USEFUL REFERENCE SERIES, No. 26 Index to Material on Picture Study Index to Material on Picture Study By Mary Josephine Booth A. B. Beloit (Wis.) College; B. L. S. University of Illinois Librarian, Eastern Illinois State Normal School Charleston, Illinois Boston F. W. Faxon Company 1921 1 1 Copyright, 1921 F. \V. Faxon Co. Issued June, 1921 The Riverdale Press, Brookline, Boston , Mass. Preface This list is designed to be of use in locating information about material on pictures frequently studied in schools. The need for such a list is apparent, for there are a number of books dealing with picture study in schools, and to locate the material on any one picture requires considerable search. In September, 1912, the Oregon library commission issued a pamphlet on Picture study in the schools which contained among other things an Index to pictures in the state manual. From the idea obtained from this list, a card index on Material on picture study was started in the library of the Eastern Illinois state normal school and has been added to as books on this subject were acquired, until this list is the result. Pictures are entered under different names in different books; an effort has been made to make cross references from the different titles to the one under which the material is listed. A star (*) indicates that there is a reproduction of the painting somewhere in the book, but not necessarily in the pages given in the reference. M. J. B. Index to Material on Picture Study Titles marked with an asterisk (*) contain reproduction Abbey, Edwin Austin. Holy Grail. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 8: 56-77. *Spielmann, M. H. (In Singleton, Esther. Modern paint- ings, pp. 265-271). Abbey, Edwin Austin. Knights of the Round Table ; or, The siege perilous. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Adam, Jules. Cat and kittens, see his Cat family. Adam, Jules. Cat family. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 73, 74. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1:17-19. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 227-9. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 10-11. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1:8-9. Adam, Jules. Four kittens, see his Four little scamps are we. Adam, Jules. Four little scamps are we. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 1 : 21-6. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1:22-5. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 8-9. Adan, Louis Emile. Close of day, see his End of day. Adan, Louis Emile. End of day. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, p. 13. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5: 17-18. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 172-4. Adan, Louis Emile. Haymaker. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 28-9. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 142-5. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools, pt. 2:38. 8 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Adan, Louis Emile. Summer evening. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 8: 5-7. Adoration of the magi, see Diirer, Albrecht. Adventurous bowman, see MacNeil, H. A. Aesop, see Velasquez, D. R. de S. Age of innocence, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Alchemist, see Teniers, David, the younger. Alden, John, and Priscilla, see Boughton, G. H., John Alden and Priscilla. Alexander, John White. Pot of Basil. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 13: 5-7. Alexander and Diogenes, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Alma mater, see French, D. C. Alma-Tadema, Sir Laurens. Reading from Homer. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 6: 12-25. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 14-15. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 138-9. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 10: 5-7. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 240-44. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 119-22. Angel, see Angelico, Fra. Angel, see Bellini, Giovanni. Angel with candelabrum (statue), see Michaelangelo Buonar- roti. Angel with the lute, see Carpaccio, Viltore. Angelico, Fra (biography). Masters in art. 4:65-78. Angelico, Fra. Angel. *Masters in art. 4: 79-80. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:69-72. Angel's heads, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Angels' kitchen, see Murillo, B. E. Angelus, see Millet, J. F. Apple-parer, see Terburg, Gerard, Woman peeling apples. Apple peeler, see Terburg, Gerard, Woman peeling apples. Arab at prayer, see Mariana, Fortunay. Arab scouts, see Schreyer, Adolf. Arc, Joan of, see Bastien-Lepage, Jules, Joan of Arc. Archangel Michael, see Reni, Guido. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 9 Arrangement in gray and black, see Whistler, J. A. McN., Portrait of the painter's mother. Arrival of the shepherds, see Lerolle, Henri. Artist's daughter, Lavinia, see Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Lavinia. Artist's sons, see Vogel, C. L., Brothers. Artist's two sons, see Rubens, P. P., Portrait of his two sons. Assumption of the virgin, see Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). At the watering trough, see Dagnan-Bouveret, P. A. J. Atalanta's race, see Poynter, Sir E. J. Aurora, see Reni, Guido. Automedon with the horses of Achilles, see Regnault, Henri. Autumn, see Mauve, Anton, Sheep; autumn. Autumn gold, see Inness, George. Avenue, Middelharnis, Holland, see Hobbema, Meindert. Avenue of trees, see Hobbema, Meindert, Avenue, Middel- harnis, Holland. Babes in the woods, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Baby Stuart, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. B Bacon, Henry. Lesson in boat building. *Smith, E. M. Picture study in elementary schools. pp. 10, 11. Bagg, Henry Howard. Pathway of life. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 282-6. Ball, Thomas. Emancipation proclamation (statue). *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Balloon, see Dupre", Jules. Balthazar, see Velasquez, D. R. de S., Don Balthazar Carlos; Prince Balthazar. Bambini, see Robbia, A. della, Bambino. Bambino, see Robbia, A. della. Baptism of Pocahontas, see Chapman, J. G. Barbara after the hunt, see Bonheur, Rosa. Barber, Charles Burton. Scratch pack. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2:33-5. Barber, Charles Burton. Wake up. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. 10 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Earth, Ferdinand. Choosing the caskets. *Tillinghast, A. M. Turner picture studies. 11:9-11. Bashkirtseff, Marie, see Bashkirtsev, Marie Konstantinouna. Bashkirtsev, Marie Konstantinouna. Meeting. * Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 1516; 21. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1:159-64. Bastien-Lepage, Jules (biography). Masters in art. 9:487- 501. Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Hay harvest. *Masters in art. 9: 504-5. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 19-21. Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Haymakers, see his Hay harvest. Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Jeanne D'Arc, see his Joan of Arc. Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Joan of Arc. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 118-22. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 7: 11-21. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 134-41. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Karageorgevitch, Prince Bojidar. (In Singleton, Esther. Modern paintings, pp. 238-43.) *Masters in art. 9: 502. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 116-17. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 12: 9-12. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 248-51. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 84-6. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 148-59. Battle of Lexington, see Bicknell, A. H. Bayes, A. W. Departure of the Mayflower. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 46-7. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 301-3. Beata Beatrix, see Rossetti, D. G. Beatrice Cenci (so-called), see Reni, Guido (?). Before the storm, see Dupre, Jules. Beggar boys, see Murillo, B. E. Melon eaters. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 11 Bellini, Giovanni (biography). Masters in art. v. 1, pt. 9: 21-36. Bellini, Giovanni. Angel. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *\Yilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 77-81. Bells, see Blashfield, E. H. Christmas chimes. Bicknell, Albion Harris. Battle of Lexington. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Birney, William Ver Planck. Train "Here it comes." *Smith, E. M. Picture study in elementary schools, pp. 14, 15, 16. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2: 17-19. Birthday morning, see Meyer von Bremen, J. G. Bitter, Karl. Signing of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty (statue). *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Black Hawk (statue), see Taft, Lorado. Blashfield, Edwin Rowland. Bells, see his Christmas chimes. Blashfield, Edwin Howland. Christmas bells, see his Christ- mas chimes. Blashfield, Edwin Howland. Christmas chimes. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paintings. pp. 10-11. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 78-9. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 276-8. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 33-4. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:65-6. Blashfield, Edwin Howland. Washington resigning his commission. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Blessed damozel, see Rossetti, D. G. Blind Milton dictating Paradise lost, see Munkacsy, Mihaly de. Blue boy, see Gainsborough, Thomas. Bodenhausen, Cuno von. Madonna and child. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 14-17. Bonheur, Rosa (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 36-9. 12 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Bonheur, Rosa. Continued. Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 2: 56-9; 60-65; 154-5. Contains portrait. Cranston, N. P. Famous artists. 1 : 20-32. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 136-57. Masters in art. 4: 317-31. Bonheur, Rosa (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 69-73. Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children. pp. 92-3. Bonheur, Rosa. Barbara after the hunt. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 114-15. Bonheur, Rosa. Brittany sheep. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 216-18. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 13-14. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools, pt. 1 : 39-42. Bonheur, Rosa. Deer in the forest. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 6:1-4. Bonheur, Rosa. Horse fair. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 39-41. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 64; 65-9. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of famous paintings, pp. 14-15. Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, p. 114. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 5:42-55. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 110-19. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 150-52. *Kent, C. A. Brewer's art studies. No. 3. *Masters in art. 4 : 331-3. *Peyrol, Rene. (In Singleton, Esther. Modern paintings. pp. 169-74.) *Public school methods. 6 : 471-4. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 16-18. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3: 5-7. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 211-16. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 13 Bonheur, Rosa. Continued. \\Vrtz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 98. *\\ ilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 141-3. Bonheur, Rosa. Lion family, see her Lions at home. Bonheur, Rosa. Lions at home. *Horne and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 152-4. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 126-8. Bonheur, Rosa. Morning in the Highlands. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 18-19. Bonheur, Rosa. Old monarch. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 3:44-55. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. Horne and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 152-4. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 120-25. \Yertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 88. Bonheur, Rosa. On the alert. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 38, 39, 41, 43. Bonheur, Rosa. Oxen plowing, see her Plowing in Nivernais. Bonheur, Rosa. Plowing in Nivernais. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 113-14. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 4: 62-74. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 120-26. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Horne and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 148-50. *Masters in art. 4:335. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 138-42. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 53-4. *\Yilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 137-41. Bonheur, Rosa. Shepherd and his flock. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3:17-19. Boothby, Penelope, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Penelope Boothby. Borglum, John Gutzon de la Mothe. Mares of Diomedes. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 152-3. Borglum, Solon. The pioneer (statue). *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. 14 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Botticelli, Sandro (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 42-6. Masters in art. l:pt. 5:21-31. Contains portrait. Botticelli, Sandro. Coronation of the Madonna, see his Coro- nation of the Virgin. Botticelli, Sandro. Coronation of the Virgin. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 22-3. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 5: 32. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 98- 104. Botticelli, Sandro. Madonna of the Louvre. *Masters in art. l:pt. 5:31. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 67-9. Botticelli, Sandro. Virgin and child with St. John, see his Madonna of the Louvre. Boughton, George Henry. Early Puritans of New England going to church, see his Pilgrims going to church. Boughton, George Henry. John Alden and Priscilla. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Boughton, George Henry. Pilgrim exiles. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 4: 43-50. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 44-5. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 6: 37-9. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 310-12. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 30-31., *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1:50-52. Boughton, George Henry. Pilgrims going to church. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 5: 24-32. *Kent, C. A. Brewer's art studies. No. 4. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. * Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 22-3. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 42-4. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools, pp. 4-5; 7. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 15 Boughton, George Henry. Continued. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 8: 13-6. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 308-10. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 62. Boughton, George Henry. Puritan's first winter in New England, see Pilgrim exiles. Boughton, George Henry. Puritans going to church, see Pilgrims going to church. Boughton, George Henry. Return of the Mayflower. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 304-7. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 32. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:43-5. Bouguereau, Adolphe William, see Bouguereau, William Adolphe. Bouguereau, Elizabeth Jane Gardner. Two mothers, see her Two mothers and their families. Bouguereau, Elizabeth Jane Gardner. Two mothers and their families. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 1 : 42-7. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 50-51. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 164-5. *Smith, E. M. Picture study in elementary schools. pp. 6, 7, 9. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2:9-11. Bouguereau, Guillaume Adolphe, see Bouguereau, William Adolphe. Bouguereau, William Adolphe (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 47-8. Masters in art. 7: 401-20. Contains portrait. Bouguereau, William Adolphe. Homer and his guide. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 13: 21-4. Bouguereau, William Adolphe. Little scholar. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Bouguereau, William Adolphe. Madonna, see his Virgin, Infant Jesus and St. John. 16 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Bouguereau, William Adolphe. Virgin, Infant Jesus and St. John. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 70-71. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:60-62. Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan, see Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean. Bowles, Miss, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Miss Bowles. Boy and rabbit, see Raeburn, Sir Henry. Boyhood of Lincoln, see Johnson, Eastman. Boyhood of Raleigh, _see Millais, J. E. Bradford, William. Whaleship homeward bound. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5 : 25-7. Breaking home ties, see Hovenden, Thomas. Bremen, Johann Georg Meyer von, see Meyer von Bremen, J.G. Breton, Jules Adolphe (biography). Masters in art. 8:401-13. Contains portrait. Breton, Jules Adolphe. End of labor. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:38-9. Breton, Jules Adolphe. Gleaner. *Masters in art. 8:415-16. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:3-9. Breton, Jules Adolphe. The lark, see his Song of the lark. Breton, Jules Adolphe. Recall of the gleaners. *Masters in art. 8 : 416-17. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 72-3. Breton, Jules Adolphe, Return of the gleaners, see his Recall of the gleaners. Breton, Jules Adolphe. Shepard's star. *Masters in art. 8: 415. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 7:25-7. Breton, Jules Adolphe. Sifter of Colza. *M asters in art. 8: 418. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 36-7. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 17 Breton, Jules Adolphe. Song of the lark. "Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 7: 68-75. "Casey, William C. Masterpieces in art. 68-74. "Masters in art. 8: 418-19. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. "Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 23-5. "Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 34-5. "Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 48, 53, 55. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5: 5-6. "Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 126-30. \Vertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 23-4. "Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1:202-5. Breton, Jules Adolphe. The vintagers. "Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 32-3. Bridgman, Frederick Arthur. Procession of Apis-Osiris. "Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 172-3. Bridgman, Frederick Arthur. Procession of the Sacred Bull Apis, see his Procession of Apis-Osiris. Bringing home the newborn calf, see Millet, J. F. Brittany sheep, see Bonheur, Rosa. Broken pitcher, see Greuze, J. B. Brothers, see Vogel, C. L. Brown, John, Last moments of, see Hovenden, Thomas, Last moments of John Brown. Brozik, Vacslar von. Columbus at the court of Ferdinand and Isabella. "Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 25-6. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 6: 5-7. Brush, George De Forest. Mother and child. "Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. Bugle call, see Hunt, W. M., Bugler. Bugler, see Hunt, W. M. Bull, see Potter, Paul, Young bull. Burgoyne, Surrender of, see Trumbull, John. Surrender of Burgoyne. Burne- Jones, Sir Edward Coley (biography). Masters in art. 2: pt. 7: 21-32. Contains portrait. 18 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Burne- Jones, Sir Edward Coley. Circe. *Packard, Edward. Picture readings, pp. 27-8. Burne- Jones, Sir Edward Coley. Golden stairs. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 6:26-35. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 7: 35. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 136-7. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 13: 17-20. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 233-6. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 124-6. Burne- Jones, Sir Edward Coley. Hope. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 8: 37-9. Burne- Jones, Sir Edward Coley. Winter. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 134-5. Buttermaker, see Millet, J. F. Woman churning. By the river, see Lerolle, Henri. Calderon, Philip Hermogenes. Ruth and Naomi. * Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 33-5. Caligula's palace and bridge, see Turner, J. M. W. Calling the ferryman, see Knight, D. R. Calmady children, see Lawrence, Sir Thomas. Can't you talk? see Holmes, G. A. Captive Andromache, see Leighton, Sir Frederick. Carpaccio, Viltore (biography). Masters in art. 4: 275-94. Contains portrait. Carpaccio, Viltore. Angel with the lute. Detail of the Presentation in the temple. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5: 37-9. Carter, S. J. Interesting family. Smith, E. M. Picture study in elementary schools. pp. 19-21. Cascade, see Ruisdael, Jacob van. Cat and kittens, see Adam, Jules, Cat family. Cat family, see Adam, Jules. Cat's paw, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Cayambe, see Church, F. E. IXDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 19 Cenci, Beatrice, see Reni, Guido (?) Beatrice Cenci (so-called). Cenni, Giovanni, see Cimabue, Giovanni Cenni. Chapin, Samuel (statue), see Saint Gaudens, Augustus, Puritan. Chapman, John Gadsby. Baptism of Pocahontas. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 50-51. Charles I, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, King Charles the first. Charles I and his horse, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Charles V on his horse, see Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Charles, prince of Wales, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Chavannes, Puvis de (biography). Masters in art. 4: 401-14. Contains portrait. Chavannes, Puvis de (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 196-9. Chavannes, Puvis de. Inter artes et naturam. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 190-93; 196. *Masters in art. 4: 418. Cherry ripe, see Millais, J. E. Cherub choir, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Angels' heads. Cherubs from the Sistine Madonna, see Raphael, Sanzio, Sistine Madonna. Child Handel, see Dicksee, M. I. Child Jesus as shepherd, see Murillo, B. E., Divine shepherd. Children of Charles I (king of England), see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, Baby Stuart; Children of Charles I. Children of the shell, see Murillo, B. E. Children playing, see Vogel, C. L., Brothers. Choosing the caskets, see Earth, Ferdinand. The choristers, see Donatello *(Donato di Belto di Bardi), Singing boys. Christ among the doctors, see Hofmann, H. J., Christ in the temple. Christ and the doctors, see Hofmann, H. J., Christ in the temple. Christ and the fishermen, see Zimmermann, E. K. G. Christ and the rich young ruler, see Hofmann, H. J. Christ blessing little children, see Plockhorst, Bernhard, Suffer little children to come unto me. Christ in Gethsemane, see Hofmann, H. J. Christ in the temple, see Hofmann, H. J. 20 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Christ of the tribute money, see Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Tribute money. Christmas bells, see Blashfield, E. H., Christmas chimes. Christmas chimes, see Blashfield, E. H. Church, Frederick Edwin. Cayambe. *Tillinghast, A. M. Turner picture studies. 7: 5-7. Church at Greville, see Millet, J. F. Cicero's oration against Catiline, see Maccari, Cesare. Cimabue, Giovanni Cenni (?). Madonna. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, p. 55. Picture only. Cimabue, Giovanni Cenni (?). Madonna enthroned. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 52-4. Circe, see Burne-Jones, Sir E. C. Circe and the companions of Ulysses, see Riviere, Briton. Close of day, see Adan, L. E., End of day. Cobb, Cyrus. Paul Revere's ride. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools pp. 114-15. Cockburn family and the macaw, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Lady Cockburn and her children and a macaw. Colleoni (statue), see Verrocchio, Andrea, and Leopardi, Alessandro. Columbus, Landing of, see Vanderlyn, John, Landing of Columbus. Columbus at the court of Ferdinand and Isabella, see Brozik, Vacslaw von. Coming storm, see Inness, George. Concord minute man, see French, D. C., Minute man. Connoisseurs, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Constable, John (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 51-62. Masters in art. 7:191-204. Contains portrait. Constable, John (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 90-92. Constable, John. Corn field. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 83-8. *Masters in art. 7:205. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 21 Constable, John. Dedham mill, Essex. *Masters in art. 7: 205. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 82-7. Copley, John Singleton (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 63-4. Masters in art. 5:485-504. Contains portrait. Copley, John Singleton. John Hancock. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Corn field, see Constable, John. Corner in Venice, see Wagrez, J. C. Cornwallis, Surrender of, see Trumbull, John, Surrender of Cornwallis. Coronation of the Madonna, see Botticelli, Sandro, Coronation of the Virgin. Coronation of the Virgin, see Botticelli, Sandro. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille (biography) . Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 6570. Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 5:191-3; 196- 7; 2035. Contains portrait. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 80-92. Masters in art. 2: pt. 6: 21-36. Contains portrait. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 106-10. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. Dance of the nymphs. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 69-70. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 4: 51-61. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 5: 205-6; 207. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 6: 39. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 35-7. *Public school methods. 6: 474-6. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 126-8. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3:9-11. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 162-6. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 37-8. *Wilson, L. L^ W. Picture study in elementary schools, pt. 2: 154-5. 22 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. Dance of the nymphs; eve- ning. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 102-6. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 6: 36. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. Dance of the nymphs; morn- ing, see his Dance of the nymphs. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. The lake. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 172-7. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 168-70. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 95. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. Lake at Ville d'Avray. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 171-9. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. Landscape, see his Spring. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. Spring. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 6: 36-7. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 128-9. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 166-8. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 21-2. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:162-70. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. The willows. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 37. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 180-81. Correggio, Antonio Allegri da (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 71-6. Hurll, E. M. Correggio. pp. x-xv. Portrait frontis- piece. Masters in art. 2: pt. 12: 21-33. Venner, O. H Masterpieces of painting, pp. 24-6. Correggio, Antonio Allegri da (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famoup pictures, pp. 167-9. Hurll, E. M. Correggio. pp. vii-x; xiv-xv. Correggio, Antonio Allegri da. Diana. *Hurll, E. M. Correggio. pp. 25-30. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 73-4. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 23 Correggio, Antonio Allegri da. Holy night. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 756. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 163-7. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 78-9. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 187-95- *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Hurll, E. M. Correggio. pp. 1-6. *Gautier, Theophile. (In Singleton, Famous paintings. pp. 312-18.) *Masters in art. 2: pt. 12: 35-6. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 37-40. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 80-81. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 83-9. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 20-24. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 82-3. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 58-64. Correggio, Antonio Allegri da. Nativity, see his Holy night. Countess Sophie Potocka, see Kucharski, Alexandre. La cruche cassee, see Greuze, J. B. Broken pitcher. D Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean (biography). Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 34, 36. Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean. At the watering trough. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 88-93. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 12-13. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 46; 49-51. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3: 1-3. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 148-50. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 35-6; 61. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools, pt. 2: 182-4. 24 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean. Madonna and child. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 76-7. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 6: 13-15. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces in painting, pp. 33-4. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 42-3. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1:64-7. Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean. Madonna of the arbor, see his Madonna and child. Dance of the nymphs, see Corot, J. B. C. Dance of the nymphs; evening, see Corot, J. B. C. Dance of the nymphs; morning, see Corot, J. B. C., Dance of the nymphs. Daniel in the lions' den, see Riviere, Briton. Daubigny, Charles Francois, Le printemps, see his Spring. Daubigny, Charles Francois. Spring. *Thomson, D. C. (In Singleton, Esther. Modern paint- ings, pp. 61-7.) *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 156-61. David, Jacques Louis (biography). Masters in art. 7: 65-77. Contains portrait. Davis, Jacques Louis. Madame Recamier. *Masters in art. 7: 80-81. David (statue), see Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Da Vinci, Leonardo, see Vinci, Leonardo da. Dawn, see Eggleston, Benjamin. Death of Wolfe, see West, Benjamin. Debat-Ponsan, Edoward Bernard. Motherhood. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 42; 44-5. Declaration of independence, see Trumbull, John. Dedham mill, Essex, see Constable, John. Deer in the forest, see Bonheur, Rosa. De Haas, Maurice Frederick Hendrick, see Haas, M. F. H. de. Del Sarto, Andrea, see Sarto, Andrea del. Delphic sibyl, see Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Departure of the Mayflower, see Bayes, A. W. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 25 Descent from the cross, see Rubens, P. P. De Soto discovering the Mississippi, see Powell, W. H. Diana, see Correggio, A. A. da. Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse Virgille. Spring. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 190-95. Dicksee, Margaret Isabel. Child Handel. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 5: 33-41. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 45-8. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 6: 21-3' *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 64-6. Dicksee, Margaret Isabel. Young Handel, see her Child Handel. Dignity and impudence, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Diogenes in search of an honest man, see Rosa, Salvator. Distinguished member of the humane- society, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Divine shepherd, see Murillo, B. E. Doctor, see Fildes, Sir S. L. Don Baltasar Carlos on horseback, see Velasquez, D. R. de S. Prince Balthazar. Don Balthazar Carlos (boy standing by tree), see Velasquez, D. R.deS. Don Balthazar Carlos in hunting costume, see Velasquez, D. R. de S., Don Balthazar Carlos. Don Balthazar Carlos on horseback, see Velasquez, D. R. de S., Prince Balthazar. Don Balthazar Carlos, see Velasquez, D. R. de S., Prince Balthazar (boy on horseback). Donatello (Donate Belto di Bardi) (biography). Masters in art. 4: 191-204. Contains portrait. Donatello (Donate Belto di Bardi). Choristers, see his Sing- ing boys. Donatello (Donate Belto di Bardi). Singing boys (detail of Singing gallery). *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 243-8. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures, revised ed. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 46-7. Donatello (Donate Belto di Bardi). Singing gallery. *Mastersin art. 4:206-7. 26 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Douglas, Edwin. Jersey. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp.28, 29, 31. Douglas, Edwin. Mother and daughter. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2: 29-30. Dreaming of liberty, see White, Edwin. Drinking-trough, see Dupre, Jules. Duchess of Devonshire, see Gainsborough, Thomas. Dupre, Jules. Balloon. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 75-80. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 4:5-7. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 146-8. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 15. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 26-8. Dupre, Jules. Before the storm. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3: 33-5. Dupre, Jules. Drinking-trough. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2 : 25-7 . Dupre, Jules. Escaped cow. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Dupre, Jules. Haymakers. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 81-7. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Dupre, Jules. In the open country. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 152-5. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 198-9. Dupre, Jules. Mowers, see his Haymakers. Diirer, Albrecht (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 79-92. Masters in art. 2: pt. 3: 21-32. Contains portrait. Treats of his paintings. Masters in art. 5: 107-126. Contains portrait. Treats of his engravings. Diirer, Albrecht. Adoration of the magi. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 3: 37-8. *Schwartz, J . A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 90-97. Thausing, Moriz. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pictures, pp. 215-17.) INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 27 Dutch girl and her cat, see Hoecker, Paul, Girl with cat. Dyck, Sir Anthony Van, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Earl, Maud. I hear a voice. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Early Puritans of New England going to church, see Boughton, G. H., Pilgrims going to church. Eggleston, Benjamin. Dawn. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 9: 5-7. Eickemeyer, Rudolph. Whistling boy. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 93-5. 1814, see Meissonier, J. L. E. Elder, John. Robert Edward Lee. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 9: 1-3. Emancipation proclamation (statue), see Ball, Thomas. Embarkation of the Pilgrims, see Weir, R. W. Enchanted castle, see Lorrain, Claude. End of day, see Adan, L. E. End of labor, see Breton, J. A. End of the trail (statue), see Eraser, J. E. Equestrian portrait of Don Balthasar Carlos, see Velasquez, D. R. de S., Prince Balthazar. Equestrian statue of Bartolommeo Colleoni, see Verrocchio, Andrea, and Leopardi, Alessandro, Colleoni (statue). Ericson, Leif (statue), see Whitney, Anne, Leif Ericson (statue). Escaped cow, see Dupre, Jules. Evangeline, see Taylor, W. L. Falcon hunt, see Fromentin, Eugene. Farmyard, see Roll, A. P. Farquarson, Joseph. Leaving the hills. Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 180-82. Fascinating tale, see Ronner, H. K. Father Pestalozzi, see Grob, Konrad. Feeding her birds, see Millet, J. F. Feeding the hens, see Millet, J. F., Woman feeding hens. Feeding the sheep, see Jacque, C. E., Sheepfold. 28 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Ferruzzi, Roberto. Madonna. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 17-20. Ferruzzi, Roberto. Madonna and child, see his Madonna. Fiesole, Fra Giovanni, see Angelico, Fra. Fighting Temeraire, see Turner, J. M. W. Fildes, Sir Samuel Luke. Doctor. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 134-7. Filipepi, Alessandro di Mariana, see Botticelli, Sandro. Filling the water-bottles, see Millet, J. F. Finding of Christ in the temple, see Hunt, W. H. First music lesson. *Brewer, Orville. Picture studies. 1:12-13. First step, see Millet, J. F. Fishing vessels, Return of, see Mesdag, H. W., Return of the fishing vessels. Flight of Aeneas, see Raphael, Sanzio. Fog warning, see Homer. Winslow. Fool with a lute, see Hals, Frans, Jester. Forgotten, see Hardy, Hey wood. Four kittens, see Adam, Jules, Four little scamps are we. Four little scamps are we, see Adam, Jules. Fraser, James Earle. End of the trail (statue). *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. French, Daniel Chester. Concord minute man, see his Min- ute man. French, Daniel Chester. Alma mater. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 13: 1-4. French, Daniel Chester. John Harvard (statue). *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. French, Daniel Chester. Minute man (statue). *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 235-42. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 48-50. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 81-2. Friedland, see Meissonier, J. L. E. Frieze of the prophets, see Sargent, J. S. Hosea; Frieze of the prophets. Fromentin, Eugene. Falcon hunt. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 112-13. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 29 Fromentin, Eugene. Hunting with falcons. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 178-9. Fruit girls, see Murillo, B. E., Fruit venders. Fruit venders, see Murillo, B. E. Fujijama seen from the Tokaido, see Hokusai. Gainsborough, Thomas (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 96-110. Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 3: 162-4; 165-8; 220. Contains portrait. Masters in art. 2: pt. 11: 21-34. Contains portrait. Gainsborough, Thomas (criticism). Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 134-6. Gainsborough, Thomas. Blue boy. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 132-3. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 3: 170-72. *Hall, P. L. Great portraits; children, pp. 25, 55. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 11: 36. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 26-34. Gainsborough, Thomas. Duchess of Devonshire. *Bell, Mrs. Arthur. (In Singleton, Esther. Great por- traits, pp. 338-42.) *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 3: 172, 175. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 292-4. Gainsborough, Thomas. Lady Georgiana Spencer. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 3: 172-3. Gainsborough, Thomas. Master Buttall, see his Blue boy. Gainsborough, Thomas. Mrs. Siddons. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 3:166-7. *Jouin, Henry. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paintings. pp. 150-56.) *Masters in art. 2: pt. 11 : 35. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 112-13. Gainsborough, Thomas. Orpin, parish clerk of Bradford. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 3: 168, 169. *Masters in art. 2 : pt. 11: 34-5. 30 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Galahad, see Watts, G. F., Sir Galahad. Gardner, E. J., see Bouguereau, E. J. G. General Shermen (statue), see Saint Gaudens, Augustus. Geoffrey, Jean. Primary school of Brittany. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 3: 12-19. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 40, 43-4. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1: 1-3. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 27-8. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 12-14. Geoffroy, Jean. School in Brittany, see her Primary school of Brittany. Gerome, Jean Leon (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 111-12. Gerome, Jean Leon. Leash of hounds. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:9-14. Giant, see Michaelangelo Buonarroti, David (statue). Girl with cat, see Hoecker, Paul. (Les) glaneuses, see Millet, J. F., Gleaners. Gleaner, see Breton, J. A. Gleaners, see Millet, J. F. Going to work, see Millet, J. F. Golden autumn day, see Marcke, Emile van. Golden stairs, see Burne-Jones, Sir E. C. Good shepherd, see Murillo, B. E., Divine shepherd. Good shepherd, see Plockhorst, Bernhard. Gran'duca madonna, see Raphael, Sanzio, Madonna granduca. Great expectations, see Lejune, H. Greek girls playing at ball, see Leigh ton, Sir Frederick. Greuze, Jean Baptiste (biography). Masters in art. 5: 65-78. Contains portrait. Greuze, Jean Baptiste. Broken pitcher. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 3: 30-35. *Gautier, Thophile. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pic- tures, pp. 280-81.) *Masters in art. 5: 79. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 52, 57. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 31 Greuze, Jean Baptiste. La cruche cassee, see his Broken pitcher. Grob, Konrad. Father Pestalozzi *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 57-60. H Haas, Maurice Frederick Hendrick de. Moonlight. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 4: 17-19. Hals, Frans (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 125-7. Masters in art. 1 : pt. 11 : 21-36. Contains portrait. Roberts, M. E. Picture studies. Ser. 2: no. 1: 7-11. Contains portrait of himself and wife. Hals, Frans. Fool with a lute, see his Jester. Hals, Frans. Jester. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 10: 1-3. *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies. Ser. 2: no. 1: 24-5. Hals, Frans. Laughing cavalier. *Davies, Gerald S. (In Singleton, Esther. Great por- traits, pp. 1-5.) *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies. Ser. 2: no. 1: 14-15. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 294-5. Halt in the desert, see Schreyer, Adolf. Hancock, John, see Copley, J. S. Handel, Child, see Dicksee, M. I., Child Handel. Hardy, Heywood. Forgotten. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 107-11. Hardy, Heywood. Thoroughbred. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 30, 33. Harvard, John (statue), see French, D. C. Harvest moon, see Mason, G. H. Harvest time, see L'Hermitte, L. A. Hay harvest, see Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Haymaker, see Adan, L. E. Haymakers, see Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Hay harvest. Haymakers, see Dupre, Jules. 32 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Heads of angels, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Angels' heads. Helping hand, see Renouf, Emile. Hermes (statue), see Praxiteles. Herring, John Frederick. Pharoah's horses. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paintings. pp. 26-7. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 108-13. Herring, John Frederick. Three friends of a temperance society. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. Hiawatha, see Sewall, E. N. Highland shepherd's chief mourner, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Hobbema, Meindert (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 128-31. Hobbema, Meindert. Avenue, Middelharnis, Holland. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 130-31. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 6: 47-57. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Lafond, Paul. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pictures. pp. 88-92.) *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 54, 55, 57. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner pictures tudies. 9: 25-8. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 17072. Hoecker, Paul. Dutch Girl and her cat, see his Girl with cat. Hoecker, Paul. Girl with cat. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 8-9. *Brewer, Orville. Picture studies. 1 : 10-11. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 10-12. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools, pp. 71-2. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2: 1-3. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 102-4. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools, pt. 1: 10-11. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 33 Hofmann, Heinrich Joann. Christ among the doctors, see his Christ in the temple. Hofmann, Heinrich Joann. Christ and the doctors, see his Christ in the temple. Hofmann, Heinrich Joann. Christ and the rich young ruler. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 268-71. Hofmann, Heinrich Joann. Christ in Gethsemane. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 271-3. Hofmann, Heinrich Joann. Christ hi the temple. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 202-8. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 61-3. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 130-31. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 66, 67-8. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 265-8. VVertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 445. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 62-4. Hofmann, Heinrich Joann. Jesus as a boy in the temple, see his Christ in the temple. Hogarth, William (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 132-9. Masters in art. 3: pt. 10: 21-33. Portrait on back of plate X. Hogarth, William (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 213-15. Hogarth, William. Marriage a la mode, II, see his Marriage contract. Hogarth, William. Marriage contract. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 138-9. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 209-12. *Masters in art. 3: pt. 10: 34-5. Hokusai. Fujiyama seen from the Tokaido. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 342-4. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools, pt. 2: 17-24. 34 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Holbein, Hans, the younger (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 140-50. Masters in art. 1: pt. 4: 21-30. Contains portrait. Treats of his paintings. Masters in art. 3: pt. 3: 21-40. Treats of his portrait drawings at Windsor castle. Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 30, 32-3. Holbein, Hans, the younger. Madonna of the Meyer family, see his Meyer madonna. Holbein, Hans, the younger. Meyer madonna. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 60-61. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 4: 30-31. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 106-8. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 29-30. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 97-100. Holbein, Hans, the younger. Portrait of himself. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 108-9. Holman-Hunt, William, see Hunt, W. H. Holmes, G. A. Can't you talk? *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paintings. pp. 16-17. *Brewer, Orville. Picture studies. 1 : 6-7. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 1 : 48-52. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Powers, E. M. Stones of famous pictures. 1: 102-7. *Public school methods. 1 : 103-5. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 150-51. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1: 33-4. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 66-8. Holmes, G. A. Which do you like? *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 26, 29. Holy family, see Murillo, B. E. Holy family, see Rubens, P. P. Holy grail, see Abbey, E. A. Holy night, see Correggio, A. A. da. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 35 Homer, Winslow. Fog warning. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 7: 9-11. Homer, Winslow. Unruly calf. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 145-6. Homer and his guide, see Bouguereau, W. A. Hope, see Burne-Jones, Sir E. C. Horse fair, see Bonheur, Rosa. Horse shoer, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Shoeing the horse. Horses of Achilles, see Reynault, Henri. Automedon with the horses of Achilles. Hosea, see Sargent, J. S. Houdan, Jean Antoine. Washington (statue). *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Hovenden, Thomas. Breaking home ties. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 134-5. Hovenden, Thomas. Last moments of John Drown. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Hunt, William Holman (biography). *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know, pp. 151-63. *Masters in art. 9: 319-38. Contains portrait. Hunt, William Holman. Finding of Christ in the temple. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 131-8. Hunt, William Holman. Light of the world. *Ruskin, John. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paintings, pp. 224-6.) *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 252-5. Hunt, William Morris. Bugle-call, see his Bugler. Hunt, William Morris. Bugler. *Smith, E. M. Picture study in elementary schools, pp. 16, 17. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 8:9-12. Hunt, William Morris. June clouds. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 148-50. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 184-6. Hunted stag, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Hunting with falcons, see Fromentin, Eugene 36 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY I hear a voice, see Earl, Maud. Immaculate conception, see Murillo, B. E. In the open country, see Dupre, Jules. In the Uyeno park, see Outamaro, Kitagawa. Industry, see Veronese, Paul. Infant Samuel, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Inness, George (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 164-5. Masters in art. 9: 235-47. Contains portrait. Inness, George. Autumn gold. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 9: 33-5. Inness, George. Coming storm. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 160-66. *Masters in art. 9: 251-2. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Inter artes et naturam, see Chavannes, Puvis de. Interesting family, see Carter, S. J. Interior of a cottage, see Israels, Josef. Israel blessing the sons of Joseph, see Rembrandt H. Van Rijn, Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph. Israels, Joseph. Interior of a cottage. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Israels, Joseph. Little children of the sea. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 72-4. Israels, Joseph. Mother's cake. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 164-8. Ittenbach, Franz. Madonna and child. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 68-9. Jack in office, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph, see Rembrandt H. van Rijn. Jacob's dream, see Murillo, B. E. Jacque, Charles Emile. Feeding the sheep, see his Sheepfold. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 37 Jacque, Charles Emile. Sheepfold. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 121-2. "Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 26-9. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 162-3. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 45, 47, 49, 52. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 208-11. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 48-50. Jacque, Charles Emile. Shepherdess. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2: 37-9. James Otis arguing against the writs of assistance, see Reid, Robert. Japy, Louis Aime. September evening. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 40-41. Jeanne d'Arc, see Bastien-Lepage, Jules, Joan of Arc. Jersey, see Douglas, Edwin. Jester, see Hals, Frans. Jesus and John, see Murillo, B. E., Children of the shell. Jesus as a boy in the temple, see Hofmann, H. J., Christ in the temple. Joan of Arc, see Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Joan of Arc, see Nikolaki, Z. P. John Alden and Priscilla, see Boughton, G. H. John Hancock, see Copley, J. S. John Harvard, see French, D. C. John Wesley preaching to the Indians. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 48-9. Johnson, Eastman. Boyhood of Lincoln. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 86-9. Johnson, Eastman. Old Kentucky home. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Jones, Sir E. C. Burne-, see Burne-Jones, Sir E. C. June clouds, see Hunt, W. M. 38 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY K Kabyle, see Schreyer, Adolf. Kaulbach, Friedrich August von. Sunflowers. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1: 25-7. Kaulbach, Hermann. Pied Piper of Hamelin. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 4: 1-3. King Arthur, see Vischer, Peter, the younger. King Charles spaniels, see Landseer, Sir E. H. King Charles the first, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. King's wedding, see Burne-Jones, Sir E. C., Golden stairs. Knaus, Ludwig. Rest in flight. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 82-3. Knaus, Ludwig. Young kittens. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 82-5. Knight, Daniel Ridgway. Calling the ferryman. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 4: 37-8. Knights of the round table, or The siege perilous, see Abbey, E. A. Knitting lesson, see Millet, J. F. Kowalski, Alfred Wierusz von. Lone wolf. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 224-6. Kucharski, Alexandre. Countess Potocka, see his Countess Sophie Potocka. Kucharski, Alexandre. Countess Sophie Potocka. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 24-5. La. For titles beginning with this article, see the word following the article, e. g. La cruche cass6e, see Cruche. Lady Cockburn and her children and a macaw, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Lady Georgiana Spencer, see Gainsborough, Thomas. La Farge, John. Wolf charmer. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 143-5. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 8: 78-91. Lake, see Corot, J. B. C. Lake at Ville d'Avray, see Corot, J. B. C. Landing of Columbus, see Vanderlyn, John. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 39 Landing of the Pilgrims, see Rothermel, P. F. Landscape, see Corot, J. B. C, Spring. Landscape with mill, see Ruisdael, Jacob van, Windmill. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 166-78. Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 3: 56-65, 68, 74, 217-18. Cranston, N. P. Famous artists. 1 : 3-19. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 93-110. Contains portrait. Masters in art. 5: 191-203. Contains portrait. Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 202-3. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 62-3, 65. Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 136-9. Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children. pp. 91-2. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Alexander and Diogenes. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 7: 45-57. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 158-9. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Cat's paw. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, p. 102. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Connoisseurs. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 91-3. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Dignity and impudence. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 31-6. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Distinguished member of the humane society, see also My dog. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 3: 1-11. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 37-44. *Chutter, F. C. Art-literature readers. 3: 72-3. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 49-54. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1: 29-31. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 200-203. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 63. 40 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Highland shepherd's chief mourner. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 177-8. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 4: 13-22. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, p. 106. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 79-84. *Masters in art. 5 : 203-4. *Ruskin, John. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paintings. pp. 130-33.) *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 206-8. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 139-144. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Horse shoer, see his Shoeing the horse. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Hunted stag. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 67-72. *Masters in art. 5:208-9. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Jack in office. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 3: 70-71. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 73-8. *Masters in art. 5: 208. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. King Charles spaniels. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 1-6. *Masters in art. 5 : 204. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Lion of the Nelson monument (statue) . *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, p. 139. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 85-90. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Member of the royal humane society, see his Distinguished member of the humane society. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Monarch of the glen. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 19-24. *Masters in art. 5: 206. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. My dog. Based on Distin- guished member of the humane society. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 57-8. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Naughty child. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 55-60. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 41 Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Odin. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1 : 40-43. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Old shepherd's chief mourner, see his Highland shepherd's chief mourner. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Peace. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 37-42. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Piper and a pair of nut-crackers. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. \\Vrtz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 11-13. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Red deer of Chillingham. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 54-60. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Saved. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 4: 31-42. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Public school methods. 1: 291-2. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 204-5. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Shepherd's bible. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 21-3. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Shepherd's chief mourner, see his Highland shepherd's chief mourner. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Shoeing the bay mare, see his Shoeing the horse. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Shoeing the horse. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, p. 138. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 2: 1-12. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 45-53. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 29-31. "Kuril, E. M. Landseer. pp. 7-12. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 64, 69. *Public school methods. 2: 416-18. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. p. 32, 33-4. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2: 13-15. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 130-32. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 51-2. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Sick monkey. *M asters in art. 5: 205-6. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 156-8. 42 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Sleeping bloodhounds. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 61-6. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 34-9. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Squirrels, see his Piper and a pair of nut-crackers. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Suspense. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 58-60. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. "Kuril, E. M. Landseer. pp. 13-18. *Masters in art. 5 : 207-8. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Twa dogs. "Chutter, F. G. Art-literature readers. 3: 66-8. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer. pp. 22-30. *Masters in art. 5: 204-5. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. War. *Hurll, E. M. Landseer.. pp. 43-8. Lark, see Breton, J. A., Song of the lark. Las. For titles beginning with this article, see the word following the article, e. g. Las meninas, see Meninas. Last judgment, see Michaelangelo, Buonarroti. Last moments of John Brown, see Hovenden, Thomas. Last supper, see Vinci, Leonardo da. Laughing cavalier, see Hals, Frans. Lavinia, see Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Lawrence, Sir Thomas (biography). Masters in art. 8 : 23-35. Contains portrait. Lawrence, Sir Thomas. Calmady children. *Masters in art. 8: 39. Lawrence, Sir Thomas. Nature, see his Calmady children. Le. For titles beginning with the article le, see the word following the article, e. g., Le printemps, see Prin temps. Leash of hounds, see Gerome, J. L. Leaving the hills, see Farquarson, Joseph. Lebrun, Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigee (biography). Masters in art. 6: 107-20. Contains portrait. Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 39-40. Lebrun, Marie Elisabeth Vigee. Madame Lebrun and her daughter. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 111-12. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 3: 36-43. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. IXDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 43 Lebrun, Marie Elisabeth Vigee. Continued. *Hall, P. L. Great portraits; children, pp. 42, 45. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 48-9. *Masters in art. 6: 122. *Michel, Andre. (In Singleton, Esther. Great portraits. pp. 307-13.) *Moore, Mrs. N. H. (W.), Children of other days. pp. 64-5. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 69-71. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures, pp. 86-91. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 96-7. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 61-8. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 40-42. \Vertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 47-8. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 3-7. Lebrun, Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigee. Mother and child, see her Madame Lebrun and her daughter. Lebrun, Marie Elisabeth Vigee. Mother and daughter, see her Madame Lebrun and her daughter. Lebrun, Vigee, see Lebrun, M. E. V. Lee, Robert Edward, see Elder, John. Leif Ericson (statue), see Whitney, Anne. Leighton, Sir Frederick (biography). Masters in art. 9: 149-59. Contains portrait. Leighton, Sir Frederick. Captive Andromache. *Masters in art. 9: 162-3. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 71-2. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 13: 25-8. Leighton, Sir Frederick. Greek girls playing at ball. *Masters in art. 9: 163-4. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 10:25-8. Le June, H. Great expectations. *Brewer. Picture studies. 1 : 2-3. Leonardo da Vinci, see Vinci, Leonardo da. Leopardi, Allessandro, and Verrocchio, Andrea. Colleoni (statue). *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 69-71. *Masters in art. 6:414-5. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 9: 9-11. 44 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Leopardi, Alessandro, and Verrocchio, Andrea. Equestrian statue of Bartolommeo Colleoni, see their Colleoni (statue). Lepage, Jules Bastierf-, see Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Lerolle, Henri. Arrival of the shepherds. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1 : 44-9. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 74-5. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5: 33-5. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 26-9. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 32-3. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1:56-7. Lerolle, Henri. By the river. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 10: 17-19. Lerolle, Henri. Nativity, see his Arrival of the shepherds. Lerolle, Henri. Shepherdess. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 30-31. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 73-4. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 152-3. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 4: 29-31. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 132-4. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 60-61. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 42-4. Lerolle, Henri. Shepherdess and sheep, see his Shepherdess. Les. For titles beginning with this article, see the word following the article, e. g. Les glaneuses, see Glan- I euses. Lesson in boat building, see Bacon, Henry. Leutze, Emmanuel. Washington crossing the Delaware. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 75-6, 81-2. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 8: 21-4. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 316-18. Lexington, Battle of, see Bicknell, A. H. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 45 L'Hermitte, Leon Augustine. Harvest time. *\Yilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 24-5. Light of the world, see Hunt, W. H. Lincoln (statue), see Saint Gaudens, Augustus. Lincoln, Boyhood of, see Johnson, Eastman. Lion, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Lion of the Nelson monument. Lion family, see Bonheur, Rosa, Lions at home. Lion of Lucerne, see Thorwaldsen, A. B. (Bertel). Lion of the Nelson monument, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Lions at home, see Bonheur, Rosa. Little brother, see Meyer von Bremen, J. G. Little children of the sea, see Israels, Josef. Little scholar, see Bouguereau, W. A. Lone wolf, see Kowalski, A. W. von. Lorrain, Claude (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 179-82. Masters in art. 6:359-78. Lorrain, Claude (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, p. 81-3. Lorrain, Claude. Enchanted castle. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 7581. Lost, see Schenck, A. F. A. Lost piece of money, see Millais, J. E. Parable of the lost piece of money. Louise, Queen, see Richter, G. K. L. Queen Louise. M Maas, Nicholas, see Maes, Nicholas. Maccari, Cesare. Cicero's oration against Catiline. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 12: 29-32. Macneil, Hermon A. Adventurous bowman. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Madam Lebrun and her daughter, see Lebrun, M. L. E. V., Madame Lebrun and her daughter. Madam Recamier, see David, J. L. Madam Vigee Lebrun and her daughter, see Lebrun, M. L. E. V., Madame Lebrun and her daughter. Madame Lebrun and her daughter, see Lebrun, M. L. E. V. 46 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Madonna, see Bouguereau, W. A., Virgin, infant Jesus and St. John. Madonna, see Cimabue, G. C. (?) Madonna, see Ferruzzi, Roberto. Madonna and child, see Bodenhausen, Cuno von. Madonna and child, see Dagnan-Bouveret, P. A. J. Madonna and child, see Ferruzzi, Roberto, Madonna. Madonna and child, see Ittenbach, Franz. Madonna and child, see Max, Gabriel. Madonna and child, see Memling, Hans. Madonna and child, see Murillo, B. E., Mother and child, Corcini palace. Madonna del sacco, see Sarto, Andrea del, Madonna of the sack. Madonna della sedia, see Raphael Sanzio, Madonna of the chair. Madonna enthroned, see Cimabue, G. C. (?) Madonna Granduca, see Raphael Sanzio. Madonna of the arbor, see Dagnan-Bouveret, P. A. J., Madonna and child. Madonna of the chair, see Raphael Sanzio. Madonna of the fish, see Raphael Sanzio. Madonna of the Grand Duke, see Raphael Sanzio, Madonna Granduca. Madonna of the grotto, see Vinci, Leonardo da, Madonna of the rocks. Madonna of the lily, see Vinci, Leonardo da. Madonna of the Louvre, see Botticelli, Sandro. Madonna of the Meyer family, see Holbein, Hans, the younger, Meyer madonna. Madonna of the rocks, see Vinci, Leonardo da. Madonna of the sack, see Sarto, Andrea del. Madonna, Meyer, see Holbein, Hans, the younger, Meyer madonna. Madonna, Sistine, see Raphael Sanzio, Sistine madonna. Maes, Nicolaas (biography). Masters in art. 9: 107-26. Maes, Nicolaas. Spinner. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 61-7. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 62, 63, 65. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 47 Maes, Nicolaas. Continued. \\Vrtz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 59-60. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 45-6. Maids of honor, see Velasquez, D. R. de S. Man with the hoe, see Millet, J. F. Marcke, Emile Van. Golden autumn day. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3 : 25-7. Marcke, Emile Van. Water-gate. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 7: 29-31. Mares of Diomedes, see Borglum, J. G. de la M. Mariano, Fortunay. Arab at prayer. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 217-22. Marriage a la mode, II, see Hogarth, William, Marriage con- tract. Marriage contract, see Hogarth, William. Mason, George Hemling. Harvest moon. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 123-6. Master Buttall, see Gainsborough, Thomas, Blue boy. Mauve, Anton. Autumn, see his Sheep; autumn. Mauve, Anton. Sheep; autumn. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 6: 72-7. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 30-36. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 10: 33-5. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 185-8. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 83-4. Mauve, Anton. Sheep ; spring. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 6: 68-72. *Merritt v L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools, pp. 52, 5?, 59. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 10: 29-31. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 188-90. Max, Gabriel. Madonna and child. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 72-3. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 69-70. Medea and Venus, see Titian (Tiziano Vecelloi). Meeting, see Bashkirtsev, M. K. 48 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 188-93. Masters in art. 5: 359-71. Contains portrait. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 127-9. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. 1814. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 110-12. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. Friedland. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 122-7. *M asters in art. 5:373-4. Melon eaters, see Murillo, B. E. Member of the royal humane society, see Landseer, Sir E. H., Distinguished member of the humane society. Memlinc, Hans, see Memling, Hans. Memling, Hans (biography). Masters in art. 6: 317-336. Memling, Hans. Madonna and child. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 58-9. (Las) meninas, see Velasquez, D. R. de S., Maids of honor. Mesdag, Henrick Willem. Return of the fishing vessels. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paintings. pp. 20-21. Meyer madonna, see Holbein, Hans, the younger. Meyer, von Bremen, Johann Georg. Birthday morning. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 12-15. Meyer, von Bremen, Johann Georg. Little brother. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1: 37^9. Meyer, von Bremen, Johann Georg. Pet bird. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 6-11. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 154-5. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 76-7, 78. Michaelangelo Buonarroti (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 15-31. Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 80-111. Contains portrait. For other material see contents. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 49 Michaelangelo, Buonarroti. Continued. Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 80-111. Contains portrait. For other material see contents. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists. 27-44. Contains portrait. Kuril, E. M. Michelangelo, p, x-xx. Portrait frontis- piece. Masters in art. 2: pt. 4: 21-34. Contains portrait. Treats of his sculpture only. Michaelangelo Buonarroti (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 184-9. Hurll, E. M. Michelangelo, p. vii-x, xx-xxii. Masters in art. 2: pt. 5: 21-34. Contains portrait. Treats of his paintings only. Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Angel with candelabrum (statue) . *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3 : 105-6. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 105-6. Michaelangelo Buonarroti. David (statue). *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 249-58. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 112-17. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 112-17. *Horne and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 35-6. *Hurll, E. M. Michelangelo, pp. 7-12. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 4: 34-5. YVertz, A. P. Outline in picture study, pp. 93-4. Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Delphic sibyl. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 76-7. *Hurll, E. M. Michelangelo, pp. 61-6. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 13: 33-6. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:80-87. Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Giant, see his David (statue). Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Last judgment. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 136-9. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 136-9. *Hurll, E. M. Michelangelo, pp. 85-90. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 5: 37-40. Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Moses (statue). *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 130-34. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 130-34. 50 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Continued. *Hurll, E. M. Michelangelo, pp. 19-24. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 4: 39-40. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Public school methods. 6: 476-80. Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Pieta (statue). Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 33-5. *Hurll, E. M. Michelangelo, pp. 31-6. *Masters in art. 2 : pt. 4 : 35. Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Sistine chapel. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 179-184. Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 126-9. Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 126-9. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 5: 34-7. Contains design of the ceiling (fold). Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Sleeping cupid (statue). Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 32-3. Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Statue of Moses, see his Moses (statue). Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Tomb of Julius (statue). *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 73-4. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 120-25. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 120-25. *Hurll, E. M. Michaelangelo. pp. 79-84. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 4: 37-9. Milkmaid, see Millet, J. F. Mill, see Rembrant Hermanszoon van Rijn. Mill, see Ruisdael, Jacob van. Windmill. Millais, John Everett (biography). Masters in art. 9: 445-64. Contains portrait. Millais, John Everett. Boyhood of Raleigh. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Millais, John Everett. Cherry ripe. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1 : 66-71. Millais, John Everett. Lost piece of money, see his Parable of the lost piece of money. Millais, John Everett. Parable of the lost piece of money. isey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 90-91. IXDKX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 51 Millais, John Everett. Princes in the tower. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 44- 53. Millet, Jean Francois (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 194-205. Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 5: 29-33; 35-8: 40-44. Contains portrait. Cranston, N. P. Famous artists, vol. 3. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 110- 36. Masters in art. 1: pt. 8: 21-32. Contains portrait. Millet, Jean Francois (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 220-23. Kuril, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 92-4. Por- trait for frontispiece. Millet, Jean Francois. Angelus. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 204-5. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 215-20. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 18-19. *Carpenter, F. L. Stones pictures tell. 6: 58-67. Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 26061. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 5: 53-5. *Horne and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 133-5. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 37-42. *Kent, C. A. Brewer's art studies, no. 5. *Masters in art. 1 : pt. 8: 33-4. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 82-3. *Public school methods. 4: 274. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 24-5. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 114-17. \Vertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 66. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 106-9. Millet, Jean Francois. Bringing home the newborn calf. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 119-20. 52 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Millet, Jean Francois. Buttermaker, see his Woman churn- ing. Millet, Jean Francois. Church at Greville. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 55-60. Millet, Jean Francois. Feeding her birds. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls, pp. 114-16. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 1 : 1-9. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 12-17. *Hurll,E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 35-6. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 49-54. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 84-5. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 16-21. *Public school methods. 2: 418-19. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 166-7. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 54-60. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools, pp. 35-7; 39. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1 : 5-8. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 42-5. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 19-21. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 134-5. Millet, Jean Francois. Feeding the hens, see his Woman feeding hens. Millet, Jean Francois. Filling the water bottles. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 43-8. Millet, Jean Francois. First step. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 2: 21-8. v *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 1-3. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 86-7. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1: 9-12. Millet, Jean Francois. Gleaners. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 5: 1-12. *Cartwright, Julia. (In Singleton, Esther. Modern paint- ^ ings. pp. 68-76.) *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 4-11. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 5: 44-6. IXDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 53 Millet, Jean Francois. Continued. *Horne and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 131. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 67-72. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 8: 34-5. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 87-8. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 22-4. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces in painting, pp. 109-114. \\Vrtz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 56-7. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 30-37. Millet, Jean Francois. Going to work. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 5: 39-40. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 1-6. *Masters in art. 1 : pt. 8: 33. Millet, Jean Francois. Knitting lesson. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Frangois Millet, pp. 7-12. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Millet, Jean Francois. Man with the hoe. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 85-91. Millet, Jean Francois. Milkmaid. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 73-8. Millet, Jean Francois. Planting potatoes, see his Potato planters. Millet, Jean Francois. Potato planters. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 13-18. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 8: 35. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 49-50. Millet, Jean Francois. Shepherdess. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. "Kuril, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 25-30. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 8: 33. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 20-22. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 120-22. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 49. "Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study for elementary schools. pt. 1 : 29-36. Millet, Jean Francois. Shepherdess knitting, see his Shep- herdess. 54 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Millet, Jean Francois. Sower. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 4: 1-12. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 18-25. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, p. 46. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 61-6. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 8: 32-3. * Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 93-4. ^--Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 12: 1-4. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 118-20. \Yertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 100-101. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 144-6. Millet, Jean Francois. Spring. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 170-72. Millet, Jean Francois. Water carrier, see his Milkmaid. Millet, Jean Francois. Woman churning. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 3: 20-29. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 79-84. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 26-7. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 200-201. Millet, Jean Francois. Woman feeding hens. *Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet, pp. 31-6. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 23. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 188-9. Millet, Jean Francois. Woman sewing by lamplight. *Hurll, E. M. Jena Francois Millet, pp. 19-24. *Masters in art. 1 : pt. 8: 33. Milton, Blind, see Munkacsy, Mihaly de., Blind Milton dic- tating Paradise Lost. Minute man, see French, D. C. Miraculous draught of fishes (tapestry), see Raphael, Sanzio. Miss Bowles, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Mrs. Sarah Siddons, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Mrs. Siddons, see Gainsborough, Thomas. Mrs. Siddons as the tragic muse, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Mrs. Sarah Siddons. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 55 Mob cap, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Penelope Boothby. Mona Lisa, see Vinci, Leonardo da. Monarch of the glen, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Monna Lisa, see Vinci, Leonardo da, Mona Lisa. Moonlight, see Haas, M. F. H. de. Morgan, Frederick. Tired gleaners. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3: 13-14. Morning in the highlands, see Bonheur, Rosa. Moses (statue), see Michaelangelo, Buonarroti. Mother and child, see Brush, G. de F. Mother and child, see Lebrun, M. L. E. V., Madame Lebrun and her daughter. Mother and child, see Toulmouche, August. Mother and child, Corcini palace, see Murillo, B. E. Mother and daughter, see Douglas, Edwin. Mother and daughter, see Lebrun, M. L. E. V., Madame Le- brun and her daughter. Motherhood, see Debat-Ponsan, E. B. Mother's care, see Israels, Joseph. Mowers, see Dupre, Jules, Haymakers. Munkacsy, Mihaly de. Blind Milton dictating Paradise Lost. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 13: 9-12. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 210-23. *Chutter, F. C. Art-literature readers. 4: 74-6, 82-4, 88-90, 92. Contains portrait. Hurll, E. M. Murillo, p. xiv-xvii, 91-3. Portrait, frontispiece. Masters in art. 1: pt. 10: 21-30. Contains portrait. Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, v. 1: no. 1: 7-11. Contains portrait. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban (criticism). Jarstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 42-7. Hurll, E. M. Murillo. pp. vii-xiv. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Angels' kitchen. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4: 84-6. *Hurll, E. M. Murillo. pp. 7-12. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Beggar boys, see his Melon eaters. 56 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Child Jesus as shepherd, see his Divine shepherd. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Children of the shell. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 4: 23-30. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4: 88. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 100-101. *-*Rurll, E. M. Murillo. pp. 49-54. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 10: 33. "~"*Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. ^Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no. 1: 22-3. *Schwartz, J . E. Famous pictures of children, pp. 1 12-19. -*Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 4: 25-7. *^*Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 74-7. Murijlo, Bartolome Esteban. Divine shepherd. -^asey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 196-201. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 10: 31. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 76-81. *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no. 1: 24-5. *Smith, E. M. Pictures for elementary schools, pp. 77-8. -^Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 82-3. \Yertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 58. Murillo, Barotlome Esteban. Fruit girls, see his Fruit venders. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Fruit venders. *^ *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4: 80-82. *Hurll, E. M. Murillo. pp. 61-6. ^Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no^l: 16- ITT Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Good shepherd, see his Divine shepherd. Murillo, Bartolome Esteem. Holy Family^ i.t *Merritt, L. E. Studies of /amous pictures. ^ *\Yilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elefrientary schools. pt. 1 : 70-73. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Holy family. 2. urll, E. M. Murillo. .np. %5-60. ^Jouin, Henry. (In Singlejon, ^Esther. Famous paintings, pp. 41-6.) "^---,. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 10: 30. *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no 1 : 26-7. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 66-8. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 57 Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Continued. ^Wcrtz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 15-17. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 56-9. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Immaculate conception. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 222-3. *Giron, Aime. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pictures. pp. 196-201.) *Hurll, E. M. Murillo. pp. 1-6. "Masters in art. 1 : pt. 10: 33. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Jacob's dream. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4:93-4. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Jesus and John, see his Chil- dren of the shell. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Madonna and child, see his Mother and child, Corcini palace. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Melon eaters. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 41-2, 43. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 83-4. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 50-51. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4:78-80. "Masters in art. 1 : pt. 10: 32. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. "Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no. 1: 14-15. ""Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 24-5. "Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 238-9. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Mother and child, Corcini palace. "Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4: 88-90. "Hurll, E. M. Murillo. pp. 25-30. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. St. Anthony, see his Vision of St. Anthony of Padua. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. St. John and the lamb. ,^-^fTerntt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Vision of St. Anthony of Padua. "Hurll, E. M. Murillo. pp. 67-72. "Masters in art. 1: pt. 10: 34. "Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. 58 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Continued. *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no. 1: 20-21. t, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3: 21-4. , O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 78-81. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 63-4. Music on the stairs, see Burne-Jones, Sir E. C., Golden stairs. My dog, see Landseer, Sir E. H. N Nativity, see Correggio, A. A. da, Holy night. Nativity, see Lerolle, Henri, Arrival of the shepherds. Nature, see Lawrence, Sir Thomas, Calmady children. Naughty child, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Nelson monument, Lion of, see Landseer, Sir E. H., Lion of the Nelson monument (statue). Newborn calf, see Millet, J. F., Bringing home the newborn calf. Night (detail), see Michaelangelo Buonarroti, Tomb of Julius (statue). Night watch, see Rembrandt Hermenszoon van Rijn. Nike of Samothrace, see Victory of Samothrace (statue). Nikolaki, Z. P. Joan of Arc. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 94-6. Norris, Elizabeth, see Sewell, E. N. (La) notte, see Correggio, A. A. da., Holy night. O Oakley, Violet. Perm's vision. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Odin, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Old Kentucky home, see Johnson, Eastman. Old monarch, see Bonheur, Rosa. Old shepherd's chief mourner, see Landseer, Sir E. H., High- land shepherd's chief mourner. On the alert, see Bonheur, Rosa. Opening of the Erie canal, see Turner, C. Y. Orpin, parish clerk of Bradford, see Gainsborough, Thomas. Otis, James, arguing against the writs of assistance, see Reid, Robert. Out for a sail, see Walden, Lionel. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 59 Outamaro, Kitagawa. In the Uyeno park. *\VniKT, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 337-41. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 226-34. Outskirts of the forest of Fontainebleau, sunset, see Rousseau, Theodore. Sunset in the forest of Fontainebleau. Oxen going to labor, see Troyon, Constant. Oxen going to their work, see Troyon, Constant, Oxen going to labor. Oxen plowing, see Bonheur, Rosa, Plowing in Nivernais. Oxen plowing, see Troyon, Constant. Palma, Giacomo, the older (biography). Masters in art. 6: 65-76. Contains portrait. Palma, Giacomo, the older. St. Barbara. *Masters in art. 6: 76-7. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 11 : 5-7. Parable of the lost piece of money, see Millais, J. E. Passini, Ludwig. Street scene. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 234. Pathway of life, see Bagg, H. H. Paul Revere's ride, see Cobb, Cyrus. Paul Revere's ride, see Reid, Robert. Peace, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Penelope Boothby, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Penn's treaty with the Indians, see West, Benjamin. Penn's vision, see Oakley, Violet. Pestalozzi, Father, see Grob, Konrad, Father Pestalozzi. Pet bird, see Meyer von Bremen, J. G. Pharaoh's horses, see Herring, J. F. Pied piper of Hamelin, see Kaulbach, Hermann. Pieta (statue), see Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Pilgrim exiles, see Bough ton, G. H. Pilgrims, Embarkation of, see Weir, R. W., Embarkation of the Pilgrims. Pilgrims going to church, see Bough ton, G. H. Pilgrims, Landing of, see Rothermel, P. F. Pioneer (statue), see Borglum, Solon. 60 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Piper and a pair of nut-crackers, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Pity (statue), see Michaelangelo Buonarroti, Pieta (statue). Planting potatoes, see Millet, J. F., Potato planters. Plockhorst, Bernhard. Christ blessing little children, see his Suffer little children to come unto me. Plockhorst, Bernhard. Good shepherd. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 274-6. Plockhorst, Bernhard. Suffer little children to come unto me. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 84-6. Plowing in Nivernais, see Bonheur, Rosa. Poccahontas, Portrait of, see Sully, Thomas. Ponson, E. B. Debat-, see Debat-Ponson, E. B. Portrait of an old woman, see Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Rijn. Portrait of Charles I, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, King Charles the first. Portrait of his mother, see Whistler, J. A. McN., Portrait of the painter's mother. Portrait of his two sons, see Rubens, P. P. Portrait of my mother, see Whistler, J. A. McN., Portrait of the painter's mother. Portrait of Pocahontas, see Sully, Thomas. Portrait of Rembrandt, see Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Rijn. Portrait of the artist's mother, see Whistler, J. A. McN., Por- trait of the painter's mother. Portrait of the painter's mother, see Whistler, J. A. McN. Portrait of Whistler's mother, see Whistler, J. A. McN., Por- trait of the painter's mother. Pot of Basil, see Alexander, J. W. Potato planters, see Millet, J. F. Potocka, Countess, see Kucharski, Alexandre, Countess Sophie Potocka. Potocka, Countess Sophie, see Kucharski, Alexandre, Countess Sophie Potocka. Potter, Paul (biography). Masters in art. 3 : pt. 7 : 21-36. Potter, Paul. Bull, see his Young bull. Potter, Paul. Prairie. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools, pp. 56, 59-60. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 61 Potter, Paul. Young bull. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 106-7. *Fromentin, Eugene. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pic- tures, pp. 256-61.) *Masters in art. 3: pt. 7: 36-7. *\Yilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 208-13. Powell, William Henry. De Soto discovering the Mississippi. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Poynter, Sir Edward John. Atalanta's race. Tillinghast. A. W. Turner picture studies. 1 1 : 29-32. Prairie, see Potter, Paul. Praxiteles (biography). Masters in art. 3: pt. 9: 21-32. Praxiteles. Hermes (statue). *Masters in art. 3: pt. 9: 33-4. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 10 : 37-40. Prayer in the desert, see Vernet, E. J. H. Presentation in the temple, see Carpaccio, Viltore, Angel with the lute (detail). Primary school of Brittany, see Geoffroy, Jean. Prince Balthazar, see Velasquez, D. R. de S. Princes in the tower, see Millais, J. E. (Le) printemps, see Daubigny, C. F., Spring. Procession of Apis-Osiris, see Bridgman, F. A. Procession of the sacred bull Apis, see Bridgman, F. A., Pro- cession of Apis-Osiris. Prophets, see Sargent, J. S., Frieze of the prophets. Puritan (statue), see Saint Gaudens, Augustus. Puritan's first winter in New England, see Boughton, G. H., Pilgrim exiles. Puritans going to church, see Boughton, G. H., Pilgrims going to church. Q Queen Louise, see Richter, G. K. L. Queen Louise and her two sons, see Steffeck, C. C. H. 62 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY R Raeburn, Sir Henry (biography). Masters in art. 6: 443-62. Contains portrait. Raeburn, Sir Henry. Boy and rabbit. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 69-71. Raleigh, Boyhood of, see Millais, J. E. Raphael Sanzio (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 224-38. Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers, vol. 3. See contents. Contains portrait. Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists. See contents. Contains portrait. Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. xi-xvii. Portrait frontis- piece. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 7-27. Contains portrait. Masters in art. 1: pt. 12: 21-30. Contains portrait. Treats of his easel pictures. Masters in art. 4: 149-68. Contains portrait. Treats of his frescos. Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 8-9. Contains portrait. Raphael Sanzio (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 153-6. Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. vii-x. Raphael Sanzio. Flight of Aeneas. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 70-73. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three artists, pp. 70-73. *Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. 73-8. Raphael Sanzio. Gran'duca madonna, see his Madonna Granduca. Raphael Sanzio. Madonna della sedia, see his Madonna of the chair. Raphael Sanzio. Madonna Granduca. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 32-5. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 32-5. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 12: 30. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 63 Raphael Sanzio. Madonna of the chair. *Carpenter, F. L. Stones pictures tell. 1: 27-34. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 58-63. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 58-63. *Gruyer, F. A. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paint- ings, pp. 102-11.) *Horne and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 16-18. *Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. 1-6. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 12: 31. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Public school methods. 2: 419-21. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 104-5. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 10-14. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 17-18. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 82-6. Raphael Sanzio. Madonna of the fish. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 46-9. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 46-9. *Gruyer, F. A. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paintings. pp. 134-49.) Raphael Sanzio. Miraculous draught of fishes (tapestry). *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals. pp. 75-7. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 24-7. *Cyr, E .M. Story of three great artists, pp. 24-7. *Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. 13-18. Raphael Sanzio. St. Cecilia. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 36-40. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 36-40. *Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. 49-54. Raphael Sanzio. St. Michael slaying the dragon. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 42-5. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 42-5. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 22 334 *Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. 79-84. Raphael Sanzio. Sistine madonna. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know, pp. 237-8. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 146-51, 153. 64 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Raphael Sanzio. Continued. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 22-3. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 259-60. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3 : 50-55. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 50-55. *Gruyer, F. A. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pictures. pp. 45-57.) *Horne and Scobey. Stones of great artists, pp. 18-21. "Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. 85-90. *Kent, C. A. Brewer's art studies, no. 7. *Masters in art. 1 : pt. 12: 33-4. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 96-8. *Public school methods. 4: 299-300. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. ^ 60-63. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 139- 44. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 79-80. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 2-8. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 17. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:88-93. Raphael Sanzio. Sketching the madonna della sedia. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 102-3. Raphael Sanzio. Transfiguration. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readings. 3: 76-9. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 76-9. *Hurll, E. M. Raphael, pp. 55-60. *Jameson, Mrs. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pictures. pp. 249-55.) *Masters in art. 1 : pt. 12: 35. Raphael Sanzio. Virgin of the fish, see his Madonna of the fish. Reading from Homer, see Alma-Tadema, Sir Laurens. Reading Homer, see Alma-Tadema, Sir Laurens, Reading from Homer. Recall of the gleaners, see Breton, J. A. Recamier, Madame, see David, J. L., Madame R6camier. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 65 Red deer of Chillingham, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Regnault, Henri. Automedon with the horses of Achilles. *Bryant, .L M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 115-17. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 98-9. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 10: 13-16. Regnault, Henri. Horses of Achilles, see his Automedon with the horses of Achilles. Reid, Robert. James Otis arguing against the writs of assis- tance. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Reid, Robert. Paul Revere's ride. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 239-52. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 44-64. Contains portrait. Hurll, E. M. Rembrandt, pp. xiv-xv. Portrait frontis- piece. Masters in art. 1: pt. 6:21-30. Contains portrait. Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 2: no. 2: 7-9. See also Portrait of Rembrandt. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 27-31. Hurll, E. M. Rembrandt, pp. vii-xii; xv-xvii. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Israel blessing the sons of Joseph, see his Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph. *Hurll, E. M. Rembrandt, pp. 7-12. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 77- 82. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Mill. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 38-40. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 193-6. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture sudy in elementary schools. pt. 2: 175-81. 66 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Night watch. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 249-52. Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 71-2. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 142-51. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. Conway, A. E., and Conway, Sir M.. Children's book of art. pp. 122-4. *Fromentin, Eugene. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pic- tures, pp. 124-37.) *Horne and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 60-62. *Hurll, E. M. Rembrandt, pp. 61-6. *Masters in art. 1 : pt. 6 : 31-2. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 100, 105-7. *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 2: no. 2: 20-21. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 86-7. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Portrait of an old woman. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 114-19. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 94-5. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 111-17. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Portrait of Rembrandt. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 25-7. *Hurll, E. M. Rembrandt, pp. 91-3. *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 2: no. 2: 10-11. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Sortie, see his Night watch. Rembrandt Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Sortie of the civic guard. see his Night watch. Rembrandt, Hermanszoon Van Rijn. Syndics. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 7: 22-31. *Hurll, E. M. Rembrandt, pp. 79-84. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 6: 33-4. *Michel, Emile. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paint- ings, pp. 282-9). *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 2: no. 2: 28-9. Reni, Guido (biography). Masters in art. 4:359-71. IN'DEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 67 Reni, Guido. Archangel Michael. "Masters in art. 4: 371-2. "Mi'rritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. \\Vrt/, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 77-9. Reni, Guido. Aurora. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 6-7. "Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 6: 36-46. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 178-86. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. "Constable, John. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pic- tures, pp. 118.) Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 27-8. . "Kent, C. A. Brewer's art sudies. no. 6. v "Masters in art. 4 : 374-5. Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, p. 107-8. "Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 142-3. . "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 9:29-32. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 245-8. \Vcrtz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 38-9. "Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 186-90. Reni, Guido. (?) Beatrice Cenci (so-called). "Masters in art. 4 : 372-3. "Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 144-5. "Shelley, P. B. (in Singleton, Esther. Great pictures, pp. 239-48.) Reni, Guido. St. Michael and the dragon, see his Archangel Michael. Renouf, Emile. Helping hand. "Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 12-13. "Brewer, Orville. Picture studies. 1 : 4-5. "Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 2: 37-42. "Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. "Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 108-9. "Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 98-101. "Public school methods. 2: 422-4. 68 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Renouf, Emile. Continued. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 146-7. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3: 29-31. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 62-4. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 34-5. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1:206-7. Repose in Egypt, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Rest in Egypt, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Rest in flight, see Knaus, Ludwig. Retour a la ferme, see Troyon, Constant, Return to the farm. Return from the market, see Troyon, Constant. Sheep re- turning from the market. Return of the fishing vessels, see Mesdag, H. W. Return of the gleaners, see Breton, J. A., Recall of the gleaners. Return of the Mayflower, see Boughton, G. H. Return to the farm, see Troyon, Constant. Reynolds, Sir Joshua (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 253-64. Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 2: 122-5, 128-9, 132-4, 156. Contains portrait. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 65-80. Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Reynolds, pp. x-xx, 91-4. Portrait frontispiece. Masters in art. 1: pt. 7: 21-31. Contains portrait. Reynolds, Sir Joshua (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 51-6. Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real ainmals. pp. 132-4. Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Reynolds, pp. vii-x. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Age of innocence. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 7:31. Singleton, Esther. Famous paintings, pp. 292-3. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 3: 37-9. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 50-53. *Stephens, F. G. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paint- ings, pp. 287-91.) Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Angels' heads. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 4-5. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY . 69 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Continued. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls, pp. 127-8. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 2: 13-20. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 263-4. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. . *Chutter, F. C. Art-literature readers. 2: 140, 141. *Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Reynolds, pp. 37-42. *Kent, C. A. Brewer's art studies, no. 2. *Mantz, Paul. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paintings, pp. 363-6.) * Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1:50-55. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2: 21-3. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 56-8. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 43-4. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Babes in the woods. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists, pp. 75-6. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Cherub choir, see his Angels' heads. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Heads of angls, see his Angels' heads. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Infant Samuel. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 53-5. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Lady Cockburn and her children and a macaw. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 133-4. *Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Reynolds, pp. 13-18. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Miss Bowles. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 1: 35-41. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, p. 88. *Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Reynolds, p. 19-24. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 56-9. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 100-101. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Mrs. Sarah Siddons. *Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Reynolds, pp. 31-6. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 7: 31-2. *Phillips, Claude. (In Singleton, Esther. Great por- traits, pp. 6-13.) Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Mob cap, see his Penelope Boothby. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Penelope Boothby. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 3: 56-65. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 2: 136-7. 70 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Continued. *Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Reynolds, pp. 1-6. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 98-100. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 99-101. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 125-33. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Simplicity. *Chutter, F. C. Art-literature readers. 2: 133-4. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Strawberry girl. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 47-50. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 2: 43-50. *Chutter, F. C. Art-literature readers. 2: 132. *Hale, P. L. Great portraits; children, pp. 55-6. *Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Reynolds, pp. 79-84. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 17- 25. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Tragic muse, see his Mrs. Sara Siddons. Richter, Gustav Karl Ludwig. Queen Louise. *Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paint- ings, pp. 28-9. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 110-11. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 296-8. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 145-7. Riecke, George A. E. Sunset glow. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 7: 13-14. Riviere, Briton. Circe and the companions of Ulysses. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 174-6. Riviere, Briton. Daniel in the lion's den. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 176-7. Robbia, Andrea Delia (biography). *Masters in art. 2: pt. 9: 24-34. Portrait opposite p. 21. Robbia, Andrea Delia. Bambino. *Hurll, E. M. Tuscan sculpture, pp. 55-60. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 9: 36-7. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 71 Roll, Alfred Philippe. Farmyard. *\Yilson, L. L. \V. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1>: 51-2. Ronner, Henriette Knip (criticism). Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 93. Ronner, Henriette Knip. Fascinating tale. *Brewer, Orville. Picture studies. 1: 14-16. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 2: 29-36. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1 : 92-7. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 160-61. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 64, 65, 67. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 122-4. Rosa, Salvator. Diogenes in search of an honest man. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 120-21. *\Yilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 91-7. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (biography). *Masters in art. 4: 485-96. Contains portrait. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Beata Beatrix. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 7: 76-92. *Masters in art. 4: 500-501. *Stephens, F. G. (In Singleton, Esther. Great portraits. pp. 264-270.) *Stephens, F. G. (In Singleton, Esther. Modern paint- ings, pp. 100-106.) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Blessed damozel. *Masters in art. 4: 498. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 132-3. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, p. 75-7. Rothermel, Peter Frederick. Landing of the Pilgrims. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 127-33. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 54-5. Rousseau, Theodore (biography). Masters in art. 8: 443-55. Contains portrait. Rousseau, Theodore (criticism). Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. 72 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Rousseau, Theodore. Outskirts of the forest of Fontaine- bleau, sunset, see his Sunset in the forest of Fontaine- bleau. Rousseau, Theodore. Sunset in the forest of Fontainebleau. *Masters in art. 8:455-6. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 109-10. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 147-51. Rubens, Peter Paul (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 265-82. Masters in art. 2: pt. 1 : 21-32. Contains portrait. Rubens, Peter Paul (criticism) . Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 172-6. Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 117-21. Contains portrait. Rubens, Peter Paul. Artist's two sons, see his Portrait of his two sons. Rubens, Peter Paul. Descent from the cross. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 17072. *Fronmetin, Eugene. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pic- tures, pp. 62-70.) *Masters in art. 2 : pt. 1 : 33. Rubens, Peter Paul. Holy family. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1 : 72-5. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 64-5. Rubens, Peter Paul. Portrait of his two sons. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 281-2. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 91-2. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 7: 58-67. Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 49-50. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 1 : 34. *Schwartz, J . A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 69-76. Rubens, Peter Paul. Rubens' sons, see his Portrait of his sons. Rubens' sons, see Rubens, P. P., Portrait of his two sons. Ruisdael, Jacob van (biography). Masters in art. 8: 65-77. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 73 Ruisdael, Jacob van. Cascade. *Masters in art. 8: 81. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 11 : 37-9. Ruisdael, Jacob van. Landscape with mill, see his Windmill. Ruisdael, Jacob van. Mill, see his Windmill. Ruisdael, Jacob van. View on the Rhine near Wyk-by- Duurstede, see his Windmill. Ruisdael, Jacob van. Windmill. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 5: 13-23. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 101-9. *Masters in art. 8: 78. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. * Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 111-12. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 58, 61, 63. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 8: 33-5. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 159-62. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 64-5. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 14-16. Ruisdael, Jacob van. Wooded landscape with waterfall, see his Cascade. Ruth and Naomi, see Calderon, P. H. Ruysdael, Jacob, see Ruisdael, Jacob van. Sacred and profane love, see Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Medea- and Venus. St. Anthony, see Murillo, B. E., Vision of St. Anthony of Padua. St. Anthony and the Christ child, see Murillo, B. E., Vision of St. Anthony of Padua. St. Barbara, see Palma, Giacomo (the older). St. Cecilia, see Raphael Sanzio. St. Christopher, see Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Saint Gaudens, Augustus. General Sherman (statue). *Bryant, L. M. Famous pcitures of real animals, pp. 147-8. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. 74 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Saint Gaudens, Augustus. Lincoln (statue) . *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 262-3. *Kent, C. A. Brewer's art studies, no. 1. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 9: 21-4. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 73-5. Saint Gaudens, Augustus. Puritan (statue). *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. St. John and the lamb, see Murillo, B. E. St. John the Baptist, see Sarto, Andrea del., Young St. John. St. Michael and the dragon, see Raphael Sanzio, St. Michael slaying the dragon. St. Michael and the dragon, see Reni, Guido, Archangel Michael. St. Michael slaying the dragon, see Raphael Sanzio. Sanzio, Raphael, see Raphael Sanzio. Sargent, John Singer (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 283-4. Sargent, John Singer. Frieze of the prophets. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 8: 29-55. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 221-34. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 330-34. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 96-7. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 130-33. See also his Hosea. Sargent, John Singer. Hosea. Detail of Frieze of the prophets. *Rydingsvard, A. M. Von. Art studies for schools. pp. 140-41. Sarto, Andrea del (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 3-14. Masters in art. 2: pt. 10: 21-33. Contains portrait. Sarto, Andrea del (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 161-3. Sarto, Andrea del. Madonna of the sack. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. p. 13. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 10: 35-6. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 75 Sarto Andrea del. Continued. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 4: 21-4. *\Yilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 87-91. Sarto, Andrea del. St. John the Baptist, see his Young St. John. Sarto, Andrea del. Young St. John. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 158-60. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 10: 37. Saved, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Schenck, August Frederick Albrecht. Lost. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 222-4. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 68-9. School in Brittany, see Geoffroy, Jean, Primary school of Brittany. Schreyer, Adolf. Arab scouts. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5: 13-15. Schreyer, Adolf. Halt in the desert. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 182-3. Schreyer, Adolf. Kabyle. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 180-82. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 70, 73, 75. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 218- 21. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1:222-6. Scratch pack, see Barber, C. B. Seeley, G. B. Taking a pilot. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 6: 25-7. Selling shell-fish, see Vernier, E. L. September, see Zuber, J. H. September evening, see Japy, L. A. Sewell, Elizabeth Norris. Hiawatha. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1: 13-15. Sheep; autumn, see Mauve, Anton. Sheep; spring, see Mauve, Anton. Sheep returning from the market, see Troyon, Constant. Sheepfold, see Jacque, C. E. Shenck, A. F. A., see Schenck, A. F. A. 76 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Shepherd and his flock, see Bonheur, Rosa. Shepherdess, see Jacque, C. E. Shepherdess, see Lerolle, Henri. Shepherdess, see Millet, J. F. Shepherdess and sheep, see Lerolle, Henri, Shepherdess. Shepherdess knitting, see Millet, J. F., Shepherdess. Shepherd's bible, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Shepherd's chief mourner, see Landseer, Sir E. H., Highland shepherd's chief mourner. Shepherd's star, see Breton, J. A. Sherman, General (statue), see Saint Gaudens, Augustus, General Sherman (statue). Sherman monument, see Saint Gaudens, Augustus, General Sherman (statue). Sherman on his horse, see Saint Gaudens, Augustus, General Sherman (statue.) Shoeing the bay mare, see Landseer, Sir E. H., Shoeing the horse. Shoeing the horse, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Sick monkey, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Siddons, Mrs., see Gainsborough, Thomas, Mrs. Siddons. Siddons, Mrs. Sarah, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Mrs. Sarah Siddons. Sifter of Colza, see Breton, J. A. Signing of the Louisiana purchase treaty (statue), see Bitter, Karl. Simplicity, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Singing boys, see Donatello (Donate Belto di Bardi). Singing gallery, see Donatello (Donate Belto di Bardi). Sir Galahad, see Watts, G. F. Sistine chapel, see Michealangelo Buonarroti. Sistine madonna, see Raphael Sanzio. Sketching the Madonna della sedia, see Raphael Sanzio. Sleeping bloodhounds, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Sleeping Cupid (statue), see Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Song of the lark, see Breton, J. A. Sortie, see Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Rijn, Night watch. Sortie of the civic guard, see Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Rijn, Night watch. Sower, see Millet, J. F. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 77 Spaniels of King Charles breed, see Landseer, Sir E. H., King Charles spaniels. Spinner, see Maes, Nicholas. Spirit of 76, see Willard, A. M. Spitzer, E. Teacher is coming. *Brewer, Orville. Picture studies. 1: 8-9. Spring, see Corot, J. B. C. Spring, see Daubigny, C. F. Spring, see Diaz de la Pena, N. V. Spring, see Mauve, Anton, Sheep; spring. Spring, see Millet, J. F. Squirrels, see Landseer, Sir E. H., Piper and a pair of nut- crackers. Statue of David, see Michaelangelo Buonarroti, David (statue). Statue of Moses, see Michaelangelo Buonarroti, Moses (statue). Steffeck, Carl C. H. Queen Louise and her two sons. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner pictuer studies. 5: 21-4. Strawberry girl, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Street scene, see Passini, Ludwig. Stuart, Baby, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, Baby Stuart. Stuart, Gilbert (biography). Masters in art. 7: 23-35. Contains portrait. Stuart, Gilbert. Washington. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Masters in art. 7 : 35-6. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 322-5. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 52-3. Suffer little children to come unto me, see Plockhorst, Bern- hard. Sully, Thomas. Portrait of Pocahontas. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Summer evening, see Adan, L. E. Sunflowers, see Kaulbach, F. A. von. Sunset glow, see Riecke, G. A. E. Sunset in the forest of Fontainebleau, Rousseau, Theodore. Surrender of Burgoyne, see Trumbull, John. Surrender of Cornwallis, see Trumbull, John. Suspense, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Syndics, see Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Rijn. Syndics of the cloth guild, see Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Rijn. Syndics. 78 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Tadema, Sir Laurens Alma-, see Alma-Tadema, Sir Laurens. Taf t, Lorado. Black Hawk (statue) . *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Taking a pilot, see Seeley, G. B. Taylor, William Ladd. Evangeline. "Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 8: 96-107. Teacher is coming, see Spitzer, E. Terriers, David, the younger (biography) . Masters in art. 8 : 275-94. Terriers, David, the younger (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 207-8. Teniers, David, the younger. Alchemist. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 202-5, 206-7. Ter Borch, Gerard, see Terburg, Gerard. Terburg, Gerard (biography). Masters in art. 2: pt. 8: 21-34. Contains portrait. Terburg, Gerard. Apple-parer (or peeler), see his Woman peeling apples. Terburg, Gerard. Woman peeling apples. *Masters in art. 2 : pt. 8 : 37-8. Thoroughbred, see Hardy, Heywood. Thorwaldsen, Albert Bartholomew (Bertel), Lion of Lucerne. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 91-3. Three friends of a temperance society, see Herring, J. F. Tired gleaners, see Morgan, Frederick. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 291-307. Hurll, E. M. Titian, pp. xi-xviii, 91-3. Pbrtrait frontispiece. Masters in art. 1: pt. 2: 21-31. Contains portrait. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 118-22. Hurll, E. M. Titian, pp. vii-xi. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) Artist's daughter, Lavinia, see his Lavinia. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Assumption of the Virgin. *Gautier, Theophile. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pic- tures, pp. 119-23.) INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 79 Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Continued. *Hurll, E. M. Titian, pp. 67-72. *Masters in art. 1: pt. 2: 32. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 86-8. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 100-106. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Charles V on his horse. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals. pp. 77-8. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Christ of the tribute money, see his Tribute money. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Lavinia. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. p. 307. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. p. 29. *Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. (In Singleton, Esther. Great portraits, pp. 146-51.) *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 46-8. *Hurll, E. M. Titian, pp. 37-42. *Masters in art. 1 : pt. 2 : 34. Titian (Tiazino Vecellio). Medea and Venus. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 113-18. *Hurll, E. M. Titian, pp. 55-60. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Sacred and profane love, see his Medea and Venus. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). St. Christopher. *Hurll, E. M. Titian, pp. 31-6. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 120- 30. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Tribute money. *Hurll, E. M. Titian, pp. 43-8. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies in schools, pp. 88-9. Titian's daughter, Lavinia, see his Lavinia. Tomb of Giuliano, see Michaelangelo Buonarroti, Tomb of Julius (statue). Tomb of Julius (statue, see Michaelangelo Buonarroti. Toulmouche, Auguste. Mother and child. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 1: 21-2. 80 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Tragic muse, see Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Mrs. Sara Siddons. Train "Here it comes," see Birney, W. V. Transfiguration, see Raphael Sanzio. Tribute money, see Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Troyon, Constant. By the river. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 178-9. Troyon, Constant. Oxen going to labor. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 122-3. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 5: 68-76. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 14-15. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 150-52. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2:27-9. Troyon, Constant. Oxen going to their work, see his Oxen going to labor. Troyon, Constant. Oxen plowing. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5: 29-31. Troyon, Constant. Return to the farm. *Blanc, Charles. (In Singleton, Esther. Modern paint- ^ ings. pp. 84-91.) *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 2: 51-5. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 94-100. *Merritt, L E. Studies of famous pictures. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 4: 9-11. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 174-7. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 29-30. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 22-3. Troyon, Constant. Sheep returning from the market. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 123-4. Trumbull, John (biography). Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 320, 322. Trumbull, John. Declaration of Independence. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 319- 20. Trumbull, John. Surrender of Burgoyne. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 81 Trumbull, John. Surrender of Cornwallis. *MiTritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Turner, Charles Yeardley. Opening of the Erie canal. "'Merrill. L. I'.. Studies of famous pictures. Turner, Joseph Mallord William (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 308-25. Masters in art. 3 : pt. 1 1 : 21-33. Turner, Joseph Mallord William (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 96-101. Turner, Joseph Mallord William. Caligula's palace and bridge. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 122-4. Turner, Joseph Mallord William. Fighting Temeraire. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 324-5. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 93-6. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 7: 1-10 *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 152-9. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Conway, A. E., and Conway, Sir M. Children's book of art. pp. 176-7, 179, 181, 184, 186. *Masters in art.' 3: pt. 11: 36. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 112, 117. *Ruskin, John. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pictures. pp. 306-12.) *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 124-5. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 9: 13-16. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 256-60. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 88-90. *\\ ilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 109-15. Twa dogs, see Land seer, Sir E. H. Two mothers, see Bouguereau, E. J. G., Two mothers and their families. Two mothers and their families, see Bouguereau, E. J. G. u Unruly calf, see Homer YVinslow. 82 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Vanderlyn, John. Landing of Columbus. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 326-7. Hurll, E. M. Van Dyck. pp. xiv-xviii, 91-2. Portrait frontispiece. Masters in art. 1 : pt. 1 : 21-36. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 20-24. Hurll, E. M. Van Dyck. pp. vii-xiii. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Baby Stuart. Detail of Children of Charles I. * Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 117-19. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1 : 26-9. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 90-91. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 58-61. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 18-19. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 122-5. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Charles-1, see his King Charles the first. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Charles I and his horse. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, p. 98. *Guiffrey, Jules. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paint- ings, pp. 112-17.) See also King Charles the first. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Charles, prince of Wales. Detail of Children of Charles I. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, p. 106. *Hurll, E. M. Van Dyck. pp. 49-54. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Children of Charles I. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 336-7. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 93-5, 99. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories" pictures tell. 1: 1.0-20. *Guiffrey, Jules (In Singleton, Esther. Great pictures, pp. 300-305.) INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 83 Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Continued. *Knackfuss, H. (In Singleton, Esther. Great portraits. pp. 249-51.) *Moore, Mrs. N. H. (W.) Children of other days. pp. 36-7. *Public school methods. 2 : 421-2. *Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1: 30-33. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 8-16. See also Baby Stuart; Charles, prince of Wales. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. King Charles the first. *Hurll, E. M. Van Dyck. pp. 37-42. *Knackfuss, H. (In Singleton, Esther. Great portraits. pp. 34-42.) Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 11: 21-4. See also Charles I and his horse. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Repose in Egypt. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Hurll, E. M. Van Dyck. pp. 7-12. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 84-5. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 55-6. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Rest in Egypt, see his Repose in Egypt. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. William II of Nassau. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 17, 19-20. *Conway, A. E., and Conway, Sir M. Children's book of art. p. 146. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, William II of Orange, see his William II of Nassau. Van Ruisdael, Jacob, see Ruisdael, Jacob van. Veccio, Giacomo Palma il, see Palma, Giacomo, the older. Vecchio, Guido da, see Angelico, Fra. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 338-50. Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 80-83. Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4:142-50. Con- tains portrait. Masters in art. 1 : pt. 3: 21-31. Contains portrait. Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no. 2: 7-11. Contains portrait. 84 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 37-40. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva. Aesop. *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1 : no. 2: 22-3. *\Vilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1 : 47-9. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva. Don Balthazar Carlos (Boy standing by tree). *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser: 1: no. 2: 16-17. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 92-3. See also Prince Balthazar. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva. Don Balthazar in hunting costume, see his Don Balthazar Carlos. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva, Don Balthazar on horseback, see his Prince Balthazar. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva. Equestrian portrait of Don Balthazar Carlos, see his Prince Balthazar. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva. Maids of honor. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 47-9. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4: 154-9. Conway, A. E., and Conway, Sir M. Children's book of art. p. 162. *Hale, P. L. Great portraits; children, p. 41. *Justi, Carl. (In Singleton, Esther. Famous paintings pp. 269-81.) *Masters in art. 1 : pt. 3 : 33. *Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no. 2: 20-21. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 35- 43. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva. Las menmas^see his Maids of honor. Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva. Prince Balthazar (Boy on horseback). *Armstrong, Sir Walter. (In Singleton, Esther. Great portraits, pp. 23-7.) *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 349-50. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 32-4. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. pp. 45-7. IXDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 85 Velasquez, Diego Rodriquez de Silva. Continued. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 265-6. "Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Chutter, F. E. Art-literature readers. 4: 152-4. *Conway, A. E., and Conway, Sir M. Children's book of art. pp. 154, 156, 160-61. *Hurll, E. M. How to show pictures to children, pp. 31-3. "Masters in art. 1: pt. 3: 32. "Roberts, M. E. Picture studies, ser. 1: no. 2: 18-19. "Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. 1 : 60-65. "Tillinghast, A. W/ Turner picture studies. 4: 13-15. "Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 96-9. \Yertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 45-6. *\Yilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 1: 97-108. See also Don Balthazar Carlos. Vernet, Emile Jean Horace. Prayer in the desert. "Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 184-5. Vernier, Emile Louis. Selling shell fish. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5: 1-3. Veronese, Paul (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 351-5. Masters in art. 5: 443-62. Contains portrait. Veronese, Paul. Industry. "Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 46-8. Verrocchio, Andrea (biography). Masters in art. 6: 401-11. Contains portrait. Verrocchio, Andrea, and Leopardi, Alessandro. Colleoni (statue). "Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 69- 71. "Masters in art. 6:414-15. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 9: 9-11. Verrocchio, Andrea, and Leopardi, Alessandro. Equestrian statue of Bartolommeo Colleoni, see their Colleoni (statue). 86 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Victory of Samothrace (statue). *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 264-5. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 12: 25-7. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 99-100. View on the Rhine near Wyk-By-Duurstede, see Ruisdael, Jacob van, Windmill. Vinci, Leonardo da (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 356-65. Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 148-71. For other material see contents. Contains portrait. Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 148-71. For other material see contents. Contains portrait. Masters in art. 2: pt. 2: 2132. Contains portrait. Vinci, Leonardo da (criticism). Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 141-6. Vinci, Leonardo da. Last supper. *Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know. pp. 363-5. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 135-9. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 7: 32-44. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 209-20. *Casey, W. C. Studies of famous pictures. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 172-80. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 172-80. *Goethe, J. W. von. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pic- tures, pp. 289-99.) *Masters in art. 2 : pt. 2 : 36-7. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 119-22. *Public school methods. 6: 467-71. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 278-82. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 101-3. Vinci, Leonardo da. Madonna of the grotto, see his Madonna of the rocks. Vinci, Leonardo da. Madonna of the lily. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 56-7. Vinci, Leonardo da. Madonna of the rocks (Louvre). *Gautier, Theophile. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pic- tures, pp. 234-8.) INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 87 Vinci, Leonardo da. Continued. *Masters in art. 2: pt. 2: 34. *Schwartz, J. A. Famous pictures of children, pp. 105- 11. Vinci, Leonardo da. Madonna of the rocks (National gallery). *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3: 192-4. *Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists, pp. 192-4. "Masters in art. 2 : pt. 2 : 34-5. Vinci, Leonardo da. Mona Lisa. *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 139-41. "Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 5: 56-67. *Cyr, E. M. Graded art readers. 3 : 187. *Cyr, E. M. Three great artists, p. 187. *Hale, P. L. Great portraits; women, pp. 26, 32, 35, 36, 41. "Masters in art. 2: pt. 2: 33. "Pater, Walter. (In Singleton, Esther. Great pictures. pp. 142-53.) "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 13 : 29-32. "Vernier, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 289-91. "Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. pt. 2: 73-80. Vinci, Leonardo da. Virgin of the rocks, see his Madonna of the rocks. Vintagers, see Breton, J. A. Virgin and child with St. John, see Botticelli, Sandro, Madonna of the Louvre. Virgin, infant Jesus and St. John, see Bouguereau, W. A. Virgin of the fish, see Raphael Sanzio, Madonna of the fish. Virgin of the rocks, see Vinci, Leonardo da, Madonna of the rocks. Vischer, Peter, the younger. King Arthur. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 12: 17-20. Vision of St. Anthony of Padua, see Murillo, B. E. Vogel, Christian Lebrecht. Artist's sons, see his Brothers. Vogel, Christian Lebrecht. Brothers. "Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. "Moore, Mrs. N. H. (W.) Children of other days. pp. 62-3. Vogel, Christian Lebrecht. Children playing, see his Brothers. Von Bremen, J. G. Meyer, see Meyer von Bremen, J. G. 88 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY w Wagrez, Jacques Clement. Corner in Venice. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 168-9. Wake up, see Barber, C. B. Walden, Lionel. Out for a sail. ^Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 123-4. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 2: 5-7. \Var, see Landseer, Sir E. H. Washington, see Stuart, Gilbert. Washington (statue), see Houdon, J. A. Washington crossing the Delaware, see Leutze, Emmanuel. Washington resigning his commission, see Blashfield, E. H. Water-carrier, see Millet, J. F., Milkmaid. Water-gate, see Marcke, Emile van. Watts, George Frederick (biography). Masters in art. 6: 23-36. Contains portrait. Watts, George Frederick. Galahad, see his Sir Galahad. Watts, George Frederick. Sir Galahad. *Bryant, L. M. Famous pictures of real animals, pp. 140-2. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 6: 1-11. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 261-2. *Kent, C. A. Brewer's art studies, no. 8. *Masters in art. 6: 39. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 124, 129-31. *Smith, E. M. Picture study for elementary schools. pp. 24-5, 27. Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 6: 33-5. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 236-40. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 70-71. Weir, Robert Walter. Embarkation of the pilgrims. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Wesley, John, preaching to the Indians, see John Wesley preaching to the Indians. West, Benjamin (biography). Bacon, Dolores. Pictures every child should know, pp. 372-6. INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY 89 West, Benjamin. Death of Wolfe. *Bacorf T Dolores. Pictures every child should know. ^ pp. 375-6. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 8: 1-15. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools, pp. 118-19. *Venner, O. H. ''Masterpieces of painting, pp. 326-30. West, Benjamin. Penn's treaty with the Indians. *Public school methods. 2: 424-5. Whaleship homeward bound, see Bradford, William. * When did you last see your father? see Yeames, W.,F. Which do you like? see Holmes, G. A. Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (biography). Masters in art. 8: 485-95. Contains portrait. Whistler, James Abbott McNeill. Portrait of the painter's mother. *Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 8: 16-26. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 266-7. *Masters in art. 8: 498-9. *Moore, George. (In Singleton, Esther. Modern paint- ings, pp. 272-8.) *Moreau-Vauthier C. (In Singleton, Esther. Great por- traits, pp. 219-23.) *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 45-8. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 67-8. Whistling boy, see Eickemeyer, Rudolph. White, Edwin. Dreaming of liberty. *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Whitney, Anne. Leif Ericson (statue). *Merritt, L. E. Studies of famous pictures. Willard, Archibald M. Spirit of '76. *Gleason, M. F. Studies of famous pictures. *Packard, Edgar. Picture readings, pp. 131-3. *Smith, E. M. Picture study in elementary schools. pp. 12-13, 15. *Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 5: 9-11. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 312-15. William II of Nassau, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. William II of Orange, see Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, William II of Nassau. Willows, see Corot, J. P. C. 90 INDEX TO MATERIAL ON PICTURE STUDY Windmill, see Ruisdael, Jacob van. Winged victory of Samothrace (statue), see Victory of Samo- thrace (statue). Winter, see Burne-Jones, Sir E. C. Wolf charmer, see La Farge, John. Wolfe, Death of, see West, Benjamin. Woman churning, see Millet, J. F. Woman feeding hens, see Millet, J. F. Woman peeling apples, see Terburg, Gerard. Woman sewing by lamplight, see Millet, J. F. Wooded landscape with waterfall, see Ruisdael, Jacob van, Cascade. Yeames, William Frederick. When did you last see your father? *Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, pp. 13033. Young bull, see Potter, Paul. Young Handel, see Dicksee, M. I., Child Handel. Young kittens, see Knaus, Ludwig. Young St. John, see Sarto, Andrea del. Zimmermann, Ernest Karl Georg. Christ and the fishermen. "Tillinghast, A. W. Turner picture studies. 7: 33-5. Zuber, Jean Henri. September. *Casey, W. C. Masterpieces in art. pp. 167-71. *Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. pp. 30-31. *Venner, O. H. Masterpieces of painting, pp. 190-92. Wertz, A. P. Outlines in picture study, pp. 28-9. *Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools, pt. 1: 14-15. Books Indexed Bacon, Dolores. Pictures that every child should know. Doubleday, Page and Co. N. Y. 1908. Barstow, Charles L. Famous pictures. Cetnury Co. N. Y. 1913. Brewer, Orville. Collection of the most famous paintings. Brewer. Chicago. clOOl. Brewer, Orville. Picture studies, no. 1. Brewer. Chicago. c!906. Bryant, Lorinda Munson. Famous pictures of real animals. Lane. X. Y. 1918. Partially indexed. Bryant, Lorinda Munson. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. Lane. \. Y. c!912. Partially indexed. Carpenter, Flora L. Stories pictures tell. 8v. Rand, McNally and Co. Chicago. c!918. Casey, William C. Masterpieces in art. Flanagan. Chicago. c!915. Casey, William C. Studies of famous pictures, C. M. Parker. Taylor- ville, 111. n. d. Chutter, Frances Elizabeth. Art-literature readers, v. 2-5. Atkinson, Mentzer and Grover. Boston. c!905-12. Conway, Agnes Ethel, and Conway, Sir Martin. Children's book of art. Macmillan. N. Y. 1909. Partially indexed. Cranston, Nellie Petticrew. Famous artists, v. 1, 3. F. A. Owen Pub- lishing Co. Dansville, N. Y. c!910-13. Cyr, Ellen M. Graded art readers, v. 3. Ginn. Boston. c!906. Cyr, Ellen M. Story of three great artists. Ginn. Boston. 1908. This book is the same as the preceding. Gleason, Martin F. Studies of famous pictures. C. M. Parker. Taylor- ville, 111. n. d. Hale, Philip L. Great portraits: children. Bates and Guild Co. Boston. 1909. Partially indexed. Hale, Philip L. Great portraits; women. Bates and Guild Co. Boston. 1909. Partially indexed. Home, Olive Browne, and Scobey, Kathrine Lois. Stories of great artists. American Book Co. N. Y. c!903. Hurll, Estelle M. Correggio. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. 1901. Partially indexed. Hurll, Estelle M. How to show pictures to children. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. c!914. Hurll, Estelle M. Jean Francois Millet. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. c!900. Hurll, Estelle M. Landseer. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. c!901. Hurll, Estelle M. Michelangelo. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. 1900. Partially indexed. Hurll, Estelle M. Murillo. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. 1901. Partially indexed. Hurll, Estelle M. Raphael. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. c!899. Partially indexed. Hurll, Estelle M. Rembrandt. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. c!899. Partially indexed. 92 BOOKS INDEXED Hurll, Estelle M. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston 1900. Partially indexed. Hurll, Estelle M. Titian. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. 1901. Par- tially indexed. Hurll, Estelle M. Tuscan sculpture. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. 1902. Partially indexed. Hurll, Estelle M. Van Dyke. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Boston. 1902. Partially indexed. Kent, Charles A. Brewer's art studies. Brewer. Chicago. c!910. Masters in art. v. 1-10, pt. 2. Bates and Guild Co. Boston. 1900- 1909. Partially indexed. Merritt, L. Eveline. Studies of famous pictures. C. M. Parker. Tavlor- ville, 111. n. d. Moore, Mrs. N. Hudson (Woodbridge), Children of other days. Stokes. N.Y. c!905. Partially indexed. Packard, Edgar. Picture readings. Public School Publishing Co. Bloom- ington, 111. c!918. Powers, Ella Marie. Stories of famous pictures, v. 1. Educational Publishing Co. N. Y. c!906. Public school methods, v. 1, 3, 6. Methods Co. Chiri-o. c!916. Roberts, M. Emma. Picture studies, ser. 1-2 Author. 14 E. 51st st. Minneapolis, Minn. Partically indexed. Rydingsvard, Anna Maria von. Art studies for schools. Flanagan. Chicago. c!903 Schwartz, Julia Augusta. Famous pictures of children. American Book Co. N. Y. c!907. Singleton, Esther. Famous paintings. Dodd, Mead and Co. N. Y. c!902. Partially indexed. Singleton, Esther. Great pictures. Dodd, Mead and Co. N. Y. 1903. Partially indexed. Nndeton, Esther. Great portraits. Dodd, Mead and Co. N.Y. 1905. Partially indexed. Singleton, Esther. Modern paintings. Dodd, Mead and Co. X. Y. 1911. Partially indexed. Smith, Elsie May. Picture study for elementary schools. Geo. W.Jones. Oak Park, 111. c!915. Studies of famous pictures. C. M. Parker. Taylorville, 111. n. d. Tillinghast, Ada Whitton. Turner picture studies. 13v. Horace K. turner Co. Boston. c|908. Venner, Orlin H. Masterpieces of painting. Claflin. Lincoln", Neb. c!918. \\Vrtz, Adda P. Outlines in picture study for all grades. Flanagan. Chicago. c!908. Wilson, L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools; a manual for teachers. 2v. in 1. Macmilhn Co., N. Y. c!899.