UC-NRLF $B 2b7 bMS Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation 1 littp://www.arcliive.org/details/dialoguesfromlucOOIuciricli l/VlIITE'S yjTRAMMAR S CHOOL I EXTS ■ DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN WITH A VOCABUi JOHN T. WHITE, D.D. OxON. SECOND THOUSAND LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1878 All rights reserved ■^ S'] y^ If I.ONDON : GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, PRINTERS. ST. JOHN'S SQUARE. t ?(\^ll A % PREFACE. M4M For some long time past it has been widely felt that a reduction in the cost of Classical Works used in schools generally, and more especially in those intended for boys of the middle classes, is at once desirable and not difficult of accomplish- ment. For the most part only portions of authors are read in the earlier stages of education, and a pupil is taken from one work to another in each successive half-year or term ; so that a book needlessly large and proportionably expensive is laid aside after a short and but partial use. In order, therefore, to meet what is certainly a want. Portions of the Classical Writers usually read in Schools are now being issued under the title of Grammar School Texts ; while, at the request of various Masters, it has been determined to add to the series some portions of the Greek Testament. Each- Text is provided with a Vocabulary of the words occurring in it. In every instance — with the exception of Eutropius and -^sop — the origin of a word, when known, is stated at the commence- ment of the article treating of it, if connected with iv PREFACE. another Latin, or Greek, word ; at the end of it, if derived from any other source. Further still, the primary or etymological meaning is always given, within inverted commas, in Roman type, and so much also of each word^s history as is needful to bring down its chain of meanings to the especial force, or forces, attaching to it in the particular " Text." In the Vocabularies, however, to Eutropius and ^sop — which are essentially books for be- ginners — the origin is given of those words alone which are formed from other Latin or Greek words, respectively. Moreover, as an acquaintance with the principles of Grammar, as well as with Etymology, is necessary to the understanding of a language, such points of construction as seem to require elucida- tion are concisely explained under the proper articles, or a reference is simply made to that rule in the Public Schools Latin Primer^ or in Parry's Elementary Greek Grammar^ which meets the particular difficulty. It occasionally happens, how- ever, that more information is needed than can be gathered from the above-named works. When such is the case, whatever is requisite is supplied, in substance, from Jelf^s Greek Grammar^ Winer's Grammar of New Testament Greek ^ or the Latin Grammars of Zumpt and Madvig. London : August, 1876. DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN. 'EpfJirjs Kol Xdpcov. Hermes having made several purchases for Charon requests him to come to an understanding about the amount of his debt, in order to obviate any dispute at a future time. Charon assents. The various articles specified, and their cost stated. The account being found correct, Charon professes his present inability to settle it, and tells Hermes that he must wait for payment till some war or pestilence arises, which by sending numerous Shades to the Lower World will enable him to raise the requisite sum. Hermes after a little demur agrees to wait for his money. Compares the Shades who in former days descended to the Lower World covered with blood and wounds with those who at the then present time come to their end either through being poisoned by members of their family, or through disease engendered by luxury, or in conse- quence of some plot against them for money. Charon exclaims that money is very desirable. Hermes rejoins that this is a reason why he should sharply demand what is due to himself. EPM. Aoytaa)fjL€0af w TropO/nev, el Sokcc^ OTToaa fioi 6(J>€lX€l^ tjSt], oTTft)? fjLTj avOi^ ipl^cofiip Ti nrepl avrcov. XAP. AojccrwfjLeOay & 'Epfir]* a/jueLVOv yap copier 6 aL fcal dTrpayfiopearepop, Litciau. B 2 DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN, EPM. ^'ArfKvpav ivTecXafjbiva eKOfnaa irivre Spaxf^cov, XAP. IT oXXoO \iyeL9. EPM. N77 Tov ^Klhcovea, rcov irevre wV' Tjad/mrjv, /cat rpoTrcorrjpa Svo 6^oXa)i/. XAP. Tidei irevre hpaj(jjba<^ /col o^oXov^ Svo. EPM. K.al cLKearpav virep tov Icttiov Trivre 6^o\ov<; iyo) /cari/SaXov. XAP. Kai T0VT0V<; irpoaTiOei, EPM. Kal fcrjpbv co? iimrXdaai tov (T/cacf)' ihiov Ta aveipyoTa kol TjXovi Se koI KaXcoScoVj a(j> ov TTjv virepav i7roi7]aa<;, hvo Spa')(jjLa)P airavTa, XAP. Ka6 a^La Tavra iyvrjaw, EPM. Taura iaTiV, el fjurj tl aXKo 'r]pia<; hieXaOev iv tc3 Xoyhapu^, Hore S' ovv Tavra aTToScoaeLV (j>7]^ ; XAP. l^vv fxeVj o) '^pfJbT], dSvvaTOV rjv Se Xot/jb6<; TL<; Tj iToXeiio^ KaTairefJU'^rj dOpoovq Tiva^j ivecTai Tore diroKephavac irapaXoy- L^6/JL6VOV Ta TTOpOfieca, EPM. NOz^ ovv iycb fcaOeSov/JLac t^ KaKiaTa €v^6/Ji€vo<; yeveaOai, co? dv dirb tovt(ov dTToXd^oifjiL ; XAP. OvK ear IV dXX(o<;, w 'Epfjirj, Nvv 8e oXlyoi, 009 opa?, dcpLKVovvTat rjfuv eiprjvrj yap. DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN. 3 EPM. ''Afietvov oiirft)?, el fcal ti/jllv irapa- reivoLTO VTTO (Tov TO ocfyKrjfia, HXrjj/ aXk 01 fiev TraXaLol, & Xapcov, olaOa oloi irapeyL^v- ovro, avhpeloi airavre^;, aLuaro^; avdifKecp koX Tpavfiariai ol ttoWol' vvv he rj ^apfjud/co) Tt<; VTTO TOV TratSo? diToOav(ov rj virb r?}? yvvaLKo^i, rj VTTO TpvYi9 /co/JLL^eaOac Biov ; MEN. '"YiheLv fiev, ov/c el^ov Be. T/ ovv ; i^prjv Sea tovto fxrj diroOavelv ; XAP. M6z^09 ovv av^'^aeL<; Trpotfca ireifKev^ Kevat ; MEN. Ov irpoLKa, & ^ekriare* koI yap DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN, 5 i]VT\T]aa Kol rrj^ koottt)^ (TVveTreka^o/jirjv Kol ov/c efckaov fJLOvo^ rcov dWcov inTi^aroiV, XAP. Ovhev ravra irpo<; iropOfiea' top o^oXov airohovvaL ae Bel' ov dific^ aX\co<; yeveadac. MEN. OvKovp uTraye fie aWc^ e<; tov ^iov. XAP. ^dpiev \6y6L<;^ iva koX '7r\r)ja<; eirl TOUTft) irapa tov AlaKov TrpoaXd/Bco. MEN. M^ ivoxXec ovv. XAP. Aei^ov ri iv tj) irrjpa e%et9. MEN. ©epjiov^y el Oe\ei<;, koI t7]<; ''Efcdrij^; TO BeCTTVOV, XAP. IloOev TOVTOV rjfuv, S) ^Ep/JLT], tov Kvva Tjyaye'i ; ola Be kol iXdXet irapa tov ttXovv to)V eTTL^aTCOv dirdpTcov KUTayeXoov, Kol eiriCTKdiTTTCDV KOL fl6vO<; aBcOVy olflCO^OVTOOV ifceivcov, EPM. ^AyvoeL<;, Sy ^dpcov^ ovTiva avBpa BteiropOpbevca^ ; eXevOepov aKpi^w'^y KovBevo<; avTw fieXei. OSro? ea-Tiv 6 M-ivcirTTO^, XAP. Kal fiyv dp (76 Xd^co iroTe — MEN. ""Av Xd/3rj^, S) ^eXTiaTe* BU Be ovtc dp XdjSoi^, 6 DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN. 3. nXovTOiv^ McuLTTTTos, Kpotcro9, Mi8a9, Croesus complains to Pluto on behalf of Midas and Sardanapalus, as well as on his own account, respecting Menippus, and states that unless Menippus is removed elsewhere, he and the other two Shades ntust change their abode. Pluto inquires what Menippus has done. He is told. Menippus being questioned acknow- ledges the truth of what is laid to his charge, professes his hatred of those who have complained of him, and declares that he delights in annoying them. On being told by Pluto that this is wrong, he asks the god if he also is a fool, and tells Croesus and the others that he will never desist from the course he has adopted. Croesus exclaims that this is wantonly outrageous conduct. Menippus repels the accusation, and asserts that the conduct of the Shades in question, while on earth, was of the very character which they ascribe to him. Describes what their conduct had been, and bids them mourn for the loss of what they had formerly possessed. Lamentation of the respective Shades. Parting words of Menippus. KP0I2. Ov (j>6po/jL€v, S) liXovTcoVj Mez/- ITTTTOV TOVTOvl TOV KVVa TTapOCKOVPTa* &CrTe Tj eKelvov TTOi /cardarTjaov^ rj rjfiel^ /Jberouajaoaev €9 erepov tottov. IIAOTT. T/ S' vixa^ heivbv ipyd^erat ojxovefcpo^^ &v ; KPOIS. ^^irei^dv '^fie2<; olfKo^wjiev /cat (TTevco/jLev i/ceivcop fMefivrj/juivoL tmp apco, M/Sa9 l^ep ovToal TOV 'ypvcrlov, ^apSavdiraXo^; Se T^9 ttoXXt}? Tpvcf)rj^, iyo) Se K.poLao<; tcop OrjaavpcoPy einyeXa koX i^opetSi^ei dp^pdiroha Kol KaOdpfxara rj/Jbd^^ diroKoXoiP, ipiore Se koX DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN. 7 ahcav €7rtTapdTT€L rjfjL&v Ta9 olficoVLBLOV, elTa avvelf;^ olpai^ to yeyevr^puevov eyiXa /cat avTo<^, old ye 6 olvo')(oo^ elpyaarTai, ZHN. YiX7)v dXyC ovBe ere T7)v eiriTOfiov expV^ TpaireaOar rJKe yap dv aof, Bid Trj<^ Xeco(j}opov d(T(j)aXea-Tepov, el koi oXiyw /3paSv' Tepov, lo DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN. 5. Kvij[MO)V Kol AdlXVLTTTTO^. Cnemon, a legacy-hunter, informs Damnippus, a fellow-shade, that he made a will in favour of Hermolaus, a rich and childless old man, into whose favour he endeavoured to ingratiate himself, with a view of inducing Hermolaus to reciprocate the favour by making him his heir. l)amnippus inquires what course Hermolaus pursued. Cnemon replies that he knows not : but as to himself, that he had been killed by the fall of the roof of his house, and that, to the exclusion of his own family, Hermolaus had become possessed of his whole fortune. KNHM. ToOto eKelvo to T759 irapoLfjuia^' 6 v€^po<; Tov Xiovra, A AM. Ti ayava/CT€L^, w K.V7]fi(ov ; KNHM. HvvOdvr} o TC djavafCTO) ; KXrjpo- vofjiov cLKovaiov KaraXeXoLTra KaTaao(^La6e\<; d6XLo<;, ot/9 i/3ovX6/ui7]v dv fxaXiara o-'xetv rd/Lid 7rapaXiiT(i)v,' AAM. IIco? TovTo iyivero; KNHM. 'Ep/iioXaov tov irdvv irXovaiov dreKvov ovra iOepdirevov eirl Oavdrcp, Kdicelvo<^ ovfc dr)h(h<; Trjv Oepairelav irpocrieTO, "ESo^e hrj fjLOL KOL ao(f)ov tovto elvaiy Oeadai hiaOrjKa^ e? TO (j)av€pov, iv ah eKeivcp KaTaXeXonra rdfjid irdvra, co? /cdfcelvo^ ^rfXcoaeie kol rd avrd irpd^ece, AAM. Ti ovv St) ifceivo<; ; KNHM. '^O Ti pblv at'To? iveypayfre tol^ DIALOGUES FROM L UCIAN. 1 1 iaurov hiaOrjKaL^i ovk olSa' iyo) yovv a(f>vct) aireOavov lov T6yov<; /jlol iimreaovTO^^, fcal vvp 'E/9/ioXao9 €')(^6i rdfjia cjairep Ti9 \d/3pa^ Kol TO wyKiarpov tg3 heXeari av^KaTacriTCKTW^, A AM. Oi (lovov, dXka Kal avrov are rbv aXiea' axTre a6(f>t(TfjLa Kara aavrov avvre^ BeiKa^. ^^^^ I I D D ^ KNHM; ^'Eof/^a- ot>co?a) ro^of^fo&t LlBft/I^ 6. -4ta/co9, IT/)a)T€crt\ao9> ^t^eXaos, Kdt^*" iEScus demands of Protesilaus why he is throttling Helen. Protesi- laus replies that he does so because it was through her that he had lost his life, and had left his house only half-finished and his bride a widow. iEacus tells him rather to find fault with Menelaus, who on account of such a woman as Helen had led the Greeks against Troy. Protesilaus approves of this. Menelaus bids him find fault with Paris. Protesilaus allows this to be the proper course. Paris shifts the blame from himself to Eros (Love). To this again Protesilaus assents, and expresses a wish that he could lay hold of Eros. yEacus next says that he will reply respecting Eros, and points out also to Protesilaus that he himself was the cause of his own death. Protesilaus denies this, and affirms that Moira (Fate) had of old spun this web of destiny. ^Eacus then asks how it is that in that case he lays blame on Helen and the others. AIAK. Tt cuyx^^^y ^ UpcoreaiXae, rrfv 'EiXevrjv irpoaireadav ; nPllT. "Otl Sid TavT7]v, w AlaKe^ direOavov 12 DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN. rjjjLLTeXrj fiev top SofjLov fcaraXcTroiiv, XVP^^ '^^ TTjv veo^ajjLov yvvalfca, AIAK. AItlco tolvvv top MepiXaopj oo'TLx^'^o dp7rd7](Tco ttotq diro tcop )(€Cp(OP, HAP. "ASlku ttolcop, & UpcoTeaiXae, /cal TavTa 6fi6T6')(P0P OPT a a or ipcoTtf{o<; yap kuI avTo^ eljJbL Kol tS avTtp 0€a> fcaTia-')(7}/jiac' olaOa Se (w? dfcovatop tl icTTi Kal tc<; yfid<; SaijJLcop ayei ep6a dp eOekrj, Kal dSvpaTOP iaTip dpTLTaTTecrdai avTM, nPflT. E5 \eyeL<;. Et^e ovp fiot top "FipcoTa ipTUvOa Xa^elp SvpaTOp rjp. AIAK. ^Kyco aoL Kal irepl tov ^'^pcoTO'; dTTOKpiPovfiac TCL hiKaia* f^rjaei yap avTO^ [jlIp TOV ipdp T(p UdpcSc L(Tco<; yeyeprjadac acTiOf;, TOV OapuTov Se aoc ovhepa aXkop, & TipcoTeai- DIALOGUES FROM LUCIA N. 13 \ae, Tj aeavToVj 09 eKkaOofxevo^ t^9 veoydjuLov fyvvaLKo<^, eTrel irpoaecjyepeaOe rfj TpcpdBc, ovtco^ (f)L\oKLvSvpcor rl ovv tovtov<; alriS ; 7. npcoTecTLXao^;, IIXovtcov, kol ITepcre- (j)6vr]. The Shade of Protesilaus entreats Pluto and PersephSne to listen to his supplication, based as it is on love. Pluto asks what he wants and who he is. Protesilaus mentions his parentage, states that he was the first of the Greeks who fell by the hand of the Trojans, and requests to be allowed to return to life for a little while, in order that he may see his bride, whom not even the waters of Lethe had obliterated from his memory. Pluto says that she will descend to the Lower World. Protesilaus declares that he cannot brook the delay. After some further conversation Protesilaus obtains leave of absence for one day. nPHT. ^12 Secnrora kol ^aaCkev Kot r)fjL6T€p€ Zed fcal ai) A7]jjL7}Tpo<; dv^arep, fjbtj virepLhrjje Birjaip ipcoTCKi]!/. 14 DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN. ITAOTT. %\} Se Tivoiv Sey Trap' rj/jicop; fj nPXlT. Ei/it fiev npct)Tecr/\eft)9 6 ^l(f>U\ou ^vXdKLo<;y avarpaTLcoTT]^ tmv ^ KyaiSiv koX TTpoiTO^; aiToOavcbv tmv eir 'IX/w. Aiofiac Be a<^e6ei<; Trpo? oXijov ava^mvai iraXtv, IIAOTT. T0VTOV/JL6V Tov €po)Tay& Upcorecri' Xae, irdvT6<; veKpol ipcoatj ttXtjv ovBeh civ aVTMV TV')(Oi, nPIlT. 'AXV ov TOV ^Tjv, ^AiScovev, epco eycoye, t^? r^vvaiico<^ Be, rjv veoyafiov en ev tm 6aXdfjL(p KaroXiircbv (^ypp/r]v diroirKeonv , evra o KaKoBaifKov ev rfj diro^daei direOavov viro TOV ^^lEi/CTOpof;, 'O ovv epco<; tt}? yvvatfcb^ ov /jL€TpLco<; cLTTOKvaLei fie, & BeairoTa, /cal jSovX^ Ofxai KOLV 7rpo9 okiyov 6(f>9el<^ avrfj KaTa^rjvaL irdXiv. ITAOTT. Ovfc eirie^, & TTpcareo-iXae, to A?7^?79 vBcop; nPXlT. Kal jjboka, & BeaTTOTW to Be Trpajfjia virepoy/cov rjv. IIAOTT. OvKovv 'TrepL/jLeLvov d(j)i^eTaL yap KaKeivT) iroTe koX ovBe ae dveXOelv Berjaei, nPI2T. 'AXV ov (j)€po) Tr)v BiaTpi^rjv, & UXovTcov* rjpdaOr]^; Be kol avTO6^ ivo<; Bvo vcKpov^ Xrj'^eL fier oXljov. ITAOTT. Ov OepLi^ yeveadaL ravra, ovhe jiyove Trcoirore. nPXlT. ^ Ava/jLVT]6v7) avvboKely dvayayoav tovtov avOc^; iToi7]aov vvpLcpcov aif Be fie/Jivrjao p. lav Xa^cbp rjp.epap. i6 DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN, 8. ''H(f)aL(TTOs Kal Zev^. Hephaistos having been summoned by Zeus, and ordered to bring with him his axe very highly sharpened, inquires for what his services are needed, Zeus bids him spHt his head in two. Heph- aistos asks if Zeus thinks that he is mad. Zeus repUes that if Hephaistos is disobedient to the command, he will experience a wrath before felt. Hephaistos finding opposition useless does what is required of him, when a maiden in full armour steps forth. Amazement and admiration of Hephaistos, who demands, as a recompense for the service he has rendered, that the maiden should be betrothed to him. Zeus tells him that he demands what is an impossibility, but still no obstacle shall be put in his way. Heph- aistos declares that he will at once seize upon her. Zeus tells him to do so, if it is easy : but adds that he desires what is impossible, H. Hi fie, & ZeO, 'xpr} nroielv; rjKco fyap, 0)9 €K6\evaa<;, e')(cov tov ireXeKvv o^vraroVy el KoX \l6ov 8eoL fiia TrXijyfj BiaKoyjrai, ZET2. E5 ye, & ''k(f>aL(rT€' dXXa SieXi fjLOV rrjv Ke(f)aXf)v e? Svo KareveyKcov* H. Heipa fiov, el fiifiTjva; irpoaraTTe S' ovv TL dXXo, oirep e6eXeL<; col yeviaOat* ZET2. ToOro avro, SiacpeOijvai jjboi to KpavLOV* el Be aireLOrjcrei^, ov vvv Trpcorov opyL^o/jiepov ireipdar], ^AXXd y^pr) KaQiic^ veiaQau Travrl tw Ov/hm, /jbrjSe fieXXeiv dir- dXXvfiai yap viro coBlvcov, ai [jlol tov eyKe(j)aXov dvaaTpec^ovaiv, H^. "Opa, S) Zev, firj KaKov Ti iroirjacofjuev DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN. 17 o^v<^ ^ap 6 7re\€Kv<; icrrc fcal ovk avaifKorl ovSe Kara rrjv ElXrjOvLav ixaidaaeral ere. ZETS. KareVey/ce /jlopov, & "li(f>ac(TT€, 6appo)v' olha ijco to avfjic^epov. H. ^Afccov fjuevy KaroLaco Se' ri yap 'xprj TTOLelv arov KekevovTO<;; rl tovto; Koprj ev- oifko^; fjieya, & Zev, KaKov el^e<; iv rfj K€» Tout' i^ovXojbiTjv' ijJLol ixeXrjaei Ta XoLird, Kal r]B7] avvapirdaco avTr^v, ZET2. E? aoL pahiov, ovtco nroiet* ttXtjv olSa OTL dBvpdTCOV e/oa?. Ltician. i8 DIALOGUES FROM LUCIAN, 9. Z€V9, ^AaK\r)TTLo0ap/JL€VO^ TO GMjJbaj kclL tov ')(LTO}voq KOI fierd rovro tov irvpo^' eyo) Se el teal firjhev aXko, oiire eSovXevaa axTTrep ai), ovre e^aivov epui ev AvSla irop^vpiha ivSeBv- Kcb<; KoX iraiofjievo^ viro tt}? 'O/^^aX?;? %pf ^ft) aapSaXo), dWd ovSe iJbe\ay')(pkr}aa7], II02. Olha ov Xiyec^;, rov 'IdaKtjo-iov' ef 'IXtou S' aveifkei, ^AXka ttw? ravra eirpa^ev ovhe irdvv €v6apaf)<; cov; KTK. KareXa^ov ev tq) avrpo) diro Tr]<; vofjLTj^ dvaaTp€'^a<; 7roXXov<; Tiva<;, eTn^ovXeu- ovTaX6<; elfjbi aoi, & UoaecBov, nOS. 'Xl? ^aOvv eK0L/jirjdrj i^Lovra, koX Kadiaa^ irapa Tr]v Ovpav edr}p(ov Ta<; %e?/9a9 eK7r€Tdaa<;, /nova TrapeU ra irpo^ara 69 ttjv vofir)v, lvT€LXdp,€vo<; TO) Kpi^ oTToaa ixPV^ irpdrreLV avrov virep ifLOV, nOS. MavOdvco* VTT eK6LVoi^ eKaOov vire^ekdovTe^;' ae he Tov ovofxari, Kal o fidXtara rjvLaae fxe, on koi oveihi^cov epiol TTjv (TVfKpopdv, '^ Oi'he 6 Trarrjp/' (prjalvy '^ o Tioaeihoyv Idaerai ere." n02» @dppei, S) reKvov dfivvovfiai jap avrov, 0)9 fiddrj on, Kal el nrrfpcoalv /jlol 6 " ^ burden "] (" To have a heavy mental burden," etc. ; hence) To he deeply grieved or vexed; to he displeased, etc. dyycX-ia, tas, f. \J&.yy^\-oSy " a messenger ^'] (" The thing pertaining to an 6776X05"; hence) 1. A message, — 2. A command, order, mandate. d-7€vv-ijs, es, adj. [d, " nega- tive"; yivv-a, "descent"] ("Not having 7eWa"; hence, " of low birth "; hence) Low- minded, hase, mean, despic- ahle. aYK-ioTpov, ioTTpov, n. A hook, fish-hook [akin to Sans. ank-a, " a hook "]. dyK-vpa, vpoLS, f. An anchor, as being bent or hook-shaped [id-]- a-yvo-iia (a, f. ayvoi\(T(*), p. riyv6r]Ka, 1. aor. i]yi6r}(ra, V. a. \^a, " negative "; yvo ( = 7V, f. apoiy p. '^pKa, 1. aor. ?lpa, V. a. : 1. To raise ; to take or lift up. — 2. Mid. : aipofiai, f. apovfiaiy 1. aor. T^pd/jLTiJ/j To take upy etc., as one's own especial act. airia w, f. alTrjffo), p. fjrriKa, 1. aor. fjrria'a, v. a. ^To asky demand [akin to Sans, root Yach, " to ask "]. alria, as, f. A cause, reason. alri-dofiai (ofxai, f. alri- daofxaiy 1. aor. fJTiacrdiJir]Vj v. mid. [atT^a, '*a charge, ac- cusation'^] To accuse, blame, a person. alTia-T€OV, n. verbal adj. With Ace. of nearer Object and Dat. of remoter Object : Blame must be attached to a person, etc., by some one, etc. : — eKeivov /.wi aW^idreop, (blame must be attached to him by me ; i.e.) I must blame him, page 12, line 6. aiTt-os, a, ou (rarely os, ou), adj. [oiVt-a, " a cause "] ("Pertaining to ahia"; hence) Causing, occasioning. — As Subst. : atTios, ov, m. With Gen. and Dat. : An author of something to some one; see page 12, line 12. alTiu, 2. pers. sing. pres. imperat. of aiTidofiai. AiT-vYj, vrjs, f. [prob. for Md-vTj ; f r. ate-a^, " to burn "] ('* The])urning thing'') ^tna; a volcanic mountain in Sicily. al<|>vi8ios, OP, adj. Sudden, on a sudden. — As Subst. : al4>vi8iov, ov, n. That which is sudden, suddenness. aK-€OTpa, earrpas, f. [a/c- doiiiai, " to heal, cure "; hence, " to repair, or mend," clothes, etc,'] ("A mending thing"; hence) A darning-needle, (£K|A-aio9, ala, a7ov, adj. [a/c/i-r], in force of "flower, or prime, of life "] (" Pertain- ing to a.Kp.-r] "; hence) In the flower, or prime, of life, aKoXot>0-€(i> c3, f. OLKOXovO- 'flffof, p. 7iKo\ovQT]Ka, 1. aor. 7]Ko\ovd7](ra, V. n. [^aK6\ovd'OS, "following"] To follow, aKovaios, a, op, adj. [contr. fr. a-cKovatos ; fr. d, "nega- tive "j €Kovatos, ** willing "] Not willing, unwilling, against one's will. aKpip-us, adv. [d/cpIjS-'^s, " precise "] (" After the man- ner of the aKpl^i]s "; hence) Precisely ,to a nicety , thorough- ly, perfectly, oiKwv, ova-a, ov, adj. [contr. fr. ct-e/cwv; fr. d, "negative"; kK(av, "willing"] 1. Unwill- ing, not willing. — 2. In adverb- ial force : Against one's, etc., , will; unwillingly, reluctantly. a-XTj9-iis, es, adj. [d, "nega- tive "; A^0-cy, " to lie hid "] ("Not lying hid"; hence. 30 VOCABULARY. "unreserved''; hence) Morally : True. a\-i€vs> ^i^oiSy m. [a\s, a\- oy, "the sea"] ("The one pertaining to a\s"; hence) A fisherman, fisher. *'A\KT](rTts, Xhos, f. Alcestis ; a daughter of Pelias, and wife of Admetus king of Pheraj. In order to save her husband's life, she resigned her own. Hercules brought her back from the lower world, and restored her to her husband. 'AXkjjliivt], 7]s, f. Alcmene or Alcmena ; wife of Amph- itryon king of Thebes, and mother of Hercules: — 'Pl\k- ixi]vr]s vlSs = Hercules. 1. aXX-d, conj, [originally neut. plur. of &\\-0Sf "an- other," with the accent changed] (" In another way," "otherwise"; hence) 1. Suf. — 2. In quick answers, etc. : Nay hut, well hut, well. 2. aXXa, neut. nom. and ace. plur. of &\\os. aXXi(]Xois, ais, OLS ; aXX- i]Xovs, as, a ; see aW^\ci}u. aXX-i]X-(i)v (Dat. o/s, ais, ois ; Ace. ovs, as, a), pron. plur. without Nom. \^&\k-os, "reduplicated"] Of, etc., one another. aXX-o9t, adv. [^A\-oy, "an- other"] In another place, elsetohere. aXX-os, 7], 0, pron. adj. : 1. a. Sing. : Another, other. — As Subst. : aXXos, ov, m. Another person, another. — b. Plur. : Other.— ks Subst. : aXXoi, (jov, m. plur. Other persons, etc. ; others : — ot a\Xoi, the others, all the rest. — 2. Of another sort or kind i different : — jbLTjdej/ 6.\Ko, nO' thing different, i. e. nothing else [akin to Sans, an-ya, "another"]. aXX-oTpios, orpta, Srpiov, adj. [joiKX'Os, " another "] ("Pertaining to ^AAos"; hence, "strange, foreign"; hence) With Gen. : Alien to, unsuitable for. aXX-ws, adv. [id.] ("After the manner of tXkos "; hence) Otherwise. afxapTavo), f. aiijLapr^(roiJ.ai and later afxapriicTw, p. rjfxdpT' 7]Ka, 2. aor. ^ixaprov, v. n. To err, do wrong or amiss. afxPpo(ri-a, as, f. \_aixfip6aX' OS, " immortal, divine "] ("Divine food") Amhrosia; the food of the immortals, as nectar was their drink. dp.€iva>v, ov, comp. adj. Better; see ayaQ6s. a-(xop4>-os, ov, adj. [d, " negative " ; fxop(p-i], " a form"] ("Not having /xop^tj"; hence) Misshapen, unsightly, etc. a|jivvo>, f. afjLvvco, 1. aor. ^ixvva, V. a. : 1. Act. : To toard off. — 2. Mid. : afivvo|xat. VOCABULARY, 31 f. aiivvovixai,\.2iOV. T]fxvva^7]Vf To avenge one's self on, 'punish, a person. a|Ji((>-6Tcpo9, 0T€pa, Srepov, nd^. l^fKp-u, **both"] ("Be- longing to 6.jjL(pco"; hence) Both. — As Subst. : a)X(|>6Tepoi^ wv, m. plur. JBoth sides or parties, both. a)ji,(f>b>, adj. gen. omn. Both of two [akin to Sans, uhh-a (originally anibh-a), "both'^]. 1. av (cdv, TJv), eonj. If; joined to the Subjunctive mood. 2. av, conditional particle, modifying the power of the word to which it belongs : 1. With verbs of all moods except the Imperative : a. With Imperf. and 1. Aor. Indie: (a) Condition not fulfilled : Would, should j would have, should have. — (b) Condition fulfilled: To denote frequently ; cf. e- iraKT^v \v. — b. With Opt. : (a) Condition being, or not being, fulfilled : Would.— (h) Condition not fulfilled : Would, loould have. — (c) Condition fulfilled : Will, I think.— C. In Interrogations imparts great indefiniteness. — d. With Subj.,the force of &v is thrown on some preceding conjunc- tion, or some relative word, etc.; see below, no. 2. — e. With Inf. of Pres. or 1. Aor. : Will, shall-^2. With Relative pronouns, adverbs, etc. : ts &v, whoever; Sirov &u, wherever; &Xpi &v, fxixp^^ ^^> until what- ever time, etc. avd-ptob} pio), f. ^tdoa-ojuHit, p. ^e^icvKa, 2. aor. (au-^efiUcoj/, v. n. [ai^a, *' again"; fitSo), " to live "2 ^o ^^^^ ^^*^^ again, to return to life; — at page 15, line 2, foUd. by Ace. of "dura- tion of time." dvaPiuvai, 2. aor. inf. of dvaYaycuv, ov(ra, 6v, P. 2. aor. of OLvayoi). dvaYK-aios, aia, aiov, adj. [avayK-T], "necessity"] ("Per- taining to ai'dyKT)"; hence) Necessary. dv-d7KaC(i), 1. aor. (d*^-) eKavaa, v. a. [^ai^d, in " strength- ening " force; /caicy, "to kindle"] To kindle, to light up a fire. dva-fjii)Jivt]o-K(i>, f. iJivfjao), V. a. [dj/d, denoting " repeti- tion"; fiifivTiffKoo, "to put in mind "] To put in mind again, to remind. — Pass. : dvd- |jiip.vi]o-KO|j,aL, 1. aor. (a»/-)e^i/- 'fjadriv : In mid. force : To be put in mind, to recall to mind, to remember. 32 VOCABULARY, dvap.v'ijara)^ fut. ind. of at^a- dva-irci0, " to persuade "] 2b persuade, induce, 1. dvairXcd), masc. nom. plur. of avdir\€(05. 2. dva-irXco), f. n\€vcroiJ.ai} V. n. [dj/ct, " back "; TrAew, "to sail'^] 2b 5ai^ Sac>t, sail away. dvd-'TrXc-ws, aj;/, adj. [Attic for drti-TTAe-oy ; fr. d;/a, in " strengthening " force ; irXe, a root of irifjiTrA'niuLiy " to fill "] With Gen. [§ 108]: Quite full dvairvcvcraS) atra, ai', P. 1. aor. of avairveo}. dva-irveo), f. irv^vcroixai, 1. aor. (di/-)€7r»'eu(ra, v. n. [dra, "again"; Tri/ecw, "to breathe"] (" To breathe again "; hence) To regain, or recovery hreath, dva-aTpctjxtf, f. crTpdxpWy p. (aP')4(TTpo(pay 1. aor. {o.v-) 4(rrp€y\ia, v. a. [avd ; s, via, 6s, P. perf. of av4pxoiJio.i» dv€X6civ, 2. aor. inf. of apepxofjLai. dv-cpxop.ai,, p. €\'f]\v6a, 2. aor. ifiXvQov and riKQov, v. mid. [av-d, "up"; cpxofiai, "to come or go "] To come, or go, up; — at page 15, line 17, folld. by ace. of "measure of space" [§99]. dvcuyus, v7a, 6s, P. p^rf. of ai^oiyco. — As Subst. : dvciiryoTa, CUV, n. plur. ("Open things"; hence) Of a boat : Seams, chinks, etc. d-vijp, vBp6s, m,: 1. A man. VOCABULARY. 33 — 2. A husband [akin to Sans. nar-a, *' a man "; a is a pre- fix; cf. a-yad-os']. av6p(inros, ou, comm. gen. -4 human being; a man, ^person. dvi-dco w, f. ao-cy, p. ("^r/-) aKa, 1. aor. {r]i^i-)daa, v. a. [d//i-a, "grief,'* e^c] To grieve, vex, annoy. dv-oiY(i) (oiyvvjJLi), f. oi^u, p. e9J7a and ^(^X'^> v* "• [dv-ct, in " intensive " force ; oiyta, "to open'*] 2b ope», be open, dvTt, prep. gov. gen. ("Over against "; hence) In the 'place of, instead of, in return for. dvTt-X€7«, f. Ae|w, 1. aor. (avT-)4\€^a, V. n. [^aprl, "in opposition " ; A67CW, " to speak"] ("To speak in op- position*'; hence) With Dat. of person : To offer op- position to, to oppose; — at p. 17, line 20, supply )Ui, "to give"] (" To give back again "; hence) To pay a debt, etc, air^Soq, 2. aor. imperat. of d7ro5i5a)jut. airoSoTO), 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. imperat. of dTroSrSeu/it. airo8ovvai, 2. aor. inf. of dTToSiSwjUI. diroScucrciv, airoSwo'u, fut. inf. and ind. of dnoBlLdcvixi. airo6avcuv, ov, 1. aor. (dir-) €K€p^7}(ra and (dir-^eKep^ava, V. n. [cittJ, in " strengthening" force; Kep^aivoo, "to gain"] To gain, to make gain or 'profit. airoKcpSavai, 1. aor. inf. of dcKOKfLp^aivta. diro-Kivco) KtvcU, f. Kiv4\(f(a, 1. aor. (d7r-)€/fI»/770-a,v. a. \h.-n6, *' away from "; Klueco, " to move "] (" To move away from " a place ; hence) To re- move. airo-Kvato), V. a. [^dirS, " away "; Kvaia>, " to scrape "] ("To scrape away"; hence) To wear a person out ; to worry to death; to gall, vex, etc. airo-Kplvci), f. KptvUf p. /ce- KptKa, 1. aor. {d'K-)eKp~iva, \. a. [airS, "from"; Kpiva), "to separate "] 1. Act. : To separate or select from ; to picJc out from. — 2. Mid. : axo- Kpivo|iai, f. Kpivovfxai, 1. aor. {a.iT-)(:KpivmiJL7]v, perf. pass, (in middle force) KiKpXfxai : a. To D give an anstver to; to answer, reply. — b. With Ace. of thing : To give something as an answer; to give an answer of a certain kind. a-n-o-KpTJirTO), f. Kpiurpco, 1. aor. {air-) €Kpv\pa, v. a. [^awS, "from"; Kpvirrca, '* to hide"] ("To hide from" sight; hence) To conceal from ob- servation, etc. aXO-KTcCvO), f. KT€VS), p. (d7c-)4KTova, later {d-n-)4KroLKa, 1. aor. (a7r-)€/CT€ij'a, 2. aor. {dir-)4KTaPov, v. a. [aTr^ in " strengthening " force ; KTeivco, " to kill "] To Mil or slay. aTToXdPoiiJii, 2. aor. opt. of diroXafx^avct). airo-XaixPdvci}, f. X'fjtpofiai, p. (d7r-)6iA7;(^a, 2. aor. (drr-) €\afiou, V. a. [^dnS, " from "; Kafxfidpco, "to take"] ("To take, or receive, from" an- other; hence) To get hack, recover ; — at page 2, line 24, without nearer Object. air-oXXvjxt, f. oXecru, Attic o\co, p. do\€Ka, Attic 0\(0\- €Ka, 1. aor. ccJAetra, v. a. [diro, in " intensive " force ; oWv/JLi, "to destroy, to lose"] 1. Act. : To destroy utterly, kill, slay. — 2. Mid.: air- 6XXi;p.ai, f. oXovjxai, p. 6Aco\a, 2. aor. (a\6ix7]i/^ (" To lose one's self"; hence) a. To perish, die. — b. To he ruined or undone. 2 36 VOCABULARY. inf. of ctwoXXiJvai, pres. airdKXvixi. aTTOVCVOTJfJLCV-WS, ftdv. [aTTO- vevoT]fx4v-os, " deprived of mind"] ("After the manner of the cLTToyevoTjuevos ''; hence) Foolishly, rashly, etc. airolvvas, affa, a?, P. 1. aor. of dL-Ko\vv(a. air-olvvw, f. o^v^w, 1. aor. (d7r-)aj|i}i/a, V. a. [dir-^ in "strengthening^' force; o\vv(a, *' to sharpen ^'] To sharpen, bring to a point, aiTo-'7r€|X'iro), f. Tre'/ui^o), 1. aor. (d7r-)€7r€)uv|/a, V. a. [aivS, *' away "; TreVTrw, *' to send "] 1. Act. : To send away. — 2. Mid. : d'Tro-'irefji'irop.ai, f. ir^ix^oixai, 1. aor. (a7r-)€7re^4'" oLixriu, To send away as one's own especial act. airo-irXca), f. irXclffoixai, 1. aor. {aTr-)€Tr\ev(raf v. n. [avrcJ, *' away " ; ttAcgj, *' to sail "] To sail away or off. airo-TTviYw, f. iri/i^oiuLaL and irvi^co, 1. aor. (d7r-)e7ri/i|a [d7r(^, in " strengthening " force ; TTplyca, " to choke "] jTo choke, strangle, suffocate. — Pass. : aTro-T7viYO|Jiai, p. (aTr- ) eTrz/ty- fiai, 2. aor. (d7r-)67r»/i777»/. dirocrxoiTo, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. opt. mid. of airexoD. diro-xpaw XP*^' ^* XP'h^^i 1. aor. {aTT-)expy](Ta, v. n. [aTTo, in " strengthening " force; XP^> "to furnish with" a thing or the use of a thing] 1. To strffice, he sufficient. — 2. Impers. : d'Kiyj^t\(T^, It was svfficient, or enough; — at page 7, line 6, o.-k^xP'^^^ l^^s for its Subject the clause ^lupai KCLKOOS. dTrpaY|iov€0"T€pos, a, ov ; see dTTpdyjULccu. d-Trpay-[L, p. vJ/OTra/ca, 1. aor. ripTTa^a, Attic ripTraca, v. a. To snatch aioay, carry off, steal. apTi, adv. Just now. dp\-r\, ris, f. [p.px-aX€aT€pov ; see dacpaK- a-o"4>dX-if]s, €s, adj. [a, "negative"; or(j>aX, root of acpdXAco, '* to throw down "] ('* Not thrown down "; hence, "firm"; hence) 1. Safe, se- cure. — 2. Comp. nent. as adv. : aa(|>aX£a'Tcpov With greater safety, more safely. f^^ Comp.: d(r(pd\-€(rT€pos; (Sup. : daipdK-eaTdTus). arc, adv. [adverbial neut. ace. plur. of o(tt€, "who, which"] ("With respect to which things"; hence) Inas- much as, since. a-reKF-os, op, adj. [a, "negative"; reKV-ov, "a child "] I^ot having, or with- out, a child or children; childless. 'AxXavT-is, X'^os, f. [^'ArAas, ''krKavr-os, " Atlas "; a king of Mauritania, changed by Perseus, with the aid of Medusa's head, into Mount Atlas for having refused him a hospitable reception] A daughter of Atlas. ov-0ts, adv. [lengthened fr. av, " again "] Again, anew, afresh. avT-iKa, adv. [avr-6s, "self, very "] (" At the very " time; hen'ce) Forthwith, immediate^ ly, instantly, at the moment, at once : — avrXKa fxdXa, {quite at the moment, i. e.) at this very moment, this instant; see ^idXa, no. 1. b. av-ToSj TV, r6, pron. adj. : 1. Self, very.— As Subst. : Of all persons : avros, ov, m. I myself, you yourself he him- self, etc.— 2. With article prefixed, in all genders and cases: The same. — As Subst. n. : TO. avTOL, The same things. — 3. As simple pron. of 3rd person : Me, she, it, they, etc. [akin to a pron. av, preserved in the Zend language]. 1. avTov, masc. and neut. gen. sing, of ai/rSs, 2. avTov, ^s, ov ; see iavrov, avx-€« «, f. 'fi-aip€(D aipu, f. aipijo'cv, p. "^piiKay 2. aor. e7\ou, v. a. [d<^* (see and), "away''; alpeo), " to take "] 1. Act. : To take away, remove, etc. — 2. Pass. : a(t>-aipEO}ji.ai aipov|xai) p. '^prj/uLai, 1. aor. rjped'nv, 1. fut. aipedijo-oiJLai, With Geu. : ^0 ie deprived of, a-(|>dpp,aK-T09, TOP, adj. [d, " negative "; cpapfxaK-ov, " poi- son "] (" Not provided with (fxip/jLOLKop "; hence) Unpoison- ed, free from poison. — As Subst. : a4>ap}Ji.aKTov, ov (so. 'K(afxa),Anunpoisoned draught or drink. a<|>€d€iSj etcia, eV, P. 1. aor. pass, of d(f)ir]fxi. d<|>€tXov, 2. aor. ind. of d^aipeca. dc|)TipT|ix6Vos, 7}, OV, P. pcrf. pass, of acpaipecu, d<{>ijcr(i>, fut. ind. of dcptriiJLi. d^-ir\\ii, f. T}a'(i}, p. er/ca, 1. aor. Tjica, 2. aor. rjyf v. a. [d<^' (see dTr6)y " away "; 'Ltiixl, "to send"] To send away let go, dismiss, etc. — Pass.: d-icfj.ai, p. €Ljxai, 1. aor. iiQr]v and ^Qtiv, 1. fut. €07]- uojxai. d4>-iKvcop.ai iKvovp,ai, f. l^ofxai, p. TyMctt, 2. aor. ikSixtiv, V. mid. [d^' (see dTro), de- noting " completeness "; Ikv€- ofxai, ** to come "] (*' To come quite " to a place ; hence) To arrive. d<|>i|o|xa^ fut. ind. of dcpiKveo/LLUi. d<|>-i(rTif]|Jii, f. aTTo-o'T'fia'cc, 1. aor. dir-€(rT7]a'a, as v. a. in causal force; — but as v. n. p. d(p-€(rTr]Ka, 2. aor. dir-carriu [a^' (see drrd), "away"; '/o-t?;- fjii, etc., " to make to stand "; in perf., etc., "to stand"] 1. Act. : (" To cause to stand away "; hence) To put away, remove. — 2. Neut. : To de- part. — 3. Mido : d(f>-io-Tap.ai, f. dTTo-o-TT^tro/xat, (" To make one's self stand away "; hence) With Gen. : To depart from; to quit, leave, a(|>vci>, adv. On a sudden, suddenly, unexpectedly, un- awares. a-<|)povT-ts, iSos, m. and f. adj. [d, "negative"; «, f. (carofiai later , p. {^eBi-)uKat 2. aor. (e)8i;-)a>i/, v. n. : 1. To live. — 2. Impers. perf. pass. : pe- pitorai, Ji^ Aa5 2>ee» ^iue(£ : — jSeiStcorat ^Mrj^, («^ has been lived by us ; i.e.) we have lived or spent life. ptwvai, inf. 2. aor. of jStcJco. pod, 2. pers. sing. pres. imperat. of ^odu}. po-d(i> w, f. /Sorfo-ctf, p. jSe- ^orjKa, 1. aor. i^orjaa, v. n. jTo c?ri/, caZZ, or shout, out [akin to Sans, root hve, "to call"]. Boi(i>Tia, as ; see Boic^Ttos. Boi«T-ios, ia, Xov, adj. [BoiojT-o^, "the Boeotians," the inhabitants of Boeotia, a state of ancient central Greece] Boeotia. — As Subst. : BoiwTia, as, f. Boeotia. PovX-OfJiai, f. BovKT^aofjiai, p. Bi^ov\ri(xcLi, 1. aor. ifiovXijdTjp and r)Bov\7]6rjv, v. mid. iZb W27Z, wish, desire [root PovX (ir PoX), akin to Sans, root VRi, "to choose"]. PpdS-vvb), f. vvw, 1. aor. (i^paS-)vva, p. iSe/SpdS-v/ca, V. n. iBpa^-vs, "slow"] To be sloiv, tardy i or dilatory ; to delay, loiter. ppdSiJS, eta, i5, adj. Sloio, whether literally or figura- . tively. g^ Comp.: /8pa5- vrepos; (Sup. : )3pa5i;TdTos). PpdSvTcpov, comp. adv. [adverbial neut. of jSpaSyrep- os ; see Bpadvs'] More sloivly. Ppdxvs> eta, v, adj. Of time : Little, short, brief. — As Subst. : Ppaxv, n. A little while, a short time, a brief interval. 7dp, conj. For. •yao-T-iip, €pos pSs, m. The belly, stomach [prob. akin to Sans. jathar-a, "the belly"], 7€, enclitic particle, A6 least, indeed, at any rate [prob. akin to Sans, gha or gha, an old pronominal base]. 40 VOCABULARY. 7€Y^VT)fxai, perf. ind. pass, of ylyvo/jLai. 7€7cvT]}i.6vos, 7], ovy P. perf. pass, of yiyvofxai. Y€Y€VT]v, fjiofos, m. [Sat-w, ** to distribute, apportion '*] ("A distributer or apportioner" of one's lotj hence) A deity. Adjiiv-i'irir-os, ov, ra. [^d/uLU- rifiif " to break in "; Ttttt-os, "a horse"] ('* Horse-breaker") Damnippus ; see page 10. Aavd-r), T]s, f. Dande ; daughter of Aerisius, king of Argos, and mother of Perseus by Zeus, who visited her, when shut up in a tower by her father, in the form of a shower of gold. 8c, conj.: 1. And, also, too. — 2. But ; see /ueV. 8et], 2. pers. sing. pres. ind. of Seo/iat, page 14, line 1. Seijo'ci ; see Se?. 8€-i(], p. Bddcixat 1. aor. edei^a, v. a. To show [akin to Sans, root D19, "to show"]. Aeiv-ias, Xov, m. \^d€iv-6s, "dreadful"] (" Dreadful One") Beinias ; see page 8. Sci-vos, vi], v6v, adj. [for ^€th-v6s; fr. 86t5-co, "to fear"] ("To be feared"; hence) Dreadful, terrible, dire, etc. — As Subst. : 8€ivd, uv, n. plur. Dreadful, or terrible, things, j^^ (Comp. : heiV" orepos) ; Sup. : Beiv-dTdros. 8€tv6TdTOs, 77, ov, sup. adj.; see 8€iv6s. — As Subst. : deiV' Srarov, ov, m. With art. : The most dreadful, or terrible, thing. 8€i^ov, 1. aor. imperat. of SeLKl/Vflt. Scltrvov, ov, n. : 1. A meal, — 2. A supper. 8€\€ap, icLTos, n. A bait or lure; properly for fish, but used in a figurative force of any- thing of an enticing nature. SevSpov, ov, n. A tree [pro- bably, like hpvs, akin to Sans. dru, '* a tree "]. 8e|ai, 2. pers. sing. 1. aor. imperat. of dexofiai, Seoi ; see Set. Scojxai, f. Strjcrofxai, 1. aor. id€7]d7]u, V. mid. With Gen. : To stand in need of, want, require. Sctr-irt^T-tis, ov, m. : 1. A master of a house or house- hold ; as opposed to oiKerrfs, " a domestic." — 2. A ruler, lord [prob. akin to Sans. dam-pat-i, " master of a house "]. 42 VOCABULARY, Zi\'-o\La.iy f. 5e|o/xa(, p. Se- ^eyixaif 1. aor. ide^d/jLrjUy v. mid. (" To receive "; hence) To receive [akin to Sans, root DAGH, " to attain "]. Sew, f. Se'fja'co, p. SeSer^/ca, V. n. With Gen.: To lack, tvant, stand in need of, etc. — The words fxiKpov dcTu at page 21, line 1, form an independent parenthesis, and limit, or re- strict, the force of the state- ment into which they are introduced. Strictly speaking the inf. here depends on ws to be supplied : (so as to ivant a little, i. e.) almost, nearly. Stj, adv. In truth, in fact, indeed. 8tiXov-<5Ti, adv. [= ^riK6v iariv oTi, " it is manifest that"] Manifestly, clearly, evidently. A'r]-|jn]Tt]p, iJLTjTepos fnjrpos, f. [for Tri iJ.7]T7]p, " mother earth"] Demeter ; the Ceres of the Romans ; the goddess of corn and agriculture, and the mother of Persephone : — A-i^/jLTjTpos OvyaTTjp =: Perse- phone. 1. Aia (at page 4, line 15, Ai' before a vowel), ace. sing. of Z€179. 2. 8id, prep. gov. gen. and ace: 1. With Gen. : Through. — 2. With Ace. : On account qf\i\km to Sans, dva, "two"]. Sia-YiVvucTKca, f. yvd>ao}xai, 2. aor. (dL-)eyvci}i', v. a. [5ta, "between"; yiyuuo-Ku, "to perceive"] ("To perceive be- tween " one object and an- other; hence) To distinguish^ to Jcnow from another, etc, StaYvwvai, 2. aor. inf. of h^LayiyvwffKO}. StaOij-KT], Kfis, f. \JbXaTiQif]fxi, in mid. force of " to dispose of"; through SiaOt], verbal root of SiaridrjfjLi (Sta ; rl-dr]' fit)'] (" A disposition of " pro- perty by will ; hence) A will, testament. 8Laip€6TJvai> 1. aor. inf. pass, of 5tatp6£o. Si-aipcb) aipti), f. aipi], f. K'^trofiai and AtJctco, p. AeArj^a, 2. aor. (51-) 4\adou, V. a. [5ta, in "strength- ening" force; XavQavo), "to escape the notice of" a person] With Ace. of person: To escape the notice of; to escape one^s, etc., notice. 8iaXoYio"-fi.<5s, fJLovy m. [for 5mAo7i5-/uos ; fr. hXaXoyi^oixai ( ■=. btaXoyid-aofiai), " to balance accounts"] A balanc- ing of accounts; a settlement^ etc. 8ia-Xv(i), f. Xvffdiy V. a. [Sfci, "apart"; Auco, "to loosen"] ("To loosen apart"; hence) Of the skull, etc.y as Object : To split open, hreaJc. 8ia-irop0pcv(i), f. ivopdfxivffco, p. ircTrSpd/j.^vKa, 1. aor. (Sf-) €7r6p6/JL€V(Ta, V. a. [5ia, " through " ; iropd/xcvoi), " to ferry"] To ferry through ^ across, or over ; — at page 4, line 2, Sieiropdfieva-aiJLej/ is plur. for siner. la-cnraci) airw, i. (TTrafrco, 1. aor. (5t-)€(T7rdo-a, v. a. [STa, "apart"; cnrctcw, '* to pluck or tear"] 1. To pluck, or tear, apart or asunder. — 2. Pass. : 8ia-o"irdo|jLai orTrwfjiai, p. (St-) co-Tratr/iat, l.aor. (St-jeo-Trcttr^Tjf, ] of dragged hiiher^^^t^ikU 8ia-crTpwvvi|i(^/TL (5r-)ecrTp(yo'a, V. ^ in " strengthening " orrpdivpvixi, " to spread a couch, etc., as Object : To spread over, cover with cloths, hangings, etc. 8ia(rTp(ua-a9) acra, au, P. 1. aor. of hlacTTpdovvvixi, StaTpXP-i], r)y, f. [SfarptjS-cw (= Sta; Tptp, root of rp~i$co), " to wear away "] ( " A wear- ing away "; hence) Of time : In a bad sense: Waste, or loss, of time; delay, 6ia-<{}€p(a, f. (5i-)oi(r(w and (Sr-)oiO'o/xa/, 2. aor. (5t-) ^veyKov, V. a. [Sm, " in differ- ent directions "; (pipw, ** to bear"] To hear or carry in different directions ; to carry about. 8ia-((>cvY(i>, f. (fyev^ofiat, p. Tr€(p€vya, 2. aor. (Bt-)4(()vyoy, V. n. [Stct, " through "; ^evyw, "to flee"] ("To flee through"; hence) To flee away, escape, get clear off. 8ia-<|>66Cp«>, f. 9€pco, p. {^X-)4(pdapKa, V. a. [ptd, in " intensive " f@rce ; (pBeipw, " to destroy "] 1. To destroy utterly. — 2. Pass. : 8ia- (f>6€ipo|xai, p. {^X-)4(p6apfxaiy 2. fut. (pdap'fjo-ofjLai, To be utterly destroyed, go to ruin, 8k-8b)-|Ai, f. Scaaco, p. Se- 44 VOCABULARY. ScaKa, 1. aor. e5aj,=<:a, 2. aor. eSoov, V. a. : 1. To give. — 2. With Inf. in force of Latin Gerund in dum with ad : To givey offer, present for the purpose o/* doing, etc. [length- ened and strengthened from root 8o, akin to Sans, root da, "to give"]. 8ie\a0ov, 2. aor. ind. of Z'iaXavQavoi). 8ie\€, 2. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of ZXaipeca, 8i£<|>dap|ji.£vo9, 1], ov, P. perf. pass, of btavYov, 2. aor. ind. of 8Xic-aio9> aia, aiou, adj. [S(/c-T7, "justice"] ("Of, or belonging to, biKr}"; hence) Justy right. — As Subst. : 8tK- aia, wy, n. plur. Just, or right, thitigs. ^^ Comp. : btKai-6T€pos f (Sup. : ZXkoli- Stutos). 8iKaidT€pov, comp. adv. [adverbial neut. of Si/cat Jreposj see B^iKuios'] More justly, with greater justice. 8iKaLOT€po9, a. Of, comp. adj. ; see Zticaios. — As Subst. : 8lLKaidT6pa, (avy n. plur. Juster things. 8tKao"r»ip-tov, Xov, n. [ZXk- acrT7]p (= d^iKaa-r-fjs), "a dicast," in the Athenian law- courts, an assessor to the pre- siding judge {Kpn7Js)2 i"-^ thing pertaining to a Sik- aa-Ttjp "; hence) 1. A law- court, a court of justice. — 2. The court, i. e. the dicasts and judge in the court. Si-oTt, conj. [for dia rovro, oTi, "on account of this, that "] For this reason that, because that. 8is, adv. Twice [akin to Sans, dvis, " twice "; cf. Lat. bis]. 8oK€a), f. 5(^|ft> and doK^(rcD, p. dedoKTiKa, 1. aor. fcSo|a, V. n. : 1. 2o seem, appear; — ■ at page 24, line 18, eSo/cet has for its Subject the nom. neut. plur. awapTa [§ 82, a]. — 2. Impers. : a. 8oK€t, It seems, or appears, good: — et So/ce? (cot), if it seems good {to you), i. e. if you please, page 1, line 1. — b. cSo^e, It seemed or appeared; — at page 10, line 11, 65o|e has for its Subject the clause koX aoiphv TovTo eivai. 8d(x-os, ov, m. [for ZijX'OS ; fr. SeV-o^, " to build "] (" That which is built "j hence) A house. 86|a, Tjy, f. [for b6K'(ra ; fr. boK-eo), " to think "] (" A think- ing "; hence, " a thought " ; hence, as the thoughts which others entertain of one) Hon- our, renown, fame, glory. 8d|ai|jLi, 1. aor. opt. of doKeca. 8dpv, dSpdros, n. (" Timber, VOCABULARY. 4S a plank/' as made from felled wood ; hence, " the shaft " of a spear; hence) A spear, lance [akin to Sans, ddru, " wood"]. ♦8ov\-€V. lavTOv, 7)9, ov (auTOv, rjs, ov), reflexive pron. of 3rd person, without nom. Of him^ self herself, itself etc. caw, f. idaw, p. iluKa, 1. aor. ctdo-a, v. a. : 1. To allow, suffer, permit. — 2. To leave alone, let be, etc. €Y-7pa<|>a), f. ypd^co, 1. aor. (6V-)e7pai|/a, v. a. [for iv- ypa(pco ; fr. eV, "in"; ypdd\os, ov (so, jiveXos, " marrow"), m. ('*The marrow in the head"; i.e.) The hrain. 2. €YK€<(>aXos, ov ; see 1. iyK€(pa\os. iyxia^, daa, av, P. 1. aor. of iyx^cv. Itx^^cIs, Attic ace. plur. of €yx€\vs. ey\€\v9, uos (Attic plur. lyX€\el^y 4(jov), m. and f. An eel. ky-\iia, f. x^^ later x^^^> 1. aor. (eV-)exea, v. a. [for iv-x^<»} i fr. eV, " in "; x^^y "to pour"] To pour in or into. I7W, Gen. ijjLov, enclitic fxov, pron. pers. I. — With enclitic 76 : €yu)y€y I indeed, I at least [akin to Sans, aham (=r iyuv). 67(i)Y£ ; see eyto. €^T|v, iraperf. ind. of C««' c6eX(i),f. 606Ai^a'(w,p. 7]64\7]Ka, 1. aor. 7]BiXr](Ta, v. n. [another form of 0€Aco] 1. 2b loilly he willing. — 2. To wish, desire, etc. 1. cl, conj. If: — eX-yc, if at least : — et [xi], if not ; unless; except:— ^l Kai, even if' 2. €1, 2. pers. sing. pres. ind. of etV'- €i8(i) (pres. not in use), fut. elaoixai, seldom il)7)(rcoj 2. aor. eJdov (imper. '15 e, subj. "XdcD, rjs, T), opt. "IBoifiiy inf. TSeTi/, part. ^tddov)y perf. mid. oI5a (2. pers. oJdas, oUaada, olaQa, 1. pers. plur. tdjuep for oYdajxey, imper at. ^aOi, subj. eifSco, opt. eldeirjv, inf. etSeVat, part. eiSctJs), plnperf. ^Seif, 2. aor. mid. €t^6fX7]y, V. a. irreg. To know; toperceitie mentally or physic- ally. ^^ The perf. and pluperf. are respectively used as pres. and imperf., viz. / know, I hnew ; with inf. following : (I) Tcnow how. The 2. aor. ^I'bov and ^\^6ix'r\v apply to the sight, viz. (1) saw [akin to Sans, root yid, " to perceive, know "]. €i-6c, interj. used in ex- pressing a wish [ei, "if"] If only, oh ! if, how I wish that: — 6^06 prefixed to historic tenses of the indicative de- notes that the wish cannot be realized ; but when it is pre- fixed to the optative, the realization of the wish is left wholly uncertain. €Ik6s, 6tos, n. part, of ioiKa, used as adj. Likely, prohahle, reasonable; see €lKOT-wq, adv. [ef/fc5s, ^IkSt- os, " seeming good "] (" After the manner of the elKoos"; hence) Reasonably, fairly, naturally, etc. ElXcCOvia, as, f. [altered fr. VOCABULARY, 47 i\r}\v6v7a, fcm. of i\7]\v6ct>s, part. perf. of epxoiJ.ai'] (** She who has come") Eileithyia^ or Ilithyia ; a goddess pre- siding over child-birth, and who comes to the aid of women in child-bed. 1. cl-fxi, imperf.^?/ and ^ifx'qvy f. eaojiiai, v. n. : 1. To be; — at page 2, line 15, eVrtV has for its Subject the nom. neut. plur. ravra [§ 82, a], — 2. Impers. : €(Tri{v)f It is poss- ible : — oifK effTiVy it is im- possible, it cannot be [for icr-fxi, akin to Sans, root AS, "to be"]. 2. el-fjit, V. n. To go; mostly in fut. force [akin to Sans, root i, " to go "J. cXvai, pres. inf. of ^i[xi. cipYao-fJiai, perf. ind. of clp-iivti, ^vi]Si f. [prob. €lfp-«, "to bind or fasten"] (" The binding, or fastening, thing "j hence) Peace ; — cf. Lat. pax (= pac-s), fr. root PAC = PAG, whence pa(n)g-o, " to fasten," etc. 1. els (es), prep. gov. ace. : 1. Into, within. — 2. To, to- ivards, unto. — 3. To express measure, extent, etc. : As far as, up to, etc. ; — in this force prefixed at times to adverbs : e.g. is rpis, nj) to thrice: — is ix'f}Ki(rrou, zip to a very great length, very long. 2. els, yS-a, eV, num. adj. One, €ioT], 2. pers. sing. fut. ind. of 6r5«. clra, adv. : 1. Then, there- upon. — 2. In the next place, furthermore. — 3. After that, afterwards. €i-T€, conj. [et, "if"; re, " and "] In alternatives : efre . . . efre, whether . , . or whether, clxov, imperf. indie, of ex«. €K (before a vowel cj), prep, gov. gen. Out of from. cKacTTos, 77, ov, pron. adj. Each. — As Subst. : eKacrra, , f. 8i5a|a) and SrSao-KT^ff-co, 1. aor. (6|-)€5t5a|a, V. a. [e/f, in *' augmentative ^' force ; ^iSatr/cco, " to teach "] ToteachyOv instruct, thorough- ly. lK€t-Oev, adv. [e/ce?, ^' there "; suffix Q^v, denoting removal "from^'] ("From there"; i.e. From that place, thence. €K6i-vos, VT], voj pron. dem. [e/ccT, " there " j The person or thing there; that person, or thing; — frequently to mark something that has preceded. — As Subst. : a. cKcivos, ov, m. That person, he; — Plur. : Those persons, tJiey ; — at page 5, line 16, iKeivwv oIijlq}(6ptup is Gen. Abs. [§ 118].— b. iKciva, wu, n. plur. Those things. €K-0pW(rK6>, f. OopovfjLai, 2. aor. {i^-)4dopoVy v. n. [ew-, *'out of "; ^/)«(r/ccy, "to leap"] 1. To leap out of. — 2. To leap tip from a state of sleep. cK-KaOaipd) [e/f, denoting *' completeness "; Kadaipo), " to make clean "] (" To make thoroughly clean " ; hence) With Ace. of thing cleansed : To clear out. kK-KXti-oXa, atas,f. [length- ened fr. e/c-AcAe-trto; fr. €«, "out or forth"; /cAe-co (= /coAe-w), *'to call"] ("A call- ing forth"; hence) An as- semhly summoned by the public crier, etc. eKXadop.€V09, 7\f ov, P. 2. aor. of iKkavdaPOfiat. €K-Xav0avofi.ai, 2. aor. (e^-) cXaddfirjVf v. raid, [e'/c, in " augmentative " force ; Xaud- avojxaL, " to forget "] With Gen. [§ 111]: To forget utterly. iK-ireTavvvfJLi, f. ireTaffm, 1. aor. (6|-)e7r6Ta(7a, v. a. [e/c,. "out or forth"; ireTdvuvfii, " to spread"] To spread out or forth; to stretch forth, extend, iKTrcTaoras, acra, av, P. 1. aor. of iKirirdvvvfii. ck-toL-Stjv, adv. [e/c, "out"; Ta, a root of nivta, "to stretch "] Stretched out, out' stretched, at full length : — iKrddrjP Kc^adai, to lie out- stretched or at full length / i.e. to lie dead. £K-TV<|)Xd« T'U<|>\cU, f, TvtpXdoaco, 1. aor. (i^-JervfpK- (Dca, V. a. [efc, in " augment- ative " force; Tv(p\6co, "to blind"] To Mind utterly, make completely blind. "EK-Twp, Topos, m. [for "Ex-'Tcop ; fr- ex-<^ (which is aspirated in the fut. e'|aj), " to hold fast"] ("Fast-holder," i. e. one who is the prop or stay of a place, etc.) JSector ; the eldest son of Priam, king VOCABULARY. 49 of Troy. He was slain by Achilles, and dragged three times round Troy behind the chariot of his victor. IXolOov, 2. aor. ind. of KcLvQavo). IX€-€(i) w, f. eAe^o-w, 1. aor. il\€r]aa, v. a. [eAe-os, "pity"] To have pity, or compassion, on ; to fity, compassionate. IXcXiJOeiv, pluperf. ind. of XavQavo). 'EXevT], 77s, f. [eAeVr?, "a torch"] (** Torch") Helen; a daughter of Jupiter and Leda, and the wife of Menelaus king of Sparta. On account of her beauty she was carried off by Paris, son of Priam, to Troy, and thus became the cause of the Trojan War. eXeos, €609 eouy, n. JPity, compassion. €-Xev0-€po5, epa, ^pov, adj. (" Doing as one desires, pleas- ing one's self"; hence) Free, at liberty [for €-\vd-€pos ; akin to Sans, root lubh, "to desire "; whence also Latin luh-et, lib-et, lib-er ; e is a prefix]. cXOwv, ovaa, 6v, P.. 2. aor. of epxofjiai. "EXXtjv, rjvos, m. ("Hellen," the son of Deucalion ; hence) 1. Sing,: ("A descendant of Hellen"; i.e.) A Greek.— 2. Plur. : "EXXtjv-cs, w;/, T/ie Greeks, Li^cian- €(j.-avTOv, avrris (only in sing, number), reflexive pron. of 1st person \_ey(i), ifx-ov, "1"; avTov, gen. of avT6s, " self "] Of, etc., myself, or my own self i — sts. to be rendered, my own : — eV ifiavTov (so, ^vyd/jL€i) ehai, {to be in one*s own power ; i. e.) to be master of myself. €p.-PaXX«, f. /3a\co, p. iSe- ^\7]Ka, 2. aor. {iif-)€^a\ov, V. a. [for ii/'^d\\u; fr. eV, "in"; jSaAAw, "to throw"] To throw, or fling, in or into. c|jiPaX(i)v, oiiffa, 6v, P. 2. aor. of €)jL0d\\(a. IfjiPpovrri-Tos, rovj adj. [for ifx^povra-Tos ; fr. ififipovT-dco, in force of "to be thunder- struck, stupid "] Thunder- struck, stupid. — As Subst. : lp,ppdvTT]Tos, ov, m. Stupid, blockhead, dunderhead, €|x-ds, if, 6v, pron. poss. [eV, ifi'ov, "I"] Of, or be- longing to, me ; mine, my. — As Subst. : a. Sing. : €\t.6v, ov, n. That belonging to me: — rh €/jl6u, my case, page 8, line 5, Dialogue 4.— b. Plur. : €\kd, (av, n. Things belonging to me : — i d/^a {■=. to. ifxa), the things belonging to me, i. e. my property, page 10, line 7. €|JiaYa)V, P. of evecpayov, efx-<|)pdTTW (<|)pa, "in"; (ppdrro), "to so VOCABULARY, hedge"] ("To hedge in*'; hence) To hlocJc ujp, stop up, etc. €v, prep. gov. dat. : 1. Loc- ally: In. — 2. Of the instru- ment : With. Iv-ava>, f. avcro), 1. aor. avffa, V. a. [eV, "without force"; at^w, "to kindle"] 1. To kindle, light,— 2. Mid. : cv-avo|xai, f. av(rofxai, 1. aor. avca.ixt]v. To kindle, or light, for one's self. cvSeSvKwS) wa, 6sf P. perf. of ex'Sui^co. €V-8vvw, f. SvaoiLai, p. Se- BvKa, 2. aor. cSuif, v. a. [e// (like Latin e;*), in " augment- ative "force; dvvaj (of clothes), ** to get into, put on "] With Ace. of thing : To put on. €V6Ypa\|/a, 1. aor. ind. of iyypacpoi}. ev-€ip.i, f. €(TO}xai, V. n. [^ev, "in"; il^li, "to be"] ("To be in " one ; hence) 1. To he possible. — 2. Impers. : ev- ccrrai. It will he possible, it will he in one's, etc., power; — at page 2, line 20, eVeo-rat has for its Subject the clause ctTro- /cepSai/ai . . . iropdix^la. eVeKa, adv. With Gen.: For the sake of, on account o/.— mostly put after its case. Ivco-Tai; see eucifii. evc'xcov, imperf. ind. of €v0a, adv. : 1. Of place : a. There.^h, Where.— 2, Of time: Upon this, hereupon [prob. Sans, adha, "there"]. lv8ovar-id(i) id(i> Tpv(|>w, f. rpvcp' -fjau, V. n. [eV, in "augment- ative " force ; rpvcpdo), " to be VOCABULARY, 51 luxurious"] 1. To he very luxurious ; to fare, or live, daintily, sumptuously, etc. — 2. With Dat. of person : To make sport of, mock at, etc. I| ; see efc. clavacrras, a.(Ta, dv, P. 2. aor. of i^aviaryiixi. cl-avio-TTiiJii, f. avaffTi\(Too, 1. aor. aui(Tr'f](Ta, 2. aor. aviffTtiv, V. a. and n. [e^, " from "; duiffr'qpn, ** to make to stand up, to raise up "] 1. Act. : Pres., imperf., 1. fut., 1. aor. : To make, or cause, one to stand, or rise, up from a seat, etc. — 2. Neut. : Perf., pluperf., 2. aor. : To stand, or rise, up from a seat, bed, etc.; to rise from one^s bed, etc. cicdopov, 2. aor. ind. of iKdpwaKQj, c|-£ifii, V. n. [c^, "out, forth ''; el/ni, ''to go"] To go, or <7o?we, out OY forth. c|-€vpio-K(i>, f. (vp'fjcrca, 2. aor. €vpou,\. a. [e'l, "out"; evpia-KO), " to find "] To find out, discover. e^evpov, 2. aor. ind. of e|- iVpi(TK(t). Iliwv, ouo-a, (Jy, P. pres. of e|-oi8€Ct> otScI), f. oi'8'i](T(a, p. ced7}Ka, V. n. [e|, ** out "; otStoj, " to swell "] To swell out, be swollen; — at page 3, line 7, i^cp^rjKdos is folld. by Ace. of " Kespect " [§ 98]. c^(o, adv. [e'l, « out "] 1. E On the outside. — 2. With Gen. : Outside of, i. e. out of the way of, removed or escaped from. 6|<{)8t]kcus, vTa, (Js, P. "perf. of i^oiSeco. coiKtt, inf. €0iK€vai, part. ioiKdos, Attic eiKcos, perf. with force of pres. fr. obsol. €lf*c« : 1. With Dat: To be, or seem, like to. — 2. Alone : To ^eem or appear. cir-q[8(u, f. dcofxai and ao'cw, V. a. [eV-i, *'to"j aSw (coutr. fr. a6t'5(y),''to sing"] 1. Act.: With Dat. of person : To sing to.- -2. Pass.: With Dat. of thiflg : lir-ffSoiJiai, To be sung to, or in accompaniment to ; to chime in with. eiravcXOwv, ovara, 6v, P. 2. aor. of eTravcpxofJLai. €7r-avepxop.ai, f. av^X^xxroixai, 2. aor. avrjAdov, v. mid. [eV-f, *'up"; dpepxofJLai, "to come home again"] To come up home again ; to retmm up home; — at page 22, line 7, used by Hermes of his return to heaven after carrying Ju- piter's messages. cirqCaoiJLai,, fut. ind. of eV- l'TC€yiv6ikii]v, imperf. ind. of iiriyLPOfxai. cTreOrjKa, 1. aor. ind. of iTriTid-n/xi. kvei, adv. and conj.: 1. Adv. : When. — 2. Conj. : Since, seeing that^ iriasmuch as, 2 52 VOCABULARY, £ir-cpxc[i.ai, f. eAeuo-o/iar, p. €\r]\vday 2. aor. rj\dou, V. mid. [eV-t, *' upon ''; ipxofiai, ** to come"] ("To come upon"; hence) In hostile sense : With Dat. of person : To fall upon one J to attack, assail, or assault, one. iirC, prep. gov. gen., dat., and ace. : 1. With Gen. : On, upon. — 2. With Dat. : a. In, at. — b. For, for the purpose of. — c. Besides, in addition to. — d. To denote possession or power : With. — 3. With Ace. : a. To, towards. — b. Against. — c. On, upon. liripa-TTis, Tou, m. [eVt- jSatVco, "to go on board, to embark," through verbal root eitiPa (=: eVij Pa, root of iSaiVo))] (** One who goes on board or embarks"; hence) A 'passenger by a vessel. Im-Poaw Pow, f. ^orjco/nai, later fiorjo-co, v. n. [eVi, "to"; $00.0}, "to call out"] 1. To call out to, call upon. — 2. Mid. : ciri-podo}jiai Powfjiai, 1. aor. (eTr-)€$o'n(ra/x'nu, With Ace. of person : To call upon, invoke, call to one's aid, etc. cTTi-PovXcvw, 1. aor. (ctt-) €l3ov\€V(ra, v. n. [eVt, " a- gainst"; $ov\€vu, " to plan"] With Dat. : To plan, or plot, against; to form a plot, etc., against ; — at page 25, line 14, supply fjLoi after iiri^ovAev- OVTOS. cirtpovX-bs, ov, adj. [eiri- ^ovX-i], "a plot"] ('* Having, or with, €m$ov\'f]"; hence) Of persons : Treacherous, deep, designing, f^" (Comp.: im^ovX-drepos) ; Sup. : eirl- $0V\-6TdT0S. cTrXPovXdTaTos, rj, ov. Sup. of im$ov\os. eui-YeXaca ye\(T(a, 1. aor. (e7r-)65a>«a, 2. aor. (ctt-) edcou, V. a. [eTTt, " to "; didcoini, "to give"] With Dat. of person : To give something to VOCABULARY. 53 some one ; to give something into one*s hands. emSovvai, 2. aor. inf. of lirieiK-cSs, adv. [eTrteiK--^?, " fair, reasonable "] ( " After the manner of the eVtet/c^s"; hence) Fairly, reasonably, moderately^ in the meaning oi 'pretty well ; i. e. at page 9, line 2, " to excess or deeply.'" lirtOtjo'Ctv, fut. inf. of iirX' TWrifjLi. €iriK€KX(5cr0ai, perf. inf. pass, of iirlKhdodco. lirt-KXv^W, f. K\V(TC>), p. K6- H\vKa, 1. aor. {iTr-)eK\vo'a, V. a. [eVt, "upon"; kXvCoj, (of the sea) "to wash, or dash, over "^ (" To wash, or dash, over upon" one, etc.; hence) To deluge^ swamp^ sweep away hy a flood. ctti-kXcSOw, f. K\(a(T (TapdrTw), V. a. [eTTi, *' further^'; raffdo-aoo, " to disturb ''] To disturb further; to trouble, or dis- quiet, yet more or any longer. €iri-TiOT]fi,i, f. 077(rw, p. re^e Ka,l.aor. (iTr-)4d'nKa (only in indie), v. a. [ctt^, " upon "; Tidr}fii, "to put or place"] To put, or place, upon. €TriTO(Ji-os, ov, adj. [eTrr- T€fxv(a, "to cut short/' through verbal root cttitoiji (= i-ni; TOji,, a root of rifxvwy] (" Cut Fhort"j hence) Of a way, etc. : Short, direct, etc. ; — at pnge 9, line 24, supply 6d6i' with iiriro^ou. CTTi-xctp-eca c3, 1. aor. eV- €-X^ip-'n(^<^> V. n. [eV^, " to "', Xeif>> "hand*'] ("To put the hand to " a thing ; hence) In hostile force : With Dat. : To attack, assail, set upon. lir-oixyvfJiv (o\i.vvixoaa, 1. aor. mid. (iir-)(aixoaaix7}V, V. a. [eV-t, in "strengthening" force; ojjLPVfJLi, **to swear"] Folld. by Inf. pres. or fut. : To swear that. €pao-6eiS) e7(ra, 4v, P. 1. aor. of ipdojxai', see epaw, no. 3. Ipdw w (used only in pres. and imperf.), v. n. : 1. To love ; — at page 14, line 8, with cognate ace. ipwra [§ 95] ; — at page 12, line 25, tov €pav forms a Gen. dependent on aXTios.—2. With Gen.: To have a desire for; to desire passionately. — 3. Mid. (in pass, form) : epdop.ai wp,ai, p. i]pa(riJLai, 1. aor. ipdadiiv (also regular mid. aor. i)pa(rafir]u), 1. fut. epaa-Orja-oinaiy With Gen. : To be, or become, en- amour ed of. epY-d^o{Jt,ai, f. aaofiai, p. {etpy-)a(rixai, V. mid. [^epy-ov, " work "] (" To work, ac- complish"; hence) 1. To do. — 2. With Ace. of person and Ace. of thing [§ 97] : a. To do something to one ; page 6, line 5. — b. To make one that which is denoted by the Ace. of thing ; — at page 21, line 2, supply €/xe after c^pyaarai. €pY-ov, ov, n. [root epy, "to work"] 1. Work. — 2. A deed, act, action. Ip€iv, inf. of epct'. cpi^o), f. ipXffui, Doric ipX^oo, p. ^pi/ca, 1. aor. ^piaa, v. n. [for ipid-crca ; fr. epis, epXB-os, " strife "] (" To have epis "; hence) 1. To wrangle, quarrel, contend, strive. — 2. With TrpSs and Ace: To wrangle, etc., with. cp-tov, tov, n. Wool; — at page 19, line 8, in plur. [akin to Sans, ur-na, "wool"]. 'Ep-jjifis, ov, ra. Hermes; the Mercury of the Romans ; son of Zeus and Maia; see Dialogue 11, page 21. 'EpfJi.-<5-Xdos,Aaou,m. ['Ep/x- f/S, " Hermes"; (o) connecting VOCABULARY. 55 vowel ; Ka6s, ** people "'\ (" Hermes of the people ") Hermolaus ; the name of a rich man mentioned in Dia- logue 5, page 10. cpofxai, f. ip-fjo-oixai, 2. aor. 7]p6ixif]Vf V. mid. To ask, in- quire. cpx-Ofiai, f. eXetJo'o/iaz, 2. p. iXrjhvday Epic etX-fjXovOa, 2. aor. fjKvdof, Attic. ?iKQovy V. n. mid. irreg. : 1. To come, to go. — 2. To come hacTc, return [Sans, aechchha (fr. root EiCHH, or ei, "to go") = epxoMat]. £p«, fut. of pres. €?pco (which occurs, perhaps, only once), J, etc., loill, or shally say, etc. ; J, etc., am ah out to speaJc or tell of. €p«v, cocra, wv, contr. P. pres. of epaotf : — ol ipuvTcs, (those who love, i. e.) lovers. €p-(os, wTos, m. [^ep-dfiat or Ip-dw, " to love "] 1. a. Love, as such. — b. Personified : ]Sros, the Cwjoxf^ of the Romans, the god of love. — 2. a. Desire.— h. With Gen. : Desire of, or for, some object. lpwT-iK(5s, 4 <^^> adj. [epws, ipooT-osy '* love "] (" Of, or pertaining to, epoos"; hence) 1. Of, or caused hy, love. — 2. Of persons : Given to love, amorous. lo-T), 2. pers. sing. fut. ind. of 1. €t/il. € or g^eaty courage ; courageous, hold. €v0£T-t^(u, f. ((Tw, 1. aor. (7ivd€T-)i(Ta, V. a. [ey^cT-os, " well-arranged "] (*' To make eijdcTos'*; hence) To arrange well, set in order, ciid€-ci)s, adv. [^cvdvs, €vd4' 05, ''straight"] ("After the manner of the evOvs*'; hence) Of time: Straightway, forth- with, immediately. 1. CV0VS, €?a, V, adj. Straight, 2. CV0VS, adv. [1. ihev-s] Of time =r €vd4cos, €v-o f- ^l^** (= ex-fTo)) and crx'no'c}, p. eo-xVKa, 2. aor. ecrxov, v. a. irreg. : 1. To Aa??e;— atpage 4, line 3, without nearer Object. —2. To hold [akin to Sans root SAH, "to sustain, sup- port," etc.'], €a)-0€v, adv. [ecos, gen. eo), " morn "; suffix Oev, " from " j From the morn, at earliest dawn, ^aw, imperf. iCWt f- C'h(^<^ and Ci)(ro/jLai, p. eCrjKa, 1. aor. VOCABULARY. 57 c^T^ffa, V. n. To he alive y to live. Zcvs, ZfivSs and AUs^ m. : 1. Zeus ; the Jupiter of the Romans; son of Kronos or ^aturn, and king of the celestial deities. — 2. At page 13, last line but one, Pluto is styled Zeus, as king of the lower world [akin to Sans. divy "heaven"]. ^€0), f. C^Vey, 1. aor. tC^cra, V. n. To he hoiling, to hoil. ^T|X-6o) «, f. coffctf, 1. aor. {i(,T]\')(i}ffa, V. a. [fijA-os, "emulatiftn"] To emulate, vie with, rival, etc. t,r]\iaa'€ia, Attic for frjX- (aaaiixi, 1. aor. opt. of (r}\'6oD. Zi]v-6-<|)av-TOS, Tov, m. [Zriv (= Zeus), " Zeus or Jove "; (o) connecting vowel ; c|>av, root of (paiuco, "to show"] (" One who shows, or declares, Zeus") Zenophantes; a para- site mentioned in Dialogue 4, page 8. T^iaoyov-iia w, v.a. \^^cooy6v'OS, "generating''] To generate; to produce alive. £, V. n. [7]fx€po^p6ix-osy "running all through the day "] (" To be 7}iJL€po^p6iJ.os" ; hence) To he running about all through the daif or all day long, TIJJI.-€T€pOS, €T€pa, €T€pOl/, pron. poss. [^^-ets, " we "] Ofy or belonging to^ us ; our, ours, TJjjLTjv, imperf. ind. of 1. •qp.iv, 'qp.as, dat. and ace. plur. of iyd). ■qp-i-reX-Tis, €S, adj. [^/xt, "half"; TeA-ew, "to finish"] Half-finished. 'qp,t-4>\€Jc-Tos, rov, adj. [for 7]lj,i-(p\€y-ros; fr. t^ui, "half"; (pAeVw, "to burn"] Salf- burnt. 1. TJv, conj. with Subjunc- tive [contr. fr. edu, " if"] If. 2. -qv, imperf. ind. of 1. elfjLi; — at page 7, line 20, ?iv has for its Subject the nora. neut. plur. €Ke7pa [§ 82, a]. 3. TJV, fern. ace. sing, of Us. ■q-Trou (or as two words ^ TTou), adv. [^, " truly "; en- clitic TTou] Truly indeed, of a truths doubtless. 'HpoLKXcts, voc. of 'Upa- icXris. *Hpa-K\-T]s, kXcovs, m. [contr. fr. 'Hpa-zcAe-Tjy ; fr. "Upa, uncontr. gen. "Upa-os, " Hera "; k\€'Os, " glory "] (" Hera's glory ") Heracles, the Roman Hercules, son of Zeus and Alcmena, and the greatest of the Greek heroes. By decree of the Fates he was subjected to Eurystheus, king of Argos, who imposed on him what are known as the twelve labours of Hercules, and to which reference is made in Dialogue 9, page 18. In the same Dialogue there is also allusion at page 18 to his having come to his end by having burned himself on a funeral-pile on Mount (Eta in Thessaly, when racked with agony through the poisoned robe sent to him by Deianira; and at page 19 to his having been sold as a slave to Omphale, queen of Lydia, who dressed him in the garb of a female, employed him in spinning wool, and used to strike him with her golden sandal; and further to his having slain in a fit of mad- ness, inflicted on him by Juno, his wife Megara, daughter of Creon king of Thebes, to- gether with her three children. •qpdcrSTjv, 1. aor. ind. mid. of epctw ; see ipdca. T]cr8a, for ^s, 2. pers. sing, imperf. ind. of 1. ^lixi. Haio-Tos,ou, m. Hephaist- OS, the Roman Vulcan, the VOCABULARY. 59 ancient fire-god of the Greeks and Romans. In Dialogue 10 allusion is made to the favour he showed to the Greeks in the Trojan War, B.C. 1184. OdXaarca, "ns, f . : 1. The sea, — 2. Personified as a deity : The Sea ; Dialogue 10 [prob. fr. Sans, root tbas, "to trem- ble "; and so, " the trembling or agitated thing/' in refer- ence to the action of the winds and waves]. 0av-aTOS, arovy m. [6ov, root of Ovh-aKu, "to die"] Death. 1. 0dpp€i, 2. pers. sing, pres. iniperat. of da^piw. 2. 6app€i, 3. pers. sing, pres. ind. of Qapp^w. 6app-€(i> c5, f. iicrw, v. n. [edpp-osy "courage"] 1. To take courage, to he of good courage. — 2. Imperat. : 0dpp- ci(sing.), Be of good courage, take good cheer. OeX-qo-b), fut. ind. of ^eAcw. OeXo), f. 6€\7](rca, 1. aor. e^eATjca, V. n. To be willing, to wish: — et 6^\€is, if you will, or if you like. 66-|JllS, ILLlffTOS, f. [Tt077/Xt, "to lay down," through a root 0€] (" That which is laid down"; hence) Law as esta- blished by custom. — Phrase : ou Bifxis {sc. 6(rTt), is not right or lawful; — it occurs at pages 5 and 15, and in each instance is predicated of a clause. 0€6s, ou, m. A god, a deity [akin to Sans, de'oa ; cf. Lat. deus^ 0epair€-ia (quadrisyll.), /as, f. [0€pa7re-uaj, " to serve "] (" Service " in general ; hence) Service to gain favour; attentioUy courting, obsequi' ousncs. 0€pa'T^-€^'<^), f. euo-eo, p. (re- 0epa7r-)€i'/ca,v.a, [0€pai|/, 0€pa7r- os, " a servant "] (" To be a 0€pa\|/ to " one ; hence, " to serve, attend upon"; hence) With accessory notion of serv- ility : To court, flatter, pay attention or court to. 0€p-|JlTJ, jUTjy, f. [Oip-w, **to warm "] (" That which warms " ; hence) Warmth^ heat. 1. 0€p-fids, ti-t]) Ai, f. ta-co, p. (K€Kad-) XKa, 1. aor. {iKd6-)iL(ra, v. n. l^Kad' (see Kara), "down"; Tfw, (neut.) "to sit"] To sit down, to be seated, to sit. Kdd-iKV€op,ai iKvovfjiai, f. i^ofxat, 2. aor. iKo/jL-nv, v. mid. [^KaO^ (see Kurd), " down "; iKveoiaai, "to come"] ("To come down" to; "to reach"; hence) To touch, or strike, with anything. Kd0lK6|JL€VOS, 7}, OV, P. 2. aor. of KdQLKvio^a.1. Ka0-tcm(]{j.t, f. Ka.Ta(TT7](T, f. Kafiovfiai, p. k4- Kp.7]Ka, 2. aor. ^kolixou, v. n. To labour, toil [root Kaji,, akin to Sans, root 9AM, in the original signification "to get tired "; and, also, to Sans. qam, " work "]. 1. KoLv (=: Koi &v), conj. Even if 2. KOLV (= Kai eV) And in. Kara (before a soft vowel Kar*, before an aspirated vowel Ka6'), prep. gov. gen. VOCABULARY. 63 and ace: 1. With. Gen.: a. Doton. — b. Against. — 2. With Ace. : a. According to. — b. In distributive force, of portions of time : By : — kuG* 7]fx€pav, dag hy day, day after day^ daily. — C. In relation to, in : — KaT^ ri ; in what 1— d. According to, out of, through: — Kar €\€ou, through pity. KOLTa-Paivb), f. fi-na-ofxai, p. fiefirjKa, 2. aor. (KdT')4$r]v, V. n. [/cctTo, '*down''; jSaiVw, " to go "] To go, or come, down ; to descend. KaTa-pdX\(i>, f. )3aAcD, 2. aor. («:dT-)6j8dAoj/, v. a. l^Kard, " down "; jSaAXoj, *'to throw"] (" To throw, or cast, down "; hence) To throw down money in payment, to pay down. KaTaPT]vai, 2. aor. inf. of KaraBaifU}. KaTd--y€Xaci), 7€Xci>, f . yeXd- cro/uLai and yeXaaco, 1. aor. {KdT-)€y4Kd(ra, v. n. [wdTct, " against ''; yeXdco, ' ** to laugh"] 1. With Gen.: To laugh against or at ; to laugh to scorn; to mock, ridicule, deride. — 2. Alone : To laugh scornfully. KaT-dYa)vi^o|xai, f. aycoincr- ofiai and ayoivXovuai [kolt-ol, " against "; ayoovi^oixai, ** to contend"] 1. To contend against. — 2. As a result : To prevail against^ overpower, subdue, etc. KUT-CfSw, V. a. [^KUT'd, "down"; ^5cu, contr. fr. aeiSoj, " to sing "] ("To sing down"; hence) To deafen hy singing; — at page 7, line 18, without nearer Object. KGLTd-KaiA), f. KaXKTW, p. K€KavKa, 1. aor. (KaT-)€Kav(ra, V. a. [/fctTa, in " intensive " force ; Kaico, *' to burn "] To burn completely, burn up, consume by fire. KdTd-Xa[j,pav<«), f. Ki]-^oiJLai, p. ( KaT)ei\r](l)a, 2. aor. (kcit-) eXoL^ov, V. a. [/cctTa, in "strengthening" force; XafiS- dvoof ^' to take"] 1. To take possession of, seize, occupy. — 3. To take hold of, over- take, catch, come up with.— 3. To find, discover. KaTd-XciTTCi), f. Aefi^/cy, p. \4\onra, 2. aor. {KOLT-)4\XTrov, V. a. [/car a, in *' strengthen- ing " force ; Xelirw, *' to leave"] 1. To leave behind, — 2. To leave behind at death, — 3. Of property : To leave by will, to bequeath, KaTdXeXoiTra, perf. ind. of KaraXeiirco. KaTaXtircGv, ovtra, 6v, P. 2. aor. of KaraK^itrw. KaTd-'ir£|JL'ir<«), f. Trefirpco, 1, aor. (KdT-)€Tr€iJL^a, v. a. [/cdrc^, " down "; Tre/tTrtw, " to send "] To send doivn, Kdrdpa-Tos, rov, adj. [^kuT' dpd-ojxai, "to curse"] ^ccwr^- ed, execrable, abominable. — As Subst.: Kdrapdros^ ov^ m. 64 VOCABULARY. An abominahle fellow; a scoundrel, miscreant. KaTa-I^o(JLai; 1. aor. (KaT-)€(TO(ptacifXT]u, V. mid. [/caret, in " strengthening " force; (Tocp'iC'^iJiaiy (mid.) "to deceive"] 1. To deceive utter- ly, outwit. — 2. Pass.: Kara- I^ofJLai, 1. aor. (/car-) €(T0(pL(rdr]i/, To he utterly de- ceived, to he outwitted. KaTacro(f>(.a'0fis, elffa, eV, P. 1. aor. pass, of Karacrocpl^ojiiai. KaTd-onrdw cnrcp, f . airacrw, 1. aor. (/faT-)e(r7racra, v. a. [KaT(£, ** down "; a"irdco, " to draw or pull "] To draio, or pull, doivn ; to drag down. — Pass. : KaTd-cnrao(j.ai ctttcS- l&ai, p. (KdT-)4(nra(riiai, 1. aor. {Ka.r-)€(nzd(TQif]v. Karao-Ttjo-ov, 1. aor. im- perat. of KaQL(TT7]IXl. KdTd-(t>ep(i>, f. (/caT-)ota'aj and {Kar-)oi(Toixa.i, 2. aor. {KdT-)7)V€yKov, V. a. [^Kard, J* down"; cpepw, "to bring"] To hring down;— sit page 16, line 5, supply avrSv (rrr^j/ ire\e/cv*') as the Object of KaTifeyKdov, KdTa<()Xe76is, eTcra, eV, P. 2. aor. pass, of KctracpXeyca. KdTa-4>Xe7a), f. ^Ae|a>, V. a. [^Kurd, " down "; (pKeyca, " to burn"] ("To burn down"; hence) Of persona: as Object : To hum up; to consume, or destroy, hyjire, — Pass. : Kdra- XeYOfjLai, 2. aor. (Kar-) e(p\eyr)u. KdreXoipov, 2. aor. ind. of KaroLKafx^ava}. KctTCVCYKoSv, ovcra, 6v, P. 2. aor. of Kdrdcpepco. Kdreo-xTUiat, perf. pass, of Kardx^' KdT-£4>d7ov, 2. aor. with- out pres., V. a. l^Kar-d, in " intensive " force ; e^ayov, "(I) eat"] To eat up, de- vour. koLt-cxw, f. (/ca9-)6|(y and (KdTa-)axr](J'c*}} 2. aor. ecrxov, V. a. [^KciT-d, in "intensive" force; ex«, "to have or hold"] 1. To holdfast; to have, or keep, possession of. — 2. Pass. : KOLT-exofjiai, p. etrxTyAtat, 1. aor. iax^Orjv, 1. fut. (/caTa-)orx607)- (TOfxai : Of personal Subjects : To he possessed, or inspired, by a deity. KaroifTia, fut. ind. of Kard' ^ f. 6U(r«, p. (/C6- K4\-)evKaf 1. aor. (€/C6A-)6U(ra, V. a. (" To urge on, compel "; hence) To bid, urge, enjoin , command [like K4\-ofiai, k4\- Aw, "to urge on," etc. ; akin to Sans, root KAL, " to im- pel"]. K€pavv-6fi} St, f. (cffco, 1. aor. {iKepavp-)oD(ra, V. a. [^Kcpavu- 6s, "a thunder-bolt"] To stride, or kill, tvith a thunder- holt. K€(|>aX-if], r\s, f. The head [akin to Sans, kapdl-as, ** a head"]. KTjpds, OV, m. Bees-wax, wax. KYipvorcrci) (Attic KmpvTTw), f. Kr]pv^co, p. KeK'fjpvxci'f !• aor. iK'ftpv^a, V. n. To officiate as a herald or crier ; to make proclamation. kXoIcd (Attic form of wAafw), V. n. 2^0 2(?ee^. kXt]p-o-v($)ji,-os, ov, m. [for KXrjp-o-veiJL'OS ; fr. K\7Jp-os, *• an allotment "; hence, " an estate "; vc/jl-co ('* to distrib- ute"), in mid. in force of ** to distribute amongst them- selves," etc., for the purpose of having as their own; hence, " to hold, possess," etc.] (" One possessing the estate" of a deceased person; hence) An heir. KXtj-pos, pov, m. ("That Lncimi. which is broken"; hence) A lot, as formed by a fragment of pottery, a broken twig, etc. [akin to Sans, root CEi, "to break"; in pass, "to be broken"]. KXi-aXa, (Ttas, f. [kXi, root of K\i-pco, " to recline "] ("A reclining"; hence) A couch for reclining on at table. Kvi^fX-WV, WUOS, m. [^KVTjfX-T}, " the part of the leg between the ankle and the knee "] (" One with big legs") Cnemon; a legacy-hunter mentioned in Dialogue 5, page 10. (i^oi-|xa(i) p,w, f. fx-fjacD, V. a. : 1. Act. : To put, or lull, to sleep). — 2. Pass. : KOi-|jt.ao- fjiai (xufiai, p. (K€/coi-)u77/xaf, 1. aor. {iKoi-)ix'l]OT]v, 1. fut. Koifxr]- 6i](rojxai : a. To he put to sleep. — b. To fall asleep, to sleep; — at page 24, last line but one, iKoifx'fjd'ns is folld. by the cognate Ace. fiadvv {sc. virvoi/) [akin to Sans, root 91, " to lie down "; whence also /ccT/iat]. KO)jii^o>, f. Kofxiffti), Attic KO/juco, p. K€K6fi"iKa, 1. aor. iK6iJiX(Ta, V. a. : 1. To carry, bring, etc. — 2. Mid. : Kqp,it- ofxai; f. Koixiaofxai and KOfxi' ovfxai, 1. aor. iK0fxi(jaix7]v, To bring as one's own especial act; — at page 4, line 21, KoiJ.i(e(r$ai is a substantival inf. forming the Subject of iari to be supplied, and having 66 VOCABULARY. teov predicated of it ; further, ahT6v {— o^o\6v) is to be also supplied as its nearer Object. Kov-I^o), f. lew, 1. aor. (eK(Ji/-)I(ra, p. pass. (k€k6v-) 1/xai, V. a. [kSv'LS, "dust"] 1. To make dusty y cover with dust. — 2. P. perf . pass. : Covered with dust^ i.e. in all haste ; page 22, line 7. KopT), 7?s, f. A young yirl, maiden. K<5pvs, vdos, f. A helmet. KOo-fx-€Ci) «, f. il](r;//, " an eye ''] ("Circle-eye," i.e. "Round- eyed One") 1. A Cyclops; one of the Cyclopes, a savage race of one-eyed giants in- habiting ancient Sicily. — 2. The Cyclops; i.e. Polyphemus, son of Neptune ; see Dialogue 12, page 23. KvXif, Ai/fos, f. [prob. fr. Kv-w, in force of "to hold, contain "] (" That which holds, or contains," liquid; hence) A wine-cup, goblet, etc. Kvva, ace. sing, of kvwu. KV(i)v, kvpSs, m. and f. : 1. A dog. — 2. Used at Athens as a nick-name of the Cynics : Dog ; — at page 5, line 14, it is applied to Menippus, who was a Cynic [akin to Sans, gvan, *' a dog"; cf. Latin can-is]. KwirY], 7]Sy f . (" A handle " in general ; hence, " a handle of an oar "; hence) An oar. Xapciv, 2. aor. inf. of Xapxis, 2. pers. sing. 2. aor. subj. oi Xajx^avu). Xdpoi|xi, 2. aor. opt. of Xafx^cLvo). XdPp-a|, CLKO^, m. [xd^p- OS, " furious, violent "] (" The furious, or violent, thing" — here, "fish"; The lahrax, a ravenous sea-fish; prob. the sea-wolf, bass. Xdpuv, ovffa, 6vi P. 2. aor. of Kaixfiavw. XdX-E(i) «, f. -^(Tco, p. (AeAaA-) VOCABULARY. 67 77Ka, V. a. To say, speah, etc. ; — at ]&age 5, liue 14, the imperf. ind., e'AaAet, denotes a continued action : he kept say- ing [prps. akin to Sans, root LAD, " to use the tongue "]. Xa(jji.)P-av(«), f. K-fjil/ofxat, p. €^\T](pa, 2. aor. eXdjSov, v. a. : 1. To take.— 2. To obtain, get ; — at page 4, line 3, with- out nearer Object. — 3. To receive [strengthened fr. root Xap, akin to Sans, root labh, " to obtain "]. Xa(v)0-ava), f. Ki](r(a and A^o-oyuat, p. \€\7]6a, pluperf. eA€AT]0e ^^^ ^^^ ff^^ without knowing it, i. e. you were not aware that you had, page 17, line 11; cf., also, €\adou V'ir€^e\d6i/T€s, page 25, line 10 [strengthened fr. root XaO, akin to Sans, root bah (origin- ally eadh), " to leave, quit "]. Xiyio, f. Aeico, p. AeAexa, Y. Q. : 1. To say. — 2. To speak of, mention. Xcwv, \4opro5, m. A lion. X€w-<|)<5p-os, ov, adj. [for \€co-(f)€p-os/, fr. Aecoy, A€c6 (— \a6s, Xaov), "the people"; 6pos, ov {sc. 6d6s), f. (" A road bearing the people,^' i. e.) A high-road, high-way. Aif]8a, as, f. Leda ; the wife of Tyndarus, king of Sparta. According to the legend, Leda bore twin sons, viz. Castor and Pollux. Tyndarus was the father of the former, and Jupiter of the latter. Hence the former wa-s mortal, the latter im- mortal. Castor having been killed by Idas, Pollux, who was tenderly attached to his brother, entreated Jupiter to let him share immortality with him. The request was granted. The two brothers spent alternate days in heaven and in the lower world. To this there is reference at page 22, line 18, etc. At]0ti, 7;s, f. [k-hOf], "ob- livion*'] ie^Ae; i.e. the river of oblivion. All who passed into the lower world had to drink its waters, whereby they forgot the past. Refer- ence to this is made at page 14, hue 18, etc. XTj(r-T>is, ToD, m. [for A7?i5-T^s; fr. Krii^^ojxai (= AtjiS- (Toiiai), "to plunder"] A plunderer, roller. 2 68 VOCABULARY, Xt]v|/o]xa^ fut. ind. of XtOos, ou, m. A stone. \oy-Vi,o^a.i, f. Xaofxai and Xovfxai, 1. aor. (eAo7-)t(ra^'/7V, p. {Ke\6y-)i(Tfiai, V. mid. [AJ7- os, in force of " an account ''] ('* To make a xSyos of, or about/' something ; hence) To compute^ reckon^ calcul- ate : — XoyXffdofx^Oa, suppose we calculate. The ficst pers. plur. of the Subjunctive ex- presses exhortation or admoni- tion, and is used as a modified imperative. The Subjunctive in the above force is called Suhjunctlims Sortdt'ivus. Xo7i(rcS{xe6a, 1. pers. plur. 1. aor. subj. of Koy'i^ofxai ; see XoyT^ojxai. Xoi8op-e(i) w, f. •i](Tca, p, (A€Ao:5op-)?7/ca, 1. aor. (e- koib6p-)r}(raf v. a. [Aoi5op-os, "abusive"] 1. To be abusive to; to abuse, rail at, revile. — 2. Mid. : Xoi8op-€0{xai ov}xai, f. ^(TOfiai, 1. aor. (e'Ao^Sop-) •no-afi-nf, With Dat. : To ab- use, rail at, etc. — N.B. The act. and mid. voices have the same force ; but the former takes an ace, the latter a dat., as its Object. XoifjLcs, ov, m. Plague, pestilence. X(o)t7r-6s, of, 6v, adj. [strengthened fr. Xiir, root of \{€)l7r-w, "to leave"] Left, -As Subst. : Xoiird, uv, n. plur. With art. : The remaining things, the rest, all the rest, Kovia, f. XoiKTcOf 1. aor. ^Xovaa, v. a. : 1. To wash. — 2. Mid. : Xovofxai, f. Xovaoixat, 1. aor. iXovadfjLr)v, (" To wash one's self," etc.; hence) To bathe, take the bath. At;8os, ov, m. A Lydian ; an inhabitant of Lydia, a country of Asia Minor;— Plur. : The Lydians. — Hence, Av8-tos, a, ov, adj. Of, or belonging to^ the L/ydians ; Lydian. — As Subst.: AvSXa, as, f . Lydia. XvTT-eo) «, f. i](roi>, p. {X€Xvir-)if]Ka, 1. aor. (eAvTr-) 't](ra, V. a. [Xvir-'q, "grief"] 1. Act. : To cause grief to one ; to grieve. — 2. Pass. : Xvir-eofiai, ov}Aai, p. (AeAvvr-) 7}ixaL, 1. aor. {iXv7r>)-f}d7]v, 1. f. Tjdrjo'ou.ai, To be grieved; to sorrow, etc. X-uTTTi-pos, pa, p6v, adj. [lengthened fr. Xvrce-pSs', fr. Au7re-&>, " to grieve," etc.'] Of persons : Causing grief or annoyance ; troublesome, an- noying, vexatious. p.a0T], 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. subj. of [xavQavQ}. Mala, as, f. \_ixa7a, in force of " a mother or nurse "] Maia ; daughter of Atlas king of Mauritania, and VOCABULARY. 69 mother of Hermes ; see Dia- logue 11, page 21. |jiaivo^ai, f. ixavi], in force of " to withstand"; (e) connecting vowel; Xaos, "the people"] ("One with- standing the people") Mene- lails ; son of Atreus, brother of Agamemnon, and husband of Helen. Mev-iTMros, iivirov, m. [jueV- co, in force of " to withstand *'; '/ttttos, "a horse"] ("One with- standing horses") Menippus, a Cynic philosopher. fj.€V(o, f. fjLepco, p. fx^ixivriKa, 1. aor. €/jL€tva, v. n. To remain, continue. |X€p-i£ci), f. i«, 1. aor. (eVe/)-) Hda, V. a. [ju€p-09, "apart"] 1. To part, part out, divide. — 2. Pass.: |jL€p-l^op.ai, p. {fiilji4p-)icrixai, 1. aor. (ifi^p-) icrdyjp, 1. fut. i(r6^a, perf. ind. of fieraXaixQavo). ^€TOlK-€b) W, f. ■r]9, adv. [jLt6Tpt-0S, " moderate "] (" After the manner of the ix4rpios " ; hence) Moderately : — ov /x6Tptw9, immoderately, with' out moderation ; see ou. jjLi], adv. and conj. : 1. Adv. : 2^ot. — In prohibitions fiij is joined to pres. imperat. or aor. subj., never to the aor. imperat. — 2. Conj. : Lest. |iT)-8e, conj. and adv. [jutj, " not "; 5e, " and"] 1. Conj. : And not, nor : — ^TjSe . . . fxr)B€, neither . . . nor. — 2. Adv. : Not even. num. adj. [jU7]5-e, "not even"; ets, " one "] Not even one, not one, none. — As Subst. : [i.vfiiv, €v6s, n. : a. Nothing. — b. After a negative : Ant/thing. \Lr\KiaTov, adv. [adverbial neut. of jjL-nKiaTOi, " very long, longest "] In time : Up to ov for a veiy/ long time; — at page 8, last line but two, preceded by 4s ; see els, no. 3. ixi^v, a particle. In good truth, verily, truly, indeed. Ixi^viyI, 4770$, f. A mem- hrane, esp. of the brain. Ix-q-TTip, r4pos contr. rp6s, f. A mother [akin to Sans. md-tri; fr. root ma, in mean- ing of " to produce "; and so, " a producer "; cf. Lat. ma* ter"]. uia, nom. fem. sing, of 2.ffy. ji.Xa-p<5s,p(£,p, p. {jeixvri^jiSv-^iVKa, 1. aor. {e/JLvrj- yL6v-)evaa, v. a. [^^V7]ixwv, fiv7]/xov-os, " mindful "] (" To be ixvhfJioiv" I hence) With Gen. [§ 111] : To bear in mind, recollect, remember. |jiot, dat. sing, of 4ydi}. }jioip-a, as, f. [for /xe7p-a; fr. jx^ip-ofxai, " to divide "] ("A dividing"; hence, "a part " as opposed to a whole ; hence, "a part" which falls to one*s lot, etc. ; hence) One's portion in life; lot, fate, destiny. |xovov, adv. [adverbial neufc. of jxovos, *^ only "] Only. ^6vo%, 7], ov, adj. : 1. Only, alone ; — at page 5, line 2, with Gen. of thin or distributed [§ 112] ; cf, also, page 22, line 11. — 2. The only one who or that. fjLoxXo?) ov, m. A staTce, such as was used by Ulysses in putting out the eye of the Cyclops. jjivpiKTi, 7/s, f. A myr'ica or tamarisk; a shrub which especially thrives in marshy ground, and near the sea. p,(i)p-aiv(i>, f. avco, 1. aor. (€/j.dop-)dpa, v. n. [^ficop-Ss, "silly"] To be silly, foolish, or stupid. vcav-ias, tov, m. [_v€du, u€ai/-os (= veos), "young"] A young man. veppos, ov, m. A fawn ; — at page 10, line 2, supply Of pet with b vefiphs rhu \4oPTa. veKp-iKo9> iKi?, XhSp, adv. [v€Kp-oi, "the dead"] Of, or pertaining to, the dead. — As Subst. : vcKpiKoi, S>v, n. plur. Things pertaining to the dead, v€Kp'0-'irofJL'7r-<5s, ov, adj. [for veKp-o-TrefiTT-Ss ; fr. ye/cp- 01, " the dead "; (o) connect- ing vowel; Tre/ATT-cu, in force of " to conduct or escort "] Conducting, or escorting, the dead. — As Subst. : vcKpo- TTOfXTrds, ov, m. A conductor, or escorter, of the dead ; an epithet of Hermes, one of whose offices it was to conduct '^ the souls of the dead to the lower world. v€K-p<5s, ov, m. : 1. Sing. : Of persons : A dead body, a corpse. — 2. Plur. : The dead [akin to Sans, root NA9, " to perish '*; in part. perf. pass, "dead'']. v^KTap, apos, n. Nectar , the drink of the celestial deities ; while afi^poala was their food. ved-Yajji-os, ov, adj. [veoy, uncontr. ^eu. j/e6-as, **new"; 7a/x-ecy, ''to marry"] New- married, newly married, veci)XK-€(i> w, f. Tjaci), 1. aor. (€Vfdo\K')7](Ta, V. a. [contr. fr. V€(0-€\K-e(0 ; fr. V€(i>S, P€do, "a ship"; eXK'U, "to draw or drag "] (" To draw, or drag, a ship"; hence) To haul a ship, etc., ashore or on land. V€-iavr\ro^, (avqrov, adj. [y4. OS, "new"; Qjvr]T6s, "bought"] New-hought, newly -purchased. vij, a particle gov. ace. of person, and used in strong aflSrmations or oaths : Yes, hy, Ntipti-ts, iUs, f. [a length- ened form of Nr7pe-ts; fr. "Nrjpevs, "Nrjpe-cos, " Nereus "; a sea-god] A daughter of Nereus; a Nereid, a of the sea. vop,-i], ris, f. [for ve/x-^ P€fi-a}, "to pasture"] (* pasturing"; hence) Fasture, pasturage. V0CABULAR)(.^ '^P'%^'^ •nKa, V. n. [»'s^ " sicK>/' fr. 'A V. n. Lj/do--^ " siclK ness "] (** To be in a Stjy^ of v6(Tos "; hence) To he sid^ XiA ill; — at page 18, last line, voaovai is contr. masc. dat. plur. of part. pres. ru|ji(|>t), 7)$, f. A bride. vi3p.v TreVre, five. — 10. With adj. plur. used as subst. the article denotes the whole of the class pointed out by such adj. : ol naKaiol, the ancients, — 11. The neut. art. is at times prefixed, a. To adverbs : rhirapoLirau, altogether, wholly; ra. TToWa, many tiines, fre- quently.—h. To prepositions followed by their case in an adverbial sense, formingindeed an adverbial ace. : to iir' i/Moi, as for me, i. e. as far as I am concerned. Such expressions must be regarded as par- enthetical. — 12. Joined to abs- tract nouns the art. defines or particularizes the abstract in some particular phase : /3ioy, life ; 6 fiios, the life of man; but at page 5, line 6, ^iuy is not an abstract noun ; VOCABULARY, 7S see /8ioy, no. 2; — Odi^aros, death i 6 Qdvaros, death con- ceived of universally, or the moment or hour of death [iikin to Sans, sa, "one'']. 2. 6, T]y t6, demonstr. pron. ICe, she, it, etc. [akin to Sans. ta, " he, she, it "]. 3. o, neut. nom. and ace. sing, of OS, ^, '6. d-PoXos, ov, m. [Attic form of 6-fi(\6s — ^€\os, n. " a missile, a weapon " ; with gender changed, and o as a prefix] An obol ; a Greek coin worth something more than l^d. — N.B. The word is supposed to have been obtained by the coin having been stamped with the figure of a spit ; — so, also, the dim. o^SeA- iaKos^, o-Sc, tJ-Sc, rS-Se, pron. de- monstr. [old demonstr. pron. 6, "this"; enclitic de] This person or thing ; this one here. — As Subst. of all genders and numbers : JSe, she, it ; these, these things. 68-<5s, od, f. (" That which approaches, or forms an ap- proach,'' to a place; hence) 1. A way, road, path. — 2. A way, mode, method. — 3. A journey ;—2X page 15, line 16, ro(rai>T7]v 6d6i/ is Ace. of "Measure of Space" [§ 99] [akin to Sans, root SAD, " to approach "]. d8vpo|xai, f. oSvpovfjLai, 1. aor. wSvpuLfiT^p, v. mid. To wail, mourn, utter lamenta- tions ;—Rt page 8, line 3, 6bvp€(Td€ is the pres. imperat. 'O8v(ro-€V9, e'«s, m. Oduss' eus (called by the Romans Ulysses), king of Ithaca, famed among the heroes of the Trojan War for his craft and eloquence ; see Out is. oI8a, olo-da; see e^dco. olTf]0€is, (Taa, eV, P. 1. aor. of oXofxai. ol^ioy-ri, rjs, f. [^olixdo^oo (:= olfjLcoy-(T(i)), "to wail aloud"] A wailing aloud , loud wailing, lamentation. ol|j.-cS^w, f. (i)^ofxai and later co|cu, 1. aor. (^/x-)aj|a, v. n. [^oifi'OL, "woe is me! alas!"] (" To cry out oX^oi "; hence) To wail aloud, lament, utter lamentations. olvo-xo-os, ov, m. [for olvo' Xe-os; fr. oJvos, uncontr. gen. oXvo-os, " wine " ; x^'^y " ^^ pour out"] ("One pouring out wine "; hence) A cup' hearer. o-i-o(j,ai (oIp.at), imperf. (p6pLT]v, f. olrjo-ofiai later olT]Q'r](Toixai, 1. aor. (^T]Q't]v : 1. To think, imagine, suppose, etc. ; — at page 25, line 16, folld. by Objective clause. — 2. Inserted parenthetically in a clause : / suppose, I imagine [akin to Sans, root I, " to go," which with prefix ava (here repre- sented by o), viz. AVA-i, has 1^ VOCABULARY, the force of " to consider, believe '']. olos, a, ov^ adj. : 1. a. 8uch asy of such sort or Mnd as. — As Subst. : ola, avy n. plur. Such things as; — at page 9, line 23, ola zz rola, oTa.—h. With Inf.: ("Such as for to " do, etc., i. e.) Mt, suitable, adapted, proper for doing or to do, etc. — 2. Of tohat sort or kind. — As Subst. : ola, (av, n. plur. What sort of things. OiTT], 7]s, f. CEta (now Kumagta) ; a mountain of Thessaly, where Hercules erected a funeral pile on which he threw himself when tortured by the agonies caused by the poisoned robe sent to him by his wife De'ianlra. oiXO^Q.\., imperf. tpx^^'H^, f. olxh^^op-o-ii p. ^x^'^<* ^^d cfX'nfJ'°''h V. mid. irreg. : 1. To be goncy to have departed. — 2. With Part, in concord with Subject to denote something rapidly done : — ^X'^H-V^ "to- ivX4b3V, {sailing aivay, I ivas gone ; i. e.) I sailed qtdcTcly, or hastily, away, page 14, line 12 ; ^x^'''^ apirdaas, (having carried off, he was gone ; i. e.) he carried off in all haste, page 12, line 9. d\edp-ios, m, Xov, adj. [ t>A 6 0p -OS, in force of " a pestilent fellow, a pest"] (" Pertaining to oXedpos "', hence) Pestilent, rascally, villainous, worthless. 6X1705, 7}, ov, adj. : 1. Of number : Small, few. — As Subst. : 6X1701, cou, m. plur. Feio persons, few.— 2, Of degree: a. Short. — b. As Dat. of measure : 6Xi7s,adv. [c^A- OS," whole"] ("After the manner of the 6\os"; hence) 1. Wholly, en- tirely, completely, altogether, — 2. In short, in a tvord. 6[jio-7€v-i]S, €s, adj. [oix6s, uncontr. gen. o/llS-os, "one and the same "; 7eV-oy, " a family "] Of one and the same family ; of the same race. — As Subst. : 6fjL076V'»is, ovs, f. A female relative, kinswoman; pag-e 15, line 10. ofi.-oio9, Ota, oiov, adj. Like, similar; — at page 3, line 9, folld. by Dat. [§ 102 (1)].— Neut. plur. ofxoia in ad- verbial force : In a similar manner, similarly. — As Subst.: optoia, oiv, n. plur. Like, or similar, things [akin to Sans. VOCABULARY. 77 sam-a, in force of "like/' €tc.~\. 6|xd-v€Kp-os, ovy adj. [6iU(Jy, uncontr. gen. bu.6-os^ in force of "joint, common"; ycKp-ol, *' the dead "] O/", or belonging tOy the common dead. — As Subst. : 6fxa\T], 7}S, f. Omphale ; a queen of Lydia; see 'Hpa- kXtjs. 6v€i8-t5w, tcro} and tw, p. (cyi/€i5-)t/fa, v. a. [ofCiS-os, "a reproach"] With Ace. of thing and Dat. of person : To bring forward, or adduce, something as a reproach to one ; to reproach, or upbraid, one with something. 6v-ivT]fi.t, f. -fja-co, 1. aor. (&v-)T](ra, V. a. [root ov] 1. To profit, benefit, advantage, help. — 2. Mid. : 6v-iva}j,ai, f, iia-ofmi, 2. aor. {wv-)7]ij.r]v and {o}v-)afx'r)v, To profit, or bene- fit, one's self, etc. ; to derive profit ; to have, or get, a 6-vo-p,a, fiaros, n. [for 6-yvo-ixa; fr. root y^o* short form of yvia, whence yi-yv(»)' iTKoo, "to know," with 6 as prefix; cf. Lat. no-men for gno-men'] (*' The thing which serves for knowing " an object by ; hence) A name. ovofjLd^o), f. ovofxatroo, p. uvSfxdKa [for ovoixoLT-trca ; fr. ofoixa, ovSfxdr-os, "a name"] 1. To name.— 2. a. With second Ace. : To name or call an object that which is de- noted by the second Ace. — b. Pass, constr., where the second Ace. after the act. verb be- comes a Nom. dependent on the pass, verb : To be called a certain name. — Pass.: 6vofji.d^- 0|xai, p. uvS/jLaar/xat, 1. aor. oDVo/xdadrjv, 1. fut. ovofiaad^- (TOjULai. 6^-v-9i5(i.-os, OP, adj. [o|-us, "sharp, quick, hasty"; (u) connecting vowel ; Ovfi-Ss, " soul "; hence, " temper, dis- position "; hence, in bad sense, "anger"] Quick-tempered, choleric, etc. 6^-vs, €?a, V, adj. Sharp, ^^ (Com p. : 6|vT€pos) ; Sup.; o^ij-TOLTos [akin to Sans, root 90, " to sharpen "]. 6|vTdTQS, 7], ov, sup. adj. ; see o^vs. 78 VOCABULARY, 6|-v-xoX-o5, oVi adj. [o|-i5s, " sharp "j hence, " quick, hasty'*; (u) connecting vowel ; X^K-osy " bile " ; hence, ** wrath, anger "'] (" Having hasty anger'*; hence) Prone to turath, of hasty temper, oir^cos, 77, ov, adj. : I. Sing. : How much. — 2. Plur. : How many. — As Subst. : oirdcra, ccv, n. plur. : a. How many things ; page 25, line 8. — b. Supply xpT^A''«'^«j"'^oii6y": How much money, how much; page 1, line 2 [either length- ened fr. irScroSf " how much "; or akin to Sans, ka, " who ?" etc.']. OTTTdd) u, f. oTTT^o'ctf, 1. aor. &TrT7](Ta, V. a. ^0 roast, cook, etc. oTTws, adv.: 1. Jw wj^a/ way, i» ?yAa^ manner; hoio. — 2. T/ia^, in order that. — 3. That, hut that: — ovk ecrriv hirus OVK, it is impossible that not, or hut that [either lengthened fr. ttcDs, or akin to Sans, ka ; see SttSo-os']. opdu «, f. o^l/ofxai, p. iSpd- Ka^ later ccapaKU, v. a. : 1. Act. : a. To see, behold, etc. — b. To observe, etc. — c. To see to, look to, i. e. to take heed, hevtare, etc. — d. Imperat. : opa, FoUd. by dependent clause : Take care, beware ; page 16, last line. — 2. Pass. : opdofjiai w{Aai, p. eupdfxai (more Attic dJ^a^ai), 1. aor. koopad-qv, irreg. &(p67}v, 1, f. 69'f}(rofiai, late dpad-na-ofiai : a. To be seen, — b. To appear. opy-r\, r}s, f. \^6py-d(a, "to be eager "] (" Eagerness " ; hence) 1. The character or disposition resulting from natural impulse. — 2. Wrath, passion, rage, anger, ipy-iSw, 1. aor. {&py-yi, f. (o), p. (S}p-)XKat V. a. [cJp-oy, "a boundary"] (" To mark out the boundary of"; hence) To determine, de- fine, etc. — Pass. : 6p-I^o|xai, p. {u>p-)i(TiJLai, 1. aor. {oop-)'i(TQ7iv, 1. fut. icrO'fjo-oixai. 6p|Ji-a(i> w, f. 'f}(T(a, p. (&pfi-) TjKa, 1. aor. {&piJ.-)r)€v5, 6WS, m. Orpheus ; a Thracian bard; see Evpu- VOCABULARY, 79 os» ^> ^> pron. rel. Who, which. — Particular construc- tions: a. The demonstrative pron. is frequently omitted before the relative: — avB* oov =r iKuva, av9^ oov, page 4, line 1: — ovszz iKeivovs, oris, page 10, line 6.— b. The relative attracts the subst. of the demonstrative clause into its own : — ivav(ra.ix€vos h ecpepov h4v^pov=zivav(Ta.^€Vos dei^dpou, t ecpcpou. 6iT-y€, ifj-ye, (i-ye, pron. rel. [5s, " who ": ye, " at least "] Who, or zvhich, at least or indeed. 8(r-os, 7], ov, adj. : 1. As great as j how great. — 2. As many as, as much as; how many, how much. oo--Tr€p, ^-irep, S-irep, pron. rel. [Ss, " who, which '"; en- clitic indefinite particle Trep] Who indeed, which indeed. 00--TIS, 7}-Tty, ov^e-fiia, ouS-eV, adj. [ouS-e, " not even '*; eh, " one "^ Not even one, not one; — after a negative, any: a. As Subst : (a) oiScis, ^v6s, m. No one, nobody; — after a negative, any one, anybody. — (b) oi»8eV, ev6s, n. No- 8o VOCABULARY. thing ; — after a negative, any- thing. — b. In adverbial force : ovSeV, Not at all i in no re- spect, etc. ovSev ; see ovBiis. o-uK ; fee ov. ovK-ert, adv. [ou/c, " not "; 6Ti, "any longer"] Not any longer^ no longer^ no more ; — after a preceding negative, any longer, any more. 1. ovK-ovv, adv. [oufc, " not "; olv, " therefore "] In direct negations : Not therefore, not then. 2. ovK-ovv, adv. [originally identical with 1. ovkovp ; but gradually it lost its negative force] Therefore, then, accord- ingly. ovv, adv. : 1. With refer- ence to what precedes : Then certainly. — 2. In inferences; Then, therefore, consequently. ovpavds, ov, m. JEeaven, ov-T€ (before an aspirated vowel ov6'), conj. \ov, " not "; re, *'and'^] And not: — ovre . . . ovre, neither . . . nor ; — after a preceding negative, either . . . or. ovTos, avTT}, TovTo (iu Attic Greek often strengthened by demonstrative suffix I : e. g. TovrouT, page 6, line 2),"pron. dem. This;— Ylur.: These ;^ at page 2, line 9, supply o^oK- ovs with rovTovs. — As Subst. : a. OVTOS, etc., m. This man {)r person. — Plur.: ovTot, etc., m. These men or persons * these. — b. TOVTO, etc., n. This thing, this. — Plur. : TavTa, etc., n. These things. — Phrase : ' Kai TavTa, an expression used to heighten the force of what has just been stated : {And these things; or) and that, and that too, OVT-W9 (before a consonant ovTw), adv. [ouT-os, "this"] In this way or manner ; thus, so. ovx ; see ov. 6(f>€iXt0, f. ocfyeiX-fjcrw, p. w(p€i\7]Ka, V. a. : 1. To owe. — 2. Pass. : 6(f>€i\o|xai, To be owed : — t^ b(peiK6^i€va (sc, Xp'fjfJ-ara), the money owed, or due {to me), page 3, line 14 ; cf. 1. ^, no. 4. 6(|>-0aXfJi69, 6a\fjiov [prob. akin to root Stt, " to see "] (*'The seeing thing "; hence) An eye. o^Qtis, iicra, 4v, P. 1. aor. pass, of bpdca. 6(f>X-ir)^a, "fifiaros, n. [o0A.- KTKavoo, *' to owe "] (" That which is owed"; hence) A debt. d\|/op,cvos, P. fut. of opdco. Trais, irai^Ss, comm. gen. A child, whether boy or girl. Traib), f. Traicro) and -jranja'co, p. TreiraiKa, 1. aor. evraica, V. a. To strike, smite, inflict blows upon. — Pass. : 7raiop.ai, p. ireiraKr/jLai, 1. aor. iira.icr67]y. VOCABULARY, 8i riaicov, tavos, m. Paion or Tceon : 1. The physician of the gods. — 2. A surname of Apollo, as the deity who pre- sided over the healing art. 'n'a\aL-<5s, a, 6v, adj. lirdXai, " long ago "] (" Of, or belong- ing to, TraAat"; hence) Old, ancient: — ol TraKaioi, the ancients; seel. 6, no. 10. iraXai-OTpa, (rrpas, f. [TTciAai-w, " to wrestle "] (" That which is made for wrestling"; hence) Apalcestra, or lorestling -school, wherein wrestlers were trained. irdX-iv.adv.: l.BacJc, hacJc- wards. — 2. In time: Again, a second, aneio [akin to Sans. far-'i, " back "]. iraX-Xw, 1. aor. e-TrryX-a, v.a. Of weapons: To brandish, whirl around [akin to Sans, root PAL, ** to rjtove "]. irdv-v, adv. [jrav, neut. of iras, "all*'] ("In all respects/' etc.; hence) 1. Altogether. — 2. With Adj. or Adv. : Ex ceedingly, very. irdpd, prep. gov.gen.,(dat.,) and ace. : 1. With Gen. : From. — 2. With Ace. : a. Near, be- side. — b. By, beyond, beside. — c. Contrary to, against. — d. To. — e. In time : Through, or along, the tohole course of; during, throughout [akin to Sans, para, " away "]. Trapd-'yiYVOfiai later 'irapd- Ytvop.ai, f. 7€^7jcro^ai, 2. aor. Lncian. (Trap-)€y€t/6fi'nv, V. mid. [^ndpd, " near "; yiyvoixai, " to be ''~\ 1. To be near, to be at hand, — 2. To arrive, come up. irdpd~8iSci>p.L, f. buo-Q), p. BcbcoKa, 1. aor. (Trap-)4dcoKa, 2i. aor. (Trap -) €§0)1', V. a. [irapd, " from "; dihw/xi, " to give ''] (" To give from" one's self to another; hence) With Ace. and Dat. : To give, or deliver, up some object to. irapa-Sol-os, oy,adj. \^irapd, " contrary to "; d6^-a, " opin- ion''] ("Contrary to opinion"; hence) Strange, surprising, marvellous, incredible. Trdpd-XeiTrca, f. Aet;//co, 2, aor. {Trap-)4KX'Kov, v. a. [irapd, ''beside"; K^iirw, "to leave"] (*' To leave beside or on one side "; hence) To pass over, or by, a person in one's will, etc. ; — at page 10, Hnes 6, 7, o&y i^ov\6fxr]v . . . TrapaKiivcav =z iKciuous irapaXX-Koov, ovs, etc. ; see 5s, no. a. irdpd-Xo'yi^OfjLai, f. Xoyio"' ofiai, V. mid. [irdpd, denoting " amiss "; XoylQofxai, *' to reck- on"] To reckon ivrongly, to misrecJcon. irdpd-p,€va>, f. }i€V(a, 1. aor. {Trap-)€iLL€ipa, v. H. [^napd, "be- side, near "; fievu, " to re- main "] ('' To remain beside or near"; hence) To remain or continue with a person, etc. irapa-Trav, adv. {jrapd, " to "; -nuf, neut. of irus, G 8^2 VOCABULARY. «air'] ("To all"; hence) Altogether, completely , whol- ly ; — in good writers with rh prefixed ; see 1. 6, no. 11, a. •n-apa-Trcixira), f. Trifx^ca, 1. aor. (7ra^-)67r6yu\^a, v. a. [Trdpa, " from "; Tre/xTrco, " to send ''] ("To send from" one; hence) Tj send away, dismiss, allow to go or deipart, irapa-o-iT-os, ov, m. [Trdpa, *' beside or near"; cIt-os^ "food"] (*' One beside, or near, the food " of another; hence) One who eats at the table of another or lives at another's expense, repaying him with flattery, e^c; a toady, parasite. TTapd-Teivw, f. revw, p. re- rcLKa, V. a. [Tvapat., " beside " ; T6iVco, "to stretch"] (**To stretch beside or along"; hence) In time : To prolong, protract, defer, etc.— Pass. : irapa-TcivofJiaL, p. T^rd/xai, 1. aor. {ircLp-)^Ta.d7]v, 1. fut. TaQriffoixai. 'jrapaTiOcvai, pres. inf. of iraparW-ofxi. Trapa-TiflTjiJLi, f. Qi], p. redeiKa, 1. aor. (7rap-)e6r]Ka, V. a. [Trdpa, *' beside "; rWrj/xi, "to put"] Of food as Object: To put beside or near; to place before one. '7rap£Y€vo(jLT]v, 2. aor. ind. of irdpayiyyo/uai. TrdpeSuKa, irdpcScov, 1. and 2. aor. ind. of TrdpdSiSw/xt. '7rdp-€t(ii.i, f. ecrofxaL, v. n. [Trdp-a, " by the side of " ; dfii, "to be"] With Dat. : To be by the side of; to be near to ; to be present with. irdpciS; ^tcra, eV, P. 2. aor. of Trdplrjfxi. irdpco-Tolvai, for TrdpetrrTj/c- 4i/ai, perf . ind. of irdpia-TTjini. irdpTJv : 1. Imperf. ind. of Trapei/u(.-T-2. Second aor. ind. of TT dp ir7(Ut. irapOevos, oy, f. ji maiden ; a girl as yet unmarried. irdp-iTip.i, f. 7](r(a, p. €7Ka, 2. aor. ^u, V. a. [rrdp-a, " be- side "; lr}iJLi, " to send "] (" To send beside"; hence) To allow to go past, to let pass. irdp-icrrrjixi, f. (Trapa-) (TT7}(T(a, p. eVrTj/ca, ' 1. aor. €(Tr7]aa, 2. aor. earTTjv, v. a. and n. [^rrdp-d, "beside"; 'la-TTifxi, " to cause to stand — to stand "] 1. Act. : In pres., imperf., 1. fut., and 1. aor. : (" To cause to stand beside "; hence) To place, or set, beside. — 2. Neut. : In perf., pluperf., and 2. aor. : With Dat. : To stand beside, by, or near. irdp-oSos, o^ov, f. [7rdp-«£, "past"; 6b6s, "a way"] 1. A way past. — 2. A going by or past; a passing by: — eV irapSdc}} ISe, in passing by, see, i. e. take a passing look at. irdp-OLKcu oiKb), f. oiK'fjcrci}, V. n, [Trap-a, "beside"; oIk^w, ** to dwell "] To dwell beside, or 7iear, one. VOCABULARY. 83 irapoi|JL-ta, ia9, f. [irapoi/i- osy " by the road"] (''A thing pertaining to irdpoiixos " ; hence, " a bye-word "j hence) A common saying y a proverb. iras, TTaaa, irav, adj. All, every. — As Subst. : irdvTO, cov, n. plur. All things. iraoTos, ov, m. A woman* s cliamher, a bridal chamber, ird-orxwj f. Treicrofxai, 2. p. iriTcovQa, 2. aor. crrdOov, v. irreg, [for 7ra0-(rx«w ; fr. root •ira6] To suffer an injury, etc. iraTao'crci), f. 7raTa|co, 1. aor. iitaTa^ay v. a. To strike, smite, wound, esp. with a deadly blow. irarqp, repos rpSs^ m. (" A protector or nourisher," as descriptive of) A father [akin to Sans, root pa, " to protect," also, " to nourish " ; cf. Sans. pitri, Lat. pater~\. ira-uco, f. Traytrw, p. TreiravKa, V. a. : 1. Act. : With Ace. of person and Gen. of " Abla- tion'' [§ 107]: To make a person cease from somethinfr ; io stop one from ; to check one in. — 2. Mid. : iravojiat, f. iraixro/xat, 1. aor. €Trav(Td/j.r)v, ("To make one's self to cease"; hence) a. To cease, stop, leave off\ — b. With Part, in concord with Subject: To cease to do, etc, ; to leave off doing, etc. ir€iO-ci>, f. TreiO'cw, p. irdTrciKa, 1. aor. eTTfttra, v. a. [root iri0J To persuade, ind'''ce, etc. G ircip-do) w, f. dtrco, p. (-Jre- •tr^ip')a.Ka, 1. aor. (iir€lp-)d(Ta, V. a. lireTp-a, "an attempt"] 1. Act. : To attempt, en- deavour, try. — 2. Mid.: ircip- dofxai w}jiai, f. dcrofxai, 1. aor. (iireip-)d(Tdixi]v: a. To attempt, endeavour, try, etc. — b. With Gen. : To make trial of, put to the proof. ireXcKvs, vos, m. An axe, hatchet [akin to Sans. para^us, "an axe," etc.^. irep.'jra), f. -nefMrpu, p. Tre- irofKpa, 1. aor. e7re/uv|/a, V. a. To send. — Pass. : ir€^irop.ai, p. Tr€W€ibLinai, 1. aor. iirc/xclydTjv, f. Tr€ix(f)6r}(ro/jLai. irevTc, num. adj. indecl. Five [akin to Sans, panchan, "five"]. ircTrXcvKcvai ; ircirXcvKws, via, 6s, inf. and part. perf. of Tr\€OD. •ir€Tro|xa, perf. ind. of ircTTOvOa; ircrrovOws, via, 6s, perf. ind. and part. perf. of irdcrxo}- ircTTpao-Oai, perf. inf. pass, of Trnrpd(rKCt). irepi, prep. With Gen. : 1. Around. — 2. About, concern- orcpt-exwj f. e^o? and (rx^crct), 2. aor. (crxop, v. a. : 1. [Trepf, "around"; exco, (neut.) ** to be"] ("To be around"; hence) To surround, encom- pass, embrace, etc.— 2. Mid. 84 VOCABULARY, [Trept, " around "j exo^uot, " to have one's self ''] ircpt- cxo|Aai, 2. aor. ccx^iJ-V^j (*' To have one's self around "; hence) With Gen. : To cling tOy whether actually or figura- tively. ir€pi-|JL€vci>, 1. aor. c/ncivay V. n. [Trepi, in " strengthen- ing" force; fxeva, "to re- main"] To remairiy wait, stay or stop anywhere. ircpi-irodTjTos, ttSOtjtou, adj. [Trepi, in " intensive " force ; irodrjTSs, "to be desired"] To be greatly desired, very desirable. 'n'epi-4>cp(i}, f. btcrw, 1. aor. 'fjpcy Ka, V. a. [irfpi, "around"; (p€pw, "to carry"] 1. To carry around. — 2. Pass. : 'ir€pt-<|>€p- o|JLai, 1. aor. 7]v4x^'n^> (" To be carried round "; hence) To turn round and round. n€po-€(|)6vT], 77?, f. Perse- phone, the Roman Proser- pine, the daughter of Ceres. As she was gathering flowers in the fields of Enna (or Henna) in Sicily, she was carried oft' by Pluto to the lower world, where she be- came his wife. ircTpa, as, f. A rock. irT^Sdci) w, f. Trrjbr^aco, p. ire- VTi^rjKa, 1. aor. iirrid-qaa, v. n. To leap, spring. irripa, as, f. A leathern wallel., knapsack, scrip, etc., used for carrying necessaries, etc. irictv, 2. aor. inf. of invu, irtKp-ws,- adv. [TnKp-6s, "bitter"] ("After the manner of the TfiKpos "; hence) Bitter- ly, sharply, severely. irl-vw, f. iriofiai, p. ireTTCDKa, 2. aor. €irXov, v. a. To drink [roots irt and iro, akin to Sans, roots pt and pa, **to drink "]. iriTrpaoTKO), p. TreVpd/ca, v. a. To sell. — Pass.: iriirpdo'KO|jiai, p. iriirpafiai, 1. aor. iirpddrjyf f. npdO'fjarojj.ai. iriwv, ov(ra, 6v, P. 2. aor. of irXcicTTOS, 1], ov, sup. of TTOXvS. •ttXcw, f. irX^vcrofxai and 'ir\€V(rovfjLai, p. iriirX^vKa, 1. aor. €Tr\€V(Ta, v. n. ("To swim about "; hence) To sail ; — at page 4, line 11, folld. by cognate ace. 'nXovv. irXcwv, ov, comp. of ttoXvs. •n"XT]7-i], ris, f. [ttXtjy, a root of irXr}(T(Ta>, " to strike "] (" A striking " ; hence) A stroke, blotv, stripe, etc. ttXtjv, adv. : 1. Except. — 2. Yet, still, notivithstanding. irX-qo-i-ov, adv. [adverbial neut. of nrXJiai-os, "near"] Near. ttXo-os, ov, m. [for irXi-os ; fr. irXe-co, "to sail"] ("A sail- ing "; hence) A voyage. irXovv, contr. fr. irXdoy, ace. sing, of Trx6os. irXov-aios, at a, aXoi/, adj. VOCABULARY. 8S [for ttAout (Tioy ; fr. ttAoDt-os, *' wealth "j Wealthy J rich, nXovT-«v, cofoy, m. [irXovr- os, " wealth ''] (« He that has wealth ") Pluton or Fluto ; the god of the lower world, and so the deity having under his charge the riches hidden in the bowels of the earth. iro-0€v, adv. Whence [akin to Sans. pron. ka, ** who, which"; of. Ionic form k6- Bev']. iro-0i, indefinite and en- clitic adv. : Anywhere^ some- where [akin to Sans. Jca ; see irot, indefinite and enclitic adv. Somewhither [id.]. iroicca w, f. woir](ra}, p. Tre- irolrjKa, 1. aor. iiroiTjcra, v. a. : 1. To do.~2. To make. ironJo'€t€(v), 3. pers. sing. of iroi7)(r€ia, Attic form of voiria-aifjLi, 1. aor. opt. of noi€(o. irotfxv-iov, Xov, n. [for TTOIJX^V-XOV ; fr. TTOljJ.'fjU, TTOt^eV- oy, "a shepherd"] ("A thing belonging to a rroifx'fjv " ; hence) AfiocJc. ir6X-€|Jios, e/iou, m. [prob. for irdK-e/xos ; fr. iraX, root of TraAAw, "to brandish, hurl," etc.'] (** A brandishing or hurl- ing " of weapons ; hence) War. iToXXd, TToXv ; see ttoAus. •jToXX-aKis, adv. [ttoXvs, iroW'OVf "much"; plur. " many "] Many times, often' times y of teny frequently. iroXvs, "TToWiiy TToKv, adj. : 1. Pos. : Of number, value, etc. : a. Sing. : Much, large, great. — As Gen. of price : iroXXov, for a large suni;-^ at page 2, line 3, ttoAAoD is in Gen., as forming an apposition to Tre'vTe dpax/J-cov (also. Gen. of price), which Hermes has just previously stated to be the sum he had laid out. — Adverbial neut. : iroXv, Much: — ov TvoXvy not muchy i.e. very little or not at ally page 19, line 13. — b. Plur. : Many. — As Subst. : TToXXoi, cui/, m. plur. Many persons, many : — ol TToAAoi, the manyy the majority. — Neut. plur. as adv.: iroXXd, Many timeSy often; see, also, 1. 6, no. 11, a. — 2. Comp. : irXeivp-i9, tSos, f. \Trop<\)vp- a, "purple"] ("That which has iropcpvpa"; hence) A j)urple robe or garment. noo-ciSwv, wvos, m. Poseid- on, the Roman Neptune, son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus, and god of the sea. 1. ircS-TC, interrog. adv. At what time ? when ? [akin to Sans, ka-s, " who ? " cf. Ionic form K(J-Te]. 2. iro-T^, enclitic adv. At some time, at any time, once [id.]. 1. irov, interrog. adv. Where ? [fr. same root as ;r6- re ; cf. that word]. 2. TTov, enclitic adv. Some- where, anywhere [id.]. irpaY-ixa, /taros, n. [irpay, root of Trpd(T-(ru (^ irpdy-aco), "to do *'] 1. That which is done ; a deed, act, etc. — 2. A thing ; a matter, an affair. "TTpaleic, 3. pers. sing, of irpd^cia, Attic for Trpd^aifxi, 1 . aor. opt. of irpdcrrrca. 'TTpao'crw (Attic irpaTTw), f. Trpd^co, p. TreTrpaxa, 1. aor. eirpa^a, V. a. [rz irpdy-o'd) ; fr. root irpay] To do. irpeirw, f. Trpcxl/co, 1. aor. e7rp€v//a, V. n. With Dat. : To be becoming, or suitable, to; to become, suit, etc. ; — at page 8, line 5, supply avrS (z= rh ypudi (ravT6v) as the Subject of irpeiroi. Tpidp,€vos, 77, OP, p. 1. aor, of uveofxai. TTptv, adv. : 1. Before. — 2, With or without fj: Before that. irpd-Pa-Tov, Tov (mostly plur.), n. [^7rp6, "before"; Pa, root of ^aivw, " to go "2 (" That which goes, or walks, forward"; and, so, an animal that walks as opposed to one that flies, etc.; hence, esp. of small cattle) A sheep. TrpoiKa; see npoij^. TTpOll, TTpOlKSs, f. [for npoiK-s ; fr. irpo'i'o-o-ofjLai (=: TTpolK-cofiai), " to ask a gift, to beg," through root irpoiK] ("A gift that has been asked; that which has been begged ";._ hence) 1. A gift, presen t. 9: 7^ Adverbial Ace. : irpotKa, As a gift, toithout return, gratuit- ously. TTpo-KaTaKXivw, V. a. [tt^J, before"; /cdraKA.Ii'w, "tolay, or make lie, down before "] 1. VOCABULARY. 87 To make a person lie doivn on a couch at table before an- other; to assign a higher position to one. — 2. Pass. : 7rpo-KaTaK\ivo|i.ai, To he assigned a higher position on a couch at table than another; to be placed before or above another. irpo-irriSaa) tttiSco, f. ttt^Si]- (TOfiai, 1. aor. eirrjdriaaf v. n. [TrptJ, "before"; TTT^Saoj, "to leap or spring **] With Gen. : To leap, or spring, before some one else. irpos* prep. gov. gen., dat., and ace. : 1. With Gen. : From. — 2. With Dat. : In addition to.—S. With Ace: a. To.~ b. With relation to, as to. — c. In time : For: — irphs oKi-yov, for a little while. irpoan^orop.ai, fut. ind. mid. of Trpoa-trjfxi. irpoo-icfjLTjv, imperf. ind. mid. of "npoaXriixi. TTpocr-tTijii, f. 'f](T(a, 1. aor. riKa, V. a. [Trp6s, "to'*; 'i'nfxi, " to send *'] 1. To send to or towards; to allow to come to. — 2. Mid. : irpoo--i€(Jiaij f. ilcTOfxaiy 1. aor. 7]Kafx7]v, To allow to come to, or near, one; to admit to one's presence, or into one's society. irpOO'-KVVeb) KVVcS, f. KVP-fjrTW, p. K€KvV7jKa, 1. aor. iKvv-qo'a, V. a. [TTpSs, " to or towards "; Kvve(a,"to kiss"] ("To kiss (the hand) to or towards one as a mark of homage"; hence) To make obeisance to ; to fall doivn before in token of sub- mission or reverence. — Pass.: •n'po, f. oiffWi ^. cviivoxot', V. a. [TTpSsy " to "; tpepuy ** to bear or carry "] 1. To hear, or carry, to. — 2. Pass. : 'T7^o(T-^ipo\j.(i.\., f. mid. in pass, force oiarofxaiy ("To be borne, or carried, to^'j hence) In hostile meaning : With Dat. : To make an attack on ; to attack, invade. TTpoTepov, adv. [adverbial neut. of TTporepos, " before " in time] Sooner, earlier, first. irpw-qv, adv. Lately, recent- ly. irpwTov, adv. [adverbial neut. of Trpcaros, "first"] 1. In the first place, at first, first.— 2. For the first time, first. irpcUTOs, t;, ov, superl adj. [contracted fr. irp6dTos, syn- copated fr. TTpoTOLTos ; from TTpo, " before,'' in time ; with superl. suffix raros'] (" Most before "; hence) 1. First, fore- most. — 2. The first that; the first to do, e^c, a thing. (^^ Comp. : Trp6-T€pos). iTTcXea, as, f. An elm. riTOtoSwpos, ov, m. Ptoio- dorus ov Ptoeodorus ; the name of a rich old man mentioned in Dialogue 4. •iru(v)0-avofi.ai, £. ir€v(ro/jLai, p. ireTTua/jLai, 2. aor. iTrvQoixriv, V. mid. irreg. To ask, inquire, learn hy asking or inquiry [root TTvO, akin to Sans, root BUDH, " to understand "]. irvp, TTvpos, n. (" The puri- fying thing "; hence) Fire [akin to Sans, root pu, " to purify^"]. iruppix-t^w, V. n. [yvppXx-'Ht " the pyrrhic dance "; a kind" of war- dance, said to be named after one Pyrrhicus, its in- ventor] To dance the pyrrhic dance. iri-os ; fr. pe-«, "to How "] (" That which flows "; hence) A stream. icr-(Jia, /uaros, n. [for (rScpLd-fxa ; fr. aocpl^w (z=. ao(piS-aa>), in mid. " to devise cleverly"] ("That which is cleverly devised "; hence) A clever, or skilful, device; a cunning contrivance, etc. (ro(t)6s, "hi ^v, adj. Wise, CTT-qXaiov, ov, n. [akin to (TTreos, "a cave"] A cave, den. orrao-i-ajw, f, dtrw^ 1. aorc go VOCABULARY. (€(rTa(ri-)a(Ta, v. n. [(rrao'ty, " a standing " ; hence, *' a party "; hence, ** faction, sedi- tion"] ("To be factious or seditions'*'; hence) To quarrel, loranfjfle, dispute, etc. cp(o, f. {(rvv-)ni(T(a, p. {(Tvv-)iV7]voxcL, V. n. [for crvv- , " to seem''] ("To seem" to one's self "together with" another; hence) With Dat. : 1. To seem good also to. — 2. Impers. : (ruv8oK€i, It seems good also to. ovv-cifii, f. ^(To^aif V. n. [o-uj/, " with "; ufxiy " to be "] To he with one. crvv-€ipa>, V. a. [(ri5»', in "augmentative" force; elpw, " to fasten together in rows "] ("To fasten together in rows"; hence) Of words, etc., as Ob- ject: To string together ; — at page 8, line 5, folld. by clause rh yvwdi (Tavrov as Object ; where it means " to repeat over and over again." VTpiP€ts, e?(ra, eV, P. 2. aor. pass, of a-wTplBcn}; — at page 19, line 16, (rvvrpX^4vTa is folld. by rh Kpaviov as Ace. of " Respect." crvv-TpiPcD, f. rpi\p(a, 1. aor. €Tpi\pa, V. a. l^arvv, "together"; Tplfica, " to rub "] (" To rub together"; hence) 1. To break. — 2. To shatter, shiver. 92 VOCABULARY. hurst asunder. — Pass. : cruv- TpiPo|jiai, p. TeTpiixjxaij 2. aor. GTpi^y]v, 2. f. rpi^rjao/jLat. 0"v-crTpaTLWTT]s, (Trparico- Tou, m. [for avv-ffrpaTLUjTTjs ; fr. crvu, "with'*; (TTparLcaTTjs, '' a soldier "] (" One who is a soldier with " another ; hence) A fellow-soldier, a comrade, a-(|>aXeis, €7(ray eV, P. 2. aor, pass, of (TcpdWoo. , p. rideiKa, 1. aor. edrjKa (found only in indie, mood), 2. aor. edrju, V. a. : 1. a. To put, place, etc. — b. To set doivn in writing, e.g. an item of an account. — 2. Mid. : rt-Oc-jJiai, f. 6'i](T0}xai, 1. aor. idrjKdj^rji^, 2. aor. iOifirjv, To make, or prep are, for one's ^e^ [length- ened and strengthened fr. root 0€, akin to Sans, root dha, " to put "]. VOCABULARY, 93 Ti0(i)vds, ou, m. TUhonus ; a son of Laomedon and hus- band of Aurora. He was endowed with immortality by the goddess, his wife, who omitted, however, to bestow on him the gift of continual youth. After reaching a decrepit old age, he was changed into a cicada, " cricket." Ti|Xb)p-e(i) w, f. 'fja'co, p. (rf- rifi-)a>p7jKa, v. a. [ri/xoup-oy, " avenging"] ('' To be T'lixwp- 6s "; hence) 1. To avenge. — 2. Mid. : TifjLci)p-^o|jiai o\)p.ai, f. ijo-o/xai, 1. aor. {iTifxcop-) r) w, f. roXfirjao}, p. r€T6\iuLr)Ka,l, aor. iT6Kix'r](Ta, V. n. [r6Xyi-a, "courage, daring "] (" To have rt^A/ua"; hence) With Inf.: To have the courage, or boldness, to do, etc. s to dare, venture, etc., to do, etc.; — at page 23, last line but two, supply TTot^o-ot (" to do ") as inf. after ToAju'jo'as. TOTTos, ov,V[\. A place, Toaavra, |JiaT-ias, "^ovj m. [rpav- fia, Tpav/j.dr-oSt " a wound "] ("One that has rpavfxa"; hence) A wounded man. Tpeirw, f. rpei/zw, p. rerpocpa and rerpa^a, 2. aor. ^TpcLTrov^ V. a. : 1. Act. : To turn ; to divert from a course, etc. — 2. Mid. : Tpeirop.ai, f. rpexpo/jia, 1. aor. 6Tp6v//d/i77J', 2. aor. iTpairSfxTjUy To tmm or betake one's self. Tpo-ia (dissyll.), tay, f. [for TpM-ia; fr. Tpdos, Tpco-Ss, *' Tros "; a king of Phrvgia who founded Troy] ("The thing — here, city— belonging to Tros") Troy; a city of Asia Minor, captured by the Greeks B.C. 1184 after a siege which lasted for ten years, TpoTTw-Tiip, TTJpos, m. [for TpoTTO'TTip ; fr. TjOOTTO-co, *' to fasten by a thong"] ("That which furnishes with a thoug"; hence the thing made for the material of which it is made) An oar-loop, i. e. a twisted leathern thong with which the oars, as in the present day in the Archipelago, were fastened to the thole of a boat. Tpv<})-'»j, ^j, f. [Opvirrw, "to live wantonly," through rootrpvcj)] ("A living wanton- ly"; hence) Luxurious food, delicate fare, luxury. Tpw-as, aZoSy f. adj. {Tpdos, Tpu}-6s, *'Tros"; see Tpoia] (" Of, or belonging to, Tros"; hence) Of, or belonging to, Troy ; Trojan. — As Subst. : Tpwds, ahos, f. The country about Troy ; the Troad. ''■'w(Y)x-a'V«, f. rev^ofiai, p. T€TvxVKa, 1. aor. irvxWOL, 2. aor. ^rvxov,Y.2L. and n. irreg.: 1. Act. : With Objective Gen.: To get, obtain, meet with, etc. — 2. 2^eut. : a. To chance or happen. — b. Folld. by part, in concord with Subject of verb : To happen to be, etc. [root TUX or tvk is prob. akin to Sans, root taksh, "to make "]. rvy^oi^i, 2. aor. opt. of TvyxcLVw. i)Ppi9, €(as, f. Wantonness, outrageous treatment or be- haviour, an outrage. vPptcr-Tijs, Tov, m. [for v^pL5-Tr}s ; fr. v^pl^co (= v^pih-crui), "to insult"] ("One who insults"; hence) An in- VOCABULARY, 95 solenty overbearing, or violent person. vScup, arosy n. Water [akin to Sans, udan, " water "j. v-tds (dissyH.), lov, m. (" One begotten or brought forth "; hence) A son [akin to Sans, root sr, " to beget "; also, " to bring forth"]. vi- 2. aor. io-xoM^i v. mid. irreg. IvTTOy " under "; ^(rx'^t a col- lateral form of eX'W, "to have or hold"] ("To have or hold one's self under " an obligation, etc.; hence) To undertake, engage, promise. vTT-vo?, vov, m. Sleep [akin to Sans, root SVAP," to sleep"]. vTTo, prep. gov. gen. and dat.: 1. With Gen. : a. Under, beneath. — b. Of the Agent : By. — C. Under the hands of, from.^2. With Dat. : Under, beneath. viroPoX-ifJiatoS) (^uaia, Tyua?- oi^y adj. [_ifTrofio\-ri, " substi- tution by stealth"] ("Per- 96 VOCABULARY, taining to vno^oX'fi''; hence) Substituted by stealthy suppo- sititious, spurious, counterfeit. ■UTTO-Tapacrcrw (Attic viro- TapdiTTw), f. rapd^cOf v. a. [u7rd, " somewhat, a little "; rapdaa-Q), '* to disturb "] To disturb somewhat} to trouble, or agitate, a little. — Pass. : 1. aor. vTTfrapdxBTjv. ■uiroToipaxOeis, €7(ra, eV, P. 1. aor. pass, of vTrorapdaao). «|>a(t)v-(i), f. (f)ai/Sj, p. Tre- (pajKa, 1. aor. €(pr]ua, v. a. (In causative force : " To make to appear '*; hence) 1. Act. : To bring to light, to show, show forth, display. — 2. Pass. : <()aivofJiai, p. irecpaa-fiai, 1. aor. i(pdvdr]v, 2. aor. 4<\>dvr)v, 2. f. (pavha-ojxai : a. To be seen ; to appear or be visible. — b. To seem, appear. — C. With Inf. : To appear to be, etc. [root <}>av, i.e. <|)a strengthened by v; akin to Sans, root bha, •* to appear "]. <)>av-€p6s, €pd, fp6u, adj. [<|>av, root of (pa.{i)v-avT)vai, 2. aor. inf. pass, of (paivoo. (|>apfxaK-€V9> ecys,m. \_dp[jiaKov, ov, n. A drug. <|>€p-(i>, f. ofo'ct), p. eVV^X^j 1. aor. ^vejKa, v. a. irreg. : 1. To bear, carry, convey. — 2. To bring. — 3. To bear, put up with, submit to, endure; — at page 6, line 1 the present (pepofMsj/ is used for the future : tve are not going to put up with. The present is used iu this force when the certainty of the future event is to be signified; to which end it is represented as actually taking place [in pres. and imperf. akin to Sans, root bhri, '* to bear, carry," etc. ; the other parts of the verb are to be as- signed respectively to the bases ot'-o) and eVe/c-oj or iueyK-o}']. ^evyio, f. €v|ofjLai^ fut. ind. of <^eu7T]-p.i, f. (prjarca, 2. aor, ^(jy-qy, V. a. and n. To say [root <|>t] or 4)a, akin to Sans, root BHASH, "to speak"], 4>i\oKiv8i}v-(«)5, adv. [^(p"i\o- Kivbvi^-os, " fond of danger"] ("After the manner of the (piXoKii^Svyos"; hence) In a bad sense : Rashly. 4>op-e(i) w, f. ^(T(jo, 1. aor. (eoP-^ofji.ai ovfjiai, p. (7r€^oi3-)T7|Ua(, 1. aor. {4(pofi')iiQ'r)Vy 1. f. TjO^crofxai, To be seized, or affected, tviih fear; to he frightened, terri- fied, etc.— 3. Mid.: ^o^- cofJiai ov^ai, f. -iiaofiai, 1. aor. {i(pofi')r](TdiLir)u, To fear for one's self or on one's own part; to fear. <}>oPt)0€19, €7(ra, 4vy P. 1. aor. pass, of ov-€t;o>, f. €i5o"«, 1. aor. {iif)6v-)€V(ra, v. a. [jp6v'0S, " slaughter "] To slaughter, slay, etc. ^pvyes, (i>v, m. plur. : 1. The Phrygians ; the inhabitants of Phrygia, in Asia Minor. — 2. The .Trojans. 4>iJ\aK-ios, ta, Xov, adj. [^vXaK-t], " Phylace," a town of Thessaly] Of, or belonging to, Phylace. — As Subst. : ^vXaKios, ov, m. A man of Phylace. (^ws, (poorSs, n. [contr. fr. p« KexdprjKa, 1. aor. ixdpT}aa, 2. aor. pass. ixoLprjv, V. n. : 1. ^o rejoice, be glad. — 2. FoUd. by part, in concord with Subject : To Lucian. rejoice, delight, etc., to do or in doing, etc. [akin to Sans. hary, ** to desire"]. Xapi-£is> effcra, €V, adj. [either a syncopated form of Xapir6-€is, fr. x^P'^> X^P*'''"^^* ** outward grace " ; or fr. Xo-pis, through an obsol. gen. Xapt-os, as shown by ace. Xapi-»'] ('* Full of, or abound- ing in, x«P'5"j hence) 1. Of persons : Lovely, beautiful, elegant. — 2. Of things spoken: Clever, smart, pretty. — As Subst. : x^-pi^^^j ^^ pretty thing ; page 5, hne 7. Xapi^op.ai, f. x^P^^^M^'' (late xaptVo/Aot),l. aor. ixoLpltr- afjL7)v, p. pass, in mid. force fcc- Xapia^ai, V. mid. [for x^P^"^' aofxai ; fr. x^P^^t x^P^^-os, " a favour "] (" To show favour " to a person about something ; hence) With Dat. of person : To gratify, oblige, etc. Xap -wv, ovros and oovos, m. [xap-a, "joy "; but see below] (" The one having x«P^ ") Charon ; the ferryman of the Styx, whose name has been commonly supposed to have been derived from his bright flashing eyes. But by some it is held to be of Egyptian origin, and to signify "The Conductor." XcCp, x^f-P^^y f* ^^^ hand [akin to Sans, root hex, " to convey "j and so, literally, " the conveyer ".] H 98 VOCABULARY. XT|pa, as ; see xnP^^- Xtj-pos, pa, povy adj. (" Left, abandoned by"; hence) Be- reaved, bereft. — As Subst. : \r\ptiy asy f. ("A bereaved woman"; i. e.) A widow [akin to Sans, root ha, **to leave, abandon "]. XtT«v, uvosy m. An under- garmenty tunic. Xpi], imperf. ixp^Vy f. xp^- (Teiy irapers. verb [perhaps for XP^ ; fr. XP"'*'» " to deliver an oracle"] (" It," or *' a deity, delivers an oracle "; hence) 1. It is fated or necessary. — 2. It is meetf fit^ right; — at page 4, last line but three, ixp^v has for its Subject /x^ aTvoQav^7v. XpTJ-fAO, ixarosy n. [root XP*I = Xpa in XP^-o^at^ " to use"] ("That which is used"; hence) Plur. : Goods, effects, property y money, etc. Xp>iV^'* *^j ^* ^"^^j v, n. [^vxcLy(oy-6sy " leader of souls " to the lower world ; an epithet of Hermes or Mercury] (* * To be a rpyxo-ycoy 6s " ; hence) To lead, or escort, de- parted souls to the lower world. w, interj. O ! w8ts, 7vos, f. The pangs, or throes, of labour; travail- pains. wv, ova-a, ov, P. pres. of 1. d)vafi.Y)v, 2. aor. ind. mid. of oinvQjxi. b)V-€0|Jiai ot)p,ai, f. •f](roixaiy 1. aor. 7](raiuir}u, 1. aor. irreg. ttrpia^'qv (fr. obsol. irpiafxai), v. mid. [5»'-os, "a price "] ("To give a price or payment for"; hence) 1. To buy. — 2. With Ace. of thing purchased and Gen. of price : To buy something for, or at, a certain sum; — at page 2, line 4, supply avr-fiv ( =: &yKvp- av) as the Ace. of thing purchased. «5, adv. and conj.: 1. Adv.: a. As, like as, just as. — b. As if, like as if. — c. With Ad- jectives and Adverbs as an emphatic exclamation : Mow : — ws ^aQvv, how deep (a sleep), page 24, last line but VOCABULARY. 99 one. — 2. Conj. : a. That; — with ind. to denote a fact; with inf. to indicate a result, consequence, or effect. — b. So iJiat. — 0. That^ in order that, to the end that, CfJcr-irep, adv. [cbs, "as"; 7r€p, enclitic particle, "in- deed"] 1. As indeedy even as, just as, — 2. As if, just as if. wo--Te (before an aspirated vowel «ff0*), adv. and conj. : 1. Adv : So as. ^2. Conj. : So that : a. With Indie, to re- present a fact. — b. With Inf. to mark a result or effect. v, ovffQL, 6vj P. of lv-£4>aY0V, V. a., 2. aor. without present [ei^, in " aug- mentative " force ; %p($T€pos> a, or, comp. of Capo's. — As Subst. : Jcop^repos, ou(*c. oTi'os," wine"), m. Purer wine than is usually drunk ; i. e. with a less admixture of water than the Greeks were accustomed to put to their wine : — (upSrcpou irit/eiv, (to drink purer wine than usual ; i. e,) to drink hard, be a drunkard, OdXolfjios, ou, m. (" A cham- ber or inner room "; hence) A bed-room, bridal chamber, Xo^wr-fJios, /xoO, m. [for Koyi^-fjids J fr. Aoyifo/xai (= XoyiB-o-ofjiai), " to reckon, calc- ulate "] A reckoning, calcula- tion, computation. irajJi-firycO-ris, es, adj. [for iravT-fieycd-T^s ; fr. iras, itavr- 6s, "all"; ixly^Q-os, "great- ness"] ("Having all great- ness"; hence) Very great or large; huge. iravovpYos, ov, adj. ("Ready to do everything "; hence) In bad sense: Knavish,villainous. 1^^ (Comp. : irauovpySrepos) j Sup. : TravovpySraros. iravovpY^TaTOS, Vt ov, see Tcavovpyos, ADDENDA, loi ndpiS) iSoy, m. Faris ; a son of Priam king of Troy, who carried off Helen, the wife of Menelaus king of Sparta, and thus occasioned the Trojan War ; hence, at p. 12, line 14, he is termed Aixrirapis. irqpw-o'ts, ctos, Att. €cyy, f. [for iriipo-ais ; fr. inijpo-tOy " to maim''] (*'A maiming" of tlie limbs ; hence) A blinding of the eyes. irpocr-eTi, adv. \jrp6s, **in addition " ; ert, " besides "] Besides^ and in addition; over and above ; moreover, ripwTCtr-i-Xdos, Aaov, m. [for TLpooTos-X-Xdos ; fr. npcoroSf " first "j (i) connecting vowel ; \d6s, "people"] ("First of the people ") Protesilaus ; a name bestowed on lolaiis (" People's Arrow ") from his having been the first of the Greeks who leaped on the Trojan shore, and the first of them that was slain when they proceeded to the siege of Troy, B.C. 1194. 7rVp-6(a -«, f. TTtpd^ffCDy 1. aor. inrvpaxra, v. a. [nvpyirvp-ds, "fire"] To set on fire, op-d, as, f . [for (Tv^(p(:p' d; fr. cru/uL(j}4p-Q}, in force of *'to happen"] ("A happening"; hence, " hap, chance "; hence) In bad sense: Mishap, mis- chance, misfortune, calamity, TolpdxttScoTaTos, 77, ov ; see Tapax<<>^7}S' To.pax-uS'ns, coBes, adj. [^rdpax-'hi *' trouble, confu- sion"] Troublous; producing mental confusion or disorder, ^^ (Comp. : rapdxdo^-^a-Tep^ os) ; Sup. : TdpaxcoS-eVTctros. Tu4)-X<5s, A^, x6v, adj. [tD^- oy, "smoke, mist"] ("Per- taining to tG<^os " ; hence, " obscured by smoke or mist"; hence) With regard to the sight: Blind, Tv^\-6