CHRIS'Mltf ISACOMIN' &OTHERPOEM5 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN' AND OTHER POEMS CHRIS'MUS' ISACOMIN' &OTHERPOEMS BY 'Ihcld.Mead & Company Newiork Copyright, 1896, 1899, 1903, 1905, by Dono, MEAD & COMPANY CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN' AND OTHER POEMS 625 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN' >ONES a-gittin 1 achy, Back a-feelin' col', H a n's a-g r o w i n* shaky, Jes' lak I was ol . Pros' erpon de meddah Lookin' mighty white ; Snowdraps lak a feddah Slippin' down at night. Jes' keep t'ings a-hummin' Spite o' fros' an* showahs, Chrismus is a-comin 1 An' all de week is ouahs. Little mas' a-axin\ " Who is Santy Glaus?" Meks it kin' o' taxin' Not to brek de laws. Chillun's pow'ful tryin' To a pusson's grace Wen dey go a pryin' Right on th'oo you' face Down ermong yo' feelings ; Jes' 'pears lak dat you CHRISMUS IS A Got to change you' dealings So 's to tell 'em true. An' my pickaninny Dreamin' in his sleep ! Come hyeah, Mammy Jinny, Come an' tek a peep. OF Mas' Bob an' Missis In de house up daih Got no chile lak dis is, D' ain't none anywhaih. Sleep, my little lammy, Sleep, you little limb, He do' know whut mammy Done saved up fu' him. Dey'll be banjo pickin', Dancin' all night thoo. Dey'll be lots o' chicken, Plenty tukky, too. Drams to wet yo' whistles So's to drive out chills. Whut I keer fu' drizzles Fallin' on de hills ? Jes' keep t'ings a-hummin' Spite o' col' an' showahs, Chrismus day's a-cormV, An' all de week is ouahs. CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN LULLABY BEDTIME'S come fiT little boys. Po' little lamb. Too tiahed out to make a noise, Po' little lamb. You gwine t' have to-morrer sho'? Yes, you tole me dat befo', Don't you fool me, chile, no mo', Po' little lamb. You been bad de livelong day, Po' little lamb. Th'owin' stones an' runnin* 'way, Po 1 little lamb. My, but you's a-runnin' wiF, Look jes' lak some po' folks chile ; Mam' gwine whup you atter while, Po' little lamb. Come hyeah ! you mos' tiahed to def, Po' little lamb. Played yo'se'f clean out o' bref, Po' little lamb. CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN See dem ban's now sich a sight 1 Would you evah b'lieve dey's white ? Stan' still twell I wash 'em right, Po' little lamb. Jes' cain't hoi 1 yo' haid up straight, Po' little lamb. Hadn't oughter played so late, Po' little lamb. Mammy do' know whut she'd do, Ef de chillun's all lak you ; You's a caution now fu' true, Po' little lamb. Lay yo' haid down in my lap, Po' little lamb. Y' ought to have a right good slap, Po' little lamb. You been runnin' roun' a heap. Shet dem eyes an' don't you peep, Dah now, dah now, go to sleep, Po' little lamb. 10 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN AT CANDLE-LIGHTIN' TIME WHEN I come in fom de co'n- fiel' aftah wo'kin' ha'd all day, It's amazin' nice to fin' my suppah all erpon de way ; An' it's nice to smell de coffee bubblin' ovah in de pot, An' it's fine to see de meat a-sizzlin 1 teasin'-lak an' hot. But when suppah-time is ovah, an' de t'ings is cleahed away ; Den de happy hours dat foller are de sweetes' of de day. When my co'ncob pipe is sta'ted, an' de smoke is drawin' prime, My ole 'ooman says, " I reckon, Ike, it's candle-lightin 1 time." Den de chillun snuggle up to me, an' all commence to call, "Oh, say, daddy, now it's time to mek de shadders on de wall." So I puts my han's togethah evan daddy knows de way, ii CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN n' de chillun snuggle closer roun 1 ez I begin to say : " Fus' thing, hyeah come Mistah Rabbit ; don 1 you see him wo'k his eahs Huh, uh 1 dis mus' be a donkey, look, how innercent he 'pears 1 Dah's de ole black swan a- swimmin' ain't she got a' awful neck ? Who's dis feller dat's a-comin' ? Why, dat's ole dog Tray. I 'spec' 1 " Dat's deway I run on, tryin' fu* to please 'em all I can ; Den I hollahs, " Now be keer- ful dis hyeah las' 's de buga- man I " An' dey runs an' hides dey faces ; dey ain't skeered dey's lettin' on : But de play ain't raaly ovah twell da* bugaman is gone. 12 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN So I jes' teks up my banjo, an* I plays a little chune, An' you see dem haids come peepin' out to listen mighty soon. Den my wife says, " Sich a pappy fu' to give you sich a fright 1 Jes' you go to baid, an' leave him : say yo' prayers an' say good-night." THE DESERTED PLANTA- TION OH, de grubbin'-hoe's a-rustin* in de co'nah, An' de plow's a-tumblin' down in de fiel', While de whippo'will's a-wailin' lak a mou'nah When his stubbo'n hea't is tryin' ha'd to yiel'. In de furrers whah de co'n was allus waving CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Now de weeds is growin' green an' rank an 1 tall ; An' de swallers roun' de whole place is a-bravin' Lak dey thought deir folks had allus owned it all. An 1 de big house Stan's all quiet lak an 1 solemn, Not a blessed soul in pa'lor, po'ch, er lawn ; Not a guest, ner not aca'iage lef to haul 'em Fu' de ones dat tu'ned de latch-string out air gone. An' de banjo's voice is silent in de qua'ters, D' ain't a hymn nerco'n-song ringin' in de air ; But de murmur of a branch's passin' waters Is de only soun' dat breks de stillness dere. Whah's de da'kies, dem dat used to be a-dancin' 14 CHR1SMUS IS A-COM1N EvVy night befo* de ole cabin ^ do' ? Whah's de chillun, demdatused to be a-prancin' Er a-rollin' in de san' er on de flo'> Whah's ole Uncle Mordecai an* Uncle Aaron? Whah's Aunt Doshy,Sam,an* Kit, an' all de res 1 ? Whah's ole Tom deda'kyfiddlah, how's he farin' ? Whah's de gals dat used to sing an' dance de bes' ? Gone ! not one o' dem is lef to tell de story ; Dey have lef de deah ole place to fall away. Couldn't one o' dem dat seed it in its glory Stay to watch it in de hour of decay ? Dey have lef de ole plantation to de swallers, CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN But it hoi's in me a lover till de las' ; Fu' I fin' hyeah in de memory dat follers All dat loved me an' dat I loved in de pas'. So I'll stay an' watch de deah ole place an' tend it Ez I used to in de happy days gone by. Twell de othah Mastah thinks it's time to end it, An' calls me to my qua'ters in de sky. A BANJO SONG OH, dere's lots trouble In dis world to swaller down ; An 1 oF Sorrer's purty lively In her way o' gittin' roun\ Yet dere's times when I furgit 'em, 16 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Aches an' pains an' troubles ^ all, An' it's when I tek at ebenin* My ol' banjo f om de wall. 'Bout de time dat night is Tallin* An' my daily wu'k is done, An' above de shady hilltops I kin see de settin' sun ; When de quiet, restful shadders Is beginnin' jes' to fall, Den I take de little banjo F'om its place upon de wall. Den my fam'ly gadders roun* me In de fadin' o' de light, Ez I strike de strings to try 'em Ef dey all is tuned er-right. An' it seems we're so nigh heaben We kin hyeah de angels sing When de music o' dat banjo Sets my cabin all er-ring. An' my wife an' all de othahs, Male an' female, small an* big, 17 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Even up to gray-haired granny, Seem jes' boun' to do a jig ; 'Twell I change de style o' music, Change de movement an' de time, An' de ringin' little banjo Plays an ol' hea't-feelin' hime. An' somehow my th'oat gits choky, An' a lump keeps tryin' to rise Lak it wan'ed to ketch de water Dat was flowin' to my eyes ; An' I feel dat I could sorter Knock de socks clean off o* sin Ez I hyeah my po' oF granny Wif huh tremblin 1 voice jine in. Den we all th'ow in our voices Fu' to he'p de chune out too, Lak a big camp-meetin' choiry Tryin' to sing a mou'nah th'oo. An' our th'oahts let out de music, Sweet an' solemn, loud an" free, 18 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN 'Twell de raftahs o' my cabin Echo wif de melody. Oh, de music o' de banjo, Quick an' deb'lish, solemn, slow, Is de greates' joy an' solace Dat a weary slave kin know I So jes' let me hyeah it ringin', Dough de chune be po' an' rough, It's a pleasure ; an' de pleasures O' dis life is few enough. Now, de blessed little angels Up in heaben, we are told, Don't do nothin' all dere life- time 'Ceptin' play on ha'ps o' gold. Now I think heaben d be mo' homelike Ef we'd hyeah some music fall F'om a real ol'-fashioned banjo, Like dat one upon de wall. CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN WHEN DECO'N PONE'S HOT DEY is times in life when Nature Seems to slip a cog an' go, Jes' a-rattlin 1 down creation, Lak an ocean's overflow ; When de worl' jes' stahts a-spinnin' Lak a picaninny's top, An' yo' cup o' joy is brimmin' 'Twell it seems about to slop, An' you feel jes' lak a racah, Dat is trainin' fu 1 to trot When yo' mammy says de blessin' An' de co'n pone's hot. When you set down at de table, Kin' o' weary lak an' sad, An' you 'se jes' a little tiahed An' purhaps a little mad ; How yo' gloom tu'ns into glad- ness, How yo' joy drives out de doubt When de oven do' is open, 20 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN An' de smell comes po'in' out ; Why, de 'lectric light o' Heaven Seems to settle on de spot, When yo' mammy says de blessin' An' de co'n pone's hot. When de cabbage pot is steamin' An 1 de bacon good an' fat, When de chittlins is a-sputter'n' So's to show you whah dey's at; Tek away yo' sody biscuit, Tek away yo' cake an' pie, Fu' de glory time is comin', An' it's 'proachin' mighty nigh, An' you want to jump an' hollah, Dough you know you'd bettah not, When yo' mammy says de blessin', An' de co'n pone's hot. I have hyeahd o' lots o' sermons, 21 CHRISMUS IS A-COM1N An 1 I've hyeahd o' lots o' prayers, An' I've listened to some singin' Dat has tuck me up de stairs Of de Glory-Lan' an' set me Jes' below de Mahstah's th'one, An' have lef my hea't a-singin' In a happy aftah tone ; But dem wu'ds so sweetly mur- mured Seem to tech de softes' spot, When my mammy says de blessin', An' de co'n pone's hot. WHEN MALINDY SINGS G'WAY an' quit dat noise, Miss Lucy Put dat music book away ; What's de use to keep on tryin' ? Ef you practise twell you're You cain't sta't no notes a-flyin' 22 Lak de ones dat rants and rings F'om de kitchen to de big woods When Malindy sings. You ain't got de nachel o'gans Fu' to make de soun' come right, You ain't got de tu'ns an' twistin's Fu' to make it sweet an' light. Tell you one thing now, Miss Lucy, An' I'm tellin' you fu' true, When hit comes to raal right singin', Tain't no easy thing to do. Easy 'nough fu' folks to hollah, Lookin' at de lines an' dots, When dey ain't no one kin sence it, An' de chune comes in, in spots ; But fu' real melojous music, Dat jes' strikes yo' hea't and clings, 23 CHRISMUS is A-COMIN' Jes' you stan' an' listen wif me When Malindy sings. Ain't you nevah hyeahd Ma- lindy ? Blessed soul, tek up de cross I Look hyeah, ain't you jokin', honey ? Well, you don't know whut you los'. Y' ought to hyeah dat gal a-wa'blin', Robins, la'ks, an 1 all dem things, Heish dey moufs an' hides dey faces When Malindy sings. Fiddlin' man jes' stop his fid- dlin', Lay his fiddle on de she'f ; Mockin'-bird quit tryin' to whis- tle, 'Cause he jes' so shamed his* se'f. Folks a-playin' on de banjo 24 CHR1SMUS IS A-COMIN Draps dey fingahs on de strings Bless yo' soul fu'gits to move 'em, When Malindy signs. She jes' spreads huh mouf and hollahs, " Come to Jesus," twell you hyeah Sinnahs' tremblin' steps and voices, Timid-lak a-drawin' neah ; Den she tu'ns to " Rock of Ages," Simply to de cross she clings, An' you fin' yo' teahs a-drap- pin' When Malindy sings. Who dat says dat humble praises Wif de Master nevah counts ? Heish yo' mouf, I hyeah dat music, Ez hit rises up an' mounts Floatin' by de hills an' valleys, Way above dis buryin' sod, 25 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Ez hit makes its way in glory To de very gates of God 1 Oh, hit's sweetah dan de music Of an edicated band ; An' hit's dearah dan de battle's Song o' triumph in de Ian'. It seems holier dan evenin' When de solemn chu'ch bell rings, Ez I sit an' ca'mly listen While Malindy sings. Towsah, stop dat ba'kin', hyeah me I Mandy, mek dat chile keep still ; Don't you hyeah de echoes callin' F'om de valley to de hill ? Let me listen, I can hyeah it, Th'oo de bresh of angel's wings, Sof an* sweet, *' Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," Ez Malindy sings. 26 CHRISMUS is A-COMIN' SONG OF SUMMER Dis is gospel weathah sho' Hills is sawt o' hazy. Meddahs level ez a flo' Callin' to de lazy. Sky all white wif streaks o' blue, Sunshine softly gleamin', D 'ain't no wuk hit's right to do, Nothin' 's right but dreamin'. Dreamin' by de rivah side Wif de watahs glist'nin', Feelin' good an' satisfied Ez you lay a-list r nin' To the little nakid boys Splashin' in de watah, Hollerin' fu' to spress deir joys Jes 1 lak youngsters ought to. Squir'l a-tippin 1 on his toes, So's to hide an' view you ; Whole flocks o' camp-meetin* crows Shoutin' hallelujah. Peckahwood erpon de tree Tappin' lak a hammah ; 27 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Jaybird chattin' wif a bee. Tryin' to teach him grammah. Breeze is blowin' wif perfume Jes' enough to tease you ; Hollyhocks is all in bloom, Smellin' fu' to please you. Go 'way, folks, an 1 let me 'lone, Times is gettin' dearah Summah's settin' on de th'one, An' I'm a-layin' neah huhJ LI'L' GAL OH, de weathah it is balmy an' de breeze is sighin low. LiT gal, An' de mockin' bird is sinpfm 1 in de locus' by de do\ LiT gal ; Dere's a hummin an' a bummin' in de Ian' fom eas' to wes', I's a-sighin' fu' you, honey, an' I nevah know no res'. 28 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Fu' dey's lots o' trouble brewin' an 1 a-stewirf in my breas', LIT gal. Whut's de mattah wid de weathah, whut's de mat- tah wid de breeze, LiT gal ? Whut's de mattah wid de locus* dat's a-singin' in de trees, LiT gal ? Wy dey knows dey ladies love 'em, an' dey knows dey love 'em true, An' dey love 'em back, I reckon, des' lak I's a-lovin' you ; Dat's de reason dey's a-weavin' an' a-sighin', thoo an' thoo, LiT gal. Don't you let no da'ky fool you 'cause de clo'es he waihs is fine, LIT gal. 29 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Dey's a hones 1 hea't a-beatirT unnerneaf dese rags o' mine, LiT gal. Cose dey am' no use in mockin' whut de birds an 1 weathah do, But I's so'y I cain't 'spress it w'en I knows I loves you true, Dat's de reason I's a-sighin' an* a-singin' now fu' you, LiT gal. FISHING WEN I git up in de mo'nin' an* de clouds is big an' black, Dey's a kin' o' wa'nin' shivah goes a-scootin' down my back ; Den I says to my ol' ooman ez I watches down de lane, " Don't you so't o' reckon, Lizy, dat we gwine to have some rain ? " 3 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN " Go on, man," my Lizy an- swah, "you cain't fool me, not a bit, I don't see no rain a-comin', ef you's wishin' fu' it, quit ; Case de mo' you t'ink erbout it, an' de mo' you pray an' wish, W'y de rain stay 'way de longah, spechul ef you wants to fish." But I see huh pat de skillet, an* I see huh cas' huh eye Wid a kin' o' anxious motion to'ds de da'kness in de sky; An* I knows whut she's a-t'inkin', dough she tries so ha'd to hide. She's a-sayin', "Wouldn't cat- fish now tas'e monst'ous bully, fried ? " Den de clouds git black an* blackah, an' de thundah 'mence to roll, 3 1 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN An' de rain, it 'mence a-fallin'. Oh, I's happy, bless my soul ! Ez I look at dat ol' skillet, an' I 'magine I kin see Jes' a slew o' new-ketched cat- fish sizzlin' daih fu' huh an' me. 'Tain't no use to go a-ploughin', fu' de groun'll be too wet, So I puts out fu' de big house at a moughty pace, you bet, An' ol' mastah say, "Well, Lishy, ef you t'ink hit's gwine to rain, Go on fishin', hit's de weathah, an' I 'low we cain't com- plain." Talk erbout a dahky walkin* wid his haid up in de aih! Have to feel mine evah minute to be sho' I got it daih ; En' de win' is cuttin' capahs an' a-lashin' thoo de trees, 32 CHRISMUS is A-COMIN' But de rain keeps on a-singin' blessed songs, lak " Tek yo' ease." Wid my pole erpon my shouldah an' my wo'm can in my ban', I kin feel de fish a-waitin' w'en I strikes de rivah's san' ; Nevah min' you ho'ny scoun'- els, needn' swim erroun' an' grin, I'll be grinnin' in a minute w'en I 'mence to haul you in. W'en de fish begin to nibble, an' de co'k begin to jump, I's erfeahed dat dey'll quit bitin', case dey hyeah my hea't go " thump," 'Twell de co'k go way down undah, an' I raise a awful shout, Ez a big ol' yallah belly comes a gallivantin' out. 33 CHRISMUS is A-COMIN' Needn't wriggle, Mistah Cat- fish, case I got you jes' de same, You been eatin', I'll be eatin', an' we needah ain't to blame. But you needn't feel so lone- some fu' I's th'owin' out to see Ef dey ain't some of yo' com- rades fu' to keep you company. Spo't, dis fishin' I now you talkin', w'y dey ain't no kin' to beat ; I don' keer ef I is soakin', laigs, an' back, an' naik, an' feet, It's de spo't I's lookin' aftah. Hit's de pleasure an' de fun, Dough I knows dat Lizy's waitin' wid de skillet w'en I's done. 34 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN TWO LITTLE BOOTS Two little boots all rough an* wo', Two little boots ! Laws, I've kissed 'em times befo', Dese little boots ! Seems de toes a-peepin' thoo Dis hyeah hole an' savin' " Boo ! " Evah time dey looks at you Dese little boots. Membah de time he put 'em on, Dese little boots ; Riz an' called fu' 'em by dawn, Dese little boots ; Den he tromped de livelong day, Laffin' in his happy way, Evaht'ing he had to say, "My little boots I" Kickin' de san 1 de whole day long, Dem little boots ; 35 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Good de cobblah made 'em strong. Dem little boots I Rocks was fiT dat baby's use, Ton had to stan 1 abuse Wen you tu'ned dese cham- peens loose, Dese little boots ! Ust to make de ol' cat cry, Dese little boots ; Den you walked it mighty high, Proud little boots 1 Ahms akimbo, stan'in' wide, Eyesa-sayin' " Dis is pride 1 " Den de manny-baby stride I You little boots. Somehow, you don't seem so g a y Po' little boots, Sence yo' ownah went erway, Po' little boots 1 Yo' bright tops don't look so red, Dese brass tips is dull an' dead ; " Goo'-bye," whut de baby said ; Deah little boots I CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Ain't you kin' o' sad yo'se'f, You little boots ? Dis is all his manny's lef , Two little boots. Sence huh baby gone an' died, Heav'n itse'f hit seem to hide Des a little bit inside Two little boots. DAT OL' MARE O' MINE Want to trade me, do you, mis- tah ? Oh, well, now, I reckon not, W'y, you couldn't buy my Sukey fu' a thousan' on de spot. Dat ol' mare o' mine ? Yes, huh coat ah long an* shaggy, an' she ain't no shakes to see ; Dat's a ring-bone, yes, you right, suh, an' she got a on'ry knee, 37 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN But dey ain't no use in talkin', shede only boss fu' me, Dat ol' mare o' mine. Co'se, I knows dat Suke's con- tra'y, an' she moughty ap' to vex ; But you got to mek erlowance fu' de nature of huh sex ; Dat ol' mare o' mine. Ef you pull her on de lef han' ; she plum 'termined to go right, A cannon couldn't ske-er huh, but she boun' to tek a fright At a piece o' common paper, or anyt'ing whut's white, Dat ol' mare o' mine. Wen my eyes commence to fail me, dough, I trus'es to huh sight, An' she'll tote me safe an' hones' on de ve'y da'kes' night, Dat oF mare o' mine. 38 CHRISMUS is A-COMIN' Ef I whup huh, she jes' switch huh tail, an' settle to a walk, Ef I whup huh mo', she shek huh haid, an' lak ez not, she balk. But huh sense ain't no ways lackin', she do evah t'ing but talk, Dat ol' mare o' mine. But she gentle ez a lady w'en she know huh beau kin see, An' she sholy got mo' gumption any day den you or me, Dat ol' mare o' mine. She's a leetle slow a-goin', an* she moughty ha'd to sta't, But we's gittin' ol' togathah, an' she's closah to my hea't, An' I doesn't reckon, mistah, dat she'd sca'cely keer to pa't ; Dat ol' mare o' mine. 39 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN W'y I knows de time dat cidah's kin' o' muddled up my haid, Ef it hadn't been fu' Sukey hyeah, I reckon I'd been daid ; Dat ol' mare o' mine. But she got me in de middle o' de road an' tuk me home, An' she wouldn't let me wan- dah, ner she wouldn't let me roam, Dat's de kin' o ? hoss to tie to w'en you's seed de cidah's foam, Dat ol' mare o' mine. You kin talk erbout yo' heaven, you kin talk erbout yo' hell, Dey is people, dey is hosses, den dey's cattle, den dey's well Dat ol' mare o' mine ; She de beatenes' t'ing dat evah struck de medders o' de town, 40 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN An' aldough huh haid ain't fittin' fu' to waih no golden crown, D' ain't a blessed wayfu' Petah fu' to tu'n my Sukey down, Dat ol' mare o' mine. WHEN DEY 'LISTED COLORED SOLDIERS DEY was talkin' in de cabin, dey was talkin' in de hall; But I listened kin' o' keerless, not a-t'inkin' 'bout it all ; An' on Sunday, too, I noticed, dey was whisp'rin' mighty much, Stan'in' all erroun' de roadside w'en dey let us out o' chu'ch. But I didn't t'ink erbout it twell de middle of de week, CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN An' my 'Lias come to see me, an' somehow he couldn't speak. Den I seed all in a minute whut he'd come to see me for ; Dey had 'listed colo'ed sojers, an' my 'Lias gwine to wah. Oh, I hugged him, an' I kissed him, an' I baiged him not to go ; But he tol' me dat his con- science, hit was callin' to him so, An' he couldn't baih to lingah w'en he had a chanst to fight For de freedom dey had gin him an' de glory of de right. So he kissed me, an' he^lef me, w'en I'd p'omised to be true ; An' dey put a knapsack on him, an' a coat all colo'ed blue. _ 42 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN So I gin him pap's ol' Bible fom de bottom of de draw', Wen dey 'listed colo'ed sojers an' my ' Lias went to wah. But I t'ought of all de weary miles dat he would have to tramp, An' I couldn't be contented w'en dey tuk him to de camp. W'y my hea't nigh broke wid grievin' 'twell I seed him on de street ; Den I felt lak I could go an' th'ow my body at his feet. For his buttons was a-shinin', an' his face was shinin', too, An' he looked so strong an' mighty in his coat o' sojer blue, Dat I hollahed. ''Step up, manny," dough my th'oat was so' an' raw 43 CHRISMUS IS A-COMIN Wen dey 'listed colo'ed sojers an' my 'Lias went to wah. Ol' Mis' cried w'en mastah lef h uh, young Miss mou'ned huh brothah Ned, An' I didn't know dey feelin's is de ve'y wo'ds dey said W'en I tol' 'em I was so'y. Dey had done gin up dey all ; But dey only seemed mo' proudah dat dey men had hyeahd de call. Bofe my mastahs went in gray suits, an' I loved de Yan- kee blue, But I t'ought dat I could sor- rer for de losin' of 'em too ; But I couldn't, for I didn't know de haT o' whut I saw, Twell dey 'listed colo'ed so- jers an' my 'Lias went to wah. 44 CHRISMUS IS A-COM1N Mastah Jack come home all sickly ; he was broke for life, dey said ; An' dey lef my po' young mas- tah some'r's on de road- side, dead. Wen de women cried an' mou'ned 'em, I could feel it thoo an' thoo, For I had a loved un fightin' in de way o' dangah, too. Den dey tol' me dey had laid him some'r's way down souf to res', Wid de flag dat he had fit for shinin' daih acrost his breas'. Well, I cried, but den I reckon dat's whut Gawd had called him for. Wen dey 'listed colo'ed sojers an' my 'Lias went to wah. 45 CHRISMUS is A-COMIN' DE WAY TINGS COME DB way t'ings come, hit seems to me, Is des' one monst'ous mystery ; De way hit seem to strike a man, Dey ain't no sense, dey ain't no plan; Ef trouble sta'ts a-pilin' down, It ain't no use to rage er frown, It ain't no use to strive er pray, Hit's mortal boun' to come dat way. Now, ef you's hongry, an' yo' plate Des' keep on sayin' to you, " Wait," Don't mek no diffunce how you feel, 'Twon't do no good to hunt a meal, Fu* dat ah meal des' boun' to hide Ontwell de devil's satisfied, 46 CHRISMUS is A-CQMIN' An' 'twell dey's some'p'n by to cyave You's got to ease yo'se'f an' sta've. But ef dey's co'n meal on de she'f You needn't bothah Voun' yo'- se'f, Somebody's boun' to amble in An' Vite you to dey co'n meal bin ; An' ef you's stuffed up to de froat Wid co'n er middlin', fowl er shoat, Des' look out an' you'll see fu' sho A 'possum faint befo' yo' do*. De way t'ings happen, huhuh, chile, Dis worl' 's done puzzled me one w'ile ; I's mighty skeered I'll fall in doubt, I des' won't try to reason out 47 CHRISMUS is A-COMIN' De reason why folks strive an' plan A dinnah fu' a full-fed man, An' shet de do' an' cross de street F'om one dat raaly needs to eat