L. 18, 13. 22,50; inf. geslaa Mk. 14, 65. L. 18, 13. 22, 49; geslea J. 18. 31; pp. geslajgen L. 22, 7; geslaegen Mt. I 19, 14. geslepa wv. dormire, dormitare, ind. pret. 3 sg. geslepde Mt. 8,24; 3 pi. gesle])don Mt. 13,25. 25,5; geslepedou Mt. 25, 5; inf. ge- slepai Mt. 13, 25. geslita sv. ruinperc, pp. gesliten L. 8, 29. gesmeaga wv. cogitarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. gesmeadon Mk. 11, 31. L. 20, 14; gesmeaudon L. 20, 5; ge- smeawdnu Mt. 16, 7; inf. ge- smeage L. 5, 21. gesmiriga wv. njigere, ind. pret. 3 sg. gesmiride L. 4, 18; 3 pi. ge- smiredon Mk. 16, 1. gesmi(5iga wv./orgc, fashion, ind. pret. 3 sg. gismio&ade J. P 188 '. gesni?)a ^wainpntare, acannbcre(!), iud. pret. 3 sg. gesnai^ Mk. 14, 47; inf. gesni(5a Alk. 6, 39. 98 gesoeca — gi'stlu'is gesoeea wv. q^Kcrere, acqmrrrf, conqiLircrc, cxquirerc, inqiiircrc, reqiiirerc , repeterc , cxpctrrc, visitare, scqiii, iud. pres. 2 pi. gesoecas J. 18, 36 ; pret. 2 sg. ge- sohtes Mi I 4, 7; 3 sg. gesohte Mt. 2, 16. 12, 43. L. I 2, 2. 1. 68. 1,78. 19,16. J. 6,2; gesohta L. 22, 31; 3 pi. gesohtou Mt. 26, 59. Mk. 9, 14. J. 11, 8 ; opt. pres. 3 sg. gesoeca J. 12, 26; imp. sg. ge- soec J. 21, 19; inf. gesoeca L. 12, 29. J. 13, 37; pp. gesoht L. I 2.16. 11,50. 11,51. 12,48. J.I 4. 17. [See efne-, eftgesoeca.] gesomniga wv. locare, collocarr, colligcrc, congrcgarc, convcnirc, ind. pres. 3 sg. gesomniab Mk. 13, 27; gesomnas J. 4. 36; 3 pi. gesomuat) L. 6, 44; gesomuas J. 15,6; pret. 3 sg. gesomnade Mt. 2,4. 21,33; 2 pi. gesomnade Mt. 25,43; 3 pi. gesomnadon Mt. 22, 10. 22, 34. 27, 27. 27, 62. Mk. 1, 45. 10,1. J. 6,13. 11.47. 18.20; gesomnadim Mt. 27, 17; opt. pret. 3 sg. gesomnade J. 11, 52; imp. sg. gesomna (= congeries) Mt. 1 4, 6 ; inf. gesomuia Mt. 23, 37. L. 13, 34; pres. p. dpm. gesom- nandu L. 15, 13; pp. gesomnad Mt. 13, 2. 13, 40. 18, 20. 22, 41. 24,28. 24,31. 25,32. 26,3. 28, 12. Mk. 1, 33. 4, 1. L. 17,37; upm. gesomnade Mt. 26. 57; dpn. gesomnadiim J. 12, 5; apm. ge- soninado L. 24, 33. gesomnuug sf. syiiagoga, conventto, congeries, ns. gesonmung Alt. 20, 2; gisomnvng Mt. I 4, 6; dp. ge- somnnngiim Mt. 23, 34. gesuSfjestiga wv. jiistificare, ind. pret. 3 pi. geso5f;Kstadon L. 7, 29; inf. geso?)fiestiga L. 10, 29; pp. gesoJ^fa-stad xMt. 11, 19. 12, 37. L. 7, 35. 18, 14. gesparriga wv. claudere, pp. dsn. (?) gesparrado Mt. 6, 6. gespeafta wv. co)ispuere, pp. ge- speoftad L. 18, 32. gespelliga wv. fahilare, ind. pret. 3 pi. gespelledon L. 24, 15. gespilla vfw. perdere, dissipate, de- niolire, ind. pres. 3 sg. gespillerJ L. 17,33; ^-espilles Mt. 6,20; pret. 3 sg. gespilde L. 16, 1. 17, 29; gispilde L. 15, 13; pp. gespilled Mt. 6, 19. gespitta. see efnegespitta. gesprieda sv. extendere, ind. pret. 3 sg. gespra3de ]\It. 8, 3; imp. sg. gesprsed Mt. 12, 13. gespreca sv. loqiii, colloqui, eloqiii, ind. pres. 3 sg. gespreces J. 3,34; 1 pi. gesprecas J. 3, 11; 3 pi. ge- spreeas Mk. 7, 37; pret. 3 sg. ge- sprajcc Mk. 8, 32. L. 24, 32. J. 10, 6; gespriec Mt. 12,22. L. 1 5, 12. 11, 37. J. 1 7, 18. 7, 13. 9, 21 ; 3 pi. gesprec- onMt. 15.31. 17,3. L.2,15. 9,30. 24, 14. 24, 36. J. 11, 56; opt. pret. 3 sg. gspraece J. 4, 27; inf. ge- sprecca L. 4, 41; gespreaca L. 5, 4; gespreca Mt. 6, 7, L. I 3, 17. 1, 20; pres. p. gesprecend Mk. 6, 50 ; gespra3cend J. 10, 6 ; npm. gespreceendo L. 24, 25 ; pp. ge- spreeen L. I 10. 14. 1, 55. [See etnegespreca.] gespriuga sv. ahire, eructare, proce- derc, iud. pret. 3 sg. gesprang Mil 7,5. 4,24. Mk. 1,28; ge- sprauc Mt. I 6, 2. gesprinta sv. eructare, ind. pret. 3 sg. gis]n-aut J. P 187 i"^. gest sm. Jiospes, ns. gest Mt. 25,35. ^25,43; as. gest Mt. 25,44. gestiena wv. lapidare, ind. pres. 3 sg. gestienad L. 20, 6 ; ind. pret. 3 pi. gesta?ndou Mt. 21, 35; opt. pret. 3 pi. gestaindon J. 10, 31 ; inf gestajna J. 8, 5; to gest^onane J. 11, 8. gesteala '^wfiirari, opt. pres. 3 sg. ii-estele J. 10, 10. }-<' gestern sn. diversorituu, ns. gestern '^L. 22,11. gesthus sn. diversorium, ds. gestlius 'L. 2.7. gestig — geswcpriga 99 gestig- a]. Jiospcs, asm. gestig Mt. "25, 38.' gestiga sv. asccndei'e, dcscendere, iud. pres. 3 sg. (opt. ?) gestige J. 5, 7; pret. 3 sg. gestag Mt. 5, 1. 9, 1; opt. pres. 3 sg. Mt. 17, 27. [See adi'ine-, of-, ofdimegestiga.] gestignise, see ofgestiguise. gestiora wv. compesccre, commm- ari, inil. pret. 3 sg. gestiorde L. 15.19; pres. p. gestiorande Mk. 9, 25. gestouda sv. stare, ind. ])ret. 3 sg. gestode J. 1, 35; gestod L. 18, 13. J. 1,26. 7,37. 18.5. 18,25; ge- stod Mt. 2, 9. 13. 2. L. 23, 35. J. 6, 22. 18, 10. 20, 11; gesto L. 19, 8; 3 pi. gestodou Mt. 12, 40. L. 23,49. 24,4; gestoduu J. 19,25; inf. gestoude Mt. 12, 20. Mk. 3,20. gestrenga wv. conifortare, pp. ge- streneed L. 1, 80; gestrenegid L. 2, 40. gestrieiga wv. reficere, ind. pret. 3 pi. gestricedou Mt. 4, 21. gestriou su. fJicsaiirus, pccjinia, as. gestrion Mk. 10, 21; ap. gestriouo Mk. 10, 23; gestriono Mt. 0, 19. gestriouiga wv, lucrari, thcsaiir- izare, locarc, gignere, ind. pres. 3 sg. gestrionad L. 12, 21; pret. 3 sg. gestrionde .Alt. 1, 2. 25, 17; gestreonde Mt. 21, 41; opt. pres. 3 sg. gestriona Mt. 10, 20. Mk. 8, 30; inf. gestriouaige Mt. 0, 19; pres. p. gestrionende Mt. 25, 16. 25,22; gestrionend Mt. 18, 15. [See ofergestriouiga.] gestylta wv. stupere, ind. pret. 3 pg. gest3ite (= stupefachis est) Alk. 9, 15; 3 pi. gestyldon L. 8, 50; gestylton Mt.l2,33. gestyriga wv. tiirbare, conturbare, movere, coinuiovere, vexarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gestyrede I\rk. 9. 20 ; inf. gestvrige L. 0,48; gestyrege L. 8,49; pp. gestyred Mt. 15,22. 21, 10. 24, 6. 24, 29. Mk. 5, 39. 6, 50. 13, 25. L. 1, 12. 15, 20. J. I 7, 4. 5, 7. 12, 27. 13, 21. 14, 27; asf. gestyredo J. 1 6. 17; npm. gestyredo L. 24,38; npn. gestyredo L. 21,26. [See efnegestyriga.] gesiiudriga wv. drfi7ii7'c, ind. pres. 3 sg. gesundras Mt. I 14, 6. gesup(ig)a swv. gustare, ind. ])ret. 3 sg. geseap Mt. 27, 34; .'5 pi. ge- supedon Mk. 14,3. geswelta wv. cxpirare, mort, ind. pret. 3 sg. gesuelte Mk. 15,39; opt. pres. 3 sg. gesueltjie J. 18, 14; inf. gesuelta J. 4, 47. [See efnegeswelta.] gesweriga, see geswoeriga. geswica sv. metitiri, seducere, de- Jicere, ind. pres. 3 pi. gesiiicas Mt. 5, 11. ]Mk. 13, 6; opt. pres. 3 sg. gesuica Mt. 24, 4. Mk. 13, 5; inf. gesnica L. 18, 1: to gesuieanne Mk. 13, 22. geswiga wv. obDiiitescerc, stupere, tacere, ind. pres. 3 pi. gesnigas L. 19, 40 ; ind. pret. 3 sg. gesuigde Mt. 22, 12. Mk. 14, 01; geswigde (= exiliens) Mk. 10, 50; 3 pi. ge- suigdon Mt. 121, 14. 12, 23;^L. 20,20; opt. pret. 3 sg. gesnigade L. 18,39; inf. geswiga (= iniUare) Mt. I 1, 5. I 1, 9 ; pp. gesuiged L. I 11, 10. geswinga swv. fiagcllare, vapulare, ccedere, ind. pres. 3 sg. geswning L. 12,48; 3 pi. gesuingeb L. 18, 33; gesuingas Mt. 10, 17; pret. 3 sg. gesiiuinegde L. 12, 47; ge- suang J. 19, 1; 3 pi. gesiiingdou Mt. 21,8; ges'iungun L. 18,32; pp. gesuiueged L. 18, 32; gesu- uinged Mk. 13, 9. geswipernise sf. versutia, as. — , ' Mk. 12, 15. geswoenc sn. temptatio, as. ge- suoenc' L. 22, 46. geswcenea wv. vexare , pp. ge- swoenced Mk. 1,34; n])in. ge- suoenede Mk. 1, 34. geswfcriga sv. j'urare, ind. ])res. 3 sg. gesuerias INft. 23, 10 ; i)ret. 3 sg. gesiior I^, 1, 73; inf. gesuer- iga Mt. I 17, 4; gesuoeria Mk. 14, 100 gesynngiga — getrewa gesuoeremi = o-e- 71; pp. gesuoren (aS f g-esuoren =^ jiisjiirandiini) L. 1. 73; dsm. gesuoerenu (a5 JHSjurauduni) Mk. 6, 26 gesynngiga wv. inoeckari, iud. pres. 3 sg. gesyngias Mt. 19, 9; pret. 3 sg. gesynngade Jit. 5, 28; opt. pres. 3 sg. — , L. 17, 4; imp. sg. gesynnge Mt. 5, 27; inf, syngege Mt. 5, 32. get av. adJiuc, get Mt. 15, 10. 26, 65. Mk. 11.2. 14,63. L.I 11,19; gett J. 12,35. 14,19. 16,12. [See ne get, ne &a get, 5Vi get.] -get, see nndget. getacniga wv. s/gni/icare, ind. pres. 3 sg. getaenas Mt. I 9, 13. getieca wv. prcefigere, imponere, ind. pret. 3 sg. getachte j\It. I 17, 14; getalite Mt. 22, 34. [See fore- getieca.] getal s. cxpositw, as. — , Mt. I 8, 1. getaliga wv. )m7)icrare, rcpntarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. getalade L. 11, 38; pp. getalad Mt. 10,30. L. 12, 7; getaled Mk. 15, 28. J. 6, 10 (= mduerd). getalscip sm. mimerositas, gs. ge- talscipes Mt. I 14, 7. getea sv. traJiere, Utigare, conspir- are, ind. pret. 3 pi. getiigun J. 9, 22. 21, 8; getugon J. 6, 52 ; int. getea J. 21, 6. geteara sv. discerpere, pres. p. ge- teareude Mk. 9, 26. geteig5iga wv. dcciiiiarc, ind. pres. 2 pi. getegSeges Mt. 23, 23. getela wv. condcinnare, contemncre, accusare , discrepare , afjicerc, disputarc, ohjiccre, capcrc, sug- illare, studere, illiiderc, co7iculc- are, reprehendcre, ind. pres. 3 sg. geteleb Mt. 6, 24. 12, 42. L. 18, 5 ; 3 pi. geteleb' iMt. 12, 41; pret. 3 pi. gefeledon Mk. 9, 34. L. 1 8, 13; geteldou Mt. I 2, 18. 20, 18. L. 12, 1; opt. pret. 2 pi. geteldon Mt. 12, 7; 3 pi. geteldon Mt. 12, 10. Mk. 3, 2. 12,13; inf. getela L. 20, 26 ; pp. geteled Mt. I 22, 4. ge- ge- 12,37; Mk. 9, 12. 14,60; geteled Mt. 22. 6. L. 18, 32. getella wv. coinputarc, dcpiitare, referre, assiDiilare, ind. pres. 3 sg. getelles L. 14, 28; pp. geteled Mt. 7,24. L. 14, 12. 22,37. getemesiga wv. j-///(?) pp. {=pro- positionis) getemesed L. 6,4; apm. getcmeseda Mt. 12, 4. getinibra w\'. crdificarc, molere, ind. pres. 1 sg. getimbro Mt. 16, 18. Mk. 14, 58 (ic getimbro willo = (sdi/icabd)] 3 sg. getimbras Mk. 15, 29; getimbres Mt. I 17, 19 (= (rdificatitis). 7, 24; 2 pi. getimbras' Mt. 23, 29. L. 11, 48; 3 pi. getimbras L. 17,35; pret. 3 sg. getimberde Mt. 7, 26. 21,33. Mk. 12, 1. L. I 5, 9; getimhrade L. 7, 5; 3 pi. getimberdon L. 17, 28; getimbredon Mt. I 21, 18; timbradon Mk. 12, 10; inf. timbra Mt. 26, 61. L. 14, 28. 14, 30; pp. getimbred L. 4, 29. J. 2, 20. getimbre su. adificatio, (Fdiftciuin, gs. getiml)res L. I 10, 13; ap. ge- timbro Mt. 24, 1. Mk. I 5, 6. -getnise, see ofergetnise. getorngmiga wv. cognofiiinare, ind. ])ret. 3 sg. getornomade L. 6, 14. getralitiga wv. rxpoiicrc, lutcrprct- ari, tractarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. ge- trahtade Mt. I 19, 9. L. I 3, 2; 2 pi. getralitade Mk. 9, 33; 3 pi. ge- trahtadon ]\Ik. I 4, 8; p]). getraht- ad Mk. 5,41. J. 1,38. 1,42; ge- tracbtad J. 1,41; getrabted Mk. 15, 22. 15, 34; getrahtet Mt. 1, 23; getraetat J. 9, 7. getreda sv. coiiciilcarc , opt. pres. 3 pi. getrede Mt. 7, 6 ; pp. ge- treden L. 8, 5. Mt. 5, 13. getreowfaistuiga wv. valerc, opt. pres. 2 sg. getreowfsestnig Mt. I 4,12. getrewa wv. con fid ere, siiadere, persiiadere, ind. pres. 3 sg. ge- trewe& Mt. 27,43; 1 pi. getrewaS Mt. 28, 14; pret. 3 pi. getreoudou getrycca — ge?5rcaga 101 L.J 8,0; g-etreudon Mt. 27, 20; imp. sg-. g-etrin Mt. 9, 22; ge- triowiie Mt. 9, 2; pi. getreuat)" J. IG, 33. getrycca wv. confidcrc, imp. pi. ge- tryccab J. 16, 33. g'etrymma wv. fir marc, affirinare, confiriiiarc, coJwrtari, cxJiortari, tcstari, tcstificarc, coiitestare, con- fer fare, fcrhibere, corroborarc, protcstari, iud. pres. 1 sg. ge- trymmo J. 8, 14; getrymo J. 8, 18; 3 sg. getrymme(5 j\It. I 5, 1. I 16, 6. J. 21,24; getrymmes J. 1, 15; getrymmas Mt. I 17, 5; getryme?5 J. 14,3. 17,9. 3,32. 5,32(2); getrvmat^ L. 1 10, 10 ; getrymes Mt. 1 17; 15. J. 8,13. 8,18. 15,26; ge- triati J. I 7, 17; 1 pi. getrymes J. 3, 11; 2 pi. getrymeS L. 11,48; getrymies J. 15, 27; 3 pi. ge- trymeS J. I 4, 13. 5, 36 ; getrymes J. 5,39; pret. 1 sg. getrymede J. I, 34; 2 sg. getrymedis J. 3, 26; 3 sg. getry'mede L. I 2, 14. 22, 43; getrvmede L. 22, 59. J. 1, 32. 5, 33. 5, 37. 19, 35; getrymedo J. 12, 17; getrymade L. I 6, 13; ge- trilmade L. 3. 18; getrumade L. 9, 51; opt. pret. 3 sg. getry'mede J. 1,8: imp. sg. getrymeg L. 22, 32; getrym J. 18,23; getrym L. I 11, 4; pp. getrymed L. I 4, 7. J. I 7, 4. 13, 21; gs. getrymmedes J. 4, 39. [See efne-, berhge- trymma.] getwiga wv. duhitarc, Jiccsitare, ind. pret. 3 pi. getwiedon ^It. 28, 17; opt. pres. 3 sg. getuiga Mk. II, 23. getyna wv. claiidcrc, ind. pret. 3 pi. getyndon Mt. 13.15; ])p. ge- tyned \li. 25, 10. gebjxihtung sf. consilium, as. ge- btelitungse Mt. 26. 4 ; ge?5{elitunge Mt. 27, 1; geSajhtung Mt. 22, 15; — , Mt. 12,l4. geSafsum aj, consentiens, nsm. — -^ " Mt. 5, 25. ge(5afsumnise sf. cofiscnt, as. ge- Safsumnisse (= conscnticnduni) Mt. I 17, 1. ge(5earsca sv. ccederc, ind. pret. 3 pi. geSurscon Ut 21, 35. Mk. 12, 3; getJiiurscon L. 20, 11; ge- Surscon Mt. 21, 8; inf. geSearsca Mk. 14,65; to gedearscanne Mk. 15, 15; pp. ge(5orscen L. 20, 10. geSenea wv. cogitarc, videri, excr- cere, recordari, ind. pres. 3 sg. gebences Mt. 6, 27; 2 pi. geSencas Mt. 16,9; 3 pi. geSencas Mt. 20, 25; pret. 3 sg. geSolite L. 1,29; 3 pi. geSohton Mk. 8, 16. J. 11, 53. 12,10; ge&ohtun Mt. 21,25; opt. pres. 3 sg. geSence Mt. 17, 25. 22. 17. 22, 42 ; g&ence Mt. 18, 12; inf. geb'encse L. I 7, 13; ge- &ence Mt. 10, 19. [See efnege- d'enca.] gebenna wv. extendcrc, ind. pret. 3''sg. ge(5enede Mt. 12, 13. 12,49. 14, 31; imp. sg. ge5"en Mt. 12, 13. gebeod sm. captiviis, np. gebeodo L. 21, 24. geSeodsumnise sf. consent, ge&iod- siinise (= consentie?iduni) L, I 8, 1. ge?:^iostriga wv. contenebrarc, pp. geSiostrod Mk. 13.24. [See fore-, ofergedi'ostriga.] geSoa, see geSwa. geb'oliga YfY.pafi, pcrpeti, siistinere, ind. pres. 3 sg. ge&olias Mk. 13, 13; geSolas Mt. 11. 12. 16, 26. Mk. 9, 12; 3 pi. geSolas Mt. 5. 10; pret. 3 sg. geMolade Mt. 9, 20. Mk. 5,26; imp. pi. geboligas Mk. 14, 34; inf geSoliga Mk. 8, 31; geSol- ega Mt. 16, 21; gebolia L. 9, 22. 17, 25. geb'onciga, see efnegeb'onciga. ge5"reaga wv. incrcparc, cogere, argticre, ind. pres. 3 sg. ge&reat) J. 8,46. 16,8; ge&ra^- L. 9, 1; pret. 3 sg. gebreade L. I 10, 11. 4,35. 4,41. 8,24. 9,21. 9,42. 9, 55. 23, 40; geSreate Mt. 17, 18. Mk. 6,45; 3 pi. ge&readou L. 18, 15. 18, 39 ; imp. sg. geSrea L. 102 geSreatiga — gewintriga 17,3; pp. g-eSread Mk. I 4, 2. L. I 5, 14; gebreaS Mk. I 5, 13. [See iecge?5reag'a.] gedreatiga swv. iiicrepare, cogcre, argucre, angariare, ind. pres. 3 sg-. geSreatas Mt. [ 21, 1(3. 1 21, 17. 5,41; gebreadas L. 16, 15; pret. 3 sg. geSreadade Mt. 8, 26; 20, 31; 3 pi ge5reatadou Mt. 19, 13; imp. sg. geb'reat L. 19, 39; inf. gebreadtaige Mk. 8, 32; pp. ge- tireatad Mt^ I 6, 18. L. I 0, 9 ; ge- breaten Mk. I 3, 15; npm. gedreat- ne Mt. 20, 31: dpm. gedreatnum Mk. I 2, 17; geSi-eatad Mk. I 4, 2. getiringa swv. coniprimere, contend- ere, iud. pres. 3 pi. get)ringa(5 L. 8,45; pret. 3 pi geSringdou Mk. 5. 24; imp. pi gedrincgas L. 13, 24; pp. gebrimgeii L. 8, 42; ge&riuged L. 8, 42. geSrowiga wv. pati, cruciare, ind. pres. 2 pi gefirowiges Mt. 20, 31; pret. 3 sg. (opt.?) ge5rowade L. 24,46; inf. ge5rouia L. 17,25. 24, 26 ; ge5"rowia L. 9, 22 ; pres. p. gebrouende ^It. I 20, 4 ; ge- hrowende L. I 9, 18; p]). gec^roued Mt. 17, 12; gedroued Mt. 1 14, 11; geSrouad L. 16, 25. geBrveea wv. expriniere, ind. pret. 3 sg. ge5ryde Mt. I 3, 7; gibryde J. P 1883; 1 pi. o-e?5rybton Mt. I 3,4. getJuugenuise sf incremenhun, as. — , Mk. I 2, 6. sv. lavare, rigarc, ungcre, ind. pres. 2 sg. gebvoas J. 13,6; pret. 1 sg. ge?5uog J. 13, 14; 2 sg. geSuoge L. 7, 46; 3 sg. ge^uog J. 11,2. 13,12; gebuoh J.I 7,1; 3 pi gebuogon Mk. 7.3; getiiioguu L. 5,2; inf. getiuoa L. 7,38; ge- ?5oa J. 13, 5; pp. geduicn (= loc- 2itus for lohis) J. 13, 10. gebyld s. patic]itia, ds. — , L. I 10, 14. 8,15; as. — , Mt. 18,26. 18, 29 ; gebuild L. 18, 7. ge&yngo sf dignify, Jionor, as. ge&wa g-i- Syngo (for ge5yug(5oV) J. P 188 " geunna anv. exhibere, opt. pres. 3 sg. (inf?) gewunna Mt. 26, 53. geunrotsiga wv. confristari, ind. pret. 3 sg. giunrotsade J. 21, 17; pp. gewunrotsad L. 18, 23; ge- uurodsad Mk. 10, 22; npm. ge- unrotsade J. 16, 20; geunrotsade Mt. 26, 22. gewcoeca wv, concitare, excitare, suscitare, vigilare, ind. pret. 3 pi gewffibtou Mk. 15, 11; opt. pret. 3 sg. gewffihte Mk. 13, 34; imp. pi. gewaccas Mk. 13, 35 ; inf ge- wiecca Mk. I 3, 7; gewa^ccje Mk. 14, 37; pp. gewaehten Mt. I 18, 5; gew^elit Mt. I 18,10. gewaeg, see gewoeg. gewjelda wv. doininari, ind. pres. 3 pi. gewa^ldes Mk. 10, 42. gew'ji'lta wv. advolvcre, provolvere, ind. pret. 3 sg. gewadte j\It. 27, 60; pp. gewjelteno Mt. 17,14. gewser aj. ware, npm. gew^ere (wosas gewiTire = cavete^ Mt. 10, 17. gewajxa sv. crescere, abundare, inolescere, nasci, prodesse, pro- ficere, ind. pret. 3 sg. gewoxe 'Mk. 12, 44; gewox L. 1, 80. 2, 52. J, I 4, 1; gewox Mt. 13, 26. 13, 32; opt. pres. 3 sg. gewoxe Mt. 13, 32. Mk. 7, 11; gewiex Mt. I 3, 6; inf gewjexe Mt. 13, 30. Mk. I 3, 5; pp. gewffixen L. 12,18. [See foregewsexa,] gewelgiga wv. to enrich, pp. ge- welgad (= potius, understood as potitus) Mt. 25, 9. gewidliga wv. comniunicare, coin- quinare, containnnre, ind. pres. 3 pi gewidlegas Mk. 7, 20; ge- widlas Mk. 7,15; inf. gewidlige Mk. 7, 15. 7, 18; pp, gewidkied J. 18. 28. gewillniga wv. ciipere, ind. pret. 3 pi gewillnadon Mt. 13, 17. gewinda sv. plectere, ind. pret. 3 pi gewundun J. 19, 2. gewintriga wv. senescerc, pp. uiutrad J. 21, 18. ge- gewita — geworSiga 103 gewita sv. reccdcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gewat Mt. 27, 5. gewitgiga wv. propJicfarc, proplict- izarc, promerc, ind. ])ret. 8 sg. gewitgade Mt. 15, 7. Mk. 7, 6. L. 1, 67. J. I 6, 11; genitgade J. I 2, 1. 11, 51; 1 pi. gewitgedon Mt.7, 22; 3 pi. gewitgedon Mt. 1 1, 18; imp. sg. gewitga Mk. 14, 65. L. 22, 64. gewitnise sf. testis, tcstamentiim, te- stiiiwnnun, gs. gewitnessjfi Mt. 26, 28; as. gewitii Mt. 10, 14; np. ge- witneso Mt. 26, 60; ap. gewitnesa Mk. 14, 68. gewixla wy. mtitarc, inf. givixla Mt. I 8, 1. gewoeda wv. induere, 'vestirc, ind. pres. 3sg. geuedes Mt. 6.30; pret. 3 pi. gwedon Mt. 27, 28 ; imp. pi. ge- woedacJ L. 15.22; pp. gewoedad L.12,27;gewededMt.ll,8.L.8,85. gewoeddiga wv. dcsponsare, pp. ge- woedded L. 1, 27. gewcede sn. vestimentitni, vestitus, gs. gewoede Mk. 6, 56; ds. ge- wedo Mt. 6, 28; as. gewede Mt. 3, 4; gewedo L. 5, 'i'o; np. (ns.Vj gewoedo L. 9, 29; dp. gewoedum Mk. 15,20. L. 7,25; gewedum Mt. 27, 81; ap. gewoedo Mk. 5,80. L. 19,85; gewoedo L. 23, 84. gewoefa sv. coiitexerc, pp. gewoefen L. I 4, 10; geuoefeu J. 19, 23. gewoeg sn. mcnsura, ds. gewa^ge Mk. 4, 24; as. gewoege L. 6. 38. gewoega sv. metiri, pp. gewoegen Mk. 4,24; gewegen Mt. 7, 2. gewoenda wv. convertere, reverti, ind. pres. 3 sg. gewoendas Mt. 10, 13; pret. 3 sg. gewoende L. I 9,9. 15, 17; pp. gewoendet L. 17, 4; npm. gewoendo Mt. 7,6. [See eft-, Sonagewrenda.] gewoepa sv. ftcrc, ind. pret. 8 sg. geweiep L. 19. 41; gew«p L. I 10, 4. J. 20, 1 1; geweap L. 22, 62 ; 8 pi. gewaepon L. 8, 52. gewcerged aj. (p]).) malcdicus, gpm. gewergedra ]\It. I 1, 11. gewoesta wv. dcsolarc , pp. ge- woested Mt. 12, 25. gewoipa sv. cjiccre, injiccrc , pro- jicerc, inittcrcjactare, ind. pret. 8 sg. gewearp Mk. 10, 50; ge- warpp Mt. 121, 8; gewarp Mk. 12,41. 16,9; 8 pi. gewurpon Mt. 21,39. Mk. 12, 8. 12,41. 14,46; geworpen (pp.?) Mt. 15, 30; ge- worpun Mt. 26, 60; imp. sg. ge- worp Mk. 9, 47; inf geworpe Mt. 7,5; geworpa L. 11,18; pp. ge- worpen Mt. 5, 18. L. 17, 2. geworSa %\. fieri, effici, contingcre, acciderc, ind. pres. 3 sg. geworSas Mt. 18, 18; geuorbes J. 10, 16 ; 2 pi. geuorbas J. 15, 8; 3 pi. ge- worSes L. 1, 20; pret. 8 sg. ge- wearcJ Mt. 1,22. 20.2. Mk. 2.28; gewar^i Mt. I 8, 9. I 21, 4 (druig? gewarl5 = arefadd). 16, 2. 26, 1. Mk. 1. 32. 6, 2. L. 4, 42 ; gewa^rS Mt. 13. 21. 14, 15. 14, 23. 27, 1; geuar(5 J. I 6, 5. 13. 2 ; geua3r?5 J. 1, 17; 3 pi. gewurdou Mt. 27, 54. Mk. 6, 56 ; opt. pres. 3 sg. ge- wor5e Mt. 26, 5. Mk. 14, 2 ; 2 pi. gewor(!ie Mt. 18,3: 8 pi. geworSe Mk. 13,80; gworda L. 8,12; inf. geworSa L, 21, 7; geuorb'a J. 3, 9 ; pp. geworden Mt. (84 times). Mk. (10 times). L. (2 times). J. I 1,6. 1,28; gewoerden Mt. 11,21; geword' Mt. 13, 21; geuordeu J. 1,3. 1,10. 1,14. 1,27. 2,9. 5,9; nsf. (npn. '?) gewordeno i\It. I 17. 12; dsn. (?) gewordne L. I 8, 4; npm. gewordeno Mt. 4, 8. 19,12; upf geiiordeno J. 2, 1; gewordne Mt. 11, 28; npn. geiiordeno J. 8, 21; gewordne J. 1 3, 16. [See efne- gewor6a.] gewor(^iga wv. adorarc, glo'ijicarc, ind. pres. 2 [d. gciiorriias J. 4, 22; 3 pi. geiiorcliias J. 4.23; geworciias J. 4, 24 ; pret. 3 sg. gewor5ade Mt. 15. 25. L. 13, 13; gewordade Mt. 9. 18; 2 pi. <;-enorbadon J. 4, 21; 3 pi. geworf^adou Mt. 14,33. :\lk. 15, 19. L. 24,52; geworMadun Mt. 2, 11. J. 4, 20; geuorbadun J. 104 gewrit — gewyrca 4, 23 ; opt. pret. 3 pi. 2:eiioi-(5adon J. 12, 20 ; imp. sg. geworSa Mt. 4, 10; iuf. g-euor(5age J. 4, 20; pp. gewort)ad J. I 6, 2. gewrit sfn. scripfiira, ns. gewrit Mk. 15, 28; gewritt L. 4, 21; as. gewritt Mt. I 21, 2; dp. gewnrittiun Mt. 21, 42 ; gewuriotil L. 24, 27; ap. gewriotto L. 24, 32 ; gewiiriotto Mt. 22, 29; gewuritto Mk. 12, 24; geur- iotto J. I 4, 12. [See leafge written.] gewrd'ga wv. accttsare, pp. ge- wroeged Mt. 27, 12. gewrynda wv. fiindarc, pp. ge- wrynded Mt. "7, 25. gewuldriga wv.glon'/icare, clarific- arc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gewuldrade L. 23, 47; gewuV L. 13, 13; 3 pi. geuuidradou Mt. 9,8; pp. ge- uuldrad J. 7, 39; geuuldred J. 11, 4. 12,23. 14, 13; giimldrad J. 21,19. gewima win. coiisuctiido, ns. — , Mt. 27, 1 5 (gewiina wi^es = consuc- vcraf). Mk. 10, 1 (pte be gewuna wses = consueveraf). 15, 6 (ge- wuna ^yi%=^solehaf)\ geuuna? J. 18,39; as. — , L. 1,9. 2.27. 2,42. 22,39; geuna L. 4, 16. gewundiga wv. vulncrarc, ind. pret. 3pl.geuundadonMk.l2,4.L. 20,12. gewundriga wv. mirari, admi'rari, stupere, inagni-ficarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. gewundraS L. I 11, 9; pret. 3 sg. gewundrade Mt. 8, 27. Mk 11, 18. 15,44; geuimdrade Mt. 8, 10; 3 pi. gewundradon Mt. 13, 54. 19, 25. ^22, 33. Mk. 5, 20. 10, 26. L. 1,63. 9,43; geuundradon Mt. 22, 22. J. 4, 27; geundradon Mt. 15,31; pp. gewuudrad Mt. 8, 10. 9,33. Mk. ^^^S^. 11,18; npm. gewundrade Mt. 21, 20. Mk. 6, 2; geuuudrade Mt. 7, 28. [See to- gewundriga.] gewunelie aj. aistomary , — , ( = constiehidmr) Mt. I 2, 18. gewuniga wv. Iinhitare, luanere, re- maiicrc, morari, cflnsncsccrc, ind. pres. 3sg. gewuniaM J. 15, 16; 2 pi. gewunas J. 8, 31; 3 pi. gewunias J. 15,7; pret 3 sg. gewunade Mt. 4, 1 3. 27, 15. L. 1, 56." 8, 27. 21, 37. J. 1, 39; geuunade J. 3, 22. 8,9; ge- unade J. 11, 6; gwunede J. 1, 32; 3 pi. gewunadon J. 1, 39; ge- wunedon Mt. 12, 45 ; opt, pres. 3 sg. gewuniga J. 21, 22; geuun- iga J. 15, 4; geuna J. 14, 16; 2 pi. gewunige J. 15,4; pret. 3 sg. geuunade J. 4,40; 3 pi. gewunad- on Mt. 11,23; geuunadon J. 19, 31; inf. gewuna Mt. 13, 1; gewuuia L. 19, 5 ; geunia J. I 4, 3 ; geuuni J. 21, 22. gewuta auv. scire, ind. pret. 3 sg. gewiste Mt. 16, 8; 3 pi. geuiston J. 2, 9; opt. 2 pi. gewitte Mt. 9,6; Mt. 16, 8; imp. sg. gewit Mt. I 4, 10; inf. gewutta Mt. I 9, 1; ge- wuta Mt. I 9, 19. Mk. 9, 30. J. 14, 5 ; gewite Mt. 1 4, 5 ; pp. gewitten Mt. 10,26. [See eftgewuta.] gewyrca \^n. facer c, efficere, oper- art, inoperari, congerere, edere, agere, ind. pres. 3 sg. gewyrca(5 L. 9,25; gewyreas Mt. 1,21; ge- wyrces Mt. 7, 17. J. 13,3; 2 pi. gewyreas J. 15, 14; 3 pi. gewyreas Mt. 6. 2; pret. 3 sg. geworhte Mt. I 2, 9. I 6, 5. 19, 4. Mk. 15, 7. J. 11,8. 17,2. 2, 15. 12,37; ge- uorhte J.2.23. 4,45. 5,16. 6,14. 11, 45; 2 pi geworliton Mk. 11, 17; 3 pi. geworliton Mt. 17, 12; opt. pres. 1 sg. gewyreo J. 9, 4; 1 pi gewerco J. 6, 28 ; pret. 3 pi. guorlito J. 6, 15; geuorlito J. 12, 18; inf. gewyrca Mt. I 17,17. 7, 18. 9. 28.' 16, 25. Mk. 7, 12. L. 9, 24. 17,33. J. 14,15. 5,27. 9,4. 9, 16; geuyrca J. I 7, 9. 7, 17; ge- gewvrce Mt. II, 2. 1 16, 9. I 19, 3. 7;^18. Mk. 6, 5; geuyrce J. 9, 33; geuirce Mt. 5,^36. J. 3,2; gwyree J. 2, 16; pp. geworht Mt. I 2, 2. I 5, 5. I 7, 3. 14, 2. 23, 15. J. I 3, 2. 7, 14 (mi(5?5y geworht wjes = mediante); geuorlit J. 5, 13; apm. geworlita (efnegewoiiita ?) Mt. I 8, 15. [See efnegewyrea.] geyfliga — gleng 105 g-evflig'a wv. afficcrc, pp. geyfled iVIt. 22, 6. geyppa wv, scire, crudarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. gcy])pe Mt. J 3, 35; pp. geypped L. i2, 2. Gezemani p. ii., ns. Mt. 26, 36. giee, see gee. gi-, see ge-. gif cj. si, sill, siciif, Mt. (82 times). Mk. (44 times). L. (72 times). J. (85 times); gife Mt. 6,22. 18, 15. L. 12,45; gef Mk. 12, 19. gif hwelc ej. siqiiidciii, Mt. I 3, 5. gif hweber ej. si, gifliue^'er L. 14,31. gifu, see geafa. gigoti ^i. juvrnfiis, ds. gigo&e Mk. 10,20. L. 18.21. gimm sm. gem, dp. gimmum J. ^ P 185 \ ging ^}.yo2cng, usm. giug Mk. 14,51 {ipja^Q^wQ= adolescejis); asm. giug Mk. 16, 5 (ging esne ^=juvenem). L. 15,23. 15,^27. 15,30; eomp. nsm. giungra (= adolescentior, junior) L. i5, 12. 15, 13. J. 21, 18; superl nsm. gingesta {adolesce?it- ior, junior) 15, 12. L, 22, 26. ginn, see oiiginn. ginna sv. see a-, be-, in-, onginna. giorua wv. deprccari, mendicare, irrtiere, ind. pret. 3 sg. giornade Mk. 10, 46; giornede Mk. 1, 40; gioiTide L. 18, 35 ; giornde J. 9, 8; 3 pi. giorndon L. 5, 1; inf. to giornanue L. 16, 3. giornise sf. nppetitio, iniprohitas, us. giornisse Mt. I 17, 6; as. — , L. 11, 8. [See fierwit-, lust-, wif- giornise.] giosterdoeg av. heri, giosterdoeg J. 4, 52. avarus, ds. gitsare L. gitsare sm. I 7, 14; up. gitsaras L. 16, 14; ap. gitsaras L. I 8, 20. gitsung sm. avaritia, gs. gidsunges Mt. 6, 24 mg. ; ds. gitsunege L. 12,15; np. gitsuugas Mk."7, 22. [See diobulgitsuug.J giuug, see ging. giwiga -^N.pctere, postulare, men- dicare, posccre, cxigere, ind. pres. 2 sg. giues J. 4, 9; 3 sg. giuiaS L. 11, 10; giuias Mt. 7.9. 7, 10; i-\ iue(5 Mt. 5,42. L. 11,11; giujcS Mt. 7, 8; giua(5 L. 11, 12; 2 pi. giuigas Mt. 22,21; giua5' Mk. 11, 24. J. 16, 2() ; giwigef) Mk. 10, 38; giwas Mt. 20,22; 2 pi. giua?^ L. 12, 48 ; pret. 3 sg. giwude ^It. 20, 20; giuede Mk. 15,^43; giude Mk. I 4, 16. L. 23, 52; opt. pret. 1 sg. giude L. 19,23; 3 sg. i^iuiade Mt. 14, 7; 3 pi. giudonl[tr27,20; imp. sg. giuig Mk. 6, 22 ; im]). pi. giuiat) L. 11, 9; giwias Mt. 7, 7; giua?^ J. 16, 24 ; giuas J. 1 5, 7; inf. giwiga Mt. 14, 7; giuge Mk. 6,24. L. 19,23; pres. p. giugiende L. 6,30; giwigende L. I 9,13. J. 16,17; giwende L. 17, 4; dpm. giuiendu Mt. 7, 11; giuendu L. 11, 13; apm. giuwende Mk. I 4, 14; apn. giuendo Mk. I 4, 18. [See ge-, ofergiwiga.] giwuna,- sf. petitio, gp, 17,2. gladiga, see gegladiga, glsed aj. gavisus, nsm 8. J. 3, 29 (biS gla3d 8, 56 ; glaedde (bi5" gaudebit) J. 16, 20; nsn. — , L. 6, 23 (wosa?^ glsed = exulfafe). 13, 17 (wa3S glffid == gaiidebaf) ; npm. gkede L. 1, 14 (bi(5on ghTode gmidcbunt\ J. 20, 20. aj. animccquior , nsm. 10,49. glffidnise sfn. gaudium, exultatio, ns. — , L. 1,14. J. 3,29. 15,11; ds. — . Mt. 28, 8. Mk. 4. 16. L. 8, 13. 10,17. J. 17, 16; gla3dnisse Mt. 2, 10. 13,20. 13,44. L. 1,44. 24,52; as. gbednisse Mt. 25, 23; glaednise J. 16, 21; gbeduisse Mt. 25,21. J. 16,20. gbereu aj. vitrcus, asn. glaeren Mt. 18,3.^ glrndra, see fore-, geglondra. gleug sm. ccdificatio, ap. i;leneas Mk. 13, 2. giunga L. — . L. 23, = gaudef). 2,-laedde = gbiedmod glajddmod Mk 106 gleowlice godspell g-leowliee av. dare, g-leoiiliceMk. 8,25. g'leow, see uugleow, g-leownise, see ungleownise. gloed sm. pruiia, scmtilla , np. gloetas Mt I 7, 18; gloedi J. 21, 9; dp. gloedum J. 18, 18. gloesiga, see oi'ergloesiga. God sm. Dens, ns. — , Mt. I 7, 5. I 8,7. 114,10. (13 more). Mk. I 1, 2. (13 more). L. (13 times). J. I 1, 3. 11,5. I \, times). L. (108 times). J. (94 times); hie(V) J. I 5, 15; he J. 13, 26. 16, 2; hee Mk. 10,6 (= masciiliDii); lie Mt. 24,43; h L. 10,26; nsf. hio Mt. 9,21. Mk.16,10. L.8,50. 20,32 2). 22, 56; hia Mk. 5.23 C^). J. 20, 16; hiu Mt. 9, 18. 12, 13. 12,42. 14, 8. 15,27. 26,10(2). Mk. 6,24. 7, 28. 10,12. 12,22. J. I 8, 4. 20,15; hi"u {= femina/n) Mk. 10,6; nsn. hit Mt. 26, 25. 26, 48. 27, 6. Mk. 9,10. 13,7. L. 11,28. J. 14, 16; gsm. his Mt. (246 times). Mk. (147 times). L. (243 times). J. (184 times); is Mt. 1, 21. 10, 14 mg. 13,19. 13,55. J. 13,2; his Mt. 22,5; h L. I 3, 8; gsf. hire Mt. (17 times). Mk. (10 times). L. (17 times). J. (6 timesj; hine L. 7, 38; gsn. his Mt. 7, 27. Mk. 6, 28; dsm. him Mt. (202 times). Mk. (152 times). L. (2(i3 times). J. (161 times); iii Mt. (10 times). Mk. p3 times). L. (13 times). J. (62 times); hin J. 6, 8; hime Mk. 2,25; dsf. hir Mt. (4 times). Mk. (8 times). L. (Otimes). J. (16times); hire L. 1,28; hira3 L. 7,47; dsn. him Mt. I 7, 1. 12, 25 C^. 12, 26. Mk. 12, 31. L. 11, 17. 21,30; asm. hine Mt. (188 times). Mk. (210 times). L. (238 times). J. (233 timesj; lirine L. 8.47; hin L. 10, 30. J. 9. 15; asf. hia .Mt. (15 times). Mk. (14 times). L. (28 times). J. (18 times); hea Mt. 1, 19(2). 1. 25. 5, 30. Mk. 14, 5; asn. hit Mt. 26, 29. J. P 188 3. P 188 ^. P 188 6 ; np. hia Mt. (99 times I. Mk. (97 times). L. (77 times). J. (41 times); hie Mt. 115,2. I 15,3. 6,2. 10,28; hie Mt. 18,19; hic5 Mt. 22, 19; hi Mk! 7,36;heaMt. 12, 1. 17,17. 118, 13. 120,19. 4,22. 5,9mg. 5,10.,12. 10, 1. 28, 10. Mk. 12,23. i2,35.L. 10, 13. 11,54; gp. hiora Mt. (76 times). Mk. (27 times). L. (90 times \ J. (16 times); hiara Mt. 6, 14. L. 23, 1; heora Mt. I 3, 5. 9,4; heara Mt. 6,5; dpm. him Mt. (119 times). Mk. (128 times). L. (105 times). J. (74 times); hi Mk. (6 times). L. (20 times). J. (35 times); ciiim (V) Mt. I 22, 10; ap. hia ]\It. (41 times). Mk. (46 times). L. (36 times). .]. (19 times); hiie J. 20, 22; hea Mt. I 5. 11.2, 9. 4,21.4,24.5,2. 14,26mg. 15,30. 17,27. Mk. 14,37; hi Mk. 13,22. hea, see he. heatiga wv. plangcrr, ind. pret. 2 pi. heafegde Mt. 11, 17. [See a-, gehefgiga.] heafud sn. caput, ns. heaf'kl Mt. 14,11; healod Mil 19,14. 5, 18 (stjefes heafod= apcx)\ gs. heaf- des Mt. 10, 30. L. 7, 38. 12, 7; ds. heafde L. 21, 18. .1. 19.30. 20, 12; hietde J. 19,2; heatud Mk. 12, 4; as. heafiid Mt. (7 times). Mk. 112 heafudling — heh (6 times). L. (3 times); beafod Mt. 5, 3(3. Mk. 15, 19. L. 7,46; lieofnd (heafud?) Mk. 6,25; heaf- ut Mt. 21,42. J. 13, 9; lieafut J. 20, 7; heafu Mt. 14, 8; ap. lieafda Mt 27,39. Mk.15,29. L. 21, 28. heafudling- sm. cocFqiialis, coiiscrvus, ap. beafodliuges Mt. 11, 16. 24, 49. heafu dpouua wm. Calvaria, Gol- gotha, gs. heafudponnes Mt. 27, 33. Mk. 15. 22: heafodpouna L. 23,33; hefidpouua J. 19,17(2). heafudweard sf. capihdum , ns. heafudwueard Mt. 1 16, 1; heafud- userd (cynues beafuduan-d == fri- hums) J. 18, 12; ds. beafodneard Mt. I 9. 16; up. beafudweardo Mk. I 1, 1; beafudwearda Mt. I 22, 9. heauise sf. alfitiido, altiini, altissivt- u])i, sHJ/ii/iuj/i, excclsu))i,siihliiiir, supernus, ds. heannise Mk. 13, 27; as. heauisse Mt. 13, 5. Mk. 4, 5; heannise L. 12, 29; heanise L. 5,4. 6,48; dp. heannisum Mt. 21,9; beauissu Mt. 24, 31. Mk. 11, 10; heannissii L. 19, 38. J. 8, 23; heannisu L. 2, 14; beanisil L. 1 10, 3; beonisil L. 1 4, 1. heape(V) rnbiis, ds. beape L. 20,37. heara, see he. heard s. sycovionts, as. — , L. 19, 3. [See beartbrer.] beard aj. ditrus, nsm. — , Mt. 25, 24. [See heartlice, iubeardmonu.J heardnise sf. dttritia, ds. bearduisse Mk. 10, 5. hearpa(':') sm. cithara, aj). liearpas Mt. I 8, 2. heart sm. cervus, gp. hearta Mt. 1 6, 2. -heart, see -beort. bearta su.(?) cor, ns. — , Mt. 13, 15. 15,8. Mk. 6,52. 7,6. L. 12,34. J. 17,4. 14,1. 16,22; beorta L. 24, 32. J. 14, 27; gs. beartes Mt. 19, 8. Mk. 10, 5. 16, 14. L. 6, 45 (2). 9,47; beartajs Mk. 3, 5; lieortes L. 1, 51; ds. hearte Mt. 5, 7 mg. 5,8. 11,29. 15,18. 15,19. 22,37. Mk. 11, 23; heartai Mt. 13, 15; — , Mt. I 14, 4. 5, 28. 13, 19. 24, 48. L. 2, 19. 2,51. 24,25. J. 12,40; beorte Mk. 12, 33; beorta Mt. I 5, 10. 1 19, 18. 12,40. Mk. 7. 21. 12, 30. L. 1,66. 8,12. 10,27. 12,45. J. 13, 2; berte L. 8, 15; as. — . 7,19. 8,17. J. 12, 40. 16,6; up! hearto L. 2 1 , 34 ; dp beartum Mt. 18,35. Mk. 2,6; heartii L. 5, 22; beortum L. 2.35. 21, 14; he- ort' l\i. 9, 4; heortu L. 3. 15. 9, 44 ; hearto Mk. 2, 8 ; ap. — , Mk. 4,15. L. 1,17. 16,15.24,38. [See -beort] beartbreer sm. monts, ds. — , L. 17. 6. [See beard.] heartlice av. paulativi, Mt I 9, 11. Mk. 1 3, 20. J. 12,32. [See heard.] beawa, see a-, gebeawa. bebba sv. clcvarc, pres. ]i. dpn. hebbendum J. 11,41. [See a-, ge-, under-, uppfibebba.] bebbing, see uppbebbing. beest, see heh. betig aj. difjicilis, gravis, gravior, Diolestus, oncrahts, incrassatus, iugravafiis, nsm. hefig L. 11, 7; • ust befig L. 18,5; nsn. befig Mt 13, 15. Mk. 10, 23. 10, 24; betig L. 18, 24; num. hefigo Mk. 14, 6. 14,40; befege Mt 11,28; npn. heligo Mt. 23. 23; apf. befiga Mt. 23,4. befige av. difficile, vix , befig Mt '19, 23. L. 16, 16 (=- vimy, hefia L. 9, 39. befiglice av. graviter, befiglice Mt i '13, 15. L. 11,53. , befignise sf. poudus, pressiira, cr- grotatio, invifafio, ns. befignise Mt I 18, 19; gs. Iiefignise J. 16, 21; as. befignise Mt 20, 12; ap. befignise Mt 8, 17. beg ^n. /crn?c?n, ns. beg Mt6, 30; beig J. 6, 10; as. beg xMt 14, 19. heh aj. alius, ex eels its, siunvius, nsm. heh Mk. 14, 36 (la heh = abba). J. 4, 11; dsu. heh (sb.) L. 1, 78; asm. heh Mt 4, 8. 17, 1. Mk. 9, 2 ; dpn. (V) heu (sb.) Mk. bebgeroofa — lieofon 113 13,27; eomp. liera (=== major): usm. hera Mt. 11, 11. Mk. 10, 43. L. 22, 2(3. 22, 27; hera J. 4, 12; nsn. av. (?) — , (= altms) hera m. I 6, 12; hero Mt. I 6, 19; superl. heist (= major, maxwius, altior, alfissiJinis) : usm. heist Mt. 23. 11; heest Mt. 20, 26; g-sm. (wk.) heiste L. 1, 32. 6,35; heista Mk. 5, 7. L. 1, 76; heisto L. 1. 35; hsesta L. 8.28; dsn. heigsta L. I 11.17; asm. heeist Mt. I 20, 9; asn. (av.?) heista Mt. I 6. 19; npm. heisto L. 24, 20; heist Mt. 20, 25; dpn. heistum Mt. I 7, 15. hehgeroefa wm. prceses, dp. heh- geroef :\Ik. 13, 9. hehsaeerd sm. summits sacerdos, DS. hehsaeerd Mt. 1 1. 10; heh- sac' Mk. 14, 61; hehsae' Mk. 14. 60 ; gs. heh . . . sac' Mk. 14, 63 ; heh- sacerdas Mk. 14, 47. 14, 54; heh- sac' Mk. 14, 'o'o ; ds. hehsaeerd Mk. 14.53; np. hehsacerdas Mk. 14, 53; Dp. hehsacerdas Mk. 11, 27. 14, 1; hehsae' Mk. 15, 1. 15, 3. 15.10. 15,31; dp. hehsacerdum Mk. 8.31. 14. 10; heh' sacerd' Mk. 14, 43. hehsedl sn. throniis, tribtmal, ns. hehse^il ^It. 5.34; ds. heghse&el Mt. 23, 22; hehsedle Mt. 27, 19. J. 19, 13; ap. hehsedlo L. 22,30. hehsomnung sf. archisynagoga, dp. hehsomuungum ^Ik. 5, 22. hehstald smfu. vi'rgo, ns. hehstald Mt. 1, 23. L. 1. 27. J. I 1, 2. I 1, 5; gs. hehstaldes (fern.) L. 1.27; ds. hehstalde L. 1, 27. J. 1 2. 4 (fern.); hegh staid Mt. I 14. 11; as. hehstakl J. I 1, 5. J. I 1, 13 (neut.); up. hehstaldo Mt. 25, 11: hehstalde Mt. 25. 7; dp. hehstaldum Mt. I 22, 1. 25. 1. hehstaldhad %m.virgi>iitas, ds. heh- staklhad L. 2, 36. hehstakluise sf. virginitas, ns. heh- staltnisse J. I 1, 3. hehsynn sf. crimen, ds. hehsynne Mt. 12, 5. L. I 2, 3. Cook, Northumbrian Glossary. heig. see heg-. j heist, see heh. j hel sm. calcaneus, as. hel J. 13, 18. hela, see hicla. Helias p. n., ns. — , (7 times); he! Mk. 9, 13; gs. heliics L. 1, 17; helies L. 4, 25; ds. heliie Mk. 9. 5; as. hell Mk. 8,28. lleling p. n., ns. — , L. 3, 23. hell sf. (?) inferntis , inferus , gs. "helies Mt. 16. 18; ds. helle L. 10, 15. 16, 23; as. helle Mt. 11. 23. helpa sv. adjiivare, misereri, imp. sg. help Mt. 20,30. Mk. 9,24; pres. p. helpende L. I 7, 1. [See ge- helpa. helpeud.] helpend sm. homo, as. — , J. 5, 7. hena wv. spernere, ind. pres. 3 sg. henes L. 10. 16 (2). [See a-, ge- hena.] -hcnde. see idelhende. henend sm. (pres. p.) accnsator, dp. dp. heuendum J. I 5, 9. henne wf. gallina, ns. henne Mt. ^^23, 37. hennise sf. calcandiim, gs. henisies L. 10, 19. hen&u sf. penuria, ds. hen&u Mk. 12, 44. heofon smn. coeluvi, ns- — , Mt. (4 times). Mk. 13, 31. L. (2 times); hefon L. 4, 25; gs. heofuses Mk. 4,32. L. 110,16; heofnes Mt. (7 times). Mk. (3 times). L. (6 times); ds. heofone Mt. 14, 19; heofne Mt. (7 times). Mk. (6 times). L. (12 times). J. 3. 13; as. — , Mt. 5, 34. L. 10, 15. 16, 17 (neut); heofim J. 1. 51 (nent.); heof L. 15.21; up. heofuas .Mt. 3, 16; gp. heotua ^It. (34 times). L. 21. 26; heafua Mt. 5, 19 (2). 5. 20. 19, 12. 24. 31;dp.heofuiim Mt. (lotimes). Mk. 12. 25. L. 9, 54. 1 1, i:5. J. (12 times); heof nu Mt. ( 1 5 times). Mk. (6 times). L. (12 times). J. P 188 ' 1 (10 more); heofuu L. 20. 5; ai>. heofuas ]\!t. 6,9. 10,32(2). 10^ H3. 12,50. Mk. 1,10; heafnas Mt. 5,45. 6,1. s 114 lieofoncund — Herodes lieofoncuiid aj. Jieavenly, usm. — , J. 6, 81 mg. lieofonlie aj. ccclcstis, nsm. Mt. 5, 48. G. 14. G.26. 15.18. 18.85. L. 18,19; g-sf. (nsf.?) — , L. 2, 13; asn. heofunlie J. G, 58; apn. (wk.) lieofiinlieo J. 8. 12. beona av. hi'iic, a iiiodo^ — . .Alt. 17, 20. 26. 64. L. 4. <). 18, 81. 16. 26. J. 18, 36; heone Mt. 26,29; hiona J. 2, 16. 14,81. 19. 18; lieaua J. 7.8; hena Mt. 28,89. lieonii inter), cccc, Mt. (54 times). Mk. 1, 2. 2, 24. 8,32. 8,34; heono Mt. 11. 10. 17.5. 26.46. 26,47. 26, 5 1 . Mk. (12 times). L. (56 times). J. (15 times); henna Mt. 24, 25; heonu Mt. 2, 1; lieonu Mt. 11,8; lieono L. 28, 15. J. 8, 26. 4, 85; heuno Mt. 12, 47; heuo Mt. I 6, 15. 2,9. Mk. 8,2; I'eno Mt. 1,20. beora, see be. beorot, see beard, heart, -heort, see milt-, unniiltheort. -beortuise, see miltbeortnise. ber av. hie, her Mt. i 4, 2. 14, 17. (6 more). ]\lk. (6 times). L. (9 times). J, (4 times); her Mt. 17, 4. 24, 23. 28, 6. ]\lk. 8, 4. L. 22, 38. 24,6. J. 11, 82; bir Mk. 16,6. her sn. capilhis, piliis, fimbria, spica , ns. — , L. 21, 18; as. ber Mt. 5,36; np. hera ]\lt. 10, 30; hero L. 12, 7; gp. hera L. I 5, 3; dp. herum Mt. 8, 4. L. 7, 88. 7, 44; berum J. 11,2; herii Mk. 1,6. J, 12,3; ap. — , Mt. 23, 5. hera wm. minister, ns. hera J. 12, 26; — , Mk.10,43. hera wv. aiidire, servire, obcedirc, tiiinisfrnre, ind. pres. 1 sg. hero L. 15,29. 16, 2; 2 sg. beres Mt. 27, 13(2); 3 sg, heres Mt. 13, 19. 13,22. 13,23. 18,17(2); beres Mt. 10,14; 2 pi. heras Mk.4.24; beres Mt. 13, 17; 3 pi. hera?) Mt. 13, 15. Mk. 4, 20. 4, 41; heras Mt. 13, 18; heras Mt. 18, 16; pret. 3 sg. berde Mk. 1 4, 17. L.I 2,8; herde L. 2, 87; 2 \A. herdon Mt. 11, 4. 26, 65. L. 7, 22 ; berde Mt. 5,33; herdon Mt. 10,27; 3 pi. herdon Mt. 13, 17. Mk. I 3, 9. 3, 8 ; opt. pres. 8 sg. here Mt. 18, 17; 1 pi. here L. 1,74; imp. pi. herati Mk. 4, 3; beres Mt. 21, 38. Mk. 7, 14; inf. hera Mt. 6,24. L. 16, 13 ; here L. I 8, 20 ; to herranne Mt. 13,9; to heranne Mt. 12,42. 20, 28. Mk. 4, 9. 7, 16. L. I 8, 15. 14,85. 21,88; pres. p. berende L. 2, 46; npm. herend Mk. 3, 8. 4, 12. [See etnege-, gehera.] hera aj., see heb. bercniga, see gehercniga. here smn. titrba, iiiultiindo, legio, legatio, exereihis, ns. here Mt. 14, 28. Mk. 5, 9. 12, 41. L. 8, 30. 9, 87. 22, 47. 28, 48. J. 12, 18. 12, 29 ; ds. here Mk. 10, 46. L. 1 5, 19. I 10,15. (10 more); as. here Mt. 14, 14. 14, 19. L. 9, 13. 18, 86; n]). bergas Mt. 22, 7. L. 9, 18. 14, 25. 28, 27; dp. hergum Mt. I G, 19. L. 7, 24. 9, 16. 12, 1. 12, 54. 19, 39; bergu Mt. 14, 19. L. 11, 29. 22, 6; ap. bergas Mt. 8, 18. 26, 53. L. 9, 12. heremonn sm. miles, minister, ap. beremenu L. 7, 8. J. 18, 8. berenise sf. (?) lans, ns. berenis Mt. 'l 6, 10; gs. berenis Mt. I 17, 7; hernises L. I 6, 17. beriga wv. laudare, inf. to berganne L. 19, 37; pres. p. npm. bergendo L. 2, 20; gpm. hergendra L. 2, 13; dpm. hergiendil L. 1 10, 12; pp. hered Mk. 1 2, 12. [See efnege-, geberiga.] Hering p. n., ns. — , L. 3, 28. bernise sfn. (V) a?tdientia, anditus, ministeriuiii, obsequiinn, niyste- ritcm, gs. (= aiidiendi) bernisses Mk. 4, 28; bernisses Mt. 11, 15; hernises L. 8, 8. 14,35; ds. ber- nise Mt. 13,14. J. 15, 7. 12,38; as. bernisse J. 16,2; bernise Mk. I 1,17. 4,11. Herodes ]>. n., ns. — , (4 times); herodes Mt. 2, 7. 2, 18; herod' Herodia — lilaf 115 (4 times); hero (6 times); gs. — , (5 times) ; herobes Mt. 2, 22. L. 1, 5; hero5is Mk. 8. 15; hero L. 23,7; ds. herode (o times); hero L. 2:), 7; as. herofies (ds.V) Mt. 2,22; hero L. 1 8,8. Herodia p. n., ns. — , j\[k. 6, 19; gs. herodiades Mt. 14, 6; herodiades Mk. «3, 22 ; as. (V) he- rodiades Mk. 6, 27. hersumiga wv. ohivdirc, ind. pres. 3 sg. liersumiad L. 17. (>; \\ pi. liersumiac)" Mk. 4, 41. hersnmnise sf. huinilitas, gs. her- sumnise Mk. I 4, 15. Hesiehio p. n.. us. — . Mt. I 2, 11. hi, hia, see he. -hianda, see behianda. hiara, see he. hider av. hue, — , Mt. 8, 29. 14, 18. Mk. 11,3. L.16,2G. 19,27. 22, 51. 23,5. J. 20. 27; bidder J. 4, 15; hidir Mt. 17.17. 22,12. J. 6, 25. Hieremias ]). ii.. as. — , Mt. 2. 17. 27, 9. Hiericho p. n., ds. — . Mt. 20, 29. Mk. 10,40; hie L. I 9, 18. Hieriisalem p. u. (lu the form of hierusalem and various contrac- tions; only once hierusolT ]\Ik. 7, 1; 57 occQrrences in all), hierusolimisc aj. Jiirnisolyiiiita, npm. (wk.) hierusolimisca Mt. 2, 3; hierusolomiseo Mk. 1,5; dpm. hierusolimiscum J. 1,19. 4,45. hlgo sm. pi. (?) familia, g. higna Mt. 13, 27. L. 13, 25 ; d. higo L. 2,4; a. higo L. 12,42. higwisc s. familia, gs. hiogwuisc L. 12,39; hiunisc L. 13,25. 14, 21. 22.11. himong prep, inter, himong Mt. I 18, 13. [See inmoug.] hincgrig, see hyngrig. bio, liiu, see be. biofnl s. fades, ns. hioful Mt. I 7, !>. biora, see he. hiorde sm. pastor, ns. — , Mt. 25, 32. J. I 0,3. 10,2. 10,11. 10,12. 10, 14. 10, 10; biorda J. I G, 4. 10, 11; as. — , Mt. 9,30. 20,31. Mk. 6, 34, 14, 27; n]). biordo L. I 4, 1; biorda Mt. 8, 33. L. 2, 15; — , L. 2.8. 2,20; dp. biordil L. I 3, 19. 2, 18. [See cw.jC'ubiorde.J biorod 'ms.. familia , militia, gs. bio- rodes Mt. 20, 1. 20, 11. 21, 33. 24,43. L. 2, 13. 18,25. 22,11 ;bio- rodajs Mt. 1:5. 27; bioradcs ^It. 10,25; birodesL. 12.39; iorodes Mt. 13,52; ds. iiiorode J. P188^; biorod (as. V) Mt. 24. 45. bir, hire, bis, bit, see be. hiw sn. eolor, speeies , gs. hives (vngelices hives = d is color cvi) Mt. 1 4,3; ds. hi we Mt. I 4,2; buiii L. 3, 22. biwiga, see ge-, oferbiwiga; un- biwed. biwisc, see higwisc. blada sv. Jiaiirire, opt. ])res. 2 sg. Idada J. 4, 11; inf to ladaune J. 4, 7. [See gehlada.] bbTebba sv. ridere, dcridere, ind. pres. 2 pi. blffibet)' L. 6, 21; bkebas L. 6,25; pret. 3 pi. blogon L. 16, 14, 23,35; hlogim L. 8,53; pres. p. dpm. bltebendu L. I 5, 7. [See ge-, inblsebba.] blaitmest, see betmest. blaetmeste, see Isetmeste. blaf smn. panis, ns. blaf L. 4. 3. J. (8 times); gs. hlafes L. I 11, 11.24,35. J. 17,3; ds. blafe Mt. 16,11. Mk. 8,14. J. 15.2. 6,51; hlafe L. 4, 4; blaf Mt. 4, 4; as. blaf Mt. (6 times). Mk. (5 times). L. (7 times). J. (7 times); — , L. 14,1. J. 13,18; laf J. 13,26. 21, 13; laf J. 13,26. 21,9; np. blafo Mk. 6,41. L. 9, 13; blafas :\lt. 15, 33; blafa Mt. 4, 3; ap. hlafana Mt. 16, 9; blafa Mt. 14^19. 16, 10. 16, 12; dp. bbifiira Mt. I 19, 15. 120, 1. Mk. 13. 18. L. 9, 1(5. J. 6, 13. 6, 26; blafum Vii. 14. 17; lilafu (8 times); a]), blafiis Mt. 12,4. 14,19. 15,34. 15,36. 16, 7. 16,8. Mk. 8,6. 8,14. 8.19. 8, 20. L. 17,3. 0,4. J. 6,9; I'lafas 8* 116 hlafdia — bona L.11,5; hlafo Mk. 2, 26. 6,37. 6, 38. 6, 41. 7, 2. 8, 16. 8, 17. J. 6, 11; lafo Mk. 8, 5. lilafdia wf. lady, ns. hlafdia J. 20, 16 mg. lilaferd sm. domiuKs, ns. lilaferd Mt. (19 times). Mk. 12, 9. L. 16, 8. 19, 31. 20, 13. J. 21, 7(2); lilaf- ard Mt. 117. 20 (lumdrades monna lilafard = 'ccntitrid). 18, 27. 20, 8. L. 18, 6. J. 15, 15; lilaferd Mt. 6, 24 mg. (gidsiuiges hlaferd = maijw/ia) ; lilafa^rd J. 21 , 1 2 ; Ulaf- urd Mk. 2, 28; Idafcrd Mk. 13, 35; lilaf L. (4 times); gs. Idaferdes Mt. 25,18. 25,21. L.I 8,19. 16, 5; hlafer Mt. 25,23; laferd L.I 10. 7; ds. hlaferde Mt. 10, 24. L. 16,5. J. 17.2. 15.20; lilaferdo L. I 10, 1; as. lilaferd Mt. 9, 38. 22,43. 22,45. L. 12, 36. J. 20, 13; lilafserd J. 20, 2; np. lilaferdas L. 19, 33; gp. Maferda Mt. 15, 27; dp. blaferdiim Mil 17,9. 6,24; hlaferdil L. 16, 13. lilattiga, see lattiga, lilatto, see latto. hla5iga, see la(yiga. hleafgewrit, see leafgewrit. hleata sv. sortiri, opt. pres. 1 pi. hleatte J. 19, 24. hlega, see lega. hleof, see leaf. hlifiga, see lifiga. blioniga -wv.acannberc, discumbcrc, reatmbcrc, iud. pres. 3 pi. hliniga?)' L. 13,29; pret. 3sg. bliouadeMt. 26, 20. L. 7, 37; imp. sg. Idinig L. 14, 10; lilina (opt. pres. 2 sg. V) L. 14, 8; pres. ])art. lilingende L. I 5, 13; gsm. lingendes Mt. 2(>, 7; npm. Idiougende L. 7,49; liliDgen- de L. 5, 29; linigiendo Mk. 2, 15; gpm. hlingindi J. 21, 12; liouian- dra J. 13, 28; dpm. bliugendum Mk. 6, 22; blinigeudii Mk. 16, 14; bliugendu L. 5, 29. 14, 10. 14, 15. [See geblioniga.j bliora, see liora. blosuiga wv. listen, i)res. p. blosuende {siispciisus = attentive, listening) L. 19,48. blott sn. sors, fortio, ds. blod L. I 3,4; hlodti L. 1, 9; as. — , Mk. 15,24. J. 19,24; blodd L. 15, 12. I bluta, see Itita. blutorliee av. perspicue, lutorlice ]\[t. I 8, 8. blfding sf. clamor, ns. lydeng Mt. ^25, 6. blysna wv. azidire, imp. pi. lysnas Mt. 13. 18. bncsc aj. /nollis, tener, nsm. bnesc Mt. 24, 32; nese Mk. 13, 28; dp. I'nescu Mt. 11, 8; hneseum L. 7,25 bnescnise sf softness, dp. imesenisu (= mollibus) Mt. 11, 8. ! b6a sv. cnicifigere, iuf to boanne Mt. 20, 19. "J. 19, 10; pres. p. dpm. boendfl L. 111.7. [See a-, ge- ' boa; bongiga.j boc sm. Jianius, as. — , Mt. 17, 27. I -bof, see bebof i bofiga, see bebofiga. boga pnidens, sollicitus, nsm. — , Mt. 24, 45. L. 12,42; npm. bogo L. 12, 11; bogo Mt. 10, 16. L. 16, 8 (betro \\(i'^{) =^ pnidentiores)\ npf. boi?o Mt. 25, 9; dpm. bogum Mt. 11,25; liogu L. 10,21. [See unboga.] bogafiest aj. pnidens, npf. bogo- fffiste Mt. 25,2. 25,4; dpm. bog- fa3stu Mt. 11, 25. bogafull aj. pnidens, dpm. bog- fiillu Mt. 11, 25. liogaseip ^vi\. pnidcntia, in dii stria, ds. bogabsci])e Mt. I 8, 13; boga- scipe L. 1, 17; bogascipe' L. I 8, 19 ; as. bogoscip L. 2, 47. boglice av. pr^identer, — , L. 1(5, 8. bol (bolV) smu. fovea, ap. bolas Mt.8,20. L.9,58; holo L. I 6, 12. bold sm. tribumis, dp. boldum Mk. 6, 21. -boma. see licboma, liebomlic. bona wm. gallus, ns. bona Mt. 26, "34. 26, 74. 26, 75. Mk. 14. 30. 14, 68. 14,72(2). L. 22,34. 22,60. 22,61. J. 13,38. 18,27. lioiicra'd — liruovvnise 117 lionenrd sni. galli caiitus , ds. 'honcroed Mk. 13,35. liond sf. maims, ns. liond Mi (5 "times). Mk. 9, 43. L. (5 times); --s. luuid (us.? ds.?) Mi I 17, 20; ds. liomle Mk. 14,58(2). J. 18,22; hond Mi 3, 12. L. 1, 71. 1. 74. 3, • 17. J. 3, 35. 10. 28. 10. 29; lionda (ease doubtful) Mk. I 2, 17; as. lioud Mi (15 times). Mk. (1 1 times). L. (9 times). J. 20,25; liond Mi 11,6. 14,31. 26,45(ap.?). J. 20, 27; up. lioud J. 11, 44; j?p. lionda J. 18,7; 18,11; hondo^L. 11,13; dp. hondum (9 times) ; liondu (8 times) ; ap. lionda j\Ii 18, 8. 26. 50.27,24. Mk.6,2. 14,46. 16,18. L. 21, 12. 24, 39; liondo Mk. 7, 3. 8, 25. 9, 43. L. 20, 19. 22, 53. 24, 40; li6ndo J. 21, 18; lioud J. 7, 30. 7, 44. 20, 27; lioud Mk. 9, 31. 14,41. _L. 13,13. J. 13,9. 20,20. hnndbieftig-a wv. laincntari, ind. prei 1 pi. lioudbeaftou L. 7, 32; 3 pi. lioudbt^ftadou L. 23, 27. lioudbred ^n.paluia, ap. lioudbreodo 'Mi 26, 67. linndlisef s. sarcina, dp. liondhaefu 'L. 11,46. bondsmfiell sm. alapa, ap. houd- suuellas J. 19. 3. liongiga wv. pcndcre, crucifigcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. liouges Mi 22, 40; pres. p. liongeude L. I 11, 8. [See a-, geliongiga; lioa.] liordern sn. cellarium, ns. — , L. 12, 24. lioriga, see gehoriga. horn sm. cormi, as. — , L. 1, 69. hornpic s. pinna, as. — , L. 4, 9. liornsccaS sf. pinnaaihivi , as. liornseeaDe Mi 4, 5. liose(?) sf. siliqria, dp. liosu L. 15, 16. liracenteg, see raeenteg. linudlice 2,n. per prceccps. Mi 8,32. lirivfn sm. corviis, ap. ra3fnas L. 12, 24. lirjiefna, see ra^fna. Iira3gl su. vrsfi)ii('n{iiin , tunica, pallium, siiidon, cJdamys, ds. liraigle Mk. 15, 17; lincgle Mi 27, 28. 27,59. L. 10,13 (huitn Imegle =^cilicio). 23,53 (linifi hnegle = sin done); as. — , Mi 5,40(2). J. 19,5; dp. lireglii (linuiuu lireglu = linfeis) J. 19. 40 ; ap, liraegla Mi 26, 65. 27. 35; liraiglo Mk. 14, 63. [See linen-. waglirsBgL] lints, see nts. \ hrsesta, see ra3sta. lirjewiga, see hrcowiga. i lirade av. cilo, sfatim, confcsfiin, continuo, — , Mi 1 1 , 8. 3. 16. 4, 22. 5. 25. 14, 22. 21, 3. Mk. 1, 28; lirffi^e Mi 13, 20. 27, 48. Mk. 4, 5. 4, 17; liraer^e Mi 26, 74. 28, 7. J. 11,29; hi-ie5e J. 13,27; r^&e L. 18,8. J. 20. 15; comp. hrabur J. 20, 4. bread s. anindo, ds. lireade Mk. , 15,19; — , Mi 27.48; as. bread I Mi 27, 30. L. 7, 24 ; — , Mi 27, 29. breaf aj. leprosiis, nsm. breaf L. I I 4, 19; reof Mk. I 2, 13; gsm. ' breafes Mk. 14, 3; reafa (wk.) Mi 26, 6; upm. breafo L. 4, 27. 7, 22. 17, 12; ap. breafo L. I 9, 8. breafere, see reafere. breafiga, see reatiga. breawnise, see breowuise. j brecoulice, see reeonliee. bregniga, see reguiga. I breb su. iniindatio, ns. breb L. I 6, 48. ! brema wv. plorafe, zilularc, iud. pres. 2 1)1. bremab' J. 16, 20; liremas Mk. 5, 39; prei 3 pi. bremdou J. 11, 33; opi pres. 3 sg. breme J. 11,31; pres. p. bremende Mi 2, 18. J. 11, 33; brcmeude J. 20. 11. breowiga wv. poenitcrc, imp. pi. lireowigas Mk. 1, 15; pres. p. dsm. bra'wende \i. I 9, 4. [Sec ge- breowiga.] breowuise ^i. pa-nitcntia, gs. lireow- uisses Mk. 1. 4; breaunise L. 3, 3; ds. breowuise ^li 27,3. L.I 4,7; breouisse Mi 3. 8; brcouise L. 15, 7; breauiiniso L ."..8; breaw- 118 hreowsiga — lumclneautig niseMt.21,2U: as. liveowuisse Mi 4, 17; hreonisse Mt. 3,2. a, 11. L. 13, 3. 15, 10. 16, 30; livewimisse Mt.I 18, 17; lirewonise Mt.I 16,6; lireu- nisse Mt. I 16, 9; lireoimise Mt. 12, 41; hreonise Mt. 21, 32. L. I 8,2. 5,32. 11,32. 13,5. 15,7.17, 3. 24,47; hreouis L. I 8, 4; hreaw- nise Mk. 6, 12; gp. hreonise L. 1 8, 18; dp. hreownisil L. I 8, 17. hreowsiga, see gehreowsiga. liresta, see r^esta. hrif sf. tUcnis, venter, vulva, ns. — . L. 11, 27: ds. — , Mt. 1. 18. 1, 23. 19,12; as. — , L. 2, 23. hrilita, see rihta. hrina sv. fangcrr, intingerc, pcr- ciiterc, cedificarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. lirino Mt. 9, 21. Mk. 5, 28. 14. 27; 2 pi. hrinas Mt. 23, 29; pret. 3sg. hran L. 7, 14; opt. pres. 3 sg. hrinai L. 16, 24; inf. hrina Mk. 3, 10; pres. p. lirinande Mk. 1, 41; npra. lirinendo L. I 5, 6. [See a3t-, ge-, onhriua.] hring sm. anmUus, as. — , L. 15, 22 ; ap. hriugas Mt. I 6, 3. hrining sf. tactiis, ds. rinig J. I 8, 7. [See inhrining.] hriofol sm. lepra, ns- — , Mt. 8. 3. L. 5, 13; riofol Mk. 1,42; ds. hriofle L. 5, 12. hrioppa, see rioppa. liriord, see riord. liriordiga, see riordiga. lirip. see rip. lircera wv. movcre, jires. p. hroer- ende Mt. 27, 39. [See inhroera]. hra'rnise sf. iiiotus, ns. hroernis Mt. 8, 24. [See eor&hra'rnise.] hrcjB&e aj. saviis, npm. hroe6o Mt. 8, 28. lirreSnise ^i.tcmpcstas, as. hroe()"nise L. 8, 24. hrof sm. tectitiii, sHDiiiium, ds. hrofe L. 17, 34; hrof Mt. 24, 17. Mk. 13,27. L. 17,31; brof L. 7, 6; as. hrof Mk. 13, 15; rof Mt. 8, 8; d]). I'rofu L. 12,3; ap. hrofa Mt. 10, 27. hrnndsparwa m. passer, np. hrou- sparuas Mt. 10, 29. hrowa, see rowa. hrycg sm. spina, dorsum, np. hryegas Mt. 13, 7; hryuic Mt. I 7, 18 ; dp. hrygu Mt. 13, 7; hryuni Mt. 7, 16. liryi)a, see rypa. hi\ av, quouwdo, quauadmodinn., uuniquid, quid, qualis, qualiter, sie, quando, hiui L. 22, 2 ; huu Mt. (9 times). Mk. (19 times). L. (18 times). J. (22 times); huu Mt. 11, 23. 12, 14. 12, 29. L. 1,29; hii L. 24, 6; hu Mt. 7,4. 12,26. 15, 34. 16, 9. 16, 10. Mk. 6, 38. L. 6, 42. 10,25. 10,26. 12,50. J. 18, 22; hmi Mt. 12,34; hu Mk. 10, 38. [See ali hii.] hulic aj. qualis, nsra. huulig Mt. 8, 27; nsf. hulic L. 7,39; hulig L. 1, 29; nsn. huulig Mk. 13. 1; upm. huleo ]Mk. 13, 1; apn. huluco J. I 7,12; hulco L. I 9, 3. } hulic av. qualiter, hulic Mk. 5, 16; I huulic Mt. 10, 14 mg. hu feolo. see feolo. j hu longe av. quousque, usquequo, 1 hu longe L. 9, 41; huu long J. 10, 24; hu long Mt. 17,17. hu meuigo aj. quantjis, npm. huu menigo L. 15, 17. hu mieel aj. quantus, asu. huu mice! aj. quantus, gsn. huu miceles Mk. 9, 21; asn. huu micel L. 16, 15; dpn. hu miclu Mk. 15, 4 ; apn, hu micla Mt. 27, 13. L. 8. 39; huu micla Mk. 5, 19. 5, 20. L. 8, 39. hund sm. canis, np. liundas L. 16, 21; dp. hundum Mt. I 17, 13. 15, 26. Mk. 7, 27; hundii Mt. 7, 6. 7, 6 mg. Mk. 6, 37. hund num. (always in composition) centum. [See fif-, tuu-, briohund.] hundichtatig num. octoginta , a. hundluehtahih L. 2, 37. hundfrea wm. centurio, ns. hund- fre (rest cut off) Mt. 22, 19 mg. hundneantig nwm. nonaginta, hund- neantig Mt. 18,13; hundneantih lumdraS — hwa 119 Mt. 18, 12; ii. liuiulueantig' L. 15. 7; 'mndiieuntii;- L. 15, 4. liundrab uum. as. sn. centum, ccn- tcsi))iHs, ccntcni, n. — . Mt. 18, 12. J. I 8, 9 ; g. hundratics Mt. I 17, 20. I 21, 14. 8, 5 : Imndrades Mt. I 19.9; a. — , Mt. 13, 8. 18. 28. Mk. 4,8. 4,20. L. 15,4; hiind- nie& Mt. 13, 23 ; dp. hundraSum Mk. 14. 5 : hundradu Mk. 0. 21 mg-.: ap. hundvaS Mk. 0. 40. [See Srio lumdra?).] bimdratisiba uum. ccntiipliim, liuu- drat)si8a Mt. 19, 29. liundseofontig- num. scptiiagics , scptuaginta, — . L. I 2, 4. I 4, 9. 10, 1. 10, 17; lumdseofuntig- Mt. I 20,13; unsefuntig- Mt. I 2,4; dpm. unseofuutigit L. I •>, 14. I 0, 15; apra. uuseofoutigv Mt. I 2, 13. huudseofontigsiba uum. scptuagies, uudseofoutigsi&a L. I 9, 5. liundteantig uum. ccnhini, Uuud- teau L. 16, 7. 24, 13 ; liuuteautig L. 8, 8. J. 19, 39. 21, 11; liund- teautili L. 16, 6; ds. huuteauteig L. I 10, 11. liundteautigsi(5a num. ccntics, ccnt- iipliun, liuudteautigsiSa Mk. I 4, 13; hunteantigsitia Mt. I 20, 17; liuuteantig-si<)o hunt Mk. 10, 30. liuudwelle uum. ccnfcsiinus, asu. huuduelle Mt. 13, 8. -liuugeu, see ymbliungen. hungrig, see hyngrig. liunig sn. iiiel, us. — , Mt. 3, 4; gs. liuuiges L. 24 , 42 ; wyuiges L. I 11, 14. [See wuduliuuig.] hunger sm. fames, us. — , L. 4, 25. 15, 14; ds. liuuo-re L. 15, 17; up. liungro Mt. 24,^^7. L. 21, 11; ap. liungTO Mk. 13, 8. lius sn. domiis, tectum, taherna- ciilum, doDiicilmm, habitaciihtm , ns. — , L. 13,35. 19,46; hus Mt. 10. C. 10, 13. 12, 25. 15, 24. 21, 13C^). 23.38.Mk.3,25(-). 11,17(2). 14.14. L. 14.20. 11,17. 14,23. 19, 46. 22, 11. J. 1 4, 7. 4. 53. 12, 3 ; gs. buses L. 6, 49. J. I 6, 6. 2,17. 10,22; (ds.V) liuse Mk. 13. 35; ds. liuse Mt. 7, 27. 10,12. 2(;, 6. Mk. 3, 19. 9, 33. 14. 3. L. 6, 48. 8,39. 10,5. 10,7. 15,25. 19,9. 22,54. J. 11,20; bus Mt. I 19.11 (10 more). Mk. ((i times). L. J 9, 11. (15 more). J. 8, 35. 11, 31. 14, 2; as. — . Mt. 12,44. 17,25. Mk. I 1. 12. 5, 3. J. 2, 16; bus Mt. 1 17, 19. (14 more). Mk. (18 times). L. (25 times). J. 2, 16. 7, 53; np. busa Mt. 10, 36; dp. liusum Mt. 11,8. L. 16,4; liusoL. 7.25; ap. busa Mt. 10,27. 11,8. Mk. 9, 5; Imso Mt. 17, 4. Mk. 10, 30. 12, 40. L. 16,9; buso L. 20, 47; — , L. 22,10; bus L. 9,33. [See gest-, lece-, reord-, symbelbiis.] bus. pers. prou., see ie. -bus, see gebi'is. busl sn. sacrificium, as. liusul j\It. 12,7. buu. see bi'i. bwa int. pron. m. f. qiiis, u. bwset, quid, quod, quidnam, nsm. bwa Mt. 24, 45. Mk. 5, 30; bua i\It. (13 times). J^lk. (16 times). L. (14 times). J. (17 times); buffi J. 9, 31; usn. bwait Mt I 1, 3. 19, 17. 22, 36. 27, 22; bua?t Mt. (16 times). L. 8. 9; buad J. (19 times); bujotd Mt. 27,23; buct'dd Mt. 19,20; b;ed J. 8. 25 ; uasu. bwa?t Mk. 1, 24. 2,7. 2,9. 5,7; buietMk. (22 times). L.7,49. 16,4. J. 2, 25. 21,22. 21, 23; buted Mk. 9, 10. 9,11. 9,22. 10.17. 10,51. 11,3. 11,5.12,15. 14, 6. 14, 40. 14, 63. 14, 64. 14, 68. 15,12. 15,14. L. (50 times); bwjetd Mk. 4, 40; bujetd Mt. 8, 29. Mk. 2, 25. 5, 9. 5, 35. 5, 39. 8, 12. 8,17. 9,33. 10,36.10,38.12, 28. L. 17.13. 2.48. 15,26. 16,2. 16, 3; gs. bwjps Mk. 12, 23; bujes Mt. 22,^20. 22. 28. 22. 42. ]\lk. I .5,4. 12,16. 15,24. L. 12,20. 14, 5. 20,24. 20.33. J. 19.24: bues Mt. I 21, 1:5; ds. b\vii;m Mk. 4, 30. L.I 2. 13; cbwR'm Mt. 1 9, 13; bua?m Mt. 11. 16. 12.27. :\lk. T 120 li\v2el — bwerflice 1,12. 4,30. L.6,47. 7,31(2). lo, 22. 13.18(2). 13,20(2). J. 6. 68; hu* J. 12.38. 13.22; asn. hwat Mi I 2, 5(2). I 2.13; bmet Mi (29 times). J. 1 3, 13. 10, 6; huaid J. (29 times) ; lui?pdt Mi 26, 65 ; npm. (?) hiut't Mi 12, 48. [See swie hwa, 5iet swjc hwii; of liwou, on hwon, to hwon.] hwsel sm. cctus, g-s. liuales Mi 12, 40. liwiemlice, see g-ehwtemliee. huferflimg-, see hwarflimg-. hwsestriga wv. nmrmurare , ind. prei 3 pi. husestredon Mt. 20, 11; J. 6, 61; hw?estredon J. 6,41; huu- sestredou L. 19, 7; inf. liua^stri J. 6, 43; pres. p. huiustreude J. 7,32. hwsestrung; sf. murmur, ns. Ima^st- nmg J."7, 12. hwaii see hwa; ne hwset Sa. hwiete %m. frumciitinii, triticum, fermentum (!), gs. husetes L. 12, 42. 16, 7. J. I 6.15. 12,24; liuffitte J. 6, 31 mg.; ds. hnuete Mi 1 19, 10; liwrete Mi 13.25; as. buaite Mi 3, 12. 13,29. L.'3,17. 22.31; liuaitte Mi 13,30; liwaite Mk. 4, 28. hwarf sm. error, spatiiim, ns. liuarf Mi 27, 64; ds. liuarf L. 24, 13. hwarflung si error, ds. liw^erflung Mi 24, 24. hwasta wm. euiuicJms, "-p. liuastana Mi I 20, 15. hwel sn. rota, ns. liwel Mt. I 7, 18 ; dp. huelum Mi I 8, 1. hwele pron. quis, aliqitis, quisnam, qui, nsm, — , Mi I 1, 6. 1 3, 4. Mk. 8,4; liuelc Mi 18, 1. 24,23. Mk.9,34. L. 7,42. 9,9. 10,22(2). 10,29. 10,36. 11,11. 14,5. 16, 31. 19,3. 20,2. 22,23. 22,27. J. 1, 19. 1, 22. 2, 25. 3, 3. 4, 33. 8,46. 9,31. 12,34. 13,25; huiclc Mi 6,27. Mk. 12, 19. L. 9,46. 12,25. 12.42. 14,28. 14,31. 16. 30. 22, 64. J. I 5, 13. 5, 12. 6, 51. 9, 2. 10, 9. 12, 26. 13. 24. 14, 23. 15,6. 15,13. 16,30; huoelc L. 15, 4. J. 11,9; Imoelec J. 13, 11; hwiel L. I 8, 15; Unci L. 17, 7; nsi liuelc L. 6, 32. 6, 33. 6. 34; liwa^lc Mk. 6.2; husele Mk. 1,27; nsn. liuele Mk. 13, 4; huoelc L. 21, 7; dsm. huelcu J. 10, 35. 21, 19 ; liuselcil L. 5, 19. J. 12, 33; hua^c' J. 18, 32; dsf. Imelce J. 4, 52; liuelc Mi 1 2 1. 5. 21. 24. 21, 27. 24. 42. 24. 43. L. 12,39; hwielc Mi 24,44; huajlc L. 20,2; huoelc L. 20,8; asm. Imelcne Mi 1 20, 3. 16,13. L.9,20; huselcne L. 9, 18. J. 13. 20; huoelcne Mk. 8. 27. L. I 6, 5. 1, 62. J. 18, 4. 18, 7; huelc Mi 16, 15. J. 20, 15; huecl Mk. I 4, 1; huelc Mi 5, 46; huoelc Mk. 8, 29. J. 2. 18; asf. huoelc Mk. 8, 37. J. 18, 29; asn. huelc Mi 16, 26; husele J. 6,30; npn. huelca Mi 19, 17; huselco L. 24, 19. [See aneg-, an sw^e-, g-e-, g'if-, of-, swichwelc] hwelchwoeg-u indef. pron. quis, ali- quis, nsm. huoelc huoege L. 8, 46; g-sm. huoelchuoeg-es L. 20, 28 ; asn. liwelc huoeg-u Mt. 20, 20; huelc hwoego Mi I 1, 9; husele liuoego Mk. 13, 15; huoelc huoego Mk. 8, 23. L. 11,54; husele huoegu J. 1, 46. hwelchwoene indef. pron. aliquis, asm. huelc liuoene o&er Mk. 11, 25: asn. huoelc huoene L. 23,8. hwer av. ubi, imde, huer Mt. 2. 2. 2.4. 6,16. 6,21. 8.20. 26,17.'L. 17,17. 17,37. 22,11. J. 1,39. 8, 10. 11,34. 11,57.20, 13. 20,15; hwer Mi 2. 9; huer Mk. 15, 47. L. 9, 58. J. 1. 38. 20, 2; huoer L. 8,25. 22,9. J. 11,32; huair J. 4, 11; hwoer Mi I 18, 3; uer Mi I 21, 3. [See egliwer, swiu hwer, sw;0 hwer swai.] hwerf sm. comvnitatio, i>iutuui)i, as. huerf Mi 16, 26. L. 6, 34; huoerf Mk. 8, 37. L. 6, 35. hwerfa wv. convertere, mutuari, opt. pres. 3 pi. hwserfa Mi 13, 15; ini huerfa Mi 5,42. [See ge-, ymbhwerfa.] liwerflice av. vicissiui, liwoerflice L. I 10, 6. hwcScr — hwona 121 liweber inclef. prou. (jius , asm. hueSerne i\lt. 27, 17; huet^er Mt. 27, 21. [See Ci;-^er.J hweb'er oj. numquid, si (jiiid, an, utniiii , hue(l)er Mt. 7, 16. 9, 15. 27,49. Mk. 8,2. 4,21. 14,19. L. 6,89. 11,11(2). 11.12. J. 4, 12. 4,29. 4,38. 6,67. 7,17. 7,26. 7, 31. 7, 85. 7, 51. 8,58. 21,5; hweber Mt. 27, 49; huoe^ier Mt. 27, 49; huoeber Mt. 26. 22. Mk. 8, 28. L. 5, 23. 22. 35. 22, 49. 23. 6. J. 7, 41. 7,47. 7.48. 8,22. 9,40. 10,21. 18,17. 18.25; hujeSer J. 3,4. 7,52; liueotier Mt. 12, 28; hfed J. 9, 27. [See gif hweber.] hweSre a v. tamen, ajcfciii, vcro, etenini, ccce, jam, ergo, ImeSre Mt. 28. 8. Mk. 5. 40. J. I 4, 2. 4. 27. 9,41. 18,13. 15,24. 20,17. 21, 4 ; hwetire Mt. 12,4; Im^ebre J. 6, 6. 7. 13. 18, 7; huoebre Mt. 8, 8. Mk. 10.48. L.I 8. 7. 11,8. 18, 5. J. 12,4. 10,6. 15,22. 17,25. 18, 15. 18, 40. 20, 5; huoeber Mk. 15, 44; hoeSre L. 22,21. [See all-, sub'-, sublice, bjeh liweb're.] hwebre bou 2Ci.vcntiiitaiiicii, liiiebre bou Mt. 26, 89. liwider av. quo, jibi, huidir J. 3, 8. 12,85. 13,36. 14,2. 16,5.21,18; huidder J. 8, 14(2); huiddir J. 14, 5; hwidder Mk. 14,12; Iv J. 21, 18. [See swte liwider.] bwil sf. hora, feinpus, luoiiicjifuvi, iiifcrvallum, us. liuil ]\lt. 26, 45; hull Mt. 14, 15; ds. liiiile Mt. 26, 55; liuil Mt. 27, 45 (2). Mk. 13, 32. L. 4, 5. 8, 13; as. buile Mt. 26, 40; him Mt. 27.46; hull :\It. 20, 12. Mk. 5, 3 (=/«;//). 14,37. J. 5,6; hiiile J. 7,33; dp. hiiilu (= ali- quando , quondam) Mk. 22, 32. 23, 19, [See lytel hwil, ober- liwile, ba hwile.l hwisluDg sf. symp/io/u'a, as. huisluug L. 15, 25. hwispriga wv. iino'iimrarr, pres. p. npm. hwisprendo J. I 4, 20. hwistlc (?) s. tibia, dp. hwistlii L. 7,32. hwit aj. albiis, candidiis, nsni.(wk.) huitn (Alpheil) L. 6, 15; hwita I\Ik. 8,18; iisf. huit Mk. 16,5; usu. huit L. 9, 29; dsm. liiiite L. 28, 11; dsu. hiiitu L. 10, 18; asn. huit Mt. 5, 36; iiiif. liiiito ,1. 4. :)5; n])ii. huita Mt. 17. 2; huit Mk. 9. 8; dj). huitmn J. 20. 12; hwitil Mk. I 5, 17; apn. huito Mk. 9, 3. [See iithwit] hwiteorn sii. inaiuia, ds. huiteuru J. 6, 31 mg. hwod-, see hwot-. hwft'gu, see hwele-. liwothwoegu. hwa'lp sm. cairUits, gs. liwoelpes Mk. 7, 28; huoelpas Mt. 15, 27. liwoine, see hwelchwiene. hwa*nne av. qiiaiido, huoenne Mt. 25.87. 25.44. Mk. 8, 20. 13,4(2). 18, 85. 14, 12. L. 17, 20. 21, 7; hwoenne Mk. 13.38; hoenne Mt. 24,3: huoiine Mt. 25, 38. 25,39. Mk. 8, 19. J. 6, 25. hw(jerflice. see hwerfliee. I liwom sm. angiihis, gs. huomnies Mk. 12. 10; huomes L. 20. 17; dp. huomum Mt. 6, 5; ap. hwonimas Mt. I 6, 3. hwomstan sm. an^?ihis, ii"S. huom- staues Mt. 21, 42. hwon, see for-, toliwon. hwon aj. faiiciis , picsillus, gsf. (o'sm.?) huono L. 12,28; npm. huon Mt. 7,14. 9,87. 10,2. 13, 28; dpm. hwon Mk. I 8, 18; huomi L. I 7, 19 ; huon L. 12, 48; apm. liuon Mk. 8, 7; hwon Mt. I 17, 14. 15,45. ]\Ik. 6, 5; apn. huon ^It. 25, 21. hwon av. 'minus, pauliihtm, pu- silliim, huon J. 14.2; huon Mk. 6,81. 14,85. L. 5, 3. [See lytel hwc'tn, swje hwon.] hwona av. midc, quo, hwona .Mt. 13, 56. Mk. 6, 2; huona Mt. 18.27. 18,54. 21,25. Mk. 8, 4. 12,87. L. 13.15. 1,18. 1,43. 7,42. 18.25. 18,27. 20.7. J. 1,48. 2.9. 3,8. 4,11. 6,5. 7,27(2). 7,28.8,14(2). 190 hwonne — ic 9,29. 9,30. 19,9; hona Mt. 15. 33. 18,25; hiion .1.4, 11; Imon J. 1, 48. [See egliwoua.] liwonne, see hwcenne. liwotliwoegu indef. pron. quid, ali- qu/d, 11 mil quid, //lodiaun, ns. lino51moegu L. 22, 35; li"od- liuoegu J. 5, 14; as. liwotliwoego Mt. 5, 23; huotliwoego Mt. 24, 17; liuotliuoego ls\t. 21,3; liuotluioego L. 7,40. 2% 41; huothuoegu J. 13, 29 ; huothuogu J. 4, 33 ; hot- liuoego J. 0, 7; Imodhuoge ^Ik. 15, 24; huodlmoegu J. 7, 4. Invyrft, see ymbhwyrft. liyega wv. sapcrc, ind. pres. 3 pi. hogab" ^[t. I 2, 6. [See for-, ofer- hyega.j hvda, see a-, geliyda. liygd, see oferliygd. liygdig,_see oferliygdig. liygdiglice av. chastely, liygdiglige Mt. 19, 12. ! livlita wv. spcrarc, ind. prcs. 3 sg. "'hylitas Mt. 24.50; liylita(^ L. 12, 1 46; 2 pi. hvhtab L. d. 34; hyhtas I J. 5,45; 3 pi. hyhtat) Mt. 12,21; j pret. 3 sg. hyhtade L. 23, 8; pres. I p. npm. hyhtendo L . 6, 35. [See i gehylita.] hyll sm. collis, us. — , L. 3,5; dp. ! hyllum L. 23, 30. liyngra wv. csiirirc, ind. jires. 3 sg. UynegreS J. 6. 35 ; 3 ])1. hynegraS Mt. 5, 6; liyucgras Mt. 5, Gmg.; I pret. 3 sg. liyngerde Mk. 2, 25 ; hyngcerde Mt. 21 , 18 ; 3 pi. liyncerdon Mt. 12, 1; pres. p. byncgereude Mt. 25,44; liyng- rende Mt. 25, 37; npm. hyngrendo L. 6, 25; apm. hyngerendo L. 1, 53. [See geliyngra.J hyugrig aj. csiiricns, usm. liinegrig Mt. 25, 35 (ic waes hincgrig =^ cstirivi)] asm. hiingrig Mt. 25, 37. hyrsta, see gehyrsta. I. lacob p. n. ns. — , Mk. 10, 35. J. 21,2; iac' Mk. 13,3. J. 4,5; gs. iacobes Mk. 3. 17. 5, 37. 6, 3. 12, 26. 15, 40. L. 1, 33. 2, 36. 20, 37. J. 14. 4. 4.6; iacob' Mt. 22, 32; ds. iacob' J. 4, 12: — . Mt. 8, 11. Mk. 10, 41; ia L. 24. 10; as. — , Mt. 4, 21. Mk. I 4, 14. 1, 19. 1, 29. 3, 17. 3,18. 5,37. 9,2. 14,33. lariis p. n.. ns. — , Mk. 5. 22; gs. iares Mk. I 3, 7. L. I 5, 20. ic pers. pron. ego, ns. — Mt. (217 times). Mk. (90 times). L.(243 times). ,]. (448 times); icb Mt. I 1.9; ill 3lt. 26, 22 ; gs. min L. 16. 3. 23, 42; ds. me Mt. (39 times). Mk. (13 times). L. (46 times). J. (73 times) ; me L. 22. 67; as. mec Mt. (46 times). Mk. (37 times). L. (70 times). .J. (198 times); meb Mt. (33 times). Mk. 1, 40. 8, 34. 14, 7. 14, 49. 15, 34. L. 4, 18. 5. 12. 22. 34. ,]. 1.3. 21; mee L. 22, 53. J. 15, 25; mecb Mt. 1 1, 1. Mk. 8, 34. J. 6, 35. 13, 8; np. we Mt. -(59 times). Mk. (30 times). L. (43 times). J. I 6, 7. 1, 22. 3, 11. 7, 27. 8,41(2). 9^20; ue Mt. 6. 31. 12, 38. J. (64 times) ; ne J. 14. 5. 17. 11. 17,22: woe Mt. 9, 14. Mk. 9,28. 10,33. 10,3.5. 11,33. L. 2, 15. 9.12. 9,49. 15,23. 22,9. 22, 49.22,71(2). 23,2. 23,41. 24,21. J. 6. 68; woe L. 23, 41; uoe Mt. 17, 18. Mk. 9, 28. J. 11, 16; wa? Mk. 4, 35; ve Mt. I 2, 4. I 3, 4; gp. user L. 17, 13; dp. us Mt. I 5.3. 6,11. 9,27. 15,33. 19,27. 20.12. 20,30. 20,31. 22,17. 25, 8. 28,13. L.13,25. 17,5. 20,28. 22,67. J. I 2. 5. 10,24. 16.17. 17, 21; us Mt. (15 times). Mk. (9 times). L. (26 times). ,J. (1 times) ; bus L. 1, 73; ws J. 13, 29 ; usig L. 1 3, 7; usic L. 1. 1; ap. usic J. 12. 13; usic Mt. 15,2. 120,4. 8,2.5. 21,9(2). 21, 15. 27,25. Mk. 14,17. 5,12. 6, 3. 9,22. 11,10. L. 1,71. 19,14. -IC -m 123 24,32. J. 8,48(-). !t.31; iisi^- Mt 8,31(2). <).27. 20.7. 20.30. L. 4. 34. 0, 49. 20. 6. 24. 22. 24. 29. J. I G, 13. 1, 22 ; usig Mt. 15. 23. Mk. 1,24; usich :\It. 6, 13; usih Mt. 8, 29. 9, 14. 13, 56. Mk. I 1, 17. L. 7,20. 11.1. 16.26. 23.39. J. 1, 14; w"sig- Mk. 11. 9; usih L. 23,80. -ie, see eil-. mer-, inudr-, portic; ciele. del aj. iiianis , iiiutilis, vacuus, otiosus, n^m. idle Mt. 5, 22(2); y\%\s.. I'dil Mt. 12,36; dsn. idlum Mt. I 19, 5; asm. idelne Mk. 12, 3; npm. idlo L. I 9. 7; idlo Mt. 20, 6; upf. idlo Mt. 25, 2. 25. 3. 25. 8 ; dpui. idlum Mt. 13. 4; apm. idlo Mt. 20.3; idlo L.l, 53. idelhende 2i\.i)iauis, asm. idelliende L. 20,10;' idilende L. 20,11. idelnise sf. vanuvi, as. idelnisse Mk. 7, 7. lessing- p. n., us. — , L. 3, 32. -ig, see adl-. lucrwft-, ^en-, allmicht-. basrsynu-, bis-, cyn-. eye)"-, dead- sYiin-. druncen-. dyrst-. dys-. ead-, efenmet-, eftg-emynd-, oftmynd-, pllc)iod-, foremon-. gedvrst-. gest-, hal-. bet-, lum-, liyugr-, mjeht-, mettba^l-, mou-. njen-. oferhygd-, seyld-. swiO mou-. syndr-. synn-. tungulera^ft-, tiiostr-. 5yrst-, uu- cyS-, imma^bt-. uumou-, uuscyld-. unsynn-, untrym-. wel-, wer-, wlitt-, woest-. wudulumig. -ill. see at-, b(')sili. Iliesuing p. n.. ns. — , L. 3. 29. • -ibt. see iGn-. fulw-. niGiiilit; ef. also uuwilit aud -eht. -ibte, see feSrihte. -11, see 5"yril. ilea pron. nsm. — , (27 times) ; ileo (V) Mt. 14.11; nsf. — , Mt. 2.38. 7,39. 15,25. Mk. 3. 25. J. 4,53; nsn. — , Mt. 14, 7. J. 4, 9; iism. — , Mt. I 4, 8; ilea? Mk.- 12. 19; ileo Mt. 12, 45; dsf. — . :\rt. 21, 19. Mk. 11, 13. 13, 24. L. 1, 61. 7, 48; ileo Mt. 10,13. L. 13,6; dsn. — , :\lk. 10, 10. L. 10, 7; asm. ileo Mt. I 7. 16. I 10.2. L. 20,44; — . L. 9.48. 20,13. J. I 3.2. 13.6. 1 4, 2. 1.7. 1.33. (),29. 12.2. 21.20; ilcie J. 9.21; ilka J. 1 6. 8; asf. — , :Mt. (7 times). Mk. (7 times). L. (7 times). J. (7 times); ileo Mt. 1,25. 9,26. 10.12. 10, lOmg. 10. 39. 12.11. 12,41. 16,25. L. 18. 5. 23.40; il' L. 20. 30; asn. — . Mt. I 3, 7. 7. 27. 23. 21. 27, 44. ^Ik. 12, 23. 14, 39. L. 20. 33. J. 11,6; ilej^ J. 1,45; ilce L. 5.37. 18^ 17; npm. ileo Mt. (13 times). Mk. (5 times). L. (() times). J. (3 times) ; ilea Mt. 4. 22. L. 2, 8. J. 4,45; npf. ileo Mt. 25. 7. 28,11. Mk. 16,8; npn. ileo Mk. 13,8. J. 5. 39; — . Mt. 1 9. 1. J. 5,36; gpm. — . Mt. I 8, 10; dpm. ileo Mk. 7, 36 ; ileo Mk. 14. 69. L. 9, 5. 9, 48. 13,23. 15,29; ileu L. 2, 18. 23, 14. 24. 33 ; apm. ileo Mt. I 21, 17. 5. 46. 6. 26. 7. 13. 7, 14. 7, 16. 10, L 13, 41. 14, 18. 21, 3. 22, 7. 27, 10. Mk. 1. 19. 3, 13. 8, 7. 10. 16. 12, 28. L. 4, 40. 9, 55. 13, 4. J. 1, 38.10.8. 10.35. 18.7. 21,10.21, 25; -, Mt.2,8. 4,21. J. I 7, 16. 12,6; apn. ileo Mt. 7. 6. 7,24. 7, 26. 11,25. 13.4. 13.17(2). l. 9, 11. 9,13. 11.42;— ,Mt. 119,17. L. 4, 6. 14, 19. J. I 8. 3. 2, 7. 10, 27. 11,9. 14.11. -ild, see nebebyrild. -ils, see gyrdils. in prep. /;/, ex, w. dat. Mt. (448 times). Mk. (149 times). L. (280 times). J. (198 times); i' Mt. I 16, 18. L. 13, 17. 4. 1. 4,23. 10,9. 24. 19. J. 1, 26. 1, 47. 2. 1. 4, 14. 8, 20. 9. 3. 10. 22. 17, 26. 18, 28. Pl&7'2; in Mt. 11,23; w. ace. (Mt. 196 times). :Mk. (67 times). L. (103 times). .1.(116 times); i' Mt. 17,6. 27,16. L. 24,20. .1.16, 32. 19.9; w. inst. (V) L. 14. 34. [See wi<^in.J in av., see inn. -in, see Latin. 124 imlscccga — ingcouga inasaeega \vv. infcrrc, pp. in asjegd L. I 6, 8. inawrita sv. inscribe re , pp. in- awritten L. 28, 38. in. npm. indrungno J. 2, 10. infara sv. iiitrarc, ingrcdi, ind. pres. 8 sg. inufa^red J. 10, 9; 2 pi. infj:ere5' L. 10, 8; pres. p. npm. iufserende L. 8, 16; dpm. infj«r- endii L. 22, 10. infinda sv. invcnirc, ind. pres. 2 sg. iufiudes Mt. I 4, 8 ; 3 sg. in- findes Mt. 7, 8. 10, 39. 16, 25; ifindas Mt. 1 9,13; 2 pi. infindes Mt. 2, 8. 7. 7. 21, 2; pret. 3 sg. in- faud Mt. 13. 44. 21, 19. Mk. V, 30. 11, 13; infand Mt. 12,44; opt. pres. 3 sg. infinde L. 18, 8; pp. infundeu Mt. 1, 18. iuf(jera wv. intrarc, introirc, ingrcdi, ind. pret. 3 sg. innfoerde L. 1, 9. 17. 12; infoerde Mt. 8. 5. L. 14, 1; ififoerde J. 18, 15; infoerde Mk. 2,1. 5.40. 6.56. 7,25. 11,15. L. 1,28. 1,40. 6.6. 7.1.7,36.7.44. 7, 45. 10. 36. 19, 1. 19. 45. 22, 3. J. 6,22. 18,1; foerde in J. 5,4; 2 pi. innfoerdon J, 4, 38; 3 pi. innfoerdon L. 24, 3; infoerdon Mt. 25, 10; infoerdon L. 8, 33. 11, 26. 11,52(2); infoerden Mk. 1,21. -ing, see Adam-, ier-, bele-, beorn-, bret-, caser-, cep-, enewbeg-, eft- beet-, eftles-, erm-, ern-, flow-, foreaifterfylg-, foreseend-, fustr-, gemtjet-, gristbit-. greet-, Hel-, Her-, hrin-, less-, Ihesu-, inawrit-, inblaw-, inhrin-, int-, inwrit-, loda-, lona-, iorn-, les-. Lev-, lindisfearnalgnd-, 1(!)S-, Mathal-, mettesgearw-, miet-, Kathan-, nednim-, Ner-, nim-, Obeb-, on- writ-, penn-, r^ee-, Resa-, row-, scend-, Sorobabel-, uudereyn-, uppbebb-, writing. ingebirga swv. gustarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. Tgeberigde J. 2, 9 ; igebarg J. 2, 9. ingefulwiga wv. baptizarc, pp. npm. Tgefulwuade Mk. 10,38. ingegeonga anv. iiifrarc, introirc, ind. pret. 3 sg. ingeeode Mk. 7, 17; 2 pi. ingeeadon Mt. 10, 12. iugebeda wv. introditccrc, induccrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. inngelaede Mt. I 5,15; In gela^ded Mt. 24,24. ingemd'ta wv. invcnirc, ind. pres. 2 pi. gemoetes in L. 2, 12: pp. ingemoetet J. I 2, 3. ingeong sm. entrance, gs. iunge- j onges (= intrandi) Mk. 1 4, 12 ingeonga anv. intrarc, introirc, [ inire, ingrcdi, introdiiccrc, ind, pres. 3 sg. Tngeongas Mt. 19,23 ingeonges Mt. 7, 21; inngaa5 Mk 3. 27. 7, 19; ingaaS Mk. 10, 15 inngaeS L. 13,25. J. 10.2. 10,9 ingtee?^ L. 10, 5; ingaS L. 22, 10 ingaeS J. I 6, 2; inngaas Mt. 15 11. J. 10. 1; Tugaas Mt. 7, 21. 15 17. Mk. 7. 18; ingaes Mk. 13, 15 2 pi. ingaes ]\[t. 5, 20 ; ingeongas Mk. 11, 2; ingfe?) L. 10, 10; ingaeS L. 19. 30; Tngaas Mt. 18, 3; 8 pi. ingeonga?5 Mk. 10, 28. L. 18, 24; inngeougas Mt. 10, 11. L. 11, 33; inginna — insoeega 125 Tngeoiigas Mi 7, 13; iiigaab' L. 21,21; inug-aas Mk. 10,2)3; iDgaas Mk. 7, 15; pret. 2 8g. ioueatles Mt. 22,12; 8 sg. iuneode Mt. 24, 38. Mk. (3, 25. 7,18. 11,11. 15, 43. L. 4, 38. 8, 41; ineode Mt. 22, 11. J. 20, 5; inneade Mt. 8,5. 12, 4. L. I 8. 20. 6. 4. 17, 27; inea- de Mt. I 21. 3. 17, 25; 9, 25. ineode Mt. 21, 10. Mk. I 1, 14. 1, 21. 3, 1. 5. 39. 6, 22. 7. 24. 9, 28. L. 9, 46. 24. 29. J. 18, 33. 20, 6. 20,8; ineade Mt. I 2, 7. 21.12. L. 4, 16. 10, 38. 11, 37; 2 pi. in- eodon Mk. 11,2; Ineade (foil, by ge) Mt. 23, 13; ineade (foil, by gie) L. 11, 52; 3 pi. inneadon Mt. 12, 45; iueadon Mt. 2, 11: ineodon Mt. 22, 15. Mk. 5,13. J. 18,28; inneodon Mk. 16, 5; ineadou L. 8, 30. 9, 52; ineodun Mt. 27, 1; ineoden Mk. 4, 19; opt. pres. 2sg. inngae Mk. 9, 25 ; ingae Mt. 8, 8. L. 22,40; ingae L. 7,6; osg. in- geongai Mk. 14, 14; ingas J. 3, 4. 3, 5; 1 pi. igeonga Mk. 5, 12; 2 pi. inugeonga L. 22, 46; inngae L. 9, 4; ingae Mk. 14, 38; 3 pi. ingae Mk. 10,24; imp. sg. ingeong Mt. 6, 6; inngaa Mt. 25, 21; Iga Mt. 6.6; pi. Tngeonges Mt. 7,13; in- geonges Mt. 10, 5; inf. inngeouga L. 13, 28. 15, 28; Tgeonga Mt. 19, 24; Tngeonga Mt. 23, 13. Mk. 10, 25. J. 3, 5; Tngeouge Mt. 12,29; in- geonga Mt. 18, 9. 19, 17. Mk. 9, 45. 9, 47. L. 8, 32. 8, 51. 24, 26. J. I 3, 15; Tgeonga Mk. 1, 45; inn- gae L. I 2, 17; inngae Mt. 1 17. 15; Ingae Mt. I 17. 18; ingaa Mk. 9, 43 ; ingae Mt. 18, 8 ; to Ingeonganne L. 13,24; to ingeonganne L. 13, 24; to ingeongau L. 14,23; pres. p. npm. iugeongade L. 8, 16; apni. inugeougeude Mt. 23, 13. inginna sv. iiicipcre, sumcrc, ind. pres. 2 sg. iuginuas L. 14, 9; pret. 3 sg. ingann Mt. I 7, 14. L. 24, 27. inlieardnionn sm. miles, ap. inn- beavdmenn Mt. 8, 9. ' inbhebha sv. trridrrr, ind. pret. 'ipl. ' inldogan Mk. 5, 40. I inbriuiug sf. tiistinctiis, gs. (?) in- j brinig J. I 7, 3. inbrd'ra wv. vwvrrc, pp. inbroered Mt. 27, 51. i inlad sf. (?) entrance-fee, ds. inlade I J. P188«. I inUC'da wv. iiidiiccre, iiifrodiicere, ind. pres. 3 sg. inlsedeS L. I 6, 19. J. I 7, 16; 3 pi. inlaidic(5 L. 12, 11; pret. 3 sg. inhedde L. I 9, 3; in- la?dde J. 18, 16; 3 pi. inla^ddon L. 2, 27; imp. sg. innbGd L. 14, 21; inlsed Mt. 6, 13; i)p. inla^ded Mk. 14.4. inlibta wv. illuniinare, vivificare, ind. pres. 3 sg. iulibtet) J. 1, 9. 5,21; inlebta(y L. 11,36; inlibtas Mt. I 18, 11; pret. 3 sg. inlicbtade J. I 6, 1; inlibte L. 1, 79; pp. in- licbtet J. I 6. 2; iulibteS Mk. I 4,16. inlixiga wv. inhicescere, ind. pret. 3 sg. inlixade L. 23, 54. inmerca wm. inscriptio, ns. Inmerea Mk. 12. 16. in merne av. iii crastimini, in merne Mt. 6, 34. 20, 1. inmong av. /// medio, inmong Mt. 10, 16. [See bimong.J in morgen av. in crastiniini , — . Mt. I 17, 11. inn sn. cubicnliiiit , ds. inne Mt. I 6,1. inn av. intro, — , Mt. 26, 58. inn-, see in-, inna sm. nterns, vulva, inliis, ds. — , L. 1, 15. 1, 31. 1, 41. 2, 21; Ine L. 11,7; as. lua L. 2,23. innaS sn. venter, uterus, ns. innoS L. I 7. 7; gs. inna(5es L. 1, 42; ds. — . Mt. 12,40. L. 13,15. 1,44. inoutinda sv. inveitire, ind. pres. 2 pi. in onfmdes Mk. 11, 2. inriC'sa wv. irntere, ind. i)ret. 3 pi. iuniesdon Mt. 7, 25. 7, 27. insa^cga wv. ii//\rre, ind. pres. 3 sg. Issegeb L. I 6, 18. 12G lusceawiing isc insceawun^ sf. mspcctio, els. inscea- unge J. I 8, 7; dp. inscewuii£;um Mt. 1 4, 9. inspuda wv. iiiiniitfcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. insendes Mt. 0, IG. insetta wv. inscrcrc, rustituere, pp. nsf. iusetena Mt. I 9, 13; apm. inseteno L. I 6, 2. insilit s. arguviciihini, ns. — , J. insceea w\^ niquirrrr, iud. pres. 2 sg. insoeeas Mt. I 12, 3; 3 pi. iu- soecas Mt. 6, 32. instihtiga wv. instigare, ind. pret. 3 sg. instilitade L. I 2, 6. instonda sv. iiisistrrr, inf. instonde Mt. 1 9, 16. inting s. cmisa, ns. intinge Mt. I 1, 10; inthinge Mt. I 6,5; iutiing Mt. 19, 10; gs. iutinges Mk. 15. 26; inciinges L. 23, 4; ds. inting Mt. 5, 32. L. 8, 47; inSing Mt. 15, 9. 19,3; as. inting J. 18,38. 19, 6: inting J. 19, 4; iurJingii Mt. 27, 37; in(Mng L. 23, 14. 23, 22. intralitung sf. iitferprctatin. ns. — -^ Mt. 12^7. intyna wv. iucludcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. intynde L. 3, 20. inbing, sec inting. inwsexa sv. iucrcsccrc, ind. j)res. 3 sg. inwiexa?) Mk. 4, 27. inweard aj. intcnuis, asn. (V) in- ueard L.' I 7, 19. inweard av. inttts, iiitrinseciis, — , L. 11, 39. 11,40; innweard Mk. 7,23; innueeard Mk. 7,21; inna- neard Mt. 7, 15. inweardliee av. diligoitcr, — Mt. 2, 7; innueardliee Wi. 2, 8. inwit sn. dolus, ds. inwite Mt. 26, 4. inwcenunga av. 7/cy<9/'/c%inwoenonga Mt. 13, 29. inworpa sv. ijijiccrc, ind. pret. 3 pi. inwurpim ]\lt. 26, 50. inwrita sv. inscribcrc , pp. apn. inwnrittcna (= inscriptio) Mt. I 21,10. inwriting sf. inscription ds. inwritt- ing Mt. I 4, 8. j lodaing p. n. ns. — , L. 3, 26. , Johannes p. n. (variously contracted i in different cases ; only the fuller and more noteworthy forms follow) ns. — , Mt. 3, 4. 4, 12. J. 1 1,14; gs. — , Mt. 9, 14. J. 1,42; ds. iohanne Mt. 17, 13; ihan J. 3,26; ioh'a3 Mt. 11,7; as. iohan- nem J. P 187'; iohannis Mt. I 7, 15. Mk. I 4,4; ioh'em Mk. I 3, 11. lonaing p. n., us. — , L. 3, 30. lonas p. n., ns. — . Mt. 12, 40; ioua Mt. 12, 41; gs. iones Mt. I 19, 6. 120.2. 12,39.12,41.16,4. L.ll, 29; ioncTS L.I 7,8. lordaueu p. n., gs. iordauenes Mk. 1,5; ds. — , Mt. 3. 6. Mk. 1,9; iohda J. 3,26; io L. 4, 1; as. — , Mt. 3,5. 4,15. 4,25. J. 1,28; ior- dan Mk. 10, 1. J. 10,40; iorda .Alt. 19, 1. -iorn, see blodiorn. iorna sv. currere, concurrere, de- currcrr, occiirrerc, ind. pret. 3 sg. arn Mt. 28, 9. L. 15, 20; pres. p. ioruende Mt. 27, 48. 28, 8. Mk. 9, 25 ; gsm. (wk.) ioruende L. I 2,17; iornendes L. 22, 44; dpm. iornendum J. I 8, 3. [See efne-, efnege-, oftge-, fore-, ge-, to- gjegnes-, 5"erh-, upp-, ut-, ymb- iorna.] iorning sf. ffiixus, profluviiDii, ds. — , L. 15,20; as. — , Mt. 9,20. -ioruuise, see utiornnise. iorsiga wv. indignari, ind. pres. 2 pi. iorsiges J. 7, 23. loseph p. u., us. — , Mt. 1, 19, 1, 20; iosep Mt. 1,24; ios L. 23,50. J. 19, ;)8; gs. iosephes Mk. 6, 3. J. 1,45. 6,42; iosep L. 3, 23; ios L. 4, 22; ds. io8e])be Mt. 1, 18 rag. 2, 19; ioseph Mt. 2, 13; iosep Mk. 15,45; ios J. 4, 5. Isaac p. n., gs. isaaces Mt. 22, 32. Mk. 12, 26; isaces L. 20,37; ds. — , Mt. 8, 11. Isaias p. n., ds. — , J. I 3, 0. -isc, see hebb-, c, 39. 7, 37; hhet- mestiy J. 6.54; hbettmesta J. 11, 24; (wk.) hl^etnifeste J. I 4, 19; hlsetmeste J. (i, 40: ^'la'tmjesta ,1. 6,44; libetmesta J. 12, 48; hiet- meste J. 16, 23; asm. hhetmesto L. 12, 59; asf. (wk.) Isetmeste Mt. 5, 26; asu. hhetmesto L. 14.9. 14,10; hlsetmest Mk. 12,6; npm. hlffitmesto Mt. 19. 30. 20, 12. 20, 16. Mk. 10.31(2). L. I 8.7. 13, 30(2); hhetmcesto ^[t. 19,30; hhet- mest Mt. 20. 16. L. I 8, 7; upu. (wk.) hetmsesta Mt. 12,45; dpm. la^tmestum Mt. 20, 8. hetmeste av. iiovissiine, hhetineste Mt. 21. 37; hhetmesto Mt. 25, 11; Ifetmest Mk. 16. 14; t)Q hetmesta Mt. 22, 27. he(5a wv. odisse, ind. pres. 3 Sfi,-. lajbiies L. 14,26; 3 pi Ifeba^ L. 6,27; he(5e5 L. 6. 22: hi^Sas Mt. 5, 44; pret. 3 pL la^Sedon iVIt. 5. 44: lae^don L. 1. 71. her)t)o sf. oduijii, injuria, ds. l«3&(!)o Mt. 6, 24. 24, 10. J. 15, 18. 15, 25; Ub^o Mt. 5. 43(2); as. la^erlo Mt. 20,13. h'lf su. uxor, ns. — , Mt. 14, 6mg'.; ds. hlafe Mt. I 21, 11. L. 110. 9; lafe Mk. I 5, 2; as. — , Mt. 22, 24; hh'if Mk. 6, 1 7: hlaf Mk. (5. 18. 12, 19: Mat Mk. 12.19. h'lf su. rcli(]7ti(f, ds. lafe J. 6. \'-\: a]). hlafo Mk. 6,43: hlaf Mk. 4, 19. [See metth'if.] laf, see hh'if. lam 'fi.w. liiiiuji, as. — , J. 9, 6; lam J. 9,6. 9.21. 9,14. 9,15. lamwvihta sm. figiihis, gs. 1am- wrihties Mt. 27,10; lamwvihta Cook, Nuitbuniljriau Glossary. Mt. 27. 7. -hipe, see anla})e. lar sfD. doctriiia, consilium, lectio, us. — , Mk. 1, 27; laar ,1. 7, 16; lar J. 12.6; OS. — , Mk. 1 1.9; ds. lare Mt. 10, 8 uig.; — , Mt. I 20, 2. 16,12. Mk. 4,2. 6.2; laar Mk. 12,38. J. 7. 17; lar Mt. 22, 33. 1.. 4,32; la J. 18.19; as. — , Mt. 7, 28. 10, 14. Mk. I 3, 8 m"-. I 3, 19. 11,18. J. 18,14; lar Mt. 118, 12. 1 19, 1. Mk. 1,22; lare J. 18, 19; up. laro J. 7.38; u-p. lara Mt. I 16. 14; a]), lara Mt. 15,9: laruo I\lk. 7. 7. [See forelar.j lar sm. luagister, ns. laar J. 8. 4 ; as. lar Mk. 1, 22. larcueht sm. discipiilus, us. lareueht L. I 2, 2. h'irwu sm. ii/agisfer, rabbi, mictor, doctor, inagistratus, us. lariiu Mt. (5 times). ' Mk. (10 times). L. (3 times.) J. (11 times); larwu Mt. 22.35; laariiu L. 20.21: laruua Mk. 9,17. J. 11. 8. 13, 14; laruu J. 20, 16; laraiia Mt. 17. 24; larua Mt. 8. 19. Mk. 9, 5. 9. 38. 10, 17. 10. 20. 10, 35 ; vs. laruu Mt. 12, 38. 22. 36. 26. 25 ; laruwa :\[t. 26. 49; laruua Mt. 19. 16; larwa Mt. 22. 16. 22. 24; gs. laruu J. I 2, 6; as. larau Mt. 10, 24. Mk. 5, 35; laruua Mt. I 6, 9: up. laruas Mt. 23, 7. 23, 8. 23, 10. L. 5, 17. 22, 52. J. 6,45 (= docibilis)\ gp. laraua L. 2, 46; dp. larwum 5lt. 1 5, 5; laruum L. 22, 11; laruu L. 23, 13; laruu L. 22. 4; a]*, larwas Mt. I 8. 19. 6. 16. [See ;ehirwa.| lat, see lad. latin aj. latinus , gs. latines Mt. I 2,18; ds. heddin J. 19,20; hetiu J. 20, 24 mg.; as. — , Mk. 5. 41; latiuil Mt. 1 1. 12; dp. hitiuu L. 23, 38. _ latinise aj. latiims, hediuise (= la- tiiiac for latiin') J. 19. 20. lattiga wv. tardarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. hlattade L. 1.21. latto s. luora, as. hlatto 1.. 12. 1">. IBO latwu — lefend latwu f)flamma, ds. lego L. 1(), 24. lega Y^m.proditor, ns. hlega L. 6. IG. leger, see derne-, forleger. -legere, see dernelegere. l^gere sm. hxpocrita, falsus, ns. legere Mt. 15.7. L. 6,42; np. legeras Mt. G, 2. 6, 5. 6, IG. 15, 7. 22, 18. 23, 13. 23. 14. 23, 23. 28, ' 25. 23,27. 23,29. L. 12,56; dp. legerimi Mt. 24, 51. Mk. 7. 6; ap. legeras Mt. I 17. 15. legerscip, see deruelegerscip. lege& sn. (?) fiilgor, gs. legeS L. 11,36. legebsla^ht ^./nlgor, us. legeSslffibt L. 10, 18. 17, 24; ap. leigeSslaebtas Mt. I 8, 3. ! leiug, see beleiog. lebt sn. lux, liniien,fulgor, splendor, lucerna, inceiisinn, ns. lebt Mt. 4,16. 5,14. 5.16. 6,23. 24,27. I 28, 3. L. 11, 35. 11, 36. J. I 1, G. 15,10. 1,4. 1,5. 1,8. 1.9. 3,19. 8,12. 9,5. 11.10. 12,35. 12,46; gs. lebtes L. 1,10. 16.8. J. 12,36; ds. lebt Mt. 10. 27. L. 12. 3. 22, 56. 24, 22. J. 1. 7. 1. 8. 3, 20. 3, 21. 5,35; as. lebt Mt. I 16, 13. 4.16. 24,29. Mk. 1 3. 4. L. I 9, 19. 2,32. 8,16. 11,33. J. I 5. 19. 3, ' 19. 3, 20. 8, 12. 11, 9. 12, 35. 12, \ 36(2); lecbt W^. 13,24. lebt aj. Incidiis, nsm. lebt L. 11, 34. 11,36; nsn. lebt Mt. 6, 22. 17, I 5(nsf.?). L. 11,36. i lebt aj. levis, tolcrabilis, nsf. lebt Mt.il, 30; comp. libtre Mr. 10,15. lebta, see libta. lebtfaet sn. liiccnia, laiiipas, candcl- \ ahniiii, lantcrna, ns. lebttk't Mk. 4,21. J. 5,35; lebtfa^t Mt. 6, 22; ds. lebtfete L. 11,33; as. lebtf;ut Mt. 5. 15. L.I 5.16. I 7,9. 8, lii; np. lebtfato Mt. 25, 8 ; dp. leht- fatum Mt. 25, 4; lebtfatn J. 18, 3; i ap. lebtfato Mt. 25. 1. 25, 3. 25, I 7. L. 1 7, 17. lebtiseru sn. ca/idiiabnuii, as. lebt- isern Mt. 5, 15. Mk. 4, 21; lebtisrn L. 8, 16. lebtiln sm. horhis, ns. lebtim J. 18,1. 19.41; ds. lebtune L. 13, 19. J. 18,26(0; lebtun J. 19,41; dp. lebtunum Mt. 23, 23 rag. leng, see long. lengo sf. stahira, ds. leugo Mt. 6, ' 27; lencgo L. 19, 3; leng L. 12.25. lengra, see Innge. leorniga wv. Icgrrc, disccre, ind. pres. 2 sg. leornas L. 10, 26; 3 sg. liornes Mt. 24, 15; pret. 2 pi. le- ornadon Mt. 19. 4: liornadon Mt. 21,16; leoruade Mt. 12.3. 12,5. 22.31. Mk. 2. 25: leornadi« Mk. 12, 26 ; leornada Mk. 12, 10 ; le- ornade Mt. 21, 42; opt. pres. 3 sg. leorn Mt. 10, 14 mg.; imp. pi. le- ornas Mt. 9. 13. 11, 29. Mk. 13. 28; leornes Mt. 24,32; inf. le- ornege Mt. 10, 8 mg. [See ge- leorniga.] lesa, see alesa. Lesincg, see Leving. lesing sf. redcuiptio, ds. lesine Mk. 10,45; as. lesing L. 1.68. 2,38. [See eftlesing.] lesnise sf. redeinpti'o, ns. lesnise L. no. 18; as. lesnise Mk. 10. 45. L. 1, 68; lesnis L. 2, 38. [See a-, onlesnise.] leswu sf. (?) pascniuu, ap. lesua J. 10, 9. leswiga wv. pascere, pres. p. les~ uande L. 17, 7; gpm. lesuuandra L. 8. 32. [See geleswiga.J leta sv. sinerc, rcli)iqiicrc , ad- initterc, laxare, cxistiinarc, ar- bitrari, ind. pres. 1 sg. leto L. 13. 18. 23, 44 (p ic leto = fcrc)\ 3 sg. lettes J. 16. 2; letes Mk. 12, 19; 2 pi. letas Mt. 23, 13; pret. 3 sg. leort Mk. 5, 37: imp. sg. let Mk. 7.27. L. 5,4; pL letas L. 18. 16; lettes J. 11.44; letas Mk. 10. 14: inf. kHa L. 12. 39. 13, 20; leta Mk. 1,34. [See eftfor-, for-, fore-, gelie-, oft'orleta : untnrleten.J 132 -leta - lif pret. 8 8g. 1. L. 5, 29. 3,29; -leta, see geleta. -16tnise. see forletnise. leSra wv. iingerc, ind. lebrede J. 11, 2. Levi p. u., ns. leui L. I Leving" p. n.. ns. leuiii; lesineg- Mt. I (3, 4. levit sm. Icvita, leviticus, nsm. leuit' Mk. I 1,6; gsf. leuT Mk. I 1,8. lewa, see belewa. libra s. nina, ns. — . L. 19.20; as. libra L. 19. 24: ap. libras L. 19. 13. 19.18(0. 1^-24; libra L. 19, 16(2); libT L. 19,25. lie sn. corpus, caro, us. — , ]\It. 24, 28. 26,41. -lie sb., see onge-. ungelie. -lie, aj.. see efnege-, ge-, ungelie; afu-, agen-, ange-. aposto-, ar- wyrb-, ba3r-. behof-, bryd-. eiric-, dicghwtem-, dead-, dueghwiem-, drihteu-, eatie-. eugel-, eorb"-, et-, fseder-. froeceu-, gebyre-, ge- dtefen-, gedeg-. geliwjOiu-. ge- nueue-, gerisen-, gewune-. god- spel-, beofou-, liii-, lieliom-. macea-, ma^htig-. missen-. ned-, oferwist-, pis-, rebt-, risen-. 5arf-, Sorfend-. 5us-. uuadryseud-. uu- efne-, ungemet-, unuuebtig-. un- rot-, unstyrend-, uutwieud-. un- wis-, woeu-, wuldor-. -lica, see togelica. lieciga wv. lingcrc, ind liecedon L. 16, 21. -lice av., see iec mt)- bfer c'lib-, djL'ghwjOm-, deg-, deop-, ebrisc-, faist-, feer-. feger-. gast-. gedeg-, gelie-, genueue-, georu-. gleow-. beart-, b('tig-,bliitor-. bog-, bra?d-. bwerf-. bvi^dig-. inweard-. lustful-, lust-, niegwlit-. monig- fald-, (jL'fist-, ]»is-, recon-, rebt-. nim-, nin-, seearp-, sceort-, seo- foful-. snutor-. s65-. sundor-, tiOs-, trum-. twufald-, (5ritald-, ?)us-. un- ea?)e-, unnia-btig-, wa-r-. wis-, wundor-, wntedlice. IfeewyrrV' aj. phicilitiii, iisu. lice- wundorlie. pret. 3 pi. ter-, ar-, bal-, Ijismer-. bitter-, cla*n-, wyrb'e Mt. 11,26. liega sv. jacere, discumbcre, ind. pres. 3 sg. liges Mt. 8.6; pret. 3 sg. laeg Mk. 2, 4; 3 pi. legon Mt. 9,36; imp. sg. lig Mt. 19.18; pres. p. liegende Mk. 2.4. J. 5. 6: liccende Mt. 8, 14. 9, 2. Mk. 7, 30; liceude Mk. 5. 40; asn. liceude Mt. 12, 44 (= vacanteiii); di)m. tJiegendu Mk. 14, 18; lieendura {=^jactan- tihiis) Mk. I ."). 6. [See derne-. gebega.J licboma wu. (? so Mt. 14, 12) corpus, caro, ns. lieboma Mt. (9 times). Mk. (4 times). L. (9 times). J. (6 times); liebom" Mt. 26. 26; licboa J. 6. 55: lieliom Mk. 10, 8; gs. liebomas ^Mt. I 17.9. Mk. I 1, 12. J. 17.2; licbomes L. 11.34. J.I 2,3. 2,21; licboraajs Mt. 6, 22. Mk. I 1,15. J. 1.13; licliome Mt. 1 14,4; licboma J. I 3, 13; licboma Mt. 10, 8 mg.: ds. lieboma Mt. I 6, 17. I 14. 12. 1 15,1. 6,25. 19, 5. Mk. 5, 29. 10. 8. L. 12, 22. J. 1 5,2. 3.6. 8,15; licboma Mt. 1 14. 11; as. licboma Mt. (8 times). Mk. (5 times). L. (6 times). J. (9 times); licbom J. 6. 54; up. liclioraa Mt. 27.52; licbomo J. 19.31. liebomlic aj. corporolis, dsn. lie- bondic L'. 3, 22. liciga wv. placcre ,. coiiiplacrrr, sufficcrc , ind. pre-. 3 sg. licar)' L. 3. 22; lieas Mt. 6. 34; lieas Mk. 14. 41; pret. 3 sg. lieade Mt. 12, 18. Mk. 1.11. [See ge-. to-, fierb-. welgeliciga.] -liclice. see gelicliee. licnise sf. statura, imago, ds. lic- nesse Mt. 6, 27; g]). licnessa Mt. I 21, 10. [See ge-. ou-, onge-, tid-. ungelicnise.J lic(5r6were sm. Irprosus, us.liebrouer Mt. 8, 2; licf)rower Mk. I 2, 13: licftrower Mk. 1. 40. L. 4. 27; gs. licriroueres L. 1 4, 14 ; as. lictJrower Mt. 1 17. 19; up. lic^Jrouras Mt. 11.5: ap. licbroures Mt. 10. 8. lit su. vr/a, us. — , J. 14, 6. 17.3; IifT;e.sta lociga las lit' L. 12.15. J. I 7.5. 1,4(0. <^- m. 11.25. 12,50; g8. lifes Mil 20. 17. L. I 8. 7. I 10, 18. 8, 14. 21. 34. J. I 4. 18. 5, 29. Cy. -35. 6. 48. H. (i8. 8.12; ds. life Mt. 12. 82; life Mt. 7. 14. 18,8. 19.17. Mk.8.35. 10,30. L. 15.13. 16,25. J. 14.10. 5.24; lif Mt. 12.32. L. I (•). 19. J. 1 5.1; — . J. (). 51: as. — . Mk. 10.30. L. 10,25. J. 4. 14. 4 3G. 0,40. 12,25. 17,2; lif Mt. ((Uimer^). Mk.(3 times). L. (3 times). J. (19 times); lilif .1. 1 4, 18. liffiesta wv. vivificarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. limestas M. 6, ()3. litiga wv. viverc, ind. pres. 1 sg". iiofo J. (3, 57. 14, 19 ; 3 sg. liofti?)- J. 14. 7. 0.58. 11.26; liofa^i^ .1. 11. 25: liofe5 J. 6. 57; lifeb' Mt. 9,18. J. 4. 53. 6,51; lifes Mt. 4, 4 L. 4. 4. J. 4. 50 : 2 i)l. lifias J. 14. 19: 3 pi. lifias J. 5, 25; I'lifigati L. 20.38; pvet. 8 sg. lifde L. 2,8(). 15, 24. 24. 23. J. 4. 51; opt. i)res. 3 sg. lifige Mt. 9.18; lilitige Mk. 5,23: iuf. litiga L. 24, 23; ])res. p. hlitigeude Mt. 27.63: hlifgieiide Mt. 26, 63: lifgiemle Mk.^T 1, 2; lifigieiide L. 10. 30: litiende L. 24,5. J. 6, 51. 6. 57; gsm. lilitigen- des (= vivi) Mt. 16. 16: iijjf." lif- igiendo J. 7.38: gpm. lilifgiendra Mt. 5. 4 mg. 22. 32 ; hlitigiendra L. 20. 38: lilifiemlra Mk.^12. 27; dpm. hlitieudu :\lt. I 8. lu. [See eft-, ge-. of-, imderlifiga ; iin- litigende.] lifory;eu(?) ^.victns, as. lifo^'seii L. 21, 4. lifwelle aj. viviis, asii. lifwelle J. 4, 10. liha sv. connnodnrr, imp. ]»1. lih L. 11.5. lilita wv. liiccre, iud. pres. 3 sg. lihte^i Mt. 5, 15; lehte& Mt. 5, 16. [See ge-. gein-, inlihta.j lim sn. iiiciiibrniii, g]t. liomami .Mt. T 20, 11. 5.29. 5, 30. Mk. T 4. 9. lim))a, see be-, gelimpa. Liiulisfeaniralondinii- siu. dweller ' i/i fJic laud of IJiidisfdriir, gp. ' lindisfearneolondinga J. P 188 •'. I lin sn. lintemn, sindo)i, ds. • — . J. i 13. 5; liri Mk. 15, 46; as. — . J. 13.4; lin Mk. 15.46. I linen aj. byssits, dpn. liuninii (lin- I nimi hreglii ^ /////m) J. 19, 40; linneno L. 16, 19. linenhr;egl sn. liiilramrii, linfcui/i, sindoji, ds. lineillinegle L. 23. 53; np. linninhra-glo J. 20,5; dp. lininliriegliim J. 20. 7 (see also liniiinu lireglii J. 19. 40); ap. linueuhi'jcglo J. 20. t>: linenhriBgla L. 24. 12. # ! -linii', see evb'-. der-. eft on btec-, lieafnd-. on bjee-. seilling. linga. liniga, see lilioniga. ' lioda sin. pi. people, gp. lioda Mt. I 1 18, 5. 10. 5. L. 8. 26. 8. 37. 9, 52. J. 14.5; dp. liodiim J. 2,23; ap. lioda L. 17. 1 1. lioniga, see lilioniga. liprice. see earliprice. liora wv. Irans/re. ind. pres. 3 sg. liora5- Mt. 26, 39; liores Mt. 5, 18. [See be-, for-, fore-, forege-, ge-, oferliora.J liornise. see geliornise. lixiga v>y. fiilgere, liieere. iud. ])res. 3 sg. lixe*') Mt. 13,43; pres. p. lixende L. 24, 4. J. 5, 35. [See inlixiga.j lixende aj. (pres. p.) eandidiis\ npu. lixendo Mk. 9, :}. lixende av. (pres. ]».) splendide, licseudo L. 16. 19. lixung sf. splendor, ds. — , ^It. 1 16. 13. locc, see scipaloec. loceeta wv. enictare, ind. pres. 1 sg. loecete .Alt. 13. 35 ; I! sg. loe- ete?) Mt. 1 7, 5. lociga wv. videre, respieere, aspi- cere, eonsiderare, iiihieri, ind. ]»res. 3) sg. loeas Mt. 6. 6: pret. .3 sg. loeade Mt. 14. 19. 19.26. Mk. 6, 41: 3 jil. loeadon Mt. 21. 38: imp. sg. loca Mt. 8.4. L. IS, 42; ].l. loeas Mt. 6. 2(). 6,28. L. 134 lof — losiga I 10,17. I See efern-, eft-, forti-. g-e-, upp-. yrablocig-a.] lof sm. laiis, ns. — , Mt. I 6. 10 ; gs. lofes Mi I 17. 7. 118.18; as. — . Mt. 21. 10. L. 18, 48. lofiga wv. laudarc , pres. p. upin. lofaudo L. 24, 53. lomb sn. as;nus, ns. lomb J. 1 . 29. 1, 36; as. lomb J. I 3, 6; lomb Mt. I 8, 2; ap. lombvo L. 10. 3; lomb- oro J. 21, 16; lombor J. 21,15. lond sn. agcr, rcgio, viais, villa, pars, terra, ns. lond Mt. 13. 38. 27.8(2). I,. 12.16; lond Mt. 3. 5. Mk. 1, 5; g-s. Ipndes Mt. 6.28. 6. 30. 13. 36. L. 1, 8. 3. 1. 4. 37. 8, 37. 15,15. J. 6, 71; ds. londe Mk. 8, 23. L. 8. 26. 8. 27. 17, 7. 23. 26. J. 6, 23. 11.55; londse Mt. 1 7, 12: lond ^[t. 4. 16. 8. 28. 24, 18. 24. 40. Mk. 13,16. 15,21. L. I 9, 11. 1,5. 12,28. 17,36; I6nd Mt. 13,27. 13.31. 13,44. 14. 35. L. 17. 31; as. lond Mt. 2, 12, 27,7. 27.10. Mk. 5,1. 5.10. 8,26. 14, 32. 1(), 12. L. 2, 8. 3, 3. 4, 14. 7,17. 15,13. 15,15. 19.12. J. 11, 54; lond Mt. 13. 24. 13. 44. 22, 5. Mk. 1.28. 6,55. L. 14,18; dp. londum Mt. 6.2. Mk. 5,14; londfi Mk. 6,56. 8,10. L. 8.34. 21.21; ap. londo Mt. 19. 29. Mk. 6, 36. 10, 29. 10, 30. L. 9, 12; lond ]\Ik. 1,38; lond J. 4, 35. [See ea-, morlond.] londbigenga wm, agricola, dp. lond- bigencgu Mk. 12, 1. loudbiiend sm. agricola, colouus, ns. londbuend J. 15, 1; as. lond- buend L. I 3, 8; londbiuend J. I 7,9; n]). landbuendo Mt. 21,38; londbuend Mt. 21.35; dp. lond- buendum Mt. 21.33. 21.41. Mk. 12,2(2); londbuendil Mt. 21, 40; ap. londbiiendo Mk. 12, 9: lond- buend Mt. 21,34. -londing, see Lindisfearnealonding. long aj. longiis, prolixus, multus, hodicrjiiLs, nsn. long Mk. 7, 6; gsn. longes Mk.0,21. 12,40; dsm. longe(wk.) Mt. I 22,9; asm. longa (wk.) Mt. 27, 8 ; longe (wk.) Mt. 28, 15; asf. loniic L. 1 11, 11; asn. long i\Ik. 9. 21."^ L. 20. 47. J. 5, 6. [See swjC'-, 5"onelong.] longe av. iniiUuin, prolixius, longc, " longe L. 14,32. 22, 44; longa Mk. 5. 23 ; longa Mk. 5. 10 ; long Mt. 8, 30. 15,8; comp. long (== ultra, am- plhis, ad Jill c, prolixius, ultcri2is, lo/igius)\ leng Mt.26,65. Mk.9,8. 11,14. 14,63. 15,5. L. 20,36. 20,40. J. I 5, 10; lengc Mk. 5, 35; lengra Mk. 12, 40; lengre L. 24, 28. [See forlong; hit longe.] longiga wv. tcedere, inf. lonn'iga ' Mk. 14, 33. longsum aj. multus, longissiimis, nsn. longsum Mt. 1 5, 7; asn. longsii Mt. 25, 19. [See on longsum.^ longunga 2Cf.prolixe, longuuga Mk. " 12, 40 (= prolixcc). J. 1 7, 18 (= prolixd). longwege av. peregrc, louu'woegc " Mk. 13, 34. -lopa. see brydlopa. lopestre wf. locusta, aj). lopestro Mk. 1, 6. los sn. pcrditio, ds. lose Mt. 7, 13. 12, 14. losiga wv. pcrdcre, perirc, dcficerc, dissipare, ind, pres. 1 sg. losigo L. 15.17; 3 sg. losiatJ Mk. 8,35; 16sa() Mt. 16, 25; losa& IW. 18, 14. Mk. 9. 41. L. 9. 24 (2). 9, 25. 15,4. 15.8. 21.18. J. 3.15. 6.27. 10, 10. 10,28; lose^ Mt. 10, 39. 10, 42; losb J. 12,25; losas Mt. 21, 41. Mk. 14,2. 8.35. J. I 4, 17. 3, 16. 17, 12; 2 pi. losigabL. 16.9; 3 pi. losaiaf) L. 8, 24; losa5 Mk. 2. 22; lasa?) L. 5, 37; losas Mt. 9. 17. 26,52; pret. 1 sg. losa J. 18, 9 ; 3 sg. losadc Mt. 22. 7. L. I 9, 20. 9,42. 11,51. 15,4. 15.6. 17, 27. 19.10; 3 pi. losoduu Mt. 10, 6; oi)t. pres. 1 sg. losige J. 6,39; 3 sg. losaiii'e J. 11,50; 3 pi. losiga Mt.''l5, 32; losia J. 6. 12; lu-et. 3 sg-. losade Mk. 9, 22; inf. losiga losing — lysnji 18: Mk. H.4. 3.6. L. 6.0. 1:1 a 13. 5; losig-e Mt. 10.28. 10, :;U. Mk. 1. 24; losia L. 13, 33; to losane Mk. 1,24: pp. 16sad Mk. I 2, 1; losad Mk. 1 1, 13 L. 19, 10. [See for-. gelosig-a.| losiug sf. pcrdifio , ds. losiug Mt. 7. 13. losniga, see hloyuiga. loswist s. pcrdifio, dctriiiicntuiii, deccptio, loswist Mk. 4. 19; losuist Mk. 14. 4; gs. losuistes J. 17,12; as. — . Mt. 16. 26; losuist Mk. 8. 36. L. 9 25. Loth p. n., gs. lothes L. 17, 28. 17. 32; — L. 19,11. liiea, see beluea. Lucas p. u., US. — . Mt. I 3, 9. I 7, 14. L. 12, 1. I 3, 11. J. P188«; gs. lucases L. I 1. 1; ds. luc' L.I 8,3; as. — , L.I 11,20; L. heading-. L. 24,53: lue' L. I 1, 1. lutiga wv. a marc, diligcrc , iud. pres. 1 sg. lufa J. 14, 21. 21, 16. 21.17;lufo J. 14,31. 21,15; 2 sg. lufastu J. 21, 16. 21.17(2); lufestu .1. 21. 15; lufas J. I 8, 10; 3 sg. lufa(5 Mt. 6. 24. L. 7, 5. J. 3, 35. 5,20. 10,17. 16, 27; lufaib L. 16. 13; lufas Mt. 10, 37. J. 11,3. 14.21(2). 14.24: luf- 'as Mt. 10. 37; 2 pi. lufa& L. 6. 32. 11,43. J. 16.27; lufias Mt. 5,46; 3 pi. lulia^i Mt. 5.46: lufagia6' L. 6,32: lufa()- ^\i. 23,6. L^ 6, 32; lufas Mt. (5. 5. L. 20. 46; pvet. 1 sg. lufade J. 13.34. 15.9; 2 sg. luf- ades J. 17. 23. 17, 26; 3 sg. lufade Mk. 10, 21. L. 7. 42. 7. 47(2). J. 3, 16. 11,5. 11.36. 13,1. 13,23. 19, 26. 20,2. 21,7. 21,20; lufad L. 7, 47. .). 15. 12: o].! pres. 2 pi. lufaiga J. 13.34; lufaige ^. 13,34; lutiga J. 15, 12. 15. 17; imp. sg. lufa Mt. 5, 43. 19, 19. 22, 37. 22, 39. Mk. 12,30. 12.31. 12.33. L. 10,27: pi. lufas .Mt.5.44; lutigat) L. 6.27: lutiges L. 6,35; inf lut- iga ^. 8, 42;'lufagie Mt. I 18, 15; lufia J. 15. 19; to lufianne Mt. 1 17, 5; to lufanne .Alt. I 17. 5.. L. T 5, 8. J. I 7. 16; jires. p. di)iii. lufanduui J. I 7.(5; a])in. lutiandc L. 6, 32. [See gelufiga.J lufu s. fides, dilcctio, caritas, us. — . Mil 1,12; lufa :\lt. 1.5,28; lufo J. 17, 26; -s. lufes Mt. I 14, 10. Mk. i 5,3; lufse Mt. I 21,12; ds. — , Mil 14,5. 1 19.19. J. 15,9. luf" J. 17. 2(i; lufo Mk. I 1,20. J. 15.10; lufa J. 15. 10; as. — , Mt. 16,9. I 15,1. I 15,4. 23.23. Mk. I 1.19. J. I 7, 10. I 7, 11; lufo L. 11.42. J. 15, 13; lufa Mt. 8. 10. lugena, see lycgna. li'ih sn. frchim, stagjium, ns. lull J. 6, 1; as. luh Mt. 8, 18. 8, 28. 14, 22. 14, 34. 16, 5. Mk. 5, 1. 5. 21. 6, 45. 8. 13. L. 8. 22. 8, 23. 8, 33. lust sn. voluntas, dcsideriuni, gs. lustes Mt. 5,32; ds. — , J. I 2. 5. 1. 13(2); as. — . J. I 1,3. [See also lustum.] lustfullice av. liixtiriosc, L. 15, 13. lustgiornise sf foriiicatio, co//c?tp- j iscentia, gs. lustgioruisses Mk. 1 4, 19; lustgeornisse Mt. I 17,3. lustlice av. Ubcnfcr, Mk. 6, %). 12, 37. L. I 10. 5. lustum av.(dp.V) ultro, lustumc Mk. 7,12; lustu Mk. 4,28. liUa sv. pr odder c, ind. pret. 3 sg. hleat Mk. 5. 22; 3 pi. hhiton :\Ik. 3, 11. [See fore-, ge-. uiider- ! luta.] liitorliee, see hliitorlice. Lege aj. falsus , n]). lyecc Mt. 26. " 60; livece .Alt. 26, (iO' lyciga wv. iiiiirDinrarc, lud. pret. 3 j)l. Iveedou L. I 5, 1; Ivcoedon L. I 8.9; lyeeton L. 5, 30. lyegua wv. cruiiipcrc, opt. (V) i)res. ^ 3 sg. Ivii-ena Mt. I I, 8. lyding. see hlydiug. Ivffc s. acr, ap. Ivf (= ara) L. I ^ 10. 12. lyg, see bi'ita lyg hwcodre. lyrta, see belyrta. lysna, see hlysna. 13G Ivtel iii.Tga lytel a), iiiodiciis, piisillusy Irrcvis, parvulus, minimus, paucus, min- or, nsm. Ivtel Mt. 5, 19. 18.4: Ivttel Mk. iO. 15. L. 19. 13; nsf. Ivttel Mt. 2, 6 ; nsn. Ivtel Mt. I 20. 10. L. 12. H2; Ivttel L. 7. 47. J. 6, 22; Ivttil J. 12. 35; g-sm. Ivtles Mt. 6,^30. 14,31. 16,8; Ivtlo Mt. 8. 26. L. 12, 28 ; g-sn. Ivtles Mt. I 17. 11: dsm. lytlum Mt. 18. 5; dsn. lytlum Mt.^ 8. 23. L. 16. 10; lytelG L. 16. 10; Ivtlu Mt. I 6,18. L. 22,58; lytlo L. I 7. 15 ; asm. Ivtle Mt. 18. 2: lytelo Mk. 5,3; asf. lytel ^\i. 14.' 22; Ivtle Mk. 14. 70. J. 7, 33 ; asn. Ivttel Mt. 13, 2. L. 7. 47. J. 6, 7; Ivtle L. 6.41; npm. Ivtlo Mt. 18"^. 3; lytla Mt. 19. 13; ni)D. lytle L. 13. 23; gpm. Ivttelra Mt. I 1. 6. Mk. 8, 7; lytelra L. I 8. 7: Ivtla Mt. 21, 16. L. I 8. 7: dpm. Ivtlum Mt. 121,4. 9,25. 10,42. 15,38. 18. 6. 18,10. 18.14. 25,40. 25.45: lytlu Mt. 14, 21. L. 10. 21. 17. 2. 19, 17; dpn. IvtliiDi Mk. I 1, 17. L. 12, 48; lytlii Mt. 5, 19; apm. Ivtla Mt. I 20. 16. Mk. I 5, 6 ; Ivtlo Mk. 10,14. L.I 9, 15; lytlo (wk.) Mt. 19.14: IvtleMk. 13, 18; apf. lytla Mt. I 20.17; apn. Ivtla 31t. 25,21. 25,23; lytlo Mk. 10, 13. L. I 9, 17; comp. leassa, kessa (= minor) : nsra. leasa L. 7. 28 ; leasa L. 9, 48; Iressa Mt. 11, 11; gsm. leasse Mk. 15.40; asn. leasse Mt. I 3, 7; superl. leases! kesest (= minimus, parviilus, ptisilhis, minor): usm. leasest Mt. I 20, 10 mg. 5, 19 ; iisn. leasest Mt. 13. 32; leasssest L. 12, 26; Ijesest Mk. 4,31: dpm. leasestfi Mt. 5, 19; l«sestil Mk. 9. 42. [See also Sv la'S.] Ivtel av. minime, modicin/i, mini- mum, lyttel Mt. I 20. 10. J. 13. 33. 14. 2 (f'(5on Ivttel = qnomi- nus). 14, 19. 16. 16: Ivtle L. I 5. 8 ; lytil.l. 16.16. 16, 17:' Ivttil J. 16. 17. 16.18. 16,19(2). lytel hwil sf. temporalis, modiciim, pan I N In m, pnsilbiin, as. lytic hwile .Alt. 18, 5: Ivtle hiiile Mt. 13. 21(ns.?). 26,73. Mk. 14.70. L. 22.58. J. I 7. 14; ap. Ivtla Imila? Mt. I 20. 17. Ivtel hwon av. pnsillnm, Ivtel Imon ■ Mk. 1. 19. Ivtel SoDa SiX. piisilln7n, lytel (5 on a ' Mt. 26. 39. Ivthwon sn. (?)/c/^/r/. np. Ivtliwon ' Mt. 20. 16: Ivthiion Mt. 22.'l4; gp. lythwon Mt. I 2. 12. Ivthwon av. panlatim, modicum, ^ Ivthuon J. I 7. 14: lvth»on Mt. I 9, 11. Ivtliga wv. miniii, inf. Ivtlige J. 1 ' 4, 2 ; Ivtlege J. 3, 30. ' [See ge- lytliga.j M. -m. see matim. ma, see mieel; no ma. maecalie 2i].opportnmis, nsm. niacea- lie Mk. 6, 21. maeiga. see gemaeiga. ma', see mieel. -mieeca, see gemjijcca. maig, see meg. mfega 2in\.possr, valrrc, ind. pres. 1 sg. ma^g Mt. 9, 28. L. 10, 25 C-^). 14, 20. 16, 3: m«ge Mt. 26, 53. 26,61. L. 11,7; nia'go J. 13,37; 2s^-. iiui'lit Mt. 1 11, 1. I 12.2. 8, 2. Mk. 1.40. L. 5,12. 6,42. 16. 2; mjcbtu Mt. 5,36: 3 sg. m?ege Mil 17,17. 5, 13. 6,27. 10,28. 12.29. 18.21. 19,12. 22.46. 26, 42. 27. 42. Mk. 3. 23. 3, 24. 7. 18. 8, 4. 9, 3. 9, 39. 10, 26. 13, 22. 14, 41 (wel m'x^Q, ^= sufficif). 15,31. L.l 11,5. 3,8. 5.21. 12.25. 14,26. 14. 27. J. I 3, 15. 3, 2. 3. 3. 3, 4 (2). 3,5. 3,27. 6,44. 6,52. 6,60. 6, 65. 7.7, 9.16. 10,21. 10,29. 10. nia'gdcn inalitiglic 137 )^:^. W, 17. 1."). 4: iiiae-e J. 1,46. i>, 4; niH'liiie Mk. 7, 15: ma!f>:a^> m. I 1,8: nicTo-i J. 21,:ir); nuvi;- Mt. 15, 4. 1 111. 10. ;5,0. 5,14. ("i, 24. 6, 34 (wel iiui'g- = siifficit). 7.18. 10.25 (wel ma3^- = .9?/7y^f//). 12,2(3. 19.25. Mk.H.23. 3:25. 3. 2(3. 3,27. L. 6.39. 14.33. 16.13. 18, 26. J. 5. 19. 5. 30; infp- (nndev- lined) \\i. 26. 39; maci:- ^\\. II 7. 9. Mk. 2. 7. L. 14. 31; 1 pl. nia-on Mt. 2(J,22. 21.38. Mk. 10.39: ma-o J. 14, 5; 2 1)1. maii'oi) ^[t. 28. 7. Mk. 4, 13. 14.7. L. 11.4(3. J. 8. 22. J. 15. 5: ina^non .1.13.36; maii-a Mt. 6. 24. 12,34. 16.3! 20. 22:^mai;o Mk. 10. 3S. L. 5,34. 12, 26. 16. 13. J. 5, 44. 7, 34. 8. 21. 8,43. 18.33. 1(3.12; 3 pi. majiou Mt. 9. 15. 10, 28. Mk. 1 3.^16. 2, 19 C^). 4. 32. L. 16. 2(3. 20. 36. 21. 15. J. I 7, 10. 3, 9; mago J. 8,6; pret. 2 sg. ina-lites Mk. 14,37: 3 s"-. raajhte Mt. I 21. 1. 8.28. 22,46. 26.9. Mk. 1.45. 2,2. 5.3. 5,4. (3,5. 6.19. 14.5. 14,85. L. I 8.20. 1.22. (3.48. 8. 43. 13.11. 14.29. 14.30. 19.3. 22.4. 22,6. J. 9, 33. 11,37: inaehte Mk. 7.24. 14,11; 1 pi. maebton Mt. 17, 19; ma^hte Mk. 9.28; 2 1)1. nuehto Mt. 26. 40 : 3 pi. ma-hton Mt. 17.1(3. Mk. :}. 20. 4.33. 8,1. 9,18. 11.18. 14.1(2). L.8,19. 9. 9,40. 13,24. 14,(3. 24.16. J. 8, 6. 12, 39; mjyhtnn Mk. 2, 4; maelitun J. I 5, 5 ; ma'g-hton L. 20. 26. 22, 2; maebton Mk. 3.6. J. 21, 6: unebt'Mk. 15, 20; ma3b' Mk. ;3. 11: opt. pres. 1 sg. ma3ge Mk. 10. 51. L. 18, 41; 2 sg. ma'ge Mk. 9, 22. 9.23. L. 1. 20: 3 1)1. ma^go J. 17, 24; pret. 3 pi. ma4iteK Mt. 12, 14; majbtaes Mk. 3, 10; iiia'bte :\lk. 14. 55: inf. ma>ge Mk. 1 X 1. L. I 7. 5. J. T 7,9. niaigdeu sfu, pucUa, iis. -. Mk. 5. 41. 5.42. (i.2S. L. 8.54; ma'deii Mk. 5. 39. 5, 40; meiden :\It. 9, 24 : maiden Mt. 9, 25; maid' Mt. 9, 24 ; I gs. nuegdnc Mk. 5. (1. L. s, 51; mti'dne L. 8.50: niaedne Mk.5.40; ds. ma'gdne Mk. 6. 22. (5, 2X. L. 1 (3. 1: ma-dnc Mt. 14. 11; as. maeii'den .Mk. 7. 30: maeden Mt. 1 18^ 10. Mk. 1 ;;. s. ma^gn sn. I'irfiis, rwx, ns. ma-geii L. 5, 1 7; — . Mt. 13. 54: rs. ma'<;-ne.s .Mt. 2(3.64. ].. 22.'()9:' ds. ma-ne Mt. 24,30. Mk. 9. 1. 13,26. L. I 4.19. 4.36. 24.49; maegne Mk. 12. 30: as. nifegen Mt. 11. 12; — , Mt. 25, 15. L. 9, 1: np. nuegne ! l\[t. 14. 2; m;eiiUO L. 21. 26; nuegna Mk. 13,25; ina^gn L. 6, 19; dp. nuTPgnum L. 10. 27: ap. mfegno Mt. 13, 58. [See mnunma'gn.J i m;yg(). see meg?)'. nuegwlit, see megwlit. ma^bt sfn. virtus, pofcstas, iitajrstas, pofcntia, ns. — . !.. I 2, 1(3. I 3, 3. 1,35. 22,53; niiwbto Mt.28. 18 (up.?); gs. m?ebtes Mk. 14. ()2: ds. — Mt. 1 21.5. 21. 23. 21, 24(2) 21. 27. 25. 31. Mk. I 2. 12. I 4, 19. 1,27. 11.28. 11,29. 11.33. 14. 36. L.I 11,17. 1.17. 4,14.4.32. 7. 8. 10. 19. 20. 2. 20. 8. J. P 187 ':>: mjebte L. I 10,6. I 10. 17. 4, 3(>; m^egbte .Mk. 9, 1: as. — . Mt. (8 times), .^rk. (12 times). L. (10 times). J. (8 times): maebt .1. 17. 2: np. ma?bto Mill. 20. 14.2. Mk. 6, 2. 13. 25. L. 10. 13; mwbta :\It. 24, 29; ma'bt' L. 6, 19; mtebte Mt. 11.21: — . Mt. 11.23. Mk. (3, 14; mabtmn Mt. I 18.12. L. 12, 11; maebtum Mt. I 18. 18; ma'btfi >[k. I 3, 1. L. I 6, 2. 19. 37; ap. m5ebto Mt. I 17. 17. 7,22. 13.58. Mk. 13.8. L. 1 6, 11; madita (= possibili(i) ^It. 10, 26. [See god- cund-. unma'bt.J mjebtig aj. pofriis, possihilis. nsni. ."]..'l.4!t: maditili L. 24. 19: nsn. — . Mk. 9. 29: npn. ma-btiu'a Mk. 9, 23; maditigo I.. 18. 27; nia-bto Mk. 10. 27: apm. maditigu L. 1.52. I See all-, unma'btig.) miebtiglie 'Aypossibilis, npn. nuclitig- 138 mtena — meassapreost ge- liea Mk. 14, 3(). [See uuma'btii;'lie, -lice.] raa'-na wv, plaiigcrc, fuiiiulfuari, lugcre, dolcrc, cjidarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. msenes Mt. 24, 30; pret. 3 pi. nueudon L. 8, 52; iuf. nKena3 Mt. 9, 15; pres. p. m»nende Mt. 9,23; npm. nuenende L. 2,48; dpm. iiiaenendu Mk. 16, 10; apm. rna'niende Mk. 5, 38. [See i;'e- m;eDa.j niieuelie, see gemteuelic. iiueneliee, see g-emcGnelice. mtOnnise, see geuui'Diiise. raiensuniiii,'a wv. luibcrc, ind. ])res. 3 pi. mu'DHuraiab Mk. 12. 25. [See ii-emcensumiga.] nia're sii. villa, vt'ciis, dp. hihtii Mk. 6,5(3; maiT L. 14, 21. [See ruiere.J nucslen su. ccs, as. — . Mk. 6, 8. J. 2, 15; iiiccslenn ^Ik. 12,41; ap. mteslenno L. 21, 2. uuessa, see meassa. nia^stelberg- sm. faticiicd Jiog, up. raiestelbergas Mt. 7, 6 mg-. raa'5()u cj. phisqiiarii, iTicebon .Ml. 26, 53. mag sf. iinriis, as. mag Mt. 10. 35. magdalenese cj. iiiagdalcnc, ns. magdalenesea Mt. 27, 56. 28, 1. ]>. 8, 2; magdaleuiscaMt. 27. 61. .1.18,2. 19.25; magSalenisca J. 20, 1; magb'alenesca Mk. 15, 47; raagbal'e J. 20. 18; magdri ilk. 15,4(1; mag Mk. 16.1. L. 24. 10; as. magbaleuesca ilk. 16, 9. maii'ister sm. iiiagistrr, as. magisf L. 6. 40. -mana, see gemaua. maniga. see gemaniga. miw'A'AX. fhisgiia/u . it.23, 45m^-. meg sm. ainiciis, cams, ns. nueg Mt. 11,19; meii- Mt.20.13. J. 3, 29; meg J. 11.11: np. megas L 23. 49; dp. megum L. 15. 10: megil L. 21, 16. J. 15, 13; ap. megas Mt. I 20, 11. megS sf. coniitrx, gs. meg(^a Mk. 8, 10; ds. ma-gb J. 4,3. 4,47; megli?^ J. 1, 43; meig() J. I 1, 11; megb J.4,54. 7,1. 7,41.21,2:mJ.7,9. megwlit sm. species, aspectus, lis. megwlit Mt. 28, 3: mjcgwlit L 9, 29 ; as. megulit J. 5. 37. megwlitiga wv. traiisfigiirare, ])p. megwlitgad Mt. 17, 2. megwlitlice av. figuralifer, meg- wlitliee Mk. I 4,10. meh, see ie. menga, see gemouga. menigo smfn. tiirba, iinillitndo, ns. menigo Mt. 9, 25. 20,31. Mk. 3.8. 3,20. L. 13.19. 1,10. 2,13. 5,0. 6, 17("-)- 8,37. 23,1. J. 5, 3. 6,2. 6,5. 6,24. 7.20; ds. menigo Mt. 15, 35. :\[k. 3. 9. 10, 46. J. 7. 31. 7, 43. 21. 6; as. menigo Mt. 21.26. Mk. 2, 4. J. 5, 13; menig Mt. 14. 19; np. meniii-o Mt. 9, 8. - 9.33. 12.23. 13.2. 14.13.20,31. 21.9. 22,33. Mk. 10. I. 1>.4,42. 5. 1. 5, 15. 8,45. 11, 14. 19,37; dp. menigum Mt. 13. 31: menigom ]Mt. 12,46; menigo Mt. 11,7; men- igiT Mt. 15, 32. Mk. I 4, 17. L. 23. 4: ap. menio-o :\It. 9.36. 14, 15. 14.22. 21,4(r. L. 5,3. J. 7.12. meuigo aJ. iiiuUiis, pluriniiis, plus, ^tantiis. tot, ns. (mf.) Mt. 26. 47. Mk.3,7. 4,1. 5,21. 5,24. 12,37. 14.43. L. 5,29. 6.23. .1. 12, 9. 12. 12; ds. (fn.) menigo Mt. 24,30. L. 23, 8; asf. menigo L. 18, 4; menig Mk. 4. 5; n]). (mfn.) menigo Mt. 8. 1. 19,2. 24, 10. Mk. 2,15. r;, ;3l. 7,4. 10,48. 11,8. 15,11. L. 7,47. s,;j. 10.24. 13.24. 21.8. 23,27. J. 16.7. 2, 23. 3.23. 4,39. 4.41. 6.60. ^yK-)^'^. 8,30. 10,20. 10.41. 10.42. 11, 45. 11.55. 12, 11. 12.42. 19. 20. 21,25; nuenigo L. 14.25; meniga J. 14.2; meui J. 7.31: dp. menigum .1. 15,6. 1 (), 9. I 7, 10. 2. 12; menigii L. 4,41. 12.1. 15,13. 15, 29. J. 14,4. J. 1 6,6; menigo L. 12, 47; ap. (mfn.) menigo Mt. 8. 16. 8.18. Mk. 1.34. 4,^2. 5. 26. (), 13(-). 6,20. 13.6. L.3, 18. 10, 41. 14,16.22.65. J. 12,1. I 3. 14. 1 5, 1. I 5. 2. I 5. 6. I 5, 16. 1 5, 18. 16,1. 16,18.4,1. 6.9. 7,31. 10,32. 11,47. 14,30. 16,12. 2u, 30; meniga Mk. 12, 41 ; menig Mk. 10,22. menigo (V) av. iniiUo, meni J. 4,41. menuise aj. huniamts, gsm. men- nisees Mt. I 17. 7. L. I 2, 16. mennisenise sf. Juiinanifas , ns. menniscnise L. I 2. 10. meolo 'm.. farina, ii's. (ds.?) meolu L. 13,21; mealo Mt. 13,33. merea m. titulus, apex, merea Mk. 15,26 ; nierce L. 16. 17; d]). mercnni Mt. I 9, 14; ap. mereas Mt. 1 9. 3. [See gemerc, inmerea.] merciga wv. signarc, significare, ind. pres. 3 sg. merea?5 L. J 9, 15; pres. p. npm. mereande 3it. 27, iS'o. [See forege-, ge-. oferge-. ofge-, t6ge-. undermerciga.] mc'reung sf. fitnlus, ca pit til inn, ns. mereong L. I 1. 1; gs. mereuuces Mt. I 9. l!>: n]). mercunga L. I 3. 10; ineveonga L. 1 11. 20; gp. mereunga ]\[t. I i>. 9. [See fore-, forweard-. ge-, ofer-, onnu'reung.] mere s. sfagnnm, ds. mere I-.. 5.1. .., 2. /ns/gn/s, asii. inerno Mt. mere a) 27. 16. meregreota \\\\\. inargariln, ns. — . Mt. 13, 46; gs. meregrotta ]\It. 1 lit, 12; n]». meregrotta Mt. 7. 6 nig,; aj). meregrotta Mt. 7.6: mereii-roto Mt. 13,45. IJO inergcn — micel mom-en. see to merii-en. moric sm. (?) moifJia, as. nieric L. 11, 42. morne. see in merne. on inerne. to merne. merra wni. srdncfor, ns. merra JMt. 27, 63. merra wv. crrarc , ind. jires. 2 pL merras Mt. 22,29. [See <;'emerra.] m('rruni»- ."f. scdiictio, ap. merruns'a Mk. \ 5, 8. mersii;'a wv. diffaiiiarf stare, opt. pret. 8 ])1. Mk. 3,12; inf. mersiga [See g-emersiga.] mersiing" sf. faiiia, r/n/ior, opDiio, ns. n^ersung Mt. 4. 24. 9. 20. Mk. 1.28. L. I 4, 11. 4,14; mersong L. 4. 37: as. mersiing Mt. 14. 1; mersime L. I <>. 2 ; ap Mk. 13. 7. merbu sf. ntinor, us , IIKUlifc- mersades Mk. 1.45. mersung'o mer?)u Mk. 1,28. med-. uio(5-. mesa-, see meassa-. -messa. see ielmessa. -mest. see forS-, het-, iitmest. -meste, see ketnieste. -met. see g-emet. meta sv. nirtiri , pros. p. npm. raetende L. 6, 38. [See eft-, eft- ge-, gemeta.j -mc'tig. see efenmetig. -metlic, see ungemetlic. mett sn. csca, cibus, pidmentariuui , ns. mett Mt. 6, 25. L. 12. 23. J. 4. 34. 6. 31 mg. (), 55; met Mt. 3, 4; gs. raettes Mt. I 17, 10. L. I 7. 15; metes .1.19,14; ds. mete Mt. 10. 10; as. mett Mt. 14. 15. 24.4.5. .1. 1 4.17. 4,32. 0,27. 19,42mg. 21, 5: met (lieofiinlie met = iiiniiud) ,]. 0. 58: gp. maeta .Mt. 26. 17; ap. meto Mk. 0, .36. 7.19. L.3. 11. 9, 12. 9, 13. J. 4, 8. mettba)lg sn. pera, ds. metbuilig L. 22,35; as. metbadig L. 22.36. mettesgearwing sf. parascnu-, ns. raettesgearwing Alt. 27, (>2. mettlaf sf. rc/iquue, ap. metlafo Mt. 14, 20. micel aj. mag?iiis, )iiulhis, graiidis, tanhis, asm. — , Mt. 7, 27. Mk. 16,4. L. 1,15. 1,.32. 4.25. 6,49. 7, Ki; micil Mt. I 3,5. 5.19. 15. 28. J. 19. 31; michil Mk. 5, 11; micla ^Ik. 1(», 25mi:-.; nsf. — , J. 7.12; micelo Mt. 24,21. L. 6. 35. 9,37. 21.23. .1. 5,3: mielo Mt. 8. 26. Mk. 3,8. 4.39. .7.6,2. 6,5; micil :\[t. 28, 2; miehelo Mt. 8, 24. Mk. 4.37. 4, 39: usn. — . L. 12, 48('-). 16. 26; micil .1. 6. 1<>: miela .^It. 22, 36. L. 18, 25; gsm. micles Mt. 117, 12. 5. .35; dsm. miclum .1. 6,18; miclo :\rk. 5.13. L. 2,9; micle J. 7. 37; dsf. micle Mt. 27, 46. 28.8. Mk. 1.20. 15. .34. L. 4, 33. 23,46; micelo Mk. 4,41; mielo Mt. 2, 10. 24.31. Mk. ,5,7. 13,26. L. 8.37. 17. 15. 24,52: micilre Mt. 27. 50; miela Mk. 1. 26. L. I 10.17. 1,42. 8.28 19,37.21,27. J. I 6. 8; milee J. 11.43: dsn. michi L. 2, 10. 13, 19: micle Mt. 1 21, 12: micil Mt. 26, 9; miela Mk. 10, 48; asm. — . Mt. 14. 14. 27. 60. L. 5, 29; micil J. 12. 24. 15, 5: micile Mt. I 8. 13; asf. mic- elo Mk. 6. 34. 9, 14. L. 7, 9. 14, 16; miclo L. 18. 4; michel Mk. 4,5; micil Mt. 13,5; — , Mt. 4, 13mii. ; micla Mk. 15,37; asn. — . Mk. 14, 15. L. 12.48. 22,12; mihil ^It 4, 16; npm. micla J. 21, 11: npf. miclo L. 21. 11; ii])n. miclo Mt. 24, 24; micelo L. 21, 11; dp. miclum L. 23, 23. .1. 21. 11; miclu Mk. 12. 4. L. 4, 88. 23, 46. J. 21. 11; apt. miclo Mk. 13.8; apn. miclo Mt. 4.3mg. Mk.4, 32. L. 1,49; mic- elo L. 9, 22; comp. mara, m^. nue (= major, plus, //lagis): nsm. mara Mt. 11. 11 (-J). 12.6. Mk. 9, 34. L. 7.28(2). 9.46. 11.32. 22, 24. 22.26. J.I 7.2. 1.3,16(2). 14. 28. 15.20; maara Mk. 10,43; mare .1. 8, .53: maro L. 11.31: nsf. mara Mk. 2, 21; nsn. mara Mt. 13, 32. micelnisc — luiltlieortiiise 11 23,17. 23,10. Mk. 4,32. 12,31. 12,33. L. 12,23. .1. 10.29; dsn. (dpn.?) maru L. 16. lO(^); asf. iiiara J. 5, 36. lo, 13; asu. mara Mt. I 3,6. 16, 11. Mk. 12,43. L. 7,43. 12,48. 20,47. J. 1,50. 19, 11; npm. maro L. 12.7; upu. mara L. 9, 13: apu. mara L. 12. 18. 18. 30. J. 14. 12; maa Mt. 1 6. 12. 21, 36; ma3 J. 7. 31; superl. maast {inajor, maxiiiius): nsm. maast Mil 6. 9 {=ip(am). 18,1. 18,4. 20,26; maaste Mt. 1 6,5; maasta L. 9, 48; nsf. maast Mk. 9, 34; nsn. maast Mt. 22.88; gsm. maas Mt. 23, 11; asm. maast Mt. 1 20. 9; asf. maasto J. 15, 13; asu. maasto L. 20, 47; npm. maast Mt. 20, 25; dp. maaste Mk. 5, 42; raaastil (= niaxiiitc) L. 1 2, 8; apn. maasta J. 5, 20. [See iio ma. noht mara, aw* mice].] mieeluise sf. magnitudo, ds. L. I 5, 12: micelnisse L. 9, 43. micla av. iiiulto, — . Mt. 21.36. L. ^18, 30. micla mara a v. qiianto mag is , iiiiiUo magis, miela mara L. 12. 24; mide mara L. 18.39. miclig-a wv. tnagni/icarf, iiid. pres. 3 sg. mielat)' L. 1, 4G; 3 pi. mic-las Mt. 23, 5; i)ret. 3 sii'. miclade L. 18. 43. [See gemielig-a.J mieliim av. much, — . Mt. 15. 31. mid (always in the torm middum = medio after a preposition) aj. medi^is, middnm Mt. 1 7. 8. I 7, 18. 10, 16. 13, 25. 13. 49. 14, 24. 18, 2. 18, 20. 25.6. Mk. 3, 3. 6. 47. 9,36. 14.60. L. 111,12. 2. 4(>. 4, 36. .5. 19. 6,8. 21.21. J. 1, 26. 8, 3. 8,9. 19,18; middn L. I 4, 14. I 6.10. 4,35. 17.11. 22.27. 22. 55(2). 23,45. 24,36. J. 20.19. middang-eard sm. >/iundifs\ ns. — . Mt. 13^ 38; middang J. 7. 7; middafi J. (16 times); midd' J. (3 times); gs. middaniieardes Mt. 4,8. 5,14.24,21. 25.34. ,1.13,7. 1 4, 5; middeug-eanles Mt. 116, 13; middaugear Mt. 13,35; nii(ldan:i- des J. 8, 12 ; middang I.. 1 2, 30. J. I 5. 1. 15.10. I 5.19. 1,29. 4,42; middail L. 11. 50. 12. 30. J. (7 ti- mes); ds. raiddaugeard Mt. 18, 7; middangde J. 7,4; middandeJ.18, 20. 1 8. 36 ; middang Mt. 26, 1 3. Mk. 14,9. ,1. (6times); iiiiddau J. (;i5 times); midd' J. (9 times); mid' ,1. 1.10; as. -, Mt. 16,26. J. 3, 16. 11.27; niiddeugeard Mt. I 1. 5; middang Mk. 8.\36. 16. 15. L. 9. 25. J. 3.^17(^!. 3. 19; middau .1. (15 times); midd' J. 17, 18. 18, 37; midg J. I 3, 15. middel sm. mcdiits, usra. — . Mt. I 2. 6; a])u. midla Mt I 14, 15. niidderna'ht sf. media nox , ds. midderna-ht L. T 7. 3. 11, 5; ds. middfinteht Mk. 13. 35. -middes. see tomiddes. milciga. see gemileiga. milde aj. riiitis, simplex, nsn. — . L. 11.34; ni)m. — , Mt. 5.4. 5. 4 rag.; mildo Mt. 10,16. mile sf. mille, as. mile Mt. 5, 41. mils sf. miseratio, ds. milsia Mt. I 20,14; as. milsa; J.P188H. milsiga wv. misereri, ind. pres. 1 sg. milsa Mk. 8,2; pret. 2 sg. milsades Mt. 18,33; imp. se;. milsa Mt. 9, 27. 15,22. 17. 15.'^20, 30. 20,31. Mk. 10,47. L. 17. 13. 18, 38; miltsa Mk. 10. 48; mildsa L. 18. 39; inf. milsa Mt. 15, 32; pres. p. milsande Mt. 9. 36. 14. 14. 18, 27. 18,33. 20,34. Mk. 1,41. 5, 19; milsande Mk. 6. 34; milsende Mk. 9, 22. [See gemilsiga.] miltheort aj. misericors, propi/iiis. nsm. — . L. 18, 13; miltheart L. 6,36; njmi. miltheorte Mt. 5. 7. L. 6, 36. [See unmiltheort.J miltheortnisc sfu. miscricordia. ns. — . L. 1. 50; mildbecrtuisse Mt. 9. 13; gs. — , L. 1, 54. 1. 78; ds. — , L. 7. 13. 15, 20: milt- heart' I.. 10, 33; as. — . Mt. 5. 7. 23.23. L. I 6.2(1. 1.72; miltheort- 142 mm mixen nisse Mi 12,7; miltlieortni L. 1, 58; miltheart' L. 10,37. min ])OSS. pron. incits, iism. — . Mt. 12,50. 26.18. 27,46. Mk. 1, 11. L.9,35. 15.24. J. 11,21. 20, 28; mill Mt. (15 times). Mk. (6 times). L. (12 times). J. (21 times); usf. — , Mt. 12.40. 26, 38. Mk. 5, 23. .1. 12, 27. 15, 11; min Mt. (4 times). Mk. (4 times). L. (3 times). J. (7 times); nsn. — . .1. 18, 36) (2); min Mt. (4 times). :\lk. (3 times). L. (3 times). .1. (5 times); gsm. mines Mt. (7 times). Mk. 10. 47. 10, 48. L. (7 times). J. (8 times); g'sn. mines Mk. 6, 23. J. 15, 20;\lsm. miuum Mt. (3 times). Mk. 16, 1 7. L. 9, 48. J. (4 times); miml Mt. (4 times). Mk. (8 times). L. (1») times). J. (14 times); mine L. 1, 47; min Mt. 20, 23; dsf. minra Mt. 20, 23. Mk. 10,40; minu Mt. 12,18; mine L. 12, 19; min J. 10, 28; dsn. minum Mt. 11. 27. J. I 5, 15; minu L. (2 times). J. (4 times): asm. — , Mt. 11, 10. 20, 23. 21, 37. 24, 9. Mk. 9, 17. L. 22,36; min Mt. (6 times). Mk. (3 times). L. (3 times). J. (12 times); minue Mt. 10. 22. 11.29. 12,18. 21,28. Mk. 12.6: mine Mt. 18, 20; min L. 23, 46. J. 8, 56; asf. — , Mt. 16, 18. 27, 35. L. 14, 24. 16, 24. J. 6, 38. 8. 43. 20, 25 ; min Mt. (2 imes). J. (8 times); mine Mt. 12,18; asn. — , Mt. 12,44. 13,30. 13.35. J. 14. 23. 19,24; min Mt. (2 times). L. (4 times). J. (10 times); upm. — Mt. 12, 49. 22. 44; min Mt. 12, 48. Mk. 3, 33. 3, 34; rai'ne Mt. 20. 21; mine L. 8. 21; mino L. 11, 7. J. .1. 13, 35. 15. 8. 15, 14. 18, 36; raina J. 8, 31; npf. mino J. 10, 14; npn. mino Mt. 24,35. Mk. 13,31. L.15.31. ,1.10,27. 16,15. 17.10(2). 19, 24; mino L. 21, 33; mina J. 15,7; minL. 2, 30; gp. minra L. 19,8; dp. minum (7 times); minu (9 times); mi'num L. 20. 42: }\))m. — , Mt. 22.4; mino J. 21, 15; mino L. 19, 27. J. 13, 9. 21,16; mina L. 6, 47; mine L. 7, 44. 7, 45 ; min L. 7,46. 12.17: apf. mino L. 24, 39. J. 10, 14. 20, 27: apn. mino (9 times); mino J. 14,15. 21,17; mina Mt. 7. 24. 7, 26. J. 12. 47. 15, 10; min Mt. 27. 35. J. 9, 30. misbegeonga anv. cxtcrniinare, ind. jires. 2 pi. misbegaas Mt. 6, 16. miscw(e(!)a sv. ■malcdicerc, ind. pres. 3 sg. miscuoeSas Mk. 7, 10; pret. 3 pi. miseuedon J. 9, 28. misdoa anv. male agere, ind. pres. i 3 sg. misdoeti J. 3, 20. misb^ebbende aj. (pp.) viale hahens, apm. — , Mt. 8, 16. missenlic aj. variiis, dp. missenlieum Mk. 1,34; missenlicu L. 4,40. misspreca sv. riiurmurare, ind. pret. 3 pi. missprecon J. 6, 41; missp' J. 6. 61; inf. misspreca J. 6, 43. miswinna sv. elaborare, opt, pret. 3 sg. miswunne L. I 2, 12. mitta sm. modiiis , corns, satnm, ds. mitto Mk. I 3, 4. 4, 21. L. 11, 33; mitte Mt. 5, 15. L. 1 7, 9; ap. mitto L. 13, 21. 16, 7. mi(5 prep, cum, apud, ex, w. dat. (125 times). xMk. (114 times). L. (158 times). J. (82 times); mid Mt. 26,72; w. ace. mvS Mt. (29 times). :\Ik. (14 times). L. (34 times). J. (29 times); in Mk. 14, 18. mi&" av. secicm, simul, Mk. 2, 19. 8, 14. 9,8. 14,33. L. 8,51. 14,15. 14,28. J. P188". [See ;i;e miS.] mibgearwung (gearwung?) sf. prcp- paratio, ds. mi^igearwing Mk. I 5, 10. mi5"6on av. continuo, — , Mt. 13, 21. mibby ej. ciinu ditm, Mt. (120 times). Mk. (119 times). L. (180 times). J. (126 times); mifiy J. I 8, 4; mit)5io L. 14,8; miS Mk. 12,42. 15, 45. J. 13, 2. ini(5wyrea wv. cooperari, pres. p. mibwyrcende Mk. 16. 20. mixen s. sfercus, sterqinlinhim, ds. — , 1.1. 14, 35; ap. micxseno L. 13, 8. -iikkI — iiioTii2:faIdHco 148 "-mod. see e(5-, i;'lo Mt. 27.44; dp. murscea(5Q L. 23, 39; a]). m6rscea5o L. 23, 33; raorsceabo Mk. 15,27. mor5or sn. hoiiiicidiiiiii, as. — , L. 23,19. 23,25; morbiir Mt. 19,18. 27, 16; up. morSur Mt. 15, 19. mor^orslaga wmJiomicidmin, Jiom- icida, as. morfJurslaga Mt. 116, 15; morSorsl' .Mk. 15, 7; up. mor- dorslago Mk. 7, 21; ap. mor?5or- slago i\rt. 22. 7. ni(')t smn. fcstuca, nnniisrna , ds. moteL i 5,8; as. -. Mt. 22, 19. L. 6, 41; mot Jilt. 7, 3. 7, 4. 7, 5. L. 6, 42 (2). -mot, see gemot. mota anv. lice re, ind. ])res. 3 sg. mot Mt, 27, 6; 1 \)\. moto L. 22, I 49 ; pret. 3 pi. moston Mt. 14, 36. ' moteru sn. prcrtorinvi, as. motern : ,1. 18,28. [See gemotern.] mudric sn. (?) locnlns, a]), mudrica J. 12, 6. munt sm. )iions, dp. muutum Mk. 13, 14. -mus — Nathanael 145 -mus, see almus. milt) sm. OS, labiitm, ns. mu(5 Mt. 12,;-M. 17,27. L. 1,64. (),45; ds. mu&e Mt. (4 times). L. (5 times). J. 19,20. P 187 9.10.11; m\vS% L. 22, 71; mu& Mt. 15, 18. 18, 16; as. mii(5 Mt. (4 times). L. (2 times); dp. mubum Mt. 15, 8. Mk. 7, 6. -mynd, see efnege-, gemynd. myndgiga, see gemyndgiga. myndig, see eft-, oftge-, gemyndig. mynetre sm. nuiiiiiinlariits, numi's- via, as. mynittre Mt. 22, 19; gp. mynetra Mt. 21, 12. J. 2, 15; myn- etro Mk. 11, 15; dp. mynetrum Mt. 25, 27; ap. mynetro J. 2, 14. N. -n, see el-, hrsef-. mseg-, reg-, swef-, stef-, Segn. nacediga wv. ntidare, pp. dsm. nac- ode L. I 5, 8. [See genacediga.] uaeod aj. inidns, usm. — , Mt. 25, 36. 25, 43. Mk. 14, 52. J. 21, 7; dsm. — , Mk. 14, 51; asm. — , Mt. 25,38. 25,44. nab-, nsef-, naf-, forms of the verb nabba, see habba. nsefig aj. me^idicus, egenus, nsm. nffifge J. 9, 8 ; dpm. nsefigil J. 12, 5. 13,29. mefre av. numquam, nondum, non, onmino, nsefre Mt. 9, 33. 12, 7. 21, 16. Mk. 14, 29. L. 15, 29. J. 7, 46; najfra Mt. 7, 23. 21, 19. 21, 42. 26,33. Mk. 2, 12. J. 19,41; nsefrie Mt. II 7, 3. njegliga, see gensegliga. na^ht sfn. nox, ns. — . Mk. 1 3, 13 ('?), J. 9,4; gs. nsehtesMt. 14,25. Mt. 6,48. L. 2, 8; ds. — , Mt. I 8,6. 2, 14. 25, 6. 26, 31. 26, 34. 28, 13. Mk. 4, 27. 5, 5. 14, 30. L. 2, 37. 12,20. 17,34. 18,7. J. 3, 2. 7, 50. 11,10. 19,39. 21,3; as. —, Mk. 14,27. L. 5, 5. J. 13,30; gp. nielita Mt. 4, 2. Mk. 1, 13; dp. na^htum Mt. 12,40(2); n^litii L. 21,37. I See midderna3ht.] nsenig indef. prn. aj, nemo, millus, (ne)quis, nihil, nsm. na^nig Mt. 24,36. Mk. 2.21. J. 7, 13. 7,19; ne JBnig Mk. 11,2. 13,5. 13,32. L. 1, 61. 4,24. 4,27. 5,37. 5,39. 7,28. 9,62. 10,22. 11,33. 14,24. 16,13. 18,19. 18,29. 19,30; ne aenig L. 5,36; dsm. nsenigum J. Cook, Northumbrian Glossary. 8, 33; ne senigu L. 5, 14. 9, 36; nsengum Mk. 1 3, 20; dsn. nsenig Mk. 9, 29; asn. ne a!nig L. 18, 34. nsenigmgnn sm. and indef. prn. nemo, millus, (ne)qiiis, ns. me- nigmonn Mt. 22, 46. 24, 4. Mk. 2, 22. 3,27. 5,4. 5,43. 10,18. 10, 29. J. 3, 2. 3, 13. 4, 27. 6, 65. 9, 4 ; fenigmenn Mt. 20, 7 ; neanig- monn J. 7, 4; icnigmonn Mt. 6, 24. 8, 28. 9, 16. 10, 28. 11, 27. 20, 7; ne senigmonn L. 15, 16. J. 6,44; ne senigmon Mk. 12,34; naenig- ■;;/^;^;^Mk.9,39. J. 7,27. 7,30. 8, 10. 8,11. 8,20. 10,18. 14,6. 15, 13; ne semgrnonn L. 8,16. J. 7, 44. 10,29; dsm, nsenigum menn Mt.l6,20.Mk.l,44. 8,26; n«nigu menn Mt. 17, 9; ffinigum menn Mt. 8, 4; asm. nsenigmonn Mt. 17, 8. Mk. 7,24. 9,8; ne [enigne ■inonn L. 10, 4; ne aenigmon L. 3, 14; ajnigne monno J. 8, 15. [See iienigmonn.] njijniht indef. prn. nihil, nullus, ns. na^niht Mt. 17,20. J. 1,3; ds. nsenihte Mt. 5, 13; as. nseniht Mt. 21, 19. L. 23, 14 (aj.?); naiueht L. 23, 22. nicvd s. illinium, ds. nevde Mt. I 4,3. nalles av. non, Mt. 1, 18 mg. 7,29. 26,5; nallas Mt. 26,39. nan aj. nullus, non, nsm. nan Mt. 12,8; asm. nan J. 18,38. 19,4; asn. nan J. 10, 41. 16, 29. Nathanael p. n., ns. natha J. 1, 46. 1,49; nath' J. 1,48; as. natha J. 1,45; nath' J. 1,47. 10 146 Natlianing — neh Nathaning p. n., ns. natlianing L. 3,31. nazarenesc aj. nazarenus, nsm. — , L. 4,34; nazarenisea L. 18,37; nazarenesco Mt. 26, 71; natzaren- isca J. 19, 19; ds. nazarenesco Mk. 14, 67; nazareniseo L. 24, 19 ; asm. nazarenasea Mk. 16, 6; nazaren- esca J. 18,7; natzarenisca J. 18,5. nazarese aj. nazarenus, nazarcus, nsm. nazaiesca Mt. 2, 23. Mk. 10, 47; nazare Mk. 1, 24. Nazareth p. u., gs. natzareSes Mt. 4, 13; ds. — , Mk. 1, 9. L. 2, 4. J. 1, 46; naza L. 2, 51, 4, 16; as. nazal L. 2, 39. ne av. non, nee, neque, Mt. (316 times). Mk. (211 times). L. (338 times), J. (336 times); and ne Mk. 8,17. L. 18, 15. 3,14; ni J. 19, 36. 21, 25. [See lec ne, ahne, Sjette ne.] ne {«c av. neque, ne ec Mt. 24, 21; ne ec Mt. 5, 15. 6, 20; nee Mt. 10, 24(Lat.?); ne a^c Mk. 11, 33. J. 8, 19. 13,16. 14,27. ne get av. jiecdutn, nonduin, ne get Mk. 4, 40; ne get Mt. 8, 17. 8,21. ne hwa;i' ne(?) av, non, neliuarne Mt. 8, 30. ne hwjet 5a av. neqiiidqtiani, ne hwset 6a Mt. I 6, 6. ne bseli av. neque, ne Sah L. 16, 31. ne 5a geane av. nondimi, ne 6a geane J, 7, 39. 8, 57; ne 6a geana Mt. 16, 9, ne 68et ane av, non solum, ne ^ ane Mt, 21, 21, ne 6a get av, nondiini, ne 6a get L. 23, 53, J. I 5, 5, 2, 4, 3, 24, 7, 6, 7,8, 7,30, 8,20, 11,30,20,17; ne 6a gett J, 19, 41, 20, 9, ne 6e 6on av, neque, — , Mt, 22,46, -neantig, see hundneantig. nearu aj. angiistus, nsf. narau Mt. 7, 14; asf. nearo (nearo sse = fretum) Mt. 16,5; neruu Mt. I 17,14; neai-uo Mt. 7, 13; asn. nearo L. 13, 24. nearuned aj. sb. (?) angustus, ds. narone6e L. I 8, 6, neawung sf, approach, ds. neawung (= proxivio) Mk. 13, 28. ned sf. necessitas, as. ned Mk. 2, 25. ned aj. necesse, necessarium, ned Mil 14, 10. 14,16. 18,7; nede Mt. I 5, 8. ned av. vix, ned L. 9, 39, neda wv. cogere, violareQ\ ind, pres, 2 sg, neddes Mt. I 1,1; pret. 3 pi. nedon L. 24,29; pres. p. nedende (= volenti, glossed as viole^tti) Mt. 5, 42, [See geneda,] nedgaefel sn, tributus, as. nedgaefel Mt, I 20, 8. nedl sn.(?) acus, gs. nedles L. 18, 25 ; nedles Mt. 19, 24. Mk. 10, 25. nedlic aj. necessary ij) ^ dpm. ned- (licfl == necessitudines , in the sense of relatives^ L. I 8, 13. nednima wm. raptor, rapina, ds. (?) neduima (error for nedniming?) Mt. 23, 25; np. nedniomo L. 18, 11. nedniming sf. rapina, ds. nednim- incg L. 11, 39. nedra wf. serpens, as. nedra L. 11, ll;nedr8e J. 3,14; nedrie(nedrse?) Mt. 7, 10; np. nedro Mt. 10, 16; nedra Mt. 23, 33; dp. nedru L. 10,19; ap. nedro Mk. 16,18. ned&arf sf. necessitas, necesse, opus, ns. — , L. I 2, 8. 14, 18. 22, 7. 24, 4. J. 16, 7 (ued6arf is = expedit). 16,30; nedba^rf J. 13, 12; ned- far6 (?) J. 13, 29 ; as. ned6arf Mk. 2, 17. L. 23, 17. nedSarf aj. 7iecessarius, nsm. ned- 8arf Mk, 11, 3; nsn. nedSarf L. 10, 42; asm. ued6arf L. 19, 34; npn. ned&arf L. 14, 28; apn. (?) ned6arfo L. 11, 8. nedunga av. violenti, nedunga Mt. 11,12. neh aj. proxivms, nsn. neh J. 6, 4. 11,55; dsn. neh Mk. 13,28. 13, 29. J. 7, 2; asm. neh J. 6, 19; superl. nesta (= proxinius, no- vissimus; set nesta = novissime): nsm. neesta L. I 6, 19. 10, 36; neb — nioma • 147 neestae L. 10,29; gsm. neista Mt. I 21, 13; dsn. nesta Mt. 2(), 60. Mk. 6, 14. L. 18,5. 20,32; asm. iieesta Mt. 22, 39. Mk. 12, 81; neesto Mt. 19, 19; neste Mt. 5, 43. L. 10,27; apn. neesto Mk. 1,38; nesta Mk. 6, 36. [See unneli.] neh av. propc, pixta, neli Mt. 24, 32. 26,18. Mk. 14.42. L.I 11,1. 21,30. 21,31. J. 19,42. neh prep, sccus, juxta, w. dat. neh Mt. 13,1. 13,4. 13,19. 13,48. 15, 29. Mk. 10, 46. L. 2, 9. 8, 5. 9, 47. 10, 33. 19, 11. 24, 4. J. 3, 23. 4, 5. 6,23. 11,18. 11,54. 19.20. 19, 25; w. ace. neh L. 10,32. nehebiir sui. zncimis, np. neheburas L. 1, 58 ; J. 9, 8 ; dp. neheburu L. 15,6; ap. neheburas L. 1,65. 14, 12. nehebyrild sm. mcina, ap. nehebvr- ildas L. 15, 9. nehwiga, see efnege-, genehwiga. neirxna, see neresna-. Neman p. n., gs. neman L. I 4, 14; ds. neman L. 4, 27. nemna wv. dicere, nominarr, appcl- lare, ind. pres. 3 sg. nemne6 L. I 5, 6. I 8, 8 ; pp. nemned Mk. 7, 26. [See be-, genemna.] neoleca wv. appropinquarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. neoleces Mt. 26, 46. [See ge-, togeneoleea.] nercsnawong sm. (?) paradisus, gs. neirxnawonga Mt. I 6,2; ds. nerc- snawong L. 23, 43. neriga, see generiga. Nering p. n., ns. nering L. 3, 27. uesc, see hnesc. nese av. iwn, — , Mt. 5, 37("-). 13, 29; nsese J. 1,21. 7,12; nsesi J. 21,5. nest smn. nidtis, as. — , L. 13, 34 ; ap. nestas Mt. 8, 20 ; nesto Mt. 8, 20. L. 9, 58. nest sn. stipendmvi, dp. nestu L, 3, 14. nestiga (nestiga?) wv. nere, ind. pres. 3 pi. nestaS L. 12,27; nestas Mt. 6, 28. nestpohha wm. pcra, as. uestpoha Mt. 10, 10. neten sn. anii/iaLjninciihim, pccus, ns. neten Mt. 1 8,4; ds. netne L. 10, 34; np. neteno J. 4, 12; gp. netua Mt. 17, 8; ap. netna Mt. 18,4. nett sn. rete, us. nett L. 5. 6. J. 21, "ll; as. nett L. 5, 2. J. 21,6. 21, 11; bnett Mt. 4, 18; net L. 5, 5; dp. nettu Mk. 1, 18; ap. netto Mk. 1,19. L. 5,4; hnetta Mk. 1, 16; netta Mt. 4, 20. 4,21. 4,22. nevd, see naevd. Nicodemus p. n., ns. nicodemus J. 3,1. 19,39; uicodl J. 34,39. nigon num. novem, as. nigona Ml;. 18, 12. 18, 13. L. 15, 4. 17, 17; nigone L. 15, 7. nima, see nednima. niming sf. znilsio, ds. — , L. I 5, 3. [See nedniming.] niolnise sf. abyssus, as. niolnise L. 8, 31. niom^, sv. tcnere, capere, accipere, suscipere, toller e, vellere, di- ripere, ferre, continere, assiim- ere, aiiferre, occuparc, rctinere, traJiere, rapere, ind. pres. 1 sg. nimo J. 12, 32; 2 sg. nimes J. 10, 24; 3 sg. nimeS Mt. 10, 38. L. 13, 33. J. 1,29. 8,37. 10,12. 10,18. 10,28. 15,2. 16,22; nlmeS L. 6, 30; nimmes L. 19,22; 2 pi. nimaS J. 20, 23; 3 pi. niomaS Mt. 19, 11. 26, 52. L. 4, 11; uiomas Mk. 16, 18; pret. 2 pi. nomon Mk. 8, 20. L. 11, 52; nomo Mt. 26,55; opt. pres. 3 sg. nioma L. 22, 36 ; 2 pi. nime L. 9, 3 ; imp. sg. uim Mt. 17, 27. 20, 14. 21, 21. Mk. 2, 9. 2, 11. L. 5,24. 23,18. J. 14,8. 5,8. 5,12. 19, 15(2); pi. niomas Mt. 25,28; niomab J. 11, 39; inf. nioma Mk. 2, 2 ; to niomanne Mt. 5,40. 24,18. L. 11,54. 17, 31; to niommanne Mk. 13, 16; to nio- manne Mk. 3, 27; to nummanne L. 1, 25; pres. p. niomeude Mt. 27,27. L. 5,10. J. I 3, 6; nio- 10* 148 iuo?5a — Noe monde Mt. 26, 57; nimmende Mt. I 10, 3; g-p. niomendra Mt. I 18, 20; apm. niomande L. 19, 10. [See be-, efnefor-, for-, from-, fromge-, ge-, ned-, of-, ofge-, toge-, under- nioma.] nioSa num. noinis, nioSa Mt. I 3. 18. I 9,8. 121,14; gsm. mg-o?5a :^[k. I 5, 4; dsm. nioSa L. I 10, 11. nio5'aweard av. deorsum, — , Mt. 27, 51; niotJuord Mk. 15, 38; neaSa J. 8,23. niottmest aj. bimatiis, dsm. uio(5- mesta Mt. 2, 16. -nise, see acen-, sedeaw-, alese-, asafgd-, astig-. bjelig--, bebyrg-, berbt-, bisig-, een-, cken-, crypel-, cynnreece-, eyS-, d^el-, deaSber-. degel-, diop-, eadig-, eaS-, ee-, efen-, efneuur(»t-. eftforgef-, eft- sele-. embelitsum-, eudebred-, eorShroer- , erfeweard-. eswie-, eSm6d-, fterwitgior-, fa?st-. fl6w-, fordrif-, fores£egd-, forget-, for- let-, forworp-, froefer-, fromslit-. frumacen-, fvll-, fyrht-. geberbt-, gebreug-, geeore-, geeyS-, gefa;!-, gefyll-, gelic-, gelior-, gem-, ge- mam-, gesaegd-, gesele-. geset-, gesibci-, geswiper-, geSafsum-, ge&eodsum-, geSungen-, gewit-, gior-, gl?ed-, balig-, bea-, heard-, befig-, bebstald-, ben-, here-, ber-, bersum-, bnesc-, breow-, brce5-, Idel-, les-, lie-, lustgior-, mennise-, micel-, miltbeort-, mgnigfald-, monigfaldsum-. monncwalm-, ni- ol-, cebt-, ofergem-, oferget-, ofer- swiS-, ofgestig-, ondet-, ondspyr-, ondweard-,ongelic-, onles-, oulic-, onset-, onwit-, onwrig-, recce-, rebt-, rip-, sjegd-, sci-, sele-, set-, slit-, smiri-, smylt-, scec-, s6Sfsest-, stig-, sti5-, styre-, sum-, swegung-, tel-, tidlie-, todiel-, t6droef-, t6slit-, towyrp-, trym-. Sri-, unclsen-, un- feger-, ungeleaffull-, ungelefe-, ungleow-, unrut-, uusceomful-, unsibsum-, unsmylt-, unsoSfgest-, uurebtwis , uutrym-, iitiorn-, wet-, wifgior-, wit-, wiSerweard-, wcer- ig-, wceste-, wobful-, worb"-, wr^ecce-, ymbcorfnise. nibergefalla sv. prociderc, ind. pret. 3 sg. gefeoll niSer Mt. 18,26; 3 pi. niSer gefeallon Mt. 2, 11, niSriga wv. contcvDicre, acaisare, ind. pres. 3 pi. ni5rat5 Mk. I 3, 14; opt. pres. 2 pi. niSria Mt. 18, 10; mf.(?) niSria Mk. 3,2; pres. p. apm, ni(^riendo Mk. I 4, 12 ; bniSriendo L. 16, 12. [See ge- niSriga.] niSrung sf damnatio, gs. bnitirunges (= calcandi) L. 10. 19; as, — , L. 23,40. 24,20. uiwe a], iioviis, riidis, nsf. niwa L. 22, 20; niua Mk. 1, 27: nsn, niua L, 5, 36. 5, 37; niuse J. 19, 41; niwe Mt. 13, 26; gsm. (?) niwes Mk. 2, 21; gsf. (wk.) niua Mt. 26, 28; gsn. niwes Mk. 14, 24. L, I 5, 3; niuaes J. 10,22; niuses J. I 6. 5; dsf niAve Mt. 27. 60 ; dsn, niwe Mt. I 2,7. I 2, 14; nine L. 5, 36; niuue L. 5, 36; asf. niwe Mk. 2, 21; asn. niwe Mt. I 1, 1. 9, 17. 26, 29. Mk. 2, 22(2). 14, 25; nine Mt. 9, 17; niua L. 5, 37. 5, 38. 5,39. J. 13,34; npn. niua J. 1 1, 10; dp. niuum Mt, I 2, 6, Mk, 16, 17; niwum i\Ik. 2, 22; niutl L, 5,38; apm. nine Mt. 9, 17; apn. niwea Mt. 13. 52. nlwcumen aj. (pp.) newly arrived, dsm. niw[e]cumenu Mt. 10, 14 mg. niwiga wv. rest if 11 ere, ind. pres, 2 sg. niveas Mt. I 3, 13. [See eft-, eftge-, geniwiga.] niwung, see edniwung. niwunga av. denuo, niwunga Mk. 14,40; niunge J. 3, 3. n6 av. non, — , Mt. 22, 17. L. 20, 22; no Mt. I 7, 1. Mk. 11.14. 12, 14. J. 14.22(2). 14^27. 18,40.20, 5. 20,7, 21,23. no ma av, tantum, no maa L, I 9,8, Noe p. n,, gs. noes Mt. 24, 37, L. I 9,11. 17,26, noh — oelebearu 149 n6h aj. e^iough, nsn. noh (noh is = S7iffciaf) ]\It. 25, 9. [See genoh.] noht (nowiht only j\It.) sn. niJn'l, ipiicquaDi, ns. nowiht ^[t. 10, 26. 27,19; noht Mt. 23, 16. 23, 18. Mk. 7,15. L. 10,19. 12.2.22,35. 23, 15. J. 1, 3. 8, 54: ds. nowihte Mt. 5, 13; as. nowiht Mt. 26.62. 27, 12. 27, 24; noht Mk. 11, 13. 14, 60. 14. 61. 15, 5. L. 3. 13. 4, 2. 4,35. 5.5. 6,35. 9,3. 23,4. 23, 9. 23, 41. J. I 7, 9. 7, 26. 8, 28. 12,19. 15,5. 18,20. 21,3. noht aj. milhis , asm. neoht L. 23, 22. noht mara av. tantum, nolit mava Mt. I 8, 8. noma sm. nomen, ns. noma (31 times); ds. noma (59 times) ; noma J. 17, 12; as. noma (22 times); np. noma Mt. 10, 2. 23. 23 mg. L. 10, 20 ; noffla Mt. 1 2, 1 2 ; gp. noma L. 6, 16; dp. nomii J. 10,3. [See ciiQnoma.] ngmiga, see getornomiga. non sn. nona (hora), gs. nones Mt. 27,45. 27,46. nun aj. 7ionus, nsf. non Mk. 15,34; asf.' non Mt. 20, 5. Mk. 15. 33. L. 23, 44. norSa av. aquilone, — , L. 13,29. notiga, see foregenotiga. nil av. nunc, modo, jam, — , Mt. 5.5. 26,65. 27,42. Mk. 15,32. L. 6, 25. J. (26 times) ; niiii J. 15. 22; nun J. 8, 40. 13, 7; nu (21 times); nuu J. 4, 18. 9, 19. 9, 21. [See ah Sset ana nrt, eleur mi, wiS mi.] mi geane av. uiodo, nu geana Mt. 24, 21. nii reht av. modo, Mt. 26, 53. numen s. zndsio, ds. numenne Mk. ' Mk. I 2. 17. -nyhtsumiga, see genylitsumiga. nymtSe ej. nisi, — . Mt. 13, 57. 26, 42. Mk. 13,9. 2,7. 2,26. 3,27. nytiga wv. concupisccrc , inf. to nytanne Mt. 5, 28. nytt sf. opus, as — , Mt. 21, 3. 0. -0, see ffild-, bgeld-, br^ed-, cySS-, eastr-, eg-, eortt-, feerswig-. fric-, frymS-, fyrht-, g^els-, htel-, hiyt-, heSb-, latt-, leng-, menig-, meol-, oferfyll-, ond-. red-, s;id-, snytr-, st^ll-, stal-, stand-, streng-, swig-, tiiostr-, unchen-, unhc(4-, uusuytr-, untrymmig-, will-,wracc-,wne55-, wra6o. ObeSing p. n., ns. — , L. 3. 32. -od, see eor-, hiorod. oefest s. festinatio, ds. oefeste Mk. 6, 25. L. 1, 39. OBfistiga wv. fcstiuare, ind. pret. 3 sg. oeiistade L. 19,6; imp. sg. oefesta L. 19, 5 ; pres. p. oefistende Mt. I 7, 15; npm. oefistande L. 2, 16. [See gecBfistiga.] a^fistliee av. fcstiiians, per f r creeps, oetistlice L. 8,33. 19,5; oefestlice Mt. 8, 32. tt'hta ^s.perseqiii, ind. pres. 3 pi. oehtas Mt. 5, 11; pres. p. npm. oehtendo J. 15,20; dpm. oehtend- um Mt. 5, 44; pp. oehtad L. 11, 49. [See a-, gecehta.j cehtend sm. (pres. p.) persecutor, dp. oehtendum Mk. 10, 30. oehtnise sn. perseactio, ns. oeht- nisse Mt. 13, 21. Mk. 4, 17; gs. oehtnisses Mt. I 16, 12; ds. oeht- nise L. I 7, 13; as. oehtnise L. I 5, 6; oehtnisse Mt. 5.10; dp. oeht- nissum Mk. I 4, 13. cele sm. oleum, gs. oeles L. 16,6; ds. ole Mt. 25, 8. Mk. 6, 13; as. ocle Mt. 25, 3. 25, 4. L. 10, 34. oelebeam sm. oliva, 2,'p. oelebeama Mk. 13. 3. 14, 26; oelebeame Mk. 11,1. oelebearu sm. oliva, olivet uni, gp. olebearua L. 22, 39; olebearuas Mt. 26,30; oelebearuu L. 19, 29; olebearu L. 21, 37. 150 oelefset — ofer oelefet sn. alahastmm, as. oelefet L. 7, 37. oeSel sm. patria, rcgio, ns. oeSel Mt. 3, 5; ds. oebel Mt. 13, 57. Mk. 13,9. 6,4. L.I4, 13. 4,23. 4,24; oeSle J. 4, 44; as. oe&el Mt. 2, 12. 13, 54. Mk. 6, 1. [See federoL'bel.J oeQiga wv. spirarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. , oeb'aS J. 3, 8. QESilwald p. n., ns, oeSiluald J. P 188 12; emiuald J. P 1882. of prep, de, ex, e, a, w. dat. of Mt. (212 times). Mk. (114 times). L. (185 times). J. (210 times); ofro L. 22, 43; of L. 12, 52; w. ace. of Mt. 15, 5. 15,7. 18,19.21, 43. Mk. 7, 6. 9, 39. L. 5, 10. 21, 16. 22,37. 22,69.24,44. J. 5, 31. 5, 32 (2). 5, 36. 5, 37. 5, 46. 8, 14. 8.18. 8,26. 10,25.10,41.15,26. 16,5. 16,19; w. gen. of Mt. 27. 48. L. 24, 22. of (error of scribe) of (= decemnas) L. I 10, 1. . of hwon av. quo, of buou Mt. 6, 31. of Son cj. av. qua, quo, ex quo, cum quo, eo, ergo, exinde, — , Mt. 17,13. 115.2. 122,5. 4,17. 5.19. 16, 21. Mk. 2, 8. 7,37.8,17. 9.21. 10,38. 11,18. 12,9. L.I 3, 12. 13,19. 14,6.7,45.13,7.24, 21. J. I 7, 15. of Son gee av. equidem, of Son ec Mt. I 9, 9. ofacerra wv. evertere, pp. ofacerred L.'l 10, 4. ofadrifa sv. amovere, pp. ofadrifen L. 16, 4. ofageafa sv. gwe iip, ind. pret. 3 sg. ofagaBf (of gast agsef = ex- piram'i) Mk. 15, 37. ofasetta wv. deponere, ind. pret. 3 sg. ofasette L. 23, 53. ofastiga sv. desce?tdere, ind. pret. 3 pi. ofastigon L. 5, 2. ofawrita sv. dcs crib ere, ind. pret. 3 sg. ofawrat Mt. I 6, 12. ofawyrtrumiga wv. eradicarc, pp. pp. ofawyrtrnniad Mt. 15, 13. ofblindiga wv. exccEcare, ind. pret. 3 sg. of blindade J. 12, 40. ofcearfa sv. excidcrc, decollare, ah- scmdere, ind. pret. 1 sg. ofeearf L. 9, 9; 3 sg. ofeearf Mt. 14, 10. J. 18, 10. 18,26; imp. sg. ofeearf Mk. 9,43; pp. ofcorfen Mt. 3,10. L. 3, 9. ofcerra wv. dwertere, evertere, prcetcrire, ind. pret. 3 sg. ofcerde Mk. 11, 15; 3 pi. ofeerdon L. 9,12. ofcliopiga wv. exclamare, ind. pret. 3 sg. ofcliopade Mk. 1,23. 15,34; pres. p. ofclioppende Mk. 1, 26. ofcuma sv. procedere, exire, ind. pres. 3 sg. ofcymes Mt. 2,6; of- cimes Mt. 15, 11; 3 pi. ofcymeS Mk. 7, 21; ofcymes Mt. 15, 18. ofdelfa sv. effodcrc, ind. pres. 3 pi. ofdelfes Mt. 6, 19. 6, 20. ofd6a any. extrahcrc, deponere, ind. pres. 3 sg. ofdoeS L. 14, 5; pret. 3 sg. ofdyde Mk. 15, 46. ofdcema wv. rt'//"z/te L. 22,34; 0(55 |>te L. 20, 43. 22, 16. obSe cj. an, aut, vel, si've, — , Mt. 18,17. 118,15. 17,25. Mk. 11, 30.12,14. L.I 4, 3. 6,9(2); o(55a L. 22, 27. J. 18, 34; obtise Mt. 1 1, 6. 1 14, 10. 5, 17. 11, 3. oxa swm. bos, ns. — , L. 14,5; gs. oxes L. I 8, 5. I 8, 10; as. — , L. 15, 27; 0X0 L. 15,23. 15,30; woxo L. 13, 15; gp. oxua L. 14, 19; ap. exin J. 2, 14. 2, 15. 160 pset5 — pricle P. pgeS sm. chaos, vallis, ns. • — , L. 16,26; — , L. 3,5. palma wm. (?) palmcs, gp. palma J. I 6, 12; palraana J. 12, 13; ap. palmo J. I 7, 9. palmtreo sf. palmcs, us. palmtreo J. 15,4. palmung ^n.palmes, as. - — , J. 15, 2. papa wm. papa, vs. papa Mt.I4, 12. Pathmos p. n., ds. pathma J. I 1, 11. Paulus p. n., ns. paul' L. 1 3, 5; gs. paules J. P 187 '•; ds. paule L. I 2,2; as. paule L. I 2, 2. peuuiug sm. denarhis, gs. peuuiuges 'L. I 10, 8; penu Mk. 12,42; \ls. peuuing Mt. 20. 2. 20,13; as. penning Mt. 22, 19. L. 20, 24; pening Mk. 12, 15; gp. peunTga J. 6,7; penu J. 12, 5; dp. penuingii Mk. 6, 37; ap. penningas Mt. 20, 9. 20,10. L. 7,41; peud L. 10,35; penieas J. 12, 6. ponuingsht'lit sm. census, as. penn- 'ingsfelit Mt. 17,25. 22,17. Petrus p. n., ns. petrus (8 times) ; petT (15 times); pet' (24 times); petre Mk. 3, 16; p J. 21, 7; gs. petres (10 times); ds. petre (14 times); petri J. 21, 15; pet' Mt. 16,7. L. 22,34; petr J. 20,2; as. petrus Mt. I 20, 5 ; petrum J. 13, 6; peter Mt. I 19,16; petr (3 times); pet' (3 times). Philippus p. n., ns. i)liilippus J. 1, 45; plulr (3 times); pill J. 6, 7; gs. pbilipes Mk. 6, 17; philip Mk. 8,27; ds. philippu J. 6,5; pliilip J. 12, 21; as. pliilippum Mk. 3, 18 pic, see horupic. pinere sm. tortor, dp. pineru Mt. 18,34. piniga wv. torqucre, opt. pres. 2 sg. pinia L. 8, 28; inf. to pinenne Mt. 8, 29. [See gepiniga.l pinn s. calamus, ds. — , Mt. I 2,18. pis aj. gravis, dp. pisu (pisu hos = siliquts) L. 15,16; apn.(?) pisa Mt. 23, 4. pislic aj. ingravatus, npm. pislieo Mk. 14, 40. pi slice 2,N . graviter , — , Mt. 13, 15' pislice L. 11, 53. pl?ece wf. (?) platca, gp. plaecena Mt. 6, 5; dp. phGccum L. 14, 21; plsecum Mk. 6, 56; pliecil L. 13, 26; plsecu L. 10, 10. plseg sm. (?) saltatio, gs. plffiges Mk. I 3, 11. pUegiga wv. sal fa re, ind. pret. 3 sg. plfegede Mk. 6, 22; 2 pi. phegade (gie) L. 7, 32; pliegde (ge) Mt. 11, 17. [See geplsegiga.] plett sf. (?) oznlc, ns. plette J. 10, 16; ds. plette J. 10,16; as. plett J. 10, 1. ploutiga wv. plantarc, ind. pres. 3 "sg. plonta?* Mk. I 2, 5; pret. 3 sg. ploutade Mt. 15, 13. [See ge-, oferplontiga.] plnutung sf. plantatio, ns. plontunc Mt. 15, 13. pohha/^;'«, as. poha Mk. 6, 8; pocca L. 9, 3. [See nestpoliha.] pol ^n. nafaforia, ds. pole J. 9, 11. [See fisepol.] ponua, see heafudponna. port sm. porta, castclhim, porticus, civitas, ns. — , Mt. 7, 14; ds. — , Mt. 118. 6; as. — , Mt. 7, 13; ap. portas Mt. I 18, 17. Mk. 6, 6. J. 5,2. portcwoen sf. vieretrix, peccatrix, ns. portcuoeue L. 7, 37. 7,39; np. portcwoeuo Mt.21,31; portcuoeno Mt. 21,32; dp. porteuoenu L. 15, 30; porteuenu Mt. I 21, 7. portic ^va. porticus, ds. — , J. 10,23. posa wm. pera, as. — , Mk. 6, 8. L. 9,3. 10,4. postol sm. apostolus, gp. postolra L. I 2, 2. preost sm. priest, ns. preo| Mt. 10, 8 mg. ; ds. preo' Mt. 10, 14 mg. [See meassapreost.) pride wf. (?) apex, stimulus, iota, psalm recca IGl mi)iiiturn, ns. — , Mt. 5, 18(2); as. priclii L. 12, 59; dp. priclom L. 1 3,6. psalm sm. fsalimis, ds. psalnie L. I 10, 11. [See sulni.] pulspere sn. aruiido, as. p"ulspcr Mt. 11, 7. ])imd sin. libra, as. — , J. 12, 3; g'p. piinda J. 19, 39. pundere sm. lihranns, dp. pvuderv' Mt. I 2, a. purple aj. purpurriis, asn. purbple J. 19, 5. Pylatus p. n., ds. jnlat' L. 23, 1; pila L. 23, 11; otherwise pylatus, or abbreviations, in nora. and dat. (11 times), pytt sm. pufnis, ns. — , J. 4, 11; as. — , J. 4, 12. R. racenteg s. catena, dp. raecentegu L. 8, 29; hraccentegTi Mk. 5, 3; bracentegum Mk. 5, 4; ap. brae- eugo ^Ik. 5, 4. rjeca wv. porrigcrc, cxtendcrc, of- fcrrc, pertinerc, injiccre, ind. pres. 1 sg. neeo J. 13, 26; 2 sg. reces j\Ik. 4. 38 ; 3 sg. ra?ce(5 L. 11, 12; raeceb Mt. 7. 9; rtx^ees Mt. 7,10; pret. 1 sg. rabte J. 13, 26; 2 pi. rahton L. 22, 53 ; 3 pi. rabton J. 19,29; hrabton Mt. 26, 50. [See geneca.] rjOeing s. extensw, porrectto, as. necing J. I 7, 3; racing J. I 8, 11. rsefn, see braefn. ra3fna wv. siisfincrc, ind. j)res. 3 sg. brsefneb Mt. 6, 24. rtegl, see hrsegl. nes sm. impehis, procella, ns. brjes L. 8, 23; ds. hra^s Mt. 8, 32. Mk. 5, 13. [See fer-, windrass.] rsesa wv. irniere, ind. pret. 3 pi. rsesdon Mk. 3, 10. [See ge-, in- riesa.] ra?st sf. quies, requies, re cubit us, accubitus, ds. reste Mt. I 18,19; as. — , L. 11, 24;" W-iest L. I 8, 11; raest Mt. I 8,6; rest Mt. 11, 29. 12,43; ap. brsesto L. 14,7; resto Mt. 23, 6. raista wv. requiescere, discumbcrc, reciuiibcre, cessarc, accuniberc, vacarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. braestaS L. 13, 29; pret. 3 sg. brseste Mk. 4,39; imp. sg. rssst L. 12, 19; pi. restat) Mt. 26, 45; restas Mk. 6, Cook, Northumbrian Glossary. 31; HKstas Mk. 14,41; pres. p. restende Mt. 12, 44 {=^vacantem). Mk. 6, 26 ; nestende m. 9, 10 ; gp. restendra ^It. 22, 10; rsest- endra J. 21, 12; dp. npsteridu Mk. 16, 14; apm. restendo Mt. 22, 11. [See eftge-, genesta.] ra'stdieg sm. sabbatuiii, dies, ns. restdieg Mk. 2, 27; ds. ra3stda3ge Mk. 2, 27. 2, 28; restdiBg J. 20, 19; dp. bra3stdagri Mk. 3, 4. vje^e, see brac^e. rap sm. fuiiiciilus, dp. rapum J. 2,15. rariga vvv. mgire, pres. p. gsm. rarende Mt. 1 7, 12. -ra5, see fust-, bundraS. read aj. ruhis (?) , rubicundus , rudus (for riidis /), nsn. read Mt. 16, 2; gs. reades Mt. 9, 16; ds. reado L. 6, 44 (?). [See felle- read.J reaf, see breaf. reaf sn. vestis, spoliuiii, as. reaf Mt. 22, 12; ap. reafo L. 11,22. [See brydreaf.] reafere sm. raptor, latro, ds. brea- fere L. 22, 52; np. lireaferas L. 19,3; gp. brealera L. 19,46. reafiga wv. diripere, exspoliare, ind. pres. 3 sg. reafaS Mk. 3, 27; pres. p. reafende ^It. I 17. 4. [See be-, gereatiga.] -rec, see ge-, ungerec. reea ^x./iunigare, pres. p. recende Mt. 12. 20. recca, see arecea. 11 162 reccere — nc reccere sm. i)iterprcs, ap. recceras "Mi I 2, 11. reccenise sf. interpretafio, as. rec- cenise Mt. I 2, 7. [See eynn- reccenise.] reeels sn. incensum, rnurra, g's. receles J. 19, 39; as. reeels Mt. 2, 11; roeceles L. 1,9. reeone av. stati»i, confcsfini, con- tiiiiio, cito, citiHs, — , Mt. 21,2. 21, 3. Mk. 1, 29. 5, 2. 5, 13. 9, 20. 9, 39. 14,45, L. 4,39. 8,55. 14,21. 16, 6. J. 5, 9. 11. 31. 13, 27; rec- cone J. 18. 27: reeoue L. 15, 22; reeiine Mt. 21, 19. J. 4. 27; hrecone Mk. 5,29; lirecooe Mk. 8,10. reconliee av. cito, confimio, pro- fiims, lireconliee Mt. 28, 8. Mk. 1,18; — , Mk. 1,31. 6,25. red, see ^Elf-, Aldred. reda wv. legcrc, lecHtarc, ind. pres. 2 go-, redes Mt. I 3, 11; 3 sg. redas Mt. I 3, 8; redes Mk. 1 1, 11; redes Mk. 13, 14; pret. 3 pi. redou J. 19, 20; inf. re5a Mt. I 1,8; to redanne L. 4, 16. J. I 4, 19. I 5, 8; to redenne L. I 11, 1; pres. p. dp. redendu L. I 3, 6. J. I 1, 8. [See eft-, gereda.] redo sf. lectio, ns. redo L. I 11, 5. I 11, 16; gs. redes Mk. I 1, 9; redes Mt. I 8, 16. 1 14, 6; gp. reda I 16, 1. I 22, 12. regel, see regul. reglword sn. rcgidus, ns. reigluord J. 4, 46; regluord J. 4, 49; regl- iiuard J. 4,51; gs. regluordes J. 14,6. regn sm. phivi'a, ns. — , Mt. 7, 25. 7,27. regniga wv. plucrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. liregnaS Mt. 5, 45. regul(a) m. cano?i, gs. regies J. I 1, 12; ds. regula Mt. I 3, 14. I 3, 16. 13,17. 1 3,18. 14,4; regla Mt. 1 3, 15 ; regele Mt. 1 3, 15 ; regel Mt. I 3, 13. I 4, 5; np. reglas Mt. I 3, 2; gp. regolra Mt. I 1, 1; ap. regulas Mt. 1 3, 11. relit sn. ratio, dcbitinn, as. — , Mt. 18,23. 18,25; rebt' L. 16,2. relit aj. rectus, usn. — , Mt. I 8, 9. 18. 33. 20, 4. Mk. 1 1. 12. 13, 7. L. 13, 16. 17, 10. 20. 22; asm. — , J. 6, 32; npra. recta Mt. I 7, 17; apni. rehto L. 3.4; apf. relita Mk. 1,3; nehta Mt. 3.3; recta Mt. I 7. 13. [See mi relit, unrelit.] relita, see rilita. relite av. recte, — , L. 7, 43 ; recte L. 20, 21; comp. relitra {=-pofius) : rehtra Mt. 120,2. I 21,1. 3. 14. 10, 6; rehtrffi Mt. 10, 28. [See nil relite.] -relitluemed, see unrehtliaimed. relitlic aj. (relitlic wosa =) oport- ere, dcbcre, nsn. — , Mt, I 17, 11. 16, 21. 17, 10. 20, 15. 22, 17. 23, 16.23.18. 23,23(2). 24,6. 25,27. Mk. I 1,7. 2,22. 8,31. L. 24.46; rehtlih Mt. 19, 3; relitlice L. 1 7, 20. rehtliee av. recte, juste, jure, — , J\[t. 1 5,10. Mk. 7,35. L. 10,28. 23,41. rehtnise sf. ratio, ns. reihtniss Mt. 1 14, 10 ; ds. — , Mt. I 20, 14; relit- nissa Mt. I 9, 2; as. — , Mt. 12, 36. 18,24. 25,19; relitnisse Mt. I 16,18. relitsmeawung sf. argiimentiiin, ns. relitsmeawung j\lt. I 9, 10. relitwis, see unrelitwis. rehtwisnise, see unrelitwisnise. renda wv. cmderc, sitccidcre, ind. pret. 3 pi. rendon Mk. 11. 8; imp. pi. lirendas L. 13, 7. [See to- renda.] reof see breaf. reofiga, see reafiga. reord sn. loqiiela, locutio, ns. — , Mt. 26. 73; gp. reordana J. I 7. 10. [See riordiga.] reordbiis sn. cosnaciiluni, as. reord- bus Mk. 14, 15. [See riord.J repen, see forrepen. Resaing p. n., ns. resaing L. 3, 27. -reso, see cneo-, cynreso. resta, see ra3sta. ric sn. (m. Mt. 4, 8) regiium, ns. — , (42 times) ; ric (7 times) ; gs. -nee rum 1G3 rices Mt. 9, 35. 13, 11. 13, 28. 24, 14; rices (11 times); ds. — , (22 times); ric (6 times); as. — , (36 times) ; ric (14 times) ; ap. rieas Mt. 4, 8; ricu L. 4, b. -rice, see earliprice. ricemgnn sm. /(Eiierator, (Is. rice- mcDii L. 7, 41. ricsiga, see rixig-a. rilita wv. dirigcre, corrigere, emen- dare, ind. pres. 1 pi. liriliM Mt. I 2,4; imp. pi. relitas J. 1,23; iuf. to rehtauue L. 1, 79; to rihtanrue ^ Mt. I 2, 14. [See gerihta.] rim sm. canon, niiincnis, lis. rim Mt. 1 4, 7; ds. rim Mt. I 4, 5 ; as. rim Mt. I 4, 7; up. rimas Mt. I 4, 10. [See forerim.] rining, see liriuing. ri'ofol, see liriofol. rioppa, rippa sv. inctcrc, iud. pres. 1 sg. hrippo Mt. 25, 26; 2 sg. hripes Mt. 25. 24; hrippes L. 19, 21; 3 sg. lirioppa& J. 4, 36 (2). 4, 37; hrippes L. 19.22: 3 pi. lirio- paS L. 12, 24; rioppas Mt. 6, 26. [See gerioppa.] riord s. cania, prandhim, ns. riorda J. 13. 2; as. liriord L. 14, 12. [See geriord; reordlius.] riordiga wv. loq7ii, ind. pret. 3 sg. riordade J. 4, 27. riordiga wv. prandcre, pascere, ccenare, epulari, ind. pret. 1 pi. hriordadun Mt. 25, 37; opt. pres. 1 sg. hriordege L. 17,8; imp. pi. hriordaS J. 21, 12; inf. hriordagse L. 15, 24; to hriordanne L. 15,32. [See geriordiga.] riordhiis, see reordlii'is. riordung sf. refedio, ns. — , Mk. 14,4. ripe sn. (sf.? L. 10,2) messis, men- sura, ns. lirippe Mt. 13. 39; a'S. ripes Mk. 4,29; hripes Mt. 9,37. 13, 30. J. 4, 35; brippes Mt. 9,38; hripes Mt. 7, 2; hrippes L. 10, 2 (2); ds. hri'pe Mt. 13,30; brippe J. 4. 35; as. lirippe L. 12,42. ripemonu sm. messor, np. hripemenu Mt. 13.39; dp. lirippemonnum Mt. 13, 30. ripisern sn. falx, as. ripisern Mk. 4.29. ripnise sn. mess/s, ns. hrii)nis Mt. 13, 29. ripp, see olitripp. risa, see a-, efuea-, efta-, wii'')"arisa. risa sv. deberc, liccre, ind. pres. 3 sg. rise5" L. 6, 2; rises Mk. 13, 14. [See a-, gerisa.] risenlic aj. fitting, nsu. risnelie were = oporteat) Mk. 9, 11. -rist, see e-, efterist. ' rixiga wv, doininare, regnare, re- gere, ind. pres. 3 sg. ricsa?) L. 1,33; ricses Mt. 2, 6; 3 pi. rixab L. 22,25; ricsa5 Mt. 20,25; pret. 3 sg. rixade Mt. 2, 22; inf. rixage L. 19, 27. [See gerixiga.j rocgeta wv. cructarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. rocgetede J. P 187 12. rod sfn. crux, calamus, gs. rodes J. I 8, 12; ds. rode Mt. 27, 31. 27, 40. J. 19,19. 19,25; rode Mt. I 6, 15. I 14. 12. 27, 22. 27. 26. 27, 42. Mk. 15. 30. 15. 32. 15, 36, L, I 8, 14. J, II, 4; roda J. 19. 31; as, — . Mt. 27.32; roda Mt. 16, 24, J, 19, 17; rod L. 23, 26. -roefa, see a;fg-, febge-, bebgercefa, rcemisc aj, Rotnan, nsn. roemisce J, 18, 12. roeSe aj, rugiens, asper, gsm, roeb'e Mt. i 7, 12 ; npn. roeSo L. 3, 5. [See broeSe.] Romwaro smpl. Roniani, np. rouaro J. 11, 48. rot, see unrot, -lie; efneuurotuise. rotsiga, see efneun-, geun-. iinrut- siga, r6wa sv, remigare, navigare, ind, pret, 3 pi, hneuun J, 6, 19 ; pres. p. dp. lirownudu L. 8, 23. [See ge- 5onager6wa.J r6wing sf. navigiuni, ds. rowincg (= rejjiigando) Mk. 6. 48; ds. rouig J. 21. 8. rub, see iinn'ib. rum, see unriim. 11* 164 nimlice — saecga riliinliee av. clementer, nimlice Mt. I 18, 14. _ nlramod aj. benignus, paracletus, nsm. — , L. (), 85; rumraoda J. 14, 26; riimoda J. 15, 26. 16, 7; ds. ruraode J. I 7, 13; as. rummud J. I 7, 7; rumpd J. 14, 16. rumwelle aj. spafiosiis, nsm. riim- welle Mt. 7, 13. rim sf. inystcriuni, as. run J. I 3, 14; dp. ri'mu J. I 4, 4. ri\nlice av. mysttcc, runlice Mk. I ' 5, 11. rust sm. (Prugo, ns. — , Mt. 6, 19; liriist Mt. 6, 20. ryft sn. chlauiys, ds. ryfte Mt. 27, 31 . ryne su. myste7'iui}i, ds. ryne L. 1 3,3; as. ryne L. 8. 10; ap. liryno (cla3no hryno = mysfcn'a) Mt. 13, 11. fvSee g-eryno.] rypa wv. cffoderc, iud. pres. 3 pi. hrypes Mt. 6, 19. [See gerypa.] S. sabat s. sabbafitm, gs. sabates Mt. I 22,8; dp. sabbat' Mt. 12,11; sabba Mt. 12, 10. 12, 12; saba L. I 5, 3. sacca sv. dicerc, ncgare, nuntiarc, rcfcrrc, cvaugclizarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. saeas Mt. 27, 13; iiif. to sajc- canue L. 4, 18; to sa^ceenne L. I 9, 9; pres. p. d]). saBceendiim Mt. I 20. 20. J. I 6. 14. [See fore-, g-e-, onsaeca.] sacerd sm. saccrdos, us. sacerd L. 1, 5; sac' L. 10, 31; ds. sacerde L. 5, 14; np. sacerdas Mk. 14, 53; gp. sacerda (23 times); sacer L. 19, 47; sac' (13 times); dp. sacerdum Mk. 2, 26. L. 6, 4; sacerdu L. 17, 14; ap. sacerdas J. 1, 19. [See aldor-, liebsacerd.j sacerdhad sm. saccrdotmm , ns. sacerdbad L. 13, 12; gs. sacerd- liades L. 1, 9; ds. saecerdbad Mk. I 1,20; as. siecerdbad L. 1,8. sacleas aj. serAinis, gratis, asm. sacleas J. 15, 25; apm. sacleaso Mt. 28, 14. sadal, see asald. sado wm. laqueiis, ns. — , L. 21, 35; ds. sade Mt. 27, 5. sse sm. mare, ns. — , Mk. 4. 41; sae Mk. 2, 13. J. 6, 18 ; gs. sa^es Mt. 18,6. Mk. 6,47; s^es Mt. 14,24; sais Mt. 4, 15. Mk. 5, 1. L. I 5, 18. 21, 25; ds. — , Mk. 1, 16. 4, 1; sse (13 times); sae (8 times); as. — , L. 17,2; sie Mt. 14,22 (lytel s^ := frehini). Mt. 1 6, 5 (nearo sse =^ frctuvi) (13 more); sae (10 times); sjiee Mk. 6, 48; np. saes Mt. 8, 27. Sicbnrg sf. maritima, ns. sjcliurug Mt. 4, 13. Sfec, see onsaec. Siecga wv. dicerc, nuntiarc, cnunt- iare, annu7itiarc, prcedicere, nar- rarc, asserere, disserere, cdisscr- erc, cxp07ierc, indicare, ferrc, conferre, rcfcrrc, affcrrc, ait, inquit, taccre (!), ind. pres. 1 sg. sajgoMt. 17,12. 18,3. 18.10. 18, 13. 19,23. 19,24. 21,21. 21,24. 21,31. 21,43. 23.36. 26,29(2). 26, 34. Mk. 5, 41. 8, 12. 9, 13. 9, 41. 10, 15. 14, 9. L. 19, 40. J. 3, 3. 3,12. 13.21. 15,15; sa^gego J. 16,25; saego Mt. I 7, 1. 2,13. 3, 9; 2 sg. sseg-es Mt. 26, 70; 3 sg. s«ge& Mt. I 18, 1. 12. 18. L. I 8, 3. 18,18. J. 16,15; saegeb^ L.I 3, 11. J.I8,2;sa^gesMt. 117,18; saeges Mt. I 3, 6. I 18, 17; 2 pi. s«gcas Mt. 16, 15; ssegces J. 18,29; 3 pi sa3CgaS L. 24, 17; saegas i\It. 16, 20; pret. 1 sg. sjiGgde Mt.1 18, 17. J. 1, 15; saigdo (opt.?) J. 3, 28; 8a?gdig Mt. 16, 11; 2 sg. saifi-dest J. 4, 1 8 ; 3 sg. ssegde Mt. 18,4. I 19,6. I 19,11. 1,20. 12,48. 20,21. 22,31. Mk. 4, 34. 12, 26. L. I 5, 16. 14, 21; saegde Mt. I 7. 2. I 8, 6. 28, 20. J. 6. 6. 20.18; 3 pi. s?egdou Mt. I 9, 17. ssegdnisc — sceacea 165 13,51. 18,31. 28,11. Mk. 5, 14. 5,16. 14,57. 16,13. L. I 6, 3. 7, 18. 8, 34. 8, 36. 9, 10. 13, 1. 20, 2. 24.9. 24,35. J. 4, 51. 11,46; saeg-don Mt. 2, 5. 14, 12. Mk. 14, 4 ; opt. pres. 2 sg. sasge Mt. 26, 63; pret. 1 sg. 8?eg-de J. 14,2; 3 pi. sjBgdon (= tacuerinf) L. I 10, 3 ; imp. sg. sseg Mt. 15, 15. 22, 17 mg. J. 20,17; sage L. 8,39. 22,67; saeg L. 9, 60; saege Mk. 13,4; pi. sfficgas Mt. 28, 10; ssegcas L. 7, 22; inf. saegca Mt. 28,8; to ssegcganne J. 16,12; pres. p. ssecgende Mk. I 1, 10. [See ieea, ^ec-, aef-, a-, ec-, ecto-, efne-, efta-, eftge-, forege-, fore-, g-e-, in-, ofge-, sob'-, to-, wiS- steega.] sajgdnise sf. sacrtficmm, dp. ssegd- nisu Mk. 12, 33. [See a-, fore-, gessegdnise.] Sffigniga wv. henediccrc, ind. pret. 1 pi. ssegnade J. 8, 48. s^lta, see gesselta. Sffit, see gesset. SiBx, see wrltssex. saga ^i. prologiis, narratio, fabula, us. — , Mt. 11,1 (foresagaV); sago Mt. I 9, 10; as. sago Mt. I 5, 2. I 5. 9; dp. sagimi L. I 2, 10. I 2, 11. [See fore-, ge-, soSsaga.] salm sm. psahniis, gs. salmes Mt. 1 21, 14. Mk. I 5. 4; gp. salma L. 20, 42; ap. salmas L. 24,44. [See psalm.j Salomon p. n., ns. salamon Mt. 6, 29; salo L. 12,27; gs. salomones Mt. l,6mg. 12, 42; salamoii J. 10, 23; sal' L. 11,31; ds. sal' L. 11, 31. salt smn. sal, ns. salt Mt. 5, 13 (-). Mk.9,50(2). L. 18,15. 14,34C-); as. salt ]\[t. I 16, 12. Mk. 9, 50. salt a], salt, gsn. saltes (= salicntis) J. 4, 14. saltwsella wm. saliva, ds. saltwtulla Mt 1 1, 7; ap. saltw;ulla Mt. I 1,7. Samaria p. n., gs. samaria^s J. 4, 5 ; as. samaria J. 4, 4. samaritanisc aj. samaritamis , nsra. samarita L. 10, 33; samarT J. 8, 48; nsf samaritanisca J. 4, 9(2); dsra. samaritanu L. 16, 20; dsf. samaritanisca J. I 4, 4; npm. sa- maritauiseo J. 4, 40 ; gp. samari- taniscana J. I 4, 5; samaritanisna J. 4, 39; samaritanesca Mt. 10, 5; dp. samaritaniseu J. 4, 9. sawa sv. scininare, screrc, ind. pres. 2 sg. sawes Mt. 25, 24; 3 sg. sawe(5 L. 8, 5 (2); saueS Mk. 4, 14 (2). J. 4, 36 ; sawes Mt. 13, 3. 13, 39; sawaes Mt. 13,37; saiies Mt. 13, 4. J. 4, 37; 3 pi. sauaf5 ^Ik. 4, 16; sawseS Mk. 12,24; saueb' Mk. 4,18; sauas Mk. 4, 18; saues Mk. 4,16; sau"es Mt. 6.26; pret. 1 sg. seawu Mt. 25. 26; 3 sg. seawu Mt. 13, 39 ; inf. to sawenne Mk. 4, 3. L. 8, 5; pres. p. sawende Mt. 13,19. 13,20. 13,23; sawa^nde Mt. 13, 22; sauende Mt. 13, 18; nsm. sawende Mk. 4, 3; gsm. sa- wendes Mk. I 3, 3 ; sauende L. I 5, 16; asm. sawende Mk. 4, 26. [See ge-, ofergesawa.] sawel sn. (?) anima, ns. sawel Mk. 14. 34. L. 12, 29; sauel Mt. 6, 25. 26, 38. L. 1, 46. 12, 23. J. 12, 27; gs. saules Mt. 6, 25. 16, 26. Mk. 8,36; ds. sawele Mk. 12, 33; sawle Mt. 12. 18. L. 12. 19; sauele Mt. 22, 37. L. 10. 27; as. sawel (7 times); sauel (19 times); sawele Mk. 3. 4; saul (7 times); suelMt.lO,28;sauleJ.P188«mg.; dp. saulum Mt. 11, 29; ap. sauela L. I 10.15; sauelo L. 21.19. ! saweliga, see gesaweliga. sciOna, see t6sc«na. Scario5 p. n., ns. scario6' Mt. 26, 14. J. 14,22; seari L. 22,3: scarf Mk. 14,10; scar J. 12,4. scariotliisc aj. scartot, scariothis (i. e. Iscan'ofes), nsm. (wk.) sea- riothisca Mk. 14,43. J. 13, 2; dsm. (wk.) scariothisca J. 13, 2(). sceacea sv. cxaiterc, agitarc, imp. pi. sceaccas Mt. 10. 11; sceacas 166 scene — sccawiga Mk. 6, 11; pres. p. scesecende Mt. 11, 7. [See iiseeaeca.] scene s. calix, as. scene Mt. 10, 42, scenda, see gescenda, unascended, unscendende. scending sf. improbitas, as. scend- ing L. 11,8. |See forescending.] scendla wm. improhitas, as. scendla L. 11,8. seeo smn. (?) calcmmentum , gs. seoes J. 1,27; gp. scoe Mk. 1,7; sceoea L. 3, 16; dp. sceowum L. I 4, 7; scoeiim L. 22, 35 ; ap. scoeas L. 15, 22; scoea Mt. 10, 10; sceoe L. 10, 4. [See gesceo.] sceofma, see sceoma. sceoga, see gesceoga. sceoma wni. coiifusio, caluninia, contiimclia, rubor , gs. sceoni- aes Mt. 1 3, 12; as. — , L. 3,14. 11,45. 14,9; dp. seeofmum Mk. 12,4. sceomfulnise, see unsceomfulnise. sceomiga wv. coiifutare, revereri, erubescere, ind. pres. 1 sg. seeo- migo L. 16. 3. 18,4; 3 sg. sceo- miagaS Mk. 15,1; pret. 3 sg. sceomade L. 18, 2. [See ge-, ofsceomiga.J sceonca wm. c7'iis, np. sceonea Mt. I 7, 17. sceort aj. brevis , dpn. seeortnm Mk. I 1, 17. sceortiga wv. deficere, opt. pres. 3 sg. sceortiga L. 22, 32. [See ge-, unsceortiga; cf. also ge- scyrta.j sceortlice av. breviter, — , Mk. 1 5, 14. sceppa, see gesceppa. sceSSa wv. noccrc, ind. pres. 3 sg, scebSaS Mk. 16, 18; 3 sg. sce(5de L. 4, 35. [See gescc5't)a.] sceware, see sceaware. scilda, see gescilda. scilliug smn. denarius, dracJinia, argent ens, as. — , L. 15, 9; gp. scillinga Mt. 18,28. 26,15. 27,3, 27,9; scillin J. 12,5; dp. scillingfi Mk. 14, 5; ap. scillingas Mt, 27, 5. 27, 6, sceacere sm. latro, scditiosiis, ns. — , J. 10, 1; np. sceacaras Mt. I 5,13; dp. seeacerti Mk. 15, 7, -scead, see bi-, gescead. sceada sv. separare, ind. pres. 3 pi. sceadas L. 6, 22; inf. to scead- anne Mt. 10, 35. [See a-, ge-, of-, tosceada.] sceaf sn. (?) fascictUus, ap. sceafa Mt. 13, 30. sceaft sn. (?) creahira, res, gs. sce- seftes Mk. 13, 19; scseftes Mk. 10, 6; ds. sceafte Mk. 16,15; gp. sceafta Mt. I 14, 9. [See frum- sceaft.] -sceapa, see esceapa. scearfa ^\.succiderr, imp. pi. scearf- a?) L. 13, 7. [See gescearfa.J scearp aj. sharp, dp. scearpu Mt. 7,16. scearplice av. tenacesf/J, — , L. 1 9, 4. scearpsmeawung sn, (?) argiimen- tmn, ns. scearpsmeung Mt, I 14, 1; gs, scearpsmeawunges Mt. I 15, 3. i sceat sm. dracJmia, ap. sceattas L. 15,8, sceaS sf. vagina, as. sceieti J. 18, 11. [See hornsceaS,] sceaSa wm, latro, dp, scea&um L. I 11, 7. [See morsceaSa.] scea?5a wm,(?) clamis, gp. scea5"ana J. 20,25; scseS&ana J. 20,25. sceaware sm. speculator, as. sce- ware Mk. 6, 27. sceawiga wv, vidcre, considerare, intueri, spicere, aspicere, pro- spicrre, ind. pres. 3 sg, sceawaS Mt. I 1, 7; pret. 3 sg. sceauade L. 20,23; sceaude Mk. 3, 34. 10, 27; sceode J. 20, 11; imp. sg. sceawig Mk. 13. 1; pi. sceawgias Mt. 16, 6; sceauiges Mt. 6, 28; inf. to sceawanne 1^. 23, 48; to see- awnne L. 7,26; pres. p. sceaiinde sceawung — scur 167 L. 22, 56. ^ [See efne-. eft-, ge-, ^ ymbseeawig-a. | seeawunc; sf. obtcntus, ds. seeawiing Mk. 12, 40. [See insccawimg.] scemel, see scocmel. seimig-a wv. contscare , pres. p. seimaude L. 17, 24. scina ^v.fiilgcre, splcndcre, hicere, ind. pres. 3 sg. scineS L. 17, 24; 3 pi. seines Mt. 13,43; pret. 3 sg. scean (= lictut) Mt. I 2, 13 ; pres. p. scinende J. 5, 35; npn. scinendo Mk. 9. 3. [See eftge-. ge-, ymbsciua.] scinise so. splendor, as. scinisse Mk. 13, 24. sciola anv. oportet (and sign of future), ind. pres. 1 sg. sceal Mk. 10, 17; 2 sg. seealt Mk. 10, 21; 3 sg. sceal Mt. 1,23. 26,54. Mk. 13, 7; scsel Mt. 10, 8 mg.; 1 pi. scilon Mt. 20, 18; 2 pi. sciolon Mt. 13, 14 (2). L. 13 , 5 ; seiolun Mt. 5,46; scilon Mt. 10, 20. Mk. 14, 62; sciolo L. 13, 3; scilo Mt. 10,19(2); scile Mt. 6, 25; 3 pi. sciolon Mt. 13, 13; sciol' Mt. 13,13; pret. 3 sg. scealde Mk. 10,32. L. 9,31. J. 9, 22; 3 pi. sce- aldon Mk. 14,40; opt. pres. 1 sg. scile Mk. 14.31; 3 sg. Mt. 6, 24. Mk. 9,12. scip sn. jiavis, namcula, pitppt's, vas, ns. — . Mk. 4. 37. 6. 47; seipp Mt. 8, 24. 14.24. Mk. I 2, 18 (?). J. 6,21. 6,22; gs. scippes J. 21, 6; ds. — , (14 times); scipp (5 times) ; scipe Mt. 8, 23 (lytlura scipe^ naviculd). L. 5, 3; as. — , (7 times); scipp (12 times); np. scipo Mk. 4, 36; scioppo L. 5, 11. J. 6, 23; dp. sciopu Mt. 13, 48 (= vasa). L. I 4, 17; ap. scioppo J. 6, 24; sciopo L. 5, 2. 5, 7. -scip, see arg-. bear-, broker-, eoren-. dearf-. derne-, leger-, foresoS-, gebear-. gecoren-. gelefen-,getal-, boga-, t5arf-, ?)eod-. worbsci]). scip sn. (rois, us. — , j\It. 12. 12; gs. sci]»es L. I 8, 16; ds. scip Mt. I 20,11. 12,12; as. — , Mt. 12,11. L. 15.6; np. — , Mil 18,13. 9, 36.26,31. Mk. 6.34. J. 10,4. 10, 12; scIpo Mk. 14,27. J. 10,3 scip J. 10,8; scipo J. 10,27; gp scipa Mt. 7, 15. 18. 12. J. I 6, 3 10.2. 10.7; dp. scipum Mt. 15,24 J. 10,11. 10,15. 10,26;scipuMt 10.6; scipil J. 10, 13; ap. scipo Mt. 25.32; scipa Mt. I 22, 3; scipo J. I 8, 11. 2, 14. 2, 15. 10, 12. 21, 17; — . Mt. 10,16. 25,33. L. 15, 4. J. 16, 4. 10,3. 10,12. 10,16; scip J. 10, 4. scipalocc sn. ovilc, ns. scipaloc J. I 6,4; scipeloc J. 10, 16; as. scipa- locc J. 16.2. 10,1. scir, see grcefseir. scira, see gescira. scirem^nn sm. dispensator, proair- ans, ns. sgiire nionn L. 12, 42 ; sciremonn L. 3, 1. scirpa, see gescirpa, uuscirped. sciu s. cms, dp. sciu J. 19, 31; ap. sciu J. 19, 32. 19, 33. scoemel sra. scabelhini, as. scemel Mt. 22, 44. [See fotsccemel.j ^ scorpion sra. scorpio, as. scorpion L. 11,12. screadung sf. fragmentum, reli- quicE, mica, gp. screadanga ]\lt. 14, 20. Mk. 6, 43. 8, 19. 8. 20. J. 6, 13; scraedungra L. 9, 17; dp. screadungum Mt. 15, 37. Mk. 8, 8; screadungu Mt. 15,27. Mk. 7, 28. L. 16, 21; ap. screadungo L. 24,43; screaduuga J. 6, 12. scrifa, see gescrifa. scrinca sv. arescere, ind. pres. 3 sg. scrineeb Mk. 9, 18. [See for-, geserinca.] scrincare sm. aridiis, gp. scyrngcara J. 5, 3. scripen aj. aiistenis, nsm. — , L. 19. 21. scua wm. tiitibra, ns. sbva Mt. I 6, 6; ds. scua Mk. 4, 32. L. 1,79; scuia Mt. 4, 16. sciifa, see ge-. tosei'ifa. scur sm. nimbus, ns. scyi'ir L. 12, 54. 168 scviga — se scyig-a. see oferscyiga. seykl sfn. dcbitiiin,vifmin, dclutufu, gs. -, Mk.3,29; as. — . Mt. 18. 25. 18.27. 18,30. 18.32. L.I 8, 19: ap. scylda Mt. I 20, 11. 6, 12: schyldo Mt. 117, 12. [See gescyld.] scyldig aj. reus, debitor, deheiis, nsm. — Mt. 5.22(2). 26.66. Mk. 3,29. 24.64; dsm. scyldge L. 11. 4; npm. seyldgo L. 7, 41. 13,4; scyldiga Mt. 1 20, 13; gp. scyldigra L. I 5, 14; dp. scyldgum Mt. 6, 12. L. 16. 5. [See unscyldig.j scyldor s. Inuncrtis, dp. scyldrum Mt. 23,4; seyldiTi L. 15,5. seyniga wv. iiietuerc, inf. — , L. I 7, 12. [See fore-, onseyniga.J scyrta, see gescyrta. I seyur, see sour. se dem. and rel. pron. illc, is, ipse, qui, nsm. se Mt. (8 times). Mk. (87 times). L. (155 times). J. (251 times); s* Mk. 10.24; 5e Mt. (205 times). Mk. (33 times). L. (28 times). J. (89 times); b'a? Mk. 14, 60; nsf sio J. 4, 23. 5. 28. 12. i 12. 18, 17; 5iu Mt. (23 times). Mk. ' (8 times). L. (5 times). J. (8 times); Sio Mk. (11 times). L. (50 times). J. (33 times); 5yu Mt. 4. 13 mg. 26,44; by Mt. 1 7, 7. 17,9. 18, I. 120,16. l,6mg. 2.7. 2,23.3. 10. 7, 6 mg. 7, 19. 9. 24. 9, 25 C^). 9,31. 20,3. 20,31. Mk.5,25; 8e (5y Mt. 1, 6; t)a (many, but not all, of these may liave been unterstood bv the glossator as neut. plur.) Mt. I 2, 7.' I 5, 15. 12, , II. 26,17.28,1. L.I 2, 8. 13,19. I 1,29. 1,36. 4,29. 6,32. 10,42; Sa ?5io L. 1, 45; nsu. ?5{Bt Mt. (13 times). Mk. 1.27. 4,37. 5,40. L. 18.11.5,6.9.10. 16,11. J. 3, 19. 5,2. 6,21; 1> Mt. (49 times). Mk. ' (45 times). L. (60 times). J. (51 times); \wi Mk. 14, 3; tie Mt. I 8,4(2). 18,5(2). 22,38. 22.39. Mk. 14, 32; gsmn. &{es Mt. (61 times). xMk. ('Ki times). L. (50 times). J. (56 times); gsf (Ja^re Mt. 20. 8. 21, 40. 26, 28. Mk. 5, 41. 7,25. 8,10. 12,2. 12,9. L. 1,27. 10,2. 11.30. 14,21; {5a3ra Mk. 5, 40. L. 8,55; ?5ajrai Mk. 6, 22. L. 12,1(2). 8,50. 8,51: (5«r L. 11, 32; bara Mt. I 6, 10; dsmn. Mt. (121 times). Mk. (68 times). L. (170 times). J. (220 times); Saera Mt. I 1,10. 12,8. I 6,4. 1,16; (586 (11 times); Sesem L. 19, 4; 5a?n Mk. I 2, 14; Sen Mt. 28, 14; bem L. 14, 23; 5am J. 6, 31mg.; ]'«m L. 24, 1; Km L. 20, 28; f^sem J. 20, 6; dsf. bar Mt. (24 times). Mk. (13 times). L. (27 times). J. (56 times); baire Mt. 1.6. L. I 11, 16. L27. 4,29. 18,35. J. 18,3; baer Mt. 21, 33; asm. bone Mt. (123 times). Mk. (71 times). L. (75 times). J. (128 times); bono Mt. 10. 24. 11, 8 ; j^one Mk. 9, 25. L. 1, 59. J. 5. 19. 11, 39; bon J. 4,18; |>one J. 10, 12; bon Mt. I 7. 16. I 10. 2. Mk. I 1, 15. 12, 33. J. 6, 39; bene Mt. (13 times). Mk. (16 times). L. 9, 35. 12, 5. J. (7 times); b^ene L. 4, 27. J. 13, 20; be Mt. (15 times). L. I 9, 2. 10, 27. 12, 46 (?). 20, 44. 22, 47. J. I 1,14. 14,1. 6,37. 18,5; se L. 5, 12. J. 18,28. 19,18; asf. ba Mt. (73 times). Mk. (21 times). L. (19 times). J. (23 times); ba L. 15,7. 15,10; bio L.I 7.8. 4,29. 15,9. 22,50. 24,33. J. I 4, 11; biu Mt. 9,31. 13,48. 14.15. 28,6; by Mt. I 16, 12. I 17, 2 (?). I 17, 6. I 17, 9. I 19. 6. I 19, 7. I 19, 18. 2.9. 5,26. 5,39. 9,31; asn. ba;t Mt. (16 times). Mk. (15 times). L. (8 times). J. 6 21; biiett Mt. 13. 20; \ Mt. (52 times). Mk. (64 times). L. (134 times). J. (131 times); b L. 2,30; ismn. by Mt. 10,31(2). 17,2-3. 19,27. 27, 3L J. 21.22. 21,23; bi (?) J. 21, 17; be (?) Mt. 22, 27; n]). ba Mt. (142 times). Mk. (49 times). L. (98 times). J. (»>7 times); "tSix L. 19,34. s6a — sella 109 J. 18,18; da Mk. 10,32; se(?)L. 10, 20; gp. (5ara m. (48 times). Mk. (11 times). L. (34 times). J. (29times); Sara :Mt. (L5 times). Mk. (7 times). L. (5 times). J. (5 times); ^aera J. 2, 15; Sa J. 20, 25; 5«re Mi 22, 9. Mk. 14, 12 ; dp. (Jfem (137 times). Mk. (84 times). L. (165 times). J. (89 times); ?ie (8 times); 5aem Mt. 9. 2. J. 1,50; daem Mt. 5, 37; ap. (5a Mt. (137 times). Mk. (32 times). L. (107 times). J. (49 times) ; Sai Mt. 23, 6. sea sv. vidcTc, ind. pres. 2 pi. seas Mt. 13, 17. 24,2. L. 24,39; 3 pi. seaS Mt. 13, 13; pret. 3 sg. saeh J. 11,33; 1 pi. seo-on Mt. 25,37. 25, 38. 25, 44; 2 pt. segou Mt. 11. 4. J. 6,26; inf. sea Mk. 10, 51; pres. p. npm. seende Mt. 13, 13. [See be-, eftbe-, gesea.] sead sn. sacathts, loailus, ap. sea- do L. 12, 33. J. 12, 6. 13, 29. sealla, see sella, seam sn. sac cuius, onus, ds. seame L. 22.35; as. seam L. 22,36; dp. seamu L. 11, 46; ap. seam L. 10, 4. [See oferseam.] seatul, see sedl. seaS sm. fovea, lacus, p^iteus, ds. seaSe L. I 8, 9. 6, 39; as. seaS Mt. 12, 11. 15, 14. Mk. 12, 1. L. 14,5. see, see brsecsec. sed sn. semen, ns. — , Mk. 4, 27; sed Mt. 13,37. L. 8, 11. J. 8,33; ds. — . J. 7, 42; sede L. 1, 55; as. — . Mt. 13, 24. 13. 27. 22, 24. 22. 25. Mk. 12, 21. L. 20, 28. 20, 31; sed Mk.12,19. 12,20. 12,22. L.8,5; np. seda Mt. I 6. 16; dp. sedum Mt. 13,32; se&um Mk. 4,31. sedere wm. sei/iitians, sementisf/J, ns. sedere Mk. 4, 3; gs. sedere Mt. 13,18; as. sedere Mk. 4, 26. sediga wv. severe, scrninare, ind. pres. 1 sg, saidi Mt. 20,8; inf. sedege Mt. 13.3; sede Mt. 13,3. sedl ^m\\. Sides, cathedra, discuhitns. ds. sedle L. 1,52; as. sedle L. 1, 32; se()el Mt. 19, 28. 25, 31; seatul Mt. 23, 2; d]). sedlum Mt. I 20, 20; seatlum Mk. 12, 39 ; ap. sedlo Mk. 14.14; sedlo L. 20. 46 ; setla Mk. 12,39; seatlas Mt. 23, 6. Mk. 11, 15. L. 11,43. 20,46; seatla Mt. 19.28; ceatlas Mt. 21, I 12. [See fore-, helisedl.] seel, see sel. segne f. rete, sagina, ns. segni J. I 21,11; ds. — , Mt. 13,47; segni J. 21, 8; segna Mt. I 19. 12. J. 21,6. I seista aj. sextus, nsf. — , Mk. 15, I 33; sesta J. 4,6. 19,14; dsf. — . Mt. 27,45; asf. — , Mt. I 3. 16. J 9, 7. 20. 5. L. 1, 26. 1, 36. 23. 44. sel s. opportunitas, ns. seel Mt. 26. 35; as. seel Mt. 26, 16; seel J. P188H. sel aj. felix, bonus, nsu. soel Mk. I 16, 18; gsra. seles Mt. I 7. 1; comp. I (== fuelior): nsm. sella Mt. 12, I 12 ; nsn. soel Mt. 19, 27; npm. sellra Mt. 10, 31. , selen ^{.paying, ds. selenna (erased) I " Mt. I 21, 10. [See geselen.] selenise sn. traditio, proditio, gs. "selenises J. I 7, 19; selenis L. I 3,4; — . Mk. I 5,12; as. — , Mt. 15,2. 15,3. 15,6. Mt. 7,9; sele- nisse Mk. 7, 3. [See eft-, ge- selenise.l sella wv. dare, tradere, tribuere, porrigere, com mo dare, d is tribu- ere, ind. pres. 1 sg. sello (11 times); selo Mt. 20, 4. J. 4. 14. 6. 51. 13,34. 14,27(2); gilo J. 10, 28; 2 sg. selles L. 22. 48; 3 sg. sellad :\It. 24. 29. L. 11.13; selleft Mk. 13.12. 14,42. L. 11,11; sele^ (19 times); sileS L. 16. 14; sili(5 J. 17, 2. 21, 13; selias Mt. 26, 48; selles Mt. 10. 42. L. 11,8. J. 21, 20; seles Mt. 7.9. !(>. 26. L. I 4. 8; 1 pi. selleb Mk. 12. 14; 2 pi. selias L. 6, 34; 3 pi. sella(5 Mk. 13, 22. L. 6. 38; seallar* L. 21, 12; selias Mt. 20. lit. Mk. 1.5.23. L. 170 sellend — seolf 21,12; seallas Mt. 24,24; selles m^. 10,33; pret. 1 sg-. salde (6 times); 2 sg. saldest L. 7,44. 7, 45; saldes L. 19,23. J. 17,2. 17, 22. 17,24; sealdes J. 17,4. 17, 11; 3 sg. salde (59 times); sealde Mt. 25,15. 26, 27. Mk. 14,22; salde Mk. 13. 34; 1 pi. sealdon Mt. 25, 37; 2 pi. (foil, by gie) sealdo Mt. 25, 42; saldo Mt. 25, 42; saldou Mk. 7,13; 3 pi. saldon (10 times); saldou Mt. 13, 8; sealdon Mt. 27,34. J. 19,3; opt. pres. 2 sg. selle Mk. 6,25; 3 sg. selle Mt. 5,31; sella Mt. 24,45; sella L. 12,42; 1 pi. selle Mk. 6,37; pret. 3 sg. salde (6 times); 3 pi. saldon L. 2, 24. 20, 10. 20, 20; imp. sg. sel (20 times); pi. sellac^ L. 15, 22; sealla?)' L. 6, 35. 9, 13. 11,41. 19,24; seallas (6 times); sellas Mt. 10,8; selles • Mk. 6, 37; seles Mt. 25, 8; inf. sella Mt. I 19, 6. I 20, 2. 7, 6. 19, 7. 20,23. 20,28. 26, 53; sealla Mt. I 20, 1. 10, 42. 14, 7. 14, 9. 20,14. 26,15. Mk. 13, 19. 5,43. 14,5. 14,11. 15,10. L. 8,55. 11, 7. J. 13,11; seal' L. 22, 6; to sell- aune Mt. I 15. 4. Mk. 10, 40 ; to seallanne Mt. I 21, 10. L. 12, 51. 20,22. 22,5. 23,2; to seallane Mk. 12, 14; to selenne L. 1, 77; pres. p. sellende Mt. I 22,4. 26,21. 27, 4. Mk. I 4, 7. 13, 11. J. 6, 64; seilenude Mt. I 17, 13; saldend Mk. 14, 44; apn. sellendo L. 11, 13; pp. said (13 times). [See a-, pftge-, eft-, from-, ge-, ymbsella.] sellend sm. traditor, traditunis, tradens, ns. sellend Mk. 14, 44. J. 6,71. 12,44; gs. sellendes Mk. I 5,10; sellenndes L. 22,21. sema wv. oncrarc, ind. pres. 2 pi. sema(5 L. 11, 46. senca, see besenea. sonda wv. iniftcrc, cnn'ftcrr, ind. pres. 1 sg. sendo (14 times); 3 sg. sende8 (7 times); sendaS L. 12, 58; sendes (5 times); 3 pi. sendas Mt. 9, 17. 13, 42. J. 15, 6; sendes ]\It. 13, 50; pret. 1 sg. sende (5 times); 2 sg. (pres.?) sendes J. 11,42. 17,3. 17,18. 17,21. 17, 23; 3 sg. sende (97 times); 3 pi. sendon (15 times); opt. pres. 2 sg-. sende L. 16, 27; 3 sg. sende J. 8, 7; pret. 3 sg. sende Mk. 3, 14; imp. sg. send (6 times); sende Mt. 17, 27: pi. sendas Mt. 7, 6. 22, 13. J. 21,6; iuf senda Mt. 27,6. Mk. 2,22. 7,27. 11,23; sende Mt. 10, 34. 15, 26. 18, 8. Mk. 6, 7. 9, 45 ; to sendanne L. 5, 38. 12, 49. 20, 11. 20, 12. 20, 19; to send- enne Mt. 10, 34(2); p^-eg. p. send- ende L. 110,12. 21,2; asf. senden Mk. I 5, 6; npm. sendende Mt. 27, 35; pp. sended Mt. 1 5, 13; sendet L. 1, 19. [See adune-, a-, diina-, efne-, eft-, fore , ge-, in-, on-, to-, berhsenda.] sending, see foresending. -sene, see gesene. seofiga wv. ingemescere, 'mcErere, ind. pret. 3 sg. seofade Mk. 8, 12; pres. p. seofende Mk. 10, 22. seofon num. septem, — , L. I 4, 9; seofo (14 times); seofona Mt. 15, 34. Mk. 12,22. 12,23: seofono L. 11,26. 20,29. 20.31. 20,33; seofana Mk. 8, 20 ; seofa (7 times) ; dat. seofanu J. I 8, 9; seofonu ]\It. 22,28; seofu Mt. I 17, 7. [See seofo si?5a; bundseofontig.j seofo siSa num. av. septies, sexiesf/J, seofo siSa Mt. I 20, 13. 18, 22(2); sefo si5"a Mt. 18, 21; seofa siba L. I 7, 1 1 (= scxtcs). I 9, 5. 17, 4. seofofaldlioe ^\ .septcnipliciter, seo- fofulliee L. I 7. 6 ; seofofalliee Mt. I 19, 7. seofunda aj. septwius, nsf. — , J. 4, 52; dsm. — , Mt. 22, 26; dsf — , Mt. I 3, 17; seofonda Mt.I 9, 5. seolf pron. ipse , sc, nsm. — , (7 times) ; seol' (2 times) ; dsm. se- olfum (5 times); seolfil (16 times): seolfe J. 5, 30; seolfa J. 16, 13; dsn. seolf L. 11, 17; asm. seolfne seolfer — sibbiga 171 (39 times); siilfne Mk. 3, 26; seol' (2 times); seolfa J. 11, 33. 17, 5; seolfe L. 10, 27; asf. seolfa Mk. 8, 25 ; seol' J. 20, 11; np. seolfa J. 4,42; seolf L. 22, 71; — , L. 11, 46; dp. seolfura (4 times); seolfu (4 times); seol' (2 times); ap. seolfa Mi 19, 12. Mk. 13, 9. J. 11,55. seolfer sn. argentum, ^-s. seulfres J. PI 88''. P 188 i^'; ds. sunlfre J. P1885; as. sulfer Mt. 10,9. seolfern aj. argenteiis, apm. seol- ferne Mt. I 22, 5. serb'a sv. moecJiari, imp. sg. ser?5 Mt. 5, 27. sester sm. mod fits, vietreta, ds. sestre Mt. 5, 15; ap. sestre J. 2, 6 mg. ; sestras J. 2, 6. set, see tusetgeoDga; simset. Seternes daeg sm. sabbatum, gs. set'nes d;eg Mk. 15, 16; as. se- ternes dreg Mt. 12, 8. setnere sm. seditiosus, dp. setneru '^Mk. 15,7. setuiga, see gesetniga. setnise sn. traditio, mictoritas, con- stitutio, stiidiiivi, tcstimonhim, testafiientum, ns. setnes Mt. 1 13, 9 ; gs. setnesse Mt. I 8, 6 mg. J. 16,5 {= ponendi)\ ds. setness Mt. I 1,11. I 2, 8; setnesse Mt. 13, 35; setnessa Mt. I 2, 4; as. setnise Mt. 15. 3; setnessa Mk. 1 1. 18; setnesse Mk. 7, 3. 7, 8; setnesa Mt. 15. 2. Mk. 7,13. [See ge-, onsetnise.J setnnng sf. seditio, ds. setnung L. 23, 19; setnong Mk. 15, 7; as. setnung L. 23, 25; dp. setuungum L. 11, 54. [See frum-, ymbset- niing.] setta wv. imponerc, ponere, statn- crc, institiiere, coiistitnrre, ind. pres. 1 sg. setto (10 times) ; 2 sg. settis J. 13,38; 3 sg. setteS (8 times); seteti L. 18,12; settes Mt. 24, 51; 3 pi. settas Mt. 5, 15. 6,26. 23,4; pret. 2 sg. settes L. 19,21; ;5sg. sctte (13 times); 2 pi. setton J. 11, 34; 3 pi. seton Mk. 15,19; opt. ])res. 1 sg. setto L. 11, 6; 3sg. sette J. 15, 13; pret. 3 sg. sette Mk. I 1, 17; imp. pi. settes L. 9,44; inf. setta Mt. 18, 23. 18. 24; to settanne L. I 5, 17. J. 10, 18; to settenna Mk. I 3,5; pres. p. setteude L. I 8, 3; gsm. settendes Mk. 1 1,8; dpm. setendu L. 1 10, 5. [See a-, efnege-, eftfi-, eft-, fore-, forege-, gein-, ge-, in-, ofa-, oferge-, ofer-, on-. t6ge-, to-, iin-, ymbsetta.] settere sm. latro , msidiator, ns. settere J. 10, 1; ap. sctteras J. 10, 8 ; seteras L. 20, 20. seSe rel. pron. qui, nsm. seSe (546 times); (5e8e Mil 17,3. I 19,8. I 20, 10. 3. 3. 3, 11. L. 8, 18. J. I 5,15. 6.51. 12,13; seS J. 14.21; nsf.(?) fJabe Mk. 12,4. L. 15,4. 15, 12; dsm. (^^em ?)e Mt. I 20, 13. L. 7. 28; asn. ]>te Mt. (3 times). Mk. (5 times). L. (23 times). J. (5 times); ]>ti Mt. 26. 13; S?ette L. 2, 15. J. I 7, 1; J/be J. 6, 21. 8, 40; np. 5a t5e (322 times); 5a 5i Mt. 27, 54; 5a5 L. 20,35; ap. 5a 5e (80 times), seulfer. see seolfer. sex num. sex, — , Mt. 17, 1. Mk. 9, 2. L. 4, 25. 13. 14. J. I 6, 11. 2, 6. 2, 20. 12,1. sextig num. sexaginta, sexagesivia, gen. sexteis-es Mt. 1 19. 9; ace. — , Mk. 4, 20; ^sexdig Mt. 13. 23. Mk. 4,8; sextih Mt. 13, 23; sexdeih Mt. 13, 8. L. 24, 13. sgire. see scire, sibb sfn. (?) /><7.a;, ns.* — . (13 times); gs. sibbes L. 10,6. 14,32; — , L. 1,79; ds. sibbe L. 7, 50. 19.42; — , Mk. 5. 34. L. 2. 29. 11,21; sipp L.8.48; as. — , Mk. 9,50. L. 12, 51. J. 18.5. 14,27(2). 16,33. P188'i; sibbe i\It. 10,34; sib J. I 7, 8 (2); ap. sibbo L. 14, 12. [See uusib.] sibbi2:a wv. pacisci, ind. ])rct. 3 sg. sipbade L. I 11.2. 172 sibsuiu — slaa sibsuni 2J\. paciflais, npm. sibsume Mi 5, 9. sibsunmise, see unsibsiminise. Sidou p. n., gs. sidones Mi 15, 21; sidonis Mk. 7, 24; ds. sidone Mi 11, 21; as. sidon Mk. 7. 31; sidoue Mk. 3, 8. sidu wf. (also neui J. 20. 25) lumhis, latns, as. — . J. 20,20(2). 20.25; sido J. 20, 27; sidu J. 19, 34; up. sido L. 12,35; dp. sidil J. I 8,7; ap. sido Mk. 1, 6 ; sido Mt, 3. 4. L. I 7, 16. siftte wf. (?) zizania, np. sif^a ]\[t. 13,38; gp. sif5eDa Mil 19,11; ap. (as.?) sif^e Mi 13,25. sigbeg sn. corona, as. sigbes,- J. 19. 2. sig sm. victoria, ds. sige ^It. 12. 20. sigfsestniga, see gesigftestniga. -siht, see insiht. sihS s. 7'ision, sight, gp. sigh^ana J. I 1, 11; ap. sib5o Mk. 9, 9. [See gesib&.j -sib^nise, see gesib(5mse. Simeon p. n., ns. Simeon L. 2, 25 ; gs. semeones L. I 4, 3. Simon p. n., us. simon (13 times) ; symon Mi 27, 32 ; sim (7 times) ; gs. simones L. 5,3. J. 1,40; sy- mones (3 times) ; symonis Mi 26, 6; simo (2 times;; sim J. 6, 8; ds.' simoni J. 21, 15; symone Mk. 3,16; simoii (3 times); simon L. 7, 44. J. 20,2; as. simon (8 times). sin pres. pron. his, dp. sinum J. 21, 14. sinapis s. sinapis, gs. — . Mk. 4, 31. L. 18,6; seuapes Mi 119, 10; senepes Mi'13,31. 17,20. L. 13, 19. 17,6; senepis Mk. I 3,5. singa sv. cantare, canere, ind. pres. 3 sg. singe?) L. I 4. 1; singes L, 22.34; prei 1 pi. siuigun Mi 11, 17; opi pres. 3 sg. singe Mi 26, 34 ; inf. singa Mt. 6, 2 ; pres. p. dpm. singeudu Mi 1 8, 10. [See _ gesinga.] siniga wv. nubcre, ind. pres. 3 pi. sinigaM L. 20, 35. [See gesiniga.] -sion. see onsion. Sion p. n., gs. siones Mi 21, 5. J. 12, 15. sirisc, see syrisc. sitta sv. seder e, discit-mbere, ind. pres. 1 sg. sitto ]Mi I 1. 2; 3 sg. sitte^ L. 14, 28. 14. 31; sittes Mi 19,28. 25,31; sitta^s Mi 23, 22 ; 2 pi. sittaS L. 22. 30; sittes Mi 19,28; 3 pi. sitta^ L. 21,35; sittas L. 1, 79; pret. 1 sg. s^ett Mi 26, 55 ; 3 sg. siett (6 times) ; sa3t J, 8.2. 19,13; sett Mil 19.8; set Mi 121,2: 3 pi. seton J. 20,12; settou jMk. 3, 34; opi pres. 1 pi. sitta Mk. 10. 37; imp. sg. sitt Mi 22. 44. Mk. 12. 36. L. 16. 6. 20, 42; pi. sittas m. 26, 36. Mk. 14, 32. 16,7. L. 24.49; inf. sitta (5 times); pres. p. sittende (18 times); sitte- dse J. 20, 12 ; asm. sittenda Mi 26, 64; npm. sittendo L. 5, 17; sittende Mt. 20, 30. Mk. 2, 6; npf. sittendo Mi 27. 61; gp sittendra Mt. 22, 10. J. 13. 28; dp. sittendum (4 times); sittendu (2times); apm. sittendo J. 2, 14. [See eft-, fore-, ge-, ymbsitta.] siS, see feower, bundraS. bund- seofontig, bnndteantig. 65re. se- ofo, &irdda sib'a ; feorsi?5um. si(55a av. postrono, postqiiavi, ex quo, denique, dehinc, deinde, — . Mi I 9. 12. L. 7, 45. 18, 33. J. P 187 '2; so55a Mk. II, 19. 12,4. 4, 28. L. 13, 7. J. 6, 16. 11, 7. 13, 5. 19. 12. 19. 27; so&a Mk. 4, 17. siwiga wv. assuere, ind. pres. 3 sg. siuie(5 Mk. 2, 21. slaa sv. ccrderc, occidere, percutere, plcctere, ind. pres. 1 sg. she Mi 26.31; 2 sg. slies J. 18,23; 3 sg. slaeb L. 6,29; slaes Mi 5,39; prei 3 sg. slog j\Ik. 14. 47. J. 18, 10; slog L. 22, 64; slog Mi 26, 51; 3 pi. slogon Mk. 14, 65. 15, 19. L. 22, 64; slogun :\Ii 26. 67. 27.30; inf. slae Mi 24,49; slaa L. 12,45; pres. p. slaende Mk. I 4, 14; nsm. shiende Mi 26, 51; dsm. sl?eht — snotor 173 sloegende Mt. 1 17, 4; npm. slseg- endo Mk. 15,17. L. 23,48; dpm. sheg-endil L. I 5, 8. [See a-, g-e-, ofer-, of-. ^erhslaa.J sla;ht, see legeb-, ponuiugshuht. slselitiga wv. cade re, ind. pves. 2 sg. shehtas Mt. 4, 0. slaga, see raomi-. mor(5ovslag-a. slep sm. soiiuuis, stupor, dorniitio, ns. slep L. 5,9; ds. sle])e Mt. 1, 20. 1,24. L. 9.32. J. 11, 11. 11, 13. slepa wv. donnire, dormitarc, oh- dormire, iud. pres. 2 sg. slepes Mk. 14, 37; 3 sg. slepa(5 J. 11, 12; slepeb Mk. 4. 27. 5. 39. L. 8, 52. J. 11, 11; slepiat5 ^Ik. 4, 27; slepes Mt. 9, 24; 2 pi. slepes L. 22. 46; pret. 3 sg. slepde L. 8, 23; 3 pi. slepdon Mt. 27. 52; im]). pi. slep- a(^ Mt. 26,45. Mk. 14,41; inf. slepe J. I 6, 8 ; pres. p. slepende (9 times); sleppende jMk. 14. 37; dpm. slependnm Mt. I 2, 3. 28, 13; apm. slepende Mt. 26, 43; slepeude (3 times). [See geslepa.J slita sv. eriimpere, solvere, ind. pres. 3 sg. slittaS Mt. I 1.8; inf to slitenne Mt. 5,17(2); pp clpm. sliteml (= hcFrettcis) jNlt. 18,9. [See betwiht6-, ge-, toslita; im- slitten.] slituise sf. desolatio, gs. slitnese Mt. 24, 15. [See from-, toslituise.] slop, see oferslop. smadl sm. alapa, as. smiell J. 18,22. [See liondsiniell.] smeaga wv. cogitare, scriitari, ind. pres. 3 sg. smeab L. 14. 31; 2 pi. smeas Mt. 16. 8. Mk. 8. 17. L. 5. 22. J. 5, 39; 3 pi. smeaci Mk. 2, 8; pret. 3 sg. smeade L. 12, 17; 3 pi. smeadou Mk. 2, 8 ; inf. smea- ge J. 7, 52 ; pres. p. smeande L. I 7, 10; npm. smeande Mk. 2, 6; dp. smeandu L. 3, 15. [See fore-, gesmeaga.] smeawung smn. (?) cogitatio, ns. smeaung L. 9, 46; smeung L. I 5, 14; ds. smeawung L. 12, 25; as. smeaunga L. I 6, 10; np. smea- iinga Mt. 15. 19; smeaungas Mk. 7,21. L. 24, 38; a]), smeawiinga Mt. 9, 4. 12,25; smeaungas L. 2, 35. 9,47; smeawungas L. 11,17; smeaunga L. 5, 22 ; smeunga L. 6,8. [Seereht-, scearpsmeawung.] smeca ^\. fuinigare, i)res. ]). sme- eende Mt. 12, 20. smeriga wv. deridere, ind. pret. 3 pi. smerdou Mt. 9, 24. [See bi-, gebismeriga.] smiriga ws^ tmgere, iud. pret. 3 sg. smiride J. 9, 11. 11,2; 3 pi. smiredon Mk. 6, 13; inf to smiriane Mk. 14, 8. [See gesmiriga.] smirinise sfn. miguejihim, oleum, ns. — , J. 12,5; smirinis Mk. 14. 5: gs. smirinises Mk. 14, 3; J. 12, 3; — , Mt. T 22, 4. Mk. I 5, 10. L. 7, 37; smirinisse Mt. 26,7. Mk. 14,4; smiriuese J. 12, 3; ds. — , L. 7,38. 7,46. J.I 6, 11. 11,2; sraireuise L. 7,46; as. smirinis Mt. 26, 12; dp. smirin- issum J. 19, 40; ap. smiriuiso L. 23, 56. smita, see besmita. smib ^m./aber,Jigulus, ns. — , Mk. 6,3; gs. smi&es Mt. 13,55. 27,7. Mk. I 3, 9. smi&iga, see gesmiSiga. smoeSe 2e]. planus, iuconsntilis, usm. smoeiie J. 19, 23; dpm. smoeSu L. 3, 5. smolt aj. serenus, sero, nsn. — . Mt. 16, 2. Mk. 6, 47. J. 20, 19. smyltnise sn. silentiuin, trauquilli- tas, sero, ns. — , L. 8, 24. J. 6, 16; smyltnisse Mt. 8. 26. Mk. 4, 39; smvltuis Mk. 4,35: as. smjltnisse Mt.^ 22, 34; smyltnisso Mt. I 18, 5. [See unsmyltnise.] sua sm. nix, us. — , Mt. 17,2. 28, 3; snaua Mk. 9, 3. sni(5a, see gesni?!>a. snlwa wv. pluere, iud. i)res. 3 sg. suiueS Mt. 5, 45. suoru sf nurus, ds. — , L. 12, 53. snotor aj. sapiens, dsm. snotre j\It. 174 snotorlice s6S 7,24; npm. suotre Mt. 23, 34; dpm. snotni Mt. 11, 25; snottrti L. 10, 21; dpi snotm Mt. 25, 8. snotorlice av. sapienter, — , ]\Ik. 12,34. suude av. denuo, — , J. 3, 3. 3, 7. suytro sf. sapientia, prudentia, ns. snytru Mk. 6, 2; snyttro L. 11,49; snytry Mt. 13, 54; ds. — . Mt. 11, 19. L. 2,52. 7.35; suyttro L. 2, 40; as. — , Mt. 12,42. L. 2,47; snyttro L. 11, 31. 21,15. J.P188'i. [See unsnytro.] Sodom p. u. ina?i of Sodojii(^)^ dp. so5omom L. 10, 12. steea wv. qucerere, requirere, in- qiiirere, conquirere, sequi, ind, pres. 1 sg. soeco Mt. I 2, 5. J. 5, 30. 8, 50; 2 sg. soeeas J. 4, 27; soeces J. 20, 15; 3 sg. soecaS (10 times) ; soeeas (6 times) ; soecses Mt. 10,38; 2 pi. soeeaS J. 1,38. 5, 44. 7,3G; soeeas (12 times); soeces Mk. IG, 0; 3 pi. soecat) (8 times); soeeas L. 13,24. J. 10,4; pret. 1 sg. sohte Mt. 8, 19; 3 sg. sohte (12 times); 1 pi. sohton Mt. 13, 28. Mk. 10. 28. L. 2, 48 ; 2 pi. sobton Mt. 25, 36. L. 2. 49 ; sohto (gie) Mt. 25,43; 3 pi. sohton (24 times); opt. pres. 3 sg. soece Mk. 8, 34; soec' L. 9, 23; imp. sg. soec (6 times) ; soec Mk. 2, 14. L. 9, 59. 18, 22. J. 21, 22; pi. soeeas Mt. 6, 33. L. 12,31; soecaS Mt. 7, 7. L. 11, 9; inf. soeca L. 22, 23. J. 13, 36; to soecanne Mt. I 2, 11. 14,4. 19,19. Mk. 14,8. L. 19, 10; to soecane L. I 8, 11; to soeccenna Mt. 11,13; to soecenne Mt. 18, 12; pres. p. soecende (7 times); dsra. soecende Mt. 13,45; socenda Mt. I 17, 13; npm. soecende Mt. 12, 46. 12, 47; soecendo J. I 5, 5. 6,24; dp. soecendum (7 times); soecendii (3 times); apm.s6ecenda Mk. I 4, 10 ; soecende L. I 5, 3. [See efnege-, eftge-, eft-, ge-, in- sceea.J scecnise sn. visitatio, gs. soenises L. 19, 44. seel, see sel. somniga wv. coiigregarc, colligerc, ind. pres. 1 sg. somnigo Mt. 25, 26. L. 12, 17; 2 sg. somnas Mt. 25, 24; 3 sg. somnigaS L. 11, 23; somnaS L. 3, 17; somnigas Mt. 12, 30. 23,37; somnas Mt. 3, 12; 3pl. sumnigas Mt. 6. 26. 7, 16 ; pret. 1 pi. somnadon Mt. 13.28. 25, 38; 3 pi. somnadon Mt. 25, 35 ; imp. pi. somnias Mt. 13. 30. J. 6, 12; somniges Mt. 13, 30; inf. somniga L. 12, 18; pres. p. somnende Mt. 13, 47. [See gesomniga.J somnuug sfn. concilium, synagoga, " ns. somnung Mt. 26, 59. Mk. 14, 55; gs. somnunges L. 8, 41. 8, 49 ; ds. somnunge Mk. 1. 29. L. I 4, 15. J. 6, 59; somuunga Mk. I 2, 11; somnung (12 times); somnong L. 13, 10; som L. 4, 33; somga L. 4,28; as. somnung (7 times); dp. somuungum (11 times); som- nungu (7 times). [See ge-, heh- somnuug.] son, see efneson. sona av. statini, continuo, niox, protiiiiis, confestini, illico, siibito, nunc, — , Mt. 4, 20. 13, 5. Mk. 1 , 42. L. 1, 64; sona Mt. (21 times). Mk. (37 times). L. (23 times). J. (9 times); son J. 5,4. [See gee, sefter, efter sona.] sgnd sn. arena, as. sonde Mt. 7, 26; 'as. soud Mt. I 17, 19. song sm. chorus, as. song L. 15,25. s6ng sf. (?) stratum fas. pp.!), as. song Mk. 14, 15. L. 22, 12. sonwald aj. round, cylindrical, nsn. souuiiald J. 6, 31 mg. Sorobabeling p. n., ns. sorobabeling L. 3, 27. s65 sn. Veritas, ns. soS Mt. I 1, 13; ds. so5e Mt. 11,3. I 9, 2. s6S aj. varus, proprius, (= vestrum L. 16, 12; sob' is = amen, vere)^ nsm. sob J. I 5, 11. 7, 28; nsf. sob Mt. I 2, 7; nsn. sob Mt. (4 times). s6ts — spcafta 175 L. (6 times). J. (4(3 times); — , J. 21,24; dsf. soSre J. I 5, 11; asm. so?) J. 6,32. 17,3; npm. so?>o J. 4, 23; npD. so5a J. 10,41; apn. so5"a J. 4, 49. 19, 35; super]. s65est {=vcritatem\. asii. soSest Mk. 5, 33. s6(5 av. vcruiii , vcre, af, amen, autem,jam, — . Mt. 26, 15. 26. 23. J. 16, 5; so?) Mt. (40 times). Mk. (28 times). L. (39 times). J. (4 times); sod' Mk. 15, 44. [See jOc s65.] s65cuma sv. proccdcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. sofieymes J. 15. 26. so&ewcied aj. vcrax, nsm. so^eued J. 3, 33; soSciioed J. 7, 18. 8, 26. so&cwide ^m. prov erbium, as. so5- eiiido J. 10, 6; dp soc^cuidum J. 16,25; so^cuidu J. 16,25. sob'ftest aj. vcrax, Justus, nsm. soS- fsest Mt. 1,19. 22, 16. 23, 35. Mk. 12, 14. L. 23, 47. 23, 50. J. 3, 33. 5,30; so?5fa3ste J. 17, 25; soSfes L. 2. 25; nsu. so5fa3st L. 12, 57; gsm. soSfajstes Mt. I 18, 16. 10, 41 (2). 23, 35. 27, 24. L. I 3, 12. 1 4, 3; so^faestes Mt. 1 18, 16; ds. (wk.) sobfeste Mt. 27, 19; asm. so5fa?st Mt. 10, 41. 27,4. Mk. 6, 20. J. 7,24; np. so5fa3ste Mt. 23, 28. 25, 46; so5festo Mt. 13. 17. 13,43. 25,37. L. 1,6. 18,9; so6- fsesta J. 21, 16 mg.; gp. soSftestra Mt. 23,29. L. 1,17. 14,14; so5- festra Mt. 13, 49 ; dp. so6"fsestu L. 15, 7; ap. soSfsesta Mt. 5, 45; so(5feaste Mt. 9. 13; soSfsesto Mk. 2,17. L. 20,20; soSfaiste L.I 6, 18; so5fa3st' L. 5, 32; soSfais L. 15,7. [See uns65fa3st.] s65ftestiga vfv.jush^care, ind. pres. 2 pi. soSfffistigeS L. 16, 15. [See geso^fsestiga.] s66fsestnise sn. Veritas, justitia, ju- stificatio, ns. so^ifsestnise J. 14, 6 ; so5fa?stnisse Mt. 5, 20. J. I 5, 15. I 7.4. 1, 17. 8,32; so^Jfestnis J. 18, 38; 8o5ffest' J. 17, 17; gs. soSfa3stnises J. 14, 17. 15, 26 ; so5- ficstnisses J. 1, 14. 16,13; so?5- faestnise Mt. 21, 32; ds. soSfjest- nise (13 times); sob'ftestnisse (3 times); so()faestnis J. 18,37; so&- fajst' J. 16, 10. 18, 37; as. soS- fa?stnise (9 times); so^^faesnisse Mt. 43, 15; so5fa3stnisse (7 times); so?^feastnisse Mt. 1 16, 14; dp. ! so?)f3estnissu L. 1, 6. [See un- [ s65fa3stnise.j s6(5hwe5re av. veruuitamen, so"5- hueSre Mt. 11. 22. 26, 64. L. 6, 35. 13,33; so&liuoe5re Mt. 11, 24. L. 6,24. 18,8. 22.21. 22,22.22,42. J. 12,42; so(^hua3Sre L. 19,27. s()(5io-a wv. testari, probare, ind. pres. 3 sg. soSe5 Mt, I 7, 7; ])ret. 3 sg. soSade J. I 5, 2 ; 3 pi. so5- adon J. I 7, 2. si)51iee av. at, autem, jam, amen, quidem, vere, tainen, ergo, porro, etiaui, iitique, soSlice Mt. (138 times). Mk. (22 times). L. (27 times). J. (28 times); soSlic Mt. 4, 4. J. 5,19; sodlice iMt. 5,22; soMi J. 8,58; soSl' J. 7.26; so5' i L. 12, 44. J. 6, 55. [See iGc s65- liee.j soSliee liwe^re av. verumtamen, soSlice buoeSre L. 10,14. 10,20; soSlic liuoeSre L. 11, 41. 12,31. s65s?ecga wv. pronuntiarc , ind. pres. 3 sg. soSsajges J. I 4, 11. I 6, 15. s6(5saga vvm. Jiistoria, ns. so?>saga Mt. I 7, 2; gs. soSsaga ^ft. I 5, 9. subscip, see foresoSscip. s6(58pell sn. Jiistoria, ns. soSspell Mt. I 7, 2. so5()'a, see si55"a. spadl sn. sputum, ds. spadle J. 9, 6. si)arriga, see gesparriga. sparwa, see liroudsparvva. sputiga wv. expuere, pres. p. ni)m. spatende Mt. 27, 30. speafta wv. expuere, couspuere, ind. pret. 3 sg. speaft Mk. 8, 23 ; 3 pi. speafton Mt. 26,67. Mk. 15, 176 spearc — stfenen 19; speofton Mt. 27, 30. jSee a-, gespeafta.] spearc (?) lanterna, dp. spear J. 18,3. spell, see bi-, god-, soSspell. -spellere, see godspellere. -spellie, see godspellic. spelliga wwfabulari, pres. p. upm. spellendo L. 24, 15. [See g-e-, godspelliga.] -spellise, see godspellise. spere sn. lancea, ds. si)ere J. IV^. 34. [See pulspere.J spilla yN\. perdere, iiiterjiccre, iud. pres. 3 sg. spilleb L. 17, 33. 20, 16; spildeb J. 10, 10. 12, 25; pret. 1 sg. spildie J. 18,9; 3 sg. spilde L. 17, 27; opt. pres. 1 sg. spillo J. 6, 39; pret. 3 pi. spildou J. 11, 53; inf. to spillanne L. 19,47. J. 10.39. [See a-, gespilla.] spitta wv. conspjicre, ind. pres. 3 pi. spittes Mk. 10, 34. [See ef- nege-, gespitta.] speed, see imspoed. spowa sv. proficerc, 0])t. pret. 3 sg. speua Mt. 27, 24. spriGda, see gespraida. spree sf. lingua, forum, loqnela, rloqitiinn, concilimn, synagoga; ns. — , L. 16, 9mg. ; ds. — . Mt. 11, 16. 20, 3. 23, 7. Mk. I 5, 5. 6, 2. 12.38. L. 7,32. 11.43. 20,46. J. 4,42; as. — . Mt. 6, 7. J. 11,47; spree Mt. I 2, 5. L. I 7, 5. J. 8, 43; dp. sprecu Mk. 16, 17; — ■, Mt. I 2, 14. [See efne-, foresprec.J spreca sv. loqiii, dicere, ind. pres. 1 sg. spreeo (13 times); sprecco J. 8,26. 10,25. 12,50; spree' J. 16, 25; sp' J. 12, 49; 2 sg. spreees Mt. 13, 10. J. 4, 27. 16, 29 ; spreeces J. 19, 10; 3 sg. spreead J. 3, 31. 7,26. 8,44; spreceS J. 1 5, 6. 7, 18. 8,44. 16,18; sprecas Mt. 12, 34; spreees Mt. 10, 20. L. I 3. 14. 5, 21. 6, 45. J. 9,37. 16, 13; sprec- ses Mt. I 5, 12; spreeces J. 16, 13; pret. 1 sg. spruce J. 14, 25. 16. 1. 16,4. 18,20; spnec J. 15, IL 16, 6. 16, 25. 18, 20. 18, 21. 18, 23(2); spr-^c J. 16, 33; 3 sg. sprsecc Mt. 12. 46. L. 9, 11. J. 17, 1; spraic Mt. 26, 47. Mk. 4, 34. J. I 4, 4; spree J. 13, 10; 3 pi. sprecon Mt. 20, 11; opt. pres. 1 sg. sprece L. 1. 19; 2 pi. spreca Mk. 13, 11; spreeca Mk. 13, 11; inf. spreca (8 times) ; sprsecca Mt. 10, 19; sprecca Mt. 10.20. Mk. 12, 1; to sprecane J. 8, 26; to sprecc- ane Mk. 1.34; pres. p. spreceude (11 times); spreccende (7 times); sprsecende J. 6, 63 ; si)recend (24 times) ; si)reecend (8 times); spraic- eud Mt. 12, 46. Mk. 8.32. L. 1, ()4. J. 17,1; spra^eceud Mk. 4, 34. J. 18, 21 ; spree' J. 8, 30. 16, 25; upm. spreceendo Mk. 13, 1 1; sprec- endo L. I 7. 13; sprecend L. 12, 3; dp. spreceudu L. 7, 32. [See j efnege-, efne-, fore-, ge-, mis-, twi-, ymbspreca.] I si)recern ^n.pi'crton'tu/i, ds. spreceru j J. 18,28; as. sprecern J. 18,33. 19,9; sprecern J. 18,28. I springa sv. exire, ind. pret. 3 sg. spranc Mt. 9. 26 mg. [See ge- spriuga.] sprinta, see gesprinta. spryug, see espryng. ; spurna, see wiSspurna ; geond-, ondspurniga. spynga wf spongia, as. spyne Mt. 27,48; spynga Mt. 27,48. spyrd sn. stadhnii, np. spyrdo J. 6,19; gp. spyrda L. 24, i3; dp. spyrdum J. 11, 18. -spyrnise. see ondspyruise. staif sm. littera, gs. stiefes ^It. 5, 18. L. 16, 17; dp. stafum Mt. I 2, 9. L. 23, 38. J. 5, 47; ap. stafas L. 16, 7. J. 7, 15. / stsello, see stale. stsena wv. lapidarc, ind. pres. 2 sg. sta3na(5 L. 13, 34 ; stienas Mt. I 21, 18. 23, 37; 1 pi. sta;nas J. 10, 33; 2 pi. stienas J. 10,32. stgenen aj. lapideus, dsn. staene Mk. 1 5,10; asu. stsenne Mk. 14, 3; stff'ner — stonda 177 stsPiina Ml 'li'), 7; iipn. shi'niuo J. 2, 6. sta'ner s. (?) prtrosa, ap. (V) st;ener Mt. 13, 5. Mk. 4, 5; staeucr Mt. 13,2(1; stjeuero Mk. 4.10. -staid, see lu'hstald. -lukl, -nise. stalo sf. captura,furtu)ii, ds. stjcllo L. 5,4: as. stalo .Mt. 19,18. stan sm. (neut. L. 24, 2j lapis, petra, Petrus , saxum, ns. — . Mt. 24. 2. J. 20, 1; stau (5 times); gs. staues L. 22, 41; ds. stane (8 times) : stau J. 19, 13 ; stan Mt. 27. 60. L. 6, 49; as. Mt. 7, 9. 21,42. 27, 66; stan (24 times); np. stanas Mt. 4,3. 27,51. Mk. 13,1. L. 19, 40; stanes L. I 10.3; dp. stauum Mk. 5, 5. L. 3, 8; stanfl Mt. 3, 9. L. 21, 5 ; ap. stanas J. 8, 59. 10, 31. [See byr^en-, eoern-, hwom- Stc'lU.J staudo wf. (?) mora, ns. — , Mk. 6, 35. stanfaet sn. alahastrum, ns. stanfaet Mk. 14. 3. stapol sm. cohivnia, ap. staplas (= columbas) j\It. 21, 12, star sm. passer, np. staras Mt, 10, 29. L. 12, 6. sta5"oIfest aj.yf ;-///, nsm. — . Mt. 16,18; asm. — , Mt. I 5,15. steala sv. furari, pres. p. npm. stelende Mt. 28, 13. [See for-, gesteala.j stearm sm. tempesfas, ns. — . Mt. 16, 3. stearra swm. stclla, ns. — , Mt. I 16,3. 2.9; g's. stearres Mt. 2, 7; as. — . Mt. 2. 10; sterra Mt. 2, 2; np. — , Mt. 24. 29; steorras Mk. 13, 25. stefn smfn. vox, ns. — , (19 times). g's. stefnes Mk. I 1. 13; — , ^Ik. I 1, 11; ds. stefn (18 times); — , Mil 16,7. L. 1.42; as. — , (14 times); stefne Mk. 1 3, 17. 14, 30. 15, 37. J. 5, 37; dp. stefnum L. 23,23; stefnu L. 23,46; ap. stefno L. 23, 23. stemma, see forestemma. Cook, Nortliumbrian Glossary. stone sm. iiardus, M-//>, liginuii, dp. sfeneg- um Mt. 26, 55. L. 22, 52; stenegQ Mt. 26,47; steueu Mk. 14.43; stengu Mk. 14, 48. steorra, sterra, see stearra. sticiga wv. traiisfigerc, ind. pret. 3 pi. sticadun J, 19, 37. stig sn. ira/ncs, sei/iifa, dp. stigii Mt. I 4, 9; ap. stiga Mt. I 7, 13. 3,3; stige Mt. 12, 10; stigo Mk. 1, 3. stiga sv. ascendere, ind. pres. 1 pi. stiges Mt. 20, 18; stigeS Mk. 10, 33; inf stige Mt. 20,l8; pres. p. stigende Mk. 4, 8. J. 4, 51; nsm. stigende ^It. 13, 2; npm. stigende j\It. 14, 32; dpm. stigendn L. 2, 42. [See adimea-, jidunege-, a- diine-, a-, di'inea-, ge-, ofa-, of- diinea-, ofdiine-, ofer-, ofge-, of-, ^tonaa-, ufa-, upstiga.] stignise sf. descensus, ds. stignis L. 19, 37. [See a-, ofgestignise.] stihtiga, see instihtiga. stiora wv. comminari, coDipescere, ind. pret. 3 sg. stiorde Mk. 8,3(1. 8, 33. L. I 5, 19; stiordon ^Ik. 10, 48; stioredon Mk. 10, 13; pres. p. stiorend Mk. 4, 39. 8. 30. [See gestiora.] 8ti6 aj. diirus, nsn. sti5 Mt. 25, 24. J. 6, 60. stif^iga, see onstiMga. stic^nise sn. duritia, ds. stignise Mt. 19,8; as. stignise Mk. 16.14. stoee sm. tuba, as. — , Mt. 6, 2. stol sn. cat/iedra, sfola, ns. stol Mk. 16, 5; as. stol Mt. 23, 2. L. 15,22; dp. stolu Mk. 12.38. L. 20, 46. stonda sv. stare, pe/idere, ind. pres. 3 sg. stondcf^ L. 11, 81; stondas 12 178 st6w — styd Mt. 12, 25. 12,2(3. J. 3,29; stond- cs Mt. 18, 16. 22,40; 2 pi. stondes Mt. 20,6. Mk. 13,9; 3 pi. stondaS L. 9, 27; stondei^ L. 8, 20; stondes Mt.6.5. 12,47. Mk.3,31; stondas Mt. 12, 46; pret. 3 sg-. stod Mt. 20, 32. Mk. 10, 49. L. 4, 39. 5, 1. 7.38. J. 12.29. 20,26; stud Mt. 27,11. L. 18, 11. 18,40. J. 8, 9. 8,44. 18,18. 20,19. 21,4; stode L. 1, 11; sod L. 2, 9; 3 pi. stodon Mt. 26, 73. L. 7,14. 9,32. 17,12. 23,10; stodim J. 11, 56. 18,18; inf. stonda L. 13, 25. 21, 36; stoude Mk. 3, 24. 3, 25; pres. p. stond- ende (8 times); stoudende J. 18, 16. 20, 14; stonde L. 19, 32; npni. stoudende Mt. 6, 5. 27, 47; dpiu. stondendiim Mt. 16, 28. Mk. 11, 5; stondendu Mk. 9. 1. L. 19, 24; apni. stondende Mt, 20, 6; stand- ende Mt. 20, 3; apu. stondendo L. 5, 2. [See a-, tore-, for-, ge-, in-, of-, on-, to-, wi(V, ymbstonda.] st6w sfn. locus, ns. stou Mt. 14, 15; stowa Mt. 27, 33; stowe Mk. 15, 22; stone Mk. 16,6 L. 2, 7. 23, 33. J. 19.20; g-s. stowes Mt. 14, 35 ; ds. stowe Mt. 24, 15. L. 4, 42. 9,12. 11,1; stow Mt. 1 19, 19. 122,6. I 22,8; stouo Mk. 1,35; stone (11 times); stou L. 6, 17. 9,10. J. 4, 20. 5,13; stoue L. 19, 5; stoii'ie J. 10,40; as. stowe Mt. 14,13. 26,52. 27,33. Mk. 15,22; stou Mt. 28, 6. L. 10, 32. 14, 9. 14, 10; st6u J. 14,3; stown L. 23,33; stoue (9 times); stonm J. 14, 2 ; up. stowa Mt. I 9, 1 ; dp. stowum Mt. I 10, 4; stowm Mk. 1,45; ap. stowa Mt. 14,11. 19, 10. 19,17. 12,43. 24,7. L. 11, 24; stoua Mk. 13, 8. L. 21, 11. [See inting-, bingstow.] striede wf passtts, ' gp. straedena Mt. 5, 41. strc %.feshtca, gs. strees Mil 17, 11; as. — , Mt. 7, 3 ; stre Mt. 7, 14. stream smn. f1 ii fii en, flumus, /return, ns. strcniii L. 6. 4S. (l. |!); ds. stream Mk. 1, 5; streame J. 3,26; as. stream Mt. 8.18. J. 1,28. 10, 40; np. streames Mt. 7, 25. 7,27; streamas J. 7, 38; ai). streamas Mt. I 6, 2. : stregda sv. spargere, ind. pres. 3 i sg. streigdips Mt. 12, 30; pret. 1 i sg. strugde Wi. 25,26; 2 sg. strog- I des Mt. 25, 24. [See tostregda.] ! strenga, see gestreuga. strengo sf. fortitudo, ds. strengo Mk. 12, 33. i stret sf. via, seniita, ds. striet Mt. I 13,4; strete Mt. 13, 19; stret Mt. I I 21, 1; as. — , Mk. 4, 4; ap. streta Mt. I 7, 13. strieiga, see gestriciga. strion sn. tliesaurus, pccum'a, sub- stantia, facultas, ns. strion Mt. 6,21. L. 12,34; gu striones Mt. I 19, 11. L. 15, 12; ds. striona Mt. 13,52; strion Mt. 12,35(2). 13,44. L. 6,45; as.- strion (4 times); dp. strionum Mk. 10, 24. L. 8, 3 ; ap. striona Mt. 2,11. 6,20; striono L. 18,24. [See gestrion.] strioniga wv. thesaurizarc, lucrari, ind. pres. 3 sg. strioneS L. 9, 25 ; imp. pi. strionas Mt. 6, 20 ; inf. to striouanue Mt. 117,8; pres. p. gp. strionendra Mk. I 3, 15 (= parentuni). [See ge-, oferge- strioniga.] strong ai. fortis , validus , nsm. strong Mt 12, 29. L. 15, 14; (wk.) stronga L. 11,21; gsm. stronges Mk. 3, 27; dsm. strongu L. I 7, 5; as. strong Mt. 14, 30 ; (wk.) stronga Mt. 12, 29. Mk. 3, 27; comp. nsm. strong-ra Mt. 3, 11. L. 3, 16. 11, 22; strongre Mk. 1,7. [See un- strono-.j strvnd sf tribus, dp. stryndu L. 22,30; ap. strynda Mt. 19, 28. stycc sm. pars, viimitttni, as. stycg* J. 19, 23; ap. stycas Mk. 12, 42. styd sn. locus, ns. — , (3 times); ds. styde Mt. 21, 1. J. 11, 6; — , Mk. 1, 35. J. 6, 10. 10, 40; as. — , (9 times); stydd L. 10. 1; d]). -stylt sunor 179 stydum Mt. 1 10,4; a]), styde Mt. I 9, 17. -stylt, see feerstylt. stylta wv. stiipcrc, I/ajsifare, ind. pret. 3 pi. stylton Mk. G. 51. J. 13,22; styldou Mk. 1, 22. [See a-, fore-, for-, ge-, wib'stylta, styrendlie, see unstyrendlic. styrenise sf. uwf/is, tiuiiultus, us. — , Mk. 14,2; styrnise Mt. 8.24; as. — , J. 5, 4; styre J. 5, 3. styrig-a wv. vcxare, agitarc, ind. pres. 2 sg-. styres Mk. .5, 85 ; pres. p. styrende Mt. 11, 7; dp. styr- endum (= )iiobilibiis) Mt. I '6, 4. [See a-, efuege-, gestyriga.] suiudrig, see syndrig. sulfer, see seolfer. sulli s. aratrnDi, as. — , L. I 6, 13. 9, 02. sum aj. prn. quidam. (piispia)n, Dsm. — , Mt. (3 times). IMk. (3 times). L. 1 24 times). J. (3 times); sum Mt. 27, 57. Mk. 14,47. 14,57. L. 10, 33; su Mk. 4, 4; nsf — L. 8,43. 18,3; sum L. 22, 56; Dsn. — , Mk. 4, 5. 4,7. L. 11,27; sil Mk. I 5, 14. 14, 3; gsm. sum- mes L. 12, 16. 14, 1; sume Mk. I 4, 6. L. I 6, 8; dsm. summu Mt. 26, 18; sume L. 7, 41; dsf summe L. 18,2; sum L. 11,1; asm. — , Mk. 9,38. L. 11,36; sumne Mk. 15,21. L.23,26; su Mt.21,3; asn. summe L. 10. 38; su L. I 7, 13; npm. sume (14 times); sumo L. 13,1. 19.39. 20,39. J. 6, 64. 7, 12. 7,44; summoL. 13, 31. J. 11, 37. 11,46; sume Mt. 28, 11. Mk. 8,3. 14,65; sumo L. 20,27. J. 7, 25. 9, 16. 12, 20. 13, 29; sumo J. 7, 41; sfio J. 16, 17; — Mt. I 5, 8 ; upf. sume L. 24, 22; dpm. summu L. 9, 7. 9,8; suraiiL. 18,9; ap. sume Mk. 14,3. 7, 2. 12,5. 12, 13. L. I 6, 7. -sum, see gebaf-, long-, sibsum. sum uber aj. pru. alius, aliquis, quidam, nsm. sum o(5er Mt. 9, 3. Mk. 10, 17. L. 9,57. J. I 4.6; su o(^er Mt. 8,21; nsf. sum obero L. 10, 38; asm. suili oSer L. 9, 49; asf. sum o(5er L. 21,2; asn. sum 0()QX L. 17, 12; n])rn. sumo or)er L. 6, 2; sume oboxix. L. 9, 27; npn. sum o^'ero L. 1 8, 1; apn. sum ot)er Mt. I 6, 12. sumer sm. ccsfas, ns. — , Mt. 24, 32. Mk. 13,28; siimer L. 21, 30. -sumiga, see gemjOn-, genyht-, her-, mien-, wynsumiga. -sumuise, see embeht-, ge^iaf-, ge- deod-, lier-, monigfald , unsib- sumnise. sund-, see synd-. sundor ^w.alitrr, dcorsiini, scorsiivi, scparatim, — , ^It. 1 19, 9; suindir Mt. i 3, 7; suundur J. 20, 7; sundur Aik. 6, 32; sunduria Mk. 14, m\ fru sunder J. 8, 6. suudorliee av. proprie, seorsum, scparatim, sundurliee Mt. I 9, 9. Mk. 7,33; suundorlice Mk. 13,3. sundriga wv. deceriicrc, scpararc, ind. pret. I sg. suudrade Mt. I 1,3; opt. pres. 3 sg. suindria Mt. 19, 6. [See gesundriga.] suner, see sunor. sunna wm. sol, us. — (10 times); ds. — , L. 21, 25; as. — , Mt. 5, 45. sunuadseg smu. sabbatum, domi)iica, us. — , Mt. 12, 8 mg. J. 9, 14; sunne- daeg Mk. 16. 1. J. 5, 9; sunnad' L. 23, 54; gs. sun L. 4, 16: sunna J. 20,1; ds. — , Mt. I 18.20. 12, 1. Mk. I 2, 16; suuued:eg Mt. I 22, 17; sunnadie Mt. 12. 8; sunue- daege J. 7, 23 ; sunned' J. 7, 22. 7, 23; sun L. 23, 56. 24, 1; as. — , Mt. 12, 5 ; sunnedae J. 5, 18 ; sunned' J. 9, 16; sunn Mk. 15, 42; gp. sunnetiagana ^Ik. 16, 2 ; dp. sunnadagum Mt. 12, 2. 12, 5; sunuedagu Mk. 2. 23. sunnadd'g sn. sabbafitm, ns. sunna- doeg Mk. 6, 2. 16,9; ds. sunne- doeg J. 1 4, 9. sunor sn. grrx, ns. — , L. 8, 32. 8, 12* 180 sunset swpe 33; siinev Mt. 8,30. 8.32; as. simer Mt. 8,31. sunset s. occidens, occasiis, ds. suuuset \i. 12,54; as. — , Mt. 24,27. simu sm. films, filiolus, natus, us. — , (15 times)"; sime Mt. I 21, 13. L. 15,31. J. 1,18. 5,19. 8,35. 8, 36. 12,34(2). 17 J; suua J. 13, 31; gs. simes Mt. I 14, 13; — , Mil 7,11(2). 1^(2). 10,35. 17, 15. 23,35. 24,30. 24,37. 24,39. 28,19. Mk. 1, I. L.I 2, 15. 17,22. 17.26. J. 3, 18. 5,25; suna? J. 6, 53; ds. — , Mil 14,13. 21.9. L. 6, 22. 9, 38. 18, 31. 20, 30. J. 3, 36. 5, 22. 9, 35 ; siine Mi 22, 2. L. 13,4. J. 4, 5. 5,26.17,12; as. — . (60 times); siioa Mi 21, 5; sune L. 21, 36. J. 4,47. 17,1; suno L. 20, 13; s"ona Mi 2, 15; up. siino (17 times); siina Mi 5, 9. 5, 45. 8,12. 10,2. 10,21. Mk. 2,5; sun [] Mi 5, 9 mg-.; — , Mi 9, 15. 23, 31. L. 6, 35. 20, 36. J. 4, 12. 8, 39. 21, 2; gp. suna Mi 15, 26. 27, 56; suno Mi 20,20. Mk. 7,27; sunana Mi I 20, 20; dp. sunum (6 times); sunvm L. 7, 28; sunu (9 times); ap. suno (18 times); suna Mil 21,6. 2,18. 3,9; — , Mi 18,25. 21, 28. L. 3, 8. 5, 10. 14, 26. 20, 28. siip(ig)a swv. gitstarc, ind. pres. 3 pi. suppas Mi 16, 28. [See ge- siip(ig)a.] sii5" aj. (?) auster, nsm. (?) snS L. 12, 55. siii&a av. aiistro, su&a L. 13, 29. suSdad sm. mister, gs. sutidieles Mi 12,42. L.I 7,8. subern s. (aj.?) auster, gs. su&ernais L. 11,31;' su^erne Mi I 19,6. swie av. sic, sicut, ita, qualis, tarn, tanqiiam, proiit, lit, quasi, qiieni- adviodu))i , swai Mi I 5, 5. I 5, 10. I 7,3 I 7,8. I 7,10. 18,15. 20,26. Mk. 2,7. 12,25. L. 18,9; swa Mi 11,3. I 2, 18. I 6. 3; 8uoa3 Mi 13, 32; sua Mi (20 times). Mk. (11 times). L. (25 times). J. (7 times); suae Mi (72 times). Mk. (18 times). L. (38 times). J. (44 times). [See allsWcO.] swtie feolo prn. qiiantiis, quotqiiot, sua feolo Mk. 3, 10; swa3 feolo Mi I 8,16; sua3 feolo J. 6,11. swie for^or av. qiianto magis, sua f '5or Mi 6, 30. swa; gelic av. similiter, swie gelic Mt. I 9, 1. swa; hwa indef. pers. pron. quictim- que , quisquis, qiiis, nsm. sua hua Mi 5, 31. 10, 42. 12, 32. 15, 5. Mk. 9, 37. 9,41. 9,42. 10,43. L. I 9,2. 8, 18. 9, 5. 9,48; sua cliua Mi 5,41; sua Im* Mk. 10, 44; sua; liua Mi 10, 14. 12, 50. Mk. 10, 15; sua lia Mk. 11,23; nsn. sua liuet Mi 15,5; gsm. swa; hw?es Mi I 9, 18; asn. sufie liuset Mt. 14, 7; sua; liwaet Mk. 6. 23; suae huat Mk. 10,35; sua hwaet Mk. 11,23; sua liuset (= cumque) Mk. 10, 21; sua; bused J. I 7, 5. I 7, 11. 2,5. 15, 7. 15, 16; sua huad J. 14, 13; apn. sua huset Mi 7, 12. Mk. 9,13. 11,24; sua? liujBt Mi 16,19; suae huait Mi 16,19; sua hua;d J. 4, 29. 4,39. 15, 15; sua; ba;d J. 5, 19; sua3 chua;t &a Mi 18, 19; (?) sua lnui Mi 17, 12. [See ?5a;t swa; hwa.] swje hwelc indef. i)ers. pron. qui- ciDuque, quilibet, quis, quisquis, quisquc, qualiscuvique, nsm. sua huele Mi 19, 3. 19, 9. 23, 16. 23, 18. Mk. 6, 11. 11,28. L. I 6,6. 11, 5. 12,8. 17,33; sua huc-ele Mi 14, 36. Mk. 9, 37. 10, 11. L. 7,23. 18,18; sua ehuele Mi 15, 5. 20, 26 ; sua cliualc L. 9, 48; swse liujulc Mi 18,4; sua? huselc Mi 23, 18; dsmn. sua hueleum L. 9, 4; sua3 hweleu Mi 19, 16; sua liua;lcu Mk. 11, 29; sua liuelc Mi 7, 2 ; sua liua;le Mk. 4, 24. 6, 10. L. I 11,5; sua? liuelc Mi I 9, 16; suae hueleelcre (fern.?) Mi 10,11; sua' liuadc J. 5, 4; asm. swje — sw6r 181 su;c hua'lene Mk. 15. ('); sua huoelc Mk. 14,44; sua huelcue L. 10,5; swa hueleue siue i\It. 26, 48; asf. sua buelc L. 10, 10; suic luuTcle L. 10, 8; a}). su?e huelce Mt. 23, 3; sua liwjeic Mt. I 3, 13; sua huele Mt. 21, 22. 22, 9. 28, 20. L. 18, 22; sua liuelc r)ara Mt. 22,9. [See an swie hwelc] swjc liwer av. ubi, ubicunique, sua huer Mk. 14, 9. L. 12, 34. J. 12, 26; su» huer Mt. 24,28. L. 17. 37; sua huer Mk. 9, 18. 8wa3 liwer swai av. ubicumquc, sua huer sua Mt. 26, 13. sw<€ hwider av. quoaunqur, sua liuider Mt. 8. 19; sua hwider Mk. 6. 10 : swa hwidir ^[t. I 7, 17; swa liuider Mk. G, 56; swa huidder Mk. 14.14; siis? huiddir L 9,57. swiC' hwuu av. taiituDi, sua luion Mt. 9,21. swie loDg-e av. qitanidiii, qiianto, sua long- Mt. 25. 45 nii:.; sua long-e Mk. 2. i9; sua' longe J. 14. 9. swa; mara av. quaiito ))iagis, sua niara Mt. 6, 30. swje mieil aj. taiifus, quautiis, asui. sua; michil Mt. 10. 42. 15, 33; asf. suae miclo Mt. 8, 10; asn. sua micle L. 22, 41; npf. sua miclo Mt. 6,23; dp. sua mielfi Mk. 15, 4; apu. suffi micla J. 12,37. sw;t' ninnig aj. mult us, tot, quof, npf. swa monig-e Mt. I 1. 13; swse nionig Mt. I 1, 13; apm. sua nionigo ^It. I 15, 33 ; a])n. swa nionig Mt. I 10, 1. SWte oft av. qiiofqiiof, sua3 oft J. 1. 12. 10, 8; sua oft Mk. 3, 10; eomp. swjG oftor (= quotquot): sua oftor Mk. 6, 56. swa; oSer aj. nsm. (?) sute o5er (= vcrbi!) Mt. I 4, 4. sw;G sw{^ swi^or av. tanto, swa swa suibor Mk. 7, 36. swte swiSe av. qiianto, prout, tain, quoticns, sua3 suiSe Mk. 4, 33. L. 13, 34; swa3 swi(5e Mt. I 7, 1. Mk. 7, 36. I swte Qtijh av. ill III ('II, sua' ^a-h J. i 20, 5. J. 21, 4. i swiG SjTct ej. ut, ita ut, sua |> Mt. i 15, 31. L. 8, 34; sua} \A :\Ik. 4. 36; sua )^te Mk. 4, 1. 4, 37; sua' pte I Mk. 2, 12. 9,26. 10,1. 15,5. L. 5,7. 12,1; smie \ Mt. 21,34. 24, 24. 27,14. -sware. see ondsware. -swariga, see g-eond-, ondswariga. swat sm, sudor, ns. suat L. 22, 44. swe-, see swfie-. swefn sn. somnits, soinnhun, visits, gs. suajfnes J. 11,13; ds. soefne Mt. 2, 13; as. soefen Mt. 27, 19; dp. suefnum ]\rt. 2. 12; soefnum Mt. 2, 19: suoefmi Mt. 1, 20 ; soefuu Mt. 2, 22. swegungnise sf. sonttus, ds. sueg- ungnis L. 21. 25. swelc aj. quail's, talis, asf. suade Mt. 9.8; npm. suelco Mk. 13. 19; swfelee .A[t. 24, 21. swelce av. quasi, siait, vcluti, ut, SIC, taniquaiii, queniadinodum, fcrc, quoiiiodo, — , Mt. J 3. 3. I I 8, 15. Mk. 1, 10. 6. 15: suelce (31 ' times): swadee :\[t. I 7. 8. I 7, 10. 19.14. Mk. 1.22; suadee L. 18, 11. J. 12.3. 14,9. 1,32. 4,6. 6, 19. 11.18. 13,15. 14,27. 15,6; swilce Mt. I 18. 13; suielca; L. 11, 44; suoelce Mk. 8,24. 8,28. L. 16,1. 23,44; swelc Mil 1, 2. I 14,1. 114,15. Mk. 10,15; suelc Mt. 120,10; sua^lce L. 1,56. swelce jOc av. sir, snelce ec Mt. 23, 28 mg.; suelce ec Mt. 5,12 mg. swelga, see forswelga, swelta wv. iiiori, o])t. pres. 3 sg. suelte J. 1 1, 50 ; pret. 3 sg. suoelte J. 11, 37; inf. suelta Mt. 26, 35; pres. p. sueltende J. 12,33; suoel- I tende J. 11,51. [See a-, efnege-, geswelta.] swcir aj. pigcr, nsm. swer Mt. 25, 26. swer sm. soccr, ns. sueor J. 18, 13. swer sf. socrus, ns. swer Mk. l,3(t. L. I 4. 16; snaM" L. 4. 38; suegir L. 12,53; ds. swoer Mk. 12, 12; 182 swetiSa — swoet suoeger L. 12.53; ay. swear Mt. I 18, 2 ; swer Mt. 10, 35; suer Mt. 8,14. swe5"5"a, see beswe'SSa. swica sv. scducere, ind. pres. 3 pi. swica?) Mt. 24, 11; suieas Mt. 24, 5. [See be-, g-eswica.] -swica, swice, see eswica, eswice. -swienise, see eswicnise. swiga wv. tacere, silere, stupcre, ob))iutcscere, riiutuare (!), ind. pret. 3 sg. swigade ]\It 2(3, G3 ; 3 pi. svvigdou Mk. 1,22; swigadou L. 23, 56; suigdon Mk. 3, 4. 6, 51. 9,84. 10,32. L. 9,36. 14,4; opt. pret. 3 sg. suigde Mk. 10. 48 ; 3 pi. snigdou Mt. 20, 31; imp. sg. swiga Mk. 4, 39; suiga Mk. 1, 25; inf. suiga (= nnititare) ]\[t. I 17, 4; to suigenna3 Mt. I 15,5; pres. p. siiigendaj L. 1, 20. [See fore-, geswiga.] swigo sf. mora, as. suigo Mt. 25, 5. I See feerswigo.] swiguuii' sf. iiiora, as. suigiime ]\lt. 24, 48. swigimga av. silentio , siiingunga J. 11, 28. swin ^)x. poniis, np. siiiu L. 15, 16; gp. swiua Mk. 5. 11; ap. suiuo L. 15, 15. swinga sv. flagcllarc, iud. pres. 2 sg. sningas Mt. 23. 34; 3 pi. suiu- geS ^It. 10, 34; inf. to suinganne Mt. 20, 19. [See be-, geswinga.J swipa wra. fJageUuvi, as. sin'opa J. 2, 15; "dp. su'iip])!! Mk. 15, 15. swiperuise, see geswipernise. swira wm. coll2im,/retH//i, ds. suire Mt. 18, 6 ; siiiro Mk. 9, 42 ; as. swira ]Mk. 5. 1; snira L. 15, 20. 17,2. swit) aj. grandis, dsf. suir)e L. 9, 43; asn. swiQe Mk. 14, 15; eomp. (= dcxfcr) nsm. sui5re Mt. 5, 29; sui5ra Mt. 5,30. 6,3; nsf suibra L. 6, 6; gsni. suitira Mt. I 17, 2; dsm. suiSra (7 times); siiiSre Mt. 27, 38. :\Ik. 10, 37; swi^ra Mk. 10, 40; dsf. sui<^re .1.21,6; asf suibro L. 22, 50; asn. siiiSra J. 18, 10; dp. suiSrum Mt. 25,33. 25,34. Mk. I 5, 14; swiSru (3 times); 8ui?ru (4 times); sui?)roMk. 14,62; sniSra Mk. 12, 36. 8wi(5a, see oferswi(5a; forswiSed. swib'e av. vnilttiDi, viulio, valdc, quam, vchcmoitcr, nimis, uiagis, swi(5e Mt. 11, 20. 26, 22. 27, 14. Mk. 3, 12. 5,26. L. 9, 29; suiSe (43 times) comp. swiSor (= magis, plus, plusquaiii, anipliiis, tarii) : swiSor Mt. I 5, ;•. I 6, 9. I 7, 1. I 8, 9. 27, 23. Mk. 5, 26; suiSor Mt. 5, 20. 6. 26. 6, 30 mg. 20, 31. Mk. 9. 42. 10, 26. 10. 48.15, 11. 15, 14. L. I 3, 9. 5. 15. J. 3, 19. 5, 18. 8, 11. 12,43. 19.8; suiQur J. 21, 15. swi5nise, swirling, see oferswi^uise, -swiSung. sw()L'-, see swe. swceuc s. tciiiptatio, daviiiatio, as. suoeuc L. 24, 20; dp. siioeueeu L. 22, 28. [See geswoenc.] swoenca, see geswa'uea. swceriga ^v.jiirarr, iud. pres. 3 sg. suerias Mt. 23, 18. 23, 20. 23, 21; suerias Mt. 23, 22; sueras Mt. 23, 20. 23, 21. 2;3, 22; pret. 3 sg. swor Mk. 6, 23; imp. sg. suere Mt. 5, 36; inf. suoeriga Mt. 23, 16; suer- iga ]Mt. 26, 74^ suerige i\It. 5, 34. 23, 18; sueria Mt. 23. 18. [See ge-, Qerliswa'riga.] swcese s. prandiuui, as. swoesc Mt. 22,4. swcester sf soror, us. swoesf ^Ik. 3,35; suoester Mt. 12,50; suoest' L. 10,39. J. 11,39. 19,25; soesf L. 10, 40; gs. suoester J. 11, 1; ds. suoester L. I 7. 1; as. suoester J. 11.28; suoest' J. 11,5; np. suoestro Mk. 6, 3. J. 11,3; suoester Mt. 13, 56; ap. suoestro Mk. 10, 29. 10,30. L. 14,26; soestra Mt. 19, 29. swfjbt aj. suavis, nsn. suet Mt. 11, 30; dsm. snot J. 12,3; asm. su- tieti L. 23,56; apm. sui'eti L. 24, 1. swoeSel — synfull 183 swoet^el sni. (?) mstita, ^-s. sui'oeSles J. 11,44. sword smn. giadnis, ns. siiord L. 2,35; g-s. suoi-des L. 21, 24; ds. — , Mt 26, 52; suord Mt. 2(3, 52 ; suorde L. 22, 49 ; as. suord (7 times): suord J. 18, 11; suuord J. 18, 10; sword Mt. 26, 52; up. suordas L. 22, 38; dp. suordum (3 times); suordti Mk. 14.43. 14,48. symbel su. cciia, prainihim, f est us, fcstivitas, solcuDiis, mipficr, sab- bahiiit, ns. — , L. I 8, 13. 22,1. J. 7,2. 7,14. 13.2; g-s. svmbeles L. 2,41; symbles \1\?>, 14. J. 7, 37; symbei' L. 14.5; symb' L. 2, 42. 13.16; ds. --. Mt. 26, 5. J. 7, 8 (2). 7. 10. 7. 11; svmb' J. 7. 22; as. -. Mt. 22. 4. 27. 15. Mk. 6, 21. 15. 6. L. 14. 12; dp. symblil L. 12, 36. [See eastrosymbel.] syuibeldii'g sm. dies fcstits, sabbat- iDii, gs. symbeldcTges L. 6,5 ; symb' J. 19, 31; ds. svmbeldsege L. 6, 6. J. 12, 12. 13, i. 13,29; symbel- daeg-e J. 11. 56; symbel<^/a'^6' J. 12.20; — . L. 6,9. 14.1. J. 5, 16. 19. 31 ; symbedjTeg L. 6, 7; symbekV L. 14, 3;*^ symbef J. 12, 20; as. — , J. 5, 10; dp. symbeldagum L. 13, 10; symbeldagil L. 6, 2. 13.14. symbeldoeg sm. dies fcstus , sab- batum, us. symbeldoeg J. 5, 1; ds. (?) symbeldoege J. 6, 4; ds. svmbeldoeg- L. 13. 15; as. symbel- doeg ].. 23, 17. symbelhiis su. cenaciihun , as. symbelhus L. 22, 12. symble av. frequenter , erebro, ^ semper, scppe, — , Mk. 9, 22. 14, 7. L. 19, 12. 5,33. 15.31. 18,1. 24, 53. J. 7, 6. 8, 29. 12, 8 (2). 18. 2; symle Mt. I 6, 18. 9,14. 17.15. 18,10. 26. 11(2). Mk. 5, 4. 5,5. 14,7. 15,8. J. 6,34. 11,42. 18, 20. syudrig aj. siiigiilf, proprius, siiigulan's, usm. syudrigo j\Ik. 4, 10; dsu. — , Mt. 25, 15; asu. suHudor J. 7, 18; upm. syudrio L. 2,3; syudrigo L. 2, 3; syudrige J. 2, 6; n])f. snyudriga Mt. I 9, 1; upn. syudrigo J. 1<». 12; suindrig Mt. I 3, 9; suiudrige Mt. 1 9,9. 2(), 22; dp. suiudrigum Mt I 3. 12. I 4,10. I 8, 1. 1 10. 4; svndrigiiiH L. 4,40. J. 8, 44: syudrign L. 16, 5. J. 10, 3; swindrigum 3lt. 1 4, 1; apm. suiudrige ^It. 17. 1: syu- drigo >[t. 20, 16; syndrio L. I 9, 11; suyudriga L. I 3. 7; a]»f. syu- driga Mt. I 9, 10; suiudriga ]\It. I 9, 12; sundria Mt. I 9, 17; sun- drigo Mt. I 10. 3 ; apu. svudrigo Mk. I 2,2. J. 10, 4; suiudrigo Mt. 20, 9; suiudriga J. I 2, 5; syudrio ]\It. 1 17,12; suiudrio Mk. 1 1, 17; syudrigi J. 21, 25; syudrige J. IC), 32; suiudrig Mt. 13.18; suudur J. 16,32. syudrige av. alifer, seorsum, sing- ^ aiatim, — . :\[t. 14. 13. Mk. I 3, 4. 4.31. J. 20,7; suudrig Mk. 6, 31; syudria L. 9. 10; suiudrige Mk. 9, 2; swyudria Mk. 14,19. [>S^e suudor.] syuu ^w. peeeatuin, feiiebrcc, vitiuin, aecusatio, peeeator (!), us. — , Mt. 12,31. J. 9, 41; gs. syuiies J. I 5. 16. 8,34; ds. syuue"^ J. I 5,12. I 7, 13. 8, 7. 8, 24! 8. 46. 16, 8. 16, 9; syuuo J. 8.21. 15,22; as. — , J. 8,34. 9,41. 15.22. 15.24. 18, 29. 19,11; syuue J.I5.16. 1.29; up. syuuo Mt. 9, 2. :\Ik. 2, 5. 2, 9. 3, 28.' L. 7. 47; syuua .Alt. 9. 5. Mk. 4.12. L. 5,20. 5.23. 7,48; gp. syuua Mt. 26, 28. :\lk. 1 2. 14. 1, 4. L.I8, 16(!). 1,77. 3,3: syu L. 24,47; dp. syuuum J. 9.34; syuuu L. I 4. 20; svuu J. 1 1. 7; ap. syuua (16 times);^syuuo .Mk. 1, 5. 2, 10. L. 19, 14. J.'l 3.6. 8.24; syuue Mt. I 17, 1. [See liehsynn.j synfull aj. peeeator, usm. — , L. 5, 8. J. 9i 16. 9, 24. 9, 25; usf. svuu- ful'L. 7.37; dsui. syuufullu L. 19. 7; syunful' L. 18.1:!; syufiiUu L. 5, 30; asm. syuufuUue L. 15, 7. 15, 10; upm. syuufullo Mt. 9, 1»». 184 synngiga — teaucwide Mk. 2, 15. L. G, 32. 6, 34. 13, 2. 15.1; synnfulle L. 6,33; qi. synn- fullra Mk. 14.41. L. 7,34; svn- fullra Mt. 11, 19. 26,45; synn- fulra L. 24, 7; dp. synnfullum Mk. 2, 16. L. 6, 34; synfullum Mk. 2, 16; synfullil Mt. 9, 11; apm. syunfullo L. 5, 32. J. 9, 31; syn- fiillo Mt. 9. 13. Mk. 2, 17. L. 15, 2. synng'iga wv. peccare, adiilterare, moccJiari, iud. pres. 3 sg-. syngeS Mk. 10, 12; synugeb L. 16, 18; synugieb' Mt. 5, 32; synngiga5' L. 17,3; syngig-es L. 16,18; synges Mt. I 20. 13; syngias Mt. 19, 9; pret. 1 sg. synngade L. 15, 18. 15, 21; 3 sg. synngade Mt. 27, 4. J. 9, 2. 9, 3 ; opt. pres. 3 sg. synngiga Mt. 18, 15; pret. 3 sg. syngade J. I 5, 10; imp. sg. synnge L. 18, 20; inf. synngiga Mt. 18, 21; syun- gige Mt. I 17, 1; synngega J. 8, 11; syngige J. 5, 14. [See g-e- synngiga.] syunig aj. reus, nsm. — , Mt. 19, 9 (synnig biS = moechatiir). Mk. 3,'29. 14,64. [See bser-, dead-, unsynnig.] Syria p. n., gs. syries L. 2. 2; as. syria 1 Mt. 4, 24. syrisc aj. synis, nsm. sirisc Mt. I 6,10; syrisea L. 12, 1; ^Jerisea I L. 4, 27; nsf. sirisc L. 16, 9 mg.; i gsra. syri L. I 4, 14. T. tacniga wv. indicare, ind. pres. 3 sg-. taicnab L. I 8, 3; tteenes Mt. I 4, 3; taenas J. I 3. 13 mg.; opt. pres. 3 sg. tseene J. 11, 57. [See fore-, getacniga.] taeon su. sigimm, tituhis, fori)mla, Jigiira, ns. taeon Mk. 15, 26. L. 2, 12. 21. 7. J. I 1, 7; ds. taeon Mt. I 4, 7. I 16, 7. I 22, 10; tacne J. I 4, 15; as. taeon Mt. 26, 48. Mk. I 3, 19. J. 19, 19. 20. 25; taceon J. 19, 20; taeo Mk. 14, 44. L. 2,34; np. taceno Mk. 13, 8; gp. taceno J. I 2, 1; dp. tacenil Mk. 16, 21; ap. taenas :\It. I 9, 3 ; taceno J. 3. 2. [See foretacon.] tieca wv. docerc, sigiiijicare, in- dicare, ind. pret. 3 sg. tahte Mk. 12, 38. J. I 8, 12. 21, 19; opt. pret. 3 sg. tahte L. I 2, 14. [See be-, forege-, getjt'ca.] tit'cniga, see tacniga. taiberiga wv. lacriinari, pres. p. tieherende J. 11. 35. [See tear.J ta'slice av. conveuicutly , com]i. tiC'slicor (=^ opportune , pofius)\ teaslicor Mk. 14, 11; ticslicro Mt. 25, 9. tal sn. iinvierits, expos if io, s?ip- putatio, series, prologiis, canon. ns. — Mt. 1 1,1. 14,2. 14.4. I 9. 11. I 9, 13. I 9, 14. I 9. 18. I 14,10. 122.6. 14,21. L. 13,5; gs. tales Mk. 11.16: ds. —, Mt. 13.13. 13,15. 13,16. 13,17. I 3,18. 19.2. 114,5. J. 6,10; as. — , Mt. 14.3. 110,2. Mk.Il,16; up. talo ^It. I 3, 2; d]). talum Mt. 13,3. 14,6; ap. talo Mt. 1 4,9. 19,3. 19,13. I 10,3. [See ge-, nntal.] taliga wv. piitare, einiinerare, iud. pres. 2 sg. talas Mt. 26, 53; inf. to talanna Mt. I 5, 7. [See ge- taliga.] talscip. see getalscip. tan sm. sors , as. - — . Mt. 27. 35(-). J. 19, 24; ap. tanas L. 23, 34. taniga wv. dcciniare, ind. pres. 2 pi. tauages Mt. 23, 23. tea, see a-, eftto-, getea. tea, see teno; tea siSa. teafald aj. dcnariiis, dsn. teafald Mt. I 14, 5. team sm. semen, as. team Mk. 12, 21; tea Mk. 12, 12. [See efne- team.] teaucwide sm. contuvielia, dp. tean- cuidii L. 20. 11. teancwoet5a — Tiiuseus 185 teaucw(iv5a sv. calui/nii'art, pres, ]). dp. teancuedendnin Mt. 5, 44. -teautii!,-, see liiiDdteantij;-. tear, teher sm. lacrima, d]). tearuii L. I 5, 14; tearu L. 7, 44; tear L. 7, 38; tselieru L. 7,38; telieru Mk. 9, 24 ; tehr L. 7, 44. [See tselieriga.] teara, see geteara. tea siSa num. decern, dp. tea sib'u L. 15, 8. -teg, see racenteg. teigb'a a], dccivnis, nsni. tei(5a Mt. 1 9, 8;' usf. — J. 1, 39; asf. tei(5a Mt. I 3, 18. [See fifteiba.] teig?5iga wv. dcchnarc, ind. pres. 2 pi. teigSas L. 11, 42. [See ge- teig&iga.] teigSuDg sm. dccwia, ap. teig- Siincgas L. 18, 12. teiss ^.plaga, dp. teissum L. 7.21. tela wv. dcliiderc, ilbidere, contoii- nere, discrepare, acciisare, am- putarc, ludere, cxprobrare, spern- cre, deridere, aspcruarc, siiii- ulare, vereri, ind. pres. 3 sg. tela5 Mk. I 3, 14. I 5, 3; teleS L. 10, IG; teles J. 12, 48; 3 pi. tela?1 L. 6. 22; pret. 3 sg. telde L. 23, 11; 3 pi. teldon Mt. 21, 37. L. 7, 30. 8,53. 16, 14. 18,9. 23,30; teledon L. 20. 20; opt. pres. 2 pi. tela Mt. 18. 10; inf. to telenne :\lt. 20. 19. L. 6. 7; to telenna Mt. 1 1, 8;' to tellanue Mk. I 1, 19; pres. p. telende ]\[k. 15,31; telend \= irrifuiii) Mt. 15. 6; dp. tel- endil :\lt. I 20. 17. [See getela.] telend sm. coiitc»iptor, rcprcJieusor, di>. teleudum Mt. I 21, 9. Mk. I 2, 17; a]), telendo L. 1 6. 12. telge sn. ramus, froiis, ns. — •, ^It. 24, 32. :\Ik. 13.'28; dp. telgum L. 13,19; ap. telgo Mk. 4, 32. 11,8. tella, see getella. teluise sn. -. tobra^c Mt. 27,40; p]). tobrocen Mt. 27,51. L. 6,48; to- broecen J. 21, 11; tobroeene J. 13, 26; npm. tobroeeeno J. 19, 31. tobrenga wv. affcrrr, adducere, ind. pres. 3 sg. tobrengas J. 12, 24; pret. 3 sg. tobrolite Mk. 4, 8. 1 6, 28. L. 12, 16; t6brohte L. 7, 37; 3 pi. tobroliton Mk. 12, 16; imp. pi. tobrenges L. 19, 27; pres. p. tobrengencle J. I 6, 16. tocearfa sv. aviputarc, ind. pret. 3 sg. toeearf Mk. 14. 47. L. 22, 50. toeeiga wv. advocarc, ind. pret. 3 \ sg. toeeigde Mt. 18, 2. tocnycea wv. annecferc, ind. pret. 3 sg. toeniiicte Mt. I 8, 15. tocuma sv. advcnirc, acccdere, ad- essc, adire, venire, ind. pres. 3 sg. tocymeb' Mt. 6, 10; tocynuii?5 L. 11.2; pret. 3 si;,', toeuom Mt. 8,5. 8. 19: 3 pi. tocuomon Mt. 8, 25. L. 13. 1; toeuom L. 23,48; pres. p. tocvmende (16 times); tocymmende'Mt. 24. 42. L. I 8, 17. J. 1, 27; toeymenda L. 3, 7; to- cymmenda Mt. 16, 27; gsm. to- eymende Mk. I 1, 12; npm. to- eymmendo L. I 2. 9; tocymmende J. 6. 15; npu. toeymendo L. 21, 36; apu. tocymmende Mt. I 18, 1. t('»evme sm. adve/ifus, ns. toeyme I Mt. 1 14. 7. I 21. 19. I 22, 1. 24, 3 (gs.?i. 24,27. 24,39. Mk. 15,9; toeymo Mt. 24, 37; ds. tocvme Mt. ! I 22, 18. { toda^g av. hodie, toda'g Mt. 6. 11. 1 6,30. 16,3. Mk. 14.30. L. 2, 11. 4.21. 13,32. 13,33. 23,43; to- diBu-e Mt. 21, 28. 27. 19. L. 5, 26. 12,'28. 19, 5. 19. 9. 22, 34. 24, 21. todada wv. dividcre, effuiidere, infundere, discumbere, distribu- ere, -partiri, ind. pres. 3 sg. to- dade() L. 12. 46; pret. 3 s^. to- daile Mk. 14, 3. L. 9, 16. 10, 34. 11, 22 ; 3 pi. todaddon Mt. 27, 35 {}). Mk.6,40. 15,24. L.23,34. J. 19. 24; imp. pi. todj^las L. 22, 17; inf. todjela Mk. 8.6; pp. toddled Mt. I 4, 6. 12, 25 (2). 12, 26. Mk. 3. 24. 14.24. L. 17, 14. 11,17. 11,18. 12.52. 12.53. todjelnise sn.(?) divisig, as. toda^l- nise L. I 7, 20 ; toda^lnis (= dis- cunibere) L. 9, 15. todoema — tomcrne 187 todct'iiia wv. adjndicarc, ind. ])vct. 8 sg. todoerade L. 23, 24. todrifa sv. dispcrgcrc, pnccipifarc, scaiidalizare, iud. ])res. 8 sg'. to- drife^ J. 10, 12; pp. todrifen Mk. 5,13: upm. todrifeno Mk. 14,27. t(')drd'fnise sd. sc/iisi/ia, ds. to- droefuise J. 9, 16. toeca wv. addcre, adjiccre, ind. pret. 1 sg. toecade Mt. I 1. 0; inf. toeee Mt. 6. 27. tofaii" .sn. CXCCSS71S, as. tofan- L. 9, 31. tog- s. strife, ds. toge Mt. 5, 9mg-. tog-fBg-nes av. contra, togajg-nas Mk. 4. 35. togjtgnes prep, obviavi, w. dat. to- gjTognes Mt. 28, 9. J. 4. 51. 12. 13. 12, 18; toga^gnas Mt. 8. 34. J. 11. 20; togoegnas Mt. 27. 32. togc'egnesfava sv. prcrccdcrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. togeaegnesfjieres Mk. 16,7. t(')g«gnesiorna sv. ocntrrrrc, iud. pres. 3 sg. togiegnesiorne^i L. 22,10; togeaeguiorua^' Mk. 14. 13; i)ret. 3 sg. togiegnesaru Mk. 5, 2. L. 8. 27; arn togaegnes L. 9.37; 3 pi. togajguesurnon L. 17. 12; inf. iorna toga'gues L. 14. 31. tugebidda sv. adorarc, ind. pret. 3 pi. togebedon Mt. I 16, 4. togeboeta wv. accenderc, pp. toge- boetad L. 22. 55. t('>gebrpnga w'v. addiicerc, afferrc, iud. pret. 3 sg. togebrohte Mk. 9, 17; inf. togebrenga Mk. 6.27. J. 10,16. togeeeiga wv. advocarc, vocare, ind. pret. 3 sg. togeeeigde ^Ik. 7. 1-1 ; inf. togeceiga ]Mt. 22. 3. tugecuma sv. adveiiirc, ind. pret. 2 pi. togeciiomon J. 3, 23. togeeea wv. addcre, adjicere, ad- augcrc, iud. ]tret. 3 sg. togeeede L. 3,20; togeeede L.lO, il. 20, 11. 20,12; togecde J. I 5. 13; 3 pi. togeecton Mt. I 8, 7; im]). sg. togeee L. 17.5; ]ip. togeeeed ^It. 6, 33; togeeeed L. 12, 31. tugedegla wv. absconder c, pj). dsu. togedeglede Mt. 1 3, 44. togefvlla wv. adiinplcre, pj). to- gefylled Mt. 13, 35. togegrioppa sv. appreJicndere, ind. pret. 3 sg. togegra]) Mk. 7, 33. togeheeca wv. apprc/icnderc, ind. pret. 3 sg. toii-eiahte .Mt. 8. 28 ; togelahton :\Ik. 12, 3. j togelii'da wv. addiicere, pp. toge- laeded J. I 5. 9. t6gela'(5iga wv. invitarc, ])p. to- gebla^ad Mt. 22. 8. togeliciga wv. assimilarc, p)). to- gelicad Mt. 18, 23. tugemerciga wv. aduotare, imp. sg. togemerea Mt. 1 4, 5. togeneoleca wv. appropinqnare , accedere, iud. pres. 3 sg. toge- ueoleeafi L. I 10. 18: pret. 3 sg. togeneoleede Mt. 10, 7. Mk. 1. 15. 14,45. L I 10, 17; togeneolaeede Mt. 4, 17; togeliuealaeede ^[t. 3, 2: 3 pi. togeneoleedon Mt. 8. 25. 13,27. 15,23. 16.1. 24.1. Mk. 10, 2. 11. 1; togeneoloeedon Mt. 4.11. t('»genioma sv. assnmere, ind. ]n-et. 3 sg. togenom Mt. 16. 22. 17. 1. Mk. 9,2. 10.32. 14,38; geuom to Mt. 12.45; 3 pi. togeuouion Mk. 4, 36. tugesetta vix. ponerc, apponere, ind. pres. 3 sg. togesettes ^It. 1 22, 3 ; pret. 3 pl. togeseton ]\lk. 8,6; opt. ]n-et. 8 1)1. toii-esette Mk. 8, 6 ; pp. togesetet ^\tA 9, 11. I 9. 14; to- gesetted L. 10.8; apni. togesetedo Mt. 110.3. togewnndriga wv. adviirari, ind. ])ret. 3 ]d. togewundradnn Mk. 7. 37. tolialda sv. tcncrc, opt. i)ret. 3 pi. tolialdon L. I 2, 11. tubeda wv. addticere, ind. pret. 3 so-, tobodde J. 1 3,9; 3 pl. tolu'ddon Mt. 21.7. Mk. 7,32. 8,22. 14,53; imp. sg. tohed L. 9,41; pl. tohiidas Mt. 21.2: tok'des Mk. 11. 2; inf. toheda L. 18,40. I tomerne av. eras, to uierne Mt. 16, , 3. L. 18,33; to merue L. 13,32. 188 tomiddes — toweard toiiiiddes av. iiicdiiis , in medio, tomiddes Mt. I 2, 6. J. 20, 26. t('»nior^'en av. eras, tonior£;eii Mt. 6, 30. L. 12, 28. toDiifoa 8V. assitmere, ind. pres. 3 sg. toonfoes Mt. I 1, 7. torenda wv. seindcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. torende Mk. 14, 63; pp. to- reded Mk. 15, 38. tornomig-a, see getornoiniga. tovr sm. tiirris, us. — , L. 13, 4; gs. torres L. I 8,3. I 8. 14; as. — , Mt. 21,33. Mk. 12,1. L. 14,28. tosfBCg'a wv. anjiuntiarc, imp. sg. tos?eg Mk. 5, 19. [See ectostecga.] tosciena wv. eoniniimtere, ind. pres. 2 pi. toseaenas J. 19,36; pret. 3 sg. toseejende Mk. 5. 4. toseeada sv. disputare, cdisserere, separare, scgregare, disserere, d is poll ere, deelarare, differre, interpretari, ind. pres. 1 sg. to- seeade Mt. I 2, 4; tosceado L. 22, 29; 3 sg:. toseeadef) :\lt. I 7. 16; toseeadas Mt. 13, 49. 25,32; to- seeades Mt. 25, 32. L. I 2. 8; pret. 3 sg. tosceadade Mk. 4, 34. L. 24, 27; to seeadde L. 22,29 ; toseeadda L. 13.2; toseeade Mk. I 5. 8; 3 nl. tosceadadon L. I 8. 4; toseea- don L. 6.22; opt. pres. 3 sg. to- seeada Mk. 10, 9; toscearJa Mt. 19, 6; imp. sg. toscead lAit. 13, 36. 15,15; inf. toseeada Mk. 12, 3; pp. tosceaded L. I 4, 9. toseufa sv depoiiere, ind. pret. 3 sg. tosceaf L. 1, 52. tosenda wv. adviittere, ind. pret. 3 sg. tosende L. I 3, 1. tosetta wv. appoiiere, inf. tosette Mk. 8, 7. tusetgeonga auv. oeeidere, ind. pret. 3 sg. to set eade L. 4,40; to sett eade Mk. 1, 32. t()slita sv. di7'idere , solvere, de- solare, separare, diseordare, de- sfritere. dissolvere, allidere, di- r ampere, s cinder e, dilaiiiare, runipere, ind. ])res. 1 sg. toslito L. 12, 18; toslito Mk. 14, 58; 3 sg. toslittab Mt. I 2, 10; toslitte?5 Mk. 2, 22 ; toslitaS L. 5, 36 ; tosliteS L. 5, 37. 9, 39; toslittes Mt. 5, 19. Mk. 15,29; toslitcs Mk. 9,18; 3 pi. toslitas Mt. 7, 6; pret. 3 sg. toslat Mt. I 19, 3. 26, 65. Mk. 14, 63; toslat Mk. 5,4; opt. pres. 3 sg. toslite Mt. 19, 6; 1 pi. toslite J. 19. 24; inf. toslita Mt. 26, 61; pp. toslitten Mt. 9, 16. 9, 17. L. 5, 6. 6,49. 11,17. 23,45; tosliten Mt. 12,25(0. 12,26.27,51. J. 21, 11. [See betwilitoslita,] toslitere sm. Jicsreticus, dp. tosli- terfi L. I 2, 11. toslitnise sn. scissitra, viur)nur, dissensio, ns. toslitnise J. I 6, 12 ; toslittnise J. 7.43; toslitnessa Mk. 2. 21; toslitnitnese (= destrtien- duni) L. I 10, 13. tostenca wv. dispergere, tostengeid M't 26.31. t6stonda sv. adstare, ind. pres. 1 sg. tostondo L. 1. 19; pret. 3 pi. tostodou Mk. 14, 70. tostregda sv. destruere, dispergere, dispertire, ind. pres. 3 sg. to- straigdes J. 10, 12; tostraegd?eS L. 11, 23; pret. 3 sg-. tostraegd L. 1, 51; pp. tostrogden Mt. I 1, 2. 24,2. 26,31. Mk.3,25. 13,2. 14, 27. L. 21, 6. J. 11, 52. ttjQ sm. dens, ds. to&e Mt. 5, 38; as. — , Mt. 5,38: gp. toSana Mt. 13, 50. L. 13, 28; to5a Mt. 13, 42. 22, 13. 24, 51. 25, 30; te5a Mt. 8, 12; dp. to(^nm Mk. 9, 18. tountvna wv. adaperire, ind. pres. 3 sg. toiintynes L. 2, 23; imp. sg. tountyn Mk. 7,34. t6w;elta wv. advohere, ind. pret. 3 sg. towadte Mk. 15, 46. t('»weard aj. fiiturus, venhcriis, eveiiturus, nsm. toweard L. 1 6, 10; toueard Mt. 11, 14; toword :\lt. T 8, 8. 3. 11; towaerd L. 9, 44; nsn. toueard J. I 8, 12; towoeard L. 22, 49; dsm. toweard Mt. 3, 7; dsf. toweard L. 18, 30; dsn. to- weard L. 13,9; toua^rd Mt. 12,32; t»')worpa — turtiir 189 touearde ^Ik. 10,30; npn. to- weardo Mk. 10,32. J. 1(3,13; to- neavdo J. IS, 4; d]). towjerdiimu Mk. I 5, 8; apni, toweaido J>. I 10, 16. t('>worpa sv. dispcrgcre, destruere, dispcrtire, iud. pres. 3 sg. to- wterpati Mf. 27, 40; inf. toworpa Mi 26, 61; pp. toworpeu Mk. 3, 26. 13,2; touoi-pen J. 16,32; to- uorp J. 11,52. towosa anv. adcssc, ind. i)ret. 3 pi. toweron L. 23, 48. towyrpuise sn. dispcrsio, gs. towyrp- nise (= rjicirndi) Mk. 3, 15; as. towyrpuise J. 7, 35. traht s. tiitcrprcfatiou (?), as. — , Mt. 4, 13 mg. trahtere sd. infopres, ns. — , Mt. I 6, 7; dp. tracliteru Mt. I 2, 1; ap. trahteras Mt. I 2, 13. trahtiga wv. diss er ere, ind. pret. 3 sg. tralitade Mk. 4, 34. [See getrahtiga.j trahtung, see in-, oftrahtuug. tramet sm. trames, dp. tramitu Mt. I 4, 9; ap. tram etas Mt. I 2, 10. tve, treo smn. arbor, Ugnnhi, rubiis, ns. tre Mt. 7,18. 7, 19; treo Mt. 7,17(2). 12,33; tree L. 6,43(2). 6,44; treeo (tree?) L. 3,9; treu Mt. 3, 10 ; tre"o Mt. 7, 18; gs. trees L. 18, 3; trees L. I 9, 6; ds. tree Mt. 24, 32. Mk. 12, 26. L. I 5, 9. I 17,6. 23.31; tre Mt. 13,32; treo L. 13, 19; as. treo J. 15, 2mg.; tree L. 19. 4; tre Mt. 12, 33 (2) L. 13, 8 mg.; treu Mt. I 19, 4; tree L. 13, 6; gp. trewna Mt. I 17, 16; treuna Mt. 3, 10; treuana L. 3, 9; dp. trewum Mt. I 6, 3. Mk. 11, 8; trewu Mk. 14,43; treum Mt. 21, 8; trefi J. 19,39; ap. treo L. 21, 29 ; treuo Mk. 8, 24. [See apoltre, palm-, wintreo.] treda sv. sterncrc, ind. pres. 3 sg. tred . . . Mt. 21, 33 mg.; pret. 3 pi. tredon Mk. 11, 8. [See fore-, for-, getreda.j treowfa\st ^^.fidclis, nsm. treoiif»st L. 19,17; trewiifiest Mt. 25,21; n])ni. treofjosto L. 16, 11; n])n. treofest L. 16, 12. treowfaistniga, see getrcowfa'stniga. tretiga wv. suggcrerc, ind. pres. ;> sg. tretia^i (reading somewliat un- certain; //' not hcNdiid question) J. 14, 26. trog sm. pelm's, as. — , J. 13, 5. [See wintrog.] trugia wv. credere, ind. pret. 3 sg. trugude J. 2, 24. [See getrewa.J trum, see untrura. -truma, see wyrtruma. -trumiga, see wyrtrumiga. trumlice av. clementcr, — , Mk. I 5, 13. tryeca, see getrycca. trymes sm. drachvia (feortrymes = stater') np. trymes Mt. 17, 27. trymig, see untrymig. trymma wv. perhibere, confirniare, ind. pres. 1 sg. trynimo J. 5, 31; pres. p. trymende Mk. 16, 20. [See efnege-, fore-, ge-, on-, tJerli- ge-, Serb-, untrymma.] trymmigo, see untrymmigo. trymnise sn. exJwrtatio, gs. trym- nises Mk. 1 2, 5. [See untrymnise.] tulmnd, see twiiliund. tun sm. villa, ds. tu"ne (= Caua) J. 21,2: as. tun Mt. 26, 36. [See bere-, ca3fer-, fel-, lehtun.] tunga swm. lingua, ns. — , L. 1, 64; gs. tungjes Mk. 7, 35; as. — , Mil 1,5. I 18, 11. Mk. 7.33. L. 16, 24. tungul smn. stella, sivmwi, as. — , Mt. 2, 2; dp. tuuglii L. 21.25: ap. tunglas L. 110, 16; tuugela Mt. 16, 3. tungulcraiftig aj. wagus, npm. tun- gulcrjx3ftiga Mt. 116, 3; tungul- eraeftga ^ft. 2, 1; dp. tuugul- crieftgu Mt. 2, 16; apni. tungul- craeftiga Mt. 2, 7. i\m\\Q. ^i. tunica, as. — , Mt. 27, 28; dp. tunueu Mk. 6, 9. turtur sm. turtnr, ap. turturas L 9 04 190 twea — Sa twea wm. (?) mora, ds. tuia Mt. I 4, 10, [See ah buta twea, bi'ita twea.] -twien, see betwieu. twiendlie, see uutwiendlie. twiga num. bis, — , Mk. 14, 72; tuiga Mk. 14, 30; tuigo L. 18, 12. twi'ga wv. Jicrsifarc, ind. ])res. 3 sg. tuaes Mk. 11, 23 ; pret. 3 sg. tuia- de L. 9, 7; 3 pi. tuiatou J. 13, 22. [See getwlga.] twigge wv. ramus, frons, ds. — , Mk. 13, 28: tuigge Mt. 24, 32; ds. tiiigga (= Rama) Mt. 2, 18; up. tuiggo J. 15, 5; tuigga J. 15, 6; dp. tuiogum J. I 6, 12; tyggum Mt. 13,32; ap. twiggo Mk. 4,32. 11,8; tiiiggo Mt. 21,8; tuicgo J. 12, 13. -twih, see betwih. twispreca sv. vnirmtirarc, pres. p. npm. tuispreet'endo J. I 4, 20. twoege num. duo, par, a»ibo, biiii, nom. (mfn.) twoege Mt. I 3, 17 (-). I 3, 18. 26, 60; tuoege (29 times); tuege Mt. I 9, 7. I 9, 8. J. 20,4; tuoge Mt. 19, 6. J. 21,2; tuoeg Mt. 20,21; twoe Mt. I 2, 11. 13, 16; tuoe Mt. I 21, 1. 18,2(t. 19, 6; tue Mk. 6,41; tun Mt. 24, 41. L. 10, 17. J. 18, 12 mg.; gen. (mfn.) twoege Mt. 27, 21; tuoege L. I 8, 15 ; twoegera Mt. 1 14, 3 ; tuoegera J. 8, 17; tuoera L. I 5, 14; tuoe Mt. 18, 16; dat. (mfn.) twa^m (7 times); tujem (20 times); tuoem . Mt. I 17, 9; tuje (3 times); ace. (mfn.) twoege Mt. 25, 17; tuoege (33 times); tuege Mt. 5, 41. 10, 11. 21, 28. Mk. 1 5,6. L. 3, 11; tuoeg Mt. 14, 17. L. 21, 2; tuoego Mk. 9, 47; tuoge Mk. 6, 7. 12, 42. 15,27. L. 110, 12. 2,24. 7, 19; tueg Mk. 8, 17 mg.; twoc Mt. I 18, 11; tuoe Mt. 18,9. L. 2,24; tuu Mk. 15,38. L. 5, 2. 5,7; tui J. 2, 6 mg.; tua Mt. 18, 8. [See twu hund.J twoelf num. dtwdecim, nom. twelfo Mk.3,14; tuelf Mt. 10,1; tuoelf L. 2,42. 6,13. 22,30. J. 11, 9; tuoelfo (8 times); tuelfe Mt. 10, 2; tuoelfo L. I 6, 2; toelfo L. 22, 14; gen. twoelfa Mt. I 5, 6; tuoelfa Mt. 26, 47; tuelfa Mt. 26, 14; dat. twoelfum Mk. 5, 25; tuoelfum (4 times); tuoelfu ((i times); twelfum Mt. 26, 20; tuelf Q J. 6, 71, 20.24; tuoel' L. 22, 3; ace. twoelf Mt. 19. 28; twoelfe Mk. 13.10; tuoelfe Mt. 11,1; tuoelfo (7 times); tuoelf Mt. 14,20. Mk. 6,43; tuelf (5 times); tuelfe Mt. 10, 5; tuoel Mk. I 2, 19. twoelfmonad' sm. year, ds. tuoelm L. II, 1. twoelfwintro a], duodennis , nsm. tuoelfwintro L. I 4, 4. twoentig num. vigiufi, tuoentig Mt. I 8, 2 ; tueutig J. 6, 19 ; dp. tuoen- tigu L. 14, 31. twufald aj. duplex, gemimis, nsra. twufald Mt. I 1, 10; asn. twufald ! Mk. 15,3; tuufald J.I 1,3. ' twufald av. duplo, tuufald Mt. 23, 15. twufaldlice av.(?) altermts, utri- usqiie, nsm. tuufallice Mt. I 16, 7; asf tuifallice J. I 7, 10. twu hund num. ducenti, gen. tuu hund J. 6, 7; dat. tua,'ni huudu Mk. 6, 37; ace. tuubund J. 21, 8. tyna wv. claitdere, ind. pres. 3 sg. tvneS L. 13,25; pret. 3 pi. tyndon ! Mt. 23, 13; pp. npf. tyudo J. I 8, i 5. 20, 19, [See be-, ge-, in-, on-, touu-, untyna.j ' Tyr p, n., gen. tyres Mt. 15, 21. Mk. 7, 24. 7, 31; dat. tiro Mt. 11, 21; ace. tyre Mk. 3, 8. D. ?^a av. ej. autem, hinc, ctmi, q7iaiido, at, ergo, jam, — , L. 7,2. 14, 2(j. 19. 12; ba Mt. (99 times). Mk. (17 times). L. (l.")S times). J. (24 times); ?5a — ?5ea 191 )^a Mi 8, 34. [See u't ?)a, ne ^ii geana, ne 5a, get, ne hwa^t 5a, wi5 5a geana.] 5a geana av. adJiiLc, 5a gcuue J. 11,30; 5a geane L. 8, 4i». 5a get av. adhuc, 5a get Mk. 12, 6. 13,7. 14,43. L. (13 times). J. 13, 33; 5a -ett Mt. 17. 5. L. 1. 15. J. 20, 1; 5a gjet J. 7, 33. [See ne 5a get] 5a hwile av. ej. donee, diim, qiia^i- diii, quousque, qiioadiisqiie, fan- hem, 5a hwil L. 12,50; 5a huil Mk. 14, 32. L. 5, 34; 5a hwile Mt. 24, 34. 25, 45. Mk. 6. 45; 5a huile (22 times); 5a huile 5e Mk. 2, 19. [See wi5 5a. hwile.J 5a^ceilla wm./ax, lucerna, lavipas, ns. -, Mk. 4,21. L. 11,30; j^a^e- cille J. 5, 35; as. 5a.'ccille Mt. I 17,9. 5,15. J. 14, 12; — , L. 11, 33. 15, 8; 5a3cilla L. 8, 16; np. 5?eeeilla3 L. 12, 35; dp. 5ieeeillu J. 18. 3; ap. 5a3ecillas Mt. I 7, 18. 5i^h ej. quodsi, lieet, etsi, si, qttavi- qiiam, 5a3h Mk. 9, 42. 9, 43. 14, 29. L. 17, 4. J. 8, 14. 8, IG. 10, 38. 11,25. 14,3. 21,25; 5a"ch J. 4, 2; 5aeh Mk. 8, 36. 9,47. 14,31; 5eah Mk. 3, 26; 5ah Mt. 5, 29. 16, 26. Mk. 9, 50. L. 18, 4; 5a3li se Mk. 11, 26; 5ah se Mk. 6, 26; 5eh 6e Mt. 26, 33. [See ne Sjeh, swa- 5{«h.] 5iehhwe5re ^iV.szqutdeni, 5ahhiie5re L. 6, 33. 5a3htung sf. (V) eousiliuui, ns. — , Mt. 1 22,4; ds. 5a?htunge xMt. 27, 7; as. — , Mt. I 19, 1. 28. 12. Mk. I 2, 18. 3, 6. 15, 1. L. 7. 30. [See ge5a3htuug.] -Sa^n, see lifo5sen. Dserf %i. fervientum, ds. 5a3rfe Mt. 16,6. 16,11. Sserf aj., see 5arf, 5avfe. Sserfen, see 5orfend. 5sersca, see 5earsea. 5airst, see da^'st. 5jet cj. lit, quia, quod, qnoniani, qtwmodo, et OW. I 2, .'}), — , Mt. 1 1. 1. I 1,8. I 1,10. I 1. 11. I 3, I. 1 3, 2. 1 3, 4. I 3, 6. 1 3, 9. 1 4, II. I 7.3. I 17,2. 27,43; 5aet Mt. 16, 12; 5;L!ttc Mt. 11,23. 26, 74.27,63. L. 9, 12. J.4,34:j>Mt. (75 times). Mk. (35 times). L. (19 times). J. (23 times); pte Mt. (38 times). Mk. (142 times). L. (310 times). J. (341 times); f>te i\It. 26, 29; l^t xAIk. 4. 36. J. 8,37. 8,52; f/ L. 12,45; f^te \^ L. 5,24; j>tte J. 9, 29; f^ti J. 21, 25. [See ne, o55, sw;e, wi6 5ffit.] 5{)et ana tanhim, solum, j> ana J. 5, 18; 1^ ane Mk. I 1,20; \ ane Mk. I 1,10; p an J. 11,52. 13,9. [See ah 5{et ana nii.J 5[ette ne cj. ne, j4e ne L. 1 2. 10. 12,11. 5;et swie hwa pron. quictouque, asu. p sua huset Mk. 7, 11; )> sua huad L. 10, 35 ; apn. 5a sujb huffid J. 14, 26. 16, 13. 16, 15; 5a suse hua't Mt. 18, 18; 5a sua3 chu«t Mt. 18, 18. 5afiga wv. consentire , pangere, pres. p. npm. 5afanda L. 22, 5; dpm. 5afendii Mt. I 20, 12. 5afsum, see ge5afsum. 5atsumnise, see ge5afsumnise. 5arf sra. opus, ns. — , (= ncccsse) Mt. 14, 16: 5a3rf J. 2, 25; 5earf Mt. 6,8; 5arf Mt. 9,12. [See ned-, uu5arf.] 5avfe aj. meiidicus, pauper, nsni. 5a3rfe L. 16, 20. J. 9, 8; nsf. 5arfe L. 21, 3; asm. 5orfe L. I 9, 3; np. 5arfo (= mulieres !) L. I 11, 8; 5aerfe Mt. 5, 3mg.; dp. 5artum Mt. 26.9; ap. 5afo Mt. 26,11. 5arflic aj. u tilt's, neeessarius, ne- cesse, nsn. — , Mt. I 14, 10. I 14, 15. 18,7. L.I 3, 7; gp. 5{ertliera(= necessitudi>ni)}i) L. I 7. 19; comp. nsn. 5airiiero L. 17, 2. 5e, see se, se 5e, ne 5e 5on. 5^a swm, servus, us. 5ea ((> times); gs. 5eas j\It. I 20. 13; ds. 5eiia xMt. 8,9; as. 5ea Mt. I 21. 1; np. 5eas Mt. 13, 27. 13, 28; gp. 5eaua 192 Seadoin — Serhgedfela Mt. 25, 19; dp. ^-xwu Mt. 10, 8 mg-.; ap. Seas Mt. I 21, 8. [See efne- Sea.J ?5ead(')m sm. servitits, captivitas, g'S. beadomes j\It. I 5, 15 ; as. Seadom L. I 10, 16. ()'eaf sm. fur, latro, lis. Qeaf Mt. 24,43. L. 12,33. 12,39. J. I (3,3. 10, 1. 10, 10. 12, 0; ds. Seafe Mk. 14,48; np. Seafas Mt. I 5, 13. 6, 19. 6,20. J. 10, 8; gp. Seafana Mt. 21, 13. Mk. 11, 17; ap. Seafas L. 10, 30. 10, 36. [See 5ioliga.] Searsca sv. ccedere, co7icidere, ind. pret. 3 pi. Siirseon L. 22, 63; Surscim Mk. 12,5; pres. p. Sser- scende Mk. 5, 5. [See gebearsca.] Seaw sm. mos, ns. t)eau (= viox) J. 19, 40. 8ecea, see efnebe-, unSecea. beglice, see deglice. t)eg"n sm. scrvus, minister, miles, discipuhis , apostolus , TJwmas (=z= se tiegn), ns. — , (31 times) ; gs. tSegnes Mt. 10, 42. 18, 27; ds. Segne (10 times); as. — , Mt. 25, 30. J. 1,43. 19,26.21,20; Seigii Mt. 118, 4. J. 1,45; up. 5eguas (114 times); ()eignas Mt. 5, 1. J. 1 1, 14. 8,31; gp. degna (10 times); SeignaMt. 1 19, 17. J.l 7,1; ?)egnDa Mk. 1 5, 14; dp. ?)egnum (59 times); Segnu (44 times); 5eigmiiii Mt. I 19, 10. I 20, 7. 1 21, 19. I 22, 2. 9,11. J.I 1,2. 6,12; ()eigml Mt. 22, 8; ?5egmin Mk. 9, 18; ap. (liegnas (30 times) ; Seignas Mt. I 16,11. 116,12. 1 18,12. 119,8. 8,9; beig J. I 7,9; 6eg J. 18,19. [See efnetiegn.J (5eiica wv. cogitare, recordari, sen- tire, consentire, ind. i)res. 3 sg. Sencgat) L. 14, 31; 2 pi. Seneas J. 11, 50; (fences Mk. 8, 18; (5eng- cas Mt. 9, 4; ind. pret. 3 sg. 5olite Mt. 1, 20; 3 pi. dohton Mk. 2, 8. L. 9, 45; pres. p. Sencende Mt. 1,20. L. 1 7, 10; npm. Sencendo Mk. 2, 6; dp. Sencendum Mt. I 20, 12. [See be-, efnege-, ctt-, fore-, ge-, ymbtienea.J 5"ende av. cj. qiiamdiii, cnm, adJmc, '^Sende Mt. 25, 49. 26,6. 26,47. Senna, see a-, geSenna.] Seod sf. gens, generatio, ns. Seod Mt. 8,12; ds. Seade Mt. I 19,16. L. 12, 6. J. 4. 43. 4,45; &eaS L. I 2. 6; gp. Seada Mt 4, 15; Seade Mt. 8, 28; dp. 5eadn L. I 6, 14. [See geSeod.J beoda, see Sioda. -Seodig, see -Siodig. Seodseip sm. disciplina, testinw- niiim, as. Seodscip Mt. 24, 14. Mk. I 2, 3. b'eodsumnise, see ge&eodsumnise. Deophile p. n., TheopJiihts, ns. theophile L. 1, 3; ds. Seofi L. I 13,11. Ser av. cj. quo, uhi, illuc, ibi, L. 22, 12. J. 10,40; Ser Mt. (49 times). Mk. (25 times). L. (23 times). J. (44 times); Sser J. 4,46. 19,42. Serb prep, per, w. ace. — , Mt. (46 times). Mk. (16 times). L. (31 times 1. J. (24 times); tiorh Mt. 26, 24; w. dat. -, Mk. 6, 40. L. 1, 70. 4, 30. Serbcijensiga yv\. pertnundare, ind. pret. 3 sg. Serbclaensade Mt. 3, 12. Serbcuma sv. perve7iire, ind. pret. 3 sg. 5erbcwom Mt. I 2, 5. 12, 28 ; 3 pi. Serbeuomon Mk. 6,53; opt. pret. 3 sg. Serbcuome L. 22, 40. Qerbdelfa sv. perfodere, inf. 5erb- delfa Mt. 24, 43. Serbdua anv. perficere, ind. pres. 1 sg. Serbdoe L. 13,32; pret. 3 pi. Serbdedon L. 2, 39. 5erbf«stniga wv. transfigere, ind. pret. 3 pi. Sorbfsestnadon J. 19, 37. berbfregna sv. percoutare, pres. p. dp. Serbfregneudu Mk. I 4, 19. Serbgeata sv. perfundere, pp. npm. Serbgotteno J. I 6, 11. Serbgebidda sv. persuadere, ind. pres. 3 sg. Serbgebiddes L. I 7, 4, Serbgedtwla wv. perfundere, ind. pret. 3 sg. Serbged;elde Mt. I 22, 5. Serhgeendiga — ties 193 (ierh^eondi^a wv. perficere , pp. Serbgeeudad L. 1, 45. Serhg-elefa v^w.perviittere, ind. pret. 3 sg-. ^erhgelefde Mt. I 18, 0; pp. Serhg-elefed L. I 2, 16. ?5erhgelicig-a ^Y.perimerr, pp. apm. Serhgelicade L. I 10, 2. 5'erhgeoDga auv. pcramhilarr, ind. pres. 3 sg. ^erhgab L. 11, 24; pret. 3 sg. berbeode L. I 9, 19. 5, 15. 11,24. 19,1. Serbgetiymma wv. perhibere, opt. pret. 3 sg. Serbgetiymede J. 1,7. Serhiorna sv. pcrairrere, ind. pret. 3 pi. Serbwurnon Mk. 6, 55. Serblieda y^s. perducere, ind. pret. 3 pi. Serblffidon Mk. 15, 22. Serhoferfara sv. pcrtransirc, ind. pres. 3 sg. Serliof fjereS L. 2, 35. Serlisenda wv. pcrmittere, imp. sg. Serbsend Mt. 8, 21. Serbslaa sv. percuterc, ind. pres. 1 sg. berbslae Mk. 14, 27; 3 sg. SerlislaeS Mt. I 6, 18. Serhswoeriga sv. pcrjiirare, imp, sg. Serhsuere Mt. 5, 33. Serbtrymma wv. -perhibere, ind. pres. 1 sg. Serbtrymmo J. 18, 37; ?5erbtryme J. 7, 7; 2 pi. Serbtrym- mes J. 3, 28; 3 pi. 5ertrymme?5 J. 10, 25; pret. 3 sg. (^erbtrymede J. 4, 44 ; opt. pret. 3 sg. ^erbtrymede J. 2, 25. Serbi^gna av. pcrinde, ^erb^ona Mk. I 5, 12. (5erbwa3cea wv. pcrnoctare , pres. p. (3erhwffieende L. I 5, 5; Cerh- wa^eeende L. G, 12. Serliwrita sv. perscribere, pp. (^erb- written Mt. I 4, 2. 5erbwuniga wv. perscverare, per- inancre, ind. pres. 3 sg. (^^erb- wunes Mt. 10, 22 ; (^erbwuuat^ Mt. 24, 13; 5erbuuna? J. 6, 27; 3 pi. (5erbminas Mt. 15, 32; pret. 3 sg. t^erhwunade L. 1,22; 3 pi. (^erb- wunadun Mt.I 5, 4; 5erbwunadon L. 22, 28; tierbuunadon J. 8, 7; inf. 5erbwunia Mt. 10, 22. Cook, Northumbrian GlosBary. Cerise, see syrisc. Ses dem. pron. isle, hie, usm. bes Mt. (26 times). Mk. (6 times). L. (36 times). J. (39 times); Sis Mt. (17 times). Mk. (8 times). L. 1,36. 7,27, J. 14,5. 9,10; Ses L. 16, 25; Sffis J. 1,30; nsf. Sys Mt.I 9,10. 12,42; 9ios Mt. 26, 8. 26, 12, 26, 13. Mk. (8 times). L. (17 times). J. (6 times) ; c^yus Mt. 4, 12 mg.; tiius Mt. 7,12. 9,26. 12, 11. 12,41. 13,54. 22,20. 24,34. Mk.1,27.8,12. J.12,30. 15,13(?); das Mk. 8, 12 (np.V); nsn. (3is Mt. (19 times). Mk. (10 times). L. (16 times). J, (19 times); 'Sses J. 21, 22; gsmn. Sisses Mt. 13,1.5. 13. 22. 27, 24. L. (5 times). J. (5 times); jnsses L. I 10, 18; Mses J. 2,10; dsmn. Sissum (10 times); 5issu (24 times); t^isiim Mt. 17,20. 22, 39. J. 4,20; ?)isu (8 times); (5asu L. 17, 25; ?assu Mt. 26, 29; disu Mk. 10, 30; 6is8 J. 6, 51; t^isse J. 18, 36; (3issa (= viodd). J. 5. 17. 13, 19. 14,7; dsf. Msser Mt. 26, 34. L. 10,39. 12,20. 13,7. 16,24. 18, 30. J. 20, 30; t^iser Mk. 14,30. J. 12, 27(2); t^issjer Mt. 10,23; Sasser Mt. 26. 31; (^is (?) Mt. 12, 32; 5issa Mt. 12,41; (^isa L. 11, 50; asm. Siosne (27 times); Sionne L. 12, 5. J. 5, 6. 9,31; asf. 5as Mt. 12, 42. Mk. 1 1, 3. 4, 13. 8, 38. 14,27. L. 4, 6. 12,41. J. 12, 27; ■6ius Mt. 15, 15. 21,23. Mk. 12, 10; ^ios Mk. 11,28. 12, 12. L. 4, 6. 4,23. 7,44. 11.32. 13,6. 13,8(9). 13,16. 15,3. 18,9.20,2. 20,9.20, 19; (5usL. 13,6; t^is(V) J. P188»; asn. (:^is (87 times); 5iss(?) J. 18, 37; np. Sas (67 times); (!^as J. 17,25; gp. Msra Mt. 21, 3. Mk. Mk. 12, 31. L. 10, 36. 24, 48. J. 14, 12. 21, 15; ^assa Mt. 25, 45 mg.; dp. Mssiim (4 times); c^issu (7 times);^(^isQ (0 times); Msuni Mt. 22, 40. Mk. 7, 8; Sasum Mt. 18,6; ^assfi Mt. 10, 42. Mk. 14, 60. L. 14, 6; Sasii L. 9, 28; 6is Vi 194 Sicce — (561it L. 17, 2; ap. ^as (180 times); bses J. 13,21. (3icce a], incrassatus, nsD. — , Mt. _ 13, 15. Mega, see liega. (3ider av. illuc, quo, ihi, — . Mt. 2, 22 24, 28. 26, 36. Mk. 6, 33. J. 2, 2 5idder L. 24, 28. J. 6, 21. 8,21 8,22. 11,8. 13,33. 14.4. 18,2 Sadder J. 7, 35; \\^\x J. 13, 36 mdir J. 18,3; ?iddir J. 18,20 21,18. (^ignen sf. ancilla, ns. — . J. 18,17; as. — , L. 22, 56. Sin poss. proD. huts, ns. (mfn.) (3in (81 times); SinaL. 1,13; gsmn. Sines (19 times); dsmn. Sinil (29 times); Mn Mt. 7,3. 7,4(2). 7,5. L. 4, 23; Sin (fem.?) L. 19,5; Sine L. 10, 27; dsf. Sinra Mk. 7, 29. 10,37(2); Sinre J. 4, 42; Sin (9 times); Sine Mt. 22, 37 (2). Mk. 5, 34. 10, 37. L. 5, 14; Sino (masc?) L. 19, 42; asm. Sinne (16 times); (5ine Mt. 9, 14. Mk. 12,31; Sin (16 times); Sin L. 4, 11; asf. 5in (18 times); asn. Sin (19 times); Sin L. 16, 6. J. 17, 14; Sine J. I 4, 8; npm. Sine (6 times); Sine Mt. 15, 2; Sin Mt. 12,47. Mk. 3,32; (5ino L. 19,43. J. 17, 6. 17,9; npn. dino L. 15,31. J. 9, 10. 17, 10(2); ginje L. 4, 7; Sina Mt. 9,2. L. 5,20; gp. Sinra Mt. 5, 29. 5. 30. 22, 44. Mk. 12,36. L. 20,43; dp. Sinum Mt. 12,37. 17, 16; Sinu (8 times); apm. Sine (4 times); Sino L.I 11. 5. 13.34. 14, 12. 16,7. 19,39. 22,32; Sina L. 14,12; apf. Sino J. 21,18; apn. _ Sine Mt. 5, 33; Sino J. 7, 3. 9, 17. Sing sn. res, nntmis, ns. — , Mt. I 15,4. 2,6. Mk. 4,22; ds. — , Mt. 13,6. 117,3. 18,19; as. — , (7 times); np, — , L. 18, 27; gp. Singa'j\It. I 5, 2. I 14, 9; Singana L. 1, 1; dp. Singum Mt. I 16,4; Singu (3 times); ap. — , Mt. I 6, 8. Mk. 8,33. L. 7,22.. J. 13,29; Singo Mt. 6,30mg. Mk. 10,32. L. 21, 1; Singo Ml<. 5, 26; Singa Mt. 2, 11, [See ajnigoSiug, uSer Sing; inting.j Singstow sf. forum, ds. Singstow Mt. 20, 3. Mk. 7, 4 ; Singstowe L. I 5, 12. -Sioda, see underSioda. -Slodig, see ellSiodig. -Siodiga, see ellSiodiga. Siofiga, see forSiotiga. Siofunt s. furhtm, as. (ap.?) Sio- fonto L. 18,20; np. Siofunta Mt. 15, 19; Siofunto Mk. 7, 22; ap.(?) Siofonto Mt. 19, 18. Siostrig aj. tenebrosiis , ccecatus, nsm. Siostrig L. 11,34; nsn. Sios- trig Mt. 6, 23; asn. Siostrig Mk. 8,17. Siostriga, see forege-, ge-, ofer- geSiostriga.] Siostro f. teucbrcd, np. Siostro (10 times); gp. Siostrana L. 22, 53; Siostriona L. 11, 36; dp. Siostrum (6 times); Siostru (5 times); Syos- triiiu Mt. 8, 12; ap. Siostro J. 3, 19. Sirdda aj. tcrtio, usmf. (9 times); Sirda Mt. I 9, 5. 16, 21. Mk. 9, 31; dsm. — , Mt. 13, 15. L. 24,46; Sirddan L. 24, 7. 24, 21; Sirde Mt. I 2, 5. L. 13, 32. J. I 8, 11; asm. Sirde Mt. 27, 64. J. I 8, 10; Sirdde L. 20, 12; asf. — , Mt. 20, 3. L. 12,38; ism. Sridda J. 21, 14. 21,14mg. 21,17(2); Sirddan L. 9, 22. 18, 33; Sirda Mt. 17, 23. Sirdda siSa num. tcrtio, is. Sirdda siSe Mk. 14,41; Sirddan siSe L. 23,22; Sirda siSa Mt. 26,44. Sir sf. aucilla, ns. Sir J. 18, 17. Sis, see Ses; forSis. Siwa f. (?) a/icilla, ns. Siwa Mk. 14,69. L. 1,38; Sina Mt. 26, 69. 26,71. L. 22,56; gs. Siujcs L. 1, 48; dp. Siowum Mk. 14, 66; ap. Siuwas L. 12, 45. Sofond, see Sorfend. Soht sn. mens, auima, sensus, pro- cemium, ns. Soht Mt. I 8, 14; gs. Solites Mk. 5, 15; ds. Sohte L. fiolif^'a — Sorn 195 10,27. 12,22. 24.4; f^olit' L. 8, 35; 5olit Mt. IG, 12. 1 9,18. 22, 37. L. 1, 51; as. ?oht Mt. I 3, 1. I 3, 7; t^ocht Mt. I 7, 16; ap. 5olit (= viscera) L. 1, 78. f^oliga wv. pati, iud. pres. 1 sg. Sola Mk. 9, 19. L. 9, 41; 5oleg-a L. 22, 15; 3 sg. c^olas ]\It. 17, 15; inf. (5olig-a Mk. 9, 12; pres. p. apiii. Soleude L. I 5, 7. [See ge- (^oliga.] Doraas p. n., ns. Somas J. 14, 5; thoili J. 11, IG. Son ej. qiiam, — , (42 times); Son L. 3, 13. 5,9; Sa^m (!) Mt. I 6,9; Saera (!) Mt. I 5, 9. Son, see jee, a^fter, *i', for, hweSre, in, miS, ne Se, of, on, to, wiS Son; siSSa. Sona av. inde, exinde, mtdc, Jiinc, 'Sona (32 times); (^one Mt. 15,21. [See lytel, Serb Sgna.j Sgnaastiga sv. dcscendere, ind. pret. 3 sg. Sona astag J. 2, 12. Sgnaenma sv. descenders, ind. pret. 3 pi. Souacuomon Mk. 3, 22. Sgnafcera wv. prccterire , exire, ahire, ind. pret. 3 sg. Sonafoerde Mk. 2,14. 7.31; foerde Sona J. 11, 54; 3 pi. Sonafoerdon Mk. 14, 26. L. 19, 32; opt. pret. 3 pi. Sonafoerdo Mk. 16, 8. Sgnagegeonga anv. exire, ind. pret. 3 pi. Sona geadon Mt. 12, 14. Sgnagelieda wv. ediicere, ind. pret. "3 pi. Sonageheddon Mk. 15,20. ^gnageonga anv. abire, exire, pret. '3 sg. Sonaeode Mt. 27, 5. L. 15, 15. J. 4, 43; Sona eoda L. 24, 12; opt. pres. 2 pi. Sonageonga Mt. 10, 11; pres. p. Sonageongende Mt. 27, 5. Snnager6wa sv. enavigare, ind. pret. 3 pi. Sonagehrewnn L. 8, 26. Sgnagewffinda wv. secedere, ind. pret. 3 sg. Sonagewoende Mt. 4, 12; gewoende Sona Mt. 2, 22. Sonc sm. gratia, ns. Sonc L. 6, 32. "6, 33. 6, 34; as. Sone L. 17,9; dp. Soncu Mt. 1 5, 36. Soncfull, see unSoncfiill. Sonciga wv. gratias agcrc, ind. "^pret. 3 sg. Soneade Mt. 26, 27. [See efnegeSgnciga.] Scineung sf gratia, gloria, as. Song- ilng L. 17, 18; ap. Soneungo Mk. 8,6. 14,23. L. 17, 16; Soncunge J. 6, 11. 6,23. 11,41; Soneuneo Mt. 26, 27; Soncunego L. 18, 11; Soncgunga L. 22, 17. 22, 19; Song- nnge L. I 9, 8. Sonelong av. quamdiii, Sonelong L. I 3, 6. Sonne av. ej. tiinc, itaque, ergo, autem, igitur, vero , quando, Sonne (30 times); 5onn' (2 times); Son' (253 times); Sonn J. 1, 19; Son Mt. 26, 29. Mk. 11,4. L. 2, 19. 2, 47; Sam Mt. 27, 39. Sorf aj. unleavened, pp. Sorofra (Sorofra \£L2di2<.=^azymoruvi) Mt. 26, 17. Sorfa anv. egere, indigere, ind. pres. 3 sg. SorfaiS J. 13, 10; 1 pi. Surfu Mt. 26, 65; 3 pi. SofeS L. 5, 31. [See beSorfa; Sorfend.J Sorftest aj. utilis, nsn. — , L. 14,35. Sorfend aj. ^m. pauper, mendicus, mendicans, egenns, ns. Sofond L. 16,20; — , Mk. 15, 5. 12,42; Sorfendo L. 16,22; Sa^rfen Mk. 12,43; ds. Sorfende L. I 9, 18; up. Sorfendo Mt. 5, 3. 11, 5. L. 6,20. 7,22; dorfendo L. 18,11; Sorfendum (5 times); Sorfendil (4 times); Sorf J. 12, 6; ap. Sorf- endo Mt. 26. 11. Mk. 14,7. L.I 5,6; Sorfondo J. 12, 8. Sorfendlic aj. panpercnlus , asf Sorfondlico L. 21, 2. Sorli, see Serb. Sorfleas, see Sorleas. Sorleas aj. inutilis, asm. Sorleasa Mt. 25, 30; npm. Sorleaso L. 17, 10; npn. Sorlease (^ qiicrdaiii) Mt. 13, 4. Soru sm. spina, as. — , Mk. 4, 28; np. Somas Mt. 13,7. Mk. 4, 7. L. 8, 7; dp. Sornum (5 times); 13* 196 Sorof — tirowung t)ornu (5 times); ^uniil J. 19, 2. [See hag-a'^orn.] 5orof, see <^orf. (3r8Bl sm. sermis, ns. brsel Mk. 10, 44. L. 12,43. J. 8, 34. 15,20; ?^ra3ll J. 15,15; 5rael Mt. 24, 48. J. I 5, 16; g-s. Srseles Mt. I 20, 13. L. I 7, 17; bralles L. 12, 46; 5ra3la8 Mt. 24. 50; ds. Srsele L. 7, 8; as. tirael Mk.14,47. L.I 5, 10; (3raelMk. 12, 4. L. 7,3; np. t)r8elas L. 19, 13; dp. (5r8elum L. 15, 26; ^raelliim Mk. 13, 34; ap. Sraellas J. 15, 15. ?reaga wv. corripcre, rncrepare, ind. pres. 1 sg. Srea L. 23, 22 ; 3 sg. breach Mk. I 4, 14. [See get)reaga.] (5reat sm. titrba, hirma, cohors, ns. — , Mk.3,32. J. 12,9. 12,17. 12, 34; bread Mt. 26, 47. Mk. 3, 7; breat (18 times) ; bread Mk. 5, 21. L. 6,19. 8,40; ds. breate (4 times); breat (4 times); as. — , . Mt. 14, 14. Mk. 6, 34; breat (8 (times); bread Mt. 27, 27; ap. breatas (7 times); breattas Mt. 15, 30 ; breata Mt. 8, 1; breato Mk. 5, 24. 12, 37; breate Mt. 4, 25; dp. breatura (2 times); breatn (4 times) ; breat' Mt. 26, 55 ; bread L. 3, 7 (ap. ?); ap. breatas Mt. 5, 1. 15, 10. 15,32; threatta Mt. 8, 18._ breatiga wv. rncrepare, aiigariare, ind. pres. 3 sg. breatab Mk. I 4, 14. L. I 6, 8. I 6, 12; pres. p. bre- atende Mt. 5, 42 (= volenti). 11, 12 (= violenti)\ breaddende Mt. I 17, 4; dp. breat'u L. I 10, 3. [See geb reatiga.] breatiing sf . inmtatio, ns. breatuncg Mt. I 18, 19. brifald aj. trinus, nsm. brifalde J. P187*; nsn. brifald L. I 4, 11; dsf. brifald Mt. I 16,8. ^rifaldlice av. triformitcr, brifald- liee Mt. I 14, 5. briga av. t er, briga Mt. 26, 34. 26, 75. L. 22 ,61. J. 13,38; bria Mk. 14,30. 14,72. L. 22, 34. J. I 8, 10. bringa swv. coinprimere, pres. p. bringende Mk. 5, 31. [See ge- bringa.] brinise sf. trinitas, gs. brinise Mk. 12,9. L.I 4, 9; triuise Mt. 1 16, 7. brio num. tres, brio L. 12, 52. 13, 7; brea Mt. I 3, 14. I 3, 15. I 9, 4. I 9, 5. I 9, 6. I 9, 12. I 20, 15 ; breo Mt. 18,20; gen. brea Mt. I 8, 14. 18, 16; breana L. 10,36; dat. brim Mt. I 22, 2. 13, 33. 27, 63. Mk. 6, 21mg. L. 4,25; brim (6 times) ; briim Mt. 27, 40. Mk. 8,30. 15,29. L. 1,56. 2,46. J. 2, 19. 2,20; briim L. I 3, 16. J. P 188-; bril J. 21,11; ace. ?irio L. I 7, 3. 12, 52. 13, 21; brea Mt. 17, 4. Mk. 9, 5. L. 9, 33. J. 2, 6. 2, 6 mg.; breo L. 11. 5. J. 21, 11; briu J. I 8, 9. briodugor sn. triduum, dat. brio- dogor Mt. 15,32; ace. briodogor Mk. 8, 2; breodogor Mk. 14, 58. j brio blind num. trecenti, dat. briim ' liundum J. 12, 5. brio hundrab num. trecenti, dat. briim luindrabun Mk. 14, 5. brittig num. triginta, nom. — , L. I 4,8. J. 6, 19; brittih L. 3, 23. J. 18, 11 mg.; briteih J. I 4, 8; gen. brittiges Mt. I 19, 9; dat. — , Mt. I 22, 5; ace. — , Mt. 13, 8. Mk. 4,8. 4,20; brittih Mt. 26, 15. 27, 3. 27,9; britih Mt. 13,23. browere, see licbrowere. browiga wv. pati, perpeti, cruciari, torqtiere, ind. pres. 1 sg. brouigo L. 16,24; brouiga Mt. 26,33; browa Mt. 17, 17; opt. pres. 1 sg. browiga L. 22, 15; 3 pi. browiga Mt. 26, 33; inf. brouiga L. 8, 28; pres. p. broweude Mt. 27, 19. Mk. 1 4, 2. I 4, 5. L. 13, 2; browenda Mk. 5, 26; brouende Mt. I 20, 20. L. I 6, 6 ; brouande L. I 6, 9 ; ^ro- unde J. I 7, 12; npm. browende Mk. I 4, 5 ; broiiendo L. I 9, 3. [See gebrowiga.] browung ^w.passio, crux, ns.broung Mk. I 5, 17; gs. browunges Mk. (5rut — Cyril 197 I 5, 12; ?^l•()llng■e.s m. I 22.(5. L. I 11. 5; (^roiiuug-es J. I 7, 10; ds. ^rouuge J. 1 8, 12; throuung' J. I 7, 19; as. — , L. 9,28; ^rouag L. 14, 27. J. 19, 30 mg.: f^voimc Mk. 8,34; 5ronung- Mt. 10. 38; dp. t5rowung-iim j\[t. 10. 31; ap. tirow- iing-o ISlk. 5. 26. ^vut, see fisc(^rut. (^rycea. see for-, ge^rvcea. ^rymm sni. majcstas, ds. — , L. 9, 2(3. 9,31. 21,27; ^rvm L.I 10, 17; as. — , L. 9,32. ^a pers. pron. hi, — . Mt. 27, 13. L. 19,42.22,32. J. 17, 17. 18,21. 21.12; (Su (544 times); (Sv Mt. I 3, 13 (•^); ds. t^e L. 15, 29; 5e (178 times); as. ^ec (155 times); c^ee L. 23.' 37; dec Mt. 21, 10; ^eeli J. 8, 11; 5eli Mt. 4, 6. 5, 25. 5. 30. 6,3. 8,19. 11,23. 18,16. 18,33. 22. 39. 25, 23. Mk. 9, 43. 15, 4. 15, 30. L. 1, 35. 4. 9. 7. 50. J. 17. 5(2); np. gie Mt. (137 times). Mk. (106 times). L. (190 times). J. (242 times); g-e Mt. (133 times). Mlc. (11 times). L. (7 times). J. (13 times); g-e Mt. (11 times). Mk. (3 times). L. (3 times). J. (4 times); gee Mt. 7, 12. L. 13,28. J. 3,12; gee Mt. 5, 13. L. 8, 25. 22. 67; gee Mk. 14,64; ga^ Mk. 14,42; gite L. 11.42; gp. iuer Mt. 23, ll.^L. 11,5. 11,39. 12,25. 13,15; iwer Mt. 26. 21; iiirre Mt. 6, 27; iiierra L. 17. 7. 22, 27. J. 1, 26; iiievro J. 8. 7; dp. iub (422 times); iowh Mt. 26. 11. 26, 29. 27. 17. Mk. 3, 28. 4,24C^); ioub Mk. 4. 11; i'lh Mt. 11. 9; iow Mt. 26, 41; iwh xMt. 26.21. 27.21. L. 11,47. J. 4,25; iw L. 22, 10; iwuh Mt. 26,55; inuli Mt. 22, 31; ap. iuili (136 times); iwih Mt. 28, 7. 28,14. Mk. 1,8(2); iowih Mt. 26, 32. ^ii?>e rel. pron. 6ii(5e Mt. 23, 37. L. 4.34. J. 11,27. ^ullie, see 5uslie. tiuner sm. toiiitrmtni, fulgiir, ns. ns. — . J. 12, 29; gs. tSiinres ]\[k. 3. 17; ds. ^imeri L. I 9. 10; ap. ^nnera Mt. 1 8, \S. -^iingennise, see ge^iingennise. ?urstiga wv. csnn'rc, pres. p. apm. (^urstendo L. I 5, 6. ^us av. /fa, si'c, — . (50 times). Ciisend num. inillc, nom. ^nsendo Mk. 6, 44. L. 9, 14; ^us' ^\k. 5, 9 mg.; dat. ?useudum Mk. 5, 13; ^iisendu L. 14,31 C^): ace. ^asendo (10 times); f^usend Mt. I 19, 15. 120,1. Mk. 13, 13. 13, 18. (^uslic aj. fall's, asm. — , jMt. I 8, 5. 18,5; npm. ^uslieo Mk. 13, 19; npf. ^ullico ^Ik. 6. 2; gp. ^^slicra Mt. 19, 14. Mk. 10, 14. L. 18. 16; dp. tsuslicn Mk. 9, 37; Sullucum Mk. 4,33; apm. (^ullico J. 4, 23; apn. (Suslico Mk. 7. 13. L. I 7, 5. 9, 9. (3uslice av. sic, Juijiis modi, (^iislic Mt. 9, 33; — , J. 8, 5. (!)wa sv. lavare, iingerc, iud. pres. 2 sg. (^noas J. 13, 8; 3 pi. 5 was Mt. 15. 2; pret. 3 sg. ?iioh Mt. 27. 24; imp. sg. ?Miali Mt. 6, 17 (2). [See a-, ge^vva; im^wegen. 5wahl sn. iiiigucntiDii, gs. ^l^ables J. 12, 3. (^weng (?) sn. pJiylacteriuin , ap. 5u"enegu Mt. 23, 5. 'Swgng sm. corrigia, saiidaliuiii, as. ^uong J. 1, 27; dp. ^uongum Mk. 6,9; ap. (^iiongas Mk. 1. 7. L. 3, 16. ?yld s. patieiitia, ds. (^vld L. 21. 19. [See ge^yld.J ?y ej. quia, f^y Mt. 5, 20. t3y lies cj. nc forte, 11c qnaiido, "noil, ^y la3s"Mt. 5. 25. 7.6. 13, 15. 13,29. 26, 5. Mk. 4. 12. L. 12, 58; 6y leses Aft. 4, (); ?>on hes Mk. 15, 11. 5ynca wv. 7'idcri, ind. pres. 3 sg. ^vnces .A[t. 26, 66; opt. pres. 3 sg. (^yncge Mk. 14. 64. L. 10, 36. -(^yngo, see gef^yngo. ^vril sn. foramen, as. 5vril Mt. I "6,1. 19,24. Mk. 10,25; 5vrl L. 18. 25. 198 Syruen — imclfeue ^yrneu aj. spincus, asm. ^yrnenDe Mk. 15, 17. J. 19, 5. 5yrsta wv. sifirc, ind. pres. 1 8g'. 5yrsto J. 4, 15. 19, 28; 3 sg. 5yr- 8te6 J. 4, 14. 7, 37; 5yrstes J. I 5, 6. 6, 35; 3 pi. ^yrstas Mt. 5, b. 5,6 mg'.; pret. 3 sg. Syrste Mt. 25, 42 ; pres. p. Syrstende Mt. 25, 37; ?^yrstenda Mt. 25, 44. ^yrstig aj. siticns, nsm. — , Mt. 25, 85; asm. — , Mt. 25,37 (so Ms., not Srystig.). U. -u, see dur-, foresag-, lien?5-, lavw-, luf-, mere)-, near-, sun-, wien; heonii. -uc, see tiinuc. -ud, see lieafud. ufa av. dcsurs2i7n , desitfcr, ex alto, — , Mk. 16, 5. L. 24, 49. J. 14,2.3,31. 19,11. 19,23: eomp. ufor (= sziperms): — , L. 14, 10. [See ofer-, on ufa.] nfa bid line av. dcorsuvi, ufa hi- duue Mt. 4, 6. ufastiga sv. dcscendcre, ind. pret. 1 sg. ufastag J. 6,51; pres. p. ufastigende J. 6, 50. iifaweard aj. sitminus, ds. ufavva3rd Mt. 27.51. ufaweard av. sitrsum , — , Mk. 15, 38. lilitetid sf. ^alli caiitiis , ds. uhte- tid Mk. 13, 35. -ul, see diob-, discip-, fug-, liiof-, lilts-, oDg--, reg-, tit-, tungul. -uld, see woruld. -um, see feorsi5-, fultuni; lust-, raiddum. unadrysendlie aj. incxtiiignihilis, dsn. unadrysendlie L. 3, 17; asm. unadrysendlie Mk. 9,43; unadrys- uendlic Mk. 9, 45. unascended aj. (])p.) incorrnpfibilts, nsm. unascended J. I 1, 12. unawcemmed aj. (pp.) incorrupti- bilis, etuiuchus, nsm.unausenimed J. II, 12; npm. unawoemdo Mt. 19, 12. unavvoirded aj. (p)).) in corrupt ihilis, nsm. unaucrded J. I 1, 12. unawritten sn. (pp.) cautio, as. un- awritten L. 1(), 6. uuberend aj. (pres. p.) non/ercns, stcrilis, iviportabilis , nsf. un- berend L. 1,7; unbered L. 1,36; nsn. unberende J. 15, 2mg.; un- berende J. 15, 2 mg.; dsn. un- berendu L. I 8, 3 ; npf. unberendo L. 23, 29; apn. unberende Mt. 23, 4. unbinda sv. solvere, ahsohcre, ind. pres. 2 sg. unbiudes Mt. 16, 19; 3 sg. unbindec^ L. 13, 15; 2 pi. unbindcs Mt. 18, 18; unbindas Mk. 11, 5; 3 pi. unbinde Mk. 11, 4; pret. 3 sg. unband Mt. 17,24. L. I 9,20. I 11,8; 2 pi. unbundon L. 19, 31; imp. pi. unbindes Mk. 11,2; unbindas Mt. 21, 2. L. 19, 30; inf. to unbindanne L. 3, 16. 13.16; ])p. unbunden Mt. 16, 19. Mk. 7, 35; npn. unbundena Mt. 18,18. uubliSe aj. fieqtiani, nsn. unblifte Mt. 6, 23. unbli(^emfiede aj. uiccsttis, nsm. un- bli^emoede Mt. 26. 37. unbobt av. (pp.) gratis, uuboht Mt. 10, 8 C^). 10,8mg.(2); unbocht J. 15, 25. iinbved aj. (pp.) desertus, nsm. un- byed Mt. 23, 38. Mk. 6, 35; un- bved Mt. 14, 13; unbyid Mt. I 19, 19; dsn. unbyedu j\(t. I 7,12. unecaped av. (pp.) gratis, unceaped Mt. 10. 8; unceap . . . Mt. 10, 8 mg. uneliune aj. iiiimundus, comviunis, nsm. uueUene Mt. 12, 43. Mk. 5, 8. L. 11,24; unclaiuje Mk. 1, 26; gsn. unelsenes (uncla^nes lustas =^ foriiicatioiiis) Mt. 5, 32; dsm. uncla3ne Mk. 5, 2. 9, 25. L. I 7, 6. 8.29; unclaene Mt. I 19, 7; asm. unel«3ne Mk. I 2, 11. 3,30. 7,25. unclteimise — uuefue 199 L. 4, 33; lindane ^Mk. J, 23; un- chenne L. 9, 42; npm. iinela>no Mk. 3, 11. 5, 13; gp. imeheura Mt.lO, 1. Mk. 6, 7; dp. uucla'num Mk. 1,27. 7,5. L. 4, 36. (i, 18; unekenii Mt. 7, 6 mg. uuehynnise su. (V) corniptio, ds. un- claennise J. I 2, 3. uneliGno sf. iiuniunditia, spiircitia, ns. (?) uncla-no Mt. 23. 25; un- chen« Mt. 23, 27. iinelaunsiga wv. inquinare , crad- icarc, ind. pres. 2 pi. unehensias Mt. 13, 29; inf. unclaensia Mt. I 19,18. uneii5 aj. unknown, strange, npf. uncMi(S Mt. 24, 7; unciiSo L. 21, 11; npu. lmcu^o J. 3, 10; apt", uncut) Mk. 3. 10. uncynn aj. minicritus, nsn. uneynn L. 13,3. uuev^ig aj. ignorans, asm. uncyt^ig' L. I 7, 18. uuded sf. ?nakiin opus, npn. un- dedo J. 3, 19. under aj. subjcctiis, dsni. — , Mt. I 4.5; g-pf. underra Mt. I 9,9. under prep, sub, w. dat. (23 times); w. ace. Mk. 4, 21. L. 4, 27. 7, 8. 8,16. underbeg'a wv. sitbjiccre, pp. under- beged Mt. I 3, 11. underbrieda wv. substcrnerc, ind. pret. 3 pi. underbra^ddon L. 19, 36. undercerra wv. subvcrtcrc, pres. p. uudercerrende L. 23, 2. undercuma sv. succedcrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. undercwom Mt. I 6, 6. undercvning sm. pra-.scs, ns. under- cynig Mt. 27, 11. 27, 21. 27, 23; gs. undercyniges L. 20, 20; undercyniges Mt. 27, 27; ds. undercynige Mt. 27, 2. L. 2. 2; as. undercynige Mt. 27, 11; dp. undercyningum Mt. 10,18; under- cyningii L. 21, 12; undercyni Mk. 13, 9. underdelfa sv. siiffocarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. underdelfes 3It. 13, 22; 3 pi. undcrdclfnd :\[k. 4. 19; pret. 3 pi. underdulfon Mt. 13. 7. Mk. 4, 7. L. 8, 7; ])p. underdolfen L. 8, 14. underdronca \^N.suffocare, pp. npm. underdrencdo jNIk. 5, 13. underdrifa ^Y.suhjrcf, pp. ds. under- drifeil (= subjcctionc) L. 1 6. 16. under foa sv. cxciperc, ind. pret. 3 pi. underfengon J. 4, 45. underfylga wv. subsequi, ind. pret. 3 pi. underfylgdon L. 23. 55. undergeoc s. (vb.V) S7ibjugalis, gs. undergeocas Mt. 21, 5. underhebba sv. accipcre , toller c, sitblevare, ind. pret. 3 sg. under- hof Mt.8. 17. J. 5.9. 6,5; pres. p. dp. underliebendum J. 17, 1. underbeda wv. subdiicere, tollere, pp. underlaeded Mt. I 3, 12; underL'cded L. 5, 11. underluta sv. tollere, ind. jiret. 3 sg. uuderleat Mk. 2, 12. uudermerciga wv. subscribe, pp. undermercad (= subnotatio /) Mt. I 9, 19. uudernioma sv. tollere, inf. under- niomane J. I 8, 2. uuderSioda \v\.subjicere, pp. under- Sioded L. 2, 51 {= subditus). 10, 17. 10. 20; vnder^iodid Mt. 1 3, 12. uudoa anv. solvere, dissohere, ind. pres. 1 sg. undoe Mk. 14, 58; 2 ]d. uudoa(5 L. 19, 33; opt. pres. 1 sg. undoe J. 1, 27; imp. pi. un- does L. 19, 30. J. 2, 19; undoaS J. 11, 44; inf. undoa Mk. 1, 7; un- doa3 J. 10, 35; to undoanne L. 13, 16. J. I 3, 13; to undoenne I Mt. 5, 17; pres. p. undocudu L. 19,33; pp. uudoeu J. 7.23. undrysnende aj . (pres. p.) inextingui- bilis, dsn. undrysnende ^It. 3, 12. unea(5e aj. difficilis, nsn. nnea?>e L. 18.24; unea^i Mk. 10,23. unease av. difjicile, unease Mt. 11, \2{—vtm!). 19,23. uneabelice av. prolix ins, di/fic- nltate, une51ic .Alk. 12. 40; iin- ea^alice Mk. 14. 11. I uuefne aj. diversiis, nsf. — , Mt. I 200 unefuelic — unhal 4, 2; gsm. — , Mt. 1 22, 2; dsn. — , Mt. 120, 18; apm. — , Mt. I 2, 10. unefnelic aj. dwersus, g-p. iinefen- licra Mt. I 5, 5. unfearr av. in proximo, dsu. un- feaiT Mk. 13, 29. unfegernise sn. (?) aboniinatio, as. imfegernis Mt. 24, 15 mg. iinforcuS aj. Jionest, disinterested, asf. unf'eub Mt. 10, 14mg. imforleten a], (pp.) non relidus, dsn. imf'letne Mk. 12,20. unful aj. iiisulsiis, nsn. unful Mk. 9, 50.' -ung, see basn-, ceig-, cla3ns-, cliop-, cosset-, cost-, ciinn-, curs-, diobiil- gits-, eavD-, ecn-, edniw-, efols-, eln-, end-, eo-, fag-, feorS-, fi-. forebod-. foregeanv-, loremerc-, forweardmerc-, fras-, fregn-, frum- setn-, geadr-, gearw-, gecost- gedd-, geraerc-, gesomn-. geS^eht- getiyug-, gits-, gi'w-, gristbit- grorn-, balg-, hebsomu-, hwa3str- bwarfl-, bwisl-, insceaw-, intrabt- leas-, lecn-. lix-, mere-, merr- mers-, miclgearw-. iieaw-, ni5r- ofercost-, ofermerc-, oferswib- oftrabt-, ondet-, onmerc-, palm- plout-, rebtsmeaw-, riord-, scearp- smeaw-, sceaw-, scread-, setn-, smeaw-. somn-, swig-, teig(5-, trabt-, Qaebt-, Sonc-, 8reat-, ?)r6w-, wan-, willnig-, wind-, winn-, witgig-, wor5-, ymbfjustn-, ymb- setnung. -unga, see all-, an-, dern-, eaw-, niwunga. ungeleaffull aj. iticrcdulus, iiifidelis, iucredil)ilis, nsf. ungeleaffull ^Ik. 9,19; ungeleafuU Mt. 17, 17. L. 9, 41; asm. ungeleaifuUe J. I 4,8; dpm. nngeljleatruHu L. 12, 40; apm. ungeleatlullo L. 1, 17; apf, ungeleaft'ulloeo L. I 6, 15. ungeleaH'ullic (V), see s. v. ungeleaf- tull (L. I 6, 15). iingeleailullnise sn.r.-') iiicrcdulitas, ns. uugcleatl'ulluise Mk. 15, 13; ds. uugclcafuluise L. I 6, 9; as. ungeleaffullnise Mk. I 4, 6; nn- geleaffulnise Mk. 6, 6. 9, 24. 16, 14; ungeleafiFulnisse Mt. 13. 58; ungeleafulnise Mt. 17, 20; unge- bleatfullnisse Mk. I 5, 2. iiugelefen aj. incrcdnliis, nsm. un- gelefen J. 3. 36 ; ungelefen J. 20, 27; gp. iingelefenra Mt. I 21, 11. ungelefend aj. (pres. p.) incredibilis, dp. ungelefendn L. 24, 41. ungelefenise sn.('?) incrediilitas, as. iingelefenise Mt. 13, 58. ungeh'c aj. diversits, nsf. vugilic Mt. I 4,'2; gsm. ungelic Mt. I 22, 2; gsn. vngeliees Mt. I 4,3; dsn. — , Mt. I 20, 18; npn. ungelico J. I 5, 4; dp. ungelicum Mk. 1 5, 7; ungelicum Mk. I 2, 19; apm. vn- gelico Mt. I 2, 10. ungelicnise (?) sf. dissiniilitndo, ds. ungelic' L. I 8, 19. ungemetlic aj. diversus, gp. un- gemetlicra Mt. I 5, 5. ungerec sn. tiLmidtits, ns. uugerecc Mt. 26. 5. unffesenden. see 2,-esenda. ungewtiemmed aj. (pp.) iucornip- tibilis , nsm. unaewiemmed J. I 1, 6. ^ ungleow aj. ccecus, nsm. ungleu Mt. 15,4. ungleownise sn. (?) ccecitas , as. ungleownise Mk. 3, 5. unbjelo sf. languor, in/inn itas, crux, ds. unbtelo J. 5. 4; as. unhaelo ' Mt. I 18,12. 4,23. 10,1. 16,24; unbtBlo Mil 18,12. 4,23. 10,1. 16, 24; unbaelo Mt. 9, 35; iinba?lo Mt. 9, 35 ; ap. unbado Mt. 4, 24. 8.17. unbal aj. dcbilis, langiudus, viale Jiabcns , ccgrotus , hydropicus, laiigueiis, nsm. unbal Wi. 18, 8. : L. 7, 10. 14, 2; unbala (wk.) J. ' 5,7; asm. unbal Mk. 9, 43; npm. uubale Mk. I 2, 19. L. I 5, 6; gp. unbalra J. 5,3; dp. unbalu L. 14, 13. 14, 21; a p. unbale Mt. 8, 16. , 15,30; unbale Mt. 14,14. uiiliiwefi — uns6?>ffest 201 unhiwed aj. (pp.) discolor, asf. iiu- liiwed Mt. I 4, 3. imbos,'a aj. I'Dipntdciis, upni. im- hogo Mk. 7, 18. unhered aj. indoctiis, unlaered Mt. Mt. I 1, 6. uulifig-ende aj. (pres. p.) dcfnudus, dp. unlifieudu J. I 4, 20. immjelit sf. inipossibilitas, ds. im- maelit Mt. I 20, 7. unmsebt aj. impossibilis, nsn. — , Mt. 17,20. unmjehtig- aj. inipossibilis, nsu. — . Mt. 19, 26. Mk. 10, 27; npn. un- m»htig-o L. 18, 27. imnuielitiglic aj. inipossibilis. difji- cilis, nsu. — . L. 17, 1; uunuegli- tiglic L. 18, 24; unnijiBlitielic L. 1,37. imma^htigliee av. difficiiltatc, Mk. 14.11. unmiltheort aj. inniisericors, asm. iinmiltheortne L. 1 9, 2. immonig aj. pauais, iion iiiullus, dp. iinmonigum J. 2,12: apui. un- monige Mt. I 17, 14. unna anv. optarc, ind. pres. 1 sg. onn Mt. T 4, 11. [See geuuna.] iinneh aj. longiiiqims, asn. iinneh L. 15, 'lo; imneli L. 19,12. unrelit aj. napiani, iniquus,pramis, nsm. — , L. 16,10; npm. unrehto L. 23,32; npm. imr?ehto L. 3, 5. imrehth {timed sn. fornicatio, np. unrebthaemedo Mk. 7, 21. imrehtwis aj. iuiquus, Dialiginis, nsm. imrebtwis L. 16, 10; dsm. uurebtwis L. I 9, 13; dsn. imrebt- wis L. 16, 11: dp. unrebtuisu ]\Ik. 15, 28. unrehtwfsnise su. iuiqnitas, ne- qiiitia, us. unrebtwisuis Mt. 24, 12; gs. unrebtwisuises L. 13,27. 16, 9; unrebtwisuisses L. 16, 8; ds. nurebtwisnise Mt. 23. 28. L. 11,39; as. unrebtwisuise L. I 8, 19. 18, 6; unrebtuisuisse Mt. 7, 23. 13, 41; np. nurebtwisnise ]\rk. 7.21. unrot aj. tristis, contristatus, nsm. I'lurot Mt. 19, 22; iinri'xl i^. J 9, 16; unrot J. 21, 17; nsf. — , Mt. 26,38; nurodt Mk. 14,34; asm. — , L. 18, 24; npm. imrotai Mt. 6,16; npn. — , L. 24,17. unri'jtlic aj. tristis, nsu. uurotlie Mt. 16,3. nnrotnise sn. Irislilin, us. unrot- nisse J. 16, 6; uurudf J. 16, 20; gs. uurotuises J. I 7, 15; ds. — , Mt. I 17, 8; unrotuisse L. 22,45; as. nnrotnise J. 16, 21. 16. 22. [See efneunrOttnise.l nur6tsiga wv. coiihtrbare, contrist- are, ind. pret. 3 sg. unrotsade Mk. 3, 5; nurodsade Mk. 6, 26; inf. unrotsiga Mt. 26. 37; unrotsia Mk. 14, 19; pres. p. uurutsaude Mt. 14,9; p]). unrodsad Mk. 6,50; npm. uurotsade Mt. 18, 31. [See efne-. geuurotsiga.] unrub aj. incoiisitlilis, nsm. unrub J. 19, 23. unrum aj. angushis , asf. unrum ! Mt. I 17, 14. unseendeude aj. (pres. p.) iiinoccns, unsceudende Mt. 27, 24. unseeomfuluise sf. inipitdicilia, us. uuseeomfuluise Mk. 7, 21. nnseeortiga wv. jion dcficere, pres. p. asn. uuscortende L. 12,33. unscirped aj. (p]).) noii veslilits, un- seirped Mt. 22. 11. uusevldig aj. iimoccns, nsm. — , Mt. 27, 24. unse(o)funtig, see Imndseofoutig. unsetta wv. drpoucrc, inf. to nn- settanne Mk. 15, 36. unsib sf. dissciisio , us. unsib J. 7, 43. unsibsumnise sf. anxiclas, ds. — , J. I 6,1. unslitten aj. (pp.) iiicoiisiitilis , — , J. 19, 23! nusmvltuise sf. lci>ipcstas, as. — , Mk. I 3, 6. unsuytro sf. insipicntia, ds. — , L. 6,11. uns6?>fa>st aj. i/ijiishts. n]im. nn- softfjesto L. 18, 11; dpm. unso5- 202 uus66fti3stuise — uuwittciide fcestu L. 22, 37; apm. unso6f*stc m. 5, 45. ims65fa>stnise sf. iujustitia, lis. un- sobfestuise J. 7, 18. unspced sf. poiima, ds. uiispoed i\ik. 12, 44. imspoedig- -a], poor, npni. uuspoedge Mi 5, 3 rag-. uustrniig aj. infirrmis, apm. (vvk.) unstrouga L. 9, 2. UQstyrendlic aj. iniportabilis, apn. imstyrendelico Mt. 23, 4. imsynnig aj. innocciis, npm. i\n- synnige Mt. 5, 3 rag.; apra. iinsuin- nigo Mt. 12, 7. iinsyiiuig av. gratis , imsvnnig J. 15, 25. -imt, see Qiofuiit. iintal sn. evil, ds. uiitala (to untala =-- iiiali) ]\lt. 27, 23. imtrum aj. ijijiriinis, iisn. iintrniii Mt. 26, 41. untvymig aj. iufirnnis, ccgrotiis, USUI. — , J. 4, 46. 1 1, 2. 11, 3; im- trymmig Mt. 25, 36. 25,43; uiiu- trymig J. 11,6; nsf. — , Mk. 14, 38; aW — Mt. 25, 39. 25,44; iipra. untrymigo L. I 4, 19; I'm- trymig J. 6, 2; imtruiinge Mt. 1 18, 2; gp. untiymmia L. I 4, 16 ; dp. untiymigu Mk. 16, 18; apm. imtryraigo Mk. 6, 5. 6,13. 6,56. L. 4, 40. 10, 9; imtrymiga Mt. 10, 8; untryraige Mt. I 16, 11; im- tryraigo Mt. 14, 14. imtryram(ig)a wv. cgerc, iiifirtiiari, iud. pret. 3 sg. uutryraade J. 11, 2; iintryiiiade J. 4, 4(); 3 pi. im- tryniigdou J. 6, 2; iuf. imti-yramia L. 15, 14; pres. p. (= cegrotus) un- trymiendc J. I 4, 6. uiiti'}'mmigo si", languor, infirmitas, as. nutryraraigo Mt. 10, 1; untrv'- mig Mi 9, 3o; imtvy' Mi 9, 3^5; ap. untvyraigo L. 9, 1. imtryiniiise sii: iiifirmitas, crgrota- tio, ns, J. 11,4; gs. imtrymuises L. 13, 11; ds. untrymmsse Mk. I 2, 13. J. I 4, 8; uritrymnise J. 5. 5; imtryruDis L. 13,12; as. — , Mi 4, 23 ; dp. iinti-ymnissum Mk. 3, 15; imtrymnistt L. 5, 15. 8, 2; un- trymnissii Mk. I 2, 19; ap. — , Mi 8, 17; imtryramnise Mi 8, 17. untwiendlic aj. certus, npm. im- tiiendlie L. 20, 6. imtyna wv. apcrirc, rcvolvcrc, ab- solverc, solvere, epJipJiatJia (effe- ta), ind. pres. 3 sg. imtynes Mi 5,19; 3 pi. iiiityiiaS L. 12,36; prei 3 sg. uutynde (13 times); 3 pi. uiityndon Mi 2. 11; imp. sg. uiityn Mi 25. 11. Mk. I 3, 17; im- tv-n L. 13, 25; inf. untyne J. 10, 21; pp. untyned (8 times); un- tuned Mi 14,4; untvned J. 1, 51; upra. untynde J. 9, 10; ^n- tuende Mi 27, 52; npn. untyndo Mk. 7, 35. L. 24, 31; untynde Mi 9,30; uutynde Mi 20, 33; apra. untyndo 31k. 1, 10. [See tountyna.] uuSarf aj. ivortJilcss, nsn. un(5a3rfe (iin^airfe 'iSm^^ ^^ ncquaquani)Wl. 2, 6. unbecca wv. nudarc, ind. prei 3 pi. un^eliton Mk. 2, 4. unb'oncfull aj. iiigrahis, dp. un- "?)oncfullii L. 6, 35. un?)vyegen aj. (pp) nou lotus, dp. unbuegenuui Mk. 7, 2 ; unSueg'- nuni Mk. I 3, 14; unbuenum Mi 15, 20; unSweanu Mi I 19, 17. unwa3stm sn. zizania, us. — , Mi 13, 38; as. — , Mi 13, 27. 13, 29; np. unwa^stma Mi 13, 40; gp. wunwiestma Mi 13, 36; ap. uu- wjiestraa Mi 13, 30. unwis aj. i}iiperitits, stultus,fatims, racha, nsm. unwis Mt. 5, 22. L. 12,20; unuis Mi 5, 22; npm. un- wiso L. 11, 40; iinwiso L. 24, 25; d]). unwis am Mt. I 2, 2. unwisd(')m sin. stultitia, insipientia, ns. unwisdom Mk. 7, 22; ds. un- wisdom L. I 5, 5. unwislic aj. stidtits, dp. unwislicu L. I 2, 11. iiuwittende aj. (pres. p.) ignorans, iiescieiis, nsm. — , L. I 7, 19; apm. unwitendo Mk. 1 5, 9. uinva'fU'rt - iitj^conga 203 imw(L'dc(l aj. {\)\).) nu)i vcstitiis, imweded Mt. 22, 11. unwteder sn. tcnipestas, as, un- woeder L.I 5, 18. 8,24. imwceu aj. ^inexpcctcd, npn. un- woen (imwoen sint = inopinan- tur) ^Ik. 6, 14. imworSiga wv. inJwnorarc , ind. pret. 2 pi. unuor^iade J. 8, 49. imwriga sv. revelarc, pp. unwrig-eu Mt. 10, 26. imwyrtniniiga wv. cradicarc, ind, pres. 2 pi. imwyrtnimias Mt. 13, 29, nnwyr&e aj. indiguus, asm. — , L. 1 4, 7; dp. imwyrSfi Mt. 7. 6 mg-. imwyi"5e av. uidignc, Mk. 10, 14. 14,4. upp av. siirsiim, — , L. I 4, 10. 13, 11. J. 11,41; up J. 2. 7. iippahebba sv. cxaltarc, ind. pves. 2 pi. nppappahefes J. I 5, 13. iippgeonga auv. exoriri, iud. pvet. 3 sc". uppeode Mk. 4.6; uppeodnn Mk. 4, 7. nppbebbing- s. elatio, usn. iipliebb- iug {=^ oi'finii) L. 8. 8; asn. upp- bopbing L. I 10. 11. uppiurna sv. exoriri, pres, p. upp- iornende Mk. 4, 5, iipi)16ciga wv, aspiccrc, ind. pret. 3 sg. npploeade Mk. 8. 24. uppstiga s^'. asccudcrc, oriri, ]ires. p. upstigende J. 1, 51: uppstig- eude L. 12, 54, -ur, see cent-, turtnr; eleur. Urie p. n., gs. luu-ies Mt. 1, 6. us, see ic. user poss. prou. nosier, nsm. nser Mk. 12,20. J. 8,30; nrcr Mt. 6. 9; us Mk. I 5, 17; usa J. 0, 20. 11,11; userneO) J. 8. 54. 11,11; nsf. usra Mk. 12, 7. L. 20, 14. J, 7, 51; gsni. uses Mk. 11, 10. L. 1, 78; dsni, usiim L. 1, 73, J, 4, 12, 8,53; asm. userne j\lt. G, 11. L. 11,3. 23,2. J. ll,48;asf. nsra J. 10,24. 12,38; asn, usra L. 7, 5; up. usra lit 20. 33, L. 24, 20. 24, 32; usero J. 6, 31; usu J. 4,20; usre Mt. 25,8; gp. usera Mt. 23, 30; userna J. 3, 11; usra ]\It. I 2, 10. Mk. 0, 22. L. 1, 55. 1. 74. 24, 22. 24, 24 (= nosfris); user Mk. 0,22; usa J. 3, 11. 11,48; dp. usum Mt. I 3, 5. C, 12. 21, 42. Mk; 12,11. L, 1,75; usiim L, 13,26, usu L. 1, 71; ap. usra Mt. 6, 12, 8,17, L. 1,70. 11,4. lit ^y./oras, — , Mt. 13. 48. 26,75, Mk. 1,34, J, 6,37. 0,34. 11.43. 12,31. 19,4(2); iiut Mt. 10, 14; ut J. 9, 35. iita av. /oris, a /oris, /oras, cx- trinscnis, — , Mt. 26, 69. Mk. 3, 31. L. 14. .35. 24,50. J. P 188 3; uta (14 times^; ute Mt. 12.47. J. 18, 16. 20, 11;' ute Mk. 5, 40; iiuta L. 13, 25. iitaeund aj. alicinis, alicnigena, nsm. utacnnda L, 17, 18; dsm. utacund L. 16, 12; gpm, utaeimda J. 10,5; dpm. utatmndfi Mt. 17,25. litacundcynn aj. alieiiigcua, nsm. utaeundeynn L. I 9. 8. I *■ I litaweard aj. extrcnms, L. 16, 24. iitaweard av. dc foris, iitteweard 1 L. 11, 39; iitaword :\It. 23. 25. 23, 26; wuteard L. 11, 40: uutearde ! J, 18, 22. utan on av. externally, iitan on J. P 188'. utan ymb a\'. /)/ cireuitu, utan >'mb Mk. 3, 34. 6, 6. utan ymb pre]i. cirenm, uta ymb Mt. 8. 18. utdrifa sv. everlere, ind. pret. 3 sg, utdraf Mk. 11, 15. iitfara sv, egredi, ind, pres. 3 sg, l:tfa3re^ J. 10, 9, iitgeons; sm. scccssns, ex it us, as, utgeong Mt. 22, 9. Mk. 7, 19. iitgeonga anv. cxirc, ind. pres. 3 sg. iitgaas Mk. 7.19; 3 \\. ntgaa(5 Mk. 7, 20; utgaas Mt. 15, 18. 15, 19; pret. 3 sg. uteode Mt. 26, 71; iiiiteode J. 8, 59; 3 pi. nteodon Mt. 26, 30; uteadon J. 4, 30; ut- eadon Mt. 8. 28; pres. p. utgeoug- ende Mt. 26. 71. 204 uthwit — wtestm utlivvit aj. dealbaiiLs, dp. utliuituin Mt. I 21, 17. utioriia sv. disairrrrr, pves. p. iipni. utioriienda Mt. I 7, 18. iitiornise 'm..proflii'viui}i, ds. utiorii- inse Mk. 5, 25. utmest aj. exterior, extreimis, dp. utmestnm Mt. 22, 13. Mk. 5, 23; wutmestum Mt. 25,30; apm. wyt- mesto Mt. 8, 12. u&wiita wm. scriba, senior, ns. wiiS- uta Mt. 13, 52; iibiiiitta Mt. 8, 19; uuQvvuta Mk. 12,32; up. wu5iito Mt. 23, 1. Mk. 2, 16. L. 5, 21; wuc)- uotto J. 8, 3; wuSiuito Mt. 23, 13. 23, 15. 23, 25. Mk. 3, 22. 12, 35. 14, 53; imSwuta Mt. 15, 1: imb- uiito Mt. 17, 10. Mk. 11, 27; u5- uuto Mt. 21,15; uQutii Mt. 23,27; lui^wuto Mt. 26, 57; u(5uta Mt. 7, 29. Mk. 1,22; ii5uuto Mk. 7,5. 11, 18. 14, 1. L. 6, 7; unSiinto Mk. 9, 11; ii&uto L. 15, 2. 20, 19. 22, 2; ii^imto L. 20, 1; u&iit' L. 19, 47; u(^wiitto L. 22, 66; u(5utto L. 23, 10; gp. U(5wutana Mt. I 8, 2; wii&uttana Mt. 5, 20 ; luiSutana L. I 10,11; udmitaiia L. 20,39; dp. wu()iiutum Mt. 20, 18. Mk. 10, 33; wuSutum Mt. 12, 38; wuSwutum Mt. 27,41. Mk. 14,43; iiubnttum Mt. 16, 21; uuSatum Mt. 23, 29; uOuiitum Mt. 9, 3. . 23, 23. Mk. 2, 6. L I 10, 5; uSuiitum Mk. 7, 1; uc^mitri jMk. 12,38; uu5iuitnra Mk. 8, 31; wubuutu Mk. 15, 1; iui5iiiitn Mk. 12, 28; wii^uiit' Mk. 15, 31; u(1wutu L. 9,22; u5at' L. 20,46; ap. u?5nuto Mt. 23, 34; iui5iuito Mk. 9, 14; uSuutta Mt. 2, 4. W. wac aj. quassatiLs, asf. wacc Mt. 12, 20. waeaii su. (V) vigilia, ns. — , Mk. I 3, 13; waeeeu Mt. 14, 25; gs. w;i3cceiuies (= excitandi) J. I 3, 14; as. — , Mk. 6, 48. L. 12, 38; waeeane L. 12, 38; ap. wacana L. 2, 8. Wf6 iuterj. vcb, wse (34 times); we L. 11,47; we Mt. 23, 27. wseeca wv. vigilare, sitscifare, ind. pres. 3 sg. wajccaS Mk. 1 3, 8; imp. pi. waeceas Mt. 24, 42. 25, 13. Mk. 13,33. 13,37. 14,34. 14, 38; w^eccses L. 21, 36; wjucas Mt. 26,41; w;ecca() Mt. 26, 38; inf. waecca Mt. 24, 43; wajcca Mt. 26, 40. Mk. I 5, 9; Wc^ea L. 12, 39; to wa3ceeiiiie i\[t. I 21, 20. L. I 7, 17. 1 10, 19; pres. p. iipni. wa;ec- ende L. 2,8; apm. wseccendo L. 12, 37. [See a-, efta-, eft-, ge-, berliwa^eea.] wajcceii, see wacan. w?ega, see wcega. -waL'ld, see onwaJld. -wtelda, see ge-, geonw.elda. wtella 'wnxiw./ons, pufeiis, piscina, uafaforia, us. u;elle J. 4, 6; iifella J. 4, 14; ds. uele J. 9, 7; as. ua3lle J. 4,6; iu\3lla J. 4, 12; uaelle J. I 4, 4; iioel J. 5, 4. [See salt- w;ella.] waJlta, see a.-, efta-, (efta-), froma-, ge-, towajlta. -wa3r, see gew*r. wa3rc su. dolor, ds. — , J. 12, 3; gp. wicrcco Mk. 13, 8; wserco Mt. 24,8. wa3rla, see be-, bgua-, ymbwa3rla. wjTerliee av. cautc, — , Mk. 14, 44. wterma wv. calefacere, ind. pret. pret. 3 sg. wa^rmde ^Ik. 14, 54 ; u:crmde J. 18, 18. 18, 25; 3 pi. uearmdou J. 18, 18; pres. p. wa^ruiigeude Mk. 14, 67. Wiestm Bmn./rnciiis,/nix (/rushes ), us. — , Mt. I 19,9. 21,19. L. 1, 42; wa3stem J. 15,16; ds. — , (6 times), wiiestim Mt. 1 19, 4 ; wsest- rao L. I 8, 18; as. — , Mt. (11 times). Mk. (4 times). L. (11 times); ua;stm J. 12,24. 15,2. 15,5. 15, 8; ua3stem J. I 2, 6. I 6, 15. 4, 36, waestruiga weli£ 205 15,2. 15,4. 15,16; iiaist'in J. 15, 2mg.; gp. wjestma Mi 1 17, 10. 21,34; dp. wsestmum Mt.7, 20; luestniuiii Mt. 7, 16; wuistnui L. I 3, S; up. wjestmas Mt. 7. 17 {'^. 7,18. L. 12, 16; wsestnia Mt. 7, 18. L. 6,43; wa'Stmo L. 12, 17. [See imwffistm.J wa3straig-a wv. fr2ictificare , iud. pres. 3 sg. wtestmiaS Mk. 4, 28 ; 3 pi. wffistuiiab Mk. 4, 20. waiter sii. aijiia, ns. ujcter J. 4, 14; ua^tter J. 19, 34; ua3t' J. 5, 7; gs. wsetres (5 times); luietres J. (8 times); ds. w^etre (7 times); u?etre J, (5 times); luettre J. 1,26; as. — , Mt. 14,29. L. 7,44. J. 2, 9; uaiter J. 13,10. 2,9. 4,15. 5,4; uffitter J. 4, 11; uset' J. (5 times); wset' Mt. 27, 24; np. iu\3tro J. 3, 23. 7,38; dp. wajtrfi Mt. 8, 32; iisetru J. 3, 23; ap. wajtra Mt. 14, 28; wsetro Mk. 9, 22. wa^terleas aj. iiiaquosiis, apf. wseter- leasa L. 11,24. wa3triga wv. aquare, adaquare, inf. to wsetranne L. I 8, 5. 13, 15. wiexa sv. cresccre, gerniinare, iiid. pres. 3 sg. wsexat) Mk. 4, 27; waexes Mk. 1, 6; 3 pi. Wccxas Mt. 6, 28; wsexab L. 12. 27; pret. 3 pi. wox- ou Mt. 13, 7; pres. p. wa3xende Mk. 4, 8. [See jx-, forege-, ge-, in-, onwsexa.] wsexbred sn. pitgillans, as. waix- bred L. 1, 63. waghrjegl su. vehim, cedes, ns. waghra^gl Mk. 15,38; waghra^l L. 23, 45; waghrahel Mt. 27, 51; ds. wagbrsel' L. 11, 51, wala, see weala. -wald, see iKSil-, (E5ilwald; son- wald. waniing sn. tu7nuUus, as. warning Mk. 5, 38. -waras, -waro, see burgwaras ; R6m- waro. [See also wer.j watel sn. tcgula, ap. watla L. 5, 19. we, see ie. weala wm. diviticcfaciiUas, Diaiii- mona, gp. weala Mk. 4, 19; wal- ana Mt. 13, 22. Mk. 4, 19; dp. wjelum L. I 5, 15; waliim L. 8, 14; waelo L. 16, 9. -weard s., see dur-, rrfe-, heafiid-, Iceweard; dor-, reglword. -weard aj., see for-, in-, nioSa-, ond-, to-, ufa-, I'lta-, wi(5er weard. -weardiga, see gndweardiga. -weardlice, see inweardlice. -weardnise, see erfe-, ond-, wi(5er- weardiiise. wearod sn. bafid, as. uoriid (begna uorud = cokortevi) J. 18,3; np. worado (lytle worado = paiici) L. 13, 23. [See eompwearod.] wearb sm. litus , ds. wearbe Mt. 13, 2 ; warSe Mt. 13, 48 ; uarbe J. 21, 4. weeg, see wceg, sf weda, see wceda. wede, see woede. weg, see woig, smn. wel av. bene, — , Mt. (8 times). I Mk. (7 times). L. (4 times); woel i Mk. 7, 9. 12, 28. 14, 7; uel J. 2, 6mg. 4, 17. PI 88 3; uelJ. 18, 23. welboren aj. (pp.) nobilis, nsm. — , Mk. 15,43. L. 19,12. welcwoe5"a sv. benedicere, imp. pi. * welcuebas L. 6, 28. weldoa auv. benefacere, satisfacere, satagere , ind. pres. 2 pi. wel doeb L. 6, 33; 3 pi. wel doeS L. I 6, 33 ; pret. 3 sg. wel dyde L. 10, 40; imp. pi. wel doab L. 6, 35; wel doeb L. 6, 27; uel doeti Mt. i 5.44; uel doas Mt. 5,44; inf wel doa Mk. 15, 15. L. 6, 9. welfremmende aj. (pp.) beiieficiis, npm. welfremmende L. 22, 25. welgeliciga wv. complacere, ind. pret. 3 sg. woel gelieade Mt. 3, 17; gelieade woel L. 12, 32. welgiga, see gewelgiga. welig aj. dives, nsm. welig L. 12. 21. 16,1. 16,19. 16,22. 18, 25^ 19,2; wailig Mk. 10,25; w"elig L. 18, 23; dsm. welige L. I 7, 14; asm. welige L. I 9, 2; wcligo L. 206 -welle — wilde I 9, 16; npm. wealigo Mk. 12, 41; dpm, weligum L. 6, 24; apm, welig-o L. I 8, 11. 1, 53. 14, 12. 21, i. -welle, see bar-, liund-, Iff-, niin- welle. weiida. see wcenda. wer sill. 7'/r. ds. — , L. (7 times); uer Mt. 1, 19. J. 1, 80. 4, 18; woer L. 8, 38. 9,38; g-s. (?) uer Mt. I 9,2; ds. were Mt. 7,26. Mk. 10, 2. L. 16,18; — , Mt. 7,24. L. 2, 36; as. — , (4 times); uer J. (3 times) ; np. Wicras (8 times) ; waras Mt. 14, 35. Mk. 1, 5. L. 22, 63; weras J. 6, 10; g-p. weara Mt. I 19,15. 14,21; wera Mt. I 19,19; wiera Mt. 27, 52. Mk. [ 3, 13; wsero Mk. 6, 44 ; wseraiia Mk. 6, 44; waraiia L. 14,24; dp. weru L. 11,31; ap. wieras L. 9,32; useras J. 4, 18. [See haligwer; waras.] -werdla. see ewerdla. wered, see forwered. werig(nise), see W(jBrig(nise). westa av. {ad) occidentc, woesta Mt. 8, 11. L. 13, 29. westdi(;l sm. occidcns, as. wesdrel Mt. 24, 27. wetnise sf. Jmmor, as. wetiiise L. ^8,6. wicu wf. hchdoiuada, sahhahini , ds. uica L. I 11, 16; wico L. 18, 12. wid aj. latus, nsf. wide Mt. 7, 13. widliga wv. inquinare, coiiiqiiriiare, violare, comnmnicarc, ind. pres. 3 sg. widlas Mt. 15, 11 (0- 15, 20; 3 pi. widlas Mt. 12, 5. 15, 18. 15, 20; wiSlaS Mk. 7, 23; inf. wid- lega Mk. 3, 16. [See gewidliga.] widwa swf. iridiia, lis. widua Mk. 12,42. 12,43. L.I 4. 13. 110,11. 7,12; widuia L. 2, 37. 18,3. 18, 5; widuua L. 21, 3; gs. wid lies L.I 5, 11; ds. widua L.I 9,12. 4, 26; as. — , Mk. I 5,6; widua L. 21,2; lip. widua L. 4,25; gp. widwuaua Mk. 12, 40; widneua L 20,47. wiersa, see yfel. wif sn. -iixor, mulier, ns. wif Mt. (10 times). Mk. (9 times). L. (17 times); uif L. 1,13. 1,18. J. (17 times); uif J. 16,21. 19,25; gs. wifes Mt. 8, 14. Mk. I 3, 16. 12, 25 mg. J. I 7, 15; uifes J. I 1, 3. 4,39; wif L. 17,32; ds. wife Mt. (7 times). Mk. (3 times). L. (6 times) ; wif L. 2, 5 ; uife J. (3 times); as. — , Mt. 22,24; wif Mt. (17 times). Mk. (6 times). L. (12 times) ; uif J. 15,8. 8,3; np. wifo Mt. 27, 55. Mk. 15,40. L. (6 times); wif Mt. 24, 41; gp. wifa Mt. 11, 11. L. 7, 28; wifana L. 23, 27; dp. wifum (4 times); wifii Mt. 14, 21; ap. wifa Mt. 19, 8; wifo L. 17, 27. 20, 35; uif J. 11, 19. v^VSxtQXi^ ^vci. {7) arnica, ap. wiftVe- ondas L. 15, 9. wifgioriiise sf. adulterium, ns. uif- giornis Mt. 1 5, 19. witiga wv. nubere, inf. wifega Mt. 19, 10. wifmonn s. femina, as. wifmonn Mt.''l9,4; wifmon Mk. 10, 6. wigbed sii. altar, ns. wigbed Mt. 23, 19; gs. wigbeddes L. 1, 11; ds. wigbed Mt. 5, 23. 5, 24. 23, 18. 23,20. L. 11,51; as. wigbed Mt. 23, 35. wiht sn. animal, ns. — , Mt. I 8, 4. 14,26. 14,26mg. Mk. 6,49; dp. wihtu Mt. 6, 30 mg.; ap. wihta Mt. I 8, 4. [See iuiiibt, niGniht, noht.J -wibt, see fulwibt. -wihtere, see fulwihtere. wileyma sv. sahttare, ind. pres. 1 sg. wilcymo (= cugr^ Mt. 25, 23; o])t. pres. 2 pi. wileyma Mt. 5, 47; inf wilcymo (imp. pl.V) Mk. 12, 38. wilde aj. wild, as. — , (wilde foter = zizanid) Mt. 13, 27; dpn. (?) (wilde deoru = hcstiis) Mk. I 1, 13; ap. — , (wilde ata = zizanid) Mt. 13, 30. wildeor — willo 207 wildeor su. hcsiia, ii,]). wildcova Mk. 1 1, 16. I willa aiiv. velle, ind. pres. 1 sg. willo (18 times); wille Mt. 2(5. 39; will Mt. 15,32; wadle L. 13, 20; wjcllo L. 20, 3; uillo J\It. 8, 3. J. (.5 times); u?eilo J. 13, 26; 2 sg-. wilt (13 times); willt Mk. 6, 22; wiltu Mt. 26, 17; iiiltii J. 5,6; 3 sg. wil Mt. 5, 40. 16,24. 18,23. Mk. 11,31. J. 5,21; will L. 13,31; wiF L. 9,23; wa^lle L. 10,22. 14,28; nil J. 3, 8; 1 pi. welle Mk. 4,30; wallaS Mk. 1 2. 4; uallas Mt. 12, 38. J. 21, 3; uallab J. 12, 21; 2 pi. wallaS Mt. 27,21. Mk. 15,9; wallas Mt. 27. 17; walli Mk. 15. 12; wjelle L. 6, 31; uallan J. 6, 67. 8. 24. 9, 27. 18, 39; uallas J. 8, 44. 9, 27; 3 pi. wallaS Mt. 20,32. Mk. 10,35. L. 16, 26. 20. 46; wallas Mk. 12, 3s. L. 8, 20; ualiaS J. I 4, 15; uallon J. 17, 20; pi-et. 1 sg. walde Mt. 23,37. L. 19,23; ualde J. 16,9; 2 sg. waldest L. 13, 34; ualdes J. 2 1 , 18 (^) ; 3 sg. walde (27 times) ; ualde L. 15, 28. J. I 6, 3. 4, 10. 13, 11; wselde Mt. J 4, 7; walda Mt. 21, 45; 2 pi. waldon J. 5, 35; ualde J. 8,42; 3 pi. waldon (9 times); w»aldou J. 6, 21; walldon Mk. 14, 11; ualdon J. 6, 11. 7, 44. 16,19. 18,36; opt. pres. 1 sg. wffille Mk. 6, 24. 14, 14; 2 sg. welle Mt. I 4, 5. L. 22, 42; wjella Mt. 19, 16; wjelle Mk. 6, 22. 14, 12; wiellse Mk. 14.36; 3 sg. wellffi Mt. I 3, 4: waille Mt. 7, 22. Mk. 8,35. 9,35. 10,43. 10,44. L. 9. 24; wffilla Mt. 10, 22; welle Mt. 10,39. 11,27. 12,11. 20,26. 27, 43. Mk. 10, 11: w^elle Mt. 10,42. 20, 27; wel' Mt. 12. 32; w^ella Mt. Mt. 16, 25. 21, 3. 23, 16. 23, 18(2); wielhe Mk. 8, 34; ua^lle J. 2, 4 mg. 7,17; 1 pi. walla Mt. 6,31; 2 pi. welle Mt. 7, 12; welL'w Mt. 11,14. Mk. 14,7; walle Mk. 15, 9; ua3lle J. 15,7. 15.10; pret. 3 sg. wa^lde Mt. 14, 7. L. 1, 62; iiiij). pi. vvifUas Mk. 16, 6; wsellaS L. 12,29. 12,32; wallah L. 18, 16. w. neg. prefix: nolle, nc vrllc, iud. l)rcs. 1 sg. uwill Mt. 15, 32; nuillic Mt. 21. 29; 2sg. nuilt J. 21, 18; 1 pi. nallo L. 19, 14; 2 pi. ualles Mt. 6, 15; Dallas J. 5,40; nallaS Mk. 11, 26; uaelle J. 10, 38; 3 pi. Dallas Mt. 23, 4; pret. 2 sg. Daldes Mt. 23, 37; 3 sg. Dalde Mt. 1, 19. 2, 18. 18, 30. 27. 34. Mk. I 1, 19. 1,34; 1 pi. Dalde J. 18. 30; 3 pi. naldoD Mt. 22, 3. Mk. 16,14; imp. sg. uelle Mt. 1. 20. 6. 2. Mk..5,36. L. 14. 12; D^lle (13 times); pi. D?ellas Mt. 3, 9. 5, 17. 6, 19; nellas Mt. 7, 6; nsella^s Mt. 6, 16; Dallas Mt. i9 times). Mk. 9, 39. J. 10, 37; DJi-lle^ Mt. 6, 31. 6,34; Dallas Mt. (5 times). Mk. 6,50. L. ( 13 times). J. (4 tiDies) ; uellaS Mt. 7, 1. 10, 31. L. 6, 37; DelleS Mt. 10, 34; na)lles Mt. 14, 27; DalleS Mt. 23, 8; nadle Mk. 13, 11. J. 7. 24; nalle J. 5, 45; I iisellaS L. 6, 37. 10, 4. 12, 29. J. 6, 20. williiiga wv, velle, petere, deside- rore, concitpiscere, ctipere, ind. pres. 3 sg. wibiaS Mt. 7, 10; willnia^ L. 19, 31; wihia?) L. 5, 39; 1 pi. wilniaS Mt. 12,38; will- uiab Mk. 10, 35; willnias Mk. 14, 63; willni^as L. 22, 71; 2 pi. will- nia?5 Mk.'lO, 36; wilnias L. 17, 22; 3 pi. willnia^ L. 12, 48; pret. 3 sg. wihiade Mk. 6, 25. L. 15, 16. 16, 21. 22, 15; wilkade L. 23, 20; 3 pi. wiluadou J. 7, 44; imp. sg. wikiig Mk. 6, 22; iDf. to wiluaDDe Mt. 5, 28 ; pres. p. wilDaude L. I 7, 13; willnaDde L. 23, 8; dp. wiliieuduDi Mt. I 14. 15. L. I 3, 9; uiliiaudnDi J. I 6, 14; apn. wil- naiido L. I (i, 12. [See eft-, ge- wilhiiga.J willuigUDg sf. petitio, dp. willDi- niigii :\It. I 17, 7. willo WDi. vahnifas, desideri'iivi. 208 -win wisa voluptas, ns. — , Mt. L. (6 times); ' iiillo J. 6,39. 6,40; gs. — L. 2, i 14; ds. —,L. 12,10. 23,2:,; uillo ! J. 1, 18 (2); as. — , Mt. Mk. L. (10 times); uillo J. (7 times); willa L. I 7, 18. 12, 47; dp. willum L. 8,14; willu L. 22, 15; ap. uillo J. 8, 44. -will, see Tilwiii. win su. vinum, ns. win Mt. Mk. L. (5 times). J. I 1, 9 ; uin J. 2, 3; g'S. wines Mil 18,9. 11,19. Mk. I 2, 16. L. I 5, 2; ds. nine J. 4, 46; nine J. 2, 9; as. win Mt. Mk. L. (10 times). J. I 3, 11; uin J. I 3, 11; uin J. 13,12. 2,3. 2,10(2). [See jeecedwiu.] winbeg-er sn. ^tva, as. winbeger L. 6, 44; ap. winbegera Mt. 21 , 33 mg. wind smfn. vcntus, ns. — , Mt. Mk. (6 times); gs. windes Mk. 4, 37. L. 8, 23; ds. winde Mk. 4, 39. J. 6, 18; uinde Mt 11, 7; — , Mt. 8,26. L. 7,24; as. — , L. 8, 24. 12, 55 (= flanteiii) ; wind Mt. 14, 30; np. windas Mt. 7, 25. 7, 27; uindas Mt. 8, 27; dp. windum Mt. 24,31. Mk. 13,27. L. 8, 25. winda sv. plecterc, ind. pret. 3 pi. uui'nden J. 19, 2; pves. p. npm. windende (= chlamydcni) Mt. 27, 28. [See a-, be-, ge-, inbe-, ymbwinda.] windgefonn s. ■ventilahrum , ns. windgefon L. 3, 17. windrtes ^m. procclla, ns. windrais Mk. 4, 37. windung sn.(})/>alra, ap. winduugo L. 3, 17. [See winnung.] wingeard smfn. viiiea, vitis, gs. wingeardes Mk. 14, 25. L. 20, 13. 20, 15. 22, 18; wingeavdas L. 13, 7. 20, 10; wingearde Mt. 20, 8. 21,40. Mk. 12,2. 12,9; ds. win- gearde L. 13, 6. 20, 15. J. 15, 4; wingeard Mt. I 20, 18. 21, 39. Mk. 14,20. 12,8; as. wingeard Mt. Mk. L. (12 times); d]). wiugeardu L. I 10, 7. winiga wv. vindnuidrr, ind. ])rcs. 3 pi. winigaS L. 6, 44. winn sn. labor, ns. — , Mt. I 1,4; gs. winnes J. I 2, 6; Wynnes L. 12,8; as. wynn J. 4, 38. winna sv. laborare, ind. pres. 3 pi. winnes Mt. 11, 28; wynnas Mt. 6,28; winnaS L. 12, 27; pret. 3 sg. wann Mk. I 1, 14; 1 pi. wun- non L. 5, 5; 2 pi. wunnon J. 4, 38; pres. p. wynnende Mk. 6,48. [See a-, miswinna.] winnung sn. zizania, as. wynnung Mt. 13, 25. 13, 27; np. wynnunnga Mt. 13, 26; winnunga Mt. 13,38; gp. winnunga Mt. I 19, 11; dp. winnuncum Mt. 1 19, 10. [See windung.] winstra wk. aj. sinister, nsf. — , Mil 17,6. 6,3; dsf. — , Mk. 10, 40; wynstra Mt. I 22, 3. 20,21. 20, 23. Mk. 10, 37; winstre Mt. 27, 38; dp. winstrum Mt. 25, 33. 25,41; winstr L. 23, 33; wynstru Mk. 15, 27. winter sm. hiems, mimis, ns. uinter J. 10,22; np. wintro Mk. 13, 18; gp. wintra Mk. 5, 42. L. I 2, 4. I 4, 8. 2, 42. 3, 23; wintro L. 8, 42; uintra J. 8, 57. 9, 23; dp. wintrum Mk. 5, 25. L. 8, 43; wintru L. I 8, 4. 2,36; ap. wintro L. 2, 37. 2, 41; uintra J. I 4, 8; uintro J. 2, 20. 5, 5. [See twoelfwintro.] winterburna wm. torrens, as. uinter- burna J. 18, 1. wintreo sn. vitis, ns. wintreo J. 15, 5; uintreo J. 15, 1; gs. wintrees Mt. 26, 29. wintriga, see gewintriga. wintrog sm. torcular, as. wintrog Mt. 21, 33. winwyrceud sm. vinitor, dp. uin- wirccendum Mt. I 21, 8. wis aj. peritus, dsm. wise (wk.) L. I 6, 18; dpm. wis L. 14, 3; superl. wisest {= peritus): dpm. wisestu L. 1 1 , 46 ; wisistu L. 1 1 , 45. [See un-, unrelitwis.j wisa wm. viodtts, as. wisa Mt. I wisdfSra — wit) 209 9, 15; dp. uisum J. I 7, 10. [See ou 5a wisa, 65re wisa.] wisdom sm. sapicntia, scientia, lis. wisdo Mt 11, 19; gs. wisdoraes L. 11, 52; as. wisdom L. 1, 77; uisdom J. P 1881'. j^g^e unwis- dom.] wisfsest aj. ferfedus, iism. wisfsest Mt. 5, 48. L. 6, 40; wisfeast Mt. 19, 21; asn. wisfsest L. 1, 17; iipm. wisfffiste Mt. 5, 48. wislic, see uiiwislie. wislice av. sapicnter, wislice Mk. 12, 34. wisniga wv. arescere, ind. pres. 3 sg. wisneS J. 15, 6. [See awis- niga.] -wisnise, see unrehtwisnise. wistlie, see oferwistlic. -wit, see bil-, iuwit. -wita, see asdwita, eftedwita; ed- witiga. wita, see gewita. -witfull(giornise), see fserwitfull- (giornise). witga ^y^m. propheta, antiquus, ns. witga Mt. L. J. (12 times); witge Mt. 13, 57. Mk. I 3, 9. 6, 4. L. 7. 28. 7, 39. 24, 19; witgo Mk. 6, 15. 11,32; witgse L. 9,8; uitga J. (4 times); uitgse J. 9, 17: uit' J. J. 12,41; gs. witges Mt. I 7, 7. I 16, 9. 10, 41 (2). L. 3, 4. 4, 17; witgo Mt. 12, 39. L. 11, 29; uitga J. 12, 38; ds. witgo Mt. 24, 15; uitga J. I 3, 6; as. witga Mt. I 19, 13. 21,26. 27,9; witge Mt. L. (7 times); witgo Mt. Mk. L. (15 times); np. witgo Mt. Mk. L. (10 times); uitga J. 8, 52. 8,53; witgas Mt. 7, 12; gp. witgana Mt. 23,30. 26,56. L. 11,47. 11,50; witgena Mt. I 21, 18. 23, 29. L. 1,70; dp. witgnm Mt. Mk. L. (5 times); witgom Mk. 6, 15. L. 24, 27; witgit L. 6,26; uitgu J. 1,45. 6, 45 ; ap. witga Mt. 2, 23 ; witgo Mt. L. (10 times); witgie Mt. 5, 17; wit' L. 16,31; iwtgo L. 11,49. witga wf. (?) prophetissa, ns. witga Cook, Northumbrian Glossary. L. 2, 36; gs. witg L. I 4, 4. witgad6m sn. prophecy, ns. uit- gadom J. 19, 30 mg. witgiga wv. prophetare, propheti- zare, ind. pres. 3 pi. witgas Mt. I 5, 10; imp. sg. witga Mt. 26, 68; pres. p. witgende L. I 3, 17. [See gewitgiga.] witgigung ^n. prophet ia, propheta- h'o, prophettcum, ns. witgiung Mt. 15.10. I 19,2. 13,14; gs. witge- onges Mk. I 1, 8; witgiunges Mt. I 21, 2; witgoag L. 1 4, 3; ds. wit- giung Mil 16,9; witgong L. I 2,9. witnise sn. testwioniutn, testis, ds. wituesa Mt. 8,4; witnese Mt. 23, 31; as. — , Mk. 10, 19; witnesa Mt. 19, 18; witnessa Mt. 26, 59. J. 3, 11; uitne[ j Mt. 10, 14 mg.; witneso L. 18, 20; wittnessa L. 22, 71; witnese J. 1, 34; uittnesse J. 1, 7; wittnesa J. 8, 17. 8, 18; np. witnesa Mt. 15,19. 26,60; witneso L. 24, 48; gp. witnessa Mt. 18, 16; dp. witnesii Mt. 26, 65. [See ge-, onwitnise.] wittende, see unwittende. wi5 prep, a, ad, adversum, ad- versus, contra, usque, usque ad, 2isque in, w. ace. — , Mt. I 4, 1. I 4, 3. I 14, 6. I 19. 1. I 22, 10. 5,11. 5,23. 10.35(3). 11,12. 11, 23(2). 12, ;30. 12,32(2). i6, 18. 18, 21. 24, 13. 24, 27. 24, 31. 26, 59. 26,62. 27,1. 27,8(2). 27,13. 27, 61. Mk. I 2, 18. 9, 40. 11, 25. 13, 8. 13, 19. 14, 55. 14, 56. L. I 2, 2. I 11, 19. 9. 50. 11, 23. 12, 50. 14,31. 21,10. 22,51; ui5 J. I 6, 10. 18,10. 18,29. 19,11; w. dat. — , Mt. I 1, 10. I 5, 4. I 22, 9. 4, 6. 12, 14. 12, 25 (2). 12, 26. 20, 8. 20.11. 21,2. Mk. 3,6. 14,57. L. 13,6. 21,10; ui& J. 19, 10; w' J. 16,24; w. gen. — . Mk. 12,41. wib" cj. donee, usque, — , Mt. I 2, 5. 1 9, i2. I 20, 6. 1, 25. 5, 26. 10, 11. 10,23. 12,20. 13,33. 14,22. 16, 28. 17,9. 17,17. 18,30. 18,34. t4 210 wis — wlonc 23,39. 24,34. 24,39. Mk. 14,4; wi5e Mt 18.34; uiS J. 13,38. wi(5 in prep, usque m, w. ace. w'S in Mt. 10, 22; w. dat. wi5 in Mt. 11, 23. wi5 nix ej. usque adhuc, uiS nu J. 2, 10; ui& ml J. 16, 24. wis on prep, usque in, w. dat. — , Mk. 14, 25. 14, 54. 15, 33; w. ace. — , L. 23, 44. wiS to prep, tisque, usque ad, w. dat. wis to Mt. I 9, 15. I 22, 8. 1,17(3). 2,15. 11,13. 13,30. 22. 26. 24, 38. 27, 51. Mk. 13, 27. 14, 34. 15,38. L. 4, 42. 11,51; w. ace. wis to Mt. 15, 4. L. 14, 10; w. g-en. uiS to J. 2, 7. 2, 10. wis Sa geana, wiS geana cj. bis- que, usque modo, uiS Sa geana J. 2, 10; wis geana Mt. 24, 21. wis Sa hwile cj. donee, w'S Sa hwile Mt. 5, 18; w'S Sa huile Mt. 5, 18. wiS Sset cj. donee, usque, — , Mk. 6, 10; wiS|>Mt. 2,9. L. 16, 7. 13,8. wis Son ej. usqiiedum, — , Mt. 2, 13. wis Sy ej. quoadusque, wiS Sy L. 24, 49. wiSarisa sv. insurgere, ind. pres. 3 pi. w'Sarrisas Mt. 10, 21. wis cwceSa sv. (r<9;?/r« rse Mk. 5, 26; wyrs Mt. I 2, 2. yflecwceSa sv. maledicere, ind. pres. 3 sg. yfleeuoetiais Mt. 15,4: pret. 3 sg. yfleeue?) Mk. 1 4. 17; opt. pret. Isg. yflecuoede Mk. 11, 21. yflegecwa3&a sv. maledicere , ind. ! pres. 3 pi. yflegecuoeSas Mt. 5, 11. yflehahba anv. male habere, ind. pret. 3 pi. yfleluefdon Mt. 8, 16; pres. p. dp. yflebaebbendum Mt. 9,12. yfliga, see geyfliga. ymb prep, circa, circiim, post, de, \ supra, in, w. ace. — , (45 times); 220 yinb — ymbwPBrla w. dat. — , L. 10,40 (?); ym J.I 3,13. ymb av. circa, — , Mk. 8, 38. L. 9, 12. [See litan ymb.] ymbbeara sv. circumferrc, inf. ymb- beara Mk. 6, 55. ymbbinda sv. circtimdare, pp. ym- bunden Mk. 9, 42. ymb burg sf. sedttio, dp. yrabburg-u L. 21, 9 (or prep. w. noun = ymb burgu?) ymbeearfa sv. circumciderc, ind. pres. 2 pi. ymbcearfas J. 7, 22 ; inf. to ymbeearfanne L. 1,59; pp. ymbcorfen L. 2, 21. ymbcerr sra. motus, iransmtgratio, ds.'ymbcerr Mt. 1, 11. 1, 17C^); as. ymbcerr Mt. 1, 12. J. 5, 3. ymbeerra wv. movere, mutare, con- verter e, subvertere, ind. pret. 3 sg. ymbcerde J. I 3, 11. 2, 15. 5, 4. 21,20; inf. ymbeerra? Mt. 23, 4; pp. ymbcerred Mt. I 2. 3. J. 20, 14. [See fromymbeerra.] ymbcorfnise sn. circumcisio , gs. ymbcorfnise L.I4,8; as. ymb'nise J. 7, 23. ymbcyrf sm. abscissio, circumcisio, ds. — , Mt. I 14, 4. I 18, 20. Mk. 14,9. ymbfaestnung sf. montmzenium, ns. — , J. 19, 41. ymbgearwiga wv. cooperire, pp. ymbgearuad Mk. 16, 5. ymbgecerra, see gecerra. ymbgeong sm. decursus, ambitus, as. — , Mt. I 14, 7. Mk. I 5, 5. ymbgeonga an v. circuviirc , ind. pret. 3 sg. ymbeade Mt. 4, 23. 9, 35; ymbeode Mk. 6, 6; 3 pi. ymb- eadon L. 9, 6. ymbgyrda wv. prcrcingerc, amicire, ind. pret. 3 sg. ymbgyrde J. 13, 4; pp. ymbgyrded (= amictus) Mk. 14, 51; apm. ymbgyrdeno L. I 7, 17. ymbhungen sn. circwmcisio, as.ymb- Imungun J. 7, 22. ymbliwgrfa sv. circumire, ind. pret. 3 pi. ymbhurfon Mt. 23, 15. ymbhwyrft sm. orbis, ns. ymbhyrft L. 2, 1; gs. ymbhuirftes L. 4, 5; ds. ymbhuirfte L. 21, 26; ymb- buirft Mt. 24, 14; ymbhyrft Mt, 11,2. ymbiorua sv. discurrere, ind. pres. 3 pi. ymbiornas Mt. I 8, 3. ymblociga wv. circumspicere, aspi- cerc, ind. pret. 3 sg. ymblocade Mk. 3, 34. 10, 23; 3 pi ymb- locadon Mk. 9, 8. J. 13,22. ymbsceawiga wv. aspicere, circum- spicere, intueri, ind. pret. 3 sg. ymbseeawade Mk. 5, 32; ymb- sceuade Mk. 8, 24; ymbsceawde Mk. 3,5; ymseeawde Mk. 11, 11; ymbseeaude J. 1,42; pres. p. dpm. ymbsceawandu L. 0, 10. ymbscina sv. circumfulgere, ind. pret. 3 sg. ymbscean L. 2, 9. ymbsealla wv. siiccingerc, circum- dare, ind. pres. 3 pi. ymbselleS L. 19, 43 ; pret. 3 sg. ymbsald Mt. 21, 33; ymbsalde Mk. 12, 1. L. 5, 9. J. 21, 7; 3 pi. ymbsaldon J. 10, 24. 19,2; ymsaldon Mt. 27, 28 ; inf. ymbsellenne L. I 10, 15; pp. ymbsald Mk. 9, 42. L. 21, 20. ymbsetnung sn. scditio, ap. ymb- setnungo L. 21, 9. ymbsetta wv. circumponere, circum- dare, ind. pres. 3 pi. ymbsettas L. 19, 43; pret. 3 sg. ymbsette Mk, 15. 36; 3 pi. ymbsetton J. 19, 29; pp. ymbsetet L. 21,20. ymbsitta sv. circumsedere, pres. p. dp. ymbsittendu L. 22, 55. ymbspreca sv. murmurare , ind. pret. 3 pi. ymbsprecon L. 19, 7. vmbstonda sv. circumstare , ind. pres. 3 sg. ymbstondas J. 11,42; pres. p. dp. ymbstondendn Mk. 14, 47. 14, 69.' L. 12, 1; ymstond- endu Mk. 15, 35. ymbstyriga wv. evertere, ind. pres. 3 sg. ymbstyreS L. 15, 8. ymbSenca wv. decernere, ind. pret. 1 sg. ymbSohte Mt. I 1, 3. ymbwierla wv. convertere, ind. pret. 3 sg. ymbwserlde L. 7, 9. 7, 44; vmbwinda — ZebeCies 221 ymwserlde L. 10, 23; ymbwielde L. 9, 55. ymbwinda sv. circumponerc, ind. pret. 3 pi. ymbuundun J. 19, 29. ymbwoenda wv. com/erft, ind. pret. 3 8g. ymbuoende J. 20, 14. 20, 16. ymbwosa anv. be about, be employed about, ind. pret. 3 pi. ymbwoeson Mk. 11,3. ymbwyrea wv. plecterc, ind. pret. 3 pi. ymbworhton Mt. 27, 29. yppa, see geyppa. yst sf. procella, ns. yrte Mk. 4, 37. y5 &t fluctus, ns. ft) Mk. 4, 37; gp. y&ana L. 21, 25; dp. ySiim Mt. 8,24. 14,24(2). Z. Zabulon p. n., gs. zabulones Mt. I 16,9. 4,13. 4,15; zab' J. 21, 2. Zacharias p. n., ns. zacbarias L. 1, 18; gs. zacbaries Mt. 23, 35; zacb- aries Mk. I 1,9; zacbariaes L. 11, 51; zaehariffi L. 1, 40; zacbarie L. I 3, 12; ds. zacharia Mt. I 7, 14. Zebe^ies p. n., gs. zebeSies Mt. 10, 2. 26,37. Mk. 1,19. 1,20. 3,17. 10,35; zebeSes Mt. 4, 21; zebedies Mt. 20, 20; sebedffiis Mt. I 20, 20; ds. zebebeos Mt. 4, 21. Latin-Northumbrian Index. a: from, of, on, wi5 Aaron: Aaron ab: from ab occidente: westa abba: la heh (see heh) Abel: Abel Abia: Abia Abiathar: Abiathar abesse: fearr wosa abire: fara, fciera, fromfcira, fromgeonga, gefora, gegeonga,' geonga, gespringa, offo'ra, Souafdera, Sonageonga abnegare: onsacca abominatio: fracot5, laS, unfegernise, wroht Abraham: Abraham abscindere : cearfa, forhycga, gecearfa, ofcearfa abscissio : ymbcyrf abscondere: ahyda, degla, forhsela, ge- degla, gehyda, t6gedegla absconditum: degelnise absconditus: degle absens: ondweardnise absolvere : unbinda, untyna absque: biita abundanter, see abundantius abimdantia: monigfaldnise abundantius : mouigfaldlice abundare : gemo'nigfaldiga, gewsexa, mon- igfilld wosa, monigfaldig worSa, mon- igfaldiga, monigfaldlice (?) abyssus: niolnise ac: and tec accedere: cuma, gen^oleca, geonga, t6- cuma, t6gen6oleca accendere : abserna, berna, gebearna, t6- geboeta accepturus, acceptus: ondfenge accersere: gefotiga accidere: gecuma, gelimpa, gen6ol6ca, geworSa accipere: gef6a, genioma, nioma, onf6a, underhebba (see also ondfenge) accubitus: rsest accumbere : gehlioniga, gesnit5a, hlioniga, raesta accurrere: geiorna accusare: ahena, forhycga, gefrsepgiga, gehena, geniSriga, getela, gewrdega, niSriga, tela accusatio : synn accusator : fordoemend, lienend acetum: aecced acquirere: gesd'ca actus: ded, wundor acus: nedl ad: aet, bi, t6, wi5 ad-: forS- Adam filius: Adaming adaperire: t6untyna adaquare: wsetriga adaugere: togeeca addere: acenna, eca, geeca, gehwerfa, t66ca, t6geeca adducere : brenga, gebrenga, gelgeda, Iseda, tobrenga, 't6gebrenga, togel^da, t6- Iseda adesse: cuma, t6cuma, t6wosa adhserere: aethrina, genehwiga, geneo- leca adhibere: brenga, ectossecga, forbeada, geafa, habb'a adhuc: forSor, gee, geona, get, leng (see longe), Sa geana, Sa get, Sende adimplere: fylla, gefylla, t6gefylla adire: gecuma, tocuma adjicere : seteca, geeca, t6eca, t6ge6ca adjudicare: t6ddema adjurare: halsiga adjuvare: fultumiga, gehelpa, helpa admirari: awundriga, gewundriga, of- wundriga, t6gewundriga admittere: forleta, leta, t6senda (admissa: t6 meassa) admonere: geltera, Isera adnotus: cu5 adolescens: esne, ging esne Latin-Northumbrian Index. 223 adolescentior : giungra, gingesta adorare: geliera, geworSiga, t6bidda, tu- gebidda, worSiga adorator: worSare ad quid, ad quod: to hwon adstare : tostonda adulter : arg, derneleger adulterare: dernelicga, dernunga licga, synngiga adulterium: argscip, deraeleger, dernele- gerscip, wifgiornise adumbrare : oferwriga advenire: tocuma, togecuma adventus: tocyme adversarius: fiond, wiSerbraca, witJer- weard adverso, see ex adverse adversum: wi5 adversus : betwlh, ongsegn, wit5 advesperascere : efernlociga advocare: toceiga, togecejga advolvere : gewjelta, towaelta aedes: waghrsegl sedificare : getimbra, hrina, timbra aedificatio : gehrin, getimbre, gleng aedificium: getimbre segrotatio : hefignise, untrymnise fegrotus: unlial, untrymig, untrymiende (see untrymm (ig) a) iEgyptius: ^gypt iEgyptus: ^gypt sequalis: efne, efnegelic, gemaecca aequaliter: geliclice aeque: gelic aer: lyft aerugo : rust serumna: telnise aes: maeslen aestas: sumer aestimare : wdena aestuare : besenca sestus : bym, 'h»to setas: aeldo, wintra dsel (J. 9,23). aeternum: ecnise seternus: ece afferre : beara, brenga, forSdoa, gebrenga, geferiga, saecga, tobeara, tobrenga, t6- gebrenga afficere: acwoella, awoerda, ford6a, ge- cwoella, gehorwiga, getela, geyfliga, ofslaa affirmare: getrymma affligere: woerda ager: lond agere: 'd6a, doend wosa, gedoa, gedrifa, gewyrca (gratias agere: Sonciga; male agere: misd6a) agitare : sceacca, styriga agnoscere: oncnawa, ongeatta agnus: l9mb agonia: gecomp agricola: londbigenga, londbuend aio: cwoeSa, gecwoeSa, saecga ala : feSer alabastrum: i'ast, oelefaet, oelefaet full, (see full, aj.), stanfaet, stfenne fset full (see full, aj.), st*nna full (see full, sn.) alapa: dynt, fyst, hondsmajll, sma'll albus: hwit Alexander : Alexander Alexandrinus : alexandresc, alexandrinesc alienigena: ellSiodig, utacund, utacund- cynn alienus : ellSiodig, fremSe, utacund alioquin: aSa 66er, oaSe maeg, elcur nu, mara wren, 65er Sing, 65re wisa aliquando : hwilum, 6Ser hwile aliquid: hwothwoegu aliquis: aenig, tenigmonn, hwelc, hwelc- hwcegu, hwelchwoeiie, sum 65er aliter: sundor, syndrige aliunde: on 63re hsTlfe (see half) alius: 6t5er, sura 65er allidere: gebita, t6slita alligare: binda, gebinda aloes: wyrtcynn altare: wigbed alter: 66er alternus: twufaldlice alteruter (adalterutrum: betwi'en, betwih) altior, see altus altissimus, see altus altitudo: heanise altius, see altus altus: heh, worS (altum: heanise; altior; heist; altius: hera; altissimus: heist: altissimum: heanise; and see ex alto). amare, vb.: gelufiga, lufiga amare, av.: bitterlice ambitus : ymbgeong ambo: bcege, twoege ambulare: gefoera, gegeonga, geonga amen: s65, s66 is, soolice arnica: wiffriond amiciri: gegearwiga, ymbgyrda amictus: ymbgyrded amicus: friond, meg Ammonius: Ammonius, gelclred a modo: heona amovere: ofadrifa amphora: full, ombor amplius : for5or, leng (see longe), mara, swiSor amputare: aslaa, cearfa, clseusiga, ge- sniSa, tela, tocearfa an: hweSer, o56e anathematizare : gefrem5iga ancilla: Signen, Sir, 3iwa Andreas: Andreas angariare: geneda, geSreatiga, Sreatiga angelicus: angelic, engelic angelus: engel angulus: lawom, hwomstan 224 Latin - Northumbrian Index angustus: nearu, nearun6d, unriim anima: sawel, 56ht animsequior : gl3edm6d animal: neten, wiht animare : gesaweliga Anna: Anna Annas : Anna annectere: tocnycca annotare: t6gemerciga annuere : b^cniga annulus : bring annuntiare: gesaecga, saecga, t6saecga annus : g6r, winter ante: ser, befora, fora, fore antea: ger antecedere: forefoera, foregegeonga antequam: ser Son antichristus : anticrist, beforecrist antiquus: aid, witga anxietas: unsibsumnise aperire: aedeawa, ontyna, untyna apex: merca, pricle, stsefes heafud apocrypha: wiSerweard apostolicus : apostolic apostolus: apostol, postol, 6egn apparere: aedeawa, gesene wosa appellare : ceiga, geceiga, gehata, genem- na, nemna appetitio : giornise apponere : gegeadi-iga, t6gesetta, tosetta apprehendere : forcuma, forcunniga, for- cySa, forecuma, forgrioppa, gefoa, ge- graeppiga, gegrioppa, gelsecca, genioma, grioppa, ofgenioma, t6gegrioppa, to- gelsecca appretiare: gebycga appropiare : geneoleea appropinquare : genehwiga, geneoleea, neoleca, togeneoleca aptus: gecoren (see geceasa) apud: set, mi(5 aqua: wseter aquare: wsetriga aquila: earn aquilone: nor5a arare: eriga aratrum: sulh arbiter: doema arbitrari: ddema, gedot^ma, leta, wcena arbor: tre(o) arbor fici: ficbeam area: aerca archisynagoga : hehsomnung archisynagogus : aldormonn architriclinus : aldormonn arctus, see artus ardere: beorna area: berefl6r, berern, beretiin arefacere : dryge geworSa, gedryga arena: sond arescere :'awisniga, dry ga, forcuma, fordry- ga, gedryga, gescrinca, scrinca, wisniga argenteus: scilling, seolfern argentum: seolfer arguere: forcwoetJa, forcySa, geSr6aga, geSr^atiga argumentum: aedeawnise, insiht, reht- sm6awung, scearpsmeawung. aridus : aid, dryge, forscriuncen (see for- scrinca), scrincare Arimathea: Arimathia arma: wcepen armatus: woepenberend aromata: aeSele wyrta, swceti stenco arripere: fornioma ars: craeft artus: b6gehte arundo: gerd, bread, pulspere as: an (!) ascendere: arisa, astiga, gestiga, stiga, uppstlga ascensio: astignise asellus: asald Aser: Aser asina: asald asinaria (mola asinaria: asales byrSen, byrSenstan) asinus: asald aspectus : megwlit asper : rceSe aspernari: awoerda, tela aspicere: behalda, gesea, 16ciga, scea- wiga, uppl6ciga, ymbl6ciga, ymbscea- wiga assare: breda, gebreda, getella assequi: offylga asserere: gesaecga, saecga assignare: tobecniga assimilare: geefniga, geUciga, gelicl6ta, getella, tSgeliciga (assimilari: gelic wosa) assistere: astonda assuere: siwiga assumere: gefoa, genioma, nioma, on- foa, togenioma, t6onf6a (assumetur: geonfenge bi3) assumptlo : gehornise, ondfeng assumptus: ondfenge assus, see assare astare: astonda astruere: gefsela at: soS, s651ice, 5a atque: aec, and, and fee atrium: caefertun, worS attendere: behalda auctor: larwu auctoritas : setnise audacter: ballice audax: dearf, dyrstig audere: durra, gedurra; see also ausus audientia: hernise audire: gehera. gehercniga, hera, hlysna (audiendi: hernise) auditus: hernise Latin -Northumbrian Index. 225 aiiferre: benioma, tromnioma, gebrenga, genioma, nioma augere: geeca Augustus: Augustus auricula: earliprice auris; eare aurum: gold auster: su5, suSdiel, suSem austerus: gearwutol, geornfuU, scnpen austro: su5a ausus: gedyrstig; see also audere aut: o5Se autem: gee, «c s65, tec soSlice, ciiSlice, eft, fsestlice, forSon, gere, hweSre, soS, s651ice, 5a, Sonne, wutedlice avaritia: gitsung avarus: gitsare ave: hal; see also avete avellere: gefearriga avertere: acerra, fromcerra avete: wosa8 gie hal; see also ave avis: fugul azymum : daerst, 5orf mett Babylon: Babilon bajulare: beara, gebeara baptisma: fulwiht baptismum: fulwiht baptista: baestere, fulwihtere baptizare: cljensiga, fulwiga, gefulwiga, ingefulwiga (baptizandum : fulwiht) Barabbas: Barabbas beatitudo: eadignise beatus: eadig (beatissimus : eadig) Beersheba: Bersabe bellum : feht, gefeht bene : wel benedicere : blcedsiga, gebloedsiga, ssegn- iga, welcwoeSa benefacere: weld6a beneficus : welfremmende benignus: rummod bestia: deor, wildeor, wilde deor Bethania: Bethauia Bethlehem: Bethlem Bethsaida: Bethsaida bibere: drinca, gedrinca biduum : twff ge dagas, twd'ge d6gor bimatus : nioSmest bini: twoege bis: twiga bivium : woegeua geleta blasphemare : efolsiga, geefolsiga blasphemia: efolsung bonus: betra, g6d, sel bos: oxa ' brachium: arm breviare: gescyrta brevis: lytel, sceort breviter: sceortlice buccella: bread byssus: linen Northumbrian Glossary cadere: falla, gefalla, slaehtiga cadus: ombor csecatus': blind, Siostrig Cfecitas: ungl6ownise csecus: bisen, blind, ungleow cpecus natus: blindboren csedere : aslaa, gebuga, geslaa, geswinga, get5earsca, oferslaa, renda, slaa, Searsca caelestis : heofonlic caelum: heofon Caesar: caesar Caesariensis : caesariensisc caeteri : 66er Caiphas: Caiphas calamus : pinn, rod, writsaex calcaneus : h61 calcare: ahena, geniSriga (calcandum: hennise, niSrung) calceamentum : gescece, scece calceare: gesceoga calefacere: waerma calix: caelc, copp, disc, scene calumnia: sceoma, telnise ' calumniari: harmcwoeSa, teancwoeSa calvaria: heafudponna camelus: camel caminus: ofn Cana : tun candelabrum: lehtfaet, lehtisern candidus: hwit, lixende canere : singa canescens: har, harwelle canis: hund canon: canon, regul(a), rim, tal cantare: crawa, gecrawa, gesinga, singa cantus, see galli cantus capere: befoa, foa, gef6a, genioma, ge- tela, nioma Capharnaum : Capharnaum capillus: her (capilli: faex) capitulum : forecwide, foremercung, for- weard, forweardmercung, heafudweard, mercung captivitas : Seadom captivus: erming, gehseftend, geSeod captura: fong, gefeng, stalo caput: heafud career: carcern carere : for^eonga caritas : bro5erscip, lufu, wuldor (for cla- ritas?) caro : flcsc. He, liehoma (omnis caro : genigmonn) Carpianus: carpianisc earns: m6g (carissimus: leaf) castellum : burug, ceastra, port, wcerc castrare: hygdiglice behalda catellus: hwoelp catena: racenteg cathedra: sedl, stol catinus : disc 15 226 Latin -Northumbrian Index. causa: intinge caute: wserlice cautio: leafgewritten, nnawritten cavere: behalda, beSenca, gawiere wosa Cedron: Cedron celebrare : gemersiga cellarium: hordern cenaculum, see ccenaculiim census: cyniDg(!), penningslsebt centeni: hundraS centesimus: hundraS, hundwelle centies: hundteantig siSa centum: bund, bundra^i, bundteantig centupbim : bundraSsiSa , hundteantig siSa, monigfabdbce centurio : ' aldormonn, centur, bundfrea, bundraSes moniia hlaferd Cephas: Cephas certus: untwiendlic cervical : bolstare cervus : heart cessare : blinna, geblinna, rsesta ceteri, see cseteri cetus : hw8el Chananaeus: channanesc chaos : dene, paeS char-, see' car- chiamys: braegl, ryft, windende Chorazaim: Chorazaim chorus: song Christus : Crist, cyning, gecoren Chuza: Cbuz cibus : mett ciHcium: asca(!), cillc, hwit br?egl cingere : gegyrda, gyrda cinis: asca circa: ymb circuitus (in circuitu : utan j^mb) circum: utan ymb, ymb circumcidere : ymbcearfa circumcisio: ymbcorfnise, ymbcyrf, ymb- hungen circumdare: ymbbinda, ymbsealla, ymb- setta circumferre : ymbbeara circumfulgere : ymbscina circumire : ymbgeonga, ymbbwerfa circumponere : ymbsetta, ymbwinda circumsedere : janbsitta circumspicere : ymblociga, ymbsceawiga circumstare: ymbstonda citbara : hearpa citius: recone cito : braSe, recone , reconlice cives: burgwaras civitas: burug, ceastra, port clam: deglice clamjire: ceiga, cliopiga, geceiga, geclio- piga (clamando: ceigde(!), ceigunge) clamor : hlyding clamys, see cblarays clare: gleowlice clarificare: berht doa, berbtniga, geberht- niga, gewuldriga, wuldriga clarificatio : berhtnise, geberbtnise claritas: berhtnise clarus: berht claudere : beluca,betyua, gesparriga, ge- tyna, tyna claudus: biilt clavis : c£eg clavus : scea5a clementer: nimlice, trumlice Cleophas : Cleophas clibanus: ofn cosequalis: efueald, heafudllng coangustare : efnegehaSriga coaptari: geceasa (Mt. I. 5. 1 0) coarctare: gebega, gehaSriga coarguere : fecgeSreaga coccineus: beg(!) codex: b6c crel-, see cjel- coena : fgerma, riord, symbel coenaculum: reordbiis, symbelhiis coenare: geriordiga, rlordiga (coeuans: efenmelig) coepisse: aginna, begiuna, onginna cogere : geneda, geSreaga, geSreatiga, neda cogitare: gesmeaga, geSenca, smeaga, denca cogitatio : smeawung cognatio : cySSo cognatus : cuSamonn, cySling, fdereld, friond cognitus : cySig cognomentum : cuSnoma cognominare : genemna, getornomiga cognoscere: cunna, cunniga, gecunna, gecySa, onenawa, ongeatta, wuta (co- gnoscitur: cuSlice gesene) cohors : compwearod , fif bund cempa, moDumfegn, Segna wearod, 5r6at cobortari : getrymma coinquinare: gewidliga, widliga colaphus: dynt, fyst colere : worSiga, wuniga collatio: efnegeljeded (see efnegelfeda) coUaudare : cfnegeberiga colligere : geadriga , ' gegeadriga, ges9m- niga, snmniga collis: hyll coUocare : gesomniga colloqui: efnegespreca, efnespreca, ge- spreca coUum : swira colonus: buend, londbuend color : biw columba : culfre columna : stapol (gloss to columba, by mistake) comburere: berna, forberna, gebearna comedere : bruca, eatta, freta, gebruca, geeatta, gefreta Latin - Northumbrian Index 227 comitatus : fylgende commemorare : gemyndgiga commemoratio : efnegemynd commendare: beada, bebeada, bebodiga, bodiga, faestiga, gefaesta comminari: bebeada, torbeada, gestiora, stiora comminuere : forbreca, gebreca, gegrinda, t6sc8ena commissura : cla<5, esceapa, f6tcla(5 committere: efnesenda, geendiga, ge- senda, gesetta commodare: liha, sella commori : efnegeswelta commovere : gecerra, gestyriga commune: gemcennise communicare: gewidliga, widliga communis: gemsenelic, unclasne commutatio: hwerf comparare: geetniga, gegearwiga, gema- ciga comparatio: ceping, efennise compellere: gen6da compes: feotor compescere: adrysna, gestiora, stiora compingere: gemerciga complacere: geliciga, iiciga, welgeliciga complecti: clioppa, friga, gefriga complere: geendiga, gefylla complures: swi6e monig componere: gesetta comprehendere : begeatta, benioma, ef- nefornioma, efnegeljecca, fornioma, ge- foa, gegrioppa, gelaecca, laecca comprimere: fortreda, geSringa, Sringa comprobare: acunniga, cunniga, efnege- cunniga computare: getella conari: gecunniga concedere: gelefa, lefa conceptio : acennise, ecnung concidere: fall'etiga, t5earsca concilium: gemoeting, gemot, somnung, spree (concilio: t6 boetanne!) concipere: acenna, gebeara, geecniga concitare: geeggiga, gewsecca conludere: efnegebega, efnegefaestniga concordare: efnesaeega, gegeadriga conculcare: getela, getreda concupiscentia : lustgiornise concupiscere : nytiga, willniga concurrere : efnegeiorna, efneiorna, iorna concutere: gedra'fa condemnare : forhycga, gedoema, gehena, geniSriga, getela condere : efnegewyrca, gehyda, gesceppa, gesetta condire: besmita, gehalda condiscipulus: gefoera conditio: wyrd condolari: froefra conducere: efnegebrenga, efnegeliseda confabulatio : efnesprec conferre: efnegebrenga, gebrenga, lada, sjecga confessio: ondetnise, ondetung confestim: hraSe, reco'ne, s(')na confidere: gelefa, getrewa, getrycca confirmare : efnegetrymma , gefaestniga, getrymma, trymma confiteri: geondeta, ondeta confortare: gestrenga, getrymma confricare: gebreca confringere: gebreca confundere: gescenda confusio: foresceuding, sceoma, telnise confutare: sceomiga congerere: efnegeworSa, gewyrca congeries: gesomna(!), ges9mnung congratulari : efnegeOonciga congregare : geadriga. gespmniga, somniga conjungere: geadriga conjux: gebed, geoc conquassare: efnegecwcecca conquirere: efnegefregna, efnegesoeca, frasiga, gefregna, gesoeca, soeca consentiens: geSafsum consentire: efuegenehwiga, efnegeSenca, geneoleca, Safiga, Senca (consentiendum: geSafsumnise, geSeodsumnise,) consequenter : ttfterfylged consequi: gefylga conservare : efnegehera, gehalda conservus : efneesne, efneSea, efneSegn, gefce'ra, heafudling consessio: gesset considerare: behalda, beh;iwiga, efrie- sceawiga, 16ciga, sceawiga consilium: geS«htung, lar, Saehtung consolari: efnefrcefra, froefra, gefrcefra consolatio: frcefernise, fr6for (consola- tione: efnegelseded) consonans: efnes6n conspectus: gesiliS, onsion, onwitnise conspirare: flitta, getea conspiratio: efneteam conspuere: efnegespitta , gehorwiga, ge- speafta, speafta, spitta eonstanter: faestlice consternare: forcuma, gelicga constituere: bebeada, efnegesetta, ge- setta, setta constitutid: frumsetnung, frymSo, onset- nise, setnise consuescere: gewuniga, gewuna wosa consuetudo: gewuna (consuetudine: ge- wunelic) consumere: fornioma consumuiare: corra, endiga, geendiga, ge- fylla consummatio: endung consurgere: arisa, efnearisa contaminare: besmita, gewidliga contegere: gegeadriga 15* 228 Latin -Northumbrian Index. contemnere : forhycga, gehena, geniSriga, getela, niSriga, tela contemptor: telend contendere: geflitta, ge?>rlnga contenebrari : geSiostrlga contentio : flitta, geflit contentus: belialden conterere: gebreca conterrere : gefyrhtiga contestari: gecySa, getrymma contexere: gedegla, gewoefa continere: gehalda, nioma; see also con- tentus contingere: belimpa, gebyriga, gelimpa, geworSa continuo: hraSe, mit55on, recone, recon- liee, s6na contra: fora ongsegn, ongsegn, togaegnes, wi5 contradicere : wii5cwoeSa, wiSercwffiSa contrarius : wiSerweard contristari: efneunrotsiga, geunrotsiga, unr6tsiga contristatus : unr6t (contristato : efneun- r6tnise) contumelia: fracoS, sceoma, teancwide conturbare: efnegestyriga , gedroefa, ge- styriga, unr6tsiga conveniens: woenlic convenire : cuma, efnecuma, efnegecuma, gecuma, gegeadriga, gesomniga conventio: gesomnung conversari : efnegecerra convertere, convert! : efneawcenda, efne- gecerra, eftgecerra, gecerra, gehwerfa, gew'renda, hwerfa, ymbcerra, ymbwserla, ymbwoenda conviciari: liarmcwoeSa convincere : efneforcuma , efnegecerra, forcuma, gecerra, ofercuiua convivium: bearscip, faerma, gebear, ge- bearscip convocare : ceiga, efneceiga, efnegeceiga, geceiga, gecliopiga, gehata cooperari: miSwyrca cooperire: awriga, efnebec5ecca , gegear- wiga, ymbgearwiga cophinus : ceawl, fooer, mond copiosus: nionig, monigffild cor: hearta coram : befora, fora, fore corban: geafa corbona: tempel cornu: horn corona: beg (le^!), corona, sigbeg coronare : gesigtaestniga corporalis: lichomlic corpus: lie, lich'oma correptio: gemnise corrigere: bffita, gegema, gema, rihta corrigia: Swong corripere: gema, gerihta, Sreaga corroborare: getrymma corrumpere: gescenda corruptio: unclsennise corns : mitta coruscare: scimiga corvus: hrsefn cotidianus : dsege gehwEemlice , daeg- hwfemlic, ddeghwEemlic cotidie: dsege gehwtemlice, daeghwsem, dseghwiemlice, eghwelc daege couti: gebyrelic wosa crapula: oferfyllo eras : t6 merne, to morgen crastinus: morgen (see in crastinum) creatura: sceaft crebro: oft, symble credere : gelefa, lefa, trugiga (credendum : geleafa, leafa) crescere : awsexa, gewaexa, waexa cribrare : awaexa(!) crimen : hehsynn crucifigere: acwoella, ahoa, gehoa, hoa, hongiga cruciari: ge5r6wiga, Sr6wiga cms : sceonca, sciu crux : rod, Srowung, unhfelo cubiculum : cot, inn cubile: cot cubitus: eln culex : flege cultor: begenga, biiend, bydla, worSare cum : miS, miSSy, t5a, Sende cunctus: all cupere: gewillniga, willniga cur: forhwon cura: gemnise curare: agema, geboeta, gegema, gehsela, gelecniga, gema, heela, 16cniga (curan- dum: gemnise) curatio : lecnung curiositas : faerwitgiornise currere: geiorna, iorna curvare : gescrinca custodia: gehald, haeft custodiens: haldend custodire: gehalda, hsllda custos : gemend, hilldend Cyrenaeus: cyrinise Cyrenensis: cyrinise daemon: diobul daemonium: diobul damnare : geniSriga damnatio: cursung, ewerdla, nifirung, swoenc dare: asella, gesella, sella David: I)avid de : bi, fr9m, of, on, ymb dealbare: gecsilca (dealbatus: oferhiwad, lithwit) debens: scyldig Latin -Northnmbrian Index. 229 debere: aga t6 geldanne, gedaefna, ge- risa, gerisnelic(!), rehtlic wosa, risa debilis: unh;il debitor: scyldig debitiim: eofot, gescyld, reht, scyld Decapolis: Decapolis decern : tea sit5a, teno decemnas : of . . . deceptio: loswist decernere: sundriga, ymb(5enca decertare: cumpiga, fehta decet: gedaefna decidere : offalla decima: teigSung decimare: geteigSiga, taniga, teigSiga decimus: teigSa declarare: aedeawa, iTsceada, tosceada declinare: ahsslda, fromgebega, gebega, gefara, ofgebega decollare: gecearfa, ofcearfa decumbere : gelegen wosa decurio: of (5»r byrig(!) decurrere: iorna decursus: erning, ymbgeong deesse: forgeten wosa, forloren wosa, wona wosa deficere : gelosiga, gely tliga, gesceortiga, gescyrta, geswica, losiga, sceortiga (non deficere: unsceortiga) definire: geendiga, gesundriga, ofsc6ada defodere: gedelfa de foris: litaweard defraudare: beswica defimctus: dead, deadad(!), gedead, ge- Hored, unlifigende dehinc: aefter Son, siStJa dein: aefter tion deinceps: aefter Son deinde: aefter Son, si5Sa delictum : scyld delir amentum : from doe n deludere: beswica, tela demere: alesa demergere: gedrenca, ofgedrenca demolirl : gefreta,' gespilla demonstrare : aedeawa, geeawa denarius: penning, scilling, teafald(!) denegare : o'nsacca denique: sefter Son, siSSa dens: toS denuo: niwunga, snude deorsum: adune, from geauSe, sunder, nioSaweard, ufa hidi'me depellere: fordrifa deponere : ad6a, ofasetta, ofd6a, t6scufa, unsetta deposcere: ofgebidda deprecari: bidda, gebidda, giorna deprecatio: gebed deprehendere : befoa, benioraa, ofnioma deputare : getella derelinquere : forleta, oflforleta deridere: bismeriga, gehlaehha, hiaehha, smeriga, tela descendere: aduneastiga, adiinegestiga, adunestiga, iistiga, di'mejistiga, fa^a, gefalla^ gegeonga, gestiga, ofiistiga, ofduneastiga, ofdunegestiga, ofdiine- stiga, ofgestiga, ofstiga, Sonaastiga, Sonacuma, ufastiga descensio : ofgestignise descensus: aefda'll, stignise describere: fromawrita, gemerciga, ge- sceada, ofawrita descriptio: gemercung desertum: wcestern desertus: forleten, unbyed, wcestig deservire: gebronga, gehera desiderare: willniga desiderium: Inst, willo designare: gemerciga, ofgemerciga desolare: gewci'sta, tosHta desolatio : forletnise, fromslitnise, slitnise, wcestenise despoliare: bereafiga desponsare: bebeada, befaestiga, befaest- niga, bettpca, bewceddiga, faestniga, ge- woeddiga destruere: geftela, tobreca, toslita, to- stregda , toworpa (destruendum : to- slitnise) desuper: oferufa, ufa desursum; ufa deterior: wyrsa detestari: adustriga de trans : of behianda detinere: gehalda detrimentum: loswist Deiis: God devincere : forcuma, oferswiSa devorare: forswelga, gefreta, offreta devorator: etere dcvotus : wonnendae (see under wuniga) dexter: swiSre, swiSre half diabolus: diobul dicere: acwoeda, ahata, asaecga, cwoeSa, gecwceSa, genemna, gesn^oga, nemna, sacca, ssecga, spreca (diri: hata; dic- endo: cwis) didrachma : caseres gaefel, casering Didymus: Didimus dies: daeg, do'g, raestdaeg dies festus : symbeldaeg, syrabeldoeg (die festo: baerlice) diffamare: gemersiga, mersiga differre: tosceada difficile: hefige, uneaSe difficilis: hefig, uneaSe, unma?htiglic difficultas (difficultate : uneaSelice, un- m;Tehtiglice) digitus: finger dignoscere: oncnawa dignus: clisne, wyrSe (dignum: gerisne) dijudicare: ofdoema 230 Latin - Northumbrian Index. dilaniare: toslita dilatare: gebrgeda dilectio: lufu dilectus : derling, diore, leaf (see also diligere) diligenter: georne, inweardlice diligere : gelufiga, lufiga (see also dilectus) diluculo: ^rlice, arlice, on tering diluculum : fering diluvium: fl6d dimidium: half dimittere: forgeafa, forleta (geonga), geata, gelefa fara (dimittendum : forgef- nise) directum: geong dirigere: rihta diripere : fromgenioma, genioma, gereaf- iga, gerypa, nioma, ofgenioma, reatiga dirumpere: t6slita discedere : afearriga, afirra, fearriga, foera, fromfotra, gefearriga, offearriga, offoera, o^stiga discere: geleorniga, leorniga discerpere: bita, geteara disciplina: Seodscip discipulus : ambeht, discipul, embehtmonn, f6string, larcneht, ?5egn discolor: ungelices hiwes, unhiwed discordare: t6slita discrepare: getela, tela discubitus: sedl discumbere: gedsela, gehlioniga, geraesta, geriordiga, gesitta, blioniga,licga, rsesta, sitta, t6djela (t6 d«lum, t6da;lnise) discurrere: utiorna, ymbiorna discus: disc dispensator: fehgeroefa, sciremonn dispergere: t6drifa, tostenca, t6stregda, toworpa dispersio: towyrpnise dispertire: t6stregda, t6worpa disponere: tosceada dispositio: gesc^ad, gesetnise disputare: doema, geflitta, getela, to- sceada, wiSstonda dissensio : gefiit,' toslitnise, unsib disserere : gesacca, seecga, t6sceada, traht- .iga _ _ dissimilitudo : ungelicnise dissipare: ford6a, gespilla, losiga dissolvere: t6slita, und6a distinctio: biscead, gescead distinguere: gesceada distribuere : sella, todtela diurnus: daegliwfemlic diversorium: gestern, gesthus diversus : berM, fagung,' monigfald, unef- ne, unefnelic, ungelic, ungemetlic, wi5- erweard divertere: gecerra, ofcerra dives: welig, wlonc dividere: d;tla, gedsela, todfcela, toslita divinitas: godcund(!) divinus: godcund divisio: t6dfelnise divisor: dtelend divitise : weala, wlenco divulgare: gemersiga docere: geliera, Itera, tgeca docibilis: gelsred, larwu(!) doctor: larwu doctrina: lar dolere: msena dolor: ildl, wjerc dolus: eswicuise, facen, inwit domare: halda, temma domesticus: gehus domicilium: mis, lytel by dominicus: drihtenlic (dominica: sunna- dseg; dominicae: drihtnes) dominari: geonwselda, gewSlda, rixiga dominus: drihten, hlaferd domus: ham, hus donare: forgeafa, gesella donee : oSS, o55 tiset, '5a hwile, wiS, wi5 5aet donum: geafa dormire: geslepa, sl6pa dormitare: geslepa, slepa dormitio: slep dorsum: hrycg drachma: caseriug, sceat, scilling, trymes dubitare: getwiga dubium: dwola ducatus: lad ducenti: twu hund ducere: brenga, fatiga, gelseda, l«da dum: Eer, S'a, mi53y, o5S 5aet, Sa hwile duo: twoege duodecim: twoelf duodeni: twcelfwintro duplex: twufald duplo: twufald duritia: heardnise, stiSnise durus: heard, sti3 dux: latwu e: of (e regioue: on efne) ebrietas: druncen(!) ebrius: druncen ecce: heonu, hweSre ecclesia: aecclesia, cirica ecclesiasticus : ciricend, ciriclic edere: bri'ica, eatta, gebruca, geeatta edere: acenna, gecenna, gehwerfa, ge- wyrca edicere: asaecga edictum: bod edissererej sedeawa, saecga, t6sceada educere : atea, gebregda, gebrenga, lada, ofgebrenga, ofgelsda, oflseda, tiona- gelfeda ert'erre: fi;riga, gebrenga Latin - North umbriau Index. 231 efficere : ged6a, gefinda, gemwta, gewyrca (eftici: geworSa) effigies: gelicnise effluere: fl6wa etibdere: ofdelfa, rypa Effrem: Ettrem etfundere: ageata, ofgeata, todtela egenus: naefig, Sorfend egere: untrj'mm(ig)a, Sorfa ego: ic egredi: tara, fd'ra, fromfoera, gefoera, ut- fara ejicere: afirra, aworpa, drifa, fordrit'a, forworpa, gedrifa, gescufa, geworpa, worpa (ejiciendum : towyrpnise) ejulare: ma-na elaborare: niiswinna elatio: uppbebbing electio: core'nscip, gecoren, gecorenise, gecorenscip electus: gecoren eleemosyna: c^lmessa elevare: uhebba, hebba Elias, see Helias elidere: agrceta, bita, geberiga eligere: geeeasa Elizabeth: Elizabeth eloqui: gespreca eloquium : spree emendare : boeta, eftgeboeta, eftniwiga, ge- boeta, gerihta, rihta emere : bycga, ceapiga, gebycga (emi : d*l) emittere : asenda, forleta, gesenda, senda Emuaaus: Emmaus emimdatio: cl«nsung enarrare: ecgessecga enavigare : S9nager6na encenia: niw'es (tlmbredes) buses hal- gung (halgum), cirica halgung enim: jec, forSon, wutedlice enumerare: taliga enuntiare: secssecga, gessecga, ssecga eo : ofSon eo quod: forSon ephphatha: uutyna episcopus: biscop epistola: oferwrit epulari: geriordiga, riordiga equidem: ofSon »c eradicare: ofawyrtrumiga, ofwyrtrumiga, unclfensiga, unwyrtrumiga ergo : sec, tec s65, cuSlice, forSon, liweSre, ofSon, soSlice, 5a, Sonne, wutedlice erigere: ahebba, gerihta erogare : fromsella, gesella errare: dwdella, dwoliga, gedwa-Ua, ge- dwoliga, nierra erroneus: dwa'lende error: dwola, hwarf, hwarflung erubescere: gesceomiga, sceomiga eructare: gespringa, gesprinta, geyppa, locceta, rocgeta erudire: gehera eruere: generiga, genioma erunipere : lycgna, slita Esaias : Esaias esca: f6straS, mett esse: wosa esuriens: hyngrig esurire : gehyngra, hyngra, hyngrig wosa, Surstiga et: fee, tec 5a, and fee, 5set etenim: for5on, hwe5re et iterum: and tea ethnicus: cswica etiam: tec, xc s66, lec s651ice, fee 5on, and lec, faestlice, gee, s651ice, wuted- lice etiamsi: gee etsi: 5^h euge: gefaeg wel (see gefeaga), wilcymo euuuchus: cwcenhiorde, hwasta, una- wcemmed Eusebius: Eusebius evanescere : fordwina, forworSa, gedrysna evangelicus: godspellic, godspellisc evangelista : godspellere evangelium : godspell evangelizare: fibeada, bodiga, gebodiga, gemersiga, godspell bodiga, godspelliga, sacca evenire: gelimpa eventurus: t6weard evertere: cerra, ofacerra, ofcrrra, utdrifa, ymbstyriga evitare: behalda evolvere : fromymbcerra ex: from, in, mi5, of exactor: aefgroefa ex adverse: fora ongsegn exfestuarej forbema, gedryga exaltare: ahebba, forcuma, gefeaga, ge- hebba, oferswiSa, uppahebba ex alto : ufa exarescere : gedryga exaudire: gehera excfecare: ofblindiga excedere: fcera excelsum: heanise excelsus : heh exceptus: buta excessus: tofser excidere: aheawa, gecearfa, geheawa, of- cearfa excipere: genioma, gesccada, onf6a, underf6a excitare : awsecca, gewjecca (excitaudum : wacan) exclamare; ceiga, cliopiga, geceiga, ge- cliopiga, ofi'liopiga, ofcrcliopiga exclamatio: ceigend(!) excolare: worSiga excusare: forcwoeSa, onsacca (excusatus; gelefen, onsfec) 232 Latin - North umbrian Index. excusatio: foresprec, gelefenscip excutere: asceacca, sceacca exemplar: bisen exemplnm : bisen exercere: ge5enca exercitus: here exhibere : geunna exhortatio: festnung, trymnise exigere: giwiga exilire : geswiga (!) eximere: gebregda exinde : aefter Son, ofSon, 5ona exire: cuma, fara, fcera, fromfoera, fromge- onga, gefara, gefoera, ge'geonga, geonga, ofcuma, ofgegeonga, ofgeonga, springa, Sonafoera, Sonagegeonga, Sonageonga, utgeonga existimare: dcema, leta, woena exitus: geleta, utgeong exoriri: arisa, nppgeonga, uppiorna, expavescere : geforhtiga, ondreda expectare : abida, bida, ^ebasniga, gebida expectatio: basnung, bid expedire (expediari, expedit): arecca, beh6figa, behoflic wosa, forstonda expellere : dri'fa, fordrifa experimentum : jedeawnise expetere : gegiwiga, gesceca expirare: aswelta, geswelta, gast ofa- geafa, ofgeafa explere : gefylla explicit : asaegd is, gessegd is (see assec- ga, gesaecga) expoliare: reafiga exponere: gelfera, gesaecga, gesceada, gesetta, getrahtiga, ofgesaecga, ofsetta, ssecga expositio: getal exprimere: awrita, geSrycca exprobrare: forcuma, forcwceSa, fordrifa, harmcwceSa, ofsceomiga, tela expuere : aspeafta , geblawa , spatiga , speafta exquirere: gefregna, gesoeca ex quo: of Son exs-, see ex- exstare: ofstonda exsurgere: arisa, ofstonda extendere: aSenna, gerteca, gesprieda, geSenna, rgeca extensio: brsedo, racing extergere: dryga, gedryga, ofdryga exterior: iitmest exterminare : misbegeonga exterrere: alecga, gefyrhtiga extinguere: adrysna, drysna, gedrysna, geendiga extoliere: ahebba extra: buta extractio: oftrahtung extrahere: ofd6a extraneus: fremSe extremus: utaweard, iitmest extrinsecus: uta exuere: gearwiga, gereafiga, ongearwiga exultare : gefeaga, glsed wosa, wynnsumiga exultatio: glaednise exurgere, see exsurgere faber: smiS, wrihta fabula: saga fabulari: gespelliga, spelliga facere: awyrca, d6a, ged6a,gewyrca,wyrca (faciendum : ded) facies: hioful, onsion, ondwlita facilis: eaSe factum: ded, woerc facultas : eaSnise, strion, weala fsenerari, see foenerari fallacia: eswic, gebrsegd fallacium: leasung falsus : leas, leasere, legere, lycge falx: ripisern lama: m^rsung fames: hunger familia: higo, higwisc, hiorod familiaris: hamciiS farina: meolo fasciculus: bund, byrSen, sceaf fateri: ge9ndeta fatigatus:' woerig fatuus: unwis favus: biobread fax: brond, Sseccilla febricitare: cwaciga, febriga febris: feber, feberadl fel : galla felix: s61 femina: hiu, wifmonn fere : swelce, Saet ic leto feretriim : ber feria quarta: wodnesdseg, wodnesdoeg feria sexta: frigedoeg fermentare : gecna?da, gedsersta fermentum: daerst, hwjete, Saerf ferre : brenga, feriga, gebrenga, geferiga, genioma, Iseda, nioma, saecga, wcena (indigne ferre: belga) fervere: brctma festinans: cefistlice festinare: geoefistiga, cefistiga festinatio : oefest festivitas: symbel festuca: mot, lytel stre, stre festus: halig, symbel ficulnea: ficbeam ficus: ficbeam (arbor fiei: ficbeam) fidelis: geleaifull, leaffull, treowfaest fides: gel6afa, leafa, lufu fiducia: geleafa fieri: aedeawa, awortSa, doa, geworSa, worSa, wosa figere: ah6a, gefgestniga figulus: lamwrihta, smiS Latin -Northuuibrian Index. 233 figura: tacon figuraliter: gdstlice, megwlitlicc filia: dohter filiolus : leaf sunn, sunu. wuscbearn filius: sunu fimbria: fas(n), her, wl6h' fingere : gebinda(!), ged6a finire: geendiga finis: ende, gemsre firmare: gefsestniga, getrymuia flagellare: beswinga, geswinga, swiuga flagellum : swipa flamma: leg flare : forbhlwa, gebluwa (flantem : wind) flectere : bega, gebega flere: gewcepa, woepa fletus: wop fluctus: y5 fluere : fl6wa (fluens : espryng, fl6wnise) flumen: ea, stream fluvius : stream fluxus: flowing, iorning fodere: delfa, gedelfa fcenerari: gearwyrSiga foenerator: ricemonn fcenum: gters, heg foetere: stenca folium: leaf fons: espryng, w^lla foramen: ego, 6yrel foras: buta, ut, uta fores: duru foris: buta, fore, uta (a foris: uta; de foris : utaweard) formidare : ondreda, onscyniga formula: ongelicnise, tacon fornicatio: demeleger, forleger, lust- giomise, imclsn lust, unrehtbtemed forsitan: eaSe mseg, ween is, woenunga, wutedlice forte : eaSa, eaSe m^eg (see ne forte), woenunga fortis: strong fortitudo: strengo forum: spr^c, Singstow fovea: hoi, seaS fractio: breting, dtelnise fragmentum : screadung frangere: breca, gebreca, tobreca frater: broSer fraus : facen fremere: bifiga, broema frequens : oft frequenter: oft, symble fretum: luh,lytel s*, nearo ste, stream, swira frigidus : cald frigus: cald frons: telge, twigge frons : forweard, onsion fructificare: wsestmiga fructus: wpestm frumentum: hwsete frux (fruges): wjestm fuga: fleam fugere: flea, geflea fulgere: lixiga, scina fulgur,- ur: tegeS, lege5sla;ht, leht, 6uner fumigare : reca, smeca fundamentum: grund fundare: gesetta, gewrynda fundere : agcata fungi: gebruca funiculus: rap fur: Seaf furari: forsteala, forSiofiga, gesteala, steala furor: wrcfeSSo furtum: stalo, ftiofunt fustis: steng^ futurum : woen (in futurum : in Sa-m to- weard ger) futurus: t6weard Gabbatha: miS stane gebrteded Gabriel: Gabriel Galilaea: Galilea, geliornise Galilisus: galilesc, galileiis galli cantus: honcrot'd, uhtetid gallina: henne gallus : ho'na gaudere : 'gefeaga, gegladiga, glsed wosa gaudium : gefea, glsednise gavisus: gefagen, glaed gazophilacium : gazophilacium gehenna: cursung, tinterg geminus: twufald genealogia: cynnreccenise generatio : cneoreso, cynn, cynnrecceuise, cynreso, Seod Genesareth : Genesareth genesis: frumsceaft genimen: cynn gens: cynn, bfeSen, 5eod gentilis: hteSen genu: cnew (genu flexo: cnewbegiug) genus: cynn gerere: doa, gedoa germinare: waexa, wyrtrumiga gesta: d6d, wundor Gethsemani, Gesameni: Gezemani gignere: acenna, ct;nna, gestrioniga gladius: sword gloria: gefea, Spncung, wuldor glorificare: awuldriga, geworfiiga, ge- wuldriga, wuldriga gloriose: wundorlice gloriosus : wuldorlic Golgotha : heafudponna grabatum : bedbcr, ber gradus: had Grajce : on crecisc (see crecisc) Graecus : Crec graecus : crecisc grandis: micel, swi6 granum: com 234 Latin - Noithumbriau Index. gratia: bisen(!), geafa, gefea, Sonc, (5onc- ung, wuldor gratias agere: fionciga gratis: sacleas, uoboht, imceaped, uu- synnig _ gravare: ahefgiga, gehefgiga gravis : hefig, pis graviter: hefiglice. pislice grex: ede, simor, worn gustare: gebirga, gesup(ig)a, ingebirga, sup(ig)a gutta: dropa habere: aga, habba (male habere: j'fle- habba ; male habens : imhal) habitaculum: hiis habitare: bya, eardiga, gebya, gewimiga, wuniga hsedus: ticgen hsere-, see here- hsesitare: getwiga, stylta, twiga, wi3- stylta hamus: hoc, ongul haurire: birliga, dfela, hlada, gehlada hebdomada: wicu Hebraeus: ebrisc Hebraice: ebrisclise, on ebrisc Hebraicus : ebrisc Heli: Godes Helias: Helias Heli filius: Heling herba: brord, gsers, niwe gsers hereditas : erfe, erfeweardnise heres : erfeweard hereticus: sliten, toslitere, wi5er\veard heri: giosterdceg Her filius: Hering Herodes: ejning, Herodes Herodias: Herodia Hesychius : Hesichio hie: her hie: 5es hiems : winter Hieremias: Hieremias Hiericho: Hiericho Hierusalem : Hierusalem Hierusolymita: hierusolimisc hinc: begeonda, heona, 39na historia : s6(5saga, soSspell hoc, see in hoc hodie : t6d£eg hodiernus: bng, ondweard holocaustoma : cwiclac holus: gsers, w}Tt homieida : monuslaga, morSorslaga homicidium: mooncwalmnise, monnslaga, morSor, mor6orslaga homo: cynemonn, helpend, monn honor: ar, worSnise, worSscip, worsting honorandns : arwyrSe honorare: ariga, arworSiga, worSiga honoratus: wyrSe honorificandus : arwyrSlic honoriticare : geart5iga, worSiga hora: hwil, tid hordiaceus: ber horreum: berern hortulanus: lecweard hortus : lehtiin hosanna, see osanua hospes: gest, gestig hostia: assegdnise, geafa hue: hider hujusmodi: Suslice humanitas : menniscnise humanus: mennisc humerus: bsec, scyldor humiliare: bega, eSmodiga, gebega, ge- eSmodiga, geniSriga humilis : eSmdd humilitas: eSmodnise, hersumnise humor: wetnise hydria : byden, ffet, fetels hydropicus: iinhal hymnus: efne, word (Mk. 14, 26) hypocrisis: eswicnise, leasung hypocrita: eswica, legere hyssopus: gerd ibi: Ser, Sider idem: ilea ideo: forSon ideoque: fort^on idipsum: ilea igitur: cuSlice, forSon, Sonne ignis: f)T ignorans: uncySig, unwittende ignorare : ne wuta (ignoras : tie sint uncuS) ignoscere: forgeafa illico: s6na ille: he, ilea, se illic: t5er illidere: tobreca illuc: Ser, 6ider illucescere, see inlucescere illudere : belyrta, beswica, bismeriga, ge- bismeriga, getela, tela illuminare: geinlihta, inlihta imago : gelicnise, licnise, onlicnise imbibere : indrinca imitari: gebiseniga, geliciga immeritus: uncynn imminere: gebiotiga immittere: insenda, onsenda (immissus: ungesenden) immolare: ageafa, assecga immunditia: unclcfeno immundus: unclane immutare: gecerra imperare: gehata, hata imperitus: unwis imperium: hss impetrare: begeatta impetus: ferries, ongeoug, raes I Latin - Northumbrian Index. 235 implere: fylla, geendiga, gefylla (implen- dam: gefyllnisej imponere: asetta, gesetta, getfeca, ou- setta, setta ' impbrtabilis : imberend, unstyrendlic impossibilis : unma^ht, unmsehtig, unmseht- iglic impossibilitas : unmsht improbitas: giornise, seending, scendla improperare: aedwita imprudens : unhoga iinpudicitia : imsceomfulnise in: fet, in, on, ymb inanis : idel, idelht'ude inaquosus: waeterleas incedere : fara, geonga incensum: beorniug, leht, recels inchoare: onginna incidere: beciima, befcr-ra incipere: aginna, inginna, onginna inclinare: eftgebega, gebega, gebuga inclinatus: forShiTld includere: intyna inconsutilis : smofSe, unruh, unslitten incorruptibilis : anascended,unawcemmed, unawoerded, ungewoemmed incrassatus: hefig, Sicce in crastinum : m inerne , in morgen , on merne incredibilis : ungeleaft'ull, ungelefend incredulitas : ungeleaft'ullnise , ungelefe- nise incredulus: ungeleaffull, ungelefen incrementum : geSungennise increpare: forcwoet^a, forcySa, geSreaga, geSreatiga, 3reaga, Sreatiga increscere: inwgexa, onwsexa inculcare: inbecniga incurabilis: gemeleas inde: 59na indicate': asaecga, becniga, gebecniga, ge- saeega, ssecga, tacniga, tteca indicere: inbeada indigere: beh6figa, bcSorfa, Sorfa indignari: ablonga, iorsiga, wrssSiga indignatus : wraS indigne: unwyrSe (indigne ferre: belga) indignus: unwyrSe indoctus: unlared inducere: ingelteda, inl*da, onlteda induere: gearwiga, gegearwiga, gewtt^da indulgentia : forgefnise indurare: onstiSiga industria: hogascip inebriare : indrinca inebriari: druncenig wosa, druncniga inextinguibilis : unadrysendlic , undrysn- ende infans : cild infantia: cildhad infernus: hell inferre : d6a', gebrenga, inassecga, insjccga inferus: hell infidelis : ungeloaffiill infirmari: untrymmiga infirmitas: unhtGIo, untrymmigo, untrym- nise infirmus: unstrong, untruui, untrymig informare: fore'tacniga infra: betwih infimdere: ond;ela, t(>d*la ingemescere : geuiiena, seofiga ingratus: un59ncfull ingravatus: hefig, pislic ingredi: fara,'fa'ra, infara , infa'ra, in- geoDga inhabitare: inbya in hoc : t6 oou inhonorare : unwortiiga inimicus: fiond iniquitas : unrelitv/isnise iniquus: unreht, unrehtwis, wuhfuU inire: gegeonga, ingeonga initium: fruuia, onginn, or injicere: geworpa, inworpa, onworpa, rteca injuria: bjelignise, IteSSo injustitia: nnsoSfgestnise injustus: unsoSfest inlucescere: inlixiga in medio: inmnng, tomiddes inmisericors : unmiltheort innocens: cild, unscendende, unscyldig, unsynnig innuere: becniga, gebecniga inolescere: gewaexa inoperari: gewyrca inopinari: unwfin wosa inquinare: uuclisnsiga, widliga inquirere: befregna, gesceca, insce'ca, sceca inquit: cwceSa, stecga in quo: on hwon insanire: awoeda inscribere: inawrita, *inwrita, on:iwrita inscriptio: inawriting, inmerca, inwrfting, in written, onmerca, onmercung, on- writing inserere : insetta insidiari : gesetniga insidiator: settere insiguis: mere insipientia: unsnytro, unwisdom insistere: instonda, wi(5st9nda inspectio: insceawung inspretio: forletnise instantius: fsste instar: ongelic instare: oustonda instigare: dilitiga, instibtiga instinctus: inhriuing instita: gecnyht (see gecnycca), swoeSel instituere: geinsetta, gesetta, insetta, setta 236 Latin -Northumbrian Index. instruere: Ifera instrumentnm : «■, gehrin insufflare: blawa, geblawa insufflatio: inblawing insula: ealond insulsus : unful insurgere: wiSarisa intellectus: ondget intelligentia :' ondget intelligere: cunna, geatta, oncnawa, on- geatta intendere: behalda inter: betwien, betwih, himong interea: betwih btem (J. 4, 31) interficere: acwa?lla, aspilla, cearfa, cwoella, gecearfa, gecwcella, gedeSiga, geslaa, ofslaa, spilla internus: inweard interpres: reccere, trahtere interpretari :' getrahtiga, t6sceada interpretatio : intrahtung, reccenise interrogare : befregna, frasiga, fregna, ge- asciga, gefrasiga, gefregna (interro- gando: miS fraignung) iuterrogatio : frasung interrumpere : betwihtoslita intervalhim: hwil intingere: depa, gebreca, hrina, indepa, onhrina, t6breea intra : betwih intrinsecus: inw^eard intrare: geonga, incuma, infara, infoera, ingegeonga , ingeonga (intrandi : in- geonges) intro: inn introducere : inbrenga, ingeh*da, ingeonga, inl*da introire : binnageonga, gegeonga, geonga, incuma, infcera, ingegeonga, ingeonga intueri: behalda, luciga, sceawiga, ymb- sceawiga intus : binna, inna, inweard inundatio: flod, hreh inutilis: idel, Sorleas invadere: forcuma invalescere: ontrj^mma invenire: begeatta, finda, gefinda, ge- moeta, inbegeatta, infinda, ingemreta, inonfinda, onfinda invicem (ab invicem, ad invicem, in in- vicem): betwien, betwih invidia: sefist invitare: gebata, gelaSiga, geneda, laS- iga, t6gela5iga invitatio: hefignise, Sreatung involvere: awinda, bewinda, gefalda, in- bewinda iota: forword, pricle ipse: he, ilea, se, seolf ira ^~wr?e3So irasci: wraeSa iratus: wraS ire : fara, foera, gefara, gefoera, gegeonga, geonga irridere: inhlsehha irritum: bismerlice irritus: bismer, telend (see tela) irruere: gefalhi, gertesa, giorna, inrgesa, rjesa is: se Isaac: Isaac Isaias: Isaias (and see Esaias) Iscariotes: ScarioS, scariothisc Israel: Israhel Israhelita: israhelisc iste: Ses ita: on Sa wisa, swge, tJus (ita ut: sw£e 5aet) Italia: Italia itaque: forSon, Sonne item: i«c, eft iter: t'ser, geong iterare: eftgebceta iterum: after, sefter sona, eft, efters6na jacere: gelicga, licga jacere: worpa Jacob, Jacobus: lacob jactare: aworpa, gedrifa, geworpa, licga, worpa jactus: wcerp, wyrp Jairus: larus jam : fsestlice, gee, hwil, hwetire, nii, 865, s651ice, 5a, wutedlice janitor: dorword, durweard janua: dor, dura, gat jejunare: faesta, gefsesta jejunium : fsestern jejunus: fasstende (see faesta) Jer-, see Hier- Jesse filius: lessing Jesu iilius: Ihesuing Jesus: hfelend Joda filius: lodaing Johannes : Johannes Jona filius: lonaing Jonas: lonas Jordanis: lordanen Joseph: loseph jubere: gehata, hata Juda: luda Judaea: ludea Judaeus: Indeus Judpeus: iudaisc Judas: ludas judex: doema, dcbmere, d6m(!) judicare: dcema, gedoema judicium: dom jugum: dtel(!), geoc jumentum: neten jungere: ecgeeca, gefylla, gegeadriga junior: giungra, gingesta (see ging) juramentum: a6 jurare: geswceriga, swoeriga Latin -Norfhumbrian Index. 237 jure: rehtlice jusjurandum: a5 geswoeren juste: rehtlice justificare: gesdtSfaestiga, s65fae8tiga justificatio: 865faestnise jnstitia: s6(5faestnise Justus: s65t'8est juvenis: esne, ging esne juventus:'gigo5 juxta: set, neh labium: mu6 labor: winn, wcerc laborare: awinna, winna, wyrca lacrima: tear lacrimari: tseheriga lactare: dia, gefoeda, gemilciga lacus: seaS lagena: ombor (full) lamentare: beafta, hondbaeftiga lampas: lehtfaet, Caeccilla lancea: spere languens: adlig, unhal languidus: unhal languor: adl, unhislo, untrymmigo lanterna : lehtfaet, spearc lapidare: gesttena, stfena lapideus: stsenen lapis: Stan laqueus: sado latere: degla, gedegla, gehsela Latine: latinise, on latin Latinus: latin, latinise latro: morsceaSa, reafere, sceacere, scea?5a, settere, Seaf latus: sidu ' latus: brad, wid laudare: geheriga, heriga, lofiga laus: herenise, lot" lavare: a(5wa, get5wa, Swa laxare: forleta, leta Lazarus: Lazarus lectio: lar, redo lectitare: reda lectus: bedd, ber legatio: bod, erendwreca, here legere : geleorniga, gereda, leorniga, r6da legio: here leo: lea ' lepra: hriofol leprosus: hreaf, licSrowere levare: ahebba, gehebba Levi: Levi' Levi filius: Leving levis: leht levita: diacon, levit leviticus: levit lex: fe libellus: b6c libenter: lustlice liber: b6c liber: freo liberare: friga, gefriga libra: pund librarius: boecere, pundere iicere: alefa, m6ta, risa, scina(!) licet: isgelefed, 5i«h ligare: besweSSa, bewinda, gebinda, on- binda lignum: steng, tre iilium : wyrt lingere: licciga lingua: spree, tunga linteamen: linenhrsegl linteum : lin, linenhraegl litigare: gecida, getea littera: staef litus: wearS locare: ageafa, gefaesta, gesomniga, ge- strioniga loculus: cest, mudric, sead locus: st6w, styd locusta: lopestre locutio: reord locutus, for lotus: gedwsen (see geSwa) longe: fearr, longe (a longe: fearra; de longe: fearra) longinquus: fearr, unneh longus: long (longius: leng; longissimus: longsum) loquela: reord, spree loqui: gespreca, riordiga, spreca Loth: Loth lotus, see locutus (non lotus: uni5wegen) Lucas: Lucas Ulcere: gescina, lihta, lixiga, scina lucerna: leht, lehtfaet, Saeccilla lucescere: gelihta lucidus: leht lucrari : bof ta, gefeaga, gestrioniga, strion- iga ludere: bismeriga, tela lugere: gemtena, masna, woe'pa lumbus: sidu lumen: leht luna: mona lunaticus: braecsec lupus: wuif luscus: anege lutum: lam lux: Crist, leht luxuriose: dernelegere, lustfullice luxuriosus: arg mactare: eatta maerere: geearniga(!), seofiga maestus; unbliSemcede Magdalene: magdalenesc magis: fortSor, mara, swiSe, swi3or (see quanto magis) magister: lar, hlrwu, magister magistratus: larwu magnificare: awundriga, gemicliga, ge- wuudriga, micllga, wundriga 238 Latin - Northumbrian Index. magnitude: micelnise inagnus: micel magus: dry, tungulcrseftig majestas: godcundmseht, insehf, (5rymm major: hera, heist, luaia (ma, mge), maast male: yfle maledicere : awoerga, miscwoeSa, wcerga, yflecwoeSa, yflegecwoeSa maledicus: gewoerged malefacere: yfles d6n (see d6n) malefactor: yfeld6end male habere: yflehabha (male habens: misha-bbendo, unhal) maligniis : unrehtwis, w6hfull, yfel malitia: woerignise malum: untai, yfel malum opus: unded malus: diobul, yfel malus : apoltre mammona: diobul, diobulgitsung, gits- unges hlaferd, weala mandare: bebeada mandatum: bebod, bod manducare: bruca, eatta, gebriica, ge- eatta (manducandi: etes) mauducari: etiic wosa mane: serlice, ar,arlice,armorgen, movgeu, on merne, on morgen, t6merne (primo mane: ar) manere: gelsefa, gewuniga, wuniga manifestare : sedeawa, eawa, gecySa, mers- iga manifestatio : sedeawnise manifeste: eawuuga, gesene manifestum: eawunga, woerc(!) manifestus: cut5, cySig manna: f6strat5, heofunlic mett, hwit- corn mansio: ham mansuetus: bilwit, bli?5e manufactus: miS honde iiworht mauus: bond Marcus: I^arcus mare: sse margarita: meregreota Maria: Maria maritima: sseburg Martha: Martha masculinus: woepenmonn masculus: he, woepenmonn mater: m6der Mathusale filius: Mathaling Matthaeus: Matheus maxilla: cec maxime: maastum (see micel) maximus: heist, maast (see mice)) mecum: mec miS media nox: middernaeht mediante: miSSy geworht vva3S medicus: lece medio: middum (in medio: tomiddes) medius: med, mid, middel, t6middes mel: hunig (mel silvestre: wuduhunig) melior: betra (see g6d), sel membrum': lim meminisse: gemona, gemyndgiga memor: gemynd'ig memoria: gemynd memorare : gemyndgiga mendacium: leasung mendax: leas mendicare : bidda, giorna, giwiga., t6 faef on aelm, see fara (mendicans: Sorfend) mendicus: nsefig, Sarfe, Sorfend mens: 66ht mensa: bead, disc, woeg mensis: m6na<5 mensura; gemet, gewoege, ripe, woeg mentha: meric meutio: gemynd mentiri: geswica, woega(!) mercari: bycga mercenarius: aesnemonn, celmertmonn merces: meard merere, mereri: earniga, geearniga meretrix: portcwoen mergere, mergi: druncniga, gedruncniga meritum: earnung, meard Mes&ias: gecoren messis: daeg(!), 6htripp, ripe, ripnise messor: ripemonu metere: geriop'pa, rioppa metiri: gewcega, meta, woega metreta: sester metuere: forhtiga, ondreda, scyniga metus: fyrhto, ondesne meus: min mica : screadung migrare: gefoera miles: cempa, heremonn , inheardm9nn, Segn militia: cempo, hiorod milie: mil^ diisend minime : lytel minimum: lytel minimus: leasest, lytel minister: birel, embehtmonn, hera, here- monn, Segn ministerium: embeht, hernise ministrans: embehtmonn ministrare: embehtiga, geembehtiga, ge- hera, hera ministrator: embehtere minium : naevd minor: leassa, 16asest (see lytel), lytel, medmest miuui: lytliga minus: hw6n, leassa, leasest minutum: feorSung, pricle, stycc mirabile, sb. : wundor mirabile, av. : wundorlice mirabilis: wundorlic miraculum: wundor mirari : a wundriga, gewundriga, wundriga Latin -NorthuinbriaTi Index. 239 mirum: wundor miscere: geblonda, gemenga miseiatio: t'orgefnise, mils misereri: gemilsiga, helpa, milsiga niisericordia : miitheortnise misericors: miltheoit missa: meassa missus: erendwreca mitis: bilwit, milde inittere: asenda, faerende wosa, forleta gesenda, geworpa, seoda mixtura: geiuong mna: libra, ora uiobilis: cerrende. styrende modicum : 'hwothwoegu, lytel, lytel hwil, lythw6n modicus : lytel modius: fset, mitta, sester modo: nii, nu geane, nii reht, 65er hwile, 5i38a(!) (a modo: sefter Sisse, heona; sine modo: buta twea) modus: cost, wisa moechari: gesynngiga, serSa, synngiga, synnig wosa moerere, see mserere moestus, see maestus mola: ccern , coernstan (mola asinaria: asales byrSen, byrSenstan) molaris: coern molere: gegrinda, getimhra, grinda molestus: erfeSe, hefig, woede mollis: hnesc, hnesc gerela, hnescuise momentum: hwil mons: diin, m6r, munt monstrare: aedeawa, eawa, geeawa montanum: m6r, m6rlond monumentum : bend, b'yrgenn, fsestnung, ymbfaestnung mora: latto, stando, swigo, swigung, I twea, wraSo morari: gewuniga, wuniga mori: deadiga, d6ad wosa, gedet5iga, geswelta, swelta moriturus: dead, deadlic mors: deaS mortiferus: deadlic mortuus : dead, fordead morus: heartbreer mos: 5eaw motus: hroernise, styrenise, ymbcerr (terrae motus: eorShroernise) movere: cerra, gecerra, gestyriga, hroera, inhroera.'ymbcerra mox: s6na Moyses: Moises mulier: 5arf(!), wif multiloquium: monierfald spree multimoda: monigfaldlice multipliciter: monigfaldlice multitudo: here,'menigo multo: menigo(?), micla, 3wi<5e multo magis: micla mara mnltum: longe, monigfaldsumnise, switJe multus: t'eolo , long, longsum, menigo, uiiccl, monig, monigfald, awJi nionig (non multus : uninonig) mundare, mundari: cltensiga, geclffensiga mundatio: cltensung mundus, sb. : miildangeard mundus, aj.: cl^ene munire: gefaestniga munus: geafa, Sing murmur: hwaesfrung, t6slitnise murmurare: gehyrsta, hwaestriga, hwis- priga, lyciga, misspreca, twispreca, ymbspreca murra-, see myrrha- mutare: gecerra, geswiga(!), gewixla, ymbcerra mutnari': hwerfa, 8wiga(!) mutus: dumt) mutuum : hwerf myrrha: recels myrrhatum viuum: aeccedwin mysterium : asaegdnise, clsene ryne, deg- elnise, diopnise, geryne, gesaegdnise, godes degelnise, bernise, run, ryne mysrice: deoplice, riinlice Naaman, Nema: Neman Dfenia: gedwola nam: for3on nardus: diorwyrSe, stenc, wuducynn, wyrtcynu narrare: asaecga. gesaecga, saecga narratio: gesaga, saga nasci: acenna, gebeara, gecenna, ge- waexa natalis: aceonise, cennise natatoria: p6l, wtella Nathan tilius: Nathaning Nathanael : Nathanael natio: cynn (natione: geboren) nativitas: acennise, cennise, fruma- cennise natum: brord natura: gecynd natus: beam, boren (see beara), sunu navicula: cuopel, floege, lytel scip, scip navigare: gerowa, rowa navigium: r6wing navis: scip Nazareus: nazaresc Nazarenus: nazarenesc, nazaresc Nazareth : Nazareth ne: Saette ne nee: ne, ne c5aet necdum: ne get necessarius : behoflic, ned, nedSarf, 5arf- lic necesse: beh6fiic, ned, nedSarf, 6arf, Siirflic necessitas : ned, nedSarf necessitndo: nedlic, 6arflic(!) 240 Latin - Northumbrian Index. ne forte: eaSe mseg, inwdnunga, Sy ]ges negare: onsacca, sacca, wiSsacca (ne- gatus: onssee) negligere: forhycga negotiari: ceapiga, gebycga, geceapiga negotiato: ceping negotiator: cepe nemo: genigmonn, ngenig, nsenigmonn nequam: unbtiSe, unreht, w6hfull', yfel- wyrcende ne quando: 5y leas nequaquam: senigo 6ing, nis seniht, un- Saerfe Sing neque: sec ne, ne, ne sec, ne Sseh, ne 5e Son nequidquam : ne hwaet 5a ne quis: nsenig, nfenigmonn nequitia: unrehtwisnise, w6h, w6hfulnise nere: nestiga Neri filius: Nering nescire : nuta, ne wuta (nesciens: un- witende) Nicodemus: Nicodemus aidus: nest niger: blaec nihil: senig, geniht, ntenig, nseniht, noht nimbus: sciir nimis: swiSe nisi: biita, nymSe nix: sna nobilis: welboren nobiscum: miS lisic nocere: gesceSSa, sceSSa Noe: Noe nolle: ue willa nomen : d8eg(!), noma (nomine: benemned) nominare : genemna, nemna nominatim: syndrigum nomum non : ahne , abne ne, nsefre, nalles, nan, ne, ne hw^r ne, nese, nis, n6, Sy Ifes nona (hora): non nonaginta: hundneantig non deficere: unsceortiga nondum: ntefre, ne get, ne (5a geane, ne Sa get, nis Sa geon non ferens: unberend non lotus: unSwegen non multus : unm'onig nonne: ahne non relictus: uuforleten non solum : ne Sset ane non vestitus: unscirped, unwoeded nonus: nioSa, n6u norma: bisen noscere: cunna, wuta noster: user notare: becniga, cySa, foregenotiga notus: cuS, cySig novem: nigon novissime: aet ende, a3t nesta, laetmeste novissimum: ende novissimus: Ijetmest, lattera, nesta novus: niwe nox: naeht (see media nox) nubere: gemjensumiga, gemaniga, ge- siniga, mtensumiga, onf6a, siniga, wifiga nubes : wolcen nudare : genaciga, gereafiga, naciga, un- Secca nudus: nacod nuUus: nsenig, nsenigmonn, nseniht, nan, n6ht numerare: gemonigfaldiga, getaliga numerositas: getalscip numerus: rim, tal (numero: getaled) numisma: m6t, mynetre nummularius: ceapemonn, mynetre numquid: ah, ahne , ' cwiSestii , hwot- hwoegu, hii, hweSer nunc: nii, s6na nuncupare: genemna nunquam: ne sef'ra, nsefre nuntiare: assecga, beada, gesacca, ge- saecga, sacca, saecga nuntius: erendwreca nuptiae: brydlopa, faerma, geriordjhsemed, symbel nuptialis: brydlic (vestis nuptialis: bryd- reaf) nurus: mag, snoru nutrire: foeda, gefoeda 0: la ob: fore obcaecare: foregeSiostriga , ofblindiga (obcsecatus : foregeblind) obdormire : slepa Obed filius: Obeding obedire, see oboedire obire: geliora obitus: geliornise objectio: fordrifnise objicere: getela oblitus: ofergeotol oblivio: ofergetnise oblivisci: forgeatta obmutescere: foreswiga, geswiga, swiga oboidire: 6Sm6diga, gehera, hera, h6r- sumiga obscurare: foreawriga, ofergeSiostriga obsecrare: bidda obsecratio: gebed obsequium : embeht , embehtsumnise , geafa, hernise observatio: foragemnise, gehald, ofer- gemnise observare: behalda, gehalda obstupescere: forestylta, forstylta obtentus: sceawung obtinere: halda obumbrare: forebrseda, oferbrseda, ofer- scyiga Latin -Northinnbrian Index. 241 obviani: ongsegn, t6g{egnes occasio: biita twea (!) occasus: sunset occidens: sunset, westdfel (occidente: see ab occidente) occidere : t6setgeonga occidere: acwa-lla, geslaa, ofslaa, slaa occulere: gedegla occulte: duglice, gedeglice occultum : degelnise, geliyded (in occulto: dernunga) occultus: degle occupare: gemerra, geoneta, nioma occurrere: geiorna, iorna, t(')gjegnesiorna octavus: aehteSa octo: aehto octogiuta: hundaehtatig oculus: ego odisse: gefiaga, lfet5a (odit: fiunges!) odituius: lat5 odium: fiung, IfetJSo (odio: laS) odor: swci't stenc offendcro : ond'spurniga, wiSspurna offerre: brenga, geat'a, gebrenga, r^eca oflficium: embeht oleum : oele, smirinise olim : forlong oliva : o'lebeam, oelebearu Olivet: Olivet olivetum : ojlebearu olus, see holus omega: ende omittere: forhycga omnino: ajfre, allunga, ntefre omnipotens: allmsehtig omnis: feghwelc, felc, all, eghsvclc omnis caro: atnigmonn onerare: sema oneratus: byrSen, hefig onus: byrSen, seam opera: geornlice(!), wcerc operavi : doa, gewyrca, wyrca (operans: waTC, wuudor) operarius: wcercmonn, wyrcend, wyr- cende monn operire: awiiga, cl*Sa, gedegla, ofcr- wriga, wriga opinio: mersung, wden oportere: tlrisa, becuma, behofiga, gedaif- na, gedafenlic wosa, gelefed wosa, ge- risa, gerisenlic wosa, rehtlic wosa, riseulic wosa, sciola opportune : tifeslicor opportunitas: s6], tidlicnise opportunus: maccaiic opprimere: furetreda, tbrSrycca opprobrium: teluise optare : ceasa, unna optimus: gecoren opus: dt'd, n6dSarf, nytt, 5'arf, wcerc, wundor (malum opus: see malum) orare: bidda, gebidda Noithumbriau Glosaary. oratio : gebed (orationo: gebed gesungen) orbis: ymbhwyrft ordinare : geondebredniga ordinatio: en'dcbrednise ordo: endeferednise oriens :' east, eastdtel origo: fruma oriri: sedeawa, arisa, uppstiga (ortura: upphebbing) ornare : gehriua ornatus: gehrin orphanus: aldorleas, freondleaa OS : ban OS: miiS osanna: (la) li;el I'lsic osculari : co8setung(!), cyssa, gecyssa osculum: coss ostendere: a;degi,wa, eawa, geeawa ostensio: aedeawnise ostiaria: durehaldend ostiarius: durweard ostium: dor, duru otiosus: idel ovile: ede, plett, scipalocc ovis : scip ovum: £eg pacificus: friSgeorn, sibsum pacisci: sibbiga pajuitere: gebdeta, gehreowiga, gehreow- siga, hreowiga paenitentia: hreownise palam: baerlice, eawunga palea: halm, windung pallium: bratt, haecla, hraigl palma: hondbred palmes: palma, palmtreo, palmung palpare: grapiga pandere: aedeawa pangere: Safiga panis: bread, f6stra(5, lilaf pannus: cildclaS, fihl, flyht papa: i)apa par: geli^i, twcege (pares: efnes!) parabola: biseu, bispell, g(Midiing paracletus: riimm6d paradisus: nercsnawong p.iralysis: crypeluise' paralyticus : crypel, eorScrypel parapsis : disc parare: goar\\ig;i, gegearwiga (paratus: gearo) parasceve : foregearwung, gearwungdaeg, mettesgearwung parens: ieldra, aldor, strionend parere : ajdeawa, geaene wosa parere: acenna, ;ila, beara, ernna, fteda, geceuua (pariendi: acvnnise) pariter: ajtgeadre pars: d*l, Tond, stycc partiri : djela, geda-la, todiela partus: acennise 16 242 Latin -Northumbrian Index. parvulus: cild, cnaeht, leasest (see lytel) pascere: fdeda, gefoeda, gehalda(!), ge- leswiga, leswiga, riordiga pascha: eastro pascuuni: leswu passer: hrondsparwa, star passio: Sr6wuDg passus: strrede pastinare : gesetta pastor: hiorde patefacere: geopniga pater: jeldra, fildor, feeder, wuta paterfamilias: fseder biorodes paternus : fsederlic Pathmos: Pathmos pati: gedraga, geSoliga, geSr6wiga, 9n- deta, Soliga, 5r6w"iga - patientia: geSyld, 5yld patrare : d6a, geendiga patria: eard, faed'eraSel, oeSel paucus: hw6n , iytel, niimonig (pauci: lytel wearod, iythwon) paulatim : heartlice, lyth\v6n paululum: hw6n, lytel hwil Panlus: Paulus pauper: 6arfe, Sorfend pauperculus: tiorfendlic pavtre: forhtiga pavescere: forhtiga, geriordiga (!) pavor: fyrhto pax: friS, sibb peccare: firiniga, synngiga peccator: 8ynn(!), synnful peccatrix: arg, portcwoen peccatum : synn pectus: breost pecunia: feh, gestrion, strion pecus: feoc5orf6t, neten pedestris: fceSemonn pejor: wyrsa (see' yt'ei) pellere: fordrifa pellicius: fellen pelvis: trog pendere: ahougiga, hongiga, stonda pene: aethwi^n penetralia: cofa penna: feSre pennatus: feSrilite pentecoste : fiftigdseg penuria: henSu, unspded per: t5erh pera: mettb^lg, nestpohhii, pohha, posa perambuiare: geonga, SerhgeoDga percipere: onf6a percontari : Serhfregna percurrere : Serhiorna percutere: geslaa, hrina, ofslaa, slaa, Serhslaa perdere : iicwcella, ford6a, forfara, for- 16asa, forloriga, forlosiga, gelosiga, gespilla, losiga, ofslaa, spilla perditio: forwyrd, los, losing, loswist perducere: 5erhl£eda peregre: ellSiodig, fearr, longwege peregrinus: ellSiodig, frembe perfectio: en'dung, fyllnise perfectus: full, wisfaest perficere: endiga, geendiga, Serhd6a, Serhgeend'iga perfodere': Serhdelfa perfundere: Serhgeata, Serhgedfela pergere: fcera, gegeonga, Serhgetrymma perhibere: getrymma, trymma, 5erh- trymma perinde: SerhSona periclitari: ilfyrhtiga, forhtiga periculosus: froeeeulic perimere: Serhgeliciga perire: deadiga, forloren wosa, forSa- worSa, gelosiga, losiga peritus: wis, wisest wuta perjurare: Serhswceriga (to swiSe) permanere: Serhwuniga permittere: forgeafa, forleta, gelefa, lefa, Serhgelefa, Serhsenda permundare: Serhclteasiga pernoctare: Serhwsecca per praeceps: hrsedlice, oefistlice perpeti: geSoliga, Srowiga perscribere: Serhwrita perseeutio: oehtnise persecutor: cehtend persequi: aoelita, geoehta, cJehta perseverare : t^erhwuniga per singula: anunga persona: onsion, wlit perspicue: baerlice, clfenlice, hlutorlico persuadere : getrewa, Serhgebidda pertineie: byriga, gebyriga, rteca pertransire: Serhoferfara pervenire: ?5erhcuma perversus: afulic, wiSerweard, w6hfull perversius : wiSerweardnise pes: f6t pessimus : wyrresta pestilentia: deaSbernise , monncwalm, (uncuS) adl petere: bidda, gebidda, gegiwiga, giwiga, willniga petitio: gebed, giwung, willnigung petra: carr, stan petrosa : stgener Petrus: carr, Petrus, stan pbantasma: yfel wiht Pharisajus: ^crseftig, felarwa, aeldra, alda wuta, aldormonn phiala: faet Philippus: Philippus phylacterium: Sweng piger: swer Pilatus: gercefa, Pylatus pilus: h6r pinna: hornpic Latin- Northumbrian Index. 243 pinnaculum: hornsc6a5a piscari: fisciga piscator: fiscere pisciculus: fiscSriit, lytel fisc piscina: fiscp61, w^Ila piscis: fisc pisticus: diorwyrSe pius: arwyrSe placere: geliciga, liciga placitum : licewyrSe placitus: gecwceme plaga: cwalm, teiss, (uncuS) :idl, wrsecco plangere: gemtena, heafiga, mtena plantare: geplontiga, gesetta, plontiga plantatio: plontung planus: smce&e platea: plaece, worS plebs: folc plectere: cursiga, gewinda, slaa, winda, ymbwyrca plenitudo: fyllnise plenus: full plicare: gefalda plorare: hrema, wcepa pluere: falla, regniga, sniwa plurimum : monigfaldlice plurimus: menigo, monig, monigfjild plus: forSor, mara '(ma, m^), menigo, m9nig, swiSor plusquam: forSor, mteSon, mara, swiSor pluvia: regn poen-, see psen- pollex: gehaten polliceri: gehata pondus: byrSen, hefignlse ponere : asetta, gesetta, setta, t6gesetta (ponendi:' setnise)' poutifex: aldormonn, biscop populus: folc porcus: berg, swin porrectio: rtecing porrigere : ger«ca, rteca, sella porro: tec s651ice, wutedlice porta: duru, gaet, port portare: beara, gebeara, geMda portentum : fertin porticus : port, portic portio: dtel, hlott poscere: gegiwiga posse: maega possessio: teht, ham possibilis: eaSelic, mjeht(!), msehtig, maihtiglic possidere: aga, agnlga, bja, habba post, prep.: aefter, ymb post, av.: a?fter Son postea: sefter Son posteaquam : ajfter Son postquam: jefter Son, siSSa postremo: siSSa postulare: gebidda, gegiwiga, giwiga i potator: drincere potens: maehtig potentia: ma^ht potestas: mseht, nnwaeld potius: gewelgad', rehtra, tfeslicor potus: drinca praj : fore praebere: ageafa, geafa praecavere: behalda, forebehalda praecedere: beforecuma, beforefara, fara, foera, foregeonga, foreliora. forescyn- iga, onforageonga, t6g8Bgnesfara praeceps, sec per praeceps praeceptor: aldormonn, bodere, hjesere prseceptum : bebod,' bod praecessor: forelatwa praecingere: foregyrda, gegyrda, ymb- gyrda praecipere: beada, bebeada, forebeada, foregegyrda, foregehata, gehata, hata praecipitare : foreglendra, gegleadra, t6- driia praecogitare : foresmeaga, foreSenca prsecurrere: foreiorna praedestinare: foregesaecga, foreworSa praedicare: abeada, bodiga, forebodiga, forecwo^Sa, toresaecga, gebeada (prae- dicaturus: bodere) praedicatio: bod, forebod, forebodung, forelar praedicere: tersaecga, bodiga, forecwcfiSa, foregecwoeSa, foresaecga, saecga praedictum : forecwide praedium: burug praefatio: foresaegdnise, foresaga pvfefatiuncula: foresaegdnise praeferre: forebrenga praefigere: foregemerciga, getteca praefigurare: foregeljecniga praegnans: berende praegredi: forSgeonga praeire: beforefara, foregeonga praelium, see prwlium praemeditari: foreSenca praemium: meard praemonere: Eergeltera, foregeltera, fore- getEeca praenuntiare : foresaecga prfeparare : foregearwiga, foregegearwiga praeparatio: foregearwung , gearwung (miSgearwung?) praesens: ondweard praesentia:' ondweard (!), ondweardnise praesepium:'binD, b6sih praeses: geroefa, hehgerd'fa, undcrcyning praestare: d6a, foregearwiga, forelceda, geafa, gesella praesumere: foregefoa praesumta: fore(judteng praesumtio: foreonfeng, dearfscip praesumtor: dearflic,' gedyrstgigeud praeter: bi, buta praetergredi: begconga 16* 244 La dn- Northumbrian Index. praeterire: becerra, befara, begeonga, be- waerla, fara, foregeliora, Ibregegeonga, foregeonga, foreliora, forgeoiiga, fur- halda, gegeonga, geliora, geonga, ofcerra, Sonafdera, 5ona\v3erla praetertiiittere : fori eta ' praetorium: domern, gemotern, hall, motern, sprecern prsevalere: forestonda prsevenire: beforegecuma, forecuma prandere: eatta, gebruca, geriordiga, riordiga prandium : geriord, riord, swcese, symbel pravus: imreht, w6h precari : bidda prendere : f6a, gefoa, gegrioppa, genioma pressura: hefignise, ofercostimg, ofer- swiSaise, oferswiSung pretiosus: dIorwyrSe, wyr(5e pretium: feh, rueard, wort) prldie: serist primatus: aldord6m, forwost primo: ter primogenitus : frumcenned primo mane: ar primum : «r, fruma primus: ^r, serest, forma, fort5mest, for- wost priuceps : aldor, iildormonu, forwost princeps sacerdotnm : aldorsacerd principari: uldord6m (!) principatus : iTldordom principium: forma, forweard, fruma prior, aj.: terest, serra, forma, forSmest prior, prep.: ger, befora prius : ter priusquam: ger Son pro: fore probare : costiga, cunniga, gecostiga, ge- cunniga, faestuiga. s66iga probatica: burug (!) procedens: forecyme procedere: cuma, falla(!), fara, fd'ra, fore- cuma, forScum:i, forSgconga, gefalla, gefd'ra, gespringa, ofcuma, sotJcuma procella: rtes, wiudrges, yst procidere: falla, forefalla, gefalla, li'ita, niSergefalla procumbere: foreli'ita, gebega procurans: sciremonu procurator: gerct'fa procurrere: foreiorua prodere : belewa prodesse: behoflic wosa, diiga, forestonda, forstonda, gewaexa prodigium : foretacon, wuudor prodigus: behof prodire: cuma proditio: beleing, selenise proditor: 16ga producere: forabrenga, forSbrenga prcelium: gefeht profecto : wutedlice proferre: ahebba, brenga, forabrenga proficere : for'egewaexa, forstonda,gehelpa, gewsexa, spowa proficisci: ellSiodiga, fara, foera, from- gefoera (peregre proficisci: ellmodiga, gefcera) profiteri: fore9ndeta profluvium: erning, gytt, iorning, I'ltior- nise (profluvium sanguinis: blodiorn) profugere: foreflea profundum: grund progenies: cneoreso, cynn progredi : foera, foregeonga, forSongeonga, gefara, gefoera prohibere: bewoeriga, forbeada, fore- beada, foreleta, foresacca, forestemma, wcerda projicere: aworpa, toreworpa, gefalla, geworpa, worpa prolatio: foresoSscip prolixe: longunga prolixius:'leng, longe , on longsnm, un- eaSelice prolixHS: long ' prologus : f orerim, saga, tal proloqui: forespreca promere: gewitgiga promissum: hat promittere : foregehata, foresenda, gehata, hata promptus: gearo promultus : foremonig pronuntiare: foressecga, s6Ssa?cga procemium: degelnise, foresaga, meard, ?56ht prope: neh properare: geneoleca propbeta: witga prophetare: gewitgiga, wltgiga prophetatio : witgigung prophetia: witgigung propheticum : witgigung prophetissa: witga prophetizare : gewitgiga, witgiga propinquare : gen6oleca propitius : miltheort proponere: foregesetta, foresaecga, fore- setta, foresitta propositio : foregegearwad , foreseten, getemesed, temesed proprie : sundorlice proprius: agen, agenlic, s65, syndrig propter: fore propterea: aefter Son, forSon propter hoc: forSis propter quod: gee forSon, forSon prorumpere : becuma, foreiorna prosecutio : foresefterfylging prosequi: forefylga prospicere: forSlociga, sc6awlga prosternere: gel^cga Latin - Northumbrian Index.' 245 protegere : gescilda protestarl: loretrymma, getrynima protinus: reconlice, sona prout: swis, swfe swiSe proverbium : godd, soScwide provolvere: gew^lta proximus : neh, nesta, on neh (in proximo : unfearr; proximo: neawung) prudens : hoga , hogafaest, hogafull (pru- dentiores: betro hogo, see g6d) prudenter: hoglice prudentia : hogascip, snytro prima: gloed psalmus : psalm, sillm pseudo-: leas, wiSerweard psendochristus : wiSercrist publicanus: aldorm9nn, baersynnig, yfel- wyrcende publice : eawunga publicus: bferlic puella: dohter, mfegden puer: cnpebt pugillaris: wfexbred pullulare: gesawa puUus : bird, ciccen, fola pulmentarium : mett pulsare: cnylla, cnylsiga, cnyssa pulvis: asca punire: gepiniga puppis : scip purgare: clfensiga purgatio: cMnsung purificatio: clt^nsung purpura: felleread purpurare: gehiwiga purpuratus: miS felle purpureus: felleread, purple purus: clfene pusillum: hwon, lytel hwil, lytel hwon, lytel 5ona pusillus: hwon, leasest, lytel putare: taliga, wcena puteus: pytt, seaS, w»lla qua: of t5on quadraginta: feortig quadraginta duo: feortig tuu quadrans : feorOung quadriduanus : feobordogor, feowerdogor quadrigesima: faestern quadruplum : feorsiSum, feowerfald quaerere: bidda, gesoeca, soeca qufestio : dom qualis: hu, hulic, swte, swelc qualiscumque: swfe hwelc qualiter: hu, hulic quam: maast(!), swit5e, Son quamdiu: swiv longe, Sa hwile, Sende, Sone long quamquam : Sfeh quando: hu, hwoenne, Sa, Sonne quanto: swte longe, swte swiSe quanto magis: mj'ira micia, mara wnpn, micla mara, s^v^f' forSor, swjk mara quantum : lii'i feolo, swfc feolo qnantus: hu menigo, lu'i micel, awte feolo, swtp micil quare: forhwon quartus : feorSa quasi: swse, swelce quassatus : w;ic quater: feower siSa quati: bifiga quattuor: feower quattuordecim: feowertcno -que: fee quemadmodum: hu, swas, swelce querela: grornung qui: hwelc, se, seSe quia: forSon, Saet, 5y quicquam: feniht, noht quicumque: sw£e hwa, swte hwelc, 3jet swfe hwa quid: feniht, forhwon, hu, hwget, hwot- hwoegu , oht (ut quid : forhwon , t(j hwon) quidam: 65er, sum, sum 6?er, Sorleas quidem : sec, fee su5, fee soSlice, fee Son, fsestlice, soSlice, wutedlice quidnam: hwfet quies : rsest quilibet: swfe hwelc quindecim: fifteno quingenti: fif hnnd quinquageni: fiftig, fif hund quinquaginta: fiftig quinque: fif quintus : fifta quintus decimus: fifteiSa quippe: forSon quippini: allunga qnis: fenig, fenigmonn, hwa, hwelc, hwelchwoegu, hweSer, swfe hwa, swfe hwelc (ne quis: nfenig, nfenigmonn) quisnam : hwelc quispiam : sum quisquam: tenig, fenigmonn, oht quisque: felc, ^ghwelc, swfe hwelc quisquis: swfe hwa, swre hwelc quo : hwider, hwona, of hwon, of Son, t('> hwon, Ser, Sider (cum quo: of Son ; ex quo: of Son, si>Sa) quoadusque: Sa hwile, wiS Sy quocumque: swfv hwider quod: forSon, hwait, Sfet (ad quod: to hwon) quodsi: Sfeh quominus : forSon lytel quomodo: ah hii, hu, swelce. Sfet quondam : hwilnm quoniam: forSou, 5a?t quoque : fee, fee Son quot: hu feolo, swfe monig quotid-, see cotid- 246 Latin -Northumbrian Index. quoties : Im oft, swre swi?ie, swiSe oft quotquot: swje feolo, swa? oft, swte oftor quousqiio : gcliwelc, liii longc, 6a hwile rabbi: larwu rabboni: larwu g6d (bonus doctor) racha: unwis radix: wyrtruma Rama: twigge ramus: telge, twigge rapax: ferende rapere: gelaecca, genioma, nioma rapina: nednima, nednlming raptor: nednima, reafere ratio: reht, rehtnise reaedificare : eftatimbra recalcitrare: eftdraga recedere: cerra, eftfrora, eftge\va?nda, fearriga, flea, gewita receptor: eftonfoend recessus: gel'loruise recipere: cftf6a, eftonfoa, gefoa, onfoa reclinare : gebega,' geluta recognoscere : eftongeata reconciliare : eftboHa reconciliatio : 'eftforgefnise recordari: beSenca, eftgemona, eftSenca, gemona, geSenca, henca ' recordatus: cftgemyndig, eftmyndig recte: rebte, rehtlice rectus: reht recubitus: foresedl, rpest recumbere: eftgersesta, gehlioniga, ge- rpesta, gesitta, hlioniga, rsesta recurrere : eftgeiorna redarguerer' becwoeSa, eftbecwoeSa, for- cwoeSa, onsacca, wic^s'tnuda reddere : ilgeafa, agelda, 'forgolda, gelda, gesella redemptio: alesnise, eftlesing, lesing, lesnise, onlesnise redemturus : eftlesing redire: awa?n(ia, cerra, eftcerra, eftcuma, eftfara, cftgewcenda, gecerra reducere: eftlteda refectio: ribrdung refellere: sefsjecga, gessecga referre: fecassecga, assecga, eftjisjecga, eftbrenga, gebrenga, gestecga, getella, sacca, ssecga reficere: gebceta, gefrd'fra, gestriciga refrigerare: gecdela refrigescere: blinna, eftcoliga refulgere: swiSe gescina regeneratio: edniwung, eftcynn regere: rixiga regina: cwd^n regio: efne(!^, lond, oeSel regnare: genxiga, rixiga regnum: ric regredi: eftfara, fara, fcera, gecerra regulus: reglword reinvitare : eftlaSiga rejicere: forworpa relegere: eftreda relinquere:' eftforleta, forleta, Irefa, leta reliquise: laf, metthif, screadung reliquus: 8efterra, oSer remanere : abida, eftwuniga, gewuniga remetere: eftgewoega remetiri: eftgemeta reniigare : rowa (remigando : rowing) reminisci: eftgemyndig wosa, gemona remissio: eftforgefnise, forgefnise^ for- letnise remissius: eaSor to forgeafanne, for- gefenra remittere: eftforgeafa, eftsenda renasci: eftacenna, eftb'eara renuntiare : eftgessecga, eftssecga, onsacca repellere: wiSsacca repente: feerlice repentinus : feerlic reperiri: begeatta, geflnda, geraceta, on- finda repetere: eftbidda, eftsoeca, eftwillniga, gesdbca replere: gefylla reponere: eftasetta, eftsetta repreheudere : b'egrio'ppa', eftforfinda, ge- tela (reprehensus: forrepen) reprehensor: eftforfunden, telend reprobare: edwitiga, eftedwita, forcuma reprobus: forcySed repudium: forletnise, freodom reputare: getaliga requies: raest requiescere: gersesta, rtesta, wuniga requirere, requiri: eftgesceca, eftsoeca, gesoeca, soeca res: scfeft, 6ing Rcsa filius: Resaing rescindere : efttoslita rescire: eftgewuta resecare :' forgeafa residere: arisa, eftsitta resistere: forstonda, wiSstonda respicere: beliiilda, besea, eftbehaida, eftlociga, eftbesea, eftsceawi'ga, gesea, lociga resplendere : eftgesclna respondere : geondswariga, geondwearda, ondswariga, ondwearda responsio : ondsware responsum: ondsware respuere: onsacca restituere: bd-ta, eftgebceta, eftgeniwiga, eftniwiga, eftsetta, geboeta, geedniwiga, gesetta, niwiga restitutio: eftboet, eftbceting resultare: gefeaga resumere: eftonf6a resurgere: arisa, awaecca, eftarisa resurrectio: efterist, erist Latin-Northumbrian Index. 247 resuscitare : awsecca, eftawaecca, eftwEecca rete: nott, segne retinero: geliabba, gclialda, genioma, hiilda, nioma retrahere : efttotea retrlbuere : Vftgesella, ('ftsella retributio: eftsclenise retro: begeonda, beliianda, on bsec, on bsecling retrorsuin: on bpec, on brecling reus : deadsynnig, scyldig, synnig revelare: sedeawa, unwriga revelatio: sedeawnise, onwrignise revereri: gefrsepgiga, sceomiga reversio: eftcerr revertere, rev'erfi: awffinda, cerra, eft- awoenda, eftcerra, eftgecerra,' gecerra, gewoenda, wcenda reviviscere: eftlifiga revoeare : eftgeceiga revolvere: aw^lta, eftawjelta, fromaw^lta, untyna rex: cj^nemonn, cyning ridere: hlaeb'ha rigare: aSwa, geSwj'i, wyrSiga rivulus: burna rogare: bidda, gebidda Romani: R6mwaro rota: hw61 rubicundus: read rubor: sceoma rubus: heape, read, treo, word(!) rudis: niwe rudus: read(!) rugire: bella, rariga (rugiens: roeSe) ruina: f«ll, gef^lnise ruiturus: gef^ll rumor: mersung, merSu rumpere : geslita, toslita rursum: sefter, eft, eftersona, eft on bajcling, on biecling rursus: ajftersona, c;ft, eftersona ruta: cunela rutilare: ftigiga sabbatum: d8eg(!), haligdseg, lialigdoeg, rsestdseg, sabat, Seternes dteg, sunna- dseg, sunnadoeg, symbel, symbeldseg, syrabeldo'g, wicu sacculus: oferseam, sead, seam sacerdos: biscop, meassapreost, sacerd (see princeps sacerdotum, summus sacerdos) sacerdotium : sacerdhad sacramentum : haligdom sacrificium: asa^gdnise, husl, ssegdnise sacrilegium (?) : Godes wraecco saecularis : woruld (!) speculum : woruld ssepe: oft, symble saepes: haga saevus: lird-Se sagina: segne saginatus : fiett sal: salt salire: gecostiga(!), gestelta (saliens : salt) saliva: saltwa'lla(!) Salomon: Salomon saltare: gephcgiga, pla;giga saltatio: pla'g salus: litelo salutare: gegrd'ta, grceta, htelo beada, wilcyma salutare: hfelo salutaris : balwo^nde salutatio : grd'ting salvare: gehtela, gehalgiga, heela salvator: htelend salvificare : doa lial, gchtela salvus : hal Samaria: Samaria Samaritanus : hfeSea, hteSenmonn, sama- ritanisc sanare: gehwla, h^la (sanando: miS hfelo) sanatus: hal sanctificare: gehalgiga, halgiga sanctitas: halignise sanctus: halig, haligwer sandalium : Swong sanguis: bl(3d (profluvium sanguinis, see profluvium) sanitas: hselo, hal(!) sanus: hal sapere : hycga, oncnawa sapiens: snotor sapienter: snotorlice, wislice sapientia: snytro, wisd6m sarcina: hondhsef sat: genoh sata: wceg satagcre: weldoa Satanas : wiSerweard satis : genoh satisfacere: weldoa satum: mitta saturare: geendiga, gefd-da, gefylla, ge- riordiga saxum : Stan scabellum : f6tscd>mel, scncmel scaudalizare : geondspurniga, oudspurniga, t6drifa scandalum : ondspjTnise Scariotes, see scarioS scenopegia: temples meassa schisma: geflit, todrd'fnise scientia: wisdom scilicet: buta twea scindere, scindi: tobersta, tobreca, t6- renda, tosjita scintilla: gldd scire: cunna, geasciga, gewuta, geyppa, wuta 248 Latin - Northumbrian Index. sciscitari: fregna, geasciga, gefrasiga, gefregna scissura : toslitnise scopa: besnia Scorpio: scorpion scriba: bdecere, nSwuta scribere : awrita, writa (scribendus : writ[!]) scriptio: awritten scriptura: gewrit, writ scrutari: smeaga se: he, seolf secedere: foera, gefcpra, (5onagew(Enda secessus : feltun, utgeong ' secreto : deglice sectari: fylga, gefylga secum: miS secundo: 65re siSa secundum : sefter secundus: fefterra securis: acas securus: sacleas secus : aet, neh sed: ah, ah hweSre sedere: gesitta, sitta sedes: sedl seditio: setnung, ymbburg, ymbsetnung seditiosus: sceacere, setnere seducere: beswica, gemerra, geswica, swica seductio: merrung seductor: merra segregare: t(^sceada semel: fene semen: s6d, team sementis(!): sedere seminare: gesawa, sawa, sediga (seminans : sedere) semita: geong, stig, str6t semivivus: halfcwic semper : aa, symble sempiternum : ecnise (in sempiternum : in aldre) senectus: aeldo senescere: gewintriga senex: aid senior: {eldest, j^ldra, alda wuta, aldor, uSwuta, wuta sensus: bisen, ondget, 56ht sentire : gefoela,' Senca seorsum: siindor, sundorlice, syndrige separare: da;la, sceada, sundriga, toscea- da, toslita separatim : sundor, sundorlicc separatio: gescead sepelire: bebyrga, bedelfa, byrga sepes: woerc septem: seofon septempliciter : seofof aldlice septies: seofo si5a Septimus : seofunda septuagies: hundseofontig, hundseofon- tigsiSa septuaginta: hundseofontig sepulchrum : byrgenn sepultura: bebyrgnise, byrgenn sequens: fefterra sequi : 8efterfy;lga, fylga, gefylga, gel*ra(!), gesoeca, soeca serenus: smolt series : tal sermo: word serere: sawa, sediga sero: efern, eferntid, smolt, smyltnise serpens: nedra servans : haldend servare : behalda, gehalda, halda servire: geembehtiga, gehera, hera servitus: Seadom servus: esne, 5ea, 5egn, Srtel sex: sex' sexagesima: sextig sexaginta : sextig sexies: seofo (!) si5a sextus: seista si: gif, gif hweSer, 5feh sic: hu, swfe, swelce, swelce fee, 5us, Suslice siccare: gedryga sicera: bear sicut: gif, swfe, swelce Sidon: Sidon signare: gebecniga, gemerciga, merciga significare : b6cniga, gebeeniga, gemerciga, getacniga, merciga, tieca signum : t)econ , gemerce , tacon, tungul, wundor silentio: swigunga silentium: smyltnise silere : swiga siliqua: beanbselg, pis hose, pise hose silvestris: wudu- Simeon : Simeon similis: gelie, ongelic (simile: bisen) similiter: petgeadre, gelic, gelic Son, on- gelic, swfe gelic similitudo : bisen, geddung, gelic, ongelic, onlicnise Simon : Simon simplex: bilwit, bliSe, milde simul : fee miS, fetgeadre, gelic, mi6, on- gelic (siraulqiie: fee miS) simulare: bebregda, tela, wyrca sin: gif sinapis: sinapis sindon: hraegl, Ifn, linenhrsegl sine : buta sine modo : buta twea sinere: abida, bida, blinna, forleta, gelefa, Icfa, leta singillatim, singulatim: syndrige singularis: syndrig singuli: fplc, an, ancuma, an eghweic, anlape, syndrig (per singula: anunga) sinister: winstra Latin -Northumbrian Index. 249 sinus: barra, fseSem Sion: Sion si quid: hweSer siquidem: jefter Son, eaSc inaeg, gif hwclc, S£ehhwec5re sitiens: Syrstig sitire: (5yrsta sive: o55e socer: swer socius : foera, freond, gefoTa socrus: swer sol: sunna solemnis: symbel solere: gewuna wosa solitudo: wee stern soUicite: geornlice sollicitudo: bisignise, gfelso, gcmnise soUicitus: bisig, ferwitfull, gemende, geomfuU, hoga solum: ana, Sset ana solus: an solvere: sHta, toslita, unbinda, undoa, unt3'na somnium: swefn somnus: slep, swefn sonitus: swegungnise Sorobabel filius: Sorobabeling soror: swoester sors: hlott, tan sortiri: hleata spargere: stregda spatiosus: n'lmwelle spatium: tirst, hwarf species: hiw, megwlit speciosus: wlitig spectare: basniga speculator: sceaware spelunca: cofa, grtef sperare : gehyhta, hylita, wcf na spemere: gehena, hena, tela spica: cropp, eher, h6r spicari: sceawi'ga spina: hrycg, 5orn spineus: oyrnen spiritus: gast spirare : ceSiga splendere: scina splendidc : fegerlice, lixendc splendor: leht, lixung, scinise spolium : reaf spondere: gehata spongia : bolla, full copp, full spyng sponsa: bryd sponsus: brydguma sporta : ceawl, mond spuma: fam spumare: fj^-ma spurcitia : unclfeno sputum: spadl stabularius: lece stabulum : 16cehiis stadium: spyrd stagnum: luh, mere stare: astnnda, g'estonda, stnnda stater: feor tryuies, wn-g statim: fee s6na, liraSe, recone, sona statuere: asetta, gesetta, sotta statura: lengo, lionise Stella: ste'arra, tungul stercus: mixen sterilis: unberend sternere : brreda, gebrreda, lecga, treda sterquilinium : feltun, mixen stimulus : pricle stipendium : nest stola: oferslop, stol stratum : bodd, song stridere: gristbitiga stridor: gristbitung structura: timber studere : gearwiga, getela studium: bigeong, gesotnise, setnise stultitia: unwisdom stultus: dysig, unwis, unwislic stupefactum esse : gestylta stupere: astylta, gestylta, gcswiga, ge- wundriga, stylta, swiga, wundriga stupor: feerstylt, feerswigo, slep suadere: getrewa suavis: swret sub : under subdere : underSiodiga subditus : underSioded subducere: underlfeda subire: foera subito: feerlice, s6na subjectio : underdrifen subjectus: under subj'icere: ge^ca, underbega, underSioda subjugalis : undergeoc subievare : underhebba sublime : heanise submittere : dunasenda subnotatio: undermercad subsequi : underfylga substantia: feh, strion substemere: lecga, underbrfeda subvertere: undercerra, ymbcerra succedcre: undercuiua succendere : gebcarna succidere: gescearfii, renda, scearfa succingere: ymbsealla succlamare: cliopiga sudarium : halscode sudor: swat suiferre: genioma suftieere: genoh, genylitsumiga, liciga, nob wosa, wel m.Tg suffocare : fordoa, underdelfajUnderdr^nca suggerere: tretiga suggillare : getela sugere : gedia sulphur: cwicfyr sumere: genioma, inginna, onf6a 250 Latin - Northumbrian Ind ex. summittere : aclimesenda suinmum: heanise, lirof summiis: breard, lich, iifaweard suinmus sacerdos: liehsacerd super: bi, ofer, on superare: geltefa, ofergeltefa, oferswiSa superbia: oferhygd superbus : oferbygdig supcrcilium: ofer . . . supererogare : ofergiwiga superesse : geltefa, oferlcefa, wona wosa supereffluere (L. 6, 38): oferflowa superius : ufor superlucrari : ofergestrioniga supernus : heanise superponere: ofergesetta, ofersetta superscriptio : oferawrit, ofcrwrit, ofer- writen superseminare : ofergesawa supersubstautialis : oferwistlic superveniens : ofercymiuend supervenire : ofercuma supplementum : fyllnise supplicium: tinterg supputatio: tal supra: bufa, ofer, oferufa, on, onufa, ymb suprascriptio : oferawritten , ofermercung surdus: deaf surgere: arisa sursum: ufaweard, upp suscipere: genioma, nioma, onf6a suscitare: awfecca, gewaecca, waecca suspendere: awyrga, gehongiga, hlos- mga(!) _ _ sustinere: abida, geabfda, gebida, ge- Soliga, r?efna suns: ixgen sycomorus: heard sylvestris, see silvestris syuiphonia: hwislung synagoga: cirica, gesomuung, snmnung, spree Syria: Syria Syrus: sirisc tabernaculum: bus tacere: geswiga, saecga(!), swiga tactus: iirining (tactu: uiiSSy gehran, 6a gehrau) tcedere: longlga talentum :' craeft talis: swelc, Suslic tarn: sw£e, swte swiSe, swiSor tamen: hweSre, soSlice, swis Sceh tangere: gehrina, hrina tanquam: allswte, swte, swelce tanto : swfe, swfe swiJ^or tantum: ana, no ma, noht mara, swfe hwon, Sset ana, 5a hwile tantummodo: ah Sset cina ni'i tantus: menigo, micel, swte micil tardare: lattiga tardus: Iset taurus: farr tectum : hrof, bus tecum: Sec mi5 tegere: gescilda tegula: watel temeritas: bteldo, dearfscip tempestas: hrceSnise, stearm, unsmylt- nise, unwoeder tempbim : tempel temporaUs: lytel hwil temptare: acunniga, costiga, cnnniga, forcunniga, gecostiga, gecunniga temptatio : costung , cunnung , geswcenc, swcenc (temptatione : wses gecostad) temptator: costere, cunnere tempus: first, hwil, tid tenax : scearplice (!) tenebrae: synn, Siostro tenebrosus: Siostrig tenens: haldend tener: hnesc tenere : ahalda, gefoa, gehalda, genioma, halda, nioma, t6halda ter: Sriga tergere: geclfensiga, gedryga terminus : gemare terra: eard, eorSu, l9nd terrae motus: eorShroernise terrenus: eorSlic terrere: afyrhtiga, forhtiga, gefyrhtiga terror: fyrhtnise tertio: Sirdda sitia tertius: Sirdda testamentum: cySnise, gewitnise, setnise testari: gecySa, gefaistniga, getrymma, s6t5iga testificare : cySa, getrymma testimonium: cVSnise, gecySnise, geset- nise, gewitnise, setnise, Seodscip, wit- nise testis: gewitnise, witnise, wuta tetrarcha: cyning textus: geadrung Theophilus: Deophile thesaurizare : gestrioniga, strioniga thesaurus : forf, gestrion, strion Thomas: se 5egn, Domas thronus: hehsedi thus: cursumbor Tiberias: Tiberiad Tiberius: Tiber tibia: hwistel(?) tibicen: beamere Timgeus: Timaius timere: ondreda timldus: forht, forhtende timor : ege, egesa, fyrhtnise, fyrhto, pndo timoratus: oiidredend wses tinea: mohda Latin - Northumbrian Index. 251 tituhis: foremercung, iiicrca, uHTcnng, tilcon, titiil tolerabilis: (.''aSe, lelit toUerc: ahobba, awa-lta, beara, gobeara, geheda, genioma, hvda, nionia, iindcr- hebba, underlteda, undcrli'ita, under- ni'oiua tonitriuiiu : Suuer torcular: wintrog tormentum: costung, cursuiig, fiondgcld, tinterg torquere : gecostiga,geciinuiga, gegroeta(!), piniga, Srowiga, wr^eca torrens: burna, wintorbiirna tortor: pinere tot: feolo, menigo, sw* inonig totus : all trabs: beam tractare: getrahtiga tradens: sellend tradere : ageafa, gesella, sella (traditurus : sellend) trad'itio: geselenise, gesetnise, selenise, setnise trad'itor: sellend traducere : gebrenga, gelfeda trahere: draga, gelfeda, genioma, getea, nioma trames: stig, tramet tranquillitas : smyltnise trans: begeonda, ofer (de trans: of be- hianda) transcendere : oferstiga transfcrre: beliora, oferferiga, oferlteda, oferliora I transfigere: sticiga, Serhfcestniga | transfigurare: ofergemerciga, oferliiwiga, ' megwlitiga transfixus: oferfsest transfretare : fara, foera, ofercearfa, oferfa-ra transgredi: furhycga, ofergeonga, of'er- hycga transire: bcgeouga, beliora, fara, gefara, gefoera, gegeonga, geliora, geonga, liora, oferfara, oferfoera, ofcrgefn'-ra, ofergeonga, oferliora translatio : foresaga transmeare : ofercerra transmigratio : forworpnise, gefa-lnise, ge- liornise, ofercerr, oferffer, ofergeong, ymbcerr transplantare : gesetta, oferplontiga trecenti : c^rio hun^, 5rio hundra5 tremere : cwaciga, forhtiga tremor: 9ndo tres : Srio tribuere : gesella, sella tribulatio : costung, 'gecostung tribulus: haga?>om tribunal: hehsedl tribunus: uldormpnn, cynnes heafud- weard, forwost/hold tribus: cynu, folc, strynd tributum : ga-fcl, geselen, gyld, ncdginfcl triduuni : firiodogor triformitcr: Srifaldlice trigesimus: Srittig triginta: Srittig trinitas : ?)rinise trinus: Srifald tristis: uurot, unrotlic tristitia : unrcjtnisc triticum: hwfete triuiuphare: gesigf«stniga tu: 5u tuba : bearaa, stocc tumultuari: nifrna tumultus: geflit, gerec, styrenise , un- gerec, wanung tunc: in Ojem tid, 6a, Sonne tunica: cyrtel, hra^gl, tunuc turba: folc, here, menigo, Sreat turbare: astyriga, gcdral-fa, gestyriga turma: Creat turris: torr turtur: turtur tuus: Sin Tyrus: Tyr uber: breost, titt uber: monigfald ubi : hwer, swte hwer, hwider, t5er ubicumque: sw^e hwer, swje hwer swte ubique : eghwer ulcus : wund uUus: cenig, ^nigmonn, feniht ulna: arm iilterius: leng ultimus : la?tmest iiltio: wrpeccenise, wrfecco ultra: begeonda, forSor, leng ultro: lustum ululare : lirema umbra: scua unde : hwer, hwona, Soua undecim: 5\va , let^ra, smiriga, Swa ungueutum: smirinise, Swahl uuicus : ancenned unigenitus : ancenned universus : Till, allef ne unquam: afre unus: an, anftUd nnusquisque : an eghwelc, an s\v;e liwclc, eghwelc, eghwelc an urceus: ombor Uria: Urie usque : o55, wiS, wiS (5a) gcana, wiS t6, wi5 Ca?t usque ad: o55 to, wiS, wiS t6 usque adhuc: wi6 uu ^«».'- 252 Latin - Northumbrian Index. usque diim : wi5 Son usque in: o55 in, wiS, wi5 in, wi5 on usque mode: wi5 (5;i) geana usque quo: hu longe usura: ugnet, frico ut: swfe, swm Sset, swelce, ?>aet uter: bytt uterque: bcege, egSer uterus : hrif, inna, innaS utilis : behoflic, tiarflic, Sorfsest utique: buta twea, s6Slice, wutedlice ut quid: t6 hwon utres : aldo (!) utriusque : twufaldlice utrum : hweSer uva: cropp, winbeger uxor: gebed, laf, wif vacans: licgende vacare: raesta vacuus: idel vadere : fara, fo'ra, gegeonga, geonga vfe: wte vagina: scea5 valde: swiSe valens: hal valere: getreowfestniga, msega validus: strong vallis: dene', ppeS vallum: clic vanum: idelnisse vapulare: gemtena, gemersiga, geswinga variare: ftigiga varius: berht, missenlic, monigfald vas: faet, fetels, mii?»m, scip vehementer: swiSe vehere: gelfeda vel: tec, o5t5e velare: awriga, gebyda, wriga velle : willa, willniga (volens [violens ?] : t5reatende) vellere: gecwoecca, genionia, nioma velum: waghrsegl velut, veluti: swelce vendere: bebycga, ceapiga (vendens: ceapemonn) venia: forgefnisc venire: becuraa, begeatta, cuma, gecuma, gemoeta, tocuma venter: hrif, innatS, womb ventilabrum : fonne, wiudgefonn venturus: t6weard ventus: wind venumdare: bebycga verax: soScwd'd, soSfpest verbum: Crist, word, swte (3(^er(!) vere: soS, s65 is, s6Slice vereri: frsepgiga, gesceomiga, tela Veritas: s65, s6riest(!), sotifostnise vermis: wyrm vero: £ec, forSon, hwec5re, Conne, wut- edlice versutia : geswipernise vertere, verti: cerra, gecerra, woenda verura: ah buta twea, soS verumtamen : ah Sset an, buta lyg hwceSre, buta 5a!t ana, hwettre Son, s6t)hwe5re, soSlice hweSre verus: s6t5 vesper: efern, 6ferntid vespere : efern , in eferntide , miS 5y eferntide vester: iuer, s6S(!) vestimentum: claS, gegerela, gewcede, hrsegl, wcede vestire: geclfeSa, gegearwiga, gegerliga, gescirpa, gewoeSa vestis: gegerela, reaf, woede vestis nuptialis: brydreaf vestitus: gewdede vetare: adrifa, awoerda, forb6ada veterascere : sildiga vetus: aid, forwered vexare, vexari: awseliga, costiga, firrfara, geberiga, gecostiga, gestyriga, ge- swcenca, styriga via: stret, wceg vicina: nehebyrild vicinus: fefterra, nehebiir, 65er vicis: lond(!) vicissim': hwerflice victima: cwicalmus victoria: sig victus: gebrengnise, lifoSsen vicus: gemfe're, lond, mfere videre: behalda, gelociga, gesea, loeiga, sceawiga, sea videri: gesene wosa, getSenca, Synca vidua: widwa vigilia: wacan vigilare: awfecca, gewaecca, wfecca viginti: twoentig villa: genifere, lond, mtere, tun villieare: gescira villicatio: groefscir villicus: gerdefa vincere: awoenda(!), forcuma vincire: gebinda vinculum: bend, gebend vindemiare: monigfaldiga, wiuiga viudicare : wrseca vindicta: wrsecco vinea: wingeard vinitor: winwyrcend vinum: win violare: neda, widliga violens, see volens: forswiSed (violenti: nedende, nedunga, (5reateudeV) viper: tettern vir: monn, wer virga: gerd virginitas: hehstfildhiid, hehstaldnise virgo : hehstald viridis: grctne Latin - Nortluimbriati Index. 253 virtus: wundor, ma?gen, mseht vis : msegn (see also vix) viscera: Soht (!) visio : gesihS, gesibSnise visitare: gesceca visitatio: soecnise visiis: gesibS, swcfn vita: Iff vitare: forg;ela, gesaicga(!) vitiosus: flittcnde vitis : wingeard, wintreo vitinm : scjld, synn vitreus: glaeren vitnlus : celf vituperare: forcwoeSa vivere : gelifiga, lifiga vivificare: cwiciga, geliffaistiga , inlibta, litf«estiga viviis: cwic, lifigende (see lifiga), IftVelle vix: befige (vim!), nod, uneaSe (vim!) vobiscum : miS eow vocare : ceiga, cliopiga, gecciga, genemna, togeceiga vocatio : ceigung, cliopung volatile: fugiil volatile: flegende volens, see velle (volens, glossed some- times as if violens) volucris : flegende voliimen: boo voluntas: lust, willo voluptas: willo (!) volutari: getSIda vorax : etere, fric votum: gcliat vox: stet'n vulnerarc: gewundiga vulneratus: wund vulnus : wund vulpes : fox vulsio: niming, numen vultus: onsion vulva: brif, inna, womb Zabulon: Zabulon Zacbarias : Zacbarias Zebedasus: ZebeSies zelus : sefist, elnung zizania: ata, atili, sitTJe, unwiiestm, wilde iita, wilde foter, winnung zona: gyrdiis English -Northumbrian Index. abundant : monigfaldig admittance: ondfong affliction : efneunfotnise age: aldor anchorite: oncra antichrist : anticrist approach: neawuug ask: asciga . attentive: hlosnende away: aweg band: wearod be (employed) about: ymbwosa becoming: gedaefenlic broil: gebreda care, see take care of chastely : hygdiglice common, see in common companionship : gemana congruous : gebyrelic consent: geSafsumnise, geSeodsamnise consider: gesceawiga conveniently: tgeslice country: megS cover: gebelda customary: gewunelic cylindrical: sonwald day: d6gor decree: cwide dedication : halgung denying: onsaec dignity: geSyngo disinterested : unforciit? diversity : fagung drunken: druncenig eatable: etlic eating: dt English : englisc enough: n6h enrich: gewelgiga entrance: ingeong entrance-fee: inlad equal, see make equal evenly: efne evil: untal externally: litan on fall: gefjjtll famous: broeme fashion: gesmiSiga firm: staSolfsest firmly: faeste first: forSmest fitting: gerisenlic, risenlic forge: gesmiSiga fulfilment: gefyllnise fully: fullunga garment: gerela gem: gimm gild: ofergylda give up: ofageafa gloss: ofergloesiga hallowing: halgung harmonious : gebyrelic heavenly: heofoncuud help: fultum high priest: forebiscop his: sin home, establish in a: gehamiga honest: unforcuS honeysuckle: wudubind honor: geSyngo house: by in common: gemrenelic interpret: ofergld'siga interpretation: tralit kneeling: cnewbeging lacking : wona lady : hlafdia English -Northumbrian Index. 255 let us: wutum Lindisfarne, dweller in the island of: Lindisfearncalonding listen: hlosniga ' make equal: efniga man: ceorl missing: wona much: miclum nail: gensegliga name: benemna necessary : nedlic newly arrived: niwcumen ordain : gehadlga ornament : gehrin overbishop : forebiscop overlay: ofergylda passover feast: eastrosymbel paying: selen people: lioda perversity : wiSerweardnise pleasant: seSele prematurely: ferunga presume: gedyrstgiga priest: pr6ost progress: forSgeong prophecy: witgadom pure: faconleas purple: fell purity: claennise questioning: fregnung quickly: ferunga raven: fera reception: ondfong Roman: rd-'misc round: sonwald ruin: gefsell salt: salt sharp: scearp shrink: forscrinca sift: getemesiga, temesiga sight: sihS mau of Sodom : Sodom softness: hnescnise strange: uncuS strife : tog subject: underdrifa subscribe : undermerciga take care of: begeonga taken: geonfenge that: sed tie: gecnycca to: tU too: t6 trooper: eorodm9nn unadulterated : fiiconleas unexpected: unwnen unknown: uncuS unleavened: Sorf viper: Eettern virtue: cyst visible: gesene vision: sihS ware: gewser wild: wilde woodbine: wudubind worthless : uuSarf year: twalfmonaS young: ging / Errata and Addenda. Page 1", line 3 for abserna read fiberna. 7 before L. insert Mt. 23, 35. 14 before pret. maert 3 pi. abidas Mk. 8, 2. — 1^, H before 24 insert accendo Mt. 16 for aecenBissc read accennise, and before 22 insert I. 18 after 13 insert the first reference of l.\7. 19 for ocennisse 7-cad acunnisse. ISf.b. for comprobari read comprobare. Vlf.b. for 13 read 12. behvecn lines \\ and 12 iyisert -ad, see worad. — 2 a, 3 f.b. after gs. insert Mt. I 6, 3. — 2i', 7 before L. insert 5, 18. 9 rt/"ier L. insert I 9, 1. 10 before ae insert ae Mt. 5. 17. 11 before et insert e, porro. — 3% betiveen lines 3 and 4 insert fee-, see also ec-. 21 f.b. dele article aictosaecga. betiveen lines 5 and Vif.b. inseri ajcclesia gs. pecclesiae J. P 188'. — 3'^, 11 f.b. before sRteawdon insert aedeawadon Mt. 1 3, 26. 16 f.b. before imp. insert 3 pi. sedeadon Mt. 24, 1. — 4!'', 15 for sefdrell read sefdJell. 2 f.b. before deinde insert dein, post- quam. — 4'\ 24 for ns. read as. between lines 17 and lb f.b. insert -sehtatig, see htmdajhtatig. 10/'. 6. for 33 read 3. — S-"', 9 before gsm. insert hm\c J. 3, 20. 14 f.b. foil, for jElfred, sellef, fellefta, a;liiiessa read Jilfred, jellef, Jellefta, ielmessa. Sf.b. for elenwsyna read eleemosyna. Gf.b. before felniiso insert ailliuissa Mt. 6, 3; selmlssa L. 11,41. bf.b. add [See cwicillums.]. 2f. b. after Mt. insert 12,14. — 5'*, 11 dele J. 8, 15. 20 dele 19, 20. 23 after 32 insert seuigne luonno J. 8, 15. 23 f b. after 26 insert J. 9, 9. ]lfb. before 10 insert 8.21. 10/'. 6. before 9,12 insert I 2,4. 9fb. after Mt. insert I 17,12. Ifb. after Mk. insert I 2,4. 6/. 6. after L. insert 6,42. 3 /'. &. after 13 insert 19,39. — 6^, 5 before L. uisert Mt.S,29. 16/'. 6. for serest r'ead merest , and next line insert arrest. 1 2 /'. b. after parenthesis insert L. 6, 42. \)f.b. insert [See esue.]. — 6^, 15 before aedgcadre insert setgsedre L. 23, 18. 2'^ f.b. for ^fiilwald read ^Silwald, and before gs. insert ns. etiiluald J. P ISS'-*. — 7-1, 9 after 17 insert 23,35. 16 /'.fc. dele line. (, f b. after Uk. insert 2, i^. — 7'> betiveen lines 8 and 9 insert ah tta^t tin av. vermntamen, ah j> an J. 12, 42. 9/. b. for ahefgia read ahefgiga. — S'^, 7 after inf. insert ahoa Mt. 15,20. betiveen lines 17 and 18 insert -al, see sadal. 22 before gsn. insert (vvk.) alda L. 5, 39. 23 f.b. before gpf. wser^ npm. aldo J. 8, 13. VAf.b. for wnto read wiita. — 8^', 1 dele 27, 11. 5 before ap. insert aldru Mk. 13, 12. 9 /or aldoro read aldordd. Vdf.b. after 58 insert J. 2, 8. last line add ap. aldormenn Mt. 2, 4. — 9*, 4 after 3 insert 27, 41. 6 /or Aldred read Aldred. 15 for alesenise read ulesnise. 19 and 21 after aj. insert Alexandrimis. — 10'», 19 /'. b. before alio insert aalle Mt. 4, 9. 9 /'. &. for (-)almus read (-)almus. bf.b. before ambehtum insert dp. last line after Mt. insert 8, 1 9 — 11a, 21 after ane insert Mt. 5, 47 (2). between lines 23 and 24 insert -an, see rom- Errata and Addenda. 257 lit-, wacan. 25 before Mk. insert I 8, 8. 28 before Mk. insert Mt. 5, 47. 20 f b. for jincende read ancenned. — 11'-, 11 add [See eghwelc an.], bettveen lines 13 and 14 i?isert angel, see engel. 16 for singulus read singuli. 25 /or anticrist r-eatZ anti- crist, and change — , to anticrist. last line dele parenthesis, and add, on separate lines, -ar, see bolst-, cfesar; -are, see gits-, sc6aw-, scrync-, worSare. — 12*, 7 for argscipe read argscip. — 12^, bettveen lines 21 and 22 insert arwyrSiga, see ge- arwyrSiga. \%f.b. for eftasajcga read eft-, inasaecga. 10/". &. for I read 1. 2 /". 6. for sfn. read wf. — 13a, \\ for asealla read asella. — 13'', 7 before of insert of-,. between lines 20 and 21 insert -at, see sabat. 21 /'. b. add ap. aSas Mt. 5, 33. bettveen lines 20 and 21 f.b. insert -aS, see fostr-, m6na5. — 14 a, 8 before awoehton insert awehton Mt. 8, 25. 16 for awseliga read iTwfeliga. 1 f.b. for eftawaenda read eft- awoenda. 6/". ft. for asperncre read aspernari. — 14Li, 9 f.b. for 30 read 13. — 15^, 6/". 6. /b»' bean- rertcZ bean-. — 15^, 4 6e/bre 9 insert 9,12. 10 fte/bre 20 insert 20, 30. 14 /br inn- read in-, anrf 6e/bre unawritten insert ofer-. 15 /"or -writt read -writ. 25 /or awynna read awinna. 28 add J. 6, 6. 4 /. b. before baersunigo insert bsersninniho Mt. 9, 12. — 16", 18 for basniga read basniga. 23 for sm. read smn. 17/. 6. before ge- insert fore-. 10/. ft. /or sm. read wm. — 16>>, 11 after 17 iwserf berendu L. I 10, 16. 12 after 12 insert L. 21, 23 (= nati). 17 /or bearna read berna, a7ifZ so in parenthesis. 21 /or gebearscipe rearf gebearscip. bettveen lines 21 and 22 insert beam, see oelebearu. 7 /. 6. a/^er Mt. insert 7, 6 mg. 6 /. b. before J. insert 23,56. 5/. 6. &e/ore ap. ijiser^ np. bebodo Mt. 7, 6 mg. last line add bebod J. 14, 15. — 17% 21 dele line. 25 before to insert bebyrge Mt, S, 21; to bebyrgenne Mt. 8,22. bettveen lines 21 and 22 f.b. insert becerra wv. prceterire, inf. bicerre Mk. 6, 48. \bf.b. for fore-, ge- read forege-. — 17^, 5 add oportere. 17 before wigbed insert ge-. 18 /or Beda read Beda. 5 f.b. /or befora- read before-. 3 /. &. for -crist read -crist. — 18*, 18 for reperire read reperiri. 20 f.b. for inn- read in-. — 18b, 18/". 6. for behawia read behawiga. V\f.b. add beienda Mt. 9,20. 10/. 6. add oportere. 4 /. b. for 6 read 9. — 1 9 a, 6 for (-)belda read (-)belda. between lines 20 and 21 f.b. insert benemna wv. name, pp. benemned (= nomine) Mt. 9, 9. 13/". b. for ber read ber, and after 18 add bere Mt. 9, 2. lu/". 6. 6e/"ore dp. insert bero Mt. 9, 6 2/". 6. after see iwseri un-. — 19i>, 6 before Mk. insert Mt. 8, 30. 8,31. 8 before Mk. tnser^ 7,6 mg. , 8,32. 11 add [See msestelberg.]. 17/. &. for abaerna read a-, forberna. — 20 a, 3 before besiiicanne insert to. bettveen lines 9 and 10 insert articles beSecca and beSeuca of next column, between lines 16 and 17 insert article be?5orfa of next coltimn. 23 before 13 insert 9,16. 11,56. 22 f.b. before 13 insert 13,5. 21 f.b. insert adversus. 1 f.b. before w. insert betiuih Mt. 12, 26. — 20t>, 17 for bi- read be-. 20 for biweddiga read bewceddiga. 25 for inn- read in-. 17/. &. for bid read bid. — 21a, 20 f.b. add blfifigende Mt. 8, 14. 19/. 6. dele line, bettveen lines 13 and Hf.b. itisert -biht, see am-, embiht. 3 /. 6. /or sf. read sm. — 2V\ bettveen lines 2 and 3 insert binnageonga anv. introire, ind. pret. 3 sg. binna code J. 18, 15. 8 for gebirga read ge-, ingebirga. 16 after 13 add P 188'. — 22a, 1 for 10,2 read I 1, 2. 15 f.b. for -bitia read -bitiga. 13 f.b. for sv. read av. — 221^, 20 add [See foregeblind.]. 21 dele line. 15/. 6. for (-)bli5m6d read (-)bH5e- moede. — 23*, 11 after 17 insert J. 21,25. 21 for Mk. read Mt. — 23*', bettveen lines 17 atid 18/". 6. insert -bor, see cursum-, (^mbor. bettveen lines 14 and io f.b. insert -braca, see wit5erbraca. between lines 7 and 6 f.b. insert -braegd, see ge- braegd. — 24 », 1 for brecca read breca. 3 before 3 itisert 3 sg. brtecg Mt. 26, 26. 13 dele line, between lines 14 atid 15 insert breht, see berht. 16/. 6. dele for-. — 24^, 3 for ap. read dp. — 25a, lo for sm. read wm. 21 for sm. read sn. VSf.b. Cook, Northumbrian Glossary. 17 258 Errata and Addenda. article burug belongs in col. ^. — 25^, 25 f. b. add nisi. 24 f. b. before Mk. insert Mt. 5, 20. 7 f. b. before w. insert bute Mt. 5, 7 mg. 1 f. b. for 1 read 11. — 26 », 20 for domus, read house and after by insert (lytelo by = doniicilium). bottom : insert -byed, see imbyed. — 26t>, 17 before 27 insert 21, HI. 21 before 23 insert 8,28. \lf.b. before 20 insert Mt. — 27 a, 11 before as. insert calic Mk. 14,23. 19 for csesares read caeseres, and in next line insert caesares before L. 16/. 6. for cascr- ing read casering. iif.b. for caiph' read caipha'. — 27 1>, Vlf.b. after 27 insert inf. to cearfanne J. I 5, 3. 1 f.b. after 14 insert 8,34. — 28 a article cec is mis- placed, laf.b. before 2 pi. insert ceiS Mt. I 6, 17. — 28'', 7 after 8 insert (= da- mando). 23 insert parere. 2if.b. after 16 insert L. 2, 7. 20 f.b. before 6 insert cennise Mk. — 29 a, 11 before efne- insert he-,, \if.b. for sf. readwt. 2 f.b. before npm. insert clsene L. 8,10. 29^), 23 rt/^fer claensunge insert Mk. 1,44. — 30a, 5 /". ft. rt/i{er 30 insert 11,32. bettveen lines 10 anf? 11 insert cnoeda, see gecnoeda. — 30 b, 1 1 /'. b. (-)corennise read (-)corenise. — 31a, 7 for ap. read dp. 9 after pres. insert 3 sg. costaiiS Mt. I 7, 7. 12 &e/bre L. insert Mt. 4,7. 14 6e/bre apm. insert dpm. costendu Mt. I 20, 15. M f.b. add crseft Mt. 25,20. 3/". 6. for crist reati Crist, awrZ substitute crist /or" — , throughout this article. \ f.b. before 16 insert 16,16. — 3115, 10 after 9 insert I 7, 11. 2\f.b. for sfm. reacZ wfm. — 32a uf.b. for 9 read 10, flmZ /"or 19,18. 1 f.b. before 13 insert 9,10. 6/". fc. a/"^er 45 iwseri 20,12. — 32b, 22 before 9 insert 7, 1. 20 f. &. after mg. i^^er^ 18, 11 mg. 15 f. b. before under- insert 59na-. 8 f. b. for sf. read wf. Sf. b. after sg. insert Mt. I 3, 5. — 33 a, 3 after 34 insert J. 1,48. 17 after Mt. 16,1 add L. 1,1. between lines 23 awcZ 24 f.b. supply ciiopel s. navicula, ds. cuople Mt. 8,23. — 33 b, 1 before Mt. insert cuSlice. 2 /or 39 reac? 37. 5 after tremere supply febricitare. 6 after 47 supply cuacende Mt. 8, 14. 12 for cwicalmus read cwicalmus. — 33 1>, 23 for sm. read sn. 27 after cwoecca, see insert efnege-,. between lines 23 and 24 f. b. insert cwcfcd, see soS- cwoed. bf.b. before cue(5estu insert cuoede L. 20,39. — 34a \of.b. before cuisS insert cwaeS J. 3,16. Qf.b. after 25 insert Mk. 12,32. 5 /". 6. for 70 read 72. 3/". 6. /or 159 read 167. — 34^, 11 after coeS insert Mt. 8, 19. 22 f. b. after 2 sg. insert cueSe Mt. 17,9. Sfb. after 4,17 insert 9,5. — 35a, 4 &e/bre 12,32 insert 9,5. 23 a/fer 12, 48 insert J. I 5, 7. I 6, 17. 13 f. 6. a/ifer Mt. wseri 8, 27. 8, 29. 8, 31. — 35 b, 8 for cuoednQ read cuoednu, and after it insert (= hymno). between lines 13 and 14 insert cymniend, see ofercymmend. 11 read yfle-, yflegecwoeSa for yfle- cwoe(?a. 17 after rex insert tetrarcha. 26 before einig itisert cynig (gs.?) Mt. 2,22. 18/: 6. /or M. read Mt. — 36 a, 6 after 30 insert L. 12,30. 11 after Mt. mserf 10, 18. 16 after generatio insert genealogia. — 37a, 24 f.b. after L. insert J. 9,11. 22, f.b. after 75 insert 2,1. 17 f.b. before J. insert L. 4,31. 15,13. IS f.b. /or rest read raest. Vlf.b. for seternes read Seternes. Sf.b. before L. insert Mk. I 5, 16. — 37 b, 22 for daell, «fdaell, read dsell, aefd^U. 24 for t6dalnise read t6d£elnise. 26 after azymum insert gs. Saerstes Mt. I 20,2, Mk. I 3,19. 27 for — , read daerste. 31 after Mt. insert 16,6. 36 after Mt. insert J. 7, 11. If.b. add as. daviS L. I 3, 2. — 38 a, 9 before J. insert Mk. 9,46. 15 before 15 insert 8,25. 8,32. 24 f.b. before J. insert Mt. 8,22(2). 16/1 ft. before opt. insert 3 pi. deadedon Mt. 8, 32. between lines 1 and 2 /". 6. insert dearflic aj. prcesumtor , dp. dearflicum Mt. I 2, 2. Zrtsi line for dearfscipe read dearfscip ; after temeritas add prcesumtio ; before gs. insert ns. — , Mt. I 1,4. — 38b, l for — , read dearfscipe. 24 for prochemium read prooemium. \l f.b. dele the line. 5 f. b. carry Segla (= latere) J. I 8, 5 to degla wv. — 39a, 12 for deor, dior, read deore, diore. 18 for sm. read sn. ; after adul- teriuni add fornicatio\ after as. insert dernelegere Mt. 19,9. 19 before np. insert Errata and Addenda. 259 dernelogra Mt. 15, 19. — 26 for dornelegerscipe read dernelegerscip. 27 for — , rertfZ dornelegcrscipe. \df.b. dernimge, etc. falls xmder the preceding ivord. between lines 16 and llf.b. insert -dia, see hlafdia. r>f.b. after 12 insert 9,42. — 39b, 17 before gp. insert diowles Mt. 8,31. 22 before ap. insert dp. dioblu Mk. 9, .38. 26 after 24 insert 8, 16. 8,28. 8,33. — 40*, 7 for aw. read&nv. \8fb. after il insert 6,1. — 40>>, 21 before doa insert doe L. 18, 18. 2fb. dele yfel. — 41«, 4 before Mk. insert Mt. 28, 1. 8 before siinne insert halig-, ; for simne read sunna. 19 for homilies read hominem. between lines 12 and 13f.b. insert doend, see yfeld6end. 10/'. 6. after 1 insert L. 2,46. — 41 b, I'.ifb. for 1 sg. read 3 sg. Sf.b. before 11 insert 8,21. — 42 a, 12 before L. insert Mt. 8,25. — 42^, 10 after 25 insert (2). 18 after 4d insert J. i, 12. 29 before 2b insert 2b, ^5. 34 before Mt. insert (— ebriis). 3f.b. for dryu read dryum. 2f.b. after dryga insert wv. arescere, extergere, ind. pres. 3 sg. drygeS J. 15, 6; pret. 3 sg. drygde J. 12, 3; inf. dryga J. 13, 5. — 43-'>, 10 after gedrysna read undrysnende. 18 before Mk. insert Mt. I 18, 11. 23 after ds. insert duni Mt. 26, 30. 24 after ofdune insert ufa hidi'me. 29 for aduneastiga read a-, ofduneastiga. 35 for sfn. read sf. — 43 ^ between lines 32 and 32 inseji dyrstgiga, see gedyrstgiga. last line for ealond read ealond. — 44*, 1 at and insert [See Lindisfearnealonding]. 34 for sn. read wn. — 44 b, 1 before 11 insert 9,11. 22 after 37 insert 8,2. 23 before eata insert setta L. 12,45. 13/". 6. after Mt. inseii 9,5. — 45 a, 13 after 22 insert dp. eawendum Mk. 15,7. 19 /or eaung rea(i eauung. — 45 "J betiveen lines 4 a?i(^ 5 iwsej-i ecgefylla, see gefylla. 16 for ecssecga read ecgesaecga. between lines 19 and 20 insert -ed, see aucenn-, forswiS-, forwer-, frumcenn-, gewcerg-, htem-, imascend-, imawoemm-, unawoerd-, unby-, unceap-, un- hiw-, imlfer-, unrehthjem-, unscirp-, unwo'ded. 21 before gs. insert edo Mt. 8, 32. %f.b. after sero insert vesper. 8 /'. 6. before ds. hisert ns. eferntid Mt. S, 16, and after 35 arfc^ eferntid Mt. 8,16. bfb. add [See allefne]. 3 /'. ft. rZeie .all-. — 46*, 12/'. fc. /'or conversare read conversari. — 46'', 1 for efnegecwoecciga read efnege- cwoecca. last line add ind. pret. 3 pi. efnegeSohton Mt. Il,3. betioeen lines 26 and 27 insert efnet5ea sm. conservus, ds. efnetiea Mt. 1 20, 14. — 47", 20 for efne- sprec read efnesprec. 34 for contristare read contristari. — 47 1", 8 before J. insert L. 24,2. \bf.b. for eftawcecca read eftawsecca. — 48*, 10/". &. after 2,13 insert 3, 20. between lines 9 and 10 insert eftgeceiga wv. revocare, ind. pret. 3 sg. eft- geceigde J. 11,3. — 49*, 13 at end add (eftgemyndgo wosat5 = reminiscamini). betioeen lines 22 and 21 f. b. insert eftgewcega sv. remetiri, pp. eftgewoegen Mk. 4,24. insert the article eftlesing before cftlifiga. — 49 b, 14 /"or eftongeata read ah- ongeatta. 25 after 19 add 14,13. 6 /". 6. for eftt6tea read cfttoa. bf.b. /"or Mk. read Mt. — 50*, 4 for eftwillnige read eftwillniga. 28 after [1 add J. :i, 16. between lines 17 and 18/". 6. insert -eiSa, see fifteiiia. — 50 b, mf.b. before eorSeryp- insert eng-; after eorScryp- inse^i faederceS-. 11/". 6. after cun- insert ger-, and for ge- gyrela read gegerela. — 51*, 21 after 12,2 insert embehtade Mt. 8,11. 9 /". &. after ag- insert anuorg-, betwi- ; after blindbor- insert byd-; for gaefelscl- read gefag-, gelef-; dele gyldsel-; after hteS- itisert leafgewritt- ; dele mseg-, monnmjeg-; for scrip- read scrip- ; for scyldsel- read sel- ; after ticg- insert t6morg- ; after unawritt- insert imforlet-; after iingelef- i^isert unslitt-, iinSweg-, wellbor-, wivp-, wolc-. betiveen lines 1 and 2f.b. insert end, see and; -end, see bi'i-, ciric-, d*l-, dure- hald-, fordo m-, gehseft-, hfel-, help-, londbu-, O'ht-, ofercymm-, sell-, tel-, (5orf-, Si'is-, unber-, ungelef-, winw}Tc-, wd'penber-, wyrc-, yfeld6-. — 51'' between lines 11 and 12 insert -ende, see lix-, mishsebb-, imlifig-, unscend-, unwitt-, welfreniiu-, yfel- wyrcende. 17 before ds. insert endebred' L. I 4, 16. 27 before gs. insert Mk. 11,13. 17* 260 Errata and Addenda. — 52 a, 3 for engellic read engelic. 32 before 27 insert 23,35. 9 /". 6. after eorS- crypple insert Mt. 9,2. 9,0. 6/16. before ap. insert eorScrypel Mt. 9,2. — 52'', 4 after sec insert seft-; after bisin- insert broS-; after toS- insert gif liweS-; after hxvag- insert hwet5-; after in- insert magist-. 15 after cunn- insert derneleg-; o/fer pin- insert pund-; for sceac- read sceac-; after sett- insert toslit-. — 53 a, betiveen lines 11 and 12 insert -es, see t6middes. 16 after 14 insert 8,17. 18 /or channa- nesc read channan-, and add galil-, magdalen-, nazaren-, nazaresc. 36 before efne- esne insert sesnemonn. 38 for 9 read 11. 39 for 8,17 re«(Z 6, 14. — h^^, 7 /or eswice read eswic, and for siu. read sn. between lines 19 onrZ 20 insert -e3, see legeS; -eSa, see sehteSa anri -eiSa. 22 /"or CESilwald read M, 6 a/'to- 2 rtfW ap. f;ermo Mt. 22,2. 24 dele be-. 35 after be-, insert ge-. — 55 a, 24 for Srilald read Srifald. 29 for Srifaldlice read Srifaldlice. — bh'^, \ for sm. read sn. — 50 a, 8 /'. 6. before as. insert ds. — , Mt. 26,9. — 50^, 31 insert [See swse feolo.] — 57a, § after 3,8 inseri I 7, 8. 11 before 24 insert I 8, 2. 1 8, 3; after 31 acZci fcwere Mt. I 0, 2, betiveen lines 4 «nfi 3/16. insert fiaga, see getiaga. — 5715, 13 after 20 rtcW (3). 15 after dat. insert fif Mt. I 19, 15. 17 after quingenti insert quinquageni. 18 after 41 add fif bund J. 18,12, fif hand L. 9, 14. 12 fb. after in- inseri inon-. — 58^, 10 before apm. insert ds. flegende Mt. I 8, 5. 26 f. b. insert fliiere. W fb. after ge-, insert in-. — 59 a, 7 a/"^er exire insert subire. 12 rt/'fer pret, insert 1 sg. foerde L. 11,24; 2 sg. foerdes J. 16,30. 23 for sf. read sn. /'. &. /or windgef'onne read windgcfonn. — 59^' between lines 7 atid 8 insert foragemnise sf. observatio, ds, fa gemnise L. 17,20. 4/". 6. affer 25 insert fcrvmen L. I 7, 0, — 60 a, 39 after Mt. insert 8,16. 4fb. for s rertd 3. — 60 b, 14 /or pret. read prep. 16 &e/bre L. insert Mk. 7,27. — 61a between lines 17 ancZ ISf.b. insert forefylga wv. prosequi, ind. pres. 3 sg. forefylgeS J. I 6, 18. 11 fb. after prceparare insert yrcBstare. \bf.b. after sg. insert f'egeanias Mk. 1 2, 6. 1,2. between lines 5 and 6 /'. b. insert foregeblind aj. obca'catus ns. f'egeblind Mk, 6,52. — 61 'j, 4 after 4 add f'ege- gearwad (= jjrojjosiitonis) Mk. 2,26. — 62", 10 for forelatwa read forelatwii, 15 for f 'liora read f 'lioro, — 62 '', 1 f b. for foretacen read foretacon. — 63 a, 1 insert jjrcemeditari. — 64*, 4 before pret. iiisert 3 pi. f'hogas Mt. 7,6 mg. bf.b. before Mk. insert 27,15. 27,17. 3f.b. before 14 insert 5,40. — 64^, 27 add f'longe L. 10,13. 23,19. — 65a, 15 after prodesse insert resistere. 16 after 6^ wscTH'stondaS L. 9, 25. 17 after 19 add inf. f'stonda L. 6, 29; to f'stondanne L. I 5,8. 19/". b. for adferre read afferre. — 65^, 13 dele pro-, and all that follows 27. 18 add autem. II fb. add [See swee forSor]. -- 66 a, 'Sf.b. for fotscd^mel read fotsccemel. 2 and If.b. change oe to oc. — 66 b, 5 change as. to ds. 13 change frseppiga to frsepgiga. 67^, \1 f.b. insert fronisella wv, erogare, ind. pret. 3 sg. fro salde L. 8,43, 13 fb. for sm. read wm. — 09 a, 7 after L. inset t {— comitatu L, 2,44). — 70 a, 2b f.b. for geabida read geabida. — 12 f.b. for sfn. read sf. — 70'^, 10 for geane read geana. 10 dele line. — 70 1j, 24 add induere. — 22 f.b. before imp, insert 2 pi, gearniga Mt. 6,25. — 72a, \\ f.b. after 2 insert gebundenne Mt. 27,15. — 721^ dele line 14, and insert geblind, see ofgeblind. — 73a, 28 before opt. insert gebrohten Mk. 9, 20, 1 2 f. b. for ofgebrenga read of-, t6gebrenga. — 73 ^., 7 add inclinare. 10 after J. insert 8,6. 8,8; before 3 pi, insert gebeg J, 20,5, — 74a, 2I f.b. insert geceyged Mt. 1, 16, 27,8, — 74^, 21 f.b. after inf. insert geclsensiga Mk. 1,40. — 75a, Vif.b. for conare read conari. — 77 a, 15 /". 6. /"or gedrysn(i)a rcarf gedrysn(ig)a. — 78a, last line add transmigratio. — 78'', 1 add gefaellnise Mt. 1,12, Sf.b. add Errata and Addenda. 261 exire. Af.b. add J. 1, 43. — 79% 2(j f. 0. after 87 add J. I 5, II. hr.twecn lines 23 and 24 msert gefesirriga wv. diHcedere, avellere, opt. pret. 3 sg. gefcarradc L. ^, 37 ; pp. gcfearrad L. 22,41. 7 f. I>. for reperire read rejjeriri. — S0», 21 for 16 read 6. — 80'', 22 for consolare read consolari. df.b. add connequi. — 81 =i, 20 before J. insert gefylldo, and for 11 read 12. — 81'', 2(5 before pp. iwseri inf. gegonia Mt. I 1,9. — 82a, 4 after 21 read L. 24,4. 10 for gegiwiga read gegiwiga. — 82'', 2 before gelifeftend insert gchadiga wv. ordain, pp. np. gehadadc Mt. 7,(1 nig. 17 after Mt. insert I 19, 17. — 83 1', 1 add exaltare. 2 add pp. gcliefon L. 14, II. — SV> transpose articles gehrin and gchrina. after 'If.b. insert gehrioppa, sec gerioppa. — 85 «, 11, 13 for gehwelc read gehwclc. — 85 1^, 9 /or efne- read cfne-, to-, if.b. after (» add npm. gelseredo (= doeibilis) J. 6,45. — 86a, 4 after 11 add [See t6ge- laSiga]. Sfb. before L. insert Mt. 17, 18. — 87 a, 10 add [See iingelrfen]. 15 after ind. insert pres. 3 pi. geleornas Mt. I 15,2. 17 after 15 i7isert gelearnade Mt. 2,7. 9/'. b. after 17 insert J. I 5, 1, and for ongelic read on-, uiigelic. 3 f. b. for swa read swfe. — 87'', 20 for ongelicnise read on-, ungelicnise. (yf.b. before gs. insert ns. geliornis Mt. 4, 15. — 88 a, 21 before Mt. insert gelilutes. — 88'', 10 for sn. read wn.(?). 28 for genierc read gemorce, and for sn. read wn. 30 dele line. \2,f.b.for ofergeuierciga read ofer-, tugemerciga. — 89 1>, Af.b. for genacediga rear? genaciga. — 90 a, 9/'. ft. before 3 insert L. 19,41, geneo Mt. 27,58. — 90'', 20 after Mt. insert 4,5. 2f.b. before L. insert 16,19. — 91 a, 9 /". &. add [See ne Sa geane]. bf.b. after 20 itiscr^ geondetade L. I 4, 7. — 91'', 10/". 6. &e/bre 3 insert geondearde Mt. 16,10. — 92a, 10 for bi- read be-. 11 after ofer-, insert on-. 21 /".ft. /^e/bre gaeS insert gaS L. 11,24. 2f.b. after pi. iwseri eadon Mt. 26,55. — 92'', 11 after 41 arffiMk. 6, 10. 17 /or 13, 31 reac? (10 times). 19 /".?>. a/'l^er Mk. tMsrrM, 38. 1 fb. for prcecellebat read prcecedebat. Sf.b. after be-, add binna-. — 93'' beticeen lines 23 and 24 insert gerioppa sv. nietere, inf. ge'Tioppa J. 4,38. — 94 a, 12 before Mk. insert Mt. 27,15. Tlf.b. dele as. amZ transpose geryno L. I 11,2 to folloiv mg. — 94b, 5 for 9 rmfZ 11. 6 /". 6. /or gescdo rear? gesceoe. — 95a, \sf.b. before pret. inseti ind. pres.(?) 3 sg. gescyrte J. I 3, 12. — 95^ 7 rtfier 17 add (2). 18 a/'fer gesseh add L. 10, 18. — 26 after Mk. insert 5,38. 22 fb. after Mt. i?(6'cr^ 2,2, and for the second 25,39 read 2,12. — 96^, 19/'. ?^. add erogare. — 96'', 2i) after ind. i«ser^ pres. 3 sg. gesendes Mt. 7, 19. — 98'', 1 for fabulare read fabulari. 3 for demolire read demoliri. — 99 a, 21 for comfortare read confortare. — 101", 9 for contestare read contestarl. — 102a, 22 for cruciare read cniciari. — 102'', Wf.b. for contamnare read contaminare. — 1 03 a, nf.b. for gewceg rcrtfZ gewcege. Wf.b. add [See oftgewoega], — 105 a, 24/'. 6. transpose L. and 15,12. — 105->, 6 for 22,21 read 21,22. — 106a, -, fb. for Mk. I 15,9 read Mt. I 17,16. — 107», 14 for evan- gelicus read evangelizare — 109'', 22 f.b. for first 15 read 11. — 107'', 26 for 19,5 read 21,10. — 110'', 2i f.b. for halscod, read halscode, and for sm. read wui. — Ilia, 7 /or pp. read pres. p. — '11'', 9fb. dele [See a-, gehefgiga]. — 112*, 9 /". 6. for sn. read wn. — 112'', after I. 24 insert hqfg'iga., see a-, geliefgiga. — 113*, 1 for hera read hcra. — 114'', 22 f.b. for heremonn read heremonn. — 117", 10/". 6. for hornsceaS read hornsceaSa, and for sf. read wm. — 117'', 3 for linifi read linen? df.b. poinitere read pcenitere. — 118a, 13 for sf. read sn. — IIS^ \Hfb. dele from asn. to quantus inclusive, between lines 8 and 9 f.b. insert hn monig aj. quot, liu manig Mt. 16, 9; hu monig Mt. 16, 10. Mk. (5,38 ; luiu monig Mk. s, 19. 8, 20; bu monigo Mt. 15,34; insert hn oit, see oft. — 118'', 7 /". 6. for tun- read twu-. — 120^ 20 dele of-. 22 f.b. for hwelchwoene read hwelchwcene. — 121" last li^ie for hwistle read hwistel. — 121'', 18 for (-)hwcEue read (-)bwc)ene. — 123*, Sfb. after pron. insert 262 Errata and Addenda. idem, ille, ipse, idi2}sum. — 124^^, 14 for lindisfearnalond- read Lindisfearnalond-, — 126a, 1^ for inting read intinge, and for s. read w. 2\f.h. for inting read intinge. — 127'!, 5 for leht- read leht-. — J27t», 2(j for gsf. read gsn. 1 fh. dele iuera Mt. 12,27(2). — 128^, 10 dele fist-. — 129 a, 8 /". 6. for sn. rend sf. 2 /'. fc. for sm. read win. — 130a, 1 for sn. 7-c«c? sni. IQf.b. for sm. read ■wm. — 131 b, H for long n'rtfZ longe. tra^ispose articles les'wn rt^uneswiga. — 132 a, of.b. for foful- read fofald-. — 133 a, 14 for liffsesta read Hffsestiga. — 133'', 1 for land read island. — 134a, ]e after 1,8 insert {= vicis). — 134a, 22 after 1,5 insert (^ vice). — 134b, 5 dele swfe-. 15 for hn read hii, swte.. — 135^, 5 for s. read sf. 16 for luh read Iiih. — 13Sa, 2\f.b. for c]. read n}. — ISS'^ transpose articles M&thens atul M&tSalmg. — 2Af.b. for vasa read vas. — 139^, 21 f.b. for inmerca read in-, onmerca. — 141a, 16 for sm. read sn. 26 for mile read mil. — 142a, 25 for sm. read wm. 2 f.b. for s. read sn. — 144", \if.b. for here- read here-. 13 f.b. for ripe- read ripe-. — 144b, ! /'or 39 read 37. 22 for sm. ?-eflfZ wm. — 145a, 9 after mseg- insert monnma^g-. — 145^, 4 for sm. read wm. — 146^, 6 for necessarium read necessarius. 15 for tributus read tributum. ]9f.b. for sf. read sn. \1 f.b. for 4 read 44. — 149 b, 3 /". fc. before olebeanias i^isert gs. — 152^, 6 for oferwriten read oferwritten. — 155b, 21 f.b. add hodiernus. — 156a, 12 for reperire read reperiri. — transpose article onlora to precede onforageonga. — 160 a bottom insert new lemma, pise s. j^^^^i under it place the reference from L. 15, 16, and dele the same under lemma pis. — 160i>, 14/". 6. for sf. read wf. (?) — 162 b. 21 f.b. for sf. read sn. — 163 1' between lines 22 and 23 insert -rod, see hiorod. — 164^, 16 for Sfeburg read sgeburug. — 166 a beginning tvith article scene, and including article scilling, transpose to precede scimiga, next page. 10 for sceo read sceoe, and for smn. read sn. 18 for wm. read sf. — 166t>, IS f.b. add [See hornsceaSa]. — 167^, 13/'. i. dele line. — 168*, 2 for sfn. read sf, — 168^, 7 before Mt. insert tSsem. b f.b. after 31 insert L. 12,46. — 173 a, Sf.b. for smu.{?) read sn. — 173b, 1 dele as. smeaunga L. I 6, 10. 5 before 5 insert 16, 10. — 174b, 12 f.b. dele pieriod after first as. — 17Sa, 'f.b. dele inting-. — ISOb, 7 add [See feolo]. — 182a, 8 for swice, eswice read swic, 6swic. — lS4b, 9/". 6. for eftto- read eft-. — 185 a, 24 for aspernare read aspernari. — 186 a, 12 for as. read ap.(?) — 187* transpose article togeeca and togedegla. — lS9b, 11 for triigia read trugiga. — 190 a, 6 for twiga read twiga. — 191b, 20 fo^ h^.^ ^ead hwii. — 192 b, 20 insert illic. Sf.b. for pcrcontare read percontari. — 198 b, 8 /". 6. dele Mk. — 194 b cita- tions under Sirdda, dsm., belong under ism. I'Sf.b. for siSe L. read si5a L. 9/'. 6. for f. read wf — 195 a between lines 3 and 4/. b. insert Sonawseria wv. prceterire, ind. pret. 3 sg. wserlde (5ona J. 9, 1. — I96a, 25 for ap. read np. — 196b, e i7isert ter- nus. 24/". 6. for hundradun rear? hundradum. — 198*, lb f.b. /"or unadrysendlic reatZ uuadrysnendlic. 11 for unascended read uniiscended. — 199 a, 24 for npn. read np. 11 f.b. for undercyning read undercynig. — 201b, j4 for contristare read con- tristari. — 204 a, 25 f.b. for sn. read sf. bottom insert w^eliga, see awteliga. — 204b, 8 f. b. for waestm read WEestm. — 206 b, 21 for wiflfreond read wiflfriond. 22 /. b. for altar read altare. — 208 b, 25 for sm. read sn. — 211a, 7 dele line. — 211b, 2 for sm, read sf. 5 for gewoeg read gewoege. — 212b, 7 for wcerga read wcerga, 10 read awoerga; gewcerged. — 213 b, 21 f.b. dele as. — 216a, 22 a/'fer ofera- insert ofer-. between lines 23 and 24 insert writsgex sn. calamus, ds. vrittssex Mt. I 2, 18. — 216b, 9 for sn. read sm. — 217a, 'f.b. for nosse read noscere. — 217b, bf.b. add ignorare. — 218 a, IQf.b. /"or (-)wynna read (-)winna. — 219a, \q for sm. read will. — 219b, 22 dele yflo Mt. 5,37. — 226a, 3 for gemersiga read gemersiga. — Errata and Addenda. 2C3 226'', 28 foil, for smeaga, denca read smeaga, Senca. — 227'', 21 for gebed read gebed. — 229 <\ 7 for si5a read sitia. — 229'', 6 for otdi'inegestiga read -stiga. 18 for Inst read lust. 19/1 6. for acwoeda read acwwfia. — 230'', 19 for rixiga read rixiga. — 23 1*, 37 for Sonagerona read iSonagerowa. — 231'', \Af.b. /"or biita read buta. — \2fb. /br aheawa reaci ahoawa. — H f. b. for awaicca read awsecca. — 234", 27 for ebrisclise read ebrisclice. — 237'', 23 for gedwan read geSwden. — 239'', 18 for mutnari read mutiiari. — X^SO^O^SX*— Printed in the office of Ehrhardi Karras, lialle a. S. 4 i ^5^t•llBRARYQc '^vlLIBRARYa^ ^ILIBRARYQ^ "^Aa^AiNn-Jwv^ ^ojiwDJo'^ A\^EUNIVtRJ//, &Ayvaaii-^^ ,^WE•UNIVER5•/A oc - ^m. ^ -^ CO O -n UJ 5KAKY0 ^ f <^HIBRARYa^ ^ i < i — ' ^ =0 '^(!/0JnV3JO^ AWEI)MIVERS"//> vvlOSANCElfj^, ^ ^ — ^ ^TilJONVSOl^ "^AiiaAlNa 3WV ^IIIBRARY<9a, -^^^ "^(i/OJIlVDJO^^ ^ u? ^. ,^,OF-CAllF0/?4^ AV^EONIVERi-//- vj,lOSANCElfX;> o ^^AHvaan-i'^'^ O ^vWSANCElfx> ^v^lllBRARYQ<;^ .^lUBRARYO/;^ ^^WE•U^JIVERS•/^ ^Aa3AINa-3WV ^ ^ =^7 , , _ o NIVER% ^lOSANCElfj-;^ ^^.OFCALIFO^ ,^,OF■CA[IF0/?^ ,^WE•UNIVER5•/^ >- <: 03 5 --7^^^ 5\ \WEUNIVERS/A. A^lOSANCElfj: ^■mimm'^ %a3AiNa-3WV ^^^l■llBRARVl ^' 020 7 N. 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