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'i i- '^' '''^<^0JIT\O-JC5^ m CD ^^WEUNIVER% i3 ,vVlOSANCELfj> ^OF-CALIFOM^. 4s THE PROVERBS OF JOHN HEYWOOD [Reduced Facsimile of Portrait of John Ilcyuiood, the Frontispiece to " Three Hundred Epigramnics upon Three Hundred Proverbs," London, 15(12.] ^% A Dialogue of "The Effectual Proverbs in the English Tongue CONCERNING MARRIAGE BY JOHN HEYWOOD EDITED BY JOHN S. FARMER itonUon GiBBiNGs & Co., 1 8, Bury Street, W,C. MCMVI w>- r CONTENTS A Dialogue of the Effectual Proverbs V IN THE English Tongue concerning .^ Marriage ^ PART I. PAGE V" Preface 3 Chapter I. . . 4 Chapter II 5 Chapter III 8 Chapter IV 10 Chapter V 12 Chapter VI J4 Chapter VII i6 Chapter VIII 18 Chapter IX 20 Chapter X 23 Chapter XI . . 30 Chapter XII 46 Chapter XIII 49 544893 vm Contents PART II. Chapter I. • Chapter II. Chapter III. Chapter IV. Chapter V. Chapter VI. Chapter VII. Chapter VIII. Chapter IX. Chapter X. Chapter XI. Note-Book, Word -Lis- r, a \D Index 51 55 58 60 65 74 77 87 89 98 lOI 105 INTRODUCTION 'Art thou Heywood, with thy mad merry wit? Yea, forsooth, master, that name is even hit. Art thou Heywood, that appliest mirth more than thrift? Yes, sir, I talve merry mirth a golden gift. Art thou Heywood that hast made many mad plays? Yea, many plays, few good works in my days. Art thou Heywood that hath made men merry long? Yea, and will, if I be made merry among. Art thou Heywood, that wouldst be made merry now? Yes, sir, help me to it now, I beseech you." So, of hirnself, wrote John Heywood, the author of this work, which, 360 years after it was first published, is ag-ain given to the world. It ran through at least ten editions during- the first fifty years, and was then neglected until the Spenser Society, in 1867, issued a collated reprint of the editions of 1562 and 1566. The number of copies issued of this reprint was limited. The Society dissolved itself, its pub- lications were dispersed, and copies are now very rare. Nine years later, in 1876, Mr. Julian Sharman issued a very imperfect reprint of the edition of 1598, line after line being omitted. HEY. PROV. b X Introduction The present text, modernised in spelling (with but few exceptions), is based on the Spenser Society reprint, a few obvious mis- prints having- been rectified. These, however, are comparatively few in number, and the work of the Society has been found to have been most faithfully done. Hitherto an index to the proverbs and collo- quialisms has been wanting. It is made a special feature of the present edition. This index is based (but greatly enlarged and ex- tended) on the materials collected for the Spenser Society, which were never utilised, as the manuscript disappeared, coming incident- ally to light again, after a lapse of nearly forty years, when bought at a public sale for the Manchester Free Libraries. Mr. C. W. Sutton, the librarian of the Manchester Corporation, very courteously placed the volume, amongst others, at my disposal, to very great purpose and advantage. A present-day orthography has been adopted ; the punctuation has likewise been modernised. Quite recently, and more than once, I have been censured for the former and commended for the latter. Setting aside the obvious inconsistency of differentiating between these two departures from an original text — one is just as defensible or indefensible as the other — it may help to a better understanding if I add a word or two of explanation. In my own view there is no object whatever in placing unnecessary difficulties in the way of the ordinary student of English literature. Such students are becoming an ever-increasing Introduction xi body of seekers for, and delvers In, the goodly literary heritag'e which has come down to us from the days — "and after" — when this modern England of ours was " in the making." I speak now of those who are, so to speak, the high and all but " expert " outcome to-day of the improved educational methods and ex- tended educational facilities which have char- acterised, and which will, I believe, ultimately prove to be among the lasting glories of, the last half-century. From public school to uni- versity the difference is hardly credible unless direct comparison of the two periods be made. The process of evolution — though it has little to do with the present question, as yet — is seen in the effects, as far as popular read- ing is concerned, of the Compulsory Educa- tion Act of 1870. The universal ability to read, which soon characterised even the lowest sections of the community, was the secret of the phenomenal success of such mental pabulum as is found in periodicals of the Tit- Bits, Anszvers, and Pearson's IVeekly type. Unsatisfying, indigestible as such fare would be to those whose early training had been of a less elementary and more refined nature, yet it exactly suited the needs of those who, until then, had read either nothing at all or had been contented with the Dick Tiirpin or Burglar Bill type of fiction. Surely the "scissors and paste," "snippety" order of literature was a distinct advance and gain ? Then mark successive stages ! The ability to read, the appetite for the lightest of ail light "literature" stimulated and assuaged. xii Introduction then comes, in progressive development, the desire for something- a little higher and better. Hence — and all praise to the Newneses, the Harmsworths, and the Pearsons — the cheap monthlies, the sixpenny reprints of notable novels, and the like; now being followed by Universal and Everyman's Libraries — cheap, good, and astounding reprints of much that is of the best in the world's classics. Will the upward movement stop there ? Surely not ! Hence reprints like the present one. To return now to the question of the merits, or the reverse, of a modernisation of the spell- ing of an original text. As I have said, I believe no good object is served, or advantage gained, in placing unnecessary difficulties in the way of the ordinary student. He wants to get at an author's meaning; and neither that nor his construction is, as a rule, obscured by changing the antique and obsolete orthography for the current spelling : always provided that an editor is careful to conserve the spelling and form (even a word itself) in cases where justice to the author requires it, or the rhyme (in the case of verse) demands it, or the interest at- taching to the use of a particular word seems to render such a course desirable. A text thus treated, with a note added occasionally, satis- ties all but those whose business or inclination concerns them with "the higher criticism," textual or otherwise. For these last, be it noted, no reprint, no matter how carefully done, is adequate. Errors must occur while an infallible printer (to say nothing of an in- fallible editor!) is awanting. For these " fac- Introduction xiii simile" is "the only wear"; and facsimile, too, of the most exact kind. No " touching- up " of "blemishes," no "restoration" of " blurred words," or other mechanical manipu- lation of the original should be allowed or attempted, as is frequently the case. To return, however, to the present volume. Hey wood's book of " Proverbs on Marriage " was exceedingly popular when it appeared : it was a quarry from which the Elizabethan dramatists drew many a sparkling gem of phrase — to wit, Ben Jonson, in Eastward Hoe, and Henry Porter, in The Tivo Angry Women of Abingdon, and others. Of the man himself little is known and less has been written. As I have pointed out else- where, Heywood was a voluminous and ver- satile writer; indeed, his achievement and posi- tion in the hierarchy of English letters have only of late years begun to receive anything like adequate, even if tardy, recognition. Heywood, so far, has mainly been studied piecemeal, so to speak : as a dramatist, build- ing (better than he knew) a bridge between * religious morality and comedy— comedy- j tragedy, also, it may ultimately appear ; as a disputant, popularising in some degree the old theological, hair-splitting disputations ; as a writer of epigrams, some pointed and subtly quippish, others of the look-a-fool or be-a-fool order ; as a collector and compiler of proverbs ; or as a political pamphleteer on a large scale (vide Spider and Fly) — as one of these — for he was all at times — in two, or even three aspects, maybe — Heywood has occasionally xiv Introduction been studied ; but, as a whole, with a scientific eye on the man's many-sidedness, there is yet to come a judgment at once adequate and balanced. Such an attempt at a more complete account of the man, his times, and his place in con- temporary literature I am making- in my Ter- minal Essay to The Works of John Heyzvood, 3 vols. (E.E.D.S.). J. S. F. THE PROVERBS OF JOHN HEY WOOD mimhn of tfte rtFcrtuaU pvoucitc^ m tijr #ngUfijc tountjr, rompart m a matter rouccrngnge ttuo maner of ma:= Joijn i^njioooti. L O N D I N I. ANNO chriTti. 1562. HEY. II. A DIALOGUE CONTAINING THE NUMBER OF THE EFFECTUAL PROVERBS IN THE ENGLISH TONGUE PART I. THE PREFACE Among- other things profithig in our tongue — - Those which much may profit both old and young, Such as on their fruit will feed or take hold — Are our common plain pithy proverbs old. Some sense of some of which, being bare and rude. Yet to fine and fruitful effect they allude. And their sentences include so large a reach, That almost in all things good lessons they teach. [why ? This write I, not to teach, but to touch : for Men know this as well or better than I. But this, and this rest, I write for this, Rememb'ring and considering what the pith is : That, by remembrance of these, proverbs may grow. In this tale, erst talked with a friend, I show- As many of them as we could fitlv find Falling to purpose, that might fall in mind ; To th'intent that the reader readily may Find them, and mind them, when he will alway. Finis. B 2 4 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. I. Chapter I. Of mine acquaintance a certain young- man (Beings a resorter to me now and thanj Resorted lately, showing himself to be Desirous to talk at length alone with me. And, as we for this a meet place had won, With this old proverb this young man begun. Tr/i050 i]uit knezv what would be dear, Shuidd need be a merchant but one year. Though it, (quoth hej, thing- impossible be The full sequel of present things to foresee. Yet doth this proverb provoke every man Politically, (as man possible can), In things to come after to cast eye before. To cast out, or keep in, things for fore store; As the provision may seem most profitable, And the commodity most commendable. Into this consideration I am wrought By two things, which fortune to hands hath brought. Two women I know, of which twain the tone Is a maid of flowering age, a goodly one ; Th 'other a widow, who so many years bears. That all her whiteness lieth in her white hairs. This maid hath friends rich, but riches hath she none. Nor none can her hands get to live upon. This widow is very rich, and her friends bare, And both these, for love, to wed with me fond are. [worse ; And both would I wed, the better and the The tone for her person, the tothcr for her purse. [woo. Thev woo not my substance, but myself they Goods have I none and small good can I do. Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. II. 5 On this poor maid, her rich friends, I clearly know, [bestow, (So she wed where they will), great gifts will But with them all I am so far from faver, That she shall sure have no groat, if I have her, [swear, And I shall have as little, all my friends Except I follow them, to wed elsewhere. The poor friends of this rich widow bear no sway, But wed her and win wealth, when I will I may. Now which of these twain is like to be dearest? In pain or pleasure to stick to me nearest? The depth of all doubts with you to confither, The sense of the said proverb sendeth me hither, [scan'd. The best bargain of both quickly to have For one of them, think I, to make out of hand. Chapter II. Friend, (quoth I), welcome ! and with right good will, I will, as I can, your will herein fulfil. And two things I see in you, that show you wise. First, in wedding, ere ye wed to ask advice. The second, your years being young it appears, Ye regard yet good proverbs of old fcrne years. And, as ye ground your tale upon one of them, Furnish we this tale with evcrychone of them, Such as may fitly fall in mind to dispose. Agreed, (quoth he). Then, (quoth I), first this disclose — ^ [maid, Have you to this old widow, or this young Any words of assurance ere this time said? 6 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. II. Nay, in good faith ! said he. Well then, (said I will be plain with you, and may honestly And plainly too speak : I like you, (as 1 said). In two foretold things ; but a third have I weighed Not so much to be liked, as I can deem; Which is, in your wedding, your haste so extreme. The best or worst thing to man, for this life, Is good or ill choosing his good or ill wife. I mean not only of body good or bad, But of all things meet or unmeet to be had; Such as at any time by any mean may. Between man and wife, love increase or decay. \\'here this ground in any head gravely grateth. All fiery haste to wed, it soon rebateth. Some things that provoke young men to wed in haste, Show, after wedding, that haste maketli waste. When time hath turned white sugar to white salt, [malt. Then such folk see, soft fire maketh sweet And that deliberation doth men assist. Before they wed, to beware of Had I wist. And then, their timely wedding doth clear appear That they were early up, and never the near. And once their hasty heat a little controlled. Then perceive they well, hot Jove soon cold. And when hasty witless mirth is mated weele, Good to be merry and wise, they think and feel. Haste in wedding some man thinketh his own avail, Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. II. 7 When haste proveth a rod made for his own tail. And when he is well beaten with his own rod, Then seeth he haste and wisdom things far odd. [need, And that in all, or most things, wisht at Most times he seeth, the more haste the less speed. [hasty man's foe, In less thing-s than wedding haste show'th So that the hasty man never wanteth woe. These sage said saws if ye take so profound. As ye take that by which ye took your ground, Then find ye grounded cause by these now here told, In haste to wedding your haste to withhold. And though they seem wives for you never so fit, [wit Yet let not harmful haste so far outrun your But that ye hark to hear all the whole sum That may please or displease you in time to come. [cheap Thus, by these lessons, ye may learn good In wedding and all thing to look or ye leap. Ye have even now well overlooked me, (quoth he), And leapt very nigh me too. For, I agree That these sage sayings do weightily weigh Against haste in all thing, but I am at bay By other parables, of like weighty weight. Which haste me to wedding, as ye shall hear straight. 8 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. III. Chapter III. He that will not when he may, When he would he shall have nay. Beauty or riches, the tone of the twain Now may I choose, and which me list obtain. And if we determine me this maid to take, And then tract of time train her me to forsake, Then my beautiful marriage lieth in the dike; And never for beauty shall I wed the like. Now if we award me this widow to wed, And that I drive off time, till time she be dead. Then farewell riches, the fat is in the fire, And never shall I to like riches aspire. And, a thousandfold would it g-rieve me more That she, in my fault, should die one hour before [voke. Than one minute after ; then haste must pro- IVhen the pig is proffered to hold up the poke. When the sun shineth make hay; which is to say, [away. Take time when time cometh, lest time steal And one good lesson to this purpose I pike From the smith's forg'e, when th'iron is hot, strike ! [man ; The sure seaman seeth, the tide tarrieth no And long- delays or absence somewhat to scan. Since that, that one will not another will — Delays in wooers must needs their speed spill. And touching absence, the full accompte who summeth Shall see, as fast as one goeth another cometh. Time is tickle; and, out of sight, out of mind. Then catch and hold while I may : fast hind, fast find. [bleared. Blame me not to haste for fear mine eye he Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. III. 9 And thereby the fat clean flit from my beard. Where wooers hop in and out, long- time may bring- Him that hoppeth best at last to have the ring. I hopping without for a ring of a rush, And it'Jn/e / at length debate and beat the bush, There shall step in other men and catcli the birds. And by long time lost in many vain words, Between these two wives make sloth speed confound; [ground. While, between tzvo stools, my tail go to By this, since we see sloth must breed a scab, Best stick to the tone out of hand, hab or nab. Thus, all your proverbs inveighing against haste, [placed. Be answered with proverbs plain and promptly Whereby, to purpose all this no further fits, But to show so many heads so many wits. W'hich show, as surely in all that they all tell, That in my wedding 1 may even as well Tarry too long, and thereby come too late. As come too soon by haste in any rate. And prove this proverb, as the words thereof go- Haste or sloth herein work nother wealth nor Be it far or nigh, wedding is destiny. [woe — And hanging Ukeivise, saith that proverb, said I. Then wed or hang, (quoth he), what helpeth in the whole. To haste or hang aloof, happy man happy dole. Yc deal this dole, (quoth I), out at a wrong diir ; For destiny, in this case doth not so stir Against man's endeavour, but man may direct lo Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. IV. His will, for provision to work or neglect. But, to show that quick wedding may bring good speed, [deed. Somewhat to purpose your proverbs prove in- Howbeit, whether they counterpoise or out- weigh The proverbs which I before them did lay, The trial thereof we will lay a water Till we try more. For trying of which matter Declare all commodities ye can devise That, by those two weddings, to you can rise. Chapter IV. I will, (quoth he), in both these cases straight show [grow. What things, (as I think), to me by them will And, where my love began, there begin will I With this maid, the piece peerless in mine eye; Whom I so favour, and she so favoureth me, That half a death to us ['tis] asunder to be. Affection, each to other, doth us so move That well nigh, without food, we could live by love. [sight. For, be I right sad, or right sick, from her Her presence absenteth all maladies quite; Which seen, and that the great ground in marriage Standeth upon liking the parties personage, And then of old proverbs, in opening the pack, One sheweth me openly, in Jove is no lack. No lack of liking, but lack of living May lack in love, (quoth I), and breed ill chieving. Well, as to that, (said he), hark this othing : What time I lack not her, I lack nothing. Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. IV. ii But though we have noug^ht, nor nought we can geat, God never sendeth mouth but he sendeth meat; And a liard beginning maketh a good ending; In space cometh grace, and this further amend- ing— Seldom Cometh the better, and like will to like; God sendeth cold after clothes ; and this I pike, She, by lack of substance, seeming but a spark, Steinth yet the stoutest : for a leg of a lark Is better than is the body of a kite; And home is homely though it be poor in sight. These proverbs for this part show such a flourish. And then this party doth dehght so nourish ; I'hat much is my bow bent to shoot at these marks, [have larks. And kill fear : when the sky falleth we shall All perils that fall may, who feareth they fall shall. Shall so fear all thing, that he shall let fall all ; And be more fraid than hurt, if the things were doone ; [moon; Fear may force a man to cast beyond the Who hopeth in God's help, his help cannot start : Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. And will may win my heart, herein to consent, To take all things as it cometh, and be content. And here is, (q'he), in marrying of this maid, For courage and commodity all mine aid. Well said, (said I), but awhile keep we in quench [wench. All this case, as touching this poor young And now declare your whole consideration ; 12 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. V. What manner thing-s draw your imagination Toward your wedding- of this widow, rich and old? That shall ye, (q'he), out of hand have told. Chapter V. This widow, being foul, and of favour ill, In good behaviour can very good skill ; Pleasantly spoken, and a very good wit; And, at her table, when we together sit, I am well served — we fare of the best ; The meat good and wholesome, and whole- somely dressed ; [shift — Sweet and soft lodging, and thereof great This felt and seen ; with all implements of thrift, [coffers ; Of plate and money such cupboards and And that without pain I may win these proffers. Then covetise, bearing Venus 's bargain back, Praising this bargain saith, better leave than lack. And greediness, to draw desire to her lore, Saith, that the wise man saith, store is no sore. Who hath many peas may put the mo in the pot ; [in lot. Of tivo ills, choose the least, while choice lieth Since lack is an ill, as ill as man may have. To provide for the worst, while the best itself save. Resty wealth willeth me this widow to win, To let the world ivag, and take mine ease in mine inn — [chin ; He must needs S7vim, that is hold up by the He lau^heth that winncth. And this thread finer to spin, Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. V. 13 IMaister promotion saieth : make this substance sure ; If riches bring- once portly countenance in ure, Then shalt thou rule the roost all round about; And better to rule, than be ruled by the rout. It is said : be it better, be it worse, Do ye after him that beareth the purse. Thus be I by this once le senior de graundc. Many that commanded me I shall command. And also I shall, to reveng-e former hurts, Hold their noses to grindstone, and sit on their skirts That erst sat on mine. And riches may make Friends many ways. Thus, better to give than And, to make carnal appetite content, [take. Reason laboureth will, to win will's consent, To take lack of beauty but as an eye fore, The fair and the foul by dark are like store; ]Vhen all candles be out all cats be grey ; All thing-s are then of one colour, as who say. And this proverb saith, for quenching hot desire Foul ■water as soon as fair will quench hot fire. Where g^ifts be given freely — east, west, north or south — No man ought to look a given horse in the mouth. [tail — .A.nd though her mouth be fold she hath a fair I conster this text, as is most my avail. In want of white teeth and yellow hairs to behold. She flourisheth in white silver and yellow gold. What though she be toothless, and bald as a coot? Her substance is shoot anker, whereat I shoot. Take a pain for a pleasure all zvise men can — 14 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. VI. What? hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings, man I And here I conchidc, (quoth he), all that I know By this old widow, what good to me may grow. Chapter VI. Ve have, (quoth IJ, in these conclusions found Sundry things, that very savourly sound ; And both these long cases, being well viewed, In one short question we may well include; Which is : whether best or worse be to be led With riches, without love or beauty, to wed; Or, with beauty without richesse, for love. This question, (quoth he), inquireth all that I move. It doth so, (said I), and is neerly couched, But th 'answer will not so briefly be touched; And yourself, to length it, taketh direct trade. For to all reasons that I have yet made, Ye seem more to seek reasons how to contend. Than to the counsel of mine to condescend. And to be plain, as I must with my friend, I perfectly feel, even at my finger's end, So hard is your hand set on your halfpenny , That my reasoning your reason setteth nought But, reason for reason, ye so stiffly lay [by. By proverb for proverb, that with you do weigh. That reason only shall herein nought move you To hear more than speak; wherefore, I will prove you With reason, assisted by experience, [hence, Which myself saw, not long since nor far In a matter so like this fashioned in frame Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. VI. 15 That none can be liker — it seemeth even the same ; And in the same, as yourself shall espy, Each sentence suited with a proverb well nigh ; And, at end of the same, ye shall clearly see How this short question shortly answered may be. [prick ; Yea, marry ! (quoth he) ; now ye shoot nigh the Practise in all, above all toucheth the quick. Proof upon practise, must take hold more sure Than any reasoning by guess can procure. If ye bring practise in place, without fabling, I will banish both haste and btisy babling. And yet, that promise to perform is mickle, For in this case my tongue must oft tickle. Ye know well it is, as telleth us this old tale, Meet that a man be at his own bridal, [were; If he wive well, (quoth I), meet and good it Or else as good for him another were there. But for this your bridal, I mean not in it That silence shall suspend your speech every whit. But in these marriages, which ye here meve. Since this tale containeth the counsel I can give, I would see your ears attend with your tongue ; For advice in both these weddings, old and young. [to talk, In which hearing, time seen when and what When your tongue tickleth, at will let it walk. And in these bridals, to the reasons of ours, Mark mine experience in this case of yours. 1 6 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. VII. Chapter VII. Within few years passed, from London no far way, _ _ [lay, Where I and my wife with our poor household Two young- men were abiding ; whom to dis- crive Were I, in portraying persons dead or alive, As cunning and as quick, to touch them at full. As in that feat I am ignorant and dull, Never could I paint their pictures to allow More lively than to paint the picture of you. And as your three persons show one similitude. So show you three one, in all things to be viewed. Likewise a widow and a maid there did dwell ; Alike, like the widow and maid ye of tell. The friends of them four, in every degree Standing in state, as the friends of you three. Those two men, each other so hasted or tarried. That those two women on one day they married. [stand, Into two houses, which next my house did The one on the right, th'other on the left hand, Both bridegrooms bade me — I could do none other But dine with the tone, and sup with the tother. He that wedded this widow rich and old, And also she, favoured me so that they wold Make me dine or sup once or twice in a week. This poor young man and his make, being to seek [bad, As oft where they might eat or drink, I them Were I at home, to such pittance as I had. Which common conference such confidence wrought Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. VII. 17 In them to me, that deed, word, ne well nigh thoug-ht Chanced among them, whatever it were, [ear. But one of the four brought it straight to mine Whereby, between these twain, and their two wives, [lives. Both for wealth and woe, I knew all their four And since the matter is much intricate. Between side and side, I shall here separate All matters on both sides, and then sequestrate Th'one side, while th 'other be full rehearsed, in rate. As for your understanding may best stand. And this young poor couple shall come first in hand Who, the day of wedding, and after a while. Could not look each on other but they must smile ; As a whelp, for wantonness, in and out whips, So played these twain, as merry as three chips. Yea, there was God, (quoth he), when all is doone. Abide ! (quoth I), it was yet but honey moon ; The black ox had not trod on his nor her foot. But ere this branch of bliss could reach any root, The flowers so faded that, in fifteen weeks A man might espy the change in the cheeks. Both of this poor wretch, and his wife, this poor wench — [French. Their faces told toys, that Tott'n'am was turned And all their light laughing turn'd and trans- lated Into sad sighing; all mirth was amated. And, one morning timely, he took in hand To make, to my house, a sleeveless errand; HEY. II. c i8 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. VIII. Hawking" upon mc, his mind herein to break, Which I would not see till he began to speak, Praying mc to hear him : and I said, I would ; Wherewith this that followeth forthwith he told. Chapter VIII, I am now driven, (quoth hej, for ease of my heart To you, to utter part of mine inward smart. And the matter concerneth my wife and me, Whose fathers and mothers long since dead be ; But uncles, with aunts and cousins, have we l)i\ers, rich on both sides; so that we did see If we had wedded, each where each kindred would, Neither of us had lacked either silver or g'old. But never could suit, on either side, obtain One penny to the one wedding- of us twain. And since our one marrying, or marring day, Where any of them see us, they shrink away, .Solemnly swearing, such as may give ought, \\ hile they and we live, of them we get right nought. [§^et, Nor nought have we, nor no way ought can we Saving by borrowing till we be in debt So far, that no man any more will us lend ; Whereby, for lack, we both be at our wits' end. W^hereof , no wonder ; since the end of our gfood. And beginning of our charge, together stood. But wit is never good till it he bought. Howbcit, when bought, wits to best price be brought ; Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. VIII. 19 Yet is one good forezvit worth two after ivits. This payeth me home, lo ! and full mo folly hits ; For, had I looked afore, with indifferent eye, Though haste had made me thirst never so dry, Yet to drown this drought, this must I needs think : ^5 I would needs brew, so must I needs drink. The drink of my bride cup I should have for- borne, Till temperance had tempered the taste beforne. I see now, and shall see while I am alive. Who weddeth or he be wise shall die or he thrive. I sing" now in this fact, facfus est repente. Now mine eyes be open I do repent me : He that will sell lawn before he can fold it, He shall repent him before he have sold it. Some bargains dear bought, good cheap woidd be sold; No man loveth his fetters, be they made of gold ; Were I loose from the lovely links of my chain, I would not dance in such fair fetters again. In house to keep household, when folks ivill needs wed, [bed. Mo things helo7ig than four bare legs in a I reckoned my wedding a sugar-sweet spice ; But reckoners 7vithoiit their liost niucli rcckoi tivice. [twain, And, although it were sweet for a week or Siveet meat will have sour sauce, I see now Continual penury, which I must take, [plain. Telleth me : better eye out than alway ache. Boldly and blindly I ventured on this ; Howbeit, who so bold as blind Bayard is? c 2 20 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. IX. And herein, to blame any man, then should I rave For 1 did it myself : and self do, self have. But, a day after fair cometh this remorse For relief : for, thouj^h it be a good horse That never stumbleth, what praise can that avouch [touch ? To jades that break their necks at first trip or And before this my first foil or breakneck fall, Subtilly like a sheep, thoujjht I, I shall Cut my coat after my cloth when I have her. But now I can smell, nothing hath no savour; J am taught to know, in more haste than good How Judicare came into the Creed. [speed. My careful wife in one corner weepeth in care, And I in another; the purse is threadbare. This corner of our care, (quoth he), I you tell, To crave therein your comfortable counsel. Chapter IX. I am sorry, (quoth I), of your poverty; And more sorry that I cannot succour ye ; If ye stir your need mine alms to stir, Then of truth ye beg at a wrong man's dur. There is nothing more vain, as yourself tell can, I'han to beg a breech of a bare-arsed man. I come to beg- nothing- of you, (quoth he). Save your advice, which may my best way be ; How to win present salve for this present sore. I am like th'ill surgeon, (said I), without store Of g-ood plasters. Howbeit, such as they are, Ve shall have the best I have. But first declare Where your and your wife's rich kinfolk do dwell. [well, Environed about us, (quoth he), which showeth Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. IX. 21 The nearer to the church, the farther from God. Most part of them dwell within a thousand rod •, And vet shall we catch a hare zvitli a taber As soon as catch aught of them, and rather. Ye play cole-prophet, (quoth IJ, who taketh in hand To knou^ his ansiver before he do his errand. What should I to them, (quoth he), fling- or flit? An unbidden guest ktioiveth not ivliere to sit. I am cast at cart's arse, some folk in lack Cannot prease : a broken sleeve holdeth th 'arm back ; And shame holdeth me back, being thus for- saken. Tush, man ! (quoth I), shame is as it is taken; And shame take him that shame thinketh ye think none. Unminded, unmoaned, go make your moan ; Till meat fall in your mouth, ivill ye lie in bed? Or sit still? nay, he that gapcth till he be fed May fortune to fast and famish for hunger. Set forward, ye shall never labour younger. Well, (quoth he), if I shall needs this viage make TT'ff/i as good will as a bear goeth to the stake, I 7vill straight iveigh anchor, and hoist up sail ; And thitherward hie me in haste like a snail; And home ag"ain hitherward quick as a bee: Now, for good luck, cast an old shoe after me. And first to mine uncle, brother to my father, Rv suit I will assay to win some favour. Who brought me up, and till my wedding was done Loved me, not as his nephew, but as his son ; And his heir had I been, had not this chanced, 22 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. IX. Of lands and goods which should me much avanced. [bones Trudge, (quoth I), to him, and on your mary- Crouch to the ground, and not so oft as once Speak any one word him to contrary. 1 cannot tell that, (quoth he), by Saint Mary ! One ill word axeth another, as folks spake. Well ! (quoth I), better is to how than break — It Inirtcth not the tongue to give fair words; The roiigJi net is not the best catcher of birds. Since ye can nought win, if ye cannot please, Best is to suffer : for of sufferance cometh ease. Cause causcth, (quoth he), and as cause causeth me, So will I do : and with this away went he. Yet, whether his wife should go with him or no. He sent her to me to know ere he would go. Whereto I said, I thought best he went alone. And you, (quoth I), to go straight as he is gone, •Among your kinsfolk likewise, if they dwell nigh. Yes, (quoth she), all round about, even here by. Namely, an aunt, mv mother's sister, who well, (Since my mother died), brought me up from the shell, And much would have given me, had my wedding grown Upon her fancy, hs it grew upon mine own. And, in likewise, mine uncle, her husband, w^as A father to me. Well, (quoth I), let pass; And, if your husband will his assent grant, Go, he to his uncle, and you to your aunt. Yes, this assent he granteth before, (quoth she), Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. X. 23 For he, ere this, thought this the best way to be. [none But of these two things he would determine Without aid : for two heads are better than one. With this wc departed, she to her husband, And I to dinner to them on th 'other hand. Chapter X. When dinner was done I came home again To attend on the return of these twain. And ere three hours to end were fully tried. Home came she first : welcome, (quoth I), and well hied ! Yea, a short horse is soon curried, (quoth shej ; But the weaker hath the worse we all day see. After our last parting, my husband and 1 Departed, each to place agreed formerly. Mine uncle and aunt on me did lower and glome ; [welcome. Both bade me God speed, but none bade me Iheir folks glomed on me too, by which it appeareth : The young cock croiveth, as he the old hearcth. At dinner they were, and made, (for manners' sake), A kinswoman of ours me to table take ; A false fiatt'ring filth; and, if that be good, None better to bear two faces in one hood. She speaketh as she would creep into your bosom; [bottom And, when the meal-mouth hath won the Of your stomach, then will the pickthank it tell To your most enemies, you to buy and sell. To tell tales out of school, that is her great lust ; 24 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. X. Look what she knoweth, hlab it wist, and out it must. There is no mo such titifils in Eng-land's ground, To hold with the hare, and run ivith the hound. Fire in the tone hand, and water in the tother, The makebate beareth between brother and brother. She can wink on the e^ve and worry the lamh ; She maketh earnest matters of every flimflam. She must have an oar in every man's barge; And no man may chat ought in ought of her charge. Coll under canstick, she can play on both hands ; Dissimulation well she understands. She is lost with an apple, and won with a nut; Her tongue is no edge tool, but yet it ivill cut. Her cheeks are purple ruddy like a horse plum ; And the big part of her body is her bum. But little tit-all-tail, I have heard ere this, As high as two horse-loaves her person is. For privy nips or casts overthwart the shins, He shall lese the mastery that with her beg'ins. She is, to turn love to hate, or joy to grief, A pattern as meet as a rope for a thief. Her promise of friendship for any avail, Is as sure to hold as an eel by the tail. She is nother fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring. She is a ring-leader there; and I, fearing- She would spit her venom, thought it not evil To set up a candle before the devil. I clawed her by the hack, in way of a charm To do me, not the more good, but the less harm ; Praying her, in her ear, on my side to hold ; Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. X. 25 She thereto swearing-, by her false faith, she would. Straight after dinner mine aunt had no choice, But other burst, or burst out in Pilate's voice: Ye huswife, what wind bloweth ye hither this night? [is light. Ye might have knocked ere ye came in ; leave Better unborn than ufitaught, I have heard say; But be ye better fed than taught, far away; Not very fat fed, said this flebergebet ; [jet. But need hath no law; need makcth her hither She Cometh, niece Alice, (quoth she), for that is her name, [shame. More for need than for kindness, pain of Howbeit, she cannot lack, for he findcth that seeks ; Lovers live by love, yea, as larks live by leeks, Said this Alice, much more than half in mock- age. Tush ! (quoth mine aunt), these lovers in dot- age [courage Think the ground bear them not, but wed of They must in all haste; though a leaf of borage Might buy all the substance that they can sell. Well, aunt, (quoth Alice), all is well that ends ivell. [end ; Yea, Alice, of a good beginnitig cometh a good Not so good to borrow, as be able to lend. Nay indeed, aunt, (quoth shel, it is sure so; She must needs grant she hath wrought her own woe. [stone, She thought, Alice, she had seen far iri a mill- When she gat a husband, and namely such one. As they by wedding could not only nought win. But lose both living and love of all their kin. 26 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. X. Good aunt, (quoth IJ, humbly I beseech ye, Aly trespass done to you forgive it me. 1 know, and knowledge I have wroug^ht mine own pain ; But things past my hands, I cannot call again. True, (quoth AhceJ, things dune cannot be un- done, Be they done in due time, too late, or too soon ; But better late than never to repent this. Too late, (quoth mine aunt), this repentance showed is : Wlicn the steed is stolen shut the stable durre. I took her jar a rose, but she breedeth a burr ; She Cometh to stick to me now in her lack ; Rather to rent off my clothes fro my back, Than to do me one farthing" worth of good. / see day at this little hole. For this bood Shoiveth what fruit will follow. In good faith, I said. In way of petition I sue for your aid. Ah, well ! (quoth she), now I well understand The walking staff hath caught ivarmth in your hand. A clean-fingered huswife, and an idle, folk say. And will be lime-fingered, I fear, by my fay ! It is as tender as a parson's leman — [than? Nought can she do, and what can she have As sober as she seemeth, few days come about But she will once wash her face in an ale clout. And then between her and the rest of the rout, / proud, and thou proud, who shall bear th 'ashes out? [breathe. She may not bear a feather, but she must She maketh so much of her painted sheath. She thinketh her fartJiing good silver, I tell you; Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. X. 27 But, for a fartliing, whoever did sell you Might hoast you to he better sold than bought. And yet, though she be worth nought, nor have nought. Her gown is gayer and better than mine. At her gay gown, (quoth AHcej, ye may repine, Howbeit, as we may, we love to go gay all. Well, well ! (quoth mine aunt), pride will have a fall; [after. For pride goeth before, and shame cometJi Sure, (said Alice), in manner of mocking laughter, [worse There is nothing in this world that agreeth Than doth a lady's heart and a beggar's purse. But pride she showeth none, her look reason alloweth, [moutJi. She looketh as butter would not melt in her Well, the still sow eats up all the draf, Alice; All is not gold that glitters, by told tales. In youth she was toward and without evil : But soon ripe, soon rotten; young saint, old devil — [horns. Howbeit, Lo God sendeth the shrewd cow short While she was in this house she sat upon thorns, Each one day was three till liberty was borrow. For one month's joy to bring her whole life's sorrow. [well ; It were pity, (quoth Alice), but she should do For beauty and stature she beareth the bell. Ill weed groweth fast, Alice : whereby the corn is lorne ; For surely the weed overgroweth the corn. Ye praise the wtne before ye taste of the grape : But she can no more harm than can a she ape. It is a good body, her property prevcs 28 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. X. She lacketh but even a new pair of sleeves. If I may, (as they say), tell truth without sin, Of truth she is a 7voIf in a lamb's skin. Her heart is full hig-h when her eye is full low — A guest as good lost as found, for all this show — • But many a good co-w hath an evil calf. 1 speak this, daug'hter, in thy mother's behalf, My sister, (God rest her soul !) whom, though I boast, Was called the flower of honesty in this coast. Aunt, (quoth I), I take for father and mother Mine uncle and you, above all other. When we would, ye would not be our child, (quoth she), [we; Wherefore now when ye would, now will not Since thou wouldst needs cast away thyself thus. Thou shalt sure sink in thine own sin for us. Aunt, (quoth I), after a doting or drunken deed, Let submission obtain some mercy or meed. He that killeth a man when he is drunk, (quoth she), Shall be hanged ivhen he is sober; and he, Whom in itching no scratching will forbear. He must bear the smarting that shall follow tJiere. And thou, being borne very nigh of my stock. Though nigh be my kirile, yet near is my smock — I have one of mine own whom I must look to. Yea, aunt, (quoth Alice), that thing must ye needs do ; Nature compclleth you to set your own first up ; For I have heard say, it is a dear collop Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. X. 29 That is cut out of th'own flesh. But yet, aunt, So small may her request be, that ye may grant To satisfy the same, which may do her good. And you no harm in th'avancing your own blood. [crave, And cousin, (quoth she to me), what ye would Declare, that our aunt may know what ye would have. Nay, (quoth I), be they winners or losers, Folk say alway beggars should be no choosers. [please ; With thanks I shall take whatever mine aunt Where nothing is, a little thing doth case; Hunger maketh hard beans S7veet; where saddles lack, [hack. Better ride on a pad than on the horse hare And by this proverb appeareth this o 'thing : That alway somewhat is better than nothing. Hold fast when ye have it, (quoth she), by my life ! [wife. The boy thy husband, and thou the girl, his Shall not consume that I have laboured for. Thou art young enough, and I can work no more. Kit Callot, my cousin, saw this thus far on. And in mine aunt's ear she whispereth anon, Roundly these words, to make this matter whole : Aunt, let them that he a-cold hloiv at the coal. Thev shall for me, Alice, (quoth she), by God's 'blist ! She and I have shaken hands : farewell, un- kissed ! And thus, with a beck as good as a dieu gard. She flang fro me, and I from her hitherward. 30 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. Bcg-^ing: of her booteth not the ivorth of a bean; [mea72. Little knoweth the jat sow what the lean doth Forsooth ! (quoth I), ye have bestirred ye well— _ [fell? But where was your uncle while all this fray Asleep by, (quoth she), routino^ like a hog; And //. is evil waking of a sleeping dog. The bitch and her whelp might have been asleep too. For ought they in waking to me would do. Fare ye well ! (quoth she) ; I will now home straight, [wait. And at my husband's hands for better news Chapter XI. He came home to me the next day before noon : What tidings now, (quoth IJ, how have ye doon ? Upon our departing, (quoth he), yesterday. Toward mine uncle's, somewhat more than midway, I overtook a man, a servant of his, And a friend of mine ; who guessed straight with this What mine errand was, offering in the same To do his best for me; and so, in God's name Thither we went ; nobody being within But mine uncle, mine aunt, and one of our kin — A mad knave, as it were a railing jester. Not a more gaggling gander hence to Chester. At sight of me he asked, who have we there? I have seen this gentleman, if I wist where; Howbeit, lo ! seldom seen, soon forgotten. Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. 31 He was, (as he will be), somewhat cupshotten : Six days in the week, beside the market day, Mali is above wheat with him, market men sav. But forasmuch as I saw the same taunt Contented well mine uncle and mine aunt. And that / came to fall in ami not to fall out, I forbear; or else his drunken red snout I would have made as oft change from hue to hue As doth the cocks of Iml ; for this is true: It is a small hop on my thumb ; and Christ wot, It is wood at a word — Utile pot soon hot. Now merry as a cricket, and by and by Angry as a ivasp, thoug-h in both no cause why. But he was at home there, he might speak his will : Every cock is proud on his own dunghill. I shall be even with him herein when I can. But he, having- done, thus mine uncle beg-an : Ye merchant ! what attempteth you to attempt us. To come on us before the messenger thus? Roaming- in and out, I hear tell how ye toss ; But son, the rolling stone never gathereth moss. Like a pickpurse pilg-rim ye pry and ye prowl At rovers, to rob Peter and pay Poule. Iwys, I know, or any more be told, That draf is your errand, hut drink ye wolde. Uncle, (quoth I), of the cause for which I come I pray you patiently hear the whole sum. In faith ! (quoth he), without any more summing-, I know to beg- of me is thy coming-. Forsooth ! (quoth his man), it is so, indeed; 32 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. And I dare boldly boast, if ye knew his need, Ye would of pity yet fet him in some stay. Son, better be envied than pitied, folk say ; And for his cause of pity, (had he had grace), He niig-ht this day have been clear out of the case; [f''og — But now he hath well fished and caught a Where nought is to wed with, wise men flee the clog. \Vhere I, (quoth I), did not as ye willed or bad, That repent I oft, and as oft wish I had. Son, (quoth he), as I have heard of mine olders, ]]'ishers and woulders be no good house- holders : This proverb for a lesson, with such other. Not like, (as who sayeth), the son of my brother, But like mine own son, I oft before told thee To cast her quite off ; but it would not hold thee When I willed thee any other where to g-Q — Tush ! there was no mo maids but malkin though Ye had been lost to lack your lust when ye list, By two miles trudging twice a week to be kissed. I would ye had kissed — well I will no more stir : It is good to have a hatch before the dtir. But who will, in time present, pleasure refrain Shall, in time to come, the more pleasure obtain. Follo7v pleasure, and then will pleas-iire flee; Flee pleasure, and pleasure will follow thee. And how is my saying come to pass now? How oft did I prophesy this between you And your ginifinee nycebecetur? [petre? When sweet sugar should turn to sour salt- Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI, 33 AMiereby ye should in saying- that ye never saw, Think that you never thought yourself a daw. But that time ye thought me a daw, so that I Did no good in all my words then, save only Approved this proverb plain and true matter : A man may well bring a horse to the water, But he cannot make him drink without he will. Colts, (quoth his man), may prove well with tatches ill, For of a ragged colt there cometh a good horse — If he be good now of his ill past no force, [he), Well, he that hangeth himself a Sunday, (said Shall hang still uncut down a Monday for me. 7 have hanged up my hatchet, God speed him well ! ^ _ [tell : A wonder thing what things these old things Cat after kind good mouse hunt; and also Men say, kind will creep zvhere it may not go. Commonly all thing showeth fro whence it came ; The litter is like to the fire and the dam; How can the foal amble if the horse and mare trot? These sentences are assigned unto thy lot. By conditions of thy father and mother, My sister-in-law, and mine own said brother. Thou followest their steps as right as a line. r^or when provender prickt them a little tyne, They did as thy wife and thou did, both dote Each one on other ; and being not worth a groat, [last, They went (witless) to wedding ; whereby, at They both went a-begging. And even the like cast HEY. II. D 34 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. Hast thou; ihou wilt beg or steal ere thou die — Take heed, friend, / have seen as far conic as nigh . If ye seek to jind things ere they he lost, Ye shall find one day you come to your cost. This do I but repeat, for this I told thee ; And more I say ; but I could not then hold thee ; Nor will not hold thee now; nor such folly feel, To set at my heart that thou settest at thy heel. And as of my good ere I one groat give, I will see how my wife and myself may live. Thou goest a-gleaning ere the cart have carried ; But ere thou glean ought, since thou wouldst be married, [then? Shall I make thee laugh now, and myself weep Nay, good child ! better children weep than old men. [upon fools ; Men should not prease much to spend much Fish is cast away that is cast in dry pools. To flee charge, and find ease, ye would now here host — It is easy to cry ble at other men's cost. But, a b'ow long bent, at length must wear weak: [break. Long bent I toward you, but that bent I will Farewell, and feed full, that love ye well to do; But you lust not to do that longeth thereto. The cat woidd eat fish and woidd not wet her feet; [in heat. They must hunger in frost that ivill riot work And he that will thrive must ask leave of his wife ; [life, But your wife will give none : by your and her It is hard to wive and thrive both in a year. Thus, by thy wiving, thriving doth so appear, Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. 35 That thou art past thrift before thrift begin, , — But lo ! zvill will have will, though will woe win ; Will is a good son, and will is a shrewd hoy ; And wilful shrewd will hath wrought thee this toy. A gentle white spur, and at need a sure spear; He standeth now as he had a flea in his ear. Howbeit, for any great courtesy he doth make, It seemeth the gentle man hath eaten a steak. He beareth a dagger in his sleeve, trust me, To kill all that he meeteth prouder than he. He will perk : I here say he must have tJie bench — [French. Jack woxdd be a gentleman if he could speak He thinketh his jeet be where his head shall never come ; He would fain flee, but he zvanteth feathers, some. Sir, (quoth his man), he will no fault defend, But hard is for any man all faults to mend — He is lifeless, that is faultless, old folks thought. Incmght. He hath, (quoth he), but one fault, he is Well, (quoth his man], the best cart may over- throw, [though. Carts well driven, (quoth he), go long upright, But, for my reward, let him be no longer tarrier, I will send it him by John Long the carrier. O ! help him, sir, (said he), since ye easily may. Shame fid craving, (quoth he), must have sJiamefid nay. [one yea. Ye max, sir, (quoth he), mend three nays with. Two false knaves need no broker, men say, (said he). Some say also, it is merry when knaves meet; D 2 J 6 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. But the mo knaves, the worse company to greet; [craveth. The one knave noxv crouch eth while th' other But to show what shall be his relevavith, Either after my death, if my will be kept, Or during- my life : had I this hall hept [eat With i^old, lie may his part on Good Friday And fast never the worse, for ought he shall g-eat. [son : These former lessons conned, take for this, Tell thy cards, and then tell me ivhat thou hast WO)}. Now, here is the door, and there is the way ; And so, (quoth he), farewell, gentle Geoffrey! Thus parted I from him, being much dismayed, Which his man saw, and (to comfort me) said : What, man, pluck up your heart, be of good cheer ! After clouds hlack, we shall have weather clear. What, should your face thus again the wool be shorn For one fall? What, man, all this wind shakes no corn ! I.ct this wind overblow ; a time I will spy To take wind and tide with me, and speed thereby. [small roast I thank you, (quoth I), but great boast and. Maketh unsavoury mouths, wherever men host. And this boast very unfavourly serveth ; For while the grass groweth the horse sterveth ; Better one bird in hand than ten in the wood. Rome was not huilt in one day, (quoth he), and yet stood Till it was finished, as some say, full fair. )'our heart is in your hose, all in despair; But, as every man sayeth, a dog hath a day — Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. 37 Should you, a man, despair then any day? nay ! Ye have many strings tu the boii<, for ye know, Thoug-h I, having the bent of your uncle's bow, Can no way bring your bolt in the butt to stand ; Yet have ye other marks to rove at hand. The keys hang not all by one man's girdle, man ; [can Thougfh nought will be won here, I say, yet ye Taste other kinsmen ; of whom ye may g-eat Here some, and there some : many small make a great. [curses, For come light winnings with blessings or Evermore light gains make heavy purses. Children learn to creep ere they can learn to go ; And, little and little, ye must learn even so. Throw no gift again at the giver's head; For, better is half a loaf than no bread. I may beg- my bread, (quoth I), for my kin all That dwelleth nig^h. Well, yet, (quoth he), and the worst fall, Ye may to your kinsman, hence nine or ten mile. Rich without charge, whom ye saw not of long- while. That benchwhistler, (quoth I), is a pinchpenny. As free of gift as a poor man of his eye. J shall get a fart of a dead man as soon As a farthing of him : his dole is soon done. He is so high in th'instep, and 50 straight- laced, That pride and covetise withdraweth all repast, Ye know what he hath been, (quoth he), but i-wis. Absence sayeth plainly, ye know not what he is. 3^ Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. Men knoiv, (quoth I J, I have heard now and then, How the market goeth by the 7varket men. Further it is said, who that saying- weigheth, It must needs be true that every man sayetli. Men say also : children and fends cannot lie — And both man and child sayeth, he is a heinsby. And myself knoweth him, I dare boldly brag-, Even as well as the beggar knoweth his bag. And I knew him not worth a grey groat ; He ivas at an ebb, though he be now afloat, Poor as the poorest. And now nought he scttcth By poor folk, For the parish priest forgetteth That ever lie hath been holy water clerk. By oug-ht I can now hear, or ever could mark, Of no man hath he pity or compassion. Well, (quoth he), every man after his fashion; He may yet pity you, for ought doth appear, 7f happeth in one hour that happeth not in seven year. Forspeak not your fortune, nor hide not your need ; Nought venture, itought have; spare to speak, spare to speed ; Unknown, unkissed : it is lost that is unsought. As good seek nought, (quoth I), as seek and find nought. It is, (quoth he), ill fishing before the net. But thoug^h we get little, dear bought and jar fet Are dainties for ladies. Go we both two; I have for my master thereby to do. I may break a dish there ; and sure I shall Set all at six and seven, to win some windfall. And I will hang the bell about the cat's neck. Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. 39 For I will first break and jeopard the first check. [mine, And for to win this prey, though the cost be Let us present him with a bottle of wine. What should we, (quoth IJ, ""rease the fat sow in th'arse, We may do much ill, ere we do much wars. It is, to give him, as much alms or need, As cast water in Thames, or as good a deed As it is to help a dog over a stile. [while. Then go we, (quoth he), we lese time all this To follow his fancy we went together, [thither, And toward night yesternight when we came She was within, but he was yet abroad, [toad. And straight as she saw me she swelled like a Pattering the devil's Pater noster to herself : God never made a more crabbed elf ! She bade him welcome, but the worse for me ; This knave cometh a-begging by me, thought she. [iin}id ; I smelled her out, and had her straight in the She may abide no beggars of any kind. They be both greedy guts all given to get They care not how : all is fish that cometh to net. [ning They knoiv no end of their good; nor hegin- Of any goodness : such is wretched winning. Hunger droppeth even out of hoth their noses. She goeth with broken shoon and torn hoses ; But ivho is worse shod than the shoemaker's wife, With shops full of new shoes all her life? Or who will do less than they that may do most ? And namely of her I can no way make boast. She is one of them to whom God hade ho; 40 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. She will all have, and will right noug-ht foreg"0 ; She will not part unth the paring oj her nails; She toileth continually for avails ; Which life she hath so long- now kept in ure, I'hat for no life she would make change, be sure. But this lesson learned I, ere I was years seven : lliey that be in hell iveen there is none other lieaven. She is nothing- fair, but she is ill favoured ; And no more uncleanly than unsweet favoured ; But hackney men say at mang-y hackney's hire, [^squire. A scald horse is good enough for a scabbed He is a knucklebone-yard, very meet To match a minion nother fair nor sweet. He winketh ivith the tone eye and looketh with the totlier ; I will not trust liim though he were my brother. He hath a poison wit, and all his delig-ht To g-ive taunts and checks of most spiteful spite. In that house commonly, such is the cast, A nian shall as soon break his neck as his fast; And yet, now such a gid did her head take. That more for my mate's than for manner's sake. We had bread and drink, and a cheese very g:reat ; But the greatest crabs be not all the best meat. For her crabbed cheese, with all the greatness, Might well abide the fineness, or sweetness. Anon he came in ; and when he us saw. To my companion kindly he did draw ; And a well favoured welcome to him he yields, Bidding me welcome strangely over the fields Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. 41 With these words : Ah, young man ! I know your matter ; By my faith ! you come to look in my water ; And for my comfort to your consolation, Ye would buy my purse — give me a pur station ! But I am laxative enough there otherwise. 'Ihis, (quoth this young man), contrary doth rise ; For he is purse-sick, and lacketh a physician; And hopeth upon you in some condition, Not by purgation, but by restorative. To strength his weakness to keep him alive. I cannot, (quoth he), for though it be my lot To have speculation, yet I practise not. / see much, but I say little, and do less In this kind of physic — and what would ye guess : Shall I consume myself to restore him now? Nay, backare ! (quoth Mortimer to liis sow); He can, before this time, no time assign. In which he hath laid down one penny by mine. That ever might either make me bite or sup. And by'r lady, friend ! nought lay down, nought take up : Ka me, ka thee; one good turn askcth another: Nought won by the tone, nought won fiy the tother. [miles To put me to cost, thou camest half a score Out of thine own nest, to seek me in these out isles : Where thou wilt not step over a straw, I think. To win me the worth of one draught of drink, No more than I have won of all thy whole stock. / have been common Jack to all that whole flock; 42 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. When ouoht was to do I was common hackney — Folk call on the horse that iviU carry alivay — But evermore tlie common horse is ivorst shod. Desert and reivard be ofttimes thino^s jar odd; At end / might put my ivinning in mine eye, And see never the worse, for ought I wan them by. [end, And now, without them I hve here at stave's ^^'here I need not borrow, nor I will not lend. It is good to heivare by other mc7i's harms; But thy taking of thine halter in thine arms Teacheth other to beware of their harms by thine : Thou hast stricken the hall under the line. I pray you, (quoth I), pity me, a poor man, \\'ith somewhat till I may work as I can. Toward your working-, (quoth he), ye make such tastings, As approve you to be none of the liastings. I'e run to work in haste as nine m.en held ye; But whensoever ye to work must yield ye, If your meet-mate and you meet together, Then shall we see two men bear a feather; Recompensing former loitering life loose, As did the pure penitent that stale a goose And stack dotvn a feather. And, where old folk tell That evil gotten good never proveth well; Ye will truly get, and true getting well keep Till time ye be as rich as a new shorn sheep. Howbeit, when thrift and yoti fell first at a fray, [away. You played the man, for ye made thrift run So help me God ! in my poor opinion, A man might make a play of this minion. Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. 43 And fain no ground, but take tales of his own friends : I suck not this out of my oivn fingers' efids. And since ye were wed, althoug-h 1 nought gave you, [you ! Yet pray I for you, God and Saint Luke save And here is all : for what should I further wade? I urns neither of court nor of council made ; And it is, as I have learned in listening, A poor dog that is not -worth the whistling. A day ere I was wed, I bade you, (quoth 1). Scarb 'rough warning I had, (quoth he), whcre- I kept me thence, to serve thee according.^ [by And now, if this night's lodging and boarding May ease thee, and rid me from any more charge, [large. Then welcome ! or else get thee straight at For of further reward, mark how I boast me, In case as ye shall yield me as ye cost me, So shall ye cost me as ye yield me likewise ; Which is, a thing of nought rightly to surmise. Herewithal, his wife, to make up my mouth, Not only her husband's taunting tale avoweth, But thereto deviseth to cast in my teeth Checks and choking oysters. And when she seeth Her time to take up, to show my fare at best : Ye see your fare, (said she), set your heart at rest. Fare ye ivell ! (quoth I), Jiowevcr I fare now; And well mote ye fare both when I dine with you. Come, go we hence, friend ! (quoth I to my mate) — .'\nd nozv will I make a cross on this gate. 44 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. And I, (quoth he), cross thee quite out of niy book Since thou art cross failed; avail, unhappy hook ! By hook or crook nought could I win there; men say : He that couteth every day, sJiall have a cockney; [/len. He that cometh now and then, shall have a fat But I gat not so much in comings seeld when, As a good hen's feather, or a poor eggshell: As good play for nought as work for noucrht, folk tell. Well, well! (quoth he), we be but where we were ; Come wliat come would, I thoug-ht ere we came there. That if the worst fell, we could have hut a nay. There is no harm done, man, in all this fray; Neither pot broken, nor water spilt. Farewell, he ! (quoth I), I will as soon be hilt As %vait again for the moonshine in the zvater. But is not this a pretty piked matter? To disdain me, who muck of the world hoardeth not, As he doeth ; it may rhyme but it accordeth not. She foameth like a boar, the beast should seem bold ; For she is as fierce as a Lion of Cotsolde. She frieth in her own grease, but as for my part, // she be angry, beshrew her angry heart! Friend, (quoth he), he may show wisdom at will, [still : That with ang-ry heart can hold his tongue Let patience grow in your garden alway. Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XI. 45 Some loose or odd end zvill come, man, some one day From some friend, either in life or at death. Death ! (quoth IJ, take ive that time to take a breath? Then graft we a green graft on a rotten root : Who zvaiteth for dead men shoes shall go long barefoot. Let pass, (quoth he), and let us be trudg-ing \\'here some noppy ale is, and soft sweet lodging-. Be it, (quoth I), but I would very fain eat; At breakfast and dinner I eat little meat, And two hungry meals make the third a glutton. \\(t went where we had boiled beef and bake Whereof I fed me as full as a tun; [mutton, And a-bed were we ere the clock had nine run. Early we rose, in haste to get away ; And to the hostler this morning, by day, This fellow called. What ho ! fellow, thou knave ! I pray thee let me and my fellow have A hair of the dog that bit us last night — And bitten were we both to the brain aright. We saw each other drunk in the good ale glass, And so did each one each other, that there was. Save one ; but old men say that are skilled : A hard foughten field where no man scapeth unkilled. [the shot ; The reckoning reckoned, he needs would pay And needs he must for me, for I had it not. This done we shook hands, and parted in fine ; He into his way, and I into mine. But this journey was quite out of my way : Many kinsfolk and few friends, some folk say; But I find many kinsfolk, and friend not one. 46 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XII. Folk say — It hath been said many years since gone— [deed, Prove thy jricnd ere thou have need; but, in- A friend is never known till a man have need. Before I had need, my most present foes [goes : Seemed my most friends ; but thus the 'world Every man basteth the fat ho^ we see; But the lean shall burn ere he basted be. As sayeth this sentence, oft and long- said before : He that hath plenty of goods shall have more; He that hath hut a little, he shall have less; He that hath right nought, right nought shall possess. ^ [what obtain, Thus, having- right nought, and would some- With right nought, (quoth he), I am returned agam. Chapter XII. Surely, (quoth I), ye have in this time, thus worn, Made a long harvest for a little corn! Howbcit, comfort yourself with this old text, That telleth us, when bale is hekst, boot is next ; Though every man may not sit in the chair, Yet alway tlie grace of God is worth a fair. Take no thought in no case, God is where he was. But put case, in poverty all your life pass. Yet poverty and poor degree, taken well, Feedcth on this : he that never climbed, never jell. [somewhere, And some case, at some time, showeth prefe That riches bringeth oft harm, and ever fear, Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XII. 47 Where poverty passeth without grudge of grief. What, man ! the beggar may sing before the And %vho can sing so merry a note [thief ; As may he that cannot change a groat? Yea, (quoth hcj, beggars may sing before thieves, [s^^reeves. And iveep before true men, lamenting- their Some say, and I feel, hunger pierceth stone wall; Meat, nor yet money to buy meat withal. Have I not so much as may hunger defend Fro my wife and me. Well ! (quoth 1), God will send [see. Time to provide for time, right well ye shall God send that provision in time! (said he.) And thus, seeming well-nigh weary of his life, The poor wretch went to his like poor wretched wife : [their knees ; From wantonness to wretchedness, brought on Their hearts full heavy, their heads be full of bees. And after this a month, or somewhat less, Their landlord came to their house to take a stress For rent; to have kept Bayard in the stable — Rut that to win, any power was unable. For, though it be ill playing with short daggers. Which meaneth, that every wise man staggers, In earnest or boord to be busy or bold W^ith his biggers or betters, yet this is told : Whereas nothing is, the king must lose his right. ^ [quight. And thus, king or keyser, must have set them But warning to depart thence they needed none ; For, ere the next day, the birds were flown, each one 48 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XII. To seek service; of which, where the man was sped, The wife could not speed ; but, maugre her head, [nigh, She must seek elsewhere, for either there or Service for any suit she none could espy. All folk thoug-ht them, not only too lither To linger both in one house tosjcther ; But also, dwelling nigh under their wing's, Under their noses they mig-ht convey things — Such as were neither too heavy nor too hot- More in a month than they their master got In a whole year. \\'hereto folk further weigh- Receive each of other in their conveying, Might be worst of all ; for this proverb preeves : Where be no receivers, there be no thieves. Such hap here hapt, that common dread of such gyles Drove them and keepeth them asunder many miles. Thus, thons^h love decree departnre death to be, Yet poverty parteth fellowship, ive see; And doth those two true lovers so dissever, That meet shall they seeld when, or haply never. And thus by love, without regard of living, These twain have wrought each other's ill chieving ; [friends. And love hath so lost them the love of their That I think them lost; and thus this tale ends. Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XIII. 49 Chapter XIII. Ah, sir! (said my friend), when men will needs marry, I see now, how wisdom and haste may vary: Namely, where they wed for love altogether. I would for no g'ood, but I had come hither. Siveet beauty with sour beggary ! nay, I am gone To the wealthy withered widow, by Saint Jolin ! What ! yet in all haste, (quoth I) ? Yea ! (q. he) ; For she hath substance enous^h ; and ye see That lack is the loss of these two young- fools. Know ye not, (quoth I), that, after wise men's schools, A man shoidd hear all parts ere he judge any? Why axe ye that (quoth he)? For this, (quoth I): I told you, when I this began, that I would Tell you of two couples ; and I, having told But of the tone, ye be straight starting away, As 1 of the tother had right nought to say ; Or, as yourself of them right nought would hear. [clear Nay, not all so, (quoth he), but since I think There can no way appear so painful a life Between your young neighbour and his old rich wife. As this tale in this young poor couple doth show ; And that the most good or least ill ye know To take at end, I was at beginning bent. With thanks for this and your more pain to prevent. Without any more matter now revolved, HEY. H. E 50 Proverbs, Pt. I., Ch. XIII. I take this matter here clearly resolved ; And that ye herein award me to forsake Beg-^arly beauty, and rivalled riches take. That's just, if the lutJf shall judge the whole, (quoth 1} ; [try. But yet, hear the whole, the whole wholly to To it (quoth he) then, I pray you, by and by. We will dine first, (quoth I), it is noon hi^h. We may as well, (quoth he), dine when this is done ; The longer forenoon, the shorter afternoon — All Cometh to one, and thereby men have guessed, AhiVay the longer east, the shorter west. We have had, (quoth I), before ye came, and syne, IVeat'jier meet to set paddocks ahrood in: Rain more than enough; and zvhen all shrews have dined. Change from foul weather to fair is oft inclined. And all the shrews in this part, saving- one wife That must dine with us, have dined, pair of my life ! [ing Now, if good change of ill weather be depend- Upon her diet, what were mine offending To keep the woman any longer fasting? If ye, (quoth he), fet all this far casting For common wealth, as it appeareth a clear case, [place. Reason would your will should, and shall take Thus Endeth the First Part. PART II Chapter I. Diners caiuwt be long where dainties want; Where coin is not common, commons must he scant. In post pace we passed from potag"e to cheese, And yet this man cried : Alas, what time we lese ! He would not let us pause after our repast ; But apart he plucked me straight, and in all haste, [maid. As I of this poor young- man, and poor young- Or more poor young" wife, the foresaid words had said, So prayeth he me now the process may be told, Between th 'other young" man, and rich widow- old. If ye lack that, (ciuoth I), away ye must wind, With your whole errand, and half th 'answer behind. [you loth, Which thing- to do, since haste thereto showeth And to haste your going-, the day away goeth ; And that time lost, ag-ain we cannot win : Without more loss of time, this tale I begin. In this late old widow, and then old new wife, A o;e and appetite fell at a stro7ig strife: Her lust was as young as her limbs were old. 52. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. I. The day of her wedding, like one to be sold, She set out herself in fine apparel. She was made like a beer pot, or a barrel; A crooked hooked nose, beetle browed, blear eyed. Many men wished, for beautifying- that bride, Her waist to be g'ird in, and for a bon grace. Some well favoured visor on her ill favoured But with visorlike visage, such as it was, [face. She smirked, and she smiled, but so lisped this lass, [alone That folk might have thought it done only Of wantonness, had not her teeth been gone. I'prio^lii as a candle stajideth iti a socket Stood she that day, so simper-de-cocket. Of ancient fathers she took no cure nor care. She was to them as coy as a cvoker's mare. She took th 'entertainment of the voung- men All in dalliance, as nice as a nun's hen. I suppose that day Jier ears wight well glow, For all the town talked of her, high and low. One said, a well favoured old woman she is ; The devil she is, said another; and to this, In came the third, with his five eggs, and said, F'lhy year ago I knew her a trim maid. Whatever she were then, (said one), she is now To become a bride, as meet as a sow To bear a saddle. She is, in this marriage, As comely as is a cow in a cage. Gup ! with a galled back Gill, come up to supper ! [crupper I \Miat? mine old mare wotdd have a new And now mine old hat must have a new band ! AVell, (quoth one), glad Is he that hath her in A goodly marriage she is, I hear say. [hand; She is so, (quoth one), were the woman away. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. I. 53 Well, (quoth another), fortune this moveth ; And in this case every man as lie loveih Quoth the good man when that he kissed liis cow. [a vow ! That kiss, (quoth one), doth well here, by God But Jww can she give a kiss, sour or sweety — Her chin and her nose within half an inch God is no hotcher, sir! said another; [meet. He shapeth all parts as each part may jit other. [scanning- Well, (quoth one), wisely, let us leave this God speed them ! he as be may is no banning. That shall be, shall be; and with God's grace they shall Do well, and that they so may, wish we all. This wonder, (as wonders last), lasted nine days; [their ways. Which done, and all guests of this feast gone Ordinary household this man straight began \'ery sumptuously, which he might well do than. [was set What he would have, he might have ; his wife In such dotage of him, that fair words did fet Gromwell-seed plenty; and pleasure to prefer, She made much of him, and he mocked much of her. I was, (as I said), much there, and most of all The first month ; in which time such kindness did fall Between these two counterfeit turtle birds ; To see his sweet looks, and hear her sweet words, ["re, And to think wherefore they both put both in It would have made a horse break his halter sure. [taught All the first fortnight their ticking might have 54 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. I, Any young- couple their love ticks to have wrought. [is green. Some laughed, and said : all tiling is gay that Some thereto said : tlic green new broom sweepeth clean. But since all thing is the worse for the wearing, Decay of clean sweeping- folk had in fearing-. And indeed, ere two months away were crept, And her big-g-est bags into his bosom swept, Where love had appeared in him to her alway Hot as a toast, it grew cold as a kay. He at meat carving her, and none else before, Now carved- lie to all but her, and her no more. Where her words seemed honey, by his smil- ing cheer, [hear. Now are they mustard, he frowneth them to And when she saw sweet sauce began to wax sour, She waxed as sour as he, and as well could lower. So turned they their tippets by way of ex- change, [range From laug'-hing to lowering, and taunts did so That in plain terms, plain truth to you to utter, yiiey two agreed like two cats in a gutter. Marry, sir ! (quoth he), by scratching and biting [citing. Cats and dogs come together, by folks re- Together by the ears they come, (quoth I), cheerly ; Howbeit those words are not void here clearly. For, in one state they twain could not yet settle. But wavering as the wind : in dock, out nettle. Now in, now out; now here, now there; now sad. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. II. 55 Now merry; now hig^h, now low; now good, now bad. In which unsteady sturdy storms strainable, To know how they both were irrefrainable, Mark how they fell out, and how they fell in: At end of a supper she did thus begin. Chapter II. Husband, (quoth she), I would we were in our nest; [rest. J]lien the belly is full, the hones ivould be at So soon upon supper, (said hej, no question Sleep maketh ill and unwholesome digestion : By that diet a great disease once I gat. [that. And burnt child fire dreadeth; I will beware of What, a post of physic, (said she}? Yea, a post ; And from post to pillar, wife, I have been tossed By that surfeit. And I feel a little fit Even now, by former attempting of it. Whereby, except I shall seem to leave my wit Before it leave me, I must now leave it. I thank God, (quoth shej, I never yet felt pain To go to bed timely ; but rising again, Too soon in the morning, hath me displeased. And I, (quoth he), have been more diseased By early lying down, than by early rising. But thus differ folk, lo ! in exercising : That one may not, another may. Use maketh maistry ; and men many times say That one loveth not, another doth; ivhich hath sped All meats to he eaten, and all maids to be wed. Haste ye to bed now, and rise ye as ye rate ; 56 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. II. ^Miile I rise early, and come to bed late. Long- lyinj^ warm in bed is wholesome, (quoth she) ; [(quoth he). While the leg ivarmeth, the hoot harmeth, Well, (quoth she), he that doetJi as most men do, Sljcill be least wondered on; and take any two That be man and wife, in all this whole town, And most part together they rise and lie down. ]Vhe7Z birds shall roost, (quoth he), at eight, nine, or ten, [hen? TT'/!o shall appoint their hour — the cock, or the The hen, (quoth she); the cock, (quoth he); just, (quoth she), [(quoth he). As Germans lips. It shall prove more just. Then prove I, (quoth she), the more fool far away ; Rut there is no fool to the old fool, folk say. Ye are wise enough, (quoth he), if ye keep ye warm. To be kept warm, and for none other harm. Nor for much more good, I took you to w^ed. I took not you, (quoth he), night and day to bed. Her carrain carcase, (said he), is so cold Because she is aged, and somewhat too old, That she killeth me : I do but roast a stone In warming her. And shall not I save one. As she would save another? Yes, by Saint John ! Ah, sir ! (quoth she), marry ! this gear is alone. JVho that ivorst may shall hold the ca7rdle ; I see [me. I must warm bed for him should warm it for This medicine thus ministered is sharp and cold ; [told. But all thing that is sharp is short, folk have Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. II. 57 This trade is now begun, but if it hold on, Then farewell my good days ! they ivill be soon gone. [break. Gospel in thy mouth, (quoth he), this strife to Howbeit, all is not gospel that thou dost speak. But what need we lump out love, at once lash- ing [for dashing? As we should now shake hands ? what ! soft The fair lastcth all the year; we be new knit, And so late met that I fear we part not yet, Quoth the baker to the pillory. Which thing, From distemperate fonding, temperance may bring; [strong, And this reason to aid, and make it more Old wise folk say : love me little, love me long. I say little, (said she), but I think more; Thought is free. Ye lean, (quoth he), to the wrong shore. Braiding booted not, he was not that night bent To play the bridegroom : alone to bed she went. This was their beginning of jar. Howbeit, For a beginning, this was a feat fit. And but a fleabiting to that did ensue — The worst is behind ; we come not where it grew. How say you, (said he to me), by my wife? The devil hath cast a bone, (said I), to set strife Between you ; but it were a folly for me To put my hand between the hark and the tree; Or to put my finger too far in the fire Between you, and lay my credence in the mire. To meddle little for me it is best ; P'or of little meddling cometh great rest. Yes, ye may meddle, (quoth he), to make her wise. Without taking harm, in giving your advice. 5S Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. III. She knoweth me not yet ; but if she wax too wild [child. I shall make her know an old knave is no Slu5j,q;ing- in bed with her is worse than watch- ino^ ; [ing. I promise you an old sack axeih much patch- Well, (quoth I), to-morrow I will to my beads To pray, that as ye both will, so ache your heads ; And in meantime, my aching- head to ease, I will couch a hogshead. Ouoth he, when ye please. We parted; and this, within a day or twain, Was raked np'itt th'ashcs, and covered again. Chapter III. These two days past, he said to me, when ye will [have Jill. Come chat at home ; all is well — Jack shall ]Vho had the worst end of the staff, (quoth I), now ? [you ? Shall the master ivear a breech, or none? say I trust the sow will no more so deep root. But if she do, (quoth he), you must set in foot; And whom ye see out of the way, or shoot wide, Over-shoot not yourself any side to hide; But shoot out some words, if she be too hot. She may say, (quoth I), a fool's holt soon shot. Ye will me to a thankless ofhce hear ; And a busy oflficer I may appear; And, Jack out of office, she may bid me walk; And think me as ivise as ]]\iltham's calf, to talk Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. III. 59 Or chat of her charge, having therein nought to do. Howbeit, if I see need, as my part cometh too, Gladly between you 1 will do my best. 1 bid you to dinner, (quoth he), as no guest. And bring your poor neighbours on your other side. I did so. And straight as th'old wife us espied, She bade us welcome, and merrily toward me : Green rushes for this stranger, straw here, (quoth she). With this, apart she pulled me by the sleeve, Saying in few words : my mind to you to meve. So it is, that all our great fray, the last night. Is forgiven and forgotten between us quite; And all frays by this I trust have taken end. For I fully hope my husband will amend. Well amended, (thought I), when ye both relent, [ment. Not to your own, but each to other's mend- Now, if hope fail, (quoth she), and chance bring about Any such breach, whereby we fall again out, I pray you tell him he's pars vers, now and than. And wink on me. Also hardly, if ye can Take me in any trip. Quoth I, I am loth To meddle commonly. For as this tale go'th, Who meddleth in all thing may shoe the gosling. [bring Well! (quoth she), your meddling herein may The wind calm between us, when it else might rage. I will, with good will, (quoth I), ill winds to swage, 6o Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IV. Spend some wind at need, thoug-h I waste wind in vain. To table we sat where fine fare did remain ; Merry we were as cup and can could liold ; Each one with each other homely and bold. And she for her part, made us cheer heaven high — The first part of dinner merry as a pie: But a scald head is soon broken; and so they, As ye shall straight hear, fell at a new fray. Chapter IV. Husband, (quoth she), ye study, be merry now; And even as ye think now, so come to you. Nay, not so, (quoth he), for my thought to tell _ right, I think how ye lay groaning wife, all last night. Husband ! a groaning horse, and a groaning li-'ife, [life. Never fail their master, (quoth she), for my No, wife ! a woman hath nine lives like a cat. Well, my lamb ! (quoth she), ye may pick out of that, As soon goeth the young lamskin to the market As th' old eive's. God forbid, wife ! ye shall first jet. I will not jet yet, (quoth she), put no doubting : It is a had sack that will abide no clouting. And, as we oft see, the lothe stake standeth long, So is it an ill stake, I have heard among. That cannot stand one year in a hedge. I drink! (quoth she). Quoth he, I will not pledge. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IV. 6i What need all this? a man may love his house well Though he ride not on the ridge, I have heard tell. [stinketh; What? I ween, (quoth she), proffered service But someivhat it is, I see, ivhen the cat winketh, [shun; And both her eyne out; but further strife to Let the cat ivink, and let the mouse run. I'his passed, and he cheered us all, but most cheer On his part, to this fair young- wife did appear. And as he to her cast oft a loving eye. So cast her husband like eye to his plate by ; W'herewith in a great musing he was brought. Friend ! (quoth the good man), a penny for your thought. [dish. For my thought, (quoth he) ; that is a goodly But of truth I thought : better to have than wish. [(quoth he)? W'hat ! a goodly young wife, as you have, Nay, (quoth he), goodly gilt goblets, as here be. [show, By'r lady, friends ! (quoth I), this maketh a To show you more unnatural than the crow : The crow thinketh her own birds fairest in the zvood. [stood), But, by your words, (except I wrong under- Each other's birds or jewels, ye do weigh ^ Above your own. True, (quoth the old wife), ye say ! But my neighbour's desire rightly to measure, Cometh of need, and not of corrupt pleasure; And my husband's more of pleasure, than of need. [best feed; Old fish and young flesh, (quoth he), doth men 62 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IV. And some say, change of pasture maketh fat calves. As for that, reason, (quoth she), runneth to halves : As well for the coiv calf as for the bull. And thoug-h your pasture look barrenly and dull, Yet look not on the meat, but look on the man; And whoso looketh on you, shall shortly skan. Ye may ivrite to your friends that ye are in health ; But all thing- may be suffered saving wealth. An old said saw : itch and ease can no man please ; Plenty is no dainty ; ye see not your own ease. I see, ye cannot see the uwod for trees, [sees Your lips hang in your light ; but this poor man Both how blindly ye starid in your own light ; And that you rose on your right side here rig-ht ; And mig-ht have gone further and have faren worse. I wot well I mig-ht, (quoth he), for the purse; But ye be a baby of Bclsabub's bower, [sour ; Content ye, (quoth she) ! take the stveetwith the Fancy may bolt bran and make ye take it flour. It will not be, (quoth he), should I die this hour, [eye. While this fair flower flourisheth thus in mine Yes, it mig-ht, (quoth she), and hear this reason why : Snow is white, 1 ,i j , , . ,. And lieth in the dike, f^"'^ ''"''y ""'" ^'^' '^ ^'^- Pepper is black, \ And every man doth it And hath a good smack, j buy. Milk, {q' he), is white, ) But all men knoiv it And lieth not in the dikc.j good meat. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IV. 63 Ink is all black, \No mamvill it drink A ml hath an ill smack, j nor eat. Thy rhyme, (quoth hej, is much older than mine ; But mine, being- newer, is truer than thine. Thou Ukenest now, for a vain advantage, [age, White snow to fair youth, black pepper to foul Which are placed out of place here, by rood ! Black ink is as ill meat, as black pepper is good ; _ [is ill — And white milk as good meat, as white snow But a milk snow-white, smooth, young skin, who change will [tace? For a pepper ink-black, rough, old withered Though chancre be no rubbery for the changed case, l^^'^!-* Yet shall that change rob the changer of his For, who this case searcheth, shall soon see in it, That as well agreceth thy comparison in these. As alike to compare in taste, chalk ami cheese ; Or alike in colour to deem ink and chalk. Walk, drab, ivalk ! Nay, (quoth she), walk, knave, ivalk ! Sayeth that term. Howbeit, sir, I say not so; And best we lay a straw here, and even there, ho! Or else this gear will breed a pad in the straiv ; If ye haul this way, 1 will another way draw. Here is God in th'ambry (quoth I) ! Quoth he. Nay! Here is the devil in th'orologe, ye may say. Since this, (quoth I), rather bringeth bale than boot, Wrap it in the cloth, and tread it under foot. Ye harp on the string that giveth no melody; 64 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IV. Your tongues run hcjore your wits, by Saint Antony ! [(quoth he) ; Mark ye, how she hittetli me on the thumbs, And ye taunt me tit over thumb, (quoth she). Since tit for tat, (quoth I), on even hand is set, Set the hare's head against the goose giblet. vShe is, (quoth he), bent to force you, perforce. To know that the grey mare is the better horse. She choppeth logic, to put me to my clargy : She hath one point of a good lunvk ; she is hardy. But wife, the first point of ha^vking is hold fast. And hold ye fast, I rede you, lest ye be cast In your own turn. Nay, she will turn the leaf ; And rather, (quoth I), take as falleth in the sheaf [too bold. At your hands; and let fall her hold, than be Nay, I will spit in my hands, and take better hold. He, (quoth she), tliat will be angry without cause. Must be at one, withotit amends ; by sag"e saws. Tread, a worm on the tail, and it must turn again. He taketh pepper in the nose, that I complain Upon his faults, myself being faultless ; But that shall not stop my mouth, ye may well guess. [good ; \Vell, (quoth I), too much of one thing is not Leave off this ! Be it ! (quoth he), fall we to our food ; But sufferance is no quittance in this daiment. No, (quoth she), nor misreckoning is no pay- ment, [friend ; But even reckoning maketh long friends, my For alway own is o%vn at the reckoning's end. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. 65 This reckoning- thus reckoned, and dinner once done, We three from them twain departed very soon. Chapter V. I'his old woman, the next day after this night, Stale home to me, secretly as she might, To talk with me; in secret counsel, (she said), Of things which in no wise might be bewrayed. We twain are one too many, (quoth IJ, for men say : Three may a-keep counsel, if iivo he away. But all that ye speak, unmeet again to tell, / will say nought hut mum, and mum is counsel. Well then, (quoth she), herein avoiding all fears, [ears. Avoid your children : small pitchers have wide Which done, (she said), I have a husband, ye know, [show. W'hom I made of nought, as the thing self doth And for these two causes only, him 1 took — First, that for my love, he should lovingly look In all kind of cause, that love engender might To love and cherish me by day and by night ; Secondly, the substance, which I to him brought, [nought. He rather should augment, than bring to But now my good, shall both be spent, ye shall see. And it in spending sole instrument shall be Of my destruction, by spending it on such As shall make him destroy me; I fear this much. [hoop; He maketh havoc, and setteth cock on the HEY. 11. F 66 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. He is so lavish, the stock beginneth to droop; And as for gain is dead and laid in tomb, ]Vhcn he should get aught, each finger is a thumb ; Each of his joints against other justles, As handsomely as a bear picketh muscles. Flattering- knaves and flearing queans being the mark, [wark. Hang on his sleeve : many hands make light He hath his hazvks in the mew; but, make ye sure, With empty hands men may no hawks allure. There is a nest of chickens, which he doth brood, [hood. That will sure make his hair grow through his They can curryfavel ; and make fair weatJicr While they cut large thongs of other men's leather. He maketh his marts with merchants likely To bring a shilling to sixpence quickly. If he hold on awhile as he begins, We shall see him prove a merchant of eel- skins — .4 merchant without either money or ware. But all be bug's words, that I speak to spare. Better spare at brim than at bottom, say I. Ever spare and ever bare, (saith he), by and by. Spend, and God shall send, (sayeth he), saith th' old ballet. What sendeth he, (say I), a staff and a wallet? Then up goeth his staff, to send me aloof; He is at three words tip in the house roof. And herein to grow, (quoth she), to conclusion, I pray your aid, to avoid this confusion; And for counsel herein, I thought to have gone To that cunning man, our curate. Sir John. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. 67 But this kept me back : I have heard, now and then, The greatest clerks be not the wisest men. I think, (quotli IJ, whoever that term beg'an, Was neither great clerk, nor the greatest wise man. In your running from him to mc, ye run Out of God's blessing into the warm sun. Where the blind leadeth the blind, both jail in the dike ; And, bUnd be we both, if we think us his Hkc. Folk show much folly, when things should be sped, To run to the foot that may go to the head. Since he best can, and most ought, to do it, I fear not, but he will, if ye will woo it. There is one let, (quoth she), mo than I spake on : My husband and he be so great, that the ton Cannot piss but the tothcr must let a fart. Choose we him aparty,,then farewell my part; We shall so part stake, that I shall lese the whole. [sole. Folk say of old : the shoe will hold with th:' Shall I trust him, then? nay, intrust is treason. But I trust you, and come to you this season To hear me, and tell me, what way ye think best To hem in my husband, and set me in rest. If ye mind, (quoth I), a conquest to make Over your husband, no man may undertake To bring you to ease, nor the matter amend Except ye bring him to wear a cock's comb at end. For, take that your husband were, as ye take him, F 2 68 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. As I take him not, as your tale would make him, Yet were contention like to do nought in this But keep him nought, and make him worse than he is. [clear, But, in this complaint for counsel quick and A few proverbs for principles, let us hear : Who that may not as they would, will as they may; [obey. And this to this : they that are hound must Folly it is to spurn against a prick; To strive against the stream, to winch or kick Against the hard wall. By this ye may see, Being bound to obedience, as ye be, And also overmatched, sufferance is your dance. He may overmatch me, (quoth she), perchance In strength of body, but my tongue is a limb To match and to vex every vein of him. Tongue hreakcth bone, itself having none, (quoth I) ; [awry. Jf the wind stand in that door, it standeth I'he peril of prating out of tune by note, Telleth us that a good bestiJl is worth a groat ; In being your own foe, you spin a fair thread. Advise ye well, for Jiere dotli all lie and bleed ; Flee th'attcnipting of extremities all. P'olk say : better sit still than rise and fall. For little more or less no debate make; At every dog's bark seem not to awake. And where the small with the great cannot agree, llie weaker goeth to the pot, we all day see. So that alwav the bigger eateth the bean — ' Ye can nought win, by any wayward mean. Where the hedge is loxvest men may soonest over : Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. 69 Be silent ! let not your tongue run at rover ; Since by strife ye may lose, and cannot win, Suffer ! it is good sleeping in a ivhoJe skin. if he chide, keep you bill under wing mute; Chatting to chiding is not worth a chut. We see many times, might overcometh right — Were not you as good then to say the crow is white ? And so, rather let jair words make fools fain. Than be plain without pleats, and plant your own pain. For, were ye as plaiyi as Dunstable highway. Yet should ye that way rather break a love day. Than make one thus ; though ye perfectly knew All that ye conjecture to be proved true. Yet better dissemble it, and shake it off, Than to broid him with it in earnest or scoff. If he play falsehed in fellowship, play ye See me and see me not; the worst part to flee. Why, think ye me so white-livered, (quoth she), ' [ye That I will be tongue-tied? Nay, I warrant They that will be afraid of every fart Must go far to piss. Well, (quoth I), your part Is to suffer (I say) ; for ye shall preeve Taunts appease not things ; they rather agrieve. But for ill company, or expense extreme, I here no man doubt, so far as ye deem ; And there is no fire without some smoke, we see. [she] : Well, well ! make no fire, raise no smoke, (said What cloak for the rain soever ye bring me, Myself can tell best where my shoe doth wring me. 70 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. But as ye say : where fire is smoke will appear. And so hath it done ; for I did lately hear How flek and his make use their secret haunt- ing, [ing. By one bird, that in mine ear was late chau72t- One swallow maketh not summer, (said Ij, men say. [lay, I have, (quoth she), mo blocks in his zvay to For further increase of suspicion of ills : Beside his jetting- into the town to his gills, With callets he consumeth himself and my goods ; Sometime in the fields, sometime in the woods, Some hear and see him whom he heareth nor seeth not — [wot ; But fields have eyes and woods have ears, ye And also on my maids he is ever tooling. Can ye judge a man, (quoth I), by his looking? W'hat, a cat may look on a king, ye know ! My cat's leering look, (quoth she), at first show, Showeth me that my cat goetJi a catterwawing ; And specially by his manner of drawing To Madge, my fair maid ; for may he come nigh her He must needs bass her, as he cometh by her. He loveth well sheep's flesh, that wets his bread in the wool — If he leave it not, we have a crow to pull. He loveth her better at the sole of the foot Than ever he loved, me at the heart root. It is a foul bird that fileth his own nest; I would have him live as God's law hath ex- pressed, And leave lewd ticking : he that will none ill do Must do nothing that belongeth thereto ; Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. 7^ To tick and laugh wfth me he hath lawful leave. To that I said nought, but laughed in my sleeve ; But when she seemed to be fixed in mind, Rather to seek for that she was loth to find, than leave that seeking, by which she might find ease, I fained this fancy, to feel how it would please. Will ye do well? (quoth Ij, take pain to watch him ; And if ye chance in advoutry to catch him. Then have ye him on the hip, or on the hurdle ; Then have ye Jiis head fast under your girdle: Where your words now do but rub him on the gall, _ [wall. That deed without ivords shall drive him to the And further than the wall he cannot go. But must submit himself; and if it hap so That at end of your watch he guiltless appear, Then all grudge, grown by jealousy, taketh end clear. [she) ; Of all folks I may worst w^atch him, (said For of all folks himself most watcheth me; I shall as soon try him, or take him this way, As drive a top over a tiled house : no, nay ! I may keep corners or hollow trees with th' owl, This seven years, day and night to watch a howl. Before I shall catch him with undoubted evil. He must have a long spoon shall eat with the And the devil is yio falser than is he. [devil; I have heard tell, it had need to he [ear — .4 wily mouse that should breed in the cat's Shall I get within him then? nay, ware that gear ! It is hard halting before a cripple, ye wot; 72 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. A falser water drinker there liveth not. When he hunteth a doe that he cannot avow, All dogs hark not at him, I warrant yow. Namely not I, I say, thoug-h as 1 said, He sometime, though seldom, by some be be- wrayed, [loweth ; Close hunting, (quoth I), the good hunter al- But, be your husband never so still of mouth, If ye can hunt, and will stand at receipt, Your maid examined, maketh him open straight. [preef, That were, (quoth she), as of my truth to make To axe my fellow whether I be a thief. They cleave together like burrs; that way I shall Pike out no more than out of the stone wall. Then like ye not to watch him for wife nor maid? [I said ; No ! (quoth she). Nor I, (quoth I), whatever And I mislike not only your watch in vain, But also, if ye took him, what could ye g-ain? From suspicion to knowledge of ill, forsooth ! Could make ye do but as the flounder doeth — Leap out of the frying pan into the fire ; And change from ill pain to worse is worth small hire. [doubt; Let time try ! Time trieth truth in every And deem the best till time hath tried the truth out. And reason sayeth : make not two sorrows of one ; But ye make ten sorrows where reason maketh none. [wink For where reason, (as I said), willeth you to (Although all were proved as ill as ye think). Contrary to reason ye stamp and ye stare; Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. V. 73 Ye fret and ye fume, as mad as a March hare, Without proof to his reproof, present or past, But by such report as most prove Hes at last. And here goetJi the hare aiimy ; for ye judge all, And judg-e the worst in all, ere proof in ought fall. [saws ; But blind men sJiouJd judge no colours: by old And folk ofttimes are most blind in their own cause — The blind eat many flies. Howbelt, the fancy Of your blindness cometh not of ignorancy. Ye could tell another herein the best way ; But it is as folk do, and not as folk say ; For they say, saying and doing are two things To defend danger that double dealing brings : As ye can seem wise in words, be wise in deed. That is, (quoth she), sooner said than done, I drede ; But mcthinketh your counsel weigheth in the whole To make me put my finger in a hole ; And so, by sufferance, to be so lither In my house to lay fire and tow together. But if they tire me, some of them shall win More tow on their distaves than they can well spin; [hands full- — And the best of them shall have both their Bolster or pillow for me, be whose wull. / will not hear the devil's sack, by Saint Audry ! For concealing suspicion of their baudry. I fear false measures, or else I were a child ; For they that think none ill, are soonest be- guiled. And thus, though much water goeth by the mill That the miller knoweth not of, yet I will 74 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VI. Cast what may scape; and, as thoug-h I did find it, With the clack of my mill to fine meal grind it. And sure ere I take any rest in effect, I must banish my maids such as I suspect : Better it be done than wish it had been done. .4,v good undone, (quoth I), as do it too soon. Well, (quoth she), till soon, fare ye well ! and this Keep ye as secret as ye think meet is. Out at doors went she herewith ; and hereupon In at doors came he forthwith, as she was gone ; And, without any temperate protestation, Thus he beg'an, in way of exclamation. Chapter YI. Oh! zvhat choice may compare to the devil's life Like his that have chosen a devil to his wife? Namely, such an old witch, such a macka- broine, As evermore like a hog hangeth the groyne On her husband, except he be her slave, And follow all fancies that she would have. 'Tis said : there is no good accord Where every man would be a lord. Wlierefore, my wife will be no lord, but lady, To make me, that should be her lord, a baby. Before I was wedded, and since, I made reckoning To make my wife bow at every beckoning-. Bachelors boast how they ^I'ill teach their wives good; Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VI. 75 But many a man speakeih of Robin Hood That never shot in his boiv. When all is soug-ht, [taught. Bachelors' wives, and maids' children be well And this with this, I also begin to gather : Every man can rule a shrew, save he that hath her. [like wax ; At my will I weened she should have wrought But I find and feel she hath found such knacks In her houget, and such toys in her head, That to dance after her pipe I am nigh led. It is said of old : an old dog hiteth sore- But, by God ! th' old bitch biteth sorer and more ; [her tongue. And not with teeth — (she hath none) — but with If all tales be true, (quoth I), though she be stung, [blame ; And thereby sting you, she is not much to For, whatever you say, thus goeth the same. When folk first saw your substance laid in your lap, [good hap, AVithout your pain, with your wife brought by Oft in remembrance of haps happy device They would say : better to be happy than wise ; Not minding thereby then to deprave your wit, For they had good hope to see good proof of it. But since their good opinion therein so cools, That they say as oft : God semleth fortune to fools ; In that, as fortune without your wit gave it. So can your wit not keep it when ye have it. Sayeth one: this gear ivas gotten on a holy day ; Sayeth another: who may hold that will away. 'I his game, from beginning, showeth what end is meant : 76 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VI Soon gotten, soon spent; ill gotten, ill spent. Ye are called not only too great a spender, Too frank a giver, and as free a lender ; But also, ye spend, give, and lend, among- such \\ hose lightness minisheth your honesty as much As your money ; and much they disallow That ye hrike all from her, that brought all to yow ; And spend it out at doors, in spite of her, Because ye would kill her to be quit of her. For all kindness, of her part, that may rise, Ye show all th' unkindness ye can devise. And where reason and custom, (they say), affords Alway to let the losers have their 'words, Ye make her a cuckquean and consume her good; And she must sit like a bean in a monk's hood. Bearing no more rule than a goose turd in Thames ; But, at her own maids' becks, wings, or hems. She must obey those lambs, or else a lambskin Ye will provide for her, to lap her in. [say ; This biteth the mare by the thumb, as they I'"or were ye, touching condition, (say they). The castle of honesty in all things else. Yet should this one thing, as their whole tale tells. Defile and deface that castle to a cottage — One crop of a turd marreth a pot of potage. And some to this cry, Let him pass, for we think [stink. The more we stir a turd, the worse it will With many conditions good, one that is ill Defaceth the flower of all, and doth all spoil. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. 77 Now, (quoth I), if you think they truly clatter, Let your amendment amend the matter : Half warned, half armed. This warning for this I show, [know. He that hath an ill name is half hanged, ye Chapter \'II. Well said ! (said he). Marry, sir ! here is a tale — I'^or honesty, meet to set the devil on sale. But now am I forced a bead roll to unfold, To tell somewhat more to the tale I erst told, (jrow this, as most part doth, I durst hold my life. Of the jealousy of dame Julok, my wife. Then shall ye wonder, when truth doth define. How she can, and doth here both bite and whine. Frenzy, heresy, and jealousy are three. That men say hardly, or never, cured be. And although jealousy need not or boot not, What helpeth that counsel, if reason root not? And in mad jealousy she is so far gone She thinketh I run over all that I look on. Take good heed of that, (quoth I), for at a word, [sword The proverb saith : he that sfriketh with the Shall he stricken with the scabbard. Tush ! (quoth he). The devil with my scabbard will not strike me ; But, my dame taking suspicion for full prcfe, Reporteth it for a truth to the most mischief. In words gold and whole, as men by wit could wish, 78 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. She will lie as fast as a dog will lick a dish. She is, of truth, as false as God is true; And, if she chance to see me, at a view, Kiss any of my maids alone, but in sport. That taketh she in earnest, after Bedlam sort. The cow is wood; her tongue runneth on pat- tens ; If it be morn, we have a pair of matins; If it be even, evensong-, not Latin nor Greek, But Eng-Ush, and hke that as in Easter week. She beg-inneth, first with a cry a leison ; To which she ringeth a peal, a larum ; such one As folk ring bees with basins — the world run- neth on wheels. But except her maid show a fair pair of heels, She haleth her by the boy rope, till her brains ache. [make— And bring- I home a g-ood dish, g^ood cheer to What is this? (saith she). Good meat, (say I), for yow ! [sow ! God have mercy , horse ! a pig- of mine own Thus when I see by kindness ease reneweth not, [re^veth not ; And then, that the eye seeth not, the heart And that he must needs go whom the devil doth drive ; Her force forcing- me, for mine ease to contrive To let her fast and fret alone for me, I go where merry chat and g-ood cheer may be. Much spend I abroad, which at home should be spent If she would leave controlling- and be content. There leaped a whiting, (quoth she), and leaped in straight ; [ceit. Take a hair from his heard, and mark this con- He maketh you believe, by lies laid on by load. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. 79 My brawling- at home maketh him banquet abroad. [home. Where his banquets abroad make me brawl at For, as in a frost, a mud wall made of loam Cracketh and crummeth in pieces asunder, So melteth his money, to the world's wonder. Thus may ye see, to turn the cat in tJic pan, Or set the cart before the horse, well he can ; He is but little at home, the truth is so; And, forth with him, he will not let me go; And if I come to be merry where he is, Then is 'he mad, as ye shall hear by this. ^Vhere he, with g-ossips at a banquet late was, At which, as use is, he paid all — but let pass ! I came to be merry ; wherewith merrily : Proface ! Have among you blind harpers, (said I)- Ihe mo the merrier, w'e all day hear and see. Yea, but the fewer the better fare, (said he). Then here were, ere I came, (quoth IJ, too many ; Here is but little meat left, if there be any. And it is ill coming, I have heard say. To th' end of a shot and beginning of a fray. Put up thy purse, (quoth hcj, thou shalt none pay ; [thy way. And fray here should be none were thou gone Here is, since thou earnest, too many feet a-hcd ; [errand sped. Welcome ! when thou goest : thus is thine I come, (quoth I), to be one here, if I shall — It is merry in Jiall ivheh beards iimg all.. What, bid me welcome, pig? I pray thee kiss me ! Nay, farewell, sow ! (quoth he), our Lord bliss me So Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. F"rom bassitig of beasts of Bearbmder Lane. I have, (quoth 1), for fine sugar, fair rat's-bane. Many years since, my mother said to me. Her elders would say : it is better to be An old man's darling than a young man's war- ling. And God knoweth ! I knew none of this snarl- ing In my old husband's days; for, as tenderly He loved me as ye love me slenderly ; We drew both in one line. Quoth he, would to our lord [cord. Ye had, in that drawing, hanged both in one. For I never meet thee at flesh, nor at fish, But I have sure a dead man's head in my dish ; Whose best and my worst day, that wish might be. Was when thou didst bury him and marry me. If you, (quoth I], long for change in those cases, Would to God he and you had changed places ! But best I change place, for here I may be spared, And for my kind coming, this is my reward. Claw a churl by th' arse, and he shitteth in my hand ; [band. Knack me that nut, much good doyt you all this Must she not, (quoth he), be welcome to us all. Among us all, letting such a farewell fall? Such carpenters, such chips, (quoth she); folk tell ; [farewell. Such lips, such lettuce; such welcome, such Thine own words, (quoth hej, thine own wel- come marr'd. [jarr'd, Well, (said shej, whensoever we twain have My words be pried at narrowly, I espy. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. 8i Ye can see a mote in another nian's eye, " " But ye cannot sec a balk in your own. Yea, mark my words, but not that they be g^rown By your revellous riding on every royle ; Well nigh every day a new mare or a moyle, As much unhonest, as unprofitable, Which shall bring- us shortly to be unable To give a dog a loaf, as I have oft said. Howbeit, your pleasure may no time be denied, But still you must have both the finest meat. Apparel, and all thing that money may geat ; . Like one of fond fancy so fine and so neat That would have better bread than is made of wheat. The best is best cheap, (quoth he), men say clear. Well, (quoth she), a man may buy gold too dear ; Ye nother care, nor wellnigh cast what ye pay, To buy the dearest for the best alway. Then "for your diet who useth feeding such, Eat more than enough, and drink much more too much. [school : But temperance teacheth this, where he keepeth He that knoweth when he hath enough is no fool. Feed by measure, and defy the physician ; And, in the contrary, mark this condition : A swine over fat is cause of his own bane; Who seeth nought herein, his wit is in the wane. But pompous provision, cometh not all, alway Of gluttony, but of pride sometime, some say. But this proverb preacheth to men haut or high : HEY. II. G 82 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. Hew not too high lest the chips fall in thine eye. Measure is a merry mean, as this doth show : Not too high for the pye, nor too low for the crow. The difference between starino- aiid stark blind The wise man at all times to folloxv can find; And i-wis an auditor of a mean wit, [yit ; May soon accompt, though hereafter come not Yet is he sure, be the day never so long, Evermore at last they ring to evensong. And where ye spend much though ye spent but hckle, Vet little and little the cat eateth the fiickle ; •Little loss by length may grow importable; A mouse in time may bite a-two a cable. Thus, to end of all things, be we lief or loth, Vet lo, the pot so long to the water goeth, Till at the last it cometh home broken; Vew words to the wise suffice to be spoken. If ye were wise, here were enough, (quoth she). Here is enough, and too much, dame, (quoth he) ; I"'or, though this appear a proper pulpit piece, \'et when the fox preacheth then beware your geese. .1 good tale ill told, in the telling is marred. So are, (quoth she), good tales well told, and ill heard. \wit, wife : Thy tales, (quoth he), show longhair, and short But long be thy legs, and short be thy life. Fray for yourself! I am not sick, (quoth she). \Veil let's see, what thy last tale cometh to, (quoth he) : [wander ; Thou sayest I spend all; to this, thy words But, as deep drinketh the goose as the gander. Thou canst cough in the aumbry, if need be, Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. 83 When I shall cough without bread or broth for thee. Whereby, while thou sendest me abroad to spend, Thou gossipest at home to meet nic at land's end. [mean — Ah ! then I beguile you, (quoth she), this ye But sir ! my pot is whole, and my ivater clean. Well, thou wouldst have me, (quoth he], pinch like a snudge, Every day to be thy drivel and drudge. Not so, (quoth shej, but I would have ye stir Honestly; to keep the 7volf front the dur. I would drive the wolf out at door first, (quoth he); And that can I not do, till I drive out thee. A man were better be drowned in Venice gulf Than have such a bearded bear, or such a wolf ! But had I not been witched, my wedding to flee, [me. The terms that long to wedding had warned First, wooing for woeing ; banna for banning; The banns for my bane; and then this, thus scanning — Marrying marring. And what married I than ? A woman ! As who saith, woe to the man ! Thus wed I with woe, wed I Jill, wed I Jane — I pray God, the devil go ivith thee down the lane I [agreed), I grant, (quoth she), this doth sound, (as ye On your side in words, but on my side in deed. Thou grant'st this grant, (quoth he), without any grace ; Ungraciously, to thy side, to turn this case. Leave this, (quoth she), and learn liberality To stint strife, grown by your prodigality. G 2 84 Proverbs, Pt II., Ch. VII. Oh said the wise man, whom I erst did bury : Better are meals many than one too merry. Well, (quoth he), that is answered with this, wife : [whole life. Better is one month's cheer than a churl's I think it learning- of a wiser lectour, To learn to make myself mine own exectour, Than spare for another that might wed thee, As the fool, thy first husband, spared for me. And as for ill places, thou seekest me in mo, And in worse too, than I into any go. W'hereby this proverb showeth thee in by the week : No man will another in the oven seek Except that himself have been there before. God give grace thou hast been good ! I say no more ; [couldst prove And would have thee say less except thou Such process as thou slanderously dost move. For slander, perchance, (quoth she), I not deny It may he a slander, but it is no lie. It is a He, (quoth he), and thou a liar ! \Vill ye, (quoth she), drive me to touch ye nigher? [yit I rub the galled horse back till he winch ; and H"e would make it seem that I touch him no whit. [make : I^ut I wot what I wot, though I few words Many kiss the child for the nurse's sake. Ye have many good children to look upon, And ye bless them all, but ye bass but one. This half showeth, what the whole meaneth, that I meve, Ye fet circumquaques to make me believe, Or think, that the moon is made of a green cheese. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. 85 And when ye have made me a lout in all these. It seemeth ye would make me g"o to bed at noon. Nay, (quoth he), the day of doom shall be done Ere thou g'o to bed at noon, or night, for mc. Thou art, to be plain, and not to Hatter thee, As wholesome a morsel jor my comely corse As a shoulder of niuttoii for a sick horse. The devil with his dam hath more rest in hell Than I have here with thee; but well, wife, well ! [buckets. Well, well ! (quoth she), many wells, many Yea ! (quoth he), and many words, many buffets. [thus. Had you some husband, and snapped at him Iwys he would give you a recumbentibus. .1 dog will bark ere he bite, and so thou After thy barking wilt bite me, I trow now ; But it is hard to make an old dog stoop, lo ! Sir, (quoth she), a man may handle his dog so That he may make him bite him, though he would not. [wives scold not : Husbands are in heaven, (quoth he), whose Thou makest me claw ivhere it itcheih not. I would [cold ; Thy tongue were cooled to make thy tales more I'hat aspen leaf, such spiteful clapping have bred, That my cap is better at ease than my head. (!od send that head, (said she), a better nurse'. For when the head acJieth all the body is the worse. God grant, (quoth I), the head and bod]', both two. To nurse each other better than they do : Or ever have done for the most times past. S6 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VII. I brought to nurse both, (quoth she), hadjt not been waste. [meal; Margery, good coiv, (quoth he), gave a good But then she cast it doivn again with her heel. How can her purse for profit be dehghtful Whose person and properties be thus spiteful ? .1 piece of a kid is worth two of a cat — IVho the devil will change a rabbit jor^ a rat? If I mig-ht chang-e, I would rather choose to beg", Or sit with a roasted apple or an egg" Where mine appetite serveth me to be. Than every day to fare like a duke with thee ! Like a duke? like a duck I (quoth she), thou shalt fare, [yet spare. Except thou wilt spare, more than thou dost Thou farest too well, (quoth he), but thou art so wood, [doth thee good. Thou knowest not 7vho doth thee harm, who Yes, yes ! (quoth she), for all those wise words uttered, J know on which side my bread is buttered; But tJiere will no butter cleave on my bread, And on my bread any butter to be spread ; Every promise that thou therein dost utter, Is as sure as it were sealed with butter. Or a mouse tied with a thread. Every good thing Thou lettest even slip, like a waghalter slip- But take up in time, or else I protest, [string. All be not a-bed that shall have ill rest. Now, go to thy darlings, and declare thy grief. Where all thy pleasure is : hop whore, pipe thief! Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VIII. 87 Chapter VIII. With this, tlience hopped she; wherewith, O Lord ! he cried, [bide? What wretch but I this wretchedness could Howbeit, in all this woe, I have no wrong- ; For it only is all on myself along. Where / should have bridled her first with rough hit, To have made her chew on the bridle one fit, For lickorous lucre of a little winning", I gave her the bridle at beginning ; And now she taketh the bridle in the teeth, And runneth aivay with it; whereby each man seeth It is, (as old men rig-ht well understand), III putting a naked sword in a madman's hand. She taketh such heart of grace that thoug^h I maim her, Or kill her, yet shall I never reclaim her. She hath, (they say), been s' iff-necked ever- more ; And it is ill healing of an old sore. This proverb prophesied many years ag^one : It zvill not out of the flesh that is bred in the bone. [sort What chance have I, to have a wife of such That will no fault amend, in earnest nor sport? A small thing- amiss lately I did espy, Which to make her mend, by a jest merrily, I said but this : taunt tivet, wife, your nose drops ; So it may fall, I will eat no browesse sops This day. But two days after this came in urc, I had sorrow to my sops enough, be sure ! 88 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. VIII. Well ! (quoth I), it is ill jesting on the sooth ; SootJi bourd is no boiird, in ought that mirth doeth. Such jests could not juggle her, were ought amiss, Nor turn melancholy to inirth ; for it is No playing with a straw before an old cat. Every trifling toy age cannot laugh at ; Ye may walk this way, but sure ye shall find The further ye go, the further behind. Ye should consider the woman is old : [cold ! And what for? a hot word? soon hot, soon Bear with them that bear with you, and she is scanned Not only the fairest flo7ver in your garland. But also she is all the fair flowers thereof : Will ye requite her then with a taunting scoff? Or with any other kind of unkindness? [ness ! Take heed is a fair thing: beware this blind- Why will ye, (quoth he), I shall follow her will? To make me John Drawlatch, or such a sneak- bill? To bring her solace that bringeth me sorrow? By'rlady ! then ive shall catch birds to-morrow : A good wife maketh a good husband, (they say). That, (quoth I), ye may turn another way : To make a good husband, make a good wife: I can no more herein, but God stint all strife ! Amen ! (quoth he), and God have mercy, brother ! I 7vill Jiozv mend this house and pair another. And that he meant, of likelihood, by his own ; For, so apaired he that, ere three years were grown, That little and little he decayed so long. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IX. 89 Till he at leng-th came to buckle and bare thong. To discharge charge, that necessarily grew, There was no more water than the ship drew. Such drifts drave he, from ill to worse and Till he was as bare as a bird's arse. _ [worse, Money, and money worth, did so miss him That lie had not noiv one penny to bliss him ; Which, foreseen in this woman, wisely weigh- ing [ing, That meet was to stay somewhat for her stay- To keep yet one mess for Alison in store. She kept one bag that he had not seen before : A poor cook that may not lick liis 0W7i fingers. But about her at home now still he lingers. Not checker a-boord, all was not clear in the coast, He looked like one that had bcshit the roast. But whether any secret tales were sprinkling, Or that he by guess had got an inkling Of her hoard ; or that he thought to amend, And turn his ill beginning to a good end In showang himself a new man, as was fit, That appeared shortly after, but not yet. Chapter IX. One day in their arbour — which stood so to mine, That I might, and did, closely mine ear incline. And likewise cast mine eye, to hear and see What they said and did, where they could not He unto her a goodly tale began, [see me — More like a wooer than a wedded man. As ferre as matter thereof therein served go Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IX. But the first part from words of wooing swerved, And stood upon repentance, with submission Of his former crooked unkind condition ; Praying" her to forgive and forget all, free And he forgave her as he forgiven would be ; Loving her now, as he full deeply swore, As hotly as ever he loved her before. Well, well ! (quoth she), whatever ye now say, It is too late to call again yesterday. Wife ! (quoth he), such may my diligence seem That th 'offence of yesterday I may redeem; God taketh me as I am, and riot as I ivas — Take you me so too, and let all things past pass. [think plain : I pray thee, good wife ! think I speak and What! he runneth far that never turneth again. Ye be young enough to mend, I agree it; But I am, (quoth she), too old to see it; And amend ye or not, I am too old a year. IVhat is life where living is extinct clear? Namely at old years of least help and most need ; [heed. But no tale could tune you in time to take If I tune myself now, (quoth he), it is fair; And hope of true tune shall tune me from de- spair, [(said she) ; Believe well, and have well, men say; yea. Do well, and have well, men say also, we see. But what man can believe, that man can do well Who of no man will counsel take, or hear tell ? Which to you, when any man any way tried, Then were ye deaf: ye could not hear on that side. Whoever with you any time therein wears. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IX. 91 He must both tell you a tale, and find you ears. Yoti had on your harvest ears, thick of hearing ; But this is a question of old inquiring : ]Vho is so deaf, or so blind, as is he That wilfidly ivill notJier liear nor see? When I saw your manner, my heart for woe molt ; [bolt : Then would ye mend as the fietchcr mends his Or as sour ale mendeth in summer: I know, And knew, which ivay the wind blew, and will blow. Though not to my profit, a prophet was I : I prophesied this, too true a prophecy. When I was right ill believed, and ivorse hard, By flinging from your folks at home, which all marred, When I said in semblance either cold or warm : .4 man far from his good is nigh his harm. Or willed ye to look, that ye lost no more, On such as show that hungry flies bite sore, Then would ye look over me, with stomach Like as the devil looked over Lincoln, [swollen, The devil is dead, wife, (quoth he), for ye see / look like a lamb in all your words to me. Look as ye list now, (quoth she), thus looked ye than ; And for those looks I show this, to show each man. Such proof of this proverb, as none is greater, Which saith, that some man may steal a horse better Than some other may stand and. look upon. Lewd huswives might have words, but I not one That might be allowed. But now if ye look, In mistaking me, ye may see, ye took 92 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IX. The wrong way to wood, and the wrong soiv by th'ear ; And thereby in the wrong box to thrive, ye were. I have heard some, to some tell this tale not seeld : When thrijt is in the town, ye be in the field; But contrary, you made that sense to sown, When thrift was in the field, ye were in the town. ' [any; Field ware might sink or szunni vi'hile ye had Town ware was your ware to turn the penny. But town or field, where most thrift did appear, What ye won in the hundred ye lost in the shire — In all your good husbandry thus rid the rock. Ye stumbled at a straw, and leapt over a block. So many kinds of increase you had in choice, And nought increase nor keep, how can I re- joice? Good riding at two anchors men have told, For if the tone fail, the tother may hold. But you leave all anchor hold, on seas or lands. And so set up shop upon Goodwin's sands. But as folk have a saying, both old and true, In that they say : black ivill take none other So may I say here, to my deep dolour, [hue; It is a bad cloth that zvill take no colour. This case is yours ; for ye were never so wise To take speck of colour of good advice. Th 'advice of all friends I say, one and other Went in at the tone ear, and out at the tother. And as those words went out, this proverb in came : He that will not be ruled by his own dame Shall be ruled by his stepdame ; and so you, Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IX. 93 Having- lost your own good, and own friends now, May seek your foreign friends, if you have any. And sure one of my great griefs, among many, Is that ye have been so very a hog [dog ! To my friends. What, man? love me, love my But you, to cast precious stories before hogs, Cast my good before a sort of cur dogs And salt bitches ; which by whom now de- voured, And your honesty among them deflowered, And that you may no more expense afford. Now can they not afford you one good word. And you them as few. And old folk under- stood : [good. JVhe7i thieves fall out true men come to their Which is not alway true ; for, in all that bretch, I can no farthing of my good the more fetch ; Nor, I trow, themselves neither, if they were sworn ; Light come, light go ! And sure, since we were born. Ruin of one ravine was there none greater; For, by your gifts, they be as little the better As you be much the worse, and I cast away- — An ill wind that hloiveth no man to good, men say. [the corn. Well, (quoth he), every wind bloweth not down I hope, (I say), good hap he not all outworn. I will now begin thrift, when thrift seemeth gone — [than one : What, wife ! there he mo ways to the wood And I will assay all the ways to the wood Till I find one way to get again this good. Ye will get it again, (quoth she), I fear, .45 shortly as a horse will lick his ear. 94 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IX. The Dutchman sayeth, that segging is good cope ; Good words bring- not ever of good deeds good hope ; [scorn— And these words show your words spoken in It pricketh betimes that will he a good thorn; Timely crooketh the tree, that will a good cam mock he. And, such beginning such end, we all day see; And you, by me at beginning being thriven, And then to keep thrift could not be pricked nor driven — How can ye now get thrift, the stock being- gone ? Which is th'only thing to rise thrift upon. Men say : he may ill run that cannot go, And your gain, without your stock, runneth even so. For, what is a workman witliout his tools? — Talcs of Robin Hood are good among fools. He cayi ill pipe that lacketh his upper lip; IVho lacketh a stock, his gain is not worth a chip. A tale of a tub, your tale no truth avoweth ; Ye speak now as ye would creep into my mouth : In pure painted process — as false as fair — How ye will amend when ye cannot appair? But against gay glossers this rude text re- cites : It is not all butter that the cow shites. I heard once a wise man say to his daughter : Better is the last smile than the first laughter. We shall, I trust, (quoth he), laugh again at last, Although I be once out of the saddle cast ; Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IX. 95 Yet, since I am bent to sit, this will I do : Recover tJic horse or Use the saddle too. [hap, Ye never could yet, (quoth she), recover any To win or save ought, to stop any one gap. For stopping- of gaps, (quoth hcj, care not a rush, I will learn to stop two gaps with one hush. Ye will, (quoth she), as soon stop gaps with rusJies As with any husbandly handsome bushes. Your tales have like taste, where temperance is taster. To break my head, and then give me a plaster. Now thrift is gone, now would ye thrive in all haste; [waste. And when ye had thrift, ye had like haste to Ye liked then better an inch of your will Than an ell of your thrift. WUe (quoth he), be still. May I be holp forth an inch at a pinch, I will yet thrive, (I say) : As good is an inch As an ell. Ye can, (quoth she), make it so well ; For when 7 gave you an inch, ye took an ell, Till both ell and inch be gone, and w^e in debt. Nay, (quoth he), with a wet finger ye can fet As much as may easily all this matter ease ; And this debate also pleasantly appease, [now, I could do as much with an hundred pound As with a thousand afore, I assure you. Yea, (quoth she), who had that he hath not would Do that he doeth not, as old men have told. Had I, as ye have, I would do more, (quoth he), [see. Than the priest spake of on Sunday, ye should 96 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. IX. Ye do, as I have, (quoth she) ; for nought I have And nought ye do. What, man ! I trow ye rave : [cake? Would ye both eat your cake and have your Ye have had of me all that I might make ; And, be a man never so greedy to win, He can have no more of the fox hut the skin. Well ! (quoth he), if ye list to bring it out, Ye can give me your blessing in a clout. That were for my child, (quoth she), had I ony; But husband ! I have neither child, nor money. Ye cast and conjecture this much, like in show, .4s the blind man casts his staff, or shoots the crow. [none, Howbeit, had I money right much, and ye Yet to be plain, ye should have none for Joan. Nay, he that first flattereth me, as ye have done. And doth as ye did to me after, so soon. He may be in my Pater noster indeed; But be sure, he shall never come in my Creed. Ave Maria ! (quoth he), how much motion Here is to prayers, with how little devotion ; But some men say : no penny no Pater noster I I say to such (said she) : no longer foster, No longer lemman. But fare and well then, Pray and shift each one for himself, as he can : Every man for himself, and God for us all. To those words he said nought; but, forthwith did fall [speech. From harping on that string to fair flattering And, as I erst said, he did her so beseech, That things erst so jar off were now so jar on. That as she may wallow, away she is gone Proverbs, Pt. II., Gh. IX. 97 Where all that was left lay with a trusty friend, Dwelling a good walk from her at the town's end. And back again straight a halting pace she hobbles, Bringing a bag of royals and nobles ; All that she had, without restraint of one jot— She brought hidlock's 7ioble, for noble or groat Had she not one mo : which I after well knew. And anon smiling, toward him as she drew, Ah, sir ! light burden far heavy (quoth she); This light burden in long walk well-nigh trieth me. God give grace I play not the fool thi^ day ; For here / send th'axe after the helve away. But if ye will stint and avoid all strife, Love and cherish this as ye would my life. I will, (quoth he), wife, by God Almighty ! This gear conietli even in pudding time rightly. He snatched at the bag. No haste but good, (quoth she) ; Short shooting leseth your game, ye may see. Ye missed the cushion, for all your haste to it, And I may set you beside the cushion yit. And make you wipe your nose upon your sleeve For ought ye shall win without ye axe me leave. Have ye not heard tell, all covet, all lose? Ah, sir ! I see ye may see no green cheese But your teeth must water — a good cockney coke I Though ye love not to buy the pig in the poke, Yet snatch ye at the poke, that the pig is in, Not for the poke, but the pig good cheap to win. Like one half lost, till greedy grasping gat it, Ye would be over the stile ere ye come at if. HEY. PROV. H 98 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. X. But abide, friend ! your mother bid till ye were horn: [morn. Snatching- winneth it not, if ye snatch till to Men say, (said he), long standing and small offering [proffering- Makctli poor persons; and, in such signs and Many pretty tales and merry toys had they. Before this bag came fully from her away. Kindly he kissed her, with words not tart nor tough : [enough. But tlic cat knoweth whose lips she licketh well Anon, the bag she delivered him, and said He should bear it, for that it now heavy weighed. With good will, wife ! for it is, (said he to her), A proud horse that will not bear his own pro- vender. And oft before seemed she never so wise, Yet was she now, suddenly w-axen as nice As it had been a halporth of silver spoons. Thus cloudy mornings turn to clear afternoons ; But so nigh noon it was, that by and by, They rose, and went to dinner lovingly. Chapter X. This dinner thought he long, and straight after To his accustomed customers he gat ; [that With whom, in what time he spent one groat before, In less time he spent now ten groats or more; And in small time he brought the world so about [out. That he brought the bottom of the bag clean His gadding thus again made her ill content; Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. X. 99 But she not so nuich as dreamed that all was spent. Howbeit, suddenly, she minded on a day To pick the chest lock, wherein this bag" lay ; Determining- this : if it lay whole still, So shall it lie — no mite she minish will ; [best And, if the bag began to shrink, she thought To take for her part some part of the rest. But straight as she had forthwith opened the lock, And looked in the bag ivhat it was a clock, Then was it proved true, as this proverb goeth : He that cometh last to the pot is soonest wroth. By her coming last, and too late to the pot, Whereby she was potted thus like a sot To see the pot both skimmed for running over, And also all the liquor run at rover. At her good husband's and her next meeting-. The devil's good grace might have given a greeting. Either for honour or honesty, as good [wood ; As she gave him : she was, (as they say), horn In no place could she sit herself to settle, It seemed to him slie had pissed on a nettle. She nettled him, and he rattled her so, That at end of that fray asunder they go ; And never after came together again — He turned her out at doors to graze on the plain. And himself went after; for, within fortnight, All that was left was launched out quite. And thus had he brought haddock to paddock. Till they both were not worth a haddock. It hath been said : need maketh the old wife trot— Other folk said it, but she did it, Cod wot ! H 2 loo Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. X. First from friend to friend, and then from dur to dur, A-beg"ging- of some that had beg'ged of her. But as men say : misery may be mother Where one beggar is driven to beg of another. And thus wore and wasted this most woeful wretch, [fetch. Till death from this life did her wretchedly Her late husband, and now widower, here and there [where ; Wandering- about, few know and fewer care Cast out as an abject, he leadeth his life Till famine belike fet him after his wife. Now let us note here : First, of the first twain, AVhere they both wedded, tog-ether to remain, Hoping; joyful presence should wear out all woe : Yet poverty brought that joy to /oy-fail, lo ! But, notably note these last twain : whereas he Took her only for that he rich would be, And she him only in hope of g-ood hap In her doting days to be danced on the lap. In condition they differed so many ways. That lig-htly he laid her up for holy days ; Her g^ood he laid up so, lest thieves mig-ht spy it, That nother she could, nor he can, come by it. Thus failed all four, of all things less and more. Which they all, or any of all, married for. Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. XI. loi Chapter XI. Forsooth ! said my friend, this matter mahelh boast Of diminution. For, here is a mill post 1 hwitten to a pudding prick so nearly, That I confess me discouraged clearly. In both my weddings, in all things, except one, This spark of hope have I, to proceed upon : Though these and some other speed ill as ye tell, Yet other have lived and loved full well. If I should deny that, (quoth I), I should rave; For, of both these sorts, I grant, that myself have Seen of the tone sort, and heard of the tother, That liked and lived right well, each with other. But whether fortune will you that man declare, That shall choose in this choice, your comfort or care, Since, before ye have chosen, we cannot know, I thought to lay the worst, as ye the best show, That ye might, being yet at liberty. With all your joy, join all your jeopardy. And now, in this heard, in these cases on each part, I say no more, but lay your hand on your heart. I heartily thank you, (quoth he) ; / am sped Of mine errand: this hitteth the nail on the head. Who that leaveth surety and leaneth unto chance, When fools pipe, by authority he may dance. And sure am I, of those twain, if I none choose, 102 Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. XI. Although I noug-ht win, }ct shall I nought lose. And to wni a woman here, and lose a man, In all this great winning what gain win I than ? But, mark how folly hath me away carried; How, like a weathercock, I have here varied : • First, these two women to lose I was so loth, That if I might, I would have wedded them both ; [them ; Then thought I since, to have wedded one of And, now know I clear, I will wed none of them. They both shall have this one answer by letter : As good never a whit as never the better. Now let me ask, (quoth Ij, and yourself answer The short question that I asked while 're. A foul, old, rich widow, whether wed would ye, Or a young, fair maid, being poor as ye be? In neither barrel better herring, (quoth he). I like thus richesse as ill as poverty ; AVho that hath cither of these pigs in ure, He hath a pig of tlie worse pannier sure. I was wedded unto my will ; howbeit, I will be devorst, and be wed to my wit ; AXHicreby, with these examples past, I may sec I'ond wedding, for love, as good only to flee. Only for love, or only for good, Or only for both I wed not, by my hood ! Thus, no one things only, though one thing chiefly Shall woo me to wed now : for now I espy, Although the chief one think in wedding be love, Proverbs, Pt. II., Ch. XI. 103 Yet must mo things join, as all in one may move Such kind of living-, for such kind of life, As lacking the same, no lack to lack a unfc. Here is enough, I am satisfied, (said he). Since enough is enough, (said 1), here may we, With that one word take end good, as may be guessed For folk say : enough is as good as a feast. Finis. A NOTE-BOOK, WORD-LIST, AND INDEX INCLUDING References, Notes, a complete Index to ALL the Proverbs, Proverbial Sayings,. Colloquialisms, &c., together with a Glossary of Words and Phrases now Archaic or Obsolete ; the whole arranged in One Alphabet in Dictionary Form A FOREWORD TO NOTE- BOOK, WORD-LIST, AND INDEX Rcjcrcncc froui text to Note-Book is copious, a)id as jconipletc as may be; so also, conversely , from Note-Book io text. The following pages may, -with almost absolute certainty, be consulted on any point that may occur in ,the course of reading. 'J' lie schenie of reference fiom Note-Book to text as- sumes ilie division, in the mind's eye, of each page into four horizontal sections; wliich, beginning at the top, are indicated in the Note-Book by the letters a, b, c, d following the page j'tgure. In practice this -will be found easy, and an enormous help io the eye over the usual reference to page alone in "fixing" the "catchword." Thus 126a — the first quarter of page 126; i\oc = the third quarter of page 40 ; and so forth. The Index to the Proverbs, Proverbial Sayings, Col- Joquialisms, (j^-c, is given vuith much completeness. •" Epiiji-ams " (as a reference)^ found also in " The Epi- grams on Proverbs " : see Heywood, Works, II, .(E.E.D.S.). NOTE-BOOK, WORD-LIST, AND INDEX To 'John Hf^zvood's Proverbs coiucni'tng Marriage Abject, " cast out as an abject " (loob), vagabond, ne'er-do-well, despicable person. " I deemed it better so to die. Than at my foeman's feet an abject lie." — Mirroiir for Magistralcs (1599), 20. Abrood, " weather meet to set paddocks abrood in {•,0b), i.e. weather fit for toads or frogs to be abroad : cf. " fine weather for ducks." Absexteth, " her presence absenleth all maladies (loc), makes absent, expels, cures : now always with the reflective pronouns. " . . . or what change Absents thee or what chance detains?" — Milton, Par. Lost (bk. x.). AccOMPTE, " the full accompte " {8d), account : the old spelling. " .S'un'f/i. The clerk of Chatham : he can write and read, and caste accompt."- — Shakspeare, 2 Henry Yl. (1594), iv. 2. Advoutry, " in advoutry to catch him " (716), adultery. " Calling this match advoutrie, as it was." — Mirrour for Magistrates (1599), 342. Age, " age and appetite fell at strong strife " (5H/). Ale, (a) " when ale is in wit is out " (Epig.). (b) " as sour ale mendeth in summer " (91^), tliat is, not at all. Ale-clout, " wash her face in an ale-clout " (261/), get drunk. Am, " God taketh me as I am and not as I was " (gob). io8 Note-Book and Word-List [amated Amated, " all mirth was amated " (17c?), paralysed, checked. Amendment, " let vour amendment amend the matter " (77«)- An, see And. Anchor, (a) " I will straight weigh anchor and hoist up sail " (21c). (b) " good riding at two anchors, For if the one fail, the t'other may hold " (92c), best to have more chances than one: cf. " two strings to one's bow." And, An {passim), (a) if; (h) on. Angrv, (a) " he that will be angry without cause, must be at one, without amends " (6ic). (b) " if she be angry, beshrew her angry heart " (44d). Apaired, " so apaired he " (SSd), grew worse, degene- rated. " I see the more that I them forbear. The worse they be from year to year : All that liveth appaireth fast." — Everyman (E.E.D.S., Anon. Plays, I St Ser., 94d). Aparty, " choose we him aparty " (67s), aside, separate. " He that es verrayly meke, God sal safe hym of there, here aparty, and in tother worlde plenerly." — MS. Coll. Eton. 10, f. 40. Ape, (a) " she can no more harm than can a she ape " (27d). (6) " the dun ape hath trod on both thy feet " (Epig.). (c) As a verb, ape — to befool or dupe; also, to make one an ape. Appetite, " age and appetite fell at strong strife " (5id). Apple, " lost with an apple and won with a nut " (246). " Nor woman true, but even as stories tell. Won with an egg, and lost again with shell." — Gascoigne, Ferdinando (d. 1577). Ashes, " raked up in th' ashes and covered again '* Aspen-leaf, " thy tongue that aspen-leaf " (85c). baker] Note-Book and Word-List 109 Assay, " I will assay to win some favour " (2 id), endeavour, try, essay. " Yet wol I make assay." — Chaucer, Cant. Tales (1383), 13177. Assurance, " words of assurance " (5^), afFianco, be- trothal. " This druge, diviner laid claim to me ; called me Dromio ; swore I was assured to her." — Shakspeare, Comedy of Errors (1593), iii. 2. AuDRY, see Saint Audry. Avail, " avail, unhappy hook " (44a), «'•(?. Away ! Be- gone ! you are defeated in your purpose; hook = a term of reproach. " That unhappy hook." — Jack Jtiggler (E.E.D.S., Aiwn. Piays, Ser. 3), 26c and 35^. Avanced, " which should me much avanccd " (22a), profited, advanced. Axe, " I send th' axe after helve away " (07''), «•''• I despair; " In for a penny, in for a pound." (b), " without ye axe me leave " (97c), ask : the word and also the construction, once literary, are now vulgar. Bachelors, (a) " bachelors boast how they will teach their wives good" (74ci), hence bachelor's wife = an ideal wife : see infra. (b) " bachelors' wives and maids' children be well taught " (75a). " The maid's child is ever best taught." — Latimer, Sermons (1562), v. " Ay, ay, bachelors' wives, indeed, are finely governed." — Vanbrugh, Provoked Tli/e (1726), i. i. Backare, " Backare, quoth Mortimer to his sow " (4if), i.e. " Go back," " Give place," " Away " : the allu- sion is lost, though the phrase is common enough in old writers, the earliest dating about 1473. Bag, " he brought the bottom of the bag clean out " (gSd), to make an end of things, to tell all, to lose all. Baker, " so late met, that I fear we part not yet, quoth the baker to the pillory " (57^), severe penalties for impurity of bread or shortness of weight were enforced against bakers from very early times ; they were fre- quently the subject of much sarcasm. " A pillorie for the punishment of bakers, offending in the assize of bread." — Stow, Survey (1598), 208. " They say the no Note- Book and Word-List [bald owl was a baker's daughter." — Shakspeare, Hamlet (ibo2), iv. 5. " Are not bakers' amies the skales of • lustice? yet is not their bread light." — Dekker, Honest U'liorc (1604). " Three dear years will raise a baker's daughter to a portion. 'Tis not the smallness of the bread, but the knavery of the baker." — Ray .Proverbs. Bald, "bald as a coot" (13d), as bald as may be: the frontal plate of the coot is destitute of feathers (see Tyndale, Works, 1530, ii. 224). Bale, " this rather bringcth bale than boot " (63J), bale = trouble, sorrow; boot = he\p, cure, relief. "God send every man boot of his bale." — Chaucer, Cant. Talcs (1483), 13409. Ball, " thou hast stricken the ball under the line " (426), i.e. a line regarded as marking the limit of legitimate or successful play. " Poor mortals are so many balls, Toss'd some o'er line, some under for- tune's walls." — Howell, Letters (1645). Banning, " be as be may is no banning " (53(7). Bargains, " some bargains dear bought good cheap would be sold" (19c), cheap = muvket : good cheap — bon marche. " He buys other men's cunning good cheap in London, and sells it deare in the country." — Dekker, Bcliiian's Night Walk (160S). Barrel, " in neither barrel better herring " (102c), not a pin to choose between six of one and half a dozen of the other ; elliptical — no one barrel contains herrings better than another. " Lyke Lord, lyke chaplayne, neyther barnd better herynge. " — Bale, Kynge John. " Begin where you will, you shall find them all alike, never a barrell the better herring." — Burton, Anat. Melon. (162 1). Bass, to cuddle, snuggle up to ; also to give a smacking kiss: once literary. "I lye hassing with Besse. " — Works, 557. " Thy knees bussing the stones." — Shakspeare, Coriol. (1610), iii. 2. Baudry, " suspicion of their baudry " (73d), wanton- ness, lechery. Bayard, " to have kept Bayard in the stable " (^yc). See Blind Bayard. bird] Note-Book and Word-List iii Be, (a) " be as be may is no baniiint; " (S3'')- (6) " that shall be, shall be " {sT,b). See Shall be. Bead-roll, " a bead-roll to unfold " (.yyh), a story,. narration ; specifically (as here) a catalogue of woes : properly a list of those for whom a certain number of prayers were offered, the count being kept by the- telling of beads. Beerpot, " she was made like a beerpot or a barrel "' (52a), well rounded in the stomach, corpulent. Besiirew, generally in imperative. " Beshrew ^our' heart " = woe to you. '" I beshrew all shrews." — Shakspeare, Love Labour Lost (1594), v. 2. Be.^n, (a) " a bean in a monk's hood " (76c). (b) " begging of her booteth not the worth of a' bean " (30a), a standard of the smallest v.-due. Beautiful, " my beautiful marriage " (Sb), i.e. mar-- riage for beauty's sake. Beck, " a beck as good as a dieu gard " (zcfcl), nod, salutation. " Nods and becks and wreathed smiles." — Milton, L'Allegro (1637). Beforne (passim), before. Benchwiiistler (37c), loafer, idler on an ale-house bench. Bestill, " a good bestill is worth a groat " (6.Sr), bcstail = a law term for all kinds of cattle: Fr.,. betail. Bewrayed, " things . . . might be bewrayed " (Gsb), spoilt, muddled, complicated. Bird, (a) " better one bird in hand than ten in the wood " (36^), possession is everything; hazard of loss is not worth uncertain gain : the modern version, " two in the bush," is not so exacting. Fr., Micux vatix un tcuez, que deux voiis I'aiirez." " An old proverb maketh with this which 1 take good. Better one bird in hand then ten in the wood." — Hevwood, Witty and Witless (c. 1530), Works (K.E.D.S.) I.', 2136. (b) " it is a foul bird that fdeth his own nest "' (7od), ^/ei/i = defileth : the proverb occurs as early as 1250 in The Owl and the Nightingale. " Rede and' a 12 Note-Book and Word-List [blab lerne ye may, Howe olde proverbys say, that byrd ys nat honest, That fylyth hys owne nest." — Skelton, Garnesche (1520). (f) " as bare as a bird's arse " (89a), as bare as may be. (d) " the birds were flown " (47^). (e) " when birds shall roost . . . who shall appoint their hour, the cock or hen?" (56b); compare " He who pays the piper may call the tune." (/) " we shall catch birds to-morrow " (88c). 'Blab, " look what she knoweth, blab it wist and out it must " (24a), i.e. anything a blab knows must be told. " Labbe hyt whyste and owt yt muste." — MS. Harleian {c. 1490). Black, " black will take none other hue " (92c). Black ox, " the black ox never trod on thy foot " (i7(), the black ox is the symbol of decrepitude or mis- fortune. " Venus waxeth old : and then she was a pretie wench, when Juno was a young wife ; now crowes foote is on her eye, and the black oxe hath trod on her foot." — Lyly, Sapho (1584). Ble, " to cry ble " (34c), b/t! = bleat, as a sheep. One of the Hundred Mcry Talcs (f. 1525) is entitled " Of the husbande that cryed ble under the bed." Bleed, " here doth all lie and bleed " (68c). Bless, " ye bless them all, but ye bass but one " (84^), see Children. Blessing, " ye can give me your olessing in a clout " (96Z)), i.e. the hoard (or talent) wrapped up in a napkin, bag, or " stocking." Blind, (a) " who so deaf or so blind as is he that wil- fully will never hear nor see? " (910). (6) " the blind eat many flies " (73?)). " The blinde eateth many a flye : So doth the husband often, iwis. Father the childe that is not his." — Schole-housc of Woinen (1541), line 333. (c) " blind men should judge no colours " (73a). ((/) " as the blind man casts his staff or shoots the crow " (96b). (c) " where the blind leadeth the blind both fall in ■the dyke " {b-;b). " She hath hem in such wise bolt] Note-Book and Word-List 113 daunted. That they were, as who saith, enchaunted ; And as the blinde an other ledeth, And till they falle nothing drcdeth." — Gower, Confcssio Amantis. (J) " folk ofttimes are most blind in their own cause " (73«), or, as in modern phrase, " blind to one's own interests." (g) " the difference between staring and stark blind, The wise man at all times to follow can find " (82a). Blind Bayard, " who so bold as blind Bayard is? " (igd), applied where persons act without consideration or reflection ; generic for blindness, ignorance, and recklessness. It occurs in T]ie Vision of Ficrs the Ploughman (1362), and in Chaucer's Canterbtiry Tales (1383). Bayard originally = a grey horse; after- wards generic ; and Skelton mentions a description of horse-loaf called " Bayard's bun." Bayard was a horse famous in old romances ; in Ariosto's great work is called Baiardo. See Bayard. Bliss, (a) " our Lord bliss me " (79J) — " not one penny to bliss him " (89a), bless. (b) see Branch. Blist, " by God's blist " (29^), bliss, joy, happiness. Blocks, " I have more blocks in his way to lay " (/On). obstructions, hindrances, impediments. Boast, (a) " this matter maketh boast of diminution ' (loia), to make boast = to promise well, to seem very likely. " Nought trow I the triumphe of Julius, Of which that Lukan maketh moche host." — Chaucer, Cant. Tales (1383), 4820-21. (b) " Great boast and small roast Maketh un- savoury mouths wherever men host " (36c), i.e. large promise and little performance is little to one's liking : host — lodge, abide. Body, (a) " the big part of her body is her bum " (24c). (b) see Leg. Bolt, (a) " mend, as the thatcher mends his bolt " (91a). (b) SCO I'ool. HEY. PROV. 1 114 Note-Book and Word-List [bongrace BoNGRACE (52a), a forehoad cloth, or coverinfj for the head ; a kind of veil attached to a hood : afterwards the hood itself. " Her bon<;race which she wore." — Heywood, Pardoner cuid Frcic, Works (E.E.D.S.), 1. 7f. BooKD, " in earnest or boord " (47(/), jest, joke, mock, sport. " Speak but in bord." — Udall, Roister Doister (1550), 75d (E.E.D.S., Works). .See also Bourd. Boot, " it booteth not the worth of a bean " (30a), remedy, cure, help, advantage. " This knight thinketh his boot thou mav'st be." — Calisto and Mclibcca (E.E.D.S., Anon Pi, ist Ser.). Borage, " a leaf of borage might buy all the substance that they can sell " (250), i.e. just such a trifle as would be a leaf of borage in a salad, as a pot-herb, or as an ingredient in cool tankards. Borrow, (a) " not so good to borrow as to be able to lend " {2sd). (b) " till liberty was borrow " (27c), pledged, mort- gaged. " To borrow man's soul from blame. "^ World and Child (c. i^oo), E.E.D.S., .l»ion. PL, Ser. I., 1866. Bosom, " she speaketh as she would creep into your bosom " (23d). BouGET, " in her bouget " (756), budget, bag, (and figuratively) store. " With that out of his bouget forth he drew Great store of treasure, therewith him to tempt." — Spenser, Fairy Oiiceii (1590), ill. x. 29. Bound, " they that are bound must obey " (68b). BouRD, " sooth bourd is no bourd " (88fl), i.e. a jest spoken in earnest is no jest at all; 500//; =earnest, bourd — a jest: see Boord. "As the old saying is, sooth boord is no boord." — Harrington, Bricfe .Ipolo- ^ic of Poctrie (159 1). Bow, (a) " a bow long bent, at length must wear weak " (34('), i.e. a bow drawn back to the utmost and often : hence " to the top of one's bent " (see also next entry). (b) " the bent of your . . . bow " (37(1), inclina- tion, tendency, disposition, course of action. break] Note-Book and Word-List 115 (c) " Many strings to the bow " (370), alternatives, more resources than one. " I am wel pleased to take any coulor to defend your honor, and hope that you wyl remember, that who seakcth two stringcs to one bowe, the may shute strong, but never strait." — Letter .oj Queen Elizabeth to James VI. (June, 1585). (rf) see Break. Bowl, " this seven years, day and night to watch a bowl " (yic), seven ycars^a long time (generic) : i.e. may watch his coming and going a long time with- out discovering anything. Box, " in the wrong bo.x " (92a), mistaken, embar- rassed, in jeopardy. " Sir, quoth I, if you will hear how St. Augustine expoundeth that place, you shall perceive that vou are in a wrong box." — Ridlev ("Foxe," 1838)', vi. 438 (1554). Boy rope, " haleth her by the boy rope " (-Sfc), ? bow- rope = either, (a) the rope attached to an ox-bow; (b) a rope of bow-string hemp ; or (c) bow-string. Brain, "bitten to the brain" (45^, drunk: cf. "hair of the dog that bit one." Branch, " ere . . . branch of bliss could reach any root the flower . . . faded " (171). Brawling, " brawling booteth not " (57*:), i.e. tends to no advantage: 6oo/t'//i =profitcth. Bread, (a) " one . . . that would have belter bread than is made of wheat " (816). (h) " know on which side bread is buttered " (86c). recognise one's interests : whence to butter one's bread oji both sides -to seek advantages from more sides than one. (c) " better is half a loaf than no bread " (37c). the earliest known example of this proverb. (d) see Sheep's flesh. Break, (a) " better is to bow than break " (22a). An early example is found in The Morale Proverbs of Cristyne; originally written in Fr:nch about the year 1390 and of which a verse translation by Karl Rivers was printed by Caxton in 1478 : " Rather to bowe than breke is profitable, Humylite is a thing com- mendable." {b) " in that house ... a man shall as soon break his neck as his fast " (40c). I 2 ii6 Note-Book and Word-List [breech Breech, (a) " there is nothing more vain than to beg a breech of a bare-arsed man " (20c). (/)) " the master wcareth no breech " (58c; also in Epigrams), is not master: to ivcar the breeches — to usurp a husband's prerogative (of women). " All women be suche, Thoughe the man bere the breeche, They wyll be ever checkemate." — Boke of Mayd Emiyn (1515). Bretch, " in all that bretch " (0;,?'), breach, quarrel, source of dissension. Brew, " as I . . . brew, so must I . . . drink " (19a), in allusion to cause and effect. "If you have browen wel, you shal drinke the better." — Wodrocphe, Spared Iloures of a Souldier (1623). Bridal (15b), a note as to the origin of the word may not be without interest. («) " 'Ihere were bride-ales, church-ales, clerk-ales, give-ales, lamb-ales, leet-ales. Midsummer-ales, Scot-ales, Whitsun-ales, and several more." — Brand's Popular Antiquities. (b) " it is meet that a man be at his own bridal " (156), a variant of " every man must attend his own funeral." Bridle, (a) " I gave her the bridle at beginning " (876), let her have her own way. (b) " she taketh the bridle in the teeth and runneth awav with it " (87?)), the modern version alters " bridle " to " bit." Bridled, " I should have bridled her first with rough bit. To have made her chew on the bridle one fit " (876), fit = a portion or bout of anything — stanza of a songj stave of a tune, scene of a play, round at fisti- cuffs : here = a space of time. Brike, " ye brike all from her, that brought all to you " (76a), [)»-i7o(' = breach, violation of, or injury done to, anyone: hence deplete, "suck dry" (of money and goods). Brim, " better spare at brim than at bottom " (66c), i.e. at the beginning rather than at the end of one's tether. Broid, " better dissemble . . . than to broid him with it " (69b), braid, abraid, reproach. butter] Note-Book and Word-List 117 Broom, " the green new broom svveepeth clean " (54a), still proverbial ; in the Epigrams " new broom sweep- eth clean " is nearer the modern version. Brother, " I will not trust him though he were my . brother " (40c). Buckle, " till he at length came to buckle and bare thong " (89a), poverty, distress : //;ofi^ = shoestring. Bud, " This bud sheweth what fruit will follow " (266). Bug, " bug's words " (66c), swaggering or threatening language ; also " bugbear words " ; of " such bugbear thoughts " (Locke). Bug = Vin object of terror, bogey. " Matrimony hath euer been a blacke bugge in their sinagoge and churchc." — Bale, ]'otaryes (Pref.). Bullock's-noble (97a), see Noble. Burden, " light burden far heavy " (97b). Burr, (a) " I take her for a rose, but she breedeth a burr " (26b). {b) " they cleave together like burrs " (72b). Bush, (a) " while I . . . beat the bush . . . other men . . . catch the birds " (9a). Henry the Fifth is re- ported to have uttered this proverb at the siege of Orleans, when the citizens, besieged by the English, declared themselves willing to yield the town to the Duke of Burgundy, who was in the English camp. " Shall I beat the bush, and another take the bird? " said King Henry. The Duke was so offended that he withdrew his troops and concluded a peace. " I beat the bush, and others catch the bird. Reason exclaimes and sweares my hap is hard." — Pettowe, Philochasander mid Elanira (1599). (b) see Bird. Butter, (a) " there will no butter cleave on my bread " (86c), i.e. nothing by which to profit or advantage. (6) " it is not alfbutter that the cow shits " (94^). (c) " she looketh as butter would not melt in her mouth " (276), in contempt of persons of simple demeanour. " A cette parolle mist dame Mehault ses mains k ses costez et en grant couroux luy respondy ii8 Note-Book and Word-List [buttered que . . . et que, Dieu nicrci, aincorcs fondoit le burre en sa bouche, combien qu'elle ne peust croquier noisettes, car elle n'avoit que un seul dent." — Lcs Evangiles des Quenonilles (c. 1475). (d) " As sure as it were sealed with butter " (86c), shaky, uncertain. Buttered, see Bread. Buy, (a) " you to buy and sell " (23J), betray, impose upon. (b) see Borage. By and by (50a, et passii)i), immediately, forthwith. Cake, " would ve both eat your cake and have vour cake? " (gba).' Call, " things past my hands I cannot call again " (26a). Callet {70b), scold, drab, trull. " A wisp of straw were worth a thousand crowns, To make this shame- less callet know herself — Helen of Greece was fairer far than thou." — Shakspeare, 3 Henry VJ. (1592), ii. 2. Calves, " change of pasture maketh fat calves " (62a). " Boniface. You may see what change of pasture is able to do. Honeysuckle. It makes fat calves in Rom- ney Marsh, and lean knaves in London, therefore, Boniface, keep your ground." — Dekker and Webster, Westward Hoe (1607). Can, " I can some skill " (12a), know, able, possess. " Though he be ignorant and can little skill." — Four Elements (c. 1510), E.E.D.S., Anon PL, Ser. L, 3c. Candle, (a) " to set up a candle before [or hold a candle to] the devil " (24^), to propitiate through fear, to assist in, or wink at, wrong-doing. " Though not for hope of good, yet for the feare of euill, Thou maist find case so proffering up a candell to the deuill." — Tusser, Husbandrie (1557), 148. (b) " upright as a candle standeth in the socket " (526), as erect as may be. (c) " who that worst may shall hold the candle " case] Note-Book and Word-List 119 Canstick, " coll under canstick " {24b), coll = {a) kiss, embrace, or (b), deceit: sec Coleprophet ; canstick = candlestick. There was, however, a Christmas game called "coll under canstick." Cap, " my cap is belter at ease than my head " (851/1. Cards, " tell thy cards and then tell me what thou hast won " (366). Carrain, " her carrain carcase " (56c), rotten, withered : a generic reproach. Carrier, " I will send it him by John Long the carrier " (35^/), see John Long. Carpenter, " such carpenters, such chips " (8oii), " like to its like." " New. By the faith of my body, such carpenter, such chips, And as the wise man said, such lettuce, such lips. For, like master, like man : like tutor, like scholar ; And, like will to like, quoth the Devil to the Collier." — Fulwell, Like Mill I0 Like (EE.D.S.), 24(1 Cart, (a) " set the cart before the horse " (790), to begin at the wrong end ; to set things hind side before : Fr. "II mettoyt la charette devant les beufz " (Rabelais). " He deemes that a preposterous govern- ment where the wife predominates, and the husband submits to her discretion, that is Hysterion and Proteron, the cart before the horse." — Harry White, ills Humour. (b) " the best cart may overthrow " (35c), " acci- dents may happen," " there's nothing certain save the unforeseen." (c) "I am cast at cart's arse " (216), in disgrace : offenders were formerly punished by being flogged when tied to the hinder part of a driven cart. (d) " carts well driven go long upright " (35r), see section b supra. Carving, " he at meat carving her, and none else before, Now carved he to all but her, and her no more " (54b)- Case, (a) " put case " {passim), to suppose or propose a hypothetical instance or illustration : an idiomatic expression formerly common in arguments. " Put case there be three brethren, John-a-Nokcs, John-a- I20 Note-Book and Word- List [cast Nash, and John-a-Stile." — Returnc from Parnassus {1606). (b) " clear out of the case " (32a), out of the run- ning, beyond consideration. Cast, " privy nips or casts overthwart the shins " (24c) — " even the like cast hast thou " (33d) — " ye neither care nor wellnigh cast what ye pay " (8ic), both as subs, and verb cast was in full work — throw, motion, turn, glance, blow, advice, counsel, plan, design, object of desire, attempt at flight, skill, art, trick, juggle, fashion, form, pattern, shade, colour, tinge, chance, venture, touch, stroke, and many more glosses beside, each with their corresponding verbal usages. Casting, " far casting for commonwealth " (sod), roundabout search for joint benefit. Cat, (a) " a cat may look on a king " (701:), a retort on impertinent or misplaced interference ; there are cer- tain things an inferior may do in the presence of a superior. (b) " the cat would (or will) eat fish and would (or will) not wet her feet" (34^); cf. Shakspeare (Mac- beth), " Letting, 1 dare not, wait upon, I would. Like the poor cat i' the adage." "Cat lufat visch, ac he nele his feth wete." — MS. Trin. Coll. Camb. (c. 1250). (c) " a woman hath nine lives like a cat " (60c). (d) " let the cat wink and let the mouse run "■ [bib). (e) " it hath need be a wily mouse that should breed in the cat's ear " (7id). "A hardy mowse that is bold to breede In cattis eeris." — Order of Foles^ M.S. (c. 1450). "It is a wyly mouse That can build his dwellinge house Within the cattes eare." — Skelton (1520). (/) " somewhat it is . . . when the cat winketh and both her eyne out " (6ia). (g) " cat after kind, good mouse hunt " (33c). (h) " little and little the cat eateth the flickle " (82b). (0 " no playing with a straw before an old cat " (88a). (/) "the cat knoweth whose lips she licketh " (qSb). " Li vilains reproche du chat Qu'il set bien qui barbes- CHALK] Note-Book and Word- List i2f il leche." — Dcs trots Daincs qui troiivcrcnf tin And (c. 1300). ,, (k) " to turne the cat in the pan " (79(1), to " rat ;. to reverse one's position through self-interest ; to play the turncoat; the derivation is absolutely unknown;. cat = " cate " or " cake " is historically (says Murray) untenable. " Now am I true araid like a phesitien ; i am as very a turncote as the wethercoke of Poles ;. For now 1 will calle my name Due Disporte. So, so, finely I can turne the catt in the pane." — Wit and ■Wisdom (E.E.D.S., Anon. PL. Ser. 4), 3 (c. 1550), " As for Bernard, often tyme he turneth the cat in the pan."— Shacklock, Hatchet of Heresies (1565). (/) " my cat's leering look . . . showeth me that my cat goeth a catterwawing " (70c), i.e. is given to wantonness. (m) " they two agreed like two cats in a gutter "■ (n) " by scratchmg and bitmg cats and dogs come- together " (54c). ,, , , (o) " when all candles be out cats be grey (i3<:), cf. " If you cannot kiss the mistress kiss the maid " ;. " Joan in the dark is as good as my lady." Catch, " catch that catch may " {Epig.), in modern form, " catch as catch can." Cause, " cause causcth " (226). Chair, " every man may not sit in the chair " (4t)c), it is not given to everyone to rule ; all cannot be masters. Chalk, " to compare in taste, chalk and cheese " (63c), to compare (or mistake) things utterly different. The^ modern form is " to know chalk from cheese " = to have one's wits about one, to know what is worthless from what is of value. " Lo ! how they feignen chalk for cheese." — Gower, Cottfessio Ainantis (1393). " Though I have no learning, yet I know chese from chalke."— 7o/;/i Bon and Mast Person (1548). " Do not these thynges differ as muche as chalcke and chese?" — Shacklock, Hatchet of Heresies (1565). "To French and Scots so fayr a taell I tolde, That they beleeved whyt-chalk and chees was oen." — Churchyard, Chippcs (1573). 122 Note-Book and Word-List [change (h) " alike in colour to deem ink and chalk " (63c), a variant of the foregoing entry. •CiiANGK, " change be no robbery " (63b), an excuse for a forced or jesting imposition ; a delicate way of making a present : now usually " fair exchange is no rob- bery." Changed, " would to God he and you had changed places " (Sue). •Chat, " no man may chat ought in ought of her charge" (24?)), f/iaf = talk. " Into a rapture lets her baby cry. While she chats him . . ." — Shakspeare, Coriolantis (1610), ii. i. ■Chatting, " chatting to chiding is not worth a chute " (69a), it is hardly worth while to answer a scolding. Check, " checks and choking oysters " (43c), taunts, reproaches : see Choking oyster. Checker, " not checker a-board all was not clear in the coast " (896). " Not as a checker, reprover, or despiser of other men's translations." — Covcrdale, Lewis's History of the Translations of the Bible into English, 95. Cheese, " ye may see no green cheese, but your teeth must water " (97c), green cheese = cream cheese. Chickens, (a) " there is a nest of chickens, which doth brood, That will sure make his hair grow through his hood " (66b), i.e. deceived, cuckolded as it were. (b) " thy chickens tell aforehand " (Epigrams), reckon beforehand a successful issue. Chieving (lod and 48^), doing, accomplishment. Child, " burnt child, fire dreadeth " (55b), once bit, twice shy. " So that child withdraweth is hond. From the fur ant the brond, That hath byfore bue brend, Brend child fur dredth. Quoth Hendyng." — Proverbs of Hendyng, MS. (c. 1320). ■" Timon. Why urge yee me? my hart doth boyle with heate, And will not stoope to any of your lures : A burnt childe dreads the ffyre." — Timon (c. 1590). clawed] Note-Book and Word-List 123 Children, («) " children learn to creep ere thev can go " (37'')- (b) " children and fools cannot lie " (380). "Master Constable says : \'ou know neighbours 'tis an old saw, Children and fools speake true." — Lyly, Endi- niion (1591). (c) " better children weep than old men " (34?')- It is related in connection with the (iowrie conspiracy, that King James \'I., about to depart from (iowrie Castle, was forcibly prevented by the Master of Glammis, and as the tears started to the eyes of the voung king, " better bairns weep than bearded men was the other's observation. {(i) " ve have many godchildren to look upon, and ye bless them all, but ye bass but one " (84^). Chip, («) " who lackcth u stock his gain is not worth a chip" (94c). _ ^ (b) " as merry as three chips " (i7f), cf. Shak- speare's " dancing chips " {Sonnets, 12.S). Choking oysters. " checks and choking oysters " (43c), taunts and replies that put one to silence. " 1 have a stoppynge oyster in my poke." — Skelton, Boiuge of Court {c. 1529), 477. " To a feloe laiyng to his rebuke that he was over deintie of his niouthe and diete, he did with this reason give a stopping oistre." — Udall, Apoph. (1542), 61. Church, " the nearer to the church, the furth(>r from God " (2i«). " Qui est pr6s de I'd'glise est souvent loin de Dieu." — Lcs Proverbes commiins (c. 1500). CiRCUMQUAQUES (84(/), far-fetched and roundabout stories. Clargy, " to put me to my clargy " (646), see rhyme : c/er^'y = learning, science, knowledge. " I rede how besy that he was Upon clergye, an bed of bras To forge and makp it for to telle." — Gower, MS. Soc. Aniiq., 134, f. 104. Claw, (a) " thou makest me claw when it itcheth not " (850- (b) " claw a churl bv th' arse and he shitteth in my hand " (Soc). Clawed, " I clawed her by the back " (24J). 124 Note-Book and Word-List [clerks Clerks, " the greatest clerks be not the wisest men " (67a). " The greatest clerks ben not the wisest men. As whilom to the wolf this spake the mare." — Chaucer, Cant. Tales (1383), Miller's Tale. " Now I here wel, it is treue that I long syth have redde and herde, that the best clerkes ben not the wysest men." — Historye of Reynard the Foxe (1481). Climbed, " he that never climbed never fell " (46^). Cloak, " that cloak for the rain, soever ye bring me " (69^). " Nicholas. 'Tis good to have a cloake for the raine ; a bad shift is better then none at all ; He sit heere, as if I were as dead as a doore naile." — Two Angry Wotnen of Abingdon (1599). Clock, " and looked . . . what it was o'clock " {£ Aiuren Khvlc {c. 1250). Cockney, (a) " he that cometh every day shall have a cockney, He that cometh now and then shall have a fat hen " (44a), Murray breaks up M.E. cokency into coken ey = cock's egg, and defines the word when used by Langland as "egg," a rendering which seems confirmed in the present instance. " I have no salt bacon, Ne no cokeney, by Crist, coloppes for to make." — Langland, P. Ploiuman (1363), 4370. (b) " a good cockney coke " (97^), i.e. a cockney cook : in derision and contempt, with perhaps a play on cokes = iou\. The origin of cockney ( = one born within the sound of Bow Bells) has been much debated ; but, says Dr. Murray, in the course of an exhaustive statement {Acadetny, May 10, 1890, p. 320), " the history of the word, so far as it means a person, is very clear and simple. We have the senses (i) ' cockered or pet child,' ' nestle-cock,' ' mother's darling,' ' milksop,' primarily the child, but continued to the squeamish and effeminate man into which he grows up. (2) A nickname applied by country people to the inhabitants of great towns, whom they considered ' milksops,' from their daintier habits and incapacity for rough work. York, London, Perugia, were, according to Harman, all nests of cockneys. (3) By about idoo the name began to be attached especially to Londoners^ as the representatives par excellence of the city milksop. One understands the disgust with which a cavalier in 1641 wrote that he was ' obliged to quit Oxford at the approach of Essex and Waller with their prodigious number of cockneys.' " 126 Note-Book and Word-List [cockscomk Cockscomb, " to wear a cockscomb " (b'jd), the comb of a cock was one of the ensigns or tokens of a profes- sional fool. (c) " as oft change from hue to hue as doth the cocks of Ind " (jifl), ? /H(/ = indigo, the alhision being to the changing sheen of the cock's bluish-black feathers. (d) " he setteth cock on the hoop " (65^), gives way to reckless enjoyment ; sets jill by the ears ; is proud, vaunting, and exultant. " Vou'U make a mutiny aiiKing my guests ! You will set cock-a-hoop ! you'll be the man ! " — Shakspeare, Romeo and Juliet (1505), '• 5- Coin, " when coin is not common, commons must be' scant " (51/)). Cold, " let them that be cold, blow at the coal " (2()(/). " Our talwod is all brenl. Our faggottes are all spent, We may blow at the cole." — Skelton, Why conic yc not to Court (f. 1520). Cor.KPROPiir.T, " ye play coleprophet (quoth I) who taketh in hand To know his answer before he do his errand " (2ifl), colcproplic! = u false prophet or cheat. "Cole- prophet and cole-poyson, tluju art both." — lleywood, is'/)., 89, Cent. vi. Coi.[., " coll under canstick she can play in both hands " (24/* ), see Canstick. " Coll under canstyk she can plaie on both hands, Dissiinulation well she under- st.'uids " (see supra 246). CoLi.op, " it is a dear collo]) that is cut out of th' own flesh " (28d). " God knows thou art a colup of my flesh." — -Shal'ispeare, i Henry 17. (1502), v. 5. Colt, (a) " of a ragged colt there cometh a good horse " (33/'). " Touchstone. This cannot be fained, sure. Heaven pardon my severitie ! ' The ragged colt may prove a good horse.' " — Jonson, iVc, Kastivard Hoc (1605). (/)) "scolts may prove well witii latches ill " (336), tache (or /o/r/;) = spot, blemish. Come, {a) " come what, come would " (44/)). {b) " you come to your cost " (34(1). couch] Note-Book and Word-List 127 CoMKTH, " all cometh to one " (50^), in modern phrase, " all cometh to him that waits." Coming, " it is ill coming to th' end of a shot and beginning of a fray " (yqc). Commodities (lob), matters of advantage or conveni- ence. CoNSiTHER (5b), consider. CoNSTER (i3(i;, construe, explain. Convey (486), steal. The classical quotation is of- course from Shakspeare, and from the same authority I give illustrations of derivatives : the rendering was- popular. " Nytn. The good humour is, to steal at a minute's rest. Pist. Convey, the wise it call." — Shakspeare, Merry Wives of Windsor (1596), Act i., Sc. 3. " Since Henry's death, I fear there is convey- ance." — Shakspeare, i Henry VI. (1592), i. 3. "O good convey ! Conveyers are you all, That rise thus nimbly by a true king's fall." — Shakspeare, Richard' II. 1597), iv., sub fin. Cook, " a poor cook that may not lick her own fingers " (Sqb). " He is an evyll coke y' can not lycke his owne- lippes." — Vidgarta Stambrigi (c. 15 10). " Capiilet. Sirrah, go hire me twenty cunning cooks. 2 Servant. You shall have none ill, sir ; for I'll try if they can lick their fingers." — Shakspeare, Romeo and Juliet (1595), iv. 2. CooKOUEAN, see Cuckquean. Cope, " segging is good cope " {()^a), sedge is good covering. Cord, " would to our lord ve had hanged both in one cord " (800). Corner, " the corner of our case (quolh he) I vou tell "' (20b), corner = gist, the furthest point of probing. Corse, " my comely corse " (85(7). body. Cost, " all was not clear in the cost " (89?)), i.e. coast. Couch, " couch a hogshead " (58/)), go to sleep : hogs- hcad = hca.d. " I couched a hogshead in a skvpper this darkmans." — Harman, Caveat {1567), 66 (1814). t28 Note-Book and Word-List [cough ■Cough, " thou canst cough in the aumbry " (Szd), aumbry = cuphoard, pantry. " Some slovens from sleeping no sooner be up, But hand is in aumbrie, and nose in the cup." — Tusser, Five Hundred Points (1573). i'- 5- Counterpoise, " whether they counterpaise or out- weigh " (loa), counterpoise. Court, " I was neither of court nor of counsel made " (43b), i.e. neither approached for advice, nor invited to express an opinion. Covet, " all covet, all lose " (970). CovETiSE (i2c), covetousness. Cow, (rt) " the cow is wood " (78J), -4C'ood = mad, furi- ous. (b) " God sendeth the shrewd cow short horns " (27c), 5/jj'eie;d = malicious, badly disposed. " The Bis- hop of Sarum sayd, That he trusted ere Christmas Day to visit and cleanse a good part of the kingdom. But most commonly God sendeth a shrewd cow short horns, or else many a thousand in England had smarted." — Fo.xe, Acts and Maniiments. (c) " as comely as a cow in a cage " (s^d). (d) " Margery, good cow, gave a good meal, but then she cast it down again with her heel " (86a). (e) " every man as he loveth, Quoth the good man, when that he kissed his cow " (530). (/) " many a good cow hath an evil calf " (aSa). Cow-calf, " as well for the cow-calf as for the bull " (620). Coy, "as coy as a croker's mare" (52&), croker = saffron-dealer. Crabs, " the greatest crabs be not all the best meat " (4od). Cripple, " it is hard halting before a cripple " (yid). " I perceyve (quod she) it is evill to halte before a creple . . . and it is evill to hop before them that runne for the bell." — Gascoigne, Fable of Ferdinando Jeronimi and Leonora de Valases (1575). Cross, (a) " now will I make a cross on this gate " (43(i), the cross as the emblem of disappointment and mis- fortune ; and the fact that many pieces of money were cuckquean] Note-Book and Word-List 129 stamped on one side with a cross gave rise to many quibbles : see Cross b and c infra, and cf. Heywood, Epigrams (E.E.D.S., Works, ii. 226b), " I will make a cross upon his gate ; yea, cross on. Thy crosses be on gates all, in thy purse none." (b) " I cross thee quite out of my book " (44a). (c) " since thou art cross failed, avail, unhappy hook" (44a), cross^money (see a supra); unhappy hook = a commiserating address. " Now 1 have never a crose to blesse me. Now I goe a-mumming. Like a poore pennilesse spirit, Without pipe or druming."^ Marriage of Witt and Wisdome, 1579 {E.E.D..S., Anon. Plays, Ser. 4). " Not a penny, not a penny ; you are too impatient to bear crosses." — Shakspeare, 2 Henry IV. (1598), i. 2. Crow, (a) " we have a crow to pull " (yod), complaint to make, quarrel, a bone to pick. " Abelle. Dere brother, I will fayre On feld ther our bestes ar, To looke if they be holgh or fulle. Cayn. Na, na, abide, we have a craw to pulle." — Mactacio Abel, in Towne- ley Mysteries {c. 1420). (b) " the crow thinketh his own birds fairest in the wood " (6ic). " It must needs be good ground that brings forth such good corne ; When I look on him, methinks him to be evill favoured. Yet the crowe thinkes her black birds of all other the fairest." — Lupton, All for Money (1578). (c) " as good to say, the crow is white " (690). i.e. "You're talking nonsense, or worse, telling lies." Crummeth, " cracketh and crummeth " (79a), crumbleth. Cry a leison (78J?), i.e. Kyrie eleison (" Lord, have mercy "), a short petition used at the beginning of the Roman Mass. The phrase was early the subject of punning allusions. Tyndale uses it in the sense of a complaint or scolding {Obed. Chr. Man, 130^, 1528) ; and Heywood, in the present instance, appar- ently means something of the same kind, with an added sarcasm in his corrupted orthography, " cry a leison " ( = a cry d \la\ Alison, which appears (8qb) to be the name of the wife of whom the husband is speaking). CuCKQUEAN, " ye make her a cookquean " (76b), a female cuckold : here possibly also a play on " cook." HEY. PROV. K 130 Note-Book and Word-List [cunnino Cunning, " that cunning man " (66d), orig. knowledge, skill, learning, no bad sense being implied : as early as the time of Lord Bacon, however, the word was on the down-grade in meaning, influenced, no doubt, by the mundane truth that skill in the hands of the unscrupulous is used to defraud those less gifted. " If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning." — Bible, Auth. Vers. (161 1), Psalm cxxxvii. 5. " With all the cunning manner of our flight. Determined of. "— Shakspeare, Two Gent., ii. 4. CuPSHOTTEN, " somewhat cupshotten " (31a), drunk. CuRRYFAVEL, " they can curry favel and make fair weather" (66b), curryfavel = hatter. Cushion, (a) " ye missed the cushion, for all your haste " (97c), idiomatic : from the practice of archery = to fail in an attempt, to miss the point. " Trulie, Euphues, you have mist the cushion, for I was neither angrie with your long absence, neither am I well pleased at your presence." — Lyly, Euphues (1581). (b) " I may set you beside the cushion " (97c), i.e. pass over with contempt, ignore, shelve. " Thus is he set beside the cushion, for his sincerity and for- wardness in the good cause." — Spalding, i. 291. Dagger, (a) " he beareth a dagger in his sleeve " (35&), i.e. hidden, in reserve, ready for use. (b) " it be ill pla\ing with short daggers " (47c), in modern phrase, "edged tools." Daiment, " sufferancee is no c]uittance in this daiment " (64ti), ? judgment, settlement: cf. daysman = umpire, arbitrator. Day (in legal sense) = return of a writ, appearance. Dame, " he that will not be ruled by his own dame shall be ruled by his stepdame " (92^). Dance, " sufferance is your dance " (686), role, lot : cf. " to lead one a dance." Dancetii, " he danceth attendance " (Epigrams), to wait upon constantly and obsequiously. Darling, "it is better to be an old man's darling than a young man's warling " (8oa), warliiig is of doubt- ful origin, occurring only in this proverb; perhaps dear] Note-Book and Word-List 131 coined from war, in imitation of darling, and meaning one often quarrelled with. Daw (passim), an empty-headed, foolish fellow. " He that for commyp welth bysyly Studyeth and laboryth, and lyveth by Goddes law, Except he waxe ryche, men count hym but a daw ! " — Four Elements (c. 1510), Anon. Plays. Ser. i (E.E.D.S.), 4^. " Good faith, I am no wiser than a daw." — Shakspeare, I Henry VI. (1592), ii. 4. Day, (a) " one day was three till liberty was borrow " (27c), borroiv = pledged, mortgaged. {b) " I see day at this little hole " (266), in modern phrase, "daylight"; an echo, possibly, of another proverbial saying—" It is always darkest before the dawn." (c) " I will say no more till the day be longer " (Epigrams). (d) "■ be the day never so long, evermore at last they ring to evensong " (826). " For though the dav be never so long At last the bell rings for evensong."— Hawes, Pastime of Pleasure. (e) " the day of doom shall be done " (85a). (/) " farewell, my good days, they will be soon gone " (57a). Dead, (a) " for gain (he) is dead and laid in tomb " (66a). (b) " I have ... a dead man's head in my dish " (Sob), the " dear departed " of modern phrase. " As bold-fac'd women, when they wed another, Banquet their husbands with their dead love's heads."— Marston, Insatiate Countess. Deaf, (a) " then were ye deaf, ye could not hear on that side " (god), i.e. wilfully deaf. (b) "who is so deaf as he that will not hear?" (Epigrams). Dear, (a) " whoso that knew what would be dear, should need be a marchant but one year " (46). (b) " dear bought and far fet are dainties for ladies (38d), /e< = fetched. "Some far fet trick trick good for ladies, some stale toy or other."— Marston, Malcontent (1604). " Niece. Ay, marry, sir this was a rich conceit indeed. Pomp'ey. And' far K 2 132 Note-Book and Word-List [dearest fetched; therefore good for you, lady." — Beaumont and Fletcher, Wit at Several Weapons (1614). Dearest, " to buy the dearest for the best alway " (8ic), cf. " cheap and nasty." Death, (a) " death ! . . . take me that time, to take a breath "(45a), waiting for dead men's shoes profiteth little. (b) " though love decree departure death to be (48ci). Deed, " deed without words " (71^)- Desert, " desert and reward be ofttimes things far odd " (42rt). Devil, (a) " the devil hath cast a bone to set strife " (570- (b) " young saint, old devil " (271:), this occurs in , MS. Harlcian (c. 1490). (c) " he must have a long spoon that would sup (or eat) with the devil " {jid). " Therefore behoveth him a ful long spone. That shal ete with a fend : thus herd I say." — Chaucer, Squieres Tale {Cant. Tales, c. 1383)- " Courtesan. Will you go with me? Dromio. Master, if you do, expect spoonmeat or bespeak a long spoon. Antipholus. Why, Dromio? Dromio. Marry, he must have a long spoon that must eat with the devil." — Shakspeare, Comedy of Errors (1593), iv. 3. (d) " like as the devil looked over Lincoln " (91c). " The middle or Rood tower of Lincoln Cathedral is the highest in the whole kingdom, and when the spire was standing on it, it must, in proportion to the height of the tower, have exceeded that of old St. Paul's, which was five hundred and twenty feet. The monks were so proud of this structure, that they would have it that the devil looked upon it with an envious eye : whence the proverb of a man who looks invidious' and malignant, ' he looks as the devil over Lincoln.' " — Tour through England and Wales (1742). Ray gives another account : " It is probable that it took its rise from a small image of the devil standing on the top of Lincoln College, in Oxford." — Proverbs (1737)- (e) " he must needs go when the devil doth drive " (78c). " There is a proverb which trewe now preveth, DOCK] Note-Book and Word-List i33 He must nedes go that the dyvell dryveth."— Hey- wood, Johaii Johaii, Tyb, and Syr Jhan. (/) " the devil is no falser than he " {7id). (g) " the devil go with thee, down the lane " (Ssd). (h) " meet to set the devil on sale " (yy'')- (i) "the devil in th'orloge" (63d). "Some for a tryfuU pley the devyll in the orloge."— Harman, Vulgaria (1530). (;') " the devil is dead " (91c). (/o) " the devil with his dam hath more rest in hell than I with thee" (856). [1) " the devil's good grace might have given a greeting " (qqr)- (in) " I will not bear the devil's sack " (73d), com- pound a wrong. (h) " what change may compare to the devil's life like his that has chosen a devil to his wife? " (74^)- DiEU-GARD, " a beck as good as a dieu-gard " (29^), a salutation, " God save you! " " Each beck of yours shall be in stead of a diew garde unto me."— Florio, Second Friites (1591), Si. Dinners, " dinners cannot be long, where dainties want " (5 it). Discrive (i6a), describe. Diseased, " more diseased by early lying down " (55c;, disease formerly was generic for " absence of ease." Dish, (a) " I may break a dish there " (38^), have a meal, take pot-luck, ply knife and fork. (b) " as well as the beggar knoweth his dish (or bag)," see Bag. Do, "it is as folk do and not as folk say " (736). Done, (a) " as good undone as do it too soon " (74a). (b) " things done cannot be undone " (26a). (c) " better it be done than wish it had been done (74«)- Dock, " in dock, out nettle " (54^), a charm for a nettle sting which early passed into a proverb expres- sive of inconstancy. " Ye wete well Ladie eke (quoth I) that I have not plaid racket, Nettle in, Docke out, and with this the weathercocke waved." — 134 Note-Book and Word-List [doe Chaucer, Testament of Love. " Is this my in dock, out nettle? " — Middleton, More Dissemblers besides Women (1623). Doe, " when he hunteth a doe that he cannot avow all dogs bark not at him " (72a). Dog, (a) "a man may handle his dog so that he may make him bite him " (85c). (5) " when he hunteth a doe that he cannot avow all dogs bark not at him " (72a). (c) "it is a poor dog that is not worth the whist- ling " (43b)- (d) " unable to give a dog a loaf " {8ib). (e) " a dog will bark ere he bite " (856). (/) " she will lie as fast as a dog will lick a dish " (78a). (g) "a dog hath a day " (36^), or, in modern phrase, " every dog has its day "; i.e. a period during which he is in his prime. (/i) " an old dog biteth sore " (75b). " Olde dogges bite sore." — Churchyard, Handcful of Gladsome I'crses (1592)- (i) " it is hard to make an old dog stoop " (85c). (;■) " to help a dog over a stile " (39b), the modern version has " lame dog " : to give a hand, to assist in difficulty. " Here is a stile so high as a man cannot help a dog over it." — Marston, Insatiate Coun- tess (1605), ii. 2. (k) " a hair of the dog that bit us last night " (45c), a pick-me-up after a debauch : apparently a memory of the superstition, which was and still is common, that, being bitten by a dog, one cannot do better than pluck a handful of hair from him, and lay it on the wound. Old receipt books advise that an inebriate should drink sparingly in the morning some of the same liquor which he had drunk to excess over- night. (/) " it is ill waking of a sleeping dog " (30a), cf. " let sleeping dogs lie." (m) " at every dog's bark, seem not to awake (68rf). (;i) " hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings " (140), another proverb declares that a himgry man will eat anything, except Suffolk cheese. DUCK] Note-Book and Word-List 135 Dole, (a) " his dole is soon done " (37ti), lot, share. Happy man he your dole = a. general wish for success. " Happv man be his dole that misses her." — Grim the Collier of Croydoti. (b) " ye deal this dole out of a wrong door " (9^), your charity is ill bestowed. I^OON (301), done. UooR, (rt) " it is good to have a hatch before the door " (32c), hatch- -a. wooden partition coming over the lower half of a doorway and leaving open the upper half. (b) see Dole. (c) " he, turned her cut of doors to graze on the plain " (99^). Doting, " after a doting and drunken deed, let submis- sion obtain some mercy or meed " (j.'St), doting = foolish, silly. DoYT (80c), doth. Draff, "the still sow cats up all the draf " (27c)— " draf is your errand, but drink ye would " (^id), draff = dregs, dirt, refuse, anything thrown away as unfit for food. " 'Tis old but true, Still swine eat all the draff." — Shakspcare, Merry Wives (1596), iv. 2. DRAWL.'iTCH, see John Drawlatch. Drede (75^), fear : in a lesser degree than is usually conveyed by the word. Drink, (a) " I drink (quoth she) ; quoth he, I will not pledge " (6od). (b) see Dratf. Drunk, (a) " drunk in the good ale glass " (45c), i.e. in a state of " alecie." {b) " he that killeth a man when he is drunk shall be hanged when he is sober " (28c). Drivel, "drivel and drudge" (836), drivel = scTvant. " To encourage the husband to use his wife as a vile dreuell."— Udall, Cornitli., ch. xi. Duck, "like a duke? like a duck! " (806), a play on words. 1 1:6 Note-Book and Word-List [dunstable 'J Dunstable, " as plain as Dunstable highway " (696), plain DHn^/af)/e = anything homely, plain, simple — why, is not clear : sometimes byeivay. " These men walked by-wayes, and the saying is, many by-walkers, many balkes, many balkes, much stumbling, and where much stumbling is, there is sometime a fall ; hovvbeit there were some good walkers among them, that walked in the king's high way ordinarily, up- right plaine Dunstable way." — Latimer, Sermons (d- 1^55)- DuR (gd, 20c, 2Gb, 32c, &;c.), door (A.S.). Dyke, " my beautiful marriage lieth in the dyke " (Sb). Ear, (a) " in at the one ear and out of the t'other " (92d). " But Troilus, that nigh for sorrow deide, Tooke little hede of all that ever he ment ; One eare it heard, at the other out it went." — Chaucer, Troilus and Crcseide (1369). (b) " her ears might well glow, for all the town talked of her " (52c), that the ears burn when talked of by someone absent is still a prevalent superstition. (c) " you had on your harvest ears, thick of hear- ing " (91a). " Thine eares be on pilgrimage, or in the wildernes, as they say commonly, thou hast on thy harvest eares, vestrce pcregrinantiir aiires." — Withal, Dictionary (1608), 46. (d) " he must both tell you a tale and find you ears " (91a). (e) " by the ears " (54(i), quarrelling, at strife. " Were half to half the world by the ears, and he Upon my party, I'd revolt." — Shakspeare, Coriolanus (i6io), i. I. Early " early up and never the near " (6d), near = nearer. " Better far off, than near be ne'er the near." — Shakspeare, Richard II. (1597), v. i. East, " the longer east, the shorter west " (506). Ebb, (a) " he was at an ebb, though he be now afloat " (38&), in difficulties or hard up, but now in better circumstances. (b) " thou art at an ebb in Newgate " (Epigrams). eye] Note-Book and Word-List 137 Eel, " as sure to hold as an eel by the tail " (24c), i.e. slippery, unreliable. " Cauda tenes anguillam : you have an eele by the taile." — Withal, Dictionary (ed. 1634), 554- " Paulo momento hue illuc impellitur. Hee is as wavering as a wethercocke. He is heere and their all in a moment. Theirs as much holde to his word, as to take a wet eele by the taile." — Terence in English (1614). Eel-skins, " we shall see him prove a merchant of eel- skins " (66c). Eggs, " in came the third, with his \' eggs " (5.^1 ), see Heywood, Works (E.E.D.S.), II. 220?;. End, (a) " some loose or odd end will come . . . some ... day " (45«). (6) " such beginning, such end " (94^)- (c) " the game from beginning sheweth what end is meant " {JS'^). Enough, (a) " enough is enough " (103a). " And of enough enough, and nowe no more, Bycause my braynes no better can devise ... It is enough and as good as a feast." — Gascoigne, Memories (1575). (6) " enough is as good as a feast " (103a). " It is an olde proverb He is well at ese y' hath enough and can say ho. He hath enough, holy doctours sav, to whom his temporall godes be they never so fewe sufTisen to him and to his, to fynde them that them nedyth." — Dives and Pauper {1493). (c) " he that knoweth when he hath enough is no fool " (8ic). (d) " here is enough and too much " (S2c). Envied, " better be envied than pitied " (32(j). Errand, (a) " thus is thine errand sped " (79(f). (6) " I am sped of mine errand " (loic). Even, " I shall be even with him " (3 if), on equality with, quits with : now chiefly colloquial. EvERYCHONE (5^), everyonc. E.\TREMITIES, " flee th'attempting of extremities " (6Sc), i.e. avoid the harshest measures. Eye, (a) " I might put my winning in mine eye and see never the worse " (42«). " You have had con- 1 38 Note-Book and Word-List [eyesore fcit-nccs and conferences again at Poissy and other places, and gained by them just as much as you might put in your eye, and see never the worse." — Bramhall, Works, i. 08. " Bating Namure, he might have put all the glorious harvests he yearly reap'd there into his eye, and not have prcjudic'd his royal sight in the least." — T. Brown, Works {d. 1682), }i. 329- (b) " better eye out than alway ache " (igd). (c) " he winlieth with the one eye and looketh out of the other " (406). ( worried, vexed ; gromwell seed being anciently ad- ministered for the cure of gravel. Ground, " these lovers . . . think the ground bear thr-m not" (25c), i.e. in modern phrase, are "up in the skies," have neither eyes nor ears for aught than their mutual endearments. Guest, (a) " an imbidden guest knoweth not where to sit" (216). (/)) " I bid you to dinner as no guest " (59a), i.e. without formality, to take "pot-luck," as we now have it. Or, it may be elliptical=" as we have no invited guests. " Gyles, " dread of such gyles " (4). (b) " thus had he brought haddock to paddock " (ggd), outrun the constable: liciddock = cod = purse (" the tish we call a hadock, or a cod " [Florio]) — the meaning thus being, a purse or bag of money has melted as if cast to the paddocks (frogs). Hair, (u) " make his hair grow through his hood " (bbb), i.e. go-betweens will become rivals : usually the phrase means " to cuckold." " It will make his hair grow through his hood." — Ingelend, Disobedient Child (c. 1550), ll'orks (E.E.D..S.), y^b. " French hood, French hood, I will make your hair grow thorough." — Middleton, .hiytliiiig for a Quiet Life (1662). (6) " long hair and short wit"" (82t/). " Hair! 'tis the basest stubble ; in scorn of it The proverb sprung, — He has more hair than wit." — Decker, Satiroiuastix (1002). " More hair than wit.^it may be; I'll prove it : The cover of the salt hides the salt, and therefore it is more than the salt : the hair, that covers the wit, is more than the wit, for the greater hides the less." — Shakspeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona (1595), iii. 2. (c) " take a hair from his beard " (jSi/j. Half, (a) " this half sheweth what the whole meaneth " {b) " that's just if the half shall judge the whole " (50a)- (c) " half warned, half armed " {~~a), the modern version is "forewarned, forearmed." Hall, " it is merry in hall when beards wag all " (jgtf), an extremely popular saying in olden times. " 'It is merry in hall when beards wag all.' Husband, for this, these words to mind I call : This is meant by men, in their merry eating. Not to wag their beards in brawling and threating. — Wife, the meaning hereof differeth not two pins, Between wagging of men's beards and women's chins." — Hevwood. Works 154 Note-Book and Word-List [halfpenny (E.E.D.S.), ii. 167^. " Be merry, be merry, my wife has all. For women are shrews, both short and tall, 'Tis merry in hall when beards wag all." — Shak- speare, 2 Henry IV. (1598), v. 3. Halfpenny, see Hand. Halves, " as for that, reason runneth to halves — As well for the cow calf as for the bull " (62a), see Cow-calf. Halter, " thy taking of thine halter in thine arms teacheth other to beware of their harms by thine " (42b). Hand, (a) " so hard is your hand set on your half- penny " (14c), eye on main chance, attention riveted on self-interest. " Ri. Dromio, looke heere, now is my hand on my half-peny. Half. 'I'hou liest, thou hast not a farthing to lay thy hands on." — Lyly, Mother Boinbie (1594). (b) " by your hand on your heart " (loic), as a symbol of sincerity. (c) " glad is he that hath her in hand " (52^), under control. (d) " many hands make light work " {66b). " The werke is the soner done that hathe many handes : Many handys make light werke : my leve child." — How the Goode Wif Thaiight Iiir Daughter (c. 1471), "3- (e) " both their hands full " (73c). (/) " she can play on both hands " (24^), is e.\pert, "wide." Hang, (a) " he that hangeth himself a Sunday, Shall hang still uncut down a Monday for me " (336). {b) " hang the bell about the cat's neck " (38^), see infra. " But they are loth to mell, and loth to hang the bell about the cat's neck, for dread to have a check."— Skelton, Colin Clout (c. 15 18), 165. " But, quoth one Mouse unto the rest, Which of us all dare be so stout To hang the bell cat's neck about? If here be any, let him speake. Then all replide. We are too weake : The stoutest Mouse and tallest Rat Doe tremble at a grim-fac'd Cat." — Diogines Lan- thorne (1607). HARE] Note-Book and Word-List 155 Hanged, " he that hath an ill name is half hanged " (77a), or modern, " give a dog a bad name and hang him." Hanging, see Wedding. Hap, (a) " such hap here hapt " (48c)—" brought by good hap " (75c), chance, fortune : subs, or verb. (b) " in hope of good hap " (looc), see supra. Happy, (o) " happy man, happy dole " (gd), a generic wish for success. " Wherein, happy man be his dole, I trust that I Shall not speede worst, and that very quickly." — Edwards, Damon and Pith., O. PI. (Reed), i. 177. (b) " better be happy then wise " (75c). Hardly, " hardly if ye can " (59c), boldly, certainly. " And hardly, aungel, trust therto. For doughtles it shal be do."— .1/S. Coll. Trin. Diibl. D. iv. 18. Hare, (a) " there goeth the hare away " (13a), i.e. " that's the gist, trend, secret, why and wherefore of the matter." " Man. By my fayth a lytell season I folowd the counsell and dyet of reason. Gets. There went the hare away." — -Medwall, Nature (1510). (b) " to hold with the hare and run with the hounds " (24a), play a double game, keep on good terms with two contending parties. (c) " mad as a March hare " {73a), a proverbial type of madness ; but Skelton has it differently. " Thanne they begynne to swere and to stare. And be as braynles as a Marshe hare."— Bloivbol's Test (14 — ?). "As mery as a Marche hare." — Skelton, Magn. (1526), 930. " I saye, thou madde Marche hare." — Skelton, Reply cation Against Certayiie Yong Scalers (1520). (d) " catch (or hunt for) a hare with a taber " (21a), to engage in or attempt a hopeless task : the taber was a shallow drum beaten with the fingers. " The poore man that gives but his bare fee, or perhaps pleads in jormA pauperis, he hunteth for hares with a taber, and gropeth in the darke to find a needle in a botle of hay." — Greene, Quip for an Upstart Cour- tier (1592), Harl. Misc., v. 407. " One day after the set of this comet men shall catch hares with tabers." 156 Note-Book and Word-List [harm — Simon Smel-knavc, Fearcjiill and Lamentable Effects of Two Dangerous Comets (1591). (f) " set the hare's head against the goose jiblet " (64H). " Ide set mine old debts against my new driblets, And the hare's foot against the goose gib- lets." — Decker, Shomakers Holiday (1600). Harm, (a) " there is no harm done in all this fray, Neither pot broken nor water spilt " (44c). (b) " thou art so wooed thou knowest not who doth thee harm, who doth thee good " (86c). (c) " it is good to beware bv other men's harms " {42b). Harp, (a) " ye harp on the string that giveth no melody " (Ojti), dwell persistently : see infra. (b) " harp no more on that string " {g6d), see supra. Harpers, " have among you blind harpers " (79b), a proverbial pledge in drinking. Macaulay observes that in the old ballad poetry, all the gold is " red " and all the ladies " gay." So, also, the harpers are blind. The Poet's Blind Man's Bough: or, Have among yon blinde Harpers, was the title of a tract by Martin Parker, printed in 1651. " Leoc. Have towards thee, Philotas. Phil. To thee, Archippus. Arch. To thee, Molops. Molops. Have among you, blind fiddlers." — Cartwright, Roy all Slave (165 1). Harvest, " a long harvest for a little corn " (46c). Haste, (a) " haste maketh waste " (6oc). (b) " the more haste the less speed " (7a). (c) " in more haste than good speed " (20^). (d) " no haste but good " (97c). (e) " then seeth he haste and wisdom things far odd " (7a). Hasty, " the hasty man never wanteth woe " (76). " Thou wert afire to be a ladie, and now your ladi- ship and you may both blowe at the cole, for aught I know. ' Selfe doe, selfe have.' 'The hastie man never wanteth woe,' they say." — Jonson, &c., East- zvard Hoe (1605), v. i. Hat, " mine old hat must have a new band " (52^). Hatchet, " I have hanged up my hatchet " (336). HEALING] Note-Book and Word-List 157 Hath been, " yc know what he hath been ... ye know not what he is " (^~d). Haut, " men haut or high " (8id), /(a!(i = proud. " No lord of thine, thou haught insulting man." — Shak- speare, Richard II. (1597), iv. i. Hawk, (a) " she hath one point of a good hawk, she is hardy " {6^b), bold, stubborn. (b) " he hath his hawks in the mew, but With I'mpty hands men may no hawks allure " (66b), mew = a place where falcons were kept. Hawking, (a) " the first point of hawking is hold fast " (64b). {b} " hawking upon me, his mind herein to break " (i8a), spluttering, spitting : hawk is from Welsh "hochi," apparently an imitative word (Skeat). Head, (a) " then have you his head fast under your girdle " (jib), on the hip, " in chancery." {b) " break my head and then give me a plaster " (95b). (c) " a scabbed head is soon broken " (60b). (d) " my aching head to ease I will couch a hogs- head " (58b), see Couch. (e) " when the head acheth, all the body is the worse " (85^). (/) " their heads full of bees " (47^), projects : usually denotive, however, of crazy crotchets. (g) see Nail. (h) " to-morrow I will to my beads to pray that as ye both will, so ache your heads " (58a). (i) " so many heads, so many wits " (gc). " Quot homines tot sentential " (Terence). " For amonge feaders are alwayes sondry appetytes, and in great assemblyes of people, dyvurse, and varyaunt judge- ments ; as the saynge is, so many heades, so many wyttes." — Queen Elizabeth, Godly Mcdiiacyon of ihe Christen Soivie (1548). " Ah, sirha, I see wel the olde proverbe is true, which saith : so many men so many mindes." — Gascoigne, Glasse of Government (1575)- (fe) " two heads are better than one " (23d). Healing, " it is ill healing of an old sore " (87c). 158 Note-Book and Word- List health Healt!i, " vc may write to your friends that yc are in health " (62^). Hear, (a) " a man should hear all parts, ere he judge anv " (49^)- (b) " I cannot hear on that side " {Eptgratns), an excuse for wilful deafness. Heart, {a) " to set at mv heart that thou settest at thy heel'" (346). (b) " she taketh such heart of grace " (87c), to pick up courage, some thinking it was originally " to take heart at grass " : in the Epigrams on Proverbs (92) both forms occur — " thou takest heart of grass . . . not heart of grace." " He came within the castle wall to-day. His absence gave him so much heart of grace, Where had my husband been but in the way. He durst not," &c.— Harington. Ariost. (1591), xxi. 39. (c) " your heart is in your hose " (36^), a simile of fear or trepidation : modern, " heart in mouth " or "shoes." "Be your hearts in your hose?" — Thcrsites, Anon. PL, Ser. i (E.E.D.S.), 208a. Heaven, (a) " she made us cheer heaven high " {6or), heartily, " sky-high," " raise the roof." (b) see Hell. Hedge, " where the hedge is lowest, men may soonest over " (68d). " Where hedge is lovve, there every man treads downe, And friendship failes, when Fortune list to frowne." — Gascoigne, Posies (1575). Heed. " take heed is a fair thing " (88c). Heels, " show (or take to) a fair pair of heels " (786), to take flight, run away. " Darest thou be so valiant as to play the coward with thy indenture and show it a fair pair of heels? " — Shakspeare, i Henry IV. (1598). ii- 4- Heinsby (38a), upstart, " nouveau riche " ; a generic reproach of any person in an inferior grade of society, or of low origin : cf. rudesby = im impertinent. Hek.st, " when bale is hekst, boot is next " (46c), things when at their worst begin to mend. " When bale is greatest, then is bote a nie bore." — Chaucer, Testament of Love. " When the bale is hest, Thenne ho] Note-Book and Word-List 159 is the bote nest, Quoth Hendyng." — Proverbs of Hendyng, MS. (c. 1320). Hen, " as nice as a nun's hen " (52c), a very ancient proverbial simile: ? nun = (a) a variety of pigeon having its head almost covered with a veil of feathers ; (b) the smew ; or (c) the blue titmouse — -most likely the last. " Women, women, love of women, Make bare purs with some men. Some be nyse as a nonne bene, Yet al thei be not soo ; Some be lewde, some all be schrewde, Go schrewes wher thei goo." — Satirical Verses on Women (1462). " 1 have the taught dyvysyon between Frende of effect, and frende of countenaunce ; The nedeth not the gall of none hen That cureth eyen." — Lydgate, Proverbes (c. 1520). " I knewe a priest that was as nice as a Nonnes Henne." — Wilson, Arte of Rhetorique (1562). Hept, " this hall hept with gold " (36a), heaped. Hereafter, " though hereafter come not yet " (82a). Hew, " hew not too high lest the chips fall in thine eye " (820). " For an old proverbe it is ledged ' he that heweth to hie, with chips he may lose his sight.' " — Chaucer, Testament of Love. High, (a) " not too high for the pie, nor too low for the crow " (82a). (b) see Hew. (c) " her heart is full high when her eye is fuU low " (28a). Hilt, " I will be as soon hilt " (44c), probably = cudgelled : /n7< = cudgel. Hip, " then have ye him on the hip or on the hurdle " (71&), at an advantage : probably from hunting (\ares) ; the hurdle in old law was a frame or sledge on which criminals were drawn from the prison to the place of execution, and designed to preserve the offender from the extreme torment of being dragged on the ground. " I'll have our Michael Cassio on the hip." — Shakspeare, Othello (1602), ii. 7. Ho, " to whom God bade Ho ! " (3qci), originally a call or exclamation ; hence a stop or limit, and whence many idioms — out of all lio = oul of all bounds; no ho l6o Note-Book and Word-List [hog with ]iiin = not to be restrained; Let us ho — stop. " Howbeit they would not crie hoa here, but sent in post some of their covent to Rome? " — Stanihurst, Description of Ireland, 26. Hog, (a) " routing like a hog " (30a), rout = snore. " Hark, my pygg, how the knave dooth rowte ! Well, whyle he sleepth in Idlenes lappe, Idlenes marke on liym shall 1 cappe." — Wit and Science (E.E.D.S., Anon. PL, Ser. 4). (b) " every man basteth the fat hog, but the lean shall burn ere he basted be " (46a). (c) " cast precious stones before hogs " (93a), a variant of " to cast pearls before swine." Hold, (a) " hold fast when ye have it " (29c), " sit tight," " freeze to." (b) " hold ye fast . . . lest ye be cast " (64b). (c) " who may hold that will away " (75^). (d) [She will] "let fall her hold [rather] than be too bold " (64b). HoLYDAY, (a) " this geare was gotten on a holyday " i75d). (b) " he laid up for holydays " (looc). Home, (a) " home is homely though it be poor " (lib), (b) " thou gossipest at home, to meet me at land's end " (83a). Honesty, " the flower of honesty " (28^), cf. " flower of chivalry," " flower of the flock," &c. Honey, " where words seemed honey . . . now are they mustard " (54^). Hood, " by my hood " (i02d), formerly, as now, the commonest as well as the most sacred thin<^s were convenient pegs upon which to hang a " cussword." Hook, (a) " avale, unhappy hook " (44a), adieu : hook = a term of reproach, here equivalent to " miserable failure." "That unhappy hook."^Heywood, Works (E.E.D.S.), I., 26c and 35^. (b) " by hook or by crook " (44a), by some means or other, by fair means or foul, at all hazards : a term derived from old forestry. " Nor will suffer this boke, By hooko or by crooke, Prynted for to be." — Skelton, Colin Clout (1520). " r")vnmuro Wood was horse] Note-Book and Word-List i6r ever open and common to the . . . inhabitants of Bodmin ... to bear away upon their backs a burden of lop, crop, hook, crook, and bag wood." — Bodmin Register (1525). H0P-0N-.MV-THUMB, "it is a small hop on my thumb " (31b), a small, insignificant person : in derision. " Plain friend hop o' my thumb, know you who we are? " — .Shakspcare, Taming of the Shreiv (1593). HOPPETH, " when wooers hop in and out, long time may bring him that hoppeth best, at last to have the ring " (ga). Horn wood (99c), i.e. horn-mad, stark staring mad because cuckolded ; see Wood. " Sure my mistress is horn-mad." — Shakspeare, Comedy of Errors (1593), ii. I. Horse, (a) " rub a galled horse on the back and he will kick " (Epigrams), see next entry. (b) " I rub the galled horse back' till he winch " (84c), wmc/j = wince. (c) " a scald horse is good enough for a scabb'd squire" (40b), i.e. like to like; a mangy screw is good enough for a disreputable rider : " scald " and " scabb'd " are synonymous, and both are used in contempt of anything shabby, disgusting, or paltry. " Like lettuce like lips, a scab'd horse for a scald squire.'"— New Custom, Anon. PL, .Ser. i (E.E.D.S.), 174^. (d) " a short horse is soon curried " (23&). (e) " a man may well lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink " (33(1). (/) " it be a good horse that never stumbleth " (20a). " A good horse that trippeth not once in a journey." — Three Proper and Wittie Familiar Letters (1580). (g) " some man may steal a horse better than some other may stand and look upon " (qid). " Good Epi, let mee take a nap ; for as some man may better steale a horse then another looke over a hedge ; so divers shall be sleepie when they would fainest take rest." — Lyly, Endiiiiion (1591). (h) " it is . . . a proud horse that will not bear his own provender " (98^). " Sir, hco's a proud horse that will not carry his own provander, I warrant yee. " — Porter, T-mo Angry Women of Abingdon (1599). HEY. PROV. M i62 Note-Book and Word-List [horse loavhs («') " recover the horse, or lose the saddle too " (95")- (j) " no man ought to look a given horse in the mouth " (i^f). " A gyven hors may not be loked in the tethc." — Viilgaria Statubrigi (c. 1510). "It is certainly as old as Jerome, a Latin father of the fourth centurv ; who when found fault with . . . quoted the proverb, that it did not behove to look a gift horse in the mouth." — Trench, Proverbs and their Lessons. (fc) " as shortly as a horse will lick his ear " (93d). (/) " it would have made a horse break his halter " {53d). (m) " God have mercy, horse " (ySc), i.e. God help us; according to Tarlton's Jests (1611), this arose from an adventure of Richard Tarleton, the player, with Banks's performing horse, Morocco, the phrase being a retoit that tickled the ears of the assembled crowd and " caught on." (»j) " the grey maro is the better horse " {6:\a), the wife is master : a tradition, perhaps, of the time when priests were forbidden to carry arms or ride on a male horse : Non eniin licucrate ponttficcm sacroruin vel ar)iia ferre, vel praeter qiiaw in eqntid cqiiitare. — Beda, Hist. Eccl. ii. 13. Fr. Mariage d'epervier = a hawk's marriage ; the female hawk being the larger and stronger bird. Lord Macaulay's e.xplanation (pre- ference given to the grey mares of Flanders over the finest coach horses of England) is the merest guess- i\ork. " What ! shall the grave mayre be the better horse, And the wanton styll at home? " — Pryde and Abuse of Women Nozv a Daycs (c. 1550). (o) " evermore the common horse is worst shod " (^2(7), cfa " the shoemaker's wife is worst shod." (/>) " folk call on the horse that will carry alway " (42a), in modern phrase, " the willing horse is always most ridden." (q) " as wholesome a morsel for my comely corse as a shoulder of mutton for a sick horse " (85a), utterly worthless, distasteful. " Counsel to him is as good as a shoulder of mutton to a sick horse." — Jonson, Every Man in his Humour (1596), ii. i. Horse loaves, " as high as two horse loaves her person is " (24c), a jocular standard of measurement (some- times three horse loaves) : compare the phrase still hunger] Note-Book and Word-List 163 current which says that diminutive persons must stand on three penny loaves to look over the back of a goat, or a duck. The horse-loaf was made of beans and wheat. " Her stature scant three horse loaves did exceed." — Harington, Ariosto. Horse plu.m, " purple ruddy like a horse plum " (24c), horse, a generic qualificative = coarse, large. Hose, " your heart is in your hose " (36^), see Heart. " Primus Pastor, Breck outt youre voce, let se as ye yelp. Tercius Pastor. I may not for the pose bot I have help. Secundus Pastor. A, thy hert is in thy hose." — Towneley Mysteries (c. 1430). Host, see Reckoners. Hot, (a) " hot love soon cold " (6d). " Dowghter, in this I can thinke none oother But that it is true thys proverbe old, Hastye love is soone hot and soone cold ! " — Wyt and Science (c. 1540), Anon. PL, Ser. 4. (b) " when th' iron is hot, strike," see Iron. (c) "little pot soon hot," see Pot. House, " a man may love his house well though he ride not on the ridge " (6ia). Householders, see Wishers. Housewife, " a clean-fingered housewife and an idle " (26c), i.e. if a mistress does her duty she cannot ever have clean hands. Hundred, " what ye won in the hundred ye lose in tiie shire " (926), hiindred = a division of a county in England, supposed to be named from originally con- taining one hundred families of freemen. Hunger, (a) " hunger droppeth over out of both their noses " (39^). (b) " hunger piorceth stone wall " (47a). " They said, they were an-hungry ; sigh'd forth proverbs; — That, hunger broke stone walls ; that, dogs must eat ; That, meat was made for mouths ; that, the gods sent not corn for the rich man only." — Shakspeare, Corio- laiius (1610), i. I. (c) " hunger maketh hard beans sweet " (296), cf. " hunger is the best sauce." (d) " they must hunger in frost, that will not work in heat " (34d). M 2 164 Note-Book and Word-List [hunter (e) " two hungry meals made the third a glutton " Hunter, " close hunting the good hunter alloweth " (72a). Husbands, " husbands are in heaven whose wives scold not " (8sc). Huswife (250), primarily a housewife : whence (a) domestic servant ; (b) a wanton or a gad-about wench ; and (c) a comic endearment. Hence, too, ' house- wifery " and " housewife's tricks " = the habit of wantonness. " A gude husy-wife ay rinning in the toun." — Gaivain and Gologras, "Ballade" (1508), Pinkerton, Scottish Poems (1792), iii. " Half lost for lack of a good huswife's looking to." — Puttenham, English Poesie (1589), ii. 16 (ed. .Arber, 148). " Hus- wife, I'll have vou whipped for slandering me."— Look About You (1600), sc. 28 (Dodsley, Old Plays, 4th ed., 1875, vii. 476). Ignorancy, " cometh not of ignorancy " (73b), ignor- ance. " Rocked in blyndnes and ignorauncy." — Tyn- dall, Workes, 157. Iles, see Out isles. Ill, (a) " from ill to worse and worse " (89a), the modern version is " bad to worse." (b) " of two ills choose the least " (i2d). " Of harmes two the lesse is for to cheese." — Chaucer, Troiliis and Creseide. (c) " turn ... ill beginning to a good end " (89c). (d) " ill believed and worse heard " (91b). (e) " they that think none ill are soonest beguiled " (73^)- (/) " all be not a-bed that shall have ill rest " (86d). (g) " an ill wind that bloweth no man to good " (03c). Importable, " may grow importable " (82??), unendur- able, insupportable. " Beware of the importable bur- dens of the high-mynded pharisees. " — Bale. English ]'otaries, pt. i. In, " in by the week " (84??), see Week. JACK] Note-Book and Word-List 165 Inch, (a) "as good is an inch as an ell" {gsc),eH = a cloth measure (in England 45 inches) : cf. " it is the first step that counts." (b) " when I gave you an inch ye took an ell, till both ell and inch be gone " (95c), see supra (a). (c) " better an inch of your will than an ell of your thrift " (95^), see supra (a). (d) " an inch breaketh no square " (Epigrams). Ink. " ink is all black and hath an ill smack. No man will it drink or eat " (63a). Inn, " to take mine ease in mine inn " (i2d), to enjoy oneself as if one were at home. " Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn, but I shall have my pocket picked? "— Shakspeare, i Henry IV. (1598), iii. 3. Instep, " high in th 'instep " (37^), haughty, proud. " The gentleman was grown higher in the instep, as appeared by the insolent conditions he required." — Moryson, Itin. (1617), ii- 26. " He was too high in the instep to wear another man's shoes." — Fuller, Holy War (1639), 11. viii. (1647), 53. Iron, " when the iron is hot strike " (8c), act at the appropriate time. " Right so as while that iron is hot, men should strike." — Chaucer, Mclib. (c. 1386), 70. Itch, " itch and ease can no man please " {62b). Itching, " he whom in itching no scratching will for- bear, he must bear the smarting that shall follow- there " (28c). IvvYS (passim), certainly, indeed, truly: often no more than a metrical tag. Jack, (a) " jack out of office " (58^), one dismissed or out of employment. " For liberalitie is tourned Jacke out of office, and others appointed to have the custo- die." — -Rich, Farewell to Militarie Profession (1581). (b) " all shall be well. Jack shall have Gill " (58^), Jack and Gill are generic for " man " and " woman " : specifically of the common people. " For Jok nor for Gyll will I turne my face." — Toivulcy Myst. (c. 1460), iii. 336. (c) " I have been common Jack to all that whole flock " (41''). in disparagement; i.e. at everyone's beck i66 Note-Book and Word-List [jerman and call : cf. " a tvvangling jack " (Taming of the Shrew), and " silken, sly, insinuating jacks " (Richard III.). Jerman, "just as Jerman 's lips" (566). "As just as German's lips, which came not together by nine mile." — Latimer, Remaines. "Agree like Dogge and Catte, and meete as just as German's lippes." — Gosson, Schole of Ahxise. Jesting, " it is ill jesting on the sooth " (88a), i.e. true jesting is no jest at all : 50ot/i = truth. Jet, suhs. and verb (passim), strut, swagger, pose. " O peace ! Contemplation makes a rare turkey-cock of him; how he jets under his advanc'd plumes!" — .Shakspeare, I'lvelftli NigJit (1602), ii. 5. Joan (or Jone), " ye should have none for Jone " (96c), Joan — a generic name for a female rustic. " Some men must love my lady, and some Joan." — Shak- speare, Love's Labour Lost (1588), iii. i. 207. John Drawlatch (88c), a thief; also idle fellow, loafer, ne'er-do-well. " Well, phisitian, attend in my cham- ber heere, till Stilt and I returne ; and if I pepper him not, say I am not worthy to be cald a duke, but a drawlatch." — Chettle, Hoffman (1602). Joy, (a) " for one month's joy, to bring her whole life sorrow " (27c), in allusion to the honeymoon. (b) " poverty brought that joy to joyfail " (looc). (c) " with all your joy join all your jeopardy " (loic). Joyfail, " poverty brought that joy to joyfail " (lOoc), joyfail — a nonce word intended as a pun. Ji^DiCARE, " to know how Judicare came into the Creed " (206). Ka, " ka me, ka thee " (4if), a phrase implying mutual help, service, flattery and the like. " To keep this rule, kaw me and I kaw thee." — Lodge, Fig for .Momus (1595), Sat. i. Key, (a) " cold as a key " (54?^, as cold as may be, spec, cold as in death: usually "key-cold." "With quaikard voce and hart cald as a key." — Douglas, KNAVE] Note-Book and Word-List 167 Pal. Hon. (1501), 674. " Poor key-cold figure of a holy king."— Shakspeare, Richard HI. (1597), i- 2. (b) " the keys hang not all by one man's girdle " (37a)- Kid, " a piece of a kid is worth two of a cat " (Soa). Kind, " kind will creep where it may not go " (33c), /emd = human nature, kinship. " He . . . rode in poste to his kynsman . . . verefiying the old pro- verbe : kvnne will crepe, where it male not go." — Hall, Cliron. (c. 1548), Ediv. IV., 190. "Ay, gentle Thurio; for you know that love Will creep in service when it cannot go." — Shakspeare, Two Gcntleiiicu of Verona (1595), iv. 2. Kinsfolk, " many kinsfolk, few friends " (45^). KiRTLE, " though nigh be my kirtlo yet near is my smock" (28d), fc«>»e = originally a man's garment reaching to the knees or lower, sometimes the only body garment, but more usually worn with a shirt (or smock) beneath, and a cloak or mantle above ; also (as here) a woman's gown : both forms became archaic long since. " Beside, there is a antiquitie a proverb no lessc practised then common, which is. Nearer unto mee is my shirt then my coate ; by following of which, everv man commonly loveth his owne jirofit more than others." — The Contention betwecne Three Brethren; the Whore-monger, tlie Drunkard, and the Dice Player (1608). Kiss, (a) " many kiss the child for the nurse's sake " (84rf). (b) " how can she give a kiss, sour or sweet? Her chin and her nose within half an inch meet " (53a). Knacks, " such knacks in her bougct " (75&), see Bouget. Knave, (a) " two false knaves need no broker " (35(^), broker = a go-between. " Some will say, A crafty knave need no broker. But here's a craftie knave and a broker too." — Knacke to Knowe a Knave (1594). " As two false knaves need no Broker, for they can easily enough agree in wickednesse . . . so among true and faithfull men, there need no others." — .1 Sword against .Swearers (i6ii). 1 08 Note-Book and Word-List [knowledge (b) " an old knave is no child " (58a), see infra. " Thus the English proverb saith, No knave to the learned knave." — Moryson, Itin. (1627), iii. 5. (c) " an old knave is no babe " {Epigrams), see supra. (d) " the one knave now croucheth while the Other craveth " (36a). (e) " it is merry when 1-cnaves meet " (35^)- " No more of Cocke now I wryte, But mery it is when knaves done mete." — Cocke Lorellcs Bote {c. 1510). " Merrie meeting? why that Title is stale. There's a Boke cald Tis merry when knaves meete, and there's a Ballad Tis merry when Malt-men meete; and besides there's an old Proverbe The more the merrier." — Samuel Rowlands, Tis Merrie when Gos- sips meete (1602). (/) " the more knaves the worse company " (36«). Knowledge, " I know and knowledge " (26a), own, acknowledge, confess. " They knowledge thee to be the Father of an infinite majesty." — Goodly Primer (1535), 82 (1834). Knucklebonyard, "he is a knucklebonyard " (40b), a clumsy fellow. " A knokylbonyarde wyll counterfete a Clarke, He wolde trotte gentvllv, but he is to stark." — Skelton, Magn. (1526), 48,^.' ' Lap.our, "ye shall never labour younger" (21c), be- come, grow: cf. to labour on — to go on. Labouretii, " reason laboureth will " (136), cultivates. Lack, (a) " lack is the loss of these two young fools " (b) " no lack to lack a wife " (1030). (c) " ye had been lost to lack your lust " (32c), ZMst = wish, desire. Lady, " there is nothing that agree'th worse than n lady's heart and a beggar's purse " (276). Lamb, " look like a lamb " (91c). Lambskin, (a) " as soon goeth the young lamb's skin to the market as the old ewe's " (60c). " It is a com- mon saying, there do come as manv skins of calves i.AVj Note-Book and Word-List 169 to the market as there do of bulls or kinc." — Barclay, Ship of Fools (1509). (b) " a lambskin ... to lap her in " (76c), i.e. beat, trounce her: lamb shin = stroke, blow; lap = coil, wind round, wrap up (cf. " The Wife Lapped in Mowelles Skin," Earl. Pop. Poet., iv. 179). "And because therof, I did give her three or four lamb- skines with the yerd. Thou servedst her well ynough, said he." — MS. AslinioL, 208. Lap, see Lambskin (b). L.\RUM (786), hubbub, uproar. " Then the crye and larum began." — Berners, Hiion (c. 1533), cxxix. 472. Last, " he that cometh last make all fast " (Epigrams). L./VTE, (a) " better late than never " {26b). " Far bet than never is late." — Chaucer, Can. Veom. Prol. and T. (c. 1386), S57. Also in Tusser's Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. (b) " too late . . . this repentance shewed is " {26b). Laugh, " they laugh that win " (lod and Epigrams), the adage occurs in various forms : " they win that laugh"; "they laugh best that laugh last"; "give losers leave to talk," &c. "Give loosers leave to talke : it is no matter what sic probo and his penni- lesse companions prate, whilst we have the gold in our coffers." — Nash, Pierce Pcuilessc (1592). "Let them laugh that win the prize." — May, Heir (1622), iii. I. Laugiiikg, " from laughing to lowering " (54c). Laughter, " better is the last smile then the first laughter " (q^d), see Laugh. Lawn, " he that will sell lawn before he can fold it, he shall repent him before he have sold it " (lo^)- Another " lawn " proverb says, " No piece of lawn so pure but hath some fret " (Barnefield, Pecunia, 1508, xxxvi.). Lay, (a) " reason for reason ye so stiffly lav by proverb for proverb " (i^d), compare with " They conferre the one with the other, and lay them with the lawe." — Tr. BuUinger's Decades (1577), 11. viii. 192. (6) " the trial thereof we will lay a water till we 17° Note-Book and Word-List [lkak try mcirc " (iogs in a bed : and he tiiat is too prodigal in spend- lion] Note- Book and Word-List 171 ing, shall die a beggar b)' the statute." — Fennilesse Parliament of Threadbare Poets (1608). Leman, " as tender as a parson's leman " (26c), mis- tress, concubine : also a gallant or lover. " They t'ounde greater gaines by priestes lemmans then they were like to haue bv priestes wives." — T. Wilson, Rhet. (1553), 28b. Length, " yourself to length it taketh direct trade " (14c), prolong, lengthen, spin out. " Thought must length it." — Daniel, Zeihys Fcstiv. (1610), F. ^b. Lese (24c, 396, 51b, 67c, et passim), lose. Less, " who will do loss than thev that may do most " (39^)- Lies, " lies laid on by load " (ySd). Life, " what is life where living is extinct clear? " (90c). Light, (a) " light come, light go " (93^). " Wyte thou wele it schall be so, That lyghtly cum schall lyghtly go." — Debate of the Carpenter's Tools. [b) " light gains make heavy purses " (37b). (c) " ye stand in your own light " (62c), injure your own interests. " 'lake counsel and do not stand in your own light." — Jonson, Talc of a Tub (1633), ii. i. Like, "like will to like" (iia), a typical proverbial formula, with many variants — " like master, like man"; "like lord, like chaplain"; "like carpenter, like chips"; "like men, like manners," &c. : Ful- well's Like Will to Like is the title of an early play. Lime-fingered (26(), given to pilfering. " They are light-footed and lime-fingered."- — Purchas, Pilgrimage (1613), VIII. iv. 029. Line, (a) " as right as a line " {33d), in a direct course, straightforwardly, immediately : also line-right. " Streyt as lyne he com." — Chaucer, Troilus (c. 1374), II. 1412 (1461). (6) " we drew both in one line " (8ob), were unani- mous, in complete accord. " The Senat thus drawing all in a line." — Holland, Livy (1600), xi.ii. xxi. 1127. Lion, " as fierce as a lion of Cotsolde " (44fi), a sheep : cf. Essex (or Rittnford) lioii = a calf. " Carlus is as 172 Note-Book and Word-List [lips furious as a lyon of Cotsold." — Davies, Epigrams (1596). " You stale old ruftian, you lion of Cots- olde. "—StV John Oldcastlc. Lips, (a) " such lips, such lettice " (Sod), see Like. {h) " your lips hang in your light " (62b), i.e. hang- ing your lips in vexation is against your interests. List, " which we list " (Sa), like, wish, desire. Listening, " I have learned in listening " (43&), cf. " listeners hear no good of themselves." LiTHER, " too lithrr " (48a ; also 73c), bad, rascally inclined. Litter, " the litter is like to the sire and the dam " (33c), see Like. Logic, " she choppeth logic " (64b), argues a point, is contentious, answers sharply. " If he heare you thus play choploge. " — Udall, Roister Doister (E.E.D.S.), iii. 2. Long, " long be thy legs and short be thy life " (82tfl. LoNGETH, " that longeth thereto " (34^), is appropriate to, that pertains to; often written " 'longeth," as if = " belong." " With such austerity as longeth to a father." — Shakspeare, Taming of a Shretv (1596), iv. 4. 6. Look, (a) " look ere thou leap " (7c), see Leap. (b) " look as ye list " (911), /isf^like, wish, desire. Lord, (a) " there is no good accord where every man would be a lord " (74^). (h) " there is nothing in this world that agreeth worse than doth a lord's heart and a beggar's purse " (Epignutis), see Lady. LoRNE, " the corn is lorne " (27^), injured, ruined, spoilt. Lose, " lose both living and love of all their kin " Losers, " let the losers have their words " (~6b). Lost, (a) " as good lost as found " (28a). (b) " it is lost that is unsought " (38c). (c) " like one half lost till grecdv grasping got it " (97'0. malkin] Note-Book and Word-List 173 LoTHE, " the lothe stake " (bod), ugly, rough, mis- shapen. Love, (a) " in love is no lack " (lod). (b) " love me, love my dog " (93a), a proverb in the time of Saint Bernard. " Cudora. Love me? — love my dog ! Tharsalis. I am bound to that by the proverb, madam." — Chapman, Widozv's Tears (1612). (c) " love me little, love me long " (S7&). " Bella- inira. Come, gentle Ithamore, lie in my lap. Itha- more. Love me little, love me long ; let music rumble, Whilst I in thy incony lap do tumble." — Marlowe, Jew of Malta (1586), iv. (d) " by love, without regard of living, these twain have wrought each other ill chieving " (48c). (e) " love hath lost them the love of their friends " (48d). (/) " we could live by love " (loc). (g) " lovers live by love ... as larks live by leeks " (250- (h) " what need we lump out love at once lashing " (57«)- LovEDAY, " break a loveday " (6gb), an agreement for the amicable settlement of a dispute. " He is more redy to make a fraye than a loue day." — Herman, Vulg. (1519), vii. 66 b. Mackabroine, " such a mackabroine " (74f), old hag : from Fr. machabree ; Murray marlcs it "rare," and gives only the present instance. Maister, " maister promotion saieth " (ijc), master. Maistry, " use maketh maistry " (55^), gives power, skill, the knowledge and experience which constitutes a master. Make, (a) " make or mar I will " (Epigrams). (b) "how fiek and his make" (70a), nzafee = com- panion. " This is no season To seek new makes in." — Jonson, Tale of a Tub (1633), i. i. Makebate (24a), breeder of strife. " Such a malicious makebate." — More, Stippl. Soiilys (1529), Wks., 296. 2. Malkin, " more maids but Malkin " (32c), Malkin ( = Mary) is generic for a woman of low birth, countrv wench, servant : frequently used proverbially to signify 174 Note- Book and Word-List [malt drab, wanton. " There are more houses then Parishe Churches, more maydes than Maulkin." — Gosson, Sell, of Abuses (1597), 37 (Arber). Malt, (a) " soft fire maketh sweet malt " (6c), an ad- monition to be gentle or merciful : see Fire. (b) " malt is above wheat with him " (31a), i.e. " he is under the influence of drink." " Malt is now aboue wheat with a number of mad people." — Breton, Fantastickes (1626), B3. Man, see Play. March hare, " as mad as a March hare " (73a), see Hare. Mare, (a) " my old mare would have a new crupper " (/>) " the grey mare is the better horse " (64a), see Horse. {c\ " well nigh every day a new mare or a moil " (8ia), mare = a woman (contemptuously); rj]0«7 = mule (also contemptuously of a trull, for the sake of the rhyme). Market, " the marl-cet goeth by the market men " (38a), i.e. prices, rate of purchase and sale. Marks, " yet have ye other marks to rove at hand " (37(7), rove = to shoot at. Marrlage, " a goodly marriage she is . . . were the woman away " (52^), i.e. her money is desirable if her person is not. Marry, " when men will needs marry wisdom and haste may vary " (49a). Marrying, " marrying or marring " (i8c), in slightly different guise still proverbial. Marybones, " on your mary bones crouch to the ground " (22a), the knees. " Down he fel vpon his maribones." — More, Confut. Tindale (1532), IVks., 727/2. Mastery, see Maistry. Matins, "if it be morn we have a pair of matins " (78«). Maugre, " maugre her head " (48a), in spite of : Fr., tnalgre. mekchantJ Note-Book and Word-List 175 May, (a) '' that one may not another may " (55 = numeral adjective, a reduced form of 6n, oon : cf. nothing. " O flessh they been, and o flessh as I gesse Hath but oon herte, in wele and in distresse." — Chaucer, Merch. T. (c. 1386), 91. " 111 huswiferie othing or other must craue." — Tusser, Husb. (1573), 184 (1878). i82 Note-Book and Word-List [our Out, " out of sight, out of mind " (8d). Out iles (41^), properly islands away from the main- land : here figuratively for an outlandish district, up- country away from a centre of population. Oven, " no man will another in the oven seek, except that himself have been there before " {846), the com- monest version is, " no woman will her daughter seek in the oven," &c. " A hackney proverb in men's mouths ever since King Lud was a little boy, or Belinus, Brennus' brother, for the love hee bare to oysters, built Billingsgate." — Nash, Have with yon to Saffron Waldon (1596), 157. OvERTHWART, " ovcrthwart the shins " (24c), across. Owl, " keep corners, or hollow trees with th' owl " (71c). Own, " alwav own is own at the reckoning's end " (64d). Pad, " it will breed a pad in the straw " (63d), a lurk- ing or hidden danger. " Though they make never so fayre a face, yet there is a padde in the strawe." — Palsgrave, &c. (1530), 595. i- Pain, (a) " change from ill pain to worse is worth small hire " (72c). (b) " plant your own pain " {6gb). (c) " I have wrought mine own pain " (26a). (d) " take a pain for a pleasure all wise men can " Pair, see Mend. Pannier, see Pig. Paring, " she will not part with the paring of her nails " (40a). Parish priest, " the parish priest forgetteth that ever he hath been holy water clerk " (38b). Pars vers, " tell him he's pars vers " (59c), perverse. Parsons, " long standing and small offering maketh poor parsons " (98a). Past, " let all things past, pass " (90b), let bygones be bygones ; let sleeping dogs lie. 1'Hnny] Note-Book and Word-List 183 Paternoster, (a) " he may be in my paternoster . . . but ... he shall never cortre in my creed " (96c). " 1 trust yee remember your jugling at Newington with a christall stone, your knaveries in the wood by Wanstead, the wondrous treasure you would discover in the Isle of Wight, al your villanies about that peece of service, as perfectly known to some of my friends yet living as their Paster-noster, who curse the time you ever came into their creed." — Chettle, Kind- Heart's Dream (1592). {b) " no penny, no paternoster " (96c), no pay, no prayers. " The Pater-noster, which was wont to fill a sheet of paper, is written in the compasse of a penny ; whereupon one merrily assumed that proverbe to be derived, No penny no pater-noster. Which their nice curtayling putteth mee in minde of the custome of the Scythians, who, if they had beene at any time distressed with famine, tooke in their girdles shorter." — Greene, Arcadia (1587). (c) " pattering the devil's paternoster to himself " (3gb), grumbling, muttering imprecations. " Yet wol they seyn harm and grucche and murmure priuely for verrav despit, whiche wordes men clepen the deueles Pater noster." — Chaucer, Pars. T. (c. 1386), 434. Patience, " let patience grow in your garden alway " (44d). Pay, see Shot. Payment, " misreckoning is no payment " (64^). Peas, " who hath many peas may put the more in the pot " (I2C). Penny, (a) " a penny for your thought " {6ih}, a call to persons in a "brown study." "Come, friar, I_ will shake him from his dumps. How cheer you, sir? a penny for vour thought." — Greene, Friar Bacon (1588), 161. (b) " to turn the penny " (92b), earn money : the phrase occurs (1510) in Foxe's Acts and Monuments, iv. " His wyfe made hym so wyse, That he wolde tourne a peny twyse. And then he called it a ferthynge." — Maid Emlyn (c. 1520) [Hazlitt, Early Pop. Poet. iv. 85]. (c) " not one penny to bless him " (89a), very poor. 184 Note-Book and Word-List [pepper Pepper, (a) " pepper in the nose " (64c), quick at offence, testy : Fr., moiiUtrde ait uez. " There are ful proude-herted men paciente of tonge, And boxome as of berynge to burgeys and to lordes, And to pore peple liav peper in the nose." — Langland, Piers Plowman (1362), XV. 107. (6) " pepper is bhick and hath a good smack " (62d). Peter, " to rob Peter and pay Paul " (31c), to take of one to give to another. The proverb pretty certainly derives its origin from the fact that in the reign of Edward \T. the lands of St. Peter at Westminster were appropriated to raise money for the repair of St. Paul's in London. John Thirlby, the first and only Bishop of Westminster (1541-50), " having wasted the patrimony allotted by the King (Hen. VIIL) for the support of the see, was translated to Norwich, and with him ended the bishopric of Westminster " (Haydn, Dignities). Heylin (Hist. Rcf. i. 256, 1661) says that the lands at Westminster were so dilapidated by Bishop 'I'hirlby that there was almost nothing to support the dignity. . . . Most of the lands invaded by the great men of the Court, the rest laid out for reparation to the Church of St. Paul, pared almost to the very quick in those days of rapine. From hence, he says, came first that significant byword (as is said by some) of robbing Peter to pay Paul. The French form of the proverb, " d^couvrir saint Pierre pour couvrir saint Paul " gives additional colouring to the statement, and is supported by Barclay in his Eclogues (Percy Soc. xxiii. xvii.), " They robbe bt. Peter to cloth St. Paul." PiCKTH.^NK (23(i), toady : also as verb. " There be two tythes, rude and ranke, Symkyn Tytyuell and Pers Pykthanke." — Skelton, Works (1513-25), ii. 60 (Dyce). Pie, " merry as a pie " (60a). Piece, " this maid, the piece peerless in mine eye " (loc), piece i= a person, male or female: often in con- tempt. " His princess say you? . . . Ay, the most peerless piece." — Shaicspearc, Winter's Talc (1604), V. I. plain] Note-Book and Word-List 1S5 Pig, ((() " a pig of mine own sow " (j^c). (b) " to buy the pig in the poke " (97^), of a blind bargain. " And in the floor, with nuse and mouth to broke. They walwe as doon two pigges in a poke." — Chaucer, Reeves Tale (c. 1386), 358. (c) " yet snatch ye at the poke that the pig is in, not for the poke, but the pig good cheap to win " (97d). (d) " when the pig is proffered . . . hold up the poke " (Sc), " never refuse a good bargain." " When me profereth the pigge, open the poghe." — Douce MS. (c. 1400), 52. (e) "bid nie welcome, pig; I prav thee kiss me (79 J). (/) " a pig of the worse panier " (102c). Pike, "one good lesson ... I pike" (Sc, im, 72?)), mark, note, learn, pick out. Piked, "a pretty piked matter" (44c,), pikcd = marked : thus " a pretty kettle of fish." Pilate's voice (25a), a loud, ranting voice. " In Pilate voys he gan to cry. And swor by armes, and by blood and bones." — Chaucer, Cant. Tales (c. 1386), 3126. PiN'CHPEN'NY, " that benchwhistler is a pinchpenny (37c), a niggard in food, dress, or money : it early occurs in Occleve (14 12), De Reg. Princip. " They accompt one ... a pynch penny if he be not prody- gall." — Lyly, Euphties, .iiiat. of Wit (1579), 109. Pipe, (a) " who that leaveth surety and leaneth unto chance when fools pipe, by authority he mav dance " (loid). (b) " to dance after her pipe " (756). (c) " he can ill pipe that lacketh his upper lip " (94^)- Pitchers, " small pitchers have wide ears " (05c), usually of children : what children hear at home soon flies abroad. " Q. Elizabeth. A parlous boy ; go to, you are too shrewd. Archbishop. Good madam, be not angry with the child. Q. Elizabeth. Pitchers have ears." — Shakspeare, Richard III. (1597), ii. 4. Plain, " plain without pleats " (696), in the Epigrams on Proverbs (201) it is thus amplified, " Ihe plain fashion is best . . . plain without plates." i86 Note-Book and Word- List [play Tlay, " as good plav for nought as work for nought " (44^)- Pleasure, (a) " who will in time present, pleasure re- frain, shall in time to come more pleasure obtain (b) " flee pleasure and pleasure will follow thee : follow pleasure and then will pleasure flee " (32^). Plenty, " plenty is no dainty " (62b). Pompous provision, " pompous provision comcth not all alway of gluttony but of pride some time " {Sid). Post, (a) " from post to pillar 1 have been tost " (ssf), hither and thither, with aimless effort or action : literally, from the same ;o the same — pillar = hat. coluiiuia = post. Thus in the Ayenbite of Iiiwit a good man becomes a post in God's temple. " And, dainty duke, whose doughty dismal fame From Dis to Djedalus, from post to pillar, Is blown abroad." — - Shakspeare and Fletcher, Tivo Noble Kinsmen (c. 1611), iii. 5. (b) " in post pace " (sib), with all possible speed or expedition. " Lord George your brother, Norfolk, and myself. In haste, post-haste, are come to join with you." — Shakspeare, 3 Henry VI. (1594), ii. i. (c) "a mill post thwitten to a pudding prick " (loia), said of unthrifts : twitten = to whittle down; pudding prick = the skewer used to fasten a pudding bag. (d) " a post of physic " (55c), probably a posset. Pot, (a) " the weaker goeth to the pot " (68d), pot has been thought to = (a) pit {i.e. of destruction), or {b) the melting pot of the refiner : the meaning, however, is clear, and the colloquialism, though ancient, is still in common use. In the illustration {infra) and in many monkish references the " pit " or " pot " is obviously a kind of oubliette, in which refractory monks or impenitent heretics were immured, suffering a lingering or speedy death at the will of their gaolers. " Under a pot he schal be put in a pryvie chamber." — Piers Plowman, 62. (b) "the pot so long to the water goeth, till at the last it cometh home broken " (826), i.e. the inevitable must happen. " So long went the pot to the water, prick] Note-Book and Word-List 187 that at last it came broken home, and so long put he his hand into his purse, that at last the empty bottome returned him a writ of Noit est invoiliis." — Greene, Never too Late (1590). (c) " neither pot broken nor water spilt." (d) " to see the pot both skimmed for running over and also all the liquor run at rover " (996), to run at rover = to have too much liberty : here = squandered, dissipated. (e) " he that coineth last to the pot is soonest wroth " (996). (/) " """y pot is whole and my water is clean " (83a). (g) "little pot soon hot " '(31b), a little suffices; little people (or minds) are soon angered. " Now were I not a little pot, and soon hot, my very lips might freeze to my very teeth, . . . for, considering the weather, a taller man than I will take cold." — Shak- speare. Taming of the Slireiv (1593), iv. i. Potted, " she was potted thus like a sot " (99b), ruined : see Pot (a). Poverty, " poverty parteth fellowship " (48^). Peril, " the peril of prating out of tune bv note " (68c). Prayers, " much motion ... to prayers with . . . little devotion " (96c). Prease, " some folk in luck cannot prease " (21b, 34c), press forward, hasten, "crowd in." "No humble suitors prease to speak for right." — Shakspeare, 3 Henry VI. (1595). iii. i. Prefe (in pi. Preves), " some case . . . showeth prefe " (46 J, 2yd), proof. Prick, (a) " folly it is to spurn against a prick " (686), in Biblical phrase, " to kick against," &-c. (b) " ye shoot nigh the prick " (15a), in archery the point or mark in the centre of the butts ; or, as we should now say, " the bull's-eye." " Therefore seeing that which is most perfect and best in shootinge, as alwayes to hit the pricke, was never seene nor hard tell on yet amonges men." — Ascham, Toxoph. (1544), 123. 1 88 Note-Book and Word-List [pride Pride, (a) " pride will have a fall " (27a). (b) " pride goeth before and shaine cometh after " {2~b). " Pryde gothe before and shame cometh be- hynde . . . We may wayle the tyme that ever it came here." — Treatise of a Gallant {c. 1510). Priest, " I would do more than the priest spake of on Sunday " (95^). Proface (79b), " much good may it do you ! " a common welcome at meals : in the Epigrams we have, " Reader . . . for preface, proface." " The dinner's half done before I say grace, And bid the old knight and his guest proface." — Hevwood, Wise II'o)». of Hogsdon (1638). Proffered, " proffered service stinketh " (6uj). Property, " her property preves ' {2yd), cloak, disguise. Prophet, " not to my profit a prophet was I " (91b), the pun still does yeoman service as such. Proud, " I proud and thou proud who shall bear th' ashes out? " (26d). Provender, " his provender pricketh him " {Epigrams). Pudding time, " this year cometh ... in pudding time " (97c), in the nick of time, opportunely. " You come in pudding time, or else I had dress'd them." — Tylney, Locrine (1594), iii. 3. Pulpit, " a proper pulpit piece " (S2c), " gospel," some- thing to be received without question because ex- pounded as it were ex cathedra. Purse, (a) " the purse is threadbare " {20b). {b) " he is purse sick and lacketh a physician " (416), needy, hard up. (c) " ye would by my purse give me a purgation " (41a). {d) "be it better, be it worse, love ye after him that beareth the purse " (13a). Put, see Case. Queans, " flearing queans " (66a), wantons, strumpets : primarily quean (like queen) = a woman without regard to character or position ; the spelling ultimately differ- rf.sty] Note-Book and Word-List 189 entiated the debased from the reputable meaning, a noteworthy instance occurring in Langland (Piers Plowman [1363], ix. 46, " At church in the charnel cheorles aren yuel to knowe Other a knyght fro a knave other a queyne fro a queene." Question, " this is a question of old enquiring " (91a). QuiGiiT (47^), quit. R\BBiT, " like the devil will change a rabbit for a rat " (86a). Rate, " rise ye as ye rate " (55^), reckon, fix, decide. Ravine, " ruin of one ravine " {93c), ra-vinc = an act of rapine. " I sorowed for the provinces misfortunes, wrackt by private ravins and publick taxes." — Q. Eliz. tr. Boeth. (1593), i. pr. iv. 9. Receivers, " where be no receivers, there be no thieves " (48c). " .And it is a comon sayinge, ware there no receyver there shoulde be no thefe. So ware there no stewes, there shulde not so many honeste mennes doughters rune awaye from there fathers and playe the whores as dothe." — .4 Christen Exliortation unto Ciistomahlc Sivcarcrs (1575). Reckoners, (a) " rrrkoners without their host must reckon twice " (igd). Fr., " Comptoit sans son hoste." — Rabelais, Gargaiitua. (b) " even reckoning maketh long friends " (64^). Recumbentibus (S5/)), a knock-down blow : cf. " circum- bendibus." " Me yaff the Kyng Episcropus Suche a recumbentibus, He smot in-two bothc helme and mayle." — Laud Troy Bk. {c. 1400), 7400. Relevavith, " what shall be his relevavith " (36(1), relief. " I see not any greate lightlywod that any good summe will comm in, tyl after Christmas, and then no more than the releuauithes." — State Papers, Hen. nil. (1546), I. ii. 840. Resty, " resty wealth " (iid) : rcsty may be subject to three glosses = (a) indolent, lazy : meaning that wealth obtained by a rich marriage tends thereto ; or (b) it niay = restive, coy (as hard to get); or (c) = it may be a contemptuous application of rcs(y= rancid, thus I90 Note-Book and Word-List [reweth referring to money as" dross,"" muck," &:c. " Where the master is too resty or too rich to say his own pravers, or to bless his own table." — Milton, Icono- clastes (1649), xxiv. Reweth (78c), rues. Riches, " riches bringcth oft harm and over fear, where poverty passeth without grudge of grief " (46^). Riciiesse, " beauty without richessc " (14b), riches : properly a singular, but now used as a plural. Rid, see Rock. Right side, " you rose on your right side " (62c), a happy augury : the modern usage speaks of the reverse or "wrong side of the bed." " C. What! doth shea keepe house alreadic? D. Alreadie. C. O good God : we rose on the right side to-day." — Terence in English (1614). Rime, " it may rime but it accordeth not " (44c). " It may wele ryme but it accordith nought." — Lydgate, MS. poem, " On Inconstancy." Ring, " I hopping without for a ring of a rush " (9a), see Rush-ring. Ringleader (24^), originally one who led a ring, as of dancers, &c. Ripe, " soon ripe soon rotten " (27c) : this proverb also occurs in Harman, Caveat, &c. (1567). Roast, {a) " rule the roast " (13a), to have (or lake) the lead (or mastery) : roa5/ = roost (probably). " But at the pleasure of me That ruleth the roste alone." — Skclton, Colyn Cloutc {c. 15 iS). {h) " he looked like one that had beshit the roast " (89c). (c) " roast a stone " (56c), i.e. one may put warmth into but can never get heat out of a stone. " They may garlicke pill Cary sackes to the mil Or pescoddes they may shil Or els go roste a stone." — Skelton, Wliy come ye not to Court? (1520). ROB3ERY, " change is no robbery " (Epigrams), see Change. koof] Note-Book and Word-List 191 Robin Hood, " tales of Robin Hood are good among fools " (94f), the story of Robin Hood ultimately grew so misty and traditional that the name became a generic byword for the marvellous that was not be- lievable. Thus Robin Hood, siibs.=:a daring lie; Robin Hood's pennyworth (of things sold under value); " Good even, good Robin Hood " (said of civility ex- torted by fear) ; " Many talk of Robin Hood that never shot in his bow " (750) = many speak of things of which they have no knowledge; and " Tales of Robin Hood are good enough for fools." " I write no ieste ne tale of Robin Hood." — Barclay, 5/;//) of Fooles (1509), fol. 250' (1570). Rock, " thus rid the rock " (gzb and Epigrams), i.e. so was the distaff managed, manipulated : rocfc = the dis- taff or frame about which (lax, wool, &c., was ar- ranged and from which the thread was drawn in spinning. Hence here the meaning is " So managed you your thrift badly." " I'll ride your horse as well as I ride you." — Shakspeare, T-welftJi Night (1602), iii. 4. Rod, (a) " when haste proveth a rod made for his own tail " (7a). (b) " beaten with his own rod " (ya). " don fust Con kint sovent est-on batu." — Roman dii Rcnart {c. 1300). Rolling stone, " the rolling stone never gathereth moss" (31c). "I, thy head is alwaies working; it roles, and it roles, Dondolo, but it gathers no mosse, Dondolo." — Marston, Fawn (1606). " Pierre volage ne queult mousse." — De VHerinitc qui se dcscspera pour le Larron qui ala en Paradis avant que hii (13th century). Rome, " Rome was not built in one day and yet stood till it was finished" (36(/). " Haec tamen vulgaris sententia me aliquantulum recreavit, qu^e etsi non auferre, tamen minuere possit dolorem meum, qu;e quidem sententia hasc est, Romam uno die non fuisso conditam." — Queen Elizabeth, Extempore speech be- fore the University of Cambridge (9th August, 1564). Koor, " he is at three words up in the house roof " (66f/) : nowadays we say " up in the skies." 192 Note-Book and Word-List [ropk Rope, (a) " as meet as a rope for a thief '" (24c). (6) " he hauleth her by tlie boy rope " (78c), see Boy rope. Routing, "routine; like a hog" (30(/), roul = snoTe. Rovers, " ye pry and ye prowl at rovers " (31c) — " letnot your tongue run at rover " (bqa) — (also qgb), at rover = \vilcl, unrestrained, at random. Royals (i.e. Rial), " a bag of royals and nobles " (qja), royal = an old English gold coin, of varying value, from los. in Henry VI. 's time to 15s. in Queen Elizabeth's, whilst in the reign of James I. the rose-rial was worth 30s., and the spur-rial, 15s. : see Noble. RovLE, " by your revellous riding on every royle " (Sia), royle = a Flemish horse : this would seem to echo the alleged contempt of Henry VHI. as regards Anne of Cleves, whom he described as " a Flanders mare." Ruin, " ruin of one ravin was ihrre none greater " (73c), see Ravine. Rule, " better to rule than be ruled by the rout " (i3rt). Run, (a) " he may ill run that cannot go " (94b). (b) " ye run to work in haste as nine men held ye " (42 c). (c) " she thinketh I run over all that I look on " (77c), examine, " possess," have to do with. Runneth, " he runneth far that never turneth again (90b). Rush, " care not a rush " (95a), rusli = low stanrlard of value. " And yet yeve ye me nevere The worthe of a risshe." — Langland, Piers Plo'Miiian (1362), 2421. Rushes, " green rushes for this stranger, straw here " (59&) : it was usual, before the introduction of carpets, to strew rushes on the floors of dwelling-houses ; and on the entrance of a visitor, hospitality required that they should be renewed. " Where is this stranger? Rushes, ladies, rushes : Rushes as green as summer for this stranger." — Beaumont and Fletcher, Valen- tiiiian (1617), ii. 4. SCARBOROUGH] Notc-Book and Word-List 193 Rush-ring, " a ring of a rush " (qa), a rush ring = a. symbol of a mock marriage. " As fit ... as Tib's rush for Tom's forefinger." — Shakspeare, All's Well (1598), ii- 2, 22. Sack, (a) " an old sack axeth much patching " (58a). (6) "it is a bad sack that will abide no clouting " (6od). Saddles, " where saddles lack belter ride on a pad than on the horse bareback " (296). Sage, " sage said saws " (76). Said, (a) " sooner said than done " (736). (b) " little said soon amended " {Epigi'ai)is), the modern form is " least said soonest mended." (c) " other folks said it but she did it" (99^). Saint, (a) " young saint, old devil " (27c), the reverse was quite as common — "young devil, old saint." Saint Audry (73d), or Auldrey, meaning Saint Ethel- dreda, who (by tradition) died of a swelling in her throat, which she considered as a particular judgment for having been in her youth much addicted to wearing fine necklaces (Nich. Harpsfield (1622), Hist. Eccl. Anglicana) : hence tawdry. Savourly, " very savourly sound " (14&), properly, rightly — as with a good and proper sense. Say, " I say little but I think more " (57&). Saying, {a) " saying and doing are two things " (73b). {b) " saying that ye never saw " (33a). Scarborough warning, " Scarborough warning I had (43b), i.e. no warning at all ; a blow before the word. Fuller in his Worthies says : " The proverb took its original from 'I'homas Stafford, who in the reign of Queen Mary, 1557, with a small company seized on Scarborough Castle (utterly destitute of provision for resistance) before the townsmen had the least notice of his approach." " I received a message from my lord chamberlaine . . . that I should preach before him upon Sunday ne.\t ; which Scarborough warning did not only perplex me, but so puzzel me." — Mayhew, Letter (1603, 19th January). HEY. PROV. O 194 Note-Book and Word-List [see See, (a) " see mc and see me not " (6gc). {b) " I see much, but I say little and do less " (41&). Seek, (a) " to seek for that she was loth to find " (yin) — " I seek for a thing . . . that I would not find " (Epigrams). Seeled when, " in coming seeled when "' (44^), seldom. Seen, " seen of the tone sort and heard of the tother " (1016). Segging, " the Dutchman saith that segging is good cope " (94a), scgging=^sedge. Seldom, (a) " seldom cometh the better " (iia). " This change is like to the rest of worldly chaunges, that is, from the better to the worse : For as the Proverb sayth : Seldome coms the better." — Eiiglisli Courtier and Country Gentleman (1586). (b) " seldom seen, soon forgotten " (30^). Self, " self do, self have " (20a). Senior de Graunde {13a). " I myself will mounsire graunde captain undertake." — Udall, Roister Doister (E.E.D.S.), iv. 8, 986. Service, " proffered service stinkcth " (6ia), see Prof- fered. Shall, " that shall be, shall be " (531)), the modern " we shall see what we shall see " is regarded as an echo of the Fr. nous verrons que nous verrons, where- as the idiom is of native growth. Shame, " shame take him that shame thinketh " (21b), i.e. " Honi soit qui mal y pense." Shameful, " shameful craving must have shameful way " (35d). Sharp, " all thing that is sharp is short " (56^). Sheaf, " take as falleth in the sheaf " (646). Sheath, " she maketh so much of her painted sheath " (26d). Sheep, (a) " as rich as a new shorn sheep " (42^), penniless, "fleeced." "The nexte that came was a coryar And a Cobelar, his brother, As ryche as a new shorno shepe." — Cocke Lorelles Bote (c. 1510). (tj " subtilly like a sheep thought I " (206). shoot] Note-Book and Word-List 195 Sheep's eve, " he casf a sheep's eye at her " {Epigrams), ogled, leered : originally to look modestly and with diffidence but always with longing or affection. " That casting a sheepe's eye at hir, away he goes; and euer since he lies by himselfe and pines away." — Greene, Francesco's Fortunes (1590), Works, viii. 191. Sheep's flesh, " he loveth well sheep's flesh that wets his bread in the wool " (70c) : Sharnian thinks this refers to a broth or jelly made from the sheep's head boiled with the wool ; as also witness the following from a poem attributed to Lydgate — " Of the shepe is cast awaye no thynge ; ... Of whoos hede boyled, with wull and all, Tere conieth a gely and an oynte- ment ryal." — Treaty se of the Horse, the Shepe, ait J the Goos. Shht, " shift each one for himself as he can " (god). Shilling, " to bring a shilling to nincpence " (66c). Shoe, (a) " the shoe will hold with the sole " (67c). (6) " now for good luck cast an old shoe after me " (2 id), an old and still intelligible bit of folk-lore: allusions to it are very numerous in old writers. " Captain, your shoes are old, pray put 'em off, And let one fling 'em after us." — Beaumont and Fletcher, Honest Man's Fortune (1613). (c) " myself can tell best where my shoe doth wring me " (69^), the moderns substitute " pinch " for " wring." " I wot best, wher wringeth me my sho." — Chaucer, Cant. Tales (1383), 9426. (d) " who waiteth for dead men's shoes shall go long barefoot " (45a). '^ '^ tedious looking forward to inheritances. " You are my maister's sonne, and you looke for his lande ; but they that hope for dead men's shoes may hap go barefoote." — Two Angry Women of Abington (1599)- Shoemaker's wife, " who is worse shod than the shoe- maker's wife " (39^), an excuse for lack of some- thing one ought to possess : compare Slipper. Shoot, {a) " ye shoot nigh the prick " (15a), prick = point, dot, mark, " bull's-eye." (b) " he shooteth wide " (Epigrams). (c) " whom ye see out of the way, or shoot wide, over-shoot not yourself any side to hide " (58c). O 2 196 • Note-Book and Word-List [shootanker Shootan'Ker, " her substance is shootanker whereat I shoot" (13d), chief support; i.e. the principal attrac- tion as constituting the lady's last chance of mar- riage. Shooting, " short shooting loseth your game " (97c), a technical term in archery : i.e. shooting wide of the mark. Shore, " ye lean to the wrong shore " (57b). Shorn, " as rich as a new shorn sheep " (42d), see Sheep. Shot, " pay the shot " (45^), s/iof = reckoning, share of expense. " Well at your will ye shall be furnisht. But now a jugling tricke to pay the shot." — Chettle, Kind Harts Dreame {1592). Shrew, " every man can rule a shrew save he that hath her " (7sa). Sight, " out of sight out of mind " (8d), a saying which is found in Thomas h Kempis (1450), and earlier in Prov. of Hendyng (c. 1320) — " Fer from e^e, fer from herte. Quoth Hendyng." Simper de Cocket (52b), found as a subs, as well as an ad;. = coquettish, wanton. " I saw you dally with your simper de cocket." — Heywood, Play of Weather (Works, I. i22(i). " And gray russet rocket With simper the cocket." — Skelton, Tlie Tunny ng of Ely- noure Kumtnyng (1520). Sink, (a) " thou shalt sure sinl-c in thine own sin for us " (28c). (b) " sink or swim " (926). Sir John (66d), generic for a parish priest : our univer- sities . . . confer the designation of Dominus on those who have taken their first degree of Bachelor of Arts ; the word Dominus was naturally translated Sir, and, as almost every clergyman had taken his first degree, it became customary to apply the term to the lower class of the 'hierarchy. Sit, " better sit still than rise and fall " (6Sc). " Oh Cousin, I have heard my father say, that it is better to sit fast than to rise and fall, and a great wise man who knew the world to a hayre, would say, that the sleeveless] Note-Book and Word-List 197 meane was sure : better be in the middle roome, then either in the Garret or the Seller." — Brereton, Court and Country (1618). Six, " set all at six and seven " (38d), in confusion, at loggerheads. " AUe in sundur hit [a tun] brast in six or in seujn." — Avowyne of Kitig ArtJicr {c. 1340), 04 [Camden Soc, Eng. Meln. Rom. 89]. Skin, (a) "a lamb's skin ye will provide ... to lap her in " (76c), see Lamb's skin. (b) "it is good sleeping in a whole skin " (69a), this is the title of a play by W. Wager, not now extant. Skirts, "sit on their skirts" (13^), pursue, persecute, "go for." "Touching the said archbishop, he had not stood neutrall as was promised, therefore he had justly set on his skirts." — Howell, Fani. Lett. (1650). .Sky, " wben the sky falleth we shall have larks " (iic), a retort to a wild hypothesis; " if pigs had wings they would be likely birds." "Si les nucs tomboyent esperoyt prendre les alouettes. " — Rabelais, Gargantua. SL.'iNDER, " it may be a slander but it is no lie " (84c). Sleeve, (a) " laughed in my sleeve " (710), derided or exulted in secret. (b) " nattering knaves and flearing queans . . . hang OQ his sleeve " (66a), lickspittle, cadge from, are dependent on. (c) "a broken sleeve holdeth th' arm back " (216). " It is a terme with John and Jacke, Broken sleeve draweth arme a backe. " — Parliament of Byrdes ('550)- (d) " she lacketh but even a new pair of sleeves " (28a). Sleeveless errand (17^), the origin of "sleeveless " is a matter of conjecture, though its meaning is tolerably clear: thus "a sleeveless (-—inadequate) reason" {Relig, Antiq.); "a sleeveless ( = trifling) excuse" (Lyly) ; "sleeveless ( = aimless) rhymes" (Hall); "a sleeveless ( = objectless, wanting cover or excuse, fruit- less, fool's) errand " (Chaucer, Shakspcare, &c.). Sharman suggests the mediaeval custom of favoured knights ,wearing the sleeve of their mistress as a mark 198 Note-Book and Word-List [slipper of favour, aspirants failing to obtain the badge being dubbed " sleeveless " — " Sir Launcelot wore the sleive of the faire maide of Asteloth in a tourney, whereat queene Guenever was much displeased " (Spenser). Slipper, " let not the cobbler wade above his slipper " {Epigrams). " Heere are the tenne precepts to be observed in the art of scolding : therefore let not the cobler wade above his slipper. The cobler above his slipper, said Chubb, hee is a knave that made that proverb." — Simon .Snel-knave, Fearefiill and Lament- able Effects of Two Dangerous Comets (1591). Slipstring, " a waghalter slipstring " (86d), a gallows- bird, one rope-ripe but who has cheated the gallows. " Thow art a slipstring I'le warrant." — Lyly, Mother Bombie (1594), ii. i. Sloth, " sloth must breed a scab " (gb). Slugging, " slugging in bed " (58a), lazing. " All night slugging in a cabin." — Spenser, State of Ireland. Small, " many small make a great " {T,yb), mod. " many a mickle makes a muckle. " "The proverbe saith that many a small makith a grcte." — Chaucer, Par- son's Tale (13S3). Smelled, " I smelled her out " (39c), discovered, " nosed," found. " Can you smell him out by that? " — Shakspeare, Much j\do (1600), iii. 2. Snail, " in haste like a snail " (3i2c'ss = chastity. Whiting, " there leaped a whiting " (78^), there was an opportunity missed. Whole, (a) " if ve lack that away ye must wind with your whole errand and half th' answer behind " (sul. (b) " hear the whole, the whole wholly to try (50a). Whore, " hop whore pipe thief " (86J). Wife, (a) " he that will thrive must ask leave of his wife " (34(i) : a variant is "it is hard to wive and thrive both in a year " (34^). " A man may not wyfe And also thryfe And alle in a yere. " — Towneley Mysteries (c. 1420). (b) " the best or worst thing to man for this life is good or ill choosing his good or ill wife " {bb). (t) " a good wife maketh a good husband " (S8t-j. Will, (a) " he that will not when he may, when he would, he shall have nay " (8a), with which compare " who that may not as thev would, will as thev may (08a). (b) " when we would, ye would not . . . wherefore now when ye would, now will not we " (286). (c) " that one will not, another will " (Sd). {(1) " will will have will, though will woe win " (e) " will is a good son and will is a shrewd boy and wilful shrewd will hath wrought thee this toy " (35«)- Willing, " nothing is impossible to a willing heart " (IXC). Win, (a) "will may win my heart" (ik/). (6) " although I nought win yet shall I nougiit lose " (102a). (c) " ye can nought win bv any wayward mean " (68d). (d) " he playoth best that wins " {Epigrams). 212 Note-Book and Word-List [winch Winch, see Wall (a). Wind, (a) " an ill wind that blowcth no man to good " (93c). " Falstaff. What wind blew you hither, Pistol? Pistol. Not the ill wind which blows no man to good." — Shakspearc, 2 Henry IV. (1598), v. 3. (b) " let this wind overblow " (36c). (c) " every wind bloweth not down the corn " (d) " all this wind shakes no corn " (36c). (c) " I smelt her out and had her straight in the wind " (391), had at an advantage ; understood her. (/) " I have him in the wind " {Epigrams), see supra. (g) " what wind blowcth ye hither? "• (25a). (/;) " to take wind and tide with me " (36c). (i) " if the wind stand in that door, it standeth awry " (68f). " It is even so? is the winde in that doore? " — Gascoigne, Supposes (1566). (;■) " your meddling . . . may bring the wind calm between us " (59^). {k) '• I will ... ill winds to sway, spend some wind . . . though I waste wind in vain " (6oa), wind = breath is ancient. " Woman thy wordis and thy wvnde thou not waste." — York Plays (c. 1362), 258. (/) " knew which way the wind blew " (91&), aware of the position of matters, state of affairs. ()h) " wavering as the wind " (54^). WiNDF.ALL, " to win some windfall " (38(i). Wine, " ve praise the wine before ye taste of the grape " (27d). ' Wing, " keep your bill under wing mute " (69a). Wise, (a) " ye are wise enough if ye keep ye warm " ' (h) " better to be happy than wise " (75c). (c) " as ye can seem" wise in words be wise in deed " (73 bj. _ (d) " everv wise man staggers m earnest or boord to be busy or bold with his biggers or betters " (47'^)- Wishers, " wishers and woulders be no good house- holders' " (32?)). " Wysshers and wolders ben smal wood] Note-Book and Word-List 213 housholders." — Vi'^g- Stamhrigi (1510). "He . . . resolved rather to live by his wit, then any way to be pinched with want, thinking this old sentence to be true, the wishers and woulders were never good house- holders." — Green, Never too Late (1590). Wist, " beware of Had I wist " (6c), an exclamation of regret. " Be welle war of wedyng, and thynk in youre thought ' Had I wist ' is a thyng it servys of nought." — Toiunelcy Myst. (c. 1420). Wit, («) " wit is never good till it be bought " (i8d), u'i7 = wisdom, knowledge. " Stationers could not live, if men did not beleeve the old saying, that Wit bought is better then W'it taught." — Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Whimzies (£639). (b) " to leave mv wit before it leave me " (55c). (c) " at our wit's end " (i8(i). (d) " one good forewit is worth two afterwits " (190). Woe, " she hath wrought her own woe " (25^). Wolf, (a) " to keep the wolf from the door " {?<3b). (b) "a wolf in a lamb's skin " (28a). Wonder, " this wonder lasted nine days " (53f'). " Kke wonder last but nine deles never in town." — Chaucer, Troilus and Creseide. " A book on any subject by a peasant, or a peer, is no longer so much as a nine- days wonder." — Ascham, Schoolc-mastcr (1570). Wondered, " he that doth as most men do, shall be least wondered on " (5b(i). Wood, (a) " there be more ways to the wood tiian one " (93d). {h) " thou art so wood " (86c) — " she was horn wood " (99c), mad, furious, frantic, raging. " Flem- ynges, lyke wood tygres." — Fabyan, Cronycle (an. 1299). (c) " ye cannot see the wood for trees " (62/))- " From him who sees no wood for trees And yet is busie as the bees . . . Libera nos." — A Letany for S. Omers (1682). id) "ye took the wrong way to the wood " (92a). 214 Note-Book and Word-List [wool Wool, (a) " what should your face thus again the wool be shorn ? " (36c). (b) " thy face is shorn against the wool, very deep " {Epigrams). (c) " bolster or pillow for me, be whose woll — I will not bear the devil's sack " (73d). Word, (a) " not afford you one good word " (93?)). (b) " one ill word axeth another " (22a). (c) " many words, many buffets " (85??). (d) " good words bring not ever of good deeds good hope " (94«). (c) " this doth sound ... on your side in words, but on my side in deeds " (83d). (/) " few words to the wise suffice " (82c). W'oRKMAN, " what is a workman without his tools? " (94c). World, (a) " the world runneth on wheels " (78^), runs easily, expeditiously. (b) " let the world wag " (i2d), let go, let things take care of themselves. " Y'are a baggage ; the Slics are no rogues ; Look in the chronicles, we came in with Richard Conqueror. Therefore, paucas palla- bris ; let the world slide." — Shakspeare, Taming of the Shrew. Induction i. 6. (c) " he brought the world so about " (gSd). Worm, " tread a worm on the tail and it must turn again " ((j4c). " The smallest worm will turn, being trodden on ; And doves will peck in safe-guard of their brood." — Shakspeare, 3 Henry VI. (1595), ii. 2. Worse, " all thing is the worse for the wearing " (54a). Worst, (a) " provide for the worst, while the best itself save " (i2d). (b) " the worst is behind, we come not where it grew " (57c). (c) " if the worst fell, we could have but a nay " (44c). Wot, " I wot what I wot " (84d). vow] Note-Book and Word-List 2P Wrong. " thou begjjest at wrong door " (Epigrams)— " ye beg at a wrong man's door " (20c). Vicar, " I am too old a year " (goc). ^'KSTERDAY, (a) " it is too late to call again yesterday " (906).^^ (6) " the offence of yesterday I may redeem " (90/;). YiFLD, " in case as ye shall yield me as ye cast me, so shall ye cast me as ye yield me " (43c). \ouNG, "ye be young enough to mend, but I am too old to sec it " (goc). Younger, "ye shall never labour younger" (21c), see Labour. Yow (passim), you. R. CLAV ANIJ SU.NS, I.TU., llHIiAU SI . HILL, E.G., AND UUNGAV, SL'tFOLh A CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GIBBINGS AND CO. IN THE SERIES KNOWN AS EDITIONS TO HAVE AND MUSEUM EDITIONS WITH SOME NOTES ON THEIR PRODUCTION AND APPEARANCE THEIR AUTHORS EDITORS & ARTISTS COMPILED FOR THE USE INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE OF BOOKLOVERS "EDITIONS TO HAVE" are uniformly published in fcap. 8vo at 2s. 6d. per Volume, cloth extra, top edge gilt. Museum Editions are smaller (i8mo), and are published at is. 6d. per Volume, in cloth, top edge gilt; or limp leather, top edge gilt, at 2s. ; or stamped leather, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. All prices are strictly net, that is, the books are stipplied to the Booksellers on such ter7ns as preclude their giving any discount whatever. Any Bookseller will be pleased to obtain for you. any book herein should it not be in stock at the 77i077ient. GiBBiNGS & Company, 1 8 Bury Street, London, W.C. f '[ AINS WORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON. Comprising — Windsor Castle, 2 Vols. ; Tower of London, 2 Vols. ; St. James's, i Vol. ; Old St. Paul's, 2 Vols. ; Guy Fawkes, 2 Vols. ; Star Chamber, i Vol. ; Rookwood, 2 Vols. ; Jack Sheppard, 2 Vols. ; Flitch of Bacon, i Vol, ; Crichton, 2 Vols. ; Miser's Daughter, 2 Vols. ; and Spendthrift, i Vol., with 4 Photo- gravures in each Volume. The Set of 20 Volumes, or each Novel sold separately. Size, fcap. 8vo. Price 2s. 6d. per Volume, net. This convenient and well printed Edition is set from new type, and contains all AinswortKs best in handy sized "volumes, on good paper. Each Novel has a special title desig?ied by Frank Brangioyn, A.R.A., and '■^Rookwood'''' contains a Mcfnoir of the Author by W. E. A. Axon, with many Portraits. The Illustrations are from George Cruikshank' s celebrated plates or other original artist. ANACREON. THE ODES. Translated by Thomas Moore. With all the original Notes and the Designs of Girodet de Roussy. i8mo, cloth, IS. 6d. net ; or limp leather, top edge gilt, 2s. net; or stamped leather, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. net. A delightful little book, presenting the Odes in beautiful type, and the whole of the ex- quisite and justly celebrated Illustrations. For the scholar the critical notes are given, over loo pages, and Moore's Preface and Remarks on Anacreon. ARABIAN NIGHTS. THE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS. Translated by Edward William Lane. With an Introduc- tion by Joseph Jacobs, and 36 Illus- trations by Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A. Six Volumes, fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, top edge gilt, 15s. net. It should he noted that this Edition is not that usually knoiiin as '^^ Lane's y" but is pn'nted from that issued by Murray, ivith the ordinary spelling of the best-known names; it is the pleasanter reading on that account. The Editor's Introduction is learned and interesting. The Illustrations contain some of the Artisfs most characteristic figure drawi7ig, the binding design, title-page, and head pieces are all designed by him. BECKFORD, WILLIAM. VATHEK. An Arabian Tale. With Notes by Henley, and an Introduc- tion by Dr. Garnett. Etchings by Herbert Rye, Fcap. 8vo, 2s. 6d. net. This is undoubtedly the best Edition published of this book. The long and i^nportant Intro- duction throws miich neiv light on the composition of this work, " 7vhich might appear without dis- advantage ill the '■Arabian Nights, with Aladdin on its right hand and AH Baha on its left.'''' The Etchiiigs are very delicate. BOCCACCIO, M. GIOVANNI. THE DECAMERON. A Revised Text, with over loo full-page Illustra- tions after Gravelot Eisen Boucher and others. Introduction by Alfred Wallis. Four Vols. fcap. 8vo, los. net. 4> A presentation of a classic, a position to which it is entitled by its style, its 7vit, and its inter- esting pictures of life at the epoch of the Renaissance, as also by the i^ifluence it has exercised on Eiiglish literature from Chaucer to our own time. The text revision has beeti thorough, and the Proem, the Conclusion, and the Reply to critics and censors are restored to their place in this Edition. BROWNE, Sir THOMAS. RELIGIO MEDICI, HYDRIO- TAPHIA, AND OTHER ESSAYS. Biographical Introduction and Por- trait Study by Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A. i8mo, cloth, top edge gilt, IS. 6d. net ; or limp leather, top edge gilt, 2s. net ; or stamped leather, 2s. 6d. net. De Quincey ranks Sir Thomas Browne with Jeremy Taylor as the richest and most dazzling of rhetoricians^ and Mr. Lo'voell calls hitn our most iviaginative mind since Shakespeare. Mr. Brangwyn, who has drawn the Portrait for this as for other Volumes in the Museum Editions^ bids fair to be one of the great artists of the twentieth century. CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE, SAAVEDRA. THE HISTORY OF THE VALOROUS AND WITTY KNIGHT -ERRANT, DON QUIX- OTE OF THE MANCHA Trans- lated by Thomas Shelton (1612-1620). Introduction by J. H. McCarthy, and 24 Illustrations by Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A. Four Vols. fcap. 8vo, los. net. As the Editor says: '■'■If this reprint shotdd serve to make Shelton a familiar friend to those who knew him not before, if it brings the in- genious gentleman, Don Quixote de la Mancha, at all nearer to the heart of anyone, it imll have done its good work in the world. It is best to read Don Quixote in Spanish ; it is next best to read him in the English of Shelton^ CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE, SAAVEDRA. EXEMPLARY NOVELS. Translated by James Mabbe (1640). With 12 Illustrations by Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A. Two Vols. fcap. 8vo, 5s. net. This Translation {of which this is the first reprint) was reissued in 16^4 tinder the title of '■'■Delight in Several Shapes,''^ it contains in- imitably true and graceful sketches of human virtues and failings in almost every grade of life ; as the original title says, it is ^'■full of various accidents both delightful and profitable.''^ DE QUINCEY, THOMAS: A SELECTION OF HIS BEST WORKS : Confessions of an English Opium-Eater— Suspiria de Profundis —Murder as a Fine Art, etc. Portrait Study by Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A. Two Vols. i8mo, cloth, top edge gilt, 3s. net; or limp leather, top edge gilt, 4s. net; or stamped leather, gilt edges, 5s. net. Playful fancy and wealth of whimsical and humorous allusio?is enliven almost every topic, and the daring conception and gorgeous colouring of his opium-haunted dreams are not less admir- able than the pomp and refinement of the language in which he clothes these weird and wondrous visions. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. ESSAYS. Portrait Study by Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A. Two Vols. i8mo, cloth, top edge gilt, 3s. net; or limp leather, top edge gilt, 4s. net; or stamped leather, gilt edges, 5s. net. A liandy Pocket Edition of these celebrated Essays, which should be read for their iiispiring iriflueiice, their stimulus to high thought and endeavour, and the noble manhood "which per- vades them, as well as for their singular and distinctive beauty of expression, delicate wit, and variety of unexpected suggestion. ERASMUS DESIDERIUS. COLLOQUIES CONCERNING MEN, MANNERS, AND THINGS. Translated by N. Bailey, and Edited, with Notes, by the Rev. E. Johnson, M.A. Three Vols. fcap. 8vo, 7s. 6d. net. DESIDERIUS tJlASMUS »r n #>'(! r "Z.T' — ■■■r- litis is a reprint in a convenient form of the best Edition of Erasmtis's most famous ivork. It is a 7nine of information concerning ^^ Men, Manners, and Things,'" and the conditions of life at the period of the Reformation. ERASMUS DESIDERIUS. IN PRAISE OF FOLLY. With Life and his Epistle to Sir Thomas More. With Illustrations after Hans Holbein. Fcap. 8vo, 2s. 6d. net. ' ' In this satire, written in the full maturity of his powers, we have Erasmus in his happiest and most distinctive vein, as the man of letters and general critic.'''' The very mimerous and curious cuts inserted in the text are a feature of this Edition. HERRICK, ROBERT. HESPERIDES. THE POEMS AND OTHER REMAINS. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. Two Vols, fcap. 8vo, buckram, top edge gilt, 5s. net. In addition to his festive and amatory spirit, we are charmed with his pictures of country life and manners, old customs, and popular superstitions, and wild playful incursions into Fairyland. The versatility of Hemck in catching the spirit of Catullus, of Anacreori, of Horace, or the pathos of Tibullus, give a varied charm to his Vohim.es. HOMER. THE ILIADS AND ODYSSEYS OF HOMER. Never before in any language truly translated. Done ac- cording to the Greek by George Chapman, with Introduction and Notes by the Rev. Richard Hooper, M.A. Four Vols, wide fcap. 8vo, buckram extra, top edge gilt, ids. net. Coleridge says : ' ' Chapmari "writes and feels as a poety — as Homer might have written had he lived in England in the reign of Queen Elisabeth.'' " Oft of one wide expanse had I been told, That deep-brow d Homer rul'd as his demesne ; Yet did I never breathe its pure serene. Till I heard Chapman speak out lotid and bold." Kea ts. LESAGE, ALAIN RENE. 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The Illustrations are repro- duced from, the actual copperplates e7igraved for the Berne Edition. * ' As a critic^ and allowing fully for the per- sonal equation^ I think that it deserves a far higher place than is generally accorded to it.'''' Professor Saintsbury. MONTESQUIEU. PERSIAN LETTERS. Translated by John Davidson, Author of "Scara- mouch in Naxos," etc. Illustrated by Etchings by E. de Beaumont. Three Vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d. net. Mo7itesqtiieti, the author of perhaps the greatest French book of the eighteenth century, ^'■n Esprit des Lois," has iii this book made a study for that -work ; a sketch, as perfect a work of art as the coynpleted picture, although it contains what he himself described as '■^certain juvenilia y The former Edition of this Translation was privately pnnted. OMAR KHAYYAM RUBAiyAT. Translated by Edward Fitzgerald. With his Life of the Author and Notes. Introductory Essay "Of Persian Poetry" by Joseph Jacobs. Ornamental Borders and Illustrations by Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A. i8mo, cloth, top edge gilt, is. 6d. net; or limp leather, top edge gilt, 2s. net; or stamped leather, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. net. Of the -works of the '■'■Astronomer Poet of Persia,^^ innumerable editions are on sale from one penny to four guineas, but this Editiofi has features of its own, and will be found to be the prettiest published. A few copies {lOo) will be printed on imperial Japan vellum, ^s. net, and ^o on real India paper, ys. 6d. net. For these early application should be made. PIERS PLOUGHMAN'S VISION AND CREED. Edited from a Contemporary Manuscript, with a Historical Introduction, Notes, and a Glossary by Thomas Wright, M.A., F.S.A Two Vols. fcap. 8vo, buck- ram extra, top edge gilt, 5s. net. '* This remarkable Poem is not only so inter- esting a monument of the English language and literature., but it is also so iniporta7it an illustration of the political history of our country during the fourteenth ce7itu7y, that it deserves to be read far more generally than it has been." Editor's Preface. RABELAIS, FRANgOIS: WORKS. Translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Motteux, with the Notes of Duchat, Ozell, and others. Introduction and Revision by Alfred Wallis. Portrait and Illus- trations in Photogravure. Five Vols, fcap. 8vo, I2S. 6d. net. Of the author it is enough to quote the opinion of Coleridge : " / could write a treatise in praise of the moral elevation of Rabelais' •work "which would make the Church stare and the Conventicle groan, and yet would he truth and nothing but truth. I class Rabelais with the greatest creative minds of the world — Shake- speare, Dante, Cervantes, etc.'''' As to the Translation, it is accounted by the best judges to be the most perfect version of atiy author. RABELAIS, FRANgOIS: WORKS. The Translation of Sir Thomas Urquhart and Motteux. Re- vised, and with a Life of the Author, by William Maccall. Portrait Study by Frank Brangwyn, A.RA., and Illustrations from the "Songes Dro- latiques de Pantagruel." Three Vols. i8mo, 4s. 6d. net ; or limp leather, top edge gilt, 6s. net ; or stamped leather, gilt edges, 7s. 6d. net. This text differs Jroni that published by us in Five Volumes, in that it has been thoroughly revised by the Editor, not with prudish intent, but to pni7ie the verbal redundance. The very curious Illustrations {iS^s) o-^e still good '■'■pour la recreation des bons esprits,^'' thoiigh no longer thmight to be the work of Rabelais himself. SAINTE-BEUVE. ESSAYS ON MEN AND WOMEN PORTRAITS OF MEN POR- TRAITS OF WOMEN. Edited, with a Critical Memoir, by William Sharp. Numerous Portraits. Three Vols. fcap. 8vo, 7s, 6d net. •^■>^':^: '^^^ These Essays of the greatest of all critics — the sovereign critic — should be welcome as giving the English reader not merely some coynprehension of the intellecttial range and insight of Sainte-Betive, but some idea also of his grace of style and individual charm. SELDEN, JOHN. TABLE TALK. To which is added Spare Minutes, or Resolved Medita- tions and Premeditated Resolutions, by Arthur Warwick. Biographical Preface and Notes by S. W. Singer, F.S.A. Fcap. 8vo, buckram, top edge gilt, 2s. 6d. net. There are few volumes of its size so pregnant ivith sense, combined rmith the most profound learning, it is impossible to open it without findifig some impoHant fact or discussion, some- thing practically useful and applicable to the business of life. The Volume has a fine en- graved Portrait of the Author a?id reproductions of early titles, etc. SMOLLETT, TOBIAS: WORKS Comprising — Roderick Random, 3 Vols. ; Peregrine Pickle, 4 Vols. ; Count Fathom, 2 Vols. ; Sir Launce- lot Greaves, i Vol. ; Humphry Clinker, 2 Vols. Edited by Prof. Saintsbury, and Illustrated by Frank Richards. The Set of 12 Volumes, or each Novel sold separately. Size, fcap. 8vo. Price, 2s. 6d. per Volume, net. This cliwrnihig set, which has been several times reprinted, is far and away the best for those who want to read this Author, and as the Editor says : ' ' Smollett is delightful, aiid ' Huynphry Clinker ' is fresh after a dozen perusals spread over thrice a dozen years' Thackeray gives to " Clinker'''' the palm among laughable stories since the art of novel-writing was invented. Leigh Hunt calls Smollett the finest of all caricaturists. 1 VOLTAIRE, FRAN go IS MARIE AROUET. CANDIDE; or, All for the Best. A New Translation. Edited by Walter Jerrold, with Vignettes by Adrien Moreau. i8mo, cloth, top edge gilt, is. 6d. ; or limp leather, top edge gilt, 2s. ; or stamped leather, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. i3-: -o ,ii qr if .b A very satisfactory Edition of one of the wittiest •>yoks in the world. Good type and paper and Arming Illustrations in this case set off an xellent Translation. V ^Of the hook itself, M. Sarcey says : " We do >t know what future centuries will cherish of e eighty "volumes he wrote, but we inuy rest sured that if all his labours fall in ruins and rish, one little story will live through all timcy Jajtdide.^" WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. LYRICS AND SONNETS. Selecte- and Edited by Clement K. Shorte with an Introduction and Bibli graphical Note and Portrait Study b Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A. i8mo, clot^ top edge gilt, is. 6d. net; or lin leather, top edge gilt, 2s. net; c stamped leather, gilt edges, 2s. 6; net. In the present selection an attempt is ma to classify the Poems otherwise than accordi, to their date of composition or form of verse, is desired to emphasise the fact that Wordswo} is not alone the poet of nature., hut that., next the three unapproachable masters of mode poetry — Dante, Shakespeare, and Goethe — he the poet of human life. ANNOUNCEMENTS. JANE AUSTEN'S NOVELS. Twelve Vols. fcap. 8vo. MONTAIGNE'S ESSAYS. Six Vols. i8mo. These are in active preparation, and we hope to issue before long. Ad- vance orders can now be booked. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Ol30fA*iQ£-U^ . l^L_ u 9 )9S «»' lEGfOi-y 'U«' r ■' DEC 30m-7,'70(N8475s8) — C-120 %il3MNn-3\\v' La? AvlOSANCE 'if?- 0/: ^^UIBRAR - -' '■' ^ ^ -^^OJUVDJO^ '^.^fOJllVD vr W^EUNIVERy/A ^TJIJONVSOV^^ I Moa 00738 0776' xVlOSANCELfx.^ V^^ ^ ^.^-tf- ^"3 -vN^tl!BRARY^>^ ^\tlIBR/ ^ ^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 346 338 7 •OF-CALI Ct f! 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