-r.>^y -v^ w7i'^*'T.i^K. BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION M.-. W;. GRAND LODGE OF FEEE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE AND BY-LAWS OF %lko Ithe Tyler's room, in which all members shall record their names, and all. visitors shall record their names, and the names, numbers, and locations of their respec- tive Lodges, before entering the Lodge. Sec. 3. He shall also keep such Account Books as may be necessary to present clearly the account of each member with the Lodge, the receipts of the Secretary, and his payments to the Treasurer ; and shall preserve the Books of Constitutions and Regu- lations of the Grand Lodge, which may from time to time be pub- lished, together with all the printed proceedings thereof, as pro- mulgated by its order. ARTICLE VI. OF THE APPOINTED OFFICERS. Section 1. The Deacons, Tyler, and other appointed officers, GRAND LODGE OF xNEVADA. 31 shall perform such duties consonant with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to their respective offices, as may be required by the by-laws, or directed by the Master. PART Y. Of Individual Masons. ARTICLE I. OF MEMBERSHIP. Section. 1. Membership in a Lodge may be acquired — 1st. By having regularly received the degree of Master Mason therein : 2d. By having been duly elected for affiliation therewith : and 3d. By having been named in a dispensation for a new Lodge as one of the petitioners therefor. Sec. 2. No Mason shall be a member of more than one Lodge at the same time. Sec. 3. Membership in a Lodge can only be terminated — 1st. By the dissolution of the Lodge: 2d. By voluntary withdrawal therefrom : and 3d. By death, suspension, or expulsion. Sec. 4. A member of a Lodge, in^good standing, and whose dues are paid, may withdraw therefrom at any time by giving notice of his intention so to do at a stated communication ; but no recommendatory certificate shall be given him, except by a vote of a majority of the members of the Lodge then present. ARTICLE II. OF DUTIES, PROHIBITIONS, AND PENALTIES. Section 1. It is the duty of every Master Mason to be a Mem- ber of some Lodge ; and every one who, having resided six months within the jurisdiction of a Lodge, shall refuse or neglect to make application so to be, or who shall not have regularly contributed to such Lodge an amount equivalent to its regular dues, while able so to do, shall be deemed unworthy of Masonic consideration, and . shall not be entitled to, nor be the recipient of, any of the rights, privileges, or charities of the Order. Sec. 2. No member of a Lodge shall be required to divulge his vote upon a ballot for affiliation, or for the degrees of Masonry ; nor assign reasons for such vote, if it be known. Sec. 3. No Mason shall hold any Masonic intercourse with an 32 CONSTITUTION OF OF THE expelled or suspended Mason, with an illegal Lodge, with any per- son who has received degrees therein, or is a member thereof, nor with any Mason not acknowledged as such by this Grand Lodge. Sec. 4. For non-payment of his dues, a member may be sus- pended from all the rights and privileges of Masonry, in the man- ner provided in Sec. 9, Art. Ill, Part III. Sec. 5. For any violation of the Ancient Landmarks of the Order, of the Constitution or Regulations of the Grand Lodge, of the by-laws of his Lodge, or of any portion of the Masonic or moral law, a member, or any other Mason within the jurisdiction of a Lodge, may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, in the manner provided in Art. Ill, Part VI. PART YI. Of Trials^ Appeals^ and Penalties. ARTICLE I. BELATIVB TO MASTERS OF LODGES. Section 1. Charges may be preferred against the Master of a Lodge for abuse of his power, violation of the Constitution or Regulations, or for unmasonic conduct of any kind, by any five Master Masons in good standing ; which charges shall be in writing, over their signatures, and shall be presented to the Grand Lodge, if in session, or to the Grand Master during the vacation. Sec. 2. Upon the presentation of such charges, the Grand Lodge, or the Grand Master, as the case may be, may at once ap- point and summon not less than three nor more than seven disin- terested Masters, to assemble as Commissioners to hear and deter- mine thereupon ; and shall then summon the accused to appear and answer thereunto, at such time and place most convenient for the parties as shall be indicated in said summons ;' giving him, if with- in the jurisdiction of his Lodge, at least ten days — if without that jurisdiction and within the State, at least thirty days — and if with- out the State, at least ninety days — to answer thereunto ; and trans- mitting to him also a copy of the charges. Sec. 3. The Commissioners, thus assembled, shall choose one of their number to preside, and they, or any of them, shall have power to summon witnesses at the request of either party. The witnesses, if Masons, shall testify upon their honor as such ; if not, their depositions shall be taken, in writing, before an officer legally authorized to administer oaths ; and, in such case, the party re- quiring such depositions shall notify the other of the time and GRAND LODGE OF NEVADA. 66 place when and where they will betaken, that he may, if he choose, be present thereat. Sec. 4. The Commissioners may adjourn from time to time, at their own convenience, or for good cause shown by either party ; provided that the period within which their duties shall be con- cluded, shall not exceed ten days, unless, for sufficient reasons, the Grand Master shall grant them further time. Sec. 5. The opinion of a majority of the Commissioners shall be deemed the judgment of the whole, and shall be conclusive, unless an appeal be taken at the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 6. The penalties which may be inflicted by such Com- missioners, may be either deprivation of office, suspension, or ex- pulsion, as in their judgment shall seem proper. Sec. 7. The Commissioners shall keep a complete record of their proceedings and of their judgment, and shall transmit the same to the Grand Secretary, at the conclusion of the trial ; and the judgment shall at once be carried into effect by order of the Grand Master. Sec. 8. An Appeal to the Grand Lodge may be taken at its next Annual Grand Communication, by either party, if notice there- of be given to the Grand Secretary within thirty days after the conclusion of the trial. ARTICLE II. RELATIVE TO LODGES AND MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT LODGES. Section 1. When a controversy shall arise between Lodges, or between a Lodge and a member or members of another Lodge, charges may be preferred by either party, if in good standing ; which charges shall be in writing, and shall be presented to the Grand Lodge or Grand Master, as provided in Sec. 1, Art. I, of this Part. Sec. 2. Upon the presentation of such charges, not less than five nor more than seven Commissioners shall be appointed and sum- moned, as provided in Sec. 2, Art, I, of this Part, which Commis- sioners shall be Masters or Wardens, and shall be selected from at least three different Lodges not interested in the controversy, and most convenient to the parties ; and the accused party shall be summoned, with such time to answer as provided in the section and article last quoted. Sec. 3. The Commissioners shall have power to proceed, and shall keep a record of their proceedings and judgment in the same manner as provided in Art. I, of this Part ; and tlie penalties which they may inflict may be any known to Masonic usage, or, if the case be one not involving a violation of Masonic duty, the decision may be such special one as the circumstances shall, in their judgment warrant. 34 CONSTITUTION OF THE Sec. 4. An appfeal may be taken by either party to the Grand Lodge, as provided in Sec. 8, Art. I, of this Part. ARTICLE in. RELATIVE TO MASONS INDIVIDUALLY. Section 1. When any member of a Lodge, (except its Master or the Grand Master,) or any Mason residing within its jurisdic- tion, shall be accused of unmasonic conduct, charges to that effect may be preferred by any Master Mason in good standing ; which charges shall be in writing, over his signature, and shall be presented to the Master of the Lodge having jurisdiction thereof. Sec. 2. Upon the presentation of such charges, it shall be the duty of the Master, by due notification, to call a special com- munication of his Lodge, as soon as practicable, and there cause to be elected, by ballot, and by a majority of those present, not less than seven nor more than nine of its members, who shall assemble as Commissioners, to hear and determine thereupon, at such time and place, convenient to the parties, as he shall indicate; and he shall also summon the accused to appear and answer thereunto at such time and place ; and shall, at the same time, cause the Secretary to furnish him with a copy of the charges, and to notify the accuser of the said time and place of trial. Sec. 3. If the accused be within the jurisdiction of the Lodge, the summons and copy of the charges shall be issued at least ten days prior to the day appointed for the trial, and shall be served personally by the Tyler, or shall be left at his ordinary residence or place of business. If he be without the said jurisdiction, but within the State, and his residence be known, they shall be issued at least thirty days before the day of trial, and shall be forwarded to his address by the Secretary, by mail or other usual mode of convey- ance, which shall be deemed sufficient service. If he be without the State, and his residence be known, they shall be issued at least ninety days before the trial, and shall be forwarded to his address by the Secretary, as before provided, which shall be sufficient ser- vice. If his address is unknown, the Master shall allow the trial to proceed at once upon the testimony, ex parte. Sec. 4. The Commissioners shall assemble at the time and place appointed, and shall be presided over by the Master of the Lodge, who shall decide all questions of Masonic law, which may arise during the trial, but shall not have a vote in the final decision of the case by the Commissioners ; and the Secretary, by order of the Master, shall attend them to keep a full and correct record of the proceedings, testimony, and of the judgment, under their super- vision. Sec. 5. The Master shall summon such witnesses, within the jurisdiction of his Lodge, as may be desired by either party, and GRAND LODGE OF NKVADA. 35 the accused may select any brother in good standing to assist him in his defence. The witnesses, if Masons, shall testify on their honor as such ; if not, their depositions shall be taken in writing, before an officer legally authorized to administer oaths, and in such case, the party requiring such depositions shall notify the other of the time and place when and where they will be taken, that he may, if he choose, be present thereat. Sec. 6. The Commissioners may adjourn from time to time, at their own convenience, or for sufficient cause shown by either party ; provided that the period within which their duties shall be con- cluded shall not exceed ten days, unless for good reasons shown, the Master shall grant them further time. Sec. 7. After all the testimony shall have been received, the Commissioners shall proceed to deliberate upon their verdict and sentence, with none present save themselves and the Secretary, which last shall have no voice in the proceedings. The judgment of a majority of the Commissioners shall be taken as the decision of the whole ; and when the trial is concluded, the Secretary shall make a fair copy of the record and finding, under their supervision, which shall be signed by the chairman of such Commission, and attested by the Secretary, and shall be presented to the Master, who, at the next communication of his Lodge, shall, in the presence of its members only, announce the result, and direct the Secretary to record the same as the judgment of the Lodge, and file the record for safe keeping among its archives. Sec. 8. The penalties which may be inflicted are reprimand in open Lodge, suspension, or expulsion. If the sentence be repri- mand, the Master shall summon the adjudged to appear at the next stated communication, when it shall be carried into eff'ect, in tne presence only of members of the Lodge. If it be suspension or ex- pulsion, it shall at once go into effect, and the Secretary shall im- mediately notify the Grand Secretary thereof; and it shall be final and conclusive, unless an appeal be taken to the Grand Lodge. Sec. 9. An appeal may be taken to the Grand Lodge by either party, at its next succeeding Annual Communication, but not unless a notice of such intended appeal shall be given to the Master Avith- in thirty days after his announcement of the result of the trial ; and in all cases of expulsion or suspension, the Master shall cause the Secretary to prepare a transcript of the record of trial, and imme- diately transmit it to the Grand Secretary, together with informa- tion of the appeal intended, if any there be. ARTICLE IV. OF REVISIONS AND RESTORATIONS. Section 1. All judgments from which an appeal shall be taken as hereinbefore in this Part provided, shall be reviewed in 36 CONSTITUTION OF THE the Grand Lodge, or before a committee thereof, during its commu- nications, upon the record sent up, and upon such other proper documents as may be submitted ; and its decision shall be final and conclusive. Sec. 2. All sentences of suspension shall be for an indefinite period ; and a Lodge may at any stated communication, by the votes of two-thirds of the members present, annul any such sentence of suspension pronounced by itself, and restore the Mason thus sus- pended to all his Masonic rights ; provided, that notice of a resolu- tion for such restoration shall have been given at the stated com- munication next preceding. And in case of such restoration, the Secretary shall at once notify the Grand Secretary thereof. Sec. 3. The Grand Lodge may, at any Annual Grand Commu- nication, if good cause therefor be shown, restore a Mason who has been suspended or expelled within its jurisdiction ; but such restora- tion shall not restore him to membership in the Lodge by which he was suspended or expelled. Sec. 4. No suspension, expulsion, or restoration shall be published otherwise than as hereinbefore provided, except by authority of the Grand Lodge, or by order of the Grand Master. Sec. 5. When it is the intention of any Lodge to take measures to apply to the Grand Lodge for the restoration of a Mason who has been expelled, it shall be the duty of the Master thereof to notify the members of his Lodge, as far as possible, of the time when such proposed action will be had; and cause to be spread upon the minutes of the communication at which such action shall be had, the fact that such notification was duly given. GRAND LODGE OF NEVADA. ^ ^ 37 PART YII. Of AmendmenU^ Definitions^ and Forms. arttclp: I. OF AMENDMENTS. Section 1. Any proposed amendment to this Constitution shall be presented at an Annual Grand Communication, and shall in all cases be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, who shall report before a vote thereon be taken. Sec. 2. After the report of said committee, if the vote in favor of such proposed amendment be unanimous, it shall be declared adopted ; and from and after the close of that communication, shall become a part of the Constitution. Sec. o. If the vote in favor of such proposed amendment be not unanimous, but there be a majority therefor, it shall lie over for one year, and shall be published with the proceedings, under the caption of " Proposed Amendments to the Constitution ;" and if, at the next succeeding Annual Grand Communication, it shall receive two-thirds of the votes given therein, it shall be declared adopted, and from and after the close of that Communication, shall become a part of the Constitution. Sec. 4. No vote upon a proposed amendment shall be taken after the election of. the Grand Officers. ARTICLE II. OF DEFINITIONS. The words and terms used in this Constitution shall bear the construction which is given them in the following definitions : — Grand Master. — This title applies, not only to him who has been elected and installed as Grand Master, but to either of the Grand Officers who, under the provisions of Art. II, Part II, of this Constitution, shall have succeeded to the powers and duties of the Grand Master. Master. — This title applies, not only to him who has been elected and installed as Master, but to either of the Wardens, who under the provisions of Art. Ill, Part IV, of this Constitution, shall have succeeded to the powers and duties of the Master. Past Grand Officer. — This title applies only to one of the six elective Grand Officers who has been regularly elected and installed, and has served his term as such in this Grand Lodge ; and who re- mains a member, in good standing, of some Lodge under its juris- diction. 38 CONSTITUTION OF THE Past Master. — This title applies only to one who has been re- gularly elected, or named in a charter, and installed, and has served a term as Master of a chartered Lodge ; and who is a member, in good standing, of a subordinate Lodge of this jurisdiction. Representative. — The representative of a Lodge within this State, is one who, being a member thereof, in the event that neither the Master nor either of the Wardens can be present at the Grand Lodge, has been elected by the Lodge, at a stated communication, . or at a special communication called for that purpose, by ballot, and by a majority of the votes present to represent it at the next Grand Communication. A Lodge without the State, may be repre- sented by a member of any Lodge under this jurisdiction, elected as before. Vacancy. — Vacancies in office, either in a Lodge or in the Grand Lodge, may occur by death, deprivation, removal from the jurisdiction, suspension or expulsion. Jurisdiction. — The jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge includes all Lodges and Masons within the Territorial limits of this State, and all Lodges and their members without this State, acting under its authority. The jurisdiction of a Lodge includes all Masons residing nearer to its place of meeting than to that of any other Lodge within this State, except in towns or cities where more than one Lodge exists ; in which case, each of such Lodges has separate jurisdiction over its own members, and concurrent jurisdiction over all Masons not members of one of such Lodges, who reside in such town or city, or nearer thereto than to any other place where a Lodge exists. Regulation. — By a regulation of the Grand Lodge is meant any resolution, edict, law, or ordinance of any kind whatever, other than the Constitution, which it may adopt. Suspension. — The suspension of a Lodge is an arrest of its charter, and a temporary prohibition to assemble or work as a legal Lodge, until again authorized so to do by competent authority ; and the act suspends all its members except those especially ex- empted from its effect. The suspension of the Master of a Lodge is a temporary depri- vation of his office and prohibits all recognition of him in that capacity, until he be restored by competent authority. The suspension of a Mason is a temporary deprivation of all his rights and privileges as such, and prohibits all Masons and Lodges from holding any Masonic intercourse whatever with 4iim, until he shall be legally restored by the Lodge which suspended him, or by the Grand Lodge. Expulsion. — The expulsion of a Mason is the highest penalty known to the Masonic law. It is an absolute deprivation of all the rights and privileges of the Order, and prohibits all Masons and Lodges from holding any Masonic intercourse with him forever, unless he be restored by the Grand Lodge. GRAND LODGE OF NEVADA. 89 Notification. — A notification is a call issued by the Secretary, by order of the Lodge or Master, or by other competent authority as hereinbefore provided, to attend for some specific purpose at the time and place therein indicated ; and it is the duty of every Mason to comply with its direction, if hejcan, without great inconvenience, do so. Summons. — A summons is an imperative order, issued by the Master, or by other competent authority as hereinbefore provided, to appear at such time and place as may therein be designated. The obligation to obey it is absolute, and the penalty for disobedi- ence shall be expulsion, unless it shall be shown that such disobedience was unavoidable, or was occasioned by some pressing necessity. Stated Communications. — The stated communication of a Lodge is the one only communication in each lunar month, at which busines may be done, with the exceptions specified in Sec. 2, Art. II, Part III. It shall be designated as such in the by-laws of each Lodge, and no adjourned or called communication shall ever be considered as a part of such stated communication. ARTICLE III. OF FORMS. Form of Certificate for a Diploma. Lodge, No , F. and A. M., \ A. L. 58...] To the Very Worshipful , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Nevada : — I hereby certify that Brother is a Master Mason and a member of this Lodge, in good standing ; and as such he is hereby recommended for a Grand Lodge Diploma, upon payment of the usual fees. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Lodge afore- [Seal.] said, at the date above written. ; Secretary. Form of Certificate for a Diploma for the benefit of the family of a deceased Brother. Lodge, No , F. and A. M., i. M.,\ A. L. 58.../ To the Very Worshipful Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Nevada : — I hereby certify that Brother , who died at , on the day of , A. L. 58..., was at the date of his decease, 40 CONSTITUTION OF THE a Master Mason and a member of this Lodge, in good standing ; and that he left [here insert *' a widow, ^'' '* a child,'''' or *' children,^'' or any of them, as the case may be,) for whose benefit a Grand Lodge Diploma is desired. Given by order of the Lodge aforesaid, at the date first [Seal.] above written, as witness my hand and Seal thereof. Secretary. Form of a Petition for a Dispensation to form a new Lodge. To the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Nevada : — The petition of the undersigned respectfully represents that they are Master Masons in good standing ; that they were last members of the respective Lodges named opposite their several sig- natures hereunto, as will appear from the dimits of each of the petitioners, herewith transmitted; that they reside in or near the of in the county of. , in the State of Nevada ; that among them are a sufiicient number of brethren well qualified to open and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, and to discharge all its various duties in the three degrees of Ancient Masonry, in accordance with established usage ; and that, having the prosperity of the Craft at heart, and being desirous to use their best endeavors for the diffusion of its beneficent prin- ciples, they pray for a Dispensation empowering them to form, open, and hold a regular Lodge at the of. , aforesaid, to be called Lodge. They have nominated, and respectfully recommend Brother as the first Master, Brother as the first Senior Warden, and Brother as the first Junior Warden of the said Lodge, they being in all respects competent to perform all the duties of the several stations for which they are proposed; and, if the prayer of the petitioners be granted, they promise in all things strict obedience to the commands of the Grand Master, and un- deviating conformity to the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. Dated at , on the day of A. L. 58... Signatures. Name and Ko. of Lodge. State or County. Form of Recommendation of a Petition for the institution of a New Lodge. .., F. and M ., A. L., 58. .Lodge, No , F. and M., ) ■ ' -3... f To the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Nevada: — At a stated communication of this Lodge, held at the date above GRAND LODGE OF NEVADA. 41 written, the following preamble and resolution were adopted : — " Whereas, a petition for the issue af a Dispensation to form and open a new Lodge at , in the county of. , has been presented to this Lodge for its recommendation ; And Whereas, it is known to this Lodge that" the signers to said petition, in number, are all Master Masons in good standing, and that a safe and suitable Lodge-room has been provided by them for their meetings ; it is *' Resolved, That the establishment of said new Lodge is of manifest propriety, and will conduce to the good of the Order ; and that this Lodge recommends to the Grand Master the granting of the Dispensation prayed for in said petition." A true copy from the minutes. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and [Seal.] affixed the Seal of the Lodge aforesaid, at the date above written. Secretary. Form of Certificate of the qualifications of the Master proposed in a Petition for a New Lodge. To the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Nevada : — The petition of brethren, residing at the of , in the county of. .praying the Grand Master for a Dispensation to open and hold a new Lodge at said , to be called Lodge, having been presented to me; and Brother being recommended therein for nomination as the first Master of said proposed new Lodge; now, I Master of Lodge, No , do hereby certify that, to my positive knowledge, said Brother is fully competent properly to confer the three degrees of Masonry, and to deliver entire the several lectures there- unto appertaining. Given at , in the county of this...: day of , A. L. 58. Master. Form of Petition for a Charter. To the M.-.W. -.Grand Lodge of Nevada:— The undersigned respectfully represent that on the day of , A. L. 58..., a Dispensation was issued by the Grand Master for the formation of a new Lodge at in the county 42 . CONSTITUTION OF THE of. , by the name of..." Lodge ; that on the day of next ensuing, said Lodge was opened and organized, and has since continued successfully to work during the period named in said Dispensation, as will appear from its records, by-laws and returns, herewith presented ; and that it is the anxious desire of the members of said Lodge that its existence be perpetuated. They therefore pray that a charter be granted to said Lodge, by the name of Lodge, with such number as the usage of the Grand Lodge may assign it ; and recommend that Brother be named therein as Master, Brother as Senior Warden, and Brother as Junior Warden; promising as heretofore, strict obedience to the commands of the Grand Master, and undeviating conformity to the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. Given by instruction from, and on behalf of said Lodge, at this day of A. L., 58... , [-Delegates. .Lodge No ..F, and A. M., A. L. 58. Form of Credentials as Representatives elected by a Lodge. I:} To the M.-.W. -.Grand Lodge of Nevada : — This is to certify that at a Communication of this Lodge, held at the date above written, it having been made known that neither the Master nor either of the Wardens thereof would be entitled to attend the Grand Lodge at its next Annual Communica- tion, Bro a member of. the Lodge, was, by ballot, duly elected to serve as Representative during said Grand Communi- cation. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand [Seal.] and have caused the Secretary to affix the Seal of the Lodge, with his attestation, at the date above written. Master. .Secretary. Form of Petition for the Degrees of Masonry. To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and members of Lodge No , F. and A. M. : — The undersigned respectfully represents, that, unbiassed by GRAND LODGE OF NEVADA. 43 friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary motives, he freely and voluntarily offers himself as a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry ; that he is prompted to solicit this privilege by a favor- able opinion conceived of the institution, a desire for knowledge, and a sincere wish to be serviceable to his fellow creatures ; that he has resided in the State of Nevada more than one year, and at the place below named more than six months next preceding the date hereof; that he has not, within twelve months past, been rejected by any Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons ; and that he promises if found worthy, to conform to all the ancient usages and regulations of the Fraternity. His place of residence is , his age, years, and his occupation [Date,) , 18 [Signature^) Recommended by Bros. ^ [To he Members of the Lodge.) Form of Application for Membership. To the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Lodge, No , F. and A. M. : — The undersigned respectfully represents, that he is a Master Mason, in good standing; that he was last a member of Lodge, No .., in the of , from which he has honorably withdrawn, as by the accompanying certificate will appear, and that he now desires, if found worthy, to become a mem- ber of your Lodge. His place of residence is , his age years, and his occupation {Date,) A. L., 58... Signature , ) Recommended by Bros. 4 [To be Members ^f the Lodge.) Form of Certificate of the election and installation of the Officers of a Subordinate Lodge. .Lodge, No....... F. and A. M. nd A. M. \ A. L. 58.../ To the Very Worshipful Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Nevada : — I hereby certify that, at the stated Communication of this Lodge, held on the day above written, it being the next preceding 44 CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF NEVADA. the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing Masonic year, viz : — Bro , Master. Bro , Sen. Warden. Bro , Jun. Warden. Bro , Treasurer. Bro , Secretary. And that on the day of. A. L. 58..., said officers were duly installed by {here give the name and Masonic title of the installing Officer. ) Given under my hand and the Seal of the Lodge, on [Seal.] the day last above written. ...: Secretary. Form of Notice of Rejections^ Suspensions, Expulsions, and Restorations. . and A. M .A. L. 58. .Lodge, No , F. and A. M. \ To the Very Worshipful Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Nevada : — I hereby certify that, at a stated Communication of this Lodge held at the date above written, the petition of , an applicant for the degrees of Masonry was rejected. {Or, Bro , after due notice, as prescribed in the Constitution, was suspended from all the rights and privileges of Masonry, for non-payment of his dues.) [Or, Bro , after due trial in the manner pre- scribed in the Constitution, was declared to be suspended from all the rights and privileges of Masonry, for unmasonic conduct.) (Or, Bro , after due trial, in the manner prescribed in the Constitution, was declared to be expelled from all the rights and privileges of Masonry, for unmasonic conduct^ ( Or, Bro , heretofore suspended by this Lodge for non-payment of his dues, having paid up all arrearages, (or, having had his dues remitted by the Lodge,) as provided in the Constitution, resumed his rights and privileges as a Mason and as a member of this Lodge.) {Or, Bro , heretofore suspended by this Lodge for unmasonic conduct, was, by a two-thirds vote, in the manner prescribed in the Constititution, restored to all his rights and privileges as a Mason, and as a member of this Lodge.) Given under my hand and the Seal of the Lodge [Seal.] aforesaid, at the date above written. .....Secretary. General Regulations, ADOPTED JANUARY 18, A. L. 5865. 1. The practice of duelling being repugnant to the principles o-f Freeasonry, in all cases where two brethren resort to this mode of settling their disputes, it shall be the duty of the Lodge or Lodges of which they are members, or within whose jurisdiction they may reside, forthwith to expel them from all the rights and privileges of Masonry ; and no brother who may fall in a duel shall be buried with Masonic honors. 2. All bodies purporting to be Masonic Lodges, held in the United States or any of their Territories, within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of any State or Territory, without authority from such Grand Lodge, and all the members thereof, are declared illegal. 3. All Lodges within this State, having concurrent jurisdic- tion with other Lodges, shall immediately notify such others of all applications for membership or initiation. 4. This Grand Lodge, recognizing the principle that no one should be initiated into the mysteries of our Order, except in the Lodge nearest his place of residence, (unless by its permission,) and, while it takes care to avoid infringing the jurisdictional rights of others, will not tolerate that its own be invaded ; and it is there- fore ordered that no Lodge, subordinate to the Grand Lodge of Nevada, shall admit to membership any person who, being at the time a resident of this State, has received, or claims to have received the degrees of Masonry from any source beyond its jurisdiction, without the proper permission, until he shall have paid the Lodge to which he applies for membership, the full amount charged by that Lodge for conferring the degrees, less the sum paid by him to the Lodge in which he received them. 5. All Masonic communication between the Lodges and Masons of this jurisdiction and those acknowledging allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Hamburg, is hereby forbidden, while that body shall continue its unlawful and reprehensible invasion of the juris- dictional rights of the Grand Lodge of New York. 6. This Grand Lodge recognizes no degree of Past Master con- ferred by any authority not holden under a legitimate Grand Lodge — acknowledging only the order of that name as it exists in, the ceremonies attending the installation of the Master elect of a chartered Lodge ; which order shall be conferred only by a convo- cation of Present or Past Masters, not less than three in number, who have thus regularly received it. 46 GENERAL REGULATIONS. 7. No Lodge lender this jurisdiction, shall be allowed to tran- sact business, other than the conferring of degrees, with a less number than seven members present. 8. The Grand Secretary is authorized to charge the sum of one dollar, for the use of the Grand Lodge, for each copy of its printed proceedings for the current year, other than the four copies to be sent to each subordinate Lodge, and those required for transmission abroad, for future binding, and for the use of the Grand Lodge at its next succeeding Annual Communication. 9. When a brother, found guilty of a Masonic offense and sentenced to Jbe reprimanded, appeals from the verdict and sentence, such sentence shall not be carried into effect until the appeal shall have been disposed of by the Grand Lodge, 10. The names of entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts shall be returned to the Grand Lodge for two years only, and shall there- after be dropped from the rolls of their respective Lodges. 11. Non-affiiliated Masons, who are suspended by opera- tion of Sec. 1, Art. II, Part V, of the Constitution, if they desire to restore themselves either by affiliation or contribution, shall pay a sum equal to six months dues, in addition to the affiliation fee, or a sum equal to the dues of the Lodge, for all the time they have resided in the jurisdiction of the Lodge unaffiliated, unless sickness or inabilty be shewn as the reason for non-affiliation or non-pay- ment. 12. All non-affiliated Masons, within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, shall be warned and notified to present themselves at the nearest Lodge to their place of abode, and affiliate with said Lodge, unless for cause shown they shall be excused by said Lodge. All Masons in this jurisdiction, who after having been faith- fully and fully warned, shall fail or refuse to appear as herein re- quired, or appearing, refuse to affiliate or show cause for non- affiliation, shall be deemed unworthy of and denied all Masonic privileges, rights and charities, unless they produce a certificate from the Secretary of the Lodge, or the Secretary of the Masonic Board of Relief, within whose Jurisdiction they reside, or from the Grand Secretary, that they have contributed to such Lodge, Board of Relief, or this Grand Lodge, an amount equivalent to the dues of such Lodge. INDEX OF Constitution and Regulations. ♦♦> Part. Art. Sec. Affiliation, application for, 3 3 2 application for, dimit with, • 3 3 11 non, penalty of, (Reg. 11, 12,) 5 2 1 Appeal from Master's decisions, 4 2 3 trial, how taken, 6 18 trial, how taken, 2 4 trial, bow taken, 3 9 suspends action of sentence, (Reg. 9.) Amendment, By-Laws, , 3 2 5 Constitution, 7 1 By-Laws, copy to Grand Secretary, 3 2 5 Ballot, one for three degrees, 3 3 5 Black Book, 4 5 2 Candidates, q*iialifications of, 3 3 2 objections to advancement, 3 5 examined in open Lodge, 3 6 Charter, fees for, 18 2 fees for, 2 4 3 Arrested by Grand Master, 2 11 maybe arrested, 3 2 10 arrest suspends members, 3 4 5 how surrendered, 3 4 2 how forfeited, 3 4 3 new Lodge, 3 14 Clandestine Lodge, non-intercourse, (Reg. 2,) 5 2 3 Masons, 3 3 12 Committees, Grand Lodge, 1 7 all business to be referred to, 17 3 on Petitions, duties of, 3 3 3 Communications, G. Master & G. Sec. to be read & filed,.. 3 2 7 Charges against Master, bow tried, ; 6 1 against individual, how tried, 6 3 48 Part. Art. Commission to try Master, 6 12 to try Lodge, 6 2 2 to try individual 6 3 2 Dues to Grand Lodge, 18 4 when paid, 3 2 4 Dispensation, new Lodge, 3 12 new Lodge, may be continued 3 13 to re-ballot, how granted, 3 3 4 without reference, how granted, 3 3 4 to fill vacancies, how granted, 4 1 2 Grand Master to grant, 2 11 fees Grand Lodge, 18 2 fees Grand Secretary, 2 4 3 Diplomas, fees Grand Lodge, 18 2 fees Grand Secretary, , 2 4 3 fees to widow, none, 2 4 1 Degrees, qualification for, 3 3 2 one ballot for, 3 3 5 objection to advance, 3 3 5 how and when conferred, 3 3 8 Dimit to accompany application, 3 3 11 how and when granted, 5 2 4 Dueling prohibited, (Reg 1.) Definition of terms used, 7 2 Election, Grand Officers, 1 5 Lodge Officers, 4 1 Lodge electors at 4 13 Expulsion defined, 7 2 Examination, visitors to be 3 3 13 for advancement, 3 3 6 Fees to Grand Lodge, 18 2 to Grand Secretary, 2 4 3 to be paid before issuing, 18 3 for degrees, 3 3 7 Grand Officers, qualification of, 12 2 elections of, 1 5 vacancies, how filled, 15 3 appointed, duties of, 2 5 Grand Lodge, powers and authorities, 1 3 its meetings, 1 4 who to vote in, 1 ^ vote, how taken, 1 6 revenue, 1 8 Grand Lodge dues, 1 8 4 fees, 18 2 Grand Master, powers of, 2 11 INDEX. 49 Part. Art. Sec. to have casting vote, 16 7 duties of, 2 1 2 definition of term, 7 2 Grand Deputy, powers and duties, 2 2 1 Grand Wardens, powers and duties, 2 2 2 Grand Secretary, duties of, 2 4 1 to tile bond, 2 4 2 compensation of, 2 4 3 fees of, 2 4 3 to appoint Assistant,.. 2 4 4 custodian of property of dissolved Lodges, 18 6 Grand Treasurer, duties of, 2 3 to file bond, 2 3 2 compensation of, 2 3 3 Jurisdiction, definition of, 7 2 Lodge, how represented in Grand Lodge, 3 2 3 three votes in Grand Lodge, 1 6 dues to Grand Lodge,.... 18 4 dues to Grand Lodge, when paid, 3 2 4 delinquent, Grand Secretary to report, 2 4 1 non-compliance, . Grand Secretary to report... 2 4 1 organization of, 3 1 how dissolved, 3 4 1 property belongs to Grand Lodge, 18 5 officers of, 3 14 powers and duties, 3 2 meetings of, 3 2 2 responsible for Secretary, 3 2 10 place of meeting, how changed, 3 3 1 not to receive lectures, 3 3 10 returns to Grand Lodge, 3 2 4 returns, penalty for not making, 3 3 14 charter, how surrendered, 3 4 2 charter, how forfeited, 3 4 2 failing to elect officers, 4 1 2 vacancy in offices, 4 1 2 difficulty between, how settled, 6 2 to notify each other, (Reg. 3.) Lectures only by Grand Lecturer, 3 3 10 Member Grand Lodge, who, 12 1 Members Grand Lodge, qualifications, 12 2 of only one Lodge, 5 12 Membership, how acquired, 5 11 how lost, 5 13 Meeting, place of, how changed, 3 3 1 business at, stated, 3 2 2 business at, special, 3 2 2 50 Pfirt. Art. Sec. Master, definition of, 7 2 duties and powers, 4 2 no appeal from decision, 4 2 casting vote, 4 2 penalty for neglect of duty, 4 2 to preside at all meetings, 4 2 trial of, 6 1 punishment of, 6 1 to preside at trials, 6 3 Masons may acquire Membership, 5 1 member of but one Lodge, 5 1 membership, how ended, 5 1 may dimit, how, 5 1 must be affiliate, 5 2 not affiliated, suspended, 5 2 not to divulge vote, 5 2 clandestine, no intercourse with, 5 2 suspended for non-payment of dues, 5 2 unmasonic conduct, penalty, 5 2 trial of, 6 3 made in other States, (Reg. 4.) Notices, Master to issue, 4 2 definition, 7 2 Officers, elected, how and when, 4 1 installed, when, 4 1 appointed, who and how, 4 1 appointed, duties of, 4 6 who eligible as, 4 1 who an elector, 4 1 vacancy in, 4 1 failing to elect, vacancy how filled, 4 1 Proxies not allowed in Grand Lodge, 1 2 Past Master, definition, 7 2 Chapter, (Reg. 6.) how to vote in Grand Lodge, 1 6 Past Gran»d Officer, definition, 7 2 Petition for degrees, how made, 3 3 referred 3 3 can not be withdrawn, 3 3 Property of dissolved Lodge, 3 4 Punishment of an individual Mason, 6 3 Master of a Lodge,... » 6 1 Quorum, (Reg. 7.) Representative to other Grand Lodges, 2 1 to Grand Lodge, how elected, 7 2 to Grand Lodge, how paid, 3 2 61 Part. Art. Sec. Lodge under dispensation not to vote, 3 3 15 definition, 7 2 Revenue, Grand Lodge,... 1 8 Returns to Grand Lodge, when and how made, 3 2 4 Reinstate, suspended unmasonic conduct, 6 4 2 suspended non-payment of dues, 3 3 9 Grand Lodge may, 6 4 3 not to membership, 6 4 3 application for, how made, 6 4 5 Rejections, &c., to be reported to Grand Secretary, 4 5 1 Roll Books to be kept by Lodges, -. 4 5 2 Regulation, definition - 7 2 Seal of Lodge, 3 2 6 to be on every paper, 3 2 6 Grand Lodge, Grand Secretary to keep, 2 4 1 Suspension, definition, 7 2 non-payment of dues, 3 3 9 non-payment of dues, 5 2 4 to be reported, 4 5 1 by forfeiture of (charter, 3 4 4 not to be published, ■. 6 4 4 indefinite period, 6 4 2 Summons, Master to issue, 7 2 definition, 4 2 1 Secretary, duties of, 4 5 keep record of trial, 6 3 7 notify Grand Secretary of restorations, 6 4 2 Treasurer, duties of, 4 4 Testimony, how taken, 6 13 how taken, 6 3 6 Trial, Master, 6 1 Trial, Master, record of sent to Grand Secretary, 6 17 appeal from decision, 6 18 commissioners may adjourn, 6 14 Lodges with individuals, 6 2 individuals, 6 3 charges to be served, 6 3 2 charges, how and when served, 6 3 3 commissioners may adjourn, 6 3 6 decision, how returned to Lodge, 6 3 7 decision, read in secret session, 6 3 7 transcript when sent to Grand Lodge, 6 3 9 Grand Secretary to be notified, 6 3 8 reviewed in Grand Lodge, 6 4 1 appeal suspends sentence, (Reg. 9.) Vacancies, Grand offices, how filled, 16 3 62 INDEX. Part. Art. Sec. Lodge offices, how filled, 4 12 defined, 7 2 Vote, casting, Grand Lodge, 16 7 casting, Lodge, 4 2 4 not to be divulged, 5 2 2 Wardens, duties and powers of, 4 3 Witnesses to be summoned 6 3 5 Funeral S ervice, No Mason can be interi-ed with the formalities of the Order, unless he shall have been raised to the Third Degree. Fellow Crafts and Entered Apprentices are not entitled to Masonic obsequies^ nor can they join in processions on such occasions. All brethren in attendance at a funeral should be decently clothed in black, with crape on left arm, and with white gloves and aprons. The brethren haviny assembled at the Lodge-room, the Master opens the Lodge in the Third degree of Masonry, states the purpose for which it has been called together, and calls the Ijodge off. The service is then commenced as follows :— Master. What man is he that Uveth and shall not see death ? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave ? Response. Man walketh in a vain shadow ; he heapeth up riches and cannot tell who shall gather them. Master. When he dieth he shall carry nothing away ; his glory shall not descend after him. Response. Naked came he into the world, and naked must he return. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord. Master. If a man die shall he live again ? Response. The dust shall return to the earth as it was ; and the spirit shall return to God who gave it. ^ Master. Can we offer no precious off'ering to redeem our lost brother ? Response. We have not the ransom ; the place that knew him once, shall know him no more forever. Master. Shall his name be lost upon earth ? Response. We will record it in our hearts, we will treasure it in our memories, being dead he shall yet speak to us, in the recollec- tion of his virtues. Master. Our brother has fulfilled his earthly destiny ; may we all live the life of the righteous, that our last end may be like his. Response. God is our God for ever and ever ! may he be our guide even unto death. Master. Almighty Father ! in thy hands we leave with humble submission the soul of our deceased brother. Response. [Repeated three times, giving the grand honors each time.) The will of God is accomplished. So mote it be. Amen. 54 FUNERAL SERVICE. Master. Brethren, let us here drop the tear of sorrow at the loss of our departed brother who shall meet us no more in the mysteries and fellowship of our beloved order. Let us keep fresh in our memories his virtues, and strive to imitate them. Let us cast about his infirmities, whatever they may have been, the broad mantle of a Mason's charity, remembering that it is human to err, but divine, to forgive what is evil and to love that which is good. Master or Chaplain. Oh ! Father of mercies and God of all com- fort, our only help in time of need, look with pity, we pray thee, upon the sorrows of thy servants, and sanctify to us Thy fatherly correction. Make us deeply sensible of the shortness and un- certainty of human life. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Let Thy Holy Spirit lead us through this vale of misery, in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives. When Thou shall call us hence may we depart, having the testimony of good conscience ; in the confidence of a certain faith ; in the comfort of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope ; in favor with Thee our God, and in perfect charity with the world ; may we pass from this earthly Lodge of sorrow to Thy joy- ful House not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Amen. Response. So mote it be. Solemn music may here be introduced. The procession shall then be formed. If the body be not in the Lodge- room, the procession will move to the house of the deceased, and thence with his remains to the place of sepulchre, in the following order : The Tyler with a drawn sword ; Stewards, with white Rods ; Musicians, (If Masons ; otherwise they will follow the Tyer ;) Master Masons ; . Junior and Senior Deacons ; Secretary and Treasurer ; Junior and Senior Wardens : Past Masters ; The Holy Writings; On a cushion covered with black cloth, carried by the oldest mem- ber of the Lodge ; The Master ; The Reverend Clergy ; The m Body, With the insignia ||| placed thereon ; Pall bearers ; |f Pall bearers ; Mourners. When the procession arrives within a proper distance of the grave, the FUNERAL SERVICE. 55 brethren will halt, open out right and left and face inwards, t^ allow the latter part of the procession to pass through in the following order : Chaplain or officiating Clergyman ; Coffin : Mourners ; Worshipful Master ; Brethren in reversed order ; On arriving at the grave the brethren form a circle around it, the oj/icers and Reverend Clergy at the head, the mourners at the foot. The regalia is taken from the coffin by the Senior Deacon, and the coffin deposi- ted in the grave. After the Clergyman has concluded the religious ser- vices of the Church, the Worshipful Master shall proceed as folloivs : Master. My brethren : here, about this open grave, has the solemn voice of our Heavenly Father again called us to stand, that we may tenderly lay the lifeless body of our departed brother in the long home, and take to our hearts the solemn message that thither every man goeth. To us who remain, death seems far off. How often is our in- ward thought that our houses shall continue forever, and our dwelling places to all generations ; so we call lands after our own names, heap up riches, and go on as if we are to live forever, and not see corruption. But this grave tells us that we too will soon pass hence, and leave behind us all that is of the earth, earthy ; then will we enter into the world beyond where all things are eternal, and what is now unseen becomes visible. The world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God, abideth forever. Let us then henceforth rightly divide our time, and apply our hearts unto the divine wisdom, that we may stand in our everlasting lot at the end of the days. The following invocations are then rehearsed by the Ma.ster, and re- sponded to by the brethren. Master May we be true and faithful, and may we live and die in love I Response. So mote it be. Master. May we profess only that which is good, and may we always act in accordance with our professions ! Response. So mote it be. Master. May the Lord bless us and prosper us, and may all our good intentions be crowned with success ! Response. So mote it be. The Senior Deacon then hands the Master the Apron, and the Master continues : This Lamb-skin, or white apron, is an emblem of innocence, and the peculiar badge of a Mason. It is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle, and, when worthily worn, more honorable than Star or Garter, or any other order which earthly power can confer. Being tjie Badge of Innocence and the Bond of 56 FUNERAL SERVICE. Friends^ ^^, this emblem which we now deposit in the grave of our deceased brother, (drops it in the grave,) reminds us that the dominion of death is universal ; that the wealth of the world cannot buy or release, and that neither the strong arm of friendship nor the virtue of innocence can prevent his coming. The Master, holding the evergreen in his hand, continues : This evergreen is an emblem of our faith in the immortality of our souls, which the grave shall never receive, over which death hath no dominion, and which shall pass through the valley of the shadow of death to its eternal destiny beyond. '' For we know that our Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth." A Funeral Dirge may then be sung or played while the brethren move in procession around the grave, each depositing in it a sprig of evergreen as he passes the head. The Secretary then drops his roll upon the coffin ; and the public Grand Honors are given thrice, all repeating at each time : — The will of God is accomplished ! So mote it be ! Amen ! The cover is then placed on the outer case. The Master then con- tinues as folloivs : Brother, we commit thy body to the grave ; earth to earth, {here the Senior Deacon drops earth on the coffin three several times,) ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We bid thee a long, a last farewell ; thine earthly toil is over ; mayest thou rest forever in heavenly peace. Amen. Response. So mote it be. Brethren and Friends : — From time immemorial it has been the custom among the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, at the request of a Brother, to accompany his remains to the place of interment, and there to deposit them with the usual formalities of the Craft. In conformity to this usage and at the desire of our de- ceased brother, whose loss we deplore and whose memory we revere, we have assembled in the character of Masons to resign his body to the earth, whence it came, and to oifer up to his memory before the world this last tribute of aifection ; thereby demonstrating the sin- cerity of our esteem for him, and our unchanging attachment to the principles of our Order. Our departed brother's course on the level of time has ended ; we are speedily after him to reach the same bound appointed us of God which we may not pass. The Grand Master has called from earthly toil one of his workmen to apply to him and his work the square of righteous judgment. Before that august Master, in the Lodge of Eternity, we also must shortly appear, and submit our work for inspection. Let us then work while it is day; encourage and help one another ; take the Holy Scriptures as the rule and guide of our faith and practice ; and heartily make ready to be raised FUNERAL SERVICE. 57 at the divine call to the heavenly kingdom which has been pre- pared for faithful Craftsmen. Response. So mote it be. W.'.M.'.or Chaplain. Almighty and most merciful God, in whom we live and move, and have our being, and before whom all men must appear to give an account of the deeds done in the body, have mercy upon us. Convince our minds and teach our hearts by the solemn lessons of this day. Vouschafe us, we pray Thee, Thy divine assistance to redeem our mispent time, and to build aright, in the days which remain, our spiritual edifice. Give us wisdom from on high to direct us ; strength to support us ; the beauty of holiness to adorn our lives. At last, when the gavel of Death shall call us from our labors, may we enter into the blessed and everlasting rest of the kingdom above. Amen. Response. So mote it be. The Master then approaches the head of the grave and says : — Soft and safe be this the earthly bed of our brother. Bright and glorious be his rising from it ! Fragrant be the cassia sprig that here shall flourish ! May the earliest buds of spring unfold their beauties o'er this his resting place. Though the cold blasts of autumn may lay them in the dust, and for a time destroy the loveli- ness of their existence, yet the destruction is not final, and in the spring they shall surely bloom again. So, in the bright morning of the world's resurrection, his mortal frame now laid in the dust by the chilling blast of Death, may spring again into newness of life, and expand, in immortal beauty, in realms beyond the skies. [Benediction.) The Lord bless us and keep us — the Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us — the Lord lift upon us the light of his countenance, and give us peace, Response. Amen ! So mote it be. Thus the services end. The procession will reform and return to the Lodge-room, and the Lodge will be closed in the customary manner. 58 FUNERAL DIRGE. .FUNERAL DIRGE. Air, PleyeVs (rennan Hymn, 1 Solemn strikes the funWal chime, JVotesof our departing time ; As we journey here beloio, Through a pilgrimage of IV oe. 2 Mortals, now indulge a tear, For mortality is here ; See how wide her trophies wave O'er the slumbers of the grave. 3 Here, another Guest we bring ! Seraphs, of celestial iving. To our funeral altar come ; Waft a Friend a7id Brothm^ home. 4 Far beyond the grave, there lie Brighter mansions in the sky ; Where, enthroned, the Deity Gives man immortality. 5 There, enlarged, his soul will see What was veiled in mystery ; Heavenly glories of the place Show his Maker '' face to face." 6 God of Life's Eternal Day ! Guide us, lest from Thee we stray, By a false, delusive light, To the shades of endless night. 7 Calm, the Good Man meets his fate ; Guards celestial round him wait ! See ; he bursts these mortal chains, And o'er Death the vict'ry gains ! 8 Lord of all below, above. Fill our souls loith Truth and Love ; As dissolves our Earthly Tie, Take us to thy Lodge on High ! Note. — It is customary to sing only the 1st, 3d, and 8th stanzas. On funeral occasions the first two of these may be sung on entering the burial-ground, while moving in procession; and the last during the ceremonies at the grave. BY-LAWS OF ^Iko I ARTICLE I. . OF NAME AND OFFICERS. Section 1. This Lodge shall be known by the name of Elko Lodge, No. 15, of Free and Accepted Masons, and its officers shall consist of a Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treas- urer, a Secretary, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, a Marshal, two Stewards, a Tyler, and such other officers as the Lodge may deem proper to appoint. ARTICLE II. OF ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. Section 1. The Master, the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, the Treasurer and the Secretary, shall be elected by ballot, in con- formity with Sec. I, Art. 1, Part IV, of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge. The other officers shall be appointed by the Master, except the Junior Deacon, who may be appointed by the Senior Warden. ARTICLE III. OF COMMUNICATIONS OF THE LODGE. Section 1. The stated Communications of the Lodge shall be holden on the first Tuesday in each month. Sec. 2. Special Communications may be called from time to time, as the Lodge or the presiding officer thereof may direct. 60 BY-LAWS. ARTI(i:;LE IV. OF INITIATION AND MEBERSHIP. Section 1. All petitions for initiation or affiliation must be signed by the petitioner, and be recommended by two members of the Lodge, and accompanied with the usual fee. Every such petition shall be referred to a committee of three, whose duty it shall be to report thereon, at the next stated Communication, (unless further time be granted) when the applicant may be balloted for, and received or rejected, or the ballot may be postponed until the ensuing stated Communication, as the Lodge may determine. Sec. 2. If an applicant elected to receive the degrees in this Lodge, does not come forward to be initiated within three months thereafter, the fee shall be forfeited unless the Lodge shall other- wise direct. Sec. 3. Every person raised to the degree of Master Mason in, or elected a member of this Lodge, shall sign the By-Laws thereof. ARTICLE V. OF the treasurer. Section 1. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys from the Secretary ; shall keep an accurate and just account thereof, and shall pay the same out only upon an order duly signed by the Master, and countersigned by the Secretary. He shall at the stated Communications in December, March, June and September of each year, submit a report in full of the monetary transactions of the Lodge. The Lodge may also, at any time when considered neces- sary, cause him to present an account of his receipts and disburse- ments, and of the amount of funds on hand. ARTICLE VI. OF THE SECRETARY. Section 1. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all proceedings proper to be written ; shall transmit a copy of the same to the Grand Lodge when required ; shall keep a separate account for each member of the Lodge ; shall report at the stated Communi- cations in December, March, June and September, the amount due by each member ; shall receive all moneys due the Lodge, and pay the same to the Treasurer; and shall perform all such other duties as may properly appertain to his office. Sec. 2. He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Lodge may direct. 61 ARTICLE VII. OF THE TYLER. Section 1. The Tyler, in addition to the necessary duties of his office, shall serve all notices and summonses, and perform such other services as may be required of him by the Lodge. Sec. 2. He shall receive as compensation for his services, Two Dollars for each Communication of the Lodge. ARTICLE VIII. Section 1 . The table of fees for this Lodge shall be as follows : For the degree of Entered Apprentice, $25; for the degree of Fellow Craft, $20 ; for the degree of Master Mason, $30. ARTICLE IX. Section 1. The dues of each Member of this Lodge shall be One Dollar per month, payable quarterly. Sec. 2. No member who is six months in arrears for dues at the time of Annual Election, shall be permitted to vote, or shall be eligible to any office. Sec. 3. Any member, who has been suspended for non-pay- ment of his dues, may be restored to membership upon payment of all arrearages. Sec. 4. Any member in good standing may withdraw from membership by paying his dues and notifying the Lodge to that etfect, at a stated Communication, but no recommendatory certifi- cate shall be issued unless ordered by the Lodge. ARTICLE X. OF COMMITTEES. Section 1. The Master and Wardens shall be a charity commit- tee, and shall have power to draw upon the Treasurer for any sum not exceeding ten dollars, at any one time, for the relief of a distressed worthy brother, his wife, widow or orphans. Sec. 2. The Master and Wardens shall constitute an Auditing Committee, whose duty it shall be to examine all accounts presented against the Lodge. Sec. 3. All reports of committees shall be made in writing. ARTICLE XL OF WIDOWS AND ORPHANS FUND. Section 1 . The fees received by the Lodge for every degree of 62 BY-LAWS. Master Mason conferred herein, shall be set apart by the Treasurer to the credit of the Widow's and Orphan's Fund. Sec. 2 The Masters and Wardens shall be Trustees of the Widows and Orphan's Fund, and shall have full control of the same, with power to invest it on good security. Sec. 3. All interest accruing to said fund shall be added to the principal, until the fund amounts to five hundred dollars and over. The Trustees may then draw upon it for the relief of Widows or Orphans under the care of the Lodge ; provided, that at no time shall the said fund be drawn upon so as to leave less than two hun- dred dollars therein. ARTICLE XII. OF REVEALING THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE LODGE. Section 1. When a candidate for initiation or affiliation is re- jected, or a brother reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, no mem- ber or visitor shall reveal, either directly or indirectly, to such person, or to any other, any transactions which may have taken place on the subject, nor shall any proceedings of the Lodge not proper to be made public be disclosed outside thereof, under the penalty of reprimand or expulsion, as the Lodge may determine. ARTICLE XIII. of order of business. Section 1. The regular order of business at every stated Com- munication of the Lodge, shall be as follows : — 1. Reading of the Minutes. 2. Reports of Commitees. 3. Ballotings. 4. Reception of Petitions. 5. Miscellaneous and Unfinished Business. 6. Conferring Degrees. ARTICLE XIV. OF AMENDMENTS. Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any stated Commuication, by a -vote of two-thirds of the members present; provided that notice of such amendment shall have been given at the stated Communication next preceding, but such amendment shall have no effect until approved by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master, and until such approval shall have been transmitted to the Grand Secretary. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF Elko Lodge, No. 15, F. & A. M. MARCH 5, 1873. Jonah D. Treat, Master. Elijah S. Yeates, Senior Warden. Otto Frilling, Junior Warden. Robert Oliver, Treasurer. Thomas N. Stone, Secretary. William Plughoff, Senior Deacon. Anton i Bixel, Junior Deacon. C. R. VanAelstyn, \ ^. , Geo. B. Kittridge, }«««'*«'•*• Walter Chase, Tyler. Alexander, Jacob. Abel, G. B. Burkett, John P. Bennett, William M. Brewster, George P. Carpeaux, Edmond J. Cassen, James. Dyer, William F. Ellis, John J. Eichnauer, John C. Fisher, Allen. Free, Franklin. Freeman, Merrill P. Garrecht, Theobald. Hoffman, J. J. Henly, Thomas B. Holmes, Thomas. Hamill, Thomas. Harenor, William M. Hamlyn, Thomas. Hale, Charles H. MASTER MASONS. Jenkins, Samuel K. Kenyon, Thomas C. Leventhall, Edward. Lawson, Walter. Lucas, John H. McDermitt, James. McMullen, Samuel. McBurney, James. O'Connor, Thomas. Reinhart, Simon. Stafford, William M. Speilman, A. Seitz, George. Sargent, Bejamin F. Smith, Albert J. Smith, Wellington T. Tobias, A. J. Urton, W. J. VanDreilin, W. Smith Wines, Leonard. Waterman, Thomas A. Woodworth, J. M.