5I8Z 1719 Gordon An Apology for the Danger of the Church 4 a \j I or a = UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY ■■I ■ . ' ' 1 A N APOLOGY FOR THE Danger of the Church That the ChUrch is, and ought to> be always in 'Danger ; and that it would be dangerous for her to be out of Danger. Being a Second Part of the Apology for farfon cAL'BERONL ''' — " i f ' « "" ' i '" i ' ' ' i , '' I ' li n-r . t . '' Vj *By the fame aAuthor, Tettus inaniter angitj Irritar, mulcet, falfis Terroribus tmplet, Ut Magus. Hor. Epift. i. Lib. 2. Wfa jfoptty cfc&iefoit LONJbO tf; printed for J. %obcrts, near the Oxford- Jrttis iff Warwick- Untt 1719* (Price 6 d.) I ■ wv*. '■*?&>* h^> A N APOLOGY FOR THE Danger of the Church, H E Profpect: of doing great and ufcful Actions, or the Confidera- tion of having done them, muft needs be Matter of Pleafure and Triumph to a Mind honeftiy ambitious. It is therefore no little Joy to me to reflsd, that I have been a Perfon of notable Moment and Significancy this Winter j by my ftrenuous De- fence of High-Church, and the Trade thereof I have placed its true Sons and Overfeers in a true Light, in which every one may behold them, and bow down with his Face to the Earth. As all pious Deeds meet with fome Reward either in the internal Satisfaction of the Mind, or from the Monuments of Praife eroded by Man- kind to the Doer, I have no Reaiou *c fay that A 2 ! €54701 ( 4") my late Apology went without its Recompence 5 fmce by it I have gain'd, what I fincerely aim'd at, to the Genuine Vriefihood all due Honour, and jo my felf 1 — — . But it becomes me who am but a private Gentleman, to ferve my Country for nothing. There' is, however, fome good Fortune gene- rally attending the brave Man who draws in De- fence of the Church. She is a lucky old Body, and few find Caufe to repent of having done her a good Turn. I my felt, her weak tho' volun- tary Champion, am two Pair of Shoes and a Bea- ver the richer, for wearing out three Pens, and exhaufting a Halfp' worth of Ink in her Service. I ftill want a Sword-knot, and a Tooth-pick- cafe, which I make no Queftion of earning in a few Days from the Steeple. I have for that Purpofe, at fhjs yery Juncture, feventeen Pamphlets in my Head, all carved out into proper Method and Paragraphs, and ten of them are already fold to my Bookfeller, who purchafes my Brains at fo much a Sheet. I would willingly fell him the other feven, and throw two or three little ones into the Bargain ; but he (hakes his Ears, and (eems to fay, be has ventured enough already. In this Manner is my pregnant Head become an Office of Wit and Manufcripts, to be em- ploy'd wholly in the Intereft of the Sacred Brood of Aaron. Purfuant to this I have a Project now on Foot, which, if jjluly encouraged, will tend to the uni- ¥erfal Credit and Emolument of this diftrefs'd Church. In- fhort, it is my Purpofe toexpbfe my Head, and the Furniture thereof, to Sale by Auction, at St. Paul's Chapter- houfe, on the 30th of May next ; ar which Time and Place, I &<> hereby humbly hope and beg/ the Prefence and (5) and Encouragement of all the Reverend Zealots within this Realm. The Particulars are as fol- lows. A CATALOGUE Of unborn Pamphlets, and Satyrs, to be pub- lifh'd as foon as they are brought forth, for the Benefit of our Mother- Church, and her hopeful Boys, the Parfons. Imprimis, The Nature and Neceffity of an Ec- clefiaftical Delirium, or the Art of holy Foam- ing. Written in the Stile of the eloquenc Dr. S /. %. The holy Monopoly •, or a new Convey- ance of an old Grant, fign'd and feal'd above \ proving the Clergy to be the natural Lords of all the Women and Land in Great Britain, and the rightful Occupiers of both, in Spite of all Lay. and Rent-Rolls whatfoever.- *- A valuable pamphlet ! ;. The Tribe of Iffachar • or an Argument to prove that the Laity have a Right to no Liberty, put that of being Slaves to the Clergy. To which is added, an Appendix, proving that the Parfons ought to govern the World. 4. The Modern Paradox ; or a Demonftration that Ungodlinefs may be orthodox, and a good Life damnable. The whole being intended for a Defence of the Reverend Dr. 5- /, and a Reproof to Mr. Whifton. $\ The Truth of Contradi&ion •, or Church- Anthmetick, demonstrating, That three u one, and one u three. 6. The Unreafonablenefs of underftanding the Scripture. 7. The abfolute Neceffity of underftanding our Duty to the Clergy. 8. The Innocence of Perjury and Rebellion, on one Side, 9. A («) 9« A plain Proof that Laymen may lawfully commit Sin, if they will pay for it, and kneel for Pardon to the Clergy. There are feveral more MSS. of the like Na- ture and Tendency, which may be feen at the Place of Sale, with the Price mark'd upon them. 1 have already confefled, that my humble At- tempts to ferve the Church have not altogether miffed their Recompence ; and if the late blejfed Martyr, Jemmy Shepherd, with fome other ortho- dox Gentlemen, who fought and were hang'd foe the Church, did not fare fo merrily, it was be- caufe the Clergy were not confulted and obey'd, as queftionlefs they ought to have been. But thus it will ever be, while the King and Parlia- ment are fufferd to ad independently on the Con- vocation. Since therefore I have fucceeded in my honeft Endeavours, to fet up the Parfons as the Idols of the Univerfe, I cannot, in Gratitude to them and my felf, forbear purfuing my Blow, till I have fatiated their holy Leachery, and Mr. Leflieh Prophefy, by perfuading Mankind, to fall down before them, ivith their Faces to the. Earth, and lick up the Duft of their Feet. And when I have once obliged the Lay Gibeonites to be as refpeBful and miserable as becomes them s the Clergy and I will fit down together, and facrifice to Wine and Tobacco. In the mean while it fhall be my prefent Task to confound Gainfayers, by proving, That the Church is, and ought to be in Danger, and that it would be dangerous for her to be out of Danger. Bur before I proceed, I muft, for my own Se- curity from Cavillers, and for the greater Clear- nefsof my Difcourfe 3 fettle the Idea which I and all Men ought to have of the Church, by denning the (7) the Word; The Church then, *r a fable Society of Gentlemen, wearing broad Hats and deep Garments * •who poffefs great part of the Wealth and Power of the World, and would have All, as a Reward for keeping Mankind in decent Ignorance and Bondage. And now I enter upon my Defign, with great Alacrity of Heart. I own the Gofpel makes this Story of the Church's Danger a meer Fable ,• but be it alfo known, that tho' our Saviour fays the Gates of Hell lhall not prevail againft it, our Parfins will not take his Word for it. I am forry with all my Heart, for the great Mifunderftanding and Dif- ference which there are between Jefus Chrift and his Ambaffadors, almoft in every Point of Belief and Pra&ice ; and, I confefs, it is very odd, that they who pretend all their Power to be from him, ihould not credit his moft folemn Promifes j but I fee no Remedy for thefe Things. I that am a Layman, find great Comfort in be- ing a Chriftian and a Believer ; and particularly I am fo much of a Heretick, as to think, that when our Saviour faid his Father was greater than he, he did not tell a Word of a Lie ; i know his Ambaffadors are of another Opinion ; but I have Faith in Chrift Jefus. The Danger of the Church comes from divers Caufes, the principal of which I (hall reckon up. And firft, common Senfe and Sobriety are great Enemies to the Church. While Folks are lober and rational, they can fee about them, and want that large Competency of Blindnefs which fo eminently qualifies a Man for a good Church- man. So long as they are deftitute of that Title to Orthodoxy, they will be attending to the Means of their own Inteieft and Safety, than which no greater Rubi can be thrown in the Prieithood's Way. No* Not many Years ago, when we were beating our Enemies, and defending our felves and £«- rope from Chains ; when Succefs and Reputation attended us abroad, and we flourifh'd in Peace, and Security at home \ an ignorant Perfon would think we were a happy People, and indeed we were To : But what then ? Our Happinefs, Vir- tue, and Concord, were not only utterly incon- fiftent with the Welfare of the Church ,• but put it into terrible Danger: And therefore all her true Sons bent their whole \light and Zeal to re- lieve her by diftra&ing the Nation ; and their pious and fiery Endeavours, at laft, made the People mad, and the Church fafe. Its ftrongeft Votaries, the ingenious Vulgar, drank away their Reafon and Humanity, and committed Bloodftied and Blafphemy, every where, for the Church, with vaft Zeal and Succefs ; and the Church ga* ther'd raoft Strength when Religion and Reafon had leaft. As for thofe Fanatical fober Rogues, that kept their Senfes, they were devoutly knock'd down by thofe who were fo Orthodox as to have none. At this blejfed JunBure the Clergy had the" Happinefs to fee more Blood and Beer drawn for the Church, than ever had been before on any Occafioh whatfoever. And ic is always an infal- lible Sign of the Church's Health and Profperity, when the Bufinefs of Excife-men and Surgeons increafes beyond meafure. It will fall naturally under this tiead, to obferve who are the Church's beft and ftancheft Friends. And in the firft Place, there are many No6Ie Lords, who are born Friends to the Churchy and live and die in that Friendlhip. There is the little Lord Jpemore, who has beftow'd his whole Heart upon Parfons and Race-Horfes. He knows no- ting elfe, and, happily for the Church, cares hi (9) for nothing elfe. He feems, with Sr. Francis, to be an implacable Foe to all human Knowledge and Charity ; but he can fay the Atbanaftan Creed, drink Damnation to the Whigs, and is upon the whole a compleat Church-man. Lord Apemore was once Drinking a Health to his Horfe Frede- rick, and among thofe who heard it, it went round ; but when it came to the turn of a Whig in Company to drink, he being thick of Hear- ing, miftook, and, throwing up his H3t with loyal Noife and Affection, drank Prince Frederick. Upon which the Peer, rinVig from his Seat, Dam me, Sir, what een a true Church -man from his Cradle. To a Concujfion in that Machine it is thought he is indebted for his Orthodox Principles, and his Secu- rity from the dangerous Influenc e of human Rea- fon. 1 could give ample Proofs of this, but his Lordfhip through the whole Courfe of his Life has done it to my hand. He makes a Joke of the King's Title, and of his own Oath to maintain it ; he is as honourably ignorant as becomes a Great Perfonage and a true Church-man, and he never goes to Bed without (wallowing eight Quarts, and as many Thoufand Oaths. Let the World judge if this Man be not a cordial and ap- proved Friend to the Hierarchy. The Lord Syntax is pa ft Forty, and has all the Rules of Grammar by Heart -, but notwithstand- ing this great Accomplifhmenr, the Cawl is not yet B taken ( io) taken off bis Face, and he is ftill a Minor. But be- ing a Babe in common Senfe, he is confequently a refolute High Church-man. Lord Gemini doeslikewife demand honourable mention on this Occafion. Nature was very neg- ligent when fhe made this Great Man, for he is an unfinifh'd Piece of brown Earthy and his Mind (if he has one) tallies exa&ly to his Outfide. He can- not (hut his Mouth, nor hold his Tongue. How- ever, half made as he is, hekJull of bright Zeal; and, when he is in the Houje, he feems to mean feverai Speeches for the Church, but no Mortal is fo well bred as to hear him : And yet, his Mouth, as I faid, being always ready open, he proceeds eternally. I confefs that Earl Talman, tho* he is a Church- man, wants two effential Qualifications for that Character : He has Senfe, and he is never drunk. But, quoth Cato y who had not a due Refpeft for Triejihood and Tyranny : Solus C. I wifb they rmy be as well pleas'd on this Qctafon m I am, * I N I S UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. INTERLIBRAHY tOANS APR 5 1969 THREE WEEKS FROM DATE 0I : RECEifl NON-RENEWABLE REC'D URC-lDf flEC'D LD-URL JUL 3 1985 .: Form L9-Series4939 THE LIBKAKI UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^. Ljaxilord I PAMPHLET BINDER Syrocuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD- University Research Library