THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND PEOPLE. THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND PEOPLE. A LECTURE DELIVERED AT THK U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM I'MiKR TIIF. AUSPICES OF THF. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION AND OF TICK ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SOCIKTIF.S OF WASHINGTON. FEBRUARY g-rn, 1884, CAPT. C. E. BUTTON, U. S. A., U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. WASHINGTON : JUDD A DETWEILER, PRINTERS. 1884. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND PEOPLE. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : The Hawaiian Islands are the summits of a gigantic sub- jharine mountain range. If the waters of the Pacific were removed from their vicinity we might behold a range of mountains as long as our Appalachian system, from Lake Champlain to Chattanooga and quite as wide, with summits five times as high as Mt. Washington. The summits of Mauua Loa and Mauna Kea are nearly 14,000 feet above the ocean, and their bases are from 15,000 to 18,000 feet beneath it. Referred to the bottom of the ocean those mountains are higher than the Himalayas. Standing upon the northeastern coast of Hawaii the crest of Mauna Kea is less than twenty miles away, and is nearly three miles above us. At a distance of about thirty miles at sea the ocean floor is about three and a half miles below us. I am not aware of any other place in the world where, along a line less than fifty miles in length, may be found a differ- ence in altitude of more than six miles. The Hawaiian group consists of four larger and four smaller islands. The largest island is named Hawaii. It lias a length of about ninety miles and a width of seventy miles. Its area is very nearly 4,000 square miles, being a GEOGRAPHY little less than two-thirds of the area of the entire group. It is not, however, the most |M>pulous, for that distinction belongs to the island of Oahu, on which is situated the principal town and capital, Honolulu, which is the center of trade and the seat of the government. Only a small portion of each island is capable of sustain- ing a dense population. The interiors are mountainous and generally rough, craggy, and cut with profound gorges of the wildest description. The habitable portions are near the sea-coast, forming a ring around each island ; but only a jwirt of each ring is habitable or cultivable. Some por- tions are intensely arid and barren ; others are covered with recent Hoods of lava, and still others are bounded by lofty rocky coasts, and trenched with ravines so deep and abrupt that access is difficult. Generally speaking, the proportion of habitable area is singularly small. But those l>ortions which are well favored are probably capable of sustaining as dense a population a* any tracts in the world. The climate of these islands is the climate of Paradise. It is never hot, and, except at considerable altitudes, it is never cold. Rarely has the thermometer been known to reach 90 on the sea-coast, or to fall below (55. The temj>erature in most localities may be averaged the year round as varying between 7o and f physical type establishes the identity of race sufficiently. The western islands of the Pacific are occupied by a race which has such apparent affinity with the negritos of Papua or New Guinea as to raise a very strong presumption of their community, and the supposition is corroborated by many other circumstances. Of the two races, the first mentionedis much superior physically, mentally, and mor- ally, and of all branches of that race the noblest is the Hawaiian. Physically they are rather large, and have a light brown color, straight hair, and are handsomely formed, of good bearing, and well featured. The women also are pleasing and comely. There is nothing about them savoring of the squaw, hag, or wench, which is almost universal among so many of the primitive dark-skinned races, and they are not without beauty, even according to the taste of the white 17 man, if he is willing to admire a robust type of feminine grace as easily as he does the "pale, pious, pulmonary" persuasion. Among the Hawaiians the old kings and chiefs seemed to form a distinct caste and a breed greatly superior to the common herd. They were very large, and some- times almost gigantic in size, and of very impressive form and bearing. Their color was lighter, and they were of more massive frames. At the time of the discovery of these islands by Capt. Cook, in 1776, these people were by no means savages. Their social system was as much above savagery on the one hand as it was below civilization on the other. A careful study of their habits and customs discloses the very inter- esting fact that their social organization bore a striking similitude to that of Europe in the 10th and llth centuries. It was a feudal system almost exactly. They had kings who were in all strictness hereditary suzerains. Under them were chiefs who owed them fealty, and who held lands and titles by a tenure which can hardly be distinguished from enfeoffment, and which, at all events, was a truly feudal tenure ; for it carried with it the recognition of the principle that the allodium was vested in the king alone, and the tenure was gi-anted to the chief as a vassal in con- sideration of military service. The common people were mere villeins, bound to the soil, though in some sort as ten- ants at will. The islands were divided up into several king- doms, over each of which a king reigned, whose power was very absolute ; in all things he was lord paramount. The kingdom was subdivided into tracts, for which the term now used in the islands is simply the word " lands." These 3 i8 lauds were lorded over by chiefs, of whom there were sev- eral grades. They were subdivided again and again down to the smallest holdings, of a fraction of an acre, tenanted by the lower classes, and all were marked oft' by metes and bounds. The power of the king was absolute, and limited only by the endurance of his subjects. Life and death, as well as property, were subject to his will ; and yet there was a division of power. To make the parallel with mediaeval Europe more complete the power of the king was rivaled, and in some cases even overborne, by the power of a priest- hood ; and the priests enforced their sway with a spiritual weapon of resistless potency. The weapons of Rome were many, chief among which were excommunication, the inqui- sition, and the interdict. The Hawaiian priest had a weapon more powerful than them all. It was the tabu. This word has been adopted, metaphorically, into the Eng- lish and many other languages. But few people compre- hend its significance in the places where it originated. The word means prohibited or forbidden, and a great deal more besides. Almost anything might be tabu. The penalty of violating a tabu was always death. The institution de- rived its power from the fact that there Avas not a native in all Polynesia who did not devoutly believe that even if the king or priests did not cause him to be killed for violating a tabu the gods certainly would. In respect to the arts possessed by these people they were few and simple. The islands contained no metals and very few substitutes for it, except stoiie, and not the best kinds of stone for implements at that. Considering the want of 19 materials, however, their arts were hardly to be despised. They made many articles of wood with surprising neatness. Their only substitutes for cloth were a fabric made of a peculiar bark, macerated in water and pounded out as thin as paper, and mats woven from the fibres of the pan- dan us with no little skill. Their houses were large, com- modious structures made of grass, often neatly woven, and attached to a frame work of poles. They were scrupulously neat within, and matting of pleasing aspect was used abun- dantly. They were wonderfully expert fishermen, and had devices suited for capturing each kind of fish. More than that, they had fish-ponds and preserves for rearing select varieties. Agriculture was practiced systematically. They con- structed canals for irrigating, the remains of which are still visible in numerous places. Their chief vegetable was the root of the taro plant, a species of arum to which the calla lilies belong. It may not be generally known that this is probably the most prolific food plant in the world. Hum- boldt gives that distinction to the banana, but the banana is nowhere in the comparison ; for a square yard and a half planted with taro will yield food enough to support a man for a year. This plant is poisonous when raw, but cooking completely destroys the poisonous quality and renders it very wholesome. The Hawaiians first bake it and then pound it, gradually adding water, which is kneaded in like oil in a mayonaise, and when fully prepared it is of a con- sistency very much like mayonaise. In that state it is termed poi; and to this day the natives regard it as we do 20 bread, and it serves still as their favorite food. Many of the white residents also have become exceedingly fond of it. The primitive Hawaiian* were very bold and skillful navigators. There can be no question that they frequently visited in their little canoes the Society Islands and Tahiti, south of the equator, and 2,400 miles distant from Hawaii. How they could cross such vast wastes of ocean seems at first mysterious; but they had a knowledge of astronomy such as we sometimes marvel at in the old Egyptians and Chaldeans. They knew the planets and had names for tHe brighter stars. They also had a good calendar. Their year was 365 days long, and began when the Pleiades rose at sunset. They had twelve months, of which eleven had thirty days each, and the twelth thirty-five days. They had also a prmitive arithmetic and a system of numerals in which they could number up into the hundreds of thou- sands. It was partly decimal and partly tesseral. The religion of this people was in some respects analogous to that of the Greeks. Their gods were hero gods, and of many grades. Indeed, it is quite literal to say that the woods were full of them. Every locality, every conspicu- ous rock or tree, had its tutelar, corresponding perhaps to the Grecian fauns and dryads. They also had animal gods, most notably the shark god, and the divinity of the volcano of Kilauea was a female named Pele. The amount of myth and legendary lore in which these divinities figured was something amazing. We have for some years been finding out that our own Indians were rich in myths, if nothing else. But the extent of such lore among the Hawaiians 21 quite siirpasse* anything known of other primitive peoples. Many of them are highly poetical and ingenious. The origin of the Polynesian race has always been a mys- tery. There is very little light thrown upon it as yet by ethnological research. The view most favored is that they came from the East Indies at a remote period. That the larger islands of the Pacific have been inhabited for many centuries is an inference which finds considerable support. Attempts have been made to ascertain whether the language has any affinity to known languages of southeastern Asia, but the results are little better than negative. Some coinci- dences have been found, or supposed to have been found, but it does not seem that they are any better or more sig- nificant than such as may be frequently discovered between two languages which are surely known to have absolutely nothing in common. Coincidences between legends and customs have also been discovered. But ethnologists of the present day have come to attach less importance to them, if possible, than to languages. Thus the manners and customs, and also the legends, of the Maoris of New Zea- land have very little in common with those of the Hawaiians. Yet the absolute identity of physical type and the virtual identity of their languages is tantamount to proof of a com- mon race. And primitive peoples, world over, are con- stantly surprising us by furnishing correspondences in legends and peculiar customs, when it is absolutely certain that they are widely distinct. On the other hand, there is good ground for believing that if the Polynesians did not come from some known Asiatic or East Indian stock, thev may at least have communicated with them in one way or 22 another. When the islands were discovered by Captain Cook pig* were very "abundant there, and the animal was for all the world an East Indian variety. The peculiar tusks, the portentously long snout like an icthyosaurus, and ears set in the middle of its body, give us pretty reliable testimony as to its origin. They also had dogs, and cer- tainly 110 dog could have come either from America or Australia. Finally, and even more conclusively, they had common hens and chickens, which are certainly of Asiatic origin. What people brought these animals to the islands is a question. I have already mentioned to you that the Hawaiian*; often made voyages to Tahiti in their little canoes, a distance of 2,400 miles ; and their ancient poems and legends are full of vague accounts of voyages to even greater distances. They knew of the Samoau and Tonga islands, which are more than 3,000 miles away and further westward. Possibly also they knew of New Zealand, but the evidence of that is not so clear. But I have never learned that anything in their poetry or traditions indicated a knowledge of either America or Asia. While therefore it is not impossible that they may have had communication with Asia, there is no other evidence of it than the fact that domestic animals of Asiatic origin were found among them. The transition of this people from barbarism to civiliza- tion has been wonderfully rapid and complete. It is a very remarkable fact, too, that it is the only dark-skinned race that has ever been brought into full contact and relation with civilization, without war and generations of bloodshed, ending in subjugation. The reasons are many. Prominent 23 among them are the following : In the first place there can be little question that it is the finest and most intelligent race of dark-skinned people in the world. In the second place it is due in a great measure to the wisdom, tact, and good sense of the missionaries, through whom this civiliza- tion was imparted. But it seems to me that the third reason is still more potent, and this was the great ability, wisdom, and good sense of the kings of the line of the Kameha- mehas and the absolute power they originally held over their people. Fortunately also, at the time of the advent of white men, the control of the islands had already been consolidated into the hands of one man, who was fully capable of wielding it. If the lot of the first Kamehameha had been cast in Europe instead of the remotest islands of the sea, he would have figured as one of the conspicuous figures of history. Originally a little kinglet of a district at the north end of Hawaii, he gradually conquered the whole of that island, and finally the whole group. No king in history ever knew better how to rule his people. Brought into contact with civilization he grasped its meaning with a breadth of com- prehension, which is perhaps without example among barbarians. He knew 7 instinctively how resistless was its power, and how inexorably it croAvds the weaker races to the wall. But he had the wisdom, not only to avert the destruction of his own power and the obliteration of the nationality of his people, but actually to draw strength from it, and make it his servant instead of his master. The greatest achievement of his life was the work of his declining years, and it was an achievement of surpassing skill. He 24 broke completely the secular power of the priesthood. He lind the BAgaoity to discover alone :in