^"■f^o^P^ (/), /I^Ih \ ^ il im Ji '^^^^^m )m frm i^n'-'i^^K^^U i^^fl /' mm 'i\\ I- r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoralphaOOastorich CATALOGUE OR ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE ASTOE LIBKARY,>?f IIWFWO PARTS. -PART I. AUTHORS AND BOOKS. (L5L>-> Vv^'^ NEW YORK: K^ e PRINTED BY E. CRAIGHEAD, (Haxton Bnilbing, 81, 83, AND 85 CENTRE STREET. 1857. OL V. I PREFACE. It is to be regretted tliat it was deemed expedient to print a Catalogue of the Astor Library, before it was known tbat it would soon be enabled to make large additions to its number of volumes. The noble purpose of the son of its founder bad not then been com- municated; by his liberality, this collection of books now only begun, will ere long become so considerable, as to entitle it in point of numbers to rank with first class libraries, and in point of absolute completeness to make it in reality a library. It would then' have been the time, if such a thing is to be done at all, for printing a catalogue, and it is not unreasonable to predict, that during this now living age, the principal value of the present one will be to mark the proportions between the newborn child and the full grown man. Of the library as it is, the first volume of the catalogue is here pre- sented, and as its plan differs in some respects from that of most other catalogues, some explanation of it may be desirable. The plan is that of a Dictionary or alphabetical Index in two parts — the first, of authors and books — the second, of subjects. In the first part the books in the library are entered in strict alphabetical order under the name of the author as found upon the title page, or annexed to the dedication or preface, and if anonymous they are entered by their titles. In the latter case, the word of the title which constitutes its main subject is that under which it is entered, and not as is usual, under that of the first word of the title which is not an article or preposition. The reason for this deviation is, that few persons can be presumed to remember precisely, what the first word of a title is, whereas the leading subject of it cannot fail to be 046 IV PREFACE. known. When a book is published under an assumed name and is continued under the same, the assumed name is that under which it is entered upon the catalogue, with a cross reference, if need be, to the author's real name. Biographies are placed under the name of the author and not under that of the subject of the biography ; in the second part of the catalogue, that of the subject will govern. Geographical and historical works are in all cases entered under the authors' names, except state papers, public documents and the like, which will be found under the name of the Empire, Kingdom, Coun- try, County, or City to which they relate. Transactions of academies and other learned societies are placed under the name of the city in which the meetings of the society are usually held — ^literary, scientific, and other Journals and Periodicals under their leading title. In a word, the most specific title is adopted in preference to a more general one in determining where in the catalogue it is to be entered. Collective titles, as Analecta, Bibliothecas, Tracts, "Works, ' Berthelson A. An English and Danish Dictionary. 4to. London, 176^ Bertherand E. L. MMecine et Hygiene des Arabes. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Berthiaud et Boitard. Manuel de I'Imprimeur en taille douce. 12mo. Paris, 1837 Berthier P. de Neufchatel. Relation de la Bataille de Marengo. 4to. Paris, 1804» Berthollet C. L. de. Siemens de I'Art de la Teinture. 8vo. Paris, 1791 Percy et Halle. Exposition des Faitsrecueillisjusqu'd present concernant les Eifets de la Vaccination. 4to. Paris, 1812 Berthoud F. Essai sur I'Horlogerie, relativement a I'Usage civil, a 1' Astronomic et a la I^avigation. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1763 Les Longitudes pour les Mesures du Temps. 4to. Paris^ 1775 Traite des Horloges marines. 4to. Paris, 1773 ; Eclaircissements sur les Kouvelles Machines pour la De- termination des Longitudes en Mer. 4to. Paris, 1773 Histoire de la Mesure du Temps par les Horloges. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1802 L'Art de conduire et de regler les Pendules. 8vo. Paris, 1805 — Same. 4e Edition augmentee. 12mo. Paris, 1811 Vol. I. 8 114 A8T0E UBEART. Berthoud et Janvier. Nouveau Kegulateur des Horloges, &c. 12mo. Paris, 1835 Berthre de Bournisseaux. Precis historique de la Guerre civile de la Yendee. 8vo. Paris, 1802 Berti W. L'Arte d'Insegnare la Lingua francese. 8vo. Firenze, s. a. Bertin A. Catalogue des Livres, Estampes, &c., de sa Bibliotheque. 8vo. Paris, 1854 T. P. Syst^me coraplet de Stenographic. 8vo. Paris, 1796 Bertius P. De Aggeribus et Pontibus hactenus ad Mare extruetis. 12mo. Paris, 1629 Tabulae Geographicse cum Mappis. Obi. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1620 Bertola A. Poesie — ^Tavole, Odi, Idylli, Terzine. 6 vols. 18mo. Ancona, 1815 Same, in Parnaso degli Autori viventi. 3 vols. ISmo. Pisa, 1791 Bertolucci A. View of the Agricultural, Commercial, and Financial In- • terests of Ceylon. 8vo. London, 1817 Bertoli G. Le Antichit^ d'Aquilej a. profane e sacre. 4to. Venezia, 1739 Bertoloni A. Plantaa Genuenses quas observavit. 8vo. Genuae, 1804 Bartolotti D. Viaggio nella Liguria. 3 vols. 8vo. Torino, 1834 ~ ^'^^SS^^ i^ Savoja. 2 vols. 12mo. Livorno, 1828 Bertoux G. Anecdotes frangaises depuis I'fitabl. de la Monarchic. 8vo. Paris, 1767 Bertram J. C. Literarische Abhandlungen. 8vo. Halle, 1781-2 B. C. De Republica Ebrseorum. 16mo. Lugd. Bat. 1641 Bertrand A. Lettres sur les Revolutions du Globe. 5e Edition. 12rao. Bruxelles, 1833 Lettere, &c. Compendioso Volgarizzamento. 8vo. Firenze, 1828 E. M^moires sur la Structure inter, de la Terre. 8vo. Zuric, 1760 — Dictionnaire universel des Fossiles. 2 vols. 8vo. La Haye, 1763 L. Siemens de Goometrie. 4to. Paris et Geneve, 1812 de Moleville A. F. Private Memoirs relative to the last Year of the Reign of Louis XYL, from the French. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1797 Annals of the French Revohition. Tr. by R. C. Dallas. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1800 Bertsch A. Notice sur I'Emploi du Collodion rapide. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Bertuch F. J. u. J. S. Yater. Allg. Archiv. f. Ethnographic, &c. 8vo. Weimar, 1808 Berwick Marechal de. M6moire8 ecrits par lui-mdme. Petitot. 2 S. T. 65-66 Berzehus J. J. Lehrbuch der Chemie nach d. Yeriassera schwedischer Bearbeiten der Blode-Palmdstedt-scher Auflage, iiber- setzt von F. Wohler. 4 in 8 vols. 8vo. Dresden, 1825-31 Lehrbuch d. Chemie, funfte umgearbeitete original Auf- lage. ^ 5 in 6 vols. 8vo. Dresden, 1843-48 Jahres-Berichte iiber die Fortschritte der phys. Wissen- schatten. Jahrg. 1-26 in 23 vols. 8vo. Tubingen, 1822-47 For continuation of the Jahres-Bericlit, see Svanberg L. Trait6 de Chimie minerale, veg6tale et animale. 2de Edition fran§. trad, par MM. Esslinger et Hoeifer. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-47 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 115 Berzelius J. J. Annuaire des Sciences chi. pour Pan 1836. 8vo, Paris, 1837 Rapports annuels sur les Progres des Sciences phjsiqiies et chimiques pour les annees 1837 and 1840-47. Tra- duits dii Suedois sous les yeux de I'auteur, par M. Plantamour. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841 — 48 The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemistry and Mineralogy. Translated by J. D. Whitney. 8vo. Boston, 1845 Besan^on. Academic des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts. Seances pub- liques 1831-1833. 8vo. Besan9on. Bescherelle L. N. Dictionnaire national, ou Dictionnaire universel de la Langue fran9ai8e. Plus exact et plus complet que tons les Dictionnaires qui existent, le seul qui presente I'examen critique des Dictionnaires les plus estimes. 4e Edition. 2 vols. Royal 4to. Paris, 1856 Bescherelle frhres et Litais de Gaux. Grammaire nationale. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Besenval P. Y. Memoires, avec une Kotice sur sa Vie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821 Besler B. Plortus Eystettentis. Folio. IJ^orimbergse, 1613 Besse J. A Collection of the Sirfferings of the Quakers, 2 vols. Fol. London, 1763 Bessel F. W. Fundamenta Astronomies, deducta ex Observationibus J. Bradley, in specula astron. Grenovicensi. Foh Regiom. 1818 Tabulae Regiomontanae reductionumObservationum astron. ab anno 1750, usque ad an. 1850 computatae. 8vo. Konigsberg, 1830 TJntei'suchungen iiber die Lange der einfachen Secunden pendels. 4to. Berlin, 1828 Untersuchungen z. Bestimmung d. Einheit d. preussisch. Langenmaasses. 4to. Berlin, 1839 Yersuche ii, die Kraft mit welcher die Erde-Korper v. verschied. Beschaffenheiten anzieht. 4to. Berlin, 1830 Untersuchungen d. Grosse u. d. Einflusses d. Yorriickens d. Nachtgleichen. 4to. Berlin, 1815 Astronomische Untersuchungen. 2 vols. 4to. Konigsberg, 1842 u. Bayer. Gradniessung in Oestpreussen u. ihre Yerbind- img mit preuss. u. russisch. Dreiecksketten. 4to. Berlin, 1838 Astronomische Beobachtungen. See Konigs- berg. Beeson J. Theatrum oder Schawbuch allerley Werckzeug u. Riistungen aus d. Latein. u. Franz, in d. hochteutsche Sp. Fol. Mumpelgardt Tlieatre des Instnimens math, et mechan. Fol. Geneve, 1626 Le Cosmolabe, ou Instrument universelle. 4to. Paris, 1567 Betham W. L-ish Antiquarian Researches. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1827 The Gael and Cymbri, or Inquiry into the Origin and His- tory of the Irish Scoti, Britons, Gauls, &c. 8vo. Dublin, 1834 Etrusca-celtica, Etruscan Literature and Antiquities investi- gated. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1842 Origin and History of the Constitution of England and of the early Parliament of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1834 Bethune J. E. D. Specimens of Swedish and German Poetry. 8vo. London, 1848 G W. Lays of Love and Faith. 12rao. Philadelphia, 1848 116 A8T0E LIBBAET. Bettinelli S. Kisorgimento d'ltalia negli Studii, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Bassano, 1775 Same. Parte la e seconda. 4 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1819-20 Bettini M. Apiaria univerese philoeophicae Mathematicae. 2 vols. Fol. Bononise, 1645 Beudant F. S. Voyasre mineralogique et sreol. en Hongrie, avec Atlas. Traite elementaire de Mineralogie. 8vo. Paris, 1824 Mineralogie du Cours elementaire d'Histoire naturelle £1 rUsage des Colleges, &c. 12mo. Paris, 1841 Geologic du Cours, &c. 12mo. Paris, 1842 Beughem C. Bibliographia Mathematica et Artificiosa. 18mo. Amstelodami, 1688 Beugnot A. Les Juifs d'Occident, pendant le Moyen-Age. 8vo. Paris, 1824 Beumenberger J. G. Der volkommene Juwelier. 12mo. Ilmenau, 1828 Beuter P. A. Cronica general de toda Espana, primera, segunda y ter- cera parte in 1 vol. Fol. Valencia, 1551, 1563, 1564 Bevan E. The Honey-bee aud its Natural History, Physiology, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843 Bever T. Tlie History of the Legal Polity of the Koman State, and of the Kise, Progress, and Extent of the Roman Laws. 4to. London, 1781 Beveridge W. Synodicon, sive Canonum apostolorum, et conciliorum ab ecclesia graeca receptorum. 2 vols. Fol. Oxonii, 1673 Codex Canonum ecclesise primitivse vindicatus ac illus- tratus. 4to. Londini, 1678 Works. Anglo-Catholic Library Edition. 12 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1844-50 Vols. 1-6. Sermons.^ — ■7. On the Thirty-nine Articles. — 8. On the Church Catechism, Private Thoughts on Public Prayer, on Frequent Communion, De- fence of Sternhold and Hopkins's Psalms. — 9, 10. Thesaurus theologicus. — 11, 12. Codex Canonum. Private Thoughts upon Keligion. 12mo. London, 1795 Beverley R. The History and Present State of Virginia. 8vo. London, 1705 Same, in French. Relation historique, &c. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1718 Bexon S. Du Pouvoirjudiciaire en France, etdu eon Immovabilite. Con- siderations sur le Proposition d'Octobre, 1807. 8vo. Paris, 1814 Beyer A. Memoriae historico-crit. Libr. rarionmi. 12mo. Dresdae, 1734 Bey rich E. Ueber einige bohmische Trilobiten. 4to. Berlin, 1845 Beza T. de. Histoire ecclesiastique des Eglises reform^es au Royaume de France. 3 vols. 8vo. Lille, 1841-42 La Vie de Calvin, traduit du Latin. 12mo. Geneve, 1681 The Life of Calvin. Translated by F. Sibson. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1836 Beziers M. Histoire sommaire de la Ville de Bayeux. 12mo. Caen, 1773 Bezout E. Cours de Math^matiques a I'Usage des Gardes du Pavilion et de la Marine, avec les suites. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1764-69 Same. Nouvelle Edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1770-81 Cours de Math^matiques A I'Usage du Corps rqyal de I'Artil- lerie. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1770-73 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 117 Bezout E. Cours de Mathematiques k I'Usage de la Marine et de I'Ar- tillerie, revue et au^mente par Peyrard. Arithmetique, Siemens de Geometrie et de Trigonometrie, Algebre et 'Ap- plication de 1' Algebre a la Geometrie. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1798-99 Principes generaux de la Mecanique et I'Hydrostatique. Nouvelle Edition, revue et corrig^e. 8vo. Paris, 1799 Siemens de la Geometrie, la Trigonometrie. 8vo. Paris, 1810 Algebre et rApplication de cette Science a 1' Arithmetique et k 1^ Geometrie. 8vo. Paris, 1810 Same. Avec des Notes par A. A. L. Reynaud. 8vo. Paris, 1812 — Traite d' Arithmetique, avec des I^otes et des Tables de Loga- rithmes par Reynaud. 8e Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1816 Th^orie generale des Equations algebriques. 4to, Paris, 1779 Ueber die Kugel-bahn, aus d. Franzosisch. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1782 Bhagavat or Bhagvad Geeta, or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arzoon, in eighteen lectures, with notes, translated from the Sanskrit, by Charles Wilkins. 4to. London, 1785 Sive Almi KrishnsB et Arjunse Colloquium de Rebus Divinis ; textum recensuit adnotationes criticas et interpretationem latinam adjecit A. W. Schlegel. 8vo. Bonnse, 1833 Translated into modern Greek. 8vo. Athens, 1848 See Humboldt W. iiber die Bhagvad-Gita bekannte Episode. Purana. See Burnouf Ei' Bhascara. See Acharya and Lilivati. Biagoli G. Grammaire italienne. Quatri^me Edition. 8vo. Paris, 181^ Bialloblotzky C. H. F. De Legis Mosaicse Abrogatione. 4to. Gottingae, 1824 Bianchi A. Riflessioni sulla Grandezza della Republica di Genova. 8vo. Genova, 1797 T. X. Catalogue des Livres Arabes, Persans et Turcs, imprimes d Boulac en Egypte, depuis I'Introduction de I'lmpri- merie dans ce Pays en 1822 jusqu'en 1842. 8vo. Paris, 1843 Le nouveau Guide de la Conversation en Frangais et en Turc. Seconde Edition. Obi. 12mo. Paris, 1852 Dictionnaire Frangais-Turc ^ I'Usage des Agents diploma- tiques et consulaires. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843-46 — et Kietfer J. D. Dictionnaire Turc-Frangais a I'Usage des Agents diplom. et cons. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1850 Bianchini Fr. Solutio Problematis Paschalis. 4to. Romse, 1703 Hesperi et Phosphori nova Phsenomena, sive Observa- tiones circa Planetam Yeneris. Fol. Romae, 1728 Astronomicae ac Geographicae, Observationes selectae, cura et studio E. Manfredi. 4to. Veronae, 1737 ^ • La Istoria Universale, provata con Monumenti e Figurata da A. G. Barbazza. 4to. Romae, 1747 Bianconi G. L. Descrizione dei Circhi particolarmente di quello di Cara- calla e dei giuochi in essi celebrati, ordinata e publi- cata da C. Fea con Tavole in Rame e Version e francese. Fol. Roma, 1789 Biarkoa Ratten. See Hadorph J. Bibel- Atlas nach den neuesten und besten Hiilfsmitteln, gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland u- erlautert von C. Ackermann. 4to. "Weimar, 1846 I in A8T0E LIBRARY. Biber G. E. The Standard of Catholicity, or an attempt to point out cer- tain safe and leading principles amidst the conflicting opinions by which the church is agitated. 8vo. London, 1841 Bibles. The order observed in specifying the originals and versions of the Sacred Scriptures of the Old and iNew Testaments con- tained in the Library is alphabetical according to language, except that the Polyglots, the Hebrew and Greek originals, the Septuagints, and the Latin Vulgates and English versions are placed first. Polyglots. V. Testamentiim : Biblia Polyglotta complectentia Textus Originales — Hebraicum cum Pentateucho Samaritan©, Chaldaicum, Grsecum; Versionura- que antiq. Samarit. Graec. 72 Interpretum, Chald., feyriac, Arab., ^thiop., Persic. Vulg. Lat. quicquid comparari poterat, cum Apparatu, variis Lectioni- bus, Annotationibus, Indicibus, &c. Edidit Bria- nus Waltonus- 6 vols. Folio. Londini, 165T N. Testamentum : Syriace, Ebraice, Greece, Latine, Germanice, Bohemice, Italice, Hispanice, Gallice, Anglice, Danice, Polonice, studio et labore E. Hutteri. 2 vols. Fol. Norimbergae, 159D . Psalterium, Hebreum, Graecum, Arabicum et Chal- daicum, cum tribus Latinis interpretationibus et glossis studio A. Justiniani. Imp. 4to. Genuae, 151ft Hebrew. Biblia Hebraica cum Punctis. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1691 B. cum Notis Criticis et Yersione Latina, accedunt Libri Graeci qui Deutero-canonici vocantur. Au- thore C. F. Houbigant. 4 vols. Fol. Lutetise-Parisiorum, 175-5 B. Manualia ad Hooghtianam editionem recensita, atque cum brevi Lectionum Masorethiearum Kethi- ban et Krijan resolutione, edita a J. Simonis. 5 vols. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1752 Vetus Testamentum cum variis Lectionibus, edidit Benj. Kennicott. 2 vols. Fol. Oxonii, 1776-80 Biblia H. olim C. Reineccio evulgata, cum variis Lec- tionibus a Kennicotto et de Kossi, curantibus Doe- derlino et Meisnero. 8vo. Halae et Berolini, 181S Biblia H. secundum ultimam Editionem J. Athiae a J. Leusden denuo recognita. Ed. nova a J. d'Alle- mand. 8vo. London, 1833 Biblia H. ex recensione Hahnii cum vulgata interpre- tatione Latina. 2 vols. 12mo. Lipsiae, 183S Hebrew and French. Traduction nouvelle avec I'Hdbreu en re- gard, accompagne des Points-voyelles et des Ac- cens toniques, avec des Notes philologiques, geo- graphiques, et litt^raires, et les principales Vanan- tes de la Version des Septante et du texte Samari- tain, par S. Cahen. 18 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831-51 Hebrew and Spanish. Biblia en dos colunas Hebrayco y Espa- fiol. Folio. Amsterdam, en casa de J. y. A ae Salo- mon Proops (5522), 1762 Pentateuchus cum variis Commentariis. 5 vols. 4to, Amsterdam ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 119 Bibles. Hebrew Pentateuch, with Rabbinical Commentary. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris Quinque libri Mosis magno labore et industria accu- ratissime correct!. 6 vols. 12mo. Amstelodami (5486), 1727 , Psalmi, Proverbia, Job, Canticum, Euth, &c. He- braice interlineari versione X. Pagnini, Ben. Arias Montani et Aliorum. Svo. Raphelengii, 1608 Psalms, with the Yowel Points. 24mo. Venetiis, 1629 Psalms and Prophets. Edition of Br. Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1822 New Testament Edition of Br. Bible Society. 12mo. London, s. a. Same, in 8vo. Editions of 1817 & '21 Septuagint Gr. Y. T. juxta Septuaginta interpretes, ex antiquis- simo MS. Cod. Alexandrino descriptum. Edi- dit J. E. Grabe. 4 vols. Folio. Oxonii, 17C9-i:0 Daniel secundum Septuaginta ex tetrapHs Origenis, nunc primum editus. Folio. Romse, 1772 V. T. Gr. e Cod. Ms. Alexandrino qui Londini in Bibl. Musei Brit, asservatur typis ad similitu- dinem ipsius Codicis Scripturse ndeliter descrip- tum, cura et labore H. H. Baber. Folio. Londini, 1816-21 V. T. ex Yersione Septuaginta interpretum ex edi- tions Holmesii et L. Bos. Editio nova. 2 vols. 24mo. Glasguse, 1822 Greek and Latin. Novum Instrumentum omne diligenter ab Erasmo R. recognitum et emendatum non solum ad Grsecam veritatem verumetiam ad multorum utriusque linguae Codicum eorumque veterum simul et emenda- torum fidem ; postremo ad probatissimorum Autorum Citationem, Emendationem et Interpretationem. Folio. Basilese, 1516 — — N. Testamentum omne multo quam antehac diligentius ab Erasmo, &c. The Colophon is — Finis N. T. rursus accurate recogniti, opera studioque Erasmi anno 1518. The date at the close of Frobenius ad Lecto- rem. S. is Basiliae, 1519 — '■ Novum T. Omne tertio jam ac diligentius ab Erasmo R. recognitum, &c. Tlie date in the Colophon is 1522. This is the first of the three which contains the dis- puted passage relative to the three heavenly witnesses.. 1 John V. 7, 8. N. Testamentum cum variis Lectionibus, juxta Editionem R. Stephani. Fol. Parisiis ex typog. regia, 1642' N. T. Elzevir edition, 12mo. Title page defective. Amstelodami N. T. una cum scholiis studio J. Gregorii. Fol. Oxonii, 170*5 N. T. ex regiis aliisque optimis Editionibus. 18mo. Patavii, 1725 N. T. cum Lectionibus variantibus, necnon Commentario pleniore, opera et studio J. J. Wetstenii. 2 vols. Fol. Amstelodami, 1751 N. T. juxta exemplar Millianum. Svo. Oxonii, 1763 120 A8T0R LIBKABY. Bibles. Greek and Latin, N. T. Textum ad fidem Cod. emendavit Griesbach. 2 vols. 8vo. Ilalae, 1777 N. T. e Codice MS. Alexandrino qui Lond. in Bibl. Miisei Britannici asservatur descriptum a C. "G. Woide. Fol London, 1786 ^. T. Textum denuo recensuit, varias Lectiones nunquam antea Vulgatas adjecit C. F. Mathsei. 12 partes 8vo. Eiga, 1782-88 N. T. ex Recensione Griesbachii cum selecta Lectionum varietate, sumptibus J. J. Goschen. 2 vols. 4to. Lipsiae, 1803-07 'N. T. cum Commentariis D. C. T. Kuinoel. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1835 N. T. with modem Greek version in parallel columns. 12mo. London, 1819 Greek T. with a critically revised Text, a digest of various readings, marginal references to verbal and idiomatic usage, prolegomena, and a critical and exegetical Com- mentary, by Henry Alford. Third Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1856 Codex Ephraimi Syri rescriptus si ve Fragmenta utriusque Testamenti e Cod. Grseco Parisiensi eruit atque edidit C. Tischendorf. 4to. Lipsiae, 1847 Greek. Codex Friderico-Augustanus, sive Fragmenta V. T. e Codice Grseco, omnium qui in Europa supersunt facile antiquissimo, in Oriente detexit, in patriam attulit, ad modum Codicis, edidit C. Tischendorf. Oblong Fol. Lipsiae, 1846 • Pentateuch! nova Yersio Graeca ex unico 8. Marci Bibl. Cod. Yeneti nunc primum edidit atque recensuit C. F. Ammon. 2 vols. 8vo. Erlangen, 1790 Evangelia et Apostolorum Acta. Codex T. Bezae, Cantab. quadratis Uteris Graeco-Latinus ; adumbravit, expressit, edidit, notasque adjecit T. Kipling. .2 vols. Fol. Cantab. 1793 Greek and English. The English Hexapla, exhibiting the six important English Translations of the N. T. Scriptm-es — Wiclif s, Tyndale's, Cranmer's, the Genevan, the An- glo-Rhemish, and the authorized, and with the original Greek text after Scholz, with various readings, &c. 4to. London, 1841 Latin Yulgate. Biblia Latina. Title page wanting, printed in Gothic letters by Octavius Scot. 8vo. Yenetiis, 1480 Bibha Sacra ad optima quaeque veteris Exemplaria trala- tionis summa diligentia parique tide castigata. Fol. Lugduni, 1562 B, Sacra YulgatseEditionisSixtiY.jussurecognita atque auctoritate edita, versiculis distincta. Fol. Yenetiis, 1688 B. Sacra Yulgatae Editionis. 8vo. Colonise, s. a. ■ B. Sacra Yulgatje Edit, auctoritate ed. 8vo. Lugduni, 1732 B. Sacra Yulgatae Yersionis, editio jussu regis ad institu- tianem Ser. Dclphini. 8 vols. 8vo. Parisiis, 1785 N. Testamentum ad exemplar Yaticanum. 2 vols. Parisiis, 1746 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 121 Bibles. English. The Holy Scriptures of the Olde and ISTewe Testamente ; with the Apocripha, faithfully translated from the Hebrue and Greeke by Myles Coverdale, Bp. of Exe- ter. Reprinted from the Copy in the Library of the Duke of Sussex. 4to. London, 1838 ^ The Books of the O. & N". T. printed by J. Field and illustrated with Chorographical Sculps, by J. Ogilby. 2 vols. Fol. Cambridge, 1666 The Books of the O. and IsT. Testament, authorized ver- sion. 12mo. Oxford, 1691 Same, with the Apocrypha, printed by Baskerville. Fol. Birra. 1769 Same, authorized version. Svo. Oxford, 1810 Same. Edition of the Br. and F. Bible Society. Svo. London, 1821 Same. Stereotype edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1839 The H. Bible, according to the authorized version, with Notes, Introductio"ns, Tables, Indexes, &c., prepared by G. D'Oyley andR. Mant. 3 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1823 The Standard Devotional Family Bible, with Observa- tions, chiefly compiled from the writing of Gill, Scott, Henry, &c., by S. Green. Fol. i armouth, s. a. The Illuminated Bible, containing the O. & N. T., also the Apocrypha, with Marginal Readings, embellished with more than 1600 historical Engravings. 4to. New York, 1846 The H. Bible, translated from the Latin. The O. T. first publislied by the English College at Douay, 1609, and the N. t. by the English College at Reims, 1582. With useful Notes by G. L. Haydock. 4to. Dublin, London, and Edinburgh, 1848 A New and Literal Translation of all the Books of the O. and N. T., with Notes critical and explanatory, by A. Purver. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1764 Tlie H. Bible in the Common Version, with amendments of the language, by N. Webster. 8vo. New Haven, 1833 The Books of the Pentateuch, Samuel, Kings, Chroni- cles, and Ruth, translated by A. Geddes. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1792-97 — '■ The Book of Job, translated by J. M. Good. 8vo. London, 1812 New Translation of same, with Notes, by G. R. Noyes. 12mo. Boston, 1838 — — Book of Psalms, new Translation, with Notes, by G. R. Noyes. 12mo. Boston, 1846 Prophet Ezekiel. Attempt towards an improved revi- sion by Bp. Newcome. Svo. London, 1836 The Minor Prophets. Attempt towards an improved version by Bp. Newcome, enlarged and improved edition. Svo. London, 1836 Isaiah. A new Translation by R. Lowth. 4to. London, 1778 Isaiah, A new Translation with Notes, supplementary to those of Dr. Lowth, by M. Dodson. Svo. London, 1790 The Hebrew Prophets. A new Translation, arranged in chronological order, with Notes, by G. R. Noyes. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1843 122 ASTOB LIBBABY. Bibles. English. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles. A new Translation, with Notes, by G. R. Noyes. 12mo. Boston, 1846 New Testament. Translatedby J. Wy cliff, circa 1380, now first printed from a contemporary manuscript. 4to. London, 1848 N. T. Translated from the Latin (Yulgate) in the year 1380, by J. Wiclif, to which are prefixed. Memoirs of the Life and "Writings of the Translator, by H. II. Baber. 4to. London, 1810 The N. T. translated by W. Tyndale, from the original Edition of 1526, the first vernacular translation from the Greek. To the reprint are annexed the essential variations of Coverdale, Cranmer, &c., by J. P. Dab- ney. 12mo. Andover, 1837 Tlie Book of the New Covenant, being a critical revi- sion of the Text and Translation of the English Ver- sion, with annotations by Granville Penn. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1837 A new and corrected Yersion of the N. T., or a minute revision and professed Translation of the productions of the Evangelists and Apostles, by R. Dickinson. 8vo. Boston, 1833 The Gospels. A Translation, with Notes, by Andrews Norton. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1855 St. Matthew's Gospel. Version of Beausobre and L'En- fant. 12mo. London, 1837 Anglo-Saxon. Gospels edited from the original Manuscripts by Benjamin Thorpe. 12mo. London, 1843 Arabic. The Old and New Testament in Arabic. Fol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1811 Genesis, published by Br. Bible Society. 8vo. s. 1. et s. a. and Latin. Psalmi et Prophetse ex Arab, in Latinum Idioma a V. Scialac et G. Sionita redditi, novis typis donati. 4to. Eomae, 1619 Psalms. Bible Society Edition. 12mo. London, 1819 Psalms and Prophets. Bible Society Edition. 8vo. London, 1819 New Testament. Bible Society Edition. 8vo. Evangelium Sanctum conscriptum a quatuor Evange- listis ; the original Roman Edition, with Engravings on wood, by L. Pennis, after designs by Tempesta. Fol. Komae, 1690 Same. Florence Reprint, with interlinear Latin Trans- lation. Fol. Florentice, 1774 Armenian. B. Sacra Armenice. 4to. Venetiis, 1805 The Psalter, in the ancient Language. 12mo. Smyrna, 1844 The N. T. in the ancient Language, translated early in the 5th century. 2 vols. 12mo. Smyrna, 1838 Same, in the modern Armenian. 12rao. Smyrna, 1842 Cherokee. Saint Matthew, the Acts and Epistles of John, with select Passages from the other Scriptures, in tlie Cherokee character. 12mo. Parkhill, 1840-43 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 128 Bibles. Chinese. The O. and N. T. translated into Chinese by R. Morri- son, in 21 Chinese vols. 8vo. Malacca, 1823 The Bible in Chinese. O. T. ed. by Gutzlaff, and N. T. by Delegates of the Missions. 6 vols. Svo. Canton, New Testament, transl. by B. Morrison. 6 vols. Malacca Choctaw. The Gospel of St. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Second Edition. 12mo. Boston, 1845 Coptic. Psalterium Coptice ad Codd. fidem recensuit Lectionis varietatem adjecit J. L. Ideler. 8vo. Berolini, 1837 Psalterium in Dialectum Copticse Linguae Memphiticam translatum ad fidem trium Codicum comparatorum, edidit M. G. Schwarze. 4to. Lipsise, 1843 XII. Prophetarum minorum Libros in Lingua -^gyptia- ca Vulga Coptica seu Memphitica Latine edidit H. Tattam. Svo. Oxonii, 1836 Novum T. ^Egyptium Yulgo Copticum ex MSS. Bod- leianis descripsit et in Lat. Sermonem convertit D. Wilkins. 4to. Oxonii, 1716 Danish Biblia, et er den ganske hellige Skrifts Boger. Sextende Oplag. Svo. Kiobenhavn, 1819 Michaelis Oversaettelse af det gamle Test, med an moer- kinger ved. J. Beck. 8 vols. Svo. Kiobenhavn, 1785-91 Det nye Testamente oversat fra Grundsproget. 12mo. London, 1814 Michaelis Oversaettelse af det nye Testamente med Anmoerkinger ved. J. Beck. 4 vols. Svo. Kiob. 1793 Dutch. Biblia dat is de gantsche heilige Schrift door M. Luther in het Hoogduitsch endoor A. Yisscher, in de Neder Duitsche overgezet. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1734 B. dat is &c. en volgens t' Besluit van de Synode Na- tionaal. Svo. London, 1817 Esquimaux. Testamentetak, &c., for the use of the Christian Esquimaux in the Mission Settlements of Labra- dor. Svo. London, 1840 The Gospels in the Language of the Esq. Indians. 12mo. London, 1813 Ethiopic. V. T. JEthiopici T. primus sive Octateuchus, edidit A. Dillmann. 4to. Lipsiae, 1853 Psalterium Davidis. 4to. Londini, 1815 Finnish. Biblia se on Pyha Raamakku. Svo. Stockholm] sa, 1838 Uusi Testamenti. Svo. Turusa, 1815 French. La Bible imprimee sur I'fidition de Paris de 1S05. 12mo. London, 1817 — La B.' revue sur les Originaux par D. Martin. Svo. Paris, 1820 La B. en Latin et en Fran9ais, suivie d'un Dictionnaire etymologique, g^ograph. et archeologique. 13 vols. Svo. Paris, 1828-34 Le Livre des Pseaumes, suivis des Cantiques. 12mo. Paris, 1824 Le N. T. tr. sur la Vulgate par de Sacy. Svo. Paris, 1818 Gaelic. Leabhraichean, &c. Svo. Edinburgh, 180T Tioninadlmuadh. Svo. Edinburgh, 1813 m A8T0K LTBRAKY. , 1769-83 Bibles. German. B. das ist die ganze heilige Schrift nach d. teutschen Uebersetzung M. Luthers. 4to. Erfurt, 1735 ^-^^ B.&c.,vonetliclienreineTiTheologendemeigentlichem Wortverstand nach erklart. Zu ende ist auch die un- . veranderte Augspurgische Confession. Fol. Niimberg, 1768 Die Bibel. Dritte Auflage d. Bibel Anstalt. 8vo. Basel, 1810 Same. Stereotyp. Ausgabe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1838 V'j ' I (W Micliaelis Uebersetzung d. alten T. mit Anmerkungen I. fiir Ungelehrte. 13 vols. Svo. Gottingen , M Die Historisehen Biicher d. alten T. so wie sie auf Befelil in der mitte d. 13ten J. H. in einer gereim- ten Uebersetzung entworfen worden sind. Auf einer gleichzeitigen Handschrift mitgetli. von G. Schiitze. 2 vols. 4to. Hamburg, 1779 f* Lied d. Liebe, iibersetzt durch T. W. C. Umbreit. 12mo. Gdtt. 1820 T Hiob. Uebersetzung u. Auslegung von F. W. C. Um- breit. Svo. Heidelb. 1832 Same, translated by J. H. Gray. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1836 , ' ". • ' .My?, ' .';i, Das N". Testament unsers Herrn. 12mo. London, 1820 Same. Bible Society Edition. 12mo. London, 1839 T^ Matthew Fragmenta Theotisca e Membranis Monseen- sibus Bibl. Pal. Vindob. Ed. secunda, aucta et ,, . emend, curante J. F. Massmann. Royal Svo. Viennse, 1841 , I . Gothic. Evangeliomm Versio Gothica ex Codice argenteo emen- ; . data, cum Interpretatione Latina et Annotationibus -;,. E. Bengelii. 4to. Oxon. 1760 • — : Ulphilse V ersionem Gothicam nonnuUorum capitum epistolae Pauli ad Komanos cum Commentariis, ed. F. A. Knittel. 4to. Guelpherbyti, s. a. Ulfilas Gothische Bibel iibersetzung nach Iliren's Text mit einer gramm. lat. Uebersetzung von T. K. Fulda. 4to. Weissen. 1805 ! Y. et N. Testamenti Yersionis Gothici fragmenta quae supersunt, ediderunt II. C. de Gabelentz et J. Loebe. 2 vols. 4to. Lipsise, 1843 Ulfilas in gothisch. Sprache mit gegenUberstehender griechischer u. lateinischer Yersion, und Einleitung von II. F. Massmann. Erste Abtheilung. Svo. Stuttgart, 1855 Greenland. Testamentitokamit, &c. Tlie Books of the O. T. ' translated into the language of Greenland by the Missionaries Fabricius, Kragh, and Wolf, in 3 vols. Svo. Kiobenhavn, 1826-32 The K. T. translated by the Missionaries of the United Brethren. Second Edition. Svo. Budisime, 1851 ; Hindostanee. The Pentateuch. 8vo. Serampore, 1825 -^^ —Icelandic. O. T. Title-page defective. N"ye Testament s. 1. et b. a. Irish. An Biobla naomhtha. Tlie O. T. translated by W. Bhodel, the JST. T. by W. O'Domhnuill. 8vo. Loudon, 1817 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. ^g^ Bibles. ItaKan. La Biblia, &c., has a MS. Title-page, purporting to be the Edition of Venice, 1541, but it is only a revised Edition of the Yersion of Brucioli in Folio, printed by Durone in Geneva, 1562 La Biblia tr. in Lingua Toscana di Lingua Hebrea per Santi Marmochini. Aggiuntovi il terzo Libro de Ma- chabei non piu tradotta in Lingua volgare, di nuovo riveduta, corretta et emendata dall Hebrea e dal Greco. Fol. Vinezia, 1546 Sacra Scrittura giusta la Vnlgata in Latino e Italiano, trad, dal Francese di L. J. de Sacy. 25 vols. 4to. Genova, 1778-92 La B. tradotta da G. Diodati. 2 vols. 8vo. Dresda e Lipsia, 1757 The same, in 12mo. Editions of 1827 and 1835. s. 1. La Biblia Sacra secondo la Volgata trad, da Martini fatta suUa origin ale publ. in Torino. Svo. Londra, 1821 n Salterio ossia Salmi di David. 12mo. London, 1831 Saltero Davidico transportato in Yersi Toscaui. 2 vols. 4to. Genova, 1803 II Kuoyo T. secondo la Yolgata trad, da Martini. 12mo. London, 1818 ■ N. T. Yolgarizzato da l)iodati rived, da Kolandi. 8vo. London, 1819 N. T. trad, dal Greco per G. Diodati. 12mo. Koma, 1849 Atti degli Apostoli trad, da Cavalca. 4to. Firenze, 1837 Karen. Tlie Book of Exodus transl. by F. Mason. 12mo. Tavoy, 1849 Kikambo. Evangelio ta Yunaolete Malkosi. The Gospel of St. Mark trans, by J. L. Krapf. 8vo. Tiibingen, 1850 Malay. N. T. in the Malay Language. 8vo. London, 1818 Manks. Yn Yible Casherick, &c. 8vo. London, 1819 Mohawk. St. Matthew and St. John, the Acts, the Epistle to the Komans, Philippians, Corinthians, Thessalonians, Galatians, Ephesians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, translated into the Mohawk by H. A. Hill and W. Hess. 12mo. New York, 1835 Mongolian. St. Matthew and St. John tr. by Burat. Fol. St. Petersburg, 1815 Ojibwa. St. Matthew trans, into the Ojibwa. 8vo. Boston, 1839 Polish. Biblia Swiete, &c. 8vo. Berlinie, 1810 Portuguese. Testamento velho e novo tr. em Portugues segundo a Yulgata Latina ilustrado de Notas, &c., por A. Pereira de Figueiredo. 23 vols. 12mo. Lisboa, 1781-91 A Biblia Sagrada em Portugues. 8vo. Londra, 1819 N. T. trad, segundo a Yulgata. 12mo. Londres, 1819 Komaic. New Testament in Komaic. 12mo. London, 1815 Romansh. II Nouf Testamaint, tradut in Rumansch d'Engadina Bassa. 12mo. Paris, 1836 The Romaunt Yersion of the Gospel according to St. John, from MSS. in Trinity College, Dublin, and in the Bibl. du Roi, Paris, with an Introd. History of N. T., anciently in use among the old Waldenses, by W. S. Gillj. 8vo. London, 1847 126 A8T0B LTBKAKT. Bibles. Sandwich Isl. Ka Palapala Hemolele, &c. The Holy Bihle in the Language of the Sandwich Islands. 8vo. Oahu, 1848 Senecas. St. Luke's Gospel in the Seneca Tongue. 12mo. New York, 1829 Siamese. St. John's Gospel translated into Siamese for the A. B. S., by J. Caswell and A, Hemenway. 8vo. Bangkok, 1849 The Acts of the Apostles tr. by I. T. Jones. 12mo. Bangkok, 1848 — Slavonic. O. and N. Testament in the Russian Dialect of the Slavonic, Edition of the Br. and F. Bible Soc. 8vo. N. T. in the same Dialect. 8vo. Evangelium Slavice, ad Exemplaris similitudinem de- scripsit et edidit J. B. Silvestre. Latine vertit B. Kopitar. 4to. Lutetise Parisiorum, 1843 Spanish. Biblia en Lengua espanola, traduzida palabra por pala- bra de la verdad Hebrayca. lol. Amst. (5390) 1631 La B. trad, al Espanol de la Vulgata latina por P. Scio de S. Miguel. 8vo. London, 1821 El Nuevo lestamento. 12mo. Bungay, s. a. N. T. trad, de la Yulgata latina. 12mo. Schackwell, 1820 N. T. trad de la Yulgata espanol. 12mo. Nueva York, 1854 — Swedish. Gamla Testamentet. Bibl. Soc. Edition. 8vo. Lond. 1812 . 'Nja, Testamentet nionda uplagan. 12mo. Lond. 1814 Same. Edition of the Br. and F. Bible Soc. 12mo. London, 1829 Syriac. N. T. in Syriac Characters, published by the Br. and F. Bible Society. 4to. London, 1816 Codex^Syriaco-Hexaplaris. Liber quartus Begum e Co- dice Parisiensi, lesaias, XII. Prophetse minores, Pro- verbia, Jobus, Canticura, Threni, Ecclesiastes e Codice Mediolanensi, edidit et Commentariis illustravit H. Middeldorpf. 4to. Berolini, 1835 Tahitan. St. Matthew and St. John's Gospels. 2 vols. 12mo. Tahiti, 1820-21 Turkish. K T. in Turkish Characters. Bib. Soc. Ed. 8vo. Paris, 1819 N. T. in Armenian Characters. 8vo. Smyrna, Welsh. Y. Bibl sanctaidd sef yr hen Destament a'r newydd. 8vo. Ci^rfyrddin, 1802 Same. 12mo. Caer-Grawnt, 1816 Biblical Cabinet. Published by T. Clark. Vols. 1-45. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1843-45 Repertory and Princeton Review. Vols. 10-27. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838-63 Repository, conducted by Edward Robinson. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. Andover, 1831-2 r Second Series. Vols. 1-12. 8vo. New York, 1839-44 Third Series. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. New York, 1845-48 General Index from Vols. 1 to 24. 8vo. N. York, 1846 Bibliografia Italiana ossia elenco generale delle Opere, stampate in Italia del ann. 1835-1846. 11 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1835-46 Pratese, compilata per un de Prato. 8vo. Prato, 1844 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 127 Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany, with ]!^otice8 of, and Ex- tracts from, rare, curious, and usefiil Books in all lan- guages. 12mo. London, 1830 Bibliographie Agronomique (par M. Musset-Pathaj). 8vo. Paris, 1810 — Biographico-romanciere ou Diet, des Komanciers. 8vo. Paris, 1821 de la Belgique, publ. par C. Muquardt. Bruxelles, 1839-66 de la France ou Journal general de I'lmprimerie et de la Librairie et des Cartes geograph., &c. 45 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811-66 Etrangere ou Indicateur des Livres nouveaux qui parais- sent dans les divers Pays etrangers a la France. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811-16 Musicale de la France et de I'Etranger, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1822 _ Parisienne ou Catalogue des Livres imjDrimes tant a Paris que dans le reste de la France. 7 vols. 8vo. 1Y69-74 Bibliophile Beige, et Bulletin du Bibliophile B. 9 vols. 8vo. BruxeUes, 1845-54 — Table des Mati^res dans les neuf premiers Yolumes, par A. Scheler. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1866 ■ Bulletin. 2e Serie. Vol. 1. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1854-6 Bibliosophia, or Book Wisdom, by (J. Beresford). 12mo. London, 1810 Biblioteca Italiana, ossia Notizia de Libri rari nella Lingua Italiana. 4to. Venezia, 1728 Bibliotheca Americana, or a Catalogue of the most Curious and Inte- resting Books on the subject of J^orth and South Ame- rica. 4to. London, 1789 Anglo Poetica, or a Descriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich Collection of Early English Poetry. 8vo. London, 1815 Cantiana. A Biographical Account of what has been pub- lished on the History, Topography, &c., of the County of Kent. By J. Russell Smith, 8vo. London, 1837 Carmelitana, sive illustrium Carmelitanse Religionis, Scrip- torum Catalogus, a J. Trithemio congestus. 4to. Florentiee, 1493 Cleri calls. Darling's Theolog. Library. 8vo. London, 1843 Critica-lSTova. Edentibus J. Bake, J. Geel, H. A. Hamaker, P. Hofman, Peerlkamp. 6 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1825-31 Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant instructa operi- bus quae totiiis JSovi Testamenti explicationem complec- tuntur. 9 vols. Fol. Amsterdami, 1656-92 Historico-Geographica. 8vo. Gottingen, 1853-55 Historico-Naturalis. 8vo. Gottingen, 1854-55 Medico Chirurgica. 8vo. Gottingen, 1847, and 1850-55 • Philologica et Classica. 8vo. Gottingen, 1852-55 Theologica. 8vo. Gottingen, 1854-5 Luzitana, Summario da Farinha. 4 vols. 16mo. Lisboa, 1786 Sacra, or Tracts and Essays on Biblical Literature and Theo- logy. Edited by E. Robinson. 8vo. Kew York, 1843 Sacra and Theological Review. 13 vols. 8vo. Andover, 1844-56 Scriptorum Societatis Jesu, inchoatum a P. Ribadeneira, productum ad ann. 1675 a Sotuello. Fol. Romse, 1676 Bibliothek der alten Literatur und Kunst, herausg. v. Tychsen und Heeren. 2 vols. 12ino. Gottingen, 1786-91 128 A8TOB LIBBABT. Bibliothek (Keue) der schonen Wissenschaften und der freyen Kunste. 72 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1765-1806 Bibliotli^que Acadcmique mis en ordre par A. Serieys. 12 vols. Svo. Paris, 1810-11 annuelle et universelle de tous les Livres qui ont cte impri- mes en Europe pendant les annees 1748-50. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1751-63 Britannique red. par Pictet et Maurice. Vols. 45-48. Geneve, 1810-11 Continuation from 1816 with the title B. Universelle. U. des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts, in three Series. 1 S. Sciences et Arts, 60 vols. 2 S. Litterature, 60 vols. 3 S. Agriculture, 14 vols. In all, 134 vols. 8vo. Geneve, 1816-35 Choisie de Contes orientaux et Fables persannes. 12mo. Paris, 1788 d'un Litterateur et d'un Philosophe chr^tien. 12mo. Be8an9on, 1820 du Medecin-practicien, ou Resume general de tous les Ouvrages de clinique, medicale et chirurgicale, &c., publics en France et a I'Etranger, par une Societe de Medecins. 15 vols. Svo. Paris, 1843-51 du Theatre fran9ais depuis son Origine. 3 vols. 12mo. Dresden, 1768 (Petite) des The3,tre8 contenant un Pecueil des Meilleures Pieces du Theatre frangais depuis I'Origine des Specta- cles en France jusqu'd nos jours. 80 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1784^89 Janseniste ou Catalogue alphabetique des Livres jansenis- tes, Quesnellistes, oaianistes, du Suspects de ces Erreurs. 2 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1744 : — universelle et historique, par Le Clerc, La Croze et Ber- nard. 26 vols. 24mo. choisie pour servir suite 4 la Bibl. univ. par Le Clerc. 28 vols. 24mo. ancienne et moderne, suite aux Bibl. univ. et choisie. 29 vols. 24mo. In all 83 vols. 24mo. from 1686-1726. Amsterdam and La Haye, 1700-30 universelle des Eomans, Ouvrage dans lequel on donne 1' Analyse des Romans anciens et moderaes. Frangais ou traduit en Frangais. 224 in 112 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1775-89 Bichat X. Anatomic gdnerale appliquee ^ la Physiologic et k la Mdde- cine. Nouv. Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812 Bickell R. The West Indies as they are. 8vo. London, 1826 Bicker L. Revierkundige Grondwaarheden byzonderlyk toegepast op de Rivieren onzes Lands tot herstcUinge derzelben. 4to. s. 1. et a. Bicknell A. History of Edward, Prince of Wales, commonly called the Black Prince. 8vo. London, 1776 Bicquilley C. F. de. Du Calcul des Probabilites. 8vo. Toulouse, 1783 Bidault M. Notice historique et bibliographique sur la Collection et les Tables du Moniteur. 8vo. Paris, 1838 Biddle R. A Memoir of Sebastian Cabot. 2d Edition. .8vo. London, 1832 AU'HABETICAL INDEX. 120 Bidone G. Sur la Forme et la Direction des Yeines et Courans d'Eau lan- ces par di verses Ouvertures. 4to. Turin, 1829 Sur la propagation du RemouB. 4:to. Turin, 1825 Bidpay or Pilpay. Calila et Dimnaen Arabe, precedes d'un Memoire sur I'Origine de ce Livre, et suivies de la Moallaka de Lebid en Arabe et en Fran9ais, par Silvestre de Sacy. 4to. Paris, 1816 Kitab Kelile ve Dimne. Translation of Bidpay 's Fables into Arabic by Abdoullahel Moquaffa. 4to. Boulac (1251), 1836 Contes et Fables de Bidpai et de Lokman, trad, par Galland et Cardonne. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1778 Biedermann K. Wissenscliaft u. Universitat in ihrer Stellung zu den praktisch. Interessen der Gegenwart. 8vo. Leipzig, 1839 Deutschlands politische, materielle und sociale Zus- tande in achtzehnten Jahrbundert. 8vo. Leipzig, 1854 Biel J. C. !N ovns Thesaurus Philologicus, sive Lexicon in LXX. et alios Interpretes et Scriptores Apocryphos veteris Testamenti. Edidit E. H. Mutzenbecher. 3 vols. 8vo. Hagse Comitum, 1779-80 Bielfeld J. F. Y. TheElementsofUniversalErudition, trans, by Hooper. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1770 Biet A. Voyage de la France equinoxiale en I'Isle de Cayenne. 4to. Paris, 1664 Bigazzi P. J^ozione Fisiche. 12mo. Firenze, 1832 Bigelow A. Ti-avels in Sicily and Malta. 8vo. Boston, 1831 ■ H. J. Manual of Orthopedic Surgery. 8vo. Boston, 1844 ■ J. American Medical Botany. 3 vols. 4to. Boston, 1817-20 Florula Bostoniensis. A Collection of Plants of Boston and its vicinity. Third Edition. 12mo. Boston, 1840 The Useful Arts in connexion with the Applications of Science. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1850 J. P. Statistical Tables, exhibiting the condition and products of certain branches of industry in Massachusetts, for the year ending April 1, 1827. 8vo. Boston, 1828 J. R. The American's Own Book — embracing the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of each State. Second Edition. 8vo. 'New York, 1848 S. L. Recherches sur les Calculs de la Yessie et sur leur Ana- lyse micro-chimique. 4to, Paris, 1852 Bigeon L. F. Medecine physiologique. 8vo. Paris, 1845 Bigland J. The History of England, from the earliest period to .the close of the year 1812. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813 Bignon L. Ed. Histoire de France depuis 1799 jusqu'en 1812. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-38 Bigot J. A. S. Traite d' Artifice de Guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1809 Bigot de Morogues P. M. S. Memoire historique et physique sur les Chutes des Pierres. 8vo. Orleans, 1812 S F. Tactique navale ou Traite des Evolutions et des Signaux. 8vo. Paris, 1763 Bilbao. Ordinanzas de la ilustre Universidad y Casa de Contratacion. Fol. Bilbao, 1738 Vol. L 9 130 A8T0R LIBEAET. Bilberg J. Refractio Solis Inoccidui in Septentrionalibus Oris. 4to. Holmiae, 1695 Bilder-Conversations-Lexikon flir das deutsche Yolk. 4 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1837-41 Bilderdyk W. Geschiedenis des Yaderlands. Uitgegeven door A. W. Tydeman. 12 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1832-39 Bilfinger G. B. Elementa Physices. 12mo. Lipsiae, 1Y42 Bilguer P. R. v. und v. der Lasa. Handbuch des Schachspiels. 8vo. Berlin, 1843 Billard C. M. A Treatise on the Diseases of Infants. Second American from the Third French Edition. Translated by James Stewart. 8vo. New York, 1840 Billaud-Varennes J. N. Ex-conventionel. Memoires, Merits an Port-au- Prince en 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821 Billberg J. Plantanim Brasiliensinm. Decas 1 et 2 Billings J. An Account of a Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia. The whole narrated from the original papers by Martin Sauer. 4to. London, 1802 R. "W. niustrations of the Temple Church. 4to. London, 1838 niustrations of the Architectural Antiquities of the County of Durham. 4to. Durham, 1846 The Power of Form, applied to Geometric Tracery. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851 Antiquities of Scotland. 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1845-52 Billingsley J. Yiew of the Agriculture of Somerset. 8vo. London, 1818 Billington J. The Agricultural Director. 2d Edition. 8vo. London, 1848 Billroth G. A Commentary on the Epistles to the Corinthians, from the German, by W. L. Alexander. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1837-38 Bills of Mortality, 1657-1758. 4to. London, 1759 Billy E. de. Observations sur le Terrain de Transition de la Bretagne. 4to. Memoire J. de. Nova Geometrise clavis. Algebra. 4to. Parisiis, 1643 Opus Astronomicum. 4to. Divione, 1661 Bimbachi S. Journal du Yoyage k la Recherche des Sources du Bahr-El- Abiad ou Nil blanc, communiqu^e par Jomard. 8vo. Paris, 1842 Binder W. Peter der Grosse und seine Zeit, nach den vorziiglichsten Quelle bearbeitet. 8vo. Reuttlinger, 1809 Bindley J. Catalogue of his very valuable Collection of British Portraits. 4to. London, 1818 Bindseil H. E. Abhandlungen zur allgemeine vergleichenden Sprach- lehre. 8vo. Hamburg, 1838 Binet J. M6moire sur l'Int6gration des !fiquat. lin^aires aux Diff. finies k une seul variable, etc. 4to. Paris, 1843 Bingham H. Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands. 8vo. Canandaigua, N. Y. 1855 J. The French Churches Apology for the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1776 Origines EcclesiasticsB ; or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church. The Second Edition. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1710-22 ALPHABETICAI. INDEX. 181 Bingham J. Origines Ecclesiasticse. The Antiquities of the Christian Church. Reprinted from the original Edition, 1Y08-22, with an enlarged Analytical Index. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846 P. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts. Yols. 1-10. 8vo. London, 1824-34 Il^ew Cases. Yols. 1-6. 8vo. London, 1835-41 Bingley W. Animal Biography, or Popular Zoology. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1813 Musical Biography. 2d Edition. 2 vols. 8vu. London, 1814 Binkershock C. von. Opera omnia, edidit B. P. Yicat. 2 vols, Fol. Colonise Allobrogum, 1Y61 Binney A. The Terrestrial Air-Breathing MoUusks of the United States. Edited by A. A. Gould. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1851 Binns E. The Anatomy of Sleep ; or, the Art of procuring Sound and Refreshing Slumber at "Will. 12mo. London, 1842 Biografen eller moerkvoerdige menneskers Levnet. Yol. 1. Kjobenhavn, 1806 Biografia degli Artisti compilata da De Boni. Royal 8vo. Yenezia, 1840 de' re di IS'apoli, ornata de loro Ritratti, scritta da N. Morelli di Gregorio. 2 vols. 4to. N^apoli, 1825 degli Italiani illustri del Secolo XYIIL e de' Contemporanei, compilata da Letterati Italiani. 8 vols. 8vo. Yenezia, 1834-41 degli Uomini illustri del Regno di I^^apoli, compilata da diversi Letterati. Yols. 1-11. 4to. IS'apoH, 1814r-26 degli Uomini illustri della Sicilia, ornata de loro respettivi Ritratti, compilata da Giuseppe Ortolani e da altri Letterati. 4 vols. 4 to. Napoli, 1817-21 Britannica. Second Edition, begun by Dr. Kippis, A. to Fas- tolf. 5 vols. Fol. London, 1778-93 Remainder of the Alphabet, original Edition. 5 vols. Fol. London, 1750-66 Biographical Annual (The) for 1841, Edited by R. W. Griswold, 12mo. New York, 1841 Dictionary (IS'ew and General) of the most eminent Persons in every Nation. New Ed. greatly enlarged. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1784 — '■ Dictionary of the Society for the Diflfusion of Useful Know- ledge. Yols. 1-4 in 7 pts. containing the letter A, all published. 8vo. London, 1842-44 Literary and Political Anecdotes. See Almon J. Biographic de tons les Ministres depuis la Constitution de 1791 jusqu'^ nos jours. 8vo. Paris, 1825 des Hommes du Jour, Industriels, Conseillers d'Etat, Artistes, Chambellans, Deputes, Diplomates, Savans, &c., par Sarrut et Saint-Edme. 6 vols. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1835-41 des Hommes remarquables de la Flandre occidentale. 4 vol's. 8vo. Bruges, 1843-49 des Hommes vivants, redigee par une Societe de Gens de Lettres et de Savants. 5 vols. 8yo. Paris, 1816-19 modern e, ou Galerie historique, civile, militaire, politique, litteraire et judiciaire. 2e Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816^ 132 A8T0B LIBEAET. Biographie (nouvelle) gendrale depuisjes Temps les plus recules jusqu'd nos Jours. Publ. sous la direction de M. Hoefer. Vols. 1-16. 8vo. Paris, 1852-56 — '■ — (nouvelle) des Contemporains par Arnault, Jay, Jouy, Nor- vius et autres. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-25 universelle, ancienne et modeme. Ouvrage redige par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 52 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811-28 partie mythologique. Yols. 53-55. Paris, 1832-33 Supplement, vol. Yols. 56-83, to Tey. Paris, 1843-53 -—^ universelle, ancienne et modeme. Ouvrage redige par plus de 300 CoUaborateurs, nouv. Ed. (revue), corrigee et con- siderablement augmentee, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres et de Savants. 21 vols, in 11. Bruxelles, 1843-47 universelle, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres, sous la direc- tion de M. Weiss. Nouv. Ed. Yols. 1-6. Koyal 8vo. Paris, 1841 universelle et portative des Contemporains, sous la direction de Eabbe, Viehl de Boisjolin, &c. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836 universelle classique ou Dictionnaire historique, portatif, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829 Biograpbiskt Lexicon ofver namnkunnige Svenska Man. 22 vols. 8vo. Upsala and Orebo, 1836-55 Biography of Biblical Writers and others quoted in the Comprehensive Commentary, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846 Other Works of General Biography will be found under Abu- Zachariya, Aikin A., Allen W., Blake J. L., Chalmers A., Chaudon, Eliot J., Gorton J., Hirsching F. R. G., Kok J., L'Advocat J.B., Rose H. J., and Tipaldo E. "Bion N. L'TJsage des Globes celestes et terrestres et des Spheres, suivant les differents Systemes. _ 8vo. Paris, 1752 Traite de la Construction et des Usages des principaux Instru- ments de Mathematiques. 4e Edition. 4to. Paris, 1752 et MoschuB. Reliquiae ex recensione Yalckenarii cumvarietateLec- tionis, edidit Fr. Jacobs. 12mo. Gothae, 1795 See also Gaisford, Poetae Minores Graeci, Yol. 4. Yal- py's Theocritus, Bion et Moschus, Yol. 2. Bnmck's Analecta, Yol. 1. For English Ti-anslations see Chapman's Greek Pastoral Poets, and Fr. Fawkes's Bion and Moschus in Chalmers's Br. Poets, Yol. 20, and in Anderson's, Yol. 13, and Polwhele's in Whittingham's, Yol. 92. Biondelli B. Atlante Linguistico d'Europa. Obi. Fol. Milano, 1841 , T^ Studii delle Lingue furbesche. 12mo. Milano, 1846 Biot E. Dictionnaire des Noms anciens et modemes des Yilles dans I'Em- pire chinois, indiquant les Latitudes et les Longitudes. Ouv- rage accompagn6 d'une Carte de Chine, dressee par M. Kla- proth. 8vo. Paris, 1842 Memoire sur la Constitution politique de la Chine au deuxi^me Si^cle avant notre Ere. 4to. Paris, 1844 Essai sur I'llistoire de I'Lastruction publique en Chine et de la Corporation des Lettres. 8vo. Paris, 1847 -c- M6moire sur les Colonies militaires et agricoles des Chinois. 8vo. Paris, 1850 AliPHABETICAL INDEX. 188 Biot E. Catalogue gen. des Etoilesfilantes et des autres Meteores observes en Chine. 4to. Paris, 1841 See also Tcheou-Li, trad, par Biot. J. B. Essai STir I'Histoire des Sciences pendant la Revolution fran- gaise. 8vo. Paris, 1803 Yoyage fait pour constater la Realite d'un Meteore. 4to. Paris, 1803 Traite elementaire d' Astronomic physique. 8vo. Paris, 1805 Same. Seconde Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811 Same. Troisi^me Edit, augmentee. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841-47 Recherches sur les Refractions extraordinaires qui ont lieu pres de I'Horizon. 4to. Paris, 1810 Mem. sur un nouv. Genre d'OsciUations que les Molecules de la Lumiere eprouvent en traversant certains Cristaux. 4to. Paris, 1812 Recherches experim. et math, sur les Mouvemens des Mole- cules de la Lumiere autour de leur centre de Gravite. 4to. Paris, 1814 Traite de Physique experim. et mathematique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816 Precis element, de Physique experimentale. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 181T Yoyages entrepris pour mesurer la Courbure de la Terre sur 1 Arc du Mer entre les lies Pythiuses et Shetland. 4to. Paris, 1818 Mem. sur les Lois generales de la double Refraction et de la Polarisation dans les Corps cristallises. 4to. Paris, 1819 Mem. sur la Theorie des Oscillations de la Lumiere. 4to. Paris, 1819 Recherches sur plusieurs Points de 1' Astronomic egyptienne, ^ appl.aux Monuments astron.trouves en Egypte. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Essai de Geom. analyt. appliquee aux Courbes et aux Sur- faces du second Ordre. Sixi^me Ed. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Same. Septieme Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1826 Mem. sur la Polarisation circulaire. 4to. Paris, 1832 Mem. sur la Polarisation lameUaire. 4to. Paris, 1842 Mem. sur une Condition physique qui assigne a 1' Atmosphere une Limite d'Elevation qu'elle ne pent depasser. 4to. Paris, 1839 ■■ Mem. sur le Developpement des Forces elastiques de la Ya- peur aqueuse. 8vo. Paris, 1841 Mem. sur les Lunettes achrom. a Oculaires multiples. 4to. Paris, 1841 Instructions prat, sur I'Observation et la Mesure des Propri- ^tes optiques appelees rotatoires. 4to. Paris, 1845 Mem. sur la Latitude de I'Extremite australe de I'Arc meri- dien de France et d'Espagne. 4to. Paris, 1848 and Arago. Recueil d'Observations geodesiques, astronom. et phy- siques executees en France, en Espagne, en Angle- terre et en Ecosse, pour determiner la Yariation de la Pesanteur et des Degres terrestres sur le Prolong, du Meridien de Paris. 4to. Paris, 1821 M. Manuel de Constructeur de Chemins de Fer.. 12mo.. Paris, 1834 Birago F. M. See Occo. A. 134 ASTOB LIBEAET. Bircli T. The Life of Archbishop Tillotson, from his original Letters and Papers. 8vo. London, 1752 Inquiry into the Share which Charles I. had in the Transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan in 1645-46. 8vo. London, 1756 History of the K. Society of London. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1756 Tlie Court and Times of James I., containing historical and con- fidential Letters transcribed from the Originals in the Br. Museum, &c., now first published from his MSS. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849 W. J. Inquiry into the Philosophy and Religion of Shakspeare. 12mo. London, 1848 Bird G. Urinary Deposits, their Diagnoses, Pathology, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1854 J. B. Laws respecting Landlords, Tenants, and Lodgers. 8vo. London, 1806 Biret A. C. L. M. Application au Code civil des Instituts de Justinien et des cinquante Livres du Digeste, avec la Ti-aduc- tion. 2 vols. Paris, 1824 Traite du Contrat de Mariage. 8vo. Paris, 1825 Nouveau Manuel des Legislation et Jurisprudence, sur I'Enregistrement et le Timbre. 12mo. Paris, 1837 Manuel des Octrois et des Autres impositions indi- rectes. 12mo. Paris, 1838 Manuel formulaire de tous les Actes sous Signatures privees en mati^re civile, commerciale, &c. Nouv. Ed. 12mo. Paris, 1847 Manuel des Justices de Paix. See Levasseur. Birkbeck M. Notes on a Journey from Virginia to Illinois. 8vo. London, 1818 Letters from Illinois. 8vo. London, 1818 Birmann S. Souvenirs de la Yallee de Chamonix. Fol. Basle, 1826 Births, Deaths, and Man-iages. See Registrar-General. Birt W. R. Tlie Hurricane Guide. 12mo. London, 1850 Biscarrat F. Manuel de la Purete du Langage. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1835 M. F. et D'Hautpoul. Manuel du Style epistolaire. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1841 Bischof G. Populare Vorlesungen iiber naturwissenschaftliche Gegen- stande aus den Gebieten der Geologic, Physik und Chemie. 8vo. Bonn, 1843 Lehrbuch der chemischen und physikalischen Geologic. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1847-51 Physical, Chemical, and Geological Researches on the In- ternal Heat of the Globe. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1841 Bischoff G. W. Handbuch d. botanischen Terminologie u. Systemkunde. 3 vols. 4to. JSiii-nberg, 1833-34 J. Deutsch-Zigeunerisches Worterbuch. 8vo. lUmenau, 1827 F. L. G. Trait^ du Developpement de I'llommo et des Mammi- f6res, tr. de I'Allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan. 8vo. Paris, 1843 W. F. Die Kocheme Waldiwerei in der reussischen Martine oder die Gauner und Gaunerai-ten ilire Taktik, Aufent- haltsorte. u. Sprache. 12mo. Neustadt, 1822 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 18$ Bischoff Fr. H. Th. und MoUer J. H. Vergleichendes Worterbuch der alten. Mittl. u. neuern Geographic. 8vo. Gotha, 1829 Biscioni A. M. Bibliothecae Mediceo-Laurentianae Catalogus Codices Orientales et Graecos complectens. Tom. 1 and 2 in 1 vol. Fol. Floren. 1752 Bibliothecae Ebraicae, Grsecse, Florentinae sive Biblio- thecse Mediceo-Laiirentianse Catalogue Codices Orien- tales omnes complectens. 2 vols. Svo. Florentiae, 1757 Bishop D. The Constitution of Society as designed by God. Svo. London, 1835 S. Poems on Various Subjects. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1802 Bishops, Proceedings and Trial of, in the Reign of James 11. 8vo. London, 1716 Bissati G. O. Memorie politiche della Citt^ di Alessandria. Aless. 1793-98 Bisselius J. Argonauticon Americanorum sive Ilistoriae Periculorum Pe- tri de Victoria ac Sociorum. 12mo. Monachii, 1647 Bisset R. The History of the Reign of George HI. to the Termination of the late War. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1803 Life of Edm. Burke. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800 Bissy C. Thiard de. Histoire d'Ema. 12mo. s. 1. 1752 Bistani P. Arithmetic in Arabic. Svo. Bey rout, 1848 Biston et Hanus. ISTouveau Manuel complet du Charpentier. Nouv. Edit. 12mo. Paris, 1856 Bout^reau et Hanus. Manuel du Chai-pentier, suivi d'une petit Traite de Geometric descriptive. 12mo. Paris, 1848 et Janvier. Manuel du Mccanicien Fontainier, du Pompier et du Plombier. 12mo. Paris, 1850 et Magnier. Manuel du Chaufournier. Nouv. fid. 12mo. Paris, 1850 Bitaube P. J. (Euvres completes, 9 vols. Svo. Paris, 1804 1-6. Homere, trad. — 7. Joseph. Po^me. — 8. Les Ba- taves. — 9. Hermann et Dorothee, tr. Bissach^re M. de la. Etat actuel de Tunkin, de la Cochinchine et des Royaumes de Gamboge, Laos et Leu-Cho. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1812 Bivort A. Album di Pomologie. 4 vols. Oblong 4to. Bruxclles, 1847-51 Bixio C. L. Marco Polo. Svo. Yenez. 1847 Bizarus P. Rerum Persicarum Historia, Mores, Listituta, &c., complec- tens, cum Indice. Fol. Francofurti, 1601 Bjelke IST. Tal om det forsta lycklige Tidhvarf for Sverige. Svo. Sthm. 1776 Bjorck S. Polymnia ellcr Skaldestycken, &c. Svo. Stockholm, 1^07 Bjomer E. J. De Geographia Scandinaviae veteri et Historiis Gothicis. 4to. Stockholm, 1716 Epistola Responsoria ad O. Celsium de ejusdem dubiis circa Delineationem et Explic. Runarum. 4to. Stock. 1726 De Stockholmise antiq. Situ, Nomine, &c. 4to. Stockholmiffi, 1731 Nordiska Kampadater, Gothice, Suetiee et Latine. Fol. Stockholmiae, 1737 Inledning til de yfverboma Goters gamla Hafder, &c. i. e. Introductio in Antiq uitates Hyberboreo-gothicas. FoL Stockhohnise, 1738 136 A8T0E LIBEAET. Bjomer E. J. De Orthographia Linguae Suiogothicse, tam Kunica quam vulgari. 4to. Stockholmise, 1T42 Bjornstahl J. J. Resa til Frankricke, Italien, Sweitz, Tyskland, Holland, Angland, Turkiet och Grekeland. 6 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1780-84 Briefe auf einem Eeisen, &c., iibers. von Groskurd. 6 vols. 8vo. Leip. 1780 Lettere nei suoi Yiaggi, trad, in Italiano. 6 vols. 8vo. Bjomstjerna M. F. F. Tableau politique et statistique de I'Empire Bri- tannique dans I'Inde, trad, de I'AUemand. 8vo. Paris, 1842 The Theogeny of the Hindoos, with their Philo- sophy. 8vo. London, 1844 Bjowulfs Drape et gothisk Helte-Digt. af Angel-saxisk paa danske Riim ved N. F. L. Gruntvig. 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1820 Blachette et Zoega. Manuel du Fabricant du Sucre. 12mo. Paris, 1841 Black J. Palseoromaica, or Histor. and Philosoph. Disquisitions. 8vo. London, 1822 Life of Torquato Tasso, with Historical and Critical Account of his Writings. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1810 Blackburn J. The Theory and Science of Naval Architecture. 8vo. Plymouth, 1836 Blackbume E. L. Decorative Painting of the Middle Ages. 4to. London, 1847 Blacker Y. Memoir of the Operations of the British Ai-my in Lidia during the Mahratta War, 1817-19. 4to. London, 1821 — W. The Claims of the Landed Literests to Legislative Protec- tion considered, and suitable Remedies for their Relief suggested. 8vo. London, 1836 Blackie J. S. The Pronunciation of Greek Accent and Quantity — a Phi- lological Inquiry. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1852 Blackmore R. A. The Doctrine of the Russian Church — being the Pri- mer and Catechisms translated from the Slavono- Russian Originals. 8vo. London, 1845 Blackstone W. The great Charter and Charter of the Forest, with other authentic Instruments. Royal 4to. Oxford, 1759 Commentaries on the Laws of England. Fourteenth Edition, with Notes and Additions bv Edward Chris- tian. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1803 Commentaries on the Laws of England, with Notes by J. L. Wendell. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1852 Blackwall A. The Sacred Classics Defended and Blustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1727-31 Blackwell E. A Curious Herbal, containing five hundred Cuts of the most useful Plants. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1739 T. Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1753-63 Inquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer. 8vo. London, 1736 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1817-1856. 79 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1817-56 Edinburgh Magazine. General Index. Yols. I. to L. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855 ALPHABETICAIi INDEX. 137 Blatter fur literarisclie Unterhaltimg, herausg. v. H. Brockhaus fiir die J. 1838-1848. 32 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1833-48 Blaeu "W. Institutio Astronomica de Usu Globorum et Sphseranim Caelestium ac Terrestrium, Latine redd, a Hortensio. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1634 Same. Secunda Editio. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1652 Same. Tertia Editio. Svo. Amstelodami, 1690 Institution astronomique de I'Usage des Globes et Spheres celestes et terrestres. 4to. Amsterdam, 1642 Blagdon F. W. A l^ew Dictionary of Classical Quotations, accompanied ♦ by corresponding Paraphrases or Translations from celebrated Britisli Poets. 12mo. London, 1819 Blaine D. P. Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports, a new Edition, revised and corrected by Harry Hieover. Roy. 8vo. London, 1852 Blainville H. M. Ducrotay de. Manuel de Malacologie et de Concby- liologie. Texte. 8vo. Paris et Strasbourg, 1825 Manuel de Malacologie, &c. Planches. Svo. Paris, 1827 Manuel d' Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie. 8vo. Paris, 1834 Osteographie, ou Description iconographique compa- r6e du Squelette et du Systeme dentaire des cinq. Classes d'Animaux vertebres, r^cents et fossiles. Ouvrage accompagne de Planches lithog. sous sa di- rection par M. J. C. Werner. Texte. 4to. Planches Folio. Livraisons 1-27. Texte, & 1-27. Planches. Paris, 1839-53 Memoire sur les Belemnites. 4to. Paris, 1827 Catalogue des Livres de sa Bibliotheque. 8vo. Paris, 1850 Blair H. Sermons. A new Edition. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1818 Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1823 Lezioni di Rettorica e Belle Lettere ; tradotte du F. Soave. IS'uova Edizione. 3 vols. 12mo. Genova, 1811 W. An Inquiry into the State of Slavery amongst the Romans. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1833 Blaise P. Nouveaux Siemens d'Algebre et de Gdomdtrie. 4to. Paris, 1743 La Gnoraonique ou la Science des Cadrans. Svo. Paris, 1746 Blake J. A General Biographical Dictionary of all Ages, ]N'ations, and Professions. Svo. Philadelphia, 1840 Blakey R. History of Moral Science. 2d Edition. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1830 History of the Philosophy of Mind. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1850 Historical Sketch of Logic. Svo. London, 1851 Blanc Ch. Ge. Manuel de 1' Amateur d'Estampes. Svo. Paris, 1850 L. Revolution frangaise. . Histoire de dix Ans. 1830-40. 5 vols. Svo. Paris, 1842-44 Socialisme, Droit au Travail. 12mo. Paris, 1848 L. G. Handbuch des Wissenswiirdigsten aus der iN^atur und Ge- schichte der Erde und ihrer Bewohner. 2 vols. Svo. Halle, 1833 M. J. F. Manuel pour I'Exploration des Mines. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1843 S. H. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 12mo. Madrid, 1848 138 . A8T0E LIBBAET. Blancano J. De Mathematicarum Natura Dissertatio, una cum claro- rum Mathematicorum Chronologia. 4to. Bononiae, 1615 Sphaera Mundi, sive Cosinographia Demonstrativa. 4to. Bononias, 1620 Sphaera Mundi. Accessere. Introductio ad Geoerapliiam. Apparatus ad Math. Studium. Tractatio de Echo. Opus postumum. 4to. Mutinae, 1635 See Aristotle. Loca Mathematica. Blancard S. The Physical Dictionary. 4th Edition. 8vo. London, 1T02 Blanch L. De la Science militaire, consideree dans ses Rapports avec les autres Sciences et avec le Systeme social. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Blanchard E. Histoire des Insectes. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1845 L. Life and Literary Remains of L. E. Landon. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1841 Sketches from Life. Edited, with a Memoir of the Au- thor, by E. Bulwer Lytton. 12mo. New York, 1846 P. L'Ecole des Moeurs, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. Lyons, 1804 Le Voyageur de la Jeunesse dans les quatre Parties du Monde. 2me Edition. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1806 Tresor (le) des Enfans, divise en trois Parties. 1. la Mo- rale, 2. la Vertu, 3. la Civilite. Septieme Edition. 12mo. Paris, 1807 Perrot et Thillaye. Manuel du Coloriste. 12mo. Paris, 1841 Nouveau Manuel du Coloriste. ITouvelle Edition. 12mo. Paris, 1856 W. J. The Complete Instructor in Short Hand. 4to. London Blanchini F. Ilesperi et Phosphori nova Phenomena sive Observationes circa Planetam Veneris. Fol. Romae, 1728 Astronomicae, ac Geographicae Observationes Selectae. 4to. Yeronae, 1737 Blanchus F. Dictionarium Latino-epiroticum. 8vo. Romae, 1635 Blanco Fr. M. Flora de Filipinas segun el Sistema sexual de Linneo. 8vo. Manila, 1837 Bland M. Algebraical Problems, &c. 8vo. Cambridge, 1828 Algebraical Problems, producing Simple and Quadratic Equa- tions, with their Solutions. 8vo. Cambridge, 1832 R. and Others. Collections from the Greek Anthology, and from the Pastoral, Elegiac, and Dramatic Poets of Greece. 8vo. London, 1813 Collections from the Greek Anthology. New Edition, by J. H. Merivale. ^ 8vo. London, 1833 T. Jr. The Bland Papers. • 2 vols. 8vo. Petersburg, 1840-43 AV. Hints on the Principles for the Form of Ships and Boats. 12mo. London, 1852 Blandford Marquis. Bibliotheca Blandfordiensis. 4to. London, 1812 Blandin P. F. Nouveaux El^mens d'Anatomie descriptive. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838 Blankaart S. Schouburg der Rnpsen, Wormen, Maden en vliegende Dierkens daar uit Voortkomende. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1688 Blanquart E. Traits de Photographic but Papier. 8vo. Paris, 1837 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 139 Blanqui A. Histoire de I'ficonomie politique en Europe, avec Bibliogra- phic des principaux Ouvrages. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837 Blanti S. Lexicon of the Italian Language in Modem Greek. Svo. Yenet. 1819 Blanvillain J. F. C. Le Parisaeum ou Tableau actuel de Paris. 12mo. Paris, 1807 Blaquiere E. Letters from the Mediterranean, containing an Account of Sicily, Tripoli, Tunis, and Malta. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1813 Blasis et Yergnaud. Manuel de la Danse, comprenant la Theoric, la Pra- tique et I'Histoire de cet Art, orne de Planches. 12mo. Paris Blasius. E. Handbuch der Akiurgie. Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Halle, 1839-43 Akiurgische Abbildungen. Eol. Berlin, 1844 Blassi^re I. I. Institution du Calcul numerique et litteral. 2 vols. 8vo. La Haye, 1770 Blavignac J. D. Histoire de 1' Architecture civile, avec Atlas. Svo. et 4to. Leipsic, 1853 Blaze E. Le Chasseur au Chien d' Arret. 4e Edition. Svo. Paris, 1846 Le Livre du Roy Modus et de la Eoyne Racio. iNouveUe Edi- tion, ornee de Gravures. Svo. Paris, 1839 r. H. J. La Danse et les Ballets depuis Bacchus jusqu'a TagUoni. 12mo. Paris, 1832 Blazewicz T. Theoretisch-praktische Grammatik der Dacoromanischen Sprache. Svo. Lemberg and Czernowitz, 1844 Bleda J. Coronica de los Moros de Espana. 2 vols. Eol. Yalencia, 1618 Bledow L. Schach-Partieen. Svo. Berlin, 1843 Blefken Dithmar. Islandia. 12mo. 1607 Blein Le Baron. Principes de Melodic et d'Harmonie deduits de la Theorie des Yibrations. Svo. Paris, 1838 Blessington Lady. The Idler in Italy. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1839-40 Tales, viz. Meredith, Strathern, Femme de Chambre, Marmaduke Herbert, Country Quarters. 8 vols. 12mo. Leipsic, 1843-50 Blesson L. Esquisse historique de I'Art de la Fortification permanente, traduit dc I'Allemand. Svo. Paris, 1849 J. L. U. Die Lehre von graphischen Defilement. Svo. Berlin, 1828 Bligh R. Reports of Cases heard in the House of Lords on Appeals and W rits of Error, 1819-21. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1823-27 Kew Reports, 1827-37. 11 vols. Svo. London, 1829-39 W. A Yoyage to the South Sea for the Purpose of Conveying the Bread Fruit Tree to the West Indies. 4to. London, 1792 Blin A. Dictionnaire Fran9ais-Tamoul et Tamoul-rran9ais. 4to. Paris, 1831 Bliss L. Jr. The History of Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Svo. Boston, 1836 Bloch M. E. Ichthyologie ou Histoire naturelle, generale et particuli^re des Poissons, avec des Figures cnluminees dessin^cs d'apr^s Nature en 12 Parties. 6 vols. Fol. Berlin, 1785-97 Systema Ichthyologise iconibus CX. illustratum post obi- tum Auctoris opus inchoatum absoluit J. G. Schneider. 2 vols. Svo. Berolini, 1801 140 A8T0B LIBEABT. Block M. Dictionnaire de 1' Administration frang. 8vo. Paris, 1856 Blodget S. Jr. A Statistical Manuel for the U. S. A. Svo. Washington, 1806 Blofeld J. H. Algeria, Past and Present. 8vo. London, 1844 Blogg S. C. Aedeficium Salomonis enthaltend eine vollst. Geschichte der hebraischen Sprache. 4to. Hannover, 1831 Blois E. de. Traits des Bombardments. 8vo. Paris, 1848 Bombardment de Schweidnitz par les Frangais en 1807, avec Plan, 8vo. Paris, 1849 Blome R. The Present State of His Majesties Isles and Territories in America. 8vo. London, 1687 Blomefield F. An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk, continued by C. Parkin. 11 vols. 8vo. London, 1805 Blondeau A. L. Histoire de la Musique modeme. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Blondel D. Familier lEcclaircissement de la Question si une Femme a este assise au Siege papal de Rome. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1649 E. Deux Ans en Syrie. 8vo. Paris, 1840 G. Le veritable Art de Naviger par le quai-tier de Reduction derni^re ed. 4to. Le Havre de Grace, 1713 J. F. Cours d' Architecture. 8^vols. 8vo. Paris, 1771-77 St. Aubin G. Trigonometric astronomique et maritime. 12mo. Le Havre de Grace, 1680 Blondin J. N. Manuel de la Puret6 du Langage. 12mo. Paris, 1836 Blondus F. Roma Triumphante, Libri X. &c. Fol. Basilese, 1531 Bloomfield S. T. Recensio Synoptica, Annotationes Sacrse, being a Cri- tical Digest and Synoptical Arrangement of the An- notations on the In ew Testament. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1826-28 A. Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament. 12mo. London, 1845 Blore T. The History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Yol. i. p. 2. (aU published.) Fol. Stanford, 1811 Blot L. De I'Autoritd dans les Societes modemes. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Blouet A. Expedition scientifique de Moree, Architecture, Sculptures, Inscriptions et Yues. 3 vols. Imp. Fol. Paris, 1831-38 Blount T. Glossographia, or a Dictionary interpreting all such hai*d "Words, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, &c., as are now used in our refined English Tongue. 8vo. London, 1670 T. P. Censura Celebriorum Authorum. Fol. Londini, 1690 Blue Laws (The) of New Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut ; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massa- chusetts ; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Yir- ginia, and S. Carolina. Compiled by an Antiqua- rian. 12mo. Hartford, 1838 Blum J. R. Lithurgik systematisch abgehandelt. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1840 Die Pseudomorphosen des Mineralreichs. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1843 Blumauer J. A. Gedichte. 8vo. Wien u. Prag. 1782 Blume F. Die westgothische Antiqua, oder das Gesezbuch Reccared des ersten, Bruchstiicke eines pariser Palimpsesten. Svo. Bonn. 1847 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 141 Blume F. Iter ItaJicum. Arcliive, Bibliotli. mid Inschriften in Itallen. 4 vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1824r-36 Blumenbacli J. F. De Generis Humani varietate Nativa. 8vo. Goettingse, 1Y81 • De I'Unit^ du Genre humain et de ses Yarietes. 8yo. Paris, 1804 Sex Decades CoUectionis suae Craniorum diversarum Gentium illustratse. 4to. Gottingse, 1820 N^ova Pentas Collectiones suae Craniorum diversa- rum Gentium tanquam complementum priorum. 4to. Gottingse, 1828 Synopsis Systematica Scriptorum quibus disciplinam suam augere et ornare studuerunt Professores Me- dici Gottingenses, 4to. Gottingse, 1788 Beitrage zur Katurgeschichte. 1. Menscbenvarietat. 2. Homo sapiens. 3. Ueber die segyptischen Mu- mien. 2 vols. 12mo. Gott. 1806-11 A Sboii; System of Comparative Anatomy. Trans- lated from the German by Wm. Laurence, with Notes. 8vo. London, 1807 ; Handbucb der l^aturgescbicbte. 8vo. Gottingen, 1807 Abbildungen naturhistorischen Gegenstande. ^o. 1-100. 8vo. Gottingen, 1810 A Manual of the Elements of Nat. History. Trans- lated from the 10th German Edit., by R. T. Gore. 8vo. London, 1825 Tlie Elements of Physiology. Translated from the Latin, with Notes, by John EUiotson. 4th Edit. 8vo. London, 1828 Blumenthal Mad. de. The Life of Gen. de Zieten. Translated from the German, by B. Beresford. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1803 Blundell J. The Principles and Practice of Obstetric Medicine. 8vo. London, s. a. Blunt C. F. The Beauty of the Heavens, exhibited in 104 Scenes. 4th Edition. Sm. 4to. London, 1849 J. A Historical Sketch of the Formation of the Confederacy, par- ticularly with Reference to the Provincial Limits and the Jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian Tribes and the Public Territory. 8vo. New York, 1825 Reports, Reviews, Speeches, and Miscellanies, B'd in 2 vols, 8vo. New York, v. y. J. J. Tlie Yeracity of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles ar- gued from the undesigned Coincidences found in them. 8vo. London, 1828 Bluteau R. Yocabulario Portuguez e Latino, autorizado com Exem- plos dos melhores Escritores, com Supplemento. 10 vols. Fol. Coimbra e Lisboa, 1712-28 Boaden J. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, interspersed with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827 Memoirs of the Life of John PhiHp Kemble, including a History of the Stage from the time of Garrick to the pre- sent. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825 142 ABTOB LIBBABT. Boaden J. An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Various Pictures and Prints (called Portraits) of Shakspeare. 8vo. London, 1824 The Life of Mrs. Jordan. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1831 Boag J. A Popular and Compl. Engl. Dictionary. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1848 Boase H. S. A Treatise on Primary Geology. 8vo. London, 1834 Bobrik H. Geographic des Herodot, mit zehn Karten. 8vo. Konigsberg, 1838 Bobrovnekovna A. Grammar of the Mongolian and Kalmuk Languages in Slavonic. 8vo. Kasan, 1849 Boccaccio G. H Decamerone. 4to. Firenze, 1529 A Counterfeit of the Giunta Edition of that date. De Muliebribus Prseclaris. 4to. Venetiis, 1547 Delli Monti, Selve, Boschi, Fonti, Laghi, Fiumi, Stagni, Pa- ludi, Golfi et Mari dell' universo mondo, trallatata dalla Latina nel thosco Idioma da Nicolo L. 4to. s. 1. et I. u. II Decamerone. 4to. Firenze, 1573 La Fiammetta. 12mo. Yenez. 1601 La Fiammetta. 12mo. Firenze, 1826 II Decamerone, diligentemente coretto da Yincenzio Mar- tinelli. Lpndon, 1762 La Teseide, nuovamente corretta su i Testi a Penna. Svo. Firenze, 1831 II Decamerone, corretto ed illustrato, con Note tratte da vari. 4 vols. Svo. Milano, 1803 Opere volgari, corrette sui Testi a Penna. 17 vols. Svo. Firenze, 1827-34 Yiz. Yols. 1-5. Decamerone. — 6. Fiammetta. — 7, 8. Fi- locolo. — 9. La Teseide. — 10-12. Comento sopra Dante, j — 13. Filostrato. — 14. Amorosa Yisione. — 15. Caccia di Diana. Yita di Dante. Ameto. — 16. Rime. — 17. Ninfale Fiesolana. Lettere. Boccalini T. Advertisements from Parnassus. Trans, into English by Carey E. of Monmouth. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1704 Boccius G. On the Management of Fresh Water Fish. ' Svo. London, 1841 On the Management of Fish in Rivers and Streams. Svo. London, 1848 Boccone P. Recherches et Observ^ations naturelles touchant le Corail, la Pierre d'Etoile, &c. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1674 Bochart S. Hierozoicon sive de Animalibus S. Scripturae. Recensuit E. F. C. Rosenmiiller. 3 vols. 4to. Lipsise, 1793-96 Geographia Sacra, seu Phaleg et Canaan. Editio tertia. Fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1692 Bock C. W. Analysis Yerbi, oder Nachweisung der Enstehung d. For- men des Zeitwortes fiir Person, Tempus u. Modus im Griech., Lat, Sanskrit u. Tiirkischen. Svo. Berlin, 1844 Die altesten Bewohner Aegyptens; deren Sprache und Hauptgottheiten. Svo. Berlin, 1845 M. de. Essai sur I'Histoire da Sab^isme. 12mo. Metz, 1788 Bocthor E. Abr6g6 des Conjugaisons arabes, &c. Svo. Paris, s. a. Dictionnaire fran9ais-arabe. Revu et augment^ par A. Caussin de Perceval. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1828, 29 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 14r3 Bode Georg Heinricli. Gesclilclite der hellenischen Dichtkunst. 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1838-40 J. E. Abhandlung von dem im J. 1T69, erschienen Kometen. 8vo. Hamb. 1769 Abhandlung von d. merkwiirdig. Durchgang d. Yenns durch d. Sonnenscbeibe an 3 Jul. 1Y69. 8vo. Hamburg, 1Y68 Yon dem neuen entdeckten Planeten. 8vo. Berlin, 1784 Ueber die Lage d. bisher bekannten Planetenbabnen. 8vo. Berlin, 1791 Sammlung astronomisch. Abhandlungen, Beobachtungen u. Nachrichten. Supp. zu dessen astron. Jabrb. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1793-1808 Beschreibung und Gebrauch einer auf den Horizont von Berlin entworfenen neuen "Weltcharte. Zweyte Ausgabe. 8vo. Berlin, 1793 Anleitung zur Kenntniss des gestirnten Himmels. Sie- i,bende Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1801 Uranograpbia sive Astrorum Descriptio. 2 vols. Fol. Berolini, 1801 Yerzeicbniss d. geraden Aufsteigung u. der Abweicbung von 5500 Stemen nacli Piazzi Beobacbt. 4to. Berlin, s. a. Considerations generales sur la Situation et la Distribution des Orbites de toutes les Plan^tes et Cometes. 8vo. Berlin, 1801 AUgemeine Beschreibung und Nacbweisung der Gestime. Description et Connoissance generale des Constellations. Fol. Berlin, 1801 Anleitung z. allg. Kentniss d. Erdkugel. 8vo. Berlin, 1803 Kurtzgefasste Erlauterung d. Sternkunde. 8vo. Berlin, 1808 u. Encke. Berliner astronomiscbes Jahrbucb fur d. J. 1776- 1850. 80 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1776-1850 MS. Anmerk. u. Zusatze zu d. Aufsatzen in Bode's astron. Jalirbncbem fiir die J. 1790-1816. Fol. ■ Kamen-und-Sacb Register d. Berl. Astron. Jabrb. 1776- 1829. 8vo. Berlin, 1829 Bodenstedt F. Die Yolker des Kaukasus und ibre Freiheitskampfe gegen die Russen. 8vo. Frankfurt-a.-M. 1849 Bodin J. De la Demonomanie des Sorciers. 4to. Paris, 1580 Bodoni G. B. Yita e Catalogo cronologico delle sue Edizioni. 2 vols. 4to. Parma, 1816 Manuale Tipografico. L. P. copy. 2 vols. 8vo. Parma, 1818 Bodz F. H. R. Staatswesen u. Menscbenbildung, umfassende Betracht- ungen iiber die zunebmende iS^ational-und-privat-Ar- muth. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1837-39 Boduszynski A. Physicaliscb-astronomische Yersucb iiber die "Welten- ordnung. 8vo. Leipzig, 1838 Boeckb A. Metrologische Untersuchungen iiber Gewicbte, Miinzfusse und Masse des Altertbums. ^ 8vo. Berlin, 1838 Manetho und .die hundstem Periode, ein Beitrag zur Ge- scbichtederPharaonen. 8vo. Berlin, 1845 Corpus Inscriptionum Grsecarum. Auctoritate et impensis Acad. Litter. R. Boruss. 3 vols. Fol. Berolini, 1828-63 144 A8T0B MBBAET. Boeckler G. A. Theatrum Macliinanim in Latinnm. Translatnm per H. Schmitz. Fol. Colonise- Agrippinse, 1662 Bdhl de Faber J. N. Floresta de Eimas antiguas Castellanas. 3 vols. 8vo. Hamburgo, 1825-27 Teatro Espanol anterior a Lope de Yega. Svo. Hamburgo, 1833 Boelimen or Behmen J. Theosophia Revelata, oder alle gottliche Schrift- en. 4 vob. 8vo. Leipzig, 1730 "Works translated into English, with Figures illustrating his Principles, by W. Law. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1764-81 Vol. I. Life of the Author.— The Aurora.— The Three Prin- ciples. n. The Threefold life of Man.— The Answers to Forty Questions concerning the Soul. — ^The Treatise of the Incarnation. — ^The Clavis or Explanations of his Writings. HE. The Mysterium Magnum, or an Explanation of the Book of Genesis. — Four Tables of Divine Revela- tion. IV. Signatura Rerura. — ^Way to Christ. — Election of Grace. — ^Predestination. — A Discourse between a Soul thirsting after the Foimtain of Life and a Soul en- lightened. — Of the Four Complexions. — Of Christ's Testaments, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper. The Tree of Christian Faith ; being a true Information how a Man may be one Spirit with God. 4to. London, 1644 Mercurius Teutonicus, or a Christian Information concerning the Last Times. 4to. London, 1649 Of Christ's Testaments, viz. Baptism and the Supper. 4to. London, 1652 Important Truths relating to Spiritual and Practical Christi- anity. 12mo. London, 1769 The Way to Christ discovered and described. 12mo. Bath, 1775 Boehmer G. R. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Historise Naturalis, CEConomisB aliarumque Artium ad illam Pertinerjtium. ' ' 8 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1785-89 J. H. Listitutiones Juris Canonici. 8vo. Halse Magdeburg, 1760 Boehtlingh O. Bemerkungen z. zweiten Ausgabe v. F. Bopp's kri- tischer Grammatik der Sanskrit Sprache. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1845 • Kritisch-Bemerkungen z. zweiten Ausgabe v. Kasem- Bek's turkisch-tatarischer. Uebersetz. v. J. T. Zenker. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1848 u. Rieu C. Hemakandra's AbhidkSnakintamani, ein sys- temat. angeord. synonym. Lexicon herausg. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1847 Boker J. H. A. Nimm u. Lies I eine Betrachtungsbuch. 12mo. Aachen, 1850 Boemus J. Mores, Leges et Ritiis omnium Gentium. 24mo. Lugduni, 1576 Gli Costumi, le Leggi, &c. 12mo. Venezia, 1542 Boerhaave H. Prselectiones AcademicsB in proprias Institutiones Rei Medicfle. Edidit A. Haller. 7 vols. 12mo. Gottingae, 1744 Boeme L. Briefe aus Paris, 1830-31. 6 vols. 12mo. Hamburg, 1832 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 145 Borsenblatt fiir den deutschen Buchliandel, 1852-54. 6 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1852-54 Boethius A. M. T. S. Consolationis Philosophiae, Libri Y., ejusdem opus- cula Sacra. 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1761 — Epitome Compendiosa atque Introductio in Arith- meticam. Introductio in Geometriam, &c., a Fabro. Fol. Paris, 1510 K. Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of the Metres of B., with an English Translation and Notes, by S. Fox. 8vo. London, 1835 — H. The History and Chronicles of Scotland, translated by J. Bellenden. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1821 de Boot A. Le parfait Jouaillier. 12ino. Lyon, 1644 Boettcher F. De inferis rebusque post mortem Futuris ex Hebrseorum et Grsecorum Opinionibus. 8vo. Dresdae, 1846 Boetticher C. Die Holz-architectur d. Mittelalters. Fol. Beriin, s. a. Architektonische Formen-schule in ornament. Erfindungen als Yorbilder z. TJnterricht. Fol. Potsdam, 1847 W. Lexicon Taciteum, sive de Stilo C. C. Taciti. 8vo. Berolini, 1880 Bottiger C. A. Kleine Schriften archaolog. und antiquarischen Inhalts. Gesammselt und herausg. von Jul. Sillig. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1837-38 Die aldobrandische Hochzeit. 4to. Dresden, 1810 Sabina oder Morgenscenen im Putzzimmer einer vor- nehner Romerin. 8vo. Leipzig, 1811 Amalthea oder Museum der Kunstmythologie und bild- lichen Alterthumskunde. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1820-25 Boettiger C. W. Geschichte des Kurstaats und Konigreiches Sachsen. 2 vols. 8vo. Hamburg, 1830-31 Heinrich der Lowe, Herzog der Sachsen und Bayem. Ein biographische Versuch. 8vo. Hanover, 1819 BofaruU y Mascaro. Los Condes de Barcelona vindicados. 2 vols. 8vo. Barcelona, 1836 Bogan Z. Comparatio Homeri cum Scriptoribus Sacris. 8vo. Oxonise, 1658 Bogaerts F. Recueil d'Autographes facsimiles. 8vo. Anvere, 1846 Bogda Getser Khan. The Deeds of the Hero ; Mongalese Text. Edited by I. J. Schmidt. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1836 Bogue D. Nature and Lnportance of a good Education. 8vo. London, 1808 Bohadsch J. B. Beschreibung einiger minderbekannten Seethiere. 4to. Dresden, 1776 Bohlen P. A. Commentatio de Origine Linguae Zendicse e Sanscritse. 8vo. Regimontii, 1831 P. V. Das alte Indien mit. bes. Riicksicht auf ^gvpten. 2 vols. 8vo. Konigsb. 1830-31 Bohn Henry G. Catalogue of Books, 1948 and 152 pp. 8vo. London, 1841 A Catalogue of Books. Vol. 1. Containing Natural Sciences, Books of Prints, &c. 8vo. London, 1848 Part 2. Section 1. Greek and Latin Classics. 8vo. London, 1850 Handbook of Games. 12mo. London, 1850 YoL. I. 10 146 A8T0B LIBEAET. Bohnenberger J. G. F. Anleitnng zur geographischen Ortsbestimmung. 8vo. Gottingen, 1795 MS. Anmerkungen to the above. FoL Anfangsgriinde d. hoheren Analysis. 8vo. Tubingen, 1811 Astronomic. 8vo, Tubingen, 1811 Beschreibung eines Normalbarometers. 8vo. 1828 Bohusz S. S. de. See Siestrencewicz. Boianus L, H. De Merycotherii Sibirici Dentibus. 4to. Yilnse, 1823 Boid Capt. E. Description of the Azores or W. Islands. 8vo. London, 1838 Boileau-Despreaux N. (Euvres, avec Figures. 4to. Paris, 1Y98 Same. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1800 CEuvres, avec un nouveau Commentaire par M. Amar. 4 Tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1821 Yiz. Yol. 1. Satires, Epitres.— Yol. 2. L'Art po- dtique, Le Lutrin. — Vol. 3. Traite du Sublime de Longin, Traduction et Critique. — Yol. 4. Lettrea ecrites 1673-1711. Boindin N. Chef-d'oeuvres dramatiques. 12mo. Paris, 1791 Bois-Bertrand E. D. Cours d'Algebre k I'Usage des Aspirants a I'ficole polytechnique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-11 Boisduval J. A. Manuel de Botanique. 2e Partie. Flore frangaise, avec Atlas. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1836 Faune entomologique de I'Oceanie, comprenant les Co- leopteres, les Hemipt^res, les Neuropteres, les Hyme- nopt^res et les Dipt^res. 8vo. Paris, 1835 Boisgelin L. de. Ancient and Modem Malta, containing a Description of the Ports and Cities of the Islands of Malta and Goza, as also the History of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. With Yiews, Portraits, Maps, &c. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1804 Ji£, de. Histoire militaire de Flandre, ou Campagnes du Ma- rechal de Luxembourg. Published under the as- sumed name of Beauvain. 3 vols. Fol. Paris, 1755 Boissard J. J. Theatrum Yitas Humanae k Theodoro Bryio illustratum. 4to. Metse, 1596 Boissat P. de. Histoire des Chevaliers de I'Ordre de S. Jean de Hieru- salem, contenant leur admirable Institution et Police, &c. &c. Cy-devant escrite par le feu S. D. B. S. D. L. Augment6e par J. Baudoin. On a joinct les Or- donnances du Chapitre general tenu en 1632. 2 vols. Fol. Paris, 1643 Boisseau F. G. Pyr6tologie physiologique ou Traite des Fi^vres. 3me Edit. 8vo. Paris, 1826 Boisseree S. Histoire et Description de la Cath^drale de Cologne. Fol. Stuttgart, 1823 Yues, Plans, Coupes et D6tail8 de la Cathedrale de Co- logne. ^ Fol. Stuttgart, 1821 Monuments d' Architecture du septi^me au treizi^me Sie- cle dans les Contrees du Rhin inferieur. Fol. Munich et Stuttgart, 1843 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 14Y Boissiere C. de. Art poetique, reduict et abrege. L'Art d'Arythme- tique. Le tres-excellent et ancien Pythagorique, diet Rithmomachie. 8vo. Paris, 1554 Boissonade J. F. Ex Procli Scholiis in Cratylum Platonis excerpta. 8vo. Lipsise, 1820 Boissy L. de. Chef-d'CEuvres dramatiques. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1Y91 Boiste P. C. V. Dictionnaire universel de la Langue fran5ai8e, avec le Latin, Quatrieme Edition. Obi. 8vo. Paris, 1812 Dictionnaire universel de la Langue frangaise, avec le Latine et les fitymologies. Sixi^me Edition. 4to. Paris, 1823 Boitard M. P. Manuel de I'Architecte des Jardins, avec Atlas, 4to. 12mo. Paris, s. a. Manuel de Botanique (le Partie), avec Atlas, 4to. 12mo. Paris, 1852 Manuel du Cordier, contenant la Culture des Plantes tex- tiles et la Fabrication de toutes Sortes de Cordes. 12mo. Paris, s. a. Manuel du Cultivateur forestier, contenant I'Art de cul- tiver en Forets tons les Arbres indigenes et exotiques. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, s. a. Manuel d'Entomologie. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1843 Manuel du Naturaliste preparateur, ou I'Art d'empailler les Animaux, de conserver les Yegetaux et les Mine- raux, de preparer les Pieces d' Anatomic et d'embau- mer. 12mo. Paris, 1836 llTouveau Manuel complet du Naturaliste prdparateur. Nouvelle Edition. 12mo. Paris, 1853 Manuel de Physiologic vegetale, de Physique, &c. Ap- pliquees a la Culture. 12mo. Paris, 1829 Manuel de 1' Amateur de Roses, leur Monographic, leur Histoire, et leur Culture. 1 vol. Fig. coloriees. 12mo. Paris, 1838 Boital Ch. Quelques Mois de I'Existence d'un Fonctionnaire public aux Colonies de la Gaudeloupe et de la Martinique. 8vo. Paris, 1832 Boivin &^Duges. Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Uterus, &c. Translated by G. O. Fleming, with Notes. 8vo. Atlas 4to. London, 1834 Bojardo M. M. Orlando innamorato. 2 vols. 4to. Yenez. 1546 See Berni F. Orlando rifatto. Boke of Curtasye (The). An English Poem of the Fourteenth Century. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. London, 1841 Bolaffey H. Y. An easy Grammar of the Primeval Language, commonly called the Hebrew. 8vo. London, 1820 Boldetti M. A. Oservazioni sopra i Cimiterj de SS. Martiri ed anti- chi Cristiani di Roma. Fol. Roma, 1720 Boletino Bibliografico Espanol e Estrangero, comprende todas las Publi- caciones nuevas Espaiioles, &c., 1840-50. Yols. 1-11. 8vo. Madrid, 1843-50 Bolingbroke H. A Yoyage to the Demerary, containing a StatistieaL Account of the Settlements there. 4to. London, ISOt 148 ASTOB LIBKAKT. Bolingbroke St. John Vise. Works published by David Mallet. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1754 Vol. I. Miscellanies and Remarks on English History. n. Dissertation on Parties. — On the Study and Use of History. [HI. Idea of a Patriot King. — On the State of Parties. — Present State of the Nation. — ^Essay on Human Know- ledge. rV. Essays, Philosophical and Theological. Y. Fragments and Minutes of Essays. — Works, with a Life prepared expressly for the Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841 Letters and Correspondence, Public and Pri- vate. Edited by G. Parke. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1798 Memoires secrets depuis 1710 jusqu'en 1716. 8vo. Londres, 1754 Bollan W. Free Britons' Memorial, and Supplemental Memorial to the Electors of the Members of the Br. Parliament. 4to. London, 1770 Right of every Man to Speak and Write Freely. Defence of the Free State of Man in England. 4to. London, 1772 BoUandus J. See Acta Sanctorum. Boiler A. Ausfiihrliche Sanskrit-Grammatik. 8vo. Wien, 1847 BoUetti G. G. Dell' Origine e dei Progress! dell' Listituto delle Scienze di Bologna. 8vo. Bologna, 1763 Bologna, Instituti atque Academise Bononiensis Scientiarum et Artium Commentarii. Yols. 1-7. 4to. Bononiae, 1748-91 Novi Commentarii. Yols. 1-10. 4to. Bononiae, 1834-49 See BoUetti G. G. Dell' Origine, dell' Institute, &c. et Gatti G. Descrizione delle piu rare cose di B. Bolton J. Harmonia Ruralis, or an Essay towards a Natural History of British Song Birds. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1845 R. A History of the County of Westchester. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1848 • History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the County of Westchester. 8vo. New York, 1855 Bombay, Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Ob- servatory for the year 1847. 2 vols. Fol. Bombay, 1850-51 Literary Society Transactions. 8 vols. 4to. London, 1819-23 Geographical Soc. Transactions. Yol. 9. 8vo. Bombay, 1850 Bombet L. E. Lives of Haydn and Mozart. 8vo. London, 1818 Bon Jardinier (Le). Almanach pour les Annies 1817, 1824, 1853. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris Bonafous M. Histoire naturelle, agricole et dconomique du Miiis. Roy. Fol. Paris and Turin, 1836 Traite de I'fiducation des Yers 4 Sole et de la Culture du Murier. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Bonald L. G. A. de. Les vrais Principes oppos^ aux Erreurs du 19e Si^le. 8vo. Avignon, 1833 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 149 Bonald L. G. A. de. Legislation primitive. Quatri^me Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Bonanni G. Dell' antica Siracusa illustrata. 4to. Messina, 1624 P. Observationes circa Yiventia, quae in rebus non viventibus reperiuntur. 4to. Komae, 1691 Musaeum Kircherianum jampridem incoeptum, nuperresti- tutum, auctum et descriptum. Folio. Romse, 1709 Ordinum Equestrium Catalogus. (Lat. et Italice.) 4to. Komae, 1711 Rerum Naturalium Historia, in Museo Kircheriano, nunc vero N'ovo Methodo distributa. ^ Fol. Romae, 1773 Descrizione degli Istromenti Armonici d'ogni genere. 4to. Roma, 1776 Bonaparte. Storia genealogica della Famiglia B., della sua Origine fino all' estinzione del Ramo gia esistente nella Citta di S. Mi- niato, scritta da un Sanminiatese. 8vo. Firenze, 1846 Histoire de la Famille B. de 1260 k 1830, par H. Raisson. 18mo. Paris, 1830 • :- C. L. American Ornithology, or Natural History of Birds of the United States not given by Wilson. 4 vols. Fol. Philadelphia, 1825-33 The Genera of North American Birds. 8vo. New York, 1828 Sulla seconda Edizione del Regno animale di Cuvier. 8vo. Roma, 1832 Supplemento alio Specchio comparative delle Ornito- h)gia di Roma e di Filadelfia. 8vo. Pisa, 1832 Iconografia della Fauna Italica par le quattro Classi degli Animali vertebrati. 3 vols. Fol. Roma, 1832-41 Osservazioni suUo Stato della Zoologia in Europa. 8vo. Firenze, 1842 Jacopo. Raggualio Storico di tutto I'Occorso, giomo per gi- orno nel sacco diRoma dell' anno 1527, scritto da J. B. che vi si trovo presente, transcritto dall' Au- tografo di esso ed ora per la prima volta dato in Luce. 8vo. Colonia, 1756 Same in French. Tableau historique, &c. Tra- duit de ritalien. 8vo. Paris, 1809 Joseph. Mcmoires et Correspondance politique et militaire du Roi Joseph, publics, annotes, et mis en ordre par A. du Casse. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1853-55 Histoire des Negociations diplomatiqnes relatives aux Traite de Mortfontaine, de Luneville et d' Amiens, pour faire suite aux Mcmoires du Roi Joseph. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855-56 Louis. Reponse a Sir W. Scott, sur son Histoire de Napoleon. Seconde Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1829 Maria ossia Le Olandesi, Yersione italiano. 2 vols. 12mo. Firenze, 1815 Essai sur la Yersification. 2 vols. 8vo. Florence, 1825-26 Poesies. 2 vols. 8vo. Florence, 1831 Mcmoires sur sa Cour et sur la Hollande. 8vo. Paris, 1828 160 A8T0B LIBBABT. Bonaparte Liicien. Charlemagne ou I'Eglise deli vr6e. 2 vols. 4to. Rome, 1814 Museum etrusque, fouilles de 1828 a 1829. Yases peints avec Inscriptions. 4to. Viterbe, 182^ Memoirs. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1835 See also, Napoleon I. et III. Bonar A. R. Incidents of Missionary Enterprise. Third Edition. 12mo. London, 184& Bonchamps Madame de. Memoires rediges par Mme. de Genlis. 8vo. Paris, 1821 Bond Henry. Family Memorials. Genealogies of the Families and De- scendants of the Early Settlers of "Watertown, Mass. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1855 Minnesota and its Resources. 12mo. Kew York, 1854 W. C. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard Col- lege. Yol. 1. 4to. Cambridge, 1855 Bonde G. Statera Universalis. 4to. Tubingae, 1703 Bondi C. II Matrimonio, Sonetti morali. 4to. Parmae, 1793 Bonelli G. et al. Hortus Romanus juxta Systema Tournefortianum. 7 vols. Fol. Romge, 1772-84 Bonfadius J. Annales Genuenses ab anno 1528 usque ad ann. 1550. 4to. Paviae, 1586 Same, in Italian, trad, da B. Paschetti. Fol. Genova, 1597 Bongars J. Gesta Dei per Francos, sive orientalium Expeditionum et Regni Francorum Hierosolymitani Historia, a variis Scrip- toribus cosetaneis. 2 vols. Fol. Hanoviae, 1611 Bonhours D. The Life of St. Francis Xavier. From tlie French, by a Catholic Clergyman. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1841 Boni M. Letteri sui primi Libri a Stampa di Alcuni Citti e Terre dell' Italia superiore. 4to. Yenezia. Bonicelli Y. Principi de Astronomia. 8vo. Bergamo, 1834 Bonincontri L. Historia sicula. 3 vols. 8vo. Florentiae, 1739-40 Bonn, the University of. Its Rise, Progress, and Present State, by a Member of the Middle Temple. 12mo. London, 1845 Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum, Acta nova physico-medica. Yols. 1-8. 4to. Norimbergae, 1757-91 Yol. 9th has also the title in German : Yerhandlungen der Leo- poldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforcher, of which It is Yol. 1. Tlie volumes which follow preserve both Titles and are numbered 10-25. Yols. 10-19 are in 2 parts, and Yols. 22, 23, and 24 the same ; Yols. 20, 21, and 25 are single ; there are supplements to Yols. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, p. 1 and 2 ; 19, p. 1 and 2 ; 21, and 22, making in all 47 vols. 4to. Norimbergae et Bonnae, 1757-1855 The earlier publications of the same Academy are : Miscellanea Curiosa. Decuria I. Ann. 1-10. 4to. Francof. et Lipsiae, 1670-84 Decuriae II. and HI. 4to. Norimbergae, Lips, et Frankf. 1684-1706 " Ephemerides sive Observ. Med. Phys. Centuria? 1-10. 4to. Aug. Yind. et Norimb. 1712-22 " Acta Physico-Medica. Yols. 1-10. 4to. Norimb. 1727-54 Tlie set in the A. Library is complete witli the exception of Ephe- merides 1720-22 and the Acta Phys.-Med. for 1753-54. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 151 Bonnal M. Abolition du Proletariat. 12mo. Paris, 1749 Bonnard R. A. de. Aper9u geognostique des Terrains. 8vo. Paris, 1819 Notice geognostique sur quelques Parties de la Bourgogne. Svo. Paris, 1825 Sur la Constance des Faits g^ognostiques qui accom- pagnent le Gisement du Terrain d'Arkose k I'est du Plateau central de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1828 Bonnardot A. Des Telescopes de tout Genre, leurs Effets, leur Theorie, I'Epoque de leur Invention, leurs Perfectionnements, &c. 12mo. Paris, 1855 Bonnechose E. de. Les quatre Conqu^tes de I'Angleterre. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Tlie Reformers before the Reformation. 8vo. New York, 1844 Bonnefin M. Doctrine de 1' Algdbre, basee sur de vrais Principes encore inconnus. 8vo. Paris, 1820 Bonnellus E. Lexicon Quintilianeum. Svo. Lipsiae, 1832 Bonner E. Bp. Life and Defence, by a Tractarian Critic. 8vo. London, 1842 Bonnet A. Traits des Maladies des Articulations, accompagne d'un Atlas de 16 Planches. 2 vols. 8vo. Lyon, 1845 C. CEuvres d'Histoire naturelle et de Philosophic, 18 vols. Svo. Neuchatel, 1777-83 Contemplation de la Nature. 3 vols. Svo. Hambourg, 1782 Same in Italian, trans, by Spallanzani. 4 vols. Svo. Yenezia, 1818 J- E. Etats-Unis de I'Amerique, a la lin du ISe Si^cle. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1802 et Malpeyre. Manuel du Fabricant de Draps. 12mo. Paris, 1836 Bonneville Capt. See L-ving W. Bonney S. W. A Yocabulary with Colloquial Phrases of the Canton Dia- lect. Svo. Canton, 1854 Bonnycastle J. An Introduction to Astronomy. Svo. London, 1786 R. H. Spanish America. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1818 Bonpland A. Description des Plantes rares que I'on cultive a Malmaison et a Navarre. Liv. 1, 2, 3. Fol. Paris, 1813 Monographic des Melastomacees. Melastomes et Rhexies. 2 vols. Fol. Paris, 1836 For other works published conjointly with Humboldt, see Humboldt A. Bonstetten C. Y. de. Yoyage sur la Sc^ne des six demiers Livres de TEneide. Svo. Geneve, 1805 Recherches sur la Nature et les Lois de I'Imagina tion. 2 vols. Svo. Geneve, 1807 L'Homme du Midi et I'Homme du Nord. Svo. Geneve, 1824 La Scandinavie et les Alpes. Svo. Geneve, 1826 Bonynge F. The Future Wealth of America, being a Glance at the Re- sources of the United States. 12mo. New York, 1853 Book (The) of Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin. Edited by J. C Crosthwaite, with an Introduction by J. H. Todd, 4to. Dublin, 1844 152 A8TOE LIBRARY. Booke (The) of the Universall Kirk of Scotland. Edited by Alexander Peterkin. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839 — ■ for a Justice of Peace. 12mo. London, 1559 Boone T. C. Tlie Book of Churches and Sects. Svo. London, 1826 Boorhani Qati. A Dictionary of the Persian Lanenage, explained in Persian ; with a Grammar and Appendix, &c. Ar- ranged by Thos. Koebuck. 4to. Calcutta, 1818 Boorhani Qati. Persian Dictionary translated into Turkish. Fol. Boulak (1251), 1836 Boote R. An Historical Treatise of an Action or Suit at Law ; the se- cond Edition. Svo. London, 1781 Booth D. An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language, a corrected Edition. 4to. London, 1836 G. The Nature and Practice of Real Actions. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1811 J. A Lexicon of the Primitive Words of the Greek Language. Svo. London, 1820 J. C. Memoir of the Geological Survey of the State of Delaware. 8vo. Dover, 1841 and Morfit E. Smithsonian Report on Recent Improvements in the Chemical Arts. Svo. Washington, 1852 Bopp F. tJber das Conjugationssystem in Vergleichung, mit jenem d. griech., latein., persischen, &c. Svo. Frankfurt-a-M. 1816 Yergleichende Zergliederung des Sanskrits und der mit ihm verwandten Sprachen. 4to. Berlin, 1824 Ausfiihrliches Lehrgebaude der Sanskrit-Sprache. 4to. Berlin, 1827 Yergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Litthauischen, Altsclavischen, Gothischen und Deutschen. Svo. Berlin, 1833-50 Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, &c. Trans- lated from the German principally by Lieutenant Eastwick. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1845 t!rber dieYerwandtschaftder malayisch-polynesischen Sprach- en mit den indisch-europaischen. 4to. Berlin, 1841 Kritische Grammatik der Sanskrit Sprache in kiirzerer Fass- ung. Zweite Ausgabe. Svo. Berlin, 1845 Glossarium Sanscritum. 4to. Berolini, 1847 Yergleichendes Accentuations-System des Sanskrit und Griech- ischen. Svo. Berlin, 1854 Bor P. Oorsprongk, Begin en Yervolgh der nederlandsche Oorlogen, Beroertou en borgerlyke Oneenigheden. Svo. Fol. Amsterdam, 1679-84 Borda Ch. de. Description et Usage du Cercle de Reflexion, etc. 4to. Paris, 1787 Same. ^ ^ ^ 4to. Paris, 1802 Tables trigonomdtriques d6cimales, revues et publiees par J. B. J. Delambre. 4to. Paris, 1801 Borde P. Tables de Surfaces, pour les Calculs des D^blais et Remblais de Chemins de Fer, Routes et Canaux. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1866 Bordeaux. Academic R. des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts. Seances publiques 1827-1832. 2 vols. Svo. Bordeaux, 1827-32 ALPHABETICAL DfDEX. 153 Bordeaux. Catalogue des Livres composant la Biblioth^que de la Ville de Bordeaux. Y vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830-51 Notice historique sur la Fondation, &c., de la Biblioth^que de Bordeaux, par Bernadan. Svo. Bordeaux, 1850 Borden T. de. Inquiries concerning the Varieties of the Pulse. Svo. London, 1Y64 Bordone B. Libro . . . nel qual si Kagiona de tutte I'lsole del Mondo. Pol. Yinegia, 1528 Isolario ... nel qual si Eagiona di tutte I'lsole del Mondo. Fol. Yinegia, 1547 Bordwine J. Memoir of a proposed New System of Permanent I brtifica- tion. 4to. London, 1834 Borel F. De I'Origine et des Fonctions des Consuls. Svo. Leipzig, 1831 Borell P. A new Treatise proving a Multiplicity of Worlds. 12mo. London, 1658 Borelli J. A. De Yi percussionis et motionibus naturalibus a Gravitate pendentibus. Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1686 Tlieoricse Mediceorum Planetarum ex Causis Physicis de- ductse. 4to. Florentise, 1666 De Motu Animalium cui accessit J. Bernouilli de Motu Musculorum. 4to. Lugd. Bat. lYlO Borget A. Sketches of China and the Chinese. Fol. London, 1842 Borghesi D. Kime. P. 1, 2, and 3. Sm. Svo. Padova, 1566 Borghini Y. Discorsi. 2 vols. 4to. Firenze, 1584-85 Borgia S. Memorie istoriche della pontifizia Citt^ di Benevento. 3 vols. 4to. Eoma, 1763-69 Borgnet A. Essai de Geometric analytique de la Sphere. Svo. Tom-s, 1847 Borgnis J. A. Traite complet de Mecanique appliqu^e aux Arts. 8 vols. 4to. Paris, 1818-20 Theorie de la Mecanique usuelle. 4to. Paris, 1821 Dictionnaire de Mecanique appliquee aux Arts. 4to. Paris, 1823 Borgo L. (Pacioli di Borgo San Sepulcro), Summa de Arithmetica, Geo- metria. Proportion! et Proportionality. Fol. Yenetiis, 1494 Borkhausen M. D. Naturgeschichte der europaischen Schmetterlinge. 5 vols. Svo. Frankfurt, 1788-94 Borkhausen, Lichthammer, Bekker et Lembke, Teutsche Ornithologie. Fol. Darmstadt, 1800-11 Borkowski S. D. Observations generales sur les Rapports des differentes Structures de la Terre, d'apr^s la Theorie de Werner. 4to. Paris, 1809 Borlase W. Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall. Second Edition. Fol. London, 1779 Bom M. Gnomonique graphique et analytique, ou I'Art de tracer les Cadrans solaires. Svo. Paris, 1846 J. Travels through the Banat of Temeswar, Transylvania, and Hungary. Svo. London, 1777 Catalogue de la Collection des Fossiles de M'Ue Eleonore de Raab. 2 vols. Svo. Yienne, 1790 New Process of Amalgamation of Gold and Silver Ores, &c. Translated by R. E. Kaspe. ^ 4to. London, 1791 See Physiophilus J. Specimen Monacologise. 154 A8T0B UBEAKY. Borne Abb6. Compendio di Storia universale, tradotta dal Francesa da Gio. Fabretti. Firenze, 1833 Borowski G. H. Gemeinniitzige Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs mit Abbildungen. 16 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1780-89 L. E. Darstellung des Lebens und Charakters Immanuel Kants, von Kant selbst berichtet. 12mo. Konigsberg, 1804 Borri C. Relation de la nouvelle Mission au Royaume de la Cochin Chine. Trad, de I'ltalien par Antoine de la Croix. 12mo. Rennes, 1631 Borring L. S. Dictionnaire fran5ais-danoi8 et danois-fran9ai8. 2 vols. 8vo. Copenh. 1841 Borromeo A. M. Notizia de' novellieri Italiani posseduti da lui. 8vo. Bassano, 1794 Catalogue of his Library, containing a most rare and curious assemblage of Italian Novels of the 15th and 16th centuries. 8vo. London, 1817 Borroni B. II Forestiere in Milano. 8vo. Milano, 1808 Borrow G. The Bible in Spain. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843 The Zincali, or an Account of the Gypsies of Spain. 2 vols. 12mo. 1842 Lavengro, the Scholar — ^the Gypsy — the Priest. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1851 • Targum, or Metrical Translations from Thirty Languages and Dialects. 8vo. St. Petei-sburg, 1835 Bory de St. Yincent J. B. G. M. Essais sur les lies fortunees de I'antique Atlantide, ou Prdcis de I'Histoire generale des Canaries. 4to. Paris, 1802 Yoyage dans les quatre principales Des des Mers d'Afri- que. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808 Yoyage souteiTain, ou Description du Plateau de Saint Pierre de Maestricht. 8vo. Paris, 1821 Guide Yoyageur en Espagne. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Essai d'une Classification des Animaux microscopiques. 8vo. Paris, 1826 Atlas encyclopedique, commence parM. Desmarest, acheve f)ar lui. 4to. Paris, 1827 lomme. Essai zoologique sur le Genre humain. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827 See also Expedition scientifique de Mor6e, et Duperrey, Yoyage autour du Monde. Bos L. Ellipses Graecae, ed. G. H. Schaefer. 8vo. Glasguse, 1813 Same, abridged and trans, into English, with Notes, by L. Bea- ger. 8vo. London, 1830 Bosanquet J. B. and Puller C. Reports of Cases in the Courts of Com- mon Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, and in the H. of Lords, 1796-1804. 3d Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1826 New Reports, 1804-7. 2d Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826 S. R. Tlie Rights of the Poor and Christian Almsgiving vin- dicated. 18mo. London, 1841 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 165 Bosc L. A. G. Manuel de I'Histoire naturelle, comprenant leur Descrip- tion et leurs Moeurs, ed. par A. G. Desmarest. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1830 d' Antic P. L'Art de la Yerrerie, la Faiencerie, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1Y80 Boscan J. Las Obras j Algunas de G. de la Yega. 12mo. Anvers, 159T Boscaven H. Manuel de Yersifi cation. 12mo. Bruxelles, s. a. Bosch A. Summari, Index o Epitome dels admirabiles y nobilissims Titols de Honor de Cathalunya, Eossello y Cerdanya. Fol. Perpinya, 1628 J. de. Brevis Descriptio suae Bibliothecae, Svo. Ultrajecti ad E,lienum, 1809 See Anthologia Grseca. S. H. Commerce de la Cote occidentale de I'Amerique du Sud. Avec un Atlas. Fol. and Svo. Bruxelles, 1848 Boscovich K. J. Trigonometria Sphserica. Svo. Komse, 1745 — Elementa Universse Matheseos. 3 vols. -ito. Komse, 1752-54 De continuatatis Lege et ejus consectariis pertinentibus ad prima materise elementa. 4to. Pomse, 1754 De Inequalitatibus quas Satumus et Jupiter sibi mutuo videntur. Svo. Eomse, 1756 Theoria Pbilosopb. Naturalis red. ad unicum Legem virium in Natura exist. 4to. Yenet. 1763 Opera pertinentia ad Opticam et Astronomiam. 5 vols. 4to. Bassan, 1785 Abriss d. Astronomic mit Eiicksicbt auf Schiffart. Svo. Leipz. 17S7 De Lunae Atmospbera. 4to. Yind. 1766 Dissertatio de Lumine. 4to. Eomse, 1749 Dissertationes ad Dioptricam. 4to. Yindob. 1767 De Solis et Lunae defectibus Carmen Lat. et Gallice. 4to. Paris, 1779 Bose G. M. In Eclipsin Terrae 1733, Mai 13. 4to. Lipsiae, 1733 H. Die zeichnende Geometric als Yorscbule f. das Studium d. Geometric. Svo. Dresd. 1846 Boseham H. de. Opera quae extant Omnia. Edidit J. A. Giles. 2 vols. Svo. Oxonii, 1845-46 Bosio A. Eoma Sotterranea. 4to. Eoma, 1710 Bosman W. A l^ew and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea. Svo. London, 1721 ^) Bossange Hector. Catalogue de Livres frangais, anglais,. &c., with five Supplements. Svo. Paris, 1845-53 Catalogue des Livres, Cartes geographiques, etc., qui ont ete publics en AUemagne en 1846. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris Bulletin bibhographique 1843-63. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1843-53 Ma Biblioth^que frangaise. 12mo. Paris, 1855 Bosse E. H. B. Grundziige des Finanzwesens im romischen Staate. 3 vols. 12mo. Braunschweig, 1804 Bossi G. I Negri della Nigrizia, etc. 2 vols. Svo. Torino, 1839 Sul Cenacolo di L. da Yinci. 4to. Milano, 1810 156 ABTOB LIBBABT. Bossi L. Yita di Cristoforo Columbo, con un' Appendice di Documenti rari e inediti. 8vo. Milano, 1818 Bossiu M. L'Art de Cultiver les Jardins. 12mo. Paris, 1853 Bossu A. Anthropologie ou Etude des Oreanea, Fonctions, Maladies de I'Homme et de la Femme. Avee un Atlas. 3 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1847 N. Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes occidentales. Seconde Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1768 Travels through that part of North America formerlv called Louisiana. Translated from the French by John Keinhold Forster. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1771 Bossuet J. B. Bp. (Euvres, revues sur les MS. originaux et les Editions les plus correctes. 43 vols. 8vo. Versailles, 1815-19 The works of Bossuet are arranged under the six fol- lowing classes in the above-named edition. 1st Class. "Writings relating to the Scriptures. 2. " Chiefly relating to his Diocese. 3. " Funeral Orations, Sermons, and Devotional] Treatises. 4. " Controversial and Critical. 5. " Universal History, &c., for the Education of the Dauphin. 6. " Letters and Miscellanies. Discours sur I'Histoire universelle. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1803-06 History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches, translated. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1829 Bossut C. Traite elementaire d'Hydrodynamique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1771 Traite theorique ex experim. d'Hydrodyn. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1796 Traite elementaire de Mechanique. 8vo. Paris, 1772 Same. 8vo. Paris, 1775 Traite elementaire d'Algebre. 8vo. Paris, 1781 Cours de Mathematique, nouv. Edit. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800-2 Traits de Calcul diff. et de Calcul integ. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1799 Histoire generale des Mathematiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802 Same. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810 and Viallot. Sur la Construction la plus avantageuse des Digues. 4to. Paris, 1808 Bost A. Histoire de I'Eglise des Frdres de Boh^me et de Moravie jusqu'd 1741. 2 vols. 8vo. Geneve, 1831 Bostock J. Sketch of the History of Medicine. 8vo. London, 1835 An Elementary System of Physiology. New Edition. 8vo. London, s. a. Boston Academy's Collection of Church Music. Obi. 12mo. Boston, 1835 Almanac for the years 1843, '45, '47, and 1856. 4 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1843-56 . Athenaeum Library Catalogue. 8vo. Boston, 1827 .. Births, Marriages, and Deaths for 1855, Registrar's Report of. Boston, 1855 Book for 1837, ed. by B. B. Tliatcher. Same for 1841. 2 vols. 12mo. Census for the year 1845. Report to the City Council, embra- cing Collateral Facts, &c., illustrating the History and Condition of the Population and their Means of Progress, by L. Shattuck. 8vo. Boston, 1846 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 157 Boston Census for 1855, Report on, with Analytical and Sfenitaiy Ob- servations, by J. Curtis. 8vo. Boston, 1856 City Documents, 1852-53. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1852-53 Cochituate Water Board. Eeport for 1855. 8vo. Boston, 1855 Directory containing a List of Merchants, &c., 1Y89. Reprint, 12mo. Boston Directory of the Citizens and Business for 1856. 8vo. Boston, 1856 Handel and Haydn Soc, Collection of Sacred Music. Obi 4to. Boston, 1835 Handel and Haydn Soc, Collection of Church Music. 2d and 7th Editions. 2 vols. Boston, 1823-29 Massacre, March 5, lYYO, Narrative of. 8vo. London, 1770 Medical and Surgical Journal. Yols. 52-54. 8vo. Boston, 1854-56 — Mercantile Library Catalogue and Reports, for 1854, '55, '56. 8vo. Boston, 1856 Orators from 1770 to 1852. 4th Edition. By J. S. Loring. 8vo. Boston, 1855 Public Library. Reports of the Trustees, 1852, '53, '54, '55. 8vo. Boston Public Library, Catalogue of Books. 8vo. Boston, 1854 Public Schools, Rules and Regulations. Report of S. Committee and Superintendent for 1855. 8vo. Boston, 1855 Receipts and Expenditures. City Auditor's Report. 8vo. Boston, 1854-55 Society of Nat. History, Journal. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1837-43 Society of Nat. History Proceedings, 1841-56. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1844-56 Taxes. List of Persons, Copartnerships, &c., who were taxed on Six Thousand Dollars and upwards in 1855. 8vo. Boston, 1856 For Histories of B. see Drake S. G., Frothingham R., Homans J. S., Quincy J., Shaw C, and Snow C. H. See also, Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Sciences. BosweU E. The Civil Division of the County of Dorset, methodically digested and arranged. 8vo. Sherborne, s. a. H. Historical Descriptions of Picturesque Yiews of the Anti- quities of England and Wales, being a new and complete Collection of superb Yiews of all the most remarkable Ruins and ancient Buildings, accompanied by letter-press Descriptions of the Places delineated. Fol. London, s. a. J. Tlie Life of Samuel Johnson, with Portrait after Sir J. Rey- nolds. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1791 Life of Saml. Johnson, including his Tour to the Hebrides, with Notes by various hands, and two Supplementaiy Yo- lumes of Anecdotes collected by Croker. 10 vols. 12mo. London, 1835 P. Treatise on the Poultry- Yard. 12mo. New York, 1841 Bosworth N. Hochelaga Depicta. The Early History and Present State of the City and Island of Montreal. 8vo. Montreal, 1839 . J. The Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with copious Notes illustrating the Structure of the Saxon and the Formation of the English Language. 8vo. London, 1823 Tlie Origin of the Germanic and Scandinavian Languages and Nations, with a Sketch of their Literature. 8vo. London, 1836 158 ABTOB LIBKABT. Bosworth J. A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language. 8vo. London, 1838 Botanique des Enfans. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800 Botanische Zeitung, redigirt von Mohl u. Schlechtendal. Vols. 1-14. 4to. Berlin, 1843-56 Botazo G. L et Nicolo F. Dialogi maritimi. 12mo. Mantova, 154T Botenlauben Otto von. Geschichte und Gedichte, mit einen Urkunden- buch und Abbildungen, herausgegeben von Ludwig Bechstein. 4to. Leipzig, 1845 Botero G. Delia Ragione di Stato e della Grandezza del Citt^. 4to. Yenezia, 1640 Relazione universali arrichite di molte cose rare. 4to. Venezia, 1640 Botfield B. Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 8vo. London, 1849 Botin A. Utkast till Svenska Folkets Historia. 8vo. Sthm. 1763-64 Beskrifning om Svenska hemman och Jorda-Gods. 2 vols. 4to. Sthm. 1798-99 Boton R. A. di. Comment, in Maimonidis Jad ha-Chasaka Hebraice. Fol. Amstelodami, 1714 See Maimonides. Botta Carlo. Storia della Guerra dell' Independenza degli Stati Uniti d' America. 2 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1844 Same. Translated from the Italian, by G. A. Otis. 2 vols, 8vo. New Haven, 1837 Storia d'ltalia, continuata da quella di F. Guicciardini sino all' anno 1789. 8 vols. 12mo. Milano, 1843-44 Storie d'ltalia dall' anno 1789 all' anno 1814, con Rettiiica- zioni e Note di L. Toccagni. 4 vols. 12mo. Milano, 1844 Same. 4 in 8 vols. 12mo. Italia, 1824 • Storia dei Popoli italiani, dall' Epoca della loro Grandezza ai Tempi de Romani fino al 1814. 8vo. Milano, 1847 P. E. Monument de Ninive decouvert et decrit. Mesure et des- sine par M. E. Flandin, publie sous la Direction d'une Commission de I'Institut de France. 5 vols. Folio, 1 V. Texte, 4 v. Planches. Paris, 1848 Bottis G. de. Nuovi Vulcani dall' anno 1760, nel Territorio della Torre del Greco. 4to. Napoli, 1760 Boturini-Benaduci L. Idea de una nueva Historia general de la Ame- rica septentrional. 4to. Madrid, 1746 Boucharlat J. L. Tlieorie des Courbes, et des Surfaces, du 2d Ordre. 2e Ed. 8vo. Paris, 1810 Elemens de Mecanique. 8vo. Paris, 1815 2d Ed. ^ ^ ^ 8vo. Paris, 1827 Remarques sur la Partie elementaire de I'Algebre. . 8vo. Lyon, 1804 Elemens de Calcul differentiel et de Calcul integral. 4e Edit. 8vo. Paris, 1830 Bouchaud Math. Ant. Antiquites poetiques ou Dissertations sur les Po^ tes cycliques et sur la Poesie rhythmique. 8vo. Paris, 1799 Commentaire sur la Loi des douze Tables. 2e Edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1803 Bouche C. P. Die Quadratur des Zirkels. 8vo. Berlin, 1824 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 159 Bouche H. La Chorographie ou Description de Provence et Histoire chronologique du m^me Pays. 2 vols. Fol. Paris, 1Y96 Boucher Jonathan. A Yiew of the Causes and Consequences of the Ame- rican Revolution. 8vo. London, 1Y97 Glossary of Archaic and Provincial "Words. Edited by J. Hunter and J. Stevenson. A — Bl. 4to. London, 1832-33 P. B. Les Principes du Droit civil proprement dit, et du Droit commercial compares. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1804 Traits de la Procedure civile et des Formalites des Tri- bunaux de Commerce. 4to. Paris, 1808 Consulat de la Mer, ou Pandectes du Droit commercial et maritime. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808 Ph. Man's Right to God's Word. Translated from his French Prize Essay — L'Homme en Face de la Bible. 12mo. London, 1847 de Perthes. Antiquites celtiques et antediluviennes. 8vo. Paris, 1847 de la Richarderie G. Biblioth^que universelle des Voyages. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 1808 Catalogue des Livres de sa Biblioth^que. 8vo. Paris, 1826 Boucherie Taxde. Nouveau Manuel complet. 12mo. Paris, 1856 Bouchet J. du. Histoire genealogique de la Maison royale de Courtenay. Fol. Paris, 1661 Bouchette J. The British Dominions in Korth America. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1832 A Topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. 4to. London, 1832 Bouchut E. Traite des Signes de la Mort et des Moyens de prevenir les Enterrements prematures. 12mo. Paris, 1849 Boudinot E. The Second Advent, or Coming of the Messiah in Glory, shown to be a Scripture Doctrine. Svo. Trenton, 1815 Boue A. Memoires geologiques et paleontologiques. Svo. Paris, 1832 Bouelles C. de. See Bovillus. Boufflers et Yillette. Qiluvres melees. 16mo. Bougainville L. A. de. Traite du Calcul integral. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1754-56 Voyage autour du Monde par la Fregate la Bou- deuse, 1766-1769. 4to. Paris, 1771 A Voyage round the World in the years 1766-69. 4to. London, 1772 Supplement k son Voyage autour du Monde. This Supplement is compiled and translated by Fre- ville, from an anonymous account, in English, of Banks and Solander's Voyage in the Endeavour with Cook. Svo. Paris, 1772 Bouge M. de. Tableau general des Pays conc[uis, cedes, echanges ou acquis pour Indemnites par diverses Puissances. 4to. Bruxelles, 1803 Bougeant G. H. Amusements philosophiques sur le Langage des Bestes. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 52mo. Paris, 1739 Histoire de Traits de Westphalie. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1751 160 ASTOR LIBEAKT. Bougerel J. Yie de Pierre G^assendi. 18mo. Paris, 1Y37 Bougin^ C. J. Handbuch der allgemeinen Litterargeechichte. 6 Bande. 8vo. Zurich, 1789-92 Bonguer P, Traitc complet de la Navigation. 4to. Paris, 1706 Essai d'Optique, snr la Gradation de la Lumi^re. 8vo. Paris, 1729 Traits du Navire de sa Construction et de ses Mouvemens. 4to. Paris, 1746 Entretiens sur la Cause de I'Inclination des Orbites des Pla- netes. Seconde Edition. 4to. Paris, 1748 La Figure de la Terre determin^es par les Observations. 4to. Paris, 1749 De la Manoeuvre des Vaisseaux ou Traits de Mecbanique et de Dynamique. 4to. Paris, 1757 Nouveau Ti'ait^ de Navigation. 8vo. Paris, 1781 Justification des Memoires de I'Academie royale des Sci- ences de 1744, &c. Seconde Edition. 4to. Paris, 1809 Bouhours D. Life of St. Francis Xavier, tr. from the French. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1841 Bouillaud J. Traite clinique des Maladies du Coeur. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835 Essai sur la Philosophic medicale et sur les Generalites de la Clinique m^clicale. 8vo. Paris, 1836 Clinique medicale de I'Hopital de la Chariie. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1838 Traite clinique du Phumatisme articulaire. 8vo. Paris, 1840 • Traite de Nosographie medicale. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846 Bouille F. C. A. de. Memoires, avec une Notice sur sa Vie. 8vo. Paris, 1821 Memoirs relating to the French Revolution, trans. from the French MS. 8vo. London, 1797 Memoires sur I'Aifaire de Varennes, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Bouillet J. B. Description historique et scientifique de la Haute- Au- vergne. 2 vols. 8vo. AUas and Texte. Paris, 1834 Bouillier D. R. Essai philosophique sur I'Ame des Betes. Sm. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1728 F. Theorie de la Raison impersonelle. 8vo. Paris, 1844 Histoire de la Philosophic cartesienne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Bouillon Recueil de la Societe typographique. 5 vols. 8vo. Bouillon, 1769-70 P. Musee des Antiques, avec des Notices explicatives par J. B. de Saint Victor. 3 vols. Fol. Paris, 1821 Bouilly J. N. Les jeunes Femmes. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, s. a. Bouisson E. F. Trait6 theorique et j)ratique de la Methode anesthesique appliquee a la Chirurgie et aux differentes Branches de I'Art de Guerir. 8vo. Paris, 1850 Boulainvilliers H. de. Doutes sur la Religion, suivies de 1' Analyse du Traite theologi-politique de Spinoza. 12mo. Londres, 1767 The Life of Mahomet, translated from the French. 8vo. London, 1731 Boulard S. Traits 616mentaire de Bibliographic. 8vo. Paris, 1806 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. t^ Boulay-Paty P. S. Cours de Droit commerciale maritime, d'apr^ les Principes et suivaiit I'Ordre dii Code de Commerce. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834 Boulland J. F. A. A. Histoire des Transformations religieuses et morales des Peuples. Svo. Paris, 1839 Boullanger M. Traite de la Cause et des Phenomenes de I'Electricite. 8vo. Paris, 1750 II^T. A. (Euvres. Antiquite devoiMe parses Usages ; surl'Ori- gine du Despotisme oriental ; Essai philosophique sur le Gouvernement ; Esope fabiiliste ; ficonomie politique ; Histoire d' Alexandre le Grand. 4 vols. Svo. Amsterdam, 1794 Boullet M. L'Art de Construire les Theatres, lenrs Machines et leurs Mouvements. 4to. Paris, 1801 Boulongne A. Photographic et Gravure heliographiqne. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Boulton D. Sketch of the Province of IT. Canada. 4to. London, 1805 Bouniceau M. Siir la Navigation des Rivieres a maree et la Conquete des Lais et Relais de leur Embouchure. Svo. Paris, 1845 Bouquet H. Relation historique de son Expedition contre les Indiens de rOhio en 1764, trad, de I'Anglais. Svo. Amsterdam, 1769 Doin. M. Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France. Vols. 1-S. Fol. Paris, 1738-52 Suite, Yols. 9-13, par les Religieux de la Congrega- tion de St. Maur. Fol. Pans, 1757-86 Yols. 14-19, par M. J. J. Brial. Fol. Paris, 1806-33 Yol. 20, public par MM. Daunou et Naudet. Fol. Paris, 1840 Bourasse Abbe J. J. La Touraine, Histoire et Monuments, publiee sous la Direction de M. I'Abbe B., with 15 large steel ^Engravings, 4 Chromolithograpliic from Paintings on Glass, and 265 on Wood. Folio. Tours, 1855 Bourbon Due de, Prince de Cond^. Examen de la Procedure criminelle sur les Causes et les Circonstances de sa Mort. Svo. Paris, 1831 Bourdais S. F. Portrait de Frederic le Grand, tire des Anecdotes les plus interessantes et les plus certaines de sa Yie mili- taire, philosophique et privee. 12mo. Paris, 1788 Bourdaloue le P. C. Sermons pour I'Avent. 12mo. Paris, 1716 Sermons poiir le Careme. 3 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 1716 Sermons pour les Dimanches. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1716-26 Sermons pour les Fetes des Saints. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1723 Exhortaf'ons et Instructions chretiennes. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1723 • Sermons sur les Myst^res. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1726 Retraite spiritnelle pour les Religieux. 12mo. Paris, 1777 Pensees sur divers Suiets de Religion et de Morale. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1735^6 Yol. L 11 162 A8T0B LIBKAKT. Bourde de Yillehuet J. Manuel des Manns, ou Dictionnaire des Termes de Marine. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1799 Bourdeilles le P. A. de. See Brantome. Bourdin P. Sol Flamma Cselorura Motrix, sive Tractatus de Solis Natura et Pabulo. Item Aphorismi analogic! parvi Mundi ad magnum. 12mo. Parisiis, 164T Bourdon L. P. M. Siemens d'Arithmetique. l-ie £d. 8vo. Paris, 1836 El^meus d'Arithmetique. Ouvrage adopte par I'Uni- versite. 27e Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Siemens d'Algebre. 8vo. Paris, 1817 Siemens d'Als^bre. Ouvrage adopte par I'Univer- sit6. 7me Edition, 8vo. Paris, 1834 Same. 12e Edition, revue, corr. et augm. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1851 Application de I'Algebre k la Geometrie. Ouvrage adopte par I'Universit^. 2e Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1828 Same. Sixi^me Edition. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1847 Bourdot de Richebourg C. A. Nouveau Coutumier general. • 8 vols. Fol. Paris, 1724 Bourgade Abbe. Soirees de Carthage. i 8vo. Paris, 1847 La Clef du Coran, suite aux Soirees de Carthage. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Bourgelat C. Elemens de I'Art v^terinaire. 4e Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805 Bourgeois C. G. A. Sur les Couleurs de I'Iris produites par la Reflexion de la Lumiere. 8vo. Paris, 1813 Sur les Lois des Couleurs prod, par la Refraction de la Lumiere. 8vo. Paris, 1812 Bourgoing J. F. Travels in Spain, translated from the French, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1789 Historical and Philosophical Memoirs of Pius VI., trans- lated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1799 BourgueviUe Charles de. Recherches et Antiquites de la Province de Neustrie a present Duche de Normandie, 8vo, Caen, 1588 Bourguignon M. C. Les Codes fran9ais, conformes aux Textes officiels. Nouvelle Edition, entierement refondue par M. P. Royer-Collard. 8vo, Paris, 1848 Memoire sur cette Question — " Quels sont les Moyens de perfectionner en France I'Institution de Jury ?" 8vo. Paris, 1802 Bourignon A. The Light risen in Darkness, Done out of the French. 8vo. London, 1703 Bourke R. S. St, Petersburg and Moscow. A Visit to the Court of the Czar, 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1846 -''Thomas. A Concise History of the Moors in Spain, 4to, London, 1811 Bourne Henry. Antiquitates Vulgares. 8vo. Newcastle, 1725 J. A Treatise on the Screw Propeller. 4to. London, 1852 -^— Artisan's Club Treatise on the Steam Engine. 4tx). London, 1852 — J. C. ^Description of the Great Western Railway. Fol. London, 1846 -frbr — V. Miscellaneous Poems. 4to. London, 1772 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 163 Bbumon Le Comte de. Observations sur qiielqnes uns dcs Mineraux de Ceylon. 4to. Paris, 1823-24 Traite de la Chaux carbonat^e et de I'Arrago- nite. 2 vols. 4to. Londres, 1808 Bourrienne F. de La. Memoires sur Napoleon Bonaparte, le Directoire, le Consiilat, I'Empire et la Restaiiration, rediges par M. de Yillemarest. 10 vols. Svo. Paris, 1829-30 ■ Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, from the French, by John S. Memes. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1831 Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1836 Bourrienne et ses Erreurs volontaires et involon- taires, par A. Bulos. 3 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1830-31 Bourrit M. T. Nouvelle Description des Glaciers des Alpes, de la Sa- voie, de Suisse et d'ltalie. Nouvelle Edition. 3 vols. Svo. Geneve, 1787 Boui-sault E. Chef-d'ceuvres dramatiques. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1791 Bousquet J. B. Nouveau Traits de la Yaccine et des Eruptions vario- leuses. Svo. Paris, 1848 Boussard J. F. Les Voyages pittoresque et politique de P. P. Rubens, rediges sur les Manuscrits. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1840 Les Le9on8 de P. P. Rubens, ou Fragments epistolaires sur la Rehgion, la Peinture et la Politique. Svo. Bruxelles, 1838 Boussingault J. B. Economie rurale, consideree dans ses Rapports avec la Chemie, la Physique et la Meteorologie. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1843 Boutell C. Monumental Brasses and Slabs ; an Historical and Descrip- tive Notice of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages. 4to. London, 1847 Boutereau C. Manuel du Dessinateur, ou Traite complet du Dessin, avec Atlas. ISmo. Paris, s. 1. Manuel des Escaliers en Bois (Construction des), ou Mani- pulation et Posage des Escaliers ayant une ou plusieurs Rampes, avec Atlas. 12mo. Paris ^ Manuel de Gnomonique, ou I'Art de tracer les Cadrans. ISmo. Paris, s. a. Bouterwek F. Geschichte der Poesie und Beredsamkeit. 9 vols. Svo. Gottingen, 1801-12 Kleine Schriften, phil., aesth. u. litter. Inhalts. Svo. Gottingen, 1818 History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Trans- lated by Thomasina Ross. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1823 Bouton N. The History of Concord, N. H., from 1725 to 1856. Svo. Concord, 1856 Boutourlin Comte de. Catalogue des Livres de sa Bibliotheque. Svo. Paris, 1805 • Catalogue de sa Bibliotheque. Svo. Florence, 1831 Same, arranged as Auction Catalogue. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1839-41 Bouvard A. Tables astronom. de Jupiter, Satume, Uranus. 4to. Paris, 1821 164 ASTOK UBBAET. Bouvard A. Nouv. Tables de Jup. et de Sat. 4to. Paris, 1808 Mem. sur les Observations meteoriques a I'Obs. de Paris. 4:to. Paris, 1827 Bouvet F. Du Catholicisme, du Protestantisme et de la Philosophie en France. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Bouvier J. Institutes of American Law. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851 Law Dictionar5^ Fifth Edition, enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil. 1854 Bovillus (Bouvelles) C. De Intellectu. de Sensu. de Nichilo. Ars oppo- sitorum. de Generatione. de Sapiente. de duodecim nume- ris. Epistohe complures. Lisuper Mathematicum opus quadripartitum. Fol. Parisiis, 1510 Geometric! Introductiorij Libri sex. De Circuli Quadratura, Cubicatio Spherse. Introductio in Scientiam Perspectivam. Astronomic! Theorici corporum Celestium Libri duo. Folio in Almo Parisiorum Studio, 1503 La Geometric practique, nouvellement revue. 4to. Paris, 1856 Bowden Ambrose. A Treatise on Dry Eot. 8vo. London, 1853 John Wm. The Life and Pontificate of Gregory YIE. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840 Bowdich T. E. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee. 4to. London, 1819 Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo. 4to. London, 1825 Bowditch IST. The Improved Pract. Navigator, revised by Kirby. 8vo. London, 1802 — ■- Mecanique celeste of La Place. Translated, with Notes. 4 vols. 4to. Boston, 1829-39 N. J. Memoir of N. Bowditch. 4to. Boston, 1839 r — — A History of the Massachusetts General Hospital. 8vo. Boston, 1851 Bo wen E, A Complete System of Geography, etc. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1747 F. Critical Essays on Subjects connected with Speculative Phi- losophy. 12mo. Boston, 1842 Documents of the Constitution of England and America from Magna Charta to the Federal Constitution of 1789. 8vo. Boston, 1854 The Principles of Political Economy. 8vo. Boston, 1856 Bowens J. J. Naukeurige Boschry ving der onde en beroemde Zee-Stadt Oostende. Yergierd met Grond-teekeningen. 2 vols. 4to. Brugge, 1792 Bower Al. History of the Univer. of Edinburgh. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1817-30 Arch. History of the Popes from the Foundation of the See of Rome to the present time. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1750-416 Bowerbank J. S. History of Fossil Fruits and Seeds of the London Clay. 8vo. London, 1840 Bowles J. Letters to S. Whitbread on Lancaster's System of Education, particularly as it relates to the lower Orders. 8vo. London, 1808 W. L. A Dissertation on the Celtic De ty Teutates, the Mercu- rius of Cfiesar, in proof of the Origin and Desigii of the Great Temple at Abury. 8vo. London, 1828 and Nichols J. G. Annals and Antiquities of Lacock Ab- bey, with Memorials of the Foundress, Ela, Countess of Salisbury. 8vo. London, 1835 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 165 Bowman J. C. IntrodiTction to Practical Chemistry, including Analysis. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1849 Bowring J. Cheskian Anthology, being a History of the Poetical Lite- rature of Bohemia. 12mo. London, 1832 Specimens of the Russian Poets, with Litroduetory Remarks. 12mo. London, 1821 Specimens of the Polish Poets, with Notes on the Literature of Poland. 12mo. London, 1827 Translations of Servian Popular Poetry. 12mo. London, 1827 Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a Sketch of the Lan- guage and Literature of Hungary and Transylvania. 8vo. London, 1830 Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. 12mo. London, 1824 and Yandyk H, S. Batavian Anthology, or Specimens of the Dutch Poets. 12mo. London, 1824 Bowron J. S. On Planetary and Celestial Liiiuences on Epidemics. 4to. New York, 1850 Bowyer W. Critical Conj ectures and Observations on the New Testament. 4th Edition. 4to. London, 1812 and Nichols J. Origin of Printing, in two Essays. 8vo. London, 1776 Boyard. Manuel du Bouvier et Zoophile, ou I'Art d'filever et de Soigner les Animaux domestiques. 18mo. Paris et De Mersan. Manuel du Chasseur, contenant un Traite sur toute Esp^ce de Chasse. Avec Figures et Musique. 18mo. Paris Nouveau Manuel complet du Chasseur. Nou- velle Edition. 12mo. Paris, 1853 Manuel des Contributions directes. Guide des Contribuales et des Comptables. 18mo. Paris, s. 1. Manuel des Gardes-Champ^tres, Forestiers et Gardes-P^che. 18mo. Paris, s. 1. Nouveau Manuel complet des Gardes-Champ^tres. Nouvelle Edition. 12mo. Paris, 1856 Manuel des Municipaux, ou nouveau Guide des Maires, Ad- joints et Conseillers municipaux. 18mo. Paris .Nouveau Guide des Maires. Quatrieme Edition. 12mo. Paris, 1853 Boyce W. Fifteen Anthems. London, 1780 Cathedral Music ; being a Collection in Score of the most Valuable Compositions of the several English Masters of the last Two Hundred Years. 3 vols. Fol. London, 1788 Boyd A. England, Rome, and Oxford, compared as to Certain Doc- trines. 8vo. London, 1846 H. Indian Observer (The). 8vo. Calcutta, 1795 W. Histoiy of Literature- 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1843-46 Boydell J. Catalogue raisonnee d'un Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les plus beaux Tableaux qui soient en Angleterre. 4to. Londres, 1779 and Jos. An History of the River Tliames, under Title of an History of the Principal Rivers of Great Britain. 2 vols. FoL London, 1794-96 See Shakspeare. l66 A8T0B LIBEAKT. Boye Frederik. Eiksdags-historien iMn 1627 til och Med 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. Sthm. 1825-27 och Wetterling. Kongl-Svenska Museum. 3 (Hiifter) in 1 vol. 8vo. Stockholm, 1821-23 Boyer A. Political State of Great Britain, 1711-39. 58 vols. 8vo. London, 1711-3d Tlie Compleat French-Master. 8vo. London, 1729 Fr. A Parallel of the Doctrine of the Pagans with the Doctrine of the Jesuits. 8vo. London, 1726 de Fonscolombe. Entomologie elementaire, ou Entretiens sur les Lisectes en general. Atlas d'Entoraologie, compost de 110 Planches, Figures coloriees. 18mo. Paris Boyer-Peyreleau E. Ed. Les Antilles fran9aises. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Boyes J. F. See .^chylus and Sophocles. Boyle C. Examination of Dr. Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris. 8vo. London, 1698 E. Court and Country Guide for 1820. 12mo. London, 1820 J. A Practical Medico-Historical Account of the Western Coast of Africa. 8vo. London, 1831 R. Works (Philosophical, Physical, and Theological), with the Life of the Author, by T. Birch. 5 vols. Fol. London, 1744 Opera Yaria Philosophica. 4 vols. 4to. Genevae, 1677-95 Philosophical Works, abridged, methodized, and disposed under General Heads, by P. Shaw. Second Edition. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1738 Works epitomized. To which is prefixed his Life, by Hichard Boulton. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1715 A Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion, being a Col- lection of the Sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. R. Boyle, 1691-1723. 3 vols. Fol. London, 1739 Occasional Reflections. 18mo. London, 1820 W. R. A. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Charities. 8vo. London, 1837 Boym M. Bref Relation de la notable Conversion des Personnes roy- ales en la Chine. 8vo. Paris, 1654 Boyne L. S. On the Physicall and Moral History of the Human Species. 8vo. London, 1815 Boys J. Yiew of the Agriculture of Kent. 8vo. London, 1813 Bozius Th. De Robore Bellico, Liber unus adversns Machiavellum. 8vo. Coloniai Agrippinse, 1594 Bozman J. L. History of Maryland, from its Settlement in 1633 to the Restoration in 1660, with Notes and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1837 Bracci D. A. Memorie degli antichi Licisori che Scolpirono i loro Nomi in Gemme e Camei, con molti Monument! , inediti di Antichitd. 2 vols. Fol. Firenze, 1784 Brace G. On Protection of Copyright of Designs. 8vo. London, 1842 Bracellus J. De Bello Ilispaniensi, de claris Genuensibus. 4to. Roma?, 1573 Brack F. de. Avant Postes de Cavalerie leg^re. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1834 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 16Y BrackenhoiFer J. T. Sphericorum Formulare in Auditorum Usus. 4to. Argentorati, 1770 Brackenridge H. M. Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of a Yoyage up the Missouri River in 1811. 8vo. Pittsburgh, 1814 Yoyage to South America in the years 1817 and 1818 in the Frigate Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820 Bracton H. de. De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglise, Libri Y. 4to. London, 1640 Bradbury J. Travels in the Interior of America in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811. 8vo. London, 1819 Bradford A. History of Massachusetts, from July 1775 to the year 1789. 8vo. Boston, 1825 Histoiy of the Federal Government for Fifty Years, from March 1789 to March 1839. 8vo. Boston, 1840 ■ New England Chronology, from the Discovery of the Country by Cabot in 1497 to 1820. 12mo. Boston, 1823 A. W. American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8vo. New York, 1843 • D. The "Wonders of the Heavens. 4to. Boston, 1837 J. Writings, consisting of Sermons, Meditations, Examinations, &c. 8vo. Cambridge, 1848 T. G. Comprehensive Atlas. FoL Boston, 1835 W. J. A. Kotes on the Northwest, or Yalley of the Upper Mis- sissippi. 12mo. New York, 1846 Bradley C. W. The Connecticut Register, an Official State Calendar of Public Officers for 1847. 12mo. Hartford, 1846 J. Miscellaneous Astronomical "Works, etc. 4to. Oxford, 1832 and Bliss N. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich from 1750 to 1762. 2 vols. Fol. Oxford, 1798-1805 R. New Improvements of Planting and Gardening. 8vo. London, 1726 Brady J. Clavis Calendaria, or Analysis of the Calendar. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815 Yocabulary of the Native Language of W. Australia. 18mo. Rome, 1845 R. A Complete History of England. Fol. London, 1685 Braga und Hermode, oder neues Magazin fiir die vaterlandischen Alterthiimer. 4 vols, in 8. 12mo. Leipzig, 1796-1802 Brahe Tycho. De Mundi ^therei recentioribus Phsenomenis, liber se- cundus, qui est de illustri Stella Caudata anno 1577 conspecta. 4to. Francofurti, 1610 Astronomise Instauratse Mechanica. Fol. Norimbergse, 1602^ Epistolarum Astronomicarum Libri. 4to. Francofurti, 1610 Coeli et Siderum in eo errantium Observationes Hassiace. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1618 See Kepler, Snellius, Gassendi et Helfrecht. Brahm L. Entwurf einer Fauna Entomologica der Wetterau. 168 ASTOE LIBEART. Brahm J. G. Wde. History of the Province of Georgia, with Maps of Original Surveys, now first printed. Privately printed. 4to. Wormsloe, 1849 Braid J. Observations on Trance ; or. Human Hybernation. 12mo. London, 1850 Braikenridge W. Exercitatio Geometrica in Descriptione Linearum Cur- varum. 4to. London, 1773 Braiin T. H. History of New South Wales to the year 1844. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1846 Brainard D. M^moire sur le Traitement des Fractures non-reunies et des Diflfbrmites des Os. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Braithwaite J. Histoire des Revolutions de I'Empire de Maroc depuis la Mort du dernier Empereur Muley Israael. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1731 W. Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Vols. 1-33. 8vo. London, 1842-56 Bramer B. Geometrische u. trigonoraetrische Schriften. 4to. Marpurg, 1614 Bramhall Arbp. J. Works, including Life and Letters of the Author. — Discourses against the Romanists. — Discourses against the English Sectaries. — ^The Discourses against Mr. Hobbes. — Controversies about the Sabbath and the Lord's Day. — Sermons on the Restoration of Charles II. — Protestants' Ordina- tion defended. 5 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1842-45 Bramston Sir J. Autobiography, edited by T. W. Bramston. 4to. London Brancas-Lauraquais L. de. Extrait du Droit pnblique de la France. 2e Edition. 8vo. London, 1771 Brand C Journal of a Voyage to Peru. — ^A Passage across the Cordil- leras of the Andes in the Winter of 1827. 8vo. London, 1828 J. See Aucher, Armenian and Eng. Dictionary. Observations on Popular Antiquities, being the whole of H. Bourne's Antiquitates Vulgares. 8vo. Newcastle, 177T Observations on Popular Antiquities, chiefly illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs and Ceremonies. Arranged and Revised, with Additions, by H. Ellis. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1813 Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. New Edition, by H. Ellis, with further Additions. 3 vols. Post 8vo. London, 1849 History and Antiquities of the Town and County of Newcas- tle-upon-Tyne. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1789 Brandao F. A. See Brito F. B. de. Brande W. T. Journal of Science and the Arts, Ist, 2d, and 3d Series, from 1816 to 1831. 31 vols. 8vo. London, 1816-31 An Introductory Discourse at the London Institution. 8vo. London, 1819 Outlines of Geology. 8vo. London, 1829 ' A Manual of Chemistry. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. London, 1848 Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. 8vo. New York, 1846 . Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. Second Edi- tion. 8vo. London, 1852-53 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 169 Brande W. T. Descriptive Catalogue of the British Specimens in the Geol. Collect, of the Royal Institution. 8vo. London, 1816 Brandely A. Die Electrochemie, aus dem franzosischen bearbeitet von F. Harzer. 12mo. Weimar, 1849 Brandenburg, Memoires pour servir h I'Histoire de la Maison de. 12mo. Berlin, 175 Y Brander W. Fossilia Ilantoniensia ; or, Hampshire Fossils in British Museum, collected by him. Reprint, 4to. London, 1829 Brandes M. W. Beobachtungen u. theoret. Untersuchungen iiber d. Strahlenbrechung. 4lo. Oldenberg, 180T Gesetze des Gleichgewichts in d. Bewegung fester u. fliissiger Korper. 2 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1817 Lehrbuch d. hohern Geometric. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1816-24 Die vornehmsten Lehren d. Astronomic, deutlich darge- stellt. 8vo. Leipzig, 1816 Beobachtungen iiber d. Sternschnuppen, iiber d. Ge- stalt d. Kometenschweife. 8vo. Leipzig, 1825-26 Beitrage zur Witterungskunde. 8vo. Leipzig, 1820 Die polynomische Lehrsatz — Yorbereitung zur hohern Analysis. 8vo, Leipzig, 1820 Aufsatze iiber Gegenstande der Astronomic u. Physik. Herausg. v. C. W. H. Brandes. 8vo. Leipzig, 1835 Brandm A. Y. L'Amerique espagnole en 1830. 8vo. Paris, 1830 Brandis J. Ueber den historischen Gewinn aus der Entzifferung der assyrischen Inschriften. 8vo. Berlin, 1856 Brandon R. J. T. A. Parish Churches. 8vo. London, 1846 An Analysis of Gothic Architecture. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1849 Brandreth T. S. A Dissertation on the Metre of Homer. 8vo. London, 1844 Brandt G. The History of the Reformation in the Low Countries, trans- lated from the Low Dutch. 4 vols. Fol. London, 1720-23 Phcebus u. Ratzeburg. Abbildung und Beschreibung der in Deutschland wild waciisenden Giftgewachse. 4to. BerHn, 1838 Brannan J. Official Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States during the War with Great Britain in the years 1812, 1813, 1814, and 1815. 8vo. Washington, 1823 Brant Sebastian. Das ]N'arrenschifF, nebst dessen Freiheitstafel, neue Ausgabe besorgt und mit anmerkungen Yersehen von A. W. Strobel. 8yo. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1839 Brantome P. de Bourdeille S. de. CEuvres, nouv. Edition augmentee. 15 vols. 12mo. Londres, 1779 In this edition the works are thus arranged : Yies des Dames illustres. — Dames galantes. — Hommes illus- tres. — Discours sur les Duels. — Rodomontades espa- gnoles. — Opuscules. — Lettres du Seigneur A. de Bordeille. Memoires. 2 vols. 12mo. Leyde, 1699 Brard C. P. Mineralogie appliqu^e aux Arts. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821 Brathwait R. Bamabse Itinerarium, or Bamabee's Journal. 7th Ed. 12mo. London, 1818 170 ASTOK LIBBAET. Erathwait R. Bamabse Itinerariiim, or Drunken Bamabee's Fonr Jour- neys to the N. of England, in Latin and English Yerse. 16mo. York, 1852 Braun F. Yerzeichniss der Sammlung zu Bayreuth befindlichen Petre- facten, &c. 4to. Leipzig, 1840 P. De Codicibus Manuscriptis in Bibliotheca Monasterii ordinis S. Benedicti ad S.S. Udalricum et Afram Augustse ex- Btantibus. 6 vols, in 3. 4rto. Augustae Yindelieorum, 1791-96 Notitia Ilistorico-Litteraria de Libris ab artis Tyj^ographicae Liventione usque ad annum 1479. 2 vols. 4to. Augustse Yindelieorum, 1788-89 Th. Cours thdorique et pratique de Pedagogie et de Methodologie. 2me Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1854 Principes d'Education populaire. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1854 Braunschweig J. D. v. Geschichte d. allg. politischen Lebens der Yolk- er im Alterthume. 2 vols. 8vo. Hamburg, 1830 Umrisse einer allgemeinen Geschichte der Yolker. 8vo. Leipzig, 1833 Bravais A. Analyse mathem. sur les Probabilit^s des Erreurs de Situa- tion d'un Point, &c. 4to. Paris, s. a. et C. M. Comparaisons barometr. faites dans le Nord de I'Eu- rope. 4to. Bruxelles, 1841 Bravard-Yeyriers P. De I'Etude et de I'Enseignement du Droit romain. 8vo. Paris, 1837 Bravardinus Th. Geometria Speculativa. Fol. Paris, 1503 Bray A. E. A Description of the Part of Devonshire bordering on the Tamar and the Tavy. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1836 Life of Thomas Stothard, with Blustrations. 4to. London, 1851 Brayer J. L'Honneur fran5ais, ou Tableau des Personnages qui depuis 1789 ont contribue k honorer le Nom fran9ais. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808 Brayley E. W. Londiniana, or Reminiscences of the British Metropolis. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1829 Utility of the Knowledge of Nature. 8vo. London, 1831 and Britton. Tlie Beauties of England and Wales. 18 vols, bound in 26. 8vo. London, 1801-15 The History of the Ancient Palace and Late Houses of Parliament at Westminster. 8vo. London, 1836 Brazil. Collec9ao dos Breves pontificios e Leys regias sobre a liberdade das Pessoas, Bens e Commercio dos Inaios do Brazil. Fol. Lisboa, s. a. Code criminel. Traduit par Y. Foucher. 8vo. Paris, 1834 CoUecgao das Leis e Decretos do Imperio do Brazil desde a feliz Epoca da sua Independencia. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1827 Bredow H. Ueb. das Yerhaltniss d. specifischen Warme z. chem. Misch- ungsgewichte. 4to. Berlin, 1838 Bree J. Sketch of the State of the Naval, Military and Civil Establish- ment and Domestic Economy of this Kingdom during the Fourteenth Century. 4to. London, 1791 Brees S. C. Rural Architecture, a Series of Drawings for Yillas, &c., in the Italian Style. Fol. London, 1843 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 171 Brees S. C. Railway Practice, and Appendix. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1838 Third and Fourth Series of Railway Practice. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1847 Bref til J. Ihre om Svenska spraket likhet med Turkiska. 8vo. Lund. 1764 Bregeaut, Knecht et Desportes. Manuel du Lithographic (Imprimeur), avec Atlas. ISmo. Paris Brehme A. G. Geschichte des Orients. 12mo. Gotha, 1801 Breislak S. Yoyages physiques et lithologiques dans la Campanie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801 Litroduzione alia Geologia. 2 vols. Svo. Milano, 1811 Institutions geologiques, avec Atlas, 4to. 3 vols. 8vo. Milan, 1818 Lehrbnch der Geologic. 3 vols. Svo. Braunschweig, 1819-21 Breitenbach G. A. Y. Yorstellung der vomehmsten Yolkerschaften der Welt nach ihrer Abstammung, Ausbreitung nnd Sprachen. Svo. Leipzig, 1786 Breithaupt F. W. Magazin mathem. lustrum. 2 Plates. 4to. Cassel, 1827-35 Breitkopf J. G. J. Ueber die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruck- erkunst. 4to. Leipzig, 1779 Yersuch den Ursprung der Spielkarten, die Einluhr- ung des Leinenpapiers und den Anfang der Holz- schueidekunst in Europa zu erforschen. 4to. Leipzig, 1784 trber Bibliographic und Bibliophilie. 4to. Leipzig, 1793 Breitschwert J. L. C. Keppler's Leben u. Wirkennach neue aufgefund- ene Manuscript. Svo. Stuttg. 1831 Bremisch-niedersachsisches Worterbuch, herausg. v. der Br.-Deutsch Gesellschaft. 5 vols. Svo. Bremen, 1767-71 Bremond F. de. Table generale des Memoires, imprimes dans les Trans- actions philosoph. par Ordre chronologique, par Ordre des Matieres et par N^om des Auteurs. 4to. Paris, 1739 Bremontier E". Tli. Recherches sur le Mouvement des Ondes. Svo. Paris, 1809 Bremser J. G. Traite zoologique et philosophiqne sur les Yers intesti- naux de I'Homme. Svo. Paris, 1824 Brencmann H. Historia Pandectarum accedit Gemina Dissertatio de Amalphi. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1722 Brenner E. Thesaurus Nummorum Sueo-Gothicorum. 4to. Holmise, 1731 Brent J. C. Letters on the JS^ational Institute, Smithsonian Legacy, the Fine Arts, &c. Svo. Washington, 1844 Brentius J. Evangelion quod inscribitur secundum Joannem centum quinquaginta quatuor Homiliis explicatum. Fol. Francoforti, 1554 Brenton E. P. The Kaval History of Great Britain from the year 1783 to 1822. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1823 Brequigny L. G. O. F. de et Mouchel. Table chronologique des Diplo- mas, Chartes, Titres et Actes imprimes concer- nant I'Histoire de France. 3 vols. Fol. Paris, 1769-83 172 A8T0K LEBEART. Brereton J. A. Prodromus of the Flora Columbiana. 12mo. Washington, 1830 Brerewood E. Inquiries touching Diversity of Languages. 8vo. London, 1674 Brescia. Specimen variae Literaturse quae in Urbe Brixia paulo post Ty- pographise incunabula florebat. 4to. Brixise, 1739 Bresnier L. J. Anthologie arabe el^mentaire. 12mo. Alger et Paris, 1852 Siemens de Calligraphic orientale. - Alger et Paris, 1855 Bresson C. Traite 61ementaire de Mecanique, appliquee aux Sciences physiques et aux Arts. Avec Atlas. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1842 J. Des Fonds publics en France. 12mo. Paris, 1821 Bretagne F. P. de. De Excellentia Musicae Antiquse Hebraeorum et eorum Instrumentis Musicis. 8vo. Monachii, 1718 Breton E. Pompeia, dccrite et dessinee. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Lieut. Excursions in New South "Wales, "Western Australia, and Yan Dieman's Land. 3d Edition. 8vo. London, 1835 N. Divine Poem, in two Parts, The Pavished Soul — ^Tlie Blessed "Weeper. Repr. of London, 1601 de Champ P. Traite du Nivellement. 8vo. Paris, 1848 Bretonnier B. J. Recueil par Ordre alphabdtique des principales Ques- tions de Droit, qui se jugent diversement. 5me Edi- tion. 4to. Paris, 1783 Bretschneider C. G. Lexici in Literpretes Grsecos Vet. Testament! Maxime Scriptores Apocryphos Spicilegium. 8vo. Lipsise, 1805 Lexicon Manuale Grseco-Latinum in Libros I^ovi Testamenti. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1829 Brettes M. de. Etudes sur les Appareils electro-magnetiques destines aux Experiences de I'Artillerie, en Angleterre, en Rus- sie, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Breunlein F. La Blanchissage des Toiles et de la Culture du Lin. Tra- duit de I'Allemand. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Breval John. Remarks on Several Parts of Europe. First Edition. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1726-38 Same. Second Edition. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1738 Breve og Akstykker til Oplysning af Christiem den Andens og Frede- rik den Forstes Historic. Koy. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1854 Brevets d'Livention. Description des Machines et Procedes specifies dans les Brevets, dont la Duree est expiree. Yols. 1-83. 4to. Paris, 1811-55 Description des Machines et Procedes specifies dans les Brevets, pour lesquels des B. ont ete pris sous le Regime de la Loi du 5 Juillet, 1844. Yols. 1-21. 4to. Paris, 1850-55 Breviarium Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosancti Consilii Tridentini resti- tutum. 12mo. Col. Agrip. 1716 Brevint D. Tlie Christian Sacrament and Sacrifice. Missale Romanum ; or. Depth and Mystery of Roman Mass. A new Edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1847 Brevis relatio felicis Agonis quern pro Religione Catholica glorios^ subie- runt aliquot h Societate Jesu sacerdotes in ultima Anglise Per- Bccutione, 1678. 4to. Pragae, 1683 ALPHABETICAJL INDEX. 173 Brevis Relatio eorum quae spectant ad Declarationem Sinarum Impera- toris Kam-Hi circa Coeli Cumfucii et Avorura Cultu. Datam anno 1700. Opera P. P. Soc. Jesu. Printed on Wooden Blocks in Pekin, 1701 Brewer E. C. Poetic. Chronology of Inventions, Battles. 12mo. London, 1853 J. M. Introd. to the Beauties of Eng. and Wales. 8vo. London, 1818 Brewster D. Treatise on new Philosoph. Instruments. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1813 ■ Letters on Natural Magic, addressed to Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ^ 12mo. New York, 1832 Manuel de Magie naturelle et amusante, puhlic par A. D. Vergnaud. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1839 A Treatise on Optics. 12mo. London, 1831 Same, in French, translated by M. P. Yergnaud. 2 vols. 12mo. 1833 Same, in German, translated by Hartmann. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1835 The Martyrs of Science ; or, the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. 12mo. London, 1846 Life of Newton. 8vo. London, 1831 Newton's Leben, aus d. Englische uebers. 4to. Leipzig, 1833 A Treatise on the Microscope. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837 More Worlds than One. 12mo. New York, 1854 Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855 The Stereoscope, its Histoiy, Theory, and Construction. 12mo. London, 1856 Memoirs on the Construction of Polyzonal Lenses for Light- houses, on a new Analysis of Solar Light, and on Polari- zation of Light. 4to. Edinburgh and London, 1827-33 J. The Meditations of a Kecluse. 4th Edit. 8vo. London, 1816 Breydenbach B. de. Sanctarum Peregrinationum in Montem Syon ad venerandum Christi Sepulchrum en Hierusalem atque in Montem Synai ad divam Yirginem et Martvrem Katherinam, Opusculum per Petrum Drach civem Spirensem, in Folio impressum. Anno Salutis, 1502 Brez J. La Flore des Insectophiles. 8vo. Utrecht, (?) 1791 Histoire des Vaudois, ou des Habitans des Yallees occidentales du Piemont, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1796 Brezillac J. Fr. de. Dictionnaire ecclesiastique et canonique portatif, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1765 Brial J. J. See Bouquet Dom. M. Brialmont A. Precis d'Art militaire. 4 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles, s. a. Briavoine M. N. De I'Industrie en Belgique. 2 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1839 Brickell John. The Natural History of North Carolina. 8vo. Dublin, 1737 Bridge W. Works now first collected, consisting of Sermons and Theo- logical Treatises. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1845 Bridges J. Tlie History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, compiled from his MS. Collections by the Rev. Peter Whalley. 2 vols. Fol. Oxford, 1796 Bridgewater Treatises. See Babbage, Bell C, Buckland, Chalmers T., Kidd, Ku-by, Prout, Roger, Whewell. 174 ASTOE LIBKABT. Bridgman E. C. Chinese Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect. 8vo. Macao, 1841 O. Reports of Judgments in Common Pleas, 1660. 8vo. London, 1823 E. "W. A Short View of Legal Bibliography. 8vo. London, 1807 T. Memorials of the Dead in Boston ; Containing an Exact Transcript from Inscriptions, Epitaphs, and Records on the Monuments and Tombstones in Copp's Hill Burying Ground. 12mo. Boston, 1852 Memorials of the Dead in Boston, in the King's Chapel Burial Ground. 12mo. Boston, 1853 The Pilgrims of Boston and their Descendants. 8vo. New York, 1856 Briefe des jungen Eipeldauers an seinem herrn Yettem in Kahran mit Notem von e. Wiener (J. Richter). 2 vols. 12mo. Wien, 1806 Brienne L. H. de Lomenie. Memoires inedits, publies par F. Barriere. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828 Bri^rre de M. Essai sur le Symbolisme antique d'Orient, principale- ment sur le Symbolisme egyptien, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Brierre de Boismont A. Des Hallucinations, ou Histoire raisonnee des Apparitions, des Visions, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1852 A History of Dreams, Visions, Apparitions, etc., from tne French. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855 Du Suicide et de la Folic Suicide, consideres dans leurs Rapports avec la Statistique, la Medecine et la Philosophic. 8vo. Paris,- 1856 Brietius Ph. Parallela Geographiae, veteris et novae. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1648-49 Briffault E. Le Secret de Rome au 19me Si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1846 Briggs H. Tables des Logarithmes pour les Nombres d'un k 10,000. 8vo. Goude, 1626 Logarithmical Arithmeticke. 4to. London, 1636 Trigonometria Britannica. Sive de Doctrina Triangulorum, Libri duo. 4to. Goudae, 1633 J. History of the Rise of the Mahommedan Power in India, till the year 1612, translated from the original Persian of Mahomed Kasim Ferishta. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1829 Brigham A. Observations upon the Influence of Religion upon the Health and Physical Welfare of Mankind. 12mo. Boston, 1838 Remarks on the Influence of Mental Cultivation and Men- tal Excitement upon Health. 3d Edition. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1845 Bright R. Travels from Vienna through Lower Hmigary. 4to. Edinburgh, 1818 Brightland J. A Grammar of the English Tongue. Eighth Edition. 8vo. London, 1759 Brillat-Savarin J. A. Physiologie du Gout, ou Meditations de Gastro- nomic transcendante. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838 Briot Ch. et J. C. Bouquet. Le9ons nouvelles de Geometric analytique. 2me £d. 8vo. Paris, 1851 ALPHABETICAX, INDEX. 175 Briseux C. E. L'Art de batir des Maisons de Campagne. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1743 Brisseau-Mirbel C. F. Elemens de Physiologic vegetale et de botanique. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815 Histoire generale et particuli^re des Plantes, suite aux CEuvres de Buffon. Continuee par goly- clerc. 18 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802 BrissonB. De Yerborum quae ad jus pertinent Significatione. LibriXIX. Fol. Francofnrti, 1683 Essai snr le Syst^me general de Navigation interieure de la France. 4:to. Paris, 1829 M. J. Ornithologie, ou Methode contenant la Division des Oiseaux en Ordres, Sections, Genres, Especes et leur Yarietes. Et Supplement, 4to. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1760 Pesanteur specifique des Corps. 4to. Paris, 1787 ■ • P. F. Histoire du Naufrage et de la Captivite de M. B., ecrite par lui-meme. 8vo. Geneve, 1790 Brissot de "Warville J. P. Discours sur la Necessite de maintenir le Decret en Faveur des Hommes de Couleur libres. Svo. Paris, 1791 Nouveau Yoyage dans les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique septentrionale fait en 1788. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1791 Same, translated as new Travels in the United States of America in 1788. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1794 Bristed C. A. Five Years in an English University. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1852 J. America and Her Besources. 8vo. London, 1818 Thoughts on the Anglican and Anglo-American Churches. 8vo. London, 1823 British Album (The). Containing the Poems of Delia Crusca (R. Merry), Anna Matilda, Arley, the Bard, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1790 Almanac and Companion. See Almaijac, British. Annual and Epitome of the Progress of Science for 1838 and 1839. Edited by R. D. Thomson. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1838-39 Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports of the Meetings first to fifteenth. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1835-46 Same. Reports of the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 23d. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1848-54 Lithographed Signatures of the Members of the B. A. at Cambridge in 1833. 4to. Cambridge, 1833 and Foreign Bible Society. Reports from the beginning to 1843. Yols. 1-15. 8vo. London, 1806-43 Catalogue of Stars. See Bailey F. Critic (First Series). Yols. 1-42. 8vo. London, 1793-1813 General Index to the same. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1803 & 1815 New or Second Series, Jan. 1814 to June 1825. 23 vols. Svo. London, 1814-25 176 A8T0R LIBEAET. British Critic changed to a Quarteriy Journal. Yols. 1-3. 8vo. London, 1825-26 united with the Quarteriy Theological Review, and con- tinued as Critic and Quarterly Theological Review and Ecclesiastical Record from Jan. 1827. Vols. 1-34. 8vo. London, 1827-43 For further continuation, see English Review. Cyclopedia of Arts and Sciences. Edited by C. F. Partington. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. London, 1835 of Literature, History, Geography, Law, and Politics. Edited by C. F. Partington. . 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. London, 1836 Drama. Ancient in 3 vols.. Modern in 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1810-11 Essayists, with Prefaces, BioOTaphical, Historical, and Critical. Edited by L. T. Berguer. Containing as follows : Tatler 5 vols. Connoisseur 3 vols. Observer 3 vols. Spectator 10 " Idler 1 " Olla Podrida 1 vol. Guardian 3 " Mirror 2 " Winter Evg. 3 vols. Rambler 4 " Lounger 2 " Microcosm 1 vol. Adventurer 4 " 45 vols. 12mo. London, 1823 Florist (The), or Lady's Journal of Horticulture. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1846 Imperial Calendar for 1839. 12mo. London India analysed. The Provincial and Revenue Establishments of Tippoo Sultaun, and of Mahomedan and British Conquerore in Hindostan, stated and considered. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1795 Institution. Account of the Pictures there exhibited from 1813 to 1828. 8vo. London, 1824 Magazine and Monthly Register of Religious and Ecclesiastical Information, Parochial History, and Documents respecting the State of the Poor and Progress of Education. Vols. 1-36. 8vo. London, 1837-49 and Foreign Medical Review. Edited by J. Forbes and J. ConoUy. Yols 1-24, and with Index. 25 vols. 8vo. London, 1836-47 Since continued conjoined with the Medico-Chirurg. Review, and published as -^ and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review or Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Yols. 1-18. London, 1848-56 Museum. Additions to the Collections, 1831-36. MSS. and Srinted Books. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1831-36 ditions to the Printed Books, 1836-38. 8vo. London, 1838 Additions to the MSS. 1836-40. 8vo. London, 1840 Annual List of Donations and Bequests, 1828-30. Statutes and Rules, 1833 and 1839. 4to. London, v. y. Antiquities and Marbles, viz. Townley Gallery. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1831 Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1833 Egyptian Antiquities. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1836 Same, with the Etruscan Antiquities. 12mo. London, 1848 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 177 Britisli Museum. Catalogus Librorum Impressorum. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1788 ■ Catalogus Librorum Impress. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1813-19 Catalogue of Printed Books, Letter A (all published). Fol. London, 1841 • Catalogue of the Cottonian MSS., by J. Planta. Fol. London, 1802 Catalogue of the Harleian MSS., by H. Wanley and K. IS'ares. 4 vols. Fol. London, 1808 ■ Catalogue of MSS. of the King's Library, by i). Casley. 4to. London, 1739 Catalogue of the MSS. hitherto undescribed, including the Collections of Sir H. Sloane and Eev. T. Birch. By S. Ayscough. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1782 Catalogue of MSS. formerly Hargraves. By H. Ellis. 4to. London, 1818 Catalogue of the MSS. New Series. By J. Forshall. Part 1. The Arundel MSS., Colored Plates. Fol. London, 1834 Part 2. The Burney MSS., Colored Plates. Fol. London, 1840 Part 3. Index to the Arundel and Burney MSS. Fol. London, 1840 Catalogus Codicum MSS. Orientalium. Part 1. Cod. Syriacos et Carshunicos amplectens, cura F. Kosen et J. Forshall. Fol. London, 183« Part 2. Cod. Arab, compl. cura W. Cureton. Fol. London, 1846 Part 3. Cod. ^thiop. comp. cura A. Dillmann. Fol. London, 1847 Catalogue of the MSS. Maps, Charts, Plans, and Topo- graphical Drawings. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844 Catalogus BibHothecae Eegise. By F. A. Barnard. 5 vols. Fol. London, 1820-29 An Additional Yolume has the following Title. ■ Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, etc., forming the Geographical and Topog. Collection attached to the Library of his late Majesty K. George III., and presented by his M. K. George lY. to the B. Mu- seum. Fol. London, 1829 Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, or Bibliographical Notices of rare and curious Books forming part of the Li- ■i brary of the K. Hon. T. Grenville, by J. T. Payne and 11. Foss. L. P. 2 vols. Koy. 8vo London, 1842 Bibl. Grenvilliana, Part the Second, completing the Catalogue of the Library bequeathed to the B. Mu- seum by the late E. Hon. T, Grenville. L. P. Eoy. 8vo. London, 1848 Eeport from the Select Committee on the Condition, Management, and Affairs of the B. Museum, with an Appendix containing Communications respecting Literary Institutions or Libraries in Foreign Coun- tries. Fol. London, 1835 Vol. I. 12 178 A8T0E LIBSAST. British Museum. Report from the same Committee, with a contuiuation of the Appendix respecting Foreign Libraries. Fol. London, 1836 Report from the Select Committee on Public Libra- ries, with an Appendix. By E. Edwards. Fol. London, 1849 Report from the Select Committee on Public Libra- ries, with an Appendix on Foreign Libraries. Fol. London, 1850 • Returns to Orders of the H. of Commons relative to the B. Museum, its Collections, number of Readers, Ex- penditures, &c. 1846-51 Report of the Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Constitution and Government of the B. Museum. Fol. London, 1850 Handbook to the Library of the B. Museum, by R. Sims. 12mo. London, 1854 A Short Guide to that Portion of the Library of printed Books now open to the Public. 12mo. London, 1851 Synopsis of the Contents of the B. Museum. 39th Edition. 12mo. London, 1839 Novelists with Essays and Prefaces. By Mrs. Barbauld. 50 vols. 12mo. containing Clarissa Harlowe, Simple Story, Sir Charles Grandison, Man of Feeling, Robinson Crusoe, Julia de Roubigne, Joseph Andrews, Humphrey Clinker, Old English Baron, Spiritual Quixote, Castle of Otranto, Zeluco, Pompey the Little, Old Manor House, Yicar of Wakefield, Evelina, Female Quixote, Cecilia, Modern Griselda, Romance of the Forest, Rasselas, Mysteries of Udolpho, Almoran and Hamet, Hermsprong, Lady Mandeville, Belinda, Nature and Art, Modern Griselda. Plutarch (The). Containing the Lives of the most eminent States- men, Warriors, &c., of Gr. Britain and Ire- land. 8 vols. 12mo. London, 1791 Poets. Collections of. See Anderson, Chalmers, Child, Halleck, Johnson, Whittingham. Review and London Critical Journal. Yols. 1-22. 8vo. London, 1811-24 and Foreign Review, or European Quarterly Journal. Vols. 1-18. 8vo. London, 1835 to 1844 Quarterly Review. Yols. 1-22. 8vo. London, 1845-55 and Foreign State Papers, 1816-1833, compiled by the Librarian Foreign Office. 17 vols. 8vo. London, 1838 Brito F. B. de. Monarchia Lusytana. Parte la, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a e 6a, esc. pelo Doutor F. A. Brandao. Parte 7a composta pello Cronista Mor. F. Raphael de Jesus. Parte 8a Autor F. Manoel dos Santos. 8 vols. Fol. Lisboa, 1683-1727 ALPHABETICAL nfDKX. 179 Brito Bernando de. ElogioB historicos das Vidas dos Eeys de Portugal. 8vo. Lisboa, 1761 Britton. Containing the Antient Pleas of the Crown, translated and illus- trated with Keferences, Notes, and Antient Records, by R. Kelham. 8vo. London, 1762 J. Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain represented in a Series of Yiews, with historical and descriptive accounts. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1807-14 A Chronological History and Illustrations of Christian Ar- chitecture in England, embracing a critical inquiry into the Rise, Progress, and Perfection of this species of Architec- ture. 4to. London, 1827 . — History and Antiquities of Bath Abbev Church. ■ " 4to. London, 1825 An Historical and Architectural Essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol, illustrated with Plans, Yiews, and Archi- tectural Details. 8vo. London, 1818 History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Gloucester, illustrated with Engravings of Yiews, Eleva- tions, Plans, and Details. 4to. London, 1836 ; History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich, illustrated with Plans, Elevations, &c. 4to. London, 1816 History and Antiquities of the Cathedi-al Church of Salis- bury, with Plans, Elevations, &c. 4to. London, 1814 History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of AVells. 4to. London, 1836 History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Wor- cester, with Plans, Elevations, and Details. 4to. London, 1835 History and Antiquities of the Metropolitan Church of York, with Plans, Elevations, &c. 4to. London, 1819 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Lin- coln, illustrated by a series of Engravings, by C. Wild. 2d Edition, with additions and corrections, by J. B. 4to. London, 1837 Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, with De- scriptive Accounts of the House and Galleries of John Soane. London, 1827 — : The Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated, with a Memoir of Col. Isaac Barre. 8vo. London, 1848 Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Mid- dle Ages. 8vo. London, 1838 and Brayley E. W. Memoire of the Tower of London, com- prising Historical and Descriptive Ac- counts of that Fortress and Palace, t 8vo. London, 1830 and Pugin A. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of Lon- don, with Historical and Descriptive Ac- counts of each Edifice. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1825 Brix A. F. H. Abhandlung iiber die Cohasions und Elasticitats Yer- haltnisse einiger nach ihren Dimensionen Eisendrathe. 4to. Berlin, 1837 180 ASTOB LIBEARY. Broc p. p. Essai sur les Races humaines, consider^es sous les Rapports anatomique et philosopliique. 8vo. Paris, 1836 Brocchi G. B. Conchiologia Fossile Subapenina con Atlante. 2 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1843 Brochant A. J. F. M. Traiteel^mentairedeMineralogieBuivantlesprin- cipes de Werner. 2e Edit. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808 Element! di Mineralogia, trad. 3a Ediz. 2 vols. 8vo. Bologna, 1825 See Dufresnoy et filie de Beaumont^ Brockett J. T. A Glossary of North Country Words in Use. 12mo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1829 Brockhaus F. A. Epitome Entomologiae Fabricianae. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1Y97 H. Uober den Druck Sanscritischen Werke mit Lateinischen Buchstaben. 8vo. Leipzig, 1841 Brocqui^re Bertrandon de la. Travels to Palestine and Return overland to France during the years 1432-33, put into modem French from a Manuscript in the Imperial Library at Paris. Edited by M. LeGrand d'Aussy, translated by T. Johnes. 8vo. Ilafod, 1807 Same, without the Introduction and the Map. Post 8vo. London, 1848 For the original see Memoires de I'Institut. Sciences Mo- rales. Vol. 5. 4to. Paris, 1805 Brodhagen D. Yerschied-bekannten Method, z. Bestimmung d, Lange u. Breite. 4to. Hamb. 1791 Brodhead J. R. History of the State of New York. First Period, 1609 to 1664. 8vo. New York, 1853 Final Report relative to the Colonial History of the State ot New York. 8vo. Albany, 1845 An Address delivered before the New York Historical Society at its 40th Anniversary 8vo. New York, 1844 Brodie B. C. Lectures illustrative of Certain Local Nervous Aifections. 8vo. London, 1837 Lectures on the Diseases of the Urinary Organs. 4th Ed. 8vo. London, 1849 Pathological and Surgical Observations on the Diseases of the Joints. 5th Edition. 8vo. London, 1850 A History of the British Empire, from the Accession of Charles I. to the Restoration. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822 Broeck N. van den. Sur I'Hvgi^ne des Mineurs et desOuvriers d'Usines metallurgiques. 2me £d. 8vo. Mons, 1843 Brondsted P. O. Reisen und untersuchungen in Griechenland. 2 vols. Roy. Fol. Paris, 1826-30 Bidrag til den danske Historie. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1817 The Bronzes of Siris. Fol. London, 1836 Brogden J. Blust rations of the Liturgy and Ritnal of the United Clnirch of England and Ireland. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842 Broix J. Gottfried. Erinnerungen an das alte beinihmte Tolbiacuni, die jetzige Stadt Zulpich. 8vo. Reuss, 1842 Bromley G. A Collection of Original Letters of Charles I. and IL, James H., and the King and Queen of Bohemia. 8vo. London, 1787 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 181 Bromlej H. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits. 4to. London, 1Y93 Brongniart Al. Memoire sur les Terrains de Sediment superieurs cal- careo-trajDpeens du Yicentin. 4to. Paris, 1823 Ad. Ilistoire desYegetauxfossiles, ouRecherchesbotaniques et geologiques sur les Yegetaux renfermes dans les diverses Couches du Globe. Yol. 1. 4to. Paris, 1828 Considerations generales sur la Nature des Yegetaux qui ont convert la Surface de la Terre. 8vo. Paris, 1828 Enumeration des Genres de Plantes cultives au Mu- seum d'Histoire ISTaturelle de Paris. 12nio. Paris, 1850 Al. Traite des Arts cdramiques ou des Poteries consideres dans leur Histoire, leur Pratique et leur Thdorie, avec Atlas 4to. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844 Das Coloriren und Decoriren des achten Porcellans, in's Deutsche iibergetragen. 12mo. Weimar, 1853 et Desmarest A. G. Histoire naturelle des Crustaces fos- siles, sous les Rapports zoologique et geologique. 4to. Paris, 1822 A, T. Plan du Palais de la Bourse de Paris et du Cimetiere Mont Louis. Fol. Paris, 1814 Bronn H. G. System der Urweltlichen Konchjlien. Fol. Heidelberg, 1824 Italiens Tertiar-Gebilde. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1831 Lethsea Geognostica, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der fur die Gebirgs-Formationen bezeichneten Yer- steinerungen. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1834-38 and Atlas of 47 Tables, 4to. 1837 Palaontologische Collectaneen. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1843 HandbucheinerGeschichtederNatur. L Th. Kosmisches Leben. H. Th. Tellurisches Leben. IH. Th. Organ- isches Leben. Index palseontologus. JSTomenclator pa- laeontologus. FY. Yemunftleben. 3 in 5 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1841-40 u. Kaup J. J. Abhandlungen liber die Gavial-Artigen Reptilien der Lias-formation. Fol. Stuttgart, 1841 Broocman C. IT. Larebok i Svenska spraket, andra upplagen. 8vo. Stockholm, 1814 Brook B. The Lives of the Puritans. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1813 The History of Religious Liberty from the First Propagation of Christianity in Britain to the Death of George III, 2 vols, 8vo. London, s. a. Brooke A. de CapeU. A Winter in Lapland and Sweden. 4to. London, 1827 Sketches in Spain and Morocco. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831 Ch. On the Automatic Registrations of Magnetometers and Me- teorological Instruments by Photography. 4to. London, 1847 — James. ISTarrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes, &c., from his Journals. By Capt. R. Mundy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 R. Ascuns novel Cases de les ans et temps le Roy. H. 8. Ed. 6. et la Roygne Mary. 12mo. London, 1587 T. H. A History of the Island of St. Helena. 8vo. London, 1808 182 A8T0R LIBRABT. Brooklyn City. Documents and Plans submitted by the Water Com- mittee to the Common Council of jBrooklyn for 1854. 4to. Brooklyn, 1854 Brooks C. Elements of Ornithology. 8vo. Boston, 1847 C. T. Songs and Ballads, translated from Uhland, Komer, Biir- ger, &c., with Notes, 12mo. Boston, 1842 E. Correspondence between him and John A. Lowell, &c. 4to. Boston, 1847 S. Tlie Russians of the South. 12mo. London, 1854 J. T. Four Months among the Gold-Finders in California. 8vo. New York, 1849 W. A. Treatise on the Improvement of the Navigation of Rivers. 8vo. London, 1841 Brookshaw George. Pomona Britannica, or a Collection of the most es- teemed Fruits at present cultivated in this Coun- try, accurately Drawn and Coloured from Nature. Fol. London, 1812 Brosius F. X. Anfangsgriinde der differential- und integral-Recknung. 8vo. Cohi, 1830 Brossard J. L'Art de lever les Plans, Traite complet d'Arpentage. Obi. 4to. Grenoble et Paris, 1852 Brosses C. de. Histoire des Navigations aux Terres australes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1756 Traite de la Formation mecanique des Langages. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, -1800 Brosset M. Relation du Pays de Ta Ouan, traduite du Chinois. 8vo. Paris, 1829 Elements de la Langue georgienne. 8vo. Paris, 1837 Rapports sur un Voyage archeologique dans la Georgie et dans I'Armenie. Execute en 1847-48. Avec Atlas, Fol. 3 vols. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1849-51 Brotero F. A. Flora Lusitanica. 2 vols. 4to. Olissipone, 1804 Brotonne F. de. Histoire de la Filiation et des Migrations des Peuples. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1837 Civilisation primitive. Svo. Paris, 1845 Brouc M. Hygiene philosophique des Artistes dramatiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836 Brouckere C. de. La Charite et 1' Assistance publique. 12mo. Bruxelles, s. a. Principes gen^raux d'Economie politique. 12mo. Bruxelles, s. a. Brougham H. Lord. An Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the Euro- pean Powers. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1803 Practical Observations upon the Education of the People. 8vo. London, 1825 Discourse of tlie Objects, Advantages, and Plea- sures of Science. 8vo. London, 1827 A Discourse of Natural Tlieology. 12mo. London, 1835 Political Philosophy, Principles of Government, Monarchical, Democracies, and Mixed. 3 vols. 8vo. Tx)ndon, 1844-46 A Discourse of Natural Theology. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1835 AXPHABETTCAL INDEX. 183 Brougham H. Lord. Lives of Men of Letters and Science who flourished in the time of George III. 8vo. London, 1845 SEetches of Public Characters, Discourses, and Essays. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1839 Dissertations on Subjects of Science connected with Natural Theology. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1839 Opinions on Politics, Theology, &c. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1839 Selections from the Speeches and Writings of, with a brief Memoir of his Life. 8vo. London, 1832 Speeches upon Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838 Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. 2d Series. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1839 Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George HI. 1st, 2d, & 3d Series. 6 vols, in 3. 12mo. Loudon, 1845-53 Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 3 vols. 8vo. London and Glasgow, 185fi Broughton H. Works of the Great Albionean Divine, renowned in many Nations for rare skill in Salems and Athens Tongues : Yiz. The Concent of Scriptures. — A Translation of Da- niel. — ^Treatises upon Several Parts and Heads of Scrip- ture. — Discourses upon Religion and the Holy Scrip- tures. — Epistles to Sundry Persons in Several Lan- guages. — -illustrations of the Scriptures from Ebrew and Greek Writers. 4 vols, in 1. Fol. London, 1662 W. R. A Yoyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean. 4to. London, 1804 Broussais Casimir. Hygiene morale ou Application de la Physiologic a. la Morale et a I'Education. 8vo. Paris, 1837 F. J. V. De rirritation et de la Folic. _ 8vo. Paris, 1828 De rirritation et de la Folic. 2e Edition, publiee par C. Broussais. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839 Histoire des Phlegm asies ou Inflamations chroniques. 4e Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826 -^ Examen des Doctrines medicales et des Systemes de Nosologic. 3me Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-34 Cours de Phrenologie. 8vo. Paris, 1836 Cours de Pathologic et de Therapeutique generales, redige par P. M. Gaiibert. 2me Edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-35 Traite de Physiologic appliqu^e k la Pathologic. 2e Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834 See Annales de la Medicine physiologique. Brousseaud M. Mesure d'un Arc du ParallMe moyen entre le Pole et I'Equateur. 4to. Limoges, 1839 Brown Andrew. The Philosophy of Physics. 8vo. Neuilly, 1854 C. Narrative of the Expedition to South America for the Service of the Spanish Patriots. 8vo. London, 1819 C. B. Novels, with a Memoir of his Life. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1827 184 ASTOB LIBKAET. Brown E. Fasciculus Rerum expetendarum et fugiendarum prout ab O. Gratio editus est Colonise 1535, in Concilii tunc indicendi Usum et Admonitionem, una cum Appendice Scriptorum Veterum. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1690 H. The History of Elinois. 8vo. New York, 1844 J. B. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of J. Howard. 8vo. London, 1823 J. "Works, with a Biographical Account bj William Cullen Brown. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1804 Les Cours du Nord, ou M^moires sur les Souverains de la Su^de et du Danemarck, trad, de 1' Anglais. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819 History of the British Churches in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823 An Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1757-58 Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the High Court of Parliament, 1701-79. 7 vols. 8vo. Dublm, 1784 The History and Present Condition of St. Domingo. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1837 Philological Tracts. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1833-42 Rich. Sacred Architecture, its Rise, Progress, and Present State. 4to. London, s. a. Rob. View of the Agriculture of the W. Riding of Yorkshire. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1797 Observations on the Organs and Mode of Fecundation in Orchidese and Asclepiadese. 4to. London, 1833 Vermischte Botanische Schriften, uebersetzt von Nees von Esenbech. 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1825 T. Illustrations of the Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. 4to. London, 1827 Illustrations of the Land and Fresh Water Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. London, 1845 The Book of Butterflies, Sphinxes, and Moths. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1832 Dr. T. Philosophy of the Human Mind. Edited by D. Welsh. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837 Inquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect. 8vo. Andover, 1822 W. History of the Propagation of Christianity among the Hea- then. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh and London, 1854 Antiquities of the Jews. 2d Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826 - — Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Higli Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Tliurlow. Edited by 1. C. Perkins. Fii-st American from the Fifth London Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1844 University. See Providence, R. I. BrowTie A. Miscellaneous Sketches. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1798 D. J. The Trees of America, Native and Foreign. 8vo. New York, 1846 II. The Geology of Scripture, illustrating the Operation of the Deluge. 8vo. Frome, 1832 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 185 Browne A. Ordo Saeclorum. A TreatiBe on the Chronology of the Holy Scriptures, and the Indications therein contained of a Di- vine Plan of Times and Seasons. 8vo. London, 1844 J. A History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1843 J. H. Strictures on Some Parts of the Oxford Tracts. 8vo. London, 1838 J. E. Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, with a brief History of the Whale Fishery. 8vo. New York, 1846 P. The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. Fol. London, 1789 ■ Sir T. Works, edited by S. Wilkin, viz. Life, Journals, and Correspondence. — ^Religio-Medici. — Vulgar Errors. — Garden of Cypnis. — Hydrotaphia. — • Christian Morals and Miscellanies. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1835 New Edition. 3 vols. Post 8vo. London, 1852 T. The British Cicero, or a Selection of the Most Admired Speeches in the English Language, with Historical Blus- trations, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1808 W. G. Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the year 1792 to 1798. 4to. London, 1798 Nouveau Yoyage dans la haute et basse Egypte, la Syrie, etc. Trad, de 1' Anglais par I. Castera. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800 Browning C. A. The Convict Ships and England's Exiles. 5th Edition. 12mo. London, 1851 E. B. See Barrett Mrs. E. B. II. C. The Life of Goethe, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1844 R. Poems. New Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849 — Same. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1850 W. S. A History of the Huguenots. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1840 Brownlow R. and Goldsborough J. Reports of Divers Choice Cases in Law. Second Edition. 4to. London, 1654 Brownson O. A. New Yiews of Christian Society and the Church. 12mo. Boston, 1836 Quarterly Review for 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1855, and 1856. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1845-56 See Boston Quarterly Review. Bruce A. The American Mineralogical Journal. Yol. 1 (all published). 8vo. New York, 1844 J. History of K. Edward lY. His Arrival in England. 4to. 1838 Yerney Papers. 4to. 1844 Jas. Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile in the years 1768-73, with a Life of the Author. 7 vols. 8vo. and Atlas 4to. Edinburgh, 1804 J. Same. Abridged by S. Shaw. 12mo. London : — Annals of the East India Company. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1810 J. C. The Roman Wall, an Historical, Topogi*aphical, and De- scriptive Account. 8vo. London, 1851 The Bayeux Tapestry Elucidated. 4to. London, 1856 R. See Barbour. Wm. D.D. Literary Essays. 4to. Belfast, 1818 186 ASTOB LIBEABY. Bruce-Whyte M. A. Histoire des Langues romanes et de leur Littera- ture, depuis leur origine. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841 Brnchhausen W. von. Die periodisch wiederkehrenden Eiszeiten und Sindfliithen. Svo. Trier, 1845 Bruckstiich Uber Kreuzzug Friedrick's I. Herausgeg. von Reiffenberg, Svo. Stuttgart, 1844 Bruck R. Electricite ou Magnetisme du Globe terrestre. Svo. Brussels, 1851 Brucker J. Historia Critica Philosophise. 6 vols. 4to. Lipsiae, 1Y42-57 Bru6 A. H. Grand Atlas universel. 40 Cartes. Fol. Paris, 1816-18 — ■ Atlas universel de Geographic ancienne et modeme. Fol. Paris, 1822 Briickmann F. E. Relatio historico-botanico Medica de Avellana Mexi- cana vulgo Cacao. 4to. Brunsvigae, 1728 Epistolarum Itinerariarum Centuria et Cen. sec. et ter- tia, cum Supplemento. 5 vols. 4to. Wolfenb. 1742-56 Bruggemann L. W. A Yiew of the English Editions and Translations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors. Svo. Stettin, 1797 Bruen M. Memoirs of his Life and Character. Svo. New York, 1831 Briinnich M. Tli. Les Progr^s de I'Histoire naturelle en Dannemarck et en Norvege. Svo. Copenh. 1783 Bibliotheca Ordine Chronologic©, recensens Danise, JSTorvegise, Islandise et Holsatise Auctores Scientias iiaturales tractantes. Svo. Haunise, 1783 Brueys D. A. et Palaprat J. Chef-d'CEuvres dramatiques. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1791 Bruges, Soci^te d'Emulation. Recueil de Croniques. 9 vols. 4to. Bruges, 1839-49 J. E. de. De Acqua frigida ej usque actione in Hominem turn Sa- num tum Morbosum. Svo. Amst. 1825 Brugsch H. Numerorum apud Yeteres ^gyptios Demoticorum doc- trina. Fol. Obi. Berolini, 1849 Uebereinst e. hieroglyph. Inscript v. Philse mit dem Gr. u. dem Aufangs Text'e d. Dek. v. Rosetta. 4to. Berlin, 1849 De Natura et Indole Linguae popularis JEgyptiorum. Svo. Berolini, 1850 Uebersichtliche Erklaerung -^gyptischer Denkmaler des Koenigl. neuen Museums zu Berlin. 12mo. Berlin, 1850 Inscriptio Rosettana hieroglyphica. 4to. Berolini, 1851 Die Adonisklage u. d. Linoslied. Svo. Berlin, 1852 Memoire sur la Reproduction imprimee des Caract^res de I'ancienne Ecriture demotique au Moyen de Types mo- biles. , ^ ^ ' Berlin, 1855 Grammaire demotique, contenant les Principes gen^raux de la Langue et de Pficriture populaire des anciens Egyp- tiens. 4to. Berlin, 1855 Bruhl. Catalogus Bibliothecse Bruhlianse. 2 vols. 4to. Dresdse, 1750-54 Brulius J. Historiae Peruanae. 4to. Bruxellee, 1652 Brulle. Coup d'CEil sur I'Entomologie de la Mor^e. Paris, 1831 Brulliot Francois. Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques figur6es, (fee, des Peintres, Dessinateurs, et Graveurs. 4to. Munich, 1832 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 187 Brumoy P. Theatre des Grecs, viz. Traduction d'^scliyle par La- porte-Dutheil ; de Sophocle par liochefort; d'Eiiripide par Prevost ; d'Aristophane par Raoul-Rochette. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-25 Greek Theatre. Translated by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1759 Bran Jean A. Le Triomphe du nouveau Monde. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1785 Brunacci Y. Calcolo Integrale delle Equazioni Lineari. 4to. Firenze, 1798 Analisi derivata. 4to. Pa via, 1802 Brunck R. F. P. See Analecta, Apollonius Rhodius, Aristophanes, Plau- tus, Sophocles, Terence. Brunckow O. B. Manuel pratique pour la Precision et la Construction des diverses Courbes qui s'offrent aux Chemins de Fer. Fr. et All. 8vo. Berlin, 1846 Bruneau-Matliurin. Le faux Dauphin se disant Charles de IS'avarre, et Fils de Louis XYI. 12mo. Paris, s. a. Brunet F. F. Parallele des Religions. 3 vols in 5. 4to. Paris, 1792 G. ITotices et Extraits de quelques Ouvrages ecrits en Patois du Midi de la France. 12mo. Paris, 1840 J. C. Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres. 4 vols. 8vo., and Supplement 3 vols. 8vo. 7 vols. Svo. Paris, 1820-34 Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres. 4me £d. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842-43 Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres. Tome 5me. Index. Bruxelles, 1845 Brunius C. G. Skanes Konsthistoria for Medeltiden. 8vo. Lund, 1850 Brunn A. Fasti Mariani cum Divorum Elogiis. 12mo. Antverpiae, 1660 Brunnmark G. An Introduction to Swedish Grannnar, revised by J. P. Waklin. 12mo. London, 1825 Same. 2d Edition. 8vo. Stockholm, 1826 Bruno G. Opere per la prima Volta raccolte, da A. Wagner, viz, Can- delajo Comedia. — La Cena de le Ceneri. — De la Causa, Principio et Uno. — De I'Infinito LTniverso e Mondi. — Spaccio de la Bestia trionfante. — Cabala del Cavallo Pega- seo, con I'Asino Cillenico. — Gli Eroici Furori. 2 vols. Svo. Lipsiae, 1830 Binin-RoUet M. Le Nil Blanc et le Soudan. Svo. Paris, 1855 Bruno K. Kern und Schale, oder drei politische Blicke auf die Kolnische Angelegenheit. Svo. Jense, 1838 Bruns C. G. Das Recht des Besitzes im Mittelalter und in der Gegen- wart. Svo. Tiibingen, 1848 Brussels. Academic R. des Sciences et Belles Lettres. M^moires 1769-82. 4 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1770-83 iq". Memoires 1817-51. 29 vols. 4to.^ Bruxelles, 1820-55 Memoires couronn^s et Mem. des Savants etrangers, 1793 -1854. 27 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1818-55 The same. Collection in 7 vols. Svo. Bruxelles Bulletins 1832-54. 38 vols. Svo. Bruxelles, 1836-55 Annexe aux Bulletins 1853-54. Bruxelles, 1854 Annuaire de I'Academie. 18 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1835-54 188 A8T0B LIBRABY. Brussels. Commission R. d'Histoire. Compte-rendu, Ire et 2e Serie. 24 volg. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1834-56 Bibliotheque R. de Belgique, Annuaire. 10 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1840-49 • Inventoire des Manuscrits de I'Ancienne Bib. des Dues de Bourgogne. 1 vol. Fol. Bruxelles and Leipzig, 1840 Catalogue des Manuscrits de la B. R. des Dues de Bour- gogne. 3 vols. Fol. Bruxelles, 1842 Catalogue des Accroissements de la Bib. en Livres impri- mes, en Cartes, et en MSS. Ire et 2de Serie. 4 vols. Svo. Bruxelles, 1843-64 Chambre des Representants. Catalogue systematique de leur Biblioth^que. Svo. Bruxelles, 1844 Depot de la Guerre. Catalogue de la Biblioth^que. Svo. Bruxelles, 1847 Accroissements de la Biblioth^que du Depot de la Guerre. Svo. Bruxelles, 1860 Observatoire. Annales publi^es par A. Quetelet. Tome 1. 4to. Bruxelles, 1834 ■ Annuaire 1834-55. 22 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1834-55 Almanach seculaire par A. Quetelet. 12mo. Brux. 1854 Catalogue des Livres de la Biblioth^que. Svo. Bruxelles, 1847 Le Promeneur dans Bruxelles et dans ses Environs. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1839 Description historique et topographique, par A. Terrier. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1841 Brutum Fulmen. See Hotoman. Brutus S. J. See Languet H. Bruyere L. Etudes relatives k I'Art de Construction, qui traitent de Fonts en Pi erre. — Greniers publics.— Fonts en Per. — Foires et Marches. — Navigation. — Abattoirs et Boucheries. — Fortes d'Ecluses. — Petites Maisons. — Des Tuiles. — Laza- rets. — Di verses Constructions. 2 vols. Fol. Paris, 1823-28 Bruzen de la Martiniere A. A. Introduction d I'Histoire de I'Asie, de I'Afrique et de I'Amerique. 2 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1735 Le grana Dictionnaire g6ographique, etc. 10 vols. Fol. Yenice, 1737-41 Le grand Dictionnaire geographique, historique et cri- tique. Nouvelle Edition corrigee et amplement augmentee. 6 vols. Fol. Paris, 1768 Bry de Theodore, John Theodore et John Israel De Brj' and Matt. Merian. The celebrated Collection of Voyages known as De Bry's has no collective title ; that commonly given to it of " Collectiones Peregrinationum," &c., was not prefixed by the original publishei-s ; each work has its own distinctive Title in two Series, as follows. Americfe, Pars I. Admiranda Narratio, fida tamen, de Com- modis et Incolarum Ritibus Virginiee, nuper admodum ab Anglis qui eo in Coloniam anno 1585 deduct! sunt invent«e Anglico scripta Sermone k Th. Ilariot, nunc autem primum Lat. donata a C. C. A. Fol. Francoforti ad Mcenum, 1690 ALPHAS KTIC A L INDEX. 189 Bry de. Americse, Pars IT. Brevis Narratio eorum quae in Florida Americse Provincia Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illam Na- vigatione duce P. de Laudoniere anno 1564. Additse Figurae et Incolarum Eicones ibidem ad vivum expressae, item De- claratio Religionis rituura vivendique ratione ipsorum. Auctore Jacooo le Moyne. Lat. vero donata k C. 0. A. Fol. Franc, ad M. 1591 Americse, Pars III. Memorabile provinciae Brasilise Historiam confines, germanico primum sermone scriptam ^ Joane Sta- dio nunc autem Latin, donatam. Addita est Narratio Pro- fectionis Jo. Lerii in eandem Provintiam. His accessit Descriptio Morum et Ferocitatis Incolarum illius Pegionis, atque Colloquium ipsorum idiomate conscriptum. Fol. Franc, ad M. 1592 Americae, Pars IV. Insignis et admiranda Historia de reperta primum occidentali India a Christ. Columbo anno M. 1492. Scripta ab H. Bezono qui istic Anis 14 versatus diligetur omnia observavit, omnia elegantibus figuris in aes incisis expressa a Tli. de Bry. Fol. Francof. 1594 Americae, Pars V. Nobilis et admiratione plena Hieronymi Bezoni Secundae Sectionis (Historia) Hispanorum tum in Ni- grittas servos suos, turn in Indos crudelitatem Gallorumque pirataru de Ilispanis toties reportata Spolia ; adventti item Hispanoru in novam Indiae continentis Ilispaniam eorumque contra incolas ejus regionis Saevitiam explicans. Fol. Franc. 1595 America, Pars YI. Historiae ab Hieronymo Bezono scriptae Sectio tertia. In hac reperies qua ratione Hispani opulen- tissimas illas Peruani regni provincias occuparint capto Rege Atabaliba; deide orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella. Omnia elegantibus figuris in aes incisis ex- pressa a Theod. de Bry. Fol. Francof. 1596 Americae, Pars VII. Verissima et jucundissima Descriptio Praecipuarum quarundam Indiae regionum et Insularum quae quidem nullis ante liaec tempora visae cognitaeque, jam pri- mum ab Ulrico Fabro, multo cum periculo inventae, et ab eodem summa diligentia consignatae fuerunt, ex germanico in Lat. Sermonem conversa, autore M. Gotardo Artus. Fol. Franc. 1599 Americae, Pars VHI. Continens, prinio, Descriptionem trium Itinerum Nobilissimi et fortissimi Equitis Francisci Draken. Secundo, Iter Nobilissimi Equitis Tliomae Candisch. Tertio, Duo Itinera JSTobilissimi et lortissimi Domini Gualtheri Ra- legh, necnon fortissimi Capitanei Laurentii Kemys. In La- tinum Sermonem conversa, auctore M. G. Artus. Fol. Francof. 1599 Americae, Pars IX. Qua de liatione Elementorum, de novi Orbis natura, de Imjus incolarum superstitiosis cultibus, deque forma Politiae ac Reipub. ipsorum copiose pertracta- tur. Catalogo Regum Mexicanorum omnium, a primo usque ad ultimum MonteQumam II. addito. His accessit Designa- tio illius Navigationis quam 5 naves Ilollandicae anno 1598 per fretum Magellan um in Moluccanas Insulas tentarunt. Addita est tertia Navigatio recens quam 4 Navium Praefec- tus Olivier a Noort proxime suscepit. Fol. Francof. 1602 190 A8TOE LIBBART. Bry (le. Amer'cae, Pars X. Duae Naviffationes Dn. Americi Yesputii Busceptae. Solida Narratio ae moderno Provincise Virginia Stato ; qua ratione tandem pax cuin Indianis coaluerit ac Cas- telhi, aliquot ad regionis praesidium ab Aiiglis extructa fue- rint. Addita historia lectn j ucundissima quo modo Pokahun- tas Regis Virginiie Powhatani filia primori cuid^m Anglo nupserit, Authore Raphe Ilamor Virginias Secretario. Vera Descriptio novae Anglia3, quae Americas pars ad Septentrio- nalem Indiam spectat, k Capitaneo Johanne Schmidt, Sump- tibus ac Studio Johann. Theodori de Bry. Fol. Oppenhemii, 1609 AmericjB, Pars XI. Descriptio adniirandi Itineris a Giulielmo Scliouten peracti, qua ratione in Meridionali plaga Freti Magellanici novum hactennsque incognitum in Mare Aus- trale transitum patefecerit. Omnia elegantibus Mappis atque Iconibus in aes incisis illustrata. Opera et Sumptibus ; Johann. Theodori de Bry. Fol. Oppenh. 1619 Novi Orbis, Pars XII. Sive Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis Auctore Antonio de Herrera, accesserunt Paralipomena Americas. Fol. Francof. 1624 Historiae Americanas, Pars XIII. Quas continet exactam et ac- curatam Descriptionem Novae Angliae, Virginias, Brasiliae, Guianas, Bermudas, &c. Novi Mexici, Cibolae, Cinaloae, verumque Memorabilium quae in Yucatan, Guatimala, Fon- duris et Panama observatae sint. Fol. Francof. The Voyages to the East form a Second Series, and are. Pars I. Vera Descriptio Regni Africani quod tarn ab Incolis quam Lusitanis Congus appellatur, per PhiHppum Piga- fettum olim ex Edoardi Lopez acroamatis Lingua Itahca excepta nunc Lat. sermone donata ab A. C. Reinio. Fol. Francof 1598 Indias Orientalis, Pars 11. In qua Johan. Hugonis Lintscotani Navigatio in Orientem, item re^na, littora, portus, etc., ac- ■ curate proponuntur. Primum Belgice, deinde Germanice, nunc Latine reddita. Fol. Francof. 1599 Indiae Orientalis, Pars III. Qua continentur, secunda pars Na- vigationum a J. H. Linschotano in Orientem susceptarum : Navigatio Ilollandorum in Insulas Orientales Javan et Su- matrani : Ti'es Navigationes Ilollandorum in modo dictam Indiam per septentriotialem seu glacialem Oceauum. De Geriutinico in Lat. transl. Fol. Francof 1601 ! Iiidiie Orientalis, Pars IV. Qua primum Varii Generis Anima- lia, Fructus, Arbores, item Aromata, similiter et Margarita seu Uniones ac Gemmjirum Species pleraquc, etc. accurate describuniur per J. M. Liiitsclio'anum et uouiuillos alios. Secuiidonovissinui llolhiudoruiii in Indiam Orientalfin navi- gatio, etc. exponitur. Fol. Francof 1601 Indian Orientalis, Pars V. Qua continet ur Vera et Accurata Descriptio universa Navigationis illius (|uam IloUandi cum octonis navibus in terras Orientales, pnBci|iui vero in Javn- nas et Moluccanas Insulas, Bantam, Bandam, Teriiatom, etc. Susceperunt. Fol. Francof 1001 Indiae Orientalis, Pars VI. Veramet II ist.tiricam Descriptionem Auriferi Regni Guinea; ad Africam pertinentis quod alias Littus de Mina vocant, continens. Fol. Francof 1604 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 191 Bry de. Indiae Orientalis, Pars VII. Navigationes duas, primam a Geor- gio Spilbergio ex Selandia in Indiam Orientalem susceptam : Alteram a Casparo Balby ex Alepo Babyloniam versus et inde porro ad regnum Pegu usque continuatam, continens, Fol. Francof. 1606 Indies Orientalis, Pars YIII. Navigationes quinque, primam k Jacobo Neccio 1600-1603 : secundam a Jo. Hermanno, 1602-1604: tertiam a Cornelio Nicolai: quartam a Cor- nelio de Yena : quintam sub Stephano de Hagen en Indiam Orientalem: susceptas et peractas, continens. FoL Francof. 1607 Indiae Orientalis, Pars IX. Historicam Descriptionem Naviga- tionis ab Hollandis et Selandis in Indiam Orientalem, sub Iraperio Petri Gulielm Yerhuffii, annis 1607, 1608, et 1609, susceptae et peractae, etc., continens. Fol. Francof. 1612 Indiae Orientalis, Pars X. Qua continetur Historica Pelatio sive Descriptio novi ad Aquilonem Transitus supra Terras Americanas in Chinam atque Japonem ducturi, quemadmo- dum is ab Henrico Hudsono Anglo nuper inventus est. Ad- dita Descriptione Regionum Siberiae, etc., quae nuper a Moscis detectae et occupatae sunt. Fol. Francof. 1613 Indiae Orientalis, Pars XI. Qua continetur Duarum Naviga- tionum quas Dn. Americus Yesputius instituit histori a. Yera atque liactenus inaudita Angli cujusdam relatio qui in extre- mam Indiae Orient, oram Cambajam vectus, etc. Descriptio regionis Spitzbergae, addita simul relatione injuriaruni ab Anglis perpessi sint et Protestatione contra Anglos. Fol. Oppenhemii, 161{> Indiae Orientalis, Pars XII. In tres Libros distributos, quorum primus continet Descriptiones totius illius Continentis quae viilgo Orientalis Indiae nomine censetur. Secundus habet Narrationes exquisitas aliquot Navigationum in omnes illas orientis et Austri partes susceptarum, etc. ab Anglis Bata- visque potissimum. Tertius tribuitur descriptioni quarun- dam Septentrionalium Regionum atque Insularum ante non satis cognitarum, nempe partis Scythiae, Moscoviae quae magna pars est Sarmatiae, Islandiae, Gronlandiae et aliarum quaram notitia ad nos pervenit a primis Navigationum Initiis ad nostra tempora. Fol. Francof. 1627 See Camus. Memoire sur la Collection des Yoyages de De Bry. Bryan M, Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, with the Ciphers, Mo- nograms, and Marks used by each Engraver. Edited by G. Stanley. '" 8vo. London, 1849 Bryant E. What I Saw in California. 12mo. New York, 1849 J. A New System ; or, An Analysis of Ancient Mythology. 2d Edition. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1775-76 Observations upon the Poems of Th OS. Rowley. 8vo. London, 1781 A Treatise upon the Authenticity of the Scriptures, and the Truth of the Christian Religion. 2d Edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1793 Dissertation on the War of Troy, as described by Homer. 2d Edition corrected. 4to. London, 1799 192 ASTOB LIBBART. Bryant J. Observations on the Vindication of Homer, and of the An- cient Poets and Historians, who have recorded the Siege and Fall of Troy, written by J. B. S. Morritt. 4to. Eton, 1799 W. C. Poems, with Illustrations by E. Leutze, engraved by American Artists. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848 Poems, collected and arranged by the Author. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1855 Selections from the American Poets. 12mo. New York, 1843 Brydayne J. Sermons publics sur les MSS. Autographes. 5 vols. 12mo. Avignon, 1823 Brydges S. E. Censura Literaria, containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opi- nions of Old English Books. 10 vols, in 5. 8vo. London, 1805-9 Restituta; or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature revived. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814-16 Archaica, containing a Reprint .of scarce Old English Tracts. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1815 The Population and Riches of Nations. 8vo. Paris, 1819 Atavige Regise. 4to. Florence, 1820 The Anti-Critic for August, 1821, and March, 1822. 8vo. Geneva, 1822 Polyanthea Librorum Yetustiorum — Italicorum, Galli- corum, Hispanicorum, Anglicanorum, et Latinorum. 8vo. Genevae, 1822 Res Literarise, Biographical and Critical, from Oct. 1820 to Feb. 1822. 8vo. Naples, Rome, Geneva, 1820-22 Cimelia, seu Examen Criticum Librorum ex Diariis lite- rariis selectum. 8vo. Genevae, 1823 Recollections of Foreign Travel, on Life, Literature, and S elf-Knowledge. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824 Who was the Countess of Hapsburg ? 8vo. Paris, 1826 Autobiography. — ^Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834 and Haslewood J. The British Bibliographer. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1810-14 H. J. The Dynasty of the Kajars, translated from an Original Persian Manuscript. 8vo. London, 1833 Biydone P. A Tour through Sicily and Malta. 8vo. London, 1806 Brynjulf G. Periculum Runilogicum, seu de Runarum Origine, Propa- gatione, et Usu. 12mo. Ilaunise, 1823 Buccaneers. Historie der Boecaniers of Yreybuytere van America. 4to. Amsterdam, 1700 See also Burney, Esquemeliug, Raveneau de Lussan, and Ringgrove. Bucchi U. Tirgedie. 8vo. Pisa, 1814 II Kisorgimcnto d'ltalia Odi militari, 8vo. Pisa, 1814 Buch Leopold von. Reise durch Norvegen und Lapland. 2 vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1810 Travels through Norway and Lapland. 4to. London, 1813 Buch das der Ritterorden und Ehrenzeichen Insignien aller Ritterorden, militair, und civil Ehrenzeichen. 8vo. Brussel und Leipzig, 1848 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 193 Buclian D. Lord. Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher of Saltoun and the Poet Thomson. 8vo. London, 1Y92 G. Medicina Dornestica. 4to. Madrid, 1818 W. Prevention and Cure of the Venereal Disease, with an Ap- pendix. 8vo. London, 1Y96 Buchanan C. Christian Researches in Asia. Svo. Boston, 1811 D. An Inquiry into the Taxation and Commercial Policy of Great Britain. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1844 Er. A Journey from Madras through the Countries of My- sore, Canara, and Malabar. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1807 G. Opera Omnia curante Ruddimanno, containing Rerum Scoticarum Ilistoria. — De Jui-e Regni apud Scotos. — Detectio Marise Reginse. — Chamseleon. — ^Psalmorum Paraphrasis. — Tragoidice. — Poemata. — Linacri Rud. Gram. Euripidis Medea et Alcestis. — Epistolee. 2 vols. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1725 The Histoiy of Scotland. 4 vols. Svo. Glasgow, 1827 J. Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians. 2 vols. 12nio. New York, 1824 R. An Essay on the Teeth of Wheels. Revised by Peter Nicholson. Svo. London, 1808 Practical Essays on Mill-Work and other Machinery, with Notes by T. Tredgold, and now revised by George Rennie. Illustrated with numerous Plates. Atlas of Plates Folio, and Text. Svo. London, 1841 W. An Inquiry into the Genealogy and Present State of An- cient Scottish Surnames. 12mo. Glasgow, 1820 Memoirs of Painting, with a Chronological History of the Importation of Pictures of the Great Masters into Eng- land since the French Revolution. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1824 Buchdruckerkunst und Schrift-giesserey, mit alien dazu gehorigen Instru- menten, &c., gestellet. 5 vols. 12mo. Leipzig, 1740 Bucherius ^g. (Boucher Gilles). De Doctrina Temporum Commenta- rius in Victorium Aquitanum, aliosque Antiquos Canonum Paschalium Scriptores. Fol. Antverpiae, 1634 • Belgium Romanum Ecclesiasticum et Civile Tabulis Chronologicis illustratum. Fol. Leodii, 1655 Buchez P. J. B. Essai d'un Trait«^ complet de Philosophic, du Point de Yue du Catholicisme et du Progres. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1838-40 et Roux D. C. L'llistoire parlementaire de la Revolution fran- gaise, ou Journal des Assemblees nationales, 1789-1815. 40 vols. Svo. Paris, 1834-38 Buchler Joh. Thesaurus conscribendarum Epistolarum Novus. 12mo. Colonise-Agrip. 1605 Bucholz F. Handbuch der spanischen Sprache und Litteratur ; pro- saischer Theil. Svo. Berlin, 1801 Buchon J. A. Collection des Chroniques nationales frangaises du 13e au 16 SiMe. 47 vols. Svo. Paris, 1826-28 Chroniques etrangeres relatives aux Expeditions fran^aises pendant le 13e Siecle. Imp. Svo. Paris, 1841 Vol. I. 13 ik ASTOK LttEABT. Bnchon J. A. Choix de Chroniques et Memoires sur I'Histoire de France avec Notices biographiqnes. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1836 La Gr^ce continentale et la Moree. 12mo. Paris, 1843 Kecherches historiques sur la Principaute fran9aise de Mor6e et ses hautes Baronnies. Le Livre de la Con- queste de la Moree. Premiere Epoque, Conquete et Etablissement feodal. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845 Nouvelles Recherches historiques sur la Principaut^ frangaise de Mor^e et ses hautes Baronnies. Investi- gation des Archives et Bibliotheques de Toscane, Na- ples, Sicile, Malte, Corfou. Seconde Epoque. Affai- blissement et Decadence. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845 Atlas des nouvelles Recherches historiques sur la Prin- cipaute frangaise de Moree, et ses hautes Baronnies, fondees k la Suite de la 4me Croisade. 4to. Paris, 1845 Rapports sur la Situation des Bibliotheques publiques en France. 8vo. Paris Bucke C. The Ruins of Ancient Cities, their Rise, Fall, and Present Condition. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1841 The Life, Writings, and Genius of M. Akenside. 8vo. London, 1832 Buckingham George Duke of. Miscellaneous Works, printed from the original Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1704-15 and Chandos Duke of. The Stowe Catalogue, priced and annotated by H. R. Forster. 4to. London, 1848 Catalogue of his Library as sold 1849. 4to. London, 1849 Catalogue of his Manuscripts. 8vo. London, 1849 Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George III. from original Family Documents. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1853-55 — - — J. S. America, Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1841 The Eastern and Western States of America. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842 — The Slave States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842 — Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British Provinces in N. America. 8vo. London, 1843 J. T. Specimens of Newspaper Literature. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1852 Buckland W. Yindicise Geologicae, or the Connexion of Geology with Religion explained. 4to. Oxford, 1820 • Reliquiae Diluvianse, or Observations on the Organic Re- mains in Caves, Fissures, &c. 4to. London, 1823 Geology and Mineralogy considered with Reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837 Geologic und Mineralogie in Beziehung zur natiirlichen Theologie, aus dem Englischen von Dr. L. Agassiz. 2 vols. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1839 A Sermon Preached in Westminster Abbey on Easter Sunday Evening, April 23, 1848. 8vo. London, 1848 Buckler J. 0. Views of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales, with Descriptions. 4to. London, 1822 — J. C. and J. Views of Eaton Hall in Cheshire, seat of Earl Grosvenor. Fol. London, 1826 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 195 Buckler J. C. Sixty Views of Endowed Grammar Schools, from Ori- ginal Drawings, with Descriptions. 4to. London, 1827 Architecture of St. Albans Abbey Church. 8vo. London, 1847 T. H. On the Etiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Fibro- Bronchitis and Rheumatic Pneumonia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853 Buckminster J. S. Sermons now first published from the author's manu- scripts. (2d Selection.) 8vo. Boston, 1829 See Lee Mrs. E. B. Budeeus G. Commentarii Linguae Grsecae. Fol. Basilese, 1530 Budan F. D. Nouv. Methode pour la Resolution des Equations num^- riques d'uii Degre quelconque. 4to. Paris, 1807 Buddeus J. F. Miscellanea Sacra. 3 vols. 4to. Jense, 1727 Institutiones Tlieologise Moralis. 4to. Lipsise, 1727 Historia Ecclesiastica Yeteris Testamenti. 2 vols. 4to. Halse Magdeburgicee, 1729-44 Isagoge Historico-theologica, ad Theologiam Universam singulasque eius Partes Novis Supplementis auctior. 2 vols. 4to. Lipsiae, 1730 Institutiones Theologise Dogmaticse variis Observationi- bus illustratae. 4to. Francofurti, 1741 Theses Theologicee de Atheismo et Superstitione. 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1767 Budge J. The Practical Miner's Guide. 8vo. London, 1845 Budget (Le) de Henri III. Comedie historique. 8vo. Paris, 1830 Budik P. A. Vorbereitungstudien fiir den angehenden Bibliothekar. 8vo. Wien, 1834 Yorschule fiir Bibliothekanisches Geschaftsleben. 8vo. Miinchen, 1848 Biilau Fr. Geschichte Deutschlands von 1806-1830. 8vo. Hamburg, 1842 Das Jahr 1848. 8vo. Leipzig, 1849 Biirck A. Handbuch fiir Juweliere-, Gold-, Silber- und Schmuck-Ar- beiter. 12mo. Ilmenau, 1834 Biirger G. A. Sammtliche Werke, herausg. von A. W. Bohtz. 4to. Gottingen, 1835 — ■■ J. A. P. Theorie d. Parallellinien. 8vo. Karlsr. 1816 YoUst. erwiesene Theorie d. Parallellinien, Quadratur d. Kreises, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Heidelb. 1833 Biirja A. Unterricht in d. hoheren Messkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. Berl. 1788 Sur les Connaissances mathdmatiques d'Aristote. 2 Memoires. 4to. Berol. 1791 Biisch J. G. Encyclopsedie der mathematischen Wissenschaften. 8vo. Hamburg, 1795 Biisching A. F. Neue Erdbeschreibung. 9 vols. 8vo. Hamburg, 1770-71 Geogi'aphie Universelle ti'aduite de I'Allemand. 16 vols. 8vo. Stiasburg, 1785-97 Schweden aufs neue bearbeitet von F. Riihe. 8vo. Hamburg, 1807 Biittner D. S. Rudera Diluvii Testes ; d. i. Zeichen u. Zeiigen der Siindfluth. 4to. Leipzig, 1710 196 ASTOE LIBKABY. Biittner D. S. Coralliographia Subterranea sive de Coralliis FoBsilibns. 4:to. Lipsiae, 1714 F. C. A. u. Chertier F. M. Die Lnstfeuerwerkerei, neu bear- beitet von Ilamberger. 12ino. Weimar, 1846 Buffa J. Travels through the Empire of Morocco. 8vo. London, 1810 Buffon G. L. Leclerc, Comte de Daubenton et Montbeillard. Ilistoire naturelle, generale et paiticulicre. 15 vols. 4to. Paris, 1T49-67 Ilistoire naturelle des Oiseaux. 9 vols. 4to. Paris, 1770-83 Planches (1008) enluminees des Oiseaux. 3 vols. Fol. Histoire naturelle des Mineraux. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1783-88 Supplement ^ I'Histoire naturelle. 7 vols. 4to. 1774-89 Tlie work was completed after Buffon's death by Laeeptide in eight additional volumes, viz. Histoire naturelle des Quadrupedes ovipares et des Sei^pens. 2 vols. 4to. 1788-89 Histoire naturelle des Poissons. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1798-1803 Ilistoire naturelle des Cetacees. 4to. Paris, 1804 This first edition of Buifon, with the additions by Lace- pede, is in 44 volumes 4to. ; the copy in the A. Library 18 one distinguished as " un Exemplairc aux Arraes du Roi." Ilistoire naturelle, generale et parti culic^re. Nouvelle Edition, accompagnee de Notes, Ouvrage formant un Cours coraplet d. H. N., redige par Sounini. 127 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1798-1807 Sixty-four volumes of this Edition are by Buffon, viz. Tiidorie de la Terre 3. — Epoques de la Nature 1. — Mi- ndraux 12. — Ilistoire de I'llomme et des Animanx 6. — Quadrupedes 13. — Singes 2. — Oiseaux 28. For the continuation see Brisseau-Mirbel, Daudin, Denys-Mont- fort, Latreille, Sonnini, Sue. — (Euvres completes. Nouv. Ed., publ. par Duthilloeul. 12 vols. 8vo. Douai, 1822 (Euvres completes, augmentees par F. Cuvier, de deux Volumes supplementaires, otfrant la Description des Mammit^res et des Oiseaux les plus remarquables de- converts j.usqu'a, ce jour. 27 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-32 II Genio del Sigr. di Buffon. 12mo. London, 1780 Pezzi SceltL 12mo. Pisa, 1813 Bugg G. Scriptural Geology, or Geological Phenomena, consistent only witli the Literal Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826-27 Bugge Th. Theoret. pract. Anleitung zum Feldmessen. 8vo. Altona, 1817 Builder (The). An Illustrated Magazine for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, and Artist. Vols. 1-14. 4to. London, 1843-56 Builder's Dictionary (Tlie), or Gentleman's and Architect's Companion. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1734 Building Chronicle. Vol. 1. Fol. Edinburgh, 1854 Buleau M. Cours de Construction, 3e Partie. Ports de Mer et Defense de Cotes. Fol. Lithographed ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 197 Bull G. Bp. Works Collected and Eevised by E. Burton, to which is prefixed his Life hy R. Nelson. T vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1827 Yols 1 and 2. Sermons and Discourses. — Vol. 3. Ilarmonia apostolica. — Vol. 4. Apologia pro Harmonia. — Vol. 5. Defensio Fidei Nicense. — ^Vol. 6. Judicium Eccles. Cath. triam primorum Seculorum, contra Episcopium. Harmonia Apostolica, or Two Dissertations on the Doctrine of St. James on Justification of Works, and on the Agree- ment of St. Paul with St. James. A new Translation. 2d Edition. 8yo. Oxford, 1844 Exaraen CensurjB, or an Answer to Certain Strictui-es on a Book entitled Harmonia Apostolica. 8vo. Oxford, 1844 Defence of the Nicene Creed. New Translation. Vol. 1. 8vo. Oxford, 1851 The Corruption of the Church of Rome in relation to Ec- clesiastical Government. 12mo. London, s. a. H. Christian Prayers and Holy Meditations. 12mo. Cambridge, 1842 BuUant J. Geometric et Horlogiographie pratique. 4to. Paris, 1608 BuUar J. H. A Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of Furnas. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841 Bullard A. T. J. Sights and Scenes in Europe. 12mo. St. Louis, 1852 BuUarium Privilegiorum ac Diplomatum Romanorum Pontificum am- plissima Collectio, Opera et Studio Caroli Cocquelines, a S. Leone Magno usque ad HI. Clem. IX., scihcet ab anno 450 usque ad 1669. 6 in 20 vols. Fol. Roma, 1739-62 The following eight volumes are entitled : Roman um seu Novissima et Accuratissima Collectio Aposto- licarum Constitutionum complect. 'Constitutiones a Cle- mente X., XL, XH., Innocentio XL, XIL, XII., Alex- andre VIIL, et Benedicto XHI. editas, scilicet ab anno 1670 usque ad 1740. 8 vols. Fol. Roma, 1733-44 Benedicti Papas XIV. in quo continentur Constitutiones, Epistolse, &G., editse ab initio Pontificatus usque ad totum eiusdem Pontificatus annum XVH., A.D. 1757.. 4 vols. Fol. Roma3, 1746^57 Romani Continuatio, Literas, etc., complectens quas coUegit A. A. Barberi, additis Summariis, etc.. Opera et Studio comitis A. Spezia et R. Secrete. 16 vols. Fol. Romse, 1835-54 — '- Ordinis Franciscanorum Prsedicatorum Opera T. RipoU ; editum a F. A. Bremond. 8 vols. Fol. Romse, 1729-40 Bullet J. B. Recherches historiques sur les Cartes ^ Jouer. 8vo. Lyons, 1751 Histoire de I'fitablissement du Christianisme. 8vo. Paris, 1764 Dissertations sur la Mythologie fran9aise. 12mo. Paris, 1771 Memoires sur la Langue celtique. 2 vols. Fol. BesanQon, 1754-59 P. Architecture pratique. Nouv. Ed. 8vo. Paris, 1774 Bulletin Archeologique, pubHe par le Comite historique des Arts et Monuments. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-50 et Annales de 1' Academic d'Archeologie de Belgique. Vols. 1-11. 8vo. Anvers, 1843-54 de la Societe d'Encouragement pour I'Industrie nationale. Vols. 1-49.. 4to. Paris, 1803-56 198 A8T0B LIBEAKT. Bulletin de la Societ6 d'Encouragement, &c. Tables pour les trente- six pr. Annoes et Programme des Prix. 4to. Paris, 1837 de la Socicte de Geographic. 64 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822-55 Serie 1. 20 vols. 8vo. Serie 3. 14 vols. " 2. 20 vols. 8vo. " 4. Vol. 10. de la Socicte geologique de France. Ire et 2me S. 24 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830-53 de la Soci6t6 industrielle de Mulhoiise 1854-1856. 3 vols. 8vo. Mulliouse, 1854-56 des Jugemens du Tribunal de Cassation rendus en Mati^re civile, an. 2 (1794)— 1848. 42 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1794-1848 Table alphabetique de la Partie civile du Bulletin 1792-1824, par M. E. Longchamp. 8vo. Paris, 1826 des Jugemens du Tribunal de Cassation rendus en Mati^re crirainelle, an. 3 (1795)-1849. 57 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1795-1849 Table generale chronologique des Jugemens, 1797-1813. 8vo. Paris, 1814 des Lois (de France) depuis I'an 2 (1794) jusqu'^ 1854. Serie 1-11. 191 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1794-1854 Tliis Series of the French Laws is preceded by a Collection in 8 volumes, 8vo. entitled, Lois et Actes du Gouvemement, 1798-1792. _ Paris, 1806-7 des Lois, faisant Suite au Bulletin de la Consulte extraordinaire pour les Etats romains. No. 200, BoUettino delle Leggi che fa Serie, etc. ^ ^ 8vo. Koma, 1813 des Sciences. Par la Societe philomathique. No. 1-96. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1807-11 Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, par la Societe philomatique, 1807-1826. 9 vols. 4to. Paris, 1807-26 du Bibliophile. Public par J. Techener, avec Notes et Notices bibliographiques, philologiques et litteraires, par Nodier, Eeiffenberg, etc. ^ Yols. 1-33. 8vo. Paris, 1834-55 du Musee de I'lndustrie, redige par J. B. A. M. Jobard. Yols. 1-26. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1841-54 general de Therapeutique medicale et chirurgicale. Yols. 46, 47, 48. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-55 of the Proceedings of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science. (Nos. 1, 2, and 3.) _ 8vo.^ Washington, 1841-45 universel des Sciences et de I'lndustrie, public sous la Direction de M. de Ferussac, divis^ en 8 Sections. 1. Sciences mathematiques, physiques et chimiques. 16 vols. 8vo. 2. Sciences naturelles et de Geologic. 27 vols. 8vo. 3. Sciences modicales. 27 vols. 8vo. 4. Sciences technologiques. 19 vols. 8vo. 5. Sciences agricoles et dconomiques. 19 vols. 8vo. 6. Sciences geographiques, Economic publique et Yoyages. 28 vols. 8vo. 7. Sciences historiques, Antiquite etPhilologie. 19 vols. 8 vo. 8. Sciences militaires. 11 vols. In all 167 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31 Bulletino Archeologico Napoletano. See Avellino. Bullialdus I. (I. BouUiau). Philolai sive Dissertationis de Yero Syste- mate Mundi Libri lY. 4to. Amstelodami, 1639 ALPHABETICAL mDEX. 199 Bullialdus J. Astronomia Philolaica. Opus Novum. Fol. Parisiis, 1645 De Lineis Spiralibus demonstrationes novi. 4:to. Paris, 1657 Exercitationes Geometricse. 4:to. Paris, 1657 BuUiard P. Dictionnaire elementaire de Botanique. Fol. Paris, 1797 ■ • Histoire des Plantes veneneuses et suspectes de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1798 Herbier de la France, ou Collection complette des Plantes indigenes de ce Royaume. 600 Planches. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 1780 . Flora Parisiensis. 5 vols. Svo. Paris, 1776-80 Bullinger H. Decades 1, 2, 3. Translated by H. J., edited by T. Har- ding. 2 vols. Svo. Cambridge, 1849-50 Bullock J. The American Cottage Builder. 12mo. New York, 1854 W. Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico. Svo. London, 1824 Bulwer Sir E. L. See Lytton. H. L. France, Social, Literaiy, Political. Svo. Paris, 1834 The Monarchy of the Middle Classes. France, Social, Literary, Political. Second Series. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1836 Bunavianae Bibliotheca. Catalogi Specimen. 7 vols. 4to. Lipsise, 1748-56 Bunbury Sir H. The Correspondence of Sir Thomas Hanmer, with a Memoir of his Life. Svo. London, 1838 W. Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer, from beginning of George I. to 14th George II. Fol. London, 1755 Bundschue J. v. G. Reise auf der Donau von Ulm nach Wien. 12mo. Kempten, 1814 Bungener L. F. The Priest and the Hugnenot, or Persecution in the Age of Louis XV. From the French. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1853 History of the Council of Trent. Edited from the Se- cond London Edition, with a Summary of the Acts of the Council, by J. McClintock, D.D. 12mo. New York, 1855 Bunn A. The Stage, both Before and Behind the Curtain. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1840 Bunner E. History of Louisiana. 12mo. New York, 1841 Bunnett H. J. A Description, Historical and Topographical, of Genoa. 12mo. London, 1844 Bunsen C. C. J. JEgyptens Stelle in der "Weltgeschichte. Geschicht- liche Untersuchung in 5 Biichern. 5 vols. Svo. Hamburg, 1845-56 _ Egypt's Place in Universal History. Translated from the German, by A. Cottrell. Vols. 1-2. Svo. London, 1848-55 Die Basiliken des christlichen Roms, als erlautemder Texte zu dem Kupfer Werke v. Gutensohn u. Knapp. 4to. Miinchen, 1843 The Constitution of the Church of the Future. Trans- lated from the German. 12mo. London, 1847 Memoir on the Constitutional Rights of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. Svo. London, 1848 200 A8TOB LIBHABT. Bunsen C. C. J. Hippolytus and his Age, or the Doctrine and Practice of the Ciiurch of llome under Commodus and Alex- ander Severus. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1852 Analecta Ante-Nicsena. Keliquiae Literarise, Cano- nicse, Liturgicae. 3 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1854 Outlines of the Philosopliy of Universal History, ap- plied to Language and Ileligion. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854 Die Zeichen der Zeit. Zweite Auflage. 2 vols. 12mo. Leipzig, 1856 Signs of the Times. Letters on the Dangers to Ileli- fious Liberty in the present State of the World, 'ranslated by S. Winkworth. 8vo. London, 1856 Bunyan J. Practical Works, with a Preliminary Essay on his Character and Writings, by the Rev. Alexander Philip. 6 vols. 12mo. Aberdeen, 1841-42 The Pilgrim's Progress, with a Life of the Author and a Key to the Allegory. 8vo. London, 1803 Pilgrim's Progress. 12mo. Leipzig, 1855 Pilgrim's Progress in the Tamil Dialect. 5th Edition. 12mo. Madras, 1848 Buommattei B. Delia Lingua toscana, libri duo. 4to. Verona, 1729 Avvertimenti Gramraaticali per la Lingua italiana. 8vo. Milano, 1754 Buonaccorsi M. da. Le Rime. 12mo. Cologna, 1762 Buonamici J. B. De Rebus ad Yellitras gestis, ed. Yonck. 8vo. Amst. 1748 Buonaparte. See Bonaparte. Buonarotti M. A. Rime col Comonto di G. Biagoli. 8vo. Parigi, 1821 Buquoi G. von. Ideelle Yerherrlichung des empirisch eifassten Natur- lebens. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1822 G. de. Exposition d'un nouveau Principe general de Dyua- mique. 4to. Paris, 1816 G. von. Neue Mcthode f. d. Infinitesimal-Kalkul. 4to. Prag. 1821 Chronologischer Auszug aus der Geschichte der Mathe- matik. 8vo. Leipzig, 1829 Burat Abbe. Logons elementaires sur la Rhetorique, la Litterature et la Yersification frangaise. Dcuxi6me Edition. 12mo. Paris, 1823 A. Arithm6tique k I'Usage des Colleges et des Ecoles normales. 8vo. Paris, 1846 Description des Terrains volcaniques de la France centrale, avec dix Planches. 8vo. Pai'is, 1833 Burch L. van der. Sabaudise Rcspublica. IGrao. Lugd. Bat. 1634 Burchell W. J. Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1822-24 Burckhard J. Ilistoria Bibliothecse Augustse quse Wolffenbutteli est. 4to. Wolffenbutteli, 1744 Burckhardt G. F. Complete English-German and German-English Dic- tionary. 2d Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1832 J. C. Tables de la Lune. 4to. Paris, 1812 J. L. Travels in Nubia. 4to. London, 1819 Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. 4to. Loudon, 1822 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 201 Burckhardt J. L. Ti-avels in Arabia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829 Arabic Proverbs, or the Manners and Customs of the Modem Egyptians, ilhistrated from tlieir Prover- bial Sayings current at Cairo. 4to. Loudon, 1830 On the Bedouins and Wahabys. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831 Burdacli C. F. Traite de Physiologic, avec des Additions de Baer, Meyen, Muller, etc. ; traduit de I'AUeinand par A. J. L. Jourdan. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837 Burder G. Tillage Sermons. Philadelphia, 181T S. Oriental Customs, or an Illustration of the Scriptures by the Customs of the Eastern Nations. 6th Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822 Oriental Literature, applied to the Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822 W. Religious Ceremonies and Customs, or the Forms of Wor- ship practised by the Nations of the known World. 8vo. London, 1841 Burdett Sir Francis. Collection of Pamphlets relative to his Imprison- ment. 8vo. London, 1810 Burdon W. Materials for Thinking. 3d Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813 Buret E. De la Mis^re des Classes laborieuses en Angleterre et en France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840 de Longchanips. Les Pastes universels. Troisieme Edition. Avec un Atlas en Fol. 14 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1823-27 Bureus J. Monumenta aliquot Runicorum. Lapides Runici miadra- ginta Ligno incisi. 12mo. Upsala, 1664 Burg A. Y. Compendium d. hoheren Mathematik. Zweite Auti. 8vo. Wien, 1851 Burger J. The Economy of Farming, fi'om the German, by E. G. Smith. 8vo. New York, 1843 Burgersdicius Fr. Institutioimm Logicarum, Libri duo. 12nio. Cant. 1680 Burgess H. W. Eidodendron, or Yiews of the General Character and Appearance of Trees as connected with Picturesque Scenery. Fol. London, 1827 R. The Topography and Antiquities of Rome. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831 Description of the Circus on the Yia Appia, near Rome, with some Account of the Circensian Games. 8vo. London, 1828 Greece and the Levant. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1835 Burgh J. The Dignity of Human Nature. A new Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1767 Political Disquisitions, or an Inquiry into Public Errors, De- fects, and Abuses. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1774-75 Burghley W. Cecil Ld. Collection of State Papers, edited by S. Haynes and W. Murdin. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1740-59 Burgon J. W. Tlie Life and Times of Sir Thom. Gresham. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839 Burgoyne Gen. J. Substance of his Speeches on Mr. Yyner's and Mr. Hartley's Motions. ' 4to. London, 1778 Letters to his Constituents upon his Resignation. 8vo. London, 1779 202 ASTOE LIBKAET. Burgoyne Gen. J. Dramatic and Poetical "Works, with Memoirs of the Author. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1808 Sir J. Rudimentary Treatise on Blasting and Quarrying of Stone. 12 mo. London, 1852 Burguillos. See Poetas Espan. por Femandes. T. 11. Burgundy (Bourgogne). See Brussels and Malezieu. Burgus P. B. De Bello Svecico Commentarii. 4to. Leodii, 1633 Burhenne W. IL Grundriss der hoheren Analysis. 8vo. Cassel, 1849 Burk J. The History of Virginia, from its First Settlement. Vol. 1-3. 8vo. Petersburg, 1804r-5 Continuation of Same, by S. Jones and L. H. Gerardin. Vol. 4. 8vo. Petersburg, 1816 J. 0. F. A Memoir of the Life and Writings of J. A. Bengel. Translated from the German, by K. F. Walker. 8vo. London, 1842 Burkardt A. Anleitung zur Biicherkunde in alien Wissenschaften. 12mo. Bern, 1797 Burkart J. Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexico in den Jahren 1825 bis 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1836 Burke Ed. Works, viz. Vindication of !N^atural Society. — Inquiry into our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. — Political Tracts, Speeches, Letters, Reports on India. — Charges against Warren Hastings and Speeches on his Impeachment. — Abridgment of English History. — European Settlements in America. 9 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1839 A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. 8vo. London, 1818 E. (Comm. Pat.) List of Patents for Inventions and Designs Issued by the U. S. 1790-1847, with the Patent Laws and Decisions. 8vo. Washington, 1847 Jas. H. Days in the East, a Poem. 8vo. London, 1842 J. A General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Ba- ronetage of the United Kingdom. 8vo. London, 1826 Same. 4tli Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833 A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1836-38 The Patrician. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1846-48 J. B. The Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland. Revised Edition. 12mo. London, 1842 The Heraldic Register 1849-50, with an Annotated Obi- tuarv, 8vo. London, 1850 Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 15th Edition. Roy. 8vo. London, 1853 Same. 16th Edition. London, 1854 J. and J. B. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland. 8vo. London, 1844 Encyclopedia of Heraldry, or General Armory of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 3d Edition, with Supplement. Roy. 8vo. London, 1844 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 203 Burke J. and J. B. Heraldic Blustrations, comprising the Armorial Bearings of the Principal Families of the Empire, with Pedigrees and Annotations. 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. London, 18 11 1 5 Tlie Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with their Descendants, Sovereigns, and Subjects. 2 vols. Imp, 8vo. London, 1818-51 P. The Wisdom and Genius of Edmund Burke. 12mo. London, 1845 W. History of the Campaign of 1805 in Germany, Italy, the Tyrol, &c. 8Vo. London, 1806 The Mineral Springs of Western Virginia. 18mo. New York, 1846 Burlamacchi. G. Yita della serafica Madre S. Brigida di Suezia. 4to. Napoh, 1720 Burlamaqui J. J. Principes du Droit-lS'aturel. 4to. Geneve, 1747 The Principles of Natural and Politic Law. Trans- lated into English by Mr. Nugent. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1784 Burmann J. Plantarum Americanarum, Fasciculi X., cont. Plantas quas olim C. Plumerius detexit eruitque, atque in Insulis An- tiUis ipse depinxit. 2 vols. Fol. Amstel. 1755-60 P. Collectio Epistolarum M. Gudii et 0. Saravii et clar. viro- rum ed eos Epistoloe. ■^to. Ultraj. 1697 Oratio in Humanitatis Studia habita. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1720 Oration against the Studies of Humanity, showing that the Learned Languages are not only Useless but also Dangerous to the Studies of Law, Physick, and, above all, of Divinity, to which last Poetry is a Special Help. Eng. Translation, with the Original in Latin, 12mo. London, 1721 Yectigalia Populi Romani et Jupiter Fulgerator Cyrrhest- arum nummis. 4to. Leidae, 1734 Catalogus Rarissimorum et Prsestantiss. Lib. qui in The- sauris Rom., Gr,, Ital. e Sicul. continentur. 12mo. Leidse, 1725 P. Sec. Catalogus Librorum instructissimse Bibl. P. B. Se- cundi dum in vivis esset. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1779 Burmeister H. The Comparative Anatomy and Psychology of the Af- rican Negro. 4to. New York, 1853 Burn Lt.-Col, A Naval and Military Technical Dictionary of the French Language. 8vo. London, 1852 J. H. Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders' Tokens, cur- rent in the 17th Century, presented to the Corooration (Lond.) Library, by II. B. H. Beaufoy. 8vo. London, 1853 ■ Same. 2d Edition. London, 1855 Richard. Ecclesiastical Law. Sixth Edition, with Notes and Re- ferences, by S. Eraser. 4 vols, 8vo. London, 1797 The Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. 12th Ed. 3 vols, 8vo, London, 1772 R, S, The Steam Engine, Its History and Mechanism. 8vo. London, 1854 204 ASTOR LIBEAEY. Bm*n a. S. Die Dampfmascliinen, nach dem Englischen frei bearbeitet von C. Hartmann. 12mo. Weimar, 1855 Burnaby Andrew. Travels tlirough the Middle Settlements in North America in the years 1759 and 1760. 4to. London, 1775 Same. 2d Edition. 8vo; London, 1775 Burnell G. R. Rudimentary Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, Con- cretes, Mastics, Plastering, etc. 12mo. London, 1850 Burnes A. Travels into Bokhara, being the Account of a Journey from Lidia to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1834 Travels into Bokhara. 2 vols. 12mo. PhlladL'l])liia, 1835 Cabool, a Personal Narrative of a Jouniey to and Residence in that city. 2d Edition. 8vo. London, 1843 Burnet Gil. Bp. History of his own Time from the Restoration of Charles n. to the Peace of Utrecht. 3d Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1766 The History of the Reformation of the Church of Eng- land. 6 vols. 12mo. J^ondon, 1825 • Tlie Same, translated into French by Guizot asHistoire de mon Temps. Guizot Mem. Vols. 17-20. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827 An Exposition of the Tliirty-Nine Articles of the Chui-ch of England. 3d Edition. 4to. Tendon, 1705 Lives of Sir Matthew Hale and John, Earl of Roches- ter. 12mo. London, 1839 Letters containing an Account of Switzerland, Italy, Germany, &c. 12mo. s.l. .1687 Jac. Notes on tlie Early Settlement of the North- Western Ter- ritory. 8vo. New York, 1847 Jas. See Monboddo. J. Practical Hints on Colour in Painting. 4to. London, 1827 Same. 2d Edition. 4to. London, 1828 Practical Hints on Composition in Painting, illustrated by Examples from the Great Masters. 4to. London, 1822 Same. 3d Edition. 4to. London, 1828 Practical Hints on Light and Shade in Painting. 4to. London, 1826 Same. 3d Edition. 4to. London, 1829 The Education of the Eye with Reference to Painting. 2d Edition. 4to. London, 1837 Practical Treatise on Painting, including Light and Shade, Colour and Conii)osition. 4to. London, 1828-29 TlieProgressof a Painter in the 19th Century. 8vo. London, 1854 T. De Statu Mortuorum et Resurgentium tractatus. 8vo. Londini, 1728 Tlie Sacred Tlieoiy of the Earth. 7th Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1759 Archaeologiae Philosophicne, or the Ancient Doctrine con- cerning the Oripnals of Things, written in Lathi, and trans- lated into English by Mr. Foxton. Part I. Critique on the Mosaic Creation. " n. Theory of the Visible World. 8vo. London, 1729 Burnet T. Doctrina Antiqua de Rernm Originibus, or an Inquiry into the Doctrine of all the Philosophere of all Nations concern- ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 205 ing the Original of the World. Made English from the Latin by Mr. Meade and Mr. Foxton. With a Resurvey of the Mosaic System. 8vo. London, 1736 Burnett C. M. Insanity tested by Science, and Shown to be a Disease rarely connected with permanent Organic Lesion of the Brain. 8vo. London, 1848 Geo. Specimens of English Prose Writers from the Earliest Times to the close of the lYth Century. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1813 Bm-ney C. A General History of Mnsic from the Earliest Ages to the Present Period. 2d Edition. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1789 De I'Etat present de la Musique en France, en Italic, en ITol- Allemagne. Trad, par Ch. Brack, ou Journal 3 vols. 8vo. Genes, 1809-10 land et en des Voyages, &c. Frances. See D'Arblay. Jas. A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean, illustrated with Charts. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1803-17 Llistory of the Buccaneers of America. 4to. London, 1816 A Chronological llistory of tlie Korth-Eastei'n Yoyages of Discovery, and of the Early Eastern Navigations of the Kussians. 8vo. London, 1819 Burnley W. H. Observations on the Present Condition of the Ishind of Trinidad, and the Actual State of the Experiment of !Negro Emancipation. 8vo. London, 1842 Bumouf E. L'Inde fran9aise, ou Collection de Dessins lithographies repre- sentant les Divinites, Temples, Pagodes, Costumes, &c., des Peuples indous. Texte explicatif. Fol. Paris, 1827-35 Bhagavat Purana, ou Histoire poetique de Krischna. Texte et Traduction. 3 vols. 1 ol. Paris, 1840-47 Introduction a I'Histoire du Buddhisme indien. Tome ler. 4to. Paris, 1844 Lotus de la bonne Loi, traduit du Sanscrit, accompagne d'un Commentaire et de vingt-et-un Mem. relatifs au Budd- hisme. 4to. Paris, 1852 Catalogue des Livres de sa Bibliotheque. 8vo. Paris, 1855 et Lassen C. Essai sur le Pali, avec six Planches lithogra- phiees, 8vo. Paris, 1816 Burns P. Works, with an Account of his Life, and a Criticism on his Writings, by J. Currie. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1813 Complete Works, containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspond- ence, illustrated by Bartlett, AUom, and others, with a new Life by A. Cunningham. 8vo. London, s. a. Poetical Works, with Life and Portrait. 12mo. Leipzig, 1845 Correspondence with Clarinda (Mrs. M'Lehose.) 12mo. :t^ew York, 1843 Burr A. Memoirs, with Miscellaneous Selections from his Correspond- ence, by M. L. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1837 Private Journal of Aaron Burr during his Residence in Europe ; with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by M. L. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1838 Burr D. H. Atlas of the State of New York, containing a Map of the State and of the Several Counties. Fol. New York, 1829 206 A8T0B LIBEABT. Burriel A. M. See Yenegas M. Burrow E. J. Elements of Conchology. 8vo. London, 1844 Element! di Concliiologia Linnseana, volgarizzati sulla 2da Ediz. inglese. Svo. Milano, 1828 Remarks on the Elgin Marbles. 40 Plates. 8vo. London, 1837 J. Decisions of the Court of King's Bench upon Settlement Cases from 1732 to 1776. 2d Edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1792 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench 1756-1772. 5th Ed. 5 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1794 n. State Book of Pennsylvania. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1846 Burserius J. B. Listitutioncs Medicinse Practicse. 4 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1787-98 Institutiones Medicinae Practicte. Ed. nova. 4 vols, in 8. 8vo. Mediolani, 1791-89 Burtin F. X. Oryctographie de Bruxelles, ou Description des Fossiles tant naturels qu'accidentels d^couverts dans les Envi- rons de cette Ville. Fol. Bruxelles, 1784 F. X. de. Traite des Connaissances qui sont necessaires a tout Amateur en Tableaux. 2 vols. 8vo. Brussel, 1808 Burton E. A Description of the Antiquities and other Curiosities of Rome. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1828 J. Monastlcon Eboracense, and the Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire. Fol. York, 1768 J. H. The Life and Correspondence of David Hume. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1846 Lives of Simon Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes of Cullo: den, from Original Sources. 12mo. London, 1847 J. Excerota Hieroglyphica. 60 Plates of Hieroglyphics with- out Letterpress. Oblong 4to. s. 1. 1825 R. The Anatomv of Melancholy. Fol. Oxford, 1651 Tlie English Empire in America. 7th Ed. 12mo. London, 1729 R. F. Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856 T. Diary of T. Burton, Member in the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, 1656-1659. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1828 W. A Commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary, so far as it con- cemeth Britain. 4to. London, 1658 Bury C. Blaze de. The Three Great Sanctuaries of Tuscany, Yalom- brosa, Camaldoli, Lavema. Obi. 4to. London, 1833 • Germania, its Courts, Camps, and People. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1850 Diary illustrative of the Times of George lY., inter- spersed with Original Letters from the late Queen Caroline. New Edition. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1838 R. Philobiblon, a Treatise on the Love of Books, written in 1344, and translated from the First Edition of 1473, &c. 12mo. London, 1832 T. Rudimentary Architecture Styles. 12mo. London, 1853 — M. Mod^es de Menuiserie. Fol. Paris, 1855 Bury et Hoyau. ModMes de Serrurerie choisis parmi ce que Paris offre de |)lu8 romarquable. Fol. Paris, 1820 etRibault. Modules do Marbreried'Usageetde Decor. Fol. Paris, 1820 Busby R. Rudimentum Gramm. Gr.-Latinse Metricum. Svo. Londini, 1722 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 207 Busby T. History of Music. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819 Buscapie El. Translated from the Spanish by T. Ross. Svo. London, 1849 Busch H. A Cruize among the Nicobar Islands. 8vo. Calcutta, 1845 Buschmann J. C. E. Aper9u de la Langue des Hes marqueses et de la Langue taitienne. Svo. Berlin, 1843 ■ — Textes Marquesans et Taitiens, publics et analyses. Svo. Berlin, 1843 tJber die aztekischen Ortsnamen. 4to. Berlin, 1853 Bush G. Treatise on the Millennium. 12mo. Kew York, 1832 Life of Mohammed. 12mo. New York, 1839 The Hierophant, or Monthly Journal of Sacred Symbols and Prophecy. Svo. New York, 1844 The Soul ; or, an Liquiry into Scriptural Psychology. 12mo. New York, 1845 Anastasis ; or, the Doctrine of the ResuiTcction of the Body, Rationally and Scripturally considered. 12mo. London, 1845 Tlie Resurrection of Christ. 12mo. New York, 1845 New Church Miscellanies. 12mo. New York, 1855 Bushnan L S. Ichthyology, Eishes, particularly their Structure and Economical Uses. Naturalist's Library, Ichthy. Vol. 1. 12mo. Edinburgh, s. a. Bushnell H. God in Christ. Three Discourses. 12mo. Hartford, 1849 Busini G. B. . Sugli Avvenimenti dell Assedio di Firenze. Svo. Pisa, 1822 Busone da Gubbio. L'Avventuroso Ciciliano. Romanzo Storio, scritto nel 1311, pubb. da G. F. Nott. Svo. Firenze, 1832 BuBScher E. de. Texte historique et descriptif d' Album du Cortege des Comtes de Flandre, Personnages et Costumes dessines par F. de Yigne. Roy* 8vo. Gand. 1852 Busse F. G. Unterricht in d. algebr. Auflosung, arithm. u. geom. Auf- gaben. 2 vols. Svo. Dessau, 1782 Neue Erorterung iiber Plus u. Minus. Svo. Cothen, 1801 Biindige u. reine Darstell. d. wahren Infinit.-Calculs. 3 vols. Svo. Dresd. 1825-27 D. Mechanik d. Krummzapfens. Svo. Dresd. 1830 Bussierre Th. R. de. Lettres sur I'Orient. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1829 Bussler F. Yerzierungun aus dem Alterthume. 4to. Berlin, 1805 Busson-Descars P. Essai sur le Nivellement. Svo. Paris, 1805 Bussy-Rabutin R. de. Lettres. Nouv. Edition. 7 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1706 Amours des Dames illustres de France, etc. 2 vols. 24mo. Cologne, s. a. II Segretario francese, ossia Raccolta di varie Lettere, tradotta dal Francese. 12mo. Milano, 1826 Bustamente C. M. Cuadro Historico de la Revolucion de la America Mexicana. 4to. Mexico, 1823 Galeria de antiquos Principes Mexicanos. 4to. Puebla, 1821 C. M. de. Cronica Mexicana. Teomoxtli o Libro que contiene todo lo interesante a Usos, Costumbres, &e., de los Indios antiquos Tultecas y Mexica- nos, redactado da un antiquo Codice di Botu- rini. 12 Cartas. 4to. Mexico, 1822 208 A8T0B LIBBART. Bustamente C. M. de. See Alegri, Cavo, Gomara. But A. Chronica Abbatum Monasterii de Dunis. 4:to. Burgis, 1839 Butel Duraont G. M. Ilistoire et Commerce des Colonies angloises dans I'Amerique septentrionale. 12nio. Londrcs, 1755 Butler A. Tlie Lives of the Primitive Fathers, Martyrs, and other Prin- cipal Saints; the 3d Edition, with a Continuation by C. Butler. 13 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1798-1800 Cal. History of the Town of Groton, including Pcpperell and Shirley. 8vo. Boston, 1848 C. Philological and Biographical "Works, viz. Ilora? Biblicae. — ■ Horse Juridicse. — Life of L'Hopital. — Professional Charac- ter of Ld. Mansfield. — ^Revolutions of Germany. — Lives of Eminent Persons, Fenelon, Bossuet, Boudon, Rame, Keni- pis, A. Butler. — Confessions of Faith. — ^Formularies. — Es- says. — ^Memoirs of the Church of France. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1817 — An Historical and Literary Account of the Formularies, Con- . fessions of Faith, or Symbolic Books of the R. C, Greek and Principal Protestant Churches. Svo. London, 1816 Ch. Tlie Life of Pension, Archbishop of Cambray. 12mo. London, 1810 C. Some Account of the Life and Writings of J. B. Bossuet. 12mo. London, 1812 Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish, and Scottish Catho- lics. 3d Edition. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1822 Reminiscences. Fourth Edition, with a Letter on Ancient and Modern Music. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1824 F. A. Journal of a Residence in America. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1835 Same. Svo. Brussels, 1835 Year of Consolation. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1847 J. Bp. "Works, viz. Analogy. — Sermons and Correspondence, to which is prefixed a Life of the Author, by Dr. Kippis. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1813 "Whole "Works. 12mo. London, 1850 Tlie Analogy of Religion, with an Litroductory Essay by Albert Barnes. 12mo. :New "lork, 1833 The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature. New Edition, with Notes, etc. 12mo. London, 1852 S. Iludibras, in Three Parts, written in the Time of the Late "Wars. 12ino. London, 1805 Same. 2 vols. ISmo. Chiswick, 1818 Poetical "Works, with Notes. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1853 — S. D.D. Sermons. 4to. London, 1825-30 A Sketch of Modem and Antieut Geography. 2d Edi- tion. Svo. London, 1813 — Tlios. Tlie Truths of the Catholic Religion proved from Scripture alone. 2d Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1841 "W. A Treatise on the Infantile Remittent Fever. Svo. London, 1782 Butter. Art de Faire le Beurre et les meilleurs Fromages. Svo. Paris, 1833 Butterfield C. W. History of Seneca County, Ohio. 12mo. Sandusky, 1848 ALPHABE-nCAL INDEX. '2{)*J Hutterwortli J. A New Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. Pliil. 1846 Buttniauu P. Mytliologiis, oder gesaramelte Abhaudlungen iiber die Sagen des Alterthums. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1828-29 Griecnisclie Schul-Gramm. Achte Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1826 Aiisfiihrliche griechische Sprachlehre. Zweite Ausgabe. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1830-39 Griechische Gramraatik. Achte Ausgabe. 8vo. Berlin, 1818 A Greek Grammar, translated from the eighteenth Ger- man Edition, by E. Robinson. Sv^o. New York, 1861 Greek Grammar, translated from the German, by E, Eve- rett. Svo. Boston, 1822 Lexilogus oder Beitrage zur griechischen Worterklarung hauptsachlich fiir Homer und Hesiod. 2 vols. 12nio. Berlin, 1818-26 r- Same. Translated and Edited by the Rev. J. R. Fishlake. 2d Edition. 8vo. London, 1840 Buttura A. I quattro Poeti italiani, con una Scelta di Poesie italiane dal 1200 sino k nostri Tempi. Svo. Parigi, 1836 Buxton T. F. The African Slave Trade and its Remedy. Svo. London, 1840 Buxtoif J. Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum, opus XXX. Annorum nunc demum post Patris obitum in lucem editum a J. Buxtorlio Filio. Fol. Basileae, 1640 Thesaurus Gram. Linguae Sanctse Hebraeae. 12mo. Basileae, 1663 Lexicon Heb. et Chald. Editio undecima. 12mo. Basileae, lYlO Buys E. A New and Complete Dictionary of Terms of Art (English- Dutch). 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1768-69 Buzenga Fr. Paradosce sopra la lingua Toscana e Genovese. Poema. Svo. Genova, s. a. 1696 Buzengeiger K. Darstellung d. Differential-Rechnung. 4to. Ausb. 1809 Bylandt-Palstercamp A. de. Theorie des Yolcans. Atlas, Fol. and 3 vols. Lnp. Svo. Paris, 1835 Byrd W. Mass for Five Voices, composed 1653-1658 ; first printed in Score by Rimbault. 4to. London, 1841 Tlie Westover Manuscripts, containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North CaroKna, writ- ten 1Y28-1T36, now first published. Svo. Petersburg, 1841 Byres J. Hypogaei, or Sepulchral Caverns of Tarquinia, the Capital of Antient Etruria. Edited by Frank Howard. Fol. London, s. a. Bym M. L. The Complete Practical Brewer, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1862 Byrne I. C. Twelve Years' Wanderings in the British Colonies, from 1835 to 1847. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1848 O. Tlie First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, in which colored Diagrams and Symbols are used instead of Letters. 4to. London, 1847 The Practical Model Calculator, for the Engineer, Mechanic, Machinist, &c. Svo. Philadelphia, 1852 Tlie Handbook for the Artisan, Mechanic, and Engineer. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853 See Appleton, Diet, of Machines. Byrom J. Universal English Short Hand. 8vo. London, 1813 Byron G. G. Lord. Works, with his Letters and his Life, by T. Moore. 17 vols. 12mo. London, 1847 210 A8TOK LIBRARY. Byron G. G. Lord. Works in Verse and Prose, including his Journals, Letters, &c., with a Sketch of his Life, by F. G. Halleck. 8vo. New York, 1836 Letters and Journals, with Notice of his Life, by Thos. Moore. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1830 Works, including the Suppressed Poems. 8vo. Paris, 1826 Works. 4 vols. 12mo. New York, 1820 Poetical Works. 4 vols. 12mo. Leipzig, 1842 Journal of his Conversations, noted during a Residence with him at Pisa, 1821 and 1822, by T. Medwin. 4to. London, 1824 For other Lives and Notices of Lord Byron see Dallas, Gait, Hobhouse, and Hunt. Capt. G. A. Voyage of H. M. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the years 1824-1825. (anon.) 4to. London, 1826 J. A Narrative containing an Account of the great distresses snifered by Himself and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, written by himself. 8vo. London, 1768 Bythner V. Tlie Lyre of David, or an Analysis of the Psalms, &c., with a Hebrew Chaldee Grammar. Translated by Rev. Thos. Dee. 8vo. Dublin, 1836 Byzantini Historiae Scriptores in mium corpus redacti Gr. et Lat. 23 vols. Fol. Venet. 1722-33 Scriptorum Historiae Byzant. Corpus. Editio emendatior et copiosior consilio B. G. Niebnhr instituta, auctoritate Academise Litterarum Regise BorussicsB continuata. Tlie writers published in this collection to the present time (1856) are, Acropobta, Ephraemius, S, Nicephorus Cp., Epirotica, Eunapius, Eustathius, Genesius, Georgius Monachus, Glycas, Historia polit. et patr., Joel, Laonicus Chalcond., Leo Diaconus, Leo Grammaticus, Lydus, Malalas, Merobaudes, Michel Attaliota, Nicephorus Briennius, Of the foregoing Byzantine Writers, Cantacuzenus, Comnena, Ducas, Leo the Gramm., Nicephorus Bryenn., Nicephorus Cp., Nicetas, Pachymeres, Procopius, Zonaras, and Zosimus, were translated into French by L. Cousin, and will be found under the respective names. Memorise Populorum, olim ad Danubium, Pontum Euxinum, Paludem Maeotidem, Caucasum, Mare Caspium, et inde magis ad Septentriones incolentium, e Scnptoribus His- tonae Byzantmae erutae et digestae a J. G. Strittero. 4 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1771 Agathias, Anagnostes, Anastasius, Cameniata, Cananus, Cantacuzenus, Cedrenus, Chronicon paschale, Cinnamus, Codinus. G. Curopal., Comnena Anna, Constantinus Manass., Constantinus Porphyr. Corippus, Dexippus, Ducas, Nicephorus Greg,. Nicetas Choniates, Pachymeres, Phrantzes, Pisida, Priscus, Procopius, Scylitzes, Silentiarius, Symeon Magister, Syncellus, Theodosius, Theophanes, Tlieophylact. Sim, Zonaras, Zosimus. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 211 Caab Ben Zoliair. See Analecta Arabica, ed. Rosenmuller. Cabala, sive Scrinia Sacra : Mysteries of State and Government, in Let- ters of illustrious Persons and great Ministers of State. Fol. London, 1691 Cabanis P. G. OEuvres completes. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823-25 Yol. I. Revolutions et Reforme de la Medicine. Vol. IL Journal de la Maladie et de la Mort de Mirabeau. Sur le Supplice de la Guillotine. Sur les Hopitaux. Vols. III. and TV. Rapports du Physique et du Moral de I'Homme. Vol, V. Melanges sur Hippocrate, sur Franklin, sur les Poemes d'Hom^re, &c. Cabellero D. R. De prima Typographige Hispanicse ^tate Specimen. 4to. Roma, 1793 CabeQa de Vaca. See ISTunez A. Cabeus I^. Philosopliia Magnetica. Fol. Ferrara, 1629 Cabinet des F^es ou Collection choisie des Contes des Fees. 37 vols. l2mo. Geneve et Paris, 1785-89 Cabinet du petit Naturaliste par Madame D * * *. 12mo. Paris, 1802 Cabinet (le) Historique, Revue Trimestrielle, contenant le Catalogue general des Manuscrits que renferment les Bibliotheques publiques de Paris et des Departements, toucliant I'llistoire de I'ancienne France. Vol. I. Prem. partie : Documents. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Cabrera P. F. Description of the ruins of an ancient city discovered near Palen que in the Kingdom of Guatemala, translated from the original Manuscript Report of Captain Don Antonio del Rio. 4to. London, 1822 Cacciatore L. Nuovo Atlante istorico : sesta edizione. 3 vols. obi. 4to. Firenze, 1835-36 Cachin J. M. F. Memoire sur la Digue de Cherbourg. 4to. Paris, 1820 Cadahalso J. Obras. 3 vols. 12mo. Madrid, 1818. Vol. L Los Eruditos a la Violeta. " II. Cartas Marruecas. " III. Poesias — Noches Lugubres. Noches Lugubres seguidas del Delinqiiente Honrado, Drama en Prosa por Don M. G. Jovellanos. 18mo. Burdeos, 1818 Ck da Mosto, A. de. See Zurla P. di Marco Polo. Cadet J. M. Precis des Voyages entrepris pour se rendre par le Nord dans les Indes. 8vo. Paris, 1818 de Vaux A. A. De la Goutte et du Rheumatisme. 12mo. Paris, 1824 Cadiere Mile. Resultat des Memoires contre le P. Girard. Fol. Aix, 1731 Cadiz. Observaciones astronomicas hechas por el Capitan Don V. Tofino de San Miguel. Sm. fol. Madrid, 1776 Cadres E. Code de Procedure commerciale suivi des Lois organiques concernant les Tribunaux de Commerce. 8vo. Paris, 1844 Vol. I. 14 212 A8T0E LIBEAKY. Cacilia Eine Zeitschrift fur die Musikalische Welt. 27 vols. 8vo. Mainz, 1824-48 Caedmon. Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures, in Anglo-Saxon; with an English Translation, Kotes, &c., Verbal Index by B. Thorpe. 8vo. London, 1832 Caen. Eapports sur les Travaux de I'Acad^mie des Sciences, Arts et BeUes-Lettres. 1811-15, 1825, '29, '36, '40, '45, '47, '49. 8 vols. 8vo. Caen, 1811-49 Memoires de 1' Academic, 1851. 8vo. Caen, 1851 Caernarvon, Earl of. Portugal and Gallicia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836 Caesar C. J. Commentarii, &c., cum Hirtii Supplemento, ex recensione P. J. Philelphi cum indice Martiani. Fol. Mediolani, 1477 Commentarii cum correctionibus Pauli Mauutii. 8vo. Apud Aldi F., 1561 Commentarii ex emendatione Jos. Scaligeri. 12mo. Lugd. Batav, ex Off. Elzeviriana, 1635 Commentarii cum notis D. Vossii, J. Davisii et S. Clarkii, cura et studio F. Oudendorpii. 2 vols, 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1737 Commentarii cum A. Hirtii de rebus gestis ex recens. S. Clarke. 3 vols. 12mo. Glasguse Foulis, 1750 Opera ad optimas Editiones coUata studiis Societatis Bipon- tinae. Editio accurata. 2 vols. 8vo. Biponti, 1783 Commentarii cum varietate Lectionum et selectissimis Eru- l ditorum notis, quibus suas adjecerunt N. L. Achaintre et N. E. Lemaire. 4 vols. 8vo. Parisiis, 1819-22 Commentarii e recensione F. Oudendorpii. Editio nova. 8vo. Londini,-1825 Commentarii curante Aug. Baron. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1827 Commentarii de BeUo Gallico recensuit F. Oehler. 12mo. Lipsise, 1850 Commentaries literally translated, with notes. 12mo. London, 1851 Commentaries on the Gallic War, with Kotes and a Geo- graphical Register, by Henry Young. 12mo. London, 1854 • Tlie Commentaries of Caesar, translated into English by W. Duncan. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1755 — Memoires, traduction nouvelle par M. Artaud. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828 Commentarii de BeUo GaUico erklaert von F. Kraner. 8vo. Leipzig, 1853 Commentarii tradotti in volgare per A. Ortica della Porta. 8vo. Yenetia, 1517 I commentarii, tradotti da M. F. Baldelli. 12mo. Yinegia, 1571 Cagnola, Prato e Burigozzo. Cronache Milanesi. 8vo. Firenze, 1842 Cagnoli A. Trigonometric rect. et sph. trad, par Compr6. 4to. Paris, 1786 The same, 2d Ed. 4to. Paris, 1808 Catalogue de 501 Etoiles fixes suivi des Tables rel. d'Aber- ration et de Nutation. 4to. Modcne, 1807 Cahen S. Manuel d'Histoire imiverselle. 12mo. Paris, 1836 See Bible, Hebrew and French. Caian, ou I'Idolatre converti. Tragi-comedie. Sm. 8vo. Lyon, 1656 Cailhava J. P. Etudes sur Moliere, ou Observations sur sa Yie, ses Moeurs, et ses Ouvrages. 12mo. Paris, 1802 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 213 Caillean. See Duclos. Caillebotte le Jeune. Essai sur I'Histoire et les Antiquites de Domfront. 12mo. Domfront, 1827 Cailliand F. Voyage ^ I'Oasis de Thebes et dans les Deserts situes a rOrient et h, I'Oecident de la Thebaide. Fol. Paris, 1822 Voyage a M^roe, au Fleuve blanc au-dela de Fazoql. dans le Midi du Royaume de Sennar, a Syouah et dans cinq autres Oases. 4 vols. 8vo. avec Atlas. Fol. Paris, 1823 Caillie R. Journal d'un Voyage a Timboctou, avec Remarques par Jo- mard. Atlas 4to. and 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830 Caines C. Letters on the Cultivation of the Otaheite Cane. Svo. London, 1801 G. New York Term Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court. 3 vols. Svo. New York, 1813-14 Cajafa C. D. II Cimone, Poema reprodotta dall' autore abbelita e cor- retta. 2 vols. Svo. Firenze, 1813-14 Calabria during a military Residence of three years, in a Series of Letters by a General Officer of the French Army, from the original MS. 8vo. London, 1832 Calasio F. M. de. Concordantiss sacrorum Bibliorum Hebrseorum cum convenientiis ling. arab. et syr. Edidit L. Romaine. 4 vols. Fol. Londini, 1747-49 Calcagnino A. Dell' Imagine Edessena Libri due. 4to. Genova, 1639 Calcographie. Catalogue des Planches gravees composant le Fonds de la Calcographie du Louvre. 4to. Paris, 1851 Calcutta. Christian Observer, 1832 to 1840. 9 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832-40 Monthly Journal. 12 vols. imp. 8vo. Calcutta, 1836-41 Review (The) 1844 to 1848. 11 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1846-49 Caldcleugh A. Travels in South America during the years 1819, '20, and '21. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1825 Calderon de la Barca P. Obras Dramaticas, a collection of single plays. 5 vols. 4to. s. 1. et a. Comedias que nuevamente corregidas publico Juan de Vera Tassis y Villarroel 9 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1698-1726 Autos Sacramentales, Alegoricos y Historiales. 6 vols, in 3. 4to. Madrid, 1759-60 Las Comedias corregidas y dadas a luz por Juan Jorge Keil. 4 vols. Svo. Leipsie, 1829-30 Comedias Escogidas. 2 vols. 12mo. Madrid, 1826-28 Schauspiele uebersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel. 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1845 Madame. Life in Mexico during a residence of two years in that country. Svo. London, 1843 Calderwood D. Altare Damascenum, seu Ecclesiae Anglicanae Politia, Ecclesise Scoticanae obtrnsa, a Formalista quodam delineata. 4to. Lugd. Bat. ] 708 H. ThePhilosophy of the Infinite; with special reference to the theories of Sir William Hamilton and M. Cousin. Svo. Edinburgh, 1854 Caldwall T. H. Select Collection of Ancient and Modern Epitaphs and Inscriptions. 12mo. London, 1796 214 A8T0B LIBEAKY. Caldwell C. Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of Nathl. Greene. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819 Autobiography, with a Preface, Notes, and Appendix, by H. W. Warner. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855 H. II. Oliatta and other Poems. 12mo. New York, 1855 Caledonian Horticultural Society, Memoirs of. Vols. 1-3. Edinburgh, 1814-25 Caleffi C. Gramatica deUa Lingua italiana. 8vo. Firenze, 1832 G. Dottrine fondamentali di un Corso elementare di teoretica e practica Filosofia. 12mo. Firenze, 1846 La Storia della Scoperta d' America. 12mo. Firenze, 1846 Calemard N. Abr^g^ d' Astronomic. 8vo. Londres, 1801 Calendar. Kcinigl, Danischer Hof. und Staats Calendar, 1Y69. 4to. Altona, 1768 Same for 1Y77. 4to. Altona, 1776 Calendario di Corteper I'anno 1821. 12mo. Torino, 1821 generale pe' regii Stati di Sardegna 1824-43, '46, '47. 22 vols. 8vo. Torino, 1824-47 Italiano pel 1837. 12mo. Firenze, 1836 Lunese 1834-33. 3 vols. 12mo. Tivizzano, 1833-35 di Napoli per I'anno 1842. 12mo. Napoli, 1841 manual para el ano de 1805. 12mo. Habana, 1804 politico-statistico del Dipartimento dell' anno 1810. 12mo. Firenze, 1809 Calendarium purum et fixum durans in perpetuum. 4to. Basil, s. a. Calender Civil ochKrigs for aret'l 794-99. 2 vols. 24mo. Stockholm, 1794-99 Hof for aret 1800, '11, '14, '15, '16, '22. 6 vols. 24mo. Stockhohu, 1800-22 Sveriges och Norriges for §,ret 1825-42, '45, '46. 24 vols. 24mo. Stockliolm, 1825-46 Calendrier de la Cour pour les annees 1819-1829. 11 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1818-28 Calepinus A. Dictionarium undecim Linguarum. Fol. Basilese, 1609 Calfliill J. An Answer to John Martiall's Treatise of the Cross. Edited by K. Gibbings. 8vo. Cambridge, 1846 Calhoun J. C. A Discourse on Government, and a Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States. Edited by Eichard K. Cralle. 8vo. Columbia, S. C. 1851 Calidasa or Kalidasa. Sacontala, or the Fatal Ping ; translated from the original Sanscrit by Sir W. Jones. 12mo. London, 1792 La Reconnaissance de Sacountala, Drame Sanscrit et Pracrit accompagne d'une Traduction fran9aise, par A. L. Chezy. Fol. Paris, 1830. Raghu-Yansa, Sanscrite et Latine. Edid. A. F. Stenzler. 4to. London, 1842 Kum^ra-Sambhava, or the Birth of Cartikeya, Sanscrite et Latine. Edid. A. F. Stenzler. 4to. Berlin, 1838 Megha Duta, or Cloud Messenger; translated into English Verse from the Sanscrit, with Notes and Illustrations by H. H. Wilson. 4to. London, 1843 Califoro A. Yita di Pietro Grande. Svo. Yenezia, 1748 Calila et Dimna. See Bidpai. 4to. Paris, 1816 ALPHABETICAL ESTDEX. 215 Callander J. Terra Australis Cognita, or Yoyages to the Terra Australia or Southern Hemisphere, during the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. 3 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1766-68 Callcott M. Essays towards the History of Painting. 12mo. London, 1836 Callender J. Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of Rhode Island. Reprint R. I. Hist. Collections. 8vo. Callery J. M. Systema phoneticum Scripturae sinicse. 8vo. Macao, 1841 The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language. 8vo. London, 1842 Li Ki, ou Memorial des Rites, traduit du Chinois. 4to. Turin, 1853 and Yvan. History of the Insurrection in China. Translated from the French by John Oxenford. 2d Edition. 8vo. London, 1853 Callet F. Table des Logarithmes des Sinus et Tangentes. 8vo. Paris Tables de Logarithmes. Svo. Paris, 1806 Tables portatives de Logarithmes. Svo. Paris, 1825 Calliat Y. Parallele des Maisons de Paris consti-uites depuis 1830 jusqu'^ nos jours. Fol. Paris, 1850 • Same in German. Fol. Brussels, 1850 Callicot F. C. Handbook of Universal Geography. 12mo. New York, 1853 Callidius C. L. Ecclesise venatus, sive altera ejus functio circa fidei ininisterium in reducendis deviis. 12mo. Colonise Agripp. 1585 Callimachus Hymni, Epigrammata et Fragmenta, vertit atque notas suas adjecit J. A. Ernesti. 2 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1761 Works, translated into English verse. By H. W. Tyler. 4to. London, 1798 Callisen A. C. P. Medicinisches Schriftsteller-Lexicon. 33 vols. 12mo. Copenhagen, 1830-45 Callot J. 62 Pieces gravees par lui a I'eau forte et au burin. Fol. v. y. et v. p. Calmberg E. P. L. De Utilitate quae ex accurata Linguae Sanscritae cog- nitione in Ling. Graec. Latinagque Etymologiam redundat. 4to. Hamburgi, 1822 Calmet A. Histoire universelle sacree et profane. 17 vols. 4to. Strasbourg and Nancy, 1735-71 Dictionary of the Holy Bible, with the Biblical Fragments. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1841 Histoire de Lorraine. Nouv. Edition. 7 vols. Fol. Nancy, 1745-57 La Biblioth^que Lorraine. In Histoire de Lorraine. Yol. 4 The Phantom World, or the Philosophy of Spirits, Appa- ritions, &c., with an Introduction and Notes, by the Rev. H. Christmas. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850 Calonius M. Opera omnia, ed. A. J. Arwidsson. 5 vols, in 4. 8vo. Holmiae, 1829-36 Calton R. B. Annals and Legends of Calais. Svo. London, 1852 Calvelli C. Favole. nuove. Svo. Firenze, 1 832 Calver E. K. The Conservation and Improvement of Tidal Rivers. Svo. London, 1853 216 A8T0B LIBEAET. Calvert G. H. Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. Ist and 2d Series. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1846 & 1852 Poems. 12mo. Boston J. The Gold Rocks of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. London, 1853 Calveto U. NovaB novi Orbis Historise, Libri tres. 12mo. Salocertae, 1578 Calvin J. Opera omnia, Editio omnium novissima, non sine maximo labore et studio adornata. 9 vols. Fol. Amstel. 1667-Yl Vol. I. Yita a T. Beza. Commentarii in quinque Libros Mosis et in Librum Josue cum indice. Vol. II. Ilomilise inLibrum 1. SamuelisConciones quatuor. Vol. III. Com- mentarii in Libros Psalmorum, et in Prophetam Jesaiam. Vol. IV. Prselectiones in Librum Proph. Jeremiae et La- mentationes necnon in Ezecliielem. Vol. V. Praelectiones in Librum Danielis, necnon in XII. Prophetas minores. Vol. VI. Commentarii in IV. Evangelistas et in Acta Apostolorum. Vol. VII. Commentarii in omnes Epistolas canonicas. Vol. VIII. Tractatus theologici omnes. Additi sunt L. A. Senecse de dementia Commentarii. Vol. IX. Institutiones Christianse Religionis, cui accesserunt Epistolse et Responsa. Declamation pour maintenir la vraye Foi que tiennent tous Chrestiens de la Trinite des Personnes en un seul Dieu. 8vo. Geneve, 1554 Commentaires sur le Livre de Josue, Lyon, 1565 Christian Theology, selected and an-anged, with a Life of the Author, by Samuel Dunn. 12mo. London, 1837 Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians and" Ephesians. Translated by the Rev. W. Pringle. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1841 Exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Philippians and Colossians. Translated by R. Johnston. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1842 Institutes of the Christian Religion. Ti*anslated by Jolm Allen. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844 Commentaiy on a Harmony of the Evangelists. Translated by W. Pringle. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845-46 Commentaries on the twelve minor Prophets. Translated from the Latin by John Owen. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1846 Commentary on the Gospel according to John. A new Trans- lation from the original Latin, by the Rev. W. Pringle. Vol. I. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1847 Lettres recueillies pour la premiere fois et publids d'apr^s les MSS. originaux par Jules Bonnet. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Letters edited by J. Bonnet, translated bv D. Constable. Vol. I. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855 Common Prayer Book, or the Service, Discipline, and Form of the Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments used in the English Church of Geneva as approved by him. See Phcenix, Vol. 11. For Lives of Calvin see Audin, Beza, Mackenzie, Tischer, Tweedie, and Waterman. Calvinus or Kalil. Lexicon juridicum. Fol. llano vise, 1619 Calvoli G. C. Biblioteca volaute coutinuata da Sancassani. 2 vols. 4to. Venezia, 1734-36 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 217 Cambrai. See Feneloii. • Memoires de la Societe d'Emulation, 1825-1827. 8vo. Cambrai, 1826-28 Cambraj L. G. de. Description d'une Machine ^ feu snivi d'un Memoire siir la Construction des Salines. 4to. Parma Cambridge, Mass. Platform of Church Discipline. 12mo. Boston, 1808 Classed Catalogue of the Library of the High School. 8vo. Cambridge, 1853 — Harvard College, Statutes and Laws, with the Orders and Regulations of the Faculty. 8vo. Cambridge, 1848 -^ Catalogues of Graduates, 1818, '30, '36, '39, '45, '48, '51,_ '54. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1818-54 A Memorial concerning the Eecent History and Constitutional Rights and Privileges presented by the President and Fellows to the Legislature, January 17th, 1851. 8vo. Cambridge, 1851 Addresses at the Inauguration of Jared Sparks, LL.D., as President of Harvard College, Wed- nesday, June 20, 1849. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849 Addresses at the Inauguration of the Rev. James Walker, D.D., as President of Harvard College, Tuesday, May 24, 1853. 8vo. Cambridge, 1853 Reports of the Overseers of Harvard College, ap- pointed to visit the University, the Divinity, and Lawrence Scientific Schools in 1849. 8vo. Cambridge, 1850 Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Har- vard College, appointed to visit the Library in 1850. 8vo. Boston, 1851 Report on the Rules and Statutes of the Office of Preacher to the University, and Plummer Pro- fessor of Christian Morals. 8vo. Boston, 1855 Annual Reports of President to the Overseers on the State of the Institution, IX.-XXVL 8vo. Cambridge, 1835-55 Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Cantabrigiensi selectus frequentiorem in usum Ilarvardinatum, qui gradu Baccalaurii in Artibus nondum sunt donati. 8vo. Bostoniae Nov. Ang. 1773 Catalogue of the Library, with Supplements. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1830 A Catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard Uni- versity. 4th Edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1846 An Account of the Magnetic Observations made at the Observatory of Harvard University, by J. Lovering and W. C. Bond. (Extract from the Memoii-s of the American Academy.) 4to. s. 1. et a.- '■ Annals of the Astronomical Observatory. Vol. I. Cambridge, 1855-56- Part. I. History and Description of the Observ- atory by William Cranch Bond. Part. 11. Re- sults of Astronomical Observations made under the direction of W. C. Bond, G. P. Bond, and 218 A8T0B LIBKAET. C. W. Tuttle. Zone Catalogue of 5000 Stare observed during 1852-53. Cambridge. Harvard Miscellany of Mathematics, Pliysics, and Astro- nomy. Nos. 2, 3, 4. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1842 Eng. Guide through the TJnivereity, Town, and Vicinity. A new Edition. 12mo. Cambridge, 1814 and Eton. Tlie Ancient Laws of the Fifteenth Century for King's College, Cambridge, and for the Public School of Eton College. Collected by James Heywood and Tho- mas Wright. 8vo. London, 1850 Observations on the Statutes of the University, by Geo. Peacock, D.D. 8vo. London, 1841 the University of. An Account of the Different Cere- monies observed in the Senate House, by Adam Wall. 8vo. Cambridge, 1798 Catalogus, exliibens nomina eorum quos, ab anno 1659, usque ad annum 1787 Gradu quocunque omavit Aca- demia Cantabrigiensis. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1787 Catalogus, exliibens nomina eorum quos ab anno 1649, usque ad X. Diem Octobris 1823 Gradu quocunque ornavit Academia Cantabrigiensis. 8vo. Cantabri^ise, 1823 Classical Examinations. 2d Edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1826 Supplement to a Collection of Examination Papers. 8vo. Cambridge, 1833 Problems from 1801 to 1820 inclusive. 8vo. Cambridge, 1821 Mathematical Problems and Examples, 8vo. Cambridge,. 1837 Memorials of. A Series of Views of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. Engraved by J. Le Keux, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts, by Thos. Wright and the Eev. H. Jones. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1845 Catalogue of the Library of Queen's College, by Tlios. H. Home. 8vo. London, 1827 Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, by the Kev. T. T. Smith. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849 The Book Rai-ities of the University, by C. H. Hartshome. 8vo. London, 1829 The Manuscript Rarities of the Univereity, by J. O. Hal- liwell. 8vo. London, 1841 University Calendar, 1827, '29, '30, '31, and 1840. Vols. 1-5. 12mo. Cambridge Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge, 1828-45. 16 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1829-50 A Dictionary of Terms, Academical and Collegial, or Cant, which are used at the Univereity of Cambridge. 12mo. London, 1803 Letters from Cambridge illustrative of the Studies, Habits, and Peculiarities of the University. 12mo. London, 1828 Essays, contributed by Membere of the Univereity, 1855. 8vo. London, 1855 Tart — Epigrammatic and Satiric Poetical Effusions. 12mo. London, 1823 Musce Cantabri^ienscs seu Carmina quaedam numismate aureo CantabrigijE omata. 8vo. London, 1810 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 219 Cambridge. Prolusiones Juveniles Prsemiis Academicis dignatse, auctore J. Tweddel. _ _ ^ 8vo. Londini, 1793 For Histories of the University and its Plan of Education, see Ackerman, Dyer, Fuller, Huber, Masters, Sedgwick, Whewell. . Camden Society. Transactions. Parts I. II. III. for 1839 to 1844. 3 parts. Cambridge Philosophical Society. Transactions. Yols. 1 & 2. 1822 and 182Y. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal.. Edited by "W. Thom- son. 6 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1846-51 Cambry J. Voyage dans le Finistere. 3 vols. 8vo. 1797 Rapport sur les Sepultures. 4to. Paris, 1797 Monumens Celtiques, ou recherches sur le Culte des Pierres. 8vo. Paris, 1805 ■ Same. 8vo. Paris, 1805 Camden W. Britannia sive Regnorum Anglise, Scotise, Hibernise, Insu- larumque adjacentium Descriptio. 12mo. Amsterdami, 1639 Britannia. Translated from the Edition published by the Author in 1607. Enlarged by the latest Discoveries, by Richard Gough. Second Edition, 4 vols. Fol. London, 1806 Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a veteribus Scripta ex Bibliotheca Camdenii. Fol. Francofurti, 1603 Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. Edidit Tho. Hearnius. 3 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1718 Annales Rerum Anglicarum, &c., translated into English. See Kennet's History, Vol. H. Camden Society's Publications. 42 vols. 4to. London, 1838-50 1. Restoration of Edward lY. Edited by J. Bruce. 2. Bp. Bale's Kyng Johan. Edited by J. P. Collier. 3. Alliterative Poem on the Deposition of Richard II. Ed- ited by T. Wright. 4. Plumpton Correspondence. Edited by T. Stapleton. 5. Anecdotes and Traditions. Edited by W. J. Thoms. 6. Political Songs of England from the Reign of John to that of Edw. II. Ed. by T. Wright. 7. Hayward's Annals of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by J. Bruce. 8. Ecclesiastical Documents. Edited by Rev. J. Hunter. 9. Norden's Description of Essex, 1594. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 10. Warkworth's Chronicle ofthe Reign of Ed w.IY. Edited by J. O. HalHwell. 11. Kemp's Nine Dales Wonder. Edited by Rev. A. Dyce. 12. The Egertcn Papers. Edited by J. P. Collier. 13. Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda. Curante J. G. Roke- wode. 14. Irish Narratives, 1641 and 1690. Edited by T. C. Croker. 15. Rishanger's Chronicle of the Barons' Wars. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 16. Latin Poems of Walter Mapes. Edited by T. Wright. 220 A8T0E LIBKAET. 17. Travels of Nicander Nucius of Corcjra (Greek and Eng.) Ed. by Rev. J. A. Cramer. 18. Three early English Metrical Romances. Edited by J. Robson. 19. Dr. Dee's Private Diary. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 20. Wycliffe's Apology for the Lollards. Edited by J. n. Todd. ^ ""^ ^ 21. Rutland Papers, illustrative of the Times of Henry YII. and VIII. Edited by W. Jerdan. 22. Bishop Cartwright's Diary. Edited by Rev, J. Hunter. 23. Original Lettere of Eminent Literary Men of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. Edited by Sir 11. Ellis. 24. Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler for Sorcery in 1324. Edited by T. Wright. 25. Promptoriuin Parvulorum. Auctore Galfrido Gramma- tico. Edit. A. Way. Tom. 1. 26. Letters relating to the Suppression of Monasteries. Edited by T. Wright. 27. Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leycester, dui'ing his Government of the Low Countries. Ed. by J. Bruce. 28. Croniques de London. Ed. by G. J. Aungier. 29. Polydore Vergil's English History. Henry VI., Ed- ward IV,, and Richard HI. Edited by Sir H. El- lis. 30. Tlie Thornton Romances. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 31. Verney Papers. Notes of the Long Parliament. Edited by J, Bruce. 32. Sir John Bramstone's Autobiography. Edited by T. W. Bramston. 33. Correspondence of James Earl of Perth. Edited by W. Jerdan. 34. De Antiquis Legibus Liber. Curante T. Stapleton. 35. The Chronicle of Calais. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 36. Polydore Vergil's English History. Vol. I. Edited by Sir H. Ellis, 37. Italian Relation of England about 1500. Translated by C. A. Sneyd. 38. Documents relating to the Church of Middleham. Edited by Rev, W. Atthill. 39. The Camden Miscellany, Vol. I. 40. Life of Lord Grey of Wilton. Edited by Sir P. de Malpas Grey Egerton. 41. Diary of Walter Yonge. Edited by G. Roberts. 42. Diary of Henry Machyn, Edited by J. G. Nichols. Camellias. Nouvelle Iconographie contenant les Figures et une courte Description de plus rares, des plus nouvelles, et des plus belles Varietes. lUustree et redigee par une Soci6te. 8 vols. 8vo. Gand, 1848-55 Camerarius J. Ratio Orbis Solaris qui Circulus est ductus per duodecim Sinmlacra Caili. 4to, s. a. et 1. De Vita Philippi Melancthonis Narratio. 8vo, Ilalhv, 1777 Ilortus Modicus et Philosophicus. Item Sylva Ilercynia, a Thalio. 4to. Francofurti, 1588 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Cameron 0. The Baths of the Komans, explained and illustrated, with the Restorations of Palladio, corrected and improved. Letter Press in English and in French. Fol. London, 1772 Cametti O. Mechanica Fluidorum, si ve de vEquilibrio et Motu Corpornm fluidorum. 4to. Florentiae, 1777 Camlan G. Lays from the Cimbric Lyre, with Various Verses. 8vo. London, 1846 Camoens L. de. Obras, Segunda Edicion da que se fez em Lisboa nos annos de 1779-80. 4 vols, in 5. Lisboa, 1782-83 Vols. 1, 2, Lusiada ; 3, 4, Rythmas ; 5, Comedias. Obras, os Lusiadas, &c. 5 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1815 ■ Lusiadas, Comentadas por Manuel de Faria i Sousa contienen lo mas de la Principal de la Historia i Geografia,delMundo,&c. 4 Tom. in 2. Fol. Madrid, 1639 Os Lusiadas. Poema do Segundo o Legitimo Texto. 2 Tom. l2rao. Avinhao, 1818 Os Lusiadas. Poema Epico. Nova Edigao correcta, e dada a Luz, conforma a de 1817, in 4to. por Jose Maria de Souza Botelho. 8vo. Paris, 1819 ■■ Os Lusiadas. 12mo. Paris, 1823 Same. 16mo. Paris, 1833 — Ilimas varias. Comentadas por Manuel de Faria y Sousa. Que contienen los Sonetos, las Canciones, las Odes, las Sextinas, las Elegias, las Otavas, y las primeras ocho Elogas. 5 vols in 2. Fol. Lisboa, 1689 The Lusiad, an Epic Poem, translated b;y W. J. Mickle. 4to. Oxford, 1776 • Same, translated from the Portuguese, by J. M. Mus- grave. 8vo. London, 1826 Poems from the Portuguese, with Remarks on his Life and Writings, Notes, &c. By Lord Viscount Strang- ford. 12mo. London, 1803 Poems from the Portuguese of, with Remarks on his Life and Writings, Notes, &c. By Lord Strangford. 8vo. London, 1824 Camp of Refuge. 2 vols in 1. 12mo. London, 1844 Campagne sur le Mein et la Rednitz de I'Armee Gallo-Batave aux Ordres du General Augereau, par Gen. Andreossy. 8vo. Paris, 1802 Campaigns and Cruises in Venezuela and New Granada, and in the Pacific Ocean from 1817 to 1830. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1831 — — The History of the Campaign of 1796-99, in Germany and Italy, Switzerland and Holland. Trans, from the French. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1800, 1801 Campan Mrae. Journal anecdotique, suivi d'une Correspond ance inedite de Mme. Campan avec son Fils. 8vo. Paris, 1824 Memoires sur la Vie privee de Marie- Antoinette. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822 Campana A. Farmacopea ferrarese. 8vo. Firenze, 1803 '- Same. 12mo. Firenze, 1840 — il Marchese. Antiche Opere in Plastica, discoperte, raccolte e dichiarate da G. P. Campana. 2 vols. Fol. Roma, 1851 Campanella T. De Sensu Rerum et Magia. 4to. Francofurti, 1620 Apologia pro Galileo. 4to. Francofurti, 1622 222 A6T0B LIBRARY. Campanius T. Kort beskrifning om provincien Nya Sverige uti Ame- rica, 8om nu fortj den af the Engelske Kallas Pensyl- vania. 4to. Stockholm, 1702 Descriptionof the Province of New Sweden. Translated from the Swedish, with Notes, by Peter S. Du Pon- ceau. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834 Campbell Al. An Introduction to the History of Poetry in Scotland, together with a Conversation on Scottish Song. To which are subjoined Songs of the Lowlands of Scot- land. 4to. Edinburgh, 1798 Arch. A Voyage around the World, from 1806 to 1812. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1816 A. D. Grammar of the Teloogoo Language, commonly termed the Gentoo. 4to. Madras, 1820 Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language. 4to. Madras, 1821 C. Eough Recollections of Rambles Abroad and at Home. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1847 D. A Journey Overland to India, partly by a Route never gone before by any European, in a Series of Letters to his Son. 4to. London, 1795 E. S. N. A Dictionary of the Militaiy Science. 8vo. London, 1830 G. A Dissertation on Miracles, containing an Examination of the Principles advanced by David Hume in an Essay on Miracles. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1823 Tlie Philosophy of Rhetoric, a New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808 Jas. Memoirs written by Himself. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832 John. Maritime Discovery and Christian Missions. 8vo. London, 1840 A Political Survey of Britain, being a Series of Reflec- tions on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenue, &c., of this Island. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1774 Lord John. Speeches at the Bar and in the House of Com- mons. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1842 The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the earliest Times till the Reign of King George IV. 3d Edition. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1848-50 The Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest till the Deatli of Lord Mansfield. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849 • T. Poetical Works, with Life. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845 Poetical Works,' with Notes, and a Biographical Sketch by W. A. Hill. 12mo. Boston, 1854 Specimens of the British Poets, with Biog. and Critical Notices, and an Essay on Eng. Poetr}-. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1819 Letters from the South. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837 Life of Mrs. Siddons. 12mo. New York, 1834 Life and Lettei*s, edited by W. Beattie. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1850 Same. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1850 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 328 Campbell Maria. See Hull, Gen. Wm. William W. The Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution ; or the Annals of Tryon County. 12mo. New York, 1849 Camper P. (Euvres qui ont pour objet I'Histoire naturelle, la Physio- logie et I'Anatomie comparee. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1803 Yol. I. Notice de sa Yie et Eloge. De I'Oran-Outang. Du Rhinoceros. Du Renne. Sur la Montague de St. Pierre. Yol. II. De I'Elephant. Pourquoi I'Homme est sujet k plus des Maladies que les autres Animaux. De I'Origine et de la Couleur des Negres. Du Dugon et de la Sirena Lacertina. Yol. III. Sur I'fipizootie. De I'Education physique des Enfans. Discours sur la Ma- ni^re dont les Passions peignent sur le Yisage. Sur 1' Analogic entre la Structure du Corps humain et celle des Quadrupedes, des Oiseaux et des Poissons. Du beau phy- sique, sur le Crapaud d'Amerique, &c. On the Connexion between the Science of Anatomy and the Arts of Drawing, Painting, Statuary, &c. New Edition, by T. Cogan. Illustrated with Plates. 4to. London, 1821 Campidoglio di Roma. See Righetti and Rome. Campillo y Cosio, J. del. Nueva Sistema de Gobierno economico para la America. Sm. 8vo. Madrid, 1789 Campistrou J. G. de. Chefs d'CEuvres dramatiques. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1Y91 Campomanes D. P. R. Apendice a la Educacion popular. 4 vols. 8vo. Madrid, 1775-77 Noticia geograficadel Reyno y Caminosde Por- tugal. 12mo. Madrid, 1762 Campo-Raso J. del. Memorias politicas y militares para servir de con- tinuacion a los Comentarios de Bacallar y Sanna desde 1725. 2 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1792-93 Campo-Santo di Pisa. Pitture ^ Eresco da G. Rossi e G. P. Lasinio. Fol. Firenze, 1832 Descrizione delle Pitture, coll' Indicazione del Monumenti da Rosini. 12mo. Pisa, 1816 Camus A. G. Notice d'un Livre imprime a Bamberg en 1462. Fol. Paris, 1799 Memoire sur la Collection de grands et petits Yoyages et sur la Collection des Yoyages de Melchisedech Thevenot. 4to. Paris, 1802 Bibliotheque choisie des Livres de Droit. 4e Edition. Revue, corrigee et augmentee. 4to. Paris, 1819 Bibliotheque choisie des Livres de Droit, cinq? Eldition par Dupin. 8vo. Paris, 1832 Lettres sur la Profession d'Avocat in Recueil de Pieces concemant I'Exercise de cette Profession, par Dupin. 8vo. Paris, 1832 Histoire et Procedes du Polytypage et de la Stereotypic. 8vo. Paris, 1802 Rapport a I'Institut d'un Yoyage fait dans les Departemens du Bas Rhin, de la Belgique, du Nord, du Pas de Calais et de la Somme. 4to. Paris, 1803 224 A8T0R LIBRARY. Camns C. E. L. Cours de Mathematiques. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1749-52 Traits des Forces mouvaiites. 8vo. Paris, 1722 de Limare M. L. Catalogue des Livres (de sa Bibliotlieque) dis- tribiie par Ordre alphabetique des Noms d'Auteui's. Privately printed, 25 copies only. 12mo. 1779, s. 1. Camusat D. F. Histoire critique des Joumanx. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1734 Canada. Debates of the House of Commons in the Year 1774, on the Bill making more effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec. Now first published. 8vo. London, 1839 The Backwoods of Canada, being Letters from the Wife of an Emigrant Officer. 12mo, London, 1836 The Report and Despatches of the Earl of Durliam, Her Ma- jesty's High Commissioner and Governor-General of British North America. 8vo. London, 1839 Memoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760. 8vo. Quebec, 1838 Canard N. F. Principes d'ficonomie politique. 8vo. Paris, 1801 Traite elem. du Calcul des Liequations. 8vo. Paris, 1808 Cancellieri F. Dissertazioni Epistolari Bibliografiche sopra Cristoforo Colombo. Svo. Roma, 1809 Le sette Cose fatali di Roma Antica. L'Ago della Madre degli Dei. La Quadriga di Creta de Veienti. Le Ceneri di Oreste. Lo Scettro di Priamo. II Velo d'llione. " Gli Ancili. II Palladio. 12mo. Roma, 1813 Notizie storiche e bibliografiche de Giovanni Gersen. Autore del Libro de Imitatione Christi. 8vo. Roma, 1809 Canciani F. P. Barbarorum Leges Antiquse, cum Notis et Glossariis. 4 vols. Fol. Venetiis, 1781-89 Vol. I. Edicta Regum Ostrogorum — Leges Longobar- dic£P — Capitularia Beneventi — Constitutiones Regni Siculi. Vol. II. Pactus Legis Salicse — AntiqutB Leges Austrasiae — Assissae Regni Ilierosolymit. Yol. HI. Leges Francorum, Angliorum,