h IA\^^\ T REESE LIBRARY ^ \ da UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received CAJ<^6^. , iSf/ Accessions No. ^>^^^^^ Shelf No. ....^^ 2p-->4'' . ^/\ff a , rr, — j:.. tV SKETCH OF HERDER AND HIS TIMES XJNIVEESIT^ HERDER, A SKETCH OF HERDER AND HIS TIMES, BY HENEY NEVINSOiSr. "The history of Literature is the great Morgue, where every man seeks his dead, those whom he loves or to whom he is related. When amongst the rows that lie there unnoticed and unmeaning I chance upon a Lessing or a Herder, with faces so human, so sublime — then my heart throbs within me. How can I go past without hurriedly kissing those pale lips ? " — Heine. " If Herder was not a poet, he was a poem." — JEAN PAUL. ^ or THE r UNIVERSITY LONDON ; CHAPMAN and HALL, Limited. 1884. [All Rights Reserved.) y^A^SS y^ DEDICATED IN GEATErUL EEVEEENCE TO THE MEMORY OF THOMAS OARLYLE. " I praise the loyalty o' the scholar — stung by taunt Of fools, * Does this evince thy Master, they so vaunt ? Did he then perpetrate the plain abortion here ? ' — Who cries, ' His work am I ! full fraught by him, I clear His fame from each result of accident and time, And thus restore his work to its fresh morning-prime : Not daring touch the mass of marble, fools' deride, But putting my idea in plaster by its side, His, since mine ; I, he made, vindicate who made me !' " FiFINE AT THE FAIR. \^ PEEFACE. I have written this hook as a supplementary note to Carlyle's Essays on German Literature, in the hope that it may he helpful to some readers of those Essays, as I think it would have heen helpful to me when I first read them many years ago. I have depended chiefly on the following autho- rities : — (1.) Keminiscences of Herder's life collected by his widow, Maria Carolina von Herder (Br inner ung en au8 dem Lehen Joh. Gottfrieds von Herder. Tiibingen, 1820). These Reminiscences were edited hy Johann Miiller, the historian, and his brother George. Though they are necessarily imperfect and fragmentary, they give the most vivid picture of Herder's life that has yet been made. They are in two small volumes. (2.) Herders Lehenshild, This is a collection by one of Herder's sons of the original authorities for the earlier part of the Reminiscences ; also of Herder's early unpublished works and correspondence. It is invaluable as far as it goes, but stops abruptly with the return from Strassburg (1771). ii PREFACE. (3.) Aus Herders Nachlass (three volumes, edited by Diintzer and Perdinand Gottfried von Herder, 1857) : a collection of Herder's correspondence with several of his friends, such as Jean Paul, Lavater, and the rest, also the letters from Goethe. A short and useful account of each friendship's history is pre- fixed to the several collections. The third volume contains Herder's correspondence with Karoline Elachsland before their marriage. (4.) Von und an Herder (by the same editors, 3 vols. 1861) : a similar collection to the last, con- taining the correspondence with Gleim, Heyne, Nicolai, &c., and the letters from Einsiedel and Knebel. (5.) Eeise nach Italien (edited by Diintzer, 1859) : the correspondence between Herder and his wife during his visit to Italy. (6.) Aus dem Herderschen Hause (published 1881) : an account, by Georg Miiller, of his visits to the Herders in Weimar. (7.) Knehels Nachlass (2 vols. 1840) : containing the letters from the Herders to Knebel. (8.) Hamanns Schriften tmd Brief e (4 parts, 1872-4) : containing some of Herder's correspondence with Hamann. (9.) Goethe. Brief e an Frau von Stein (1848): useful for the history of Herder's first eight years in Weimar. (10.) Goethe. Briefwechsel mit F. H, Jacohi (184G) : especially for the dispute on Spinoza. PREFACE. in (11.) Goethe. BicUung tmd Wahrheit aus meinem Lehen and the Annalen. (12.) In the last chapters I have drawn occasion- ally from Goethe's Briefwechsel mit Schiller, (13.) Herder nach seiner Lehen (hy Eobert Haym, Leipzig, 1877-80). Only the two first parts of this great work, taking us to the departure from Biicke- burg for Weimar, had yet appeared when I finished this book. Por the history of this earlier period I am greatly indebted to Haym's wonderful thoroughness and unwearied research. (14.) I have read the so-called Biographies of Doering, Neumann, and Hing, but found them to be little more than new arrangements of the Bemi- niscences, with the vitality left out. Eing's is the best of the three. (15.) In considering Herder's works I have used the edition prepared by his widow, Heyne, and the MiiUers (Tubingen, 1805-20), as being on the whole the best, in spite of all faults, and the only edition with much pretence to completeness. Diintzer has been slowly bringing out a very excellent edition, with historical prefaces to the various works, and notes on the text ; but it is still far from complete. The references to Carlyle are from the ordinary small edition, except those from Frederick, which are from the large edition in six volumes (1859-65). Hettner's account of Herder {Liter aturgeschichte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts) appears to me both brilliant and sympathetic. IT PREFACE. I owe much to my sister's help and counsel. The portrait is from a crayon-drawing by Bury, now in the possession of Herder's grandson, Geheimerath von Stichling, of Weimar, by whose kind permission I obtained this photograph. Maj 8, 18S8. EREATA. On page 7, last line of the verse, for come read comes. Page 10, line 14, for Emmerien read Emmerich. Page 24, line 20, for Kanter read Kant. Page 53, line 26, for Indus read Ltidus. Page 100, for Moser read Moser. Page 113, line 23, for Philocrates read FMloctetes. UNIVERSITY HERDER AND HIS TIMES CHAPTER I. " Old-world pairs." — James Lee 's Wife, Early in the last centuiy the Protestant inhabitants of Silesia, long a foremost stronghold of the Hussite band, found their treatment at the hands of their neighbours, who were actively encouraged, no doubt, by the Catholic house of Austria, so grievous to be borne, that many of them considered it better to leave their native home, and wander out into other lands, where they could live more conveniently in accordance with their steadfast views of the Gospel and its truth. Amongst these was a man of the name of Herder, of whose origin and previous dwelling-place nothing further can be discovered. He had probably been a small farmer in Silesia ; for, after proceeding far up to the north-east from his native place, and raising his Ebenezer, as he would have said, at Mohrungen, a little town in East Prussia, he bought a house and field, and devoted him- self henceforth to farming and the Gospel. In 1701 the son of the Great Elector had been crowned, under the title of Frederick I., at Konigsberg,^ which lies some fifty or sixty miles to the north of Mohrungen and had ' Carlyle's Frederick, vol. i. p. 60. B 2 HERDER AND HIS TIMES. been famous since the Reformation days of Markgraf Albrecht for its university, and as the capital of East Prussia; a province that was safely delivered from the rule of Poland by the Elector John Sigismund of Brandenburgh in 1618,^ though several of the inhabitants of that slowly-changing country still continued to speak in the Polish tongue. It must have been during the reign of this Frederick I., who died in 1713, that the Herder from Silesia settled in Mohrungen, and married one of the daughters of the land, who bore him a son, and they called his name Gottfried. The little town, w^ith its cattle, farms, market- gardens, and yarn- and linen- looms, supporting at that time nearly two thousand souls in all, lies in a flat and sandy region, with a lake of some extent to the south, and to the north a pool, also dignified by the name of lake, but in reality little better than a marshy mill-pond. Beyond a circle of some miles of open ground the sight is bounded by the borders of a fon;st, that stretches away again to other lakes and swampy flats. Like most of the towns in this district, Mohrungen owes its existence to the Order of German or Teutonic Knights, who deemed the strip of land between the two lakes a suitable position for one of their outposts against the heathen of eastern Prussia. Accordingly, in 1280, a castle was built and fortified with eight towers, but the hamlet that nestled confidingly at its foot was not altogether happy in its protector ; for the order waxed fat, and together with the allied King of Poland was utterly defeated at Tannenberg in 1410,^ so that Molu'ungen for the time fell into the hands of the enemy. Again, I'athcr more than a century later, all the place, except the castle and the Gothic church, with its ^' horned pinnacles," was burnt to the ground by Sigismund of Poland in his rage against that obstinate Markgraf Albrecht of Brandenburg.^ In 1697 tlio town was for the second time burnt through some accident, so that when Herder arrived from Silesia the natives would hardly have recovered from their disasters, land would be at a dis- ' Carlyle'a Frederick, vol. i. p. 323. " Ibid. vol. i. p. 184. =» Ibid. vol. i. pp. 244-254. " WHENCE." 3 countj and such houses as had been rebuilt would be looking their newest and brightest — though indeed a traveller tells us that buildings in Mohrungen soon begin to look dim and mossy, for the damp of the land is great. The son Gottfried grew up under the eye of this resolute exile, and at first intended to devote his life to the handicraft of cloth-weaving, but, finding it none too profitable, he obtained a post as bellringer or sexton in the Lutheran church, and clerk in the services that were conducted for the benefit of those amongst the townsfolk who could only speak the Polish tongue. He was also appointed master over the girls in the elementary school, a position for, which nature had suited him; for, in spite of a certain sternness and inflexible regularity, he was fond of children, and readily won the confidence and friendship of the little maidens of Mohrungen. One of them indeed, when she was a grey old woman, used to tell how Gottfried Herder in the days that are gone would bring her cherries from his patch of garden outside the town walls, and even carry her to school in his arms. He seems to have held the school in his own house, for we read that the chatter of the girls was disturbing to any of the family who wished for quiet. In course of time, Gottfried, having now established for himself a certain position in life, cast his eyes upon Anna Elizabeth, daughter of Pels or Pelz, blacksmith and armourer in the town, a cheerful, diligent, and quiet girl, with manners and intellect above her station in life, and therefore well able to assist him in the management of his school. Their marriage rites were duly performed, and their first child was born in September, 1739. She probably died in infancy, for we hear no more of her. The second, Anna Luisse, was born in 1741, and at the age of twenty married a butcher, Neumann, but died after two years' unhappiness. Next came the subject of this story, and after him Caroline Dorothea, born in 1748, and at the age of eighteen married to a baker, Giilden- horn, a man of little worth, who vexed her righteous soul with his cruelties and immorahties, as will hereafter be seen. The fifth and last child, Carl Gottfried, was born in 1752, and died b2 4 HERDER AND HIS TIMES. when he was three years old. This little register is apparently still to be seen; written down by Gottfried Herder's own hand on the blank leaves of his Arndt's " True Christianity," which served as his family memorandum-book, a little prayer accom- panying each entry after the pious fashion of those times. The entry that especially concerns us narrates how that a son was born to them on the 2oth of August, 1744, and was duly christened two days after his birth under the name of Johann Gottfried; so early did Herder's connection with the Church begin. By the side of the entry his father, Gottfried, has written the following prayer : " God, keep this child in thy baptismal covenant, and lead and direct his path through thy Holy Spirit, that we may find him with us all at some future day before the throne of the Lamb, and go in together to the feast of everlasting joy. God, help." CHAPTER 11. MOHRUNGEN, 1744 — 1762. " One day I will " Accomplish it ! Are they not older still " — Not grown up men and women ? 'Tis beside " Only a dream, and, though I must abide " With dreams now, I may find a thorough vent "For all myself." SOEDELLO. Seeing that a child is the result from the combined characters of his parents, and that the first few years of his life are little else than the reflection of their influence, it will be worth while here to try and form some clear picture of Herder's father and mother, and see what manner of people they were. The warm and imaginative spirit of the Silesian grandfather seems, as so often happens, to have left out one generation, and to have descended rather on the grandson than the son. Herder's father was a pattern of strict regularity and unflinching industry, doing his daily work in the house, the church, and amongst the little girls in the schoolroom, with earnest cheerfulness, and, for the most part, in silence. His son, in years long after, used to tell of his strictness, and his little delight in words. ^^ If my father was pleased with me, his countenance bright- ened, he laid his hand gently on my head, and called me his Gottes Friede (the peace of God); that was my greatest and sweetest reward. Strict and upright in the highest degree he always was, but also good-tempered. I shall never forget his earnest, silent face, and his bald crown." His insight, probity, and unwavering love of truth seem to have raised him almost to the position of an oracle among the simple people of Mohrungen, who consulted him in any diffi- culty or perplexed crisis of their ordinarily quiet lives, never 6 HERDER AND HIS TIMES. [1744— failing to receive the comfort of the best counsel so pure a soul could give, either by word of mouth or even in a little treatise on their case. Method may be said to have been the watchword of his life ; however healthy his children might be, yet, at certain times of the year, they were obliged to take a powder against a disease that was supposed to afflict the young ; in spring, too, they were dosed with blackthorn tea, and in autumn with elder syrup. Of his kindliness we have already seen examples. Here, then, was again the stuff which nature ordains shall father a " man of genius," who is not to lose himself in transient flashes of aimless insanity, but is to continue with set purpose on his way, slowly mastering the most difficult task of all, the recognition of the reality of life. In outward appearance Herder was very much like his father; but, as might be supposed, he derived his inmost characteristics from his mother, who was a small, thin woman, loving quiet, and inclined to reserve and thoughtful piety, having a touch of true poetry and imagination besides, though hardly enough to be the mother of a ()oet that should be great for all time. She devoted herself with contented piety to the unambitious duties of her station, the careful management of her little household, the furtherance of her daughter s welfare (devotion too little repaid), assistance when possible in the girls' school, and the relief and comfort of the husband of her youth, whom she survived nine years ; for she lived long enough to see her son Gottfried already of mark in the eyes of the German world. The rest of her life was not without its trials, and those grievous: we read that she was seldom free from ]min, and for several years almost entirely lost her hearing. This was a sore trouble, for it was ever her greatest pleasure to go to the church, and hear good counsel aud listen to the old hymns she loved. Two years before she died, in 1770, a year full of momentous issues for her son, she wrote to him as follows : — ^' My dearest Child, — Thou givest me many a wakeful hour; if I wake up and think of thee, sleep takes to itself wings — and yet I can do nothing but entrust thee to the great God. May he give his angels charge over thee, that in their hands they 1762.] MOHRUNGEN. 7 may bear thee up ! and I have strong trust in Him ; He will not let my petition be in vain ; me and mine hath he promised never to leave nor neglect. As for me, trouble not thyself. The God of ages is and abides my defence. If the Lord only grant me grace that I may go into his house, then I have all ; joy in God remains my greatest happiness. I always sigh when it comes near Sunday, and I pray God that he may grant me the grace to hear his word. Though I can work but little, yet I thank God I can do what I myself require. I entrust all to Him ; my cup of suffering will yet be one day full : ' He never hath forsaken one In all his government; No, what he doth and lets be done That come to a good end.' Let the words of Isaiah xliii., 1, 2, 4, be with thee on thy journeying^ ('Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name ; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee ; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee,' &c.). May the Lord write these words deep in thy heart." The day before her death she solemnly entrusted her Gott- fried to the care of God. We are thus enabled to gain a tolerably clear insight into this modest little household out in marshy Mohrungen a hundred and fifty years ago, and can see that simple, undoubting piety would be the prevailing atmosphere. The house was close to the church, and, when the regular work and vexations of each day were over and done with, the whole family met together and sang an hymn in the hush of the evening ; so that at an early age Gottfried knew by heart not only the words of all the hymns in the old German hymnbook, but all the tunes as well, and a love of Church music, especially of the German choral^ remained with him all his life. This was a fit training for the man who was to enter so deeply into the spirit of Hebrew poetry. ' Herder had then been to France and was travelling in the Rhineland. 8 HEliDER AND HIS TIMES. [1744— From the first he was not as other children are. One who knew him when he was four years old described the future author of the Ideen as a fat, rosy-faced boy, creeping about the threshold, always grave and always alone, though other children might be not far off. The writer adds : ^^ I never saw him run, jump, or shout : " which seems a pity, and proved the mis- fortune of his life. When he was five years old, he was for the first time afflicted with a weakness or fault in the fistula of his eye, that continued to trouble him to the end, though it was in- directly the cause of his life's turning-point — his meeting with Goethe, who, in the very same year, when Herder first felt the pains of his calamity (1749), had struggled into the world a black and hardly breathing infant, far away to the south-west in Frankfurt. But in spite of the pain of his eye, his gravity and reserve, Gottfried was not to continue creeping about the threshold by himself any longer. His father no doubt supplied the elements of learning, but was unable to proceed further perhaps for want of power, more likely for want of leisure from those girls of his. Gottfried accordingly must be sent to the town school, where those of the Mohrungen boys, about thirty in number, who were to learn something more than reading and writing, were entrusted to the power of a Rector Grimm, an austere man, with a nature like his name, as German biographers are fond of noticing. In order to form some idea of the condition of average education in Germany at that time, and the extent of the school-reforms for which Herder had to fight so bitterly in later years, we may stop to examine more closely the nature of this man, who laid so many burdens, grievous to be borne, on the hearts of the children in that East-Russian village ; and even yet, for good or for evil, this species of schoolmaster is not quite extinct, but recurs at intervals, like the reversions to the zebra-stripes in the horse and its kindred. Let us picture to ourselves then a man of between sixty and seventy, with a face of deadly pallor, all the more startling in contrast with his large black wig ; tall and broad-shouldered, but lame, owing to a disease of the foot, which caused him 1762.] MOHRUNGEN. 9 much pain, and was in the end his death (in 1767) ; unmarried, and with a liatred of women so bitter, that the sight of earthen- ware plates adorned with bright little pictures of ladies in bits of frilling and ribbons drove him into an uncontrollable passion ; living a life of utter loneliness, avoiding intercourse with all men as far as possible, though on occasion, it was said, he could display considerable knowledge of the world. Such was the outward character of the man who, having resigned his post in the neighbouring village of Saalfeld on account of frequent complaints against his excessive rigour, appeared before the youth of Mohrungen, in 1752, as the chief apostle to them of Apollo and the Muses. The store of culture which he opened before their eyes consisted in a thorough knowledge of the Latin grammar and of a few inferior Latin authors, a little history and physical geography, a little Grreek and less Hebrew, the two last subjects being reserved for the favoured few at the top of the school. His method of imparting this knowledge to the trembling thirty was simple and sufficient. The cane and ruler were always close at hand, for without them he considered school r^iscipline to be beyond the power of mortal man. What- ever had to be learnt was driven into the youthful brain by frequent repetition and bodily distress, nor was the smallest point in the Latin grammar left to itself, till it had become, as it were, part of the boy, to be thenceforth indelible. This process of pressure began at seven o'clock each morning, and lasted till five in the afternoon; and, if Grimm had had his own way, would have continued all night, so great was his zeal. All the while that lessons were being said the boys had to stand ; and Herder himself tells us that, in order to increase this feeling of respect, they were obliged to take off their hats whenever they saw Grimm or even his house in the distance, and proceed bare-headed for the rest of the way. '' On the other hand," continues Herder, " he was glad enough to show his pleasure in the industrious, and distin- guished some few of us, of whom I was one, by taking us for walks with him, and then we had to look for speedwell and cowslips to make his tea, which he drank every day. I have 10 HERDER AND HIS TIMES. [1744— therefore always had a particular regard for these flowers, for they remind me of those walks, the honour and reward of my ever-memorable rector. At times, too, to one or other of the boys, of whom he wished especially to mark his approbation, he would give a cup of this tea in his own study, with one little tiny lump of sugar ; this was a most honourable distinction." In return for which distinction w^e hear that the boy had to kiss the master's hand in the depths of his gratitude. His severity became a by-word in the village. Even Gott- fried, who was one of the poor man's favourite pupils and a pattern-boy to the rest, seems not to have escaped from the terror of the place, for he used to call the grammar of Donatus '^ the Book of Martyrs," and old Cornelius Nepos ^^ the author of Torment." A boy named Emmerien, who continued Her- der's faithful friend, was at that time head of the school. Herder apparently coming second to him, so that these two had full opportunities of winnowing what little grain might lie in the chaff-heaps of Latin grammar, inferior Latin authors, rudi- mentary attempts on the New Testament and Homer, together with Baumeister's Handbook to Logic and ^' the complete Dog- matic"; certainly as barren a chaff or rubbish-heap as could well be imagined. And yet in this old rector Grimm some- thing may be discerned which calls for pity, something of the sorrow of baffled strength, if it were worth while to read be- tween the lines. This, at all events, is certain and sufficient, nanaely, that he, too, had been young once ; that his mother probably thought him a genius, and that he still had an ambition which was to prepare youths for the university, oven in dingy little Mohrungen, if it were possible, though he had lost his fairer opportunity at Saalfcld. The impression of such a man on a child like Gottfried, so gentle and sensitive, was strong and lasting, both ior good and evil, as will abundantly appear in his future history. Under this rule Gottfried, as his sister tells us, IxHMuno even more quiet and retiring, and developed sucli a passion for reading that his father had to forbid him to bring his books to meals, and driven by his 1miiii;rv mind, little satisfied by the scanty 1762.] MOHRUNGEN. U fare his own house supplied, he would go up and down through the streets of Mohruns-en seekino^ what he mip-ht devour, and whenever he saw a book in a window he would knock at the door and politely ask the owner to be kind enough to lend it to him ; then, hugging his treasure, he would hie him away to his father's garden outside the village wall, and climbing a cherry- tree, if it were spring-tide, would sit under the blossom Ariel- wise ; an Ariel limited by the laws of gravitation, for one day the bough broke, so that Gottfried might have done himself no small injury ; and to prevent this occurring for the future he used to bind himself tight round the body to the central stem of the tree with his leathern book-thongs, and go on with his book, free from the dangers of forgetfulness and rotten timber. He delighted, too, to walk in the free air by the Mohrungen lake and through the Wood of Paradise, as it was called by the people in the pride of their hearts ; and in one of his letters he relates how one autumn day when he was quite a boy he burst into tears on finding Homer's comparison between the vanish- ing generations of man and the leaves before the wind. There are many such signs of his early separation from the crowd. His sister says, that one day he pointed out Italy to her on the map with indescribable joy, and cried, " my Italy ! One day I must see thee, too." Here then, as at Frankfort, was a heart longing for the sun and south and the life of the ancient gods. Meanwhile, for the beautiful, he had to content himself with cherry-blossom and lessons on a wretched old harpsichord that was wheeled from room to room to suit the convenience of the several pupils. But, in spite of all hin- drances, he gained a complete knowledge of thorough bass and harmony, and his joy in music, especially in the sublime sim- plicity of church-music, never failed him throughout life. It will be remembered that Herder was six years old when Bach died, andtwelve when Mozart was born, and that he was twenty- six, with his views on music and most other things tolerably settled, before the baby that was to be Beethoven uttered his first cry at Bonn. But the boy's greatest delight was still to wander through 12 HERDER AND HIS TIMES. [1744— the woods with a translation of a Sj)anish ballad, or a book of old German fairy stories, and gaze up at the trees with a solemn awe, as at the oaks of Dodona, wondering what the palms might look like in the desert, or the cedars that shade the slopes of Lebanon; for already the spirit of Eastern poetry was upon him, and as he read of Job and Solomon the Mohrungen wilder- ness blossomed as the rose of Sharon. He never spoke to his companions about his plans and ambitions for the future, but there can be little doubt that all his thoughts were turned to the Church as the field in which he might realise his ideal of life. The Church was at his door ; her services, her music, her words of wisdom and folly had sounded in his ears since he had ears to hear ; in the church his father held office, though only the small office of summoning the living and burying the dead ; the very air that he breathed was ecclesiastic ; the words he spoke were cast in Bible phrase ; and above all he now received re- ligious instruction and was confirmed by the worthy old pastor Willamovius, generally known as " the pious," whose family were on terms of intimate friendship with the Herders; a humble, peaceful little circle living in contented frugality, the white-haired old pastor distributing alms to the poor of the parish every Sunday after church, and silencing the expostula- tions of his thrifty wife by his sure and certain hope that the Lord would provide for his own. One of his two sons was eight years older than Herder, and went to Konigsberg inii- versity when he was quite young ; afterwards to St. Petersburg, attaining a certain amount of fame, as a poet of dithyrambs, chiefly on classical subjects, and as a rhymer of fables. The pastor's wife is described as an angel in woman's disguise, and the man himself was so much beloved that his portrait was hung up in the town church, and there seems no doubt that he supplied several features for Herder's ideal of a parson in his early treatise on " God's preacher," though his mildness of temper, that almost became weakness, and his simple but narrow-minded piety, would not have satisfied Herder in later days, whilst his unimaginative dogmatism could have had little attraction for him at any time after childhood. But his memory was always 1762.] MOHRUNGEN. 13 regarded with tenderness and gratitude, none the less sincere, though pervaded by a gentle humour. In after-years Herder describes how during some lecture or lesson on religion the pious and eloquent old man would always stop when he came to the journey to Calvary, and, hanging (in his own phrase) ^* mother-naked on the cross,^' would stand still, lost in a reverie of tranquil enchantment — whilst his audience yawned. Under such influences as these, therefore, the boy naturally looked to the Church as his future profession in spite of the poverty of his home and his weakness in one eye. But in 1760, when Grottfried was now sixteen, a great and not altogether favourable change was wrought in his young life by the arrival of Sebastian Friedrich Trescho as new deacon or curate in the town church. Trescho belonged to a class of men whom it is hard to admire, however much they are held up to us as models of morality and godly life, a class that is always common enough amongst northern nations, and commoner in the middle of the last century even than now ; poor, melancholy creatures, con- tinually wrapt up in contemplation of their latter end, and analysis of their own righteousness and their enemies' chances of salvation. Trescho was born at Liebstadt, a few miles to the north of Mohrungen, and was eleven years older than Herder, whom he seems in the end to have survived about a year. He had been educated at the house of the Pastor Willamovius, and whilst little Gottfried was still creeping over the door-steps, a boy of four years old, he had proceeded to Konigsberg, where he acquired a strange mixture of the barren pietistic theology with a taste for higher literature, so that, though he used to write verses of a certain order of worthlessness, and would talk a good deal about the Beautiful and other high subjects, yet he gra- dually came to the opinion that " the graces of poetry were but a kind of sauce to give religion a relish to the palates of certain people." His object therefore was to promote what was then called edification, by means of the ornaments of culture ; and, as his power of production both in the pamphlet and book form was extreme — Hamann used to call him an animal scribax — he 14 HERDER AND HIS TIMES. [1741— seemed in a fair way to carry out liis purpose as far as the nature of the case permitted. When at the age of seven-and-twenty he returned to Mohrungen, his first appointment in the Church, he had in hand some so-called ascetic treatises "on Religion, Understanding, and Morals," " the History of my Heart." and especially a notable work called the " Bible of Death," which gradually grew into three volumes of mingled prose and verse, all for the purpose of teaching suffering mankind " the art how to die cheerful and happy." He remained at Mohvungen for the rest of his long life, tolerably contented with his lot, though he had been extremely weakly from a child, suffering from some lung complaint, and, as might be guessed through the titles of his works, from horrible fits of bodily and mental depression. He lived unmarried and alone, with such ascetic thrift and fru- gality that he always had plenty to give to the poor, and left a considerable sum behind him for their benefit. In later life he became more polemical, and in his " Letters on the newest Theological Literature " ran many a tilt against the new doc- trines, which he used to call " the latest thing in Socinianism." Such was the man under whose influence the boy Herder was now to fall. We must forgive him much, for to him we are indebted for considerable information as to Herder's boyhood ;^ but, at the same time, there is no doubt that the next few years were among the most miserable of Herder's life, entirely owing to this "martyr's cross" Trescho. Coming fresh from learned Konigsberg, in all the pride of his new office, his culture, his " graces of poetry," and abundant fertility in book-writing, the poor man, with thoughts bent upon the history of his o-vvn pre- cious heart and the art of dying with cheerfulness, took very srpall account of the simple people in Mohrungen. He even seems to have thought that out of Mohrungen could come no learned thing except himself, and on hearing that this young Gottfried Herder had thoughts of the university and a learned pro- fession, which were even encouraged by old Pastor Willamovius and by Hector Grimm, old-fashioned and rusty too, he hastened ' In the i^r?;im/.