';t?^' Vi. ' ' ■• • ' , ^ - ■ •' '• - •^ < . ■ f • , • - ' I • • ' - . ~ '■'^ ■" ^■ • v v'-' f- f ,'^^' ' S >■ -i ,^-A-*tjiL\ .>^ -V,v . 1% '.- \^'.. '-'"■:-.^':-''3 .., . I- .•^-. r, -•it'.*" -■♦;<-.-■ .."v ■ . '>• ,.-**.' ^i '/f >^- >' CHARTERS AXIi OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATIXG TU THE ROYAL BURGH OF STIRLING. A.D. 1124-1705. ■"S ^„'^ . *> t. _ _ if V o C9 O CJ [CHAETERS AND OTHEE DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE ROYAL BURGH OF STIRLING. A.D. 1124-1705./ GLASGOW: PRINTED FOR THE PROVOST, MAGISTRATES, AND COUNCIL OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. MDCCCLXXXIV. RA FACSIMILE OF CHARTER (No. XIII.) BY KING DAVID I King Alexandbr II. to thb Bproh' {Stirling Charters)^ 2t««r.ir fut^^■CL^ov«wition, shall be found buying or selling anything in the slierift'dom of Strivelyn lie shall be apprehended and detained until we have declared our pleasure concerning him. We also strictly forbid any stranger merchant to cut his cloth to be sold within our burgh of Strivelyn except from the day of tlie ascension of our Lord till the feast of St. Peter ad vincula (Lammas) within which terms wo will tliat they cut their cloth to be sold in the market of Strivelyn, and there sell and buy cloth and other merchandise in common with our burgesses in the same manner as our 8 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1226. nostri, saluis rectitucliuibus uostris. Precipimus etiam vt omnes qui manent in burgo nostra de Striuelyn, et cum burgensibus nostris, aer fustum et baculum, in pleuo capitulo nostro apud Aberbrothoc, sursum reddidit ac pro se et heredibus suis resignauit inperpetuum. Tenendas et habendas dicto Ricardo et heredibus suis in liberum burgagium, de nobis et successoribus nostris, cum omnibus commoditatibus, aisiamentis et iustis pertinencijs suis, salua nobis iusticia regalitatis et alijs placitis nostris in dictis terris cum voluerimus tenendis. Reddendo inde, nobis et successoribus nostris dictus Ricardus et heredes sui, quatuor solidos et sex denarios argenti ad duos anni terminos, medietatem videlicet ad festum Penthecostes et aliam medietatem ad festum Sancti Martini, in hyeme ; et inueniendo abbati de Aberbrothoc qui pro tempore fuerit et eius monachis et conuersis et clericis, balliuis et attornatis eorundem, venientibus pro negocijs et causis monasterij, quociens aduenerint, singulis secundum statum suum, cumfamilia sua, honestum hospicium ; aulam in qua honeste poterunt comedere, cum religious men, the abbot aud convent of Culros, on the south side, on the cue part, and the laud of Saint Marie of Sti'evelin which the said Robert holds in farm, on the north side, on the other part, which John of Drilaw held of us by heritable right, and which William, son aud hen- of the said deceased John, for default of service due to us therefrom, in our full chapter held at Aberbrothoc gave up, and for him and his heirs resigned for ever. To hold aud to have to the said Richard and his heirs in free burgage of us and our successors, with all commodities, easements and theii' just pertinents, reserving to us the right of holding courts of regality and our other pleas in the said lands when we will. Paying therefor, the said Richard and his hens, to us and our successors, four shillings and sixpence of silver at two terms in the year, namely, one half at Whitsunday and the other half at Martmmas, in winter; and providing honest lodging for the abbot of Aberbrothoc, who shall be for the time, and for his monks, lay brethren and clerks, their bailies and attornies, coming for the business and causes of the monastery, as often as they shall arrive, each according to his station, with their attendants; a hall in which they may becomingly eat, with tables and trestles and other furniture, a spence with a buttery, a chamber or 1299.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 13 mensis et trestulis et alijs apparatibus, spensam cum butellario, cameram sen cameras vbi houeste recubare poterunt, coquiuam honestam ct .stabulum pro equis ad numerum triginta equorum et infra. Inuenient eciam in aduontibus predictis pcrsonis sufficieuter focale, tarn in aula et iu camera quam in coquina, albas candelas de sei^o que wlgariter nuncupautur cundele de Peris, lecterium stramentum in aula et camera et sal pro mensis. Sed si abbas vel monachi sui, clerici aut attornati sui predicti, vltra tres noctes continue hospitati fuerint, dictus Ricardus aut heredes sui non teuebuntur pro ilia vice ad focale et albas candelas, sed omnia alia onera subibunt pro mora personarum predictarum et eorum faniilia. Preterea, cum nuncij vel cursores abbatis interuenerint ad liospitaudLim sine contradictione admittentur, ad sumptus tamen pro cibarijs suis idem Ricardus et heredes sui non tenebuntur. Volumus etiam quod dictus Ricai'dus et heredes sui leuent firmam nobis debitam de duabus peciis terre quas Thomas Sanser et Willelmus de Kyrcaudi, clericus, tenent infra terras nostras predictas, vua cum proparte seruicij nobis debiti de eisdem racione hostilagij, et nobis de ipsa fii'ma et hostilagio respondeant sicut defirmis et bostilagijs nobis debitis pro alijs terris nostris quas de nobis tenent vt supradictum est. Dictus vero Ricardus sen heredes sui nuUo modo chambers where they may comfortably sleep, a decent kitchen, and a stable for their horses to the number of thirty horses and under. They shall provide also on the coming of the foresaid persons sufficient fuel, as well in the hall and chamber as in the kitchen, white candles of tallow, which are commonly called candles of Paris, bedding and straw in the hall and chamber, and salt for the table. But if the abbot or his monks, his clerks or attorneys foresaid, shall continue in the lodging beyond three nights, the said Richard or his heirs shall not be held liable in that case for fuel and white candles, but' they shall undertake all other charges during the stay of the foresaid persons and tlieir attendants. Moreover, when the messengei's or runners of the abbot shall come to the lodging they shall be admitted without gainsaying, but the said Richard and his heirs shall not be liable for the cost of their food. We will also that the said Richard and his heii-s uplift the maill owing to us for two pieces of land which Thomas Sanser and William of Kyrcaudi, clerk, hold withm our foresaid lands, together with a proportion of the service owing to us from the same, on account of the hostilage, and they shall account to us for the said maill and hostilage as for the maills and hostilages owing to us for our U CHARTERS RELATING TO [1207. terras et Iiostilagia predicta vendent, impignorabunt seu alienabiint vel ad firmani dimittent, alicui persoue, nisi de consensu predictorum abbatis et con- uentus qui pro tempore fuerint. In cuius rei testimonium presenti carte commune sigillum capituli nostri concorditer fecimus apponi. Teste eodeni capitulo. other lands which they hold of us as is aforesaid. Also the said Richard or his heirs shall in no wise sell, impledge, or alienate or let to any person the foresaid lands and hostilages, except with the consent of the foresaid abbot and convent who shall be for the time. In witness whereof we have with one consent caused the common seal of our chapter to be affixed to this present charter. Witness the same chapter. XI. CHARTER by King Robert the First confirming to the Burgesses of Stirling the right of Pasturage for their Horses in the Forests between the Waters of Forth and Garron, and of Digging Peats in the Peat Moss of Skewok. Stirling, 4th April, 1317. SciATlS quod quarto die Aprilis, anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo [decimoj septimo, coram consilio nostro apud Striveling, jier bonam et fidelem et assisam fidedignorum .... compertum et declaratum est quod bur- genses nostri de Striveling, habere solebaut tempore predecessorum nostrorum, regum Scocie, et de jure et consuetudine habere debent [commuuem pastu- ram equorum] . . . bosco in forestis uostris inter aquas de Forth et Carrone ; solvendo pro quolibet equo per singulas septimanas forestariis nostris ibidem qui pro tempore fuerint . . . Et quod iidem burgenses Be it known that on the fourth day of Api-il, in the year of our Lord one thousand three hundred and seventeen, in presence of our council at Striveling, it is found and declared by a good and faithful assize of trustworthy men that our biu-gesses of Striveling, in the time of our predecessors, kmgs of Scotland, were wont to have, and by law and custom ought to have, a common pasturage for their horses in the . . . . wood in our forests between the waters of Forth and Carron ; paying to our foresters who shall be there for the time . . . every week for each liorse. 1317.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 15 nostri fuerunt temporibu.s predictis in plena possessione fodiendi pctas in petaria de Skewok ; solvendo pro qualibet wauga annum unum denarium tantum. Quare, volumu.s et concedimus burgensibus nostris, et hac present! carta confirmamus eisdem lit ipsi et eoriun successorcs ... in omnibus habeant, teneant et possideant, imperpetuum; vnde mandamus et firmiter percipimus vicecomiti nostro de Strivelin, et ballivis suis qui pro tempore fuerint, predictos burgeuses . . . . et eorum successores in eadem libertate in omnibus custodiant mauuteneant et defendant . . . And that our said burgesses have been in the times foresaid in the full enjoyment of digging peats in the peat moss of Skewok, paying for each . . . one penny yearly only. Wherefore, we will and grant to our Lui-gesses, and by this present charter for ever confirm to them that they and their successors may have, hold and possess, [the said common pasturage and right of digging peats] in all . . wherefore we command and firmly charge our sheriff of Striveling, and his bailies who shall be for the time, to keep, maintain, and defend our foresaid .burgesses and their successors in the said liberty in all things. XII. ACCOUNTS of the Burgb of Stirling, audited in Exchequer. Dumbarton, 25th Januaiy, 1327-S. (1). Account of the Magistrates. CoMPOTUM Mauricii Hunter et Fynlai Sutoris, prepositorum burgi de Striuelyn, redditum apud Dunbretan xxv° die Januarii, anno gracie supra- dicto, de firmis dicti burgi de duobus terminis huius compoti. lidera onerant se de xxxvj li., receptis per iirmas dicti burgi de anno huius compoti. De quibus, pro superexpensis suis factis in compoto sue precedenti xl s. j d. et ob. Account of Maurice Hunter and Fynlay Sutor, bailies of the burgh of Strivelyn, given up at Dunbretan on the twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of grace [one thousand three hundred and twenty-seven], of the fermes of the said burgh for the two terms of this account. They charge themselves with £3G received on account of the fermes of the said burgh for the year of their account. Whereof, for their superexpenses made in their preceding account 40s. Id. halfpenny. And in duties IG CHARTERS RELATING TO [1327-8. Et in feodis abbatum de Cambiiskjmeth et Dunfermelyn, hospitalis de Striuelyn et hospitalis de Torpliichin, per tempus compoti, xxiij li. v s. iiij d. Et Fiatribus Predicatoribus de Striuelyu, ox elemosina regis annua, x li. Et pro constructione cuiusdam domus pro coquina ad opus regis, Iiij .s. iiij d. Et in diuersis cariagiis per tempus compoti, xxvj s. et viij d. Summa huius expense, xxxix li. v s. v d. et ob. Et sic superexpendunt Ixv s. v d. et ob. lidem petunt allocacionem de xl s. pro multura de Cragorth subtracta de molendino de Striuelyu, que est in manu Reginaldi More, super quo con- sulatur rex, qui sibi postmodum allocautur. Et sic superexpendunt cv s. v d. et ob. De quibus, sibi soluuntur per allocacionem sibi factam in compoto custumariorum de Striuelin, de alia parte rotuli, Is. et v d. Et sic super- expendunt de claro Iv s. et ob. to the abbot of Cambuskyneth and Dunfermelyn, the hospital of Strivelyn and the hospital of Torphichen, during the time of the account, £23 5s. 4d. And to the Friars Preachers of Strivelyn of the yearly alms of the king, £10. And for the building of a certain house for a kitchen for the use of the king, 53s. 4d. And in sundry carriages during the time of the account, 26s. 8d. Sum of this outlay, £39 5s. 5d. and a halfpenny. And thus they superexpended G5s. 5d. and a half- jDenny. They ask also allowance of -lOs. for the miiltures of Cragorth abstracted from the mill of Stirling, which is in the hand of Reginald More, on which let the king be consulted, which is afterwards allowed to them. And th\is they super- expended 105s. 5d. and a halfpenny. Whereof, paid to them by allowance made to them in the account of the custumars of Strivelin on the other side of the roll 50s. and 5d. And thus ob^•iously they superexpended 55s. and a halfpenny. (2). Account of the Custumars. CoMPOTUM custumariorum burgi de Striuelyn, redditum apud Dunbretan xxv° die Januarii, anno gracie supradicto, de receptis et expensis dicte custume [i.e., none custume], ab vltimo die Februarii anno gracie xxvi vsque in diem presentis compoti. lidem oneraut se de Ij s. et viij d. receptis per custumam Account of the custumars of the burgh of Strivelyn, given up at Dunbretan on the twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of grace above mentioned, of the receipts and outlays of the said custom [i.e., new custom], from the last day of February, in the year of grace [1326] till the day of the present account. They charge them- 1327-8.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 17 sex saccorum et qiiinque petrarum lane, et uouem dacrarnm coriorum, per tempus compoti. De quibus, in seruicio collectorum, xv d. Et debent is. v d. qui assigiiantur prepositis burgi de Striuelyn et alia parte rotuli, in partem superexpensarum suarum. Et sic eque hie. selves ^yitll 51s. 8cl. received for the custom of six sacks and five stones of wool and nine dacres of hides during the time of the account. Wliereof, for service of the collectors, 15d. And^they owe 50s. and 5d., which ai"e assigned to the bailies of the burgh of Strivelyn on the other side of the roll m part of their superexpenses. And thus this is equal. XIII. CHARTER by David the Second confirming the Charter by Alexander the Second of a Weekly Market, etc. [No. VII. hereof]. Scone, 26th October, 1360.i DAUID, Dei gracia, Rex Scottorum : Omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue, clericis et hiicis, salutem. Sciatis nos quamdam cartam, recolende memorie, domini- Alexandri, Dei gracia Regis Scotie, predecessoris nostri burgensibus burgi nostri de Striuelyn confectam,^ non cancellatam, nec^ abolitam, aut* in aliqua sui parte vitiatam, veraciter inspexisse, in hec verba: — Alexander, [etc., ut supra. No. vii., p. 6]. Quas quidem consuetudines et libertates, omnes et singulas, nos predictis burgensibus nostris de Striuelyn et suis successoribus, in omnibus et per omnia prout superius est contentum, ratificamus, approbamus, et hac present! carta nostra confirmamus ; volumusque et firmiter precipimus pro nobis et nostris heredibus quod premissa omnia et singula premissorum-''perpetui D.wiD, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we have truly inspected a certain charter of the lord Alexander, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, our predecessor, of good memory, not cancelled, not abolished, nor vitiated in any part, in these words : — Alexander, [ptc, as above,' No. vii., p. 6.]. Which customs and privileges, all and sundry^ we ratify, approve, and by this our present charter confirm to our fore- said burgesses of Strivelyn and theu* successors in and by all thuigs as is above contained; and we, for us and our heirs, will and strictly command that all and ' Another charter to the same effect lowing: — - "domini" and from " pre- is dated at Scoue, 27th October, same decessores " to " coufectam " omitted ; year. The only variations are the fol- ' " non ; " * " nee ; " ° " eonindum ; " 18 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1360. roboi-is optineant firmitatem. In cuius rei testimonium present! carte confir- macionis" nostre sigillum nostrum precepimus apponi. Testibus: Venerabilibus in Christo patribus, Willelmo'' episcopo Sancti Audree et Patricio^ episcopo Brechinensis, cancellario nostro; Johanne abbate de Dunfermelyn;" Roberto, senescallo nostro Scotie, comite de Strathern, nepote nostro ; i" Willehno comite de Douglas ;^^ Willelmo de Keth, mariscallo nostro Scotie; Willelmo de Leuyngston, Roberto de Erskyn^- et Johanne de Danyelston, militibus. Apud Scon, in parliameuto nostro tento ibidem,^^ vicesimo sexto die" Octobris anno regni nostri tricesimo primo. sundry the premises remain valid and of perpetual force. In testimony whereof we have commanded our seal to bo appended to our present charter of confirmation. Witnesses: The venerable fathers in Christ, William, bishop of St. Andrews; and Patrick, bishop of Brechin, our chancellor; John, abbot of Duufermelyn; Robert, our steward of Scotland, earl of Strathern, our nephew; William, earl of Douglas; William of Keth, our marischal of Scotland; William of Levyngston, Roljert of Erskyn, and John of Danyelston, knights. At Scon, in our parliament held there, on the twenty-sixth day of October, in the thirty-first year of our reign. XIV. CHARTER by King David the Second confirming to the Burgesses of the Burgh of Stirling the Charter by Alexander the Second of Freedom from Tolls and Customs [No. VIII. hereof]. Scone, 27th October, 1360.i Dauid, Dei gracia. Rex Scottorum: Omnibus probis homiuibus tocius terre David, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all good men of his whole •■' " confirmacionis " omitted; '"Dei gvacia " ""vicesimo septirao die mensis." "In the inserted here; «"eadem gracia" inserted here; coutirmed cliarter the words " cartas suas"are 8 this name omitted; i" " Thoma comite de substituted iu the confirmation dated 27th Marr" inserted here; " " consangnineis nos- October for the words "cartam suam" in tlie tris " inserted here ; i= " Hugo de Eglynton " one dated 26th October. [Antea, No. vii., inserted here; '"'in parliamento " omitted; p. 8, line 13.] 1 Another charter to the same effect is dated at Scone, 26th October, same year. The only 1360.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 19 sue,- salutem. Sciatis iios quamdam cartam, recolende memoric, domiiii^ Alexandri, Dei gracia, Regis Scotie, predecessoris uostri, non caucellatam, iiou abolitam, nee in aliqua parte sui* vitiatam, veraciter inspexisse, in bee verba: — Alexander, [etc., iit supra. No. viii., p. 9.] Quamquidem libertateni, per omnia et in omnibus,^ prout superius est expressum,'' nos f)ro nobis et nostris heredibus,' burgensibus dicti burgi nostri de Striuelyn et eorum successoribus, ratificaraus, a^jprobamus et ]ier preseutem cartam nostram^ confirmamus. In cuius rei testimonium present! carte confirmatiouis nostre sigillum nostrum precepimus apponi. Hiis^ testibus: Venerabilibus in Christo patribus, Will- elmo episcopo Sancti Audree et Patricio episcopo Brecbiuensis, cancellario nostro; Roberto, senescallo nostro Scotie, comite dc Strathern, nopote nostro; Thoma comite de Marr, Willehno comite de Douglas, consanguineis nostris;^" Willelmo de Leuyngston, Roberto de Erskyn et Johanue de Danyelston,*^ militibus. Apud Sconam, in parliameuto nostro tento ibidem,^- vicesimo septimo die Octobris anno regni uostri tricesimo primo. land, greeting. Know ye that we have truly inspected a charter of the lord Alexander, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, our predecessor, of good memory, not cancelled, not abolished, nor in any part vitiated, in these words: — Alexander [etc., as above, No. viii., p. 9.] Which liberty, by all and in all, so far as is above expressed, we for us and our heirs ratify, approve, and by our present charter confirm to the burgesses of our said burgh of Strivelyn. In testimony wliereof we have commanded that our seal be appended to our present charter of confirmation. Witnesses: The venerable fathers in Christ, William, bishop of St. iVndrews, and Patrick, bishop of Brechin, our chancellor; Robert, our steward of Scotland, earl of Strathearu, our nephew; Thomas earl of INIarr, William earl of Douglas, our cousins; William of Levyngstone, Robert of Ersliyn, and John of Danyelston, knights. At Scone, in our parliament held there, on the twenty-seveuth day of October in the thirty-first year of our reign. variations are the £ollo-\riDg: — - " clericis ct perpetuum " iuserted here ; '^ " Hiis " omitted ; laicis " inserted here; '"domini" omitted; ""'consanguineis nostris"omitted; "this name * "sui parte;" * "in omnibus et per omnia;" omitted and "Hugo dc Eglyntou " inserted ; '' '.'contentum ;" " "heredibus nosti'is ;" '"in- '•'• in parliameuto nostro tento ibidem"omitted. 20 CHARTERS RELATING TO [13G6. XV. PRECEPT by King David the Second to the Sheriffs and Bailies of Stirllug as to damage caused by certain burgesses of Stirling to the cruives and fishings of the abbot and convent of Cambuskenneth. Scone, 27th Jul}', 136G. Dauid, Dei gracia, Rex Scotoruni: Vicecomitibus et balliuis suis de Striue- ling, salutem. Quia per decretum consilij nostri in pleno parliamento ncstro, tento apud Sconam vicesimo septimo die mensls Julij, compertum fuit et determinatum quod burgeuses de Striueling, videlicet, Hugo Vrry et com- plices^ sui, cum armis, violenter et iniuste iuuaserunt et fregerunt crouas et piscarias religiosorum virorum, abbatis et conuentus nionasterij de Cambus- kynneth, in nostre regie maiestatis offensam et dampnum dicti monasterij non modicum et grauamen, vobis firmiter precipimus et mandamus quatenus dictos burgenses ex parte nostra moneatis et districte compellatis quod, infra quadra- ginta dies a data preseutium nuraeraudo, predictas crouas et piscaturas David, by the grace of God, King of Scots; To the slierifl's and their bailies of Striveliug, greetmg. Whereas by decreet of our council in our full parliament held at Scone on the twenty-seventh day of the month of July, it was foiuid and deter- mined that burgesses of Striveling, namely, Hugh Urry and his accomplices, with arms, violently and unlawfully assailed and broke the cruives and fishings of religious men, the abbot and convent of the monastery of Gambuskynneth, to the offence of our royal majesty and no little loss and damage of the said monastery, we strictly command and charge you that on our part ye warn and strictly compel the said burgesses within forty days counting from the date of these presents to re-erect and 'The following are given as the names of the ThomasofBrigerakis,PatrickMerchant,Robert burgesses who attacked the cruives and fish- the executioner, Thomas the brazier; also, the iugs: — Hugh Vrry, Robert Raa, Richard Tector, fishers, viz., Johu, son of Hugh; John of Cal- Adam Sissor, Robert Foster, William Ker, lenter; John, son of Michael; Johu Tennand William Vemys, Johu of Erskin, Roger Jler- and Philip his son ; JIure of Coi"ntone and chant and Henry Merchant, his brother; Gilbert William his brother ; John, son of Heruot; and Faber, Thomas Rotator, John GoUane, Johu many others. (Register of Cambuskeuneth, Skinner, Thomas of Ireland, Robert Harrow, No. 55, p. 76, and Supplement to Acts of Par- .Tohn Brume, Adam Gamilsone, Jolin Witste, liaments of Scotland, p. 14.) FAC-SIMILE OF CHARTER (No. XVI.) BY KING ROBE] (Stirling Ghc Sfi ^ TO THE BURGH OF STIRLING, dated 13th July 1386. pp. 21, 22.) ^,u4^e ^ . / ' -1 • n' f "'^"' *" cimnh^ ^^' u *9c wtc-Mv'nrti^SjJrtwfrA % ''^w**^ Afijg 4^ 136(5.] THE BURGH OF STIHLING. lil re-edificent et coustruant competeuter prout autea fuerant, et quod plene satisfaciant de dampnis expensis et iacturis que et quas dicti religiosi ex huiusiuodi maleticijs sustinueruut, secundum decretum consilij nostri ct oidinatiouem, super nostram pleuariam forisfacturam. Et lioc nullo modo omittatis uec omittaut sicut uostram indignationem volueritis et volueriiit euitare. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus sigillum nostrum penes predictos religiosos mansuris et vobis ostendendis precepimus a^Dponj. Apud Sconam, vicesimo septimo die Julij anno regni nostri trigesimo septimo. competently construct the foresaid cruives and fishings as they were previously, and fully make satisfaction for the damages, expenses, and losses which the said religious men have suffered by such mischiefs, in terms of the decreet and ordinance of our council, on paiii of our full forfeiture. And this ye and they in no way omit as ye and they will avoid our displeasure. In witness whei'eof we have commanded our seal to be aihxed to these presents to remain with the foresaid religious men and to be shown to you. At Scone, on the twenty-seventh day of July in the thirty-seventh year of our reign. XVI. CHARTER by King Robert the Second granting the Burgli of Stirling to the Burgesses thereof, with the Fi.shings in the Water of Forth aud the Small Customs and others pertaining to the Burgh. Methven, 13th July, 1386. RoBERTUS, Dei gratia, Rex Scottorum ; Omnibus hominibus tocius terra sue, clericis et laycis, salutem. Sciatis i[uod assedauimus et ad iirmam dimisimus dilectis burgensibus nostris communitati burgi nostri de Striuelyno eorum Burgum de Striuelyne; cum piscariis nostris aque de Forth ad eundem pertinentibus; cum firma burgi, parua custuma, et ceteris pertinentibus ad Robert, by the grace of God, King of Scots: To all men of liis whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we have set and in ferme let to our beloved burgesses, the community of our burgh of Strivelyne, their burgh of Strivelyne; with our fishings of the water of Forth pertaining to the same; with the ferme of the burgh, small custom, and others pertaining to the same. To hold and to have 22 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1386. eundem. Teneudum et habeudiim eisdem burgensibus nostris et eorum successoribiis, de nobis et heredibus uostris, predictum burguin ad firmam, cum piscariis predictis, firma burgi, parna custuma, cum curiis et eorum exitibus, et cum omuibus et singulis commoditatibus, libertatibus, aysiamentis et iustis pertinenciis ad dictum burgum pertinentibus sen iuste pertinere valentibus in futurum, in feodo et hereditate inperpetuum, adeo libera et quiete sicut aliqiii burgenses uostri infra regnum nostrum eorum bui'gum ad firmam possident in feodo et hereditate ex assedacione Regis eis facta. Reddendo nobis et heredibus nostris, dicti burgenses nostri et eorum success- ores, sexdecim libras sterlingorum, ad duos anni terminos consuetos,Pentecostes, videlicet, et Sancti Martini in yeme, per equales portiones. In cuius rei testimonium presente carte nostre nostrum precepimus apponi sigillum. Testibns: Reiierendissimo in Christo patre Waltero, Dei gratia, sedis apostolice cardinali; venerabile patre Johanne episcopo Dunkeldensis, cancellarionostro; Johanne iDrimogenito nostro de Carrick, senescallo Scotie; Roberto de Fyf et de Menetetb, Jacobo de Douglas, filiis uostris dilectis, comitibus; Archi- baldo de Douglas et Thoma de Erskyue, consanguineis nostris, militibus. Apud Methfen, tertio decinio die Julij anno regni nostri sexto decimo. to our said burgesses and their successors, of us and our heirs, the foresaid burgh in ferme, with the foresaid fishings, the ferme of the burgh, small custom, with the courts and their issues, and with all and sundry commodities, liberties, easements, and just pertinents belonging or that may justly belong to the said burgh in future, in fee and heritage for ever, as freely and quietly as any others our burgesses within our kingdom possess their burgh in ferme, granted to them in fee and heritage by the gift of the King. Paying, our said burgesses and their successors, to us and our heirs, sixteen pounds sterling, at the two usual terms in the year, to wit Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter, by equal portions. In witness whereof we have ordered our seal to be appended to our present charter. Witnesses : The most reverend father in Christ, Walter by the grace of God cardinal of the apostolic see ; the venerable father John bishop of Dunkeld our chancellor; John earl of Carrick, our eldest sou, steward of Scotland ; Robert earl of Fife and of Meneteth, James eaid of Douglas, our beloved sons ; Archibald of Douglas and Thomas of Erksuie, our cousins, knights. At Rlethfen, on the thirteenth day of July in the sixteenth year of our reign. 1388-9.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. . o;? XVII. CHARTER bj' Kiug Robert the Second confirming the Gifts which Kino- David the Second and others made to the Altar of St. Laurence in the Pari.sh Clmrcli of Stirling. Stirling, 2Sth Februarj^ 1388-9. ROBERTUS, Dei gratia, Rex Scottorum: Omnibus probis hominibus tociusterre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis quod ratificauimus, approbauimus et confirmauimus illas donacionem et concessionem, bone memorie, quas dominus Rex Dauid, avunculus et predicessor noster, pro salute anime sue, predices- sorum et successorum suorum, Regum Scotio, fecit et concessit in honoreni indiuidue Trinitatis, Beate Marie et omnium sanctorum, altari Sancti Laurencij in ecclesia parochial! de Striuelyue, et vni capellano ibidem diuiua celebrauti, de passagio batelle acque de Forth iuxta Striuelyne, vna cum crofta eiusdem passagii; cum omnibus annuls redditibus per Johannem de Burgo, militem bachelarium nostrum, eidem altari collatis, videlicet, de vndecim solidis sterlingorum percipiendis annuatim de tertij [tribus] particatis terre iacentibus in burgo de Striuelyne in baronia senescalli Scocie, inter terram Johannis Michael ex parte occidentali ex parte vna et terram Johannis Gourlay ex parte orieutali ex parte altera, et de octo solidis sterlingorum percipiendis annuatim de qnatuor particatis terre illius tenementi quondam ipsius Johannis RoBEUT, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all good men of liis whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we have ratified, approved and confirmed the donation and grant which the lord King David, of good memory, our uncle and predecessor, for the weal of his soul, the souls of his predecessors and successors. Kings of Scotland, made and granted in honour of the undivided Trinity, of Saint Mary, and all saints, to the altar of Saint Laurence, in the parish church of Strivelyn, and to one chaplain celebrating divine service there, of the ferry of the water of Forth near Strivelyn, together with the ferry croft thereof; with all annualrents bestowed by John of Burgh, our knight bachelor, on the said altar, to wit eleven shillmgs sterling, to be uplifted yearly from three particates of land lying m the burgh of Strivelyne, in the barony of the steward of Scotland, between the land of John Michael on the west side on the one part, and the land of John Gourlay on the east side on the other part, and of eight shillings sterling to be uplifted yearly from four particates of land of that tenement of the said deceased 24 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1388-9. de Burgo predicti in quo inhabitat Matheus Ferrour, iu vico australi burgi predict!, et de sex solidis et octo denariis percipiendis anmiatim de duabus particatis terre iacentibus iu eodem vico australi burgi predicti inter terram Johannis Scot, sutoris, ex parte occidentali ex parte vna et terram Willelmi Dauid ex parte orientali ex parte altera. Nosque ex vberiori gracia, diuinum seruicium ampliare volentes, dedimus et concessimus, ad instanciam domini Thome de Erskyne et parentum et amicorum dicti quondam Johannis de Burgo, Deo et Beate Maiie, semper virgiui, et Beato Laurencio, et vni capellauo celebranti ad altare predictum, omnes redditus ipsius passagii et ipsi passagio pertinentes sen pertinere valentes in futurum, vna cum crofta eiusdem passagii, per ipsos capellanos nostros sen per ipsorum procuratores leuandos, sine intro- missione alicuius ministrorum uostrorum infra burgum vel extra; ita quod ipse capellanus noster qui pro tempore fuerit de batella ministris batelle eiusdem et aliis prefato passagio necessariis sufficienter faciat deseruiri. Tenendas et habendas eisdem capellanis nostris qui pro tempore fuerint, cum omnibus et singulis commoditatibus, aysiamentis, rectis, consuetudiuibus hucusque consuetis et iustis pertinenciis, libera et quiete, plenarie, integre, bene et in pace imperpetuum. Faciendo inde, dicti capellani nostri qui pro John of Burgh iu which Matthew Ferrour dwells, in the Southgait of the foresaid bui-gh, and of six shillings and eight pennies to be uplifted yearly from two parti- cates of land lymg in the said Southgait of the foresaid burgh between the land of John Scot, shoemaker, on the west side on the one part and the land of William David on the east side on the other part. And we of ampler grace, willing to increase divine service, have given and granted, at the instance of Sir Thomas of Erskyn and of the parents and friends of the said deceased John of Burgh, to God and Saint Maiy, ever virgin, and Saint Laurence, and one chaplain saying mass at the foresaid altar, all the rents of the said ferry, and pertaining or that may pertain to the said ferry in time coming, together with the ferry croft thereof, to be uplifted by our said chaplains, or by their pi'oourators, without interference of any of our officers within or without the burgh ; provided that our said chaplain for the time being may cause the foresaid ferry to be sufficiently served with a boat, attendants of the said boat, and other necessaries for the foresaid ferry. To hold and to have to our said chaplains for the time being, with all and sundry commodities, easements, rights, customs hitherto in use and just pertinents, freely 1388-9.] THE BUROH OF STIRLING. 25 tempore fuerint, seruiciura missarum cotidianuin cum dispositi fuerint ibidem pro salubri statu uostro liberorumque nostrorum, nee non pro anima quondam carissime consortis uostre Eufamie Regine Scocie, pro qua volumus quod specialis memoria cotidiana in missis et aliis obsequiis diuinis ad altare predictum celebrandis dicatur, ac pro animabus omnium predices- sorura et successorum nostrorum, regum Scotie, dictique quondam Jobannis de Burgo predict!, et auimabus omnium fidelium defunctorum. Cuius capel- lanie collationem ad nos et heredes nostros volumus imperpetuum pertinere, et eandem collationem ad nos et heredes nostros imperpetuum specialiter reseruamus. In cuius rei testimonium presenti carte nostre nostrum pre- cepimus apiDoui sigilliun. Testibus: Venerabilibus in Christo patribus, Waltero Sanctiandree et Johanne Duukeldensis, cancellario nostro,ecclesiarum episcopis; carissimo primogenito nostro, Johanne comite de Carrie, senescallo Scocie; Roberto comite de Fj-ff et Meneteth, dilecto filio nostro; Archebaldo de Douglas domino Gahvidie et Thoma de Erskyne, militibus, coiisanguineis nostris dilectis. Apud Striuelyne, vicesimo octauo die Februarii anno regni nostri decimo nono. and quietly, fully, wholly, well, and in peace for ever. Performing therefor, our said chaplams who shall be for the time, a daily service of masses there, when they shall be disposed, for the prosperou.s estate of us and our children, and for the soul of our late beloved consort Eufamia Queen of Scotland, for whom we will that a special daily remembrance be said in the masses and other divine services to be cele- brated at the foresaid altar, and for the souls of all our predecessors and successors, kings of Scotland, and of the said deceased John of Burgh aforesaid, and for the souls of all the faithful dead. Of which chaplainry we will that the collation shall belong to us and our heirs for ever, and the said collation we specially reserve to us and our heirs for ever. In witness wher-eof we have commanded our seal to be appended to our present charter. Witnesses : Venei-able fathers in Christ, Walter bishop of the church of St. Andrews, and John bishop of the church of Dunkeld, our chancellor ; our dearest first-born son, John earl of Carriek, steward of Scotland ; Robert, earl of Fyff and Menetetli, our well beloved son ; Archibald of Douglas, lord of Galloway and Tliomas of Erskyne, knights, our well beloved cousins. At Strivelyn, on the twenty-eight day of February in the nineteenth year of our reign. D 2G CHARTERS RELATING TO [1402-3. XVIII. PRECEPT by King Robert the Third directing Sasine to be given to tlie Canons of Cambuskenneth of the Hospital of St. James at the Bridge- end of Stirling. Rothesay Castle, 10th March, 1402-3. ROBERTUS, Dei gracia, Rex Scottorum : Vicecomiti et balliuis suis de Striiie- linw salutom. Quia concessimus per cartam Deo et beate Marie Virgini, ac canonicis in monasterio de Cambuskynneth ibidem Deo seruientibus et imper- petmim seruitiiris, hospitale beati Jacobi ad finem platee pontis de Striiieling infra balliam vestram, cum omnibus et singulis terris ac possessionibus suis, tarn sub terra quam supra terram, mandamus vobis et precipiraus qiiatenus eisdem canouicis vel eorum certo attornato, latori presencium, sasinam dicti hospitalis cum pertinenciis iuste liberari faciatis, et sine dilatione, secundum tenorem dicte carte nostre quam inde habent ; saluo Johanni Palmer, qui dictam plateam a longo tempore sustiuuit, vsufructu terrarum dicti hospitalis, in recompensationem expensarum suarum, pro toto tempore vite sue, et hocnullo modo omittatis. Teste, meipso. Apud castrum nostrum de Rothesay, decimo die mensis March anno regni nostri tercio decimo. Robert, by the grace of God, King of Scots: To the sheriff and his bailies of Strive- ling, greeting. Whereas we have by a charter granted to God and the blessed Virgin Mary, and to the canons in the monastery of Cambuskynneth serving God there and to serve for ever, the hospital of St. James at tlie end of tlie roadway of the bridge of Striveling within your bailliary, with all and sundry its lands and possessions, as well under the ground as above the ground, we chai'ge and command you that ye cause sasine to be justly delivered to the said canons or their certain attorney, bearer of these presents, of the said hospital with the pertinents, and without delay, according to the tenor of our said charter which they have thereupon ; saving to John Palmer, who has upheld the said roadway for a long time, the usufruct for the whole of his lifetime of the lands of the said hospital, ui recompense of his expenses, and this in no way ye omit. Witness, myself At our castle of Rothesay, on the tenth day of the month of March in the thirteenth year of our reign. 1407.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 27 XIX. CHARTER by Robert, Duke of Albany, Governor of the Kingdom of Scot- land, to the chaplain of St. Michael's Chapel within the Castle of Stirling, of an annnal rent of ten nierks furth of the lauds of Cragortht. Pertli, 26th June, 1407. RoBERTUS, Dux Albanie, Comes de Fyfe et de Menteth ac Gubernator rcgui Scocie: Omnibus probis hominibus tocius regni predicti, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta nostra confir- masse, pro salute animarum excellentissimorum priucipum, bone memorie, Roberti et Dauid de Bruys, Roberti Senescalli, progenitoris nostri, et Roberti Senescalli, fratris uostri, quondam regum Scocie, ac eciam pro salute anime nostre et animarum Margarete et Murielle, vxorum nostrarum, et prolum nostrarum ac antecessorum et successorum uostrorum ac omnium fidelium defunctorum, Deo et beate Marie Virgini et beato Michaeli, archangelo, ac vni capellano diuina celebranti et imperpetuum celebraturo in capella Beati Michaelis,archangeli, infra castrum de Striuclyne situata,decem marcas annualis redditus annuatim leuandas et recipiendas de annuo redditu viginti marcarum exeunte de terris de Cragortht cum pertineuciis, iacentibus infra vicecomitatura Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fyfe and of Menteth, and Governor of the kingdom of Scotland : To all good men of his whole foresaid kingdom, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that wo have given, granted, and ljy this our present charter have confirmed, for the salvation of the souls of the most excellent princes, of good memoi-y, Robert and David of Bruys, Robert Steward, our father, and Robert Steward, our brother, sometime kings of Scotland, and also for the salvation of our ' soul and of the souls of Margaret and Muriel, our wives, and of our children and of our predecessors and successors and of all the faithful dead, to God and the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael, the archangel, and to a chaplain celebratmg and for ever to celebrate divine service in the chapel of Saint Michael, the archangel, situated within the castle of Strivelyne, ten merks of annual rent to be yearly uplifted and received of an annual rent of twenty merks furth of the lands of Cragortht with the pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Strivelyne, by the 28 CHARTERS RELATING TO |U07. de Striuelyne, per mauus tenencium et inhabitancium canmdem. Tenendas et liabendas ac percipiendas dictas decern marcas anmiatim ad duos aiini terminos Penthecostes, videlicet, et Sancti Martiniin yemeper porciones equales, pi-edicto capellauo ct successoribus suis qui pro tempore fuerint, in liboram, puram et perpetuam elemosiuam, ad maouni mortuam imiDerpetuum, cum omnibus libertatibus, commoditatibus et aysiamentis, ac justis pertinenciis quibuscunquo ad dictum aonuum redditum spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus in futurum, adeo libere et quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, in omnibus et per omnia, sicut aliqua elemosina infra regnum Scocie per aliquem conceditur siue datur. Volumus, eciam, et coucedimus quod quandocuuque et quocienscunque dictum capellanum qui pro tempore fuerit decedere contigerit seu ex aliqua causa rationabili a dicta capellania ammoueri, extunc nos uel heredes nostri qui pro tempore fuerint infra mensem a tempoi-e vacacionis huiusmodi alium capellanum ydoneum domino episcopo Sauctiaudree uel eius vicario generali, sede vacaute, debite presenteut admit- tendum, pro salute omnium animarum predictarum in capellaBeati Michaeiis, supradicta pro perpetuo celebraturum. Et quandocunque dictum capellanum qui pro tempore fuerit adaliquod aliud beneficium ecclesiasticum contigerit pro- hands of the tenants and inhabitants of the same. To hold and have and uplift the said ten merks, yearly, at two terms in the year, that is to say Whitsunday and Martinmas in -svinter by equal portions, to the foresaid chaplain and his successors who shall be for tlie time, in free, pure and perpetual alms, in mortmain for ever, with all liberties, commodities and easements, and just pertinents whatsoever belonging or -which may in future justly belong to the said amnial rent, as freely and quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, in all and by all, as any alms within the kingdom of Scotland is by any one granted or given. We will, also, and grant that whensoever and as often as the said chaplain who shall be for the time shall happen to decease or from any reasonable cause remove from the said chaplainry, then we or our heirs who shall be for the time shall within a month from the time of such vacancy duly present to the lord bisliop of Saint Andrews, or to his vicar general, the see being vacant, another fit chaplain to be admitted to celebrate for ever in the foresaid chapel of St. Michael for the salvation of all the foresaid souls. And whenever the said chaplain who shall be for the time shall happen to be promoted to any other ecclesiastical benefice the said chaplainry shall immediately after he shall 1407.] THE BUEGH OF STIEJ^INC. 29 moueri statim postquam illiul percepei-it seu obtiiuierit dicta capellania vacabit. lusuper, volumus et per piesentes ordinanius quod si dictus auuuus redditus decern marcarum dicto capellano qui pro tempore fuerit ad dictos termiuos bene et prompte auuuatim uon soluaut, licet extuuc eidem capellano, sine licencia alicuius ministri, predictas terras de Craggrotht distriugerc ct namaie, quousquc de dicto annuo redditu pleuarie fuerit satisfactuni. IMicliil iudc faciendo, dictus capellanus et successores sui, nobis et heredibus nostris qui pro tempore fuerint, nisi missam cotidie cum dispositi fueriut in capella supradicta et oracionum suffragia deuotai'um, pro omni alio seruicio seculari, exaccione seu demanda,que de dicto annuo redditu decem marcarum aliqualiter exigi poterunt uel requiri. In cuius rei testimonium preseuti carte nostre sigillum officii nostri apponi fecimus. Testibus : Reuerendo in Christo patre Gilberto episcopo Abirdonensi, cancellario Scocie ; Roberto Senescalli, primo- genito carissimi filii nostri et heredis, Murdaci Senescalli, militis; Johanue Senescalli, filio nostro, domino Buchanie; Alexandro Senescalli comite de Marr et de Garvyach, nepote nostro ; Johanne Senescalli domino de Lome ; Willelmo de Ertht, militibus: domino Donaldo de Bute, decano Dunblanensis; et Andrea de Hawyk, secretario nostro. Apud Perth, vicesimo sexto die have received or obtained the same become vacant. Moreover, we will and by these presents ordain that if the said annual rent of ten marks be not well and promijtly paid yearly at the said terms to the said chaplain who shall be for the time, then it shall be lawful to the said chaplain, without the permission of any othcer, to dis- train and poind the foresaid lands of Craggrotht till he shall be fully paid of the said annual rent. Making therefor, the said chaplain and his successors, to us and our successors wlio shall be for the time, nothing except a daily mass in the said chapel when they shall be disposed and an oti'ering of devout prayers, for all other secular service, exaction or demand, which can in any way be asked or required of the said annual rent of ten merks. In witness whereof we have caused the seal of our office to be appended to our present charter. Witnesses : The reverend father in Christ Gilbert bishop of Aberdeen, chancellor of Scotland ; Kobert Steward eldest son of our dearest son and heir, Murdoch Steward, knight; John Steward our son, lord of Buchan ; Alexander Steward earl of Marr and of Garvyach, our nephew ; John Steward lord of Lome ; William of Ertht, knights ; Sir Donald of Bute, dean of Dunblane ; and Andrew of Hawyk, our secretary. At Perth on the twenty -sixth 30 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1407. ineiisis Junij anno Domini millesimo cccc'"° septimo et gubernaciouis nostre anno secundo. clay of the month of June the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and seven and of our government the second year. XX. CHARTER by King James the Second granting to the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of the Burgh of Stirling a New Fair to be held in the Burgh yearly at the Feast of the Ascension. Stirling, 25th October, 1447. JACOBUS, Dei gratia, Rex Scotorum: Omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos preseutes litere peruenerint, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos, ob fauorem dilectorum nostrorum prepositi, balliuoruni, cousulum et communi- tatis burgi nostri de Streuelyn, infeodasse, insigniuisse et dotasse,presentiumque per tenorem infeodare, iusignire et dotare dictum burgum nostrum de Streuelyn, prepositumque, balliuos, consules et communitatem autedictos, Novis Nundinis temporibus perpetuis pro futuris in dicto nostro burgo et eiusdem territorio annuatim in festo solempuitati.s Assencionis Domini tenendis, a- meridie, videlicet, vigilie dicti festi iuchoaudis et deinde per octo dies James, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all his good men, clerics and laics, to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye that we, for the favour we bear to our lovites the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our burgh of Strevelyn, have infeft, honoured, and endowed, and by the tenor of these presents infeft, honour, and endow our said burgh of Strevelyn, and the provost, bailies, councillors, and community foresaid, with a New Fair to be held yearly in all time coming in our said burgh and territory of the same at the feast of the solemnity of the Ascension of our Lord, that is to say beginning at noon of the vigil of the said 1447.] THE I'.URGH OF 8TIRLINU. 31 immediate sequentes inclusiue continuandis; cum eisdem pviuilegiis, pre- rogativis, libertatibus ct consuetudiuibus, sicut dicta communitas et ipsum burgum nostrum nundinas suas in festo nativitatis beate Virginis Marie et per octavas eiusdem optineut et possident de presenti seu antiquitus optinere et possidere consueuerunt, adeo libere et quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, in omnibus et per omnia, cum omni suo jure, proprietate et possessione, sicut burgi cuicunquc infra regnum nostrum seu eius com- munitas nnndinis nouis gaudent aut antiquis ; ipsis taraen uundinis suis prehabitis eisdem vt hactenus gaudere soliti sunt semper saluis. Reddendo inde nobis et successoribus nostris jura de nundinis dicti burgi antiquitus debita et consueta. Quare, vuiuersis et singulis legiis et subditis nostris et aliis quibiiscuuque, firmiter precipimus et mandamus ne quis dictas nundinas burgi nostri pi-edicti, nouas aut antiquas, seu liomines quoscunque aut mercatores, in personis, bonis, mercandiis, catallis, equis aut rebus suis aliis quibuscunque, ad ipsas nundinas progredieutes, ibidem morantes aut inde regredientes, perturbare, molestare seu quoquomodo inquietare presumat iniuste, sub omni pena quam erga regiam majestatem amittere poterit in hac parte. In cuius rei testimonium hiis nostris presentibus Uteris magnum feast and to be continued thence for eight days immediately following inclusive; with tlie same privileges, prerogatives, liberties, and customs wherewith the said community and our said burgh at present hold and possess, orof old were in use to hold and possess their fair at the feast of the nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary and during the octaves of the same, as freely and c[uietly, fully, wholly, honorably, well, and in peace, in all ^nd by all things, with all their right, property, and possession as any burghs within our kingdom or community thereof enjoy their new or ancient fairs; but saving always to them their fairs liolden before as they have been wont to enjoy the same. Eendering therefor to us and our successors the rights anciently due and wont from the fair of the said burgh. Wherefore, we strictly command and charge all and sundry our lieges and subjects, and others whomsoever, that no one unjustly presume to disturb, molest, or in any maimer of way trouble the said fairs of our foresaid burgh, new or old, or whatsoever men or merchants, in their persons, goods, merchan- dice, cattle, horses, or other things whatsoever, going to the said fair, remaining there or returning thence, under all penalty which can be incurred towards our royal majesty thereanent. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be 32 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1447. sigillum nostrum appooi precepimus. Apud castnim nostrum de Streuelyn, vicesimo quinto die mensis Octobris auno Domiui millesimo quadriugentesimo quadragesimo septimo et regni nostri vndecimo. appended to these our present letters. At our castle of Strevelyn, on the twenty- fifth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and forty-seven and of our reign the eleventh. XXI. CHARTER by King James the Second to the Burgesses and Community of the Burgh of Stirling, of freedom from the payment of Custom on Salt and Skins. Edinburgh, 12th January, 14.51-2. JACOBUS, Dei gracia, Bex Scotorum: Omnibus probis hominibus tocius terra sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos, pro singular! fan ore quern gerimus erga dilectos mercatores nostros, burgenses et communitatem burgi nostri de Striueline, pro suis gratuitis seruiciis nobis hactenus multipliciter impensis, dedisse, concessisse, et liac present! carta nostra confirmasse, pro nobis nostrisque heredibus et successoribus, pro perpetuo, prefatis burgensi- bus et communitati burgi nostri de Striueline eorumque heredibus et success- oribus, burgensibus eiusdem burgi, vt ipsi perpetuis futuris temporibus liberi, absoluti et quitti, sint ab omni solutione custume salis et pellium subscript- arum wlgariter dictarum skorlingis, skaldiugis, futefellis, lentyrne ware, lamb- skynnis, todskynnis, calfskynnis, cunyngskynnis, ottirskynuis, et foumart- James, by the grace of God, King of Scots: To all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that, for the singular favor which we bear to our lovites, the merchants, burgesses, and community of our burgh of Striveline, for their manifold gratuitous services done to us heretofore, we have given, granted, and by this our present charter confirmed for us and our heirs and successors for ever to the foresaid burgesses and community of our burgh of Striveline and their heirs and successors, burgesses of tlie same burgh, that they be in all time coming free, released, and discharged from all payment of custom of salt and of the skins underwritten, commonly called skorlingis, skaldingis, futefellis, lentyrne ware, lambskynnis, tod- skynnis, calfskynnis, cunyngskinnis, otterskynnis, and f oumartskynnis. And we i-elease, U51-2.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 33 skynnis. Et mercatores ac burgenses de Striuelyne eorumque heredes et successores, dicti burgi burgenses, de solutione dicte custume salis et pellium predictarum absoluiiiius et exoncramus et quittos clamamiis, pro nobis et nostris successoribus, pro perpetuo. Preterea, volumus ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus concedimiis dictis burgensibiis et communitati de Striiieline liberam potestatem atque facultatem vendendi, mercandizandi, vol in ex- cambium aut alias permutandi, tarn extraneis personis et uon liberis quam quibuscunque aliis personis, et tarn infra regnum nostrum quam extra, merci- mouia predicta salis et pellium absque quacunque custuraa per ipsos extraneos aut alios quoscunque quibuscunque futuris tcmporibus persoluenda; ita quod de dictis sale et pellibus per ipsos extraneos a nostris burgensibus supradictis emptis seu acquisitis custuma nullatenus persoluetur, nisi tantum parua cus- tuma per extraneos et non llberos dictis burgensibus et communitati de dictis sale et pellibus retroactis temporibus hactenus debita et persolui consueta. Quare, vniuersis et singulis quorum interest vel interesse poterit, stricte pre- cipiendo mandamus quatenus in contrarium dicte nostre concessionis, doua- tionis, exoneracionis et quitticlamacionis, nvdlateuus deuenire presumant seu eorum aliquis deuenire presumat, sub omui pena quam erga nostram regiam incurrere jDoterint maiestatem. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus nostris exoner, and quitclaim, for us and our successors for ever, the merchants and burgesses of Strivelyne and their heirs and successors, burgesses of the said burgh, from the payment of the said custom on salt and the foresaid skins. Moreover, we will and for us and our successors gi-ant to the said burgesses and community of Striveline free power and privilege of selling, buying, or exchanging in barter orotherwise, as well with strangers and unfreemen as other persons whomsoever, and as well within our king- dom as without, the foresaid merchandise of salt and skins without tlie payment of any custom by the said strangers or others whomsoever in all time coming; so that no custom shall be paid in respect of the said salt and skins bought or acquired by the said strangers from our foresaid burgesses, except only the petty custom of the said salt and skins used and wont in time past to be paid by strangers and unfreemen to the said burgesses and community. Wherefore, we strictly charge and command all and sundry whom it does or may concern that neither they nor any of them in any degree presume to contravene our said grant, gift, acquittance, and discharge, under all penalty which they can incur to our royal majesty. In witness E 34 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1451-2. Uteris pro perpetuo duraturis nostrum magnum sigillum apponi precepimus. Testibus: Reuerendis in Christo patribus, Willelmo, Johanue et Tlioma, Glasguensis, Morauiensis et Cacdidecase, ecclesiarum episcopis; carissimo consanguineo nostro Willelmo comite fie Douglas et de Auandale, domino Gahvidie; Willelmo domino Creichtoune, nostro cancellario et consanguineo predilecfo; dilectis consanguineis nostris, Willelmo domino Somervile, Andrea domino le Gray; magistris Johanne Arous, archidiacouo Glasguensi, et Georgeo de Schoriswode rectore de Cultir, clerico nostro. Apud Edinburgh, duodecimo die mensis Januarii anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo quinquagesimo prime et regni nostri decimo quinto. whereof we have commanded our great seal to be appended to these our present letters to endure for ever. Witnesses : The reverend fathers in Christ, William, John, and Thomas, bishops of the churches of Glasgow, Moray, and Galloway; our dearest cousin William earl of Douglas and of Avandale, lord of Galloway ; William lord Creichtoune, our chancellor and beloved cousin ; our beloved cousins, William lord Somervile, Andrew lord le Gray ; Masters John Arous, archdeacon of Glasgow, and George of Schoriswode, rector of Cultir, our clerk. At Edinburgh, on the twelfth day of the month of January in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and lifty-one and of our reign the fifteenth. XXIL LETTERS PATENT by King James the Second, under his Great ^eal, appointing the Parliament of the Four Burghs, of whicli Stirling was one, to be held at Edinburgh yearly. Edinburgh, otli November, 1454. Jacobus, Dei gracia. Rex Scotorum : Vniuersis et singulis ligiis et subditis nostris ad quorum noticias presentes litere peruenerint, salutem. Quia serenissimus princeps Jacobus Rex Scotorum, progenitor noster, cuius anime propicietur Deiis, de auisamento et deliberacioue trium regni sui statuum, James, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all and sundry our lieges and subjects to whose knowledge the present letters shall come, greetmg. Whereas the most serene prince James Kiug of Scots, our father, on whose soul may God have mercy, with the advice and consent of the three estates of his kingdom, at Perth, 1454.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 35 apud Perth, concessit et ordiuauit parliamentum Quatuor Burgorum apud burgum nostrum de Edinburgh annuatim teneri sicut a temporibus retroactis teuebatur. Vokimus et coucessimus, ac preseucium tenure concedimus, pro nobis et successoribus nostris imperpetuum, burgensibus nostris burgi nostri de Edinburgh et eorum successoribus, vt dictum parliamentum Quatuor Bur- gorum in dicto burgo nostro do Ediuburglie annuatim pro perpetuo teneatur, et die statuto post festum Beati Michaelis archangeli, cum continuacione dierum, omnino inchoetur et obseruetur. Quare magno camerario nostro et suis deputatis qui pro tempore fuerint stricte precipiendo mandamus quatenus curiam parliamenti Quatuor Burgorum haberi et teneri more solito faciatis iu burgo nostro antedicto, conuocatis et summouitis annuatim ad hoc comparituris commissariis Quatuor Burgorum principaliura, videlicet, Edin- burgh, Striuelyn, Lithqw et Lanark, dicte curie sectatoribus siue accessoribus, ad subeundum, ordinandum, et finaliter determinandum, de et super judiciis burgorum vniuersalium regni nostri curiis datis siue contradictis ; ac eciam mensuram vine, ferlote siue bolle, lagine et petre, more solito, ligiis et com- munibus nostris, dandum, liberandum et recipiendum ; necnon omnia alia et granted and ordained that the parliament of the Four Burghs should be lield yearly in our burgh of Edinburgh as it was held in times past. We will and have granted, and by the tenor hereof grant, for us and our successors for ever, to our burgesses of our burgh of Edinburgh and their successors, that the said parliament of the Four Burghs be held yearly in our said burgh of Edinburgh for ever, and be constantly begun and kept on the appointed day after the feast of St. Michael the archangel, with continuation of days. Wherefore we strictly charge and command our great chamberlain and his deputies who shall be for the time that they cause the court of the parhament of the Four Burghs to be had and held in the accustomed manner within our foresaid burgh, there being called and summoned yearly to appear thereat the com- missioners of the four principal burghs, that is to say, Edinburgh, Strivelyn, Lithqw, and Lanark, with the suitors or assessors of the said court, to consider, ordain, and finally determine, of and upon the judgments given or gainsaid in the courts of the whole burghs of our kingdom ; and also to give, deliver, and receive the measure of the ell, tirlot or boll, stoup and stone, in the accustomed mamier, to our lieges and commons ; also to do and exercise all and sundry which in such a court of parliament, according to the laws, statutes, and customs of burghs, are treated upon, 36 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1454. singula facienda et excercenda que in huiusmodi curia parliamenti, secundum leges, statuta et burgoriiin consuetudines, sunt tractanda, subeunda et finaliter determinanda. In cuius rei testimonium, has literas nostras, dictis burgensibus nostris eorumque successoribus pro perpetuo duraturas, sub magno sigillo nostro, fieri fecimus pateutes. Testibus : Reuerendis in Christo patribus, Jacobo consanguineo nostro carissimo; Thonia, Georgeo, et Thoma, Sanc- tiandree, Duukeldensis, Brecbinensis, et Candidecase, ecclesiarum episcopis ; dilectis consanguineis nostris, Willelmo, comite Orchadie, domino de Sancto Claro, nostro cancellario ; Georgeo comite Angusie ; Thoma domino Erskyn ; Willelmo domino Somervele; Willelmo domino Bortbwik; Willelmo Murray de Tulibardyn ; et Willelmo Bonare, uostrorum compotorum rotolutore. Apud Edinburghe, quinto die mensis Nouembris, anno Domini millesimo quadrin- geutesimo quinquagesimo quarto et regni nostri decimo octauo. considered and finally determined. In witness whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent under our great seal, to endure to our said burgesses and their successors for ever. Witnesses : the reverend fathers in Christ, James our dearest cousin ; Thomas, George, and Thomas, bishops of the churches of St. Andrews, Dunkeld, Brechin, and Galloway; our beloved cousins, William, earl of Orkney, lord of Saint Clair, our chancellor ; George earl of Angus ; Thomas lord Erskpi ; William lord Somervele ; William lord Borthwik ; William Murray of Tulibardyn ; and William Bonare, our comptroller. At Edinburgh, the fifth day of the month of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and fifty four and of our reign the eighteenth. XXIII. CHARTER by King James the Second to the Provost, Bailies, Burgesses, and Community of Stirling of the right of patronage of St. James' Hospital, with the lands and others belonging thereto. Stirling, 24th June, 1456. Jacobus, Dei gracia. Rex Scotorum : Omnibus probis hominibus tocius ten-e sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Quia considerauimus incendia, rapinas et James, by the grace of God, King of Scots: To all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Whereas we have considered the fireraisings, robberies 1456.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 37 depredaciones, per nostros rebelles et proditores, Jacobum de Douglas?, niilitem, et complices suos, super burgo nostro de Striueling et inliabitantibus ipsum burgum alias, in uostri et coroue uostre vilepeusionem et contemptum, iuhu- maniter et crudelissime, in dictoruni burgeusium et ligiorum nostrorum depauperationem, lesionem et dampuum, quara maximum et grauamen, facta et perpetrata. Nos, igitur, pietate moti, considerantes quod dicti comburgen.ses ob nostri causam deuastati et spoliati extiteraut, et quam maxima dampna sus- tiuuerant, dedimus et concessimus, ac presentis carte nostre teuore damus et concedimus hereditarie pro perpetuo, preposito, balliuis, burgeusibus et com- muuitati dicti burgi, et eorum successoribus, burgeusibus eiusdem qui pro tempore fuerint, in laudem et honorem Dei Omnipotentis, beate Virgini.s Marie matris sue et beati Jacobi apostoli et omnium sanctorum, ad edificationem ecclesie parochialis dicti burgi nostri et pro supportatioue et sustentatione placei uulgariter dicti Galsmj prope pontem de Striueling, jus nostrum pat- ronatus sine donacionem et concessionem Hospitalis Beati Jacobi prope dictum pontem de Striueling ; vnacum terris, obuentionibus, oblationibus, redditibus, possessionibus et proficuis quibuscunque ad dictum hospitale spectantibus. Tenendum et habendum, dictum jus patronatus siue donationem et conces- and depredations, barbarously and most cruelly sometime done and perpetrated by our rebels and traitors, James of Douglas, knight, and his accomplices, upon our burgh of Striveling and inhabitants of the said burgh, in despite and contempt of us and our crown, to the impoverishment, hurt and exceeding great loss and damage of our said burgesses and lieges. We, therefore, moved mth piety, considering that the said co-burgesses have been wasted and despoiled for our cause, and how great losses they have sustained, have given and granted, and by the tenor of our present charter give and grant heritably for ever, to the provost, bailies, burgesses and community of the said burgh and their successors, bui'gesses of the same for the time being, to the praise and honour of God Almighty, the blessed Virgin Mary his mother and Saint James the apostle and of all saints, for the building of the parish church of our said burgh and for the support and maintenance of the roadway commonly called the Calsay near the bridge of Strivelmg, our right of patronage or donation and gift of the Hospital of St. James near the said bridge of Striveling; together with the lands, obveutions, oblations, rents, possessions and profits whatsoever belonging to the said hospital. To liold and to have, the said right of patronage or donation 38 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1456. sionem dicti hospitalis, dictis preposito, balliuis, burgensibus et commimitati dicti burgi nostri et eorum successoribus, burgensibus dicti burgi qui pro tempore fueriut, cum vniuersis et singulis teiTis, redditibus, emolumentis, proficuis et pertinenciis eiusdem, ad ipsorum liberam et pleuariam ordina- tionem et dispositionem, in feodo et hereditate imperpetuum, sine aliquo retinemento seu obstaculo quocunque ; prefatis tamen preposito, balliuis, burgensibus et communitate dicti burgi, supportantibus et sustentantibus dictam placeain et facientibus et perimplentibus omnia alia onera dicto liospitali incumbentia, debita et consueta, juxta primeuam et antiquam fundationem eiusdem hospitalis. In cuius rei testimonium presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus : Reuerendo in Cbristo patre Georgeo episcopo Brechinensi; dilectis consanguineis nostris, Thoma domino Erskin, Patricio domino Grahame, Roberto domino Boide, et Alexan- dro Napare, nostroruar compotorum rotulatore. Apud Striueling, vicesimo quarto die mensis Junii, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo quin- quagesimo sexto et regni nostri vicesimo. and gift of tlie said hospital, to the said provost, baihes, burgesses and community of our said burgh and their successors, burgesses of the said burgh for the time being, with ail and sundry lands, rents, emoluments, prohts and pertinents of the same, for theii" free and full ordmation and disposal, in fee and heritage for ever, without any hindrance or obstacle whatever ; the foresaid provost, bailies, bur- gesses and community of the said burgh, nevertheless supporting and maintaining the said roadway and domg and fulfilling all other burdens incumbent on the said hospital, due and wont, according to the first and ancient foundation of the said hospital. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be appended to our present charter. Witnesses: The reverend father in Christ George bishop of Brechin ; our well beloved cousins, Thomas lord Erskin, Patrick lord Grahame, Robert lord Boide, and Alexander Napare, our comptroller. At Striveling, on the twenty fourth day of the month of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and fifty six and of our reign the twentieth. U73.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 39 XXIV. CHARTER by Macolm Flemyng to the Provcst, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of Stirling, ofa tenement on the south side of the High Street, forming the site of the Tolbooth. KirkintuUoch, 13th November, 1473. Omnibus banc cartam visuri.s vel audituris : Macolmus Flemyng, filius et heres apparens Roberti domini le Flemyng, salutem in Eo qui est omnium vera salus. Noueritis me, vtilitate vtique et commodo meis vndeque preuisis et pensatis, concessisse, vendidisse ac titulo veudicionis pure et imiaerpetuum alienasse et bac present! carta mea confirmasse, ac per presentes coucederc, vendere, alienare et bereditarie confirmare, bonorabilibus, prouidis et discretis viris, preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati burgi de Striueline, totum et integrum tenementum meum, cum pertinenciis, jacenteni infra dictum burgum ex parte australi Vici Regii inter terram Johaunis Brady e.x parte orientali ab vna et communem viam regiam sen venellam ducentem ad ecclesiam parochialem dicti burgi ex parte occideutali partibus ab alia, pro quadam certa summa pecunie bone et legalis moijete regni Scocie michi per prefatos propositum, balliuos, consules et communitatem dicti burgi, in mea necessitate, gratauter preraanibus, in summa Integra j^ersoluta, in pecunia To ALL who shall see or hear this charter. Macolm Flemyng, son and apparent heir of Robert lord le Flemyng, greeting in Him who is the true salvation of all. Know ye that I, my use, profit and advantage, certainly m every way foreseen and considered, have given and liy title of pure sale have sold and for ever alienated and by this my present charter contirnied, and Ijy these presents grant, sell, alienate and heritably confirm to honorable, provident and discreet men, the provost, bailies, councillors and community of the burgh of Strivelme, all and whole my tenement, with the pertinents, lying within the said burgh on the south side of the High Street between the land of John Brady on the east side on the one part and the common highway or vennel leading to the parish church of the said burgh on the west side on the other part, for a certain sure sum of good and lawful money of the kingdom of Scot- land thankfully paid beforehand in a whole sum to me by the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh in my necessity, in told money, and applied to my uses in various ways ; of which sum of money I hold me well content and 40 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1473. numerata, et ia vsus meos diuersimodo conuersa ; de qua quidam summa pecunie teneo me beue contentum et pacatum per eosdem, et ipsos ac suos successores, prepositos, balliuos, consules et communitatem dicti burgi, pro me et heredibus meis.quittumclamoetexonero jDerpetuumperpresentes, Tenen- dum et habendum, dictum totum et integrum tenementum cum pertinenciis, prefatis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati, et suis successoribus predictis, a me et heredibus meis, de supremo domino nostro Rege regni Scocie et suis successoribus regibuseiusdem,infeodoethereditate imperpetuum,per omnes rectas metas suas et diuisas, nouas et antiquas, cum vlna terre precedente in latitudine dicte venelle a radice muri dicti tenementi, per supremum dominum nostrum Regem michi concessa, in limitibus, bondis, fronte et cauda, longitudine ac latitudine prout jacet, in edificiis, domibus, cameris, soliis, woltis, repera- turis, muris, tegulis, tectis, lignis, tignis, meremiis, ferro, lapidibus, sabulo et calce in dicto tenemento edificatis et ad iidem per me ordinatis et auisatis edificaturis ; ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, asiamentis ac justis suis pertinenciis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam sub terra quam supra terram, prope et procul, ad dictum totum satisfied by them, and for me and my heirs by tbese presents for ever exoner and discharge them and their successors, provosts, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh. To hold and to have, all and whole the said tenement with the pei'tinents, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, and commumty and their successors foresaid, from me and my heirs, of our sovereign lord the King of the kingdom of Scotland and liis successors kings of the same, in fee and heritage for ever, by all their right meiths and marches, new and old, with an ell of land going out before in the breadth of the said vennel from the foot of the wall of the said tenement, given to me by our sovereign lord the King, in the limits, bounds, fore and back, as it lies in length and breadth, in buildings, houses, chambers, floors, vaults, repertories, walls, tiles, roofs, timber, wood, materials, iron, stones, gravel and lime built in the said tenement and ordained and designed by me to be built upon the same; and with all and sundry other liberties, commodities, easements and their just pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the "round, far and near, belonging to all and whole the said tenement with the pertinents or that may justly belong in any way in time to come, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honorably, well and in peace, without any hindrance or revocation whatsoever. Pay- U73.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. -il et integrum tenementum cum pertinenciis spectantibus sen quomodolibet iuste spectare valentibus in futurum, libere, quiete, plenarie, iutegre, honorifice, bene et in pace, sine retinemento vel reuocatione aliquali. Reddendo inde, annuatim, dicti prepositus, balliui, cousiiles et communitas dicti burgi et sui suc- cessores predicti, supremo domino uostro Regi et suis successoribus,regibus regni Scocie, firmam regiam,cumseruicio in burgo indedebitoet consueto, ac capellano perpetuoetaltari Sancti Niniaui fundatoetsituato in dicta ecclesia parocliiali sex solidos et octo denarios aunui redditus ac alios annuos redditus inde exeuntes et debitos^, tantum, pro omni alio onere, exaccioue, seruicio seculari, exceptiono, questione seu demanda, que de dicto toto et integro tenemento cum pertinenciis exigi poterunt quomodolibet vel requiri. Et ego, dictus Macolmus Flemj'ng, et lieredes mei dictum totum et integrum tenementum cum pertinenciis pre- fatis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi, et suis succes- soribus predictis, in omnibus et per omnia vt premissum est contra omnes mortales, warantizabimus, acquietabimus et presentis carte tenore defendemus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum presenti carte mee est appensum. ing therefor, yearly, the said provost, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh and their successors foresaid to our sovereign lord the King and his successors, kings of the kingdom of Scotland, the royal ferme with service in burgh therefrom due and wont, and to the perpetual chaplain and the altar of Saint Ninian founded and situated in the said parish church six shillings and eight pennies of annual rent and other amiual rents exigible and due therefrom^ only, for all other burden, exaction, secular service, exception, question or demand, which can in any way be asked or I'equired of all and whole the said tenement with the pertinents. A.nd I, the said Macolm Flemyng, and my heirs shall warrant, acquit, and by the tenor of the present charter defend all and whole the said tenement with the pertinents to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of the said burgh, and their successors foresaid, in all and by all, as aforesaid, against all mortals. In mtness whereof my seal is appended to my present charter. At KirkintuUoch, on the thirteenth day 'The pi'operty was acquii'ed by Malcolm uuder his great seal dated 10th November, Flemyng from William Bidly, chaplam of the 147"2. lu this confirmation there is, in addition altar of the Holy Cross in the parish cluu'ch, to the anuualrent of Gs. Sd. to St. Ninian's conform to charter dated 27th February, 1471, altar, one of ^Gs. Sd. payable to the altar of which King James III. confirmed liy charter St. Thomas, the Apostle, in the parisli church. 42 CHARTERS RELATING TO [U73. Apud Kirkintullocb, Jecimo tercio die mensis Nouembris anno Domini millesimo qiiadringeutesimo septuageslmo tercio, coram hiis testibus : Roberto Boyde, Willelmo de Letbprevir, Allano de Letkprevir, dominis Thoma Axt- kynson, Jacobo Darow, capellanis, et Willelmo Cocbran, cum diuersis aliis. of the inontli of November in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and seventy-three, in presence of these witnesses : Robert Boyde, William of Lethprevir, Allan of Lethprevir, Sir Thomas Axtkynsoun, Sir James Darow, chaplains, and William Cochran, with sundry others. XXV. LETTERS by the Provost, Bailies, Coaocil, and Community of the Burgh of Stirling, adjudging possession of a tenement in Stirling to tlie Altar of the Holy Trinity in the Parisli Church, in default of payment of an annual rent. Stirling, 22nd April, 1476. Vniuersis et singulis ad quorum noticias presentes litere peruenerint, pro- positus, balliui, consules et communitas burgi de Striuelin, salutem in Eo qui est omni vera salus. Cum pietatis et meriti sit opus, et nostro congruit oificio, vnicuique secundum rei geste veritatem, presertim coram nobis pro- batam et compertam, testimonium veridicum prohibere, in casu quo per maxima quo agnite veritatis occultatio, preiudicium, grauamen aut dispeudium, generare poterit innocenti. Proinde estquod presentium per tenorem attestamur et fidele prohibemus testimonium quod alias in quatuor nostris curiis et nostri biirgi predicti curiis capitalibus discretus vir, domiuus Robertus Simsoun, capellanus perpetuus altaris Sancte Trinitatis fundati in ecclesia parochiali de Striuelin, To ALL AND SUNDRY to wliose knowledge the present letters shall come, the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of the burgh of Strivelin, greeting in Him who is the true salvation of all. Whereas it is a work of godliness and merit, and becomes our office, to bear soothfast testimony to everyone according to the truth of the fact, especially when it is proved and found before us, in a case wherein exceed- ingly the concealment of known truth may generate damage, injury, or expense to the innocent. Therefore it is that by the tenor of these presents we attest and bear faithful testimony that certain times in our four courts and in the head courts of 147G.J THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 43 coram nobis iu nostro pretorio consedentibus processit et processus fecit, videlicit, iu curia capital! post fostum Paschc meusis Aprilis die tertio anno Domini millesimo cccc° Ixxv", in curia capitali post festum Sancti Michaelis archangeli, meusis, videlicet, Octobris die secundo, iu curia capitali post festum Natiuitatis Domini die decirao quiuto meusis Januarij ut iu curia capitali post festum Pasche die vicesimo secundo mensis Aprilis anno Domini millesimo cccc° Ixxvj" hoc, proximis successiue et immediate altcruatim sequeutibus, super vno tenemento terre jaceute in burgo nostro de Striuelin antedicto quod fuit quondam Johannis Worthy, jacente infra dictum burgum in Venella Castri ex parte occidentali Vici Regij inter terram Roberti JoiTray ex parte australi ab vna et terram Johannis Patonsoun ex parte boreali partibus ab alia, ob defectum solutionis vnius annui redditus decern et quinque solidorum annua- tim de prefato toto et integro tenemento; de quo annuo redditu nichil per certos annos et terminos recepit aut leuauit dictus dominus Robertus Sirasoun seu recipereaut leuare potuit. Vude prefatus dominus Robertus, Johanne Crage, Thoma Smytht et Johanne Rodye, sergeandj, et diuersis testibus, burgi nostri predicti burgensibus, videlicet, Michaele Patonsoun, Johanne Patonsoun, Alex- our foresaid burgh a discreet man, 8ir Robert Simsoun, perpetual chaplain of the altar of the Holy Trinity founded in the parish church of Strivelin proceeded, and led a process before us sitting openly in our tolbooth, namely, in the head court after the feast of Pasch on the third day of the month of April the year of our Lord one thousand four luuidred and seventy-five, in the head court after the feast of St. Michael the archangel, namely, on the second day of the month of October, in the head court after the feast of the Nativity of our Lord on the fifteentli day of the month of January, and iu the head court after the feast of Pasch on this twenty- second day of the month of April in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and seventy-six, next successively and immediately following each other, concernmg a tenement of land lying in our foresaid burgh of Strivelin which belonged to the deceased John Worthy, lying within the .said burgli iu the Castle Vennel on the west side of the High Street between the land of Robert Jofi'ray on the south side on the one part and the land of John Patonsoun on the north side on the other part, on account of the non-payment of an annual rent of fifteen shilluigs yearly from all and whole the foresaid tenement; of which amiual rent the said Sir Robert Symsoun has received or uplifted or been able to receive or uplift nothmg for certain years and 44 CHARTERS RELATING TO [147G. andro Cristall, Thoma Ciage, Johanne Freman, Dauido Weilfeid, Georgeo Lyutoun et Alexandra Brouster, nostris auctoritate et maiidato, ad predictum tenementum accesserunt vicissim, in qualibet ipsarum uostrarum curiaruni, et nichil inibi preter terram et lapides vude dictum tenementum astringi pro dicto annuo redditu aliqualiter possit inuenerunt ; qui nobis in singulis curiis nostris pveseutauit. Et in vltima dieta predictarum curiarum coniparuit idem dominus Robertus et peciit judicium quod possessio illius tenementi cum pertinenciis sibi tanquam domino capitali et fundi eiusdem, sub Rege, in defectu dicti annui redditus nou soluti, rcdundari et reuerti debeat; et super hoc plegium obtiuuit et inuenuit, quo j^legio recepto et non coutradicto, parte prosequente tunc de curia exeunte, et parte aduersa et defendenti sepe vocata ad compareudum defeudendumque et resistendum parti prosequenti vel ad satisfaciendum dicto domino Roberto Simsoun, capellano, de annuis redditibus ex annis et terminis preteritis non solutis, vuacum dampnis et expensis super processu antedicto factis et faciendis ; qua parte aduersa non comparente, curia consulta, et parte prosequente introducta, possessio illius tenementi cum per- terms. Whereupon the foresaid Sir Robert, John Crage, Thomas Smytht and John Rodye, sergeants, and sundry witnesses, burgesses of our foresaid burgh, namely, Michael Patonsouu, John Patonsoun, Alexander Cristall, Thomas Crage, John Fre- man, David Weilfeid, George Lyutoun, and Alexander Brouster, by our authority and mandate, passed one after another to the foresaid tenement, at every one of our said courts, and found nothing there except earth and stones from \yhich the said tenement could in any way be distrained for the said annual rent ; which was repre- sented to us in our several courts. And in the last diet of our foresaid courts compeared the said Sir Robert and asked judgment that possession of the said tenement with the pertinents ought to return and revert to him as the lord in chief and of the ground of the same, under the King, in default of the said annual rent not being paid ; and upon this he obtained and found a jiledge, which pledge being received and not gainsaid, the party prosecuting then leaving the court, and the opposite and defending party being ofttimes called to compear and defend and oppose the party prosecuting or to satisfy the said Sir Robert Simsoun, chaplain, of the annual rents for the by past years and terms unpaid, togetlier with the damages and expenses caused and to be caused in regard to the foresaid process ; which opposite party not compearing, the court having consulted, and the prosecuting party U76.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. ir, tiuenciis adiiulicata fuit dicto domino Roberto Simsoiin, capcllauo, ct suis successoribus perpetuis dicti altaiis, iiuperpetuum liereditaric, per os Thome Steynesouu, tunc dempstarij siue judiciary dicte curie ; quo adiudicato Dauid Murray, tunc temporis vuius balliuorum burgi prefati, statum, saisinam, ct possessionem realem, actualem et corporaleni, illius tenementi cum pertinenciis, saluo jure cuiuslibet, per terre et lapidis tradicionem, vt moris est burgorum, prefato domino Roberto Symsoun, capellauo, tradldit vt congruit atque donauit; publiceque proclamare fecit quod si quis uel qua jus uel interesse ad predictum tenementum cum pertinenciis vindicare aut reclamare voluerit aut reclamauerit habere, infra tempus legittimum et jure statutum et iudultum veniret et de aunuis redditibus preteritis, expensis et aliis, refuu- dendis satisfaceret, et quod dictum tenementum cum pertinenciis haberet sohitum et quietum et possidei'it pro perpetuo, prout expostulat et requirit juris ordo. Etiioc omnibus quorum interest uel interesse poterit uotificamus per presentes. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum commune dicti burgi nostri, vnacum sigillo dicti Dauid Murray, balliui nostri, qui dictam, uostris ex mandate et precepto, contulit possessionem et saisinam prefati tenementi cum being brouglit in, by the mouth of Thomas Steynesouu, then dempster or judiciar of the said court, possession of the said tenement with the pertments was adjudged to the said Sir Robert Simsoun, chaplain, and his perpetual successors at the said altar, heritably for ever; on which adjudication David Mui'ray, then one of the bailies of the foresaid burgh, delivered and gave as became, to the foresaid Sir Robert Symsoun, chaplain, state, sasine, and real, actual and corporal possession of the said tenement with the pertinents, saving the right of every one, Ijy deli\"ery of earth and stone as the manner of burghs is; and caused it to be publicly proclaimed that if any one, man or woman, shall wish to challenge or claim, or shall claim to have right or interest in the foresaid tenement with the pertinents, he or she shall come within the lawful time appomted and allowed by law and make payment of the bj'past annual rents, expenses and others, to be refunded, and that he shall have and possess the said tenement with the pertinents free and quit for ever, as the order of law demands and requires. And this to all who have or may have interest we notify liy these presents. In witness whereof to these presents we have caused to be appended our common seal of our said burgh, together with the seal of the said David Murray, our bailie, who at our command and precept gave possession and sasine of the fore- 46 CHARTERS RELATING TO [117G. pertinenciis, presentibus apponi fecimus. Apud dictum burgum nostrum vicessimo secundo die mensis Aprilis anuo Domini millesimo cccc° Ixxvj". said tenement with the pertinents. At our said burgh on tlie twenty second day of the month of April in the year of our Lord one thousand four lumdred and seventy-six. XXVL INSTRUMENT setting forth the Union of the Altars of the Holy Trinity and of St. Thomas in the Parish Church of Stirling and the Institution of a Chaplain thereto. Stirling, 6tli November, 1490. In Dei Nomine, amen. Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat euidenter quod anno incarnacionis Dominice millesimo quadringen- tesimo monogesimo, die vero mensis Nouembris sexto, indictione octaua, pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo patris ac domini domini Innocencii, diuina prouidencia, Pape, octaui, anno septimo, ac regni excellcntissimi principis supremique domini nostri regis Jacobiquarti Scotorum regis illustrissimi anno tercio : In mei, notarii publici, et testium subscrijjtorum, presencia personaliter constitutus venerabilis vir, magister Duncanus Bully, archidiaconus Dunblan- ensis, accedens ad insulam Sancte Trinitatis situatam et fundatam in ecclesia parochiali de Striueling, et ibidem cum consensu et asseusu prepositi et In the name of God, amen. By this present public instrument be it manifestly known to all that on the sixth day of November in the year of the incarnation of our Lord one thousand four hundred and ninety, in the eighth indiction, the seventh year of the pontificate of the most holy father in Christ and lord, lord Innocent the eighth, by divine providence. Pope, and in the third year of the reign of the most excellent prince and our sovereign lord King James the Fourth, most illustrious King of Scots : In presence of me, notary public, and witnesses underwritten, per- sonally compeared a venerable man master Duncan Bullj^, archdeacon of Dunblane, passing to the aisle of the Holy Trmity situated and founded in the parish church of 149(i.J THK DUROH OF STIHLINU. 47 balliuorum necnon et consilio burgi antedicti de Striueliug, vt ipse asseruit se esse patrouum altariuin Saucte Trinitatis et Sancti Thome, apostoli, et ibidem vniuit et coaiuxit altare Sancti Thome, apostoli, ad altare Sancte Trinitatis, quia annui redditus eorundem fuerunt distructe per combustionem ville quod non potuerunt sustiuere duos capellanos, sed minime vmim. Et immediate dictus magister Duncanus Bully, cum consensu et assensu propositi et balliu- orum necnon et consilio burgi antedicti de Striueliug contulit et dedit institucionem discrete viro, domino Roberto Symsoun, capellano de dictis altaribus, per tradicionem cornu altaris, semper et quousque dictus magister Duncanis potuit optinei-e certos annuos redditus de bonis suis sibi a Deo coUatis, ad sustencionem duorum capellanorum. De et super quibus, omnibus et singulis, dictus dominus Robertus Simsoun a me notario publico subscripto sibi fieri peciit vnum aut plura publicum sen publica instrumentum aut instrumenta. Acta fuerunt hec apud insulam antedictam in ecclesia paro- chiali antedicta de Striueliug hora quasi decima ante merediem vel eocirca, sub anno, die, mense, indictione et pontificatu quibus supra. Presentibus : Duncano Forester de Torwode, Johanne Stewart de Jhonnestoun, Waltero 8triveling and there with consent and assent of the provost and bailies and also witli the council of the foresaid burgh of Striveling, as he asserted himself to be patron of the altars of the Holy Ti-inity and St. Thomas, the apostle, and there united and conjomed the altar of St. Thomas, the apostle, to the altar of the Holy Trinity, because the annual rents of the same were destroyed by the burning of the town so that they were unable to sustain two chaplains, but one only. And immediately the said master Duncan Bully, with consent and assent of the provost and bailies and also with the council of the foresaid burgh of Striveling Ijestowed and ga\"e institution to a discreet man. Sir Robert Symsoun, chaplain of the said altars, by delivering the horn of the altar, always and until the said master Duncan could obtain certain annual rents of his goods bestowed on him by God, for the support of two chaplains. Whereupon, all and sundry, the said Robert Simsoun asked from me notary public subscribing to make to him one or more public instrument or instruments. These things were done at the foresaid aisle in the foresaid parish church of Striveling the tenth hour before noon or thereabout, in the year, day, month, indiction and pontificate aforesaid. Present : Duncan Forester of Torwode, John Stewart of ' Jhonnestoun, Walter Forester, Thomas Forester, Adam Bully, Alexander Nortoun, 48 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1490. Forester, Thoma Forester, Adam Bully, Alexandre Nortoun, Jacobo Dausoun, Roberto Simsoun, Thoma Cragyngelt de eodem, Johanne Crag, domino Dauid Robertsoun, vicario de Kirkintnlloch, domino Roberto Mure, rectore de Glen- dovane et Willelmo Speyr, cum diuersis aliis vocatis, rogatis et requisitis iu fidem et testimonium omnium et singulorum premissorum. Et ego, Alexander Fresser, presbyter, Sanctiandree diocesis, publicus auctoritatibus imperiali ac regali notarius, quia prefatis omnibus et singulis dum sic ut premittitur nee non et vnioni eorundem altarumi preseus personaliter fui ; eaque omnia et singula sic fieri, vidi, sciui, et audiui, ac in notam recepi, indeque preseus publicum instrumentum, alterius manu me aliis prepedito peragendis fideliter scrii^tum confeci, et hie me mauu mea propria subscribendo in banc publicam foi'mam redegi, signoque ac nomine meis solitis et cousuetis signaui, rogatus et requisitus, in fidem et testimonium omnium et singulorum premissorum. Alexk. Fresser. James Dausoun, Robert Simsoun, Thomas Cragyngelt of that ilk, John Crag, Sir David Robertsoun, vicar of Kirkmtulloch, Sir Robert Mure, rector of Glendovane, and "William Speyr, with sundry others, called, asked and required, in faith and testimony of all and sundry the premises. And I, Alexander Fresser, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, notary public by imperial and royal authority, because I was personally present at all and sundry the foresaid things while done as aforesaid and also at the union of the said altars; and I saw, knew and heard the same, all and sundry, so done, and took a note thereupon ; and therefrom have made this present public instru- ment, faithfully written by the hand of another, I being occupied in doing of other things, and hereon subscribing my proper hand have reduced into this public form, and signed with my sign and name used and wont, being asked and required iu faith and testimony of all and sundry the premises. Alexe. Fressek. U'Ji.l THE BURGH OF STIKLING. 49 XXVII. CHARTER by Richard Crystysone, Caiiou of the Collegiate Church of Aber- nethy, giving and coufirmiug certain annual rents to the Altar of St. James in the Parish Church of Stirling and appointing the Community of Stirling patrons of the Altar. Stirling, 2nd Ai)ril, 1492. Omnibus hanc cartam vLsuris vel audituris. Ricardus Crystysone, canonieus ecclesie collegiate de Abernethy, salutem et mutuam in Domino caritatem. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra me, zelo et instinctu deuocionis et compunctionis motum, in potestate legali existentem, pro salubri statu et regimine supremi domini nostri domini Jacobi quarti Scotorum Regis illustris.simi meorumque cousanguineorum et successorum, saluteque animarum ip.sius Regis nostri parentumque amicorum, predicessorum et successorum, ac omnium fidelium defunctorum, in laudem, gloriam et honorem Dei Omnipotentis, beate Virginis Marie matris sue gloriose, Sancti Jacobi apostoli et omnium sanctorum, dedisse, concessisse, assignasse, et hoc presenti script© meo confirmasse Deo et beato Jacobo apostolo et ipsius beati Jacobi altari situate et locato infra nauem ecclesie pai-ochialis de Striueling, et vui capellano inibi in diuinis perpetue celebraturo, annuos redditus subscriptos: — In primis, vnum annuum redditum To ALL who shall see or liear this charter. Richard Crystysone, canon of the collegiate clmrch of Abernethy, greeting and mutual love in the Lord. Be it known to you all that I, moved with zeal and prompting of devotion and compunction, being in legal power, for the salutary state and government of our sovereign lord, lord James the fourth, most illustrious king of Scots, and of my kinsmen and successors, and for the salvation of the sOids of our said King and of my parents, friends, predecessors and successors, and of all the faithful dead, to the praise, glory and honour of God Almighty, of the blessed Virgin Mary, his glorious mother, of St. James the apostle and of all saints, have given, granted, assigned, and by this my present writing have confirmed to God and Saint James the apostle and to the altar of the said Saint James situated and placed within the nave of the jiarish church of Striveling, and to one chaplain perpetually to celebrate divine service therein, the annualrents underwritten : — In the first, an anjiualrent of thirty shillings from the Hospital of St. James ; also an G 50 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1492. de hospitali Sancti Jacobi, triginta solidorum ; item, vuum anuuum redditum quinque solidorum de terris jacentibus ex parte boriali pontis de Striueling ; item, do vno orto pcrtinente Sancto Jacobo jaceiite ex parte australi pontis de Striueling, vnum annuuni redditum triginta solidorum; item, vnum annuum redditum decern et octo denariorum de vna crofta jacente prope le Borowmyll ex parte australi eiusdem ; item, vnum annuum redditum duorum solidorum de terra pertinente Roberto Greg jacente in Alto Vico ex parte boriali inter terram quondam WillelmiBeuneis ex parte occidentali etterram Willelmi Luter ex parte orientali ; item, vnum annuum redditum decem et trium solidorum ac quatuor denariorum de terra Thome Crag jacente in Alto Vico ex parte boriali eiusdem ; item, vnum annuum redditum de terra Walteri George sex solidorum et octo denariorum jacente in Alto Vico ex parte boriali eiusdem ; item, vnum annuum redditum quinque solidorum et sex denariorum de terra Matliei Forestare jacente in Ic Mary Wynde; item, vnum annuum redditum sex solidorum et octo denariorum de terra Johannis Adarasone in le Castell Wynde ; item, vnum annuum redditum viginti solidorum et octo denai'iorum de terra Johannis Crag jacente in Alto Vico ex parte boriali eiusdem inter terram quondam Ricardi Mure ex parte orientali et terram Johannis Forestare annualrent of five shillings from lauds lying on the north side of the bridge of Striveliug ; also from a garden belonging to Saint James lying on the south side of the bridge of Striveling an amiualrent of thirty shillings ; also, an amiualrent of eighteen pennies from a croft lying near the Borowmyll on the south side of the same ; also, an annuah-ent of two shiUings from a land belonging to Robert Greg lying in the High Street on the north side Ijetween the land of the deceased William Benneis on the west side and the land of William Luter on the east side ; also, an annualrent of thirteen shillings and four pennies from the huid of Tliomas Crag lying in the High Street on tlie north side of the same ; also, an annuah-ent of six shillings and eight pennies from the huicl of Walter George lying in the High Street on the north side of tlie same; also, an annualrent of five shillings and six pemiies from the land of Matliew Forestare lying in the Mary Wynde ; also, an annualrent of six shillings and eight pennies from the land of John Adamsone in the Castell Wynde ; also, an annualrent of twenty shillings and eight pennies from the land of John Crag lying in the High Street on the north side of the same between the land of tlie deceased Richard Mure on the east side and the land of John Forestare on the west side ; also 1192. J THE liUKGlL OF STlRLiNc;. 51 ex parte occidental! ; item, vnum auiuunn redditiun decern solidoruiu do terra Johannis Crag jaceate in le Mary Wynde; item, vuum aimuum redditum viginti solidorum de vna terra jacente in le Bakrcav inter terram quondam Magistri Roberti Forcstare ex parte occidentali et terram quondam Johaunis Robisone ex parte oriental! ; item, vnum annuum redditum decem et sex soli- dorum de terra Johannis Robysone jacente super le Bakraw jacente inter terram Ricardi Crystysone ex parte occidentali et terram Ricardi Curry ex parte oriental! ; item, vnum annuum redditum decem et sex solidorum de terris Roberti Lawsoue jacontibus in le Myddylvaw inter terram Alexandri Cossoure ex parte occidentali et terram Johannis Modane ex parte oriental! ; item, de terra Johannis Crag in Alto Vice ex parte borial! jacente infra terram quondam Ricardi Mure ex parte oriental! et terram Joliannis Forestare ex parte occidentali vnum annuum redditum decem et trium solidorum ac quatuor denariorum, pro obitu meo. Tenendos et habendos omnes et singulos pre- dictos auuuos redditus beato Jacobo apostolo altarique suo prefato, et vu! capellano iuibi in diuinis perpetue celibraturo, et successoribus suis qui pro tempore fuerint, de Deo et beato Jacobo, in puram, piam et perpetuam elimosinam, iu t'eodo et hereditate imperpetuura, per omnes rectas metas suas an amiualrent of ten shillings from the land of John Crag lying in Mary Wynde; also, an annualrent of twenty shillmgs from a land lymg in the Bakraw between the land of the deceased Mr. Robert Forestare on the west part and the land of the deceased John Robisone on the east part ; also, an annualrent of sixteen shillings from the land of John Robysone lying upon the Bakraw lying between the land of Richard Crystj'sone on the west part and the land of Richard Curry on the east part ; also an annualrent of sixteen shillings from the land of Robert Lawsone, lying in the Myddylraw between the land of Alexander Cossoure on the west side and the land of John Modane on the east side ; also, from the land of John Crag in the High Street on the north side lying within the land of the deceased Richard ]\Iuro on the east part and the land of John Forestare on the west part an annualrent of thirteen shillings and four pennies, for my obit. To hold and to have all and sundry the foresaid amiualrcnts to St. James the apostle and his altar foresaid, and to a cliaplain for ever to celebrate divine service there, and to his successors who shall be for the time, of God and St. James, in pure, pious and perpetual alms, in fee and heritage for ever, by all their right meiths and marches, with all and sundry liberties, com- 52 CHARTERS RELATING TO [U92. et diuisas, cuui omnibus et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, aysiamentis, ac iustis pertiueutiis suis quibuscunque, aJeo libcre, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice. bene et in pace, sicut aliqui annui I'edditus cum pertinentiis per quemcuuque cuiciuique capellauie seu altari aut aliis quibusuis piis vsubus infra hoc regnum Scotie conceduntuv, assiguantur, dantur ct confirmantur. Faciendo inde, anuuatim et indies, capellanus dictc capellauie qui pro tempore fuerit, apud dictum altare missarum priuatarum ct aliarum jjrecium et oracionum suffragia deuotarum ; uec nou suj^portando et celebrari faciendo annuatim idemcapcllanus,percapellanos celebrautes in choro ecclesieparochialis de Striueling, in die obitus mei, exequias cum nouem lectiouibus missisque priuatis ; et vna missa de requie cum nota in crastina, vt nioris est, cereis accensis et campanis solemniter pulsatis, tantuni, pro omni alio onere, exaccione, questione, seruicio secular! seu demauda, que de dictis annuls redditibus exigi poteruut quomodolibet vel requiri. Quos quidem annuos redditus predictos cum pertinentiis, ego Ricardus Crystesone antedictus, suc- cessoresque mei, et commuuitas dicti burgi de Striueling qui pro tempore fuei'iut, dicto beato Jacobo altariquc suo j^redicto et capellano eiusdera qui pro tempore fuerit, in omnibus et per omnia vt premissum est, contra omnes mortales warrautizabimus, acquietabimus et imperpetuum defendemus et modities, easements and tbeir just pertinents -whatsoever, as freely, quietly, fully, ■wholly, houourablj', well and iii peace, as any amnialrents with the pertinents are granted, assigned, given and confii-med by any one to any chaplainry or altar or to any other pious uses whatever within this kingdom of Scotland. Giving therefor, the chaplain of the said chaplainry who shall be for the time, yearly and daily at the said altar, suffrages of private masses and other prayers and devout supplications; the said chaplain also supporting and causing to be celebrated yeai'Iy by the chap- lains celebrating in the choir of the parish church of Striveliiig, on the day of my obit, exequies with nine lessons and private masses ; and with one mass of requiem, with note, on the morrow, as the manner is, with wax candles kindled and bells solemnly rung, only, for all other burden, exaction, question, secular service or demand, which can be any way asked or required of the said annualrents. Which foresaid annualrents with the pertinents, I, Richard Crystesone foresaid and uiy successors and the community of the said burgh of Striveling who shall be for the time, shall warrant, acquit, and for ever defend to the said St. James and his foresaid altar and 1492.] THE iSURGH OF STIRLING. 53 defendent. Donatioucni vero dicte capellauie, dum earn tociens quocicns (|Uouismodo de iuic et do facto vacare coutigerit, commuuitas dicli burgi L't suc- cessores sui ipsam dent et conferaiit capellano ydoneo examinato ct sufficicuti saltern in litteratura ad diuiua iiiibi miuistranda reperto, ([uos patrouos, protectores et defeusores eiusdeiu facio, dcputo, specialiter ct ordiuo. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum et sigillum commune dicti burgi de Striueling pveseuti carte mcc sunt appcnsa, apud pretorium eiusdem secuudo die mensis Aprilis anno Domini millesimo quadriugeutesimo nonogesimo secuudo. Pre- sentibus : Honorabilibus et prouidis viris, Duncano Forestare de Torwode, Johanne Stewart de Johoustounc, Patricio Eedhucht, Johanne Patonsone, Johanne Aysone, Alexandre Nortoune, Johanne Crag, et Thoma Name, buv- geusibus dicti burgi, cum diuersis aliis. the chaplain of the same who shall be for the time, in all and by all a.s aforesaid, against all mortals. But the donation of the said chaplainry, while and so often as it shall happen in any way by right and by fact to fall vacant, the community of the said burgh and their successors, wliom I make, depute and specially ordain, to be patrons, protectors and defenders thereof, shall give and confer the same on a fit chaplain examined and found sufficient at least in literature to minister divine service thereat. In witness whereof my seal and the common seal of the said bui'gh of Striveling are appended to my present charter, at the tolbooth of the same on the second day of April the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and ninety-two. Present : Honourable and provident men, Duncan Forestare of Torwode, John Stewart of Johnstoune, Patrick Redhucht, John Patonsone, John Aysone, Alexander Nortoune, John Crag and Thomas Name, burgesses of the said burgh, with divers others. XXVIII. DECREE of the Lords Auditors of Causes and CompLaiuts, ordaining certain persons to desist from occupying the fishings of the Water of Forth belonging to the burgh of Stirling. Edinburgh, 12th December, 1494. The lordis auditouris decrettis and deliueris that William Michelson, Johnne Bennate, Adam Wise, Johnne Cowy, Johnne Higgin, William Wilson, William Youg, Robert Dauidsouu, Johnne Wilsouu, Hew Adamsoun, Alexander Mor- 51 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1491. touu, William Stevin, Johnne Rannaldsone, James Brechin, Thomas Michelsou, Johnne Wilson, Johnne Tynklare, and ane callit Primros, sail decest and ces fra the occupatioun and intrometting with the fischings of the watter of Forth pertening to the toun and burgh of Striueling, to be broikit and joisit be the prouest, bailyeis, and comm unite of the said burgh of Striueling, efter the forme and tenour of the charter and infeftment maid to tliaim thairupon of auld be our Souerane Lordis predecessour, vnder his grete sale, schewin and producit before the lordis ; and als decrettis and deliueris that the saidis personis sail content and pay to the said prouest, bailyeis, and communite of Striueling the fische and profitis of the said fisching insafer as thai may sufficiently pref that the saidis personis hes takin up and intromettit with of the ix yeris clamit on thaim in the summondis ; to the productioun of the quhilk preif the lordis assignis to the said prouest bailyeis and communite the ix day of Marche nixt tocum, with continuatioun of daiis ; and ordinis thaim to haf lettres to summond thair witnes and to warne the partij to here thaim sworn. XXIX. DECREE by the Lords of the King's Council ordaining that the Provost, Bailies, and Community of Stirling cease to occupy certain fishings which are to be enjoyed by the Abbot and Convent of Cambuskenneth. Edin- burgh, 19 th February, 1495-6. At Edinburgh, the nyutene day of Februar the yeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth fourscore and fyftene yeris, the lordis of the counsale vnderwrittin, that is to say, uobill and michty lordis Archibald erleof Angus, &c., chancellarc of Scotland, Archibald erle of Argile, &c., maister of houshald to oure Souerane Lord, Patrik erle of Bothuile, lord Halis, &c,, ane venerabill fader in God, Johne prior of Sanctandros, William lord Borthuik, John lord Drummond, Laurence lord Oliphant, William lord Sanct Johnns, Johnne Ogilby of Fingasc, maister Richard Lausone, and maister James Henrison, decretis and deliueris that for ocht that thai haue yit sene, the provest, baillies and communite of Striueling sail desist and cess fra the occupatioun of the fischeing of the watter of Forth betuix the abbay of Cambuskynneth and Polmais, and of 1495-6.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 55 the fischeing of the watter of Kcrsy and Talibody, to be broukit and joisit be ane veuerabill fader in God, Henry abbot of Cambuskynucth, and the convent of the samyn, eftir the forme of the charteris and eiudentis maid to thame tharupone, schewin and producit before the lordis; and als decretis and deliueris that tlie said prove.st, baillies and communite sail content and pay to the saidis abbot and conuent the proflfittis of the saidis fischeings in sa far as thai may sufficientlie preif the saidis prouest, baillies and communite, hes taken vp and intromettit with the samyn of the twenty-five yeris contenit in the summondis; to the production of the quhilk preif the lordis assignis to the saidis abbot and convent the xxi day of Mali nixt to cum, with continuatioun of days; and ordanis thame to haue lettres to summoud thare witues and the party to heir thaim sworne. XXX. INSTRUMENT setting forth the Institution by the Provost, Bailies, and Community of Stirling of a Chaplain to St. James' Altar in the Parish Church. Stirling, 19th April, 1496. In Dei Nomine, amen. Per hoc preseus publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat eiudenter quod anno incarnationis Dominice millesimo quadringintesimo nonagesimo sexto, mensis vero Aprilis decimo nono die, indictione dccima quarta, pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo patris et domini nostri domini Alexandri, diuina prouidencia Pape, sexti, anno tercio: In mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presentia, personalter constitutus nobilis et honorabilis In the name op God, amen. By tliis present public instrument be it manifestly known to all men that in the year of the incarnation of our Lord one thousand four luuidred and ninety-six, on the nineteenth day of the month of April, in the four- teenth indiction, in the third year of the pontificate of the most holy father in Christ and our lord, lord Alexander the sixth, by divine providence Pope : In presence of me notary public and of the witnesses underwritten, personally compeared a noble 56 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1496. vir Jacobus Mentetht, vuus balliuorum bnrgi de Striueling, accedens ad altare Sancti Jacobi, apostoli, situatum et fundatum iu ecclesia Sancti Crucis dicti burgi, ex speciali mandato prepositi, balliui [et] communitatis dicti bui'gi, instituit [et] induxit in realem, actualera et corporalem possessionem, discretum virum, dominum Jacobum Crage, in dicto altari, per traditionem calicis, libri, et cetera ornanjenta altaris, vnacum cornua eiusdem. Super quibus, omnibus et singulis, prefatus dominus Jacobus Crage, a me, notario publico subscripto, sibi fieri peciit, vnum autplura publicum seu publicainstrumentumautinstru- menta, cum appensiooe sigilli dicti Jacobi Mentetht, balliui, communienda. Acta fuerunt bee iu dicta ecclesia, bora decima ante merediem vel eacirca, sub anno, die, mense, iudictione et pontificatu, quibus supra. Presentibus : Honorabilibus et prouidis viris, Duncano Forstar de Skipiucht, milite, Waltero Forstar, Thoma Forstar, Johaune Lokart, Jacobo Spitale, Roberto Simsone ; doraiuis Jacobo Frauche, Thoma Joffrasone, Johanne Aisone et domino Alexandre Fresale, capellanis; cum diuersis aliis, testibus ad premissa vocatis specialiter atque rogatis. Et ego, Thomas Kircald}^ presbiter, Sanctiandree diocesis [etc.] and honourable man James Mentetht, one of the bailie.s of the burgh of Strivelmg, passing to the altar of Saint James, the apostle, situated and founded in the church of the Holy Cross of the said burgh, by special command of the provost, bailies and com- munity of the said burgh, instituted and inducted a discreet man, Sir James Crage, in the real, actual and corporal possession in the said altar by delivery of the chalice, book, and other ornaments of the altar, together with the horns of the same. Whereupon, all and sundry, the foresaid Sir James Crage asked from me, notary public subscribing, to make to him one or more public instrument or instruments, to be confirmed with appending of the seal of the said James Mentetht, bailie. These things were done in the said church, the tenth hour before noon, or thereabout, the year, day, month, indiction and pontificate, as above. Present: honourable and prudent men, Duncan Forstar of Skipincht, knight, Walter Forstar, Thomas Forstar, John Lokart, James Spitale, Robert Simsone ; Sirs James Franche, Thomas JoSVa- sone, John Aisone and Sir Alexander Fresale, chaplains ; with sundry others, witnesses to the promises specially called and asked. And I Thomas Kircaldy, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews [etc., being' usual docquet.] 1501.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 57 XXXI. SUBMISSION and Compromise between tbe Abbot and Convent of Cam- buskennetb and tbe Community of the Burgb of StirHng as to Fishings in the Water of Forth. Edinburgh, 81st March, 1501. At Edinburgh, the h\st day of Marchethe yere of God j" V^ and ane yerc, ane venerabill fader in God, Henry abbot of Cambuskynneth, for him self and as lauchfiill procuratour for the convent of the samyn on the taparte, and richt honorabill men, Sir Duncan Forester of Skippinche, knycht, James of Menteth, provestofStriueling, and George of Crechtoun of Brethirtoun, forthaim self and in the name and behalue as lauchfuU procuratouris for the haile communite of the burgh of Striueling on tbe tother parte, ar fully compromittit till abide and vnderly the' couusale, decrete, ordinance and finall deliuerance of thir persouns vnderwrittin, that is to say, aue reuereud fader in God, William bischope of Abirdene, richt venerabill men Sir Robert Wallis, archedene of Sanctandros, maister Richard Mureheid, dene of Glaisgow and secretar till our Souerane Lord, maister Walter Drummond, dene of Dunblane and clerk of the register, and Maister Gawane of Dunbar, dene of Murray, as jugis arbitratouris and amicabill componitouris evinly and indeferentlie chosiu be the partijs forsaidis to knaw and decide apoun the retreting of aue act gevin be the lordis of our Souerane Lordis counsale for the saide venerabill fader and convent of Cambuskynneth anent the fischiug of ane parte of the wattir of Forth clamit to pertene to thame ; and in likewis to knaw and decide apoun all and sundry the poyntis and articlis contenit in our Souerane Lordis letteris of summondis for the retreting of the saide act, raisit be the saide provest, bailyeis, counsale and communite of the said burgh of Striueling, and in all vther poyntis that they haue to say or allege aganis the saide act for the retreting of the samyn; and als to knaw and decide apoun the principale ground richt of the saide fisching of the saide parte of wattir of Forth clamit be athir of the saidis partijs to pertene to thame; and quhat the saidis jugis chosin decretis and deliueris in the premissis baith the saidis partijs ar buudin, oblist and sworne, lelelie and treulie, be the faithis and trouthis in thar bodeis, the haly ewangellis tuichit, finalie and perpetually to obserue, kepe and fulfill, H 58 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1501. forthame and thare successoiiris, but apellatioun or reuocatiouu in tynie tociini. The quhilkis jugis arbitratouris and amicabill componitouris sail convene and forgaddir in Edinburgh the tend day of Maij nixt to cum and sail tak the saide mater debatabill in and apoun thame, and salbe sworne in elikewis lelelie and treulie be thare conscience and knaulege to counsale, decrete and diliuer thairintill, and sail geif furth thare decrete and finale deliuerance in the saide mater within the space of xx dais nixt eftir following the saide tend day of Maij, but ony langar delay. And gif it happiuis any of the saidis jugis arbitratouris to be absent the saidis partijs sail cheis ane vther siclike juge in his stede quhilk salbe suorne in elikewis, but preiudlce of partij. And in the meynetyme it is finalie appoyntit and concordit betuix the saidis partijs that the proffite of the fisching of the saide parte of wattir sail stand and remain as it now dois, but ony nouatioun, ay and quhill tlie saide mater debatabill be decidit be the saidis jugis and to the saide day of the saide decisioun. In witnes of the quhilk thing baith tlie saidis partijs has subscriuit this compromiss with thare handis, yere, day and place foresaidis, befor thir witnes: maister Henry Quhite, persoun of Rothes, Johanne Leslie of Wardress, Johnne Month, maister Alexander Leslie, Robert Hammiltoun, Richard Mekle and William Clerk, publict notaris, with vtheris diuers. (Signed) H. abbas de Cambuskynneth ; Duncan Forester of Garden. XXXIL DECREET pronounced by the Bishop of Aberdeen and others in Submission between the Community of the Burgh of Stirling and the Abbot and Convent of Carabuskenneth as to Fishings in the Forth. Edinburgh, 20th July, 1501. In the name of God, amen. We, William bischop of Abirdene, James abbot of Skene, Recharde Murehede dene of Glasgw, Gawane of Dunbar dene of Murraye, Walter Drummond dene of Dunblane, Rechard Lausoun' and James Heurisoun, jugis arbitratouris and amycable compositouris, evinly cliosin betuix ane venerable fadir in God, Henry abbot of Cambuskenneth, for himself and his convent of the samyn, hafifand sufficient power tharto, on the tane parte, 1301.] THK UUilGH OF STIRLING. 59 and James of Menteth, provest of Striueling, Sir Duncan Forestare of Skip Inch, knj'cht, Alexander Levingstouu of Donypace, Edwerde Spittaile and Patrick Redehuch, as procuratouris and commissionaris for the burgh and commuuite of Striueling, havand sufficient commissioun, autorite and power, for the tothir parte, beand faithfuUie compromittit, bundin and oblist, for thame, thar successouris and eftircummaris, to abide, vndrelie and fulfill oure decrete, deliuerance and counsale ; and we, takau^ in and apone us to decerne, deliuer and counsale betuix the saidis partijs in ane actioun and caus movit betuix tharae anent the fisching of the watter of Forth, etc. — The forsaidis partiis thar allegeance, richtis and euidentis, hcrde, sene and vnderstaud, and thaireftir examinand and diligentlie a.ssayand concord betuix the saidis partiis in the name of God incallit, procedand to our deliuerance be consent and commouyng of the saidiis partiis, decernis, deliueris and counsalis that the saidis abbot, convent, and thar successouiis, sail hafe perpetualie the fisching of five cobillis vp and doun at the plesour of thame in the said watter of Forth, in the ((uliilkis five cobillis ar includit and couteuit the twa cobillis that the said place had of befor, to be brukit and joisit perpetual)', with all fredomes and commodites, be the saidis abbot and convent and thar successouris; and als the said communite and tovne of Striueling sail pay to the said Henry, abbot of Cambuskenneth, the sovme of tiienty pundis at his will, for the quhilkis the said communite and toun of Striueling sail peciable bruke and jois in tyme cummyn the remanent of the saidis fischingis and cobillis of the said watter of Forth, with sic like fredomes and priueleges as thai bnikit of befor, but impediment, vexatioun or tribull to be done or maid be the saidis abbot and convent or thar successouris or ony vtheris in thair behalf And als the said venerable fader be this decrete and coun.sale tendis noclit to gif our the effect of the decrete of parliament gottin in the tyme of King Dauid anens his cruffis vnder the said abbaye, hot reseruis the samyn efter the forme of the commouu law. And als the said venerable has nocht comi^romittit him nor his convent in ony maner of waye tueching his tende salmond of the said watter. Aud als the said venerable fader for him self and his convent sail renunce and gif our the tenor of the decrete gevin at Edinburgh the xix day of Februar the yer of God j"' iiij'= nynte and fife yeris, except the said five cobillis and the will of the said xx li. and the articulis abone expremit; and dischargis 60 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1501. the said toun and commonite of all sovmes and proffetis that he or his convent may requir in ony tymes bipast. And elikewis the saidis comuiunite and toun dischargis and qnitclames the said venerable fader and convent of all sovmes, clames and questiones of the saidis fischingis abone expremit, or ony clame that thai may ask at thame in ony tyme bipast, but fraude or gile. In witnes of the quhilk thing, to the parte of this deliuerance and decrete remanand with the said tovne and commonite of Striueling the said venerable fadir has appendit and tohung the common sele of thar said place and abbay with the subscriptioun of our handis; and elikewis to the tothir parte of this deliuerance and decrete remanand with the saidis venerable fader and convent the said commonite of the tovne of Striueling has appendit and tohung the comraoun sele of the said tovne with our saidis subscriptiouns. At Edinburgh the tuenty day of Julij the yere of God j™ v'= and ane yere. (Signed) Will* Aberdonensis ; Jacobus abbas de Scona ; Ricardus Muirheid, decanus Glasgensis ; Gavanus Dunbar, decanus Morauensis; Walterus Drummoude, Dunblanensis decanus; R. Lausoun. XXXIII. CHARTER by King James the Fourth to the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of the Burgh of Stirling, of the office of Sheriff within the burgh and territory and liberty of the same. Stirling, 12th October, 1501. Jacobus, Dei gracia, Rex Scotorum : Omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis quod pro singulaii fauore quem gerimus erga burgimi nostrum de Striueling, et pro comniuui commodo et vtilitate eiusdem, necnou pro fideli et gratuito seruicio nobis per dilectos nostros pre- po'situni,balliuos,consules et communitatem dicti nostri burgi,impenso,dedimus, James, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye- that for the singular favor which we bear towards our burgh of Striveling, and for the common weal and advantage of the same, and for the faithful and gratuitous service done to us by our lovites the 1501.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 61 concessimus et commisimus, et hac present! carta nostra damns, concedimus et commitiiuus, dictis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati, officiiim vice- comitatus de Striueling infra burgum nostrum de Striueliug, territorium et libertatem eiusdem, cum omnibus et singulis libertatibus, priuelegijs, pro- ficuis et deuorijs dicti officij. Quodquidem officium fuit Alexaudri Cunyug- hame de Polmays, militis, vicecomitis uostrl de Striueliug et sibi peitinebat per donationem eiusdem ei et vni heredi sibi proximo et immediate successuro desuper confectam; et quod officium idem Alexander, non vi aut metu ductus nee errore lapsus, sed sua mera et spontanea voluntate, in manus nostras apud Striueliug, per fustem et baculum, et sues procuratores ad hoc legittime con- stitutes, sursum reddidit jDureque simpliciter resignauit,et totum jus et clameum quod in eodem habuit seu habere potuit pro se et heredibus suis omnino quittumclamauit imperpetuum.'' Et nos igitur fecimus, constituimus et ordin- auimus, et hac presenti carta nostra facimus, constitumus et ordinamus, pre- positum et balliuos dicti nostri burgi de Stiiueling, nunc presentes, et provost, bailies, couucillors and community of our said burgh, we have given, granted and committed, and by this our present charter give, grant and commit to the said provost, bailies, councillors and community, the office of sheriff of Striveling within our burgh of Striveling, territory and liberty of the same, with all and sundry liberties, privileges, profits and dues of the said office. Which oihce belonged to Alexander Cunynghame of Polmays, knight, our sheriff of Striveling, and pertained to him by gift of the same made to him thereupon and one heir next and immediately to succeed to him ; and which office the said Alexander, not led by force or fear nor fallen in error, but of his mere and spontaneous will, by staff and baton, and by his procurators to that efiect lawfully constituted, gave up and purely and simply resigned in our hands at Striveling, and for him and his heirs he wholly quit- claimed for ever all right and claim which he had or could have had in the same.' And we therefore have made, constituted and ordained, and by this our present charter make, constitute and ordain, the provost and bailies of our said Ijurgh of ' In a "Note of the Burgli of Sterfiug their ship within the toun of Steriing, in the liands of Secui'ities," 17th century handwriting, the King James tlie Fourt, upon which the King's followiug ocurs : — " Item, ane Resignatioue by Gift of Sherifship is granted to the tomi, dated Sir Alexander Cuninghame of Polmais Cuning- 1 Ith October, 1501." The document itaelf seems hame, Sheriff of Sterlingshirc, rif the Slioriff- to be amissing. 62 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1501. successores siios, prepositiim et balliiios eiusdem qui pro tempore fueriut, vicecomites uostros de Striueliug infra dictum nostrum burgum, territorium et libertatem eiusdem, imperpetuuni. Tenendum et habendum dictum officium vicecomitatus nostri de Striueling infra burgum nostrum de Striueliug, terri- torium et libertatem eiusdem, dictis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et com- munitati prefati nostri burgi, nunc presentibus, et successoribus suis, preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati eiusdem qui pro tempore fuerint, dc nobis et successoribus nostris, in feodo et hcreditate imperpetuum, cum consimilibus et eisdem priuelegijs, libertatibus, potestate, proficids et deuorijs, sicut propositus, balliui, consules et communitas burgi nostri de Edinburgh, seu alicuius burgi infra regnum nostrum, habent, gaudent et possedent, ex officio vicecomitatus infra burgum, et adeo libere sicut aliquis burgorum predictorum inde liberius infeodatur. Cum plenaria potestate et mandate special! dictis preposito et balliuis burgi nostri de Striueliug, nunc presentibus, et successoribus suis qui pro tempore fuerint, ad exerceudi dictum officium vicecomitatus infra burgum debiteque in eodem miuistrandi, curias vicecomitatus de Striueliug infra dictum nostrum burgum territorium et libertatem eiusdem oi'dinandi, inchoandi, aftirmandi, teuendi, et tocieus quociens opus fnerit continuandi; Striveling, now present, and their successors, the provost and bailies of the same for the time, our Sheriffs of Striveling witlun our said burgh, territory and liberty of the same, for ever. To hold and to have the said office of our sherifi' of Striveling within our burgh of Striveling, territory and liberty of the same, to the said ]irovost, bailies, councillors and community of our foresaid burgh, now present, and their successors, the provost, bailies, councillors and community of the same w]io shall be for the time, of us and our successors, in fee and heritage for ever, with the like and the same privileges, liberties, power, pi'ofits and dues, as the provost, bailies, coun- cillors and community of our burgh of Edinburgh, or any biu-gh within our kingdom, have, enjoy and possess from the office of sheriff witliiu Ijurgh, and as freely as any one of the foresaid burghs is therein most freely infeft. With full power and special command to the said provost and bailies of our burgh of Strivelmg, now present, and their successors who shall be for the time, for exercising the said office of sheriffship witliin burgh and duly ministering iu the same, to ordain, begin, affirm, hold, and as often as need shall be to continue sheriff courts of Strivelmg within our said burgh, territory and liberty of the same; suits cause to be called, l.-,01.] TNK P.URGH OF STIRLING. 63 sectas vocari faciendi, absentes amerciandi, transgressores et delinquentes pro quantitate delicti secundum juris exigenciam puniendi vel justificandi, plogios recipiendi et vocari faciendi; amerciameuta, eschaetas et exitus curiarum pre- dictarura leuandi et recipiendi et pro eisdeni si opus fuerit distringeudi; eademque amerciamenta, eschaetas et exitus curiarum, ad vtilitatem dicti nostri burgi de Striueling policiam et opera publica eiusdem applicandi; breuia capelle nostra regia eis directa et presentata recipiendi, aperiendi, proclamandi et debits deseruiri faciendi; lites et questiones in dictis curijs motas seu mouendas, ad officium vicecomitatus infra burgum spectantes, audiendi, decidendi et line debito termiuandi; seriandos et alios officiarios pro exercitacione dicti officij necessarios faciendi, constituendi et ordinandi; et generaliter, omnia alia et singula faciendi, gerendi, excercendi, perirnplendi et exequendi, que ad officium vicecomitatus infra burgum de jure seu cousue- tudine dinoscuntur pertinere. Ratum, gratum, firmum et stabile habentes et habituros totum et quicquid dicti propositi et balliui et successores sui, vice- comites nostri antedicti, eorumque seriandiet ofificiarij,conjunctim vel diuisim, in dicto officio vicecomitatus infra burgum rite duxerint faciendi, sine aliquo impedimento, reuocatione, aut contradictione quacunque. In cuius rei testi- absentees to amerciate, transgressors and delinquents according to the nature of the fault to punish or justify as the law requires, pledges to receive and cause bo called ; fines, escheats and issues of the foresaid courts to levy and receive and if need shall lie to distrain for the same ; and to apply the said fines, escheats and issues of courts, to the use of our said burgh of Striueling, policy and public works of the same ; to receive, open, proclaim and cause to be duly served royal brieves of our chapel directed and presented to them; to hear, decide and with due end terminate pleas and questions belonging to the office of sheriffship within burgh moved or to be moved in the said courts; to make, constitute and ordain Serjeants and other officers necessary for the exercise of the said office; and generally to make, do, exercise, perform and execute all other and sundry things that to the office of sheriff withm burgh is of right or custom known to belong. Ratified, thankful, firm, and stable, holding and for to hold all and wliatsoever the said provosts and bailies and their successors, our sherifls foresaid and their Serjeants and officers, conjmictly or severally, in the said office of sheriffship within burgh shall rightly lead to be done, without any impediment, revocation, or contradiction whatsoever. In testimony whereof we 64 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1501. moniuni present! carte nostra magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus : Reuerendissimo in Christo patre nostroque carissimo fratre, Jacobo Sanctiandree archiepiscopo ; reuerendo in Christo j^atre Willelmo episcopo Aberdoneusi, nostri secret! sigill! custode ; dilectis consanguineis nosu'is Archibaklo comite de Ergile domino Campbell et Lorn, niagistro hospicij nostri ; Alexandre domino Hume, magno camerario nostro ; Andrea domino Gray, justiciario nostro ; venerabilibus in Christo patribus, Georgeo abbate Sancte Crucis, Jacobo abbate de Scona, et dilecto clerico nostro, magistro Ricardo Murehede, decano Glasguensi, secretario nostro. Apud Striueling, duodecimo die mensis Octobris anno domino millesirno quingentesimo prime et regni nostri decimo quarto. have commanded our great seal to be affixed to our present charter. Witnesses : the most reverend father in Christ and our dearest brother, James archbishop of St. Andrews ; the reverend father in Christ, William bishop of Aberdeen, keeper of our privy seal ; our beloved cousins, Archibald earl of Ergile lord Campbell and Lorn, master of our houshold ; Alexander lord Hume, our great chamberlain ; Andrew lord Gray, our justiciar ; the venerable fathers in Christ, George abbot of Holy Rood, James abbot of Scone, and our beloved clerk, master Richard Murehede, dean of Glasgow, our secretaiy. At Striveling, on the twelfth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and one and in the fourteenth of our reign. XXXIV. CHARTER by King James the Fourth to the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of Stirling of the Right of Patronage of the Altar of St. Laurence in the Parish Church. Stirling, 7th March, 1501-2. Jacobus, Dei gracia. Rex Scotorum: Omnibus probis bominibus tocius terra sue, claricis et laicis, salutam. Sciatis nos, pro special! fauore quem gerimus erga dilactos nostros, prepositum, balliuos, consulas et communitatam burgi James, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that, for the special favor which we bear towards our lovites, the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our burgh of 1501-2.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 66 nostri de Striueling, et pro ipsorum bono et gratuito seruicio nobis impenso, dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse eis et ipsorum successoribus, dicti burgi nostri, prepositis, balliuis, consulibus et communitati, nostrum jus patronatus, aduocationem et donationem, capellanie ■ altaris Sancti Lawreucij, martiris, infra ecclesiam parochialem de Striueling fundati. Tenendum et babendum ju.s patronatus, advocationera [et dona- cionem,] dicte capellanie altaris Sancti Lawrencij dictis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati prefati burgi nostri de Striueling, et suc- cessoribus suis, de nobis et successoribus nostris, iu feodo et hereditate imperpetuum. Cum potestate dictam capellaniam, totiens quotiens ipsam vacare contigerit, capellano ydoneo ad dictum altare et iu clioro dicte ecclesie diuina pro nobis celebratnro et dictis nostris successoribus conferre et disponere, libere, quiete, bene et iu pace, sine aliqua reuocatione, impedimento seu con- tradictione, nostri aut successorum nostrorum, quouismodo inde faciendi in futurum, et adeo libere in omnibus et per omnia sicut jus patronatus alicuius capellanie infra dictam ecclesiam liberius possedent aut tenent. In cuius rei testimonium presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepi- mus. Testibus: Reuerendissimo in Christo patre nostroque carissimo fratre, Striveling, and for theii- good and gratuitous service rendered to us, we have given, granted, and by this our present charter confirmed to them and their successors, provosts, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh, our right of patron- age, advocation, and donation of the chaplainry of the altar of St. Lawrence, the martyr, founded within the parish church of Striveling. To have and to hold the right of patronage, advocation, and donation of the said chaplainry of the altar of St. LawTence to the said provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our foresaid burgh of Striveling, and their successors, of us and our successors, in fee and heritage for ever. With power, as often as it shall happen to become vacant, to bestow and dis. pone the said chaplainry to a properly qualified chaplain to celebrate divine service at the said altar and in the choir of the said church, for us and our said successors, freely, quietly, well, and in peace, without any revocation, impediment, or gainsaying of us or our successors, to be made thereanent in any manner of way in time to come, and as freely in all and by all as they most freely possess or hold the right of patronage of any chaplainry within the said church. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be appended to our present charter. Witnesses : the most 66 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1501-2. Jacobo Sanctiandree archiepiscopo, cancellario nostra; reuerendo in Christo patre Willelrao episcopo Aberdoneusi, nostri secret! sigilli custode; dilectis consanguineis nostris Archibaldo comite de Ergile domino Campbele et Lorn, magistro hospicij nostri; Patricio comite de Boitbuile domino HaHs, etc. ; Alex- andre domino Hume, magno camerario nostro; Andrea domino Gray, justiciario nostro ; et dilectis clericis nostris magistris Ricardo Murebed, decano Glas- guensi, secretario nostro, et Gawino Dunbar, decano Morauiensis nostrorum rotulorum et registri ac consilij clerico. Ajjud Striueling, septimo die mensis Martij anno Domini millesimo quiugentesimo prime et regni nostri decimo quarto. reverend father in Christ and our dearest brother, James archbishop of St. Andrews, our chancellor; the reverend father in Christ William bishop of Aberdeen, keeper of our privy seal ; our beloved cousins Archibald earl of Ergile lord Campbele and Lorn, master of our household; Patrick earl of Botlmile lord Hales, etc. ; Alexander lord Hume, our great chamberlain; Andrew lord Gray, our justiciar ; and our beloved clerks, masters Richard Murehed, dean of Glasgow, our secretary, and Gavin Dunbar, dean of Moray, clerk of our rolls and register and council. At Striveling, on the seventh day of the month of March in the year of our Lord one thousand five liundred and one an.d in the fourteenth of our reistn. XXXV. COMMISSION by the Provost, Bailies, Council, and Community of the Burgh of Stirling, empowering certain persons in their name to pursue the Abbot and Convent of Cambuskenneth before the Lords of Council as to Fishings in the Forth. Edinburgh, 4th June, 1504. Be it kennd till all men be tbir present lettres, ws the prouest, bailies, counsale, and coramuuite of the burgh of Striueling, ilkane with ane consent and assent, to baue maide, coustitut and ordauit, and be tbir oure jireseut 150-4.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 67 lettres makis, coDstitutis and ordanis, richt honorable men and traiste nycht- bouris and comburgessis, Sir Duucane Forestare of Garden, kuicht, James of Menteth, Robert the Bruis, George of Crechtouu and Edwarde Spctale, coniunctUe and seueralie, oure verray lauchfull and vndoutit commissioneris and procuratouris, actouris, factouris, speciale messingeris and erand beraris, sevand, grantaud and coinmittand, to the saidis our commi.ssioneris and procuratouris and til ilkane of thaim, coniunctlie and seueralie, oure full fre place, irreuocable power, speciale mandmeut, expres bidding and charge, to compere for ws in our name and apone our behalue befor oure souerane lord the King and his lordis of counsale at Edinburgh, or quhare it sail happin thame to be for the tyme, the vj day of Junij nixt tocum, with contiuuatiouu of dais, and thare in oure name and apone oure behalue to persew and follow ane venerable fadir in God, Dauid abbot of the abbay of Cambuskenneth, and the convent of the samyu, for the wrangws po.stpouying and deferring to append the common sele of thair said abbaye to the parte of the sentence and decrete arbitrale to remane to ws and oure said burgh, gevin at Edinburgh the XX day of Julij the yere of God j" v" and ane yeris be ane reuerend fader and venerable faderis in God and discrete and honorable clerkis, that is to say, William bishop of Abbirdene, James abbot of Skene, vmquhile maister Richerd Mureheid, dene of Glasgow, secretare to our Souerane Lord, maister Gawane of Dunbar, dene of Murray, maister Walter Drummoud, dene of Dunblane, maister Rechard Lausou and maister James Heurison, jugis arbitratouris and amycable componitouris evinly chosen betuix vmquhile ane venerable fader in God, Henry abbot of Cambuskenneth forsaid for the tyme, for himself and his convent of the samyu, havand sufficient [authoritie] and power tharto, on the ta jmrte, and James of Menteth, prouest of the said burgh, Sir Duncan Forster of Garden, kuicht, Alexander Leviugston of Donypace, Edward Spittale and Patrick Redehuch, as procuratouris for ws and our said burgh, havand sufficient commissioun and power tharto, on the tother parte, in the action and cans movit betuix the said venerable fader and convent and ws anent the fisching of the watter of Forth ; and for the wrangws deferring to obserue and fulfill the teuour and effect of the saidis sentence and decrete arbitrale gevin be the saidis jugis and subscriuit with thair handis. And als to persew and follow the saidis venerable fader and 68 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1504. convent for the wrangws intromettin, vptakin and withaldin fra ws of the fisch and proifetis of the fischingis of ellevin cobillis and half ane coble apooe the said watter of Forth pertenyng to ws and the fredom of our said burgh, in contrar the tenour of the said sentence and decret, and attour the fife cobillis fisching apon the said watter decernit to the saidis venerable fadir and convent be the said sentence, be the space of ane yere last bipast, extendin the profet of ilk cobillis fisching to the sovme of xx s. ; and als to persew and follow the said venerable fadir and convent apone all poyntis and articulis contenit in the saidis sumraondis and efter the forme and tenour of the samyn; and als to answer to the said venerable fadir and convent to all vther summondis quhatsumeuir raisit or to be raisit quhatsumeuir day or place befor quhat- sumeuir juge or jugisinthe premissis; our absence to excuis, litiscontestations to mak, the aith of faithfulnes in our saulis to suere, oure partijs aduersar to here be suorne, our resonis and rychtis to schaw, oure pruffiis, witnes, writtis, documentis and munimentis to produce and lede, and aganes thame producit and led be my partj aduersar till obiect, except and aganesay, to repley, dupley, tripley, and quadrupley, protestacious to mak, actis, instrumentis and decretis to ask, list, rais and here be gevin; with power to wyn and tyne and to trete, compone, compromit, continow, conclude, concord and finally to end; and generaly al vther and sindry thingis to do, hant, exers and vse, that to the office of lauchftdl commissioneris and i^rocuratouris of law or consuetud in sic thingis is knawiu to pertene or yit that we ourself mycht do and we war present in proper persoun ; ferm and stable haldand and for to hald al and quhatsumeuir thingis the saidis our commissioneris and procuratouris con- iunctly and seueraly in the premissis in our name ledis to be done, vnder oblising of al our gudis present and tecum. In witnes hereof we haue appensit our common sele of our said burgh, at the tolbuth of the sammyn, the ferd day of Junij the yere of God j™ v'= and four yeris. 1505-6.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 69 XXXVI. CHARTER by King James the Fourth to the Burgesse,s and CommiiDity of Stirhng of the Lands called the Aid Park and the Patronage of the Altar of St. Michael in the Parish Church. Edinburgh, 28th January, 1505-G. Jacobus, Dei gracia, Rex Scotorum: Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Quia pro singular! favore cpiem gerimus erga dilectos nostros burgenses et communitatem burgi nostri de Striveling, et in recompensacioueni pro terris suis communibus de Gallowhillis dicti nostri burgi, per ipsos nobis concessis, et nunc vallo per nos castro et parclie nostris de Striveling iaclusis, dedimus et concessimus, hereditaria, dictis burgensibus et communitati totas et integras acras nostras ter- rarum que olim fuerunt de le Aid Park prope Striveling, jacentes inter murum lapidium nove parche nostre antedicte ex parte occideutali et terras nuncupatas Benneis Croft ac Croftam Leprosorum ex parte australi et terras nuncupatas le Rude Croft ex parte boreali; unacum jure patronatus et donacione capellanie altaris Sancti Michaelis per quondam magistrum Thomam Carmichell, vicarium de Striveling, infra ecclesiam parochialem euisdem fundate, ad nostram dispositionem et donacionem James, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Whereas for the singular favor which we bear towards our lovites the burgesses and community of our burgh of Striveling, and in recom- pense for their common lands of the Gallowhillis of our said burgh granted by them to us, and now inclosed by us in a wall to our ca.stle and park of Strivelmg, we have given and granted, heritably, to the said burgesses and community all and whole our acres of land which were formerly of the Aid Park near Striveling, lying between the stone wall of our New Park aforesaid on the west side and the lands called Benneis Croft and the Lepers Ci'oft on the south side and the lands called the Rude Croft on the north side ; together with the right of patronage and donation of the chaplainry of the altar of St. Michael founded by the deceased master Thomas Carmichell, vicar of Striveling, within the parish church of the same, now belonging to our disposition and donation as often as it shall fall vacant. To 70 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1505-6. quocien.s vacaverit mmc spectautis. Tenendas et habendas, totas et integras jDredictas acras terrarum cum j^ertinenciis, Decnon jus patron- atus et donacionem dicti altaris capellanie, prefatis burgeusibus et com- munitati burgi nostri de Striveling et eorum successoribus, prefatas acras in libero bui'gagio et hereditate imperpetuum per omnes rectas metas suas aiitiquas et divisas, prout jacent in longitudine; cum omnibus et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, asiamentis ac justis suis pertineuciis quibuscunque, tam uon nomiuatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, jirocul et proj)e, ad predictas acras cum pertiuenciis spectantibus seu juste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum, adeo libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, bonorifice, bene et in pace, sicut bui'geuses et communitas prefati nostri burgi per i^rogenitores nostros de aliquibus aliis terris in bur- gagio liberius infeodavit. Faciendo inde anuuatim, dicti burgenses et com- munitas nunc existentes et eorum successores, nobis et successoribus nostris, tale servicium temporibus affuturis sicut pro dictis terris de Gallowhillis fem- poribus elapsis prestiterunt, tantum. Et cum potestate eisdem capellaniam dicti altaris, quociens vacare contigerit, capellano idoneo disponendi, infra dictam ecclesiam pro nobis et successoribus nostris aliisque ipsius altaris hold and to liave, all and whole the foresaid acres of land with the pertinents, and also the right of patronage and donation of the said altar of the chaplainry, to the foresaid burgesses and community of our burgh of Striveling and their successors, the foresaid acres in free burgage and heritage for ever by all their right meiths old and divided, as they lie in length; with all and sundry liberties, commodities, easements and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging or that may justly belong in any manner of way in time to come to the foresaid acres with the pertinents, as freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honorably, well and in peace, as the burgesses and community of our foresaid burgh were most freely infeft by our progenitors in any other lands in burgage. Doing therefor yearly, the said burgesses and community now being and their successors, to us and our successors, such service in times coming as they performed for the said lands of Gallowhillis in times by past, only. And with power to them to dispone the chaplainry of the said altar, as often as it shall happen to fall vacant, to a tit chaplain, to celebrate divine service within the said church for us and our successors and other founders of the said altar, according to the tenor of 1505-6.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 71 fundatoribus, secundum tenorem ciusdem fundacionis, divinacelebraturo, adeo libere ct quiete iu omnibu.s et per omnia sicut jus patrouatus cuiuscunque alterius capellanie infra dictam ecclesiam liberius pcssedunt. In cuius rei testimonium pi'esenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepi- mus. Testibus : Reuereudo in Christo patre, Willelmo episcopo Aberdonensi, nostri secreti sigilli custodie; dilcctis consanguiueis, Archibaldo comite de Ergile domino Campbele et Lome, magistro hospicii nostri; Patricio comite de Boithuile domino Halys, etc.; Matheo comite [de Levenex domino Derulie; Alexandro domino Hume,] camerario nostro; Andrea domino Gray, justiciario nostro; venerabili iu Christo patre Jacobo abbate [de Dunfermline, thesaurario nostro] ; Magistro Gawino Dunbar archidiacono Sanctiandriee, nostrorum rotulorum [clerico]. Apud Edinburgh, vicesimo octavo die mensis Januarii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo quinto et regni nostri decimo octavo. the foundation thereof, as freely and quietly in all and by all as they most freely possess the right of patronage of any other chaplainry within the said church. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to our present charter. Witnesses: the reverend father in Christ, William bisliop of Aberdeen, keeper of our great seal; our beloved cousins Archibald earl of Ergile lord Camp- bele and Lome, master of our liousehold; Patrick earl of Bortluiile lord Halys, etc. ; Matthew earl of Lennox lord Dernlie; Alexander lord Hume, our chamberlain; Andrew lord Gray, our justiciar; the venerable father in Christ, James abbot of Dunfermline, our treasurer; master Gavin Dunbar, archdeacon of St. Andrews, clerk of our rolls. At Edinburgh, the twenty-eighth day of tlie month of January the year of our Lord one thousand ti\"e hiuidred and five, and of our reign the eighteenth. XXXVII. INDENTURES between the Abbot and Convent of the Abbey of Dun- fermline and the Provost, Bailies, Council and Community of the Burgb of Stirling, as to building a Choir in the Parish Kirk of Stirling. Dunfermline, 3rd May, 1507. Thir indentueis, maid at Dunfermlyne the thrid day of the moneth of Maij the yeir of God ane thousand five bundreth and sevin yeris, proportis, contenis and beris witnes that it is appointit and finalie coucordit betuix ane honorable 72 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1507. fadir in God, James abbot of Dunfermlyne, thesaurar to our souerane lord the the King, etc., and the convent of the said abbay on the ta part, [and] the provest, baUies, counsale and communite of the burght of Striueling on the tothir part, in maner and forme eftir following, that is to say that the saidis provest, bailies, counsale and communite of the said burgh, has takin apon hand to big and compleitlie edifye and end ane gud and sufficient queyr conformand to the body of the peroch kirk of the said burgh or bettir, and sail deliuer to the saidis abbot and convent the said body of thair peroch kirk of Striueling frely to remane with thame as ane queir ay and quhill the said queyr now to be biggit be fullely completit and endit ; for the quhilk bigging of the said queyr to be biggit and completlie endit be the saidis provest, balyeis, counsale and communite of the said burgh of Striueling in maner foirsaid, the saidis abbot [and] convent of the said abbay of Dunfermlyne or thair successouris sail thank- fullie content and pay to the saidis provest, bailies, counsale and communite of the said burgh of Striueling, quhilk for the tyme sail be, the soume of twa hundreth pundis gud and vsuale money of Scotland at thir termes vndir- writtin, that is to say, at the feist of Witsonday nixt to cum eftir the dait of thir present indenturis tuenty pundis, and at the feist of Sanct Martyne in winter nixt thareftir followand twenty jDundis, and swa furth termlie ilk terme of Witsonday and ilk terme of Martynmes twenty pundis ay and quhil the foirsaid hail soume of twa hundreth pundis be fullely assith, content and pait ; and that the saidis abbot and convent sail deliuer and geif to the saidis provest, bailies, counsale and communite of the said burgh of Striueling, for the reparatioun of the said queir and hie altare of the samyn, all ornamentis necessar baitli for haly dais and wark dais that thai audit to haue as efferis, togiddir with ane infeftment yerlie of fourty schillingis vsuale money foirsaid to the vphalding of the said queir and anourmentis of the said altare ; and frathinefurth the saidis provest, bailies, counsale and communite of the said burgh of Striueling, sail vphald the said queir perpetualyin all thingis and als the anormentis belanging the samin, swa that the hie altare thairof sail be honestly and honorablie vphalding in the saidis anourmentis as thai resaue the samyn thairto fra the saidis abbot and convent ; and dischargis thame and thair successouris perpetualy of all vphalding of the said queyr or the hie altare thairof in ony maner of ornamentis in tyme tecum or ony vther thingis except 1507.] THE BTJRGH OF STIRLING. 73 the payment of the .said twa luuKU'cth pundis and the infeftment of tlio .said fourty schillingis be yeir to be maid with tlie saidis ornamentis anis to be gevin to the said altar as said is. And that all thir coudicionis and appointraentis aboue writtia sail lelely and treulie be obseruit, kepit and fulfillit, in forme and effect foirsaid, athir party ar bundin, oblist and sworne, ilk ane to vtheris be the faithis and treuthis in thair bodeis in the sikkerrest forme and stile of obligaciouu that can be maid or diuisit, but cauillacioun, fraud or gile. In witnes of the quhilk thing, to the part of thir indenturis remainand with the saidis abbot and convent of the said abbay of Dunfermlyne, tlie saidis provest, bailies, counsale and communite of the said buro-h of Striuelius has to huns'iuo' thair commoun sele of the said burgh; and to the part hereof remainand with the saidis provest, bailies, counsale and communite foirsaid, the saidis abbot and convent has to bunging the commoun .sele of the cheptour of thair said abbay, cheptourlie gaderit, day, yeir, and place foirsaid. XXXVIII. COMMISSION by the Provost, Bailies, Council, and Community of Stirling, empowering certain persons in their name to pur.sue Alexander Elphin- stone and to answer before the Lords of Council as to Fishings in the Forth. Edinburgh, 15th March, 1508-9. Be it KEND to all men be thir present letteres, ws, prouest, bailies, counsale and communite of the burgh of Striueling, to haue maid, constitut and ordanit, and be thir oure present letteres makis, constitutis and ordanis, richt lionorable men and oure traist nychtbouris and comburgessis, Sir Duncane Forestare of Garden, Sir Walter Foi-estare, his sone and ajDperand aire, knichtis, James of Menteth, prouest of the said burgh, Robert the Brus, George Crechtoun, Edwerd Spetale, maister Walter Layng and Androu Nortoune, coniunctlie and seueralie, oure werray kuichfull and vndoutit irreuocable commissaris and procuratouris, actouri.s, factouris, speciale messingeris and erand beraris ; gevand, grantand and committand to the saidis oure procuratouris and com- missaris, or to ony ane of thaim, coniunctlie and seueralie, oure full, fre, plane power, speciale and generale maudment and expres bidding, to compere befor oure souerane lord the King and his counsaile at Edinburgh the xvij day of 74 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1508-9. March nixt tociim, with continuaciouu of dais, and thare for ws and apone cure behalfis to folloAv and persew Alexander Elphinstoun, sone and apperand air to Sir Johne Elphinstoun of that ilk, knycht, for the wrangwis and maister- full biggin and recentlie insetting of certane crufiSs in and throw the watter of Forth within the boundis of the samyn thareof pertenying to ws be auld infeftment of vmqiihile oure sonerane lordis noble progenitouris of gud memor, qnham God assolye, and for the wrangwis makin of innonatioun tliareiu be his awne auctorite, spulyeing and putting of ws fra our auld peciable possessioun of our saidis fischingis insafer as in him is, without ony cognitioua of the cans; and forthir eftir the tenor of oure souerane lordis summondis in all poyntis raisit be ws tharupon. And als to compere befor our said souerane lord and his counsale at Edinburgh the sx''day of the moueth of Aprile nixt tocum, etc., with continuation of dais, to ansuer at the instance of his hienes, that is to say to se and here as his grace allegis all and hale our saidis fischingis of the watter of Forth, begynnand at Polmais Vndre and ascendand vnto the Eed Croft, and abon the Red Croft passand to the hede of the samyn watter, like as at mare lynth contenit in our said souerane lordis summondis raisit apon ws thareupon ; oure absence to excuse, our resonis, rychtis, writtis, euidentis, documentis and munimentis to schaw and produce, witnes previs in maner of prefe to produce and lede, and be our partj aduersar producit or led to except and impunge, to repley, duply, triply and gif mister be quadruply, letteres, actis, instruments and decretis to ask and rais, protestations and allegations to niak, with litiscontestaciou, the aith of faithfulnes in our sanlis to suere, and with jiower to trete, concorde, com- poue, compromit, conclud and finaly to end; and with power to wyu and tyne, and generaly al vther and sindry thingis to do, hant and vse, that to the otBce of lauchful commissaris and procuratouris of law and cousuetud ar knawin to pertene, and it to do in the said office as we war present in propir person; ferme and stable haldand and for to hald al and qubatsumeuir thingis the saidis our commissaris and procuratouris coniunctly and seueraly in oure name ledis to be done; and we sail relefe our saidis commissioneris that thai or ony ane of thame are adiugit in til vndre oblising of al oure gudis present and tocum. In witnes of the quhilk, to thir oure present letteres we haue appen- sit and to hungin oure common sele. At our tolbuth of the samyn, the xv day of Merch the yere of God j™ v"^ and acht yeris. 1531-2.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 75 XXXIX. ACT of the Lords of Council as to Summons at the instance of the Abbot and Convent of Cambuskenneth, and the Tenants of their Fishings on the Forth, against the Bailies of Stirling and others, for despoiling the tenants of their cobles and nets. Edinburgh, 27th February, 1.531-2. At Edinburgh, the twenty-sevint day of Februar, the yeir of God ane thousand fyve hundreth and thretty ane yeris, anent the summondis rasit at the instance of auc venerabill fader in God, Alexander abbot of Cambus- kynneth, and convent thairof, and of Andro Cowy, Hucheoun Mathow, Johnno Ewiu, and Robert Ewiu, his soue, pure tenentis and fischearis to the said venerabill fader and convent of tliare fischeing on the watter of Forth, aganis Johnne Forestar, Walter Grahame, baillies of Striueling, James Dreg- horne, Thomas Paterson, James Drew, Duncan, Drew, James Suerd, Johnne Peuuek, Alexander Bauerage, William Watson, Walter Ewisou, Duncane Ewisou, his bruthir, James Lamb, John M'Ky and Thomas Duncaneson, for the wrangus, violent and maisterfull spoliatiouii, be thameselff, thare seruandis and complicis being with thame in company, in thare names, of tharc causing, command, assistance and ratihabition n, away taking and withalding fra the saidis pure tenentis recently vpon the xxvi day of Julii last bipast, vnder silence of the nicht, out of the said venerabill fader and convent landis callit Abbotishude, liand within the schirefdome of Clakmannane, of cobillis and uettis, as at mair lenth is contenit in the summondis thairvpoun, the said venerabill fader comperand for him.self and his convent, and the pure tennentis comperand be maister Henry Lauder, and the saidis John Forestar, Walter Grahame and tliare collegis comperand be maister Henry Spittall, thare pro- curatour, quhilk referrit the saidis per.sonis anent the said summondis to the said venerabill faderis conscience and will; tharefore the said venerabill fader assignis to the saidis personis the xxvi day of Marche nixt tecum, with con- tinuatioun of dayis, to compere in Striueling, and to heir and se him declare his will anent the said summondis, and lettres to be directit heirupoun, gif neid beis, in forme as effeiris. 7G CHARTERS RELATING TO [1536-7. XL. INSTRUMENT narrating Grant by the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of Stirling to the Altar of St. Kathcriue in the Parish Church of a Piece of Waste Land lying near the Church. Stirling, ■2Sth February, 1.536-7. In Dei nomine, amen. Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat euidenter quod anno incarnacionis Dominice millesimo quingentesimo trio-esimo sexto, mensis veroFebruariidie vltimo,indictione decima, pontificatus sanctissimi in Cristo patris et domini nostri domini Pauli, diuina prouidencia Pape, tertii, anno tertio: In mei notarii publici et testium infrascriptorum, presentia personaliter constituti honorabiles viri, prepositus, balliui, consules et communitas burgi de Striuelyng, judicialiter in eorum pretorio burgi einsdem repetitis vicibus ad hoc bene congregati, attendentes- et pio corde gestantes modicum illud patrimonium et annuum commodum altaris diue Katherine, martiris, infra suam perrochialem ecclesiam Sancte Cruci.s, bone niemoric, autiquitus fundati, apud idem quotidianum laudabile sornicium in choro et extra absque supplemento rainime supportare poterit, vtilitate que huiusmodi premisa, matura deliberatione lougo desuper prehabito tractatu, ad plenum ut asseruerunt auisiati et in hac parte consult!, vuanimi consensu In the name of God, amen. By this present public instrument be it evidently known to all that on the last day of the month of -February, in the year of the incarnation of ovu- Lord one thousand five hundred and thirty six, the tenth indiction, the third year of the pontificate of the most holy father in Christ and our lord, Paul the Third, by divine providence Pope : In presence of me notary public and witnesses underwritten, personally compeared honorable men, the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of the burgh of Striveling, properly assembled judicially in their tolbooth of the said burgh sundry times for the purpose, regarding and with pious heart considering that the little patrimony and annual profit of the altar of Saint Katherine the martyr, of good memory, anciently founded within their parish church of the Holy Cross, was not able to support the laudable daily service at the same in the clioir and outwith without supplement, and the utility tliereof foreseen, mature deliberation and long dealing had thereupon, being fully advised and consulted in that 1536-7.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 77 et assensu, nullo reclamante, concesseruut, dotarunt ct donaruiit, ct per prc- sentes concedunt, dotant, et pro se et successoribus suis douaut j^redicto altari diue Katherine, martiris, iu augmeutum patrimonii eiusdem, illaiu suani com- munem terram vastam, cum pertinenciis, jacentem infra dictum burgum in capite eiusdem, apud chorum prefate sue ecclesie ex parte boreali eiusdem chori, inter le stile passagii ducentis ad boreale hostium memorati chori ex australi parte ab vua et tenementum Koberti Callendar de Mauer ex dicta boreali partibus ab altera ; annexando et incorporando buiusmodi terram vastam cum nonnullis pedibus mensure cimiterii, perprius orti dicte vaste terre, existeutibus ex parte occidentali eiusdem, cum pertinenciis. Teuendam et habendam dicto altari Sancte Katherine, virgiuis, a se et successoribus suis, de Deo Omnipotenti, beata que Virgine Maria, omnibus Sanctis ct Sancta Katlierina, virgine, in purani et jDerpetuam elimosinam ad manum mortuam in augmentum predicti [patrimonii]. Eciam obligarunt se et successores suos, et per presentcs fide media obligant se strictiore forma obligacionis, predictam buiusmodi terram vastam cum dictis pedibus mensure irreuocabilitcr et inuio- labiter prefato altari Sancte Katherine ct capellano eiusdem qui pro tempore behalf, as they asserted, with unanimous consent and assent, none gainsaying, granted, gave and bestowed, and by these presents grant, give, and for them and their successors bestow to the foresaid altar of Saint Katherine the martyr, in augmentation of the patrimony of the same, their common waste land, with the pertinents, lying within the said burgh at the head of the same, at the choir of their foresaid church on the north side of the said choir, between the stile of the passage leading to the north entrance of the betbrementioned choir on the south side on the one part and the tenement of Robert Callendar of Manor on the said north side on the other part; annexing and incorporating the said waste land with some feet of measurement of the cemetery, formerly a garden of the said waste land, lying on the west side of the same, with the pertinents. To hold and have to the said altar of Saint Kathe- rine, the virgin, from them and theii- successors, of God Almighty, and the blessed Virgia Mary, all saints and St. Katherine the Virgin, inpiireand perpetual alms in mortmain in augmentation of the foresaid patrimony. They also bound them and their successors, and by these presents on oath bind themselves in stricter form of obligation, to keep such foresaid waste land with the said feet of measurement irrevocably and inviolably to the foresaid altar of Saint Katherine and chaplain of the same who 78 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1536-7. fuerit, libere, annuatim et terminatim de futuro ab omiii solucionc, precepcione et leuacione aiinuorum, reddituum tarn regiorum quani aliorum quorumcimque, per quoscunque inde exigi poterunt quomodolibet vel lequiri obseruare. Prc- inissis peractis, lionorabilis vir, Robertus Arnot, tunc temporis vniis balliuonim dicti burgi, vigore et potestate siii officii bailie et de speciali inaudato dictorum prepositi, balliuorum, consulum et maioris ac dignioris partis communitatis eiusdem inibi presentium, per terre et lapidis exliibitionem, tocius et integre predicte terre vaste cum nouuullis pedibus mensure ex parte posteriore eiusdem, discretoviro, domino Jacobo Nycbolsoue,capellanodicti altarisSancteKatberine, nomine et ex parte eiusdem, statum et sasinam, hereditariam pai'iter et possessionem corporalem, iu purara et perpetuam elimosinam et ad manum raortuam ac iu augmentum patrimonii dicti altaris imperpetuum. contulit et tradidit pariter et deliberauit cum efFectu. Super quibus, omnibus et singulis, dictus Jacobus, capellanus dicti altaris, a me, notario publico sub- scripto, sibi fieri pcciit vnum seu plura publicum aut publica instrumentum vel instrumenta, vuacum appensione sigilli communis dicti burgi iu siguum donacionis dicte terre vaste prefato altari, uocuon appensione sigilli dicti Roberti, balliui, in signum donacionis sasine liuiusmodi et vtrique promitteu- sliall be for the time, free, yearly and termly in the future from all payment, uj)- lifting and levying of aunualrents, as well royal as others whatsoever, by whomsoever they could be exacted therefrom or required iu any manner of way. Which things foresaid being done, an honorable man Robert Arnot, then one of the bailies of the said burgh, by virtue and power of his office of bailie and by special command of the said provost, bailies, councillors, and the greater and more worthy part of the community of the same there present, by presenting of earth and stone, bestowed and gave and also delivered with eflect to a discreet man. Sir James Nycholsone, chap- lain of the said altar of Saint Katherine, in name and on the part of the same, state and sasine and also heritable and corporal possession of all and whole the foi-esaid waste land with certain feet of measurement on the back part of the same, in pure and perpetual alms and in mortmain and iu augmentation of the patrimony of the said altar for ever. Wliereupon, all and sundry, the said Sir James, chaplain of the said altar, asked from me, notary public subscribing, one or more public instrument or public instruments to be made to him, together with the appending of the com- mon seal of the said bursh iu token of the bestowal of the said waste land to the 1536-7.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 79 tes present! instrumento comuniri. Acta eraut hec super .solum predictc terra vaste, bora octaua ante nieredicui, vol eocirca, sub auno, die, raense, iudictione et poutificatu quibus supra. Presentibus ibidem: prouidis viris, Thoma Micbaell, Jacobo Watsoun, Malcolmo Kinros, burgeusibus dicti burgi, Tlioma Bargille, lathomo, ciue ciuitatis Glasguensis et Willehno Aisoun, seriando pre- fati burgi, testibus, cum multis aliis communitatis predicti burgi ad premissa vocatis pariter et rogatis. Et ego, Willelmus Litstar, presbyter, Sanctiaudree diocesis, publicus, sacra auctoritate apostolica, notarius, quia premissis omnibus et singulis dum sic ut premittitur, dicercutur, agerentur et fiereut, vnacum pre- uominatis testibus presens interfui, eaque omnia et singula sic fieri et dici, vidi, sciui et audiui ac in notaui cepi; ideoque hoc presens publi- cum instrumentum, mauu mea propria fideliter scrijitum, exinde confeci, et hie me subscribcndo in banc jjublicam formam redegi, signoque subscriptione et nomine meis, solitis et consuetis, vnacum foi-esaid altar, and also with appending of the seal of the said Robert, bailie, in token of giving of sasine and promising to confirm the present instrument. These things were done on the ground of the said waste land at the eighth hour before noon or thereabout, in the year, day, month, indiction and pontificate above men- tioned. Present there: provident men, Thomas Michaell, James Watsoun, Malcolm Kiiiro.s, burgesses of the said burgh, Thomas Bargille, mason, citizen of the city of Glasgow, and William Aisoun, serjant of the foresaid burgh, witnesses to the pre- mises, witli many others of the community of the foresaid burgh, likewise called and required. And I, William Litstar, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, by sacred apostolic authority, notary public, because I was present with the fore- named witnesses at all and sundry the premises while they were so said, done, and transacted as above written, and saw, knew, and heai-d the same, all and sundry, so done and said and took a note of them; and thereupon I have made this present public instrument faithfully written with my own hand, and by subscribing here have reduced it into this public form, and have signed with my sign, subscription and name, used and wont, together 80 CHAETERS RELATING TO [1536-7. appensionibus dictorum sigillorum, signaui, rogatus et requisitus in fidem et testimonium omnium et singulorum premissorum. WiLLELMUS LiTSTAE. ■with the ajipending of the said seals, being asked and required in faith and testimony of all and sundry the premises. William Litstar. XLI. CHARTER by King James the Fifth ratifying certain Acts and Statutes as to the exercise of Trade and Merchandise, and also confirming Letters by the Privy Council charging the Provost, Dean of Guild and Bailies of Stirling, to enforce the laws against unfreemen. Edinburgh, 8th July, 1540. Jacobus, Dei gracia, Rex Scotorum: Omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos presentes litere peruenerint, salutem. Sciatis nos, post nostras legitimam et perfectam etatem viginti quinque annorum completorum reuocationemque generalem, quedani acta parliaraenti et alia laudabilia statuta subscripta, vnum, videlicet, parliament! actum factum per quondam Jacobum secundum Scotorum Regem, bone memorie, cuius anime propicietur Deus, apud Edin- burgh sexto die mensis Marcii anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo quinquagesimo septimo, proportans in effectu quod nullus tinctor pannum per ipsum rursus vendi emat, sub 23ena confiscationis eiusdera; aliud parliamenti James, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all his good men to whom the pre- sent letters shall come, gi'eeting. Know ye that, after our lawfid. and perfect age of twenty-five years complete and general revocation, we have clearly understood cei-- tain acts of parliament and other lauable statutes underwritten, namely, an act of parliament made by the late James the second Kuig of Scotland, of good memory, on whose soul may God have mercy, at Edinbui-gh on the sixth day of the month of March in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven, in effect porporting that no dyer buy cloth to be sold again by himself under pain of escheat 1540.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 81 actum factum per quondam Jacobum tertium Scotorum Regem, bone memorie, cuius anime propicietur Deus, ajDud Edinburgh nono die mensis Octobris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo sexto, proportans in effectu quod nuUus artifex vtatur mercanciis per seipsum, sues factores aut famulos, nisi suam dimiserit arteni et eidem renunciauerit, absque colore sen dissim- ulatione; aliud parliamenti actum factum per prefatum Jacobum tertium in parliamento suo tento aj)ud Edinburgh decimo tertio die mensis Octobris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo octuagesimo septimo, proportans in effectu quod parliamenti actum suprascriptum concernens artifices executioni demandaretur sit, quod quisquis artifex aut desinat a mercanciis sen arti remunciet sue, absque colore aut dissimulatione, sub pena confiscationis mercanciaruni quibus vtitur suum artificium occupando nostro vsui im- portandarum, ac compotum de eisdcm annuatim nostro in scaccario fieudum; acetiam vnum parliamenti actum factvmi per quondam carissimum patrem nostrum Jacobum quartum Scotorum Regem vltimo defunctum, cuius animo propicietur Deus, apud Edinburgh vndecimo die mensis Martii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo tertio, proportans in effectu quod omnes mercatores regni nostri habebunt et possidebunt priuilegia et libertates eiis per nobilissimos sues progenitores concessos et quod eadem ipsis obseruabuntur of the same; another act of parliament made by tlie late James the third, King of Scots, of good memory, on whose soul may God have mercy, at Edinburgh on the ninth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and sixty-six, in eifect proporting that no craftsman use merchandise by him- self, his factors or servants, unless lie shall have left his craft and renounced the same, without colour or dissimulation ; another act of parliament made by the foresaid James the Third in his parliament held at Edinburgh on the thirteenth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven, m effect proporting that the act of parliament above written concerning craftsmen may be put to execution, so that every craftsman either forbear his merchandise or renounce his craft without colour or dissimulation, under pam of escheat of the merchandise which he uses occupying his craft to be inbrought to our use, and an accotuit of the same to be made yearly in our exchequer; also an act of parliament made by our late dearest father James the Fourth, King of Scots, last deceased, on whose soul may God have mercy, at Edinburgh on the eleventh day of the month of March in 82 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1540. et custodientur, et quod nulle persone extra biirgos nioram trahentes vtentur marcauciis, uec vinum, ceram, serica, aromata, nee stapule bona, nee in villa de Leith nee aliis locis extra burgos, emant, pak nee pele, sub pena con- fiscationis prefatorum bonorum nostro vsui: De mandato nostro, visa, lecta, in- specta.et diligenter examinata, per dilectum familiarem clericum et consiliarum nostrum, rnagistrum Jacobum Foulis de Colintoun, nostrorum rotulorum, registri et consili clericam, subscriptuni, vtique intellexisse, sub hac verborum forma: — In Parliamento excellentissimi princiiois, domini Jacobi secundi, Dei gratia, Regis Scotorum, tento et inchoate apud Edinburgh sexto die mensis Marcii anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo quinquagesimo septimo. Item, it is sene speidfull that lyt be cryit vp as it wes wont to be, and that ua litstare be drapar nor by claith to sell agane nor yit tholit thairto, vnder the pane of eschete thairof In parliamento excellentissimi principis, domini Jacobi tertii, Dei gi'atia. Regis Scotorum, tento apud Edinburgh none die mensis Octobris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo sexto. Item, it is statut and ordinit that na man of craft vse marchandice be himself, his factouris or seruandis, bot gif he leif and renunce his craft, but colour or dissimulatioun. In parliamento dicti excellentissimi principis, domini Jacobi tertii Dei gratia. Regis Scotorum, tento apud Edinburgh decimo tertio die mensis Octobris anno Domini millesimo quadringent.esimo octuagesimo septimo. the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and three, in effect proporting that all merchants of our kingdom shall have and possess the privileges and liberties granted to them by his most noble progenitors, and that the same be observed and kept to them, and that no jiersons dwelling without burghs use merchandise, nor buy, ]iak or pele wine, wax, silk, spicery, or staple goods, neither in the town of Leith nor other places without burghs, under the pniu of escheat of the foresaid goods to our use: By our command seen, read, inspected, and diligently examined by our beloved familiar clerk and councillor, Master James Foulis of Colintoun, clerk of our rolls, register and council, subscribing, in this form of words : — In the parliament of the most excellent prince lord James the second, by the grace of God, King of Scots, held and begun at Edinburgh on the sixth day of the month of March in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven. Item, it is sene speidfull [etc., as above]. In the parliament of the most excellent prince lord James the third, by the grace of God, King of Scots, held at Edinburgh on the ninth day of 1540.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 83 Item, it is statute and oiiliuit that the act of parliament tuiching craftismen vsand and deland with marchaudice mycht be put to executioun, sa that he that is craftisman ovthir forboir his marchaudice or ellis reuuuce his craft, but ony dissimulatiouii or colour, under the pane of eschete of the marchandice that he vsis occupiand his craft, and this eschete to be iubrocht be tlie saidis sercheouris to our Souerane Lordis vse, and compt thairof to be made in his chekker. In parliamento excellentissimi principis, domini Jacobi quarti, Dei gratia, Regis Scotorum, tento apud Edinburgh vndecimo die mensis Marcii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo tertio. Item, it is statut and ordinit that all the marchandis of the realme and the burrowis brouk and haif thair auld priuilege and fredomis, grantit and geviu to thame be our Souerane Lordis progenitouris, of maist nobill mynd, be obseruit and kepit to thame, and that na personis duelland outwith the burrowis vse ony marchaudice nor yit tap nor sell wyne, walx, silkis nor spicery, wad, nor siclike stuff, nor yit stapill gudis, and that nane pak nor pelo in Leith nor vtliir places without the Kingis borrowis, vuder the pane of eschetiug of the gudis to the Kiugis vse that be tappit, said, pakkit or pelit, agane this statute. Extracta de libris actorum parliamentorum per me, magistrum Jacobum Foulis de Colintoun, clericum rolutorum, registri ac consilii supremi domini nostri Regis, de man- date dominorum consilii, vicesimo octauo Decembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo trigesimo none, sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus. the month of October in the year of our liord one thousand four Imndred and sixty- six. Item, it is statut and ordinit that na man of craft [etc., as above]. In the parliament of the said most excellent prince lord James the third, liy the grace of God, King of Scots, held at Edinburgli on the thirteenth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one tliousand four hundred and eighty-seven. Item, it is statute and ordinit that the act of parliament tuiching craftismen [etc., as above]. In the parliament of the most excellent prince lord James the fourth, by the grace of God, King of Scots, held at Edinburgh on the eleventh day of the month of March in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and three. Item, it is statut and ordinit that all the marchandis [etc., as above]. Extracted from the Ijooks of the acts of parliaments by me, master James Foulis of Colintoun, clerk of the rolls, register and council of our sovereign lord the King, by command of the lords of council, on the twenty-eighth of December in the year of our Lord one thousand live 84 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1540. Queqnidem acta et statuta, ac omnia et singula in eisdem contenta, appro- bamus, ratificamus, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo con- firmamus. Necuon, ratificamus nostras literas per deliberationem dominorum cousilii uostri concessas, apud Edinburgh, prinio die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo trigesinio nono, precipiendo et mandando, per publicam proclaniationem apud crucem foralem burgi nostri de Striueling et omnia alia loca necessaria, omnibus et singulis nostris ligeis, minimc liberis tarn in burgo quam extra burgum moram trahentibus, quod eorum nullus em.a,t, foirstaw, regrait nee coiup, lanam, coria, pelles, pannum, sen nllas alias mercancias, temporibus affuturis, sub pena consfiscationis earundem et suarum personarum secundum iura et parliamenti acta punitionis. Necon mandando et precipiendo preposito, decano gilde etballiuis prefati burgi nostri de Striue- ling, quod ipsi diligenter perquirant et scrutentur prefatos lie regratouris, foirstaivaris et cowparis, ac ipsos et eorum bona regratit capiant et ipsos et eadem iusticiario nostro et suis deputatis ajjportent pro eorum demeritis et delictis secundum regni nostri iura ac parliamenti acta puniendos; prout in prefatis Uteris lacius continetur. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus mag- num sigillum nostrum appoui precepimus. Apud Edinburgh, octauo die hundred and thirty-nine, under my sign and subscription manual. — Which acts and statutes, and all and sundry contained in the same, we approve, ratify, and for us and our successors for ever confirm. Also, we ratify our letters given by deliverance of the lords of our council, at Edinburgh, on the first day of the month of December in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and thirty-nine, charging and commanding, by public proclamation at tlie market cross of our burgh of Striveling and all other places necessary, all and sundry our lieges, unfreemen, as well dwelling in the burgh as without the burgh, that none of them buy, forstall, regrait oi' cowp, wool, hides, skins, cloth, or any other merchandice, in times coming, under pain of escheat of the same and punishment of their persons according to the laws and acts of parliament. Also commanding and charging the provost, dean of guild and bailies of our foresaid burgh of Strievling, that they diligently inquire and search for the foresaid regraiters, forestallers and cowpers, and apprehend them and their regraited goods, and bring them and the same to our justicier and his deputes to be punished for their faults and offences according to the laws and acts of parliament of our kingdom; as in the foresaid letters is more fully contained. In witness whereof 1540.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 85 meusis Julii amio Domini inillcsimo quingentesimo quadragesimo et regni nostri vicesimo septimo. we have commanded our great seal to be appended to these presents. At Edinburgli, on the eighth day of the mouth of July in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and forty and in the twenty-seventh of our reign. XLII. LETTERS by the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of the Burgh of Stirling granting to Sir William Robesoun the Chaplaiury of the Altar of St. Michael in the Parish Church, with the Lands and others belong- ing thereto. Stirling, 17th Februar}', 1.5-10-1. Vniuersis et singulis ad quorum uoticias preseutes litere perueuerint: Pre- positus, balliui, cousules et commiinitas burgi de Striueling eternam in Domino salutem. Noueritis nos, vnanimi consensu et assensu, contidisse, presentiumque per tenorem conferimus discrete viro, domino Willelmo Robe- soun, capellano, capellaniam altaris Sancti MichaelLs infra esclesiam parrochi- alem nostram de Striueling fundatam, in manibus nostris de jure et de facto vacantem per dimissionem discreti viri, domini Alexandri Forsitht, capcllani vltimique possessoris eiusdem, ad nostram douationeni pleno jure spectantem; cum omnibus fructibus, terris, tenementis, annuls redditibus, juribus, obuen- tionibus, ornamentis, et pertinentiis suis quibuscunque ad eandem capellaniam To ALL and sundry to whose knowledge the present letters shall come : The provost, bailies, councillors and community of tlie burgh of Strivelmg greeting in tlie Lord everlasting. Know ye that we, with unanimous consent and assent, have granted, and by the tenor of these presents grant to a discreet man, Sir William Robesoun, chaplam, the chaplainry of the altar of Saint Michael founded within our parisli church of Striveling, vacant in our hands of right and of fact by dimis.sion of a discreet man. Sir Alexander Forsitht, chaplain and last possessor of the same, being at our lawful disposal in full right; with all fruits, lands, tenements, annual rents, riglits, obventions, ornaments and their pertinents whatsoever, belonging or which may justly belong to the said chaplaiury in any way in time coming, and specially of 86 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1540-1. spectantibus sen iuste spectare valeutibus quomodolibet iu futurum ; et precipue de anuuis redditibus de terris et teneraentis subscriptis annuatim leuandis et percipiendisjacentibus infra burgum de Striueling, videlicet, de tenemento quondam Thome Joffray, jaceute in le Castellwiude, nunc Margar- ete Joftray, duodecim denarios; de tenemento domus elimosinarum jacente penes cimitorium in ecclesia parrocbiali de Striueling, duos solidos; de tene- mento quomlam Nicolaij Coistesoun jacente in le Bakraw, duos solidos; de tenemento Willelmi Manis jacente in eodem le Bakraw, duos solidos; de tene- mento Alexandri Robesoun, quatuor solidos; de tenemento Jacobi Ferny, quatuor solidos; de duobus tenementis Walteri Cousland, octo solidos; de duobus tenementis quondam domini Jacobi Darroclit, capellani, nunc Roberti Spittell, viginti solidos; et de tenemento dicti Roberti Spittell, sex solidos; de tene- mento Jacobi Duncansoun, quatuor solidos; de tenemento Georgi Creichtoun, quatuor solidos ; de tenemento Thome Lauson, quatuor solidos ; de tenemento Duncani Darrocht, sex solidos ; et de tenemento quondam Johannis Broun nucn diuiso inter Georgium Yester et Georgium Spens, quatuor solidos, jacente contigue iu occidentali parte de le Midraw; de tenemento Johannis Alexander, decim solidos ; de tenemento quondam Roberti Norvell, tres the annual rents to be uplifted and received yearly furth of the lands and tenements imderwritten lying witliui the Ijurgh of Striveliug, namely, of the tenement of the deceased Thomas Jofiray, lying in the Castle Wynd, now of Margaret Joffray, twelve pennies; of the tenement of the almshouse lying near the burying ground in the parish church of Strivclmg, two shillings; of the tenement of the deceased Nicholas Coistesoun, lying in the Bakraw, two shillings; of the tenement of William Mains, lying in the said Bakraw, two shillings ; of the tenement of Alexander Robesoun, four shillings; of the tenement of James Ferny, four shillings; of two tenements of Walter Cousland, eight shillings; of two tenements of the deceased Sir James Darrocht, chaplain, now of Robert SiJittell, twenty shillings; and of the tenement of the said Robert Spittell, six shillings; of the tenement of James Duncanson, four shillings; of the tenement of George Creichtoun, four shillings; of the tenement of Thomas Lauson, four shillings; of the tenement of Duncan Darrocht, six shillings; and of the tenement of the deceased John Brown, now divided between George Yester and George Spens, four shillings, lying contiguous on the west side of the Midraw; of the tenement of John Alexander, ten shillings; of the tenement of the deceased 1540-1.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 87 solidos; et de tenemento Thome Smytht, tres solidos, jacente etiam in dicto le Midraw; de tenemento Thome Smytht jacente apud Portem Orientalem dicti burgi, octo decim denarios; de horreo quondam Alexandri Crag, duos solidos etsex denarios; de horreo quondam Willelmi Cossur, duos solidos sex denarios; de horreo Alexandri Forestar, duos solidos sex denarios ; de orto quondam Willelmi Provand, duos solidos ; de duabus particatis terre jacente ox parte boreali horrei dicti Alexandri Forester et quondam Dauid Crag, tres solidos, jacente etiam apud finem orientalem dicti burgi; de terra vocata le Milhill jacente apud le Burrowmill, tres solidos; de duobus teneraeiitis quondam Alexandri Evingsoun, vndecim solidos sex denarios ; de tenemento Johannis Aitkin jacente apud locum Fratrum Predicatorum, duodecim denarios; de tenemento quondam Alexandri Patersoun jacente apud le Havin, nunc Roberto Spittell pertinento, viginti denarios ; de tenemento Georgii Smytht, viginti denarios; et de horreo Johannis Cragingelt, sex solidos, jacente apud fiilem orientalem dicti burgi; de horreo Rechardi Name jacente ex parte boreali dicti burgi, tres solidos et quatuor denarios ; de tenemento et crofta Alexandri Schaw de Sauchy jacente apud finem borealem de le Mary Winde, Robert Norvell, three shillings; and of tlie tenement of Thomas Smytht, three shillings, lying in the said ]\Iidraw ; of the tenement of Thomas Smytht, lying afc the East Port of the said biirgb, eighteen pence; of the barn of the deceased Alexander Crag, two shillings and six pennies ; of the barn of the deceased William Cossur, two shillings six pennies; of the barn of Alexander Forestar, two shillings six pennies; of the yard of tlie deceased William Provand, two shillings; of two particates of land lying on the north side of the barn of the said Alexander Forester and the deceased David Crag, three shillings, lying also at the east end of the said burgh ; of the land called the Millhill lying at the Burrowmill, three shillings; of two tenements of the deceased Alexander Evingsoun, eleven shillings six pennies ; of the tenement of John Aitkin lying at the place of the Friars Preachers, twelve pennies; of the tenement of the deceased Alexander Patersoun lying at the Havin now belonging to Robert Spittell, twenty pennies; of the tenement of George Smith t, twenty pennies; and of the barn of John Cragingelt, six shillings, lying at the east end of the said burgh ; of the barn of Richard Narno lying on the north part of the said burgh, three ■ shillmgs and four pennies ; of the tenement and croft of Alexander Schaw of Sauchy lying at the north end of the Mary Wynd, three shillings; and of the house or 88 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1540-1. tres solidos; et de domo seu tenemento altari Sancti Aiidree pertinente jacente in dicto le Mary Wynde, duos solidos; de terra Margarete Bell jacente etiam in dicto le Mary Wynde ' de tenemento jacente ex parte oriental! de le Tour de Ballat in Mary Wynde, sex denarios ; de tenemento Joliannis Kar jacente in dicto le Mary Wynde, duodecim solidos quatuor denarios; de tenemento domini Jacobi Nicolsouu jacente ex parte, boreali ecclesie parrochialis de Striueling, nouem solidos ; de tenemento anteriori Rechardi Name, duos solidos; de tenemento Dauid Greg, septem solidos, jacente in dicto le Middillraw; de tenemento Gilberti Brady, sex solidos octo denarios ; de terra quondam domine de Cummyrnald, nunc ^ perti- nentiis ^ solidos ; pro toto tempore vite antedicti domini Willelmi. Faciendo inde, anuuatim, idem dominus Willelmus ad idem altare per se quotidie missam ad horani ^ cum dispositus fuerit, et per aliura idoneum capellanum onera et seruicia secundum ritum chori dicte ecclesie in ebdomadalibus, tantum. Prouidendo etiam quod dictus dominus Willelmus nobis seruiet et successoribus nostris in officio magfistri fabrice dicti burgi durante tempore vite sue, diligenter et lideliter, prout coram Deo et homine tenement belonging to the altar of Saint Andrew lying in the said Mary Wynd, two shillings ; of the land of Margaret Bell lying also in the said Mary Wynd, ^ of the tenement lying on the east side of the Tour de Ballat in Mary Wynd, six pennies; of the tenement of John Kar lying in the said Mary Wynd, twelve shillings four pennies; of the tenement of Sir James Nicolsoun lying on the north side of the parish church of Striveling, nine sliillings ; of the fore tenement of Richard Nairne, two shillings; of the tenement of David Greg, seven shillings, lying in the said Middleraw; of the tenement of Gilbert Brady, six shillings eight pennies; of the land of the late lady of Cummyrnald now ^ with the pertinents ^ shillings; for the whole lifetime of the foresaid William. Performing therefor, yearly, the said Sir William by himself a daOy mass at the said altar at the hour of ' when he .shall be disposed, and by another sufficient chaplain the burdens and services according to the custom of the choir of the said church every week, only. Providing also that the said Sir William shall serve us and our successors in the office of master of work of the said burgh duruig his whole lifetime, diligently and faithfully, as he ' Blank in origmal. 1540-1.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 89 respondere voluerit. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum commune presentibus est appensum. Apud dictum burgum, decimo septimo die mensis Februarii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo. shall wish to answer before God and man. In witness whereof our common seal is appended to these presents. At the said burgh, the seventeenth day of the month of February in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and forty. XLIII. GRANT by the Provost, Bailies, Council and Community of the Burgli of Stirling to John Graheme of the office of Clerk of the Burgh Court. Stirling, 9th November, 1542. Vniueesis et singulis presentes literas inspecturis: Prepo.situs, balliui, counsall et communitas burgi de Striueling, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noueritis nos, presentium per tenorem, dare et concedere Johanni Graheme, uotario, officium clerici seu scribe curie nostre burgalis; cum quatuor libris monete Scocie et botha orientali anterioris tenementi pretorii dicti bur-gi, in feodo, pro toto tempore vite sue, cum ceteris emergentibus, eschsetis, libertatibus, com- moditatibus, preuilegiis et proficuis, dicto officio pertinentibus, vsitatis et consuetis; cum scriptione omnium cedularum conquerentium ac cum testi- iicatione omnium sasinarum infra libertatem dicti burgi per balliuos eiusdem tradendarum. Faciendo inde, annuatim, dictus Johannes Graheme, per se vel substitutum seu substitutes, de quo et de quibus faciendis sibi ad vitam To ALL and sundiy who shall see the present letters: The provost, bailies, council, and community of the burgh of Striveling, greeting in the Lord everlasting. Know ye that we, by the tenor of these presents, give and grant to John Graheme, notary, the office of clerk or scribe of our burgh court; with four pounds Scots money and the east booth of the fore tenement of the tolbooth of the said burgh, in fee, for the whole of his lifetime, with the other issues, escheats, Liberties, commodities, privi- leges and profits, belonging to the said office, used and wont; with the writing of all schedules of complaints and with the attesting of all sasines within the lil.ierty of the said burgh to be given by the bailies of the same. Performing therefor, yearly, the said John Graheme, by himself or a substitute or substitutes, whom to make we M 90 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1542. suam facultatem liberam impertimur, seruitia in curiis et extra infra liberta- tem burgi debite et consuete, tantum. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum commune presentibus est appensum. Apud dictum burgum nostrum uono die mensis Nouembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo quadra- gesimo secundo. impart free power during his life, the services in and outwith the courts within the liberty of the burgh used aud wont, only. In witness whereof our common seal is appended to these presents. At our said burgh on the ninth day of the month of November in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred forty-two. XLIV. PRECEPT by King Francis and Queen Mary, commanding a Charter to be made confirming a Grant by the Friars Preachers of Stirling and Con- vent thereof to Alexander Erskiti, of the lands and others formerly belonging to them. Edinburgh, 10th May, 1.560. Feanciscus et Maria, Dei gracia. Rex et Regina Gallie et Scocie, etc. : Nostri magni sigilli gardiano, salutem. Quia approbauimus, ratificauiraus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmauimus chartam, pre- ceptum et feudifirmara in eadem contenta, factam per nostros oratores, fratrem Andream Makneill, priorem Fratrum Predicatorum de Striuiling et eiusdem loci conuentum, dilecto nostro familiari seruitori, Alexandre Erskin de Cangnoir, fratri germano dilecti nostri consanguinei Johannis domini Erskin, et Margarete Home, ipsius coniugi, ac eorum altera diutius viuenti, Francis and Mary, by the grace of God, King and Queen of France and Scotland, etc. : To the keeper of our great seal, greeting. Whereas we have approved, rati- fied, aud for us and our successors for ever confirmed a charter, precept and feu- farm contained in the same, made by our orators, brother Andrew INIakneill, prior of the Friars Preachers of Striveling and convent of the same place, to our beloved familiar servitor, Alexander Erskin of Cangnoir, brother german of our well beloved cousin John lord Erskine, and to Margaret Home, his spouse,] and 1560.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 91 iu coniuncta infeodatione, ot heredibus in dicta carta contentis, de totis et integris dictorum fratrum terris olim, pomario, molendinis, piscariis, cum per- titientii.s subscriptis, videlicet, toto et integro ipsorum olim pomario, nunc vastis terris, ac totis et integris terris sine crofta nuncupata the Freris Croft dicto olim pomario adiacente, inter molendinarium aqueductum qui a molen- dino lie Burrow Mylne vocata defluit ex oriente, viam publicam qua a burgo de Striuiling ad Cambusk^-nnetli itur ex occidentali et croftani Bawenis Croi't vocatam ex boriali ac raonasterium dictorum fratrum ex australi parti bus; acetiam, de totis et integris terris de Brouu Yardis, vnacum dimidietate pis- carie vnius cymbe super aquam de Forth et piscaria vuiu.s alterius cymbe super dictam aquam de Forth ; etdictorum fratrum molendino the Burrow Mylne appellato,jacente prope dictum burgum de Striuiling, ac de totis et integris terris uuncupatis Sanct Michaellis Hill and Riallis Croftis dicto molendino con- tigue adiacentibus; necnon de alio dictorum fratrum molendino illic jacente the Brig Mylne nuncupate, infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Striuiling; et de prefatorum fratrum acris jacentibus prope villain de Dunfermling nuncupatis the Hawank, infra dominium et regalitatem eiusdem. De dictis priore et con- uentu loci Fratrum Predicatorum de Striuiling et eorum successoribus in the longer liver of them, iu conjunct fee, and to the heirs mentioned in the said charter, of all and whole the lands sometime of tlie said friars, the orchard, mills, fishings, with the pertinents underwritten, that is to say, all and whole their late orchard, now waste lands, and all and whole the lands or croft called the Friars Croft lying near the said late orchard, between the mill lade which ■flows from the mill called the Burrow Mill on the east, the public road which leads from the burgh of Striveling to Cambuskynneth on the west and the croft called Bawenis Croft on the north and the monastery of the said friars on the south side; also, of all and whole the lands of Broun Yards, together with the half of the fishing of one lioat upon the water of Forth and the fishing of another boat on the said water of Forth ; and the mill of the said friars called the Burrow Mill lying near the said burgh of Striveling, and of all and whole the lands called Saint Michaels Hill and Rials Crofts lying next to the said mill ; also of another mill of the said friars lying there called the Brig Mill, within our sheriffdom of Striveling; and of the acres of the foresaid friars lying near the town of Dunfermling called the Hawank, within the lordship and regality of the same. To be held of the said prior and convent of the 92 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1560. perpetua feudifirma tenendis, prout in dictis carta et precepto desuper confectis plenius continetur. Saluis nobis et successoribus nostris, juribus, seruiciis et deuotavum orationum suffragis de dictis terris, molendinis, pomariis, piscariis cum suis pertinencijs, nobis a dictis priore et conventu eorumque successoribus ante presentem nostram confirmacionem dcbitis et consuetis respectiue. Vobis precipimns et mandamus quatenus cartam nostram cou- firmacionis in maiori forma capelle nostre debita sub prefato nostro magno sigillo dictis personis super premissis fieri faciatis. Datum sub nostro secreto siglllo, apud Edinburgh, decimo die mensis Maij anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo et regnorum nostrorum annis, videlicet, Gallic primo et Scocie secundo et decimo octauo. place of the Friars Preachers of Sti;iveliug and their successors in feu farm for ever, as in the said charter and precept made thereupon is more fully contained. Saving to us and our successors the rights, services and offerings of devout supplication from the said lands, mills, orchards, and fishings with their pertinents, respectively due and accustomed to us by the said prior and convent and their successors before our present confirmation. We charge and command you that ye cause to be made to the said persons our charter of confirmation upon the premises in greater and due form of our chancery under our foresaid great seal. Given under our secret seal, at Edinburgh, on the tenth day of the month of May in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and sixty and in the years of our reigns, that is to say, of France the first and of Scotland the second and the eighteenth. XLV. CHARTER by Queen Mary to the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Com- munity of Stirling of the Church Property and Revenues within the Burgh, for the support of the Ministry and maintenance of Hospitals for the poor and infirm. Edinburgh, loth April, 1567. Maria, Dei gratia, Regina Scotorum : Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis quia uos, impensius munus nostrum Mary, by the grace of God, Queen of Scots: To all good men of her whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye whereas we, more carefully reflecting upon our 1567.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 93 erga diuinum seruiciuin perpendentes, ct pro ardenti zclo quern ob interten- endam policiam ct equabilem ordinem inter subditos nostros, precipue vero infra burguui nostrnm dc Striueling, presoruandum babemus; considerantes nos, itaque, ex officio teneri nnuius erga Deum complecti debere, cuius proui- dentia regimini huius regni prepouimur, satque nobis ex officio incumbere, omni honesto modo, p-o ministris verbi Dei prouidere, et quod liospitalia pauperibus, mutilatis et miseris persouis, orpbauis et parentibus destitutis infantibus, infra dictum nostrum burgum preseruentur, post nostram perfectam etatem, cum auisamento dominorum secreti consilii ncstri, dedimus, concessi- mus, disposuimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confir- mauimus, ac tenore presentium damus, concedimus, disponimus, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo confirmamus predilectis nostris preposito, balliuis, consulibus et commuuitati dicti nostri burgi de Striuibng, et eorum successoribus imperpetuum, omnes et singulas terras, tenementa, domos, edificia, ecclesias, capellas, liortos, pomeria, croftas, annuos redditus, fructus, deuorias, prolicua, emolimenta, firraas, elemosinas lie daUsiluer, obitus et anniuersaria quecunque que quouismodo pertiuucrunt aut pertinere dinoscuntur ad qua- scuuque capellanias, alteragia, prebendarias in quacunque ecclesia, capella aut duty towards divine service, and out of tlie ardent zeal which we have for main- taining civil polity and preserving good order among our subjects, but especially within our burgh of Striveling; considering, therefore, that we by our office are bound and ought to be careful of our duty towards God, by whose providence we arc set over the government of this kingdom, and that it is incumbent on us, in virtue of our office, by all honest means to provide for the ministers of the word of God, and that hospitals for poor, maimed and miserable persons, orphans and children deprived of their parents, may be maintained witlnn our city, did, after our perfect age, with the advice of the lords of our privy council, give, grant, dispone and for us and our successors for ever confirm, and do by the tenor of these presents give, grant, dispone and for us and our successors for ever confirm to our well-beloved the provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Striviling, and their suc- cessors for ever, all and sundry lands, tenements, houses, buildings, churches, chapels, yards, orchards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, emoluments, rents, alms, daill-silver, obits and anniversaries whatsoever, which anywise belonged to or were known to belong to anychaplainries, altarages, prebends founded by whatsoever patron 94 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1567. coUegio, infra libertatem dicti nostvi biirgi de Striuiling fundata sen fundatas per quemcunque jjatronum, iu quarum possessione capellaui et prebendarii earundem perprius fuerant, vbicunque prefate domus, tenementa. edificia, pomeria, horti, aunui redditus, anuiuersaria, fructus, prouentus et emolimenta, jaceut aut prius leuata fueruut respectiue, cum niaueriebus locis, pomeriis, terris, annuls redditibus, emolimentis et deuoriis quibuscunquc que Fratribus Dominicalibus sen Predicatoribus et Miuoribus seu Frauciscanis dicti nostri burgi de Striuiling perprius pertinueruut; vnacum omnibus et singulis terris, domibus, tenemeutisqne, jacentibus infra dictum nostrum burgum et libertatem eiusdem,cum omnibusannuis redditibusde quacunqiie domo, terris ettenemento, infra dictum nostrum burgum leuandis, datis, douatis et fundatis, quibuscunquc capellaniis, alteragiis, ecclesiis, mortuariis aut anniuersariis vbicunque sint infra regnum nostrum; acetiam cum omnibus et singulis annuls redditibus et aliis deuoriis solitis aut que j^er quaracunque ecclesiam extra dictum nostrum burgum a preposito ct balliuis eiusdem de commuui redditu eiusdem, pro suftra- giis celebrandis, demandari poterint, cum pertenentiis. Tenendas et habendas omnes et siugulas prefatas terras, tenementa, domes, edificia, pomeria, hortos, croftas,annuos redditus, fructus,deuoria,i3roficua,emolimenta,firmas,elemosinas, in any clmrch, chapel, or college within the liberty of our said burgh of Striviling, in possession of which the chaplains and prebendaries of the same formerly were, wheresoever the foresaid houses, tenements, buildings, orchards, yards, annual- rents, anniversaries, fruits, profits, and emoluments lie or were formerly uplifted respectively, with manor-places, orchards, lands, annualrents, emoluments and duties whatsoever which formerly belonged to the Dominican or Preaching Friars and to the Minorites or Franciscans of our said burgh of Striviling; together with all and sundry lands, houses and tenements, lying within our said burgh and liberty of the same, with all annualrents leviable from whatsoever house, lands and tenement, within our said' burgh, given, granted and founded to whatever chaplainries, altarages, churches, burials or anniversaries where- soever they may be within our kingdom ; and also with all and sundry amrual rents and other duties customary or that could be demanded by any church outwith our said burgh from the provost and bailies of the same from the common good thereof, for celebrating suffrages, with the pertinents. To hold and to have all and sundry the foresaid lands, tenements, houses, buildings, orchards, yards, crofts, lofir.] THE BURGH OF RTIIiLIXG. 95 obitus, auniuersaria, ecclesias, capellas, fratriim loca, liortos, cum pertinentiis, prefatis preposito, balliuis, ^onsnlibus et communitati et eorum successoribus, de nobis et successoribus nostris imperpetuum, prout eadem jacent in longitu- diue et latitudine, in donaibus, ediiiciis, muris, muremis, liguis, lapide et calce, cum libero introitu et esitu, etc.; ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficius et asiameutis, ac iustis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tarn non nomiuatis quam nominatis, tam sub terra quam supra terram, ad pre- dictas terras, tenemeuta,domos,edificia, pomeriajiortos, croftas, annuos redditus, fructus, deuorias et alia prescripta, cum pertinentiis spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet iufuturum; libere, quiete, pleuarie, integre, bonorifice, bene et in pace, absque reuocatione aut contradictione quacunque. Cum potestate memoratis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati, et ipsorum successoribus, per seipsos et ipsorum coUectores quos constituent, prefatos annuos redditus, fructus, deuorias, proficua [et] emolimenta quecunque, leuandi et recipiendi, vbicunque perprius leuata fuerant, prefatas terras et tenementa locandi et remouendi, loca diruta extruendi et reparandi, eademque in hospitalia aut alios similes vsus legitimes, prout ipsis cum auisamento annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, emoluments, rents, alms, obits, anniversaries, cliurclies, chapels, places of friars, yards, with the pertinents, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community and their successors, of us and our successors for ever, as they lie in length and breadth, in houses, buildings, walls, timber, wood, stone and lime, with free ish and entry, etc., and with all and sundry other liberties, commodities, jsrofits and easements and their just pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named as well under the ground as above the ground, belonging or which may in time to come justly belong in any manner of way to the foresaid lauds, tenements, houses, buildings, orchards, yards, crofts, annual rents, friuts, duties and other things foresaid with then- pertinents; freely, quietly, fidly, wholly, honorably, well and in peace, without revocation or challenge whatsoever. With power to the above mentioned provost, bailies, councillors, and community, and their successors, l)y themselves and their collectors whom they shall appoint, to uplift and receive the fore- said annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, and emoluments whatsoever wherever they were formerly uplifted, to let and remove from the foi'esaid lands and tenements, to build and repair the ruinous places, and to restore and apply the same to hospitals, or other similar lawful uses, as to them, with the advice of the ministers and elders 96 CHARTERS RELATINU TO [1567. ministrorura et seniorum dicti nostri burgi videbitur, reducendi et applicandi ; adeo liberc in omnibus sicuti prefati prebeudarii, capellani et fratres prescripti, eisdem perpvius gaiidere easdemque possidere potuisseut. Memorati, autem, prepositus, balliui, consules et eorum successoi'es, tenebuntur ot astricti erunt, miiiistros,lectores,et alia ecclesiastica ooera,prefatis annuis redditibus, proficuis, et deuoi'iis, sccuudum valorem et quantitatem earuudem, sustiueve, locaqiie et edificia reparanda iu liospitalitatem et alios vsus prescriptos applicare. Con- siderantes, itaque, quanta frande ingens numerus dictorum prebendariorum, capellaniorum et fratrum presciiptorum, qui post alterationem I'eligionis, terras, annuos i-edditus et emolimenta, ipsorum capellaniis, prebendis, et aliis locis respectiue perprius mortificatas, disposuerunt, alienarunt, et in manibus quorundem particularium virorum extradonarunt ; acetiam quod plerique lio-ei, quaruudem terrarum,tenementorumet annuorum reddituum peripsorum predecessores mortificatarum, jus sibi acclamarunt, per breuia capelle nostra, aut alias sasinara tanquam beredes suorum predecessorura qui easdem ecclesie perprius dotarunt, recuperaruut ; quod eueuit jDartim uegligentia officiariorum dicti nostri burgi et partim collusione dictorum prebendariorum et capellanorum et fratrum prescriptorum ; quocirca, cum auisamento jDre- of our said burgh, shall seem fit ; as freely in all respects as the foresaid prebendaries, chaplains and friars before written, might have enjoyed or possessed the same afore- time. Moreover, the said provost, bailies, councillors and their successors, shall be holden and obliged to support the ministers, readers, and other ecclesiastical charges, out of the foresaid annual rents, profits and duties, according to the value and quantity of the same, and to apply the places and liuildings to be repaired for hospitality and other uses foresaid. Besides, considering how dishonestly a great number of the said prebendaries, chaplains and friars foresaid, have, since the change of religion, disponed, alienated and given away into the hands of certain private persons the lands, anuualrents and emoluments previously mortified to their chap- lainries, prebends and other places respectively; and also that very many of the lieges have claimed for themselves, by brieves of our chancery, the right to certain lands, tenements and annualrents mortified by their predecessors, or otherwise have again obtained sasine as heirs of their predecessors who previously gifted the same to the church ; which has happened partly through the negligence of the officers of our said burgh and partly through the collusion of the said prebendaries, chaplains 1567.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 97 scripto, omnes et singulas huiusmodi alienationes, dispositiones ot sasinas, qiiibus primiim propositum et animus fundatorum infringitur, altcratiir et variatur, diduceudo easdem in particulares vsus, ad efiectum quod ecdcm in vsns suprascriptos conuerte poterunt, per presentes, resciudimus et annullaraiis; quamquidem banc nostram declarationem volumus tanti esse roboris et efficacie acsi persone que easdem dispositiones obtinucrunt particularitcr citate essent ipsarumque infeofamenta absque vlterioii processu resciuder- entur. Acetiam, cum auisamento prescripto, vnimus et incorporamus omnes et singulas terras, tenementa, domes, edificia, ecclesias, C3'miteria, capellas, pomeria,liortos, croftas, auuuos redditus, fructus, deuorias, proficua, emolimenta, firmas, elemosinas, obitus, anniuersaria, fratrum loca, hortos earundem, cum suis pertineutiis, in voum corpus imposterum appellanda Fundatio nostra Ministerii et Hospitalitatis de Striuiliug. Volumus, etiam, quod vnica sasina per prefatos prepositum et balliuos aut eorum aliquem, dicti ministerii et hospitalitatis nomine, apud pretorium dicti nostri burgi seme! accepta, tarn sufficieus erit sasina perpctuo in futurum acsi eadem super particulares terras ad dictos capellanos, prebendaries et fratres, pertinentes, aut ipsis in prefatos annuos redditus, anniuersaria, firmas, proficua et deuoria prescripta debitas, and friars foresaid ; whereforp, witli advice foresaid, we, by these presents, i-escind and annul all and sundry such alienations, dispositions and sasines, by which the fii-st purpose and will of the founders is infringed, altered and changed, by perverting the same to private uses, to the effect that the same may be converted to the purposes abovo set forth ; and this our declaration we will to be as strong and effectual as if the persons who obtained the said dispositions Iiad been particularly cited and their infeftments rescinded without further process. As also, with advice foresaid, we unite and incorporate all and sundry lands, tenements, houses, buildings, churches, churchyards, chapels, orchards, yards, crofts, annual- rents, fruits, duties, profits, emoluments, rents, alms, obits, anniversaries, friars' places, yards of the same, with their pertinents, in one body in all time coming, to be called our Foundation of the Ministry and Hospitality of Striviling. We will, also, that one sasine taken once for all at the tolbooth of our said burgh by the fore- said provost and bailies, or any of them, in name of the said ministry and hospitality, shall be as sufficient a sasine in all time coming as if the same were taken upon tlie particular lands belonging to the said chaplains, prebendaries and friars, or in tlie 98 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1567. sumeretur, nou obstante locorum distautia. Preterea, pei' presentes noliimus capellanos, prebendarios et fratres qui ante dictam alterationem prouisi erant, per hoc presens nostrum infeofamentum, preiudicari, sed reseruamus illis vsum dictorimi fructuum et deuoriarum durante eorum vita tantum. Precipiendo, itaque, nostrorum computorum rotulatoribus, presentibus et futuris, ipsorum collectoribus, factoribus et aliis quorum interest in genere necnon in specie, vt ne quis eorum recipere aut leuare presumat dictos fructus particulai'iter suprascriptos pro quouis tempore, preterite seu futuro, neue impediant aut impedimeutum vllum faciant memoratis preposito, balliuis, consulibus, com- munitati, et eorum successoribus, in pacifica possessione earundem. Requir- endo et ordinando etiam domiuos nostre sessonis quatenus literas in omnibus quatuor formis, ad instantiam dictorum prejDOsiti, balliuorum, consulum, communitatis, et ipsorum successorum, ad effectum suprascriptum dirigant. Necnon precipiendo quibuscunque intromissoribus cum dictis fructibus quatenus ipsis de oisdem prompte intendant, pareaut et gratam solucionem faciant. In cuius rei testimonium huic jaresenti carte nostre magnum sigil- liim nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus: Reuerendissimo in Christo patre, Johanue archiepiscopo Sauctiaudree,etc.; dilectis nostris consanguineis, Georgio foresaid annualreuts, amiiversaries, rents, profits and duties foresaid due to tliem, the distance of the places notwithstanding. Besides, by these presents we will that no prejudice be done to the chaplains, prebendaries and friars who were in possession before the said change, by tliis our present infeftment, but we reserve to them the use of the said fruits and duties during their lives only. Directing, accordingly, our comptrollers, present and future, and their collectors, factors, and others whom it concerns in general as well as in special, that none of them presume to receive or to levy the said fruits particularly above described for any time wliat- ever, past or future, or offer any obstruction or impediment to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, community and their successors, in the peaceable possession of the same. Requiring and ordaining also our lords of session that they direct letters in all the four forms, at the instance of the said provost, bailies, councillors, com- munity and their successors to the effect above written. Also commanding all intromitters with the said fruits that they give prompt attention, obey and make willing and ready payment to them of the same. In witness whereof we liave com- manded our great seal to be appended to this our present charter. Witnesses : The 1567.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 99 comite de Huutlie domino Gordoun ct Badyonacli, cancellario nostro; Jacobo comite de Boithuile domino Halis, Creichtoim et Liddisdale, regni nostri magno admirallo; dilcctis nostri.s familiaribus con.siliariis, Richardo Maitland do Lethingtouu, uostri secreti sigilli custode; Jacobo Balfoure de Pettindreicb, nostrorum rotulorum, registri et consilii clerico; et Johanne Bellenden de Auchnoule, nostre iusticiario clerico, equitibus auratis. A.f>ud Edinburgh, decimo quinto die mensis Ajirilis, anno Domini miilesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo septimo et regni nostri vicesimo quinto. most reverend father in Christ, Jolui archbishop of Saint Andrews, etc. ; our beloved cousins, George earl of Huntlic lord Gordoun and Badyenach, our chancellor; James earl of Boithuile lord Halis, Creichtoun and Liddisdale, great admiral of our king- dom; our beloved familiar councillors, Richard Maitland of Lethingtouu, keeper of our privy seal ; James Balfoure of Pittendreich, clerk of our rolls, register and council; and John Bellenden of Auchnoide, our justice clerk, knights. At Edinlnu-gh, the fifteenth day of the month of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and sixty-seven and of our reign the twenty-fifth year. XLVI. DECREE by the Lords Interpreters of the Law of Oblivion as to an Annual- rent claimed by William Guiane, Master of the Grammar School and Chaplain of the Altar of .St. Lawrence in the Parish Kirk of Stirling, from the tacksman of St. Lanrance's Croft. Stirling, 30th August, 15G0. At Striueling, the penult day of August the yeir of God j" v' Ixix yeiris. The lordis interpretouris of the law of obliuioun vuderwrittiu, thai ar to say the nobill and michtie lord, James erle of Murray lord Abirnethy, etc., Regent to cure Souerane Lord his realme and ligies; James erle of Mortoun lord Dalkeith, chancellar of this realme; Alexander erle of Glencarne lord Kilmawris; Johne erle of Mar lord Erskin; maister Robert Rechartsoun, commendatar of Sanct 100 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1569. Marie lie, thesaurar to ouic said Souerane Lord ; and Sir Johnne Ballenden of Auchuowll, knycht, justice clerk: Auent the supplicatioun maid be maister Williame Gulane, maister of theGrammer Scole of StriueliDg.makand mentioun that he is lauchflllie prouidit of auld to the chaiplaurie of Sanct Laurence foundit within the paroche kirk of Striueliugaud hes bene in peceabill posses- sioun of vptaking of the males, aunuellis, fruittis and rentis pertening thairto thir uyntene yeiris bigane, lyke as he is preseutlie, except that Dauid Ker, burges of Striueling, occupear and takkisman of ane croft callit Sanct Laui'ence Croft, pertening to the said chapellanrie, for the quhilk he is obleist in his assedatioun to pay yeirlie four pundis vsuale money of this realme, haldis fra the said maister Williame nyntene pundis money for termes bigane at this last Witsonday ; and quhen he did call and persew the said Dauid for payment contenit in the assedatioun of the said croft befoir the provest and baillies of the burgh of Striueling he wranguslie refuisit to do the saraiu be proponing of the act and law of obliuioun, quharthrow the saidis provest and baillies wald nocht jiroceid to the geving of thair interloquutour in the said actioun quliill the samin be interpretit be the lordis interpretatouris quhether the samin suld be coniprehendit vnder the said law or nocht ; and anent the chairge gevin to the said Dauid to compeir before the saidis lordis interpreta- touris this day to heir and se the actione abonementionat ressouit and thair declaratioun gevin quhether gif the samin aucht or suld becura vnder the said law or nocht, with certificatiouu and he compeirit nocht the saidis lordis wald proceid as accordis; as at raair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun and indorsatioun thairof ; baith the parteis comperand personalie the lordis inter- pretatouris of the law of obliuioun findis that the males and dewitie of the said croft extending to four pundis of the [crope and] yeir of God j'" v° lix yeiris aucht and suld be comprehendit vnder the said law of obliuioun, and that all vtheris males and dewiteis of all vtheris yeiris and termes contenit in the said maister Williames libell aucht nocht to bruik nor jois the priuilege thairof ; hot the saidis lordis hes remittit and reraittis the samin to the saidis provest and baillies to be decydit be thame as accordis of the law uochtwilhstanding the said allegeance. Extractum de libro actorum per me, Alexandrum Hay, deputatem in hac parte houorabilis viri, magistri Jacobi Makgill de Rankelour Nether, clericum rotulorum, registri ac consilii, S.D.N. Eegis, sub meis signo 1569.] THE BUKGH OF STIRLING. 101 et subscriptione maniialibus. [Extracted from the book of acts by me, Alexander Hay, depute of au honourable man, James Makgill of Raidceluur Nether, clerk of the rolls, register and council, of our sovereign lord the King, under my sign and subscription manual.] Alexander Hay. XLVII. INSTRUMENT embodying Protest as to Warrandice given by the Provost, Bailies, and Town of Stirling, to Mongo Graheme, of the Friars Lands and the meadow lying contiguous thereto. Stirling, 8th March, 1576-7. In Dei nomine, amen. Per hoc presens publicum iustrumeutum cunctis pateat euidenter et sit notum quod anno incarnationis Dominice j'" v° septuagesimo sexto, mensis vero Martii die octauo, et regni supremi domini nostri regis Jacobi, Dei gratia Scotorum Regis, sexti, anno eius decimo: In mei, uotarii publici, ettestium subscriptorum, presentiapersonaliterconstitutus, Alexander Wysser, vnus balliuorum burgi de Striuiling, protestatus est solemniter vt sequitur in vulgari: — Forsamekill as this sasing that I instantle giff to Mongo Graheme of the landis callit the Frers landis; with the medow lyand contigue thairto, lyand within the terretorie of the bruch of Striuiling, sail hawe na maner of effect nor warrandice of the provest, baillies and touue off Striuiling, nor thair successouris, nor the gift gewin to ws be the Quenis grace our sowerane for the tyme may beir and sustene ; and the said Mongo anserit agane : I am content thairoff and will seik na forder : Super quibis, premissis omnibus et singulis, dictus Alexander Wsser, balliuus, a me notario publico sub- In the name of God, amen. By this present public instrument be it manifest and known to all that on the eighth day of the month of March in the year of the iucarnation of our Lord one thousand five hundred seventy-six, and in the tenth year of the reign of our sovereign lord the king, James the Sixth, by the grace of God, King of Scots : In presence of me, notary public, and of the witnesses underwritten, person- ally appeared Alexander Wsser, one of the bailies of the burgh of Striveling, has solemnly protested as follows m the common language : — Forsamekill [etc., as above.] Whereupon, all and sundry the premises, the said Alexander Wsser, bailie, asked 102 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1576-7. scripto sibi fieri petiit publicum seu publica instrumentum vel instrumenta vnum seu plura. Acta erant bee super fundo dictarum terrarum hora tertia post meridiem vel eocirca. Presentibus ibidem : Waltero Forester de Buqubau, preposito burgi de Striuiling ; Waltero Aissoiie, balliuo eiusdem; Willelmo Norwell, Jacobo Edmonsone, Joanne John, Joanne Hog, Willelmo Graheme et Dauide Murray, seriando, cum diuersis aliis testibus ad premissa vocatis pariter et requisitis. Et ego, vero, Johannes Graheme, Dunblanensis diocesis, publicus sacra apostolica auctoritate notarius, quia, premissis omnibus et singulis, dum sic ut jDremittitur agerentur, dicerentur et fierent, vnacum pre- nominatis testibus personaliter interfui, eaque omnia et singula sic fieri et dici, vidi, sciui et audiui, ac in notam cepi, ideoque hoc presens publicum instrumentum, manu alterius fideliter scriptum, exinde con- feci, et in banc publicam instrumenti forniam redegi, signoque nomine, cognomine et subscriptione meis solitis ac consuetis signaui, in omnium et singulorum premissorum fidcm rogatis et requisitus. Johannes Graheme. from iiie notary pubfic siibscribLng one or mure public instrument or public instru- ments to be made to him. These things were done upon the ground of the said lands at the third Lour afternoon or thereabout. Present there : Walter Forester of Buquhan, provost of the burgh of Striviling; Walter Aissone, bailie of the same; William Norwell, James Edmonsone, John John, John Hog, "^Villiam Graheme, and David Murray, serjeand ; with sundry other witnesses to the premises likewise called and requii-ed. And I, John Grahame, of the diocese of Dunblane, by sacred apostolic authority, notary public, because I was present with the forenamed witnesses at all and sundry the premises while they were so transacted, said and done as above written, and saw, knew and heard the same, all and sundry, so done and said and took a note of them, and thereupon I have made the present public instrument, faithfully written by the hand of another, and have re- duced it into this public form of instrument, and have signed with my sign, name, surname and subscription, used and wont, being asked and required in faith of all and sundry the premises. John Graheme. 1579.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 103 XLVIII. ACT of Parliament ordaining the Commissioners of Burglis to settle the debate between the Burglis of Perth, Dundee and Stirling, as to their respective antiquity and priority. Edinburgh, 11th November, 1.579. The Kingis Maiestie and his thrie estaitis in this present parliament, vndir- standiug the debait betwix the burrowis of Perth, Dundee and Striueling, auent the ordering of thame in thair awiu places according to the auncietie of the saidis burrowis, and that thair is ane conventioun of the burrowis to to be in Glasgw the x.xiiii day of Februar nixtocum, at the quhilk tyme ordanis all the foirsaidis thrie burrowis to send commissioueris fullely instructit for thame and euerie ane of thame with the richtis and prinileges quhairby euerie ane of thame clames thair places in parliament; at the quhilk tyrae ordanis the saidis commissioneris of burrowis to tak ordour with thame thair- anent for placeing of euery ane of thame in their awin places, and siclike the rest of the burrowis, swa that jDorpetuall ordour may be establishit amangis the saidis haill burrowis in tyme cuming. And his Maiestie, with auise of his saidis thrie estaitis, for performing of the premissis hes gevin full pouer and commissioun to the saidis burrowis and commissioneris thairof to tak ordour heiranent as is abone writtin. And as the saidis commissioneris declares and decernis ordanis the same to haue full eftect, and they to abyd thairat in tyme cuming, with certification to thame and they failyie the remanent burrowis gevand furth thair decreit vpoun thair placeing in manner foirsaid thair said decreit sail stand and haue effect in all tyme cuming. XLIX. ACT of Parliament whereby, inter alia, the Sherifl" and the Provost and Bailies of Stirling were appointed the King's Justices of the Waters of the Teith, Forth, &c., for execution of certain fishery laws. Edinburgh, 29th November, 1581. Our Souerane Lord and thre estatis of this present parliament ratefeis and apprevis all actis maid be his Hines and his maist noble progenitouris anent 104 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1581. the distructiou of cruuis and yaris, slaucbter of reid fische, smoltis, and the fry of all fisches, and ordanis the samyn to haue effect and executioun in tyme cuming. And becaus it is vnderstand to his Hines and his saidis thre estatis that, albeit panes and trauellis wes tane to cast done and distroy the saids cruuis and yaris, yet in default of the execusioun of the panis contenit in the saidis actis vpoun the contravenaries thairof, the saids cruuis and yaris ar not haldin douu nor onio vthir tiling in effect (appointit to be done in the saidis actis) put in executioun throw the default and negligence of the ordinar officiaris to quhome the executioun thairof wes committit; thairl'oir ouro Souerane Lord, with aduise of his saidis thre estatis, hes maid, constitute and ordauit, and be the tenoure of this present act, makis, coustitutis and ordanis, the personis efter specifeit, within the boundis particularlie followand his Hines justices in that pairt to the effect vnderwrittin: — . . . The stewart of Menteith and his deputis for the heiddis of the wattir of Teith and Forth; the schiref of Striuiling and his deputis, and provest and bailleis of Striuiling, for the remanent of the watteris of Forth, Teith, Gudie, Carroun, Alloun, and Dovane, and thair granis; the schiref of Linlithgow and his deputis, and the provest and bailleis of Linlithgow, for the Watter of Avane and southsyde of Forth within the boundis of that schireffdome. . . Gevand, grantand and commit- tand to the saidis justices in that pairt, coniunclie and seueralie, within the boundis particularlie abone writtin, full power, speciall command, expres bidding and charge, to inquire and tak vp dittay of all persounis contraven- eris of the saidis actis of parliament within the boundis particularie abone wi'ittin, alsweill the principall offendaris as thair niaisteris, laudislordis and re- settaris, to call thame to vuderly the law thairfoir in the tolbuyth of the held burgh of euerie schire or vthir place convenient at the discretioun of the saidis justices, and put thame to the knawlegeof ane assyse, as they be fundin culpabill or innocent to minister iustice vpoun thame conform to the lawes of this realme, the panes contenit in the saidis actis to rais and uplift and of the samyn to mak compt, reknyng and payment, to oure Souerane Lord and his Hienes thesaurair in his chekker. And to the effect that the executioun of the saidis actis sail not be neglectit as in tymes bypast ordanis twa ordiner iustice Courtis to be haldin yeirlie, the ane the first day of Februar and the vthir at the first day of [August] or the uixt lawfuU dayis thairefter following, 1581.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. lO.'i besyde vtlier cowrtis to be lialdin at vtliir dayis quheu occasioun seruis at the discretioim of the saidis justices. . . . Be it alwayis vndcrstaud that this present act nor nathiug thairiu contenit salbe prejudicial! to liis Hines sub- iectis being dewlie infeft and in possessioun of balding of cruuis, lynis or loupis within fresche watteris, but that they may vse, jois, bruik and occupy the same in tyme cuming according to thair richtis, kepand the Setterdayis slop and sic distance betuix euerie hek as the actis of parliament appoyntis ; and in case they failye tbairin to be accusabill and suffer punischment as the remanent transgressouris of the saidis acts. ACT of Parliament whereby the Fair formerly held at Stirling on 14th Sep- tember was appointed to be held in future on 22nd October yearlj'. Edinburgh, 29th November, 1581. Our Souerane Lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament, vnderstand- ing the complaint gevin in be the provest, bailleis, counsell and communitie of the burgh of Striueling, that thair hes bene twa dayis grantit to thame for haldin of fairis yeirlie this lang tyme bipast in the moneth of September, viz., the ane being the letter Ladie day, the aucht day thairof, and the vther the Ruid day, being the fourtene day of the samin moneth, being bayth within sevin dayis efter vtheris, and swa being so neir togidder and in tyme of harwest sua that the samin hes nawayis bene j^i'offitabill to the said burgh nor nawayis can serue to thair commoditie in tyme cuming quhan na resort of pepill cumis thairto; tbairfoir our said Souerane Lord, with auise foirsaid, hes alterit and changit the said fair haldin of befoir yeirlie within the said burgh and fredome thairof vpoun the said xiiij day of September to be haldin in all tymes cuming vpoun the xxij day of October yeirlie thairefter; and the first fair vsit of befoir vpoun the said viij day of September to stand and be vsit in the same sort and maner as the samin wes of befoir. And ordanis letteres to be direct to mak publicatioun heirof in forme as effeiris at all places neidfull. o 106 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1584. LI. REMISSION by King James the Sixth to the Bailies, Couucillors, Com- mimity and Inhabitants of Stirling (with certain exceptions) for taking part with the Earl of Angus and others in their treasonable proceedings. Falkland, 26th June, 1584. Jacobus, Dei gratia. Rex Scotorum: Omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos presentes litere pervenerint, salutem. Sciatis, quia ex nostris specialibus gratia et misericordia remisimus tenoreque presentium remittimus rancorem animi nostri, sectam regiam, et omnem actionem quem seu quas concepimus, habuimus, habemus seu habere vel claniare poterimus adversum ballivos, con- soles, commuuitatem et omnes inhabitatores, tarn burgenses quam alios, burgi nostri de Striviling, eorurnque uxores, proles, famulos et familias pro tempore (exceptis Joanne Muschet, Waltero Muresoun, Egidia Grahame relicta quon- dam Jacobi Archibald, Waltero Neische, Roberto Portarfeild, Willelmo Fair- bairne, Christophero Lamb, Thomas AVinyettis, Jacobo Richardsoun, Andrea Vtem, Joanne Watsoun, Joanne Duncanesoun, ministro, et Elizabetha Alschinder, relicta quondam Joannis Leischman eiusque servis et familia) quequidem persone nunc excepte sub hac nostra remissione non comprehend- entur, pro arte et partis captione cum Archibaldo Angusie comite, Joanne comite de Mar, magistro Thoma Lyoun de Baldowkie magistro de Glammis, James, by the grace of God, King of Scots : To all liis good men to whom the pre- sent letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, forasmuch as we of our special grace and mercy have remitted and by the tenor hereof remit rancour of our heart, royal suit, and all action which we have conceived, had, have, or may have or claim against the bailies, councillors, community and all uidwellers, as well burgesses as others, of our burgh of Striviling, and their wives, children, servants and families for the time (excepting John Muschet, Walter Muresoun, Giles Graliame relict of the late James Archibald, Walter Neische, Robert Portarfield, William Fairbairne, Christopher Lamb, Thomas Winyettis, James Richardsoun, Andrew Vtem, John Watsoun, John Duncanesoun, minister, and Elizaljeth Alschmder, relict of the late John Leischman, and his servants and family) which persons now excepted are not com- prehended under this our remission, for art and part takuig with Archibald earl of Angus, John Earl of Mar, master Thomas Lyoun of Baldowkie master of Glammis, 1584.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 107 eorum collegis et complicibus, in eorum proditoria iuterceptione et detentioue nostri castri et dicti burgi de Striviling, ac pro receptione, supportatioue, inter- loquutione et defensione dictarum personarum et eorum sociorum in diota proditorio actu in mense Aprilis ultimo elapso commisso; necuon pro aliqua prescientia seu premeditatione premissorum, aut in defensione et detentione dicti castri et ville contra nos, nostram authoritatem et obedientiam, et pro omnibus actione et crimine quo inde sequi aut dictis ballivls, consulibus, com- munitati et inhabitatoribus eorumque uxoribus, prolibus [et] famulis (exceptis personis superius particulariter nominatis solummodo) imjjutari poterint. Et supradictos ballivos, consules et communitatem, ac omnes iuhabitatores, tarn burgenses quam alios, burgi nostri de Striviling antedicti, eorumque uxores, proles, famulos et familias pro tempore (exceptis personis particulariter pre- nominatis) sub firma pace et protectione nostra juste suscipientes, firmiter inhibemus ne quis eis aut eorum alicui, occasione predicte proditorie artis et partis captionis, malum, molestiam, injuriam aut gravamen aliquod inferre, presumat injuste, super nostram plenariam forisfacturaiu, aut mortem eis aut eorum alicui inferat sub pena amissionis vite et membrorum. In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras remissionis pro toto tempore vite prefa- their colleagues and accomplices, in their treasonable taking and detention of our castle and .said burgh of Striviling, and for reception, support, intercommuning and defence of the said persons and their associates in the said treasonable act committed in the month of April last bypast ; also for any foreknowledge or premeditation of the premises, or in defence and withholding of the said castle and town against us, our authority and obedience, and for all action and crime which may thence ensue or be imputed to the said bailies, councillors, community and inhabitants, and their wives, children, [and] servants (excepting only the persons particularly above named). And justly taking the foresaid bailies, councillors, and community, and all the inhabitants, as well burgesses as others, of our foresaid burgh of Striviling, and their wives, children, servants and families for the time (except the persons particidarly before named) under our firm peace and protection, we strictly inhibit any one wrongfully to take upon hand to inflict harm, molestation, wrong or any injury on them or any of them because of the foresaid treasonable art and part taking, upon our fidl forfeiture, or inflict death on them or any of them on pain of the loss of life and members. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters of remission to 108 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1610. taruni personarum (exceptispriusexceptis) duraturas sub nostro magno sigillo eis fieri facimus patentes. Apud Falkland, vicesimo sexto die mensis Junii anuo Domini millesimo quingentesinio octuagesimo quarto, et regui uostri decimo septimo. endure for the whole lifetime of the foresaid persons (except as before excepted) to be miide patent to them under our great seal. At Falkland, the twenty-sixth day of the month of June the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and eighty- four and of our reign the seventh year. LIL GRANT by Archibald Allan, burgess of Stirling, with consent of Sir John Schaw of Arnecomrie, to the Provost, Bailies and Councillors of Stirling, in name of the poor of the same, of the Almshouse or Hospital in Stirling with the revenues within the Burgh belonging thereto. Stirling and London, 2Sth February and 1st May, 1610. Omnibus banc cartam visuris vol audituris: Archibaldas Allaue, burgensis burgi de Striuiling, capellanus seu prebendarius capellanie olim infra dictum burgum situate, que domns elimosinaria seu hospitale pro Christi pauperibus et languentibus inibi, suscipiendis, hospitandis, et sustinendis, in dicto burgo, nuncupatur, jacens in australi platea, ex parte orientali ecclesie perochialis dicti burgi coutigue cum cemiterio eiusdem ecclesie; cum expressis consensu et assensu honorabilis viri, domini Joannis Schaw de Arnecomrie, militis, veri et indubitati mei patroni dicte capellanie seu domus elimosinarie, pro ipsius To ALL who shall see or hear this charter: Archibald Allane, burgess of the burgh of Striviling, chaplain or prebendary of the chaplainry sometime situated within tlie said burgh, which is called the Almshouse or hospital for the admission, lodging, and sustaining therein of Christ's poor and sick in the said burgh, lying in the Southgait on the east side of the parish church of the said burgh, near to the cemetery of the said church ; with express consent and assent of an honorable man, Sir John Schaw of Arnecomrie, knight, my true and undoubted patron of the said IGIO.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 109 interesse, eternara iu Domino, salutem. Quum, in laudem Dei et ad pics vsus, pro juuamine pauperura dicti burgi dicta capellania seu domus elimosiuaria, cum omnibus anuuis redditibus, emolumentis, et deuoriis eidem spectautibus, primo coDstituta et dotata fuit, et nunc post abolitionem Romane seu papist- ice illius religionis, in quam successit hec vera ac clara lux Euangelij qua non tollitur, nequis capellanus dictum domum elimosinariam possideat prout institutio prime fundationis postulat: et quia strenuus etjuuictus ille miles, quondam dominus Willelmus Edmound, preregimine Scoter urn iu partibus Flandrie colonellus, in laudem Dei pro multiplici erga se diuina preseruatione in quam plurimis suis periculis, apud se decreuit domum quandam elimosin- ariam seu hospitals infra dictum burgum propriis suis sumptibus erigere, vel magis antedictam domum elimosinariam nunc ruinosam et caducam reparare; et, pro sustentatione quoruudam paujDerum inibi suscipiendorum, aunuos redditus seu elimosinas quasdam etiam ipsis dotare. Igitur, cum exjiressis consensu et assensu predictis, dedisse, concessisse, et liac jDresenti carta mea confirmasse, preposito, baliuis et consulibus dicti burgi, nomine pauperum eiusdem, et eoruni successoribus, hereditaria, totam et integram antedictam chaplainry ov almshouse, for his interest, greeting in tlie Lord everlastmg. Whereas the said chaplainry or almshouse with all annual rents, emoluments and duties belonging to the same, was first founded and endowed to the praise of God and for pious uses and for the assistance of the poor of the said burgb, and now after the abolition of that Romish or Popish religion, to which has succeeded this true and clear light of the Evangel which is not taken away, no chaplain can possess the said almshouse as the order of the first foundation requires; and whereas that valiant and invincible knight, the deceased Sir William Edmond, colonel of the regiment of Scots in the parts of Flanders, in praise of God for mani- fold divine preservation of himself in his very many perils, determined witli himself to erect on his own proper charges a certain almshouse or hospital within the said burgh, or rather to repair the foresaid almshouse now ruinous and falling down ; and, for the mamtenance of certain poor to be admitted therein, also to bestow on them certain annual rents or alms. Therefore, with express consent and assent foresaid, I have given, granted, and by this my present charter confii-med to the provost, bailies, and councillors of the said burgh, in name of the poor of the same, and of their successors, heritably, all and whole the foresaid almshouse or hospital no CHARTERS RELATING TO [1610. domuni elimosinariam seu hospitale olim infra dictum burgum sltuatam jacentem in australi platea ex orientali parte dicte ecclesie perochialis eius- dem; cum omnibus annuis redditibus, emolumentis et deuoriis, infra dictum burgum solummodo eidem spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus. Quam- quidem domum seu elimosinariam antedictam nos vnanimi consensu et assensu ad manum mortuum mortificamus et disponimus dictis preposito, baliuis et consulibus dicti burgi, nomine dictorum pauperum, imperpetuum. Tantum, inde faciendo, antedicti p)auperos infra dictam domum elimosinariam liospi- tandi et sustinendi, pias ac puras preces pro libertate euangelij et amplificatione regni Dei, ac salute rei publico dicti burgi in futurum. Pauperes, autem, ita elegantur ex ciuitate Sterlinensi decrepiti viri qui aliquando ciues dicti burgi fuerant et vitam honestam duxerant, per prefatos prepositum, baliuos et consules dicti burgi, et eorum successores, senatui ecclesiastico dicti burgi comraendati, et per eundem senatum admissi. Et nos vero prefati capellanus ac patronus, antedicti beredes et successores uostri, totam et iutegram ante- dictam domum elimosinariam seu hospitale antedictum, cum omnibus annuis redditibus, emolumentis et deuoriis, infra dictum burgum solummodo, eidem spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus, prefatis preposito, baliuis et consuli- sometime situated within the said burgh lying in the Soixthgait on the east side of tlie said parish church of the same; witli all annual rents, emoluments, and duties within the said burgh only, belonging or that may justly belong to the same. Which house or alms foresaid we with unanimous consent and assent mortify and dispone in mortmain to the said provost, bailies, and councillors of the said burgh, in name of the said poor, for ever. Making therefor, only, the foresaid poor to be lodged and sustained within the said almshouse, pious and pure prayers for the liberty of the evangel and increase of the kingdom of God, and for the prosperity of the commonwealth of the said burgh in time coming. Moreover, the poor so elected from the city of Stirling shall be aged infirm men who sometime had been citizens of the said burgh and had led an honest life, recommended by the foresaid provost, bailies, and councillors of the said burgh, and their successors, to the kirk session of the said burgh and by the said session admitted. And farther, we the foresaid chap- lain and patron, our foresaid heirs and successors, shall warrant, acquit, and for ever defend all and whole the foresaid alms house or hospital, with all the annual rents, emoluments, and duties within the said burgh only, belonging or that may 1610.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. Ill bus dicti burgi et eorum successoribus, a propriis nostris factis solummodo, warraiitizabimus, acquietabimus et imperpetuum defendemus. Insuper dilectis nostris Christopbero Alexander, inercatore, burgensi dicti burgi, . . . ac vestrum cuilibet, coniunctum et diuisuui, baliuis nostris in hac parte specialiter constitutis, salutem : vobis precipimus et firmiter mandamus quatenus visis presentibus, indilate, statum, sasinani hereditariani, pariter et possessionem realem, actualem et corporalem, totius et integre antedicte domus elimosinarie sen hospitalis vt supra iacentis, cum omnibus annuis redditibus, emolumentis et deuoriis, infra dictum burgum, eidem spectantibus sen iuste spectare valenti- bus, memoratis preposito, baliuis et cousulibus dicti burgi, vel eorum certo actornato, nomine dictorum pauperum eiusdem, per terre et lapidis fundi dicti domus tradicionem et deliberacionem, vt moris est, tradatis et deliberetis seu aliquis vestrum tradat et delibei'ct; et boc nidlo modo omittatis. In cuius rei testimonium, presentibus manibus nostris subscriptis ac manu Alexandri Barclaj', notarij, scriptis, sigilla nostra propria sunt appensa. Apud Striuiling et Londoun, vltimo et prime diebus rcspectiue mensibus Februarij et Maij respectiue, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo, coram bis testibus: Alexandre Auchmowtie, seruitore Regis; AlexandroDrummound,eius seruitore; justly belong to the same, to the foresaid provost, bailies and comicillors of the said burgh and their successors, from our own proper facts only. Moreover, to our well- beloved Christopher Alexander, merchant, burgess of the said burgh, . . . and to each of you, conjunctly and severally, our bailies in that part specially constituted, greeting : we command and firmly charge you, or any of you, that these presents seen ye immediately give and deliver state, heritable sasine, as well as real, actual and cor- poral possession, of all and whole the foresaid almshouse or hospital, lying as above, with all amiual rents, emoluments and duties belonging or that may rightly belong to the same within the said burgh, to the foresaid provost, bailies, and councillors of of the said burgh, or their certain attorney, in name of the said poor of the same, by the giving and delivering of earth and stone of the ground of the said house as the manner is ; and this in no way ye omit. In witness whereof to these presents, sub- scribed with our hands and written by the hand of Alexander Barclay, notary, our proper seals are appended, at Striviling and Loudoun, on the last and first days respectively in the months of February and May respectively in the year of our Lord one thousand six liundred and ten, before these witnesses, Alexander Auchmowtie, n-2 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1633. magistro Joanne Archibald, seruitore Regis; Jacobo Archibald, eius seruitore; Duncane Patersone, Alexandre Patersone, mercatoribus, burgensibus dicti burgi; et dicto Alexandre Barclay. (Signed) Archibald Allane; Sir Jhone Schaw; Alexr. Auchtmoutie; Mr. Jo" Archebald, witnes; Alexr. Driimraond, witnes; Jame.s Archibald, witues; D. Patersone, witnes; to Archbald Allan subscription; Alexander Paterson, witnes to Archebald Alane; A. Barclay, witnes to the subscriptioue of the said Archibald Allane. servitor of the King ; Alexander Driimmound, his servitor; master John Archibald, servitor of the King ; James Archibald, his servitor; Duncane Paterson, Alexander Patersone, merchants, burgesses of the said burgh, and the said Alexander Barclaj'. [Signed as above.] LIII. DECREE by the Lords of Council and Session annulling a pretended Gift to Robert Erskino, son of the earl of Mar, and finding that the only undoubted right of the office of Sheriffship within the Burgh of Stirling belongs to the Provost, Bailies, Council and Community thereof. Edinburgh, 29th March, 1G33. In the actioun and caus persewit at the instances of Thomas Bruce, provest, John Johnstoun, David Stevinsone, Johne Squyre and Williame Mureheid, baillies of the burgh of Striviling, for thame selffis and in name and behalfif of the counsall and communitie thairof, haifing the gift of our soverane lord and his hienes most nobill progenitouris, of worthie memorie, to thame and thair successouris, provest, baillies, counsall and communitie of the said burgh, [of] all and haill the office of schereffschip of Striviling within the burgh thairof, territorie and libertie of the samin ; with the lyk and the samyn priviledges, liberties, power, proffeittis and dewties, as the provest, baillies, counsall and communitie of the burgh of Edinburgh, or any vther burgh within this realm, lies [or] bruikis thair office of scherefschip within burgh ; vpone the resignatiouu of vmquhile Sir Alexander Cunynghame of Polmais, knight, than scheref of the scherefdome of Striviling, maid be him for himselff, his airis and successouris, of the samin in favouris of the saidis provest, baillies, counsall and communitie of the said burgh of Striviling, and 1633.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. ' 113 thair successouris, as the chartour and infeftment maid, given and grautit, to thame and thair predicessouris thairvpone, be his hienes vmquhile darrest foirgraudschir King James the fonrt, of happie memorie, vnder his hienes great seill, of the dait the tuelff day of October the yeir of God j'" v" and ane yeiris, and of his hienes regime the fourteine yeir, mair fullie contennes ; and thairby haifing guid and vndoubtit richt to the said office of scherefchip within the said burgh, territorie and libertie thairof, and to remove all impedimentis that may anywayes stop, hinder or prejudge, thame or thair successonris in the peaciabill possessioun, bruiking and joysing of the samiu in tyme cuming, and suiHcient entres to persew the actioun and cans of reductioun vnderwritten agaiues John erle of Mar lord Erskine and Garioche, etc., Johne lord Erskine, his eldest sone and ap^Deiraud air, pretendit heretabill scherefSs of the scherefdome of Striviling, and to quhom and thair successouris the pretendit gift and infeftment of sclierefschip tliairof is alledgit maid, gevin and grantit in maner vnderwritten, and all vtheris haifing or pretending to have entres in the mater eftcrmentionat, tiiiching the exhibi- tioun and productiouu with thame of the pretendit chartour and infeftment of the dait at Edinburgh the tuentie sext day of Februar the yeir of God j" v° and sex yeiris, alledgit maid and grantit be his hienes vmquhile darrest foirgrandschir King James the fourt, of happie memorie, to vmquhile Robert Erskine son to the said Johne erle of Mar, his airis maill and successouris, of all and haill the office of scherefschip of the said burgh of Striviling within the haill boundis thairof, quhilk pertenit of befoir to the said vmquhile Sir Alexander Cunynghame of Polmais, knight, and Robert Cunynghame, his sone and appeiraud air, in lyfrent, and vver resignit be thame in favouris of the said vmquhile Robert Erskiue and his foirsaidis; or of quhatsumever vther dait or daittis, tennour or contentis the samin be of, to half beine seine and considderit be the saidis lordis and to haife hard and seine the samin reducit, retreittit, rescindit, cassit, annuUit, decernit and declairit be decreit of the saidis lordis to half beine fra the begining, to be now and in all tyme cuming, null and of nane availl, force, strenth nor effect, with all that hes followit or may follow thairvpon swa far as the samin concernes or may be extendit to the said office of scherefschip within the said burgh of Striviling, territorie and liberties thairof, or any pairt of the samin; and als to half hard and seine 114 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1633. it fundin and declairit be decreit of the saidis lordis that the onlie vndoubtit richt of the said ofBce of the schirrefschip within the said burgh of Striviling, haill boundis, territories and Uberties of the samiu, perteines and belongis to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall, communitie thairof, and thair successouris, now and in all tyme cuming, conforme to the tennour of thair said chartour and infeftment, to be bruilcit, joysit and exercit be thame, but any stop, troubill or impediment, to be maid to thame thairintill be any persone or persones quhatsumever; and the saidis Johne erle of Mar and Johne lord Erskene, thair airis and successouris, to be perpetuallie secludit thairfra and fra all richt, tytill and priviledges, liberties, power, proffeittis, and dewties of the samin schirrefschip within the said burgh of Striviling, haill boundis, territories and liberties thairof, in all tyme cuming, for the ressounes and caussis lybellit; as at mair lenth is contenit in the said sumrnondis, actis [and] lettres following thairvpoue : The saidis Thomas Bruce, Johne Johnstoun, David Stevinsone, and remanent persewaris abonewrittin, comjDeirand be Adamc Cunynghame, thair procuratour, quha for instructing of their richt to the said office of schirefschip of Striviling producit the foirsaid chartour maid and grantit to the said toun of Striviling of the dait, tennour and coutentis, respective abonewrittin; and the saidis Johne erle of Mar, etc., and Johne lord Erskine, defendaris, compeirand be maister David Primrois, thair procuratour; and all vtheris haifand or pretendaud to have entres in the said mater being lauchfulie summond to this actioun, oftimes callit and not compeirand, the foirsaidis parties compeirand as said is, richtis, ressounes, allegatiounes of the saidis pairties compeirand as said is, togidder with the foirsaid chartour maid and grantit in favouris of the said toun of Striviling of the dait and contentis abonewrittin producit and repeittit for the pairtis of the saidis persewaris for instructing of thair tytill and richt to the said office of scherefschip, hard, seine, vnderstand, and the saidis lordis thairwith being ryplie advysit, the lordis of counsall reduces, retreittis, rescindis, cassis, annullis, deceruis and declaires the foirsaid pretendit chartouris, infeftmentis, and vtheris writtis and evidentis particularlie abonevvritten, callit for to be producit to the effect and in maner abonementionat, to have beine from the beginning, to be now and in all tymecuming, null and of nane availl, force, strenth nor effect, with all that hes followit or may follow thairvpoue swa far as the samin concernes 1633.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 11.5 or may be extendit to the said office of scherefschip within the said burgh of Striviling, territorie and liberties thairof or any pairt of the samin ; and als findis and declaires that the onlie and vndoubtit riclit of the said office of scherefschip within the said burgh of Striviling, haill boundis, territories and liberties of the samin, perteines and belongis to the saidis proveist, bailies, counsall and communitie thairof, and their successouris, now and in all tyme cuming, conform to the tennour of the said chartour and iufeftment, to be bruikit, joysit and exercit be thame, but ony stop, troubill or impediment, to be maid to thame thairintill be any persone or persones quhatsumever. And the saidis lordis secludis the saidis Johne erle of Mar and Johne lord Erskene, his sone, thair airis and successouris, perpetuallie thairfra and all richt, tytill, priviledge, liberties, power, proffeittis and dewties of the samin scherefschip within the .said burgh of Striviling, haill boundis, territories and liberties thairof, in all tyme cuming; becaus the said Johne erle of Mar and Johne lord Erskene, defenderis, and all vtheris haifand or pretendand to have entres in the said mater wer divers tymes lauchfulie summond, and last be vertew of our Soverano Lordis lettres proceidiug vpoue ane act of the saidis lordis to have compeirit befoir thame, bringaud and produceand with thame the foresaidis pretendit chartouris, infeftmentis and vtheris writtis and evidentis particularlie abonewritten, to have beine seine and considderit be the .saidis lordis to the effect abonementionat, with certificatioun to thame and thay failyiet thairintill the saidis lordis wald reduce, find and declaire in maner abonespecifeit ; and the saidis Johne erle of Mar and Johne lord Erskene, defenderis, thairefter compeirand be maister David Prymrois, thair procurator, to quhom the saidis lordis haifing assignit divers termes of his awin consent for produceing of the saidis pretendit chartouris and vtheris abonewrittin callit for, with certificatioun to him and he failyiet thairintill the saidis lordis wald reduce, find and declair in maner abonementionat; at the quhilkis termes the said maister David Prymrois failyiet to produce the foirsaidis evidentis and writtis or any of thame: In respect quhairof and of the productiouu of the saidis persewaris thair chartour and tytill producit in maner abonewrittin, the saidis lordis reducit, fand and declairit in maner abonewrittin. And ordaines lettres to be direct vpone the premissis gif neid beis in forme as effeiris. 116 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641 LIV. EXCERPTS from Signature or Warrant for Charter of Coufirmation of the Rights, Privileges, and Possessions of the Burgh of Stirling [No. LV.], 1641. OURE SoUERANE LoRD, calling to mynd that the burghe of Sterling, quhilk is ane of the [maist] ancient burghes of this his Hienes kingdouie of Scot- land, being erectet befoir the dayes of vmquhile King Alexander, of worthie memorie, wes doted with sindrie grite preveleges, liberteis and immunities, be his Hienes and his predicessouris, in respect of the commodious situatioun thairof, being placed and situate on the watter of Forthe, in that pairte of the said kingdome of Scotland to the quhilk the maist part of the hie- landis of Menteythe and Ergyle resortes and repaires for making thair mer- chandice, be the quhilk repairing to the said burghe they ar and haif bene reducet to ane ciuile and politike forme of leving vnder his Maiestie and his predicessouris peace and obedience; and hailing alsua at the said pairte quhair the said burghe is situate ane brig on the said watter of Forthe quhilk is the commoun passage to the haill lieges cummand and gangand fra the nortbe and southe pairtes of his said Hienes realme, quhilk brig lies bene contiuuallie intertenyit vpoun the proper charges and expenssis of the prouest, baillies, counsell, communitie and inhabitautis of the said burghe; and his Hienes and his predicessouris lies euer had thair castell and palice of Ster- ling neir to the said burghe, within the quhilk nocht onlie had they thair residence for the maist pairte bot also the said castell and burghe adiacent thairto hes bene the place quhair his Maiestie and his Hienes predicessouris thair most sacred persones hes bene educate and brocht vp, as being the maist fitt and proper place for that effect, baithe be ressoun of the naturall strenthe of the said castell and palace of Sterling, plesandness and amenitie of the feildes and healthsumnes of the air, and als in respect of the cairfulnes and faithfulnes of tlie burgessis and inhabitantes of the said burghe quha maist cairfuUie and panefuUie hes kepit thair dewtie and obedience to his Hienes and his predicessouris ; lyke as, his Maiestie, considering that the said castell and palice of Sterling wes nocht onlie the place of his Hienes vmquhile derrest father, of maist happie memorie, his educatioun fra his infancie, bot 1G41.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 117 also the place of the birthe aud educatioun of his vmquhile derrest brother the Prince, of luaist worthie memoric, quhair he remanit and wes educate fra his iufaucie continuallie to his reijairing to his Maiesteis kingdome of Eng- land; and his Hieues alsua considering the grite hurt, damnage, and skaithe sustenit be the inhabitantcs of the said burghe of Sterling be niony hairshipis, bumyngis and vther depredationes vsit aganes thame in his Maiesteis predi- cessouris seruice, quliilk merites to be recompensit aud rewairdit be his Hicnes: Thairfoir his Maiestie, being of mynd, gudewill, and affectioun toward the inhabitautis of the said burghe, and nawyes willing that they be onywayes preiugit of ouy of thair formare liberties, preveleges, and immunities grantet to thame, bot rather that the same be augmentit and they mentenit in thair saidis richtis, preveleges, liberteis aud immuuiteis, gevin and grantet of aid and ancient tyme to the said burghe of Sterling, burgessis and inhabitantis thairof, his Hieues, of certane kuawlege and proper motive, withe auyse and consent of (blmik), ordiucs anc charter of confirm atiouu to be maid vnder his Maiesteis grite seale in the mair forme, ratifeand, approvand, and for his Hieues and his successoiiris perpetuallie confirmand the particulare infeftmentis, charteris, preceptis, instrumentis of sesing, confirmationes, giftis, douationes, liberteis, preveleges and immuuiteis contenit thairin, maid, gevin, grantet or confirmit be his Maiesteis maist noble progeuitouris to the said burghe of Sterling, burgessis aud inhabitautis thairof, particularlie eftersj)ecifeit, viz., the charter aud gift maid, gevin and grantet be vmquhile AUexander King of Scottis for the tyme, of worthie memorie, of the dait at Kiucairdine the auch- tene day of August and of his regnne the tuelf yeir, quhairby the said King AUexander gave to the said burghe of Sterling and to the burgessis of the same aue mercat day in the said burghe, to wit, Setterday oulklie, aud thair- withe gave to thame his sure peace for all thame that cumes to the said mercate, prohibiting straitlie that uane commit onye wraug, trublc or iniurie, to ouy that cumes to the said mercate ather in thair cuming or ganging, vnder the pane of forfalture ; and alsua straitlie prohibiting that na extraneare merchand within the sherefdome of Sterling by or sell ouy thing ontwith the said burghe vnder his defence, bot that the extraneare merchaudis bring thair merchandice to the said burghe of Sterling and thair sell the same, and gif onye extraneare merchand be fund hying or selling onye thing within the said 118 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. sherefdome of Sterling vpoun the defence foirsaid, that the samyn be takin and detenit quhill the Kingis will be declairit; prohibiting lykewyes that na extraneare inerchaud cut his claythe to be sauld in the said burghe of Sterling hot fra the day of the ascensioun of our Lord vnto the feist of Lambes, within the quhilkis termes they sail cut thair claithe to be said in the said mercat of the burghe of Sterling, and that [thai] thalr sail sell and by claithe and vther merchandice commounlie with the burgesses; commanding also that all quha abydes in the said burghe of Sterling and quha will communicate with the burgessis thairof at the mercate that they communicate with thame to the Kingis aid and help quhaes men soeuer they be; gevand also to the saidis burgessis of the burghe of Sterling libertie to haif ane mei'chand gildrie, ex- cept to the walkeris and wobsteris; and prohibiting that na taverne be had in ouy toun within the said sherefdome of Sterling bot quhair the lord or maister of the toun is ane knycht and i-emanes thairintill, and that ane onlie taverne salbe had thair; prohibiting alsua that nane remanyng outwithe the said burghe of Sterling in the said sherefdome of Sterling mak or cans be maid ony claithe cuttit or shorne within the said sherefdome of Sterling bot onlie the burgessis of the said burghe of Sterling quha ar of the merchand gildrie thairof and payes to the King ayde and supplie with the burgessis of the said burghe; and siclike prohibiting straitlie that nane within the said sherefdome of Sterling presume to mak claithe cuttit or shorne vnder the pane of forfalture, and gif ony claithe cuttit or shorne be fund sua maid, commanding the sheref of the said sherefdome incontinent to apprehend the same and do thairwithe conforme to the consuetude of the tyme of King Dauid. Togidder with the confirmatioun of King Dauid the Second of the foirsaid charter in his parliament haldin at Scone the tuentie sext day of October and of his regnne the threttie ane 3'eir, with all and sindrie consuetudes and liberteis abon- wretin and vther immuniteis and previleges contenit in the said charter. And siclyke, the charter grantet be the said vmquhile King AUexander, of worthie memorie, to the saidis burgessis of the burghe of Sterling resident within the same, proporting that they salbe quyte in all tyme cuming thair- efter for euer of all toles and customes of thair gudes and cattell within all the kingdome; prohibiting straitlie that nane presume to trable thame aganes the said grant in exacting fra thame ony toles or customes of thair saidis gudes and 1041.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 1 Ht cattell within all the kingdome; prohibiting straitlie thatnane presume to truble tharae aganes the said grant in exacting fra thame ony toles or customes of thair saidis gudes and cattell ; as the said charter of the dait at Ediuburghe the tueutie day of Julij and of his regnne the threttene yeir beres. Togidder with the coii- firmatioun of the said charter grantet be the said vmquhile King Dauid, 2d. of that name, to the .saidis burgessis of the bnrghe of Sterling and commuuitie thairof, vuder the said vmquiiile King Dauidis grite seale, in his paidiament haldin at Scone the tiientie sext^ day of October and of his regnne the thrette ane yeir. And lykwyes the charter of fewferme grantet be vmquhile King Robert the secund to the burgessis of the said burghe of Sterling and coramunitie thairof and to thair successouris, vnder the said Kingis grite seale, off the foir- said burghe of Sterling with the fischingis of the watter of Forthe pertenyng thairto; with the ferme of the said burghe, litle customes and pertinentis quhat- sumeuer belangand thairto; as the samyu charter of the dait at Methven the threttene day of Julij and of his regnne the sextene yeir at mair lenthe pro- portes. [Here follow references to the charters by King James II., dated 25tli October, 1447 (No. xx.), and 24th Jane, 1456 (No. xxiii.); the chartei's by King James IV., dated 12th October, 1501 (No. xxxiii.), and 7th March, 1501-2 (No. xxxiv.); and the charter by Queen Mary dated 15th April, 15C7 (No. xlv.). The following also stood originally in the MS., but is deleted: — "Item ane lettre of gift and presentatioun, maid, gevin and grantet, be vmquhile Sir Johnne Schaw of Arnecomrye, knycht, vndoutet patroue of the chaplenrie vuderwretiu, to vmquhile Archibald Allane, younger, burges of the said burghe of Sterling, makand, constitutand, and ordinand him chaplene or prebendare of that chaplenrie sumtyme situat within the said burghe of Sterling, quhilk being first foundinit to half bene [ane] hospitell wes for laike and want of mentenance thairto convertet in the niinisteris manse of the said burghe, lyand on the eist pairt of the Hiegait that leadis to the kirk of the said burghe contigue to the kirk yaird thairof; quhilk lettre of gift and pre- sentatioun is of the dait at London the first day of Januare the yeir of God j™ vj"^ and ten yeiris; togider with the charter and fundatioun' maid and grantet be the said vmquhile Archibald Allane, chaplane and prebendare 1 Originally "sevint" in MS., but altered to "sext." -No. LII., anlea \i. lOS. 120 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. foirsaid, with expres consent and assent of the said vmquhile Sir Johnne Shaw, vndoutet patrone foirsaid of the said chaplenrie, to the saidis prouest, baillies, and coiinseli of the said burghe of Sterling, and thair successouris, of all and haill the foirsaid hospitell, now convertit for want of raentenance in aue ministeris manse ; togider with the precept of sesing contenit in the said charter and instrument of sesing following thairvpoun."] Togider with all and quhatsumeuer vther charteris, infeftmentis, confirm ationes, [etc., granted to the burgh by the King's i:)redecessors ; " togidder with all mortificationes and fundationes of hospitallis, speciallie the hospitellis callit Spittellis Hospitall and Cowanes Hospitall, landis, tenementis, yairdis and rentis belangand thairto."] Attoure onr said Souerane Lord, but hurt and preiudice of the foir- saidis charteris, infeftmentis, fundationes, donationes, mortificationes, giftis, decreittis, richtis and previleges thairin contenit, and in corroboratiouu of the same, accumulando iura iiiribus, of new, with auyse and consent foirsaid, geves, grantis, dispones, erectis and perpetuallie confirmes to his Hienes weill- belouit the saidis prouest, baillies, counsell, communitie and inhabitantes of the said burghe of Sterling, present and to cum, and thair successouris, all and haill the said Burghe of Sterling in ane frie burgh royall, with the haill commoun faires, mercat dayes, commoun houssis, mercat places, haill territorie of the same, landis, tenementis, aikeris, rudes, wallis, portis, calseyes, brigis, gaittis, passages, fishingis, commoun mures, heavenes, portis, berberies, annual- rentis, prebendareis, chaplenreLs, ho.?pitellis, patronages, and haill pertinentis of the same; togidder with all and sindrie profStes, preveleges, toles, customes, liberteis and immunities quhatsumeuer pertenyng to the said burghe and quhairof the saidis prouest, baillies, counsell and communitie of the said burghe and thair predicessouris hes bene in possessioun of befoir; withe speciall poware and libertie to half and cheis, yeirlie, prouest, baillies and counsell, for govern- ing of the said burghe^; actLs, statutes and ordinances to mak and caus be published and obseruit within the said burghe, territorie and haill libertie of the samyn, nocht repugnant alwyes to the lawes and constitutiones of this realme; and with poware to the saidis prouest, baillies, counsell and fremen of the said burghe, and thair successouris for euer, to half, hant, vse and exerce, iThe following, originally inserted here, is tolbuithe, wallis, calseyes, and vther thair deleted: — " and for vphald of thair kirk, brig, commoun -warkis." 1641] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 121 as they haiie ])eirtofoir beiii in vse and custome, the tred and traftik of merchandice, blok, by, top, and sell all sorte of wares, baithe cnntrie wares and forane wares, noclit onlie within the said burghc, territorie, and iurisdic- tioun thairof, bot also within all the boundis situat within the said sherefdome of Sterling, alsueill regalitie as ryaltie, baithe breid and lenthe of the saniyn sherefdome; and with speciall prohibitioun to all persoiies vnfrenien that nane of thame presume or tak vpoun hand to vse and exerce the trafifik of mer- chandice within ony pairte of the samyu sherefdome of Sterling except they be burgessis of the said burghe of Sterling. And speciallie, but preiudice of the generalitie foirsaid, his Maiestie with auyse and consent abonwretin, gevis, grantis and dispones to the saidis prouest, baillies, counsell, burgessis and communitie of the said burghe of Sterling, and thair successouris, all and sindrie the particulare landis and vtheris aftermentionate qubilkis hes bene bruikit and possest be thame and thair predecessouris as ane pairt of the commoun gude [and] patrimony of the saide burghe, viz. [Here follows de- scription of lands and possessions, and references to patronages of hospitals, chaplainries, altars, &c., and jDroperty thereof, similar to what is contained in Charter No. LV.]^ Attoure, his Maiestie, with auyse and consent foirsaid, gevis, grantis and dispones to the saidis burghe of Sterling libertie to haif in all tyme cuming ane merchand gildrie; with poware to vse and e.Kcrce all liberteis, privileges, and immuniteis quhatsumeuer belangand to the said merchand gildrie, siclike and in the samen maner in all respectis as they haue heirtofoir exercit the same.^ And siclike gevis, grantis and dispones to the ' The following clause, originally inserted walkeris thairof, conforme to the charter and in here, is deleted: — " AVithe poware also to the feftment abonspecifeit grantet to thame thairof saidis prouest, baiUies and counsell of the said bethesaidvmquhilcKingAlIexander, ofworthie burghe of Sterling and tlieir successouris to memorie, and thaireftir eonfirmit be the said big and bnilde ather wj'nd or watter mylues at vmquhile King Dauid in his parliament haldin quhatsumeuer paii't or place maist commodious at Scone as is befoir expremit ; with poware to within the libertie of the said burghe as they the saidis burgessis, except as said is, to vse sail think expedient." and exerce all liberteis, privileges and immuni- = This clause originally read thus : — "Attoure teis quhatsumeuer, belangand to the said mer- his Maiestie, with auyse and consent foirsaid, chand gildrie, siclike and als frelie and amplie gevis, grantis and dispones to the saidis prouest, in all respectis as the gildbrether of the burgh baillies and burgessis of the said burghe of Ster- of Edinburgh, Perthe, or ony vthcr Inirgh of this ling and thair successouris libertie to haif ane realme, hes cxercet and vsit or may exerce the merchand gildi-ie, except to the wobsteris and same at ony tyme bigane or to cum." 122 CHARTERS RELATING TO [IG^l. saidis prouest, Laillies, counsell, commimitie and burgessis of the said biirghe of Sterling and thair successouris the prevelege of tiia mercat dayes oulklie within the said burghe, the ane of thame on Wodinsday and the vther of thame on Setterday; with foure frie faires yeirlie [each enduring for eight days. The dates of the first two are left blank; the third, called the "Latter Lady e darn hervist fair," to begin on 8th September; and the fourth, called the "Latter Fair day," to begin on ■22ud October.] ^ With full prevelage and libertie to the saidis prouest, baillies, counsell and communitie of the said burghe, and thair successouris, to half, bruke and posses, the office of sherefship within tharae- selfis in the said burgh and haill territorie thairof, for euer in all tyme cuming. . . . And siclike his Maiestie gevis, grantis and dispones to thame and their successouris the richt, previlage and libertie of all [the ways and passages leading to and from the burgh ; also petty customs and dues conform to a table as in Charter No. LV. ; ports, havens and harbours, with dues thereof.]- And siclike considering that the brig of Sterling on the said water of Forthe and the lang calsey leading to and fra the said brig requyres grite charges and expenssis to vpliald the same, and that the saidis prouest, baillies, counsell and communitie of the said burghe are also burdinit with the vphald of thair walle-s, portcs and calseyes thairfore his Maiestie with consent foirsaid hes gevin, grantit and disponit to 'The followmg clause, as Trell as clauses -The following clause is deleted, and the against unfreemeu usurping the privileges of -woi-ds "this will maktrublebefoir it is granted" the burgesses and giving power to the council written on the margin :—" Commanding all and to make laws for the common weal of the bnrgh, sindrie his hienes lieges, strangeris and vtheris was originally inserted here: — "Lykeas his that sail cum within the .said water of Forthe, Maiestie gevis, grantis and dispones, to the fra the mouth of Even vp to the brig of Sterling, saidis prouest, baillies, counsell and communi- with thair shipis, veshellis, creares and botes, tie of the said burgh of Sterling, and thair that they nor nane of thame presume or tak on successouris, the haill toles and customes of hand to lirek bouk, top or sell ony of thair the saidis faires to be applyet to thair awne vse, wares, merchandice or gudes, befoir they cum. and to be bestowed on the help and supporte to the said burgh of Sterling, los thair gudes of the commoun warkes of the said burghe." and mak mercat thairof and tak thair coquetis The clauses are deleted, and this note WTitten thair befoir thair departure, according to tlie on the margin: — "This is neidles being liesom lawes and practik of burrowes." and dew to them Ijethe aetisof parliament." 1641. J THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 123 the saidis prouest, baillies and counsell of the said burgh, and thair successouris, the customes of the said brig following, viz. : — [Here follows table similar to that in Charter No. LV. Also clauses of union and incorporation and holding" of the burgh, lands and others, as in the charter.] Gevand thairfoir, yeirlie, the saidis prouest, baillies, counsell and commountie of the said burghc of Sterling, and their successouris, to our said Souerane Lord and his succes- souris and vtheris haifand richt fra his Maiestie, as follows, viz., for the said burghe of Sterling, landis, mylnes, tenementis, aikeris, rudes, walles, portes, ber- beries, landing places, briggis, gaittis, passages, fishingis, commoun mwres, faires, oulklie mercattis and customes, proffeittis, previleges of the same and vtheris particularlie abonementionate, the dewties and utheris contenit in the auld infeftmeutis granted to the said burgh;^ and for the said office of sherefschip and iurisdictioun thairof abonespecifeit, dew and lauchfull administratioun of iustice in the said office and iurisdictioun; and for all and sindrie the saidis patronages, almoushoussis, ho.spitellis, chaplenreis, kirkes, benefices, annuellLs, and utheris abonwrittin belonging thairto, the saidis provest, baillies, counsell and communitie of the said burghe, and ministeris at the saidis kirkis and pure of the saidis hospitallis and thair successouris, makand devoite, humble and daylie prayer, to the almichtie of God for his Maiestie and his successouris, and performing all uthir dewties and burdeins if anj' be contenit in the a\dd infeftmentis thairof, alanerlie ; togidder with service of burgh vsed and wont for all and sundrie the premissis. And that the said charter be extendit in the best forme, with extensioun of all claussis [ueidfull, and] that preceptis be direct heirupoune in forme as effeires. Gevin at . . the . . day of . ■ . the yeir of God j" vj' fourty and . . yeires. 'The words "the dewties and wtheris coii- aires and successoiiris, lordis of Cambnskeu- tenenit in the auld infeftmentis granted to nethe, as succeeding in place of tlie abote and the said burgh " are substituted for the follow- convent of Cambuskennethe to quhome the ing, whicli originally stood in the MS. : — "the saidis tuentie thrie merkis of aid wes disponit scunie of ten nierkis money of this realme and .be his Hienes predicessouris." tuentie thrie nierkis to Johne erle of Mar, his 124 CHARTERS RELATING TO [16-11. LV. CHARTER by King Charles the First, confirming previous Charters and of new granting to the Burgh of Stirling, their several possessions, rights, and i^rivileges. Holyrood House, 17 November, 1641.^ Carolus, Dei gratia, Magne Britannie, Francie et Hibernie, Rex, fideique defensor : Omnibus probis liominibus totius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos, considerantes antiquum burgum nostrum de Stirling olim erectum fuisse in liberum burgum regalem, et de tempore in tempus per preclarissimos nostros progenitores multifariis privilegiis imbutum,- respectu habito commode et opportune situationi dicti burgi et castri nostre de Stirling eidem adjacentis, vbi multi predecessorum nostrorum nati et educati fuerunt; necnon consideratione habita honor um et gratuitorum servitiorum Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, Fnince, and Ireland, and defender of the faith: To all good men of bis whole laud, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we, considering that our ancient Burgh of StirHng had formerly been erected into a free Royal Burgli, and had from time to time been endowed by our most illustrious progenitors with many various privileges, respect being liad to the commodious and accessible situation of the said burgh and of our castle of Stirling adjacent thereto, where many of our predecessors were born and educated ; and also consideration being had to the good and 1 The original of tliis cliarter not having been sasines at Edinburgh 17th October, 164S), are found, it has been printed from an official ex- still preserved. tract from the register of the Great Seal certified The print has also been collated with a copy- by the late Mr. William Robertson, keeperof the of the charter made, in 1714, apparently from records, and the print has been collated with the original. Where the variations in tlie the register itself. For filling iu blanks in register and copy are not merely verbal, such parts of the charter where the writing in the as the substitution of "prefatis" for " pre- register is obliterated or illegible, recourse has nominatis," " vel " for "sen," " dictis " for been had to a precept of sasine following on "predictis," &c., or arise from the transposi- tlie charter, of the same date with it, and tion of words without alteration of the meaning, indorsed by Lord Scotstarvet, director of the different readings are given in foot-notes, chancery, on 3rd October, 16-18. The precept, the letter "C" in these denoting "copy charter with the instrument of sasine thereon (expede made iu 1714." 1.3th, and recorded in the general register of " "multis et variis privilegiis ornatum."— C. 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 125 nobis dictisque nostris preclarissimls progenitoribus per burgenses et iDcolas dicti burgi uostri assidue prestitorum et impensorum; et maxime' volentes affectionem nostram et gratiam dicto biirgo nostro illustrarc, ipsosque ad omnein debitam obedientiam et bona ofScia erga nos nostrosque successores imposterum animare. Idcirco nos, cum avisamento et consensu predilectorum nostrorum consanguineorum et cousiliariorum Joannis comitis de Loudoun domiui Terrinzeane et Mauchlin, magni uostri cancellarii huius regni nostri Scotie; Archibaldi marchionis de Ergjdl comitis de Kintyre domini Campbell et Lome; Willielmi comitis de Gleucairne domini Kilmawiris; Joannis comitis de Lindsay domiui Parbroith; necnon cum avisamento et consensu fidelis et jDre- dilecti nostri consiliarii, domini Jacobi Carmichaell de eodem, militis baronetti, nostri thesaurarij deputati, — nostrorum commissionariorum pro thesaurario nostro; ac etiam cum avisamento et consensu reliquorum domiuorum nostri scaccarij dicti regni nostri nominatorum et appuuctuatorura ad recipiendum resignationes nostro nomine et nova infeofamenta desuper concedendum, ratificasse, approbasse, et liac preseuti carta nostra confirmasse, tenoreque ejusdem, ratificare, a^Dprobare, proque nobis et successoribus nostris pro gratuitous services assiduously performed and rendered to us and our said most illustrious progenitors by the burgesses and inhabitants of our said burgh ; and we specially wishing to show our aflection and favour for our said burgli, and to encourage them to all due obedience and good offices towards us and our successors in time coming. Therefore we, with the advice aud consent of our well-beloved cousins and counsellors, John earl of Loudoun lord Terrinyeane aud Mauchlin, our great chancellor of this our kingdom of Scotland ; Archibald marquis of Argyll earl of Kintyre lord Campbell and Lome; William carl of Gleucairne lord Kiluiawiris; John earl of Lindsay lord Parbroitli; and also with advice and consent of our trusty and well-beloved counsellor, Sir James Carmichaell of that ilk, knight baronet, our treasurer depute, — our commissioners for our treasury ; and also with advice and consent of the remanent lords of our exchequer of our said kingdom named aud appointed for receiving resignations in our name and for granting new infeftments tliereupon, have ratified, approved, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor of the same, ratify, approve, and for us and our successors for ever confirm ' " et iios inaxime " — C. 126 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. perpetuo confirmare particularia infeofamenta, cartas, precepta et instrumenta sasiaarum, confirmation es, concessiones, donationes, libertates, privilegia et imnumitates, in eisdem contentas, factas, datas et coucessas sen confirmatas per serenissimos nostros progenitores dicto burgo nostro de Stirling, bur- gensibns et incolis ejusdem, particulariter postea specificata, videlicet, cartam et concessionem factam, datam et concessam, per quondam Alexandrum, Regem Scotorum pro tempore, dignissime memorie, de data apud Kincairdeu decimo octavo die mensis August! et anno regni sui duodecimo, virtute cujusquidem predictus Rex Alexander dedit burgo nostro de Stirling et bur- gensibus ejusmodi unum foi-alem diem in dicto burgo, diem, scilicet, Saturni hepdomadatim et eo cum firmani dedit suam pacem omnibus ad dictum forum advenientibus,stricte prohibendo omnes ne injimam,maleficiumsive molestiam, aliquam comittent quibusvis ad dictum forum advenientibus, nee in accedendo neque in discendendo, sub pena forisfacture ; stricteque etiam probibendo omnes extraneos mercatores infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Stirling ne ulli eorum vendeut neque ement quodvis extra dictum burgum sub raunitione et defensione ejusdem, sed quod djcti extranei illi mercatores mercimonia sua adferent dicto burgo nostro de Stirling et eadem ibidem vendent; et si the particular infef tments, charters, precepts and instruments of sasine, confirmations, grants, gifts, liberties, privileges and immunities, contained therein, made, given, and granted or confirmed by our most serene progenitoi's to our said burgh of Stii-ling, the burgesses and inhabitants thereof, jjarticularly after specified, that is to say : a charter and gift made, given and gi'anted, by the deceased Alexandei-, King of Scots for the time, of most worthy memory, of date at Kincaii'den the eighteenth, day of the month of August and the twelfth year of his reign, in virtue whereof the said King Alexander gave to our burgh of Stirling and to the burgesses of the same a market day in the said burgh, that is to say on Saturday, weekly, and therewith gave to them his sure peace to all coming to the said market, strictly prohibiting all from committing any wrong, trouble or injury, to any persons coming to the said market, either in coming thereto or going therefrom, under pain of forfeiture; also strictly proliibiting all stranger merchants within our sheriffdom of Stirling tliat none of them buy or sell anything outwith the said burgh under the protection and defence of tlie same, but that the said stranger merchants shall bring their merchandice to our said burgh of Stirling and there shall sell the same ; and if If) 11.] THE JUTROH OF STIRLING. l.'T qiiivis extraneus mercator vendens seu emens qiiidvi.s iuveuietur infra dictum viceeomitatum nostrum de Stirling sub defensione predicta, idem apprehen- siim et detentum orit donee regia voluntas eatenus declaretur; prohibendo prorsus quod uulli extranei mercatores pannum suum scindent ueque vendeut in dicto burgo nostro de Stirling preterquam a die ascentionis Domini nostri usque ad festum Petri ad viucula, lie Lamhas, inter quosquidem terminos solummodo pannum suum vendibilem in dicto foro burgi uo.stri de Stirling scindent, et ibidem pannum et alia mercimonia cum burgensibus ejusmodi vendent et ement; mandando etiam omnibus in dicto burgo nostro de Stir- ling commorantibus et apud dictum forum cum burgensibus communicantibus quod cum iis communicent ad subsidium et auxilium nostrum (qualescuuque siut) ; dando et concedendo etiam dictis burgensibus dicti burgi nostri de Stirling libertatem mercatorialem gildriam, lie merchand gilclrie, habendi (exceptis fulonibus et textoribus) ; et prohibendo quod nulla taberna tenta sit in aliqua villa infra dictum viceeomitatum nostrum de Stirling ubi dominus et pretor dicte ville eques auratus uon existit et ibidem remanet, et quod unica solum taberna ibidem tenta sit ; proviso etiam quod nulli remanentes extra dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling infra viceeomitatum ejusdem con- any stranger merchant .shall be found buying or .selling anything -within our said sheriffdom of Stirling under the defence foresaid, the same shall be seized and detained luitil the royal pleasure is declared thereanent ; prohibiting fiu-tlier that no stranger merchants shall cut their cloth to be sold in our said burgh of Stirling except from the day of the ascension of our Lord until the feast of Peter ad vincula, that is of Lammas, between whicli terms only they shall cut their clotli to be sold in the said market of our burgh of Stirling, and there shall buy and sell their cloth and other merchandice with the burgesses of the same; commanding also all abiding in our said burgh of Stii-ling and taking part with the burgesses at the said market that they contribute with them towards our aid and help (whoso- ever they may be); giving and granting also to the said burgesses of our said burgh of Stirling the liberty of having a ]\[erchant Guildry (excepting the walkers and weavers); and prohibiting that no tavern be kept in any town within our said sheriffdom of Stirling where the lord and ruler of the said town is not a knight and remains there, and that only a smgle tavern be kept therein; providing also that no persons dwelling outwith our said burgh of Stirling withm the sheriffdom of the 128 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. ficient neqiie conficere causabunt quemvis pannum scissum et rasum, lie cxMit et schorne, infra dictum vicecomitatum nostrum de Stirling preter burgenses solummodo dicti burgi nostri de Stirling qui sunt ex mercatoriali gildria ejusdem et ad auxilium et subsidium nostrum cum burgensibus dicti burgi nostri solvent; stricteque similiter probibendo quod nulli infra dictum vicecomitatum de Stirling pannum conficere audeant sive presumaut scissum vel rescissum, lie cuttit et schorne,sub pena forisfacture ; et si huj usmodi pannus scissus et rescissus ita confectus invenietur, mandando vicecomiti dicti vicecomitatus quatenus deinde eundem apprelieudat et cum eo agat secundum consuetudinem tempore Regis Davidis. Vnacum confirmatione Regis Davidis ejus nominis secundi predicte carte, in parliamento suo tento apud Sconam vigesimo sexto die mensis Octobris et anno regni sui trigesimo primo; cum omnibus et singulis con- suetudinibus et libertatibus suprascriptis aliisqiie immunitatibus et privilegiis in dicta carta contentis. Et similiter cartam concessam per dictum quondam nostrum serenissimum progenitorem Alexandrum Regem, dignissime memorie, concessam predictis burgensibus burgi uostri de Stirling ibidem resideutibus, proportantem quod ipsi de omnibus tolloniis et custumis bonorum suorum et cattellorum in omnibus partibus dicti regni nostri pro perpetuoliberiet immunes same shall make or cause to be made any cloth cut and shorn within onr said sherifl- dom of Stirling excepting only the burgesses of our said burgh of Stirling who are of the merchant guildry thereof and pay to our aid and supply with the burgesses of our said burgh; and likewise strictly prohibiting that no persons within the said sheriffdom of Stirling shall dare or presume to make cloth cut or shorn under the pain of forfeiture ; and if cloth of this sort cut and shorn shall be found so made, commanding the slierilf of the said sheriffdom that lie forthmth apprehend the same and deal therewith according to the custom in the time of King David. Together with a confirmation of King David the second of that name of the foresaid charter, in his parliament held at Scone the twenty sixtli day of the month of October and in the year of his reign the thirty first; with all and sundry customs and liberties above written and other immunities and privileges contained in the said chai'ter. And likewise a charter granted by onr said late most serene progenitor King Alexander, of most worthy memory, granted to the foresaid burgesses of our burgh of Stirlmg residing there, proporting that they shall be free and exempt in time coming for ever of all tolls and customs of their goods and cattle within all parts of 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 129 erunt in futurum; stricte etiara prohibendo quod milli audeant sive presumant molestare sive inquietare eos contra dictam concessionem in exigendo ab iliis aliquas tholonias sive custumas predictonnn bouoi'ura et cattcllorum; prout in dicta carta, de data apud Edinburgum vigesimodie mensis Julij etanno regni sui decimo tertio latius continetur. Vnacum coufirmatione dicte carte concessa per dictum quondam Davidem Eegem, ejus nomine secundum, sub suo magno sigillo, predictis burgensibus burgi nostri de Stirling et communitati ejusdem, in parliamento suo tento apud Sconam vigesimo sexto die mensis Octobris et anno regni ejus [ti'igesimo] primo. Ac etiam cartam feudifirme concessam per alium progenitorum nostrorum, quondam Regem Robertum ejus nominis secundum, burgensibus dicti burgi nostri de Stirling et communitati ejusdem eorumque successoribus, sub magno suo sigillo, de predicto burgo nostro de Stirling, cum piscationibus super aqua de Forth ad eundem pertinentibus, cum firma dicti burgi, custumis minutis et pertinentiis quibuscunque ad eandem spectantibus; prout eadem carta, de data apud Methven decimo tertio die mensis Julij et anno regni sui decimo sexto, latius proportat. Item, cartam et infeofamontum concessam per alium serenissimorum progenitorum nostrorum, Jacobum Regem our said kingdom ; also strictly prohibitLiig that no persons shall dare or presume to molest or trouble ihem contrary to the said grant in exacting from them any tolls or customs of their foresaid goods and cattle ; as is more fully contained in the said charter, of the date at Edinburgh the twentieth day of the month of July and in the year of his reign the thirteenth. Together with a confirmation of the said charter granted by the said deceased King David, the second of that name, under his great seal, to the foresaid burgesses of our burgh of Stirling and to the community of the same, in his parliament held at Scone the twenty sixth day of the month of October and in the first year of his reign [thirty]. And also a charter of feu-farm granted by another of our predecessors, the deceased King Robert the second of that name, to the burgesses of our said burgh of Stirling and to the conmiunity of the same and to their successors, under his great seal, of our foresaid burgh of Stirling, with the fishings upon the water of Forth pertaining to the same, with the ferme of the said burgh, small customs and pertinents whatsoever belonging thereto ; as the said charter, of the date at Methven the thirteenth day of the month of July and of his reign the sixteenth year, more fully bears. Also, a charter and infeftment granted by another of our most serene predecessors, King James 130 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1G41. eo nomine^ secundum, sub ejus magno sigillo, pro perpetuo, concessam in favorem prepositi, ballivorum, consulium [et] communitatis dicti burgi de Stir- ling, omni tempore affuturo, novarum nundinarum tenendarum in dicto burgo et territorio ejusdem annuatim ad festura ascensionis Domini uostri, videlicet, inchoandarum ad medium diem dicti festi ac delude duraturam per spatium octo dierum immediate sequentium, inclusive; cum privilegiis, prerogativis, liberta- tatibus et consuetudinibus, modo in dicta carta couteutis, ut in eadem, sub dicto magno sigillo, de data vigesimo quinto die mensis Octobris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo quadragesimo septimo, latius continetur. Item, cartam per dictum Jacobum Regem^ secundum concessam preposito, burgensi- bus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus, burgensibus ejusmodi pro tempore, de jure patronatus, ordinatione et donatione, zenodocliij et liospitalis Sancti Jacobi prope pontem de Stirling; uuacum terris, obventionibus, redditibus, possessionibus et proficuis quibuscunque ad dictum hospitale pertinentibus; que carta est de data vigesimo quarto die mensis Junij anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo quinquagesimo sexto. Item, cartam per alium preclarissimorum uostrorum progenitorum, Jacobum Regem the second of that name, under his great seal, in favour of the provost, bailies, councillors and community of the said burgh of Stirling, in all time coming for ever, of a new fair to be held in the said burgh and territory of the same yearly at the feast of the ascension of our Lord, that is to say, to be begun at mid day of the said feast and thereafter to continue for the period of eight days immediately following, inclusive; with the privileges, prerogatives, liberties and customs, in the manner contained in the said charter; as in the same, under the said great seal, of date the twenty-fifth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand four huudi'ed and forty-seven, is more fully contained. Also, a charter granted by tlie said King James the second to the provost, burgesses and community of our said burgh of Stirling, and to their successors, burgesses of the same for the time, of the right of patronage, ordination and gift of the inn and hospital of St. James near the bridge of Stirling; together with the lands, obventions, rents, possessions and profits whatsoever pertaining to tlie said hospital; which charter is of date tlie twenty-fourth day of the month of June in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and fifty-six. Also, a cliarter granted by another of our most illustrious predecessors, King James the fourth of that name, under his ' "ejus uomiiiis" — C. - "ejus uominis" — C. 1611.] THE BURGH OF STIRLIIsG. 131 ejus uomiuis quartum, sub suo magno sigillo, coucessaui preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, de officio vicecomitatus de Stirling infra dictum burgum et territorium ejusdem et libertatem ejus- modi; cum omnibus et singulis libertatibus, privilegiis, proficuis et divoriis dicti officij; hec vero carta est de data apud Stirling duodecimo die mensis Octobris anno Domini millesimo quiugentesimo primo. Item, aliam cartam concessam per dictum quondam Jacobum Regem ejus nominis quartum pre- dictis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus, sub suo magno sigillo, de patronatu, advocatione et donatione, capellanie altaris Sancti Laurentij, martyris, fuudati infra ecclesiam parochialem de Stirling; quequidem carta est de data septimo die mensis Martij anno Domini millesimo ([uiugentesimo primo. Item, aliam cartam lactam et concessam per dictum quondam Jacobum Regem quartum preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successoribus, sub magno suo sigillo, de data duodecimo die mensis Junij anno Domini millesimo c^uingentesimo quinquagesimo primo,' de tota et Integra custuma salis great seal, to the provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling of the office of sheriff of Stirling within the said burgh and territory of the same and liberty thereof ; with all and sundry liberties, privileges, prolits and duties of the said office ; which charter is of date at Stirling the twelfth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and one. Also, another charter granted by the said late King James the fourth of that name, under his great seal, to the foresaid provo.st, baillies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling, and to their successors, of the jiatronage, advocation and donation, of the chaplainry of the altar of St. Laurence, the martyr, founded within the parish churcli of Stirling ; which charter is of date the seventh day of tlie month of March in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and one. Also, another charter made and granted by the said late King James the fourth to the provost, bailies, councillors and community of otir said burgh, and their successors, under his great seal, of date tlic twelfth day of the month of Jiuie in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and fifty one, of all and whole the customs of salt and 'The description of tliis cliartcr is printed as 1451-2, wliereby the Inirgesscs and community in the register of the great seal and in the copy of Stirling were freed from the payment of charter, but there is obviously a mistake, custom on salt and skins. [.Stirling Charters, Probably reference was intended to be made to No. xxi., aiitea, p. 32]. the charter by Jiimes II., dated Tith January, 132 CHARTERS RELATING TO [IC-tl. et corriorum infra bondas iu predicta carta mentionata et expressa. Item, aliam cartam,sub magno sigillo,de datavigesimo octavo die mensis January, in favorem predictorum burgensium et communitatis dicti burgi nostri, de totis et integris acris terrarum que olim [fuerunt de Ic Aid Park prope Striveling] jacentibus olim inter murum lapideum \'iridarij lie Park de Stirling ex oceidentali, terras nuncupatas Bennetis Croft [ac Croftam Leprosorum ex parte australi, et] aUter bondatas modo in dicta carta specificatas; unacum jure patronatus capellanie et altaris Saucti Micbaelis infra ecclesiam parochialem de Stirling per quondam magistrum Thomam Carmicbaell, vicarium, fundati. Item, aliam cartam factam et concessam per cbarissimam nostram aviam, dignissime memorie, sub magno sigillo sue, preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus, de omnibus et singulis terris, tenementis, domibus, edificiis, ecclesiis, capellis, bortis, pomariis, croftis, annuls redditibus, fructibus, divoriis, emolumentis, feudifirmis, elimosinis et monetis nuncupatis lie daill silver et obite silver, et aliis quibuscunque que ad quascunque capellanias, altaragia, prebendaries, seu ad quamcunque ecclesiam, capellam, sive collegium, pertinuerunt aut pertinere dignoscuntur, fundatas per quoscuuque patronos infra libertatem dicti burgi hides witliin the boundaries mentioned and expressed in the foresaid charter. Also, another charter, under the great seal, of date the twenty-eighth day of the month of January, in favor of the foresaid burgesses and community of our said burgh, of all and whole the acres of land which formerly belonged to the Aid Park near Stirling, lying between the stone wall of the Park of Stirling on the west, the lands called Rennet's Croft and the Lepers' Croft on the north, and otherwise bounded in the manner described in said charter ; together with the right of patronage of the chaplainry and altar of St. Michael within the parish church of Stirling founded by the late Mr. Thomas Carmichael, vicar. Also, another charter made and granted by our dearest grandmother, of most worthy memory, under her great seal, to the provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said biirgh of Stirling and their successors, of all and sundry the lands, tene- ments, houses, buildings, churches, chapels, gardens, orchards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, emoluments, feu-farms, alms and monies called daill silver and obite silver, and others whatsoever which pertained or are known to pertain to whatsoever chaplainries, altarages, prebendaries, or to whatsoever church, chapel or college, founded 16il.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 133 nostri de Stirling, et de quibus capellani et prebendc perprius in usu et possessione fuerunt, iibicunque liujusmodi domus, edificia, tenementca, horti, pomaria, annui reditHS, fructus, proventnset emolumenta respective jacentaut perprius levatafueruut; cum n)anerierumlocis,pomariis,terris,annuis redditibus, emolumeDtis et divoriis quibuscuuque, que olim ad Fratres Dominicanos [sive] Predicatores [et] Minores sive Frauciscanos dicti burgi nostri de Stirling pertin- uerunt; vnacum omnibus et singulis terris, domibus et tenementis, jacentibus infra dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling et libertatem ejusdem, cum omnibus annuls redditibus levandis de quibuscunque terris, domibus et tenementis, infra dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling, datis, dotatis et fundatis, quibuscunque capellaniis, alteragiis, ecclesiis, funeribus, liefanerallis, et anniversariis quibus- cunque, existentibus infra hoc regnum nostrum; et similiter de omnibus et singulis annuls redditibus alijsque divorijs per quascunque ecclesias extra dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling preposito et ballivis huiusmodi, de com- muni redditu dicti burgi, cum pertinentiis earundem levari usitatis et consuetis; quequidem carta est de data decimo quinto die mensis Aprilis anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo septimo, — in omnibus cajji- tibus, articulis, clausulis, conditionibus et provisionibus earundem. Unacum by whatsoever patrons within the liberty of our said burgh of Stirling, and of which the chaplains and prebendaries formerly were in use and possession, wherever such houses, buildings, tenements, gardens, orchards, annual rents, fruits, produce, and emolu- ments respectively lie or formerly were levied ; with manor-places, orchards, lands, annual rents, emoluments and duties whatsoever which formerly belonged to the Dommican or Preaching friars and to the Minorites or Franciscans of our said burgh of Stirling; together with all and sundry the lands, houses and tenements, lying within our said burgh of Stirling and libei'ty of same, with all annual rents leviable from whatever lands, houses and tenements, withm our said burgh of Stirling, given, granted, and founded to whatsoever chaplainries, altarages, churches, funerals and anniversaries whatsoever, existing within this our kingdom; and likewi.se of all and sundry the annual rents and other duties used and accustomed to be levied by what- soever churches outwith our said bui-gh of Stirling from the provost and baillies of the same, out of the common rent of the said burgh, with their pertinents ; which charter is of date the fifteenth day of the month of April in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and sixty-seven, — in the whole heads, articles, clauses, 134 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1611. omnibus et singulis alijs cartis, iufeofamentis, confirmationibus, preceptis et instrumeutis sasinarum, concessionibus, donationibus, privilegijs, libertatibus et immunitatibus in eisdem contentis, factis, datis ct concessis et confirmatis, per predictos nostros uobilissimos progenitores burgo uostro dc Stirling, burgcusi- bus et incolis hujusinodi, de quocunque tenore seu quibuscunque tenoribus, contento sive contentis, data seu datis, eedem sint ; uuacuni omnibus zenodochiorum mortificationibus et fundationibus, presertim zeuodochiorum nuncupatis lie SpitteUis Hospitall et Covxmes HospitaU, terris, tencmentis et redditibus eisdem spectantibus, cum omui jure patronatus dictorum zenodochi- orum et membrorum ejusmodi, predictis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et com- munitati dicti burgi nostri, concessis; etpresertim,absquc prejudicio generalitatis supraspecificate, unam literam mortificationis factam et concessam per quondam Adamum,commendatarium pro tempore Abbacie de Cambuskenneth,infavorem zeuotrophitarum pro tempore zenodocbii burgi nostri de Stirling nuucupati Sinttellis Hospitcll eorumque successorum, pro meliori auxilio et susteutatione decrepitorum pauperum dicti zenodocliij, virtute cujusquidem dictus com- mendatarius summam viginti trium mercarum monete iis mortificavit; quequidem mortificatio est de data vigesimo tertio die mensis Novembris conditions and provisions of the same. Together with all and sundry other charters, infeftments, confirmations, precepts and instruments of sasine, gifts, donations, privileges, liberties and immunities therein contained, made, given and granted and confirmed by our foresaid most noLle progenitors to our burgh of Stirling, burgesses and inhabitants thereof, of whatever tenor or tenors, content or contents, date or dates, the same may be; together with all mortifications and foundations of hospitals, especially of the hospitals called Spittell's Hospital and Cowane's Hospital, lands, tenements and rents belonging thereto, with all right of patronage of the said hospitals and members of the same, granted to the foresaid provost, bailies, council- lors and community of our said burgh ; and especially, without prejudice to the above specified generality, a letter of mortification made and granted by the late Adam, commendator for the time of the Abbey of Cambuskenneth, in favor of the hospitallers for the time of the hospital of our burgh of Stirling called Spittell's Hospital and their successors, for the better help and su]iport of the decrepit poor of the said hospital, )>y virtue of which the said commendator mortified to them the sum of twenty three merks of money ; which mortification is of date the twenty 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 135 millesimo sexcentesimo secimdo; unacum ratificatione dicte mortificationis per quondam Joaiinem comitem de Mar concessa, de data decimo tertio die mensis Aiigusti millesimo sexcentesimo quarto. Et similiter contractum de data decimo tertio die mensis Februarij anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimoseptimo.initum etconfectuminter prepositum,ballivos et cousules dicti burgi nostri pro tempore, et quondam Alexaudrum Cowane de Wester Polmais, heredem et executorem quondam Joannis Cowane, mercatoris, burgensis dicti burgi nostri, ejus fratris, penes dispositionem, mortificationem, resignatiouem et assignationem, terrarum, tenemeutorum, annuorum reddituum, summarum monete aliorumque,inibi contentorum,factum in favoremprepositi,ballivorum et consulum, in usum dicti zenodoclui imncupati lie CoivanesHospitell,ci penes jus patronatus huiusmodi,niodoiu dicto contractu latins specificato; unacum cartis et sasinis desuper sequentibus per dictum quondam Alexandrum Cowane in eorum favorem concessis, cum carta alienationis et mortificationis per pre- positum, ballivos et consules dicti burgi nostri, zenoti'ophite, preceptor! et pauperibiis dicti zenodocbij nuncupati lie Cowanes Hospitell super dicto contractu procedenti inter ipsos et dictum Alexandrum facta et concessa, third day of tlie mouth of November one thousand six hundred and two ; together with a ratification of the said mortification granted by the late John earl of Mar, of date the thirteenth day of the month of August one thousand six hundred and four. And likewise a contract of date the thirteentli day of the month of February in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and thirty-seven, entered into and made between the provost, bailies and councillors of our said bui'gh for the time, and the late Alexander Cowane of Wester Polmaise, as heir and executor of the late John Cowane, merchant, burgess of our said burgh, his brother, regarding a disposition, mortification, resignation and assignation, of the lands, tenements, annual rents, sums of money and others therein contained, made in favour of the provost, baillies, and councillors, for the use of the said hospital called Cowane's Hospital, and regarding the right of patronage of the same, in the manner more fully set forth in the said contract ; together with the charters and sasines following thereon granted by the said late Alexander Cowane in their favour, with a charter of alienation and mortification made and granted by the provost, bailies, and councillors of our said burgh, to the master, preceptor, and poor of the said hospital called Cowane's Hospital proceeding upon the said contract between them and the said Alexander, 136 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. per quas vero mortificaverunt et disposuerunt preceptori et pauperibus dicti zenodochii terras aliaque inibi contenta, tenendas de nobis, prout eedera de data vigesimo secundo die mensis Februarij anno Domini millesimo sexcen- tesimo trigesimo septimo, cum instrumento sasine desuper sequenti, latius proportant; vnacum omnibus et singulis aliis jui'ibus et securitatibus quibus- cunque dictum zenodochium concernentibus generaliter et particulariter supra specificatis. Unacum omnibus actis parliamentorum et generalium consiliorum aliisque actis, sententiis et decretis, dictimi burgum nostrum, libertates Imjus- modi aliaque supramentionata concernentibus. Ac volumus et concedimus, et pro nobis et successoribus uostris decernimus et ordinamus quod generalis hec presens carta nostra confirmationis predicte nullatenns prejudicabit specialitati suprascripte, neque specialitas generalitati prejudicio fuerit, ita quod presens hec nostra confirmatio et premissorum approbatio est et omni tempore afuturo erit tanti valoris, roboris, efficacie et effectus, in omnibus respectibus, prefatis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri, burgensibus et incolis hujusmodi eorumque successoribus, ac si omnia et singula predicta infeofamenta, carte, donationes, concessiones, mortificationes, jura, tituli et by whicli they mortified and disponed to the preceptor and poor of the said hospital the lands and others therein contained, to be holden of us, as the same of date the twenty-second day of the month of Febraary in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and thirty-seven, with the instrument of sasine following thereon, more fully bears ; together with all and sundry other rights and securities whatsoever that coucern the said hosj)ital generally and par- ticularly above specified. Together with all acts of parliament and general councils, and other acts, sentences and decrees, that concern our said burgh, liberties of the same and others before mentioned. And we will and grant, and for us and our suc- cessoi's we decern and ordain that this our present general charter of confirmation foresaid shall noways prejudice the specialty above written, nor shall the specialty be a prejudice to the generality, so that this our present confirmation and approbation of the premises is and in all time coming shall be of as much strength, force, efiicacy and effect, in all respects, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh, burgesses and inhabitants of the same and their successors, as if all and sundry the foresaid infeftments, charters, donations, grants, mortifications, rights, titles and securities, and every one of them, were inserted and expressed word 1G41.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 137 securitates, et unaqueque earundum, de verbo in verbum in Lac present! carta nostra iusererentur et expi'imerentur; quocivca, ac cum omnibus defectibus, impedimentis, objcctionibus et questionibus quibuscunque, que contra validita- teni earundem aut bujus nostre presentis confirmationis ejusmodi proponi sen allogari poterint, nos pro nobis et successoribus nostris, cum avisameuto et consensu predictis, dispensavimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre dispen- samus imperpetuum. Preterea, nos, cum consensu predicto, absque damno aut prejudicio predictarum cartarum, infeofamentorum, fundationum, donationum, mortificationum, concessionum, jurium, scriptorum et privilegiorum in eisdem contentorum, ac in ulteriorem corroborationem eorundem, [et] accumulaudo jura juribus, cum avisamento et consensu predictis, de novo dedimus, con- cessimus, disposuimus, ereximus, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus, tenoreque ejusdem de novo damns, concedimus, disponimus, erigimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmamus, prefatis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi uostri de Stirbng, eorumque sucpessoribus, totum et integrum dictum burgum nostrum de Stirbng in unum liberum Burgum Regalem, cum integris communibus nundinis, diebus foralibus, communibus domibus, locis foraHbus, et toto territorio eiusdem, terris, tenemen- tis, acris, rudis, meniis, portis, plateis et calcepediis, lie calsayes, pontibus, viis, by woi'd in this our present charter; whereanent, and with all defects, impediments, objections and questions whatsoever, which against the validity of the same or of this our present confirmation of the same can be proponed or alleged, we for us and our successors, with advice and consent foresaid, have dispensed and by the tenor of our present charter do dispense for ever. Further, we, with consent foresaid, with- out hurt or prejudice of the foresaid charters, infeftments, foundations, donations, mortifications, grants, rights, w-ritings and privileges contained in the same, and in further coiToboration of the same, and heaping rights upon rights, with advice and consent foresaid, of new have given, granted, disponed, erected, and by this our pre- sent charter confirmed, and by the tenor hereof of new give, grant, dispone, erect, and for us and our successors for ever confirm to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling, and their successors, all and wdiole our said burgh of Stirling, in a free Royal Burgh, with the whole common fairs, market days, common houses, market places, and the whole territory of the same, lands, tenements, acres, roods, walls, streets, gates and causeways, bridges, ways, passages, 138 CHAETERS RELATING TO [1641. passagiis, piscationibiis, communibus moris, portubus, naviumque receptaculis, lie harhories, annuls redditibus, prebendarijs, capellanijs, zenodochijs, patro- natibus, integrisque pertinentiis earundem ; imacum omnibus et singulis proficuis, prlvilegijs, tholonijs, custumis, libertatibus et immuultatibus quibus- cunque ad dictum burgum pertinentibus, et de quibus predictl prepositus, ballivi, consules et communitas dictl burgi nostrl, sulquo predecessores, per- prius in usu et possessioue fuerunt. Cum plena et speciali potestate et libertate ipsis habendi et eligendi, annuatim, prepositum, ballivos et consules, pro meliori gubernatione dicti burgi nostri; acta, statuta et ordinationes, faciendi et publicari et observari causandi infra dictum burgum nostrum, territorium et integram libertatem eiusdem, legibus et consuetudinibus dicti regui nostri minime repugnantes. Ac cum potestate dictis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et municipibus dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successoribus imper- petuum, habendi, vtendi et exercendi (prout hue vsque in vsu fuerunt) artem, lie trad et tra_ffik, mercandi et emendi [et] veudendi, lie hlok et cop^ omnia genera mercimoniorum, tarn bonorum huius regni nostri quam alieno- allatorura, uon solum infra dictum burgum nostrum, territorium et iurisdictionem eiusdem fishings, common muirs, ports, liarbours, annual rents, prebendaries, chaplainries, hospitals, patronages and whole pertinents of the same; together with all and sundry the profits, privileges, tolls, customs, liberties and immunities whatsoever belonging to the said burgh, and whereof the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh, and their predecessors, have beeii previously in use and possession. With full and special power and liberty to them of having and electing, yearly, a provost, bailies and coimcillors, for the better government of our said burgh ; of making acts, statutes and ordinances, and causing them to be published and observed within our said burgh, territory ;.nd whole liberty of the same, not repugnant to the laws and customs of our said kingdom. And with power to the said provost, bailies, councillors and burgesses of our said burgh, and their successors for ever, of having, using and exercising (as hitherto tliey have been in use) the trade and traffic of merchandising and buying and selling (blok and cop) all sorts of merchandise, as well the goods of this our kingdom as those brotight from abroad, not only within our said burgh, territory and jurisdiction of the same, but also within all other 1 " mercandi et emeiidi et vendendi he blok et top" — C. '■^"Aliunde" — C. 16 41.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 139 verum etiam infra omnes alias bondas situatas infra dictum vicecomitatum nostrum de Stirling, tam regalitatis quam regalis, lie regalitie et royalitie, in longitudiue et latitudine eiusdera; ac cum sjieciali inliibitione omnibus iDensonis minime liberis quod nuUi eorum audeant sive presumant vti et exercere dictam artem mercandi infra aliquam partem eiusdem vicecomitatus de Stirling (excejjtis burgensibus dicti burgi nostri de Stirling). Et presertim, absque preiudicio generalitatis predicte, uos, cum avisamento et consensu predictis, damns, concedimus et disponimus, prefatis proposito, ballivi.s, consulibiis et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus, omnes et singulas particulares terras aliaque subtusmentionatas que per ipsos eorumque predecessores tanquam partes communis boni et patrimonii dicti burgi nostri gavisi et possessi fuerunt, viz., terras uuncupatas Eistcr Craiges, cum outnettis earundem et pertinentiis ad easdem spectantibus, jacentes inter murum dicti burgi nostri et torrentem nuncupatum lie Eister Burne, lie South Braes sub muro dicti burgi nostri et omnibus terris ex boreali latere eiusmodi nuncupatis lie Quhinnes et Goivanehillis, terras nuncupatas Parkjield, Gallowjield, OaUotvftdd, Jiistingfiatis, Brighauche, et integras moras nuncupatas novas et pristinas Moras Burgales dicti burgi nostri, terras bounds situated within our said sheriffdom of Stirling, as well regality as royalty, in the length and breadth of the same ; and with special prohibition to all persons not freemen that none of them dare or presume to use and exercise the said trade of merchandising within any part of the said sherifi'dom of Stirling (exce25t burgesses of our said burgh of Stirling). And especially, without prejudice to the generality foresaid, we, with advice and consent foresaid, give, grant, and dispone to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling, and their successors, all and sundry the particular lands and others under mentioned which have been enjoyed and possessed by them and their pre- decessors as parts of the common good and patrimony of our said burgh, that is to say, the lands called Easter Craigs, with the outsets of the same and pertinents belonging to the same, lying between the wall of our said burgh and the burn called the Easter Burn, the Southbraes under the wall of the said burgh and all the lands on the north side of the same called the Whins and Gowane hills, the lands called Parkfield, Gallowfield, Gallowfald, Justingflats, Brighaugh, and the whole muirs called the new and old Burgh Muirs of our said burgh, the UO CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641- uuncupatas Pratum Burgale, lie Bwrrowmedoxu, jaceatem ex australi latere dicte aque de Forth iuxta ALbatiam de Cambuskeuueth, croftas terrarum vocatas Myretounis Croft, Lawsones Croft et Brownes Croft; vnacum pisca- tionibus tarn salmonum quam aliorum piscium super dicta aqua de Forth ad dictum burgum nostrum pertineutibus; necnon, omnes et singulas terras nuncupatas Spittelltoion, SpitelUandis, SpitteUkerse, et prata earundem, Spittellmyre cum omnibus huiusmodi pertineutiis tam ex australi quam boreali jiartibus dicte aque do Forth; cum omnibus et singulis domibus, edificiis, toftis, croftis, partibus, pendiculis et pertinentiis earundem quibus- cunque; et cum crofta nuncupata crofta Sancti Laurentij, lie St. Laurance Croft jaceute apud finem poutis de Stirling et lie Lady Croft et Ladij Rig jacentibus ex boreali latere dicti burgi nostri cum croftis nuncupatis Ruid Croft, Seikmanis Croft et Seikmanis lions et horto eiusdem, jacentibus ex australi latere dicti burgi nostri inter eundem burgum et viridarium lie Park de Stirling; et similiter illam petiam fundi nuncupatam Vallem, lie Valley, prope cemiterium dicti burgi nostri; vnacum integris [domibus, terris, hortis et rupibus, in qiiorum possessione nunc existunt, jacentibus subtus castrum nostrum extra]^ precinctum et bondas castri et pallatij nostri de Stirling; lands called the Burgh Meadow lymg on the south side of the said water of Forth near to the abbey of Cambuskenneth, the crofts of land called Myretoune's Croft, Lawson's Croft and Brown's Croft ; together with the fishings as well of salmon as of other fishes upon the said water of Forth belonging to our said burgh ; likewise, all and sundry the lands called Spitteltown, Spittellands, Spittelkerse and meadows of the same, Spittelmyre and all the pertinents of the same as well on the south as on the north side of the said water of Forth ; with all and sundry houses, buildings, tofts, crofts, parts, pendicles and pertinents of the same whatsoever; and with the croft called Saint Lawrence Croft, lying at the end of the Bridge of Stirling, and the Lady Croft and Lady Rig lying on the north side of our said burgh; with the crofts called Roodcroft, Seikman's Croft and Seikman's house and the yard of the same, lying on the south side of oiu- said burgh between the said burgh and the Park of Stirling; and also that piece of ground called the Valley lying near the churchyard 'The words within Ijrackets appear iu the in 1714, but are omitted in the Great Seal precept of sasme and iu the copy charter made register. 16il.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. Ill cum omnibus et singulis partibus, peudiculis, toftis, croftis, outsettis, domibus, edificiis, integrisque pertineutiis quibuscunque omnium et singularum pre- dictarum terrarum particulariter suprascriptarum. Prout etiam, cum avisameuto et consensu predictis, dedimus, concessimus ct disjiosuimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirraauimus tenoreque ejusdem damns, concedimus, disponimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmamus predictis proposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus quibuscunque, omnes et singulas terras, tenementa, domos, edificia, ecclesias, capellas, hortos, pomaria, croftas, annuos redditus, fructus, devorias, proficua, emolumenta, firmas, mouetas, obitales, lie daill silver et ohitc silver, quascuuque, que ad aliquas capellanias, altaragia, prebeudarios, seu ad quamcunque ecclesiam, capellam vel collegium, infra libertatem dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, per quemvis patronum fundatas quomodocunque pertinnerunt aut pertinere diguoscuntur, ct de quibus prebende et capellani in possessione t'uerunt, vbicunque buiusmodi domus, edificia, tenementa, horti et pomaria iacent, seu dicti annul redditus, fructus, proventus et emolumenta, perprius levata fuerunt ; cum uianerierum locis, of our said burgh ; together with all houses, lands, yards and crags, in the possession of which they now are, lying inider our castle beyond the precinct and bounds of our castle and palace of Stirling; with all and sundry parts, pendicles, tofts, crofts, out- sets, houses, buildings, and whole pertinents whatsoever of all and whole the foresaid Jands particularly before written. As also, with advice and consent foresaid, we have given, granted, disponed, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor of the same we give, grant, dispone, and for us and our successors for ever confirm to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stii-ling and their successors whatsoever, all and sundry the lands, tenements, houses, buildmgs, churches, chapels, gardens, orchards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, emoluments, formes, daill silver and obit silver, whatsoever, which have in any manner of way belonged or are known to belong to any chaplainries, altarages, prebendaries, or to whatsoever church, chapel or college, within the liberty of our said burgh of Stirling, by whatsoever patron founded, and of which the prebendaries and chaplains have been in possession, wheresoever such houses, buildings, tenements, gardens and orchards lie, or the said annual rents, fruits, profits and emoluments have been previously levied ; with the U2 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1G41. pomariis, terns, annuls redditibus, emolumontis et divoriis quibuscuuque, que perprins ad Fratres Domiuicanos [sive] Predicatores [et] Minores sive Franciscanos dicti burgi nostri de Stirling pertiuuerunt; vnacum omnibus et singulis terrls, domibus et tenementis, jacentibus infra dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling etllbertatem elusdeni; cum omnibus annuls redditibus levandis de quibuscunque terris, domibus et tenementis, jacentibus infra predlctum burgum nostrum de Stirling, datls, dotatis et fundatis quibuscunque capellanils, alteragiis,eccleslis,funeralibus etaniversarlls,vblcuuquejacent infrahoc regnum nostrum; ac etiam omnes et singulos annuos reddltus allasque devorias levari vsltatas per quamcunque ecclesiam aut beneficlum extra dictum burgum nos- trum de Stirling, cum pertinentlis, a preposito, ballivis et consulibus eiusdem, de communl redditu dicti burgi cum pertinentlis ; vnacum lure patronatus, advocatlone et donatlone, zcnodochij Sanctl Jacobl prope dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling, cum Integris terris, predlis, redditibus et possesslonibus, eldem spectantlbus ; cum advocatlone, donatlone et lure patronatus capellanie altarls Sanctl Laureutij fundate infra ecclesiam de Stirling, cum omnibus terris, redditibus et prlvileglis, ad eandem spectantlbus; ac cum advocatlone, donatlone et jure patronatus dictorum zenodochlorum nuucupatomm lie SinttelUs Hosjntell et Coivanes Hospitell; omnlbusque et singulis aliis terris manor places, orchards, lands, annual rents, emoluments and duties whatsoever which formerly belonged to the Dominican or Preaching friars and Minorites or Franciscans of our said burgh of Stirling ; together with all and sundry landsj* houses and tenements, lying within our said burgh of Stirling and liberty of the same; with all annual rents leviable from whatsoever lands, houses and tenements, lying within our foresaid burgh of Stirling, given, granted and founded to whatso- ever chaplainries, altarages, churches, funerals and anniversaries, wheresoever they lie witliin this our kingdom ; and also all and sundry annual rents and other duties accustomed to be levied by whatsoever chvirch or benefice outwith our said burgh of Stirling, with the pertinents, from the provost, bailies and councillors of the same out of the common rent of the said burgh with tlie pertinents ; together with the right of patronage, advocation and donation, of the Hospital of Saint James beside our said burgh of Stirling, with the whole lands, estates, rents and possessions belonging thereto ; with the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the chaplainry of the altar of Saint Lawrence founded within the church of Stirling, 1641.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 14:5 redditibiis, tenementis et possessioriibu.s quibuscimqiie eisdem spectautibvis seu ad dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling quomodocimque spectare seu pertiuere valentibiis et de quibus propositus, ballivi, consules et communitas dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumquo predecessores, in possessione nunc sunt aut temporibus retroactis fueruut diem date presentis carte nostre precedentibus. Insuper nos, cum avisamento et consensu predictis^ damu.s, concedimus et disponimus, predicto burgo nostro de Stirling libertatem habeudi vnam mer- catorialem gildriam, lie merchand gildrie, in futurum, cum po testate vtendi et exercendi omnes libertates, privilega et immunitates quascunque, ad dictam mercatorialem gildriam spectantes simili modo et adeo libere in omnibus respectibus prout hucvsque eandem exercuerunt. Prout etiam, damns, con- cedimus et disponimus, jjredictis preposito, ballivis et consulibus, communi- tati et burgensibus dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus, privilegium duorum dierum foralium, hepdomadatim, vnam carundem die ■ Mercurij alteram vero die Saturni; cum quatuor liberis nundinis annuatim, with all lands, rents and privileges belonging to tlie same ; and with the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the said hospitals called Spittellis Hospital and Cowanes Hospital ; and with all and sundry other lands, i-ents, tenements and possessions whatsoever belonging to the same or that may belong or pertain to our said burgh of Stirling in whatsoever way, and of which the provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling and their predecessoi-s are now or have been in possession in times past preceding the date of our present charter. Moreover, we, with advice and consent foresaid, give, grant and dispone, to our foresaid burgh of Stirling, the liberty of having a merchant guildry in future, with power of using and exercising all liberties, pri\'ileges and immunities whatsoever belonging to the said merchant guildry in like manner and as freely in all respects as they have hitherto exercised the same. As also, we give, grant and dispone, to the foresaid provost, bailies and councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling, and their suc- cessors, the privilege of two market days, weekly, one of them on Wednesday and the other on Saturday; with four free fairs yearly, that is to say, the first ' In the copy the following words inserted tenoreque eiusdem damus concedimus, disponi- here: — "dedimus, concessmius, et disposuimus, mus proque nobis et nostris successoribus pro et hac present! carta nostra contirmauinius, perpetuo confirmamus predicto burgo," etc. Ui CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. prima scilicet earundem tenendi, inchoandi et existendi, super lie Halloiu Thursday decern diebus precedentibus festum Pentecostes, annuatim, et deinde per spatium octo dierum duratura omni tempore affuturo primus nundinalis dies de Stirling nuncupanda; secunda vero predictarum liberarum nundinarum tenendi, existendi et incipiendi, vigesimo die mensis Julij annuatim et postea per spatium octo dierum duratura nuncupauda secuudas dies nundiualis de Stirling in futurum; tertia vero dictarum nundinarum existendi et incipendi octavo die mensis Septembris annuatim et postea per spatium octo dierum duratura nuncupata lie Latter Ladycs day in autumno; quarta vero dictarum nundinarum tenendi vigesimo secundo die mensis Octobris annuatim et deinde [per] spatium octo dierum continuaudi postremus dies nundinalis lie Latter Fair day de Stirling in futurum nuncupanda; cum potestate predictis pre- posito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus, factoribus, telonibus et servis suis, eorum uominibus, levandi omnes toUonias, custumas, feoda, impositiones et exactiones, omnesque alias libertates et divorias usitatas et consuetas, de et ab omnibus personis ad dictas nundiuas reparantibus et frequentautibus durante predicto spatio; cum omnibus aliis libertatibus, privilegiis et immunitatibus ad predictas liberas nun- of them to be held, begim and continued upon the Hallow Thursday ten days before the feast of Pentecost, yearly, and thereafter continuing for the space of eight days to be called in all time to come the First Fair day of Stirling; the second of the foresaid free fairs to be held, begun and continued, on the twentieth day of the month of July, yearly, and thereafter continuing for the space of eight days, to be called the second fair day of Stirling in futm'e; the third of the said fau's to be held and begun on the eighth day of the month of September yearly and thereafter to continue for the space of eight days, to be called the Latter Lady's day in autumn ; and the fourth of the said fairs to be held on the twenty-second day of the month of October yearly and thereafter to be continued for the space of eight days, to be called in future the Latter Fair day of Stirling ; with power to the forsaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling and their successors, their factors, customers and servants, of levying in their names all tolls, customs, fees, im- positions and exactions, and all other liberties and duties used and wont of and from all persons repairing to and frequenting the said fairs during the foresaid space; with all other liberties, privileges and immunities, belonging or that can justly belong to the 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 145 dinas spectantibus sen juste spectare valentibus, simiii modo et adeo libere in omnibus respectibus sicuti burgenses Edinburgi, Perthe, aut cujusvis alterius burgi infra hoc regnum nostrum eorum foralibus diebus et nundinis utuntur et fruuntur vel prout ipsi eorumve predecessores temporibus retroactis usi et gavisi sunt. Cum pleno etiam privilegio et libertate dictis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri, et suis successoribus, habendi, gaudendi et possidendi, officiura vicecomitatus intra semetipsos in predict© burgo et territoriis ejusmodi pro nunc et omni tempore futuro, et tenendi vicecomitatus curias infra dictum burgum nostrum et territorium ejusdem inter vicinos et incolas dicti bnrgi nostri et alios quoscunque que attachiari contigerint et culpaverint infra eundem pro quacunque causa seu offensione, super quibus predictus vicecomes jndicave poterit toties quoties visum fuerit; et utendi dicto officio vicecomitatus pro causa vel crimine quibuscunque que pro tempore occurrere contigerint, et super omnibus personis que intra dictum burgum et territorium ejusdem pro jiredictis culpis et transgressionibus [ita^] committendis apprehense fuerunt; sectas vocandi, absentes amerchiandi, dictos transgressores et delinquentes eorumque comburgenses transgredientes ut dictum est accusandi,puniendi et vsque ad mortem iiistificandi,secundum eorum foresaid free fairs, in like manner and as freely in all respects as the burgesses of Edin- burgh, Perth, or any other burgh ^yithin this our kingdom, use and enjoy their market days and fail's, or as they themselves or their predecessors have in times past used and enjoyed them. With full privilege also and liberty to the said provost, council- lors and community of our said burgli, and their successors, of holding, enjoying and possessing, the oiEce of sheriff within themselves in our foresaid burgh and territories of the same for now and in all time to come, and of holding sheriil' courts within our said burgh and territory thereof betwixt the neighbours and inhabitants of our said burgh and others whomsoever who shall happen to be attached and indicted within the same for any cause or offence, on which the foresaid sheriff shall have power to judge as often as seems expedient; and of using the said office of sheriffship for whatsoever cause or crime which .shall happen to occur for the time, and upon all persons who have been apprehended within the said burgh and territory of the same for committing the foresaid faults and transgressions; suits to call, absents to amerciate, the said transgressors and delinquents and their co-burgesses transgressing T 146 .CHARTEES RELATING TO [1641. culpas legibus dicti regni uostri coDCordantibus; clericos, seriaudos, officiarios, adiiidicatores aliaque membra dictarum curiarum uecessaria constituendi; ac omnia et singula alia quecunque agendi, exercendi et vtendi, intra semetif)SOS infra dictum burgum nostrum et territorium eiusdem, que ad officium vice- comitatus de iure et consuetudinc huius regni nostri pertinere dignoscuntur, adeo libere ac cum tam amplis privilegiis prout dictus burgus noster de Edinburgh aut quivis alius burgus regalis [infra hoc regnum nostrum dictum officium vicecomitatus gaudet et possidet; ac etiam nos pro nobis et nostris successoribus dedijmus^ et concessimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damns et concedimus prenominatis f)reposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successoribus, ad eorum proprium vsum imperpetuum, omnes et siugulas eschaetas, commoditates, amerciamenta et proficua, dicti officii vicecomitatus intra seipsos et infra dictum burgum et territorium eiusmodi, et que in quoscunque malefactores aliasque personas transgressores devenire sen coutingere possint, et sujDcr huiusmodi escaetis et commoditatibus in com as said is to accuse, punish and justify even \mto deatli, according to their faults agreeable to the laws of our said kingdom; to appoint clerks, sergeants, officers, dempsters and other necessary members of the said courts ; and of doing, exercising and using all and sundry other things whatsoever among themselves within our said burgh and territory of the same which to the office of sheriflshij) of law and custom of this our kingdom are known to belong, as freely and with as ample privileges as our said burgh of Edinburgh or any other royal burgh withm this our said kingdom, possesses and enjoys the office of sheriff; and also we for us and our successors have given and granted and by the tenor of our present charter give and grant to the before-named provost, bailies, councillors and commnnity of our said burgh and their successors, for their proper use for ever, all and sundry escheats, commodities, amerciaments and profits of the said office of sheriffship within themselves and within the said burgh and territory of the same, and which may happen or fall upon whatsoever malefactors and other persons trans- gressing, and upon such escheats and commodities to dispone at pleasure for the ^In the copy the following words inserted firmamus prenominatis preposito, " etc. The here: — "concessimus et disposuimus, et hac register at this part is somewhat illegible, and presenti carta nostra coufirmauimus, tenoreque there is a blank in the extract between the ejusdem damns, concedimus, disponiinus,proqae words "regalis" and "dedimus." nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo con- 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 1 47 munem vsum dicti burgi nostri ad libitum disponendi. lusuper, nos' damns, concedimus et disponimus, ipsis eorumque successoribus, jus privileo-ium et libertatem omnium viarum, platearum, lie lonyngis, et passagiorum ducentum ab et ad dictum burgum [nostrum] terras, moras, piscationes, portus et uavium receptacula, lie liarheries, eiusdem; et observandi et defeudeudi easdem vias et passagia ue quovismodo per ipsos iufringeutur [aut] violentur seu minuantur, observata omnimodo iu omnibus partibus dictorum passagiorun latitudiue sex vlnarum, vt subditi nostri facili us ad predictum burgum nostrum accedant et ab eodem discedant; et si huiusmodi passagia et pristina lie loaningis maiora et latiora fuerunt vllo tempore preterito, cum potestate iis tuendi eiusmodi passagia in pristinam eorum latitudiuem et integritatem sicuti temporibus retroactis gavisi et possessi fuerunt. Et similiter, nos pro nobis et successoribus nostris, cum avisamento et consensu predictis, dedimus, con- cessimus et disposuimus," tenoreque presentis carte nostre damns, concedimus et disponimus, preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati antedictis dicti common use of our said burgh. Moreover, we give, grant and dispone, to them and their successors, the right, privilege and liberty of all ways, places, leanings and passages leading from and to the said burgh, lands, muirs, fishings, ports and har- bours of the same; and of keeping and defending the said ways and passages lest in any way they should be infringed upon or broken up or lessened by them, there being always kept in all parts of the foresaid passages the breadth of six ells, that our subjects may the more easily come and depart to and from our said burgh ; and if such passages and old leanings have been greater and broader at any former time, with power to them of maintaming such passages to their original breadth and entirety as in times past they have been enjoyed and possessed. And in like manner we for us and our successors, with advice and consent foresaid, have given, granted and disponed, and by the tenor of our present charter give, grant and dispone to the provost, bailies, councillors and community aforesaid of our said '"dedimus, concessimus et disposuimus, et ""et hac present! carta confirmauimus, hac present! carta nostra confirmauimus, ten- tenorque ejusdem damns, concedimus et dis- orque ejusdem damns, concedimus et disponi- ponimus, proqne nobis et nostris successoribus mus, proque nobis et nostris successoribus pro pro prepetuo confirmamus prenominatis pre- perioetuo confirmamus ipsis eorumque succes- posito," etc. — C. soribus," etc. — C. U8 CHAETERS RELATING TO [1641. burgi nostri, eorumquo successoribus, totas et integras parvas custumas iufra- scriptas, solvendas per personas libertate dicti burgi nou donatas, minimeque burgenses eiusdem, omnium bonorum accedentum et discedentum per jDortas et pontem dicti burgi nostri, vnacum divoriis librandi ct mensurandi, lie ivelgliage et mettage, in tabula et inventorio eiusmodi subsequeatibus con- tentis, — videlicet, pro vnoquoque onere, lie laid, mercimoniorum, vt pote pellium et coriorum, lane, linte, cannabi,' ac omnium aliorum buiusmodi bonorum et mercimoniorum, octo denarios ; et pro sarsiua earundem, lie burdein, quatuor ^eflarios. Item, pro quovis onere equino carnium, piscium frumenti aliorumque commoditatum quocunque,- quatuor denarios ; et pro sarsiua earundem, duos denarios ; item, pro quovis onere aratrorum, lie pleiiclt graith, plaustrorum, vehiculorum, occarum et vectularum aliorumque eiusmodi, et pro vnoquoque onere calcis, ollarum fictilium et vrnarum, importato et ex- portato, quatuor denarios; et sarsina eorundem^ duos denarios; et pro vnoquoque equo, equa, aut equulo, lie staige, octo denarios; pro quovis bove aut vacca, octo denarios; pro quovis ove mactili, duos denarios; pro quovis agne, vnum denar- burgli, and their successors, all and whole the petty customs underwritten pay- able by persons not presented with the freedom of the said burgh, and not burgesses of the same, of all goods entering and leaving through the ports and bridge of our said burgh, together with the dues of weighing and measuring (weighage and mettage) contained in the following table and inventory thereof, — that is to say, for each loatl of merchandise, such as skins and hides, wool, luit, hemp, and of all other such goods and merchandise, eight pennies ; and for a burden thereof, four pennies ; item, for each horsedoad of flesh, fishes, grain and other provisions whatsoever, four pennies; and for a burden thereof, two pennies; item, for each load of ploughgraith, carts, wains, harrows and barrows and other suchliiie gear, and for each load of lime, earthen pots and pitchers, imported and exported, four pennies; and a burden thereof, two pennies ; and for each horse, mare, or staig, eight pemiies ; for each ox or cow, eight pennies ; for each sheep fit for slaughtering, two pemiies ; for each lamb, one penny ; for each score of geese, twelve 1 There is a blank here iu the extract. lu ase, and all vther siclike sorte of wares. " the "Signature" [No. liv.] the articles are - "commeatiium qnorumcunque" — C described as "ilk laid of merchandice, sic as ^ " lie burdein" — C. skyn, hyde, claithe, woU, lint, hemp, irone. 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 149 ium; pro siugulisvigintianseribus,duodecem denarios; pro sue.quatuor donario.s; et pro quocimque staiieo, lie staine, lane, butiri, casei, sevi et liutei Scotici, ponderato et vendito in dicto burgo no.stro, per municipcs eiusdem duos denarios, et per omnes alios quatuor denarios ; item, pro quovis oncre com- meatmim importatorum infra rnenia sen loca foralia dicti burgi nostri, pro stationum locis et aularum censibus, lie stand roume et hall maill, et supportatione dictarum aularum et communium locoruin foralium, solveudo duodecem denarios vnoquoque die forali, vna cum escliaetis dictorum com- meatuum vendibilium infra dictum burgum nostrum allatorum in manibus mangonum ct propolarum existentum sive penuariis impositorum, lie houseit, et ad macellas et fora minime presentatorum; item, pro mensuratioue omnium generum commeatuum venditorum et mensuratorum infra dictum burgum nostrum, pro vnoquoque onere earundem duodecem denarios. Ac preterea, dicti propositus, ballivi, consules et communitas eorumque successores, pro petuo, capient duplum dictarum custumarum tempore uundinarum annuatim dictis quatuor nundinis ; et fruentur, gaudebunt et possidebunt, omnes et singulas huiusmodi custumas dicti burgi nostri infra et extra portas eiusdem et super stratis et plateis et infra loca foralia eiusdem nunc ad loca foralia appunctuata et destinata seu per ipsos eorumque successores appunctuanda pennies ; for each swine, four pennies ; and for each stone of wool, butter, cheese, tallow and Scots lint, weighed and sold within our .said burgh, by the freemen of the same two pennies, and by all others four pennies ; item, for each load of ^-ictual imported within the walls or market places of our said burgh, for stand room and hall maill, and for the upholding of the said halls and common market places, twelve pennies to be paid every market day, together with the escheats of the said victuals brought within our said burgh for sale being in the hands of regraiters or forestallers or housed in girnels and not presented at the market places and markets; item, for the measuring of all kinds of victual sold and measured within our said burgh, for each load thereof twelve pennies. And farther, the said provost, bailies, councillors and community and their successors, for ever, shall take double of the said customs in the time of the fairs yearly at the said four fairs ; and they shall use, enjoy and possess, all and sundry such customs of our said burgh within and outwith the ports thereof and upon the streets and lanes and within the market places of the same now appointed and appropriated or to be appointed and 150 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. et destiuauda imposterum, cum liberatione et mensuratione, lie weyage et 'inettage, stationum censibus, lie stand maills, dictorum fororum, cum custumis vulgo nuncupatis laidell ct gait dichtings, omnibusque aliis divoriis, custumis, vicecomitis feodis, divoriis et exactionibus, in et circa dictum burgum, sicut dicti propositus, consules et communitas dicti burgi nostri de Stirling eorumque predicessores, per semetipsos, servitores et firmarios sues, nunc in vsu et possessione levandi et recipiendi sunt aut ante hac fuerunt infra sive extra dictum burgum et apud loca predicta, simili mode et adeo libera et in eadem forma prout burgi nostri Edinburgi aut Perthe, aut quivis alius burgus regalis infra hoc i-egnum nostrum Scotie virtute eorum infeofamentorum levare possunt; et generalitas presentis carte nostre miuime specialitati preiudicabit, neque specialitas generalitati preiudicio fuerit vllo respectu, Preterea nos, cum avisamento et consensu predictis, dedimus, coucessimus et disposuimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damns, concedimus et disponimus^, prefatis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus, totos et integros eorum portus et navium receptacula appropriated for market places by them and their successors hereafter, with weighage and mettage, stand maills of the said markets, with the customs commonly called ladle and gait dichtings, and all other duties, customs, sheriffs fees, duties and exactions, in and about the said burgh, as the said provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling and their predecessors, by themselves, their servants, and farmers, are now or have been before this time in use and possession to levy and receive the same within or outwith the said burgh and at the places foresaid, in like manner and as freely and in tlie same form as our burghs of Edinburgh or Perth, or any other royal burgh within this our kingdom of Scotland, are empowered to levy in virtue of their infef tments ; and the generality of our present charter shall not prejudice the speciality, nor shall the speciality be a prejudice to the generality in any respect. Moreover, we, with advice and consent foresaid, have given, granted and disponed, and by the tenor of our present charter give, grant and dispone to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling, and their successors, all and whole their ports and harbours upon the said water of Forth, together with 1 " et hac presenti carta nostra contirmauimus, mus, proque nobis et nostris successoribus pro tenoreque eiusdeni damus, concedimus, disponl- perpetuo coufirniamus, prefatis," etc. — C. 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. l.M .super dicta aqua de Forth, vnacum littoribuf?, lie landing places, pristinis et novis, liuiusmodi, et integri.s domibus et hortis dosuper edificatis et rudis burgalibus eisdem adjacentibus; cum omnibus et singulis viis, semitis, jjassagiiis, stratis, plateis et calcipediis, ducentibus ab et ad dictos portus et uavium receptacula et littora, respectiue, tam pristina quam nova; cum omnibus et singulis privilegiis, custumi.s, portus et texti-ine monetis, lie heavin silver et dock silver, littorum, debitis, lie schoir silver, anchoragiis, custis, lie cotvstes, assise boUis, lie assyse hollis, redditibus, divoriis et casualitatibus, dictorum portuum vsitatis et consuetis; ac joresertim omnia et singula privilegia, custumas, portuum monetas, auclioragia, textrine et littoris monetas, ex- actiones, redditus et casualitates, dictorum i^ortuum de Stirling inframention- atas, quas in hac presenti carta nostra inserendas ordinavimus, et observaudas et perimplendas per omnes nostros subditos et exteros reparantes et frequent- antes ad et ab dictos portus, et quod huiusmodi ignorantiam uulli pretendant, videlicet, mouetam nuncupatam heavin silver, omnium pcrsonarum municipum, minima municipum et extraneorum, auferentium seu habentium aliqua bona in vel per dictos portus de Stirling aut per aliquam jjartem infra bondas pre- dictas dicte aque de Forth: — item, omnium saccorum sive sarsinarum et doliorum bonorum, municipes dicti burgi nostri de Stirling solvent duos landing places thereof, old and new, and whole houses and gardens built thereon, and the biu-gh roods adjacent thereto; witli all and sundry ways, paths, passages, lanes, streets and causeways, leading from and to the said ports and harbours and landing places, respectively, as well old as new; with all and simdry privileges, customs, haven silver, dock silver, shore silver, anchorages, cowstes, assize bolls, rents, duties and casualties of the said ports used and wont ; and especially all and sundry privileges, customs, haven silver, anchorages, dock and shore silver, exactions, rents and casualties of the said ports of Stir-ling undermentioned, which in this our present charter we have ordamed to be inserted, and to be observed and implemented by all our subjects and strangers repairing and frequenting to and from the said ports, and that none pretend ignorance of the same, that is to say, the money called haven silver of all persons free men, unfi-eemen and strangers, carrying away or having any goods in or through the foresaid ports of Stirling or through any part within the bounds foresaid of the said water of Forth : — item, of all sacks or burdens and casks of goods, freemen of our said burgh of Stirling 152 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. denarios, aliorum burgorum sex denarios, et illiberi et minime muulcipes octo denarios; cujusvis lie dalcer corionim municipes dicti burgi sex denarios, aliorum burgorum duodecem denarios, minime municipes et peregrini quadra- ginta denarios; frumenti, farine, brasij, salis, in hoc regno nostro crescentium et confectorum, cuiusvis bolle, ad incolas dicti burgi nostre attinentis dnos denarios, municipes aliorum burgorum quatuor denarios, et minime municipes et extranei octo denarios; carbonura et calcis, lie lyme, importatorum, cuiusvis celdre, ad dicti burgi incolas pei'tinentium vnum denarium, ad liberos bur- genses alterius burgi duos deiiarios, illiberos vero octo denarios ; exportatorum, spectantium ad dictum burgum nostrum duos denarios, ad liberos burgos quatuor denarios, minime liberos sedeclm denarios; cuiusvis bolle frumenti, salis et bonorum penuariorum, lie girnell guides, ab exteros allatorum, ad incolas dicti burgi attinentium duos denarios, municipes aliorum burgorum sex denarios, minime municipes et extraneos duodecim denarios; tabularum, lie huirdis et daillis, tegularum simplicium, vectium et spiculorum arcuareorum, lie single roof, soale'- et howstingis, pro centum eorundem ad dictum burgum nostrum spectantium, vnum, ad liberos burgos vnum, minime liberos vnimi et alienigenas vnum; cuiusvis trabis, lie corbell et wainscott, ad incolas dicti burgi shall pay two pennies, of other bui'ghs six pennies, and unf reemen and non-burgesses eight pennies ; of each daker of hides, burgesses of the said burgh six pennies, of other burghs twelve pennies, non-burgesses and strangers forty pennies ; of corn, meal, malt, salt, grown and made in this our kingdom, for each boll belonging to the inhabitants of our said burgh two pennies, burgesses of other burghs four pennies, and non-burgesses and strangers eight pennies ; of coal and lime imported, for each chalder belonging to the inhabitants of the foresaid burgh one penny, to the free burgesses of another burgh two pennies, and to unfreemen eight pemiies ; exported, belonging to our said burgh two pennies, to free burghs four pennies, unfree sixteen pennies ; of each boll of victual, salt and girnel goods, brought from other countries, belonging to the inhabitants of the said burgh two pennies, bur gesses of other burghs six pennies, non-burgesses and strangers twelve pennies, of boards and deals, single roof, spars and bowstings, for the hundred of the same belong- ing to our said burgh one, to free burghs one, unfree one, and strangers one; of each corbel and wainscott, to the inhabitants of our said b\u'gh of Stirling two ' "sparris" — C. 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 153 nostri de Slirliug duos denario.s, liberorum burgorum quatiioi' denarios, et ad miuime liberos spectantium octo denarios; pro centum lie Dansick kncqypell ad dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling spectantis vnum, liberos burgos vnum, et ad alieniginas et miuime municipes vnum ; et pro centum lie Norcnvay kncqypell, ad burgum de Stirling spectantis vnum, liberos burgos vnum, et ad alieniginas et miuime municipes vnum, et dujilum eoruudem, lie douhill knappill, duplum solvent de lie Dansick knajJj^ell ; pro quovis centum vectium nuncupatarum lie viccar sparis, ad burgum nostrum de Stirling pertinentium vnum, ad liberos bui-gos vnum, et ad alienigenas et illiberos spectantium vnum; pro quovis scaplia seu parva cymba manuali, lie little handling boat, quatuor denarios, pro magna cymba calcarea, lie lyme hoah cymba carbonaria et navicula, nuncupata lie crear, absque carchesio, pro dicta moncta portali et textrine, vulgo nuncupata heavin silver et dock silver, tres solidos; et pro navigiolo, lie hark et crear, cum carchesio, pro dicta moneta portus et textrine, quinque solidos; pi'o quovis nave in dicto portu fluctuante, pro dicta raoneta nuncupata dock silver, decern solidos. Et similiter dicti propositus, ballivi et consules dicti bvxrgi nostri, eorumque successores, gaude- bunt, vtentur et fruentur, omnibus aliis custumis et privilegiis infra dictos portus navium receptacula et littora eiusmodi prout ipsi eorumque predecessores pennies, of free burghs four pennies, and belonging to unfreemen eight pennies; for the hundred Dantzick knappill, belonging to our said burgh of Stirling one, to free burghs one, and to strangers and non-burgesses one ; and for the hundred Norway knappell, belonging to Stirling one, to free burghs one, and to strangers and non-burgesses one; and the double knappel shall pay the double of Dantzick knappill ; for each hundred of wicker spars, belonging to our burgh of Stirling one ; to free burghs one, and belonging to strangers and unfreemen one; for eacli skiff or little handling boat, four pennies ; for a large lime boat, a coal boat, and small ship called a crear and without a top-mast, for the said haven silver and dock silver, three shillings ; and for a bark and crear with a top-mast, for the said haven and dock silver, five shillings ; for each ship floating in the said port, for the said money called dock silver, ten shillings. And in like manner the said provost, bailies and councillors of our said burgh, and their successors, shall enjoy, use and possess, all otlier customs and privileges within the said ports, harbours and landing places thereof, as they and their predecessors formerly enjoyed bH CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. liuiusmodi perprius gavisi sunt. Cum potestate ipsis constituendi, edificaudi, reparandi, fortificandi, muniendi et augendi huiusmodi portus, in et super locis maritimis infra bondas predictas, in solidiori et substantial! modo et forma vt melius indurent figentur et stabilientur pro salute omnium navium, navicul- arum, lie crearis, harlccs, et aliorum vasorum ad dictos portus apjjlicandorum, et tempore pacis et belli. Et, quouiam huiusmodi portus et littora non sine magnis sumptibus et expensis dicto burgo nostro .sustinentnr et supportautur et reparatione deinde aunuatim egebunt, idcirco, dedimus, concessimus et disposuimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus, concedimus et disponi- mus,' prefatis preposito, ballivis et consulibus dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successoribus, Integra anchoragia, littoris et textrine monetas, lie shoir et dock silver, custumas, aliasque commoditates ad eandem pertiuentes, ad efifectum prescriptum apjjlicandas. Et quia nos, considerantes jiontem de Stirling super dicta aqua de Forth et longam plateam seu calcipedium ad dictum pontem ducentem et ab eodem deducentem magnis egere sumptibus et expensis pro supportatioue eiusdem, et quod predicti prepositus, ballivi, consules et communitas dicti burgi nostri, multum etiam onerati sunt pro the same. Witli power to them to establish, build, repair, fortify, defend and enlarge such ports, in and upon the sea coasts within the foresaid bounds, Lu a more solid and substantial manner and form that they might the better endure and be more fixed and stable for the safety of all ships, crears, barques, and other vessels sailing to the said ports, both in time of peace and war. Aiid, since such ports and landing places are not maintained and upheld without great outlays and expense of our said burgh and will require reparation hereafter yearly, therefore we have given, granted and disponed, and by the tenor of our present charter give, grant and dispone, to the foresaid provost, bailies and councillors of our said burgh, and their successors, the whole anchorages, shore and dock silver, customs, and other commodities belonging to the same to Ije applied to the purpose foresaid. And because we, taking into our consideration that the bridge of Stirling upon the said water of Forth and the long street or causeway leading to and from the said bridge requires great charges and expenses for the upholding of the same, and that the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh have also ^"ethacpresenti carta nostra eonlirmavimus, ponimus, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus tenoreque eiusdem damus, coucedimus et dis- pro perpetuo confirmamus, prefatis," etc. — C. 1611.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 165 supportatioue nienionim suoruin, portarum et plateamm, igitur uos, cum conseusu predicto, damus, coiicedimus et di.spouimu.s, jiref'atis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et couimuaitati dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successoribus, custumas dicti pontis infrascriptas, videlicet, pro quovis sacco seu sarsina, lie pack, lane, paimi, lintei et lanei, pellium, linte, canuabi et lie iiilaidingis, minime municipes dicti burgi solveudo duos solidos, municipes vero eiusdem duos' deuarios; pro vnoquoque onere butiri, casei, sevi et ferri, miuime municipes duodecem denarios, municipes vero dicti burgi nostri sex denarios; pro vnoquoque onere frumenti, carnis, piscium, aliorumque commeatuum, minime municipes dicti burgi solveudo octo denarios, et municipes eiusdem quatuor deuarios; pro quovis ouere salis plantarum, porrorum et fructuum, illiberi dicti burgi nostri et libertate ejusdem minime donati solvendo pro eisdem quatuor denarios, et libertate eiusdem donati et municipes eiusdem burgi nostri duos denarios; ac pro sarsina, lie burdein, dictarum mercuum aliorumque venalium, dimidium precii dictorum onerum ; pro vnoquoque onere equino, lie hors draught seu load, lignorum, lie timber, minime municipes quatuor denarios, municipes vero dicti burgi duos denarios; pro quovis onere equino coriorum, minime municipes sedecim denarios, municipes vero dicti been much burdened iu upholding their walls, ports and causeways, therefore we, with consent foresaid, have given, granted and disponed, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and corumunity of oin- said burgh, and their successors, the customs of the said bridge under written, that is to say, for each sack or pack of wool, cloth, luieu and woollen, skins, lint, hemp and plaidings, unfreemeu of the said burgh to pay two shillings, and burgesses thereof two pemiies ;' for each load of butter, cheese, tallow, and iron, luifreemen twelve pennies, and freemen of our said burgh six pennies ; for each load of victual, flesh, fishes, and other provisions, imfreemen of the said burgh to pay eight pennies, and freemen of the same four pemiies ; for each load of salt, plants, leeks and fruits, unfreemen of our said burgh and those not presented with its freedom to pay for these things four peimies, and those presented with its freedom and burgesses of our burgh, two pennies ; and for a burden of the said wares and other wares for sale, one half the price of said loads ; for each horse draught or load of timber, unfreemen four pennies, and freemen of the said burgh two pennies ; for each horse load of hides, mifreemen sixteen pennies, I In the " Signature " [No, liv.] the custom is stated to be twelve pennies. 156 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. burgi Dostri quatuor denarios; pro vnoquoque equo seu equa vendibili ad dictum forum accedenti, duodecem denarios; pro quovis bove seu vacca, octo denarios; pro ove, minime municipes duos denarios;^ pro sue, minime liberi octo denarios, municipes vero quatuor denarios; pro vnoquoque dolio vini duos solidos; pro dolio, lie tun, zitlii sedecim denarios; et pro quovis onere cervisie octo denarios; et pro onere carbonum vnum denarium. Mandando et precipiendo omnibus et singulis legiis et subditis nostris et peregrinis omnibusque aliis quorum interest quod deuuo et indilate resiDondeaut et gratuitcr solvant prc- fatis preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumque successoribus, factoribus, collectoribus, firmarijs et custumarijs suis, omnes et siugulas antedictas custrmias, mouetam portus et littoris, vulgo nuu- cupatas heavin silver etshoir silver, exactiones et custumas dicti burgi nostri et pontis, aliasque custumas, redditus, devorias et casualitates, geueraliter et par- ticulariter suprascriptas, sub omni pena et damno iude sequituro. Prout etiam uos, cum consensu predicto, damns et committimus nostram plenain potestatem et commissionem prefatis preposito, ballivis et consulibus dicti burgi nostri de Stirling, presentibus et futuris, infra integras bondas et iibertates dicti burgi and freemen of our said burgli four pennies ; for each horse or mare coming to the said market to be sold, twelve pennies ; for each ox or cow, eight pennies ; for a sheep, unfreemen two pennies, [freemen one penny^] ; for a swine, unfreemen eight pennies, and freemen four pennies ; for each tun of wine two shillings ; for the tun of beer sixteen pennies ; and for each load of ale eight pennies ; and for each load of coals one penny. Charging and commanding all and sundry our lieges and subjects and strangers and all others whom it concerns that forthwith and without delay they answer and thankfully pay to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Stirling, and to their successors, their factors, collectors, farmers and custumars, all and sundry the foresaid customs, money of the port and shore, commonly called haven silver and shore silver, exactions, customs of our said burgh and bridge, and other customs, rents, duties and casualties generally and particularly before written, under all pain and loss that may follow thereupon. As also we, with consent foresaid, give and commit our full power and commission to the foresaid provost, bailies and councillors of our said burgh of Stirling, present and to come, within the whole bounds and liberties of our said burgh, to put to due 1 In Signature [No. liv.] : — " ilk sheip, ij d. of unfreemen and j d. of freraen." 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 157 nostri, debite executioui maudandi (quoties opus fucrit) acta ct statuta par- liamentorum Dostrorum etgeneraliumconciliorumqueconcei'nuntaut concern- ere possimt privilegium et libertatem dicti burgi nostri ; cum potestate (si opus fuei'it) vicinos, incolas et bui'genses, convocandi, pro eorum auxilio et concursu in executioui dictarum legum nostrarum. Et nos, ex certa uostra scientia proprioque motu, cum avisamento et consensu predicto, vnivimus, annexavimus et iucorporavimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre, pro nobis et succcssoribus nostris, vnimus, annexamus et iucorporamus, ad et cum dicto burgo nostro de Stirling, privilegiis et libertatibus antedictis eidem concessis, omnes ct singulas predictas terras uuncupatas lie Eister Craigis et outscitis earuudem, cum pertincutii.s ad easdem spectan- tibus jacentibus, inter murum dicti burgi nostri et torrentem uuncupatum Eisterhicrne, Southbraes subtus murum dicti burgi nostri, cum iutegris terris ex boreali parte dicti burgi nostri vocatis lie Whinnes et Gowan- hillis, terras nuncupatas Parkfeild, Gallowfeild, Gallowfald, Justingfiatis et Briglmuchc, integras moras nuncupatas pristinas et novas Moras Burgales dicti burgi nostri, Pratum Burgale, lie Borrow Medow, ex australi latere dicte aque de Forth iuxta dictam abbatiam de Cambuskenneth, predictas croftas execution the acts and statutes of our parliaments and general coimcils which concern or can coucern the privileges and liberty of our said burgh (as often as there shall be need) ; with power (if there shall be need) to convocate the neighbouring inhabitants and burgesses for their assistance and concurrence in the execution of our said laws. And we of our certain knowledge and proper motive, with advice and consent foresaid, have united, annexed and incorporated, and by the tenor of our present charter, for us and our successors, do unite, annex and incorporate to and with our said burgh of Stirling, with the privileges and liberties foresaid granted to the same, all and sundry the foresaid lands called the Easter Craigs and outsets of the same, with the pertinents belonging to the same lying between the wall of our said burgh and the burn called the Easter Burn, the South Braes below the wall of our said burgh, with the whole lands on the north side of our said burgh called the Whins and Gowan Hills, the lands called Parkfield, Gallowfield, Gallowfald, Justuigflats and Bridghauche, the whole muirs called the old and new Burghmuirs of our said burgh, the Borrowmeadow on the south side of the said water of Forth near the said abbey of Cambuskenneth, the foresaid crofts 158 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. terrarum nuncupatas Myrctoun Croft, Lawsonis Croft, et Brounes Croft ; ac tctas et integras predictas piscationes, tarn salmoaum quam aliorum piscium, super dicta aqua de Forth infra predictas bondas eiusmodi particulariter sujjramentionatas ; vnacum omnibus ct singulis predictis terris nuncupatis Spittelltoun, Sinttelland'is, BriyJiauche, Spittellkersc, et pratum eiusdeni, Spittellniyre, integrisque earuudem pertiuentiis ex australi et boreali partibus dicte aque de Forth ; cum domibus, edificiis, toftis et pertineuciis earundem ; croftam terre nuncupatani croftam Saucti Laurentij apud finem pontis de Stirling, Ladycroft, Ladyrig, jacentes ex boreali parte dicti burgi nostri, cum croftis nuncupatis lie Riikl Croft, Seikmanis Croft ct Seikmanis Hous, et horto eiusdem jacentibus ex australi latere dicti burgi nostri inter dictum bui'- gum nostrum et viridarium lie Park de Stirling ; et similiter illam peciam fundi nuncupatam Valleni, lie Valley, jacentem prope cemiterium dicti burgi nostri; vna cum omnibus domibus, hortis, terris et rupibus, lie craig is, jacen- tibus subtus monticulum castri extra precinctum et bondas palatii et castri nostri de Stirling ; cum omnibus ct singulis partibus, pendiculis, toftis, croftis, outsettis, domibus, edificiis, cum omnibus earundem pertinentiis, ijarticulariter supra specificatis, jacentibus vt prefertur; predictos portus uaviumque recep- of lands called Myretoun croft, Lawson's croft, and Broune's croft ; and all and whole the foresaid fishings, as well of salmon as of other fishings, on the said water of Forth within the foresaid bounds of the same particularly above mentioned; together with all and sundry the foresaid lands called Spitteltown, Spittellands, Brighauche, Spittellerse and meadow of the same, Spittelmyre, and the whole pertinents of the same on the south and north sides of the said water of Forth ; with the houses, buildings, tofts and pertinents of the same, the croft of land called the croft of >St. Lawrence at the end of the bridge of Stirling, Lady Croft, Ladyrig, lying on the north side of our said burgh, with the crofts called the Ruid Croft, Seikman's Croft, and Seikman's House, and garden of the same, lying on the south side of our said burgh between our said burgh and the Park of Stirling; and in like manner that piece of ground called the Valley lying near the churchyard of oiu' said burgh ; together with all houses, gardens, lands and crags lying under the Castlehill outwith the precinct and bounds of oiu* palace and castle of Stirling ; with all and sundry parts, pendicles, tofts, crofts, outsets, houses, buildings, with all the pertinents of the same particularly above specified lying as lG+1.] THE I'.URGH OF STIRLING. 159 taenia super dicta aque de Forth, cum littoribus, lie landing flaces, novis et pristinis earundem, et integris domibus, edificijs et liortis desuper constructis,. et rudis burgalihus, lie Borrow Euidis, eisdem adiacentibus; cum omnibus et singulis vijs, passagijs, plateis, officio vicecomitatus infra bondas et limites pre- dictas; vnacum advocatione,donatione,etjurepatronatusdictizenodocliij Sancti Jacobi prope dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling, cum advocatione, douatione et jure patronatus, predicti capellauie Sancti Laurentij, omnibusque et singulis alijs, terris, prediis, lie roumes, et possessionibus ad easdem spectanti- bus; vna cum duobus alijs zenodocliijs antedictis, vno eorundem Spitellis Hospitall altero vero Cowanes Hospitell nuncupato, omnibusque alijs zeno- dochijs[et] rogatorijs, lie almshoussis, infra dictum burgum nostrum; et omni- bus et singulis predictis ecclesijs, terris, molendinis, annuls redditibus, tene- mentis, liortis, terris, decimis redditibus, alijsque jjai'ticulariter et generaliter supra expressis, infra et extra dictum burgum nostrum, eidem dotatis, fundatis et annexatis; cum omnibus et singulis alijs patronatibus, terris, libertatibus, alijsque respectiuo particulariter et generaliter suprascriptis, — in vnum integrum et liberum Burgum Regalem. Ac volumus et concedimus proque nobis et nostris successoribus decernimus et ordinamus quod vnica sasina nunc before written; the foresaid ports and harbours upon tlie said water of Forth, with the landing places of the same, new and old ; and tlie whole houses, buildings, and gardens erected thereon and the burgh roads adjacent to the same; with all and svmdry ways, passages, streets, office of sheriffship within the bounds and limits foresaid ; together with the advocation, donation and right of patronage, of the said Hospital of Saint James near our said burgh of Stirling, with the advocation, donation and right of patronage, of the foresaid chaplainry of St. Laurence, and all and sundry other lands, roumes and possessions belonging to the same; together with the two other hospitals foresaid, the one of them called Spittell's Hospital and the other Cowanes Hospital, and with all other hospitals and alms houses within our said burgh ; and all and simdry the foresaid churches, lands, mills, annual rents, tenements, gardens, lands, teinds, rents and others particularly and generally above expressed, withiir and beyond our said burgh, given, founded and annexed to the same ; with all and sundry other patronages, lands, liberties and others respectively, particularly and generally above written, — into one whole and free Burgh Royal. And we will and grant and for us and our successors decern and ordain thatasinstle sasine now to be taken in \irtue of this IfiO CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. virtute pi'esentis hujus nostri infeofameiiti, per deliberationem terre et lapidis et vnius denarij argenti, per propositum vel aliquem vnum ballivorum dicti burgi nostri do Stirling pro tempore, capienda apud crucem foralem dicti bnrgi nostri, stabit valida et sufSciens erit sasina prefatis preposito, ballivis, cousulibiis et commnnitati dicti nostri burgi de Stirling et eorum successoribus, pro toto et integro dicto burgo nostro et integris terris, annexis, incorporationi- bus, alijsque particulariter et generaliter supraexpressis, nunc eidem vnitis et annexatis vt predicitur, uon obstante quod dictus burgus, terre, portus, passagia, custume, privilegia, libertates, iurisdictiones, ecclesie,''decime fructus, redditus, aliaquo generaliter et particulariter supraspecificata ad eandem pertinentia, discontigue jacent et indiversis partibus, absque vUa necessitate vllius alterius sasine per successores suos imposterum sumende. Tenendum et habendum, totum et integrum predictum burgum nostrum de Stirling, cum integris terris et domibus communibus, locis foralibus, et territorio eiusdem, terris, molendinis, tenementis, acris, rudis, menijs, portis, plateis, pontibus, vijs, passagijs, portubus, navium receptaculis, littoribus, annuls redditibus, prebendarijs, capellanijs, zenodochijs, patronatibus, alijsque eorundem pertinentiis; vna cum omnibus et singulis officijs, privilegijs, tolonijs, custumis, libertatibus et immimitatibus our present infeftmejit, by delivery of earth and stone and of one silver penny, by the provost, or any one of the bailies of our said burgh of Stirling for the time, at the market cross of our said bui-gh, shall stand and be a valid and sufficient sasine to the said provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said Ijurgh of Stirling, and their successors, for all and whole our said burgh and whole lands, annexes, incorporations, and others particularly and generally above expressed, now united and annexed to the same as said is, notwithstanding that the said burgh, lands, ports, passages, customs, privileges, liberties, jurisdictions, churches, teinds, fruits, rents, and others generally and particularly above specified belonging to the same, lie unconnected and in different parts, without any necessity of any other sasine to be taken by their suc- cessors in time to come. To hold and to have, all and whole our foresaid burgh of Stirling, with the whole lands and common houses, market places, and territory of the same, lands, mills, tenements, acres, roods, walls, ports, streets, bridges, ways, passages, ports, harbours, landing places, annual rents, prebendaries, chaplainries, hospitals, patronages, and other pertinents of the same ; together with all and sundry offices, privileges, tolls, customs, liberties, and immunities whatsoever belonging to 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 161 quibuscunque ad dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling pertiuentibus de quibus prefati prepositus, ballivi, consules et communitas eiusdem eorumque pre- decessores perprius in vsu et possessione fuerunt; cum omnibus et singulis prescriptis terris nuncupatis lie Eistev Craigis et outsettis earundem et pertinentiis ad easdem spectantibus, jacentibus inter murum dicti burgi et torrentem nuncupatura lie Eisterhurne, Southhraes subtus murum dicti burgi nostri, et integris terris ex boreali parte dicti burgi nostri vocatis lie Whines et Gowanhillis ; terras nuncupatas Parkfeild, Gallowfeild, Gallowfald, Justingjiatis, et Brighauclie, cum integris moris nuncupatis novis et pristinis Moris Burgalibus dicti burgi nostri; terras uuncujjatas Bur- rowniedow jacentes ex australi latere dicte aque de Forth iuxta abbatiam de Cambuskenneth, croftas terrarum nuncupatas Myretounis Croft, Laivsonis Croft, Brounes Croft; vna cum integris piscationibus tam salmonum quam aliorum piscium super dicta aqua de Forth ad dictum burgum pertiuentibus ; et similiter totas et integras predictas terras nuncupatas Spittelltoun, S2ntteU- iandis, Spittellkerse et pratum huiusmodi, Spittellmyre, etpertinentes earun- dem, jacentes tam ex australi quam boreali partibus dicte aque de Forth; cum omnibus domibus, edificijs, toftis, croftis, partibus, pendiculis, et pertinentiis our said burgh of Stu-ling of which tlie foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of the same, and their predecessors, have been formerly in the use and possession, with all and sundry the foresaid lands called the Easter Craigs and out- sets of the same and the pertinents belougiug thereto, lying between the wall of the said burgh and the burn called the Easter Burn, South Braes under the wall of our said burgh, and the whole lands on the north side of our said burgh called the "Whins and Gowane Hills; the lands called Parkfield, Gallowfield, Gallowfald, Justingflats and Brighauche, with the whole muirs called the new and old Burgh Muirs of our said burgh ; the lands called the Borrowmeadow lying on the south side of the said water of Forth near the abbey of Cambuskenneth, the crofts of land called Myretouns Croft, Lawson's Croft, Brownes Croft; together with the whole fishings as well of salmon as of other fishings upon the said water of Forth belonging to the said burgh; and likewise all and whole the foresaid lands called Spitteltoun, Spittellands, Spittellkerse, and meadow of the same, Spittellmyre and pertinents of the same, lying as well on the south as on the north side of the said water of Forth; with all houses, buildings, tofts, crofts, parts, pendicles and pertinents of the 162 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. earundem ; cum crofta terre crofta Saucti Laurentij inincupata jaceute apud pontem de Stirling et lie Lady Croft et Lady Rig jacente ex boreali latei'e dicti burgi nostri, cum croftis terre nuncupatis Rude Groft, Seikmanis Croft, Seikmanis Hous,et horto eiusdem.jacentibus ex australi lateredicti burgi nostri inter dictum burgum et murum viridarij, lie Park de Stirling; uecnon, illam petiam fundi nuncupatam Vallem jacentem prope cemiterium dicti burgi nostri; vna cum integris domibus, liortis, tenementis, terris et rupibus, jacen- tibus sub monticule castri extra preciuctum et bondas castri nostri et palatij de Stirling ; cum omnibus et singulis partibus, peudiculis, toftis, croftis, out- settis, domibus, edificijs et integris pertinentiis omnium et singularum terrarum particulariter predictarum ; ac cum omnibus et singulis predictis terris, tene- mentis, domibus edificijs, ecclesijs, capellanijs, zenodocliijs, hortis, croftis, annuls redditibus, fructibus, divoriis, proficuis, emolumeutis, firmis, elimosinis, lie dail silver, obitibus et anniversarijs, suprascriptis ; cum manerierum locis, pomarijs, terris, annuls redditibus, emolumentis et divorijs quibuscunque que ad predictos. Fratres Dominicanos seu Predicatores [et] Minores [seu] Francis- canos, dicti burgi nostri perprius jjertinueruut; vna cum omnibus et singulis predictis terris et tenementis iacentibus infra predictum burgum nostrum et same; with the croft of laud called the Croft of St. Lawrence lying at the bridge of Stirling and the Lady Croft and Lady Rig lying on the north side of the said burgh, with the crofts of land called the Rood Croft, Seikmau's Croft and Seikman's house and garden of the same, lying on the south side of our said burgh between the said burgh and the wall of the Park of Stirling; also, that piece of ground called the Valley lying near the cliurchyard of our said burgh; together with the whole houses, yards, tenements, lands and crags, lying beneath the Castlehill outwith the precinct and bounds of our castle and palace of Stirling ; with all and sundry parts, pendicles, tofts, crofts, outsets, houses, buildings, and whole pertinents of all and sundry the lands particularly before mentioned ; and with all and sundry the foresaid lands, tenements, houses, buildings, churches, chaplainries, hospitals, yards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, emoluments, farms, alms, dail silver, obits and anniversaries, above written; with the manor places, orchards, lauds, annual rents, emoluments and duties whatsoever which formerly pertained to the foresaid Dominican or ' Preaching Friars and Minorites or Fi'anciscans of our said burgh ; together with all and sundry ICil.] THE BURGH OF STJKLING. 163 libertatem eiusmodi, et cum omnibus annuls redditibus levaudis ex quacunquc terra seu tenemento infra dictum burgura nostrum et libertatem eiusmodi, ac cum omnibus redditibus levandis de quacunque domo, terra seu tenemento infra dictum burgum nostrum, datis, donatis et fuudatis, quibuscunque cap- ellanijis, altaragiis, ecclesijs et funeralibus et anuiuersarijs, vbicunque eadeni existunt infra hoc regnum nostrum; vna cum omnibus et singulis annuis redditibus alijsque divorijs predictis, vsitatis seu de communi redditu dicti burgi a prejjosito et balliuis eiusdem per quamcunque ecclesiam extra dictum nostrum propter celebrationem suffragiorum de mandari possunt; cum predictis advocatione, douatioue, et iure patrouatus predicti zenodochij Sancti Jacobi prope dictum burgum nostrum de Stirling, vna cimi integris terris, predijs, redditibus et possessionibus eidem spectantibus; cum advocatione, donatione et iure patronatus dicte capellanie altaris Sancti Laurentij fuudate infra dictum ecclesiam de Stirling, cum omnibus terris, redditibus et privilegijs, ad eandem spectantibus; cum advocatione, donatione etiure patronatus, dictorum zeno- docliioruni lie Coivanes Hospitell et Sj)itells Hospitell nuncupatorum ; vna cum predicta mercatoriali gildria omnibusque et singulis iDi-edictis terris, liberis the foresaid lands and tenements lying within our foresaid burgh and liberty thereof, and with all annual rents leviable from whatever land or tenement within our said burgh and liberty of the same ; and with all rents leviable from whatever house, laud or tenement within our said burgh, given, bestowed and founded, to whatsoever chaplainries, altarages, churches and funerals and anniver- saries wheresoever the same may be within, this our kingdom; together with all and sundry annual rents and other duties foresaid accustomed or tliat may be demanded out of the common rent of the said burgh from the provost and bailies of the same by whatsoever church outwith our said burgh on account of the celebration of suffrages; with the foresaid advocation, donation and right of patronage, of the foresaid Hospital of St. James near our said burgh of Stirling, together with the ■whole lands, rooms, rents and possessions belonging to the same; with the advocation, donation and right of patronage, of the said chaplainry of the altar of St. Lawrence founded within the said church of Stirling, wdth all the lands, rents, and privileges, belonging to the same; with the advocation, donation and right of patronage, of the said hospitals called Cowanes Hospital and Spittells Hospital ; together with the foresaid merchant guildry; and with all and sundry the foresaid lands, free fairs 164 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1641. nundiuis et fori hepdoinadavijs, privilegijs et proficuis, que pertiuuerunt aiit ad eosdem pertinere possint; ac cum integris custumis dicti burgi nostii infra et extra portas et pontem et super plateis et iufra forum et apud loca foralia dicti burgi nostri, cum stationum censibus, lie standmatllis, aliisque custumis, vicecomitis feodis, divorijs et exactionibus, prope dictum burgum nostrum factis ; vnacura dicto officio vicecomitis infra bondas predictas ; cum omnibus libertatibus, j^rivilegijs, escaetis, casualitatibus, penis, jjenalitatibus, amercia- mentis, feodis et divorijs quibuscunque, generaliter et specialiter suprascriptis ; ac totos et integros predictos portus etna vium receptacula super dicta aqua de Forth, vnacum littoribus pristiuis et novis eiusmodi, cum omnibus domibus et hortis desuper constructis et udis burgalibus eisdem adjacentibus ; vnacum omnibus et singulis vijs, semitis, passagijs, plateis, et calcipediis, duceutibus ad et ab dictos portus, uavium receptacula et littora earundem, pristina et nova; cum omnibus et singulis privilegijs, custumis, moneta portali, moneta textrine, littoris debitis, ancboragijs, exactionibus, redditibus, devorijs, et casuali- tatibus dictorum portuum omnibusque eorundem pertinentiis suprascriptis, reliquisque privilegijs, libertatibus, commissionibus aliisque' supraspecificaUis, — prefatis preposito, ballivis, cousulibus, communitati et burgensibus dicti and weekly markets, privileges and profits which have belonged or can belong to the same ; and with the whole customs of our said burgh within and outwith the ports and bridge and ujjon the streets and within the market and at the market places of our said burgh, with the standmaills and other customs, sheriff's fees, duties and exactions, made about our said burgh ; together with the said office of sheriff within the foresaid bounds; with all the liberties, privileges, escheats, casualties, pains, penalties, fines, fees and duties whatsoever genei'ally and specially above written; and all and whole the foresaid ports and harbours upon the said water of Forth, together with tlie landing places old and new of the same, with all houses and gai'dens built thereon, and the burgh roods adjacent thereto; together with all and sundry ways, roads, passages, streets and causeways leading to and from tlie said poi'ts, harbours and landing places thereof, new and old; witli all and sundry privileges, customs, haven silver, dock silver, shore silver, anchorages, exactions, rents, duties and casualties of the said ports, and all pertinents of the same above written, and other privileges, liberties, commissions and others above specified, — to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, community and burgesses of our said KUl.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 16r> burgi nostri de Stirling, eorumqiie successoribus, de nobis et successoribus nostris, iu feodo, bereditate, libero burgagio et libero vicecomitatu, iufra bondas predictas, imperpetuum, per omnes rectas metas suas autiquas et divisas, prout jaceut in longitudiue et latitudine, iu domibus, editicijs, bosois, planis, moris, marresijs, vijs, semitis, aquis, staguis, rivolis, aquis, pratis, pas- cuis et pasturis, molendinis, multuris et eorum sequelis, aucupationibus, vena- tionibus, piscationibus, petarijs, turbarijs, carbonibus, carboDarijs, cuuiculis, cunicnlarijs, columbis, coluiubarijs, fabrilibus, brasiuis, bruerijs et genistis, silvis, nemoribus et virgultis, lignis, tignis, lapicidijs, lapide et calce; cum curijs et earum exitibns, amerciamentis, berezcldis, bludewitis, et mulierum mer- chetis; cum furca, fossa, sok, sak, thole, thame, wrake, wair, weth, wart, vennysoun, iufangtbeif, outfaugtiieif, pitt et gallous ; cumque communi pastura, liberoque introitu et exitu, ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis suis libertatibus commoditatibus, proficuis, asiamentis ac justis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam nou uomiuatis quam nominatis, tarn subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad predictum bui'gum, terras, officium aliaque predicta, cum pertinentiis spectantibus seu juste spectare valentibus quomo- dolibet iu futurum, libere, quiete, pleuarie, integre, liouorifice, bene et in pace, burgli of Stii'ling and their successors, of lis and onr successors, in fee, heritage, free burgage and free sheriffship, within the bounds foresaid, for ever, by all their right marches ancient and divided, as they lie in length and breadth, in houses, buildings, woods, plains, muirs, marches, ways, paths, waters, pools, rivulets, meadows, gi-azings and pastures, mills, multures and their sequels, hawkings, huntings, fishings, peat mosses, turf bogs, coals, coal heughs, rabbits, rabbit warrens, doves, dovecots, smithies, brewhouses, heath and broom, woods, groves and thickets, timbers, logs, quarries, stone and lime; with courts and their issues, fines, hereyelds, bludewits, and merchets of women; with gallows, pit, sok, sak, thole, thame, wrake, wair, weth, wart, vennysoun, infangtheif, outfangtheif, pit and gallows ; and with common pasture and free ish and entry, and with all others and sundry their liberties, commodities, profits, easements and their just pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging to the foresaid burgh, lands, office and others fore- said with their pertinents, or which may justly belong iu any manner of way in time coming, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honorably, well and in peace, without any hind- leo CHARTERS RELATING TO [IGll. sine aliquo impedimeuto, revocatione, contradictious aut obstaculo quocunque. Reddendo inde, annuatini, predicti prepositus, ballivi, consules et communitas dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successores, nobis et successoribus nostris, aliisque a nobis jus habentibus, vt infra, videlicet, pro predicto burgo nostro de Stirling, terris, moleudinis, tenementis, acris, rudis, meniis, portubus, littoribus, pontibus, vijs, passagijs, piscationibus, communibus moris, nundinis, foris hepdomadariis, custumis, pi-oficuis et i^rivilegiis earundem, aliisque particu- lariter suprascriptis, divorias aliaque in autiquis infeofamentis earundem contentis dicto burgo nostro coucessis, extendentes ad summam sex librarum tredecem solidorum et quatuor denariorum monete hujus regni nostri Scotie ; et pro predicto officio vicecomitatus et jui'isdictione eiusdeni suprascripto, justam et debitam administrationem justitie in dicto officio et jurisdictione; ac pro omnibus et singulis predictis patronatibus, rogatoriis, zenodocbijs, capellanijs, ecclesijs, beneficijs, annuls redditibus, aliisque suprascriptis iisdem spectantibus, dicti prepositus, ballivi, consules et communitas dicti burgi nostri, et ministri apud dictas ecclesias, et eleemosynarij et pauperes dictorum zenodocbiorum, eorumque successores, invocande Deum Omnipotentem per pias religiosas supplices et quotidianas preces suas pro nobis et successoribus nostris, nmce, revocation, contradictiou, or obstruction whatsoever. Paying therefor, yearly, the said provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh and their suc- cessors, to us and our successors, and to others having right from us, as aftermentioned, that is to say, for our foresaid burgli of Stirling, lands, mills, tenements, acres, roods, walls, ports, lauding places, bridges, ways, passages, fishings, common muirs, fairs, weekly markets, customs, profits and privileges of the same, and others particularly above written, the duties and others contained in the old infeftments of the same granted to our said burgh, amounting to the sum of six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies of the money of this our kingdom of Scotland; and for the foresaid office of sheriti' and jurisdiction of the same before written, the just and due admiuistz'a- tion of justice in the said oflice and jurisdiction ; and for all and sundry the fore- said patronages, almshouses, hospitals, chaplainries, churches, beneficies, annual rents, and others above written belonging to the same, the said provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh, and the ministers at the said churches, and the pensioners and the poor of the said hospitals, and their successors, calling upon God Almighty by their pious devout supplications and daily prayers for us 1641.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 107 ac perimpleudo omnes alias divorias (si que sunt) in autiquis iufeofamentis eorundem contentis, tantum; vnacura servitio burgi debito et consucto pro omnibus et singulis premissis. In cujus reL testimonium huic preseuti carte nostre^ magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus : Predilectis nostris consanguineis et consiliariis Joanne comite de Loudoun domino Terrinzeane et Maucbline, no.stro cancellario ; Jacobo duce Hamiltoun marchione Cliddisdalic comite Arranie et Cantabrigie domino Aveu et Innerdeall ; Willielmo Mariscalli comite domino Keith et Altrie, regni nostri mariscallo ; Roberto comite de Roxburgh domino Ker de Cesfuird et Caver- toun, nostri secreti sigilli custode ; Willielmo comite de Lanerk domino Mauchauschyre et Pomount, uostro secretario; dilectis nostris familiaribus consiliariis, dominis Alexandre Gibsoun de Durie, nostrorum rotulorum registri et consilij, clerico ; Joanne Hamiltoun de Orbestoun, nostre justiciarie clerico et Joanne Scot de Scotstarvet, nostre cancellarie directore, militibus. Apud Halyruidhous, decimo septimo die mensis Novembris anno Domini miilesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo primo, et anno regni nostri decimo septimo. and our successors, and fulfilling all other duties (if there are any) contained in the old infeftments of the same, only; together with service of burgh used and wont for all and sundry the premises. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to this our present charter. Witnesses : Our well beloved cousins and counsellors, John earl of Loudoun lord Terrinzean and Mauchline, our chancellor, James duke of Hamilton marcjuis of Clydesdale earl of Arran and Cambridge lord Avon and Innerdale ; William earl of Marischall lord Keith and Altrie, marischall of our kingdom ; Robert earl of Roxburgh lord Ker of Cesfurd and Cavertoun, keeper of our privy seal ; William earl of Lanark lord Mauchanshyre and Polmont, our secretary, our well beloved familiar counsellors ; sirs Alexander Gibson of Durie, clerk of our rolls, register and council; John Hamilton of Orbestoun, clerk of our justiciary ; and John Scott of Scotstarvet, director of our chancery, knights. At Holyi'ood House, the seventeenth day of the month of November in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and forty-one and in the year of our reign the seventeenth. ' ' ' carte nostre confirmation is. " — ' '. 168 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1649. LVI. EXCERPT from Minutes of Parliamentary Proceedings authorising Ratifica- tion of Charter by King Charles I. [No. LV.] to the Burgh of Stirling. Edinburgh, 16th March, 1649. Ratifcatioun in favoures of the brught of Striveleing of ane chairtour of confirmatioun grantet be his Maie.sties vmquhill Father, of happie memorie, to the said burgh, ratifieing and approveing the particular chairtoures, infeft- mentis, giftis, donationes and vtheris thairin contenit. The dait of the foirsaid chairtour is 17th November, 1641.^ [Note on margin] : — Graunts ratificatioun, but deleits the clause of any receiving the customes and what concernes the shirref. LVII. GRANT and Commission by the Commissioners of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England for ordering and managing affairs in Scotland, authorising the inhabitants of Stirling to choose their Magistrates and Officers for the government of the Burgh. Dalkeith, 14th April, 1652. By the commissioners of the parliament of the Commonwealth of England for orderinge and managinge affaires in Scotland: — Whereas the Burgh of Sterling haue by theire deputy declared theire acceptance of the tender of the parliament of the commonwealth of England to be incorporated into the commonwealth of England, and to be one therewith, and haue engaged themselues to Hue peaceably vnder and yeild obedience vnto the authority of the Parliament of the commonwealth of England exercised in Scotland, who are therefore taken into the especiall protection of the lit does not appear that any act of parlia- Charles' charter was completed or followed ment containing a formal ratification of King upon the minute above printed. 1652.] THE BITRGH OF STIRLING. 169 parliament, and application hath bin since made to vs by the said deputy prayinge our graunte and commission whereby the said burgh may be authorised to elect officers to governe the said burgh ; vppon serious considera- tion thereof, and beinge desireous to endeavour by all good waies and meanes that the people of that towno may haue government and justice administred, wee by virtue of the authoritj^ on that behalfe given vs by the parliament of the commonwealth of England doe 'authorise and appoynto the neighbours and inhabitants of the towne and burgh of Sterling, according to theire for- mer rites and customes, from time to time to. nominate and choose theire magistrates and officers for the government of the said towne and burgh and liberties thereof till further order; which magistrates and officers from time to time chosen by them are heerby constituted in theire severall and respectiue offices and are authorised to proceed in the execution of theire severall trusts and places and in the execution of the government within the said towne and burgh and liberties thereof accordinge as hath bin vsuall and accustomed; provided that in all cases where formerly the name or stile of Kinge hath bin vsed in the exercise of the aforesaid governing of the said burgh the name of (the keepers of the libertye of England by authority of Parliament) be inserted and vsed insteed thereof; and that the persons from time to time elected and chosen as aforesaid shall not proceed to the exercise of the said respectiue offices and places vntill this oath ensuinge be administred to them by such as wee shall appoynte to administer the same, expressinge at the administration of the said oath to the said respectiue officers the name of the respectiue offices they are chosen vnto. The Oath: — You shall sweai'e that you shall be true and faithfuU to the Commonwealth of England as it is now established without a Kinge or House of Lords; you shall well and truly execute the office of . . . within the towne and burgh of Sterling and the liberties thereof accordinge to the best of your skill, knowledge and power. (Soe help you God.) And also that the oath heervnderwritten shall be administred to every burgess or freeman of the said towne and burgh at the time of his admission by such 170 OHA.RTERS RELATING TO [1652. officer or officers as the oath to burgesses and freemen of the said burgh hath bin heeretofore vsually administred, (that is to say,) You shall sweare that you shall be true and faithfuU to the Common- wealth of England as it is now established without a King or House of Lords; and in order therevnto you shall be obedient to the iust and good government of thistowne and burgh of Sterling; you shall to the best of your power mayntaine and preserve the peace and all the due franchises thereof; and accordinge to your knowledge and ability doe and performe all such other acts and thinges as doe belonge to a burgesse or freeman of the said towne. (Soe help you God.) And wee doe heerby declare that wee expect in such elections to be made as aforesaid due care be taken that all persons chosen be men of integrity and good affection to the peace and welfare of this Island and otherwyse fitly qualified for theire trust. And, lastly, wee appoynte that as well the electors as the persons elected doe first subscribe the ensuinge declaration, beinge the effect of what the deputy of the said burgh hath in theire name and on theire behalfe subscrived, (that is is to say). We doe each of vs for himselfe declare our willinge and free acceptance of and consent vnto the tender made by the parliament of the Com- monwealth of England, that Scotland be incorporated into and made one commonwealth with England, that thereby the same government that is established in England, without a Kinge or House of Lords, vnder the free state and commonwealth of England, may be derived to the people of Scotland ; and wee promise that wee will line peaceably vnder and yeild obedience vnto the authoi-ity of the parliament of the Commonwealth of England exercised in Scotland. Provided that the first election to be made fli pursuance heereof be within tenne dales after the date heereof Given vnder our hands, at Dalkeith, the fourteenth day of April in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and two. (Signed) H. St. John. Ri. Deane. Robert Tichborne. R. Salwey. 1678.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING, 171 LVIII. CHARTER by King Charles the Second confirming to the Provost, Bailies, Council and Community of Stirling the Charter No. LV., and properties, rights and privileges therein contained; aud also engaging not to erect burghs of barony or regality, or sanction markets or fairs, within two miles of the Burgh. Whitehall, 22d April, 1678. Carolus, Dei gratia, Magne Britannic, Francie et Hibernie, Rex, fideique Defensor: Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos, cum avisamento et consensu predilectorum nostrorum consanguineorura et conciliariorum, Joannis comitis de Rothes, supremi can- cellarii antiqui regui nostri Scotie; Joannis duels de Lauderdale, solius secretarii status ejusdem regni; Joannis marchionis de Athole, Archibaldi comitis de Argyle, Alexandri comitis de Kincardine, Wilielmi comitis de Dundonald, et nostri confisi et predilecti consiliarii Caroli Maitland de Haltoun, nostri thesaurarii deputati dicti regni, commissionariorum nostri thesaurii et novarum augmentationum, ac etiam cum avisamento et consensu reliquorum dominorum nostri scaccarii nostrorum commissionariorum, ratificasse, appro- basse, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse, tenoreque ejusdem ratificare, approbare, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo coufirmare, ad ct in favorem prepositi, balivorum consilii et communitatis burgi de Stirling, et Chaeles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France aud Ireland, and Defender of the Faith: To all good men of his whole laud, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we, vnth advice and consent of our well-beloved cousins and council- lors, John earl of Rothes, high chancellor of our ancient kingdom of Scotland; John duke of Lauderdale, sole secretary of state of the same kiugdom; John marquis of Athole, Archibald earl of Argyle, Alexander earl of Kincardine, William earl of Dundonald, and our trusty and well-beloved councillor, Charles Maitland of Haltouu, our treasurer depute of the said kingdom, commissioners of our treasury and new augmentations, and also with advice and consent of the remanent lords of oiu- ex- chequer, our commissioners, have ratified, approved, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor hereof ratify, approve, and for us and our successors for ever confirm, to and in favor of the provost, bailies, council and community of the 172 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1678. eorum successorum, pi-o perpetuo, cartam et infeofaraeutum illis concessas sub nostro raaguo sigillo, dedata decimo sejDtimo die raeusis Novembris anno Domini millesimo sexcentesiino quadragesimo prime, vna cum confirmatione inibi contenta de illorum anterioribus cartis, juribus et iufeofamentis, de et circa erectionem dicti burgi in vno libero burgo regali et jurisdictiones et privilegia ad prefatum burgum spectantes; de eorum terris, annuis redditibus, superioritatibus, acris, croftis, toloniis, custumis, casualitatibus, libertatibus et immunitatibus dicti burgi, et eorum hej)domodariis foris et annuis liberis nundinis, cum toloniis, custumis [et] casualitatibus ad easdem spectantibus; ac cum officio vicecomitis infra dictum burgum et territoria ejusdem; et cum omnibus potestatibus, privilegiis et commoditatibus, ad dictum burgum perti- nentibus; et eorum portubus et navium stationibus super aquam de Forth, cum littoribus, lie landing places, antiquis, et novis; cum omnibus privilegiis, custumis, littorum divoriis, lie dock silver, anchoragiis, et aliis casualitatibus quibuscunque solitiset consuetis; et eorum piscatioue super dictam aquam de Forth et custumis pontis de Stirling solitis ac consuetis; ac de omnibus aliis juribus et privilegiis qubiscunque sicuti eadem in dicta carta et iafeofamento enumeranturet coUocantiu', — in omnibuscapitibus,articulis,clausulis,tenoribus, burgh of Stirling, and their successors, for ever, a charter and infeftment granted to them under our great seal, of date the seventeenth day of the montli of November in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand six hundred and forty-one, together with the confirmation therein contained of their previous charters, rights and iufeftments, of and concerning the erection of the said burgh into a free burgh royal and the jui'isdiotions and privileges belonging to the foresaid burgh; of their lands, annual rents, superiorities, acres, crofts, tolls, customs, casualties, liberties and immunities of the said burgh, and their weekly markets and annual free fairs, with the tolls, customs and casualties belonging to the same ; and with the oiEce of sheriff within the said burgh and territory of the same; and with all powers, pi-ivileges and commodities belonging to the said burgh ; and with their ports and harbours upon the water of Forth, with landing places, old and new; with all privileges, customs, dock silver, anchorages, and other casualties whatsoever used and wont; and with their fishing upon the said water of Forth and customs of the bridge of Stirling used and wont; and of all other rights and privileges whatsoever as the same are enumerated and set forth in the said charter and infeftment, — in all the heads, articles, clauses, tenors, 1678.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 173 contentis et ch'cumstantiis ejusdem, secundum formaui et tenoreni ejusinodi in omnibus puuctis. Insuper, nos, iu mcmoriam iiostraui revocantes t[uam fidele et obediens dictum burgum de Stirling est et fuit nobis et illustrissimis predicessoribus uostris temporibus uuper calamitosis, eorumque amicitia et bonum servitium exhibitum nobis quando nos iu propria persona eis adfuimus annis Domini millesimo se.Kcentesimo quiuquagesimo et millesimo sexcentesimo quinquagesimo primo, et magnum damnum et detrimcntum quod burgeuses dicti buT'gi tempore calamitoso pro eorum fidelitate erga nos perpessi sunt; et nos, etiam, perspicientes quantum larejudicium esset dicto burgo mercature negotiation! etjurisdictionibus ejusdem si aliqua vrbs vol villa intra duo millia passuum erigeretur et in burgo baronie vel regalitatis, vel si alique annuo n undine vel fora hepdomodaria tenerentur vel observarentur intra duo millia passuum dicti burgi; et nos, firmiter statuentes opem adhibere et animum addere dicto burgo ac burgenses ejusdem secures reddere contra cuncta prejudicia et detrimenta istius genei-is: Igitur nos, pro nobismetipsis et suc- cessoribus nostris, in verbo principis, promittimus quod nuuquam erigemus, nee patiemur erigi, quamvis vrbem vel villam intra duo millia jiassuum dicti burgi de Stirling in burgum baronie seu regalitatis, neque concedemus contents and circumstances of the same, according to the form and tenor thereof iu all points. Moreover, we, recalling to our remembrance how faithful and obedient the said burgh of Stirling is and has been to us and our most illustrious predecessors in the late troublous times, and their friendship and good services shown to us when we were present with them in proper person in the years of our Lord one thousand six hundred and fifty and one thousand six hundred and fifty-one, and tlie great damage and loss that the burgesses of the said burgh suffered for their fidelity towards us in the troublous time; and we, also, perceiving how great a prejudice it might be to the said burgh, trade, merchandise and jurisdictions of the same if any town or village within two mUes should be erected into a burgh of barony or regality, or if any yearly fair or weekly markets should be held or observed within two miles of the said burgh ; and we, firmly resolving to yield support and add encouragement to the said burgh, and to render the burgesses thereof secure against all prejudice and loss of that sort : Therefore we, for ourselves and our successors, promise to them, on the word of a prince, that we shall never erect, nor suffer to be erected, any town or village within two miles of the said burgh of Stirling into a burgh of 174 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1678. privilegimiT habendi seu teneudi hepdomodaiia fora nee annuas nundinas intra duo millia passunm dicti burgi ; et si quevis talis donatio seu signatura (per inadvertentiam) nostris raanibus expedietur, nos striate prohibemus et inhibemus dominis nostri thesaurarii, et scaccarii, preseutibus et futuris eandem in scaccario expediro vel cartam desuper concedere ; cum plena potestate burgo nostro de Stirling declaratorias sententias desuper contra cunctos interesse habeutes prosequi. Quinetiam ordiuamus iiresenteni cartam nostram in proximo nostro parliamento ratificatum iri; et ad hunc affectum status nostri parliamenti eandem conformiter ratificare autiiorizamus. In cujus rei testimonium liuic presenti carte nostre confirmationis nagnum sigillum nostrum appendi mandavimus. Testibus: predilecto nostro familiari consiliario, domino Thoma Wallace de Craigie, milite baronetto, nostre justici- arie clerico, et domini Wilielmo Ker, milite, nostre cancellarie directore. Apud aulam nostram de Whythall, vigesimo secuudo die mensis Aprilis anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo octavo et anno regni nostri trigesimo. [Indorsed thus]: — Written to the great seale and registrat the tuenty day of September, 1G78, (Signed) Cokbuene. Sealed att Ediuburghe the tuentie sext day of September 1678. xxiiij li. (Signed) Jo. Cunynghame. barony or regality, uor shall we grant the privilege to have or hold weekly markets or annual fairs within two miles of the said burgh; and if any such gift or signature (by inadvertence) is expede under our hands, we strictly prohibit and forbid the lords of our treasury and exchequer, present and future, to expede the same in exchequer or to grant a charter thereupon; with full power to our burgh of Stirling to pursue declaratory sentences thereupon against all having interest. Moreover, we ordain that our present charter shall be ratified in our next parliament; and to this eifect we authorise the estates of our parliament to ratify the same accordingly. In witness whereof, we have commanded our great seal to be appended to this our present charter of confirmation. Witnesses: our well-beloved familiar councillor, Sir Thomas Wallace of Craigie, knight baronet, clerk of our justiciary; and Sir William Ker, knight, director of our chancery. At our court of Whythall, the twenty-second day of the month of April in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and seventy-eight and of our reign the thirtieth year. 1684.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 175 LIX. CHARTER by King Charles the Second confirming to the Preceptors of Spittell's Hospital the lands of Southfield with the teinds thereof Edinburgh, 15th February, 1GS4. Caeolus, Dei gratia, Magne Britannie, Francie ct Hiberuie, Rex, fideique defensor : Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos, cum avisamento et consensu [utin alijs cartis consimilis date] dedisse, concessisse, disposuisse, et hac presenti carta confirmasse, tenoreque ejusdem dare, concedere, disponere, proque nobis et successoribus uostris pro perpetuo confirmare, dilectis nostris Alexandre Edmonston, raercatori, et Joanni Wallace, decano calciarium, burgensibus burgi de Stirling, tanquam prcsentibus preceptoribus inferioris hospitij fundati in burgo Duncupati Spittells Hospltall, eorumque successoribus preceptoribus ejusdem, pro usu et utilitate pauperum ejusdem in perpetuum eorumque assignatis, hereditarie et irredimabiliter, totas et integras illas quadraginta acras terrarum vel eo circa nuncupatas the Southfield, cum decimis garbalibus ejusdem inclasis, tenentibus, tenandriis et libere teneutium servitijs, alijsque divorijs et servitijs, usitatis et consuetis, solvi de predictis acris et decimis prescriptis, jacentes infra parochiam de Stirling et vicecomitatum ejusdem, Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and defender of the faith : To all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we, with, advice and consent [as in other charters of the same date] have given, granted, disponed, and by this present charter confii-med, and by the tenor hereof give, grant, dispone and for us and our successors for ever confirm to our well-beloved Alexander Edmonston, merchant, and John Wallace, deacon of the shoemakers, burgesses of the burgh of Stirling, as present preceptors of the laigh hospital founded in the burgh called Spittells Hospitall, and their successors, pre- ceptors of the same, for the use and behoof of the poor thereof and their assignees for ever, heritably and irredeemably, all and whole those forty acres of land or thereby called the Southfield, with the teind sheaves thereof included, tenants, tenandries and services of free tenants and other duties and services used and wont, to be paid of the foresaid acres and teinds before written, lying within the parish of Stirling and sheriffdom thereof, as the same ai'e presently possessed by the vassals and tenants 176 CHARTERS RELATING TO [1684. prout eedem per vassallos et teuentes dictariini acrarum presenter possesse, et bondate inter viam publicatn ad burgum de Stirling ducentem ex orientali, viam que ducit ad villam de Cambusbarron ex boreali, terras de Torbrex et Whytehill ex [occidentali] et australi partibus. Quequidem quadragiuta acre terrarum et decime cum pertinentiis earundem Sic jacentes et bondate ut supra, perprius hereditarie pertinuerunt ad dominum Joannem Stirling de Keir per eum de nobis immediate tente, et per ejus procuratores suo nomine specialiter et legitime constitutes, virtute procuratorie resignationis in dispositione dictarum terrarum contente per dictum dominum Joannem Stirling de Keir facta et concessa in favorem Joannis Martine et Georgii Audersone, tunc preceptorum dicti liospitii, eorumque successorum preceptorum ejusdem, pro usu et utilitate pauperum earundem, de data decimo quinto die mensis Novembris anno millesimo sexcentessimo octogesimo secundo, debite et legitime resignate, sursum red- dite et extradonate, erant in manibus dicti marchionis de Queensberry^ et reliquorum dominorum commissionariorum Scaccarij tanquam in manibus nostris, in favorem proque novo infeofamento earundem dicto Joanni Martine et Georgio Andersone, tunc preceptoribus dicti inferioris hospitii, eorumque of the said acres and bounded between the public road leading to the burgh of Stirling on the east, the road which leads to the town of Cambusbarron on the north, the lands of Torbrex and Whytehill on the [west] and south parts. Which forty acres of land and teinds with the pertinents thereof, lying and bounded as above, formerly belonged heritably to Sir John Stirling of Keir, held by him immediately of us, and by his procurators in his name specially and lawfully constituted by virtue of procuratory of resignation contained in a disposition of the said lands made and granted by the said Sir John Stirling of Keir in favor of John Martine and George Andersone, then preceptors of the said hosj)ital, and their successors preceptors thereof for the use and behoof of the poor of the same, of date of the fifteenth day of the month of November, in the year one thousand six hundred and eighty-two, were duly and lawfully resigned, upgiven and over- given, in the hands of the said marquis of Queensberry^ and remanent lords commissioners of exchequer as in our hands, in favor and for new infeftment of the same to be made, given and granted, to the said John Martine and George 1 One of the consenters to the charter. 1684.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 177 successoribus preceptoribus ejusdem iu perpetuum, ad usum et utilitatem pauperum ejusmodi, eorumque assignatis, hereditarie et irredimabiliter, in debita et competeuti forma uti congruit, faciendo, dando et concedendo, prout autbentica instrumenta desuper suscepta in nianibus Davidis For- rester, uotarii publici, de data . . . latius propoi-tant. Tenendas et habeudas, totas et integras predictas quadraginta acras terrarum aut eo circa nuncupatas the Southjield, cum decimis garbalibus earundem inclusis, tenentibus, tenaudriis et libera tenentium servitiis, jacentes et bondatas lit dictum est, dicto Alexaudro Edmonston et Joanni Wallace, presentibus preceptoribus dicti inferioris hospitii, eorumque successoribus, preceptoribus ejusdem, pro usu et utilitate pauperum ejusmodi, eorumque assiguatis prc- dictis in perpetuum, de nobis nostrisque successoribus in feodo et hereditate in perpetuum, per omnes rectas metas suas, antiquas et divisas, prout jacent iu longitudinc et latitudine, etc. Reddendo inde, annuatim, preceptores dicti hospitii eorumque successores, preceptores. ejusdem, eorumque assignati predicti, nobis nostrisque successoribus summam duodecim librarum monete Scotie tanquam antiquam feudifirmam de predictis terris et decimis per- prius solvi solitam et consuetam, et summam viginti sex solidorum et octo Andersons then preceptors of the said laigh Hospital, and their successors pre- ceptors thereof for ever, for the use and behoof of the poor of the same, and their assignees, heritably and irredeemably, in due and competent form as accords, as authentic instruments taken thereupon in the hands of David Forrester, notary public, of date . . more fully bear. To hold and to have all and whole the foresaid forty acres of lands or thereby, called the Southtield, with teind sheaves of the same included, tenants, tenandries, and services of free tenants, lying and bounded as said is, to the said Alexander Edmonston and John Wallace, present preceptors of the said laigh hospital, and their successors, preceptors thereof, for the use and behoof of the poor of the same and their assignees aforesaid for ever, of us and our successors in fee and heritage for ever, by all their right marches, old and divided, as they lie in length and breadth, etc. Paying therefor, yearly, the preceptors of the said hospital and their successors, preceptors thereof, and their assignees aforesaid, to us and our successors, the sum of twelve pounds Scots money as the ancient feu farm of the foresaid lands and teinds formerly used and wont to be paid, and the sum of twenty-six shillings and eight pennies money foresaid, in z ITS CHARTERS RELATING TO [1705. denariorum monete predicts in aiigiuentationem rentalis, extendentes in integro ad summam ti-edecim librarum sex solidorum et octo denariorum monete predicte, ad duos anni terminos festa, videlicet, Pentecostes et Sancti Martini in hieme per equales portiones nomine feudifirme ; et duplicando dictam feudifirraam primo anno introitus cujuslibet heredis ad predictas terras prout usus est feudifirme, et observando et perimplendo reliquas conditiones (si que sint) in antiquis infeofameutis earundem contentas, pro omni alio onere ^ In cujus rei testimonium, buic present! carte uostre magnum sigillum nostrum appendi rnandavimus. Testibus : . . . Apud Edinburgum, decimo quinto die mensis Februarii anno Domini raillesimo sexcentesimo octogesimo quarto regnique nostri trigesimo sexto. augmentation of rental, extending in whole to the sum of thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pennies money foresaid, at two terms in the year, that is to say the feasts of Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter by equal portions ; and doubling the said feu farm the first year of the entry of each heir to the foresaid lands as use is in feu farm, and observmg and implementing the other conditions (if any be) contained in the ancient infeftments of the same, for all other burden ^ In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be appended to this our present charter. Witnesses : .... At Edinburgh, the fifteenth day of the month of February in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eighty-four, and of our reign the thirty-sixth year. LX. ACT of Parliament appointing two Fairs, one in December and another in January, to be held in Stirling yearly. Edinburgh, 14th September, 1705. Our Sovereign Lady, with the special advice and consent of the estates of parliament, ordains and appoints two fairs, one upon the first Tuesday of December and the other on the last Tuesday of January, to be holden yearly in all time comeing at and within the burgh of Stirling; and gives and grants to tbe magistrates and council of the said burgh, and their successors in office, ' Precept of sasine inserted here. 1705.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 179 for the behoove of the community of the same, the right and priviledge of keep- ing the said fairs for all kinds of merchandice, with all the tolls, customes and casualities thereof, and all other liberties, priviledges and advantages used and wont to belong to any haveing the priviledge of keeping fairs and mercats within this kingdom. LXI. ACT of Parliament appointing two yearly Fairs to be held upon the lands and barony of Balquidrock; with Protestation by the commissioner of Stirling against the same. Edinburgh, 14th September, 170.5. (1). Act of Parliament. Our Sovereign Lady and estates of parliament, considering that fairs and mercats in convenient places tend much to the good and advantage of the inhabitants thereof and of her Majesties other leidges dwelling near thereto, and that it is very fit for these ends to authorize two fairs yearly on the dayes following ujjon the lands and barony of Balquidrock in the shire of Stirling and belonging to John Murray of Touchaddam, do therefore by thir presents ai^point two fairs yearly, one upon the first Tuesday of July and the other on the second Thursday of Novembei-, to be kept in all time comeing upon the lands and barony of Balquidrock, and have given and granted and hereby give and grant to the said John Murray, his heirs and successors, the right and priviledge of keeping the said yearly fairs for all kinds of merchandice, with all the tolls, customes and casualities thereof, and all liberties, priviledges and advantage used and wont to belong to any haveing the priviledge of keeping fairs and mercats within this kingdom. (2). Protestation. There was a protestation against the said fair of Balquidrock, granted to the laird of Touchaddam, taken by the commissioner afternamed for the burgh of Stirling, who gave in the same in writing, to the tenor following: — I Colonell John Erskine, lieutenent governour of the Castle of Stirling, commis- sioner to the parliament for the burgh of Stirling, do in name of the said burgh protest against the fairs craved by John Murray of Touchaddam to be 180 CHARTERS RELATING TO STIRLING. [1705. keeped within the barony of Balquidrock belonging to him, lying within two miles of the said burgh of Stirling, in respect the said burgh has an charter from King Charles the Second bearing that his Majesty nor his successors should not erect a burgh of barony or regality nor grant a priviledge of weekly mercats or yearly fairs within two miles of the said bm'gh, and upon the said charter the said touu has a decreet of declarator; and thereupon I ask and take instruments (that the said burgh may not be prejudged of their rights and iDriviledges) in the hands of Sir James Murray of Philiphaugh, one of the senatours of the colledge of justice and lord clerk register. In witness whereof I have written and subscribed thir presents, at Edinburgh, the fourteenth of September one thousand seven hundred and five years. Sic Subscribitur : Jo. Erskine. And thereupon took instruments. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. I. — Abstracts of Miscellaneous Documents. 1. — Charter by King Kobert the Second, by which he gave, granted and con- firmed to Eicbard of Waneflete that tenement lying in the town of Strivelyne which belonged to tlie late Hugli sou of Thomas, and which belonged to the King on account that the said Hugh was a bastard, and died without heir of his body law- fully begotten. To be held by the said Eichard and his heirs of the King and his heirs in fee and heritage, with all freedoms and easements, as freely as the said Hugh held it, for rendering to the King and other lords of the fee the services due and wont. In witness whereof the King commanded his seal to be appended. Witnesses : William, and John the chancellor, bishops of the churches of St. Andrews and Duukeld ; John the King's lirst-born son, earl of Carrie, steward of Scotland; Eobert earl of Fyf and of Menteth, the King's well-beloved son; William earl of Douglas and of Marr, the king's kinsman; Archibald of Douglas and Eobert of Erskyne, the King's kinsmen, knights. At Edinburgh, 15th August, 13th year of the King's reign [1383]. [The charter is in the following terms] : — " Eobertus, Dei gracia. Rex Scot- torum: omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre, sue clericis et laycis, salutem. Sciatis nos dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse Eicardo de Waneflete illud tenementum iacens in villa de Strivelyne quod fuit quondam Hugonis filii Thome et quod ad nos pertinet eo quod dictus Hugo fuit bastardus, et obiit sine herede de corpore suo legittime procreato. Tenendum et habendum cidem Eicardo et heredibus suis de nobis et heredibus uostris in feodo et hereditate, per omnes rectas metas et diuisas suas, cum omnibus et singulis libertatibus, commodi- tatibus, aysiamentis et iustis pertinenciis quibuscunque ad dictum tenementum cum pertinenciis spectantibus, seu quoquo modo iuste spectare valentibus in futurum, 184 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix I. adeo libere et quiete, plenarie, integre et honorifice, in omnibus ct per omnia, bicut illud tenuit dictus Hugo. Faciendo inde nobis et aliis domiuis feodi dicti tenementi seruicia debita et consueta. In cuius rei testimonium presenti carte nostra nostrum precipimus apponi sigillum. Testibus : venerabilibus in Christo patribus, "Willelmo et Johanne ; cancellario nostro, Sanctiandree et Dunkeldensis ecclesiarum episcopis ; Jolianne primogenito nostro de Carrie, senescallo Scocie ; Roberto de Fyf et de Menteth filio nostro dilecto, Willelmo de Douglas et de Marre consanguineo nostro, comitibus ; Archibaldo de Douglas et Roberto de Erskjaie consanguineis nostro, militibus. Apud Edynburgli quintodecimo die August! anno regni nostri terciodecimo." 2. — Letters Patent by Robert, bishop of Dunblane, narrating that before him, sitting in judgment in his cathedral church of Dunblane, compeared a venerable man. Sir John of Acheray, treasurer of the said cathedral church, and John Brady, burgess of the bm-gli of Strivelynge, procurators and commissioners of honorable men, the provost, bailies and community of the said burgh, to the effect under- written, and presented a cliarter Viy King James the Second to the provost, bailies, burgesses and community of tlie burgh of Stirling of the patronage of St. James' Hospital dated at Strivelinge, 24th June, 1456 [No. xsiii., antea p. 36] ; after examination and publication of which charter, the bishop, at the supplication of the said procurators, ordained the same to be transumed, and the transumpt to have the same force and validity as the original charter, and commanded the present letters patent containing the said transumpt to be written and published and continued with his seal. Done in the said church 21 November, 14.57. Witnesses: John Cristini, Macolm Drummoude, canons of the church, and others. Certified by John of Spens and John Scot, pi'iests of the diocese of Dunblane and notaries public. (Seal awanting.) 3. — Charter by William Bully, perpetual chaplain of the altar of the Holy Cross, founded and situated in the parish church of the burgh of Striviline, whereby for a certain sum of money paid to him in his urgent necessity he sold and granted to an honorable man, Macolm Flemyng, son and apparent heir of a noble and potent lord, Robert lord le Flemyng, the tenement with the pertments described in charter No. xxiv. [antea p. 39]. To be held by him, his heirs and assignees, of the King for payment of the royal ferm and service of burgh used and wont ; and paying to the altar of St. Ninian in the parish church and the perpetual chaplain thereof 6 s. 8d., and to the altar of St. Thomas, the apostle, and perpetual chaplain thereof, 26 s. 8 d. In testimony whereof the seal of the granter, with the common 1471-2.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 185 seal of the burgh, solicited from the community assembled in the tolbooth, are appended. Witnesses : William Striveline of Eatherne, Macolme Forestar of Torwoud, George Striveline, John Striveline and Adam Mure, with sundry others. Dated at Striveline, 27th February 1471-2. (Seals awanting.) 4. — Charter by James III., King of Scots, under his great seal, confirming the foregoing charter by William Bully to Macolm Flemyng. Dated at Edinburgh 10th November, 1472. (Seal awanting.) 5. — Charter by Robert Gelis, elder, sou and heir of the deceased Robert Gelis, burgess of the burgh of Striveline, and John Gelis, younger, son and apparent heir of the said Robert Gelis, whereby for a certain sum of money they sold and granted to a venerable man, Sir John Hastings, canon of the cathedral church of Dunblane, and his heirs and assignees, an annualrent of six shillings payable furth of a tene- ment of master John Spaldyne, dean of Brechin, with the pertinents, lying within the said burgh on the north side of the High Street, between the land of John Kyrkwoud on the west, and the land of the deceased Robert Haket on the east. In witness whereof, because the granters had not seals, the said Robert Gelis senior procured to be apjiended the seal of a provident man John Bolat, burgess, and John Gelis procured the seal of a provident man John Gourlay, one of the bailies of the said burgh and giver of sasine of the said annual rent. Witnesses : John Lyntoun, John Glasgw, Thomas Fersithtson, John Fersithtson, Nicholas Taylyour, William Benny, John Auldcorn, Michael Taylyour, Alexander Brade, Alexander Kirkwoud and Sir James Darow, chaplain and notary public, with sundry others who were also present at the giving of sasine. Dated at Stirling 11th April, 1475. 6. — Instrument of sasine setting forth that in presence of the notary and witnesses, personally appeared a provident man, Gilbert Bechat, burgess of the burgh of Striveline, and resigned in the hands of David Murray, one of the bailies of the burgh, an annualrent of six shillings Scots upliftable furth of his tenement with the pertinents lying within the said burgh on the north side of the High Street, between the land of Robert Norton on the west and the land of Thomas Makfarlane on the east, by delivery of one penny ; whereupon the bailie gave to a venerable man, Sir John Hastings, canon of the cathedral church of Dunblane, and his heirs and assignees, sasine of the annualrent, by exhibition of a penny as the custom of burghs is, conform to the tenor of a charter gi-anted by the said Gilbert to him. Done on the ground of the said tenement, 18 April, 1478. Witnesses: Sirs Symone Joflrason, Robert Redehuch, John Malloch, Thomas Ason, chaplains; John Young, Thomas Makferlane, Robert Norton, John Murray, Thomas Smytht, John Robison, 2 a ISG CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix I. John Huny, John ]\Ioden, John M'Kennyr, John OfFeris and Patrick Gray ; with many others. James Darow, priest of St. Andrew's diocese, notary. (Seal awanting.) 7. — Charter by Adam Bully, burgess of the burgh of Striveline, whereby he, being in his legal power, moved with piety and meditation, prompted with the zeal of devotion and compunction, for the weal of his soul and of the souls of his progenitors and successors, for the honour and reverence of the holy and undivided Trinity and of the most blessed Virgin Mary and of all saints, gave, granted, assigned and confirmed for ever to the holy and undivided Trinity and altar of the same, founded and situated within the parish church of the Holy Cross of the said bui'gh by the deceased Sir Thomas Bully (of good memory) canon of the cathedral church of Glasgow, and to Sir Robert Symsone, perpetual chaplain of the said altar and his successors, perpetual chaplains thereof, celebrating divine service thereat, four merks Scots of annual rent to be uplifted furth of the granter's four merk lands of Ermore with the pertinents lying within the sheriffdom of Perth, wherein Donald Gilfulansone and Patrick Gilfulane dwelt and which they possessed in farm, for perpetual union aiad annexation to the said altar: To be held by the said altar of the Holy Trinity and Sir Robert Symsone, perpetual chaplain thereof, for his life, and by his successors after his decease celebrating divine service therein, from the granter and his heirs, of the holy and undivided Trinity and the blessed Virgin Maiy, in fee and heritage, in pure alms forever, the said chaplains giving yearly at the said altar and daily when disposed a solemn divine service of masses and olfering of prayers for the weal of the soul of the said Adam Bully and of the souls of his parents, progenitors and successors. Contains a clause of warrandice by the said Adam Bully and his heirs under obligation of all his lands and goods. Witnesses : master Duncan Bully, rector of Kynnel, Sirs David Robisone provost of the collegiate church of Maybole, John Hastingis canon of Dunblane, John Andrew rector of Mukart ; Mathew Forester, Duncan Forester, Herbert Murray, William Symsone, Alexander Muschet and James Redehuch, burgesses of the said bui-gh. Dated at the burgh of Stirling, 2 September, 1479. (Seal awanting.) 8. — Letters by the provost, bailies, councillors and community of the burgh of Slriveline attesting that a discreet man Sir James Darow, perpetual chaplain of the altar of the Holy Cross founded and situated within the parish church of the said burgh, compeared before them sitting in judgment in their tolbooth in four of their chief courts successively and made process respecting a tenement with the pertinents commonly called Wardanis Land, lying withm the said burgh between 1481.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 187 the land of the deceased Gilbert Legat on the north side and the parish church on the south side, on account of nonpayment for several years to him and his said altar of an annualrent of three shillings payable from the tenement, and that at the last diet of the courts he asked judgment that the possession of the tenement should, in default of payment of the amount, revert to him, and obtained pledge respecting this ; after which the oppo.site party having been often called at the door of the court to compear and defend Ms cause, or satisfy the chaplain respecting the arrears of the annualrent, -with damages and expenses of process, and not compearing, the court after consultation, by the mouth of Thomas Caithkyn, their judiciar or dempster, adjudged possession of the tenement to him ; whereupon Charles Rede, one of the bailies of the burgh, give .sasine to the chaplain and caused it to be publicly proclaimed that if any one having right or interest wished to reclaim the tenement they should come within the lawful time and satisfy as above and obtain peaceable possession of the tenement for ever as the order of law required. Sealed with the burgh seal and that of the bailie at Stirling, 20 November, 1481. Witnesses : Alexander Cunynghame of Auchinbowy ; Duncan Forester, provost ; Thomas Cragingelt, John Aisone, bailies ; Richard Redehuch, James Redehuch, Alexander Muschet, John Abbircrummy, Sir Symon Joffrasone, James Cunyng- hame, Alexander Nortoun and Alexander Forester with sundry others. (Seals awauting. ) 9. — Letters by the proTost, bailies, councUlors and community of the burgh of Striveline attesting that a discreet man, Sir Robert Symsone, perpetual chaplain of the altar of the Holy Trinity, founded and situated within the parish church of the burgh, compeared before them in four of their chief courts successively and made process [in the same form and with a similar result as narrated in No. 8] respecting a tenement of tlie deceased John Wourthy, with the pertinents, lying in the Castle Vennel, on account of nonpayment for several years to him and his said altar of an annualrent of fifteen shillings Scots payable from the tenement ; also respecting a tenement of the deceased Bartholomew Skynnar with the pertinents lying within the said bui'gli between the land of John Galloway on the west side and the land of Sir James Darow on the east side on account of nonpayment of an annualrent of ten shillings Scots ; and also respecting a tenement of the deceased David Baxster vitli the pertinents lying within the said burgh between the land of the deceased Thomas Tailyefer on the west side and the land of Adam Bulle on the east side, on account of nonpayment of an annualrent of ten shillings Scots. Mathew Gowane, dempstar; David Murray, John Crag, John Aysone, bailie. 188 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix I. Sealed with the burgh seal and that of the bailies at Striveline, 2 December, 1489. (Seals awanting.) 10. — Instrument narrating that in presence of the notary and witnesses compeared a provident man Andrew Nortoun, burgess of the burgh of Striveling, and by overgiving of a penny resigned from himself and liis heirs an annual rent of two shillings and fourpence to be uplifted yearly from a piece of land with the perti- nents belonging to William For.sytht, burgess of the said burgh, lying within the said burgh in the vennel of the blessed and glorious Virgin Maiy called Ic Mary Wynde on the west side of the High Street, between a waste land on the north side and the land of James Scot on the south side, in the hands of an honourable man, James Spettale, then one of the bailies of the said burgh, for the weal of his soul and the souls "of his friends and in favour of the altar of the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, founded and situated within the parish church of the Holy Rood of the said burgh. Which resignation being so made the said bailie gave sasine of the said annual rent to a discreet man, Sir John Clerk, alias Inglisman, chaplain of the said altar, in name and behalf of the said precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and perpetual chaplains, his successors at the said altar, in pui'e and perpetual alms, by exhibition of a penny as the manner of burghs is and according to the tenor of the charter of foundation of the said altai-. Done on the ground of the said piece of land, 30 August, 1502. Witnesses : John Aisoun, Alexander Aisoun, William Cosoure, William Haldane and others. Certified by Robert Cunynghame, clerk of the diocese of St. Andrews and notary public, and confirmed by the seal of the said bailie. (Seal awanting.) 11. — Instrument setting forth that in presence of the notary and witnesses personally appeared a provident man, Walter George, burgess of the burgh of Strivelin, and, not swayed by force or fear but of his pure and free will, moved with devout zeal and not unmindful of the salvation of his soul, conveyed and granted and perpetually confirmed to God Almighty and the blessed and glorious Virgin Mary and all saints, and to the perpetual chaplains of the parish church of the said burgh and their successors celebrating divine service there, an anvil, acquired by his own proper industry, standing in his workshop, with the stock thereof, for an exequy and anniversary to be celebrated yearly for ever on the day of the obit of the said Walter and Elene his spouse for the salvation of their souls, as the manner is. For eflecting which the said Walter resigned the foresaid anvil and stock by delivery of earth and stone in the hands of an honorable man, Thomas Cragingelt, one of the bailies of the burgh, reserving 15034.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. - 189 freely the said stock and aavil to the granter for his life ; whereupon the bailie gave sasine of the same to a discreet man, Thomas Zoilay, chaplain, and bailie in name and on behalf of all and sundry the perpetual chaplains of the said parish church. Done in the workshop of the said Walter, 16 February, 1.503-4. Witnesses: Walter Eedehucht, John M'Kemiare, John Caldare, George Alanson, Alexander Nychole, James Ranald, John Millar, John Youthstoun, John Loke, John Lange, John Peckone, John Quarroure and Sirs William Malux and Patrick Broun, chaplauis, with sundry others. Thomas Kirkcaldy, notary. (Seal awanting.) 12. — Charter by David Makilwaue, son of the deceased Donald Makihvane, burgess of the burgh of Striveling, whereby for a sum of money paid to him in his urgent necessity, he sold and disponed to a discreet man. Sir John Aysoun, chaplain, his heirs and assignees, an anuualrent of sixteen shillings yearly upliftable furth of a tenement of the deceased Andrew Murisoun, back and fore, with the pertinents, lying within the burgh between the land of the deceased John Patonsoun on the east and the land of David Greg on the west; to be held of the King in fee and heritage. Sealed at Stirling, 26th March 1506. Witnesses : James Spetale, Edward Spetale, James Crom and John Lyell with sundry others. (Seal awanting.) 13. — Instrument narrating that, in presence of the notary and witnesses, compeared personally a provident man, Alexander Craig, burgess of the burgh of Striveling, and of his own free and spontaneous will, as was well known to the notary and as himself publicly acknowledged, resigned and rjuitclaimed an annual rent of seven shillings to be uplifted yearly from the tenement of Henry Neilsoun lying within the said burgh on the east side of the High Street, between the land of Andrew Camroun on the north and the land of James Mentetht, dwelling in the lordship of Mentetht, on the south side, with all right which he for himself or his heirs could claim in or to the same, by exhibition of one penny in the hands of an honorable man, James Spetall, then one of the bailies of the said burgh, for sasine thereof to be given to an honorable man, John Broune, then dean of gild, of the said burgh. Which resignation being so made the said James Spetall, bailie, in virtue of his office of bailliary, gave sasine of the said annual rent of seven shillings to the said John Broune by delivery of one penny in his hands as use was ; to be uplifted at the two usual terms of the year Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter by equal portions. Done on the ground of the said tenement, 18 February 1509-10, in presence of Henry Neilsoun, Thomas Drew, William Quhite, John Broune alias Swyne, John Myllare, Robert Steynson and Sir David Nortoun, chaplain. Certified 190 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix I. by Andrew Nortoun, clerk, of tlie diocese of St. Andrews, notary public, and con- iirmed by the seal of the said James Spetall, bailie. (Seal awanting.) 14. — Instrument setting forth tliat in presence of the notary and -witnesses personally appeared an honorable man, George Crechtoun of BretliLrtoun, burgess of the burgh of Striveliug, moved by zeal of devotion and holy motive, coming to the fore part of his tenement of land conveyed to him by John Douglas, burgess, between the land of William Dauson on the east and the land of Richard Name on the west, and there resigned in tlie hands of John Bully, one of tlie bailies, an annuah'ent of ten shillings Scots payable yearly furth of the fore part of the said tenement in favor of the perpetual chaplains of the parish church of the Holy Cross for ever ; the said chaplains and their successors making therefor, for i;he salvation of the souls of the said George and of Alisone Mailvile, his spouse, and of tlieir parents and successors and all friends and benefactors, and for tlie souls of all the faithful dead, pious oiierings of funeral services and an anniversary once in the year, according to the form and tenor of tlie first foundation and rental of exequies and anniversaries founded and wont to be done in the said parish church. Whereupon the bailie gave sasine of the said annualrent to a discreet man. Sir Andrew Mortoun, chaplain and curate of tlie said parish church, and also procurator and bailie of the foresaid perpetual chaplams, in pure and perpetvial alms according to the tenor of the foundation and rental foresaid. Witnesses : Sirs James Craig, elder, Walter Steward, William Aitoun, William Thomson, James Aikman, James Crechtoun, chaplains, David Bully, and sundry others. Andrew Nortoun, notary. Stii'ling, 4th August, 1511. (Seal awantuig.) 15. — Instrument narrating that, in presence of the notary and witnesses, an honorable man, John Brovne, burgess of the burgh of Striveline, by overgiving of a penny, surrendered in the hands of an honorable man, John Bully, then one of the bailies of the said burgh, in favour of the altar of the precious and holy blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, founded and situated within the parish church of the Holy Rood of the said burgh, an annual rent of seven shillings yearly to be uplifted from a tenement of Henry Nelesone, weaver, lying within the said burgh in the veunel of the blessed and glorious Virgin Mary called le Jlarij Wynde, on the east side of the High Street, between the land of Adam Galloway on the south and the land of Nicholas Donaldsone on the north, and that for the weal of his own soul and the souls of his parents, predecessors, successors, friends, and all the faithful dead. Which resignation being so made the said Jolm Bully delivered state and sasine of the said annual rent of seven shillings to a discreet man, Sir Patrick Clerk, chaplain 1515.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 191 of the said altar, on behalf of the said lioly blood and to his successors, perpetual chaplains serving at the said altar, in free and perpetual alms, by exliibition of a penny as the use of burghs is, and according to the tenor of the charter of foundation of the said altar. Done on tlie ground of the said tenement, 4 December, 1515. Witness : Gilbert Fergussone, John Allane, Robert Richartsone, John ]\Iichael, Robert Gervy, and other.s, burgesses of the said burgh. Certiticd by James Fresone, clerk, of the diocese of 8t. Andrews, notaiy public, ■witli appending of the seal of the said bailie. (Seal awanting.) IG. — Instrument setting forth that, in presence of the notary and witnesses, personally appeared an honorable man, Duncan Forestar of Garden, knight, moved with devotio:i, not led, constrained or compelled by force or fear, but of his own free ■will, and passed to his two and a half rigs of land lying at the dovecot of John Bully next the High Street and there resigned an annualrent of thirteen sliillings and fourpence upliftable therefrom yearly, and that in the hands of a worthy man John Aitkin, then one of the bailies of the burgli, for sasine to be given to the founded chaplains of the parish church of the Holy Cross W]iereupon tlie bailie gave sasine to a discreet man Sir James Aikman, chajjlain, in name of the chaplains founded for the annual celebration of funeral services for the souls of Sir Duncan Margaret Forsitli and Margaret Bothuele, his wives, and of all the faithful dead. Witnesses : Thomas Youngman, James Crag, chaplains ; George Schaw of Knokhill, Alexander Murray, James Scot, Alexander Forestar, and sundry otiiers. William Litstar, notary. Done on the ground of the said rigs, 12 April, 1518. (Seal awanting. ) 17. — Instrument narrating that, in presence of the notary and witnesses, an honorable man David Greg, burgess of the burgh of Striveling, resigned and quitclaimed from him and his lieirs in favour of the altar of the precious and holy blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, founded and situated within the parish church of the Holy Rood of the foresaid burgh of Striveling, an annual rent of five shillings yearly to be uplifted from the tenement and croft of Henry Raa, lying in the venuel of the blessed and glorious Virgin Mary, on the east side thereof, l^etween the common vennel on the soutli side and the croft of the late Sir Robert Mure on the north side, in the liands of an honorable man, Richard Narne, then one of the bailies of the said burgh, by delivery of a penny as use is, for the weal of his soul, the soul of Jonet Wilyeamesoun, his spouse, his parents, predecessors, successors, and all the faithful dead. Which resignation being so made the foresaid Richard Narne, bailie, gave state and sasine of the said annual rent to a discreet man, Sir 192 CHARTERS EELATlNii TO [Appendix I. Tbomas Coling, chaplain of the said altar, in name and behalf of the said precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and his successors, perpetual chaplains serving at the said altar, in pure and perpetual alms, by exhibition of a penny as the manner of burghs is and according to the tenor of the charter of foundation made there- upon. Done on the ground of the said tenement, 3 December 1518, in presence of John Broune, Robert Arnot, James Tennand, William Robisoun, William Wise, Nicholas Duncansouu, David Crag, David Aisoun, Alexander Crag, John ilakky, serjeand, and sundry others. Certified b}' Robert Cunynghame, clerk of the diocese of St. Andrews, notary public, and corroborated by the bailie's seal. (Seal awanting. ) IS. — Instrument narrating that, in presence of the notary and witnesses, a devoted father, Friar Vincent Litstare, prior of the place and convent of the Friars Preachers of the burgh of Striveling, with consent of the chapter, passed to the tenement of the late Donald Crum in the foresaid burgh, iu the Myddill Raw on the south side of the HigJi Street thereof, between the lands of Robert Duncansone on the west, the land of Patrick Lawsone alias Litiljhone on the east and the common way which leads to the place of the Friars Minors on the south public High Street on the north, and, by exhibition of a penny, surrendered in the hands of Alexander Crag, then one of the bailies of the said burgh, an annual rent of 3 s. 6d., Scots, from a greater aimual rent pertaining to the said place and friars from the foresaid tenement, in favour of the founded chaplains of the parish church of the Holy Rood of the said burgh, as in warrant and clause of warrandice of an annual payment of 3 s. 6 d. for a certain garden let in f eufarm by the foresaid founded chaplains to the above mentioned Friars Preachers and annexed to the south side of their orchard, Ij'ing contiguous to the croft of Gilbert Brady. After which resignation the said Alexander Crag, bailie, at the command of the said devoted friar, Vincent Litstare, prior as above, in name and behalf of the said place and convent, gave sasiue of the said annual rent, as above, to Sir James Aikman, chaplain, procurator for the founded chaplains of the said church in warrandice as above, by delivery of one )jenny ; and invested him therein as iu warranty of payment of 3 s. Gd. for the said garden and pertinents, to which in default of payment the said founded chaplains should have free entry and ingress. The seal of the said Alexander, bailie, was affixed in sign of his office. Done on the ground of the said tenement, 10 March, 1522-3. Witnesses: John Allan, John Cosland, John Alsunnour and William Forsitht, burgesses; and others. William Litstar, presbyter of the diocese of St. Andrews, notary. (Seal awanting.) 1525.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 193 19. — Instrument narrating that, in presence of the notary and -witnesses, Sir Alexander Stele, chaplain, moved with zeal of devotion, and not unmindfid of the safety of his soul, granted, bestowed and for ever confirmed to God Ahni'ditv, the blessed Virgin Mary and all saints, and the perpetual founded chaplains of the parish church of the said burgh and their successors celebrating divine service therein, an annual rent of 10 s. Scots to be uplifted yearly, first, from the tenement of the late John Stele his brother lying in the burgh of Striveline on the south side of the High Street six shillings, and from his back tenement with yard lyinw on the south side four shillings, at the two usual terms of the year, by equal por- tions, for exequies and an anniversary annually to be celebrated therein, for ever, on the day of the death of the said Sir Alexander, for the weal of his soul, the souls of his father, mother, brother, sister, parents, kindred, friends, and all the faithful dead ; and resigned the same in the hands of John Aitkin, then one of the bailies of the burgh, who thereupon gave sasine of the same to Sir James Aikmau, chaplain and collector, in name and behalf of the perpetvial founded chaplains of the said church. Done on the ground of the said lands 5 July 1525. Witnesses : George Stewart, Thomas Culper, Alexander Smytht, Andrew M'Kady, Andrew Stele, Walter Grahame, one of the bailies of the said burgh, John Stene, Robert Gillaspy and Mathew Fresar, and others. Certified by James Fresare, priest of St. Andrews diocese and notary. (Bailie's seal now awanting.) 20. — Charter by Archibald Redheucht, son of James Redheucht of Tulicht Heddill, lord of the fee of a croft of land called Muschettis Croft, with consent of his dearest and wellbeloved uncle, Alexander Redheucht of Megoure, whereby, considering that every one shall receive for his almsgifts a hundredfold, induced by zeal and piety, etc., for the weal of the souls of the said James and Margaret Symsoun, his father and mother, the soul of the said Alexander his uncle, and the soiils of all the faithful dead, he granted and heritably confirmed for ever to God Almighty, the glorious Virgin Mary his mother, and all saints, and to the chaplains founded and to be founded of the parish church of the said burgh of Striveling and their successors, chaplains, all and whole the foresaid croft called IMuschettis Croft, with the pertinents, lying within the liberty or territory of the said burgh, between the lands of Patrick Mentetht and Edward Forestar on the south side, the two riggis of the late David Gurlay, now of his heirs, on the north side, a narrow pool between the lands of Schippaucht and the said croft on the east side, and tlie common Kiaig's Highway which leads to the bridge on the west side ; which croft Alexander Murray, burgess of the said burgh, at command of the said Alexander, 194 CHAETERS B ELATING TO [Appendix I. occupied; to be held by the said chaplains from the granter, his heirs and assignees, in pure and perpetual alms iu fee and heritage for ever; paying therefor yearly the chaplains founded and to be founded of the church of the Holy Cross and their successors to the altar of Saint Peter and Saint Paul the Apostles situated in the parish church of the Holy Cross, and to the chajslaius thereof who shall be for the time, an annual rent of six shillings Scots. Also the chaplains doing two anni- versaries for the dead at the altar of St. James the Apostle situated witliin tlie said church [with various provisions regarding the celebration of the anniversaries, but the parchment at this part is somewhat mutilated, rendering what writing remains unintelligible]. Sealed with the seal of tlie granter and with the seal of the said Alexander, his uncle, in sign of his consent, and subscribed by them at the said burgh of Striveling, 7 February 1.525-G. Witnesses: John Aitkin, David Greg, etc., burgesses and Sir William Litstar, chaplain and notary public. Sub- scribed 'Archibald Eedeheuch wt. my hand' 'Alexr. Piedhuch wt. my hand.' (Seals awanting and parts of parchment mutilated.) 21. — Instrument narrating that in presence of a notary and witnesses, the said Archiljald Eedeheucht, lord of the fee of the croft of land and others mentioned in the preceding charter, by delivery of earth and stone resigned the foresaid croft in the hands of Alexander Watson, bailie, in favour of the chaplains founded and to be founded of the parish church of the Holy Cross of the said burgh, for two anniversaries yearly to be made iu all times to come, with all right he had to the same, from him his Iieirs and assignees. Which resignation being so made the said Alexander Watson, bailie, in virtue of his office of bailliary, at the special command of the said Archibald Eedeheucht and Alexander Eedelnicht his uncle, delivered state and heritable sasine of the said croft called INIuschettis croft with the perti- nents to James Aikman, founded chaplain of the said clnu'ch and procurator of the other founded chaplains of tlie same, by delivery of earth and stone, according to the tenor of the said charter and to their successors and invested the said James as procurator in real possession of the same. Paying therefor yearly, the said founded chaplains, to the altar of Saint Peter and Saint Paul the Apostles, situated within the aforesaid parish church, and to the chaplain thereof who should be for the time an aimiual rent of six shillings Scots ; and also doing yearly two anniversaries for the dead at the altar of Saint James the Apostle situated within the said parish church, chanting and saying mass honorably in their vestments, as becomes, one of them for the souls of the said James Eedeheucht and Margaret Symsou, parents of the said Archibald, and the other for the soul of the foresaid Alexander Eedeheucht, 1525-G.] THE BUEGH OF STIRLING. 195 his uncle, and the souls of all the faithful dead, observing the restrictions of tlie said charter. Done on the soil of the said croft, 8 February, 1525-6. Witnesses: Hugh Hog, Nicholas Duncansoun, William Gethane burgess of the said burgh, and James Mvxkhart son of a burgess. Certified by William Litstar, priest of the diocese of St. Andrews and confirmed with the seal of the baiHe. (Seal awanting.) 22. — Charter by King James the Fifth, under his great seal, whereby with advice and consent of the lords of secret council elected Ijy the three estates in parliament, he ratified a charter, dated 8 April 1516, granted by his wellbeloved clerk, master David Abircrumby, subdean of the Chapel Koyal of Striveling, whereby for augmentation of divine worship, to the praise and honour of God, the glorious Virgin INIary, and the honour and praise of Saint Michael the Archangel, and the whole court of heaven, and for the weal of the soul of the most serene Prince James the Fourth, most illustrious King of Scots, and of a venerable father in Christ, James Aliircrumby, alibot of the monastery of Scone, and for the weal of his own soul, the souls of his parents and kinsmen and of all the faithful dead, he gave and granted to the altar of Saint Michael the Archangel, situated in the parish church of the Holy Cross of the burgh of Strivelmg, on the north side of the same church, and to the perpetual chaplain of the said altar who shall be for the time and his successors perpetual chaplains celebrating at the said altar and for ever to celebrate in divine offices to God at the same, in pure and perpetual alms, all and whole his tenement with the pertinents lying within the said burgh on the north side of the High Street thereof near the habitations of the butchers, between the land of the late Thomas Tailyefeir on the east and the land of the late John Cellie on the west as it lies in front and back. To be held by the said chaplain and his successors (a me) from the granter and his heirs for ever, for payment to the King and his successors of the royal nuiill and to the perpetual chaplain of the altar of our Lady situated in the .said parish church on the south side thereof and his successors, chaplains of the said altar who shall be for the time, an annual rent of 20 s. 4 d. Scots, and to the altar of St. Anne, the mother of our Lady, situated within the said church and to the chaplain celebrating divine service thereat and his successors, chaplains, an annual rent of 20 s. Scots at the two usual terms. Further he willed that the provost, bailies, councillors and community of the said burgh, should be .patrons of the said perpetual chaplainry of St. JNIichael and that they should be bound to provide a chaplaLn on a vacancy without simoniacal pravity and in the fear of God, by way of simple gift or grant, and such chaplain should not require collation or institution ordinary in any way. Willing 196 - CHARTERS RELATINC4 TO [Appendix I. further that none sliould be admitted to the said cliaplainry unless he had been actually ordained a priest and was sufficiently instructed in chant and literature, made personal and continual residence within the burgh and should devoutly say mass daily at the said altar and not elsewhere, saving infirmit}' of body; possess no other benefice with cure or without; and at all vespers, compline, matins and high mass to be celebrated with chant within the said church be personally present in a clean and decent surplice with the other chaplains there serving God chanting and doing service, from beginning to end of divine worsliip; should keep no concubine, public or private, all on pain of deprivation. Further strictly charging the said perpetual chaplain once every year to make an anniversaiy to be celebrated by the wliole choir of the foresaid parish church, at his expenses, for the soul of the granter. And the grantor invoked the indignation of God against any of either sex who should presume to infringe his gift and will and beseeched all men to observe it. In witness whereof the granter subscribed, and his seal was appiended, at the burgh of Striveling, S April, 1516, according to the computation of the Scottish Church. Witnesses: Duncan Forestare, knight of Garden; Alexander Forestare, provost of the said burgh, Alan Stewart, Robert Fame, John Broune, Duncan Patonsoun, Robert Arnot, Aleaxnder Watsonn, burgesses of the said burgh ; Sir Alexander Kowe, notary public; James Crag and William Litstar. Which charter and gift, with the several rules and observances contained in it, the King, with consent aforesaid, ratified and in mortmain confirmed in all points, reser\-ing the royal maill from the said tenement and the suflrages of devout prayers of the chaplain and his successors. Witnesses : most reverend and reverend fathers in Christ James archbishop of St. Andrews, chancellor, Gawin archbishop of Glasgow, Gawin bishop of Aberdeen; the King's well beloved cousins, Archibald earl of Angus lord Douglas, Colin earl of Ergyle lord Campbell and Lome, John earl of Levenax lord Dernlie ; venerable fathers in Chi-ist Patrick prior of the metropolitan church of St. Andrews, secretary, George abbot of the monastery of Holyrood, keeper of the privy seal ; the King's well beloved familiars John Campbell of Lundy, treasurer, and James Colvile of Vchiltre, comptroller and director of chancery. At Striveling, 16 November, 1525. (Seal awanting.) 23. — Charter by John Brady of Estir Kennet and burgess of the burgh of Striveling, by which, in his urgent necessity to relieve himself from the censures of Holy Mother Church, for certain sums of money for which he had been involved, he sold and confirmed to the founded chaplains of the parish church of the Holy Rood of the foresaid burgh and their successors, an annual rent of ten shillings 1531.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 197 Scots to be uplifted yearly from his croft of land with the pertinents called the Berkhous C'roft in the territory or liberty of the said burgh on the north side of the same, between the orchard and croft of the Preaching Friars of the said burgh on the north and east sides and. the public street descending by the said friars and leading to the mill of the same on the west and south sides, at the two usual terms of the year, the feasts of Whitsunday and Jlartinmas in winter by equal portions, for a certain sum of money paid beforehand to him, in one whole and numerated sum, by an honorable man, Duncan Patersone, burgess of the said burgh, executor and sole intromitter with the testament and goods of the late David Greg, bequeathed by him for purchasing an anniversary for his soul and the soul of Jonet William- soun his spouse. To be held by the chaplains and their successors, from the granter his heirs and assignees, of the king and his successors in fee and heritage ; the said chaplains and their successors, for the soul of the said David Greg and Jonet Williamsouu and the souls of all the faithful dead, celebrating an anniversary on the day of his death, viz., saying a i^laceho and dirige of nine lessons, with masses for the dead on the morrow in chant, honourably and decently as becomes; and that all the said chaplains be Ijound to be there present, and absent chaplains lose for that time their portion of the stipend. Dated at the said burgh, 22 October, 1531. Witnesses: Walter Cosland, bailie of the said burgh, Duncan Patersone, Sirs John Gray, Thomas Wilsouu, priests, and Sir William Litstar, priest and notary public. (Signed) " Jhone Brade wt. my hand." (Seal imperfect.) 2-1. — Charter by John Brady of Estir Kennet and burgess of the burgh of Striueling whereby he granted to the founded chaplains of the parish church of the Holy Cross of the foresaid burgh and their successors an annual rent of 20 s. Scots to be uplifted yearly from his croft of land with the pertinents called Hiltoun Croft, lying in the sheriffdom of Clakmannan on the north side of the bridge and water of Blak Dowan, between tlie lands of the lordship of Clakmannan on the west, south and east sides, and the common way on the north side, which James Redeheucht, burgess of the burgh of Clakmannan, then held in lease, in special warrandice and security of an annual rent of 10 s. Scots to be uplifted yearly from the tenement of land of the late John Offeris, butcher, lying in the said burgh of Striueling in the Myddill Raw on the south side of the High Street thereof, and of an annual rent of 10 s. Scots to be uplifted from his croft of land mentioned in the preceding charter; the said chaplains to have free regress to the said 20 s. of annual rent from Hiltoun Croft until they could peaceably possess the foresaid two annual rents according to the charters made thereupon. Sealed and subscribed at 198 CHAETERS RELATING TO [Appendix I. the burgh of Striveling, 24 November, 1531. Witnesses: Duncan Paterson, Sir John Gray, Tliomas Wilsoun, chaphxius, and Duncan Forsitht. (Signed) "Jhone Brady wt. my hand." (Seal awanting.) 25. — Charter b>y Alexander lord Elphinstoun whereby he sold and eon- firmed to a respectable man, Sir John Patersoun, canon of the Chapel Royal of Striveling, his fore tenement of land, under and above, in the burgh of Striveling, on the north side of the High Street opposite the market cross which was formerly called Murisland, for a certain sum of money paid to him. To be held by the said John his heirs and assignees, from the graiiter and his heirs, of the King and his successors, in fee and heritage and free burgage for ever, for payment to the King of the royal maill and service within burgh, and all aimual rents due from the said foretenement as half of the whole tenement. Further granting to the said Sii- John Patersoun, his heirs and assignees, all his tenement of land back and fore with garden and pertments in the burgh of Striveling in the Bakraw on the south of the High Street now inhabited by Isabella Rollok, widow, in special warrandice and security of the said fore tenement, by reason of life rent, etc. Dated at Elphin- stoun, 6 May, 1533. Witnesses : Henry Himtar, canon of the Chapel Royal, William Johnstoun his lordship's own chaplain ; James Rankin, his .servitor ; John Alschindir and William Alschindir, brothers german and burgesses of the said burgh; and Peter Rollok servitor to his lordship. (Signed) "Alexr. Lord Elphynstoun." (Seal remaining.) 26. — Instrument narrating that Sir James Nicholsoun, chaplain of the perpetual altar of St. Katherine, the virgin and martyr, founded in the parish church of the Holy Cross of the burgh of Striveling, passed to his fore tenement of land with the tofall tenement with the pertinents called the tenement of Saint Katherine lying in the said burgh on the south side of the High Street, and there, considering that the daily service at the said altar could not be sustained without supplement, to the praise of God Almighty, the most blessed Virgin Mary and all saints and St. Katherine the virgin, for the weal of his own soul and the souls of others, resigned his said fore tenement, viz., chambers upper and lower with the ' tofall ' at the back with their pertinents, in the hands of Robert Arnot, then one of the bailies of the said burgh, from him his heirs and assignees in favour of the said altar for sasine to be given thereof in pure alms and mortmain reserving the franktenement to himself for his life. Whereupon the bailie gave sasine of the tenement to the said Sir James Nicholsoun, chaplain of the altar, in name and behalf thereof, for payment to Marion Bruce, her heirs or assignees, of lis. Scots 1536-7.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 199 yearly in name of annual rent. Done on the ground thereof, last of February, 1536-7. Witnesses: Alexander Forestare, provost of the .said burgh; John Forestare, bailie thereof, etc. Certified by William Litstare, priest of the diocese of St. Andrews, notary, and confirmed with the bailie's seal. (Seal awanting. ) 27. — Instrument whereby it is certified that in presence of the notary and witnesses an honorable man, John Forester, one of the bailies of the burgh of Striveling, at command of the provost, other liailies, and councillors of the .said burgh, passed to a certain waste tenement lying within the said burgh on tlie soutli side of the High Street of the same, between the land of James Yair and Jolin Mentetht on the west side, the land of John Thomson on the east side, the Kind's highway on the north side and the Bakraw on the south side ; and gave lieritable sasine of the said waste tenement with the pertinents to a discreet man, Gilbert Maklellaue alias Fergussoun, burgess of the said burgh, by delivery of earth and stone as use was, according to the tenor of the charter thereupon. Paying therefor, the said Gilbert and his heirs, yearly, from the said tenement to the prior and convent of the Preaching Friars of the burgh of Striveling the sum of four shillings of annual rent at the two usual terms of. the year, Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter, and king's maill and burgh service thence due and wont. Done on the ground of the said tenement, 20 December, lo-ll. Witnesses: William Forester, Duncan Forester of Ailmoir, Robert Tennand, Andrew Fergussoun, and others. Certified Ijy John Graheme, notary public, and the seal of the bailie is attached. (Greater part of Seal remaining.) 28. — Tack and obligation, written on indented parchment, whereby "Schir William Alschindir, chaplane and seruitour to mv lord of Ergile, . . . settis and to male lattis to my louittis, Waltere Cosland, burges of Striueling, and Jonet Alschindir his spous, and to the langer levand of thaira twa, all and haill my land and tenement, bakside, foirside, vndir and abone, with the pertineutis, lyand within the said burgh on the northt jjart of the Quenis gait foment the mercat croce of the samyn, betuix the land of Schir John Paterson and vmquhile Robert Paulie on the west part on that ane part, the land of Dauid Forester of Garden on the est, the yard of the said Dauid and John Ker on the north part and tlie comnioun mercat gait on the southt parte, quhilk laitlie I haue optenit fra the said Walter and Jonet be conc[uest of alieuatioun, redemable ^^^dir reuersoun, for all the space, yeris and termes, that the alienatioun of the said tenement standis with me, my airis and assignais, vnredemit lie thaim. . . . The saidis Waltere and Jonet 200 CHARTEES RELATING TO [Appendix I. and tliair subteuentis, gif ony thai mak thairin, sail yerelie vpliakl the said land with the pertinentis durin the said space watterteieht and laifand the samyn in all reparatioun and bigginis vndir and abone in all thingis als sufficient as the said tenement is presentlie now at thair entres in and thairto quhilk beginnand at the day of the dait heirof. Payand yerelie thairfor, the said Waltere and Jonet his spous and the langer levand of thaiin twa or thair subtenentis, gif ony Ijeis, to me, my aris or assignais, the sovni of twenty merkis vsiiall money of Scotland at twa vsit termes iu the yere, Witsonday and Martimes in wintir be evin portionns, alanerlie ; and the said Walter and Jonet sail yerelie durin the said space releif and mak f re me my aris and assignais of the payment of all annuallis may be requirit of the said tenement be quhatsumeuir personis, except the Quenis male and seruice within burgh conforme to my charter alanerlie. And gif it sail happin the said tenement ony tyme within the saidis takis, or yit afore the said redemptioun, till cum ony maner of ruyne or skaith quhairthrow the samyn beis vnhabill till ansuere me yerelie of the saidis tuenty merkis male, or nocht be redemyt be thaim be wertu of my said reuersioun fra me my aris and assignais, in that cais the saidis Walter and Jonet his spous bindis and oblyssis thaim faithfuUie thair aris and assignais be thir presentis to me my aris and assignais till mak the said land als sufficient in all thingis to the efiect forsaid as it is now presentlie at thair entres thairto and ay and quhill the lauchfull redemptioun thairof without ony exceptioun of the law or priuilege thairof to be allegiitin the contrar heirof, the saidis Walter and Jonet, for thaim thair aris and assignais renunciand the samyn be thir presentis for euir." To the part of " this endentit assedatioun and obligatioun" remaining with the lessees Sir William " to hung " his seal and subscribed with his hand, and Walter Cousland did similarly with the other part'; and the two parts were inter- changed at Stirling, 12th July, 1546. Witnesses: "Alexander Alschinder in Menstre, James Robesoun, bailies of Striueling, George Vry, Gilbert Andirsoun, Patrik Forsith, seriand, Duncan Andirsoun and Schir William Litstar, notary public, witht vtheris diners." (Signed) "Sr. William Alex"- wyth my hand." (Half of seal remaining.) 29. — Charter by James Nycholsone, vicar of the castle of Striveling, whereby for the praise and honour of God Almighty, the glorious Virgin Mary, St. Katheiine the Virgin and all saints, for augmentation of divine worship, and for the soul of a most illustrious Prince, James the fifth. King of Scots, and Magdalene, his queen and daughter of the King of the French, and all the granter's parents, benefactors, kinsmen and his predecessors founded at the altar of St. 1555-6.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 201 Katberiue, and of all the faithful dead, gave and granted to God Almighty, the blessed Virgin Mary and St. Katherine and to her altar founded within tlic parish church of the Holy Cross of Striveling and to a chaplain serving God and St. Katherine there, in divine service daily, his tenement back and fore, high and low, with garden thereof lying in the said burgh, between the tenement of Sir John Crage, vicar pensioner of the said parish cliurch on the north side, the said church on the south; also those two fore chambers with the waste piece of land behind between the tenement of John Brand on the west, of James Lang on the east, and of the late James Duncansone on the south ; and the annual rents following, viz. , from a tenement of the late Archibald Spettall in the said burgh in the Dirt Raw vj s., from the tenement of the late John Wilsone in the Dirt Raw iij s., from a tenement of the late James Cunynghame of Polmais iiij s., from a tenement of tlie late William Duncansone xiiij s., from a tenement of the late James Cunyugliame of Polmais xxxiis., etc. Reserving certain annual rents, viz., from the two foresaid chambers lying on the south side of the said burgh, to the chaplains, choristers of the said parish church, for the anniversary of Merion Bruce, of good memory, xiiij s., and an annual rent of nine shillings to the chaplain of St. Michael, also an annual rent of 13 s. 4 d. to the chaplains, choristers of the said parish church, for an anniver- sary of the granter at St. Katherine's altar, etc. To be held by the said altar of St. Katherine the Virgin and a chaplain serving thereat, in pure and perpetual alms, etc. Sealed with the granter's seal and the common seal of the burgh, at Striviling, 5 February, 1555-6. (Notarial copy.) 30. — Instrument narrating that in presence of the notary and witnesses, John Donaldsone, grandson and heir of the deceased John Donaldsone, burgess of the burgh of Striueling, delivered to John Livingston, fiar of Kirkland, bailie in that part for Sir James Forrester of Torwoidheid, knight, a precept of clare constat granted to him by Sir James, superior of the mill aftermentioned, with consent of Alexander Forrester, his son, and Sir John Murray of Touchadame, knight, and William Murray his son, for their interest, in favour of the said John Donaldsone as heir foresaid, in the mill of Gwnnerschaw, mill lands of the same, multures and sequels restricted thereto, and pertinents presently occu- pied by Walter Bayne, lying in the shire of Striviling, which were held of the said Sir James Forrester his heirs and successors in fi-ee blench for payment of one pemiy on the ground of the same at Whitsunday if asked. After the reading of which precept the said John Livingstoune, bailie in that part, delivered heritable state and sasino of the mill of Gwnnerschaw to John Donaldsone as grandson and 2c 202 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix I. heir foresaid, personally present and accepting the same, by delivery of the clap of the said mill and earth and stone of the gi'ound of the said lands. Done on the ground of the same, 4 August, 1624. "Witnesses: Robert Levingstoune of Westir Greinyaird, younger ; Walter Bayne, elder in Gwnnerschaw, Walter Bayne, younger his son, and John Robiesone in Littill Denovane. William Young, notary public. Registered at Sterling, 20th August, 1624, in "the third bulk of my lord clerk register " conform to act of parliament. 31. — Instrument narrating that in presence of the notary aiid witnesses Andrew Sandis, one of the bailies of the burgh of Stii-ling, at the request of Alexander Cowane, physician, procurator and on behalf of William Crystesoun, at the Bridge of Stirling, and of Margaret Ker, his spouse, specially constituted by their letters patent to the eflect underwritten, passed to their tenements of laud or houses, yards, kiln, and garden then occupied by them within the liberty and territory of the said burgh at the bridge thereof, formerly belonging to John Ker, great grandfather of the said Margaret Ker, heritably; and there the said pro- curator, for fulfilling of letters of disposition made by William Crystesoun and his spouse to a noble lord Alexander lord Fenton, resigned the tenements or houses in the hands of the bailie as in the hands of the king, superior thereof, by delivery of earth and stone of the ground, for new infeftment to be made to Lord Fentoun his heirs and assignees whomsoever. Which resignation being so made the bailie by virtue of his ofiice gave sasine of the tenements of houses to Donald Campbell, servitor and attorny and in behalf of Lord Fentoun by delivery of earth and stone of the ground thereof. Done on the ground of the same 21 January, 1626. Witnesses : Robert Forrester of Quenshauche ; Edward Forrester, notai-y ; William Crystesoun at the mill of Inneralloun ; George Lapslie at the Bridge of Stiiiing ; and John Forrester, Serjeant of the burgh. John Williamsoun, notary. II. — Absteacts of some of the Documents contained in Fragments op Protocol Books. 1. — Instrument narrating that in presence of a notary and witnesses compeared an honorable man, Malcolm Makclery of Garten, attorney of the most excellent princess Queen Margaret, and presented to an honorable man James Schaw of Salchy, sheriff of Striveline, a brieve or precept of the King for sasine to be given to the Queen, or her certain attorney in her name, of all and whole the King's lordship of Tulycultre, with the pertinents ; whereupon the sheriff gave to the attorney, in name of the Queen, sasine and possession of the loi-dship of Tulycultre, with the 1473.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 203 pertinents, by delivery of earth and stone of the land.s, according to the tenor of the brieve or precept of the King. Done at the principal niessnage of the said land, at the tenth honr forenoon, or thereabout, on the 29th day of October, 1473. Present : Sir Symone Gray, vicar of the parish church of Tulycultre, Thomas of Cragmgelt, Thomas Morgan, and others. 2. — Instrument narrating that in pi-eseuce of the notary and witnesses, pereonally compeared a discreet man master John Cant, chaplain, and nominated and ordained discreet men, masters Robert Gotis, Patrick Lange, Sir Robert Mure, chaplains, and James Allyrdes, clerk, his procurators and special deputies; giving to them and any of them his power and special mandate to accept in his name any ecclesiastical benefice or benefices, with cure or without, within the diocese of Glasgow, vacant or to be vacant, to be bestowed on him by a reverend father in Christ John bishop of Glasgow, even though it should be a cauonry and prebend of the cathedral church or duty of a parsonage ; and to require and crave collation, provision and investiture and real possession, and stall in choir and place in chapter in which such benefice might be; and to give for him the oath due and wont for observing the statutes, liberties and customs of the church, and any other oath which the order of law required. Done in the lodging of Adam Cosour in the burgh of Strivelin, 4th July, 1475. Witnesses: Adam Cosour, James Redhuch, John Gourlay, John Bolat, burgesses, and others. 3. — Fragment of instrument referring to marriage of William [lord Grahame]] and Annabella Drummond, that the said William and Anabella knew no hindrance to their marriage nor had made contract before, but saying they wished spontaneously to complete the said marriage and gave their corporal oaths thereon on the Holy Gospels, the said Sii- Alexander put the right hand of the said William in the said Anabella's hand and, per verba matrimonii de 2}resenti, as use is, fully conjoined the said William and Anabella in nujitial covenant and contract of marriage, who in name of matrimony kissed each other. Whereon all and sundry John Drummond of Gargil, father of the said Anabella, in her name craved instruments. Done in the parish church of Mothill at ten hours before noon or thereabout. Present, the said lord himself, and Thomas lord le Erskyn, Robert Douglas of Lochlevyn, David Grahame of Gargunuok, master Walter Drummond, Sir Andrew Drummond, vicar of Muthill, Robert Drummond of Ermor, Robert Grahame, Thomas Grahame, Mathew Forestar, Duncan Forestar, Walter Symson, William Chalmer and otliers. The beginning of the instrument containing the date is awanting, but the next consecutive entry in the protocol book is 26th November, 1479. [This fragment 204 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix IT. seems to relate to the marriage of William lord Graham, afterwards first Earl of Montrose, with Annabella Drummond, daughter of John Drummond of Cargill, first lord Drummond.] 4. — Instrument narrating that, in presence of the notary and witnesses, com- peared a noble matron Eufame Levyngstoun, relict of a late honourable man, Malcom Elemyng, son and heir of a late noble lord Robert lord le Flemyng, and presented the following precept : — "Robert of Abircrummy of that ilk, kuycht and schirefi'of Perth t, to Johne Mackroue ane of the maris of the said schereffclome, greting. Forsamekle as it is fund be a inquest that Malcome Flemyng, sone vmquhile to the lord Flemyng, deit vestit and saysit as of fe of the landis of Cammisdrany and that Eufame, Lis spous, aw to haue ane racionable terce thairof ; quharefor I charge you stratly and commandis that ye pas to the saidis landis, begynnyng at the southt, and gewe to the said Eufame and knaw the said Eufame to the terce of the saidis landis, and this be na way ye lefe vndone, vnder all charge that efFtyr my folow; the quhilk to do I commit to you full pover be thir my letteris gevyn vnder the sele of office, at Pertht, the penult day of the monetht of Nouember the yer of God j™ ccco Isxix yeris." Which precept having been read the said Jolui Mackrone, officer in that part, took it in his hands and personally past to the principal messuage of the said lands and by delivery to the said Eufeme of hesp and staple of the houses, and beginning at the south, gave and delivered to her her reasonable third part of the said lands, and recognosced her to the said third part and gave possession thereof as use is, in presence of Peter Cady, William Cochran and other witnesses. Done on the 1st of December, 1479, and 20th year of the reign of King James the Third. 5. — Insti-ument narrating that, in presence of a notary and witnesses, compeared a worthy matron, Marion Malvene, relict of the late Robert Malcomson, burgess of the burgh of Striveline, and resigned in the hands of Thomas CragLngelt, one of the bailies of the said burgh, by overgiving of earth and stone, her tenement lying in the said burgh between the lands of the late John Richardson on the west, the land of the late Patrick Warinok on the east, and her tenement in the said burgh between the land of the late Patrick Wrennok on the west and the common vennel of St. Mary leading to the bridge of the said burgh on the east; and other tenements in the burgh. Whereupon the said bailie delivered sasine of the foresaid tenements to an honourable man Dauid Foi'sytht as heir and grandson of the said late Robert Malcomson his grandfather. Done on the ground of the said tenements, 11th December, 1479. Witnesses: Alexander Cuuynghame of [L]eky, James Nory of Terbert, William Mane, Sir Robert Muir, rector of Glendovane and others. U79.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 205 6. — Instrument narrating that James Scbaw of Salchy resigned his half and second part of a croft and barn which he held from William Richardson by heritable right of the heirs of the late John Heyth in the territory of the burgh, between the land of Thomas Name on the north and the land of the altar of St. ISIary the Virgin founded within the parish church of the Holy Cross on the south, in the hands of Thomas Cragiugelt of that ilk, one of the bailies of the burgh, who gave sasine of the same to Adam Bully, burgess of the burgh. Done on the ground of the said croft, IS December, 1479. 7. — Instrument uarratiiig that in presence of a notary and witnesses an honour- able man, William Symsone, one of the bailies of the burgh of Striveliue, at command of the provost and other bailies, councillors and community of the said burgh, personally past to a tenement of the late John Patrick, baker, lying within the said burgh, Lu the Kirk Veunel of the said burgh, on the south side of the tenement of Henry Greg, and gave sasine of the same to a discreet man, Sir Richard Smy thtson, perpetual chaplain of the altar of the blessed and glorious Virgin Mary, founded in the parish church of Striveline, in the north aisle of the same, in his own name and as procurator for Sir James Darow, perj)etual chaplain of the altar of the Holy Cross of the said burgh, by virtue of a process led thereupon by the said chaplains in the four head courts of the burgh for default of payment of 1 5 s. due to the said chap- lains and their altars for certain terms bypast and not paid, by delivery of earth and stone, according to the tenor of the said process. Present : Duncan Forestare, provost ; Alexander Norton, one of the bailies of the said burgh ; Alexander Cunyngahame, of Auchinbowy ; Sir John Spens, chaplain and notary public ; John Crag, James Redhucht, Adam Bully; Sir Robert Symsone, Sir Alexander Fresare, chaplains, and others. — 17th January, Ii79-S0. 8. — Instrument narrating that Patrick of Mentetht, son and apparent heir of Elene Lochaw, relict of the late James of Mentetht, with his friends and prolocutor Alexander Muschet, then dean of gild of the burgh of Striveline, comjieared per- sonally before the provost, bailies, councillors and community of the said burgh, in the head court of the same held in the tolbooth thereof, and there set forth and declared that they and their friends were informed that the said Elene purposed to alienate and wadset certain annual rents and tenements lying in the burgh away from the said Patrick, her apparent heir, notwithstanding that the said annual rents and tenements [were granted] by the King to the lawful heirs of the said Elene, who had appeared elsewhere in a court of the burgh and declared tliat it behoved her, by real necessity to sustain her life, to wadset, and offering to wadset the same for that 206 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix II. reason to her heirs and next friends ; whereupon the prolocutor in name of the said Patrick offered there in judgment to sustain and find food and clothing to the said Elene honourably and daily as John Menteth of Rathow with his wife was able, and as his wife was clothed, in the dwelling-place of the said John with her heii-, and in his name offering and affirming the same ; and should the said Elen be unwilling to live with the said John and his spouse they offered to pay the said Elen for her sustenance yearly, during her life, ten marks in the burgh of Sti-iveline, in considera- tion of the said rents and tenements not bemg alienated or wadset, and offered to find sufficient sureties in the burgh of Striveline; and if she refused or acted contrary thereto, the prolocutor protested that such alienation should be of no effect and should not prejudice the said Patrick and his heirs in time to come. ^ 17th January, 1479-80. 9. — Instrument narrating that Vmfrid Colquhoun of Lus, son and heir of the late John Colquhoun of Lus, knight, delivered a precept of sasine by John earl of Mar lord of Gareaucht and lord superior of the lands of Estyr and Westyr Sauling to William Marsar, brother german of Sir Laurence Marsar of Mekillour, his bailie in that part, for sasine giving of the lands of Mekle and Little Sauling and mill thereof in the barony of Sauling and shire of Fyfe, who gave sasine thereof to the said Vmfrid Colquhoun. Done at the prmcipal messuage of Sauling, 31 January, 1479-80. And on 1st February following sasine is given to him of the Bordland Sauling on precept of sasine by Colin earl of Argyll lord Campbell and Lome directed to Thomas Erskene, son of Thomas lord le Erskene, his bailie in that part, who gave sasine to John Erskene attorney of the said Vmfrid Colquhoun. 10. — Instrument narrating that in presence of a notary and witnesses compeared an honourable man Malcom Makclery of Garten, constable of the Castle of Striveline, in name and behalf of a noble lord Andrew lord Avandale, chancellor of the king- dom of Scotland and captain of the said castle, and, in terms of precept of the King contained in letters under his i^rivy seal and subscription manual directed to the said lord chancellor, his captain of the said castle, and his constables deputes and keepers thereof, by overgiving of the keys of the said castle delivered the same with all apparatus and goods belonging thereto to noble and famous men, viz., master Alexander Inglis, provost of the collegiate church of Crichtoun, clerk register of the King, Sir Walter Davidson prior of Pettynverae, Alexander Lesly of Wardris, receiver general of the King and John Ros of Montgrenane, commissioners of the King in that ' For tlie old law regardiDg the sale of pro- Laws and Customs of the Burghs of Scotland perty in the circumstances narrated in this (Burgh Records Society), pp. 21-2. instrument, see Leijes Burgontin, c.xlii. Ancient 1479-80.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 207 part. Which Castle, with the goods contained therein, the foresaid commissioners in name and behalf of the King received from the said Malcom Makclery, constable, iu name of the said lord chancellor, by acceptation of the keys thereof, according to the tenor of the letters and mandate of the King; and being so delivered and received the lords commissioners delivered the keeping of the King's castle to an honourable man, Duncan Forestar, then provost of the burgh of Striveline, being sworn thereto, by delivery of the keys and goods of the same. Present : William Edmonstoun of Duntretht, James Schaw of Salchy, Archibald Edmonstoun, James Nory of Terbert, William Stewart of Baldovane, John Cellar of Greneyardis and others — 23rd February, 1479-80. 11. — Instrument narrating that John Duucansone, burgess of the burgh of Strivelin, presented to the notary to be read an instrument taken bj' him in name of William Duncansone, his father, within the tolbooth of the burgh, on the grant of a certain annual pension of forty shillings to be paid to the said William by the provost, bailies, councillors and community of the said burgh yearly, out of their lands, in pi'csence of William Symsone, then one of the bailies of the burgh, for audience of reading the said instrument and obtaining payment of one term of the said annual pension ; the reading of which the said bailie will not wait to hear or pay the said sum ; which things being done the said John Duncansone set forth and declared how he with his wife and children had come sundry times from Lethe to the said burgh for payment of the said sum, and set forth the sum of five nobles six shillings and eight pence Scots in liis labours for his expenses, and could not get payment thereof; for payment of which principal sum and expenses the said John solemnly protested in name of his said father-. — Done in the Marketgait of the said burgh, 24th February, 1479-80. Present: Sir John Cambus, chaplain, Henry Murray, John Bell, Fyllan Myll, Walter Hvny, and others. 12. — Instrument narrating that Adam Cosour, burgess of the burgh of Striveline, broke, cassed and annulled the sasiiie of a certain tenement in the said burgh between the lands of the late John Heth on the south and Jonet Guide on the north, the sasine having been given, or more truly as he asserted, intruded by Malcom Forestar of Torwood, calling himself sheriff in that part, and taken by an honourable man Thomas Cocheran, by the In-eaking of a dish and casting the same with earth and stone beyond the I.)ounds of the said tenement, protesting that the said sasine should not prejudice him or his heirs in time to come. Present: Thomas Cragingelt, one of the bailies of the burgh, Hugh Lawson, John Hvny, Andrew Bully, chaplain, and others. 2ud March, 1479-80. 208 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix II. 13. — Instrument narrating that the said Adam Cosour resigned an annual rent of 20s. out of a tenement in the burgh, between the lands of Gilbert Brady on tlie west, the lands of the late William Murray of Tulchadam on the east, an annual rent of 10s. from the tenement of Duncan Tliomson in the said burgh, between the land of Richai'd Smethtson on tlie west, the common vennel to the place of the Friars of the said bui'gh on the east, an annual rent of 10s. from the tenement commonly called the Trone land on the west side of the High Street leading to the port of the said burgh, by overgiving of one penny in the hands of Thomas of Cragingelt, then one of the bailies of the burgh ; and thereafter the said bailie gave sasine of the anniial rent of 20s. to a discreet man Sir Andrew Bully, chaplain, in name and on behalf of God Almighty, St. Anne the mother of the glorious Virgin Mary and her altar founded by the said Adam in the parish church of the Holy Cross of StrivelLn, and in name of the perpetual chaplain of the said altar ; and of the annual rent of 10s. from the tenement of Duncan Thomson, and the annual rent of 10s. from the Trone to the said Sir Andrew, chaplain, in name and behalf of God Almighty and the glorious Virgin Mary and her altar founded by the said Adam, and situated within the said church, and perpetual chajilaiu of the same and of the said St. Anne and her altar and chaplain foresaid, by equal portions, to be expended for reparation of the same and maintaining the lights thereat. Witness, Thomas Stewart, Andrew Morys, John Glasgw, and others. 2nd March, 1479-80. III. — Extracts from Fragmentary Council Records. 21 s(! OrfoJer, 1561. Calsay,heviii. The counsall ordanis the baillies to tak certane honest men with thame and visie the calsay to the hevin, and quhair it misteris to advis and ordane quhow it salbe reformit. Mylnis, The counsall approvis the act maid of befoir for defence of the mylnis. 4°^ ^^t'- mail! sett to Andro Campbell for \-iij merkis ; Watter of Forth sett to the lard of Poilmais for xxxiij merkis vj s. viij d. 20th November, 1563. The counsall present for the tyme hes concludit to send eist Robert Forester, Suspensioim younger, to purcheis suspensioun of hornyng purchest be the vicair, maister Alexander °^ homyng. Chalmer, and Johne Stoddart. 2U CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix III. lith December, 1563. Burgesses. The counsall lies grantit tliat na burges be acceptit uor enterit in tyme cuming bot sail pay xl s. to the tovn. Almous hous. For the almous hous : — Johne Lescheman, Gawane Drummond, Johns M'AIex- ander, Johne Haistie. Expenssis to The counsall ordanis Alexander Patersone to be ansuerit be the thesaurar of Edinburgh, jjjg expenssis to pas to Edinburghe for debaitting of the actioun intentit be Johne Stodhyrd and maister Robert Auchmowty, etc., and thairto stable procuratouris to ansuer for the toun. Sth A'pril, 1564. Price of wyne. The counsell ordennes that James Far and James Hog sell the wyne now presently being amangis thair handis for xx d. the pynt, becaus it wes cleirly onderstand that the said wyne was coft for xlij li. the tovn ; and gif the said persounis disobeyis and will nocht sell the samin of the price aboune wrettin that the bailyeis sail jjas and mak opene duris and cans nychtbouris and wther resortis to hef it of the samine price, and gif thai contend that thay salbe dischargit to sell wyne for yeii' and daye. Sth Aiigust, 1564. Brie of Tuli- The prouest, baillies and counsall, and gentill men present for this tyme, hes body. grantit all to contribut to the support of the brig of Tulibody, havand ane maister of werk to ressaue and gif compt and tobe taxt quarterUe to the sovm of ane hundreth merkis as the wark cumis fordwart and na vther way. Zrd November, 1564. Hospital!, The provest, baillies and counsall, grantit tham to haif bocht fra Marioiin ^■"^^^ Patersoun ane annuall rent of ten s., vsuall money of Scotland, yerly, to be vpliftit of all and haill the tenement of land pertening to Henry Cunynghame, quhilk is applyit to the hospitall of the said brucht ; therfor the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, oblissis thame and thair successouris to warrand the said Henry yeirly and ilk yeir of the said annuall and his airis at all handis quham it effeiris. P The fische skemiUs set to Thomas Noi-well for 5 li. iij s. iiij d.; the hevin silueLr good. set to James Ray for xxx s. ; the gait dichtiug set to Alexander Gourlay for liiij merkis ; the peckis set to Johne Hutoun for xliiij li. ; small custumis set to Gilbert Watson for iiij"" vij merk vj s. viij d.; the Wattir of Fortht set to James Robesoun 1564.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 215 for xxxiiij merk ; the Kingis maile, gres maile and stallagin set to James Thom for viij merkis ; tlie voltis occupeit be James Hog set to the said James Hog for xlij s. The prouest, Johne Cragiiigelt of that ilk. The counsall. Johne Leschman, Duncan Forester, and Gawain Drummond, Robert Forester, baillies of this yeir. James StriueUng of Keir, Alexander Forester of Garden, Robert Forester of Boquhan, William Mentetht of Randesurd, William Derroche. Andro Cowan dene of gild, Alexander Ray, Johne Paterson, Robert Alexander, James Watsoun, Johne Admowtie, William Norwell, Johne Wallace. The dekinnis : — Johne M 'Alexander for hammermen, Johne Millair for the baxtaris, Alexander Kincaid for maltmen, Johne Benny for the skynnaris, Robert Gvn for cordenaris, George Gardner for tailyeouris, Johne Thomsoun for the fleschoui'is, Johne Hutoun for the wobstaris. 5th Augitst, 1594. The bailleis and counsale vnderstandand the necessetie of prouisioun of wynis Baptisme of to the Baptisme of the Prince to be shawn, and the f urnesaris of wj^nis lies bocht *'^? Prince ; _ the same vpone verray hie prices, thairfoir the counsale licentiattis thame to sell^"*^^" ^°'^' thair Frenche wynis for vij s. the pynt fra this furth, provyding that the wyne sellaris within this burgh pers .... the cuming of the embassadouris. ' . . . 11th August, 1594. It is statuite and ordanit be the prowest, balleis and counsale, for setting doun Baptisme of of ane ordour for the pryce of chahneris and bedding during the space of the ^'^f ^'""^<=® 5 baptisme of the Prince, that is to say ane chalmer weill provydit in all necessaris, chabieris honest in apparrell, everie bed being within the chalmer, fywe s. As alsua the '"^'^ ^*'^'^™°' magistratis everie ane in thair awin quarter to pas throw the toun and to visie the sufficiencie of chalmeris and bedding ; and [if thair be] fund chalmeris and beddiji" in simple sort that the saidis chalmeris and [bedding] sail be sett at the discretioun of the magistrat of the quarter; and quha refuissis [and charges] mair nor it is statuite be the magistrates to pay [ ... at the discre]tioun of the magistrat of the quarter. - 1 The greater part of the leaf on which this - This act being written on the other side is written has been torn off, and the remainder of the same leaf as the preceding entry has of the act is thus made unintelligible. also been partly destroyed. 216 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix III. 21 Si! October, 1594. For t'>e It is concludit be the counsale and ordanit that na persone this yeir beand vpon counsale that compeiris not in counsale hous the hour quhairto he salbe warnit that tliey be poindit for ilk fait ij s. vnforgevin. And the absentis fra the hour, the balyeis dowbill and clerk dowbill wnlaw vnforgewin. And quha beis witliin the toun and compeiris nocht he salbe poindit for iiij s. 28i;7i IlarcJi, 1595. Brighauch. The Brighauch being rowpit is sett for fyve yeii's to James Schorte with thir restrictionis following, ^ for the soume of fyf tie thre pundis yeirlie. 2lst July, 1595. Lowrie, act ; It is concludit be the counsall that Andro Lowrie sail remane in waird fra this disobedience (ja,y at xij houris to the monie at xij houris, and that for disobedience committit be him to Archibald Alschinder, baillie; and that he cume to that same place quhair he dissobeyit and thair crawe forgiweues of the said baillie for the said offence; and iucaice the said Andro commit the lyk in onie tyme to cume he sail pay ten pund. 2dth July, 1595. For Edin- fhe counsale consentis and votis that Walter Cowane, burges of this burgh, missio'ner. salbe commissioner to convene at Edinburgh the first of August nixt, thair to treat vpon sic thingis as the haill commisioueris thair to be convenit sail think good. 6th September, 1595. Staig syluer. Staig syluer sett to Archibald Smythe for tuelff poundis money; pledge, James Ramsay. Fair. Reuineous of the fair sett to Stewiue Aikmane and Jhone Watsoun for ten poundis monie; pledge, Willeame Gillespie, maltmane. I3th September, 1595. For Forester, iphe prouest, bailleis, and counsale ordanis, for the offens done be Jhone minister. Forester, maltman, and his dochter to the minister of this burgh, first in respect the said Jhone misvsit the said minister be geving of him of evill language, and nixt, seing the said Jhonis dochter cuttit and destroyit the said ministeris stafi", that the said Jhone and his dochter sail be put in waird in the tolbuyth and thair to remane for the sjiace of xlviij houris and forder thairefter ay and cjuihill the said Johne find ' The restrictions referred to are not inserted in tlie record. 1595.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 217 sufficient cautioun and souertie to satisfie sic actis and penalteis as the saidis prouest, bailleis and counsale, sail lay to tliair charge, befoir thair cuming fnrth of the said ■waird. And the counsale dischargis the saidis bailleis of any taking of cautioun bot according to this act. Mth September, 1595. In presens of the prouest, bailleis and counsale. The quhilk day, Jhoue Allane, Forester, baxster, become cautioun and souertie that Jhone Forester, his spous, and thair 'J"''' dochter, sail nather truble, molest, iniure nor challange the minister nor nain of his directlie nor indirectlye heirefter, ilk f\xlt quhairin thai or ony of thame saUiappin to be fylit of, the said cautioner to incur and pay the soume of ten li. to be distri- butit to the poor toties quoties. And the said Jhone Forester oblist him to releif his said cautioner of the act abone writtin and panes specifeit in the same. Uh October, 1595. Jhone Murray of Touchadame, prouest. Provost. Archibald Alexschunder, Walter Cowane, James Schorte, Jhone Miller, chosen Bailies. in bailleis for this yeir. The same day, Jhone Muschet, dark, resauit and suorne. Clerk. Counsale for this yeir of God j" v° iovx scoir fyftene: — Council. For merchantis : Duncane Paterson, dene of gild ; Walter Neische, Jhone Donaldson, Robert Alexschunder, Andro Cowane, Jhone Patersone, Jhoue Scherar, James Gardner. For eraftismen : Robert Robertson, alias Tennent, convener ; Jhone Hender- son, baxster; Alexander Dawson, tailyeour; Thomas Reid, flescheour; Jhone Gichane, cordiner ; Alexander Broun, wobster, skynner ; Jhone Layng, nialtman, convener ; Jhone Cuthbert, skynner. Omni gadderum : Robert Cragingelt of that ilk, Robert Forester of Boquhan; Jhone Mersheall, Thomas Michell, litsteris. lOth October, 1595. George NicoU, cordiner, admittit in burges, lies sworne, hes payit iiij li ; com- Nicoll, perit •with his hagbut, steilbonet and sword. urgis. 13i/t October, 1595. In presens of the prouest, bailleis and counsale, Thomas Cowper enterit in burges, Burgesses, hes sworn and payit iiij li. Dauid M'Ley, tailyeour, receavit in burges at the desyr of the prouest gratis. 2e 218 CHARTERS RELATING TO [Appendix III. 21st October, 1595. Council. In presens of the counsall, being conuenit. Burges. Walter Mayne is enterit burges and gild, and suoirne mo7-e solUo and sail pay XX li. Pledge, John Donoklsoun, and he to releiw his cawtioner ; and armit with hagbit, steilbonett and suord. Lopslie, Colein Lopslie, eldest soine of George Lopslie, is enterit burges, and sail pey "■"ges. ^ ^ _ ^^^ j^^^ hagbit and steilbonet, and is suoirne more solilo. Pledge, Johiie Layng. Forester, Thomas Forester in Brigend, lawful! soine of vmquhile George Forester in burges. Schiphawghe, is enterit burges and suorne moi'e solito, and has payit xl s. Fair. Reuenowis of the last fair sett to Johne Cudbert for nyne poundis. Pledge George Norwell thesaurer. ■21th October, 1595. Waists feued, The counsale agreis that James Stenesone sail haif seviu eLnis east and west htenesone. ^^^ j^._^ warkhous end, and nyne elnis south and north at the west eud of his hous, and that of the gait now lyand waist ; for the quhilk he sail pay [blanh']. Kynros. The counsale condiscendis that Patrik Kynros haif the few of the pece waist betuix the twa pDleris nixt wast of "Walter Hogis choip for payment of ^-j s. viij d. be yeir; and ane baillie to gif seising heirupone. Scliorte. The counsale condiscendis that James Schorte haif the few of ane pece waist and chop quhilk was ocoupeit be the raaister masoun for payment of viij s. be yeir; and ane baillie to gif seising heirupone. \Qth November, 1595. Sett of com- Peckis sett to Stenye Rytchie for xliiij merk, the ane half thairof payit and the mon good. ^^^^^ ],J^lf thairof at Witsounday. Pledge, Jhone Crawfuird, ilk fault ten pound at the counsallis discretioun. The said Stenye takand for ilk peck twa penneis, and gif it be within ane ferlet of aittis ane pennie. To be in nvmber fyftie peckis; and he and his cautioner obleisis thame to delyuer the saidis peckis at Mertymes nixtocume and to pay ten schillingis for ilk peck that inlaikis of the saidis fyftie peckis. The watter of Fortht set to Alexander Young, baxster. Plaige Andro Cowane for xxxviij merkis. Kingis Maill, gers maill and stallange, set to William Norie for viij li. x s. Plaige, Walter Watsone, tailyour. 1595.] THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 219 Fesche skammellis set to James Wolsone for iiij li xl d. Plaigc Walter Sett of com- _, mou good. Gowane. The burning irnes set to William Admane, baxster, for iiij merkis. Gait deohtingis set to Arsbald Smyth for viij^" iiij merkis ; plaige, James Ramsay; with the lytill wolt. Small customis set to Stene Akmane and Johne Craffurd for vj" vj merkis ; plaige Arsbald Smyth. 2ith Novemher, 1595. The counsall being convenit, after sufficient tryall takin with the selleris of Candill. candill hes f undin the taweche bocht for xxxviij s., and thairfoir and in consideratioun of the derthe of victuall hes ordenit the candilmakeris to sell sufficient candill for xxxiiij d. the trois pound. Efter resoning anent the officeris fies and thair inhabiliteis to serve as they Officers, wor wont, etc., thairfoir and for guid seruice heii-efter, and that they sail beir thair halbertis dewle at all tymes and daylie, they hawe concludit the fowre officeris to hawe ten poundis yeiriie, to witt, ather of thame fyftie schillingis. Archibald Allane, wreatter, enterit in burges and gUd f reUe gratis, hes suorne Allane enterit more solito, for the quhilk he sail trawell in the ministeris effiiiris vpoun the townis j2^.jj^|j^gj.gj._ expenssis for the space of four yeiris nixt heirefter. And failyeing of his diligence heirintill this act to be null. Wth December, 1595. Ordanis the thesaurer to pay four pundis monie to the agent of burrowis for Agent of persute the werkmen in clachannis and savorcoilis ; and it salbe allowit be the counsale. Jhone Donaldson, merchant, burges of this burgh, grantit him to haif ressauit Hospitale. fra the maisteris of the hospitale the soumc of ane hundreth merkis, quhairwpon befoir Witsonday nixt he sail mak the hospitale sufficient securitye for ten merk the hundrethe. 26 Purges Norvell, burges of this burch, hes payit xxvij d.; plege for wyne and wax, Alexander Cowsland. 30ichard, 54, 58, GO, G7. Kobert, 51. ■ Thomas, 86, 213. Lawsou's Croft, 140, 158, 161. Leishman (Leischman, Lecheman). ■ ■ James, 213. ■ John, 106, 209; dean of guild, 210; baUie, 213, 214, 215; auditor, 212. Leith (Lethe), 207. Legat, Gilbert, 187. Leky, 204. Lennox (Levenax), earl of (Matthew), 71 ; (John) lord Derulie, 190. Lentyrne ware, 32. Leper's Croft, 69, 132. Leslie (Lesly), Alexander, 58; of Wardross, 206. John, of Wardross, 58. Lethington, Sir Pvichard Maitland of, 99. Letliprever, Allan of, 42. William of, 42. Liddell, Andrew, tailor, 221. Liddisdale, lord, 99. Lindsay, earl of (John), 125. (Lyudesey), William of, 9. Linlithgow, dwelling place in, 2 ; provost and bailies of, 104 ; commissioners of, to be summoned to parliament of Four Burghs, 35; measures to be procured from, 221. sheriff of, 104. Liutoun, George, 44, Lintoun, John, 185. Litstar, Sir William, priest and notary, 79, 191, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200. Friar Vincent, prior of Friars' Preachers, 192. Litsters, act against, buying cloth to sell, 82. Livingston (Levingstoun). Alexander of Donypace, 59, G7. Eufame, 204. John, fiar of Kirkland, 201. Robert, of Wester Greneyaird, 202. William of, 18, 19. Lochaw, Elene, 205. Lochin, land of, 5. Lochleven, Ilobert Douglas of, 203. Lodging and entertainment for abbot, monks, &c., of Aberbrothock, 12, 13. Logy, 210. Lokart, John, 56. Loke, John, 189. London, charter signed at, HI, 119. Lopslie, Colein, burgess, 218. George, 202, 218. Lords. (See House of Lords.) Lome, lord of, (John Steward), 29. Lome, lord Campbell and, 125, 196; (Archi- bald), 64, 66,71; (Colin), £06. Loudoun, earl of (John), 125, 167. Lowrie, Andrew, disobedience of, 216. William, merchant, 210, 213. Lundy, John Campbell of, 196. Lus, Colquhoun of. Luter, William, 50. Lyell, John, 189. Lyoun, Thomas, of Baldowkie, 106. M agdalene. Queen of James V. , 200. Magistrates, authority by Commonwealth to choose, 169, 170; punishment for disobedi ence to, 216, 217, 221. Maihille, Alisone, 190. Mains, William, 86. Maitland, Charles, of Haltoun, 171. •244 INDEX. Maitlaiid, Sir Kichavd of Lethingtoun, 99. Makkiswell, John of, 11. Malcomson, Robert, burgess, 20-t. Mallocli, John, chaplain, 1S5. Malux, Sir William, chaplain, ISO. Malt, price of, 220, 222, 223. Maltmen, fines of, 209, 220. Malvene, Marion, 204. Maue, William, 20-t. (Mayue), Walter, bnrgess and guild, 218. Mailer, Robert Calleudar of, 77 . Manse, conversion of hospital into, 119, 120. Mar, earl of, (Thomas), 18, 19 ; (Alexander Steward), 29 ; (William), 183 ; (John), treasonable proceedings of, 106 ; (John), 99, 206; succeeding abbot of Cambnskenneth, 123 ; oifice of sheriffship -within burgh be- longing to, annulled within burgh, 112-5; ratification by, to Spittell's Hospital, 135; precept of sasine by, in lands of Sauliug, 206. Margaret, wife of Duke of Albany, 27. Queen of James III. , grant to, of lord- ship of Tulycultre, 202. Mariscliall, earl of, (William), 167. Market days, grant of, by King Alexander II., 7 ; confirmation by King David II. of, 17 ; confirmation of, by Charles I., 117, 120, 126, 137; two weekly, 122, 143, 164; no other weekly, to be held within two miles of Stir- ling, 171-4; protest against granting of, to burghs within two miles, ISO. Market Cross, sasine taken at, 160 ; laud lying opposite, 199. Market gait, 207. Marriage, contract of, between William lord Graham and Anabella Drummond, 203. Marsar, Laurence, of Mekillour, 206. AVilliani, 206. Marschell, David, 11. John, litster, 217. Martine, John, preceptor of Spittell's Hospi- tal, 176. Mary, Queen, cliarter by, to burgh, of churcli property, 92-99; sasine in Friars' lands to have no warrandice except gift by, 101 ; confirmation by Charles I. of charter by, 119, 132; application to, for Friars' lands, 209; charge by, to town, on complaint of a chaplain, 209. . • and King Francis, precept liy, con- firming grant liy Friars' Preacliers to Alex- ander Erskin, 90-92. Mary, St., the Virgin, 24, 27, 31, 37, 77; aisle of, 99, 100. church of. (See Cambnskenneth, abbey of. ) Mary Wynd, 50, 51, 87, 88, 188, 190, 191, 204. Vennel, 191, 204. Master of work, 88, 223, 224. Matilda, Queen, wife of David I., 2. Matthew, master, chancellor, 9, 11. (Mathow), Hucheon, 75. Mauolianshire, lord, 167. Mauchlin, lord, 125, 167. Maybole, collegiate church of, 186. Meadow. (See Burgh Meadow.) Measures, 221, 223, 224. Megoure, 193. Mekillour, 135, 206. ]\Iekle, Ricliard, notary, 58. Menstre, 199, 200. Menteitli (Mentetlit, Menteythe). . lordship of, 189. resort of people from, to Stirling, 116. earl of, (Robert), 22, 25, 27, 183. steward of, 104. ■ James, 189, 205 ; bailie, 56 ; provost, 57, .59, 07, 73. John, 199; of Ratho, 206. Patrick, 193, 205. . ■ William, of Randisurd, counsellor, 210, 213, 215. Merchandice, to be bought or sold in burgh only, 7, 17 ; use of, by burgesses only, 121, 1.39; ratification of acts as to, 80; no crafts- INDEX. 245 nieu to use, 81, 82; unfrecmcn not to use, 82, S3, 84; coutinnationof iiseof, 121,1'2(), 138. Merchant guild, burgesses to have, 8, 17, US, 121, 127, 143, 1G3. Merchant, Henry, burgess, 20. Patrick, burgess, 20. Roger, burgess, 20. Merchants. (See Elections of Provosts, &c. ) stranger, 7, 8, 17, 117. {See Merchan- clice. ) Methfen (Methveu), charter dated at, 22, 119, 129. Michael, St. , head court after feast of, 43. , altar of . (See Parish Church, altars in.) , chapel of, in castle of Stirling, grant by Duke of Albany to, 27. Michael, John, 23, 191 ; sou of, 20. Thomas, 79. Michell, Thomas, 217. Michelsoue, Thomas, 54. William, 53. Midraw (Middleraw), 51, 86, 87, 88, 192, 197, 210. Mill of Stirling, multures abstracted from, 16 ; street leading to, 197. Millar (Miller), John, 189, 210; bailie, 217, 222; baxter, 215. Millhill, 87. Mills, acts relating to, 208, 212; proposition for obtaining, 209 ; Erskin of Gogar's pre- tended right to, 223. {See Burrowmill, also Brigmill. ) wind or water, 121. Minister, stipend of, 209 ; member of council, 210 ; commissioner to convention of the kirk, 211; offence done to, 216, 217; a writer to attend to affairs of, 219 ; money to be borrowed for, 219; money given from common good to, 220; helper to be procured for, 221 ; treasonable proceedings of, 106. Ministers, provision for, 93, 96; advice of, in building hospitals, 95; manse of, 119, 120. Ministry and Hospitality, foundation of, 97; confirmation of, 134, 142. Minorites or Franciscans. (See Friars, Minor- ite.) Modane (Moden), John, 51, 186. Monocht, William, 210. Montgrenaue, John Eos of, 206. Mouth, John, 58. Montrose, marriage of first earl of, 203-4. Jloray, bishop of (John), 34. dean of, (Gavin of Dunbar), 57, 58, 60, 60. More, Reginald, 16. jMoreville, Hugh of, 3. Morgan, Thomas, 203. Morton, earl of, (James), chancellor, 99. ■ (Mortoun), Alexander, 53. Sir Andrew, chaplain and curate, 190. Morys, Andrew, 238. Moss, peat, of Skewok, 15. Mothill, 203. Mukart, rector of, 186. Mukkart, James, sou of a burgess, 195. Mure, Adam, 185. Richard, 50, 51. Sir Robert, 191, 203, 204; rector of Glen- dovane, 48. ■ of Corntoun aud William, liis brother, lishers, 20. Mureheid, Mr. Richard, dean of Glasgow, 57, 58, 60, 64, 66, 67. William, bailie, 112. .\lureson (Murison), Andrew, 189. ^Valter, 106. Muriel, wife of duke of Alljany, 27. Murisland, 198. Murray, Alexander, 191, 193. David, bailie, 45, 185, 187. , Serjeant, 102. ■ earl of, (James), Regent, 99. Heury, 207. ■ Herbert, 186. Sir James, of Philipluiugli, 180. 246 INDEX. Murray, John, 185. Sir John, of Touchadam, 179, 201 ; provost, 217, 222. ^Yilliam, 201; of TiillibardyD, 3G ; of Tulchadani, 202. Muschet, Alexander, 186, 187; dean of guild, 205. Jolin, 106; clerk, 217, 222. Muschet's Croft, 193, 194. Mutliill, vicar of, 203. Myll, Fyllan, 207. Myi-etoun's Croft, 140, 158. M 'Alexander (Makalexander) John, hammer- man, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215. M'Clery (Makclery), Malcolm, of Garten, 202, 206. M'Crone (Makcrone), John, 204. M'Farlane (JIakfarlane), Thomas, 185. M'Gill (Makgill), James, of Raukelour Nether, clerk of rolls, 100, 101. M'llwaue (MakilwaueJ, David, 189; Donald, 189. M'Kady, Andrew, 193. M'Kennare (Makkennare), John, 186, 189. M'Ky (Makky), John, 75, 192. M'Lellane (Maklellane), alias Fergussonn, Gilbert, 199. M'Ley, David, tailor, burgess, 217. M'Neill (Makneill), Andrew, prior of Friars Preachers, 90. Napare, Alexander, com]5troller, 38. Name, Richard, 87, 88, 190; bailie, 191. Thomas, 53, 205. Neighbours, convocation of, 157. Neilsoun (Nelsone), Henry, 189; weaver, 190. Neische, Walter, 106; merchant, 217, 222. New Park. (See Park.) NichoU (Nychole), Alexander, 189. David, 222. George, cordiner, burgess, 217. Nicholson (Nycholsone), Sir James, chaplain of St. Katherine's altar, 78, 88, 198 ; vicar of the castle, grant liy, to St. Katherine's altar, 200. Ninian, St. (See Parish Cliurch, altars in. ) Norton (Nortoun), Andrew, 73; burgess, 188; notary, 190. Alexander, 47, 48, 53, 187, 205. Sir David, chaplain, 189. llobert, 185. Norvell (Norwell), George, treasurer, 218, 220. ■ Issobell, 221. Robert, 86, 87. Thomas, 214. William, 102; merchant, 210, 213, 215; treasurer, 211, 213. Norway kuappill, 153. Nory (Norie), James, of Terbert, 204, 207. William, 218. Nycholas, abbot of Aberbrothock, 11. Oath prescribed by commissioners of Common- wealth, 169, 170. Oblivion, decree )jy interpreters of law of, 99-100. Offeris, John, 186, 197. OiBcers, authority by commissioners of Com- monwealtli to choose, 169, 170. burgh, election of, 210. pay of, 219. Officers of sheriff court, 63. Ogilby, John, of Fingasc, 54. Old Park. (See Auld Park. ) Oliphant, lord, (Laurence), 54. Omni gadderum, 217. Orbestoun, 167. Orkney, earl of, (WiUiam), chancellor, 36. Orphans, hospitals for, 93. (See Hospital.) Otter skins, 32. Palace of Stirling, residence of Kings at, 116, 124; lands lying near, 141, 158, 162. INDEX. ■2il Palmer, John, liferent of lauds of St. James' Hospital reserved to, 26. Parbroith, lord, 125. Pai-is, candles of, 13. Parish Church, building of, 37; highway or vennel leadingto,39, 40; aisleof HolyTrinity in, 46 ; aisle of, 47 ; nave of, 49 ; clioir of. 65; indenture between abbot and convent of Dunfermline and burgh of Stirling as to building choir in, 71-3; cemetery at, 86, 108; almshouse on east side of, 108; wardans land on north side of, 187; Sir Andrew Mortoun, chaplain and curate of, 190; heightening of pulpit, 220. Parish Church, altars in : — Altar of St. Andrew, tenement belonging to, 88. Altar of St. Ann, annualrent payable to, 195, 208. Altar of the Holy Blood, annual rents given to, 18S, 190, 191. Altar of the Holy Cross, grants by chaplain of, 41, 184 ; William Bully, chaplain of, 184; Sir James Darow, chaplain of, 186, 205 ; tenements adjudged to, in default of payment of annual, 187, 205. Altar of St. James, charter by canon of Abernethy to, of certain annualrents, 49 ; community of Stirling appointed patrons of, 52-53 ; institution of chaplain to, 55-6 ; anniversaries for the dead at, 194. Altar of St. Katherine, grant by burgh to, of waste land near church, 76-80 ; grant by Sir James Nicholsoun, chaplain of altar, to, 198, 200-1. Altar of St. Laurence, confirmation by Robert II. to, of grant by David II. of ferry and ferry croft, 23 ; celebration of masses at, 25; grant by King James IV. to burgh of patronage of, 04 ; decree by lords of oblivion to holder of chaplainry of, 99, 100; confirmation by Charles I. of patron- age of, 142, 159, 163. Altar of St. Mary the Virgin, annualrents payable to, 195, 208; tenement adjudged to, in default of payment of annualrent, 205; croft near land of, 205. Altar of St. Michael, founded liy Thomas Carmichael, vicar of Stirling, C9, 1.32 ; gift by James IV. to burgh "of patronage of, 69-71 ; gift to Sir William' Robesoun of chaplaiury of, 85-9 ; annualrents belonging to, S6-S, 201 ; confirmation by Charles I. of patronage of, 132; gift'by sub-dean of the chapel royal to, of a tenement in Stir- ling, 195 ; provost, magistrates and council patrons of chajilainry of, 195; qualifica- tions and duties of chaplain of, 195-6. (See St. Michael.) Altar of St. Niuian, annualrents payable to, 41, 184. Altar of St. Peter and St. Paul, annual- rents given to, 194. Altar of St. Thomas, the apostle, .annual- rents payable to, 41, 184; union of, with altar of Holy Trinity, 40-S. Altar of Holy Trinity, jiroperty adjudged to, in default of annualrent, 42-6 ; union of, with altar of St. Thomas, 46-S ; annual- rent granted to, 186; foundation of, by Sir Thomas Bully, 186; tenements ad- judged to, in default of payment of annualrent, 187. United altars of St. Thomas^ and Holy Trinitj', appointment of chaplain of, 47. Parish Church, perpetual chaplains of, anvil and stock given to, 188 ; annualrents given to, 190, 191, 193, 196, 197, 201; garden let by, to Friars Preachers, 192; gift of Mus- chefs croft to, 193, 194. Park of Stirling, 132, 140, 158, 162. Auld, grant by James IV. to burgh of, 69-71. New, lands of Gallowhills granted by burgh to King and enclosed with, 09. Park Dyke, proposition as to building, 209. 248 INDEX. Parkfielil, 139, 157, IGl. Pai-liament, charter granted in, held at Scone, IS, 19; decreet of King's Council in, held at Scone, 20; (juestion as to priority of cer- tain burghs in, 103 ; ratification by, of charters to Stirling, 168 ; commissioner to, for Stirling, 179. (See Commonwealth.) . acts of, 11 Nov. 1579, 103; 29 Nov. 1581, 103, 105; U Sept. 1705, 178, 179; minute of, 16 March, 1649, 168. Parliament of Four Burghs to be held at Edin- burgh yearly, 35. (See Convention of Pvoyal Burglis. ) Pasturage for horses, 14. Paterson, Alexander, 87, 112; pension to, 213; procurator fiscal, 213; councillor, 210, 214. Duncan, 112; burgess, 197, 198; dean of guild, 217, 221 ; merchant, 222 ; visitor of maltmen, 222 ; tacksman, 223 ; tre.-isurer, 223. Sir John, 199; canon of chapel royal, 198. John, 213; merchant, 210, 213, 217, 222, 224. Marion, 214. Thomas, 7.">- Patonson, Duncan, 196. John, 43, 44, 53, 189. Michael, 44. Patrick, John, baker, 205. Paulie, Robert, 199. Peats, right of digging, 15. Peckone, John, 189. Pecks. (See Common Good, set of.) Pennek, John, 75. Pension to Alexander Paterson, 213. Perth, dwelling place in, 2; ships arriving at, 3, 4; grants to abbey of Holyrood fromcaue and rents of, 4; markets and fairs enjoyed by burgesses of, 145, 150; charter dated at, 29; meeting of the three estates at, 34, 35; question with, as to priority, 103. Perth, sherififdom of, 186; Robert Abircrummy, sheriflf of, 204. Pest, precautions for prevention of, 225. Petty Customs. (See Customs ; also Common Good, set of.) Philiphaugh, Sir .Tames Murray of, 180. Pittendreich, 99. Pittiuweme, prior of, 200. Pohnais (PoUemase), fishings between Cambus- kenneth and, 5, 54, 74. laird of, 213. Sir Alexander Cuninghame of, 61, 112, 113; James Cunningham of, 201. Under, 74. Wester, 135. Polmont, lord, 107. Poor, hospitals for, 93 ; grant of almshouse or hospital for, 108-112. (See Hospital. ) Popish religion, abolition of, 109. Portarfield, Robert, 106. Ports, havens and harbours, confirmation of, 120, 138, 147, 150, 159, 164; dues of, 151-3; power to build and repair, 1 54. Potator, Thomas, burgess, 20. Praj'ers, measures to be tested after, 223. Preaching Friars. (See Friars, Dominican.) Prebends, grant of, to burgh, 93, 97. (See Church property. ) Primrois, David, 114, 115. Primros, one called, 54. Prince Henrj', baptism of, 215. Printer, paymentto,forprintingnewbooks, 211. Procurator fiscal elected, 213. Protocolbooks, abstract of documents in, 202-8. Provand, AVilliam, 87. Provost of Stirling, power of choosing, 120; 138, 169, 170; keeping of castle given to, 206. (See Elections of Provosts, &c. ) Pulpit, heightening of, 220. Quarroure, John, 189. Qnatuor Burgorum, parliamentum, 35. Convention of Eo3-al Burghs.) (See INDEX. 249 Queens of Scotland. (See Eufamia, Margaret, Mary, Matilda.) Queen's gait, 199. Queensberry, marquis of, 176. Queenshauche, 202. Quhines. (See Whins.) Quhite (White), Mr. Henry, parson of Rothes, 58. Willi.am, ISO. Raa (Ray), Alexander, merchant, 210, 215; dean of guild, 213. Henry, 191. James, 214. Robert, burgess, 20. Rabbit skins, S2. Ramsay, James, 216, 219, 222. Robert, councillor, 210. Ranald, James, 1S9. Ranaldson, John, 54. Randisurd, 210, 213, 215. Rankelour Nether, 100. Rankin, James, 198. Ratherue, William Striveline of, 185. Rathow, John Menteth of, 206. Readers, support of, 96. Rebels and traitors, injuries by, 37. Red Croft, 74. Rede, Charles, bailie, 187. Redeheucht (Redhuch), Alexander of Megour, 193, 194. Archibald, 193, 194. . James, 186, 187, 193, 194, 197, 203, 205. Patrick, 53, 59, 67. Richard, 187. Robert, chaplain, 185. Walter, 189. Register of instruments and iufeftments, 212. Regraiters, law against, 84. Reid, Thomas, fleshcr, 217. Rials Croft, 91. Richardson (Riohartsoun), James, 106; John, 204, 211. Richardson, Robert, 191; commcndator of St. Mary's aisle, treasurer, 99. William, 205. Ritchie, Steyne, 218, 223> Robberies, 36. Robert I., King, charter by, to burgesses of Stirling of pasturage for horses and right of digging peats, 14-15. II., King, charter by, to burgesses and community, of their burgh, with fishings, burgh ferm, customs, &c., 21, 22; confirma- tion by, of gifts of St. Laurence's altar, 23-25 ; confirmation by Charles I. of charter bj', of burgh, fishings, customs, &c., 119, 129; charter by, to Richard of Waneflete of a tenement in Stirling, 183. III., precept by, granting St. James' Hosi^ital to canons of Cambuskenneth, 20. I., II., and III., Kings, grant to St. Michael's Chapel for salvation of souls of, 27. steward of Scotland, 18, 19. ■ duke of Albany, governor. (See Albany. ) earl of Fife and Menteth, 183. elect of St. Andrews, 1, 2. bishop of Dunblane, 184. the execiitioner, 20. Robertson, Sir David, vicar of KirkintuUoch, 48. James, 211. Robert, alias Tennent, convener, 217, 221, 222, 223. Robison (Robiesone, Robesoun). • Alexander, 86. Sir David, provost of collegiate church of May bole, 180. David, Serjeant, 210. James, 214; bailie, 200. John, 51, 185, 202, 213. William, 192. Sii' William, gift to, of chaplainry of St. Michael's altar, 85-9. Rodye, John, serjeant, 44. 250 INDEX. EoUok, Isabella, 198. Peter, 198. Komisli religion, abolition of, 109. Rood Croft, 09, 140, 158, 1G2; maills of, 213. Ros, John, of Montgrenane, SOli. Rothes, earl of, (.Tohu), 171. Rothes, parson of, 58. Rothesay, charter dated at, 2C. Roxburgh, dwelling place in, 2. Roxburgh, earl of, (Robert), 167. St. Andrews, archbishops of, (James), 64, 66, 196; (John), 99. bishops of (William), 18, 19, 183; (Walter), 25; (James), 36. bishop of, or his vicar general, 28. Gavin Dimbar, archdeacon of, 71. Sir Robert Wallis, archdean of, 57. Robert, elect of, 1, 2. diocese of, 48, 56, 79, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 199. priors of, (John), 54; (Patrick), 196. St. Clair, William lord of, chancellor, 36. St. James' Chapel, stones of, to be used for common work, 210. St. James' Hospital. (See Hospital.) St. John, Henry, commissioner of Common- wealth, 170. St. Johns, lord, (William), 54. St. Laurence's Croft, 140, 158, 162 ; decree of lords of oblivion as to rents of, 99-101. St. Michael's Hill, 91. Salmon, teind, to abbot of Cambuskemieth, 59. (See Fishings.) Salt and skins, burgesses of Stirling freed from cxistom on, 32, 131. Salt pit, grant of, to abbey of Cambuskenneth, 5. Salwey, R., commissioner of Commonwealth, 170. Sandis, Andrew, bailie, 202. Sanser, Thomas, 13. Sasines, attesting of, by court clerk, 89 ; single sasine of all lands granted to burgh suffi- cient, 159, ICO; register of, 202; breaking of sasine, 207 ; Johu Graheme's book of, 212. Sauchy (Salchy), Alexander Scliaw of, 87 ; James Schaw of, 202, 205, 207. Sauling, lands of, 206. Schang, William, 213. Schaw, Alexander of Sauchy, 87. George, of Knokhill, 191. James, of Salchy, sheriff of Stirling, 202, 205, 207. Sir John of Arnecomrie, grant by, to Inirgh, of almshouse, 108-12, 119-20; grant of a chaplainry by, to Archibald Allane, 119. William, master of work, 223, 224. Scherar, John, merchant, 217, 222. .Schippaucht, lands of, 193; George Forester in, 218. Schoriswode, George of, rector of Culth', 34. Schorte (.Schortt), Alexander, 211. James, let of Brighauch to, 216; feu of ground to, 218; bailie, 217, 222. Robert, cordiner, 210, 212. Scone, abbot of (James), 58, 60, 64, 67, 195. charters dated at, IS, 19, 21, 118, 119, 128, 129. Scot (Scott), James, 188, 191. John, shoemaker, 24; priest and notary, 184; maltman, 220. Sir John, -of Scotstarvet, director of chancery, 124, 167. Robert, 211; tailor, 210. Scotland, commissioners of commonwealth for managing affairs in, 168-70; incorporation of, with commonwealth, 170. Scots regiment in Flanders, 109. Seal, common, description of, vii; appending of, 45, 53, 60, 68, 73, 74, 187, 188, 201. Seals, appending of other, when granters of charters had none, 185. INDEX. 2ol Seikmau's Croft, 140, 15S, lO'.'. Seikman's House, 140, 15S, 162. Session, Kirk, admission of poor to almshouse by, 110. Sheriff, office of, within liurgli, conferred on magistrates and community, 60-64; decree finding same to belong to them and annualling pretended gift of, to son of Earl of Mar, 112-15; confirmation of, 122, 123, 131, 145, 159; reference in parliamen- tary proceedings to, 16S; appointment of, and his deputies as justices under fishery laws, 103-5. Slierill'of Stirling, James Scliaw, 202. Shoemakers, deacon of, 175. (See Elections of Provosts, &c.) Silk, against unfreemen trading in, 82, 83. Simson (Symsoun), Margaret, 193, 194. Robert, 48, 56 ; Sir Robert, chaplain, 43, 44, 45, 47, 186, 187, 205. Walter, 203. William, 186; bailie, 205, 207. Sissor, Adam, burgess, 20. Skaldings, 32. Skewok, peat moss of, 15. Skinner (Skynuar), Bartholomevi', 187. John, burgess, 20. Skins, (See Salt and skins ; also Hides.) Skipinch, 56, 57, 59. Skorlings, 32. Smith (Smitht, SmytJit), Alexander, 193. Archibald, 213, 216, 219, 222, 223. George, 87. Thomas, 87, 185; Serjeant, 44. Smolts, acts against slaughter of, 104. Smythstouu (Smethtson), Sir Eichard, 205, 208. Somerville, lord, (William), 34, 36. Soutlibraes, 139, 157, 161. Southfield, cliarter by King Charles II. to Spittell's Hospital of lands of, 175-8. Southgait, 24 ; almshouse in, 108, 110. Spaldyne, John, dean of Brechin, 185. Spens, George, 80. Sir John of, priest and notary, 1S4, 205. Speyr, William, 48. Spicery, against unfreemen trading in, 82, 83. Spittaille (Spettall, Spittell), Archibald, 201. Edward, 59, 07, 73, 189. master Hem-y, 75. James, 56 ; bailie, 188, 189. '■ Robert, 86, 87. Spittell's Hospital, contirmatiou by King Charles I. of, 120, 134, 143, 159, 163; mortification by commendator of Cambus- kenneth to, 134; ratification of same by earl of Mar, 135; charter by King Charles II. to, of lands of Southfield, 175-S. Spittellkerse, Spittellauds, Spittellmyre, and Spitteltown, 140, 158, 161. Squyre, Jolm, bailie, 112. Staigs, dues gathered for, 209. (See Common Good, set of. ) Staple goods, against unfreemen trading in, 82, 83. Stavart, Walter, 190. Stele, Sir Alexander, chaplain, 193. Andrew, 193. John, 193. Stene, John, 193. Steven, William, 54. Stevinson (Stevensone, Steynsoue, Stenesone), David, bailie, 112, 114. James, 218; nialtmau, 224. Robert, 189. Thomas, dempster, 45. Steward of Scotland (Robert), IS, 19; (John), 22, 25, 183. barony of, 23. Steward, Alexander, earl of Marr and Garvy- ach, 29. John, lord of Buchan, 29. John, lord of Lonie, 29. Murdoch, knight, son of duke of Albany, 29. Robert, grandson of Duke of Albany, 29. 252 INDEX. Stewart, Alan, 196. George, 193. • John, of Jhonnestoun, 4", 53. ■ Thomas, 20S. Sir Waltei', chaplain, 190. William, of Baldovane, 207. Stirling (Sterling, Strivelin, Striveliue, Strive- lyne, Striveling, Striviling), burgh of, grant by King David I. to church of Holy Trinity of Dunfermline of dwelling place iu, 1, 2; do. of two churches and carucate of land in, 2; allowance to abbot and monks from first ships arri\ang at, 3; grant to abbey of Holy- rood of a toft in, 3, 4; grant to bishop of Glasgow of a toft in, 6 ; grant by Alexander II. to, of a weekly market, a merchant guild, and other privileges, 6-9; grant by Alex- ander II. to, of freedom from toll and cus- tom, 9, 10 ; grant by Alexander III. to abbey of Cambuskenneth of 20 merks from ferm of, 10, 11 ; charter by abbot and con- vent of Arbroath of all their lands in, 11-14; charter by Robert I. to, of pasturage for horses and right of digging peats, 14-15; account of the magistrates of, 15-16 ; account of the custumars of, 16-17 ; charter by David 11. confirming King Alexander's charter to, of a weekly market, &c., 17-18 ; charter by David II. confirming King Alexander's charter to, of freedom from tolls and customs, 18-19; precept by David II. as to damage caused by burgesses of, to fishings of abbey of Cambuskenneth, 20-21 ; charter by Robert II. to burgesses of, of their burgh, with fishings, customs, &c., 21-22; charter by Robert II. confirming gifts to altar of St. Laurence in parish church of, 23-25 ; precept by Robert III. to canons of Cambuskenneth of St. James' Hospital at, 26 ; charter by James II. granting new fair to, 30-32; charter by James II. to, of freedom from salt and skins, 32-34; letters patent by James II. appointing commissioner of, to be summoned yearly to parliament of Four Burghs, 34-36; charter by James II. to, of patronage of St. James' Hospital, 36- 38 ; charter l)y Malcolm Fleniyng to, of site of Tolbooth , 39-42 ; letters by the magistrates, &o., of, adjudging a tenement to an altar for non-payment of anuualrent, 42-46 ; consent of magistrates of, to union of altars of Holy Trinity and St. Thomas, 46-48 ; community of, appointed patrons of St. James' altar, 49-53; decree against certain persons occu- pying fishings belonging to, 53-54; decree against magistrates and community of, occu- pying fishings of abbey of Cambuskenneth, 54-55; institution by magistrates and com- munity of, of chaplain to St. James' altar, 55-56 ; submission between community of, and abbey of Cambuskenneth, as to fishings, 57-58 ; decree pronounced on submission, 58-60; charter by James IV. to, of ofiice of sheriffship within burgh, 60-64 ; charter by James IV. to, of patronage of St. Laurence's altar, 64-66; conunission by, for prosecution of abbot and convent of Cambuskenneth as to fishings, 66-8 ; lauds of Gallowhills granted by, to King James IV. , 69 ; charter by James IV. to, of AulJ Park and patronage of St. Jlichael's altar, 69-71 ; indenture between abbot and convent of Dunfermline and, as to building choir in parish church, 71-73; commission by, for prosecution of Alexander Elphiustone as to fishings, 73-4; prosecution of bailies of, and others, by convent of Cam- buskenneth as to fishings, 75 ; grant by magistrates of, to St. Katherine's altar, of piece of waste ground, 76-80; charter by James V. ratifying acts and charging magis- trates of, to enforce laws against unfreemen using merchandice, SO-5 ; gift by magistrates of, to Sir William Robesonn of chaplainry of St. Michael's altar, 85-9 ; grant by magis- trates of, to John Graheme of court clerk- ship, 89 ; charter by Queen Mary to, of INDEX. 253 church property and revenues, 9'2-99 ; pro- test as to warrandice by, of Friars' lauds, 101-2 ; question between, and other burghs as to priority, 103 ; provost and bailies of, appointed King's justices of water of Forth, &c., 103-5; change of time for holding fail- in, 105; remission by James VI. to inhabit- ants of, for treasonable proceedings, 106-S; taking and detention of castle and town of, 107; grant by Archibald Allan and .Sir John Schaw to burgh of, of almshouse, 108-112; decree finding office of sheriffship within burgh to belong to magistrates and com- munity of, 112-5; signature or warrant for charter of confirmation to, of all lands and possessions, 116-23; charter of confii-mation by Charles I. to, of all their charters, possessions, rights and privileges, [for par- ticulars see Table of Contents], 12-1-107 ; ratification by parliament of charters to, 168 ; agreement of, to be incorporated with Com- monwealth of England, 168; authority by commissioners of Commonwealth to, to elect magistrates and officers, 108-70; cliarter by Charles II. to, confii'ming possessions and grantingpirivileges as to markets and fairs, 171-4; act of parliament appointing two yearly fairs to be held at, 178-9; act of parliament, with protest by commissioner of, as to fair of Balquidrock, 179-80; transumpt of charter by James II. to, of St. James' hospital, 184; provost, bailies and council of, patrons of St. ilichael's chaplainry, 195; grant by, of ground for payment of annual rent to Friars Preachers, 199; keeping of castle given to provost of, 206 ; extracts from records of, 208-25; elections of town council of, 210, 213, 215, 217, 222. charters and documents dated at, 3, 11, 25, 32, 38, 40, 47, 53, 64, 66, 68, 89, 90, 99, 185-208. lordship of, grants from, 3, 4, 5. . sheriff of, 202. (See Sheriff. ) Stuling, James of Keir, 209, 210, 215; provost, 213. Sir John, of Keir, 176, (Strivelyn, Striviline), Alexanderof, 10,11. ; — George, 185. John, 185. Henry of, 9, 10. Thomas of, chancellor, 9. William, of Ratherne, 185. Stoddert, John, 213, 214, 222. Strathearn, Robert, earl of, 18, 19. Suerd, James, 75. Sutor, Fynlay, bailie, 15. Sword-slipper, a, made burgess, 225. Swyne, John Broune, alias, 189. Tack of tenement In Stirling, 199-200. Tacksmen to pay arrears. (See Common Good, set of. ) Tallow, grant of, to Trinity Church, Dun- fermline, 3; price of, 222. Taverners, stamping of stoups by, 208. {See Wine, price of.) Taverns, limitation of, in sheriffdom of Stir- ling, S, 17, lis, 127. Tay, water of, 3. Tailyefeii', John, mason, 221. Thomas, 187, 195. Taylour, Michael, 185. Tector, Richard, burgess, 20. Nicholas, 185. Teind of salmon to Abbot o£ Cambuskeimeth, 59. Teith, water of, 104. Tennaut (Tennand), John, and Philip his son, fishers, 20. James, 192. Robert, 199. alias Robertson, 217, 221, 223. Terbert, James Nory of, 204, 207. Terrinyeane, lord, 125, 167. Thomas, the brazier, 20. Hugh, sou of, 183. 254 INDEX. Thome, James, 211, 214. Thomson (Thomesouu), Andrew, tailor, 222. Alexauder, maltman, 220. . Duncan, 208. John, 199; flesher, 210, 215. William, chaplain, 190. Tichborne, Robert, commissioner of Coimnou- wealth, 170. Tod skins, 32. Tolbooth, site of, acquired by burgh, 39-42, 184; clerk's booth in fore tenement of, 89 ; common seal appended to commission at, 68, 74 ; sasine taken at, 97 ; community assembled in, 185; head court held in, 205; repair of, 212; imprisonment in, 210. Toll and custom on goods, freedom from, 9, 18, 19, lis, 119, 128. Tolls and customs, power to le\'y, 120, 138, 144, 179. Torbrex, lauds of, 176, Torphicheu, duties payable to hospital of, 16. Torwode (Torwoud), 185; Duncan Forester of, 47, 53; Malcolm Forester of, 207. Torwoidheid, 201. Touchadam (Tulchadam), 208, 217, 222; John Murray of, 179, 201. Tour de Ballat, 88. Trade and merchandise, ratification of acts as to, 80-85. Traitors and rebels, injuries by, 37. Transumpt of charter by James II. to burgh of St. James' Hospital, 184. Treasonable proceedings, remission to inhabi- tants of Stirling for, 106-8. Treasurer, discharge to, 213; election of, 220, 223. Trinity Chxirch of Dunfermline. See Dun- fermline. Trinity, Holy, aisle of, in Parish Church. (See Parish Church, altars in.) Trone land, tenement called, 20S. Tulibardyn, William Murray of, 36. Tulibodevin, land of, 5. Tulibody, fishing of, 55. bridge of, 214. Tulicht Heddill, 193. Tulycultre, lordship of, given to Queen of James III., 202-3. vicar of parish church of, 203. Tynklare, John, 54. Uchiltre, James ColviUe of, 196. Ure, James, 221. Ury, George, 200. Hugh, burgess, 20. Usser, Alexauder, bailie, 101. Utem, Audrew, 106. Valine, Peter de, 10. Valley, lands called the, 140, 158, 162. Vaux, John de, 9. Vemys, William, burgess, 20. Vennel, leading to parish church, 39, 40. Common, 191, 208. Vestments of abbot and monks of Dunferm- line, 3. Vicar, horning purchased by, 213. Vry, Geoige, 200. Hugh, burgess, 20. Vtem, Andrew, 106. Walkers and Weavers, exception of, from mechant guild, 8, 17, 118, 121, 127. Wallace, John, preoeptorof Spittell's Hospital, 175-8. merchant, 210, 213, 215. Sir Thomas of Craigie, 174. Wallis, Sir Robert, archdean of St. Andrews, 57. Walter, cardinal of the Apostolic See, 22, 25. Waueflete, Richard of, charter by Robert JI. to, 183. Wardanis land, tenement called, 186. Wardris, Alexander Lesly of, 206. Wardress, 58. Warinok, Patrick, 204. INDEX. 255 Waste land bestowed on St. Katherine's altar, 77. (See Land.) Watson, Alexander, bailie, 194; burgess, 196; councillor, 210. Gilbert, 211, 213,214. James, 79; councillor, 215; bailie, 210, 211; auditor, 212. John, lOG, 21G. . Walter, tailor, 21S. William, 75. Wax, against unfreemen trading in, 82, S3. Ways and passages, 147, 160. Weaponschaw, order for, 225. Weavers and Walkers, exception of, from merchant guild, S, 17, 121, 127. Weilfeid, David, 44. Wemys, William, burgess, 20. Wheat, price of, 222. AVhins, lands called, 139, 157, 161. White, Master Henry, parson of Rothes, 58. William, 189. Whitehall, charter dated at, 174. Whitehill, lands of, 170. Widows and honest men's wives, only, allowed te be brewers, 210. William the Lion, King, grant by, to bishop of Glasgow of toft in Stirling, C. Williamson (AVilyeameson), John, notary, 202. Jonet, 191, 197. Wilson, James, sword slipper, made burgess, 225. Wilson, John, 53, 54, 201, 219. Sir Thomas, priest, 197, 198. William, 53. Wind or water mills, 121. \yine, against unfreemen trading in, 82, 83 ; prices of, 208, 211, 214, 215, 220, 221 ; unlaws for selling, above fixed prices, 208, 209. Winyettis, Thomas, lOG. AVise, Adam, 53 : William, 192. AVitste, John, burgess, 20. AA'ives, honest men's, and widows, only, al- lowed to be brewers, 210. AVolsone, John, 219. Wool, custom of, 17; against unfreemen trad- ing in, 84. Work, master of, SS, 223, 224. AA'orthy (AA'ourthy), John, 43, 187 AA'renuok, Patrick, 204. Wsser, Alexander, bailie, 101. Yair, James, 199. Yester, George, 86. Yong, AViUiam, 53. Young, Alexander, baxter, 218. John, 185, 223. William, notary, 202. Y'oungman, Thomas, chaplain, 191. Youthston, John, 189. Zoilay, Thomas, chaplain, 189. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. ^ms^ ''A\:v ji*'A,.*^.>'. S'-Wi:«M»^ ■5* » '/' it.. , ■;•'■•..■, 'M'- ''■ .^. l^'.