LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ST. LOUIS EXHIBIT NO LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIF-r OK u/-\ Accession Class J r EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS A COURSE FOR FRESHMEN Being a Revision of Alexander's Manual BY GEORGE K. BURGESS, S.B, Docteur de /' Universite de Paris Instructor in Physics, University of California BERKELEY, CAL- 1902 Entered According to Act of Congress in the Year 1897, by GEORGE K. BURGESS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. This manual represents the latest step in the development of a course in physics for Freshmen at the University of California under the direction of Professor Slate; the modifications of previous texts are not radical, but reflect the present instructor's views of what is suitable for the freshman class at this time. There is no serious claim to originality, either in subject matter or in method of pres- entation, both of which are largely those of the late Professor Whiting, and of Dr. A. C. Alexander, who, until recently, gave the instruction in this course. The course has been modified by decreasing the time of instruc- tion in the laboratory from two three-hour periods a week to two periods of two hours, and instead of one lecture there are now two recitations a week. By this change it is hoped that the students will get a better grasp of the principles involved in the experiments. Among the main points by which this manual . differs from its predecessors are the following: Because the laboratory period has been reduced from three to two hours, some of the exercises have been shortened. The details of a considerable number of exercises differ from those of previous texts, and many of the experiments have been entirely rewritten, although treating in general of the same principles as heretofore, v/ith a few exceptions. More emphasis is given to the graphical representation of results. Where possible, the principle of an experiment is summarized in an equation by the student. Optional experimental parts of an exercise have been removed, due to the shorter laboratory period, and also because in practise this has been found by the author to be of questionable benefit in large elementary classes for which the ratio of the number of students to the number of instructors is great. In place of the optional portions are put questions or problems that the student may solve outside of the laboratory, if he finishes the experimental part only in the regular period. Questions are occasionally appended to an exercise that require a knowledge of principles developed in the class room, or reference to some standard descriptive work. Finally, the exercises have been arranged in four groups of eleven (iii) 102273 IV PREFACE. each, the exercises of each group being so written that the student, with the aid given in the recitations, may intelligently begin with any one. Although in certain instances there is an apparent lack of sequence, yet, on the whole, this system seems more efficient than the one previously in vogue, in which the students were started by eights in succession, when in a section of eighty students some were six weeks late in starting. By the new arrangement two weeks are gained in every eight, when all the students may devote their time to back work. The author is indebted to the members of the Physical Depart- ment for helpful advice, and especially to Mr. C. A. Kraus, who has aided in many ways the preparation of these notes. GEORGE K. BURGESS. Berkeley, July, 1902. CONTENTS. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. GROUP I. PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS. PAGE 1. Liquid Pressure and Density . 10 2. Vapor Pressure and Dalton's Law 12 3. Variation of Vapor Pressure with Temperature 15 4. Boyle's Law and Voluminometer 17 5. Pressure of Gas at Constant Volume 18 HEAT. 6. Expansion of Gas under Constant Pressure 19 7. Specific Heat 20 8. Latent Heat. 22 9. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 24 SURFACE TENSION. 10. Surface Tension 25 MECHANICS. 11. Principle of Moments 27 GROUP II. 12. Composition of Forces 29 13. Elasticity; Laws of Stretching 31 14. Action of Gravity ... 32 15. The Pendulum, I ... 34 16. The Pendulum, II . . , 35 SOUND. 17. Resonance Tube 36 18. Velocity of Sound in Solids . . . . . ; . *. .* . . . . . . 38 19. Laws of a Vibrating String. ........'.. 39 (v) VI CONTENTS. PAGE LIGHT. 20. Photometry 40 21. Refraction 41 22. Refraction and Dispersion 43 GROUP III. 23. Images in a Spherical Mirror 44 24. Convex Lenses 47 25. Concave Lenses 48 26. Drawing Spectra 51 MAGNETISM. 27. Laws of Magnetic Action . . . 52 28. Magnetic Fields 54 29. Intensity of Earth's Magnetic Field, 1 56 30. Intensity of Earth's Magnetic Field, II 57 31. Comparison of Magnetic Fields 58 ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RELATIONS. 32. Electro-Magnetic Relations 59 33. Laws of Electro-Magnetic Action 62 GROUP IV. 34. Current Determination 64 ELECTRICITY. 35. Electrical Resistance 65 36. Electromotive Force. 67 37. Ohm's Law 69 38. Divided Circuits and Fall of Potential 70 39. Arrangement of Battery Cells; E. M. F. and Resistance . . 72 40. Comparison of Resistances by Wheatstone's Bridge .... 73 41. Heating Effect of an Electric Current 74 42. Laws of Electrolysis 76 ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 43. Electro-Magnetic Induction 77 44. Earth Inductor 79 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. BEGINNING WORK. The class will be divided into four sec- tions, each having two laboratory periods per week of two hours, preceded by a recitation, for which each section will be divided into halves. The laboratory work includes forty-four exercises, divided into sets of eleven. As soon as registered, each student will report at the laboratory in East Hall and will be assigned to one of the first eleven experiments. He will then perform in succession at the following exercises the cycle of eleven experiments. Exam- ple: A student assigned to the yth experiment will perform the first eleven in the order 7, 8, 9, 10, n, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Two weeks will be allowed at the close of this cycle for the correction and completion of work. A new set of experiments will then be mounted, and it will then be impossible to reperform any of the first eleven experiments this year. IN THK LABORATORY. The following directions are necessi- tated largely by the size of the class. Students will work in pairs and may choose their partners. Each student however will be required to take a separate set of observations for each experiment and to write up his notes inde- pendently. All data must be recorded at the time of observation in the note-book and not on scrap paper. In general, at least three independent observations of each quantity measured are to be taken and every observation recorded when it is taken. Notes are to be neatly arranged (see sample note-book) and observations recorded so as to be distinct from descriptive or other written matter, and when practicable results should be tabulated. Concise but clear answers are wanted to questions asked; all inferences should be in the words of the student, and demonstra- tions should be complete. Fractions are to be expressed as decimals, and calculations given in detail. (vii) 8 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. For the heading of sheets, name, date, etc., consult sample note-book; the arrangement there indicated must be exactly followed. Separate sheets of a single exercise are to be fastened securely together; turned over corners will not be accepted. PLOTTING. In several exercises the results are to be expressed graphically on plotting paper. When the data permits, such scales for plotting should be chosen as will give a line extending diagonally across the paper. Observed points on the curve should be indicated by crosses and not by dots or circles. The known quantity is to be plotted horizontally and the quantity to be studied, vertically. Plots should be carefully drawn and properly labeled. In general, a smooth line drawn among the points corresponding to observations best represents these obser- vations. For further details of construction of a plot, see sample note-book. PROBLEMS. A certain number of problems will be assigned during the year. They are to be worked on laboratory paper and the carbon prints are to be handed in. TRIGONOMETRICAL RELATIONS. For those students who are not familiar with the elements of trigonometry, the following definitions will suffice. A Consider a right-angled triangle ABC of sides a, b, and c. The various trigonometrical functions are most conveniently defined in terms of the parts of such a triangle. The sine (written sin) of an angle is the ratio of the opposite side to the hypothenuse. sin A = ~ and sin G=* b b GENERAL DIRECTIONS. 9 The cosine (written cos) is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypothenuse. . c , ~ a. cos A = r and cos C = .- b b Evidently also cos A=sin C and sin Ar=cos C. a=b cos C=b sin A, c=b cos A=b sin C. The tangent (written tan) is the ratio of the side opposite to the side adjacent. a c. tan A=- and tan C - c a Also sin A sin C. tan A= --- -and tan C~ > cos A cos C For very small angles the sine and tangent may be replaced by the angle itself. UNFINISHED WORK. At the close of a laboratory period the student will present the carbon print of his notes to the instructor, -and if the exercise has not been finished, the records will be stamped with the date, and the exercise may be completed later, but is to be handed in complete within two weeks after the date last stamped upon it, otherwise it must be repeated. All experi- mental data taken out of the laboratory must be stamped. In general, a student will have ample time to complete the experimental part of any exercise in a laboratory period; but if pressed for time, calculations, inferences, demonstrations, and answering of questions may be performed outside of the labora- tory, as above indicated. No experiments which are taken home and for which the data have been changed will be accepted. Corrections are to be made in the manner indicated in the sample note-book. GRADES. The following system of marking will be used: i . Excellence. 2. Satisfactory. 3. Deficient in inferences, proofs, or answers to questions. 4. Repetition of part of experimental work required. 5. Repetition of whole exercise required. 10 LIQUID PRESSURE AND DENSITY. [i Unsatisfactory work will be returned for correction. All defi- cient exercises are to be raised to grade 2, otherwise the grade INCOMPLETE will be given for the term's work. ORDER AND BREAKAGE. Those working at any exercise will be held responsible for the apparatus used and will be expected to leave it in good order when through. Breakages should be reported to the instructor. GROUP I. In some of these experiments mercury is used. Care must be taken not to spill it, and all metals should be kept away from it. Refer to the sample note-book for suggestions as to arrangement of data and writing of notes. In general, seek to finish the experimental work in the time allowed, leaving computations and answers to questions to be done outside of the laboratory if pressed for time. i. LIQUID PRESSURE AND DENSITY. I. Clamp a U-tube in a vertical position to a burette stand, with the bend of the tube resting on the table. Pour into this tube enough mercury to stand about 5 cm. above the table in each arm. Then pour into the longer arm enough water to stand about 13.6 cm. above the end of the mercury column. Work out all air bubbles with a fine wire, and mop up any water resting on the mercury in the short arm with a bit of blotting-paper tied to the end of the wire. Measure the heights above the table of the ends of the mercury and water columns, measuring as nearly as possible to the center of the meniscus in each case. Are the liquids in the two branches at the same level? If not, why? What differences are there between the shapes of the free ends of the two columns? Account for these differences. i] LIQUID PRESSURE AND DENSITY. II Find the length of the mercury column that balances the water column, and also the ratio of the two balancing columns (water column to mercury column). II. Fill the longer arm of the U-tube nearly full of water, and measure the length of the water column, and also of the mercury column that balances it. Find again the ratio of the balancing columns. Is it the same as in I? This ratio will be shown to be equal to the specific gravity of mercury. III. Fill one of the two beakers, or jars, with water, and the other with a saline solution. Place a leg of an inverted Y-tube in each of the liquids Cautiously draw the liquids up in both legs by suction, and close the stem of the Y air tight. Why is the liquid higher in either branch than in the corresponding open vessel? Measure the height of each column of liquid above the level of the liquid in the open vessel. Is it the same for both liquids, or not? Why? Does it make any difference if the branches of the Y-tube are not of the same diameter, or are not held vertically ? Calculate the specific gravity of the saline solution. IV. Fill the two branches of a W-tube, one with water and the other with wood-alcohol. This should be done by pour- ing the liquids into them alternately, a small quantity at a time. Why is it necessary to observe this precaution in filling? Make the proper measurements and calculate the specific gravity of the wood-alcohol. Draw diagram in illustration. Why is it unnecessary to have the ends of the columns at the same level? V.' Answer the following questions: 1. To what class of liquids is the method of the U-tube inapplicable? Why? 2. In the case of highly volatile liquids, what advantage has the method of the W-tube over that of the Y-tube ? 3. Which of the three do you consider to be the most general method? 12 VAPOR PRESSURE AND DALTON'S LAW. [2 VI. Distinguish between specific gravity and density. If pressure is defined as force per unit area, form an equation expressing the equality of pressures of the two liquids in the arms of the U-tube and show that the heights are inversely as the densities; and that when water is used in one arm, the ratio of the heights is the specific gravity of the other liquid. Show that for a liquid, pressure is proportional to depth. VII. Calculate the total outward pressure of a cube of mercury 20 cm. on a side. What is the weight of this mercury? 2. VAPOR PRESSURE AND DALTON'S LAW. I. Take a closed tube, at least 80 cm. long, and wipe it clean and dry with a swab tied to a long and stiff wire. Then fill it with mercury by means of a small funnel.* Close the open end with the thumb and invert the tube in a reservoir of mercury. After removing the thumb, does the mercury in the tube fall to the same level as the mercury in the reservoir? If not, why What is meant by the barometric pressure? * Observe the following directions in filling the tube and removing air bubbles: Fill to within a couple of cm. of the open end. Close with the thumb and invert a number of times, gathering all the air bubbles adhering to the sides into one large bubble. Then hold erect and fill completely, pouring the mercury in slowly and working out all air bubbles with a fine wire. Again invert in the reservoir. (The amount of air in the tube can be observed by tilting it until the closed end is about 70 cm. above the table.) To further remove the air, place the thumb tightly the open end of the tube while in the reservoir, and then raise and carefully invert it a number of times, letting the partial vacuum pass slowly from one end of the tube to the other, and finally, holding it erect with the open end up, take the thumb off and fill completely, as directed above. This operation should be repeated until the air bubble seen when the tube is tilted has been reduced to the smallest possible size. The height of the mercury column ought now to agree, w r ithin one cm., with the barometric reading for the day. If it does not so agree, repeat. 2] VAPOR PRESSURE AND DAI/TON'S LAW. 13 Measure the height of the mercury in the tube above that in the reservoir. Is it the same as the height of the barometer? If it is not, explain why. II. Having measured the height of the mercury column above the level of the mercury in the reservoir, draw as much ether as possible into a medicine dropper, and, inserting it into the reservoir under the open end of the tube, introduce a few drops into the tube, taking great care not to introduce any air. Introduce enough so that some of the liquid will remain unevaporated on top of the mercury column. Describe in detail what takes place when the ether is introduced. Does the ether all evaporate, or does it cease to evaporate after a certain amount has been introduced? Explain why. When is a vapor said to be saturated ? After waiting 10 minutes for the ether vapor to come to the temperature of the room, measure the height of the mercury column. Why is it less than before the introduction of the ether? What do you find to be the pressure of the ether vapor, in cm. of mercury, at the temperature of the room ? (Record this tem- perature.) III. (.) Pour more mercury into the reservoir, leaving enough space for the mercury in the tube when it is taken out. With the tube resting on the bottom of the reservoir, measure again the height of the mercury column, and also the length of the tube occupied by the ether vapor. (.) Raise the tube so that its lower end is just below the level of the mercury inthe reservoir and after a few minutes repeat the measurements of (a). (V.) Answer the following questions: 1. Was the pressure of the ether vapor in (a) the same as in ()? 2. Was its volume the same ? 3. The temperature being kept constant, do you find the pressure of saturated ether vapor to depend on its volume, or not? 14 VAPOR PRESSURE AND DALTON'S LAW. \2 IV. Remove the ether from the mercury by wiping its surface with a piece of clean blotting-paper and then passing it through a pinhole at the point of a paper filter. Pour the mercury into a I5o-cm. bottle with a rubber stopper, to a depth of 2 or 3 cm. Be sure that the bottle is clean and dry and free of ether vapor. (If there is any ether vapor in the bottle, it can be removed by inserting a tube and blowing it out.) Insert the short arm of a U-tube, at least 50 cm. long, through the rubber stopper. See that the stopper fits closely into the mouth of the bottle and press it in as tightly as possible. Invert the bottle, taking care not to entrap any air in the mercury column. Resting the bend in the tube on the table, measure the height of the mercury in the tube above, or below, its level in the bottle. Four ether into the tube so as to stand in an unbroken column 15 or 20 cm. deep, and attach a rubber bulb to the open end of the tube. By pressing the bulb, force a little of the ether into the bottle, taking care not to force in any air. What is the effect of introducing the ether? V. Force in about 15 cm. of the ether in the tube so that the ether in the bottle is at the same level as the mercury had been before, or a trifle above this level. The volume of the mixture of air and ether vapor being approximately the same as the volume of the air before the introduction of the ether, how does the pressure within the bottle compare with the pressure when it contained air alone ? Did the evaporation cease immediately after the introduction of the gasoline, as in III? If it did not, explain why. What do you find to be the effect of mixing ether vapor with air, the volume being kept constant ? Watch the mercury column and see that its height becomes constant before taking the measurements in VI. The mercury ought to become stationary in 15 minutes. VI. Find by appropriate measurements the increase of pressure within the bottle over the pressure before the introduction of the ether. What does this increase of pressure represent? How does it compare with the pressure of ether vapor when unmixed with air as determined in II ? 3] VAPOR PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE. 15 Observe and record the temperature of the room. Is it the same as when II was performed? How would any difference in temperature affect the pressure of the ether vapor? According to Dattori s law the pressure of any vapor, or gas, in a gaseous mixture* is the same as it would be if it occupied the space alone. Do the results obtained in VI and in II tend to confirm the truth of this law ? VII. Calculate in dynes per square centimeter the barometric pressure, also the pressure of the ether vapor in II, in the same unit. Is evaporation a cooling or a warming process? Explain. 3. VARIATION OF VAPOR PRESSURE WITH TEMPERATURE. I. Fill a deep hydrometer jar with water at about 55. When the water has cooled to 48 (not before) set in the jar a closed U-tube with a few cm. of ether, free of air bubbles, f in the closed end, and at least 50 cm. of mercury in the rest of the tube. The mercury before inserting in the water should stand a few cm. lower in the open arm than in the closed, and there should be enough water to completely cover the ether. Describe what takes place when ether is warmed in this way. Suspend a thermometer in the jar on a level with the ether and read the temperature of the water. J At the same time measure *Dalton's law does nut apply to a mixture of gases, or vapors, that act on each other chemically, or to a mixture of vapors from liquids that are mutually soluble. flf there is any air above the ether, ask to have it removed. JTo read a thermometer accurately, the observer's eye should be placed so that the first degree mark below the top of the mercury coin- cides with its reflection in the mercury. The fraction of a division above this mark should be carefully estimated and recorded in tenths of a degree. 16 VAPOR PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE. [3 the difference in level between the mercury in the two arms of the U-tube. Do this as accurately as you can by placing a metre rod against the side of the jar and sighting across the top of each mercury column. It will injure the rod to put it into the water. Using this last measurement and the barometric pressure for the day, find the pressure, in cm. of mercury and in dynes per square centimetre, of the ether vapor within the closed arm of the tube. Stir thoroughly when taking readings. II. If necessary, siphon off a small quantity of the water and replace it with enough cold water to lower the temperature about 3 or 4 degrees, not more. Repeat the measurements of the last section. In this way make a series of some ten observations of the tem- perature and pressure of the ether vapor, cooling it down to the temperature of the room or lower. III. Plot the results of I and II on co-ordinate paper and draw a smooth curve to show the relation between the pressure and temperature of ether vapor. Do you find the pressure of the ether vapor to vary uniformly with the temperature or not ? IV. Take some ether in a small test-tube and immerse it in water at about 30, adding hot water gradually until the ether begins to boil. A small, clean tack or other sharp-pointed object placed in the ether will facilitate boiling. Record the tempera- ture of the ether when it first begins to bubble as the boiling point. Find from the plot obtained in III the temperature of ether vapor when its pressure is equal to the barometric reading for the day. How does this agree with the boiling point of ether just found ? What relation may one infer exists between the temperature at which a liquid boils and that at which the pres- sure of its vapor becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure? Explain. V. Write not less than one hundred words on the properties of saturated vapors. Explain the phenomenon of boiling. . 4 ] BOYLE'S LAW AND VOLUMENOMETER. 17 4. BOYLE'S LAW AND VOLUMENOMETER. I. With the Boyle's law apparatus take a set of five readings of pressure and of corresponding volumes, covering the range of the apparatus. To the difference in mercury levels what quantity must be added to give the total pressure on the inclosed gas? Assuming the tube to be of i cm. section, plot applied pressures, i. e., the difference in mercury levels, in terms of reciprocals of volumes. What does this plot show to be the relation between the pressure and volume of a gas when the temperature is con- stant? Produce the line drawn until it cuts the pressure axis and compare the intercept on the pressure axis with the barom- eter reading. II. Unscrew the iron cap of the volumenometer and by raising or lowering the open tube adjust the level of the mercury in the other tube to some point between the middle and the upper marks. See that the iron cap is empty and replace it, screwing it down air-tight. Test the apparatus to see that it is air-tight. (Describe how you do this.) Notice that there are three horizontal marks on the closed tube and that the mass of mercury that fills this tube between each pair of marks is recorded on the apparatus, so that the volumes between the marks may be calculated. The density of mercury is 13.6. Find the volume of the air enclosed above the middle mark by noting the change in volume when the mercury is set at the upper and at the middle marks and also the accompanying- change in pressure. Two equations may thus be formed, one giving the difference in volumes between the upper and lower marks and the other the ratio of these two volumes (in terms of the ratio of the pressures). Write these equations and find volume called for. III. Introduce a piece of iron into the iron cap and find as in II the volume of the inclosed air to the middle mark. Calculate 2 1 8 PRESSURE OF GAS AT CONSTANT VOLUME. [5 the density of the piece of iron, after finding its mass, explaining the process you use and writing out the equations. IV. Repeat II and III, using the middle and lower marks, and compare results. 5. PRESSURE OF GAS AT CONSTANT VOLUME. I. Set a metre rod in a vertical 'position alongside the open tube of a simple constant-volume air thermometer with a fixed bulb. Fill the space about and above the bulb with water at about 5 or 10, and stir continuously. Allow ten minutes for the, inclosed air to come to the temperature of the bath, and then raise or lower the open tube so as to bring the mercury in the stem of the bulb to the bottom of the tube through which the stem is thrust. Read on the metre rod the heights of the two mercury columns, and take the temperature of the bath, stirring all the while. II. Draw off some of the water and replace it with warmer water so as to raise the temperature of the bath about 10.* After waiting ten minutes, repeat the operations and measure- ments of I. In this way make a series of observations on the pressure and temperature of the inclosed air, raising the temperature about to at a time, and carrying it as high as can be conveniently done with boiling water. Arrange the results in tabular form. How did the pressure of the inclosed gas (air) alter as its temperature increased? Was the rate of change uniform? III. Calculate the average increase in pressure for a rise of one degree in temperature. If no observation was made at o, calcu- late from your results, using the atmospheric pressure for the day, the pressure that the gas would have at o, if its volume was kept *Do not try to obtain a rise of exactly 10 in temperature. Better results can be obtained and time saved if the bath is raised a trifle over 10 and then stirred till the inclosed air has had time to come to the same temperature as the surrounding water, whatever that may be. 6] EXPANSION OF GAS UNDKR CONSTANT PRKSSURK. IQ constant. Find the ratio of the average increase in pressure per degree to the pressure at o. Calling P the pressure at o, P t the pressure at /, and a the ratio just found, write the equation connecting the pressure and temperature of a gas when the volume is constant. IV. Plot the results of II, plotting the temperatures as abscissae and the pressures as ordinates. Draw the straight line that agrees most nearly with the points located on the plot. Find the rise of this line (/. e. , the increase in pressure of the gas) for the change of 100 in temperature, and also, from the plot, the pressure of the gas at o. From these calculate the ratio of the increase in pressure per degree to the pressure at o. How does this agree with the result found in III? Why should this last be the more reliable of the two results? V '. What would be the pressure of a gas at 273 C. , suppos- ing there was no change of state or volume ? If the pressure of a gas depends on the motion of its molecules, would the mol- ecules have any motion at 273 C.? Then, as heat is the energy due to molecular motion, according to this reasoning could a gas be cooled below 273 C.? This temperature is called absolute zero. The temperature measured in Centigrade degrees from absolute zero is called the absolute temperature. 6. EXPANSION OF GAS UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE. I. Fill the space about the closed tube, or bulb, of the air thermometer with ice-cold water. Set the slider at the zero of the vertical scale, and adjust the mercury columns so that the mercury in both tubes is at the level of the lower end of the stuffing box. (The mercury column can be set quite accurately by sighting across the end of the brass tube surrounding the glass. ) Read the volume of the inclosed gas (air) and take the temperature of the water bath, stirring thoroughly. 20 SPECIFIC HEAT. [7 II. Raise the temperature of the bath as in Exercise 5, II, about 10 at a time, and repeat for each temperature the opera- tions and measurements of I, waiting ten minutes between suc- cessive temperatures to allow the air to take on the temperature of the bath. What was the pressure of the inclosed air in each case ? Was it the same ? Was the expansion of the air uniform ? Arrange the results in tabular form. III. Calculate the average expansion for a rise of one degree in temperature. If no observation was made at o, calculate from your results the volume that the gas would have had at o. Find the ratio of the average expansion per degree to the volume at o, in other words, the cubical coefficient of expansion between o and i. Calling V the volume of a gas at temperature o, V t the volume at t, and a the coefficient just found, write the law of expansion of a gas at constant pressure in the form of an equation. This is called the law of Charles or Gay-Lussac. IV. Plot the results of I and II on co-ordinate paper, plotting the temperatures as abscissae and the volumes as ordinates. Find from this plot, by the method of Exercise 5, IV, the expansion for a change in temperature of 100 and the volume of the gas at o. Calculate from these the coefficient of expansion between o and i. Is the result the same as that obtained in III ? V. When experiments 4, 5 and 6 have been performed, hand in a paper of at least two hundred words on the properties of gases. 7. SPECIFIC HEAT. I. Weigh out about 300 gr. of lead shot and heat it in a double boiler. After the water begins to boil, stir the shot thor- oughly with a wooden paddle, continuing until the temperature of the shot becomes constant. Have ready about 75 gm. of water (weighed to 0.5 gm.) at a temperature of 5 to 10, in a calorimeter of known mass. 7] SPKCIFIC HEAT. 21 Note carefully the temperature of the shot (stirring) and of the water (stirring), and as quickly as possible pour the shot into the water, stirring vigorously all the while and note the rise in tem- perature of the water. Read the temperature of the mixture every half minute for five minutes, counting from the instant of mixing. From the results obtained calculate: 1. The number of heat units gained by the water, using as heat unit the calorie or the heat required to raise the temperature of one gramme of water one degree. 2. The number of heat units lost by the shot (in terms of s, the specific heat of lead) or the ratio of the heat required to raise i gm. of lead one degree to that required to raise i gm. water i. Assuming that the shot and water are alone concerned in the transfer of heat, what relation exists between the heat lost and gained by the shot and water respectively ? Write the equation representing this relation and calculate the specific heat of lead. II. Calculate from this result, using above equation, the mass of water which would have brought the mixture to a temperature two degrees higher than that of the room. Repeat I, using this mass of water and the same amount of shot as before and other conditions also the same as in I. Why should the latter result be the better ? III. The result found in II is to be corrected for the heat lost to cup, assuming the specific heat of the cup to be 0.095; a d also corrected for radiation as follows: Construct a plot with times as abscissae and temperature of water and mixture as ordinates; project the line (which should be straight if the stirring has been thorough), representing the temperatures of the mixture, back until it cuts the ordinate at the instant of mixing. This ordinate will be approximately the true temperature of the mixture. Why ? Write the complete equation involving all of the above quanti- ties and recalculate the specific heat of lead. 22 LATENT HEAT. [8 IV. If the water at the start had a temperature higher than that of the room, would the value of s found have been high or ow ? Explain. If one gramme of water were spilt in stirring, what would be the effect on the value of s ? 8. LATENT HEAT. I. Weigh out in a metal cup, which has been previously weighed, at least 500 gm. of water at about 30. After record- ing the exact temperature of the water, take a piece of ice (about loo gm.) and place it in the cup, first wiping it carefully with damp cotton. Stir the mixture thoroughly and take its tempera- ture just as the ice disappears. Having previously weighed the water, the mass of the dry ice used can be found by weighing the mixture and subtracting the mass of the water. II. Calculate in order the following quantities, using the same unit of heat as in Exercise 7 : 1. The heat lost by the water surrounding the ice. 2. The heat lost by the cup. (In calculating this quantity it will be sufficiently accurate to take the specific heat of the metal as 0.095.) 3. The heat required to raise the water from the melted ice from o to the temperature of the mixture. 4. The total heat absorbed by the ice in melting. 5. The heat absorbed by each gramme in melting. The latter quantity is called the latent heat of fusion of water. III. Fill a small copper boiler about two-thirds full of water and insert through the cork stopper a safety-tube with an opening about 2 cm. from its lower end. Connect to the boiler a rubber tube with a trap for collecting the water condensed in the tube and a delivery-tube 4 or 5 cm. long. Bring the water in the boiler to a boil. (If at any time steam issues vigorously from the 8] I.ATKNT HKAT. 23 safety-tube, it means that the water is low and the boiler needs refilling.) Weigh out about 500 gm. of ice-water in a metal cup of known mass, and take its temperature. Empty the water out of the trap and hold it so that the end of the delivery-tube is immersed in the ice-water. Stir and observe the temperature as it rises. When the temperature reaches a point two-thirds as much above the temperature of the room as the original temperature of the ice-water was below, remove the delivery-tube. Stir and take the temperature again carefully. Replace the cup on the balance, and find the increase in the mass of the water due to the steam that has been condensed. IV. If the temperature of the water was two-thirds as much above the temperature of the room after the condensation of the steam as it was below before the introduction of the steam, we may safely neglect the effect of the air and surrounding bodies, for the cup will lose to the room, by radiation and conduction, as much heat in the latter part of the experiment as it gains from it in the first part. Using the same unit of heat and the same value for the specific heat of the metal cup as in II, calculate in order the following quantities: 1. The total amount of heat imparted to the water and the cup. 2. The heat given out by the water from the condensed steam in cooling from 100 to the temperature of the mixture. 3. The total amount of heat given out by the steam or water vapor in changing from the state of a vapor to that of a liquid. 4. The heat given out by each gramme of water vapor in changing from the gaseous to the liquid state. The latter quantity is called latent heat of vaporization of water. 5. Write the equations representing this experiment. V. Write at least one hundred words on the phenomena of fusion and evaporation. 24 MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT. [9 9. MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT. I. Take two bottles and put in each of them a kilogramme of lead shot. Place these bottles in a mixture of ice and water. When the shot in one of the bottles has cooled about 3 below the temperature of the room, shake it thoroughly, and pour it into the tube provided, about one metre long, and close the end of the tube securely after taking the temperature of the shot by inserting a thermometer. Raise the end of the tube containing the shot with sufficient velocity to keep the shot from falling, and when it reaches a vertical position, let the shot fall vertically, like a solid mass, through the length of the tube. Repeat this again and again, keeping count of the number of times the shot falls.* After the shot has fallen through the length of the tube a hundred times, insert a thermometer through a side opening, and take its temperature again. Why has the temperature of the shot risen above that of the room ? II. Replace the shot in the ice- water to cool, and while the tube is still warm, repeat the operations and measurements of I, using the shot from the other bottle, which should be about 3 below the temperature of the room. (Its temperature can be raised by shaking the bottle, if it is too low.) Repeat the experiment in this way, cooling one bottle of shot while using * PRECAUTIONS, ETC. The shot should not be raised too suddenly, so as to throw it violently against the side of the tube, nor should the tube be raised or lowered so as to lengthen or shorten the distance fallen through by the shot. It is well, also, to hold the tube about a foot from each end, so that there is no danger of any heat being imparted to the shot from . the hands. The following method of raising the shot and reversing the tube is recommended: Lay the tube on the table, and raise the end contain- ing the shot, while the other end rests on the table. Let the shot fall, and then lower the raised end. Raise the other end, which now con- tains the shot, and let the shot fall again. Then lower this end, and again raise the end which contains the shot; and so on. ID] SURFACE TENSION. 25 the other, making five determinations and using the average result in what follows. III. Remove the stopper and measure the distance from the inner end of the stopper to the top of the shot. What is the average distance fallen through by the shot in each reversal of the tube? Explain. In one hundred reversals? How far would the shot have to fall to raise its temperature one degree? How for would one gramme have to fall to raise its temperature the same amount (one degree) ? How much work, in ergs, would be required to raise one gramme of shot one degree in tempera- ture? The specific heat of lead is about 0.032. Using this, calculate, in the ergs, the amount of work necessary to raise one gramme of water one degree in temperature. This last quantity is called the mechanical equivalent of the heat unit. IV. Write the equation representing this exercise. What are the chief sources of error in the experiment? V. Power is the rate of doing work, and may be measured in ergs per second, or in watts, which is io 7 ergs per second. io 7 ergs is a joule. Calculate the work done in joules by the shot falling 100 times the length of the tube, and if this operation akes 3 minutes, calculate the power developed in watts. io. SURFACE TENSION. It is of capital importance that the rectangles and beakers used in this exercise be clean. They should be thoroughly washed in hot water before being used and for every change from one liquid to another. The Jolly balance should be read by bringing a definite point, as the lower end of the spring, in a horizontal line with its image in the mirror. The reading is facilitated by bringing a card pierced with a small hole (3 mm. in diam.) close before the eye and standing in front of the scale at such a distance that the object and image are seen sharply focused at the same time. I. Fill a beaker, about 7 cm. in diameter, with a solution of 26 SURFACE TENSION. [lO soap in water. Replace the pans of a Jolly balance by a wire rectangle 2 cm. wide, hung vertically, and hold the beaker so that the rectangle is immersed to a certain definite depth in the soap solution. See that there is no soap film within the rectangle, and read the balance. Let the rectangle dip in the soap solution so that a film is formed within it. Raise or lower the beaker so that the rect- angle is immersed to the same depth as before and again read the balance. What difference does the presence of the film make in the reading of the balance ? To what force is the elongation of the spring due? Take four independent sets of readings. II. Repeat the measurements of I, using rectangles about 4 and 6 cm. wide. How do you find the tension of the film to vary with its width ? III. Find the elongation of the spring produced by a small known weight, some fraction of a gramme. How does the elongation vary with the force producing it? Test this. Calculate the tension in dynes (980 dynes=weight of one gramme) of each of the three films in I and II. As a film has two surfaces, the width of the surface in apparent tension, neglecting that about the wires, will be equal to twice the width of the rectangle. Using this, calculate in dynes the average tension of the soap solution across each cm. of the surface. The tension across a unit length of the surface of a liquid is called the surface tension of that liquid. IV. Clean the beaker and rectangle thoroughly, and repeat the measurements of II with water fresh from the faucet. As a film can not be formed with pure water, take the reading of the balance when the upper side of the rectangle is just above the surface of the water and again when it breaks away from this surface. The force measured in this way may be regarded as due entirely to surface tension, although this is not strictly true. Take four sets of readings. Calculate the surface tension of the water. How does it com- pare with that of the soap solution? Il] PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS. 2J V. Using the same rectangle, find the surface tension of hot water from the heater at the sink. Does the temperature affect the surface tension appreciably, and how ? VI. If the rectangle 4 cm. wide carries a soap film 2 cm. high, what is the work done in forming this film? What is the energy per square centimeter of this film ? How does this quantity compare with the surface tension? ii. PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS. I. (#.) Attach a light metal frame to the table so that it can rotate freely about a pivot. ' Fasten two spring balances to the frame with twine, at equal distances on opposite sides ol the center, and draw them out so that they are parallel. Read the balances. Does a force produce the same effect if transferred along its line of action ? How test this? Pull one of the balances out until the tension is doubled, keeping them still parallel. What does the other balance regis- ter? When a force tends to produce rotation about a pivot, what is the effect of doubling this force upon the force opposing the rotation ? (<5.) Move one of the balances to a point twice the distance from the center as in (a) and pull it (parallel to the other balance) until it registers the same tension as before. Read both balances. The perpendicular distance from the center of rotation to the line of action of a force is called its lever arm. When a force tends to produce rotation about a point, what do you find to be the effect of doubling the lever arm upon the force oppos- ing the rotation ? (V.) The tendency of a force to produce rotation about a point, according to (a) and (^), is proportional to. the product of what two quantities ? This product is called the moment of the force about the point considered, and is usually taken positive in sign when the force tends to produce rotation in a counter-clockwise direction, and negative when it tends to produce rotation in the opposite direction. 28 PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS. [ll II. (a.) Take a beam suspended so as not to rub the surface of the table, and connect its middle point to a nail in the table by means of a spring balance. Attach two balances to two screw- eyes, one metre apart, on the opposite side of the beam at unequal distances from its middle point and to corresponding nails in the table. Tighten the cord attached to the first balance. Read all three balances, and measure the distances between their points of attachment to the beam. (<.) Loosen, or tighten, the cords a little and read the balances again. (V.) Calculate the moment of each of the forces in (a) about some point of the beam. Give these moments their proper signs, and find their algebraic sum. Do the same for the forces in (6). What is your conclusion as to the value of the sum of their moments when a number of parallel forces in the same plane act on a rigid body so that it is held in equilibrium ? III. Attach three balances at random to the frame used in I, and to nails in the table. Tighten the cords and read the balances. Draw, on a sheet of paper laid underneath the frame, a line parallel to the line of action of each of the forces measured by the balances. Remove the frame and measure carefully the lever arm of each force about the pivot as a center. Calculate the moments of the forces about the pivot and find their algebraic sum. In addition to finding the sum of the moments about the pivot, find also the sum of the moments of the forces about some point outside the pivot. Do you find the sum of the moments to be approximately the same wherever the center of moments is taken, or not? Explain. IV. Repeat III, removing the pivot, so that the frame is free to move in any horizontal direction. Make the proper measure- ments and calculate the sum of the moments of the forces about some point on the table taken at random. Do the same for some other point on the table. Do you find the sum of the moments to be approximately the same wherever the center of moments is taken ? 12 :] COMPOSITION OF FORCES. 2Q V. If any number of forces in the same plane act upon a rigid body so that it is held in equilibrium, what do you conclude from the results of this exercise must be the algebraic sum of their moments about any point in that plane? The correct answer to this question is called the principle of moments. VI. Two equal, parallel forces in opposite directions constitute a couple. The perpendicular distance between them is called the arm of the couple. Let a be the arm, and F one of the component forces of a couple. Find the moment of this couple about any point. Is it the same for all points ? Demonstrate this for any point within and one without the lines of action of the forces. GROUP II. In general, students will begin with the exercise corresponding to that they began with in Group I. Thus he who started with the 5th exercise will now take the i6th, and so on. 12. COMPOSITION OF FORCES. I. Take a stout beam, over a metre long, and find its weight (in Ibs. ) by means of a spring balance. Attach cords of equal length to screw-eyes near the ends of the beam, and suspend it by these cords from two 3O-lb. spring balances hung from nails in the wall, at the same distance apart as the screw-eyes in the beam. Read the balances. What relation exists between the combined readings of the balances and the weight of the beam ? II. Suspend a mass of metal, weighing over 30 Ibs., from the middle of the beam and read the balances again. Do the balances read alike ? Why? How can you find the weight of the metal from the readings of the balances? What is the weight as thus found? 30 COMPOSITION OF FORCES. [l2 III. Hang the mass of metal from a point to one side of the middle of the beam and read the balances again. Why do they not read alike now ? Does the relation found in I between the total suspended weight and the combined readings of the balances still hold true ? Measure the horizontal distances from the cord by which the weight is hung to the cords to which the balances are attached. How do the products formed by multiplying each distance by the reading of the corresponding balance (less one- half the weight of the beam) compare? In general, what is the resultant of two parallel forces in the same direction equal to: what is its direction: and how is its line of action situated with reference to the component forces? IV. Hang two 3o-lb. spring balances from two nails above the blackboard, at least one metre apart, and connect the balances by a cord somewhat over a metre long. From the middle point of this cord suspend the mass of metal used in II and III. Draw on the blackboard lines parallel to the two parts of the cord and lay ,orT on these lines, from their intersection, length? proportional to the tension in each part of the cord as registered by the proper balance. Construct a parallelogram with these lines as sides and draw the vertical diagonal. Measure the length of this diagonal in Ibs., using the same scale as was used for the sides of the parallelogram. How does this diagonal compare in direction and length with the downward force (weight) of the mass sus- pended from the cord? What is the value of the weight as found by this method ? V. Hang the mass of metal to one side of the middle of the cord, and construct another similar parallelogram of forces. Is the relation between the diagonal and the weight of the suspended mass the same as in IV? What is the value of the weight as found from this parallelogram? VI. Hang the mass of metal by a single cord from one of the nails. Attach a spring balance to the cord, near the bottom of the blackboard, and pull it horizontally one foot from the vertical. Note the reading of the balance, and measure the vertical distance from the nail to the line of action of the horizontal force. ^ 13] ELASTICITY: LAWS OF STRETCHI By what two forces was the cord acted upon, and in what direction was their resultant ? Which one of these two forces was measured directly? Find the value in Ibs. of the other force. (As the two forces are at right angles, this may be done either graphically by constructing a triangle of forces, or by calculation from similar triangles.) Find also the tension in the inclined part of the cord. VII. Repeat VI, drawing the cord two feet to one side instead of one foot and find again the value of the weight. , VIII. If three forces are in equilibrium about a point, show that they may be represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides of a triangle taken in order. 13. ELASTICITY: LAWS OF STRETCHING. I. (a.) Attach a spring balance to the finer of the wires hang- ing freely from the ceiling. Set the scale immediately behind this wire and adjust the index on the wire, if necessary, until this index is opposite the upper part of the scale, and read its position on the scale by means of a lens, taking care that the index, lens, and eye are in a horizontal line. Read the spring balance also. (b.) Hang on a weight putting it gently into place and re- peat (a). Add successively three other weights, noting the index and balance readings in each case. (c.') Remove the weights one by one, taking the same readings as in (d) and (a). Average the corresponding results of (a), (6), and (). (d.) Find the length of wire used, measure its diameter in four places and compute its mean cross-section. II. Clamp the wire used in I at about midway its length and repeat I, taking care to use the Weights in the same order as before. III. With a wire of greater diameter but same material, repeat I, noting the precautions of I and II. IV. Make a plot of the results, in I with weights in dynes' 32 ACTION OF GRAVITY. [14 (453.6 grammes are equivalent to a pound Avoirdupois) as abscissae and elongation of the wire as ordinates. What relation do you find to exist between the stretching force and the resulting elongation ? The statement of this relation is known as Hooke* s Law. V. (a.) Show from I and II the relation between the length and elongation. (.) From land III, show the relation between the diameter and elongation; between the cross-section area and elongation. (c.) Form an equation giving the elongation in terms of length, cross-section, force applied, and a constant K. VI. Stress is defined as force per unit area; strain is the elongation per unit length; and the measure or modulus of elasticity is the ratio of the stress to the strain. Find the ex- pression for the modulus of elasticity in terms of the quantities in V and calculate its value in C. G. S. units for the substance used. What relation exists between the modulus M (called Young's Modulus) and the constant K in V (c) ? Is the value of M the same for all substances? (Compare results with your neighbors' who used wires of different material. ) VII. If a very considerable weight were hung on a wire, would the conclusions of IV, V, and VI hold? Explain. Why does no correction have to be made for the position of the spring- balance ? 14. ACTION OF GRAVITY. I. (a.) Find the time of a quarter- vibration by counting and timing 100 complete vibrations of a rod pendulum freed from any weights that may have been attached to it. (.) Fasten a strip of impression paper, dark side out, and on it a piece of white paper, to the lower end of the pendulum. Suspend a metal ball by a thread passing over two nails above the pendulum, another at the base, and attach to the lower end of the pendulum, pulling the latter aside. The weight of the ball and 14] ACTION OF GRAVITY. 33 friction will be sufficient to hold the pendulum aside. Burn the string near the ball after it is at rest and find by trial to what height the ball must be raised so as to hit the paper when falling. Make three determinations of this distance, measuring from the center of the ball above to the corresponding mark on the paper in each case. II. Clamp the weight provided to the pendulum near the lower end at the place marked and repeat I (a) and (). III. Repeat with the weight clamped near the top of the pendulum. IV. (.) Find in each of the above cases, for the time of a quarter vibration, the average velocity of the ball, and its final velocity. Show that the final velocity is twice the average velocity if the ball starts from rest and increases its velocity at a constant rate. (.) Deduce from the results of I, II, and III the relation between the space passed over by the ball and the time, indicat- ing clearly the process you use. (/-.) Calculate the distance the ball would have passed over in one second, averaging the results of I, II, and III. (d. ) Show to what power of the time the acquired velocity is proportional; see (a) and (c). ( D> 2f Real or virtual Magnified or diminished Location of Image Dyf Magnified or diminished 2f> D > f Real or virtual Magnified or diminished Location of Image f> D~> o Real or virtual /}=Distance of object from mirror. /=Principal focal length. 26] DRAWING SPECTRA. 51 26. DRAWING SPECTRA. The spectroscope should be examined and its construction understood before proceeding. The instrument should be set so that the slit in the collimator does not point toward any outside source of light, as a window. The instrument may be adjusted for use as follows: Place a colorless Bunsen flame, in which is held asbestos soaked with salt solution, directly before the slit and narrow the latter, focusing upon it with the telescope, the prism being in place, until the slit appears as a sharp, bright line. Light the gas illuminating the scale in the third arm of the instrument, and focus the scale by moving it in and out until the figures upon it can be distinctly read. (The eye-piece should not be touched during this last operation.) Bring the 5 (or 50) mark of the scale into coincidence with the yellow line due to the sodium. If now the adjustment has been carefully done, by moving the eye slightly back and forth before the eye-piece the sodium line and the mark 5 will not appear to move with respect to each other. If there is such motion repeat the adjustment. I. The spectra of the salts provided are to be examined and drawn upon plotting paper, the spectroscope scale being plotted as abscissae and each spectrum on a separate horizontal line. (See sample note-book.) State in each case the general color of the flame and the colors of the various lines and bands. To observe successfully the potassium spectrum it will be nec- essary to open the slit somewhat and insert a piece of cobalt glass between the flame and the slit. The sodium spectrum will probably be ever present, but is readily distinguished from that of the salt under examination. II. Draw the spectrum of a luminous flame, and also of the same flame seen through red, green, yellow, and blue glass. Is the light transmitted by any of these glasses monochromatic? Distinguish between absorption spectra and emission spectra. III. The wave-lengths corresponding to certain spectral lines are furnished; draw a smooth curve in terms of their position on 52 LAWS OF MAGNETIC ACTION. [27 the scale and from this curve determine the wave-lengths corre- sponding to the calcium lines and the strontium lines. IV. Draw a diagram representing the optical principles in- volved in the construction and use of the spectroscope you used. V. Write not less than one hundred words on the uses of the spectroscope. 27. LAWS OF MAGNETIC ACTION. Prove that if a compass-needle is deflected by a horizontal force acting in an east and west direction, the magnitude of the force will be proportional to the tangent of the angle of deflection. I. Place two pocket compasses side by side. Do the like poles attract or repel each other? Do the unlike? II. Lay a compass on a large sheet of brown paper, draw a circle around it, and mark on the paper the center of the circle, i. e., the position of the center of the compass. Draw a line east and west through this point and mark off on this line points in both directions at distances of 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40 cm., re- spectively, from the center of the compass. Remove all magnetic substances from the neighborhood, replace the compass, and adjust it so that its needle reads zero degrees. (The compass should be tapped very lightly as the needle comes to rest, with the finger or with a rubber pencil-tip.) Hold a long magnetized steel strip in a vertical position with its lower end on the table at 10 cm. either east or west of the compass, and read the deflection of the compass-needle. (Tap the compass as before, and read both ends of the needle, averag- ing the readings.) Repeat with the end of the long magnet at 10 cm. on the other side and average the two deflections of the compass-needle, recording each observation. To what function of the angle of deflection is the force exerted by the lower pole of the long magnet proportional, assuming that the needle is com- paratively short ? (See proposition above.) III. Repeat the last part of II with the end of the long magnet 27] LAWS OF MAGNETIC ACTION. 53 at 15, 20, 30, and 40 cm., respectively, from the center of the compass, changing sides and averaging as before. Calculate from your results (using a table of natural tangents) the ratio of the horizontal force due to the lower pole of the magnet at 10 cm. to that at 20 cm. ; at 15 cm. to that at 30 cm.; at 20 cm. to that at 40 cm. ; etc. Does the force vary directly, or inversely, with the distance? Assuming that it varies (directly or inversely) as some integral power of the distance, what do you find to be the power in question? Arrange results in tabular form. IV. Take a comparatively short magnet and lay it on the table on a line drawn east and west through the center of a compass- needle, at such a distance as to deflect the needle about 40. Read the deflection and measure the distance from the center of the magnet to that of the compass-needle. Place the magnet at double this distance, and read the deflection again. Do you find the horizontal force to vary with the distance in this case accord- ing to the law found in III, or not? Was the needle in II and III acted on in a horizontal direction by both poles of the magnet, or practically by one alone? Was it in IV? When a magnet is comparatively short, how do you find the force exerted by it at any point to vary with the distance of the point from the center of the magnet, assuming that it varies as some exact integral power of this distance? V. A unit magnetic pole is a magnetic pole of such strength that it will exert a force of one dyne on a similar pole at the dis- tance of one cm. The pole strength of a magnetic pole is defined as the force exerted by it on a unit magnetic pole at the distance of one cm. What is the force between two magnetic poles at the distance d apart, the strength of the poles being m v , and m^ respectively ? VI. If in IV the magnet were in the E and W line and the compass on a line perpendicular to the middle point of the mag- net, in the same horizontal plane, find geometrically the expres- sion for the force between a compass pole and the magnet. 54 MAGNETIC FIELDS. [28 28. MAGNETIC FIELDS. I. Take a magnet 16.5 cm. long, and locate approximately the mean distance of either pole from the end, by the following method : Lay the magnet on a sheet of paper, and trace its outline with a pencil. Place a compass on the paper so that the compass box is about one cm. from the magnet. Commencing near the end of the magnet, move the compass, one or two cm. at a time, parallel to the magnet, drawing, for each position of the compass, lines to indicate the direction of its needle. Remove the magnet, draw a line through the position of its axis, and extend the above lines until they intersect this line. Find a medium point and measure its distance from the end of the magnet. II. Lay the magnet used in I lengthwise on a large sheet of brown paper. Draw the outline of the magnet with a pencil, and sprinkle iron filings on the paper around it. Trace the lines in which the iron filings set themselves when the paper is tapped. Brush the iron filings off the magnet, and return them to the sprinkler, taking care not to scatter and waste them. (In re- moving iron filings from a magnet, brush them towards the center, and not towards the ends.) Replace the magnet, and place a small compass at different points of the tracing. How does the direction of the compass- needle at any point coincide with that of the lines of iron filings ? III. Take a sheet of cardboard and place it with its sides parallel to the edges of the table. To the most northerly or southerly corner of the cardboard fasten a small compass with wax*, and, after removing all magnetic substances from the neighborhood, draw a pencil line to correspond with the magnetic meridian through the compass. On this line place * Attach wax to the edge of the compass, and do not put it under- neath. 28] MAGNETIC FIELDS. 55 a short magnet with its north pole directed toward the south, and adjust the distance between it and the compass so that the compass-needle is in neutral equilibrium (i. e., will point indifferently in any direction). Fasten the magnet in this position to the cardboard with wax. The compass-needle will not be affected now by the earth's magnetic field, while the sides of the cardboard are parallel to the edges of the table. Why? IV. Take the drawing made in II. Mark the position of the poles of the magnet, and draw a circle, about 2 or 3 cm. in diameter, around each. Divide these circles into 12 or more equal parts, and through each division draw a line, following the directions in which the iron filings set themselves, as far as these directions can be determined. Replace the magnet on the paper, and place the compass- needle, protected as in III from the influence of the earth's magnetic field, at the end of one of these lines. Extend this line an inch or so in the direction indicated by the needle. Prolong all the lines through the divisions of the circle in this way, an inch or so at a time, as far as the limits of the paper will allow. V. Take a point on one of these lines about 9 or 10 cm. from one of the poles of the magnet, and 12 or 15 cm. from the other pole. Suppose a north or south magnetic pole to be placed at this point. Draw lines in the directions that this pole would be urged by each pole of the magnet, and lay off on these lines distances proportional to the forces in these directions due to the poles taken separately. (Force varies inversely as- the square of the distance. ) Construct on these lines a parallelogram of forces, and find the direction of the resultant force due to both poles of the magnet. How does the direction of this resultant compare with that of the magnetic line of force at point considered ? If it were possible to produce an isolated north magnetic pole and place it in a magnetic field, how would the path along which it would move be related to the magnetic lines of force ? Deduce 56 INTENSITY OF KARTH's MAGNETIC FIELD. [29 from this a definition of a magnetic line of force. How is the strength of the magnetic field due to the magnet indicated by the distribution of the lines of force at any region in the preceding diagram ? The sheet of brown paper used in II, IV, and V is to be signed and handed in with the other notes. Each student, however, should make in his note-book a reduced copy of the diagram before handing it in. VI. Lay two short magnets on a sheet of white paper with impression paper and another sheet of white paper underneath (or they may be laid directly on a page of the note-book). Lay them parallel, side by side, about 1.5 or 2 cm. apart, with their unlike poles opposite. Sprinkle iron filings about them, and trace the lines along which the filings set themselves. 29. INTENSITY OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD. I. Caution. Keep the magnet used in this exercise away from other magnets or magnetic bodies. I. (a.) Place a magnet in the east and west line east or west of a compass-needle, at such a distance as to deflect the needle through an angle of 45. Measure the length of the magnet and the distance of its nearer end from the center of the compass. (b.) Reverse the magnet and repeat the measurements of (a), (c. ) Repeat (a) and (b} with the magnet on the other side of the compass-needle. II. (a.) Suspend a carriage for the magnet by two fine parallel wires of equal length, adjustable from above, so that they are east and west of each other. Place a brass rod of about the same size as the magnet in the carriage and carefully draw a line par- allel to the rod on a piece of paper placed underneath it. Remove the brass rod and place the magnet in the carriage. Does the magnet lie, as the rod did, east and west, or not? Explain why. Mark on the paper the position of the magnet. (.) Reverse the magnet and mark its position again. 30] INTENSITY OF EARTH *S MAGNETIC FIELD. 57 (V.) Measure the distance between the two wires of the bifilar suspension, and mark their position carefully on the paper in the three cases above. Find, by measurement from the drawing, the average distance that the lower end of either wire is pulled out from the vertical when the magnet is hung in its carriage. What forces cause the magnet to be deflected ? What is the direction of these forces, and where do they act on the magnet, assuming that the poles of the magnet are at its extremities ? Measure on the paper the arm of the couple (see Exercise 1 1, VI) formed by these forces. Measure the length of the bifilar suspension and also find the weight of the magnet and carriage. Express these weights in dynes. Repeat Part II, using another part of the same paper. Average the two sets of results. Preserve the paper diagram for reference. 30. INTENSITY OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD. II. This exercise need not be performed in the laboratory, and is to be done only when the other exercises on magnetism have been performed. I. In Exercise 29, I, how did the horizontal force at the center of the compass due to the magnet compare in each case with that due to the earth's magnetic field? Calculate the average force on a unit magnetic pole at the center of the compass due to the nearer pole of the magnet, calling the pole-strength of the magnet P (see Exercise 27, V) and assuming that its poles are situated at its extremities. Do the same for the farther pole of the magnet. How did these forces compare in direction? Find their resultant. How does this resultant compare with the horizontal force (usually denoted by the letter H) on a unit magnetic pole due to the earth's field? (See question above.) Form an equation from these results and find from it the numerical value of the quotient H/ P. 5& COMPARISON OF MAGNETIC FIELDS. [31 II. Assuming that the weight in Exercise 29, II, was evenly divided between the two wires of the bifilar suspension, calculate the horizontal force on the lower end of each wire tending to pull it back into a vertical position. Do this by means of a triangle of forces as in Exercise 12, VI, using the length of the wire and the deflection from the vertical, as measured in Exercise 29. In what direction did these forces act, and what was the arm of the couple (see Exercise 11, VI) formed by them? Calculate the moment of the couple formed by these forces. Draw diagrams of forces. What two forces tended to deflect the magnet ? To what was each of these forces equal in terms of //and />? Calculate the moment of the couple formed by these forces. What relation exists between the moments of the two couples just calculated? Express this relationship in the form of an equation, and calculate the numerical value of the product //x P. III. Combine the results found in I and II so as to eliminate the unknown quantity P and . find the value of H in dynes. Calculate also the pole-strength; in what unit is it expressed? IV. Write not less than two hundred words on the subject: Terrestrial Magnetism. 31. COMPARISON OF MAGNETIC FIELDS. I. Suspend a magnet in a horizontal position by a long thread (a torsionless thread, if possible), and protect it from air currents by hanging it in a box. When the suspended magnet has been brought to rest, set it vibrating about a vertical axis by bringing an open knife blade near it, and determine its period of vibration within a few hundredths of a second.* Be careful not to touch the magnet with magnetic substances, and also keep all movable magnetic bodies away from the neighborhood of the vibrating magnet. Find the period by the method of Exercise 15. 32] ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RELATIONS. 59 II. Mark in some way the position of one end of the magnet, remove it, and place a compass with a short needle at this point. Place a long magnet at right angles to a line drawn east and west through the thread with its center on this line and its south pole towards the south. Move this magnet parallel to itself until the earth's horizontal field at the center of the compass is as nearly neutralized as possible. Then turn the magnet through 180, i. e., end for end. Will the intensity of the horizontal magnetic field at the compass-needle now be greater or less than the earth's horizontal field, //? How much greater or less? Remove the compass, replace the suspended magnet, and determine its period of vibration again as in I. Calculate the ratio of the periods in the two cases. How does this compare with the intensity of the horizontal magnetic fields in the two cases? Assuming that the period of a vibrating magnet varies as some integral root, or power, of the intensity of the magnetic field parallel to the magnet, what do your results indicate this root, or power, to be? Is it direct or inverse? III. Suspend your magnet at two designated places in the aboratory, determining its period of vibration at each place and also at a place where //is known. From your results and the law just found, calculate the value of H at each of the places where the magnet was vibrated. IV. If the suspending string were not torsionless, would the calculated values of H be too high or too low ? Explain. What analogies exist between this magnetic pendulum and the simple gravity pendulum ? 32. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RELATIONS. I. Connect the plates of a Daniell cell by a flexible wire cord. Stretch a portion of this cord out straight and hold it near a compass-needle placed on the edge of a wooden block. The electric current is supposed to flow through the external circuit 60 ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RELATIONS. [32 from the copper plate of the cell to the zinc plate. In what direction is the north pole of the compass-needle deflected, or is it deflected at all, when the current and the needle are in the following relative positions: 1. Current flowing north, needle below? 2. Current flowing north, needle above ? 3. Current flowing north, needle east or west? 4. Current flowing south, needle below ? 5. Current flowing south, needle above? 6. Current flowing south, needle east or west? 7. Current flowing upward, needle north? 8. Current flowing upward, needle south? 9. Current flowing downward, needle north ? 10. Current flowing downward, needle south? 1 1 . Current flowing east or west, needle above or below ? 12. Current flowing east or west, needle north or south? II. Answer the following questions: 1. How is the direction in which the compass-needle is de- flected affected by reversing the direction of the current? 2. How is it affected when its position is changed from one side of the current to the other, i. e., from above to below and from east to west ? 3. Is the force exerted by an electric current on a magnetic pole parallel to the direction of the current or not ? What do the results of I, i and 2, indicate? 4. What is the direction of this force, with reference to the plane containing the current and the magnetic pole, as indicated by the results of I, 3 and 6 ? 5. If the needle was not deflected in I, n, explain why. 6. Suppose the current is represented in position and direction by the fingers of the right hand and the palm to be turned towards the compass-needle, which pole was deflected in the direction indicated by the thumb in I, i; in I, 2; in I, 3, etc.? Frame a rule including all the above cases. 32] ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RELATIONS. 6l III. Connect the plates of the Daniell cell to a rectangular coil suspended with its terminals in mercury cups so as to turn freely about a vertical axis. Set the coil with its plane north and south. Follow the path of the electric current from the copper plate of the cell through the coil to the zinc plate, and find in what part of the coil the current flows in a northerly direction, in what in a southerly direction, in what part upward, and in what part downward. Take a magnet and hold its north pole in the following positions relative to the current, observing in each case the direction in which the wire carrying the current tends to move: 1. Current flowing north, north pole below. 2. Current flowing north, north pole above. 3. Current flowing south, north pole below. 4. Current flowing south, north pole above. 5. Current flowing upward, north pole north. 6. Current flowing upward, north pole south. 7. Current flowing downward, north pole north. 8. Current flowing downward, north pole south. How does the force exerted by a magnetic pole upon an electric current compare in direction with that exerted by the current upon the pole? (Compare the results of I and III.) IV. Trace by means of iron filings the magnetic field due to a helical coil carrying a current. To the field of what shape mag- net does this resemble ? Test the coil with a compass-needle and determine which end attracts the north pole and which the south pole of the needle. Could the position of its poles be determined beforehand? How ? V. What do you conclude from I, II, and III to be the form of the magnetic field about a wire carrying a current? How does an electric circuit tend to set itself with respect to the number and direction of the magnetic lines of force in its neighborhood? (A magnetic line of force proceeds from the north pole to the south pole outside the magnet.) 62 LAWS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ACTION. [33 Does the coil used in III act as if it were itself a magnet? If so, of what form ? 33. LAWS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ACTION. I. Take an upright wooden circle about 30 cm. in diameter, having apiece of insulated copper wire wound once around it, with two free ends of about equal length twisted together so that the effect of an electric current in one will be neutralized by that of an equal and opposite current in the other. Place a compass- needle at the center of the coil, and set the coil so that its plane is parallel to the magnetic meridian. Connect this galvanometer with some source furnishing a constant electric current. Read the angle of deflection of the compass-needle. Reverse the direction of the current and read the angle again. Average the two results. In what direction is the force tending to deflect the needle? (See Exercise 32.) To what function of the angle of deflection is this force proportional? (See Exercise 27, Proposition.) II. Repeat I with a coil of the same diameter, but having twice the length of wire as in I, i. e., having twice as many turns of wire. III. Take another wire and wind it once around a wooden circle concentric with and of half the diameter of that used in I. Connect these two coils so that the same current will flow through them in opposite directions. Increase the number of turns of the larger coil until the effect of the smaller coil on the compass- needle is neutralized. How many turns of wire were necessary to do this ? How many times did the length of the wire have to be increased from that of the single turn on the inner coil in order to neutralize the effect due to the decrease in the diameter of the coil? IV. Set up three such galvanometers having coils of the same diameter and length, placing them as far apart as the table will allow, and connect them so that the whole current passes through 33] LAWS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ACTION. 63 one coil and half of the current through each of the other coils. Read the angle of deflection of each compass-needle. Reverse the direction of the current and average the east and west deflec- tions of each galvanometer. V. Answer the following questions, showing in each case the numerical process by which you arrived at your conclusion: 1. How does the force at the center of a circular coil carry- ing an electric current vary with the length of wire in the coil, according to the results of I and II, assuming that it varies with some integral power (direct or inverse) of the length ? 2. How with the diameter or radius of the coil, according to the results of II and III? 3. How with the current, according to the results of IV? Assuming that the force F on a unit magnetic pole at the center of a circular coil depends only on the length, L=2.nRN, of wire in the coil, its radius, R, and the current, C, express this force in terms of these three quantities and a constant K. VI. Draw diagrams of all electrical connections. Represent graphically the magnetic field at the needle when the latter is deflected 45. GROUP IV. In all the electrical experiments, diagrams of electrical connec- tions are to be made. Instruments of the tangent galvanometer type a loop of wire about a magnetized needle should be set with the plane of the coil in the magnetic meridian and leveled so that the needle swings freely. Wires leading to such an instrument, or near it, should be twisted or laid side by side so that the magnetic fields of currents in opposite directions neutralize each other. Two instruments should never be nearer each other than one metre. To take an observation, read both ends of the pointer, reverse the direction of the current, read both ends of the pointer again, and average the four readings. Reading both ends of the 64 CURRENT DETERMINATION. [34 pointer eliminates eccentricity of mounting of the needle with respect to the scale. Reversing the current corrects for the imperfect orientation of the coil in the magnetic meridian. Note that the pointer is usually mounted at right angles to the needle. In the case of needles mounted on pivots slight tapping of the instrument may be necessary to insure a correct reading. The influence of one instrument upon "another may be tested by reversing the current through one of them. It is important in all electrical work that the connections be tight. Always disconnect from batteries when through. In all cases the above methods are to be used and the indicated precautions taken. 34. CURRENT DETERMINATION. I. Connect a tangent galvanometer, such as was used in Exercise 33, in series with an ammeter and a source of constant current, following the preceding directions for setting up and reading. Take five sets of readings on different parts of the scale of both instruments simultaneously, varying the current by introducing into the circuit various lengths of German silver wire. Record all readings and take the proper averages. II. From the laws of electro-magnetic action studied in Exercise 33 we may calculate the value of the current for the various readings of the galvanometer, and comparing these values with the ammeter readings, both expressed in the same unit, we may calibrate or test the ammeter. The C. G. S. unit of current in the electro-magnetic system is the current that will act with a force of one dyne on a unit mag- netic pole at the center of an arc i cm. long of i cm. radius. If C in the equation of Exercise 33, V, was measured in terms of this unit, F in dynes, and R and L in cm., the constant K may be eliminated. How? Solve the resulting equation for C. Also F=H tan 6 where H is the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field and the angle of deflection of the needle. 35] ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 65 Now F is the same quantity in the above two equations. The two values of F may therefore be equated and an expression for the current through the galvanometer found in C. G. S. units in terms of the four measurable quantities: the radius R of the coil, the length L=27rRN of wire in fhe coil (where N is the number of turn,s), the horizontal component H of the earth's field, and the tangent of the angle of deflection 6. (The value of H will be given.) III. Measure the radius of the galvanometer coil and find its length. Calculate the values of the current, in C. G. S. units, for the readings of the galvanometer taken in I. How do the calculated values agree with the ammeter readings of the current ? What, then, is the ratio between the C. G. S. unit of current and the ampere the practical unit indicated by the ammeter? IV. Make a table of corrections to the readings of the ammeter in terms of the current as calculated. V. Explain what reversing the current in a tangent galvano- meter eliminates? 35. ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. I. (a.) Connect an ammeter directly with the battery terminals and read the current. Disconnect as soon as possible. (. ) Introduce 50 cm. of No. 25 German silver wire into the circuit in series with the ammeter. Read the current. How was its value altered, by introducing this wire into the circuit? (c.) Repeat with 100 cm. of No. 25 German silver wire, at the same time introducing into the circuit a wire equal in size and length to the wires leading to the battery. What is the effect on the current of doubling the length of the wire in the circuit? If we consider that the wire offers resistance to an electric current, and assume that the resistance varies as some integral power of its length, what do the results of ($) and (<:) show this power to be ? Is it direct, or inverse ? 66 ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. [35 II. (a.) Repeat I (<:) with two No. 25 German silver wires, each 100 cm. long, connected in parallel, instead of the single wire. What is the effect upon the current of paralleling the resistance wire with another wire of the same material and of equal diameter and length ? (.) Remove the extra wire inserted in the circuit in i (V), and adjust the length of the two wires, so that the current through the ammeter is the same as in I (). How does the resistance of the two wires in parallel, after this adjustment, compare with the resistance of the single wire in I (b) ? How do their lengths compare? What do you find to be the ratio of the resistance of a single wire to that of two wires of the same material, length, and diameter connected in parallel? III. (0.) Connect a No. 25 German silver wire 20 cm. long in series with the ammeter and read the current. (.) Replace the No. 25 German silver wire by a No. 20 German silver wire of the same length, and measure the current again. What do you find to be the effect of increasing the cross- section of a wire upon the current ? (V.) Adjust the length of the No. 20 German silver wire so that the current through the ammeter is the same as in III (a). How does the length of the No. 20 wire compare with that of a No. 25 wire having the same electrical resistance ? (d.) With a screw gauge meaure the diameter of the No. 25 and also of the No. 20 wire. What is the ratio of the diameters of the two wires? What is the ratio of the resistance of a No. 25 wire to that of the same length of No. 20 wire ? Explain. Assuming that the electrical resistance varies as some integral power of the diameter of a wire, what do you find the power in question to be ? Is it direct, or inverse ? How must the resist- ance vary, then, with the cross-section of the wire ? How do the results of II () confirm your answer to this last question ? IV. (a.) Introduce 50 cm. of No. 25 nickel wire into the cir- cuit, instead of the German silver wire, and measure the current. 36] ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 67 What is the ratio of the resistance of the German silver and nickel wires of the same length and diameter? (.) Replace the brass wire by the No. 20 German silver wire and adjust its length so that the current through the ammeter is the same as in IV (a). Having found a certain length of No. 20 German silver wire equal in resistance to 50 cm. of No. 25 nickel wire, and knowing the diameters of these wires, calculate the relative resistance of nickel and German silver wires of the same diameter and length. V. The resistance of a cubic centimeter is called the specific resistance of a substance. If the specific resistance of German silver is known, show how that for nickel may be calculated from your results. Write the equation representing this. 36. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. I. (a. ) Connect a low-resistance galvanometer (an ammeter) directly to a Daniell cell and note the reading. Introduce another Daniell cell into the circuit in series with the first cell, connecting the copper plate of one cell to the zinc plate of the other, so that the currents due to both flow in the same direction through the ammeter. What change did the second cell produce in the reading of the ammeter, if any ? (.) Repeat (a) with a high-resistance galvanometer, con- structed so that the effect on the deflection due to diminishing the current is offset by having a great number of turns in the coil. How did the change in the reading produced by introducing an additional cell into the circuit compare with that produced by the additional cell when an ammeter was used ? Should a galva- nometer of high or low resistance be used to show the effect of connecting two battery cells in series? The effect of connecting two cells in series is to double the electromotive force* tending to produce an electric current in *The practical unit of electromotive force is called a volt, and a high- resistance galvanometer graduated to give the electromotive force 68 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. [36 the circuit. What sort of a galvanometer (high or low resistance) do your results indicate should be used to measure the electro- motive force due to any source of electric currents, or between two points of a circuit carrying a current ? What is the objection to using a high-resistance galvanometer to measure the current in a circuit? II. With a voltmeter measure the electromotive force of the following cells and combinations of cells, anal answer the questions asked. (The directions for using a galvanometer apply also to a voltmeter.) 1. A Daniell cell. 2. Two Daniell cells in series, connected copper to zinc. 3. Two Daniell cells in series, connected copper to copper. 4. Two Daniell cells in parallel. Are the electromotive forces of the individual Daniell cells equal? (Compare i, 2, and 3.) How does the electromotive force of two Daniell cells in parallel compare with that of a single cell? With that of two cells in series? (Compare 1,2, and 4.) 5. A Leclanche cell. (Zinc and carbon plates in a solution of sal ammoniac, ammonium chloride.) 6. A Leclanche and a Daniell cell in series, connected carbon to zinc and copper to zinc. 7. The same cells in series, connected carbon to copper and zinc to zinc. Is the electromotive force of a battery cell altered in any way when it is connected to another cell of different construction ? (Compare 1,5, 6, and 7.) 8. Any other cells or sources of electromotive force provided. III. Measure the electromotive force of a Daniell cell, and of a Leclanche cell, after being short-circuited for fifteen or twenty minutes. Was the electromotive force of the Daniell cell the between its terminals in volts is called a vo'tmeter. The instruments of this class used in (b) were designed for use as voltmeters and will be designated as such hereafter. The electromotive force of a Daniell cell is 1.07 volt. 37] OHM'S LAW. 69 same as that found in II? Was that of Leclanche the same? If not, why? Which cell do you conclude is unsuitable for use where a constant current is required, as in telegraphing ? Give a reason why the other cell would be unsuitable for use where the circuit would only be closed for a moment at a time and at long intervals, as on a bell circuit. Disconnect all wires from cells. Is electromotive force a force? Explain. 37. OHM'S LAW. I. (.) Connect a single Daniell cell in series with a rheostat and an ammeter. Take out enough plugs from the rheostat to introduce a resistance of 5 ohms* into the circuit. Read the ammeter carefully, reversing as usual. (Do not be surprised if the current is small.) (3.) Introduce another Daniell cell into the circuit in series with the first cell. Read the ammeter again. (The electromotive force in. (6) is twice that in (a). (See Exercise 36, II.) What relation do you find to exist between the electromotive force and the current when the resistance is constant ? II.. (a.) With the connections as in I () take out enough plugs from the rheostat to increase the introduced resistance to 7 ohms. Read the ammeter. (<.) Repeat II () with all the rheostat plugs out. (Resist- ance=io ohms.) How do the currents through the ammeter in I (), II (a), and II ($), compare? How do the resistances of the circuits compare, neglecting the comparatively small resistance of the battery cells ? What relation do you find to exist between the resistance and the current when the electromotive force is constant ? *The ohm is equal t the resistance at o C. of a column of mercury 106.3 cm. long and i sq. mm. in cross section. 7O DIVIDED CIRCUITS. [38 What, from the results of I and II, is the relation between the current in a circuit (or part of a circuit), the electromotive force acting through the circuit (or between its terminals, if it is not a complete circuit), and the resistance of the circuit (or part of a circuit)? This relation, when written correctly in the form of an equation (assuming the units of current, electromotive force, and resistance to be so related that the constant factor is unity), is called Ohm' s Law. III. Connect the ammeter in series with a rheostat and two Daniell cells in parallel. Vary the resistance by steps of one ohm over the range of the rheostat. Read the corresponding currents. Make a plot with values of resistance as abscissae and products of current by resistance as ordinates. Also plot resist- ances and currents on the same paper. Explain by Ohm's law the forms of the lines drawn. Show how the resistance varies with the electromotive force when the current is constant. 38. DIVIDED CIRCUITS AND FALL OF POTENTIAL ALONG A CONDUCTOR. I. (a.) Join two rheostats in parallel and connect them in series with the battery provided and an ammeter. Cut out the resistances in the rheostats, leaving but one ohm in one branch of the circuit, and two ohms in the other. Read the current through the ammeter. (.) Place the ammeter in the branch circuit of one ohm's resistance, and measure the current in this branch. (<:.) Measure in the same way the current in the branch circuit of two ohms' resistance. (d.^) Answer the following questions: 1. How does the current in the main circuit compare with the sum of the currents in the two branch circuits? 2. Does the greater current flow through the circuit of greater or less resistance? 38] DIVIDED CIRCUITS. 71 3. The currents in a divided circuit are proportional to an integral power of the resistances of the branches. What do your results indicate this power to be? Is it direct, or inverse? II. Connect the two rheostats with a third so as to form 'three parallel circuits of one, two, and three ohms' resistance, respect- ively. Measure with an ammeter, as was done in I, the current in the main circuit and in each of the branch circuits. Measure with a voltmeter the electromotive force between the two junctions of the parallel circuits. Is the relation found in I between the currents in the branch circuits and the resistances of the circuits confirmed by the results of II ? Explain. III. Connect an external resistance of 10 ohms having steps of 2 ohms, in series with the battery. Connect one of the voltmeter terminals to one plate of the battery and the other terminal to points on the rheostat separated from this plate by resistances of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ohms, respectively. Plot resistances as abscissae and voltmeter readings as ordinates. What does the plot indicate to be the relation between the fall of potential along a conductor and the corresponding resistances ? Is the fall of potential over 2 ohms' resistance the same in all parts of the circuit? IV. Calculate from the readings of the ammeter and voltmeter, by means of Ohm's law,* the combined resistance of the three circuits in II when joined in parallel. What relation exists between this resistance and the resistances of the separate branches? The reciprocal of the resistance of a conductor of electricity is called its conductivity. Calculate the conductivity of each of the parallel circuits in II separately, and also the conductivity of the three in parallel. What relation exists between the conductivity* of the whole, and the sum of the conductivities of the separate branches, of the circuit ? For statement of Ohm's law, see text-book or Exercise 37. 72 ARRANGEMENT OF BATTERY CELLS. [39 V. Deduce algebraically from Ohm's law the relations found experimentally in I and II, finding the equations for the resistance of circuits of two and of three branches in parallel. 39. ARRANGEMENT OF BATTERY CELLS; THEIR ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE AND INTERNAL RESISTANCE. I. Connect three Daniell cells in series with each other (zinc to copper) and in series with an ammeter and a rheostat. Also connect a voltmeter to the terminals of the battery. Read the voltmeter and ammeter simultaneously, varying the external resistance from o by steps to the limit of the rheostat. Discon- nect the ammeter and rheostat and read the voltmeter. II. Repeat I with the three cells in parallel (coppers together and zincs together). III. What from I and from II is the value of the electromotive force of a single Daniell cell? Measure this quantity directly with the voltmeter. Also read the ammeter connected to a single Daniell cell. By Ohm's Law find the internal resistance of a single Daniell cell, of three in parallel and of three in series. What are the corresponding electromotive forces ? IV. Construct a plot, from the results of II, with external resistances (R) as abscissae and terminal potential differences (E'=CR where C=current) as ordinates. The electromotive force E of the battery is given by the voltmeter reading on open circuit. Indicate this quantity on the plot also. For what resist- ance in the external circuit does the terminal potential difference become zero ? On what does the terminal potential difference depend? Deduce an equation (based on Ohm's law) giving the relation between the electromotive force of a battery in terms of the internal and external resistances and the current. Modify this to include the terminal potential difference. 40] COMPARISON OF RESISTANCES. 73 V. In I and II, which arrangement of cells gave the greatest current when there was no external resistance in the circuit? Which when the highest resistance used was introduced? Ex- plain why in each case. In general, how should a number of cells be connected in order to obtain the greatest possible current ? (i.) When the resistance in the external circuit is very small. (2.) When comparatively large. Explain these results algebraically by Ohm's law. 40. COMPARISON OF RESISTANCES BY WHEAT- STONE'S BRIDGE. I. Connect a Leclauche cell to the bridge-wire of a Wheat- stone's bridge, and connect a sensitive galvanoscope, by one terminal, to the sliding contact. (As the galvanoscope is simply used to show the presence or absence of an electric current, the motion of its needle is restricted to a few degrees.) Connect also two rheostats in series with each other and in parallel with the bridge-wire, and join the free terminal of the galvanoscope to the junction of the two rheostats. A circuit of six branches is thus formed, with the galvanoscope in one branch, the battery cell in another, the rheostats in two branches, and two branches formed by portions of the bridge-wire. With a resistance of five ohms in each rheostat set the sliding contact so that there is no current through the galvanoscope. Interchange the rheostats and repeat. Measure the lengths of the two portions into which the bridge- wire is divided in each case. What is the mean ratio of these two lengths? How does this ratio compare with the ratio between the two resistances in the rheostats ? II. Repeat I, with resistances of 5 and 10 ohms, respectively, in the rheostats; with resistances of 7 and 10 ohms. What proportion do you find can always be formed between the resist- ances in the rheostat branches and the two lengths into which 74 HEATING EFFECT OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. [41 the bridge-wire is divided when there is no current through the galvanoscope ? Indicate clearly. III. What must be the difference of potential between the two points where the galvanoscope is connected when there is no current indicated? Why? Show, by applying Ohm's law to the four branches formed by the two parts of the bridge-wire and the two resistances, that, when this is the case, the proportion found in II must hold true. IV. Replace one of the rheostats by 100 cm. of No. 25 German silver wire. Adjust the sliding contact so that there is no current through the galvanoscope, and measure the lengths into which the bridge-wire is divided. Using the rheostat resistance as a standard, calculate, by means of the proportion found in II, the resistance of 100 cm. of No. 25 German silver wire. V. Repeat IV with various coils of wire on the table, instead of the German silver wire, and find the respective resistances of these coils. Record the numbers on the coils. VI. Repeat IV with a coil of fine copper wire immersed in cold water, and then in hot water, taking the temperature of the water in each case after stirring. From your "results calculate: (i) The resistance of the coil at each temperature; (2) the change in resistance per degree rise in temperature; (3) the resistance at o; (4) the change in resistance per degree rise in temperature of each ohm at o. The last result will be the temperature coefficient of the electrical resistance of copper. 41. HEATING EFFECT OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. I. Fill a small calorimeter, that has been weighed with its stirrer, two-thirds full of icercold water and weigh. Adjust in place the heating-coil provided having the higher resistance, and insert a thermometer in the water through the opening in the cover to which the coil is attached. Stir thoroughly, taking care not to splash the water and keep stirring throughout the exercise. 41] HEATING EFFECT OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. 75 Connect the heating coil in series with an ammeter and with the terminals of the power circuit marked ' ' large current, making the final connection at a noted minute and taking the temperature at the same instant. Read the temperature and the current each every minute on alternate half minutes, until the temperature is half as high above that of the room as it was below at the start. II. Repeat I connecting to the terminals marked "small current." III. Repeat I (with the same terminals as in I) using the coil of lower resistance. IV. Calculate the heating effect of the current in each of the three cases, in degrees per second. Show from the results of I and II to what power of the current the heating is proportional. From the results of I and III show how the heating varies with the resistance when the current is constant. V. What becomes of the energy expended in maintaining an electric current through a conductor? Form an equation representing the relation of the heating to the current, resistance and time. Calculate the heat imparted by the coil in I on the assumption that all goes to the water, calorimeter and stirrer. (The neces- sary specific heats are given.) The energy expended electrically is given in joules when ex- pressed in terms of the units: the ampere, ohm, and second. From the relation found above calculate in joules the energy ex- pended in I, using the average value of the current. Deduce the ratio of the calorie to the joule. What is this quantity? Calculate in watts the power required in I. What is it now necessary to know to calculate the value of the watt in ergs per second? Explain. VI. By means of Ohm's Law and the relation of V, find an expression for the heating effect in terms of the electromotive force and the current. 76 LAWS OF ELECTROLYSIS. [42 42. LAWS OF ELECTROLYSIS. 1. Scour with emery cloth the six plates of the three copper voltameters, then wash and dry them, taking care not to touch the polished surfaces 'and not lay them on anything other than clean white paper. Weigh these plates carefully on a sensitive Jolly balance, recording the numbers on the plates in order to identify them later. Place the plates in the dilute, slightly acid copper sulphate solution which fills each of the voltameters, two plates in each voltameter, adjusting so that the plates are parallel in each cell. Connect the voltameters so that the whole current will go through one of them and half through each of the other two, arranging so that the current will go from the thick to the thin plate in each cell. Diagram. State how you determine the direction of the current. The circuit is completed by connecting in series an ammeter and storage battery. The final connection completing the circuit is to be made at a noted instant of time. Leave the circuit closed for fifty minutes exactly and read the current every two minutes. At the close of the run wash, dry, and weigh the plates with the same precautions as before. Record on the diagram the gain or loss of each plate. II. i. Was the copper carried with or against the current? Which, then, are the gain plates, those by which the current enters or leaves the cells? How does the electrolytic cell com- pare in this respect with the voltaic cell? 2. In each voltameter how did the gain of mass in one plate compare with the loss of mass in the other? 3. What relation exists between the gain in mass of the. gain plate in the voltameter through which the whole current passed and the corresponding quantities for the other two voltameters? Does the same relation hold for the loss plates ? Find how the mass of copper deposited varies with the current. III. Using the average value of the current in I, calculate for each cell the mass of copper that would be deposited, from a copper sulphate solution by a current of one ampere in one 43] ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 77 second, and find the average. This quantity is known as the electro-chemical equivalent of copper. IV. If zinc electrodes in a zinc sulphate solution were used, would you expect the same quantity of zinc to be deposited in the same time by the same current, as above ? Look this up and state the remaining law of electrolysis. Express in the form of an equation the laws of electrolysis. 43. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. I. (a.) Connect a coil of wire to a sensitive galvanometer, after testing with a Leclanche cell what is the direction of the current corresponding to a deflection to the right and left. (Be careful not to disturb the galvanometer and accessory apparatus.) Connect an electro-magnet to the storage battery terminals. Hold the coil in the field of the electromagnet perpendicular to the direction of the field, opposite the north pole of the magnet. Then turn the coil quickly through 90, so that it becomes parallel to the direction of the field. Note the deflection of the galvanometer, and whether a clockwise or counter-clockwise current is induced in the coil, looking along the lines of force. (^.) With the coil held as in (a) remove the electromagnet from before the coil, noting deflection and direction of induced current as before. (c.*} With the coil and magnet as in (a), break the circuit of the electromagnet. Record as before. In (d), (), and (c) how do the currents compare in magnitude and direction? Viewing the coil in the direction of the lines of force, was the number of lines through the coil diminished or increased in each case? Does then diminishing the number of lines of force through a closed circuit induce a clockwise or a counter-clockwise current in the circuit? II. Repeat I (a) with the same coil but inserting a resistance in the circuit equal to the previous total resistance of the circuit. Compare the current induced with that in I. How did it vary 7 8 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. [43 with the resistance in the circuit ? Which do you conclude is the quantity that remained constant, the induced current or the induced electromotive force? Is it better then to speak of induc- ing an electromotive force or a current by moving a closed circuit in a magnetic field? III. (#.) Remove the extra resistance, and rotate the coil from its final position in I through another 90. Apply the rule de- duced in III, for the direction of the induced current (electro- motive force). Does it still hold true? (.) Rotate the coil through 180 more by steps of 90. What is the effect of increasing the number of force-lines through the coil on the direction of the induced current (electromotive force) ? (r.) Repeat I (<) with the electromagnetic turned end for end. Is the result of III () confirmed? IV. Repeat III () with a coil having twice as many turns of wire. How do you find the induction to vary with the number of turns of wire in the coil? If you consider each turn as enclos- ing a certain number of force-lines, how then does the induction vary with the total change in the number of the force-lines threading through the coil ? V. (a.'} Hold the coil stationary, as in I (<:), and remove the core only of the electromagnet. If the galvanometer is deflected, read the deflection. Replace the core and read the deflection, if any, again. Explain the effect in each case. (<5.) Remove the core very slowly and read the deflection of the galvanometer. Does this experiment indicate that the in- duced current (electromotive force) varies with the rate at which the change in the magnetic field is produced? How does the rate of change affect the induced electromotive force ? VI. The general laws of electromagnetic induction may be stated thus: When the magnetic field is altered in any way with respect to an electric conductor, an electromotive force is induced in the conductor. This induced electromotive force is propor- tional to the rate of change in the magnetic field, and its direc- 44] EARTH INDUCTOR. 79 tion is such as to produce a current that will oppose the change in the field. Show how the results obtained in I-V may be explained by means of this law. 44. EARTH INDUCTOR. I. (a.) Set up a sensitive galvanometer and connect it with an earth-inductor, placing them as far apart as the table will allow. Place the earth -inductor so that the two stationary, upright sup- ports are in an east and west line, and set the circle so that its axis- of rotation is horizontal. Turn the circle slowly into a horizontal position, let the galvanometer-needle come to rest, and then turn the circle sud- denly through 1 80, noting the effect on the galvanometer. Explain the cause of the current produced. (b. ) Turn the circle in the same direction through another 1 80, and compare the induced current with that in I (). Was its direction the same ? What would its direction have been if there had been no commutator? (V.) Rotate the coil continuously and uniformly, recording the number of turns per minute and the deflection of the galvanometer. II. Set the coil so that its axis of rotation is approximately in the direction of the earth's magnetic field (at an angle of about 62 with the horizontal). Rotate it continuously as was done in I (V), recording again the number of turns per minute and the deflection of the galvanometer, if any. How does the current induced compare with that in I (V)? Explain the difference, if there is any. III. Set the coil as in I, and rotate it continuously at a rate either one-half or twice as great as in I (V). What effect do you find a change in the rate of rotation to have upon the value of the induced current ? IV. Repeat I (c) with the axis of rotation vertical, rotating 80 EARTH INDUCTOR. [44 the coil as nearly as possible at the same rate. To what com- ponent of the earth's magnetic field is the induced current pro- portional in this case? To what component was it proportional in I (V)? How might the angle of dip be calculated from the observations made in this section and in I (V) ? Using a table of natural tangents, calculate thus the angle of dip at Berkeley. V. By varying the angle of inclination of the coil, find a posi- tion for which there will be no current induced when the coil is rotated. Read the angle of inclination, if the earth-inductor has a graduated circle. What is the relation between this angle and the angle of dip? How does the value of the angle of dip found in this way compare with that found in IV? VI. Turn the base of the earth-inductor through 90 and rotate the coil continuously about a vertical axis, as in IV, at the same rate. How do you find the induced current to compare with that in IV ? Explain the difference, if there is any. VII. Answer the following questions and give reasons for your answers: 1. Would there have been any current induced if the coil had been moved parallel to itself? 2. Would there have been any current induced if the coil had been moved parallel to itself with a strong magnet in its neighborhood ? 3. What would be the effect on the induced current if a soft iron core were placed within the coil of the earth inductor? THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL PINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. NOV 1*7 193Q ll v A !7dvf JVJL 22 W I IRRARY USE n pv r\