ttymp^Wtiwftti it ?:S,fhmm $%m8$& f'ittfs AN EXPERIMENTAL COURSE OF CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation General Editor: Professor R. MELDOLA, F.R.S. AN EXPERIMENTAL COURSE OF CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS BY T. S. DYMOND, F.I.C. LATELY PRINCIPAL LECTURER IN THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT COUNTY TECHNICAL LABORATORIES, CHELMSFORD ;FlfVH : IMPXESSION LONDON EDWARD ARNOLD 41 AND 43 MADDOX STREET, BOND STREET, W. EDITOR'S PREFACE In the present state of scientific education, or, more correctly speaking, education in science, in this country, the instructor is frequently called upon to face the problem of teaching a particular science to students engaged or about to be engaged in some special industry. The problem is confessedly a difficult one to deal with practically, and many diverse views are held respecting its feasibility, or even the desirability of attempting its solution. The diversity of opinion no doubt represents the differences in the mode of treatment to which the various branches of science lend themselves. To the majority of educationists it is evident that instruction in science is, as a mental discipline, of a very high order of importance, quite apart from any technical knowledge in relation to any special industry. More particularly does this apply in the case of those occupied in productive industries of all kinds, whether manufacturing or agricultural, in the widest meaning of the term. Starting with the very reasonable assumption that those who are concerned with agriculture should know, at least, something of the general principles of chemical science, the question presents itself to all who are interested in the welfare of agriculture — How and When is such instruction to be given ? The elementary schools, especially in country districts, are confessedly feeble in their science teaching, even if they attempt it at all. There is a crying need for good secondary and technical schools in rural centres, but little progress has as yet been made in this direction. That sound instruction in scientific principles by scientific method should be made 5 3592o^ EDITOR'S PREFACE a part of the early training of boys and girls, is an ideal which we all hope to see realised; but so far as concerns the agricultural community, this ideal, although at present remote, must be seriously kept in view in any scheme of education having for its object the intellectual advancement of the British farmer. In the meantime the County Councils, provided with the funds for Technical Education, have in many agricultural counties developed a laudable desire to improve the status of the agriculturalist by placing the means of acquiring sound' instruction within his reach. In most parts of the country where such facilities have been offered, the younger generation of farmers have been found willing to avail themselves of them. Those counties which have failed hitherto to touch the agricultural community would do well to reconsider the policy which their Technical Instruction Committees have adopted. With regard to a science of such fundamental importance as Chemistry, it is most desirable to arrest the attention and to arouse the interest of the student by enabling him to acquire his knowledge of general principles through practical work carried out in the laboratory with materials and by means of illustrations drawn as far as possible from sources with which his ordinary observation makes him daily familiar. This method may possibly lend itself to the criticism that it is wrong in principle to attempt too early a specialisation before the rudiments have been acquired. Nevertheless I am convinced that such a system can be successfully followed if judiciously carried out and not driven to the unwarrantable extreme of endeavouring to convert the agricultural student into an expert chemist. The author of the present book has on these lines prepared a course of practical chemistry which has to my knowledge been most successful with agricultural students in the Central Laboratories of the Essex County Council at Chelmsford. At my suggestion he now offers this course to a wider public, and I can confidently recommend the work to all those who are practically engaged in teaching this science to a class of pupils whose welfare is so intimately associated with the progress of chemical knowledge. R. Meldola. AUTHOR'S PREFACE A farmer does not need to be a chemist ; at the same time he needs the training in accuracy, careful observation, and experimental method which a study of chemistry, properly carried out, imparts, and he needs a knowledge of the ele- mentary principles of chemical change and of the properties of certain chemical substances, both inorganic and organic. The customary four years' course of inorganic and organic chemistry goes far beyond the requirements of an agricultural student, and is usually beyond the time at his disposal. The following course is designed to enable an agricultural student to acquire the knowledge and training he needs by a short experimental study of the chemical substances with which agriculture is concerned, his attention being directed at the same time to the practical application of each subject dealt with to rural industry. The course upon which the work is founded has been in use during the past three years in some of the grammar schools and evening continuation schools in the rural districts of Essex, and has also been used in the County Technical Laboratories at Chelmsford by the students of the agricultural classes, and as a preparatory course for elementary school teachers who wish to qualify themselves to teach chemistry in the agricultural parts of the county. In rural districts the introduction of the study of experi- mental science is often prevented by the costliness of apparatus and laboratory accommodation. With a view, therefore, to economy, the experiments have been designed for simple and inexpensive apparatus and chemicals. The 7 g AUTHOR'S PREFACE set required for twelve students, given in the Appendix, can be purchased for about ^40. Neither need the fitting of a laboratory for experimental work be a costly undertaking. A demonstration table, provided with drawers and a sink, working benches for twelve students, provided with a rack for reagents, fume cupboard, apparatus cupboard, shelves for chemicals, blackboard, balance shelf, and distillation table, also provided with a sink, together with gas and water supplies, constitute the equipment necessary, and cost from ^50 up- wards, according to the style of work. It is very desirable that for experimental work of this character the working benches should be so placed that the students face the demonstration table. The course is divided into thirty-six experimental studies, through each of which the student, under the supervision of the teacher, is expected to work. Each student should work independently, and only in exceptional cases should two students be allowed to work together for a particular experi- ment. Each day's work should be accompanied by a revision class. Revision is quite as essential as the experimental work ; for it is by this means that the teaching of each experiment is brought home to the student. It is desirable, and in the absence of revision necessary, that the student should answer in writing the questions and problems set. A written and practical examination should follow the conclusion of each part of the course. The sections on special subjects the teachers are recommended to expand into lectures to the class \ it is not intended that the students should themselves make the experiments described in these sections. The value of this course as a means of training will, to a large extent, depend upon the care, thoroughness, and accuracy with which the experimental work is carried out. In such work it is especially necessary to remember that whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. My thanks are due to Mr. F. Hughes, who has kindly made the drawings for the figures which illustrate this volume. T. S. D. CONTENTS of the Air and Ice Professor Meldola's Preface Author's Preface. PART I I. Weights and Measures II. The Atmosphere . III. Composition of Air IV. Oxygen Gas. V. The Third Constituent VI. Aqueous Vapour, Water VII. Water as a Solvent VIII. Density IX. Composition of Water X. Hydrogen Gas XI. Conclusions Questions and Problems for Revision and Exam in a tion ...... PART II XII. Basic Oxides, Acid Oxides, and Salts. XIII. The Metals— The Metallic Oxides XIV. Combining Weights of the Elements . XV. Composition of the Basic Oxides and Hydrates XVI. The Non-metallic Elements— Sulphur 9 5 7 ii 13 16 19 22 26 28 31 36 38 4i 43 Si 53 61 63 66 IO CONTENTS XVII. Sulphuric Acid XVIII. The Sulphates. XIX. Common Salt— Hydrochloric Acid XX. Chlorine XXI. Nitrogen— Ammonia . XXII. Nitric Acid and the Nitrates XXIII. Phosphorus and Phosphoric Acid XXIV. Silica— Sand and Clay XXV. Carbon— Marsh Gas . XXVI. The Oxides of Carbon XXVII. The Carbonates XXVIII. Conclusions Questions and Problems for Examination . PART III XXIX. The Carbohydrates . XXX. The Hydrocarbons XXXI. The Alcohols— Fermentation XXXII. The Organic Acids XXXIII. Fats and Soaps XXXIV. Ammonia Derivatives— Alkaloids XXXV. The Albuminoids XXXVI. Conclusions Questions and Problems for Examination . Revision List of Apparatus and Chemicals Index .... AND and Amides Revision and AN EXPERIMENTAL COURSE OF CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS PART I 1. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES In this course a knowledge of chemistry is to be sought by an experimental study of the composition and properties of those substances with which agriculture is concerned. In doing this it will be necessary to determine the quantity of substances both by weight and volume. In science a decimal system of weights and measures is employed. The standard of weight is the gram j the parts of the gram are the decigram, centigram, and milligram; the multiples are the dekagram, hectogram, and kilogram. By means of a chemical balance determine how many decigram and centigram weights make a gram and how many grams there are in a dekagram and hectogram. In using a chemical balance observe the following rules : — Place the thing to be weighed in the left hand pan, the weights in the right. Never touch the weights with the fingers, but with the nippers only. Never place anything upon or remove anything from the pan while it is swinging. When reckoning up the weights do so while they are on the pan, then enter the amount in the notebook and check it by again counting the weights while returning them to the box. 11 12 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS As the names imply, it will be found that — i decigram = .1 gram. i dekagram = 10 grams. i centigram = .01 gram. 1 hectogram =100 grams. 1 milligram = .001 gram. 1 kilogram = 1000 grams. The relations between this — the metric — and the avoirdupois systems are the following : — 1 gram = 15.432 grains; 1 ounce = 28.35 grams; 1 kilogram = 2.2 lbs. The metric standard of length is the meter, the parts ancl multiples of which are similar to those of a gram. Examine a meter measure and note that — 1 decimeter = .1 meter. 1 dekameter =10 meters. 1 centimeter = .01 meter. 1 hectometer =100 meters. 1 millimeter = .001 meter. 1 kilometer = 1000 meters. Of the relations between the metric and the British systems, 1 meter = 39.37 inches, 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters, 1 mile = 1.6 kilometers. The standard of capacity is the liter. Examine a cube having a volume of 1 liter, and note that it is the measure of 1 cubic decimeter or 1000 cubic centimeters. Hence — .001 liter = 1 cubic centimeter. 1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter. 1000 liters = 1 cubic meter. Quantities measuring less than a liter are usually spoken of as so many cubic centimeters (" c.c."). Of the relations between the metric and British systems, 1 liter = 1.76 pints and 1 pint = 567 c.c. A cubic centimeter of pure water measured at 4 C. weighs 1 gram. This simple relation between volume and weight pro- vides a means of correcting . the graduation of glass measures, these being often unreliable. Calibrate a 20 c.c. measure as follows -.—Having cleaned and dried the measure, first weigh it empty. Then fill it with pure water from a wash bottle to the 10 c.c. mark and weigh again. Now fill it to the 20 c.c. mark and weigh a third time. Subtract the weight of the measure from the weight of the measure and water, in order THE ATMOSPHERE 13 to find the weight of each 10 c.c. of water. Repeat the deter- mination until uniform results have been obtained. Is the measure correctly graduated, and are the two halves uniform ? Glass measures are usually graduated in such a way that each (so-called) cubic centimeter is the volume of 1 gram of water at 15 C. (the usual temperature of the laboratory), so that the water taken for the foregoing experiment should be at this temperature. II. THE ATMOSPHERE Having acquired a knowledge of the methods of determining the quantity of substances, the study of the air may now be commenced. Firstly, has air the property of weight ? Fit a liter flask with a cork, glass and india- rubber tubes, and glass stoppers as figured, and weigh it accurately upon the balance. Now remove one stopper, suck out the air as completely as possible, replace the stopper without readmitting air, and weigh again. Has the flask lost weight, and if so, what is the weight of air removed ? Retain the apparatus for future experiments. Fig. i. This experiment, in common with all scientific experiments, will only succeed if the apparatus is perfect. Practise cork-boring on old corks until true and clean bores can be made, and tube-bending on odd bits of glass tubing until the bends are rounded and regular. Start boring a cork from both ends so that the bores meet in the middle. To cut a glass tube draw a file once only across it and snap the tube with the fingers. To bend a tube use a fish-tail burner ; hold the tube near the top of the flame, constantly turning it round, till the glass is soft ; then remove and bend. Before pushing a glass tube through a cork, or fitting it with rubber tubing, always round off the sharp edges by just melting the glass in the Bunsen i 4 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS flame. Seal up the ends of a tube by melting in the Bunsen flame till the glass runs together ; on now blowing through the open end the sealed end will expand into a little bulb. By employing a stout glass flask which can be completely exhausted of air by means of an air-pump, the weight of a volume of air can be determined. Under normal conditions (see p. 39) a liter of dry air is found to weigh 1. 226 grams. The atmosphere is known to extend in appreciable quantities to the height of one hundred miles above the earth, and its total weight and consequent pressure upon the earth's surface must be very great. What this amounts to can be ascertained by the following experiment : — Fill a stout glass tube, at least 4 millimeters in bore, 8 deci- meters long and closed at one end, with pure dry mercury. n Remove all bubbles of air by tapping the tube or other means, then close the open end with the finger and invert the tube into a capsule or trough con- taining mercury. Now remove the finger, and note that the mercury remains supported in the tube to a certain height. By means of a three-foot rule or meter measure, accurately determine the height of the column from the surface of the mercury in the trough. Compare the height with that in a tube of 7 different length used by another student, and note that it is independent of the length of the tube Convey the apparatus to the top of the building, and note that, if 40 feet above the laboratory, the column of mercury now supported is at least one millimeter shorter. This must be due to the smaller atmospheric pressure at the greater altitude ; and the experiment shows that the mercury in the tube is balanced and supported by the atmosphere, and that its height is an accurate measure of the atmospheric pressure. Whenever mercury is used, the experiment must be made on a tray or special table designed to catch falling particles. Without this precaution v THE ATMOSPHERE 15 great waste of mercury must occur even in experienced hands. The mercury used in the foregoing experiment must be perfectly dry. This instrument is known as the barometer (weight-measurer). Owing to the relation that exists between the atmospheric pressure and the weather, it becomes a useful weather glass. Repeat the observation of the height of the mercury column DATE 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 | 5 I 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 liol 1 1 . 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 I5l 16 1 17 1 18 [ 19 1 20 1 2 I|22l23l24l25|26l27|28l29|30l3l 30 ■ u I z 29 ■ Fig. 3. at the same hour daily for one month, marking each observation by means of a dot on the accompanying chart, and at the same time record the character of the weather {e.g. wind, rainfall, temperature, and sunshine) in the notebook. At the end of the period, connect the dots on the chart by straight lines, and compare the rise and fall with the variations in the weather. 16 CHEMISTR Y FOR A GRICUL TURAL STUDENTS At the level of the sea, the average height of the barometer is 30 inches or 760 millimeters, and this is taken as the normal or standard pressure. The old-fashioned weather glass consists of a j, -shaped barometer tube, in which a fall of the mercury in the long limb is accompanied by a rise ol mercury in the short and open limb. Upon the surface of the mercury in the short limb is a metallic float connected by a cord with a wheel to which a pointer working against a dial is connected. The aneroid barometer consists of a partially exhausted box having a flexible side, and which expands or contracts with changes of pressure, the variation being exhibited by means of a dial and pointer. Such an instrument, being portable, is especially useful in determining altitudes by means of difference of atmos- pheric pressure. The action of the suction pump also depends upon the atmospheric pressure. Mercury being 13^ times as heavy as water, it is theoretically possible to draw water from a depth 13^ times as great as the barometric column. Owing, however, to dissolved gases and imperfect valves, 28 feet is the greatest depth from which it is practically possible to draw water by this means. III. COMPOSITION OF AIR To learn what air is, a careful study must be made of some of those changes which are observed constantly taking place in air, e.g. rusting and burning. When iron rusts, the change which occurs might be due to absorption of air or of a constituent of it. If so, the weight of the rust would be greater than that of the ^^^ original iron, since air has weight. Place some iron filings in a capsule and weigh. Now expose the capsule to the air, and, when the filings have begun to rust, weigh again. Do the filings weigh more after rusting ? A further experiment is needed to determine whether air has actually disappeared. Shake some fine iron filings in a wide graduated tube, previously wetted with water so that the filings adhere to the side, Fig. 4. and quickly invert the tube into a vessel of water. ^ 7 COMPOSITION OF AIR 17 Should the air in the tube diminish in volume in the course of a few hours, it must be concluded that the rust is the result of the absorption of air by iron. Continue the experiment long enough to determine whether the air is entirely absorbed, and, if not, what are the propor- tions of the active and inactive constituents. Should only a portion of the air be absorbed, ascertain whether the unab- sorbed part differs from the original air in any respect other than its inability to cause iron to rust. For instance, try whether it still supports the combustion of a taper. To do this, cover the orifice of the tube with a glass plate while under water, then remove the tube, turn up, and, having removed the plate, insert a lighted taper. It is very important that (1) the object of each experiment, (2) the drawing and description of the apparatus, (3) every detail of the observa- tions made, and (4) the conclusions arrived at, should be recorded in the student's notebook while the investigation is in progress. Weighings should be entered thus : — Capsule and iron filings taken . . = 10.543 grams. Capsule and iron filings after rusting . = 10.568 grams. Increase of weight = .025 grams. The measurements of volume of air should be recorded thus : — Air in tube at 10 o'clock = 200 c.c. (experiment begun). 5) II , = 190 c.c. >> 12 , = 180 c.c. >> I J = 170 c.c „ 2 , = 160 c.c. » 3 . = 158 c.c. » 4 , = 158 c.c. and the volumes of active and inactive constituents per cent, of air should then be calculated. Should the preceding experiment indicate that the air, deprived of that portion which combines with the iron to form rust, no longer supports the combustion of a taper, it must be surmised that rusting and burning are phenomena of ,8 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS a similar kind, and an experiment on combustion should now be made. Cut under water a piece of phosphorus the size of a large pea, and after drying it by means of blotting paper (taking care not' to touch it with the fingers on account of its inflamma- bility), place it on a capsule floating in a trough of water, and ignite it. Place over the capsule an open bell jar, and quickly close it with a stopper. Note whether, in this case also, only a portion of the air is consumed, and whether in proportion it is approximately equal to that absorbed by the iron filings. Does the residual gas support the combustion of a taper ? Observe the fumes of a white solid substance, which may be supposed to be to phosphorus what iron rust is *&- F to iron, i.e. the product of the absorption of the active constituent of the air. Observe also that these fumes slowly dissolve in the water and render it acid, this being shown not only by its taste, but also by its power of changing the colour of a solution of litmus from blue to red, a characteristic property of acid liquids. It will be noticed that the products of the rusting of iron and the burning of phosphorus are entirely different in pro- perties from the iron, the phosphorus, and the gas of which they are composed. Iron rust is red in colour and devoid of metallic lustre, and will be found to be, unlike iron, not attracted by a magnet. The fumes from burning phosphorus are not inflammable and are soluble in water, forming an acid liquid. Nor has either substance any of the properties of the gaseous constituent that has been absorbed. It is obvious that tin- two constituents of each product have become united or combined together so intimately that the characteristic pro- perties of each constituent have been entirely changed, the compounds having none of the properties that a mere mixture would possess. OXYGEN GAS 19 From these experiments it must therefore be concluded that the air is not homogeneous, but consists of at least two gases mixed together — (1) an active gas — oxygen — constituting about one-fifth of the air, and (2) an inactive gas — nitrogen — consti- tuting about four-fifths; and that when substances undergo changes due to atmospheric action, such as rusting and burn- ing, chemical combination of the substance with the oxygen of the air occurs, chemical compounds being formed having pro- perties entirely different from the original substances. These substances, if they be not themselves compounds, are termed elements. The compounds of oxygen may be called oxides. Thus, iron rust is oxide of iron, and the product of the com- bustion of phosphorus is oxide of phosphorus. IV. OXYGEN GAS The nitrogen gas left behind when the oxygen has been removed from air by burning phosphorus or rusting iron is distinguished by its inability to support combustion or to promote rusting. It is now necessary to try to procure the oxygen gas of the air in the pure state, in order that its pro- perties may also be studied. The oxide of iron (iron rust) already produced contains oxygen derived from the air. Can the oxygen be obtained from it ? Since heat decomposes many chemical compounds, such as the constituents of wood and coal with the production of gas, try heating some iron rust in a test-tube. Should no decomposition occur at the highest temperature obtainable, try heating the oxides of other metals, e.g. the black oxide of copper, the red oxide of mercury, and the red oxide of lead (red lead), all of which can be obtained by gently heating the 20 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS metals in air. Should one or more of these oxides yield up their oxygen, or a portion of it, on heating to a high tempera- ture, a method will have been found of preparing the oxygen gas of the air in a pure state. A smouldering splint will indicate whether the gas is being evolved. Heat some red lead or red oxide of mercury in a hard glass tube, fitted with a cork and bent tube, as shown in Fig. 6, supported on the ring of a retort stand, and collect the gas evolved by allowing it to bubble up into an inverted test-tube or cylinder filled with water. When all the water has been displaced, and the tube is full of gas, place the thumb or a glass plate over the orifice while still under water; then turn up and ex- amine the properties of the gas. In taste, odour, and colour it would be expected to be indis- tinguishable from air, air being tasteless, odourless, and colourless, but, being the pure active constituent, it should support combustion more readily. Try with a taper and a smouldering splint. Fill a bottle with oxygen (supplied) by water displacement, and having placed a bit of phosphorus in a deflagrating spoon, and set fire to it, plunge it into the bottle. Repeat the experi- ment, using sulphur instead of phosphorus. Then try a lump of charcoal supported by a copper wire passing through the brass plate of the spoon. Finally, try a steel watch spring, to the end of which a bit of taper is fixed to serve as a fuse, the other end of the spring passing through the brass plate. Observe in each case that the oxygen is more active as a supporter of combustion than Fig. 7. air, but that the product of combustion is the Fig. 6. OXYGEN GAS 21 same. Carefully note the properties of these products, i.e, the oxides produced, with respect to appearance, odour, solubility, and, if soluble, acidity of the solution. Be careful to enter each observation in the notebook during the progress of the experiment. It will be noticed that while heat caused the decomposition of the oxides of mercury and lead, heat was produced when phosphorus, sulphur, charcoal, and iron combined with oxygen. In subsequent experiments, note whether heat is invariably produced when chemical combination occurs. Again, heat appears to promote chemical change, for the oxides were only formed rapidly when the elements had been heated sufficiently to ignite them. Is this observation also general ? When iron rusts, increase of weight occurs because the oxygen of the air with which it combines also possesses weight. Is there any definite proportion between the weights of substances which combine together. Determine, for instance, whether red oxide of mercury contains definite pro- portions of mercury and oxygen. Construct a hard glass tube as figured, using a blow-pipe for softening and working the glass, and weigh by suspending it to the arm of the balance by a piece of copper or, 'better, platinum wire. Place in the bottom of the tube X y\ about five grams of red oxide of mer- ^—/^ f\rSs cury, previously heated in the hot water S^S oven to dry it, and weigh again. The ^^ F g difference will be the exact weight of the oxide taken. Heat till the whole of the oxide has been decomposed, care being taken not to heat the upper portion of the tube, allow to cool, and weigh. The difference in weight between the mercury left and oxide of mercury taken will be the oxygen evolved. Calculate the amount of oxygen combined with ioo parts by weight of mercury. Repeat the experiment till concordant results are obtained. Compare the result with the results obtained by other 22 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS students who, if possible, should use different specimens of the red oxide. Should they have found the same combining proportions, it must be concluded that mercury and oxygen combine in definite proportions by weight. Subsequent ex- periments will show whether this is true of the elements of other chemical compounds. V. THE THIRD CONSTITUENT OF THE AIR Besides rusting and burning, another familiar change that takes place in air is the conversion of lime into chalk. Expose some solution of lime ("lime water") in a beaker to the air. Note that in a few minutes it becomes covered with a white scum of chalk, chalk being distinguished from lime by being insoluble in pure water. Repeat the experiment, but use a stoppered bottle filled with air instead of an open beaker. Note that the amount of chalk now formed is extremely small, and that no appreciable absorption of the air in the bottle occurs. These experiments show that there is a constituent in the air which converts lime into chalk, but that it is present in very minute quantities, and that the oxygen and nitrogen of the air are not concerned in the change. Since the product of combustion of charcoal or carbon — the oxide of carbon — is a gas, it is very probably a constituent of the air, and it may be this which converts lime into chalk. Burn some charcoal in a bottle of oxygen (supplied), and test the gas produced with lime water. Should chalk now be formed, this third constituent of the air will have been identified as the oxide of carbon. Re-examine the properties of this gas as prepared by the combustion of charcoal in oxygen. Try whether it is able or unable to support the combustion of a taper. Leave a bottle of the gas open, and test it from time to time with a burning THE THIRD CONSTITUENT OF THE AIR 23 taper. Note that the escape of the gas from the bottle is very slow, for it remains at the bottom like a liquid. Try to pour it from one bottle to another like water. Pour some water into a cylinder of the gas, and, having covered with a greased plate, shake vigorously. Now attempt to remove the plate, and note whether there is evidence of the gas being soluble. Test the liquid in the bottle with litmus solution, and note whether it is acid. These experiments show that the gas is unable to support combustion, heavier than air, and soluble in water forming an acid solution. Air and Ventilation. — This oxide of carbon, usually known as carbonic acid gas, is a product of combustion, not only of charcoal, but of all ordinary fuels, solid, liquid, and gaseous, all of which contain combined carbon. This may be shown by burning a candle, a jet of coal gas, etc. in a bottle, closed at the top with a brass plate, until the flame expires, and then testing the contents of the bottle with lime water. Carbonic acid gas is also a product of animal respiration. If a jar of air expired from the lungs be collected over water, it will be found to render lime water milky, and to • be so rich in carbonic acid gas and deficient in oxygen as to extinguish a lighted taper. The amount of carbonic acid gas normally present in air is not more than .03 or .04 per cent., and this small amount is not injurious to health. In the air of towns it may reach .06 per cent., and quantities in excess of this are held to be prejudicial to health. In London air . I per cent, is sometimes observed, while in a crowded room it may reach .3 per cent. Air containing 3 per cent, extinguishes a lighted taper, while air containing 4 per cent, is fatal to life. An adult breathes out about .6 cubic feet of carbonic acid gas per hour, while a jet of coal gas burning at the rate of 3 cubic feet per hour produces at least 1.4 cubic feet of carbonic acid gas. The carbonic acid gas in the air cf a room having a capacity of 10,000 cubic feet, would therefore in one hour increase from .04 to .06 per cent, (the healthy limit) by the respira- tion of one man and combustion of one gas jet, if there were no ventila- tion. As vitality is reduced by breathing vitiated air, and the germs of disease flourish in a close and heated atmosphere, the efficient ventilation of dwelling-rooms and public buildings, as well as of sheds where farm stock are housed, is a matter of very great importance ; and many instances are recorded of the spread of disease among human beings and among cattle owing to want of ventilation. Ventilation is effected by utilising three principles :— (0 Gases diffuse 24 C HEM IS TR Y FOR A GR1CUL TURA L STUDENTS OO & OD into each other independently of their weight. If an inverted jar of coal gas, which is lighter than air, be placed over a jar of carbonic acid gas, heavier than air, the gases will be found in a few minutes' time completely mixed, as shown by the inflammability of the gas in each jar, and the milkiness it produces in lime water. It is due to this diffusion of gases that the carbonic acid gas does not settle on the floor of a room, and that, if apertures are provided, complete admixture with the outer air gradually takes place. (2) Diffusion takes place through porous materials ; the rate of diffusion of two gases is inversely as the square roots of their relative weights. This is best illustrated by the apparatus figured. A porous earthenware cell is fitted with an india-rubber cork and glass U tube half filled with a coloured liquid. A bell jar filled with coal gas is placed over the cell. The lighter coal gas enters the cell more quickly than the heavier air escapes, and, in consequence of increased pressure in the cell, the' red liquid is depressed. On now removing the bell jar, the coal gas escapes from the cell more quickly than the air enters, and, in consequence of the diminished pressure in the cell, the red liquid rises. Bricks, mortar, plaster, etc. , are porous ; iron and wood are non-porous. Brick walls provide better ventilation than walls of wood or corrugated iron, and whitewashed walls better than painted walls. The effect of diffusion is often well seen on a kitchen ceiling, where blackened strips between the beams show where air has diffused through, and black particles of soot and dust filtered out. (3) Gases expand by heat, consequently become lighter and rise ; air currents are thus produced. The best illustration of the expansion of gases by heat is the air thermometer, the movement of the liquid in the stem indicating c\pmsion or contraction of the air in the bulb, due to changes of tern - perature. The air current thus " produced may be illustrated by an aspirating bottle in which a candle is burning. The candle will shortly be extinguished unless the cork from the lower aperture is opened, thus giving rise to an air current The modern contrivances for the ventilation of rooms &ISS&£ admission of air and ■— "- <* * — ^3 Fig. 9. Pia. 10. and ventilation. THE THIRD CONSTITUENT OF THE AIR 25 In what proportion are carbon and oxygen combined in carbonic acid gas? In order to determine this, charcoal is burnt in a hard glass tube in a current of oxygen.* The carbonic acid gas produced together with the excess of oxygen is passed through a solution of caustic potash, and finally through a tube containing lumps of caustic potash, this being a substance which, like lime, absorbs carbonic acid gas, but allows the excess of oxygen to escape. The tube containing the charcoal, and the bulbs and tube containing the caustic potash, are weighed before and after the experiment. The former gives the carbon consumed, the latter the carbonic acid gas produced ; the difference between the two will be the oxygen combined with the carbon. The following numbers were obtained from an experiment : — Tube and charcoal before experiment = 78.65 „ „ after „ = 78.51 Carbon burnt = .14 Potash bulb and tube before experiment = 96.19 » n after „ = 96.70 Carbonic acid gas produced » .51 From these figures calculate the proportion of carbon and oxygen per cent, of carbonic acid gas, and also calculate the * This experiment is too difficult for elementary students, and therefore only a bare outline of the method is given. It should, however, be per- formed by the teacher with the aid of his students. To ensure a correct result, the oxygen should be dried by passing through a U tube containing pumice soaked with oil of vitriol, the charcoal must be previously heated in a current of chlorine to eliminate every trace of hydrogen, and the products of combustion of the charcoal must be passed through a heated tube of oxide of copper, to ensure complete oxidation before passing into the solution of caustic potash which should be contained in properly con- structed potash bulbs. Two or three experiments can be made with the same charcoal and potash, one after the other. 26 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS amount of carbon combining with 8 parts of oxygen {i.e. the amount which was found to combine with ioo of mercury). Numerous experiments have shown that carbonic acid gas invariably has a uniform composition ; like mercury, carbon combines with oxygen in definite proportions by weight. VI. AQUEOUS VAPOUR, WATER, AND ICE Besides rusting and burning and the conversion of lime into chalk, another change that is often noticed taking place in the air is the deliquescence of certain substances, such as common salt and chloride of calcium. Place some of the latter in a covered dish and weigh, then expose to the air till partially liquid and weigh again. Should the substance now weigh more, it may be assumed that the liquefaction is due to the absorption of atmospheric moisture in which the chloride of calcium has dissolved. To confirm, heat the partially liquid substance in a test-tube, and notice whether moisture is given off and deposited on the sides of the tube. This change may be \fl n observed even in the driest weather, showing that water vapour is always a constituent of the 111 iL atmosphere. Besides existing in the gaseous state, as water vapour or steam, and in the liquid state, water exists in the solid state as ice. The tempera- tures at which these changes of state take place are called the boiling and freezing points. Determine the boiling point of water by finding the temperature of the steam escaping from rapidly boiling water contained in a flask fitted with a cork, tube, and centigrade thermometer Fig. ii. AQUEOUS VAPOUR, WATER, AND ICE 27 as figured. Continue the experiment till a constant reading is obtained. The temperature of boiling water depends upon the purity of the water, the temperature of the steam is constant ; hence the latter is determined. A small flame without wire gauze is best for heating the water, otherwise the sides of the upper part of the flask are apt to become superheated. Since the recording of the temperature by the thermometer depends upon the expansion of the mercury by heat, the mercury in both bulb and stem must be in the steam. Water only boils when it is so hot that the pressure of the water vapour is able to overcome the pressure of the atmosphere. The boiling point, therefore, varies with the atmospheric pressure ; and hence, when a boiling point is determined, the reading of the barometer must also be noted. The boiling point of water is also the condensing point of steam; likewise, the freezing point of water is the melting point of ice. Determine the latter by immersing the end of a thermometer in a beaker filled with melting snow, or with finely powdered ice saturated with water. Constantly stirring the mixture with the thermometer, repeatedly note the tem- perature without removing the thermometer from the beaker till a constant reading is obtained. The graduation of a thermometer is seldom quite correct, and future readings should always be corrected for any error thus found. On the centigrade scale, the freezing point is the zero (" o° C"), and the distance between that and the boiling point is divided into 100 degrees. On the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point is 32 degrees above the zero, and the distance between this and the boiling point is 180 degrees, the boiling point being "212 F." Each degree Fahrenheit is therefore \%% of a degree centigrade. Compare the reading of a centi- grade and Fahrenheit thermometer. Do they record the same temperature ? 2 8 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS VII. WATER AS A SOLVENT Shake some common salt, gypsum, and sand separately with pure water, filter the liquids, from undissolved substance, through a cone of porous paper fitted in a funnel as figured, into porcelain basins, and evaporate each to dryness over Fig. 12. Fig. 13. beakers of boiling water (Fig. 13). Judging from the residue, which substance would be described as insoluble, which as slightly soluble, and which as very soluble in water? Determine the solubility of gypsum. Stir excess of pure gypsum with pure water (at 15 C.) in a beaker until, after prolonged stirring, a saturated solution is obtained. Then filter and evaporate 25 grams of the filtrate in a weighed porcelain basin to dryness on the water bath. Weigh the dish and residue. Calculate the amount of gypsum dissolved by 1 gram of water (the " co-efficient of solubility " of gypsum). Repeat the experiment until concordant results are obtained. The solubility of a solid in water usually increases with rise in tempera- ture, for heat tends to promote change from the solid to the liquid state. It is therefore necessary to adopt a standard temperature in the determina- tion of solubilities. The usual temperature of the laboratories is 15° C, and this is therefore generally adopted. WATER AS A SOLVENT 29 Liquids and gases, like solids, vary in their solubility in water. Compare the solubility of alcohol, chloroform, and paraffin oil by shaking the liquids, added drop by drop, in large test-tubes of water. Compare the solubility of carbonic acid gas (sup- plied) and air by inverting test-tubes of the gases in recently boiled and cooled water, and noting the height to which the water rises in the tubes. Since heat tends to promote change from the liquid to the gaseous state, it is to be expected that a gas will be more soluble in cold than in hot water. Heat some rain water in a test-tube, and note that, as the temperature rises, bubbles of gas are given off. The foregoing experiments indicate a method of obtaining perfectly pure water by distillation) for on boiling water, the dissolved gases are first evolved, the dissolved solids are left behind, and the steam is pure water vapour which can be condensed to pure water. Distil some water in a retort, and lead the steam into a flask kept cold by a trough of cold water, in order that the temperature may be reduced below the con- densing point of steam. Reject the first part of the distillate, and collect that which comes over afterwards. Note that the dissolved solids are left as a residue in the retort. Rain, Spring, and Sea Water.— Water exercises an appreciable vapour pressure at all temperatures, and this increases as the temperature rises, until at the boiling point it is equal to the atmospheric pressure. It is 30 CHEM1STR Y FOR A GRIC UL TURAL STUDENTS due to this that evaporation of water takes place much more rapidly in hot weather than in cold, and that warm air can absorb much more water vapour than cold air before it becomes saturated. The amount of water vapour that can be retained by air, therefore, depends upon the tempera- ture. Water vapour is always present, and however apparently dry the air maybe, a temperature is reached on cooling — the "dew-point" — at which water vapour begins to condense in the form of mist or dew. This temperature is most easily determined by the dew-point hygrometer, but it can also be ascertained by calculation from the difference between a wet and a dry bulb thermometer. These thermometers will record the same tem- perature when the air is saturated, but the drier the air is the more will the reading of the wet bulb fall below that of the dry, because greater evapora- tion from the wet bulb takes place, and more heat is absorbed in conse- quence (see p. 34). The deposition of dew when air is cooled is con- veniently illustrated by bringing a flask of ice-cold water into a warm room. The distillation of water that occurs in nature will now be understood. Air into which water has evaporated from sea and land deposits its water when cooled in the form of cloud, mist, or dew. From cloud, water is precipitated as rain ; so that rain is distilled water, free from all dissolved solids, and only containing the dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic acid gas of the atmosphere. These gases may be obtained for examination by completely filling an apparatus, such as that figured, with rain water, Fig. 15. and heating the flask until the gases are expelled. When rain water sinks through the soil and the underlying strata, it dissolves the soluble sub- stances ; so that river and spring water contain dissolved solids varying in DENSITY V their character and quantity according to the soil and rock strata through which the water has passed. Such water ultimately finds its way to the sea, and there again undergoes evaporation, leaving the solids behind either n Fig. 16. dissolved or deposited, so that the sea is the liquid residue of ages of evapo- ration. The action of rain water as a solvent on soil may be illustrated by percolating soil with rain water in the apparatus figured, and comparing the residues of evaporation of the rain and drainage water. VIII. DENSITY It is well known that salt water is more buoyant than pure water. This is owing to its greater density. Compare the densities of water and a saturated solution of salt by com- paring the weights of equal volumes of the liquids. Run 20 c.c. of the salt solution from a burette into a small 32 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS weighed flask and weigh. Subtract the weight of the flask to obtain the weight of the salt solution. Since 20 c.c. of water (at 15 C, see page 13) as run from the burette will weigh 20 grams, the relative weights of equal volumes of the salt solution and water can thus be ascertained. Taking the density of water as 1, what is the relative density of the salt solution ? The density of a solid or liquid is always compared with water as unity. The number thus obtained is the Fig. 17. relative density (or specific gravity) of the substance. A customary method for taking specific gravities is by the specific gravity bottle, constructed to hold exactly 50 or 100 grams of water at 15 C. (Fig. 17). An improvement on this method is described in the next paragraph. In repeating the determination to obtain concordant results employ a U tube (Fig. 18), by the use of which the tempera- ture of the liquid can be controlled. Construct such a tube out of a piece of soft glass tubing having a 5 or 6 m.m. bore, and weigh it. Now fill with water by attaching an india-rubber tube and sucking up the water through the drawn-out end. Having removed the india-rubber tube, the drawn-out end of the U tube should remain filled with water, while the water in the other end will sink to a certain point. Mark this point with a file. Immerse the tube in a beaker of water at 15 C. for a few minutes; then, if necessary, run a little water in, or suck a little out by pressing a bit of filter paper to the drawn-out end, until the height of the water in the one limb exactly coincides with the mark when the tube is quite upright, and, having dried the outside of the tube, weigh. Empty the tube, and having first rinsed it out with the salt XJ Fig. 18. DENSITY 33 solution, fill it with the solution ; when it stands at the mark after suspending in the beaker of water at 15 C. for a few minutes, dry and weigh. Like liquids, solids differ in their density. Wood floats on water, but iron sinks. Compare the densities of glass and water. Weigh a piece of stout glass rod. Immerse it in the water in a half-filled burette, and read off the increase in the height of the water. The increase will be an amount of water equal in volume to the glass rod. From this calculate the relative density of the glass. Solids weigh less when immersed in water than in air ; the loss in weight is found to be equal to the weight of water displaced. Weigh the glass rod under water, by suspending it to the arm of the balance by a hair, as figured. The loss in weight will be found to be equal to the weight of water it dis- placed, as found in the previous experiment. This provides an exact method for determining the relative density of solids. Weigh the solid first in air and then in water, and compare its weight in air with the loss in weight, i.e. the weight of an equal volume of water. It is obvious that the loss in weight of a solid when immersed in a liquid will depend upon the density of the liquid, for the loss in weight is equal to the weight of an equal volume of the liquid. Hence this method also provides a means of deter- mining the density of liquids. For example, to determine the relative density of the salt solution, compare the loss in weight of the glass rod when immersed in the salt solution with its loss in weight when immersed in water, i.e. the weight of equal volumes of salt solution and water. This principle is adopted in the rough determination of 3 Fig. 19. 34 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS relative densities by means of the hydrometer. This is an instrument constructed to float upright in a liquid, and which records the relative density of the liquid by the depth to which it sinks, the stem being graduated in " degrees of specific gravity," water being taken as iooo. The liquid must be at 15 C. Compare the relative density of the salt solution as determined by the hydrometer with that determined by the previous methods. Other Properties of Water. — Water has a great heat capacity. If beakers of water and mercury be placed side by side in a bath of hot water, the mercury will become hot much sooner than the water, and, when both are hot, the water will remain hot much longer. Water has also a greater heat capacity than the constituents of rocks and soil. If into each of two beakers, the one containing a pound of cold water and the other a pound of sand, a pound of boiling water be poured, and each stirred with a thermometer, the temperature of the mixture of sand and water will be found to be the higher, the heat capacity of the sand being less than the water, and requiring less heat to heat it than the cold water. The heat that would raise I lb. of water i° C. would raise 5 lbs. of sand i°, and would raise I lb. of sand 5 . The relative or specific heat capacity of sand is therefore .2 (water=i). Water is taken as the standard, as it has the greatest heat capacity of all ordinary solid or liquid substances. It is partly for this reason that Great Britain, being surrounded by water, has so temperate a climate, because the sea absorbs more heat in summer and gives up more heat in winter than land. For the same reason a dry, sandy soil is "warmer" than a clay soil, because the latter retains so large a quantity of water. When change of state occurs from a solid to a liquid, or a liquid to a gas, heat is absorbed. Since heat is again produced when these changes of state are reversed, it is spoken of as the latent heat of liquefaction, and the latent heat of vaporisation. An example of the latter is seen in the wet and dry bulb thermometers. The wet bulb thermometer will read the lower, unless the air be saturated with water vapour, because the evapora- tion from the surface is accompanied by absorption of heat. An example of the former is the freezing mixture produced by mixing salt and snow. The salt produces rapid melting of the snow, and heat is conse- quently absorbed, the temperature falling to-2i° C. The loss of heat by the great evaporation from the sea during the summer is another cause of the temperate character of the climate of Great Britain. For this reason DENSITY 35 also, a sandy soil is "warmer" than a clay soil, and a room with damp walls is chilly. Water vapour is an athermanous gas, i.e. it does not readily allow the radiation of heat through it, unlike the other gases of the atmosphere, which are diathermanons. The atmosphere of Great Britain being humid, the intensity of the sun's heat in summer, and the radiation of the earth's heat into space in winter, is less than in drier countries in the same latitude, and the climate is consequently more temperate. Water contracts when it cools from ioo° to 4 C, but, unlike other liquids, expands from 4 to O , and, on freezing, further expands to the extent of 9 per cent, of its volume. These changes may be studied by filling a large thermometer tube and bulb with hot water (Fig. 10), and gradually cooling to a temperature below the freezing point. They explain the necessity for observing the temperature in calibrating burettes (p. 12), and in deter- mining the density of solids and liquids (p. 31). They are of import- ance ( 1 ) in the production of ocean currents, another factor having a great influence on the climate of Great Britain ; (2) in the preservation of animal life in lakes and ponds ; (3) in the rupture and decay of vegetable tissue ; (4) in the heating of buildings by hot water ; (5) in the bursting of water pipes during frost ; and (6) in the disintegration of rocks and soil by frost. The physical properties of water are compared with those of mercury and alcohol in the following table. Physical Properties of Liquids. Water. Mercury. Alcohol. Specific gravity i.oooat4° I3-596T o.794if Specific heat (at 15 ) 1. 000 0-033 0.612 Latent heat of fusion, in heat units 79-25 2.82 ? Latentheat of vaporisation, in heat units 535-77 62.OO 208.92 Boiling point (at 760 m.m. ) IOO° 35 f 78.4 Freezing point . o° -38. 5° -130. 5° Vapour pressure at 15° in mm. of mercury . 12.67 0.04 32-44 Co-efficient of expansion from o° to ioo° 0.00043 0.00018 0.00127 Thermal conductivity 0.083 0.925 0.029 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS IX. COMPOSITION OF WATER Is water an element or a compound, and if the latter, what are its constituents? To answer this question an attempt must be made to decompose it. The effect of heat, however, which has been found to decompose certain chemical compounds, is simply to change its state from water to steam. No chemical change occurs similar to that which resulted from heating oxide of mercury, for in this, and in all the other chemical changes studied, substances have been formed having entirely different properties from the original substances, and the changes are permanent and not simply changes of state. Possibly, however, steam, like air, can act chemically on iron, charcoal, etc., especially if these be heated to promote the chemical change: Fit up the apparatus figured, and place in the wide tube, which must be constructed of hard glass, some iron filings Fig. 20 (or, better, some iron turnings). Heat the filings to a low red heat; pass steam from the flask of boiling water very s'owly through the tube, and lead the escaping gas or COMPOSITION OF WATER 37 vapour into a trough of water. Note whether the iron filings become changed in appearance. Note, also, whether the escaping gas condenses in the water of the trough like steam, or whether it is a permanent gas. If the latter, collect some in an inverted tube of water, and study its properties. Is it a supporter or non-supporter of combustion, and is it com- bustible ? Is the change in the iron due to its having com- bined with one element of the water, the other element, which from its source might be termed "hydrogen" — i.e. water producing — gas, being liberated ? If so, water is a compound of this hydrogen with the element with which the iron has corrfbined. If — water + iron = (iron + x) + hydrogen, water = hydrogen + x. The iron compound exactly resembles that which is obtained by heating iron in air, and it may therefore be an oxide of iron. If so, water must be oxide of hydrogen. An easy method of testing this supposition will be to burn hydrogen in air, when — since combustion in air consists in combination with the oxygen — water should be formed. For this purpose, Fig. 21. prepare some hydrogen gas in the apparatus figured, by pouring cold dilute sulphuric acid ( i of acid to 6 of water) through the thistle funnel on to some granulated zinc placed in the flask A. 3« CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS To purify the gas thus obtained, pass it through the U tube, B, filled with pieces of pumice soaked with solution of potash (i gram of caustic potash dissolved in 3 c.c. of water) ; and to dry it, through the U tube, C, filled with lumps of calcium chloride. When all the air has been expelled from the apparatus, and pure hydrogen issues from D, ignite the gas, and, by means of an as- pirator, draw the products of com- bustion through a small thistle funnel into a U tube half immersed in cold water (Fig. 22). Is the liquid, which condenses in the U tube, water? Has it the physical properties of water? To answer this question, run it into a small flask, fitted with a ther- mometer, and having an aperture to allow steam to escape, and determine its boiling point. If this be ioo° C, it is water. Water must therefore be the oxide of hydrogen. Hydrogen and air form a dangerously explosive mixture. To ensure absence of air from the gas before lighting it at the jet, collect a test-tube by upward displacement of air, and ignite it. If air is still present, an explosion will be produced ; if the gas is pure, it will burn quietly. Fig. 22. X. HYDROGEN GAS It has been found that hydrogen differs from oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic acid gas, in being combustible. It is also lighter in weight, for it has been possible to collect it by upward displacement of air. Compare its density with that of air. The density of gases may be compared, like liquids, by weighing equal volumes. Attach the flask (Fig. 1) to the HYDROGEN GAS 39 hydrogen apparatus, in such a way that the purified gas is led into the top of the flask while the air is driven out from the bottom. When every trace of air has been expelled, and it is completely filled with the hydrogen, detach the flask, stopper and weigh it. Now, by means of an aspirator, draw air, dried by slowly passing through the calcium chloride tube, into the flask the reverse way, until all the hydrogen has been driven out ; detach, stopper, and weigh again. Next find the capacity of the flask by filling the flask and tubes with water and measuring the water. At 15 C, the temperature at which both the air and hydrogen should be, and when the barometer stands at 30 inches, 1000 c.c. of dry air weighs 1.226 grams. From this calculate the weight of air in the flask, and subtract it from the weight of the flask filled with air, in order to deter- mine the weight of the flask. The weight of hydrogen can now be determined by subtracting the weight of the flask from the weight of the flask and hydrogen. The weights of equal volumes of air and hydrogen being now found, calculate the relative density of air, taking hydrogen as 1, and that of hydro- gen, taking air as 1. Repeat the determination until concor- dant results are obtained. In the foregoing experiment great care must be taken completely to fill the flask with the gas. Until stoppered the flask must on no account be touched with the hands, as this would warm and expand the gas. The ollowing example will serve to illustrate the method of working : — Capacity of the flask = 1000 c.c. 1000 c.c. of dry air at 15 C. and 760 m.m. pressure weighs 1.226 grams. Weight of flask and air = 101.226 grams. Weight of air = 1.226 ,, Weight of flask = 100.000 „ Weight of flask of hydrogen = 100.085 grams. Weight of flask = 100.000 ,, Weight of hydrogen = 0.085 ,, Hence if air = 1, the relative density of hydrogen = .069, and if 4 o CHE MIS TR Y FOR A GR1CUL TURAL STUDENTS hydrogen = I, the relative density of air = 14.4. Hydrogen, being the lightest gas known, is usually taken as unity. When heated, gases expand much more than liquids or solids, and, unlike liquids and solids, they all expand equally and also regularly for each increment of temperature. On heating from o° to 1° C, a gas expands ifa of its volume, from i° to 2° ^fj, and so on. Thus 273 c.c. of air at o° become 288 c.c. at 15 ; 288 c.c. at 15 become 283 c.c. at io°. The necessity for knowing the temperature in calculating the weight of air, and for having the hydrogen and air at the same temperature in the foregoing experiment, will now be understood ; and should the temperature not be at 1 5 , it will be possible to calculate the weight of air in the flask at any other temperature. Gases are far more elastic and compressible than liquids and solids. The volume of any gas varies inversely with the pressure put upon it. Thus 1 000 c.c. of air under a pressure of 30 inches of mercury become 1500 c.c. under 20 inches. This may be illustrated by means of the tube figured. If a little mercury at the bottom of the tube stand at the same level in both limbs, the air in the closed limb will be at the atmos- pheric pressure (say 30 inches of mercury). If now mercury be poured into the tube until it stands 30 inches higher in the long limb than in the short, the pressure upon the air in the short limb will be doubled, and the volume will be found to be reduced to half. If another 30 inches of mercury be added the pressure will be trebled, and the volume of gas reduced to one- third. In the foregoing experiment it is obviously necessary to take the barometric pressure into account, and should the barometer not stand at 30 inches, it is possible to calculate the Fig. 23. weight of 1000 c.c. of air under any other pressure. In what proportion does hydrogen unite with oxygen to form water? This may be determined by finding the quantity of water formed by the action of hydrogen on a known weight of heated oxide of copper, when the following change occurs : — Hydrogen + oxide of copper = copper -f oxide of hydrogen. Fit up the apparatus figured. In the hard glass tube E place some oxide of copper. Heat the tube to a low red heat, and draw a current of air through the apparatus till every trace of moisture has been driven off; allow to cool ; plug the holes CONCLUSIONS 41 in the corks with little stoppers made of glass tubing, and weigh. Fill the tube F with lumps of chloride of calcium and weigh. Connect the tubes and attach E to the U tube C of the freshly CTZI^-^-^Zn&Qi charged hydrogen apparatus (Fig. 21). ' ( F When the whole apparatus is free from air and completely filled with V-^y pure hydrogen slowly passing through, Fig. 24. heat the tube E till a portion of the oxide of copper has been decomposed. Allow the tube to cool, and when every trace of moisture has been carried forward by the current of hydrogen into tube F, detach the tubes E and F, plug and weigh them separately. The loss in weight of E will be the weight of oxygen used. The gain in weight of F will be the weight of water produced. The differ- ence between the weight of water produced and oxygen used will be the weight of hydrogen used. Calculate the percentage composition of water, and from that the quantity of hydrogen, combining with 8 parts by weight of oxygen, i.e. the combining weight of oxygen up to the present taken. In repeating the determination to obtain a concordant result, use the same tube of copper oxide, care being taken that no damp air gains access to it, copper oxide being a very hygroscopic substance. If necessary reoxidise the copper by passing air through the heated tube. If more dilute sulphuric acid is required during the progress of the experiment, pour in a few drops at a time down the side of the funnel tube, so that no air, which would, of course, be fatal to a correct result, be admitted. XI. CONCLUSIONS The foregoing studies in natural science are of two kinds : — (1) Those which have reference to the properties of the 42 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS substances dealt with are physical ', and (2) those which have reference to their composition are chemical. The systematised knowledge obtained by a study of the properties of matter constitutes the science of Physics \ that obtained by a study of its composition constitutes the science of Chemistry. The changes observed which have involved alteration in composition, such as the rusting of iron, are chemical changes ; those which have not necessarily involved any alteration in composition, such as the change of state of water to steam, are physical changes. The chemical changes are of two kinds : — Those which are concerned with the decomposition of compounds into simpler compounds or into elements, such as the change produced by heating oxide of mercury, and those which are concerned with combination and the formation of compounds, such as the combustion of phosphorus. Very often a chemical change involves both chemical decomposition and combination, as in the action of steam on heated iron filings. It has been noticed that chemical change is promoted by heat, but that whereas chemical combination is accompanied by production of heat, it has been necessary to put back heat into a substance to decompose it. It is easily conceivable that if, owing to a force of chemical attraction between two elements, heat is produced when they unite, it would be necessary to employ a force, such as heat, capable of overcoming this attraction, to decompose a chemical compound. Two methods are therefore available for investigating the composition of matter: — (1) Analysis, i.e. splitting up the compound in order to obtain its constituents j (2) Synthesis, i.e. putting together the constituents in order to obtain the compound. The composition of red oxide of mercury was found by analysis, that of carbonic acid gas by synthesis. These investigations have shown that chemical combination takes place in definite proportions by weight. With 8 parts by weight of oxygen, 1 of hydrogen, 3 of carbon, and 100 of CONCLUSIONS 43 mercury were found to combine to form water, carbonic acid gas, and red oxide of mercury. In the second part of these studies an inquiry will be made into the proportions in which other elements combine. It has been observed that when hydrogen and oxygen combine they do so in definite proportions, a liquid — water — is formed, the properties of which are entirely and permanently different from the component gases, and heat is produced. These three characteristics of chemical combination show that water is a chemical compound. Air consists of oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic acid gas, and water vapour in variable proportions. If these gases be mixed together no heat is produced, but the mixture has the same properties as air. Air has therefore none of the characteristics of a chemical compound, and is merely a mixture. For identifying chemical substances, both physical and chemical methods are available. Thus, the co-efficient of solubility of gypsum, the boiling point and freezing point of water, and the relative density of hydrogen gas are " physical constants " which are available for identifying these three sub- stances. By chemical methods red oxide of mercury could be distinguished from red lead, as they behave differently on heating, and nitrogen from carbonic acid gas, as they differ in their action upon lime water and litmus. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS FOR REVISION AND EXAMINATION. The problems marked with an asterisk (*) are intended for practical examination. Weights and Measures. 1. Express 2195.817 grams in kilograms, hectograms, etc. 2. Express I hectogram, 6 grams, 4 centigrams, and 9 milligrams in grams. 3. Calculate the number of milligrams in a kilogram. 44 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS 4. Express 30 inches in millimeters. 5. What is the weight of 10 liters of pure water at 4 C. ? *6. Calibrate the burette. The Atmosphere. 7. Describe how the weight of a liter of air can be ascertained. 8. To what is the atmospheric pressure due, and how may it be proved that the height of the mercury in a barometric tube depends upon the atmospheric pressure ? 9. Mercury is 13 \ times as heavy as water. Calculate the pressure of the atmosphere upon the surface of the earth at sea level in grams per square centimeter, and in lbs. per square inch. 10. Mercury is 11,000 times as heavy as air at sea level ; what would be the height of the atmosphere in miles, were the density the same throughout ? 11. The action of a suction pump in drawing water depends upon the atmospheric pressure. Calculate the height to which it would be theoretically possible to draw water, were the water absolutely pure and the valves of the pump air-tight. *I2. The daily barometric readings for March 1898 were — 30.5, 30.6, 30.4, 30.3, 30.0, 30.4, 29.9, 29.6, 28.8, 29.7, 29.2, 29.7, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 29.8, 29.8, 29.1, 29.1, 29.3, 28.8, 29.5, 29.5, 29.3, 29.3, 29.6, 29.9, 30.1, 30.2, 30.2, 30.3. Express these variations graphically on the square paper. Composition of Air. 13. Name the active and the inactive constituents of the air, and state in what proportion they are present. 14. When iron rusts under a bell jar standing over water, what changes take place in (1) the weight and properties of the iron, and (2) the volume and properties of the air ? 15. When phosphorus burns, what happens to the phosphorus and to the air ? In wnat respects is the combustion of phosphorus similar to the rusting of iron ? 16. What is an oxide? How may the oxides of iron and phosphorus be formed ? 17. What is a chemical compound, and how would a chemical compound of two elements be distinguished from a mixture? Illustrate your answer by the compounds of oxygen with iron and phosphorus. *l8. Prepare a bottle full of nitrogen gas. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 45 Oxygen Gas. 19. Of the red oxides of iron, lead and mercury and the black oxide ol copper, which yield oxygen on heating, and what are the residues left when oxygen ceases to be evolved ? 20. Fully describe a method for preparing a bottle of pure oxygen gas. Illustrate your description by a drawing of the apparatus used. 2 1 . Compare the properties of oxygen and nitrogen. 22. Describe the combustion of phosphorus, sulphur, charcoal, and iron in oxygen gas. Of each product describe the appearance and smell. Is it a solid or a gas ? Is it soluble in water and is the solu- tion acid in reaction ? 23. Judging from the examples dealt with so far, what appears to be the relation of heat towards (1) chemical change in general, (2) chemical combination, and (3) chemical decomposition? 24. Describe minutely how the composition of red oxide of mercury by weight may be determined, and state the amount of oxygen existing in this compound combined with 100 grams of mercury. "25. Identify the metallic oxide (red oxide of iron, red oxide of mercury or red lead). *26. Frepare a bottle full of oxygen gas. Carbonic Acid Gas. 27. In what proportion does carbonic acid gas exist in the air? How may its presence be demonstrated, and to what is it due ? 28. Describe a method for preparing carbonic acid gas. 29. Give the properties of the gas. Does it support combustion ? Is it soluble in water, and if so, what is the action of the solution on litmus? Is the gas heavier or lighter than air, and how does it behave to lime water and solution of potash ? 30. Fully describe the method of determining the composition of carbonic acid gas, and state in what proportions carbon and oxygen are combined in this compound. 31. Why should the ventilation of rooms be necessary? In your reply state to what the vitiation of air is due, to what extent may the composition of air in rooms be altered, and what is the effect upon the health of breathing vitiated air. 32. State what you know about the diffusion of gases. How may this principle be utilised in ventilation ? 33. What is the effect of heat upon the volume of a gas, and how may this effect be utilised in promoting ventilation ? *34. Identify the gas (oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic acid gas, or air). 46 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS Aqueous Vapour, Water, and Ice. 35. What is meant by "deliquescence," and to what is it due? Name two substances that commonly exhibit this phenomenon. 36. What are the " three states of matter," and what is meant by u change of state"? 37. What do you understand by " temperature"? Name the instrument used for measuring temperature, and describe its construction and action. Why can water not be employed instead of mercury or alcohol in its construction? (See Study VIII.) 38. What is meant by the "boiling point " and "freezing point " ? Why, in the determination of the former, must the atmospheric pressure be taken into account ? 39. Into what number of degrees are the Fahrenheit and centigrade scales of temperature divided, and what is taken as the zero for each scale ? What fraction of a degree centigrade is a degree Fahrenheit ? Calculate 15 C. into degrees Fahrenheit, and 20 F. into degrees centigrade. *40. Determine the boiling point of the liquid. *4i. Is the zero point of the centigrade thermometer correct? Water as a Solvent. 42. What is meant by the terms solubility and insolubility? Illustrate your answer by examples of solids, liquids, and gases. When is a solution said to be saturated ? 43. What is the usual effect of rise in temperature upon the solubility of (1) a solid, (2) a gas? Trace the relation between this and the effect of temperature upon change of state of solids and gases. 44. Explain distillation with reference to change of state. How may dis- tillation be employed to produce pure water from water containing solid and gaseous impurities ? 45. Why does evaporation of water take place at temperatures below the boiling point? Will evaporation from the soil take place more rapidly in dry weather or damp, warm weather or cold ? 46. If the air be saturated with water vapour, what takes place if the temperature falls? What is meant by the "dew point"? Why does the wet bulb thermometer read lower than the dry except when the air is saturated with water vapour ? 47. Give an account of the distillation of water that takes place in nature ; trace the history of water from the point at which it is evaporated from land or sea, through its existence as rain, spring, river, and sea water, with especial reference to the gaseous and solid sub- stances it dissolves. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 47 *4& Determine the co-efficient of solubility of pure salt at 15 C. *49. Determine the percentage volume of gas evolved by boiling the tap water. *50. Determine the percentage of total solids in the tap water. *5i. Percolate 100 grams of the soil with distilled water, previously boiled and cooled, until completely exhausted, and determine the per- centage of soluble matter in the soil. Density. 52. What is meant by "density," and how may it be expressed? What is meant by saying that the • ' relative density " or specific gravity of brine (saturated at 15° C.) is 1. 207? 53. A bottle holds 28.35 grams of water and 29.30 grams of milk at the same temperature. What is the specific gravity of the milk ? 54. Twenty-five c.c. of a liquid weigh 30.5 grams. What is its relative density ? 55. A piece of glass weighing 25 grams displaces 10 c.c. of water (at 4 C). What is the relative density of the glass ? 56. To what extent does a solid lose weight when immersed in a liquid ? If the density of the solid be less than the density of the liquid, will it float or sink ? Try to explain why. 57. A piece of hard glass weighs 27 grams in air, 16 grams in water, and 1 1 grams in brine. What is the relative density of the glass and of the brine? 58. Fully describe the construction of the hydrometer. How can it be employed for the determination of the relative density of a liquid, and why must the temperature of the liquid be ascertained ? *59. Determine the relative density of the liquid by means of a U tube (at \f). *6o. Determine the relative density of the glass, and then, by means of the glass, that of the spirit. Other Properties of Water. 61. What is meant by "heat capacity" ? Name the substance which has the highest heat capacity of all ordinary solids or liquids. If beakers of water and oil were heated equally, which would become hot the quicker? When both are hot, which would cool the quicker? 62. If 1 lb. of boiling water be poured into I lb. of water at 15 , the temperature of the mixture is found to be 57-5°. If 1 lb. of boiling water be poured into I lb. of sand at 15 , the temperature of the mixture is found to be 86°. What is the heat capacity of the sand compared with that of water as unity ? a8 CHEMISTR Y FOR A GR1CUL TURAL STUDENTS 63. Point out how the great heat capacity of water renders (1) the climate of Great Britain temperate, (2) a wet soil cold, and (3) a damp room chilly. 64. Point out the relation of heat to change of state, both from a liquid to a solid and a gas, and from a solid and a gas to a liquid. Explain the difference of temperature exhibited by a wet and dry bulb thermometer. Why does a mixture of salt and snow act as a freez- ing mixture ? 65. Point out how the high latent heat of vaporisation possessed by water helps to render (1) the climate of Great Britain temperate, (2) a wet soil cold, and (3) a damp room chilly. Explain why the high latent heat of liquefaction of ice gives rise to a raw, cold feeling during a thaw. 66. What is meant by the terms " athermanous" and " diathermanous " ? How does the athermancy of water vapour affect the climate of Great Britain ? 67. Describe the effect of heating and cooling water upon its volume. Point out how these changes in volume can be utilised in the hear- ing of buildings. It is stated that the water in a deep pond whose surface is frozen rarely sinks below 4 C. Explain this. Account for the useful effect of a hard frost upon the soil. 68. Compare the use of alcohol and mercury in the construction of ther- mometers, taking into account their difference in specific heat, boiling point, freezing point, co-efficient of expansion, and thermal conductivity. Composition of Water. 69. Describe fully the experiments which showed that water was a com- pound of hydrogen. State what change took place in (1) the iron filings, (2) the steam. 70. Describe the experiment which established the composition of water by synthesis, and state how the liquid produced was identified as water. 71. Before a jet of hydrogen is ignited, what precaution must be taken to ensure its purity ? Why should hydrogen and air constitute an explosive mixture? 72. What do you mean by a "permanent" gas? 73. Two methods have now been employed to decompose chemical compounds. What are they ? Illustrate your answer by examples. *74- Identify the two gase* (hydrogen, and either oxygen, nitrogen, or carbonic acid gas). QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 49 Hydrogen Gas. 75. Describe two methods for preparing hydrogen gas. 76. Compare the properties of hydrogen, in respect to combustibility, smell, colour, solubility and density, with oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic acid gas. 77. Give an account of the method for determining the relative density of hydrogen. yS. Calculate the relative density of a gas (hydrogen = 1) from the following data : — Capacity of flask = 980 c.c— Weight of flask and air at 15 C. and 760 m.m. = 88.303. Weight of flask and gas at the same temperature and pressure = 88.407. A liter of air at 15 C. and 760 m.m. weighs 1.226 grams. The relative density of hydrogen (air = 1) is .069. 79. To what extent do gases expand when heated ? What would 10 c.c. of a gas at o° C. measure at ioo° C, and what would 15 c.c of a gas at 1 5 C. measure at - 5 C. ? 80. To what extent do gases expand or contract under variations of pressure ? What would a liter of air under the normal atmospheric pressure measure under a pressure of 90 inches of mercury (3 atmospheres) ? 81. What weight of air would a liter flask hold at a temperature of 20 C. and a pressure of 29 inches of mercury ? 82. Give an account of the determination of the composition of water by weight, and illustrate by a drawing the apparatus used. Refer especially to all the precautions that must be taken to obtain a correct result. *$%. Prepare a bottle full of pure hydrogen gas. Conclusions. 84. Distinguish between the sciences of physics and chemistry. Give examples of physical and chemical change. 85. Distinguish between the two kinds of chemical change, and illustrate each kind by examples. Point out how in the action of steam on heated iron, and of hydrogen on heated copper oxide, both kinds of chemical change take place simultaneously. 86. Discuss the relation of heat to chemical change. 87. What are the two available methods for investigating the composition of matter ? 50 CHEM1STR Y FOR A GRIC UL TURAL STUDENTS 88. What are the three characteristics of chemical combination? Why do we regard water as a chemical compound, and air as a mere mixture of the constituent gases ? 89. In what proportions do mercury, carbon, and hydrogen combine with oxygen to form red oxide of mercury, carbonic acid gas, and water respectively? 90. For identifying chemical substances we can employ both physical and chemical methods. Give illustrations of each. PART II XII. BASIC OXIDES, ACID OXIDES, AND SALTS In studying air and water, it has been found that oxygen forms an important constituent of each. This is also true of the crust of the earth. The older rocks, such as granite ; the stratified rocks formed by the disintegration of the older rocks, such as limestone or chalk, clay and sand ; and soil formed by the dis- integration and mixture of the foregoing, almost entirely consist of oxygen compounds. It is therefore necessary in commencing a study of the constituents of the earth's crust to examine the oxides more closely. It has already been observed that certain oxides are soluble in water, and that their solutions have acid properties ; for they are sour in taste and turn blue litmus red. Prepare the oxides of phosphorus and sulphur by burning the elements in jars filled with air or oxygen (Fig. 7), and containing a little water to dissolve the fumes of the oxides produced. Prepare the oxides of the metals magnesium and potassium by heating in the air (the latter in an iron spoon) till ignited. Dissolve the oxide of potassium in water and filter the solution. Mix the oxide of magnesium with a few drops of water in a dish, it being only very slightly soluble. Compare the action of the four liquids on blue and red litmus paper. Do they turn blue litmus red or red litmus blue ? Are they acid or alkaline in reaction ? It will be found that of these four oxides, two dissolve in water forming acid, two dissolve forming alkaline liquids. The 61 52 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS two alkali-forming or basic oxides were oxides of metals, the two acid-forming or acidic oxides were oxides of elements which, not being metallic, may be termed non-metals. Similarly, other oxides will be found to be basic or acidic according to the metallic or non-metallic nature of their respective elements. Thus the more important oxides may be classified as follows : — Metallic or Basic Oxides. Oxide of aluminium (alumina). Oxide of magnesium (magnesia). Oxide of barium (baryta). Oxide of manganese. Oxide of calcium (lime). Oxide of mercury. Oxide of copper. Oxide of potassium (potash). Oxide of iron. Oxide of sodium (soda). Oxide of lead (litharge). Oxide of zinc. Non-metallic or Acidic Oxides. Oxide of carbon (carbonic acid gas). Oxide of phosphorus (phosphoric anhydride). * Oxide of chlorine (hypochlorous Oxide of silicon (silica). anhydride).* Oxide of nitrogen (nitric anhydride).* Oxide of sulphur (sulphurous an- hydride). * For the next inquiry use the same solutions of the oxides of potassium, phosphorus, and sulphur, but replace the magnesia by solution of lime, that oxide being more soluble in water. Take the solutions of potash and oxide of sulphur. Note the greasy feel of the one and the sulphurous smell of the other. Pour the one into a portion of the other, frequently stirring and testing the acidity or alkalinity by transferring a drop by means of a glass rod on to a piece of red or blue litmus paper, until the mixture is exactly neutral and has no action on either red or blue litmus. Note that the liquid has lost all greasy feeling and sulphurous smell. Evaporate it to dryness on a water bath, and note the crystalline residue or salt, a substance * So called because of their relation to the corresponding acids. Nitric anhydride is nitric acid without water. THE METALS: THE METALLIC OXIDES 53 which appears to be a compound of the two oxides employed, for it has lost the distinctive properties of each. Repeat the operation with the solution of lime and oxide of phosphorus, pouring the latter into the former till a neutral mixture is obtained. The " salt " appears in this case to be a white insoluble compound of the two oxides. Filter and evaporate the filtrate to dryness. Should there be no residue, this must be the case. The conclusions arrived at from these two instances are true for the oxides of other elements. They may be stated thus : — Basic oxides are oxides of metallic elements; if dissolved by water they form alkaline liquids, and they unite with acidic oxides forming salts. The oxides of non-metallic elements are usually acidic; if dissolved by water they form acids, and they unite with basic oxides to form salts. Salts are compounds formed by the admixture of basic ana acidic oxides ; if dissolved by water they usually form neutral solutions. It will be observed that water is a neutral oxide. Thus basic and acidic oxides can be dissolved in water without their properties being affected. The element hydrogen, in fact, in its chemical behaviour, stands inter- mediate between metals and non-metals. XIII. THE METALS: THE METALLIC OXIDES In order to compare the chemical activity of the metals, a study may be made of their oxidisability and the methods by which their oxides may be produced. Two methods have already been found available for preparing oxide of iron from metallic iron, viz. (1) the action of the free oxygen of the air and (2) 54 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS the action of the combined oxygen of water, hydrogen being in this case liberated. These two methods may be tried in the case of other metals. Cut small pieces of potassium and sodium the size of small peas. Note that on exposure to air, even when cold, the freshly cut surfaces become immediately tarnished, a film of oxide being formed. Throw the bits into a little pure cold water in a dish. Note that both metals quickly disappear, a gas being evolved. In the case of the potassium, but not in the case of the sodium, this gas catches fire spontaneously, showing that the heat produced by the chemical combination of potassium and oxygen is greater than that of sodium and oxygen, and that the chemical activity of the former, in respect to oxygen, is greater than the latter. Note that the flame is tinged violet, due to a little of the potassium being volatilised, this being the colour of the incandescent vapour of potassium and its compounds. Set fire to the gas being liberated by the sodium, and note that this is coloured yellow by the sodium vapour. To identify the gas, invert a test-tube of water in the dish (Fig. 25), and quickly insert small bits of sodium on the — •- Fig. 25. point of a penknife, until a test-tube nearly full of the gas is obtained. Shake the gas with the water remaining in the test- tube, transfer by upward displacement of air to a smaller dry test-tube, and ignite it. In its lightness, in its combustibility, THE METALS: THE METALLIC OXIDES 55 and in its producing moisture on the sides of the tube, when burnt, has the gas the properties of hydrogen? Now test the water in the dish with red litmus paper. Has it become alkaline, thus showing that the metallic oxides, potash and soda, have been formed and are dissolved in the water ? Does Potassium + oxide of hydrogen = oxide of potassium + hydrogen? The vapours of many metals and of their volatile compounds impart characteristic colours to non- luminous flames. Thus, among other metals : — Sodium imparts a yellow colour. Potassium ,, violet ,, Calcium ,, red ,, Strontium ,, crimson ,, Barium ,, green ,, These colours are best observed by heating a little of the compound on the end of a platinum wire in the Bunsen flame. As many compounds are not volatile, it is best to moisten the substance on the wire with hydrochloric acid, volatile salts being thus produced. As potassium compounds are very often impure with sodium compounds, it is best to examine the flame for potassium through a solution of indigo, the blue of which absorbs the yellow of the sodium. These coloured flames are useful for detecting and identifying the metals in minerals, mineral waters, etc. This is best done by examining the spectra by means of the prism of a spectroscope, in which advantage is taken of the different refrangibilities of different coloured rays of light in order to decompose the light emitted by each incandescent vapour into its component colours. By this means it is possible to identify the metals with certainty even in complex minerals. The metals calcium, strontium, and barium are so costly that their oxidisability cannot be practically investigated in this course. They assume a position, however, intermediate be- tween the metals just studied and those next referred to. Take pieces of magnesium ribbon and zinc foil. Note that in the air at ordinary temperatures the surface has very slowly become tarnished, but that the film of oxide gradually formed has preserved the metal beneath from further oxidation. Place each in a test-tube of water, and note that no gas is evolved, and therefore no oxide formed, even when the water is heated 56 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS to boiling (if the metals are pure). Ignite each metal in the Bunsen flame; note the similarity of the magnesia and the oxide of zinc formed. Test the alkalinity of the oxides by placing a little of each on a slip of red litmus paper and then moistening with water. Lastly, boil some water in a wide- necked Florence flask, and plunge into the steam an ignited piece of one of the metals (preferably magnesium ribbon) held by the crucible tongs. Note that the metal burns brilliantly in the steam, the oxide being formed, while the escaping hydro- gen catches fire and burns at the mouth of the flask. Procure a piece of metallic iron. Note that, like magnesium and zinc, it is oxidised by damp air, but that, unlike those metals, the rust exfoliates and exposes a fresh metallic surface to further oxidation. (Iron vessels are, for this reason, often coated with tin which does not oxidise in damp air, or " gal- vanised " with zinc, the film of oxide forming on which does not exfoliate.) Note that the iron has no action on hot water. It has been already observed that iron heated to a low red heat decomposes steam. Note that the iron will not burn in the air, unless it be heated to a white heat by the oxyhydrogen flame, or unless it be in very small particles in the form of iron filings, these being more easily heated to the temperature of ignition, and presenting more surface for oxidation in propor- tion to their size. Study the oxidisability of copper and mercury. Note that these do not oxidise in air in the cold. Heat some copper filings in an open crucible, and note that oxide of copper is IC Fig. 26. rapidly formed. Heat a little mercury in a tube (Fig. 26) through which a slow current of oxygen gas is passing, and note that the red oxide is formed on the tube just at the point at which condensation of mercury takes place, £*., just below THE METALS: THE METALLIC OXIDES 57 the boiling point. The chemical activity in respect to oxygen would seem to be greater in the case of copper, and this is also shown by the fact that while oxide of mercury is decomposed by heat, oxide of copper is not. In determining the composition of water, evidence has already been obtained that heated copper has no action on steam. In fact, under no conditions are these metals oxidised by water. Study the oxidisability of gold, silver, and platinum. Note that under no conditions does direct oxidation take place (hence noble metals as distinguished from base metals). In fact, the oxides of these metals when formed by indirect methods are all decomposed on heating. It is now possible to arrange the metals in the following groups : — 1. The metals of the alkalies (potash, soda, etc.), e.g. potassium, sodium. 2. The metals of the alkaline earths (lime, strontia, baryta), viz. calcium, strontium, barium. 3. The metals of the earths (magnesia, etc.), e>g. magnesium, zinc, iron. 4. The heavy metals, e.g. copper, mercury. 5. The noble metals, e.g. silver, gold, platinum. This arrangement shows that the metals fall into natural groups, the members of each of which have several properties in common. Thus the metals that belong to the first group, because most oxidisable, form oxides both of which are cha- racterised by their great solubility, while the metals which are classed in the second group, on account of their feebler oxidisability, all form oxides which are slightly soluble in water. In physical as well as in chemical properties this grouping often holds good. Thus sodium and potassium are found to be both characterised by low specific gravity and low melting point, and gold and silver are both characterised by 58 CHEMISTR Y FOR A GRICUL TURAL S TUDENTS their great malleability and ductility and high conductivity for heat and electricity. It is worthy of note that metals belonging to the same class are often associated with each other in nature. Thus gold and silver are invariably found together. Metals of weak chemical activity are usually found in the free state, e.g. gold, silver, and platinum, and occasionally copper and mercury. Metals of the other groups exist naturally in the combined state. Of such metals many occur as oxides. Loadstone and haematite, emery, tinstone, and pyrolusite are oxides of iron, aluminium, tin, and manganese respectively. Physical Properties of the Metals. — Metals are distinguished from non-metals in their power of forming alloys with each other. This renders it possible to impart to a metal the colour, permanence, hardness, tenacity, etc., which is required. Thus brass — an alloy of copper and zinc which has the permanence of copper — is more useful because much harder. The following are the constituents of some of the principal alloys : — British gold coin — gold, 22 ; copper 2 (22 " carat rt gold, pure gold being 24 carat). British silver coin — silver, 925 ; copper, 75. British bronze coin — copper, 95 ; tin, 4 ; zinc, I. Brass — copper, 2 ; zinc, 1. Aluminium gold — copper, 9 ; aluminium, 1. Pewter — tin, I ; lead, I. Britannia metal — tin, 84 ; antimony, 10 ; copper, 4 ; bismuth, 2. Type metal — lead, 75 ; antimony, 20 ; tin, 5. Gun metal — copper, 9 ; tin, 1. Common solder — tin, I ; lead, 2. An amalgam is an alloy with mercury. The force of attraction that causes the cohesion of particles is exhibited to a different extent in different metals. When the cohesion is small, as in antimony and bismuth, the metals are brittle ; when great, as in gold and silver, the metals are tenacious, malleable, or ductile. One grain of gold, the most malleable of all metals, can be beaten out into 56 square inches of gold leaf. One grain of silver, one of the most ductile of metals, can be drawn into 500 feet of wire. This cohesive force in metals is measured by the breaking strain. Metals as a rule are good conductors of heat, but they differ in their conductivity. If upon one end of rods of several different metals a small piece of wax or phosphorus be placed, and the other end be heated, the heat will be conducted from one end to the other, as shown by the melting THE METALS: THE METALLIC OXIDES 59 of the wax or ignition of the phosphorus, in times varying with the metals employed. Silver and copper are good conductors, bismuth and antimony bad conductors of heat. Good conductors of heat are also good con- ductors of electricity. Metals expand when heated. In the construction of railways and iron bridges this fact has to be taken into account. Timepieces lose time in hot weather, owing to the expansion of balance wheels and pendulums. In chronometers advantage is taken of the different expansibilities of metals to provide for automatic regulation. Metals differ in heat capacity. The heat capacity of mercury being very low (and its conductivity for heat being high), mercurial thermometers are sensitive to rapid changes of temperature. Metals differ in their density. Sodium and potassium float upon water, but all the other common metals sink. All the commoner metals, with the exception of gold, float upon, mercury, which is therefore one of the heaviest metals known. Metals differ in their fusibility. Mercury is liquid at the ordinary temperatures ; sodium and potassium both liquefy below the boiling point of water ; tin and lead below a red heat ; zinc and aluminium at a low red heat, and copper at a bright red heat ; while iron only liquefies at a white heat. Alloying one metal with another often lowers its melting point ; thus fine solder has a lower melting point than either the tin or lead of which it is an alloy. Metals differ in their hardness. By comparing the power that solids have of scratching each other, their hardness can be roughly ascertained. Thus lead can be scratched by copper and copper by zinc. The presence of an impurity even in small quantities often alters the hardness. Thus steel, i.e. iron containing \ to I per cent, of carbon, is much harder than iron. The hardness of steel also depends upon the rate of cooling. Thus steel which has been " tempered " by heating and slow cooling is much less hard and elastic than steel which has been cooled quickly. The following table gives some of the physical constants for the principal metals •— [Table. 6o CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS M -8 13 £ c c £ g g g 8 8 8 '$■"& g . o o b in ON t^ 1 1 | 1 g© Q* i-C/3 V, $ o~ , g| £ > .— •— elati duct for ctric m N co 00 N vo CO 00 M o lo co t^ *o t^ * t-^ vo CO -» £'> _>•- *i vO _, ON CO «t CO CO 1 lO a ^J?^ vO o 00 in ^- 1 'S-o^W M t^ CO co tfg o o >. ic *j a •a go N 00 co CO o VO vo N CO JJ ? q CO q o # N CO q CO O w5 ^ m j3 Melting Point n Degree entigrad co 5 O io vo 8, eg ON CO vo CO ^ 3- CO cs VO o 1 — u m 2" 00 DO on N + CO t>. co VO tA t^. 00 t^. £J lA ri on CO WO • • • • • S .2 • o "o3 CL, a, 6 O C N H3 Q < 2 'o O o 1-1 COMBINING WEIGHTS OF THE ELEMENTS 61 XIV. COMBINING WEIGHTS OF THE ELEMENTS In the foregoing studies evidence has been accumulated that chemical combination takes place in definite proportions by weight, and that each element has its own combining weight. It was found that i part by weight of hydrogen, 3 parts by weight of carbon, and 100 parts by weight of mercury combine with 8 parts by weight of oxygen, forming respectively water, carbonic acid gas, and red oxide of mercury. The question must now be asked — Do these elements unite in these proportions only? When lead is roasted in the air, the oxide of lead — litharge — is formed. On further roasting, at a gentle heat, the reddish yellow colour of the litharge darkens, and ultimately red lead is obtained. It has been already found that red lead at a higher temperature breaks up into litharge and oxygen. Red lead must therefore be an oxide of lead, containing a larger proportion of oxygen than litharge contains. Introduce about 5 grams of red lead, previously dried by heating on a water bath, into a weighed porcelain crucible, and weigh. Heat very gently, taking care not to melt the contents of the crucible, till oxygen ceases to be evolved, and the red lead is entirely reduced to yellow litharge. Allow to cool, and weigh. Calculate the proportions of litharge and oxygen per cent, of red lead. Not only lead, but hydrogen, carbon, mercury, and, in fact, most of the elements, combine with oxygen in more than one proportion. The relation between the composition of the oxides, however, if there be more than one, is always a very simple relation. Thus in the two compounds of hydrogen and oxygen, the combining proportion in the one is 1 to 8, in the other 1 to 16. It is usual, therefore, to take as the combining weight of the element a simple number that represents the proportion in which it enters into its various combinations, 62 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS and to regard each compound as containing one, two, or more combining weights of the element. If hydrogen, having the lowest combining weight, be taken as unity, that of oxygen is taken as 16, that of carbon as 12, and that of mercury as 200. Water would then contain two combining weights of hydrogen to one of oxygen, and may be represented as H 2 0, taking H and O to represent respec- tively single combining weights of the elements. Carbonic acid gas would contain one combining weight of carbon to two of oxygen, and may be represented as C0 2 , where C represents a combining weight of carbon. Red oxide of mercury would contain one combining weight of each element, and may be represented as HgO where Hg represents a com- bining weight of mercury {hydrargyrum). In the earth's crust about seventy elements are known to exist, but of these it is only necessary to give the combining weights of twenty-two. These are : — Aluminium (Al) . 27 Mercury {Hydrargyrum, Barium (Ba) 137 Hg). . . . 200 Calcium (Ca) 40 Nitrogen (N) 14 Carbon (C) . 12 Oxygen (0) . 16 Chlorine (CI) 35-5 Phosphorus (P) . 3i Chromium (Cr) . 52 Potassium {Kalium, K) 39 Copper {Cuprum, Cu) 63 Silicon (Si) . 28 Hydrogen (H) 1 Sodium {Natrium^ Na) . 2 3 Iron {Ferrum, Fe) 56 Strontium (Sr) 87 Lead {Plumbum, Pb) 206 Sulphur (S) . 32 Magnesium (Mg) . 24 Zinc(Zn) . 65 Manganese (Mn) . 55 COMPOSITION OF THE BASIC OXIDES AND HYDRA TES 63 XV. COMPOSITION OF THE BASIC OXIDES AND HYDRATES The composition of the compound which the element mercury forms with oxygen has been already determined. Of the other metallic elements in the foregoing list, it has been found by experiment that their most important oxides have the following percentage compositions : — Metallic Oxide. Metal. Oxygen. Alumina Baryta Lime Oxide of chromium .... Cuprous oxide (the red oxide of copper) . Cupric oxide (the black oxide of copper) . Ferrous oxide Ferric oxide (the red oxide of iron) . Litharge . Magnesia Oxide of manganese Peroxide of manganese (the black oxide) . Red oxide of mercury Oxide of potassium . Oxide of sodium Strontia . Oxide of zinc . Calculate the number of combining weights of each element in the compounds, and express the results by the simplest possible formulae. For example, if the quantities of magnesium and oxygen per cent, of magnesia be divided by their respective combining weights, viz. 24 and 16, the number of combining weights of the two elements will be found to be equal, viz. 2.5 for each element. Hence the simplest possible formula for magnesia is MgO. Having 52.9 47.1 89-5 10.5 71.4 28.6 68.4 31-6 88.7 "•3 79.7 20.3 77.8 22.2 70.0 30.0 92.8 7.2 60.0 40.0 77.5 22.5 63.2 36.8 92.6 7-4 83.0 17.0 74.2 25.8 84-5 15.5 80.2 19.8 64 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS obtained the formulae, arrange the oxides in groups as ??ionoxides i dioxides, and trioxides. Calculate the formula that most nearly expresses the composition of red lead as deter- mined by the foregoing experiment. To distinguish the oxides of a metal, it is usual to specify the colour, or to use the terminations -oiis and -ic to represent the lower and higher oxides respectively. Unstable higher oxides are usually distinguished as peroxides. The highest oxides of metals are sometimes acidic. There are, for instance, a chromium trioxide Cr0 3 , and manganese heptoxide, Mn 2 7 , which exist combined with potash in " bichromate of potash" and " permanganate of potash." The oxides of some metals, though basic, act as acidic oxides to more basic oxides. Thus alumina dissolves in caustic soda solution, forming a salt. This reaction serves to distinguish alumina from the other bases met with in agriculture. It has already been observed that the basic oxides, if dissolved by water, form alkaline liquids, but they differ in their solubility. Of the oxides studied, potassium and sodium oxide will be found to be soluble in water in almost all pro- portions ; lime, strontia, and baryta soluble to a limited extent ; magnesia, litharge, ferrous oxide and oxide of zinc very slightly soluble; the remaining oxides practically insoluble. Verify these statements experimentally. The act of solution appears to be accompanied by chemical combination, for heat is produced. Slake some quicklime with cold water. Note the change in appearance that takes place (immediately if the lime be pure, slowly if impure), the heating of the mixture, and the final disappearance of the water, all evidence of chemical combination having occurred. The compound produced (slaked lime) may be termed hydrate of lime. Determine the proportions in which lime combines with water. Heat a weighed quantity — say i gram — of pure quicklime to low redness in a weighed capsule. Cover the capsule, allow to cool in a dessicator (Fig. 27) over more quicklime, itself a good drying agent, and, when cold, weigh, Add excess of water, cover with a beaker till slaking is complete, and place in the COMPOSITION OF THE BASIC OXIDES AND HYDRA TES 65 dessicator for some hours. When dry, cover and weigh as quickly as possible. Replace in the dessicator for an hour, and weigh again. Should the weight have changed, continue the dessica- tion till the weight is constant. Hav- ing found the water combined with the lime, heat the capsule again to a low red heat to decompose the hy- drate and drive off the water; cool as before, and weigh. Does the loss in weight tally with the previous gain Fig. 27. in weight? If not, repeat the pro- cesses until concordant results are obtained. Express the result as percentage composition of slaked lime. Most basic hydrates can be decomposed by heat, but not all. Caustic potash and caustic soda of commerce are the hydrates of potash and soda, and it is not possible to decompose these by heating to redness. Since the hydrates of basic oxides are compounds of metals with hydrogen and oxygen, they are frequently spoken of as metallic hydroxides ; thus potas- sium hydroxide or hydroxide of potassium. The approximate percentage composition of the more impor- tant hydrates of the metallic oxides is as follows : — Basic Hydrate. Hydrate of alumina (aluminium hydroxide) . Hydrated oxide of copper (cupric hydroxide) Hydrated oxide of iron (ferric hydroxide) Slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) Caustic potash (potassium hydroxide) . . Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) . It is possible that if compounds unite, the proportions in which they combine will be the sum of the combining weights of the elements contained, or simple multiples thereof. Assum- ing that this be so, calculate the combining weights of water and the metallic oxides, and find the number of combining weights of each in each hydrate. Ascribe the simplest possible formulae 5 Metallic Oxide. Water. . 65.4 . 81.4 34-6 18.6 . 74-8 25.2 . 75-7 . 83.9 24.3 16. 1 . 77-5 22.5 66 CHEMISTRY POR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS to the compounds, regarding them both as hydrates of metallic oxides, e.g. MO.H 2 0, and as metallic hydroxides, e.g. M(OH) 2 , where M stands for any metal uniting with oxygen in single combining proportions. Arrange them in groups of mono-, di-, and tri-hydroxides. The result of these calculations will show that the assump- tion on which they were founded was perfectly justified. In- deed, it may now be surmised that, not only do elements in general unite in the proportion of their combining weights, or in simple multiples of them, but that the proportion in which a compound unites with another compound is the sum of the combining weights of its elements or a multiple thereof. XVI. THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS: SULPHUR It has been found that non-metallic elements are characterised by forming anhydrides, i.e. oxides which, when combined with water, form acids; whereas metals form basic oxides which combine with water, forming basic hydrates. The elements which are non-metallic in this sense are further characterised by absence of metallic lustre. In this respect oxygen must be classed as a non-metallic element; indeed, in that it forms compounds with hydrogen and the metals, it may be regarded as a typical non-metal. Just as the properties of oxygen and the oxides have been studied, so we have now to study the properties of the remaining non-metallic elements and their compounds with hydrogen and the metals, in addition to the compounds they form with oxygen, the acids formed by the union of the oxides with water, and the salts formed by union of acidic with basic oxides. THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS: SULTHUR 67 The non-metallic elements which have to be studied are sulphur, chlorine, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and carbon. Of these, sulphur will first be considered. Place some sulphur in a dry test-tube, and heat, using a test-tube holder. Note the melting of the sulphur and the singular changes in the colour and viscosity of the liquid, ti'.l the boiling point is reached. Note that the deep red vapour ignites spontaneously as it issues from the tube, this tempera- ture being high enough to promote rapid chemical combination between the sulphur and the oxygen of the air, the sulphurous- smelling oxide being formed. Pour the remaining liquid in a thin stream into cold water, and note the plastic consistency of the rapidly cooled sulphur. Dissolve some ordinary sulphur in a little bisulphide of carbon, and allow the clear liquid to evaporate spontaneously in a dish. Preserve the octahedral crystals formed. Try to dissolve some of the plastic sulphur in the bisulphide of carbon, and evaporate the liquid. Note that no crystals are obtained, showing that plastic sulphur is insoluble. This is an instance of allotropy, that is, the exist- ence of an element in "another condition" having different properties. Does sulphur, being a non-metallic element like oxygen combine with metals and with hydrogen ? Mix together single combining proportions of sulphur and iron filings (about 10 grams in all), place the mixture in a narrow test-tube, and heat just the bottom of the test-tube strongly. Note that pre- sently the contents of the tube begin to glow, heat being obviously produced, thus showing that chemical combination is occurring, and sulphide of iron is being formed. Sulphur is found in Sicily and other volcanic districts in the free state, but it occurs more abundantly in nature combined with metals. Thus galena, stibnite, cinnabar, iron pyrites, and zinc blende, are native sul- phides of lead, antimony, mercury, iron, and zinc respectively. Copper pyrites is a double sulphide of iron and copper. With the exception of iron pyrites, all these ores are used as sources of the metals. 68 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS It has been noticed that there are metals which, when placed in dilute sulphuric acid, cause the evolution of hydrogen gas. It is possible that if the sulphides of these metals were placed in dilute acid, the sulphide of hydrogen would be produced. Try the sulphide of iron just obtained. Note that the escaping gas is distinguished from hydrogen by its foul smell. Ignite it. What are the two products of combustion, and what evidence do these yield that the gas is indeed the sulphide of hydrogen, or sulphuretted hydrogen^ The percentage composition is found by analysis to be : — Sulphur = 94. 1 1 %, hydrogen = 5.88%. What is the simplest formula that would represent the com- pound ? When organic matter containing sulphur decays, the sulphur is set free combined with hydrogen. This accounts for the smell of rotten eggs, the white of egg consisting of sulphur compounds. Rotting cabbages afnd turnips have a similar odour, these being also rich in sulphur compounds. The water of many springs is impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen, notably the Harrogate waters. The composition of sulphuretted hydrogen shows that, like oxygen, a single combining weight of sulphur combines with two of hydrogen. In other words, sulphur is able to replace oxygen, and this is true, not only of the compound with hydro- gen, but also of compounds with other elements. Thus, the formula for ferrous oxide was found to be FeO ; that for the ferrous sulphide just prepared is FeS. Burn some sulphur in a jar of air or oxygen. Shake the gaseous sulphurous anhydride produced with water in order to form a solution of sulphurous acid. Preserve a portion of the solution in a corked test-tube, and expose the remainder in a shallow dish to the air, or allow air slowly to bubble through it. Note that after some time the smell of sulphurous acid disappears from the liquid in the open dish, yet it still remains acid to litmus, while in the closed tube the sulphurous acid is unchanged. The sulphurous acid has apparently become oxidised by the air to an acid which is odourless. What is the THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS: SULPHUR 69 anhydride of this new acid, and is it possible to obtain it by the oxidation of sulphurous anhydride ? To investigate these questions, fit up the apparatus figured. In the combustion tube D, near the drawn-out end, place some platinised asbestos, i.e. asbestos on which platinum has been deposited in a finely divided state. In C place a strong solution of sulphurous acid (supplied). Allow water to syphon from A to B in order to drive air through the solution of sulphurous acid, so that a mixture of air and sulphurous anhydride, evolved from the acid, will pass through D. Fig. 28. Now heat the platinised asbestos in D. Judging from the altered smell and appearance of the issuing vapours, is oxidation of the sulphurous anhydride now taking place? Allow the asbestos to cool, and heat an empty portion of the tube. Does oxidation now occur ? Now heat the platinised asbestos again, and pass the vapours into water by means of a glass tube attached to D. Note whether an odourless acid solution is obtained similar to that formed by the slow action of the air on solution of sulphurous acid. This experiment indicates that sulphurous anhydride and oxygen do not combine under ordinary conditions even when heated, but combine when brought into contact with hot 70 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS finely divided platinum, an instance of chemical action being brought about by contact with a third substance ("contact action"). On the other hand, sulphurous acid is directly oxidised at ordinary temperatures. The two anhydrides and acids may be distinguished as sulphurous and sulphuric. Analysis shows that equal weights of sulphur and oxygen are combined in sulphurous anhydride, and that sulphuric anhyd.ide contains of oxygen half as much again. What formulae should be ascribed to the two compounds ? The use of the fumes of burning sulphur, in presence of water vapour, as a bleaching agent, is partly due to the oxidation of sulphurous to sulphuric acid at the expense of the combined oxygen of the colouring matter, colourless substances being formed. In presence of water vapour the fumes are also a useful disinfectant, probably for the same reason. XVII. SULPHURIC ACID It is found by experiment that a single combining weight of water combines with a single combining weight of sulphuric anhydride to form sulphuric acid. Its formula is therefore S0 3 .H 2 or H 2 S0 4 . The "oil of vitriol" of commerce is sulphuric acid, with 2 to 6 per cent, of additional water. Its specific gravity is 1.84. Pour some oil of vitriol into a small beaker containing water. Is there any evidence of chemical combination and the formation of a hydrate of sulphuric acid ? Expose some strong sulphuric acid in a beaker to the air for a few days. Does the liquid increase in volume, indicating absorption of water vapour ? The chemical attraction between sulphuric acid and water may be made use of for drying gases. In what proportion does sulphuric acid unite with bases to form salts. Pour some pure sulphuric acid of known strength into a small flask, cover with a watch glass, and weigh. Transfer SULPHURIC ACID 7i about 25 c.c. to a J -liter flask containing some distilled water, and weigh the small flask again. Now add distilled water to the \ -liter flask till the liquid measures \ -liter at 15 C. Calculate the strength of the dilute acid, i.e. the weight of pure sulphuric acid in 1 c.c. of the liquid. Into a small wide-mouthed flask quickly place several small dry lumps of caustic soda, cork the flask, and weigh. Quickly transfer 1 or 2 grams of the caustic soda to a 350 c.c. flask containing about 50 c.c. of distilled water, recork the weighing flask, and weigh again to find the exact weight of caustic soda taken. Weigh out a second quantity of caustic soda into a second flask containing water, and marked with a file to distinguish it from the first. Allow the caustic soda to dissolve in the water in each flask, and add a few drops of solution of litmus till the liquid is just rendered blue. Fill a burette with the diluted sulphuric acid till the top mark exactly coincides with the bottom of the meniscus of the liquid when viewed exactly on the level, the burette being perfectly upright. Allow the acid to run into the caustic soda, constantly shaking the flask meanwhile, till the blue colour of the litmus is changed to purple. Boil the liquid and add a few more drops of acid till again perfectly neutral; repeat the process till a permanent purple colour is obtained. Having read off the amount of acid used, add one more drop of acid. If previously neutral, this will turn the liquid red. Treat the second solution of caustic soda in the same way. If the results be not concordant, a third and fourth determination must be carried out. Calculate the reacting proportion of sulphuric acid and caustic soda. Does it agree with that expressed by the formulae — Na 2 O.H 2 + S0 3 .H 2 or, 2 NaOH + H 2 S0 4 ? Fig. 29. 72 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS In chemical formuke and equations a small figure placed after a symbol is held to refer to that symbol only. A large figure placed in front of a symbol is held to govern the whole group of symbols. A point (.) between two groups of symbols indicates that they are combined together. A semicolon (;) is used to indicate a looser combination of compounds with each other. A plus sign ( + ) between two formulae indicates that the substances are mixed together, while the sign = points to reaction having occurred between them and an equal weight of new substances formed. In volumetric determinations it is very important that the measurements should be systematically entered in the notebook. The following will serve as an illustration : — I. II. Weighing flask and caustic soda . 22.315 grams. 20. 169 grams. Weighing flask .... 20.075 » 17.761 „ Caustic soda taken . . 2.240 ,, 2.408 ,, Sulphuric acid used (1 c.c. = .098 grams H 2 S0 4 ) . . .28.0 c.c. 30.1 c.c. and from this the quantity of sulphuric acid combining with a single combining weight of caustic soda should then be calculated. Basic and acidic oxides combine to form salts. When caustic soda and sulphuric acid react, each being the hydrate of the respective oxides, in addition to sulphate of soda, water would also be produced, as expressed by the equation — Na 2 O.H 2 + S0 3 .H 2 = Na 2 O.S0 3 + 2H 2 or, 2NaOH + H 2 S0 4 = Na 2 S0 4 + 2H 2 0, so that the resulting salt would weigh less than the sum of the reacting substances by two combining weights of water. To test the truth of this assumption, evaporate one of the neutral solutions to dryness in a weighed dish on the water bath, heat strongly for a few minutes over the bunsen flame, cool in the desiccator, and weigh the anhydrous salt. THE SULPHATES 73 XVIII. THE SULPHATES The sulphates of other bases can be prepared like sulphate of soda by neutralising sulphuric acid with the basic oxide or its hydrate. Many of these sulphates occur in nature, or are of importance in commerce. Procure and examine the following :— Sulphate of potash .... K 2 O.S0 3 . Sulphate of soda (Glauber's salt) . Na 2 O.S0 3 ; ioH 2 0. Sulphate of magnesia (Epsom salt) . MgO.S0 3 ; 7H 2 0. Sulphate of lime (gypsum, selenite) . CaO.S0 3 ; 2H 2 0. Sulphate of baryta (heavy spar) . BaO.S0 3 . Sulphate of alumina and potash (potash alum) . . A1 2 3 .3S0 3 ; K 2 O.S0 3 ; 24HP. Note that these salts are crystalline. Expose a weighed crystal of sulphate of soda to the air ; observe that it effloresces and loses its crystalline form and decreases in weight. Heat a crystal in a test-tube ; note that it liquefies, water vapour escapes, and the salt finally dries up as a white amorphous {i.e. form- less) mass. The crystalline salt is therefore a hydrate of sul- phate of soda. Many other salts combine with water forming crystalline compounds. This water of crystallisation is generally loosely combined, sometimes escaping at the ordinary tempera- ture in dry air, and usually at ioo° C, but occasionally needing a much higher temperature for complete dehydration. Determine the water of crystallisation of gypsum, or its crys- talline form, selenite. Heat a weighed quantity (say .5 gram) of the finely powdered material in a weighed porcelain capsule in the water oven at a temperature of ioo° C. until no further appreci- able loss of weight occurs. (Before each weighing the capsule must be cooled in the dessicator.) Having obtained the exact weight, raise the temperature to a low red heat until the weight is again constant. The residue is anhydrous sulphate of lime. Calculate the percentage composition of the original gypsum, 74 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS and of the intermediate hydrate, and represent them by formulae. The intermediate hydrate, which should have a composition represented by the formula 2CaS0 4 .H 2 0, is "Plaster of Paris." This, when mixed with a little water, combines and sets to a hard mass of gypsum. Plaster of Paris is prepared by heating gypsum. If the temperature be raised too high, the anhydrous sulphate, which combines with water very slowly, is formed, and it becomes useless as a plaster. Observe that each of the six salts is distinguished by a different crystalline form. Examine the crystals of Epsom salt with a lens. Note that each crystal is a prism, having the form A (Fig. 30) or the modification B. Recrystallise some of the fl=a Fig. 30. alum by dissolving in hot water and allowing the solution to cool. Note that each crystal is an octahedron having the form A (Fig. 31), or, owing to undue development of opposite faces Fig. 31. of the crystal, the modification B. Select one of the most perfect crystals, suspend it by means of a hair from a glass rod, THE SULPHATES 75 then having filtered the solution of alum into a beaker, rest the rod across the top of the beaker as figured, so that the crystal Fig. 32. remains suspended in the solution. Watch the gradual growth of the octahedron. Observe that in the case of selenite (Fig. Fig. 33. 33) the crystals are connected together in the form of "twin crystals." It has been noticed already that whereas zinc only when strongly heated attacks water with liberation of hydrogen and formation of oxide of zinc, it readily attacks water acidified with sulphuric acid, hydrogen being briskly evolved and a clear liquid 76 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS left, in which, it is to be expected, the salt produced by the action of sulphuric acid on oxide of zinc is dissolved. Zn + H 2 - ZnO + H 2 ; but Zn + H 2 O.S0 3 - ZnO.S0 3 + H^ Dissolve zinc in dilute sulphuric acid, and, when action ceases, pour off the clear liquid from the excess of zinc and evaporate on a water bath until, on cooling, crystals are ob- tained. When quite cold, drain the crystals and purify them by recrystallisation, i.e. by redissolving in pure water and eva- porating till crystals are again obtained. Dry by pressing between folds of filter paper and preserve. Note that the crystals are isomorphous (of the " same form ") with those of Epsom salt, showing that even in respect to the properties of their compounds these metals belong to the same class. Only metals which are able to attack water, such as sodium, calcium, zinc, and iron, are able to attack dilute sulphuric acid. Copper and mer- cury are without action on the dilute acid, but their sulphates can, of course, be obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on their oxides. Nearly all the common metals are oxidised when heated with strong sulphuric acid, sulphurous anhydride and water being produced ; the oxides formed react with more of the sulphuric acid forming the corresponding sulphates. It should be noted that the compound that acts as an oxidising agent is itself reduced ; the substance that acts as a redttcing agent is itself oxidised. While the formula equation given above represents the chemical change in a simple way, it must not be supposed that the arrangement of the elements in the compounds is in any way represented. The change in fact might be represented more correctly thus : — Zn + H 2 S0 4 = ZnS0 4 + H 2 , in which the group S0 4 is regarded as combined with hydrogen in the acid and zinc in the salt, the acid being sulphate of hydrogen and the salt sul- phate of zinc. There are many reasons for preferring this nomenclature for metallic salts. To take the simplest reason, it is inconvenient to speak of sulphate of oxide of zinc, sulphate of oxide of iron, and sulphate of oxide of copper. It is usual to call these substances — Sulphate of zinc (white vitriol) . . . ZnS0 4 .7H 2 Sulphate of iron (green vitriol) . . . . FeS0 4 .7lLO Sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) . . . CuSO4.5II.jO and, to be consistent, to speak of the sulphates of sodium, potassium, mag- THE SULPHATES 11 nesium, calcium, etc., instead of the sulphates of soda, potash, magnesia, lime, etc. The latter terms are, however, always employed in agriculture, and it is very important that the student should be familiar with them and understand their meaning. When the solution of a free base or acid is added to the solution of a salt of a different base or acid, reaction occurs. Thus, if solution of caustic potash be added to a solution of sulphate of sodium, sulphate of potassium is formed and caustic soda set free, to an extent depending upon the amount of caustic potash added, till an equilibrium is established between the substances. But when the combined base or acid is volatile and therefore escapes from the liquid, or is insoluble and therefore is precipitated, more of the free base or acid will take its place, until, if sufficient of the free base or acid has been used, complete change has occurred. To a solution of sulph// ° P I * ts> 5L 2. ? P & 3 crq O > o 9 - d o 8 3 o i 3/ 5* B 1 3 ag- rt 2 o - 1 p o W o > 3 d p o u o a. ui cn « ?* 1 P * o 3 2. IF P * Cb * o re w - I 5" I $ & ,9, w & 6 S 2 h7* re a, d O 5" n 3 O > N4| O a O 2" O O^ M d O ST 8 CO T 3 1— 1 0' 3 > O 3 £J O £ 3 n-i 3 w o O 3 J d g- O o' S 3 o b 142 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS It was found (p. 104) that when wood is distilled inflammable gases are obtained, one of which is the hydro- carbon marsh gas. Similarly, when coal is distilled, the product is the mixture of hydrocarbons and other gases known as coal gas. When the carboniferous shale of the coal measures is distilled the chief product is a mixture of hydrocarbons called paraffin. American petroleum has a composition similar to paraffin, and is perhaps a product of the natural distillation of carbonaceous substances. It is obtained in Pennsylvania and other districts from borings through the strata overlying the sand or gravel in which the petroleum exists. Analyses and determinations of the vapour density show that both petroleum and paraffin are mixtures of hydrocarbons differing in their proportion of carbon to hydrogen and in molecular weight. Marsh gas or methane is the simplest of these hydrocarbons, and that which contains the largest proportion of hydrogen. Of the other hydrocarbons in the mixture a few are gases, but the more complex are liquids and the most complex are solids. The relation between the physical properties and chemical composition is shown in the following table : — Gaseous Hydrocarbons. Liquid Hydrocarbons. Liquefying Point. Boiling Point. Methane, CH 4 . - 164° Pentane, C 5 H 12 • 38° Ethane, C 2 H 6 ? Hexane, C 6 H 14 . 7i° Propane, C 3 H 8 Butane, C 4 H 10 -17° + 1° etc. etc. Pentadecane, C 15 H 32 etc. • 271° Solid Hydrocarbons. Melting Point. Hexadecane, C 16 H 34 . 18 Heptadecane, C^Hgg . 23 Octadecane, C 18 H 38 . 28 etc. et c. etc. By fradio?ial distillatio?i petroleum can be separated into : — (1) A gas used for heating and lighting. THE HYDROCARBONS 143 (2) Light petroleum, — naphtha, gasoline, benzoline, benzine, kerosene, — volatile liquids used as solvents, fuels, and illuminants. (3) Heavy petroleum,' — mineral sperm oil, etc., — oily liquids used chiefly as lubricants. (4) Petroleum jelly — vaseline, etc. — used chiefly as lubricants and unguents. Similar products are obtained from Russian petroleum and from paraffin. From the latter the product corresponding to liquid petroleum is termed paraffin oil. The solid product is paraffin wax. Fig. 46. Fractionate some crude petroleum by means of an apparatus such as that figured. The purpose of the tube bearing the thermometer is to allow the condensation 1 44 CHE MIS TR Y FOR A GRIC UL TURAL STUDENTS of the heavier hydrocarbons carried up with the vapour of the lighter hydrocarbons. Heat the flask very cautiously at first by means of a water bath, and avoid having any light near. Then, when nothing further distils, the flask may be safely heated by means of a Bunsen burner. Should, at first, some incondensible gas be obtained, collect a tube full by downward displacement ; ignite it, and note that it burns with a flame much more luminous than pure marsh gas, for it contains hydrocarbons richer in carbon. As the temperature shown by the thermometer gradually rises, collect liquid fractions below 200 (light petroleum) and between 200 and 400 (heavy petroleum). Pour a few drops of each upon the hand, and note the difference in the volatility. Allow the residue to cool in the flask to obtain the semi-solid hydro- carbon residue. Fig. 47. To illustrate the manufacture of coal gas by the destructive distillation of coal, employ the apparatus figured. Roughly powder some coal, introduce into a Florence flask, and heat strongly. Pass the volatile products of distillation through a flask containing water in order to separate condensible products, and collect the purified coal gas in a cylinder over water. Ignite a cylinder of the gas. Note that it burns with a flame more luminous than the wood gas, indicating the THE HYDROCARBONS 145 presence of hydrocarbons richer in carbon. When the distilla- tion is completed note (1) that coke is left behind in the Florence flask, (2) that coal tar has collected in the wash flask, (3) that the aqueous liquid in the wash flask is alkaline to litmus, and has the pungent smell of ammonia. Pour off this " ammoniacal liquor " into a distillation flask, add lime, and distil off the ammonia into a little dilute sulphuric acid. Evaporate the solution in a dish to obtain crystals of sulphate of ammonium. To a portion add caustic potash solution. Note the smell of ammonia gas set free. Coal Gas. — For the manufacture of coal gas, coal is heated in fire-clay retorts. The volatile products are passed into the "hydraulic main" — a reservoir where tar and an aqueous liquid condense. The gas now traverses " condensers," — upright iron tubes exposed to the air, in which a further quantity of tar and water condense, and "scrubbers," — towers in which the gas is met by a stream of water to dissolve out ammonia. The gas next passes through "purifiers," in which it is first led over hydrated ferric oxide to remove the last traces of sulphuretted hydrogen (a part having previously been removed with the ammonia), the product of combustion of which — sulphur dioxide — is injurious, and then over slaked lime to remove carbonic acid gas, which diminishes the luminosity of burning coal gas. The coal gas is finally stored in gas-holders. With respect to its composition, coal gas may contain — Heat Givers. Hydrogen, H . . .5°% Marsh gas, CH 4 . . -35% Carbon monoxide, CO . . 8% Light Givers. Ethylene, C 2 H 4 . . . • 2% Propylene, C 3 H 6 . . .1% Benzene, C 6 H 6 . . .1% Impurities. Nitrogen 1% Carbon dioxide 1% Sulphuretted hydrogen and oxygen . Traces The proportion of illuminants will depend upon (1) the kind of coal used, cannel coal yielding a much larger proportion than other bituminous coal ; and (2) the temperature of distillation, a larger proportion being formed at low than at high temperatures. Gas of low illuminating power may be enriched by vapours of oils of high illuminating power. 146 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS Among the by-products of coal gas manufacture, the most important are: (i) Coke. (2) Gas carbon, formed as a deposit within the retorts, and used for the "carbons" of galvanic batteries, and the poles of the electric arc light. (3) Coal tar. From this, coal tar oil is separated by distillation, pitch being left as a residue. From the coal tar oil are obtained the hydrocarbons benzene or benzole, C 6 H 6 ; naphthalene, C 10 H 8 ; and anthracene, C 14 H 10 ; from which the aniline, naphthalene, and alizarine dyes are respectively derived. (4) Ammonia in the form of sulphate. (5) Gas lime, a mixture containing chalk and unchanged slaked lime, together with the sulphide and oxysulphide of calcium in cases where the sulphur has not been removed by hydrated ferric oxide. Hydrocarbons burn with flames which are (1) non-luminous, (2) luminous, and (3) smoky, depending upon the proportion of carbon they contain. The luminosity of flame, in fact, appears to be chiefly due to the incandescence of particles of carbon set free owing to the decomposition of the hydro- carbons. Place a clean white dish in any luminous hydro- carbon flame. Note that it becomes covered with soot. Observe that the flame essentially consists of three parts — (1) a dark interior, consisting of unburnt but decomposing gases ; (2) a luminous zone, consisting of burning but incompletely burnt gases ; and (3) a non-luminous envelope, in which com- plete combustion to carbonic acid gas and water is taking place. (This envelope may be rendered visible by volatilising a little common salt on a piece of platinum wire in the flame.) Depress a sheet of paper into the flame of a paraffin candle. Note that a ring of charred paper is produced round an uncharred interior, showing that the flame is hollow. When air is admitted into the interior of a hydrocarbon jm| flame, carbon is no longer set free, and the flame a-JL-'^-- ' i s thus rendered non-luminous. In the Bunsen *- -3 burner (Fig. 48) air is admitted by holes at the Fig. 48. bottom of the tube. . If these be closed, the flame becomes luminous. Fuels. — The combustibles used for heating must yield gaseous and non- injurious products of combustion. These conditions are alone fulfilled by THE HYDROCARBONS 147 carbon and hydrogen and their compounds. The "heat of combustion" of hydrogen is much greater than that of carbon, and the amount of heat produced by combustion of hydrocarbons will therefore vary with the proportion of hydrogen. The "pyrometric effect," that is, the highest temperature attainable by burning the fuel, will, however, largely depend upon the heat absorbed by the gaseous products, and is found to be greater for carbon than for hydrogen. The oxyhydrogen flame is intensely hot, partly because, being fed within with oxygen, combustion of the hydrogen takes place in a very small space. The Bunsen and blow-pipe flames are hot for the same reason. For furnaces where a very high temperature is required, coke or anthracite, which burn with very little flame, are employed. These relations are shown in the following table, in which the heat of combustion of a gram of substance is compared with the temperature attainable when the substance is used as fuel. A "heat unit " is the heat that would raise a gram of water 1° C. Fuel. Heat of Combustion. Tn Pyometric Effect, In Oxygen. In Air. Wood with 20 % water 2,800 heat units — — Dry wood 3,600 11 — — Charcoal 7>°5o >» — — Pure carbon, C 8,080 11 9873 2458' Olefiant gas, C 2 H 4 11,858 »> 5793° 2090' Marsh gas, CH 4 I3.063 11 4800 i945 c Hydrogen, H 34,462 >» 3172 i6ii c It is noticeable that water, both free and combined, diminishes heat production, because to eliminate, vaporise, and raise it in temperature, heat must be absorbed. Partly for the same reason, the heating effect produced by combustion in air is less than by combustion in oxygen, because the nitrogen of the air absorbs heat. In the foregoing study, attention has been drawn to compounds that apparently form the starting-points of several series of hydrocarbons, the members of each of which differ from each other by CH 2 . The series of which methane (marsh gas) CH 4 , ethane C 2 H 6 , and propane C 3 H 8 , form the first members, is called the "paraffin series" of hydrocarbons ; the members may be represented by the general formula C n H 2n + 2 . Ethylene (olefiant gas) C 2 H 4 , and propylene C 3 II 6 , form the first members of a second series, the " defines," having the general formula C n H 2n . Acetylene C 2 H 2 , a gas of very high illuminating power, is the first member of a series C n H 2n - 2 . The "terpenes" occurring in the oil of turpentine, obtained by distilling the resinous exudation of certain 148 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS conifers, and in most of the volatile oils of plants, are hydrocarbons having the formula C 10 H 16 . Benzene, C 6 H 6 , is the first member of an important series, having the general formula C n H 2n _ 6 ; while naphthalene and anthracene are the starting-points of a series of hydrocarbons containing a still larger proportion of carbon. XXXI. THE ALCOHOLS: FERMENTATION Dissolve 150 grams of sugar in a liter of water, place the solu- tion in a flask fitted with a cork and delivery tube as figured, Fig. 49. and add a few grams of yeast. Note that fermentation soon commences, and a gas is given off which, if collected in a test- tube or cylinder, will be found to extinguish a taper, and to render lime water milky. Keep the apparatus in a warm place for a few days, — a temperature of 25 to 30 C. will be found most favourable, — then, if evolution of gas has ceased, replace the delivery tube by a Liebig's condenser, and distil the mix- ture from a water bath, keeping the whole flask covered with a cloth to aid the process. Note that the alcohol thus obtained THE ALCOHOLS: FERMENTATLON 149 has the properties of spirits of wine ; for, if a glass rod be dipped in the liquid, the adhering alcohol is inflammable and burns with a pale blue flame. In order to separate from water, distil the weak alcohol from a smaller flask. Shake the first portion of the distillate with anhydrous carbonate of potassium, a useful drying agent, then mix the alcohol with quicklime, and allow to stand for a few hours ; finally distil from a flask fitted with a ther- mometer. Note that the nearly anhydrous alcohol begins to distil at 7 8° or a little over, but that the boiling point gradually rises as the distillation proceeds, this being due to other pro- ducts of fermentation of higher boiling point. The alcohol may be "rectified" by fractional distillation from these im- purities, which constitute, when thus separated, "fusel oil." Yeast consists of a mass of minute organisms termed the "yeast plant," together with a chemical compound called invertase. The invertase first converts the cane sugar into grape and fruit sugar, Q2H22O11 + ^ 2< ^ = ^6^1206 + Q»Hu|Q(| which are then converted by the yeast plant into alcohol and carbonic acid gas, C 6 H 12 6 = 2C 2 H 6 + 2C0 2 . Both changes are said to be "fermentative," being brought about by organic substances of animal and vegetable origin, which remain the same before and after the reaction. The yeast plant is an "organised ferment," the invertase a "soluble ferment." Bread. — This consists of dough which has been "raised" by aeration with carbonic acid gas and then baked. The aeration is usually effected by mixing the dough with yeast. A portion of the starch in the dough is con- verted into maltose, and the maltose into alcohol and carbonic acid gas, which renders the dough spongy. On baking, the air-spaces are further distended by the rise in temperature, while on the outside a crust is formed in which a part of the starch has been converted into dextrin by heat. Instead of yeast a baking powder is sometimes employed ; for instance, a mixture of bicarbonate of sodium and tartaric acid, which react with each other when moistened with water, carbonic acid gas being given off and tartrate of 1 50 CHEM1STR Y FOR A GRIC UL TURAL STUDENTS sodium formed. "Aerated bread" is made by mixing the flour with aerated water under pressure. Alcohol mixes with water in all proportions. The spirit of wine of commerce is a mixture of alcohol and water. The specific gravity of pure alcohol is .795 at 15.6° C, but that of aqueous alcohol is higher, and varies with the proportion of water ; so that the strength of a spirit can be found by deter- mining the specific gravity. The strength is stated in per- centage of alcohol under or over "proof spirit," i.e. a spirit containing 57 per cent, of alcohol by volume and having a specific gravity of .920. Rectified spirit has a specific gravity of .837, and is 56 per cent, over proof, and therefore contains 88.9 per cent, of alcohol. It can obviously be reduced to proof spirit by diluting 100 c.c. to 156 c.c. with water. Perform the experiment, using 50 c.c. of rectified spirit for the purpose. Has the product the specific gravity of proof spirit as deter- mined by the hydrometer ? In chemical properties alcohol resembles an inorganic hydroxide, and its formula should therefore be written C 2 H 5 OH, hydroxide of ethyl, ethyl, C 2 H 5 , being an " organic radicle," i.e. a group of elements of which carbon is one that plays the part of a single element. Thus alcohol combines with acids forming "ethereal salts," C 2 H 5 OH + H 2 S0 4 = C 2 H 5 HS0 4 + H 9 like KOH + H 2 S0 4 - KHS0 4 + H 2 0, and when heated with a dehydrating agent loses water and is converted into the ethereal oxide " ether," 2 C 2 H 5 OH— H 2 - (C H 5 ) 2 like 2 KOH— H 2 = K 2 b. To illustrate the formation of an ethereal salt, nitrite of ethyl or nitrous ether, the principal active constituent of sweet spirit of nitre, may be prepared. Dissolve 34.5 grams of sodium nitrite in water, dilute to 120 c.c, pour into a glass cylinder, THE ALCOHOLS: FERMENTATION 151 and cool below o° C. by surrounding the cylinder with ice sprinkled over with salt. Add 13.5 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid to a well-cooled mixture of 32 c.c. of rectified spirit, with an equal volume of water ; dilute the mixture to 120 c.c. with water, and cool below o° C. Run the acid liquid, by means of a thistle funnel passing to the bottom of the cylinder (Fig. 40), into the nitrite solution, little by little, and constantly stirring with the thistle funnel. Note that a layer of nitrite of ethyl is formed, due to the action on the alcohol of the nitrous acid, produced from the sodium nitrite and sulphuric acid. C 2 H 5 OH + HN0 2 = C 2 H fi N0 2 + H 2 0. Pour off the nitrous ether into a separating funnel, shake with a little ice-cold water, run off the water, dry the ether by shaking with fused potassium carbonate, and preserve in a stoppered bottle. Ethereal salts are more or less easily decomposed by water. Shake a little of the nitrous ether with water, and note that hydrolysis occurs, red nitrous fumes being formed. C 2 H 5 N0 2 + H 2 = C 2 H 5 OH 4- HN0 2 . Decomposition generally takes place more readily in presence of an alkali. If some of the ethyl nitrite be mixed with strong alcoholic potash, and the mixture warmed in a flask fitted with an upright condenser, the ether is decomposed, nitrite of potassium being in this case produced. C 2 H 5 N0 2 + KOH = C 2 H 5 OH + KN0 2 . Such a decomposition is termed saponification (see p. 157). Alcohol, C 2 H 5 OH, may obviously be regarded as ethane, C 2 H 6 , in which hydrogen has been replaced by hydroxyl. Other hydrocarbons have alcohols corresponding to them, those derived from propane, butane, and pentane being constituents of fusel oil, and therefore products of alcoholic fermentation. The alcohol corresponding with methane is a constituent of the " wood spirit " contained in the aqueous distillate from wood (p. 104), and from which it may be obtained by distillation. The alcohol corres- ponding with benzene, termed phenol, or " carbolic acid," and that corres- ponding with toluene, termed cresol, are constituents of coal tar. Alcohol. Boiling Point. Methyl alcohol, CH 3 OH 66° C. Ethyl alcohol, C 2 H 5 OH 78 Propyl alcohol, C 3 H 7 OH 97° Butyl alcohol, C 4 H 9 OH io8° Amyl alcohol, C 5 H n OH i3i° 152 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS Hydrocarbon. Methane, CII 4 Ethane, C 2 H 6 Propane, C 3 H 8 Butane, C 4 H 10 Pentane, C 5 H 12 Benzene, C 6 H 6 Phenol, C 6 H 5 OII i8i° Toluene, C 7 H 8 Cresol, C 7 H 8 OH i88° These alcohols are all monohydric, but, as is the case with inorganic hydroxides, polyhydric alcohols can exist. For instance, it was found that cellulose contained six replaceable hydroxyl groups. Glycerine is a trihydric alcohol derived from propane, having the formula C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 , glyceryl trihydroxide, and it forms, when treated with nitric and sulphuric acids, a glyceryl trinitrate, or "nitroglycerine," which, when mixed with infusorial earth, constitutes the explosive dynamite. Brewing. — Malt is prepared by steeping barley in water, then exposing the softened grain to the air till germination has taken place, in order that the soluble ferment diastase may be produced, and finally drying in kilns. The radicles or " combes" having been separated from the corn by treading and sifting, the malt is crushed and mashed with water at about 70° t C. During this process the starch is gelatinised and converted into dextrin and maltose by the diastase previously formed, and the soluble carbohydrates thus produced are extracted. The liquor or wort, when separated from the spent " brewer's grains," is next boiled with hops ; then, after cooling, fermented with yeast, alcohol and carbonic acid gas being formed. After sufficient fermentation has taken place, and two or three per cent, of alcohol has been produced, the yeast is skimmed off the surface, and the beer stored in casks. Wines are prepared by directly fermenting grape juice. Spirits are the products of distillation of wine and other fermented liquors. THE ORGANIC ACIDS 153 XXXII. THE ORGANIC ACIDS Place a pint of beer in a large flat-bottomed dish and leave exposed to the air for a week. Observe that the beer becomes sour in taste and acid to litmus. Vinegar has, in fact, been produced, the alcohol having been oxidised to acetic acid by atmospheric oxygen : — C 2 H 6 + 2 = C 2 H 4 2 + H 2 0. This oxidation is effected by a microscopic fungus, — the vinegar plant, — the germs of which exist in the air ; and it is desirable to partly immerse in the beer a few beechwood shavings, upon which the fungus will develop, and which will therefore pro- mote the chemical change. Neutralise some vinegar with caustic soda, evaporate to a low bulk, slightly acidify with sulphuric acid and distil over the acetic acid, being careful to stop the process when charring commences. Note that this volatile organic acid has all the properties of an inorganic acid ; it is sour in taste, it turns blue litmus red, and it neutralises alkalies and decomposes carbon- ates with the formation of salts. Acetic acid is also obtained by the distillation of wood. If the aqueous liquid thus obtained (p. 104) be neutralised with soda, the wood spirit evaporated off and the residue distilled with sulphuric acid, impure acetic acid — " pyroligneous acid " — is obtained. Just as acetic acid is obtained from ethyl alcohol by oxida- tion, so other organic acids may be produced from the alcohols with which they correspond in number of carbon atoms. Thus methyl alcohol, CH 4 0, yields formic acid, CH 2 2 , and butyl alcohol, C 4 H 10 O, yields butyric acid, C 4 H s 2 . To a mixture of sulphuric acid and bichromate of potassium (a strong oxidising agent) add a few drops of butyl alcohol. Warm gently in a test-tube till action is complete, then boil and notice the cheese-like odour of the product of oxidation — butyric acid. 154 CHEMISTR Y FOR A GRICUL TURAL STUDENTS Oxidation of alcohols proceeds in two stages. Two atoms of hydrogen are first withdrawn, and an aldehyde {i.e. alcohol flfe/zyafrogenatum) left, and then an atom of oxygen is introduced and an acid formed. Formic alde- hyde, CH a O, intermediate between methyl alcohol and formic acid, is the useful antiseptic and preservative, the solution of which is known in com- merce as "formalin." Benzoic aldehyde, C 7 H 6 0, constitutes the volatile oil of bitter almonds. It should be noted that oxidation does not always imply addition of oxygen to the substance. The withdrawal of hydrogen, with formation of water, is also held to be a process of oxidation. Con- versely, reduction may imply either elimination of oxygen or addition of hydrogen. By oxidising monohydric alcohols, monobasic acids, i.e. acids containing only one atom of hydrogen replaceable by metals, are obtained, but polyhydric alcohols can yield poly- basic acids, i.e. acids containing two or more replaceable hydro- gens. To show the basicity of the acids, it is convenient to represent them by formulae in which the replaceable hydrogen precedes the remainder of the formula. Formic acid, HCH0 2 , occurs in ants and nettles. Acetic acid, HC 2 H 3 2 , ,, vinegar and pyroligneous acid. Lactic acid, HC 3 H 5 3 , ,, sour milk. Butyric acid, HC 4 H 7 2 , ,, cream and butter as butyrate of glyceryl. Myristic acid, HC^H^C^, ,, cream and butter as myristate of glyceryl. Palmitic acid, HC 16 H 31 2 , ,, palm oil and soft fats as palmitate of glyceryl. Stearic acid, HC 18 H 35 2 , ,, hard fats as stearate of glyceryl. Oleic acid, HC 18 H 33 2 , ,, olive oil and soft fats as oleate of glyceryl. Benzoic acid, HC 7 H 5 2 , ,, gum benzoin. Salicylic acid, HC 7 H 5 3 , ,, oil of wintergreen as salicylate of methyl. Oxalic acid, H 2 C 2 4 , ,, sorrel as acid oxalate of potassium (salts of sorrel). Tartaric acid, H 2 C 4 H 4 O , ,, grape juice as acid tartrate of potassium (cream of tartar). Citric acid, H 3 C 6 H 5 7 , ,, lime and lemon juice. According to the formula given, oxalic acid is a di-basic acid. To confirm this, prepare a deci-normal solution, i.e. a FA TS A ND SOAPS 1 55 solution containing in one liter one-tenth of a molecular weight of crystallised oxalic acid, H 2 C 2 4 .2H 2 0, in grams. Weigh out two half-gram portions of pure and previously heated sodium carbonate, dissolve each in water, and titrate with the acid, using all the precautions described on p. 71. Does the quantity of acid required correspond with that necessary to form the compound Na 2 C 2 4 ? XXXIII. FATS AND SOAPS Organic, like inorganic, acids are able to form ethereal salts with organic hydroxides, i.e. alcohols. There is, for instance, the acetate of ethyl or acetic ether, C 2 H 5 .C 2 H 3 2 , produced by distilling a mixture of alcohol, acetate of sodium, and strong sulphuric acid. The most important of these compounds are the oils or fats occurring in animal or vegetable organisms, which generally consist of oleifi, palmitin, and stearin, the oleate, palmitate, and stearate of glyceryl. Olein is an oil, while pal- mitin and stearin are solid fats, the latter having the higher melting point ; hence hard fats largely consist of stearin, soft fats of palmitin and olein. Olive oil, sperm oil, and cod-liver oil are rich in olein, human fat and palm oil in palmitin, suet, tallow, and lard in stearin. Just as the alcohols and hydrocarbons are distinguished from each other by their boiling points, the fats may be distinguished by their melting points. Procure some pure palmitate and pure stearate of glyceryl. Prepare a few capillary glass tubes from some odd bits of glass tubing, and seal the points. Into the fine end of one of these thrust a minute fragment of one of the pure fats, and attach the tube to a thermometer, as figured (Fig. 50) by means of india-rubber bands. Make a stirring rod CO s* 1 56 CHE MIS TR Y FOR A GRICUL TURAL STUDENTS of copper wire, with the end bent into a ring of such a size that it will easily move up and down in the vessel of water without touching the thermometer and tube. Having arranged the apparatus, as figured, slowly heat the water, with constant stirring, until the frag- ment of fat is just melted. Note the melting point. Now allow to cool, still constantly stirring, and note the solidifying point. Repeat the alternate heating and cooling until the exact melting point and solidifying point are ascertained with cer- tainty. Then determine the melting point of the other fat. The melting points of the fats of special importance and their specific gravities (deter- mined at 66° C. and compared with water at Of) 5^ JW Fig. 50. the same temperature) are as follows :- Fat. Melting Point. Specific Gravity. Butynn, C 3 H 5 . 3 C 4 H 7 2 ? 1. 021 Myristin, C 3 H 5 . 3 C 14 H 27 2 55° C. ? Palmitin, C 3 H 5 .3C 16 H 31 2 62 C. 0.900 Olein, C 3 H 5 .3C 18 H 33 2 -6° C. 0.900 Stearin, C 3 H 5 .3C 18 H 35 2 72 C. 0.892 It will have been noticed that the boiling point or melting point of the hydrocarbons and alcohols of any homologous series rise as the molecular weight of the compound increases. This is obviously the case also with the fats, but with one apparent exception, viz. olein. If, however, the formulae are examined, it will be found that whereas all the other fats are referable to the general formula, C 3 H 5 .3C n H 2n _ 1 2 , and therefore belong to the same series, olein is not referable to this formula ; so that the apparent discrepancy is understood. As a matter of fact, while butyric, myristic, palmitic, and stearic acids are derived from the paraffin series of hydro- carbons, oleic acid is derived from the olefine series. The same variation in the physical properties, with the increase in the molecular weights, is observed in the acids themselves. While formic, acetic, and butyric acids FATS AND SOAPS »57 are volatile and soluble in water, myristic, palmitic, and stearic acids are insoluble_in water, and not easily volatilised ; while the acids of intermediate molecular weight have intermediate properties. In fact, the boiling points are found to rise, and the solubility to diminish, as the molecular weights in a series increase. Among the properties of fats that need to be especially noticed are (1) solubility in ether, (2) emulsification, and (3) saponification with an alkali. Bruise any dry vegetable sub- stance, e.g. straw, maize, rice meal, linseed, or bran, in a mortar, and, having transferred to a test-tube, shake with ether. Pour off the ethereal liquid and evaporate in a dish over the water bath. The residue will consist of the fat (together with wax) of the vegetable substance. Shake some olive oil with water ; notice that the oil quickly separates from the water, and, being lighter, rises and floats upon the surface. Now add a drop of solution of caustic potash, and shake again. Observe that an emulsion is now produced, the fat being separated into minute particles which do not readily aggregate. When fats are decomposed by saponification with an alkali, glycerine and a soap are formed. Thus : — C 3 H 5 . 3 C 18 H 35 2 + 3 NaOH - C 3 H 53 OH + 3 NaC 18 H 35 2 . Glyceryl stearate Caustic Glycerine. Sodium stearate or stearin. soda. or soap. Boil together in an iron dish 50 grams of tallow with caustic soda, in slight excess as calculated from the equation, dissolved in 250 c.c. of water, until complete saponification has occurred. Add strong brine to the mixture to " salt out " the soap, it being insoluble in solution of common salt. Separate from the soap the aqueous liquid containing the glycerine, evaporate it to dryness, dissolve out the glycerine from the residue with strong alcohol, and evaporate the alcoholic solution until a syrupy residue of the glycerine is obtained. Note its sweet taste. Dissolve a portion of the soap in water, place the solution in 1 58 CHEMISTR Y FOR A GRICUL TURAL STUDENTS a cylinder, and add to it dilute sulphuric acid till slightly acid Note the separation of solid stearic acid. NaC 18 H 35 2 + H 2 S0 4 = NaHS0 4 + HC ls H 35 2 . For preparing glycerine and the fatty acids on a large scale, fats are hydro- lysed by distilling with superheated steam. The distillate consists of a solution of glycerine and a separate layer of the fatty acid. The latter is employed in the manufacture of "stearine" candles; the pure glycerine is obtained by evaporating the aqueous liquid. Fats are sometimes described as glycerides of the fatty acids. Thus stearin is the glyceride of stearic acid, olein the glyceride of oleic acid, etc. It is evident that soaps are oleates, palmitates, or stearates of potassium or sodium. Potassium soaps are soft ; sodium soaps are hard. When dissolved in water for washing purposes, a little hydrolysis occurs, and soda or potash is set free, which dissolves the grease from, and therefore cleanses, the hands. When used with hard water, a curd is formed owing to the for- mation of insoluble oleates, palmitates, and stearates of calcium and magnesium, the soaps of the alkali metals being the only soaps soluble in water. To the solution of the soap add dilute solutions of calcium and magnesium salts. Note the curdy pre- cipitates of the calcium and magnesium salts of the fatty acids. 2NaC ls H 35 2 + CaH 2 2C0 3 = 2NaHC0 3 + Ca2C 18 H 35 2 2 NaC ls H 35 2 + MgS0 4 = Na 2 S0 4 + Mg 2 C 18 H 35 2 . By making use of these reactions, the total, permanent and temporary hardness of tap water may be compared and approxi- mately determined. To determine the total hardness place 70 c.c. of the water in a stoppered bottle, and run in — in very small quantities at a time, until a permanent lather is produced after shaking — a standardised solution of soap in weak alcohol (sup- plied), of such a strength that 1 c.c. of the solution will exactly precipitate .001 gram of calcium carbonate in a state of solu- tion in 70 c.c. of water. Each c.c. of the soap solution used will then represent one " degree of hardness," i.e. one grain of FATS AND SOAPS 159 calcium carbonate in one gallon of the water (70,000 grains). To determine the permanent hardness repeat the determination with a second 70 c.c. of the water; but first boil it gently for half an hour to precipitate the carbonates of calcium and mag- nesium, and make up again to 70 c.c. with boiled distilled water. The number of c.cs. of soap solution now required will indicate the degrees of permanent hardness. The difference between the two results gives the temporary hardness. Butter. — The cream that rises to the surface of milk consists of minute globules of fat. These aggregate when agitated by churning and form butter. Butter, therefore, consists chiefly of fat, but also contains 8 to 16 per cent, of water, and I to 2 per cent, of curd, with a variable quantity of added salt. The fat consists of the glycerides of oleic, palmitic, stearic, and myristic acids (the last in small quantity), together with the glycerides of certain volatile acids soluble in water, the chief of which is butyric acid. Of these combined acids the volatile acids form about 8 per cent. , the oleic acid 36 per cent. , and the palmitic, stearic, and myristic acids about 49. 5 per cent, of the butter fat. The specific gravity of butter fat varies be- tween .910 and .914 at 37. 7° C. Animal fats used to adulterate butter, and in the manufacture of oleo-margarine, are devoid of the glycerides of the soluble acids ; and the specific gravity of these being higher than that of olein, p'almitin, and stearin, such fats have a lower specific gravity — .903 to .905 at 37. 7° C. The purity of butter can therefore be determined by taking the specific gravity. For this purpose the butter is melted, and the liquid fat poured off from the water and curd, and filtered into the specific gravity bottle. The specific gravity is determined at 37. 7° C. (ioo° F.). It is not always possible to detect a small amount of foreign fat in butter by this method, and in this case the purity of the butter is determined by saponifying, acidifying the soap produced, weighing the insoluble acids thrown out of solution, and titrating the aqueous liquid containing the soluble acids with a standard solution of alkali. In this way the proportion of the soluble and volatile acids to the insoluble and non-volatile acids is determined. [6o CHEMISTR Y FOR A GRIC UL TURAL STUDENTS XXXIV. AMMONIA DERIVATIVES— ALKALOIDS AND AMIDES In the foregoing studies it has been observed that organic compounds may be regarded as simple inorganic compounds in which an element is replaced by an organic radicle, i.e. a group of elements, of which carbon is one, which plays the part of an element. Thus alcohol, C 2 H 5 .OH, is water, H.OH, in which hydrogen has been replaced by ethyl. Acetic acid, H.C 2 H 3 2 , is hydrochloric acid, H.C1, in which the acetic radicle has been substituted for chlorine. Similarly there is a group of organic compounds which are regarded as substituted ammonias, i.e. ammonia, NH 3 , in which one or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by organic radicles. These compounds are termed amines and alkaloids. They are alkaline in re- action, like ammonia, and combine with acids forming salts. An important amine is trimethylamine, N(CH 3 ) 3 , the sub- stance to which the fishy smell of herring brine is due. Pyridine — NC 5 H 5 — is a volatile base of powerful odour pro- duced in the distillation of coal, and usually found as the sulphate in small quantities in commercial sulphate of ammonia. Alkaloids frequently exist in plants, and to them the medicinal or toxic properties of plants are often due. Thus quinine, an alkaloid found in cinchona bark, atropine or atropia in belladonna, aconitine in aconite, morphine or morphia in opium, and nicotine in tobacco, are the active constituents of these plants. Mix some sulphate of quinine with water in a stoppered separatory funnel. Note that this salt is almost insoluble. Now add a little dilute sulphuric acid to convert the sulphate into the soluble acid sulphate, and to the clear solution thus obtained add solution of caustic soda in order to precipitate the alkaloid itself. Shake the white mixture with ether until the alkaloid is completely dissolved in the ether, run off the water, AMMONIA DERIVATIVES— ALKALOIDS AND AMIDES 161 wash the ethereal solution by shaking with a little water, and finally pour into a dish and evaporate off the ether over warm water. Moisten the white residue with water, and test its alkalinity with red litmus paper. These reactions show that in all chemical respects an alkaloid behaves like ammonia. The reactions may be expressed as follows. Since quinine has the complex molecular formula C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 , it is symbolised in the equations by the letter A. A 2 .H 2 S0 4 + H 2 S0 4 = 2(A.H 2 S0 4 ) like (NH 3 ) 2 .H 2 S0 4 + H 2 S0 4 - 2 (NH 3 .H 2 S0 4 ) j A.H 2 S0 4 + 2NaOH = A + Na 2 S0 4 + 2H 2 like NH 3 .H 2 S0 4 + 2 NaOH = NH 8 + Na 2 S0 4 + 2 H 2 0. The ammonia derivatives in which hydrogen has been re- placed by an acid radicle are termed amides. To this group belong caffeine or theine, the stimulating constituent of tea and coffee; the theobromine of cocoa; asparagine, an abundant constituent of asparagus and many root crops ; and the uric acid of urine. Another amide is the urea or carbamide, CO(NH 2 ) 2 , of urine. Evaporate half a liter of urine to about one quarter its bulk, and after cooling add nitric acid until crystals of the nitrate of urea begin to separate. Allow to stand, till the precipita- tion of crystals is complete. Filter, dissolve the crystals in a very little water, and then add strong nitric acid in which the salt is only slightly soluble. Collect the crystals which are deposited, press between filter paper to dry them, and preserve. A stable or urinal frequently smells strongly of ammonia. This is due to the hydrolysis of the urea of the urine by the action of a micro-organism, ammonia and carbonic acid gas being formed. CO(NH 2 ) 2 + H 2 = C0 2 + 2NH3. The hydrolysis may also be effected by heating with strong caustic potash, ammonia and carbonate of potassium being 11 1 62 CHE MIS TR Y FOR A GRIC UL TURA L ST U DENTS produced. Try the experiment, and observe whether ammonia is evolved. Among other nitrogenous organic compounds should be mentioned cyanogen, CN, an organic radicle resembling in many respects chlorine. Thus it forms hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid), HCN, like hydrochloric acid, and cyanide of potassium, KCN, like chloride of potassium, etc. These cyanides have a great tendency to form double salts. Among the most important of these is ferrocyanide of potassium ("yellow prussiate of potash "), K 4 Fe(CN) G . When treated with a solution of ferric chloride, this yields ferric ferrocyanide, the well-known pigment " prussian blue." It forms, therefore, a very delicate test for iron. If the ferrocyanide of potassium be warmed with dilute sulphuric acid, hydrocyanic acid will be set free, and if smelt cautiously (it is intensely poisonous) will serve to illustrate the characteristic odour of oil of bitter almonds possessed by this acid. XXXV. THE ALBUMINOIDS The albuminoids, as their name implies, resemble albumin or white of egg in general properties. Their constitution is not fully known, and they possess a somewhat indefinite com- position, but all contain 50 to 55% carbon, 6.9 to 7.5% hydrogen, 20 to 24% oxygen, 15 to 18% nitrogen, and (pos- sibly with some exceptions) .3 to 2% sulphur. Dry some white of egg over a water bath, mix it with soda lime, and heat strongly in a test-tube. Note that ammonia is given off, show- ing that the albuminoid is a nitrogen compound. Empty the solid residue into a beaker, and add excess of dilute sulphuric acid. Note that sulphuretted hydrogen, recognised by its smell and by the black stain of sulphide of lead it produces on paper soaked in a solution of lead acetate, is evolved, showing that sulphur also is a constituent of the albuminoid. The albuminoids have not yet been synthetically prepared in THE ALBUMINOIDS 163 the laboratory : they are products of vegetable life, and form an essential part of the food and of the substance of animals. Bruise some fresh clover plants in a mortar, press out the sap, filter into a test-tube, and warm. Note that a substance pre- viously dissolved coagulates on warming. An albumin-like sub- stance is thus shown to be present. Repeat the experiment with fresh meat juice. Notice here again the presence of an albuminoid. While found in animal or vegetable substance in a soluble state, albuminoids also exist in the insoluble or coagulated state. Make some wheat flour into a dough with water, enclose in a muslin bag, and knead in a basin of water until the starch has been entirely washed out. On opening the bag, a tough elastic substance, the " gluten " of wheat, will be found, this being a mixture of albuminoids mostly insoluble in water. The albuminoids arrange themselves in several classes dis- tinguished by different properties. Among these distinguishing features are the different conditions under which coagulation occurs. To illustrate these, the coagulation of the albumin of egg, the casein of milk, and the fibrin of blood or myosin of flesh, may be studied. Separate the white of a fresh egg. Shake it vigorously with about ten times its bulk of water, and strain the liquid several times through muslin until a clear solution of albumin is obtained. Heat a portion in a test-tube. Observe that it coagulates at a temperature below 75 C. To another portion add nitric acid, and notice that this also causes coagulation. Allow some milk to stand for a day in a cylinder in order to allow the cream to separate. Remove some of the skim milk by means of a pipette, and heat it in a test-tube. Note that no change occurs. Now add some nitric acid, and observe the curdling of the milk due to coagulation of the casein. To another portion add rennet {i.e. the solution of a soluble ferment obtained from the fourth stomach of calves). Coagula- tion will again take place. i6 4 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS Procure some fresh blood. Notice that after a very few minutes' exposure to the air the blood spontaneously coagu- lates, a " clot " containing the fibrin being formed, while the " serum," containing blood albumin, separates. Enclose the clot in a muslin bag tied over the nozzle of a water tap, and allow water to run through, constantly kneading it with the hand meanwhile until the red colouring substance is washed away, and the fibrin is left white. Procure some raw meat. Note that the solid matter is already insoluble and coagulated. Knead it in a muslin bag under water until colourless myosin is obtained. The albuminoids are then all characterised by this property of coagulation, but while fibrin and myosin spontaneously coagulate, albumin only coagulates on heating or upon the addition of acid, and casein, which does not coagulate on heating, does so on the addition of either acid or rennet. The albuminoids are further distinguished as a class by the property of peptonisation, i.e. the conversion of the coagulated albuminoids into soluble compounds termed peptones. This chemical change may be brought about by dilute acids, but it is most easily effected by certain soluble ferments acting in some cases in acid, and in some cases in alkaline liquids. Cut a little of the white of a boiled egg into thin strips, and mix with a solution of pepsin (a soluble ferment found in the gastric juice of the stomachs of animals) in dilute hydrochloric acid, and digest for a few hours at a temperature of 3 6° C. (blood heat). Note that the albumin dissolves. Boil the liquid : coagulation no longer occurs ; the albuminoid has been con- verted into a soluble peptone. The solutions of albuminoids and peptones are further dis- tinguished by their behaviour on diffusion. To illustrate liquid diffusion or osmose, securely tie pieces of parchment paper over the mouths of two thistle funnels. Run into the one funnel a solution of magenta and into the other a solution of cochineal, and then place the inverted funnels in beakers of distilled water. THE ALBUMINOIDS 165 Note that the magenta soon begins to pass through the parch- ment into the water, but the cochineal diffuses much less readily. Now repeat the experiment with starch mucilage and solution of sugar, and after a short time test the water in each beaker by appropriate tests for starch and sugar. It will be found that, as in the previous case, it is the crystallisable sub- stance, or crystalloid, that is readily capable of diffusion, while the non-crystallisable substance, or colloid, does not easily diffuse. Now try the experiment with a solution of albumin before and after peptonisation, testing the water for diffused substance by evaporating a portion to dryness. Note that the unchanged albumin is colloid j the peptone is crystalloid. This process obviously provides a method of separating crystalloids from colloids in solution. The method is known as dialysis. In the foregoing experiments it will be found that liquid passes through the diaphragm in each direction ; and, in the cases of difficultly diffusible substances, more liquid passes into the funnel than passes out. This gives rise to increase of volume in the funnel, and consequent increase of pressure. It is this osmotic pressure to which, in the cells of plants, is largely due the flow of sap. Milk. — I. Composition. — A drop of milk examined under a microscope is seen to be an " emulsion," and to consist chiefly of minute globules of fat floating in an aqueous liquid. The fat has a lower specific gravity than the aqueous portion, and therefore separates as "cream" on standing, or on submitting the milk to a rotatory movement in a "separator," when the greater centrifugal force of the heavier liquid causes its separation from the fat globules. This watery liquid, or "skim milk," contains the dissolved albuminoids, and of these the casein coagulates on the addition of rennet to the milk, a curd being produced, which, when compressed into a solid mass, and then ripened by keeping, constitutes "cheese." (Cheeses contain 24 to 41 per cent, of water, 23 to 39 per cent, of fat, depending on the proportion of cream in the milk used, 27 to 32 per cent, of casein, and 0.7 to 4.4 per cent, of salt.) The "whey" from the curd still contains the albumin of milk, and this may now be coagulated by heating. If the precipitate be filtered off, and the filtrate evaporated to a low bulk, crystals of the sugar of milk are obtained. If the mother-liquor from these crystals be evaporated to dry- 166 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS ness, and the residue ignited, an ash is left, consisting of the phosphates and chlorides of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium. 2. Souring of Milk. — This is due to the action of the lactic ferment, a micro-organism which converts milk sugar into lactic acid by hydrolysis : — C 12 H 22 O u + H 2 = 4C 3 H 6 3 . Lactic acid is able to coagulate the albuminoid of milk. Warmth aids coagulation, and in hot weather it is sometimes noticed that spontaneous coagulation occurs when only very small quantities of lactic acid have been produced. This souring of milk is prevented by cooling the milk to near the freezing point, which inhibits the action of the organisms, or by heating under pressure to 120 C, a temperature which destroys the organisms, and afterwards excluding air. The souring is also retarded ( I ) by heating to 56° C, a temperature which destroys some germs but does not affect the taste of the milk, (2) by cooling even a few degrees, and (3) by the use of anti- septics, such as boracic acid (H 3 B0 3 or B 2 3 .3H 2 from the non-metallic element boron), borax (Na 2 B 4 7 or 2B 2 3 .Na 2 0), salicylic acid and formic aldehyde, the addition of which are, however, considered inadmissible. ' 3. Adulteration. — Owing to the great variability in the composition of milk due to the animal, the time of milking, the pasturage, etc., the detec- tion of adulteration by water is a matter of some difficulty. The usual method is to determine the specific gravity at 15. 5 C. by means of the hydrometer (sp. gr. = 1.028 to 1.035 for pure milk ; mean, 1.032), to weigh the total solids obtained by evaporating 5 grams of milk in a weighed dish on the water bath, until the weight is constant (12 to 14.5 grams per 100 grams of pure milk ; mean, 12.9) ; and lastly, to estimate the fat by extracting it with ether or by means of a butyrometer (2.7 to 4.3 per cent.; mean, 3.77). It has been found that there is a constant relation between the fat and the specific gravity and total solids : — ■ „ „ /iooS-ioo\ F = .8 33 T-2.22 (^ g J in which F = the fat, T = total solids, and S = specific gravity ; hence it is possible to find the amount of fat by calculation, if the specific gravity and total solids are known, or the total solids by calculation if the specific gravity and fat are known. The Chemistry of Animal and Vegetable Life. — 1. Plants. — To pro- mote the germination of seeds, warmth, moisture, and atmospheric oxygen are necessary. The starch of the seed is converted into sugar by the diastase formed during germination, and the albuminoids are converted into peptones or amides ; these substances, being soluble and dialysable, can supply the growing part of the plant with nutriment. The root penetrates the soil, and thus procures the phosphates, sulphates, and nitrates of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, which the acid root sap assists in dissolving. THE ALBUMINOIDS 167 The stem and leaves expand into the air, where, through the agency of light, " chlorophyll " is produced, and they become green. Atmospheric carbonic acid is absorbed by the leaves, and, through the agency of the chlorophyll, in presence of sunlight and warmth, reacts with water absorbed by the roots, carbohydrate being produced and oxygen set free into the air : — 6C0 2 + 5H 2 = C 6 H 10 O 5 + 60 2 . From the same materials, together with the inorganic nitrates and sulphates absorbed from the soil, albuminoid is also produced. The carbohydrate and albuminoid, being convertible into soluble substances by the soluble ferments, acids, or salts also contained in the leaves, can be conveyed by the sap to the growing part of the plant, or to the seed, stem, and root, where storage of reserve material is required, and then may be deposited in an insoluble form. Thus the cotnplex organic constituents of plants are products of redtiction fi-om simple inorganic substances, sunlight and heat being absorbed. 2. Animals. — Animals have no power of elaborating complex organic compounds from simple inorganic substances, and their food consists there- fore, directly or indirectly, of vegetable products. These foods are usually insoluble and require digestion, i.e. conversion into a form in which they can pass through the membranes of the stomach and intestines into the blood. The digestive fluids are — (1) the saliva, an alkaline fluid containing a soluble ferment, ptyalin, which converts starch into malt sugar and grape sugar ; (2) the gastric juice, a fluid, acid with hydrochloric acid, containing a soluble ferment, pepsin, which converts coagulated albuminoids into peptones ; (3) the bile, pancreatic juice, and intestinal juice, alkaline fluids, also containing soluble ferments, which complete the conversion of starch into sugar and albuminoids into peptones, and which also emulsify and partially saponify the fats. The blood, into which all the digested food passes, contains a purplish red compound, haemoglobin, which becomes oxidised in the lungs to bright red oxyhemoglobin. This compound is capable of oxidising the carbon and hydrogen of assimilated food constituents to carbonic acid gas and water, the oxyhemoglobin being reduced to haemoglobin. This carbonic acid gas remains dissolved in the blood till it reaches the lungs, when it is set free and oxygen again absorbed. Thus respired air becomes rich in carbonic acid gas and deficient in oxygen (see p. 23). The water produced is excreted by the lungs, pores of the skin, or kidneys. The heat produced by the oxidation of the carbon and hydrogen provides the power of doing work. When more carbohydrate and fat is digested than is required for oxidation, they may be deposited as fat, and this will serve as a store of fuel, and undergo oxidation when required. Work is 1 68 CHE MIS TR Y FOR A GRIC UL TURA L S TU DENTS done through the agency of muscle, which, since it is constantly under- going oxidation, must be constantly renewed by a fresh supply of albuminoid derived from the peptones of the digested food. When albuminoids are oxidised, in addition to carbonic acid gas and water, urea is one of the products ; and this, being excreted from the blood by the kidneys, is found in urine. Thus the simple substances excreted by animals are oxidation products of complex organic compounds, heat being produced during the process. 3. Food. — The constituents of food are classified into (1) heat-producers, viz. carbohydrates, fats, and amides ; (2) flesh - formers and heat- producers, viz. albuminoids ; (3) inorganic salts, including especially phosphate of calcium and chloride of sodium. In addition to these, water is a necessary constituent as the food-carrier, and certain alcohols and ethereal salts in the spices, alkaloids in tea, coffee, and cocoa, and the ethyl alcohol of fermented liquors, may serve a useful purpose as stimulants. The value of a food will depend upon (1) composition and (2) digestibility. The value of food constituents as heat-producers depends upon their heat of combustion. Thus the heat of combustion of cane sugar is 97, albumin 107, fat 229, and asparagine 49, if that of starch be taken as 100. The albuminoid ratio {i.e. the proportion of albuminoids to the equivalent in starch of the other organic constituents), required in a diet, will depend upon the kind and age of the animal and the functions it is expected to perform, and will vary from 1:2 to 1:14. Digestibility varies with the kind and condition of the food and the kind of animal, ruminating animals having a considerable power of digesting cellulose, while man has none. Cooking materially affects digestibility : for instance, baking of bread and toasting it converts a portion of the starch into dextrin, and therefore increases digestibility ; but the prolonged heating of albuminoids renders them much less digestible. XXXVI. CONCLUSIONS The carbon compounds dealt with in the foregoing studies, of which the constitution is understood, have been regarded as inorganic hydrogen compounds, in which the hydrogen, or other element, has been replaced by an organic radicle j and CONCLUSIONS 169 each class of organic compounds therefore resembles some inorganic compound, which serves as a type. Thus : — Hydrogen, HH, Water, HOH . Water, H 2 . Potassium chloride, KC1 Ferric hydroxide, Fe(OH) 3 Hydrochloric acid, HC1 Hydro-sulphuric acid, H 2 S Sodium chloride, NaCl Ferric chloride, FeCl 3 Ammonia, NH 3 is a type of a hydrocarbon, e.g. ethane, CH 3 CH 3 . „ alcohol, e.g. ethyl alcohol, C 2 H 6 OH. „ ether, e.g. ethyl ether, (C 2 H 5 ) 2 0. ,, ethereal salt, e.g. ethyl nitrite, C 2 H 5 N0 2 . ,, polyhydric alcohol, e.g. glycerine, C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 . ,, monobasic acid, e.g. acetic acid, HC 2 H 3 2 . ,, polybasic acid, e.g. oxalic acid, II 2 C 2 4 . ,, soap, e.g. sodium stearate, NaC»H»Oj. „ fat, e.g. stearin, CsH 5 ( C 18 H 35 2 ) 3 . „ amine, e.g. trimethylamine, N(CH 3 ) 3 . "In mineral chemistry the radicles are simple, in organic chemistry they are compound; therein consists the whole difference. The laws whereby the compounds are formed, and their reactions regulated, are the same in both." (Dumas.) To understand the relation between the members of each group of organic compounds, it must be pointed out that, just as in an inorganic compound an atom of hydrogen can be re- placed by, or substituted for, an atom of another monad element (e.g. H in HC1 by Na in NaCl), so, in an organic compound, an atom of hydrogen can be replaced by a monad organic radicle. Thus, an atom of hydrogen in methane, CH 4 , can be replaced by methyl, CH 3 , forming ethane, CH 3 - CH 3 or C 2 H 6 . One atom of hydrogen in ethane, CH 3 — CH 3 , can be replaced by methyl to form propane, CH 3 - CH 2 - CH 3 or C 3 H 8 . So, also, an atom of hydrogen in ethyl alcohol 170 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS CH 3 -CH 2 OH, can be replaced by methyl to form propyl alcohol, CH 3 - CH 2 - CH 2 OH. Thus, each member of each group will differ from the preceding member by CH 2 , and the difference being constant, each group can be represented by a genera] formula. Thus, all the paraffin hydrocarbons are found to have the composition C n H 2n+2 , and all the corres- ponding alcohols the composition C n H 2n+1 OH. It has been observed that the physical properties of each group vary with the molecular complexity; the melting points of the hydro- carbons, and the boiling points of the alcohols, rose, and the relative densities of the fats fell, with each addition of CH 2 to the molecular formula. Each class of compounds is characterised by a distinguish- ing group. The — CH 3 group of the hydrocarbons becomes - CH 2 (OH) in the alcohols, — CHO in the aldehydes, 2nd - CO(OH) in the acids. The relation of methane, ethane, propane, and butane, to their corresponding alcohols, alde- hydes, and acids, will be made clear by the following table : — Hydrocarbon R.CH 3 Methane H.CH3 Ethane CH 3 .CH 3 Propane C 2 H 5 .CH 3 Butane C 3 H 7 .CH 3 Alcohol R.CH 2 OH Methyl alcohol H.CH 2 OH Ethyl alcohol CH 3 .CH 2 OH Propyl alcohol C 2 H 5 .CH 2 OH Butyl alcoho C 3 H 7 .CH 2 OI Aldehyde R.CHO Formic alde- hyde H.CHO Acetic alde- hyde CH 3 '.CHO Propionic alde- hyde C 2 H 5 .CHO Butyric aide hyde C 3 H 7 .CHO Acid R.COOH Formic acid H.COOH Acetic acid CH 3 .COOH Propionic acid C 2 H 5 .COOH Butyric acid C 3 H 7 .COOI It is these characteristic groups that give to each class of organic compounds their distinctive properties. Thus, the group CO(OH) renders a compound an acid, because it is CONCLUSIONS 171 the hydrogen of this group that is capable of being replaced by a metal or an organic radicle, forming a salt or ethereal salt respectively. For example, acetate of sodium is CH 3 .CO(ONa), and acetic ether is CH 3 .CO(OC 2 H 5 ). It follows that a dibasic acid must contain two CO(OH) groups, and a tribasic acid three. A glance at the formulae of the organic acids given on p. 154, shows that this can be the case; indeed, oxalic acid is obviously composed of 2CO(OH). A study of all organic compounds shows how exactly are their chemical, as well as their physical properties, in accordance with their molecular constitution. Very early in these Studies the relation was observed between heat and the force of chemical attraction. A large number of additional facts have now been deduced, which show that, when chemical combination occurs, heat, or sometimes light or electricity, are produced, and, conversely, to decompose a chemical compound, heat, or sometimes light or electricity, are required. Energy is never lost; there is a definite rela- tion between the energy employed and the work done : the heat. of combustion of two elements is a means of measuring their chemical attraction; the amount of a chemical com- pound decomposed by an electric current is a means of measuring the quantity of electricity used. This conservation of energy is well illustrated in the chemical processes of the animal and vegetable worlds. The chemical changes in the leaves of plants are essentially processes of re- duction, carbonic acid gas and water being used, and carbo- hydrates and oxygen being produced. The chemical changes in the animal are essentially processes of oxidation, carbo- hydrate and oxygen being used, and carbonic acid gas and water produced. The former is a heat-absorbing, the latter a heat- producing, change. The energy derived from the sun's heat and light is stored as chemical energy in the combustible con- stituents of food, and the oxygen set free, until, when con- sumed as animal food, recombination takes place, and heat 1 72 CHEMISTR V FOR A GRIC UL TURA L STUDENTS is again produced. It is the manifestations of this force of chemical attraction between elements and groups of elements with which the science of chemistry is concerned. In the course now completed, the student has dealt with the composition of air and water, the minerals of the earth's crust, and the products of animal and vegetable life, as far as w r as necessary to enable him to understand the principal laws that govern the composition of matter, and the properties of the substances with which he would be most intimately con- nected on the farm. He has become accustomed to regard change, whether in the animal, vegetable, or mineral kingdoms, as involving chemical changes, similar in kind to the examples which have been dealt with in the laboratory ; and which can be controlled and modified, provided they are understood. Not only, therefore, should the knowledge acquired enable him to understand the processes of the farm, but he should now view them from an intelligent standpoint, and hence be better prepared to attack the problems presented for solution in all agricultural pursuits. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS FOR REVISION AND EXAMINATION. The Carbohydrates. What is a "carbohydrate"? Name some. How do carbohydrates behave when they are heated ? Explain the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on sugar. Name the principal sources of starch, and state how it is prepared. How may starches be distinguished from each other, and by what chemical test can starch be identified ? Describe the action of dilute sulphuric acid on starch mucilage, and state what is the behaviour of the liquid at each stage to solution of iodine and to alkaline copper sulphate solution. What sub- stances, other than sulphuric acid, are able to bring about the same series of changes ? QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 173 4. Describe the method by which cellulose can be converted into sugar. Express the formation of sulphate of cellulose by an equation. 5. What are collodion and gun-cotton, and how are they produced ? What purpose does the sulphuric acid serve ? Explain how the existence of a hexanitrate of cellulose is evidence of the molecular formula of cellulose being a multiple of C 6 H 10 O 5 . 6. State what happens when to solutions of cane sugar and grape sugar, solutions of sulphate of copper and then caustic alkali are added. Express the changes in the copper compounds by equations. 7. How may cane sugar be converted into grape and fruit sugar ? Suggest an explanation of the occurrence of the former in unripe, and the latter in ripe fruits. Explain why this conversion is spoken of as a "hydrolytic" change. 8. Name the chief sources of cane sugar. What is milk sugar, and how is it obtained ? Into what sugar is starch first converted by hydrolysis ? 9. Draw up a scheme illustrating the conversion of carbohydrates of the C 6 H 10 O 5 and C^H^On groups into carbohydrates of the C 6 H 12 6 group. 10. Identify the carbohydrate. (Starch, inulin, dextrin, cane sugar, or grape sugar.) 11. Find out whether the vegetable substances contain either starch, inulin, cane sugar, or grape sugar. (Potato, turnip, mangold, . artichoke, carrot, apple, barley, and malted grain. ) The Hydrocarbons. 12. What is meant by carbonisation? Give an account of the gradual carbonisation that goes on in nature, and give examples of artificially carbonised substances. 13. Distinguish between a hydrocarbon and a carbohydrate. 14. Give an account of the sources of petroleum and paraffin, the products of their fractional distillation, and the several uses of these. 15. In what respects do the physical properties of the hydrocarbons of the paraffin series depend upon their composition ? 16. Give a full account of the manufacture of coal gas and its purification. Of what does coal gas consist, and to what constituents are the illuminating properties chiefly due ? State how the temperature of the retorts affects the quality and quantity of the gas. What are the by-products of coal gas manufacture ? 17. Describe the structure of a hydrocarbon flame, and state to what the luminosity is due. Describe the principle of the Bunsen burner. 1 74 CUEMISTR Y FOR A GRICUL TVR A L STUDENTS 18. Distinguish between the quantity of heat produced by the combustion of fuels, and the temperature attained. Upon what will the latter depend ? Explain why a Bunsen flame is hotter than a luminous gas flame, and why combustion in oxygen gives rise to a higher temperature than combustion in air. 19. How many grams of water could be raised i° in temperature by the combustion of 1 gram of carbon and of I gram of hydrogen respectively. Explain why the heat of combustion of marsh gas should be greater than that of defiant gas. Why should dry wood produce more heat when burned than wet wood, and charcoal more heat than either ? 20. Tabulate the hydrocarbons referred to, assigning each to its proper series, and showing the simple relation that exists between the members of each series. *2i. Prepare a pure specimen of hexane from the gasoline. *22. Determine the relative density of the coal gas (air=l). The Alcohols : Fermentation. 23. Fully describe the preparation of alcohol from cane sugar by fermentation. How can the alcohol be dried and rectified ? 24. Of what does yeast consist? Distinguish between the "organised" and the " soluble " ferment, and illustrate by equations the principal change in sugar which each brings about. 25. Describe the use of yeast in bread-making, and the changes that go on during the raising and baking of bread. Name two means of raising bread other than by yeast. 26. What is "proof spirit"? How could a spirit 56 per cent, over proot and a spirit 56 per cent, under proof be converted into proof spirit ? 27. What is meant by an "organic radicle," and of what organic radicle is alcohol the hydroxide ? In what respects does alcohol resemble in its properties an inorganic hydroxide ? 28. Give an account of the preparation of nitrous ether. 29. What is the action of potash upon nitrous ether ? Give examples of inorganic salts which are decomposed by the same means. 30. Point out the similarity in the relation of water to hydrogen with that of ethyl alcohol to ethane. What alcohols are present in fusel oil, wood spirit, and coal tar oil, and to what hydrocarbons does each " correspond " ? 31. The physical properties of the hydrocarbons were found to vary with the molecular weights ; does this also hold good for the alcohols ? Give examples. QUESTION'S AND PROBLEMS 175 32. What is meant by " monohydric " and "polyhydric" alcohols. Give examples. Mention some inorganic hydroxides that resemble monohydric, dibydric, and trihydric alcohols in their composition. 33. In what respect is cellulose an alcohol ? 34. What is the composition of glycerine ? Show by an equation how it is converted into "nitroglycerine." 35. Fully describe the process of malting barley and the subsequent production of beer. *36. Identify the alcohol by its boiling point. (Methyl, ethyl, propyl, or amyl alcohol.) *37. Ascertain whether the alcohol is " rectified spirit " or absolute alcohol by the hydrometer. Reduce to proof spirit by adding the required volume of water. *38. Prepare a pure specimen of ethyl nitrite. The Organic Acids. 39. To what is the souring of beer due ? Describe the method for the production of acetic acid. 40. What is pyroligneous acid, and how is it obtained ? 41. What is an "aldehyde," and what relation do aldehydes bear to alcohols and organic acids ? 42. By what means can alcohols other than ethyl alcohol be converted into the corresponding acids ? Give equations illustrating the oxidation of methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl alcohols into the corresponding formic, acetic, propionic, and butyric acids. 43. Give examples of monobasic, dibasic, and tribasic acids, both organic and inorganic. Point out the relation between the basicity of the acids and the number of hydroxyl groups in the corresponding alcohols. 44. Assign formulae to cream of tartar (acid potassium tartrate), salts of sorrel (acid potassium oxalate), sugar of lead (acetate of lead), and verdigris (hydroxy-acetate of copper, i.e. a compound intermediate between the hydroxide and the acetate). 45. Give some of the natural sources of formic, acetic, lactic, butyric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, benzoic, salicylic, oxalic, tartaric, and citric acids. "46. Identify the crystalline acid by a volumetric determination of the quantity of a standard solution of alkali necessary to neutralise it. (Oxalic, tartaric, or citric acid.) 176 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS Fats and Soaps. 47. What is meant by a "fat" ? Name the three principal fats, give their composition, and mention some of their sources, What are the general properties of fat ? 48. What is the relation between the molecular weights of the fats and their physical properties, including the melting points and specific gravities ? Do the boiling points and solubility of the free acids also vary with the molecular weights ? 49. What is meant by "saponification"? Show by an equation how stearin is saponified by caustic soda. Describe a method for the preparation of soap, and state how the free fatty acid may be pre- pared from it. 50. Give two methods for the preparation of glycerine from fat. 51. State the difference between hard and soft soaps, and explain the use of soap for washing purposes. 52. To what is the curd produced by soap in hard water due ? By means of equations express the formation of these curds both with the con- stituents which render water temporarily, and also those which render it permanently, hard. 53. Describe how the temporary and permanent hardness of water can be determined. 54. What is the composition of butter, and how does it differ from all other kinds of animal fat ? By what two methods may the purity of butter be ascertained ? *55. Accurately determine the melting point of the fat. *56. From the pure Castile soap prepare a specimen of the fatty acid of which it is a glyceride. *57. Determine the approximate temporary and permanent hardness of the tap water. *58. Is the substance butter or oleo-margarine ? Ammonia Derivatives : Alkaloids and Amides. 59. What is meant by a "substituted ammonia," and in what respects will such a compound resemble ammonia ? Give examples. 60. Give examples of the alkaloids found in plants. How may the alkaloid quinine be prepared from its sulphate ? Illustrate the reactions by equations. 61. Name some amides, and state how the amides differ in their com- position from amines. 62. How may urea in the form of nitrate be obtained from urine ? When QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 177 urine undergoes fermentation, a smell of ammonia is noticed. Illus- trate by an equation the change in the urea that then takes place. 63. What is cyanogen, and what element does it particularly resemble ? Illustrate this resemblance by formulae representing the composition of hydrocyanic acid and potassium cyanide. Ferrocyanide of potassium reacts with ferric chloride forming prussian blue. Repre- sent the change by an equation. *64- From the quinine supplied prepare a well-crystallised specimen of the sulphate. *6$. The commercial hydrochloric acid sometimes contains ferric chloride. Dilute and test for iron by the prussian blue test. The Albuminoids. 66. What is an "albuminoid"? Of what elements does it consist, and how may each of these be shown to be present ? 67. What is meant by the "coagulation" of albuminoids? Name three methods by which albuminoids may be coagulated, and give ex- amples of each method. 68. Give instances of albuminoids which exist naturally in the soluble and in the coagulated state. Describe the preparation of gluten of wheat, myosin of flesh, and fibrin of blood. 69. What is understood by the " peptonisation " of albuminoids, and what are the substances capable of producing it ? 70. Of what is milk composed, and how may its constituents be sepa- rated ? 71. To what is the souring and spontaneous curdling of milk due, and by what means may souring be retarded or prevented ? 72. What are the three data by which the purity of milk is judged, and how are they determined ? 73. Describe the principal chemical changes that take place in seeds during germination, and their purpose. State what compounds are absorbed by the leaves and roots of the young plant from the air and soil, what are the substances elaborated in the leaves, and what are the means employed by the plant for their production. Give an equation representing the formation of starch, and state how this substance, produced in the leaves, yet finds its way into the root or seed. 74. What do you understand by " osmose " and " dialysis " ? Define the terms " crystalloid" and " colloid," and give examples of chemical compounds belonging to both classes. How are albuminoids altered in this respect when converted into peptones? Under what circumstances is "osmotic pressure" exhibited? 12 78 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS 75. Describe the chemical processes by which animals digest their food. State how each constituent of the digested food is utilised, and mention the several products of excretion. 76. Classify the constituents of food according to the purposes that each serves. Give the different heat values of the various constituents, and explain what is meant by the albuminoid ratio of a food. Upon what does the digestibility of food depend, and how does cooking affect digestibility ? h 77. Is the milk free from adulteration with water? '78. Identify the substances. (Starch, sugar, asparagine, albumin.) Conclusions. 79. What is an " organic radicle " ? Illustrate by examples the statement that "in inorganic chemistry the radicles are simple, in organic chemistry they are compound." 80. What is meant by a " type " of any class of carbon compounds ? Give inorganic compounds that serve as types of hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, monohydric and polyhydric alcohols, monobasic and poly- basic acids, ethereal salts, fats and amines. 81. Point out the relation between the hydrocarbons — methane, ethane, propane, and butane; the alcohols— methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl alcohol ; the acids — formic, acetic, propionic, and butyric. Express each group by a general formula which holds good for each member. Point out how the physical properties of the mem- bers of a group vary with their molecular weights. 82. Give the radicles characteristic of each group of carbon compounds, including (1) the hydrocarbons, (2) the alcohols, (3) the aldehydes, and (4) the acids. 83. Point out the connection between the basicity of the acids and the number of carboxyl groups contained. 84. Tabulate the carbon compounds referred to in the course, showing on the one hand the hydrocarbons from which they are derived, and on the other the type to which they correspond in composition. 85. What is meant by the "conservation of energy"? Illustrate your answer by observations made during the course of inorganic chem- istry, and by the chemical changes that take place in animal and vegetable life. 86. Define the "science of chemistry." LIST OF APPARATUS AND CHEMICALS REQUIRED BY A CLASS OF ONE DOZEN STUDENTS A. Apparatus. Weights, Measures, etc. I balance, to weigh from .001 to 100 grams. I „ „ .1 to 1000 „ 1 box of weights, .001 to 50 grams. I „ „ 1 to 500 „ 1 meter measure, graduated in tenths of an inch and millimeters. 1 decimeter cube, divided into square centimeters. 1 set glass measures, 10 c.c, 50 c.c, and 250 c.c 1 graduated liter measure, stoppered. 1 graduated pipette, 5 c.c. 1 set pipettes, 10 c.c, 25 c.c, and 50 c.c 1 dozen burettes, 60 c.c. \ „ graduated flasks, \ liter. Physical Apparatus. \ dozen barometer tubes. I ,, barometric charts. 1 Boyle tube. 1 porous cell, cylindrical. 1 each hydrometers, 700-1000, and 1000-2000. 1 sheet parchment paper. 1 dozen thermometers, -5 to 100 C. i m » -20°to36o°C. 1 Fahrenheit alcohol thermometer. 1 dozen glass rods for density determinations, 75x10 m.m., with hooks. Hardware and Wooden Apparatus. 1 blow-pipe and bellows, i dozen mouth blow-pipes. 179 l8o CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS I dozen wooden blocks, assorted sizes. I ,, Bunsen burners, with valve. I only ,, large size. \ dozen roses for burners. I ,, sand baths, 6 inches diameter. 1 ,, tinned iron dishes, 8 inches diameter. \ gross each corks, f , J, f , f , |, and I inch diameter (small end). 2 sets cork borers, I to 3. 1 dozen spring clips. \ ,, screw clips. \ ,, triangular files. \ ,, rat-tailed files. 1 copper hot-water oven and bath, 12 x 10 x 10 inches, on stand. 1 dozen retort stands with three rings, 18 inches high. 1 large retort stand with rings and three clamps. \ dozen deflagrating spoons. 1 iron spoon. I dozen crucible tongs. I „ wire tripods. \ ,, pipe-clay triangles. I ,, steel watch springs. I square foot wire gauze. 1 dozen burette stands. 1 ,, test-tube stands, 6 holes. Porcelain and Earthenware Apparatus. 1 dozen capsules, 2.\ inches diameter. 1 ,, crucibles with lids, if inches diameter. 1 ,, each basins, 3 inches and 4 inches diameter. £ ,, mortars and pestles, 4^ inches diameter. £ ,, soup plates. I ,, pneumatic troughs, 12 inches, with small beehives, I \ inches high. Glass Apparatus {Light). 1 dozen each beakers, 4 oz. and 12 oz. I ,, ,, flasks, 4 oz., 16 oz., and 40 oz, 1 ,, wide-mouthed flasks, 2 oz. 2 ,, Florence flasks, 6 oz. 1 ,, filter funnels, 3 inches. I filter funnel, 6 inches. X dozen thistle funnels, plain, 12 inches. LIST OF APPARATUS AND CHEMICALS 181 I dozen thistle funnels, safety, 12 inches. I ,, retorts, stoppered, 10 oz. I ,, calcium chloride tubes, 7 inches. £ ,, fractionation tubes, 1 bulb. I gross test-tubes, 5 by £ inches. 1 dozen each test-tubes, 7 by £ and 7 by i| inches. 3 ,, U tubes, with connecting tubes attached, 4 inches. 2 ,, watch glasses, 2 inches. Glass Apparatus {Heavy). £ dozen stoppered bell jars, 9 by 5 inches. 1 „ „ narrow-mouth bottles, 150 c.c £ ,, ,, wide-mouth „ „ 1 aspirating bottle, I gallon. £ dozen lamp glasses. £ ,, Liebig's condensers, 14 inches. 1 dessicator, including bell jar, 11 inches diameter, ground glass plate, porcelain dish, and perforated zinc plate. 1 stoppered separating funnel, 150 c.c. 1 dozen wide-mouth bottles, with ground tops, 40 oz. 1 ,, narrow-mouth bottles, 32 oz., fitted with cork and tubes, as wash bottles. 1 ,, ground glass plates, 3 inches. I ,, cylinders, with ground tops, 10 by i| inches. I only „ „ 15 by 2 „ Tubing. 10 lbs. glass tubing, 3 to 5 m.m. bore. 1 lb. soft glass tubing, 15 m.m. ,, 7 lbs. combustion tubing, 12 m.m. bore. 6 feet india-rubber tubing, \ in. „ 3° » » » I in « » 1 foot thermometer tubing, cylindrical bore. B. Chemicals. All the folloiving Chemicals to be of commercial quality unless otherwise stated. \ lb. acetic acid, glacial. 2 lbs. alcohol (rectified spirit). J lb. fusel oil. 1 oz. aluminium foil. I ,, alumina. emery (specimen). 182 CHEMISTRY FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS 1 lb. potash alum. kaolin (specimen), mica (specimen), felspar (specimen). 2 lbs. solution of ammonia, cone. I lb. ammonium carbonate. 4 lbs. sal-ammoniac. ^ lb. ammonium molybdate solu- tion. £ ,, ammonium oxalate. I ,, ,, sulphate. I oz. arsenious oxide. asparagine (specimen). i ,, asbestos, coarse fibre. £ „ platinised asbestos. i ,, butyric acid. 4 lb. barium chloride. J „ baryta. heavy spar (specimen). caffeine (specimen). I grain calcium. 4 lbs. quicklime. I lb. calcium chloride, gran. I ,, calcium carbonate. 7 lbs. marble. calc spar (specimen). chalk (specimen). I lb. calcium sulphate, pure. selenite (specimen). £ „ calcium phosphate. apatite (specimen). basic slag (specimen). superphosphate of lime (speci- men). Peruvian guano (specimen). coprolite (specimen). bone meal (specimen). I „ wood charcoal. gas carbon (specimen). lamp-black (specimen). graphite (specimen). £ „ chloroform, methylated. I oz. cobalt chloride solution. I ,, cochineal solution. £ lb. cotton wool. I ,, copper turnings. £ ,, fine copper wire. brass (specimen). I ,, cupric oxide, gran. \ ,, copper sulphate. 5 ,, citric acid. J „ dextrin. \ ,, ether, methylated. I ,, glycerine. \ doz. gold leaves. \ lb. hydrogen peroxide, 5 vol. 1 w. qt. hydrochloric acid, coml. 2 lbs. hydrochloric acid, pure. \ lb. iodine in potassium iodide solution, iron plate (specimen), steel plate (specimen). 1 ,, iron filings. \ ,, ferric oxide. £ ,, ferrous sulphate. | „ „ sulphide. haematite (specimen). iron pyrites (specimen). \ lb. indigo solution. lead plate (specimen). \ ,, litharge. 2 lbs. red lead. I oz. lead acetate. I lb. litmus solution. i dozen books litmus paper, red and blue. I oz. lactic acid. I ,, magenta. I „ magnesium ribbon. \ lb. „ sulphate. I Oz. magnesia. dolomite (specimen). magnesian limestone (speci- men). LIST OF ATFARATUS AND CHEMICALS iS steatite (specimen). 1 lb. sodium. 4 lbs. manganese dioxide. 1 ,, „ chloride, pure. 14 ,, mercury. 10 lbs. common salt. £ lb. mercuric oxide. £ lb. sodium carbonate, pure. 1 w. qt. nitric acid, coml. ^ ,, ,, bicarbonate. 1 bottle compressed oxygen. 1 ,, caustic soda, sticks. \ lb. oxalic acid. 2 lbs. caustic soda, powder. 1 oz. oleic acid. £ lb. sodium sulphate. 1 ,, triolein. £ „ ,, sulphite. 2 feet platinum wire. 1 „ ,, nitrate. 1 oz. palmitic acid. 1 „ ,, nitrite. 1 ,, tripalmitin. 1 ,, „ silicate. 1 qt. crude petroleum. I ,, soda lime. 1 lb. petroleum spirit. 1 ,, standard soap solution. \ ,, paraffin wax. 1 ,, starch. I oz. phosphorus. \ ,, grape sugar. \ ,, amorphous phosphorus. i ,, milk sugar. 1 ,, phosphoric acid. £ ,, inulin. 1 „ pepsin. 4 lbs. cane sugar, lump. 1 ,, potassium. I lb. sulphur, roll. I lb. caustic potash, sticks. I w. qt. sulphuric acid, coml. 1 ,, potassium carbonate, fused. 4 lbs. sulphuric acid, pure. 1 „ „ nitrate. 1 lb. liquefied sulphur dioxidf \ ,, ,, bichromate. j. oz. stearic acid. 1 „ „ permanganate. I ,, tristearin. £ „ ,, ferrocyanide. \ lb. tin, gran. 1 oz. „ cyanide. solder (specimen). kainite (specimen). I lb. tartaric acid. | „ quinine. 1 oz. urea. 1 ,, silica. 1 carboy distilled water. 4 lbs. silver sand. 1 lb. zinc, gran. flint (specimen). 1 oz. zinc foil. quartz, crystal (specimen). £ lb. zinc sulphate. I oz. salicylic acid. 1 oz. zinc oxide. £ ,, silver nitrate. The cost of the foregoing set of apparatus and chemicals as estimate* by Messrs. Baird & Tatlock, is ^45 12s., net. INDEX When the reference to a metallic salt is required, turn to the particular salt and particular metal ; the pages common to each will contain the reference. Acetates, 155, 162. Acetic acid, 153. ether, 155. Acetylene, 147. Acid reaction, 18, 51. salts, 96, 98, 99, no, in, 150, 154, 160. Acidic oxides, 51, 53, 66. Acids, 66, 79, 81. action on metals, 76, 89. basicity, 154, 171. organic, 154, 170. Aconjtine, 160. Adhesion, 102, 103. Air, a mixture, 43. composition, 16, 85. density, 40. weight, 14, 39. Albumin, 163, 165. Albuminoid, 162, 165-168. ratio, 168. Alcohol, 148-155. physical properties, 35. Alcohols, 151-153, 170. mono- and polyhydric, 152, 154. Aldehydes, 154, 170. Alizarine, 146. Alkalies, 57. Alkaline earths, 57. reaction, 51. Alkaloids, 160, 168. Allotropy, 67, 84, 94, 102. Alloys, 58, 59. Alum, 73. Alumina, 52. test for, 64. Aluminium, 60, 108. gold, 58. occurrence, 58, 100. oxide ; see alumina. salts, 73, 99, 100. Amalgam, 58. Amides and amines, 160, 166, 168. Ammonia, 85, 104, in, 112, 114, 145, 146. derivatives, 160. sulphate of, 87, 92, 93, 112, 146. test for, 87. Ammoniacal liquor, 145. Ammonium, 87, 116. salts, 86, 87, 90, 97, 112, 161. Amorphism, 73, 94, 102. Analysis, 42. Anhydrides, 52. Aniline, 146. Animal life, 166, 171. Anthracene, 146, 148. Anthracite, 140. Antimony, 108. occurrence, 67. sulphide, 67. Antiseptics, 154, 166. Apatite, 97. Arabin, 140. Argon, 85. Arsenic, 107. Asbestos, 99. Asparagine, 161. Atmosphere, the, 13. pressure of, 14-16. Atomic weights, 62, 113. physical properties and, 116. 185 i86 INDEX Atoms, 113. Atropia, 160. Availability of soil constituents, 97, 9 Avogadro's hypothesis, 114. Baking powder, 149. Barium, 55, 57, 62. occurrence, 73. oxide ; see baryta. salts, 73, tj. test for, 55. Barometer 15, 16. Baryta, 52, 77. Bases, 51, 85, 160. Basic oxides, 51, 63, 64. hydrates, 65. salts, 98, 99. slag, 98. Basicity of acids, 154, 171. Beer, 152, 153. Benzene or benzol, 145, 146, 148. Benzine and benzoline, 143. Benzoic acid, 154. aldehyde, 154. Bicarbonates, in, 158. Bichromate of potash, 64, 153. Bile, 167. Black lead, 103. Bleaching agents, 70, 84. Blood, 164, 167. Blue stone ; see vitriol, blue. Boiling points, 26, 35, 142, 152. Bone, 97, 102. ash or earth, 97, 102. black, 102. Boron, boracic acid, and borax, 166. Brass, 58. Bread, 149. Breaking strain of metals, 58, 60. Brewing, 152. Bricks and brick earth, 100. Britannia metal, 58. British gum, 137. Bromine and bromides, 81. Bronze coin, 58. Bunsen burner, 146. Butane, 142. Butter, 154, 159. Butyrate of glyceryl, 154, 156, 159. Butyric acid, 153, 154, 159. Butyrin, 156, 159. Caffeine, 161. Calamine, 108. Calc spar, 109. Calcium, 55, 57, 62. occurrence, 73, 97, 99, 109. oxide and hydroxide ; see lime. salts, 26, 53, 73, 75, 81, 91, 95, 97, 98, 100, 108, 109, in, 158. test for, 55. Calibration, 12. Candles, 158. Cane sugar, 139, 141, 148, 149, 168. Capillarity, 101, 102. Carbamide, 161. Carbohydrates, 136, 141, 167, 168, 171. Carbolic acid, 151, 152. Carbon, 23, 25, 62, 83, 102, 106-108, 136, 140, 146, 147. dioxide ; see carbonic acid gas. monoxide, 107, 145. Carbonates, 103, 108-112, 158. Carbonic acid, no. gas, 22-26, 43, 52, 105-107, no, in, 114, 145, 149, 152, 167. Carbonisation, 102, 141. Carnallite, 81. Casein, 163, 165. Cellulose, 136, 138, 140, 141, 152. salts, 139. Cements, 74, 109. Chalk, 22, 108. French, 99. Charcoal, 25, 89, 102-104, 107, 147. Chemical change, 42, 171. combination, 19, 42, 43, 66, 70, 112-114, 171. compounds, 19, 43. elements, 19, 62. equations, 72. equilibrium, jj. formulae, 62, 72, 82, 115, 116. Chemistry, science of, 42, 172. Chili saltpetre, 88. Chlorides, 26, 78-82, 87, 92, 113. occurrence, 81. test for, 82. Chlorinated lime, 84. Chlorine, 62, 79, 82-84. oxide, 52, 84. Chlorophyll, 167. Chromium, 62. trioxide, 64. Cinnabar, 67. Classification of elements, 52, 116. metals, 57. organic compounds, 170. Clay, 99-102. ironstone, 108. INDEX [87 Climate, 34, 35. Coagulation, 163-166. Coal, 140, 142. gas, 142, 144-146. tar, 145, 146, 151. Cohesion, 58. Coinage, 58. Coke, 103, 145, 146. Collodion, 139. Colloids, 165. Combination and compounds ; see chemical. Combining proportions, determination of, 81, 25, 40, 61, 64, 71, 73, 80, 87, 108, 155. weights, 42, 61, 62, 66, 112, 113. Combustion, 17, 20, 23, 37, 56, 83, 86, 89, 94, 104, 106, 107, 146, 147. Conductivity, 35, 59, 60. Conservation of energy, 171. Contact action, 70. Cooking, i6«. Copper, 56-60, 62, 76, 90, 108. occurrence, 67, 108. oxides, 40, 52, 63, 77, 138. salts, 76, 77, 90, 138. Coprolite, 97. Correspondence of organic compound, 151, 170. Cotton wool, 139. Cream, 154, 159, 165. of tartar, 154. Creosote, 104. Cresol, 151, 152. Crops, carbohydrates in, 138, 139. Crystalline form, 73-76, 78. Crystallisation, 75, 76. water of, 73. Crystalloids, 165. Cuprous and cupric oxides ; see copper, oxides of. Cyanogen and cyanides, 162. Decolorisers, 104 ; see also bleach- ing agents. Dehydration, 65, 73, 137, 170. Deliquescence, 26. Density, 31-35, 38-40, 59, 60, 80, 86, 114, 150, 156, 159, 166. Deodorisers, 84, 104. Derivatives of ammonia, 160. hydrocarbons, 170. Dessication, 65. Dew-point, 30. Dextrine, 137, 138, 141, 152. Dextrose ; see grape sugar. Dialysis, 165. Diamond, 102. Diastase, 138, 152, 166. Diffusion, 24, 164, 165. Digestibility of foods, 168. Digestive fluids, 167. Disinfectants, 70, 84, 104. Dissociation, 19, 21, 61, 65, 73, 90, 109, in. Distillation, 29. destructive, 85, 104, 142, 144. fractional, 142, 149. Dolomite, 108. Double salts, 67, 73, 81, 97, 99, 108. Drainage, 31, 93, 101. Dyes, 146. Earth's crust, 51. Earths, 57. Efflorescence, 73. Electrolysis, 108, 171. Elements ; see chemical. Emery, 58. Emulsion, 157, 165. Epsom salt, 73. Equations, 72. Ethane, 142, 147, 151, 169, 170. Ether, 150, 157. acetic, 155. nitrous, 151. Ethereal salts, 150-152, 154, 155, 171. Ethyl, 150. salts, 150, 151, 155. Ethylene, 145, 147. Excreta, 161, 167, 168. Expansion, 24, 35, 40, 59, 60. Explosives, 89, 94, 139, 152. Fats, 155-159, 165, 167, 168. Felspar, 99. Fermentation, 92, 141, 148, 149, 152, 161, 166, 167 ; see also putrefaction. Ferments, 149, 166, 167. Ferrocyanides, 162. Ferrous and ferric compounds, 63, 91, 116 ; see also iron. Fibrin, 163, 164. Filters, 28, 104. Fire damp, 104. Flint, 99. Food, 168. Formalin, 154, 166. Formic acid, 153, 154. aldehyde, 154, 166. i88 INDEX Formulae, 62, 72, 82, 115, 116. Fractionation, 143, 149. Freezing mixture, 34. points, 27, 35. Fruit sugar, 139, 141, 149. Fuels, 107, 140, 143, 146, 147. Fusel oil, 149, 151. Galactose, 140, 141. Galena, 67. Gas carbon, 103, 146. lime, 146. Gases, athermancy, 35. density, 38-40, 86, 114. diffusion, 23, 24. effect of pressure, 40. — — expansion, 24, 40. solubility, 29. Gasoline, 143. Gastric juice, 167. Germination, 152, 166. Glass, 100, 101. density, 33. Glauber's salt, 73. Glucose ; see grape sugar. Gluten, 163. Glycerides, 158, 159. Glycerine, 152, 157. Glyceryl, 152. salts, 152, 155-159. Gold, 57. coin, 58. — — occurrence, 58. physical properties, 58-60. Granite, 51, 99. Grape sugar, 139-141, 149, 167. Graphite, 102. Groups, 170. Guano, 97. Gums, 140. Gun cotton, 139. metal, 58. powder, 89. Gypsum, 73, 74, 97, in, 112. Hematite, 58. Haemoglobin, 167. Hardness of metals, 59. Hard water, in, 158. Heat and chemical change, 21, 43, 54, 65, 86, 89, 137, 147, 166-168, 171. capacity, 34, 35, 59, 60. latent, 34, 35. of combustion, 86, 147, 168. unit, 35, 147. Heavy metals, 57. spar, 73. Heptadecane, 142. Hexane and hexadecane, 142. Homologous series, 156. Humus, 101. Hydrates, 64-66, 70, 73, 74, 87, 109. Hydrocarbons, 104, 140, 142-148, 170. Hydrochloric acid, 78-83. Hydrocyanic acid, 162. Hydrogen, 37-41, 53, 62, 83, 145, 147. oxide ; see water. peroxide, 84. Hydrolysis, 140, 151, 161, 166. Hydrometer, 34. Hydro-sulphuric acid ; see sulphuretted hydrogen. Hydroxides, 65, 87, 108, 139, 150, 152. Hydroxyl, 139. Hygrometer, 30. Hypochlorite of calcium, 84. Hypochlorous anhydride, 52, 84. Ice, 26, 27. Identification of chemical substances, 43- Illuminants, 142, 146. Indigo, 91. Intestinal juice, 167. Inulin, 138. Invertase, 149. Iodine and iodides, 81, 137, 141. Iron, 16-20, 36, 56, 57, 62, 94, 97, 108. galvanised, 56. occurrence, 58, 67, 99, 108. oxides, 19, 37, 52, 58, 63, 65, 99. physical properties, 59, 60. pyrites, 67. salts, 76, 91, 162, 166. sulphide, 67. test, 162. tinned, 56. Isomorphism, 76. Kainite, 81. Kaolin, 100. Kerosine, 143. Lactic acid, 154, 166. Lactose ; see milk sugar. Lamp black, 103. Latent heat, 34, 35. Laws of chemical combination, 112, 113. INDEX 189 Lead, 62, 107, 108. alloys, 58. occurrence, 67. oxides, 52, 61, 63, 82. physical properties, 59, 60. salts, 82, 113, 162. sulphide, 67, 162. Light and chemical change, 84, 90, 166, 167, 171. Lignite, 140. Lime, 52, 57, 63-65, 86, 93, 98, 100, 108-111. stone, 109. water, 22. Liquefying points, 142. Liquids, determination of density, 31- 34- physical properties, 35, 142, 152. solubility, 29. Litharge, 52, 61, 63, 82. Litmus, 18, 51, 103. Loadstone, 58. Lubricants, 143. Luminosity, 144, 146. Lump ammonia, 111. Magnesia, 51, 52, 55, 56, 63, 96. Magnesian limestone, 108. Magnesium, 55-57, 62, 106, 108. occurrence, 81, 99, 108, ill. oxide ; see magnesia. salts, 73, 74, 76, 81, 96, 99, 108, in, 158, 166. test for, 96. Malachite, 108. Malt, 152. Maltose, 140, 141, 149, 152. Manganese, 62, 108. occurrence, 58. oxides, 52, 58, 63, 64, 83, 84. Manures, 81, 87, 91, 93, 97, 98, 112, 161. mixture of, 98, no, 112. Marble, 105, 109. Marsh gas ; see methane. Matches, 94. Meerschaum, 99. Melting point, 27, 35, 60, 142, 155, 156. Mercury, 35, 56-60, 62, 108. occurrence, 58, 67. oxide, 19-21, 52, 56, 63. - physical properties, 35, 60. sulphide, 67. Metallurgy, 107, 108. Metals, 52-60. action on acids, 76, 89, 90. action on water, 36, 54-57. alloys, 58, 59. classification, 57. hydroxides, 65. noble and base, 57. occurrence, 58, 67, 73, 81, 92, 97, 99, 108, 109. oxides, 51-57, 63-65. oxidisability, 53-58. physical properties, 58-60. sulphides, 67. Methane, 104, 142, 145, 147. Metric system, n, 12. Mica, 99. Milk, 165, 166. — — analysis, 166. sugar, 140, 141, 165, 166. Molecular constitution, 171. weights and physical properties, 142, 152, 156, 170. Molecules and molecular weights, Molybdenum and molybdate of am- monium, 96. Morphia, 160. Mortar, 109. Muriate of potash, 81. ammonia, 87. Muriatic acid and muriates, 79 ; see also hydrochloric acid and chlorides. Myosin, 164. Myristates, 154, 156, 159. Myristic acid, 154. Myristin, 156. Naphtha, 143. Naphthalene, 146, 148. Neutrality, 52, 71. Nicotine, 160. Nitrate of soda, 88, 92, 93. Nitrates, 88-93, I 39> I 5 2 > *66. tests for, 91. Nitre, 88, 89, 91. Nitric acid, 88-93, I 39' anhydride, 52. oxide, 89, 91. Nitrification, 91-93, no. Nitrites, 90, 150, 151. Nitrogen, 19, 62, 85, 89, 90, 145, 147, oxides, 52, 89, 90. Nitro-glycerine, 152. Nitrous acid, 90, 151. oxide, 89. I9D INDEX Noble metals, 57. Nomenclature of oxides, 64. salts, 76, 77. Non-metallic oxides, 52. Non-metals, 52, 66. OCTADECANE, 142. Oils, IS4-I59. volatile, 148, 154. defiant gas ; see ethylene. defines, 147. Oleic acid and oleates, 154-159. Olein, 155, 156. Oleo-margarine, 159. Organic acids, 153-155, 170, 171. radicles, 150, 160, 162, 168, 169. Osmose and osmotic pressure, 164, 165. Oxalic acid and oxalates, 154, 171. Oxidation, 16-20, 37, 53-57, 69, 70, 76, 82, 84, 89-94, 10 4> I 53> x 54> 167, 171. Oxides, 19, 52, 63, 64. mon-, di-, and tri-, 64. Oxidising agents, 53, 76, 82-84, 89, 153. 167. Oxy-acids, 81, 88. Oxygen, 19-22, 54, 62, 66, 84, 90, 167. Oxyhydrogen flame, 147. Ozone, 84. Palmitic acid and palmitates, 154-159. Palmitin, 155. Pancreatic juice, 167. Paraffin, 142, 143. series, 147. — — wax, 143. Paper, 139. Pearl ash, 103. Peat, 140. Pentane and pentadecane, 142. Pepsin, 164, 167. Peptones and peptonisation, 164, 165, 167, 168. Periodicity, 116. Permanent gases, 37. Permanganate of potash, 64, 84, 92. Peroxides, 64. Petroleum, 142, 143. Pewter, 58. Phenol, 151, 152. Phosphates, 95-98, 166, 168. ■ occurrence, 97. tests for, 96. Phosphides, 94, 97. Phosphorescence, 94. Phosphoretted hydrogen, 94. Phosphoric acid, 95. anhydride, 52, 94. tests for, 96. Phosphorus, 18, 62, 93, 94. amorphous, 94. hydride, 93. oxide, 51, 52, 94. Physical constants, 43. Physics and physical change, 42. Plants and plant food, 166. Plaster of Paris, 74. Platinum, 57, 58, 69. Plumbago, 103. Porcelain and pottery, 100. Porosity of soil, 101. charcoal, 103, 104. Potash (caustic), 25, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 63, 65, 77, 88, 158. Potassium, 51, 54, 55, 57, 59, 62, 108. occurrence, 81. oxide ; see potash. physical properties, 59. salts, 64, 73, 77, 81, 84, 88, 89, 91, 101, 103, 109, xix, 150, 151, 154, 158, 162, 166. test for, 55. Precipitation, 77. Producer gas, 107. Proof spirit, 150. Propane, 142, 147, 170. Propylene, 145, 147. Prussian blue, 162. Prussiate of potash, 162. Prussic acid, 162. Ptyalin, 138, 167. Putrefaction, 68, 85, 91-93, 104. Pyridine, 160. Pyroligneous acid, 153. Pyrolusite, 58. Pyrometric effect, 147. Quartz, 99. Quinine, 160. Rectified spirit, 150. Red lead, 19, 61, 82. Reducing agents, 76, 84, 90, 91, 107, 108, 138, 141. Reduction, 76, 89, 107, 108, 138, 154, 167, 171. Rennet, 163. Replacement, 68, 160, 169. INDEX 191 Respiration, 23, 167. Reversion of phosphates, 97. Sal-ammoniac, 85, 86. Salicylic acid, 154, 166. Saliva, 138, 167. Salt, 34, 78-81. Saltpetre, 88, 89, 91. Salts, 52, 53, 73, 76, 77, 150, 171. of sorrel, 154. Sand, 34, 98, 99, 101, 102. Saponification, 151, 157, 167. Selenite, 73, 75. Silica, 52, 98, 99. Silicates, 98-101. occurrence, 99. test for, 99. Silicic acid, 99. Silicon, 62, 98. oxide ; see silica. Silver, 57. ■ coin, 58. physical properties, 58, 59. salts, 82. Soap, 157-159* stone, 99. Soda (caustic) 52, 54, 55, 57, 63, 65, 71, 77, 80, 81, 98, 157, 158. Sodium, 54, 55, 57, 59, 62, 83, 108. occurrence, 81. oxide ; see soda. physical properties, 59. salts, 71, 72, 73, 77, 78-81, 88, 90. 9 2 > 93- 95, 9 8 ~ l oi, 109-111, 155, 157, 158, 171. test for, 55. Soil, 31, 34, 35, 51, 91-93, 97, 101, 102, in, 166. mechanical analysis, ior. Solder, 58, 59. Solids, determination of density of, 33. Solubility, 28-31, 64, 77, 93. Soluble glass, 98. Solutions, saturated, 28. Solvents, 143. Specific gravities, 35, 6o, 80, 114, 150, 156, 159, 166 ; see also density. heat, 34, 35, 59, 60. Spectra, 55. Sperm oil, 143. Spirit of hartshorn, 85. ■ nitre, sweet, 150. — — salts ; see hydrochloric acid. ■ wine, 150. Spirits, 152. Starch, 136, 137, 141, 149, 152, 167, 168. soluble, 137. States of matter, 26. Stearic acid and stearates, 154-159. Stearin, 155-157. Steel, 59, 60, 98. Stibnite, 67. Strontia, 57. Strontium, 55, 57. test for, 55. Substitution, 68, 160, 169. Suction pump, 16. Sugar of milk, 140, 141, 165, 166. Sugars, 136-141, 148, 149, 165-168. Sulphate of ammonia as manure, 93. Sulphates, 71, 73-78, 81, 87, 91, 97, in, 112, 139, 145, 150, 158, 161, 166. occurrence, 73. test for, 78. Sulphides, 67, 68, 108, 146. occurrence, 67. Sulphites, 77. Sulphur, 62, 67, 68, 70, 89, 162. oxides, 51, 52, 68-70, 77, 145. test for, 162. Sulphuretted hydrogen, 68, 145, 162. Sulphuric acid, 70-72, 75-78, 87, 97, 99, no, 137, 138, 140, 160. anhydride, 70. Sulphurous acid, 68, 70, 77, 84. anhydride, 52, 68-70, 77, 145. Superphosphate of lime, 97, 98. Synthesis, 42. Talc, 99. Tartaric acid and tartrates, 154. Temperature, 27. Terpenes, 147. Theine, 161. Theobromine, 161. Thermometers, 27, 30, 34, 59. Tiles, 100. Tin, 58-60, 89, 108. occurrence, 58. oxide, 58, 89, 90. stone, 58. Toluene, 152. Trimethylamine, 160. Turpentine, oil of, 147. Type metal, 58. Types, 169. Urate of ammonium, 97. Urea, 161, 168. 192 INDEX Uric acid, 161. Urine, 161, 168. Valency, 115, 116. Vapour pressure, 27, 29, 35. Vaseline, 143. Vegetable life, 166, 167, 171. Ventilation, 23, 24. Vinegar, 153, 154. Vitriol, oil of, 70. blue, green, and white, 76. Volatile oils, 148, 154. Volumetric determinations, 71, 8o, 87 95. 109, 154. Water, 26-38, 43, 53, 62, 92, 102, 111 150.. analysis, 92. chemical properties, 53-57, 64-66 70, 75, 76, 84, 107, 109, 140, 149 161, 167. composition, 36-38, 40, 41, 62. hardness, in, 158. Water in fuels, 147. of crystallisation, 73, 74, 109. physical properties, 26-35. rain, spring, and sea, 29-31, 81, 92, in. Water gas, 107. Weights and measures, 11-13. Whey, 165. Wine, 152. Wood, 102, 140, 147. gas, 104. spirit, 151. Work, 167. Yeast, 149, 152. Zinc, 55-60, 62, 67, 75, 76, 89, 108. alloys, 58. blende, 67. occurrence, 67, 108. oxide, 52, 55, 56, 63, 64, 76. physical properties, 60. salts, 76, 108. PRINTED BY MORRISON AND GIBB LIMITED, EDINBURGH Arnold's School Series. ENGLISH. Epochs of English Literature. By J. C. Stobart.M.A., late Assistant Mas- ter at Merchant Taylors' School. In nine volumes. Price Is. 6d. each. 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