EXCHANGE The Influence of Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium Nitrates upon the Toxicity of Certain Heavy Metals Toward Fungus Spores DISSERTATION Submitted to the Board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the require- ments for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy By LON A. HAWKINS Baltimore, June, 1913 [.PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCHES VOL. I, NO. 2, AUGUST, 1013] The Influence of Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium Nitrates upon the Toxicity of Certain Heavy Metals Toward Fungus Spores Submitted to the Board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the require- ments for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy By LON A. HAWKINS -*-?-.- Baltimore, June, 191. '5 [PHYSIOI.nGirAJ. RKKKARrllKS VOt. I, NO. 2, AtTl-.VST, BIO'-OGY RA G THE INFLUENCE OF CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM AND POTASSIUM NITRATES UPON THE TOXICITY OF CERTAIN HEAVY METALS TOWARD FUNGUS SPORES. 1 LON A. HAWKINS. ABSTRACT. 2 This study has to do with the influence of one salt in altering the toxic effect of another upon fungus spores. It is shown that the toxic effect of copper nitrate on the germination of Gloeosporium spores can be in- hibited or modified by the addition to the medium of calcium nitrate and that the molecular ratio of the quantity of the calcium salt thus required to the amount of copper nitrate present increases with the concentration of the latter. This effect is apparently the result of a simultaneous action of the two salts upon the organism and cannot, in the cases here con- sidered, be related either to formation of an undissociated double salt or to depression of the ionization of the toxic salt because of the ion common to the two salts. Potassium nitrate is also effective in inhibiting or modifying the toxicity of copper nitrate. The influence of calcium upon the toxicity of copper is of interest in connection with the problem of fungicides and fungicidal action. The toxicity of lead nitrate is similarly influenced by the presence of calcium nitrate, and the molecular proportions in which these two salts may be combined so as just to counteract the toxicity of the former were found to be the same for the three different concentrations of lead nitrate that were employed. The toxicity of this lead salt is likewise influ- enced by proper concentrations of magnesium nitrate. Both calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate markedly decrease the toxicity of zinc nitrate, but neither exhibits any effect on the toxicity of aluminum nitrate in the con- centrations used in these experiments. The effects produced by the various single salts upon the germinating spores are of interest. Four types of response to the salt solution are clearly discernible, (i) The effect of the solution may be the same as that of distilled water, the spores germinating normally, with long, narrow tubes. (2) A somewhat higher concentration of the toxic substance may 'Botanical contribution from the Johns Hopkins University No. 31. 2 The manuscript of this paper was received April i, 1913. This abstract was preprinted, without change, from these types and was issued as Physiological Researches Preliminary Abstracts vol. i, no. 2, August, 1913. 57 PHYSIOLOGIC/ L RESEARCHES VOL. I, NO. 2^ SERIAL NO. 2, AUGUST, "814805 58 LON A. HAWKINS allow germination, this being abnormal, however, with the production of unusual and characteristic structures. (3) Germination may be inhibited for eighteen hours, the spores germinating when subsequently transferred from the toxic solution to distilled water. (4) The spores may be killed in eighteen hours and thus be incapable of renewed activity even when transferred to water. It was usually possible to bring about these four types of response by means of any one of the compounds used in this study by a proper choice of concentration. An arrangement of these substances in the order of their toxicity, as evidenced by the inhibition of spore germination, is found to hold also for their effectiveness in bringing about the other and less final changes which lead to abnormal growth. A list of the substances employed, arranged in the order of their toxicity follows : Cu(N0 3 ) 2 , CuS0 4 , Pb(N0 3 ) 2 , A1(N0 3 ) 3 , HNO 3 , Zn(NO 3 ) 2 , Ni(NO 3 ) 2 , Mg(NO 3 ) 2 , Ca(NO 3 ) 2 , KNO 3 , sucrose. It is shown that no one of the several hypotheses heretofore proposed to account for the dynamics of the antagonistic salt action is adequate to explain all the facts brought out in this study. INTRODUCTION. Numerous instances have been recorded of the influence of salts on the toxicity exerted by various substances upon organisms. This antagonistic action, as it is frequently called, of a salt upon a toxic substance, is of considerable importance in influencing the behavior of organisms in a given environment, or indeed in determining whether or not they may exist at all in certain environments. For example, Loew 3 has shown that the toxic effect on Spirogyra of a one per cent, solution of magnesium nitrate is inhibited by the presence in the medium of a 0.3 per cent, solu- tion of calcium nitrate, while Loeb 4 has demonstrated that the addition of a small quantity of a calcium salt to a 0.625111 solution of NaCl inhibits the toxic effect of the NaCl on the development of Fundulus eggs. Oster- hout 5 has shown that a physiologically balanced solution, containing sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulphate, potassium chloride and calcium chloride, is necessary for the best growth of certain marine algae. True and Bartlett 6 have brought out the fact that a ratio of one molecule of calcium to nine molecules of magnesium inhibits the toxic effect of rather high concentrations of magnesium upon roots of Canada field 3 Loew, O., Ueber die physiologischen Functionen der Calcium- und Magnesium-salze im Pflanzen- organismus. Flora 75: 368-394. 1892. 4 Loeb, J., Ueber den Einflus der Werthigkeit, und moglicherweise der elektrischen Ladung von lonen auf ihre antitoxische Wirkung. Archiv ges. Physiol. 88: 68-78. 1902. 5 Osterhout, W. J. V., On the importance of physiologically balanced solutions for plants. I. Marine plants. Bot. Gaz. 42: 127-134. 1906. 'True, R. H., and Bartlett, H.H., Absorption and excretion of salts as influenced by concentration and composition of culture solutions. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Plant. Ind. Bulletin 231. 1912. TOXICITY OF HEAVY METALS 59 peas. Other cases of antagonistic salt action in combinations of salts of the alkali metals or of the alkaline earths have been demonstrated, and some information has been obtained regarding the influence of these salts on the effect of the heavy metals, which seem to be universally toxic. The latter have not received much attention, however, and it seemed worth while to investigate some of these, alone and in the presence of calcium and magnesium, to obtain evidence as to whether the lighter metals may modify in any way the toxicity of the heavy ones. The investigation described in this paper was accordingly undertaken. The problem here involved will be taken up more in detail after some of the literature pertinent to the subject has been considered. One of the earlier studies of the influence of chemical compounds upon the toxicity of the heavy metals was carried out by Kronig and Paul. 7 These authors determined the effects of various heavy metals in com- bination with many salts as well as with certain acids and bases. Mainly from work with Bacillus anthracis, they regard the influence of other halogen compounds upon the toxicity of mercuric chloride as probably due to a depression of the ionization of the latter salt. In this connection they say (page no): " Die Desinfectionswirkung wasseriger Mercuri- chloridlosungen werden durch Zusatz von Halogenverbindungen der Metalle und von Salzaure herabgesetzt. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass diese Vermin- derung der Desinfectionskraft auf einer Riickdrangung der elektrolytischen Dissociation beruht." Clark 8 carefully studied the influence of various concentrations of sodium chloride upon the toxicity of mercuric chloride as regards the process of germination in various fungus spores and seeds and that of growth in yeasts and bacteria. He found that the toxicity of a mercuric chloride solution increased with addition of small quantities of sodium chloride but decreased when high concentrations of the sodium salt were used. He explained these phenomena by considering that a double salt of sodium chloride and mercuric chloride was formed, such as Na 2 HgCl 4 or some similar combination. He supposed that the dissociation tension of this double salt was probably much higher than that of mercuric chloride, a consideration which might account for the increased toxicity of combinations in which small amounts of sodium chloride were employed. In this connection, he suggested that the HgCl 4 ion present when such a salt as Na 2 HgCl 4 dissociated at lower concentrations, might be considerably more toxic than the HgCl 2 molecule to which he seems to attribute the toxicity of mercuric chloride solution. 7 Kronig, B., and Paul, Th., Die chemischen Grundlagen der Lehre von der Giftwirkung und Desin- fection. Zeitsch. Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten 25: 1-112. 1897. 8 Clark, J. P., On the toxic value of mercuric chloride and its double salts. Jour. Physic. Chem. 5: 289-316. 1901. 60 LON A. HAWKINS In a later investigation, on the toxicity of copper in combination with various chemical compounds, the same writer 9 has shown, for spore germ- ination in Oedoccphalum albidum and Rhizopus nigricans that ammonium nitrate, sodium sulphate, potassium sulphate, and potassium chloride all markedly decreased the toxic effects of both copper chloride and copper sulphate. He used relatively high concentrations, in some cases five per cent., of the alkali and ammonium salts. He considers the decreased toxicity just mentioned as probably due to the formation of double salts, as he suggested in the case of mercuric chloride. Le Renard 10 studied the comparative toxicities of salts of many of the heavy metals upon Penicillium, the fungus being grown in various concen- trations of nutrient media. He used the acetates of potassium, magnesium and ammonium alone, and the acetates, formates, nitrates, phosphates, and sulphates of these three metals with glucose. Also, in combination with various concentrations of the salts in the nutrient medium he used several concentrations of the chlorides and nitrates of zinc, nickel, cobalt and copper, mercuric chloride, silver nitrate, and the sulphate and acetate of copper. The presence in the nutrient medium of the lighter metals in higher concentration was usually found to decrease the toxicity of the heavy metals. True and Gies 11 showed that calcium modified the toxicity of various copper salts, of zinc sulphate and of mercuric chloride, in their effect upon the growth of roots of Lupinus albus. In discussing their results these authors say : " The stimulating action of the calcium seems to have operated against the retarding action of the copper, and the result is a marked diminution in the poisonous action of the copper." They thus relate this influence of calcium upon copper to a mutual effect of the two salts on the protoplasm. Sziics 12 has recently shown that the toxic effect of copper sulphate on the roots of Cucurbita pepo may be inhibited by aluminum chloride in certain concentrations. In this case he used as index of toxicity the ability of the root to react to a geotropic stimulus after it had been removed from the poisonous solution. He varied the presentation time of the toxic stimu- lus (solution of copper sulphate) both alone and with addition of aluminum chloride, and found, for the shorter time periods, that the presence of aluminum inhibited the poisonous action of copper. However, when such 9 Clark, J.F., On the toxic properties of some copper compounds with special reference to Bordeaux mixture. Bot. Gaz. 33: 26-48. 1902. 10 Le Renard, Alf., Influence du milieu sur la resistance du Pdnicille crustace aux substances tox- iques. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IX. 16: 276-336. 1912. 11 True, Rodney, H., and Gies, W. J., On the physiological action of some of the heavy metals in mixed solutions. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 390-402. 1903. 12 Sziics, Joseph, Experimented Beitra^e zu einer Theorie der antagonistischen lonenwirkungen. Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 52: 85-143. 1912. TOXICITY OF HEAVY METALS 61 a combination of the two salts was allowed to act i&c longer periods, rt also was toxic in many cases, and the roots lost their ability to respond afterwards to the geotropic stimulus. He used concentrations of copper sulphate varying from o.ooi875n to o.o75n, combined with aluminum chlor- ide in concentrations varying from o.(X>5n to o.45n. The presentation time of the toxic stimulus ranged from 33 minutes to 26 hours and 50 minutes^ This writer also studied the effect upon Spirogyra of quinine hydrochloride, methyl violet and piperidine in combination with various other substances. The toxicity of quinine hydrochloride was altered by various concentrations of other substances, being almost inhibited by aluminum nitrate, markedly decreased by calcium nitrate, and only slightly lessened by potassium nitrate. Thus, the effectiveness of these salts in reducing the toxicity of quinine hydrochloride diminished with the valency of the cation. Similar results were obtained with the same series of salts in combination with methyl violet. The effect of combinations of various substances with piperidine was, in most cases, markedly to increase its toxicity. Sziics apparently considers the antagonistic action, as investigated by him, to be due to the lowering of the rate of absorption of the toxic ion by the presence in the solution of another ion of similar sign. He concludes, in summarizing: " Die Ursache der ' antagonistischen lonenwirkungen ' liegt in alien von mir untersuchten Fallen in der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung der Aufnahmege- schwindigkeit zweier im gleichen Sinne geladener lonen." From the results obtained in the investigations just considered, it is apparent that the toxic effect of the heavy metals on an organism can be modified, in some cases at least, by the addition of certain salts in proper concentration. True and Gies, and Sziics, working with higher plants, attribute this influence of one salt on the effect of another to a simultaneous action of the two salts upon the organism itself, while Clark, working with fungi, relates the inhibition of the toxic effect of heavy metals in combination, to some modification of the salts in the solution. The proportions of salts used in the investigations just mentioned were widely different, and it is of course possible that the different conclusions reached may have been due to this feature. Furthermore, as fungi and higher plants so frequently react differently to the same stimulus, it is possible that one of these two explanations might hold for one group of organisms and the other for the other group. The present study, in which a fungus was employed, was undertaken partly to throw light on the question just suggested. It was the purpose of this research to examine the effects of the nitrates of copper, lead, zinc, nickel, and aluminum, upon the germination of fungus spores, the salts of these heavy metals being used both alone and in combination with the nitrates of calcium and magnesium, to see whether 62 LON A. HAWKINS the presence of the lighter metals in various concentrations might or might not decrease the toxic effect of the heavy ones. It was also considered worth while, when such a decrease was found to occur, to determine as far as possible whether this influence might be related to a direct effect of salts on each other in the solution or to some modification of the organism itself. Furthermore the results obtained in these experiments should throw some light on the problem of the comparative toxicity of the various sub- stances here employed, when used alone, and thus upon the general physio- logical problem of toxicity. The investigation was carried out at the Laboratory of Plant Physiology of the Johns Hopkins University, and the writer's sincere thanks are due to Professor Burton E. Livingston for his many helpful suggestions and valued assistance throughout the progress of the work. ORGANISM. The fungus spores used in this research were of the Gloeosporium or conidial stage of Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) S. and v. S., the fungus causing the disease of the apple known as " bitter rot." Not only is the fungus parasitic upon the apple, but according to Shear and Wood, 13 it is also the cause of disease on other plants. On the apple fruit it produces brown, sunken areas, usually nearly circular in shape, which may be covered with the fruiting bodies of the fungus, the conidia being borne in acervuli. In mass, the spores appear orange-colored but have a hyaline appearance under the microscope. They are usually ovate or oblong in shape, the two diameters being 12-16 p and 4-6 p. Shear and Wood have shown that cer- tain strains of this fungus, when grown on proper artificial media, may produce conidia for generation after generation, without the interpolation of the ascogenous form at any time. Cultures of such a strain were secured from Dr. Shear for these experiments, and conidia only were produced throughout the investigation, which lasted; about eighteen months, though forty or more generations must have passed. Corn meal agar was used as a medium for the stock cultures. This was prepared by adding 4 teaspoonsful of white corn meal to one litre of distilled water, which was then allowed to stand at about 58 C. for one hour. After filtration, 12.5 g. of agar flour was added to the infusion, and the mixture was steamed for one and one-half hours. It was then re-filtered and was ready to tube and sterilize. The tubes were slanted and the stock cultures were inoculated in streaks. On this medium the fungus produces but little mycelium, at or beneath the surface, and the conidia are borne in relatively large, orange-colored masses on the surface 13 Shear, C. L., and Wood, Anna K., Studies of fungus parasites belonging to the genus Glomerella. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Plant Ind. Bulletin 252. 1913. TOXICITY OF HEAVY METALS 63 of the medium along the streak. The acervuli are visiWe in from two to five days after inoculation. Before the spores were used in the experiments, the stock cultures were allowed to grow undisturbed from ten to fifteen days, a procedure which insured a sufficient quantity of spores fro.n a single tube for the inocula- tion of an entire series of experimental cultures. Preliminary tests indi- cated that spores from acervuli in the same tube, but of different ages', were not at all uniform in viability. Direct inoculation of the culture dishes from the spore masses of the stock tubes was thus shown to be unsatisfactory, since it was not only desirable that all cultures contain approximately the same number of spores, but also that the percentage of viability of the spores in all cultures should be as nearly alike as possible. It also seemed desirable to avoid small pieces of agar and bits of mycelium in the liquid cultures, for such contamination might influence the effect of the salts in the solutions on the germination of the spores, as by absorption or the formation of new chemical compounds. The plan was therefore evolved of allowing the stock cultures to grow for from ten to fifteen days, after which period the spore masses were carefully removed, with a platinum needle, to a clean area on the agar surface, from which, after thorough mixing in a little heap, the inoculations to the water cul- tures were made. This method usually resulted in satisfactory uniformity in the germination of the spores in the various controls, from which fact it was concluded that all cultures thus made contained an approxi- mately equal number of viable spores, and that any inhibition or modifi- cation of germination must be due- to properties of the culture medium rather than to differences in the spores introduced. In comparing the effect of the various media upon the spores, the main criterion was the presence or absence of germination after a period of eighteen hours. In many cases, however, germination was more or less modified, as in the production of swollen tubes and other abnormalities, and such modifications of germinal activity needed frequently to be taken into account. As has been indicated, it was seldom necessary to consider the percentage of normal germination which occurred, but in many cases the proportion of abnormal to normal growth was approximately determined. These Gloeosporiurh spores possess several very favorable features for such an investigation as the present. They are readily wetted by water and aqueous solutions and, being slightly heavier than water, they sink quickly to the bottom of a hanging drop. They germinate readily in dis- tilled water in from three to four hours and produce long filaments in eighteen hours, a feature which is of considerable advantage here, for it is quite conceivable that the influence of various chemical compounds on 64 LON A. HAWKINS each other and on the germinating spores might be considerably altered if nutrient salts were present in the solution. In view of these considera- tions these experiments were carried out without the use of nutrient media. METHODS. The salts used in these experiments were " Baker's analysed " chemicals, procured in the original packages. Stock solutions of the different salts, from which the experimental solutions were afterwards prepared, were made up in o.2m, 14 o.5m, or molecular concentration. In preparing the stock solutions the salts were weighed in glass-stoppered weighing bottles directly from freshly opened packages and were dissolved in volumetric flasks. These solutions were then made up to the required volume at a temperature of 15 C. They were stored in Jena glass bottles which had been carefully washed with saturated solution of potassium dichromate in sulphuric acid, steamed for half a day, again washed with distilled water and finally allowed to soak in distilled water for a month or more, to remove any soluble matter which might be present. Distilled water from a still with tin lined boiler and condenser was used in making the stock solutions as well as in diluting them for the cultural work. Preliminary tests showed that the spores germinated as well in water from this still as in more nearly pure water distilled from potassium permanganate solu- tion, using a hard glass flask and a block tin condenser. The stock salt solutions were diluted to the concentrations required in making up the solutions for the experiments, by pipetting out the proper amount into a hard glass beaker and then adding the necessary distilled water from a burette. The concentrations of these solutions were so cal- culated that the culture solutions could be prepared without the measure- ment of less than 0.5 cc. in any case. Thus, errors that might have arisen in attempting to read hundredths of a cubic centimeter on a burette gradu- ated only to tenths, were obviated. In making up a series of cultures, the two salt solutions which were to be combined were separately diluted to twice the concentration finally desired, and were then placed in burettes. From these were prepared, with addition of water as needed, the combinations and concentrations actually used in the experiments. These mixtures, in volumes of 10 cc. or more, were made in small flasks (of about 75 cc. capacity), a flask being pro- vided for each of the different combinations as well as one for the control. The latter solution usually contained the salt of the heavy metal alone. From each of the flasks just mentioned a small portion of solution (about 14 The letter nt is used throughout this paper to denote molecular, a concentration of a single gram molecule in a liter of solution. There seems to be considerable confusion in this important matter of defining solutions, some chemists employing the letter n to denote molecular, although the latter has long been used to denote chemically equivalent. TOXICITY OF HEAVY METALS 65 a cubic centimeter) was placed in a separate glass cylinder (2 cm. high and 3 cm. in diameter), to which spores from a stock culture were then transferred. These inoculations were made in order, beginning with the weakest solution of the lighter metal. A platinum needle was used for this purpose, flamed and washed to sterilize and clean it after each inoculation. In each case the tip of the needle was dipped a single time in the well mixed mass of spores which had been prepared on the agar surface, as already described, and the spores that adhered were washed off in the culture solution. Thus, approximately the same number of spores were inoculated into all of the glass dishes and the solutions were then ready for the preparation of the hanging drops. The drop cultures were made after much the same method as that described by Clark. 15 Van Tieghem cells were used, small cylinders of glass tubing, with ground ends, 9 mm. high and 12 mm. in diameter, which were cemented to ordinary microscope slides by means of beeswax. Two cells were affixed to each slide. The culture solutions in the glass dishes, into which spores had already been inoculated, were thoroughly mixed with a glass rod. By means of this rod, a drop of the liquid was then placed upon a flamed cover glass. A small drop of the culture solution from the corresponding flask with- out spores was placed in the bottom of the Van Tieghem cell and the cover bearing the drop culture was inverted over it. Duplicate drop cultures were made from each concentration of solution, both cultures being placed on the same slide. As has been shown by Clark, the presence at the bottom of the culture cell of a small amount of the same solution as that from which the hanging drop is composed prevents evaporation from the drop and hence obviates marked alteration in its concentration, even if the cultures remain in the thermostat for a considerable time. Without this precaution the solution contained in the hanging drop is apt to become markedly more concentrated during the period of an experiment, which might lead to erratic results. The covers were sealed in position with petrolatum. It was not found necessary to take the precaution recom- mended by Clark, of first allowing the expanding air to escape through a small opening in the seal, possibly because the temperature of the thermo- stat here used was only a little above the temperature at which the prepara- tions were made. For ease in handling the cultures, the slides were placed in sheet metal trays, which could be piled one upon another in the thermostat so as to form a rack. These trays were 15 cm. wide and 20 cm. long, with vertical 15 Clark, J. P., On the toxic effect of deleterious agents on the germination and development of cer- tain filamentous funtn. Bot. Gaz. 28: 289-327, 378-404. 1890. 66 LON A. HAWKINS flanges at the ends, the flanges extending upward about 1.3 cm. and down- ward about 0.4 cm. They were so bent that the lower flanges of one tray fitted outside the upper flanges of the next lower one, and many trays could thus be arranged in a compact and rigid pile without any disturbance to the slides. The bottom of each tray was perforated with circular openings about 1.5 cm. in diameter and 0.5 cm. apart, to facilitate circulation of air. Each tray carried fourteen slides. The slides were always transferred to and from the thermostat by means of the trays, a whole series of cultures being thus moved together. The cultures were kept during germination in an electrically heated and automatically regulated thermostat, in which the temperature was main- tained at or near 25 C. As the temperature of the room in which the thermostat was placed sometimes rose above 25, it was necessary to install apparatus for absorbing heat at such times. To accomplish this, several coils of thin-walled copper tubing carrying a continuous stream of tap water were placed at the top of the thermostat, surrounding a small motor-driven fan, the latter insuring air circulation. The air of the chamber then tended to assume a temperature several degrees below that of the laboratory, and the thermostat acted as though standing in a cold room. EXPERIMENTATION, In these studies, any renewed activity in the protoplasm of the spore was considered as germination. Several forms of such renewed activity are exhibited by the conidia here employed. Without any alteration in size or shape, a portion of the spore may become nearly or quite opaque, thus appearing dark brown or black by transmitted light. A papilla may be formed at any point on the surface. Such papillae may or may not enlarge to form rounded bodies, and may either remain hyaline or become apparently darkened. Papillae may enlarge to form irregularly shaped bodies or O O O O O O O P< OOOOOOO"'-'OO a 8-g s ^ s 2*j C Q -S OOOOOOOOOOi-i ^i l Common fraction O O O O O O - - - O O ooo -ooooo IT) IT) IT) Tf C< W PJ M "-I W> M o !^ P Decimal fraction + + vO >0 N M *r> o o o "5 + O O O O ""> M *n OOOOOON<^ OOOOOO | - | ' V 2 1 '>^'*' E "2 3 OOOOOOOOOO" o 2 normal ge occun 18 h Common fraction ooo O \j-> if) o O - - -ooo t^-r^O'OO O OO rO'~OPNN"-)OQ'-'P<'- 1 '-' ration Maximum a I g -5 1-2 3 o vO vO o o ^ o o o o oo > OOOO OM 1/ ^ V OO V O c * B S C 3 i 25 Qi OOOO -OOOO"- 11 - 1 Molecular co any germinal in 18 1 always a Common fraction o o OOOO OOOO ^ --IT5N -MTfWlOl-l'O <3\o>-ii-' *;< oo 00 00 4 _ l S g 3 -0 A J .5 "^ u * 12 > c 3 Q & =i|5 t - > o h M C ^ o S c .2 2 Jl sr-^ 2 ^\ > \ I- 1 ^^ ^s, ^X | 11 + , . . . M M fj .... O O . ui f5 f> f c |.S B *-o Q i o o o o o o Minimum M* |S mmon action o o o o .... M - IO C r^ N ci$i Substance in medium cf -c^c:" L.c"c :c "cr i, M /.c/./.c/.Z^/.c c O :/2 ' ' ^ ' xlj- ' v ' 3 3-Q 'f^ B rs teP < a 3 OOOsum?en fur Susswassertiere (Gammarus). Archiv. Ges. Physiol. 120: 10-30. 1007. 31 Morowitz, Huso, Ueber Adsorption und Kolloidfalluns;. Kolloidchem. Beih. i: 301-331. IQIO. 32 Loeb, J., The mechanistic conception of life. Chicago. 1912. Page 173. 33 Osterhout, W.J.V., The permeability of protoplasm to ions and the theory of antagonism. Science N.S. 35: 112-115. 1012. .Some quantitative researches on the permeability of plant colls. Plant World 16 : T 20-144. 1013- TOXICITY OF HEAVY METALS 91 A consideration of the toxicities of the single salts,~aa brought out in this investigation, also suggests that the influence of each one of these salts upon the protoplasm of the spore is specific. The nitrates of lead and aluminum, in concentrations somewhat below those which inhibit germina- tion, frequently produce within the spore (either directly or indirectly) a dark, chlamydospore-like body. The presence of copper, at a similar con- centration as regards toxicity, causes a granular appearance of the proto- plasm and much the same effect was observed in concentrations of nickel nitrate not quite strong enough to inhibit germination. Toxic concentra- tions of zinc nitrate, however, fail to produce any visible alteration in the protoplasm. The effects of the different single salts upon the spores are therefore not at all the same, and it seems at least reasonable to suppose that the requisite antidotes may not be identical and may not be effective in the same manner in all cases. A given substance at a given concentration may inhibit the poisonous effects of one toxic salt and yet have no influ- ence upon the toxicity of another. Thus, neither calcium nor magnesium nitrate exerts any apparent influence upon the toxic effect of aluminum nitrate, but both are markedly effective in counteracting the toxicity of the corresponding salts of zinc and lead. The conclusion seems unavoidable, therefore, that no simple and broadly general explanation can be applied to these exceedingly various antagonistic actions, and that the explanation of each particular case must involve the chemical characteristics of the salts concerned and the physico-chemical properties of their solutions. The exceeding complexity of the material system within the cell must make possible a great variety of explanations until this variety becomes further limited by increased knowledge. As has been well emphasized by Osterhout [13] the future advance of our knowl- edge of this intricate subject must depend solely upon further investigation of a quantitative nature. THE LABORATORY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. APRIL i, 1913. LITERATURE CITED. Numbers in brackets throughout the preceding pages refer to the year of publi- cation and to the corresponding numbers which follow authors' names in this list. Acree, S.F. [n]. See Loomis and Acree [n]. Bartlett. H.H. [12]. See True and Bartlett [12]. Clark, J.F. [99], On the toxic effect of deleterious agents on the germination and development of cer- tain filamentous fungi. Bot. Gaz. 28: 280-327, 378-404. 1899. [01], On the toxic value of mercuric chloride and its double .salts. Jour. Physic. Chem. 5: 289-316. 1901. - [02], On the toxic properties of some copper compounds wth special reference to Bordeaux mixture. Bot. Gaz. 33: 26-48. 1902. 92 LON A. HAWKINS Duggar, B.M. [bi], Physiological studies with reference to the germination of certain fungus spores. Bot. Gaz. 31 : 38-65. 1901. Gies, WJ. [03]. See True and Gies [03]. Hasselbring, H. [06], The appressoria of anthracnoses. Bot. Gaz. 42: 135-142. 1906. Heald, F.D. [96], The toxic effect of dilute solutions of acids and salts upon plants. Bot. Gaz 22: 125-153. 1896. Holland, W.A. [09]. See Morse and Holland [09]. Hosford, H.H., and Jones, H.C. [n], Conductivity, temperature coefficients of conductivity and dis- sociation of certain electrolytes. Am. Chem. Jour. 46: 241-278. 1911. Jensen, G.H. [07], Toxic limits and stimulation effects of some salts and poisons on wheat. Bot. Gaz. 43: 11-44- i97- Jones, H.C. [n]. See Hosford and Jones [n]. [12], Electrical conductivity, dissociation and temperature coefficients of conductivity, from zero to sixty-five degrees, of aqueous solutions of a number of salts and organic acids. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publ. 170. Washington. 1912. Kahelenberg, L., and True, R.H. [96], On the toxic action of dissolved salts and their electrolytic dis- sociation. Bot. Gaz. 22: 81-124. 1896. Kronig, B., and Paul, Th. [97], Die chemischen Grundlagen der Lehre von der Giftwirkung und Desinfection. Zeitschr. Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten 25: 1-112. 1897. Le Renard, A. [12], Influence du milieu sur la resistance du Penicille crustace aux substances toxiques. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IX. 16: 276-336. 1912. Livingston, B.E. [05], Chemical stimulation of a green alga. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 1-34. 1905. Loeb, J. [oo], On ion-proteid compounds and their role in the mechanics of life phenomena. I. The poisonous character of a pure NaCl solution. Amer. Jour. Physiol. 7: 327-338. 1900. [02], Ueber den Einfluss der Werthigkeit, und moglicherweise der electrischen Ladung fur lonen auf ihre antitoxisch Wirkung. Archiv ges. Physiol. 88: 68-78. 1902. t6], The dynamics of living matter. New York. 1906. [12], The mechanistic conception of life. Chicago. 1912. Loew, O. [92], Ueber die physiologischen Functionen der Calcium- und Magnesium-saize im Pflanzenorgan- ismus. Flora 75: 368-394. 1892. Loomis, N.E., and Acree, S.F. [n], A study of the hydrogen electrode, of the calomel electrode and of contact potential. Amer. Chem. Jour. 46: 585-620. 1911. Horowitz, H. [10], Ueber Adsorption und Kolloidfallung. Kolloidchem. Beih. i: 301-331. 1910. Morse, H.N., and Holland, W.W. [09], The osmotic pressure of cane sugar solutions at 25. Amer Chem. Jour. 41 : 1-19. 1909. Osterhout, W.J.V. [06], On the importance of physiologically balanced solutions for plants. I. Marine plants. Bot. Gaz. 42: 127-134. 1906. [07], On tte importance of physiologically balanced solutions for plants. II. Fresh water and terrestrial plants. Bot. Gaz. 44: 259-272. 1907. [12], The permeability of protoplasm to ions and the theory of antagonism. Sci. N.S. 35: 112-115. 1912. - [13]. Some quantitative researches on the permeability of plant cells. Plant World 16: 129-144. 1913- Ostwald, Wo. [07], Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Adsorption und Giftigkeit von Salzlosungen fur Susswassertiere (Gammarus). Archiv. ges. Physiol. 120: 19-30. 1907. Paul, Th. [97]. See Kronig and Paul [97]. Shear, C.L., and Wood, Anna K. [13], Studies of fungus parasites belonging to the genus Glotnerella. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Plant Ind. Bulletin 252. 1913. Stevens, F.L. [98], The effect of aqueous solutions upon fungus spores. Bot. Gaz. 26: 377-406. 1898. Szucs, J. [12], Experimentelle Beitrage zu einer Theorie der antagonistischen lonenwirkungen. Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 52: 85-143. 1912. True, R.H. [96]. See Kahlenberg and True [96]. - [98], The physiological effects of certain plasmolyzing agents. Bot. Gaz. 26: 407-416. 1898. True, R.H., and Bartlett, H.H. [12], Absorption and excretion of salts as influenced by concentration and composition of culture solutions. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Plant Ind. Bulletin 231. 1912. True, R.H., and Gies, W.J. [03], On the physiological action of some of the heavy metals in mixed solutions. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 390-402.1903. Wood, Anna K. [13]. See Shear and Wood [13]. VITA. The writer was born at La Motte, Iowa, May 30, 1880. He attended Morningside Academy and College, Sioux City, Iowa, and was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1906. The summer of 1904 was spent in special work in Botany at the University of Chicago. From 1903 to 1906 he was assistant at Morningside College, Fellow in Botany at the Ohio State University September 1906 to April 1907, and Scientific Assist- ant, United States Department of Agriculture, April 1907 to the present (on furlough October 1912 to June 1913). During the years from 1909 to 1913 he attended the Johns Hopkins University as a graduate student in Plant Physiology, Chemistry, and Botany, and was appointed University scholar in Plant Physiology for the year 1912-1913. SYRACUSE, - NY, ^^^^H^^IHH BIOLOGY LIBRARY G Y,, C ? E !