lA^' p^T^^: 1 ireGtory n XT T-X v^ > AND ManiI Mexico.Cl.. , ralAmerica, West Indies. aQ>o ;SiO>\/ -'•• -^«.- -^/-^'^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ^^.^j ;^:¥cJ f THE ONLY WOF^K OF THE KIND PUBLISHED. New. Revised and Complete Classified Trades Directory AND MERCANTILE MANUAL OF , M]B:XI<30, CENTRAL y\MERICA y\fJD THE WEST INDIA ISLANDS, GIVING THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL THE • Leading Merchants, Dealers, Planters, Mine Owners, Professional Men and others in the Principal Cities and Towns of MEXICO, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, San Salvador, Cuba, Jamaica, Porto Rico, Santa Croiz, St. Thomas, Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad, New Providence and Demerara. OFFICIjlLLY ENDORSED BY THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE COUNTRIES ^AMED. E. H. DELMAR, Author of'' Delmar's Business Directory of Central and South America," How to Securt Trade with Spanish- America,'" ''A Winter in the Tropics," etc. COPYRIGHT, 1889, BY BELFORD, CLARKE & CO. PRiai; - - - S12.00. i " CHICAGO AND NEW YORK \ BELFORD, CLARKE & CO., PUBLISHERS. J O.A.TJTIO>T- Soon after the publication of my last South American Directory, in 1887, some rascally and unprincipled speculators procured copies of the same, from which they prepared MSS. and type-written lists of names, boldly stolen from my work — which these scamps elaborately padded with many bogus names to swell the lists — and palmed off these alleged lists of foreign addresses as original, charging the foolish pur- chasers for a small list four or five times the price charged for my entire work. I hereby notify these pirates and frauds, that, if this thing is again attempted, I will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. And I caution the public, in this country and Europe, to refrain from pur- chasing these stolen lists of addresses. E. H. DELMAR. B^"To find anything and everything, always CONSULT THE INDEX PAGES. PREFACE. The object of this work is to present to the mercantile com- munity a thoroughly practical, comprehensive, instructive and useful Commercial Guide and Classified Business Directory of the countries named. I have endeavored to present a work which will afford the greatest amount of useful information in the briefest and most direct manner possible. In compiling this work for business men, I decided to eschew all unnecessary historical and political statistics and other useless twaddle, of little or no interest to the business com- munity, confining myself solely to such statistical and general information as will prove useful to business men seeking or desiring trade relations with the countries named in this work. Besides a practical commercial guide book, this work presents a full, complete and strictly reliable, recently compiled Classified Business Directory of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies, giving the names and addresses of all merchants, dealers, planters, mine owners, professional men, and others who are buyers of and dealers in American and English goods. I also point out, from my own long experience in those coun- tries, the best and most practical methods of trading witli the natives — how to secure their patronage, and how to trade with safety and profit. In a work of this magnitude and complex character, especially wIth treating of foreign countries, there may be found a l(;w unimportant errors, and, possibly, omissions; but, as a whole, this work is i'KRFECTLV reliaijlk and trustworthy, and our 4 PREFACE. patrons may rest assured that the names herein contained are bona fide — Hve, active merchants, dealers and professional men. This work is compiled and revised up to January, 1889. In offering this Business Directory to the public, I do not represent it as containing" every insignificant town, village and hamlet in the countries named, nor does it contain the names of every little shopkeeper, barber, milliner, boarding-house, cigar- shop, tavern or bar-room, or any trades or professions that are in no way interested in or of interest to our manufacturers and merchants. I have endeavored to include all the leading whole- sale and retail merchants and dealers, and all professional men who deal in or who require American or English manufactures and products. I present an interesting, plain business talk on the value and importance of Mexico and the West Indies as a profitable and ^ ready market for the sale of American, English and Canadian products and manufactures, showing how you can work off your surplus stock to advantage in the above-named markets ; fully and clearly explaining the customs, character and wants of the people of Mexico, Central America, Cuba, Porto Rico and the other West India Islands, their manner of doing business, and how American merchants and manufacturers can successfully ■compete with Europeans for the valuable trade of the above countries. If the patrons of this work will devote an occasional leisure hour to a careful perusal and examination of the contents, they will find many items that are not only instructive but of consid- erable business importance, the study of which will well repay the time and trouble of investigation. E. H. Delmar. Chicago, April, 1889. INDEX TO General Contents. PACK. A Brief Introduction ..-. 9 A Business Tour through Mexico and Cuba 11 About Passports ...---- 2G0 About Samples of Merchandise - - - - 259 Advantages in Mailing Circulars, etc. -------- 257 American Goods Suitable for the Markets of Mexico, Cuba and West Indies - 35 American Trade with Cuba ---------- 263 Along the Line of Mexican Central Railway ------- 14 Allegations of Lawlessness in Cuba ---------18 Antigua, Trades Directory - - - - 210 Arrival at Havana - - -.- - - - - - - - -21 Attractions for American Tourists - -19 British West Indies Customs Tariff - - - - 4S3 Business Hints and Pointers 37 Business Opportunities in Cuba 258 Caution ------ 2 Commercial Travelers in Cuba - - - 17" Commercial Data 272 Costa Rica, Trades Directory - 119 Cuba, Trades Directory - 150 Custom House, Havana ----- 21 Culjan Custom House Taritl" - - 451 Drummers' Samples --- 260 Demerara, Trades Directory - - 212 Exports to British Honduras - '-S4- Exports to Britisli West Indies - - "-SO Exports to Central America - - - 2S1 Exports to Cuba - - ' - " 285 Exports to Danish West Indies ;^*'^ Exports to Dutch West Indies j^*^'-^ Exports to French West Indies 298 Exports to Ihiyti • ^'^^ Exports to Mexico "''^ Exports to Puerto Rico -'^-'^ Exports to San Domingo - - - --'^ Exports to United States of Colombia ^*'*- Exphmatory Notes ^^J Foreign Weights and Measures -'* French West Indies, Customs Tariff -^-'^ 6 Index to Genekal Contents. PAGE. Getting Ready for the Trip -... 20 Gold and Silver Coin, Imports and Exports -.-.... 306 Guatemala, Trades Directory ----- 121 Havana and its Attractions - _-.17 Hotels, in Spanish America - - - -' 21 Horse Cars and Stages, Havana -- - - - - - - -23 How to Sell Goods - . . . . 257 Honduras, Trades Directory -------.._ 127 Imports from British Honduras -- 283 Imports from British West Indies -------.. 288 Imports from Cuba ------------ 285 Imports from Danish West Indies ------... 299 Imports from Dutch West Indies --.---.-. 301 Imjiorts from French West Indies --------- 297 Imports from Central America ---------- 280 Imports from Hayti ----- 293 Imports from Puerto Rico -- - 271 Imports from San Domingo -------... 295 Imports from United States of Colombia -------- 303 Jamaica, Trades Directory - 217 Mexico, Trades Directory -----------41 Mexican Cigar Industry ---- -- 263 Mexican Money ------------- 273 Mexican Tariff ------------- 315 Mexican Weights and Measures - - - . 317 Mexican Maritime and Frontier Custom Houses - 318 Nassau, Trades Directory -- 222 Nicaragua, Trades Directory - - - - 130 Packing and Shipping Goods ---------- 261 Pointers on Cuban Railway Travel --------- 33 Political Outlook for Cuba - - - - - - - - - --34. Preface --------.---.. -3 Puerto Rico, Trades Directory - - - 224 Republics of Central America ---------- 265 Selling Goods in Spanish America --------- 260 Sending Out Commercial Travelers --------- 258 Speaking the Spanish Language ---------39 Steamship Lines from the United States to the Countries named in this Directory 254 Supplementary Mexican Tariff ----- 435 San Salvador, Trades Directory - - - - - - - - - 147 Santa Cruz, Trades Directory ---------- 234 St. Thomas, Trades Directory ---------- 236 Santo Domingo, Trades Directory --------- 235 St. Lucia, Trades Directory ---------- 237 St. Yiucent, Trades Directory -- 239 Steamship Connections in Cuba 37 The West India Islands - - 269 Traveling in Cuba -.--..- 38 Trinidad, Trades Directory - - - - - - - - - 240 United States of Colombia, Trades Directory ------- 135 Values and Classification of Imports from and Exports to the Countries named in this Work - - - - 309 EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR THE GUIDANCE OF THOSE USING THIS DIRECTORY AND MANUAL. SPANISH-AMERICAN MERCHANTS. With comparatively few exceptions, the wholesale and "jobbing" merchants marked ("general"), the importers and the " warehousemen " in almost all the Central and South American countries, are buyers and dealers in every description of foreign merchandise and manufactures, from })ins to machinery, powder, fire-arms, toys, lumber, provisions, beer, pianos, organs, medicines, hardware, carriages ; also wines, flour, groceries, dry goods, novelties, oils, varnishes, paints, hats, boots and shoes, etc. As a rule, wholesale houses do not handle watches and jewelry, that line of goods being confined to the retailer. The commission merchant also imports and deals in general merchandise, but usually on consignment or com- mission. HOW TO ADDRESS LETTERS. In addressing Spanish letters, the following rules should be observed: Place before the name, if in the singular, Sr. Don; if in the plural, Sres. Thej- Ca., means 6^ Co. The words at the end of some firm names : e Hijo or Hijos, Hermano or Hermafios, Sobrino or Sobrinos, Viuda de, mean, respectively, Son or Sons, Brother or Brothers, Nephew or Nephews, and Widow of. Before the Portuguese names (Brazil only), place Snr. for the singular, and Siirs. for the plural, the Don is not used. The words Irftiao or Irmaos, Filho or Filhos, Sobrinho or Sobrinhos and Viiiva, mean also : Brother or Brothers, Son or SonSy Nephew or Nephews, and Widoiv of. PREPARING CIRCULARS AND PRICE-LISTS. It is of great importance to manufacturers and merchants that the circulars and price-lists they send abroad should be short and to the point, and in the lan- guage of the countries to which they are addressed; otherwise they will waste time and money, since it is obvious that a merchant receiving a circular in a language he does not understand will take but little notice of it. POSTAL RATES. The rate of ])ostage to Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America is five cents #per half ounce, sealed letters, and one cent for two ounces or less printed matter (opened), all of which must be jjrcpaid by stam])s. » ERRATA. Postal Rates. sonal historv tiian usually appears on the register of your native land. The book is 22 Delmar's Trades Directory akd Mercantile Manual. ruled ia columns, and each has its heading; the first is Fecha cle Entrada, date of arrival; the next is Nombres, names; then the Natunilidad, or nationality ; next Besi- ■dencia, residence ; then the one that ladies, at least, should not be required to fl[ll out, the one which shows Edad, age of the guest; the next is also peculiar, it is Estado, the state of arrival, married or single, I suppose, as the average is sober. Then fol- lows the Profesion column, to show your profession ; after that is the one showing Procedencia, whence you went; then Fecha de SaJida tells date of departure, and the last column is Numero de Orden, giving the number of guests. These columns are not now imperatively used, but in the days of wars, revolu- tions and insurrections, when they wanted to know all about everybody, they were required to be filled out, but the war taxes remain the same, and a revenue stamp must be placed on the register opposite each name. Bell-boys are plenty, and very properly do not wait in the office, but on the floor where they attend; so, when you ring, he does not have to tramp up four flights to find out what is wanted, tramp down, and then back to your room. The Cuban bell- boy waits near the annunciator on each floor; ring your bell, and he is at your door in a moment, and not with a pitcher of ice-water — -they don't drink ice-water in Cuba — at least Cubans don't; an earthen jar, very porous, so that the water does not get too warm, is placed in each room, and kept filled with fresh water, so that only Americans call for ice-water, and that is brought in a glass, as it is not supposed that anybody wants much ice-water. An early morning ring from the average room means coffee, in Spanish cafe, but from the American occupied room it may mean " cocktail , " for which there is no Spanish word, and the American one is adopted and understood, and, I may say, well made. Coffee is served at any hour desired, in your room or in the dining-room; breakfast from nine till noon; dinner from five to eight p. m. ; and in the dining- room is where the most grateful surprises await the tourist. The tnenu is ample, and the dishes nicely prepared. There are many familiar ones, and some mysterious, but I was never disappointed in one, and soon was not afraid or suspicious. The vege- tables and fruit were fresh and crisp — no hot-house forcings or stale importations, but just in from the gardens. The fish were superb, being taken direct from the water to the frying-pan, it being against the law to sell a dead fish. They must be taken alive, and kept in floating coops till sold. The meats were sweet and well pre- pared, the poultry young and tender. This was my experience wherever I stopped. Ice is an expensive luxury in Cuba, and all productions must be consumed at once, nothing can be kept in the market. Eggs must be new-laid always, or no sale. Milkmen don't drive wagons, and can only water their stock in the way provided by nature — give it to the cows to drink — and when he sells milk, he drives his herd around town and milks at the door of his customer, and the out-put is immediately boiled. The rates at Cuban hotels are about the same as at the same class houses In America, and are conducted on both plans, American and European; but it is best to understand the terms when you register — which is a good rule in this country as well. The figures are from $.3 to $5 per day, wines extra. The price includes room, coffee and fruit in the morning, breakfast and dinner. Families and parties can have suits with private parlors and dining-rooms. English-speaking chambermaids are in attendance on the ladies' apartments, and all toilet arrangements are complete on each floor. Every hotel has its corps of interpreters, who are courteous and obliging, and will attend parties to theaters and on sight-seeing tours — these gentlemen are on the hotel staff, but it is customary to remunerate their service — it must be left to the guest's appreciation of the service to say what the amount will be — but I will say that in most cases the money is well earned. The Commercial Traveler axd Tourist ik Cuba. * 23 Now that the tourist is comfortably bestowed in one of the excellent hotels of Havana, he must see the city— nobody walks, it must be done ix a cab. There are thousands of them, easily found night or day in any part of the city; each cab is a four- wheeled Victoria, equipped with one horse and one driver, and generally speaking, all in good condition, capable of making good time, and at a rate of fare that is astonish- ingly low — the fare to any point east of Belascoain avenue is only 40 cents, in paper, for one or two persons, equal to IG cents in United States money; for three persons the fare is 50 cents ; beyond the avenue the fare increases to 50 and 60 cents. If there are several places to visit, the cab had best be secured by the liour, at $1.35 for two or .$1.85 for three persons per hour — if so engaged, say "per /wra " when you get in, and tell the driver where to go. How ? Oh, you don't speak the language"? Just call the name of the place, it is not necessary to fatigue yourself by translating the phrase " drive to ; " the driver will understand the situation. If you get in and say " Correo,^' he will " drive to " the post-oflice, or La Piinta, the point opposite Morro at the terminus of the " Frado ; " the Catedral, La Merced, San Augitstin, if you are going to church ; or " Plaza de Toros " if your taste carries you to the bull fights the cab will — or if to the theater say " Tacon,'^ Irijoa (ery-ho-a) or Albisu. To the railways, " Ferro Carril de hiBahia,^^ " Ferro Carril de la Habana, "or " Ferro Carril del Ocste. " If to any particular street call the name of it, and look out for the number of the desired address. If you get muddled beyond the hope of extrication, and your vocabulary is exhausted, call the name of your hotel, go back, get the interpreter to speak for you, and start out again. The best way to call a cab in Havana is to whistle for it (if you can), and, when you have attracted the driver's attention, motion with your hand for him to go away, and he will drive right up. (This reminds me they do many things upside down in Cuba; the key-holes in the doors are made that way.) In driving through the streets, it is easy to become confused ; but, if you will remember that the streets are so narrow that a city ordinance requires to drive down certain streets and up others — so, if your driver does not go down the one desired, don't be alarmed, he will go down the one next to it, and come up the other. At the end of the trip, or the time the cab was taken for, pay the driver, or he will wait at the door and count time on you, an imported trick from the United States. These cabs of the Victoria pattern are an innovation in Havana on account of the narrow streets; they were introduced some time ago to supplant the unwieldy, long- shafted and hard-to-turn-round volante — an easy-riding vehicle, propelled by one horse in shafts, and another buckled alongside to carry the driver, or rather, postilion, as he rides the other horse, but both horses travel so far ahead of the volante that very few of them could get into any one part of town at a time, and, in case of a l)lo('k, must have gone to the country to turn round. The increase of business down (own drove the volante IVom Havana, but they might be used to great profit and i)li'asiu(' in the pai-ks and drives, and it is a wonder some ent(;rprising liveryman does not re-introduce them. Every American would take a ride in a volante just to talk about it at home. V(jlantes are used now only at Matanzas for excursions to the Yunuiri Valley and the caves of IJella Mar. Besides cabs and volantes, there are other and cheaper methods of locomotion in Cuban cities. I refer to the inevitable and irreprc.'^sihlo HORSE CARS AND STAGES. The fares are ten, twenty and thirty cents in iiapei', according to the diatancn traveled. One lino at Havana leads out Charles ill. a\-eniie to the holanieal i^ai'dens, base ball ground.s, and i\\GX)laza de toros (hull-ring), another to Cerro, one along tlio 24 Delmar's Teades Directory and Merca^s'tile Main^ual. shore in front of the city, another to the famous Henry Clay cigar factory. Cars start from Plaza San Juan de Dios every fifteen minutes from 6 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. The stages have a uniform fare of twenty cents in paper, which is higher in proportion than the cabs, being about eight cents in American money. Starting from the Plaza de Armas and the Castillo del Principe, they run to Jesus del Monte and the Cemetery. There are no " bob-tail " cars; you are not to be trusted to " put the exact fare in the box." A uniformed conductor punches in presence of the passenger. There is another way to see the city which involves still less outlay of capital — that means of going which was in fashion in the days of Adam. The walks about Havana are attractive, but they must not be long walks, and are most pleasant in the evening. Walking in Havana is not popular at oest; the sidewalks are not built that way, many of them are scarcely three feet wide, and some in the business district are less than two, while in the new city there are some that will compare favorably with other cities. It is said that the curbs in the old portion were originally laid only to prevent wheels from defacing the walls of the buildings. In the Campo de Marte, on the Prado, in Central Park, are excellent promenades. On certain evenings of the week fashionable Havanese drive to Central Park, stop opposite the statue of Isabella, and listen to the music of the military band, and promenade up and down the plaza. Here you may see la Cubana in all her dark-eyed beauty, with snowy laces and mantillas falling gracefully over head and shoulders. The carriage stops at the curb, in an instant it is surrounded with cavahers, dark and black mustached. La Senorita enjoys the homage so gallantly paid; the duenna, I think, often pays strict attention to the music, to give the girl a chance ; but, if she left the carriage, the duenna went also, perhaps with watchful eye, and ear only half turned to the music. The Central Park is one of the places to walk in the evening when the band plays; but, if you want to sit and rest, chairs are twenty cents each. Another walk in the morning, is along the Prado from the statue of India to La Punta, all the way under the laurels that shade the street. From any of the hotels one may also walk to the theaters. Havana has elegant places of amusement that would ornament a greater city. The Tacou is the third largest theater in the world. La Scala, at Milan, and the theater at Seville, in Spain, only being larger. The Tacon is the home of opera in Havana. There are five tiers of boxes, one above the other, extending all around the house. These boxes seat six people, and are patronized by the elite — always in full dress. Behind the boxes is a wide passage-way, through which one may pass from one box to another, or serves as a promenade between the acts — and between the acts the lobbies are filled with promenadors, with visitors and with lookers-on through the Venetian blinds into the boxes occupied by some especially brilliant party — and it is said that boastful belles brag on the size of the crowd that assembled behind the box and watched the beauties within. The Albisu is the theater of the Casino — the swell club of the city. Every Cuban city has its Casino club, noted for its balls and entertainments. The Irijoa (e-ry-hoa) is called the summer theater because it is arranged with Venetian blinds from the roof to the foundation, instead of solid walls, and by a simple turning of the slats admits the breezes that nearly always blow in Cuba; this theater is surrounded by a garden into which the audience empties itself to drink penales, eat ices, or smoke between the acts, and are recalled to the auditorium by a bell like unto that on a locomotive. Managers of Cuban theaters are particular as to music, it must be good; the orchestras may be mixed as to race of the performers, but their performances are satisfactory ; often in third-class theaters one hears as good or better music than in the best American theaters. The Commercial Traveler amd Tourist ix Cuba. 25 Each performance at a i^lace of amusement has its president, appointed by the municipal government; his duties are to settle diflerences between the audience and the performers and to preserve order. A Cuban audience is critical, insists on the granting of encores when demanded, and goes behind the scenes between the acts; this is their prerogative. It is told of a prestidigitateur, who advertised the decapita- tion act, but whose wires and paraphernalia were so disarranged by his visitors behind the scenes that he could not illusively cut oft" his own head, and was dis- posed to cut that part of the programme, as he could not carry it out actually without physical discomfort to himself; the audience insisted; the president decided for the audience; the illusionist was in despair, but did not lose his head; he went to work, repaired his traps, and did the trick amid the applause of his audience. At every theater, or other place of amusement, a box decorated with the coat of arms and colors of Spain is reserved for the Captain-General, and remains vacant unless he attends or sends a representative. Seats are also reserved for the press, and names of the papers are pasted on the seats. The prices of admission are about the same as American theaters; the price at the Tacou is $5 and $6 in paper; at other performances $3 to $4 is the figure. Some thea- ters sell a seat for a single act for a dollar; and at most theaters the general entrance is only $1 to $1.50, but does not include a seat. Seat coupons are collected by the ushers prior to the opening of the last act. Speculators sell almost the entire house on the sidewalk, though reserved seats may be bought beforehand. It is best not to pay a speculator the first price asked, as he always tacks it on, and will reduce the price before he will miss a sale. After the opera is over the audience vacates the theater with a rush, and, coming out, unanimously holds a handkerchief over the nostrils to prevent them breathing the night air; some get into carriages and are whirled home; but many gentlemen and ladies frequent the cafes and enjoy ices, coffee, and other refreshments. The gala days for theaters and other amusements are Sundays and church feast days; then are they all filled to overflowing, to standing room only, as are the cock and bull fights. These take place on Sundays only, and both are popular sports in Cuba. The cock fights are of minor importance compared to the other. They take place in a pit very much like the wheat and stock pits in a Chicago or New York exchange, and the calls of the betters are about as intelligible in one as the other. Around a ring twelve feet in diameter are arranged seats like unto a circus — here sit the lookers-on. The owners of the birds and the betters are everywhere, in the ring and out of it, on the seats and under them. On a balance suspended from the roof are hung bags, each containing a chicken — they must balance exactly — wliich is the only fair part of the fight. They are taken out of the bags, and with long, keen knives fastened to their spurs they are placed in front of each other— it is not a ques- tion of courage or endurance, but as to which gets the first strike — one fowl is always killed, and often both, and it takes only a minute to settle the dilficulty — the dead cock is removed, and two fresh birds introduced with the same result all day long. At the Plaza de Toros, or Bull Iling, the programme is pretty nuich tlu? same, only on a larger scale. Bull fighting is to Cuba and Spain what base l)all is to \Ur United States, and the " bloods " of that country become amateurs at that sport as they do at ball in this — and also, as in this country, the stars and (he (■(mq.any are imported; also the bulls. In the season of 188G-7 Mazzantini came from Spain with h\s bnndrrincros nwd pjcarfores, and brought eighty thoroughbred bulls. Bulls arc hivd in Spain for their fighting qualities, as race-horses are in Kentucky for their speed, and the great matador was paid $40,000 for thirteen performances. About the first thing an American tliiidcs ofnn landingis where to got a cigar, and 26 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. nine times out of ten his first smoke in Cuba rivals in bitterness the first of bis life. A good cigar to the Cuban would seem vile to the smoker from the United States, and those on sale at the stands are not intended for other than Cubans. Ninety-nine per cent, of Cubans smoke, but none chew tobacco — I mean ninety-nine per cent, of the men. Cigarettes are charged to the ladies, but the act of smoking never came under my observation, though they do not object to smoke. The men smoke every- where and at all times and under all circumstances. Cigars are made for all nations, and a different cigar for each nation; hence do not buy a cigar till you know where to get one made for this country, or you will lose faith in the reputation of Cuba's chief product. Different nations require different sizes as well as qualities — Europeans using the largest, and Americans the smallest cigars. The eight-hundred-dollar-gold-wrapped Soberanos of the Henry Clay factory is twice the size of any American cigar, and would cost $1.50 each — not much sale here — these go to the nobility of England, while the dainty little Bouquets or Per- fectos come to America. There are stands where you can buy cigars you will like, and for half the money they cost at home; but it is best to go to the factory and buy a supply for two or three days' smoking ; any of the factories will sell a single box, and the proprietors will be found to be most courteous gentlemen; and, when one finds what elegant cigars can be sold for very much less than home prices, one becomes a free trader at once, no matter how much of a protectionist before. The laws of the United States do not allow the traveler to bring a single cigar past the custom house ; if the officer passes a few dozens, it is purest courtesy; the fallacy of " 49 " or " 99 " being admitted free of duty has no foundation in the statute, and, when an American smokes a cigar in Cuba, it is with a peculiar satisfaction at the thought that he is beating the government out of the duty, and I believe all smokers are free traders after one trip to Havana ; and to make a returned tourist vote against the tariff, it will be only necessary to puff' the fragrant blue smoke in his nostrils. All smokers in Cuba do not smoke cigars, nor is the pipe seldom ever seen ; very many indulge in cigarettes. But they are not the rank, dudish thing of America. The Cuban cigarette is made of the same fragrant tobacco that has made the island famous the world over. Cigarettes are made by hand and by machinery, with paper wrappers and tobacco. One factory has a single machine that turns out a hundred thousand cigarettes every day — "La Honradez," of Havana — and the output is nearly half a million every day. I can't describe the wonderful machine, the inven- tion of a Virginian. The tobacco is thrown into a hopper, passes through a tube onto a ribbon of paper a mile or two long, like the paper of a telegraph ticker; the paper, with the coil of tobacco resting on it, passes into another tube, and is curled up and pasted around the tobacco, is cut off at proper lengths, and drops into a basket "just as easy." It all seemed simple enough, as I saw two small boys stand by, shovel in the tobacco, turn on the bands, and make the wheels go round. In riding about the city, the churches must not be forgotten. The Cathedral is the principal one, but not the oldest. San Augustin was formerly a monastery, and was built in 1608, and the Nunnery of Santa Clara in 1644, while the Cathedral was not commenced till 1656 and completed in 1724. One of the numerous tombs of Colum- bus is in the Cathedral; here the ashes of the great discoverer lie beneath a bust of himself, the tablet bearing an inscription in Spanish, which, being translated, means O, remains and image of the great Columbus, A thousand Ages endure preserved in this Urn, And in the remembrance of our nation. The fashionable church of Havana, " La Merced," built in 1746, is attended by the elite of the city, and is a place of special interest to tourists; the decorations are superb, and there are some fine paintings. High mass may be hoard at the Cathedral The Commercial Tkaveler and Tourist in Cuba. 27 and any of the churches on Sundays and feast days at from 8 to 9 a. m.; tliey are always open, and visitors cordially welcome. The others are Santa Cataliua on O'Reilly street, where repose the bodies of the martyrs Celestino and Lucida, brought from Rome as relics. The Nunnery of Santa Clara and the Monastery of Belen are places of interest. There are no pews or seats in Cuban churches. The people kneel on the floors ■while the prayers are said, there beiug no long, tedious sermons to listen to. Some "worshipers bring a small cushion to kneel on, or a small camp-stool. It is permitted to visit the different forts and fortifications; the principal one is MoRKO Castle, and the next Cabaua. Visitors are admitted only by permit from the military authorities, which is easily obtained through the hotel agents, or the American Consul can put you in the way to get the necessary papers. Drive to the Muelle de Caballeria and take a boat (at a cost of 25 cents each) to the east side of the bay, less than a mile, present your papers to the very civil military gentleman in charge, who will courteously send a soldier with you, and you will be glad you came. The bay you have just crossed is smooth and calm as a mill-pond, but just at the base of the castle's north walls the sea is as wild as the mid-Atlantic. The tower of Morro Castle is a lighthouse, showing a flash-light of exceeding brilliancy fifteen leagues to seaward. The view from the ramparts is a magnificent one. To the west the city of Havana lies spread out, to the southeast the palm-covered hills extend away to the mountains, to the north the boundless ocean lies, the waves washing in and out way out to where they meet the skies. Morro Castle is connected with the other forts on the same hill by a tunnel under ground. All the forts and castles may be visited, and there is no word of particular advice to give except to bear the necessary papers, and while in the forts avoid making notes, as the act might be misconstrued. There Is one thing that must not be forgotten ; a visit to the markets. They are all attractive ; the best time to go is early morning. The Tacon is the leading mar- ket, and there is none finer anywhere ; the Colon has been recently completed, and the Christina is the oldest. Step into a cab and drive to either, dismiss the cab, for an hour or so may be most pleasantly spent ; there is everything for sale in the Havana markets, fish, flesh and fowl, dry goods, hats, boots and shoes ; chickens are cut up and sold in pieces; if a whole one is not wanted, you can buy a drumstick or wing — anything from a piano to a banana ; there are fresh vegetables in December as we see them in New York in July, and every variety of tropical fruit at surpris- ingly low prices, and there are some fruits that many Americans never heard of. There is a special market for fish, which should by all means be visited; the fish are kept in coops, so to call them sunk in the bay, and it is a good market regulation that no dealer is allowed to sell a dead fish ; he (the fish) must be " alive and kicking" when the sale is made ; ice is too high for use in the fish market. By all means include the markets in your tour of the city, so you can tell at liome of seeing green peas, beans, green corn and lettuce in the open market in January; that you saw wagon loads of pine-apples ofl'ered at five cents a piece, and oranges, with the leaves yet green on the stems, for a cent. The markets are good places to get cheap souvenirs to take home with you. In driving about the city, one will not be impressed by the exterior of the Cuban residences. There are several i)alaccs in Havana, belonging to Spanish noblemen, which, if you are foitunate enough to obtain the entree, will prove* a most interesting feature of your visit. 'J'ho average Cuban residence does imt iii;ilooo 12,000 12,000 75,000 " Metamoros" should read Matainoros. TRADES DIRECTORY. REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. CITY OP MEXICO. Population, 255,000. Agricultural luiplenieiits. (See also Hardware and Tools.) Carlos Becerer, 2 Balvanera Roberto Boker y Ca., 4 Pte. Espiritu Santo Bowes, Scott, Read, Campbell & Co., 13 San Augustin Charreton Hermanos, 24 Revillagigedo Alberto Malo y Ca., 6 Puente Santa Ana Rapp Sommer y Ca., 4 Palma Jose Maria del Rio, 6 Palma A. Guthiel, 13 Palma Hoffmann Hermanot, 10 Donceles Leffmann y hijos, 12 Palma S. Lhose, 12 San Augustin Wexel y Degress, 5 Plateros E. Badoin y Ca. , Delicias Hulvershorn y Ca., i and 2 Monterilla Alijandro Jacot, 4 Plateros Jose Maria del Rio, 6 Palma D. Ulrick y Ca., 22 Juan Manuel J. Arce, I San Francisco F. Adams {successor of), 45 de Mayo Guillermo Dorn y Ca., 5 de Mayo German Garth, 19 Tlapoleros, T. 324 Guillermo Lhose y Ca. (successors de), 9 Palma N. Y. Plow Co., Plaza de Guardiola Charreton Hnos, 24 Revillagigedo Juan White, 4 Revillagigedo Ales and Beer. (See also Groceries and Provisions.) Roberto Blackmore, Exacordada Bernardo Bolgard, 5 Segunda Fila Seca Carlos Krendenhagcn, 12 Rinconada de S. Diego Felix Barrey, Callejon de Aranda Elias Durand, 4 Alconedo Federico Ilerroys, Plazuela de la Candelarita Vicente Landin, 20a de Guerreso Dreher y Ca. F. Herzog Anns and Aniiimnition. Alfredo Boche, V/z Espiritu Santo C. Carrirm, i S. Bernardo M. Mendiola y Ca., S. Jos(S el Real C. Morel, li Refugio Fernando Pagliri, 9 Zulcta D. Sanchez, 10 liaivanera Urharrcna y QunUann, St. Clara Wcxel y De Grcss, 5 Plateros Arms, Etc. — continued. Patricio Aizpuru, 16 S. Agustin Ramon Alva, 26 Alvarado Joaquin Alvarado, 4 Avenida Juarez Modesto Alvarez .•\ntonio Andrade, 26 Arcos de Belen Jose Anzoutegai, 3 Empedradillo Manuel Aranzubia, 26Acequia Joaquin Arena, 8 S. Lorenzo Alejandro Argandar, 13 Cadena Army Contractors. For Arms, Ammunition, Clothing, Shoes, Etc., for Federal Army and National Guard, Etc. T. L. Garcia, 15 Pte. San Francisco Juan Llamedo, 15 San Agustin Ignacio Pombo, 7 San Felipe Neri Architects, Etc. Juan Agea, 23 Acequia Ramon Agea, 23 Acequia Luis Anzonera, 6 Aguila Manuel Alvarez, 22 Chavarria Angel Angeuano, 4 Santa Ines Juan Bustillo, 7 San Francisco Manuel Gargollo, 10 San Andres Refugio Gonzalez, 2 Primera San Roman Ignacio Dosamantes, 2 San Cosme Manuel Fernandez, 3 Cordobanes Francisco Garay, 11 Indcpendencia Juan Cardona, 5 Alfaro Manuel Conto, li Primero Sto. Domingo Manuel Calderon, 20 San Felipe Jesus Jose Collado, 15 San Agustin Emilio Donde, 6 y 7 Canoa Enrique Grifos, i San Juan de Dies Eusel)io de la Ilidalga, 12 Mariscala Ignacio de la Ilidalga, 12 Puente Mariscala Ventura Heredia, 11 Prinicra San Ramon Ramon Ibarrola, Colonia Arquitectos J. M. Iglesias, En Puebla Manuel Llcra, 2 Ilumbolt Vicente Mancro, 6 IV-rjietua Ehilcrio Mendez, 3 Nucvo Mexico Miguel O. (lornian, 15 Tadre Lecuona Manuel I'atino, 20 tluk-ta Francisco I'aredcs, i Santa Clara Manuel Rincon, Guerrero Jose Rego, 5 Estamjia de la Merced Francisco Soniera, 9 Santa Clara (45) 46 Delmar's Teades Directory axd Mercaxtile Maxual. Architects, 'Etc.— contiftucd. Mariano Soto, 6 2a Indio Triste Toriga Tones, 6 2a India Triste Mariano Tellez, S Violeta Apolnio Tellez, 15 Arcos San Agustin Francisco Vera, 7 Escalerillas Estanislao Velazco, Secretaria de Fomento Banks. Banco de Londres Mexico y Sud America Banco Nacional de Mexico Banco Hipotecario Mexicano Banco de Empleados (Official Clerk's Bank) Monte de Piedad (Loaner's Bank) Bankers. Barron, Forbes y Ca., 9 la S. Francisco Bermejillo y Ca., 10 Capulhinas E. Benecke y Ca. (Successor), 7 Capuchinas P. Martin Benfiel y Brecker, 2 Iturbide Struk Bone y Ca. , 10 San Agustin J. R. Cardena y Ca. (Successor), 1-2 Betlemitas Viuda de Escalante, i 2a San Francisco Escandon hnos., 11 Capuchinas Bedsteads, Iron and Brass. Leonardo Fortuny, 22 Tacuba F. Gandry, 6 Gante LuisLinet, 14 Spiritu Santo Mata Antonio Lopez, 11 Ortega Eutimio Zapata, 4 Pte. del Correo Mayor Manzaneda y Liestnllas, S 2a de la Monterilla Billiards. P. Bermejillo, Hotel Agustin G. Boyrie, 3 Independencia Juan Buclon, i Lidependencia Manuel A. Gonzalez, 13 San Francisco Iglesias y Ca. , San Francisco C. Recamier, Hotel San Carlos Schesneau y Ca., 14 Coliseo Viejo Zivy y Ca., Hotel de Iturbide S. Clemente, 3 Tacuba George Delahaye, Independencia Heclion Clare, Coliseo Viejo Velez y Velazco, 20 Escalerfllas Ambrosio Sanchez, Gante 7 S. Fco. Uhink hnos y Zahn, 9 San Francisco Blacksmiths, Etc. Lorenzo Aguilar, 16 San Andres Gregorio Aguirre, i Canoa Geronimo Alguisira, Misericordia Manuel Avilla, 15 Vizcainas Juan Baez, 13 Espl. de S. Andres Felipe Balderrama, 3 Katas Manuel Blancas, 2 Alconedo Juan Bonilla, 30 Pte. Quebrado Jose Claire, 4 Guatimotzin Juan Claire, 11 Guatimotzin Julian Calzada, 8 S. Juan de Dios Claudio Codean, 25 Lopez Filomena Diaz, 27 Aguila Julian Dieguez, 6 Arco de S. Augustin Mateo Flores, S. Lorenzo Cornelio Fonte, 6 Pte. de Gallos Manuel Garcia, i Cerra da de Jesus Simon Garcia, 12 Nuevo INIejico Francisco Garrido, D. Amargura. Pedro Gaudry, 7 Gante Angel Gonzalez, 13 Montialegre Luciano Guzman, 4 Alconedo Pedro Hernandez, Puerta Falso de St. Do- mingo Antonio Jimenez, 3 de S. Pablo Martin Jimenez, 4 Correo Mayor Pedro Leprince, 6 Nuevo Mejico A. Lopez, Mata, 29 Ortega Lorenzo Martinez, 8 del Degollado Pascual Mondoza, 3 Estampa de San Andres J. M. Mercado, 8 Carzuela Luis Morales, 5 Cerrado de Jesus Desiderio Naranjo, 14 Cocheras M. Ogamachea, 4 Parque del Conde Florentino Oliver, 6 Chiquihuiteras Miguel Ordonez, 6 Quemada Francisco Pozo, 22 S. Lorenzo Sucesor de Richaud, Zuleta Vicinte Rodriguez, 2 Providencia Jose Maria Romero, 8 Estanco de Mujeres Viuda de Rossemberg, 13 S. Francisco Roque kuiz, 2 Perpetua M. G. Salgado, 5 Mina Francisco Sanchez, 4 Comonfort Joaquin Silva, frente la Academia Ventura Solis, 13 de S. Pablo Prospero Torrejoh, 25 Zaragoza Domingo Vargas, t,% Estampa de Balvanera Espiridion Vasquez, 6 Puesto Nuevo J. M. Vergara, de Amargura Manuel Zuniga, 22 Misericordia Booksellers and Stationers. Vincente Martinez, 4 Monterilla Gregorio Palacio, Cinco de Mayo Jose Ramirez, 3 Espiritu Santo Ricardo Saenz, 3 Plateros C. Sanchez, 7 Pte. del Espiritu Santo Fedrico Vaugier, 9 S. Francisco A. Bernard, 9 Tacuba Guillermo Dorn, Cinco de Mayo Mariono Galvez, 11 la Sto. Domingo Kauser y Martin, 7 Espiritu Santo Fredrico Ludert, Profesa J. Ortega, 11 Santo Domingo Treuber Hermanos, 14 Cadena Francisco Abadiano, 17 Escalerillas Aguilar y Ortiz, 6 Primera Sto. Domingo Andrade, Viuda de, 4 Portal de Agustinos Andrade y Soriano, 10 Joya Ballesca y Ca., Callejon de Amor de Dios N. Budin, 2 Segunda S. Francisco Juan Buxo y Ca., 4 Portal del Aguila de Oro M. Cambeses y Ca. , 8 Tacuba Ramon Cueva, 3 Seminario Nabor Chavez, Portal del Aguila de Oro Dublau y Ca., 3 Segunda Plateros L. Duarta, 8 San Jose el Real Jesus Herrara, Portal de Agustinos J. F. Jens, 22 San Jose Real E. Murguia, i8 y 19 Flamencos Rafael Ortega y Vasquez, 11 Primera Sto. Domingo Valdes y Cueva, 3 San Jose el Real Vicente Villada, 8 Primera Reloj Juan Canals, 3 Portal de Agustinos Carlos Buret, 14 Cinco de Mayo Carlos Tamborrel, 9 San Ildefonso Francisco de Leon Diaz, 18 San Jose el Real Juan de la Parres Fuente H Chiguis Adrian de Garay, 6 Pepetua •I The City of Mexico. 47 • Booksellers, 'Etc.— contimtcd. H. P. Hamilton, i Vegara Antonio R. Urrea, 6 Cinesde Mayo Carlos Vincourt, 5 Espiritu Santo F. P. Hoeck, 13 San Francisco Joaquin Nicolau, 5 Espiritu Santo E. Portu, Cincode Mayo Jose Rioy Revira, 14 Puente Quebrado Bookbinders. Anlonio Arroyo, S j^ Perpetua Jesus Calvillo, Esclavo Andres Castillo, 16 S. Jose el Real Alejandro Freire, 8 Moneda Mariano Galvez, 16 S. Lorenzo M. Guerra, 4 Cinco de Mayo, 4 Celso Jara, 15 Zuleta Jesus ^lachuca, 21 Medinas Filomeno Mata, S. Andres Parres y Ca. , Independencia Jose Rodriguez, 7 Cordobanes Ricardo Sainz, 4 Plateros Miguel Torner, 6 S. Lorenzo C. Vargas Machuca, 3 Reloj Leon F. de Diaz, 10 Callejon Santa Clara Alejandro Marcue, 18 Tiburcio Boot and Shoe Dealers, Retail. Andres Acevedo, 10 Coliseo Jorge Araujo, 7 Reloj A. Arellano, 10 Seminario Pablo Carrillo, 11 Ortega R. Castellanos, Victora E. Gabriel Chacon, 1 1 Coliseo F. Davalos, ii Seminario Agustin Delgado, i S. Juan Felipe Flores, 7 S. Francisco Jesus Gonzalez, 18 Sta. Clara Salvador Guardarrama, 8 Vegara A. Hurtado, 6 Portacoeli Jesus Leite, 8 Monterilla Diego Leon, 10 Seminario Alejandro Mendez, 16 Vergara Jesus Nuiiez, 4 S. Juan de Dios Pedro Urdoilez, 17 Vergara M. Pascual, 3 Espiritu Santo Santa A. Pietra, 10 S. Hipolito Luis Portron, 16 Refugio J. Buenrostro, 7 Segunda Reloj Sabino Nunez, Damas y Ortega Pichardo y Ca., 19 Santa Clara Santa Maria y Ca., i Primera Indio Triste M. Segura, 19 Aguila Sevilla y Villagran, S'egunda Reloj y Monte Alegre Canuto Sigales, 7 Vergara Sobrinho y Garcia, Vergara y Cinco de Mayo Francisco Trejo, 6 Segunda S. Francisco Miguel Valencia, 2 Hospital Real Ignacio Valle, 3 Estampa Jesus R. Jiorga, 2 Primera Indio Triste Manuel Briseno, 24 Ortega Isidero Castillo, 12 Coliseo Viejo Ildcfonso Espinosa, 8 Caliseo Juan Lojiez, 15 Ortega Guadaluiie Monroy, 14 Coliseo Marcos Pena fior, 7>^ Correo Mayor M. Hormigo, letra F Vergara iuan Alfarf), del Reloj orenzo Almazan, Puento de Monzon Prisciliano Alvide, 3 Mayor Corrc de Pte. I Jose AL Anaya, 7 de la Pilaseca Junan Ariivalo, 24 Lorenzo San de Guadalupe Balderrama, 11 Neri Felipe San Vicente Barranco, r Santo Domingo Josefa Becherel, 7 de Mesones Vincente Belmont, i Balvanera Emili G. Beiiitez, 10 Viejo Coliseo Antonie Bermeo, 12 San' Francisco Abrahana Bermudes i8>^ Clara Santa Ramos Angel Bernal, 1 1 '4 Vergara Jose de la Luz Bernal 4 San Ramon Alberto Bucardo y Ca., 14 Viejo Coliseo Felicitas Carmona, 6 Rebeldes Epitacio Cardenas, 9 Puentede Monzon Ignacio Cardoso 2 de la Granada Rafael Casillas, 8 Joya Teofilo Celada, 8 Del Reloj Enrique Cervantes, 4 Portacoeli de Bajos Gabriel Chacon yCa., 15 Vergara Juan M. Davalos, i Coliseo Francisco Davo, 21 Tacuba Jacinto Daza, Sur al, A Venero Santos Delgado, 13 Portacoeli Policarpo Diaz, A 3 de San Ramon Jesus Diaz, 13 Refugio Fortino C. Diosdado, 11 A Jose de Gracia Juan J. Domingnez, 6 San Francisco Elngio Espinosa, 4 Parque del Conde Sabino Estevez, 7 Indio Triste Rita A. de Fernandez, 7 Arcade San Agustin Elugio Figuero, 4 Alegria Dionisio Gallego.s, 4 Portal de Agustinos Francisco Garcia, 26 Tacuba German Gonzalez, 8 Cerea de San Dociixigo M. Gonzalez, 15 Maurique Amalia Gonzalez, 33 Ortega Juan Gonzalez, 5 Indio Triste Catalina Gonzalez, 3 Santa Catilina ]. Goroztiaga, 14 San Hipolito E. Iturriaga, 6 del Reloj Ignacio Izunza, 7 Sapo Braulio Zaramillo, Amagura al Norte Hilario Juarez, 6 Calle Verda Jose Langot, 16 Coliseo Viejo Larrea y Gonzalez, 9 Vergard Maria Lojiez, ii San Lorenzo Luis Lopez, 4 San Felipe Feri Gregorio Lopez, 8 Correo Mayar Ignacio Lojiez, 7 Santa Teresa Francisco Llamas, 2 Mariscala Adolfo Martinez, 7 Parque del Conde Concepcion Martinez, 10 Puente Quebrado Mayorga Justo, i Calle dc las Bonitas Luis Mejia, 2 Puente de la Lena Higin Mendoza, 4 dc Mesones Hilario Molina, lo Sepulcros Santo Domingo Angel Montano, 9 Jesus Nazareno Lazaro de Oca Monies, 15^4 San Juan Antonia de Oca Monies, 8 del Rastro Liicas Morales, 2 Bajos de San Agustin Ana Maria Moreno, 3 San Juan Abraham Mufioz, 3|^Sapo Juana Nava, 12 Alfaro Augustina Naval, 4 del Factor Agapita Nunez, 3 Bajos de Portacoeli Jacobo Ocamjjo, Guerrero Guadahqie Olguin, 16 Balvnnera Manuel de J. Ortiz, 14 Panpic del C(jndo Teudosio Ortiz, 14 Panpie del Conde, a! Sur Refugio Hernandez y I'ardiiias, (husadas I'etra Pcrea, 5 de Mesones Juan Perez, 5 Bajos dc Portacoeli 48 Delmae's Trades Dieectoky akd Mercantile Maxual. Boot and Shoes, Retail— coftiinued. Suarez y Perez, 5 Vergara Felix de la Portilla, 13 Calle Ancha A"ustin Portocarrero, 6 la Damas fior Ortega Eusebio Ramirez, 9 San Felipe Neri Ramirez L, 4 Jesus Nazareno Manuel Raso, 7 Balvanera Cirilo Rellat, i de las Damas Apholonio Reyes, 2 de San Francisco Domingo Rincon, 4 Estampa de Balvanera Felipe Kivera, 8 Acequia Rodriguez E., 8 Arco de San Agustm Casimiro Rojas, 18 Parque del Conde Concepcion Romanos, 6 Jesus Nazareno Soledad Rosas, 3 Bajos de Portacoeli Manuel Ruiz, 11 San Pedro ySan Peblo L. S. Santamaria, y Ca., 16 Jose el Real Marciano Sarmiento, 4 del Indio Tnste G. Segura, io>^ Sepulcros de Santo Dommgo Julio Siegel, 24>^ Medinas Santos Sigales, 24 de Mesones Albino Somera, 2 Portillo de San Diego Masia Soto, 5 del Reloj Masia Refugio Suarez, 21 Santa Clara Luis G. Tafua, 19 Chavania , , c . Francisco Tapia, 11 y 12 Mercado de Santa Catarina Encarnacion Tellez, 17 Vereno Luciano Tinoco, 15 Cuadrante S. Miguel Antonio Torres, 3 Talavera Anselmo Troncoso, i Nuevo Mexico Tomasa Uribe, 4 del Reloj , , ^, Angel Urosa, 2 Puerta Falsa de la Merced Maria de Jesus Torres, 15 Coranzon de Jesus Pedro Vargas, 4 de la Pilareca Jose Victoria, 9 Puente de Peredo Torres y Villaseca, 2 de San Francisco Brickmakers. Apolonio Castaneda, 14 S. Ramon Pablo Gutierrez, Chilpa J. M. Herrerias, 5 Pte. de Santo Tomas J. M. Morales, Colonia de Buenavista Bonifacio Olvera, B. de los Reyes Vidal Rivero, Barrio de Santiago Jacinto Silva, Chilpa Manuel Vivar, Barrio de Santiago Francisco Zuniga, 6>^ Sto. Tomas Vicente Gutierrez, Calzada del Campo Florido Jesus Patino, Colonia Arquitectos E. Salgado, Tlaltelolco Atilano Vargas, Callejon Vivero Francisco Zuniga, 6 >2 Puente Sto. Tomas Brokers and Manufacturers' Agents. Pedro Arriaga, No. 11 Sta. Ines. Ignacio Beltran, 4 Estampa S. Lorenzo Miguel Beltran, 2 Sto. Domingo Sebastian Berra, 15 Chiquis V. Cosio, I Moscas Pedro Diaz, 14 Doncelas J. M. Echeverria, Hotel de San Carlos Ignacio Esquivel, 5 Ratas Manuel Gil, 9 Puerto Nuevo Vicente Guillen, 10 Montealegre Angel Islas, 16 Zuleta Gregorio Lauda, I Agustinos Miguel Laso, 2 S. Agustin Manuel Miranda, 6 de Sta. Clara Julian Montiel, 22 Mesones J. Amberg, 16 Capuchinas Francisco Perez, de Cara Juan Perez de Leon, i Palacio Manuel Armijo, 16 Cocheras Francisco de P. Azpe, 6 Sta. Isabel Simon Baeza, 13 Escalerillas Felipe Bala, 10 Zapateros Jose Julian Baron, 712 San Lorenzo David Bache, 8 de Tezontlale Jesus Benavides, 8 Calle Nueva Rafael Benavides, 7 Apartado Octaviano M. Betancourt, 13 Escalerillas Ignacio Boisso, 10 de Toribio Juan Borbolla, 14 Tacuba Antonio Bravo, 10 Nuevo Mejico Jose Breier, 5 Tiburcio Manuel Bulnes, 21 Medinas Jose Maria Calero, 4 Cazuela Manuel Campos, 9 Jesus Rafael Cancino, 2 Angel Narciso Carreno, 6 Capuchinas Longinos Cesar, 21 Hospicio de San Nicolas Manuel Cordoba, 6 del Carmen Pablo Cordoba, 11 Ortega Alberto Crombe, 2 Esclavo Luciano Cueto, 2 Angel Alberto Chastanier, 17 Don Juan Manuel Mariano Duran, 25 Medinas Adolfo Durruty, 6 Seminario Domingo Durruty, 9 Capuchinas Pascual Eguia, 4 R. de Jesus Vicente Enciso, 6 Capuchinas Tomas Enriquez, 1 1 S. Andres Vortino Espana, 17 D. Juan Manuel Manuel Espejel, 2 de la Condesa Ramon Fajardo, 4 de Santiaguito Alberto Fribolin, 20 D. Juan Manuel Luis Friesch, 5 Coliseo Viejo Emilio Froger, 6 S. Agustin Farciso de la Fuente, 20 S. Cosme Salvador de la Fuente, 1 1 Capuchinas Crescendo Galvan, 17 Moras Manuel Galligo, 20 Mesones Joaquin Gamboa, 5 Buenavista Antonio Garcia, 9 S. Lorenzo Estanislao Garcia, 20 Don Juan Manuel Amado Garduno, 26 Donceles Desiderio Gariel, i Monterilla Antonio Gonzalez, 13 Dolores Joaquin Gonzalez Cardenas, ii Alfaro Juan Goyhenne, 12 S. Agustin Gustavo Guichenne, 4 Ocampo Valeriano Gutierrez, 3 D. Juan Manuel Jose Maria Haro, 5 Portal de las Flores Tomas Herrera, 5 San Felipe de Jesus Ignacio Hinojosa, 6 S. Miguel Hurtado, 5 de Tezontale Manuel Ibarrola, 4 Angel Alfredo Labadie, Via de S. Cosmo Jose de la Lama, 23 D. Juan Manuel Avelino Lamadrid, 10 Rosales Daniel Lazo, S. Bernardo Enrique Ledoyhen, 20 Alcarceria Vicente Martinez, Segunda de Monterilla Isidor Maciel, 20 Aguia Jose Mangino, 4 Monterilla Manuel Martinez, 5 Seminario Jose Maria Mendez, Real de Santa Ana Jose Mendoza, 12 Manzanares Juan N. Monterubio, 10 Corazon de Jesus Jose Maria Montes, 2 Reloj Casto de la Mora, 3 D. Juan Manuel Antonio MuUer, 4 S Jose el Real The City of Mexico. 49 Brokers, Etc. — contmued. Jose Maria Najera, Balvanera Juan Munar de la Tone, ii Balvanura Fernando Noriega, 8 Ruemada Joaquin Ortiz de la Huerta, 4 San Francisco Manuel Orvananos, 2 bajo de Portacoeli Gregorio Palacio, 3 S. Agustin Placido Pastor, 15 Venero Enrique Pena, 9 Reloj Ignacio R. Piquero, 7 Regina Enrique Pomier, Espiritu Santo Narciso de la Puente, 20 S. Cosme Jose Maria Revelo, 11 Ansinas Jose Maria Rico, 16 Chavarria Paulino Richaud Monterilla Herman Rosier, 5 Cadena Francisco Reriz Torres, 2 Cocheras Jose Maria Salas, 3 de Sta. Sues Florencio Saldana, 10 Estanco de Mujures Agustin Salguero, 9 Balvanera Telesforo Sanroman, 17 S. Bernardo Jueto Santamarina, 9 S. Agustin Agustin Santiago, 13 Don Juan Manuel Juan N. Sevella, 4 Plateros Leon Stein, 3 Angel Francisco Vega, 20 Don Juan Manuel Francisco de P. Suarez, 4 Tarasquillo Cayetano Tellez, 4 Aduana Vieja Rodolfo de la Torre, 2i Don Juan Manuel C. Vazquez, 9 Don Juan Manuel Jose Maria Veraza, 7 Tacuba Ignacio Napiain, 3 Cadena Ricardo Perez, 2 de la Santisima Martiniano Pino, 19 Santa Clara Carlos Pina, Colonia de Colon Jose Ruheda, S de Tierra Ricardo Sandova, Escalerillas Ignacio Solares, 13 Lopez Leandro Teija Senade, 4 S. Lorenzo Antonio Trigueros, 8 Veronica Maximino Zozaya, 16 Donceles Guadalupe Romero, 11 Victoria Santamaria y Ca, i Indio Triste M. Segura, 19 Aguila L. Sevilla y Villegran, Reloj Canuto Sigales, 7 Vergata Sobriny Garcia, Vergara y 5a de Mayo Dolores Soria, 4 Factor Francisco Trejo, 6 S Francisco Miguel Valencia, 2 Hospital Real Ignacio Valle, 3 Estampade Jesus Isauro Arsinas, Ausente Guerra y Joaquin Valle, 6 la de la Merced Mariano Naveda, en Toluca Maximo Zozava, 16 Donceles Brokers, Fiiiaiioial, Uxchuiiif'e. Stock and Jos^ Auyano, 5 Aduana Vieja * Baron Forbes y Ca., 9 S. Francisco Deigado y Camacho, 274 Pte. de Curtidoris Juan Dueilas 19 3a del Cinco de Maye M. Gutierrez, 9 Puenle de S. Pedro Leon Salazar y Mont, 9 Emfjcdrillcj E. Peredo y Ca., 15 Dun Juan ALanuel J. Pinzon, 5 Indilas V. Rivero, i A. Manuel Gonzalez Domingo Sanches, 16 Til>urcir> Francisco F. Sanchez, 418 Escalerillas Bencke y Ca. (successors of), 7 Capuchinas Cardena y Ca. (successors), 12 Betlemitas J.' Escalante de Contrcras, 16 Puente del Circvo J. P. Duenas, 5 Victoria Francisco y Manuel Diaz, i Plq. de Palacio. Antonio Escandon, 4 Estampa de Jesus Angela Garduiio, i PI. de San Pablo Guadalupe Garduiio, 3 las Moseas Jose Gargollo, 5 la Independencia Bruno Guerrero, 11 Parque del Conde Manuel Gutierrez, 9 San Pablo Carlos Hagenbeck, 5 Codena Bernado Honig, 7 San Andres E. Humana, 6 Puesto Nuevo Manuel Ibafiez, 2 Capuchinas. F. G. Jaurigui, 14 Escalerillas Dolores Lopez, 2 Arcade San Agustin Ciriaco Llorente, loj^ Callejon de S. Innes P. Mortin y Ca., 21 Cadena Luis Migoni. 3 las Damas Monroy y Morales, 6 Escalerillas Pedro Mutio, 8 Corazon de Jesus Guadalupe Olvera, n Maravillas Huerta R. de la Ortiz, 22 Tiburcio Agustin Pacheco, 3 Cuevas Jose C. Pinzon, 5 Inditas Agustin Portocarrero, i Porteria Regina F. M. de Prida, 5 S. Agustin M. Ramirez, 17 la Merced Rapp, Sommer y Ca., i Ocampo F. P. del Rio, 9 Zuleta Vidal Rivero, i Avineda Manuel Gonzalez A. Roldan, 9 Seminario M. de la Rosa, 4 del Factor Enrique M. Rubio, i5 San Augustin R. M. Salgado, 5 Portalde Sto. Domingo. Nicolas Serrano, 4 Cerradade S. Teresa Ignacio Sevilla, 5 Ortega H. Scherer y Ca. , 8 Don Juan Manuel Nicholas de Teresa, 4 Lerdo Francisco Torres, 5 Canoa Jose Uribe, 4 Callejon del Espiritu Santo Paula Vargas, 9 Quemada Jesus P. Vega, 6 Santa Teresa H. D. Watermeyer, iS Cadena Rosa Vera, 3 San Pedro Maria Zenteno, 2 Golosas Brokers— General Merchandise. Who sell by sample only, for merchants, manu- facturers and others. Alcantara y Carrasco, la de Santa Catarina, 2 Demeteno Barenque, 8 Arcode S. Agustin Benitez, Landa y Ca, 7 Tiburcio Luis Borel, 2 Lerdo Agustin Bornemann, n Don Juan Miguel German Bossier, 4 Angel Cabusut y Derbesy, 6 Cincode Mayo Fedrico Caine, 10 Refugio Castello, Gutierrez y Ca., 16 Cadena F. Coblentz, 11 Palma Diego Corral, 2 .San Agustin Jose Christen y Ca., 7 I'tc. del Espiritu Santo Edmundo Dalhaus, 13 Palma Darque y Perez, 2 Tiburcio S. Diego Dunbar, 9 Don Juan Manuel M. During, 13 Rcfiigio Eugenio Frev, 8 Zuleta Luis Fristh y Ca., 11, 2d de I'laleros Jose Maria Gaslon, 7 (ianle Gonzalez llernianos, 22 .San l''elii)e Ncri Moriz Horner, 2 Angel Vicente Iliarra, 10 .San Bernado Martin de Irigoyen, 8 San Agusiiii Mcstas y Garcia, 2 Dun Juan Manuel 50 De^ar's Teades Directokt and Mercantile Manual. 'Brokers— condnfU'd. Prida, Navarro y Ca., 5 San Agustin Federico Ritter y Ca., 9 Capuchinas Gil Rico, 15 Cadena Jose F. Riva, 11 Mariscala Rafael Sakido, 13 San Francisco Francisco Sanchez de Tagle, 6 Seminano Rudolfo Schvvarzer, 7 P. del Espintu Santo G. M. Stankiewiez, 10 Alfaro Simon Thomka, 4 de Mesones Rodolfo de la Torre, 21 Don Juan Manuel Trueba Hermanos, 14 Cabena Juan Ulibarri, 3 San Agustin Francisco del Valle, 16 San Agustin Willkomen, Sittig y Ca., 17 San Bernardo. Carriage and Wagon Dealers. Roberto Boker y Ca. , 8 Betlemitas Masseron y Seres, 27 Sapo Felipe Nava, 2 Pte. San Pablo Agustin Olaez, 9 la Magnolia Jose G. Ortego, Alconedo M. Pascal Andres Vent Avineda Balderes Gabriel Martinez Suarez, 2 de San Pedro Juan Ramirez, 3 Rebeldes Joaquin Ceasar, Chiquihuiteras E. Decastraque, 27 Sapo Valentin Elcoro, 4 Comonfor J. Maza, 5 Amargura J. Moricard, i Rinconada de Santa Ana Victor E. Orozco, 4 Real de Santa Ana Hugo Wilson, Tercera del Sapo Tomas Wilson, y Ca., Ex-convento de San Diego Adolfo Rissei, 13 la de San Francisco Wexel y De Gress, 5 ladePlateros China, Crockery and Glassware. Miguel Albear, 19 Escalerillas Aguirre y Hermanos, Cinco de Mayo J. M. Del Rio, 6 Palma Guillermo Dorn y Ca., Cinco deMayo M. Espeiel, 5 Portal de Agustinos Tose Gomez de la Vega, loa Santo Domingo E Hillebrand y Ca., 4 Plateros y Epemdradillos Tomas del Pino, 5 Portal de Agustinos Rigal Lubet y Ca. (successor). Portal de Agus- tinos Nestor Gutierrez, 10 Portillo San Diego Mariano Aranjo, 14 Soledad de Santa Cruz Alberto Caisseiller, 15 Refugio Camilo Avalos, 2 Plazuela Zaragosa Mariano Olea, 11 Santo Domingo Carmen Bravo, 13 la Merced Antonis Derflinger, 11 Tacuba Rufo y Ca., 14 San Francisco Juan M. Dupont, 2 Bajos de Portacoeli Miguel Zimenez, 28 la Merced Francisco Mendez, 11 Bajos de Portacoeli Agustin Ocampo, 3 La Cadena Antonio M. Priani, Santo Domingo J. Sarraille, 18 Callejon de Santa Clara M. del Rio Uriarte, 3 Encarnacion Juan Gavito, 19 Tacuba Francisco Ituiria, 10 Acequia C. Maurique, 6 Pelaseca P. Manquia y hijos, 8 la Merced Alonzo Noriega, 7 la Merced F. Rafals y C, San Lorenzo Coal, Wood and Fuel Dealers. Ignacio Capetillo, 5 Primera del Reloj A. Guerrero y Ca., 16 Cuanhtemotzin Feliz Ortega, l Puente Pipis F. Sequeiro, 4 y 1 1 Matadero Freio y Zormoza, 16 Cuanlemozin Julian Arechavala, 2 P. San Lorenzo T M. Hernandez, 8 S. Barbara Ignacio Mora de Arroyo, 5 EscobiUera Remejio Noriega Diego Ortiz, Plaza San Lazaro Jose Rodriguez, 10 Matadero Jose A. Roldan, PI. San Lazaro Jose Ramos Sanchez, PI. San Lazaro Chocolate Factories. T. Aranguren, 5 Bajos San Agustin S. Fernandez, 22 Tacuba Ignacio K. Ferrer, 19 Tacuba Franco y Ca., 4 Moras Commission Merchants, Importiu and General. Julio Albert y Ca., 4 MonteriUa Benneke y Ca., 7 Capuchinas Bermejillo Bros., 10 Capuchinas Ebrard y Ca., San Bernado Fourcade y Goupil, 8 Plateros G. Gathz, 19 Tlapaleros GuerinyCa., 11 Montenlla LavieyCa., 3 Ocampo Levy y Martin, Montenlla Martinezy Ca., 2 Angel Roves y Ca., i Capuchinas Ignacio Noriega, 5 Angel Pedro Pelaez, 16 Cadena Richaud Aubert, y Ca., 12 Empedradillo Juan N. Sevilla, 3 Plateros SchultzeyCa., 19 Montenlla The Seeger & Guernsey Co., 5 Calle de Agustin Suinaga Bros., 20 Cadena Nicolas Teresa, 4 Lerdo Uhink y Ca., 22 Don Juan Manuel Watermeyer y Ca., 2 Angel Watson, Phillips y Ca., 10 Don Juan Manuel Santiago Lohse, 4 D. Juan Manuel Guillermo Lohse y Ca., Sucesor de 9 Palma J. Ollivier V Ca., 5 y 6 Septima Montenlla Portillay Hijos, 13 Capuchinas Ignacio Aguirre y Hermanos, Cmco de Ma>o Abascal y Perez, Corres Mayor Vicente Alonzo, 4 San Bernado Basagoite y Posada, Plateros y Alcaicera Maximo Cabrera, 7 Puente de la Lena C. Duverdon, 2 Puente del Espintu Santo Genin (Viuda) 3 Plateros Larco Hermanos, i Coliseo Mancina Hermanos, 9 Independencia Alonso Noriego, 7 Puente de Jesus Maria Brehm y Ca., 7 Don Juan Manuel Max. Chauvet y Ca., 19 San Bernado Robert Boker y Ca., 4 Puente Espintu Santo Balloneau, Casson y Ca. , i Lerao Pablo Bonnerue, 9 Refugio T. Castaneda, 12 Palma A. Cambaluzier, 5 Plateros Eugenio Delarue, i Plateros Diehly Ca., i Flamencos Elcoro Lopez y Ca., 24 Cadena Lohse y Ca., 9 Palma or San The City of Mexico. 51 Gomniissioii 3Iercliaiits — coiUimted. Jose Azcona, i6 Escalerillas Max A. Phillipp y Ca., Empedrillo Marcial Pezana, 19 Refugio Ponton Hermanos, 3 Rejas de Balvanera Ramon Ponton, i Portacoeli Agustin Rovalo, 3 Reloj Trueba y Calleja, Estampa de Jesus Jose Guerra Torriello, 2 Jesus Nazareno Isadoro de la Torre Hermanos, 8 Reloj Ambrosio Sanchez, i San Francisco Santo, IMuiiuzuri y Ca. , Santo Domingo Rafael Salcido, 13 San Francisco Rapp, Sommer y Ca. , 4 Palma Jose Maria del Rio, 6 Palma Martinez y Ca., 2 Angel F. P. de Portilla Hijos, 13 Capuchinas Feliciano Rodriguez, 10 Puente de Palacio -M. del Rio Uriarte, 10 Empradillo L'hink y Ca., 22 Don Juan Manuel Uhink Hermanos y Zahn, g San Francisco Schultzey Ca., 9 Monterilla Signoret, Honorat y Ca., 8 Monterilla Tron y Ca., i Portal de las Flores V. Viadero, 4 San Agustin Watson, Phillips y Ca., 10 Don Juan Manuel Simon Weil y Ca. , i Plateros Francisco Zepedia, 7 San Francisco Shemidt y Baujeau, 23 Don Juan Manuel M. Gutierrez, 3 Don Juan Manuel Daniel Levy, 2 Cinco de Mayo Simon Thomka, 8 San Jose el Real Formento y Ca., 20 Coliseo Viejo Salvador dela Fuente, 11 Capuchinas Antonia G. Guerra, 14 Capuchinas Adolfo Torre, 24 D. Juan Manuel Coppersmiths. Finamori y Amelio, 16 Arco S. Agustin Julio Nevt5, II San Juan de Letran Corn Mills. Alberto Bracho, Parados Estanislao Caballero, Puento Solano Manual Caballero de los Olivos, 3 Beas Carlos Ditner, 2^ 2a Delicias P'eli.x Garibay, Magueyitos O. Cotton and Woolen Mills. Jose M. Carballeda, 13 de Belen Agu.stin Villegas y Ca, 10 San Cipriano Joatjuin Lara, Garrajiata Arena y Hermanos, PI. de Madrid R. Nariega, San Antonio Suinaga, Hnos, 2 Callejon de Basque J. Viadero, Puente de Jamaica I>eiitists. Benito Acuna, 20 Refugio Tijera y Blessel, 13 Refugio Emigdio Carillo, S. Francisco Ricardo Crombe, 12 Plaleras Mariano y Ignacio Cliacon, 13 Refugie Hassei, l Puente San ]'"iancisco Antonio Roque, 11 Santa Clara Josd- Soriano, 50 de Mayo W. H. Keller, 7 Fs])iritu Santo R. Aristi, 131a San Francisco F. Landccho, i Segunda de San Francisco R. Rico, 9 Empcdradillo R. Sevilla, 13 ladeSan Francisco Drugs, Clieiuicals, sale. Ktc., Whole- Miguel Bachiller, 2 Espiritu Santo Enrique Blester, 13 Refugio .-Mfonso A. Brito, 4 Empedradijlo Henry B. Carman, i Puente Sai^ Francisco Carmona y Aparicio, 5 Cerea Sto. Domingo Agustin Chorne, 24 Meesones Serafina C. Daumy, Hotel Colon J. Falero, 22 San Jose el Real Ignacio Gallardo, 22 San Lorenzo Justo Z. Gudifio, I Balvanera Pedro Hinojosa, 69 Moctezuma Miguel E. Leiter, Puente del Espiritu Santo Z. M. Perez, 5 Profesa Jt)seiih Spyer, 3 Palma Luis Tejera, 13 Cadena Andrea y Soriano, 10 Joya Bennet y Ca. (successor of), i Cordobanes Jose E. Bustillos (estate of), 8 Tacuba Drogueria Universal, i Puente Espiritu Santo Farine y Sanders, Lerdo y Refugio C. Felix y Ca., 4 Profesa Uhelein y Ca. (successors of), 3 Coleseo A. Vargas y Ca., 2 Espiritu Santo Druggists, Retail. Jos^ Abeleira, 8 Pte. de Jesus Evaristo Bustillos, 7 Tacuba Juan Bustillos, Tacubaya Jose Maria Carmona, 4 Segunda de Sto. Do- mingo A. Silva Cervantes, 9 Leon Agustin Franco, Botica de Santa Ana J. B. Gaona, 6 R. de la Concepcion Isidore Gomez Tagle, S. Hipolito Julian Gonzalez, 3 Homeopata, Cinco de Mayo .\gustin Guerrero, S. Gosme .NL Iriarte, Sto. Domingo b'rancisco Kasca, Espiritu Santo. Jose Lasode la Vega, 12 Reloj Francisco Lelo, i Reloj Francisco Llamas, i Coliseo Crescendo Marin yCa., 17 S. Hipolito K. Oca de Montes, Niiio Perdido Ricardo Navarrete, Hospital de Jesus foaquin Aguilar, 30 San Cosme li. Aguilera y Ca., 23 Necatitlan Baez Hermanos, 13 Guerrero Beguerisse y Ca., 16 Puente San Francisco. Francisco Bernal, 4 Moriscala .\ntonio Bermudez, 13 Aduana Vieja Bermudcz y Ca., 7 Santa Catarina. Felipe F. Oropeza, 10 Avenida de Lerdo Carlos Patino, de Villamil Krancisco Patino, 7|^ Andrds Severiano Perez, 7 Rio de S. Cosmo Franciso Rio de la Loza, Segunda de Vanegas Isaac Rio de la Loza, Hospital Real Maximino Rio de la Loza, 4 Primcra do Sta. Catarina Manuel .Sanchez, Portacoeli Salvador Tricio, 6 Damas .Manuel Urbina, i S. Juan Bernardo del C. Uructn, 5 S. Francisco lose Maria del I'iio, 6 I'alma .'\gusliii Ccironado, i Oinietlo .•\. D. Gonzalez, Ti)ril)io Francisco T. Hoez, Primcra do Guerrero l'"rancisco Bernal, 6a de Guerrero Ciirlos Margain, csiiiiina del Apartado Jesus Gonzalez, 3a Cinco do Mayo Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Drilgfgists, 'Retail— couiinued. Juan de I. Cafias, 13 Verdeja Enrique C. Corral, ii Juarez Carlos Cortes, 17 Soto Roman Diaz, 9 i)on Toribio Agusto Duclana, 8 Amaqura M. Flores y Ca., Plaza Juan Jose Baz Agustin Frias, 4 Avineda de la Paz Ignacio Gonzalez, 10 San Juan Joaquin M. Gomez, 8 Talevera Francisco B. Gordilla, 5 Alhondiga Antonio Guerrero, 9 Manzanares Florintino Guerrero, Puente San Pedro. Miguel Guerrero, 56 Guerrero Herrera y Ca. , 6 Factor Vicente Licea, 19 San Felipe Neri ♦ Benjamin Liz, Mexico y Dolores Clara Lefort, 5 Nino Perdido Agustin Martinez, 3 Soledad Santa Cruz A. A. Mayer, 25 San Lorenzo A. Mena, 37 Magnolia Jesus Mercado, 4 Puento de Alvaredo Jesus Onate, 5 Rejasde Balvanera Lorenzo A. Ortega, Zapateros Guillermo Portilla, 10 Espiritu Santo Rafael Rio de la Loza, 4 Santa Catarina Manuel A. Salazar, 7 del Rastro Carlos J. Silva, 7 Quemada Manuel Torres, i de Mina P. Verdugo, 2 Moneda Maximo Villagran, 17 San Hipolito Juan G. Zubieta, 2 Sapo Dry Goods (Importers). Vicente Algara y Ca., 6 y 7 Flamencos Coria Alvarez, 2 Flamencos Manuel Bauche, Segunda Monterilla Telesforo Castillon, 14^ San Bernardo A. Coria, i Portacoeli Simon Coronado, 20 y 21 Flamencos A. del Castillo, 10 Puente Palacio Manuel Gonzalez, 14 San Bernardo L. Espinoza Hurtado, Puente Palacio Monterde y Hermanos, 2X San Bernardo Anastasio Olveria, 16 y 17 Flamencos Luis Ortega, 5 San Bernardo Trinidad Quintana, 25 Nifio Perdido Feliciano Rodriguez, 10 Puente Palacio A. Rullo, 13 y 15 Mercado Cerefino Torres, 6 Flamencos Jose Velasco, 4 y 5 Flamencos Angel Villar, 8 San Bernardo Zaldivar Hermano, 879 Flamencos Felipe Zaldivar, 7 San Bernardo Electrotypers. Pedro Cordoba, 6 del Espiritu Santo Filomeno Mata, 7 Betlemitas Muguia Bustamante, 8 Merced Pedro Llagostera, 7 Nuevo Mejico Electric Light Co. Samuel Knight, Prest., 5 Providencia Fireworks, Dealers. Valentin Guardiola, 3 Cuevas Maximo Pereira, 8 Rosales Valentina Guardiola, 3 Callejon de Cuevas E. Mata, 5 Peralvillo Maximo Pereyda, 44 Magnolia Dario Torres, 7 del Topacio Fire Insiiraiice Agencies. A. Levy y Martin, 3 Ocompo, agents for " La Confiance " Robert Boker y Ca. , 4 Puente del Espiritu Santo, agents for "North British" and "Mercan- tile " of London E. Benecke, 7 Capuchinas, agent German Ins. Co. of Stettin H. Scherer y Ca., 8 Don Juan Manuel., agents " London Assurance Co." Flour and Corn Mills. Benfield, Breker y Ca., S. Carlos Charreton Hermanos, 24 Revillagigedo Fortino Aguslar, Calxada del Campo Sixto Arroyo, Soto y Magnolia Jose Maria Echenique, 25 Arcos de Belem S. Fernandez, 27 S. Cosme Alberto A. Bracho, 12 Estanco de Hombres J. M. Caballero, 3 Callejon de Beas Gervasio Clotas, Puente de Salano Carlos Dettmer, 3 Delicias Jose Maria Garibay, 32 Puente del Zacate Joaquin Lara, 3 Calle de Munoz M. Sanchez, i Pueblita Casto Villademoros, 4 Espalda Misericordia Flour, Grain and Seed Merchants. Charreton Hermanos, 24 Revillagigedo Bernardo Monasterio, 11 Merced Alberto A. Bracho, 2 San Jos^ el Real Vicente de P. Castro, 9 Callejon de la 011a J. Ceballos, 7 Migueles Enrique Diffonty, 9 Gante G. Galnares, 13 Alhondiga Juan Llamedo, E.\. Convent© Miguel Pacheco, 3 Puente de Molena Foundries. Bandoin y Ca. , 2 Delicias J. Brandi, 19 Ortega Luis Dantan, 17 Zuleta Finanmore y Ca., Arcos de San Agustin Antonio Fusco, 34 Ortega Neveu Hermanos, 64 S. Juan de Letran J. M. Pascuali, i Ortega Furniture and Cabinet Ware. Victor Aldama, i Independencia Lazaro Urrutia, 24 Donceles Carlos L. Velasco, 23 Sta. Clara Jos£ Barrera, 10 Vergara B. Benac, i S. Francisco Eusebio Delgado, Cinco de Mayo Pedro Fontaine y Ca., 12 Sta. Clara Jose M. Garnica, 5, 6 y 9 Canoa Francisco Arteaga, 4 Canoa Cornelio Carrillo, 21 San Jos^ el Real Juan J. Chavarri, Santo Domingo Jesus M. Garrido, 29 Donceles Juan Herrera, 13 Canoa Eduendo M. Kuhn, 6 Angel Adrian Lara, 9 Canoa Miguel Martinez, 25 Medinas Porfiria Mondragon, 10 Canoa Antonio Olvera, 5 Canoa Quintana Hermanos, 7 Coliseo Viego Faustino Reynoso, 5 Puente Correo Mayor Lorenzo Rico, 12 Canoa C. Bias Rodriguez, 28 Donceles Enrique Sanchez, 5 Canoa WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED. DELMAR'S Hotel m Bsilwht Dihectobt, AND Gemral Commercial Guide Book OF THE UNITED STATES. Designed for European Circulation, and as a Useful, Practical and Reliable Guide for Merchants, Commercial Travelers, Tourists, Emigrants, and Others Visiting or Contemplating a Visit to the United States for Business, Pleasure, or as Actual Settlers. The object of this interesting and useful work — which is arranged upon an entirely diflfereut, more practical, more comprehensive and useful plan than the average traveler's " Guides " or " Haud-Books " — is : First — To acquaint the traveling public with all Hotels, of the first and second class, in all parts of the United States and Canada, with their terms, etc. Secondly — Giving a synopsis of all Railway and Steamer Lines, with distances from point to point, fares, and other information of value and interest to travelers. Thirdly — Pointing out the true advantages and disadvantages of various ]ior- tions of the United States as places fur residence, pleasure, travel, sight-seeing, or in which to settle, whether as merchant, skilled mechanic, farmer, clerk or laborer. Fourthly — Pointing out the snares, swindling schemes and other pit-falls into which strangers are liable to fall. E. H. DELMAR, Author of '' Delmar's liusiiicss Directory of Cent nil and South Ainerinj," " //o7i> to Saure Trade with Spanish-America" " Delinar's Trades Directory and Mercautile Manual of Mexico, Cuba and the West Indies," " .-/ irintrr in the Tropics," tic. C il I (' AdO: 1889-90. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. La calidad tan superior de esta famoso Levadur.a. sf ha probado en milliones de familias y por mas de \'ientecinco anos. Es usada por elgobierno de los Estados Unidos, y esta endorsada por los profesores de todos las grandes universidades, estando la mas fuerte, mas pura y mas saludable. SE VENDE SOLAMENTE EN LATONES. WEIGHT POR MAYOR '/^ libra, 4 de 6docencaja 6onzaS|4 " 6 " ' " Mlebra,4" 6 " • ■' % " 2,4" 6 " • " 1 " 2, 4 " 6 " . u 2^< '• 1 " ' " 4 " 1 " , ., 5 " K " 1 " WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. }{ lb. 4 or 6 doz. - $1.40 6 oz. 4 or 6 doz. - 2.00 ^ lb. 4 or 6 doz. - 2.60 % lb. 2, 4 or 6 doz 3.90 I lb. 2, 4 or 6 doz. 5.00 234 lb. 1 doz. - - 12.00 4 lb. 14 or I doz. 18.25 5 lb. I'i or I doz. 22.75 D?pwcrs CREAM ^akikG cqwdeR i!''ST PERFECT mad! PRECIOS, CORRIENTE. En Neuva York, Chicago 6 St. Louis. - - - $1.40 doc. - - - 200" - - - 2.60 " • - 3.90 " - - - 500 " - - 12.00 " - - - 1825 " - - - 22.75 " These prices are deliverable f. o. b. in New York, Chi- cago or St. Louis. Trade Discounts made known on application. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. The superior excellence of this unequaled Baking Powder has been proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government, and indorsed by the heads of the great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and Most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in Cans . The City of Mexico. 53 • Furuit lire, Etc. — continued. Ines Villaverde, 27 Donceles Placedo Zendejas, 22 Donceles Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. Aguirre Hermanos, 10 y 1 1 Pte. del Correo Mayor Juan A. Bennet Sucesores, la Santo Domingo y Cordobanes Roberto Boker, Purente Espiritu Santo yCadena Felipe Cejudo, 10 Esclavo J. M. Del Rio, 6 Palma Guillermo Dorn, Cinco Mayo Elcoso Lopez y Ca. , i Cadena y Angel J. J. Finlay y Ca., Mina Agustin Gutheir, 4 Palma German Garthz, 19 Tlapaleros Izquierdo y Garibay, 4 Cinco Mayo Martin Leffman y Hijos, 12 y 13 Palma Lhose y Ca., Sucesores, 9 Palma A. Philip Max, Cinco, Mayo Eduardo Roa, 10 Vergara Valdes y Rufo, 10 y 12 Cinco Mayo. Glass Dealers, Plate and Mirror. Ignacio Aguirre, 10 y 11 Correo Mayor Luis G. Arnaldo, 6 Profesa G. Dorn y Ca., Santa Clara Miguel Jiminez. 28 Merced Hillebrand y Ca., i Priniera Plateros Jose Azcona, 12 Escalerilla Alfonso Dabat, 3 Portal de Agustinos Agustin Martinez, 45 y 46 Plaza Mercado Martinez y Ca., Portals de Portacoeli J. Serreille, 7 Callejon Santa Clara N. Wissel, 6 San Agustin Groceries and Provisions, Whole- sale. Torre Hermanos, 8 Reloj Uhink Hermanos y Zahn Uhink y Ca., 22 Don Juan Manuel Vicente Alonzo, 4 San Bernardo Basagaiti y Posada, 2 Plateros Maximo Cabrera, 7 Puente de Lena Larco Hermanos, i Coliseo Mancina Hermanos, 9 Independencia Trueba y Calleji, Estampa de Jesus Ranon Ponton, i Portacoeli Ambrosio Sanchez, i San Francisco Santo, Munuzuri y Ca., i Santo Domingo Abascal y Perez, Rejos de Balconera Mendoza M. Cortina, i Tiburcio H. Deverdun, 2 Puente del Espiritu Santo Gomez y Hermano, Tacuba y San Jose el Real Lavie y Ca., 7 Juan Manvel Remigio Noriega, Cinco de Mayo Ignacio Noriega, 5 Angel Ponto y Hermano, 3 Rigas de Balvanera Agustin Rovalo, 9 Puente de Jesus Jos6 Guerra Torrielo, 2 Jesus Nazareno Viuda Genin, 3 Segunda Plateros Francisco Zei)eda, 7 2a S. Francisco Formento y Ca. (sucesor), 20 Coliseo Viejo Hardware anIaclliJUistS, Etc. — continued. Carlos Blakesley Laubley N. Campa Pedro Cordova, 6 del Espiritu Santo Charreton Hermanos, 24 Revillagigedo G. Gahrtz, 19 Tlapaleros Leflfman y Hijos, 12 Palma Santiago Lhose, 9 Palma J. White, 4 Revillagigedo Boudain y Ca., Delicias Roberto Baker, 4 Puerta Espiritu Santo J. M. Del Rio, 6 Palma Dorn y Ca., Calle Santa Clara Elcoro Lopez y Ca. , Cadena y Angel Agustin Guthal, 13 Palma Hoflman y Hermano, lo Donceles M. Ibarrola, 4 Angeles G. Lhose y Ca. , 9, 10 y 11 Palma Acuiia Claudio de la Sanz, 25 Arco de Belen Vanduin y Ca., 2 Segunda de las Delicias Wexel y De Grass, Sucesores Merchants, General. (See Commission and Wholesale Merchants, General.) Mining- Companies and Promoters of Mining Enterprises. Compania del Real del INIonte, 11 S. Bernado Compania de San Rafael, i Encarnacion George D. Barron, 6 Cinco de Mayo J. Campero Vega, 3 San Agustin Celso Acevedo, 12 S. Lorenzo Trinidad Acuiia, 14 Real Bias Balcarcel, 6 Cerca de Sto. Domingo Agustin Barroso, Ministerio de Fomento A. Castillo, 19 Donceles Pedro Espejo, Zacatecas Luis Espinosa, Zumpango Francisco Guheni, Guanajuato Ignacio Haro, Mejico T. L. Laguerennu, Tacubaya Pedro Lopez, S. Luis Potosi Jesus Manzona, Pachuca Carlos Medina, 13 Arsinas Francisco Morales, Mejico Francisco Palacis, Tabasco Santiago Ramirez, 15 Buenavista Manuel Rivera, S. Cosme Sebastian Segura, Mejico Manuel Urquiza, Mejico Francisco Zarate, Zacatecas Juan Barcjuera, Mextitlan Gilberto Crespo, Ministerio de Fomento Mariano Leon Luis Pozo Mariano Barcena, 2 Santa Ines Eduardo Garay, 9 Donceles Tito Rosas, 13 Chavarria Musical Instruments, Pianos, Etc. Jos(5 L Espinoza, 2 San Ramon Cipriana Granados, 22 la Merced Manuel Hidalgo, 8 San Ivamon Tomas Hernandez, 7 del Reloj Jesus Onati, 9 San Raniun J. B. Sanchez, lo Canoa Romulo Solano, Puentc de Je.sus lieizet y Hnos., 4 Cadena Josd* Fernandez, 27 Ortega H. Nagel y Ca., Sucesors, 5 Palma Wagner y Lcvien, 15 Coliseo Viejy Newspapers.. (See Publishers and Printers.) Opticians. Calpini, Sucesor, 12 2a S. Francisco Julio Favre, 4 2a de Plateros N. Jhoranson, 3a S. Francisco y Callejon del Espiritu Santo Cipriano Trujillo, 8 Portal de Mercaderes A. Whitte, Espiritu Santo Outfitters, General (Retail). Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cheap Jewelry and Ornaments, Pictures, Furniture, Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, etc., etc. Cayetano de Abiega, 3 Santa Calarm Antonio Maria Aburto, 13 Donceles Jose Aguirre, 7 Soledad de Santa Cruz Altuna Hernanos, 9 Vegara Victor Aldama, 3 Calegio de Niiias Ramon Alonso, i-2a de Vanegas Altuna Hermans, I San Hipolito Luis Arenal, 6 Bajos de San Agustin Fernando Ayllon, 31 Ortega Manuel Barcena, 2 Plaza de Madrid Ramona Barsurto, 12 Don Taribio Angela Becerril, 2 Consuelo Esteban A. Becerrie, i de la Pilascea Jose Miria Berruecos, 7 Conaa Luis Bose, i de San Ramon Santos Bastillos, 7 Plazuela de Madrid R. Butron, 10 Santa Clara Rosa de J. Camba, 27 Merced Rafael Campillo, 3 Pte. de Misericordia Federico Ceballos, Estampa de Jesus Angela S. Contreras, 9 Canas Fedencio Cortes, 3 Calle Real de Santa Ana Juana B. Chavarria, C. Cando S. Dozal, 3 Santa Catarina Vicente Espinosa, Plazuela de Carbonero Gregoris Fernandez, 3 Puente de Lena Felipe Flores, 7 San Francisco Alonzo Garcia, 6 de la IVLignolia Francisco Garriko, Portal de Santo Domingo Juana Gayoso, 10 Venero Vicente Gona, 4 Alfaro Manuel Guterrez, i la Merced Julian Gutierrez, 2 Colosio Viejo Jose Guzman, 14 la Regina Hermosa Hermanos, 3 Santisema Angel Junco, iSCamarones Braulio Junco y Ca., 38 Niiio Perdido Eduardo Larque, 19 Santa Clara Jose Lezameta, 7 Puente de Tezonttale Porfirio Lianas, 2Z Merced Francisco Llo]), 7 Santa Clara Vicente Manilla, 16 Jesus Nazareno Mateo Mejia, 3d de San Juan G. Milla, 15 Avenida Ledro Manuel Moyeda y Ca., 6 Santo Domingo Juan R. Ortiz, i Bajos de Portacoeli Manue! G. Perez, Puente de Jesus lose Perez, 12 Victoria Joafiuin Poo, 3 ( )hncda NL-inuel I'lnnaricga, I la Merced G. Ramirez, 14 Avencda Lenio Antonio Rivera, i Ste. Domingo Nicasio Rodrigo, 6 Pie. Santo Domingo Antonio Rodriguez, 21 Mercaso de Merced Hafall Taciiz, 7 Ksclavo Vicente Sunlo, 5 I'lanzuladc Carljoncro .56 Delmae's Trades Directory axd Mercaxtile Manual. Outlitters, General— coNii/iued. Juan Pablo Soto, 3 Santa Catarina ■ Jose del Torno, 4 de la Merced Jose Uribe, 8 Santo Domingo Juan Urrutia, 8 Aducina Vieja Amado Varela, 2 Merced Domingo Verdeja, 3 Hospital Real Pedro Via y Sobrino, i Factor Alejandro Villegas, 12 Medinas Jose Zalboro, 12 Nahnattato Jose B. Zapata, 18 Santa Clara Francisco Zarala, 6 Portal Santo Domingo G. Zyas y Ca. , i4Coloseo Viejo Antonio Zepeda, i Manzanares Paints, Oils and Varnishes. (See also Druggists, Wholesale. ) Timoteo Ayala, 8)4 Cerca de Santo Domingo Pedro Balling, 9^ Santa Isabel .Jose del Barca, Hotel Vergara Benito Castro, 7 Gachupines Jose Maria Carmona, 7 Espalda San Lorenzo. Felix Flores, 9 Misericordia Regino Garcia, Colonias de Tepito Francisco Guadarrama, 9 E. S. Lorenzo Vicente Hernandez, Callejon Ratones J. B. Hernandez, 3 E. San Juan de Dios J. M. Mondragon, Colonias de Tepito Angel Morales, 15 Medinas Andres Padilla, 3 Pte. Cramen Luis Rosas, Tlapaleria Jesus Vanegas, 9 Misericordia J. M. Villegas, 2 Espalda S. Juan de Dios Eutimio Zazaya, 8 2a San Lorenzo Lorenzo Zazaya, 8 S. Lorenzo Nicanor Arce, 4 Pte. S. Tomas Mariana Green, i Calvario R. Velasco, 15 Puente de Cuevo Paper Warehouses. Guillermo Dorn, 5 de Mayo Kauser y Martin, 7 Pte. del Espiritu Santo Remirez y Ca., 3 Espiritu Santo Trueba Hnos, 14 Cadena Paper Boxes, Manufacturers. Amado Barroso, 5 Cinco de Mayo Rafel Paez, 6 Cinco de Mayo Valdes y Cueva, Providencia 'Carlos Gonzalez, 8 Sta. Teresa Paper and Paper Hangings. Luis Arnaldo, Segunda San Francisco J. M. Del Rio, 6 Palma E. Delarrue, i Segunda Plateros Carlos Felix, 4 Segunda San Francisco Julio Labadie, 5 Segunda San Francisco Lehman y Hijos, 12 Palma Tellez y Bauche, 13 Refugio Federico Vaugier, 7 Segunda S. Francisco Vanden Stein Wingaert, Plazuela del Espir- itu Santo Wirlanti, Cinco de Mayo A. Bernard, 6 Tacuba Pedro Cordova, Cinco de Mayo Federico Ludert, Profesa Perfumery and Toilet Articles. (See, also, "Outfitters, General.") Luis Arnaldo, 5 Profesa Jesus Acosta, 15 Coliseo Viejo Benct, Sucesor, Cordobanes Cuats y Ca. , 10 y 12 Cinco Mayo P. Claverie, i Coliseo Viejo J. M. Del Rio, 6 Palma Carlos Felix, 4 Profesa Julio Labadie, 5 Profesa Leffman y Hijos, Palma P. Saint-Marc, Calle S. Clara Tellez y Ca. , Primera de Plateros Photographers. Jesus Alvarez, 8)4 Correo Mayor Antonio Calderon y Ca., 4 San Francisco Cruces y Campa, 4 Empedradillo Agustin Campa Figuerea, 5 Plateros Gove y Nortt, 7 Espiritu Santo Luis Manero, 16 de Francisco Francisco Iglesias, 3 Sto. Domingo N. Mayo, 7 Vergara Guadalupe Suarez, 3 Chiconautla Valleto Hermanos, 4 S. Francisco Luis Weraza, 15 Balvanera Ameira Vanez, 1 1 S. Francisco Guerra y Ca., 11 S. Francisco Valleto Hermanos, 4 la S. Francisco Luis Veraza, 15 Balvanera Vanez Ameneyra, 11 2a S. Francisco * Gomez, Flores y Pacheco, yj4 Pte. del Correo Mayor Physicians and Surgeons. Francisco Buenrostro, Tlalpam Camilo Calderon, 5 Trompete Ignacio Capetillo, 5 Reloj Manuel Carmona, 21 S. H. de S. Nicolas Trinidad Carmon, 4 Indio Triste Angel Carpio, 5 Pte. de Leguizaneo Francisco Cerda, 27 Quebrado Crescendo Colin, 11 S. Felipe Neri Juan Collantes, 6 Montealegre Miguel Cordero y Gomez, 44 Santa Clara Pablo Cordoba y Valois, 13 Tiburcio Agustin Coronado, 7 S. Felipe de Jesus Jose de la Cueva, 11 S. Hipolito Francisco Chacon, 13 Sto. Domingo Ignacio Chavez, 5 Tercera del Rastro Genaro Alcorta, 3 Aguila M.-'.nuel Alfaro, 15 Damas Fernando Altamarino, 4 Aduana Vieja Minuel Alvarado, 10^ Canoa Jesus Aranjo, 11 Olmedo ALdnuel Aveleyra, 7 Alfaro Jnse Maria Bandear, i Factor Miguel Barbachano, 11 S. Jose el Real Jose Barragan, Hospital de Jesus Ernesto Below, 14 S. Francisco L. de Bellina, 18 Tacuba Ignacio Berrueco, 11 S. Ramon Francisco Bla-guez, 2 S. Diego Francisco Buenrostro, 10 Mesones Pedro Diaz de Bonilla, 4 Sta. Catarina Manuel Dominguez, 10 Chavarria Ricardo Egea, 5 Monterilla Alberto Escobar, 3 S. Agustin Maximiliano Galan, 10 Refugio Jose Galindo, 19 Sta. Catarina Jose Gama, Patoni J. A. Gamboa, 3 Dolores L. Francisco Garcia, 7 S. Juan Angel Gavino, 5 S. Pedro y S. Pablo Amado Gazano, i Sexta del Reloj .\ntoriio Gomez, 21 S. Hipolito The City or Mexico. 57 Physicians and Surgeons— comh^ed. Joaquin Gomez, i2Manzanares Regino Gonzales, 6 Escondida Manuel Gordillo, Hospital Militar JuanN. Govantes, 2 S. Jose de Real Marcelino Guerrero, 19 10 Puerto Nuevo Angel Gutierrez, 21 P. Alvarado Manuel Gutierrez, 10 Primera de Mesones Joaquin Huici, ii>^ P. de San Diego Francisco Hurtado, Maternidid Francisco Iberri, 23 Cocheras Ramon Icaza, 10 Correo Mayor Ricardo Jubera, 3 Resales Francisco Larrea, 8 Toza Rafael Lavista, i Pte. de S. Francisco Francisco Leal, i Pte. Zacata Jose Leal, 9 Pte. Gallegos Jesus Lemus, 4 S. Lorenzo Vicente Licea, 6 Sta. Catarina Eduardo Licega, 4 Andres Jos^ Lobato, 13 Sta. Catarina L. Lucio, 25 Aguila Jose Marie Lugo, 4 Leon Ramon Macias, 7^ Correo Mayor Fernando Malanco, 1 S. Ramon Ignacio Maldonado, 12 Reloj Miguel Martel, 7 Jesus Anastasio Martinez, 7 Santisima Ignacio Martinez, 17 Pte. Quebrado Demetrio Mejia, 15 Rebeldes Vicente Morales, 11 Nuevo Mejico Miguel Muiioz, 2 Puente de Santo Domingo Tomas Noriega, 3 Hospital de Jesus Tobias Nunez, S. Factor Jesus Onate, 7 Nahunartato Francisco Ortega, 3 Medinas Lazaro Ortega, 6 PI. de San Domingo Manuel Ortega, 7 Cordobanes Domingo Orvananos, 3 Tercera del Nastro Ramon Pacheco, 2 Quinta de la Magnolia Porfirio Parra, 4 Parque del Conde Carlos Patiiio, PI. de Villamil Ramon Pena, Hotel de S. Carlos Manuel Perez, S. Cosme Manuel Poza, 4 Pte. de Jesus Ismael Prieto, i Violeta Andres Quijano, 12 S. Felipe de Jesus Jose Ramirez, 3 y 4 PI. de la Concepcion Juan Jose Ramirez Arellano, 2 Moneda Nicolas Ramirez y Arellano, 2 Moneda Roman Ramirez, 3 y 4 PI. de la Concepcion Pedro Range!, 8 Salto del Agua Agustin Reyes, 13 D. Juan Manuel Joaquin Rivero, i Uamas Juan Rodriguez, 9 Jesus Sotero Romero, 10 Quesada Alfonso Ruiz, 14 S. Pedro y San Pablo Nicolas San Juan, 30 Ortega Adolfo .Schmidtein, 3 Ocampo Gil Servin, 8 Parque del Conde Manuel Soriano, 13 Portal del Tejada Manuel .Suarez, 92 Moras Cristoforo Tamayo, 15^ PI. de liuenavista Antonio Velarde, 5 Alliondiza Antonio Velasco, 21 S. Miguel Joaquin Vertiz, 2 Sta. Clara Jesus Vicllagran, 18 Sta. Teresa Augustin Villalobos, 4 Damas Miguel Wilson, 4 Caleras Estcban Calderoii, 13 Amargura Fernando Escobar, Primera Damas Juan Fenclon, 7 Tatuba Francisco Galvan, Hotel San Augustin Miguel Hurtado, 6 Calle de 51 Ignacio Magana, Hospital Jesus Joaquin Martinez, Fabrica S. Fernando Rafael Miranda, 3 Callejon Groso V. Poli, 12 S. Juan Letran Silvino Reguelnie, 6 2a Damas Federico Semeleder, S. E.sclavo Antonio Teraazas, 4 Eitanco Mujeres .Alejandro Uriba, 2 Cadena Eduardo Vargas, 1 1 2a Sta. Catarina Pomposo Verdugo, 6 Bayos S. Agustin Ricardo Vertis, 10 Cordobanes Miguel Wilson, 4 Caleras J. S. Zubieta, 2 Sapo Carlos Aguilera, 59 Magnolia A. Aizpuro, iS San Agustin Francisco Alvarez, 8 del Reloj Ponciano Arriaga, 7 Puente de Santa Ana \y inter A. Barredo, 11 Santa Isabel Francisco Bernaldez, 3 Alliondiga Juan Siller y Cabello, 8 del Reloj Waldemaro G. Canton, 6 Rejas Concepcion Enrique Carrera, 7 San Ildefonso Lucas Castro, 15 Arco de San Agustin Jose M. Contreras, Moneda Ex Arzobispado .\gustin Chacon, 2 de las Damao .A.paricio Lovenzo Chavez, 5 Academia Harriga Jesus Diaz, 13 Cocheras Carlos Echagaray, 3 Espiritu Santo Ortigosa Fernandez, 11^ Santa Isabel Nicolas A. Franco, 7 Real de Santa Ana J. P. Gayou, 7 Calle de Santa Teresa .Alberto Gomez, 23 Aguila Romero Alberto Gomez, 14 Jesus .Abel F. Gonzalez, 8 Machincuepa J. Gustine, 6 Corpus Christi -Alfonso Helguera, 3 Til)urcio PZduardo Hickman, 30 Puente de Alvarado Manuel S. Izaquirre, 19 Don Toribio Ferreol Labadie, 5 Profesa Jose M. Leal, 10 Costado de la Sta. Veracruz Jose Huenta Lopez, 2 Merced Estampa Fernando Lopez, ly }i Corazon de Jesus Rafael Lopez, 9 Triste del Indio Mucio Maicot, de Mina Jose Mangino, 9 Pilaseca A. Mantienzo, 9 Ex-Seminario, vivienda Francisco Mendoza, 3 Perjietua Matilde Montoya, 18 Medinas Vincente J. Morales, 5^ Nuevo Mexico Vincente Moycelo, 17 San Hipolito Marcelo Ihucel, 3 Ratas Jose Cayllet y Neira, 14 Cosme E. NicoJin, 10 Vcrgara Luis Ocamjjo, 4 de Sta. Catarina Jose Olvera, 8 tie Vancgas Gregorio Orive, 1 de San Juan Lorenzo M. Ortega, 4 Zajjateros Cristobal Ortega, 3 Medinas A. W. Parsons i Puente de San Francisco Pomposo Patino, 14 Jesus Nazareno Manuel Bib!)ins Perez, 12 Juleta I'rancisco Puliilo, 2 Regina Ploiino Kodakanaiy, 10 Callejon de l.i Santa Vera Cniz Manuel Roman, 10 CIia])iteI de Monserratc Alcyandro Ross, 17 Don Toribio ICnrifjue Rubaicaba, lode Santa Catarina i'cral. S. Aldana J. Genaro Chaves Bembez y Berauri Felix F. Maceira Felix Bessauri Pedro Minagoren Enrique C. Creel Hermanos Navarro Genaro J. Chaves Anastacio Vega Ketelsen y Dejetao Arrelano, Serrano y Ca. Luis Fandoa Trinidad Castro Hooper y Ca. Furniture Dealers. M. Lorenzo Carlos Loya George H. Anthony F. Macmanus y Hijos Ketelscn y Dejetao Pedro Minagoren Lynch y Ca. Siivino Munoz Enrique Norwald Hermanos Nevarro Rembez y Hwamy Norwald y Ca Flour Mills. Hermanos Parlida Puig y Domingo Paschal y Marshal Francisco Kuiz Juan .Mauncl .Azunzolo Enrique Esperon Miguel Salas Jose Maria Sanhez Celso (Jonzalez M. Scluisster Manuel Ilcrrera Juan Tcrraza &i Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Machinists, General— fOfUmuc'c/. Anastasio Vega Antonio Azrinzulo Gonzalez Trevino Hermanos Domingo Leguinazaval Felix F. Maceyra Gustavo Maye Benigno Navarro J. Stalfordt Refugio Tejeda Guillermo Venmehren Photographers. Victor Moreda B. Velardi Addis y Hijo Physicians. Francisco Echeverria Canute Elias Antonio Lafon Miguel Marquez Daniel Muiioz Jesus Munoz Luis Muiioz Francisco Paschal Andres Romero Ignacio Torres C. L. Robertson M. B. War J. B. Lowe F. Rubio Pianos and Organs. Gregorio Inostrosa Jose Perchez Printers. Del Comercio Del Gobierno Del Progreso El Obrero Viuda de Carmona y Hijcs La Mariposa Jos^ de la Luz Navarro Abraham Eriberto Perez Jose Dolorez Solis Gomez Del Campo Paints and Varnishes. Anastasio Vargas Adalberto Irigoyen Jose Vargas Jesus Carrasco Sewing Machines. Ketelsen y Dejetao Enrique Norwald M. Adler COLIMA, STATE OF COLIMA. Population, 30,000. Ales and Beer Dealers. (See Groceries and Provisions.) Bankers and Importing Merchants. Jose M. Alcarez Guizar y Ca. Oethling y Ca. Flor y Kofani Billiard Halls. Portal de Medellm Alonso Francisco Druggists. Francisco C. Cuera Ignacio Fuentes Agustin Morril Crescendo Orozco Cosmo Suarez • Agustin Moni Dentists. Jose M. Garcia Rafael Ponce de Leon Groceries and Provisions (Whole- sale and Retail). Gregorio Alvarez Antonio de la Calleja E. Diaz Flor y Kofani Esteban Garcia S. Gomez Dolores Guizar y Ca. Keve, Vanderlinden y Ca. Alejandro Oetling y Ca. Oetling Hermanos y Ca. Jorge Oldenbourg Alberto de la Plaza Francisco de la Plaza Manuel Rodriguez Francisco Vargas Hardware, etc. Manuel Rodriguez Smith y Madrid Agustin Eschacht Merchants, General. J. Ma. H. Alcaraz Enrique Almeyer Gregorio Alvarez Rios Antonio Alvarez Miguel Barreto Antonio de la Calleja Alberto de la Plaza Enrique de la Plaza F'ancisco de la Plaza Epifanio Diaz C. Flor # i Mexico. G5 Merchants, General— cotni/iueJ. Aristeo Gomez Salome Gomez Dolores Guisard Kebe, Vanderlinden y Ca. Cenobio Madrid Alejandro Oetling y Ca_. Oetling Hermanos y Ca. J. Oldenbourg Antonio E. Orosco Francisco Perez Riensch, Held y Ca. Manuel Rodriguez Jose Maria Romero Agustin Schacht Physicians. Salvador Abad Pedro Altamirano F. de P. Arriola Francisco J. Cuera G. Hurtado Jose E. Murillo V. Megia Crescencio Orozco J. E. Palacios [sadoro Revera Gregorio Vazquez Printers. La del Estado I. Fuentes CARMEN, STATE OF CAMPECHE. Population, 6,500. Agents and Attorneys. Eduado L. Castillo Anastasio Arand Luis P. Choza Rudolfo Navarette Druggists. A. Ibarra Manuel Lagunera Civil and Mining Engineers. Alejandro Marcin Juaquin Musel Luis Choza Principal General Merchants. Burgos Hermanos Benito Aniza B. F. Colarelo y Ca. Felipe Ferrer Carmen has a large steam mill for extracting coffee, one do. cocoa, and two iron foundries. Jose Otero Ferrer Quirino Hernandez Manjarrez Hermanos Domingo, Perez y Field Juan Luis Ropeto Juan Slovero Antonio Martinez Nieves y Ca. Francisco Pallas Esteban Paullaada Juaquin Quintana Policarpo Saens Willms y Ca. n Antonio Zaldivar Jose Poveda Escribano Physicians. Tomas Cano y Aznar Francisco B. Campos Herculano Menesis and grinding dye stuffs, one flour mill, one do. CHIAPAS, STATE OF COAHUILA. Population, 10,500. Business Agents and Attorneys. Ignacio Armendares Juan Balboa Lauro Cartas Francisco Castcllanos... Miguel Castillo Lucio Dominguez Druggists. Chanona Domingo J. C. Gonzalez General Merchants. Agusto Lazos Vincente Farrera I'junedicto Ramos Wciiccsiao Parriagua I\i)inual(li> I""l()rcs Narciso Guirao Refugio Solorzano l»Iiyslcfans. P. Florcs Jf)s6 C. C'l'inzalcs Bcrnado Martinez m Delmae's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manital. CARD OB A, STATE OF VERA CRUZ. Population, 15,000. Booksellers. Antonio Ortega Albino Leal Chemists and Druggists. Daniel Limon Francisco Arenas Carlos Rois Billiard Halls. El Casino Vicente Sarmiento Dionisio Mantilla Pedro Diaz Aspra y Noriega Coffee Warehouses. Manuel Abascal Jose Gomez Dias Rafael Aragon Benito Carlos Fagoaga Luis Lopez Cirilo Mingo "Manuel Mateos Victor Yzquerdo Clothing and Tailoring. Rafael Aragon Raymondo Carretero Camilo Lopez Basilio Iraola Antonia Ortiga Lauro Bonilla Antonio Leal Chocolate Factories. Manuel Labogne Mariano Valdez General Stores, Retail. Tranquilino Calima MoisesTapia Bauper y Ca. Noriega Aspray Lucas Cordova Pedro Costafreda Pedro Diaz Rufino de la Torre JoseCamacho Fernandez Jose Diaz Fernandez Enrique Galan Ramon Garay Rafael Hernandez Herrero y Ca. Jimque y Isidro Anselmo Lopez Francisco Jimenez Moral y Portilla Francisco Natali Victor Louistalot Gregorio Lopez Antonio Rodriguez Ramon Rodriguez Francisco Cordova Quevedo Mariano R. Valdez Ramon Tavares Hardware and Housefurnishing. Manuel Abascal Calleja y Ca. Jos6 Tresgallo Jose Maria Salamanca Cortes Hermanos Guadaloupe Hernandez Rafael Vargas Hotels. Juan Barral Faustino Moral S. Vargas Physicians. Enrique Herrera Cuthberto Pena Jose F. Elguera Alfredo Russell Ramon R. Rodriguez There is a railway and a telegraph station in this town, flourish and abound in this vicinity. Coffee and all kinds of tropical fruits CUERNAVACA, STATE' OF MORELOS. Population, 8,000. Druggists. " La Merced " " La Providencia " Botica de Argandar Botica de Miguel Cruz y Cano Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc. Manuel Fiz Honorato Teissier yCa. Ramon Hernandez ESTABLECIDOS EN 1863. Ghas. p^astner ^ G^., MAQUINASTAS, FUNDIDORES Y SURTID ORES DE MOLINQS. Suministramos pianos y contratamos para Fabricas completas de Cerveceria, Alambiques, Almidon, G-lucosa y Vinagre. MOLINOS DE HAJRINA, ELEVADORES DE GRANO, DEPOSITOS DE MALTA. Segun los m^todos mejorados y mas recientes. Estamos prepaiados a guarantizar resultados. Vendemos a precios bajos, maquinas de vapor, calderas, bombas de aire y de vapor, valvulas y ajustes. Tuberia, Tubos, de goma y Correas de Poleas, de las que tenemos surtidos completos en nustra sucursal en Villa Lerdo, Mexico, donde nuestro agente el Sr. Ernesto Fuchs, tendra gusto en cotizar precios, etc. OFICiNA Y FABRICAS: 303-311 SOUTH CANAL STREET, Chicago, ills., e. u. de a. TaMs lie PuQla (e Mw$ He BoiloGk Explotar y Desarrolla YACIMIENTOS DE MINERALES y CARBON. Agujeros perforados a cualquier dngulo y a cualquier profundidad requerida, sacando un ANIMA CILfNDRICA DEMOSTRANDO EL CAR.VCTER EXACTO DE TODO EL ESTRATO PENETRADO. Construimos 15 Tamanos y Estilos de Taladros desde maguinas para fuerza de Sangre hasla las maguinas mas grandes para sondar jjozos. Tambien construimos LOS MALACATES DE BANDA DE FRICCION DE LANE. Y TAMBORES desde 2 \n6s, hasta 30 pies de Didmetro. mAGUINAS UE vapor "CORLISS" DE BULLOCK. Dcsda 50 hasta 2,000 caballos. rfi).'\si': ciRCUi.AKKs V i'Ri;e:i()S, M. C. BULLOCK MANFG. CO.. 138 JACKSON STREET, - - CHICAGO, ILL., E. U. de A. EL LABORATORIO MAS GRANDE Y MAS VIEJO DE SU CLASE EN EL Frederick Stearns & Co., FAEMACEUTICOS FABEICANTES. Establecidos en 1855. DETROIT, MICH., E. U. de A. NUEVA YORK, WINDSOR, ONT., y SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Ofrecemos al Comercio Surtidos Comtletos de los sigiuentes productos de nuestra manufactura. Extractos Liquidos (exsatados), oficial y no oficial. ExtractosS6lidos(exsatados), Blandos, en polvos y sacariflcados (extractos). PiLDORAS T Granulos, cubiertas con azucar, gelatina y Perla. Granules colo- reados. Medicamentos Seguros — Liquidos, alcaliticulos, alcalimetricos, alcalizados. Elixirs, Yinos, Tinturas (ensai/adas), Soluciones, Unguentos, Ceratos. Capsulas, Eelleuas duras, Blandas y vacias. Confecciones, oleatos. Drogas en Polvos, Ensayadas y Garantizadas, Extractos y Preparaciones de Cebada. SiROPES, Medicinales y medicos. Preparaciones de aceite de higado de Bacalao. CoxcENTRACiONES (Resinosas), Oleoresinas, Cordiales concentrados (conveni- encias). Preparaciones Granulares fermentosas, Galas. Pastillas, Hechas, a mano y Comprimidas. Lapizes e Inhaladores de Menthol. Pastillas y Pildoras comprimidas. Pildoras Hipodermicas. Pastillas de Frutas. Pepsina, Pura, Cascara, Azucarada, Lactinada, Sacarino puro. Saxoline, Simple, Perfumada, Medicinal, sus preparaciones y combinaciones. Parches en Rollos, Porozos, Tafetan, Ingles de Cirujano. Preparaciones nar- coticas. Sazonadores — Extractos concentrados, Jugos de Frutas, Sabores para Agua de Soda, etc. Perfumes — Para panuelos, Aguas para el tocador, Polvos para el cutis, etc. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Pidase nuestro Catalogo Farmaceutico, 100 paginas, 1,000 ilustraciones. LAS MEDICINAS NO SECRETAS. Fueron originadas por nosotros hace mas de trece anos, y son simplemente recetas preparadas para usos caseros, farmaceuticamente preparadas sin secreto ni fraude. Reemplazan enteramente los medicamentos falsos y privilegiados, con provecho al vendedor y satisfacciou al consumidor. Nuestro Catalogo Ilustrado No. 8-i trata ampliamente sobre el plan, precios y condiciones. Libre al pedirlo. " The New Idea," un periodico mensual de la Verdadera Farmacia, como opuesta al secreto y Falsedad en la Farmacia. Precio 50 centavos anuales. Copias de muestras libres. Nuestra Especialidad es la preparacion y envase de formulas particulares, las que podemos hacer mejor, mas baratas y con mas elegancia que el mismo vendedor Pidanse precios. Mexico. 67 • General Stores, Retail. " La Nina," Vinda de F. Azcarate " El Pabellon Mexicaiia," Aramburo Hermando. " El Vapor," Juan Pagaza "La Poblana," Luis Rios Bustamente " La Luz del Dia," Francisco Sobriiio " La Geratimoe," Jose Barquin " El Trumfo," Agustin Munoz •" Panaderia del Cazador," Felipe del Sol Pliysiciaiis. Josd C. Marquez Gustavo O'Farrell Victor Blay Miguel Cruz y Cano Theatre. " Purfirio Diaz," seating capacity, 1,200 COAHUILA, STATE OF COAHUILA. Population, 6,000. Business Agents and Attorneys. Pedro Radriquez Tomas Berlanger Antonio G. Carrillo Santos Davila Manuel Flores Bruno Garcia Miguel C. Gomez Patricio Gonzalez Jose Maria Muzquiz Trevinio Fernandez Pianos, Music and Sewing Ma- cliines. Francisco Villanueva F. Francesconi Maricino Grande Machinery and Agricultural Im- plements. Estorg y Hayer Mazo y Hermano Guillerrao Purcell Bernado Sato Insurance Agent. David Zamora Banks. Banco Comercial General Merchants. Bernado Sola Guillermo Purcell Marcelino Garza Eusebio Calzada Mariano Grande Rumulo Garza Josd- Negrete Damaso Rodriqucz Pulido Ramos Druggists. Carillo y Garcia Fuenles Mauricio C. Barrcda S. De la Fuente Jose Figureo Hilario Hernandez M. Warremosch Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc., Retail. Antonio Aguirre Mazo Hermanos Florencio Llaguna Jose M. Huici Donato Volpe Jose Maria Ramos Benito Goriba Acencio Molina. Physicians. Jos6 Maria Barreda Anastasio Carrillo R. H. L. Bebbee Ramon Davila Jose I. Figueroa Dionisio Fuente Jesus M. GiU Jesus Fuestes Mauricio Garcia Santiago Smith Matias Forth Dry Goods, etc., Retail. Hayer y Estorg H. Hernandez Dolores Maria Rios Carlos Martinez Sil)cr Perez Juan Sandrez Ales, Beer, etc. Hausscn y Ca. Perez y Hermano Printers. ScYCro Fernandez G I orres y Tapia Rafael Lopez Drj' Goods and Notions. Dionisio Mead Ramon de la Mora Jesus C. Arce Enrique de la Pena Julio Jurgensen Ignacio Rasura Viuda y Hijos de Lacroix Vudriffed Hermanos Mauricio Rohde Renito Barroso Juan D. Muiioz Chavez y Guido Runchaldt y Rose Juan Galvan Antonio Alcarez Gustavo Gravenhorts Aracio y Ca. Placido Guerrero F. Arevalo Francisco Infante Jose Juan Babadilla Jose M. Infante liannafoux, Fortoul y Chapuy Luis Infante Casadevant y Garselon Edurado Iturbide Francisco Celso Salvadore Maconzet Feliciano Corona Loreto Martinez del Campo Corona y Ca. Atansio Mier Cogordan Gas Manuel Montano Jose Gasibe Santiago Ortiz Ignacio Gomez Epifanlo Oseguera Amado Gonzalez Gabino Oseguera Vicente Gonzalez Ramon Ramirez Honoraf, Pelester y Saldini Jose J. Retana Lagnette y Brihuega Nemesio Ruiz Lebre, Barriere y Ca. Mexico. 71 Dry Goods aucl Notions— ^^«^/««^^. Cayetano Melendez Santiago Mendoza Juan D. Munoz Xestor Navarro Pedro Navarro Canute Romero Julio Rosse "iuiuardo Romero Ramon Ugarte Jose Maria Zuloaga Express Company., Wells, Fargo & Co. Flour Dealers. Canedo y Valdivieso Apolonio Garcia Matias Gomez F. Simon del Llano Torres, Morfin y Herman© Maximiano Valdovinos Furniture. Octaviano Aldava Jose Cano fose Procopio Cassillas iVIiguel Cassillas Antonio Garciadiego Teodoro Gomez Antonio Orozco Bonifacio Romero Jose Maria Cano Gas Companies' Agents. Santiago Alvarez Nabor Gallegos Lucio Robles Rafael Sanchez Francisco Valencia Groceries and Provisions, Whole- sale and Retail. Jose Felix Agraz Santiago Alvarez Angel Arch Florentine Badial Lucas Barron Castillo y Zufiiga Jesus Chavez Apolonio Cedeiio Donaciano Corona Celso Cortes Jose Isabel Cortes Antonio Covarrubias Tomas Cruz Dernongin y Victor Hermano Ambrosio Diaz Librado Escamilla Fernandez y Ca. Jos6 G. Fernandez Ochoa J. Gallardo Joaquin Garcia Ramon ''iaribay Ignacio Garibay Francisco Gariljay Miguel Garibi Tosd- Maria Gomez Felipe Gomez Polomar B. Gonzalez Ramon Gomez Ignacio Gudino Julian Gutierrez Priciliano Hernandez Alberto Jiminez Evaristo Moncayo Tomas Molina Hiliano de la Mora Ignacio Navarro Jacobo Navarro Valerio Nunez Mariano P. Oruelas Abraham Oseguera Conrado Osegeura Gonzalez de Perez Pedro Quiroz Rafael Rios Robles y Vizcaino Mauro Rodriguez Antonio Romero Jose Maria Romero Felipe Romero Ponciano Ruiz Metamoros Portal Manuel Sainz A. Aldama Sanchez Ignacio Valdez Hardware, Cutlery, Etc. Agustin Bontholly Benito Gonzalez Palomar Julio Jurgensen y Ca. Adolfo Niemann Mauricio Rohde Juan Zuluaga Mauricio Rohde Augustin Blume House Furnishing-, Tinware, Etc. Ignacio Aranda Hipolito Granados Jose Maria Guerrero Sebastian Mariscal Jos^ Sandoval Jewelry, Watches and Silverware. Andres Beha Leal Hermanos Xicolas Sanchez Aldana lacinto Torres [nan B. Torres luistasio Ulloa . Francisco P. Vallasta Antonio Winterhalder Sabino Aguilar Ijithograpliers. Anciray Hermano Jose Maria Iguinig J. Antonio Izaguirre Alberto RodrigueA Liuiiibcr Merchants. Gctaviano Aldapa Jose Cano Jose Casiilas Miguel Casiilas Antonio Garciadiego Theodoro Gomez Antonio Orozco 72 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Machinery Depots. Emilio Hachar Wm. Jameson y Hermano Juan Kip Juan N. Baulista Rosalio Briseno Pedro Carillo Francisco Leon Felix Martinez Antonio Valovinos Mercliants, General Wholesale. Alfonso Heyman Antonio Alverez del Castillo Blume y Ca. Castaiieda Hnos Eduardo Colignon y Ca. Manuel Corcuera y Hijos Manuel Fernandez del Valle Fernandez Somellera y Ca. Agustin Gil Miguel Hermosillo Teodore Kuhnhardt Rafael Lopez Nicolas G. Lemus Francisco Martinez Negrete Ramon Miravete Moreno y Palomar Oetling y Ca. Palomar Hermanos Lazaro Perez y Hijo Genaro Sanchez Somellera Fernandez y Ca. Francisco Ugarte Santiago Camareno y Ca. Librado Escamilla Gonzalez Olivarez y Hermano Negrete F. Martinez Pablo Navasotlo Francisco Grande Gustavo Gravenhort J. Maconzet y Hermano J. Morellon y Ca. L. Oruna y Hermanos Manuel Solorozano Perfninery and Toilet Articles. Ventura Diaz Viuda de Lacroix Viuda de Paez Cruz Ramrez Photographers. Carlos A. Barriere Ramon G. Fuentes Pedro Magajlane:; Octaviano de la Mora Espalda y Portal Refugio Ibarra de Diaz Physicians. Abundio Acevez Teofilo Alvarez Crispiniano Arce Fortunato Arce Antonio Arias Jos6 M. Benitez Perfecto G. Bustamante Jose M. Carmarena Salvador Camarena Jesus Castillo Jose M. Castillo Carlos Z. Dieznez Juan S. Escobedo Espinosa Monroy Jos^ Maria Frenoso Salvador Diego Garcia Silverio Garcia Ignacio Godinez Manuel Guemez Luis Hernan Eduardo Ibarra Jesus Larios Rafael Mendez Lopez Miguel Mendoza Emigdio Nuno Juan Oliva Martin Polanco Topete Justo Pastor Manuel Rey Jose Maria Reynoso Gregorio Rubio Raul M. Serrano Vidal Torres y Tapia Juan Zavala Carlos Zuluaga Francisco M. Padilla Ficolas Puga Fausto Uribe Julio Cordova Jesus Avelar Bonifacio Morales Mariano Cortes Mucio Cortes Reyes G. Flores Gutierrez J. Macias Antonio Ornelas Pianos and Organs. Ed, Cullignon y Ca. Mauricio Rohde Claro Tome Villasenor Printers. Francisco Arroyo Federico Echeverria Jose Maria Iguinig Loreto Ancira y Hermano Jos6 Cabrera Suarez Martinez Jose Maria Robles Jos6 Maria Vargas Publishers and Booksellers. Francisco Ahedo Carlos Bouret Neveriano Galvan Jose Gomez Daniel Garcia Francisco Nigrete Martinez Moreno y Mora Carmen Munoz Nicolas de Pena Josefa de Cortes Rubio Eusebio Sanchez y Ca. Sewing Machines. Emilio Hachar Alfonso Heymann Julio Jurgensen Dionisio Meade Mauricio Rohde Julio Rose 9l llEXICO. 73 Tanners and Leather Merchants. Vincente Banales Viuda de Carmona Sixto Monteon Emilio Peinado J. Fernando Manuel Stampa Maximiano Valdovinos Undertakers. (See Furniture.) Wholesale Dealers in Native Products. Pablo Comacho Santiago Camarena, Sta. Teresa Felix Castillo Florencio Chavez Carlos Garcia Sacho, 29 Aduana Gonzalez Olivares Hermano, 2 Degellado Albino Martin Marcelino Morfin Clemente Munguia Liberalo Munguia Pablo Xavarrete Francisco Padilla Exiquio Ponce Jesus Maria Rubio Domingo Salcedo Ricardo Villegas GUANAJUATO, STATE OF GUANAJUATO. Population, 65,000. Agricultural Implements. (See Hardware Merchants, General.) Ales and Beer Dealers. Antonio Camacho Ernesto Ruger Juan Irigaray Arms and Ammunition. (See also Hardware,) Narciso Nunes Francisco Manriquez Castulo Villegas Assayers and Chemists. Dario Abanez Leoncio Lobato Abraham Lozano Eugenio Lozano Roberto Philipo Francisco M. Sardaneta Jos6 Velez Pedro Belounzaran Jose Marsa Cantero Ildefonso Gomez Oca de Montes Miguel Pezquera Gabriel Montes de Oca Banks. Banco Mercantil Banco Nacional Mexicano Billiards. Jos6 Gilbert y Ca. Rosalio Lara Trinidad de la Torre Bookbinders. Eugenio Corono Pedro Parres Augustin Serrano Books and Stationery. Carlos Bouret Pedro de la Fuente Pedro Ripollez Boots and Shoes* Blacksmiths. Ignacio Gomez Francisco Manriquez Castulo Villegas Jesus Alvarado Margarito Arias Enrique Bernard Emetrio Duarte Francisco Heredia J. Maria Machuca Felipe Madrid Ceferino Pedroza Francisco Rodriguez Catarino Rodriguez N. Soria Francisco Vilannueva Brokers. Magdaleno Dominguez Feliciano Guzman Commission Merchants. Fuentes y Romero Enrique Mcyerberg Narcisco Nuiiez Manuel Reinoso Copper Goods. Ramon Alvarez Antonio Bonifacio Crockery and Glassware. Diego Abascal Santos Acostas Caloca y Ca. Luis Caudra 74 Del:m:ar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Crockery and Glassware— cominued. Gas Manufacturer. ]. Fuentes Juan M. Conteras Felipe Gomez Hermanos Obregon Groceries and Provisions. Monico Ortego Enrique Palasson Francisco de P. Pedrosa Florencio Arteaga Manuel Valadez Francisco Zarrate Dentists. Espiridion Martinez Hardware, Cutlery and Tools. Druggists. Diego Abascal Alcazar y Ca. Felipe Aragon Luis Goerne B. Arreguin Enrique Langenscheidt Jesus Gasca Hermanos Osante Elias Villafuerte Rodriguez y Ca. Tomas Fonseca Gasca y Ca. House Furnishing Goods and Leal y Ca. Tinware. Francisco Lopez Marquez y Ca. Alfonso Damen Sirio Maicote Enrique Palasson Jose Ruoda Pablo Duran Vincente Salcedo Hilario Flores Carlos Sotura Hilario Flores Ignacio Va7quez Tiburcio Delgado Villanueva y Ca. Antonio Moron Narciso Flores Dry Goods, Wholesale. Ricardo Reina Ignacio Vazquez Luis Goerne Bruno Alvarez Enrique Langenscheidt Modesto Frias Hermanos Osante Alcazar Stalfort y Ca. Hotels. Engineers, Architects & Builders. Hilario Gaidan, Guanajuato Agustin Ajuria Julian Antillon Magdalen Garcia, Meson Santonio Concepcion Gimenez, Alonso Ponciano Aguillar Miguel Bravo Ice Dealers. Pedre Belauzaran Roman Navarro Juan N. Conteras Bartolo Penaflor Luis Campa Juan N. Garcia Francisco Glennier Importers and Warehousemen. Anda Luiz Gutierrez M. Ajuria Ignacio Ibarguengoitia Alcazar y Ca. Enrique Martinez Luis Goerne Francisco Manriquez Enrique Langenscheidt Vicente Mana Narcisco Munoz A. Mendoza Cipriano Rodriguez y Ca. Luis Muro Severo Navia * Pablo Orozco Manuel Ortiz tTewelry and Watches. Gabellon Galacion Pedro Otero Alejandro Hernandez Joaquin Parres Antonio Perez J 1. Francisco Reinoso Antonio Villalpando Guadalupe Reinoso Federico Wieland Ignacio G. Rocha Hernandez y Hijo Francisco Sardaneta Luis Laux Miguel Septien Federico Gerilant Flour Mills. Lithographer. Antonio Anaya M. Coz Faustino Laureto Pablo Zepeda Lumber Merchants. Furniture. Sucesores de Benito Herrera Antonio Bonifacio Trinidad Lopez Juan Jaunoud Rafael Alvarado Obregon y Hermano J. M. Anda I i Mexico. /o Merchants, General, Wholesale. Abascal y Ca. Miguel Arvizer Caire Andriffred y Ca. Caloca y Ca. Margarito Castro Luis Cuadra Antonio Cuellar Amado Delgado Alfonso Denne Victorino Espinosa Ignacio Fernandez Fuentes y Romero Luis Goerno Felipe Gomez Ventura Gomez Jesus Gonzalez Lino Gutierrez Juan Herrera Luis Hugelstein Francisco Lara Pascual Marmol Muiioz Torres Hermanos Obregon y Hermano Palasson Hermanos Francisco Pedraza Roman Robles Juan Romero Jose Velazquez Evaristo Villasenor y Ca. Pablo Zepeda Florencio Alferez Aguerre Hermanos Oton Bollmeyer Guillermo Brockmann Juan B. Cassaneve Modesto Cos Oetling Droege y Ca. E. Palasson Stallforth, Alcazor y Ca. Paints and Varnishes. Geronimo Hijar Antonio Santoyo Flopencio Arteaga Manuel Valdez Francisco Zorate Perfumery. Hermano y Obregon Photographers. Vicente Contreras Inigo y Ramirez Physicians. Manuel Arraya Eduardo Armendariz Jose Bribiesca J. ^L Bribiesca Tonias Casillas Tomas Chavez Jesus Chica Alfredo Duges Dimas Flores Vicente Gomez Manuel Gonzalez Jose Hernandez Romulo Lopez Antonio Macias Manuel Mena Vicente Mena Ambrosia Olivares Francisco Robles Vicente Salcedo Francisco Salgado Abraham Santabanez Andres Telles Indalecio Wario Jose Wesleyr Herrera Manuel Moreno Jose Palacios Manuel Ruiz Trevino Ruiz Andres Tellez Ortega Hernandez Pianos and Organs. Enrique Langenscheidt Enrique Meyerburg Antonio Villapando Printers. Francisco Onate Justo Palencia Francisco Rodriguez Joaquin Hernandez Jos6 Palencia Sewing Machines. Margorito Castro Jesus Herrara Enrique Palasson David Wininburg. Ship Chandlers' Groods. Manuel Castro Santos Cepeda Refugio Morales Lorenzo Rodriguez Telegraph Companies. El Federal Jalisco Undertakers. (See Furniture.) Wall Paper. (See Stationers. ) Warehousemen. M. Ajuria Alcazar, Stalfort y Ca. Arango Bros. Jesus Flores i^Iarciso Munoz Capriano Rodriguez 76 Cuba, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. HERMOSILLO, STATE OF SONORA. Population, 6,000. Agents, General. Luis Rodriguez Eduado Castaneda Jose M. Eucisas Leonado Euciso Florencio Velasco Manuel Escalante Cristobal Serrano Merchants, General. Ramon Ayon E. Goblentz y Ca. Jose M. Miranda Juliana Noriega Eduardo Duran A. Majocchi Gaudara Hermanos Jose Porto Rafael Ruiz Manuel Mascarenas Ricardo Diaz Juan N. Castro Carlos Nanetti Antonio Calderon y Ca. Filomeno Loaiza Carmelo Echeverria R. Rodriguez Vicente V. Escalante Juan Marcos Druggists. Botica Alemana Botica Mexicana Botica Nueva Physicians. Eugenio Pasqueira Gabriel Monteverde Fernando Aguilar Alberto C. Carbo Printers. Roberto Bernal Imprenta del Gobierno Boot and Shoe Dealers. L. Boido J. E. Yepez Salviano Sainz IRAPUATO, STATE OF GUANAJUATA. Population, 12,000. Ales and Beer. Miguel Almanza Pedro Dumas E. Sanchez Agricultural Implements. Juan Vargas y Hermanos Billiard Halls. Juan A. Gaytan Mariano Perez Bookseller. Nicolas Hernandez Commission Agents. Vicente Aguilerd Manuel Bocanegra Librado Lopez Crockery and Glassware. Genaro Acosta Trinidad Betancourt Druggists. Aguirre Gondalez Ignacio Canal S. Galvan Miguel Orozco Apolinar Revea E. Sanchez Dry Goods. Vincente Diaz Antonio Flores Gabriel Vega Express Company. Wells, Fargo & Co. Flour Mill. Agustin Moussier. Hardware and House Furnishings. Genaro Acosta Gabriel Vega Antonio Rangel Guadalupe Alvarado EL CELEBRE ARADO ENFRIADO T MEJOKADO DE BISSELL. EL ARADO mas perfeccionado en el mercado. Fuerte y durable. Permutable y perfecta en todas sus partes. Cerrojos que no sueltan, y no son experimentos. Arados en tres tamanos, 7, 8 y 9 pulgadas. Pidase catalogo. Dirigirse, THE BISSELL CHILLED PLOW WORKS, SOUTH BEND. IND., E. U. DE A. THE Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company's WORLD FAMOUS 6i MILWAUKEE LACER BEER, Milwaukee, Wis., U. S. A. J> POWDER S^ STRONGEST AND SAFEST DYNAMITE EXPLOSIVE KNOWN TO THE ARTS for all Mining, Railroad Work, Rock and Stump Blasting. Fuse, Caps, Battkriks and Electric Mining Goods. Hercules Powder Co., 40 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. J. W. WTTiTiART), Gcn'l ManagOR GEORGE W. TIFFT, SONS & CO. Maquinas y Calderas DE Vapor, de todas clases y tamanos, y d precios rauy hajos. Mas de 9,000 de nucstra mdquinas en uso. Pidanse catalogues. Dirigirse, GEORGE W. TIFFT, SONS & CO. BUFFALO, N. Y., E. U. de A. VALENTIN BLATZ, Milwaukee, Wis., E. U. de A., [ y EHlaloi J delaa CELEBRE CERVEZA MILWAUKEE it LAGER," DE I.AS MARCAS " Pilsener," " Tivoli," " Wiener" y "Private Stock." Emeotelladas expresamente PARA LOS MeRCADOS Tropicos. Ha recibido los primeros premios por todo El Universo. SE SOLICITA CORRESPONDENCIA. IVIilwaularracilla, 7 Cruces Jose M. Cabrera, 12 Victoria Druggists. Romulo Castillo Gregorio Encinas Placido B. Diaz M. San Martin Delfino Arrioja, 10 Morales Joaquin Arrioja, 1 1 Segunda de Sta. Teresa Maria de J. Andifred, S. Luis Paulino Bautista, 8 Sto. Domingo Pedro Beguerisse, 2 Carniceria Santiago Beguerisse, 4 S. Pedro Botello y Ca. , 8 Compafiia Vibiano Carrasco, Hospital de San Pedro Guadalupe Coriche, 8 Miradores Luis Crespo, 7 Guevara Antonio Fernandez, 22 Herreros Pascual Gonzalez, 33 Aduana Vieja Joaquin, Ibanez y Lamarque, 8 Carniceria Luis Inchaguaregui, 1 1 Sto. Domingo Manuel Mena, 5 Obispado Angel Rangel, 8 Zaragoza Rafael Rodriguez, 7 Guevara J. Hanez G. Lamarque Marcus Cal Luis Campos L. Crespo R. Gomez Mariscal y Ca. Jose M. Barrios, 8 Miradores Antonio Gil Vicente Inchaurregui, lo Portal Morelo Manuel M. Maldona Jose Reinal Aguiles Rojano Jose Maria de la Torre Carlos E. Barros Deodora Suarez Jesus Toquero Dry and Fancy Goods, Wholesale. Carlos Charles, 2 Hidalgo Dichel y Ca., 2 Guevara P. Garcia Guthiel y Ca., i Carniceria A. Lopez Hernando Perenz y Ca., 3 Hidalgo Antonio Rosales, 13 Primer de Mercaderes Villaret y Duttner, 7 Primera de Mercaderes Manuel Teruel Velasco Hermanos Ignacio Rivero Alberto Quijano Santos L. Lopez Juan Matienzo Rafael Mora Borpillo Ortiz y Huos Manuel Peon Felix Perez Ballo y Cabrera Benitez y Hermanos Manuel Conde Gavito y Hijo Gutierrez y Palacios Engineers, Architects & Builders. N. Aguado y Jesina Ismael Alvarez, 6 Porfirio Diaz Juan Blazquez Angel Cabrera, 3 Sto. Domingo Luis Careaga, 1 1 Sta. Teresa Miguel Espino N. Kassian, Sacrista de Capunhinas Antonio Lorenz, 6 Miradores Juan Meza, 8 America Eduardo Morales, 8 Raboso Juan Pardo, 10 Chihualmo Ignacio Ramirez, Calera de Ramirez Emilio Rodreguez, 7 Cuarta de San Jose Herculano Santa Maria, 29 Carros Pedro Senties, 8 Cruces Feliciano Tello, 2 Guadalupe Eduardo Valie, Colegio del Estado Manuel Carrasch Joaquin Cora Guillermo Hay Jose Domianguez Iglesias Alberto Ibanez Jose Maria Pacheco Carlos Revilla Refugio Rodriguez Eduardo Tamaria Fancy Goods and Notions, Jobbing and Retail. J. de Arrioja M. Arce E. Arrioja y Valverde B. Azla Cardoso Hermanos Chaiz Hermanos Lions y Ca. Moreno y Ca. Flour and Corn Mills. Carlos Baez y Ca. , S. Diego Miguel Benitez, Molino de Huezotitla Berges de Zuniga, Sto. Domingo M. Garcia Teruel Florencio Gavito y Hijo, Sta. Cruz. Juan Haqu^t, Molino de S. Antonio Mexico. 95 Floiir and Coru Mills— copiiim/ed. Tomas Larie, Molino de Sta. Barbara A. Leblanc, Molina del Volcan Clemente Lopez, Molino del Carmen Mauret Hermanos, S. Mateo Sebastian Miez, Molino de San Francisco S. Pardo Juan Perez, Molino del Puente Francisco Amaniscar Jose de J. Tuta Hernandez Gil Laureano Islas P. Vellegas Tomas Furlong Emilio Benitez, Hnixotitla ' Francisco Conde, Santo Domingo Francisco Diaz, San Francisco P. M. Gonzalez, Costado de San Agustin Tomas Latorre, Santa Barbara A. Montiel, Esquina de Marquez Jose Rafray, San Antonio Francisco de la Rosa, 13 Huertas Flour Merchants. Manuel Macias Calderon Becerra Manuel Calderon Mariano Charles Francisco Diaz Pascual Lara Trinidad Beyes Luis Torija ^liguel Toquero Foundries. Fauesto Acedo, 5 Estanco de Hombres Miguel Esparragoza, i Iglesias Tomas Marshall, 11 Sta. Ana Jesus Toquero, 8 Segunda de Tepetlapa Furniture Warehouses. Juan Leroux, 3 Dean Jose Maria Manzano, 8 Dean Francisco Sanchez, 3 Porfirio Diaz Gabriel Alvarado, 7 Cruces M. de la Luz Arana, 6 Santa Teresa J. de L. Baces, 14 Estanco de Mujeres Vicente Cano, 11 P. de Santa Cativina Francisco Denetro, 5 Correo Viejo Anastosio Domingo, 10 Santa Domingo Andres Gomez J. de J. Guevara Santiago Gutierrez Jesus Huesca Francisco Lara Jorge Rosano Luis Ros»no Claudio Valdez Joaquin Arraiga Jos6 Costo Ignacio Sanchez Rafael Sanchez Juan Pablo del Rio Josc" Maria Aguilar Jos6 Baez Andr<5s Gonzalez Jesus Gueverra Francisco Gueverra Luis Rosano Jorge Rosano Claudio Valdes Jorge Rosario Gas Fixtures, Etc. Jose Bueno Juan Castillo Francisco Fernandez Miguel Fajardo A. Martinez Jose Maria Mendez Albino Lopez, PL de S. Pablo Guadalupe Medina, 21 Zambrano Juan Ramos, S. Antonio Francisco Reyes, 17 Rinconda Glass and Crockery. Miguel Palacios, 19 Pte. de Belen Javier Paluisee, Tecali Jose de J. Santillana, 2 Canoa Van den Bussche y Ca., 12 Corralillo Cenobio Fernandez Miguel Banuelos Miguel Toquero Mariano Oropeza Manuel Rojas G. de M. Fuentes Groceries and Provisions, Whole* sale and Ketail. Rafael Anaya Jose Aldas Agustin Becerra Ponce y Mufioz Jose Caldena Ramon Cortina Rubin Diaz Perez Diaz Antonio Maria Dominguez Juan Escobar Francisco Fernandez Garcia Hermano y Ca. Mucio Hernandez Hernandez Hijosy Ca. Manuel Labarcas Jose Maria Mendez Manuel Maria Mendez Jose Naval Jos6 Nieva Jos6 V. Olivares Vicente Olivares Luis Ochoa Jose Pastor Cirio Perez Manuel Diaz Perez y Hermano Jose de Jesus Ponce, 2 Mesones Jose Maria Portillo Adolfo Quevedo Quevedo y Hernandez Rafael Quintana Joaquin Rosete Jos6 Maria del Rio Pedro Hoyo del Ruiz Rivero Ismael y Ca. .Sabinon y Rivas Jose de la Luz Sosa Valentin Toraya Eduardo Valverde Jose Tanez Josefa Calderon Kara Carlos Fernandez Jesus Hernandez Adolfo Montiel Jos6 Maria Osorio Ana Torrcblanca Viuda Hernandez y Hijos 96 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Hardware, Cutlery and Tools. Paz Garcia, Porfirio Diaz Guthiel y Ca., Carniceria Antonio Lopez, i Pte. del Tore Manuel Martinez Glockaer y Ca., 9 Primera Mercaderes Francisco Traslosheros, 2 Carniceria Miguel Ruiz Antonio Rosales Blumenkron y Bravo Carlos Charles Hides, Wholesale. R. Acho Franciso Arrioja, 7 Aduana Vieja Leonardo Barriga, 4 Cruces Teresa Domerge, 2 Carniceria Furnbull, Strybos y Mora Garcia Beiran Nicolas Gomez y Ca., 3 S. Pedro Bernabe Martinez, 4 Coliseo Viejo Jose Maria Montiel, i Santisima Hotels. Del Roncal Del Cristo Diligencias Espaiiol Jon Juan Nepotnuceno Universal House Furnishing Goods. Jose Maria Careago, 3 Molina Rafael Cisneros, 5 Santisma Agustin Cisneros, 9 Lafragua Manuel Cueto, Santa Teresa J. Medina, Estanco de Hombres Francisco Reyes, San Pedro Ice Dealers. Jose Maria Barranco Franca Castillo Jewelers and Watchmakers. Julio Gauthier, Segunda de Mercaderes Carlos Herchman, 2 Sta. Clara Rodolfo Jacobi, 9 Guevara Andres Shiverer, Primera de Mercaderes Bravo Blumenkron Glackner y Ca. Manuel Marroquin Mendivil y Ca. Juan Ochoa Rafael Otafies Eduardo Patiiio Nestor R angel Feliciano Ruiz Rafael Anzurez Francisco Carretero Jose Maria Liar Miguel Palacios Feliz Guerrero y Hijo Miguel Beristain Manuel Espinosa Ignacio Soriano Jesus Guerrero Jose Mora Jose Ochoa J. Ruiz Lumber Merchants. Jorge Berkemburchs, 9 Sta. Catalina Francisco Fernandez, 13 Sta. Catalina Gabriel Ferrer, 3 S. Agustin Eduardo Friera, 7 Alguacil Mayor Eduardo Garcia, 23 Chiquero Justo Leon, i S. Luis Teodoro Palafox Manuel Pastor, 5 Porfirio Diaz Ibarra Fernandez, 13 Porfirio Diaz Francisco Traslosheros, 12 Porfirio Diaz Manufacturers* Agents. Agustin Lamy, Sta. Clara Manuel Marroquin, 5 Primera de Mercaderes Manuel Rojas, 17 Compania Ramon Alvarez, 12 Infantes Jose Maria Anaya Pedro Arcos, i Carniceria Gregorio Avalos, 16 Gallos Jose Blanco Alejandra Fajardo Luis Gomez, 4 Cholula Paz Gomez, 12 Dean Mariano Manzano, 8 Estanco de Hombres Agustin Melendez, 6 Sto. Domingo Andrian O'Farril, 6 Torreblanca Miguel Olivares, 5 Infantes Joaquin Perez, 3 Romero Mateo Porras, 6 Capuchinas Miguel Zamora Monica Zapata Machinery Depots and Dealers. Gutheil y Ca. Rosales y Doremberk Domingo Valdes Merchants, Grcneral, Wholesale, Ramon Acho Arnan Salles Adolfo Arrioja Luis Bello c' rancisco Cabrera ios6 Caloca IVianuel Conde Jose Maria Contoline Chaix y Ca. Jos6 Diaz Diehl y Ca. Luis Garcia Manuel Garcia Florencio Gavito H. Gomez Hernandez y Ca. Ramon Laine J. B. Lyons y Ca. Marroquin y Gauthier Mier y Conde Felix Perez Antonio Rosales Francisco Traslosheros Dionisio Velasco J. Buttner C. Charles Jose Rubio Diaz Ligero M. Gomez A. Gutheil y Ca. Apolonio Hernandez Antonio Lopez Felix Perez Mexico. 97 Mercliauts, General, ^tc—coniimwcl. Eugenio Reyes Rueda y Ca. M. Soquero Carlos Vonderbeck y Ca. Native Produce. R. Ajura Alani y Ca. Angullanc N. Bastida M. Bermudez Carral Carrillo y Ca. G. Encina Jose Salgado Sota Paints and Varnishes. Castulo Padilla, i Chito Coetero Cayetano Padilla, 1 1 Correo Viejo Francisco Morales, 8 Raboso Jose Andres Lopez Luis del Carmen Lozada Ignacio Peralta Photographers. Jose Barreai, i Sta. Teresa Lorenzo Beccerril, 3 Mosones Benito Gerciu, Sto. Domingo Joaquin Martinez, 3 Santa Clara Jesus Pacheco, 5 Estanco de Hombres Del Monte, Hermanos Abraham Cabrera Physicians. Francisco Arrioja, 7 Aduana Vieja • Joaquin Arrioja Placido Barriga Jose M. Calderon Jesus Diaz Manuel Diaz Pedro Espindola Carlos de Ita Esteban Lamadrid,3 Aduana Vieja Francisco Marin, 5 Sta Clara Samuel Morales Manuel Neva Miguel Ramirez Ignacio Rivadeneyra Miguel Salas Luis Zaragoza Carlos Amezcua Delfino Arrioja Aurelio Avalos Francisco Bello Jesus Botello Pedro Blasquez Juan Calderon Manuel Calva Leonardo Cardona Eduardo Ceron Daniel Chavez Gonzalez Dias Francisco Dias Placido B. Dias Miguel Durango Jesus de Espindola Joaquin Ibafiez Jos(5 Ita Jos(i Justo Jofre Jose M. Marin Manuel Noriega Alberto O'Farrill Gustavo O'Farrill Miguel Arenas Rafael Ohea Carlos Orosco Francisco Sanchez Agustin P. Salazar Dommguez A. Salazar Secundino Sosa Ignacio Rivadeneyra Baltazar Uriarte Ignacio Gil Gomez Manuel Ceron Calva y Zamudio Guillermo Davila Antonio Dominguez Pianos and Organs. Jose M. Romero Jose Cuevas Felipe Gracidas FelLx Olmedo Francisco Velazquez D. Espinosa Agustin Polo Printers. J. Gonzales Joaquin Martinez Ignacio Monedo Dario Ortiz Isidro Romero M. Boetar Pedro Alarcon, 22 Carres Miguel Corona Ismael Macias, 5 Sto. Domingo Jose Maria Osorio, 6 Sta. Clara Miguel Pastor, Carniceira Francisco Ruiz, Bovedas de la Compania Tamariz Hermanos, 12 Mesones Tomas Neve, 3 Sta. Clara Alberto Angulo Isidoro Bochler Jost^ de J. Franco Saddlery and Harness. Antonio Dovantes Herlindo Franco Juan J. Juarez Esteban Lopez Ignacio Sanchez Alberto M. Turnbull Sewing Machine Agents* Antonio Rosales Guillermo Corn y Ca. Agustin Gutheil y Ca Rafael Anzurez Clokner y Centurion Antonio Lopez Manuel Marroquin Sugar Merchants. M. Colosia Rafael Illuscas, 11 Herreros .Marron y Ca. R. Ramora •98 Delmar's Teades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Trunks, Bags, Etc. Teresa L. Domeneck Nicolas M. Gomez Lorenzo J. Osorio Undertakers. (See also Furniture.) Juan Pablo del Rio Wall Paper. (See Stationers.) QUERETARO, STATE OF QUERETARO. Population, 36,000. Ales and Beer. Dentist. Ignacio Galeanco Alfonso Maria Brito Victor Morgenthaler Banks. Druggists. Bonifacio Carmona Banco National Gabriel Carrillo Banco Mercantile Manuel Cabo Banco Monte de Piedad Aurelio Diaz Alberto Guerrero Billiards. F. de Jauregui Guerro Ignacio Gomez Miguel Arnulfo Juan Septien Esteban Vera Fermin Casino Rodriguez Bookbinders. Engineers, Mining. Federico Espinosa Carlos Alcocer Epifanio Garcia Adolfo Casperovi Manuel Jiminez Francisco G. Cosio Trinidad Santelices Mariano Gorraez • Adolfo Isla Books and Stationery. Eduardo Isla Mandel Pastor y Cevallos Antonio Chavez Alonzo Mariscal Gonzalez y Ca Jose Maria Romero Ricardo Plageman Antonio J. Septien Boots and Shoes. Jewelers and Watchmakers. Ignacio Ballandra Julian Richarte Alberto Dominguez J Nemesio Manilla Hilarion Diaz Mariano Altamirano Antonio Saldana Sinecio Monfont Manuel Flores Munez Pedro Pereira China and Glassware. Merchants, General. Manuel Alday Demetrio Aguilar Andres Arias Amando y Martel Antonio Gonzalo Bernardo Borja Kosendis Desiderio y Ca. N. Escudero Jose Maria Rivera Jose Garcia Jos^ M. Mendez Gonzales y Legarreta Fernando Olvera Clothing. J. Plagemann Arnaud y Martel Jose Maria Rivera Teofilo Irdrac Rivera y MacGregor Dionisio Marcel Mendez y Hijos Carlos Rubio Gregorio Vargas Mayrant y Richaud Native Products. Commission Merchants. Andres G. Arias Andres G. Arias Antonio Loyola Luis MacGregor Rivera Dionisio Maciel Jos6 Maria Rivera Baltazar Ugalde Mexico. 99 Paints and Varnishes. Sevilla Reyes Paper Box Maker. Carlos Bremer Photographers. Teodoro Balvanera J. Gomez Ignacio Flores Munoz Antonio Ruiz Physicians. Antonio Aguirre Jose Maria Bocanegra Bonifacio Carmona Jose Esquivel Ponciano Herrera Luis Serafin Jimenez Ricardo Nandin Manuel Septien Jose M. Suirob Manuel Jiminez Antonio Maldonado Jose Puente Santiago Torres Geronimo Torres Perfumery. Vicente Bastida Melchor Olivera Nicolas Torres Arnaud y Eartel Manuel Alday Jos(§ M. Mendez Josi§ M. Rivera Pianos and Organs. M. Arcos Trinidad Mendoza Manuel Mosquera Miguel Romillo Printers. Gonzalez y Ca. Frias y Soto Frias y Herrera SALAMANCA, STATE OF GUANAJUATO. Ales and Beer. De Guadalupe Camila Medal De la Union Manuel Portusac General Merchants, Retail. Bankers. Juan Medrano Asuncion Martinez Jos6 Jayrne Altagracia Calzada Antonio Gamifiio Zarandena y Pacheco Billiard Halls. Regino Gamiiio Juan Sanchez Marcos Herrera Tomas Solache Ramon Granados Mariano Granados Boots and Shoes. Luis Rojas Rivera y Ca. Francisco Rojas Eduardo Flores Crescendo Mares Z. M. Martinez Serapio Nunes Epigmenio Rojas Cigar Factories and Dealers. Rafael Arredondo Antonio Puente Eduardo Hernandez E. Figuroa Jose M. Rivera Jorge Sanchez Tomas Solache Andres Perez Jesus Rojas J. Dolores Gonzalez Modesto Castillo Clothing and Tailoring. Jos6 M. Patino Epitacio Garcia Refugio Farfan Thofilo Chavez Santana y Medina Marcos Garcia Hotel. Anecedo Range! Tomas M. Moreno Commission Merchants, General. Ki Laguera, Muriedas y Ca. Antonio Ortiz Michel y Foustoul Apolonio Rangel Nacero y Ca. Antonio Reyes Rucabado y Ca. Rivero Cantolla y Ca. L. Poagori Jesus de la Torre Varona y Otaria Francisco Viramontes Agustin Gallardo Carolina Leanteaud Hardware, Cutlery and Tools. Julian Tolsa Vida de Salazar Elcoro Lopez y Ca. German Gedovius Engineers, Mining and Civil. Felipe Gonzalez Nestor Gonzalez Adrian Aguirre Leffman y Hijos Aguirre y Fierro Anastasio Alcocer Francisco Avalos Aristi y Hermano Camilo Bros. Barrenechea Hermanos Luis Gonzalez Cuevas Larache y Ca. Espinoza y Cervantes Emetrio Lavin Espinoza y Cuevas Manuel Macias Rafael Espinosa Marti y Vegambre Campo del Gomez Pitman y Ca. Herrara y Lazo E. Shroeder Miguel Mayora Zorzoza Hermanos Eduardo Meade Felipe N. Gonzalez Antonio Rayon Gutheil y Ca. Jacobo Urtetegui Angel Argueta Dimas Castaneda Flour Merchants. Ricardo Gomez Anastasio Alcocer Domingo Bustamente Importers and Warehousemen. Julia Davila Bahnsen y Ca. Francisco Goribar Juan Barajas y Ca. G. Meade y Hermano F. Cabrera Jose Maria Otahegui Chabot Hermanos Manuel Othon Davies y Ca. Cayetona Parra Gedorius y Langenscheidt Furniture Dealers and Importers. Miguel Gonzalez Federico Gresser Miguel Lazo Gutierrez Castillo y Ca Cruz Lopez Matias Hernandez Saberon Jesus Rojas T. Labadie G. Godovieu Fernando Larrache Agustin Gutheil Mayor de Parra y Caloca Philip A. Max Martinez Hermanos Bias, Preda y Ca. Oeneral Manufacturers' Agents. Pitmar y Lynch Tomas Caloca y Ca. Ruiz, Perez y Ca. Manuel Castello y Ca. R. Santos de Aguirre Dili y Lavin Larcos y Ca. Mijares y Diaz Simpson y Pitman Stephan y Ca. Jacobo Ulibarri Felix Muriel T * "NT ■ -_* Iron Merchants. Ignacio Noriega Gregorio Perez Eicon y Ca. Apolino Rangel Francisco Valladolid Mexico. 105 Jewelers, Watcliiiiakers and versmitlis. G. Gedovius A. Gutheil Ernesto Heffter Francisco Mougarez Simon Aviles Nicolas Lopez Muriedas y Ca. Antonio Reyes Liena Rivero Arcadio Narvaez Miguel Gutierrez Sanchez Sil- Litliographers. Esquivel y Salas Ramon Munoz Lumber Merchants. Cruz Lopez Marcelino Muriel Pedro S. Navarro Machinery Dealers. Farias Hermanos Jacobo Ulibarri Manufacturers of Brick. Jose Maria Grande Enrique Winfield Merchants, General Wholesale. Aristi y Ca J. H. Bahnsen y Ca. 13almori y Ca. Lounzo Campa Campos y Gomez Carlos Danne Jos6 M. Davalos Juan Eguillor Gastinel Auber Geodowins y Ca. Macedonia Gomez A. Gutheil y Ca. J. Ileredia Ilerculano M. de Lara Hermanos Sucesores de Larrache Lavin y Dilig Marti y Bede Moro y Tena Muriedas y Ca. Manuel Noriega y Ca. Ignacio Noriega J. M. Otahegui Juan Jorters, General. A. M. Sinibaldi Matheu y Ca. Frederico Matheu Hockmeyer y Ca. T. Kriemler y Ca. Betrand y Ca. Benito y Ca. P. N. Sanchez M. Urruela y Ca. R. Aguirre y Ca. y Ca. QUEZALTENANaO. Bank. Banco Internacional de Guatemala G. A. Frierson M. Aguilera Jose Ramos Doroeta Cayas Dentist. Druggists. Jewelers. Jose Leon Gabriel Oltramare General Merchants, Wholesale. Jose Aguilar Pomposo Castro Mariano Enriquez Doroteo Gutierrez Bernardino Herrate Martin de Leon Cinilo Lopez Geronimo Martinez Tadeo Pacheco Hermanos Paganini Manuel Pelaez Francisco Sanchez y Hijos Roman Villagran Whitney y Hawley Physicians. Francisco Cayas Alberto C. de Castro Jose M. Martinez Printing Establishments and News- papers. Tipogrofia de la Industria " El Bien Publico " Sewing Machine Agents. La Compaiiia Fabricante " Singer," Eudecia Diaz, Agent Eepublic of Hokduras. 127 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. COMAYAGTTA. Population, 10,000. Jacob Baez y Ca. Victarino Berlioz Castillo y Hermanos Fiallos y Hermanos Trinidad Hernandez J. M. Inestrano Raimundo Valenzuela Pedro Abadie Merchants, General, Wholesale and Retail. Pedro Leitzeler Bernliard y Hijo Manuet Denis & Co. Pedro Leizeler Pedro Morris Jule y Ca. Arias y Bustillos Jose Maria B. Valenzuela Juan Ramon Valenzuela TEGUCIGALPA. Population, 15,000. Druggists and Chemists. J. Aguelera y Ca. M. Angulo S. Angulo Pedro Arias E. Bernard Dias y Morales Manuel Vijil Molina M. Streber J. Ucles Hardware, Tools, Etc. Julio Balette Jose Mari Reyna Jose Lazo Sotero Zelaya Hermanos Merchants, General, Wholesale. Jacob Baez y Ca. Geo. Bernard Catillo y Hijos Diaz Hermanos T. Figueroa R. Streber Zelaya Hermanos Agurcia y Soto Vicente Ayestas Felix Bonilla Francisco Castillo Cordova y Quiiiones Fiorencio Cueilar Kemijo Diaz Francisco Planas Marcial Molina Salvator Diaz Jacolj Estrada Jesus Estrada Benito Fernandez J. J. Fernandez esus P'iallos Juan Fiallos Dionisio Galinda Ramon Jerez Samuel Laines Luis Laddizabal Lazo y Ca. Doula Loanzo Enrique Midence Ramon Midence Perez y Lazo Pio Ucles Leopoldo Servilla R. Streeber Marrin Ucles Tomas de Ugarte Ugarte y Hermanos J. Zelaya Zelaya y Hermanos Miguel Zuniga Rafael Camilo Diaz y Hijos Martin Ucles Fortin y Bonilla Ramon Vigil Julian Fialk>s y Hijos (jutierrez, Lopez y Ca. Newspapers and Printers. " La Gazeta " " La Paz " " La Republica " Physicians and Surgeons. A. Bernard Joacjuin Diaz list avail Ferrari Manual Juan Fiallos Vijil Manuel Molina E. Toledo J. Ugarte Print iiig I']Ntablishnients. Nacional Tipografia 128 Delmar's" Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. YUSCARAN. Daniel Fortin Alecio Fortin Monico Cordova, padre Merchants, General. Santiago Moncada T. Gradiz TRUJILLO. J. Font Binney, Melhado y Ca. P. Castillo Merchants, General. Jose Julio Juan Lafitte AMAPALA. Merchants, General. Pedro Abadie Bernard Hermanos Manuel Denis y Ca. J. P. Gattorno y Hijo E. Herran A. Dubon P. Juhl y Ca. Pedro Leitzelar y Ca. Morris y Ca. Remigio Padella I'he Ampala Co. (Limited.) Jose Rossner JTJTICALPA. M. Guegllin J. M. Zelaya F. Calls S. Meza Juan Castell M». Vega de Cadres P. Inestroza Merchants, General. T. Malute T. Zelaya G. Gardela Torrez y Hernandez P. Bertrand C. Fortin PUERTO CORTEZ. Merchants. Debrot Hormanos Gedirico Debrot A. Ruiz W. Merilees SAN PEDRO SULA. Merchants. Parting y Ca. Ph. Arnoux y Ca. F. Girbal P. Vidaureta REPrBLIC OF HOXDrRAS. 12i> PRINCIPAL MINING COMPANIES OF HONDURAS. Yuscarau Mining Company Address, Yuscaran Santa Eleana Mining Company Address, Vuscaran Gibraltar Mining Company Address, Yuscaran Rio Chiquito Mining Company Address, Santa Lucia San Antonio Mining and Milling Co. Address, San Antonio Paraiso Reduction Company Address, Yuscaran Honduras Mining Co. Address, Yuscaran Santa Lucia Mining and Milling Co. Address, Santa Lucia (N. B. — For New York address of the foregoing companies see New York City Directory.) New York and Honduras Rosario Mining Co. Address, San Juancinto Zelaya Mining Company Address, Tegucigalpa Santa Cruz Mining Company Address, Santa Cruz Platero Mining Company Address, Yuscaran Los Angeles Mining Company Address, Valle de Los Angeles 130 Delmak's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. MANAGUA. Population, 15,000. Bankers, Etc. Francisco Gomez Rivas Hirchen y Ca. Druggists and Chemists. Rafael Cabrera Gomez L. D. Luciano General Merchants, Wholesale. Antonio Cabrera y Ca. Cabrera Delgadillo Gabriel Espinoso Francisco Gomez Rivas D. J. Hirchen y Ca. S. D. Mozia Ascension Rivas D. Rodriguez M. D. Sanchez James Simpson Federico Solorzano J. B. Thomas Tiserino Hermanos J. C. Bengoechea F. y S. Bermudez Calesto Cesar F. Chamoro J. de la Paz Cuadra Teodoro Delgadillo Miguel Espinoza Daniel Frixione L. Gomez H. E. Low y Ca. Viuda de Martinez Jose A. Robleto F. Solorzano Salvador Solano Newspapers and Printers. " La Nacional " " El Porvenir " " El Semanal " " Gaceta Oficial " RIVAS. Population, S,ooo. Narciso Arguello Hutago de Bustos A. Cardenas Pedro Chamorros G. W. Cole H. Goodman Leonidas Guerra A. B. Hurtado General Merchants. Lopez y Maliaiio J. Maliafio y Hijos M. Maliaiio y Hermanos Francisco Martinez L. y N. Martinez M. L. de Runnels Francisco Torres Tose Vicente Urcullo LEON. Population 25,000. Jos6 J. Ales and Beer. (See also General Merchants. ) Palacios Agricultural Implements. (See Hardware and Tools.) Republic of Nicaeagua. 131 Bankers. Coronada A. de Morin Justo Midence Espiridion Orosco Manuel Perez Boots and Shoes. Federico Aguero Modesto Balladares Antonio Bustos Francisco Carbajal Jose M. Cortez Nicolas Chacon Ramon Chavarra Francisco Delgadillo Cipriano Delgado Juan Fonseca Marcelino Giron Clemente Iglesias Pastor Macias Boque Medina Juan Medrano Jose Melendez Trinidad Melendez Bernardo Mendez Manuel Montes Tomas Pantoja Rosendo Pineda Rafael Puintana Benito Ramirez Antonio Saenz Cipriano Salgado Alejan Sequeira Rafael Syto Toribio Soto Francisco Valle Vicente Vaquero Pedro Vargas Manuel Zapata Commission Merchants. Pedro E. Aleman Carmen Belladares Deshon y Murazan Martin, Gutierrez y Ca. M. Salazar y Ca. ' Druggists and Chemists. Julio Castro Luis Cruz Cosme Chevez Teodoro Fassmer Basilio Marin Desiderio Pablais Tomas Telleria Foimcli-ies and Machine Shops. Pastor Lindo Vicente Osorno General Merchants, Wholesale and Retail. Almeda y Ca. Pedro E. Aleman .Simon Altamirano Frederico Alvarado Pedro Alvarado Eliodoro Arana Carmen Balladares Lino Balladares Manuel Balladares Francisco Boquin Salvador Cardenal Mariana J. Castellon B. Condhur y Ca. Luis Cruz Emilio Chesnay Ramon Chica Luis Debayll Deshon y Morazan Gabriel Dubon Salvador Dubon Florke, Notter y Ca. Miguel G. Granera Guerrero y Montenegro Camilo Gutierrez Esteban Gutierrez Alberto Herdocia Gordiana Herdocia Rosa Icara Gabriel Lacayo y Hijos Narciso Lacayo Panfilo Lacayo Coronado A. de Marin S. B. Marin, Gutierrez y Ca. Fulgencio Mayorza Midence y Ca. Manuel J. Montealegre Mariano Montealegre Jose F. Munez Navarro, Villa y Ca. Vicente Navas Juano Ocampo Desiderio Pallias Jose Pineda Prado y Arguello Mariano Salazar y Ca. Domingo Salinas y Ca. Norberto Salinas Jose Sania Benitio Sarria Otto Schiffman Schubert y Paten Alejandro Sequeira J. R. Sevan Thomas Telleria Manuel T. Teran Manuel Zuiiiga Aguilar y Sanchez Aleman y Salzar David Arguillo Ignacio Aguillo Pedro Arguillo y Hijos Juan Bapes Juliano Buitraga Ramon Chica B. Conduhr y Ca. Kduard R. Deshon J. J. y F. B. Deshon P. Eisenstuck y Ca. Guillermo P'ederich Concepcion Garcia Eduardo Garcia Castullo J. Gurdian Hazera y Ca. Leonardo Lacayo Alejandro J. Manning Apolonio Marin Salvador Marin Luiz de Viuda Marin Cleto Mayorga 132 Delitar's Teades Directory a:n"d Mercantile Manual. General Merchants, 'EXc—continufd. Rafael Mayorquin M. J. Midence Geo. A. Morris S. D. Pallais Cayetano Peralta Dolores Ramirez y Ca. Jose de J. Rojas Macario Romero Rafael Salinas John R. Swann y Ca. A. H. Teller J. R. Teran James Thomas Hardware and Tools. Benito Ardila Gregorio Banegas Trinidad Calderon Leopoldo Cisne Luciano Leon Salvado Mungua Hides and Leatlier. Paula Balladares Desiderio Baneto Sebastian E. Escorcia Felipe Granera Salvador Gutierrez Coronado Mayorga Venancio Montalban Vicente Oseps Sinforoso Valle Hotel. Leon de Oro Paints and Varnishes. Demetrio Molina Manuel Zapata Photographers. Manuel Godoy Alejandro Lazarenco Roman Perez Samuel Sedilez Physicians. Antonio Aguilar Juan F. Aguilar Luis Aguilar Santiago Arguello Trinidad Palladares Julian Castellon Julio Castro H. Fassmer Jose Guerrero Miguel Guerrero Rodolfo Herdocia Rafael Icasa Leocadio Juarez Timoteo Juarez Francisco M. Lacayo Juan Lacayo Julian Lacayo Basilo Marin Juan Midenque Venancio Montalban Francisco Montenegro Desiderio Pallais Roberto Sacasa Manuel Sedilez Tomas Tolleria Printers. Constantino Gross J. C. Gurdian Benito Hernandez Antonio Orue Joaquin Ruiz Sewing Machines. (See Commission Merchants.) Stoves. (See Hardware.) Tinware and House Furnishing. Antonio Breneo Sinforiana Robelo Nazario Soliz Undertaker's Supplies. (See Commission Merchants.) CHINANDEGA. Merchants, General. Senor I. T. de Callejas Callejas y Callejas Francisco Cardenal Antonio Casineli Julio Cesar Emilio Chesnay J. B. Gorlero Hermanos J. B. Gorlero y Hijo Juan de Dios Guerra Camilo Gutierrez Alberto Herdocia Carlos Halmann M. Montealegre Mariano Montealegre Francisco Morazan G. A. K. Morris Angel Navarro Pantaleon Navarro Francisco Orrico Hermanos Zeferino Republic of Nicaragua. 133 GRANADA. Population, 25,000. Agricultural Inipleiueiits. (See General Merchants.) Baukers. Salvador Arana Chamorro y Zabala Santiago Morales Manuel Urbina Juan Vargas Driig-g-ists and Chemists, Betail. Francisco Alvarez Alfonso Guerrero Horacio Guzman Alberto Lacayo Agustin Pazos J. Ignacio Urtecho Pedro Vargas General Merchants. Jose Arguello y Ca. Luis Arguello Mariano Arguello Agustin Aviles y Ca. Bermijillo y Ca. Jose I. Bermudez Fernando Chamorro S. H. Hamburger Jesel de Leslie F. y M. Lacayo Panfrno Lacayo F. Lacayo y Ca. Gabriel Lacayo y Hijos Pastora Lacayo y Hijos Federico M arena Hermanos Manuel Mejia y Ca. Luis Mejia Hijo U. y J. Quadra Ascension Rivas Felix Romero Hilario Selva Marcos Tefel Teodoro Tefel Rosario Vivas Rosario E. Vivas Hijo Juliana S. de Abaunza Jos6 Arce Arguello Arguello y Avilez Benard y Vivas David Castrillo Chamorro y Zavala Juan M. Ciambrino J. L. Costigliolo Costigliolo y Guevara Costigliolo y Guzman Costigliolo y Zavala Exc'iuie! Cuadra y Salvador Manuel Cuadra y Hcrmano V. Cuadra y Joaquin R. Fspinola y Ca Gonzalo Espinoza Sebastian Espinoza Daniel Lacayo Fernando Lacayo J. Lacayo y Ca. "Panfilo Lacayo L. Palazio Roberto Lacayo, Sr. F. A. Pellas Quiros Hermanos P. R. Ramirez y Ca. M. Salazar y Ca. Benjamin Sandoval Concepcion Sequeira F. de Abaunza Silva Eduardo Teran Juan Vargas Serapio Vela Leandro Zelaya Hotels. Hotel de los Leones Hotel Sirena Physicians. Francisco Alvarez Joaquin Arguello Alfonso Guerrero Horacio Guzman Virgilio Gurzman Alberto Lacayo Jose Lejarza I. Morales Agustin Pasos Pedro Vargas A. Falla N. Guerrero G. Guzman Planters, GeneraL Faustino Arellano Rito Baez Agustin G. Berard Costigliolo y Zalala Fernando Guzman Daniel Lacayo Fernando Lacayo Vicente y Joaquin Quadra Leandro Zelaya Planters, Sugar. Costigliolo y Zabala Espinola y Ca. Planters, Cocoa. Jos6 Arguello Chamorro Hermanos E. Menier U. y J. Quadra 134 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Maijual. Planters, Coflfee. A. Aviles Jose T. Bermudez Hermanos Brown Francisco Espinola Daniel Lacayo F. y M. Lacayo Tomas Lacayo Desiderio Roman V^agnan y Hermanos Juan Vega Printers. Jos6 de Jesus Cuadra Anselmo H. Rivas Miguel Romero Watches and Jewelry. Martin Chamorro P. Ramirez y Ca. Roberto Lacayo Felipe Ryas Jose Lacayo United States of Colombia. 135 UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. BOGOTA. Population, So,ooo. Ag^riciiltnral Implements. (See also Hardware, Tools, Etc.) Ferreteria de Pacho Pereira, Gamba y Ca. Isaac Diaz Ales and Beer, Dealers. A. Alford A. B. Cuervo Cayetano Cuervo M. Montoya Pizarro y Restrepo Salvador Rcias Octavio Sayer Banks and Bankers. Banco de La Armistad, Norte 27 Occidente Banco de Bogota al Occidente, Calle 3 Num 90 Banco Caja de Propietarios Banco Columbia Oriente 151 Norte Banco Credito Hipotecario Banco Nacional Banco Popular (Banco Hipotecario) Banco Prendario Banco Union Bookbinders. Daniel Boada Valerio Cabrera Evaristo Encisco Indalecio Gomez Adolfo Gonzalez Ismael Gonzale Manuel Gonzalez Antonio Samudio Francisco Torres Amaya Books and Stationery. Antonio Miguel Caso Lorenzo Chavez Pimitivo Delgadillo Nicolas Esquerra Garcia Rico Vayas y Ca. Liljreria Americana Rafael G. Mogolloii Fredcrico Patino LSzaro Maria Perez Fidel Pomljo Manuel Pombo Hermanos Ruiz Ramos Saldevila y Curriols Hermanos Zalamea Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Leather Goods. Jose Alvarez Agustin Alva Higinio Bunch Angel I\L Gomez Federico Pardo y Ca. Hermanos Pardo Pedro Preciado Jose M. Quintero Jose M. Scavedra Buenaventura Foleso Jose M. Vega Cabinetmakers and Furniture Dealers. Rafael Archili L Bastida Julio Charles Antonio Clopatoski Carlos Duirne Aldemar Dosenville Rafael Espinel E. M. Gavisia y Ca. Teodosio Leon Francisco Paniagua Cruz Sanchez Ramon Torres Commission Merchants, General. Comancho Roldan y Tamayo N. Esquerra y Ca. Francisco Groot Rufino Gutierrez Lazaro Maria Perez M. W. Quintero Restrepo y Arteaga R. Silva y Hijo Coppersmiths. Florido y Ca. Gregorio Foreso Crockery and Glassware Dealers. Roman Acero Rita Caballero J. Leocadio Comacho Carmage y Ca. J. Cubillos Simon Huertas Jesus Jimenez Nicolas Leiva .'\urelio Moncada Fredcrico Montoya Euseliio Olaya Luis Pardo 136 Delmae's Trades Directory and Mercantile Ma^jual. Crockery autl Glassware— co>i^iu2ied. J. Paul y J. de Brigard Gregorio Riano Nepomuceno Ricon Luis Ulises Luis Umana Jose de Jesus Fonseca Posada y Diaz Gregorio Salas Dentists. Manuel Abello Julio C. Buitrago R. J. Cab rales Carazo Lancano Rafael J. Corrales G. V. Craper G. Crowther N. Chaguceda G. Chambero Francisco Escobar Ignacio Gomez Juan B. Velila Arango Ricardo Berraza J. A. Hermida Indalecio Losada Moreno y Vermaya Francisco Quintero R. RoaOspina Frederico Rosas Marco M. Rozo A. Salcedo Rafael Lamayo Druggists and Cliemists, Whole- sale. R. M. Acero y Ca. A. Aparacio L. Barreto Carlos Contreras Hugo Blester Bigot, Prada y Ca. Buendia Herrera y Ca. J. D. Herrera Lombana y Ca. Medina Hermanos Osorio y Castaneda P. Pizarro Antonio Samper y Ca. Uribe St. Croix Ignecio Carrizosa Mariano Ga^■iria Miguel A. Madero Ramon Pereira Druggists and Chemists, Retail. Ricardo M. Acero Arroyo y Maldonado Ignacio Berberi Leoncio Barreto Hugo Blester Bigott, Prada y Ca. Botica Alemana Botica Militar Buendia y Herrera H. Buster R. Canales C. Contreras Rafael Franco Rodolfo A. Froez J. David Herrera Alejandro Lezaca Medina Hermanos L. Mendez Jesus Glaya L. Osorio Castaiieda Ospina Hermanos M. C. Pena G. E. Perdomo Policarpo Pizarro E. de J Roca Rodriguez y Valez Martiniano Rodriguez Frederico Rosas M. M. Rueda Nemesio Sotomayor Uribe y St. CroLx Francisco Barreto Buendia, Rocha y Garcia P. P. Cerrantes Samuel Fayardo Da\'id Herara Santos Lezaca Pizarro y Asparicio Putnam y Ca. Carlos Quijano Engineers, Architects and Builders. Elsi Castro Lorenzo Codazi Luis Lleras Francisco Olaya Manuel H. Pena Manuel Pons de Leon Nepomuceno Santamaria Julio D. Vallasino Flour Merchants, Wholesale. Roberto Bruce Juan Caldos Pompilio Lozano Aurelio Moncada Emilio Moncada Genaro Osorio Manricio Quijano Flour Mills. Molino de Campuzano Molino de Sarmiento Molino de Quijano 6> Foundi'ies. Jorge Bunch Samaca de Fundician Manrique y Codazi Glass and Glassware. Compaiiia Vildriera Benjamin Garay Elias Garay Gregorio Salas Thorin Hermanos Hardware and Tools. Isaac Diaz Ferreteria de Pacho Ferreteria de la Predera Ferreteria de Samaca Gonzalez Benito Hermanos Jorge Vergara Rafael Paris Nieto UiTiTED States of Colombia. 137 Hardware aud Tools— a Cuellar y Padilla Pedro Dardono Luis Duke Hugentobler, Haltmayer y Ca. Jacinto Mendoza Merino, Imbert y Ca. Jose Molina Carlos M. Prieto Feliz J. Quiroi D. Rosales Luis Schlesinger Juan Schonenberg Simon Sol Cipriano Suay Republic of Sa:^ Salvador. 149 SANTANA. Population, 8,000. General Merchants. Marcos Aguilaz Maria Alvarez Daniel Angiilo y Ca. Emilio Belismelis Narcisco Aviles Bertrand Matheu y Ca. P. J. Escalon Elias Cienfuegos Manuel Cabrera J. M. Gutierrez H. Interiano A. Liberti y Ca. Dolores Lopez Francisco Martinez Matheu Hermanos C. G. Mathies y Ca. Tomas Medina Joaquin Medina F. Pena y Ca. Rafael Qufiones Romos Hermanos Miguel Ramos Carlos Segui Urvela Hermanos y Ca. Jose Valle y Andres Jose Antonio Zaldivar Virginio Quinteros Steamship Companies. Hamburg American Steam Packet Co. Sewing Machines. Marcos Glaser y Ca. 150 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. ISLAND OF CUBA. HABANA. Population, 300,000. Agricultural Implenients. (See also Hardware Dealers.) Abrau, Malza y Ca., 74 Oficios Martinezy Hijos, 16 Obrapia P]ana.s, Petirona y Ca., 20 Govellanos Alfonso y Millet, Marianao Jose Alvaro, 48 San Jos^ Jose B Diaz, 25 San Nicholsa Garraido y Montero, qo Coneortia Vega y Flores, 70 Galiano S. Martinez, 150 Comportela Francisco L. Quinofies, 83 Obispo Ale and Beer Dealers. (See also Groceries and Provisions, Wholesale.) Bustamente y Hermanos, 157 C. de Monte Tenville, Hermanos y Ca., 527 C, del Cerro Architects and Builders. Nicomedes Adam, 4 Chacon E. Arteche, 297 Jesus del Monte l"omas Bartalot, 21 Luz Luis Bardot, 50 San Ignacio J. Baeza, 65 Mercaderes Jose Blanco, 78 O'Reilly Juan Benite, 166 Lealdad Clemente Bretones, 200 Jesus del Monte Miguel Bustamente, 97 Mercaderes Vicente Calderon, 4 Perseverancia E. Castilzo, 80 San Rafael Manuel M. Campos, 35 Mercaderes Claudio Catala, i Lucena Manuel Civera, 37 Calon Jose Cali, 1 1 Sumaritana Santiago de la Cruz, i8 Jesul del Monte S. Crespo, 39 Alambique Bernardo Delones, 97 Jesus del Monte Rafael Diaz, 22 Alcarantilla Jorge Desarge, 160 San Miguel Antonio Dolz, 159 Ancho del Norte Emelio Dolz, 194 Corciles Pedro Dominguez, 90 Sitios Juan Dominguez, 68 Alambique Adrien Camolin, 31 Mercaderez Diego Downing, 53 Amargura Luis Engel, 73 Zulueta Leandro Fabels, 51 Bernaza Daniel Fernandez, 156 Compost ela Jose Fernandez 84 Factoria Francisco Ferran, 81 Habana Jose Ferreira, 21 Alcantarilla Francisco Fonseca, 57 San Nichola C. Felchere, 106 Amistad Antonio Garrido, 182 Vives Antonio Garduna, 22 Zanja A. M. Glynn, 34 San Isidro Jose Gomez, 51 Merced Andalio Gomez, 85 Jesus Maria Maximo Gomez, 25 Amistad Carlos Gonzalez, 178 San Nicolas Bamon Izquierdo, 3 Jesus Perizerino Adolfo M. Dago, 105 Suarez Bruno Lavielle, Ancha del Norte Manuel Lopez 116 Rapo Lopez y Gomez, 47 Obrapia Francisco Marcotegui, 155 Aguila Manuel Marques, 52 Dragones Antonio Martinez, 68 Revslfazizedo Eduardo Martinez, 30 Merced F. Martorell, 14 Santa Clara E. Masino, 11 Neuva del Cristo Antonio Medero, 24 Amistad A. Madrano, 30 Sitioe Santiago W. Mellor, 12 Mercaderes Juan Mora, 344 Ppe. Alfonso Benito Navarro, 142 Ancha del Norte Lazaro Neilson, 12 Rastro Jos^ Ocampo, 133 Reina Oliva Pedro, 49 Blanco Olivera Agustin, 102 Maloja Paradela Francisco, 155 Ancha del Norte Pardo C. y Moreno, 6 Zanja Pardinas Jose, 28 Nueva del Cristo Paz Juan, 22 Alcantarilla Parez Ramon, 55 Penalver Peiia Andres, 128 Ancha del Norte Peddomo Felipe, 212 Ppe. Alfonso Perez Roman, 74 Merced Pimienta Eugenio, 59 Aguila Pina N., 72 Ancha del Norte Perez Juan, 106 Lealtad Pifion Jose, 187 Compostela Pita Ramon, 7 Refugio Pouchin Maurico, 50 San Ignacio Pujals Jose, 22 Anto Recio Quintana Salvador, 57 Villegas Quinones Francisco, Placido, 76 Luyano, Jesus del Monte Rodriguez Bernabe, 52 Virtudes Rodriguez Miguel, 295 Aguila Rosello Jose, 103 Habana Francisco Sampera, 146 Ancna del Norte Miguel Sanchez, 4 Colon Juan Torrens, 9 Concepcion de la Valla Andres Vailla, 40 Revilagigedo Jose Varela, 57 Alambique Santiago Vazquez, 30 Alcantarila Arms and Ammunition. Bias Obiolo, 264 Ppe. Alfonso Agustin Regalado, 11 Zanja Rosendo Rivas, 93 Teniente Rey J. Sabau, 103 Egido Llano y Castellanos, 176 Calzada Francisco Matori, 22 Sol Tomas Merino, 69 Belascoain Island of Cuba. 151 Arms and A-iniaanition— continued. Francisco Montero, 5 Estivez Manuel Caparo, 115 Vivcs Angel Costales, igTenerife Gardner, Martinez y Ca., 124 Amistad Francisco Arroyo, 192 Ancha del Norte Ignacio Bigas, 469 Ppe. Alfonso Antonio Blanco, 123 Esperauza Francisco Borras, 21 Obrapia Francisco Cuxart, 123 Monserrete * Lucio Diaz, 104 Salud S. Dominguez, 23 Prado Pedro Espada, 85 Merced Juan Espinosa, 60 Ancha del Norte J. Fernandez, 14 Arsenal Juan Guijarro, 2 Monserrate Jose Martinez, 73 Monserrate Martorell y Pena, 14 Santa Clara Antonio Perez, 89 Ilabana Pedro Peluqui, 114 Aguila S. Pinedo, 106 Merced Francisco Portero, 33 Egido Jose Rosello, 103 Habana Sellen y Bosch, 103 Habana Torrello y Ca., 42 San Ignacio Florentino Vento, 55 Fernandina Francisco Zarazua, 108 Aniuas Ignacio Vigas, 469 Ppe. Alfonso Joaquim Royo, 65 Aguacate Bauks and Bauker.s. Banco del Commercio, 36 Mercaderes Banco Espanol de la Isla de Cuba, 81 Aguiar Banco Industrial, 3 Amagura Banco y Almacenes de Santa Catalina, 22 Mercaderes Banco Territorial Hipotecariode la Isla de Cuba, I Amagura J. M. Borjes y Ca., 2 Obispo J. A. Bances, 21 Obispo J. Balcells y Ca., 43 Cuba Juan Conill y Hijo, 60 Teniente-Rey Narciso Gelats y Ca., ic3 Aguiar Luciano Ruiz, 6 O'Reilly Hidalgo y Ca., 35 Obrapia •H. Upmann y Ca., 64 Cuba Todd, Hidalgo y Ca., 25 Obrapia Lawton Bros., Mercaderes Bookbinders, Horoson y Heinen, 11 Obrapia Jose Domingo Frias, 29 Tenente-Rey Viuda de Escariz, 49 Cuba C. Fernandez, 37 Obispo Francisco Garcia, 88 O'Reilly Tomas Howson, 19 Obrapia Viuda de Merelo y Ilijos, 36 Empredado T. Navarro, 119 Saluda Ramon Pardo, i68 Ilabana Antonio .Serrano, 49 Obrapia Federico V. Hernandez, 85 Obispo Torroella, Perez y Ca., 27 San Ignacio Booksellers and Stationers. Alvarez R., 55 Ricla Artiaga Luis, 8 Ncptuno Aso y Alvarez, 5 C. del Monte Castro y Gutierrez, 78 San Ignacio Chao A., 54 (J'Keilly Molinas y Juii, 30 Kayo Jose Turbiano, 50 O'Reilly Abraido Jose Maria, 63 Obispo Alarcia Anselmo, 44 Ricla Baraudiaran, Hermano y Ca. , 39 Mercaderes Chao Alejandro, 54 O'Reilly Cueto Anselmo, 43 Obispo Fernandez Arango Jose, 49 Ppe. Alfonso Fernandez y Ca., 34 Obispo Garcia Francisco y Vazquez, 48 Obispo Guitierrez Baldomero, 84 Obispo Gutierrez Jos6 y Ca., 2 Salud Gutierrez y Naredo, 89 Ppe. Alfonso Heinen H. E., 11 Obrapia Lopez .Santiago, 67 Ppe. Alfonso Merckel Leopoldo, 106 Obispo Merino Jose, 137 Obispo Navarro Toribio, 14 San Rafael Pozo Eduardo de, 9 Bernaza Poso Jos^, 84 Aguiar Rueda Bustamante Jose, i Ppe. Alfonso Soler Vuida de y Ca,, 40 Ricla Voldepares Jose, 61 Ricla Villa Miguel de, 50 Obispo Wilson Tomas, 43 Obispo Boot and Shoe Dealers, Wholesale. Bernado, Alfonso y Hermano, 113 Habana Antonio Aedo, 19 Lamparilla Alonso y Ca., 36 Tinente-Rey H. DehnanyCa., 115 Habana Ferran y Hermano, 31 Ricla Finestas, Bordoy y Ca., 25 Amagura Fontanals, Llampallas y Ca., 23 Lamparilla Gelats Hermanos, 108 Aguiar Antonio Gutierrez, 28 Amagura Juan Marino y Pau, 104 Aguiar Ramon Martinez, 80 Cuba Martinez y Suarez, 78 San Ignacio Palacio, Garcia y Ca., 46 Teinente-Rey Pons y Ca., 34 Amargura Quintana y Suarez, 63 Aguaeate Soldevila Hermanos, 21 Lamparilla Vidal Hermanos, 65 Cuba Boots and Shoes, Retail. (^^^N'ames here reversed, surnames given first.) Alonzo Manuel, 124 Ppe. Alfonso Alverez Jose, 379 Ppe. Alfonso Ambizear Isidore, 112 Obisjx) Barnes Cristobal, 57 Escobar Hori Adolfo, 77 Ricla Cofino Barrera y Ca., 88 Aguiar Canea Juan, 35 Reina Canoura y Hernandez, 87 Galiano Cardenas y Piris, Ricla Cardono y Perez, i Ricla Carranza Julian, 102 Coiniiostela Cruz Antonio de la, 37 Salud Cuervo Fernando, 128 Galiano Diaz Rolnistiano, 2(J)ficios Diazy Hijo, 83 Ncptuno Duena Garcia Antonio, 6 Salud Durano J. y Ca. , 62 Aguiar Escandon Servanda, 192 Real Mariano Estranay Hermanos y Ca., 91 Ricla Kerran y Hermano, Si Ricla Ferrer y Hermanos, 73 Aguiar Fontanals, Llamj alias y Ca. , 85 Aguiar Garcia Alonzo Juan, 4 Ppe. Alfonso Garcia Bonifacio, 79 Ncptuno Garcia Jose, 39 Teniente-Rey 152 Delmar's Teades Directory axd Mercantile Manual. Boots and Shoes, Retail— co/iimued. Garcia Palacio y Ca., 46 Teniente-Rey Girones Wenceslao, 39 Mercaderes Gomez y Pelaez, 5 Bernaza Gonzalez Nicolas. 62 Sol Gonzalez Manuel y Ca., 16 Salud Guerra Jose, 122 Ppe. Alfonso Gutierrez Alonso Manuel, 124 Ppe. Alfonso Gutierrez Francisco, 6 Ppe. Alfonso Hevia Silverio, 128 Compost ela Jiminez Francisco, 70 M. de Colon Junco Uomingo, 104 Industria Lopez Fernando, 89 Galiano Lopez Salvador, 37 Cuba Llieteras y Ferrer, 201 Aguila Malda Ceferino, 89 Ppe. Alfonso Marino Juan, 85 Neptuno Martin Fabian, 261 Aguila Martinez Ramon, 52 O'Reilly Martinez Severino, 83 Jesus Maria Martinez Ramon y Ca. , 7 Bazar Habanero Martinez y Suarez, 78 San Ignacio Masens, Boada y Ca. , 213 Aguila Maurin Manuel, 82 Crespo Medino Lucio, 79 Belascoain Migolla Francisco y Ca. , 40 Compostela Olivella Juan, 22 Obispo Ortiz Jos6, 90 Aguiar Ortiz y Ca., 35 Ricla Pascua Eusobio, 42 Neptuno Pila Jose y Ca. , 213 Aguila Polo Diego, 127 Neptuno Prat y Pica, 16X Ricla Quintana y Suarez, 81 Ricla Rodriguez Ramon, 14 Ppe. Alfonso Sanchez Mariano, 48 Dragones Santa Moriana Jose, J3 Ricla Terreda Mariano, 53 Manserrate Varrano Jose, 182 Real, Mariano Verdu y Martinez, 37 Obrapia Victorero Manuel, 76 Ricla Vidal y Ca., Carlos, 221 Aguila Carriage and Wagon Makers. Antonio Bello, Oquedus Juan Rabionet, 254 C. del Monte Juan Sallaberry, 18 Belascoain Uominquez y Diaz, 150 San Rafael L. Belthoise y Ca., 150 San Rafael J. Biscayard y Ca., 131 Industria Pedro Casamayor, 24 Belascoain Simon de Frau, 10 Salud Juan Peniche, 89 San Jose Santiago Polo, 161 Real Mariano Agustin Regalado, 2 Geneval Casas. Manuel M. Sanchez, 16 Real Atanasio Soto, 679 Cerro Jose M. Berris, 104 Aguila Juan P. Bonoza, 254 Ppe. Alfonso Antonio Ferrer, Oquendo F. Navarro, 391 Ppe. Alfonso S. Paz, 266 Ppe. Alfonso Ramon vSoler, 278 Ppe. Alfonso Venta y Ca. , 413 Ppe. Alfonso Juan German, 97 Industria Angel Llanos, 385 C. del Monte Rosello y Ca., 9S Zanja Antonio Polo, 125 San Jose E. Santiuse, 32 Belascon China, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. Alonzo Abascal y Ca., 38 Obispo C. Canedo, 57 Galiano Martin Diaz, 49 Reina Juan Felin, 37 O'Reilly Garcia y Gomez, 21 Reina Gomez y Ca. , 85 Ricla Hermoso y Ibarra, 33 Obispo M. Martin, 113 OlDispo MaruriyCa., 17 Obrapia 1 .\ntonio Mufioz, 81 Escobar Ortiz y Hermano, 113 Ppe. Alfonso Pages y Ca., 24 Mercaderes Ignacio J. Sainz, 134 Ppe. Alfonso P. Sirven y Ca. , 25 Mercaderes Ignacio J. Sainz, 134 Ppe. Alfonso Torres y Gutierrez, 12 San Rafael Oscar de Castro, 81 Escobar Ibarra, Hoyo y Ca., 35 O'Reilly Lombide y Ca., 26 Tacon Carlos Martinez, 58 Galiano Enrique Mesino, 49 Aguiar Noriega y Hijo, 37 San Ignacio Manuel C. Ortiz, 113 Monte P. Ortiz yCa., 107 Ricla Luis Pardo, 15 O'Reilly Pareday Ca., 85 O'Reilly Victoriano Pajizo, 24 Mercaderes Pedraja y Planilla, 16 Mercaderes Jose Sanz, 75 Galiano Isidoro Solla, 115 Obispo Zabalary Ca., 19 Ricla Zulta, Pereda y Ca., 123 Galiano Cigar Manufacturers, First Class, and their Principal Brands. [^'JVames here given are reversed frovi our regular order, the surnames being given first. ) Acosta J. y Ramirez, " La Huelvana," 147 Cam- panario Alonso Valentin, "Alonso Fernandez," 39 Mer- caderas Alvarez Jose, 19 Fjuras Alvarez Casimiro, 67 Macias, Santiago de las Vega Alvarez Julian, " Henry Clay," 9 O'Reilly Alvarez Gercia y Ca., "Romeo y Julieta," 87 Rafael Allones Antonio, "El Rey del Mundo," 27 Gervasio Allones R. y Ca., " Flor E.xtrafina," 129 Ani- mas Amat M. y Ca., " La Gloria," no Lealtad Arango Francisco, 7 Aguila Arango Rasael, " La Hija de Cuba," 17 Salud Arango Valentin, " La Cautiva," 20 Factor'i' Armand E. y Ca., "Flor de Joaquim Ortiz," 69 Ppe. Alfanso Azcano Sebastian, " Flor de Sebastian Azcano," 75 Sitios Bancells J. y Ca.. " Florinda," 72 Sierra, Santi- ago de las Vegas Bances Francisco G. , " La Major," 8 O'Reilly Bances y Ca., "Flor de Tabacos de Partagas," 160 Industria Bances y Suares, " La Carolina," 100 Animas Bango Ramon, "La Dalia, " 142 Salud Baacelo y Bowey, Sierra, Santiago de las Vegas Barruete Beonicio, "La Flor de Fumar," 41 Dragones ^ Island of Cuba. 153 Cigar 3Iauiifacturers, First Class, aud theii* Principal Braiids^^«/V. Bastarrechea Leonarda, " La Flor de Bastar- rechea," 88 Merced Beci M. y Harmanos, "La Antoiiica," 51 San Ignacio Bejar Ulpiano, "La Ultamariana," 190 Cam- panario Bajar y Alvarez, " El Rio Sello," 178 Neptuno Bengochea y Fernandez, " La Comercial," loi San Rafael Bock y Ca., " Aguila de Oro," 85 Lagunas Boher y Hermano, "La Barcelonesa," 15 Teni- ente-Rey Busto Celestino del, "El Meteoro," ica Es- trella Busto y Ca., " La Veguera," 68 Maloja Cabal F. y Cabal, " Flor de Cabal y Cabal," 42 Lealtad Cabanas y Carbajal Hijo de, 4 Dragones Carbajal y Ca., 22 Obrapia Carbajal Leopoldo, 320 Ppe. Alfonso Caruncho Antonio, "La Intimidad," 34 Belas- coain Cateilanos M. y Hernandez, "La Montana," 70 Calzada de Arroyo Naranjo Castro Marcos de, "La Dulzura Cubana," 14 San Ignacio Celorio Benito, " La Oportua," 93 San Rafael. Codina Hijos de Jaime, "La Odalisca," 53 Es- trelia Codina Jaime, " El Cinto de Orion," 19 Estrella Conill Juan, " Flor de las Vegas," 71 Teniente- Rey Cortina y Suarez, " Estrella," 39 Tenreife Corujo Luis, " Flor de Corujo," 34 San Nicolas Costales Bernardo, "Flor de Mayo," 6 Amar- gura Cuervo y Hermano, "La Republica," 129 Re- villagigedo Dias Antonio, " No me Divides," 135 Gervasio Uias Lazo Luis, " Modelo de la Antiguedad," 32 Compostela Fernandez Fernando, 2 Dragones Fernandez Garcia Antonio, "Guardian," 4 Belas- coain Fernandez Muri Antonio, 168 Maloja Fernandez Rafael, Compostela Ferreira Francisco, "La Election," 71 Zatija Garbalosa Juan, Amarguia Garcia Gumesindo, " Flor de .Manuel Garcia Aionso," 40 Refugio Garcia Jose Antonio, " La Ingenudad," 28 Rayo Garcia Pefecto de Jesus, " Las Bervas," 39 Mer- ced Gonzalez del Ralle Hemano Martin, 4 Dragones Gonzalez Josd, "La Paz,'' 292 Escobar Gonzalez Perfecto, "La Afn.ana," 26 Manririue Genzalez Riao y Ca., " La Granadina," 64 Dra- gones Gutierresy Fernandez, "La Islena," 117 Sitios Incian Francisco, "Flor de Inclan," 25^^ Con- cordia Jane M. y Ca., " La Mojagua," Prado Lopez Antonio, " La Paz de China," 159 Nep- tuno Lopez Manuel, " La Corona," 93 Galiano Libre Miguel, "La Favorita," 39 f)brapia Marinas Manuel, "Flor de Marinas," 144 Ger- vasio Martinez y Ca., 95 Habana Mate P. y Campo, " Pureza de Mato," Sande las Regas Menendez Francisce, " El Indio," 113 San Miguel Menendez y Suarez, " Flor el Todo," iiS Man- rique Morales yCa., "Flor de Morales," 127 Galiano Moreira Francisco, " Flor de Moreira," Ten- reife Mosqueira Domingo, " La Renus," i Concepcion Murias P. y Ca., " La Meridiana," 53 Corrales Obeso y Cueto, " Flor de Naves," 31 Maloja Olmo Ignacio, " El Comercio," 6 Angeles Ortiz Joaquin, " Flor de Joaquin Ortiz," 69 Ppe. Alfonso Oseguera _ Pablo, "La Voz de Cuba," 18S Manrique Parea y Ca., " Punch," 138 Gervasio Perez del Rio y Ca., " La Legitimidad," Perez F. y Ca., " El Gil Bias," 64 Amargua Perez y Perez, "La Igualdad," 152 San Nicolas Perez y Relez, "El Brillante," 11 Sitios Piiiera Rosendo y Hermano, " La Resolucion," 129 Salud Queipo Jose, 67 San Rafael Queipo Campillo y Ca., "La Industria," 70 San Rafael Ravell R. y Ca., 37 Amargura Rivero Oyarzabal y Ca., " Por I^rranaga," 58 San Miguel Rodriguez Andres, " Flor de San Juan y Mar- tinez," 39 Dragones Rodriguez Antonio, " B. B. B.," 35 Estrella Rodriguez Antonio Lopez, " La Sociedad," 138 Manrique Rodriguez Jose Antonio, " La Infancia," 70 Jesus Maria Rodriguez Rosendo, " Flor de Rosendo Rod- riguez," I Carmen Roger P. y Ca., " Flor de Pepilla," 9 San Jos^ Romero Juan B., " La Espanola," 88 Prado Sanchez y Hermanos, "La paz de Espana," 6 Egido -Soto Emilio, " El Mapa-Mundi," 52 San Nicolas Sosa Jose Alfonso, " El Unico," 47 Macias Unanue, Hermanos, "Arroyo-Hondo," 76 Con- sulado Upmann y Ca., " H. Upmann," 85 Miguel Vail y Ca., " Flor de Cuba," 96 Virtudes Valle J. y Hermano, " Flor de Murias," i Zanja Vega Jose, " La Abundacia," 155 Malojo Vidal Viuda de, " La Perfeccion y Guerrarabella," 39 Maloja Viejo, V. y Ca., "La Integridad," 104 Cam- panario Vilaro \'alentin, ^^ Sol Villar, Viuda y Villar, " Viliar y Villar," 174 Industria Zumalacarregui, Juan M., " Flor de Zumalacar- regui," 20 Oficios Cigrar Maimfacturers, Second Class. Alfonso Agustin, 4 Picota Alvarez, Manuel L., 85 Suarez Alvarez Pedro, 37S Jesus del Monte Amat Manuel, 116 Lealtad Arango Valentin, 20 Factoria Azcano Sebastian, 75 Sitios Baibin J. y Ca., 21 Neptuno Barcaiiela, Eusebio, 109 Compostela Bamji, Bern.idio, 48 Zanja Barrcute, Leonce, 6 Mercaderes VA Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Cigar Manlrs, Second Class-^o/Uinuc-J. Bastarrechea, Leodardo, 88 Merced Boher Francisco, 141 Obispo Cdceres y Ca., 537 Teniento-Rey Camps Francisco, 82 Compostela Carrillo Pedro, 214 Real Marianao Castillo R. Rafael, 550 Jesus del Monte Castillo Ramon, 65 Luyano Chamorro y Ca., 6 Inquisidor Diaz Ildefonso, 409 Jesus del Monte Diaz Ramon, 389 Jesus del Monte Dozal Martin, 141 Neptuno Espanogas Loreto, 9 Colon Fernandez Fernando, 176 Industna Fernandez Manuel, 100 Compostela Fernandez Pedro, 102 Estrella Figueredo Jos^, loi Boina Fuentes Jose, 126 Aguila Galuzo Leon, 13 Oficios Garcia E. y Brito, 118 Salud Garcia Julian, 209 Salud Gerard Jose J., 69 Maloja Gonzalez Eusebio, 6 Factoria Gonzalez Marcelino, 171 Cauipanario Gonzalez Miguel, 80 Consulado Gonzalez Rafael, 7 Industria Hernandez Tobar Jos6, 2 Herrera Puentes Grandes Hernandez Juan, 65 Lagunas Iber Vicente, 33 Corrales Igesias Jose, 24 Indio Jordan Antonio, 197 Ancha del Norte Lopez Cecilio, 97 Real Marianao Lopez Jose, 90 Gervasio Lopez y Garcia, 9 Sitios Lucas Ramon, 118 Sitios Luango Antonio, 253 Jesus del Monte Luna Domingo, loi San Nicolas Martinez Jos6, 7 Carcel Menendez Julian, 125 Escobar Mato Juan, 32 Colon Maza Jose de la, 25 Obispo Menendez Jos6, 109 Salud Minilia Domingo, 137 Habana Pastrana Ignacio G., 45 Perseverancia Paulin Pedro, 69 Estrella Palaez Manuel, 20 Obrapia PeruUero Jacinto, 54 Velascoain Pico Hermenegildo, 2 Picota Pons Pablo, 40 San Isidro Presmane Juan, 5 Esperanza Quintero Francisco, 24 Salud Rendueles Manuel, i Teniente-Rey Rivero Manuel, i8o Manrique Rey Julian, 77 Mercedes Rodrigues Nazario 66 San Isdro Rodrigues Rafael, 317 Ppe. Alfonso Rojo Jose, 49 Jesus del Monte Rubio Antonio, 76 Cienfuegos Ruiz Regino, 86 Corrales Sanchez Francisco Gabriel, 154 Manrique Salcedo Pedro M., 53 Lealtad Sotelongo Mauricio, Ppe. Alfonso Suarez Juan Hermanos, 14 Sol Torre Jose Maria, 52 Animas Trasancos Manuel, 40 Acosta Valdes Josefa, I Industria Valenzuela Zacarias, 21 Egido Valerie Florentino, Inquisidor Valledares: M., 36 Tenerife Valle Jose Fermin, 58 Emperado Varele Agustin, 149 Ppe. Alfonso Varela Joaquin, 39 Virtudes Vega Antonio, 1S3 Compostela Villari A. y Villar, 174 Industria Coopers and Cooperage. Arocha y Ca., 102 Vivcs Jos^ Canero, 142 Ppe. Alfonso Juan Gion, 220 Ppe. Alfonso Manuel Guell, 50 Jesus Peregrino Juan Llano, 235 Ppe. Alfonso Juan Solor, 152 Ppe. Alfonso Crackers and Biscuit. (See Groceries and Provisions.) Custom House, Merchandise and Railway Ticket Brokers. Ezequiel Anja, 89 Galiano Victoriano Calatayud, 84 oficios Angel Castro, Ppe. Antonio 41 Jos6 B. Diaz, 114 Animas Justo Echevarria, 89 Reina Serafin Gallado, 501 Jesus del Monte J. Gomez y Ca. , 16 Mercaderes Lucas de la Guardia, Paradero de Villanueva Ricardo Ibaiiez, i Concordia Federico Lopez, loi Sal Antonio Macia, 40 Lealtad Pablo Macia, 112 Aguacate Fermin Marquiaran, 25 Obispo German Martin, 20 San Carlos Felipe Martinez, 364 Jesus del Monte Aniceto Mendezabal, 241 Archa del Norte Mesa y Chamorro, 39 Obispo Ramon Montiel, 59 Tejadillo Francisco W. Pulgaron, 14 Drngones Candido Ramos, 19 Oficios Gellermo Roch, Paradero de Villaneuva Victoriano Suarez, 1 1 Cuba Francisco Urutia, 59 Zanja Caspar Valledor, 14 Obrapia Jos6 Villazon, 113 Concordia Dentists. Adolfo Betancourt, 108 Aguacarte F. Rey, 107 Habana Jose Valdez y Malina, 98 Reina Arturo Beaujardin, 50 Neptuno M. Calvo, 34 Lamparilla Juan V. Garcia, 23 Zulenta M. Arino, 122 Aguiar Carlos Baron, 37 Habana Z. Emelio Barrena y Zaja^s, 96 Aguila Pedro Calvo, 54 Obrapia F. Chaguaceda, no Aguiar F. de P. Chaguaceda, 10 Ayuntamento Florencio Cancio, 99 Obrapia Ramon Echegaray, 18 Luz Francisco N. Justiniani, 46 Salud F. P. Nunez, no Habana Jose Francisco Pair, 08 Luz Jose A. Valdez, 7 Galiano J. Warner, 90 Habana Francisco P. Rodriquez, 113 Manriqe Ramon Rodriguez, 230 Corales Ramon C. Valdez, 57 Galiano Ignacio Rojas, 74 Lamparilla Miguel R. Vieta, 55 Obrapia Andrew G. Weber, 44 Obrapia Erastus D. Wilson, 94 Habana Island or Cuba. \,)0 Dentists — contmued. Cirilo A. Yarini, 88 Campauario M. Gutierrez, 55 Rafael Jose Y. Rabell, 45 Sol R. Valerio, 75 Aquacarte Druggists, Wholesale. Antonio C. Gonzalez, 106 Aguiar Alam y Ca., 47 Reina Jose Gordano y Ca., 60 Dragones A. Lobe y Ca., 33 Obrapia Jose Sara y Ca. , 41 Teniente-Rey Domingo Yungsug, 91 Teniente-Rey Druggists, Retail. Antonio M. Aguilera, 64 Dragones Martin Arnanto, 66 Ricla Ramon Botet, 13 Reina Jose Brunet, 31 Ppe. Alfonso Pedro Consuegra, 2S0 Jesus del Monte Viuda de Valintin Catala, 27 Obispo Pedro N. de Castro, 181 Ppe. Alfonso Anselmo Castells, 28 Empedrado Jose Diaz, 412 Ppe. Alfonso Jose C. Estevez, 62 Suares Francisco A. Figueroa, 16 Lealdad Ricardo Fina, 37 Animas Julio Z. Formel, 11 San Rafael A. Gonzalez, 106 Aguiar Antonio C. Gonzalez, 44 Ppe. Alfonso Jos6 Cordano y Ca. , 34 Industria Felix Hernandez, 99 Salud Ramon M. de Hita, 71 Salud Rafael de Leon, 18 Mercaderes Agustin Leon, 41 Galisno Jose Alacan, 435 Jesus del Monte Francisco Alvarez, loi Galiano Arturo Barinat, 12 SoL C. Bonald, 99 Ricla Alfredo Bosque, 86 Drajones Benjamin .Brito, 344 P. Alfonso B. Domas, Maloja Rafael R. Ecay, 53 San Ignacio Joaquin Fraile, 448 Jesus del Monte Jose L. Marquez, 145 Neptuno Justo L. Martinez, 75 Ricla Ildefonso de la Maza, 44 Amagura Eduardo Palu, 52 San Rafael Alfredo Perez, 233 Neptuno Viuda de Ruiz, 4 Bernanza Jos^ Rovera, 67 Amistad De la Pena Sainz, 34 Industria Miguel de la Maza, 307 Ca, Del Monto Marin M. Perez, 212 Neptuno Ricardo Reyes, 161 Salud D. R. Rfxlriguez, 53 San Ignacio Jos6 Sarra, 41 Teniente Rey Tirso Valdez, 14 Belascoain Eligio Natalio Villavicencio, 24 Salud Frias y Cintra, 17 Tacon M. Jo]insf)n, 53 Obispo Antonio Torralba<;, 13S Ppe. Alfonso Belen Valdez, 47 Mauri(|ue Manuel Viliicrs, 125 S. Rafael D. ^'ungsug, 10 Teniente-Rey Juan Zamora Ricardo Consuegra, 2S0 C. del Monte Felipe Fontanills, 18 C. d'-l Monte Julio Ff^nnell, II San Rafael Jose Z. Gardaiio, 34 Industria Juan M. Gomez, 33 O'Reilly Domingo Hernando, 215 Ancha del Norte Juan T. Jimenez, 7 Picota Francisco Luis, 38 Perseverancia Tomas Martinez, 91 Neptuno Miguel Montejo, 37 Lagunas Jorge L. Nuiiez, 7 Aguacarte Mariano Pruna, 38 Tejadillo Abelardo M. Rodriguez, 161 Campostela Miguel Romen, iii Gloria Ricardo Saez, 4 Estevez Manuel Guzman Sell, 44 P. Alfonso Ernesto Suarez, Lealtad Agustin Tremolada, 19 Belascoain A. Tremols, 115 Industria Carlos Ulrici, 103 S . Miguel Maximo Zardozo, 24 Alcontarilla Dry Goods and Notions, Wholesale. A. Alvarez y Ca., 128 Aguacate Angel, Arcos y Co. , 46 Obispo Argumosa, Gutierrez y Ca. , 19 Amagura V. Antram y Ca., 6 Amagura Bolivar Vina y Ca. , 26 Mercaderes Barbon, Hermanos y Ca. , 26 Amagura Baibin, Martinez y Ca., 78 San Igiiacio Benito Bustamente, 863 C. del Cerro Bustamente, Guel y Ca., 42 Mercaderes Casamityana, Hermanos y Ca., 93 Aguir Benito Castro, 150 Amistad Juan Casusa, 82 Compostela • J. M. Casuso y Ca., 37 Mercaderes A. G. Cavanzon y Ca., 11 Ricla Clarke y Ca., 38 Mercaderes Cubria y Gonzalez, 59 Cuba A. Docarrete y Ca., 55 Cuba Del Val y Ca., 5 Amagura Diaz, Garcia y Ca., 16 Ricla Falk, Rohlsen y Ca., 96 Cuba Z. Fargas, 4 Amagura Fernandez, Arenas y Ca. , 96 Cuba Fernandez, Junxuera y Ca. , 73 Cuba Fernandez, Martinez y Ca. , 76 Cuba Fuentoville y Ca., 11 Teniente- Key Galan, Cuesta y Ca., 35 San Ignacio Galinde, Sobrinho y Ca., 33 San Ignacio Garcia Legimdo, 07 Aguiar Garcia, Sobrino yCa. , 12 Teniente-Rey Garcia Villasuso y Ca., 82 San Ignacio Gilledo, Cabanas y Ca., 33 Mercaderes Jos6 Gomez y Hermano, 76 San Ignacio F. Gonzalez, 44 O'Reilly Gutierrez, Sobrino y Ca., 50 Ricla Aders Alberto y Ca., 10 Mercaderes Aluarez y Hermano, 39 Ricla Josd Bustamente de Rueda, 37 _J^ Mercaderes Calvo Francisco, 20 Blanco Corujo y Sobrino, 112 Compostela Corujo Francisco, 09 Compostela Dudic Mingucl, 103 Obispo Dufau L. y Ca. , 31 Obispo Espinosa A. y Ca. , 10 Ri. la Faez Lopez y Ca. , 72 San Ignacio Fernandez Arenas y Ca. , 96 Cuba Garcia Corjedo Hermanos y Ca., 28 Ricla Garcia Luis, 115 Compostela Gonzalez y Alvarez, 58 Ricla Ilia Pujol y Ca., 32 Mercaderes Izquierdo y Ca. , 124 Agiiinr Jimenez Musstt y Ca., 9 Teniente-Rey 156 Delmar's Business Directory a^'d Mercantile Manual. Dry Goods, Etc. , Wliolesiile—co>i^i>ii(ed. Lacazette Seraan y Ca., 40 Obispo Martinez Ablaneda, 03 Ricla Maseda Pedro, 102 O'Reilly Monte Guilermo del, 102 Villejas Placio Tarracena y Ca. , 61 J^ Cuba Sanz y Peinado, 32 Ricla Serrapiana y Canela, 99 Aguiar Saurez Ramon y Ca., 68 San Ignacio Herrera Cosme y Sobrino, 14 Teniente-Rey Herrera Jose V. y Ca., 39 Mercaderes Hurtado Jose y Ca., 72 San Ignacio Jimenez Musset y Ca., 9 Teniente-Rey Lenzano Cobo y Ca. , 70 San Ignacio Lopez F. y Ca., 14 Amargura Lodero Pedro y Ca., 27 Ricla Lucius y Ca. , 66 San Ignacio Maribona Suarez y Ca., 34 Mercaderes Maristany Rosendo y Ca., 38 O'Reilly Martinez Galan y Ca., 61 Cuba Masfera y Ca., 72 San Ignacio NazabalOcha Perez y Ca., 56 San Ignacio Orden Roig y Ca. , 23 Ricla Osorio y Herrera, 71 Ppe. Alfonso Paez Manzanedo Antonio y Ca., 45 Merca- deres Paz Juan A., i Amargura Pena y Sobrinos, 19 Ricla Perez Cespa y Ca. , 77 San Ignacio Prendes y Ca. , 62 San Ignacio Regalado Pedro, 70 Compostela Rendules Manuei y Ca., 40 Amargura Rodriguez Alvarez y Ca. , 40 Mercaderes Rodriguez Forencio, loi Compostela Rodriguez Hermanos M., 12 Amargura Rodriguez Solis J., y Ca. , 14 Amargura Ruiz V. y Ca. , 5 Inquisidor Saiz, Miguel y Ca., 41 Mercaderes Salas y Ca., 10 Amargura Sanchez yCa., 13 Teniente-Rey Santos Villaverde, 33 San Ignacio Sobrado y Ca. , 33^ San Ignacio Soliz Martinez y Ca., 67 Cuba Suarez Castaiieda y Ca. , 72 Ricla Sueyras Pedro y Ca. , 8 Amargura Ulcia Francisco, 18 Ricla Ulcia Sebastian, 13 Ricla Ubarri Ignacio y Ca., 12 }4 Ricla Valdes Alvarez y Ca., 7 Ricla Valle Jose de y Ca. , 54 Ricla Valle y Rivera, 68 Cuba Rillalba Feliciano, 2 Cardenas Rillalba T. y Ca. , 15 Amargura Zabala Hermanos y Ca., 74 San Ignacio Xamora Heredores de Gonzalo, 43 Cuba Zarraluqui J. M. y Ca. , 31 San Ignacio Electrical Apparatus. Francisco Girard, 30 Obrapia F. Moure, 23 Obrapia Foundries and Machinists. Escobar y Cisneros, 63 San Isidro Tomas J. Bartalot, 36 Peregrino Jose Mandurell, 135 Vives Juan J. Orbea, 7 Vedado Francisco A. Sauralle, 26 Regla Vandewater y Ca., 99 Ancha del Norte Zuleuta y Sobrino, Casa Blanca Ambrosio Tomati, 8 Industria Furniture, Wholesale. Florenteno Castillo, 118 Gallano Juan Rigal, 89 Galiano N. Perez, 11 Bernanza Antonio Armentero y Ca., 47 Ppe. Alfonso Mariana Gonzalez, 136 Habana Bahamonde, Barballa y Ca. Furniture Dealers, Retail. Antonio Armentero, 47 Monte Alvarez y Ca., 9 Ppe. Alfonso Carlos Betancourt, 42 Bernaza Juan Baquila, 29 Galiano Jose M. C. Diaz, 47 Galiano F. Fernandez, 67 Corrales Bartolome Garcia, 20 Bernaza F. Garcia, 66 Villegas Huerta y Blanco, 65 Galiano Antonio Masuet, 5 Industria J. Maxencha, 33 Reina Vicente Pardo, 109 Galiano Antonio Rivera, 224 Jesus del Monte Jose Saloria, 62 Galiano Jose Comas, 33 Galiano Juan C. Fernandez, Bazar Habenero Cayon y H. Fernandez, 52 Galiano Francisco Fernandez, 89 Villegas P. de la Presa Fernandez, 113 Habana Gaudara y Ca., 88 Cuba J. Hourcade y Ca., 54 Galiano Esteban Hundain, 67 C. del Monte George L. Lay, 50 Obispo Lavaru y Ca., 100 Galiano Ricardo Lopez, 21 Galiano Nemesio Perez, 39 Bernaza F". Quintana y Ca. , 63 Concordia Jaime Riera, 33 Galiano Juan Rigol, 91 Galiano Inocencio Sanchez, 3 Ppe. Alfonso Pardo y Hoyo, 94 Galiano Manuel Suarez, 1 1 1 Compostela Victorio Tuero, 84 Sol Jose Vidal, 114 Galiano Miguel Albo, 103 Concordia Francisco Alonzo, 247 Ppe. Alfonso Jos6 Alvarez, 90 S. Nicolas Ramon Gallon, 62 Galiano Manuel Fernandez, 15 Reina Pedro Fernandez, 132 Amistad. Benito Fuero, 37 Neptuno Miguel Garcia, 94 Galiano Gomez y Ca. , 53 Obrapio Juan Lourcade y Ca., 54 Galiano Nicolas Rodriguez, 71 Corroles Salorio y Gonzalez, 76 Galiano Sanchez y Calleja, 81 Sol Inocencio Sanchez, Bazar Habanero Manuel M. Suarez, 122 Compostela Bernardo Tuera, 84 Sol Francisco Vazquez, 21 Neptuno Andres Zapata, 125 Galiano Groceries and Provisions, Wholesale. I Baratillo 4 Oficios M. G. Abello y Ca. Perez Aballi y Ca. , Aedo y Ca. , 19 Oficios Juan Aguirre, 265 Ppe. Alfonso Salvador Aguirr, 21 Obrapia Miguel Aleman y Ca., Justiz Benito Alonso, 177 Ancha del Norte ISLAXD OF Cuba. 157 Groceries, JEtc, Wlxolesale—cotiiinued. Francisco Alonso, 29 Obispo Vicente Alonso y Ca., 41 San Ignacio Almirall y Ca., 19 Obrapia Luis Alvarez y Ca., 82 San Ignacio Fernandez H. Alvarez, 5 Ricla Maning Alvarez, 2 San Pedro Nicolas Alvarez, 87 Sol Alvarez y Fernandez, 42 Belascoain Revuelta Arce y Ca. , 56 Ricla Aresta y Hermano, 2 Baratillo Goicochea Arechaga y Ca., 6 Enna Arroyo y Ca. , 4 Sol Nemesio Asto y Ca., 845 Ppe. Alfonso Bagiier y Hermanos, Ricla H. de Mendy Beche y Ca. 22 O'Reilly Dionisio Bedoya, 121 Ricla Berenguer y Hermano, 25 Obispo Bosch y Ca., 5 Obrapia Nonell Brunet y Ca., 38 Oficios Solder Brunet y Ca. (en liquid), 10 Lampailla Francisco Busquet, 11 Concordia Alejandro Bustamante, 40 Dragones Marcelino Arango, 121 Ricla M. Averhoff, 2 Empredado J. Blanco y Sobrinho, 94 Lamparilla Rodriguez Bencochea y IManticon, 2 San Pedro Benilla y Ca., 86 Obrapia Bil^iano Bustillo, 10 Bernaza S. Capella y Ca., 29S Aguila Careaga, Zuhiaza y Ca. , 12 Oficios Coll y Ca., Baritillo Coro, Quesada y Ca., 17 Obrapia E. Echezarreta y Ca., i Lamporilla Pedro Fargas, 19 Obrapia L. de Gabanche, 2 Obrapia Pasenal Galvez, 9 Teniente-Rey Abello Garcia y Ca., i Baratillo Cue Garcia y Ca., 5 Oficios Garcia y Gutierrez, 8 Oficios Gili, Cuadrena y Ca. , 28 Oficios Giral y Ca., 32 Oficios Gonzalez y Abalti, 95 Consulado Benigno Guerendian, 24 O'Reilly Gutierrez y Ca., 55 O'Reilly Alej Hernandez, Neptuno Herrara y Ca., 79 Oficios Garcia Isizar y Ca., 207 Poseo Tacon Lauza, Polanca y Ca., g Baritillo Larrea, Eguidazu y Ca., 6 Teniente-Rey B. Lesoja, 105 Ricla Uosa, Perez y Ca., 6 Baratillo J. Loredo y Ca. , 97 Sol Marcos y Ca., 40 Oficios J. Mataro y Ca., 8 Lamparilla Mauri y Ca., 180 C. del Monte A. Mendey Ca., 22 O'Reilly Menendez y Mujica, 5 Teniente-Rey Mesana y Ca., 18 Oficios Miro y Otero, 27 Obrapia Morcdo y Ca., 84 Ricla Nonell, Labrada y Ca., 35 Oficios Otamendi, Amiel y Ca., 26 Mercaderes Antonio Perez y Ca., 5 Oljrapia L. Pi nan y Ca., 96 San Ignacio Pino, J. L. , 109 Ricla Pumarieja y Gonzalez, 134 C. del Monte S. RabasayCa., i Obispo Romillo, Hermano y Ca., 5 Obispo M. Sanchez y Ca. , 54 Oficios Suarez y Perez, 77 Miguel Tabermilla y Sobrino, i Inquisidor L. Varela, 9 Amazura Villaverde y Ca. , san Ignasio Vice y Moncalian, 38 Amagura General Coinniission and Import- ing- 3Iercliants. E. Aguilera y Ca., 26 Obrapia Alberti y Uowling, 22 Sta. Clara C. E. Beck, 28 Obrapia E. Balencourt, 52 S. Ignacio Boeselmann y Schroder, 18 Lamparilla A. Boving 78 Cuba Faustino Cabrera, 16 Oficios F. Caine, 28 Obrapia Juan Fatges, 36 Obrapia Ramon Garcia, 69 Aguiar Samuel Giberga, 7 Baratillo M. Gonzalez y Ca., 2 Mercaderes Hamel y Ca., 2 Mercaderes Hings y Ca., 9 Baratilla George Hyatt, 23 Cuba Lawton Bros. (American House), 35 Mercaderes Lange y Ca. 10 Amagura H. Leonhardt, 37 Cuba Enrique Liron, 4 Vedado Antonio Lopez, 37 Obispo Lopez y Ca., 92 O'Reilly Antonio Marcias, 20 Obrapia Malvido Hermanos, loS Habana Jose R. Marquette, 120 Cuba Rafael Menendez, 12 Cuba H. Millinton, 50 S. Ignacio Rafael B. Pegudo, 2 Tacon Rafael S. M. Perez, 16 Obispo Ricardo Perkins, 37 S. Ignacio Pons, Orta y Ca. , i Empedrado A. Richtering y Ca., i Mercaderes Ross, Asman y Schnyder, 10 Mercaderes Rodrigo Saabedra, 16 Mercaderes Gustavo Salomon, 57 P. Alfonso Schival y Filonal, iS Amargura Schmidt y Ca. , 3 Mercaderes J. Seidel, 4 S. Ignacio Leoncio Serrano, 19 Sr Clara Someillan y Hijo, 21 Obispo Juan Tapia, 10 Mercedes Traite y Ca., 84 S. Ignacio H. Upman y Ca. , 64 Cuba A. Verastigui, 50 S. Ignacio Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves, Tools, Etc., Wholesale. V. Alvarez y Ca., 55 Reina H. Alonso y Ca. , 20 Lamparilla Araluce y Uresandi, 32 Lamparilla F. De Arriba, 15 O'Reilly Fernando Blanco, 225 Aguiar Alvarez y Santillana, 20 Obrapia Gabriel de Amcnabar, iS Oficios Ignacio Alvarez, 33 San Ignacio Aguilera, Garcia y Ca., 27 Mercaderes Cafiarto y Ca., 13 01)ra])ia Ignacio Escalantc, 21 Damparilla Jorge Ferran, 8 Barralillo A. Gutierrez y Ca., 7 Lamparilla S. Luna y Iturralde, 30 Mercaderes Marino, Laca y Ca., 5 Lamparilla V'iuda OTting Wholesale Merchants. Peralta Almirall y Ca. , 4 Commercio Amezaga y Ca,, 19 Ricla G. Amezaga y Ca. , 12 Tirry Bellido Bea y Ca., Brinkerhoff y Ca., 17 Contreras Joaquin Castaner, 8 Comercio F. Castello y Ca. , i Caminar E. Crespo, 35 Gelabert J. M. Clark, 19 O'Reilly John J. D'Acosta, 18 Contreras L. Deetgen y Ca., 20 Matanzas Robert A. Finlay, 18 Contreras A. Galindez y Aldama, i Recurso Garcia, Bangoy & Ca., 3 Ricla Heidegger y Ca., 30 Contreras Melville y Ca. , 24 Contreras Mir y Ca. Muelle Pablo Purcalla y Argui, 4 Tirry J. Sainz y Ca., 5 Comercio J. Suris y Ca. , 14 Ricla S. T. Tolon y Ca. 4 Contreras A B. Zanetti y Ca., 15 Ricla Zanetti, Dubois y Ca., 5 Contreras Groceries and Provisions, Wholesale. Amezaga y Ca., 17 Ricla Bea, Bellido y Ca., 30 Gelabert L. Cancela y Ca., 2 Matanzas Gomez y Ortiz, ii2 O'Reilly Grande y Ca., 294 O'Reilly- La Perla del Pueblo, 76 Tirry Larragoiti, Ugarte y Ca., 33 Contreras Martinez, Burel y Ca., 105 Ricla Juan Martinez, i Pavia Martinez, Perez y Ca. , i Ricla G. Suris y Ca., 14 Ricla Hardware, Cutlery and Tools. Hipolito Alvarez, 12 Ayllon Alegria y Hermano, 3 Matanzas Bea, Bellido y Ca. , 28, 30 Gelabert Pedro de la Fe, 2 Ricla Francisco Fernandez, 18 Cuba E Iturraide, 8 Dos de Mayo " La Campana," 28 Tirry Candido Mancebo, 103 Ricla J. Oti y Ca., 7 Ricla Juaquin Pena, 9 Ricla Urrechaga y Alonzo, 58 Ricla Island or Cuba. 175 Hotels. El Louvre Hotel Frances La Glorieta El Caballo Blanco La Lonja Hoiisefuruisliers, Tinware, Etc. Salvador Amigo, 133 Ricla Jose Blanco, 22 Ricla O. P. Fernandez, 18 Cassillas C Martines, 140 Sta. Rita Pedro Martoret, 117 Campostela Pablo Saladrigas, 221 Animas Ice Factories and Dealers. Agustin M. Fernandec, 77 Ayuntamento Enrique Mendes, Embareadero Blanco. Luis Velasco, 13 Ayuntamento Lumber and Building Materials. Amezaga, Garcia y Ca. , 12 Tirry Galindez y Aldama, 2 Caminar Fernando Malberti, 2S Medio Pablo Percalla, 6 Tirry Lamps, Oils, Etc. Antonio Campos, 39 Gelabert Domingo Cejas, 22 Ricla Andres Fernandez, 1 1 Ayuntamiento Frederico Loredo, 91 Ricla Antonio Ordonez, 72 Gelabert Musical Instruments, Pianos, Etc. (See also Importing Merchants.) Bea, Bellido y Ca. Diego J. Maitinez, 5 Ricla Jose Figueras, 92 Contreras Manuel Hervia, 22 Tirry Newspapers and Periodicals. Deario de Matanzas (daily) Boletin Oficial de Matanzas (daily) La Comercial (daily) El Ferro Carril (weekly) La Aurora del Yamuri (weekly) La Pluma de Oro (weekly) La Propaganda Literaria (weekly) Machinists and Machinery. Juan Apolinario, 158 Merced John Dally, Sta. -Teresa Carlos Hughes, 9 Tirry Marques, Noriga y Ca., 14 Tirry J. Marot y Sabrino, 44 Sta. Isabel Paints, Oil.s, Varnislics, Etc. (See Importers and Druggists.) I*liot<>j;'rjiphcrs. Molla y Mencndez, 65 Ricla C. Ruiz de Castro, 47 Contreras Physicians and Surgeons. Severino Abascal, 11 Ricla Julian R. Baracean, 5 Jovellanos fose B. Betancourt, 31 Contreras JBenito Bordas, 127 Gelabert Jose M. Camejo, 82 Ricla fose M. Caraballo, 97 Gelabert B. Carbonell y Padilla, 85 Gelabert Pedro M. Cartaya, 42 Gelabert V. Casalins, 132 Ricla E. Collado, 129 Ricla Antonio Ferrer Sanchez, 15 Ricla Antonio Fons, 95 Ricla Santiago Garay, 28 Zaragoza Ricardo Garcia, 18 Sta. Teresa Miguel Guitart Klorencio Hernandez, 69 Navia Jose E. Lopez Jimenez, 83 Gelabert Adolfo M. Llorach, 94 Ricla Domingo L. Madan, 15 Contreras Roberto Mandan, 24 Contreras Juan Mas, 62 Sta. Rita Emelio Naranjo, no Ricla Julio Ortiz, 36 Contreras Octavio Ortiz, 21 O'Reilly A. del Portillo, 50 Manzaned Elijio J. Puig, 81 Tirry Prudencio Querol, 70 Manzano Julio M. Rodriguez, 37 San Juan Manuel Q. Sanchez, 143 Manzano Alberto Schmeyer, 39 Rio Vicente A. Tomas, 92 Gelabert Luis D. Tapia, 74 Contreras Andres Ulmo, 119 Daoiz Antonio Utrilla, 34 Espirito Santo Felix Vera, lOO Contreras Justo Verdugo, 81 Gelabert Manuel N. Zambrana, 94 Manzano Printers. Diario de Matanzas, i Matanzas Pedro Fulla, El Ferro Carril, 93 Ricla Estebau Labastida, El Nacional, 69 Gelabert Pio Campuzano, 6 Gelabert Sedano y Hernandez, 53 Ricla Saddlery and Harness. Jose Artili, 1 14 O'Reilly Manuel Dacosta, 26 O'Reilly Eduardo Estin, 83 O'Reilly Juan Soler, 60 O'Reilly Jose Tremol, 102 O'Reilly Sewing Machines. Simon Castanedo, 18 Dos de Mayo Antonio Fernandez, 72 Ricla Manuel Salguiro, 79 Ricla J. Venero y Ca. , 67 Ricla Sliip Chane San Cristobal Iveforma Matanzas Habana, O'Reilly Candelaria Guanajay Habana, Cuba, Toro Dominguez 4 Angiula Cardenas 190 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Name of Owner. Cardenas Luis Cardenas Nicolas de Cardenas Simon de y E. Diago Cardenas y Ortega Nicolas Carol y Artigas Jose Carrera Hijos de Jose J. Carret y Hermano Jose Carrillo Andres Carrion Joaquin de Cartaya, Herederosde Cata- lina Cartaya Micaela Carrajal y Cabanas Francisco Casa Calderon Marques de Casalcos Ramos Miguel Casanova Antonio Casanova Inocencio Casanas Antonia, y J. R. Escobar, Casanas Frederico y Bartolome Casas y Ca. Julian F. Castaneda Luis Miguel Castaner Salvador Castaner y Ca. Castill-Florit Marquesa de Castro y Amerhazurra Castro y Arguelles Castro y Rabasa, Ignacio Catasio Hermanos y Ca. Caturla Jose de Cause, sucesor de Juan Bau- tista Cavarroca Felix Cejas Leandro Cejero Serajiro Cespedes Clara Cespedes Emilio Cespedes Emili y Rosa Civico Domingo Clemente Manuel Colome Herederos de Juan A. Compte y Sule Confligny y Ortiz Hermanos Contreras Rosa Viuda de Pedro N. Abrue Coppringer Cornelio C Cordoba Bernardo Corlina y Aldera Juan M Crespo de la Serna J. Luis Crespo y Calva Crespo y Laborde Crullas Miguel Cruz Francisco de la Cruz Juana Vin de la Roldan Cuesta Hermanos Bonifacio P. 0. Address. Calzada del Cerro 480 Calzada, Cerro 546 Calzada, Trocadero Habana, Oficios 74 Habana, Pena Pobre 20 Cardenas, Real Marianao 70 Sto. Domingo Habana, Oficios 70 Habana, Hotel Ingla- terra Ansente Matanzas,Contreras 9 Habana, Ancha del Norte, Ingenio Matanzas, Gelabert 56 Ingenio Habana, San Pedro 14 Cardenas, Ayllon Habana, Escobar 105 Remedies, PI. de Ar- mas 2 Matanzas,0'Reilly 20 Ingenio Habana, Prado 94 Habana, Aires Buenos- Habana, Enna 2 Matanzas,0'Reilly4i Matanzas, Prado 72 Cerro 871 Habana 68 Matanzas, Gelabert 35 Habana, Aguiar loi JVa?rie of Plantation. Alegria Dos Hermanos Fermina San Rafael Santa Rita Concordia Gratitude San Pablo Boca Chica Vega Mercedes Encarnacion San Vicente Cabanas San Juan de Dios Mercedes Antonia Fante^ Armenia Antonia Dos Rosas Central Victoria Candelaria Luisa Santa Rosalia Jicotea Santa Elena Sobrante Central San Juan Trinidad Santa Elena Rio Grande Dolores Cujabo Domingo Josefita Panchita Guayacan Carmen (a) Jardin San Salvador San Juan Nepomar- ceno Maravilla Baracoa Luciana Santa Catalina Dos Hermanos San Francisco Santa Teresa Jaspre Algoita Enregueta Dolorita San Juan Teresita San Vicente Constancia Tomas de Barreto Santa Elena Santa Clara Mercedita yitrisdiction. Cienfuegos Bejucal Jovellanos Guines Cardenas San Antonio Jovellanos Trinidad Cienfuegos Colon Guanajay Remedies Cardenas Santiago Jaruco Alacranes Cardenas Cienfuegos Jovellanos Cardenas Cardenas Colon Bahia Honda Cardenas Alacranes Guines Matanzas Matanzas Cardenas Jovellanos Guanajay Cuba Remedies Caney Sagua Jevellane.s Sagua Gibara Cardenas Sagua Jaruco San Cristobal Santiago Remedies Cardenas Villaclara Cienfuegos Sagua Cardenas Cardenas Matanzas Sagua San Antonio Gibara Caibarien Holguin Guanajay Island of Cuba 191 ■ Natne of O-ti'ncr. P. 0. Address. A'a?nt' of Plantation. Jurisdiction. Cuesta y Terga, Pedro de la Vega Matanzas Cullen Jose Diego Manuelita Neuva Paz Culloda Juan Trinidad Sagua Cutting Roberto San Juan de Wilson Cardenas Chacon Juan de Habana, Cerre 795 Encarnacion Colon Chamberlain Francisco Sagua Dos Rios Sagua Chapman Guillermo Colombia Santa Maria Gibara Chappotin Francisco Habana, Ancha del Norte 34 Concepcion Guanajay Chavez Maria Regla y Do- San Francisco de Cardenas lores G Asis D. Dardallo y Matos Davalos y Garcia Nicolas Davalos y Maza Delcourt Teodoro y Agustin Delgado Ciriaco Delgado Enslaquio Delgado e Hijos Ramon Delgado Felipe A. Delgado Francisco Delgado Herederos de Bal- dormero Delgado Jose de Jesus Delgado Lorenzo Delgado Luis Delgado Urbane Francisco Delgado y Hernandez R. Depestre Herederos de Ed- mundo Depestre y Hermano Deschapelles Elena B. Deville Eduardo Diago Ramon y Enrique A. Diaz Antonio Diaz Antonio G. y Teodosio Diaz Marcos J. Diaz Mariano Diaz Piedro Francisco Diaz Suiza Francisco Diaz Urzurun Luis Diaz Villegas J. Sucesores de Diaz de y Ca., J. Diaz y Ca., J. Diaz y Ramos Dihigo y Juan Pedro Dihigo y Mestre Dols Jacinto Dominech y Maria Dominguez Alfonso Eugeno Ca., Manuel Dominguez Bernardo Dominguez Francisco J. Dominguez y Fi.mero Dominguez y Lacalle Dorticos Pedro E. Dos Hermanos Martjues de Drake y Hermano Carlos Duany Calixto y Octaviano Duany Condesa de Duarte Bernardo Matanzas, O'Reilly, i Sagua Progreso Santo Domingo Cardenas, Garnica Habana, Acosta 78 Habana, Justiz 3 S. Miguel 51 Matanzas, Gelabert 20 Ingeno Ingenio, Luisa Sagua ^Lltanzas, Galabert Habana, Compostela, 20 Sagua la Grande Habana, Prado 47 Habana, Empedrado Habana, San Ignacio no Matanzas, Gilaberto 100 Habana, Prado 35 Habana, Aguiar 59 Aljovia Virgen Maria Gabriela Reunion Deseada San Francisco Panchita Carmen San Felipe San Antonio Maria Josefa San Jose Santa Lucia Santa Emilia Dolorita Santa Gertrudis Julia Luisa Eden Park Arcadia La Paz Socorro San Jose San Pedro Tartesio Andrea Jesus Maria Arco Iris Josefa Magnaraya Jicarita Asturias Santa Rosa icos San Lorenzo Domin- Ntra. Sra. de Regla Santo Domingo San Josd' Maria San Francisco Nueva Esperanza Caridad Flora Nazareno Saratoga S. Geronimode Jagua El Carmen America Bejucal Bejucal Matanzas Matanzas Cardenas Colon Sagua Cardenas Matanzas Sagua Jovellanos Cardenas Remedies Sagua Colon Matanzas Jovellanos Sagua Matanzas Sagua Bejucal Alacranes Cienfuegos Alacranes Villaclara Cardenas Matanzas Remedies Colon Bejucal Matanzas Remedies Matanzas Matanzas Cienfuegos Bahia Honda Matanzas Cuba Cuba Villaclara 192 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Xai?u' of Owner. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. Jurisdiction. Duarte Herederos de Antonio Habana, Cerre San J Guanajay ^ ViUaclara Elias 12 Ruley Duarte Ignacio Cakada del Cerro Diminuto Duarte y Betarte Zaragoza, 23 Cerro Macagua I J)u-Bonchel Herederosde Blab Tacon 2 Destino Colon Ducoman Quiebra de Jatinicu Cuba Duenas Jose y Concepcion Tentativa Jovellanos Duenas yCa. , Juan San Josede Caridad Colon DuOuesne Marques de Habana, Habama 198 f Alberro Sta. Maria Rosario DuQuesne Rita Habana, Habama 198 Casnalidad - Admiracion Cardenas Capitolio Duran y Borras Arturo San Nicolas 118 San Antonio Alegre Bejucal f Antonio Jaruco Duranona Herederos de Fran- Habana, Oficios 36 1 Dos Adelas Guanajay cisco Habana, Marianao \ Pilar Jaruco Rey3 San Francisco [Toledo Habana E. Echarte Dolores Echegoyen Hanchol Pedro Echenique y Ca. Echevarria y Martinez Do- mingo Elizalde Juan Bautista Elizalde y Hermanos Salva- dor Elgnea Francisco Elosegui Pedro Emard Juan y Gonzalo Mo- lina Emerson Herederos de Escarza Sotero Esnard Herederos de Juan Espino Herederos de Juan y Vegamer Espinosa Dolores Espinosa Jose de la O. Espinosa Remigio Espinosa y Hermano Espinosa y Nocedo Estevez Herederos de Juan Bautista Habana Cardenas Habana, Paula Habana, Vedado Matanzas, O'Reilly Ingenio Sagua Habana, Ancha del Norte Habana, Cuba 98, y Acosta 21 Ingenio Sagua, Gloria 26 Atenas Helvecia San Jose Valiente Cualro Pasos Guerrero Paz Elizalde Arbolde Guernica San Jose Amelia Palma Portugalite Isabel Vegamar Bella Vista Sociedad Reglito San Fernando San Cristobal P.ecurso Sagua Cardenas Sagua Matanzas Colon Sagua San Antonio Bejucal Sagua Cienfuegos Colon Sagua Alacranes Sagua Sagua Colon Cienfuegos P. Fabio y Hermano Cential Batalla Colon Fabre Eugenia Prosperidad Guantanamo Fabregas Joaquin Sagua Amistad 53 Diamante Villaclara Fanjul Juan Petrona Matanzas Farebo Juan Altamira Cienfuegos Fanra Sucesion de Santa Fe Guantanamo Febles y Flores, Jose y Juan Jan Jose y Animas Matanzas Fernandez Castellano Fer- nando Pastora Matanzas Fayta Jose La Ceiba Trinidad Fernandez Criado y Gomez Antonio Habana Anton Fernandez Criado y Gomez Habana 66 Ntra. Sra. de Neda Hermanos Habana, Aguiar loS>2 Colon Fernandez de Castro Pedro Habana, Prado 90 Ntra. Sra. del Car- men Jaruco Fernandez de Lara Joaquin Habana, Aguacate 122 Victoria San Antonio ISLAiND OF Cuba. 193 • Name of Owner. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. fnrisdicticn. Fernandez Uelgado Jose R. Lucrecia Matanzas Fernandez Herederos de Jose Belen Habana, Paula 3 Santa Ana Remedios Fernandez Herederos de J. Santos Atrevido Alacranes Fernandez Herederos de Vic- tor Ingeno Caridad Sagua Fernandez Jos4 San Jose u Fernandez Lopez Sagua, Gloria 42 Jagua Villaclara Fernandez Manuel I. Habana, Companario 131 Las Charcas Sagua Fernandez Mederos Jos6 Maria Caney Colombia Laberinto Resolucion Colon Colon Jovellanos Fernandez Mercedes Palma Cubana Cardenas Fernandez Mourat F. El Salvador San Miguel Henra Paz Fernandez Pastora Mercenas Colon Fernandez Pedro Lamberto Habana, San Ignacio 50 Union Jovellanos Fernandez Piloto Francisco Cardenas, Ayllon Conquista Dos Hermanas Cardenas Fernandez Rafael Sagua Socorro Sagua Fernandez Rubalcaba Jos6 Ingenio Socorro Sagua Fernandez Tomas Mayaguara Saira Familia Trinidad Fernandez Valentine LaO. San Antonio de Padua Villaclara Remedio Fernandez Vallin Antonio Ofo de Agua Vista Hermosa Matanzas Madruga Fernandez y Valdes Central Destino Colon Fernandina, Herrera Garo j Habana, Mercade- ) res, 4 S Angosta Guanajay Jose Maria Condede { Santa Teresa Colon Ferranz Francisco, Lorenzo y M. Pulido Baratillo San Pedro Sagua Ferreira Jose Maiia Lealtad 106 Merceditas Cuba Ferrer Benigno Mariel t( Ferrer Casto Quemado (( Ferrer Castulo Borgita Ferrin Juan Cardenas Palestina Jovellanos Fiol Juan Agustin Habana, Tejadillo Jesus Maria Guanajay Flaquer Antonio Sagua, Gloria 107 Manuelita San Antonio Sagua Flores Apodaca Roman Habana, Galiano 122 Caridad Desquite Colon Flores Hernandez, Dolores Loteria Jaruco Fouriner y Cases San Jose Belencita Guantanamo Remedios Font Herederos de Juan Font Ramon Habana, Salud 28 Pasora Sagua Font y Suris Jose Trinicu Sancti-Spiritus Forcade Gabriel Habana, Cuba 52 Porvenir Colon Fornaris y Corral Felipe Habana, San Nicolas 122 Jdsus Maria Guanajay Fornaris y Corral Manuel Habana, Tacon 2 Garro Santiago Fortun Jose Maria Marques de Placetas Remedies San Andres Remedios Fowler Guillermo San Tranguilimo Cardenas Fresneda Manuel Habana, Campanario Mercedita Fresneda Mercedes Habana, Amistad 54 Nueva Empresa Guines Freville H de Nicves Fritze y Ca. Buena Vista Las Breas Trinidad Fuente Lazaso Porla Matanzas Fuentes Jos(i Habana, Galiano 26 San Antonio Bejucal Fumero Josefa S. Jose dc la Caridad Bejucal Fumero Juan Bautista San Rafael Matanzas Fumero Pablo | Matanzas S. Santa Teresa Jaruco Fumeroy Hermapos Jose A. f Juan de Dios 66 San Josc' Alacranes 194 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. a Name of Oivncr. Gaitan Emilio Galainena Herederos de Carlos Galan, Jose Galarraga Matias Galofre Pablo y Ju£\n Galvez y Hermano Galvez y Zanetti Jesus Benigno Gallart Jose Nicolas Gandara y Lomba Ramon Garay y Ca. , Santiago Garcia Angarica Joaquin Garcia Antonia Garcia Barbon Luciano Garcia Carlos Garcia Cartaya Jose Belen Garcia Chavez Francisco Garcia Chavez Hermanos Garcia Fabian Garcia Francisco Antonio Garcia Herederos de Fulgen- cio Garcia Milian Lorenzo Garcia Milian Pablo Maria Garcia Oiia Enrique y A. Garcia Ona Recardo Garcia Pablo Maria Garcia Sardina Ignacio Garcia Sardina Pantaleon Garcia Sebastian Garcia y Ca., Beatrix Garcia y Garcia, Enrique Garcia y Hermano, J. Belen Garcia y Hermanos Garcia y Hermanos Garralde Viuda de Pedra Garri y Fernandez, Angel Garrido y Hermanos Gatke L Larraque Viuda de E. F. Gay Francisco de Paula Gay Josefa Calderon de Gerome de Mora Maria Gil Herederos de Jose Clilledo N. Clualt y Madrazo Jose Girard Sucesion de Gustavo Giraud Mercedes Viuda de Lleo Gleam Francisco R. Gobel y Hermanos Mariano Godinez Francisco G. Goicoechea N. Goicoechea Pascual F. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. Jurisdiction. Habana, Habana Deleite Cardenas Ingenio Movimiento Bahia Honda Carambola Jovellanos Concepcion Cardenas Habana, Tulipan i6 Cerro Confianza Matanzas Ponuco Cuba Matanzas, Gilabert 92 Dos Mercedes Alacranes Habana, Aguacate 128 San Jose de Cannabo Matanzas Igenio Felicia Sagua Santa Elena Cienfuegos Matanzas, Contreras 56 Santa Cristo Matanzas Desemperro Colon San Antonio Alacranes Habana, S. Ignacio 76 Fortuna San Antonio San Luciano Colon Habana, Aguila 60 San Rafael Bejucal Piedad Matanzas Matanzas,Gelabert 24 Luz Matanzas Matanzas, Contreras, 59 Dolores Cardenas Ingenio (ierona Sagua Santa Rita Alacranes Isabela Na. Sa. delos Dolores Sagua Tiempo Matanzas Matanzas, Contreras, 50 San Ramon Cardenas San Florencio Alacranes Mercedes Matanzas Matanzas,0'Reilly34 San Luis Colon Matanzas, Gelabert 47 Cuavalejos Cardenas Central Matanzas San Juan Jovellanos Santa Facunda Colon Juanita Cienfuegos Ntra. Sra. delRosario Cardenas Habana, Prado 47 San Jose Jovellanos Habana, Bartillo Santo Domingo Colon Buena Vista Cardenas Santa Ana Cardenas El Tiempo Colon Algaba Trinidad Habana, Ancha del N. 104 Angel de San Antonio Sagua Delicias Villaclara Habana, Cuba 26 Angerona Guanajay Habana, Cuarteles42 Ntra. Sra. de la Luz Cardenas Habana, Cuba Santa Rosa Cuba Habana, Merced 16 San Antonio Cardenas Baracoa Cagnasey Baracoa Habana, Merced 16 Mundo Habana, Chacon 3 El Doctor Santiago San A gust in Cuba Habana, Amistad 98 Luisa Sagua Panchita Sagua Habana, Lamparilla ' 78 Aurora Jovellanos Habana, Cerro 442 Triunfana Colon San Jose Remedios Habana Principe, Al- fonso 45 Providencia Guines Island of Cuba. 195 . Name of Ozvner. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. yurisdiction. Gomez Aranjo Antonio Nena Colon Gomez Mederos y Ca. Por Fuerza Cardenas Gomez y Cepero ^lartin San Abraham Colon Gomez y Hermano Julian Matanzas, Ricla 31, Reforma Matanzas Contreras 34 San Andrian San Antonio Cardenas San Cayetano San Miguel ,■ Matanzas Gon. Francisco Luz San Antonio Gonzalez Abun Diego El Rubi La Quinta Villaclara Gonzalez Abun Herederos de Eduardo Habana, Amistad 104 Santa Catalina Cienfuegos Gonzalez Abun Herederos de Francisco Villaclara Guaimarito Villaclara Gonzalez Abun Juan y Rafaela Habana, Prado 68 y 70 Dolores Remedios Gonzalez Abun Vincente San Antonio Santa Clara Gonzalez Carballo R. Central r Cardenas Gonzalez de Larrazabal A. San Manuel Gonzalez G., Conde de Pala- tino y L. Alda Habana, Cerro 795 San Miguel Rosario Pinar del Rio Gonzalez Herederos de Anto nio Caridad Alacranes Gonzalez Herederos de Guil- Industria Habana lermo San Nicolas Jaruco Gonzalez Jose Maria Central Perla Colon Gonzalez Lara ]os€ Habana, Merced 45 Luisa Cardenas Gonzalez Larrinaga, Herede- Habana, Reina 63 Begona Pinar del Rio ros de B. Julia Purisima Concepcion ,- Jaruco Gonzalez Manuel Nazareno Pinar del Rio Gonzalez Rodiles Jose Nueva Luciana Colon Gonzalez Rosa Maria Ruiz de Purisima Concepcion Gonzalez Rosario Habana San Luis Sagua Gonzalez Sebastian Cuprey Cuba Gonzalez y Arango Francisco Habana, S. Indalecio 17 El Cristo Bejucal Gonzalez y Bolanos Herederos de Unica Cardenas Gonzalez Dominguez J. Fenix Cardenas Gonzalez y Quinonez Higinio Ro.sario Colon Gonzalez y Ramos Vinda de Hilario Habana, Merced 26 Purisima Concepcion Jaruco Gorostiza Barberia y Ca. El Pan Matanzas Govin y Dominguez Felix Central Louisiana Habana Govin y Pinto Felix Habana, Manrique Maravilla Alacranes Niagara Colon Goytizolo y Lizarzabun Agus- Purisima Concepcion tin San Austin Cienfuegos Gran Azucarera en liquidacion Habana, Oficios Echeverria San Martin Cardenas Granda, Canlero y Ca. Santa Rita Villaclara Gran y Junco Rioja Cienfuegos Groso de Anido Natalia Rosa Villaclara Guardado y Hermano Here- deros de Ingenio Palma Sagua Guell y Rente Acana Matanzas Guerra Laureana Mamey Jovellanos Guerrero Marqueti Vicente Habana Cerro 552 Santa Maria Matanzas Guillo y Restoy Ingenio Florentina Sagua Guma Gregoire y Antonio Matanzas ( Angelita ■j San Ramon ( Santa Sofia Habana Magdalcna Cardenas Tovellanos Sagua Gutierrez y Casal Concurso de Habana, San Pedro 2 Panchita Gutierrez y Hermanos Herederos de Jose Santo Domingo Casnalidad (f 196 Delmar's Trades Directoryaxd Mercantile Maxual. H. Naive of Oii'ner. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. yurisdiction. Hatton y Soran Chuchita Colon Haza y Cubellas Jose Tres Hermanos Jovellanos Hermennay y Batt Herederos de Estados Unidos San Jorge Sagua Herrera Herederos de Fran- cisco y Leonor Habana, Cerro 4S0 Libano Cardenas Herrera Jose Mariano Luisa Habana Herrera Juan Francisco Aguacate 112 Destino Pinar del Rio Herrera Leonor y Miguel de Teniente-Rey 39 San Francisco Pinar del Rio Herrera Maria Francisco San Jose Pinar del Rio Herrera Maria Josefa Habana, Salud 79 Encarnacion Pinar del Rio Herrera Melgares Herederos Tacon 2 Atrevido Colon deT. Belfast Jovellanos San Luis Santa Maria Cardenas Colon Herrera y Carter Miguel An- tonio San Ignacio Concepcion San Antonio Herrera y Cardenas L. Maria Galope San Cristobal Hernandez Armas Jose San Jose Nueva Pax Hernandez Capote Manuel Habana, S. Miguel loS Charcas Sagua Hernandez de Hernandez A. Habana, Galiano Audax Cardenas Hernandez de la Cruz y Her- Matanzas, Gelabert mano J. 74 Santa Catalina Matanzas Hernandez Dominguez E. Maria Louisa San Antonio Hernandez Herederos de Belen Santa Ana Remedios Hernandez Herederos de Dgo. Habana, Ancha del y Mo. N. 122 Aurora San Antonio Hernandez Herederos de Amistad 56 Santa Ines Alacranes Eusebio San Rafael Jaruco Hernandez Jos^ Reglita Cienfuegos Hernandez Josefa Ingenio San Jose Sagua Hernandez Marcos Victoria Cienfuegos Hernandez Maria Gregoria Santa Isabel Cardenas Hernandez Morejon Here- Matanzas, Santa Te- deros de F. resa 21 San Francisco Matanzas Hernandez Morejon Here- deros de P. Matanzas, Ricla 71 Carmen <( Hernandez Otero y Hermano Isidoro Matanzas, Burriel Trinidad (C Hernandez Piloto Juan El Carmen Cardenas Hernandez Rafael Ingenio Socorro Sagua Hernandez Rodriguez F. Matanzas, Contreras San Fernando 26 San Juan Cardenas Hernandez Rodriguez S. Cardenas, Industria Santa Rosa Matanzas Hernandez Serapio Matanzas Isabel, I. Versalles Escorial Jovellanos Hernandez Tomas Sagua, Colon 45 Santa Clara Sagua Hernandez Trinidad San Jose Cardenas Hernandez y A. G. Aranjo N, Firmeza Cardenas Hernandez y A. Monies E. San Rafael Madruga Hernandez y Gonzalez N. Dos Cecilias Matanzas Hernandez y Giuria San Jose ({ Hernandez y Rios Pablo Matanzas, O'Reilly Mercedes Osado Colon Cardenas Hernandez y Rios Pastor Matanzas, O'Reilly 23 Santa Rosa Colon Heria Roma y Pedro Cerro Habana 61S, Merca- deres, 12 Santisema Trinidad San Antonio Heria S. y J. P. Abren Habana Sol 87 Triunfo (a) Concep- cion Cardenas Hidalgo Jos^ Maria Amalia Cienfuegos Hoyos de Perez Hijolita Precise Cardenas Island of Cuba. 197 I. Name of Ozi.'ner. /-. 0. Address. jVame of Plantaticni. yttrisdiction. Ibanez Francisco F. , Conde Habana, Cuba 5 Chumba Guanalacoa de Casa Ibanez Montana Bahia Honda San Joaquin Colon Socorro Sagua Ibarra y La Guardia, Rita y C. Habana, Prado 87 San Ignacio Alacranes Iglesias y Hermanos Sagua, Esperanza 14 Santa Tomas de Alba Sagua Ilia y Ruiz Ntra. Sra. Remedies Bahia Honda Illareta Joaquin Lola Villaclara Innevarich Santiago Remedies Floridano Remedies Isasi Marques de Habana, Justiz 2 Magdalena San Ignacio Matanzas Izaba y Fernandez Hilario Sagua, Gloria 42 Aurelia Villaclara Izaguirre Ildefonso Habana, Oficios 62 Empresa San Cristobal Iznaga de Acosta Natividad Amargura 23, A. del Maipo Sancti Spiritu N. 221 Natividad a San Fernando cc Iznaga de Cantero Herederos de M. Corojal Trinidad Iznaga de Riquelme Barbra ' Aracas (( Mainicu (( Iznaga de Sanchez Maria C. Uelicias Magnas (( Iznaga Juan A. Conchita Cienfuegos Iturralde Juan Libano Sagua J. Jenks Jose Matias Jibacoa Conde de Jimenez Francisco Jimenez Rojo Isidro Jimenez y Ayla Jimenez y Eslevez Ramon Jimenez y Mahy Leon Jimenez Fuentes J. M. y F. Jorrin Gonzola Jova y Hermanos Federico Jova Ricardo Jovellar y Cardona Jover Herederos de Juan Juda Jose Junco Guadalupe Junco Leandro del Junco Morejon y Hermano W. Junco y Morejon Gabino Jurda Jos6 Justiz Manuel Matanzas, Magda- lena 15 Habana, Jesus Maria 6 Habana, Virtudes 2 Matanzas, Contreras 38 Matanzas, Contreras 34 ^ Habana, Cerro Principe, Alfonso Tacon, 46 Sagua Santo Domingo Marianao Matanzas, Gelabert 10 Matanzas, Burricl Concepcion San Ignacio Buena Vista Reunion San Francisco de Asis Nueva Cecilia Cente Granja San Rafael Vista Hermosa Chubasco Mercedes Natalia San Jacinto San Ildefonso Aurora Zayas San Gabriel Lima Divertido Mercedes San Vicente Santa Rosalia Bolanos Colon Guines Cardenas San Antonio Guanajay Matanzas Cardenas Cardenas Alacranes Caidenas Sagua Cienfuegos Sagua Santa Clara Guantanaino Jovellanos Guantanamo Matanzas Cienfuegos Matanzas Jovellanos Remedios Cuba E. Kessel Emilio Kinderland y Ca., Juan Habana, Empedrado 16 Redcncoin Palmorcpo Bahia Honda Cuba 198 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. L. Name of Owner. P. 0. Address. Name 0/ Plattlation. yurisdiction. Labarrere Mateo J. Habana, Empedrado 3 Bramales Guanajay Laferte Goitia Francisco Merced Cardenas La Guardia de Ponce Merced Habana, Prado Merced Matanzas Landa Gabriel Maria Habana, San Miguel 62 A fan Cardenas Landa Martin 'Habana, Mercade- res II Santa Rosa Sagua Landa y Ca., F. Habana, Mercade- t res 1 1 Armonia Colon Lanz Herederos de Juan Bau- Habana, Compostela tista 158 Chucha Jovellanos Lara Roque de San Carlos (a) El Que- madero Cardenas Lara de Cantero Monserrate Guina de Soto Trinidad Larrondo Ignacio Sagua, Colon 87 Manuelita Sagua Larrondo y Ca. , Jgnacio Sagua, Colon 87 Constancia Sagua Lasa Carlos de Tinaja Mariel Lasaga Virgilio y Recio Mora- les Jos^ Correderas Jaruco Lasarte Manuel Ingenio Santa Maria Sagua Lastra Maria de la Cruz Janlas Bejucal Lastra Ramon Igenio Santa Rosa Guines Lastre y Ginart, Joaquin Habana, Habana 35 Asuncion Matanzas Lavin Domingo Resolucion Guines Lavin Ildefonso Jobo (I Lavin Tuan Cardenas Pinillos J 86 Meteoro Cardenas Lavin Juan y C. Herrero Cardenas, Real 24 Conchita Colon Lavin Juan,' en Concurso y Santiuste N. Guamutitas Cardenas Lawton Herederos de Jaime Habana. Mercaderes 13 Santa Rosa Sagua Ledesma R. U. y J. Bardaji Monte Sano Guantanamo Leonard Herederos de Juan Bautista Amalia Jovellanos Leon y Ceballos Santa Leocadia Alacranes Limonta Sucesor de M. yE. Brooks Isabel Guantanamo Linares Dolores Cifuentes Trinidad Sagua Lombard y Hermano Conformidad Cardenas Lombiel Tomas Habana, Consulado Fraternidad (1 Lombillo Jose, Conde de Habana, Empedrado San Gabriel Bahia Honda Lopez del Campillo y Her- mano D California Cienfuegos Lopez J A Arratia Colon Lopez Lage y So. Manuel Habana, Reina 119 Santa Ana San Antonio Lopez Silverio Elias Habana, Ancha del N. 153 Santa Lutgarda Sagua Lopez Silverio Rafael Laberinto Santa Clara Lopez Trigo Ignacio Habana, Vedado Ntra. Sra.del Carmen Cardenas Lopez Tringo y Ca. Jesus Maria(a) Ramos Guanajay Lopez Villavicencio Teofilo San Claudio Matanzas Lopez y Farragut Igenio Panchita Sagua Lopez y Hermanos Demetrio San Rafael Colon Luire y Alberdi Herederos de Diego Sagua, Colon 179 Ceiba Sagua Lugo Vinas Nicasio Sagua, Santa Domin- go San Andres Sagua Llanos Viuda de Cespedes R. de Matanzas, Ricla Buen Suceso Matanzas Llera y Rodriguez Igenio Destine Destino Santa Clara Juanita Sagua Island of Cuba. 199 M. Name of Owner. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. furisdiction. Mac Culloc Herederos de Juan Estados Unidos Unidad Sagua Macia Girafa Cardenas Macias Herederos de Jos6 Socorro Matanzas Machado Eleuterio Santa Ana Remedios Machini Hermano Manuel Santa Maria Villaclara Madan Cristobal F. Habana, Cuba 80 La Rosa Cardenas Madan de Alfonso Herederos Habana, Cuba 84 Antonio Matanzas de A. Triunvirato Matanzas Madan de la Guardia Rosa Habana, Prado 62 Hatney Colon Madan Guillermo y Avelino San Antonio Cienfaegos Madrazo y Hermano Narcisco Luisa Cardenas Malpica Felipe Habana, Prado loi Caridad Colon Mai et Maria Santa Ana Colon Mantecon N. Santa Rita Colon Manrique Roque Habana, Oficios i6 Panchita Colon Maragliano Benito La Benita Alacrines Marcellan Herederos deAndres Santa Isabel Cienfuegos Marcos Jose Matanzas, Santa Teresa San Jose Jovellanos Mariscal del Holjo Rafael Sagua, Tacon 80 San Rafael Sagua Marquetti Herederos de J. y A. M. C. Habana, Obrapia Santisima Trinidad San Antonio Marquetti y Gonzalez Habana, San Miguel Central Dolorita Cardenas Marquez Antonio Igenio San Miguel Sagua Marquin Fermin N. Caridad Gibara Marroquin Cajigas y Ca. Habana, Barcelona 8 S. Francisco de Paula j Guines Martiartu'Leon Habana, San Ignacio Dolores \ Nueva Paz Martinez Catalina Santa Catalina Colon Martinez Herederos de An- tonio Caridad Remedios Martinez Isabel Viudade Pab- lo Perez Zamora Tauro Las Vegas Martinez Jose Antonio Abad Habana, Salud Ana Sagua Martinez Juan Manuel Caridad Vi laclara Martinez Martin San Jos^ Gibara Martinez Campos Mercedes Paris, Christofle Colomb. Serbabo Bejucal Martinez Campos Serefina Chateaubriand Santa Rita Guanabacoa Martinez Mesa y Ca. Sagua, Amistad Reforma Sagua Martinez Rafael Vista Hermosa Jaruco Martinez Rico Jos6 Habana, O'Reilly Ntra.Sra. del Carmen Guanajay Martinez Rico Heroderos de j Santa Teresa Matanzas Manuel Santisima Trinidad Cardenas Martinez Valdiviose Hered- Aurora eros de N. Habana, Habana \ Monserrate ( Martinez Valdiviose Josefa ( San Antonio San Isidro < Matanzas Martinez y Hermanos San Ignacio Dos Hermanos Jaruco Martinez y Sobrino Francisco Perseverancia Cardenas Masforroll, Trenard y Ca. Union Cuba Masvidal y Ca. Nuevitas Central Redencion Nuevitas Maten Antonio San Antonio Hejucal Maurin Herederos de Jos6 San Isidro Las Vegas Mayner Jaime Habana, Obrapia Mercedes a Aurrera Cardenas Mayor y Ca. San Jose Maza Evaristo Lanzarote Jovellanos Maza Jos6 Central Anita Cardenas Maza Munoz Juan de la Habana, Inquisidor Dolores Jaruco Maza y Hermanos Habana, Empedrado Apuros Hahia Honda Mazorra Herederos de Jos(3 Pio Habana, Domingucz Clarita Bejucal Santa Clara Sagua Medina Antonio Remedios Falcon Remedios Medina Ramon H. Estrella Cienfuegos Medina y Montero Carmen Jaruco Melgarcs N. Atrivido Sta. Maria Mena Agustin J. Magnolia Cardenas Mena Hernardo Juanita Jovellanos 200 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. 1 Name of Owner-. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. furisdictioti. Mena Maria Francisco Oriente Jovellanos Mena Meneses Juan San Juan Manzanillo Mendez Herederos de Buenaventura Jovellanos Mendez Valladares Rafael San Juan Bautista Alacranes Mendive Herederos de Altura Bahia Honda Menendez Ramon San Jose Cardenas Menendez Teresa Habana, Oficios i6 Santa Isabel Cardenas Menendez y Sobrino Santa Rosa Colon Meres Herederos de Josefa Madrona Victoria San Antonio Mesa Herederos de Dos Felices Alacranes Mesa y Herederos de Galar- Habana, Tulipan 8 raga Luisa Cerro Guasimal Cardenas Mesa y Compania Antonio Sagua, Amistad Union Sanga Mildestein Guillermo Igenio Amjaro Sanga Milian de Garcia Herederos Mantanzas, Gelabert Petrona Matanzas de Petrona 42 San Narcisco Matanzas Mitjaros Concurso de Bartol- ome Guacamayo Pinar del Rio Molina Fernando Habana, Compostela Santa Teresa Bejucal Molina Ignacio y Ricardo Habana, Cerro lo Mina Cardenas Molinery Hermanos Adolfo Habana, Tulipan 9 Cerro Luisa Colon Mons D'Orbigny Herederos de Luis de Santa Victoria Guines Montalvos Dolores R. De Concepcion Cienfuegos San Lino Cienfuegos Montalvos Encarnacion Habana, Campana- rio 127 Encarnacion Colon Montalvos y Cablvo Herederos Habana, Habana 198 Jesus Maria Merced Cardianes de Ignacio Conde de Casa Cardianes Penon Montalvo y Calvo Herederos de Ramon Cuba, 40 Desquite Matanzas Montalvo y Rodriguez Lino f Habana, Amargrua Andreita Cienfuegos Montelo Herederos del \ Habana, Baratillo La Rosa Matanzas Marques de Matanzas, Arpen- San Cayetano C( tamiento San Jose tt Monterro e Hijos Francisco Habana, Bernaza, 29 San Jose delas Ciegas Colon Montes Lorenzo y Hernandez Antonio Guines Nombre de Dios Habana Montes de Oca y Torres Man- uel Guines, Carmelo Alianza Guines Montes Victor S. Antonio, Real 47 Penalver San Antonio Mora Agustin S. Adelaida Cienfuegos Mora Cone, de Jos6 y A. Habana, San Ignacio America Sagua Maria San Joaquin Cardenas Mora CuUado Pedro Victoria Sagua Mora de Arangurer Dolores Habana, San Ignacio Victoria Cardenas Mora e Hijos Vicenta de Pejilla Sagua Mora Gabriel Sacramento Cienfuegos Mora Jacinta San Jacinto Sagua Mora Jos^ Maria Hab'na,SanCelestino Alejandria Guines Mora Justa Vinda de Palacio San Isidro Cienfuegos Mora Mamerto Benigna Sagua Mora Oha y Ca. Sagua, Merced 47 Armonia « Habana, Merced, 49 Manuelita "» Morales Alejandro Conde de Habana, Cuba Indarra Colon Morales Armentero Herederos dePro Habana, Salud Rosario Jaruco Morales Armenteros Vidal Habana, Galiano Telegrafo Cardenas Morales Guerra Antonio San Rafael Villaclara Morales Herederos de Ramon Habana, Compostela Santa Teresa Sagua Morales Manuel A. R. Marques Cuba Alegre Cardenas de la Real Proclamacion Luisa Ntra. Sra. de las Santiago Mercedes Guines More Ajuria y Hermano San Isidro Sagua Morey Ajuria Habano, Obispo Indio (( Labrador C( ISLAXD OF Cuba. 201 Name of 0~cne7-. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. yurisdiction. More y Ping Manuel B. Habana, J. del Monte Purisima Concepion Cardenas Morejon Ambrosio Gonzalo Alacranes Morejon HerederosdeP. Matanzas, Ricla Carmen Matanzas Morejon Manuel Habana, Zaragoza Martilde Santiago Morcero Pumariega y Compa San Joaquin Santiago Morell Carlos Remedies Louisa Remedies Muise Hijos Dulce Nombre Colon Muller Eduardo Maria El Bamo Jaruco Munoz Heredero de San Ramon Manzanillo Munoz Izanguirre y Hermano Pajayal Bahia Honda Munoz San Clemente Here- deros de Concordia Guines Munoz y Ca. Juan J. Santa Susana Jovellanos Munoz y Hermanos San Joaquin Bahia Honda Muro Rosario y G. Barradas San Francisco Colon Muro Sainz y Ca. Cardenas, Garnica Dulce Nombre Colon Naranjo Jesus Naranjo Marcelina Navarrete de Rodrigues Teran Navarro, Casas y Ca. Navarro y Pedraja Bernardo Ninninger Herederos de Juan Nicolas Jos^ y Baro Herederos de Amalia Nicolas Juan Jose Nicolas y Frennor Jos^ R. Nodalas Eusebio N^orma Antonio Noreiga, Olomo y Ca. Nunez Benito Nunez Fernando Nunez, Herederos de Juan J. Nunez Juan Nunez Manuel Nunez Rita Micaela y Juana Nunez Vega Jos6 Manuel Nunez y Ca. , Domingo Nunez y Hermanos Bernardo N. Habana, Aguacate Sagua, Colon Matanzas, Contreras Habana, Oficios Habana, Prado Matanzas, Jovellanos Matanzas, Jovellanos Habana, Cuba Matanzas Sagua, Merced Ingenio Sagua, Amistad Sagua, Intendente, Ramirez Matanzas El Rosario Piedad Carla Estrella Conga Recurso San Isabel Matilde j Santa Isabel '{ Victoria Josefina Casanlidad San Luis Andrea Noriega San Jos^ R. Gomez Olallita Tuanita Rita San Juan Santa Clara Manuelita Nueva Empresa Guadalupe San Francisco Manzanillo Matanzas Villaclara Sagua Matanzas Remedies Alacranes Mantanzas Remedies Cuba Colon Remedies Santiago Sagua (C Madruga Sagua San Antonio Guines Sagua 0. Ocampo y Arredonde O'Farrill Herederos Jesefa O'Farrill Jos6 Ricardo O'Farrill Jes6 Ricardo O'Farrill Ricardo R. O'Farrill Vicente Olano y Molina Jos6 Olivera Hermanos y Ca. Olivera Manuel Olmo Frade y Ca. O'Nayten y Orozco Juan Gramas Lucas O'Reilly Conde de Orta Juan Orta y Lleria Ortiz Antonio Habana, Industria Luis O. Je Rita Sagua Habana, Saluil San Luis Jaruco Habana, Cuba Cayajal^os Habana Concordia u Habana, Cuba San .\ntonio San Rafael Sagua Habana, Colon Esperanza Habana Limones Matanzas San Ignacio Villaclara .Matanzas, O'Reilly San Jose Catalina Alacranes Matanzas, O'Reilly Cardenas Buen Amigo Alacranes Josefita Jaiuco Habana, Compostela Desengano Colon Santa Lucia Villaclara Habana, Oficios Bufon San Antonio Sagua la Grande Tenerife Sagua Esperanza Jovellanos Remedies Artcmisa Remedios 202 Delmae's Tkades Dikectory and Mercantile Manual. Name of Owner. Ortiz Cabana y Ca. Otamendi Baltasar Otero de Tolon Dolores Owens Herederos de Tomas Oxamendi Vicente P. O. Address. Matanzas, O'Reilly P. Name of Plantation. San Antonio Polo Santa Isabel San Jos6 Valiente Santa Barbara Union furisdiction. Villaclara Pinar del Rio Alacranes Jovellanos Cardenas Padron Justo y Herederos de Canal Palacios Herederos de Lazaro Palatino Gregorio Gonzalez Conde de Palma y Nieto Pallimonjo y Sobrino Parera de Sotolongo Aurora Pasalobos Damaso Pascual Enrique Pasinal Maria Pedro Herederos de Francisco Pedro Jose Pedro Lorenzo Pedro y Roig Juan Pedroso Maria Luisa y A. Rodriguez Pedro y Echevarria Herederos dej. Pedroso y Hermanos Carlos Pedi'oso y Pedroso Francisco Pelayo Matilde G. Viuda de Pelayo Vigil Francisco Pella y Caso Penalver Concepcion Penalver Sebastian de Penalver y Sanchez Herederos de J. Penate Jos^ Pequeno y Ca. L. Peraza Francisco Peraza Juana Peraza Manuel Perera Jos6 Perez, Aguin y Ca. Perez Candida Perez Carballo Francisco Perez Felipe Perez Herederos de Jos^ Ra- fael J. Perez Teran y Hermano C. Perez Tomas Perovani Elvira Viuda de Torre Perez Herederos de Pers Gabriel Pezuela e Hijo Jacobo de la Pichardo e Hijo Rafael Piedra Andreas Viuda de Diaz Piedra Bartolome Piedra Juan Antonio Piedra y Ca. Pineira y Tapia Adriano Constancia Penar del Rio Paso Real Paso Real Trinidad Habana, Cerro, P. Balbanera Pinar del Rio Grandes Desengano K Nueva Empresa (1 Recurso Habana Sagua, Gloria San Rafael Sagua Cardenas Princesa San Pablo Cardenas San Vicente Cardenas Habana, Aguacate Carmen Jaruco Armantina Cienfuegos Merceditas Guines Santa Rosa Santa Clara Habana, Amargura Menocal Mariel Mercedes Matanza^ Habana, Industria Buen Hijo Guanajay Habana, San Ignacio Asuncion Pinar del Rio Habana, Amargura 21 Luisa Habana y 23 Des Hermanas Colon Santa Gertrudes Cardenas San Joaquin Colon Habana, Bernaza Ntra. Sra. del Rosario Jaruco Habana, I. del Monte San Cayetano Cardenas Compostela San Gabriel Pinar del Rio Esperanza Cardenas Remedios San Joaquin Remedios Congreso Matanzas Habana, Tejadillo Santiago Canas Pinar del Rio Habana, Tacon Macasta Santiago Habana, Sol San Gabriel a Zayas Pinar del Rio Sitio, Grande San Jos6 Sagua Habana, Acosta L. Pequeno u Sagua, Colon San Lorenzo C( Central Granja Jovellanos Habana, Escobar Maria Teresa Cardenas San Juan (; Paz Colon Ingenio San Ramon Sagua Palafox San Antonio Andrea Cardenas Habana, San Ignacio Arnonia Habana Concepcion Matanzas Cardenas, Princesa Jesus Maria Cardenas Cuba Sagua Habana, Ricla San Andres Cardenas Santa Elvira <( Union (( Maria S. J. de Dios Bahia Honda Habana, Paula Reserva Colon San Luis Jaruco Sagua, San Valentine Concepcion Sagua Bella Amistad San Antonio Santa Ana San Antonio Minerva Pinar del Rio Atrevodo San Antonio El Felix Alacranes Habana Elisa Sagua Island of Cuba. 203 • Name of Ozuner. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. yiirisdiction. Pla Julio Concepcion Santiago Bejucal Pla e Hijo Jose Habana, Oficios Descanso Matanzas San Manuel Matanzas Planas Sucesion de Jose Cubana Cuba Lagunitas Cuba Plazarola Ureta Fernando Habana, Cuba Vizcaino Bejucal Poey Herederos de Juan Habana, Compost ela Canas Alacranes Polo Francisco V. El Siglo Santiago Polledo Joaquin Matan7«^.s, Magdalena Asturias Jovellanos San Ramon Cardenas Pombert Elias Carmen Villa Clara Hormiguero Villa Clara Ponce Marcial Maria Colon Santo Domingo Colon Ponce Patricio Habana Dolores Matanzas Ponce y Hermanos Tejadillo San Bias Cardenas Pons Fernando Santa Maria Guantananio Pons Gabriel La Perseverancia Trinidad Portila, Jose de Jesus Habana, Cerro Santa Matilda Jaruco Portilla Herederos de Jose de la La Palma Matanzas Portillo, Isabel Juanita Alacranes Portillo y Bermudez, Manuel Matanzas, Gelabert El Molino Matanzas Portuondo y Barcelo, Manuel j Quemado ( Santa Cruz |Cuba Prado Ameno y Herederos de Maria Isabel de Cardenas Habana, Aguial Marques de Isabel Guanajay Prendes y Fernandez Juan Matanzas, Daoiz Sta Catalma Ramoncito Colon Primilles, Juan Manuel La Fortuna Nuevitas Puente y Toledo Santa Rosalia Cardenas Puig y Sanchez, Juan Jose Habana, Maloja Confianza Alacranes Puig Luis Habana, Reina Caridad Sagua Puig y Amigo Manuel Habana, Cuba Socorro Bejucal Pulido Mamerto Habana, Aguair San Antonio San Antonia Pumaldo Jose Maria San Jose Gibara Pumareda y Compania Edu- ardo Central Oriente Cardenas Pumariega Juan Julia Colon Q. Querol y Bello Vicente Retribucion Cardenas Quevedo e Hijos Francisco Dos Hermanas Cienfuegos Quevedo y Ca. San Antonio Alacranes Quiam Jos6 Maria Cardenas, Real Estrella Cardenas Quintana de Frias Bernardo Sagua La Grande Dichoso Sagua Quintana F. Marques de Robrero Ingenio Otono Cardenas Quintero Gabino y Antonio Habana, Cuba San Antonio Matanzas Quintero Jos6 Sagua La Grande Santa Rosalia Sagua Quintero y Coloma Madruga S. Juan Nepomuceno Madruga Quintero y Hermanos Con- curso de Guanabacoa Mantua Sagua Quinones Ana Jos^fa Santa Ana Colon San Jos6 Jovellanos Quinones de Alfonso Concep- cion Habana, Animas Dolores Cardenas Quinones Manuel Vigia Bahia Honda 204 Delmae's Trades Directokt and Mercantile Manual. B. Na7)Le of Ozatter. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. Jurisdiction. Ramirez Estenoz Juan Habana, Gervasio Dos Hermanas Bejucal Ramos Izquierdo Manuel en Concurso San Jose Jaruco Ramos Laureano San Juan Bautista Matanzas Rancolo Juan j San Carlos \ San Vicente Guantanamo Rancell Hermano y Ca. Habana, Habana Gratitud Sagua Real Proclamacion Marques dela Ceres Cardenas ReboIIedo Agustin Central Loreto Colon Recio de Morales Manuel A. Habana, Paula Moralite Jaruco Redo L. y A. Lescaye San Antonio Guantanomo Redondo Manuela Habana, Cerro j Capricho Carmen \ Progreso Sagua Rud y Ca. _ Mercaderes Central Redencion Puerto Principe Reguera Francisco y Antonio Prado Gabriola Guanajay Reguera Javier Manuelita Cienfuegos Rinaldo e Hidalgo Pedro El Triunfo Cardenas Rendon Marques de Nieves Matanzas Reunion Conde de la Habana, Aguiar Dos Hermanos Guanajay Rivella y Calvo Pasiega . Rey Sucesion de Antonio R. del Caridad Cienfuegos Reyes Bacallao Belen y A. Habana, Cerro Paz de San Juan Colon Reyes Miguel Guerro Colon Riancho Federico G. Victorio Gibara Ribalta Herederos de Pablo Santa Marta Cienfuegos Ribalta Tomas Santa Teresa Sagua Rionda N. Matanzas China Central Jaruco Elena Matanzas Rio Roque del San Juan Cardenas Rios Gonzalez Jos6 T. Las Nieves Sagua Rios Manuela Esperanza Sagua Rios Miguel Bejucal Bejucal Rios y Hermanos Delicia San Cristobal Risech Jaime Destino Cienfuegos Rivero Castillo Jos6 Flora San Cristobal Robreno y Delgado Ingenio San Pedro Sagua Roca Carlos de la Isabel Colon Roca Manuel Antonio Sagua, Colon Bella Luisa Sagua Roca y Compania Sagua, Malpaez Belencita Sagua Rodriguez Ana D. Pelayoy J. Miguel Villaclara Rodriguez Cantera Maria de los Angeles Encarnacion Cardenas Rodriguez de Arenas Teresa Sagua la Grande Vigilancia Sagua Rodriguez Francisco Refugio Guanajay Rodriguez Lopez y Hermano Habana, Prado Angles Sagua Jos^ Sagua, Gloria Santa Rita (( Tres Hermanos a Rodriguez Lopez Santiago Habana, Prado Flor de Cuba u Rodriguez Manuel San Antonio Jovellanos Rodriguez Maria del Rosario Reyes Gibara Rodriguez Ricardo Ingenio Bella Rosa Sagua Rodriguez Silva Concepcion Dichoso Alacranes Rodriguez Somante Manuel Cometa San Manuel Pelayo Cienfuegos Rodriguez y Ca., Laureano Sagua, Tacon Orient e Sagua Rodriguez y Grande Matanzas, Ona Santa Ana Alacranes Rodriguez y Hermanos G. Sagua, Viana Esperanza Rodriguez y Hermanos, Ramon Igenio San Ramon Sagua Rodriguez y Villar Sagua, Tacon Recurso Rojas Manuel y ]os€ de Sauga, Samaritana San Rafael Remedios Rojo Francisco Sagua, Indte Ramirez Guadalupe Sagua Rojo Herederos de Sixto Habana, Colon, 107 y 109 Laberinto Sagua IsLAXD or Cuba. 205 Name of Ozouer. P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. Jurisdiction. Rojo Nicolas Santi Rita Sagua Rolando Herederos de Fran- cisco G. Recurso Jovellanos Roldan Antonio Habana, Justiz Santa Rita Colon Romay, Pedro y Jos^ Habana, Cuba San Luis Nueva Paz Romay y Navarrete Here- deros de C. Asentista Guanajay Romero Conde de Casa Habana, San Ignacio Esperanza Guines Roque de Casuso Julia Habana, Dragones Julia Bejucal Roque Gonzalo kancho Veloz Jovellanos San Gabriel a Roque y Ca. Viudade Colon Rosa y Vede, C. de la y Herederos de Angel Her- nandez San Pablo Colon Rosell, Sucesion de Manuel Silverita Cienfuegos Rosell y Malpica Habana, Baratillo Aguedita Colon Habana, Cuba San Salvador Colon Ruas Jose de la Habana, Cerro Jecarita Guines Rueda Gertrudis Dominguez Habana, Mercedes y de Obispo Caridad Jovellanos Ruiz Coboz Manuel San Juan Colon Ruiz de Rodriguez Josefa Cifuentes Josefita Sagua Ruiz Francisco J. Matanzas, Gelabert Paloma Matanzas Ruiz Herederos de E. y Ca. Eugenia Cardenas Ruiz Herederos de Martin San Miguel Villaclara Ruiz y Hermano Cardenas, Hector San Bias Cardenas Ruiz y Hermanos Jose E. Dos Amigos Remedios Ruiz y Hermano Modesto Remedies Panchita Remedios Ruiz y Perez Felipe Habana, Principe Al- fonso Fajardo San Antonio s. Saez Herederos de Santiago Habana, Cuba Jagua ) Recuerdo > Sagua Santa Fe ) San Juan Bahia Honda San Rafael Guanajay Salas Alejo Esperanza Isla de Pinos Salas Pedro 2do. Guines, Santa Gertrudis Recurso Sagua Salazar y Echevarria Vicente Cuba Caridad )■ Cuba Salazar y Justiz Juan Fran- Cuba Ulloa cisco Cuba Arroyo de Agua Salom y Garcia Habana, Aguiar San Francisco Nueva Paz Salva Munoz Manuela San Antonio Santiago Sama Viuda de Garcia Habana, Cuba Munoz Emilia Habana, i y Chacon Buenaventura Alacranes Sanchez Benitez y Alfonso Habana, Virtudes 1 1 1 Santa Lutgarda Sagua Sanchez Diego J. Caledonia Cienfuegos Sanchez Dels Pedro Habana, Oficios Desengano Nuevitas Sanchez Ferriera Miguel Campo Alegre Cardenas Sanchez Herederos de Rafael L. Santa Lucia Cuba Sanchez Luisa Concepcion Pinar del Rio Sanchez Pedro R. Combate Colon Sanchez Salvador Teodoro Santa Sofia (a)Coloso Cardenas Sanchez Toledano Jose M. I'iedra Blanca Holguin Sanchez Toledo Juan Habana, Ancha del N. Recurso San Antonio Sanchez Chavez Martin Habana, Salud Santa Rita Matanzas Sandoval Marquis de Santa Clara Dos Hermanos I'inar del Rio Inquisidor Gauges San Antonio Recuerdo San Antonio San Jacinto Pinar del Rio San Ignacio Herederos del Gerardo Pillar del Rio Conde de Paseo Tacon Xcpiuno San Cristobal San Ignacio Pinar del Rio Santa Teresa Pinar del Rio 206 Delmae's Tkades Directoky and Mercantile Manual. Name of Oiuner. San Miguel Marques de Santa Cruz de Oviedo Here- deros de Santa Cruz Herederos de Dolores de Santiago Condesa de Santos y Fonseca Santovenia Conde de Sardina Alejo Sardina Cesareo y Prosper© Sardina Felix Sardina Marcos Sarria Joaquin Sarria Jose Manuel Sarria y Albis Domingo Satorre e Hijos Jose Sanvalle Carlos Schmith Guillermo Scull Herederos de Rosario Scull y Marcel Jos6 Francisco Secada Francisco G. Selden de Morgan Maria Luisa Sentelles Juan Serra Seriva y Gonzales Serra y Ca. Apolinar Serrate Herederos de Jos^ Servia y Hermanos Manuel Setien y Hermano Sewart Guillermo H. Siere y Bottino Pedro Sierra y Toscano Silva Francisco Silveira y Quintana Francisco Smith Juan H. Smith Sucesion de Ricardo D. Smith y Ca. Liquidacion de E. G. Socarras Francisco Sola Francisco Soler Juan Soler y Hernandez Juan Soler y Morell Juan Soler Leandro Solis Manuel Solier y Ca., Jose S. Soncerie Eduardo Soto Andres Sotolongo Desiderio de Sotolongo Herederos de Tomas Sotolongo Mateo Sotolongo y Abren Francisco Sotolongo y Ca., Lorenzo Sotolongo y Zas Agustin Stockes Luis F. S. Suarez Argudin Jos^ Antonio Suarez Chaveaux Angela Suarez del Villar Herederos de J. R. Suarez Herederos deJos6 Ilde- fonso P. 0. Address. Name of Plantation. yurisdiction. Habana, Cuba Intrepido Colon Inquisidor Esperanza Alacranes Jesus Maria Matanzas San Jose Jaruco Candelaria Cienfuegos Santiago Pinar del Rio Habana, San Ignacio Santa Teresa Colon Monserrate Colon Cardena.s, Hector Desquite Colon Reglita Colon Dos Hermanos Colon Santa Petrona Colon San Ignacio Cienfuegos Jos^ de Jabacoa Cienfuegos Regla Camarones Aventador Matanzas Santa Cruz de los Pinos Balestina Rangel Pinar del Rio Canamabo Trinidad Habana, Mercaderes Armenia Nueva Paz Habana, Prado Bancos Santa Teresa Habana Habana, Mercaderes Conclusion Colon Cardenas Ruiz y Cos- Pedro Lorenzo Cardenas sio Soledad Jovellanos Santa Agustina Cardenas Matanzas Vera Versalles San Francisco Jaruco San Francisco Alacranes Cataluna Bejucal San Antonio Matanzas Josefa Cataluna Colon Matanzas, O'Reilly Ignacio Matanzas Carolina Cienfuegos Ambrosia Cardenas Ingenio San Leon Habana Conyedo Villaclara Matanzas, Gelabert Adriana Matanzas Asuncion Remedies San Ricardo Cardenas Santa Ana Cuba Ingenio Las Pozas Bahia Honda Cienfuegos Cienfuegos Habana, Cuba, Es- quina a Luz Santa Filomena Colon Diana Colon Manuelito Alacranes Habana, Cuba Santa Rita Jovellanos Reglita Villaclara Sagua, Sebastopol San Fernando Sagua Aurora Remedies Habana, Aguiar Andrea Sagua Carmen Habana Habana, San Igna- cio Morenita San Antonio San Mateo Bejucal Habana, Oficios Satelite Jovellanos Teresa Habana Nmo Jesus Habana Sagua le Grande Santa Rita Sagua Habana, Mercaderes Angelita Cienfuegos Nueva Teresa Bahia Honda San Juan Bautista Guanajay Rosario San Antonio La Nina Cienfuegos Habana San Ignacio Suriman Habana Island of Cuba. 207 ■Name of Owner. P. 0. Address. A'ame of Plantation. yurisdiction. Suarez Vigil Miguel Suarez y Gonzalez Suarez Ruiz de Villa Surias Francisco y R. Celaya San Ignacio, Ricla Emila Mariel Armantina El Siglo Resolucion Habana Pinar del Rio Cardenas Puerte Principe Jovellanos T. Taltvull Josd P. Tapia Eguillor y Ca Tapi Pablo Taylor Herederos de Tauler y Ca. Jos6 Tejada de Torrijos Irene Tejedor Gregorio Tellechea Jeronimo Tellechea Viuda de Terry Andres Terry Tomas Thomdike Herederos de Israel Thompson Herederos de Ana Thompson y Macomb Tintore Herederos de Fran- cisco Tirso de Rodroquez Maria Tora Josa Ricardo Torices y Ca., Rafael R. Torre Caridad y Mariana di la Torres Agustin Torres Antonio Torres Vendrell Jaime Torriente Celestino di la Torriente Francisco Maria dila Torriente Herederos deCosme de la Torriente Herederos de J. G. de la Torriente Herederos de Fran- cisco de la Torriente Hermanos Sucesion de Torriente Juan A. de la Torriente Torriente Torriente Toscano Isabel Blain Va. de So. Tomas 7, Cerro Trenard y I'esant Simon Triana y Hermanos lienigno Troncoso y Ca, N. Truffin y Ulmo Trujillo Cabrera Josd Trujiilo Jos6 R Tuero Antonio Habana, Bnos-Aires 7 Cerro Habana, Consulado Habana Habana, Cuba Cienfuegos Sagua la Grande Estados Unidos Sagua, Colon Habana, Habana Habana Sagua, Colon Sagua la Grande, Ensenada Habana, Carlos iii, "9 Habana, Ancha del Norte Matanzas, O'Reilly \ Matanzas Habana, Habana Cardenas Camarioca Habana, S. Ignacio Habana, Mercaderes Habana, Contreras Habana, Contreras Caridad Conquista Resolucion Santa Amalia Esperanza Manacas Carmen Limpios San Dionisio Cayajabos Caracas Reparador Teresa Vivijagua Santa Ana Capitolio Victoria Amalia Esperanza La Merced Ponina San Jos^ San Jos^ de Ramos Carmen Concepcion Sonora Central Maria Buen Suceso Cantabria Elena Isabel Progreso Laura O. Tosca Santa Maria Vueltas Carlota Isabel Amistad Puray Liupia Santa Isabel Santa Cecilia Santa Elena San Rafael Clavellina Mercedes San Juan Santa Rosa San Antonio San Jose Cienfuegos Cardenas Sagua Cardenas Holguin Cuba Nueva Paz Colon Sagua Guines Cienfuegos Sagua Matanzas Sagua Alcranes Villaclara Colon Villaclara Cuba Sagua Bejucal Colon Jovellanos Colon Matanzas Jovellanos Cardenas Cardenas Villaclara Cienfuegos Jovellanos Cardenas Guantanamo Villaclara a Sagua Niatanzas Saj^ua Guines Cienfuegos Remedios 208 Delmar's Trades Dieectoey and Meecais^tile Manual, u. Name of Owner. P. 0. Address Adeline of Plantation. y urisdiction. Uggate, Bardia y Ca. San Carlos Colon Uggate Claudio Habana, San Nicolas Victoria Jovellanos Ugarte de Sotolongo Habana, Oficios Buen Amigo Matanzas Dolores San Miguel Jaruco Ugarte Herederos de Jose Rafael Platano Sa. Ma. Rosario Ugariza y Ca. Jose Maria Santa Rita Sagua Habana, Ricla A mis tad Cardenas Arroyo <( Ulacia Sebastian Carolina i< Favorito (C San Rafael Matanzas Ulloa Josede Jesus Bella Vista Bahia Honda Urbizu Joaquin Habana, Amargura San Antonio Guines Ureta Tomas y Herederos de Duenas Santa Lucia Bejucal Vaillant Mariano Vaillant y Sucesion de J. Colas M. Valdes Alvarez y Ca. Valdes Jos6 y Emilia Valera Ernesto Valera Galvez y Zayas Valera y Cano Jose Maria Valera y Cano Nicolas Valero de Urrutia Marques de Valladares Herederos de Jose Valle Antonio Maria del Valle Miguel del Valleliano Conde de Varela Herederos de Manuel Vega Claudio de la Vega de Alzugaray Casimira Vega Juan Vega Nieves de la Vega y Corripjo Manuel Veguer y Flaquer Juan Venecia Jos6 Vergara Jose ; Vergara Ramon Veitia y Zayas Antonio Vila y Torrens Francisco Villagelm Jacinto Villaitre Marques de Villaba y Ayllon Marquez de Villar Gabriel del Villiers F. M. de y Sanchez I. Vinent y Gola Santiago Vives Pablo V. Habana, Ricla, Esqa. a Inquisidor Matanzas, O'Reilly Matanzas, Ayllon Habana, Compostela Marianao, San Fran- cisco Habana, Aguiar Habana, Cerro Matanzas Habana, Cerro Za- raga. y Atoclia Habana, Oficios Habana, Amistad Santa Clara Habana, Mercaderes Hatillo Victoria Alpes Australia San Jose Herculano San Antonio Paraiso San Juan Combate Santiago San Agustin San Francisco San Miguel Lutgardita Industria Caridad Esperanza El Corojal Nieves Xueva Luisa Amistad Demajagua Esperanza Adela y Convenio Vista Alegre Recompensa San Francisco Carmen Vega Grande Angelita Recreo Palma Sola Sabanilla Vestio Hermosa Cuba Colon Jaruco Habana Matanzas Colon Alacranes Jaruco "Habana Sagua Alacranes Guines Cardenas Puerto Principe Jovellanos Habana a Cuba Remedios Cienfuegos Guanajay Sagua Jaruco Cuba Cardenas Cardenas Cienfuegos Santiago Cuba Cienfuegos w. Welsh S. y W. Wilson August© Estados Unidos Pario Guaninicum Sagua Caney ISLAXD OF Cuba. 209 Y. A\7//w of Ovcmr. P. 0. Address. Xaine of Plantatio7i. yurisdictioii. Yanez Manuel Yera y Rodregiiez Sagua, Colon Begona Destino Sagua Santa Clara z. Zabala Jose Zaldivar y Pedroso Julian Zambrana de Chorros Juana Zanolletti Jose Zayas Fernando A. Zayas Herederos de Martin Zayas y Dominguez Zayas y Zayas, Herederos de J. Zequeira Socorro Zozaya y Ca. Zuaznavar Benito Zuaznavar Herederos de Fi- del Zuluela Concurso de Salva- dor Zulueta Herederos de Julian de Marques de Alava San Jos6 Matanzas Habana Consulado San Pablo Matanzas Dolores Cardenas Habana Andalucia Cienfuegos Matanzas O'Reilly Pura y Limpia Alacranes Marianao, Real San Francisco Javier Matanzas El Pilar (( Habana, Cerro San Jos6 u Habana, San Ignacio San Felipe (( Paula Jaruco Caridad Remedios San Jose Remedies Habana, Obrapia Urumea Colon Habana, Amargura Recompensa Colon Santa Elena Trinidad Habana, Aguiar Alava Colon Espana Jovellanos Habana Colon Mercedes Remedios Vizcaya Colon Zaza Remedois 210 Delaiar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. ANTIGUA. W. I, (British.) Population of the Island, 35,000. NAMES OF BUSINESS MEN AND OTHERS. Agricultural Implements. A. T- Comache & Co. McDonald & Co. Geo. M. Bennett & Co. D. W. Ramier&Co. - Geo. Davis Manuel Gomes James McDonald Ale and Beer Dealers. Murdoch & Co., wholesale and retail Wm. Forrest Wm. H. Moore A. J. Comache & Co., wholesale and commis- sion Geo. W. Bennett & Co., wholesale and commis- sion Manuel Gomes, wholesale and commission McDonald & Co., James McDonald, " " Banks and. Bankers. Colonial Bank, Limited Billiard Rooms. Globe Hotel Recreation Co., Limited Booksellers and Stationers. John Bridger W. W. Malone Boot and Shoe Dealers. Murdoch & Co. Delos Marline Mads wick & Co- W. H. Moore John Bridger Louisa Thibon A. McAdam Warnford & Co. Gardner Bros. S. Galbraith Wm. Forrest Robert Pigott Thomas Pigott Carriage or Wagon Dealers or Makers. Henry White, maker and repairer C. P. St. Luce " Geo. W. Bennett & Co., dealers in commission McDonald & Co. " " Coal Merchants. Geo. W. Bennett & Co. A. J. Comache &. Co. Manuel Gomes Druggists. Samuel Taylor John Bridger Dry Goods Dealers. Murdoch & Co. Delos Martine Madswick & Co. Wm. H. Moore Louisa Thibon A. McAdam Warnford & Co. S. Galbraith Wm. Forrest Thomas Piggott Robert Piggott Furniture Dealers. A. McAdam Wm. H. Moore Murdoch & Co. General Merchants, Wholesale Im- porting. Archer & Co. James McDonald A. J. Comache & Co. Geo. W. Bennett & Co. Manuel Gomes Jeremiah Gonsalves De Lusa Jardine Bros. McDonold & Co. A. R. Mendes Groceries and Provisions. Murdoch & Co. Wm. H. Moore Delos Martine Louisa Thibon John Bridger A. McAdam Wm. Forrest Thos. Faussett Mrs. T. Thibon Hardware and Tool Dealer. Murdoch & Co. Delos Martine A. McAdam Wm. Forrest A. J. Comache & Co. Manuel Gomes Geo. W. Bennett & Co. Geo. Davis Scotland, Lucas & Co. D. N. Ramier & Co. Hotels. Globe Hotel Holliday's Hotel Ice Merchants. Globe Hotel AXTIGUA, W. I. 211 Iron Mercliauts. A. J. Comache & Co. Manuel Gomes Geo. W. Bennett & Co. Jeweli'y aud Watches. John Bridger S. Galbraith Wm. Forrest Liiimber Merchants. A. J. Comache & Co. Geo. W. Bennett & Co. Manuel Gomes McDonald & Co. D. N. Ramier & Co. Geo. Davis Scotland, Lucas & Co. Machinery Dealers. Geo. W. Bennett & Co. " A. J. Comache & Co. Musical Instruments. S. Galbraith Wm. Forrest Warnford & Co. John Bridger Newspapers. Antigua Standard Antigua Observer Antigua Churchman The Colonist Physicians. Wm. H. Edwards A. E. Edwards A. G. McHattir G. Gabriel John Freeland A. A. Mackir F. Pierez Photographer. Thos. Faussett S. SedgAvick T. D. Foote Geo. Holborow C. A. Shard E. G. Lane John Freeland Victor Gaffroy James Burns H. O. Bennett A. J. Comache Planters. James Maginly John Maginly Alex. McAdam Tames Rocke \V. H. Edwards Leeward Islands Produce Co. Wm. H. Moore Wm. Goodwin James Goodwin J. Sutherland Sir Oliver Nugent Oliver Nugent, Jr. T. Romney Guiness Saddlery and Harness. Geo. W. Bennett & Co. D. N. Ramier & Co. Manuel Gomes G. McAdam Wm. Forrest Murdoch cS: Co. Schools and Colleges. Antigua Grammar School Antigua Wesleyan School Antigua Girls' School Sewing Machine Dealers. S. Galbraith Wm. Forrest Delos Martin Sugar Estate Stores, Dealers in. Geo. W. Bennett & Co. A. J. Comache & Co. Manuel Gomes D. N. Ramier & Co. Geo. Davis Scotland, Lucas & Co. Telegraph and Telephone Com- pany. West India Telegraph Co. Trviuks and Travelers' Outfits. Murdoch & Co. W. H. Moore Delos Martine A. McAdam Wm. Forrest Undertakers. John James Wall Paper Dealers. Wm. Forrest A. McAdam John Bridger Murdoch & Co. Wm. Moore 212 Delmar's Trades Directory axd Mercantile Manual. DEMARARA, (British Guiana.) Population of the Territory, 340,000. Attorneys at Law. Abraham E. A. V. Belmonte J. B. C. Ualton E. H. G. Hinds G. W. Alton M. P. Abraham F. Cameron U. S. Forshaw G. A. M.urdoch J. A. Parnell C. G. Woolford J. B. Banking Institutions. British Guiana Bank — Directors: B. V. Abraham, chairman; R. J. Kelly, B. Howell Jones, G. A. Forshaw, J. W. Davson, I. M. Gar- nett. Manager, G. L. Davson; accountant, E. J. N. Thomas. Colonial Bank — Manager, M. R. O'Maley; ac- countant, E. M. Sanderson. Barristers at Law. Belmonte B. E. C, LL. D. Clark Wm. Davson C. S., Crown solicitor De Groot R. J. V. R., New Amsterdam Hutson D. M. Lynch E. F. N. Payne C. L. Brandon David Dargan P. De Sonsa L. Lewis W. E. McKinnon N. R., New Amsterdam Neblett R. K. Phillips T. W. Chemists, Druggists and Tobac- conists. Alty & J. D. Cendrecourt C. Coronel & Co. Hannays G. E. L. Kerr W. B. Lobo Isaac Mathews H. T. Newsam W. R. Van Norten & Co. Amson H. Cendrecourt H. Davis H. Jordan & Co. J. Klien & Co. Joseph Main Street Dispensing Co. Max & Co. E. L. Scott & Co. Virtue & Co. Chinese Merchants. Hing Cheong & Co., fancy gouds, Chinese gro- ceries, etc. Kwong Tai Lung & Co., general Chinese mer- chandise and tabacconists Lee & Yhap, dry goods Wo Lee & Co., merchants and importers Contractors and Builders. Bugle Michael Evelyn J. D. Evelyn J. T. Hannays G. H. La Penitence Woodworking Company McDavid W. A. Pratt R. B. Mussenden H. C. Sharpies & Co. J. B. Smith & Oldfield Sproston H. & Son Cooperages. Applewhite John Gaskin & Co. Booker Bros. & Co. Richards H. Dentists. Dr. James Spaight Dr. W. C. Home Dry Goods and Clotliing. Bethencourt & Co., G. Collier & Son, wholesale and retail Currie & Co., Donald Fogarty & Co., wholesale and retail Kaufman & Co., R. T. , drapers and fancy ware- housemen McGowan & Co., D. H., proprietors Grand Cen- tral Clothing and Notion Depot McGowan & Co., R. J., proprietors "Granite Stores " D'Oliveyra E. , wholesale and retail Playfair & Co. , general dry goods and variety store The Caledonian Warehouse, dry goods and cloth- ing. Robert Crawford, proprietor The Guianese Cash Store, dry goods and mil- linery Foreign Consuls in Georgetown. France — Henri Ledoux, Vice-Consid German Empire and Portugal — Arthur Weber, Consul Netherlands — Elias D'Oliveyra, Consul Sweden and Norway — Jacob H. de Jonge, Consul United States of America— Major W. T. Walt- hall, Consul ; James Thomson, Vice-Consul Venezuela — M. L. R. Andrade, Vice-Consul Demaeara. 213 Fire and Life lusurance Agencies. Barbados Mutual (life) — Agents, Ramsey, Hill & Co. Commercial Union (fire) — Agents, George Little & Co. Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States of America — Agent, Jacob A. de Jonge. Guardian (fire) — Agents, Sandbach, Parker & Co. Liverpool, London & Globe (fire) — Agents, Sandbach, Parker & Co. London Assurance Corporation — Agent, A. Barr. London and Lancashire (fire) — Agents, George Little & Co. Mannheim Marine Insurance Company — Agents, A. W. Perot & Co. Marine Insurance Company— Agents, Garnett & Co. Marine and General Mutual (life) — Agents, Gar- nett & Co. New York Life Insurance Company — Agent, J. Thomson. North British and Mercantile (fire) — Agent, A. Barr. Northern Assurance Company (fire and life) — Agents, Davson Bros. & Co. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society ; agents, H. Ledoux & Co. Phoenix Fire Office; agents, Sandbach, Parker & Co. Queen of Liverpool (fire); agents, George Little & Co. Royal Insurance Company (fire and life); agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Standard (life); agent, G. A. Forshaw Sun (London) Fire; agents, Garnett & Co. The Imperial (fire); agent, Thomas H. Glennie Underwriting and Agency Association, Limited, of London; agents, J. Tengely & Co. Foundries. Demerara Foundry; R. Buchanan & Co., pro- prietors. B. J. Godfrey, attorney ; R.Allan, engineer Demerara Railway Foundry ; S. R. Starage, en- gineer Sproston Dock and Foundry Co. ; A. Sproston & Son, proprietors General Merchants, Importers and Exporters. Abraham B. V., merchant Birch & Co., commission and general merchants, importers of live stock and lumber, and ice contractors to the government Bagot Walter, merchant and estates' town agent Booker Bros. & Co., merchants, importers and exporters and estates' agents ; general whole- sale and retail dealers Cameron D. C, estates' attorney and town agent Cameron Wm., commission merchant and ship broker George Chapman, ship broker and commission merchant Colonial Company, limited, merchants and town agents; T. II. Glennie and R. J. Kelly, at- torneys Conrad II. & Co., general merchants and im- porters, dealers in china and glassware Currie & Co., Donald, importers and commission merchants Davson Bros. & Co., estates' and insurance agents and commission merchants DeFreitas & Co., J. F. , provision merchants and dealers Dejorge & Smith, general merchants ; agents for Thom & Cameron, of Glasgow Scotland Demerara Crushed Feed Co. ; James Watson, manager D'Nobrega M. F., general provision merchant Farnum &; Culpeper, estates' attorneys, town agents and commission merchants Fernandez Joas, heirs of, wholesale provision and liquor dealers ; J. G. Henriques, at- torney Garnett & Co., estates' attorneys and town agents, commission merchants and agents for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Gonsalves & Co., M., general provision mer- chants and grocers, wholesale and retail La Penitence Stores, estates' supplies and agen- cies ; manager and attorney, A. Barr Le Drux & Co. H., ship brokers and commission merchants Macquarrie C. J., wine and cigar merchant and importer McLeod Edwin, shipping and commission mer- chant and importer Park & Cunningham, importers of and dealers in hardware and house-furnishing goods, and cabinet makers. Perot & Co., A. W., general commission mer- chants, and shippers of colonial produce Pitman & Grant, estates' town agents and mer- chants Ramsay, Hill & Co., general commission mer- chants and agents Rodriguez & D'Amil, provision merchants and dealers Sandbach Parker & Co., general merchants and estates' town agents Smith Bros. & Co., importers of, and wholesale and retail dealers in, dry goods, hardware and general provisions Teugely & Co., J., commission merchants and ship brokers White, E. T., commission agent, and importer of breadstuffs and provisions Wieting & Richter, general commission mer- chants and importers. Proprietors Demerara steam bakery Wakefield, Conrad & Co., commission merchants Geo. Little & Co., general merchants and pro- vision dealers Government Medical Practitioners. (Georgetown.) Dr. F. H. Anderson, city health officer. Dr. F. C. Fisher, surgeon to Almshouse, also private practitioner. Dr. W. F. Law, assistant resident surgeon Colonial Hospital. Dr. A. T. Gzzard, supernumerary medical officer Colonial Hospital. Dr. J. K. Kcid, supernumerary medical officer Colonial Hospital. Dr. E. D. Rowland, resident surgeon Colonial Hospital. Dr. A. 13. Williams, medical inspector, British f]uiana. 214 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Goldsmiths, Watclmiakers aud Jewelers. Abraham J. & B. V. Fraser G. A. Green L. G. Peppiette & Co. C. W. Archer R. GaleC. Harold Jacelon C. F. Schuler & Sons J. A. W. Small Richard Hotels and Boarding Houses. Mrs. Baynes, Boarding House, Murray street J. B. Buttery, Grand Central Hotel S. H. Clarke, Criterion Club Mrs. Forbes, Boarding House Town Hotel, Mrs. Isador C. Murray, Proprie- tress Victoria Hotel, Mrs. Spooner, Proprietress. Insurance Companies. The Hand-In-Hand Mutual Guaranteed Fire Insurance Company of British Guiana, Lim- ited—Chairman of board of directors, B. V. Abraham; secretary, F. A. Conyers; as- sistant secretary, JEneas D. Mackay; in- spector, F. A. R. Winter. British Guiana Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Limited — Chairman, R. P. Drysdale; man- ager and secretary, John S. Hill; assistant secretary, James A. Hill; Berbice agent, Wm. Ingall. Land Surveyors. Anderson C. M., Crown Lands Department Chalmers W. Hill Luke M., Town Superintendent Perkins H. I. Crown Land Department Thomson Wm. F Chalmers E. W. J. Fowler, sworn McQuirk Michael Kalacoon, sworn Prass J. P., sworn Wight T. G., Crown Surveyor Licensed Auctioneers. De Jonge Jacob H. Jaco^js Joseph Macquarrie C. J. Livery Stable Keepers. Birch & Co., High Street Stables Gonsalves A., Werk-en-Rust Stables Wieting & Richter, Georgetown Stables Manufacturers of Aerated Waters. Alty & Co. J. D. Fernandes, executors of Joao John Virtue & Co. Miscellaneous Corporate Institu- tions. Georgetown Gas Company, Limited — Principal office, London, England; director at Georgetown, R. P. Drysdale; manager, T. B. Younger; secretary, F. A. Conyers. Georgetown Tramways Company. Limited — Chairman G. A. Forshaw; manager, W. F. Nunn; secretary, C. S. Davis. Demerara Railway Company— Principal office, London. Demerara directors : Fred A. Mason, A. J. Pitman, M. Garnett, W. H. Sherlock, J. J. Dare. General manager, F. A. Mason ; goods supermtendent, G. C. Collins ; assistant, A. Phillips. British Guiana Building Society, Limited — G. A. Forshaw, chairman ; James H. Jones, secretary and accountant ; David Smith, surveyor. Municipal Officers City of George- town. Mayor and president of Town Council, James Thomson; town clerk, J. C. R. Hill; assistant to\vn clerk and bookkeeper, P. P. Fairbairn; town superintendent, Luke M. Hill; clerk of markets, W. T. Binnie; engineer of Water Works and assistant town superintendent, J. B. Craig; superintendent of fire engines, N. Cox; senior inspector of police, W. C. Harrigin. Newspapers and Other Publica- tions. "Argosy," weekly newspaper; J. Thomson, ed- itor and proprietor "British Guiana Blue Book," annually by au- thority " British Guiana Directory," annually; C. K. Jar- dine, publisher "Catholic Calendar," monthly; printed by the " Argosy " press "Daily Chronicle;" C. K. Jardine, proprietor; R. Offord Sherrington, editor " Echo," weekly, Plaisance Village; W. H. Hinds, editor and proprietor "Mercantile Intelligencer and Price Current," semi-monthly; Baldwin & Co., publishers. " O'Portuguez," weekly; J. M. Pacheco, editor and proprietor " Official Gazette," bi-weekly; by C. K. Jardme, government printer " Royal Gazette," daily; Thos. Watt, editor and proprietor "Timehu," semi-annually, journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society; J. J. Quelch, editor; James Thomson, publisher. Piano Dealers and Tuners. Barnard W. F., tuner J. S. Belasco, dealer and tuner T. Browne, dealer and tuner Colbeck W. R. Strong H., piano dealer and importer Photographers. Siza Julia A. Siza Henrique Stevens & Co. U. H. Read H. Private Practitioners. Dr. U. Brebner Dr. J. E. London Dr. M. M. Gonsalves Dr. Pereira Dr. J. Teixeira Demekara. 215 Sail Makers. Chambers J Green F. A. DeVillier W. Phillips W. E Wilson E. A. Saw Mills. Bugle U. & Son Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Kingston Saw and Planing Mill, Georgetown La Penitence Wood Working Co. Ship Chandlers. Bayley B. S. Smith A. J. Smith Bros. & Co. Smith & Oldfield Stationery, Bookbinding and Job Printing Establishments. Baldwin & Co. Guiana Church Book Depository- Thomas Watt, J?o}'a/ Gazette Establishment Crombie & Ashton Jardine, C. K., Public Printer James Thomson Sugar Estates. Adelphi — Canje Creek, Berbice County ; propri- etors, non-resident ; attorney, A. Barr ; town agents, S. Davson & Co. Albion — Corentyne Coast, Berbice ; proprietors and town agents, The Colonial Company Annandale — Demerara ; attorney and town agent, W. Bagot Anna Regina — Essequebo ; attorney and man- ager, A. R. Gilzean; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Aurora — Essequebo ; proprietor and attorney, W. Craigen ; town agent, William Smith Bath — Berbice ; proprietors, A. & T. M. Hunter ; town agents, S. Davson & Co. Bel Air — Demerara ; proprietor, Bel Air Com- pany ; attorney and town agent, A. Barr Belle Vue — Demerara ; attorney and manager, Wm. Elliott ; town agents, J. P. Farnum, Jr., and S. A. H. Culpeper Blairmont — Berbice County ; proprietors, Davson Bros.; attorneys and town agents, Davson Bros. & Co. Blankenburg — County Demerara ; attorney and town agent, M. Garnett Blenheim — Leguan Island ; town agent and part proprietor, A. Barr Caledonia — Wakenaam ; town agent, A. Barr Canefield — Canje Creek, Berbice; attorney, P. H. Nind; town agents, Brooker Bros. & Co. Cane Grove — Demerara; proprietor, J. McConnell (non-resident); town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Chateau — Margot; Demerara, attorneys and town agents. Pitman & Grant Clonbrook — Demerara ; proprietor and attorney, J. B. W. Clementson; town agent, W. Bagot Coffee Grove — Essequebo ; proprietor and man- ager, B. Winter Cornelia Ida — Demerara County ; proprietors, Cornelia Ida Estate Com])any; attorneys, W. Craigen and W. Smith; town agent, W. Smith Cove and John — County Demerara; proprietor and manager, Hon. C. J. Bascam; town agent Wm. Smith Cuming's Lodge — Demerara; proprietor, the Bel Air Company; town agent, A. Barr. De Kinderen — Demerara; proprietors, A. T. Stokes and Q. Hogg; attorney and town agent, A. Barr De Willem — Proprietors, non-resident; attorney, Hon. J. J. Dare; town agents; Booker Bros. & Co. Diamond — Demerara; proprietors, non-resident; town agents, Sandbach, Parker & Co. Dunoon — Demerara; proprietor, B. A.Robertson; town agents, A. W. Perot & Co. Enmore — Demerara; attorney, J. J. Dare; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Enterprise — Demerara; proprietors, non-resident ; attorneys, E. J. Borman and J. J. Dare; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Enterprise — Leguan Island; proprietor, H. McN. Greene; town agent, D. C. Cameron Farm — Demerara ; proprietors, non-resident; town agents, Sandbach, Parker & Co. Friends — County Berbice; attorneys, R. J. Kelly, and T. A. Glennie; town agents, Colonial Company Friendship — Wakenaam Island; proprietress, Mrs. Mary Cameron; attorney and town agent, D. C. Cameron Goedverwagting — Demerara; attorney and town agent, Alex Barr Golden Fleece — Essequebo; proprietors, non-res- ident; attorney and town agent, A. Barr. Good Success — Wakenaam Island; part proprie- tor and Manager, John Pendleton; town agent, Wm. Smith Greenfield — Demerara; proprietors, J. A. Booker and J. J. Dare; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Hague — Demerara; attorneys and town agents. Pitman & Grant Hamburg — Essequebo; attorney, and manager, Henry R. W. Greig; town agents, George Little & Co. Hampton Court — Essequebo ; attorneys, R. J. Kelly and T. A. Glennie; town agents. Colo- nial Company Helena — Demerara; attorney and manager, Ed- win Morgan; town agents, George Little & Co. Herstelling — Demerara; attorney, Wm. Craigen; town agent, Wm. Smith Highburg — Berbice; town agents, Garnett & Co.; attorney and manager, Andrew Miller Hope — Demerara; attorney, B. Howell Jones; town agent, F. Grant Houston — Demerara River; proprietors, B. How- ell Jones and others; town agent, F. Grant Industry — Demerara; proprietors. The Belair Company; attorney and town agents, A. Barr Johanna Cecelia — Essequebo; attorney and town agent, A. Barr La Belle Alliance — Essequebo; attorney, A. Gilzean; manager, H. .S. Humphreys La Bonne Intention — Demerara; attorney, J Dare; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. La Jalousie — Demerara; attorney and town agent, A. Barr La Penitence — Demerara; proprietors, Bel Air Company; attorney and town agent, A. Barr Leonora — Demerara; jiroprietor, non-resident; town agents, Sandbach, Parker & Co. R. J- 216 Delmae's Trades Dikectoky and Mercantile Manual. Sugar 'Estates— con(im/ed. Lochabar— Berbice; attorney, P. H. Hind, town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Lusignan — Demerara; town agent, A. Barr; pro- prietor and manager, Hon. W. A. Wolseley Mara — Berbice; proprietors, Colonial Company; town agents. Colonial Company Ma Retraite — Berbice; attorneys, R. J. Kelly & T. H. Glennie; town agents. The Colonial Company Maryville and Bellefield— Leguan; attorneys, Hon. B. H. Jones and Wm. Cameron; town agents, Farnum & Culpeper Melville— Demerara; attorney, J. J. Dare; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Met-en-Meerzorg— Demerara; attorney and man- ager, F. E. James, Jr. Mon Repos— Demerara; attorney and manager, A. Brand; town agents, A. Ledoux & Co. Montrose — Demerara; attorney, P. H. Nind; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Nismes— Demerara; attorney, Carl Wieting; town agents, Wieting & Richter. Nonpariel— Demerara; proprietor, QuintinHogg; attorney and town agent, A. Barr Peters Hall — Demerara; proprietors. Colonial Company; attorneys, R. J. Kelly and T. A. Glennie Philadelphia— Demerara; manager, D. A. Ainge; attorney and town agent, D. C. Cameron. Port Mourant — Berbice; attorney, J. J. Dare; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Providence— Demerara; proprietors, non-resi- dent; town agents, Sandbach, Parker & Co. Reliance — Essequebo; attorney and town agent, A. Barr Rose Hall— Berbice; town agents, Booker Bros. &Co. Ruim veld— Demerara; attorneys and town agents, Sandbach, Parker & Co. Schoon Ord— Demarara; attorneys, B. H. Jones and Wm. Cameron; town agents, Farnum & Culpeper Skeldon— Berbice ; attorney, Hon. J. J. Dare ; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Smythfield— Berbice ; attorney, Wm. Ingall (New Amsterdam); tov\-n agent, Wm. Ingall Spring Hall— Demerara ; town agent, Walter Bagot Success — East Coast ; Demerara; proprietors, Colonial Company ; to\v'n agents. Colonial Com- pany Success — Leguan ; proprietors, A. Sproston & Son ; planting attorney, D. C. Cameron ; town agents, Sproston Dock and Foundry Company Taymouth Manor — attorneys and town agents, Pitman & Grant Turkeyen — Demerara ; proprietors. The Bel Air Company ; attorney and town agent, A. Barr Uitolugt — Demerara ; proprietors, non-resident ; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Versailles — Demerara ; attorneys and town agents, Pitman & Grant Vive-la-Fource — Demerara ; proprietors, Hon. Thos. Mulligan and F. A. Mason ; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Vriesland — Demerara ; attorneys, M. Garnett and T. Mulligan ; town agent, M. Gar- nett Vryheids Lust and Better Hope— Demerara ; at- torney, P. H. Nind ; town agents, Booker Bros. & Co. Windsor Forest — Demerara ; proprietors. The Colonial Company; attorneys, R. J. Kelly and T. A. Glennie ; town agents. The Colonial Company Tailors. Applewhite Lord G. N. Playfair & Co. Rieck estate of M. Robinson J. S. Thompson Saml. Wallace & Paul N. Weighers. Croal C. C. Hart H. F. Neblett J. E. Thorpe G. A. Gaskin K. M. Howard J. A. Keese J. C. Whitehead J. C. IsLAXD OF Jamaica. 217 ISLAND OF JAMAICA, W. I, (British.) Population of entire Island, 380,000. Agricultiiial Impleiueuts. Emanuel Lyons & Son, Kingston Arnold L. Malabre & Co., Kingston David Henderson & Co., Kingston I. W. Middleton & Co., Kingston Martin & Spicer Ales and Beer Dealers. West India Brewmg Company, Kingston I. Wray & Nephew, Kingston Peter Desnoes & Son, Kingston IJaniel Finzi & Co., Kingston Simon & Co., Kingston I. E. Kerr & Son, Montego Bay A. L. DaCosta, Port Maria I. E. Kerr & Co., Port Maria M. Solomon & Co., St. Ann's Bay I. H. Levy, Brown's Town Banks and Bankers. Colonial Bank, Kingston People's Discount and Deposit Co. (Limited), Kingston Government Savings Bank, with branches throughout the Island, Kingston Penny Savings Bank, Kingston Colonial Bank (branch), Sav-la-Mar Colonial Bank (branch), Montego Bay Colonial Bank (branch), Falmouth Colonial Bank (branch), Annatto Bay Penny savings banks are now being established throughout the Island Billiard Rooms. Commercial Billiard Rooms, Kingston Booksellers and Stationers. Aston W. Gardner & Co., Kmgston De Cordova & Co., Kingston Arthur Hyltou, Kingston Justin McCarthy & Co., Kingston McCartney & Co., Kingston Rouse & Co., Kingston Wesleyan Bookstore, Kingston Mortimer C. de Souza, Kingston I. W. Kerr & Co., Kingston Alfred F. Aarons, Kingston Boot and Shoe Dealers. John Cassis, Kingston J. C. Silburn, Kingston Nathan & Co., Kingston Alfred Pansey, Kingston Wm. Malabre & Co., Kingston I'iniiock & Bailey, Kingston Parks & Burrows, Kingston R. Recivero cV Co., Kingston Dick & Abbott, Kingston ■ Ellis & Co., Kingston Henry Lindo, Kingston Ellias C. Dazevedo, Kingston A. H. Morales, Kingston Jacob Brandon, Kingston Joseph Burrow, Kingston John Milo Burke, Kingston [oseph Bewley, Kingston Daniel J. Motta, Kingston Hepburn, McCarthy & Co., Kingston Charles Millingen, Kingston Thomas Largood, Kingston Leoniel M. Mordecai, Port Antonio David S. Gideon, Port Antonio J. H. Levy, Brown's Town "M. Solomons & Co., St. Ann's Bay. Robt. Nunes, Falmouth Leyden & Farquharson, Black River Neilson & Co., Sav-la-mar Nathaniel Henriques, Annatto Bay A. L. Da Costa, Port Maria I. J. Mordecai & Co., Morant Bay Carriage and Wagon Makers and Dealers. G. I. de Cordova, Kingston Reginald de Lonza, Kingston Alfred Brent, Kingston Martin and Spicer, Kingston Turnbul, Mudon & Co., Kingston Wales Bros., Kingston G. Goring, Kingston A. Hunt, Kingston Coal Merchants. Sontar & Co., Kingston J. H. McDowell, Kingston Dentists. F. A. Dunand, Kingston Comer & Miller, Kingston John A. Carpenter, Kingston Reginald W. Bird, Kingston Ernest Sturridge, Kingston D. L. Levett, Kingston B. H. Dias, Kingston F. A. Duannie, Kingston There are no dentists in the interior parts. Several of the above dentists make regular tours throughout the Island. Dry Goods Dealers. I'innock, Bailey & Co., Kingston lunibul & Co., Kingston Kinke & Co., Kingston Frederick Alexander & Co , Kingston \V. G. Young & Co., Kingston Jacol)sen & Anderson, Kingston Wm. Schiller iiAR's Trades Directory axd Mercantile Manual. Physicians— co;Uinni-d. R. C. Gibb,M. R. C. S. Eng., L. R. C. P. Lon., Vere H. L. Clare, M. B., Vere B. M. Beckwith, M. D., Mile Gully S. M. Logan, M. D., New Port George Cooke, L. R. C. S. Irld., Mandeville E. L. Grant, M. B. C. M., Siloah J. H. Clarke, L. R. C. S., M. R. C. P. Edin., Santa Cruiz J. A. Calder, M. B., M. R. C. S. Edin., Black River J. Adolphus, M. R. C. S. Eng., Black River i;. C. Harvey, M. D., Sav-la-mar R. S. Harvey, M. D., Sav-la-mar Z. Mennell, L. L. A. London, Sav-la-Mar John Delcon, M. R. C. S. Eng., Lucea K. H. Cooke, M. B., Lucea F. A. Sinclair, M. D., Montego Bay I. Wilson, M. U., Aber., Montego Bay A. G. McCatty, M. D., Montego Bay M. D. Hart, M. D., Montego Bay S. T. Vine, M. D., Good Hope S. P. Madden, M. D. Falmouth C. T. Dervar, M. D., Swanswick A. W. T. Steer, M. D., Ulster Spring W. H. Miller, M. D., Brown's Town J. C. E. Roberts, M. D., Moneague H. S. Maunsell, M. B., M. R. C. S. Irld., St. Ann's Bay V. F. Mullen, M. D., Port Maria T Pringle, M. B., Belfield T. Clarke, M. D., Edin., Annatto Bay L. Gifford, M. B., Annatto Bay D. M. McPhail, M. D., Buff Bay C. A. Mosely, M. D., Port Antonio Keitch, M. D., Port Antonio L. E. Delmege, L. R. C. S. Irld., Manchioneal A. C. Neyland. M. D., Bath E. W. Major, M. R. C. L. Eng., Bath J. L. Gerrard, M. R. C. L. Eng., Morant Bay Thos. Manners, M. R. C. L., Moran Bay W. I. Calder, M. B. Edin., Malvern Planters. M. C. Morgan, St. Andrew D. I. Davis, St. Thomas James Harrison, St. Thomas Richard Evans, St. Thomas Charles Hode Levy, St. Thomas C. E. Scudamore, St. Thomas W. L. Richards, St. Thomas R. Valdes, Portland W. B. Epnet, Portland G. W. Middleton, Portland H. Edwards, St. Mary I. C. Melville, St. Mary F. H. Barker, St. Mary W. Macdonald, St. Mary Henry Braham, St. Mary Wilmot Westmoreland, St. Mary John Cameron, St. Ann's Joseph Shearer, St. Ann's H. P. Thompson, St. Ann's Richard Todd, St. Ann's Richard Young, St. Ann's Wm. Cover, Jr., St. Ann's I. Sine, Trelawny Wm. Gentles, Trelawny W. Kerr, Trelawny F. R. Coy, Trelawny W. Ogilvy, Trelawny G. R. Dewar, Trelawny L. C. Shriley, Trelawny George Robertson, Trelawny H. I. Kerr, Trelawny T. W. Parkin, St. James b. B. L. Heaven, St. James I. W. Fisher, St. James John Lawrence, St. James George Robertson, St. James C. D. Willingham, St. James A. C. Fouchen, St. James C. W. Sterling St. James I. McFarlane, St. James G. L. Phillips, St. James A. Charley, St. James Wm. Ewen, St. James Dutton Trench, St. James A. E. Cooks, Hanover John Hodson, Hanover i. M. Mills, Hanover Fred. Topper, Hanover D. T. Mudie, Hanover H. Davies, Hanover J. H. Clark, Hanover E. J. Sadler, Hanover Wm. Farquharson, Hanover H. Davidson, Hanover H. A. Vickers, Westmoreland H. Clark, Westmoreland T. Hudson, Jr., Westmoreland Thos. Cridland. Westmoreland Wm. Hill, St. Elizabeth I. M. Farquharson, St. Elizabeth John Calder, St. Elizabeth Arthur James, Clarendon J. W. McKenzie, Clarendon Q. Logan R. C. Gibb, Clarendon H. T. Ronaldson Thos. Ellis, Clarendon J. Dingwall, Clarendon J. Fox, Clarendon John McGregor, Clarendon E. C. Elliott, Clarendon W. Jurmp, Clarendon. John Scully, Clarendon J. W. Kemp, Clarendon J. Grinan, Clarendon W. G. Ramsay, St. Catherine F. R. Hall, St. Catherine John McPhail E. C. Bather, St. Catherine D. Campbell, St. Catherine Wm. Gles, St. Catherine J. Scarlett, St. Catherine Printers and Publishers. Mortimer C. De Souza, Kingston J. W. Kerr & Co., Kingston W. B. Hanan, Kingston C. L. Campbell, Kingston De Cordova & Co., Kingston James Gall, Kingston George Levy, Kingston Aston W. Gardner & Co., Kingston Railway Companies. Jamaica Government Railway, extending to Spanish Town, branching off into Porus (Manchester), a distance of 50 miles, and into ISLAXD OF Jamaica. 221 Railways — coitiniicd. Ewarton in another direction, a distance of 34 miles. An American syndicate are now in treaty for the purchase of this railway. STATIONS. Kingston Spanish To\\-n Old Harbor Linstead Ewarton Porus May Pen Four Paths Clarendon Park Hartlands Bog Walk Bushy Park Grange Lane Cumberland, Penn. Saddlery and Harness. John McDonald, Kingston Henry Sinclair, Kingston T. Agton, Kingston M.. P. DaCosta, Kingston There are many small shops at different points of the country where harnesses may be repaired. Schools and Colleges. St. Mary's Industrial School, Kingston Gunvale College, Kingston Lady Mico's Charity, Kingston Wolmer's Free School, Kingston Calabar College, Kingston St. George's College, Kingston Mary Villa College, Kingston Middle Grade School, Kingston Grammar School, Kingston Church of England High School, Kingston Divinity School, Kingston Jamaica High School, St. Andrew Wesleyan High School for Boys, St. Andrew Wesleyan High School for Girls, St. Andrew Jamaica Female Training College, St. Andrew Trichfield Free School, Port Antonio Moerwick's Charity, Buff Bay Moravian Female Training College, Bethabara Moravian Training School, Fairfield Ludford's Bequest, St. Catherine Buckford & Smith's School, .St. Catherine Vere and Manchester Free .Schools, Alley Munro & Dickinson's Free School, St. Elizabeth Rusea's Free School, Hanover Manning's Free School, Sav-la-Mar Sewing Machine Dealers. Gomes, Casseress & Co., Kingston Maduro, Brandon & Co., Kingston R. Recuero & Co., Kingston Nathan & Co., Kingston Bravo Bros. , St. Ann's Bay L. M. Mordecai, Port Antonio J. H. Levy, Brown's Town J. E. Kerr & Co., Montego Bay Neilson & Co., Sav-la-Mar Leyden & Farquharson, Black River A. L. DaCosta, Port Maria Steamship Companies. Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, A. de Mon- tagnac. Acting Agent Atlas Steamship Company, W. Peploe Forwood West India and Pacific Steamship Company, James H. McDowell .Anchor Line, Leonard Wiley and Chas. Hannay Clyde Line, E. A. H. Haggart Honduras and Central American Steamship Co., Solomon Ashenheim & Co. Caribbean Line, Davidson, Colthir & Co. Royal Mail Company, Davidson Colthirst & Co. Kerr & Co's Line, I. E. Kerr & Co. Bell Line, Jamaica Fruit & Co-operative Co. Hart Line, Jamaica Fruit & Co-operative Co. Several chartered Steamers calling here prin- cipally for fruit for the U. S. Telegraph Companies. West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Kingston Post Office Telegraph, with offices throughout the Island Telephone Company. West India Telephone Company, Kingston Wall Paper Dealers. John Milo Burke, Kingston Nathan & Co., Kingston W. R. Macpherson & Co., Kingston Walls are generally painted or calcimined in this country; therefore the importation of wall- paper is very small. Undertakers. Alexander Berry & Son, Kingston Thomas N. Aguilar, Kingston Turnbul, Mudon & Co., Kingston Marck C. Hendricks, Kingston ooo Delmak's Trades Directory axd lIERCA:^fTILE Manual. CITY OF NASSAU AND ISLAND OF NE^V PROVIDENCE. (British.) Population of the Island, 40,000. Ale, Beer and Wine Dealers. Adderley Geo. B. Alfred John Farrington R. W. George J. S. & Co. Henry C. S. Henry W. J. Roker Joseph Someillan & Co. Weech W. J. & Son Agricultural Implements. The General Hardware Co. Bank and Bankers. (None. Public Bank failed in 1883.) Billiard Rooms. Alfred John Royal Victoria Rooms Someillan & Co. Bookseller and Stationer. Moseley Percy J. Boots and Shoes. Holmes A. T. Builders and Contractors. Aranha Francis J. Bascom N. J. Cox John A. Dorsett Thomas Dupuch Jos. E. Johnson Enoch Styles Thomas Cigar Manufacturers. Clark Isadora Gomez Henry Pierce W. F. Saudo & Bros. Coal Merchants. Darling T. & Co. Rahrning H. T. B. M. Smith, Dentists. Cheesebrough A. H. Russell Herman T. Webb Edwd. Y. Druggists. Albury Jos. B. Bahamas Dispensary. Bannister Robt. H. Sears R. J. Public Dispensary Dry and Fancy Goods. Armbrister W. E. & Co. Armbrister A. S. & Co. Burnside & Brother Brice D. A. BuUard Francis Culmer & Russell Curry W. H. Depot General Merchandise, manager Hall E. S. Harris B. Higgs & Brother Higgs Geo. R. & Co. Holmes & Son Jones Emeline A. Kemp Edwd. C. Kemp Mary E. Knowles C. C. Knowles M. C. Knowles Theodore Lightbourn J. H. Lofthouse T. H. C. Mac Donald D. Mac Donald D. J. Menendez & Son Menendez W. J Menendez Brothers Moore Thos. P. Musgrove R. N. Necks Eliza F. Perpall C. R. Pyfrom Wm. R. Pyfrom R. W. Rattray J. S. Rivers Mrs. H. Russell Effie Sands Chas. T. & Go. Sands Robt. T. Sands W. P. Saunders Henry R Sturrup B. P. & Bro. Thompson J. A. & Co, Turtle & Sands Weech, W. J. & Son Whitehead P. M. Young & Higgs Furniture Dealers* Fitzgerald F. A. Johnson J. S. Bascom N. J. Elliott N. S. Lightbourn Wm. City of Nassau and Island of New Providexce. 223 General aud Commission Mer- chants. Darling T. Co. Rahming H. T. & Co. Johnson & Brother Sawyer R. H. & Co. Groceries and Provisions. Albury Hilton C. Albury W. F. Alfred John Brown J. H. Bosfield & Brothers •Christie Geo. F. Dupuch J. E. Fitzgerald F. A. Grist John F. Henry Copeland S. Henry Wilmore J. Johnson Geo. H. Johnson T. l>ightbourn Henry W. Malcolm Alfred Malcolm W. McCulloch Alfred Pinder Saml. G. Pritchard Brothers Rae S. H. C. Roker Joseph Sands Jas. P. & Bros. Saunders Mrs. J. B. Saunders Pembroke Smith Henry T. Sweeting J. A. & Sons Hardware Dealers. George John S. Co. Rae C. S., manager of The General Hardware Co. Hotels. •Corson House, S. F. Corson proprietor. Curry House, R. H. Curry, proprietor Royal Victoria Hotel, S. S. Morton, proprietor. American Hotel, Mrs. M. Wall. Ice Merchants. Nassau Ice House, J. H. Brown, proprietor. Pritchard Brothers Sands Jas. P. & Bros. Jewelry and Watches. Brown & Musgrove Demeritt John Minns A. C. J. Minns A. T. S. Thompson H. J. Livery Stables. Charlew J. R. Grist J. F. Johnson James Maura W. J. Nicolis J. W. B. Lumber Dealers. Hall Edwin S. Rohrning H. T. & Co. Lawyer K. H. & Co. Dupuch J. E. Newspapers. The Nassau Guardian, P. J. Meseley, propr. The Nassau Ti?>u's, C. H. Kemp, propr. The Freeman S. Theus Smith, propr. Physicians. Albury J. B. Jackson W. J. Kemp G. T. R. Maclure, W. M. G. Mill WiUiam Robinson William * Photog^rapher. Sweeting Richard Planters. Brown John Johnson Joseph S. Lightbourn Henry C. Nicolis J. W. B. Roker Joseph Sands Charles T. Burnside Alfred French N. J. Fitzgerald, Chas. T. Shell Dealers and Manufacturers. Camplejohn G. C, Jr. Evans Mrs. R. H. Florance G. Edgar E. Thompson H. J. Saunders S. P. & Son Thompson Thos. H. Sliipbuilders. Aranha Francis J. Bethel Albt. J. Brown J. R. Cooper S. A. Evans G. Fernander Philip Higgs G. W., proprietor of Ramsay John Rodgers J. A. Soda and Bottling- Works. E. N. Murphy, proprietor Sponge Dealers. Adderley G. B. Brown J. B. Hall E. S. Higgs Geo. W. Johnson & Brother Lightbourn H. W. Saunders S. P. & Son Sawyer Robt. H. & Co. Treco P. A. Young & Higgs Dupuch Jos. E. Undertakers. Bridgewater J. A. Hall W. L. Jonson W. E. Lightljourn Wm. Pearce R. A. Bascom N. J. Elliott, N. S. Marine Railway." 224 Delmar's Trades Directory axd Mercantile Manual. ISLAND OF PUERTO-RICO. (Spanish West Indies.) Population of the entire Island, 750,000, of which 450,000 are whites. SAN JUAN. (The Capital of the Island. ) Population, 25,000. Agricultural Implements. (See General Wholesale Merchants, also Hard- ware. ) Ales and Beer. (See Wholesale Merchants, also Groceries.) Banks and Bankers. Banco Credito Mercantil Cabrera Hermanos Sabrinos de Ezquiaga ■ Fedderson y Ca. Mullenhorff y Korber J. Sala y Ca. (successors of) Jose T. Silva Vijande y Ca. Billiard Halls. Juan Carreras Francisco Ferrer Luis C. Labrador Pablo J. Lopez Ramon Quintana Miyar Biscuit Bakers. Jaime Barcelo Juaguin Pacheco Pedro Ramon Bookbinders. Jose J. Acosta J. Anfosso y Ca. Francisco Furnaguera Gonzalez y Ca. Jose Gonzalez M. A. Lynn Jose M. Villilla Boots and Shoes, Wholesale. Bordoy y Ca. Peza Hermanos Sierra, Martinez y Ca. Chocolate Factories. Carbonell, Ribas y Ca. Jose Balmes Dorado y Ca. Juan Esoler Cigar Factories. Ballesteros y Ca. Miguel Amilibia Beneto Baquero Guillermo I3ausa Antonio Cauvet Pedro Carre Jaime Cervera ^ Jose Cordovo Andres Cueto Diaz y Lavandera Francisco Font Jose R. Fuentes Gandara Hermanos Jose Garcia Gomez Hermanos Jose Maria Gonzalez Gonzalez y Ca. Jose Pacheco Gonzalez Gonzalez y Perez Pedro J. Jaca Landran Hermanos J. Lopez y Ca. Manuel Luengo E. Martinez Mendez, Vegueta y Ca. Novella y Ca. Francisco Novella Andres O'Reilly Padin Hermanos Felix Pardo Domingo Perez Miguel Pons Portela y Lomba Renta y Rodriguez Cecilio Rodriguez Juan Rivera Eusebio Rodriguez Manuel A. Sanchez Paulino Somahano Manuel Sordo Alejandro Storer Fidel Jenajero Francisco Trapaga M. Vidal y Ca. Jose E. Vidal Celestino Villamil Manuel Villamil Paulino Villamil Mullenhoff y Kober Orcasitas (successors of) Palacios y Ca. Joaquin Pena Piza Hermanos Island of Puerto-Rico. 225 Cigar Factories— co)iiinued. C. Pratto y Ca. Eulogio Rivera M. Roman y Ca. Rubert y Hermanos Claudio G. Saenz y Ca. Sainz, Cerra y Ca. J. Sala y Ca. Serra y Ca. Silva, Ferrer y Ca. B. Simonet y Ca. Vicente G. Troncoso Vicente y Ca. Vijande y Ca. Zalduondo y Valle Clothing and Tailoring. M. Audrillon Jacinto Coco P. Gonce Moneny y Ca. Angel Carmides S. Catalan Manuel Cerda Agustin Cordoba Francisco Diaz Luciano Esturio Ramon Figueroa Julio Lopez J. D. Menendez P. Nieto y Ca. Jose Provisi Jose Rodriguez Jaime Tomas Commission Merchants. Aguilar, Delgado y Ca. Cerecedo, Hermanos y Ca. Mullenhoff y Korber Bemado Ponce Jose T. Silva Vijande y Ca. Crockery and Glassware. Francisco Armas Ramon Gardon Antonio Jauregui Manuel Roman B. Simonet , Dentists. E. D. Mangara E. Martinez Jacinto Naranjo J. Luis, Salicrup Prisco Viscarrondo Druggists and Chemists. Jos6 M. Blanco Juan B. Daubon F. Guillermetz Gallardo y Ca. Ledesma Hermanos Juan E. .Salcr Pedro del Valle Dry Goods, Hosiery, Textiles, Etc. Arrabal y Ca. Aliumada y Ca. Chavarry y Ca. Chavarryy Mendizabal Echevaria y Ca Elizalde y Guerro Feddersen y Ca. Font Vidal y Ca. Hernaiz y Ca. S. Melon y Ca. Orcasitas y Ca- Juaquin Peiia A. Raynat y Ca. Sainz, Cerra y ('a. Jose Siges Zalduondo y Ville Furniture Dealers. Masjuan y Ca. Noa y Valle General Wholesale Merchants. (Importers and Exporters.) Alonso Hermanos Jose J. Acosta Armas y Jimenez F. Arrabal y Ca. Arrillaga y Ca. Ateca y Ca. Severo Baston G. Bolivar y Ca. Bozzo y Canevazo Cabrera Hermanos Caldas y Ca. ^L Campoamor Castillo y Ca. Cerecido Hermanos Crosas y Finlay Chavarri y Ca. Chavarri y Mendizibal Evaristo Chevremont Dorado y Ca. Elezalde y Guerero Ezquaga Sobriiios de Faura y Ca. Feddersen y Ca. Font, Vidal y Ca. Jose R. Fuentes Ramon Gardon Jose Q. Gonzales Hermaiz y Ca. Iriarte, Hermanos y Ca. Antonio Jauregui Latimer y Fernandez Lopez, Villamil y Ca. V. Luina Llaneras, Uria y Ca. A. Mayol y Ca S. Melon y Ca. Groceries and Provisions, Wholesale. Castillo y Ca. Cerecedo Hermanos y Ca. Faura y Ca. R. Gonzalez y Hermano Lopez, Villamil y Ca. Alejo Mendez Oliver y Ca. Andres O. Kelly Narciso Ril)i)t Kodriguez y Ca. Suarez y Troncoso Vidal y Ca. 226 Delmak's Trades Directory akd Mercantile Majtual. Gas Company. MuUenhoffy Korber, general agents Hardware, Tools, Etc., Wholesale. Evaristo Chevremont Jose Quixano iVIinon Hermanos Francisco Ramirez Rodriguez, Mareno y Ca. M. Roman y Ca. B. Simonet Armas y Jimenez Julian Martienzo Hotels. El Universo Hotel de San Juan La Nueva Estrella House Furnisliiiig' Goods, Tinware, Etc. Alejandro Barlela Tomas Diaz Pablo Fuentes Gregorio Laguna Jenaro Lippo Domingo Reyes Ice Dealers and Manufacturers. Gioco y Ca. Jewelry, Watches and Silverware. N. Alberti Boschetti y Schira Jose Claudio Lentine y Ca. Victor Arroyo Enriqui Dominguez D. Esturio Vicente Furiati Juan Palma C. Ramon Angel Rivera Bias Sechini Facundo Tizol Enrique Kerman Evaristo Laloma Jose M. Roig Tinaud y Ca. Lamps, Oils, Etc. B. Fernandaz Santos Filippi Lithographers. A. Morris Lynn (successors of) Herman Rodeck Lumber Dealers. Crosas y Finlay Daubon y Ca. Latimer y Fernandez R. Margary y Ca. Machine Shops. Francisco Abarca Portilla y Ca. Merchandise Brokers. Eugenio Corton Bernado Ponce Segundo Sety Francisco M. TuruII Javier de Zequeira Military Equipments. Jose Claudio Juan Matens Millwrights and Mill Supplies J. Perez Armas y Jimenez Native Products. Santiago Echeveste Esmoris Hermanos Bernado Ponce Newspapers and Periodicals. El Boletin Commercial (daily) El Boletin Eclesiastico El Boletin Mercantil (daily) El Buscapie El Clamor del Pais El Creterio La Draga El Eco del Comercio La Gaceta Oficial La Instruccion Publica La Integridad Nacional La Nacion La Opera El Ilustrado Puerto Rico La Revista de Agricultura Paper and Stationery, Wholesale. Jose J. Acosta F. Anfosso y Ca. Gonzalez y Ca. Jose Font Gonzalez A. Moris Lynn (successors of) Photographers. Feliciano Alonzo Pedro Catinchi J. R. Ingles Eduardo Lopez Physicians and Surgeons. Jose M. Baralt Jose C. Barbosa Jose Maria Cueto Gabriel Ferrer E. Cabrera Garcia Pedro G. Goico Jose B. Gomez Juan Hernandez Ricardo Hernandez Emelio Lazaro Fernando Z. Nuiies A. D. Paniagua Antonio Font y Pastor Pedro Puig Ricardo Rey Calixto Romero B. Robert ISLAXD OF PUERTO-ElCO. 22: Physicians, 'Etc—cofitimwd. Jose Casenave Saldana Pedro Salicrup Jose J. Tizol Francisco del Valle Pianos and Musical Instruments. Jose AguUo Pedro Delgado Plantation Superintendents. Heraclio Cordero Bernardo Ponce Printers. Jose J. Acosta J. Anfosso y Ca. A. Cordova Manuel Fernandez Gonzalez y Ca. Jose F. Gonzalez Imprenta Militar A Moris Lynn Francisco Valderramas Railway Companies. Compania del Oeste, Jose Penade Chavari, Prest. Compania de San Juan a Rio Piedras, Pablo Ubarri, Prest. Sewing Machines. S. Melon y Ca. Viuda de Rodriguez Julian Silva Ship Agents and Brokers. Sobrinos de Esquiaga Feddersen, Wildink y Ca. Menendez y Ca. Mullenhoff y Korber C. Pratt y Ca. Sala y Ca. J. T. Silva Vijande y Ca. Ship Chandlers and Naval Stores. Crosas y Finlay Latimer y Fernandez Steamship Agents. Larrinaga y Ca., Catalan Steamship Co. Ezquiaga Sobrinos, Lopez line to Cadiz Jose T. Silva, French Transatlantic line Rubert Hermanos Iriarte Hermanos, Caracena y Ca. Submarine Telegraph. The West India and Panama Telegraph Com- pany (Limited). Undertakers. Tomas Aquino Carambot L. Llanger Mesa, Moreno y Ca. AaUADILLA. Population, 7,000. Agricultural Implements and Machinery. (See General Merchants.) Coflfee Merchants and Exporters. Antonio C. Arana Felipe Arana Sebastian Colon Serapio Feo Gillermo Frontera Pablo Luigi Miguel Marqu6 Oliver y Delgado Antf)nio Delgado Domingo Paoli Santiago Torres Viella Hermanos Coffee Cleaners. M. Marquez y Ca. Suan y Ca. Vilella Hermanos Druggists and Chemists. Jorge M. Navas Ilurrino Hermanos Salvador Picornell Furnltiu'e Dealers. Juan Belfors Jose B. Call Antonio Morales General Merchants, Wholesale and Ketail. V. Acevedo y Ca. Juan Arbona Canals, Coll y Ca. Agustin Carbonell Juan Castaiier Garbino Garcia Felipe Gonzalez Tomas Gonzalez Nicolas Lacaroz Marquez y Ca. Miguel Marquez Braulio Martinez Mayol y Suan Aurelio Mendez Justo Mendez Ramon Novoa Pedro Rios Suan y Ca. Juan Torres Pablo Vidal Vilella Hermanos 228 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Geueral Stores, Retail. V. Acenedo Pedro Aramburo Juan Arbona Ines Castro Sebastian Calon Antonio Collazo G. M. Cordova Francisco Ensenat Garbino Garcia Aurelio Mendez Justo Mendez Miguel Marguez Mayol y Suan Ramon Novoa Manuel Palenpue Santiago Torres Francisco Vergara Hotel. Santiago Robles . Jewelry, Etc. Luis Gonzaga Pedro Aramburo Physicians. Francisco Blanes Juan Vicente Gonzalez Pedro M. Yordan Salvador Picornell ARECIBO. Population, 20,000. Ag-ricultural Iinplements and Machinery. (See General Merchants.) Druggists and Chemists. Carlos Hijalmarson Manuel Perez Jose Ramon Rivera Rafael Gabino Silva General Importing Merchants. Benigno Balseyro y Ca. Ahumada y Ca. Bahr y Ca. G. Ledesma y Ca. Ruperto Muro Nones y Ca. Roses y Ca. M. Rupert y Ca. Groceries and Provisions, Whole- sale. Galanes y Garcia Francisco Ledesma Jose Morales Pericas y Ca. M. Rupert y Ca. Ramon Villamil Hotels. La America La Castellana Ironmongery, Etc. Estelban Castro Jose Martinez Printers. Agustin Cambell Alejandro Salicrup Physicians and Surgeons. Cayetano Coll Francisco Perez Rafael del Valle L. Zeno Ship Chandlery and Naval Stores. Ahumada y Ca. Nones y Ca. B. Balseyro y Ca. Ruperto Muro Tobacconists. Juaquin Gonzalez Jose Angel Pereira Juan B. Perez Christino Rojas Juan Soler Undertakers^ Jose Lopez Juan Pereira Island of Puekto-Rico. 229 GUAYAMA. Population, 12,000. Agents for Plantation Estates. Jos^ Pratts Maximo Saunion. Juan Vieta Agricultural Implements, Etc. (See General Merchants.) Ales and Beer Dealers. (See Groceries and Provisions.) Bankers. Amoros Hermanos Cano y Ca. Billiards. Nicholas Graner Booksellers and Stationers. Castillo y Luzunares Jos6 Capo Bookbinders. Castillo y Luzunares Cooperage. Mateo Amoros Cano y Ca. Juan McFarland Druggists and Chemists. Carlos Bruno Julio S. Bruno Nicolas Bruno C. Dominguez Tomas Dominguez Juan B. Massanet Dry Goods, Hosiery, Etc. Tomas Balbas. Juan Ignacio Capo Manuel Cevedanes Jose Ensefiat Rafael Fuster General Importing Merchants. Tomas Cano y Ca. Jenaro Cantifio Vicente Fernandez Antonio Grau Manuel Lopez Morazani Hermanos Jos6 Sanguinety Groceries and Provisions. Francisco Bernier Antonio Berrios Nicolas Colon Jos^ Esteve Jose Figueroa Juan Franco Mateo Fulladosa Cayetano Fuster Gaya y Ca. Dionisio Gely Jos6 Moreta Santiago Nieto Juan Ortiz M. Vazquez Hardware, Tools, Etc. Juan Caussade Girod y Ca. Francisco Rovira Hotels. Hotel Espaiiol Ice Factory. Ignacio Diaz Physicians. Juan B. Blondet Eugenio Grau Francisco Rendon Joaquin Sabater. Printers. Castillo y Luzunares. Sugar Merchants and Shippers. Juan Ignacio Capo Luis P. Cabassa El Conde Garcia de la Palmira Gual Hermanos Francisco Lopez Julian Lopez Felix Masso Clemente Moret Jesus Maria Texidor Rafael Vazquez Jauquin Villodas Pedro Virilla Juan Vives 230 Delmar's Teades Directory axd Mercaxtile Manual. MAYAaUEZ. Population, 12,000. Agricultural Impleuients and Ma- chinery. (See General Merchants.) Ales and Beer Dealers. (See Groceries and Provisions.) Bankers. M. Badrena y Ca. F. Bages y Ca. Barahona, Blaines y Ca. Cuyar, Pratts y Ca. Boothby & Co. Bookbinder. E. Viiias Booksellers and Stationers. Mantilla y Ca. Enrique Dick Chocolate Factories. Antonio Gomila Oliver y Rulan Eugenio Peltaint Victori, Pelegri y Ca. Clothingj Hats, Etc. F. Bages y Ca. Jaime D. Barbena Francisco Blanes Cancio y Lopez S. Castaner Cuyar, Pratts y Ca. Dealers in Native Produce. M. Ahedo y Pena Jose R. Castro Mendes Vigo Cuevas y Grappe G. Homar Martinez Hermanos Mendez Vigo Miguel Quinones Dentists. Alfredo Crist i Jose G. Garcia Druggists and Chemists. Manuel Manzano Gatell y Ca. Carlos Monagas Gillermo Mulct Saliva Hermanos Dry Goods, Hosiery, Etc., Whole- sale. Miguel Ahedo y Pena F. Bages y Ca. Jaime Barbena Cancio y Lopez Sebastian Castener Jacinto Caco Pablo Gonze Ramon Martinez Pablo Pietri Pedro Ramirez Revera y Rodriguez Sancho, Sard y Ca. J. Sitjes y Ca. Furniture Dealers. Pablo Berga Jose Castro General Merchants, Importing and Exporting. J. Aduana Boothby y Ca. Bages y Ca. M. Badrena y Ca. C. Barahona Blanes y Ca. Francisco Blanes * Cuyar, Pratts y Ca. Esmoris Hermanos Fernandez y Ca. Antonio Gomila Francisco Molina Guio Haws y Ca. Felix Infanzon Kraemer y Ca. Lopez, Gonzalez y Ca. Moral Gonzalez y Ca. Guillermo Mulct P. Nieva y Ca. Pluja y Bravo Adolfo Roberts Sancho, Sard y Ca. Schultz y Ca. J. Torrabells y Ca. Victori, Pelegri y Ca. Groceries and Provisions, Whole- sale. M. Bengoa y Ca. Martinez Hermanos Guillermo Homar Miguel Quinones Jose Garcia Rodriguez Hardware, Tools, Etc. Blanes y Ca. P. Nieva y Ca. Mendes Vigo Hotels. Sandalio Dalmann Jose Gonzalez Rudolfo Gautier Ice Factory. Lopez, Besosa y Ca. Island of Puerto-Rico. 231 lusurance Agencies. Alfredo Falbe Jacobo M. Monsanto floral, Gonzalez y Ca. Manuel Sama Jewelry, Silverware and Watches. Antonio Rivera Tomas Grau H. Rodek liithographers. Liiimber Dealers. P. Fomabels y Ca. Isidro Vidal Newspapers and Periodicals. El Anunciador Comercial (daily) El Imparcial El Liberal El Progreso La Unidad Nacional Photograpliers. Rudolfo Alonso Eduardo Lyon Physicians. Fernando Ruiz Martin Travieso T. Vazquez y Rivera Julio Andinot Francisco Basora Salvador Carbonel Jose de la Cruz I, de J. Dominguez Agustin Feliu B. Gaudier Texidor Adolfo Martinez Jesus Monagas Miguel Pons Printers. Domingo Arecco y Hijos Martin Fernandez Antonio Jimenez Benito Monje Tio Segarra Steamship Agents. Playa y Bravo Tobacconists, Etc. Felipe Arias Jose Fuentes Rodriguez M. Sojo Carlos Caprd Jose Carrero Pedro Luna Manuel Moncayo Federico Neuadich Juan Ortiz Roberto de Santana M. M. Sajo Undertakers. Andres Berga y Ca. Jos^ Gutierrez y Ca. Jose Marcias y Ca. PONCE. Population, 21,000. Agricultural Implements, Etc. Booksellers and Stationers. (See General Merchants.) Olimpio Otero Manuel Lopez Ale and Beer Dealers. Jos(5 Melendez (See Groceries and Provisions. ) Bookbinders. Architects and Builders. A. Campius Luis Revera Lorenzo Vizcarrondo Adolfo Ranger Francisco Vails Brick Makers and Dealers in Ramon Coll Building Material. B. Pericas Hilarion Vigo Narciso Arabia Salvador Bigay Banks and Bankers. U. Gonzalez Caja de Ahorros Salvador Pigen Armstrong y Ca. Gandaria, Brigaroy Ca. Carriage and Wagon Makers. Billiards. Graham y Ca. Casino de Ponce Francisco Perez Centro de Recreo Querejeta Ilcrmanos 232 Delmar's Trades Directory and Mercantile Manual. Chocolate Factories. Francisco Barnes Isidore Arroyo Cortara y Ca. Pedro A. Puig A. Simonpretri Coflfee Cleaners and Shippers. Ramon Cartada Gandaria, Bregaro y Ca. E. P. Salazar y Ca. Sauri, Subira y Ca. Commission Merchants. Armstrong y Ca. Lazaro Martinez Salazar y Ca. Gandarias, Bregaro y Ca. Pedro Hedilla Mayoral y Ca. Sauri, Subira y Ca. H. Geradino T. Laguna Eugenio Vivas Dentists. A. Arrastia Roberto Ponte Gaudia Ruiz Emelio Toro A. Valdes Druggists and Chemists. Ferrer y Reyes Francisco Giol Ferrer y Sobrino Jose Henna Jose Pon J. Porras Ruiz N. Rodriguez Balbino San Antonio Monge, Arrillaga y Ca. Ferrer y Rulan Francisco G. Texidor Juan B. Pon Rodriguez y Gonzalez Cancio Valle Druggist, Wholesale. Arillago, Monge y Ca. Electrical Apparatus. J. Vidaurre y Ca. Foundry and Macliine Shops. Graham y Ca. (2) Querejeta Hermanos Furniture Dealers. Pedro Carreras Miguel Coda B. Pericas Vigo y Rivera General Merchants, Wholesale. Armstrong y Ca. Gandaria, Brigaro y Ca. Pedro Hedilla Juan Mayaral y Ca. Salazar y Ca. Sauri, Subira y Ca. P. Batistin A. Luchetty J. O. Otero Pellegrini Hermanos H. Rivera Francisco Lagrona Schuck y Ca. R. Toro Torres y Hijos Valdecilla y Ca. Mirandes Hermanos A. E. Molinas y Ca. Simon Pierluicci Jose Pujadas Vidal y Ca. Groceries and Provisions, Wholesale. Fernando Angulo Jose Canto Codo y Ca. Mayal Hermanos Leon y Garcia M. Morales Hotels. Hotel de America Hotel de Marina Hotel del Leon de Oro Hotel Isabel Castro Ice Factory. Otto Hoffmann Insurance Agencies. E. Salazar Eduardo Asensio Jewelry, Silver, Watches. Pedro Ventura A. Ludwig Jose Melendez Pedro Guberne Liumber Merchants. Perez, Guerra y Ca. Hedella y Ca. Porrata, Doria y Ca. Pianos and Musical Instruments. M. Aspiroz P. G. Carreras Pedro Castiner O. Otero Jose Forns Physicians. Martin Corchado Luis Aguerrevere E. Carronas Juan Genebrieras Manuel Iglesias Eduardo Lacot Elias Lamonte Gustavo Moret Miguel Pagani M. Portero Rafael Pujals N. Reveron Esteban Vidal ISLA^'D OF PUERTO-RlCO. 233 Pliotog'raplier. M. Molina Rodriguez y Fuentes U. Casals Printers and Publishers. Wall Papers. El Comercio El Vapor L. R. Velazquez Manuel Lopez Ship Chandlery and Naval Stores. (See Stationers.) Veterinary Surgeons. Eusebio Molina Roman Nieto Gandarias, Bregaro y Ca. Salazar y Ca. Undertakers. Tobacconists. F. Bustamente Pedro G. Carreras Antonio Santa Maria Antonio Toro 234 Delmar's Trades Directory akd Mercantile Manual. THE ISLAND OF SANTA CRUZ OR ST. CROJX. (Danish.) Population of the Island, 20,000. F. G. Phipps, provision dealer and estate supplies Armstrong & Co., provision dealers and estate supplies Bartram Bros. , provision dealers and estate sup- plies Jas. W. Roche, provision dealer and estate sup- plies "W. A. Creagh, provision dealer and estate sup- plies C. R. Jacobs, provision dealer and estate sup- plies W. H. Heyliger, hardware Branch of McDougal & Co., of St. Thomas, hardware Thos. Moore, hardware H. B. Stubbs, dry goods C. Gautier & Co., dry goods W. B. "Woods, dry goods H. Iwersen, dry goods A. Paladan-Muller, drugs L. Faber, drugs Russell Bros., fancy goods R. G. Bell, groceries P. E. Kalmer, physician L. Neumann, physician SA])TT0 DOillXGO. 235 SANTO DOMINGO, (Spanish Negro Republic.) Population of towii and district, I2,CX)0. PUERTO-PLATA. Agricultural Implements. Heinsen & Co, Ale and Beer, Cosme Batlle C. Kliisener & Co. Diego Loinaz G. Chiodi cS: Co. Gineira Hermanos Manuel Cocco Banks. El Banco de la Compania de Credito Bookseller and Stationer. Manuel Castellano Boots and Shoes. B. R. Puyans Gineira Hermanos G. Chiodi & Co. M. G. Amabile Vives & Caballero C. Simpson Dentists. Virgilio Barranco G. W. Jones Druggists. C. A. Fraser Botica San Jose T. G. Levy Botica del Mercado Dry Goods. C. Kliisener & Co. Cosme Batlle B. R. Puyans Barrera Hermanos G. Chiodi & Co. Gineira Hermanos M. G. Amabile Vives & Caballen General Merchants. Cosme Batlle C. Kliisener & Co. G. Choidi & Co. Gineira Herm. Manuel Cocco Groceries and Provisions. Barrera Herm. B. R. Puyans Cosme Batlle C. Kliisener & Co. Diego Loinaz E. Piola & Co. Felipe Mir Genelra Hermanos G. Chiodi & Co. H. J. Manecke & Co. J. H. Colson J. M. del Canto Manuel Cocco M. G. Amabile M. Piola & Co. Vives & Caballero Hardware and Tools. Heinsen & Co. G. Chiodi & Co. Genelra Hermanos Vives & Caballero Newspapers. Journal of Commerce Porvenir P. M. Garrido U. Lellundi Physicians. Planters. ' Central Santa Maria " " La Yndustria " Lithgow Bros., Genelra Herm. H. Shultz, " La Rosa " F. Barranco, " La Ubaldina " Manuel Boitel, " La Aurora " Printers. Manuel Castellano H. A. Taylor Sewing: Macliine Dealers. C. Kliisener & Co. B. R. Puyans Gineira Hermanos Cosme Batlle G. Chiode & Co. M. G. Amabile Vives Caballero Soap Manufacturer. J. L. Compart Telegraph Company. Compania Telegrafica de las Antillas. Rousell, agt. Trunk Manufacturer. Y. Mella Brea M. 236 Delmar's Tkades Directory and Mercantile Manual. ST. THOMAS, W. I. (Danisli.) Population of the Island, 15,000. Banks. Bank of St. Thomas Colonial Bank St. Thopas Savings Bank Bookseller and Stationer. Charles E. Taylor Boots and Shoes. L. Gomez & Co. R. D. Senior Cigars and Tobacco. ¥. Drejer & Co. Dentist. James Gordon Distiller of Bay Oil. R. M. Hassell Druggist. A. H. Ruse Dry Goods, Wliolesale and Retail. W. Broiidsted & Co. Thomas Pearson & Co. Dry Goods, Ketail. M. Fidanque G. Beretta Carty & Co. A. Gaspard J. Miiller & Co. R. Senior & Co. Dd. B. Delvalle J. H. Beverhoudt Fratelli, Copello & Co. J. Levin William White M. Van Eps & Co. W. B. Caslello & Co. Delvalle & Co. J. H. Souffront Gas Company. St. Thomas Gas Company General Provision Merchants, Wholesale and Retail. J. H. Fechtenburg & Co. Klingberg, Krebs & Co. D. G. Fonseca Hardware. McDougall & Co. Cameron & Co. Jos. Levi and Sons Hotel Turco Commercial Hotel Hotels. Ice and Wholesale Provision Dealers. Raven & Co. Jewelry and Watches. A. de Lagarde Money Brokers. J- B. M. Monsanto B. Bornn Newspapers. Dailv Bulletin St Thomas Tidende Panama Hats. CY 1. Delinois & Co. A. Photographers. Giglioli Fraas C. Physicians. Krebs F. Erichsen T. R. H. Wissing Villavicencio N. Auguste Provisions and Groceries, Retail. A. Burnet 0. Ffrench & Co. A. Vance & Co. J. Fidanque & Co. David Pretto & Co. S. H. Toledano L. Delinois A. Lus;o & Co. Louis Berg & Co. Russell Bros H Michelsen H Toussaint Sliip Brokers and Commission Merchants. G. W. Smith & Co. Lamb & Co. Jas. T. Abbott & Co. Bache & Co. J. F. D. Jurgens & Co. J. Sala & Co. Ship Chandlers. Wharam & Co. Steamship Companies. United States and Brazil Mail West India and Pacific Mail Harrison S. S. Co. Don Ramon de Herrera Hamburg American Packet Co. Royal Mail S. S. Co. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique Telegraph Company. West India and Panama Telegraph Company. Island of Saint Lucia. 23^ ISLAND OF SAINT LUCIA, W. I. (British.) Population of the Island, 30,000. General Coimnissiou 31ei-chaiits. Wiewall & Co. Ch. Aug. Brewer General Merchants. Agostini.A. G., Castries, architect and land sur- veyor Augier John, Castries and Soufriere, ale and beer dealers Augier Jules, Castries, dry goods merchant Barnard, Peter & Co. , Castries, Soufriere, Chois- eul and Vieux Fort, dry goods, provision, wine and spirit, lumber and general mer- chants, shipping agents and steamship owners, importers and dealers in coal Belmar C, La Curieux, Soufriere, dry goods mer- chants Belmar & Sons, Castries, dry goods merchants Castries Club, Castries, G. Grof, secretary Chastanet Chs., Castries, Vice Consul for France Chastanet E., Castries, dry goods dealer Celestin Pelage, Dumer}', provision dealer Clavier Femand L. , Castries, dry goods dealer Clavier & Co., Castries, grocers and druggists Colonial Bank, Castries, Alexr. Richard, mana- ger ; London offtce, Bishopsgate St., within London, E. C. Dennehy Dr. Chas. , Castries, colonial surgeon DuBrulay & Co., Castries, dry goods merchant Edmund W. H., Dennerj^ wine, spirit and pro- vision dealer Eudoxie Luc, Castries, ale, beer, grocer and provision dealer Galgey Dr. Otho, Castries, assistant colonial surgeon Gordon T. D., Castries, schoolmaster Lady Mico Schools Gouin Mde. A., Castries, billiard saloon and hotel- keeper Granger Paul, Castries, billiard saloon and hotel- keeper Homy C., Castries, chemist and druggist Laugellier Athenase, Castries, tobacco dealer Lastic R. & Co., Castries, ale, beer, wine and spirit merchant Lawrence Frederick, wine and spirit merchant, Castries Lestrade Dr. C, Dennery Macfarlane Junior & Co., Castries, Soufriere, Choiseul, Laborie y Vieux Fort, provision, lumber and general merchants and shipping agents Macfarlane, MofTatt & Co., Castries, Soufriere and Vieux Fort, dry goods, hardware and general merchants, ale, beer, wine and spirit dealers MacHugh R. G., Castries, printer and pub- lisher Margaud Eugene, Castries, dry goods and pro- vision dealer Margaud Robert, Anse La Raye, provision and general dealer Marius F. W., Castries, druggist and dry goods dealer Meagher C. I., C. E. Castries, architect and surveyor Medouze W., Laborie, grocer and provision dealer Minviile& Chastanet, Castries and Soufriere, dry goods, hardware and general merchants and shipping agents, ale, beer, wine and spirit dealers Moffat t John D., Castries, Vice-Consul for Ger- many Monplaisir Adolph, Castries, general dealer Myers Mde. Chas., Castries, hotel keeper Norton Dr. H., Castries Osborne Samuel, Castries, builder and undertaker Peter Frank, Consul for the Netherlands and Consul for Venezuela Peter William, Castries, Consular Agent U. S. A. and Consul for Sweden and Norway Proctor Dr. S. F. , Soufriere Quinlan W. C, Soufriere, school master, Lady Mico School Quinlan J. C, Castries, architect and land sur- veyor Rabier Victor, Dennery, ale and beer dealer Roger, Langellier & Co., Castries, dry goods, hardware and general merchants, ale, beer and wine and spirit dealers. St. Lucia Ice Factory Co., Ld., Castries; R. G. MacHugh, secretary St. Lucia Steam Conveyance Co. , Ld., Castries, steamship owners ; Charles Chastanet, man- aging director Troja Julien, Castries, printer and bookbinder " Voice of St. Lucia," Castries ; R. G. MacHugh, editor Williams Dr. S., Vieux Fort Zepherin Mark G., Castries, provision dealer Planters. Agard E., la Rosi^re Estate, Castries Alphonse A. Belle, Veu Estate, LabOrie Ambrosio Laurent, Cuinbar Estate, Vieux Fort Andre Mde. V., Foyeaux Estate, Vieux Fort Angel L. , Pipe Rois Estate, Micoud Auguste J. M., Calbasier Estate, Micoud ,'\zor Rene, Ksperanco Estate, Vieux Fort Haptiste W. Jean, Moreu Laure Estate, Micoud Harnard S., Sans Soucis Estate, Castries Bernard Edwin, Hope & Beausejour Estate, Vieux Fort Blanchard A., Belle Vue Estate, Micoud Hlancliard 1)., Greuno Estate, Vieux Fort Bonnie F. Louis, La Roclielle Estate, Gros Islet Cadet L. , Jalousie I'-state, Laborie (Charles A. J., Valmont Estate, Vieux Fort diaries J., Morue Bay ICstatc, Micouo to the Havana Custom House ofh(^ers,or, in fact, to any Spanish official — unless the occasion demands tliat the hritx? shouhl be alarge one. Toucan enii)ioy a $5 or $10 fee to good advantage in Mexico, on almost any occasion ; l)ut don't try it on at Havana. The consequences may be annoying. In the latter city, 260 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. ' et^efy ' official is- a sort of spy on his brotlier official; and, if you ouce begin the bribery business, you may have to go through the entire list, from high to low, other- wise you may find yourself in an embarrassing position, to draw it mildly. SELLING GOODS. As a rule, the merchants of Cuba, or, in fact, any Spanish country, will rarely call at your hotel to examine your goods. While they are always polite and courteous to agents calling on them, they, as a class, not being afflicted with any remarkable degree of energy, or anxious for any unusual effort outside of their own places of business, prefer that you wait upon them rather than that they should be put to the trouble of waiting upon you. Before offering your goods or attempting to make sales, you should ffi-st call on the trade and politely introduce yourself and your business, then make a regular business appointment, specifying the day and hour when you will call and show your goods. Always recollect that you cannot successfully transact business in Spanish- American countries as expeditiously as you can at home. The Spanish race are never in a hurry, and you must consult their convenience and time, besides cultivat- ing a considerable degree of patience, if you would succeed with them. If you strike a Spanish merchant with the right goods at the right time, and you succeed in making a favorable impression, you can sell him readily, and he will buy largely. After making out a memorandum of the names and addresses of the merchants you desire to interview, get your samples ready and call a cab. For such occasions be careful to engage your cab by the hour (por hora), the tariff being $1.50 per hour in local paper money (called " Billettes "), equivalent to about fifty cents American money, at the present rate of exchange. You need not understand Spanish to direct your cabman. They are usually intelligent fellows. Write the name of street and number plainly on a slip of paper, and give it to the cabby; he'll carry you straight enough. In all Spanish countries the number of the house always follows the name of the street, as ''Obispo 51," instead of 51 Obispo street. The word street, or " Ca??e, " is never used. "DRUMMERS"'SAMPLES IN MEXICO. The same rule and advice for commercial men which we recommend for the observance of those visiting Cuba on business, apply also to Mexico, only more so. The custom house regulations of Mexico, as regards travelers' baggage and samples of merchandise, are usually more stringent than those in Cuba. We would suggest that commercial men should try to get along with as few samples as possible, and those should be carried in very compact form, avoidiug bulk and weight, where the nature of the goods will allow, and use as few sample cases or trimks as you conveniently can. We would recommend commercial travelers to carefully read what we have to say regarding " Samples of Merchandise," iu Cuba, which will be found elsewhere in this Commercial Guide. ABOUT PASSPORTS. Passports are no longer required in visiting Mexico, Central America, Cuba or any place in the West Indies. At the same time it will do no harm for one to provide himself with a passport, simply as a matter of identification, and, in case of need, a possible protection. Packing and Shipping Goods. 261 According to a royal decree of 1887, the passport system, once very annoying, onerous and expensive, was abolished as regards the Spanish Islands of Cuba and Porto Eico. But, while no passport is required to land in Cuba, you are not per- mitted to leave the Island without a consular certificate. The new regulations provide that every foreign citizen, wishing to leave the Island of Cuba, and also that of Porto Eico, must apply to his consul, who will pro- vide him, free of cost, with a certificate setting forth his nationality, profession or occupation and general respectability. This consular certificate must be presented, in person, to the civil governor of the town from whence you take your departure, who will indorse the document (on payment to him of thirty-five cents specie) when you may go your way rejoicing. PACKING AND SHIPPING GOODS. There are two highly important matters to be considered, and which should never be neglected, in shipping goods to Mexico or any South American market. Firstly, the styles, patterns and quality of the goods shipped should conform strictly with the kind ordered, and, secondly, great care should be taken in manifesting and in pack- ing the goods to be shipped. One of the reasons why the English have succeeded in establishing a large and prosperous trade with the countries of Spanish-America is due, in no small degree, to the fact that they make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the wants and tastes of the people, and, as a rule, keep faith with their customers in those countries. They are frequently advised, by resident agents, as to the condition of the markets there, and they usually send just such goods as are ordered. Americans too frequently send goods quite different, in quality and style, from those ordered, because they hapijeu to have such other goods on hand, thinking a different article will suit or answer the purpose quite as well as the kind ordered. But it should be remembered, that, if people down there ordered painted goods, they don't want to receive varnished goods instead. They know just what they want, and order it, and, when something dift'er- ent is sent them — no matter how trifling the difference — they feel disappointed and cheated. The following amusing story, related by an experienced South American mer- chant, will illustrate how ridiculous are the prejudices of some of the ignorant natives : " We were in the habit for years of shipping out what we call soft tallow candles, ' dips.' The only purpose for which they were used was to greq^se the niggers' heads; a nigger would step into the store and buy one of these dips, and then go out and rub it over his head and body. That is all they were used for. Well, wo bought these candles for years from one manufacturer, and they always had on the boxes a yellow label, giving the manufacturer's name in Spanish, and all about it. Finally he got out of labels, and had a new batch made, and he altered the color, and had the labels made blue. Our next shipment went out with blue labels, and every single lot was thrown on our hands, and they said, as the labels were blue, the candles were bogus. All we could do was to have a lot of yellow labels made, like the former, and sent out there, and pasted on the boxes, and then they were sold. " A\'hen we say that it is absolutely necessary to conform to the tastes and usages of the natives in selecting, packing and shipping goods to South America, wo refer to staple goods, such as provisions and all kinds of eatables, laundry articles, hats, shoes, cotton and woolen fabrics, toilet articles, etc. In theniatter of machinery, agricultural implements, tools, patented articles, pianos, organs, etc., they, of course, must and do conform tf) our ideas. One of our largest shipping merchants complains of the careless manner in which ■262 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. some of our manufacturers pack their goods for foreign markets. He says : " They pack their goods here very carelessly, as if goods were going to be shipped on a train a short distance, whereas they are handled several times, getting aboard the steamer and getting off the steamer, and then on the train or mule backs, and the goods arrive in a damaged condition." Speaking of the importance of invoicing goods correctly, an old shipping merchant remarks : If the United States could have an influence upon the Government of Mex- ico to so alter its custom-house regulations, it would not be so difficult for our merchants in filling orders for that counti'y. Every shipment made to Mexico requires an enumeration of the articles in detail, three copies to be made. Then, if there is an erasure or a blot, there is a possibility of a fine in the custom-house. If there is a mistake in the weight or in the figuring, although it may not be of any importance, there is a fine for that. In regard to the matter of packing boxes used by American shippers, the same merchant says : " They (the American shipper) do not care ; they go to work and knock up a box with boards an inch thick, and they will fill it with nails, and put all kinds of heavy cleats and straps on it, and that box will weigh very heavy. The English have an advantage over us in that respect ; they use a wood over there that is a finer wood ; they can make a box out of one-half or one-quarter inch stufi' that is stronger than our stuff which is an inch thick. They use a different quality of nails from what we do ; they use a round nail made of wire ; the French use them very much, too. Then they use much lighter wood than we do. " As Mexico and many of the South American governments levy duty on the gross ■weight of the package, it is very important that the package should be made up as light as possible, consistent with proper strength, and care should be taken to give the correct weights and numbers in applying for a consular invoice. Says one mer- chant on this subject: " You take for instance, Carthagena, in the United States of Colombia They have a tariff with about six clauses in it, divided into six clauses, and there is a dif- ferent duty levied on each clause, but it is on the gross weight. Now, we are obliged here to make out what we call a consular invoice; every case has got to have a uum- "ber on it, and, without a number, we are liable to a fine. We have to describe, in that invoice, the kind of goods that are in the case, then to give the gross weight of each case, and then, the total gross weight of all the cases, and this has to be reduced to kilograms. That is all right ; it is a right of the country to demand consular invoices, indicating the contents, and stating that the goods are what they purport to be. But, getting their duties as they do on gross weights, they exact a fine for every 10 per cent, difference gross weight on arrival and the gross weight as expressed in the invoice. Well, you can readily see that, in the hurry of getting off our goods, errors will creep in. We go round to the different houses here and buy a lot of goods, and want the gross weight of those goods; the young man in the store weighs the goods, and the goods may weigh 250 pounds, and they put it down 150; we take their weights and make out our invoices, and, when it gets out there, there is a variation of 10 per cent., so they fine the receiver of the goods for having made mistakes in the United States." While the manufacturer here has little or nothing to do with the tariff and duties in South American ports, as such matters pertain to, and are arranged by, the con- signee or buyer, yet our people would greatly facilitate and increase our trade relations with Spanish America if they were to aid and assist the buyers for and in those countries, by conforming to the commercial rules and usages of those countries, as above related. American Trade "^ith Cuba. 263 AMERICAN TRADE WITH CUBA. Perhaps no portion of Spanish-America is so well and so favorahly known to Americans as the " Ever Faithful Isle " of Cuba, with its population of 1,800,000 souls. The great wealth and natural resources of Cuba are proverbial. The natives are highly educated and intelligent, and they are as industrious and enterprising in busi- ness as they are advanced in intelligence and culture. The three great products and sources of wealth of Cuba, namely, sugar, tobacco and cigars, find a ready and advantageous market in this country. Probably nearly two-thirds of the entire product of Cuba is sold in our markets, and in return the Cuban merchants invest very liberally in our manufactures. And, were it not for the existing onerous Spanish tariff, and the many trade restrictions imposed by Spain, there is little doubt but that tbe Cuban merchants (especially the natives) would, as a matter of preference, purchase in our markets nearly everything that they are now compelled to buy in Europe. Our exports of domestic manufactures and commodities to Cuba are usually very considerable, exceeding in value the combined amount which we export to all the other West India Islands. Recently there has been a considerable falling off in the amount of our export trade to Cuba, which is accounted for by reason of the unsettled state of the market, caused by the unsatisfactory condition of the commercial relations now temporarily existing between om* government and the government of Spain, owing to the failure of Spain to live up to her treaty agreements and commercial stipulations as regards trade with her West India colonies. There is little doubt but that the Spanish government will see the necessity of soon renewing the commercial treaty of 1884, and grant to Americans even better and more advantageous trading facilities with Cuba and Porto Rico. This country aflFords such an advantageous and profitable market for the sale of all the products of Cuba and Porto Rico that Spain can hardly afford to quarrel with us, and maintain, forany length of time, the onerous trade restrictions which have, for a short time, somewhat impeded our business relations with Cuba. The Cubans absolutely need our markets, and they also need our goods. One is as indispensable to them as the other, and it will always" be so. MEXICAN CIGARS — A COMPARATIVELY NEW INDUSTRY. The manufacture of cigars from hative tobacco as a regular commercial industry in Mexico, is now beginning to assume considerable national importance and pro- portions ; and, from present indications, this industry bids fair to become, at no distant day, quite a formidable rival to the Havana cigar trade. The manufacture of cigars in ^lexico for export, is at present confined to the city of Vera Cruz, where it has flourished, more or less, for the past twenty years. The trade began to attract foreign attention and gain in commercial importance in 1879, i 11 which year the Havana tobacco crop was bad, and the output of Havana cigars comparatively small. Tiiere are now some twenty cigar manufactories in Vera Cruz, which give employ- ment to nearly 3,000 skilled operatives, mostly Cubans. The Mexican cigars compare favorably with the medium grades of Havana, while tlie prices are much lower. Besides the cigar factories above alluded to, there are ill Vera Cruz several extensive cigarette factories. Both products are extensively shipped to England and France. THE REPUBLICS OF Central America. (205) I CENTRAL AMERICA. The Central American States, or those Spanish-American countries lying south of Mexico and north of Venezuela, comprise the Republics of Guatemala, Spanish Hon- duras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the United States of Colombia. Taking these Republics in point of territorial size, they may be enumerated in the following order: Guatemala, United States of Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Salvador, the smallest. All the Central American Republics are extremely rich and prolific in mineral and agricultural resources. In point of fact, the undeveloped wealth of these rich and fertile countries is almost fabulous, and only awaits the pleasure of enterprising Americans and Europeans to develop this latent wealth, and reap a rich reward for their enterprise and trouble. With the exception of small portions of lowland territory (tierra baja), or that laying contiguous to rivers, the climate of all the Central American countries is gen- erally healthy and salubrious. The temperature is uniform and agreeable, being neither cold nor excessively hot, the thermometer ranging from 70° to 90° all the year round. The Central American Republics are now, and have been for some time past, in a comparatively pacific and progressive condition politically and commercially, and life and property is about as safe in those countries as in most other communities. To quote the language of Seuor Don Miguel Velascovy Velasco, minister resident of Salvador to the United States: " The Republics of Central America, being free from degrading despotic governments, have entered into a new life and prosperity efiective in every respect. " The staple agricultural products of the Central American States are coffee, cocoa, indigo, tobacco, rubber, cotton, sugar, dye-woods, hard woods, medicinal plants and fruits. All of these articles find a ready cash market in this country and in Europe. The three first-mentioned articles, namely, coffee, cocoa and indigo, are the prime and most valuable staples, and upon which depends the main commercial wealth of these countries. Gold and silver abounds in almost all portions of these countries, and, with proper modern appliances, can be mined in greater and better paying quantities than in any part of the United Spates. Those Central .\merican countries are being rapidly developed in their agricul- tural, mining, and commercial resources. Railways, telegraphs, telephones and mod- ern appliances and improvements of every description, "are being introduced in every section, and emigration, and capital from Europe and the United States, is flowing rapidly toward these most promising " El Dorados." The most important and most valuai)le estates, as well as most of the internal improvements now in progress, are mainly owned and controlled by the English, French, Americans and Germans. These settlers are very hospitable, live well, and, as a rule, are possessed of consider- able wealth, which they have made in the country. Witli enterprise, energy and a small capital, almost any of the Central American Repultlics (jffers very tcmptiug inducements for Americans who desire to " grow up with the country. " ( 207 ) 268 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. A TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP AND COMMERCE BETWEEN THE CENTRAL AMERICAN STATES. The Central American Diet, recently held in Guatemala, agreed to a treaty of friendship and commerce between the five Central American Republics. The citizen of any one of the five Republics will hereafter be a citizen of all, no matter in which of them he may have been born. This convention provides for the fullest liberty of commerce and navigation between the.difi:ereut States, for the friendly intervention of all in any political disputes, and the observance of strict neutrality in the event of armed contests between the different States. Provision is also made for joint action in any case in which any one of the States should find itself involved with a foreign power. Arrangements are also made for the adoption of similar weights and meas- ures, and a common civil and criminal code, the abolition of the death penalty, and the assimilation of constitutional principles, such as that which declares the necessity of periodical changes of, all officials. Lastly, it contains a basis for the re-establish- ment of the Central American Union. ,i. * as -*■ I THE West India Islands. (2C9) THE WEST INDIA ISLANDS. As our readers are probably aware, the Islands of the West Indies embrace or include as many as eight different nationalities, as follows: English, Spanish, French, Danish, Dutch, Haytien (French negroes), and Dominican (Spanish negroes). The most important in point of size, population and commercial greatness, are the Span- ish Islands of Cuba and Puerto Kico. Next in commercial importance, population and progress are the British Islands of Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbadoes, Antigua, Dominica, Tobago, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Bermuda, Turks Island, New Providence, and numerous small Islands in the Bahama group. Then come the French islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, the former of which is of considerable commercial importance, being in a high state of cultivation, while its inhabitants are very intelligent, industrious and progressive. Saint Pierre, the capital of Martinique, is a very attractive and delightful little city, and its people are highly cultivated and most agreeable entertainers. The Dutch (Hollanders) control the rich and prosperous Island of Cura^oa; the Danes are masters of the Islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix, while the large and fertile Island of Santo Domingo, divided into the two negro Republics of Hayti and Dominica, is of very little agricultural, commercial or political importance under its present rulers. Owing to limited population, and consequently limited consumption, circumscribed territory, more or less national prejudices, and, last but not least, a lack of regular and systematic business canvassing or " drumming, " our trade with the West India Islands — with the important exception of Cuba — has never been as large and important as it should and could be. All the islands of the West India group procure the bulk of their provisions and breadstuff's from the United States, while but a limited amount of hardware, tools, machinery, furniture, shoes, woolen and cotton fabrics, of American manufacture, find a market in those small but prosperous communities. This is all wrong, and entirely at variance with the laws of trade and the geograph- ical contiguity of these Islands to the United States. They find a ready and usually a profitable market with us for the bulk of their product, and there is no good and sub.stantial reason why we should not supply them with anything and everything in manufactured articles that they require. The only plausible reason that can be assigned for this disparity of American trade with the West Indies is due mainly to the fact tliat but few American merchants and manufacturers have sought direct trade, while those merchants or traders, resi- dent in the United States, who represent, or affect to control, the trade between the United States and the West Indies, are foreigners imbued with strong national preju- dices against Americans and everything American, except American dollars. The writer lias traveled extensively througliout the West India Ishinds, and has had c()iisi(lT' O W (X, H < o < K ci 1 w I— 1 U H J i:=i < < H O X td H K O Q o" E hJ I-; M << X w 1— ( S CO < ^•~ « U^ H K • 1— 1 5 a E^ 00 u H H CO ^ C/D fc, (-0 l-H Pi Q 1 H 2; u < l-H H ^ o u fe ;?: M X O CO H c< <*, u «a I— 1 r^ t3 O ^ .-! r^ < < fa u > oi P r w < C4 < t/J O Tl w (^ H H X D h w O V, < u. Q D w- Z O^ Q < < CO H W4 Q O »5 O Pi ►-< Ut H > CO o X (/; H Z CO U H H kS u w H S < Z U ^ t^ Q O X o A-T! ::; - . 00 (^ O C^ • "O C\00 N ■ 0-. :3^ "^ i/l ) 'O to C rsCO >o -« -^ ro J N ^o rn a^vD « (N « 00 « M •^(^■^0*-''0 in "^ « ■^ c ooo CO >- roO ON roMD IT) ■-* IN t>. U-) t^'vC "O r--. m ^ t>. ^ moo rnco m ih tt w in On O ro 0\'T . t^ ■>*• in • ON O M _^, . rrj fi-v o . \0 M M " 3 c I/: u — J •- ^ a t^ t^ in^ mmromO -^oo -^co yD ^o « vo mm Onco m m Osno n ^ r^ro-^mONmmo roc^■^Cco mmm ■^no On t*^ >-' fnoo moo o m m r; >o m-o ■^ f -^ '^oo N o 000 onpj ^*^^'-'^^^, ^^^%,'^"*'"t!'^*1 " m m -^ mvo" -^vo r^ ol hT^o ■»?■ -rt -^ m n ^ o^O ■^3'*:? n Oj^(^t>ON m (N ^^o mo- mvo m n co m o\ ^ ^ inco m n mvo m on^ \o On m ^Si IN o 00 m m c\ N POO CO -*• O P^ mvO oo m h-o m m m n *-• »nco r^ J 00 CO ON -v moo vo •- o ^' -^ C^MO 03 t- r-^-o ooo m mvo ^ m t^-o -J m d 00 ^ mco oo m on m m cn moo - oo w « •-' O "^^ "^ 9^ - "^ _ H. ^ ,^ i-T N* m m -^ m -tt-vo* 'Ot^ONo'-^r^o^mc^'O m\o m t^ -^MWMwmmmmm ^ 1) . "^ CI. u .sis c ■r ■< r^\o o - oo -^ mvo co — ; 01 moN — vo "-oovo t^vo "^ o\ -^vo t^ w w t-^ w on t^oo on m •-. m r^vo ■ cT-" cT— "mwoTM -^vo m moo oo o^ On n -^-vo" onoo" ci c^ onvo^ ci ocT ' M wm— Nt>.w-^mmmm mvo m m m -^ •o o o -a o •-co o "rt '5 cJ r^ m c 00 ONvo t^mo mONN r-sOvo t>.wvo r^oo o t^ m t^ moo --t-oo ■ N cor^ooo - m-^oococo mmvo c -i-r^— mo Thmw i^mo i^ mONinON- —oo mmr^"*o m^oo h mt^mr>.ONt*^ — vo m— moo o ■> tC (-T m m tC moo" *^' in n^ ■^ o m— ^sc^ ONminM i-T moo" cT o" m m cs* ^ vo r^oo vo •^(Nvo — -1-m— CO ovo r^— .m-^t~>.o movo on- o\ c o o on W- l-lCSNWH-NM-r)-lor^OC' 'I* r-vvo -i-on-o 'j-r^ONNco w noo mw wr-vMO "^-^m- o - t^ |j intvOtON-^mmmmm osvo mvo mM ooo r~»— cj mONO on ■O- t^ On M ro fj t^ mcO Onvo vO r^vo On tJ- tJ- -tj-co VO Q t^ h- uico f^. - m M - N M M W M M t-H M \ li-l-^M -^onw -^■^ -1-vo m CN On ■+ onvo vd vo m m m m ^ -4-vo m m mvo m -i- r-^ mi -j- t^ mo - mONc^oo — r>.— ^\o mM "^ONm— — ONoo r^r^cj ONint^- r^-^ro o^oo r^ -t- m M "^ 0-. m pj" N oo" o" m 1 - mvo m m CN mvo vo n - M tj , On rN. mvo . vo 00 vo . 00 M m tfl O C £j o c o 3 VO'^-'-'-OOOnm mvo -^00 CO O - O !^ M_ mco IN N o w ?L ^L.Q ^ ^^ ^ ~ < m t^ O ^ mvo o — m mvo no' m m m tC « oo _ - vo m CN r^ M pj On m -thoo On o oo n m -COO-WON voo Onoo m c>o_m coTf MmONO t^ t^ m \o cT CO ■^ j^ . OO vD o — On t^vo o f^ H oo -too - o mvo fovo o N T^TJ•w ONmm ^ .mON-voONONmoo>-voON-mO\m-f^-^-Nc5N'>*^-ifm rCoo' oo" mm n m m mvo' ■:i;Mcooi-'*-N«mNNO mM nvovom m m vo o 2oo ovo ovw 'T^'-' cj -^ f^^ 'i-co a\ pj cn^ co u^t^inint^^rf-hH ^in N OOw«NMir).^MNOO>-<^OOt>sNfO-.nM (isOO r^ - jg H « M mvo * "^ « 0_ m "^ 1^00 00 " Oi moo " V o • vo lo T^\o i/lt^iOMCO t^ii-iM »/lOvOsrnf^0 ^n 0\Nvo w n xr^ e^ 1-1 - t^Ovr'lO t^O N t C O\0 'J-CO CO !N 0^^0 ^ M ii vo mS N ? n ~ U a vo m « N mco M N t^ m ro ov Tfoo o M M N ri K tlvn J? S^ _^* ov io«oooiH U10O ovvo o> t^ m moo o, ft S; or~.% 2 ~s MMONmvovo'oo-oim rCoo" 6^ c ^ 4 ■* ma 2i O o o . U-) Cvco CO t^ * ■* Ov -^ ^ m : -fl- m o 00 m * co'vo* in Ovvo o O < > movO - ro^O ( 00ON-^m--«N< >- m— mm— t^r^t - . T ^ 't "^^ 1 "^ "^ *^°o moo On d* Tfvo" >n m i-T cT cS hT N m N '. T m m mo -f-^mM " ^" mONPO— -r(^r^ — 00 r>.0 O PJ m On -^oo f* Onn m mmci moo ro Cx c^ t^ lOO m ^ ^ !^ J^ £. 2. "5 ^ m t^ rs. m On 6;S?J,?;,7c?v??'^g^5;f^S vo 2 ^^^•$, vE-S vg> g. ^ ft fC it K^ ;5« R5 " « ^ ^^'O fsoo •a o o o U 276 Delmar's 1[ePvCa:ntile Maxual axd Business Guide. o o V C c u o" u o a z s o H 00 S i U K s' o H c^ O P-, X w Q < d •z, CO H c4 O Oh Z < s CO C O CJ 4J . "3 O 3 > •a c « a— ro — CO 00 Tf t^ O r^vO vO >0 OO N VD vo On t^vO O N CnQ OvNOO Nt^ ■^00 'T « Os^ '^*^ 4, °^^ i-ivOvO ON— dUMT^Nu^N >-OCO CO 1- Tj- O OnOC OC rovo O rOCO O O 1^ o"'o" i^ On ^^^d^M5^ ^ cf ^ — ro On rC i-T rCvcT rC r^ o On OCO rO'^^M N Nr^CNC)-" O O t^'tt^ioOu^CNO — vO r^i-iNOa3 " N " fOo'vo' ""^^N MrO'^'^"*''^^^'-^^ rCc/5 00 od' CTn On Cf rj- t- M Tf >" O ;0 "- O I-^O fOvC «. — \0 N " ON r^NO O ro I-~. "^ O O CC OO CO OnM-'nOOOOnO-- -- ^ - _.-_ >- "iw->OCOnO tS t~0 -^CO OnP) CNQiOC-jr^H-O^O'-i tJ-vo u-) N CO no N Cn ON « O ^ tC^" o' i^-- f~- ^ tCoO~ ro (D CNNCr u^roO OCN^i-ff'^O ^fcNCN-^ I-" Tj-co cococo t^M '-' M t^ONO u-ir^iv-iro nv3 N CO t^ -• T^ N onno rj un 00 >H N OnOn" r^— N N r^CNn"^'~^t^r^'-n<^ "^CO On N N t^ o r^ r^ On OnO n -• O Tfr^u-ipjNO t^i^O f^i^O TfONt^O r^j!^ ■-""" .►.OO-' Tj-NO ------ — --I N Tf vy-i M-cLOTtPl>-"CO-»ro vj-ico ^O '^O roroO ro>-OTh u-,nO rO N N On ro O CN"»i--^T)-NONr^"*OMMu^NM'^ONU^riu-lCN t^CO so O N u^ O rot^':J-0 roONONONON roco t^ O lO u^ Cn^vO -'^^'^^^'-l^'"^^"^, — pr 1- O N ro pTno" rTNO" t-^No' On «*" tJ-no' r^ f O t^ -^OO ON CTn — cr ON i/^CO t^ O u-iNO vocOOOOt-^MOt^t— i^n Tl-'^l-roiOM ON OtJ-^^'N"-'^""'^ — >- O O t~0 O r^ r^NO CO On r^ vo u^vO ^f r^CO O O "^ On t^ I^CO •^ r^ O CO ii-> Tl-O "-o O OnO t^cO r^ M O I^ t^ M r^co O •-' O t^i^rovn'+O r^>- On >- O "^ -^ LTi -^o ro roco CO ON ro ^ N i-n:0 t^ N rO:0 ■* O MO <-n M rf O VO p-T r^ voo' "J^co" ■^ « c^NCo" :jS -0 O Tj-0 •*CN-*Tto^N t^qN-^ "^^^ "^2^, "^ '^ '^^^ ""^ "^ """'■" r^ ro i-OC-''-''- O CO O -" ino'co CO t-^ ON >o O rn " M Q On roo CO O CO - - — rtoo CO ro O »< Tl-o roco^ Cjn roo vO ONO rt- rn in t-^ ro t^ r^oo Ni-^t^mO NmiOTl-O O " OO o fnco r^M«OONmONNr^O— CO •" — VD OCOO inmint^ OnO in ro m m oO O O CO rncO m O CO OnO CTn i-T C> inco t-^ MOM m m O m M ^ ^ CnM « t^TfTfl^l^O ro m i-i " O O f 1 in t^ inin^l-OO " OOOO " " "^ ON t^ N ■^ •^ ":}• incO r'^o' "* rnMOOPi'-mi-i-" N — 1-1 N m « ON rnO O ■-'•*'-' O rnO rOONO-iOOO On:Z3 lO O O t-~ ii N C ■H-mmint^rnN -^m "*r-.0 On— oco p)co inO -^ — N t--. OMn mO t^ ;[; O 00 m OCO CO 0\ O <^co_^ ■* ■* '^^„ '- >D m ^O r-~ O M tJ- t^O t^ r^ ^t — ^ wwrnMCrodNOfnTfTt-cf'-iM««in'-<'cnCN inco O c?. ro t^O oo' ^ mo CO -" t-^ N o inco O m o ■* ro 'tr — <-oo co co onco n m on r^. m n ■- in O ro t^ ■* in N tj-o " rnOOOO -^O O ONO fO—r^Or-mN N on — m M 1- CO M ■* mo ro r^ f]^0 O OnOO NCO «t^« •ri-«00 OnO^On •^O •* N M o'^ cT NO o" pr rn -«' rn o ctn o ncT ooo o~ j-Co'o'co i>- m >- i-T N '— > c w < On O CO O ON m O r^O r^ — O O O ""inm. -^'■'^rt-ONN in'^N « lO'l-r-^i-^-ONr^ONr^ ■^ tn O O ro rom ON 'd-O N ■-> O i^O t^ t-^ M o mo •-' m in ■" o o N CO mo mi O ino N t^ mo m 1-1 N ►-■ CO N >- ONOi^— rointsr^mt^ "^o m "« in— O romCNt^r^O r^"- -^o co Onco O mmr^-^Oco Onx m n on n •>*o ■-On 00 t-^ ■* "- co" O pf rf m -^ in >-i cJnno O Ono' CO Tj- moo O M m m t^ i-i ^r\\Q mm mo o i-iMM »-ii-(»-i(-iMm ^O OnO t^ ^ Tf O >-i N m '*• mo r^co on O '-' n mri-mo t^oo on o w n m -^ mo t-^co oooooooooo r^t^t^t^t^t~~t>~t^t^ r^co oooooooooocoooco cocococococococococccococococooocccocococooooococooooococo o ^ c o o u -^J o o u ■n ? 1> o -i ^ o r( w^ r! :3 C r( 3 ^ lU O 1) rt o > 1) ^ rt > rt in ^ r~. r^ r^ CO ON (S ^ r^ t^ c -^ ^ ;3 ^ o rt rt 4= ^ o "vj ^j C i— 3 O c o n ^ o u O — - Tl ■^ a> i) _^ ^" ■— ' D 1-! rf — -I ^ rt rt O O u. CJ 1) o :2 a o rj rl s > f» T'^ 1> o ■*^ *-' ,J= If. '^ rt t ^ ■s mm « N r^ o t^ ONO C7n •* in m o r^co VO k^ Tt- •tfi- «fi-«fi- -b-i jj c r; n ^ ;3 1 fc: J2 r, rt rt rt tn m ri-l -C r-j ■*"' ■^ -i-i W^ t.b« t— c w «•<> V* Tables. 277 o" u o H 'a z < S o b tn Q o z s CO ►-« I o 00 s o >^ W Q Z < o" El z a; o o 2; •— t Q ^5 < -J SJ) 52 •:3 '•a o o U O u-1 • i-o O • H 1 =? • ■-< u^jX OO ■HCOu^OCOt^O'-'OOvOONLoCMO u-iSO o^ O t1-\0 -"^c/a Lo« rou-1— i-oCT>N u-io >-i "^M rON r^N ~^ 5 ^ ro ! ^ O i-i . t-^ "^ CNio' NO c/f T? cT ■^ O* N tC NO Tt tC rdo ro u^ roo" "" r^-+Lo — v: N r^NCO Cno w-i—t^cs^"" 0^— i- r^o "«-"« «w«N-w -i: '^^^ ■ •5 m o ■ lot : >* "I t-» N ac ■* r^co C?iON""0 "^N N On roO O •" t-^ O "^ O ■* •" -"l- Cn N O OO <~00 t^ t^ "H O N -^'Ji LO r^ O O '-I ro t^ rOiO_ "J^ ^1, t-;^ "* NO lO N tnao^ « " ";> " ^„ '^ ^ O^ •* m - O' d" CO N sf. JN rC o" C\ lA n" C?> N cD t^ >-< (^ O mt^OO coOMj-iN roOCNTh:0>D rou-iw-ii-iCiO ir^CNt^ ^ CN-- ; mx NO— N""OroroONON'^NO'-i"^0"^w^ - " - N " " r-~0 '+'^>-' C >-n>0 O o" OC+""OCOOOt-^ CnO •~> «N,rr^ M «„„K< «„MiNNNNN«MN c; t^ O w^ t^ O CO t^o CO ro "- oo O onn oo "^i-iOco vn^*-'-' irir^iYin rfN — N r'-jrONO rON --lOO — Tt rOCO "^CO O N On t^ "d-CO O ^O rJ-CO N CNOr^t^N N O ONOOnO " rOT)-u-ii-0 r^CO O " — ■* r^ t~0 tJ- tJ-O 0\ SCO o « o o o o — ro t^ lo oo t^O O — Tfu-iN>J^«0 -.«>«rONNNN '~0m0'+0>-i00N0nNNO N uo U-) ■^o 'O "-I Go lO t^CO ^ N OCO N Cn N CO N NO Nu-iu-l— —X) OnlOO rON roO '- Nt-^COCOr^w^ ■^30 N pq r^-c i-io O •" t^— t^NO t^ioi-i u^r^r^i-oN OO <3^-^ O "^ 1-1 t^O O Onn 1-1 ror^N u-iO •" ONO'^OOt^i-O'^O i-n3' C> vnco O o" n'so 00 •-' CJn On rn rooo" •aNOOc/3r~NOONOr-~'^NN'i-ro r^V: QLOiy-jrONNNN" 1-iM i-ii-i >.>^MM>Hi-ii-i roror^CNTtTt-rOTj-— ON O r^O ON N u^co ro N ro N N w moo O fO m .O ON— 'J-NO u-it^u-jroOMJ^ mo "t On •* "^ N O -^SO -^ "^ — — ro N « ■-) O CN O CO On rf coco O^^-NrON — OO OnO O CO r^ — O t-^ N mo -^ m 5 C/O On •^ roO t^ — O <:i^ mio>^t)-n« ^ N N ro « ONN LnONi^ONO ONu^ior^ioco t^O O N On tj- t^ lOO OnO « N O N « ro-coco -H •^^roONQ I^NCO N ON r^ ^ m ^ N '^CO N O On Lo OnO "h fi r^o On ro N O m roo r^ mO C/0 . N r^o w^ « o N ii O- M "-iCO ro ^CO Oco t^O « O —O uit^rOLo OnO ^ m^ ''2^ '^ ^^ ^ ^ NCOi^O "COCO 'd-r^wO r-^iON rl-t^ONON^-^ J; O mx CO t-^ hToo ■^t^NNm'-r'firioNm -^ocTno vo pT cTo" rf co" m ^to" ^CO i-i — OCOOO "^►H r^O t^ N O "^ OnO 00 N CO VO ■" t--. On lOO On — 5 N«-imm — « Ni-> t^'4-Tl-ONONCON "S i-i N i-i GOOro ONt^rrioGN "-)CO r~- On r^oo ii o m « O CO N "d-ONQlO OOmrfrOONNOG'-iCO'-iONNON-irOr^N r^ "^CO N " CO^CO On N^ N CO ON N t^CO ij- TJ-CO rOOO ■<*• O ir^ N ci^^OO" n' i^ On cT m T? TfOo' rod"cO~^fTfcjN-'*■— "o ^■-iroNw-)-"''OGTririONi-i"io u->o "-o mo • — • _i«i-ii_wMKHiHi-iromN">-'« • O ■ CO • N m coo m Tj- "^ LT) 11 CO m N i-t t^vo r^ uo ro u-i ON LTi On >-nO CO w-^ O ro wj Q N Tf Tt- N i-i ■r}- u-1 M .jj-o CO O CO rocO u-i r^O O "1 'T'O^'C^^^'^'^"^ ^^ CO ON 1-1 rO- — ■ t^O I^ r^ -" N m ►^ <^ 0\ u-ico ►« u-ioT N cfv O m ^ N ro N lo — — OnO toco — GCO rO'-' OntoOn — • ■ MM MM MM C^pjMM W D .—I o g Q u Pi < m o' LO ■1—) O m C bB s s <1 c u "(3 ii u u tij lU -c -4-* k> 1) C T> U O M ri ro -+ ino t^co On O — N m "t »00 t^OO On G >- N ro •00 r~-00 OOOOOOOOOO r^t->.l^l^t--.t--.r-^t->t-.,r^V3 00CO000000000000 OOVDC/DViCOCOCOCOCOC/DCOCOCOCOC/DCOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOO 278 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. .s c o u H W o" U >< W O H P o w M CO ^ 7 C Pi H O Ph w < O C « vj-i ts co ro On tJ- ro d I^ N N t^ i-i i-c 0>"^ '-I D On O^ZC -t ^ -& O < ^ ^ O ro M N " « vo 00 p-c w N " ■-1 M N O rO>0 ro ro •^ On N NO fONO 00 '-' rot-^O >-> O uir^t^ONfOroO OnO r^ t^OO ro •- CO vO rO . N ij-it-^.'rf^^rOrON OnvO t^vO t^ — M u-)X) "^OnO O NOO I^voir^O N "p On ir^NO i^'-'C/O '-' "^N w-it^O iOf^Tf-« "- roONio-^r) ror^M t^ u-iOO t^ SocT^cfNCNroONN'''-^" vi-io "'vD '^ d -f <5n ro o'co' rnx) u^vo" rCco~ rn o'n£" ^iA( NTw^ ^w rOMNO On— OnOnO t^ 00 t^ "^no ^o u") tJ-00 OO t-^ 'd" "1 "^ ro O u C i_ =^ NOI^i^^'-'-'-'^Ol^ ThOO vOOO>-iO""t^"^'^0>-'NONt^'tJ-ON ■>d-00 OO N M CN| Tj-TJ-l^r^U") OnOO On OnnO r^ rOvO 00 VD t^OO rrj •& " ZC N r^vnt^rh ' rorOM Oniow-iO '-"00 rON Nno O"^ OnsO cOloO t^mr^N O ON<-oroO> ■ ONU^i^Tftr^rodCD'-r":?00roror'>Tft-rvO^i-r>O t^N C-M rjcj Ttrovo' ■ M w-iNO O NO N N r^CO i-c u-) ON O tJ- I^ w-iNO CO O ONio:0 rOt^^O O OvO •* rON Nt^«- •*-^l~~ t^OO nOnOOO O^O ONOt~-M OnN_"^M i^-^^N OncoOn i-T i-T hT « i-T « hT N -^ ro cf « « « . o •£ o J. O ^ rn iy-)\0 "^ ^ r; N r-, O >- ^ ;; i-O t^ On i-i M ^ no" >^ rf nOno" ■^i NO N ^ rf ro • t-^ ■* ro On N •>^nO O roioONO fO"00 OnoO tJ- O r^ O • '-' On "^nO N tJ- rooo On"^nO ro O On— t^ >-■ rox 1^0 • 00 u-i "^ N OnnO '- X r^O '"'5N rO'<^ONri-—00 ro no' t^ ; C?' On >-n O r^v5"NO t-Coo ir^ Q i^C/D^ On hT rCc/; u-i tJ vO f^ . t^ M i/^r^Tj-vO "MO ►- t-~.00 On ON 1-1 OnOO N r~- vj-) 1- 1- iM>-i>-ii-ii-irq O t^ rooo O ■* O Tj-M i^ONt^MJ^r^u^rorhN— c/ju-) u-i i-O r^NO n t^ O rooo O i- t^NO -^J- n On N 00 O ■* r<^NO On r^ONu^CNM NC/OCO t^v; N NO OO t^NO ro i- t^NO <"')nO On ■-i ro rOOO i-i w rr N Onoo OC no no N OONOOO Mr^TJ-i-i 1-1 — t-^M o — u-iOnO -^O On rooo — •^OnMOnNMI^ On t^ ■* M NO i^J- u-i'X O O N ONTj-r^Ou-)t^ t^>D OOl^rOLTiO ■^ — OOOCC/D : i^i^ T? ro Ono" fONO t^ i^ -Tc^Tno ncT cT rC o' ^nC fC rf t^ — vri o'no" On CD N 1-1 <;fi:tNC^i-iMNN — NMNrONMuOTJ- u-)O0 — lo O t;)- rO lO r^ Oi'N'^'-'MO'^oroO'"'^ fONO ;>0 Tft^CNu-iOcO MO O N Onui— I^u-iro ■ r--ONt^rON —nOnO 1-1 ON t^NO NO ■* f^nX CNvot^voO rOfOM N N N O rO ' 00 NO 00 "-.NO '^nO 1-inO i-orororof) n-)— "-O-^l-NOO ^O — rO ro tJ- tJ-nO ""i : -TNt^-^rCMOONOrC — NOTt-cfrod'^d'^r^ OnnO rONd vAnO ■^ O On -^^ ; ^ 1-1 ly-ioc 1- M U-) i-ooo 't O On (^ r^ ltjno no vo OO no O On OnK3 ro — on — •+ -NOrO—r^r^N rococo— -ii-iMi-ini-i »» N On u-i ro O OnO I-~. tI- r^ t^ OnOO rOONt^lO— ^r^ON u-inO nO M On M r<-)ro>-00 O >- vo— OCO N — O i^iovoioio — ON ij->NO OnO>o— 1-^N— lyDioOfOrot^Gu-i — OnOO -^no NnO loro-* — nocCnO t1-MO0 N O r^io- ;>0 • NO --i- r^NO ioo lo i-o:» — Tj-t^Mco O loroM roONr-.rot:^ ■*•— 'no •* ro N O O -00 t^OO 00 NO OO lo O N N OO On 1-11-1 1-1 i-ii-iP)iy-ivriroc^rOrorOrOMN — — •nOOO ON'^t-t^uit^'^- OO — iO>0 lO Cn N ■^ rO>0 On O • 00 N NO loco >D lO N iJ-)O0 O'-O'^On— lOO — Ti-rot^ •— c<3^ LoNfO- cot-^rOTfrONNO— noNnoO t^OO ro • On — '^ On N tJ-nO lO ci — rONo" On — ' N rf — rC:yo' N C/? ro . N u-i- — - ^ O OO NO rONO — — i+OO- O'^-OOn rONO rl- •ON — >D — NO N vonO On>3 — O n r^ — no lO r~- COnO • 00 r>. N ro — u-) ro i/-iqo 00 tJ-O t^r^- rJ-roONI^roro ■ l-^ ^ ^., "^ 't " 9. -^ ^ ^ O, ° "" '^^ lo — CO OO lOO i — i-^. . Oco OnO i^CnO >0'frorrTFvoTfrCM'~'rt-c/f — . ^ On « ^ lO lO o t^NO — ioOnO Or^T)-- OnOtiO N . - roOi O t^iOlON lOM N -NO Tj-00 f^ - -^ M ». i>, - — NO O J-^NO nOnOnOnO t^roo t}- :?; 1— > o o w Pi! < O — N rO ri- »00 t^C<0 On O — N rO "^ lONO t-^CO On O — N (O Tl" lONO t^OO O OnOVOnOnOnOnOnOnO t^t^J^t^t^r^t^t^t^ t~»00 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OCOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCiOOOOOOO Tables. 279 tr , 1 r^.^O •* Tht-. CnX O CN r^ o PO On M On N N >+ I* >+ POX N o N ri- PO t^ N 1 ' t^ — .«^^r^^^0^f^— ON<"'-yOO-"CCO ''TjO t^ cn O •* on ro»D N onoo pj wi t^ c ?: ;-- r^ -rr — o Lnx D t^ ro « t^ •« u-v onco n iv-1 Tj- 1^ ts ■^ N "J^^^^ N r^^ "^ "^ X O V ? tF o' — O' O' O <^ "^ "^ f^ ^ N r^ -^vo' t-C cT ro o' ff ^o' >-<" m' rC -"f c5^ rC cn 1-^ o h.i ^ M — X N t^unt^CN ■^^ iJ^ ■-• Tf^ ■* ro O CN\£) "~>vO l^oo CO O "* ^0 ui CJn > ro (S -H O N CO LTi ro '*iO_:x vo lo N Os J^ N 00 -^i- t^oo i-i t)- lo r-. ro r^ ox - S-5 rt £ ■^ u-l pT pT cJn Onvo' ^ ^^ ■* LO t^ in\0 lO w^vO IJ^ 1^^ t^ >-i u~)\0 N CO t^ tC 0^ ,o>t; ''^ f! Tj-i^T^Ln-^t^CNP) Cn"X LTlO -" N " M tJ-Nw-itJ-Cn— I^CO O W)vO OC t)- U w ^ . r'jo LT-i 'to O — X — O LOCO r'^X CN t^ O Cn t^vO —vO t^C^OCCO -^NCO '6 o to- :-• ro ro ^ O -^CC vc " O ■* O O C>CO O M lovo MCOlo" OOvO wu-)-!!-"-! Q.-- ^ OJ X •; = ■au-i-OOMJ-iO-MNt^ •^CO N roOu-iOONO- O rox \0 tj- O >- M "I 13 -J t n :>- —in-tt^O "■Ot^t^CNrt- — O N M TOO CT^oo ■^ lo O r-~ to -" — t^oo O lo — ^ -7^ > O O r'^ u^ W) mCiO 1/1 ro ro lo "-> ro CnX^ •* ''2^^ fOCO ON >-• P) vo ONJC VO O C^N ^Mfl" J"i^i-rNC4Ni-ii-iwi-<>HWi-ii-ip)p)>H c o i •- J CNM O ONfON CN'tO OMO roy: CNCC "^JO n on O 't i^ ^^ n ro on t-^ cncc U t- -^ ^. J t^O 0) t^rot^CN- M CN't'-Ow-,- T)-Q l^O NCO t^r^O OO CM^MCO ■ ■ ro O t^ Lo — ON iJ-,0 '^O :^ O O O "0 Onco rf- ro On O u^ OvO lt) O — — E.5'-5 >; c — 1 J: CNOO "-vooN'i- r'^.cc "~i^-^0 "O N en " O ^noo ■* O On O M3 t~^ M <; O uo T rtO OON-:frO't'tMTt-"-t^OO-OOCNN l^V. I-~ "-:vC -t , ^ — ri ^ f-n lovo Ti- i^co t^cc ox u-)0 'tc>ocor^ loco 't "-u " "^ '^ ^ '"2^., 'I 1 d~ , Tf rOO uo— N rn — C/; «vO u-iN rOCNi-< >-< tJ-OnOnOOOCOnO N ^OO ro t. . N ro « CNO u-iO t^ TtVC CO " O '■"-CO rn o Q roco - •> ^ EJ ° O t^-f-L {3 Cn r^ u-i — rr,-y: c-.-y: r<~.\o on ro ■^ O r-) "*co O r^ "+ '^ ^i '^ "* o ro — ^ lo >^ u i) -; C ,1^ ^ '■'; O Lo r^ LTi t-^x M M " X N roo O X •-)- r^ t^X X lorl-ioOX t^^'^^. i- C ^ rt ^ -^ CJ fO u-l O O ro Cn OnX no X t^X »^ f^NO vtn t^ t^X '^"^"^O^i"'^^ o ,^ "^ ^ >-' N 4 -' w pT N N " « « N M ur, O -ri- u~. tJ-O on O r^ - i-~0 iJ^ " OnO fOw^ONN^i-O^ "^Ng roo ^ , • I^O O — X H- t^" rot-^rON rou->i-Or}-"- " mX '■oO^-N>-'t>ONOP) is S '^"^ [; CO rj- ON O X riX "-'j - ^ M P) NO O Cn f~), ^, O^ 0_^ PJ^ LO N ri- -^ r^ "^ i^ r;;. >^ .^^ 5 •*• lox'o' rf pT « tC c5 " " -^X'^O" - rONO' " P? o" -^ ■^no" lo i^ r^ OCO O •T^ — ;J >-X LOt^pi -t-t~.i-i rot~^"*LOTj-r^i/Nii-ii-nNNO w-i'+r^-:fP)XNO '- '- "TCO <; c 5 - > ro u-)X M««i-.«w««p)P)p)>-NP)P)u<-)Tt-POONPOror^pj^ S o 'd o ^- ~ Qj M i-T i-T . • t^vo 0T^P10'■orOr)-■-0t^O^0X OnnO t~~ -^NO " •* ^ "^ t S "i ITrSJ ^ P) P) - ro I^ PJ O O "-1 O CnnO rOLO- CNTt-Tt-^" CNt^ t^X ON ON ro "i^ CJ w c 2 y- ir. r^ CJ — y H un ly-i t^ P) CN Tj-0> r^ ro rONO lo P) i^ P) '^ "J^ '^'-'i ^ *"; " ^„ " ^., '^ 't^ 'i '^ ^CNCNpIP^o'NC"NO"p^^^MrCdN"0'"Q<5^^ip^dp^u^P^«'d"^£■;>£;P^ > pjOi^fOPlfOP^ OnX P) r^rfONO O 'tPlNO wiro^t-Tj-Tj- tJ-X •^ O H • p. '5 J^ w ^-. Z •" ^ li" 'V rOPJ't " " „„«WMWW«W-l-IN-"-H < 5 < ' s ^ H •o . . ON- <-ON ui^roONt-.LOrt- ulX N rOX N ^o ^ O rr, O PJ CO NO ti - ,On On c55 u u c ■^■ ^ LO ON PI P) r--NO ON On -t N "^X O r^ -i M -tX O O t^ "JIX CTnnO pO PI vO N -- -T. H p) 'O t-^ On N CO i/'i'O X O PI PO P) u-)NO PO •*• ■* t--.CO NO^ "^^ "^ ^ ^ *-? .- %? ^ c J- :>; :$^ i-T - lo r'i r'io" ^f r^ pT 'tNo'" rn rOCO t-^ o'x'x u^x" « PO " ro lO r^ PI O' i^ CO CO oo ~ M i-i 1-1 LT, f; r<-) m ro rf P) >-i PO PO PI VT) fO u^ t^ rO tj-nO r^ t-^ t-^ O I^ lonO S • X u-i-NO p) o ox ONt-~.« oo oxx i-~ND onno u-)on'*p4 Onp) " t>';x 1 - ^ ■ - M NO rn ?0 PIONpir^P)-OX«I^^OONO-0 N - PO -to ONX uox NO O rn ON ro pOnO pOu-in roP) I^f^f;-"^ ^-L- •j. u ^ ::oxi--o o - pir^o 'tx^^ po tc pono^ 't^'0"^.,vr'~:rO^'~;:'%?'^^^^ S: ti vo do' no" pf pTx" pT d " p^ p'io'" pr(5.o'"cjNOp5">;i;fPi" ;f o cn p^ r;> ^ X t: o ^ — > O - Nt^-i Ti-t--t-.rOpq r|-roi/->TtPOP) -^Pl PO -^O OOOCOt^CNOO u l^^ 5 < ■n m • O •^ PI ON PO r^O PI ONX r^X PI "X p'ipi " OnP) ONr^POr^P2tr-P) "" ^ PI -3- ON t^X On lOO - CN O OXX PI -+0 On « >J^ - On On On ^O ^ ^Y^ t_i ^ o "* •• . r« >- ^ « r^O NO i-;-N PIO t^- ri-O OO Nr-.rt"-O^POir;iPir-.0__i^ioPOI-- e^ X ^ $ rO t^o" O" O' rO pr ri -f xj -f PO - POO' pJ « rO r^ pT o" <^ >5 '"'^ ^ ^S ?■ 15"^ o Ph a < > O «u-)U-iTi-Lo~ fjPOO PI CnPJX POiOTtO POO PI P'^ -^O X On O r^ 'T a ■6 j5« „rr5^(-^„«„„ i_ „««H-««~i-.N«" X! O t^ I PI »- POX •^X "1 PO ^- •* LT.O O NX PO PI loO t^ •* O O '■n rf> Tt- .<5xir>« >- ONO Or^ -*X O iO-t-+NO «0 PI NCO Tj-rON pO-CnjJ- ^ - "tCO u-l *0^ -^ t-~ « uoo 1-- I^ 4o 'tX^^ •> O '^ "^ 9. ^„ '^.. "^ " ? "-l „ < rt H .J Q < ^ O^ rCo" rCu^TtONP')>-d'*-+ C?>CO~ T? CO~ i-T d >o 'fx" ro po pi O PI X >£) >o U :; o ~ VJ-, vo p) POX CNX po poo r-.oox « "ivoo O "-co onn popocnn Z s ~ On I-I O POX POX X OnO r^l^OCO rOrOPO"^P4 PI lOPO" rOt-~.PI0O_PiCO < z (A c; - n' pT «" « " " ~ 1- 1- •- N pT pT - g • ONWT-OO - O "*PI OXu-lOOX PI C^X n mX N uIPOloNX PIO PO £^ ^ O X vri "*X u-iO 0'-oi-iX"-"^0''0 ONO r^iio I- voLn— t^iop) 15 l-^X ■"t "T t^ t^ PI "+ t^O LoOO OnO CNPOOi'iPOfOt^O ONiOPOO o o ^ • ^ o s ^ rC -"to" CN o" Cnx'"x'"o' pf rC O' « rox" •* S Onno cJn « Cn d t^NO " x" i-~^ rC u rt ^ Tt^"--P)««>-.-rOPOrOP)-i« -H «wpr)coNN>-"-rO H Pi tr? j= ^ c a •- PI O PI O " rOX OpON Oi-iO N OnpOO>J^ tr^O N pO pOX N -■ t^ i- •^ u-> O t~~ CnO pi LTi "- CN — tn 1^ POO OnX O O rt On -" pi X CnO t^ ro lO ~<2 LT) lO — O l^ I-~ PO "I- 1- "" X (^ O "^CO^ t^ ON PO iv^O Tj- ro u-l >0 ■-•^ PO O ON (^, CA c ^^ S O' r^ On rC « 'i- 6 rox' X" uo d O' pi On d CO t^ « Lr, o' CJn rf pO CJn roo" On o' ~ nS roo X PI CTn P) On OnO C> -i On i^O ii N O Tf i^ OnO i- 't t^O ■<*• N t^ P-— < X *3 S Cm ■■■ -- Tt-Clpl— NNNNiii-i ►" i-,p)P4i-i««h,p| t-H — r^ i^ t^ On i^ 't PO On O X X rJ-X X X "^ vo tJ-X X •- O i^ O i/-iX X 5 "-1 ro r^CO ThO O 'tONPOPON lOi-i O l^^NX rO ^s • J-i • o- >- t> ^ CnO O X CNO O O N i-<_^ « PO POX "* 't 'O « i- "* ''O Pj^ CO_^ P^ >0 ^^ ^ u c :< LTio' t>^ o' N 4 t-^ d pT PO -fco ~ i-T PO pr >o povd cn d r^ lox lo M. PI CnnO CnO i/l On t^ '^O O t^ PI 1~- >n >0 1^ N tJ- >-i roX O 1^ d t^ « «►-►.„„ PI „i_Mi_MMCN|N"«N"" :2^ 15 K = < - O >- N PO -t "NO r^co On O ►" N PO rh voo t^OO On i- N po "t uio t^co vOOnOnOnOOOOOO l^l^t^t>.t~.l^t-^I^r-» t-~x xxxxxxooco U ^"' >" ^^ X X X CO X CO X X • *- CO X * N- X H X t N- X CO X X X 1 N- X X X X X X X X X 1- X X 280 Delmar's IIeecaxtile Manual axd Business Guide. o U u o" u y, a f^ o H Q J?; < o < in Q H H W c-i O b O X w Q < O H Hi H P^ O o CO CO C/3 T c^ VO CO W < Q < X u H O c •a M UJ c c ^ •^ 'i4 -5 . i- — -— *-• '^ — u 3 O U £ 3 rt.S . o c c o cs ^ a a u u = rt •; o ■_i-a ■/! O Q •+ u-)0 — CO ro— iriMO Cn CsvO 00 u-i t^ u^ ro i-i 00 '*' 1 — vO -< — vO CM-0""t~^ a^CO VOCO ON— N -< >->J^t^ t^ LO o O 0^ O i-i u~,\o O^ U-) Tj- r^ ro ro N O rfvo ro 5 t-c " ^- O ■* w O Tj- u-i LO t^CO CO « roCMJ-l« " OMJ-)r^r<1 o o ".)2 -•-t ''O ''Oy^ C^ t^ ty~> ro Cn I^O i^M trirOMO O "-i fOM ^ir ^ t^ t^ Tj- to CT\0O rh u-)vO o^ M fO -H r^ ►- " ■<:)- ONVO vo , ^ N"NN-'^"-iNCO rOOO OnO ro •^ tJ- O u-> tJ- m V- 5 lO t^ •-< -<;/) as r-n a-< j^vd roNvoo t^rort-" w U '^ :> if 0~ "+ "-^CO i-ou^0\O r^rONrf O o" roo" vo o" r-^ Q 5'-5 lO fO^ CO O <^ ■^ On 0^ w-jCO c» ^ lo On t^ ■^VO vc ^^ E '-^ ^^ '^ . rO\0 >J-l "+ ro N u") Cq VO tJ-CO t^vO CO On Th t1-\0 r'i rO vO rOt-^CTNt-^LTl"" •-" tOrOO OnCO O CO lo CJn t-^CO i- 0\ On r-~ C3N t^ Lo 1:^vO CO "+ " OCO r-- -^J- Oi O CO On u-i • -•- OOi^Cn'"OCs«MMt)- loco 11 CO O ro -:t ■-■ rt- M ^ «MNONMCOrO-"CO>- LovO t^ ^ M CO u-l t|- rOvO brow c:^ MMI-I >« M IIW _|„_f^^^;,) rovO O O O O OncO O lor^M ON>-orOLri'-i r'lp-i t^ ^ rt <^ Lor^wiTtt^— OCTnOnI^'-CO OaO ro fO mvo •- O to ::^ ^ ««C\'-o0^cOM<-nO lO ■-< 1+" r^co O r^ C/2 -^ t^MN'+MO'+'OMTl- -^CO CO « N OnCO vO -f On ^ t^vo CO N N t^ O Tt M lONO LO r^ N r^ N On M rovo "s l-l n O i^ Lo r^ tJ-no t^ OnnO O f)— OioO " CNt^O>o nO ro i^ Ln lo O VD « « r-^ r^ On J^ >-c On w-)CO O O^NO c , - . '-0 Tt- ro Tt rico vo D y3 NO -1 O CO ^1 O Tt- o O r^co -* Indl bber gutt perc^ crud ^'i M NO CO fO On O M Cn ■* "-I NO t^ 1^ r^NO m On ro ^ M ^ ^ ro t^ lO t^ rONO ^1 .- t^ '■'*) O i>^no ^1 i^ r^ O Tf o O M M M ^ O ro ro r^co pi O u ^ CncO CO ON n ly-) r^ OnnO i-O CJn M -h r^co -" CO " !-■ O r'co u-HJ-iN OnOnO <■) ►"■ — u-)0 ro^--l-r^i-i Ti-"-co 2 tOnO -ONO r^NO NO t-^CO ^ CTnVD ^ 1^ On Q ^-.NO On On p O . _ "- M NO Cn i-O O t)- r^ ir-, U-) u-t ij~l vr, XT, T± itO'0Nu^CjNt^0N'"0-" i-OioO "^^ NnOnO inM r^ . CO On On O u^cO On O O -+ ro "" P^ CJn f^ '"O lo it ro M '^ O u^ r^NO roco ■+ ■rl-co NO ro " r~.NO no f o in i^ ro Th ►-CO M O u-irt-VDCONO int^LoO OnO OCO '-"CO r)-ON <: " ii- fONO r^ M 1^ OnCO O M O P) O ro r^ C^ ^ mr^roroONON"" rOMCO "hnocO O m "" N O t-^ui (N) O Tj-uniy-)— fOONO t^ roco i-oroi^N t~^«NONO "- u->nO O i^mnO MLOii Mt^OvM On>-0 rOCO On " rONo" M r? d^ pr "^ O. On CO CJN rC On ("1 u-lCO ro --r On ri O CO O ^ O 'tco NO 00 r^ Onno CO — r^co rn on^ ^ ^roo ->no itco ■-■ M --t-NO loonloiJ-mco o m Ln M«J~ff«i^rrrrw'fJ"'-MprrororO":f'j- MCOCO itid--" i^Tt-r^ 1J1NO CO r^Mco ^ocnino n « . On 'f t-^>0 :0 ij- i-riNO CO wl '"O — M "" N r^ t^ rO O rO -i2"*M — ON-:)-0->NLOCN'-Mro— Oi-nOt^ rico^^ ~ pf CO*' o CO Lo N pf ii-No"co' ro -i-x ctn vo rCl l-l i-C ^no 5 M O '"O On N ■-• rOCO Ti-NO NO loloi^m m —no rOCO 5 O CO NO LO N lO OCO itco -t M CO -t t^CO CO CO r^ o l-^ it roco" On "^ N i-Tno" ro ro «" cTn lO pr -t — no' c5n pf O' -H i-i -H 11 « i_ « M c-1 N CO CO M ro CO Lo00P>ONit'i'--• i/~i r\ « N r^itu "" N o ro t^ i^ r— PI '-n -^ u-)no vd 1 o p) onco on pi -t nOCO pOOnCTnO "t— no POP! 'O — nOOnO t^i PI i rOLoiti^— PJ — N ititLoONOPlt^PO lONO " NO r^-tON-iNONONO lOWN^-roror^Pl Oco ro O O ' PI NO NO On i^ lO.i M ro — OnCO NONONOOOPI-t" ■ O PI ro PI O NO OnVD pO itco On 1 lo ro On ionO lO PJ P) N ^no it i~~- « PO On ro r-^ itNO O r^ N- — it— POn N rO-titPt NO PI On O •-• PI PO -t u^nO t^cO 0\ O — P) PO Tt io\0 I^OO NO t^r^t^r^r^i^t^r^i^ i^co cococoooooooocco cocooo::ococococococococococococococococo > CO 00 Ov NO oo 43 a* Tt :s Tt w T-) 3 CJ t-N n1 3 O Tl o |> ^ o r, rl^ il o> 1) a t-i rt -J3 u -1-1 ^ rt <1) rt o t/j ^ vl' G o to T) 1» r1 If} a rt -1 •J-. a r1 tJ a s w s a,xj (U 3 — 1 « -^ Tables. 281 V 3 G G O u 'r- H c" U 1^ X :S o t- Q z <: o t. t/: a < a a z c Bi t. o o z <; d z H Pi o o ^■— ON^0C?^^ONO^^ i; o ■^ "^ f^ f) ^ a^vi K ZO M •tJ-Cn-OG^CNO S « ti t^3H N ►- I^ O n O \0 On >-; O t^ X) ■'i- <-OCC OO rO"- t^O N Of^t^v: urjvc r^ ■~»- rf- in O i^ CA «j N N N Tj- lO Tt Cn — rO a^ t-^vO O N "l C^ M -3 3 O CO CO CO I \o CO C/5 w < U W H u U H W O O Q H O P-i o 3 cs t-j' OO "O O r^vi-ii- TJ-t^N rorl-r^Nini-ico 1^ !^ N rOrfu-it^O "^O Cn — O u-ix •<*■ N •+ <3 -> N roN rOt^r^O — fn ^^ ^N Nri •-4 .rt T^ ^ 3 "5 rt = ?^ 1^ |5 •vO t^C r^CNCN'Ou^CM^t^'-O t^O O CO vO >-o Cn Tf -^VC CO rio -Nt-OOi-OOLO u-iv: M C« On Pi : M Tj- x vo O O CNCO r^co Oco LTior^r^'^'-' t^co C4 fn\D -^ -^ -rt m --3 t^ t^\0 vO •«*■-" vo C^\0 "-i CO N CO ^w iiNPOM'-ii-iMMwmN 3 t/i S CJ c," CO "^ r^co w^ r-~. Cn M t^co O CM^"-r-~.u-i"- tJ-— o ^ ro Cn rl m M O "" -^ »J- N J^ O ^CO •- O "^ roO P) y Mt^rOTj-NC/0"^ Lox CO O ^ CO r^ ^^ r--co X O O ">30'ro>-rcOO"-NOi'^i^--""CO •^vO •* 't- 1^ C^ d\ ^ rO >- u^ N TfCO Tj-N t^O CnmCO) •^O — O ■rt-t^r^ k^ —1-1 i-ii-iNi-iN r^\0 w) 't •^CO t-J CO O r^vO N i-i ONco "" '^ r^co t^Tj-Tj-r^t^Tj-M O ivO 1^0 CNt^u^"* >-0>0 CO i-cOt^ — O M-'<^— •-O Q NCO "" r^'^t^t^LO'-' r^'J- r^vO N rOX "^\C CO •^ i-r^rJ'Tft-^fOCTvr^>-priJov;'i-<"'-<"'D CM-^ CJn O rO Q«rO""NNCIOOO POCO CO M O Lo O CO u^-*^ "* ■^ o" rO On f^ u^vo' pT u^ cfico' u-i cf O O Cno" Co' tj- m" rC « M< -H - N C^ (/■. ^ f^ O Tj-u-)r^r^t^CN>J^O ""nC O CnnC ►- CO O OX n u->t>^roCNrt-- OLTirou-iCN-" OCN'^'^M «C0 "^ « n rt-vS r^OMt--— 'i-— u^M"^CMJ-lMw-l""U-lrt ::^ co' CK ro r^. LO " Lri - pf •-<' >J^ O' tT roCNi/-i"^N r^t^O ■* ■*nD no »o O t^iO i-i — O O P) CO t^CO u-H^M u-iiril^u-it^CNrO Mi^tJ-MO-"C/DnO-"NOO ONi-TfO^CO'-'-i-iCO ■"'''"''''''*'''' ro rO N ro ro ro ro •<*• 'tNO iri «*• lo lo •^ u-i ir-.vO - — ' N'i-Tj-rOt^rOOONOmiOrj-'-i" c; iy->u-ip-i N CNM r^iO"" CNi-O— nnO r^— Tj-roN Cn ~^COrO— OPIt^^ON — -^— Cn"^ — COtJ-O0CO"+ i-' tJ-NvO t^'OO -" ""CO CNfOl-^lO'^vy-i"-! CNU-il^O >-. Ttco rOCO P) O ■* r^ " ro "- ^ n — ro Tt rj- tJ-nO u-1 "^ t^CO NO ■* T)- Tf Tj- Tj- Pi CnCO O O On '- PI 4 Q > i On O -' N "^ ■* mO t~»-y3 0^ O •" N '■') ^h tr»NO r^co NO I--. (^ r^ r^ t^ r--. i^ t^ i^ t^co cocococococococo COCOXOOCOMCOCOCOCOOOCOVDCOOOOOCOeOOOOO 282 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. 13 v a o U c h Q Z < S o c< w < in Q r; S D W X s" o Ei. H O w Q z < (7D o o c o U 00 CO T On oo W H •< h < I— * Pi w u Q s u H in W o Q O H o X ^^ .— . ^ On pi i-i t^vO NO O "" r^ "^ On N ri ro M M P) "^ -i p^ P) i^NO "i- -^ ro ^ 'I- -^ "'^QO " On t^ r^ P^ o rt VJ U^ r-" uj OM 12-0.2 lO PI NO i-O O O -t'-Zi t^ O ro vy-i OnVD rO^D PO "" O 'i" ^ Tj- r1 "" NO r-^ ul l-^VD OOO O"- Plu-)-H ON'+r^Nt^ PnO i-inO 0'"^0 PIOnPO'-inO pi P) "~jC/: t~» On "h "" lO ^^ CO~ C> « O*" O r~^ •+ >- PO lo O On i-^ no' no' ^ t-^ P? >"" " :> N On O 00 OnCO 'O on "-■ O '- PI ■*X) PONO NO -^nO PO _5i "^ >-i u^V3 C3 t^ t^C/D On PI "" I^iovoOnOnO '^VD i-i j'-T-i.ri-rij'ropiprpr-^ c^ r-N l-i TS ,• P) O "^ t^vO 00 On i/^ lOOO CyO w-)t^O O 'i-ONLri"~i'-0 ^00COC»vO OnOnO O Tt-rJ-O O PO ^no O " ro " rj- ;;vor^O ONONt^O O ^'^Pl i-OfOPI -« O O pO^^Cmj^ l::^ (D no*^ « i-Ano'~ r^v^u-iTfvfioTFpopocJrCc/Dod'No'NO > NO PI On t^O PI PI PO -^nO OnOOOC/3 On"" OnJ^ "^00 ^ i-,«»,«„p)NNp)f)P) POI>.VO "^nO On d rt '3 o o P 3 On"-no Tj-iY-i— OOO O OMOOOD CnQ OnO r^O O I^ t^ w rO >- t-^OO CO u^ i-O -^ I^CO POCO I~^ LO P) OnnO O u^ -+ O NO ^J',^ rO>: >J-. u-1 O NO 00 On N ^ PI O'O O -' --)-t^PI — NOIC PI Onu^O PO PO r^ O CO i^.NO ^^j t^oo r*-^ r-f^ ^ w-j o -< rOCO >- c5n pF PO l^ PO o NO o O O -i-POt^ONO poOn" OnOni/-)P| O OOO - o '-' PI PI O Cn^pi OnO t^Or--—u-iM PONO "-) t^ fs u-i OnnO poOni^OnO t^i-oO OnO PI O On"*On"^ ;<: NO >J-iPI i-^Oni^— m— PI NO r^ONt^O On PI PONO _ ____„f)«_fi_^rOTj- C5 ^ , in tJ- -< PO M u-i i-i -^co r^pi onpoo t^pot^u-ipo O r^ On u^OO C/DnOCOCOnO OvONOMJ^POPOt~-i-i On ^ NO ONr^-+C>Pl r^Oco r^NO On i^ ^i- 'O - tJ-no ro < lO'^ONp^ONt^O OnO « -^nO CO no OO CO -rj- o •* «f)-.« — M — «-w«PjTj-w-i 'w a . Ti- U-) Tj- PO O o O Tj-OO N O r^ ro i-O On "^ 8 PO ^ O rt NO On OnnO CO -*!>- M u-)00 PI o ■+ PO PO PO >-< On PO u: ;;; "^ O PI NO i^ ■-0 PO ■* O PI On On -+00 On •* PO PI *^ u ri < PO^O ir^ O PI ^ ONO •+ r^ O OnO CO - n- Tf NO M 3 m O ^ PI PI « PI PI Tj- N PI PI vj-1 o -c S -3 I > S _j o u o G :2 *-^ i PO W o I— I Q <1 . VOPICO O PO'^toi^P) PI POPOu^ — CO N MNOOO PO ^00 TJ-vj-it^rOir^CTN POnO pO^i-i Ol^'^r^'^I^'^t^ J; O POCO COOrOPI'^OONNO 'J TfNO O On ■^ w^CO 1^ tC(ONpro~u-iroi-~lo OnnO PO 'T pi o' ^o r^ ir-,\o O "^ ^ tJ- 1-1 r;l- t^ OnnO la OMJ^ t— t^ N PO PO POCO T^ rO ly^NO q ""--""""^ On O ii PI pO ■* "^nO I^CO On O " N PO t)- u^no t^CO VO I^t-^I^r^t-~t~>.t-~.t^t^ t^OO XI^COOOCOOCOCOO COCOCOOOCOCOCOOOOOCOCOOOCOCOOOOOCOCOCOCO Tables. 283 o U H d o H Q t/3 M t-l < a 5 Id a o a: '^ C <; d" C Ah w- 1 O 00 I CO B a o :/3 o c^o cnov— o fop^u^ "o i . C\ « N VO (^ 0\0 O CO to ^ O ro - -^OO t^ CO ro N O 5i2j 3; « a\ m <~o a^ " Noo o roro o i; ^ .j5 ^2 U-) LO rt-iO too - t^ OO H g.S-^ ^ •- 1 , J- T^y:> o O - - ON^O '■ICO U-) M O O O 5 N r~~^ ■*CO__00 t-^ ON N t-. ^ cfviorCTfo'c^ddoro G ^ ^ CO O O ^^ t^» tn Tf M M O C^ •1 ro Os voO Tf ro r^ >- ro ri t,"vO CNfOOco (S t^t--" t^ ta ^ lO t^ O CnvO O t^ Cn t^CO 3 Svd'-^tCdoNMco CNoo LO -- O CO lOCO t-^ ro r^ 'O Cn On •H'^l^^^^^^•-^c^■-^•-c a zn w- - tJD . O "^^ N t^ OS - CTv coo r^ ^ f Ot3.£ « ^ O rf O O O ^ rood" CN d" rn d' « " wNvO^iOONrorO < d — ^ 2 ^ « „ N « 5 c d • •* r^ O lo IO30 ON OS CO ^ U-, ro ro « w-iOO N O " O 'A Pi" ^ - O N CO \o oc_ o> o. s ;n xy^ iM tJ-SO •"" lOVO t^ N "H •t^ .— < "t::! ^ ^ M M "« N 'a HH-g C rt ^ rt -!-> •Si .^'" t:; •^■ ,• CO "-> CNCO r^ Tj- « o r^ N (—, rt - c " ^ ^ O ^^cO ro ro ON ^ ^ ro ^i f 1 ^ J^ c ;;N. t^ -rt- O Si s^ ^rou-luirorl-w i-H 1— 1 ^ ■ CO O ON rOO ■^ ^ ON ONNO J'N-*-> N ^t^O >oroONCN>-i O 'S CO f^ tJ-\0 t^ Tj- ..^ i_ n (j^ 5 On OnCO On tI-OO u-i r-^ CO N *-* O • O CC r^vo NO ON o -1 t^ ■ S 3 5 "^ t^NO^ to ~ lo o^ io^ o ts ci ^ !5:;""M-^Ofrvoio .^No" on u ^ "1 r) t^co lo "H to lo M M ^i ^ " r^ CJ 3 C. U V . •- 't r^co >o N O r^ • * * • O ^ h-* Q I? M Oi < On O '-' f 1 "O »*■ lONO t^CO i^v5 COCOCOOOCOCOOO^D W >< COOOCOCOCOOOOOCOCOCO ro CO CO ON CO c ti tj u e i-i 13 3 3 O o o u 3 •a o 3 - > r"-! w c z < 6 H Z ^- rr. t_ P^ C C^ <-» M M OrOt^TfroOM ^ C . tscOLO"- "OCu-iTtroCN _^ ^ ^ t-^\0 0^ ro Tl- t^^O 0\ -^ rt ^ 5 6 5 c/j uo u-)0O Tj- ►- Tfvo" 1^ ZTi :£ Si On >3 <^0 t^ L(-, rN) H 5 i-, -3 ^ N Td-tJ-"->wTtrOror^rO e"s c:i u_ OOl^NMV3<^'-'MO> . 'O <^ "~ rOVO rO N M P) vO 5^ On ThNO rJ-30 ro -^ ■* On S T^ iPi tF C>nO no" cS ^ir> -^ •S f « « « « w "^ tl! aj o .i5 H S o i-^ ^ r 2 Cj ° H c N N (N) >- u-inc :/: "^ -nC iJ-)O0C ro^r^M "" N -. t^ P) rOX LO t^ t-~ U-, u-i li-j ■^ -t^ t;? 2 oj 5 rn d" "- oc" rC Tt 4^ " ?> 0> r^ r^ OnC<3 ■-> u-iNO rj- M ' X E t- -— t^ . NO ro ro u^ On:X »- QC t^ ""O ' . m t^ Onnc ri rn -^^ i^no ^J-J ^COnO 0^00 0"-i r^NO ~ >- M r^ ro\0 PO M •^ "3 ^ -^ :^ 10 lOCO t^ t^vo NO NO NO ' rot^ — NO On-^M ^ ^ ONiO •* lOX ■^ - ro r-^ 5 ^ ^ On M ro On On i^nO ri" t^ Tt" — ^ CJ gSS'B « rONO - -00 r^«NONOCO ;:3NNti-ioromrONN'-i ^|J ^ Tj- « w-1 r^ — — Tf -^C/O On • M r^NO 0^ LTi Tj-NO t^ J^ 10 . r t— f^^^ t^ Th f^^ "^ O^C<3_ *v ^ OJ flj e ►T fT ro -j^ l-^ fCoo'od c«"no" o^ <: s > B q M •^nO m - ^ ro N « H c 6 U-: rt ^ g « . M rOvO ri I^ w « •p :/j r^r^ON'^tONO OnnO On S cFn 0" <> m" pT d" c?v On d vo W O '^ rt i« ■s H £3 ^ £g''5'B C-H J; ■5j- r^:<3^ iJ^ "^ "* "J^ M N^ c/1 .2:2 rt ^ « ^ tC rCoO 6^ On CTnCO pTno' On ^ •.^nO C<5 oC On On:>0 On On W > 5- rt >^ 3 ^ « § c £ .i: -^ ■- P rt C^ o Q Ch u "■ -3 — ^— ^ r^;yi tJ-n OC: r^rnooo ■5 s = ^ On On:/: it-. ^ 'tNO PI NO 00 ^^ PI NO Tt u-i PI 1-^ -^X P) rO X ci -r. O ^sg y u-,— t^t^TfTj-p)CX0NO ^ ^ 72 H^l-^ C) f- rt ;V rt vi: 1 ,. uo NO PO r^NO NO NO PO 5 ■— ' ^ r* i^:>c P4 N r-i-i 1-, M csr^u-i r- c ^ ^ \o_^ ■- CO On p|^ q pi_ q r-.vo^ ',1 p „* rt M '^ OJ c s «pTLOPo>^tCi-r«pod c c ^3 <:«MP)popo--"i-<« ^ =^ ^ m -^nO •-n >J^ — On •^ .-t^-No^oocc ^no ^O'-^-TfJC"-. IJ^PJIOPO rd § rCcxT LT) pf "i' ~r w c?>c<0 c5v « <; »..»_» v» Si "- p^OCOnO i-OOnOnpOtJ- r U^ c rt "^ u; . PI On 0^0 Ot^ ■- 1^03 "^ 'p IT) t^ r^ W-) PO vy-1 uino CC po S pT no^ rC vf pT "^ ijn vf~ i-C M c 5 S ■^ ■^J-nO t^iO >o -^ PO >-0 P) PO U g :^ c^ NO PI P) P) ':1-nO P) r^ 1-1 ^O . On C On On P) rO ""> On ■^ O. 1 <-> PI OnX P) ■rt- u-i Lo r-~ Tj- •^3 w rt it: e PI " ro PT PO ^ >- u-iCiO Vj "C^i^OnOnO n ONt^r^r^i/-) ■v> I-. « ■a q rls 1 K C - On -H P) PO ■rf u-ino" r^DO 1^00 30COO0O3CO0OO0CO 00000000000000000000 Tables. 285 T3 (L) o u o H Q !z; ^^" d \r, :S\ r^ mo r^wooowCTtNOio -^co o m w m ^ ^ "^ ^* t ^ °^"l S?^- t^^t'^'^ '^•^ ^'^ -^ r^ t^ t^ in -t^o" ijSo 'ninr^o^intCrT.Tcf.o; i**^ lOO t^co *o irjvo m'O o o t>.o m '^ lo ■^ ■+ Other merchan- dise. cs r-, -^^ IT) o -"t-o bs rC t^cccc o\ rCv" -T ^ ^r Wood, unman- 11 fac- tured. ^ k ^ ■^ IN N ro -^ lO in lo >j- ro ■3^.5 .2 2 "3 ~ CC CO CO M I o CO ^ s Ed :d 3 "^ "Si « E5 S^S'^S ,^ '"'^'' ^ " >" m * rT o" ^ i/i 5 ^^. t "2 <^. '^ r^O 0_ 0_ C i/^ Ov NOT O ?1 R ft Sl^rjrjMvo-^ rTvo" ^vo'co" r^ in r^ rC t? -^ (vT • in -1- ^ rn rooo t^CNin-j-c -co lom m mr^t^ V Ei £ 12,^ S'S. " f^ N 0< 0\ T- l< o 0\ K m m S ^^ ^^"'S g- 1^ N r? cf\ < cS cTvo" cS T? u=i N m m" ■^ c^ M C !> in mo m r'l Tj- t^ r^^o * -s-ob \D 0\ /> in inoo_^ rn 0_ 0_ r^ q\ N M m ^ 0\ o « O " N « "S >-" « oT o -i-o f o\ >- in inco m cj co m w o « ^co n N " C Oi rnso ? oi c^ in in\c -r r-i - f^ .1- f^oo cioo CO o m ■* t^ -}- t^ in o' in M m5^ in cTvo" f^,00 O t^iO 00 jj "- t^'::>iroo\N iH -"O M M «co-^o Oi-^in ^ 0_ -^ N \o^ fn fo « in On u^ r^ m M m n tn w ov r-, •n* in ■.ino tnr^, t>vo 00 cr. C^oT' r*. ^ I t^co N u ^'^ CO M « in N c| CJ rn t^ ^ „ co m on t^ t^oo co in ■^ in t^ o\ onvo t^ t^ rCvo" d^'d d d *^ d d *^ ^ . ONOO mroN 0\Oin<-' t^ o\oo n .«co moo *. ^^ t-N.N rn-^M O\t^ino ■*•-« "S ^0 ^ f^ :?" 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"t "^ ° "t "^X <^ m m mo « o m (3 in m N ^ rCo' S m'oo" a\co m oo -^ in m m ©"oo* ^■«-mmmmmN««ciNNc«««Mm m « (jco mmw mcjco g - o inr^oNO\i^M no" r" "J- m i^ r-. m -j-vC i-i 5 ^«oo n^on-c»« 5 t "0 '^ "^ '^ " ° 1 '^'^,'°.'* f^ S. ^ ^ o> 3 ^ 0_ moo_ q_ c^oo_ 0_r^r^r-.inN nooo ■«■« min "^ ^ i 2 "t a' !2 £ " ''• o" "'^ " "^ o" m o" r^ in -f m t f mo T^^ln^^ln■»lnln!n1^■mmmm minN M ■TmM N ino r^co Oi r^ ^ o m o m ^. mo_ « c in -"i-o^oo o c t~o m m o\ m S m m "^ m m" in o" w" o" m ro J'o" o" moo" •* m in mo" o 5 o_ cji o_oo_o_o_^ 'T «_ t-.co_ mCinStToinP.- A !^ c rC c m SoQ\o -t* in rCo* tC c h in o" ^ oi coinr^mNOvQMQ r^co in o m, c m m c o ^ CO f^oo o\ M_ q^ o_ o\ Si N q^ o « >- - « « m « •;* c* ro "h ino 1^00 Oi o M pj m T ino r^oa l^r^r^r^t^i^i-*r^r^ i^oo oococooooooooooo cocooocooocooocomoocootmoooommSm 286 Delmar's Mercaxtile Man^ual and Business Guide. ■^3 o u o H M O U X O H Q <; o O o ^ I o 00 00 CO CO O < c/. ^ H P^ O P^ Xl W Q < d H t— I P^ O C/2 u u H n, h Pi O Ph X ~ o rt "■ 3 N ON C\VO N ONO OM^Tt-O'-OrfiJ-iro-h rO"*0 -^"-lO "*0 rot^" rOO r^ ■* 'i" O C3N ro "^ N OO •^:>3^vO vo Td-CO O t^ M uo O -i" O" n" o" CNt'j'" ^ n'~ r-^ ro ro rn tT i-T O ^^ i-T o" Pi w u-it^c^ N T^-r^oc^;:/: Nooco oo -co lo o O O "^ t^vO li-l N N rO "I Tj- ^O CO U-. !-• O J^ >-> -"^OO VOt^t^rOOCN"-' N '-' "^VO O O Cn c: <: 'd- ON t^ fO '-1 r^ CO Q r^ ro ro -y3 •rt- O u") •* VO C) Tj-M c-1 'tN roO ON-i Nt^i>.ONON""'fO CJ "S Tj-rorOMf-O"^!^" "M w- rOfOw Ot^CNrnOcO OnO " t^ N t^ v^ fO o On ^ C^ "-lO "-o rn i-.\0 O O <-0;0 O O O — »* ^N f>\ 'Jj OO u-ir^c/D t^OM^iororOOLo - ^ ro^ "" ■- O <^C0 "NN—COCOrovriOCN ,*" ^ i-Oi-OrO'd-0Nt^"^0 i^rOCN moo N fO^ CO ^ „«„ "C^-i-.-NNNr'iNN C5 " U O "cj 3 >: o a N r^ i^ >- vo -^ u-i tJ-jO i- t^ tT r^ tJ- m m c-i O \a ZC M u-i t-C ui T? vo" -^ C> rONC' i-^ CO vo' rC Oo M OnO r->. n r^ ONOO t^ M u^ ro r^ — u-i N cj M « 11 ;■ vo ^ ro u-)'0 On lOCO I^ N ■^i-profT)r--.rOrjvO CN^C/p O rONO O 'O »+ M ---_ - -. 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N irj i-o O) M "^ Ono r- t--. lo t^ r^ t^ t^o O loo t-- ONOO O O O t~- to ■A 't ^O O On O ro t^ ltjO O «*-0 ro O >- i- >- O "^O t^ i-i 1-1 U-) roco ■- t^O i-nt^'^r'jl^I^OO lOCO O lO" OX LoO r^fO u^O OOOO "-'"'-' '■0-+ C3 O pT O t-C^ C>CO rC ro pf ro O^o" <^ roO^ pf O rT COO r^Tt-T'^'d-fO'^co-^rOM N t^CO O - fl rt >: 3 t« -^ rt C !" O rt = CO ij-)>->ont~~— o o^ ono u^ CO rO ■- N O O OO CO N Vj t~~\J-, O O l^X O CO O O r^O r^Oi-^-^O'-" NO O ■-■ O O LOCO t^CO r^ t^ O LO O ro O OO rf-O t^or-^O OO O r^O tJ-CO •* O u-i •- t^ M fi t^ r^ M "+ u-) 1-OV3 t^ "" O "" X r^ O •{i tc_ w in rt > O Ph o a ^ 'J O t^ t-^ r^ O CO O OCO O "O >-oO M "-1 CI I-" M N CO rot^row^t^'- M O roO O u^"-CO — u-^O ':^ O >- ■J, I- O t-;- O OCO O N ■* G t^O^O rnO ro r^ O — CO S cT OO co' m" « co' iJ^ O' »J^ " CO CO cT u", Tt rooc^ o" ro <; NC/30COLOLriO'''^f~l f'^CO CO ■^O O M t}-CO O O ■^ t^O O 'i- "- rn -+ u^o ro -• M to irio u-, ^ pj fj y-j ^ — M t^ "1 — r^ C "5X N '^O 'O" ri Oi-n— i- t^ '-(■CO r^O— O ^OCO " — O ij-it^ui« u-)0 O O ^ f O •^CO O O 0> ri i-ri f ) O "" O O CO ■* i^ fT CJs -^o'co" cT ro cT t3 r'i NO -^ ci u-i ro cT O O r}-iOLOi-i r^"- rnot~-rONOOOOOO O u^O ro ri ■-l„^U »,„ l-ll-ll-lwi-ll-ip)-.l-l«-. > CO CO CO 3 '3 SB r3 3 O CO w I—, o P w O O — N ""I Tj- u-)0 t^CO OO — N cOt)- u-,o l^CO O t^t^t-^t^t->t^t^I^t^ r^co COCOCOCOCOCOXCO COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOXXCOXCOOOCOOOCOCOCOCO Tables 291 -a c c o U u H U X O H G O [^ w < Q W H w ^ a H o P 2 H P< O X! W Q < d H (-1 e^ O o u c/: X X •;; 0_ ^O^ CT^O N ro Cn m — O ''OX M O •- X O r^30 <; u^Cnc^CsOcc voiC Omt^jC t^ac t^O •'^N ror-< ro -^O ^^ --- - -- ' Tj-iy^rO<^romN -i N rON N •-o^c/f o~oc ■^ "N 00 00 CO CN c rt X rt OJ ->. ■•J H ^ OJ ^^ i= p . u M d y: • — ; o O o "- . ^-n -^ -^vO ro I- CO On LO M >-OV3 On r^ On uinO "+ CNCO ^ o N^ 't •";; O t~;^NO^ t^ r^co__o co i-^co ■^ ^ N lOO r)- ~ rC.rON~t^dNTfrOroiod~'4-rn O CO U-. N r^ JO 1-1 t^ O O CO "^vo X r^ On o OnnO x ~g tj « ^ ro cnco On >- ■^co^ '^ '^^ •";: ^^ " "-^^ ^ Qi r^ocT On « rCvo 'OTf'^'^f' rovO ONOt^'^'-'ONM r^NO rOO ro^r^OMoO h rf On cTo" On rT c5n loOcTcO lA rCcO~ On rO rO u^ rf On -^ •<; lo CO ^ vj-ico NO ONcofoc^NOO Loii-iunu-nnr^ro'j- C^ <; v. p5 "o 1-1 N O ^ON'tONO N ■^CnOni-1 OnO M ONt^c^ . w^ t^ O ro Tt- ro — iv-iO tJ-nO no-hCOOCOOcOO N ^ - - - i^ ^ t^ r^ 1-1 M Lo w-i -" >- CO O — i-i co^co r^co N O u^o'LTirCdNTpcTc^ QNO'dNfTo d^^T^ro^roi^ r^-^ONO "COOnO O CTNLn t)-nO " ■* ro - CO « CO •^O 1-1 N r-~'-OONCO--rO-i '■Oi-<_ q^co NO N CO N O i-^prfTfr'-r>^i-<"i-i'-<'-i'-"'-ii-iNi-ii-ri-r i^nT NCCO rou^-^rot^i^Q t-^O i^rO'^i-iCO roM i-ivo •O fNJCO rOu-lt^TfrnONO " 1-1 M ONtSX) NVO«0 5 O On"-)!^-^" ONON'^ONOt-^Oi^rOO On CnnO rO S no" ON CJN rC o^no" ro pf ionO rTcO OnO co" iri On >j^ ro ^ ^^ ^iicONOO t^h-iCO Onij^loOn'-' t^ ■*M rOT)-i-c 0\ ^ ON 1-1 ro^O " ^ ^ '"^ '^^ ^'"^'^'^'^'^^ OncoOn ^ tJ tCtC tCvo" vrivcT T? CO T? vri T? ro in tF n^TncT CO iri t? 3 U3 Ono; p4 Ono>d iico Ti-i-oOr^O)Loco r^co co t^ m . fOt^CNONLOu^'^'- CO COnO t^NO "^ '^CO CO N rf "1 V '"'2^ ini-ncou->rO't-r~.i-i CntJ-i-iCC conoo O t^r^ 5- rOl-^c^^C'f^^^-^c5'N•^d' rTco rT CJn pT Q ■* en rC >^McOOOncovoOi-iCOtj-mOp)On lONO O ^ rh On ^ CO O "-NO r^X ij^nO "-cO'-iiOi-'COVOi-iNMrOON O lONo" tCotf li-icOTfcTcororococrcocoiJ^'fcocopr CO M CO t^O nO O O CO CO ^ 1-1 t^ >- 1-. - NO NO 11 CO NO lonO no CO — t^ >n O ■^CO CO P) On 'tco CO r^NO Tt t^ 1-^ P) OnOO P) O O C/0 ^ "^nO CO OnnO r^OO NO NO OO -iMic^N iii-irOTf vo^ On t^ OnnO -" m t-^ O "-i CO " NO lO Tj- J^ t^ Cv On ■* CO M NO t^ o CO — uo ONCO 1-1 O On M CO CO — O ^-nO « t^ tJ-nO O ■«t -t rt Os<-n r^NO NO lox CO O On t^ Q u-inO no O On t^ i^'vO t^coiocOONLOONi-1 O i^O loO ^-^vo"" uoco h c/d" rC On 'f f r d"co d' CO C?N M pToo" un o cono" "^ ■*• <3 N P) — On r^ 1-1 CONO «« — OCOtJ- NO^O-hP) ■^ COcOCOPJi-i lOTj-N nOcop) 1-1 nO O •-• '^ ThNO COnOnO OncopInOnO i^CO lO PI On .CO "- ONCrNu->-i-coT)--onO t^CO On O -1 PI CO tJ- 'OnO t^OO vO i^ 1^ 1^ 1^ t-, t~^ 1^ t^ t^ r^co COCO0OC<3C«CO0000 CO CO -O CO CO CO 00 CO CO VO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO > On o CO 1) a 3 1) 3 c c o 3 X w 292 Delmak's MekcaivTile Manual and Business Guide. -a c o U o Q o b w W H < Q U H 5 a o O X a G < 6 pi C o 15 3 O ts '-' 3 -2 o o -s _« cT O" i~-^ ro pf ^"^ i-T iri d\ ro cf vo" t~0 ti -^ rf i-T o'oo" C?v •^ro>oi-00 O N>3 O "^OO O r^CO >- f) VO t^ t^ On t^ WMC^NNMNwW -^M^imWC^i-imi-ii-i v: a }-> ^ ^ • — o O O I — I Q < u 00 r 1 00 KH 00 H 1 C/1 CN o 00 o o Q bn =4 ^^, '^^ o H -/ f> U Ch pH X w 5)5 o - o ^ O 00 00 roco ^ OnvO O ■ •'-' -^ o o c "a o rt CMTMJ-iN rOOOO NU^— fO-^N TtCNOM^ON>->CC ro O O "^ roo !~0\0 vO ro:0 CO ro>-i C\Ot^M rt-u^ r'j f) >- O I-" u-i "" uioo O I^vO >-i ro " CO f) r^ O ts fTrrMpTMM N i-Twij'i-rHri-rw'c^N'wwHri-r C 5' 'CO CnO r'>-*t>'^"^M On N N VO 00 t^O Os O "-' O O • '-0 O t^ O Tt-O rno rO r^ O •"■ CO O lO CJ^^O t^ r^ Q M "^-^O rOTt-Tj--^t^T)-u-)rot^CNOCO TJ-vN « O !^ uo iv^ C ■"^ On "^CO r-» rC rf CO tFxJ" ro r^ C> pT w-i t^ ro ^ Tj-CO O CnO'^CMj-ii-OtJ- onCO — CO ro rfCO CO CO O c;> vo vo ONO ^"Tij^""*" ~ ONO Tt'TiJ^rOrocor-orOrororhu^M N M N rt > c: "" ^ X .2 '.S ^ -^^ o n i> t- _ 3 rt r, o .. rt -J , • O CO U-) w-i Cnvd OOm OO rOTl-O O -i OCOt^O }7 i-oco CO O -J-O OLOOvO f) PJt^Ot^ lOiO ON ^ Cn g SO >-• vO t^ roo rfO POON"*0NN iJ^rot^MCO u-iO i^ rC C\vo' co~copfi-rorrHrorotCtoprc?.t^u^rCu-i !iNMP)Mi-NPl--ii-ii-> i_r)M« ^ moo ON ON i-c »" MOO CT\0"^PlvO Tj-iy-i" ro — CO N CO ro N :yj N "H "- r'^ J-^ — i-i O >" t^ M tJ- N u-i t^JO O Oco O O '-' l^CO 00 " i^O tJ- r^ ^ N O r^ N " O "-" roco' — O" '-^vd" rCrfM\o'fOi-ri^«N''tC ; f^CO i-iOOPON"HCONmiOON rOO M O CO CO '"O ^■^i-r)iOinij-)OOvO lJ^^w^ vnvO vo O i^ ^ Tl- U-) i^ON r^I^CNtDTj-N n-)0>0 roo C\N rJ-OO o ro N CO ^ r^ u-^OO 0"Mi-ii-iOro>-iOPO"0 r^N O i-iu^ro-^O N Nco cor^O ■*t^f)Ou-i i-rro(5i-r'0'~pr»J^ior^ONPOLOTf U^O" rOO' u^oc" NNTj-NMfONrorOfO roO uo tJ- ro N rj- N ro ^ i/-iX CO O '+r^a\>-ir^'^ Tj-vo Nco tJ-no p^tj-n w roi^fO— roro— On OvO CMo >- CO vo r^ Cn t-^o i-» rt- t^vo >ONvOOONt^'*P)>-iOO'-i OnnO ■^ O O Ttroi-Too priJ->CNTfu-it-^ir-)rCc>o"iof'J'^ ^CO iJ^vO O o '^ ■*0 •^ fO ro roo r<^ Lo vo Lno t^ ^ C '-> <^ , 3 t" C — T - CJ C CJ p ^ h u 5 ^ &H " rt .S tiD CO N OCO - 00 " rocc ^O Tf r^o OnnO ro I O O i-t^-^O -^POONONrOO PI OnO O OnP)voij~> ! ro PO o'nO^ ro iJO O CO — r^ i-<"co' o' "^no" vnvo" ro O lo ; Lo u-»3 — O On i-i vO OnnO \DNi-iCOPI"'^T^u-)t^ ^ •00 O O " roT:)-r-^ro« r^so O POu^ro-d-O O i- N ' PI PINO pot-^t^r^y; r^c ^t^ r^vD pi n o on " ro ;o n::o O Onpopi pi •>^>- o u^t^uipiu-i t^co po cn ::2o — '-pof^ooo'-ONooooN ^ PO'^PICO •- POM ■^TfN i-< PO PO I- ■<^00 Tj- ■^ •-■ N "-I PICO pOOCOnO r^POt^^CN— POi-u^POPI O Ow-Mo i:«OCOPOt-~ONiviT+-o ON'^Ot^Pl OnnO CO PI t1- r co_ pi^co - "-j-d-piNooc o^ mrfpfNO "^u-iON" u^PO Onno" t^ t-^No" po LOO pono" •<:'-NNPIN«P)P— . Cn O - N ro "d- ir^NO t^OO On O i- N pO rj- i^nnO r^oo O r^r^t^r^r^t^r^t-»t^ r^co oooococo^coooco oocooococooooocooooooocooooooocooocoooco Tables. 293 c o U I -J o u X < O 5 o r' a Q < g oo CO oo I OS CO u r Cn "O ■"to XI - IC OS r^O 'd-OstS NsOCOsO rO~ Os H CJ g i_ U-) t^o Ol^"^'^r^O0C>0 Osroui rooo r^ -< O ^2 Cf\30'~ n" o" On ^^ tCo" Nii->c5"ds 'J^ r^ ga 5 ^ f^„„„^^^^^^rO'j-)CnO "It^N N N N ■*0 't^O r^ " < o C^ ro ro ■* Tfso q^ o_ -^ t-.o so "-> q_so "~i ■^ tj- rj- mo ^a ^ OJ >j M >j-i t^ ro TfO O t^ N ro no N 'i-rON OO -^ ^- —— ^ — O t^O O O r^XJ lOiO On vo roo O oo O t^ f~0 On ^ «s > r Tj-«OCO " -d-Tt- CnO N ■^ ro OnO N 00 O On " O r^ X ;:jOO -tl^^-lN "X - ONO - u-irj-"0 NOO r^N -^ ,5 mo O "^00 ^ r^o O O N oo t^ on OnOO 00 CnoO ro a <^ t-<>-ll^l-l>-||.^IH t~l - e j: Xi r^ N « oo rot^X O t^O O Ost^uiroO N i-^ O l-H V M r^oo — ON Cn Tj- ly-} -< o x^vo O m— r^r<^C^^o^I rt ^ ^ Q iJ^ t-; Tj-o Ln>-oO m-to T)-" M On'^"- -^Cn >-oco c - j"^ — ^ •*■^^t^oc"d^^^^^ocNrCoCN^^rC«(5.— fONCo' H : r •— ' 5. ■-> N Q r^ T^o Tj-Nt^NCNm-m t^v: t^ o u^ « £^ t^ On q^ q^O^ m «^ zc^ r^co r^rOt^iJ-)ONr2^0_^I~^qN — • o J 11 ►-■ 1-1 m" -n" cT c? cs N rT ^ if ro c-r cT c^ fT i-T N U, 2 5 fOON" - O m-+iJ-)0 CNroO CNt^voN •*0^•- t^ V - -J s -Cr- 2,^ "^ o ■* "* o ■+ CNvc o rooo ^ lo 0 m r^ too OO Tt On O CO On t^OO O On m t^co >* c ^^ ^OrONOOC^ — MO'-r^—rOi-i-^i-iNONO ^ "^ M- !>;• 't t^ m LOO ON i-OOO ro CNO 00 O O u-i On 1-^ ? 2 ^ N n u-i i-^o fi m r^ -T o t^co" ^^ N lo O iC "^ "^ C/ ; j^ £^ rt-O 0CrO« ~m"M Tj-rom •-■ w 3 ?" ONNr^'^t-ON!^. U^ThON mo t^" t^^t^ONONt^ONTh 1) — :* '■ OJ i2 u5 ;5 m-^rot^OMOONt^ — : w -r rt J ^ o rt^ ^ O NOO On« t^Tl-'^t^N t^O O ^ - wO N-'r^irl a 1 ^ 'ji QvMrOfO i-iNTft^ r^o O O ir^ 2 c J H 00 i^ m « -1 Ti- CnO •' moo t^ooo r^w-iN t^c\>j-i ^0"-l■+C^^^NCSN .CNT^-.u-,0 CnO O N rj- t-^ -^NOCNmmu-i-o • ^00 On N "- m t^oo X o T^ ^ 3 < 3 M ; -1 -vnmmMi-imON c i ^ « « « m « u i : -d eti C : i' ^ 5 :/5 CnOO t)- O -^ O On • i-OOO irsO OnN CNmN mi- «> *-' •^ C\ Cn OnOO u-1 M r^OO • N C/3 -1 m N u-lO On tJ-O rj- £ "ijc5't"0»^MN>-. .Nc/oO-mONiomNCNr^ 3 r- CNt^"^"^ONi^u-)0 looO ONi-1 r^yOO u-> O ON N « t. -1 ~ Tj-O I^NronmCN .00^':^T^-lOl-■ CncO ro ro on jV^OOf^NOOr^Nw . '^O U-) -^ M N Tj- « Tt O C 3 u-)0 N rh ON O tJ-X O r^O t)- « 't u-i ii w iy-)0 On oi <^ CO -to OOO 0:<5 - O O O Tfr^r^i-. om-^t^M S^ m ON •*V3 -I t-» ■^O -^ M l^ "-) CNX On Tj- r^ 1-1 On LO ^ lo m t^x" moo" ^ o" r^ ■"To^o" ff o" ^t cT d" lo cf. J~ ^ ^-4 <: ^J~i -^OO O O CnOO r^CNCN'^NLOOO/3 OnCni-1 O " »o-l . ;^ N N N Tf oco LO q^ q^:o__ '^'n^'^l'"?^'^" '^r^ ^ o U N « ci N i-^ " cf m ^f i-T i-T i-T i-T nT .i-iow-iwOOOco 'fmOLO'TfOQ moo i- oo i^ 1^ vo lo LovD o t^ " O -^ >-i f'^oo r-~ lo O oo CO M On:/3 ^ •- m m t^ lo r'j Tj- LO m « O n o Ono « on m « tJ- i Tj-r^mTt-r^ntoi^CNfoO Onoo f^ ti- lo Tt m loo 5 « moo t^oo LO ■+ mo >- o LO O M •^co m n t^ on ^ « •* N '/3^ ~ J-;- LO>3^ N C0__0_0__ '^ "^ '^ N 0_ O t^OO "^ m N m r^^S 'f (5 " n N o" ff -" n" tCo" c>no lo ■^t „«««nmMi-i>-«« M rt ? s = O ^ -^J-ONLOCO i+lotJ-VD " C\N roCNrJ-m^mrrmLodNm ^s 1 •O - ^•^.N-C-Tj-N m- t^OO Tj- -t >0 M w On t^O uT — u5 • N O «0 O N mmLONCOO N CnN Tl-OO OOO rooo o N moN-tCN- N t^oo o O LOTj-m'i-Nco 5 C/5 N mo LO LO ■^ ON "tX) CN'i-t^"i ■^i-iOO N rOLO Cj •V — 1^ o 3 crt ?H S ; |o :^ • -t lOO i^od C-- 6 '' fi rn •4- LOO r^oo' > O 1^ 1^ t^ t^ I-- 1^ 1^ 1^ t~. r^V3 OOOOOOCOOOOOC/500 v5 V5 vj v: X oo VO X X X X X X X X X X X X X m X 1) 'o o o o O o CJ G s to 3 00 P-, o to C5 ■§ o Q a rt CO tJ3 294 Delmar's Mercantile Manual axd Business Guibe. o U d o ir P < s o k; b a H tX C K r-' 5 D O C< O X! < 6 O o U CO cc CO I as o CO > < (^ -1■C^C^rO— ON rOO -i i^yj v: tI-- CM^OCOui '-' .-T- NCO>000 rot-^ n^ r^-NOOO-^tMNM ^ ^ CNN Tj-u-iTi-i-i OOO NC/3 O Lovo vO M i-i ro t^ ii '1 ci -x. ^•' ' 2 -> _= CJ • ~ Cni^"-'-'uo— m"- Cn\0 O '-co w-iroo r^r^O l~^ 3 i: c) .i ^ -1-uor^CrMj-i^mCN t^vo >-i u^cc Tf- N 1^ O O ro « t-H ". i^ t; 5 "t '^ "^^-^ ^1 '^ ^^^ " ^^ '^^ ^ r^roq^NvO ^ "Nw'ffro-'^Tf.^cOTfror^'i-r^rOfrrrirorOTf C r- C •N O CsrO'tioOCO -*X CO X) t^ r"; ro OCO ro N l? :i.&J cJ ■/O OCOf^O N N OVO ro "- O O l^vC iJ~. rf t^ >-> t^ ^ -"tr^CNrot^-^J-t^ CnO O f^O ro rOO fO O M irico rf c %H CJ ci ifi O -^ u'JiZ -5 CN ro N Tt-vo "-^"^^(•►-"OvOCNO-tOTO'i- p , n ni ■w' S^S "^ u ■ r) CN O O t^ -i- N u->vo <■--; t^ O « — cc O O t^V3 ro W-~i '"'■"" M I,' cc '-' -^ >- u-iO >- r^vo N W-1U1N ro<~0>-OiJ-i^" i^ rt i5 X cS • 1^ 'i- "-) Tj- N t^ i^ rico voso i^~ roCM^'- O — rO\0 ■? ^ -S - <: O w CO r^co C^co N r^ OcO O 00 roco ■-■ O '^ CM^ OnO m P) vO LTi n '^-mvorOTi-roO^OOCO-'-iu-irOM-'i^MaNOro X -^ c u --^ S " M N M rO'^Tj-Tj-rO'^ror^rl-ror'jN r^N ro^ . C • r-~ tJ-o tJ- w-ivo vO « ro CN ON "+ loo t^ loco O t^O t^ r; ct . ? N O CnCO 00 nt^CNLON N "H "-LoroCNt^ r^co t^ 9.^ 6 S O O roO rfOO Lor^Lo-" t^'tCNT)-CN"i lo 1:~.>D ^-tNV000r00'-"O CN''*0->Lo-tMO\0 r-l>-i O S^ ^ TO O CO rocO — CO »+ rf r^ O -+ i-o M M CO ri-CO ro E -^^rON-NNrONMN-NNNNNMNINrO #. ^ X ■ >- PI Or^T'-Or^O N OLoroOCOiO Ovlo- w ■^ G C) C CJnCO loOJ vO r-oO r^t^Lot^roNO >< NCO C\CO — -5 3'-: i PI O O ro LO roco rOCO "^ N ■* rj-co t^ t-. Pl O O ON ■5PlP)r^"^0">-''^ "^CO OO i/->CO LO P) LOCO C\ On ^ O 1- ON -* ON -^O CO POO LONCCCO LOPOLO ONO P) ■/^ C >,mmmNc^nmn«mnmi-.«Mi_«m Q c' - u: ■ O LO t^CO •+ LO LO POO CO LO Tj- « N Th OO i-i >- :^ u C a !'COCC ON POO PO P) CO P) ►« LOO w N PO PI ON t-rl ^ — y ^ -^ O t^CO Ti- M o O O CncO OnOooqo r^OOO CnOn ^i^ CN|-t Mil— l-IM NIHH ►H M l-H rt • ON POCO OOCOCOCOO t^TtTJ-ONt^— 1-^CnloP) i J CO CN-> Pi MLOCNLOP) P) Tj-co Tj-CO Q ro LO PO T "* i •* T O "-1 r^ TOO O pololoOlop) PI ^^ O copo ^T" ■*-• flj tL Jz, o " ■u t:z -::ocopiP)Op)r^i^ CNco pi t^ t p) « to - co 'J- HH in H ^ ^«w«OOCnOCO CnO loo P) P) T pi on -"O n " ^■^ ^ -^ o C^>"P)NP|PONPONP)NP)NPqMP4N«NP4M s ^-^ "■• I-^t^" OO •" PONOCOr-~N I^OnTN t^OLOii t,- LO t^>; ONLOONt^O ON- loO P)CO LOCO CO PO PO N o .£■- 5 b"S V O T N LO >J-ii-i N poOnloOCO "-OCO pi pO" OnOnpIOlo loO 5: (^ POO Ot-»i-i N POT— — CNO PO CNOO r^QO t^CO N C •O N CO — Cn On pOCO PO - t^ T O "^ TCO PI O O N ^^ S^'1 r t^ C?\>D PIO LOPI POO ONTO r^O TO CO LO PO — ^ LOO PO—LOPOPIO r^— PIO N PIPI Plt-~PICO On -^ rt c ^.^ ^ O ro — ' T p5" PO t-Co Co" — cT O" I-^ cTo" — T loocT —" ■^^' ^ — NN-NNNN fOOO ■5*-POtij-POPON N N N PO h^ ni 1- s O -^ ■^ >-* u u^ .r-.Lo— O Tloi^— POCO T PO LOO r^ On N rhoo pO = rt^ o rt^Lo— Loly^o^ONO^•^LOloCNLoONTt^TT— On i - Cn loco PICO PI T— N rOLoPO -ri-co O T O t^ — w S Wl C„- g (U vSONOPIt^-^CN-OPIOTPO P-OO CO N O PI t-^ C CJ p l- tH o 5 s ^ o O o LO •^ LOO piLoO Por^r-^Lopi on loo tJ-o CN — — — MM ^^ "x - "" • OPIO TNCOOPIONLOONt^OCOt-^O— OCO ?• CO T N T r^ POO PI O ON'd-PON O\T0co - O t^ • rfC 5- CNt~-t^CNr~-0 Plco^^Lo roo PO PO O^ pOco pi - w £ i^rCLoprTN i-CtlticnO TT— "o POrCtCcf^roON ^CO O CnO-O poo 'd-Pl OnOO - ^LOLOPOO Ot^ < — PON rOrJ-LOl^ t^O t^ LO LOO ■^ Tf PO Tf T T LO " CJ '— ; • N T ON CNO OnO n r^TPIO r^ — CO t^CO T" po On S rt c Jn — pi pi Nt^r^— lo — OLoCNOOr^ONONO T ;; t^CNr>-'^— POLOLONCO — t^O t^ roo — O T ON o ^ -i-t 2 t/3 ^ r- O <:tpiOCO — nco POCO LOLoO TPOO — O Tcoco C P tH ^ LO LO N — N POCO O CO O On LO On t-^ r-,0 T loO O U s 2 CN fo->H — N — N-PONTPONCOTTT LOCO o -1 Q 6 • ^^ wy p '. '. '..*'.'.'.. w CN O — N PO ■+ LoO r^co On O — N PO Tj- loo t^cO >• o r-~t^t^t^i^t^i^r^t-^ t^co cococococococooo cococococococococococo cocooococococococo PI o o o o 7) ta Tables. '295 3 '-1 C ^ O O .— 1 ■^ ,- o . "- roO '-' N t-~. ■* t^ O "^OO "T '-' i-i ^ '■^ M rPo' a^-S •^ d" T? co~ rC cfi — ^ O On v: M N CO LO fO "tvO On ON ■* "S- -^nO ro •* o o o U C o o H C < C K < Q w H 5 a o b CO H /^ p- w o is < o" O O — T^ ^ <:crt-irC'-<'':FrOi^ON'*-ONLOCNO'-" O ^ N fO ro Os " " f^O N N ro M m N N >:! t^iO 00 O so !^V3_ <^ 't ° ^^- "^ ^., "^ < « t-:; rC rC T? vfo" O i^ t^ m"^ ,? t: JO V2 -X o ■2 N N N On ■* O" n" rCvD^vrTaTo On CO 00 CO T 00 « OO ^ O rooo 00 I--00 t^NO CO O O Th v; OO i- ■^ M Looo '^ N ^^ ^ ^^„ ^ ^ ^ ■Zo^t-. S « ON N O On Tj- C^ ro i:^^ S" ^ w w w N N N TtNO NO " N "^ '^ '^ ^ ro O On t^ r^ "1 NO rocO ON rONO •* VC Si On ro r^ N (^ " -+00 rO rf- r^ t}- M On CT. • NO N n N OO N OnOO m O "^ t^CO t^ On ■^ eTrorCHTcfNN'cfr^t^'-' o" fOCO t)- ff) SnOOO t^NNO NCO ro>- M M w N CS LTHO Tt ■'t N >-0 O 00 t^ O O O r^vO 00 00 V. ro -00^ O^ :§ no' N t^ n" . tn ro tJ- tJ- O . NO r^ r^ rONO . N O t^NO ! ■-i OnO rom OnCO S M NOO LOW N^O •^ONO^i-Tj-r-.t^ON >NO'*OCO'd-NrOrot^N 't'-'ro o D I — I 5 :z; a a •+ uivO t-~ t^ 1^ I--, t^ CO >o 'yj C^ CO 00 00 On O i-< M r^ ■+ "^nO t^OO t^ t-~-jO cooococococooooo COCOVy^/DOOOOCOC/DOOOOCO 296 Delmak's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. • f^ -4-1 a o U u O u I— ( K O H P o Pi w H <: p w H I— I w K H O « Pi O W P O H Pi O D C o U CO 00 I 00 o o o Q < in o 1 .VD [^■^■^u-iiJ-iTt-O ThT)-0 M O u-it^ 2 (= ^ rot^« -:j-0 -iJiONO r^r^O m-C O rt t^ rt . ^ ^_^ q^ On C)^ "^ M CJ>00_ q^C<3_ w t--. 0\^ t^ H s^-s s^ ^o ti;^ r" u^ ^ — — "ri t; tJ3 2 • ;; o^ "^ o^ ^ "^ rox) vo c^l m o tj- •-c ^ g.'o'ci:.^ ^ d^io" O" M t^OO ro d" On NMO t? ■o'so" \j-, H & O 1) "^ ^■^N-^-^NMNfO NrOMM«n •^ o e "^ 1 .0"^0"*'-'CO>-iOOnO ooo vr> •* O <-)0 MO M N roO O'^O^O 0)00 >-iO *■ ^ t/) t;:i ^ !J-)vO •* N "-> On ro roco t}- i-O >- s P O -^nO M OnnO rovC >-i O NO O Onoc M ||s^- g r-. M r-.oc CO Cnno^ Onco^no m t^ O N lo ^ co" rC O •^ t^ O'co' lo o'no" " CO' o'no'no' o s-^ ~ vOsO CO NO CO ro 1- ON rONO OnnO no O no |-v MM i-rwi-iM«M« .■n ■ ON— >-OM CNTfu-iroOcONO NNO roro " OnO u-i -1 CO O O OnnO ro U-) ro m On On ■-1 _'. ii 5'^ ^ s^- 5 '^' "i? " ^„ '^ ^„^., ^ " " 9, ''? ■^ " "^ = c S -:'t: ^ m" MDo'^Co'" O '-^ • rt J5 u '-' ■S ro ^ f) M ro 'd-NO CONOOMwOOOt^ K ' ^^ Qj « M « « ^ O "^ NO tr-»NO "rOi-iO'+i-iNOu^MrO J? OnN ONNiorO" M ONOt-^M T^>J-)0 j-T'^ rt O 2 i~;;^0 •-^OCOOfOi-n'-i o >- OncO rOND Sos ^ o ctn t-^ o ^No'^Nffc/T cT N ^ rT pT tf CO r3 U2 ~w »,MtH-i-i«rONM"N>-w So ITj <^ f^ U CO t-^ O NO NO r^NO CO 1-1 ro iJ->Xi N u-N ro • CO t^ -+ Tf Ti- >H Th ro CO ro ro t^ roNO tn ^,— . > ^ Soap, other than toilet Q On r^ rONO roco i-OnO "1 On O r^ rovo ^ t^ rOLOTFcTo'ffcOrC'-CJNcfNtCrOHr < u ^ NO 'tNO U-) Tl- •^ M i-H « !-• .i '5 ii ^ ro PI U-) CN t^ Tf w u-iNO NO tJ- Tf ro r^ T^ "mm u-jnO M CO M i-i CO rOCO t-^ m p- i/l "^ f*l Provi: ions, compr ing neat ai dairy iroduc S CO rnvj i^co r<-j"HNO Onmcoco "-no O s I:S — CO NO CO NO CO PO CO CD Tt'Co" r-o ro pF rt- s ^ CO NO ONNO NOr^OcOMO"rO'*N.« q ««««„„„„ t— 1 - • HH ror^ij->w w p) o POO t~-POt^M00 . 1^ OnCO ■* t^ pi pocO C^ t^ u-) >-> O 1- CO H ' Oils: Minera' refined. 2 M CO PO P) O t^NO ii On r^,^ PO M PO I^ ITl ^ no' pJ (5. m" un m" oi pP c5^CO ■^ '+No'~ u-i pT .i«„«0ti-i«>-<««"-MNMPON hT-4 o ^ TJ I ^C0000t)0-"-«ONONTj-PO r^NO On P •^Vj i-O OnCO lo u-inO CO On M CO 1:^ PO ii Q q o c! , r ^ ';/^ 5 N M_^ M^ q^ M_^ t-; "_^ PI CO_^ i-c/J t^ O NO r^ [i( C 1? Tj T^ ."^ uj u c 2 = o i^ •* po 'too' pT lo ►-Tno'co'^ o'txT " rCoo^NC*" O in H t?? rt 5 rj ^ ri w ^ i-O PO t^NO P) O PO — t-^ M 00 t^CO O Q M « HH PO PO >- <• O "^ rOCO NO LO v/^nO t^ tI- P) OnCO NO NO r NO " i^ O ONCO -*NO 'd- POX) On -. On On ,-/■ • ;j loco COCONO r~,0 "O i^iJi>- •^onO o ■^ ^ ^ ro pT m'no' d no" m" pP c?, vn « c> rCu^ r"^ •^ ri 'iJ-NO ^PO'*rJ-PO-" roco O PO ■^ POnO 5 i ^ . •^ r-- O •* OnnO CO O 1--0 M « O ON PO On 13 OntJ-POOnQi^P) M OniOM t^NO '^ -* i|2^ ^ rf ^ PO rC d" d' lOCO^No" d~ On >^ u^ pTco" ^ M PO LTi On POcO no i^ On >-• -^-NO N NO i-c u =^ Qj «„«««N_HHMMw tJ ONNO PO u^ PO u-1 t^CO P) NO POCO PI — 00 , • •? CO M t^NO PONO r^ ono CO r-^ ^ po rt- Tt- o .~ M_^ i-O OnCO POnO uoCO OnNO CO t^ >J^ N pO -^ ^ tF Ti-C/D t^ On i-Tno" i-T pTcO >j^ pf d-od" fa o ^ • ^I-^M NCO M P) tOPOPO-^ONPOONu-i ►--, r> 1-1 CO PO r^ On ^ t-^CO ■-■ NO I- NO '*-C<0 00 h^ SCOU^PI T)-OCO Tj-O Ot^'^O lONO M l^ In 1^ NO t-^CO 1^ On M u-l iJO t~^CO rr^fi\r~, Q Q ^ W^O r^O M POP'VPO"-ir-,r;)-ON'i-PO < W ^ — " C PI t--NO 0"0'tPOP)0"-+«ONio f^ o "-3 00 ONCO P) PONO NO ONPOPl -tj-i-i M tj-On ^ ^' t-^ONNNO lot^poi^-^ONO Ono m ^ ^ 00 "^ •* ij-iNO co-OcocriOONr^ Onoc (2>-i>-cMMi-i>-iNM'-iNPOMpONM ll »i •-iOO>-iOOMw-i r^ ':^ - I^O M "NO rj- •>* •"i- rONO X * -■"t <^ r^ N C^vO OOwNOOro— "^ c^ NO N Ti-NO « t^ tJ-no r^NO r^co ■-' M < q rOM u-icsO — —vdno t^CNP) r-~0 V ■^ t^O U-) C) u-i ro Tj- t-^ C^>: N iJ^ On >- NO «- ^0 « u-> i^nO On M ij^ no O ^ ;^ Ou-lTj-O T)-TfN "U->-CO ON-f -s. NO CO NO t^ao 0^ On:/3 OnOO O OnX) On ^ HH ^ rONOOCOOONOO — On ■*S0 N 10 trt loco ^roN u-iONONi-nN r^ONi/^N rt ^ C On « "-1 On rOX) t^cO - lo ^t E > Lrl^^— No'rTd'NOTf"- rCtSM rOj^T ^ NONOLoONr-^ONONNmNN"^>-i < ^ l-( 1-4 »H IH 1.^ NH OnCO ro^O-" T)-t-^u^t^N vo"" ir^O ^- rONO i-r)00 0t^"^"^0-""^MON l3 tI-nO no On ro lt) t^co ^ "^ roO CO o! "J^ rC cTno scT rC -^ •^- •- wi -^ 1-1 c^ rTi-rrrN(N"orfrcTfrr^>-r q xj-lONir)CO On f 1 On rj- O fO ■ ij^ rONO ►- rOOO NiT tCco^ N i-O ^^ rC r^O ONOr--)«CO On -^CO >h « ft Tj- t^ t-^ rf >- rovo CO NO CO u-i « -^ CO NJO -^CO TtJ^unN Nu-Nr-^ ^ OnOO-"NOnONN u-)«On r^ r^ -^ (~0 -t ir> i-i >-■ roil "^ . roOCO N f)00 -+t^O rfOO N tJ- N«N«Tj--*"-)ro •« "100 Ot^NO ro I^X) — w-l O ^-iO On . NO r^ — M rnx ro t-^ O t^ -^no " ir^ ^ 10 ^50^ CO r^ — CO LOiC "-i N — Tj-CO N CO 1-1 T)-t-C":)-rrdNU-)iy-ir^M-c5NrndN ^^CO rnl^O u^OnNCO I^i-i O -^nO o ^ On t^ N 00 lONO •+ rooo I- "-■ Tj- ro 1-1 C5 wwcrcTcNrffNcTcfrOw u-liriNO N t>~00 t~»O00i-rOi-"Nt^ N NO On N t1-cO r^ Ti- ro ■1 ro ro ro ro OnM O rOtOONO ro f^CO N On ro ro I- t-^ OX "-T rn tt N O On tPno'cO nO~ ^ u-l>D ►-■C^uot^NOiOi-'ON lOCO O gCONO ^^00 lt^O OnOnOn^OI^O "^t~- ^ On OnOO u^ CD c5" On On 't^ uo C3 rC u-i Tj- Tf ■.^no r^ t^ u-1 10 t~^vo -^ D "1 ^ i: On t}- OnCO • NO ~ N N rONO • t^ Q NO__ q roq • r^; 10 rf ro " . tn r-^ ■ On- • f) CO Tj- • nO_^ ro "-I '• ui no' C^ O CO tONO t-»CO On O — N '•I Tj- iD^O t^CO t^ 1^ i-^ t^ i-^c^ CO c/: ^ CO CO QO CO vo CO -/DC«CO30COCOCO>3COCO00COCO CO '3 O 1-1 1j 298 Delmak's Mekcaxtile Manual axd Business Guide. (D 1=1 c 't~i a o U o H M 6 u H- < X W :^ o H ^ < •-^ o o 3 t/) V w 1 H f/1 < CO H C/J C/2 1 u-i Q 00 hl^ l-l j-H Z c/^ l:^ 1— 1 u Q K ^ JH l-H fcr- f- O (>:. i? t— 1 O Ph r/' X r^ w Q ;2: < o H ^ 1— 1 C/3 H p^ o P4 o ■-■ OC "^ >-<-lO w ro ir^vO rO >-<-iVD 1^ vC; u-i t^vO VO On N CC lo ■-< t^y: t^ M — c <4 vy-ioo u-)^ r^ rovo r^ >J^ I- Cm-o t^X Ota orts rcha ISO. h N cn rC o" "-x" Lo N ro O : n f-; r^ o ^^ Cn rt i5.£f 2 - >-;::; ^ «MnNi-iC)<-0>-iC1MM"'-'M H ^ vO"-i^O- « vC ro i^ -3 rCvo'oo* (5. tjo c?i o'o" ^ O ^o" 'f ■# OOP ^;^ ^vOOOO^^O CNN LoX O Cn N ro r^ o -^ s (g « rtrOLo-*r^"-)u^«~;^»~;;<'2^<''2'^ .her chan- isc. >- O "^ rOvO i-(iri"^rOi-i >-< O^O >-> .,• C\ O - O t^vO ui^, f^ CN O -i- C^-O is -(NNr^0^^O^""Of^C^ '^O ■5 S, •4-yS'co rTo" d" ;S"^ d r^-Lr, -^ d\ ^ u-)0 u-iroOtS"^^'^'-'""''^' ^ ^-" . Cn r-»X M O N "^ JC O O O O r-^ N , r '- "^ ■i Tft^t-^.ciroi^i-OLOXXCN'd-Oi-O w X rt *-^ P ^ ^ vo « cnco ci o -^x ^ o a^yj ^ "^ 'T. <* r-* ro 1^^ LO"-" CnO ^t^ONiJ^f^N ^-gl ;^ NNMCSrOrONOO-^^N^OMrO ^ < E §^ PI r^cC -* U-) t^O "< O ro roo O r^ <,• 't■N-■^D^^c/:ooc^^^ ^to cc o u V n-.rO'^^Tt-NOC/O Tl-X t^ LO I^ O rt •2 1^ cf CJN N r^ --^00 On -^ f ^ n "J 'i- -/■ ■ , ■^OOOO'J-t^^O OX r^ t^ i^^vo Tl- ^ -^ " - " 2 »» u '^ ^ .O-XMi-vOOOr^-hO-^Oro >i r^x Tj- >-c r^ ono r-. t^ ^r-.x x '^ -i- H ■"^ S cidro—TtTfrnvA cfiX" ro -^x'^ds OJ ^ ' ^ .^ t-^ON>-'r^"^"^t^N cnX ro ro n s -V, -^ t^X O u-1 C\ -^ O r^vo o t^ t^ >J^ /-*■. --^ ions, ising and y cts. iJ->0 CN >- ro - MO ^ r^j r^.X O ro .,■ Cn O -■ 'tX O - O O rl- P) roo " V 'd-'-Or^'-IOfO-tfOt^OXXr^ o :5 rC Cn « u^ CvO fO "^ M x" l-~^ C\X~ o" ^ Ol-^-ro-XWiPJOXrOTtu-iLr) CO (^ NNC OX P) 't "1 -+ -< t^ M t^ ?> O CM^ Tl-X ■* fO P) P) ro r^ " P) ^ •s rj->-rl-CNr--roiJ->p)XXCNMXO X :^ lOTfroO'^rO"" u^o" unx" pT pT M ■S NPOrorOPlPJPOroMP.POroroco ~> . N O iJ-l PI C U-) -*0 O "-) PO O - PO '1 r^Mvo-ir-OP) POt^PO rt-O -rt- -+X ^ *- PO^Ot^'+iopjwp^^O 'l-O t^ ^2 OOOflXOr^ -+0 OX PI t^ N ', ^ t^--0-v3PlP< rlX - P) "H d - - - " • Cn Cn i--»\0 i^ on • O <-0 O r^X 1,- u-> -LoOOOr^t^ •wir^roTi-u-i _: V PI • i- i-^X -^CNPO -NvOr^OPO >^ <: rj- . rr, (i xj~, -> t^x . Ti-vO o PO u ^".« "« N. PI-* '^ : : CO '-"1 "Z >-> 1 — I O ^ • t-H Q < t~~ r-. t^ r^ t^X XXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxx X X X d .2 6 to 3 Tables. 299 (U .s c o U u H O U I— I O H D § o K w M H < O w H S a o b wi E- O fin X W D H 2; CO o o 12; 00 CO CO CO CO I— I Q h C/3 H '■J W —J ~NMt-~NOO'-'J^W- C^DC X-C> O O ^ O Q < ^ O ■^CC' r^X M >- O ^^ "^vO N to O iO O Cn ■* < ^ ro ro ■'J-O •^■^■^rororOTj-ror'^N i-" "« '-i •-> HH ^ O 3^ <^^ ;0 N N M »: fOOO -^ - u-iO OC vo O t-H o • ei 3 > 03 Tj-C: <^. O t^>: c^Tj-rrw^ro- N O f^O M 3 f^O u-iVO t-^ t^ ■* N t^ r^ OX t^ t-- lo ro tJ- ro ro •NNNNNMNWi-iwi-ii-iwi-iwi-ii-ii-ii-i i: U2 ri W 3s c> « r-co t^oo OOO ^'tO tr-f^N -^x o > vO t^\0 i^.X t^OC C\t1-C>" O O r^-vn- r;- •"• ►— ' ^ C ro ro O VO O O t^O ^^ t-~0 O ro N ro — X N r-' Q < b X pT •? u^ - (5 ^.o" T? o" M i/> d~oo o" cTv d g" ^fOrOrorororor^jN rororON rON CON fOfO o P5 ^- i/-> O O •^X On O r^ O t^^ C^ u^oo 00 O O t> Q 5 t^ ■^ CNX X O 't O T)-0O 5-0 -^O CO vi-i t-. ;e; 75 ^vo O X vC -■" - pF •>+ ro -oo" cT " O" tC --"o" N O H •ar'^O " L^M "- O Osc^t^t^ 0^^0 t^vO vO "^^ lii Ch u i^ io t-^ o vc >j^ 1-^ c>x TtpfropToocr^ooo X «NNrOPONNNNNNNP-x/-iP) ONi^PJ rOPON N "^NO t/i _• iTN no POCO O O POvO i-iOr^'-''-'POr-»i-t~~ Cfl ^.d V « N OO O n - -^ND X O "1 POX ■* ■^ O t-.X w C • ^ 5 O •* OnnO OpopIPJPIpOOOmO -^O - U-) >^ O) .^ •5 Tf ^i ON - lo pTno t? po po tC ONog £;-Nd~ r^ i^ £ [^ w j$vONNOPOiOPOPli-i>-'N>-iC- < ?0 On- O t--X TJ--*r^u~,N POr^NO On O VOX bo ■^POONPOiOP) POX vo « PO r^ roo Pj_ ►- vo .— < ■^ 'O On lO Pr tC ►- " d l>-\D--0 4- p5~ C5~ O O 'f (^ u ^ OnO On t^X " X X O lOO O ON t^ ■* w PO - S ■J} C; „ cs « « !-■ « in-'^ONO O O t^N pOTj-ioN ONt^o T)-g\~t-^ ^ o 5 o lo >rNX o CO N po Tt po o - ONX -< ^ ';C5 - 5 N ox T^t-^rON t^NOO t^POPOvoOsP) PO ^^ 'M ■^ rTnpTrF x^PO'^ro" voiocTio onco On pTo r"; N ^ PO S ro ON O^ ON lO lOX ON NX PO « O ^ p—H 'SI <»2o ONPONO PON NiOPON POPON N " N « c,- t^ O X X -^X CMO •* On O OnX po N CO O P) h V^O OnO lOPOTi-iorow-iiOPO'^ON t^O "O SC? « 'y* ■« X ON T)-X O N POO O CnO « O O X X On ro y—S ^ PO -' x" do" d N o o" ON PO (5 •- <> o'co >o i^; -? N N ON t-^ " lOO XX •+ '^ 1^ PO Tj- "-I-C x^ ev ^PO-*-" N-«"«NNNNNN'^'^N r* 1— < > s fci 1— 1 ^ lOO X Th On tJ-O on On t^X O ONO X vo N O ON ■* POX Tt vo -« »0 lOX NX "X Q Ot^N 1, X "-■ •- ioropor^io»opo lOO " O O '^ OnX ;-• ^0 i On — X lO PO ONX 1^ ON PO •^ On OnO OO N po 'O :- "i-X -O "- -»or^CNNt~^i^i^Tj-Tj-io^o 7} 1 X__ PJ_ r^*^ "^ "^ '^^^^^ '^ '^ "^^ On O lo o - !^ O'X* PO "-T lO 'f PO PO tFo" 'f O lOo" d'o" lO - (/3 hO On N CnO X .O >0 T^X O " "h lo pO pO "h >^ PO T^ O 11 lOX .O NX PO-lONXu-iN « ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ X_^ N PO lOO^ •^ • ^ " "^ ■* "^^ 1^ N lO lO -^ rt ■50" « pT 0' ; >H r-. - 0" PO N o -I g^^ wa >^ c^3 <-. (X] >- -1 pi 'O Tj- UIO t^X On Q ►-• N PO tJ- voO r^x' t- 1^ t^ r^ t^ 1^ t^ t^ t-^X XXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSooo 300 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. G ■t-> c o O o H O U l-H X o H .!z; < o W CO w H Q W H 12: :^ W CO H O H O X m O H en H O o 00 C/3 W Q ;2; w X W I— I Q U w u l-H H rn W O Q O t-, C^ O Ph X u^C/O ►- O M t^\0 On ■* i-O '-I CO \0 . t^i-i r^LoO O LOO 0^0^0^^) O Cr\ rro On N •* LOCO N ro loco Lo^' d\ d d\o fs t-^ '•oco~ fT o^ o" ro cT "" 'i-iON^CO iO'tJ-O O\rO0) O O^C/D O " w 0^C7^0 C?Nt-~.t^t-^t->. C\^0 t^ t^ r>. u-i vovO ^ vo '^ o H O o 1> rovO u-iwvOOO M rot^"" rot^>-i rOvO i-i N 0\ C^O rt M M ON On i-i ro OnvO rovo ^ "^ "" 00 On ONOO " t^ O ■* lonO r^NO LTji-H loO OnO t^Os ON <^VD t-^ lOOO N M t^" LONC/DOO ^ 5 « s o ■ ■ " w: u^ r^ O Q, O ^ «J N M NO OnnO On rJ-vO t^ TfCO m i-o r^ ro N "^ O .CO u-)M M i~^OnO On"^0 N OnnO On O r^ ■^ •* ^ »-i Tj- ^ NO On rovo nocO ^ ^ loloOn^-i looO >-< S 11 i-T N IT) c?, tC >-rco"No" <5i i-Tvo"" rf co" i-r rC T? ro -<; O 1-1 M O u-iNO ■* roco CO N w C7\ t^ r^CO O O ^ OnOnO ONt^t^t^ t^OO NO t~» t^NO "^ >-o u-iND NO c O r^ gj O P) rot^rOii ONt^ •^nO 00t1-^ioi-iNi-i0n . rovo <-> r^co tJ- NO NO NO n") On O O t^ lOCO On r<1 ^100 — u-iOCONO -^NNOnO '■0 0^0 t^Tl-MCO ii •5 ro C^ i-TcO No'^N~'^i^"fio>J^t^mO 1-inO t^^"*" :^lOiy-)rOi-iOON'-ii->LriMNNfOMC>lONrO ^ "O rt tn O c 1) O C 1-1 ^ r—* ■*~' 5 .rt CO O O t^ On On lO rONO CO ■"^ On '^ t-~ tJ-nO t-- ro un ro "-< « NO " lOOO -"^ On rONO N t^ N tJ- r-» ■^ ^'nO O "' N r-Ou-it^LTiC^ rorot^ii N OCOu^On ~ On M cT -^ roco rorO-^d^t^'^d'dviJOM •^'^ <3 1-1 1-1 ONIOON'^"^^ l-i >-00 t^OO U^ W) LO lO ■^ C^ O C rt £ H S. NONNNOM^'-OOn t^NO OnCO O OnnO rO t^ . N Th l^ 1- vO u^nO u-ir-^Mi-ir^i-iNOLOMNVO '^OO t-»iO'*>-riroiON O^r^i-" -^I^i-i "^ rooo 00 «; tJ lOCo" t^No" t^No" lo On Omo i- Tj- ^^NO d" f^ N -^CSl-ll-IW>-l'Cj->HMl-t»Nl-ll-l»«CSMC^p)>-l iyj^ -o .i£ ^ -" CL, rt O S rt bS On 'i- "* On ■00 >-i Tj-i^O lor^w •rJ-I^N mON NO ONOO O M -^ "^ i-i QN t^co ON LT) r~- i^ i-o O On i-i O >-i u^OO u-i>-it^O O O OnN On^Ou^O t^n l*0 ONiOTJ-ONM 0\rOONt-^ i+NO ; 1-1 u-jvo i-ii--i>-iMi-iNN >+ ro ON w 00 m N 1-1 ■- ^ c:^ u^ r^ON>-nN iOTt-r^'<^NOONOvo looo O i-i O ■* . r^OoO •Kj-t^ONii — Onu-iO "-)i-i f) LoO u-iOO <-5 u-i u-> t)- l^ 11 t~»00 rl- O NO lonO rOOO ■^ «- On N R orr i-T w oi rC cT cT o^ o o § ?i o ►iCO »OOnO 1^1-' a\rONNO ioO\OnOnO rOOO ^ lO i^NO NO ^J^ ^ 1 LTi N iri rovo O 00 NO Lo Ln >-> fOTJ-t-^-i MOO t^ONO fONO Tf On t^ O 00 N ■^ h rfr^rTcKNcTr-CrrcfN tToo" pT i-T ro >J^ fT "-T lo <:i-i>H»H i-i--- -.-- --- Nu^rorOi-iNNi-iwMM VO 11 w U-) u-i fO On rONO Tft^O " 'tt^N wOO ro w OnOO 00 N no on rooo COOOOONNOOro tn m N CO "-I 1^ roco CC rONO »^00 uivo ii M tJ- No'"'^M'"rodNu^c5'd\u-)VO Tpoo ro u-i fO «" M i-iMTj-Ni-i-i'^rO'-ifOro NNiot^ I—. o :^ 5 < 1- N fO 1+ u-iNO t^CO 0^ O '1 N rO Tt- "INO t^OO t^t^r^t^r^t-»t-~.t--. t^oo oococooooo^oooo cocococooooocooocooooooocooooocooooo rt s Q o a. X 4) .1 >-l .o 0) a Tables. 301 o c U D i-i ^ r<- ^ ro t^O roic w^ O O 1^ O •^ too rf ^ "" M vO O Cs N O O w >: t-^ 1^00 u^^yj t^ ro "^ uijo "1 r)- ro CO O N ^ - O "1 ro r^ — LO t-^O N 00 u-i "-> «Ml-l Ml-|l-ll-<>-ll-l "-> NOX>0 O" "iC rOTj-C>N CN'i-u-l"-! O ^* Q Q JJ CT^OO O -tyi Tf LOO O N O CN — f) LO roo O CO 00 ■v t^C^C^>:u-)rJ•M »« CM'^r^i^OCO ON OO ■^O N rorOrororrror^mN N rOrON N N N N N ^ N " >- t- ;I3 ^O fOroioCNr^"^ t^O 0'^"^<^. !-■ OOCO t^O CXD <: frN0TfN(DO^~0'«?r^iO'*N'cTl-^o'r0OC/D ■> "^t^Noooc/:oo r^CNN •^u-> oco co -^oo u^ u^oo - OO O O "I iJI -*0 O O O rou-ivoCOO ro ■'t N rO C^ y 2 (i3 C o-^ ^ O>0 O O O '- •* Tj-O "-1 voO r^ T)-0 N O LO ^o <;O_^O_ro>0;yD00 toO •^r^O Nrorj- 00__ lo *^^ O, "> rT O O >-~ cfs O Oo" N~ lO t-C CTnOO*" vri o\ rC • ro d~ r^ f r ^ySvS T? >o Lo ro cT * fO 3 C/3 IT) N •^ W-) O O O roO 50 r^ t^ O •* N r-^ OOO I^ LOTtr^vO"- o>j~,w-ir^ r^oo -^t^N t^oO"^<^ lo TJ-oo N LnO " LoroorON O'd-t^Nr^ rOO NtfrOCf-^NNi^roOOOONrf ►HtCnT LT) o "^ O -^CC w-):y3 O O fO "- r^ rON'-imN « CO Ji (^>-0 roON O— rOOO "•rJ-Ni-OONulu-it^ j-O i-ii-nON>->-r^t^ t^o vorOr)-« Ot^O'-oro ■5 '^ 9, "^ ''^ 't-'^^ 9,'^"'^""^^'*^),'^'^^ "> O i^ CD O ^ ■^CO rC CD LOO lo^CDlomOOOO ^ rOfON N rOLOTi-'.^ro-^ro-" roN LO^l-rON ii ►« rt^ S-^ •^ O "-1 LO l>^0 LO doO i-i Ln>3 O u-itJ-OiOm I^t}- N r^oo 00 N N O O i-»-0 r^OLor^OO ^-wloi-i r^ t^O O N t^ O !>0 t^O O roM O ■* O ■^O LO O t->l rf t^ CD O O^"^ i-T ro n" fO ro u^ « pf o" c* ■^ i-To*^ r<~, "H '^ O T^O rot^Ot->.LOOLriOOt^'^N OO NN'-rO'^LnrO"" ii ■^CO t^ t^ lo ro N N O rt 6 Oroi-i t^N r^O t^M lo:/; CO Lo U-) rf Ti- Lo t->. CD^NCJi'^'tN OO-i LnrCoNC'ifOCDtCrCT? ■*«:J-ON«NN>-i« o . t^ i-^ LOO f^O O O "" O OCO Lo c^O rOO "rOOONNCClOOi-" .0""i-iOOLnt^O r^O t^CO voOr^t^N OO tJ- ^ ■^O t^ t^ 1"^ LOO f^O 0~ " .-_---_ gOO^H-t~-.Tl-Tj-roOTt; rJ-CO ^ t^ « O O LOOO t~-. \r, rf o t-^ C> O N C/5 '■O ro 'i- roO^ ^rO >-iN""00— COOOOroONfOrorOi-^ Q ° o' rt rt S ^"5 ^^ . t^ LO 'i-O -1- Tj- O 0>3 CO <-, 1-1 W-1-1-0 O lO'^Lo^m •^ i^ Lj^ O t^Omt^co 'l-o < rfo'c/f M ri ciio" O— 'o ■~--+>«r<1rt — O — N LOCO CO Lo I- o o CO r^co CO ONt^NLOO— CO"-! OO fO N ■^CO Olo — o - •* N lO >-■ O O " c r tA -^ O O O O N Lo:yD t^ OOO r}- lo N looO I^ N i- t^o r^ LO OCO CO o t^V3 O O •^O 00 OON tj-n i-o ro t~- ro C^ O O O "^CXO^ '^ OX lo •^ lo t^o O rh O Tt Tj-o lo"" Tj-rfwLoi-i ror^ 'foo" J-^ o" LO rCo' rC O -^N O •^■"d-Tj-LON rorO' t> t> i> i> »> I--. «> i> i-»:o 00 N ro "t LOO r^oo 00 CO CO 00 00 00 00 "o u O u a. X c o o H d U O H Q ;?; <; o CO en 00 u >-■ % - Q S ^' !^ r^ H O Cb H e4 O w Q < o H 2; CO O I o ^ O c t. o 2 a; ^ O O mo On — COvO ONrOt-^tS Tj-i-co "VJ-iTj-u-iO C\ M 0^ ON N N r'. (S On^O r^ "" in t^ rovo OnoO lOX lo d^ O' On tTc M O "J^CC ro t^ — 00 O ON ro N Tj- m (S O.ii i « «•, o e c o XtI f3 OJ ^" ^j O NO M •- 00 ■-■ ro O "^ NO N 11 rO>0 O "2 CjN r^ •^ l~~- •^ C?>o6 t^NO u-i N r^ "I rO On d ro 6 nO i- J; ONrOM>0 lOt^p-i u-lNO 00 M rO N •* l^CO u^ t^ rOCO (0 00 OnnO no 00 On t->. m u-ivO lo iri lo o s^ t^co i^nO "^ -^ r-~00 ro Onco t^i-i -^i-N r^N i-ivO O — 00 >- t-^NO ro >- ro ~ m roo NO N O " t^NO M N t^OO O " rONO I- N j; t^rOTj-MNONO M N t^OO O " rONO I- N -^00 " CO S^ oo'~no~ t-C o^ rooo'cxT c5"od pTco' N •^no" N no' t^ i^ cT r^ ^ vy-) O N On N — ONOO OOr^M « ONMOO OnN On" " C! rt O §1 . N N i-i r^oo r^ON — nOnooomM — Mt^r^ OnnO "-i J^nO OnO— -1-"u-)OnOnO O 0'-'rO'*N On>0 r^ t-^ g r) t^ ONOO NiiMLOu-ii-iNOOOOONi-i OnnO ■* rO !;>» i-^No' T? vo (5 in o'oo" rodNri'rnropru^t--l"t^C>'^ ^ ro ir^ ■* rooo no vornu^Tj-ri-vOTi-Tl-row rocs rorj- O ;Z t/5 o 5 CJ . TfNO N t--r^ONTi-ONONO N NOO u-100 N CO Onoo t^ ^^ r<5 N t^NO ONQO O On OnCO r^r^TJ-r^^O'^rOO ■*t^ g r-^ ON 11 r^ T^ 1-^00 0'-''-''^mr^""ri <^no »- co O >; ir^ tC t^ ii-)0 NO lO i/i t^NcT cT u-ioo' O'X "^ o" t^ rONO" ^ - " N "- « "H . TtONro—mmMNOONO""'-' r'".NO ►" N ii O m ^ O Onoo cono iv-irorO'1-— M n Onm rhNO " oo onno S u;^'^'^'-' <^^ '^^ ^ " 0^50 NO NO ON tJ- r^ ON m •>. n m -- On rCoo O " no" t? no" '-i-TprNo'ior^'^"^'^ ^ rj- lO w^ U-) r^ u-iNO Tl- rnvO lonO M tJ- xri ro ■^^ m no c/T y* Tj- t-.NO OO I- ■*CO t-.NO NO N ■^^00 N ir^OO t^'O Tj- t^ •'-' f^ -i-' i^ Tt --I t^ U-) t^ t-^ OnOO O O -^Xi t^w-iCNO i/->OnO n .i£ rt •J O '-' N ro O lONO OOv/^ONrONf)u-)i-"t^ONO —CO en .^ d :^ d-No" u^TfroONroroCJN'f iCnO^nO CO rO On o" ro O 6" > = c^ p 'i roONCJNiriO O O N rOrot^M. m q^'X r^ r^NO no t^ O ^ ^ C^mmhOC^MNNm «« n •- ^ t- t^OO Tf-t-^t-.0N0>-O-*M N — OnnO r) N tJ- ro t^ 0\ P ro '-I NO t^oo CO — On in t-.00 t^^^ONroO M J^— O ^■^"M^OOOCO'-'OONON-Ht^MT^NMONONM ■^nono (S r'icjNi^rC rf CO aNrrrotCp-ri-r>.rcJc3(Dt^ ^i-ii-iaCN)Dr4"NrO~--i"«r-ip-iM ^ 11 Q •-< f^ rONO f^ NO NO <-0 O ■* O lO t^NO N. 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X '-I ro— O 'tM t^u^rO'tN :^N TON f^ o O g 't 'to O roO O c^O X>"XP)Tt-ONON"t^M 't On t^ f^ t^X O ^ rot^Loi-« ro^ r^O r^O •^ p) NiJ »-< 1-1 O POO On rO O M On ^ POO Tt "^ "JT^ '-' X ^ X <) TtX PI X O POX P) 'tX r^ior^Pl Oni^On PI On -to lOt^-J-pi 10-" O >J-)-tXX vOPO't M r-^ r-r « >-H PO 'to « ONO On O PO O MX PI X "to 't t^ N "M mmPJi-II-I k-ll-l cfgS O •■J g K 0" o r i) ■'^ o '^■i^ •tx oooxt^poi-pit^ — o>-pip)o "^x o On O OnX po i^ >- t^x t~^N POO PI t^O t^r^POr^ Pj_0_^ 1^ -tx t-. r^ p) ^ ONO O "t P) O ON r^ t^X O r^ ONO O O PO cT 't Ono" lo lo pr (D "T r^f t-ioo LO lo O t^ LO t-^X On loX N-h Ot~^PON OnmM ONt-^rt PlM^N^M „ «.,t^ro>-P) r^ LO PO PO LO O O -- ■ -■ ON PI O o X i-i "^ O -" O o <-> 't LOO PO TtO PO PO 't — P) k X X O O t-^ PO POX O P) I-I P) O M <: X Tt o i-To" pF t^ PO pT pT ctn i^ PO pood ■> LOX O t^rOLOTtP4 POt^— P) O O r^_ " O O '■O I^ PO -t X PO t^ 't LO 'O LO I-I O PO i-> LO PO LO PO 't PO r^O ■- PO O ON On P) PO P) 11 t^ 8P) On LO tC O t^ ONX ^ U-= •— > o Q 1) > o PO X X o 00 ^3 - PO 3 ^ 52 _2 o rt o O ..-. O ^^-^ 2 ^_, o .^ c; (1) J3 -4-* o CJ rt SI CA ••J rt o :r u "ti Ln^ ^ O ■ ^ u r Ui rt 3 *-> CJ rt Z! 3 c: C r; "o s 3 M 1 ■ a C ■n o; 3 o ■/< ■-> w 1— 1 <3 -^i On O I- N ro "t LOO t^X On Q >- N PO "t loO t>«X O I^ j^ 1^ r^ r^ t^ i-^ t^ t--. t^oO XXXXXXXX XXXXODXXXXXXXXXXOSXXXOO 304 Delmae's Mekcaxtile Manual axd Business Guide. TS c o U u H W d u 1— ( X u ^ o H O -r) S?: o -) U l~> u fe § o O Pi H iX! < H H e^ VJ O Q PL, W X H w ^ t3 •z < ^ o H Z HH C« H fii O PM o ,. Jl. ti. ^. .rot^r^O\'^a>OfnwCNroc^W) rhc» C/S O •* On S *j >-•' 5; . OO r^ O M N Lo r^\o tJ-X) M •- ro\0 >" t~- u^vo ■> ■ ■*iO M t^ ro ro O C7> M vd" »J^ l--^ (-0 Cf Cf •^ r-i rO^T j~v . C) MM ■. ■* t^ rOOO Tl- M ■*\0 CO 00 00 00 •^ I.H hH »H M »^ ci - f/5 ^- OJ ^^'vO M T)- Tj- u-i u~, i/~, fico r^ On <~0 M MO M Onvo On On t^ ^ rhvo I^t^O -1 ONt^rorfi'-i'-i O -i M u-irOM O >-' tj fOCO Tt;C/0_ uo l^ ";;^^ " 00 U-) N LOOO M O '^ " VO M J~ M rf-yvo -^ uo Tj- ro u-> ■-inO uiN ON Leatl and m ufacti of ^ rO On M_^ O^ ir-.NO tJ- m on^O no f O t-^ i-i On lonO r^ O^ O^ "^ d" u^ o" O" •* u-> d^ w Ttco o" O* fO 1~^ " m' d f'i 'J' '"'^ giy->i-iw«HHwi_MMM rl-NO t^OO "- M tj- tJ- u~ O }J . O r^rouo>-i ONTi-r^'^O ONM louit-^i- ro t^NO ►-> < fe o ^COvo M fOOCO rOM roO t^LoO >- wi-^w-^u-itJ-On o f— J 2 1 LTiNO >- M M t^ N r^iO CO " '-' •^CO SO •^ •* On rO ^ tn o ;:^ ONOu-ii^d\Tfu^ddforo>j^c/o'ooc5^<~r)'-No''N£rr^ a ^ ^M'-ioOOr^i-i OnCO On O " i^ N roco 'd- fO >-OnC C/3 Pi O < < (^ nhMm" mi_i_ii-.i-i t^ q^NO a tyj ;'? - ^_. ^i/MOOroON— 1-1-1 OnvO ft r^CO M "l On ro m !? -^ 2. '^ VO On li-inO no CO ro - OnCO M m O ro i-i O O z r^ ^ t- b .S i- rt , . 5 "m ^ '^ 9. ° ^ '*^ ■* ^ ^ 'C ^^^ " " '^^ ^ " w < Z g:s (^^ ^ „- ^ " CO lo dco'co rfcT-^Nd^iJ^r^ioi^iAi-ri-C ■z 53 y -a ^ M CO ro I^nO no 1-OC^ t)-u-iC^ M coij-)CNMCOiO'^'0 rj-CO u-1 iv-1 i/INO nO CO NO CO O f> t^ CO l-H > r^ t^vO NO N « M lOCO OnnO OOO u-)w •tJ-On'^O On U Pi w (<■ 11 -^OO NO ■*« •<;l-r^'>d-cocOTt' H CO COCO t^voCOONt^ONt^r^MOO COCOM voO N ON ^ OnO OnO M t^iOrf-O UNO On coOO conO h M h M G Cotto mam factui of. .^ TtvO O M M ^CO_^ '■? " O ^^^ " "^C? '^ ^ ^^~ " K: "> >-o Ono" OnOO O i-<^ cono"" >-o rf vo'~co' rC c5n ri On C- coo K O ONOOO rou-iO ONO tJ-noco com tJ-co no co^r-« 'S NO CO M 11 i_ ..^ lONO LOCO NO u-> CO M CO •^ CO Q 'A CT) T± U-) OnCO CO'+M COO t^M tJ-nO vOCO MO'* O > rTpTr-^coco'^o'^^ lONo" coiirCn^Lodco CNt^'* Pi O U ^ CO M LONO -^t M M O CONO ■*0 M -^WICOM r^ONLO k^WWl-lWllMll "1 nicals, ugs, ;, and icines. • cnO "NO lor^t^O ""ion COON" COON vonO CO co Ph r vr^ CO CJN td- vy->xi C/D O conO rtcO'i-" " On"CO O " X g OnnO Ono r^r^M O N covD r^NO tJ- N M OnoO^ O On w 5^ " rf M C?. CO 1-^ " (fNNo' m" O " On " CO d^ '^no" ■>^ C> Chei dr dyes med ~r^LoOr^"iot^ r^NO no on"CO O cooncoOC/Dno C^"M-*M'^MMMMCOMCONCOCO""M"" w"-^ ?„ . r^« TfTl-Tl-cou-)MCO ~ M ONO r--M u-ir^ON" <+ ^ coc/D "3- On lO t^ M " " CONO VOONU-)*" t^" O m O^ TJ 2 !arriag raihoa nd hoi cars. •^ ON O CO t-^NO Tl- CO r~- CONO LOCO CO LO CONO NO CO " Tj- S" O lOt^M <+OnOno locoO LOt^Tj-O rj-LoONO t^ >i_i ""MMCO"nONM>J-)OC/D OnnO O " CO K " N M " M " U rt H CO N 00 ir> OnnO CO rf lo " O lonO »-^ N M " OnCO no , k^ b COOn" TfcO'^ON LOCO M TtNO ONCO CO On ON T}-0 " t/I Lo ■^co' rC " "NO O" o'no' m'co' CO t^ rC conO~ r^ i-^ rC H 1/2 Q o r? MLO" " ■*LO'" QN U i^ > C/T lono" CO M tC M M t? o' On rf CO m'no" -^ rf o' CO m" ^ cor^ON'^O " Ocot^Mr^M M r^ONO On" lotJ- K) """MCOCOMM"M"MMCOcOCOMCOCOcO ^_^ .NO"r^O"ONgNr^ Tj-co t^LoM -tj-tj-onOnm "lo "P MnO "^J^O O OM l^NO OnC/O LOO 4t^t^*COt^ r. - > c •_ f, c tn cj rt a> "^ !> t/) ;; CO " CO i-^ "^-^ ^ t^ CO LO t^oo i^" " i^loon'tI-lo 'o ::2 00 oo'co r^ m" t'^ CO CO m' Oxno" o ^ o" on ""vo'^oo'" m' " ^LO"" Mt^LOTtcON'^TJ-COTJ-Ti-COM •^NO rj- o Q 1 w Pi ;=) < •— > "....!!! Wc5 ON O " N CO ■* LONO t^CO ON O " M CO ■r)- LONO r-^CO* !> \-rr vo r^t^i^t^i-^i^r^r^t^ i~^co oococococoooooco cooocococ^cooocooococooooccooooooooococo Tables. 305 < W w r-i c :z; z 13 < o H Z H-4 (/J H p^ O e^ Nvi-iCNONroO t^-^ONN ■<+ Tj-00 VO M M Ov t^ " O . u-)iy-iTt-CNr^OO "" O M " " ro^r^N'O "^ ^00 O C !-> Cm-" "J-iX; t^iO 0^0 0^rOO ro«- cO ONOO ro t}- 0>C0 Tota exports merch dise « ^^ :« Tl- O rovo n n O lOOO t^ roxi CO « ro o ■* ro ^ M « o -^ ro M ■+ O O T)- u-i o to Tj-oo ro w-> ■* " O (^ 'i-'+^'^Lniotfrf'^'^vouo invcTvo vd" lo lovo' lo i» • — CNM «- O •^Ont)-!^ t)-vO CO N O •* r^ t^ O^vO " _ '^ c s • u-ivn-H o r^iOTj-oo Mvo r^r^ r'jco ■* w-> wi r^ M rt ■■« t/3 5 aj Tot oor ore ere dis .5; !y3 :« r^ -1 r^ mo tj-vo rj-X) oo mt^aNt^"->"^0 Q -^l-IMf^«r)NM», l-irOn(^MH(qMI-IMU g^s C^ ■- S^ •" vO r-^OO roo 00 O NCOOOOOO t^tJ-NOO u^Gn 0-- . O CNroONO ^" w tJ-On-^ "IO 1-1 C/0 r^ >-c 0\0 lO -- ^-jr -^ ^ w-i r-oco t^t^xvo M t-^iivOOO rOOM^"^'i-t-^<^M rt i2 M s ■3 ■* 0\0 CS\^ r'-,o r^ M i-< 0^00 CT\ O a\ •* r^ ■* ''O ro ° CJ3 ;> vr^t-^rou-)0 rl-OCO "^t^OsM t^roi-i t^a\OM^N H ^ q^ ONVi ^„ "t O^ N 00__ O ro ►^ N -^ M t^ i-^ rO N On q\ ^ C/3 ,^"Nt^OTi-— O OsO >- r^cc r^ O O r^co t}-0O HH •-"S ^ 3 . 00 o o c/0 O M N r^o CO tI-oo CO tJ- Tto o ^ r;-co r; q^ t-~. o ^t- 0^ i/io t^ t-^ w mo r^oo i- q_ C^ O 0_^ Q ■^ ^CO 11 «vocO rriTt-O "- 0-< i-i <, ^ - ^ 't> u-lO ro C^ •* On O OS t--0 r-OO irsM N OOO tJ-i-u") u -c s ° ~ d~rrij-ioo"prrCtCr'i-+roiJ^cTdNCfi~^M tC^ht^ 2 ^ n^ S^ OSOCOCO M « On"+ r^O "->o « N t^oO 5J M 0\ lO t— ( H ^^2 ^w», wMfjMMMi-ii-iwNU-) Tj-OO O O O 'i- o O O 1-1 O CO I'^O 03 OS'd-N i-it^rOrOOs>-" O OsvnQ ^ O C/D a^ rriO r)-CO t^Nt^NOCOi-iOO^NO'^O Q ^ J-O OS" N O^O^NO LO"^ONT)-iJM^rOt^'-iNNN''iroioOsOOO fc/l !i I-, 1-1 |_ o > c^ H Tj- O O CO O O OsO CO ThrOThu-iOsOvi-i t^wCO m O , • ro Lo 1-1 ■" M CO M O M fO O i-i 'to OM^ r^ 1-1 O " P O u-l On O N ^„'-'?, "■? '^ ""C? "C* "^ '-J^ ^„^- ° "^^^^ '^ rt C2 2 f/1 .5; d" 6 rCoo o" dso'co" r^Ni^-^f-H rC" o'ds r^-o" o" .^3 rt G o S:: rtO roMO "CO N " " 0t^C3s0s"-0 OntJ-t1-N 'A H S3 ^-HMMl-lwN „M>H« >-"- I-11-.1-1 \r%0 1-1 O 00 O O r^O fO r^O -^ vn w o O roco "^ .•CO CsO O •* t^O O ro rOO OM^ "h i-i -^00 N Os N P M Tj- OsO "COCO OCOOCOO >-i >- rOO M ro tJ- ro t- o J: CO rJ-O CO O TfCOCO "lO ■* uio O OMO fO OnO l-» l> r^OO i^rOt^O i-it^M ■-■ O Nr~^Osi-it^N N N W'x; > „N• O >-i f-o r~- O 1-1 " d N "- t^ t^CO O 00 OnoO O O OS O rt c^"-"--""" c/2 OsO tJ- ro iJ-i 1- moo >^ OSO coo i-it^fJk-t^N Tt- . OSCO " ri OCO Tj-Ttgs-.o " Oi^i-i fO roo vf- t^ p N >- M CO VOO M "tOOCO 1-1 l^LOl^iONCO OS-+ S-S c 2 .2.2 « c,x ■3 1-1 N O M OS LT) OsCO "OOOs<"OOsNr^T)-OMt^ :::-<-OOroOOO-iP) 'tcO N lO t-, ro Os Os u-i rj- on o ^ O t^O OSCO Osi-COOO t^ii-lu-)0 On >-00 >0 w->0 Provii- conipi meat dairy uct i U ^ D •—1 O l-H Q ^ M 04 On d " N m -j- loO r^co' cfs O •-" N '■O -j- >oo' r^co' O 1^ !-«. t^ 1^ 1~. t^ 1^ 1^ 1^ t^co cococooococococo >< oocoyjoococococococooooococooooooooococo 306 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. T^ ID S c • I— 1 ■t~> c o U u H W O U XI w :^ 3 o r^ H ■4-) C n o 12; U <; 1 r/-i S 00 o (X) Pi 1 fc OS VO M 00 w hH < r^ H o 1—1 M 1-1 H ;-> ^ m 1^ Q ^ X -< H ^ cv HH s O O c; C-i fe ci: fD w H > P< 1— ( O CA! (^ Q >< ^ W << Q 'A J < O o O H ^ •— • r/0 H P^ O Ph VH f^ o m W Q 1— I en CO o o z s o a z < t/3 o a. W -5 ^■~ ^ o « • ^ o o O •CO o ■ CO O "^^ 00 vO VO O -1 • ^ g> o o '-' lO ONCO ■^ LOVO Lo as • rOO O n • o\o^ CO M i^ CO ro " oo « . f) •- ^O k-r : - 4 ~ N O M LT) O C\ — M CO fO w M . 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O r^ COOO cs Lo M -* Os o ^co coosLnr^Mi-^r^t^ Q iitXXi "-cor^iCO^^c^t-^cooOsMONOuoosi-^n ^ lo T? rC cT i-T « Loso" 't ff t^ ds t^od co" CD so cT cjs •^ ^nLo-* OsOsO'^P) t^OO 00 so so loso cs) 0\ O t^ Qj M NLOt^t^t^'J-OSNiNMN A CO w I — 1 o I— ( Q < OS O 1 N CO t)- lOsO t^CO C3s O IN CO Tj- LOSO I^CO so t^r^r^r-~t^r^t^t^t~» t-^co coc/ooocococoooc/D COCOC/DCOCOVDCOOOCOCOCOOOCOCOOOCOOOCOCOOD OJ > c/) c3 ^ ^ > 73 .S "-■ J— ifi nclus usive 78, ii inclu •^ —- CO - c - «»' !-,-!= ^ <^ c« .2 .=« w 11 Os " 2^c?^^2 Os „ « _ CO VO O O t^ 00 ■" S -^00 " OSO !S " r-so b. 2 G c 00^ 'C S C " (/; a. o -igSc-i O o ^ ^ rt OK:§l'g C/3-rpQfcQ 'O 'O ^ "^ ^ ,5^ 3-S 3 C C c i= c i— 1 1 ^ . . -1 .'-'. e -^i -^ ^ Vj Tables. 307 < o fa < Q W H S < O u u H o" u X § g O .= 3 U < z < 00 00 00 I o^ VO 00 o 1—1 ,-; Q < u 3 < 1—1 I— ( H O c/2 Z 9 o S O O u Pi d O Ph Q < d H O Pu o CA! Q O o '72 w 1— I Q I—) H y > Q Z > z < c 5< I— I a w o X W ■i c; lOTt-MOOOO Tl- 1-^ r^ uoO row-jNiO row ~ (S ■^ O 1-"^ t~- N i^O^ -8" "«c. c; o X 'S 5 =^ O >- OC 00 CO d d 1 M LO N OC i"0 vC 00 1^ oo~ C^ Q O N i^ O Cn O O On " O Tj- fOO_ '■^ 't ^ CC CnO vC r^ tJ- I- vO t^ •+ O OO tJ- t^ r^ "-I "-1 ■* "^ ir. u O Oh ■><. ^ 0_ r^ -^ O rf io\o u-i t^ r^ t^ o t^ rC i-Tvo" dso d" d n u-)00 d ■^ u^ t^ M — OnO — >- ro t^ — ro ^vo ro lo u-^ u-ivC fO c^ *-i O O O OC O "~ivC rj- O O c/) O O •^ Onc<3 NOC "- NOO roroO ro "" ro i/-> CnO 00 -+ t^oc LOO >o oo :/: ■^ fn o f^oo — o o ^o >-< <-o ■ T)-CNrniy-)M T^Tl-Nu-) rooo r^vO lo O O O^ O ro M r O CJ> Lo O O roo CNr^ — O M ■*0 W Qi-oi-ot^Lo « rOCKr-ocf.LONNC/rcOTfrtronfrro-^rCMrod l:^; 00 "" t^ I- rOsD O lOM i-0 0>>-oON't lOOO tJ-OO CO t^ C^ O X C^ o Oh O — — ri CO O o a- W o o o . uoCN"-" ro^LTiO O LT Soddo >^rCcNdc Tj- O Lo ro T|- ONVO w-i CN On •+ u-i ro Ov r-~0 N vo .rt- ON ^COvOroNN "Ni-NN Tj-CO 00 0\ O t^ N r^ Tt r^ TfO N ro t^vO r^ ro O cOCO rovO N O I^ • u~iO M t^ N r^ ^ r^vo Lovo 00 ■^i-i'-Ou-iiO'l-w-iOv S ^ 't "^^ ^ " *~^ ^ "^ 9- 9. " ^ '-I 00 Lo Tj- ONvO f-O O « rC rCvdoo tT voco ro >-<" vo' vo'^ OC*" ro CJv '? C>vd pT d t? S:; O Ovvo u-)VO 00 Lovo rOw-iuoONM m t^rj-o roN n 2 vO -^00 ■* M rovo -rf- -^vo CO lo m tJ- ro ro Cv OvOO >-i Cv O "• N ro -I- lovo i^c/D Ov O I-" N ro ■* >/^vO r^c<0 VO I^I^I^t^t^r>.t^t^l^ I^CC OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO OOOOCOCOCOOOOOCOOOCOCOCOOOOOOOCOOOCOC/DCOI rt c rt '3 o 3 a 308 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. TD C^ J O pin X L4 y <^ <: H 2 a < K-i ^ o O H o Z l-H CO H P^ O Oh o H O ^2 U5 OS u OS W 1^ w ?: z H O OS < O D o W 1—1 o Q < X o a, S o W ^ q O O X W f^ ^ ^88 0^ u^ q_ q_ q_ o_ o^ d^ O d" 0\ r^ « O O Tt O CO M u-> uo t->. O MO O O evo in wo O « O ^ On O wo ro wo O wo\0 N ►< q o wo 00 N O N ON wo O t^ o" o a X W • ^ t^ Tt p q wo 1-^ J: lo CJN cf ::::; t^ co o ^ o a, X W --V. ^ o M2 M ON WO O O O loco t--. wo Q vo rowoO 0\M woO CO On On i-^vO On roco ro "^ wovO cTno" -- ■^ wo ^ O "^ « ON M wo wo o o o o CO ON ON CO CO NNO On O '-' N <^ •* lONO I^CO C^N vo t^r^r^t^t^t^t--.t^r^ t--co cocooocooooococo coxi:ococo;ococococ/D>o o vo On 8 O C>0 Q O CJnO ro lO wo " rT wo "ON Tt ^ ^t ONO On ro O wr.'O O wo ri wo 1-1 t^ ro O ri On O '-' N ro "i- wovo r>.oo cooococooooooocooo Tables. 309 No. 3.— Statement showing the Values of IMPORTS of MERCHANDISE INTO, AND of domestic MERCHANDISE EXPORTED from, the United States during the Year ending June 30, 1888, to the Spanish West Indies, Mexico, the Central American States, the United States of Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, the Argentine Republic, Chili AND Peru, respectively, compared with like IMPORTS and EXPORTS from AND TO the SAME COUNTRIES, INTO AND FROM THE UnITED KINGDOM DURING THE CALENDAR YeAR 1 88 7, AND INTO AND FROM FrANCE, GERMANY AND Spain during the Calendar Year 1886. SPANISH WEST INDIES. ARTICLES. Asphaltum or bitumen, crude Chemicals, drugs and dyes . . . Cocoa, crude Coffee Copper, and manufactures of. Fruits, including nuts Hides and skins Honey Jewelry Leather, and manufactures of. Spirits, distilled , Sponges Sugar and molasses: Sugar Molasses Tobacco, and manufactures of; Leaf. Manufactures of Wood, and manufactures of. . All other articles Total IMPORTS. Into the United States. Into the United Kingdom. Into France. Into Ger- many, a Into Spain. Dolhxi-s. 31,284 20,444 8,484 224,913 3,265 1,523,367 193,188 157 1,832 19,065 38,533 37,542,829 5,220,782 4,607,705 3,334,013 404,660 557,049 53,731.570 Dolla/s. 3,650 20,031 532,979 190,358 85,091 184,571 1,016,680 Dollars. 219,633 704,847 1,004,675 8,141 5,109 499,829 42,775 696,862 123,862 59,072 3,364,805 Dollars. 151,368 * 16,898 15,232 16,660 113,526 211,582 192,066 717,3.32 Dollars. 284,998 611,237 19,601 74,934 132,064 31.890 459,130 5,353.528 1,433,353 1,056,721 43,531 143,233 9,644,320 a Imports from total West Indies. MEXICO. b Not specified. Chemicals, drugs and dyes 1,268,554 2,111,130 10,929 5,239,432 1,562,008 (") 4,803,667 14,653 7,278 418,036 1,796 90,418 329,626 4,284 17,612 24,256 18,602 Coffee Copper ore Flax, hemp, jute, and other vegetable substances 277,751 176,276 12,614 8,806 23,144 57,146 Hides and skins Honey .Silver ore 251,180 99,559 55,948 /' 1,47 1,554 Supar Tobacco, and manufactures of: Leaf. 37,474 81,488 676,871 91,962 476 1,190 262,752 9,044 Manufactures of 13,029 539,007 1,760,202 275,965 8l2,8l2 169,734 Wood, and manufactures of All other articles 17,404 Total 17,329,889 2,306,833 1,540,063 Classified as " Ores of precious metals. " c Includes the imports into Germany from Central America. 310 Delmak's Mercantile Manual and BusrsTESS Guide. No. 3.— IMPORTS AND EXPORTS of Domestic Merchandise, etc.— Cont'd. CENTRAL AMERICAN STATES. IMPORTS. ARTICLES. Into the United States. Into the United Kingdom. Into France. Into Germany. Into Spain. Chemicals, drues and dyes Dollars. 111,415 9,210 4,567,165 21 427 454,080 262,513 19,899 2,198,648 Dollars. Dollars. 164,827 2,641 327,133 Dollars. Dollars. Cocoa 1,067,331 5,172,325 Coffee Cotton, raw Fancy goods: Feathers, ornamental. . . . Hides and skins 3,587 Suo-ar. brown 39,818 111,365 135,994 Wood, and manufactures of 658,748 30,210 All other articles 5,700 Total 7,623,378 6,526,833 «1, 187,146 b 5,700 a Imports from Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras. b The imports into Germany from Central America are included with the imports into Germany from Mexico. UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. Breadstuffs : Wheat Chemicals, drugs and dyes. . . . Cocoa Coffee Cotton, raw Fruits, including nuts Hides and skins India rubber and gutta-percha. Silver ore Tobacco, leaf All other articles Total. 87,793 45,676 1,749,862 lOI 402,685 1,293,158 388,691 3,592 587 421,113 4,393,258 133,809 118,913 8,001 363,664 40,363 56,524 72,136 89,694 31,949 379,447 1,294,500 500,970 1,281,878 2,406,259 92,679 114,386 158,752 99,592 246,209 4,900,742 30,397 6,394 36,791 a The imports into Germany from the United States of Colombia are not separately stated. VENEZUELA. Chemicals, drups and dves 27,850 100,689 8,863,599 127,862 22,089 10,497 383,432 32,509 1,398,201 4,370,979 Cocoa 852,011 Coffee Conner ore .... Cotton, raw 2,697 « Hides and skins 907,235 31,655 120,222 Wood, and manufactures of 124,239 17,895 All other articles 28,328 11,775 Total 10,051,250 572,208 5,946,520 a 863,786 a The imports into Germany from Venezuela are not separately stated. BRAZIL. Bones, hoofs, horns, etc Breadstuffs Chemicals, drugs and dyes Cocoa Coffee Cotton, raw Fancy goods Flax, hemp, jute, and other vegetable substances Fruits, including nuts Hair Hides and skins India rubber and gutta-percha a 14 55,908 297,853 33,460,595 1,472 318,823 146,617 1,659,286 10,811,952 174,683 10,317 50,105 242,050 5,335,606 7,516,875 332,518 11,689 861,916 7,811,292 91,289 28,387 2,097,344 15,778,248 138,575 20,835 22,572 32,459 2,602,903 710,063 IIi424 6,188 635,698 6,147 16,359 74,256 11,4.24. 46,886 31,461 a Not specified. Tables. 311 No. 3. — IMPORTS AND EXPORTS of Domestic Merchandise, etc. — Cont'd. SPANISH WEST INDIES. ARTICLES. Breadstuffs: Wheat flour All other Chemicals, drugs, dyes and medicines.. Coal Copper, and manufactures of. , Cotton, manufactures of Earthen, stone, and china ware Fancy articles Fertilizers Fish Flax, hemp, and jute, manufactures of.. . Fruits Glass and glassware Iron and steel, and manufactures of Jewelry, and manufactures of gold and silver Leather, and manufactures of Malt liquors Paints, and painters' colors Paper and stationery Provisions, comprising meat and dairy products Rice Silk, manufactures of Soaps Spirits, distilled Umbrellas and parasols Vegetables, including pickles, etc Watches Wearing apparel Wine -. Wood, and manufactures of Wool, manufactures of. All other articles Total EXPORTS. From the United. States. Dollars. 1,846,419 181,523 241,721 467,323 13,270 i35'554 3,483 64,131 9,006 81,734 241,564 23,128 66,857 1,332,962 16,307 190,807 17,062 23,541 219,826 3,186,661 "3 230 2,507 1,077 10 406,322 1,294 331 1,613,607 2,388 1,253,714 11,644,482 From the United Kingdom. Dollars, 67,205 224,774 32,425 2,653,507 114,830 1,577,155 41,813 1.525,599 137,581 64,340 60,676 178,566 394,547 7,073,078 From France. Dollars. 39,278 43,771 15,795 64,573 54,040 19,644 36,395 5,984 362,805 99,572 96,260 54,000 70,556 83,707 21,039 99,703 264,369 1,441,591 From Ger- many. (Z Dollars. 952 4,998 5,712 69,972 44,744 29,988 9,282 9,990 139,230 24,038 3.794 2,856 3,094 3,094 6,664 34,034 24,276 451,724 From Spain. Dollars. 1,486,236 236,276 1,970,964 52,554 414,883 30,208 574,551 388,131 24,076 225,384 2,418,741 249,004 704,084 65,470 41,913 884,747 910,455 57,774 487,239 3,523,640 102,517 715,965 15,664,812 a Exports to total West Indies. MEXICO. /' b Not specified. Agricultural implements 25,365 427,296 345,048 21,544 264,987 149,635 1,0^6,462 87,478 32,576 33,918 50,179 264,875 41,413 67,970 Animals Breadstuffs Candles 17,137 225,677 318,067 Chemicals, drugs, dyes, and medicines. . Coal 128,588 105,905 2,574,802 160,650 47,284 Cotton, manufactures of 185,402 17,850 138,754 Earthen, china, and glass ware Fancy articles Fish. . 106,250 422,241 21,822 Flax, hemp, and jute, manufactures of.. . rhiniiowder and other explosives India rubber and gutta-percha, manu- factures of 437,216 31,416 133,410 4,284 41,888 Instruments and apparatus for scien- tific purposes b Exports from the United States to Mexico are defective, embracing only exports in vessels. 312 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. No. 3.— IMPORTS AND EXPORTS of Domestic Merchandise, etc.— Cont'd- MEXICO— Continued. EXPORTS. ARTICLES. From the United States. From the United Kingdom. From France. From Germany. From Spain. Iron and steel, and manufactures of. , . . Jewelry, and manufactures of gold and silver Dollars. 1,946,948 Dollars. 1,050,804 Dollars. 149,382 316,990 359,918 Dollars. 57,596 Dollars. 79,566 Leather, and manufactures of 85,144 144,774 23,945 175,537 147,756 123,226 390,425 256,357 2,658 19,648 5^^,123 92,581 4,887 32,255 1,280,126 39,543 1,569,509 53,788 Malt liquors Musical instruments Oils Mineral, refined All other 714 6,188 Paper and stationery Provisions, comprising meat and dairy products - 229,040 .7268,501 91,843 41,814 Quicksilver 64 62,607 93,082 Silk manufactures of 17,232 16,660 Snirits distilled 63,953 Sufar refined .... Tobacco, leaf Watches 5,589 430,091 473,040 WearincT aoDarel . 32,391 17,136 Wine 317,024 Wood, and manufactures of 6,188 159,222 62,594 Wool, manufactures of 577,615 327,350 758,426 489,649 All other articles 112,003 9,242,188 5,385,313 4,457,250 ''960,330 1,043,810 a Includes books. /' Not specified, c Includes the exports from Germany to Central America. CENTRAL AMERICAN STATES. Breadstuffs Candles Cotton, manufactures of Chemicals, drugs, dyes and medicines. . Earthen, china and glassware Fancy articles Flax, hemp and jute, manufactures of.. Fibh Fruit Gunpowder and other explosives Iron and steel, and manufactures of. . . . Jewelry, and manufactures of gold and silver Leather, and manufactures of Oils : Vegetable Paper and stationery Provisions, comprising meat and dairy products Silk, manufactures of Soap Spirits, distilled Sugar, refined Wearing apparel Wine Wood, and manufactures of Wool, manufactures of All other articles Total 4,131,574 821,318 14,061 446,800 217,135 33,114 40,287 48,131 15,570 21,324 100,748 879,020 8,416 59,829 9,414 54,611 265,873 3,107 19,865 29,758 39,451 46,570 205,160 18,035 733,977 28,707 3,103,285 35,3" 17,826 131,517 676,906 24,391 37,112 14,594 106,270 204,203 328,280 4,708,402 1,809 2,442 5,830 15,415 733 1,139 4,102 5,875 ^13,854 11,561 7,856 30,408 1,702 18,484 70,972 191,912 {c) 22,057 14,565 52,662 a Includes books and engravings b Not specified, f The exports from Germany to Central America are included with the exports from Germany to Mexico. Tables. 313 No. 3.— IMPORTS AND EXPORTS of Domestic Merchandise^ etc.— Cont'd. UXITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. EXPORTS. ARTICLES. From the United States. From the United Kingdom. From France. From Germany. From Spain. Ereadstuffs 440,798 37,454 7.830 169,913 154,194 376,529 44,616 42,492 170,845 102,392 47,874 27,254 710,492 12,986 103,094 50,872 14,326 24,889 88,569 607,474 694 94,105 32,111 227,324 120,913 8,917 109,200 457,519 15,252 622,331 Carriages, horse-cars and cars for steam railroads 41,670 Candles 45,258 52,140 104,537 3,166,992 22,780 Chemicals, drugs, dyes and medicines. . Coal 237,547 Cotton, manufactures of 464,120 78,568 757,788 109,104 9,799 Earthen, china and glassware Fancy articles ... Fish Flax, hemp and jute, manufactures of. . Gunpowder and other explosives India rubber and gutta-percha, manu- factures of 381,154 124,498 31,569 553,686 Iron and steel, manufactures of.. 329,895 57,671 1,399,765 105,842 Jewelry, and manufactures of gold and silver Leather, and manufactures of 94,770 44,903 10,6^8 Malt liquors. . Oils : Vegetable 67,480 Paints and painters' colors Paper and stationery 33,832 163,519 rt28,994 12,415 10,524 Provisions, comprising meat and dairy products Silk, manufactures of .... 22,167 23,839 Soap Spirits, distilled 78,965 11,277 Sugar, refined . . . Tobacco, and manufactures of Wearing apparel 388,322 1,115,982 762,116 Wine 159,782 Vegetables, including pickles, etc Wood, and manufactures of 26,595 79,152 673,646 539,366 Wool, manufactures of 284,257 420,559 All other articles 55,624 Total 4,923,259 5,673,521 7,104,691 ('■) 404,895 a Includes books. l> Not specified. c The exports from Germany to the United States of Colombia are not separately stated. Mexican Tariff AND CUSTOM-HOUSE LAWS. (315) MONEY, AVEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF MEXICO. The Money, Weights and Measures of Mexico are as follows: The money consists of gold and silver. The gold coins are $20 and $16 pieces, and are worth in U. S. gold about $19.65 and and $15.65, respectively. The silver consists of dollars, halves, quarters, dimes and half-dimes. The silver dollar is worth about 86c. U. S. money. The Arroha WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. For Wine =3|^ Imperial Gallons. For Oil =2| Imperial Gallons. The Square " Vara" =1-09 Vara=l Yard. The Fanega =li Imperial Bushels. METRIC SYSTEM. The following are the approximate values: 1 ]^Ictre is equal to 3 feet 3-lOths of an Inch. 1 Decimetre = 4 Inches. 5 Metres =1 Rod. 1 Kilometre = 5 Furlongs. 1 Square Metre = lOf Square Feet. 1 Hectare =2i Acres. 1 Cubic Metre = i Cord. 1 Litre = 1 Quart. 1 Hectolitre =2^ Bushels. 1 Gramme = 15i Grains. 1 Kilogramme - = 2 1-5 Pounds. (317^ MARITIME AND FRONTIER CUSTOM HOUSES OF MEXICO. PORTS OF ENTRY. GULF OP MEXICO. Matamoros, Tampico, Tiixpam, Vera Cruz, Coatzacoalcos, Frontera, Isla de Carmen, Campeche and Progreso. PACIFIC OCEAN. Soconusco, Tonala, Salina Cruz, Puerto Angel, Acapulco, Manzanillo, San Bias, Mazatlau, Altata, Guayamas, La Paz, Cabo de San Lucas, Bahia de la Magdalena and Todos Santos. northee:n' frontier. Tijuana, Quitovaquita, Nogales, Sasabe, Palominas, Ascencion, Paso del Norte, Presidio del Norte, Piedras Negras, Laredo de Tamaulipas, Guerrero. Mier and Camargo. SOUTHERN FRONTIER. Zapaluta. PORTS FOR THE COASTING TRADE. GULF OF MEXICO. Soto la Marina (*Tampico); Tecoluta, Nautla, Alvarado, Tlacotalpam, Sante- comapam (Vera Cruz); Tonala (Coatzacoalcos); Tenosique (Frontera); La Aguada, Villa de Palizada (Isla de Carmen); Champoton (Campeche); Celestum, Isla de Mujeres, Isla de Cozumel (Progreso). PACIFIC OCEAN. Tecoanapa, Ziliuatanejo (Acapulco); Chamela (Manzanillo); Maria Madre (San Bias); Topolobampo, Perihuete, Teacapam (Mazatlau); Agiabampo (Guayamas); Mulege San Jose del Cabo (La Paz); Isla de Guadalupe (Todos Santos). CUSTOM HOUSE SECTIONS. NORTHERN FRONTIER. Las Vacas. Pacuaclie (Piedras Negras); Reynosa (Matamoros). * The name in parentheses refers to the maritime or frontier custom house on ■which the place named, preceding it, depends. (318) GENERAL ORDINANCE FOR MARITIME AND FRONTIER CUSTOM HOUSES. CHAPTER 1. General Rules for the Commerce of the Republic. SECTION I. GENERAL TRAEFIC. Art. 1. The ports and the maritime and the frontier custom houses of the United Mexican States are open to the commerce of all the nations of the world and their recognized possessions. Art. 2. The importation, exportation, re-exportation and transit of goods will be subject to the conditions contained in this law, in the custom house regulations and treaties now in force. To which the importers, exporters, consignees, captains, supercargoes, crews and others, charged with conducting and keeping the goods, as well as the vessels, cars and other means of transportation, will be subject, and that relating to the payment of the duties and fines imposed for their violation, from the moment they enter the territory or the waters of the nation. Art. 3. The importation of foreign goods of any kind into the Republic is not prohibited. The importation of war materials may tem[)orarily be i)rohil)ited by the Executive of the Union, and regulated by the War Department at their introduction into the country. Art. 4. The importers of foreign goods can determine tlie designation of the goods in the Republic, the transit through the national territory, tlic (hsposit, or the re-exportation. Tlie carrier of goods can transfer them from one vessel to another in the waters of the Hcpuljlic. All these operations are subject to the laws now in force. Art. 5, Wlieii any nation is at war with the I'nitcd .Mexican States, tlic i)rivileges granted in tlie former articles will be suspended in respect to that nation. Special decrees from the Executive will declare and regulate the manner of making this interdiction. 320 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. Art. 6. The refusal to obey the Federal Government wherever there may be a maritime or frontier custom house, or the occupation of the place by rebellious forces, will cause the place to be closed to legal trafQc, and thereafter no federal office will authorize the dispatch of merchandise for the place mentioned by this order, nor receive any coming from such place, until its submission to the federal power. The goods on the way to this closed custom house will be received at any custom house in accordance with the provisions of this law. Any persons violating the same shall be punished as are contrabands under this law, but such punishment shall not render them less liable to the other punishments provided for in such cases. Art. 7. I. Foreign goods imported into the Republic in foreign vessels shall pay the rates, assigned in the tariff of this ordinance, or in their stead those fixed on them according to the rules established by this law, II. Foreign merchandise imported in national steam or sailing vessels shall enjoy the difference in the import duties, according to the law of December 12, 1883, pro- vided they have complied with the requirements there indicated. III. Of all the import duties there shall be delivered monthly to the Municipal Government of the ports or places where the custom houses may be situated, one and one-quarter per cent, granted by this law to the said corporations. Art. 8. No change in the rates of this tariff or in the system of applying them to the goods which have no rate mentioned, can go into operation until after the time be fixed by the law which may establish them. The same will be observed in respect to all changes which increase the obligations or fines established. Art. 9. On the subject of importation, exportation, re-exportation, and transit, the Federal Executive power will have, besides its constitutional powers, those detailed in the present law. Art. 10. The Treasury Department is the only one legally authorized to transmit to the Federal custom houses the orders for the exemption of duties, as well as all classes of dispositions relating to this law. SECTION II. powers and obligations of the executive of the union. Art. 11. The powers conferred upon the Federal Executive, on the subject of im- portation, are the following: I. To declare free from the payment of duties all kinds of merchandise which come expressly for the public use of the Federation, and of the several departments, provided that any of them order the goods from some functionary or Federal employe abroad, and that he shall be the direct shipper. II. To make also the declaration of the exemption of duties, when a citizen com- missioned by the Executive makes the purchase abroad, and in this case the goods should come consigned to the Executive, or some of the departments. Contracting with persons or corporations for the free entry of foreign goods, even when they are intended for the direct use of the Federation, is prohibited. III. To declare e xempt from the payment of duties armaments and materials of war for the States, provided the Governors solicit the exemption from the Federal Executive and in accord with the Legislatures of the States which they represent. IV. To authorize in exceptional cases, and when extraordinary circumstances demand it, that the importation of the goods may be made at different custom houses from those to which the goods were intended. Mexican Tariff and Custom House Laws. 321 • V. To establish by means of decrees for general observance, which the Execu- tive cannot change, fixed rates which the goods imported and not included in the tarifi" must pay, and that the rates shall be imposed to correspond with those on goods rated. These rates will be the results of the operation made in accordance with the provisions of the articles of this law relating to the subject. VI. To decide, in case of controversy and disagreement of experts, in accordance with the requirements of this law. VII. To define the articles of this tariff by means of explanations, definitions and all that may be thought necessary for the easy comprehension of the rules that may be established, so that the meaning given to the law will be the same in all the offices where duties are collected; besides taking into consideration that the rates fixed in this tariff will not be modified. The decisions which the Executive may give will be published by means of a decree, without which requisite they will not be considered legal. VIII. The index or vocabulary annexed to the tariff, which embraces the names of the different kinds of merchandise, with the numbers by which they are found, will be modified by the Executive when in the course of the fiscal year there are modifi- cations made which make it necessary, and they will be published by means of decrees, placing in the vocabulary all the names of the merchandise which may have been added in the previous year. IX. To prohibit temporarily the importation or transit of war materials when, under the circumstances, it may be deemed necessary. Special decrees will declare and abolish this prohibition. CHAPTER II. Loading of Vessels in Foreign Ports. SECTION I. RULES TO WniCn FOREIGN SniPMEXTS WILL BE SUBJECT AND THE DUTIES "WHICH THEY ARE TO PAT AT MEXICAN PORTS. Art. 12. Vessels of all kinds and nationalities in ballast or loaded with merchan- dise, coming to the United Mexican States, should be cleared for some of those ports which the Federal Executive has ready for the commerce of the high seas. Art. 13. Steam or sailing vessels, national or foreign, can carry passengers, mail and cargo, for one or more ports of the Republic, and for foreign ports, or for these only, as long as the cargo is entered according to this law at Mexican ports. Art. 14. Vessels in ballast coming from a foreign port, and which come with the object of fishing or diving on the Mexican coast, or with the purpose of receiving and taking passengers and mail, or loading live-stock, wood, or any other national product, will go to ports open for the traffic of the high seas, that from some of them they may clear for their destinati(jn. Art. 15. When a vessel in ballast re([ue.sts permission to go and load national products at a port where there is no cu.stom liouso established, the collector may grant jjermission, provided it complies with the requisites expressed in Article 27G of this law. 322 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. Art. 16. Foreign and national vessels can come freely to the ports of the Eepub- lic to winter, to get water, replenish stores or repair injuries, without being obliged to pay tonnage or any other duty, with the exception of pilotage, which foreign and national vessels shall pay only when they solicit the services of the pilot; being sub- ject to all the provisions of this law. Art. 17. National or foreign merchant vessels, steam or sailing, are subject to the payment of pilotage, which will be collected by the Captain of the Port, in accordance with the orders promulgated by the Department of War and Navy, which may bo in force at the time of entering. They shall also be subject to the payment of light-house taxes when those exist. Said tax shall be as follows: I. For steamers loaded with merchandise $100 on arriving, and the same on leaving. II. For sailing vessels loaded with merchandise $25 on arriving, and the same on leaving. III. Foreign vessels which, sent out with ballast, arrive directly at some port of the Eepublic in order to load national products shall pay, on leaving, a light-house tax of $100 for steamers, and $25 for sailing vessels. IV. Vessels which carry merchandise consigned to one or more ports of the Republic shall pay the light-house tax but once ; having done this on their entrance into the first port where such a tax is collectable, the same shall not again be levied at any of the other ports which may be touched for the purpose of unloading the rest of the cargo; a proper certificate proving the payment of said tax shall be fur- nished, and the custom house receiving the tax shall officially notify the other ports at which said vessels propose to stop of said payment. Art. 18. Foreign vessels bringing merchandise from abroad, with the exception of coal, will pay but once, at the first port which they may touch, the tonnage duty which may exist, at the rate of $1.50 for the tons measured, determining the number of tons according to the respective regulations of the "War and Navy Departments. Art. 19. Foreign vessels which come from abroad destined to ports of the Re- public, and conducting merchandise and coal, will only pay tonnage dues on the num- ber of tons occupied by the merchandise. In order that the ton- nage dues, which vessels referred to in this and the previous article must pay, may not be charged them again at other national ports, to which they may go with any object whatever, the captains will obtain from the custom house which col- lected the duty a certificate to prove the payment of said duty. Art. 20. The following are exempt from tonnage dues : I. Vessels referred to in articles 14 and 16 of this chapter. II. Steamships. III. Foreign sailing vessels which arrive at the ports of the Republic bringing coal only. IV. National vessels. V. Foreign men-of-war. Art. 21. National or foreign vessels after having discharged the merchandise which they brought and having paid the corresponding duties are considered as ves- sels in ballast, according to Articles 14 and 15, and can engage, under the same regu- lations, in the same operations, but the foreign vessels will be subject to the pilot dues, and the national vessels only when they apply for a pilot. Art. 22. National and foreign merchant vessels, from the moment they enter the waters of the Republic, are subject to the vigilance, examination and visits which the Mexican Federal custom houses may deem necessary to exercise over them. MEXICA2T Tariff axd Custom House Laws. 323 - » SECTION II. DUTIES OF CAPTAINS ABROAD. Art. 23. The captain of every vessel intending to sail to a Mexican port with merchandise is obliged to form a general manifest of the merchandise, according to form No. 1, fonnd at the end of this law, with others cited in it. The general manifest mentioned must contain: I. The name of the Mexican port to which the vessel is bound, the name of the captain, the class, nationality, and name of the vessel, the number of tons burden expressed in figures and writing, and the name of the consignee of the vessel. II. Marks, counter-marks, and numbers of the packages, quantity of packages, their class and their corresponding gross weights (expressing the quantity in figures and writing), kind of merchandise, name of remitters or shippers of each lot, and their respective consignees, and the total number of packages expressed also in figures and writing. III. The name of the port where the merchandise was loaded, the date, and signa- ture of the captain, together with a certificate by him according to form No. 1. Art. 24. The captains of vessels consigned to order will be considered as con- signees of them if they do not designate any person resident at the port who may act as such within twenty-four hours after the entering of the vessel in port. Within the same time captains can name a consignee resident at the port for the merchandise that they have brought to order . If this is not done, the custom house will proceed as in the case where no consignee is mentioned, according to Article 44 of this law. Art. 25. Should interlineations, erasures or corrections appear on the manifests, a fine shall be imposed which shall not be less than $10 nor more than $50. The fol- lowing cases shall form the only exceptions : I. When they have been altered by the interested parties, with explanatory notes placed at the end of the documents before obtaining the certificate mentioned in Article 61. II. When, notwithstanding the corrections, the several copies of the same docu- ment are found to agree. III. When the interlinings, erasures, etc., are or fall on matter of no import- ance in the liquidation of the duties. Art. 26. The captains will present for their certification to the Mexican consul, consular or commercial agent residing at the port where the vessel loads, four copies of the general manifest of the merchandise which they carry to any port of the Repub- lic, leaving three copies of this document at the Consulate or Agency, and receiv- ing from the Mexican functionary the other copy with its respectiv^e certification and corresponding receipt. This copy and receipt captains will bring with them for the purpose mentioned in Article 70, Fraction II. Art. 27. Should there not be, at the port where the cargo is loaded, any Mexican official authorized to certify a general manifest, the captains shall i)rcpare three cop- ies of this document, two of which they shall deposit in tin; postottice of the place, duly certified or especially recommended to the postmaster, and addressed respect- ively, the one to the Secretary of the Treasury in Mexico, and the other to the Col- lector of the Cust(jm House of the port of destination; they shall receive therefor the receipt prescribed by Fraction 11, of Article 6 of the Postal Union, and this, annexed to the third copy, they shall present at the Mexican custom house where the vessel may unload. 324 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. Art. 28. In case the vessel carries freight for two or more ports of the Eepublic, the captains will form the corresponding manifests for each port in accordance with the formalities mentioned in the previous articles. Art. 29. The captain is obliged to deliver to the representatives of the custom house as soon as these come to visit the vessel before anchoring: I. The general manifest of the merchandise which he has for the port ho pro- poses to enter, with the respective consular receipts or the postal receipts, and cer- tification referred to in Articles 26 and 27. II. A statement of the packages of samples which he brings in his care (Model No. 2). III. A list of the passengers, if he has any (Model No. 3). IV. A minute declaration of the stores left, and other articles which he may have on board for the service of the ship (Model No. 4). Art. 30. I. Should the manifest and consular receipt be entirely wanting, the following fines shall be imposed : When the vessels are loaded with merchandise, the fines shall be not less than $25, nor more than .$500. When they carry simply ballast, it shall vary from $5 to $100, at the discretion of the collector. II. The absence of the postal receipt mentioned in Article 27 shall be punished in the same manner as though there were no manifests whatever, unless, at the time of presenting said manifest, there is found in the custom house of the place to which the vessel is destined a corresponding copy of the same. III. The failure to deliver the manifest and consular or postal receipts to the cus- tom-house official, immediately upon the boarding of the vessel for the purpose of searching the same, shall be punished by a fine of from $5 to $25. IV. The failure to present any of the other documents mentioned in fractions II, III and IV of the preceding article, shall be punished by a fine of from $1 to $10. V. All the fines which for the foregoing reasons may be imposed by the custom houses remain subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. Art. 31. When the captains comply with the presentation of the general mani- fest and the consular or postal receipts with the respective certification, and the cus- tom house has not, as yet, received its corresponding copy, the collectors will insist on seeing the log-book of the ship, the bills of lading and any other documents that may be needed to compare the date of sailing of the ship with the custom house docu- ments. If the documents agree as to dates, there will be copies made of the manifest presented so as to be able to proceed with the discharge of the cargo, and notice shall be given to the Treasury Department so that the cause of the delay may be inquired into by the consulate. Art. 32. If there should be a diiference between the dates of the saihng of the vessel and the mentioned documents, and it is not sufficiently proven that the unfore- seen events had been the cause of the difference, the collectors will proceed to invest- igate what had taken place during the passage, making the passengers (when there are any), and the crew of the ship, declare what took place during the trip, giving immediate notice of what transpired to the Treasury Department for its knowledge and resolution. The irregularities mentioned in this article will not impede the discharge of the cargo nor the sailing of the vessel, if it should be solicited ; provided, always, that the captain or his representatives give a bond to the satisfaction of the collector, and promising to comply with the decision of the Government. Art. 33. When the captains do not present the copy which they should bring; and those of the custom house and Treasury Department have been received, the col- lector will furnish the captain, at his expense, an exact copy of that in his possession, Mexican Tariff and Custom House Laws. 325 ^vhich copy, signed by the captain, will take the place of the one which should have been presented on entering the port. Art. 34. The formalities expressed in the previous articles are obligatory on the captains even when their vessels come in ballast to the ports of the Republic ; but, in case they conduct merchandise to a foreign port, the captains ought to comply with the provisions of the following article : Art. 35. The captains of vessels carrying merchandise for national and foreign ports shall, during their stay, deposit in the custom house of each Mexican port, at which they stop, the respective manifests of the other cargoes which they may have aboard. Art. 3G. The documents which the captains of the vessels should present accord- ing to this law shall be written in Spanish or in the language of the nation to which the ship belongs. * Art. 37. The manifests dated before the sailing of the vessel carrying merchan- dise will be considered null by the collectors, who will proceed, in consequence, the same way as if these documents were missing. Art. 38. The captains will take care that packages containing samples for Mex- ican ports are mentioned in a separate document from the general cargo which they carry. Art. 39. It is the duty of captains to preserve in good condition the seals which the custom house officers may place on the hatchways and bulkheads ; the breaking- of these seals, except when the same shall be proved to have been done without any one being to blame, shall be punished with a fine not exceeding .$200: this fine shall, however, be no bar to such other punishments as may be provided for the acts which may have been committed. Art. 40. It is the duty of captains to show their log books, the bills of lading and all other documents which the collectors may require for the purpose of over- coming the difficulties; and to treat with due respect the officers which the custom house sends on board to watch what takes place on the ship, and consider them as first-class passengers. Art. 41. During the discharge of a vessel, the captain shall form a ticket of the packages discharged and loaded on the launch, giving the details mentioned in Model No. 5. This ticket shall be duly numbered and shall be delivered to the man in charge of the launch which carries the cargo. Art. 42. In the absence of a captain, the persons who legally represent him are responsible and have the same obligations as mentioned in tbis chapter. SECTION III. OBLIGATIONS OF SHIPPERS OR TRANSMITTERS. Art. 43. The shippers or remitters of merchandise to any port of the Republic are obliged to form invoices of the goods which they send, even when these are in- tended for the public service of the Federation, or of tlio States, or when it refers to those articles which this law exempts from duty; the shippers or remitters should make one separate invoice for each one of their consign(!os, forming tlieiii in triplicate or (luadruplicate, as the case may be dcterniiniid by this law; they must be in accord with Model No. G, and shall contain the following: I. The class, nationality and name of the vessel, the name of the captain, of tho consignee, of the goods, and of tlu! port to whidi the vessel is bound. 326 Delmar's Mercantile Manual and Business Guide. II. The marks, countermarks and numbers of the packages. in. The number (expressed in figures and letters) of bales, boxes, barrels, or other kinds of packages in which the cargo is contained, togetlier with their re- spective gross weights, which shall also be expressed in figures and letters. IV. The net or legal weight (also expressed in figures and letters) of the mer- chandise which is to pay duty according to said weights. V. The numbers (also expressed in figures and letters) of the pieces, pairs or thousands of such goods as are taxed by the piece, pair or thousand. VI. The length and breadth (in figures and letters) of the goods which are taxed according to the measurement. VII. The length, breadth and weight of the square metre of woolen cloth accord- ing to the quality of each lot. VIII. The name, kind and class of merchandise mentioned in the manifest according to the nomenclature of the tarifl" or vocabulary, if they are mentioned therein ; even more in detail when such mention is not made. IX. The nation where the goods are produced, their corresponding values and the sum total of the packages. X. Name of the place where the invoice is made, the corresponding date, the signature of the shipper or remitter affirming to the truth of what he declares, and that he proceeds with fidelity and good faith. XI. To the end that shippers may intelligently form their invoices, they must take into consideration, in declaring the goods, the dispositions established by this tariff for the payment of the import duties. Art. 44. "UTien the shippers or remitters omit to express on the consular invoices the consignee or consignees of their merchandise, or when they are consigned to order, and when the captains of vessels do not make use of the facilities aflbrded them in Article 24 of this law, the collector of the port will be considered as con- signee, and will discharge said duty according to the following rules : I. The collector of the port will name a person in whom he has entire confidence, who will act as provisional consignee of the merchandise, without a consignee, or to order. He will see that the general rules of this ordinance are complied with, and in the meantime he will wait for the consignee to present himself, until the time for the sale of the goods. II. The owners of the goods consigned to order, or who have not mentioned a con- signee, should present themselves to the collector within twenty-four hours from the moment in which the vessel entered port, to prove their indentity, and exhibit the corresponding documents, and manifesting, by written declaration, that they accept the consignment of the goods. The said time having expired, the above declaration will not be accepted, and the collector shall proceed to name a consignee. III. If the owners or consignees reside away from the port, they can make it known to the custom house by telegraph, and present themselves to verify their indentity and right within fifteen days, counting from the day after the custom house has taken charge of the ship bringing the goods, in order to follow the custom house proceedings from the point at which they are left by the provisional consignee pre- viously appointed before the discharge was ordered. IV. In all cases where the name of the consignee does not appear on the manifest of the ship, or is consigned to order, or when the consignee named or the collector of the port has taken charge of the consignment, the discharge of the ship will be made, and the goods shall not be stored without a previous examination of them to prove their agreement with the consular invoice of the custom house ; should the custom house not have received said invoice, the description of the goods shall be reduced to writing, as provided in the next section. Mexican Tariff ajs'd Custom House Laws. 327 Y-. The examination spoken of in the previous fraction will be made by the officer appointed by the collector, who will witness this examination, and, besides the collector, or the officer appointed in his stead, the provisional consignee, and the captain of the vessel which brought them, should he desire it, making a declaration in triplicate, which they will sign, as to the result of the examination. Immediately after they will proceed to close and tie the packages with wire, and seal them with leaden seals in such a way that they cannot be opened without destroying the seals, and they will store them separate from other goods in store. VI. All expense incurred by the examination, sealing, unloading, transit, etc., will be for account of the consignees or owners of the goods, should these have to be sold in accordance with the provisions of this law. Art. 45. Shippers of goods may unite into a single package a number of bales, boxes, bags, bundles, or other kind of packages containing the same kind of stuffs, provided that in the consular invoice the number of said packages be set forth. Should the latter be wanting, and should the error not bo corrected within the time allowed the consignees by Art. 109 of this law, double duties shall be charged upon the goods contained in the packages not appearing on the manifest. The following are excepted: I. Merchandise naturally bulky and generally tied together, as iron bars, metal plates or sheets, shingles for roofs, shooks or other similar goods. II. Boxes containing petroleum or coal oil, olive oil, and other like goods which generally come in large cans. III. Pieces of dry goods in bales or boxes, bottles, vessels and fiasks containing alimental substances, drugs, perfumery, etc., and in general small packages, bags, boxes, or any class of packages under one cover. Art. 46. On the consular invoices, the gross and net weight of packages of mer- chandise containing different kinds of goods, or differently packed, shall be sep- arately expressed. Neither shall bundles containing dry goods, nor cotton, linen, woolen or silk stufTs, be united into a single lot, if the difference in weight between some of them exceeds ten (10) kilogrammes. Unless the consignees claim the benefit of the exemption of Article 109, the viola- tion of the present article shall be punished by the imposition of double duties upon such goods as may be contained in the package or packages improperly declared in the manifest. Art. 47. Neither shall the average width of dry goods paying duty by the square metre be used, if the difference between the same exceed five centimetres. The violation of this provision shall be punished by the imposition of double duties upon that portion which is improperly declared; provided, always, that the interested party shall not correct the same within the time allowed by .Vrticlo 109. Art. 48. Interlineations, erasures, corrections or amendments shall not be allowed in the consular invoices sul)ject to a fine of from .to to $'A) for each violation of this order. These mistakes will only bo tolerated in tlie following cases : I. When they have l)cen corrcct(id l)y tlu^ interested parties, witli notes exphiining them, which will be ])laced at the end of the document before obtaining thf cortififation troat('(] of in Articles 01 and 02. II. When, notwilii.standing the corrections, the diOcrent co^jies of the same doriiniont arc found to agree. III. When said interlineations, erasures, etc., affect matters which in nowise relate to or may be used in fi.\iii