i Library ' Bureau of Ra i lway Economics* A LIST OF REFERENCES TO THE WORE IMPORTANT BOOKS /ND ARTICLES ON GOVERNMENT CONTROL AND OPFRATION f OF RAILROADS. i CONTENTS: - Part I ••••General worljs p- 1- - • ....U.S.Gov't publications. 10-1.}. ... •Periodical articles (covering period from Sept., 1917-DeC, 1918, inclusive) »p» 13-52. Part II. ..Railroad control and operation in Gt-Brit. and Canada..... p. 1- 13. Gt. Britain p. II- A. Canada . . . . .p . . 9; 13 • Part III. , .U.S.Senata hearings on Railroad control, and Periodical Articles, etc.... p.1-17. Periodical articles, covering Jan.i- Feb. 19,1919 p.l-«U. Hearings and plans. . .p. 12-17. February 17,1919. " : 438180 n i\ ., OP - ||U N I V I- K ' 1... 1 :. '. » - * ' • " ■ ' ' • • • ' .......... -■-::■■ ' V*&- >q - ■• • •- • - r C i * ' \ • i • it mil ' ' Govt. operation i I :D^X of ' F!S and ORGANIZATIONS, Acworth.W.M. 1:1; II: 3, 5 Aishton,R:H. -:51 Albert, C:S 1:17,19 Allix,G: 11:2 Arruacad«pol. ft goc« sci, 1:16 AnuRB asso. Hi: 5, 6 AnuTelfttel»co»I:l Amstor,N:L. 1:47 Anderson, G:\V.I: 25 Ariz ocorp .com^II 1: 4 jOaRy.ExQC, 1:50; 111:2, 3,12 Avobury,J:L: 1:1 Ballard, W: J 1:2 Birnum,R.L. 1:19,30 3?ich,C:F: 1:2 3cchdolt,J: 1:45 :ge,A:J 11:9 Biggir,E:B: 11:1,9 isoe.S.T. 111:12 Bonner, FiA„ 11:9 3orght,R#v»d. 1:2 wster,F:C: 1:13 Brooks, S: 3ullen,H.L. 3unn, C ,W • 3ur.ry.newc & stat. 3urr,R.H: 1:2)11:6 III 9 III114 I:47$tl:2. 111:13 Canada. Nat 1 1 trans- ry.inves.comm. 11:9 Canada .Par 1 i am 3nt . House of commons il:9 Canada .Ry . i nq .c om • 1 1 : 10 Carter, C:F: 1:38 r,W.S. 1:22,48,50 itt.B: 1:45 Clapp,E:J: 1:2 Clark, E:E: 1: 11; III: 12 Cleary, GEE U.S.Cong. Congr ss. SEE U.S.Cong. Coomb s,'.V: J: 1:16 p*r,J:G. 1:3 ■otterill,C:E. 111:14 BpUie,F: 1:24 .3: 1:33 . .cu<»lo,L: 1:18,48 -mins,A:B. 1:3; 111:16 -. ni ngham , V. : J : I : lfc Cuylor,T.D: SEE Asso.Ry. Executives DanieJ8,W:J. 1:45 S,W;R. IU:15 Dov.a'Lt Hi': It Dillon, C:H. 1:3 Dixon, F:H: 11:1 Drummond,A:T. 11:11 Dunn, 53:0: 1:3,16,21,23 27,23:11:10,11 Interstate c nm^rce ccrr • U.b.I.C.C. Inv .banker's asso^Am. i: r9 Edge : ''.':E. 1: 32 EUiuttjH: 111:15 Elmquist,C:E, 1 1 1 r ?.3 Eoch,J:J. I:11;II2:16 F -d.tr. comm. SFE U.S. Fod. tr» com-. Fe Sa ,S;D. I:48;III:1,4 Finn,L:3. 111:13 Fordney, J:W„ 1:3 Forman,H:J: 1:28 Freer, G,M. 111:14 Fulbright.R.C 111:13 Gallatin, A:R. 1:4 Garret son, A. 3.1 II: 14 Givr.ns . V '-R. 11:11 Glass. C: 111:8,12 Gompors, S: 1:9 Gordon, G:F:R: 1:4 Grasty : C:H. 1114 Gray,C ' R. 1*52 Gt.Brit. 1 1:1,4 Guicerman, A: 1:49 Guyot f Y: 1:4,25 Jackr.wirj,"*: T. J'irr J r.c.'iT.?^. ■ H J. J hnu n, A: 3: J hns n,?'- J" n?,i- , A ,D. Kahn,0:H. Kar.sac j,F:3. Kruttschnitt,J: Lamb,D:rt. Lawrence,D: Lee,W,.G, L?rroct, I:L. L i s » D : J . Little, J. A. Louisville bd." Lovett. R:L. 11:12 11:2 11:2 111:2 1:4 11:6 111:15 I: tt 1 : 25 111:6,12 11:2 1:43 1:24 1:22 1:5 1:23 tr. 111:1 111:15 McAdoc,W:G: 1:5,12,25,33,34, 37, 3 y, 12, r3, 16, 48,50,51; III, 2,3.5,9,12. Hadloy,A:T: Hall.H:^. Hall,J:R. ! ; ay ts,E: A. Hazlitt,H: H rs oy , I:G. Hin :S,V.':D. 6 7 3 C 14 Hodgson, J: S Hold on, H: 1:4 1:17 1:31 1:4 1:20 1:27,28 1:50; 111:5, 1:4 T.cCh rd,C:C. McK ? n7ie,F:A„ MhLean,G«B« :!cL >an,S: J. !JcFhersan,L:G # McV.>y,F.L. Madden ther, T.G. !!arsh,A.R. !£<»llen,C«S« :' rrick.H:K. »r,H.R. Mitchell, J.J. ^y , L.G .C. Uontgonury, M~rawetz ,7: Morgan, "•' \F. Holland (pseud )l: 21, 22, 2 9, :.: rs »,C; 30,33,34 i.'.uir v. UN ftt c: Hollis,H:F, 1 1 : t xrd.H: 1:51 Hungorford.E: 1:28,30,31,0 i Hunti...- ,o i.C.V . 1:34 1:11 11:1 1:25,26 11:12 11:12 1:5 111:17 I: 1:14,33,34 1:13,33 111:2 1:5 1:5 11:2 1:6 111:6,1! 1:39 111:5 , 1:32 - " : \ *. I 1 ' ".. ' : :t :. ' i :'. ' .'■ • " ; ■ .'' ' • ..,■ ' ' '■' ' ..■■ • - • ■ ■; .. l> .... Govt.'perati'n ii -. Nat'l asso •owners y£ ] cities i.33,39; ■11:14,: 6. fat* L.indu3.traf .lge. 1:47 ibd.tr •& Trans. 1:49 1.Y.N.H.& H.R.R. 1:7 found land 11:2 Ncyes,A,D. 1:23 Officer of RR under Fed. c i ntrcl, (pseud ) Olds,L. 11:1 Orcutt,G*N. 111:2 (i Parker, R.W, 1:6 Krmelee,J:H: 1:44,47; 11:1,3,4 parsons, F: 1:6 Payne, J. L. 11:12,13 Payne, V/i 11 1:6 ibody,G:F: 1:22 Pennington, '.'I.E. 1:51 Peschaud,M: 11:2 Peyton,J:H: 1:16 Pittman,K: 1:41 Plumb, G:E. Z:6;III:14 loindextsr.M: I:6;10p.l. Pomeroy,E: 11:13 Pratt ,E: A: 1:6 j 11:5 ?r >sident SEE U.S.Presidant Price, T:H. 1:15, 19, 41, 47 Underwood, F.D. 1:18, 23 INDEX.cont'd. Shea,T: 1:25 Shunts, T: i:»9 Sims.T-tt. 1:10,11; 111:1 Sines, G.H. 1:49 Sisscn,F:H:I:31, -8; 111:12 Speare 7 C:F.I:17,23 Spence,L: J.I: 46 ;III: 2 Spens.C: 111:11 Sproulo.W: 1:22 Staak.W. 1:22 Stedman,V/.A.I:44 Stephens, D: V.I: 7 5tnckbridg-.,F/P:I;28 Strunsky,S: 1:42 Stucki,A. 1:8 Thelen.M: 1:8 Them, A: T. 111:12 Thompson, A.W.I II: 8 Thompson, C.D.I: 8 Thomson, S-G. 1:14 Thome, C: I:20;III:13 Thcrnton,H:W. 11:5 Tonkins, C: 1:8,13 Tov*nsend,F.3. 1:41 Travis, C: H:5 Prince, T: Prouty,C:A: : Putnam, F: Quail, J: Railroad administration SEE U.S.Railroad administration Ry.bus.assu. Ry .exec .ad .com* Asso* ry • exec » . . Ransom, W,L. 1:20 Ray burn, S: 1:7; III: 9 ,S: . 1:34:111:15 Rich,E:J. 111:13 Richardsn,R.L. IIU4 Rcbins • :■ .. ---.-■: _...-"_ " . - ] I i ! ' ']** ! ? ' • • ; , . . ■ ~ • .. ,..>■.., " it '" ." ; .' ' I '' '-• ' " - t . : " '" '•' - : "" • " ■' -'■ - .'■■ ■ "■-..■ "X ■-'..' 'ri-i ' : *' ] • '■.--'-'• .. : — - . ..'. '. . ■"' ;t • ■' ' ' ■:. . ; ' i . * " " - ■ ' ■■-,...- - '■ -•• • . ' -.-.•• / ... • • 8 • ;;' , -oi Government Operation. 2. Ballard, Walter J. Some samples of government ownership, (Public service, 19: 95; Sept. 1915) B, BPL, NY. Government operation in Canada. Beach, Charles Fisk, and Henri Segnitz. The railways of Europe., i (Moody's magazine, 7,8,9, Apr. 1909- Apr. 1910) B, IOC, JC, LC, MY. A monthly series of 13 articles covering th^ moi'h ii..j:: tant railway systems of Europe, with e3peciu3 re i e -or ;.> to the question of government versus private operation, Borght, R. Van dor,. Some weaknesses of state railroad management* (Railroad gazette, 27: 602} Sept. 13, 1895) Abstract of a monograph on "Transportation." Editorial comment: p. 606. Reprinted in Railroad trainmen's journal, 12: 1001-02; Nov. 1895. 3, H, ICC, JC, NY, Brook3, Sydney, Aspects of Public ownership. (North American review, 194: 199-210, 355-66, 541-52,737-47; 195: 496-512,649-64; Aug. to Nov. 1911; Apr. and May 1912 ) Results or government ownership of railvtays considered in chapter VI, May 1912. Reprinted by Bureau of railway ec onomic3„ Brooks, Sydney. Public ownership abroad. Furthe r aspects of railway nati onalv<.ati on. (Concerning municipal ownership, 7: 61-64; May. 1914) B. The Death toll of state-owned railroads. (Mediator. 5: 47-48; July 1913) B, ICC, LC. Comparisons of deaths caused by r* ilwaysacc idents on state-owned and privately- owned railroads. From statistics tabulated by Bureau of railway economics. Clapp, Edwin Jones. Railway traffic ... New York, Alexander Hamilton institute [cl917j XV, 309 p. 2 fold. maps. 20 cr.. (Added t.-p.: Modern business; a series of text3 prepared as part of the modem business course and service of the Alexander Hamilton institute. Lv i 14] Prerequisites for efficient government operation, p. 12. " ' ' ' ' " : ' ' -" : ' ' ' ••''■' ' ',• ' . 1 ■■„* ,- * v .:. . . - • ■■■■■■..■■■ '"'-. ^ ■■ . ■'::■ la. . :'•': , "''.., X. "' " ' : .. ' ''■■'■:' .. . . ' "': . ■ i " '' • : ■v : ' ' ' •..•■■ - ■' • :■- - I' ': - ..'•.•■ ■ • * . ; ■ ■ ■ r-s : ■ • . : : ■■:■■ •'-. • - ' Government Operation. 3. Coope r, John G. Speech ... in the Hou9e ... February 21, 1918, during the consideration of H. R fc 9685, a bill to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under federal Control [Washington, 1918] 2 p. 4°. Reprinted from the Congressional record* Cummins, Albert B. Railroad control. Speech ... in the Senate ••• Feb., 14 ano L6, 1918, (Congressional record, v. 56:2469-86; Feb. 21, 1918 Daily ed.) Billon, Charles H. Railroad control. The civil authorities and the military authorities should cooperate. Speech in the House ... February 19, 1918. 4 p. 4° Reprinted from the Congressional record. Dunn, Samuel 0. Government ownership of railways .... New York and London, D. Appleton & co., 1913. vii p., 1 1., 400 p. tables ..' 12° In mo 3t libraries. Reviewed by George 0. Virtue in the Journal of political economy, 22: 396-99; Apr. 1914. Reviewed in Elec. ry . jour. v. 43:353-54; Feb & 14, 1914. Reviewed in Illinois central mag., v 2 :28-29;Mar.l914. The author's conclusions as to the results of government ownership in the United States are quoted in the Railway news, 101:828; Apr. 18, 1914. [New ed. J New York and London, D. Appleton ft co. t 1915. vii p,, 11., 400 p. 12°. BPL, LC. Dunn, Samuel 0, Some often overlooked points regarding government ownership of railways. Address ... before the Traffic club of New England at Boston, Vass., Dec. 6, 1912. 25 p. 8° In most libraries. Same. Boston, Traffic club of New England, 1912. 16p. 8' B, IndSL, LSE, NY, WorcPL. o Eight-hour laws and government railroads. (Railroad gazette, 32: 608; Sept. 14, 1900) Reprinted from the New York Evening post. Foidney, Joseph W. Federal control of railroad transportation. Speech ... in the House of representatives, February 19, 1918 (Congressional record, v. 56:2673-77 ; Feb. 21, 1918. Daily ed. ) Gives results of government operation in various European countries. tf m*« 2 i2^ff > J 1 ••■ '? -Mil i li-U, u,.^r,'J , „ , outfits 2 njflfj :'i , *,, .•■'♦ J-: ■• | ' 5 tc i fc*» vi i dT 81 0X t X£ .■-' •>' t " . *, j . hi :■:: ■ ■< i. .' i :. /: I'm ;:-..l'V , '. .'11a VM/^iliiU o-it brtt r. :>ii iir ••■•■t;: ■• X or.~. :- .;•■"*• nv'-i i I :-'i "tc. Ji -• ' i •-'•:• ••"/•"> **V- 1 "x a ' T CcvV .."fonr-cJ brcc ^-k- £ ,. r. *-..i t »r: a i I jI ■■■■ n • » XisoifiXoq >o Xr.rttifct '*rit :•• I ■■:.•■]*;• V .0 v { rf£z£ fc l| ;o!}t c ... tiv 1 t) Lenim* »f*ai ( Q ^? »c: ill . ? :.r?r J^ „ ..': .,'•/- ^tc.-.--- ^ ;-c.::^:- f .tqr. v ^-.. •• •— t. -.t |2f, i , f!". • r».'#»»>tX ? .r*i J.\ i^'iv-fi *, -A v Inc. tval l^t^xiiftC- . '.r O ' ^ r ' « ft i; Que (in* r-i ^oU/nc^-.: ^najusf^vov *.- '.tl.---r ;.--/K' Gove rnment Operation . 4. Gallatin, Albert R. Government ownership. Railroads operated by the state invariably show deficits or give bad service. (New York Sun» Feb, 17, 1914 ) Gordon, Fred George Russ.. The failure of government ownership of railroads* In National civic federation. Shall the government own and operate the railroads .... New York, 1915. p. 76-99. E, HU, MassSL, NY. Guyot, Yves. La gestion per l'etat et le3 municipality . Paris, 1913 487 p. 12°, B . LC, ICC, Includes 3tate ownership and operation of railroads. Translated under title*- "Where and why public ownership ha3 failed." Guyot, Yves. Where and why public ownership ha3 failed . . , . Tr. from the French by H, F. Baker, New York, Macmillan, 1914 1 1., 459 p., 8°. B. BPL, ICC, I11SL, KCPL, LC, tfassSL. Mich Merc, NY, OmahaPL. Hadley, Arthur Twining. Railroad transportation; its history and its laws. New York and London, Putnam, 1885, 269 p . 12°. This work in this and later editions is inmost libraries. "Railroad policy in France:" p, 187; "The railroad systems of central Eurpoe" p. 203; "Railroad legislation in Italy": p. 219; "Results of state railroad management" p. 236. Hayes, Everis A. Federal control of railroad tran3portat ion. Speech ... in the Hou3e of representatives, Saturday, February 23, 1918. [Washington, 1918] 8 p. 8° Hodgson, John S % A modified attitude toward state ownership. [Letter to the editor] (Stone & Webster's public service journal, 14:195-98 ;! ! ar. 1914) B, ICC, JC, LC, NY. The ill results of state ownership in various countries. Johnson, Emory R. Federal control of railroad3 in war time. (Pennsylvania gazette, v. 16:811- 13 ; April 26, 1918) Addre33 before American philosophical society, Philadelphia, April 18, 1918. Federal plan, p. 812. Editorial comment by Phila. bulletin, Apr, 20, 1918. ■ • H* ■■ ro;no::o MM •■:■•;/ ' it; 9 ■■■:■■■■: ■:.-, | ■ « jl ? I f,,f , -. . ill •• • ' . • { J-? ,-v , ,. . .: ' . - »"> I,.. .. . ' , : ■' ■ •. V -v ;■:-•. T . »I j i ..... •. . - ; ". ., . -, , f . • - .• * . , ■; ,- , I :■ 1 ' " - -'-- " '-■•:•• ' fo%¥* : . . . •-. til F-: • • « *• • t (. • £j ;• ' li--\ Q .•; • ' + j ; ,, ;•< ; .... v , ; . f - ' ' t . $ | •. : ; j^ -< f ,1 ■ l . ..' ,! . ."'•'. I. , '. ""' ?: • j'. • ••. »'• I" • •* ■ f .' - -'-V . -, . ' ,■'". '* , ,', ■' '' ' . * [ ■: ■ ■ . -, ■ ; . . iw., . ■ .; - •'> ; ■■ ; . ! ••- n^.'j :. • . - ■ •■ . * . ... •■ • : i. " . , * „ !. - ■?" ' r"« i •■ r?. Ml • !?• * ' -.'j ' ■ I "'•' : " ~ '' " " :.- -.-[ J | np?f*j :•■• ifl •••. i ~ ■■■ ' , ' J ■■■ . i ;\ •:■: : I §4.1 ■ •,- i r .'.- : ■ fc r, ' r ?i f ^jv, .V.- *i r -.i ' ; .- /••■: . -. . . . : i . ■'•• r . : : ' r; J !. f! ■;:■ ,: ; :^.y: ..■ ;i ■. ' ■ > ■■••^. t ■ r..*: ' * '-:' : '/?*}■ , • :' r i • ; • •. .- l't> • :■ .,-'-• : ■': . ; :■"" •^'".'< . '.!■' "■'- '. . ■ -. ' V- • : ■■■ r ' • •■ ■' ■ .. .', : i "• 0'/ " ' •' { ' ' , *' " ' ' ■ 'i ■ '■ : •' '. ■ ■ ' * : ; ". : \ v :■■,' -> • 2 ■" ■ '•• ■ ■■'•■' I ■•-. ' Government Operation. 5, Journal of commerce [ Editorial ]. Is government ownership efficient* (Journal of commerce, Jan. 4, 1913, p. 4, col- 2/ B, LC, NY. Lewis, David John. Go\arnment ownership of railways in Eurppe. (Moodys magazine, 9: 35-39; Jan. 1910) B, ICC, JC.LC, NY. McAdoo, William Gibbs, 1863«3 Government control and operation of railroads. Statements of Hon. W. G. McAdoo, secretary of the Treasury and director general of railroads, before the Interstate commerce committee of the United States Senate and the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the United States Hou3e of representatives. January 19, 21, and 23, 1918. Washington, Govt .prinUof f . , v 1918. 89 p. 231/2 cm. B, LC . McVoy, Frank Le Rond. Modern industrialism; ah outline of the industrial rgans- ization as seen in the history, industry, and problems of England, the United States, and Germany. New York, Appleton, 1904. xv, 300 p. front. (fold, map) illus. 8°. (Appleton's business 3eries) B, LC, NY. Meyer, Hugo Richard. Government ownership of railways [ 13 parts ]. (Railway age, 36: 32-430; July 10, -Oct. 8, 1903) Editorial comment, p. 30, 57. In Germany, Austria-Hungary, Fussia, Australia. Meyer, Hugo Richard. Governmental regulation of railway rates; a study of the experience of the United States, Germany, France, Austria- Hungary, Russia, and Australia. New York, Macmillan, 1905. xxvii, 486 p, 8°. In most libraries* See also reviews and reply of author in Yale review, Feb., 1906; and Journal of political economy, Feb. and Kpr. 1906. Opposed to government ownership. Same. 1906. HU, Lib Co. Reviewed by Ralph Albert3on in the Arena, 36:103-05; July 1906. Mitchell, John J. John J. Mitchell ... advocates government ownership of railroads. (Commercial & financial chronicle, v. 107: 2064-2065; Nov. 30, 1918) "• ' • '''■'' • *• * , •.v.!- iv ■■'■ . ' ' •■••.•;..; = ■■-.;.-. -•• ! - f -... ■ . .ivjv* I -fd4 '"• ■ ■ '' C t' '^'l-n^ ' "• ; i-,..; • I-ti.av • 1 ,/■?••.•: V* -.:'•.■ ■ i ; .; « • ••,'•;--.•:■: . .- ■■ i'-i #14 ": • "; s; / • frViS; ^•(| : ••■■ r • • . : • j :-:'-, •;■ .. ; .. [ } . « ' 8">.*M N" " 5T i ill , V': " • V -•:•;... t - . -" I'nv m -:••• • ' - ! - ' '-i '■'■' \' * : . ; • , ;.r. : ■. ' . • v . -• ; ' ■-. ■•■ - ^ & • ^ : ■ • - ; ■■'• / •'. . " : - • IIvxx .,'"', . ■.•.:. -j*.:i -i^'^;-<- J-.' ••"■'1 ••: -::n - it " ,op f;.^.j . r '" i^e ' • ': * ' * ' '■ '''■ ': ■ Government Operation. 6, Montgomery, F. B, A shipper* 3 view of the railroai problem. . t ow.ership or operation. Suggests larger y, . -• rs .' .; * :.-o . . il : \ ?.at 5 rig, (Railway age, v, 66:59-60; January 3, 1919) Par3ons, Frank, The railways, the trusts, and the people V'ith the assistance of Ra^ph Albort3on. Ed . , . . by C, F. Taylor „ « Philadelphia, C, F. Taylor, 1905. 2 v. in 1, diagr. ( On cover: Equity series, vol, vii, no. 3-4) In most libraries. Extract under title: "The Swiss railways for the Swj33 people," Equity series, 9: 27-30; July 1907. Parker, Richard Wayne. Federal control of railroads .*«, Speech of Hen. Richard Wayne Parker ... in the House of representatives, February 19,1918. Washington, 1918. 23 p. 8° Payne, Will. Government without politics. (Saturday evening po3t, 187: Aug, 8, 1914; p. 16-17,45-46) B, LC, NY, Some discussion of government ownership and operation of railroads in France and Germany-, Plumb, Glen E. Labor's interests in railroad properties. (Railroad trainman, v.,35:332-36 ; May, 1918 ) Pratt, Edwin A. Railways and their rates, with an appendix on the British canal problem, London, J. Murray, 1905, ix, 361 p. 8° This work in this and later editions i3 in most libraries. Contains chapters on the railways of France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark. Poindexter, Miles. [Speech on the railroad control bill, in the Senate, February 20, 1918] (Congressional record v. 56: 2568-73i Feb. 20, 1918) Pratt, Edwin A, State railways; object lessons from other land3. With a translation of ! . Marcel Peschaud's articles on "Lea chemins de fer de l'etat beige" in the "Revue Politique et parlementaire." London, P. S. King, 1907. 107 p. 8° B, BPL, CalSL, CU, Hh , HU, ICC, IntRC, JC, LC, LSE. NY, StLPL, UCal, UI, UM, UP, UW, Y. ... •■.... . ■ ■■ -■-,.■■.... . '' ' - '■' ■. «■;.:■ • . . H ■ i . . '■ • , .>.'. ■ . ' ' ' • ..■■■';.■ .. . ■ °8 . I > • . ' ., . • • :. ; • .;■ rdii ' : . ' b • • • ■ ' *. •-• : ' | T- tip".**"!? ! . .-i ■ ..■■■ . . • i V ■ .1 i •■ - ? | . ■ ■■: ' . . • ' Government Operation, 7, Rayburn, Sam. Government ownership of railroad3 and allied 3ubjects. (Congressional record v. 57 : 27 43- 27 48; Feb. 3, 1919, Daily ed.) Speech in the House of representatives, January 30, 1919 % Railway age gazette [Editorial] Accidents on private and state railways, (Railway age gazette, v, 54: 1165-66; May 30, 1913) Railway age gazette [Editorial] Government ownership of railways and decreased rates, (Railway age gazette, v. 55: 739-40; Oct. 24, 1913) Russell, Charle3 Edward Railroad revolution. (Pear3on'3 magazine, v. 30: 325-36; Sept. 1913) A comparison of railways in the United States with state- operated railways, to the disadvantage of the former. Schelle, Gustave* Statistique des exploitations, i ndustri alleys des eHats et des municipalite3. In. Institut international de statisque. Bulletin, v, 19, pt. 2, p. 286-331; Hague, 1911. Schelle, Gustave. Statistique des exploitations industrielles des etats et des municipalites. [Wien, Druck von F. Jasper, 1913?] 139 p 4° (institute inte rnationale de statistique. XIV session, Sept. 1913. Rapports. Mo. 10) B,LC. A further study of the same subject as the preceding. Spectator. [Editorial] The State and the railways. (Spectator, v. 112: 46-47; Jan. 10, 1914) B, NY. Dangers of state operation as shown by railway strike in South America. Redundancy of emplovees. Reprinted in the Railway library, 1913. Chicago, 1914* p. 105-109. In most libraries. SA State railway officer on Government ownership. (Railway age gazette, v. 57: 293-94; Aug. 14, 1914) Letter to President Ripley of the Santa Fe, in reply to his article in the Saturday evening post of July 18,1914. Stephens, Dan V. Federal control of railroads - in support of the Administration. Speech of Hon. Dan. V. Stephens ... in the Kou3<< of representatives, February 19, 1918. [Washington, 1918] 16 p. 8° '■'■■ I ' -. ? ' ' • ' * : '"' 7 ■ •' '■■'.. •..'■ - t". r "\ • . ■.. 1 - • • • <. ■ .j . . • , . - : ■'■'•".-'> 9 ■>. - . '''■' : - ,V v : ' "• * :. ' lifi .. ■ . -. . *•'■.■ '■ •••"' 1 • ■ ' ■' /• '•' i Vr ' .- •' ■■■ ; - • • : . , • . ; . .■ ..' . .' ' . L '" ' I* 1 F - ••■!••• - .tffjC ... . : . • Ml ' '' ''. ' ' ' ' ' ' i? '"'■ ■ - •• '--^ . ■ i •• ; ^ w ' ', , -. * " ? ■ '■ ■■ ■ i ■ ■ : : \ "... } • v .. • Atrpi'ii : ' sb.Lif '■ fr« . .-.-j ... ; • *, ... , • Lj fj ,'$$* ; U4£ t , ■ ■ ;i:.: M •<- i„ .•»*** rfi •• • ' ■ ':■;;' * ' ' • • • < " • ■ Ji : < * < ' - -''..' \ . ' . \ *\ } > . • -' ; ■ ■• SOD ,•'■:. •.,.■:/;' •'. ./• ' & ■ / ' »> ' ;; :wf'i^ ^d* *, :.. r ■• ..- ... . •>.'•' '....':'' :. '" ' • • ' '■'■ ■ •. : ■. — ... .' .,-. ' . . ;' ' ... . ' •. ' ' „' rP- t ' • - • '•• ? ■ .. < : , ■ y^ ■' •.:■:•■'. •" ; '.' ..'-' i - i •• ' • ' : ' ; ' ^ <* • '■.'-••'• [ ■ m ■ " ■ ''' ■ ' ■'■ ' '■■ :: — <.■.; ,=, t ■>'■',. " . ■ lit . ' : '■ '"" •' ' : "• 3 " I '• : :-:- : :M -; ■'/ ■ '■■ : . .'',. ' J ' ' ' ' ' ; * ' ■ . ! ' / \> , • ' ? 8 ' ' ',:" ' ' ' "" •' r : •" ■ ■ '• ■ : .-•-•• • .. /. P r ' Government Operation. 8. Stone & w e bater public service journal [Editorial] Rocont light on government ownership, (Stone & debate r public service journal, v„ 16: 5*10; Jan. 1915) Gives resulta of government operation in various countries. ^"rki, A„ Motes on transportation in Europe (Railway club of Pittsburgh. Proceedings, v, 14:39-57; Tec. 22, 1914) Abstract in Railway review, v*56: 6-9; Jan. 2, 1915. Thompson, Carl D % Public ownership of railways. In. National civic federation. Shall the government own and operate the railroads? The affirmative side. New York, 1915 .p. 49-70 B, HU, MassSl, NY. Thelen, Wax. Federal control of railroads in war time. I_n American academy of political and social science, Phila.1918. War adjustments in railroad regulation ... Editor in charge C. H. Crennan, x, 333 p w 8° Torakins, Calvin. Transportation, trade policy and the war.. (Academy of political science. Proceedings, v. 7 :Feb. 1918, 75-83) Desirability of continuing government control* Underwood, Oscar W t Railroad control. Speech ... in the Senate ... Feb ., 20, 1918 % [Washington, 191SJ 8 p. 4° Vrooman, Carl Schurz American railway problems in the light of European experience or Government regulation, (government operation of railways. ...London, New York [etc.] H, Frowde, [±910] 376 p. 12° AmhC, B, BPL, CU.PCL.Fh ,HU, ICC, JC.LC, LSE, NHSL, NJSL, NY, Omaha PL, Prussia, StLPL, UCal,UI,UP,U7', Y. New Edition 1919. Wat3on, James E, Speech.,, on the railroad bill in the Senate, Fe >. ,16, 1918. [Washington 1918] 32 p % 8° Wilcox, Delos F. Precedents for private ownership and government operation of transportation facilities. In American academy of political and social science, Phila.,7*ar adjustments in railroad regulation... (ITS Annals... v. 76, t'arch, 1918, p. 70-83 ) : .. ... . \ , f ■ ►; ' ■ '-* r i ■■... .. : I f f." ." , - .•.',-• . . ■:■■:■• .-,•••-*:. : : i I .' ' ' '•;'■■■' . .... '• * : '■ ' *" ' ' " ' • ' ' ' ... . ..-,.. . r _ ? r *• L •i •' ", .. ■ . . •• | ; ' . . i ' '•■'., ■ • slug .; '....' ' ^ * -i . ! . ■■-■■: "\- V- v ' : " »•""■'•' ' • : ■ :, ■ ■ ' . ! . . -^ ■••... '; • •:«! ...; • • -•' ' " r " '•' '' . ". , • „,•■*• ; ': ■: •••: :■■. - ■ J i S ••' "•: ■ 't •' -"> I • ^ ' : : .'.'....' ~ ( E9-0V Go ve rnment Operation, 9. Wymond, Mark, Government partnership in railroads, Chicago, Wymond ft Clark, 1917, B, L. C. With note3 on government ownership and operation in foreign countries. For Comparative freight rates on state- owned and other European railways see the Documents of the National waterways commission, No3. t 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, ?2, which are reports of American consuls dealing with freight rates and inland waterways of Belgium. Holland, Germany, France, United Kingdom, and Ru33ia. See also "Comparison of railway freight hates in the United States the principal countries of Europe, So\ith Australia, and South Africa," a study prepared by the Bureau of railway economics in 1915* See also the following publications of the Bureau of railway economics: Comparative railway statistics of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany ( Bulletin no. 24); A com- parative study of railway wages and the co3t of living in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the principal countries of continental Europe (Bulletin no. 34); and Comparative railway 3tati3tic3, United States and foreign countries, an annual bulletin. The current i33ue i3t Consecutive no, 100; Fi scellaneous series no, 25. For references to material on government ownership in general and in various countries 3ee "Li3t of publications pertaining to government ownership of railways" Washington, 1917 (Bulletin 62 of Bureau of Railway economics.) I li - ' ■ ,.r-^ .■«:•:■■■ :.— -■: ■ :-,-•■ . : :--..i:r,: : : - V ■ ■ - ..■-. j ^ -- ^ \ _ ' »fe£a«$ft<$ ,.r:;'i: : i '-" -• ev .■: ■•■••• j • • •-•■" ' ■ iJ ?j^ ;.^."^ h •' «91 :■■■ -0" n-I" :::^ ■*.••!:■■.•• ."■ : "" '" ' \ ' « ^ ; ;^ •'"•'•■ • ■ ' '■" ■ r- ■■'"• -■.•.-.-. .- ^jrfi4«^ ■ Bofloa • jr -.■- f. • .>: eminent Operation -U- Railroads of the United States Government Publications U.S.CcnP.ress- [Debates in the House and Senate on the bills providing for government operation of railroads, S. 3385, S. 3632, S. 3752, H.R.8172 and H.R.9635.] (Congressional record, v. 56: February 7 -February 28,1918, Daily edition.) U.S.Congress. Senate. c.An act to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under federal control, for the just compensa- tion of their owners, and for other purposes* [Washington, 1918] 36 p. 4° (65th Cong.,&d sess.S.3752) The Senate bill as amended by the House and prepared for Conference© U.S, Congress. Senate. . .«A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under Federal control.. . .approved March 21, 1 918<» , ..[Washing ton, 1918] 4 p» 1 L 4° S*5035. 65th Cong., 3d sess. Introduced by Hoke Smith of Ga. U.S. Congress© Senate. Committee on Interstate Commerce. Extension of tenure of government control of railroads. Hear- ings before the Committee on Interstate Sosmnerce, U.S. Senate, 65th Cong.. 3d. sess-, on the extension of ti:r.9 for relin- quishment by the government of railroads to corporate owner- ship and control. Fart I. Washington, Govt, print, off. ,1919- 8° U.S.Congressi Senate- Committee on Interstate commerce- • ...Federal control of transportation systems during the war. Report... [To accompany S.3752] [Washi ng ton, Govt . print, off., 1918] 8,13 p. 8° (65th Cong., 2d Pess.Sen.Rept.246,p.l,2) Printed with minority report of Mr« Poindexter, in the Congressional retford, v.56: 1930-1 934; Feb. 7,1918. .....Government control and operation of railroads. Hearings before the committee. .. .pursuant to S. Res. 171. ..December 2 9-January 26,191b. Pts. 1-7 .Washington, Govt, print .of f .,1918. U.S. Congress. House. ...A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under Federal con- trol..." [Washington, 1919] Jan.7,1919 2 p. 1 1. 4° ■ r- • • ■ * - '' '' ' " i ' * : i. - ;' : .•... -. .., • . : . "• - * • ■" •• • ' -:'■''' : ■ ''' " ." " ' • ■ ■■•■■ j . ; . . "' ■ • '*''...'... ••■;•■**• "■- ""'_'. '-.' ..'. ■""** •*.**' - .- ' .1 »*& • " fc • .. . ,,- - iC^*' ? ... ;• :'. ' : ' - ' ' .. -_ • .• -..•' ■ ' ' ;.V...'^ - ....■•;• . ;*" ... ; '. - &? • '.',_ ; . ■ : J ' 3i :- - ■ ■ '• ' ' , ._., • j '[;:. •'■' ' ■ fi ' .. ' k,mm aont Ope rut ion *.\i- Government Publications (cont'd) U. 5. Congress . House- Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. • -.Federal control of railr&ad transportation. ..Report. [To accompany H.R.9685] [Washing ton, Govt, print, off., 1918] 6,7,6 p. 8° Report, Mr, Sima.,pt.I. Minority views of Mr* Esch,pt.II. Minority views of Mr. Poindexter, Part III. U.S. Federal trades commission* Letter of submittal [of the report on coal] Washington. Jtww* 2<>, 1917.] 16 p. typewritten. Recommends pooling of coal and coke production and of transportation agencies. U.S. Interstate commerce commission. _ [Statements of Commissioner McChord on congestion of Traffic J January 12- March 1,1918. Washington, 1918. Mimeographed sheets. U.S. Interstate commerce commission* [Statements of Commissioner Clark and others.. -before the Interstate commerce committee of the U.S. Senate, regarding railroad policy...] December 21, and 31,1918. Commissioner Clark, December 21,1918... Commissioner Woolley (advocating 5-yr, control plan, December 31,1918... Mimeographed sheets... .Call made upon all railroad presidents for statement of finan- cial obligations for bond payment and road improvements. (Official bulletin, v.2;Jan.7, 1918, p.ll) Dated Jan. 5, 1918. Published in mimeographed form* .....Commerce commission calls upon railroads for revenue and expense statements. For year ending June 30,1917. (Official bulletin, January 7, 1918, p. 7) Also published in mimeographed form. U.S.Laws, statute*, etc. An act making appr mriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June 30,1917 [August 29,1916] 59 p. 6 (Public no .242, 64th Congress) The President empowered to take possession of and control transportation systems in time of war: p. 29. U.S. President. (Wilson) By the President of the United States of America.a proclamation* [Washington, Govt, print, off. ,1917] 6 p. 8° Taking control of the railroads... > r ., I) jo $= ....... i**g*£ . v ,:> • . • -• ■ : / • ■-- . '-• ... ...:; . _v: ." r _,- ■ ' ES^it!- Bfrlfy .^^:^. ;•;,,: : • / leva."..', ^-r.r- ;/ : .., h '' r ~ r "* ; . . . i. r . . . . -^'S.'^t »T; ->i :..'^i r 5 a :f "u S>->q «v£r*i r«flfi: Ir.oi :.~. .••.rule;?-'; ;1. :/'iXi* ' : i : » 4. i* t *» '" r^>i-- ..r s • , ' I ••■*'■ -■-*••-■ -j- - -J-: ~z .».*' !•* it-"-; * n'- . ii*x-'- ; {.-r ■ ^" ■'-• ; •■ -...■.■;■- ■ •-..•; ..■-. ,* -....•,•.•■.•.*-.-. - • ~ y •. » .7. ,. v ; t. : h: * • ; v(t f - • ■ • i • 3' -'*•,» " •■ " ' *4n*,r .. ■»- jtl ■r- .■■■ r - • - - - . " *•• \Ttrr -•- - !. - /-. :.--'; •-..."• * lion Government publications (contd) U. S. President. (W.Utoit) Government control of railroads: copy of a proclamation by the President of the United Stated o* America, proclaimed on Decem- ber 26,1917, relative to government control of trn railroads, together with an explanatory statement in relation thereto. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1918 7p. 8° (65th Cong. f 2d sess. Sen. doc .159) ». ••Address of the President of the United States, delivered at a joint session of the two houses of Congress, January 4,1918. Washington, Govt, print, off, 1919. 5 p. 8° 65th Cong., 2d sess. House doc. 764,. .. •.♦♦•Address of the President of the United States, delivered at a joint seesion of the two houses of Congress, Jan. 4, 1918. Washington [Govt, print. G'f.]l918. 6 p, 8° Same as above. •••..Address of the President of the United States delivered at a Jo?.nt seesion pf the two houses of Congress."., Dec ember 2,1918, Washington, 1913, 13 p. 8° "•••The question which causes me the greatest concern is the question of the policy to be adopted towards the railroads... [at*]" p.10-12. Reprinted In Official U. S. Bulletin, v. 2, December 2,l918,p.l,5-e. M.t. Time s, December 3, 1918, p. 3. Wall st. j ournal, Dec ember 3,l9l8,p.9,col.l--5. N.Y. sun, December 3,1918,p,l. Editorial comment, N.Y. Times, December 3, 1918, p,14.. U«S.Railroad administration* • .. Annual report of V, .Q.McAdoo, director general of railroads. 1918. V.'ashin5t^n,Govt.,printn off.. 1918. 8° Report on Labor, [Date of issue] Operation, Jan., 17,1919. Traffic, Jan, 13,1918. Public SDf.vice and accounting, Jan. 25, 1919. Board of Railroad Wages and Working Conditions, Jan. 23, 1919. inland Wat 3r*ays, Jan. 31, 1 919. Capital Expenditures, February 4,1919. ... ♦•Report to the President ..-of the work of the United States railrfr*d administration for the first seven months of its existence, ending July 31,1918. Washington, September 3,1918, Washing ton, Govt, print, off., 1918. 31 p. 8° Editorial comment, Scientific American, Oct. 12, 1918, p. 288. Journal of commerce, Sept. 10, 1918, p. 4, col. 5 Reviewed in Journal of political economy, v. 26:835-36 ;Oct., 1918. U.S.Railroad wage commission. Scope and powers of railroad wage board defined in statement issued by c ha i rman . (Official bulletin, v.2: January 29,l9l8,p.3) I r £ • - - ■ 3<*i kn nment Jperation.i5 % l tJ * Periodical Articles. 1917. Tomkina, Calvin. War and transportation. Address be Calvin Tomkins, ex-com- missioner r>i docks, New York City, before the Cleveland Chamber of commerce September 11,1917. [New York, 1917?] 4 p. 8° Government operation of railroads- (Traffic world, v.20:815; October 20,1917) Manufacturer. [Editorial] Impeached'/ tried .land convicted. (Manaf acturer, v. 11, December, 1917, p.3) Washington Times.[Editorial] Railroad stocks jump- Well may they jump-Public indignation will jump also* (Washington times, December 6,1917) Reprinted in Congressional record, v.56:81;Dec .7, 1917. Mellen, Charles S* A railroad president's experiences. (Railway age gazette, v.63:l050;December 7,1917) The government could operate the roads to the advantage of all concerned. Railway problem viewed from Washington* Government operation is not desirable, congestion is confined to East. Question of prior- ity shipments. (Railway age gazette, v.6 3: 1031-1032 ;Dec ember 7,1917) Brewster, Frederick Carroll, jr. Letter.... published in the "Evening bulletin" of Phila., December 8,1917.. 1 leaf. National public ownership league of America. Advoactes of all phases of public ownership united and demand government operation of railroads, mines, telegraph and telephones. (Appeal to reason, no. 1149: Dec ember 8, 1917, p.1-3) Editorial comment, p.l, col .5. The President as chief executive of American railways. (New York sun, Dec ember 9 f 191?) The laternative plans of unification and what they import;; Signed by "Headlight" Timely views of railroad chiefs* (Manufacturers* news, v. 12: Dec ember 13,1917, p. 9-10, 261 Editorial comment, p*7» B.F.Bush,L.W # Hill,L.J.Sp©nce,J*E.Gorman,etc. ■ '-_-■''_ ^■■'■'"- SljFiK r: ;.£■• .'.:""';•" >'' u j-j-' - .v '■• ♦* : (tM:3s n "' :T " ; ---i ; .'i,V - •» ';;V*'^i~ V- ' "»■'■*♦ * ..... ... . . . .... .. . ' to .: o Operation* 1|xpr»cted to an- nounce plan shortlyyfor taking over railroads for period of war, (Railway age gazette, v.b3: 1073-1076 {December 14 V 1917) Editorial comment, p. 106 2 -106 4. Thomson, Samuel G„ Pooling railroad equipment and facilities. (Railway age gazette, v.63: 1081-1083 {December 14,1917) Commercial and financial chronicle. [Editorial] / The railroad problem in an acute form* . (Commercial and financial chronicle, v*lfc)5i 2310 {December 1o,1917) Marsh, Arthur Richmond* Government control of th^ railroads in wartime* (Economic world, ns.v,14: 831-832 {December 15,1917) New Republic .[Editorial] Take over the railroads. (New Republic, v. 13*164-166 {December 15,1917) Further editorial comment, p. 161. President Wilson said to favor greater govsrnment control of railroads. (Southern lumberman, v .86 {December 15,l917,p.26) Outlook .[Editorial] The railways as a unit. (Outlook, Dec ember 19,1917,p.628-629) .Railways in wartime. (lbid,p.627-628) Prouty,Charle8 A. Would bar politics from the railroads* ..Government should not attempt reorganization. ... (New York times.December 21,1917, p.10) Before tha Railroad Men's improvement society... Settlement of railroad problem delayed. No action on part of President. (Railway age gazette, v.63: 1140-1142 {December 21,1917) Commercial andfinancial shronicle.[Editorial] Circuitous methods for helping the railroads. ,~,„\ (Commerical and financial chronicle, v. 105: 2400; Dec ember 22,1917; repositions to create government corporation to purchase equipment .Mr. Lenroot'e bill... and others... Independent .[Editorial] The railroads and the war. (Independent, v. 92: 53 9 j Dec ember 22,1917) Problem must be solves by the appointment of the right kind or head. V .'>i '-. \CZ ':■ ..'• H i' V 'X , .--v.- i ; • ^ .'■:•- /. • u. ■ - . ■.' ,...:\i ;:'{l.-ll. . . ». v>'» «vi ■-. : V :■ , • . (?l$i,ii 1 am &.,.-:,* 2Ci.-ied: l -X, V . Bff ,t.C'»-r ■ Oi:-. • ') m9hi , . l a ;;g ^ ;i oTbi ' " ' : I .;'.„ «.v, , Iv.'X f c J X •! ;; : : Cj -.-. „ v ,;j« *n .. .■/, ?.*Vfi re? •.*•?'} i £-1 ;-•-.? 4' ':.:.;•'• • ; v : v l-^ i*tfi •«-..', • £i : t t,.f -J '<* .■•' ,^«* & utt faJilv )****£*£&£ ??&r;$ft fed ^rafiXa;*; - i •• , -.. > - *-^$t£ ^%tfC£**1 ..." ,'!8§sc " '. - '. nth" c'- '">.. !.;.,-..* "* 81 '■^iftiuco ecft '"■" " '"•:' ahtntqo i&qi zH^} ••JttciQrf'iAqeiY ifeff^o ill Hwm ftjS&&teMesti nStikl &H r *5 f t rat -g s i •. ■ H (^~m*oo'z:4 »f ? • - - ,: - > uent BperationA. Periodical Articles, cont'd. 1910, Jan. American academy of political and social science, Phi la. War adjustments in railroad regulation. . .Editor in charge of this vol: CH.Crennan, PhD. Phila.,Amer. acad-of pol. * soc. sci.,1918. x,333 p. 24 l/2 cm. (ITS Annals, v. 76 .whole number 165) Case of the railroads. (Public service, v. 24: 24; January ,1918) Government control must exclude all politics.... Coombs, William Jerome. Transportation, the great problom; suggestion for its solution by government aid to the railroads, leaving sufficient government control without operation of railroads by the government.. N.Y., Allied press,[l9l8] cover-title, 2 p. 1., 7-13 p. 21 cm. "I. ...present a plan of building by the government of a gr^at rail- way across the continent, not necessarily for its own operation, but as a road bed for all existing and future railroads and land trans- portation companies......" Cunningham, William James. Government operation of railroads.. .« . [Boston, Rand Avery supply co.,19lj) cover-title, 21 p. 21 cm.. Dunn, Samuel Orace. The railways in peace and war. (Yale review, v. 7: 362-381; January, 1918) Federal control of the railways. (Railway mechanical engineer, v. 92: 4; January ,1918) Government takes over the railroads. (international railway j ournal, v. 25. 1; January, 1918 ) Governmental control of railroads. (Express gazette, v.63: January, 1918, p.27) Peyton, John Howe. [Letter to all officers and employes of the N.C.& St.L. railroad by John Howe Peyton, president, with stat?m^nt issued by Director general McAdoo addressed to railroad men.] (N.Cdfc St.L.ry. employes* magazine, v. 1:1 ; January, 1918) Railway journal. [Editorial] Government control of transportation. (Railway journal, v. 24: 5; January, 1918^ Railway signal engineer .[Editorial] Government assumes control of railroads- (Railway signal engineer, v.2:2; January, 191?) Railroads' war board abolished {Advisory council appointed... , b'.t. • :■«■.. ' «fl iVl \. " -.--. . .,- , .... ,.,->,. . ; ... ip •■■-.-,. ^ , v , ; :►; _ : - f ^ _ : - .,,. , / '..-* s o" 1 '• P:.v:,,-l A ...t.., ... ,...;■. ....... .., r: i: " '.-•-■■■- ->■. ■ - - -: ;.tioi.l7. Periodical articles, crntd. 1910, Jan. * Speare, Charles F. ^ The railroads and the government. (American review of reviews, v. 57: 73-76 Uanuary, 1918) Editorial comment, p. 24. fc.1. Sam assumed control ^^.^^\^^' (Santa Fe magazine, v. 12. 17 , January ,1*131 '""S^r.'o, the National association of owners of railroad securiti-s,- [Balt..,Md. ; l919] , ettw ane 6 nt p - t°rnment control and operation. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Outlook .[Editorial] U ' Government oparation of the railways. (0utlook,v.ll8: January 2,l918,p.l0) Roads' support pledged Wiifron ... (Traffic aews.v. 8:5; January 2,iyi»/ ld ., nt . 9 order taking Statements of railroad presiaents on presia n control of railroads. Nation-[Editorial] Taking over the railways. (Nat i on, v. 106; January 3, 1918, p.:>-t># New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad CO. *~ New Haven cuts out 8* passenger^ ITS Information for the press, January 3,1 w 4 p» typewritten. ^nkilro^,^ war and tne shippers. 1918 15 typewritten P a 6 e8 \ „ rain gr0 wers' millers' and snippers Address before wasmngton grain f 41. 918. association.fullinan.Washington.Jinuary , . 1 of railways. Newspaper cartoonists and editor,** Comment on government control » f «»£■£. , ltumt ion... writers discuss various phases of the ne» (Railway age. v.64: 16; January 4.1918J Hall.Henry C. s te Committee.Charman Hall and other ™K* of^'nte tHomTerce cohesion are ,ue.tionsd. members or tne - nte *' . 1918) .« ., ««« « 64* 79; January * t i*i.oi (Railway age, v.o*- »»i J v.--,,* aa ♦ cnntrol «.G.?'cAdoo tak-s charge *s 1 o^ e nnv under government control. Nations' railroads nov unoer s« director general of J*"™^-.^ 4fX9l8 ) (Railway age, v.64: 1-6 .January 4,1 Public. [Editorial] Taking over the railroads. (Public, v. 21; January 4 f l91b,p.T 4 Y •■ . ■ r ■ - t ' ' if. :.-• > : ■■ »<3 v a J .£■ ■, . » » ; -.-.. . . . " * j • ~ *f .■■■ . i ; ., ,*'-...■ - .. <■;.-' '•:"-'■-, ■ -" ■■•"•■-. ■ -- . . * . .• * - - ... » --'/• » - • ■••■•• il K ;- : :■■.-•• ■« . ... v . u >:■■■> i ■ w ***** -, ,:•': : * — ,.; - ' - ■ . ,, ' - * '- -£;~; •-• ?. - ' ■■•■ •■■-:■ .^ •'fir.iYi-., ... , f ' .; r, Government Operation. 18, Periodical Articles, cont'd. * 1918, Jan. Railway age. [Editorial] The new government control of railroad management. (Railway age, v. 6 4: 7-10; J :muary 4,1918) 1. Significance of the step taken. 2. The financial part of the plan* 3. Effects of the plan on railroad efficiency. Railway gazette. [Editorial] Control of the United States railways. (Railway gazette, v. 23: 4; January 4,1918) U.S. President, 1913- (Wilson) Address of the President of the United States, deliv »m<1 at a joint session of the two houses of Congress, January 4,1 91 R^ •v-.nhi tv, ior\, [Govt, print. off.] 1918. 6 p. 23 cm. Issued also as House doc ,764, 65th Cong., 2d sess. Commercial & financial chronicle. [Editorial] What we are enjoying as the result of private corporate initiative. (Commercial and financial chronic. lo r v, TiY :!?. ;Jin-5 r 1918) CriccuolojLuigi. The railroad crisisr (independent, v. 93: January 5, 1918, p. 44-47) The Government forced to take the railroads. (Literary digest, v. 56: 7; January 5,1918) Staak,W. The measure of government guaranty, (investment weekly, y..20: 7-8,26 ; January 5,1918) How 28 representative carriers will fare under the 3-$r. basic average. Traffic world.[Edi torial] Powers of the director general. (Traffic world, v.21: 5; January 5,1918) Federal control ov ir country's transportation. . (New York Times, Annual financial section, Part 2, p. 1, January 6,1918) A drastic remedy to relieve an impossible situation is beginning to bear good results- Gain to investors. Underwood, F.D. Railways' success assured. (N.Y. Times, Special arti cles, p. 1, January 6,1918) Erie's president predicts greater earnings, more offici-ncy and stoppage of labor troubles under the Government. The Administration fcill for control of railroads. (Railway ago, v. 64: 12 9-133; January 11,1918) With evidence of Mr. Kruttschnitt and Commission-r Aitcheson before Senate committee.. ■ •• £ :' • •■ I -- J- -, C. 1 , ... *;>**>, -•••■ ■ (©* * * — * -.. ' ' '••■'■ •'■■ ■ • : W $h ''*''■ -. . " \ i - ; i . , . - '; ; u ' . telAt* ... - .8-T f ■ -•' v,v tei e r,. .-.. . . '. .". ' , 4 otxA i Government Operation. 19. Periodical Articles, cont 'H . J 1918, U.S.Railroad admi ii strati on. "Freight moving week ■ ordered, demurrage rates increased, passen^r service curtailed. (Railway age, v. 64:115-118; January 11,1918) Also in Railway review, v .62:54; Jan. 12, 1S1B. Railway age. [Editorial] President Wilson's railroad message. (Railway age, v. 64: 98; January 11,1918) Measures adopted by diroctor general of railroads McAdoo to r^rr.^dy freight congestion. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106: 155 ;Jinuary 12,1918) Albert, Charles S. Power of Director general is limited. (Traffic world, v. 21: 50; January 12,1918) Gompers, Samuel* Mr. Gompers on government operation of the railways. (Outlook, v.118: 89; January 16,1918) Editorial comment, p. 83. Price, Theodore H. Government operation of the raiiways- ( Outlook, v.ii6:iu2,x:>v- -A 7, January A t,i9 x Has it come to stay? The larger view. Probable effect upon the value of railway securities. What the Sims bill offers the railroad ov.ners. (Traffic news, v. 8: 14; January 16,1918) Barnum, R.L. "Government operation.*' (Nation, v.l06:72-73; January 17,1918) Railway age.[ Editorial] Lord Shaughnessy's warning. (Railway age, v. 64: 148; January 18,1918) Deprecates government control of railroads in th •» United States. Senate and House committee railroad hearings. Roads ask standard rat- of return computed on basis of property taken. Want time limit. (Railway age, v .64:171 -174; January 1*,1918) Testimony of Commission And >rson,Fr mk Trumbull and others. Short note of sam^ hearing in Railway review, January 19, 1918, p. 83. U.S.Riilroad administration. Running the railroads under the new regime Freight mov k. Status of the I.C.C. and State commissions. Wag? question. Mail service. (Railway age, v .64: 153-157; J tnuary 18,1918) Efforts being made to increase movement of traffic. rrj; - ■ ' ' -it ■ ' I • ■ ■■■ r - ? 9 • i - '• ^ I 1 ' ; '•"* " ►vaji (8J$ . .. ; vr "-•■ ■ ■ " '-'•• ;:: '- r 4fc >%i .- ■-. .-* . -.. 5 - i *.- - j ••■••) - ' - : " ' .' • - ~ : ' '* " ■ IO>. ; j fu - . re • ; 7 • ' ■ ; ':■ ' ' : ' -^ '.'■•." . '<■■■ "' ' •"■ j - : '■■ w •■. .♦-.' •■- - . ..V. r " '-'- ; ■' " v - ■■ r .-' ' '=■ ■ ■ Government ± Operation.20. Periodical Articles, cont'd . 1918. Jan. Commercial and financial chronicle.fEditorial] The financial situation. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106:212-214; January 19,1918) Government responsible for congestion and unablo is yet to relieve it. Conference in New York of railroad executives regarding gov^rnr.^nt controj.. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106:254; January 19,1918) Hearings on Administration bill. The Danger of government control of railroads aft?r th* war- (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106:223-225 ; January 91,1918) Thome t Clifford. Preliminary statements concerning tho railroad control bill before the Senate and House committees January 19-22,1918) cover-title, 12 p. 8° regarding compensation. When is 5 a transportation route a system? (Traffic world, v. 21: 95 5 January 91,1918) A question arising from thi ^vid^nc^ of John 3arton Payne in the Congressional hearing, January 15th..-. Ransom, William L. Effect of presidential direction of railroad operation upon th- 3 regifetiv* powers of state commissions. *. .An opinion rendered to the Ne* York State public service commission for the 1st Di st., January 21,1918.^24 p. Temporary smbargo oh all freight except food, fuel and munitions ordered oil certain Eastern lines. (Official bulletin, v.2:l; January 23,1918) •..to sreed coal shipments... Hazlitt, Henry, Old-time "government control." (Nation, v. 106: 99-100; January 24,1918) Railway age.[Edi torial] The railway wage commission. (Railway age, v. 64: 193; January 25,1918) Order of the Director general of railroads, creating a railroad wage commi ssi on, January 18,1918, Railway age .[Editorial] Hake it solely a war measure. (Railway age, v. 64: 192; January 25,1918) Bill providing for federal control of railroads redrafted. (Commercial and financial, v, 106 ; 362 ; January 26,1918) ♦ & • *«•■ • -• ' - •*; - izzfiv n<- " -'". .'; !-.-.." 1 :'; j , . • ; . . . , S 1 W • .•: « ■•• ; . ■ ■ \ , • * . « " "'.. : *^ N *■"''' • ■ ' f:: ' :> " ; • : " ' • : . ■■•. ••••••■ • ' '"" ' T% •' " • -' • is'^X-V. . :. . ■;.. ;;■* .... ; i. r ._f W tfrf ; • r. ' '. • ::":^Ii.i"V .'-1/ ' -no « : ti. « J i -- -•■ v? * •-. - . - Ire III in -■■' ■ ■''■■■'' '•-..•:. ; ■• • :>.,-.; .- •■.»:".• - • ... • Tib *' - ■ ■ ' -.r- • . , ;,'. - - " . ' ( .''■ ■:'•■. " J .'■ i ! . •. '- V- -. I - r " . '. " - '. '' ' : ' ' '■■--.■.: I . ■ ■ i ( ' • .^ ■ j / • ' ' ■ ■ ' : ~ P. *-?.: - . J - ^ ■ .- ■:'.:,. -••• 'v. ; ..' - . _ : : JX<4 . j ( ; ' . " » ■ -• • :■■■ ':..'■> , ■ • • >,. ! '* "■ ■ "» Si ."■■*.•.•.■■: • • . • j U les l •. . . I ' ... • . ; Covemm^r/t Operational. Periodical articles, etc.confd. 1918. Jan v The Fate of the Railroads. (independent, v.93: 136; January 26,1918) Railway review •[Editorial] Changing; status of the traffic solicitor. (Railway review, v. 62: 128; January 26,1918) Warfield,3,Davies, Attitude of railroad owners. (Traffic world, v. 21: 176-178; January 26,1918) Circular as president of the National association of ovnora of railroad securities in regard to the action of the gov^rnroent in taking over the railroads. Holland. (pseud) Holland's letter. Col .W.B. Thompson points out urgent need of government protection for railroad securities. (Wall street journal, January 28, 1918, p. 2 ,col .2 ) — 0— Additional January periodic*ljarticles. Holland- (pseud) Holland v s letter. Selection of Secretary I'cAdoc as director of railroads commended as a good beginning. (Wall st. journal, January 1, 1918, p. 9, col. 5 ) .....Holland's letter. J.P.Morgan expects great relief in taking over railroads Hearty support to be given McAdoo. (Wall street j ournal-, January 3, 191 \ p. 2, col .2) Dunn, Samuel 0. Letter giving information and references to articles on railway operation in war and discussion of the Administration railroad control bill, Janu- ary 8,1918. Chicago, 1918, 2 p. mime. Holland. (poeud) Holland's letter. Coal shortage predicted last Septoraber-N->ed of a fr<>icr.t traffic tunnel under Hudson river. (Wall street journal, January 8, 1918, p. 7, eol.5 ) ...comment on use of Hudson r issenger tubes to relieve congestion at New York City.... Roosevelt, Theodore. U.S. control of railroads necessary... (Washington[DC] star, J inuary A, 1918, r .8, col .6 ) Colonel declares so-called anti-trust law just as mischievous in peace as in war. U.S. Congress. House. Comm. on interstate a d foreign commerce. Federal operation of transportation systems. Hearings befo- • Comm..., 65th Cong., 2d soss.. on H$R. 8172 .January 8-20,1918. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1918. 950 p. incl. tables, fold, diags. 23 cm. ; . . .... •^o - :• ft ;---... _. f „ ':.'/: i I ! [ •■ •• • • . - • - ; • • . ~ * f .e '" •' : ' " ' ' ■ " ;' ■ •* -b >' ■ ..*« -v' v >. ^ :•**'-; -, •-.••.,.• • ' - ■ ! ••*••.'•;• ■ • - • ' ' ' . -•- * : • ■ • ... I * t •' . '*, . . . • : ; --- • '' • " _i '• '•■ "■- '••'..• ■ -. •• « t •-, ; ■' . .. v •• ... ...-., nCflJ-- ' ' ■ -•.::; . • ; ... ... ' . ''"'' '" *;. '-:■ *";; ; -- -j • -- :. ■•• .. • ' . - ' . E£ *' a-. j'.-,o,' .. , -v.'-' . •;.... •" '• ■ '• -' •• •-•• t ;(«»< o -■. • - - / : ' . . • ai a! .tst;- ;., • - •■ • -'.'...■ . - . . . -- • « • ■ ' . »*"> i • . ■ .- . , - ■ . Government Operation.22. Periodical Artidss, etc . -cont'd. 1918, Jan. Outlook. [Editorial] The government begins ite railway operation. (Outlook, v.ll: 41 ; January 9,1918) inion The Railways and the government. A poll of public opii (Outlook, v.118: 48-50; January 9,1918) [Opinions of organs of socialists, organized labor, railway operators, capital and general opinion...] Holland. (Pseud) Holland's latter* Government officials and others deeply interested in the development of railroad control.... (Wall street journal, January 10, 1918, p. 7, col .2 ) Peabody, George Poster. From railways to coal. (Public, v. 21: 57-5 8; January 11,1918) •.-letter to the public... Railway age. [Editorial] Proposed legislation for war control of railroads. (Railway age, v. 64: 98; January 11,1918) Sproule, William. Sproule on government control. (Railway age, v. 6 4: 140; January 11,1918) ..».a recent public statement. ... Hearings on administration bill providing for compensation to railroads during Federal control. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106: 157; January 12,1918) Will the government keep the roads? (Literary digest, v. 56: January 12, 1918, p. 12 ) ...quotes newspaper and magazine opinion from various part3 of the country. .. Lenroot, Irving L. [Speech on the power delegated to the President to operate the railroadsj (Congressional record, v. 56: 898-900; January 14,1918, Daily edition) Carter,W.S. The war, the railroads and our brotherhood. (Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen's magazine, v. 64:12; January 15,1918) * b ' i ■ . J ' ■ ■ ■ ■ , * ' • -t * ■ ** * ' * * •- • ' ;;■:■■ . . . ,. ■ . ■ - " " * • • ■ ■ ■ ■ '•• * r ■• . ■■„ . ■ . . . ••: •. j . qui rtcriJ-, - ' " ■ •• ■ ..- j ■.:-■■—■:: ; - .. . . . ■ ' / - . ■. . . - . ; . '■'•' v - -?* ' . '{ 3. .i.--~ •. . ;-:>.:: • ■ * '- 1 '■•" '"'■ -'''".•*-.•. I *. ,~ - • ' '' flj ' ' ' ■•'-'-■•.. ■ ••■•'• •'.■/... ■ ' Government Operation.22. Periodical Artidss, etc . .cont'd . 1918, Jan. Outlook, [Editorial] The government begins ite railway operation. (Outlook, v.ll: 41; January 9, 1918> The Railways and the government. A poll of public opinion. (Outlook, v. 118: 48-50; January 9,1918) [.Opinions of organs of socialists, organized labor, railway operators, capital and general opinion...] Holland. (Pseud) Holland^ latter* Government officials and others deeply interested in the development of railroad control.... (Wall street journal, January 10, 1918, p. 7, col .2 ) Peabody, George Poster. From railways to coal, (Public, v, 21: 57-5 8; January 11,1918) •..letter to the public... Railway age. [Editorial] Proposed legislation for war control of railroads. (Railway age, v .64: 98; January 11,1918) Sproule, Willi am. Sproule on government control. (Railway age, v. 64: 140; January 11,1918) . ...a recent public statement . ... Hearings on administration bill providing for compensation to railroads during Federal control. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106: 157; January 12,1918) Will the government keep the roads? (Literary digest, v. 56: January 12, 1918, p. 12 ) ...quotes newspaper and magazine opinion from various part3 of the country. .. Lenroot, Irving L. [Speech on the power delegated to the President to operato the railroadsj (Congressional record, v. 56: 898-900; January 14, 191P, Daily edition) Carter, W.S, The war, the railroads and our brotherhood. (Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen's magazine, v.64:l2; January 15,1918) ... it-iA n l£+ laiT, ... . r ... ♦ ' ■ ; ; -~ VS • - " 'i - • ■ ^ £jC r ., ■ - - j J ^ - | 1 ■■•*•••••••■'■ - • • . .... \ . - < ^ . . Government Operation«23. Periodical articles .etc., . /-""-- ^*. 1918 ? February. raij Samuel 0, Enter™ Railroad control. (Mat i on ' s bus iness, v .6 : 15 ; February, 1 918 ) The Government and tho railroads. (Railway employes magazine, v, 13: 337jFebruary, 1918). . Reprint of early orders of the Director-general. . Government control of railroads. (Railroad trainman, v. 35: 81-84: February, 1918) if ' *' If OP TltK LUNl V KRSITV /) Little, J.A. ^ Steps leading to public operations of the railways. (Utilities,v.3:5-9jF e bruary.,1918) Government operation a necessary war policy.. The New railroad control. Evidently it simply means 'that the government is goin? to do its best (Public service, v.24:F e bruary, 1918, p. 44) Noyes, Alexander Dana. The railways, the German peace overtures and the market. (Scribner's magazine, v .63:257-258, ad sec .44, February, 1918) One month of Federal control. (Railway mechanical engineer, v. 92:35 ; February, 1918) The Director general appoints three regional directors, a wage commission and other assistants. Speare, Charles F # Uncle Sam takes the? railroads. (American review of reviews, v. 57:159-^.65 {February, 1918) Underwood,F.D 4 The greatest monopoly in the world's history. (Railway and marine news, v. 16: 13; February, 1918 ) The new government control of railroads. Van Metre, T.W. The problem of unified railroad operation. (Academy of political science, Proceedings, v. 7: February, 1918, r.8fi Traffic a orld.[ Editorial] Time for return of roads* (Traffic world, v. 21: 205 ;F bruary 2,1918) Van Metre, T.W. Responsibility for railway chaos. (New Republic, v.14: February 2, 1918, p. 17-20) Criticism of G.W.Wickersham's statement in N. Y. times, Jan. 19. . . r. • > i «/-... "* ' ' - v. 9 ♦ * # ■ i -,- - • ■ : { ■■:■ ■ ■-.■■<■ i. ■ ' S - tof *- .:.-".■ ..'■'... . , ■',... V". 3 ....... . ., Government 4 Operation .24, Periodical articles, etc . . 1918, Feb. Lee,W<$G % Roads 1 collapse held intentional .Desire to discredit federal control and 8-hour law, Lee and Garretson allege. New York banks blamed. (New York times, February 6,1918, p. 7, col. 3 ) New York Sun. [Editorial] Mr. Lee*s love of sensation. (New York sun, February 7, 1918, p«6, col. 7) Crane, Frank. Government ownership. (Washington star, February 8, 1 918, p, 18, col .4) The present government operation. Railway age .[Editorial] Making a revolution while you wait. (R.tilway age, v. 64: 2 94 {February 8,1918) Difficulty to railroad men in changing mental attitude of competition. Priority of shipment. (Railway age, v.64: 321;F e bruary 8,1918) New priotrty regulations a The Railroad control bill is reported* Committee amendments provide for termination of government control*.* (Railway age, v. 64: 325-326 ; February 8,1918) Railway revi ew. [Editorial] EWhat is the purchasing division of the office of Director - ral going to do?] (Railway review, v. 62: 201 {February 9,1918) Senate and House committees' revision of Administration railroad bill. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106:560-561 {February 9, 191 <0 Traffic world .[Editorial] Are the railroads slacking? (Traffic world, v. 21: 271 {February 9,1918) •..•.The rate naking power, (Traffic world, v. 21:272 {February 9,1918) «... .Representation for shippers. (Traffic world,v.21:271;February 9,1918) Transportation uncertainty* (Traffic world, v. 21: 276 {February 9,1918) ...in the minds of railroad men and the Int,*rstat^ commerce com- mission as to the intentions of the Director general .. . .' • r [ . . .f* ■■ • ■ - • '■ " J,: '- ' ';' I .,• ( V * • • •' t ia ... - .' • ;.■•'"■•"■'- ' 1j - ci;f :3- J £ . . .-_ ■• " .Vl r *-"' "po • *• * .' - ! /V • - » " I r t -.• i ?3 ' %6 - : - ■•••-■.- « -• ... . ■> ... ■>«•• .•• ."'■• •'•■• * *" ' •. • « ■ . • '*•;• • . i . s ; •■ ;•• C«* •••-■•••'""'■ _^ . -i ' '.- • ' • "' '. ' I * ■:' '* . ., •-.-■'.''-• * * ' ■ ' " i C ^ • ->. ■"■ I . __:.,,..■ . ^M " . .' Clid +. - . ,a..\- . .... ,. -:■•■■■: • ■ Government Operation.25. Periodical Articles, etc ... 1913, Feb. McAdoo, William G\bbs. The problem of the railways. (New York sun, February 10, 191 8, p. 1-2, Magazine section) Secretary McAdoo on government control.... Wall stree journal .[Editorial] Government regulation. (Wall street journal, v. 71: February Il,l9l8,p.l,ccl.2) ...We now have government control in the best sense... Anderson, George W. Address... at the New Rngland traffic league, Boston, Mass., February 12, 1918,,., 36 p.. typewritten 4° On government operation, the questions to^e faced, alleged dis- loyalty of railroad of f icials.etc .. . Reprinted in Railway age, February 22,1918... Shea, Timothy. Asserts railroads evade 8-hour law, Chares by other brotherhoods backed up by firemen's president at hearing.... (New York times, February 12, 1918, p. 15, col .4) Kellogg, Frank B. Railroad control. Speech... in the Senate of the United States, February 13, 1918. Washington, 1918k 54 p. 8° Also in Congressional record, v. 56: 23302344; Feb. 15, 1918, Daily ed. "Experience of state operation in France" p, 43 Appendix B. Abstract in Railway age, v. 64: 3 97 -3 98; February 22,1918. McLean, George B. Fermanent government operation of railroads% Speech... in the Senate of the United States, Wednesday, February 13,-1918. Washington, 1918. 1 6 p. 8° Shea, Timothy. Charges railroads overwork men. Shea alleges violation of 16-hour law under government operation... (New York times, February 13, 1918, p.6, col. 4) Guyot,Yve3. Le President Wilson et les chemins d^ fer americaina. (Journal des econorru stes, 77th year: 225-231 {February 15,1918) Railway age. [Editorial] Relations of railway officers and employees. (Railway age,v.64: 343;February 15,1918) Lack of discipline under government operation. " •' • ■- ■: • *.,- ■ '- - ■ -'- • I .' ' ' : ! ... I '• • •/ ■- -: .... '" ' ■ -•'■' •''■ ■ *••'■• l '-'' n - * •- v •■• -• ■■;- • ......... "■ ■■'■ - • « ■ ■ * i -. •'. •• i ... * '■■•"■ • •■••.. . ,. * u&iVad ;- - : • •"• : . • .■.• .v : .. -. ~ rteaw •"• • • - '••:'':r;- . "' _.„.v. . r •■.-•..• .-, . .. . >£oT - • : : '•■ ;V h ■■•'.-' "','•'-»' *' ■'■-.• .:* ;■'■; . • •■*■■..-... • # ',1. ri ' tf " - * .. • . . ;.' f "*' ' ' '" ( . i ■ ' ''' '.'""' lid £c ' - • . •. . ... . ', - **} • • = V-': . . i . ■■ : ' • : '' ' Gov<-.rnm*nt Operation. 27. Periodicals Articles, etc. 3 918, February-wHarch, Ccn.mercial and financial chronicle. [Editorial] The genesis of our railroad troubles- lines of sanity. (Commercial and financial vshronicle, v. 106: 751-754;Feb.23, 1918 ) Bad restriction resulting in present difficulty, Hersey, Ira G„ Control of the government by the railroads... Washington, 1918. 15 p. 8° Speeches in the House of representatives, ,. Feb. 23 . .and Feb. 28, 1918. The Necessity for government control. (Trade and transportation bureau .Our weekly letter, February 2 3,1918) Railroad bookkeeping necessary- (Traffic world, v.21: 373 February 23,1918) ...result of the announcement that not all roads would he taken over. • • Railway revi ew. [Editorial] Deferred maintenance. A little study in values of methods. (Railway review, v. 62:275 {February 23,1918) .... .Disappointment of railway managers over the present situation] (Railway review, v. 62: 284;F e bruary 23,1918) Removal of rail officials. (Traffic world, v. 21: 366 {February 23,1918) ...would probably result in resistance of o ners and investors. Gome McAdoo follies. (Traffic wo rid, v. 21: 366 {February 23,1918) ...the order concerning demurrage and abolishing railroads ass oc i at i overcontributions, etc • . . Traffic world .[Editorial] Shippers asleej at the switch. (Traffic world, v .21:365 ; February 23,1918) — 0— 1918, March, Tunn, Samuel 0. Government adopts course railroads long sought. (Fublic service,v.24:75;IEarch,1918) Government control of transportation. (Hournal of political economy, v.26: 307 -309,-March, 1918) ..the House and Senate bills... Government railway control. (Railway employees magazine, v. 19: 345 :March, 1918) No state directors- Three grand divisions... ■ ( ■ . •• • ' ■■: ■■•-. I: ■ '' •'.'■•• ... -•••'::': KtZlfttiy '. ;■' ;• r V B « • i $' i; • ■ - .fl 1 '**'■—' . •■'" e§* : '■ ■ - - ; J • ' * • .. . ■ . « -" • ', : V Government Operation. 28. Periodical Articles, etc., cont'd. 1918, March. Stockbr?.dge,Frank Parker. UV»logging the railroads to get coal. How New York's coal famine was relievoti and how nie government is running tne railroads. (Popular science monthly , v. 92: 382-386; March, 1918$. Railroad salaries and New York offices under inveotipation. (Railway age, v. 64: 471; March 1,1918) ••.with reprint of General order no. 9... Railway age. [Editorial] Railway ownership and other industries. (Railway age, v. 64: 436;March 1,1918) What the effect of government ownership on oth->r industries would be as shown by the present government operation. U.S. Railroad administration.... McAdco's instructions to regional directors. (Railway age, v. 64: 443-444; March 1,1918) Oulline of their functions, and of policy of Director general for operation under government control... Commercial and financial chronicle. [Editorial] The f inah accounting of the government to the railroads. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. lCc: 858-860; March 2,1918) Hungerf ord , Edward . A new hand at the throttle. (Saturday evening post, v. .190: March 2, 1918,p.24,26,2 9) William Gibbs McAdoo... Traffic world .[Editorial] Shippers and rate power- (Traffic world, v. 21: 422; March 2,1918) Hersey, Ira G. Government control of railroads. (Congressional record, v. 65: 3331;March 5, 1918,65th Cong., 2d sess) .. in the House of representatives, Thursday, February 2^,1918) Railmad bill sent to conference for final adjustment. Period of federal control alter war, and rate-making authority atili points of d ; r f*rer.ce. • . (Railway ago, v. 64: 519; March 6, 1918; Dunn, Samuel 0. What shall we do with our railways! (Collier's, v. 60: March 9, 1918, p. 7, :i*34) The argument against government ownership. Forman, Henry James. Mr. McAdoo speaks. (Collier's, v.60;March 9, l918,p.5-6) Government railroad economy. (Traffic world, v. 21: 538; March 9,1918) Economies made possible b$ the elimination of competition will be no real reduction... ■ ' 1: ' " V' " * ' - • • •• ;-: : ,- ' - ■• '• ^ I " ivf . '. v ..-■-- '-•"•• "b ' ■ -. -. - ' ■ .• .... , - i ■ ■;' • ; ' .. • - : ■ * ; " ; ?i ' : " ' ' '.,'.' ;>t1&3 -••..:•-■--■ - I ... ■<■■:- -r" :c '. t • ; "«- .. . • ' ■-' '■ . - Si • • •■■.•■•• - - ' , ::}■■ - '.?.'* ■ - ■ -'■ ' • ■■•■'-■■ - ;.. ■ • - ,: ■•' -'-'- - j .• r ,-• • .'.:'•• •• ' * : 1 '■"" "' ' . '-. ■ . L ■■ "v ; ." ':•" •'• *• *"•"■■■ ■■■' ' ,.0 b*i! . p. - »C .1 •• •': ■-' • i ■"/? ! • v. ■": ' '•* '' - r ■ ' : ' ■ " ■ • > -a, .„.-... f i ' ■! - '.-•"..■; .; . ... ...■': ..'•.-••' ,■ 1 :v . . I | • ■ •' ~ : • .•.---: _ i:-- r : •■ ■:.-. .;..-,■-:. ' ..'.•■ • mIIoD) • '.:••! . .* :': "V "'. ' : -•" ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ V^O :.,...,-:■- • . " ; ; ; • . : ■ ' . . . ■■: ' ■ ■ ' ■ Government Operation.29. P«riodte*J article 8 ,etc, cont'd. 1918, March. The New regulation.. (Traffic world, v.2l: 538; March 9,1918), Effects on the shippers.. Committees named to assist railroads' finance divi *ioo, approv M by pi, . McAdoo. All men of wide experience... (Official bulletin,*. 2: March 13, 191R,p.l,2) Freight traffic soon normal again. McAdoo announces early return to ordinary commercial conditions on railroads.... (New York times, March 13, 1918, p. 13 , col .2) Government railroad operation legislation. (Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and engineimn's magazine, v.64: March 15, 1918, p.20) Federal management to extend to all roads including small properties. Railroad control bill passed by thB. Senate. Period limited to 21 months aft-r the war« (Railway age,v.64: 553-557 ; March 15,1918) Selling to railroads under Government control.. (Railway age, v. 64: 543-544; March 15,1918) Bill providing for government control of railroads goes to President Wilscn. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106:1091 ;March 16,1918) Railroad bill finally passed- (Traffic world, v.21: 583-586 {March 16,1918) Annalist .[Editorial] Government and the railroads. (Annalist, v. 11: 2 95; March 18,1918) Provisions of the bill for government control. Holland, (pseud) Railroad executives' salaries now and in the past. Reductions for leaders of services given tree.-.* (Wall street journal, March 18,1918^.3,001.2) U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc . . . .. .An Act to provide for the operation of t -ansport ition systems whil* und>r Federal control, for the just compensation of th-ir owners and for other purposes. . .[.March 21,1918] 8 p. (Public nc. 107: 65th. Cong. S.3752) Text in th? Traffic world, March 23,1918,p.636 . Express gazette, April, 1918, p. 113. Railroad control bill .passed by the House. (Railway age,v.64: 703-705; March 22,1918) Railway age. [Editorial] Revolutionising railroad organizations. (Railway ago, v. 64: 694; March 22,1918) Changes mad > by Mr. McAdoo.... t c f , f \. : '•' ( < .: u- "■ ■'■ ■ • ■ ac & * I • : ■;. • ' • • f ' ' J : - - . ..... \ '" ' ..... 'r ^ ■;.- • ■ ■■-_... p . " ■'"■■ "• • ' - "A - ■ •-.- ' ' : ' ...... '■■.':.... ■ : ' • •-••.•: ; government oration. 30. Periodical Articles, *tc. cont'd . 918, Inarch. •itigation under new law. (Traffic world, v.21: 639;!!arch 23,1918) EUf.98s under new law. (Traffic world, v. 21: 639;!!arch 23,1918) fiaaks, W. Pailroad receiverships and the control bill, (investment weekly, v.20; 7; March 23,191 ) ...their status under this measure... Traffic world .[Ed i tor ial] The demands of patriotism. (Traffic world, v. 21: 613-614;March 23,1918) Those indulging in criticism of the Railroad administration she not b^> criticised for lack of patriotism... Prince, Theodore. Pailroad control helps the coimoinies. (Now York times, March 24, 1918, Sec ti on 10, P , 7) 'i&W street broker, analyzing and apnraising effects of f»ov«*-n.-ent war measure, sees new reconstruction era. Annal i st *£ TSd i tor i al] Keeping faith with the railroads. (Annalist, v. 11: 319; March 25,1918) Holland, (pseud) Holland's letter. Questioned if McAdoo cuts wages of great railroad operators- Experiences of Vanderbilt, Hill and Harriman.*.. (Wall street journal, March 27, 191?, p. 2, col. 2) Barnum, R.L, The railroads under government control. (Nation, v. 106: 368-370; March 2*,191p) Traffic world .[Editorial] Solicitors out of jobs. (Traffic world, v.21: 66 9-670; March 30,1918) 1918, April. Hunger f ordmEdward . Uncle Sam- Traffic manager. (Travel, v. 30; April, 1918, p.26-2 9) Protest of R .R. employes' representatives against time limit for government control. (Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enc.inemen''- :in#,v.64, April 1. 1918, p. 1-2) The New railway era. (Outlook, v.118: 519;April 3,1918) - ... :. v ' • "^ : '- '' " : • '• ■ ■ ' 1 ' :!/. • ...... ^ . • ' " - . : - • J , . : . . . j Government . Operation. 31. Periodical Articles, etc, cont'd. 1918, April Hungerford, Edward. Uncle Sam - Traffic manager. (Travel, v. 30; April, 1918, p. 25-29 ) First three month3 of government control. Policies being developed by Railroad administration. (Railway age, v. 64: 825-30; Apr. 5, 1918) Government control of railway traffic departments. Abandonment of solicitation and advertising. (Railway age, v,64: 909; April 5, 1918 ) Railway age [Editorial] Three months of government control, (Railway age, v,64: 823; Apr., 5, 1918 ) Hall, John R. Co-ordination of all transportation facilities. (Railway age, v fc 64: 943-946; April 5, 1918, Investment economist section) Valker, Roberts, Government eparAtion of railroads: legal a3pects» (Railway age, v, 64:937-939 ; April 5, 1918, Investment economist section) Railroad compensation contract, (Traffic world, v. 21: 738; April 6, 1918, 849; April 20, 1918) Traffic world [Editorial] Permanent government control. (Traffic world, v. 21: 725-26; Apr. 6, 1918) V'alker, J. Bernard. The government and the railroads. The coordination of two hundred and si;:ty thousand miles of railroad for winning the « r* (Scientific American, v. 118: 314-315; April *, 1918) Sisson, Francis Hinckley.., Laying the rail3 for future business; address by Francis H, Sisson*., before the annual meeting of the 'Chamber of commerce of the United States, at Chicago, April 11, 1918, With a synopsis of the law for the federal control of railroad3. New York, Guaranty trust company of N.Y. [cl918] 46 p. 17 cm. The Government to take control of railroad3, telephones, and telegraph, . (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 104: 1444-1445; April, 14, 1917] Bill introduced by Representative Adam3on, April 13, 191T, t • ' n . 5 '(i* Mr - ( p. . •-- :.-.:•:■• •■-•"> ' ■«*-*<■- V . - '"- , '!*•:' r?5*5 "' * • ;;£;■ • / - " - . . ... t •» , - _j- ,,-•:/ *j . - s : : I : Mr** - .. *** --: ' -■ : -.-•'- " : • . ■. ' . V . In ' ■ I) " - ; . " •: '■"''■■' ■' : '•"' " - ' ' » I & ■ (81^1 I . et 2 r - • i. • • • • \ ':¥' * 3 ni llkS Oovo ramont A *""02 Pfe"'cMcal Articles, etc. cont'd. 19 L\Aprix, Traffic world [Editorial] ~fa i 1 re a d 3 a nd the wa r • (Traffic world, v.,19* 7:3-774, 330, Apr.Q 14, 1917 ) U . S . Cong re 33. [Taking over of certain tronspo rtation, bystomc. Explanation '. and debate on bill 8 33LS, for railred.de to shipyards.] (Congressional record, v„56: 5574, 56C3 , 5649 , Ap ril 16,17,1918) Pailway personnel under government control. Corpora to organizations separated from operating functions. Policy of Railroad Admini stration... (Railway age, v. 64: 1032-038; April 18,1918) Separation of corporations from properties. Railway age gazette [Editorial] Bill to authorize president to take railroads. (Railway age gazette.., v„62: 825-826 ; April 20,1918) Edge, Walter E „ . Port of Now York the nation's transit key. ...U. S. control of railroads gives chance to solve problem that hampers war and commerce »., (New York sun, April 21, 1913, p. 8 ) lluir vs a Louisville & Nashville RR co, 247 Fed 888 (D.C., March 2, 1919) ABSTRACT in American telegraph and telephone co. Bulletin of current decisions, April 22, 191c- Held that the proclamation of t:ie President taking over railroad? did not have force of law. Railway gazette[Editorial] American railroads and government control. (Railway gazette, v. 28: 432-83; April 26,19-19) Commercial and financial chronicle [Editorial] The financial situation, (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 106: 1714-1715; April C~ 1918) IMcorgani zatio " of railways likely to ensue from the whole*** Dale dismissal ci" oi'i'iciala and closing of offices, as directed by the Ti recto r-gen^ral. .. WcAdoo'3 axe falls. (Traffic world, v. 21:896-897 ; April 27, 1918) Abolition of various committees and bureaus. Traffic world [Editorial] . The railroad problem. (Traffic world, v. 21: 878; April 27, 1918) Bad policy of discontinuing associations. v; ' - :•» Pi r -, + t — - - ■ - ...'■•. \ ■■.>...>. X , .. : '. ■: . • ■ ".■-. . - '. ■..•. ■ ■■- : , ■ / ' fi ! ■ 1 t ■'.-■.. -■■:•'"' ,'- . ; ■.■■'. ^ ....... - ...... ■ :■■' - : ■■-■■•■ ' ' • ; ■ . . . . . "■ ■ : " '- • •'• - f : ' ;' ' : - : - ■ ' - •' : < .. ■ ■ £ .-. ....... . . . -•;: ", ,;... :; > , ; % ■ ' ^li, * i" 'r .. ■■■ ■■ :'■.' :■::■" -::■•■>. ■_» 8 •-:•:-. .i • . ;. -■ • ; ; - * ' . * " * ...... ' " Ri 9X1*8 .- ■■•■. - - { .- | •■ ... . j . *„. :: ' ; .... . • . • ...... •.Vv.. -vf i if" ''>?-« . . . . „, *.-.... : ' ■• , ■■ ....... ... . • • -■ . Government Operation. 33. Periodical Articles, etc, cont'd. 1918 Kp.yil. Holland, (pseud) Holland'3 letter, Erie canal built to compete now taken over to cooperate with railroad's, (V'all at. jour,, April 25, 1918, p.^, col. 3) Holland, (speud) Holland's letter* ^'ar brings up inland water- wav 3y3tem advocated 100 years ap;o by John C. Calhoun... (V'all 3t, jour., April 26, 1918, p. 2, col.? ) Government operation of variou3 inland water*ay3 under United States Railroad Administration. 1918 Way. Creel, George, Railroad3 our war baw, Airplane3, artillery, men and machine guns are but bullet3 for which transportation i3 the powder in the great 3truggle in which we are engaged* (Mutual magazine, v. 3, May, 1918, p. 64-65) Railway age. [Editorial] Negotiations regarding railway compensation. (Railway age, v. 64: 1108; May 3, 1918) Railway gazette [Editorial] Government control of American railways. (Railway gazette, v»28: 510-11; May 3, 1918) State-controlled railways and standardized locomotives. (Railway gazette, v. 28:522 ;May 3, 1918) McAdoo, Villiam Gibbs, The railroad revolution. (Railway age, v. 64: M7 1-117 2; May 10, 1918) Extracts from an addr333 to railroad employees at Fl Pa3o, Texa3, April 17, 1918. Government control of :ate3 ani operations, (Traffic world, v. 21: 999; ray 11, 1918) The tendency toward mileage rates. Government delay in paying billr, affect3 business. (V'all 3t. jour., i'av 11. : '*. -. a. 5.) ,,.how it aff*c*3 rpilroads... March, Arthur Richmond, First fruits of governmental operation of railroads. (Economic world, n.3., v. 15: 651-52; May 11, 1918) National association of owners of railroad securities Extract from opinion of counsel of May 21, 19ie, with nargir.^1 note3 referring to subsequent modifications in contract... Baltimore, Md., 1918. 4 p. f° bH (blj: tel e : • ■■ ........ ■ - ■ ..'ri**.' ' i , •• • • *• • •" •' .' - r f "..' • :•.•.......... f.':f :m ■ ... : . ' --. . .'- -•■■'- r r„ i . - - • ; :, . ,. :• ..... . . , . . , . . , •..«••:-. •- .•-, r. ... . • • • - 1 i- '•' • .-:■• • .: v--.- = ,. V1 ■ .•''" ~. ' .'..' ". .'. " „.. -; " • • f i . ■ ■•" t r t • ■: •••. • •: -.- • .. ■ - -• • ........ r°v.?j* .. ..,■■.';. v.. .;■'■••■- *■-'■■ " ; .: • *'"' •■ .. . . ('■•■ •-■ -r . - -. '" " L* ,.-fo~. ■ "... *•*-*. *••$,*. . , % .* 'J* 1 " • ' esJon 1 •» * .OlOBitX Government Operation. 34 . Periodical Articles, etc. «cont;M f 1918 .May. - ;- Holland, (pae^ud)^ Holland'? letter. New 3tate ( bar§e; carravl conrpl*ete3 another great freight r'ouW from G»rent' Lake3 to Hudson river. (Wall sW jtfur'v,' May 20, 1918, p.?., colJ *.) , . • • ,* ,..'. Hi" ■ • ; • . , McAdoo approves billion of railroad railroad construction, ...authorizes the work but 3ay3 nothing a3 to the manner of financing it.. .largest allowances to Ea3tern trunk lines. (Wall st. Journal, Way 21, 1918, p. 6, col. 2 ) Editorial comment: Railroad expansion, p. 1, col. 2-3) Untermayer, Samuel [Preliminary report on status of negotiations for a contract for the railroads having a 3tandard return, between 3uch railroais and the Director-general of rai lroa 13.] . ..May 21, 1918... Washington, 1918, 8 p. mime. 4° Letter to S. Pavies Garfield. Virginian railroad ha3 another presidents Di rector- general McAdoo retires C, W, Huntington as chief operating officer and appoints J. H . Young. . . (Wall 3t. jour., May 22, 1918, p. 6, col. 5.) C. H", Huntington's removal p .7 , col. 3. Railroad budget point3 to intensive development. Practically no mileage expansion, • , - (Wall st. jour.; May 24, 1918, p. 7, col. 2) Railroad heads call McAdoo order logical. ..No large reduction of employes looked for... (Wall st. jour., May 24, 1918, p. 9, col 1.) •..removal of presidents... Railroad salary cutting may be poor economy. Will not attract rail* road men to operating end where ability is now needed,... (Wall st» jour., May 24, 1918, p. 9, col. 5 ) Rea and Willard displaced. Removed a3 operation officials of Pa. ard B A 0,, but may look after corporate matters,.. (Wall st. jour., May 24, 1918, p. 8, col 3.) Wall 3t. journal [Editorial] The railroad "shake-up" (Wall 3t jour,, May 24, 1918, p. 1, col. 2) ...dismissal of presidents, beginning with Huntington. Hungerford, Edward. The railroads and your summer trip. (Leslie's weekly, v. 126: 717,734-735; May 25, 1918) Mar3r, Arthur Pichmord. !'r. McAdoo '3 new pi in for, the operation of the railroad. (Economic world, n.s., v. 15: 7?3-724; Miv -5, 191 c ) ' .-. \ ri "i : S • :r - ; ' - * ' ""■ '■- I -■. ', K) ?,4 '-.- » • 1 . -, « n -"*':.- £ ■ • ■ » • «*• ' i * " •• r-v « . • ■- ■•i i... -. : -, ■ ., • '. ' ' ' '• ? " " i : .\. ' >'■■■'■ .""* ' ' ** ' ] ***'■" r $b'i ' £■& y * v.-;;;-.; ...... . '"' •"" - ".'i. .-■ ■■*•" ' * " : •.... . .. ' '" * : . ' ii •" • r - • • i ■ ' j ■-. ... • •- «•* - • •'■■ -" • •• " ' ' i ' ' ' • f : * # . i *'■;/ ; ■- ■=•■■■ t *g* tj » i . . •« ; ('-, ry. t r , ' ■ " "-■'■ '" j • • -•'. ? /" •'• ■•..'-'. * ' "' ' ' •'" : • '• \ ' [ •*' • : P ■ ■ . ■ ; ♦. ; ;. - ; ' ' ' ■'* f :■•■-» ■ • • • . i « "' V. ■ . . . . Government Operation. 35. Periodical Articles, etc. cont'd. 1918, Way. Transportation problem. Can the railways meet the demands of n^xt autumn? (New York evening post, Way 25, 191&, p. 3 ) Another milestone passed in railway progress, Pemoval of carrion' presidents no radical 3tep in the spread of government cor.tr^!^. (Annalist, v,ll: 536; May 27, 1918) Holland, (pseud) Holland'3 letter. Removal of presidents endorsed as inevitable, though government ownership may result... (Wall st. jour., I'ay 28, 1918, p. 2, col. 4 ) White, P. A. Casual view3 on federal control... [New York, 1918] 11 p. 8° "An addre33 delivered before the thirtieth annual meeting of the railway accounting officers association, St. Louis, May 29 and 30, 1918. Reprinted in the Railway age of July 5, 1918, p. 31-32, under title:"The duty of railroad accounting officers. Preservation of company individuality now lying dormant 3hould be every officer's aim..." The control of the American ra ilviays* (Railway gazette, v 4 28: 626-27; Way 31, 1918) Contrast between control in Gt. Britain. Editorial comment, p. 622. 1918 June. Nearly a billion for upkeep • ..Railroad operation by the Soverranent.., $300,000,000 more of railroad wage3...Rail rates to go up with wages. (Review of review, v. 57:590-91; June 1918) Waterman, Richard. U.S.A* line3 allpoixiia. How the national railroad administration is organizing in order to weld. ..one transportation sy3tr . (Nation's business, v. 6: June, 1918, p. 14-15,43) Holland, (pseud) Holland's letter. Power of four former great railroad forces compared with that of Director general I'cAdoo. (Wall st. jowr.,June 1, 1918, p. 2, col. 4) Railway review Cr«ditorial] Developments under government control. (Railway review, v. 62: 796-98; June 1, 1918) Wage increase, Rate increases, express companies merger. Now a government operation of the railronii rather thir. government control of operation. . ; * ■1 - 1 ' ' ; - - • . : I* v r • ■■ %1 Ope. vion. 37. Periodical Articles, etc* cont'd. 1918. June * Railway age [Editorial] The vindication of the railway managers. (Railway age, v % 54: 1407; June 14, 1918) Commercial and financial chronicle. [Editorial]] The railroads and the forgotten security holders. (Commercial and financial chronicle, June 15, 1918) Reprinted as Broadside by National a3sociatior of owner* of railroad securities... Offsets to economy. (Traffic world, v. 21:1316; June 15, 1919) Anxiety of officials over losing their positions, anxiety of stockholders, etc. Holland. (Pseud) Holland's lette r. New Haven system shows effect of good operating methods... (Wall st. jour., June 17, 1918, p. 2, col. 4) ...comment on appointment of Federal manager... High cost of travel. O^all st. Journal straws, June 20, 1918, p. 2, col. 1.) ...does not 3eem to affect volume... Morawetz, Victor. Railway compensation. The intentions of federal control act and proposals for carving them out. (New York times, June 20, 191b, p. 12, cols. 7,8 ) New consolidated ticket offices. (Wall 3t. jour.# June 20, 1918, p. 5, col. 4 ) ...in various cities... Rail*y age [Editorial] Government operation vs« private management an-.i profit sharing. (Railway age, v 4 64: 1454-455; June 21, 1918) As applied to the express service. Railway age [pditorial] Sslli r. g machanical supplies under government operation. (Railway age, v. 64: 1454; June 21, 1918) l'r. McAdoo's good intentions regarding the railroads. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v, 106:2595-596; June 22,1918) As 3hown by his statement of the purposes he is seeking to accomplish. Pacific rate adjustment. (Wall 3t. journal, June 22, 1918, p. 5, col. 4) ...joint thru rates between all points of the Pacific coast and inter-mountain territory ea3t of Mi3S. and south of the Ohio to and from Pacific coa3t and inte mountain territory... ' *- ^ • . • . . •' - ' • • : y « . • ;-.-..• ... p ,' £* " c$ a • ■ ■-■ ■ \ I • ,. a ., . e e i I r- . . i ■ .. -■." : - " ■' ■ . ' ■'.■•' •"' ■'■■- r ■ . ... , : ' *■' ■ : • ' ■ , -, ■ •" ■••■ • ' '■■■'• • ■ ' * r - . • . . ■-■■'. •■' - , Gove rnment Operation, 38. Periodical Articles etc, cont'd. 1918, June, . ^\x • : :■'■-■>' Traffic world [Ed i'tdrSa^l} •-• Winning, the war, 1 -; (Traffic world, v. 21: 1341-342 ; Ju.ne 2Z, 191je) Doubt of the -'efficiency of the Railroad administration. Advocates of government owner3hijp pleased, ., Railway age [editorial] '" '"*' The reorganization of the railways*, .,. , ; (Ra i Lway age , v , 64 : 1548;, : JunB 28 , . l?i£) ','/ , Federal, operation of railrbadY conserves facilities, ; (New Yoric Evening po3t war industrial supplement, June 29, 1918pfe ) A li3t of 15 points in which government administration has . improved operation, "Traffic world [Editorial] Six months .of federal control. ' , (Traffic werld, ■ v.2r:l39&; June 29, 1918) 1918, July. * Carter,.. Charles Frederick. Government ownership. Ultimate • re3ult , of "scrambling" of the railroads considered. • "" " , . '"* , (Way-bill, v. 9: July, 1918, p. 9) Reprinted from Leslie's. The Evening IJost *s : view of federal operation of railroads. (Railroad herald, v. 22: 162-64; July 19}8) ^ F v rom the "War industrial supplement* of 'the N.y. Evening po3t of .June 29, 1918, * Wright, Roy V, t . Our railroads* 'under government control. ' (World's work, v\36: 293-302; July 1919 ) Railroad improvements for the port of New York. (Freight handling and terminal engineering **.4 :,23,2-34 ;July, r 1918) / ' . : ' • • • . ■ ;. j-.,w. ' •,>». Holland (pse-ud) - : , ] ' i.Holland's- letiier.- • Increased" railroad faros and po3tage rates found to reduce revenues, for rqad,s an^.post office,,. /(Wall street' jo'u-rnal,' July 8, 19 18/ p j .^, col 2. Southern roads Betafchefl and recombined by U. S. Portion3 of Atlantic coast line and 'Frisco with A. B. 4, A, make n*w 2,000-mile operating systec ■'■ - ..." (Wall istreet j curnal, ' July $ t 191 8", p % jfi col, 4) • •• * . Ra ilway gazette [Editorial] U.S. Railroad admi ni 3t ration and the railway officers, • (Railway gazette v,29: 4j July 5, 1918) ► b JTtsfnm e ] i 81 I \ 1 si T i f#1 -.:. . t bti T) " ''"*'' ^ •• - '; ' : '* : -•.. ,\., «3^ *e«Xij8Hj r ' ; ~- • *' ■ ■■ ■■ " r •' ••- .; ■ - :; \l .. . . .■ -• ' -x: :":,:.''■■■. '■'•■■ *%?pp4 r. ': '■- > '-"">:j '*. f , ' _ : y ;./ •- , : , ; ^ ' ' •'•'•'•.■■ ji '- ' ■ < " f'« Jr. . • ' '" ' •*- • ; .-. : -iofli xi2 "' i •' '■••'"- | _-. • - r . ' ' ■ ' • - . • ' j tH. ./[' : - • m ,. ; ; - " •■ ' > * - 4 V*' f ■ ' '■ " •■•••• f *•' ' •-.. '" H - ? ;=-' ' ' ■ * •' "T * . * ~ • iioY ^^neraevoiqmi' 'fcBcyiliflfl' • •• . '' * • ., " ""' r ; '". - '; ~ • "' ' •'' ■ : ■ ■ Gove rnment Operation. 39. Periodical Articles etc. cont'd. r 1918, July. M^Adoo endor363 3tore door delivery. Mew service 3y3te^ vill be • organized at once. ..To take 3teps to prevent freight congestion... (Journal of commerce, July 9, 1918, p- 3 » col. l) Morgan, W. F. New delivery plan warmly endorsed. -'ill prove of encrmou3 value 3ay3 W % F. Morgan... (Journal of commerce, July 9, 1918, p. 7, col. 3) New railroad 3ystems are 3teadily evolving. Regrouping of line3 under Feberal control breaking up old operating units to form new ones. But some of the larger road9 in the west are under a siggle Federal manager who reports to different regional directors for different portions of his property. Ownership is not affected ... (Wall street journal., July 8, 1918, p. 2, C ol. 2) 1 Rail conference called. Director general McAdoo has new ideas for improving service. (Journal of commerce, July 8, 1918, p. 3, col. 7) Wilson, H. G. Transportation, present and future. 9 p. Typewritten ms. Address before the National hay convention, July 10, 1918. National association of owners of railroad securities. [...Letter to Railway executives advisory committee, referring to tentative draft of contract for the Federal control and operation of railroads during the period of the war... J July 11, 1918, Baltimore, Md. t 1918. 7 p. 4° McAdoo wanted at homo. (Traffic world, v. 22: 83-84; July 13, 1918) By southern and other senators, which want to talk about methods of making rates. Railway review [Editorial] The need of development of automatic train stop3. (Railway review, v. 63: 52-53; July 13, 1918) Automatic train control. Orders of regional directors. (Railway age, v, 65: 135-36; July 19, 1916) Some of the more important orders not previously noted. Railway age [Editorial] Federal control and valuation work. (Railway age, v. 65: 113; July 19, 1918) Viio iij J •'• , • - ■ ft • ' ... .... ..♦,>• ... " ■" " ! • T - ( .- . r . , . . • ' - •■ ' . ,- ! . ' ..[.-' i . . "•* ■*■■■? ■■ . " ■'. ■ . \ °^ ....... . - :*-•-' ' ; . . " ■■' ■ ''■ J " .\ :'1 " ! " . : „'-.."'.'." ' ' . '• ■ - ..- : '.'"'. • - ) ' Gove mment Operat ion. 40, Periodical Articles etc* cont'd, 1918, July, Railway age [Editorial] Government operation and railroad accidents. (Railway age, v. 65: 115-16; July 19, 1918) Railway gazette [Editorial] Reorganization of the U, S. Railways, ( Railway gazette, v,29: 64-65; July 19, 1918) • ••under government operation,,. Ru3sell, C % L, Store door delivery plan is crrtici3ed. C. L. Ru33ell 3ays proposal 13 an enormous one, ••Sees solution in bonded trucking companies, (Journal of commerce, July 20, 1918, p, 3, col, 7) C.L % Russell, president and principal owner of Hussells e xp re 3 s , , , More than 75,000 truck3 and cars ordered. Four designs for standardized trucks and three for pa33enger coaches are selected,.. (Wall 3t, journal, July 26, 1918, p. 2, col, 2 Railway age [Editorial] Railway earning3 and expenses, (Railway age, v. 65: 156-57; July 26, 1918) Comparison of figures for May, 1918, with Way, 1917, National conference to 3uppre33 freight car robberies, (Railway review, v,63; 120-22; July 27, 1918) Drive begun by the Railroad administration. Traffic world [Editorial] The New rate-making 3y3tem, (Traffic world, v, 22: 165-55; July 27, 1918) Holland ( p3eud) Holland's letter. Taking over Cape Cod canal may mean inside waterway to Savannah thence Panama and Pacific, (Wall st. jour., July 29, 1918, p. 2, col. 2.) .. ; :-. -i -■:• ^ r " : / '...-.:'■■ • < ••'»'„ ....... - ;.} ■ -■.-. v ■. <■ ;• g b-fj ; .^ r -r-r *■* ' f °' " '-' ! - * - L' f .-' - .-. ••: • h ■ . :•■ ■:. '"■ »■ • t-f f &>. . •.'- ' ' ■: •sit '■*• : • '■ • ; :' : ' • •■ • -v ••-••■ • ■ -•. ■■■'■-- ....♦:.-"■ •' ■ • 10% .. , .. . ; .. bfl£. ?• ;-, «-•'-' . - - "- ♦ ■---■• f-.f •. • .,. . -. ; !?&4£r*ftte r- - ■■ - '" - : M \ ■ • ■ i,. . ' ; . • v i .... j. , """". ' • '■:.'- i r .-^ i -;-.\ ■ ■■•'. '■''■ ■ '.'.••• - "' J '-" .- ; . -.•■ • i ■ • •• 9> • ' - •-• j i .0" ':'■ ' ' ■■'• •"' ' ,: " - i ( ' ■ : ■ ' Government Operation. 41. Periodical Articles, etc ..cont'd . 1918, August. American railways and the war. One-man control. (South African railways and harbours magazine, v 12:491-493; August, 1918) Federal managers of Katy and Frisco, north ofl Denison.west of Memphis, lines in Texas. . . (M.K.& T. employes' magazine, v.6: 330-331; August, 1918) Leroy Kramer J.S.Pyeatt Towns end, Frank B. Evolution of transportation under Government control. (Way-bill,.v.9: August-September r l>9l8, p^4) Address delivered before the Traffic club of Chicago^Tuesday, July 23,1918. Waterman, Ric hard » Government control:: the first mile-post. A s to the ultimate of the railroads- opinions differ; here is what is being done now. (Nation's business, v.6: August, 1918, p. 16-18, 44) Pittman,Key . [Speech on results of government operation of railroads, in the Senate. J (Congressional record, v, 56: 1002-1004; August 1,1918, .Daily ed) Railway age. [Editorial] An indefensible contract warranty. (Railway age, v. 65: 198; August 2,1918) . . . . .Froposed amalgamation of railway associations* (Railway age, v, 65: 199; August 2,1918; Railway gazette ^[Editorial] U.S. railways and labour. (Railway gazette [London], v. 29: 124; August 2,1918) U.S. railroad administration*,.. Classification, working conditions and wages of mechanical department employes. [Supplement to General order no .27] (Railway review, v. 63: 154-157; August 3,1918) U.S. Railroad administration. Fuel conservation section. (Work of the fuel conservation section. (Railway review, v.63: 157-159; August 3,1918) Price, Theodore H. The government as railway manager. The size of its probl^ and how it is solving it. (Outlook, v. 119: 551-552; August 7,1918) Railway age .[Editorial] The causes of increases in operating expenses. (Railway age,v.65: 245-246; August 9,1918) ...contrast between British and American methods of government operation. . . iciJ toe in lo rfl "'" "' * r -'* : - ;i:V "•'■:'•-. ' '- ** ; ' , • I ; -■ •• . f '". ' •''•'-^ T ' : ' : -7:-.::. «A : xei,es .•■•y, 9f tt i< ;J- pA ,i.eO "" ; ;"«'■ '"""''' ' ' ; '"- " : ' : - : : ' " " I * jfar- • • won i j gi fsrlw zi ' ! 4 r-/6 rao : *niq"d <* f /;.\^i ■ • - ■-- • -x JflJp^^Sf r ; *■'■■•■ : p ^d.V,- v.'-. :■■::' lf). : ''■■-■■•'"■'- ■ -: i: • -• «■•••»«.-* (81 \*&£"i ' '■ • • : -:' '■ ■ ■'■■■ /' ■ '•..•] . — >-*: . .-;. t* .>.; ... .., • •.«#!*© j ' ' ; "- ' •' Ml tebrm Xe •' -| '• ■ ■, •» »x .. '•>"•*• :' • ■>. j.-. ' < _ ' • ... ; . ; ■. I .- '•'-'• l > ■ ■'■ wefveT Y^wllfifi): / . -./, - .,,.., > „ «H eioboeriT ,eoi*i*l '^ort 'oTq ati ": ' " ' jfi - ■■■. \ i ■ ■■ . t ti . »ti saivj (8X'"" ' -'Tr-,/:. 'A ,v l! s '"' F! ' ; "J " ■ • ■ • ■ T^ti • - flf *t i- »i gA ji.80 "".,_' ■•" ; •'■':'. . : : _. : . :- --. ■- XO"'; on snob g-tisti ei tsritv ei /■•-"■■ *£/$ e'n6 : £ff. ' ' ?~ .;-i:i ; '• ' " ■ ' - "■ ■ ■--■■■ -v • '< - •'-' ■:-.:' i ,-v [i. " - : ^ i*SX"*j ' -:' - & , < m\ :s ijHow - ■ : & '/**# ' i I EMS?.- ■"': ' ; ' - fnlafa »«oi to- • ,. r ,: - r ' ' >-. ■ r.r.;- : ' ./ - ...., •'•.>«. • •** 8,IC ' 311% wcri brff" : " ' ;r fa - : ••■<::.■■■-. .!>«■ ... "' ?/ ' ' •' /; - ' v ^:£ / • J ■•, • fcr../,- Government Operation. 42. Periodical Artfcles, °tc.»cont d. 1918, August. Strunsky, Simeon, Why not ta'o over the tidesj (Evening post magazine, August 10, 1916, p. 2) ...as v. ell as the railroads... Journal of commerce. [Editorial] V.'iter power and railroads. (Journal of commerce, August 14 ? 191P,p.4,col-5) r . comment on McAdoo's proposed electrification plans.. McAdoo after tour of west resumes duties in capital. Director gen< •railways satisfied with conditions. (Journal of commerce, August 14, I9l8,p.l0,col.2 ) U.S. Federal trades commission. Suggests railroad administration control for packers. Federal trades commission says they have undue influence through ownership o> ars, yards, etc.. . ' (Railway age,v.65: 302-304; August 16,1918) Ties to be paid for on deliv-ry. (Railway age,v.65: 300; August lb, 1918) ...in Southern region-.. Contract with railroads... . (Traffic ;.or;d,v.22: 342-343; August 17,1918) Nation. [Editorial] Railway control. (Nation, v. 107: 162; August 17,1918) The results of six months' operation... Traffic world. [Editorial] The classification hearing. ~ (Tarffic world, v.22: 317;August 17,l918j Putnam, Frank. More than recommendation needed. . (Electric railway journal, v.52: 298;August 17,191?; ....in regard to regulation... Railway age.[Edi torial] Improvement program badly delayed. (Railway are,v.65: 3^6; August 23,1918) Class I roads under Federal control, August 20,1918... ^ c< } (Railway review, v.63: August 24, l91P.Su • - ^giving names ,nd addres and corporate of ficer, compiled by the . ... >rp' tures. - • of * c r k :" o r gove: U'Adoo inspects Brooklyn terminals. Satisf government. As Director general he urp - refr.m tr facilitate freight and troop movements.. (Journal of commerce, August 24,1 918, p.S.coi.o ? '■ '■ • - > Gov >rnment I0peraaion.43. Periodical articles, etc i, cont 'd. 1918, August. McAdoo to inspect New England railroads next we^k* (Journal, of commerce, August 27, 1 918, p.l, Col .7 ) ailway age. [Editorial] The increase of railway expenses. (Railway age,v.65: 368; August 30,1918) ...under government operation. .4 1918, September. :ailway age. [Editorial] Efficiency under government and private management. (Railway age, v. 65: 418-420; September 6,1918) • ..comment on statement of Theodore H.Price, publi sn-^d in the Outlook for August 7th.. . Lawrence, David, Win the war, first, M*Adoo R.R. slogan. Financial comparisons ind government ownership question can wait for peace. Rush troops to seaboard. (Philadelphia evening bulletin, September 7,1918) Mapother, Thomas C . Government operation from the standpoint of a freight claimant. (Traffic world, v. 22: 501-503 {September 7,1918) M'Adoo ends inspection of New England roads. Has traveled close to 25,000 miles since the war began. (Journal of commerce, September 10, 1918, p. 3, col -6 ) Railway age. [Editorial] Seven months of government control. (Railway age,v.65: 468-469; September 13,1918) .. jcomment on Mr. I'cAdoo's report of seven maths work... Commercial and financial chronicle, [Editorial] The contract for the operation of tije railroads by the governr^nt. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 107:1038-1040; Septemb-r 14,191*0 Text of railroad contract. (Traffic world, v.22t 535*541 {September 14,1918) Railway gazette.[Ed i torial] Government operation does not r>ncourage economy. (Railway gazette, v.29: 300-301 ; September 20,1918) Untermyer, Samuel. The operating contract and the future of railroad securities r thereunder. An address delivered before the American bankers' association at Chicago, September 24,1918. [New York, 1 918] 24 p. 8° Regional reports to the Director general. Two of tho regional directors des- cribe the steps which have b^en taken to consolidate facilities for common use. (Railway age,v.65: 595-5%; September 27,1918) ..reports of A.H.Smith for Eastern region, and Hale Holden, f or Cpntrali*f>stpm. . . ■ ' - : :U ? " ■ ; . ■ ■ ' I O -.= i ' J- - ■ i. . (--X, ■ . : -:,•_-.,... . ■ . fe - ,-.' : ,. . . . ...- • : •■ : S ...... ; w '"''■ .-; J ' ;; ■■■/ \ ; \ \ \ ' d ■"*: : ; •:,'- : <-. .- -...,. .•■_.....-. - ■ >1 >■•- •••..!•:.' ,.. ■ • • •• ■ ■ •"•■•- :" ■' '■ -.-.■. ■. ■ . iiv:-: - u ■:■■■ ■ -.- , •• . . : • - '■ ■■ ..-4 j '■- "\ jU ■;. - ... -J X$ i J g -' -i- ••■ •-'"*■ ". - ■ . ■ ■>-■ •.-'■., "". ' .". •'•, ' ■■ - - --■■■■. ..'•■•.,; ■..--;. ■ - • '• ' ■ ■ r >. .' ... . '■£. .......... . . . \o emeries ' J ) ^nilfuO ,\n .•■-:».-.:..- - * .- ; i , . ... -X . i. v , r . • .(• i i . • . :/\v ■ - f t.lOi.,01. T f ."X-. : j ... ii i b ru . ... ,* ■ ... - •*:<■*' .' ■ •' :.*•"•«■■■**••"" "._•»•■ *• * * ' » "• ~T- **• r« ■ - - . ;• • J- i - .:..•.-• i?*UVr) '.---•• ' ' .T * ' ' ' - r-P- :. ... ■...--< vi: n . •' . - ». £'. „.,.." i •■ • ' - ■ "" . .'rice [ .'••' ■ ■ • - • " : < . : ■ •.-.-:,.:• v. *• ■ • ' ( ":;-• ••v,. • NiC-i. :.....:'•..■ * r - • '-7 .. . I •- Government Operation, 45 Periodical Articles, etc, cont'd, 1918, October. Railway age. [Editorial] Is this necessary to winning tho war? (Railway age, v, 55: 686-687; October 18,1918) Propaganda carried on by government agencies, 1918, November, Beshdolt, Jack, Uncle Sam turn the trick. (Railroad man's magazine, v, 37: 441-447; November, 1918) Changes in railroad operation, especially in passenger service* Clagett,Brice, Organization of- American railroads under government control, (Quarterly journal of economics, v. 33: 188-1 95; November, 1918) ♦..description of working of Director general's organization,.. Railroad herald .[Editorial] Mr, McAdoo's claim of increased efficiency, (Railroad herald, v. 22: 248-249; November, 1918) Prouty, Charles A, Address, ..[on the attitude of the shippers towards the Railroad adminis- tration, , .] (National industrial traffic league. Proceedings of the annual meeting, Cincinnati, November, 1918, p. 16-23) Unification of our transportation system, (Express gazette, v. 43: 347; November, 1918) Holden,Hale« Traffic conditions in Central western region... (Railway review, v. 63: 643-650; November 2,1918) Daniel8,Winthrop M. Address.,, to the National association of railway and utilities commis- sioners, etc. .Washington^, C, , . November 12, 1918. [Washington, 1918) 7 p. 8° Prouty, Charles A, Address,., to the National association of railway and utilities commis- sioners, together with the discussion following it. At Washington.D.C, November 13,1918, [Washington, 1918) 19 p. 8° On the jurisdiction of state commissions over the Railroad adminis- tration, ; , Marked success of "Sailing day" plan. (Railway age,v%65: 860; November 15,1918) ...in Northwestern region... Daniels, Winthrop M, Interstate commerce commission and federal control. Relations of the commission to war emergency control; its work before, during and after.. (Railway review, v. 63: 693-695; November 16,1918) I .-:''-■•."■■ .:1i K - : -^; J fi ■,'■, .-.,.•■ ' " • - •.• r v. .•*'"*- ;•. r '. ; > . . !.... . ' tic ti . * ' * ' V /..... ■■ - ■: I • • "• ;: ~' -° :;;-T * I.;'--:.'-' '-~ '" ' •■-.•••■; - : f. f" ' *> •' * ■ ' . •*•*»■ i • - •*«''- ... . ... -".,..■ - : : ---- :; ' t ;: ' : " ""," . _, ' - ,♦* ■'*- . . V ■ ■ • ■ '■• ■'■■ " * ■ ■ t ' . t ;a noi - nBiS ~wo -.■■'• . -•-■ ,* '■' •.«**'• -* '• .. 1 *-■ •:-■ . ,;. 'i - • v '■'•' •■ '• • £ . s : ' ; 1 * fv ' " - oA . . ; -. '+.„." - j . •' . •• : .-• ».--:-"-i. !'■"? - f - ''""' ■"■■ " "' ..-*' - f-;{,:'. -•.:;:;:. ' ' i i - • ! .-, " - - i # :-*.- ! ; * •■• L : : r . ■ • , - . • ■ . - =- .-....-, r,- : w,-'. ■■+• "-- : - " : .. . ' I- ■ .irtfiG • " ' ' " ' ' \ • ; . . v • ■ -• - ' •'■"'* tnl I Government Operation. 46. Periodical Articles, etc ,, cont'd . 191 3, November. L/i •' . -\ railroad system to be continued* Coming of peice will not alter plans of i'irector General McAdoo. Uniform rates sought. Government ownership regar- ded as large issue of 1920 campaign* (New York sun, November 16, 1918, p. 3, col -,3 / M'Adoo will continue to unify operations. Policy permanent despite ending of hostiliti es . (Journal of commerce, November 18, 1918, p. 9, col. 8) Utilities control center of attack by Republicansc Senato;*o in caucus warn administration of united front on reconstruction'. Congress to be assertive (New York times, November 20, 1918, p.icf > -l) ...Ownership of railroads, telegraphs, and cables chief point cf contention* . • M'Adoo resigns from Wilson cabinet} To quit railroad administration also.... President accepts resignation... (Journal of commsrce, November 23, 1918, p. 1, col. 1-3) ..W.D.Hines talked of for railroad directorship*. t May hurry issue as to railroads. Mr. McAdoo *s retirement brings government ownership question to front. Who will succeed him? (Washington star, November 24, 1918, part 1, p. 23, col .l) Journal of commerce .[Editorial] What was McAdoo *s motive? (Journal of commerce, November 26, 1918, p. 4, col .5 ) . . .in resigning. * . Spence, Lewis J. Address before the Traffic club cf New York. ..November 26,1918.. vSubjectl' Relinquishment of railroads by the Government. [New York] The Traffic club of N.Y. [*l£18] 5 p. 8° Press comments on McAdoo's retirement. In general' there is appreciation of his work but not agreement on reasons for resigning. (Railway age, v. 65: 96 9-972 ; November 29,1918) ...editorial commonts from all sections of the country... Commercial and financial chronicle. [Edi tor.iaj.] The retiement of Mr. McAdoo-. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 107: 2028-2030;Nov.30, 1 918) Mr. McAdoo' s conduct as Director general of the railroads, p. 2029-2033) Kansas to dispute authority of director general of railroads. (Commercial and financial chronicle, ▼.167: 2065; Nov.30,1918) ...from T^peka "Capital" of November 24,1-918... McAdoo, William Gibbs. Mr, McAdoo on railroads' war service. (New York evening post, Transportation supplement, November 30, 1918, p. l) Aim of the Administration has been to furnish adequate and effioimt transportation without loss while at the same time establishing reasonable wages ind working conditions for employees... ' • i r" ■ I fat •:>•,.='. ■ i ••: . -T J : ■:■■■ ■ ■ r.. ■ " "; ' '■'■■' ■ '' ;rv '■ *; . • ,..• :■{ ■ h ■> . • .. ' : "'■■"" '"■* •'" ■■.,:•: ' : . ■■ ... - ; ' : 4 - ; . ' '-■ ' ", , , .'■■ ', ' V ' ' ' -; ' ' '■: ' .- - . .• . "•■■.[■ ' i: ' ■ ' ' : ' ; ' ''■<'' :•'•■ •' : '■ f$rr':. I ■ ; ;V,. . • ..-..:. .... ,-. .. ' » - » * '-.i' i . •i • • i . . . ' ' . . . ■ Government 0pemtion.4Y. Feriodical Articles, etc. cont'd. 1918, November. National industrial traffic league. National industrial traffic league opposed to government control of railroads- C.A.Prouty's views. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 107: 2064; November 30,1918) Price, Theodore H. Operating the railroads under Government control. (New York evening post, Transportation supplement, Nov. 30, 1918,2,5 ) A summary of what has been accomplished in the direction of greater .efficiency under the Director general... 1918, Dec ember. Railway business association. President Wilson and the railways} what has been said by various persons, organizations and newspapers about the transportation problems set forth in the message to Congress, condensed and arranged for busy citizens. New York, Railway business association, 1918 18 p. 1 1, 8° Compiled by F.W.Noxon* Limited private ownership of roads is plan, Wilson's suggestion for a modified U.S. control wins legislators. M'Adoo idea approved.... (New York sun, Dec ember 3,1918, p. 1, col .5, p. 2, col .4) ••..comment on President's address... Railway executives' advisory committee. Resolutions adopted at meeting of member roads, Chamber of commerce, New York city, December 4,1918. 2 mimeo. pages. 4° ff . meeting called by the Railway executives' advisory committee... Amster,N.L. Amster for uniform system for railroads. Sees disadvantage in returning lines now to former status- Need a policy for operation. (Wall street journal, December 5,1918, p. 6, col .4) 125 railway heads plan future policy. Legislative program in hands of enlarged executive committee. Net allowance gained. (New York sun, December 5,1918, p. 9, col. 6) ...association of railway executives... Bureau of railway news and statistics. Nine months of Federal control. (Railway age, v. 65: 1002; December 6,1918) New schedule for Chicago live stock. Plan to prevent congestion in Union stockyards and resulting blockade on terminal lines. (Railway age, v.65: 1005-1006; December 6,1918) Parmelee, Julius Hall. Memorandum for F.H.Sisson. Railway operations in 1918. December (,1918, 5 typewritten pages. Memorandum for F.H.Sisson's article, W A financial analysis of the rail- ways in federal control", in the Annalist, v. 12: 556 ;Dec ember 9,1918. 1 •■-. • t- : ■ f ..■*—■ - - • ' " • ' ■ \- ' /. . '■ : - : ' ♦■ -■ . . ■ ■ . ■ ' ■ • ■-' . ■.-••: - . ■• .••*■■ ■• .- ■ ; . ; : -. .•■•■: . . ' .• . •• • "• / . ..:•- • .' ' : ." : : ..- :.. ■- ' ••• ■ • • -■ -. • 'l. ■■■' .' • ,:;■... -■ . ■ I ■ '■ 'l\ '■ ! ■ - ■'- .-.- '■ '■ ■■■■■■ r ... | ( , :;• £.. .,_... . ,.-- • • .. j . , , .- ,.■■.,-...: ; ■ •'.,;■•• ( hr i [■ .;■ ; . i, , •: . ■ . wt 9 t ■ • ■ . V: - •"' " .' '■■■• ••- • • • • . • ■ ■ . ■ .•■•- . ' ' r ' ' ' ' • "':■■■ ■■■■■■. -..■■_ • ' ■ " " . • ' - ' ~" : ' ' • '- > ■ ■■■;:. --■■■■ v;y-: '..•.-.■■■■-. ; : . . list SI i '■ •-.:• .- • ► ' • ' • . ■ , • ; .: -: •'•'.' t . ;' . «.« ; : ■ ■ ■ ■ ' " : :'.-.'■,•• , . i ■ * .'" : ., ■ ■ - ' ■ '•• . • it" 8« ■ . ■■■■ . ::.-•>... - Government Operation. 48. Periodical Articles, etc . cont'd. 1918, December, Fees, Simeon. D, Fess attacks railroad control. Tells credit men service was never do bad as it is at present. (Washington Post, December 6,1918) S.umrrary of address before National association of credit men, December 5,1918.. U.S. Interstate commerce commisson. Annual report Interstate commerce commission. Fundamental aims of rail- way policy discussed. The Commission's relations to Federal control, (pailway age, v. 65: 995-1002; December 6,^918) U.S. President (Wilson) President proposes to relinquish railroads. U-ges Congressional study of the problem but opposes prolonging period of uncertainty. (Railway age,v.65: 989-990; December 6,19.13) Editorial comment, p. 986-987. Commercial and financial chronicle. [Editorial] The President and the return of the railroads to their owners. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 107: 2126-2128;Dec .7, 1918) Carter, William S. •..U.S. railroad admini stration;Washington; effect of federal control on railway labor; address by W.3. Carter .. , before the Academy of poli- tical science, 38th annual convention. « .New York city, December 7,1918. 10 numbered 1. 27 cm. At head of title: Confidential: for release in afternoon papers of Saturday,' Dec ember 7,1918, Mimeographed.. Railway executives' advisory committee ». • The railway executives' advisory committee declares government ownership and operation not conducive to highest efficiency. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 107: 2166-2157; Dec ember 7,1918) Resignation of secretary of RR administration Advisory committee on finance. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v t l07: 2158; December 7,1918) Luigi Criscuolo. Sisson, Francis Hinckley. A financial analysis of the railways in federal control... (Annalist,v,12: 556; December 9,1918/ Based on memorandum by J.H.Parmelee of Dec .6, 19181 McAdoo, William Gibbs. [Letter... to Hon. T.W.Sims, chairman, Interstate and foeeign commerce commit- tee, U.S. House of representatives, and Hon, Ellison D.Smith, chairman, Inter- state commerce committee, U.S. Senate, . .advocating five-year railroad con- trol....] December 11,1918. Washing ton, 1918. 4 p. mime. 4° Comment: Washington post, December 12, 1918, p. 1. Journal of commerce, Dec .13, 1918, p. 4, col .1-3 . Wall street journal, December 13,1918, p. 7, col .3-4. New York sun, December 12, 1918, p.l.col .1, p. 3, col .4-6 . Reprinted: Ry. review, v. 63: 835-836 ;D e c .14, 1918, Editorial ccr.r.ent p. 849. ' -" "• . "" ' . Oi*:;?jr*f rs ., * '" - : ■'■' ■ ■■ ' ■ * : . " ■ . " / ,. ' \h\ , _ ► « b j ; " ; ^ : " ■•"'•" : ' ■'■ ' ■ • ■".■•■-'. i .*:-;■ ■• v - j •■ ...... \ \ - ' ' ; •" ' '' ■•'■'■' ' '•• i - .:...:.. . •■ • ■ •. .- • U , - ■ ' .•-■-■-• .'J * * ' "*' ' • ■■ ■ ■■• •: : : " -■>.-• \ •'.•■•:'■-.. - - - ' • " '.; wL~ie.it ■•. : : - .• : " ' ■ , : '• : ' - •• --w ., fi ; . : ........ ;, :-.;'"' • t. f :. fXi . ,. - •' % I'X , -''. " '( * ""*• • ' ; ' -• ■•.'..-•■ I , I ■■ ' . ,' . ... '. ; ' ' ' ' : , - ■■ . \ , *■>-< ■■■■ ■::* •■ ■ : • . • . Government *0peration.49. Periodical Articles, etc ., cont'd. 1918, Dec ember. New York board of trade and transportation. Return the railroads and other public utilities to their owners. New York, 1918, 1 typewritten page. f° Resolutions adopted December 11,1918, ...Railroad stocks decline on news of proposed five-year Government operation. (New York times, December 13, I9l8,p,18, col«2) New York times. [Editorial] The straihgt road to government ownership. (New York times, December 13, 1918, p. 14, col ,1-2) . • .comment on McAdoo five-year plan,,, •..Rails sell off on McAdoo proposal for five-year Government cdntrol. • .The l railroad problem... (Wall street j ournal, December 13, 1918,p«4,col«l) ..effect of 5-yr.plan recommendation on stock market... fcchiff, Jacob H,.,[ and others..] Financiers oppose Mc'Adoo's five-year plan. Jacob H.Schiff and others wou}.d limit railroad control to period already fixed. (New York times, December 13, 1918, p,l9,col .2) S.Davies Warfield Newman Erb* • . Wide opposition shown to 5-yr. control of roads. McAdoo plans meet disfavor in j Congress and among financiers and executives. Assailed in Senate debate. (New York times, December 13, 1918, p. 1 ,col .1, p.16, col .2 5 Ouiterman, Arthur. The Biograph. William Gibbs McAdoo... (Wall street journal, Dec ember 14, 1918, p. 2, col «3) "Reprinted by special permission from Lif e, December 12,1916, M » .poem. , Investment bankers' association of America, Action on question of railroad control. (Qommercial and financial chronicle, v.107: 2256; December 14,1918; .♦.at the annual convention, Atlantic City, December 9-11,1918, Unes, G,H, Adjustments under government control of industry... (Railway review, v.63: 858-857 ;Dec ember 14,1918) •..address before Labor reconstruction conference, December 7,1918' Shonts, Theodore P, Theodore P. Shonts on "Today's railroad problem." (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 107 ;2249;Dec ember 14,1918) |A Vanished railroad ghost. (Literary digest, v. 59: December 14,1 918, p, 13-14) ... .anent government ownership... ctiA : ,. *rZ*i\Z;r ■ ••■ '• ■- - ■■■: ....,- . . 2 ■: .; ■:■ •; v ; iv . ■ : •' *• ■* !■ »".*_■■■■« » •• i \ . *.X T v • - • :- • j ... . •. . , . ; - *" ••"■ r --,-.?-., " ' - ► -v»iv -» «**.-./ ,«.»'-■: # f — ; •: i-; r: ■ :,'.!.* . - - v - ?~ «v: • f ,- . - f , . ■ «v i xt i.u-'. ft, ; . ■"; .;-,.' g J. .-.,... .,,. .. ..-, jjg .._..,.. f - .- f:'-V ';;; j-.^pjr- ,»« > ' »...;■-. ..., . ,. -*-" J * "- •■ ■r,-'-; 1 f}t •' : ---i :::..*. '«*?•• , >* -»■-.•.•. <- , -■!'• 9T9 fro . __ t ■'". . ., - ;-. •; . u aqqp a ■ . ! " r ' :; ' ,: - ; "; : / - : '■/--- ■ V-- - ;'? -: : -r^.,-. '• . ";■ •'•■'■*'"* -^p''"' ' ■• : - i>* I:/-. ;/.••; -vc:f;.. . il : ■#* : _■ . '■ i^ i-;-* : '-S.,i _'i ; ' J .-■:? -,. , - -; »\i , , ..• ' »" _._..,» ' * : ... ;'•- , . ;. TV- ' - . r.. iijeMj fl 3 • * • •, fe • ' • : ' Mb*' .-, ; .-f.-i ;?*•■;-: :.:.'•::• ;. . ., ;: ' '- - .-.i--x,. it- 1 ? •r-.^fit..^..n» i-*j'n *V-i*...- 4 . _. ". ' " ■■■-■>--* --v .■ * ■ i . , . : ""' r : •'•••- • j Wi iTvfrrct" 'f i ' .*: T" -I---, ■•* ' " -* * ■••-•■ •^ sxofao ^ M > . : • -• - (Hi | O^h^-tSi &J •:■ ; : - ' . - • ■ M b) -, . ... ♦-' A> •" -' ''» ■'■■•J'..-, !•::. ^in, - : • .;. . r ,x.,; V - Government Operational), Periodical Articles, etc. cont'd, ■ 1918 December. Wall street journal. [Ed i tor ia)J Mr. McAdoo's reasoning. (Wall street journal^ Dec ember 14, 1 91P, p,l,col .2) Carter, W.S. Effect of Federal control on railway labor* An outline of efforts to create improved* conditions. ., . (Railway age,v.65: 1061-1064 ;Dec ember 15,1918) McAdoo, William Gibbs, McAdoo proposes extention of Federal control,.... (Railway age, v. 65: 1051-1053; December 15,1918) Editorial comment, p. 1037. . ••••.McAdoo wants action, (New York sun, December 17, 1918, p.10) '•..alleged statement before private committee meeting of Senate com- mittee on Interstate commerce: "Unless there is an immediate and better response by Senators and Representatives to my proposal [.for year control],., I shall advise President Wilson by wireless that the railroads should be returned to private owners on January 2... Hines backs McAdoo on railroad policy. Agrees roads should be turned back now or Control extended five year. Talked of as director, .Reports that he will succeed McAdoo as railroad head revived by statement, ,. . (M,Y, Times, December 18, 1918, p. 17, col.6 ) Revolving fund exhausted, (New York sun, Dec ember 18, 1918, p, 12) U.S.will hold roads until Congress acts, Wilson and McAdoo have not intention of releasing them next month,, • (New York sun,December 19, 1918, p,l). • -■ : Association of railway executives. Principles that should be incorporated in a plan providing for rov?rnment regulation of carriers engaged in interstate commerce. .[December 20,1918] 1 p,l% 7 mime, pages. f° Preceded by Summary of proposed plan, 1 1, » ... .Another^ issue [undated] 7 mime, p, f° .....Final revision of January 5,1919,10 mime, pages, f° ...presented by T.DeWitt Culler, chairman to S-^nat - committee on Interstate commerce, January 9,1919, Hard knocks for McAdoo five-year plan. Public sentiment in all parts of the country apparently against government ownership and alive to tin danger. (Railway age, v.65: 1117-1120- December 20,1918) Hines, Walker D, Railroad policy discussed by Hines. Assistant to McAdoo explains reasons for desiring five-year extension of Federal control. (Railway age, v.65: 1096-1102; December 20,1918) -. • : v ' ' ; -" .■, fe J '• • ; " • -'-. - ....1 i ^ ^ ... - _ , . ,^ • .» --yj.-.i^v. --i v. . . . -.: ■ ...... . . .,,''.,:■ ;•. . ' ':.,• $*,-,.* ■ '•■ vi---: v * ''•'' p ■'....'!■■ ' ' • ' ■: n r :: . v ■ ■ x ' : " : - i . j us* • ■ lift i ' '"' is • ■■•-. II* ■ • * ' ' !.";I J*" • ' • • ••' 3 * J \ % .-• -:.- ~ , *'" " t ^ ,' ♦.*!■""■• '■ , ; . . • •' ' _ ' ■' t '4 - - v^j ! r .- = ,"' " : -- ■ •• • ••-■ • H : e '" '"" '" ' * \ ? ! 9 • i -" V-i* v - v ^'i ■ 'V ••'■■■■•'?■> : - ''••'"*•"■■,•**:, di!ios~u.; .: su W#©*?3 ^a&fcf;*;*!) ,»>*■-''' <• . r . ' L . '■ ' • • ' * ; ' " . ■ -. i -' V . »• v I • : •. .... . ■ , • • : ■ "•■• i ; ' ..„•'■ ■';.-- bfe«j«n : - - . ' ' .. -. -.•.> ■ • .' •■•-•■ , * , ■ ■ ■ . ,.>.■■- r. -^'' ■"••• -. : •" . ,-.1 ':- =•■' " : ' ' r ;.. ; v; ■' • '• r; t - {'■''■' r - .•"'■■ "" ~'" * '""" . . :;•;?) » - '" J . ,- , . . ' ' : : •' ' ' '\ . I'. • - ' l ' >'..^l\< . . _. Government Operation. 51. Periodical Articles, ->tc, cont'd. 1913, Dec ember. loo, William Gibbs. Says railway rates could be reduced. McAdoo also believes five-year Federal control would point to private ownership. (.New York, December 20,1918, p. 9, col. 3-4; Pennington, M.E. Development of a standard refrigerator car. An outline of the Departmnnt of agriculture (s investigations and the attending results. (Railway age, v, 65: 1115-1117 ; Dec ember 20,1918) The Railrodd question in Congress. Little sympathy shown toward the Director- general^ five-year proposal. (Railway age, v ,65: 1101-1102; December 20,1918) Railway age. comp. The officers of the railroads under Federal control, (including the names of the Federal and general managers, the chief purchasing officers, the chief mechanical officers, the chief engineers and their headquarters.' (Railway age, v. 65 ; Dec ember 20, 1918, Supplement no .2, inserted betwee pages 1100 and 1101 ) ♦•••♦The organization of the United States railroad administration. (Railway age, v. 65: Supplement no.l,to issue of December 20, 1918, inserted between pages 1124 and 1125) Aishton,R.H, Unified control of railways. (Railway review, v>63*. 879-88: December 21,1918) Address before Western railway club, December 16,1918. Government standard refrigerator car. Permanent insulated buklheads, floor racks, and "hanging basket of ice" features of AdmSni strati on 1 s design. (Railway review, v ,63: 865 -868; December 21,1918) High railroad rates justified. (Bache r ivi ew, December 21,1918, p. l) Hubbard, Harry. The case of the railroads. (Wall street j ournal, Dec ember 21,1918, p. 8, col. 2 ) ...Constitutional aspects of railroad control... McAdoo, Willi am Gibbs. McAdoo puts government ownership of railroads yep to pcopla. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 107: 2340; Dec ember 21,1918) ...from New York tribune, December 16,1918... ,Mr. McAdoo sQggests reduction in railroad rates if Federal control is continued . (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 107: 2340 ;Dec ember 21,1918) ,'. ■: . ■ .. ■ " ..;•! D,, ■ ' . > • ,. . ! . • . . ....... . - : -r !':. -■-■■•.•?' ; . - [. • . ' • ' , ) .• ; ; ■ t ' ■ '■•■■• • I I'll; .•..-■■ - ( ^os. .-■ * :•■..■■ - ;■•: : H -. • — ■ ■ : ■. ■ •• , - .. . - ,-. , ... -r . ., , •, ■ . . . , ■ , ■- • ■ • » . . ;'-6' ■ ' ■ ' ".-•■: ! ' '' If*? '■; '-. -. TjH« ./<■ .:, Vf .} • ; • .:,'': ' ■■ h ft £ | .,.:•; I - , /■ - :; ( - • • ■ . . • • • ■ .- ■ ..; ' ... ?i . < ■» . < % Government Operation. 52 . Periodical Articles, etc. .cont'd. 1918, December. U.S. operating head of railroads quit3. Carl R. Gray's resignation is fifth in month. (New York sun, 1918, p.4, col .3) Opinion of railway supply indsutry sought. What are the views of those who sell goods or services to railways on a future transportation system? (Railway age,v.65i 1161-1163 ; December 27 t 1918) Railway age. [Editorial] Can rates be reduced? (Railway age, v. 65: 1143-1144; Dec ember 27,1918) Why not help the railroads now? (Railway age, v. 65: 1171-1172 ;D e cember 27,1918) ••.abstract from Editorial in Manufacturers' news, Dec .19, 1918. .. 1918, Maps, Summaries, etc « Maps of Regional Districts... (Railway ase, v.64:l373, 1467; June 7,21,1918) Map in June 7 issue shows 5 regions and 2 sub-districts:Easterp, with Ohio-Indiana and New England sub-districts {Allegheny, Poca- hontas, Southern and Western. •• Map in June 2l f issue shows 7 regions: Eastern, Allegheny, Poc anon* tas, Southern, Southwestern, Central western and Northwestern... Railroads and systems of transportation under Federal control... SEE: U.S.R. A, Division of traffic .Circular no. 5, issued October 10,1918, List of railroads and systems of transportation under Federal con- trol.... Summaries o'stsa3. Hearing3 before Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the Hou3e of repre3enta ti vej . . .on H .P .8172 . , January 19 , 21, — '■ , 9 3 , 24, 1918. Part 3. Washington D. C,, 3918, .. 451-75. With remarks by Clifford Thorne. ' . I ' " . ; ;; : ' : hk' i'e '■ " ' . - .-. ■ '."■■'' •' - i: - ■ H • '; . . . . ..... • s "' .- -. .,, :. *. '"■■■ • ••'■'- r.w .';" ' . : Kin : ' i r J ^; : * %< . ? i • .- ; . . ' ; . n " T j ■" ■ •■ ^- ■ ■ .-..*? '" ■< ■ ■ 5 .... ■■''■'•••• »X«^i'. • i ■ -■ ••'• ■ ' ■• • : » ram . . ;' • ' '•. .. ■'.•■■■ ; - •-.■.. . , . -■ 't ■ . . . : ' - . ■ '" "'■ . -.. ■, " ' • .•.'.;••' '• : ' . ■ //.; .... • • u > /o rnment Operation Pt,H. Articles in Periodicals, 2, An ExperJhrieiit in railroading. The British government has been running the railways a3 a single system, by proxy a3 it were. (Annalist, v. 5- 139-40; February 15, 1915) Jennings, H, J, Home railways during the war, (Nineteenth' century, v,77: 920-33; April, 1915) Railway gazette [Editorial] Railways and the year of war, (Railway gazette, v. 23: 100; July 30, 1915) Lamb, David R« British railways under state control, (Central Argentine railway magazine, v. 5: 585;Augu3t 1915) Jarvis, W. H» British railway returns, 1914, Effect of government control* (Railway news, v. 104: 430-31; September 11, 1915) Money, L. G, Chiozza. British railroads in the great war. Government control by a stroke of the pen, (Metropolitan magazine, v. 42: October, 19l5| p438»5S**53) Bureau of railway news and statistics. The British railroad and the war. (Annalist, v. 6: 379; October 4, 1915) West, Frederick W. The war and the ra ilways : Formarding of merchandise. (Railway new3, v o 104: 673; October 30, 1915) Great Britain and her railway problems. (Railroad herald, v. 19: 235-36; November 1915) Peschaud, Marcel. Les chemins de fer de la Grande-Bretagne et la guerre. (Revue politique and parlementa ire , 22d year:173-191 ;Nov.lO, 1915} Allix, Georges. Les chemins de fer britanniques et la guerre. (Journal des transports, 38th year: 205*208; Nov., 27, 1915.) Railway gazette [Editorial] Railway companies and Hi3 Majesty'3 government, (Railway gazette, v. 23: 602-03; December 17, 1915) Home railways. (Statist, v.87: 140-42; January 2, 1916.) '" : " T ' ; : - ' i-~' ,vr,j.y r r . ■'• x < — "--• rt''? ...v .., :--■ \&Z4 ' • - - ' ■■•■■ ' ' ■■• • • ^■-tor- *■ - - • -■ - - - - k-cw »t •::^'""-^^' l .. : ':: r; ~ &-«j fc'-i i'aty ** . :.;;;.; : ^ - - -.. "' V* '■ r ....■■-. ... . • £!•? • '•-■"' -. r: - '■,-■•■ ■■: ' ■■■■■ - ■ >. : tr: _:r'-'- ■■■- **« ,. _ . .. -■■■•■■■-.■■■ • , ■■ ... ,., -■ ■ •¥* fetriu ■;- ... p ■-■ t»8 ;-£ -.. a ■■-.:- . ua ■•■ .:. . trove mment Operati on Pt.II . 5. Articles in Periodicals, (con't) Acworth, William M. War operation of English railways, (Annalist, v,9: 625-26; May 7, 1917) Acworth, William M, English railways under war conditions, (Outlook, ▼•116: 100-02; May 16, 1917*) Railways under war conditions: Reduction of work, (Railway new3, v,107: 637-38; June 9, 1917) Economies in various directions, probability of nationalization, Thornton, Henry W. How British railways are organized for war. (Railway age gazette, v. 62: 1271-1273; June 22, 1917) British railway notes, (Railroad herald, v. 21:177 ; July 1917,) Questions concerning the war bonu3, increase of pa33enger tares etc, Travis, Charles, Railway working under war conditions, A brief view of the changes in railway methods during three year3 of war. (Great central railway journal, v. 13: July 1917, p, 2-5) Pratt, Edwin A. Wagon pooling and common-user, (Railway news, v,108: October 27 » Nov. ,3, Dec 4 , 1, 8, 15, 22, 191«; v,109; January 5, 1918) I, Private owners' wagons, II. War-time conditions, III, Difficulties and disadvantages. IV. Railway-owned wagon3, V, The back-loading order. VI, Common u3er applied, VII. Organizations, VIII, Standardization of wagons, » The Railvay problem in England, Government operation ha3 proved a great 3ucce33, but stock- holders are exercised over increased operating expenses... (Annalist, v,10: 749; December 10, 1917) With demands of Nati ona 1 union of railwayraen, •Thornton, Henry w. How Britain has run roai3. (Forbes magazine, v.l: 171-72; October 27, 1917) Told Forbe3 magazine by ...the "American who ha3 made a great reputation directing England's war traffic." •Trade and transportation bureau. The railroad problem, (Trade and transportation bureau, Our weekly letter, December 2, 1917) Management of Britain's railways during the war , .. . p. 1-2, t - ; • ■•- . : if "' •••• - •• ;4 r - J i-mrf ....*■■ , . . * ■' » - ■ . : '" :-f' ' : ■■■■ n _ r- '. c ' * '.:- ' ♦ • "■ i . tj : •■ .' " - "... . . t .'■'■' &] -■■' fi :■•;-.•> i -:•.■-.• ■ '■--"■- : ■ " ! ' ; ~- ~~ : * • ''■*» . > - . . . .. .r ' : 3) ■:•••••-•■ : .r. . . '-.\ • " - '* *m - 7.: •: ■ 7-* ;':.."■. ' '' ■ " . r ; ■■- * • • • b-, • • - ' ' - -. ■...,-* ":..* r • •" • "1 -•;; ... . . ft: f. | ■ - •• .1 *? . • • -■-"-' . . "" ' . '' ! •■ : ■• * : : ■■-' - . L* V - * - fW ,IIV * • " ? ■ '•'■ •:*. •. , -' -.- x . : : f ' : : *!*;* '• • -. .' * " .•'.*!? - : " : ■ • • *-, - , '. 5 . . a - ^ - t «w < Gove rnment Operation Pt.II* 6, Articles in Periodicals, (c on' t .) Hollis, Henry F. English railway operation in war time, (Congressional record, Daily edition v. 56: 583; January 4,1918) Wilson, P. W„ An English journalist's views of the English railway system. (Railway age, v, 64:135; January 11, 1918) Prom an article in the New York Tribune, Editorial c cmment in' Railway gazette [London], v. 27:119; Feb.,1, 1918) Brooks, Sydney, British railways during and after the war. (North American review, v. 207: 196-208; February, 1918) J ones , A . D» British railways and the wa;r. (Railway news, v. 109 : 126-27 ; February 2, 1918) Address to Institution of Locomotive engineers, Rail\Aay nationalization and the traders, (Railway news, v,109; 128; February 2, 1918) Objections of various trade associations in England to government operation etc, Robinson, Joseph T. . ~, Dividends under British control.., (Congressional record, Daily edition, no. 51* February 16,1918, p. ?354-2355) Speech on railroad control.... * Employees . "Railway gazette. [Editorial] The fifth year of the war. (Railway gazette, v. 29: 152; August 9, 1918) ...contrast between British and American methods of government operation.. . Railwaymen'3 wages. (Railway news, v. 103: 282-83; February 10, 1915) Railway gazette [Editorial] A war bonus for British railwaymen. (Railway gazette, v. 22: 180-81; February 19, 1915) V'ar bonu3 for railwayman. (Statist, v.73: 289; February 20, 1915) Railwaymen'3 wages; the war bonus. (Railway news v. 103: 337-38; February 27, 1915) : "' : ' : ■'" '--;'-:- * Jw«-i . ^ , " . ' ? . - *' * ' ■ -."' ■ ;.: i '■' ' ■' '• ,-*.•*• ,„ r.. .;... ^."- ..+ . --,. r ; ■ . < .. '• .- : .: v; f^i^SI •• ■ • *, • - t " * (81 ex ,v - .,....;-, , ■■ ■•? ■• i • - • v • : " erfJ bftfi noi^Bsilfirxoi J£n ^i ... +itS *i s brum's fctfs-ti - t«dl 'fisuide? ij ftpijf 4£# r j{. • .; t fc-roo-eV X^^oiv I , , • • . * ; , «... •• 'i . - * • • • * • ' ' - ; ..■:■'. ■■ - * ta ' - ■• . ■•'■' '. ' ' '" : " '"" (^^^ iOi r eox.v .. •••:■•' i (^ I?[ t er ^bu-. j, -.,_..- ."^ . - -^ r) ■ «n • *•;•-; ,-v — • ■" * '- -: i'". ■ ■:■-. '•*. i : . ■ ' f . . -' .* ' ■ -' ' Governme nt Ope ration Pt ,11 . 8, Employees (con't) Railwaymen 1 3 wage 3, (Railway news, v,108: 147-48; Augu3t 18, 1918) Text of the agreement between the Executive committee and the National union of railwayroen, and demaands of the Associated society of locomotive engineers and firemen. Railway employees' wages, (Railway news, v,108: 408; November 10, 1917) A new agreement. Wages developments, (Railway gazette, v.27 : November 16, 1917, p., 528) Industrial unrest, (Railway news, v > 108: 434: J November 17, 1917) -Increased demands of railway workers. Should be no more .increases/ in wages until after the war. Wages developments, (Railway gazette, v,27 : 556; November 23, 1917) Railway employes* wages: The cost of living, (Railway news, v,10&: 458; November 24, 1917) Wages developments, (Railway gazette* v„Q? : : 585.; November 30, 1917) Railway employes' wages, (Railway news, v, 108: 482; December 1, 1917) A new crisis and new c oncess ions and bonus to railwayman. Railway gazette [Editorial] Wage developments., (Railway gazette, v,27: 612; December 7, 1917) Rai^waymen' s war wages, (Railway new3, v, 108: 506; December 8, 1917) New agreement of November 29, 1917, Wages and industrial unrest, (Railway news, v,108; 582-83; December 29, 1917) Railways and finance in 1917, (Railway new3, v % 109: 11^30; January 5, 1918) "Railwayman's bonuses and wages", p, 21, .? >.,..). • :<•' .•'.-,■ Mfajpfr' • "' 'V. 'U. : «e'- : ' '- 1 itfl 9 to • *'***? ! J)« :;j; f •■" $ : " ' . ... • ■-,;' " ••' . i-- ik"«?*H • Art . , •■•■ • ■ -.-;■, "'i ^. ;.•"( : Jpt: '■- • Ol.v ( rwen .1) : . ■\£s.,.-* : *' : ■ > ' r ' ; ' ! ■' " vr --*•*: *;/* .-.} ,- i;>'*« ''■ ' : ~ ;•- •: ' *'i n't • i Vewan v*« lf ■•; J> .lit '-' "' -"" ' ! V , ;:■ ;,;...' ••■■'••■ .'••-! ' L . » ' ■ ,,'i: | v - : ft Mfc+«.#fr$M*a ...... .,..■■■.'■ :, ,.. ; ','f - r :W *'i©\oXqu. J ---i^ -^ > : "■ i '■ ' *• • '• ' " . •■ >• ■ ' \ •■ i.„ r :. A ■•■'•■ " •' .. ' ,* - '■-' ; *'. v .>. f -'. & K ' Xjfi 1^ ^J * ./ •. • '- " -i- ' ■"'■ ■ . : --'••■ ; : .''" : ' u ' ' ' ■ ■ .:•..• '. .. r< ' V . . *<«*■ ^ : -<•■■'•' ' l ''" '" i « •-' . : i,) v -i ' ..» • . ••-*; ■ . • • ^ . • . . ■' » , -.' '. ' •' (\'i:" ! ^ ,'?"''' ' ?'*' '\' ■ -•' " "' ■"- ' " ■■ * " '■■'.* • . V ■ ■■>'. 4 i-i- ' - ' ' ■' Gove rnment Operation Pt.II. 9. Railroads in Canada Beveridge, Albert J* Canada'3 government railway; an experiment in public ownership and ope rat ion. (American review of reviews, v. 46:585-93; November, 1912) B, JC, LC, NY.. Editorial comment, p. 532.. Biggar, Emerson Bristol* The Canadian railway problem. Toronto, The Macmillan company of Canada., ltd.., 1917. Biggar, Emerson Bristol.. Muddling in millions. An exposition of our railway problems, (Saturday night [Toronto], August 5, to October 7., 1916* B„ Bitter lesson in government railroad building* (Engineering record, v. 71: 478-79; April 17, 1915) B, NY. Bonner, Francis A* Is Intercolonial^ failure due to low rates'? Further analysis affords additional evidence that its losses have been due mainly to its management. (Railway age gazette, v. 61: 1081-84; December 15, 1916) Reply to J.L A Payne in issue of October 6th, Bullen, H. h p Australia's railroads. Conditions of government ownership - > oei&traste.d with Canada's. (New York sun, Juen 24, 1916, p. 5) Canada. National transcontinental railway investigation commission. Report .......Ottawa, 1914. Ottawa, 1914, 2v. illus., plates-, maps. 8° (Sessional paper, no. 123) B.ICC.LC, 14-101?4. In regank to the mismanagement of governmental employees in the construction of the National transcontinental railway. Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Official report of the debates of the House of commons of the Dominion of Canada, Sixth session- Twelfth Parliament. 6-7 George V. 1916. Vol. 125. Ottawa, 1916, p. 2973-4156. 6° Discussion on proposed appropriations for aid of Canadian northern and Grand trunk Pacific roads, and on appropriation of ^150,000, for expenses of special commission to investigate whole question of railroad policy of Dominion including that of nationalization ... p. 3364, 3600, 3871, 3973, etc ... .a ".'"•■'"' '-" •■" :." . ' ■"■• ■ ' ' :■-' ' -. ■ • fl s +4. -> H r aeXXi/^ : ' ^'. ? ; " •- * * * - • • • i. .7".»vi.i 'l!'J"I 'J * ■>"■ t .../ \ • ! ' i i • y :: ; : '. -to ' Government Operation Pt,II. 10. Railroads in Canada (con't.) Canada, Railway inquiry commi33ion. Report of the RoyiLCommi3s ion to inquire into railways and transportation in Canada, Ottawa, Printed by J. DeL. Tache*, 1917„ • •-85 p. 8° [Parliament* Sessional paper no 20 g, A. 1917] Running title: Railway inquiry commission* Thi3 important commission was not in favor of government operation of Canadian railways. Reviewed in the Statist, May 12,1917, p. 816. Reviewed by J. L, Payne in Railway age gazette, v. 62:953-56; May 4, 1917, Reprinted as Appendix B, to Part 12 of Newlands Committee hearings ••■' • —■*<■- ^"" t; ' : ^^■j-'.-T-*-- ■■■* ■■ ■•'■<*■ v •' ": : v.. : ^ '.v.; *";.:;.".; '^■,^'.^;--.v-) .'/ ''*.'' -J' .- -.'^" • v.\i ' ■ • .', Ov ' ''1* r • ;. > . ' ' > . '.:..'-.•. " s .... ■ • . *• ..•(.;•• •»•.'■ ; -3.\U* ■"■ ' '■■'- • * " ' ■ ■ ■■ ' -j ' . , ,. |. t V>*J *>< ,H . - , : >.,-.:■ x ' ■> !■• >•':'! '••..' €■'■'■ ■'' * .V B i ' ' .-,'"' . ■■., • p?i Pi-ivr.' / r * , a ; ••* jf . '» •/ ; " ■ ' ". " ■'• ! %•' fir j . • . [ - ; • . . ~ •. : r ■"• i . . ■ .. ' ' ' • - ■*■ ■ ' ' • ... - ....... ' . • ■,-": < . • • 6 r -! - i •:'■»'■:.. 'v '•'■ • : "' • : • ' ' . »,. . - •>■..' ••' r :. •?, ! ; . ,r; •' • ..•'.»>•«• • -.»■■'' I ♦ r ; . . . i I a ••; - • ""' ..... n .- .. - ..-.- ..,•■• • ;;•:,' . • ' ' G o ve rome nt Ope rati on Pt.H. 12. Railroads in Canada (con't) The Grand Trunk Pacific ra il vay legislation, (Railway age, v. 36: 168-69 ;Augu at 7, 1903) "Argument against government operation", p « 169 „ How a government owned railway w orkd . (Railroad men, v, 19 : 63; October 1905) The Intercolonial railway, B,ICC, JC,LC,NY. Jackman, niliam T. Canada's railroad problem. An analysis of the advantages of and objections to the government ownership of Canadian railways, with a suggestion as to the remedies for our existing difficulties. ..[1917] 21 p. 6f Reprinted from the Monetary Time3, April 27, Kay 4,1/ ay 11,1917 Journal of commerce [Editorial] A case of government railroai building. (Journal of commerce, February 14, 1914, p. 4, col. 3.) The construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific and the scandal recently discovered. b,lc,ny;, McLean, Simon James. The Canadian government and the railway problem* (Economic journal, v. 12: 403-15; September, 1902.) B,LC,LSE,NY. McLean, Simon James. La politique canadienne de subvention des chemins de fer. (Revue economique inte mat ionale , Augu3t, 1908, p. 257-90) B,LC,LSE,UT. McPherson, P* Canada's national transcontinental railway. The first of two articles on the new low-grade line across northern Canada covering the eastern district. (Railway age gazette, v. 56: 1221-24; June 5, 1914) -----2d article of series, in Railway age gazette for June 12, is entitled: Construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific. New York Times [Editorial] The Canadian government as railviay builder. (New York Times, September 11, 1915, p.8,col. 2-3) "Newfoundland has adopted the principle of government railway own- ership." (Railway age, v. 32: 141; August 23, 1901 ) Payne, J. L. Further views on government ownership in Canada. (Railway age gazette, v. 62: 181-83; February 2, 1917) U I ... ;; • . . • .'. ... I . '•,-.<* i ■: i ■■:■■ " '»•;-»■ ' - • ■ . .. I : ', ', *. • V'. T • •■'■'•••;• 'A* 1 ■■'''.;' ; "v .. .','■ '-. -.v-.- " ~- ■'■'"■' ' C . • • •- • .•':,' i ! ■ '• ■ "' ' .- f t •»*>•*?/ /. vi:.*.f •''••'• ' - r • "J >'' . ! •'■ - ■ ; • i"' >'' ' -■ ;. ' .' '"' ' ... .. ' 'ip . , . V; .-.-. --.';. ■ -■■•■- {' ' . ■, . . .<.-■ . -' ' l " : '" ' " * ; v " " . ' ' ? •: ' . , : ,:,..-;- r i 'iO" "• (C*3 ♦ i • •. ■• ; ' < - 1 • PX : ■ '■ ? $<. C?^ H 1 ^ - i - ■'• ' ' SUn'VC ^;' _. ' ' - ' t rf t *• . w* .-. r? : i <* S ■ ■*;»'. rfc v - • r- .. fit utf far ,. . ** t • • -..-,-.'- •-•:;■•-• : ■ "i •< ^ (.in-; r r; , : -M ,.-j lit.?; 1 i**v.*JI * ■ . •- • • (eiex ,as £fli7j _ . ?: . ;-- ^ . ..... - -.. -: •: r." • .k. •^■- ? a --■■■■ ■'•■•- fl -■•■• tt -T- - ; ■■•■■-• ■' ' : ■; . ... * .*. r - r .-. -•" . v . -;- i r ' ■.: r '-' , 'vt^ii" ... "' . •• - ■ ■' Government Operation Pt.II . 14» Railroads in Canada (con*t) Railway age gazette [Editorial] The railway situation in Canada, (Railway age gazette, v. 61: 107 6-77; December 15, 1916) Reprinted in Economic world, v. 98: 826-V8; December 23,1916 under title: Private V3. government ownership in Canada. Railway and engineering review. [Editorial] Newfoundland government railways. (Railway and engineering review, v. 38:247-48 ;May 7,1898) The Railway que3 ti on[Cana ia] Government ownership and operation, Mr. Borden's policy considered, n.p*, n.d. 56 p. 8° B,1CC,LC,LSE,UT. A 15-246. Railway review. [Editorial] State control of railways. (Railway review, v. 34: 465; August 11, 1894) Comment on the statement of Sir Charles Tuppe r, high commissioner of Canada, that a government is unfit to manage a railway. Railway world [Editorial] Governmental vs. corporate management of railways. (Railway world v. 25:1116; November 19, 1881) Government ownership in Canada, Reorganization ot the Intercolonial railway* (Engineering news, v»6l: 550; May 20, 1909.) B,LC,NY. With diagram of the new organization. Ritoardson, R. L % Government ownership of raiL roads. (Canadian magazine, v. 15: 403-09 ; 531-36 ; September, October, 1900; v. 16:60-66, 164-71;November, December, 1900) B,LC,NY. State railway management in Canada* (Railway world, v.35: 748; August 8, 18~9l) From the Toronto globe. Toronto Globe [Editorial] Railway nationalization in Canada. (Toronto Globe, October 27, 1916.) Reprinted In French and English in the Advance advocate, v. 25: December, 1916, p. 6,7. B, NY. No effort ha3 been made to include articles not referring directly to Government operation of railways in Great Britain since the outbreak of the present \*ar. ;- - • : ■ ' ■■■ '• ,ri, ' cfi I '-io-i'£,lik ^ !■] :-", .■■ .' :•■-. . " • :;::'.:•••..■••--•-•■■ : -.--. ../.-■•*■-*-■ . '-\ &&&&&(! s-: ~ i-: : ; ;-- ■ ■ •■ ■■ ■ X\ : % 'v-!.^ /r '; .. '• - ~'; y -~:~ ; "i.;.;. v . •- ■ ■■'■ I ~'- •; ■; : i c ':-:■ ' ' ;■:••- •.-.'• ; ~ . "i„-»t / , r .—*•.;. * ^ I.- ,^.(ii.;u ; .- .1,': -. l< ire - * i r/. r !_.-• ■.:• i ■■•:•- f i .:."•-■•': *?*: :-- Icr.Z .-.ire -j £~Z *- ; ;t d»«fc£jfc# • •■■i-::- :: : f. ; •' 1,7 :; ■- .:• t* |$fe — ?:? MP *«»& •■•■■-'.'- £f J.:;r,. • :; *.-»f. : ..v: •• ■ • .- j, -, ; , . : v < " 1. rmt&'CZ : ■:•:.■ r: ; Cfl .(•!-• ;■: i ! ' '"- •.. ■ f > M ia%i . ' •: •- -->■.. •• " r&CXCs : :^i i ■:•« - • •••.-J. 1 ! */ *-- i*# r#i*«f»« -' # - .■•'• '- l ' ,.1 ,H ,r. ■' . U% '"'■ r ' : " : ■'■- ': l -..'tr.-L',- '-- ; - . -.;,-.• f ai s • ;..;-. ■:."• , *rr- \- -•? *-' -.-; f %': PART III*A 1919 Periodical Articles etc. Gove rnment Operation, 1, 3 9 ! ' January The Railroad problem. (I. C, S. Traffic record, v. 11: January, 1919, p. 1-3) ...attitude of ICC on problem, p. 2... Shaver, A. G, Railway signaling under federal control. (Railway signal engineer v,12 :9-10 ; Jan. , 1919) Why 3ignal engineers should report to operating officers reforms which could be accomplished, U ♦ S. Railroad Administration. Activities of the Railroad administration, (Railway 3ignal engineer v,12:31;Jan. 1919) New3 from Washington and from the offices of the Regional directors covering orders and circulars of interest to signalmen. Order is extended allowing railroad passes in exchange for newspaper advertis ing, , , (Official U. S. bulletin, January 2, 1919, p. 4, col. 3) ...supplement no 2 to general order no 6... Interpretation of railroad wage order as to station agents' "special service," (Official U, S, bulletin, January 4, 1919, p. 9) Louisville board of trade opposed to extending period of government control of railroads, (Commercial and financial chronicle v. 108 :34-35 j Jan ., 4, 1919) $689,034,759 advanced to railroads by the U, S. railroad admini3trat: up to and including December 31, 1918, (Official U. S. bulletin, Jan. ,4, 1918, p. 6-7) Fess, Simeon D, Representativeness opposes federal railroad operation, but favors shipping subsidy. Republican club hears outline of congressional programme to foster American industry... (New York herald, Jan. 5, 1919: Sec. 1:4) McAdoo, William Gibbs, VcAdoo talks of the railways. Retining director general foresees private ownership as result of five-year extension of federal control of the nation's transportation systems. (New York Time3 magazine, Jan. 5, 1919 :3) > • • i '• 'i i f .';••-'' V -" . :| ' . y . : iflj.v; ■ " '■» •• , ".." , an . , - - ■ : ba ' " ■:,*.. . . i. " ' r ••■? ...'•■. •• '■> '■ f •;':•... ..■*•■■-••?• y : - ~' * >£ ' . . .. ..,; .... ■ : • ' ...» ' ' ^ r ' • • . . . - 6 '•• • ) cpe.t«I i , . ■-, •■■■ fi ■ . - .1*"' "• % ' • •. : I 1 ,. . . . ..' ,-. • * • ' •'■■ r " ; ' v '' ■■■'"' ' i' ■>;.- . « - ••■ >' ■ --. -, : *« . 1 o»i ' • '/ : ' . . " • •; ■ • • ,v /i : ; - -" ; ' ^ ' ' . . . . ■ .'• .mi • V\ "'■ ,V * *" •"" •"•':.'. V*,..., o-.i- '■--■- ■•■i;" :;.;...,•,.. : •;■ •:•: . Gove rnraent Operation Pt.HI-A Periodical Articles etc. (cont'd) 2. 1919 , January . McAdoo, William Gibbs, Validity of intrastate rates fixed by Railroad administration upheld by the Director general 3 Pegrets that is3ue should be raised, Mr, McAdoo expresses belief that Act of Congress clearly confers right to initiate both interstate and in- trastate tariffs during period of Federal control,.,. (Official U. S. bulletin, Jan. 6, 1919, p,4) Mr. McAdoo'3 proposal; a poll of public opinion* (Outlook, v.121: 52-53 ; Jan. 8 , 1919) Orcutt, G, N, Federal rail experiment ha3 proved it3 weakne33, [New York, 1919] 1 p. f° Reprint from New York commercial, Jan, 8, 1919, Saturday evening po3t„ A railroad policy, (Social 3ervice review, v,8: Jan, 1919; 16-17.) Spence, Lewi3 J, Address to the National league of commission merchants of the United States at the twenty- seventh annual convention, Boston January 8-10, 1919, . . ,Sub]ect : the railroad quest io n,[N.P , , 1919] 8 p, 8° Johnson, Alba B, Future of our railways,, [New YorkJ 1919] 14 p 12° Di live red a 3 president at the annual dinner of the Railway business association, Chicago, January 9, 1919, Merrick, Harry H, Common sense about railways. [New York, 1919] 14 p, 8° Address before the Railway busine33 a.33ociation Chicago, Jan. 9, 1919, U, S. Railroad Administration, Interpretation of railroad wage order concerning ticket agent's pay claim, (Official U. S. bulletin v.3:January 9,1919; p. 11.) Association of railway executives. Executives plan for the future of the railways. Government regulation of privately operated roads with responsibility and authority ve3ted in federal agencies* (Railway age, v. 66: 131-133; Jan, 10, 1919) Railroad policy. I : r <■> .• V ••.•■>• „ ■ .. '■■-■ '.■.-..' ... . ; " :•• ■ J ' ' ' ■• Government Operation Pt^lII-A Periodical Articles etc* (cont'd) 3. 1919 , January . Doings of the United States Railroad administration, (Railway age v ,66: 159-62 ; January 10, 1919) Advances to railroad for the year 1918, Mc Ad oo, Willi am Gibbs* The work of the Division of operation* Congestion eliminated, facilities pooled, car shortage over- come, and standards adopted for equipment. (Railway age, v„ 66 : 139-150 5 Jan, 10, 1919) Proposals for disposition of the railroads, McAdoo argues for five-year test-- X.d.C-. and railroads advocate revision of regulator policy, (Railway age, v,66: 263-166; January 10, 1919) Kail way age [.Editorial] Is no middle coursfe available? (Railway age, v„ 66:113-114; Jan, 10, 1919) ...comment on McAdoo five-year plan.,. Shaver, A n G u Should government operation affect signaling? Some of the opportunities for improvements which might be accomplished under unified control* (Railway age, v„66: 137-138; January 10, 1919J U. S. Interstate commerce commission,, I, C. C. opposes government railroad operation., For return of properties to private management after reasonable period of readjustment or preparation* (Railway age, v„66: 133-137; Jan. 10, 1919) U. S. Railroad Administration, Agreements in effect between railroads and officials of organized employees made basis for adjustment of dispute's by General order of Director general. (Official U. S, bulletin v. 3: January I0,\l919; 8-10. ... General order no. 53..," V^ -_ "V. U. S. Railroad Administration, Export freight piling up at ports due to baoT^weJvtfrar and holidays (Official U. S. bulletin, v. 3: January 10, 1919 r>J£9) U, S. Railroad Administration, Operating statistics section. Freight traffic statistics for October. (Railway age v, 66: 154-155 ; January 10, 1919) Association of railway executives. Railway executives' plan for regulation of railways. (Railway review, v.64:54-56p Jan. 11, 1919) ...presented by T. DeWitt Cuyler, chairman... SiPdi &J '..'. ' ' /£"*£ ^fAj "^ J ' . .: - > . - • , « . . . vvIOj: ,r/X ;A>.. jadl- • r * ■ ■i 1 TO , 5 .. ir ... r ......" ' ';;'"'y '' oat* r& re?*?** ^ijtf* ' ' v V ft <"<*f t'X i'.'V •« • i V -o . '. • —>»~ — i i- » > . "f« ■ .;.'...••■ : '• ' '. »o is ... ; r/^v. ... -.,.,,- ■• ! .';".v''.' ;' /. ;-, Tf*! ' * * " ' : * J • ■' • •" ;> ■ ■" '• ' ' J " " : . . .»■■■. t *. t VLhm; • • - ' - • ■ , ■ • ».,* ci^^is, Gove rnment Operation Pt.III-A Periodical Articles etc. (cont'd) 4, 1919. January, Date of relinquishment. (Railway review, v. 64:68-69; Jan. 11, 1919) ...various expression of opinions, ;;, Fe3s, Simeon D. How 3hall we operate our merchant marine and railways? Speech. ..in the Hou3e of representatives January 11, 1919. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1919. 16 p. 8° Dilivered before the Republican club of New York, Jan 4,1919, Position of security holders. (Railway review, v. 64: 60; Janr.ll, 1919) ...statements by S,Davie3 Warfield and Otto H. Kahn... Railway business association. Meeting of railway busine33 association. Recommendations are offered on government purchasing policies and po3t bellum 3tatus of railways. (Railway review, v. 64:7 6-78; Jan. 11, 1919) Railway review [editorial] Something now doing on the railroad problem. (Railway review, v. 64: 67-69; Jan. 11, 1919) U» S, Interstate commerce commission* Interstate commerce commission on railway legislation,, (Railway review, v. 64:56-59; Jan. 11, 1919) 0. S^ Railroad Administration. - American railway association to aid railroad administration. (Official U. S. Bulletin v.3:3anuary 14, 1919, p. 32) ...Circular no. 70,.. U. S, Railroad Administration*. Director general'3 order fixing wage rates and hours for U. S % ra ilroad telegraph and telephone operatiors. (Official U. S. Bulletin v.3:January 15, 1919; p. 31-32.) ...Supplement no. 13 to general order no. 27 , superseding 4^ supplements nos 10 and 11 to general order no. 27.,. Arisona corporation commission. Re Maricopa creamery company. [Docket no* 520] November 8,1918, (Public utilities reports V.1919A: 390-97 ;Jan. 16, 1919) U. S. Railroad Administration. Automatic train control committee is appointed. (Official U. S. bulletin v.3:January 16,1919; p .3) U. S. Railroad Administration. Order is amended relating to 3uits against railroads. (Official U. S. bulletin v. 3: Jan., 16, 1919 ; p. 32) ...general order no. 50-A c3t r .- * * - ..-*■ ; •: -i ■ : ' ;r '"'■" " * " . • "- •■'T '*-' ■*>- '-'• ' ' .. .* <■.:/ V r'wW •'•'"'- -• $ ; ' : ' ■ ... ;•'.• ; • ."■• •• wV" • -« V: " l: ' ' ' ; ' .„..,..«■:'. ,-"-•■ -'-; '/ /."; r V'"- "•••■ w ; ,.''.." "■• »*? '■ ' ;" V V . .. -' • -- ■ : ; "' : "'• ; ' ' * ' ■ f •■ . " : - ■ '. '.. • ■ ': .*:%•* »-■•• ■-• * .„ s, ■•■• : (eiex t ix.a*t ■ :-. ~ t ; : ..-,!. "" ! - : ' :' 'I ... '^V* : ■ ' '..v . -1! .riio'^x h-^J wsivet y /•'«:.. .* * • '' '*' ' : gniot r , t */'"', ,11 ^ ,t -'- '-■";" '"." ' ; '•/; ■; '. . ' - -■'' " N* " too sot ©minor. ^ 4 . *JnI .xx .hbx *^ c*a.-^'. '■'■''' ■' '."■"' * * :.•**■'' 3" ■ * ^ ■* "**"*•_* ' *"* * * *. 'i % ' ' - . ft . ,. ; : > '■:■: .£ -'• *.'* !t " ; • //• .. •. I :; -" i}j.fcl* * .-• ,H '■ * ' ? ,eif ruwnB%2t+v aiiei < [q / « '^2 „U ioi . -♦ • , . *-.;. v.\ if^o c'Xfe'i sixes ic ■ '• -• '.... ,. - t i/. ' : ' f ^ " ' lsi en 63 oi £X ,on , v v '. ■» m ..-.. - .• : '-'■■ •''■' * : ".* ■ -* " - '•• - " ' ' ' '* 0* '-•"•• ' I -oee . . . .;-...■; : .i. • • "■ t ', • . ... » Q ; ^ : ■■■- *■' " • ... ■ *~ '• v.* '* *■ "■ ' • ' . « : v '.' ■ '■ .*<■ ''**':' " '.r \ " ',. .-. I j ■■■■. li- ; '■ -' e"Xniai (£.q j el:£,v< n*i#*iXu<* .£..'" ■ .U Government Operation»Pt,III-A Periodical Articles etc. (cont'd) 5. 1919, January, U. S. Railroad Administration* Sleeping car lines resume to South after war interim. (Official U. S. bulletin v. 3: 6;Jan.,16, 1919) The American railroad association. Reorganization of the American railway association taking in several auxiliary associations. (Railway age,. v c 66: 194-196; January 17, 1919) si Editorial comment, p. 177. Doings of the United States Railroad administration. (Railway age v. 66:221-223 ; January 17, 1919) Director general Hines to ask for additional appropriation to aid in financing improvements. Automatic train control committee appointed. McAdoo, William Gibbs. Labor conditions during Federal control. Abstract of chapter from Director general McAdoo's forthcoming report to the P re s i de nt « (Railway age, v. 66:181- 186} January 17, 1919) McAdoo, William Gibb3, The traffic department of the U.S.R.A, Abstract of chapter on traffic from the Director general'3 forthcoming report to the President. (Railway age, v. 66:213-216; January 17, 1919) Morse, Charles A. The railroad problem and economics. (Railway age, v. 66:207-211; January 17, 1919) "While we are in the business of seeing that justice is done Europe why not use some of it for home c onsupption? 1 * Abstract of paper before N.Y. railroad club, Jan. 16, 1919. Railway business assoc iation meets in Chicago. Annual meeting the occasion for discussion fif future of transportation industry- Constructive resolutions adopted. (Railway age, v .66:218-221; January 17, 1919) Editorial comment, p. 176. Walker D. Hines, director general of railroads. Associated with McAdoo frcm beginning of government control and in sympathy with his policies. (Railway age, v. 66: 187-188; Jan. PB, 1919) Editorial comment, p. 17 6-177. U, S. Railroad administration. Function of government in financing the railroads explained in a statement by the Director general. (Official U. S. bulletin v. 3: Jan., 17, 1919; p. 3.) Advances are for imp rovements. ..Estimates being prepared indicate appropriation of about half-billion needed. ..To be repaid at around 3ix per cent interest. 9VO0 ».-> \ I ■'• ■:■:■": l~. _ . . :i , "I . .,: : ' - - • T • :'* '■:'. > : '-' , v . .H) n't bsTr'tsI qV© ' 'Iftsc vcnT'I . ^ ; : "vlbttWi'i >*■•' b.g ; lo" hoi J-'or. •■■'•'*' "'■'•'" - o> -i eff^ -yd -tWo'aetfi^-e b "*stj8Tqf ; ri retf-Ja^Brci^eriV. •.'• ■tjS" edMfiv Government Cporation Pt«III-A Periodical Aiticles etc (cont'd) 1919, January . U. S, Railroad administration. Message sent by Mr, Hine3 to freight traffic committees, (Official U. S. bulletin v. 3 : Jan, , 17 , 1919 ;p .3) American railway association reorganized. American railroad association, its successor, takes up activities of eight associations absorbed. (Railway review, v s 64:86-89 ; Jan. 18, 1919) Officer of a road under Federal control (pseud) Regulation in review, 2 parts, (Boston Evenings transcript January 18, and 25,1919) Part 1, Achievements of federal railway control. Part 2, What is the solution of railroad problem? Railway review [Editorial] A national automatic train control board* (Railway review, v, 64: 105-106 ; January 18, 1919) United States Government passenger car equipment, (Railway review, v. 64:90-91; Jan it 18, 1919) Diagrams, p,90. Walker D. Hines appointed Director general. Will carry out McAdoo's policies; the new director general asks for support of labor and public* (Railway review, v, 64:107-108 ; Jan. 18,1919) Mora wet z, Victor, Solution of the ra ilway problem; outline of plan [New York, 1919J 18 p, 8° Federal corporations under the control of a Federal railroad board, with guaranteed minimum dividends. Comment in NJ.Sun, Jan. 19, 1919 ;p ,14; J. Y. Times Jan. 21, 1919, p.8. Interstate Commerce Commission U „ S. Interstate Commerce commission cases where in Director general of railroads may or may not be named defendant. (Official U. S. bulletin v. 3-" Jan. 20, 1919, p. 32) Railroad deficit points to new rise in freight rates. Revenue under government operation may be $250,000,000 short this year, McAdoo estimate too low. Earnings steadily drop... (New York time3, January 20, 1919, p ,1, col # l,p.4, col.7) U. S, Railroad administration. Government regulation has exerted a downward pressure, (Annalist, v. 13 :94; January 20, 1919) Chart showing average price of twenty-five railway stocks, Industrial and utility stocks. I . . ''':..'..'. r -' " ; | ', j ' _ •-. . r _ . ... ". ! : W^i !S..j -. . , ,;:- j .... s£« ' . . ,,...'. ...... .. ■■•':* ,(-':-:, i n-r-i-. ■■■/ —/•-,-:'-/ ' -^~- .J : ^" -...:.-'....- ..... -. I . . . - .- Li . : ■-.- .- ■ M ... (i loyin , t . <; . "... ; • - - , , •-.;-:. •--■•-« "v ' " '• -. - r -. v- . -pip ;r£o. /103ft ..->,... .. • -,tift-U-, * i ,7 ; . • _-. ' .»>. -' } ; ■ ' ..... ^ • - • • • - ..." ... - ■■;:,>,. ... fti j .... . - ."'.... - • . • , « ." p . [ ' 1" V r'Ji ' : >r- .-.• " . ,••■■.;• ' ^ flU,. ...... .. ■ H£ . ■• •...-- ..••:..,'.-. - . . . , .._,. ., „ ._ %" 1 " ' ** " ' °3 ,q 6.. y ■ - . • :.r. f% .. e ..... .-. • . . ., . • x ^ .-. "■ . <-• ■ . -, • • . ^ .. ' J .;v ' .;.;. m ■' - - ■ ' '*" ■ " 3' • ^: f * . . .- . . - .. 6 . —I&fc-fc ... . .- .. .. £|, '■• - ■' ^' ' '*•" \ "■ .:.■■ ■■ . ■ -. - - • - ■ : .' * . . : " ' • ■ • • - - ; Government Operation Pt.III-A Periodical Articles etc. (cont'd) 7. 1919, January. U. S. Railroad Administration, Interpretation of railroad wage order concerning certain electrical workers. (Official U. S, bulletin v. 3: Jan., 20, 1919, p. 28) ...interpretation no. 2 to supplement no 4, to general order no, 27.,. tJ. S. Railroad administration* Price of coal to railroads and wage seals to miners* (Off icial U. S. bulletin v.3:Jan.,20, 1919, p.7) Wages to send freight rates 10 f.C. higher. Billion dollar payrolls m a year to cause deficit of $500,000,000. Mg drop in rail traffic. Roads' revolving fund, ,. virtually exhausted already.., (New York sun, January 20, 1919, p.l,col.l, p. 3, col, 8) U. S. Interstate commerce commission. ...Pacific lumber company et al„ v. northwestern railroad company et.al. Washington, Govt. £rint. office, 1919. [l] 738-772, v, p. map, 8° At head of title; 5560 Interstate commerce commission. N. 9395. Submitted Oct. 3, 1918. Decided Dec. 6, 1918. Comment in N.Y. Times, Jan, 21, 1919, Hines, Walker D. Denies considering freight rate rise. Director general Hines issues statement on the railroads' problems for 1919 (New York times, January 21, 1919, p. 15, col. 3) ...also in Official U.S. bulletin, Jan. 22, 1919, p .5 ..<, Hines explains rates situation. Denies Railroad administration plans to increase basic tariff. Hopeful about traffic... (New York sun, January 21, 1919, p. 3, col 1.) New York sun. [Editorial] Still higher freight rates. (N. Y. 3un, January 21, 1919, p % 6, col. 8) Hines, Walker D. I'r Hines addresses passenger men. (Railway age, v. 66: 244; Jan. 24, 1919) ...address of Jan, ,22, 1919, abridged,.. Hines Walker D. Hires promises better service. Says hi3 aim will be to improve passenger transportation. To restore efficiency. Will provide adequate information for public and increase facilities. (New York sun, Jan, 23, 1919, p. 1, col. 2) Labor recruting conference at Chicago, (Railway age, v. 66:243-244; Jan. 24, 1919) • ••called by Federal employment service to confer on wages and neaas of obtaining railroad labor. •• frnoo) '}■' v^)' .si'-s x*i-i* ■ '--.-.-:■-•' ~*Xlr7^ a." t ■; . i *: <- Ss -:-s25i.-s >•-.'■" r ■/. tti/3d "•■•'. ;■ -?••- . ..•-. -.. l p r'.-r' -.;>.*- 1^£-?- !' ■ "-tiiw^ H*r ; . . .' * --Wr-.*" ,:v-v : -i end fipafi-sS^^ <*. ^ * .* ■.» ^ s- - fall i.- ::tr - ffriiii-": .♦• i-ftrtftJi" eX£o«Hfeq ;[?-*:••:- t-£1;." ^^rv" .^s/.'^H ♦ '-%'.! 'U £vri*r ^k\v*?'"** i-Utt '>? list tti ::>,.-: *3 - v -.-, - -; ■ - ' }$$$ .OvO, 00c : '• * * -a SksTtoib •• -.v. - o ** " *'-' ? »«»ffei -fe^^^aiui^s^tft^^Ttfcv*.; : .-i-*«iv, I | ta(?4 -r\"i rlc»r. Viv^-I *5*'.>*~ ,exei ,XS«,rf#£; ,**t1U& ,;-.••:•=■; Hi wet fcj *.* .-.-:r»-.*^ .■: -: Ils^ 9iQL ic .•;.;. i &$ *<$&;>' ,vf ^- * :.■:•• £n •' i >. ■■; ...tj 'w ,. r<' .•:."••':* ■ r ■.* « 5 f- * £. too, 5X. £$. „,:-'.-.'. t,'.C^ t y*tiivsj{h 8.1*; ", •■;•:. lm#i«|T «rel^) .v*,?? -a^ :-,:,. ■ • ; i. ---.r •;■".':;..!... :■' t*k$A?A l fe K1 " J S : l BiqxBi &etuM 7'' .Xi3 1 -i 1. 1 ■ ■ ■' 1 h r : J*T .j6 F HC ffit . •' • • € etf b*i ^rf^-e^ t strfs^- "^ 1-5 ' (, v i -.'■ :. . i : t -. : ••• r ; -.^ .--.c •; X.%»w« :..-.* ,. . ,v .. : (erex ,*2.£*^s*f r ' : ;,- di; ^.-iryjs^/^.v' .* "4-7 *^r^ ► if: . *•*! w " ' : '' P ^£ t" ft •" •** r»" **► >•» * Gove rnment Operation Pt.II I-A Periadical Articles etc. (cont'd) 8. 1919, January, Railway age [Editorial^ Advances to railroads versus 1 slow pay. (Railway age, v. 66t233 ; January 24, 1919) ... inability of railroads to meet debts, etc., on account of slowness of Administration in advancing rental fund3... Railway age [Editorial] Will another advance in rates be necessary? (Railway age, v. 66 : 235-236; Jan. 24, 1919) Railway earnings drop #250,000,000. Estimated total for year under government operation is (713,000,000. Wage increase big item. Added $§36,000,000 (New York time3, January 24, 1919, p. 1, col. 2) [Resignation of A. W. Thompson, Federal manager of B &. 0. eastern 1 i ne 3 . . , ] (Ratify age, v. 66:278; January 24, 1919) Editorial comment, p. 233. Standard pas3enger car equipment. (Railway age, v. 66:255-256 ; January 24, 1919) »..pa33enger and combination car3... diagrams.'.. Glass, Carter. , ("750,000,000 Chore is asked to run road3. 1/oney for improvements, which will be repaid, Glass says. L033 of $196,000,000.,. (New York 3un, Jan„25, 1919, p.l,col.l) H ines, Walker D, Hires a3k3 new 4750,000,000 fund to finance road3. Estimates 1918 and 1919 needs at that 3um, &e3ide former revolving fund. Part of it to be repaid. . .Director savs amount fixed will be required regardle33 of Congressional policy... (New York time3, Jan 25, 1919, p.l,col l,p.6) Kruttschnitt , Juliu3. What of the future? (Railway review, v. 64: 126-127 ; January 25, 1919) . ,.addre33 to Pacific railway club... New England view of difficulties in R. F. problem Government operation is unsatisfactory. Favor an early return. Say present methods run counter tc trained bu3in«333 judgment of t>-e country. (Nev York evening pc3t, Jan. 25, 1919, p. 4, col. 2) Rail wagp decision off until I'arch 1. Will be retroactive, being in force at r-i3ent time, (N. Y. sun, January ?5, 1919, p. 3, col. 6.) Railway review. [Editorial] State commission becoming restless. (Railway review, v .64 : 143 ; January 25, 1919) , Y- ■ - ."'"."'' ' ' Bfe o^'X'i : ' * ! .. . . • . , ... . . , .' . . . - ■ . '":y ■■ -■"-■■■"■ •" ' 'tc*i1 - *p --- '• ■ " i-r • - . ...■'•• ,,- ^n^f.,11 « ....1 . . J ■ \vl . . , -• . -•-;-■ "0;. .v. ... ..... ... .,-. . . . .'■ - 1 ' •■ ' ,q y . : • / " ■ . . . ■4 „ r ^ •• - • . •> . ! ^ .'- ... """ ' r '\' '■' •' "' ... • ; * • . ::•/ '..':'•*■' .\.' <" ■' r". '•'' '« , ^ 4 ■ - - . -• r . • : • ■: ■>■ ■■■'■: ■ .- - ..■■• -=■ .' ., * •• ' : it , '. ' > ' : "V^> _ :r i ■ .' ; r ".. > ' '. ' : " ■' ''... ; P. : ' ; " '■; . . . , 9 Government Opoiiaiion Pt.III-A Periodical Articles etc, (cont'd) 9* 1919, January. Wooley, Robert W. ...Addre39 delivered before the University club of Buif alo, N.Y., January 25, 19l9, on the present transportation problem. 22 mime p. 4° Urging McAdoo railroad jplaku Abstract in New York sun, dan. 26, 1919, p. 14. Rayburn, Sam. Government ownership of railroads and allied subjects. Speech... in House of representatives, Thursday, Jan» 30, 1919... [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1919] 4 p. 4° ...reprinted from Congressional record... U. S. Railroad Administration. Mr. Thelen made director of Public Sercice division* (Official U. S. Bulletin v.3:Jan., 31, 1919, p. 2) Appointment effective February 1. of Mr # Wa* Thelen as Director of the Division of Public Service. U. S. Railroad admini 3trati on, New railroad scrip book e (Official U. S. bulletin v. 3: ; January 31, 1919 p.l) Convenience for travelers will contain coupons worth 190. U. S. Railroad administration Division of Public Service and Accounting. Reports of back wage 3 by railroad auditors. (Off icial U. S. bulletin v.3:January 31, 1919, p»4) ...P.S. & A circular no. 70. U. S. Railroad administration. Railroad Administration call for services of Accountants. (Official U. S. bulletin v. 3: January 31, 1919, p. 2) Public service and accounting circular no. 65. Hines, Walker D. Address of Mr. Walker D. Hine3, Director general of railroads, before the annual convention of the American passenger traffic association at the New Willard hotel, Washington D, C. January 22, 1919. Illinois central magazine v. 7 : 56-57; Feb. 1919) }919, February* Mr. McAdoo's five-year plan. (American review of reviews v. 64: 130 ;February 1919) Railroad trainman [Editorial] What 3hall be done with the railroads? (Railroad trainman v,36: 134-3 6;February , 1919) "You will have to do s one thing with the railroai3, but don't you try to monkey with- the men. «• .a , t i : i • ■ ' *..' IT v . - . . ;r$ *^n ; o ■ ~ .- .- ■; ...,.--.. . ■ ."v o. y . ■-;•..,• '' '■•'•'■ • '.. '■ ■ ■ - •..■,_ • , -T . • ' ' ,-.•••,.■ ■ ■ . •.■•: .. . :,';'■: : K\' ... ; c '. . *\ •' ; './:: ■:; i ^:- ■ ■■■■—. ' ' ':>! „ . _ " % " I ■ "•' "•"' ■'''■', '" T \- . .-. .,.= •■■ ,. ;::• :■.•■-. ; - ■; -. . •< ■ ,... , ..-,■ ;: . ; . . ^ • t ... '.'•It" - •-• \ •.'••'-. ' ..-..,.-:. ■ , ■.•-—> -j •" "• ; '■ ! * ■•' ■■'-"■'■•'"■■ ■ -' -- ' • •■ ■ ■'■' j ' "' ^ ' , > ' ; '' : - r - fJ j ' ;;, ' : ;■■-' dS'-f ■-■-■■ ; vj jf f " r: " ' ;% - "' " ,. . , r ^-/ '■• ' y; . .•'••'■ ■ ' " "■" ' #*' ; "' '"■ ' V--'i • ' '-V. - ' ; ••» '■ Government Operation Pt.III-A Periodical Artitfles etc. (cont*d) 10, 1919, February. Earnings and ownership. Some light 3hed on one railway problem b^ this week's statement of income for 1918, (New York evening post, Feb. 1, 1919, p;l,col.2, Section 2) New York tribune, [Edito rial] Railway wage3 and the pay of capital. (New York tribune, February 1, 1919, p. 12, col, 2-3) ...wage increases and dividends... U. S, Railroad Administration. Director-general of railroads.. .Public Service and accounting results. (Commercial and financial Khpornicle v. 108:445 ;Feb, , 1, 1919) From annual report for 1918 of Director general McAdoo. U. S. Railroad Administration. Director- general of railroads denies conflict with Interstate commerce commission, (Commercial and financial chronicle v. 108:443 {February 1,1919) U. S, Railroad Administration. Report of Director-general of railroads. , .Gove rnroent contracts. (Commercial and financial chronicle v. 108: 442-43 {February 1,1919) U, S. Railroad Administration. £750, 000,000 appropriation sought by Director General of rail- roads Walker D, Hines. (Commercial and financial chronicle v. 108:437 jFeb.l, 1919) Annual reports of the Regional directors. (Railway age V.66L361-62 jFebruary.'B, 1919) Eastern Region, Pocahontas region, and Southwestern region, reports , Doing of the U. S, Railroad Administration. (Railway age v. 66: 363-65; Feb., 7, 1919) Total receipts le33 than one-fourth total disbursements on the railroads for the month of January. Railway supply industry i3 hard hit. Representative concerns tell of difficulties ciu3ed by Administration purchasing policy. (Railway age, v. 65 :337-341;Feb.7 , 1919) • • .smaller order3, 3lower pay, etc... Tie producers discu33 conditions in industry. (Railway age v. 66: 34J-48; Feb., 7, 1919) Consider new specifications and methods ofl purchase brought about by centralized control of railroads. Drop freight embargo. Administration cancels restrictions on Manhattan and Bronx. (New York times, February 14, 1919, p. 22, col. ft) •jC' *.»i M'„ ->;> J - • • • . ■■ . ... J. " •-: ;•;'/'..-. i ■■ < : ■ - ... r * '•" ■". n't*'!- : v .... • t . '.' i <■ •-•; , {,- ..■ ... f ,..r ■■ ,., ■ •• , •• ■ ' • i ■:-.. " »' -' ^ ^ ! • ■■■"■ • ■ c: l-JrA't J?! ; 1 1 ^ ' ' / " 1 " ■'• '•"• — — ** awa ••:.■ • .>.. ., ;; ; ; ., . ; ... ■ ■ • - • i ;• , j v Iw - ir> -. : *t 4 w.„ ,,;.;„.... ; ( ; : ; r : ; ^--^ '-, f , , ' ......... ,• • ,^ - . ^ . *^ , • ; , • • * .- -n 'n- ■■..,.,. j,. '"'. : ' ; < 'f\ : ' 3? -;'.•'':'; ':" •■; . ->; ; • . „ . ,,,. : • "'"*'" ''' ' : '' ' ■ '■'"' » <••' •' ■^.';- •- : ..- - ■! • . . • . ... '*' . ' ' ..; : . : V ;■■: . . vv .... ..;.., ... .. " ;-f • •" -.' - . 0-* • - : \ '. ;.'./ ■ - :3 "'.. .,."-■.., . : jj« • ... ■ ■ • -"•'■ ■• ••. ' ■ ■-,• vffli >.it; . VV ' ;,i ' • '•■ : '' ; ^'- " : ' '• •' K& -"• ' ; " *'•'"' -f ■ .. : ■•* '■■■ t . ;■ ■ • * ' . -f'" ■'■' T ' • '• : - ; - " • .. . .' • ■ ••■ ■• ' *- c • ' ■• ■ ■• r. ■ ' "■• ■ '. * '•' ' *• i ■'■ ■ ..'"-'•'• * ' -. .,,.•; . ... • " ' ' *''- - -<~ • :■ f -:•■... ,• ■-..■>!. ■ • : - ■'■ •» « » ■ vr\ ., ' <■ ■ '• I n r &£*' ■■ ' -.1 ' '3 : '■ " ' V2'. 1 Government Operation Pt.III-A Periodical Articles etc. (cont'd) 11- 19D9, February. U. S. Railroad Administration. Spens as export director. Duties of Exports control committee transferred to him. (New York times, February 14, 1919, p. 20, col. 2.) $750,000,000 rail fund waits. Opposition to appropriation asked by Hines takirig stronger fornu feill noi even drawn* fcepbblicans display increasing desire* toi* retrenchment as huge costs pile up. (New York surt, February 1? , 1919, p. 1, Col 4.) Gossip of Wall street ... Rails improve... (New York sun, February 18, 1919, p. 8, col. 4) To lower freight rates. Railroad administration readjusts rail and water charges. (New York sun, February 18, 1919, p.9 t col.2) ..."the changes will affect principally shipments between Gulf and Atlantic ports..." U, S. Interstate commerce commission. Roads 1 revenues at highest mark. I.C.C. report of earnings of 195 principal lines shows $4,913,819,000 total. Expenses also increase. Administrations' income after deductions amounts to but $690,418,000. (New York sun, February 18, 1919, p.8,col 1.) Dining cars cling to war portions. A la carte menus restores, but conservation policy will continue. Gain for light eaters. Smaller amounts will be served at one-third saving in price. (New York sun, February 19, 1919, p. 8, col.7.) Private cars again in use on railroads. Administration lift3 ban placed during war, and demand exceeds supply* (New York world, February 19, 1919, p. 11, col. 5.) To return freight cars to roads. (New York sun, February 19, 1919, p. 13, col 3.) • ••"as another step toward restoration of normal pre-war c onditiona. •." I V :■ 4 :u d r . • ..'■ t .- •-. j r .-:,U- rfftbcf. .^1 *£ ■.';:•:.-.• iff .e Oi^ ■'■•• ' :) (. ~ i>-; ,;! „■? , "•:'' I. t "j. ft I irvfa . M " *. .:'' - . , .--v ■- *; .?... .: uJ : :-;v» r . . !■■■■«•-,? I' • " ? • ... » t ■■ {£..£•—.,£ >•) , p Xvl ,»• 1 ;•:: •• ;i -'i . . . •• • ■• i '"«■■«.' tl o " "• J - i • Cd ■* : • ' I ... "• {..^ ioo f ^.,^ ,■:;■''•: t "t. -..-j ;■;■.,.,•■■,/ .,,-. - . v ■- ■■) t _ *$ifl?i&\ : '- '■■> ■ ■ ■ :. . ■ i :-<\ :■■:-, •' : | .-■ ■ ; -•• ■ . ;i VrC^.^rv f il,:! >?.;...;; . VI '•,;•.,•-(*-.• ' , .;,-, :■■■■■{ \ Government Operation. iZ , 1919. Part III- B Hearings On Extension Of Federal Control. etc ., and Plans for Future Control and Uperacion of the Railroads of the United States. U.S. Senate. Committee on Interstate commerce. Extension of tenure of government control of • railroads. Hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce, U.S, Senate, 65th Congress, 3d session, on the extension of time fore relinquishment by the government of the railroads to corporate ownership and control, pt.i- Washington, Govt . print, off., 1919- pts 8° [Five parts, covering hearings from January 3 to January 28,1 919, pub.iU! lished to date. .] Part I. Statement of Director general McAdoo, p. 4-124. (Jan. 3-8, 1919) Director general's reports on Operation, Traffic, and Lbaor, reprinted, pp. 125 "227, ..•Abstract, Official U.S. Bulletin, Jan. 6, 1919,p,7. . . ...Abstract, with comment, Trade and Transportation bureau. Our weekly letter, January 11, 191 '3.,, ...[Editorial comment] Railway age, v. 66:235-236; Jan. 24, 1919, •.."How Carter Glass's constituents view five-year railroad control," (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 108: 440 j February 1,1919.,. Part 2 C Statement of Interstate commerce commissioner Clark, pp. 231- 303.303,339-347,,, (jan,7-9. 1919) Statement of T.DeWitt Cuyler, f or Association of Railway Execu- tives : .p 305-237 ,e Sisscn-McChord correspondence, p. 286-2 97. Commissioner Woolley r s dissenting opinion, p. 238-239. ».oAb3tracc of Com. Clark's statement: Trade & Trans. bur. Our weekly letter, January 18,1919,.. ...[Editorial comment on Mr, Cuyler 's statement; Ry. age, v.66:177-179;January ±7,1919.,. Part 3* Statement on Commissioner Woolley, advocating five-year con- trol, p. 379-430. List of steam railways under Federal control, Jan. 2, I9l^p.407- 417. List of railways not under Federal control, which are in the hands of the receivers, p .418. Statement erf Alfred P. Thorn, p -430-437, SoT, Bledsoe' s article: "Conflict of law in regulation cf securities, capitalization, rates, and incidental matters, p. 537-551. ...[Editorial comment] on Com.Woolley's statement: (N.Y, times, February 17, 1919, p. 12, col. 1. . ...Abstract of Mr. Thorn's statement: (Railway age, v. 66:261- 264; January 24,1919,.. •••Abstract of 'Mr. Thorn* 3 statement: (N.Y,. times, January 21, 1919,p,17,col.l... Part 4. Mr. Kruttschnitt f s statement, p. 555-605 . (Jan .22, I9l9y • ..Abstract: N.Y, sun, Jan .23, 191 9, p. 11, col. 5 ... •'■ ; • :-■-:- • • . ■ ■ ':. ' \ ■ '•'■ '•- ' it . r • " ' ■ :.'■■. " ■ ' : -' ' •. ■ i •: ■.;•■■ ,■■>■ . ■ •'-• ■•-• • '•■ - • V ' ;;'-'. • .• ' ■ ■ ' • " ' ; ■• "•" . " ; " .■■::■."'■:.■ iffft • • i*. .' . , . . (. .1 ;•- ■-•■•■■ f '" ' ''. ' ; . ' ,.•:•. ■■• .. ■■ M ■ ■ ■ *' " . •...■..•,■..,.■■■•; i .:. I", 'ii - ■ I ■■:■■-■ •► . • :• . M .. : , •;.-■• • .- :■',<■ U I-:--: ' " : , ' ■■"■-■'■ .-. ■ • ,..• - ,.-..-; • ; • If . • . •.. ;..,* i ■•■■"■•" '•■'■■■'- ■.*.,-. .- ■■ -..-■ ':■: '■'' ••'-•' • ■'' "• . . . " . ■ - ■ •• * ■■•■'•' ; . . ■ . j . " ' '• ■ ' ' ■ .• . • ■■-.: . ..-■ ,- ; .•■•■■. ••• £ : - ; '" • "' • •' " ' '" 3 ' ] _•/.-'* ^, , ,: ;- : . \: • • x " * ' ..':■•. • t& " ...;'.•' ■ ; ^* ■'•/ '•'-'•'• '■■;<■ ■■■' ■ ' ,.."'•.•.,',■/•:'" ■'.••-" ' " " ; '.: t tm ■ . .-. ■ - ' -• ; '• " ; ■-'■• " ; Government Operation* and control, Tart III<-A. 13, Plans for Control and Operation of the Railroads I in the Future.,, (cont'd) U.S.Congreas. Senate. Committee on Interstate commerce. Extension of tenure of government control,, . ...Hearings. . . (cont'd) Part i # Statement of Mr. Kruttschnitt. .. «.. Abstract: N.Y. times, January 23,1919, p.l, col.l,p.4,col.5 ... N.Y, evening post, Jan ,25, 1919, sec ,2,p»l, col.l, . . Railway age, v.66: 256-259; January 24, 1919, «* Part 5, Statement of Clifford Thome r p.607-672.. . Statement of R.C,Fulbright,p.673-70O^,. •••Reviewed in Commercial and financial chronicle, v«108« 441;F e bruary > l919... Statements before the Senate Committee in regard to Railroad policy, not yet published in the Hearings o « • . • % 1919, Jan *30 Elmquist, Charles E» LStatemento ..before Senate, committee on Interstate commerce in behalf of National association of railway and utilities commissi oners .0 • •♦Abstracts NgY.times 1 , January 31,l9l9,p.I5 T col fl 2o.« Railway age,'v. 66^ 360-361 {February 7,1919... Finn,L,B LStatement... before Senate committee on Interstate commerce in behalf of Kentucky railroad commission...} Abstract: Railway age, v«66:360j?ebruary 7,1919,., Burr, R. Hud s on o t3tatement«,cbefore Senate committee on Interstate commerce. .for State Railroad commission of Florida*.] ...Abstract: Railway age, v.66; 360-361: February 7,1919... N.Yotribune. February 1,1919, pd, cold-2 .. . 1919, January 3i* Warfield,S,Davies. [Statement before Senate committee on Interstate commerce on behalf of National association of owners of. railroad securities? ..] Reprinted: Railway age, v. 66 r 350-352 j February 7,1919.,, Business digest and investment weekly, v. 23:162 ;Feb .4,1919* Reviewed: Commercial and financial chronicle, v ,108: 438;Feb«l,19l9»*, Abstract: N»Y,tribunes,Feb«l t l9l9 ? p.5,col,l-2()Ed.commentJ p*l,pt.2. . N.Y«times,Feb.l,l919,p,4,coU2-3», Trade and transportation bureau.Our weekly letter, Feb»8, 1919. Rich, Edgar J. [Statement .,,] Conditions under which the railroads should be turned back to private operation. Memorandum submitted by Edgar J.Rich... [n.p.,n.d,] 20 p* 12 ° Submitted January , SI * l919 * — .'••■.■.- o ..-#*» ^ - : < : ' . i '• ." . ■■•'.• j ■*.>'* eh &«* irr ' ^" r • -<«' ■ ~ia«J1l bitB it ... H».» '■'*- "'"' " " -WS& 9:- .... . ,-a \ . ■. •• •■'*--"■;• : ' ' ; : ..--'-"' . ..er^i*? v - . ; ' ' r " • - : ' .' . ^ Part HI-B... Hear inga, plans.*. etc . „ . l9l9,Jan.31. Warfield.S.DavieSo Statements o oobef ore the Committee on interstate commerce, United States Senate, January 31,1919. Return and regulation of the railrcads-[n.p«, 1919] 1 p„I. 39 p, 4° • ...Exhibits to accompany statement*. t[n-.p<., 191 9] cover-title, 13 tab., fold, map. f° ...for Abstracts, reviews, etc . .SEE preceding page... 1919, February. Hines,WalkeY D c [Abstract of statement to be given by Walker D.Hines, Director general of railroads before the Senate Interstate commerce commi truee, February 3, 1919J 5 mime. p. 4° • •Abstract also in Railway age, v.,66: 353-361 ^February 7,1919.* Cotterill, Charles 2* [Statement before Senate committee * ..February 7,1919, J ..for Southern traffic league. o. ..Abstract, with comment in Traffic world, v.23s 352-354; February 15, 1919 . ..Abstract: Railway age, v.66: 3 99-400 j February X4,1919 Q .„ Plumb, Glenn E a ••Memorandum presenting suggested plan for railway reorganization.. before the Interstate commerce committee of the U«So6enate c Washington, I9l9 e 29 p. f° «.-Abs tract: Railway age, v a 66:353-361:February 7,1919,with Editorial comment, p c383*»384„ • • •Abstract of Mr. Plumb's cross-e-xami nation, Traffic world, v*23 : 354,;February 15,1919, Garretson, A,B« [Statement Before Senate committee en Interstate commerce on behalf of railroad brotherhoods. . .February 10, 19l9 a ..] Abstract: Traffic world, v. 23: 354-357 {February 15,l919»wi.th comment: "The germ that practical men see«" p. 341. ..Abstract: Railway age,«.66: 337-393;February 14,191 9, with edi- torial comment, p. 383 -384 o. Bumi,C.W. [Statement.. before Senate cemmittee on "interstate commerce, Feb.13, 1919] Abstract: Railway age,v w 66:4J0;Jebruary 14,19i9, Traffic world, v.23:357; February 15.1919* Freer, G.M, [Statement. .before Senate committee on Interstate commerce, for National industrial traffic league... February 14,1919..] Abstract: Traffic world, v.23:358-359;F e bruary 15,1919. Willard, Daniel. Statement before the Senate committee on Interstate commerce, February 19, 1919, 19 mime, pages.. Abstract: New York sun,February 19, 191 9^,13, col. 3.. t s. : T a . rfO,XI • : ■;'"' ■-..-.'. .-..■' ■ ' I •• ; • * • ■ ; • .- •■/'.' ■■• ■'.,.-.. ; ■ . . • - . • - • .. . . f . . ...... ........ - ■ •' : '■•-.■■ • ; : ■ ■ • r Govt. operation Part III-B Plans, etc., cont'd. U.s!soi ongress. Senate. Committee on Interstate commerce.. Extension of tenure of government control of railroads. Hearings.. .--.-.,.. [Plans for reorganization, etc. of the railroads, submitted to the Com- mittee in the form of written documents..,] Morawetz, Victor. Solution of the railway problem;outline of plan [N.YT1919] 18 p. 8° Federal corporations under the control of a Federal rail- road boafrd,with guaranteed minimum dividends.. Comment: N.Y.sun, Jan.>l9 t l9l9,p.l4. N.Y.times,Jan.21,l9l9,p,8. Abstract: Railway age, v. 66:264; Jan.24,1919. Traffic world, v.23:359;Feb.l5, 1919. Dawes, William R. [Plan for reorganization of railroads...] (Traffic world, v. 23: 35 9; February 15,1919) ..abstract only... Elliott, Howard* Statement before Senate committee on interstate commerce.* [Read into Record, February 19,1919] 24 p. 8° Rea, Samuel. [Statement before Senate committee on Interstate commerce.. j [Read into record, February 20,1919) (Washington star, February 20,1919) • . ab et i-ac t only • • — 0— Other plans proposed Lovett, Robert So Governmental railroad policy. Statement by R.S. Lovett, January 1,1919.. [n.p.],1919 10 p. 12° Editorial comment, Rail way age, v. 66:1 ; January 3,1919. Abstract: Railway gazette, v. 30: 167; Jan. 31, 1919. Warburg, Paul M. A suggestion of the main principles on which the solution of the railroad problem should be sought. Address. ..at the monthly meeting of the Chamber of commerce of the State of New York, February 6,1919. New York city. [New York,1919] 36 p. 8° Kahn,Otto H. O.H.Kahn opposes Warburg R.R.plan.Would retain best features of Federal control and abolish hampering ones. Favors private efforts... (N.Y.sun, February 1 9,1919, p.13, col.l) »..paper,"A suggestion concerning to-day's railroad problem" read before Brooklyn chamber of commerce, February 1&,1919... J- -.!;•• ■■ '■••• ■• ;: ■ >; • [*Im m ] • \- '■■' '-■ i ; ; ; i] ■ . - * ■ , .".'.♦»• ' * : ■'■■ J f j'i>jfoc fr t*3#1 * '"■ r;.*« - Ktii I-.: "*, • ... . . - . . . . .'. -■ :** • ■• . ■■■-■-- %a • • : - : -- m ;' v : ;.; • - . . ::.. . : ■ ■ , ■.■•::■. ■ * ..•••.-■•-_ •• ) Govt, operation Part III-B # i6 , Bills, Resolutions, etc. Introduced into the Congress of the U.S. with regard to Railways since January 1,1919..., U.S. Congress. Senate. . .3.5432,*, A Bill to amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under Federal control, for the just compensation of their owners, and for other purposes" ap- proved March 21,1918 January 2'£,1919. e . 4 p 4 4° Introduced by Mr e Cummins. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Interstate commerce. •• U.S. Congress* House of representatives* H.R.13707..,A Bill to amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under Federal control, for the just compensation of their owners and for oiher purposes. "%.». January 7, 1919... 2 p. 4° Introduced by Mr. Sims. Referred to the Committee on Interstate and foreign commerce and ordered to be printed.. • ^••oHoR.14-186. . C A Bill to provide for the incorporation of Federal railroad companies and the regulation thereof, and to establish a system of super- vision of railroads in the United States, and for other purposes*. c Janu- ary 11,1919.... 16 p. 4° Introduced by Mr. Dewalt. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed;. • ..••H.R.t.4820... A Bill to amend an Act entitled "An Act to regulate commerce approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and all Acts amendatory thereof, and to enlarge the powers of the Interstate commerce commission, approved June twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six."....-. January 21,1919... Introduced by Mr. Escfru. Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign commerce and ordered to be printed... .....H.R.15099...A Bill to amend section ten of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under Federal control, for the just compensation of their owners, and for other purposes, approved March twnety-first, nineteen hundred and eighteen. ....January 25, 1919... 4 p. 4° " Introduced by Mr. Esch... Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign commerce and ordered to be printed... .H.RJ.5325....A Bill to amend section six of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under Federal control, for the just compensation of their owners and for other purposes? approved March 21,1918.. .. ! January 29,1919.. 2 p. 4° Introduced by Mr. Cleary.. Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign commerce and ordered to be printed. 1 ■... ...:- ■ ,: i^y- ■.-, ■■-,■■■.' ■ -^ r<~- ■•-■■■: i : • :';-■■''' ■ t . - -■' ~ " >'«V0 •'• XfV* '•" ' ■''' - ■'.•' : ' . ■■■.■:- ■*■ r .'•"■••-• F i TH .",■•;■' ■ '"• V'- :? ' ? .-..>:- - '-• ~-. - '' '-■*.. '•■ - "raw '"■ "■ $iml .'■■:■■■=.:.: ^ --nofefj : ,;' : ' '.. ,- . -:.•:-*■..,-- • -' - • • '■••'" - l - ; ' ' -- "'•- ; .^ .', :-; . . • • .«-. v ■ i • . : -■.-•"- t " :: - : '"" '" . " : • ■■■• ' ' *-L ■■ ' ■ • ' ; '■' ■" -' ' i ■' ■ .' '.*. ------ •■■•'. V .- ■-- ■ • - ;: '. " v.^^'tk^ixiR bud "iftTfu "•'••' *■'-• ?..-,-■.-- - • -.--. ;-'• : ; - - :•: ' •":•• •' ~i-!-- ■ ■ ■ ' y .'./•■••■; • ■-. -r-: tv'> "-v^-; ii ■ •■..-: ■■■-' ■ .•-■*.. , aVrtd : - : - •' ' • j .•--■; 'v- ' " v ; •■■ ' " .... ". *' "J.VtiT^lr q aid 'to ■ "■ : •'■'•'■• : ' '■' • ' ' - '•;•-•.."■- !';„.'..',.• -"Vi " " -- ■ l:_ • ■ r V ■ ' .■■-■;-■ ■■ ■ :<3 fl •'•',-.'■ • • ' ' Govt. operation. Part III-B .17. Bills, Resolutions, etc ., (cont'd) U.S. Congress. House of representatives. ...H.R. 15338... A Bill to amend an Act entitled "An Act to regulate commerce," approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and all 'Acts amendatory thereof, by providing for equal and identical rights, accomodations, and privileges for all persons applying for inter- state transportation, and prohibiting discrimination on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, and for other purposes....- •• January 29,1919... 4 p. 4° Introduced by Mr* Madden.. Referred to the Committee on Interstate and foreign commerce and ordered to be printed.. — 0— Miscellaneous comments on the various plans presented ? etc ... Railway age„[Editorial] Solving the railroad problem. (Railway age, v. 66: 177-17 9; January 17,1919) Railroad ''plans" Verdict of a northwestern community after readiing the solutions proposed for the railway problem. Why government operation has pnoved unpopular. (N.Y. evening post,February 8, 1919, Section 2,p.l,col.l) Railway age.[Editorial] Early action regarding the railways needed. (Railway age, v. 66: 382-383 ;F e bruary 14,1919) Traffic world .[Editorial] The five years plan. (Traffic world, v.23: 339jF e bruary 15,1919) No more increases™ (Traffic world, v.23: 342;February 15,1919)/ ...in rates... "because of the furor created by the declarations made at the Capitol by Messrs. Thome, Cotterill, etc..." Railroad plans suggested. (Traffic world, v.23: 359;F e bruary 15,1919) •• .comment on Dawes and Morawetz plana... Traffic world.[Editorial] The pressing need. (Traffic world, v.23: 33 9-340; February 15,1919) •.for simplification of views presented to the Senate committee on Interstate commerce.... Labor's bid for the railroads. (Literary digest,v.60;February 22,19l9,p J20) Expect revolving fund to pass. Measure adding $750,000,000 comes up in House for roll call vote today... Dyer declares employees of roads operate pro- paganda for Federal control.. (New York sun,F e bruary 21,19l9,p.ll,col.4> K - J. , ^T 1? « *'-•*- '••?'" '";',:? *7 *■•» . *,.«m<» ;.*, _ -•>... -j ui»' :■- n» i •*?; #A fa*w- - "'"'"' ''" ; '■'■' '' •' - ( r f .< . • If r-. • r I .: • ' ■ i m «s -or -■'• -•*■»■- * ^.u^yi ^, ox*-* --^ .,..*_ . *!*;.' ' *»-*?' ;,: "- •";*-* ex tu UnT ' ♦ elastic* 3^^ ^0^ bM 5 * YE 14619 ^38 J 80 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY