DEC 1 ^91« THE CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE TABLES and STATEMENTS '-"' Classifying according to General Source, the REVENUES of the " GENERAL FUND for the REDUCTION of TAXATION " and also the SURPLUS REVENUES of SINKING FUND, No. 1 and of SINKING FUND for the PAYMENT of INTEREST which SURPLUSES were paid into the GENERAL FUND The Tables and Statements show the Estimated Revenues of the General Fund for the Years 1914, 1915 and 1916, aligned with the Actual Revenues Collected during 1914, 1915 and up to September 30, 1916. Presented to the BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller October 27, 1916 ' NOV 6 1947, THE CITY OF NEW YORK— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. October 27, 1916. To THE Board of Estimate and Apportionment : Gentlemen — The Tables herewith presented classify the estimated receipts, aligned with the actual receipts, to the " General Fund for the Reduction of Taxation " during 1914 and 1915; and also show the estimated revenue receipts for 1916 and the actual receipts from January 1, 1916, to September 30, 1916. These revenues are classified according to the general character or source whence they are derived. They also include the total amount of surplus revenues of the " Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the City Debt, No. 1," which, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 103, Laws of 1903, are transferable from Sinking Fund No. 1 and are payable into the " General Fund for the Reduction of Taxation." Table "A" summarizes, under a group classification, these revenue receipts of the General Fund, and the supporting Statements amplify, under a more detailed subdivision, the amounts of the various elements of revenue receipts which enter into and constitute each group total shown on Table " A." The general sources and amounts which constitute the surplus revenues of Sinking Fund No. 1, which are annually transferable therefrom and payable into the " General Fund for the Reduction of Taxation," are shown on two separate Statements; one showing the revenue receipts which, in accordance with law, are pledged to and payable into the Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest, and the other showing the revenues of Sinking Fund No. 1 which are not required for the "redemption of debt payable from said Sinking Fund, and there- fore constitute a surplus which, in accordance with Chapter 103, Laws of 1903, are transferred to the Genera! Fund and used in the reduction of current taxation. The surplus revenues of Sinking Fund No. 1 consist (a) of the surplus revenues transferable from the Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest to Sinking Fund No. 1 ; (b) of the surplus revenues per se of Sinking Fund No. 1, and (c) of the interest on General Fund bonds which, in accordance with law, must 1)6 paid from the " General Fund " into Sinking Fund No. 1, and which comes liack again to the General Fund in the form' of "surplus revenues of Sinking Fund No. 1." Respectfully, WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Bureau of TABLE— SUMMARIZING, under a GROUP CLASSIFICATION according to GENERAL SOURCE or CHARACTER, aligned with the ESTIMATES thereof; also showing the ESTIMATED RECEIPTS for 1916 and the ACTUAL 1916. Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts to September 30, 1916. 1. Special Taxes: Bank Tax $3,600,000 00 Mortgage Tax 900,000 00 Excise Tax 3,804,826 39 2. Franchises and Privileges 1,165,000 00 3 Fees ■ (a) Chamberlain $30,000 00 (b) City Clerk 140,000 00 (c) County Clerks 195,000 00 (d) Registers 265,000 00 (e) Sheriffs 75,000 00 (f) Surrogates 13,000 00 (g) Public Administrators 12,000 00 730,000 00 4 Department of Health— Searches 30,000 00 5. Sundries 6. Reimbursements 180,000 00 7. Sales of Sundry Articles : (a) City Record 12,000,00 (b) Various 12,000 00 8. School Moneys from State 2,100,000 00 9. Interest: (a) Assessments 680,000 00 (b) Taxes 2,000,000 00 (c) Water Rates, Queens and Richmond (d) Other than foregoing 2,680,000 00 10. Water Rates 265,000 00 11. Recovery of Costs, Reimbursements, etc 25,000 00 12. Premiums from Sale of Corporate Stock 13. Unencumbered Balances of Appropriation Accounts of prior Years 1,750,000 00 14. Miscellaneous 250,000 00 15. Reimbursements from Rapid Tran. Constr'n a/cs 16. Reimbursements of preceding Years' Charges and Expenses 523,385 81 17. Surplus Revenues from Sinking Fund No. 1 23,500,000 00 18. Cash Balances in General Fund as at January 1 3,223,694 52 Totals $44,738,906 72 From which Dedjtct Amounts transferred from General Fund and paid into other Funds, viz. : 19. Paid to Tax Accounts to cover Amounts deducted from Special Franchise Taxes under Sec. 48 $600,000 00 20. Paid to Sinking Fund No. 1 as Interest on Gen. Fund Bonds 6,141,970 38 21. Various Refunds of Revenues erroneously paid into Gen- eral Fund 6,741,970 38 22. TOTAL AMOUNT of GENERAL FUND REVENUES APPLIED to REDUCTION of TAXATION $37,996,936 34 23. Cash Balances as of December 31st (a) Reflects lialance of Excise Tax of 1915 transferable to General Fund in 1916. (b) Amounts realized in 1916 from this source not yet paid into the " General Fund." $130 00 653,602 91 (a) 3,804,826 39 1,012,227 23 $10,356 61 130,521 71 160,328 83 220,206 38 115,102 41 17,405 68 12,883 93 9,246 01 86,856 62 606,778 06 2,292,493 64 5,956 11 34,182 83 $3,077,054 79 666,805 55 34,682 30 8,312 46 194,887 78 96,102 63 2,220,730 03 2,939,410 64 239,188 89 163,937 40 (b) ""14,767*38 "5,000,666 '66 3,223,694 52 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Accountancy. the REVENUE RECEIPTS of the "GENERAL FUND for the REDUCTION OF TAXATION" during 1914 and 1915, RECEIPTS thereon from JANUARY 1, 1916, to SEPTEMBER 30, 1916. 1915. 1914. Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts. Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts. $3,600,000 00 700,000 00 4,175,433 65 1,083,000 00 $3,607,183 12 830,784 06 4,210,802 05 1,390,681 69 $3,500,000 00 1,000,000 00 4,277,426 66 932,000 00 $3,629,408 92 932,573 78 4,277,426 66 1,299,680 16 $20,000 00 140,000 00 195,000 00 265,000 00 70,500 00 12,500 00 15,000 00 718,000 00 30,000 00 140,666 '66 $14,188 07 146,653 75 208,082 49 275,519 21 123,123 46 22,345 14 12,137 81 802,049 93 36,934 86 15,191 n 215,345 56 $20,000 00 125,000 00 190,000 00 300,000 00 58,000 00 12,000 00 15,000 00 720,000 00 25,000 00 290,666 '66 $16,153 53 147,686 46 200,559 36 270,854 97 134,858 50 16,598 49 17,697 79 804,409 10 32,756 18 15,595 17 164,767 90 12,000 00 12,000 00 1,950,000 00 12,683 96 92,460 17 105,144 13 2,115,679 li 15,000 00 15,000 00 1,950,000 00 12,979 05 145,659 47 158,638 52 1,923,025 00 600,000 00 1,800,000 00 2,400,000 00 275,000 00 130,000 00 2,694,861 87 275,000 00 5,213,000 00 671,228 97 23,000,000 00 88,539 12 $47,156,063 61 666,888 66 3,045,345 37 2,910 26 47,817 50 250,000 00 2,300,000 00 3,762,961 79 272,418 64 227,908 41 1,348,171 54 2,590,555 42 56,437 41 5,293,086 00 671,228 97 23,000,000 00 88,539 12 $50,641,104 20 2,550,000 00 265,000 00 25,000 00 4,800.000 00 300,000 00 "'38'7',369'67 23,500,000 00 4,699,199 62 $49,235,935 35 426,892 94 1,819,587 19 3,451 55 188,956 57 2,438,888 25 279,618 28 203,958 94 942,500 00 3,872,476 78 103,067 05 " '3'8'7,369'67 23,500,000 00 4,699,199 62 $49,665,299 38 950,000 00 5,375,000 0(J 6,325,000 00 $40,831,063 61 $950,000 00 5,436,554 79 199,791 28 6,586,346 07 40,831,063 61 47,417,409 68 $3,223,694 52 1,200,000 00 .4.800,000 00 6,000,000 00 iH3,235,935 35 1,200,000 00 4,755,410 96 385,413 95 6,340,824 91 $43,235,935 35 49,576,760 26 !,539 12 SUMMARIZING, under THE CITY OF NEW YORK Bureau of STATE a GROUP CLASSIFICATION according to GENERAL SOURCE, the REVENUE with the ESTIMATES thereof ; also showing the ESTIMATED RECEIPTS for 1916 and 1916^ Special Taxes — Bank Tax Mortgage Tax Excise Tax franchises and Privileges — Street Railway Franchises Permits — Various Licenses — Various Privileges — Various Bridge Tolls and Privileges (Manhattan Bridge) Elec. Licenses — W. S., G. & E Tapping Permits — W. S., G. & E Various — Other Fees — Chamberlain's City Clerk- Marriage Licenses Auctioneers' Miscellaneous Electrical Signs County Clerks' — New York ^ Bronx Kings Queens Richmond Registers' — New York Bronx Kings SherifTs'— New York Bronx Kings Queens Surrogates' — New York Bronx Kings Richmond Public Administrators' — New York Kings Queens Department of Health — Searches Subpoenas from Sundry persons Examining Board of Plumbers and Electric Meter Tests Reimbursements — Account of Committed Children Department of Public Charities Bellevue and Allied Hospitals Board of Inebriety and Sheriffs Department of Correction Department of Health Sales of Sundry Articles — City Record Old _ Materials — by Various Departments Various — Other School Moneys from State Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts to September 30, 1916. $3,600,000 00 900,000 00 3,804,826 39 500,000 00 130,000 00 400,000 00 100,000 00 ( 11,896 00 35,089 14 $130 00 653,602 91 a) 3,804,826 39 219,934 31 116,842 67 407,385 48 146,700 52 12,223 00 35,000 00 66,985 14 49,903 00 26,100 00 24,532 53 50,882 22 12,169 95 28,010 19 59,858 02 9,408 45 79,060 18 37,452 15 103,694 OS 42,156 11 60,000 00 25,000 00 20,000 00 30,000 00 105,000 00 35,000 00 195,000 00 265,000 00 75,000 00 13,000 00 12,000 00 30,000 00 10,356 61 100,535 53 70,000 00 10,000 00 40,000 00 65,0(K) 00 10,000 00 29,986 18 160,328 83 100,000 00 40,000 00 125,000 00 220^06 38 50,000 00 7,000 00 15,000 00 3,000 00 91,370 17 4,757 16 15,083 41 3,891 67 115,102 41 ^ 11,166 40 1.037 03 4,798 80 403 45 10.606 66 } 3,000 00 17,405 68 8,695 24 4,139 56 49 13 12,883 93 23,136 05 65,986 85 14,615 00 2,901 50 86,889 88 1,358 50 3,(»,682 30 4,035 '46 4,287 00 30,000 00 100,000 00 180,000 00 12,000 00 50,000 00 194,887 78 9,246 01 81,118 11 5,738 51 2,100,000 00 2,220,730 03 (a) Reflects Balance of Excise Tax of 1915 transferable to' General Fund in 1916. —DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Accountancy. MENT. RECEIPTS of the "GENERAL FUND for the REDUCTION of TAXATION" during 1914 and 1915, aligned the ACTUAL RECEIPTS thereon from JANUARY 1, 1916. to SEPTEMBER 30, 1916. 1915. 1914. Estimated Receijits. Actual Receipts. Estimatec 1 Receipts. Actual Receipts. $3,600,000 00 700,000 00 4,175,433 65 500,000 00 128,000 00 350,000 00 80,000 00 11,812 00 43,174 28 61,660 00 27,800 00 21,459 17 $3,607,183 12 830^784 06 4,210,802 05 499,047 71 136,024 67 421,514 62 230,031 45 1,554 03 54,986 28 47,522 93 14,188 07 110,919 17 35,734 58 208,082 49 275,519 21 123,123 46 22,345 14 12,137 81 36,934 86 9,130 02 6,061 75 215,345 56 105,144 13 2,115,679 li 60,000 00 20,000 00 20,000 00 $3,500,000 00 1,000,000 00 4,277,426 66 400,000 00 157,000 00 290,000 (X) 60,000 00 64,940 50 27,900 00 22,200 02 $3,629,408 92 932,573 78 4,277,426 66 507,606 04 132,871 90 362,678 75 99,624 6S 160 45 25,000 00 25,000 00 15,514 19 181,224 18 60,000 00 25,000 00 20,000 00 20,000 00 105,000 00 20,000 00 100,000 00 16,153 53 115,040 52 70,000 00 35,000 00 195,000 00 71,480 24 11,982 89 40,551 87 72,679 82 11,387 67 25,000 00 190,000 00 69,882 72 8,789 25 42,466 56 67,513 71 11,906 62 32,645 94 10,000 00 40,000 00 65,000 00 10,000 00 75,000 00 40,000 00 65,000 00 10,000 00 200,559 36 100,000 00 265,000 00 102,706 15 44,880 02 127,933 04 1 300,000 00 102,729 91 39,539 57 128,585 49 40,000 00 125,000 00 160,000 00 S 140,000 00 270.854 97 50,000 00 70,500 00 94,281 40 6,722 99 \i;]il 74 4,381 iZ ) 58,000 00 112,432 10 6,707 69 10,130 43 5,588 28 7,500 00 10,000 00 3,000 00 45,0(10 00 i 10,000 00 3,000 00 134,858 50 12,500 00 14,966 20 1,075 49 5,725 45 578 00 •• 1 12,000 00 12,151 10 496 59 3,479 90 470 90 10,000 00 2,500 00 10,000 00 \ 2,000 00 16,598 49 15,000 00 9,190 63 2,034 53 912 65 15,000 00 12,095 67 5,255 56 346 56 17,697 79 30,000 00 32,152 35 83,092 91 13,179 50 1,794 90 85,125 90 40,000 00 90,000 00 25,000 00 .36,197 75 109,291 86 8,717 SO 32,756 18 7,776 17 7,819 00 30,000 00 110,000 00 140,000 00 290,000 00 160,000 00 10,560 79 . 164,767 90 12,000 00 12,000 00 12,683 96 80,494 04 11,966 13 15,000 00 15,000 00 1,950,000 00 12,979 OS 103,789 71 41,869 76 158,638 52 1,950,000 00 1,923,025 00 STATEMENT— Grouping the REVENUE RECEIPTS of the GENERAL 1916. Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts to September 30, 1916. Interest on Assessments Interest on Taxes Interest on Water Rates, Queens and Richmond. Interest on Security Deposits Interest other than foregoing Water Rates — Queens Water Rates — Richmond Sundry Rentals Recovery of Costs, Reimbursements, etc Premiums from Sale of Corporate Stock Unencumbered Balances of Appropriation Accounts of prior Years ; Miscellaneous Reimbursement from Rapid Transit Construction a/c for Ex- penses of Public Service Commission for 1915, previously paid from Taxation Reimbursement from Rapid Transit Construction a/c for In- terest 1907-1913, previously paid from Taxation Reimbursement of preceding Years' Charges and Expenses originally paid from General Fund — New York Co Kings Co Bronx Co Queens Co Richmond Co Surplus Revenues from Sinking Fund, No. 1 Cash Balances in General Fund as at January 1st. Totals From which Deduct Amounts transferred from GENERAL FUND and paid into other Funds, viz. : Paid to Tax Accounts to cover Amounts deducted from Special Franchise Taxes under Sec. 48, Gen'l Tax Law. Paid to Sinking Fund No. 1 as Interest on Gen'l Fd. Bonds Various Refunds of Revenues erroneously paid into the jQeneral Fund 50,000 00 215,000 00 272,690 54 128,457 41 51,338 99 62,843 97 8,054 90 600,000 00 0,141,970 38 $680,000 00 2,000,000 00 265,000 00 25,000 00 1,750,000 00 250,000 00 $606,778 06 2,292,493 64 5,956 11 10,252 40 23,930 43 47,599 34 191,589 55 239,188 89 256 00 163,937 40 523,385 81 23,500,000 00 3,223,694 52 $44,738,906 72 14,451 38 523,385 81 5.000,000 00 3,223,694 52 3,077,054 79 6,741,970 38 NET REVENUES of the GENERAL FUND AVAILABLE for and APPLIED to REDUCTION of TAX.ATION $37,996,936 34 Cash Balances as of December 31st. 6 FUND during 1914 and 191S, and to SEPTEMBER 30, 1916 (Cont'd). 1915. 1914. Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts. Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts. $600,000 00 $666,888 66 $250,000 00 $426,892 94 1,800,000 00 3,045,345 Z7 2,300,000 00 1,819,587 19 2,910 26 3,451 55 10,860 65 111,147 05 36,956 85 77,809 52 60,000 00 58,175 29 50,000 00 61,665 71 215,000 00 275,000 00 214,243 35 272,418 64 215,000 00 265,000 00 217,952 57 279,618 28 2,544 04 4,096 25 130,000 00 227,908 41 25,000 00 203,958 94 1,348,17154 942,500 00 2,694,861 87 2,590,555 42 4,800,000 00 3,872,476 78 275,000 00 53,893 }>1 300,000 00 98,970 80 1,213,000 00 1 4,000,000 00 J 5,213,000 00 5,293,086 00 180,073 05 203,237 22 138,324 35 111,213,04 312,958 87 23,742 03 21,428 99 29,300 64 18,443 71 671,228 97 671,228 97 19,816 14 387,309 07 387,309 07 23,000,000 00 23,000,000 00 23,500,000 00 23,500,000 00 88,539 12 88,539 12 4,699,199 62 4,699,199 62 $47,156,063 61 $50,641,104 20 $49,235,935 35 $49,665,299 38 950,000 00 950,000 00 1,200.000 00 1,200,000 00 5,375,000 00 5,436,554 79 4.800,000 00 4,755,410 96 199,791 28 385,413 95 6,325,000 00 6,000,000 00 '■ 6,586,346 07 6,340,824 91 $40,831,063 61 40,831,063 61 $43,235,935 35 43,235,935 35 $47,417,409 68 49,576,760 26 $3,223,694 52 $88,539 12 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Bureau of Supplement to Principal Statement. STATE CLASSIFYING the REVENUE to the GENERAL FUND from PERMITS, LICENSES, PRIVILEGES, and from 1916 Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts to September 30, 1916. I'crmits — Sewers and Drains Public Comfort Stations Encumbrances Othejs Licenses — Employment Agency Peddlers, Carts, Trucks and Express Drivers Coaches, Cabs and Taxicabs Newspaper, Fruit and Bootblack Stands Bowling Alley and Billiard Table Motion Picture, Theatre, Concert, Amusement and Dancing Halls Miscellaneous Runners' Licenses (Police Dept.) Privileges — Telephone Booths Bridge Department Pipes Poles, Wires and Conduits Scow Trimmings Parks Tunnels Various — Other Reimhursements— Corporation Counsel's Costs, etc : For Damage to Departmental Property Judgments for Costs For Labor and Material — Various Departments. Awards in Proceedings — Westchester Co Forfeitures — Recognizances Advertising Charges on Sales Assessments and Prior Tax Liens Unrefunded Security Deposit $130,000 00 $52,626 40 59,125 53 298 64 4,792 10 $116,842 67 400,000 00 $17,800 00 96,272 13 580 00 807 7i 17,742 00 184,660 00 5,241 37 1.345 00 324,448 23 3,972 65 100,000 00 19,800 27 389 04 14,978 30 66,370 05 15,634 82 25,555 39 146,700 52 11,987 89 30,035 73 14,650 29 15.678 58 91,584 91 25,000 00 163 937 40 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Accountancy. MENT. REIMBURSEMENTS— JUDGMENTS recovered, etc. YEARS 1914, 1915, and to SEPTEMBER 30, 1916. 1915 A 1914 Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts. Estimated Receipts. Actual Receipts. $69,288 25 60,113 10 $136,024 67 421,514 62 230,031 45 227,908 41 $66,6.34 17 60,607 73 $128,000 00 6.623 32 $157000 00 5,630 00 $132,871 90 17,550 00 105,690 90 876 00 4.898 01 22,381 SO 250.051 47 17,974 24 2,092 SO 19,128 00 68,584 50 865 00 3,550 00 26,096 SO 244,454 75 Dcpt. of Licenses 250,000 00 Police Dcpt 100,000 00 .....;;;;;;•.••• 290,000 00 Total $350,000 00 362,678 75 3,781 29 21,122 83 39,204 47 5,600- 00 47,649 63 79,477 69 3,057 54 . 5,524 57 100 00 3,035 le, 85,477 68 " "2,429' io 80,000 00 60,000 00 80,000 00 33,195 54 60,000 00 99,624 65 9,612 77 41,230 23 33,400 92 1.317 15 142,347 34 5,361 52 36,768 38 8,967 20 4,791 72 130,631 48 988 13 11,308 26 5,142 25 130,000 00 25 000 00 203,958 94 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Bureau of STATEMENT-Summarizing the operations of the "SINKING FUND for the REDEMPTION of CITY DEBT, No. 1," REVENUES of said SINKING FUND which are ANNUALLY TRANSFERRED therefrom and PAID INTO ACCOUNT, or SINKING FUND, per se. 1914. Revenues of Redemption Account. Assessments Interest on Assessments Dock and Slip Rents Market and Cellar Rents Water Lot Quit Rents Market Wagon Fees Privileges Franchises Licenses Permits— Street Vaults Fees, Fines, Penalties and Costs Forfeited Security Deposits Chamberlain's Commission on State Tax Interest on Deposits Interest on City Treasury Balances Revenue from Investments — all other Bonds. Surplus Revenue from Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest Revenue from Investments from Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest TOTAL REVENUE RECEIPTS. Interest on General Fund Bonds Cash from City Treasury and from different Sinking Funds for Bonds held by Sinking Fund No. 1, as Investments January 1 — Cash Balances PAYMENTS from SINKING FUNDS. viz. For Redemption of City Debt For Investments in City Securities Surphis Revenue transferred and paid into "General Fund for Reduction of Taxation" December 31 — Cash Balances 2,643,244 46 1,865.704 84 1,502,708 62 1,502,708 62 774,531 84 2,277,240 46 1,667,500 00 644,557 66 4,589,298 12 4,508,949 30 $80,348 82 Surplus Revenues. ?23,171 26 705 00 4,688,151 33 226,044 70 736 30,275 00 6,052 44 600,529 07 230,053 51 158,824 88 2,952 00 1,705 57 8,455 79 79,633 09 884,268 63 14,436 04 6,955,265 67 11,700,000 00 18,655,265 67 4,755,410 96 198,441 45 23,609,118 08 23,500,000 00 $109,118 08 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Accountancy. (luring 1914. 1915, and to SEPTEMBER 30, 1916, for llie purpose primarily of showing the SOURCES of SURPLUS the "GENERAL FUND for the REDUCTION of TAXATION;" also showing the OPERATION of the REDEMPTION 1915. 9 Mos. to Sept. 30th, 1916. Revenues of Redemption Account. Surplus Revenues. Revenues of Redemption Account. Surplus Revenues. $640 52 $2,217 54 4,878,674 36 4,079,635 34 232,358 n 201,588 72 33 10 7 36 38,859 75 26,915 75 7,052 44 3,381 25 562,347 94 103,677 64 280,918 44 211,257 79 129,787 62 88,006 71 9,583 00 11,275 15 1,825 00 3,623 48 12 380 0° 81,020 29 37,157 70 680,599 92 19,964 16 548,597 03 1,472,511 53 2,590 72 704,723 57 10,543 83 1,472,511 S3 6,906,291 82 724,687 73 5,340,265 38 10,650,000 00 5,000,000 00 719,357 32 348,938 56 2,191,868 85 17,556,291 82 1,073,626 29 10,340,265 38 5,436,554 79 3,077,054 79 3,345,672 17 9,996,837 22 80,348 82 109,118 08 1,506,876 11 101,964 69 5,617.889 84 23,101,964 69 12,577,339 62 13,519,284 86 4,111,013 IZ 4,111,013 IZ 23,000,000 00 19,846,837 22 12,346,837 22 7,500,000 00 6,019,284 86 5,000,000 00 1,506,876 11 101,964 69 230,502 40 1,019,284 86 to S o o ro ty to u :^ (-; a, ty ^ to -^ ^ o o •o c Co rt K in tn On »--^ ty 00 OS ■^ r^ ,-t ■^ o Q\ lO <^ ,_! »— 1 ON u-1 r^ O Tf^ in in oC eg »n Cvj C4 V2 "-■ On ■<»■ On lO f^ CO CNl ON • NO lO \I-i OT i t^ 00 t^ NO lO u^ On_ OOCMON g rt 1 ■ 4-J (75 4J t/3 1 u ^ 1 (3^ On «5 CO -. 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