TC 2.2. I 9 13 UC-NRLF DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE I .S. COAST AM) CKODKTK' SI'HVF.V U. LJ. T1TTMANN, SUPERINTENDENT TABLE OF DEPTHS CHANNELS AND HARBORS COASTS OF THE UNITED STATES INCLUDING PORTO R[( (>, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, AND THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1913 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT POINTING OFFICE 1913 GIFT OF DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, SUPERINTENDENT TABLE OF DEPTHS FOR CHANNELS AND HARBORS COASTS OF THE UNITED STATES INCLUDING PORTO RICO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, AND THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1913 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFTIOE 1913 A PREFACE. TIDES. The quantities given under the heads "mean low water," "mean lower low water," and "lowest low water" refer to the plane of the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts of the respective localities, and, consequently, correspond to the soundings on the charts. The other depths are those at ordinary high water and also when the tide has its greater range. The depths at particular times can be ascertained with precision by reference to the Tide Tables published annually by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, in which the time and height of the tide, at most of the ports, are predicted for every day in the year. Depths noted in the column of "Remarks" are referred to the plane of reference of charts, of the locality unless otherwise stated. In the Gulf of Mexico, especially west of Florida, the effect of the wind is frequently far greater than that of the tide, its amount varying with the direction, intensity, and duration of the wind. PACIFIC COAST HARBORS. During the dry season, say from the middle of spring to the middle of autumn, the wind blows invariably from a northerly direction and follows usually the trend of the coast; in the rainy season it is variable. Consequently any bight with a southerly exposure affords more or less protection from the summer winds, and such localities afford the only sea approaches to long stretches of coast. Vessels can seldom lie at the wharves on account of the swell, but are secured to moorings and loaded by means of chutes, cranes, and other devices. Such open ports are termed in the table "northwest shelters." In Alaska and the islands of the Pacific the entrance depths are usually greater than those inside, for which reason the anchorage depths have been made a special feature and the form of table arranged to correspond. The term "anchorage," as used in this book, does not necessarily imply that the holding ground is good, but only that the depths are suitable. AUTHORITIES. The terms "Chart," "Coast Pilot," and "Inside Route Pilot," as used under this head, refer to publications of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, unless otherwise stated. The term "Chief of Eng. Rep.," etc., refers to the annual report of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. The initials "H. O. N." refer to the Hydrographic Office, U. S. Navy. (3) 345555 Agencies for the sale of Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts, Coast Pilots, and Tide Tables; and for free distribution of Chart Catalogues, Notices to Mariners, Table of Depths, etc. EASTPORT, ME. BUCKNAN & COLWELL CO. LUBEC, ME. J. W. CASE. MACHIAS, ME. W. B. PARLIN. JONESPORT, ME. E. B. SAWYER. ADDISON POINT, ME. V. H. NASH. McKINLEY, ME. FRANK McMULLIN. HARRINGTON, ME. W. N. DYER. MILLBRIDGE, ME. E. W. WALLACE. BAR HARBOR, ME. ALBERT W. BEE. BLUE HILL, ME. H. B. DARLING. VINAL HAVEN, ME. F. E. LITTLEFIELD. NORTH HAVEN, ME. C. S. STAPLE. CASTINE, ME. C. FRED JONES. BANGOR, ME. SNOW & NEALLEY CO., 98 Broad Street. BELFAST, ME. NEWTON S. LORD, 31 Front Street. CAMDEN, ME. EUGENE M. CLARK. ROCKLAND, ME. E. R. SPEAR & CO., 408 Main Street. DAMARISCOTTA, ME. R. C. REED. PEMAQUID HARBOR, ME. CHAS. A. FARRIN. NEW HARBOR, ME. SAMUEL TIBBETTS. BOOTHBAY HARBOR, ME. R. G. HODGDON. BATH, ME. CHARLES A. HARRIMAN, 106 Front Street, AUGUSTA, ME. J. F. PIERCE. PORTLAND, ME. WM. SENTER & CO., 51 Exchange Street. BURLINGTON, VT. L. W. FENNELL, Customhouse. GLOUCESTER, MASS. W. F. CHISHOLM & SON, 161 Main Street. SALEM, MASS. A. F. HITCHINGS, Customhouse. MARBLEHEAD, MASS. STEARNS & McKAY. BOSTON, MASS. C. C. HUTCHINSON, 152 State Street. W. E. HADLOCK & CO., 132 State Street. BARNSTABLE, MASS. V. D. BACON. NANTUCKET, MASS. OBED G. SMITH. VINEYARD HAVEN, MASS. E. R. TILTON. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. A. C. SMITH, 27 William Street. FALL RIVER, MASS. GEORGE E. BAMFORD, 7 Granite Block. PROVIDENCE, R. I. GOFF & PAGE, Customhouse. NEWPORT, R. I. W. H. TIBBETTS, 185 Thames Street. J. T. O'CONNELL, 89 Long Wharf. BLOCK ISLAND, R. I. C. C. BALL. STONINGTON, CONN. JAMES H. STIVERS, 72 Water Street. NLW LONDON, CONN. EDWIN KEENEY & CO., Bank and State Streets. HARTFORD, CONN. ROBERT D. STEVENS, Customhouse. NEW HAVEN, CONN. EDWARD A. WELCH, Customhouse. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. J. H. SHANNON, Customhouse. SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. CHAS. J. PRESCOTT. STAMFORD, CONN. FRED. A. TAFF. SAG HARBOR, N. Y. CHARLES P. COOK. GREENPORT, N. Y. GEORGE B. PRESTON. NORTHPORT, N. Y. CHARLES S. MOTT. COLLEGE POINT, N. Y. ALBERT HUMM. NEW YORK, N. Y. T. S. & J. D. NEGUS, 140 Water Street. C. S. HAMMOND & CO., 30 Church Street. JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 Front Street, R. MERRILL'S SONS, 66 South Street, JNO. C. HOPKINS & CO., 119 Chambers Street. MICHAEL RUPP & CO., 39 South Street. E. STEIGER & CO., 49 Murray Street. RAND, McNALLY & CO., 40-42 East Twenty-second Street. ALBANY, N. Y. B. LODGE & CO., 91 North Pearl Street. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. J. F. HALL, 1632 Atlantic Avenue. ISLAND HEIGHTS, N. J. WALTER M. WOOD. (5) AGENCIES Continued. PHILADELPHIA, PA. R1GGS & BRO., 310 Market Street. JNO. E. HAND & SONS, 222 Walnut Street. WILMINGTON, DEL DAVID A. HAY & CO., 121 Market Street. BALTIMORE, MD. JOHN E. HAND & SONS, 510 East Pratt Street. WM. B. CLARK, Johns Hopkins University. CRISFIELD, MD. THOS. E. STEVENSON. WASHINGTON, D. C. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY OFFICE. W. H. LOWDERMILK & CO., 1424 F Street NW. WM. BALLANTYNE & SONS, 1409 F Street NW. BRENTANO'S, 1200 F Street NW. ALEXANDRIA, VA. R. BELL'S SONS, 110 South Fairfax Street. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. W. L. SHUMATE & CO., 133 Twenty-fifth Street. NORFOLK, VA. WILLIAM FREEMAN, 268 Main Street. CHINCOTEAGUE ISLAND, VA. J. W. FIELD. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. P. W. MELICK CO. WASHINGTON, N. C. DR. E. M. BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. C. MAFFITT & WOOD, 168 North Water Street. CHARLESTON, S. C. ISAAC HAMMOND, 10 Broad Street. BEAUFORT, S. C. P. A. ROPER, Customhouse. SAVANNAH, GA. J. P. JOHNSON, Customhouse. BRUNSWICK, GA. FRANK A. DUNN, Customhouse. FERNANDINA, FLA. J. W. HOWELL. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. H. & W. B. DREW CO. PALM BEACH, FLA. E. M. BRELSFORD. MIAMI, FLA. FRANK T. BUDGE. KEY WEST, FLA. ALFRED BROST, Customhouse. TAMPA, FLA. TAMPA BOOK & NEWS CO. TARPON SPRINGS, FLA. C. D. WEBSTER. CEDAR KEYS, FLA. HENRY G. NELSON, Customhouse. APALACHICOLA, FLA. J. E. GRADY & CO., Water Street. PENSACOLA, FLA. McKENZIE OERTING & CO., 603-5 South Palafox Street. MOBILE, ALA. C. H. COSTELLO CO., 25-27 Commerce Street. E. O. ZADEK JEWELRY CO. SCRANTON, MISS. MISS LIZZIE S. ALLEY. GULFPORT, MISS. ROLF SEEBURG SHIP CHANDLERY CO. NEW ORLEANS, LA. WOODWARD, WIGHT & CO., 406-418 Canal Street. MORGAN CITY, LA. B. M. YOUNG. GALVESTON, TEX. CHARLES F. TRUBE, 2415 Market Street. PORT LAVACA, TEX. L. SEABROOK. SAN JUAN, P. R. H. F. SMITH, Bayamon. HABANA, CUBA. JOSE M. ZARRABEITIA, 10 Mercaderes. CLEVELAND, OHIO. PENTON PUBLISHING CO., Browning Building. CHICAGO, ILL RAND, McNALLY & CO., 168 Adams Street. GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO., 202-208 South Water Street. SAN DIEGO. CAL LORING & CO., 762-766 Fifth Street. BURBECK-AREY-JONES CO., 1051 Fifth Street. LONG BEACH, CAL. F. J. SCHINNERER. SAN PEDRO, CAL MARINE HARDWARE CO., 509 Beacon Street. LOS ANGELES, CAL. CUNNINGHAM, CURTISS & WELCH CO., 252 South Spring Street. MONTEREY, CAL. FRANCIS M. HILBY. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUIS WEULE CO., 6 California Street. GEO. E. BUTLER, California and Sansome Streets. H. J. H. LORENZEN, 12 Market Street. A. LIETZ CO., 632-634 Commercial Street. EUREKA, CAL. JAMES E. MATHEWS, 423 F Street. MARSHFIELD, OREG. NORTON & HANSEN. PORTLAND, OREG. CHAS. F. BEEBE CO., 46-48 Front Street. ABERDEEN, WASH. EVANS DRUG CO. PORT TOWNSEND, WASH. WATERMAN & KATZ. W. J. FRITZ, 320 Water Street. SEATTLE, WASH. LOWMAN & HANFORD STATIONERY AND PRINTING CO., 616 First Avenue. MAX KUNER, 94 Columbia Street. TACOMA, WASH. VAUGHAN & MORRILL CO., 926 Pacific Avenue. OLYMPIA, WASH. WINSTANLEY & BLANKENSHIP. EVERETT, WASH. ADAM HILL, 2929 Colby Avenue. BLAINE, WASH. J. D. STAGE. BELLINGHAM, WASH. C. M. SHERMAN. SOUTH BELLINGHAM, WASH. UNION PRINTING CO. SOUTH BEND, WASH. MARION D. EGBERT. . FRIDAY HARBOR, WASH. E. F. HARPST. KETCHIKAN, ALASKA. CHAS. E. INGERSOLL. FOREST J. HUNT. RYUS DRUG CO. AGENCIES Continued. WRANGELL, ALASKA. F. MATHESON. SITKA, ALASKA. HENRY L. BAHRT, JR. JUNEAU, ALASKA. GEO. F. BARRAGAR. HAINES, ALASKA. BAKER DRUG CO. CORDOVA, ALASKA. NORTHERN DRUG CO. VALDEZ, ALASKA. E. B. SPIERS. HONOLULU, HAWAII. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. MANILA, P. I. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY SUBOFFICE. LUZON STEVEDORING CO., foot of Calle Madrid. ILOILO, P. I. HOSKYN & CO. CEBU, P. I. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL CO. ZAMBOANGA. P. i. BEHN, MEYER & CO. HONGKONG, CHINA. CHAS. J. GAUPP & CO., Queens Road. VICTORIA, B. C. J. JOHNSTON, 77 Government Street. T. N. HIBBEN & CO., 69 Government Street. VANCOUVER, B. C. CLARKE & STUART, 441 Hastings Street. ALBERT UFFORD, 237 Carroll Street. ST. JOHN, N. B. A. B. SMALLEY & SON, 91 Prince William Street. QUEBEC, CANADA. T. J. MOORE & CO., 118 Mountain Hill. MONTREAL, CANADA. HEARN & HARRISON, 1640 Notre Dame Street. HARRISON & CO., 53 Metcalfe Street. TORONTO, CANADA. CHARLES POTTER, 85 Yonge Street. HAMBURG, GERMANY. ECKARDT & MESSTORFF. BERLIN, S. W., GERMANY. DIETRICH REIMER, Wilhelm Strasse, No. 29. PARIS, FRANCE. AUGUSTIN CHALLAMEL, Rue Jacob 17. NEW CASTLE, NEW SOUTH WALES. W. H. SPROULL & CO. NOTE. On Coast and Geodetic Survey charts the aids to navigation are corrected from important information received at the office to date of issue, which is stamped at the bottom of each chart. To assist those using the charts in keeping them up to date, corrections to be applied are given in the Notice to Mariners, published weekly by the Bureau of Lighthouses and the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These can be obtained free of charge from the agencies of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, from United States customhouses, from the Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy at Washington, D. C., and the Branch Hydrographic Offices, from the Bureau of Lighthouses at Wash- ington, D. C., and the inspectors and engineers of the lighthouse districts, or from the United States consulates in foreign ports. Locations and addresses of Branch Hydrographic Offices and of inspectors of lighthouse districts are given in the "Notices." Pilots and masters of vessels are earnestly requested to send information of dangers, notices of new shoals and channels, facts of interest to mariners, and suggestions for increasing the usefulness of charts to the "Superintendent of Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C." A piece of the chart affected, showing the change proposed, should accompany the infomation supplied. This office will replace, free of charge, any chart so used. A limited number of CHART CATALOGUES, indicating the outlines of Coast and Geodetic Survey charts, will be sent, free of charge, to any address. The list of Lighthouses and Lighted Beacons of the United States, and the lists of Beacons and Buoys in the different lighthouse districts, published by the Bureau of Lighthouses, can be obtained, free of charge, on application to the Bureau of Lighthouses, Washington, D. C., from the inspectors of the several lighthouse districts, from the United States customhouses, and from the principal agencies of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. ST. CROIX RIVER: Devils Head to the Ledge The Led^e to Calais Feet. 17 N Feet. 37 26J Chart No 300 Being dredged between Calais and St. Stephen. Anchorage in 4 to 20 fathoms; north- eastern approach deep and unob- structed. Anchorage in 2 to 6 fathoms; open to south and east. From Quoddy Roads to Friar Roads by dredged channel 500 feet wide. Anchorage in 3 to 7 fathoms; entrance deeper; open to southward. Anchorage in 3 to 9 fathoms; entrance deeper; open to southeastward. Southern entrance; northern entrance deeper than anchorage, which is in 2 to 6 fathoms. Anchorage in 4 to 8 fathoms; entrance deeper; sheltered. Between Cross Island and the main Between Fosters and Ram Islands. Anchorage N. of Roque Island, 3J to 6 fathoms. Bv eastern and Drincioal channel. Chart No 300 Chart No. 301 East port Harbor ... Quoddy Roads . . ... Chart No 301 Lubcc Channel 11* 29} Chief of Eng. Rep., 19 12. Chart No 301 . . Bailevs Mistake Harbor Moose Cove Chart No 301 Cutler Harbor 10 24 Chart No. 303 Little Machias Bay Chart No. 303 ij 13 4 1 18 w 25 26 24 33 26} 17* 14* 30* 32 37| 38i 361 Chart No 303 . MACHIAS BAY AND RIVER: Up to Machiasport Machiasport to drawbridge Drawbridge to Machias Chart No. 303 Chart No. 303 . To -East Machias Chart No 303 . Cross Island Narrows Chart No. 303 Fosters Channel Chart No 303 Chart No. 303 . Into Little Kennebec Bay Into Englishmans Bay Chart No 304 Into Roque Island Harbor... Chart No. 304 . . (9) 10 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Into Chandlers Bay Feet. 40 1 Feet. 52} 12 Chart No 304 Eastward of Ballast Island to anchorage N. of Roque Island. Channel narrow and crooked. Is a well-sheltered harbor; anchorage in 3 to 7 fathoms. By dredged channel 300 feet wide. Jonesport is on the north side of the Reach. Small, but well sheltered. To anchorage east of Great Wass Island. Anchorage in 3 to 8 fathoms; deeper at entrance; well sheltered. Anchorage in 14 feet southeast of Birch Island. Anchorage in 4 to 7 fathoms north of Raspberry Island. Anchorage in 5^ to 6f fathoms northwest of Ripley Island. Anchorage in 3} to 4J fathoms eastward of Half Tide Ledge spindle, and in 14 feet eastward of Turners Point. 2\ miles below Millbridge: dredged channel, shoaling. Up Chandlers River to Jonesbcro . MOOSE-A-BEC REACH Chart No 304 . Over bar at eastern end. 14 24- 14 21 24 25| 35f 25 32 35 Chart No 304 At western end Chart No 304 . Into Head Harbor Chart No 304 Mud Hole Channel ('hart No 304 . . Through Tabbotts Narrows. Chart No 304 . Cape Split Harbor Chart No 304 . . 16 17 li.V i 27 12J 1 27} 28} 17| 111 38 23} 12} Chtrt No 305 . . PLEASANT RIVER: Bar east of Raspberry Island. . Bar west of Raspberry Island.. Up to Addison Point Chart No. 305 Chart No. 305 Chart No 102 . . Up to Columbia Falls Chart No 305 . . Into Harrington Bay. . . Chart No 305. . HARRINGTON RIVER: Up to Hardwood Point. . . . Up to Harrington Chart No 305 . NARRAGUAGUS BAY AND RIVKU.. Through entrance east of Trafton Island. Through entrance west of Trafton Island. Up to Millbridge 36 25 4 1L 47} 3J 15} m Chart No. 305. . Chart No 305 . . Chart No 305 Up to steamboat wharf . . . Chart No. 305 11 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. NARRAGUAGUS BAY AND RIVER Continued. Through Dyer Island Narrows. Through Flint Island Narrows. Douglas Island Harbor Feet. 9 30 Feet. 20 41 Chart No. 305 From Harrington Bay. From Pleasant Bay. Anchorage in 4 to 5 fathoms. Anchorage in the outer bay in 2 to 6 fathoms, with deeper water at the entrance. At entrance to inner bay. From Narraguagus Bay; narrow. Over bar just above Stanleys Point. Around Dyers Point. Into bay east of Sallys Island. Into bay west of Sallys Island. Through Joys Bay and Steuben Harbor. Through Gouldsborough Harbor. Open to southward except inner harbor, which is well sheltered ; anchorage in 4 to 10 fathoms; deeper at entrance; entrance west of Schoodic Island is deeper than the anchorage. Anchorage in 3 to 10 fathoms; main ap- proach deeper and clear. Chart No 305 Chart No. 305 Chart No. 305 PIGEON HILL BAY Over bar at Chitmans Point. . Through Eastern Passage 13 11 19 30 24 19i 3 1 24i 22} 30 41 34$ 30 13| U* Chart No. 305 ." Chart No. 305. Chart No. 305. Dyers Bay . . Into Gouldsborough Bay from Dyers Bay. Chart No. 305 Chart No. 305 . GOULDSBOROUGH BAY: Eastern Way Western passage. . . Chart No 305 Up to Steuben Chart No. 305. Up to Gouldsborough Chart No. 305 .. . Chart No 305 Prospect Harbor 24 36 34$ 46$ Chart No. 305 . SCHOODIC HARBOR: Entrance north of Middle Ledge. Entrance south of Middle Ledge. Chart No. 305 - Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306 WINTER HARBOR, Schoodic Pe- ninsula. Up to village of ' ' Winter Har- Entrance around Grindstone Neck. Through Halibut Hole... 4 21 42 14 31| 53f Chart No. 306. .. Chart No. 306. . 12 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATEE. BAR HARBOR Feet. feet. Chart No 306 Anchorage in 4 to 16 fathoms; main ap- proaches deeper and clear; break- water building from Round Porcupine Island toward Mount Desert Island. Anchorage in 2 to 6 fathoms; main en- trance clear and deeper. Into Flanders Bay. Anchorage in 2 to 10 fathoms in the bay. Main entrance. Anchorage in 4 to 11 fathoms; 8 fathoms at main entrance. Past Sullivan Falls. Safe for vessels of 11 feet draft at Ipw water slack which occurs after about 2 feet flow. Through Taunton Bay. Anchorage of Salisburys Cove in 5 to 10 fathoms. Anchorage in 3 to 5 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Between Bar Island and Sheep Porcupine Island. Between Long Porcupine Island and Burnt Porcu- pine Island. 8 21 19 32 Chart No. 306. Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306. STAVE ISLAND HARBOR Over Jordan Bar 5 i 15i 101 Chart No. 306 Over Stave Island Bar Chart No. 306. FLANDERS BAY Chart No. 306. Over bar east of Calf Island . . . Between Calf Island and Pre- ble Island. Up to West Gouldsborough . . . Up to East Sullivan . . . 8 30 I 1 18i 40J 11 11* ('hart No. 306 Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306. SULLIVAN HARBOR Up to Sullivan. . . 21 11 16 5 42 21 24 16 32^ 224 27i 16J 53i 32 35J 27i ( 'hart No. 306 1 ]> to West Sullivan Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 103. From West Sullivan to Crab- tree Island. From Crabtree Island to Franklin. Chart No. 103 Chart No 306 Eastern Bay ( 'hart No. 306 . SKILLINGS RIVER: Through Lower Narrows to Moseleys Point. From Moseleys Point to Seal Point. From Seal Point to Kilkenny Cove Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306 Northeast Harbor, Mount Desert Island. 13 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. SOMES SOUND: Through the Narrows Feet. 30 21 Feet, 40 31 Chart No. 306 At entrance. Anchorage off Somesville. Anchorage in 2 to 7 fathoms; main en- trance from eastward is deeper. Western way. Main approach. Inner harbor. Between Great Cranberry Island and Little Cranberry Island. Anchorage in 3 to 7 fathoms; entrance is deeper. Approach to Bass Harbor from eastward over bar between Bass Harbor Head and Great Gott Island. Southern approach to Bass Harbor. Entrance open, clear, and deeper than anchorage. Anchorage in 3 to 5 fathoms hplnw Snrrv Into Somes Harbor. . . Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306. Southwest Harbor, Mount Desert Island. Through northern entrance 15 14 21 2 5 26 25 32 13 16 Chart No. 306 Chart No. 306 . Cranberry Island Passage. . . Chart No. 306 CRANBERRY ISLAND HARBOR: Northern entrance . Into The Pool Chart No. 306 . Southern entrance Chart No 306 Chart No. 307 BASS HARBOR Into inner harbor 22) 12J 27 19 8 4 32J 22^ 37 30 J 19} 14 Chart No. 307. Around Bass Harbor Head Between the Gott Islands and Placentia Island. Chart No. 307. . Chart No. 307 Chart No. 307 WESTERN BAY: To anchorage east of Alleys Island. Chart No 307 JORDANS RIVER: Up to off Lamoine Chart No 307 UNION RIVER: Up to Ellsworth PATTENS BAY Up to Surry... 1 12 Chart No. 307.. TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. MORGANS BAY: West of Seal Ledge Feet. 22 16 Feet. 33 27 Chart No. 307 Main entrance. Over bar. Anchorage in 4 to 11 fathoms; approaches deeper. Channel narrow and crooked. Anchorage in 4 to 5 fathoms; entrance deeper and open to southward. Between Harbor Island and Swan Island. 150 yards wide. Narrow, between ledges Water for any draft through main chan- nel. Anchorage in 1 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrance. The village of Brooklin is near by. Near Sedgwick. West of Conarys Island. Narrow. North of Bear Island. South of Jed Islands Chart No 307 Chart No 307 BLUE HILL HARBOR Into inner harbor 19* ) 30* 11* Chart No. 307. . Up to off Blue Hill Village.... Chart No. 307 Chart No. 308 Herricks Bay Chart No. 308. .. . BURNTCOAT HARBOR, SWAN IS- LAND: Western entrance 25* 15 15 9 34J 24 24 18 Chart No. 308 Eastern entrance Chart No. 308 Chart No. 308 Casco Passage York Narrows Chart No. 308 EGGEMOGGIN REACH Tonys Id. Bar, eastern slue... Tonys Id. Bar, western slue. . 15 17 25 27 Chart No. 309 Chart No. 309. . . Chart No. 309 Center Harbor 19* 1 29* 11 Chart No. 309 BENJAMIN RIVER: At entrance. Up to head Chart No. 309 CONARYS ISLAND ANCHORAGE Northern entrance 19* 15 25* 25 Chart No. 309 Eastern entrance... Chart No. 309.. 15 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAX LOW WATEE. MEAN HIGH WATER. GREEXLAWS COVE: At entrance ... . . Feet. IH Feet. 29J Chart No. 309 West of White Island. Anchorage in 3 to 8 fathoms; deeper at entrance; Ocean ville, on Whitmores Neck, is on the southern shore of the entrance. Inner harbor. On bar between Moose Island and Crotch Island. Not safe for vessels over 9 feet draft at mean low water. Chan- nel narrow. Coast Pilot. Water for any draft through main chan- nel. Isle au Haut; anchorage in 4 to 13 fath- oms; entrance deeper and open to sou th westward ; holding ground poor. Isle au Haut; unsafe anchorage in 3 to 13 fathoms ; entrance deeper and open to south westward. Anchorage in 4 to 5 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Anchorage in 7 to 17 feet; deeper at en- trance. Deer Isle Village is at head of bay, which is bare at low water. Anchorage in 3 to 6 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Anchorage in 3 to 9 fathoms; deep enough for any draft at entrance. Anchorage in 2 to 6 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Chart No. 309 SOUTHEAST HARBOR DEER ISLK Up to South Deer Isle Village. 12 14 21| 23 Chart No. 309 Chart No. 309 DEER ISLAND THOROUGHFARE... Merchants Row Chart No. 309. .. . Chart No. 309 .. . Head Harbor Chart No. 309 Moores Harbor 15 1 24J 10J Chart No. 309 ISLE AU HAUT THOROUGHFARE: Over bar to inner anchorage . . Through passage Chart No 300 Chart No 309 Southwest Harbor, Deer Isle Chart No 309 Northwest Harbor, Deer Isle. . . Chart No 309 Bucks Harbor Orcutts Harbor Chart No. 309 Chart No 309 Horseshoe Cove, Cape Hosier 134 23 Chart No. 309. . . Little Thoroughfare, North Haven Island. 16 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Winter Harbor, Vinalhaven Island. Feet. 17 Feet. 26} Chart No. 309. Over bar at entrance. Well sheltered; anchorage in 1 to 21 fathoms. Entrance narrow. At entrance. Channel narrow and obstructed . Northwestern approach from Hurricane Sound. Village of "Carvers Harbor" at head of harbor. Southern approach deep enough for any draft. Over bar at entrance. By southern entrance. Anchorage in 16 feet, in middle of cove. Anchorage in 1} to 5 fathoms. Anchorage in 1} to 8 fathoms. Anchorage in 1 to 6 fathoms; at en- trance, 5 to 6 fathoms. Well sheltered; anchorage in 3 to 8 fathoms, deeper at entrance. SEAL BAY At entrance 30 IS 39} 27} Chart No. 309 Roberts Harbor Chart No. 309 Chart No. 310 CARVERS HARBOR Through the Reach 18 22 31 21 27} 31} 40 30 Chart No. 310 Southern approach Chart No. 310 Chart No. 104 MATINICUS ROADS: At eastern entrance At western entrance Chart No. 104 Chart No. 310 HURRICANE SOUND Southwestern approach 27 36 12 13 27 19 36} 45} 21} 22} 36} 28} Chart No. 310 Laireys Narrows Chart No. 310 Leadbetters Narrows Chart No. 310 Into Long Cove Chart No. 310 Chart No. 310 Into Crocketts Cove Chart No. 311a Fox ISLAND THOROUGHFARE Carvers Cove Chart No. 311o Kents Cove Chart No. 311a Seal Cove Chart No. 311 Chart No. 310 Southern Harbor. North Haven Island. Chart No. 310. . North Harbor, North Haven Island 17 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATEE. MEAN HIGH WATER. GILKEY HARBOR: North em entrance Feet. 25 30 Feet. 34| 39| Chart No. 310 Anchorage in 4 to 9 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to south westward. Small; anchorage in 2 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to south- ward. Wide open to northward; anchorage in 4 to 6 fathoms. Dredged channel, 40 feet wide. Anchorage in 1 to 6 fathoms, in the cove. Deep enough for any draft. Dredged channel 300 feet wide ; entrance deep and unobstructed. Anchorage in 1 to 5 fathoms; entrance deeper; open to southwestward. Southern entrance Chart No. 310 Chart No. 310 Seal Harbor North Islesboro Chart No. 310 Sabbathdav Harbor Chart No. 311 . Turtle Head Cove 42 30 4 30 33 20 51f 39i 13f 39f 42| 29f Chart No. 311 CASTINE HARBOR: Up to Castine Up Bagaduce River to North Castine. Up Bagaduce River to head, in Northern Bay. Into Smiths Cove Chart No. 311 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 311 Chart No 311 HOLBROOKS COVE: North entrance South entrance Chart No. 311 Chart No. 311 PENOBSCOT RIVER: Up to main channel to Bucks- port. By eastern channel around Whitmore Island. From Bucksport to Winterport From Winterport to Hampden. From Hampden to Bangor. . . . 12 21 24 14 22 32 36 27 Chart No. 311 Chart No. 311 Chart No. 311 Chief of Eng. Rep.. 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 311. Stockton Harbor Long Cove, near Searsport 5215 13 2 18 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Searsport Harbor Feet. Feet. Chart No 311 Anchorage in 2 to 5 fathoms; entrance deeper; open to southward. Open roadstead, with anchorage in 3 to 10 fathoms; sheltered only from north- westward; Lincolnville is at its south- ern end. Narrow and obstructed. Deeper than the anchorage. Inner harbor dredged to 9 feet. Outer harbor. Anchorage in 4 to 10 fathoms; entrance deeper and unobstructed. Anchorage in 1 to 7 fathoms; deeper at entrance; southern part open to east- ward; breakwater at northern end. Between Muscle Ridge Channel and main part of Penobscot Bay. Shoalest part, off Ash Island Ledge. Channel narrow and crooked. Anchorage in 2 to 7 fathoms; 5 fathoms at entrance. 15 15 2 25 25} 12J Chart No. 311. BELFAST BAY: To anchorage off city To lower bridge above city . . . To upper bridge above city. . . Chart No. 311 . Chart No. 311 Chart No 310 Duck Trap Harbor 19 28f Chart No. 321 CAMDEN HARBOR: By northeast entrance By main entrance Chart No 321 Into inner harbor 10 14 19| 23f Chart No 321 To steamboat wharf Chart No 321 Chart No 321 Rockport Harbor < 'hart No 320 Rockland Harbor 3H 37 25 27 i 41 47 35 36$ 10 Charts Nos. 310 and 320. Charts Nos. 310 and 320. Chart No. 310 (hart No. 310. OWLS HEAD BAY: By northern entrance By southern entrance .... Fisherman Island Passage Muscle Ridge Channel Chart No. 312. WESKEAG RIVER: Up to South Thomaston Chart No. 312. Seal Harbor, north of Whitehead Island. 19 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER WHEELERS BAY: At entrance Feet. 24 Feet. 33J Chart No. 312 Obstructed by shoals and not buoyed. Anchorage in 2 to 7 fathoms; entrance deeper and unobstructed. Anchorage in 1 to 2 fathoms; entrance from Tennant Harbor. Anchorage in 3 to 4J fathoms. Between Monhegan and Manana Islands. Anchorage in 4 to 6 fathoms; southern entrance deeper; open to southwest- ward. On the eastern shore is the village of Port Clyde; anchorage in 3 to 6 fathoms. From St. George River. Dredged channel. Channel narrow. Anchorage in 2 to 9 fathoms; entrance deep enough for any draft. Anchorage in 3 to 5 fathoms: deeper at entrance. From Meduncook River. Eastern approach to the Medomak River. Chart No. 312 Tennant Harbor Long Cove Chart No 312 Mosquito Harbor 25J 35 Chart No. 312 Chart No 312 MONHEGAN ISLAND HARBOR . At northern entrance 16 25} Chart No. 312 HERRING GUT. By eastern entrance 2] 27 30 9 16 27 30$ 36J 39$ 18| 26 36J Chart No 312 By southern entrance Chart No. 312 By western entrance.. . Chart No. 312 Chart No 312 By northern entrance Chart No 312 ST. GEORGE RIVER: Up to Thomaston . . . Through Davis Strait.. Chart No 313 Chart No 313 Meduncook River Chart No 313 Friendship Harbor Bv eastern entrance. . . 15 25^ 2 27 25 35$ 12 37 Chart No 313 MEDOMAK RIVER: Through the Narrows. . Chart No 313 Up to Waldoboro . . . Chart No 313 Chart No 313 Flying Passage 20 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATEB. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Hockooaock Channel Feet. 27 Feet. 37 Chart No 313 Western approach to the Medomak River. Spacious anchorage in from 3 to 10 fath- oms; deeper at southern entrance. Between Muscongus and Hog Islands. From Hockomock Channel to Muscon- gus Sound. Small but sheltered anchorage in 2 to 4 fathoms, with 4 fathoms at entrance. Deeper at entrance. Extension of Johns Bay; anchorage in 3 to 10 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Sheltered anchorage in 5 to 7 fathoms; opening into Johns Bay by three pas- sages deep enough for any draft. Sheltered anchorage in 3 to 4 fathoms; entered from Johns Bay. Near Fort Island Off Linekins Neck. Dredging authorized. Anchorage in 3 to 11 fathoms; deeper at e-atrance. Dredged . Anchorage in 3 to 7 fathoms; deeper at entrance, easy of access, and shel- tered; village of "Boothbay Harbor" at its head. Chart No 313 Muscongus Sound Over Muscongus Bar 5 22 Ml 31| Chart No 313 Through Lower Narrows Chart No 313 Round Pond Chart No. 313 New Harbor. . <>-12 Chart No. 313 Chart No. 313 Johns River . Pemaquid Harbor Chart No. 313 McFarlings Cove Chart No. 313 25J 31 10 31| 35 41 19} 41 Chart No. 313. ... DAMAIUSCOTTA RIVER: Up to East Boothbay At the Narrows Chart No. 313. . l"]i 1.0 Damariseotta and New- castle. Fisherman Island Passage. . . . Chart No. 313 Chart No. 313 Chief of Eng. Rep., 191 2. Chart No. 314 South Bristol Harbor Line-kins Bay. . 8 17 Chief of Eng. Rep.,. 1912. Chart No 314 . Kasl Boothbay Harbor Boothlmv Harbor 21 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATEK. MEAN HIGH WATER. BOOTHBAY HARBOR TO BATH: Through. Townsend Gut. Feet. 19J 30 27 27 12 30 13 Feet. 29 39J 36J 36J 20| 39f 22i Chart No. 315a Chart No. 315a From Boothbay Harbor to Sheepscot River. From Sheepscot River to Sassanoa River. From Sheepscot River to Sassanoa River. From Knubble Bay to Hockomock Bay, Sassanoa River. * From Hockomock Bay to Kennebec River. From Wiscasset to Hockomock Bay. Anchorage in 3 to 7 fathoms; deeper water in southern entrance. Approach from southeastward deep enough for any draft. Approach from southward. Through channel west of Swan Island; Richmond is not on the main channel. Dredged channel. Inside passage through Casco Bay. Through Goose Rock Passage. . Through Little Sheepscot River. Through Great Hell Gate Through Sassanoa River Chart No 31 5a Chart No. 315a Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 314 SHEEPSCOT RIVER: Up to Wiscasset Through Back River and Montseag Bay. Ebenecook Harbor Chart No. 314. . . Chart No 314 KENNEBEC RIVER Over Pond Island Bar. Up to Fort Popham . . 24 33 24 24 8 16$ 13 9 8 6 32J 4H 32J 31 13 21* 18 13J m 101 Chart No. 314 Chart No. 314 Up to Phippsburg Center Chart No. 314 Up to Bath Chart No 314 Up to Richmond Chart No. 288 Up to Eastmans Point Chart No. 289 Up to Gardiner Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 289 Up to Hallowell Up to $ mile below Augusta . . . To Augusta Chart No. 289. Chart No 289 Cape Small Point to Portland To Chandlers Cove 27 15 36 24 Chart No 315 From Chandlers Cove to Portland . Chart No. 315. . 22 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATEK. MEAN HIGH WATER. CAPE SMALL POINT HARBOR Feet. Feet. Chart No. 315. Anchorage in 2 to 5 fathoms; deeper at western entrance ; holding ground poor. West of Middle Ledge. Anchorage in 1 to 4J fathoms. Anchorage in 3$ to 5 fathoms. Anchorage in 3 to 5 fathoms. Southern entrance obstructed by rocks and shoals. From Quohog Bay. Anchorage in 1\ to 4 fathoms at head of bay. 3 fathoms can be carried nearly up to the head ; entrance through Merico- neag Sound is deep enough for any draft, and clear. Anchorage in 2 to 4 fathoms. Anchorage in 5 to 7 fathoms. Anchorage in 3 to 6 fathoms; western en- trance deeper. From Mericoneag Sound; very narrow and crooked. At head of bay; anchorage in 3 to 9 fath- oms above Whaleboat Island. Chebeag Islands; anchorage in 3 to 7 fathoms ; well sheltered and easily ac- cessible to any draft at eastern or western entrance. Southwestern entrance 27 19 35} 27} Chart No. 315 Watering Place Cove. Chart No. 315. . . Horse Island Harbor Chart No. 315. 24 21 33 29f Chart No. 315. . NEW MEADOWS RIVER: Up to Fosters Point Entrance eastward of Malaga Island. Cundiz Harbor Chart No. 315 Chart No. 315. . Winnegance Bay Chart No. 315 Chart No. 315. ... PvIDLEYS COVE Western entrance 21 24 29} 32} Chart No. 315 Chart No. 315 QUOHOG BAY: At entrance Chart No. 315. .. Harpswell Sound Harpswell Harbor. Chart No. 315 Mackerel Cove Chart No. 315. POTTS HARBOR Eastern entrance 14 4 22} 13$ Chart No. 315 Chart No. 315 MIDDLE BAY: Up to Dunning Wharf Chart No. 315 Chandlers Cove 23 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MAINE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Maquoit Bay Feet. Feet. Chart No. 315 Anchorage in 3 to 4 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Anchorage in 3 to 6 fathoms; deeper at main (southern) entrance, which is unobstructed. Same depth throughout harbor. By dredged channel. Into Portland Harbor. Anchorage in 4 to 7 fathoms; deeper at entrance; sheltered from north and east. Over bar at entrance. 18 feet at entrance; dredged. . 13 5 4 '22 14 13 Chart No. 315 FREEPORT RIVER: Tip to South Freeport Up to Freeport Chart No. 315. Chart No. 315 YARMOUTH RIVER: Up to Yarmouth PORTLAND HARBOR Up to Portland wharves 29 8 15 20 38 17 24 28| Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 315 In Back Cove From Husseys Sound Between Gushing Island and Peaks Island. Chart No. 315. Chart No. 327 Richmonds Island Harbor 3i 9 13 11 11 its 12* 18 22 20 20 23 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 228 Saco River Cape Neddick Harbor. . . . Chart No 228 YORK RIVER: Up to Rocks Nose At bar off Stage Neck Chart No. 228 Up to lower wharves Chart No. 228 Chart No. 107a . Cape Porpoise Harbor 24 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW HAMPSHIRE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Portsmouth Harbor Feet. Feet. Chart No. 0329 Up to the city the channel is unob- structed and deep enough for any draft. Improved by breakwaters; anchorage in 12 feet. Anchorage of limited extent in 34 1<> s fathoms; deeper at main entrance; open to westward; breakwater. 11 19 Chart No. 0329 Chart No. 330 Into Tattle Harbor Gosport Harbor Isles of Shoals. . . . 25 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MASSACHUSETTS. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Newburyport Harbor Feet. Feet. Chief of Eng. Rep.. 1912. U. S. Engineers 11 feet draft over bar; jetties. 7 feet draft. Over shifting bar. About 3 feet. Dredged channel to Essex; deeper at entrance. Abou 1 7 feet over shifting bar. Dredged channel into Lobster Cove and Gloucester Harbor. Outer harbor; deep enough for any draft; breakwater building. Anchorage in outer harbor in 4 to 7 fathoms; deeper at entrance. An- chorage in 4 to 6 fathoms behind breakwater. By dredged channel. Through main ship channel and to outer anchorage. Through outer anchorage. From outer anchorage. Anchorage off city in 2 to 4 fathoms. Through Cat Island channel passing westward of Satan spindle. To anchorage off Salem. 9 16| Up to Haverhill ... Chief of Eng. Rep.. 1912. Coast Pilot 6 14f Ipswich River Up to Ipswich Coast Pilot Essex River . . . . 4 12J Chief of Eng. Rep.. 1912. Chart No. 243 Annisquam River Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 243. ROCKPORT HARBOR (SANDY BAYI. To inner harbor 12 3 30 20i 114 38i Between Gap Head and Straitsmouth Island. Between Avery Ledge and Straitsmouth Island. Chart. No. 243 Chart No. 243 Chart No. 243 GLOUCESTER HARBOR Up inner harbor to Gloucester. 21 (i 40 30 24 10 28 Ifi 30 15 49i 39i 33i MJ 37i 251 Chart No. 243. Chart No. 244. .. MANCHESTER HARBOR: Up to Manchester railroad bridge. Chart No. 244. . . . SALEM HARBOR: To Bowditchs Ledge Beacon. . To Little Haste Beacon . . . Chart No. 244 To anchorage above For! Pickering. To Derby Wharf Chart No. 244. Chart No. 244 To outer anchorage Chart No 244 Through South channel... Chart No. 244. . 26 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MASSACHUSETTS. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATEK. BEVERLY HARBOR: Up to town. . Feet, 18 Feet. 27 Chart No. 244 Dredged channel. Anchorage in 2 to 5 fathoms; deeper at entrance; well sheltered and acces- sible. By dredged channel. By main ship channel. By main ship channel, dredged ],000 feet wide. By main ship channel, dredged 1,000 feet wide. By main ship channel. By Broad' Sound (South) Channel: dredged 1,200 feet wide. By Broad Sound (North) Channel, dredged 1,500 feet wide. By dredged channel. By Black Rock Channel. Around Governors Island to main ship channel. By Governors Island Channel. By dredged channel. Through Nantasket Gut. By dredged channel, 100 feet wide. Weir River; by dredged channel 150 feet wide. And up to lower wharves; dredged channel 200 feet wide. Dredged channel 300 feet wide. Through Dorchester Bay; dredged channel 175 feet wide. Dred ged channel 100 feet wide. Marblehead Harbor Chart No. 244. . 15 30 27 27 30 30 35 35 19 17 11 14 25 18 8 10 12 18 18 15 24J 39} 36} 36} 39} 39} 44} 44} 28} 26} 20} 23} 34} 27} 17i 19} 21} 27} 27} 24} Chart No. 337 . . LYNN HARBOR: Up to Lynn. Chart No. 337 BOSTON HARBOR: Up to Boston Lighthouse Nantasket Roads to Boston. . . Up to President Roads Chart No. 246. . Chart No. 246 Up to Nantasket Roads Chart No. 246 Up to President Roads Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. U. S. Engineers. . Up to President Roads President Roads to bridges in the upper harbor. From Hypocrite Channel to Narrows Lighthouse. Through Governors Island Channel. Up to East Boston U. S. Engineers Chart No. 246 Chart No. 246 Chart No. 246 . . Between Long Island and Nix Mate. Into Hingham Bay Chart No. 246 Chart No. 246 Up to Downers Landing, Hingham Harbor. Up to lower wharves, Hing- ham Harbor. Up to Nantasket Pier Chart No. 246 Chief of Eng. Rep. ,1912. Chart No. 246 Into Weymouth Back River. . Up to Quincy Point, Wey- mouth Fore River. Up to Commercial Point, Ne- 1 ponset River. Up to Neponset, Neponset River. Chart No. 246 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 246. . Chart No. 246. . 27 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MASSACHUSETTS. 7 LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. BOSTON HARBOR Continued. Up to Chelsea Bridge, Mystic River. Mystic River to mouth of Island End River. Up to Medford , Mystic River . . Up to Maiden, via Mystic and Maiden Rivers. Up to Charles River Dam .... Charles River Dam to Western Avenue bridge. Fort Point Channel ... Feet. 35 30 6 Feet. 44* 39* 15f 12 15i U. S. Engineers. . Dredged channel. By dredged channel. Dredged channel; 4 feet to head of navi- gation. Dredged channel to bridge. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Referred to per- manent level of Charles River Basin. To near Federal Street bridge ; dredged channel 12 feet deep into South Bay. Anchorage in 8 to 10 feet in outer harbor. Over bar at entrance. Entrance by dredged channel 100 feet wide. By dredged channel 100 feet wide; less than 2 feet in depth. The entrance is common also to Dux- bury Bay and Kingston Bay. By dredged channel 150 feet wide. The harbor of refuge. Entrance over shifting sand bar. Over Stony Bar and Lieutenant Island Bar. Dredged channel. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1909. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1909. Chart No. 246. . 6 14* 23 5 1 7 32* 14* 10* 16| Chart No. 337 INTO COHASSBT HARBOR. Into Inner Harbor Coast Pilot Chief of Eng. Rep., 1908. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1908. Chart No. 338. SCITU ATE "HARBOR Up to wharves 24 10 21 7 7* 6J 14 4 34i 20 ,30| 16J 161 15* 24f 14i PLYMOUTH HARBOR: Up to Duxbury Pier To wharves at Plymouth . Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 338 DUXBURY BAY: Into " Cowyard " Up to Powder Point Chart No. 338 Chart No 339 BARNSTABLE HARBOR Up to Red Rock Chart No 339 Chart No. 340 WELLFLEET HARBOR: To anchorage inside of Bil- lingsgate Island. Up to wharves at Wellfleet... Chart No. 340. . 28 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MASSACHUSETTS. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. ME AX HIGH WATER. Provincetown Harbor Feet. feet. Chart No. 341. . Anchorage in 2 to 10 fathoms; deeper at entrance; easily accessible; spacious and well sheltered. By north channel between Pollock Rip and its broken part . Between broken part of Pollock Rip and Twelve-Foot Shoal. Deep enough for any draft. l>y main channel; past Great Round Shoal Lightship. Between Monomoy Point and ''The Handkerchief." Anchorage in 3 to 5 fathoms. By dredged channel, between the jot i ios at entrance. Anchorage in bay in 7 to 12 feet. Anchorage in 15 to 19 feet behind break- water in front of Hyannisport. Anchorage in 10 to 21 feet in harbor. Anchorage in outer harbor in 2 to 6 fath- oms; deeper at entrance, which is open to northward. In the sound west of this passage me channel is deep enough for any draft. Deep enough for any draft. 25 1!) 28J 29 23 32| Chart No. 250 NANTUCKET SOUND: To Pollock Rip Lightship From Pollock Rip Lightship to Shovelful Lightship. From Shovelful Lightship to Handkerchief Lightship. From Handkerchief Lightship to Bishop and Clerks Light- house. From Bishop and Clerks Lighthouse to Succonessct Shoal Lightship. To Cross Rip Lightship Chart No. 250. . Chart No. 250. . Chart No. 250 24 IS 3C 31 21 27 21 33 34 24 Chart No. Ill Charts Nos. Ill, 112. Chart No. Ill From Handkerchief Lightship to Cross Rip Lightship. Into Chatham Roads from Biitlers Hole. Chatham Roads Chart No. Ill Chart No. Ill Chart No. Ill Nantucket Harbor Ki.l (5 11 10 19} 9i 14} 13} U. S. Eng's Survov of Oct., 1911. Chart No. 247 Into Lewis Bay To wharf at Hyannisport U. S. Eng's Survey of June, 1910. Chart No. 247 Into Centerville Harbor Chart No. 346 EDGARTOWN H \RBOR.. Into inner harbor 15 9 24 27 17 11 25$ 28J Chart No. 34<> Up to Katama Point Chart No. 34(> Chart No. 112 VINEYARD SOUND: North of L'Hommedieu Shoal . Between L'Hommedieu Shoal and The Hedge Fence. Between The Hedge Fence and Marthas Vineyard. Chart No. 112 ('hart \o. 112 29 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MASSACHUSETTS. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Throu p h Muskeget Channel Feet. ... I 21 Feet. 221 22% Chart No. 112 Between Cape Poge and Hawes Shoal. Between Norton Shoal and Long Shoal. Anchorage in 1 to 7 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to northeastward. 6 feet inside; improved by jetties. By main channel from Vineyard Sound . From Great Harbor; dredged channel. From Vineyard Sound, by dredged channel 150 feet wide. From Buzzards Bay. > Anchorage in 2 to 4 fathoms; open to eastward. Between Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay. Between Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay. From the Vineyard Sound into Cutty- hunk Harbor; dredged channel 66 feet wide. By western entrance. By eastern entrance. Harbor very small. Anchorage in 1 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrance; small but easy of access. Chart No. 112 Chart No. 347 VINEYARD HAVEN .......... lip to town wharf 13 6 21 12* 12 20 8 14* 9 22f 14* 13 24 12 Chart No. 347 Coast Pilot Into Menemsha Creek Harbor. . . . Chart No. 348 WOODS HOLE: Into Great Harbor Into Buzzards Bay U. S. Eng's Survey of 1912. Chart No 348 Into Little Harbor To anchorage west of narrows. Into Had ley s Harbor Chart No. 348. . . Chart No. 348 Chart No 112 Tarpaulin Cove 14 31 6 I" I 22 9 18 34* 9* 27* 25* 13 Chart No 345 Through Robinsons Hole Chart No. 345 Through Quicks Hole Chart No 297 Canapitsit Channel Chart No. 297 BUZZARDS BAY. Into Cuttyhunk Harbor Chart No. 297 . Chart No. 249 Into Quamquisset Harbor Chart No 251 Wild Harbor w 9 16| 13 Chart No 251 Into Cataumet Harbor POCASSET HARBOR: Into inner harbor V Chart No. 251 . . 30 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MASSACHUSETTS. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES, REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. BUZZARDS BAY Continued. To Phinnevs Harbor . . Feet. 12 14 8 7 9 12 11 Feet. 16 18 12 11 13 161 15i Chart No 251 Near Monument Beach; from dredged channel in Buzzards Bay. Dredged channel. Anchorage in 2 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to southeastward; 8 feet to wharves. Anchorage in outer harbor in 3 to 4J fathoms; deeper at entrance; anchor- age in inner harbor in 6 to 25 feet. To outer anchorage. To outer anchorage. To outer anchorage. By dredged channel to drawbridge. Near New Bedford; anchorage in 2 to 3| fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to southward . Anchorage in 2 to 2 fathoms and ex- posed to southeast. Oilier bar. Inner bar. Chart No 251 MONUMENT RIVER: Up to mouth Into Onset Bay Chart No 251 Ip to wharf Chart No 251 Chart No 251 WAREHAM RIVER: Up to Wareham Chart No 251 SIPPICAN HARBOR: Up to first wharf Up to Marion .... Chart No 251 Chart No 252 Mattapoisett Harbor. . Chart No. 252 NEW BEDFORD HARBOR By eastern channel 25 23 23 24} 29J 27* -'7! 28J Chart No. 252 By middle channel Chart No. 252. .. By southwest channel and middle channel. Up to city Chart No. 252. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. ( 'hurt No. 252. (lark Cove APPO X A ( 1 A X S E T 1 > \ Y Up to bridge at head 12 7 5 15| 10 8 Chart No. 252 Coast Pilot WESTPORT HARBOR: At entrance Un to Westoort. . Coast Pilot. . 31 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. RHODE ISLAND. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. i REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. NARRAGANSETT BAY. SAKONNET RIVER: Up to Stone Bridge Feet. 21 25 13 25 25 7 18 39 19} 10 25 Feet. 25 29 17 29 1 29J 11* 21$ 42| 23i 141 29f Chart No. 353 From southward. By dredged channel 100 feet wide. By eastern passage. By western passage, dredged channels. At Commercial wharf: 13 to 18 feet at anchorage; deeper at the two en- trances. Anchorage in 2 to 8 fathoms. At entrance; up to wharf at Wickford. By dredged channel 300 feet wide. Vessels of 11 feet draft at high water. Off Lower Middle Ground Through draw of Stone Bridge. Through draw of railroad bridge. Chart No. 353 Chart No 353 Eng'r. Dep't. Survey of 1912. Chart No. 353 Up to Conimicut Lighthouse Between Prudence and Patience Islands. Chart No. 353 Chart No 353 2 Newport Harbor Chart No 353 2 DUTCH ISLAND HARBOR: By south channel . By north channel Chart No. 353 2 Chart No 353 Wickford Harbor Chart No 353 Up to Fall River, Mass Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 354 a TAUNTON RIVER: Up to Taunton, Mass. . . 19 19 13 10 13 15 23i 23$ 17J 14* Wi 19* INTO BRISTOI, HARBOR: By eastern channel By western channel Chart No 354 a Chart No. 353 Chart No. 353 GREENWICH BAY: Up to Sally Rock Sally Rock to Greenwich Cove. Chart No 353 WARREN RIVER: Up to Warren Up to anchorage. . . Chart No. 353. . 32 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. RHODE ISLAND. LEAST WATER. LOCALITY. MEAN MEAN AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. LOW HIGH WATEH. WATER. Feet. Feet. XARRAGANSETT BAY Con. PROVIDENCE RIVEIJ: ' Up to Providence 25 29i Chart No. 353. . By dredged channel 600 feet wide. Up Pawtucket (Seekoiik) River to head of navigatii m . ](i **v 2 L'l Chart No 353 By dredged channel 100 feet wide; 50 feet wide to Pawtucket. BLOCK ISLAND. Into the breakwater harbor 10 13 Chart No. 356 Into Great Salt Pond 24 27 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. By dredged channel 150 feet wide; an- chorage in 2 to 10 fathoms. Point Judith ('hurt \<> I'M J Anchorage west of point in 3 to 5 fath- oms; protected by breakwaters. Eastern entrance, 30 feet; western entrance, 19 feet. 33 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. CONNECTICUT. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. FISHERS ISLAND SOUND: Through Watch Hill Passage. . Through Sugar Reef Passage. . Through Catumb Passage Feet. 21 24 22 20 18J 30 10 91 w 15 15 I3i 19 26 23 26 20 13 25i Feet. 23f 26| 24 22f 211 32| 12* 12 15} 17* 17* 151 21* 28* 25* 28* 22| 16 28* Chart No. 358 1 Between Block Island Sound and Fish- [ era Island Sound. Through Little Narragansett Bay; dredged. On the Pawcatuck River; dredged 100 feet wide. Anchorage behind breakwater in 2 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrances. Mystic River by dredged channel. Mystic River by dredged channel. West end of Fishers Island; 10 to 16 feet in pond; dredged channel. Eastern approach to mouth of river. Dredged channel 400 feet wide. Dredged channel 200 feet wide. Dredged channel 200 feet wide. Passage inside of Bartletts Reef. Anchorage in 2 to 4 fathoms; greater depths at entrance; open to south- ward. At mouth; dredged channel 300 feet wide. Dredged channel 100 feet wide. Dredged through Hamburg Cove and Eightmile River. Chart No. 358 Chart No. 358. . . Through Lords Passage Chart No. 358 Through Wicopesset Passage. . Through the Sound by main Channel. To Pawcatuck River Chart No. 358 Chart No. 358 Chart No. 358 . To Westerly R.I U. S. Engineers Into Stonington inner harbor. . Up to Noank Chart No. 358 Chart No. 358. Up to town of ' ' Mystic River ' ' . Into Silver Eel Pond Chart No. 358 Chart No. 358 Chart No. 293 THAMES RIVER: Through Pine Island Channel. Up to New London Chart No. 293 To New London wharves Chart No. 293 Up to Naval Station Chart No. 293 Up to Allyns Point Chart No. 359 Up to Norwich. . . Chart No. 359. Chart No. 1211 Two Tree Island Channel . Chart No. 1211 Niantic Bay 15 10 8 isi 13 Chart No. 253. CONNECTICUT RIVER: Saybrook Bar Up to Essex Chart No. 253. . Up to Hamburg Chart No. 253 5215 13 3 , 34 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. CONNECTICUT. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. CONNECTICUT RIVER Continued. Up to Middletown Feet. 10 10 24 Feet. 11* 11 28 Chart No. 255 Dredged channel 100 feet wide. Dredged channel 100 feet wide. Anchorage in 2 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to southward . Anchorage in 2 to 4 fathoms; partially sheltered by 3 breakwaters. And over bar. Greatest draft. Anchorage in 1 to 2 fathoms; deeper at entrance; very small and open to south westward . Or Great Harbor; anchorage in 1 to 2 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to south westward . Sheltered anchorage in 12 to 30 feet. Several entrances of varying depths. Anchorage in 1 to 2 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Dredged channel, 100 feet wide. Anchorage in 14 to 28 feet behind break- waters. By dredged channel to Tomlinson's Bridge, 400 feet wide. By dredged channel to Kimberley Avenue Bridge, 100 feet wide. Dredged channel to Grand Avenue Bridge, 100 to 200 feet wide. Dredged Channel to Ferry Street Bridge, 200 feet wide. Dredged channel Ferry Street Bridge to Grand Avenue Bridge. Up to Hartford Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 115 Passage inside of Long Sand Shoal . Westbrook Harbor Chart No 257 Chart No. 257 Duck Island Harbor 4 8} 5 Chart No 258 CLINTON HARBOR: Up to Clinton Chart No 259 GUILFORD HARBOR: Up to Guilford Chart No 260 Sachem Head Harbor Chart No 260 Joshua Cove Chart No. 260 Thimble Islands Harbor .... Chart No. 261 BRANFORD HARBOR Up to Branford 6* 13 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 362 NEW HAVEN HARBOR - - - Up to city .... 20 7 12 12 8 26 1S| 18J 18i 14 Chart No. 362. . West River . - - Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 362 Mill River Quinnipiac River . . . Chart No. 362. . U. S. Engineers 35 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. CONNECTICUT. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Feet. Feet. Chart No. 263 Anchorage in 1 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to southeastward. And up to Merwin's wharf, by dredged channel, 100 feet wide. By dredged channel, 90 feet wide. Breakwater; dredged channel, 200 feet wide. Dredged channel, 100 feet wide. By dredged channel, 300 feet wide. By dredged channel to lower bridge, 200 feet wide. By dredged channel, 100 to 230 feet wide. By dredged channel, 100 feet wide. By dredged channel, 100 feet wide. a By dredged channel, 100 feet wide. By dredged channel, 100 feet wide. Breakwater to inner beacon. By dredged channel, 100 feet wide. Dredged channel, 60 feet wide. By dredged channel 60 feet wide. Into Wepowage River 9 6 7 7 22 18 11 9 8 7 12 15i m m 11 28 24^ 17* 1*J Mi 13 18} Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 263 Up to Milford Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 265 HOUSATONIC RIVER: At entrance Up to head of navigation at Derby. BRIDGEPORT HARBOR: To inner breakwater. . Up to the city Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 265 Poquonock River, to head of navigation. Yellow Mill channel, to head of navigation. Johnsons Creek, to head of navigation. BLACK ROCK HARBOR: Up to the head of Burr Creek . . Up to the head of Cedar Creek, both branches. Chart No. 265 Chart No. 266. SOUTHPORT HARBOR Over bar 4* 6 6* 6 3* 15 11 12J 13J 13 10} 22 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 267 Up to docks SAUGATUCK RIVER: Over bar Up to highway bridge Up to Westport Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 267. . COCKENOE ISLAND HARBOR: At entrance... 36 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. CONNECTICUT. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. NORWALK RIVER: Up to South Norwalk Feet. 7 7 10 8 6 Feet. 14 14 17 15 13 Chart No 267 From Cockenoe Island Harbor. Passage east of Ram Island. Through Sheffield Island Harbor; dredged channel 150 feet wide. Dredged channel 100 feet wide. Dredged channel 75 feet wide. Anchorage in 1 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrance. By dredged channel. By dredged channel 100 feet wide. Anchorage in 1 to 2 fathoms; deeper at entrance. By west branch; dredged channel, 150 feet wide. By east branch; dredged channel, 100 feet wide. From Captain Harbor, by dredged chan- nel, 90 feet wide. By dredged channel 90 feet wide. Anchorage in 2 to 6 fathoms; deeper at entrance. From Captain Harbor. By dredged channel 150 feet wide. Up Mianus River. Up to South Norwalk Chart No. 267. .. Up to South Norwalk Chart No. 267 Up to Norwalk Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 267. Up to East Norwalk Chart No. 116. . Sheffield Island Harbor Up to Wilson Point 15 8 22 15J Chart No 267 Chart No. 268 Into Five-Mile River Chart No. 269. STAMFORD HARBOR Up to Stamford 7 9 9 6 Hi 16J 16i 13J Chart No. 269 Up to Stamford Chart No. 269 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 116 GREENWICH COVE: Up to steamboat dock Up to head of navigation Captain Harbor 8 6 2 15 13 9 Chart No. 269 COSCOB HARBOR: At entrance Up to railroad bridge Chart No. 269 Up to Mianus Chart No. 116 37 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATEE. Feet. Feet. Chart No. 270 Anchorage in 1 to 2 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Byram River, by dredged channel. By dredged channel and rock excava- tion. Anchorage in 1 to 2 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to southward. By dredged channel. By dredged channel. Anchorage in 1 to 2 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to southward; break- water on eastern side. Anchorage in 1 to 3 fathoms; open to southwestward . Eastern part of city; public dock at Beauford Point; dredged channel and rock excavation. Dredged channel. From eastward. Southern part of city. Also called Hart Island Roads. Around north end of Hart Island. Between City Island and Hart Island. Anchorage in 6 to 8 feet; deeper at en- trance. East Chester Creek; dredged channel and rock excavation. Dredged channel. Up to near gas works; dredged. Dredged. Dam iust, bfivnnfl t.hfi HVP wnrlrs Up to town dock 10 9 2 17* 16* 9* Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. U. S. Engr's Survey 1907. Chart No. 271 Up to steamboat wharf Up to Highland Street Up to steamboat landing .... Up to fixed bridge 6i 5 18 13J 12* 25^ Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 271 Larchmont Harbor entrance Chart No. 271, Kc'HO B\Y Up to New Rochelle 10 6 20 17 17* 13* 27J 24i U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1911. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 272 Up to wharves, New Rochelle. NEW ROCHELLE HARBOR: At entrance Up to New Rochelle. Chart No. 272 < 'ITY ISLAND HARBOR At northern entrance 30 21 37 28J Chart No. 272. Through the harbor Chart No. 272... Chart No. 272 EAST CHESTER BAY Up to Lockwood 3 1 3 1 10 8 10 8 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. U. S. Engrs. Surveys, 1913. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Ene. Ren.. 1912. Up to Fulton Avenue Bridge . Bronx River Up to gas works Up to dye works Up to fixed bridge. . . 38 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. WEST CHESTER CREEK Feet. Feet. Chart No 273 By dredged channel. By dredged channel; deepening to 6 feet in progress. Dredged channel. Passage north of North Brother Island. Passage between North Brother Island and South Brother Island. Passage west of South Brother Island. From the Battery, New York, to Long Island Sound. Little Hell Gate. By dredged channel. Navigable only by steamers or vessels in tow. East- erly draw of McCombs Dam Bridge obstructed by rock; westerly draw only in use. By dredged channel to { mile below bridge. Passages into, from eastward. Deep enough for any draft; strong cur- rent. From Block Island Sound; not buoyed, and dangerous. Deep enough for any draft; strong cur- rent. Anchorage in 4 to 8 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to northward. East River to mile below Unionport bridge. Up to | mile below fixed bridge. 8 3 6 r 37 1 19 1. 26 37 22 6 12 17f 14f 9* 13 43| 25f 22J 31 42 27i 111 16f 22} U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1912-13. U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1913. Chart No. 273 FLUSHING BAY: Up to Flushing Chart No. 273 EAST RIVER: From Throgs Neck to Port Morris. Through Hell Gate Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 273 Chart No. 369 West of Blackwells Island East of Blackwells Island Chart No. 369 4 Chart No 369 4 Chart No. 274 HARLEM RIVER: Between Wards Island and Randalls Island. Through into Hudson River Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1911 NEWTOWN CREEK: Up to Metropolitan Avenue Bridge, head of navigation. LONG ISLAND SOUND The Race ( 'hart No. 1211 Between Great Gull Island and Plum Island. Plum Gut 18 2-f t 17 11 9* 19J 13* Chart No 299 Chart No 298 SAG HARBOR: At entrance Up to wharves Chart No. 298. . 40 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK. LOCALITY. LEAST WATEK. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Little Peconic Bay . . Feet. Feet. Chart No. 299 Entrance from Shelter Island Sound deep enough for any draft. From Little Peconic Bay. From Little Peconic Bay, south of Rob- bins Island. From Little Peconic Bay, north of Rob- bins Island. Same draft as at Jamesport. Navigable for very small craft. Jetties and dredged channel. By dredged channel and jetties. From Port Jefferson. At entrance. Anchorage in 2 to 6 fathoms: deeper at entrance open to northward. From Huntington Bay. Greatest draft 14 feet at high water. 9 9 C 3 1 7 6 HI HI 15 9} 8i Chart No. 299 CUTCHOGUE HARBOR: At entrance Up to New Suffolk Chart No. 299 Chart No 299 . . GREAT PECONIC BAY: At entrance Chart No 299 Up to Jamesport wharf Chart No 299 Up to Southport Coast Pilot Coast Pilot PECONIC RIVER: Up to Riverhead 31 13| 8 o 6 6 2i 1 8 20f 14i 8* 12J i2j U.S.Engrs. Survey, 1912. U. S. Engrs, Survey, 1911. Chart No. 361 4 Mattituck Harbor PORT JEFFERSON: Over bar Up to wharves. Into Setauket Harbor Chart No. 361 4 At Setauket wharf Chart No. 361 4 At bridge across Setauket Harbor. Chart No 361 4 Coast Pilot Stony Brook Harbor. . 7J Coast Pilot NlSSEQUAGUE RlVER: \t entrance Chart No. 368 HuNTINGTON BAY Into Northport Bay 18 251 Chart No. 368 UD to North port.. Coast Pilot.. 41 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. HUNTINGTON BAY Continued. Into Centerport Harbor Feet. 1 8 7 24 6 Feet. 81 15J 14i 311 13^ Chart No. 368 From Northport Bay. Dredged channel. From Huntington Bay Anchorage in 1 to 7 fathoms; entrance from Oyster Bay is deep enough for any draft. At anchorage behind breakwater. Anchorage in 12 to 30 feet; deeper at entrance; open to northward, except as protected by a breakwater off Mos- quito Neck, which shelters small an- chorage from 7 to 23 feet deep. Near Roslyn; dredged. At milldam; dredged above Wards wharf. Anchorage in 2 to 6 fathoms. At town wharf. Anchorage in 5 to 10 feet; deeper at entrance. Greatest draft is 5 feet at high water. Dredged channel from Fire Island Inlet to Central Basin. In Patchogue River; jetty and dredged channel. .Tpttvips anrl rlrprJaprl r'Tititinpl Into Huntington Harbor and up to upper wharves. Into Lloyd Harbor U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1913. Chart No. 368 Chart No. 367 OYSTER BAY: At entrance Up to wharves at Cold Spring. Oyster Bay Harbor Chart No. 367. Chart Ncr. 367 21 28J Chief of Eng. Rep., 1909. Chart No. 366. . . Glencove Harbor. . HEMPSTEAD HARBOR Up to anchorage off Bar Beach . Up to anchorage inside Bar Beach. To head of navigation . . . 18 7 6 14 9 251 141 13 211 161 Chart No. 116. Chart No. 116. . . U. S. Engrs. Survev, 1911-12. Charts Nos. 116 and 272.. U. S. Engrs. Survey. 1912. Charts Nos. 116 and 272. Coast Pilot MANHASSET HARBOR: Up to Plum Point. . . Up to Manhasset Village LITTLE NECK BAY Up to Little Neck Village. . Bi 8 2i 9i 9 3i Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 119 GREAT SOUTH BAY. . . . Up to Patchogue Browns Creek - . Chief of Ene. RPTV 1912 42 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK. LOCALITY LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATEB. MEAN HIGH WATER. FIRE ISLAND INLET: Over bar Feet. 7 5 7 Feet. n 8f 11 Chart No. 119 (estimate by U. S. Engineers). Chart No 119 Shifting sand ; channel varying in loca- tion and depth. Shifting sand. Shifting sand. Anchorage in 10 to 40 feet. Shifting sand . Dredged channel. Dredged channel 2.000 feet wide. At east end; channel dredged 350 feet wide. Low water depth at west end 22 feet. Anchorage in 1 to 3 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Dredged channel 1,000 to 1,200 feet wide. From The Narrows to Buttermilk Chan- nel; dredged 1,100 feet wide. From Upper Bay to East River; dredged 600 feet wide. JONES INLET: Over bar Coast Pilot . EAST ROCKAWAY INLET: Over bar Chart No. 542. ROCKAWAY INLET Over bar 11 6 30 30 25 40 17 15 10| 34} 34} 29} 44 21 U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1912. Chart No. 542. Up to Oanarsie Landing Chart No. 369 NEW YORK BAY: Through Gedney Channel .... Through Main Channel . . Chart No. 369. Through Swash Channel Chart No. 369 Through Ambrose Channel Through Coney Island Chan- nel. U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1912. U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1913. Chart No. 369. . Gravesend Bav NEW YORK HARBOR: Through Bay Ridge Channel.. Through Red Hook Channel . . Through Buttermilk Channel. HUDSON RIVER: Up to Rondout Creek 38 30 28 30 25 42} 34} 32} 34i 291 U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1913. U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1913. U. S. Engrs. Survey, 1911. Chart No. 283 UD to Hudson.. Chart No. 283.. 43 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. HUDSON RIVER Continued. Up to Troy Feet. Hi 8} 12 10 12 13 8 Feet. M* 11 15* 13 16 17 Hi Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 281 Rock excavation and dredged channels. Dredged channel. From deep water in the river, by dredged channel. From deep water in the river, by dredged channel. Up to steamboat landing from deep water in the river, by dredged channel and jetties. From deep water in the river, by jetties and dredged channel, to Eddyville, 8 feet. From deep water in the river to head of navigation, by dredged channel. Up to State Dam To Tarrytown, Husteds wharf. To Peekskill Chart No. 282 Saugerties Harbor, Esopus Creek. Up Rondout Creek . . . Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Wappinger Creek 44 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK AND VERMONT. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. LAKE CHAMPLAIN Feet. Not 11* Feet. ides. Charts Nos. 553, 554, 555, and 556. Chart No. 553 From Isle La Motte southward to Elm Point, i. e., through the body of the lake, the main channel is deep enough for any draft. Anchorage in 6 to 9 feet; deeper at en- trance. East of Isle La Motte. From Missisquoi Bay to La Motte Passage. Anchorage in 6 to 20 feet; deeper at main entrance. From northward, northeast of Woods Island . Being deepened. Between North Hero Island and South Hero Island. Sheltered anchorage at northern end in 12 to 40 feet; deeper at entrance. Anchorage in 8 to 38 feet ; deeper at en- trance. Anchorage in 6 to 40 feet; deeper at en- trance. Restricted shelter behind breakwater in 6 to 16 feet. Off Aliens Point. Along face of wharves; shelter behind breakwater in 6 to 32 feet. Spacious and sheltered; anchored in 2 to 18 fathoms; entrance deep enough for any draft. From Fort Montgomery to Isle La Motte Lighthouse. Kings Bay Chart No. 553 Through Pt. au Fer Channel. . Through La Motte Passage . . . Passage west of Isle La Motte. Through Alburgh Passage. . 8 7 22 12 Chart No. 553 Chart No. 553 Chart No. 553 Chart No. 553 Through Missisquoi Bay 10J 20 23 21 10 Chart No. 553 Between Long Point Shoal and Gull Island Reef. Between Gull Island Reef and Butlers Island. Between Butlers Island and Knights Island. Into City Bay Chart No. 553 Chart No. 553 Chart No. 553 Chart No. 553 Lapans Bay Chart No. 553 Into Lapans Bay 12* 4* 8J Chart No. 553 St. Albans Harbor Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 553 Through The Gut . . . Tread wells Bay.. Chart No. 553 Keelers Bay, South Hero Island. Cumberland Bay Chart No. 554 Chart No. 554 Plattsburg 10 7 9-15 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 554 Into Mallets Bay Burlino'ton Harbor Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Charts Nos. 554 and 555. Shelburne Bay 45 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK AND VERMONT. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATEK. LAKE CHAMPLAIN Continued. Willsborough Bay Feet. Feet. Charts Nos. 554 and 555. . Chart No. 556 Spacious and sheltered; anchorage in 2 to 30 fathoms; entrance deep enough for any draft. From Elm Point to Crown Point. Into Bullwagga Bay 24 8 16 15 10 5* Chart No. 556. . From Crown Point to Ticon- deroga. From Ticonderoga to Benson Landing. From Benson Landing to Whitehall. Into South Bay.. Chart No. 556 Chart No. 556 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 556 46 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. KILL VAN KULL: To Bergen Point Feet. 25 21 16 16 14-15 12 10 6 20-21 6 21 Feet. 30 26 21 21 94 5 25-26 11 26i Chart No. 544 From New York Harbor. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. On Elizabeth River. By dredged channel. To Valentine's Dock, 8 feet. From New York Bay, by dredged chan- nel. Chart No. 544 NEWARK BAY AND PASSAIC RIVER: From Bergen Point to Eliza- bethport. Up to Newark Charts Nos. 369 and 565. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1911. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 369 Up to Newark & New York R. R. Bridge. Up to Bridge Street Bridge. . . Up to New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R. Bridge. Up to Montclair & Green- wood Lake R. R. Bridge. Up to Passaic ARTHUR KILL: Up to Elizabeth, South Street Bridge. From Elizabethport to Rari- tan Bay. Up Woodbridge Creek to Sala- mander Dock. PRINCESS BAY: At entrance 47 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW JERSEY. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. RARITAN RIVER: Up to South Amboy Feet. 20 9 10 8 Feet. 25 m 15 13 Chart No. 369 Dredged channels. Dredged channels. Dredged channels. Dredged channel; to Bissetts Dock, 6 feet. Draft allowed 7 feet; locks 210 feet long and 23 feet 4 inches wide. Inland passage. Dredged channel. From Raritan Bay; dredged channel. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Anchorage in 2 to 5 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. Over shifting sand bar. On Double Crfifik- flrpHcrfiH Up to New Brunswick Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 375 Up to Delaware and Raritan Canal. Up to South River Town on South River. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 375 Delaware and Raritan Canal 5 8 4 2 4 10 13 9 7 81 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 369 Into Cheesequake Creek MATAWAN CREEK: Up to Keyport wharves Up to the New Jersey Co. Dock. Up to Matawan Through Shoal Harbor and Comp- ton Creek to drawbridge. SANDY HOOK BAY Shrewsbury River Up to Branchpoint 6 Chart No. 543 Navesink River Up to Red bank 6 7 4 5 6 Chart No 543 9i 41 51 6* Chart No 122 BARNEGAT INLET: At entrance Up to Bay Head Chart No. 121 Up to Toms River Village Up to Barneeat Villasre. . . Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Ens?. Ren.. 1912. 48 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW JERSEY. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGU WATER. LITTLE EGG INLET: At entrance Feet. 8-9 6 2 Feet. llj-12i 8J 5* Chart No. 1217 Over shifting sand bar. Dredged channel. Over shifting sand bar at entrance. Approach to Atlantic City. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. From inside bar. From inside bar. 6 feet draft; 12 miles up Great Egg River. Up to West Tuckerton, on Tuckerton Creek. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Coast Pilot Brigantine Inlet ABSECON INLET At entrance 8 9 n 9 8 12 IS} 111 131 12 Chart No. 1217 Chart No. 1217 GREAT EGG INLET: At entrance Up to Longport Chart No. 1217 Up to Ocean City Chart No. 1217 Up to Somers Point Chart No. 1217 Up to Mays Landing Coast Pilot 49 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW JERSEY AND DELAWARE. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Into Corson Inlet . .... Feet. 4 3i 7 3i 8 16 21 19 Feet. 8i 7| Hi 8 12* 20 25i 23 Chart No. 1217 Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar; improvements are in progress. To anchorage under Cape May. From Cape May Channel to Main Chan- nel. From Cape May Channel to Main Chan- nel. By Main Channel is deep enough for any draft. Over sand bar. On Maurice River; dredged channel. Jetty. On Broadhill Creek; dredged channel. On Mispillion Creek; dredged. And up to Fred erica; dredged channel. And up to Lebanon; dredged channel. Over bar; 10 to 20 feet in river. Over bar and up to Dona Landing. On Leipsic Creek. Over bar; dredged channel. On Cohansey Creek. Into Townsend Inlet . Chart No. 1217 Chart No. 1217 Into Hereford Inlet Into Turtle Gut Inlet Chart No. 1217 Into Cold Spring Inlet Charts 1217, 1218, and 1219. Chart No. 1218 DELAWARE BAY AND RIVER: Entrance by Cape May Chan- nel. Through Ricords Channel Chart No. 1218. . . By Through Channel Chart No. 1218. . . . Up to near Fourteen-Foot Bank Lighthouse. Into Maurice River. Chart No. 1218 5 7 4 4 4 6 7 4 5 4 6* 6 7 7 10J 12 8i 7* 8* 9* Hi 8J 10J 9f HI Chief of Eng. Rep. ,1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 1218 Up to.Millville Into Broadhill Creek . . . Up to Milton Chart No. 1218 Into Mispillion Creek Chart No. 1218 Up to Milford from bar Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 1218 Into Murder kill Creek Into St. Jones Creek Chart No. 1218 Into Mahon River . . . Coast Pilot Into Dona River Chart No. 1218 Into Leipsic Creek Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Coast Pilot Up to Leipsic Into Cohansey Creek 13f 13f Chart No. 1218. Up to Bridgetown from bar. . . Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. 5215 13 50 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW JERSEY, DELAWARE, AND PENNSYLVANIA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. DELAWARE BAY AND RIVER: Into Stow Creek Feet. Feet. Coast Pilot About 8 feet at high water. Dredged channel ; 5 feet to Smyrna. From up river. Over bar. On Appoquinimink Creek. Dredged channel 100 feet wide. Dredged channel 75 feet wide. By bulkhead channel from southward. By bulkhead channel from northward. 9 feet draft; locks 220 feet long and 24 feet wide; inland passage to Chesa- peake Bay. From the sea. On the Christiana River; dredged chan- nel; 17 feet on bar. And up to Bridgeport; 7 feet to Spring- er's Wharf, and 5 feet to Swedesboro. The wharves extend to deep water of river channel, which is being im- proved. Building dike which will close this chan- nel at its upper end. By dredged channel and up to Phos- phate Works. And up to W T oodbury, 5 feet draft. Improvements to river channel are in progress. From Delaware River. Schuylkill River. Schuylkill River. Schuylkill River. And up to Bridgeboro; 8 feet to Center- ton dredged channel. Into Smyrna River 6 16 8 4 6 5 9 9 21 20 12 22} MJ 10 94 9 15 15 27} 26} Chart No. 294 Up to Port Penn Chart No. 294 To Port Penn Chart No. 294 Into Appoquinimink Creek.. . Up to Odessa from bar Chart No. 294 Chart No. 294 Up Alloway Creek to Quinton . Into Salem Creek Chart No. 294 Chart No. 294. Up to Salem, on Salem Creek. . Up to Delaware City Chart No. 294 Chart No. 294 . . To Delaware City Chart No. 294 Through Delaware & Chesa- peake Canal. Up to Newcastle. Coast Pilot 30 22 7 30 15 12 7 30 27 22 20 16 10 36J 28 13 36 21! 18} 13 36 33 28 26 22 15 Charts Hos. 1218, 294, and 295. Chart No. 294 Up to Wilmington Into Raccoon Creek Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Charts Nos. 1218, 294, and 295. Chart No. 295 Up to Chester, from the sea.. . Through channel east of Ches- ter Island. Into Mantua Creek Chart No. 295 Into Woodbury Creek Coast Pilot Up to Philadelphia from the sea. Into Schuylkill River Charts Nos. 1218, 294, and 295. Chart No. 381 Up to Point Breeze Chart No. 381 Up to Gibson Point Chart No. 381 Up to Chestnut Street Bridge . Into Rancocas Creek Chart No. 381 . Coast Pilot 51 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NEW JERSEY, DELAWARE, AND PENNSYLVANIA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. DELAWARE BAY AND RIVER Continued. Up to Bordentown Feet. 12 12 12 Feet. l<4 18 16i U. S. Engineers, May, 1913. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. U. S. Engineers, May, 1913. And to mouth of Delaware & Raritan Canal; inland passage from New York Bay; dredged channel in river 200 feet wide. And up to Camden Iron Works; to Browning's Chemical Works 6 feet draft. Dredged channel 200 feet wide. Into Cooper Creek Up to Trenton 52 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. DELAWARE AND VIRGINIA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. INNER DELAWARE BREAKWATER HARBOR. At eastern entrance. Feet. Feet. Charts Nos. 379, 1218, and 1219. Chart No. 379 Anchorage in 2 to 4 fathoms. Anchorage in 2 to 7 fathoms. Over shifting sand bar. Anchorage in 6 to 21 feet; deeper at entrance; open to southward. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. Over shifting sand bar. Good for 8 feet draft for 12 miles. By inland passage; about 7 feet draft. Over shifting sand bar. 10 feet, by inland passage- Shifting sand shoals. 30 15 15 34} 19} 19J At western entrance Chart No. 379 At end of iron pier Chart No. 379 Charts Nos. 379, 1218, and 1219. Chart No. 1219. OUTER DELAWARE BREAKWATER HARBOR. 11 5J Into Indian River Inlet Assateague anchorage Chart No. 1220 Into Assateague Inlet 3 6 5 3 6 6-9 12 15 6 8| Chart No. 1220. . . Chart No. 1220. Into Chincoteague Inlet Up to head of Chincoteague Bay. . Up to head of Little Assawoman Bay. Chart No. 1220 Charts Nos. 1219 and 1220. Chart No. 1221... 9* 6J-9J 16 19 Into Metomkin Inlet Into Wachapreague Inlet Chart No. 1221 Into Little Machipongo Inlet Chart No. 1221 Chart No. 1222. GREAT MACHIPONGO INLET: At entrance Up Great Machipongo River. . Coast Pilot To Sand Shoal Inlet Coast Pilot 10 14} Chart No. 1222. SAND SHOAL INLET: At entrance To Magothy Bay Coast Pilot 7 10 Chart No. 1222 Smith Island Ijilet 53 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. CHESAPEAKE BAY: Lynnhaven Roads Feet. Feet. Chart No 1222. Anchorage in 2 to 6 fathoms; deeper at main entrance; open to northward and eastward. From the sea. Into the bay from sea around Cape Charles. Into the bay from sea around Cape Charles. Into the bay from Cape Charles. From the sea by dredged channel off Cherrystone Inlet. Dredged channel through Cherrystone Inlet and bar. From the sea. From the sea by dredged channel. From the sea. Over bar. Dredged channel. By dredged channel 450 feet wide. Inland passage from Chesapeake Bay to Currituck Sound; dredged channel. On Eastern Branch. Dredged channel to railway wharves. On Western Branch. Dredged channel 80 feet wide. Dredged channel 500 feet wide south of Middle Ground. There is 35 feet in the channel north of Middle Ground. Into Hampton Roads 33 22 21 26 35 12 35 35 19 6 35 35 35 35 9 22 20 15 16 12 30 35i 24J 231 28 37i 14* 37 37 20|r 8* 37| 37| 37| 37i Uf 24f 22 17| 18* 151 32i Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 1222 By Northwest channel By North channel Chart No 1222 By Beach channel Chart No 1222 Into main bav Chart No 1222 . . . Harbor at Cape Charles City. . Up to York River Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 1222 . . . Up to Patapsco River Chart No 78 Up to Susquehanna River channel. TRIBUTARIES OF CHESA- PEAKE BAY. ELIZABETH RIVER: Into Tanners Creek Chart No. 78 Chart No 400 Up to Lambert's Point Chart No 400 Into Norfolk Harbor Chart No 400 . Up to Norfolk Chart No. 400 . Up to Navy Yard Chart No 400 . To Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. Up to Campostella bridge Chart No. 1227 Chart No 400 Into Western Branch Chart No 400. . Up to West Norfolk bridge Chart No. 400 Chart No 400 NANSEMOND RIVER: At entrance Up to Suffolk Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 400 JAMES RIVER: Up to Newport News 54 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. TRIBUTARIES OF CHESA- PEAKE BAY Continued. JAMES RIVER Continued. Up to City Point Feet. 19 17 10 12 7 9 9 8 33 20 6 4 Feet. 21| 21 12J 14 9* 11* 11* 10 35^ 23 9* n Chart No 78 Through Dutch Gap Canal. On Pagan Creek; dredged channel. By dredged channel. By dredged channel 100 feet wide. On the Appomattox River. Over bar. From the sea. Dredged channel. On the Pamunkey River. On the Mattaponi River. Anchorage in 1 to 4 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Jetty and dredged channel. In Milford Haven. Jetty; dredged channel. And up to Morgan Wharf. Up to Richmond Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep. , 1912 . Chart No. 530 Up to Smithfield Into the Chickahominy River. Up the Chickahominy River to head of navigation. Up to Petersburg Chart No. 530 Chart No. 531 Chart No 494. . Into Back River. Into Poquosin River Chart No. 494 Chart No. 494 YORK RIVER: Up to Yorktown. . Up to West Point. . Chart No. 495 Up to Bassett Ferry Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 494 Up to Aylett Mobjack Bay 20 6J 10 6 27 15 20 27 14 21* 7* ili n 28 16$ 21J 28i 15* Chart No. 534 PlANKATANK RlVER: At entrance Up to Freeport Chart No. 534 Into Milford Haven Chart No 534 Up to Fitchetts Wharf Chart No 1223. Chart No 534 RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER: At entrance Into Carters Creek Chart No 534 Into Corrotoman River Chart No 534 Up to Urbana Creek Chart No 535 T T r> to Tannahannock. . Chart No. 535. . 55 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. TRIBUTARIES OF CHESA- PEAKE BAY Continued. RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER Contd. Up to Port Royal . . Feet. 12 12 10 10 18 8 13 30 24 20 20 18 9, 10 9 7 6 12 8 22 64 6* 8 7 7 7 Feet. 15 15 11* IH 19 9 14 31J 27 23 23 21 10J Hi 10J 8f 8 13 9f 24 8 8 9J 8* 8i 81 Chart No 536. Dredged channel. Dredged channels. Jetty and dredged channel. Dredged channel. On Cockrells Creek. From the sea. From the sea. By Washington Channel. On Anacostia River. Head of navigation. On Coan River; head of navigation. On Yeocomico River. Jetty and dredged channel. On Nomini.Creek. On Occoquan Creek; dredged channel. On Smith Creek. Through Nomini and Currioman Bays. To 4 miles above Cobb Point Bar Light- house. On Mattox Creek. At steamboat wharves. Up to Deep Point. Anchorage in 1 to 4 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to southward. Up to Fredericksburg Chart No. 536 Into Urbana Creek.. Chart No 535 Up to Urbana Chart No 535 Chart No 534 GREAT WICOMICO RIVER: At entrance Up to Sampsons Wharf Chart No. 534 Up to Reedville. . Chart No 534 Chart No. 78 POTOMAC RIVER: Up to Blackistone Island.. . . Up to Alexandria Charts Nos. 78 and 560.. Charts Nos. 78 and 560.. Charts Nos. 78 and 560. . Chart No 560 Up to Washington Up to navy yard Up to Georgetown Up to Bundick Chart No 557 Up to Kinsale Chart No 557 Into Nomini Creek Chart No 558 Up to Mount Holly Chart No 558 Up to Occoquan Chart No 560 Up to Millers Wharf Chart No 557 Up to Cnrrioman Wharf Chart No. 558 Wicomico River Chart No 558 Into Mattox Creek Chart No 558 Up to Masseys Wharf Chart No 558 Colonial Beach Chart No 558 Port Tobacco River Chart No 559 Into Aquia Creek Chart No 559 Into Matta woman Creek Chart No. 559 Cornfield Harbor Chart No 557 56 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. TRIBUTARIES OF CHESA- PEAKE BAY Continued. POTOMAC RIVER Continued. St. Marys River . Feet. Feet. Chart No. 557 Anchorage in 2 to 5 fathoms; deeper at entrance. On St. Marys River; 12 feet at wharf. On Bretons Bay; dredged channel. Nearly to head. Entrance and anchorage inside suitable for any draft. From West River. To bridge. Up to St. Marys City 21 10 8 22J lit 9} ( 'hart No. 557 Up to Leonard town Chart No. 558 Up to St. Clements Bay Chart No. 558. Chart No. 539 PATUXENT RIVER Up to Benedict 23 12 8 11 8 17 17 10 24^ 14 10} 12 9 18 18 11 Chart No. 539. . Up to Lower Marlboro.. Chart No. 539 Up to Nottingham Chart No. 539. . . Up West River 3 miles ( 'hart No. 1225 Up Rhode River 2 miles Chart No. 1225 Into South River Chart No. 1225 . . . Up South River 6 miles. . . . Chart No. 1225 Up South River 8 miles. Chart No 1225 57 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MARYLAND. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATEE. SEVERN RIVER: Up to Annapolis Feet. 30 21 13 9 26 35 30 27 12 12 9 4 4 10$ 8 124 12 Feet. 31 22 14 10 27.4 36 31* 28 14 14 10 6 54 12 94 14 13 Chart No. 385 By dredged channel. By dredged channel. By dredged channel 600 feet wide. By dredged channel 250 feet wide. By dredged channel 100 feet wide. By dredged channel. Head of navigation. By dredged channel 60 feet wide. By dredged channel. 9 feet through canal; locks 220 feet long and 24 feet wide; inland passage from Delaware Bay. Drawbridge. Dredged channel. Up into Round Bay Chart No 1225 Chart No. 549. MAGOTHY RIVER: At entrance Up about 6J miles Chart No 549 Chart No 549 PATAPSCO RIVER: Up to Steelton Up to Baltimore Chart No 549 Into Curtis Bay Chart No 549 Into Spring Garden, southwest Baltimore. Chart No. 549 Chart No. 1226 SUSQUEHANNA RlVER: Up to Havre de Grace Up to Port Deposit.. . Chart No 1226 Chart No 1226 NORTHEAST RIVER: Up to Charlestown Up to Northeast Chart No 1226 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 1226. ELK RIVER: Up to Elkton . Up to Chesapeake City and Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Chart No 1226 Bohemia River Chart No. 1226 SASSAFRAS RIVER: Up to Georgetown Chart No. 548.. Into Rockhall Harbor . . 58 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MARYLAND. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. Al THORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. CHESTER RIVER: At entrance Feet. 18-21 9 7 11 7 5 25J 15 6-9 12 12 12 8 S 18 9 Vk Feet. 19f-22i 11 9 13 9} n 26} 16 7-10 13 14 13| 10 10 19| lOf 111 Chart No. 548 Railroad terminal at Love Point. By dredged channel. On Corsica Creek; by dredged channel 80 feet wide. Drawbridge. Drawbridge. Dredged channel. 12 feet greatest draft on Miles River. Also Front Wye and Wye Narrows. Up to drawbridge 5 miles above St. Michaels. Dredged channel. Dredged channel. On Tred Avon Creek. On Tred Avon Creek; dredged channel 150 feet wide. On Warwick River; by dredged channel. On La Trappe River (formerly Dividing Creek), dredged channel; 11 feet over bar. In 2 to 6 fathoms; deeper at entrance south of Sharps Island; 15 feet at en- trance north of Sharps Island. Into Queenstown Creek Chart No. 548 Up to Centerville Landing Up to Chestertown Chart No. 548 Chart No. 548 Up to Crumpton Chart No. 548 Up to Jones Landing Chart No. 548.. Chart No 1 225 . EASTERN BAY: At entrance Up to St. Michaels Chart No. 1225 Wve River Chart No. 1225 Miles River Chart No. 1225 Up to Claiborne railroad pier. . Chart No 1225 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 1225 CHOPTANK RIVER: Cambridge Harbor, up to bridge. Up to Den ton . Up to Greensboro Chart No. 1225 Up to Oxford Chart No. 1225 Up to Easton Point Chart No. 1225. Up to Secretary Landing Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 1225 Up to La Trappe Landing .... Anchorage east of Sharps Island . . . 59 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Into Little Choptank River Feet. 19* 23 12 Feet. 20f 24* 13* Chart No. 1225 From Chesapeake Bay. From Chesapeake Bay to Tangier Sound. Deep enough for any draft at southern entrance and in mid-channel. On Fishing Bay. On Nanticoke River. A tributary of Nanticoke River; dredged. On Broad Creek, a tributary of Nanti- coke River; by dredged channel 60 feet wide. On Eastern Branch of Nanticoke River; by dredged channel 100 feet wide. On Wicomico River; by dredged chan- nel. On Manokin River ; by dredged channel . From Chesapeake Bay to Tangier Sound. On Little Annemessex River; dredged. To 9 miles above Watts Island Light- House. On Pocomoke River; dredged channel. By dredged channel, 100 feet wide. Deepest draft, 7 feet. On Pungoteague Creek; 7 feet draft. 5 feet to Nandua. On Occohannock Creek; 5 feet at high water. Chart No. 1225 Into Honga River Through Hooper Strait Chart No. 1224 Charts Nos. 1223 and 1224 Chart No. 1224 T \\OIER SOUND Up to Fishing Point 12 9 8 8 9 H 12 5 11 12 12* 13 9 7 13* 10 f 11 11 1-2* 11* 14* 7* 12* 14* 15 15 11* 9 Up to Vienna Chart No. 1224 Into Tyaskin (or Wetipquin) Creek. Up to Laurel Del Chart No. 1224 . Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 1224 Up to Seaford, Del Up to Salisbury Into Manokin River Up to Princess Anne Chief of Eng. Rep. ,1912. Chart No. 1224 Through Kedge Strait Up to Crisfield Chart No. 1224 Into Big Annemessex River . . Chart No. 1224 Charts Nos. 1223 and \ 224 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 1223 POCOMOKE SOUND Up to Snow Hill Into Onancock Creek Up to Onancock Coast Pilot Into Pungoteague Creek 9 11 Chart No 1223 Up to Boggs Wharf Coast Pilot Into Nandua Creek 8 5 10 7 Chart No. 1223 Into Occohannock Creek Chart No 1223 Up to head of navigation, Pilot, Into Naswaddox Creek. . 3 5 Chart No. 1223.. 60 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Into Hungers Creek Feet. 6 12 12 Feet. 8 14* 14* Charts Nos. 1222 and 1223. Chart No. 1222 Narrow channel; not buoyed. Jetties and dredged channel; 16 feet over bar. On Cherrystone Inlet; landlocked har- bor. \ Into Cherrystone Inlet Up to Cape Charles City . . Chart No. 1222 61 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NORTH CAROLINA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. To Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal and Dismal Swamp Canal from Norfolk, Va., up Elizabeth River. Through Albemarle and Chesa- peake Canal, northern section. Through Currituck Sound Feet. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7* 9 10 16J 16J 7 7 4-6 9 10 8J 4 9 6* 7 Feet. in Chart No. 1227 Inland passages from Chesapeake Bay. Allows passage of vessels 200 feet long, 39 feet beam; one lock. Inland passage from Elizabeth River to North Land- ing River. flnland passage. Inland passage from Currituck Sound to North River; allows vessels 200 feet long, 39 feet beam. Inland passage. Inland passage: Two locks 250 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 10 feet deep. Tide in Deep Creek. At head of Pasquotank River. Near head of Little River. At Head of Perquimans River. At head of Edenton Bay. On Chowan River. Via Chowan River and Meherrin River. Via Chowan River and Blackwater River. Via Chowan River and Nottoway River, at any time, and 8 feet when the latter river is not low. On the Roanoke River. On the Roanoke River. On the Roanoke River. Dredged Channel 140 feet wide. Dredged channel. On the Scuppernong River. Chart No. 1227 No lunar tide. ll\ No lunar tide. ( Chart No. 1227 . . Through Albemarle and Chesa- peake Canal, southern section. Through North River into Albe- marle Sound, and through it to Croatan Sound. Through Dismal Swamp Canal from Elizabeth River to Pasquo- tank River and into Albemarle Sound. Chart No. 1227 Chart No. ""227 Chart No. 1227 Charts Nos. 1228 and 407. Chart No. 1228 ALBEMARLE SOUND: Up to Elizabeth City Up to Nixonton Up to Hertford Chart No. 1228 Up to Edenton . Chart No. 1228 Into Chowan River . . . Chart No. 1228 Up to Hollys Wharf Chart No. 1228 Up to Murfreesboro Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Coast Pilot . . Up to Franklin, Va Up to Monroe Ferry Up Chowan River 50 miles. . . Up to Plymouth . . Coast Pilot Charts Nos. 1228 and 409. Chart No. 1228, note Chart No. 1228, note Chart No. 1228 Up to Hamilton Up to near Weldon Into Mackays Creek Into Scuppernong River Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Up to Cross Landinsr. . 62 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NORTH CAROLINA. LOCAMTY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. ALBEMARLE SOUND Continued. Up to Spruills Bridge Feet. 7 5 10 9 4 6 4 9-15. 3-6 11 7 10 8 9 4 8 7 7 7 10 6 10 9 Feet. No lunar tide. 8 No lunar tide. 11-17 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 1228 On the Scuppernong River. On the Scuppernong River. Dredged channel; inland passage from Albemarle Sound to Pamlico Sound. 6 feet to Manteo on Shallowbag Bay. Over shifting bar; not buoyed. About 4 feet over The Swash from inside bar of Oregon Inlet. Over shifting bar. Over The Swash from inside bar of Hat- teras Inlet. Over shifting bar. Over The Swash from inside bar of Ocra- coke Inlet. Extending across sound from Ocracoke Inlet to Bluff Point and barring ap- proach from eastward to Pamlico and Neuse Rivers. On Swan Quarter Bay. On Pamlico River; dredged channel 100 feet wide. On Tar River; dredged channel 60 feet wide. Via Pamlico River and Pungo River. Via Pamlico River and Bath Creek. Via Pamlico River and South Creek. Via Pamlico River and South Creek. Via Pungo River and Pantego Creek. On Bay River; dredged. On Neuse River. Up to Cherry Into Alligator River Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 1229 Through Croatan Sound Through Roanoke Sound Into Oregon Inlet Chart No. 1229 Into Pamlico Sound Chart No. 1229. Into Hatteras Inlet Coast Pilot. . . Into Pamlico Sound Chart No. 142 13 Charts Nos. 143, 145, and 146. Charts Nos. 143, 145, and 146. Chart No 143 . Into Ocracoke Inlet Into Pamlico Sound No tide. No k lunar tide. PAMLICO SOUND: Across Bluff Shoal . . . Up to Swan Quarter Chart No. 143 Up to Washington .... Chart No. 144 1 .. Up to Greenville Chart No. 144 l Up to Leachville Coast Pilot Up to Bath Chart No 144 ' Up to Aurora Chart No 144 1 Up to South Creek village Up to. Belhaven. ." Chart No 144 l Chart No. 144 l Up Jones Bay to head. Chart No 144 2 Up to BayboroJ Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Charts Nos. 144 2 and 410 UD to Newbern.. 63 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. NORTH CAROLINA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. PAMLICO SOUND Continued. Up to Kinston Feet. 4 H 9* 9 4 2 10 6 4 l8 7 16 10 3 10-18 5-6 6-7 Feet. No > lunar tide. Chart No. 144 2 , note.... Chart No 144 2 On Neuse River. Via Neuse River and Smith Creek. Via Neuse River and Trent River. Via Neuse River and Trent River. Via Neuse River and Trent River. About 3 feet at high water; passage to Beaufort Harbor, N. C., from Neuse River via Clubfoot Creek, Harlow Creek, and Newport River. From Pamlico Sound to Beaufort Inlet, via Adams Creek (Neuse River), dredged canal, and Core Creek. From Pamlico Sound over Harbor Island Bar. Inland passage from Pamlico Sound to Beaufort Harbor. Over shifting bar; dredged channel. By dredged channel 100 feet wide. From entrance; 10 feet at wharves. Between Beaufort Harbor and Swans- boro; dredged channel; inland pas- sage. Limited area; well sheltered. Over shifting bar. Over shifting bar. Navigable at high water for very small boats; inland passage; being im- proved. Over shifting bar. Over shifting bar. Over shifting bar. Up to Oriental Up to Pollocksville Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912 . Chart No. 144 2 , note.... Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 146. Up to Quaker Ridge Up to Trenton Through Clubfoot Canal INLAND WATERWAY . . Into Core Sound Through Core Sound y dredged channel, over shifting bar. From inside bar, via Brunswick River and East River. Chart No. 440 To Vernon River, Ossabaw Sound. Chart No 441 Into Ossabaw Sound .... Chart No. 441 Through Hell Gate . . . Chart No. 156 To Si Catherines Sound Chart No. 156 17 16 25 ISf 25 15 17 14 14 14 Chart No 443 . . Into St Catherines Sound To Sapelo Sound Chart No. 156 Chart No. 444 Into Sapelo Sound To New Teakettle Creek Chart No. 156 Into Front River Chart No. 444 To Dobov Sound Chart No. 156 Chart No. 446 Into Doboy Sound Up to Darien Chart No. 446 To Altamaha Sound Chart No. 446 Chart No. 157 Into Altamaha Sound Up to Macon Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 191 2. Chart No. 157 Up to Milledgeville To St Simon Sound . . . 7 24 22 18$ 36* 29 Chart No. 447 Into St Simon Sound Up to Brunswick wharves. Chart No. 447 70 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. GEORGIA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Up to Southern Railroad wharves. Up to St Simon Mills Feet. 22 12 7 ' 13-15 8 111 6 Feet. 29 ]8f 13f 14f \(\\ .9i Chart No. 447 Via Brunswick River and Turtle River. On Frederica River. Inland passage from St. Simon Sound, via Brunswick River and Jekyl Creek. Over shifting bar. Inland passage from St. Andrew Sound, via Cumberland River and Cumber- land Sound. Coast Pilot To St Andrew Sound ('hart No 157 Into St Andrew Sound Chart No. 157 Chart No 157 To Cumberland Sound entrance. . . SATILLA RIVER: To Owens Ferrv Chart No 450 To Burnt Fort Chart No 450 71 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. FLORIDA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATEE. Into Cumberland Sound Feet. 24 16 Feet. 30 22 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 157 By channel 400 feet wide; jetties. From inside bar, via St. Marys River. Navigable for 14 feet draft, via St. Marys River. From the sea, via Amelia River. Inside passage from Fernandina, via Amelia River. About 4 feet by inside passage from Amelia River, via Kingsleys Creek and South Amelia River. Over shifting bar. Inland passage from Nassau Sound, via Sawpit Creek and Gunnisons Cut. Over shifting bar; not buoyed. Inland passage from Fort George Inlet, via Sisters Creek. Over shifting bar; jetties. From the sea; dredged channel. Dredged channel. At head of Lake George; jetties and dredged channel. From Palatka. From Lake George. Salt Lake is the nearest approach to Titusville on the Indian River, and the distance across land is about 5 statute miles. From Lake Harney. From Lake Flor- ence a branch of the river extends eastward about a mile with 3 feet least water, and the distance across land from this point to Indian River near Rock Ledge, is about 2J statute miles. From Lake Florence . The head of navi- gation is at Floating Islands. By canal from near mouth of St. Johns River. Up to St. Marys Up to Colerain Coast Pilot Up to Fernandina 24 13 4 4 3-4 4 3 25 21 13 7 6 6 H 3 4 4 H 30 19 Chart No 453 Up to Kingsleys Creek Chart No 577 To Nassau Sound Chart No 577 Into Nassau Sound 94 Chart No 577 To Fort George Inlet Inside Route Pilot Into Fort George Inlet 94 Chart No 577 To St. Johns River Inside Route Pilot 29i 24 Chart No 577 ST. JOHNS RIVER: At entrance Up to Jacksonville Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 508 Up to Palatka Up to Lake George Over Volusia Bar Chart No 508 Up to Sanf ord ' Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 458 Up to Lake Harney Up to Salt Lake Up to Lake Florence Chart No 458 Up to Floating Islands Chart No 458 To St. Augustine Inside Route Pilot 72 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC COAST. FLORIDA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. Oklawalui River Feet. 4 Feet. [Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. [Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 159 To Silver Springs Run. To Leesburg, 3 feet at ordinary ptage of water. From Matanzas River by Florida Coast Line Canal, dredged to 5 feet depth. Over shifting bar. From inside bar. Inside passagefrom St. Augustine Inlet. Over shifting bar; 2 to 9 feet inside, rocky. Over shifting bar. On Halifax River; 4 feet to Ormond; 3 to 4 feet to head of river. Inside passage from Mosquito Inlet, via Hillsboro River. On Hillsboro River. By canal from Mosquito Lagoon. Over shifting bar; nearly closed at low water. From Indian River, by passage at south- ern end of Banana River. From Indian River, through Banana Creek. Over shifting bar. From inside bar at St. Lucie Inlet. Over shifting bar and up to lighthouse, about 3 feet. Inland passage from Indian River at Goat Creek through Jupiter Narrows, Hobes Sound, and Jupiter Sound, by dredged channel, nearly 5 feet deep. Entrance very shallow; connects with Lake Worth. Over shifting bar, about 2\ feet. Over shifting bar. (Inland passage- a canal 50 feet wide and 5 feet deep has been constructed by < Florida Coast Line Canal Co. from Jupiter Inlet to Key Biscayne Bay I through Lake Worth, etc. To Halifax River 5 13 5 91 171 Inside Route ,Pilot Into St. Augustine Inlet . Up to St Augustine Chart No 159 ... To Matanzas Inlet Chart No. 159 Into Matanzas Inlet 5 Inside Route Pilot Into Mosquito Inlet 6* 8 4 10 4 8| Inside Route Pilot. .. Up to Port Orange Chart No 160 To Mosquito Lagoon No tide. Chart No 160 To New Smyrna Chart No 160 To Indian River Inside Route Pilot Inside Route Pilot Into Indian River Inlet. . To Banana River I 5 i . 4 4 2J-3 4 3 Chart No. 162 No tide. 5J Chart No 161 Into St Lucie Inlet. Chart No 163 Into Indian River Inside Route Pilot Into Jupiter Inlet 4-4 Inside Route Pilot Indian River to Jupiter Inlet Inside Route Pilot 4 Inside Route Pilot Lake Worth Inlet. . . Into Hillsboro Inlet Coast Pilot New River Inlet 3i 4 5 Inside Route Pilot From Jupiter Inlet to Key Bis- cayne Bay. fFlorida Coast Line Canal Co. [inside Route Pilot 73 TABLE OF DEPTHS ATLANTIC AND GULF COASTS. FLORIDA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. KEY BISCAYNE BAY: Entrance by New Cut Feet. 6* Feet. n Inside Route Pilot \ mile north of Norris Cut; jetties. Not in use. From sea, over reef to southeastward of Cape Florida. At Cape Florida entrance. From inside bar. Dredged channel across bay; jetties. Inside channel north and west of the Florida Keys. Inside passage between Teefs. The entrance is off Norris Cut, and in- side the outer reef. From sea over reef. Anchorage in 3 to 5 fathoms; deeper at entrance from sea. Anchorage in 1 to 5 fathoms; well shel- tered. Under railroad bridge, head room 22 feet at low water. There is no draw. Entrance by Bears Cut Inside Route Pilot Entrance at Cape Florida .... From, bar into bay 11 10 10 9 5 8$ 19 12 10$ 13 14$ 18 19* 12| 11 11 H| Chart No 165 Chart No. 165 Up to Miami Chart No. 165 From Miami to Ocean Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Inside Route Pilot From Miami to Key \Vest From Cape Florida to Hawk Chan- nel near Fowey Rocks. 10-i- 21 14 m 15 16 19i 21f Chart No. 165 Chart No 165 HAWK CHANNEL: From entrance to Fowey Rocks. From Fowey Rocks to Carys- fort Reef. From Carysfort Reef to Alli- gator Reef. From Alligator Reef to Long Key. From Long Key to Sombrero Key. From Sombrero Key to Key West. Chart No 166. . . . Chart No 167 Chart No 168 Chart No 168 Chart No 169 .. Chart No. 166 To Legare Anchorage. . ... Turtle Harbor Chart No. 166 24 7 25 8* Chart No. 168 and In- side Route Pilot. Chart No. 169.. BAHIA HONDA HARBOR: At entrance Into Newfound Harbor... 74 TABLE OF DEPTHS GULF COAST. FLORIDA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATEE. KEY WEST HARBOR: Entrance by Southeast Chan- nel. Entrance by Main (South) Channel. Entrance by Southwest Chan- nel. Entrance by West Channel. . . Up to Key West Feet. 16 27 26 30 25 17 13 Feet. 17} 28} 27} 31} 26} 19$ 15 Chart No 584 By northwest passage; by dredged chan- nel; jetties. Being improved. Passage from Straits of Florida to Gulf of Mexico, east of Marquesas Keys. Both entrances are deeper than the an- chorage, which is in 3 to 4 fathoms. By dredged channel. Over bar; dredged channel. On the Caloosahatchee River. On the Caloosahatchee River. To Charlotte Harbor. Dredged channel 300 feet wide. On Peace River; dredged channel. Into Gasparilla Sound; 5 feet at high water through sound. From the Gulf. From the Gulf. From the Gulf. From Sarasota Bay to Tampa Bay; dredged channel 50 feet wide. To Casey Pass and Venice. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 584. . . Chart No. 584 Chart No 584 To the Gulf of Mexico Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 1252. . Through Boca Grande Chan- nel. Chart No. 471 a TORTUGAS HARBOR: At northern entrance and northwestern entrance. Up to Fort Jefferson wharf. . . 29 12 10 4 30 131 11| Chart No. 471 a Chart No 473 SAN CARLOS BAY: At Caloosa entrance Up to Fort Mvers Chart No 473 . Up to Fort Thompson Chart No. 473 Through Pine Island Sound . . . 7 251 13 71 81 7 61 61 4i Coast Pilot 24 12 6 7 51 5 5 3 U S Engrs , 1913 CHARLOTTE HARBOR: At Boca Grande entrance .... Up to Punta Gorda wharf. Chart No. 175 Chart No. 175 and Inside Route Pilot. Chart No 176 Through Gasparilla Pass SARASOTA BAY: At Big Sarasota Pass At New Pass Chart No 176 At Longboat Inlet Chart No 176 Through Sarasota Pass Chart No 176 Little Sarasota Bav. . . U. S. Eners., 1913... 75 TABLE OF DEPTHS GULF COAST. FLORIDA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. TAMPA BAY: Entrance by Southwest Chan- nel. Entrance by North Channel . . Up to St Petersburg. Feet. 17 24* f 22* 1 12* 24 24* 9 9 li 6* 5 6* 1 ? I 8 6* 8* 6 4 6 6 10 Feet. 18* 26 24* 14* 26* 26* 10* 10* Chart No 477 . . Dredged channel. By east channel. By south channel. Through Hillsboro Bay and Hillsboro River; dredged channels. In Old Tampa Bay; dredged channels. On Manatee River. On Manatee River. On Manatee River. From Tampa Bay. Dredged passage from Boca Ceiga Bay. From the Gulf by Pass a Grille. By Little Pass. By Big Pass. North of Anclote Keys. South of Anclote Keys. On Anclote River; dredged channel. On Anclote River; dredged channel. On Crystal River; dredged channel. To anchorage inside of reef. To Port Inglis, at mouth of river 9 miles from the Gulf; dredged channel; 7 feet to Inglis 7* miles above Port Inglis. Load from lighters, 22* feet at Anchor- age and 25 feet at the outer buoy. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 177 .. Chart No 177 Up to Tampa Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 177. . Up to Port Tampa Up to Bradentown Up to Ellenton . . Chart No. 177 Up to Rye Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 177 Into Boca Ceiga Bay 8 7 8 9 10 8f 10* 8 6 8J 8* 12f To Clearwater Harbor Chart No 177 Chart No 177 Into Boca Cei^a Bay Into Clearwater Harbor Chart No 177 Chart No. 177 Chart No. 178 ANCLOTE ANCHORAGE: Entrance by North Channel . . Entrance by South Channel . . Up to Sponge Harbor Chart No. 178 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep. ,1912. Chart No. 179 Up to Tarpon Springs Up to Crystal River town Chart No. 179 Into \Vaccasassa Bay Withlacoochee River Chart No. 179 and In- side Route Pilot. Local Pilots Withlacoochee Anchorage 76 TABLE OF DEPTHS GULF COAST. FLORIDA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN. EXTREME TIDES. Low water. High water. Low water. High water. CEDAR KEYS: Up to railroad wharf Feet. 10 10 5 5 4 4 11* 10 7 19* 20} 11 3 8 8 10 18 9 6* 6 Feet. .12* 12} 74 Feet. 9* H Feet. 13 13 Charts Nos. 480 and 179. Charts Nos. 480 and 179. 4 Chart No. 180 By Seahorse Key Channel. By Seahorse Key Channel . By East Pass; dredged. On Suwanee River, 75 miles from mouth. On Suwanee River, 133 miles from mouth. Good depth inside. s Over bar. Over bar. Over bar; dredged channel And up to Carrabelle. Connects Carrabelle River and Ocklockonee River. From Gulf, over shifting bar; dredged channel. Dredged. On Apalachicola River; dredged channel through bar. Junction of the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers. Up to Depot Key Into Suwanee River Up to Hollands Bluff. Up to Beesons Shoal. Into Steinhatchee River.. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 180.. 14 12J 9 11 H 19 14* 13 9* 22 Chart No 181 ST. MARKS RIVER: At entrance Up to St. Marks Light- house. Up to St. Marks Village. . . Chart No. 181 Chart No. 181 Chart No. 182 ST. GEORGE SOUND: Through Duer Channel . . . Through East Pass ... 22$ 13 ] 10 10 12 20 Chart No. 182 Into Carrabelle River. . . . Through Crooked River. . Through St. George Sound. Chart No. 182 Vo tide Chart No. 182 Charts Nos. 182 and 183. Chart No. 183 7f 10| APALACHICOLA BAY: Entrance from St. George Sound. At West Pass Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 183 Up to Lower Anchorage... Up to Upper Anchorage... Up to Apalachicola 8| 10* Chart No. 183 &i Chart No. 183 ... Up Apalachicola River 137 miles. Chart No. 183, note 77 TABLE OF DEPTHS GULF COAST. FLORIDA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN. EXTREME TIDES. Low water. High water. Low water. High water. ST. VINCENT SOUND: Entrance from Apalachi- cola Bay. At Indian Pass Feet. *i 7 3 19 18$ 2or At wharf. . . 11 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. CALIFORNIA. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOWER LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. MENDOCINO BAY Feet. Feet. Coast Pilot; Chart No. 5719. Coast Pilot Fair northwest shelter; anchorage in 5 to 6 fathoms. Mooring buoys and wire cable. Wire cable; summer loading place. Contracted northwest shelter; mooring buoys; wire cable. Fair northwest shelter; anchorage in 3\ to 7 fathoms; mooring buoys; wire cable. No room to anchor; about 21 feet at. wharf; fair northwest shelter. Wharf and mooring buoys; fair south- easterly shelter. Exposed and little used; wire cable and mooring buoys. Wire cable. Wire cable. Fair northwest shelter. Fair northwest shelter; anchorage in 5 fathoms; about 15 feet at wharf. Shifting bar; usually about 8 or 9 feet over it. On Salt River. At Mendocino, under wire. . . . 36 Coast Pilot Russian Gulch 23 40 Marine Insurance Co ... Marine Insurance Co ... Coast Pilot Caspar \nchora r e under wire. Noyo Anchorae, under wire Fort Bragg Landin fathoms. Anchorage in 5 to 16 fathoms. Anchorage in 5 to 7 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Chart No. 6380 Middle Channel . Chart No. 6380 . Fisherman Bay, Lope/ Island . Davis Bav, Lope/, Island ' Chart No. 6380 Chart No. 6380 In Mackaye Harbor, Lope/. Island . Aleck Bav, Lopez Island Chart No. 6380 Chart No. 6380 Hughes Bav. Lope/- Island Chart No. 6380 McArdle Bay, Lopez Inland . . Chart No. 6380 Swifts Bay, Lopez Isla7id .. Chart No. 6330 Shoal Bay, Lopez Island Chart No. 6380 In Lopez Sound Chart No . 6380 Through Lopez Pass Chart No. 6380. . Thatcher Pass Chart No 6380 Through North Obstruction Pass. Through South Obstruction (Peavine) Pass. Upright Channel Chart No. G380 Coast Pilot Chart No. 6380 Parks Harbor, Shaw Island Chart No. 6380 Indian Cove, Shaw Island Chart No 6380 In Blind Bay, Shaw Island Chart No. 6380 . In Harney Channel.. ( 'hart No 6380 In East Sound, Oroas Island Chart No. 6380 In West Sound, On -as Island . Massacre Bay, West Sound Chart No 0380 Chart No 6380 107 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. WASHINGTON. LOCALITY. LEAST WATER. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MEAN LOWER LOW WATER. MEAN HIGH WATER. WASHINGTON SOUND Continued. Deer Harbor, Orcas Island Through Spring Passage Feet. ( Feet. Coast Pilot IGood anchorage in 6 and 7 fathoms; en- > trance deeper than anchorage; well J sheltered. 9 fathoms; between Jones Island and Orcas Island. Deep enough for any draft. Anchorage in 4 to 10 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to southeastward. Anchorage in 3 to 5 fathoms; deeper at entrance. 3 to 15 fathoms deep. Anchorage in 1 to 10 fathoms; open to northwestward. Samish Bay. In Samish Bay; about 2 miles from Blanchard . Anchorage in 3 to 8 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Anchorage in 3 to 8 fathoms. 12 to 27 feet. Dredged channel. 4 to 12 fathoms deep. Northern channel from Bellingham Bay to Hale Passage. Anchorage in 2 to 6 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to westward. Anchorage in 3 to 8 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to south westward. Anchorage in 1 to 7 fathoms. From Semiahmoo Bay. 12 to 18 feet. Chart No. 6380 Chart No. 6380 North Passage Orcas Island Chart No. 6380 Chart No. 6378 Deep Water Bay Cypress Island Echo Ba.v, Lucia Island Chart No. 6380 Chart No. 6378 BELLINGHAM BAY Samish Bay Chart No. 6378 At Atlanta wharf 12 3 22 13 Chart No. 6378 At Blanchard Landing Chart No. 6378 Chuckunut Bay Chart No. 6378 Off Bellingham . . Chart No. 6378 At Bellingham wharves Chart No. 6378...... Into Whatcom Creek 12 24 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No 6378 HALE P \SSAOE Off Point Frances li 17 29* 26} Chart No. 6378 At northern entrance, over bar Chart No. 6378 Chart No. 6300 Birch Bay Chart No. 6399 Semiahmoo Bay Chart No. 6399 DRAYTON HARBOR At entrance 27 18 37 f 28J Chart No. 6399 At Blaine wharf Chart No. 6399 At Semiahmoo wharves . . Coast Pilot 108 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ... ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. PORTLAND CANAL Charts Nos. 8100 and Deep enough for anv draft from mouth to 8051. head. Pearse Inlet Chart No 8051 Deep enough for any draft Into Hidden Inlet Chart No. 8051. '** fathoms' strong tidal current Halibut Bay 6 to 10 Chart No. 8051 Deeper at entrance than inside. Edward Passage . Coast Pilot \ot navigable except for small craft Fillmore Inlet . ... Chart No 8051 Deep enough for any draft. Tongass Passage Chart No 8051. Deep enough for any draft. PORT TONGASS Chart No. 8074. Anchorage in 10 to 23 fathoms east of At entrance between Ton- Chart No. 8074 Tongass Island. 4i fathoms; other approaches deeper. gass and Kannaghunut Islands. Into Willard Inlet Chart No. 8051 6 fathoms' great depth inside. NAKAT INLET Charts Nos. 8100 and Very deep at entrance and inside. Nakat Harbor 8051. Chart. No. 8100 Anchorage toward head' deep entrance from the Inlet. BOCA DE QUADRA Chart No. 8100 Very deep from mouth to head, with little Kah Shakes Cove 4 to 13 Coast Pilot and Chart space for anchorage. Entrance from Revillagigedo Channel, Chart No. 8075. Small ' 3 fathoms at entrance. Weasel Cove 13 to 19 No. 8075. Chart No 8100 Except at head' small. Badger Bay .. 23 to 32 Chart No 8100 Except at head Marten Arm. . 10 to TOO Chart No 8100 Little space for anchorage. Mink Bay . 15 to 59 Chart No 8] 00 Little space for anchorage Vixen Bay 2 to 43. . Chart No 8100 Deep at entrance. Mary Island Anchorage 4 to 10. . Chart No. 8068 Deeper at entrance; open to northward. Custom-House Cove. . 5 to 20. . Chart No. 8068. . Deener at, entrance: open to northward. 109 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. a, Danger passage Charts Nos. 8100 and 8075. Chart No. 8075. 12 fathoms. 6 fathoms at entrance; small and well sheltered. Deep at entrance. Deeper at entrance; open to eastward. Landlocked. Deep enough for any draft. Outer harbor; deeper at entrance; well sheltered. Inner harbor; 6 fathoms at entrance; well sheltered. Entrance deep enough for any draft; well sheltered. Very deep at entrance; shoaling to 5 fath- oms at head. Northwest entrance deep enough for any draft; 19 feet at northeast entrance. Deep enough for any draft. 2 to 7 fathoms; landlocked; 9 feet at southern (main) entrance; northern pas- sage dangerous. Deep enough for any draft in main channel. Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. At end of wharves. Deeper at entrance; open to northwest- ward . Deep enough for any draft in main chan- nel. Deep enough for any draft from mouth to head. Deep enough for any draft from mouth to head. Deep enough for any draft; anchorage near head in 6 to 30 fathoms. Deep enough for any draft from mouth to head. DUKE ISLAND: Ponds Bay 4^to23 Reef Harbor 12 to 25 Chart No. 8075. .. Ray Anchorage 11 to 23.. Chart No. 8075 Morse Cove 6 to 20 Chart No. 8075. Chart No. 8075 Felice Strait {5 to 27 Charts Nos. 8074 and 8075. Charts Nos. 8074 and 8075. Charts Nos. 8074 and 8075. ('harts Nos. 8100 and 8075. Chart No. 8094. ANNETTE ISLAND: Tamgas Harbor 2 to 7 Port Chester 10 to 25 Annette Bay Hassler Harbor 5 to 12 Charts Nos. 8100 and 8075. Chart No 8084 Nichols Passage Seal Cove 2 to 7 Chart No. 8094 Tongass Narrows Ward Cove 9 to 25.. Chart No 8094 Ketchikan... 3J to 6 Chart No 8094 Vallenar Bay.., 10 to 30 Chart No. 8100 BEHM CANAL Chart No 8100 George Arm Chart No. 8100 Carroll Inlet Chart No. 8100 Thorne Arm Chart No. 8100 Smeaton Bay Chart No 8100 110 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. BEHM CANAL Continued. SHOALWATER PASS Chart No 8100 East of Winstanley Island : anchorage near northern end. !) i'<>et over bar at northern end: southern entrance shoal and rocky. Deep enough for any draft; anchorage at head of southern branch. Deep enough for any draft; 7 fathoms at entrance. Deep enough for any draft; anchorage near head, off a cannery. From Bell Arm to Behm Narrows; shoal and rocky at northern end. Too deep for anchorage. Very deep at western end; shoaling to (5 fathoms at eastern end, near Anchor Pass. Shoals from 100 fathoms at the mouth to 30 fathoms at the head. Deep enough for any draft. Deep enough for any draft. An extension of Gedney Pass; shoals to 10 fathoms at head. Sheltered anchorage, deeper at entrance. Sheltered anchorage; two entrances, deep water in each. Deep enough for any draft throughout; anchorage in Rockfish Cove. In outer part deep enough for any draft. 19 to 70 fathoms. 17 to 58 fathoms; anchorage off Loring P. O.; 2 fathoms at entrance to inner buy. Into the pass Coast Pilot Rudyerd Bay Chart No 8100 Walker Cove Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Coast Pilot and Chart No. 8105. Chart No. 8105 Saks Cove 20 to (55 Fitzo'ibbon Cove 11 to 39 Burroughs Bay ANCHOR PASS 20 to 25. . Behm Narrows Bell Arm ('harts Nos.' 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. ('harts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. ( 'hart No 8105 Short Bay 15 to 23.. Bailey Bay Hassler Pass Gedney Pass Shrimp Bay Yes Bav 10 to 25 20 to 30 Convenient Cove Chart No. 8105 Spacious Bay. . (i 1o 31 Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. < 'harts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Nos. 8100 and 8105. Charts Xos. 8124 and 8105. Neets Bav Traitors Cove Port Stewart 9 to 20 Helm Bay Naha Bay Ill TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. BEHM CANAL Continued. Moser Bay Charts Nos. 8100 and Well sheltered; anchorage near head in Clover Passage 8124. Chart No. 8100 20 fathoms. Deep enough for any draft PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND: CORDOVA BAY Chart No. 8077 Main channel very deep and clear; no Hunters Bay ... Coast Pilot suitable anchorage ex(ept at head. Good anchorage in 12 to 14 fathoms off Brownson Bay Coast Pilot cannery. No proper anchorage. Nichols Bay 5 to 38... Chart No. 8074 7 fathoms at entrance; well sheltered. McLean Arm Chart No. 8074 . . Great depth at entrance and up to head, GARDNER BAY.. 8 to 30 . Chart No. 8074 where there is anchorage. Well sheltered anchorage in inner harbor. At entrance to inner Chart No. 8074 7 fathoms, south of rocky islet; 3 fathoms. harbor. Moira Sound Chart No. 8076. . north of rocky islet. Deep enough for any draft from moiith to North Arm 12 to 25 Chart No. 8076 head. Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. NIBLACK ANCHORAGE. Chart No. 8100 Outer bay has deep water throughout. Inner harbor 3 to 30 Chart No. 8100 9 fathoms at entrance; sheltered. Port Johnson 9 to 25.. . . Chart No. 8076 Sheltered anchorage; deeper at entrance. Dolomi Anchorage 4 to 15 Chart No. 8076 Deeper at entrance, from Port Johnson. Cholmondeley Sound Chart No. 8100 Very deep from mouth to head. Chasina Anchorage 5 to 15 Chart No. 8074 Deep at approach from Cholmondeley KASAAN BAY Chart No. 8100 Sound. Main channel up to Karta Bay is clear Hollis Anchorage Twelve- 4 to 8 Chart No 8077 . and deep, as is also Twelvemile Arm. 5J fathoms at entrance; well sheltered. mile Arm. Skowl Arm Charts Nos. 8100 and Navigable for any draft up to Kasaan Karta Bay 8077. (Charts Nos. 8084 and 8124. Village. Anchorage in 6 to 12 fathoms. Coast Pilot One of the best anchorages in Alaska. Grindall Island Chart No. 8100 Anchorage on north side; open to north- McKenzie Inlet 8 to 30 Chart No. 8077 ward, and not recommended. Sheltered anchorage; 11 fathoms at en- Lvman Anchorage . . 7 to 20... Chart No. 8076... trance. Open to northeastward; 3 fathoms at wharf. 112 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. PRINCE OF WALES IS- LAND Continued. Tolstoi Bay Chart No. 8124 Deep enough for any draft up to head Thome Bay 4 to 10... Chart No. 8100.. where there is anchorage. Deeper at entrance' sheltered Snug Anchorage Chart- No 8100 5 fathoms at entrance* deeper inside Salmon Bay Coast Pilot Salmon salterv \o anchorage Point Colpovs a~i chorale Chart No. 8200 A\ Cst of point' open to northward RED BAY 3 to 10 Chart No. 8168 Well sheltered. At entrance Chart No. 8168 . . 17 feet' narrow and rocky Douglas Bay, Kupreanof 4 to 6.. Chart No. 8200 Open to southward Island. Totem Bay, Kupreanof Is- 4 to 8 Chart No. 8200 Well sheltered land. Port Protection Chart No. 8174 5 to 50 fathoms; deeper at entrance; shel- Hole-in-the-Wall 8 to 11 Coast Pilot tered anchorage toward head. Landlocked; small. Shakan Bay 6 to 30 Chart No. 8176 Deep at entrance' open to westward SHAKAN STRAIT Chart No. 8176 6 to 30 fathoms; well sheltered; approach At southern entrance Chart No. 8176 '. from Shakan Bay. 8 fathoms. At middle entrance Chart No. 8176 9f fathoms At northern entrance Chart No. 8176 1J fathoms; obstructed. Off Shakan Village 6 to 9 Chart No. 8176 18 feet at end of wharf. In Calder Bay 4 to 9 Chart No. 8176 Shiplev Bav Chart No. 8200 6 to 35 fathoms; deeper at entrance; shel- Ratz Harbor 3 to 11 Chart No. 8124 tered anchorage at head. 7 fathoms at entrance; well sheltered. ERNEST SOUND Charts Nos. 8100 and Deep enough for any draft in main chan- Brad field Canal . 8200. Chart No. 8200 nel. Head of Ernest Sound; shoals from great Union Bav Chart No. 8124 depth to 15 fathoms at head. (> to 94 fathoms; deep at entrance; open to northward; anchorage at head. ETOLIN ISLAND: Dewey Anchorage 4 to 25. . Chart No. 8124 Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Steamer Bay 7 to 36 Chart No. 8154 Deeper at entrance; open to northwest. McHenrv Anchorage... 8 to 12.. Chart No. 8100. . Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. 113 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. Blake Channel and Eastern Pas- Zimovia Strait . Anita Bay. Snow Passage. Kashevarof Passage. Coffman Cove. 5 to 14. Lake Bay. 5 to 17. Stikine Strait. Chichagof Pass . Highfield Anchorage. Wrangell Island. WRANGEM, HARBOR, Wrangell Island. At Wrangell wliari'.. 4 to 12. 2 to 6. Drv Strait . Baht Harbor. Zarembo Island Saint John Harbor, Zarembo Island. 5 to 16. WRANGELL STRAIT. Through the Strait. DUNCAN CANAL... Up to Grief Island 5215 13 8 Chart No. 8200. Coast Pilot and Chart No. 8200. Charts Nos. 8200 and 8160. Charts Nos. 8200 and 8160. Charts Nos. 8200 and 8160. Chart No. 8160. Chart No. 8162. Chart No. 8160. Chart No. 8160. Chart No. 8154. Chart No. 8154. Chart No. 8154. Chart No. 8200. Chart No. 8200. Chart No. 8154. Chart No. 8170. Chart No. 8170. Chart No. 8200. Chart No. 8200. Forms a continuous passage from Ernest Sound to Zarembo Island waters, with depth for any draft in main channel. Unnavigable from Ernest Sound to Anita Bay; thence to Etolin Harbor it is deep enough for any draft by main channel, passing west of Young Rock. Deep enough for any draft; anchorage at head. From Clarence Strait to Sumner Strait; main channel deep enough for any draft. Strong tidal currents. From Clarence Strait to Sumner Strait; not navigable. 10 fathoms at entrance. Deeper at entrance ; open to northward . Deep enough for any draft. Deep enough for any draft. Open except to southward; cannery. Deeper at entrance. 3 fathoms. Boat passage at high water from Stikine Strait to Frederick Sound. Deep anchorage close inshore; open to northward. Well sheltered. From Sumner Strait to Frederick Sound. Narrow and intricate in places. 11 feet, over shoal near Turn Point. Deep enough for any draft from mouth to head in main channel. From 40 to 20 fathoms. 114 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS T.\ FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. DUNCAN CANAL Continued. From Grief Island to near Chart No. 8200. .. . From 17 to 4 fathoms head. KUIU ISLAND. Port Me Arthur Chart No. 8179. .. 5 to 19 fathoms; deeper at entrance* shel- Affleck Canal Chart No. 8200. . tered. Deep enough for any draft at entrance and Roll Bay Chart No 8200 in main channel. 4 to 27 fathoms' deeper at entrance from Chart No. 8200 Affleck Canal; anchorage. 10 to 25 fathoms; anchorage. Bear Harbor Coast Pilot. . . . Entrance from Affleck Canal narrow and Port Beauclerc. . . . Chart No. 8200 obstructed. 4 to 60 fathoms' deeper at entrance 4 shel- ( Chart No. 8200. tered anchorage in north arm and south arm. 10 to 18 fathoms; deeper at entrance Reids Bay Coast Pilot Anchorage, but inferior. Seclusion Harbor Chart No. 8200. 10 to 24 fathoms; deeper at entrance, from Threemile Arm. . Chart No. 8200 Sumner Strait. 4 to 14 fathoms; deeper at entrance from Saginaw Bay Chart No. 8214. Sumner Strait. 8 to 50 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Halle ck Harbor. Chart No. 8214 5 to 18 fathoms; deeper at entrance from SECURITY BAY 4 to 12.. Chart No. 8214 Saginaw Bay. Well sheltered. At entrance Chart No. 8214 8 fathoms. KEKU STIIAIT: Through Strait Chart No. 8200. '' t'ret; from Sumner Strait to Frederick Port Camden Chart No. 8200 Sound; narrow and obstructed. 5 to 36 fathoms; deeper at entrance' Hamilton Bay Chart No. 8200 sheltered. 8 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance; sheltered. Ideal Cove, Mitkof Island 7 Coast Pilot Very small' near southern end of Freder- ick Sotind. LKCONTE BAY ( 'hart No 8200 50 to 75 fathoms At entrance Chart No. 8200 From Frederick Sound, 4} fathoms. Anchorage near \Yrangell Strait. ( 'oast Pilot. In 7 to 9 fathoms; just south of entrance; in Frederick Sound. 115 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ; ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. FREDERICK SOUND Chart No. 8200 Brown Cove Coast Pilot Indifferent and exposed anchorage in 12 THOMAS BAY.... Chart No. 8210. fathoms. Great depths in main part At entrance.. Chart No. 8210 8f fathoms; obstructed. FARRAGUT BAY Chart No. 8210.. . 20 to 50 fathoms in main part' deeper at Francis Anchorage Chart No. 8210 entrance. 20 to 40 fathoms; deep entrance PORTAGE BAY _ Chart No. 8210 2 to 6 fathoms; well sheltered. At entrance. . Chart No. 8210 20 feet. Fanshaw Bay Chart No. 8216 Deep throughout in main part and at both Cleveland Passage Chart No. 8216. northern and soxrthern entrances. 8 to 53 fathoms 4 deeper at northern en- Through South Passage Chart No. 8216 . . . trance; anchorage at south end. 8-J- fathoms; from Fanshaw Bay to Cleve- ELIZA HARBOR Chart No. 8216 land Passage. 20 to 70 fathoms in main part. South Passage Coast Pilot Narrow and not navigable ; from Frederick North Passage Chart No. 8216 Sound. 6J fathoms; narrow; from Woewodski Chapin Bay Chart No. 8242 Harbor. 7 to 13 fathoms' 12 fathoms at entrance' Herring Bay.. Chart No. 8242 inner part sheltered. 4 to 16 fathoms' deep at entrance; open Murder Cove Chart No. 8242 . to eastward. 11 to 27 fathoms; deeper at entrance; Surprise Harbor. . Chart No. 8242 shelved at head. 4 to 8 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open f Chart No. 8216 to southward. 3 to 30 fathoms' deeper at entrance. Woewodski Harbor. . 1 1-- Coast Pilot Contracted and indifferent anchorage. Port Houghton Chart No. 8200 Great depths in main part and at entrance; Pybus Bay Chart No. 8218 open to westward . 7 to 60 fathoms; entrance deep enough for Hobart Bay Chart No. 8218 any draft; anchorages at head and in sev- eral coves. 10 to 50 fathoms in main part. WlNDHAM B\Y Chart No. 8218 Anchorage in 5 to 1 1 fathoms in cove in the northwest arm. Inner and outer bays are both very deep, From outer to inner bav. Chart No. 8218. . as well as the entrance from Frederick Sound. 7 fathoms: narrow mssasre. 116 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN - FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. GAMBIER BAY: Outer bay ( 'hart No 8224 Very deep at entrance from Frederick Sound ; 10 to 20 fathoms in upper part. Deep enough for any draft at entrance from outer bay; 20 to 80 fathoms in main part. Anchorage in 5 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance from Gambier Bay. Deep enough for any draft in main chan- nels from mouth to near head. 24 feet. 3 feet. 13 feet. At head of canal, 21 feet. 3 to 12 fathoms. 5 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance from Seymour Canal. [South of Windfall Island, 15 fathoms. [North of Windfall Island, 5 fathoms. Great depths at entrance from Stephens Passage. Great depths in main part. 13 fathoms; from mouth of Holkham Bay. Anchorage in 35 fathoms. Great depths in main part. 12 fathoms; from mouth of Holkham Bay. Great depths at entrance from Stephens Passage and in main part. In most of the space south of Douglas Island. 4 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance; an- chorage. Deeper at entrance. Taku village is at the head. Inner bay Chart No 8224 Snug Cove Chart No. 8224 Charts Nos. 8200 and 8300. Chart No. 8300. . SEYMOUR CANAL Between Tiedenan and Swan Islands. Between Bug Island and Glass Peninsula. Between Swan Island and Admiralty Island. Into inner harbor Chart No. 8300 Chart No. 8300 Chart No. 8300 In inner harbor Chart No 8300 Chart No 8228 Mole Harbor 10 to 20 (hart No 8228 WINDFALL HARBOR At entrance Chart No. 8228 Charts Nos. 8200 and 8300. Chart No. 8200 HOLKHAM BAY Endicott Arm At entrance Chart No 8200 Sanford Cove Chart No 8200 Tracy Arm Chart No 8300 At entrance Chart No 8300 10 to 30. . Chart No. 8227 Charts Nos. 8200, 8300, 8302, and 8235. Chart No 8229 Port Snettisham STEPHENS PASSAGE Limestone Inlet Taku Harbor 5 to 25 Chart No 8229 117 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. STEPHENS PASSAGE Contd. Slocum Inlet Chart No. 8229 No good anchorage Chart No. 8300 Deep enough for any draft from mouth to Taku Inlet head in main channel. Coast Pilot No anchorage on account of floating ice Auke Cove 2 to 10.. Chart No. 8235 Deeper at entrance Young Bay 4 to 30 Chart No. 8235 Deeper at entrance. Oliver Inlet Coast Pilot Accessible at high water for 6 feet draft' connects by canoe portage with Sey- mour Canal. GASTINEAU CHANNEL Chart No. 8235 40 fathoms at eastern entrance from Ste- Up to Douglas City Chart No. 8235 phens Passage. 20 to 30 fathoms in main channel At Douglas City Wharf Chart No. 8235 About 4 fathoms. Up to Juneau Chart No. 8235 18 to 23 fathoms in main channel above Anchorage off Juneau Chart No. 8235 Douglas City. 10 to 20 fathoms. At Juneau Wharf Chart No. 8235 About 3 fathoms. Up to Salmon Creek.. Chart No. 8235 From Juneau it shoals from 13 fathoms to Through to Fritz Cove . . Chart No. 8235 2 in main channel; Salmon Creek is head of navigation. From Salmon Creek; passage for canoes at high water. Fritz Cove 8 to 30 Charts Nos. 8235 and Deeper at entrance' well sheltered 8302. Anchorage north of Coghlan Chart No. 8235.. In 14 to 30 fathoms Island. Anchorage east of Point Louisa Chart No. 8235 In 10 to 30 fathoms off Auke Village THROUGH FAVORITE CHANNEL.. Chart No. 8300 Deep enough for any draft from Stephens Lena Cove Chart No. 8300 Passage to Lynn Canal. 16 to 20 fathoms' deeper at entrance from Stephens Cove Tee Harbor Chart No. 8300.. Favorite Channel. Not a good anchor- age. 13 to 20 fathoms ' deeper at entrance from Favorite Channel. Through Saginaw Channel Chart No. 8300 Deep enough for any draft ; from Stephens Passage to Lynn Canal. 118 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. BARLOW COVE, Saginaw Chan- nel. Chart No. 8302 Great depths in main part and at entrance; anchorage at head in 7 to 20 fathoms. Great depths in main 1 channel from mouth to head. Great depths in main part; Dyea is on the edge of the flat at its head. Deep enough for any draft up to Chilkoot Village, at its head, where there is an- chorage. Anchorage off Haines Mission in 8 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance. 10 to 29 fathoms; small harbor; 12 fathoms at entrance. Great depths from mouth to Pyramid Harbor, near head. Anchorage in 6 to 10 fathoms at head, for small craft. [Anchorage in 25 fathoms; small but excel- lent shelter; cannery. Excellent harbor. Anchorage in 10 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Great depths in main part and at entrance. Anchorage in northwest corner; off saw- mill. Anchorage in southeast bight. Small and sheltered; 2} fathoms at en- trance. Anchorage for small craft only. Deeper at entrance. Contracted anchorage for small vessels. Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. Bight west of point has 10 to 30 fathoms; open to southeastward. Deeper at entrance; well sheltered; at mouth of Lynn Canal. 200 to 400 fathoms. 3$ to 45 fathoms; sheltered anchorage. 7 fathoms; Coast Pilot says entrance ia unsafe. Charts Nos. 8300, 8302, and 8303. Chart No. 8303 LYNN CANAL Taiya Inlet CHILKOOT INLET .... Chart No. 8303.. Portage Cove Chart No. 8303 Taiyasanka Chart No. 8303 CHILKAT INLET. . . Chart No. 8303 Letnikof Cove Coast Pilot Pyramid Harbor ( Coast Pilot Chart No. 8303 William Henry Bay ( Coast Pilot Chart No. 8302 Berners Bay. Chart No. 8302 Chart No. 8302 1 Chart No. 8302 Boat Harbor Chart No. 8302 Coast Pilot . . St. James Bay 8 to 20 Chart No. 8302 Bridget Cove 6 to 10. . Coast Pilot Funter Bay 25 Chart No. 8302 Point Howard . Chart No. 8302 S\va.nson TTarhor 10 to 25 Chart No. 8302 Chart No 8250 CHATHAM STRAIT HAWK INLET Charts Nos. 8300 and 8302. Chart No. 8300 At entrance 119 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. Ivoukeen Cove 23 Coast Pilot Indifferent anchorage FRESHWATER BAY .. Chart No. 8300 . . 40 to 70 fathoms in main* part' deeper at Wachusett Cove 8 to 10 Coast Pilot.. . entrance, from Chatham Strait. Pavlof Harbor 10 to 15 Coast Pilot Contracted, but sheltered and accessible Tenakee Inlet Chart No. 8300 25 to 100 fathoms; deeper at entrance' sheltered. KOOTZNAHOO INLET Chart No. 8247 Current very strong at entrance Into Favorite Bay.. Chart No. 8247 4 fathoms In Favorite Bay Chart No. 8247 . . . 10 to 22 fathoms. Into Stillwater Anchorage Chart No. 8247 . 4 fathoms. In Stillwater Anchorage Chart No. 8247 10 to 22 fathoms Into Mitchell Bay - Chart No. 8247 5 fathoms from Stillwater Anchorage In Mitchell Bay Chart No. 8247 . 3 to 20 fathoms. Into Kanalku Bay Chart No. 8247 2f fathoms from Mitchell Bay via Davis In Kanalku Bay Chart No. 8247 Creek. 3 to 15 fathoms. KILLISNOO HARBOR 3 to 15 Chart No. 8285 Deeper at southern entrance. At northern entrance Chart No. 8285 . . 21 feet. HOOD BAY Chart No. 8247 10 to 50 fathoms in main part; deeper at North Arm Chart No. 8247 . . entrance, from Chatham Strait. 10 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance South Arm.. . Chart No. 8247 10 to 40 fathoms; 20 fathoms at entrance. CHAIK BAY Chart No. 8246 Very deep at entrance. In outer bay Chart No. 8246 10 to 50 fathoms. Into northern arm Chart No. 8246 20 fathoms. In northern arm Chart No. 8246 . 4 to 12 fathoms' sheltered. Into southern arm Chart No. 8246 10 fathoms. In southern arm Chart No. 8246 4 to 13 fathoms; well sheltered. Whitewater Bay Chart No. 8246 Deep at entrance; 4 to 45 fathoms inside; sheltered; anchorage in 5 to 13 fathoms at upper end. 120 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. KELP BAY Chart No 8243 V Portage Ann Chart No 8243 part. Shoals from 60 fathoms at mouth to 3 fath Middle Arm Chart No 8243 oms at head, where there is anchorage. South Arm Chart No 8243 fathoms at head. Basin Chart No 8243 in main part. 30 fathoms at main entrance* 20 to 40 Cove south of Pond Island . . Chart No. 8243 fathoms in main part. 7 fathoms at entrance' 10 to 25 fathoms - inside. Cosmos Cove Chart No 8243 12 fathoms at entrance from Chatham Strait; 4 to 17 fathoms inside. Takatz Bay Chart No 8243 Shoals from 27 fathoms at mouth to 7 fath- oms at head; sheltered; entrance from Chatham Strait. Warm Spring Bav . - Chart No. 8243 30 fathoms at entrance from Chatham Strait; 40 to 60 fathoms in main part; Wilson Cove Coast Pilot and Chart 4 to 8 fathoms' foul bottom' deeper at 8250. entrance, from Chatham Strait. Cascade Bay Coast Pilot and Chart 15 to 30 fathoms' rocky bottom* deeper at 8250. entrance from Chatham Strait. Nelson Bay... Coast Pilot and Chart Contracted anchorage in 15 fathoms 8250. Red Bluff Bay Chart No. 8242 12 to 50 fathoms' 8 fathoms at entrance* landlocked. Hoggatt Bay Chart No 8242 20 to 100 fathoms' deeper at entrance* sheltered . Gut Bay . . Chart No. 8242 20 to 80 fathoms, 12 fathoms at entrance; landlocked. Washington Bay Chart No 8241 19 to 37 fathoms; deeper at entrance; shel- tered. Bay of Pillars, north arm 4 to 17 Chart No. 8241 Well sheltered. Bay of Pillars, south arm 4 to 25- Chart No 8241 14 fathoms at entrance; inner part land- locked . Gedney Harbor 5 to 9 Coast Pilot and Chart Small and sheltered. 8250. 121 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. Port Malmesbury. 6 to 20. Patterson Bav. Port Walter. Port Lucy. 10 to 20. 12 to 15. Port Conclusion. 7 to 25. Port Alexander. Egg Harbor, Coronation Island . Aats Bay, Coronation Island 5 to 25. Warren Cove, Warren Island. Davidson Inlet. Sea Otter Sound. Port Alice, Heceta Island . Cone Bay, Heceta Island. Klawak Inlet. Port St. Nicholas. Trocadero Bay. Port Caldera. Coast Pilot and Chart 8250. Coast Pilot and Chart 8250. Coast Pilot and Chart 8250. Coast Pilot and Chart 8250. Chart No. 8262 . Chart No. 8262 Coast Pilot and Chart 8262. Chart No. 8150. Chart No. 8150. Three good anchorages. Contracted anchorage in 20 to 25 fathoms. 25 fathoms at entrance, which is narrow. Near the head; easy of access. 8 fathoms at entrance; landlocked. Deeper at entrance; open to northeast- ward . 3 to 8 fathoms; entrance narrow, 4 fathoms; landlocked. 5 to 6 fathoms; deeper at entrance; small. Deeper at entrance ; open to northward . 5 to 7 fathoms; deeper at entrance; shel- tered. 12 to 80 fathoms; deep at entrance. 20 to 50 fathoms; deep at entrance from Davidson Inlet. 14 to 18 fathoms; 11 fathoms at entrance; sheltered. 15 to 30 fathoms; deep at entrance; open to westward. 10 to 30 fathoms; 6 fathoms at entrance; sheltered . 6 to 16 fathoms; sheltered. 5 to 10 fathoms; 6 fathoms at entrance; sheltered. Chart No. 8150 5 to 13 fathoms; open to northward. Chart No. 8150. Chart No. 8150 Chart No. 8150 . Chart No. 8150 . Chart No. 8150 Chart No. 8262 Chart No. 8150 . Chart No. 8150 . 122 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. BUCARELI BAY Chart No. 8150 Port Estrella Chart No 8150 6 to 10 fathoms; sheltered Port Dolores Chart No. 8150 8 to 10 fathoms; open to northward. Port Santa Cruz Chart No. 8150 6 to 22 fathoms; deeper at entrance' shel- Port San Antonio Chart No. 8150 tered . 10 to 30 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Port Asumcion Chart No. 8150 . 10 to 25 fathoms; deeper at entrance : shel- tered. Cordova Bay. Chart No. 8077 . . . 40 to 200 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Hetta Inlet Chart No. 8077 50 to 100 fathoms; anchorage at head in American Bay, Kaigani Strait Chart No. 8077 Portage Bay 11 to 20 fathoms; sheltered. Port Bazan Chart No. 8262 Sheltered anchorage in 15 fathoms. REDFISH BAY. Chart No. 8262 . . . Baranof Island, outside coast. Up to near cannery Chart No. 8262 3 fathoms; anchorage off cannery in 4 to 10 Whale Bay, Baranof Island Chart No. 8262 fathoms. Several protected anchorages. Closed Bay. 13 to 15 Chart No. 8262 Sheltered anchorage. PERIL STRAIT Charts Nos. 8282 and 8283 Very great depths at entrance from Chat- Sitkoh Bay Chart No. 8283 . . ham Strait and in main channel at northern end. Very deep at entrance and in main part of Hanus Bay 10 to 25 Chart No. 8283 lower bay; anchorage at head of lower bay; upper bay has 20 to 35 fathoms and deep entrance. Deeper at entrance. Lindenberg Harbor Chart No. 8283 15 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open tc Saook Bay Chart No. 8283 southward. ]0 to 30 fathoms; deeper at entrance; shel- Rodman Bay Chart No. 8283 tered. 15 to 40 fathoms; deeper at entrance; Appleton Cove Chart No. 8283 sheltered. 3 to 10 fathoms; 3f fathoms at entrance Nismeni Cove Chart No. 8283 from Rodman Bay; small and well sheltered. 3 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance : small. Passage south of Otstoia Chart No 8283 8 fathoms. Island. Ushk Bay Chart No. 8282 36 to 35 fathoms; deeper at entrance; sheltered. 123 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. PERIL STRAIT Continued. Hooniah Sound north ami Chart No 8283 . Very deep at entrance from Peril Strait Hooniah Sound south arm Chart No. 8282 and in main part; 20 to 30 fathoms at head. Very deep at entrance from Peril Strait* Patterson P>ay Chart No. 8282 10 to 30 fathoms at head. 20 to 40 fathoms; deeper at entrance from Pick Cove Chart No. 8282. south arm of Hooniah Sound; sheltered. 5 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance from Poison Cove ... Chart No. 8282 . . south arm of Hooniah Sound. 12 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance* Po r ibshi Anchorage 22 Coast Pilot and Chart small. Open to northward In main channel from Po- No. 8282. Chart No. 8282 20 to 30 fathoms gibshi Point to Northern Rapids. Through Northern Rapids. . Chart No. 8282 Bv Rose Channel 12 fathoms' by Adams Between Northern and Chart No 8282 Channel 19 fathoms. Deep enough for any draft Southern Rapids. Deep Bay Chart No. 8282 6 to 12 fathoms' entrance north of Big Bear Bay Chart No 8282 Island 6 fathoms; entrance south of Big Island 8 fathoms. 11 fathoms* deeper at entrance* small Through Southern Rapids, Chart No. 8282 . 10 fathoms* very strong current Sergius Channel. Through Southern Rapids, Chart No. 8282 . 5 fathoms; foul passage; terrific current. south of Rapids Island. Launch Cove. . 6 to 10 Chart No 8282 Suloia Bav Chart No. 8282 20 to 40 fathoms in main part Schulze Cove 7 to 15 Chart No 8282 Deeper at entrance from Fish Bay Fish Bav Chart No 8282 Anchorage at head in 20 to 30 fathoms Kakul Narrows. . . Chart No 8282 Deep enough for any draft* southern end of Peril Strait. Salisbury Sound . . . Chart No 8282 Deep and open to westward Fortuna Strait Charts Nos.8280 and 8282 Deep enough for any draft Leo Anchorage Chart No. 8282 20 to 25 fathoms Kalinina Bay Chart No 8282 4 to 7 fathoms* narrow and sheltered Siiiitsin Cove Chart No. 8282 15 to 20 fathoms* open to northward. Neva Strait . . Chart No. 8281 . . 6* to 20 fathoms. 124 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IX FATHOMS. ATTIIORITIES. REMARKS. St John Baptist Bay Chart No. 8281 11 to 40 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Through Whitestone Narrows Chart No. 8281 6^ fathoms; narrow channel. Krestof Sound Chart No. 8281 15 to 50 fathoms. Hayward Strait Chart No. 8281 ...... . 12 fathoms through east channel; 4J fath- De Groff Bay 6 to 20 .... Chart No. 8281 oms through west channel. 18 feet at entrance; well sheltered. Through Nakwasina Passage 31 Chart No. 8281 X T arrow at shoalest part. Through Olga Strait 37. Chart No. 8281 Katalina Bay Chart No. 8281 30 to 80 fathoms. Promisla Bav Chart No. 8281 1 7 to 20 fathoms. SITKA SOUND ( 'harts Nos.8250 and 8281 Very deep at entrance; main channel deep Symonds Bay Biorka 3 to 20 Cnart No. 8237 enough for any draft. Deeper at entrance; open to northward. Island. Deep Inlet Chart Xo. 8240 25 to 50 fathoms; 14 fathoms at entrance. Silver Bay . Chart No. 8240 20 to 50 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Camp Coo ay. Chart No. 8280. Chart No. 8305. Chart No. 8305. Chart No. 8305. Chart No. 8262. Chart No. 8455. Chart No. 8455. Chart, No. 8455. Coast Pilot and Chart No. 8455. Chart No. 8502. Chart No. 8513. Chart Xo. 8513. Chart No. 8513. Chart No. 8550. Chart No. 8520. Chart No. 8515. Chart No. 8520. Chart No. 8520. Chart No. 8520. Chart Xo. 8520. < hart No. 8520. REMARKS. 15 to 50 fathoms; deep at entrance; shel- tered. Main part 20 to 60 fathoms; open to south- ward. 3 to 7 fathoms; sheltered. 19 feet; from outer harbor. fathoms; anchorage in 5 to 6 fathoms in cove inside of north spit of entrance. Very deep at entrance to outer bay. 20 to 40 fathoms; deeper at entrance from Yakutat Bay, Yakutat & Southern R. R. ; 17 feet at wharf. Contracted anchorage in 9 to 12 fathoms; deeper at entrance from De Monti Bay. Contracted anchorage for small craft; sheltered . Exposed anchorage in 11 fathoms on west- ern side. Into Controller Bay, 5 fathoms. 4 to 5 fathoms; deeper at entrance;- open to southward, Katalla P. O., C. R. & N. W. R. R. Very deep; eastern entrance. Deep enough for any draft; western en- trance. Anchorage at head in 10 to 25 fathoms; deep at entrance. Landlocked. 21 feet; from Port 20 to 30 fathoms; deeper at entrance: open to northward. 20 to 50 fathoms; drop at oniraiico; open to northeastward . 127 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. ORCA B \Y . . Chart No. 8520 60 to 120 fathoms; sheltered anchorage at Up to Or,ca Chart No. 8520 head in 20 to 30 fathoms, and off Orca in 5 to 10 fathoms. 3 fathoms Up to Cordova. Chart No. 8520. 3 fathoms. Sheep Bay Chart No. 8520 12 to 40 fathoms ; deeper at entrance ; open Simpson Bay Chart No. 8520 to southwestward. 19 fathoms at entrance ' 12 fathoms at head. Fidalgo Bay Chart No. 8519 Very deep at entrance. Snug Corner Cove Chart No. 8519. 4 to 15 fathoms' deeper at entrance Bowie Bay Chart No. 8519 11 to 25 fathoms' deeper at entrances' Fish. Bay Chart No. 8519 open to northward. 5 to 12 fathoms' 10 fathoms at entrance' Landlocked Bay Chart No. 8519. sheltered. 12 to 60 fathoms' deep at entrance' shel- tered anchorage at head. Boulder Bay -. . . Chart No. 8519 11 to 30 fathoms' deep at entrance Through Tatitlek Narrows Chart No. 8519. 5i fathoms channel narrow and crooked Busby Bay, Bligh Island Chart No. 8519 9 to 13 fathoms' deeper at entrance Galena Bay Chart No. 8519 20 to 100 fathoms' deeper at entrance' sheltered. Sawmill Bav Chart No. 8519 6 to 9 fathoms' deeper at entrance' land- locked. Jack Bay Chart No. 8519 8 to 100 fathoms' deeper at entrance* sheltered. Valdez Narrows Chart No. 8519. . 50 to 100 fathoms Valdez Arm Port Valdez 40 to 140 Chart No. 8519 12 to 30 fathoms off wharves McLeod Harbor 10 to 20 Chart No. 8515 Hanning Bay Chart No. 8822 Drier Bay Chart No. 8524 to northwestward . Port Chalmers Chart No. 8851 in Mallard Bay. 10 to 20 fathoms Through Latonche Passage... Chart No. 8523... 11 fathoms. 128 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. Horseshoe Bay. Chart No. 8523 .. 1 to 3 fathoms? ' deeper at entrance Elrington Passage Chart No 8523 Deep' clear throughout Prince of Wales Passage Chart No. 8523 11 fathoms near middle, deep elsewhere Knight Passage Chart Nos. 8517, 8523... Herring Bay 8 to 30 Chart No. 8517 Deeper at entrance; open to north. Northwest Bay 6 to 30 Chart No. 8517 Deeper at entrance; open to northwest Mummy Bay 5 to 25 Chart No. 8523 From Knights Passage' deeper at entrance KENAI PENINSULA: Resurrection Bay Chart No. 8538 30 to 160 fathoms; very deep at entrance; Port Chatham.. 6 to 25 Chart No. 8588 landlocked. Deep at entrance; landlocked. Port Graham Chart No. 8589 8 to 18 fathoms; well sheltered. Afognak Bay Charts Nos. 8555, 8570... 4 to 14 fathoms at head. Afognak Strait Charts Nos. 8555, 8570. 5 fathoms. KODIAK ISLAND: iSodiak Harbor. . . . Chart No. 8570 4 to 7 fathoms; deeper at each of the two Shearwater Bay Chart No. 8822 entrances; sheltered. 5 to 30 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Karluk Chart No. 8822 Mooring buoys in 16 to 18 fathoms; inanv Uyak Anchorage ... Charts Nos. 8822. 8555... canneries. 5 to 12 fathoms; canneries. Larsen Bay Chart No. 8822 Anchorage in 4 to 8 fathoms off cannery; 5 Uganik Bay Chart No. 8855 fathoms at entrance. Anchorage off saltery in 5 to 9 fathoms. Marmot Bay . Chart No. 8555 Deep; open to northeast. Chiniak Bay Charts Nos. 8555, 8570. . . 12 to 60 ; open to eastward . Alimvoak Bay 5 to 15 (hart No. 8555 Inner harbor; sheltered. COOK INLET Charts Nos. 8553, 8554. . . Tuxedir Harbor 17 Chart No. 8554 West of C'hisik Island; sheltered. Chinitna Bay 3 to 17 Chart No. 8554. Limited ; open to east and south. Turnagain Arm c Chart No. 8553 Inside of entrance. Knik Arm .... Chart No. 8553 To Knik Harbor. Karhemak Bay Chart No. 8554 Anchorage in 6 fathoms under Coal Point. Iliamna Bay Chart No. 8665 2 to 6 fathoms inside of White Gull Island. Seldovia Bay, Kachemak Bay... Chart No. 8589 Entrance deep enouirh for anv draft; shel- tered anchorage. 129 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. Shelikof Strait Chart No. 8555 Over 60 fathoms through. Kupreanof Strait Charts Nos. 8555, 8570. . . West entrance deep ; east entrance 11 to 22 Viekoda Bay Chart No. 8570 fathoms, narrow channels. 15 fathoms at head ; open to northwest. Dry Spruce Bay Chart No. 8570. 7 to 20 fathoms; sheltered. Terror Bay 5 to 40 Chart No. 8570 Unobstructed Kizhuvak Bay 5 to 35 Chart No. 8570. 12 fathoms at entrance. Duck Bay 10 to 30 Chart No. 8570 Wide open to south. ALASKA PENINSULA: Kukak Bay Chart No. 8851 Very deep' landlocked Port Wrangell Chart" No. 8851. . 15 to 50 fathoms at head of bay ' sheltered Balboa Bay Chart No. 8851 2 to 10 fathoms; deeper at entrance' shel- Port Moller . . . 10 to 15 Chart No. 8833 tered. Sheltered Herenden Bay 5 Chart No. 8833 Deeper approach and inside. Dolgoi Harbor Charts Nos. 8851 and 6 to 9 fathoms; deeper at entrance* land- Isanotski Strait 8703. Chart No. 8822 . locked. Through strait 3^ fathoms ' strong current East Anchor Cove Chart No. 8841 5 to 10 fathoms; deeper at entrance' open West Anchor Cove Chart No. 8841 . to northeastward. 3 to 10 fathoms' open to southwest Dora Harbor Chart No. 8841. 2 to 7 fathoms ' deeper at entrance ' shel- tered. CHIRIKOF ISLAND: Southwest Anchorage 3 to 7 Chart No. 9196. Deeper at entrance* open to southward Anchorage Bay, Chignik Bay. . . Chart No. 8822 . 16 to 18 fathoms* cannery Doris Bay, Chignik Bay. . 7 Chart No. 8822 . In outer part Chiachi Island Chart No. 8881 Open anchorage in 5 to 9 fathoms at east end. SHUMAGIN ISLANDS: Northeast Harbor 10. Chart No. 8881 Sheltered Northwest Harbor. 5 to 10 Chart No. 8881 Yukon Harbor 7. Chart No. 8881 Simeonof Harbor 3 to 4 Chart 'No. 8881 Small but sheltered 5215 13 -9 130 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. SHUMAGIX ISLANDS Continued. Sanborn Harbor 7 to 15 Chart No. 8891 Sheltered. Anchorage in 7 fathoms in inner part; 4 fathoms at entrance; sheltered. Anchorage in 7 fathoms in inner part; 6 fathoms at entrance; sheltered. 5 fathoms. 4 to 14 fathoms; anchorage. 3 to 6 fathoms, 4 to 8 fathoms; deeper at entrance. Landlocked. 3 to 8 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to northward. 3 to 9 fathoms; deeper at entrance; open to eastward. 2 to 7 fathoms; deeper at entrance. 5 to 25 fathoms; open to eastward. 4 to 20 fathoms; deep at entrance. In 20 fathoms; soath of the point. 20 to 50 fathoms; deep at entrance; open to northwestward. 7 to 20 fathoms; 1(5 fathoms at entrance, from Unalaska Bay. 9 to 11 fathoms; well sheltered. 5 fathoms. 10 to IS fathoms: sheltered. 17 fathoms: fromTliii'V ' Eagle H?rbor Chart No. 8881 Falmouth Harbor . Chart No. 8881 Through Popof Strait. Chart No. 8891 Humboldt Harbor, Popof Strait. Zachary Bay. . . 6 to 8 Chart No. 8891 Chart No. 8891 Coal Harbor, Zachary Bay Chart No. 8891 Delarof Harbor Chart No. 8851 Mist Harbor 5 to 30 .... Chart No. 8851 Sandy Cove 9 Chart No. 8851 Chart No. 8841 SANNAK ISLAND: Acherk Harbor Northeast Harbor Chart No. 8841 Peterson Bay Chart No. 8841 Chart No. 88GO Akun Cove Akun Island Chart No. 9196 English Bay, Unalaska Island Chart No. 9007 UN ALASKA BAY: Eider Point Anchorage Nateekin Bay Chart No. 9007. .. Chart No. 9007 ILIULIUK BAY In inner harbor Chart No. 9007 Into inner harbor Chart No. 9007 Charts Nos. 9007 and 9008. Chart No. 9008.. DUTCH HARBOR . . Al entrance.. . 131 TABLE OF DEPTHS- PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. CAPTAINS BAY.. At entrance. At entrance. Kuliliak Bay, Unalaska Island. Chernofski Harbor, Una- laska Island. Sviechnikof Harbor, Amlia Island. Kazan Bay, Atka Island Korovin Bay, Atka Island . . Anchorage of Bay of Islands, Adak Island. Bay of Waterfalls, Adak Island . Chapel Roads Constantine Harbor, Amchitka Island. Kirilof Bay, Amchitka Island . . McDonald Bay, Agattu Island. Chichagof Harbor, Attu Island . ST. GEORGE ISLAND, PRIBILOF ISLANDS. Garden Cove Anchorage. Zapadni Bay Anchorage . North Anchorage ST. PAUL ISLAND, PRIBILOF IS- LANDS. Village Cove Anchorage Anchorage in northern bight English Bay Chart No. 9007. Chart No. 9007. Chart No. 9007. Chart No. 9196. Chart No. 9196. 5 to 11. . Chart No. 9196. Chart No. 9196. Chart No. 9196. Chart No. 9196. CharfrNo. 9196. Chart No. 9196. Chart No. 9196. Chart No. 8851. Chart No. 8851. Chart No. 9196. Charts Nos. 8995 and 8996. Chart No. 8996. Chart No. 8996. Chart No. 8996. 3 to 9. Charts Nos. 8995 and 8996. Chart No. 8996. Chart No. 8996. Chart No. 8996. 20 to 40 fathoms. 10 fathoms; from Unalaska Bay. 4 fathoms; from inner harbor of Iliuliuk Bay. 4 to 9 fathoms; deeper at entrance; land- locked. 6 to 13 fathoms; deeper at entrance ; land- locked. 7 to 18 fathoms; sheltered. Open to southwest. 14 fathoms; 9 fathoms at entrance; well sheltered. 7 to 30 fathoms at head; elsewhere much deeper. 12 to 25 fathoms. 6 to 20 fathoms; 8 fathoms at entrance. 2 to 4 fathoms. 4 to 8 fathoms; open to eastward. 2 to 4 fathoms; deeper at entrance; shel- tered . In 10 fathoms; open roadstead. Tu 10 fathoms; open to westward, lu 10 fathoms; open to northward. In 10 fathoms; open to westward. In 5 to 10 fathoms; open to northward. Open to southwest. 132 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. ST. MATTHEW ISLAND: Anchorage cm north side. Anchorage on south side . NUSIVAK ISLAND: Anchorage at Cape Etolin. ST. MICHAEL BAY. Through canal YUKON RIVER: Apoon mouth Kwikluak mouth. Golofnin Bay, Norton Sound . Port Safety, Norton Sound. Port Clarence, near Bering Strait. GRANTLEY HARBOR... 4 to 7. Tuksuk Channel. In Imuruk Basin. Bristol Bay: Nushagak Bay. 9 to 16. Akutan Pass Akutan Harbor. Beaver Inlet. . 17 to 27. Chart No. 8851. Chart No. 8851. Chart No. 9196. Chart No. 9375 Chief of Eng. Rep., 1912. Chart No. 9372. Chart No. 9373. Charts Nos. 9380 and 9382. Charts Nos. 9380 and 9381. Charts Nos. 9380 and 9385. Charts Nos. 9380 and 9385. Chart No. 9385. Chart No. 9380. Charts Nos. 8802 and 9050. Chart No. 8860. Chart No. 8860. Chart No. 8860. In 10 fathoms; open to northward. In 23 fathoms; open to southward. In 6 fathoms; open to northeastward. Open to northeastward . 3 feet from St. Michael Bay to Norton Sound. l.J feet. About 9 feet at low water. Draft of 14 feet up to 7-fathom anchorage at head. East of Cape Nome; 6 feet on bar at entrance. Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. 15 feet at entrance from Port Clarence; anchorage in 2 to 3 fathoms inside; land- locked. 34 feet into Imuruk Basin from Grantley Harbor. 2 to 3 fathoms; landlocked. On ranges; deeper at entrance and at head. 20 fathoms. Open to eastward. Deep to head ; numerous harbors. Kotzebue Sound 4 to 10 Chart No. 9400 Open to northwest. 133 TABLE OF DEPTHS PACIFIC COAST. ALASKA. LOCALITY. St. Lawren.ce Bay. Tanaga Pass. Adak Pass Seguam Pass. Amukta Pass. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. 6 to 30. 45. 45. 34 to 80. 250. . AUTHORITIES. Chart No. 9400. Chart No. 9102 . Chart No. 9102. Chart No. 9102 . Chart No. 9102. REMARKS. Coast of Siberia. Aleutian Islands. 134 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. HAWAII: Hilo Bay east coast 2 to 7 Chart No 4103 Deeper at entrance Breakwater under Kawaihae Bay west coast 7 H. O. N. chart No. 1257. . construction. Open roadstead. Kailua Bay west coast 7 H. O. N. chart No. 1257. . Open roadstead. Keauhou Bay west coast. . . 2 to8 H. O. N. chart No. 1257.. Outer anchorage open. Kealakekua Bay, west coast. Mahukona Harbor 8 to 20 7 to 10 H. O. N. chart No. 1257.. Chart No. 4101 Open except at northern cove. Open bight; mooring buoys. MAUI: Kapuehokahi (Hana) Bay 6 to 8 H. O. N. chart No. 1244. Open to northeastward. east coast. 4 to 7 Chart No 4105 Open to northward. Napili Bay northwest coast 3 to 5 H. 0. N. chart No. 1244. Open roadstead. Lahaina Road west coast 10 to 20 H. O. N. chart No. 132.. Open roadstead. 6 to 10 Chart No. 4104 Deeper at entrance; open to southward. Makena Bay southwest cop^st 8 H. O. N. chart No. 1244. Open roadstead. MOLOKAI: Chart No. 4106 3 to 10 fathoms; open roadstead. OAHU: Honolulu Harbor Chief of Eng. Rep., 1909. Well sheltered; 35 feet; 33 feet minimum Chart No. 4107 depth at entrance; dredged. Landlocked; 3 to 7 fathoms. 31 feet; dredged channel. Hanauma Bay south coast 4 to 10 H. O. N. chart No. 867.. Deeper at entrance; open to southeastward. Kaneohe Bay .... 4 to 8 H. O. N. chart No. 867.. Well sheltered. 15 feet. Laie Bay northeast coast 4 to 5 H. O. N. chart No. 1252.. Deeper at entrance. AVaimea Bay northwest coast 9 H.O. N. chart No. 1252.. Open roadstead. Waialua Bay northwest coast 2 to 6 H. O. N. chart No. 1252.. Deeper at entrance. Port Waianae. west coast. . H. O. N. chart No. 1264.. Open roadstead and steamer landing. 135 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. KAUAI: Hanalei Bay, north coast Waimea Bay, southwest coast. Hanapepe Bay 5 to 7 H. O. N. chart No. 1251 H. 0. N. chart No. 1251. Chart No. 4108 Deeper at entrance; open to northwest- ward. Open roadstead. Deeper at entrance; open to southward. Sheltered. 22 feet, Deeper at entrance; open to northeast- ward. Submarine cable station. The approach to Welles Harbor. Anchorages in 21 to 31 feet; sandy bottom. 3 to 4 3 to 6 Nawiliwili Harbor, south- east coast. At entrance 3 to 5 H. 0. N. chart No. 1251 Hanamaulu Bay, east coast.. 3 to 6 H. O. N. chart No. 1251. H. O.N. chart No. 1952. H. O. N. chart No. 2468. H. O. N. chart No. 2468. MIDWAY ISLANDS Seward Roads 4$ to 7 Into Welles Harbor 31 MARIANAS ISLANDS. GUAM: Port Tarofofo, northeast coast AganaBay, northwest coast. Umata Bay, southwest coast . Port Apra, west coast Chart No. 4202. Chart No. 4202. Chart No. 4202. Chart No. 4202 . 2 to 8 fathoms, deeper at entrance; open eastward. Open roadstead; very bad anchorage in 20 fathoms. 4 to 6 fathoms, deeper at entrance; open to westward. 15 to 20 fathoms; deeper at entrance; well sheltered. SAMOA ISLANDS. TUTUILA: Pago Pago Harbor. 6 to 25. H. O. N. charts 93 and 2563. Sheltered ; mooring buoys. 136 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. ALA BAT: Port, A la bat 5 to 10 Chart No. 4228 Deeper at entrance. Sangirin Bav 8 to 16 Chart No. 4268 Deeper at entrance. BABUYAN ISLANDS: Musa Bav 10 to 17 Chart No. 4270 Good depth at three entrances BALABAC: Calandorang Bay 2 to 20 Chart No. 4347 Deeper at entrance; open to eastward. Clarendon Bay 4 to 5 Chart No. 4347 Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. Dalawan Bav 2 to 15 Chart No. 4347 Deeper at entrance ; open to eastward . Port Ciego . . ... 5 to 12 Chart No. 4347 Deep at both entrances; sheltered. BASILAN: Maluso Bay 6 to 18 Chart No. 4511 Deeper at entrance. BATAN: Off Ibana 8 to 20 Chart No. 4270 Open roadstead. Off Santo Domingo 10 to 12 Chart No. 4270 Open roadstead. Calanaga Bay 9 to 10 . Chart No. 4259 Small; well sheltered. BURIAS: Port Boca Engano 5 to 16 Chart No. 4454 Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Port Busainga 2 to 12. . . Chart No. 4454 Deeper at entrance; landlocked. Port Busin 4 to 15 . . . Chart No. 4454 Deeper at northern entrance; sheltered. BUCAS: Port Sibonga 6 to 18 Charts Nos. 4629 and Deep at entrance; sheltered. East arm 4644. is connected by a narrow passage with Port Castilla. BUSUANGA: Port Uson 4 to 12.. Chart No. 4345 Deeper at the two entrances; landlocked. ('AC A VAN SULU: Lapunlapun \.nchorac6 7 to 17 Chart No. 4348 Deeper at entrance. CAMIGUIN: Catarman Bav 14 Chart No. 4644 Open roadstead. Port San Pio Quint o. . . 7 to 22.. Chart No. 4270... Good depth at two entrances. 137 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. CANAHAUAN ISLANDS: Anchorage within the roup 15 to 20 Chart No. 4420 Deeper at most of the entrances CATANDUANES: Baras Anchorage . ... 3 to 9 .... Chart No. 4269 ". Open to southward. Gabugao Bay 7 to 20 Chart No. 4269 Deeper at approach* open to southward Co bo Bav 6 to 10 Chart No 4269 Deeper at approach open roadstead Jimoto Bay.. 4 to 10 Chart No 4269 Deeper at entrance Kalapadan Bav 7 to 16. ... Chart No. 4269 Deeper at entrance' open to southward Locot Bav 10 to 15 Chart No. 4222 Deeper at approach; small' open to east- Pandan Bay ... 8 to 14. ... Chart No. 4269 ward. Deeper at approach open roadstead Port Anajao . 3 to 10 Chart No 4269 Deeper at entrance' sheltered Port Bagamanoc 4 to 8 .... Chart No. 4269 Deeper at entrance Port Manambrag 5 to 10 Chart No 4269 Deeper at approach' open roadstead Virac Anchorage 5 to 8 Chart No 4222 Open to southeastward CEBU: Arago Harbor 3 to 10 Chart No. 4465 Open roadstead deepens rapidly off shore Balamban Bay 3 to 12 Chart No 4465 Deeper at entrance' open to westward Barili Bay 5 to 16. ... Chart No. 4465 Deeper at entrance* open to northwest- Bogo Bay.. 5 to 8 Chart No 4465 ward. Sheltered ' canal to Hagnaya Bav for Carcar Bay .... 3 to 15 Chart No 4465 bancas at high water. Partlv sheltered bv reefs Cebu Harbor 2 to 14 Chart No. 4447 Deep at both entrances; sheltered. Dumanjug Bay 10 to 20 Chart No 4465 Deeper at approach' open roadstead Hagnaya Bay 2 to 10 Charts Nos 4419 and Partly sheltered by reefs Lambusan Bay. . . . 3 to 15 4465. Chart No 4465 Partly sheltered by reefs Moalbual Bay.. 5 to 20 Chart No 4465 Off end of mole* open to Badian Bav Port Carmen 3 to 8 .... Chart No. 4465 Sheltered Tinaan Anchorage.. 4 to 12. Chart No 4428 Deeper at entrance' open to northeast- Tuburan Harbor. . . 3 to 5 .... Chart No. 4465 ward. Small' open to northwestward CULION: Halsey Harbor 14 to 20 Chart No. 4342 Deeper at the two entrances' well shel- Port Culion. Coron Bav. . 17 to 25. . Chart No. 4345. . tered. Deeper at entrance: oen to eastward. 138 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. CUYOS ISLAND: Cuyo Anchorage 7 to 18 Chart No. 4345 Open roadstead. Dinagat Port Gabo 12 Chart No. 4629. Open to westward. GUIMARAS: Santa Ana Bay i to 10 Chart No. 4448 Deeper at entrance; small; sheltered. Igan Bay 8 to 15 Chart No. 4416 Deeper at entrance; open to northwest- ward. JOLO: Dalrymple Harbor 4 to 9 Chart No 4541 Deeper at entrances. Jolo Anchorage . . 6 to 12 Chart No. 4541 Deeper at approach; open roadstead. Maibun Bay 6 to 10 Chart No. 4541 Deeper at entrance; open to southward. Tutu Bav 9 to 13 Chart No. 4542 Sheltered. LEYTE : Ascoalo Bay 2 to 8 Chart No. 4419 Open to westward. Campopo Bay 2 to 7 Chart No. 4419 Open to south westward. Cancabato Bay.. 2 to 24.. Chart No. 4423 Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. Carigara Bay 15 to 25 Chart No. 4420 Deeper at entrance; open to northeast- Liloan Bay 5 to 7 Chart No. 4424 ward. Small; sheltered. Maasin 2 to 5 Chart No. 4426 Deeper at approach ; open roadstead . Ormoc Bay 10 to 40 Chart No. 4444 Deeper at entrance; open to southward. Ormoc Bay Port Bello 5 to 11 Chart No. 4444. . Deeper at entrance. Port Palompon . . . . 7 to 10.. Chart No. 4456 Sheltered. San Isidro Bay 2 to 10 Chart No. 4419 Open to westward. Sildad Bav 2 to 7 Chart No. 4419 Open to westward. Tabango Bay 2 to 5 Chart No. 4419 Open to westward. Tacloban Harbor 2J to 3 Chart No. 4464 Deeper at entrance; sheltered. LlMBANCAUAYAN : Santo Nino Harbor 1 to 5 Chart No. 4456 H fathoms at entrance; landlocked. LUBANG: Loog Bay 7 to 20 "Chart No. 4345 Deeper at entrance; open to eastward. Port Tins'. . . 5 to 11... Chart No. 4345.. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. 139 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. LUZON: Aparri Anchorage 4 to 10 Chart No. 4260 Open roadstead at mouth of Cagayan Atalavan Bay 22 to 35 Chart No. 4222. River. Deeper at entrance* sheltered Atimonan Anchorage 3 to 10 Chart No. 4225 Open roadstead Balayan Anchorage 7 to 20 Chart No. 4257 Open to southward into Balayan Bay Baler Bay. . . 5 to 8 Chart No. 4265 Open roadstead. Basaid Bay 3 to 4.... Charts Nos. 4224 and Deeper inside 4226. BOLINAO HARBOR 8 to 10 Chart No. 4238 Deeper at northern entrance 1 sheltered Through southern Chart No. 4238. 20 feet' narrow entrance. Batangas Anchorage 10 to 20 Chart No. 4257 Open roadstead Binagosbasan Bay 4 to 9 Chart No. 4271. Deeper at entrance Butananan Bay 6 to 15 Chart No. 4223 Deeper at entrance ' open to northwest- Cabalitian Bay.. 6 to 12 Chart No. 4239 ward. Deeper at entrance' sheltered Cagayan River Charts Nos. 4260 and 16 feet over bar at mouth and up to Cama- Calauag Bay . . 5to50 4262. Charts Nos. 4225 and laniugan. Open into Lamon Bay Canimo Pass 5 to 7 4226. Chart No. 4268 4 fathoms through ' both entrances deeper Casiguran Bay 15 to 23.... Chart No. 4265. than anchorage. Deeper at entrance ' landlocked Crater Bay 6 to 9 Chart No. 4271 Deeper at entrance ' small ' open to north- Cavite Harbor . 2 to 3}.... Chart No. 4236 ward. Deeper at entrance from Manila Bay Dagupan River Chart No. 4209 4 feet at entrance* 1 to 3 fathoms inside Darigay os Inlet.. 2 to 9 Chart No. 4208 .... Deeper at entrance* open to westward Dasol Bay 14 to 33 Chart No. 4210 Deeper at western entrance Davap Bav 2 to 7... Chart No. 4225 Opens into Calauag Bay Dirique Inlet 7 to 12 Chart No. 4270 Deeper at entrance Gan Bay. .. 3 to 12 Chart No. 4207 Deeper at entrance * open to westward Gumaca Anchorage 3 to 10 Chart No. 4225. . . Open roadstead Gumans Bay 4 to 10 Chart No. 4224 Open roadstead Hook Bay.. .. 4 to 7 Chart No. 4265 Sheltered Iba Anchorage 10 to 20 Chart No. 4210 Open roadstead Jamelo Cove... 9 to 16... Chart No. 4257.. Deeper at entrance : sheltered. 140 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. LUZON Continued. Lamit Bav 5 to 9 Charts Nos. 4271 and Deeper at two principal entrances; shel- Lamon Bav 4223. Chart No 4225 tered. Verv deep. Laws; Bav 4 to 10 Chart No. 4207. Deeper at entrance ; open to westward . Limbones Cove 17 to 25 Chart No. 4255 Deeper at entrance; open to northwest- Looo Cove 10 to 25 Chart No 4257 ward. Deeper at entrance ; sheltered . In Looc River Chart No. 4223. H to 3 fathoms; 1} fathoms at entrance Lopez Bav . 3 to 10 Charts Nos. 4225 and from San Miguel Bay. Open into Lamon Bay. Lucena Anchorage 3 to 8 . 4226. Chart No. 4267. Open roadstead. Lula Channel through Chart No 4237 5 feet; very narrow and crooked. Malaguit Bav 2 to 6 Chart No. 4224. Open to northeastward . Manila Bay 4 to 25 Chart \o. 4255 Deeper at entrance; open to southwest- MANILA HARBOR 4 to 5 Chart No. 4230 ward. Deeper at entrance; protected by break- Behind breakwater 2 to 5 . Chart No. 4236. waters. Near entrance to Pasig River. Into Pasig River. Chart No. 4235 About 18 feet, shifting. Through Pasig River Chart No. 4235. .. . 6 feet, into Laguna de Bay. Masamat Bay 2 to 9 Chart No. 4271. Deeper at entrance. Matnog Bav. . .... 3 to 8 Chart No. 4258 Deeper at entrance. Mauban Anchorage 4 to 7 Chart \o 42(15 Open .roadstead. Mercedes Anchorage 5 to 8 Chart No. 4268 Deeper at entrance ; open to northward . Up to Mercedes Chart No. 4268 1 ^ fathoms ; narrow channel . Nalvo Bay 6 to 9 Chart No. 4208 Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Nashugbu Cove 1 to 6 Chart No. 4257 Open roadstead. Nazasa Bay 19 to 25 . . Chart No. 4255 Deeper at entrance; open to southwest- Pagapas Bav 20 to 40 Chart No. 4214. ward . Deeper at entrance; open to southeast- Pagbilao Bav 3 to 6 Chart No. 4267 ward . Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Palauig Bay 2 to 10 Chart No. 4266 Deeper at entrance; open to north west- Pao Bav . 4 to 8 Chart No. 4239 ward . Deeper at entrance ; well sheltered. Pasacale Bay 2 to 6 Chart No. 4->'>4 Open to northeastward. Pasacao Anchorage 2 to 10 Chart No. 4454. Deeper at approach; open to southward. Pitogo Bay 7 to 10 Chart No. 4268 Deeper at northern entrance; sheltered; 4 fathoms at eastern entrance. 141 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. LUZON Continued. Polillo Harbor Poliqui Bay Port Apat, Caloag Bay. Port Bicobian Port Binanga Port Currimao Port Dimalansan Port Gubat Port Laguimanoc 6 to 9 Chart No. 4265. 15 to 50 : Chart No . 4221 . 3to3J \ Chart No. 4265. 9 to 11 | Chart No. 4265. 2 to 8 Chart No. 4255.. Chart No. 4207. Chart No. 4265. Chart No. 4258. 7 to 10 2 to 4.. 4 to 10 2 to 10 Port Lampon Port Mambulao . . . Port Mariveles. . . Port Masinloc Port Matalvi Port Pusgo Port San Esteban. Port Silanguin Port Sual Port Tambang 2 to 7... 2 to 9... 3 to 18.. 5 to 15. . 2 to 17.. 2 to 7... 7 to 8... 10 to 30. 5 to 6... 7 to 9... Through Quinalasag Passage. Raparapu Strait, through . . . Salomague Harbor San Fernando Harbor. . . San Miguel Bay. . San Vicente Bay. Sapenitan Bay Santa Cruz Harbor. . . Santiago Cove Santo Tomas Harbor. 6 to 8.. 4 to 12. 3 to 15. 9 to 12. 5 to 13. 2 to 7.. 2 to 8.. 7 to 11. Silangan Pass i 3 Sisama Bay 1 2 to 4. Charts Nos. 4453 and 4267. Chart No. 4265. Chart No. 4224. Chart No. 4255. Chart No. 4266. Chart No. 4266. Chart No. 4454. Chart No. 4208. Chart No. 4255. Chart No. 4239. Chart No. 4223. Chart No. 4271 . Chart No. 4259. Chart No. 4207. Chart No. 4246. Chart No. 4223. Chart No. 4223. Chart No. 4223. Chart No. 4210. Chart No. 4208. Chart No. 4209. Chart No. 4225. Chart No. 4223. Deeper at entrance. Deeper at entrance. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance ; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Deeper at entrance; landlocked. Deeper at entrance; open to eastward. Deeper at approach; open to southward. Deeper at entrance; open to southward. Deeper at entrance. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. Deeper at entrance; landlocked. Deeper at entrance. Deeper at entrance; open roadstead. Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; small; open to north- ward. 1J fathoms. Very deep. Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Deeper at entrance; open to northwest- ward. Deeper at entrance. Deeper at entrance; small; open to north- eastward. Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Deeper at entrance. From Calauag Bay to Lopez Bay. Deeper at entrance from San Miguel Bay. 142 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. LUZON Continued . Sisiman Bay 6 to 12... . Chart No. 4255 Deeper at entrance' open to southward Sisiran Bay 2 to 10.. Chart No 4271 Deeper at entrance Solvec Cove 5 to 6.. Chart No 4208 Sorsogon Bay 2 to 12 Chart No 4219 Sugot Bay 10 to 40.. Chart No. 4221 Deeper at entrance Taal and Lemerv 10 to 20.. Chart No. 4257 Open roadstead Tabaco Bay. 15 to 50 Charts Nos 4221 and Deep at entrance' sheltered Tabgon Anchorage 4 to 16 4237. Chart No. 4268 11 fathoms at entrance West Dilasac Bas r 3* to 8... Chart No. 4265. Deeper at entrance' sheltered MAESTRE DE CAMPO: Port Concepcion 8 to 16.. . . Chart No. 4453. Deeper at entrance' sheltered MARICAHAN: Port Mariraban 4 to 6 Chart No. 4257 At head' open to north MASBATE: Looc Bay 2 to 7 Chart No. 4455 Deeper at entrance' sheltered Masabate Harbor. 3 to 15 Chart No. 4455 Easy of access' sheltered Nin Bay 2 to 7 Chart No. 4455 . . . Deeper at entrance; open to northwest- Port Barrera 2 to 30 Chart No. 4455 ward. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Port Cataingan 4 to 17 Chart No 4455 Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Port Mandaon 2 to 4 . . Chart No. 4455 . Deeper at entrance; landlocked. Port Palanoen coast. '13- -10 146 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. MINDANAO Continued. Tudela Anchorage 6 to 12 Chart No. 4604 Sheltered by reef. Tumalung Bay 2 to 10 Chart No. 4652 Deeper at entrance from Tantanang Bay Zamboanga end of wharf. . . Chart No. 4645 sheltered . About 18 feet. Zamboanga Anchorage 3 to 8 Chart No. 4645 Open roadstead. MINDORO : Calapan Bay 1 to 3 Chart No. 4257 . Wide open to north Through Ilin Strait.. . . 6 to 10 Chart No. 4340 Straight; \ mile wide with 10 fathoms. Lagara Cove 5 to 15.. Chart No. 4339 Deeper at entrance; open to westward Mangarin Anchorage 2 to 15 Chart No. 4340 Outer and deeper part open to westward Paluan Bay Anchorage 7 to 12 Chart No. 4345 Main bay very deep; open to southward. Port Galera 6 to 15 Chart No. 4344 Deeper at the two entrances; landlocked. 6 to 12 Chart No 4344 Deeper at entrance* open to southeast- Sablayan Anchorage 4 to 12 Chart No. 4345 ward. Deeper at approach; open to southward NEGROS: Bais north bay 3 to 6 Chart No. 4466 Bais south bay 2 to 6 Chart No. 4466 Deeper at entrance; landlocked. Calagcalog Bay 3 to 12 Chart No. 4466 North arm sheltered. Danao River into Chart No. 4463 12 feet; 5 to 10 fathoms inside. Dumaguete Anchorage 3 to 10 Chart No. 4466 Open roadstead. Escalante Harbor 5 to 13 Chart No. 4463 Deep enough for any draft at either of the Hiniamaylan Harbor .... Chart No. 4466 two entrances; sheltered. 6 feet over bar; 9 to 13 feet inside. Himugaan River * to H . Chart No. 4466 Sheltered. Ilacaon Channel 4J to 10 Chart No. 4417 South of Ilacaon Reef. Ilacaon Anchorage .... 4 to 5 Chart No. 4417 Sheltered by shoals. Port Siyt . . . 3 to 10 Chart No. 4466 Entrance 6 fathoms, narrow; sheltered. Port Bombonon 3 to 8 Chart No. 4466 Entrance narrow; sheltered. MARINDUQUE: 3 to 8 Chart No 4453 Well sheltered. PALAWAN: Bacuit Bay 6 to 20 Chart No. 4316 Deeper at entrance. Bacuit Harbor. . . 2 to7.. Chart No. 4346.. Deeper at entrance. 147 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. PALAWAN Continued. Blockade Strait tlirou (r li Chart No 4349 Deep enough for any draft. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Open roadstead. 4 fathoms. Deeper at entrance; open to westward. Deeper at entrance ; sheltered. Landlocked. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance^ sheltered . Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance. Deeper at entrance ; open to northwestward Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance from Ulugaaa Bay; sheltered. Deep at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; landlocke'd. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. Deeper at entrance. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; open to northward. Deeper at entrance; open. West of Anauayan Island. West of Tagubanhau Island. Narrow channel. Deeper at entrance; open to southeast- ward. Deeper at entrance; small. Onen roadstead Bolalo Bay 12 to 20 Chart No 4316 Culasian Bay 4 to 5 Chart No. 4346 Endeavor Strait through . . 4 Chart No 4349 Inlulutoc Bay 13 to 24 Chart No 4316 Jibboom Bay 7 to 15 Chart No 4316 Malampaya Sound 3 to 20 . . Chart No 4349 Alligator Bay 6 to 10 Chart No 4349 Inner Sound 1 to 8 Chart No 4349 Malipu Bay 4 to 9 Chart No 4349 Northeast Bay 6 to 10 Chart No 4349 Pirate Bay 8 to 14 . Chart No 4349 Tusung Bay . . 6 to 9 Chart No 4349 Malanut Bay 1 to 9 Chart No 4346 Mayday Bay . . 16 to 24 ... Chart No. 4316 Nakoda Bay 4 to 10 Chart No 4346 Oyster Inlet 10 to 16. Chart No 4346 Pagdanan Bay 10 to 30 Chart No 4316 Port Barton 7 to 20 ... Chart No 4316 Port Cataaba.' 6 to 13 Chart No 4316 Puerto Princesa 7 to 10 . Chart No 4343 San Antonio Bay 6 to 10 Chart No 4346 Tapul Bay, part of 4 to 6 Chart No. 4346 Ulugan Bav 13 to 25 . Chart No 4346 Imuruan Bay. . 10 to 13 Chart No 4349 10 to 20.. ("hart No 4417 PANAY: Anauayan Channel Apiton Pass 14 to 20. Chart No 4417 Bancal Bay 1J to 2 Chart No 4417 Baratac Bay 2 to 4 Chart No 4416 Canas Bay 1 to 4 . . Chart No 4416 Capiz Bay... 1* to 3. . Chart No. 4459.. 148 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHOEAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. "REMARKS. PAN AY Continued . Concepcion Bay 2J to 5 Chart No 4417 Open to northward Diego Bay H to 3 Chart No 4459 Open roadstead Iloilo River, into Chart No 4448 13 feet' 15 feet inside 1 sheltered Ivisan River into H Chart No 4459 Deeper inside Panay River, into i-- Chart No 4459 Deeper inside Pedada Bay 1 to 2 Chart No 4416. ... Deeper at entrance' small Pilar Bay . 2 to 5 Chart No 4413 Open roadstead Port Batan 4 to 8 Chart No 4459 .... 4 fathoms at entrance landlocked Sapian Bay 2 to 4 Chart No 4459 Deeper at entrance' open to northward San Jose Buenavista An- 6 Chart No 4415 Open to southwestward chorage. Tinagongdagat Inlet 2 to 8 Chart No. 4413 From Pilar Bay. POLILLO: Burdens Bay 7 to 9 Chart No 4226 .. 10 fathoms in entrance. ROMBLON: Port Romblon 14 to 18 Chart No. 4442 Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. SAMAL: Malipano Anchorage 10 to 20 Chart No 4624 5J fathoms at west entrance. SAMAR: Alugon Bay 4 to 12 Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance ; narrow and sheltered. Bactol Bay 3i to 7.. Chart No. 4422 6 fathoms at entrance; sheltered. Bantayan Bay 4 to 8 Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance; open. Binagayan Bay 3 to 5.. . Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance; small; sheltered. Cabay Bay 5 to 20.. Chart No. 4422 Deeper at entrance. Catbalogan Harbor 5 to 7 Chart No. 4420 X Open roadstead. Catubig River, into Chart No. 4421 1 fathoms; 2 fathoms inside. Dapdap Bay 9 to 10 Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance ; small. Gniuan Harbor 4 Chart No. 4467 Small; exposed to west and south. Helm Harbor. ..... 1 to 8.. Chart No. 4421.. Deeper at entrance; sheltered. 149 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. SAMAR Continued. Jibatan River into Chart No. 4456 5 feet; 12 to 29 feet inside. Lahuan Bay 12 to 25 Chart No. 4423 Deeper at entrance; open to southward. Ljiiiaiiff 5 to 10 Chart No. 4456 Deep at the two entrances; sheltered. Laoang Bay 2 to 5 Chart No. 4449 Deeper at entrance; open to northward. Laponig Bay 4 to 8 Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance ; sheltered. Lipusan Bay 2 to 5.. Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance ; sheltered. Mapanas Bay W.. Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance ; small. Matarinao Bay 4 to 12.. Chart No. 4422 Deeper at entrance ; sheltered. Nagaha Bay 12 Chart No. 4422 Deeper at entrance. Napla Bay 5 to 20 Chart No. 4422 Deeper at entrance. Oras Bay 4 to 8 Charts Nos. 4421 and Deeper at entrance; open to eastward Pambujan Harbor 5 to 7 4422. Chart No. 4467 Large; sheltered. Port Borongan 5 to 19 Chart No. 4422. . .. Deeper at entrance* open to eastward Port Libas 2 to 12 Chart No. 4456 Deeper at entrance; open to eastward Port Palapag. 7 to 9 Chart No. 4449 . Deepe'r at two main entrances' sheltered Panablijon Bay. . 7 to 14 Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance; sheltered Paneroane Bav . . 10 to 20 Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance. Quinapundan Bay 10 to 15 Chart No. 4423 Deeper at entrance ' sheltered Sacamalig Bay. 10 to 15 Chart No. 4421 -. Deeper at approach ; open roadsted San Pedro Bay 2 to 18 Chart No. 4423.. . . Deeper at entrance' open to southward San Policarpo Bay 2 to 5 Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance; small; sheltered San Ramon Bay 4 to 15 Chart No. 4421 Deeper at entrance. Saonloc Bay. 4 to 7 Chart No. 4421 . Deeper at entrance' sheltered Sulat Bay 2 to 10 Chart No. 4422 Deeper at entrance ; sheltered SANGASANGA: Chongos Bay 10 to 12 Chart No. 4514 Deeper at entrance ' open to southeastward SARANGANI: Porto Bolay 2 to 8 Chart No. 4653 . Deeper at entrance' sheltered Port Patuco 4 to 8 Chart No. 4653 Deeper at entrance* well sheltered. Port Tumanao 5 to 20 (hart No. 4653. Deeper at entrance' open to westward Canalasan Cove . . 11 to 13.. Chart No. 4653.. Verv near shore: ot>en to north. 150 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REM. SIASI: Laminuaa Anchorage . . 7 to 10. Chart No 4544 Deep at both entran SIARGO: Port Pilar 3J to 15 Chart No. 4219. ... Open to east SIQUIJOR: Port Canoan 3 to 10 Chart No. 4466. Deeper at entrance; TABLAS: Looc Bay 9 to 20 . . Chart No. 4339 Deeper at entrance; TAWITAWI: Port Dos Amigos 5 to 11 Chart No. 4514. Deeper at entrance; Tawitawi Bay 8 to 13 Chart No. 4514 Sheltered . TICAO: Port San Miguel 5 to 50 .... Chart No. 4454 Very deep at entran San Jacinto 8 to 15 .... Chart No. 4454 . Deeper at entrance; PHILIPPINE ISLANDS CHAN- NELS, STRAITS, ETC. BONGAO AND PAPAHAG : Aguada Bay.. 4 to 10 Chart No. 4514 Deeper at entrance ward. NEGROS AND MALACABOC: Asuncion Pass Chart No. 4463 Deep enough for am Balabac Strait Chart No. 4309 All channels deep e SAMAR AND BANI: Bani Channel, through Chart No. 4220 ] 3 i'a thorns ; deeper s MINDANAO AND BASILON: Basilon Strait . . (hart No. 4511 Deep enough for an 1 BlLIRAN AND LEYTE: Biliran Strait, through 24 Chart No. 4456 Very narrow betw Leyte. 151 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. BIRI AND SAN JUAN: Biri Channel through. Chart No. 4220 Deep enough for any draft. BONGAO AND SANGASANGA: Bongao Channel, through H Chart No. 4514 Port Bongao 4 to 6 Chart No. 4514 Deeper at eastern entrances; well shel- tered. SlARGAO AND BUCAS: Dapa Channel, through 9 Chart No. 4638 Narrow and tortuous. GUIMARAS AND NEGROS: Guimaras Strait, through 64 Chart No. 4416 Navigable channel, separated by islets and shoals. PAN AY AND GUIMARAS: Iloilo Strait, through 6 Chart No. 4448 BASILAN AND MALAMAUI: Isabela Channel, through. 6 Chart No. 4543 Port Isabela, 4 to 16 fathoms in roadstead. Malamaui Road 8 to 12 Chart No. 4543 Open to northwestward. Murcielagos Islets, anchor- 7 to 15 Charts Nos. 4644 and Open roadstead. age south of. 4646. SAMAR AND LEYTE: Janabatas Channel, through. 2 Chart No. 4464 Connects San Juanico Strait and Carigoa San Juanico Strait, through 41 Chart No. 4464. Bay. Connects San Pedro Bay Janabatas Chan- Through channel between 5i.. Chart No. 4544 nel. Deeper at both entrances Siasi and Lapac. SAMAR AND MINANUT: Minanut anchorage 9 to 11.. Chart No. 4422 Deeper at southeastern entrance Naranjos Group, within 20 to 30. Chart No. 4220 Deep at three of the five entrances MINDANAO AND SAMAR: Pakinulan Strait, through. . . Chart No. 4624.. Deer enough for anv draft. 152 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. AXCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. PARASAN AND DARAM: Parasan Harbor. . . LUZON AND PALAXJI: Port San Vicente Inner Harbor 1 . . . Outer harbor.. . BATAN ISLANDS: Between Sabtan and Ibagos Islands. LUZON AND SAMAR: San Bernardino Strait. SICOGON AND CALAGNAAN: Sicogon Channel TAWITAWI AND SANGASANGA: Simanale Bay Simanale Channel, through.. Tapiantana Group, within the. LUZON AND CALINTAAN: Ticlin Strait, through. MINDANAO AND TICTANAN: Tictanan Channel.. BULAN AND BUCUTUA: Ton Sandungun Channel, through. LUZON AND MINDORO: Verde Island Passage. 2 to 5. 4 to 5.. 6 to 10. L} to 11. 7 to 12. AUTHORITIES. Chart No. 4456. Chart No. 4263. Chart No. 42(53. Chart No. 4270. Chart No. 4220. Chart No. 4417.. Chart No. 4514. Chart No. 4514. Chart No. 4512. I (KM ARKS. Charts Nos. 4220 and 4258. Chart No. 4645. Chart No. 4512. Deeper at the two entrances; sheltered. Deeper at entrance; well sheltered. Deeper at entrance. Deep enough for any draft. Deep enough for &ny draft. Clear and free from danger. 3f fathoms at northern entrance; land- locked. Dec]) at entrances between islands. Deep enough for any draft. Deep enough for any draft. Deeper at the entrance. ( 'hart No. 4214 Deep enough for any draft. 153 TABLE OF DEPTHS ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LOCALITY. ANCHORAGE DEPTHS IN FATHOMS. AUTHORITIES. REMARKS. LUZON AND MORPOG: Morpog Pass LUZON AND MARICABAN: Maricaban Strait. . LUZON AND TANAO: Tanas Pass. . MlNDORO AND TAMBURON: Tamburon Pass. . LEYTE AND PANOAN: Panoan Strait . . LEYTE AND DIRAGAT: Surigao Strait NEGROS AND REFUGIO: Refugio Pass NEGROS AND CEBU: Tafion Strait.. MINDANAO AND NONOC: Hinatuan Passage ..." 24 to 50. 17 to 23. 3i to 7. (51. 20. Charts Nos. 4218 and 4272. Chart No. 4214. Chart No. 4226. Chart No. 4339. Chart No. 4424. Charts Nos. 4603 and 4719. Chart No. 4466. Charts Nos. 4428 and 4430. Chart No. 4629. Deep enough for any draft. Bulalacao Bay to Pandan Bay. Narrow; strong currents. Very deep and unobstructed; passage for large vessels from the Pacific to interior waters of the archipelago. Off San Carlos; deeper elsewhere. Deep; no harbors for large vessels on either side. Strong currents. IISTDEX. A. Page. Aats Bay 121 Abag Bay 143 Aberdeen 98 Absecon Inlet 48 Acherk Harbor 130 Adak Island 131 AdakPass 133 Adams Channel, Peril Strait 123 Adams Creek 63 Addison Point 10 Admiralty Bay and Inlet 99 Admiralty Island 116 Affleck Canal 114 Afognak Bay and Strait 128 Agafla Bay 135 Agate Passage 101 Agattu Island 131 Agencies, sale 5 Aguada Bay 150 Aguadilla Anchorage ' 86 Aguirre Landing 86 Agusan River entrance 143 Akun Cove 130 Akutan Pass and Harbor 132 Alabama River 78 Alabat, Port 136 Alaska Peninsula 129 Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal 53, 60 Albemarle Sound 61 Albion River 92 Alburgh Passage, Lake Champlain 44 Aleck Bay 106 Alexander, Port 121 Alexandria 55 Algers Bay 104 Alice, Port 121 Alimvoak Bay 128 Allans Island 105 Aliens Point 44 Alleys Island 13 Alligator Bay 147 Alligator Reef 73 Alligator River 62 Alloway Creek 50 Allyns Point 33 Alseya Harbor 96 Altamaha River and Sound 69 Althorp, Port 125 Alubijit Anchorage 143 Alugon Bay 148 Alviso 91 Ambrose Channel, New York Bay 42 Amchitka Island 131 Amelia River 71 Amelia River, South 71 American Bay 122 Amesport Landing 90 Amite River 80 Amlia Island 131 Amukta Pass ' 133 Anacortes 105 Anacostia River ."5 Anahuac Channel , 33 Anajao, Port 137 Anauayan Channel 147 Anauayan Island 147 Anchorage Bay 129 Anchor Pass no Anclote Anchorage, Keys, and River 75 Anderson Island 103 Angeles, Port 99 Anita Bay 113 Anna, Lake 125 Annapolis 57 Annas Bay 100 Annemessex River, Little 59 Annette Bay 109 A.nnisquam River 25 Aflo Nuevo, Point, Anchorage 90 Apalachicola Bay and River 75 Aparri Anchorage 139 Apat, Port , 141 Apiton Pass 147 Apoon mouth, Yukon River 132 Appletree Cove 100 Appleton Cove 122 Apponagansett Bay 30 Appomattox River 54 Appoquinimink Creek 50 Apra, Port 135 Aquia Creek 55 Arago Harbor 137 Aransas Bay and Pass 84 Arcata 94 Arecibo, Port 86 Arena Cove 92 Armstrong, Port 121 Arthur Kill 46 Arthur, Port 83 Ascoalo Bay 138 Ashepoo River 67 Ash Island Ledge 18 Ashley River 66 Assateague Anchorage and Inlet 52 Assawoman Bay, Little 52 Astorga Anchorage 143 Astoria 97 Asuncion Pass 150 Asuncion, Port 122 Atalayan Bay 139 Atchafalaya Bay and River 81 Atimonan Anchorage 139 Atka Island 131 Atlanta Wharf 107 Atlantic City 48 Attu Island 131 Atumonan Anchorage 139 Augusta, Ga 68 Augusta, Me 21 Auke Cove 117 Aurora 62 Avalon 88 Avery Ledge 25 Aylett 54 (155) 156 B. Page. Babuyan Islands 136 Back Cove, Portland Harbor 23 Back River, Sheepscot River, Me 21 Back River, Va 54 BactolBay 148 Bacuit Bay and Harbor 146 Badger Bay 108 BadianBay 137 Bagaduce River 17 Bagamanoc, Port 137 Bahia Honda Harbor 73 Baht Harbor 113 Bailey Bay 110 Baileys Mistake Harbor 9 Bais. . . 146 Baker Bay Baksal Cove Balabac Island Balabac Strait Balamban Bay Balanacan, Port Balayan Anchorage and Bay. Balboa Bay Baler Bay Balete, Port Baliangao Bay . . Balingasag Bay . Ballard... Baltimore Banana Creek and River. Bancal Bay Bandon. . . Banga, Port Bangor Bani Channel , Bannerman's Bridge Bantayan Bay Baranof Island Baras Anchorage Baratac Bay Barataria Bay Bar Beach Bar Harbor BariliBay Barlow Cove Barnegat Inlet Barnstable Harbor Barrera, Port Bartlett Cove Bartletts Reef Barton, Port Basaid Bay Basiauang Bay Basiauan Bay Basilan Island 136, 150, Basilan Strait Basin, Kelp Bay Bassett Ferry Bass Harbor Bastrop Bayou Batan Islands 136, Batan, Port Batangas Anchorage Bath, Me Bath Creek Battery, The Bayboro Bay Center Bay City Mill Bay Head Bay of Islands Bay of Pillars Bay of Waterfalls Bayou Nezpique Bayou Teche 90 14:i 136 l.X) 137 142 139 IM H):-! 139 MC 143 143 100 57 72 147 95 145 17 150 64 14S 122 137 147 81 41 12 137 118 47 27 142 125 34 147 139 143 143 151 150 120 M 13 83 152 148 139 21 62 38 62 98 95 47 131 120 131 82 81 Page. Bay Ridge Channel, New York Harbor 42 Bay River 52 Bay St. Louis 79 Bazan, Port 122 Beach Channel, Chesapeake entrance 53 Bear Bay, Peril Strait 123 Bear Harbor 93, 114 Bear Inlet 63 Bear Island 14 Bear River 59 Bears Cut 73 Beauclerc, Port 1 14 Beauford Point t . . . 37 Beaufort Harbor and Inlet 63 Beaufort River 67 Beaver Inlet 132 Beecher Pass 113 Bee Ferry Bridge 66 Beesons Shoal 75 Behm Canal 109, no Behm Narrows no Belfast Bay i Belhaven 52 Bell Arm no BelleviEe 45 Bellingham Bay 107 Bello, Port 138 Bend, The Great, Hood Canal 100 Benedict. , 55 Benicia... Benjamin River Benson Landing, Lake Champlain. Berg Bay Bergen Point 91 14 46 125 46 Bering Strait 132 Berners Bay ng Beverly Harbor 26 Bicobian, Port 141 Big Annamessex River 59 Big Island, Peril Strait J23 Big Pass 74 Big Sarasota Pass 74 Biliran Strait 150 Billingsgate Island 27 Biloxi Bay 79 Binagasbasan Bay 139 Binanga, Port 141 Binugayan Bay 148 Biorka Island 124 Birch Bay 107 Bill Channel 151 Bishop and Clerks Lighthouse 28 Bitaugan Bay 143 Black Rock Channel Black Rock Harbor Black River Blackwater Bay and River, Fla. Blackwater River, N. C Blackwells Island. . . 26 35 64 77 61 38 Blaine 107 Blake Channel 113 Blakely Harbor 101 Blackistone Island 55 Blanchard Landing 107 Blanco Reef 95 Bligh Island 127 Blind Bay 106 Block Island 32 Blockade Strait 147 Block Island Sound 33 Blue Hill Harbor 14 Bluff Point and Shoal 62 Bluffton 67 Boat Harbor 118 Boca Ceiga Bay 75 Boca de Quadra 108 157 Page. BocaEngano, Port 136 Boca Grande Channel ^ Boca Grande entrance, Charlotte Harbor "4 Bodega Bay 92 Boggs Wharf 59 Bogo Bay 137 Bogue Inlet and Sound 63 Bohemia River 57 Balalo Bay 147 Bolay, Port 149 Bolinas Bay 91 Bolinao Harbor 139 Bongao Channel 151 Bongao Island 150, 151 Bongao, Port 151 Bonita Channel San Francisco Bay 90 Boothbay Harbor 20 Boqueron Bay Bordentown 51 Borgne Lake 80 Borongan, Port 149 Boston Bay and Harbor 26 Boulder Bay 127 Bowditchs Ledge 25 Bowens Landing 92 Bowie Bay 127 Bradfleld Canal 112 Braidentown 75 Branchport 47 Branford 34 Branford Harbor 34 Brazos and Galveston Canal 83 B razos River 83, 84 Brazos Santiago 85 Bretons Bay 56 Breton Sound 80 Brickyard Creek 67 Bridgeboro 50 Bridgeport, New Jersey 50 Bridgeport Harbor, Connecticut 35 Bridget Cove 118 Bridgetown 49 Brigantine Inlet 48 Bristol Bay 132 Bristol Harbor 31 Broad Creek 59 Broadkill Creek 49 Broad River 67 Broad Sound Channel 26 Bronx River 37 Brooklin 14 Brown Cove 115 Browns Creek 41 Brownson Bay Ill Brownsville 85 Brunswick Harbor and River 69 Buoareli Bay 122 Bucas Island 136, 151 Bucks Harbor 15 Bucksport, California 94 Bucksport, Maine 17 Bucksport, South Carolina 65 Bucutua Island 152 Budd Inlet 104 Buffalo Bayou 83 Bug Island 116 Bulan Island 152 Bull Bay 66 Bulls Harbor 66 Bullwagga Bay, Lake Champlain 45 Bundick 55 Burdeus Bay 148 Burias Island 136 Burlington Harbor 44 Burntcoat Harbor 14 Burnt Fort '. 70 Burnt Porcupine Island 12 BurrCreek... 35 Burroughs Bay HO Burrows Bay 105 Busainga, Port 136 Busan Bay 145 Busby Bay 127 Busin, Port 136 Busuanga Island '. 136 Butauanan Bay 139 Butlers Hole 28 Butlers Island, Lake Champlain 44 Buttermilk Channel, New York Harbor 42 Buttermilk Sound 69 Buzzards Bay 29 Byram River 37 C. Cabalitian Bay 139 Cabay Bay 148 Cabugao Bay 137 Cagayan Anchorage 143 Cagayan River 139 Cagayan Sulu 136 Caillou Bay and Pass 81 Calagcalog Bay 146 Calagnaan Island 152 Calais 9 Calauag Bay 139 Calaraga Bay 136 Calandorang Bay 136 Calapan Bay 146 Calcasieu Lake and Pass 82 Caldera Bay 143 Caldera, Port 121 Calder Bay 112 Calf Island 12 Calibogue Sound 67 Calintaan Island 152 Caloag Bay 141 Caloosa entrance 74 Caloosahatchee River 74 Calpaco Landing 90 Camano Island 104 Cambridge Harbor 58 Camden, South Carolina 66 Camden Harbor, Maine 18 Camden Irown Works, New Jersey 51 Camden, Port 114 Camiguen Island 136 Camp Coogan Bay 124 Campopo Bay 138 Campostella Bridge 53 Canahauan Islands 137 Canalasan Cove 143, 149 Canapitsit Channel ' 29 Canarsie Landing 42 Canas Bay - 147 Canauaijor 143 Cancabato Bay 138 Canimo Pass 139 Canoan, Port 150 Cape Charles 53 Cape Charles City 53, 60 Cape Etolin 132 Cape Fear River 64 Cape Florida - 73 Cape Island 66 Cape Lookout 96 Cape May Channel 49 Cape Neddick Harbor 23 Cape Nome 132 Cape Poge 29 Cape Porpoise Harbor 23 Cape Remain Harbor 66 Cape Romanzof 131 Cape Rosier 15 Cape Small Point 21 Cape Small Point Harbor i2 Capers Inlet 66 Page. Cape Split Harbor 10 Capitola 91 Capiz Bay 147 Captain Harbor 36 Captains Bay 131 Carcar Bay 137 Carigara Bay 138 Carolina City 63 Carpenteria Landing 89 Carquinez, Straits of 91 Carrabelle River 76 Carr Inlet 102 Carroll Inlet 109 Carters Creek 54 Carvers Cove 16 Carvers Harbor 16 Carysfort Reef 73 Cascade Bay 120 Casco Bay 21 Casco Passage 14 Case Inlet 103 Casey Pass 74 Casiguran Bay 139 Caspar Anchorage 93 Castine Harbor 17 Casul Bay 143 Caswell, Point 64 Cataaba, Port 147 Catabato Entrance 144 Cataingan, Port 142 Catalina Harbor 88 Catanda Ores 137 Catanduanes Islands 137 Catarman Bay 136 Cataumet Harbor '. 29 Catbalogan Harbor 148 Cathlamet 97 Cat Island 79 Cat Island Channel 25 Cat Island Pass 81 Catubig River 148 Catumb Passage 33 Cauit Bay 143 Cavallo, Pass , 84 Cavite Harbor 139 Cayucos Landing 9 Cebu Harbor 137 Cedar Bayou, coast of Texas 84 Cedar Bayou, Galveston Bay 83 Cedar Creek, Connecticut 35 Cedar Creek, Mississippi 79 Cedar Keys 76 Center Harbor 14 Centerport Harbor 41 Centerton 50 Centerville Harbor 18 Centerville Landing 58 Central Basin '. * 41 ChaikBay 119 Chapel Roads 131 Chalmers, Port, Alaska 127 Champlain, Lake 44 Chandeleur Sound 80 Chandlers Bay and River 10 Chandlers Cove 21, 22 Chapin Bay 115 Charles, Cape 53 Charles River 27 Charleston 65, 66 Charleston Harbor 66 Charlestown 57 Charlotte Harbor 74 Chasina Anchorage Ill Chatham, Port 128 Chatham Roads 28 Chatham Strait 118, 119 Chattahoochee River. . . 76 Chebeag Islands 22 Cheesequake Creek 47 Chef Menteur Pass 80 Chehalis River 98 Chelsea Bridge 27 Cheraw 65 Chernofski Harbor 131 Cherry 62 Cherrystone 60 Cherrystone Inlet 60 Chesapeake and Albemarle Canal 53, 60 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 57 Chesapeake Bay 53 Chesapeake Bay tributaries 53 Chesapeake City 57 Chester 50 Chester Island 50 Chester Port 109 Chester River 58 Chestertown 58 Chestnut Street Bridge, Philadelphia 50 Chetko Cove 95 Chiachi Island 129 Chicagof Harbor 131 Chicagof Island 125 Chicagof Pass 113 Chickahominy River 54 Chignik Bay 129 Chilkat Inlet 117 Chilkoot Inlet 117 Chiniak Bay 128 Chincoteague Bay and Inlet 52 Chinitna Bay 128 Chirikof Island 129 Chisik Island 128 Chitmans Point 11 Choctawhatchee Bay and River 77 Cholmondeley Sound Ill Chongos Bay 149 Choptank River 58 Choptank River, Little 59 Chowan River . . : 61 Christiana River 50 Chuckunut Bay 107 Church Flats 67 Ciego, Port 13C City Bay, Lake Champlain 44 City Island Harbor 37 City Point 54 Cbiborne c8 Clallam Bay 9S Clarence, Port 132 Clarence Strait 113 Clarendon Bay 136 Clark Cove 30 Clatskanie River 97 Clear Creek \3 Clear Lake 83 Clear Run 64 Clearwater Harbor 75 Cleone 93 Cleveland Passage 1 15 Clinton Harbor 34 Closed Bay 122 Clover Passage Ill Clubfoot Canal and Creek , 6 Clyde, Port 20 Coal Harbor, Shumagin Island 130 Coal Point 1 28 Coan River 55 Cobb Point Bar 55 Cobo Bay 137 Cockenoe Island Harbor 35 Cockrells Creek 55 Coflman Cove 113 Coghlan Island 117 Cohansey Creek 49 159 Cohassett Harbor 27 Cold Spring 41 Cold Spring Inlet 49 Colerain 71 Collinsville 91 Colon Harbor 87 Colonial Beach 55 Colpoys, Point 112 Columbia, South Carolina 66 Columbia Falls 10 Columbia River 96, 97 Colusa 91 Colvos Passage 102 Colvos Rocks 99 Commencement Bay 102 Commercial Point 26 Commercial Wharf, Newport 31 Compton Creek 47 Conarys Island Anchorage 14 Concepcion Bay 148 Concepcion, Port 142 Conclusion, Port 121 Cone Bay 121 Coney Island Channel, New York Bay 42 Congaree River 66 Conimicut Light-House 31 Connecticut River 33 Constantine Harbor, Amchitka Island 131 Constantine Harbor, Port E tches 126 Controller Bay 126 Convenient Cove 110 Con away 65 Cook Inlet 128 Cooper Creek 51 Cooper River 66 Coosaw River 07 Coos Bay and River 9.3 Copano Bay 84 Copia Island 144 Coquille River 95 Cordova 127 Cordova Bay Ill, 122 Core Creek and Sound 63 Cormorant Passage 103 Cornfield Harbor 55 Coron Bay 137 Coronado 88 Coronation Island 121 Corpus Christi Bay, Bayou, and Pass 84 Corrotoman River 54 Corsica Creek 58 Corson Inlet 49 Coscob Harbor 36 Cosmos Cove 120 Cotabato entrance, Mindanao River 144 Cote Blanche Bay, East 82 Cote Blanche Bay, West 82 County Wharf 89 Cowyard 27 Coxo Anchorage 89 Crabtree Island 12 Cranberry Island Harbor 13 Cranberry Island Passage 13 Crater Bay 139 Crescent City Harbor 94 Crescent Harbor 104 Crescent, Port 98 Crisfleld... 59 Cristobal Harbor Croatan Sound Crocketts Cove Crooked River Crooms bridge Cross Island Narrows Cross Landing Cross Rip Light-Ship Page. Cross Sound 125 j Crotch Harbor 15 Crow Point 26 Crown Point, Lake Champlain 45 Crumpton 58 Crystal River 75 Cuabo Bay 143 Cufleys Cove 92 Culasian Bay 147 Culion, Port 137 Cumberland Bay 44 Cumberland River 70 Cumberland Sound entrance 70 Cummings and Morris Cut 84 Cundiz Harbor 22 Currimao, Port 141 Curriomau Bay 55 Currituck Sound 53, 60 Curtis Bay 57 Gushing Island 23 Custom House Cove 108 Cutchogue Harbor 40 Cutler Harbor 9 Cutty hunk Harbor 29 Cuy lers Harbor 89 Cuyo Anchorage 138 Cuyos Island 138 Cypress Island 107 D. Dagupan River 139 Dalawan Bay 136 Daliaon Anchorage 143 Dalrymple Harbor ' 138 Damariscotta River 20 Danao River 146 Dana Passage 103 Danger Passage 109 Dapa Channel 151 Dapdap Bay 148 Dapitan Bay 143 Daram Island 152 Darien River 69 Darigayos Inlet 139 Dasol Bay 139 Dauphin Island 79 Davao Anchorage and River 143 Davidson Inlet 121 Davis Bay 106 Davis Creek 119 Davis Strait 19 Dawho River 67 Dayap Bay 139 Deception Pass 105 Deep Bay, Peril Strait 123 Deep Creek 61 Deep Inlet, Sitka Sound 124 Deep Point 55 Deep Water Bay 107 Deer Harbor 107 Deer Island 79 Deer Island Thoroughfare 15 De Grofi Bay 124 Delarof Harbor 130 Delaware and Chesapeake Canal 50 Delaware and Raritan Canal 47 Delaware Bay 49 Delaware Breakwater Harbor, Inner 52 Delaware Breakwater Harbor, Outer 52 Delaware City 50 Delaware River 49 De Monti Bay 126 Denton 58 Depot Key 76 Derby 35 Derby Wharf 25 Derrings Harbor 39 160 Page. Destruction Island 98 Devils Head 9 Dewees Inlet 66 Dewey Anchorage 112 Dickinson Bayou 83 Diego Bay 148 Digos Anchorage 143 Dilasac, West, Bay 142 Dimalansan, Port 14 Dinigat 138 Dipolog : 143 Dirique Inlet 139 Dismal Swamp Canal 60 Dividing Creek 58 Dixon Harbor 126 Doboy Sound 69 Dog Keys Pass 79 Dog River 79 Dogfish Bay 101 Dolgoi Harbor 129 Dolomi Anchorage Ill Dolores Port 122 Dona River 49 Dora Harbor 129 Dorchester Bay 26 Doris Bay 129 Dos Amigos, Port. '. 150 Double Bayou 83 Douglas Bay 112 Douglas City 117 Douglas Island 116 Douglas Island Harbor 11 Drakes Bay ' 91 Drakes Estero 91 Drayton Harbor 107 Drayton Passage 102, 103 Drier Bay 127 Dry Spruce Bay 129 Dry Strait 113 Duck Bay 129 Duck Island Harbor 34 Duck Trap Harbor 18 Duer Channel, St. George Sound 76 Duke Island 109 Dumaguete Anchorage 146 Dumanjug Bay 137 Dumanquilas Bay 143 Duncan Canal 113, 114 Dundas Bay 125 Dungeness Bay, New 99 Dunning Wharf 22 Dupulisan 144 Dutch Gap Canal 54 Dutch Harbor 130 Dutch Island Harbor 31 Duxbury Bay 27 Duxbury Pier 27 Dyea Dyer Island Narrows. Dyers Bay Dyes Inlet 118 11 11 101 E. Eagle Harbor, Alaska 130 Eagle Harbor, Washington 101 Eagle Island 103 East Anchor Cove 129 East Bay, Pensacola Bay 77 East Bay, Galveston Bay 83 East Boothbay '20 E ast Boston 26 East Chester Bay and Creek 37 East Cote Blanche Bay 81 Eastern Bay, Maine 12 Eastern Bay, Maryland 58 Eastern Branch, Nanticoke River 59 Eastern Passage 11, 113 Eastern Way 11 E ast Machias 9 Eastmans Point 21 East New Market 58 East Norwalk 35 Easton Point 53 East Pass, Choctawhatchee Ba y 77 East Pass, St. George Sound 76 Eastport Harbor 9 East River, Georgia 69 East River, New York 38-42 East Rockaway Inlet 42 Ease Sound, Orcas Island 106 East Sullivan 12 Ebenecook Harbor 21 Echo Bay, New York 37 Echo Bay, Washington 107 Eddy ville 43 Edenton Bay 61 Edgartown Harbor 28 Edisto River, North 67 Edisto River, South 67 Edward Passage 108 Eel River 93 Eggemoggin Reach 14 Egg Harbor 121 Eider Point Anchorage 130 Eightmile River 33 Eld Inlet 104 Elizabeth City 61 Elizabeth, New Jersey 46 Elizabethport 46 Elizabeth River, New Jersey 46 Elizabeth River, Virginia 53, 60 Elizabethtown 64 Eliza Harbor 115 Eliza Island 107 Elk River 57 Ellenton 75 Elliott Bay 100 Ellsworth 13 Elm Point, Lake Champlain 44 Elrington Passage 128 Empire City 95 Endeavor Strait 147 Endicott Arm, Holkham Bay 116 English Bay 130, 131 Englishmans Bay 9 Ensenada Honda 87 Ernest Sound 112 Escalante Harbor 146 Esopus Creek 43 Essex 25,33 Essex River 25 Estrella, Port 122 Etches, Port . ." 126 Etolin, Cape 119 Etolin Harbor 112 Eureka 94 Everett Harbor 104 F. Fajardo Harbor 87 Falcon Arm 125 Fall River 31 Falmouth Harbor 130 Fanshaw Bay 115 Farragut Bay 115 Favorite Bay 119 Favorite Channel 117 Fayetteville 64 Feather River 91 Felice Strait 109 Fenwicks Island Canal 67 Fernandina 71 Fern Cove 102 Fick Cove 123 Fidalgo Bay, Alaska 127 Fidalgo Bay, Washington 105 161 Page. Fillmore Inlet 108 Fire Island Inlet 42 Fish Bay 123,127 Fisherman Bay 106 Fisherman Island Passage, Damariscotta River 20 Fisherman Island Passage, Penobscot Bay 18 Fishers Island Sound 33 Fishing Bay 59 Fish Rock Landing 92 Fisk Mill Cove 92 Fitchett's Wharf 54 Fitzgibbon Cove 110 Five Island Inlet 42 Five-Mile River 36 Flanders Bay 12 Flint Island Narrows 11 Flint River 76 Floating Islands 71 Florence, Lake 71 Florida, Cape 73 Florida Coast Line Canal 72 Florida Passage 69 Flushing Bay 38 Flying Passage 19 Flynn Cove 125 Folly Island Channel, Charleston Harbor 66 Ford Arm, Khaz Bay 126 Forge Works, Cedar Creek 36 Fort Bragg Landing 93 Fort George Inlet 71 Fort Island 20 Fort Jefferson 74 Fort Lauderdale, New River Inlet 72 Fort Montgomery 44 Fort Myers 74 Fort Point Channel 27 Fort Pond Bay 38 Fort Popham 21 Fort Ross Cove 92 Fort Thompson 74 Fortuna Strait 133 Fosters Channel 9 Fosters Point 22 Fourteen-foot Bank, Delaware Bay 49 Fowey Rocks 73 Fox Island Thoroughfare 16 Frances, Point 107 Francis Anchorage 115 Franklin, Maine 12 Franklin, Virginia 61 Frederica 49 Frederica River 69 Frederick, Port 124 Fredericksburg 55 Frederick Sound 113, 114, 115 Freeport ' 54 Freeport River 23 Freshwater Bay 119 Friars Roads 9 Friday Harbor , 106 Friendship Harbor J.9 Fritz Cove 117 Front River 69 Funter Bay 118 G. Gabo, Port 138 Galena Bay 127 Galera, Port 146 Gallivants Bridge 65 Galveston and Brazos Canal 83 G alveston Bay 83 Gambier Bay 116 Gamble, Port 100 Gan Bay 139 G ap Head 25 5215 13 11 Page. Garden Cove Anchorage 131 Gardiner, Maine 21 Gardiner, Oregon 95 Gardiners Bay 39 G ardner Bay Ill Gasparilla Pass and Sound 74 Gastineau Channel 117 Gate, The 125 Gedney Channel, New York Bay 42 Gedney Harbor 120 Gedney Pass 110 George Arm 109 George, Lake 71 Georgetown, District of Columbia 55 Georgetown, Maryland 57 Georgetown, South Carolina 65 Gibson Point 50 Gig Harbor 102 Gilkey Harbor 17 Glacier Bay -. 125 Glass Peninsula 116 Glencove Harbor 41 Gloucester Harbor 25 G oat Creek 72 Goleta 89 GolofninBay 132 Goose Rock Passage 21 Gosport Harbor 24 Gotts Islands 13 Gouldsborough Bay and Harbor 11 Governors Island Channel 26 Graham, Port 128 Granby 66 Grand Island Pass , 79 Grand Pass Timbalier 81 Granite Cove 125 Grantley Harbor 132 Grants Pass 79 Grave Island 102 Gravesend Bay 42 Grays Harbor 98 Great Bend, the, Hood Canal 100 Great Cranberry Island 13 Great Egg Harbor, Inlet and River 48 Great Gotts Island 13 Great Gull Island 38 Great Harbor, Connecticut 34 Great Harbor, Massachusetts 29 Great Hell Gate - - 21 Great Machipongo Inlet 52 Great Machipongo River 52 Great Peconic Bay 40 Great Round Shoal 28 Great Salt Pond, Block Island 32 Great South Bay 41 Great Wass Island 10 Great Wicomico River 55 Greenlaws Cove 15 Greenport Harbor 39 Greensboro 58 Greenville 62 Greenwich Cove, Connecticut 36 Greenwich Cove, Rhode Island 31 Greenwood Landing 92 Crirenville, Point, Cove 98 Grief Island 113 Grindall Island Ill Grindstone Neck 11 Guadalupe River 84 Guam 135 Guanica Harbor 86 Guayanilla Harbor 86 Gubat, Port 141 Guemes Channel 105 Guilford Harbor 34 Guimaras Island 138, 151 162 Page. Guimaras Strait 151 Guiuan Harbor 148 Gulf of Mexico 74 Gull Island Reef, Lake Champlain 44 Gulfport 79 Gumaca Anchorage 139 Gumans Bay 139 Gunnjsons Cut ' 71 Gut Bay 120 Gut, The, Lake Champlain 44 H. Hadleys Harbor 29 Hadlock, Tort 99 Haguaya Bay 137 Haines Mission 118 Hale Passage 107 Hales Passage 102 Half Moon Bay 90 Half Tide Ledge 10 Halibut Bay 108 Halibut Hole 11 Halifax River 72 Halleck Harbor 114 HaUowell 21 Halsey Harbor 137 Hamburg Cove and town 33 Hamilton 01 Hamilton Bay 114 Hammersley Inlet 103 Hampden 17 Hampton Roads 53 Hana Bay 134 Hanalei Bay 135 Hanamaulu Bay 135 Hanapepe Bay 135 Hanauma Bay 134 Handkerchief, The 28 Hannas Reef 83 Hanning Bay 127 Hanus Bay 122 Harbor Island -. 14 Harbor Island Bar 63 Harbor Rock 124 Hardwood Point 10 Hardy Creek Landing 93 Harford, Port (see Port San Luis) 89 Harlem River 38 Harlow Creek 63 Harney Channel 106 Harney, Lake 71 Harpswell Harbor and Sound 22 Harrington 10 Harrington Bay and River 10 Hartford 34 Hart Island Roads 37 Hassler Harbor 109 Hassler Pass 110 Hatteras Inlet 62 Havens Anchorage 92 Haverhill , 25 Havre de Grace 57 Hawaii. 134 Hawaiian Islands 134 Hawes Shoal 29 Hawk Channel 73 Hawk Inlet 118 Hawks Point 98 Haws Narrows 64 Haystack Landing 91 Hayward Strait 124 Head Harbor 10,15 Head of Passes, Mississippi River 80 Heceta Island 121 Hedge Fence, The 28 Hell Gate, Georgia < 9 Hell Gate, New York :(8 Helm Bay 110 Page. Helm Harbor 148 Hempstead Harbor 41 Henderson Inlet 103 Hereford Inlet 49 Herenden Bay 129 Herricks Bay 14 Herring Bay 115, 128 Herring Gut 19 Herron Island 103 Hertford 61 Hetta Inlet 122 Hidden Inlet 108 Highfleld Anchorage 113 Hillsboro Bay and River 75 Hillsboro Inlet and River 72 Hilo Bay 134 llimamaylan Harbor 140 Himugaan River 14C Hinatuan Passage 145, 153 Hinchinbrook entrance 126 Hingham Bay and Harbor 26 Hobart Bay 115 Hobes Soun 1 72 Hobsonville % Hockomock Bay 21 Hockomock Channel 20 Hog Island, Muscongus Sound 20 Hog Island Channel, Charleston Harbor 66 Hoggatt Bay 120 Holbrooks Cove 17 Hole-in-the-Wall 112 Holkham Bay 116 Hollis Anchorage Ill Hollys Wharf 61 Holmes Harbor 106 Holmes River 77 Honga River 59 Honolulu Harbor 134 Hood Bay 119 Hood Canal 99 Hook Bay 139 Hookton Channel 94 Hooniah Harbor 124 Hooniah Sound 123 Hooper Strait 59 Hope Island 104 Hoquarten Slough 96 Hoquiam River 98 Horn Island Pass 79 Horse Island Harbor 22 Horseshoe Bay 128 Horseshoe Cove, Cape Rosier 15 Houghton, Port 115 Housatonic River 35 Houston 83 Hudson River 42-43 Hughes Bay 106 Humacao, Port 86 Humboldt Bay 94 Humboldt Harbor 130 Hungers Creek 60 Hunter Cove 95 Hunters Bay HI Huntington Bay and Harbor 40 Hurricane Sound 16 Husseys Sound Hyannis, Port Hypocrite Channel I. Iba Anchorage 139 Ibagos 152 Ibana 136 IcyStrait - 124,125 Idaho Inlet Ideal Cove Igan Bay 138 Igat Bay I 43 163 Page. Ikatan Poninsula 128 Ilacaon Anchorage and Channel 146 Iliamna Bay 128 Iligan Anchorage 143 Ilin Strait 146 Iliuliuk Bay 130 Iloilo River 148 Iloilo Strait 151 Ilwaco 96 Imuruan Bay 147 Imuruk Basin 132 Inamucan Bay 143 Indian Cove 106 Indian Pass 77 Indian River 71 , 72 Indian River Inlet, Delaware 52 Indian River Inlet, Florida 72 Inglis, Port 75 Inian Cove 125 Inian, North, Pass 125 Inian, South, Pass 125 Inland Waterway , North Carolina 63 Inlulutoc Bay r 147 Inner Bay, Gambier Bay 116 Inner Delaware Breakwater Harbor 52 Inner Malampaya Sound 147 Ipswich River 25 Irondale 99 Isabel, Point 85 Isabela Channel 151 Isanotski Strait 129 Isle au Haut Thoroughfare 15 Isle La Motto, Lake Champlain 44 Isthmus Cove 88 Isthmus Slough 95 Itsami Shoal 103 Ivisan River 148 lyeukeen Cove 119 J. Jack Bay 127 Jacksons Cove 100 Jacksonville 71 Jamelo Cove 139 James River 53 Jamesport 40 Jamestown Bay 124 Janabatas Channel 151 Japonski Island 124 Jed Islands 14 Jefferson, Fort 74 Jefferson, Port 40 Jekyl Creek 70 Jibatan Ri.vcr 149 Jibboom Bay 147 Jiminez Anchorage 143 Jimoto Bay 137 Jobos, Port 86 Johns Bay and River 20 Johns Pass 105 Johnsons Creek 69 Jolo 138 Jolo Anchorage 138 Jones Bay 62 Jones Inlet 42 Jones Island 107 Jones Landing 58 Jonesboro 10 Jonesport 10 Jordan Bar 12 Jordans River 13 Joshua Cove 34 Joys Bay 11 Judith, Point 32 Juneau 117 Jupiter Inlet, Narrows and Sound 72 K. Kachemak Bay 128 Kahului Harbor 134 Kaigani Strait 122 Kailua Bay 134 Kak Shakes Cove 108 Kakul Narrows 123 Kalama 97 Kalapadan Bay 137 Kalinina Bay 123 Kanalku Bay 119 Kaneohe Bay 134 Kannaghunut Island 108 Kapuehokahi Bay 134 Karluk 128 Karta Bay m Kasaan Bay m Kashevarof Passage 113 Katama Point 28 Katella Bay 126 Katliana Bay 124 Kauai .'....'. 135 Kaunakakai 134 Kawaihae Bay 134 Keauhou Bay 134 Kealakekua Bay 134 Kedge Strait 59 Keelers Bay , Lake Champlain 44 Keku Strait 114 Kell Bay 114 Kelp Bay i 20 Kenai Peninsula j28 Kennebec River 21 Kents Cove ig Key Biscayne Bay 72, 73 Keyport 47 Key West Harbor 73,74 Khaz Bay 125, 126 Kilisut Harbor 99 Kilkenny Cove 12 Kill Van Kull 45 Killisnoo Harbor 119 Kings Bay, Lake Champlain 44 Kings Bluff 64 Kingsleys Creek 71 Kingston Bay 27 Kinsale , 55 Kinston 63 Kirilof Bay 131 Kitchikan 109 Kiualan Cove 144 Kizhuyak Bay 129 Klag Bay 125 Klawak Inlet 121 Knights Island, Lake Champlain 44 Knight Passage 128 Knik Arm 128 Knubble Bay 21 Kodiak Island and Harbor 128 Koniuji Island 128 Kootznahoo Inlet 119 Kolambugan Bay 143 Korovin Bay 131 Kotzebue Sound 132 Krestof Sound 124 Kuiu Island 114 Kukak Bay 129 Kuliliak Bay 131 Kulungan Bay 144 Kupreanof Island 112 Kupreanof Strait , 129 Kwikluak Mouth, Yukon River 132 L. La Conner 105 Lagara Cove 146 Laguimanoc, Port 141 Laguna de Bay 140 164 Page. Lahaina Road 134 Latvian Bay 149 Laie Bay 134 Laireys Narrows 16 Lake Anna 125 Lake Bay 113 Lake Borgne 80 Lake Champlain 44 Lake Florence 71 Lake George 71 Lake Harney 71 Lake Maurepas 80 Lake Pontchartrain 80 Lakeville Landing 91 Lake Washington 101 Lake Worth and Inlet 72 Lalabugan 144 Lamberts Point 53 Lambs. . . 66 Lambusan Bay Laminusa Anchorage Lamit Bay Lamoine Lamon Bay 139, La Motte Passage, Lake Champlain Lampon, Port Lanang Landlocked Bay Langaran Anchorage Laoang Bay Lapans Bay, Lake Champlain Lapog Bay Laponig Bay Lapunlapun Anchorage Larchmont Harbor Larsen Bay Latouche Passage La Trappe River Lauderdale Launch Cove Laurel Lavaca Bay Lavaca, Port Lavigan Anchorage Lazaretto Creek Leachville Lead betters Narrows Lebak, Port Lebanon Leconte Bay Ledge, The Leesburg Legari Anchorage Leipsic Creek Lemery Lena Cove Leo Anchorage Leonardtown Letnikof Cove Lewis Bay Ley te Island 138, 150, 151, L'Hommedieu Shoal Libas, Port Lieutenant Island Bar Liloan Bay Limbancauayan Island Limbones Cove Limbug Cove Limestone Inlet Lincolnville Lindenberg Harbor Linekins Bay Lipusan Bay Lisianski Strait Little Annemessex River Little Assa woman Bay 137 150 140 13 140 44 141 149 127 144 149 44 140 149 136 37 128 127 58 72 123 59 84 84 144 68 62 16 145 49 114 9 72 73 49 142 117 123 56 118 28 153 28 149 27 138 138 140 144 116 18 122 20 119 125 fit Page. Little Choptank River 59 Little Cranberry Island 13 Little Egg Inlet 48 Little Harbor, Massachusetts 29 Little Harbor, New Hampshire 24 Little Haste Beacon 25 Little Hell Gate 38 Little Kennebec Bay 9 Little Machias Bay 9 Little Machipongo Inlet 52 Little Mud River 69 Little Narragansett Bay 33 Little Neck Bay 41 Little Pass 75 Little Peconic Bay 40 Little Pedee River 65 Little River 61 Little River Harbor 92 Little River Inlet 65 Little Sarasota Bay 74 Little Sheepscot River 21 Little Thoroughfare, North Haven Island 15 Lituya Bay 126 Lloyd Harbor 41 Loboc Cove 144 Lockwood 37 Locot Bay 137 Locsico Bay 145 Long Beach and'Long Beach Harbor 88 Longboat Inlet 74 Long Cove, Hurricane Sound 16 Long Cove, near Searsport 17 Long Island, Boston Harbor 26 Long Island Sound 38 Long Key 73 Long Point Shoal, Lake Champlain 44 Long Porcupine Island 12 Longport .48 Long Sand Shoal 34 Long Shoal, Nantucket Sound 29 Looc Bay 142, 150 Looc Cove and River 140 Loog Bay, Lubang 138 Loog Bay, Masbate 142 Loog, Port 150 Lookout Bight 63 Lopez Bay 140 Lopez Island 106 Lopez Pass and Sound 106 Lords Passage 33 Loring 1 10 Los Angeles, Port and Harbor 88 Louisa, Point 117 L'Outre, Pass a', Mississippi River 80 Love Point 58 Lower Anchorage, Apalachicola Bay 76 Lower Anchorage, Charleston Harbor 66 Lower Fleet, Mobile Bay 78 Lower Marlboro 56 Lower Middle Ground, Warren River 31 Lower Narrows, Muscongus Bay 20 Lower Narrows, Skillings River 12 Lubang Island 138 Lubec Channel 9 Lucena Anchorage 140 Lucy, Port 121 Ludlow, Port 99 Lula Channel 140 Lumber River 65 Lurigao 144 Luzon Island 139, 152, 153 Lyman Anchorage Ill Lynn Canal 117,118 Lynn Harbor 26 Lynnhaven Roads 63 165 M. Maasin. Page. . 134 138 Machias Bay and River Machiasport Machipongo Inlet, Great 52 Machipongo Inlet, Little 52 Machipongo River, Great 52 Mack Arch Cove 95 Mackaye Harbor 106 Mackays Creek 60 Mackerel Cove 22 Macon 69 Madison, Port 101 Maestro de Campo Island 142 Magothy Bay 52 Magothy River 57 Mahon River 49 Mahukona Harbor 134 Maibun Bay 138 Main Channel, Charleston Harbor 66 Main Channel, Delaware Bay - 49 Main Channel, Key West 74 Main Channel, New York Bay 42 Main Channel, San Francisco bar 90 Main Pass, Mississippi River 81 Makena Bay 134 Malacaboc Island 150 Malaga Island 22 Malalag Bay 144 Malamaul Road 151 Malampaya Sound 147 Malanut Bay 147 Malaguit Bay 140 Malasugat Bay 145 Maiden River 27 Maligay Bay 1 44 Malipano Anchorage 148 Malipu Bay 147 Mallard Bay 1 27 Mallets Bay, Lake Champlain 44 Malmesbury, Port 121 Malocaboc Island 135 Maluso Bay 136 Mamaroneck Harbor 37 Mampissin Anchorage 144 Manambrag, Port 137 Manana Island 19 Manatee River 75 Manchac, Pass 79 Manchester Harbor 25 Mandaon, Port 142 Mangarin Anchorage 146 Manhasset Harbor 41 Manila Bay 139, 140 Manila Harbor 140 Manokin River 59 Manteo 62 Mantua Creek 50 Manzanillo Bay 87 Mapanas Bay 149 Mapanga Bay 144 Maple ton 96 Maquoit Bay 23 Marblehead Harbor 26 Mare Island Straits 91 Marianas Islands 135 Marianne, Pass 79 Maricaban Strait 142, 153 Marinduque Island 142, 146 Marion 30 Mariveles, Port 141 Marlboro, Ix>wer 56 Marmot Bay 128 Marquesas Keys 74 Marshfield 95 Marten Arm 108 Marthas Vineyard 28 Martinez 91 Mary Island Anchorage ios Marysvillc 91 Masagasai Bay 145 Masamat Bay 140 Masbate Harbor 142 Masingloc, Port 145 Masinloc, Port 141 Masonboro Inlet e J Massacre Bay io& Matagorda 4 Matagorda Bay 84 Matalvi, Port 141 Matanzas Inlet 72 Matanzas River 72 Matarinao Bay 149 Matawan Creek 47 Matina Anchorage 144 Matinicus Roads 15. Matnog Bay 140- Mattapoisett Harbor 30 Mattaponi River 54 Mattawoman Creek 55 Mattituck Harbor 40 Mattox Creek ; 55 Mauban Anchorage j 40 Maui 134 Maurepas, Lake go Maurice River 49 May River 67 Mayaguez Bay gg Mayday Bay 147 Mayo Cove 102 Mays Landing 43 McArdle Bay 95 McArthur, Port 114 McCombs Dam 33 McDonald Bay 131 McFarlings Cove 20 McHenry Anchorage n% McKenzie Inlet j jj McLean Arm m McLeod Harbor 127 Medford 27 Medomak River 19 Meduncook River 19 Meherrin River 61 Mendocino 93 Mendocino Bay 95 Menemsha Creek Harbor 29- Mercedes Anchorage 14^ Merchants Row 15. Mericoneag Sound 22 Mermentau River g2 Merwins Wharf 35 Metomkin Inlet 52 Metropolitan Avenue Bridge, Brooklyn 3g Mezquit Bay 84 Miami 73 Mianus River 35 Middle Arm, Kelp Bay 120 Middle Bay, Casco Bay 22 Middle Channel, Washington Sound IQG Middle Ledge n Middle Ledge, near Cape Small Point 22 Middleton Island 125 Middletown 34 Midway Islands 135 Miles River 58 Milford... Milford Harbor. Milford Haven. Millbridge Milledgeville... Mill River Millville Milton, Del.... 35,49 35 54 10 69 34 49 49 Page. Milton, Fla 77 Minanut Anchorage 151 Mindanao Island 1, 150, 151, 152 Mindanao River 144 Mindoro Island 140 Minim Creek 65 Mink Bay 108 Misamis, Port 145 Mispillion Creek 49 Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain 44 Mississippi City 79 Mississippi River 80, 81 Mississippi Sound 79 Mist Harbor 130 Mitchell Bay 119 Mite Cove 125 Mitkof Island 1 14 Moalbual Bay 137 Mobile Bay and River 78 Mobjack Bay 54 MoboBay 142 Moira Sound Ill Mole Harbor 116 Moller, Port 129 Molokai 134 Monhegan Island Harbor , 19 Monkiaua Bay 144 Monomoy Point 28 Monroe Ferry 61 Montegue Strait 126 Monterey Harbor 90 Montesano 98 Montgomery 78 Montseag Bay 21 Monument River 30 Moores Harbor 15 Moose-a-bec Reach 10 Moose Cove 9 Mocse Island 15 Morehead City 03 Morgan City 81 Morgans Bay 14 Morgans Point 83 Morpog Pass 153 Morris, Port 38 Morris and Cummings Cut 84 Mor.-o Bay 89 Morse Cove 109 Moseleys Point 12 Moser Bay HI Mosquito Harbor 19 Mosquito Inlet and Lagoon 72 Mosquito Neck 41 Moss Landing - - 90 Mount Desert Island 12 Mount Holly 55 Mud Bay, Icy Strait 125 Mud Hole Channel 10 Mud River 69 Mud River, Little 69 Mugunga Bay 144 Mulas, Port 87 Mulgrave, Port 126 Mummy Bay 128 Murcielagos Islets and Bay 151 Murdens Cove 101 Murder Cove 115 Murderkill Creek 49 Murfreesboro 61 MusaBay 136 Muscle Ridge Channel 18 Muscongus Bar and Sound 20 Muskeget Channel 29 Mutiny Bay 99 Myers, Fort 74 Mystic River, Connecticut 33 Mystic R iver, Massachusetts 27 N. Page. Nagaha Bay 149 Nagai Island 129 Naguabo, Port 86 Naha Bay 110 Nahcotta 96, 98 Nakat Harbor and Inlet 108 Nakoda Bay 147 Nakwasina Passage 124 Nalvo Bay 140 Nandua Creek 59 Nangan Bay 144 Nansemond River 53 Nantasket Gut and Roads 26 Nanticoke River 59 Nantucket Harbor 28 Nantucket Sound 28 Napa 91 Napa Creek 91 Napeague Bay and Harbor 39 Napili Bay 134 Napla Bay 149 Naranjos Group 151 NaroBay 142 Narragansett Bay 31 Narraguagus Bay and River 10 Narrows, Behm HO Narrows, Kakul 123 Narrows Light-house 26 Narrows, Port Washington 101 Narrows, Tatitlek 127 Narrows, The, Damariscotta River 20 Narrows, The Medomak River 19 Narrows, The, New York Harbor 42 Narrows, The, Santa Rosa Sound 77 Narrows, The, Somes Sound 13 Narrows, Tongass 109 Narrows, Valdez 127 Narrows, Whitestone 124 Nasal River 98 Nashugbu Cove 140 Nasipit Harbor 144 Nassau Sound 71 Naswaddox Creek 59 Nateekin Bay 130 National City 88 National Quarantine Station, Georgia 69 Naval Station, Port Royal 67 Naval Station, Puget Sound 102 Naval Station, Thames River 33 Navarro River 92 Navesink River 47 Navy Yard, Mare Island 91 Navy Yard, Norfolk 53 Navy Yard, Pensacola 77 Navy Yard, Washington 55 Nawiliwili Harbor 135 Nazan Bay 131 Nazasa Bay 140 Neah Bay Neches River 83 Needle Rock 93 Neets Bay HO Negros Island 146, 150, 151, 153 Nehalem River 96 Nelson Bay 120 Neponset Neponset River Nestugga 96 Neuse R iver 62 Neva Strait 123 Newark Bay New Bedford Harbor Newbern 62 New Brunswick 4 7 Newburyport Harbor Newcastle, Delaware 50 Newcastle, Maine 20 167 Page. New Dungeness Bay 99 Newfound Harbor 73 New Harbor .' 20 New Haven Harbor 34 New Iberia 81 New London 33 New Market, East 58 New Meadows River 22 New Orleans 81 New Pass 74 Newport 96 Newport Harbor 31 Newport News 53 Newport River 63 Newport River, North 69 Newport River, South 69 New River, Florida 72 New River, North Carolina 63 New River, SouthCarolina 67 New River Inlet 63, 72 New Rochelle Harbor 37 New Smyrna 72 New Suffolk 40 New Teakettle Creek 69 New Topsail Inlet 63 Newtown Creek 38 New York Bay 42 New York Harbor 42 New York Slough 91 Niantic Bay ".3 Niblack Anchorage Ill Nichols Bay Ill Nichols Passage 109 NinBay U2 Nismeni Cove 122 Nisqually Reach 103 Nissequague River 40 Nix Mate 26 Nixonton 61 Noank 33 Nome, Cape 132 Nomini Bay and Creek 55 Norfolk Harbor 53 Norfolk, Port 53 Norris Cut 73 North Anchorage, Pribilof Islands 131 North Arm, Hood Bay 119 North Arm, Moira Sound Ill North Bay, San Juan Island 106 North Bend Village, Coos Bay 95 North Brother Island 38 North Castine 17 North Channel, Chesapeake Bay entrance 53 North Channel, Tampa Bay 75 Northeast 57 Northeast Bay 147 Northeast Harbor, Mount Desert Island 12 Northeast Harbor, Sannak Islands 130 Northeast Harbor, Shumagin Islands 129 Northeast Pass, Mississippi River 81 Northeast River, Maryland 57 Northeast River, North Carolina . .'. 64 North Edisto River 67 Northern Bay, Castine Harbor 17 Northern Rapids, Peril Strait 123 North Harbor, North Haven Island 16 North Hero Island, Lake Champlain 44 North Inian Pass 125 North Landing River 61 North Newport River 69 North Obstruction Pass 106 North Pacific City 98 North Pass, Mississippi River 81 North Passage, Eliza Harbor 115 North Passage, Washington Sound 107 Northport Bay 40 North River, North Carolina 60 Page. North River, Willapa Bay, Washington 98 North Santee River 65, 66 Northwest Bay 128 Northwest Channel, Chesapeake Bay entrance 53 Northwest Harbor, Deer Isle 15 Northwest Passage, Key West Harbor 74 Norton Shoal 29 Norton Sound 132 Norwalk River 36 Norwich 33 Nottingham 56 Nottoway River 61 Noyack Bay 39 Noyo Anchorage 93 Nunivak Island 132 Nushagak Bay 182 O. Oahu ] 34 Oak Bay 99 Oak Harbor 104 Oakland 90 Oakland Bay 103 Obstruction Pass, North 106 Obstruction (Peavine) Pass, South 106 Occohannock Creek 59 Occoquan Creek 55 Ocean City 48 Oceanville 15 Ocklockonee River 76 Oconee River C9 Ocracoke Inlet 62 Odessa 50 Ogden Passage 125 Ogeechee River 69 Okalee Channel 126 Oklawaha River 72 Okmulgee River 69 Old Auke Village 117 Old Harbor Islands 80 Old River 104 Olga Strait 124 Old Tampa Bay 75 Oliver Inlet 117 Olympia Harbor 104 Onancock Creek 59 Onset Bay . .' 30 Opal Anchorage 144 Oras Bay 149 Orca Bay 127 Orcas Island 106 Orchard, Port 101 Orcutts Harbor 15 Oregon Inlet 62 Orford Channel 95 Orford, Port 95 Orford Reef 95 Orient Harbor : 39 Oriental 63 Ormoc Bay 138 Oro Bay 103 Oroquieta 144 Ossabaw Sound C9 Ostrich Bay 101 Otstoia Island, passage south of 122 Outer Bay, Gambier Bay 116 Outer Delaware Breakwater Harbor 52 Overton Anchorage .*. . 143 Owens Ferry 70 Owls Head Bay 18 Oxford 58 Oyster Bay Harbor 41 Oyster Inlet 147 P. PadillaBay 105 Pagadian Bay 144 Pagan Creek 54 168 Page. Pagapas Bay 140 Pagbilao Bay 140 Pagdanan Bay 147 Pago Pago Harbor 135 Pakiputan Strait 151 Palanog, Port 142 Palapag, Port 149 Palatka 71 Palaui Island 152 Palauig Bay 140 Palawan Island 146 Palmyra Island 135 Paluan Bay Anchorage 146 Palux River 98 Pambujan Harbor 149 Pamlico River 62 Pamlico Sound 62 Pamunkey River 54 Panablijon Bay 149 Panabutan Bay 144 Panama 87 Panama Canal 87 Panama Harbor 87 Panay Island 147, 151 Panay River 148 Pandan Bay - 137, 144 Pangpang Bay 149 Panoan Strait 153 Pantego Creek 62 Pao Bay 140 Papahag Island 150 Parang Anchorage 144 Parasan Harbor 152 Parks Harbor, 106 Pasacale Bay 140 Pasacao Anchorage 140 Pascagoula River 79 Pasig River 140 Pasquotank River 61 Passaic River 46 Pass a Grille 75 Pass a L'Outre, Mississippi River 80 Pass Cavallo 84 Pass Christian 79 Pass Manchac 79 Pass Marianne 79 Patapsco River 53,57 Patchogue River 41 Patience Island 31 Pattens Bay 13 Patterson Bay, Chatham Strait 121 Patterson Bay, Peril Strait 123 Patuco, Port 149 Patulangan Anchorage 144 Patuxent River 56 Pavlof Harbor 119 Pawcatuck River 33 Pawtucket River 32 Paypayan Bay 144 Peace River 74 Peaks Island 23 Peale Passage 104 Pearl Harbor 134 Pearse Inlet 108 Peconic River 40 Pedada Bay 148 Pedee River 65 Pedee River, Little 65 Peekskill 43 Pemaquid Harbor 20 Penn Covea 104 Penobscot Bay 18 Penobscot River 17 Pensacola Bay 77 Perdido Bay 77 Perico Island 87 Peril Strait 122, 123 Page. Perquimans River 61 Petaluma Creek 91 Petersburg 54 Peterson Bay 130 Petit Bois Island 79 Philadelphia 50 Phinney Bay 101 Phinneys Harbor 30 Phippsburg Center 21 Piankatank River 54 Pickering Passage 103 Piedras Blancas Anchorage 89 Pigeon Hill Bay 11 Pilar Bay 148 Pillars, Bay of 120 Pine Island Channel 33 Pine Island Sound 74 Pipes Cove 39 Pirate Bay 147 Piso Point 144 Pitogo Bay 140 Pitt Passage 102 Pittsburg Landing 91 Placentia Island 13 Plattsburg, Lake Champlain 44 Pleasant Bay and River 10 Pleasant Harbor 100 Plum Gut 38 Plum Island 38 Plum Point 41 Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts 27 Plymouth, North Carolina 61 Pocasset Harbor 29 Pocomoke River 59 Pocomoke Sound 59 Poge, Cape 28 Pogibshi Anchorage 123 Point Ano Nuevo Anchorage 90 Point au Fer Channel, Lake Champlain 44 Point Breeze 50 Point Caswell 64 Point Colpoys Anchorage 112 Point Frances 107 Point GrenviUe Cove 98 Point Howard 118 Point Isabel 85 Point Judith 32 Point Louisa 117 Point Sal 89 Poison Cove 123 Polillo 148 Polillo Harbor 141 Poliqui Bay 141 Polloc Anchorage and Harbor 144 Pollock Rip 28 Pollocksville 63 Polo Bay 144 Ponce, Port 86 Pond Island 120 Pond Island Bar 21 Ponds Bay ; 109 Pontchartrain, Lake 80 Pool, The 13 Popof Strait 130 Poquosin River 54 Poro Islet 150 Portage Arm, Kelp Bay 120 Portage Bay, Frederick Sound 115 Port Alabat 136 Port Alexander 121 Port Alice 121 Port Althorp 125 Port Anajao 137 Port Angeles 99 Port Apat 141 Port Apra 135 Port Arecibo... 86 169 Port Armstrong 121 Port Arthur 83 Port Asuncion 122 Port Bagamanoc 137 Port Balanacan 142 Port Balete 145 Port Banga 145 Port Baras 145 Port Barrera . . . '. 142 Port Barton 147 Port Batan 148 Port Bazan 122 Port Beauclerc 114 PortBeUo 138 Port Bicbbian 141 Port Binanga 141 Port Boca Engano 136 Port Bolay 149 Port Bolivar 83 Port Bombonon 146 Port Bongao 151 Port Borongan 149 Port Busainga 136 Port Busin 136 Port Caldera 121 Port Camden 114 Port Canoan 150 Port Carmen 137 Port Castilla 136 Port Cataaba 147 Port Cataingan 142 Port Chalmers 127 Port Chatham 128 Port Chester 109 Port Chester Harbor 37 Port Ciego 136 Port Clarence 132 Port Clyde 19 Port Concepcion 142 Port Conclusion 121 Port Crescent 98 Port Culion 137 F}rt Currimao 141 Port Deposit 57 Port Dimalansan 141 Port Discovery 99 Port Dolores 122 Port Dos Amigos 150 Port Estrella 122 Port E tches 126 Port Frederick 124 Port Gabo 138 Port Galera .' 146 Port Gamble 100 Port Graham 128 Port Gubat 141 Port Hadlock 99 Port Hough ton 115 Port Humacao 86 Port Inglis 75 Port Isabela 151 Port Jefferson 40 Port Jobos 86 Port Johnson HI Port Kenyon 93 Port Laguimanoc 141 Port Lampon 141 Portland, Maine 23 Portland, Oregon 97 Portland Canal 108 Portland Harbor 23 Port Lavaca 84 Port Lebak 145 Port Libas 149 Port Los Angeles 88 Port Lucy 121 Port Ludlow. . . 99 Port Madison 101 Port Malmesbury 121 Port Mambulao 141 Port Mamlajo 145 Port Manambrag 137 Port Mandaon 142 Port Maricaban 142 Port Mariveles 141 Port Masingloc : 145 Port Masinloc 141 Port Matalvi 141 Port Me Arthur 114 Port Misamis 145 Port Moller 129 Port Morris 38 Port Mulas 87 Port Mulgrave 126 Port Naguabo 86 Port Orange 72 Port Orchard 101 Port Orford 95 Port Palanog 142 Port Palapag 149 Port Palompon 138 Port Patuco 149 Port Penn 50 Port Filar 150 Port Ponce 86 Port Protection " 112 Port Pusgo 101 Port Real 87 Port Romblon 148 Port Royal, South Carolina 67 Port Royal, Virginia -. 55 Port Royal Sound 67 Port Safety 132 Port Saint Nicholas , 121 Port Sambulanan 145 Port San Antonio 122 Port San Esteban 141 Port San Luis 89 Port San Miguel ' 150 Port San Pio Quinto 136 Port San Vicente 152 Port Saint Joe 77 Port Santa Cruz. 122 Port Santa Maria 145 Port Sibonga 136 Port Sibulan 145 Port Silanguin 141 PortSiyt - 146 Portsmouth Harbor 24 Port Stewart 110 Port Sual 141 Port Susan 104 Port Tambang 141 Port Tampa 75 Port Tarofofo 136 PortTilig 138 Port Tobacco River 55 PortTongass 108 Port Townsend 99 Port Tubalan 145 Port Tumanao 149 Port Uson 136 Port Valdez 127 Port Waianae 134 Port Walter 121 Port Washington Narrows 101 Port Wrangell 129 Port Yabucoa 86 Possession Sound 104 Potomac River 55 Potts Harbor 22 Powder Point 27 Preble Island 12 President Roads 26 170 Prevost Harbor .................................................. 105 Pribilof Islands .................................................. 131 Price Creek and Inlet ............................................ 66 Prince of Wales Island ......................................... Ill, 112 Prince of Wales Passage .......................................... 128 Prince William Sound ......................................... 126, 127 Princess Anne ................................................... 59 Princess Bay, New York Bay .................................... 46 Prisoners Harbor ............................ '. .................... 89 Proctorville ...................................................... 80 Promisla Bay ............................... ,- .................... 124 Prospect Harbor ................................................. 11 Protection, Port ................................................. 112 Providence Kiver ................................................ 32 Provincetown Harbor ............................................ 28 Prospect Inlet .................................................... 71 Prudence Island ................................................. 31 Puerto Princesa .................................................. 144 Puget Sound ..................................................... 100 Puget Sound Naval Station ................................... 102 Pujada Bay ...................................................... 145 Pungo River .................................................... 62 Pungoteague Creek ................................... ., ........... -"'9 Punta Gorda ..................................................... 74 Pusgo, Port ...................................................... 141 Pybus Bay ...................................................... 115 Pyramid Harbor ................................................. 118 Q. Quadra, Boca de ........................... 108 Quaker Ridge .................................................... 63 Quamquisset Harbor ............................................. 29 Quartermaster Harbor ........................................... 102 Queenstown Creek ............................................... 58 Quicks Hole ..................................................... 29 Quidamak Bay .................................................. 145 Quilcene Bay .................................................... 100 Quinalasag Passage .............................................. 141 Quinapundan Bay ............................................... 149 Quincy Point .................................................... 26 Quinnipiac River ................................................ 34 50 Quintal Quoddy Roads Quohog Bay R. Raccoon Creek . Race, The Railway Ram Island, Connecticut Ram Island, Maine Ram Island Passage Ramshorn Creek Rancocas Creek Randalls Island Rapids Island 123 Rappahannock River 54 Rapurapu Strait 141 Raritan Bay 46 Raritan River ." 47 Raritan and Delaware Canal 47 Raspberry Island 10 Ratz Harbor 112 Ravenswood 90 Ray Anchorage 109 Raymond 9-i Reach, The 16 Real, Port 87 Reaves Point 64 Records Channel, Delaware Bay ,'9 Redbank 47 Red Bay 112 Red Bluff Bay 120 Red Hook Channel, New York Harbor 42 Redflsh Bay 122 Redondo Beach 88 Red Rock 27 Reedville... 55 Page. Reef Harbor 109 Refugio Pass 153 Reid Harbor 105 Reids Bay 114 Resurrection Bay 128 Revillagigedo Channel 108 Rhode River 56 Richmond, Maine 21 Richmond, Virginia 54 Richmonds Island Harbor 23 Richs Passage 102 Ridleys Cove Rigolets,The Rio Grande Ripley Island Iliverhead Roanoke River and Sound . Robbins Island Roberts Harbor Robinsons Hole. . . 22 80 85 10 40 fil 40 16 29 Roche Harbor 105 Rockaway Inlet 42 Rockflsh Cove 110 Rockhall Harbor 57 Rockland Harbor 18 Rock Ledge 71 Rockport Harbor, Maine 18 Rockport Harbor, Massachusetts 25 Rocks Nose 23 Rocky Bay 126 Rodman Bay 122 Roetlands Bluff 76 Rogue River 95 RoUands Bluff 76 Remain, Cape, Harbor i;6 Romain River C6 Romblon, Port 148 Rondout Creek 42-48 Roque Island Harbor 9 llosario Strait 105 Rose Channel, Peril Strait 123 Rosier, Cape 15 Roslyn 41 Rough Channel 125 Round Bay 57 Round Pond 20 Round Porcupine Island 12 Rudyard Bay 110 Kurik Harbor 126 Russian Gulch 93 Rye 75 S. Sabbathday Harbor 17 Sabine Lake and Pass 83 Sablayan Anchorage 146 Sabtan Island 152 Sacamalig Bay 149 Sachem Head Harbor 34 Saco River 23 Sacramento River 91 Safety, Port 132 Sag Harbor 39 Saginaw Bay 114 Saginaw Channel 117,118 Saint Andrews Bay 77 Saint Andrew Sound ~0 Saint Augustine Creek C8 Saint Augustine Inlet 73 , 72 Saint Catherines Sound 69 Saint Clements Bay 56 Saint Croix River 9 Saint George Channel 94 Saint George Island 131 Saint George Reef 94 Saint George River 19 Saint George Sound 76 171 Page. Saint Helen 97 Saint Helena Sound 67 Saint James Bay 118 Saint Joe, Poet 77 Saint John Baptist Bay 124 Saint John Harbor 113 Saint Johns River 71 Saint Jones Creek 49 Saint Josephs Bay 77 Saint Lawrence Bay, Siberia 133 Saint Lucie Inlet 72 Saint Marks River 76 Saint Marys River, Maryland 56 Saint Marys River, Georgia 71 Saint Matthew Island 132 Saint Michael Bay 132 Saint Michaels 58 Saint Nicholas, Port 121 Saint Paul Island 131 Saint Petersburg 75 Saint Simon Sound 69 Saint Vincent Sound 77 Sakonnet River 31 Saks Cove 110 Salamander Dock, Woodbridge Creek 46 Salem Creek 50 Salem Harbor 25 Salisbury 59 Salisbury Cove 12 Salisbury Sound 123 Sally Rock 31 Sallys Island 11 Salmon Bay, Washington 100 Salmon Bay , Alaska 112 Salmon Creek 117 Salomague Harbor 141 Sal, Point 89 Salt Lake 71 Salt River 93 Samal 148 Samar Island 148, 150, 151, 152 Samish Bay 107 Samoa 94 Samoa Islands 135 Sampsons Wharf, Great Wicomico River 55 San Antonio Bay 147 San Antonio Creek 90 San Antonio, Port 122 San Bernardino Strait 152 Sanborn Harbor 130 San Buenaventura 89 San Carlos Bay 74 Sanders Creek 66 San Diego Bay 88 Sand Shoal Inlet 52 Sandy Cove 130 Sandy Hook Bay 47 San Esteban, Port 141 San Fernando Harbor 141 Sanford 71 Sanford Cove 116 San Francisco Bay 90, 91 Sanga Sanga Island 149, 151, 152 Sangirin Bay 136 San Isidro Bay 133 San Jacinto 150 San Jacinto Bay 83 San Joaquin River 91 San Juan Harbor 86 San Juan Island, Philippine Islands 151 San Juan Island, Washington 105, 106 San Juanico Strait 151 San Jose Buena vista Anchorage \ 148 San Leandro Bay 90 San Luis, Port 89 San Luis Obispo Bay 89 San Luis Pass. . . 83 San Miguel Bay 137, 140, 141 San Miguel Island gg San Miguel, Port 150 Sannak Islands 130 San Quintin Point 91 San Pablo Bay 91 San Pedro Bay, and Harbor gg San Pedro Bay, Philippine Islands 149 San Pio Quinto, Port 135 San Policarpo Bay 149 San Rafael 91 San Ramon Bay 149 San Simeon Bay gg Santa Ana Bay i3g Santa Barbara gg Santa Catalina Island gg Santa Cruz Anchorage 90, 145 Santa Cruz Harbor, Marinduque Island : . . 142 Santa Cruz Island gg Santa Cruz, Luzon Island 141 Santa Cruz, Port '. 122 Santa Maria, Port 145 Santa Monica $8 Santa Rosa Sound 77 San tee River 65, 66 Santee River, North 65, 66 Santee River, South 66 Santiago Cove 141 Santo Domingo 136 Santo Nino Harbor I3g Santo Tomas Harbor 141 San Vincente Bay 141 San Vincente, Port 152 Saonloc Bay 149 Saook Bay 122 Sapelo Sound 69 Sapenitan Bay 141 Sapian Bay 148 Sarangani Island 149 Sarasota Bay and Pass 74 Saratoga Passage 104 Sassafras River 57 Sassanoa River 21 Satilla River 70 Saugatuck River 35 Saugerties 43 Sausalito 90 Savannah River 68 Sawmill Bay 127 Sawpit Creek 71 Saybrook Bar, Connecticut River 33 Schoodic Harbor 11 Schulze Cove 123 Schuylkill River 50 Scituate 27 Scottsburg 95 Scuppemong River 61 Sea Haven 98 Seabeck Bay 100 Seaford 59 Seahorse Key Channel 76 Sealand 98 Seal Bay 16 Seal Cove 16, 109 Seal Harbor, North Islesboro 17 Seal Harbor, north of Whitehead Island 18 Seal I^edge 14 Seal Point 12 Sea Otter Sound 121 Searsport Harbor 18 Seattle Harbor 100 Seattle, West 100 Seclusion Harbor 114 Secretary Landing 58 Security Bay 114 Sedgwick 14 Seekonk River ... 32 172 Page. Seguam Pass 133 Seldovia Bay 128 Semedi Islands 128 Semiahmoo Bay 107 Sergius Channel, Peril Strait 123 Setauket Harbor 40 Severn River 57 Seward Roads 135 Seymour Canal 116 Shakan Bay 112 Shallotte Inlet and River 64 Shallowbag Bay 62 Sharps Island 58 Shaw Island 106 Shearwater Bay 128 Sheep Bay 127 Sheep Porcupine Island 12 Sheepscot River 21 Sheffield Island Harbor 36 Shelburne Bay, Lake Champlain 44 Shelikof Strait 129 Shelter Cove 93 Shelter Island Sound 39 Shelton 34 Shfflshole Bay 100 Ship Harbor. 105 Ship Island Pass 79 Shipley Bay 112 Shoal Bay 106 Shoal Harbor 47 Shoalwater Pass 110 Short Bay 110 Shovelful 28 Shrewsbury River 47 Shrimp Bay 110 Shumagin Islands 129 Siargao Island 150, 151 Siasi Island 150 Sibonga, Port 136 Sibuco Bay 145 Sibuguey Bay 145 Sicogon Channel 152 Silanguin Pass and Port 141 Sildad Bay 138 Silver Bay 124 Silver Eel Pond 33 SUver Springs Run 72 Simanale Bay and Channel 152 Simeonof Harbor 129 Simflk Bay 105 Simpson Bay 127 Sinitsin Cove 123 Sinclair Inlet 102 Sippican Harbor 30 Siquijor Island 150 Sisama Bay 141 Sisiman Bay 142 Sisiran Bay 142 Sisters Creek 71 Sitka Harbor and Sound 124 Sitkoh Bay 122 Siuslaw River 96 Skagit Bay 104 Skidaway Narrows 69 Skillings River 12 Skowl Arm Ill Skull Creek 67 Slocum Arm, Khaz Bay 125 Slocum Inlet 117 Small Point, Cape 21 Smeaton Bay 109 Smith Creek 55, 57 Smithfleld 54 Smith Island Inlet 52 Smiths Cove 17 Smiths Island 88 Smiths Mills. . . C5 Page. Smooth Channel 125 Smyrna River 50 Snettisham n$ Snow Hill 59 Snow Passage 113 Snug Anchorage 112 Snug Corner Cove 127 Snug Cove, Gambier Bay n& Solvec Cove 143 Sombrero Key 73 Somers Point 4g Somes Harbor and Sound 13 Soquel Cove go Sorsogon Bay 142 South Amboy 47 South Amelia River 71 South Arm, Hood Bay 119 South Arm, Kelp Bay 120 South Bay, Mass 27 South Bay, Lake Champlain 45 South Bend, Willapa Bay gg South Brother Island 38 South Channel, Charleston 66 South Channel, Key West Harbor 74 South Channel, Port Royal Sound 67 South Channel, San Francisco Bar 90 South Creek 62 South Deer Isle Village 1 14 Southeast Channel, Key West Harbor 74 Southeast Channel, Port Royal Sound 67 Southeast Harbor, Deer Isle 15 Southeast Pass, Mississippi River 81 South Edisto River 67 South Harbor gg Southern Harbor, North Haven Island 16 Southern Rapids, Peril Strait 123 South Hero Island, Lake Champlain 44 South Inian Pass 125 South Newport River 69 South Norwalk 36 South Obstruction Pass 106 Southold Bay 39 Southold Landing 39 South Pass, Mississippi River 80 South Pass, Mississippi Sound 79 South Passage, Cleveland Passage 115 South Passage, Eliza Harbor 115 Southport 40,94 Southport Harbor 35 South River, New Jersey 47 South River, Maryland 56 South Santee River 66 South Thomaston 19 South Vallejo 91 Southwest Anchorage, Chirikof Island 129 Southwest Channel, Key West Harbor 74 Southwest Channel, Tampa Bay 75 Southwest Harbor, Deer Isle 15 Southwest Harbor, Mount Desert Island 13 Southwest Pass, Vermilion Bay 82 Southwest Pass, Mississippi River 81 Spacious Bay 110 Spasskaia Bay 124 Spied en Channel 105 Springers Wharf 50 Spring Garden Channel 57 Spring Passage 107 Spruills Bridge 62 Sponge Harbor 75 Squamish Harbor 100 Squaxin Passage 103 St. Croix River 9 19 22 36 St. George River. Stage Neck Stamford Harbor. Stanley Stanleys Point . . . 173 State Dam 43 S ave Island Harbor 12 Steamer Bay 112 Steelton 57 Steinhatchee River 76 Stephens Cove 117 Stephens Passage 116, 117 Steuben Harbor 11 Stewart, Port 110 Stewarts Point 92 Stikine Strait 113 Stillaguamish River 104 Stillwater Anchorage 119 Stockton 91 Stockton Harbor 17 Stone Bridge, Sakonnet River 31 Stonington 33 Stono Inlet and River GO Stony Bar 27 Stony Brook Harbor 40 Stow Creek 50 Straits of Carquinez 91 Straitsmouth Island 25 Straits of Florida 73 Strawberry Ferry OC Stretch Island 103 Stuart Island 105 Sual, Port 141 Succonesset Shoal 28 Suffolk 53 Sugar Reef Passage 33 Sugot Bay 142 Sugut Bay 145 Suisun Bay 91 Sulat Bay 149 Sullivan Falls and Harbor 12 Suloia Bay 123 Sumner Strait 113 Surfside 84 Surigao 145 Surigao Strait 153 Surprise Harbor 1 15 Surry 13 Susan, Port 104 Suscol Ferry 91 Susquehanna River 53, 57 Su wanee River 76 Sviechnikof Harbor 131 Swan Island, Alaska 116 Swan Island, Maine 14,21 Swan Quarter Bay 62 Swansboro 63 Swanson Harbor 118 Swash Channel, New York Bay 42 Swash, The, Hatteras Inlet 62 Swash, The, Ocracoke Inlet 62 Swash, The, Oregon Inlet 62 Swedesboro 50 Swifts Bay 106 Swinomish Slough 105 Symonds Bay 124 T. Taal 142 TabacoBay 142 Tabas Bay 145 Tabango Bay 138 Tabbotts Narrows 10 Tabgon Anchorage 142 Tacloban Harbor 138 Tacoma 102 Tagabibi Bay 145 Taguite Bay 145 Tagabuli Bay 145 Tagubanhan Island 147 Taiya Inlet 118 Taiyasanka 118 Page. Talicud Strait 145 TalisayBay 145 Takatz Bay 120 Taku Harbor and Inlet 116, 117 Talucluc Channel 145 Tambang, Port 141 Tamburon Pass 153 Tamgas Harbor 109 Tampa Bay 74, 75 Tampa, Port 75 Tanaga Pass 133 Tanas Pass 153 Tangier Sound 59 Tanners Creek 53 Tanon Strait 153 Tantanang Bay 145, 146 Tapiantana Group 152 Tappahannock 54 Tapul Bay 147 Tarofofo, Port 135 Tarpaulin Cove 29 Tarpon Springs 75 Tar River 62 Tarrytown 43 Tatitlek Narrows 127 Taunton Bay 12 Taunton River 31 Tawitawi Bay 150 Tawitawi Island 150, 152 Taylor Bay 125 Tee Harbor 117 Tenakee Inlet 119 Tennant Harbor 19 Terrebonne Bay 81 Terror Bay 129 Tetian Bay 145 Texas City 83 Thames River 33 Thatcher Pass 106 The Gate, Khaz Bay 125 The Great Bend, Hood Canal 100 The Gut 44 The Handkerchief 28 The Hedge Fence 28 The Narrows, Santa Rosa Sound 77 The Race 38 The Rigolets 80 The Swash, Hatteras Inlet 62 The Swash, Ocracoke Inlet 62 The Swash, Oregon Inlet 61 Thimble Islands Harbor 34 Thomas Bay 115 Thomaston 19 Thompson, Fort 74 Thome Arm 109 Thome Bay 112 Threemile Arm 114 Throgs Neck 38 Through Channel, Delaware Bay 49 T icao Island 150 Ticlin Strait 152 Ticonderoga 45 Tictanan Channel 152 Tiedenan Island 116 T ilig , Port 138 TillamookBay 96 TimbalierBay 81 Timbalier, Grand Pass 81 Tinaan Anchorage 137 Tinagougdaget Inlet 148 TitusviUe 71 Toledo 96 Tolstoi Bay 112 Tomales Bay 92 Toms River Village 47 Tongass Narrows 109 Tongass Passage and Port 108 174 Page. Ton Sandungun Channel 152 Torrijos Bay 142 Torrys Island Bar 14 Tortugas Harbor 74 Totem Bay 112 Totten Inlet 103 Townsend, Fort 100 Townsend Gut 21 Townsend Inlet 49 Townsend, Tort 99 Tracy Arm, HoLkham Bay 110 Trafton Island 10 Traitors Cove 1 10 Treadwells Bay 44 Tred Avon Creek 58 Trenton 51, 63 Trent River 63 Tributaries of Chesapeake Bay 53 Trinidad Harbor 94 Trinity River 83 Trocadero Bay 121 Troy 43 Tubulan, Port 145 Tuburan Harbor 137 Tuckerton Creek 48 Tucuran 145 Tudela Anchorage 140 Tuksuk Channel 132 TulalipBay 104 Tumalung Bay 146 Tumanao, Port 149 Tunganan Bay 145 Turnagain Arm 128 Turners Creek 68 Turners Point 10 Turtle Cove Channel 83 Turtle Gut Inlet 49 Turtle Harbor 73 Turtle Head Cove '. 17 Turtle River 70 Tutu Bay 138 Tutuila 135 Tuxedir Harbor 128 Twelve-Foot Shoal 28 Twelvemile Arm Ill Two Tree Island Channel 33 Tyaskin Creek 59 Tybee River 68 Tybee Roads 67 U. Uganik Bay 128 Ulugan Bay 147 Umata Bay 135 Umiak Pass.. 133 Umpqua River 95 Unalaska Bay 130 Unga Island 130 Union Bay '.... 112 Union Landing 93 Union River 13 Upper Anchorage, Apalachicola Bay f 76 Upper New York Bay 42 Upright Channel 106 Urbana Creek 54 Ushk Bay 122 Uson Bay 142 Uson, Port 136 Utsalady 105 Uyak Anchorage 128 V. Valdez Narrows and Port 127 Vallejo 91 Vallejo Junction 91 Vallejo, South 91 Vallenar Bay 109 Vancouver 97 Page. Van Geldern Cove 102 Varadero Bay uc Velasco 4 Ventura Landing S9 Verde Island Pa-sage 152 Vermilion Bay 82 Vernon River 1 9 Vienna ; 59 Vieques Island 87 Village Cove Anchorage 131 Vinalhaven Island 10 Vineyard Haven and Sound 28, 29 Virac Anchorage 137 Viterboville 82 Vixen Bay 108 Volusia Bar... 71 W. 69 Waccanaw River Waccasassa Bay 75 Wachapreague Inlet 52 Wachusett Cove 119 Wadmelaw River 117 Waialua Bay 134 Waianae, Port 134 Waimea Bay, Kauai 135 Waimea Bay, Oahu 134 Wake Island 135 Waldoboro 19 Walker Cove 1 10 Walls Cut. 67 Walter, Port 121 Wappinger Creek and Falls 43 Wappoo Cut 66 Ward Cove 109 Wards Island 38 Wuroham River 30 Warm Spring Bay 120 Warren... 31 Warren Cove Warren River Warwick River Washington, District of Columbia. Washington, North Carolina 121 31 58 55 02 Washington Bay 120 Washington Channel 55 Washington Harbor : 99 Washington, Lake 101 Washington, Port, Narrows 101 Washington Sound 105, 106 Washougal 97 Wassaw Sound 68 Watch Hill Passage 33 Waterfalls, Bay of 131 Watering Place Cove 22 Watts Island 59 Weasel Cove 1 08 Weir River 26 Weldon... 61 Welles Harbor Wellfleet Harbor Wepowage River Weskeag River West Anchor Cove West Bay, Galveston Bay Westbrook Harbor West Channel, Key West Harbor. West Chester Crock West Cote Blanche Bay 135 27 35 18 129 83 34 74 38 82 West Dilasac Bay 142 Westerly 33 Western Avenue Bridge, Charles River 27 Western Bay 13 Western Branch, Elizabeth River .53 Western entrance Prince William Sound 126 Western Passage 11 West Galveston Bay 83 West Gouldsborough 12 175 Page. West Pass, Apalachicola Bay West Point Westport, Connecticut Westport, Massachusetts ^0 QQ Westport, Washington Westport Harbor Westport Landing West Norfolk West River, Connecticut West River, Maryland West Seattle 10 West Sound, Orcas Island. 106 West Sullivan West Tuckerton Wetipquin Creek Weymouth Back River 2(i Weymouth Fore River Whaleboat Island Whale Bay 122 Whale Branch Whatcom Creek 107 Wheeler 96 Wheelers Bay 19 White Gull Island 128 Whitehall Whitehead Island White Island 15 Whitestone Narrows Whitewater Bay r H9 Whiting Harbor 124 Whitmore Island 17 Whitmores Neck 15 Whollochet Bay 102 Wickford Harbor Wicomico River 55 Wicopesset Passage Wild Harbor Willamette River and Slough 97 Willapa Bay and River 96,98 WUlard Inlet - 108 William Henry Bay 118 Willsborough Bay 45 Wilmington, California 88 Wilmington, Delaware 50 Wilmington, North Carolina 64 Wilmington River 08 Page. Wilson Cove Windfall Harbor Windham Bay ll5 Wine Island 1'ass Winnegauce Bay 22 Winstanley Island U Winter Harbor, Schoodic Peninsula Winter Harbor, Yinalhaven Island Winterport Winyah Bay Wiscasset Withlacoochee River 75 Woewodski Harbor Woodbridge Creek Woodbury Creek Woods Hole Woods Island Wortham's bridge Worth, Lake and Inlet Wrangell Harbor and Strait Wrangell, Port Wrights River - - (17 '^ 8 Wye River Y. Yabucoa, Port Yakutat Bay Yaquina Anchorage and River Yarmouth River Yeocomico River Yes Bay York Narrows York River, Maine York River, Virginia 53 >54 Young Bay . 117 Young Rock Yukon Harbor, Alaska Yukon Harbor, Washington Yukon River Z. Zachary Bay ZaikofBay Zamboanga - Zapadni Bay Anchorgae Zarembo Island Zimovia Strait n3 o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA nv-T-r- , YE 1076! UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY