954 IB 167 a ^'%L. •^"-iiL UC-NRLF *B 54^ acjcj k Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/abovecloudsOObakerich i: PAM' KEI>F>l>rPTI<>. COMiiAUKS. ' ' ,^> ii.l^ifll^^ THE GLOOaS. ( BOSTOl'i: 3-EO. :r.vi. .sj^m:i5. ^c CO. :ii h;' Gv-.t. ;i. i;.i;;-r, i3ro. |j Comedy Tivree Acts. Translated from German by George M Urs. IValthrop's Bachelors, Baker. 25 cents. The Fairy or the Fountain. Play for Little Folks. Two Acts. By George M. Baker. 85 cent* Coupon If ond». Drama in Four Acts. Bv J. T. Trowbridge. 'i6 cents. Under a Veil. Commedetta in One Act. By Sir Randal Roberts. 25 cents. ^lass I>ay. Farce in One Act. By Dr. F. A. Harris. 25 cents. Jnt'le R4>t»ert. Corredv in Three A.ct8. 7 male, 1 female character. ]t> cents. The \%'lte'i» Secret. Play in yive Acta. 9 male, .'] female charai-ters. 15 cents. *he Virginia Veteran. Drama in Four Acts. 11 male. 4 female charairters. S5ceilt6. Stage A Ccllection of uuMi^^uita, Dn.AMAS, ami iAuCE:s. adapts to either Public or PrivcUa Performance. Containing a full description of all the necessary Stage Business. PRICE, 15 CENTS EACH. OS" No Plays Exchanged. 11. y 12. 14 15. 16. LOST nr LONDON. A Drama in 3 Acts. 6 uiale, 4 female characters. NICHOLAS FLAM. A Comedy in 2 Acta. By J. B. Buckstone. 5 male, 3 female char. THE -WELSH GIF.L. A Comedy in 1 Act. By Mrs. Flauche. 3 male, 2 female char. JOHN WOPPS. A Farce in 1 Act By W. E. Suter. 4 male, 2 leniale char. THE TTJEKISH BATH. A Farce in 1 Act. By Montague Williams and F. C. Bumand. 6 male, 1 female char. THE TWO PTJDDIFOOTS. A Farce in 1 Act By J. M. Morton. 3 male, 3 female char. OLD HONESTY. A Comic Drama in 2 Acts. By J. M. ilorton. 5 male- 2 female char. TWO GENTLEMEN IN A FIX- A Farce in 1 Act. By W. E. Suter. 2 male char. SMASHINGTON GOIT. A Farce in I Act. By T. J. Williams. 5 male, 3 female char. TWO HEADS BETTER THAN ONE. A Farce in 1 Act. By Lenox Home. 4 male, 1 female char. JOHN DOBBS. A Farce in 1 Act ByJ.M. Morton. 5 male, 2 female char. THE DAUGHTER of the REGIMENT. A Drama in 2 Acta. By Edward litzbail, 6 male, 2 female char. AUNT CHARLOTTE'S MAID. A Farce in 1 Act. By J. M. Morton. 3 male, 3 female char. BROTHER BILL AND ME. A Farce in 1 Act By W. E. Suter. 4 male, 3 female char. DONE ON BOTH SIDES. A Farce in I Act By J. M. Morton. 3 male, 2 female char. DUNDUCKETTT'S PICNIC. A Farce in 1 * -t. By T. J. Williams. G male, 3 female char. E WRITTEN TO BROWNE. A Farce 1 Act By T. J. Williams. 4 male, 3 female tr. ... PRECIOUS BETSY. A Farce in 1 Act By J. M. Morton. 4 male, 4 female char. M"X TURN NEXT. A Farce in 1 Act By T. J. Wiiiiams. 4 male, S female char. THE PHANTOM BREAKFAST. A Farce in 1 Act By Chas. Seiby. ;; male, 2 female char. DANDELION'S DODrj-ES. A Farce in 1 Act By T. J. Williams. 4 male, 2 female char. A SLICE OP LUCK. A Farce in 1 Act By J. M. Morton. 4 male, 2 female char. ALWAYS INTENDED. A Comedy in 1 Act By Horace Wigan. 3 male, 3 female char. A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP. A Comedy in 2 Acts. By Charles Matthews. 6 male, 4 female char. ANOTHER GLASS. A Drama in 1 Act By Thomas Morton. C male, 3 female char. BOWLED OUT. A Farce in 1 Act ByH. T. Craven. 4 male, 3 female char. COUSIN TOM. A Commedietta in 1 Act. By Geo. Roberts. 3 male, 2 female char. SARAH'S YOUNG MAN. A Farce in 1 Act By W. E. Suter. 3 male, 3 female char. HIT HIM, HE HAS NO FRIENDS. A Farce in i Act. By E. Yates and N. II. Har- rington- 7 male, 3 female char. THE CHRISTENING. A Farce in 1 Act. By J. B. Buckstone. 5 male 6 female char. A RACE FOR A WIDOW. A Farce in 1 Act. By T. J. Williams. 5 male, 4 female char. YOUR LIFE'S IN DANGER. A Farce in 1 Act. By J. M. Morton. 3 male, 3 female char. TRUE UNTO DEATH. A Drama in 2 Acts. By J. Sheridan Knowles. 6 male, 2 female char. 36. DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND. A' in 1 Act. By W. H. Murray. 10 mal char. 87. LOOK .^:PTZR BROWN. A Farce In 1 Act. By George A. Stuart, M. D. 6 male, 1 femaie char. 38. MONSEIGNEUR. A Drama in 3 Acts. By Thomas Archer. 15 male, 3 female char. 39. A VERY PLEASANT EVENING. A Farce in 1 Act. By W. E. Suter. 3 niale char. 40. BROTHER BEN. A Farce in 1 Act By J. M. Morton. 3 male, 3 female char. 41. ONLY A CLOD. A Comic Drama in 1 Act By J. P. Simpson. 4 male, 1 female char. 42. GA SPARDO THE GONDOLIER. A Dran^a in 3 Acts. By George Aimar. 10 male, 2 female cliar. 43. SUNSHINE THROUGH THE CLOUDS. A Drairia in 1 Act. By Slingsby Lawrence. 3 male, 3 female char. 44. DON'T JUDGE BY APPEARANCES. A Farce in 1 Act. By J. M. Morton. 3 male, 2 female char. 45. NURSEY CHICKWEED. A Farce in 1 Act By T. J. Wi.liams. 4 male, 2 female char. 46. MARY MOO ; or, Which shall I Marry? A Farce in 1 Act By W. £. Suter. 2 male, 1 female char. 47. EAST LYITNE. A Drama in 5 Acts. 8 male, 7 female char. 48. THE HIDDEN HAND. A Drama in 5 Acts. By Robert Jones. IG male, 7 female char. 49. SILVERSTONE'S WAGER. A Commedi- etta in 1 Act. By R. R. Andrews. 4 male, 3 fe- male char. 50. DORA. A Pastoral Drama in 3 Acts. By Chas. Reade. 6 male, 2 female char. 55. THil WIFE'S SECRET. A Play in 5 Acts. By Geo. W, Lovell. 10 male, 2 female ch.\r. 66. THE BABES IN THE WOOD. A Com- edy in 3 Acts, By Tom Taylor. 10 malp, S ic- male char. 57. PUTKINS -, Heir l3 Castles in the Air. A Comic Drama i:i i Act By W. R. Emersou. 2 male, 2 fc i ale char. 58. AN UGT.Y CUSTOMER. A Farce in 1 Act By Thomas J. Williams. 3 male, 2 female cJiar. 59. BLUE AND CHERRY. A Comedy in 1 Act 3 male, 2 female char. 60. A DOUBTFUL VICTORY. A Comedy in 1 Act. 3 male, 2 fcni..le char. 61. THE SCARLET LETTER. A Drama in 3 Acts. 8 male, 7 female char. 62. WHICH WILL HAVE HIM? A Vaude- ville. 1 male, 2 female char. 63. MADAM IS ABED. A Vaudeville in 1 Act 2 male, 2 female char. 64. THE ANONYMOUS KISS. A Vaudeville. 2 male, 2 female char. 65. THE CLEFT STICK. A Comedy m 3 Acts. o male, 3 female char. 66. A SOLDIER. A SAILOR, A TINKER, AND A TAILOR. A Farce in 1 Ac :» 4 male, 2 female char. 67. GIVE A DOG A BAD NAME. A Farce. 2 male, 2 female char. 68. DAMON AND PYTHIAS. A Farce. 6 male, 4 female char. 69. A HUSBAND TO ORDER. A Serio-comic Drama in 2 Acts. 5 male, 3 femaie char. 70. PAYABLE ON DEMAND. A Domestic Drama in 2 Acts. 7 male, 1 female char. Descriptive Catalogue mailed free on application to Geo. M. Baker & Co., 47 Franklin St., Boston .^ '^ ABOVE THE CLOUDS. BY THE AHTIiOH uif- •fc».v'^*'' sold\«t, 'Once on a Time," *' Dow^n uy the Sea," "Ih-c.-d on the ■Watera,* ^hi, Last Loaf," " Stand by the Flag," " The Tempter," " A Drop Too Much," " ^ Vrt 411 Teetotallera," "A Little More Cider," ''Thirty Minutes for Refreshmentg •* Wanted, a Male Cook," " A Sea of Troubles," " Freedom of the Press," "/- Close Shave," " The Great Elixir," " The Man with the Demijohn," " NeTJ? 'Vooms Sweep Clean," " Humors of the Strike," " My Uncle the Captain,* ^•The Greatest Plague in Life," " No Cure, No Pay," "The Grecial? ''^ud," " The War of the Roses," " Lightheart'<« Piigrima^et" *■ The Sculptor's Triumph," " Too Late for the Train," " Sn<>w- Hound," " The Peddler of Very Nice," " Bonbons," " Capu- Vetta," "An Original Idea," "Enlisted for the War," ' Never Say Die," " The Champion of her Sex," **The Visions of Freedom," "The Merry Christmas of the Old Woman who lived in a Shoe," " The Tournament of Idylcourt," **A Thorn among the Roses-** ** A Christmas Carol," ** One Hundred fears Ago," fcc. BOSTON : milorge m. ^aker and ^OMPANY, 41^5 FiiANKLiN Street. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1876, Bv George M. Baker, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at W.vOiington. Boston: Stereotyped and Printed by Kand, a very, & Co. -zynMoo. . , /^ ABOVE THE CLOUDS, A DRAMA IN TWO ACTS. CHARACTERS. Philip Ringold, ** Crazy Phil," a Mountain Hermit. Alfred Thorpe, a City Nabob. Amos Gaylord, a Country Gentleman. Howard Gaylord, his Son. Titus Tcrtle, a Gourmand. Curtis Chipman, ^' Chips" in the Rough. Nat Naylor, Thorpe's Protege. Grace Ingalls, a Young Artist. Hester Thorne, Gay lord's Housekeeper. >^SusY Gaylord, Gaylord's Daugliter. liUCKETiA Gerbish, " SO Tomantic." COSTUMES. RiNGOLD. Age 40. Full black beard; thick, curly wig; slouck hat; long boots; light coat, buttoned at the waist; blue shirt, with black handkerchief knotted at the neck ; coiiai of shirt rolled over coat. Alfred Thorpe. Age 50. White, curly hair; white side* whiskers ; fashionable dress ; kids, and dress hat. 99 M52209 100 ABOVE THE CLOUDS. Amos Gaylord. Age 60. White wig ; smooth face ; nankeen vest and pants ; blue coat with brass buttons ; white tie. Howard Gaylord. Age 24. First Dress ; Dark cutaway coat ; neat red shirt, with black neckerchief loosely tied ; dark pants, with leather leggings ; wide-awake hat. — Second Dress : Neat and tasty suit. Turtle. Age 40. Made up "fat"; fashionable fancy suit; red, curly hair ; side- whiskers, and plump, red face. Curtis. Age 20. Rough suit ; pants, coat, and vest ; light hat ; light hair. Nat. Age 20. First Dress : A light suit ; green necktie ; green gloves ; straw hat, with a green ribbon. — Second Dress : Fashionable evening dress; white tie; dress coat; hair light, long, parted in the middle. Grace. Age 18. First Dress : Pretty-figured muslin, or blue or brown cambric, fashionably cut. — Second Dress : White muslin. Hester Thorne. Age 40. Brown or gray dress, with collar and cuffs ; fine, white wig. Face made up young and rosy. SusT. Age 17. First Dress : Figured muslin, with white apron ; long ear-rings. Second Dress : Neat evening-dress. LucRETiA. Age 30. First Dress : Travelling-dress, as showy as possible; face made up wrinkled; very red cheeks; a profusion of red curls, and a black patch on left cheek. Second Dress : Light fabric, with ribbons and bows of scarlet. STAGE DIRECTIONS. R., right; c, centre; l., left; l. c, left centre; r. c, right centre; l. 1 e., left first entrance; r. 1 e., right first entrance; FLAT, scene at back of stage ; b. u. e., right upper entrance. » > 3 J • » , ABOVE THE CLOUDS. Act I. — Scene : Boom in Gatlord's house. In flat c, open doorway^ hacked by lattice-work^ with vine run- ni?iy up it, l. oJ^ door, a long windoio, showing a rail- ing hacking it, and heyond that, shrubbery ; the pas- sage-way off is through door, then past window, and offij. Long curtains at window ; a vase of flowers standing on the stage at backof open door; flat plain from door to r. with a picture hanging on it; long window R. next flat, with long curtain; lounge at window R., hack to flat ; small table at window l. c, with flowers and hooks upon it ; chair front of it. Door L. halfway up stage ; arm-chair l. Entrance R. Easel, with picture on it, hack to audience, near window R. Grace seated painting, Howard stand- ing c, leaning on a gun, hat in hand, watching her, Grace, And you really like my picture, Mr. Gay- lord? Howard, Like it, Miss Grace ? It's a bit of Nature filched from our grand old mountain so cleverly, that I wonder it does not give one of its thunder-growls in protest of the robbery. Grace, It will be growled at by those monsters the art-critics. They will not spare a single tree, or a 101 103 . ABOVE THE CLOUDS. u stone, in my Mountain-Picture. Ah, if they were only i.'s kiridly-(}i^p6s^d as ypujire, I should not fear. Howard, Don't place me among them, Miss Grace. I'm but a rough-handed farmer, who would be laughed at in such company. Grace, Yet you are an artist. Howard, At ploughing — yes. Grace, You may laugli ; but you are a true ailist. Yon wooded valley, stretching to the distant river; yon towering mountain, lifting its head above the clouds, thrill me with delight, as a holiday sight glad- dens the heart of the child. But to you they are daily life. As the order, peace, and love of a household fill the heart of the child with all good impulses, so the clear mountain air you breathe, the majesty of Nature in its grand sublimity, train the eye to beauty, the soul to harmony, the heart to inspiration, — all unconscious iiiiluences which make you a critic whose praise is worth the winning. Howard, You are enthusiastic. Grace. Thank you. I am winning favor; for with- out enthusiasm how could we poor artists live? Howard, Then you like our rough lifie here, far above the busy, bustling world ? Grace, Like it? To be free from the thraldom of city life, its crowded, bustling streets, its mockery of comfort, its greed and avarice, crime and folly, is to me as welcome, as joyous, as must be the sunlight to tiie prisoner for years confined in gloomy dungeons. Howard. And you could forsake all that — could b« happy here? ABOVE THE CLOUDS. 01 Grace. Forever. Howard, O Grace, — Miss Ingalls, — you know not what pleasure that confession gives rae. If I might hope — {Miter Susy, door l., with a pan of apples and a knife.) Susy, O, I beg your pardon. Do I intrude ? Grace. No, indeed, Susy. I was just giving a few finishing touches to my picture, and Howard — Mr. Gaylord — was admiring the color of my sky. Howard. Yes, Susy, that's all. Susy. O ! {Aside) Admiring the color ! They've both got an extra quantity of red in their faces. {Sits in arm-chair.) The reflection of the picture, I sup- pose. {Pares apples.) Grace. Are those hanging-clouds light enough? Howard. Exactly the tints displayed at sunset. But to my mind, that quaint scene above the clouds is the beauty of the picture. Ringold's Nest, we call it — Crazy Phil's rocky hut. Grace. The Hermit of the Mountain. I long to catch a glimpse of this mysterious hero of the Peak. Howard. I am expecting him here every moment; but you must look at him outside, for he never enters a house. I go gunning with him to-day. Grace. Gunning with a crazy man ? Howard. Phil is not crazy. His eccentricities have gained him that title here. Ten years ago he passed through here to the Peak, and took possession of the rude hut upon its summit. A wan, ragged, and hag- gard man. Occasionally he comes into our streets, but 104 ABOVE THE CLOUDS. shuns our abodes. His mountain life has made a new man of him ; improved his health and spirits ; and I want no better companion on a tramp, no wiser friend in council, than Phil Ringold. Grace. And his past history ? Howard, Is a sealed book. Occasionally, in fits of abstraction, he mutters hoarsely of a faithless wife, a lost child, a false friend ; but when I question him, he is silent. Grrace, Brave fellow ! Foiled in his battle with the world, he turns his back upon it, and in Nature's sol- itudes fashions a new life and battles with himself. Howard, One would imagine, from your poor opinion of the world you have left, that even you — young, talented, and — well, it is the truth — beautiful, had met with disappointment. Grace, No ; I have nothing to complain o^ except tbu fact that I am nobody is a disappointment. Howard. Nobody! You — you have genius. Grace, Perhaps. That remains to be seen. I know I have courage to persevere, will to conquer; but, should I triumph, none to rejoice at my success. Howard, I do not understand you. Grace, Because you do not know me. I do not know myseltl I am a waif, the property of nobody who will claim me. Originally, one of those mysteri- ous little mortals that are dropped by the way, as w© sometimes dispose of a troublesome kitten. Howard. And your parents ? Grace, I have not the honor of their acquaintance ; nothing but the recollection of a loving face bending ABOVE THE CLOUDS. 105 over me ; a silken beard I loved to stroke, long, long years ago ; and then a change to rough hands, but kind hearts ; and then all is blotted, till my life began with Mr. Thorpe. Howard, Surely that was a pleasant change. Grace, He says he was a friend of my parents ; that both are dead — and nothing more. Where they lived, or where they lie, in vain I ask. He has ever been a kind friend to me ; allowed me to choose ray artist life ; spared no expense ; encouraged me in every way; and yet, and yet — I hate him! Howard, Hate him? Grace, What right has he to stand between me and those who gave me life ? Howard, But if they are dead ? Grace {rising). Their memories should live in the heart of their child; not be stolen from her; hidden away in the grave with them, as though they were guilty things, too base to be remembered. ISTo, no; there is some mystery here. Would I could solve it {raises hand towards xoindow k. and looks off). O, solitary dweller on the Mountain Peak, I can clasp hands with thee. Thou stand est alone in Nature's loneliest haunts; amid the crowded ways of life, like thee, I am alone — alone. ( With an effort,) Pardon me ; this is one of my changeful moods. I shall soon be better. \_Exit r. 1 e. Howard, A strange mood. So young ; so beautiful. She fascinates me ! Am I wise to linger in her pres- ence ? To listen to her beguiling voice ? To look into her eyes 2 She, a genius, and an angel ! Dare I utter the words that spring to my lips — 106 ABOVE THE CLOUDS. Susy, Ahem! Howard. Susy, I had forgotten you. What are you doing, puss ? Susy, O, I've been keeping Miss Grace and you company. Howard. In what way ? Susy. Paring! O, Howard Gaylord, you've just come, and been and gone and done it. Howard. What, puss ? Susy. Fallen in love with Miss Grace Ingalls. IToioard. Nonsense, puss. Susy. Well, I think there is a great deal of non- sense about it. But ain't it nice to feel your heart going pitity-pat, pitity-pat, every time she looks at you, and to feel that delicious lump in your throat, like as though you were going to strangle with delight and wa3 afraid you shouldn't ! Howard. Well, you certainly understand the symp- toms, Susy. Susy. Indeed I do. I haven't lived seventeen years for nothing. But all that's nothing to what will come over you the first time you clasp her taper fin- gers. You'll feel just as though you were being lifted upon a bridge of rainbows. You'll be dizzy at first, but it soon wears off. Howard. Ha, ha! you're well posted, puss. Was Curtis Chipman your instructor? Susy. Chips ? Not much ; he hasn't the courage to look me in the eye. Howard. And of course cannot feel the " pitity-pat " sensation. Curt is a good fellow, Susy ; mind you don't frighten him. ABOVE THE CLOUDS. 107 Siis]/, I frighten him ! He don't need any help, he frightens himself. Howard, And you think I love Miss Grace ? Susy, You prove it, in being so anxious to return to the subject. Howard, What if I do, Susy. Do you think she would condescend to look with favor upon such a rough specimen as I ? Susy, Condescend ? My goodness ! Condescend to you, my brother ? The idea ! Why, Howard Gay- lord, I'm ashamed of you ! You're none too good for the best woman that ever trod the earth. Howard, Ha, ha, ha I Right, Susy : I'm none " too good." Susy, !N"ow laugh because I made a slip. You know what I mean ; and if you don't boldly woo and win Grace Ingalls, I'll disinherit you. Howard. Hush ! she 's here. Susy, I thought she couldn't keep away from you long. (JEnter Grace, r.) • Grace. There, the storm is over {goes to her easel), Susy {aside). Now's the time for rainbows! Why don't he squeeze her hand ? Howard, Shall I disturb you if I look at your work? Grace, O, no; I'm quite myself again. Susy {aside). Look at her work, indeed ! He can't keep his eyes off of her. ( Whistle outside^ l. Susy gradually falls asleep.) Howard, Ah, that's Phil Ringold. I must be off. Grace, O, do bring him in. 108 ABOVE THE CLOUDS. Howard. I cannot; it would be useless to make the attempt. Grace {Hsing). Then I'll have one good look at Lira {rises and goes up into doorway ; looks off l.). Yes, what a fine figure. Mr. Gaylord, your friend is splendid. Ah, he sees me (hows aiid smiles). He starts. He comes this way like a madman {runs down to easel ; turns and stands with hand on easel, bending forward, looking at door. Howard, l.) Phil {outside, l.). Hester ! Hester ! {Passes window and appears in doorway, gun thrown across his arm ; stops and glares at Grace.) Hester! No, no; 'tis her fece ; but she — so like ! so like ! Where got you that face ? It belonged to one I knew long years ago. So beaut^ul — but false. As young and fair, but heart- less and cruel. She made my home a ruin and my life a curse. Howard. Phil, old fellow, be calm. This is our guest, Miss Grace Ingalls — an artist. Look at her work there on the easel. Do you recognize it? (Grack steps hack towards toindow, e. Phil combes forward, his eyes fastened upon her face until he nears the easel. He sighs ; lets his eyes rove round until they reach the picture ; starts.) Phil {with a smile). Ah, the old nest. See, see, Howard ! It's wondrous like — wondrous like ! ( Turns to Grace with a how.) I congratulate you, young lady, on your success. It is a cLarming picture. Grace. Thank you. Phil (starts). O, that voice ! — it brings back the old days — the mother with the child in her lap ; and ABOVE THE CLOTJDS. • 109 llie music of her lullaby thrills me again and again. No, no ; let me shut it out — shut it out ; it softens my heart, — and that should be steel, adamant, to bar out forever the traitoress, the false one. Come, How- ard, the day is speeding, and we've a long tramp. Come, come {goes up). Grace. Stay one moment. (Phil turns,) We meet as strangers to-day ; but, believe me, I sympathize with your sorrows and your wrongs. Can we not be friends? ( Offers her hand.) Phil {takes it and looks in her face). My sorrows and my wrongs, child, they are forgotten. I trod the haunts of men, mingled with the bustling and the busy ; loved, lost ; and then, there {pointing off through window^ E.) on yonder mountain peak, perched myself above the clouds, that, floating at my feet, shut out all tokens of the sin and wrong below. Ah, little one, pretty one, this is a world of trouble. We joy and we sorrow, gain and lose ; but there — there on His eternal mountains that pierce the sky, all is forgotten, for we are alone, — with Nature here, and Heaven there. Grace, May Heaven recompense you for all you have suffered. Phil. It will ; it does. My wrongs were like those of other men. I loved, and was deceived. I married^ and found my wife's smiles were bestowed upon an- other. I w^as a fool to trust a woman, and so pay pen- ance by forgetting the whole world. Howard. Except — Phil {giving Howard his hand). Except Howard, 110 • ABOVE THE CLOUDS. for we are friends, and he is of my own mind. He'll never trust a woman. (Howard withdraws his hand^ looks at Grace, and turns away. Grace blushes and looks down,) Ho, ho! I've said too much. Never mnid; it's only Crazy Phil. Come, Howard, we must be ofl^ for game 's afoot, and Crazy Phil is a wondrous good shot. Ha, ha, ha ! (At door^ turns and hows to Grace.) Good-bye. So like — so like — it almost drives me mad. \_Exit c. off L. Howard, You see, Miss Grace, Phil is an odd char- acter. Grace. Yerj. Howard, You mustn't mind all he says ; for in- stance, that remark about me that I would never trust a woman ; for there is one woman I could trust with my life, my soul. Grace, I hope there are many such, Howard, Yes — O, yes. But this one — Grace, Your friend is waiting, I see. Howard, I'm off. (Aside) She's not for me — not for me. I was a fool to think it. \^JBows, and exit c. Grace, I'm on dangerous ground here. This rough but honest-hearted fellow is stirring my heart strangely. Is fate or fortune about to send some one to prove false my statement that there's no one to rejoice at my success ? If so, I hope he'll be the man. [^JExit b. 1 e. (Enter Chips /rom l. He comes on with his hat twirl- ing in his hand; conies to door slowly and stands looking down bashfully^ rubbing against door-post.) Chipa. I was just going by. (Pause), I said I was ABOVE THE CLOUDS. Ht just going by {looks up), Hal)^ ! Nobody here ? That's queer, I vum ! ( Comes down,) I've made up / my mind that Susy Gay lord is the prettiest, smartest, and likelieit gal in these parts, and I've just got spunk enough to tell her so. {Sees Susy.) Jewhittiker ! there she is ! {Backs across stage to r., looking down and twirling his hat.) How d'e do? I was just going by. {Pause^ looks up.) Why, she's asleep ! ( Comes to c. and looks at her.) Now, ain't she a beauty ! j ust clear pink and white. Look at them lips ! there 's honey for the. taking ! Curtis, now's your chance {wipes his mouth with coat-sleeve). She's asleep, and nobody's looking {creeps towards her), {Enter Nat Naylor, l.; looks through window) I'm trembling all over; but, darn it, here goes! {Stoopt to kiss her, Nat comes to door.) Nat. Brace up ! (Chips runs across stage to r. Susy wakes, Nat comes down) Here 's robbery ! Grand larceny ! Bumpkin, forbear, touch not those tempting lips, Base is the man who thus felonious sips. Impromptu. Ahem! {To Susy) Excuse me, I am the avant courier of Mr. Alfred Thorpe, Mr. Titu? Turtle, " and last but not least is our dear love," Miss Lucretia Gerrish, — three mountain travellers who are on their way to spend a few days in this delightful ma»sion of Mr. Amos Gay lord. A stately pile, the country's pride and boast. Amid the mountain, with A Gaylord host. Impromptu. Ahem! {Struts up stage,) 112 ABOVE THE CLOUDS, Susy. Well, I never ! Chips. Wall, he 's gone crazy, and got it bad. Susy. Chips, what are you doing here ? Nat {com€s dowii). Chips, is it? O, Chips, I blush for you. Young lady, look upon me as your preserver. I caught this modest rustic in the very act of snatch- ing a kiss from those ruby lips, — Where Cupid sits enthroned with arching bow, Before the ivoried walls that gleam below. Impromptu. Ahem ! Susy. Chips, is it possible ? Did you dare ? Chips. Well, you see, Susy, I was going by, and — and — I thought I'd just drop in to tell you that — that — mother's making pickles to-day. JSTat. O, Chips! Chips! While making pickles, mother dear, I find a sweeter pickle here. Impromptu. Ahem ! Chips. Look here, Mr. What's-your-name, you're a darned sight too free with your Mother Goose Melo- dies. Ef you get my dander up, you'll think a horse kicked you, — now I tell you. Susy. Chips, don't be rude. Chips. Well, I ain't a-goin' to be sassed by a feller that can't talk English. Nat. Chips, you want polish. Chips. Well, p'raps you 'd like to polish me. Ef you would, I'm your man. Come down behind the barn — Susy, Chips, I'm ashamed of you ! ABOVE THE CLOUDS. 113 Nat. So am I, Chips. The blush of shame is mounting to my cheek, It glows — It glows — There, Fve lost it ! You must know, I'rn a protege of Mr. Thorpe's, destined to become a poet. Yes, he's fond of helping aspiring genius up the dizzy heights — and I'm to be a poet. So, as practice makes perfect, I indulge in flights of fancy on all occasions. So if you happen to hear from my lips eccentric bits, don't mind them. It's nothing — mere practice. Sitsy, O, you're a poet! Well, I declare ! Nat. Yes — !N"at !N"aylor. Sometimes called Natty, because my verses are neat and natty. See ? Susy. I am glad to welcome you to my father's house. Nat. Then I am in the presence of Miss Susy Gay- lord. Delighted to make your acquaintance. Allow me — {lifts her hand to his lips). Here on this hand I pay the homage due To lovely woman — {About to kiss again.) Susy {withdrawing her hand). Thank you ; that will do. Nat. Impromptu. Ahem! I must return to ray friends. You may expect us in half an hour. Adieu {goes to door and turns). We part to meet again. — Sweet one, farewell. Chips, au revoir. [^Exit c. Chips. Get out, you tarnal swell ! Darn his pic- ture, I'll have one shot at him. {Bujis up to Susy, takes three or four apples^ and runs up to c.) 114 ABOVE THE CLOUDS. Susy, Chips, what are you doing with my apples ? Chips {throwing apples off l. swiftly). There, im- promptu ! Darn you ! I wish they were Centennial eggs ! ( Comes down c.) Susy, Curtis Chipman I Chips. That's my name, and I ain't ashamed of it. Susy, I'm ashamed of you ! Such treatment of a gentleman and a poet ! Chips, O, bother! What's a poet, anyhow? He can't tell a Shanghai from a Bantam, a pitchfork from a rake. What right has he to kiss your hand ? You never saw me trying it? Susy, 1^0 ; but he saw you attempting something worse, Chips. Chips, Don't care. I was just going by — Susy, Pshaw ! you 're always going by. Why don't you come straight to the house, and not make an excuse, when you know you are dying to see me. O, Chips, you're a good fellow, but you want a little pol- ish. Look at Mr. Naylor. Chips, Hang Mr. Naylor ! I hate him. Susy, And I like him. He's so gentle, so well- bred ; such a flow of language. I'm sure we shall be- come good friends. Chips {throios his hat on stage), Susy Gay lord, I'm mad; and I'm going to tell you just what I think of you. Susy, That's right. Chips ; frankn