. IE C R ucticI Sgolentg. What is meant by Practical Talents Difference between Practical and Speculative Ability Knowledge of Men Indispensable Intellectual Knowledge Education Perfect Knowledge of Few Things, . 179 U^ due ait an. Value of Intellect Education a Development Education covers the Whole of Life Education Right or Wrong A Just Appreciation of Wisdom Importance of Exact Knowledge, . . . .187 Necessity of Mental Culture Power of Trained Intellect Mental Training Pleasant and within Reach of All Importance of Reading Train the Judgment Thought, ....... 194 In what Self-culture consists Necessity of Physical Culture Neces- sity of Mental Culture Educating Influence of Every-day Life Moral Culture Self-culture ever pressing its Claims, .... 201 Influence of Literature Literature and Encouragement Consola- tion of Literature Literature the Soul of Action How to choose Books Influence of Reading on Personal Character Power of the Press, ........ .... 207 Intellectual Triumphs How shown What Necessary for its Attain- ment Best Results obtained by training All the Faculties Obtained by Years of Exertion, .......... 211 (Cbolcc of (Cotttpnnlotio-. Influence of Associates Character shown by the Company you keep No One can afford to associate with Bad Company Power CONTENTS. 9 of Bad Associates to debase you Persons whom Society has most to fear Why Evil Associates debase us Influence of Good Company Rank in Society determined by Choice of Companions, . PAGE 216 Value of Friendship Language of Friendship a Varied One All need Friends Test of Friendship Friendship a Tender Sentiment Poverty a Test of Friendship Death of a Friendship Old Friends, 223 ggawce of @t*g*o*n. Power of Custom Likes and Dislikes Creatures of Custom Habit man's Best Friend or Worst Enemy How Habits grow Evil Habits must be conquered Importance of Good Habits How to form Good Habits, ........ . 228 Nature of Influence Influence Immortal Solemn Thought Every Thing exerts Influence Examples from Nature Influence of Great Men Your Influence for Good or for Evil Influence of Human Actions Duty of exerting a Good Influence Responsibility for our Influence, ........... 236 Character a Great Motive Power Value of Good Character Char- acter is Power Difference between Character and Reputation Charac- ter of Slow Growth Character our Own Character always acting Character a Grand Thing, ........ 243 Value of Prudence Difficulty of defining Prudence The Tongue of Prudence, ........... 247 Beauty of Temperance Danger of Impulse Temperance and Health Temperance dwells in the Heart Temperance consists in Self- control Must be Temperate to make the Most of Life, . . 252 In what Frugality consists Frugality and Liberality Frugality necessary to Acquisition of Wealth The Danger of going beyond the Income Influence of Economy on the Other Emotions, . . 258 10 CONTENTS. Patience the Ballast of the Soul Necessity of Patience Examples of Eminent Men Patience an Element of Home Happiness, PAGE 264 Self-control a Form of Courage Importance of Mental Faculties Government and Progress Composure Highest Form of Power Strong Temper not always a Bad One Man born for Dominion, . . 270 In what Courage consists Courage not confined to the Battle- field Occasion for Courage in Domestic Life Courage of Endurance for Conscience's Sake, . . ....... 275 Charity like Dew from Heaven Charity a Lovable Trait The Spirit of Charity always doing Good Universal Charity Death and Charity ............. 279 Kindness the Music of Good-will Kindness makes Sunshine Should never feel ashamed of Kindness Kindness not necessarily shown in Gifts Kindness shown in Little Things Influence of Unno- ticed Kindness Showing Kindness a Noble Revenge Kind Words and their influence, ... ...... 286 Benevolence. Doing Good a Happy Act No Excess of Good Deeds Benevo- lence necessary to a Perfect Life Liberality not Profuseness Benevo- lence during Life, . ....... . 291 Truth always Consistent Falsehood Perplexing Strict Veracity has regard to Looks and Actions Lying a Cowardly Trait Danger of too close Adherence to Truth due to Lack of Caution, . . . 296 Honor a Glorious Trait of Character Honor shown in Little Acts Honor and Virtue not the Same, ....... 299 CONTENTS. 11 Policy of the Nature of Cunning Extent of this Principle A Char- acteristic Trait of the Age Policy not Prudence or Caution Policy not Discretion Danger of judging from Appearance, . . PAGE 303 Egotism a Disagreeable Trait Egotism, how shown Why we dis- like Egotism in Others Danger of Self-love The True Line between Egotism and Self-conceit, ....... . 306 Vanity requires Skill in the Management Danger of Love of Ap- plause Vanity attacks Every Thing Deception of Vanity Vanity not wholly Bad Vanity ever present. . . ..... 311 Nature of Selfishness Selfishness destructive of Happiness Self- ishness a Narrow Quality Selfishness contracts the Mind Selfishness shows itself in Many Ways Last Hours of a Selfish Life, . . 314 Obstinacy a Trait of Low Minds Peculiar Property of Obstinacy Obsrinacy a Barrier to Improvement Obstinacy not Firmness Neces- sity of sometimes yielding Be not in a Hurry to change Opinion, 318 SI si titled. Nature of Calumny Slander never tired Slander loved only by the Base Slander can not injure a Good Man Slander easily started Your Own Character shown in describing Another's Speak kindly of the Absent, ........... 323 Irritability an Unpleasant Quality The Source of Envy and Dis- content Sin of fretting Fretting easy to indulge Evidence of a Moral Weakness Evidence of Littleness of Soul, ..... 328 Envy Born of Pride Envy a Foolish Trait Envy destroy's One's Own Happiness Envy seeks to pull down Others Envy Cruel in pur- suit Envy grows in All Hearts, ....... 332 12 CONTENTS. D t c n tit c rti. A Discontented Man wretched Discontent at Times wicked Uni- versality of Discontent Contentment Felicity Duty to enjoy God's Blessing Contentment abides with Little Things Contentment not Supine Satisfaction Folly of Discontent, .... PAGE 337 Deceit an Obstacle to Happiness Deceit in Friendship Most De- testable, Deceit Inimical to Society Deception and Hypocrisy Decep- tion assumes Many Forms, ........ 341 A Busybody disliked by All Allied to Envy and Slander The Source of Many Troubles Mischief wrought by an Intermeddler Be- ware of Curiosity A Meddler not moved by the Spirit of Charity, 345 Anger an Impotent Quality Anger unmans a Man Fit Occasions for Indignation Anger always Terrible or Ridiculous Strong Temper not of Necessity a Bad One, ... .... 349 Ambition a Deceptive Quality Ambition fatal to Happiness Am- bition fatal to Friendship Ambition a Shadowy Quality Ambition not Aspiration Ambition an Excessive Quality Ambitious of True Honor a Grand Thing, . ........ 353 Importance of Politeness Manner influences Worldly Opinion Fascinating Manners not Politeness Politeness does not depend on National Peculiarities Politeness is Kindness Description of a Gentle- man Politeness comes of Sincerity Politeness a Noble Trait of Char- acter Business Value of Politeness Good Manners can not be laid aside ............. 360 Mutual Intercourse necessary to Happiness Society the Balm of Life Duty of doing Something for Society All Social Duties Recip-> rocal Society the Spirit of Life Anomalies of Society explained Happy Influence of Society, ........ 367 CONTENTS. 13 Dignity defined Dignity not Dependent on Place Dignity the Ennobling Quality of Politeness Three Kinds of Dignity Dignity not Conceit Dignity not Hauteur and Pride, .... PAGE 371 Affability an Ornament Affability of Value Why Affability pro- motes Success Not well enough acquainted with Each Other Duty of cultivating Affability Whom to be Affable with, . . . . 375 Dress denotes the Man Duty of Dressing Love of Beauty right Mental Qualities shown by the Toilet Beauty of Simplicity The Style of Dress Dress need not be Costly Dress of a Gentleman Dandies Ridiculous, .......... . 382 Gentleness a Pleasing Quality We do not sufficiently value Gen- tleness Power of Gentleness Gentleness belongs to Virtue Great Power always Gentle in Expression Power in Gentle Words Founda- tion of True Gentleness, ......... 287 Modesty a Mark of Wisdom Modesty a Beautiful Setting to Talents All Great Events complete themselves in Silence Modesty not Bashfulness Modesty Different from Reserve Modesty Crowning Ornament of Woman, ......... 391 Love a Ruling Element Love a Need of the Heart Power of Love Love a Proof of Moral Excellence Love elevates Life Duty to study the Nature of Love Love founded on Esteem and Respect Lovo Dependent on Etiquette Woman's Love Stronger than Man's LOVQ purifies the Heart, .......... 400 Importance of the Question Mistaken Notions as to Time Court- ship and Wedded Love Happiness Dependent on Love All Jest out of Place Duty of Careful Thought on Courtship Marriage should be 14 CONTENTS. made a Study Courtship a Voyage of Discovery' The True Companion must be sought for A Critical Point in a Woman's Life Must be an Equal Courtship Beautiful, ...... PAGE 407 Marriage a Solemn Spectacle Human Happiness ever accompa- nied by Sorrow Loving Trust of Woman Importance of the Act M image the Entrance to a New World Influence of a Wife's Moral Character Discipline of the Affections Marriage a Necessity Marriage should be made a Study Why Disappointments arise Marriage a Real and Earnest Affair, . ......... 415 Marriage universally expected Happiness of Single Life Matri- mony brings Cares as well as Joys Marriage not the Chief End of Life Marriage the More Preferable State Jeremy Taylor's Contrast of the Two States Early Marriages Injudicious Why Some remain Single, ............ 422 Uni?i?Icd ggifc. Marriage the Bond of Social Order Influence of a Good Wife Nature of the Marriage Tie Gold can not purchase Love Unhappy Marriages Human to see the Good Side of Things past Happiness found in consulting the Happiness of Others Elevating Influence of Marriage, ........... 429 $>* of Mai?t?tctl gflfe. Duty of Married Life can not be shaken off Marriage does not change Human Nature Love not the Only 'Requisite of Domestic Felicity Chance to make or mar Life Danger from Familiarity Patience demanded Must expect Imperfections Must seek the Hap- piness of Others Duty of forgetting Self, ..... 436 fgetalg of ^liirt-icd gsfe. Trials to be expected Death of Wedded Love Daily Life the Test of Married Love Domestic Happiness reached through Trials ___ Must learn to bear with the Faults of Each Other Imperfections of Character make the Strongest Claims on our Love Many Trials arise from Mistaken Notions as to Economy Necessity of having a Home, ............ 442 CONTENTS. 15 True Marriage the Growth of Years There must be a Mutual Self-saerifice Keep Faults to yourself Constant Tenderness and Care necessary Proofs of Affection should be granted Duty of Husbands Duty of Wives Man desires Woman's Sympathy and Love Wives should consult Husbands' Taste, ..... PAGE 448 Baseness of this Passion Distinction between Jealousy and Envy Jealousy preferable to Envy Jealousy assumes Many Forms No One willing to Acknowledge Jealousy Jealousy a Deadly Thing Suspicion an Enemy to Happiness, ........ 453 Regret a Sad Word All have felt it The Profoundest Sorrows self-wrought Death an Occasion of Much Regret Shadowed Lives How to escape regret, ......... 457 Memory the Noblest Gift of Providence Memory the Golden Cord Treasure of a Good Memory Memory of Past Days Slight Things suffice to recall Past Memories The Reminiscences of Youth Memory sometimes Painful Memory crowds Years into Moments, 465 Hope accomplishes All Things Moderate Hope Helpful Sustain- ing Power of Hope Should only hope for Probable Things Hope ever with us Hope lives in the Future The Morality of Hope A True Hope ever Present Hopes and Fears Rise above Trouble, . 472 Prosperity the Test of Character A Degree of Prosperity to be reasonably hoped for Continuous Prosperity not a Good Thing How to prosper Prosperity and Happiness not Identical Early Adversity the Foundation of Future Prosperity Hardships a Good Thing, . 476 Details Important Trifles make Success No Such Thing as Tri- fles in Life Trifles make the Difference between First and Second X CONTENTS. Class Work Unhappiness of Life caused by Trifles Trifles make an Influence, .......... PAGE 482 Spare Moments the Gold-dust of Time Time our Estate What Car. be done in Leisure Time Busiest Persons have always the Most Time Time can not be recalled Effort required to employ Time slightly Death teaches the Value of Time, ..... 487 Happiness the Principal Thing Deceitfulness of Happiness Hap- piness like To-morrow Wealth and Fame not Necessary to Happiness Can not control our Outward Surroundings Circumstances not essential to Happiness Disposition to enjoy Life what is wanted Enjoy Present Surroundings Content is Happiness Must seek for Happiness in the Right Way, . ...... ... 494 True Nobility often counterfeited Man not rated by his Posses- sions Greatness often Obscure Some Great in Evil Influence of Noble Principles True Nobility Modest in Expression Nobility of Character Reverential True Nobility within Reach of All, . . 500 & good g^atttc. A Good Name the Richest Possession Based on Permanent Ex- cellence The Result of Individual Exertion Influence of Youth on Life Rewards of possessing a Good Name Evil of being devoid of it ........ ..... 507 Meditation the Soul's Perspective Glass Must learn to subdue the !>.v. pulses Meditation the Counselor of the Mental Powers Guard against Impure Thoughts Duty of Thinking, . . . .511 Principles the Springs of our Actions Danger of Loose Princi- pies Good Principles ever acting False Principles, . . . 516 Must Rightly use Small Opportunities Opportunity and Ability have a Few Opportunities Must not wait for Opportunity, . 520 CONTENTS. 17 Duty ever Present with us Duty based on Justice We must will to do our Duty Duty and Might Duty does not fear Censure, PAGE 524 Life Full of Trials Joy and Sorrow near together Trials sent for our Good Wisdom won by Trials Man like a Sword Never meet Trouble Half Way Sorrow should remind us of God, . . . 528 Sickness draws us near to God Sickness softens the Heart Sick- ness renders us All Equals The Blessings of Sickness Sickness and Health Discipline of a Sick-bed, ....... 532 Sorrows gather around Great Souls Sorrows make the Mind Genial Life abounds in Sorrowful Scenes Sorrow the Noblest of Dis- cipline Christianity a Religion of Sorrow Suffering must be patiently submitted to Sorrow sometimes too Sacred to be spoken of Must not give way to Causeless Sorrow, . . ' . . . . . 539 Poverty a Valued Discipline Evils of Poverty Imaginary Genius a Gift of Poverty The Advantages of struggling with Poverty Poverty the Test of Civility Real Wants of Mankind but Few Misfortune of beginning Life Rich Poverty of the Mind Most Deplorable, . 545 The Elasticity of the Human Mind Affliction a School of Virtue Adversity the Touchstone of Character The Uncertainty of Human Life Suffering Divinely appointed Thought when Death comes, 551 Disappointments Divinely appointed Disappointments the Lot of Man Shadowed Lives Many disappointed because they do not look for Happiness in the Right Way Must meet Disappointments Bravely Must be accepted with Resignation Disappointments sometimes arise from Undue Expectations Time disappoints our Cherished plans Life a Variegated Scene, ......... 556 18 CONTENTS. Ultimate Success attained through Present Failure Failures for our Own Good The True Hero perseveres in Spite of Failure Do not give Way to Despair No One succeeds in All his Undertakings Many ruined by Early Success How to view Past Mistakes Sorrows of Mankind traced to Blighted Hopes The Brave - hearted Man rises Superior to Present Difficulties, . ..... PAGE 564. Dark Hours as well as Bright Ones Dire Effects of Despair Influence of Hope Duty of resisting Despondency Despondency a Failure of Duty To give Way to Despair not Manly Lesson from Nature Causeless Depression of Spirits Human Nature to see the Dark Side, ........... 570 Faith the Prophet of the Soul Faith a Necessity Faith a Reason- able Thing Faith ever with us Difference between Morality and Faith Faith expands the Intellect Must not judge the Outward Mani- festations of Faith Faith and Works, ...... 575 Necessity of Prayer Prayer arises from the Heart Prayer and Outward Action Prayer the Password to Heaven Family Worship Necessity* of Daily Worship Family Prayers knit together the Home We often pray Improperly What God looketh at in Prayers The Lord's Prayer, ........... 580 Religion binds Man to God True Religion a Noble Thing Effecf of Religion Religion Full of Joys Religion a Natural Thing Religion not established by Reason Sorrow for Sin Three Modes of bearing Ills of Life Surrounded by Motives to Religion Religion a Refining Influence Religion teaches the Dignity of Common Life Religion enforces the doing of Common Duties, ..... 587 fllotl In TXsiftiPc. "The Heavens proclaim the Glory of God" The Gospel written on Nature Distinguishing Features of God's Works Study of Nature CONTENTS. 19 leads to True Religion Plan running through Nature's Works Won- drous Natural Scenes conduce to a Proper View of God, . PAGE 592 Eulogy of the Bible The Bible the Oldest Monument Extant The Bible Adapted to Every Condition The Bible the Foundation of our Religious Faith The Bible our Constant Attendant The Bible a Tried Book The Scriptures Adapted to All Times of Life The Bible gives us a Sure Foundation to stand upon, ...... 596 ^itiw^e |